A/ i~*A> s\ 'fc0~*-t**-ir *> LIST SPECIMENS HEMIPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART I. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1851. LIBRARY PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. MAIN LIBRARY AGRJC. INTRODUCTION. THE principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the Specimens of Hemipterous In- sects contained in the Collection of the British Museum, indicating at the same time the peculiarities of each, as re- gards variation of character, locality, and the source from whence it has been derived. With this view, the different individuals of each species contained in the Collection are indicated by the letters , 6, c, &c., following the name of the species and its synonyms, and the description, if it ap- peared to have been before undescribed. This part of the Catalogue of Hemipterous Insects has been prepared, and the new species described, by Mr. W. S. DALLAS, so well known for his attention to this Order of Insects. The more interesting of the new genera are figured in the Plates at the end of the Catalogue. The remaining Parts are in hand, and will follow as soon as they can be completed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, July 1st, 1851. M71782 CATALOGUE OF HEMIPTERA. Order HEMIPTERA. Mouth consisting of a 3- or 4 -jointed rostrum, containing within it 4 setae, arising from the anterior portion of the lower surface of the head. Wings 4 ; the anterior pair (elytra) divided generally into two distinct portions, of which the basal is coriaceous, the apical membranous ; the membranous portion is sometimes wanting. Second pair of wings membranous, sometimes wanting. Tarsi of 1-3 joints. Metamorphosis incomplete. Hemiptera, p., Linn. Syst.. Nat. i. (1758); Geoff. Ins. i. 410 (1764). Proboscidea, Scop. Ent. Cam. 112 (1763). Rhyngota, p., Fab, Syst. Ent. (1775). Dermaptera, Eetz. (1783). Hemimeroptera, p., Clairv. Ent. Helv.-4k%%798). Hemipteres, p., Dum. Zool. Anal. 261 (1806). Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Latr. Cons. 250 (1810) ; Dufour, Reck. (1833); Spin. Hem. (1837); Kolenati,Mel.ii.42 (1845); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 11 (1843). Hemiptera, Leach, Ed. Enc. ix. 120 (1815) ; Lap. Hem. (1832). Hemipteres-frontales, Lamb. Hist. Nat. iii. 486 (1816). Hemiptera Frontirostria, Zetterstedt, Faun. Lapp. i. 459 (1828). Rhynchota, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Heteroptera, Westwood, Int. ii. 450 (1840). Section I. GEOCORES. Antennae not concealed in a cavity under the eyes, generally projecting in front of the head, at least as long as the head and B 2 HEMIPTERA. frequently as long or longer than the whole body. Legs formed for walking, either on land or on the surface of the water, but never for swimming. Cimex, Linn. S. IV.; Scop. Ent. Cam. (1763). Cimicides, Lat. Hist. Nat. iii. 240 (1802); Lam. Hist. Nat. iii. 488 (1816); Zett. Faun. Lapp. i. 459 (1828); Fall. Hem. Suec. 1. (1829). Rhinostomes & Zoadelges, Dum. Zool Anal. 263 & 265 (1806). Geocorisae, Latr.; Am. Serv. Hem. 14 (1843). Terrestria, Leach, Ed. Enc. ix. 120 (1815). Geocpres,^rm. Handb. ii. 2Q3 (1835). Geoco?ss 'and Amph&icefti&es; Dufour, Reck. (1833). Geocoryzefs" and Amphi&icoriEes, Spinola, Hem. (1837). Auyooprisji, .Westyxwd) Int. ij. 462 (1840). ^- Geoc. Fenn. xxxvi. (1848). Tribe I. SCUTATA. Rostrum of 4 joints ; labrum long, reaching beyond the first joint of the rostrum, transversely striated. Antennae of from 3-5 joints, inserted on the sides of the head; antenniferous tubercles generally concealed by the margin of the upper surface of the head. Ocelli 2, seldom wanting. Scutellum large, reach- ing at least to the base of the membrane of the elytra. Pentatoma, Olivier, Enc. iv. 25 (1789). Cimex, Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Scutellera and Pentatoma, Lam. Syst. (1801); Latr. Gen. iii. (1807). Pentatomides, Leach, Ed. Enc. ix. 121 (1815). Scutellerites and Pentatomites, Laporte, Hem. (1832). Scutati, Eurm. Handb. ii. 343 (1835). Pentatomites, Spinola, Hem. 260 (1837). Scutelleridae, Westwood, Int. ii. 484 (1840). Longiseuti, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 19 (1843); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 13 (1848). Pentatomidae, Kolen. Mel. iv. (1846). * SCUTELLEROIDES. Scutellum very large, covering the whole inner margin of the elytra. Scutellera, Lam. Syst. 293 (1801); Lat. Gen. iii. 112 (1807) Le P. 4r Serv. Enc. x. 409 (1825). Tetyra Fab. Syst Rh. 128 (1803). Thyreocoris, Schrank, Faun. Boica, ii. 69 (1803). Scutellerida, Leach, Ed. Enc. ix. 121 (1815). HEMIPTERA. 6 Scutellerites, Laporte, Hem. 66 (1832). Pentatomites-Scutelleroides, Spinola, Hem. 357 (1837). Schildwanzen, Germar, Zeits. i. 1 f 1839). Orbiscuti, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 23 (1843); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 14 (1848). Scutellerae, Kolenati, Mel. iv. 3 (1846). Fam. 1. PACHYCORID^E. Thorax more or less hexagonal, its lateral angles being di- stinctly marked. Head produced, forming a triangle with the prothorax. Lateral lobes of the head not passing the central one. Eyes sessile. Scutellum covering the whole of the elytra, except a small portion of the base of the outer margin. Elytra straight, not folded in at the base of the membrane. Scutellerides and Pachycorides, Am. fy Serv. Hem. (1843). Praanguli, p., Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii.401 (1845). TABLE OF GENERA. I. Antennae 3-jointed .... 4. AUGOCORIS. II. Antennae 4-jointed .... 10. TETRARTHRIA. III. Antennae 5-jointed. A. Second joint of the antennae shorter than the third. a. Breast with a central canal. 1. Thorax produced behind over the base of the scutellum 1. COLEOTICHUS. 2. Thorax not produced, truncated behind 2. SOLENOSTHEDIUM. b. Breast not furnished with a canal. 1 . Head with the upper surface nearly even ; the anterior portion continu- ous with the vertex, a. Head elongate, narrowed gra- dually towards the front, lateral margins nearly straight. * Body ovate, scutellum rounded at apex 6. TECTOCORIS. t Body elongated, scutellum truncated 7- CANTAO. ]8. Head shorter and broader, with the apex rounded and the lateral margins sinuate d. * Abdomen not furnished with silky spots on the penultimate and antepenultimate segments. B-2 4 HEMIPTERA. a. Abdomen with a distinct central furrow, reaching be- yond the middle of the belly. ** Body broad, ovate 5. PCECILOCORIS. ft Body elongate 8. SCUTELLERA. b. Ventral furrow wanting en- tirely, or confined to the basal segments of the abdomen. ** Second joint of the an- tennae very short, not length of third joint 12. CALLIDEA. ft Second joint of the an- tennae about half as long as the third. aa. Body elongate .... 11. LIBYSSA. /3j3. Body ovate and con- vex, or nearly hemi- spherical, aa. Scutellum covering the entire abdomen . 3. SPH^EROCORIS. bb. Abdomen project- ing on each side . . 13. CHCEROCORIS. t Abdomen with an oblong spot of a peculiar silky texture on each side, near the middle of the penultimate and antepe- nultimate segments. a. Base of antennae visible . . 14. PACHYCORIS. b. Base of antennae concealed by the produced anterior margin of the breast 16. HOM^EMUS. 2. Head with the anterior portion in- clined at right angles to the vertex. 22. CYPTOCORIS. B. Second joint of the antennae as long or longer than the third. a. Second joint very long, more than three times as long as the third .... 9. PELTOPHORA. b. Second joint never more than double the length of the third ; the two joints sometimes equal. 1. Sexual organs visible, a. Base of antennae not concealed. * Thorax with a transverse fur- row 23. ZOPHOESSA. t Thorax destitute of transverse furrow. HEMIPTERA. 5 a. Body ovate, broad. ** Head large, longer than broad, rounded in front. .15. MACRAULAX, tt Head small, triangular, nearly equilateral, pointed in front 17. SYMPHYLUS, b. Body elongate 20. ALPHOCORIS. j3. Base of antennae concealed by the produced anterior margin of the breast. * Lateral angles of the thorax very prominent and acute . . 18. HOTEA. t Lateral angles of thorax ob- tuse 19. ODONTOTARSUS. 2. Sexual organs concealed by the apical segment of the abdomen . . 21. AGONOSOMA. Genus 1. COLEOTICHUS. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803); Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). Coleotichus, White, Ent. Trans, ul 88 (1842). L COLEOTICHUS costatus, Cimex costatus, Fab. E. S. iv. 87. 28 (1794); Don. South Sea Ins. Hem. pi. 3. fig. 5 (1805). Tetyra costata, Fab. S. R. 135. 34 (1803); Germ. Zeits. i. 74. 4 (1839). a. New Holland. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. New Holland, North Coast. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. 2. COLEOTICHUS unicolor, n. s. C. pallide olivaceus, punctatus, immaculatus, antennis ferru- gineis. Long. lin. 7- Entirely pale olive-green, above yellowish. Head very finely punctured near the lateral margins and with two rows of fine punctures on the central lobe ; eyes and ocelli red. Thorax and scutellum very thickly and finely punctured ; thorax with a red- dish streak on each side near the antero-lateral margins ; scu- tellum with a raised longitudinal line in the centre, its lateral mar- . gins waved, and the apical portion narrowly margined with black. Abdomen smooth, shining, very faintly punctured ; each segment, except the last, bearing a small punctured violet spot on each O HEMIPTERA. side near the stigmata. Thighs concolorous with the body ; tibiae pale reddish brown ; tarsi and antennae ferruginous. a. North Coast of New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. Genus 2. SOLENOSTHEDIUM. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Scutellera, p., Eurm. Handb. ii. (1835). Solenosthedium, Spin. Hem. 360 (1837). Coeloglossa, Germ. Zeits. i. 130 (1839); H. Sch. Wanz. v. 59 (1839). Solenostethium, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 26 (1843). 1. SOLENOSTHEDIUM lynceum. Cimex lynceus, Fab. E. S. iv. 87. 29 (1794); Coqb. III. i. 39. t. 10/fig. 7 (1799). Tetyra lyncea, Fab. S. R. 180. 10. (1303). Solenosthedium lynceum, Spin. Hem. p. 361 (1837). Cceloglossa lyncea, Germ. Zeits. i. 131. 1 (1839); A. Costa, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. x. 307. pi. 6. fig. 11 (1841); H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 60. t. 162. fig. 502 (1839). Solenostethium lynceum, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 26. 1 (1843). Solenostethium, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 402 (1845). a. Sicily. Presented by A. Melly, Esq. b. Tangier. From Mr. Eraser's Collection. 2. SOLENOSTHEDIUM liligerum. Cimex liligerus, Thunb. Nov. Ins. sp. 32 (1783). Cimex furcifer, Fab. E. S. iv. 84. 19 (1794). Tetyra furcifera, Fab S. R. 130. 11 (1803). Scutellera furcifera, Eurm. Handb. ii. 395. 2 (1835). Coeloglossa Sehestedii, Germ. Zeits. i. 132. 3 (1839). Stoll, Pun. 40. pi. 9. fig. 59. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. b. Cape of Good Hope. From Drege's Collection. c. South Africa. From Argent's Collection. d. From Mr. Children's Collection. 3. SOLENOSTHEDIUM Sehestedii. Tetyra Sehestedii, Fab. S. R. 130. 9 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 134. t. 13. fig. 128(1804). a. Ashantee. From the Wesleyan Missionary Society. b. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M,D. HEMIPTERA. 7 4. SOLENOSTHEDIUM rubropunctatum. Scutellera rubropunctata, Guer. Voy. Coq. ZooL ii. 157 (1830). a. India ? Presented by General Hardwicke. b. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bo wring, Esq. 5. SOLENOSTHEDIUM attenuatum. Pachycoris? attenuatus, Hope, Cat. 13 (1837). Pachyeoris attenuates, Germ. Zeits. i. 108. 55 (1839). a, b. Gambia. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. c. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. Genus 3. SPH.EROCORIS. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Scutellera, p., Pal. Beauv. Ins. (1805). Sphserocoris, Burm. Handb. ii. 391 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 73 (1839); Am. # Serv. Hem. 40 (1843). Pachycoris, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). 1. SPH^EROCORIS? unicolor, n. s. S. ovatus, piceus, seneo-punctatissimus, antennis nigris, basi pallidis. Long. lin. 6-6|. Ovate. Above deep pitchy brown, obscure, very thickly covered with fine brassy green punctures. Head broad, with the sides slightly emarginate. Eyes pale. Thorax very convex. Scutellum about twice as long as the thorax, convex at the base, somewhat flattened towards the apex. Elytra with the coriaceous portion pitchy black, the exposed margins brownish, covered with brassy green punctures. Membrane semitransparent, pale brown, iri- descent. Abdomen pitchy black, with the disc impunctate, and the sides moderately punctured; the anal apparatus and a spot on the last segment brown. Breast pale brown, variegated with dark brown, punctured. Legs brown, with the tibiae and tarsi darker. Rostrum brown, darker at the apex. Antennae black, with the basal joint pale brown, tipped with black. a. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 2. SPH^EROCORIS? flavo-notatus., n. s. S. ovatus, piceus, seneo-punctatissimus, subtus fuscescens ; tho- race lineo arcuato, scutello marginibus lateralibus baseos, ma- culisque 5, flavis. Long. lin. 6. 8 HEMIPTERA. Resembles the preceding in form and general colour. Thorax with a broad, semicircular, yellow line, uniting the postero-lateral margins and touching the anterior margin. Scutellum with the basal half of the lateral margins yellow ; two spots of the same colour on the disc about the middle, and three others across near the apex, of which the lateral ones touch the outer margin. Ab- domen beneath pale brown, with the sides finely punctured, the disc smooth; stigmata black. Breast, legs, rostrum and basal joint of antennae pale brown ; the remainder of the antennae, and the apices of the tarsi, black. a. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 3. SPH^EROCORIS ocellatus. Tetyra ocellata, King, Symb. Phys. Dec. v. t. 43. fig. 1-3 (1834). Sphaerocoris ocellatus, Burm. Handb. ii. 391. 1 (1835); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 40. 1 (1843). Pachycoris ocellatus, Germ. Zeits. 82. 1 (1839). a. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. S. Africa. From Dr. Krauss's Collection. c. Africa. 4. SPHAEROCORIS annulus. Cimex annulus, Fab. E. S. iv. 82. 10 (1794). Cimex Argus, Panz. Voet Col. iv. 111. 9. t.47- fig. 9 (1798). Tetyra annulus, Fab. S. R. 132. 20 (1803) ; Schiodte, Kroy. Tijds. iv. 289. 9 (1842). Cimex Argus, Drury, Ins. iii. pi. 46. fig. 9 (1782). Scutellera gibbosa, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 232. Hem. pi. 5. fig. 3 (1805). Sphaerocoris annularis, Hope, Cat. 13 (1837). Sphaerocoris annulus, H. Schdff. iii. 105. t. 106. fig. 330 (1836); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 41. 2 (1843). Pachycoris annulus et annularis, Germ. Zeits. i. 83. 2 & 3 (1839). Sphaerocoris ocellatus, H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 49 (1839). Stoll, Pun. 148. pi. 37. fig. 268. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. b. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. c. Dix Cove, W. Africa. From Capt. Parry's Collection, d. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. 5. SPHAEROCORIS Argus. Cimex multipunctatus, Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. 30 (1783). Cimex Argus, Fab. E. S. iv. 83. 15 (1794). Tetyra Argus, Fab. S. R. 133. 24 (1803) ; Schiodte, Kroy. Tijds. iv. 292. 10 (1842). HEM1PTERA. 9 Sphserocoris Argus, Burm. Handb. ii. 391. 2 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 76. 1 (1839). Sphaerocoris simplex, H. Schaff. Wanz. iii. 104. t. 106. fig. 329 (1835); Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 189. 140 (1837). Sphaerocoris impluviatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 77- 2 (1839); H. Sck. Wanz. v. 49 & 52. t. 160. fig. 499 (1839). Stall, Pun. 35. pi. 7. fig. 50, and 41. pi. 9. fig. 60. a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. b. Port Natal, From Dr. Krauss's Collection. c. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius's Collection. d. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. e. Dix Cove, W. Africa. From Capt. Parry's Collection. f. Africa? Var. j8. Cimex multipunctatus, Thunb. f. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. . Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 6. SPHAEROCORIS pcecilus, n. s. S. hemisphsericus, flavus; thorace maculis 4, scutello 11 (5. 4. 2), fuscis, nigro-annulatis. Long. lin. 4. Subhemispherical. Above yellow, very finely and thickly punc- tured. Head with the lateral margin, the base and two lines on the vertex black. Thorax with the lateral angles emarginate ; a short black line on each lateral angle and three small spots near the anterior margin ; posterior margin with four large reddish - brown spots annulated with black. Scutellum with eleven similar spots; placed five at the base, the two lateral small and not touching the margin ; four across near the middle, the lateral ones touching the outer margin ; and two at the apex. Elytra black, with the base of the outer margin yellow. Abdomen beneath pale brown, with the apex testaceous, the sides finely punctured, the centre smooth. Breast and legs pale testaceous; tarsi pitchy. Rostrum testaceous, with the apex pitchy. An- tennae black, with the basal joint, and the under surface of the second, testaceous. a. Gambia. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. 7. SPHAEROCORIS punctarius. Sphaerocoris punctaria et polysticta, Hope, Cat. 13 (1837). Sphserocoris tigrinus, Germ. Zeits. i. 77. 3 (1839); H. ScJiaff. Wanz. v. 8. t. 147. fig. 465 (1839). Stall, Pun. 45. pi. 37. fig. 261. a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. b. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss's Collection. B5 10 HEMIPTERA. c. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by M. Serville. d. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. e. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. /. Gambia. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. 8. SPELEROCORIS lateritius. Sphserocoris lateritia, Hope, Cat. 13 (1837). Sphaerocoris lateritius, Germ. Zeits. i. 79. 5 (1839). a. East Indies ? Presented by General Hardwicke. 9. SPHAEROCORIS quadrinotatus. Sphserocoris quadrinotata, Hope, Cat. 13 (1837). Sphserocoris quadrinotatus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 189. 139 (1837); Germ. Zeits. i. 80. 6 (1839); H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 8&49. t. 147. fig. 464 (1839). a. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Africa. From Col. Whitehall's Collection. Genus 4. AUGOCORIS. Augocoris, Burm. Handb. ii. 396 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 138 (1839); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 36 (1843). 1. AUGOCORIS Ehrenbergii. Augocoris Ehrenbergii, Germ. Zeits. i 140. 2 (1839). Augocoris olivaceus, White, Ent. Trans, iii. 84 (1842). a. Brazil. From Mr. Walker's Collection. 2. AUGOCORIS gigas. Augocoris gigas, Hope, Cat. 16 (1837). a. Mexico. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. b. Mexico. From Mr. Children's Collection. 3. AUGOCORIS nigripennis, n. s. A. testaceus, capite, antennis, pedibus, thoracis margine tenuis- simo, maculisque sex, scutelli maculis octo, elytrisque nigris. Long. lin. 8. Above testaceous, shining, thickly and finely punctured. Head brassy black, with two pale spots on the vertex between the eyes. Eyes black; ocelli red. Thorax with six brassy black spots, placed two at anterior margin, two on the disc towards posterior margin, and one at each lateral angle ; the antero-lateral margins narrowly edged with black. Scutellum with a transverse brassy black patch at the base, and eight spots of same colour ; placed, one in each basal angle, two in the middle of the base, touching HEMIPTERA. 11 the basal patch, and four in a transverse row across the disc. Elytra pitchy black, with a brassy tint. Abdomen testaceous, smooth, shining ; a band across the base, a large patch on the apical segment, and a double row of spots on each side, black. Breast brassy black, with a testaceous spot on the antero-lateral margins. Legs black. Antennae black, with a very narrow whitish ring on the middle of the last joint. Rostrum black, testaceous in the middle. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. A. AUGOCORIS Gomesii. Augocoris Gomesii, Burm. Handb. ii. 396. 1 (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 139. 1. t. 1. fig. 1 (1839); Am. Serv. Hem. 37. 1. pi. 1. fig. 8 (1843); H. Schaff. Wanz. iv. 92. t. 138. fig. 431? (1839). #. Para. Presented by Reginald Graham, Esq. b. Para. Presented by J. Gordon Graham, Esq. c. Para. From Messrs. Wallace and Bates's Collection. d. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 5. AUGOCORIS pallidus. Scutellera pallida, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 234. Hem. pi. 5b. fig. 8 (1.805). Augocoris unicolor, Burm. Handb. ii. 396. 3 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 141. 4 (1839). 6. AUGOCORIS cretaceus. Cimex cretaceus, Panz. Voet Col. iv. 110. 8. t. 4/. fig- 8 (1798). Augocoris Beskii, Burm. Handb. ii. 396. 2 (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 140. 3 (1839). a. Para. Presented by Reginald Graham, Esq. b. Para. Presented by J. Gordon Graham, Esq. c. Porto Rico. Presented by W. F. Brockholes, Esq. d. W. Coast of America. Presented by Capt. Kellet, C.B., and Lieut. Wood, R.N. 7. AUGOCORIS rufus, n. s. A. rufus, nitidus ; capitis apice, marginibus maculisque 2 baseos, thoracis maculis sex, scutelli novem, antennis pedibusque ni- gris; tibiis externe luteo-marginatis. Long. lin. 7- Above bright red, shining, very finely and thickly punctured. Head with the tip of the central lobe, the lateral margins, and a large spot on each side at the base touching the eyes, blue-black. 12 HEMIPTERA. Eyes black ; ocelli red. Thorax with six blue-black spots ; four on the disc, forming a square, and one within each lateral angle. Scutellum with nine spots ; placed three on the base, two behind these, close to the central one, and four across the disc, near the middle. Margins of elytra red. Abdomen beneath red, shining ; a band across the base, a patch on the apical segment, the anus, and a double row of spots on each side, black. Breast and under side of head blue-black, with red margins. Legs shining black, the underside of the thighs and the edges of the outer channel of the tibia3 yellow. Rostrum and antennae black. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. Genus 5. PCECILOCORIS. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Scutellera, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. (1839); H. Sch. Wanz. v. 73 (1839). Poecilochroma, White, Ent. Trans, iii. 84 (1842). Pcecilocoris, Dallas, Ent. Trans, v. 100 (1848). 1. PCECILOCORIS latus. Pcecilocoris latus, Dall. Ent. Trans, v. 101. 1. pi. 13. fig. 4 (1848). a. China. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 2. PCECILOCORIS interruptus. Tectocoris interrupta, Hope, Cat. 14 (1837). Scutellera interrupta, Germ. Zeits. i. 134. 4 (1839); H. Sch'dff. Wanz. v. 73. t. 172. fig. 531 (1839). Pcecilocoris interruptus, Dall. Ent. Trans, v. 102. 2 (1848). a. Nepaul. Presented by General Hardwicke. b. India. From Mr. Children's Collection. c. India. From Capt. Boyes's Collection. 3. PCECILOCORIS Druraei. Cimex Drursei, Linn. Mant. PL ii. 534 (1767); Drury, Ins. i. t. 42. figs. 1-5 (1770) ; Sulz. Gesch. i. 95. t. 10. fig. 5 (1776) ; Fab. E. S. iv. 83. 13 (1794). Tetyra Drursei, Fab. S. R. 132. 17 (1803) ; Burm. Nova Acta, m. 47. 1 (1843). Scutellera pagana, Guer. Voy. Coq. Zool. ii. 156. Ail. pi. 11. fig. 5 (1830); Boisd. Voy. de I' Astrolabe, ii. 625. 3. pi. 11. fig. 4 (1832). Callidea pagana, Germ. Zeits. 122. 24 (1839). a. New Holland. Presented by General Hardwicke. b. New Holland. Presented by J. Hunter, Esq. c. Sydney. Presented by Dr. Andrew Sinclair. 30 HEMIPTERA. d. N. Coast of New Holland. Presented by Sir John Rich- ardson. e. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by Rev. Augustus Beau- fort. /. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. g. New Holland. 2. CHCEROCORIS variegatus, n. s. C. rufus, punctatus, nigro-variegatus ; capite nigro, rufo-lineato ; abdomine utrinque serie duplici macularum nigrarum. Long. lin. 5. Ovate, rather elongate, bright red, shining, thickly and rather strongly punctured. Head black, with a red line on the central lobe, and a spot of the same colour on each of the lateral lobes. Eyes black. Thorax with a broad transverse black band near the anterior margin, and a second near the posterior margin ; these bands united on each side by a longitudinal band which runs from behind the eye to the posterior angle and in the centre by a short longitudinal line. Scutellum with a slight, raised, longi- tudinal line in the centre ; a large patch at the base, an irregular interrupted band behind the middle (formed of four confluent spots) and a furcate patch on the apex, black. Abdomen beneath bright red, shining, very finely punctured, with two rows of large black spots on each side. Anal apparatus variegated with black. Breast orange, variegated with black. Legs black, with the thighs bright red beneath. Rostrum black, yellowish at the base. An- tennaj black. a. Swan River. From Mr. Turner's Collection. 3. CHCEROCORIS aulicus. Pachycoris aulicus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 189. 141 (1837); Germ. Zeits. i. 90. 15 (1839) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 10. t. 148. fig. 467 (1839). Var. Pachycoris ornatus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent.v. 190. 142 (1837). a. Africa. From Col. Whitehall's Collection. b. S. Africa. From M. Argent's Collection. c. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius's Collection. Genus 14. PACHYCORIS. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Scutellera, p., Pal B. Ins. (1805). Pachycoris, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. (1839) ; Am. $ Serv. Hem. (1843). HEMIPTERA. 31 1. PACHYCORIS pinguis. Pachycoris pinguis, Germ. Zeits. i. 91. 19 (1839); H. Schoff. Wanz. v. 7. t. 147. fig. 462 (1839). a. Jamaica. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Cayenne. 2. PACHYCORIS Klugii. Pachycoris Klugii, Burm. Handb. ii. 392. 3 (1835) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 5. t. 111. figs. 347 & 348 (1839); Germ. Zeits. i. 85. 6 (1839) ; Am. $ Serv. Hem. 38. 1 (1843). Var. Pachycoris aquila, H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 7. t. 147. fig. 463 (1839). a. Central America. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Mexico. From M. Hartweg's Collection. c. Mexico. From Mr. Walker's Collection. d. Mexico. From M. Argent's Collection. e. (P. aquila, H. Sch.) Presented by Dowager Lady East. 3. PACHYCORIS Fabricii. Cimex Fabricii, Linn. Mant. PL 534 (1767); Fab. E. S. iv. 83. 14 (1794). Tetyra Fabricii, Fab. S. R. 132. 19 (1803). Pachycoris Fabricii, Burm. Handb. ii. 392. 1 (1835) ; Hahn, iii. 2/. t. 81. fig. 249 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 84. 5 (1839); Am. % Serv. Hem. 38. 2 (1843). Var, Scutellera decorata, Perty, Del. 164. t. 33. fig. 1 (1830). a. Venezuela. b. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 4. PACHYCORIS Schousbcei. Tetyra Schousbcei, Fab. S. R. 132. 18 (1803). Pachycoris Schousbcei, Burm. Handb. ii. 392. 2 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 83. 4 (1839). Pachycoris Fabricii, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 6. t. 111. fig. 349 (1839). a. Brazil. Presented by General Hardwicke. b. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. c. Brazil. Presented by John Bo wring, Esq. d. Brazil. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. e. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. /. . From Mr. Walker's Collection. 5. PACHYCORIS nitens. Cimex Fabricii, Wolff, Ic. dm. 93. t. 9. fig. 87 (1802). Scutellera Fabricii, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 31, Hem. pi. 5. figs. 1 & 2 (1805). 32 HEMIPTERA. Pachycoris nitens and pumila, Hope, Cat. 12 (1837). Pachycoris guttula, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 7. 1. 1 11. fig. 350 (1839); Germ. Zeits. i. 86. 7 (1839); Am. # Serv. Hem. 39. 3 (1843). Pachycoris angularis and pumilus, Germ. Zeits. i. 87. 8 & 9 (1839). a. St. Domingo. Presented by M. A. Pierret. b. . 6. PACHYCORIS variabilis. Pachycoris variabilis, H. Schaff. Wanz. iv. 9. t. 112. figs. 353 & 354 (1839); Germ. Zeits. i. 88. 11 (1839). a. Mexico. Presented by J. Taylor, Esq. b. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. c. Mexico. 7. PACHYCORIS punctatissimus. Scutellera punctatissima, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 32, Hem. pi. 5. fig. 3 (1805). Pachycoris punctatissimus, Germ. Zeits. i. 98. 34 (1839). a. Mexico. Presented by J. Taylor, Esq. b. Mexico. c. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 8. PACHYCORIS marginellus, n. s. P. ovatus, convexus, supra testaceus, nigro-punctatus ; subtus niger ; thoracis abdominisque marginibus albidis. Long. lin. 5J. Above testaceous, shining, thickly and strongly punctured with black. Head with the apex, the lateral margins and the margins of the central lobe brassy black. Eyes brown. Thorax with a narrow line down the centre, and the anterior and lateral margins impunctate ; a large irregular, transverse, black patch on each side near the anterior margin, united to the lateral an- gles by a broad, submarginal line. Scutellum with an impunc- tate, longitudinal line down the centre of the disc; the base black, with a pale, impunctate spot on each side. Coriaceous portion of the elytra pitchy, with the outer margin yellowish white ; inner portion membranous, semitransparent, white ; apical membrane brown. Wings semitransparent, with the apex pale brown. Head beneath, breast and abdomen, deep pitchy black, thickly and strongly punctured, except on the disc of the abdo- men ; margins of the breast and abdomen, both above and be- neath, pale yellow, impunctate. Legs, rostrum and antennae dull red; the thighs, the apical joints of the tarsi and of the rostrum and antennae pitchy. HEM1PTERA. 33 9. PACHYCORIS velutinus, n. s. P. ovatus, subconvexus, supra piceus, viridi-punctatissimus, mar- gine toto pallido ; corpore subtus pedibusque pallidis ; antennis nigris. Long. lin. 6^. Ovate, pointed anteriorly. Above deep pitdhy brown, com- pletely covered with very small shining green punctures, which make it appear of a fine velvety green. The lateral margins of the head and a line down the central lobe, the lateral margins of the prothorax and of the abdomen and the base of the margins of the elytra, testaceous. Scutellum narrowly edged with orange at the apex. Body beneath testaceous, finely and rather thickly punctured, with the disc of the abdomen smooth. Breast with a brassy green patch on each side, close to the anterior margin. Legs pale brown. Thighs with the upper surface and the apex blue-black. Tibiae pubescent, with the inner surface blue-black. Rostrum with the basal and second joints testaceous ; the back of the second joint and the third and fourth entirely, black. An- tennae black, with the base of the first joint testaceous, a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 10. PACHYCORIS lineolatus, n. s. P. ovatus, supra luteo-fulvus, punctatus, lineolis trassversis ni- gris numerosis; corpore subtus pedibusque testaceis, imma- rulatis ; antennis nigris. Long. lin. 5-5. Above yellow, finely and thickly punctured. Head with two short black lines at the base. Thorax with eight longitudinal bands, formed of short transverse black lines ; a central longi- tudinal line, the lateral margins and numerous small spots on the interstices of the black bands, orange. Scutellum covered with short black lines, similar to those on the thorax but less regularly disposed; with a central longitudinal orange line, continuous with that on the thorax, and some scattered orange spots amongst the black lines. Margins of the elytra with several small black lines. Margins of the abdomen orange, very strongly punctured and with a black spot on each segment. Body beneath, legs and rostrum pale testaceous. Abdomen with the disc impunctate, the sides with a few scattered punctures. Breast sparingly punc- tured. Legs pilose ; tarsi with the tip of the last joint and the claws black. Rostrum with the tip of the last joint brown. An- tennae black, with the basal joint testaceous. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. b. Columbia. c5 34 HEMIPTERA. 11. PACHYCORIS sticticus, n. s. P. luteo-fulvus, nigro-punctatissimus; scutello macula basali parva utrinque viridi-senea ; antennis nigris, articulis duobus basalibus testaceis. Long. lin. 3|. Above orange-yellow, rather thickly and finely punctured with black. Head with numerous strong brassy punctures; eyes pitchy brown. Thorax with four indistinct patches, formed of brassy black punctures, on the anterior margin ; a similar spot on each lateral angle and two others on the posterior margin. Scutellum with a dark patch at the base and two interrupted bands across the disc, formed of large brassy black punctures similar to those of the thoracic spots ; on each side of the base is a small brassy green impression. Margins of the abdomen with a black spot in the posterior angle of each segment. Body beneath and legs pale testaceous, thickly and strongly punctured with black ; abdomen with a black spot on each side of the fourth and fifth segments ; breast with several brassy black punctured spots on each side. Head beneath brassy black, very strongly Cnctured. Rostrum testaceous, with the two apical joints dark >wn. Antennae with the two basal joints testaceous, the re- mainder black. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 12. PACHYCORIS obscurus, n. s. P. supra testaceus, nigro-punctatissimus ; corpore subtus pedi- busque pallidioribus, nigro-punctatis ; antennis nigris, articulo basali testaceo. Long. lin. 3. Ovate, above testaceous, thickly punctured with black. Head very thickly punctured, with three irregular impunctate lines on the vertex. Thorax with some of the punctures confluent, form- ing short transverse lines, arranged in indistinct longitudinal bands. Scutellum with some of the punctures confluent, form- ing short lines irregularly placed on the surface, and with a narrow longitudinal impunctate line. Margins of the abdomen variegated with orange and black. Body beneath and legs pale testaceous, thickly punctured with black. Head black, strongly punctured. Rostrum testaceous, with the apex black. Antenna? black ; basal joint testaceous with the apex black. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. HEMIPTERA. 35 13. PACHYCORIS hirtipes. Pachycoris hirtipes, H. Schdff. Wanz. iii. 97. t. 104. fig. 322 (1836); Germ. Zeits. i. 97. 31 (1839). Pachycoris piperitia, Hope, Cat. 13 (1837). a. Brazil? Presented by General Hardwicke. b. Brazil. Presented by Sir Charles Stuart. c. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. d. Brazil. e. Bahia. Presented by M. Reiche. 14. PACHYCORIS obliquus. Pachycoris obliquus, Germ. Zeits. i. 94. 24 (1839) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 54. t. 157. fig. 491 (1839). a. Columbia. 15. PACHYCORIS conicus. Pachycoris conicus, Germ. Zeits. i. 106. 52 (1839); H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 55. t. 157. fig. 492 (1839). a. S. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. c. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 16. PACHYCORIS castaneus, n. s. P. castaneus, punctatus, subtus testaceo-variegatus ; thorace utrinque macula magna fulva. Long. lin. 4. Ovate, somewhat elongate, dark chestnut-brown, thickly and finely punctured. Head with the anterior margin reflexed. Thorax with an indistinct central longitudinal line and a large spot within each lateral angle, bright orange. Abdomen with the anal apparatus and a large patch on each side of the second, third, fourth and fifth segments, testaceous, punctured with brown. Breast with the posterior margin, the antero-lateral margins and a large patch at the base of each of the legs, testa- ceous, punctured with brown. Head beneath brassy black, with the anterior and lateral margins testaceous. Legs pitchy black, shining, with the coxae and base of the thighs brownish testa- ceous. Rostrum with the basal joint testaceous, remainder pitchy brown. Antennae black? (two apical joints wanting). a. Bolivia. From Mr. Bridges' Collection. 17. PACHYCORIS incarnatus. Pachycoris incarnatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 91. 18 (1839); H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 9. t. 148. fig. 466 (1839). a. Rio Janeiro. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. 36 HEMIPTERA, Genus 15* MACRAULAX, n. g. Head longer than broad, nearly as broad in front as behind ; central lobe passing the lateral ones ; lateral margins very slightly waved. Rostrum very long, reaching the middle of the penulti- mate segment of the abdomen ; second joint very long, longer than the third and fourth together; first joint shorter than the third; fourth shortest. Antennae of five joints; basal joint shortest, second and third about equal; fourth longer, fifth longest. Body ovate, rather convex. Abdomen with a very distinct central furrow reaching the posterior margin of the pe- nultimate segment ; on each side of this and the preceding seg- ment is an oblong dull spot. Anterior margin of the breast very slightly produced. Tarsi 3-jointed, basal joint longest. Pachycoris, H. ScMff. Wanz. iv. (1839). 1. MACRAULAX bipunctatus. Pachycoris bipunctatus, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 87. t. 135. fig. 420 a. Australia. From Mr. Harrington's Collection. b. . From Mr. Children's Collection. Genus 16. HOM^EMUS, n. g. Head rather longer than broad, rounded in front, lateral mar- gins nearly straight. Rostrum reaching the second segment of the abdomen ; second joint as long as the third and fourth to- gether, third joint a little longer than fourth. Antennae of five joints ; first and second joints equal, third joint longer than the second, fourth and fifth about equal, longer than the third. Body ovate ; scutellum reaching the apex of the abdomen. Ab- domen furnished with silky spots on the fourth and fifth seg- ments ; destitute of central furrow. Breast furnished with flaps at the anterior margin, covering the base of the antenna?. Legs as usual. Pachycoris, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). 1. HOM^EMUS exilis. Pachycoris exilis, H. Schdff. Wanz.iv.b.t. 110. fig. 346 (1839); Germ. Zeits. i. 98. 35 (1839). a. N. America. From Lieut. Redman's Collection. 2. HOMJEMUS parvulus. Pachycoris parvulus, Germ. Zeits. i. 107. 53 (1839); H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 54. t. 160. fig. 501 (1839). a. East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. HEMIPTERA. 3/ Genus 17. SYMPHYLUS, n. g. Head triangular, nearly equilateral, pointed in front ; lateral margins very slightly sinuated. Rostrum rather long, generally reaching the base of the abdomen ; second and third joints nearly equal, fourth shorter, basal joint shortest. Antennae 5-jointed; basal joint very short, second as long or longer than the third ; fourth and fifth about equal, longer than the other three joints. Body ovate ; scutellum reaching the extremity of the abdomen, but leaving a broad portion of the elytra unco- vered on each side. Abdomen not furrowed beneath ; furnished with dull spots on the fourth and fifth segments. Breast with a distinct furrow in the centre for the reception of the rostrum, the margins of which are often considerably raised. Anterior margin of the breast not dilated. Tarsi of three joints, third longest. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Scutellera, p., Pal. Beauv. Ins. (1805). Pachycoris, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). * Posterior margin of thorax straight or nearly so. 1. SYMPHYLUS obtusus, n. s. S. ovatus, antice obtusus, testaceus, fusco-punctatissimus; capite subtus, pectorisque maculis duabus utrinque, viridi-aeneis. Long. lin. 2|. q ? Broadly ovate, widest in front, testaceous, very thickly punc- tured with brown. Head short, pale brown, with brassy green punctures. Eyes red. Scutellum with a large triangular ferru- ginous patch at the base ; the punctures on the scutellum some- what confluent, forming indistinct transverse lines. Abdomen and breast pale testaceous ; "the former with the disc impunctate, the sides thickly punctured with reddish brown. Breast punc- tured with brown, and with two small patches of brassy green punctures on each side. Head beneath covered with brassy green punctures. Legs and rostrum testaceous, the former moderately punctured with red. Antenna pale brown, with the basal joint testaceous. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 2. SYMPHYLUS irroratus. Cimex irroratus, Fab. E. S. iv. 88. 84 (1794). Tetyra irrorata, Fab. S. R. 136. 40 (1803) ; ScUodte, Kroy. Tijds. iv. 297. 14 (1842). Scutellera cordigera, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 234. pi. 5 B. fig. 7 (1805). 38 HEMIPTERA. Pachycoris irroratus, Germ. Zeits. i. 99. 36 (1839) ; H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 55. t. 159. fig. 500 (1839). 3. SYMPHYLUS variegatus. Pachycoris variegatus, H. Schaff. Wanz. in. 106. t. 107. fig. 332? (1836) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 93. 22 ? (1839). a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 4. SYMPHYLUS poecilus, n. s. 5. testaceus, fusco-punctatus, supra fusco- variegatus ; abdomine subtus rufo-punctatus. Long. lin. 3i-3J. Testaceous, very tbickly and finely punctured with brown, and covered with small bright red spots. Eyes and ocelli red. Thorax with two brownish black patches on the disc, touching the hinder margin. Scutellum with a large irregular dark brown patch on each side, reaching from the base to beyond the middle ; from the inner angles of these patches spring two interrupted black lines, which appear to form two rings meeting in the centre of the apical portion of the scutellum, where there is a slightly raised longitudinal line. Abdomen beneath pale testaceous, with the disc impunctate, the sides covered with large bright red punctures. Breast of the same colour as the abdomen, irre- gularly punctured with brown. Legs and rostrum testaceous, the former with numerous large brown punctures. Antennae with the basal joint testaceous ; second and third pale brown ; third and fourth pitchy black, yellow at the apex. Var. j3. Brownish testaceous, with the base of the scutellum and a large bilobed spot near its apex dark brown. Body be- neath as above. a. Para. From Messrs. Wallace and Bates's Collections. f Posterior margin of thorax produced in a semicircle over the base of the scutellum. 5. SYMPHYLUS Knochii. Pachycoris Knochii, Germ. Zeits. i. 98. 33? (1839). a. Brazil. b. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. c. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. d. Para. From Messrs. Wallace and Bates's Collection. HEMIPTERA. 39 Genus 18. HOTEA. Pachycoris, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839); H. Schdff. Wanz. r. (1839). Hotea, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 41 (1843). 1. HOTEA curculionoides. Pachycoris curculionoides, H. Schdff. Wanz. iii. 106. t. 107. fig. 331 (1836) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 106. 49 (1839). Pachycoris punctulatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 105. 48 (1839). a. China (Fow-choo-foo). Presented by G. Tradescant Lay, Esq. b. Java. 2. HOTEA Gambiae. Trigonosoma Gambise et apicale, Hope, Cat. 11 (1837). Pachycoris falcatus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 191. 144 (1837). Pachycoris Gambise et apicalis, Germ. Zeits. i. 106. 50 & 51 (1839). Hotea triangulum, Am. 4- Serv. Hm. 41. 1 (1843). a. Congo. b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Ret. D. F. Morgan. c. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Dre'ge's Collection. Genus 19. ODONTOTARSUS. Cimex, p., Linn. Syst. Nat. (1767) ; Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. (1/90) ; Fab. Ent. Syst. iv.(l?94). Thyreocoris, p., Schrank, Faun. Boic. (1801). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803); H. Sell. Nom. Ent. i. (1835). Odontotarsus, Lap. Hem. 68 (1832); Spin. Hem. 362 (1837); Ramb. Faun. And.-, Am. $ Serv. Hem. 42 (1843); Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 13 (1846). Bellocoris, Hahn, Wanz.ii. 42 (1834). Pachycoris, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). 1. ODONTOTARSUS caudatus. Pachycoris caudatus, King, Symb. Phys. Dec. v. t. 43. fig. 6 (1834); Burm. Handb. ii. 392. 6 (1835); Germ. Zeits. 105. 47 (1839). Bellocoris caudatus, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 28. t. 119. fig. 378 (1839). Odontotarsus productus, Spin. Htm. 362. 3 (1837). Odontotarsus caudatus, Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 104. 1 (1841); Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 43. 2. pi. 2. fig. 3 (1843). Zenabus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser.iii. 404. 4 (1845). a. Tunis. From Mr. Fraser's Collection. 40 HEMIPTERA. 2. ODONTOTARSUS grammicus. Cimex grammicus, Linn. S. N. i. 716. 7 (1767) ; Fab. E. S. iv. 86. 26 (1794). Cimex purpureolineatus, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 223. 129 (1/90). Thyreocoris grammicus, Schrank, Fauna Boica, ii. 68. 1093 (1801). Tetyra grammica, Fab. S. R. 137. 43 (1803) ; Wolff, Ic. dm. 172. pi. 17. %. 166 (1811). Odontotarsus purpureolineatus, Lap. Hem. 68 (1832). Bellocoris purpureolineatus, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 43. t. 44. fig. 138 (1834). Pachycoris grammicus, Burnt. Handb. ii. 392. 5 (1835); Germ. Zeits. 104. 46 (1839). Odontotarsus grammicus, Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 104. 2 (1841) ; Am. 4* Serv. Hem. 42. 1 (1843); Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 13. 133 (1846). Odontotarsus, Amyot, Ann. Soc.Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 403.3 (1845). Stall, Pun. 91. pi. 23. fig. 158. a. S. of France. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. b. France. 6*. France. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. c. Italy. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. d. N. America ? From Mr. Children's Collection. e. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 3. ODONTOTARSUS obscurus, n. s. O, prsecedenti valde aifinis, sed differt corpore minus convexo, capite breviore, thoracisque angulis lateralibus magis rotun- datis. Long. lin. 4. Oval, rather flat, testaceous ; scutellum rounded posteriorly. Head with the lateral margins and two longitudinal lines on the disc black. Thorax with four longitudinal brown bands, formed of punctures ; the two lateral ones continued on the scutellum forming an irregular waved streak on each side. Scutellum very thickly covered with black punctures, which give it a greyish appearance ; with a narrow longitudinal yellowish line in the centre, and numerous small whitish spots scattered over the sur- face. Abdomen beneath yellow, with the lateral portion rather thickly punctured ; the stigmata and some scattered points on the disc black. Breast and underside of the head testaceous, thickly and strongly punctured with black. Legs testaceous, covered with fine black punctures. Rostrum of the same colour, with the two apical joints dark brown. a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. HEMIPTERA. 41 4. ODONTOTARSUS silpholdes. Cimex silphoides, Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. 29 (1783). Cimex stigma, Fab. E. S. Supp. 528. 11 (1798). Tetyra stigma, Fab. S. R. 133. 21 (1803). Pachycoris stigma, Burm. Handb. ii. 392. 4 (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 90. 16(1839). StoU, Pun. 19. pi. 4. fig. 21. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. b. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. c. . From Mr. Wooley's Collection. 5. ODONTOTARSUS circumductus. Pachycoris circumductus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 190. 143 (1837). a. W. Africa. Genus 20. ALPHOCORIS. Alphocoris, Germ. Zeits. i. 58 (1839); Am. & Serv. Hem. 43 (1843). 1. ALPHOCORIS mucoreus. Tetyra mucorea, Klua fy Ehrb. Symb. PJiys. v. t. 43. fig. 45 (1834). Alphocoris larinoides, Germ. Zeits. i. 60. 2 (1839). Alphocoris mucoreus, King 8f Ehrb. Symb. Phys. v. B (1845).] a. Egypt. Presented by Wilkinson, Esq. 2. ALPHOCORIS lixoides. Alphocoris lixoides, Germ. Zeits. i. 59. 1. t. 1. fig. 3 (1839); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 44. 1 (1843). a. N. India. From Captain Boys's Collection. Genus 21. AGONOSOMA. Agonosoma, Lap. Hem. 69 (1832) ; Am. fy Serv. Hem. 44 (1843). Pachycoris, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). 1. AGONOSOMA flavolineatum. Agonosoma flavolineatum, Lap. Hem. 69 (1832); Am. & Serv Hem. 44. 1. pi. 2. fig. 2 (1843). Pachycoris lineatus, H. Schaff. Wanz. iii. 68. t. 94. fig. 282 (1836). Pachycoris flavolineatus, Germ. Zeits. 101. 40 (1839). a. Cayenne. Presented by M. Serville. b. Cayenne. 42 HEMIPTERA. 2. AGONOSOMA trivittatum. Cimcx trivittatus, Panz. Voet Col. iv. 111. 12. t. 47. fig. 12 (1798). Pachycoris virgatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 102. 42. t. 1. fig. 6 (1839). a. British Guiana. Presented by Sir Robert Schomburgk. b. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. c. Columbia. 3. AGONOSOMA dichrouni. Scutellera dichroa, Perty, Del. 164. pi. 33. fig. 2 (1830). Var. Agonosoma bicolor, Hope, Cat. 12 (1837). Var. Agonosoma Reichei, Spin. Hem. 361 (1837). Pachycoris dichrous, Germ. Zeits. i. 103. 45 (1839). Agonosoma dichroum, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 45. 2 (1843). a. Brazil. b. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. c. Cayenne. From M. Rothery's Collection. Var. jS. A. bicolor, Hope. A. Reichei, Spin. d. Para. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. e. Para. From Messrs. Wallace and Bates's Collection. 4. AGONOSOMA flavipes. A. prsecedenti valde aifine, sed differt abdomine pallido, violaceo- marginato ; femoribus flavis ; capitis marginibus nigris. Long. lin. 6. Closely resembles the preceding; pale orange yellow, very finely punctured. Head with the lateral margins and the margins of the central lobe black. Eyes black. Thorax with four black spots ; two on the anterior margin meeting the central lines of the head, and two on the disc. Scutellum with four black spots, two at the base and two behind the middle. [These spots vary greatly in size, being sometimes reduced to mere points.] Ab- domen yellow, with a broad violet band, dentated internally down each side near the lateral margin ; the margin itself yellow. Disc of the abdomen with five small brownish spots. Breast va- riegated with violet and yellow, rather thickly and strongly punc- tured. Head beneath violet, with the lateral margins and the centre of the base yellow. Rostrum yellow, with the two apical joints pitchy. Legs yellow, with the outer margin of the tibiae and the tarsi black. Antennae black, with the basal joint yellow. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. b. Columbia. HEMJPTERA. 43 Genus 22. CYPTOCORIS. Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Cyptocoris, Burm. Handb. ii. 388 (1839); Germ. Zeits. i. 49 (1843). 1. CYPTOCORIS Lundii. Tetyra Lundii, Fab. S. R. 133. 25 (1803). Cyptocoris Lundii, Burm. Handb. ii. 388. 1 (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 50. 1. 1. 1. fig. 4 (1839). a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. b. W. Africa. Presented by Captain Parry. Genus 23. ZOPHOESSA, n. g. Head about as broad as long, rounded at apex ; lateral lobes shorter than the central one ; lateral margins slightly waved. Rostrum reaching the base of the posterior legs ; second joint very long, forming nearly half the rostrum; third and fourth joints about equal, the third slightly inflated. Antennae 5-jointed, slightly thickened towards the apex ; basal joint longer than the second; third and fourth joints about equal, shorter than the second; fifth joint equal to the first. Body ovate, convex. Thorax with a transverse furrow across the disc, about the middle. Membrane of elytra with five or six nervures. Abdomen with- out a longitudinal furrow, but with two small dull spots near the middle of the fourth and fifth segments. Anterior margin of the breast very slightly produced. Legs moderate ; tarsi of three joints ; first and third about equal, second very small. Pachycoris, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). 1. ZOPHOESSA porosa. Pachycoris? porosus, Germ. Zeits. i. 108. 56 (1839). a. East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Fam. 2. EURYGA STRIDE. Thorax hexagonal. Head produced, forming a triangle with the prothorax. Lateral lobes of the head passing the" central one (except in one or two species of Eurygaster), and generally meeting beyond it. Eyes sessile. Antennae with the second joint as long or longer than the third. Elytra straight, not folded at the base of the membrane; the outer margin usually un- covered to the apex of the coriaceous portion. Tetyrides and Eurygastrides, Am. fy Serv. Hem. (1843). Praeanguli, p., Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. (1845). 44 HEMIPTERA. TABLE OF GENERA. I. Body convex or subconvex. Scutellum covering nearly the whole abdomen. A. Tibiae spinous 1. PSACASTA. B. Tibiae unarmed. 1. Lateral angles of the prothorax . un- armed 2. BOLBOCORIS. 2. Lateral angles of the prothorax very prominent. a. Anterior margin of the breast pro- duced 4. TRIGONOSOMA. b. Anterior margin of the breast not produced 3. ANCYROSOMA. II. Body subdepressed. Margins of the abdomen projecting considerably beyond the scutellum. A. Second joint of the antennae not much longer than the third 5. EURYGASTER. B. Second joint of the antennae at least twice as long as the third 6. GRAPHOSOMA. Genus 1. PSACASTA. Cimex, p., Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. (1 790); Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803); Burm. Handb.n. (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. (1835) ; Ramb. Faun. And. ii. (1841). Ventocoris, p., Hahn, Wanz. ii. (1834). Psacasta, Germ. Zeits. i. 68 (1839) ; H. Sch. Wanz. v. 46 (1839) ; Am. fy Serv. Hem. 45 (1843). 1. PSACASTA tuberculata. Cimex tuberculatus, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 229. 1294 (1790) ; Fab. E. S. iv. 90. 45 (1794). Tetyra tuberculata, Fab. S. R. 139. 52(1803); H. Sch'dff. Cont. Panz. F. G. 135. t. 2, & Nom. Ent. i. 53 & 90 (1835) ; Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 98. 3 (1841). Psacasta tuberculata, Germ. Zeits. i. 70. 2 (1839) ; H. Sch'dff. Wanz. v. 46 (1839); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 46. 2 (1843). Oncopygia, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 405. 6 (1845). a. . 2. PSACASTA conspersa. Psacasta conspersa, Germ. Zeits. i. 71. 4 (1839). a. Odessa. Presented by Dr. Dowler. HEMIPTERA. 45 3. PSACASTA Cerinthe. Cimex Cerinthe, Fab. E. S. iv. 82. 9 (1794). Tetyra Cerinthe, Fab. S. R. 140. 56 (1803); Schib'dte, Kroy Tijdsk. iv. 301. 18 (1842). Tetyra (pagana) gentilis, Fab. S. R. 140. 57. Trigonosoma Cerinthe et pagana, Germ. Zeits. i. 57. 3 & 4 (1839). Psacasta nigra, Germ. Zeits. i. 141. 6 (1839); H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 47. t. 159. fig. 498 (1839). a. Tangier. From Mr. Eraser's Collection. Genus 2. BOLBOCORIS. Trigonosoma, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). Bolbocoris, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 50 (1843). 1. BOLBOCORIS rufus. Trigonosoma rufum, Hope, Cat. 12 (1837). Trigonosoma rufa, Germ. Zeits. i. 57. 5 (1839); H. Schaff'. Wanz. v. 42. 1. 157. fig. 494 (1839). Bolbocoris tricolor, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 50. 1 (1843). a. Senegal. Presented by M. Percheron. 2. BOLBOCORIS ? reticulatus, n. s. B. testaceus, fusco-punctatissimus ; scutello punctis 2 albis ba- salibus, postice nigro-reticulato. Long. lin. 2f. Above pale testaceous, thickly punctured with brown, and sprinkled with small smooth whitish warts. Head pale brown, very thickly punctured. Thorax with three small tubercles close to the anterior margin; lateral angles very prominent. Scu- tellum reticulated with black, with a strong longitudinal keel towards the apex, and a white spot on each side at the base. Beneath pale brown, variegated with testaceous ; head darker. Legs pale brown, annulated with dull yellow. Antennae brown, with the apical joint black. Membrane of elytra and wings hya- line. a. China (Fow-choo-foo). Presented by G. Tradescant Lay, Esq. Genus 3. ANCYROSOMA. Cimex, p., Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. (1790); Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1835). Ventocoris, p., Hahn, Wanz. ii. (1834). 46 HEMIPTERA. Trigonosoma, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Graphosoma, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839); Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. (1846). Ancyrosoma, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 49 (1843). 1. ANCYROSOMA albolineatum. Cimex albolineatus, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 229. 1295 (1790) ; Fab. E. S. iv. 88. 32 (1794); Panz. F. G. 66. 20; Wolff, Ic. dm. 95. t. 9. fig. 89 (1802). Tetyra albolineata, Fab. S. R. 140. 58 (1803); H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. 54 & 89 (1835). Ventocoris albolineatus, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 37. t. 43. fig. 135 (1834). Trigonosoma albolineata, Burm. Handb. ii. 389. 5 (1835) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 15. 135 (1846). Graphosoma albolineata, Germ. Zeits. i. 52. 5 (1839). Ancyrosoma albolineatum, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 49. 1. pi. 2. fig. 1 (1843). Ancyrosoma, Amyot.Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 407. 9 (1845). Stoll, Pun. 90. t. 23. fig. 156. a. Dalmatia. b. Paros. Presented by Professor Edward Forbes. c. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. Genus 4. TRIGONOSOMA. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803) ; H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. (1835) ; Ramb. Faun. And. ii. (1841). Trigonosoma, p., Lap. Hfni. 69 (1832); Burm. Handb. ii. 389 (1835); Spin. Hem. 367 (1837); Germ. Zeits. i. 55 (1839); Ramb. Faun. And. ii. (1841); Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 14 (1846). Ventocoris, p., Hahn, Wanz. ii. (1834). Trigonosoma, Am. * Serv. Hem. 48 (1843). 1. TRIGONOSOMA Desfontainii. Cimex Desfontaini, Fab. E. S. iv. 89. 40 (1794) ; Cog. III. 1. 39. t. 10. fig. 5 (1799). Tetyra Desfontainii, Fab. S. R. 141. 61 (1803); Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 97. 2 (1841). Trigonosoma Desfontainii, Germ. Zeits. i. 56. 1 (1839); Am. <^* Serv. Hem. 48. 2 (1843). Desfontainius, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 406. 8 (1845). a. Egypt. Presented by Charles Lamb, Esq. b. Ceylon. Presented by A. Paul, Esq. HEMIPTERA. 47 2. TRIGONOSOMA Nigellae. Cimex Nigellse, Fab. E. S. iv. 82. 8 (1/94); Panz. Faun. Germ. 66. 19; Wolff, Ic. dm. 92. t. 9. fig. 86 (1802). Tetyra Nigellse, Fab. S. R. 140. 55 (1803); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 53 & 89 (1835). Ventocoris Nigelke, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 36. t. 43. fig. 133 (1834). Trigonosoma Nigellae, Lap. Hem. 69 (1832); Eurm. Handb. ii. 389.3(1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 56. 2 (1839); Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 96. 1 (1841); Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 48. 1 (1843); Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 15. 134 (1846). Trigonosoma, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 406. 7 (1845). a. South of France. 3. TRIGONOSOMA? Galii. Cimex Galii, Wolff, Ic. dm. 97. t. 10. fig. 91 (1802). Tetyra Galii, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 53 & 89 (1835). Trigonosoma Galii, H. Sclidff. Wanz. iv. 26. t. 119. fig. 376 (1839); Germ. Zeits. i. 58. 8 (1839). Camaromus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent.Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 408. 11 (1845). a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. Genus 5. EURYGASTER. Cimex, p., Linn. S. N. i.; Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. (1790); Fab. E. S. iv. (1794). Thyreocoris, p., Schr. Faun. Boic. ii. (1801). Tetyra, p., Fab. S. R. (1803); Fall. Mon. dm. (1807) & Hem. Suec. (1829); Eurm. Handb. ii. (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. (1839); Ramb. Faun. And. ii. (1841). Eurygaster, Lap. Hem. 69 (1832); Spin. Hem. 365 (1837); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 53 (1843) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 9 (1846) ; Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 14 (1848). Scutellera, p., L. Duf. Rech. (1833). Bellocoris, p., Hahn, Wanz. ii. (1834). Odontotarsus, p., Spin. Hem. (1837). * Central lobe of the head reaching the anterior margin. 1. EURYGASTER alternatus. Tetyra alternata, Say, Am. Ent. t. 43. fig. 3(1828); Germ. Zeits. i.74.5(1839). a. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Lake Erie. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. . Presented by the Entomological Club. 48 HEMIPTERA. 2. EURYGASTER maurus. Cimex maurus, Linn. S. N. i. 716. 5 (1/67) ; Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 227. 1290 (1790); Fab. E. S. iv. 87. 30 (1794); Wolff, Ic. dm. 135. t. 13. fig. 129 a. c. d. (1804). Thyreocoris Austriaca, Schrank, F. B. ii. 68. 1095 (1801). Tetyra maura et picta, Fab. S. R. 136. 36 & 38 (1803). Scutellera maura, L. Duf. Rech. Hem. 26 (1833). Bellocoris pictus, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 45. t. 45. fig. 140 (1834). Tetyra maura, Fall. Mon. Cim. 41. 1 (1807) & Hem. Suec. 12. 2 (1829); Burm. Handb. ii. 390. 3 (1835); H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. 53 & 89 .(1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 73. 3 (1839) ; Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 100. 5 (1841). Odontotarsus maurus et pictus, Spin. Hem. 363. 4 & 5 (1837). Eurygaster maurus, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 53. 2 (1843); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 15. 1 (1848). Eurygaster maura, Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 10. 129 (1846). Holomesus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 410. 14 (1845). Stoll, Pun. 117. pi. 29. fig. 204. a. France? b. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. c. Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. d. Britain. Var. /3. T. picta, Fab. e. France? /. Switzerland. Presented by Dr. Dowler. g. Polish Ukraine. Presented by Dr. Dowler. t Lateral lobes of the head passing the central one. 3. EURYGASTER obliquus. Eurygaster obliqua (Tetyra obliqua, Leach, MSS.), Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 12. 132 (1846). a. Britain. 4. EURYGASTER hottentottus. Cimex hottentottus, Fab. E. S. iv. 87. 31 (1794); Panz. Faun. Germ. 111. 7. Thyreocoris cucullata, Schrank, Faun. Boic. ii. 68. 1094 (1801). Tetyra hottentotta, Fab. S. R. 136. 37 (1803); Burm. Handb. ii. 390. 2 (1835); H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. 53 & 89 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 73. 2 (1839); Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 101. 6 (1841). (Var.) Tetyra nigra, Fab. S. R. 136. 39 (1803). Cimex maurus, var., Wolff, Ic. Cim. 135. t. 13. fig. 1296. (1804). HEMIPTERA. 49 Eurygaster hottentottus, Lap. Hem. 69 (1832); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 53. 1 (1843). Bellocoris maurus, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 44. t. 45. fig. 139 (1834). Eurygaster hottentotta, Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 12. 131 (1846). Eurygaster, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 409. 12 (1845). Geoff. Ins. i. 467. 66 & 468. 67. a. Paris. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. b. France. c. Corsica. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. d. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach. e. Polish Ukraine. Presented by Dr. Dowler. f. Britain. Var. ft. T. nigra, Fab. g. Paris. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. h. France. i. Britain. 5. EURYGASTER? acuminatus. E. griseus, punctatus ; capite magno, antice acuminate, lobis lateralibus centralem longitudine superantibus, antice coeun- tibus. Long. lin. 4. Above yellowish grey, finely and thickly punctured. Head very long, pointed in front, with a very small notch at the apex ; lateral lobes much longer than the central one, meeting beyond it. Thorax with the lateral angles prominent, somewhat acute. Scutellum narrow, with the lateral margins nearly straight ; punctured with black except at the base. Coriaceous portion of the elytra punctured with brown. Membrane transparent. Body beneath testaceous, covered with fine brown punctures. Ab- domen with a very slight central furrow, and with a row of large brown punctures across the posterior margin of each segment. Breast with a strong central furrow ; anterior margin not pro- duced beneath the head. Legs testaceous, the thighs punctured with brown. Rostrum of the same colour, with the tip pitchy. Antennae ferruginous. a. New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. Genus 6, GRAPHOSOMA. Cimex, p., Linn. S, N. ; Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. (1/90) ; Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Thyreocoris, p., Schrank, Fauna Boica, ii. 67 (1801). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803); Fall. Hem. Suec. (1629); H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. (1835). Scutellera, p., Lat. Gen. iii. (1807) ; Lam. Hist. Nat. iii. (1816) ; L. Duf. Reck. (1833). 50 HEMIPTERA. Scutellera, Hahn, Wanz. i. 172 (1831). Graphosoma, Lap. Hem. 70 (1832); Germ. Zeits. i. 51 (1839); Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 103 (1841) ; Am. $ Serv.Hem. 55 (1843) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 16 (1846). Trigonosoma, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). 1. GRAPHOSOMA lineatum. Cimex lineatus, Linn. S. N. i. 716. 6 (1767); Fab. Syst. Ent. 698. 9 (1775). Cimex nigrolineatus, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 226. 1288 (1790); Panz. F. G. 1. 2; Don. Brit. Ins. xiv. 19. pi. 473 ( ); Fab. E. S. iv. 85. 22 (1794) ; Panz. Voet Col. iv. 1 12. 13. t. 47. fig. 13 (1798) ; Wolff, Ic. dm. i. t. 1. fig. 1 (1800). Thyreocoris lineata, Schrank, F. B. ii. 67. 1092 (1801). Tetyra nigrolineata, Fab. S. R. 135. 32 (1803) ; Zett. Act. Holm. 69. 18 (1819); Fall. Hem. Suec. 12. 1 (1829); H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. 53 & 89 (1835). Scutellera nigrolineata, Lat. Gen. iii. 113. 3 (1807); Hahn, Wanz. i. 173. t. 27. fig. 90 (1831); L. Duf. Reck. Hem. 13 (1833). Scutellera lineata, Lam. Hist. Nat. iii. 491. 2 (1816). Tetyra Schangini, Gebler, Mem. Soc. Imp. Mosc. v. 323. 10 (1817). Graphosoma nigrolineatum, Lap. Hem. 70 (1832). Trigonosoma nigrolineata, Burm. Handb. ii. 388. 2 (1835). Graphosoma lineata, Germ. Zeits. i. 51. 1 (1839) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent.iv. 16. 136(1846). Graphosoma nigrolineata, Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 103 (1841). Graphosoma lineatum, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 55. 1 (1843). Graphosoma, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 412. 15 (1845). Geoff. Ins. i. 468. 68. Stoll, Pun. 14. pi. 2. fig. 9. a. South of France. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. b. France. c. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. d. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach. e. Spain. Presented by Capt. Parry. /. Lisbon. Presented by Miss Warne. g. Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. h. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. 2. GRAPHOSOMA interruptum. Graphosoma interruptum, White, Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 541 (1839) ; Sf Ent. Trans, iii. 89 (1842). a. Teneriffe. HEMIPTERA. 51 3. GRAPHOSOMA rubrolineatum. Scutellera rubrolineata, Hope, Cat. 12 (1837). Graphosoma rubrolineata, Germ. Zeits. i. 51. 2 (1839). Stall, Pun. 66. pi. 16. fig. 109. a. Corea. Presented by Capt. Sir Edward Belcher. 4. GRAPHOSOMA semipunctatum. Cimex semipunctatus, Fab. Syst. Ent. 698. 10 (1775); Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 227. 1289 (1790) ; Fab. E. S. iv. 85. 23 (1794) ; Wolff, Ic. dm. 2. t. 1. fig. 2 (1800). Tetyra semipunctata, Fab. S. R. 135. 33 (1803) ; H. ScA. Norn. Ent. i. 53 & 90 (1835). Scutellera semipunctata, Hahn, Wanz. i. 175. t. 27. fig. 91 (1831). Trigonosoma semipunctata, Burm. Handb. ii. 388. 1 (1835). Graphosoma semipunctata, Germ. Zeits. i. 52. 3 (1839); Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 18. 137 (1846). Var. Graphosoma Wilsoni, White, Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 540 (1839). a. Marseilles. b. S. of France. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. c. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. d. Lisbon. Presented by Miss Warne. e. Switzerland. Var. /3. G. Wilsoni, White. f. Persia. Presented by James Wilson, Esq. Fam. 3. PODOPID^E. Thorax hexagonal. Head produced, forming a triangle with the prothorax ; its central lobe generally reaching the anterior margin. Eyes very prominent, and more or less pedunculated. Antennae more or less clavate; second joint shorter than the third. Elytra straight, not folded in at the base of the mem- brane ; with the outer margin of the coriaceous portion exposed. Podopides, Am. % Serv. Hem. 56 (1843). Praeanguli, p., Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. iii. (1845). TABLE OF GENERA. I. Lateral angles of the prothorax either un- armed, or only furnished with simple spines 1. PODOPS. II. Lateral angles of the prothorax produced into long horns 2. DEROPLOA. D2 52 HEMIPTERA. Genus 1. PODOPS. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803) ; Fall. Hem. Suec. (1829) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1835). Scutellera, p., Pal. Beauv. Ins. (1805). Podops, Lap. Hem. 72 (1832); Spin. Hem. 372 (1837); Germ. Zeits. i. 63 (1839); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 56 (1843). Podops, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). 1. PODOPS inunctus. Cimex inunctus, Fab. E. S. iv. 90. 45 (1794) ; Panz. F. G. 36. 24; Wolff, Ic. dm. 5. t. 1. fig. 5 (1800). Tetyra inuncta et Tangira, Fab. S. R. 139. 53 & 138. 49 (1803). Tetyra Tangira, Fall. Hem. Suec. 16. 7 (1829); Schiodte, Krby. Tijds. iv. 300. 16 (1842). Podops inunctus, Lap. Hem. 72 (1832); Burm. Handb. ii. 387. 2 (1835); Spin. Hem. 372. 1 (1837); Germ. Zeits. i. 63. 1 (1839); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 57. 1 (1843). Tetyra inuncta, H. Sch. Norn. Ent, i. 53 & 89 (1835). Podops Tangirus, Germ. Zeits. i. 66. 6 (1839). Podops siculus, A. Cost. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. x. 301. 12. pi. 6. fig. 8 (1841). Podops, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 415. fig. 6 (1845). a. France. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. b. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. c. Britain. 2. PODOPS dubius. Scutellera dubia, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 33. Hem. pi. 5. fig. 6 (1805). Tetyra cinctipes, Say, Am. Ent. iii. t. 43. fig. inf. dext. (1828). Podops dubius, Germ. Zeits. i. 64. 2 (1839); H. ScMff. Wanz. v. 44. t. 158. fig. 495 (1839). a. East Florida. Presented by Edward Doubleday, Esq. 3. PODOPS luridus. Tetyra lurida, Burm. Nova Acta Ac. Leop. xvi. Supp. 288 (1834). Podops luridus, Germ. Zeits. i. 64. 3 (1839). a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bo wring, Esq. 4. PODOPS obscurus, n. s. P. supra pallide fuscus, subtus piceus, punctatissimus ; thoracis margine antico utrinque spina parva armato, angulis laterali- bus emarginatis ; tibiis tarsisque pallide brunneis. Long. lin. 3J. Above brown, obscure, thickly and rather finely punctured. Head rather small, black, narrowed in front ; lateral lobes longer HEMIPTERA. 53 than the central one, but not meeting in front of it, with a small spine on each side in front of the eyes. Thorax blackish in front, with a short spine at each anterior angle, the antero -lateral mar- gins nearly straight, and the lateral angles emarginate. Scutellum reaching the apex of the abdomen, distinctly truncated at the apex, constricted a little before the middle. Body beneath pitchy black, very thickly and finely punctured, and sparingly clothed with short golden hairs. Thighs black, with an indistinct pale band near the apex. Tibiae and tarsi pale brown. Rostrum and antennae pitchy. a. Tenasserim (E. Indies). Presented by Packman, Esq. 5. PODOPS pallipes, n. s. P. supra griseus, subtus piceus, punctatissimus ; thorace utrinque bispinoso, lateribus subrectis ; tibiis, tarsis rostroque testaceis. Long. lin. 3 3. Above greyish brown, thickly punctured and clothed with short golden hairs. Head pitchy black, emarginate in front. Eyes pale brown. Thorax with the antero-lateral margins nearly straight, with a short spine at each anterior angle, and a longer one at each lateral angle; the anterior portion of the thorax more or less pitchy. Scutellum rounded at the apex, slightly contracted a little before the middle. Body beneath pitchy black, very thickly and finely punctured, with the sides of the abdomen brownish. Thighs pitchy black, shining. Tibiae and tarsi tes- taceous, with the base of the former black. Rostrum testaceous, with the basal joint black. Antennae reddish brown, with the apical joint darker, and the basal joint black. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 6. PODOPS fibulatus. Podops fibulatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 65. 5 (1839). a. Senegal. Presented by the Entomological Club. 7. PODOPS bispinosus. Cimex bispinosus et coarctatus, Fab. E. S. Supp. 529. 32 & 530. 45 (1798). Tetyra bispinosa, Fab. S. R. 138. 48 (1803). Podops bispinosus, Germ. Zeits. i. 65. 4 (1839); H. Schajf. Wanz. v. 45. t. 158. fig. 496 (1839). a. . 8. PODOPS niger, n. s. P. totus niger, punctatus ; thorace antice gibbo, marginibus late- ralibus reflexis, margine antico utrinque spina magna armato. Long. lin. 3|. 54 HEMIPTERA. Pitchy black, somewhat obscure, thickly punctured, sprinkled with yellowish hairs. Head rather long, with a strong spine be- fore each eye ; central lobe as long as the lateral ones, elevated into a tubercle about the middle. Thorax gibbous in front, with a faint furrow across the middle ; the antero-lateral margins re- flexed, rounded ; a long spine, directed forwards, on each side at the anterior margin, and a small one at each lateral angle. Scu- tellum as long as the abdomen, contracted before the middle, somewhat truncated at the apex, with a small pit in each basal angle. Outer margin of the elytra and the edge of the abdomen pitchy red. Legs concolorous ; tarsi ferruginous. Rostrum pitchy red, with the basal joint black. Antennae pitchy. a. East Indies? From Mr. Wooley's Collection. 9. PODOPS rudis. Podops rudis, Germ. Zeits. i. 66. 7 (1839). a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. Genus 2. DEROPLOA. Deroploa, Westw. Zool Journ. v. 445 (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 68 (1839); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 5? (1843). I. DEROPLOA parva. Deroploa parva, Westw. Zool. Journ. v. 445. t. 22. fig. 6 (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 68. 1 (1839); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 58. 1 (1843). a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. New Holland. Presented by J. Hunter, Esq. Fam. 4. ODONTOSCELID^E. Thorax transverse, quadrate. Head with the central lobe reaching the anterior margin. Body ovate, not triangular in front. Eyes sessile. Scutellum not covering any portion of the outer margin of the elytra. Elytra straight, not folded in at the base of the membrane. Tibiae generally spinous. Odontoscelis, Burm. Handb. ii. 385 (1835). Odontoscelides, Am. # Serv. Hem. 67 (1843). Totovuli, p., Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. (1845). TABLE OF GENERA. I. Body covered with long soft hairs .... 1. IROCHROTUS. II. Body not clothed with long hairs. A. Surface opaque, subhirsute 2. ODONTOSCELIS. B. Surface shining 3. CORIMEL^BNA. HEMIPTERA. 55 Genus 1. IROCHROTUS. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Pachycoris, p., Germ. Zeits. i. (1839). Arctocoris, p., H. Schaff. Wanz. v. (1839). Irochrotus, Am. 8f Serv. Hem. 39 (1843). 1. IROCHROTUS lanatus. Cimex lanatus, Pallas, Reise, ii. 729. 82(17/3); Fab. E. S. iv. 88. 35 (1794). Tetyra lanata, Fab. S. R. 142. 65 (1803). Pachycoris lanatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 109. 57 (1839). Arctocoris lanatus, H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 39. 1. 156. fig. 490 (1839). StoU, Pun. 41. t. 9. fig. 61. a. . Presented by M. Audinet Serville. Genus 2. ODONTOSCELIS. Cimex, p., Linn. S. N. i. ; Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803); Fall. Mon. dm. (1807) $ Hem. Suec. (1829); Curt. Brit. Ent. xv. 685 (1838). Scutellera, p., Lat. Gen. iii. (1807); Lam. Hist. Nat. iii. (1816). Odontoscelis, Lap. Hem. 74 (1832); Spin. Hem. 377 (1837); H. Schaff. Norn. Ent. i. (1835) ; Am. Serv. Hem. 69 (1843) ; Kokn. Mel. Ent. iv. 5 (1846), Ursocoris, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 48 (1834). Odontoscelis, p., Burnt. Handb. ii. (1835). Arctocoris, Germ. Zeits. i. 47 (1839). 1. ODONTOSCELIS fuliginosa. Cimex fuliginosus, Linn. S. N. i. 716. 8 (1767); Fab. E. S. iv. 90. 42 (1794); Wolff, Ic. dm. 50. t. 5. fig. 47 (1801). Cimex litura, Fab. E. S. iv. 90. 43 (1794). Tetyra fuliginosa, Fab. S. R. 139. 50 (1803); Panz. F. G. 112. 14 ; Fall. Mon. dm. 42. 2 (1807) $ Hem. Suec. 15. 5 (1829) ; Curt. B. E. xv. 685 (1838). Tetyra litura, Fab. S. R. 139. 51 (1803). Scutellera fuliginosa, Lat. Gen. iii. 114. 4 (1807); Lam. Hist. Nat. iii. 491. 3 (1816). Tetyra carbonaria, Zett. Act. Holm. 70. 19 (1819); Fall. Hem. Suec. 13. 3 (1829). Odontoscelis fuliginosa, Lap. Hem. 74 (1832); Burm. Handb. ii. 385. 3 (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 53 & 88 (1835); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 69. 1 (1843); Kokn. Mel. Ent. iv. 5. 122 (1846). Ursocoris fuliginosus et liturus, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 49 & 50. t. 46. fig. 142 & 143 (1834). 56 HEMIPTERA. Arctocoris fuliginosus, Germ. Zeits. i. 47. 1 (1839). Odontoscelis, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser.iii. 418. 25(1845). a. Dalmatia. b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. France. d. Rheinwald. Presented by W. Bennett, Esq. Var. 0. (T. litura, Fab.) I e. France. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. Var. y. (T. carbonaria, Zett.) f. Polish Ukraine. Presented by D. Dowler. Var. d. (Tota ferrugineo-fusca.) g. South of France. 2. ODONTOSCELIS dorsalis. Tetyra dorsalis, Fab. S. R. 139. 54 (1803). Arctocoris plagiatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 48. 2 (1839) ; H. Sch. Wanz. v. 38. t. 156. fig. 487 (1839). a. . From Mr. Children's Collection. Genus 3. CORIMEL^ENA. Cimex, p., Linn. S. N. i.; Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Thyreocoris, p., Schrank, Fauna Boica, ii. (1801). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803); Fall. Mon. dm. (1807) # Hem. Suec. (1829); H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. (1835). Scutellera, p., Pal. Beauv. Ins. (1805). Thyreocoris, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 47 (1834) ; Spin. Hem. 369 (1837) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 8 (1846). Odontoscelis, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Odontoscelis, Germ. Zeits. i. 37 (1839) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 33. (1839). Corimelaena, White, Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. (1839). Coreomelas et Galgupha, Am. $ Serv. Hem. 67 & 68 (1843). Coreomelas, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 17 (1848). 1. CORIMELAENA atra. Galgupha atra, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 68. 1 (1843). a. Bolivia. From Mr. Bridges' Collection. 2. CORIMELAENA nitiduloides. Cimex nitiduloides, Wolf, Ic. dm. 98. t. 10. fig. 92 (1802). Odontoscelis nitiduloides, Germ. Zeits. i. 37. 1 (1839) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 12 & 33. t. 149. fig. 471 (1839). a. N. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Lake Erie. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Vermont. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. HEMIPTERA. 57 3. CORIMEL^ENA unicolor. Scutellera unicolor, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 32. Hem. pi. 5. fig. 5 (1805). Tetyra helopioides, Wolff, Ic. dm. 174. t. 17. fig. 160 (1811). Odontoscelis unicolor, Germ. Zeits. i. 37. 2 (1839) ; H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 12 & 34. t. 149. fig. 4/0 (1839). a. East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. N. America. From Lieut. Redman's Collection. d. N. America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 4. CORIMEL^ENA scarabaeoides. Cimex scarabgeoides, Linn. S. N. i. 716. 4 (1767); Fab. E. S. iv. 89. 37 (1794); Wolff, Ic. dm. 4. t. 1. fig. 4 (1800). Thyreocoris scarabseoides, Schrank, Faun. Boic. ii. 69. 1096 (1801); Hahn, Wanz. ii. 47. t. 45. fig. 141 (1834); Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 9. 128 (1846). Tetyra scarabseoides, Fab. S. R. 143. 70 (1803); Fall. Mon, dm. 42. 3 (1807) # Hem. Suec. 16. 6 (1829); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 53 & 89 (1835). Odontoscelis scarabaeoides, Burm. Handb. ii. 385. 1 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 38. 3 (1839); H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 34 (1839). Coreomelas scarabseoides, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 68. 1 (1843) ; Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 17. 1 (1848). Coreomelas, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 417- 24 (1845). . Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. c. Jersey. d. . 5. CORIMEL^ENA nigra, n. s. C. nigra, nitida, punctatissima, antennis pedibusque nigris ; ely- trorum corio nigro, apice subtruncato. Long. lin. 2. Scutellera Helopodio'ides, Pal. B. Ins. 234. pi. 5 b. fig. 9 ? (1805). Ovate, black, shining, with a very faint brassy tinge. Head a little broader than long, rounded in front, very thickly punctured. Thorax rather convex, punctured, especially towards the mar- gins; anterior angles produced forwards; lateral margins rounded, sinuated before the posterior angles. Scutellum convex, broad and rounded posteriorly, nearly reaching the apex of the abdomen, slightly constricted towards the base, punctured, with the punc- tures closer towards the margins. Margins of the elytra rather broad, strongly punctured ; longitudinal furrows obsolete. Mem- brane nearly colourless. Abdomen very smooth, shining, finely and thickly punctured on the sides, the disc nearly impunctate. 'D 5 58 HEMIPTEKA, Breast with a large, dull, wrinkled patch on each side on the medi- and post-pectus ; antepectus shining and punctured. Ros- trum pitchy. Antennae pitchy black, pilose. Legs pitchy black ; tarsi pitchy ; tibial spines less strong and numerous than in the other species. a. Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 6. CORIMEL^ENA puncticollis, n. s. C. nigra; capite thoraceque opacis, punctatissimis ; elytrorura corio nigro-piceo, apice truncate. Long. lin. 2. Ovate, black. Head very little broader than long, opake, very thickly punctured. Eyes pitchy. Thorax very convex, with the sides rounded, and very narrowly margined; very thickly punctured on the whole surface. Scutellum convex, shorter than the abdomen, finely and thickly punctured. Coriaceous portion of the elytra pitchy black, thickly punctured, with the apex sub- truncate. Membrane transparent, yellowish. Abdomen shining black, very thickly and finely punctured. Breast dull black. Legs black ; tarsi dull red. Rostrum pitchy red. Antennae pitchy red, darker towards the apex, subpilose. . Europe? From Mr. Children's Collection. /. CORIMEL>ENA mficornis, n. s. C. nigra, nitida, punctata; antennis tarsisque ferrugineis; ely- trorum corio nigro, apice acuminato, testaceo. Long. lin. If. Ovate, black, shining. Head rather broader than long, rounded in front, nearly semicircular, thickly and finely punc- tured, with an impunctate patch in the middle of the base. Eyes pitchy. Thorax about one half longer than broad, with the disc nearly impunctate, the sides thickly and finely punctured; lateral margins slightly sinuated before the posterior angles. Scutellum convex, rather broad and rounded behind, narrowest at the base ; basal portion impunctate, apical portion and margins finely and thickly punctured the apex very narrowly edged with pitchy red. Elytra black, thickly punctured, with the apex tes- taceous. Abdomen shining black, very thickly and finely punc- tured. Legs pitchy black ; tarsi ferruginous. Rostrum pitchy. Antennae ferruginous, with the apical joint dusky. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 8. CORIMEL.ENA fulvipennis, n. s. C. nigra, punctatissima ; antennis tarsisque ferrugineis; ely- trorum corio apice truncate, fulvo-testaceo, fusco-variegato. Long. lin. If. HEMIPTERA. 59 Ovate. Head scarcely broader than long, rounded in front, black, obscure, very thickly punctured. Thorax convex, with the sides rounded, and with a very faint transverse furrow across the middle of the disc ; black, somewhat obscure, very thickly punc- tured, but with a narrow, smooth longitudinal line in the centre. Scutellum broad and rounded at the apex, not reaching the apex of the abdomen; pitchy black with the margins red; thickly punctured, with a smooth longitudinal central line. Coriaceous portion of the elytra truncated at the apex, orange testaceous, thickly punctured with brown ; a brown longitudinal band run- ning from the middle of the base along the inner margin to the apex, and an abbreviated line of the same colour near the outer margin. Membrane white. Abdomen black, shining, very finely punctured, with the disc nearly smooth, the edge reddish. Breast black, somewhat obscure, very thickly and rather coarsely punc- tured. Legs pitchy red with the tarsi ferruginous. Rostrum pitchy red. Antennae reddish testaceous, darker towards the apex. a. Demerara? 9. CORIMEL^ENA albipennis. Scutellera albipennis, Eschsch. Dorp. Abh. i. 159 (1822). Odontoscelis albipennis, Germ. Zeits.i.39. 7 (1839) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 13 & 34. t. 149. fig. 472 (1839). a. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 10. CORIMEL^ENA puHcaria. Odontoscelis pulicarius, Germ. Zeits. i. 39. 6 (1839) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 34 (1839). a. N. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. N. America. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 11. CORIMEL^ENA lateralis. Tetyra lateralis, Fab. S. R. 142. 68 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 1*75. t. 17. fig. 1697(1811). Odontoscelis lateralis, Germ. Zeits. i. 39. 5 (1839); H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 13 & 34. t. 149. fig. 473 (1839). a. Mexico ? From Mr. Children's Collection. 12. CORIMEL^ENA marginella, n. s. C. rotundato-ovata, convexa, thorace latiori, nigra, nitida, punc- tatissima, elytrorum marginibus albis ; antennis tarsisque fer- rugineis. Long. lin. 1^, lat. thor. lin. 1. Rounded ovate, broadest across the posterior angles of the 60 HEMIPTERA. thorax, black, very thickly and finely punctured. Head very little broader than long, narrowed in front, with the lateral margins sinuated. Eyes pitchy brown. Thorax convex, much narrowed in front, with the posterior angles very prominent. Scutellum very convex. Coriaceous portion of the elytra black, sparingly punctured, with the outer margins white, impunctate. Body beneath black, shining, punctured. Legs black ; tarsi fer- ruginous. Rostrum pitchy red. Antennae ferruginous, with the two apical joints dusky. a. New York. Presented by Edward Doubleday, Esq. 13. CORIMEL^ENA Daldorfii. Tetyra Daldorfii, Fab. S. R. 144. 76. (1803) ; Schiodte, Kroy. Tijds. iv. 310. 27 (1842). Odontoscelis vinculatus et Daldorfii, Germ. Zeits. i. 42. 13 & 14 (1839). Galgupha notata, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 68. 2. pi. 2. fig. 5 (1843). a. Rio de Janeiro. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. 14. CORIMEL^ENA Schulzti. Cimex Schulzii, Fab. E. S. iv. 83. 16 (1794). Tetyra Schulzii, Fab. S. R. 143. 74 (1803) ; Schib'dte, Kroy. Tijds. iv. 307. 25 (1842). Odontoscelis Schulzii, Burm. Handb. ii. 385.2(1835); Germ. Zeits. i.41. 11 (1839). a. Cayenne. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. b. Para. From Messrs. Wallace and Bates' Collection. 15. CORIMEL^ENA Smidtii. Tetyra Smidtii, Fab. S. R. 143. 75 (1803); Schiodte , Kroy. Tijds. iv. 309.26(1842). Odontoscelis Smidtii, Germ. Zeits. i. 40. 8? (1839); H. Schciff. Wanz. v. 34 & 35. t. 154. fig. 483? (1839). a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 16. CORIMEL/ENA basalis. Odontoscelis basalis, Germ. Zeits. i. 41. 10 (1839); H. Sch'dff. Wanz. v. 34 & 36. t. 155. fig. 486 (1839). a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. HEMIPTERA. 61 Fam. 5. PLATASPID^E. Body generally rounded, not triangular in front. Thorax with the lateral margins rounded, not angular. Scutellum covering the whole of the elytra, except a very narrow portion of the base of the outer margin. Elytra folded in at the base of the mem- brane, so that, when extended, they are much longer than the scutellum. Tarsi two-jointed. Thyreocorides, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 60 (1843). Totovuli, p., Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. hi. 416 (1845). TABLE OF GENERA. I. Head small, narrower than the anterior margin of the thorax. 1 . Body hemispherical, not widened posteriorly 1. CHL^NOCORIS. 2. Body wider behind than in front. 2. COPTOSOMA. B. Eyes pedunculated. Thorax gib- bous in front 3. PROB^ENOPS. II. Head broad, as wide as the anterior margin of the thorax. A. Lateral margins of the thorax not dilated, continuous with the mar- gins of the head and scutellum. 1. Ocelli about as far apart from each other as from the eyes .... 4. BRACK YPLATYS. 2. Ocelli placed close together at the posterior margin of the head. 5. HETEROCRATES. B. Lateral margins of the thorax di- lated, not continuous with those of the head and scutellum. 1. Body rather flat 6. CANTHARODES. 2. Body very convex. a. Head very large, with the la- teral lobes produced on each side into strong, flat horns; central lobe concealed 7- CERATOCORIS. b. Head smaller, rounded in front ; central lobe visible . . 8. PLATASPIS. 62 HEMIPTERA. Genus 1. CHL^ENOCORIS. Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Eh. (1803). Chfaenocoris, Burm. Handb. ii. 383 (1835); Germ. Zeits. i. 23 (1839) ; Am. fy Serv. Hem. 66 (1843). 1. CHL.ENOCORIS csesus. Chlaenocoris caesus, Germ. Zeits. i. 23. 3 (1839); H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 28. t. 152. fig. 479 (1839). a. . Presented by General Hardwicke. b. Para. From Messrs. Bates and Wallace's Collection. The genus Canopus, established by Fabricius in the ' Systema Ryngotorum/ is founded upon the larva of some insect belonging to this family, and most probably, as was kindly pointed out to me by Mr. Westwood, to the genus Chlcenocoris, which indeed is the only genus in the family which inhabits America. Burmeister has described two species, which are really only distinguished from one another by a dif- ference in size. The synonymy of the genus is as follows : Genus CANOPUS. Canopus, Fab. Syst. Rh. 127 (1803) ; Lefebvre, Guer. Mag. Zool 126 (1835) ; Dalm. Eph. Ent. 34 (1824) ; Burm. Handb. ii. 382 (1835) ; Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 70 (1843). 1. CANOPUS obtectus. Canopus obtectus, Fab. S. R. 127. 1 (1803) ; Dalm. Eph. Ent. 34 (1824) ; Lefebvre, Guer. Mag. Zool. 126 (1835). Canopus obtectus et involutus, Burm. Handb. ii. 382 (1835) ; Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 72 (1843). Genus 2. COPTOSOMA. Cimex, p., Fab. sp. Ins. (1781) $ Ent. Syst. iv. (1794); Rossi, Faun.Etr.n. (1790). Tetyra, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Scutellera, p., Lat. Gen. iii. (1807). Globocoris, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 40 (1834). Thyreocoris, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. (1839) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. v. (1839). Coptosoma, Lap. tfem.(1832) ; H. S chaff. Nom. Ent. i. 53 (1835); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 65 (1843) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 3 (1846). 1. COPTOSOMA duodecimpunctatum. Thyreocoris duodecimpunctatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 30. 13 (1839); H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 14 & 31. t. 150. fig. 474 (1839). a. India. From Col. Whitehall's Collection. b. India. HEMIPTERA. 63 2. COPTOSOMA nepalense. Coptosoma nepalensis, Hope, Cat. 17 (1837). Thyreocoris nepalensis, Germ. Zeits. i. 28. 9 (1839). a. India. Presented by General Hardwicke. 3. COPTOSOMA circumscriptum. Thyreocoris circumscriptus, Germ. Zeits. i. 29. 11 ? (1839). a. N. India. From Capt. Boys' Collection. 4. COPTOSOMA pcecilum, n. s. C. nigrum, nitidum, punctulatum ; capitis lobis lateralibus flavis, antice coeuntibus; thoracis marginibus fasciaque transversain- terrupta, scutelli margine, maculisque 2 basalibus, abdominis- que marginibus flavis. ? . Long. lin. 2. Subhemispherical, broader behind, black, shining, finely punc- tured. Head with the lateral lobes meeting in front of the cen- tral lobe, yellow, margined with black. Eyes reddish brown. Thorax with the anterior and lateral margins, a submarginal line on each side joining the margins at the lateral angles, a trian- gular spot on the posterior margin near each lateral angle, and an interrupted transverse band before the middle, bright yellow ; the anterior margin interrupted in the middle. Scutellum with the margin and a large triangular spot on each side at the base bright yellow. Elytra margined with yellow at the base ; mem- brane transparent, with brown nervures. Abdomen black, shining, slightly punctured, and finely wrinkled longitudinally ; the mar- gins and a row of submarginal spots on each side yellow. Breast dull black, with the antero-lateral margins yellow. Legs bright orange. Rostrum bright orange, with the apex black. Antennae ferruginous. a. N.W. Coast of New Holland. From Mr. Dring's Col- lection. 5. COPTOSOMA aifine, n. s. C. nigrum, nitidum, punctatissimum ; capite flavo bimaculato, lobo centrali marginem anticum attingente; thoracis marginibus lateralibus, maculis 2 anticis, lineaque transversa interrupta, scutellique margine, flavis ; scutello maculis 2 basalibus, abdo- minisque marginibus fulvis. 3 ? . Long. lin. If 2. Black, shining, very thickly and finely punctured. Head with a small yellow spot on each side before the eyes. Eyes red. Thorax with a transverse furrow across the middle ; the lateral margins and a submarginal line on each side, united with the 64 HEMIPTERA. margins close to the lateral angles, yellow ; two yellow spots on the anterior margin, and two short transverse lines of the same colour on the disc, close to the transverse furrow. Scutellum with a large orange spot on each side of the basal elevation ; a small spot on each side at the base, close to the outer margin, and the margin itself, except at the base, yellow. Elytra dark brown, margined with yellow at the bas ; the membrane brown. Abdomen black, shining, wrinkled longitudinally, with the mar- gin orange, and a yellow spot on each side of each segment close to the margin. Breast dull greyish black. Legs yellowish fer- ruginous, with the thighs brown at the base. Rostrum and an- tennae dusky ferruginous. a. Natal. From Dr. Krauss's Collection. 6. COPTOSOMA cinctum. Scutellera cincta, Esch. Dorp. Abh. i. 161 (1822). Thyreocoris seminulum, Burm. NovaActa Acad. Leop. xvi. Supp. 290. 10 (1834). Thvreocoris variegatus, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 83. tab. 134. fig. 414 (1839). Thyreocoris cinctus, Germ. Zeits. i. 27. 8 (1839); H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 30 (1839). a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 7. COPTOSOMA sphaerulum. Thyreocoris spharuJa, Germ. Zeits. i. 25. 2 (1839); H. Schaff. Wanz. v. 15 & 30. t. 150. fig. 476 (1839). a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. b. China (Fow-choo-foo). Presented by G. Tradescant Lay, Esq. 8. COPTOSOMA bipustulatum. Thyreocoris bipustulatus. Germ. Zeits. i. 30. 14 (1839). a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 9. COPTOSOMA marginellum, n. s. C. prsecedenti valde affine, nigrum, subobscurum, punctatissi- mum ; capitis lobis lateralibus flavis, centralem non superan- tibus; thoracis, scutelli, abdominisque marginibus, pedibus antennisque flavis. ? . Long. lin. 1J. Above black, somewhat obscure, thickly and finely punctured. Head with the lateral lobes yellow, not meeting beyond the cen- tral one. Eyes red. Thorax with the transverse furrow very in- HEMIPTERA. 65 distinct ; the lateral margins narrowly edged with yellow, and two spots of the same colour on the anterior margin. Scutellum with a slight transverse furrow at the base ; the margins yellow, except towards the base. Elytra margined with yellow at the base. Abdomen beneath shining black, thickly and strongly punctured, and somewhat rugose, with the margins and a row of submarginal spots on each side, yellow. Breast dull black. Legs yellow, with the base of the thighs brownish. Rostrum reddish, with the apex pitchy. Antennae pale yellow. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 10. COPTOSOMA parvulum, n. s. C. nigrum, nitidissimum, punctatissimum ; capitis lobo centrali marginem anteriorem attingente ; abdominis marginibus, pedi- bus, antennisque fulvis. 3 ? . Long. lin. 1J. Convex, broader behind, black, shining, very finely and thickly punctured. Head with a small reddish spot on each side before the eyes ; the central lobe reaching the anterior margin. Eyes reddish brown. Thorax with a faint transverse furrow across the middle ; the anterior portion of the lateral margins yellow. Scu- tellum wider behind, with a distinct transverse impressed line near the base. Elytra margined with yellow at the base. Body beneath black ; abdomen with the outer margin, and a submar- ginal spot on each side of each segment, orange. Legs pale brownish orange, with the base of the thighs brown. Antennae of the same colour as the legs, with the apical joint darker. a. East Indies. From Mr. Wooley's Collection. 11. COPTOSOMA hemisphaericum, n. s. C. nigrum, nitidum, punctulatum; capite lobis lateralibus antice coeuntibus ; thoracis, scutelli, abdominisque marginibus, fla- vis. 9 Long. lin. 1^. Hemispherical, black, shining, finely punctured. Head with the lateral lobes meeting beyond the central. Eyes red. Thorax with the lateral margins narrowly edged with yellow. Scutellum narrowly margined with yellow, except at the base. Base of the elytra margined with yellow. Abdomen beneath black, shining, with a slight central longitudinal impression, the outer margin and an elongated submarginal spot on each side of each segment, yellow. Breast pitchy black, obscure, with a short yellow transverse line on each posterior angle. Thighs pale brown, with the apex testaceous ; tibiae yellowish brown, paler at base and 66 HEMIPTERA. apex ; tarsi ferruginous. Rostrum and antennae dusky ferrugi- nous. a. New Holland. From Mr. Children's Collection. 12. COPTOSOMA globus. Cimex scarabaeoides, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 229. 1293 (1790), nee Linn. Cimex globus, Fab. E. S. iv. 88. 36 (1794); Coq. III. i. 39. t. 10. fig. 6 (1799); Wolff, Ic. dm. 3. t. 1. fig. 3 (1800). Tetyra scarabaeoides, Panz. F. G. 36. 23. Tetyra globus, Fab. S. R. 143. 71 (1803). Scutellera globus, Lat. Gen. iii. 114. 5 (1807). Globocoris globus, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 41. t. 64. fig. 137 (1834). Thyreocoris globus, Burnt. Handb. ii. 384. 1 (1835) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 25. 1 (1839); H. Schtiff. Wanz. v. 30 (1839). Coptosoma globus, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 53 & 88 (1835) ; Westw. Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s. ii. 29. fig. 2 (1838) ; Am. fy Serv. Hem. 65. 1 (1843) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 4. 120 (1846). Coptosoma, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 417. 23 (1845). Geoff. Ins. i. 435. 2. a. France. b. Switzerland. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. c. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. d. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 13. COPTOSOMA cicatricosum, n. s. C. nigrum, nitidum, punctatum ; capitis lobo centrali marginem anticum attingente ; scutello cicatricoso ; pedibus antennisque nigris. . Long. lin. 4J. Head black, scantily punctured, slightly emarginate at the an- terior margin, the lateral lobes slightly wrinkled transversely. Eyes brown ; ocelli red. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, with a small spine on each side of the anterior margin ; red, irregularly and rather strongly punctured, with the anterior mar- gin and a broad longitudinal band on the disc reaching the hinder margin, the lateral angles, and two spots on each side of the central band, of which the anterior is very small, black. Scutel- lum as broad at the base as the posterior margin of the thorax, the sides nearly parallel ; red, with four large, somewhat trian- gular black spots, placed two small ones at the base, and two larger, behind the middle, reaching nearly to the apex ; the black spots punctured, those at the base sparingly but rather strongly, at the apex very finely and rather thickly. Elytra with the co- riaceous portion black, finely punctured, with the outer and api- cal margins red ; membrane brown, with the margin pale, semi- transparent. Margins of the abdomen projecting slightly beyond the elytra on each side ; red, with three black spots. Abdomen beneath brassy black, with the sides punctured, the disc impunc- tate -, the basal spine, and a transverse patch at its base, the la- HEMIPTERA. 81 eral margins and the posterior half of the apical segment, red ; the anal apparatus, and four spots on each lateral margin, black. Breast brassy black, punctured. Legs brassy black, shining. Rostrum pitchy. Antennae black. a. Mexico. 9. STIRETRUS pulchellus. Pentatoma pulchella, Hope, Cat. 42 (1837). Stiretrus personatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 16. 12 (1839). a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. b. Mexico. 10. STIRETRUS fimbriatus. Tetyra fimbriata, Say, Am. Ent. t. 43. fig. 1 (1828). Asopus variegatus, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 90. 1. 13?. fig. 427 (1839). Stiretrus fimbriatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 16. 13 (1839). a. . Presented by the Entomological Club. 11. STIRETRUS decemguttatus. Scutellera decemguttata, Le P. fy Serv. Enc. x. 410. 2 (1825). Stiretrus decemguttatus, Lap. Hem. pi. 55. fig. 8 (1832) ; Germ. Zeits. i. 17. 15 (1839); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 76. 3 (1843); H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 3. t. 145. fig. 455 (1839). Asopus decemguttatus, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 87. t. 136. fig. 421 (1839). a. Brazil. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. b. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. c. Bahia. Presented by M. Reiche. 12. STIRETRUS rubromaculatus. Stiretrus rubromaculatus, Hope, Cat. 18 (1837). Stiretrus septemguttatus, var. Germ. Zeits. i. 17 (1839). a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. 13. STIRETRUS decastigma. Asopus decastigma,H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 87-t. 136. fig. 422(1839). Stiretrus septemguttatus, Germ. Zeits. i. 17- 14. 1. 1. fig. 5 (1839). a. Bolivia. From Mr. Bridges' Collection. 14. STIRETRUS atricapillus. Stiretrus atricapillus, Hope, Cat. 18 (1837); Germ. Zeits. i. 18. 16 (1839) ; H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 4. t. 145. fig. 456 (1839). a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. b. Brazil. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. c. Brazil. d. Bahia. Presented by M. Reiche. E 5 82 HEMIPTERA, 15. STIRETRUS coccineus. Asopus coccineus, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 88. t. 136. fig. 424 ? (1839). a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. Genus 4. CAZIRA. Asopus (p.), Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Cazira, Am. $ Serv. Hem. 78 (1843). 1. CAZIRA verrucosa. Pentatoma verrucosa, Westw. Zoo]. Journ. v. 445. pi. 22. fig. 7 (1835). Asopus verrucifer, Burm. Handb. ii. 380. 10 (1835). An Cimex peregrinator, Linn. M. L. U. 17 3. 7 (1764), 8f S. N. i. 721.40(1767)? a. India. Presented by General Hardwicke. b. Malabar. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. N. India. From Capt. Boyes' Collection. d. India. 2. CAZIRA chiroptera. Asopus chiropterus, H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 78. t. 15?. fig. 523 (1839), &vii. 113(1844). Cazira verrucosa, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 78. 1. pi. 3. fig. 8 (1843), (nee Westw.). a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b. Java. 3. CAZIRA ulcerata. Asopus ulceratus, H. Schdff. Wanz. iv. 103. t. 143. fig. 452 (1839), Sf vii. 114 (1844). a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. Genus 5. OPLOMUS. Cimex, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Pentatoma, p., Le P. $ Serv. Enc. Meth. x. (1825). Asopus, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Oplomus, Spin. Hem. 355 (1837). Catostyrax, Am. $ Serv. Hem. 82 (1843). 1. OPLOMUS catena. Cimex catena, Drury, Ins. iii. 65. pi. 46. fig. 1 (1782). Pentatoma quadrimaculata, LeP. 4* Serv. Enc. x. 53. 5 (1825). Catostyrax catena, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 83. 1 (1843). HEMIPTERA. 83 o. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. b. Brazil. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. c. Bahia. Presented by M. Reiehe. d. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. e. . Presented by the Entomological Club. p 2. OPLOMUS marginalis. Pentatoma marginalis, Hope, Cat. 37 (1837). Asopus ebulinus, H. Schdff. Wanz. vii. 113 & 122. t. 250. fig. 779(1844). a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. b. Brazil. From Mr. Walker's Collection. c. . Presented by the Entomological Club. 3. OPLOMUS nigripennis, n. s. O. flavus, punctatus ; capite, pedibus, antennis, thoracis maculis 2, scutelli basi, elytris, corii apice excepto, abdominis apice, maculaque subapicali, nigris. 9 . Long. lin. 8. Head black, shining, finely punctured, with a small yellow spot on each side near the eyes, and a similar one in the centre of the base. Thorax yellow, with two large black spots on the disc ; the spots coarsely and sparingly punctured. Scutellum yellow, rather thickly punctured, with the base violet-black. Elytra with the coriaceous portion violet-black, thickly punc- tured with a large triangular yellow patch at the apex ; mem- brane pitchy black with a brassy tint. Body beneath yellow, smooth, shining. Abdomen with the sides finely and sparingly- punctured, the disc impunctate ; a streak across the basal seg- ment, a small spot on each side of the base of the third and fourth segments, and a large spot on the centre of the fifth and sixth, black. Breast with a few scattered black punctures; a large black spot on the mesosternum divided by a narrow yellow keel, and a small spot of the same colour at the centre of the antero-lateral margins. Legs, rostrum and antennae black, a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. 4. OPLOMUS rutilus, n. s. 0. rufo-fulvus, punctatus ; capite, pedibus, antennis, maculis 2 thoracis scutellique, pectore, abdominis marginibus basalibus, maculaque subapicali nigris; hemelytroruru membrana sub- hyalina, macula apicali fusca. $ . Long. lin. 4. Head black, rugose, punctured, with the central lobe and an 84 HEMIPTERA. indistinct central basal spot, orange. Thorax bright orange-red, shining, thickly and rather strongly punctured, with two large, elongated black spots on the disc. Scutellum rather strongly and sparingly punctured at the base, more finely and closely on the apical portion ; bright orange-red, shining, with a violet-black patch on each side about the middle. Elytra with the coriaceous portion bright orange-red, somewhat opaque, rather finely and thickly punctured; the membrane semitransparent, brownish, with a dark brown spot at the apex. Projecting margins of the abdomen black. Abdomen beneath, including the ventral spine orange-yellow, smooth, shining, with the disc impunctate ; the sides with a few scattered punctures ; the basal segment, a large patch on each side, occupying the lateral margins of the second and third and of the base of the fourth segments, a large spot on the disc of the fifth and sixth segments, and a small one in the centre of the base of the fourth, black ; anal apparatus pitchy. Breast purplish black, shining, strongly and irregularly punctured, with the antero-lateral margins and the coxae red. Legs blue- black, with the base of the thighs pitchy. Rostrum and antennae blue-black. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 5. OPLOMUS salamandra. Asopus salamandra, Burm. Handb. ii. 381. 11 (1835). a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 6. OPLOMUS pulcher, n. s. O. supra viridi-aeneus, nitidus, punctatus; corpore subtus pedi- busque nigris ; thoracis marginibus lateralibus et antico, scutelli dimidio apicali, spina ventrali, abdominis marginibus, macula- que magna basali, coccineis; abdominis marginibus nigro- variegatis. 9 . Long. lin. 6J-/J. Head brassy black, shining. Eyes black; ocelli red. Thorax brassy green, smooth, shining, sparingly and coarsely punctured, with the anterior and lateral margins bright red. Scutellum with the base brassy green, shining, punctured like the thorax ; the re- mainder bright red, rather thickly and finely punctured. Elytra with the coriaceous portion brassy green, thickly and rather strongly punctured at the base and along the margins, more sparingly and finely on the disc and towards the apex ; the mem- brane brassy black. Margins of the abdomen variegated with red and brassy black. Abdomen beneath smooth, shining, with the disc impunctate, the sides finely and rather sparingly punctured ; brassy black, with the basal spine and a large patch at its base HEMIPTERA. 85 upying the disc of the second, third and fourth segments, a large patch on each side of the second, a spot on each side of the third, and a large oblique patch on each side of the fourth, fifth and sixth segments, bright red. Anal apparatus brassy black. Breast brassy black, coarsely and irregularly punctured, with the antero-lateral margins bright red. Legs violet-black, with the thighs brassy. Rostrum and antennae black, the latter with the basal joints bluish. a. Mexico. 7. OPLOMUS festivus, n. s. O. viridi-seneus, nitidus, punctatus ; thoracis linea longitudinali abbreviata, scutelli angulis basalibus apiceque, spina ventrali, abdominis macula magna basali, duabusque apicalibus, coe- cineis ; hemelytrorum membrana subhyalina, macula apicali fusca. c? . Long. lin. 5. Deep brassy blackish green, shining, punctured. Head brassy black, somewhat rugose, very finely punctured. Eyes black ; ocelli red. Thorax thickly and strongly punctured, with a trans- verse impunctate space towards the anterior margin, and a nar- row longitudinal red line on the centre of the disc not reaching either the anterior or posterior margins. Scutellum rather thickly and strongly punctured, with a spot in each basal angle, and the tip, bright red. Elytra with the coriaceous portion some- what opaque, finely punctured, more coarsely towards the base and along the outer margin ; membrane brownish, semitrans- parent, with a brown spot at the apex. Abdomen beneath with the disc impunctate, the margins rather thickly and strongly punctured ; the ventral spine and a large square patch at its base, occupying the disc of the second and third segments, and a patch on each side of the apex of the abdomen, on the margins of the fourth, fifth and sixth segments, bright red. Breast strongly punctured. Legs and rostrum brassy black, shining ; the anterior tibiae violet. Antennae black. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 8. OPLOMUS violaceus, n. s. O. violaceus, nitidus, punctatus; spina ventrali flava. 9 . Long. lin. 5. Deep blue-violet, shining, punctured. Thorax rather thickly and strongly punctured, with a transverse impunctate band near the anterior margin and a slightly raised smooth longitudinal line down the centre of the disc. Scutellum rather thickly and strongly punctured towards the apex, the base with a few scat- 86 HEMIPTERA. tered punctures, the disc with a raised longitudinal line. Elytra with the coriaceous portion greenish violet, thickly and rather finely punctured; membrane blackish brown. Body beneath purplish violet, smooth, shining ; the breast with a few coarse punctures ; the abdomen with the disc impunctate, very sparingly and finely punctured towards the sides ; the ventral spine yellow, with a transverse streak of the same colour at its base and an- other on the posterior margin of the third segment of the abdo- men. Legs and rostrum violet, shining. Antennae black. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 9. OPLOMUS ventralis, n. s. O. nigro-seneus, nitidus, punctatus ; abdomine rufo-fulvo, apice maculisque 9 nigris. ? . Long. lin. 6. Above brassy black, shining, punctured. Thorax rather strongly punctured. Scutellum with the disc of the base rather strongly and sparingly punctured, the margins of the base and a trans- verse band before the middle impunctate, the apical portion rather thickly punctured. Elytra with the coriaceous portion rather thickly punctured, the punctures smaller and less nume- rous on the disc. Projecting margins of the abdomen variegated with black and red, the basal portion of each segment being black. Abdomen beneath bright red, with the disc impunctate, the sides sparingly punctured ; the basal segment and the base of the second, four spots on each side on the third and fourth segments (two on the margin and two within the stigmata), a transverse patch on the fifth and sixth segments, and the anal apparatus black. Ventral spine red. Breast black, coarsely and sparingly punctured. Legs and rostrum black. Antennae wanting. a. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 10. OPLOMUS tripustulatus. Cimex tripustulatus, Fab. S. R. 1/2. 91 (1803). a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. Genus 6. JALLA. Cimex, p., Linn. Syst. Nat. (1767); Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) $Syst. Eh. (1803); Fall. Mon. dm. (1807) & Hem. Suec. (1826). Jalla, Hahn, Wanz. i. 100 (1831) ; Am. $ Serv. Hem. 85 (1843) ; Kolen. Mel. iv. 35 (1846). Pentatoma, p., H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1835). Asopus, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). HEMIPTERA. 87 1. JALLA dumosa. Cimex dumosus, Linn. S. N. i. 721. 46 (1767); Fab. E. S. iv. 111. 121 (1794) # S. R. 168. 71 (1803) ; Panz. F. G. 33. 18 ; Fall. Mon. dm. 47. 10 (1807) 8f Hem. Suec. 28. 12 (1826). Jalla dumosa, Hahn, Wanz. i. 101. t. 16. fig. 54, 55 (1831) ; Am. fy Serv. Hem. 86. 1 (1843) ; Kolen. Mel. iv. 36. 161 (1846). Pentatoma dumosum, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 56 & 92 (1835). Asopus dumosus, Barm. Handb. ii. 378. 3 (1835); H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 113(1844). Jalla, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 423. 30 (1845). a. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Europe. Presented by M. Goureau. Genus 7- PLATYNOPUS. Cimex, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Pentatoma, p., Pal. Beauv. Ins. (1805). Platynopus, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 79 (1843). Asopus, p., H. Schaff. Wanz. vii. (1844). 1. PLATYNOPUS melanoleucus. ^Elia melanoleuca, Hope, Cat. 33 (1837). Platynopus varius, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 79. 1. pi. 3. fig. 9 (1843). a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 2. PLATYNOPUS rostratus. Cimex rostratus, Drury, Ins. iii. 59. pi. 43. fig. 2 (1782). Cimex calens, Fab. S. R. 163. 41 (1803). Pentatoma 17-maculata, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 112. Hem. pi. 8. fig. 4 (1805). Asopus calens, H. Schaff. Wanz. vii. 113 & 117. t. 225. fig. 709 (1844). Stoll, Pun. 59. pi. 14. fig. 97. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. b. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. Genus 8. MACRORHAPHIS, n. g. Head rather narrow,rounded in front, central lobe as long as the lateral. Eyes prominent ; ocelli placed close to, and rather behind, the eyes. Antennae about half the length of the body, of five joints ; second, third and fourth joints about equal, fifth shorter. Rostrum reaching the posterior coxae, second joint very little longer than the others. Thorax with the lateral angles produced into strong spines. Membrane of the elytra with ten nervures. Ventral spine very long, reaching the anterior coxae, with the apex much compressed and turned in towards the sternum. An- 88 HEMIPTERA. terior thighs with a short spine beneath at the apex ; anterior tibiae very slightly dilated on the outer margin; inner spine small. 1. MACRORH APHIS leprosa, pi. 2. fig. 1. Asopus leprosus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 186. 133 (1837); H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 113 & 116. t. 224. fig. 708 (1844). a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. b. South Africa. 2. MACRORHAPHIS ? acuta, n. s. M. elongata, brunnea, nigro-punctata ; thoracis spinis acutis, nigris, aeneo-nitentibus ; pedibus pallide fuscis, tibiis testaceo- annulatis ; abdominis marginibus fulvo nigroque variega- tis. Suec. 28. 11 (1826) ; Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 465. 7 (1828) f the third joint brownish, fourth and fifth wanting. a. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. M2 244 HEMIPTERA. 27. PENTATOMA taprobanensis, n. s. P. testacea, nigro-punctata, lineis numerosis impunctatis ; subti testacea, utrinque seriebus 2 macularum nigrarum ; stigma- tibus nigris ; pedibus pallide testaceis, nigro-punctatis. ? . Long. lin. 5|. Ovate, broad, fiat. Head rather long, rounded at the apex, black, with the lateral margins and three longitudinal lines tes- taceous ; the black portions thickly and finely punctured, the pale lines impunctate. Ocelli minute, yellow. Thorax testa- ceous, covered with fine black punctures, which leave only narrow lines of the pale colour visible ; of the dark patches there are two small ones in the middle of the anterior margin, a larger ocellated spot in each anterior angle, two larger spots occupying the whole centre of the disc and leaving a very distinct longitudinal central line, and two rather smaller on each side of these ; there is also a narrow line of black punctures within each lateral margin. Scutellum thickly punctured with black, especially at the base, with a pale impunctate line running down the centre from base to apex, and a curved line on each side of this running from the base to the middle of the central line, at which point the three lines are united. Coriaceous portion of the elytra testaceous, clouded with black punctures with no distinct pale lines ; mem- brane brownish, somewhat opaque, covered with brown spots. Margins of the abdomen testaceous, with a large bifid black spot at the junction of each segment, both above and beneath. Body beneath testaceous. Abdomen smooth and shining, with a few fine punctures on the sides ; the stigmata and two spots on each side of each segment, forming two longitudinal rows of spots on each side of the abdomen, black ; the space between each pair of black spots is orange. Breast finely and irregularly punctured, with numerous black spots on each side. Legs pale testaceous ; thighs thickly covered with black points; tibiae covered with finer black points ; tarsi nearly black. Rostrum long, reaching the base of the third ventral segment ; basal joint and the base of the second, testaceous, second and third brownish ; fourth black. Antennae with the basal joint testaceous spotted with black, second and third brown, fourth and fifth wanting. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Joseph Hooker. 28. PENTATOMA plinthacra. Cimex plinthacrus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 1/2. 107 (1837). a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 29. PENTATOMA Boxura, n. s. P. ovata, fusca, obscura, nigro-punctata ; abdominis marginibus HEMIPTERA. 245 fulvo nigroque variegatis ; subtus fulvescens, fusco-punctata ; stigmatibus fasciaque obsoleta longitudinali utrinque abdomi- nis nigris. ? . Long. lin. 3f . Ovate, pale brown, obscure, rather thickly and finely punctured with black. Head rather long and narrow, with the central lobe elevated and impunctate. Eyes pitchy brown; ocelli reddish. Scutellum tinged with orange towards the base. Membrane of the elytra dingy white, obscure, with a few brown points. Mar- gins of the abdomen banded with orange and black. Body be- neath somewhat fulvous, very thickly and finely punctured with brown ; abdomen with the stigmata and an indistinct longitudinal band on each side black. Legs of the same colour as the under side of the body ; thighs covered with brown points ; tibia? tipped with brown. Rostrum pitchy black. Antennae testaceous, covered with fine brown points. a. N. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. 30. PENTATOMA corticina. Cimex corticinus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 177. 118 (1837). Pentatoma corticinum, H. Sch. Wanz.\ii.96 & 98. t. 245. fig. J6\ (1844). a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 31. PENTATOMA marginella. Pentatoma marginella, Hope, Cat. 45 (1837). a. New Holland. 32. PENTATOMA Cephalus, n. s. P. oblongo-ovata, pallide fusca, fusco-punctata ; capite magno, antice subemarginato ; scutelli apice fulvo : corpore subtus pedibusque fulvo-testaceis, nigro-punctatis ; antennis testa- ceis, articulis 3, 4 et 5 apice nigris. 9 Long. lin. 7> Oblong ovate, pale yellowish brown, thickly and finely punc- tured with dark brown. Head large, slightly emarginate at the apex, the lateral lobes a little longer than the central. Eyes brown; ocelli yellow. Thorax with the punctures very close along the lateral margins, causing them to appear much darker than the rest of the surface. Scutellum with the apex orange. Membrane of the elytra semitransparent, brownish, with darker nervures. Abdomen beneath tawny, irregularly and sparingly punctured with black, with a brown spot in the centre of the third segment. Breast of the same colour as the abdomen, rather thickly punctured, with some of the punctures black. Legs of 246 HEMIPTERA. the same colour, with numerous black points. Rostrum brown- ish testaceous, the two apical joints wanting. Antennae testa ceous, with the tip of the third, and the apical half of the fou and fifth joints, black. a. Java. From the East India Company's Collection. 33. PENTATOMA grisea, n. s. P. elongato-ovata, olivaceo-grisea, punctata, corpore subtus ob- scuriori; elytrorum, abdominisque marginibus subtestaceis ; antennis rufescentibus articulis 2 ultimis nigris. ? . Long. lin. 8J. Elongate ovate, olive-grey, rather thickly and finely punctu with brown. Head rather large, with the lateral lobes passing the central, but not meeting in front of it. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the outer margin broadly testaceous, especially at the base. Margins of the abdomen testaceous. Body beneath rather darker than above, and more distinctly greenish ; breast and legs somewhat testaceous. Rostrum reaching the base of the abdomen, testaceous, with the tip black. Antennae with the basal joint testaceous ; the second and third red ; the fourth and fifth black. a. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 34. PENTATOMA elongata, n. s. P. elongato-oblonga, testacea, nigro-punctata, elytrorum margi- nibus albidis ; stigmatibus nigris ; antennis rufis, articulo quarto apice, et quinto basi et apice excepto, nigris. 9 . Long. lin. 6. Elongate, somewhat oblong, with the sides parallel ; testa- ceous, above thickly and finely punctured with black. Head with the central lobe as long as the lateral ; ocelli red. Scutel- lum very long. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the outer margin yellowish white; membrane semitransparent, brownish, with the nervures a little darker. Abdomen beneath testaceous, with the disc impunctate, the sides faintly punctured ; stigmata black. Breast rather strongly punctured, with some of the punc- tures black. Legs yellowish ; tarsi fulvous. Rostrum not pass- ing the intermediate coxae, pale yellow, with the tip black. An- tennae with the three basal joints bright red ; fourth black, with the base red ; fifth black, with the base and apex red. a. N. India. From Capt. Boys' Collection. 35. PENTATOMA parvula, n. s. P. elongato-ovata, testacea, fusco-punctata ; scutello basi utrinque macula parva albida; membrana albida; abdomine utrinque HEMIPTERA. 24/ fascia longitudinal! e punctis fuscis ; rostro brevi, pedum pos- ticorum basin baud attingente. ? . Long. lin. 3. a. East Indies. Presented by Capt. Parry. 36. PENTATOMA Cubrosa, n. s. P. fusco-testacea, fusco-punctata ; thorace punctis 2, scutello 3 basi, thoracis abdominisque marginibus, albidis; pedibus luteis; antennis testaceis, articulis 2 ultimis, basi exceptis, fuscis. ? . Long. lin. 3J. Ovate, brownish testaceous, rather thickly and finely punc- tured with brown. Head with the central lobe as long as the lateral, forming the apex of the head. Eyes black ; ocelli red. Thorax with its lateral margins, and two points on the disc towards the anterior margin, whitish. Scutellum with three whitish points at the base, placed one on each basal angle, and one in the middle. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the outer margin reddish brown, whitish at the base ; membrane transpa- rent, brownish. Margins of the abdomen pale yellow. Body beneath testaceous, finely punctured with brown. Abdomen with an irregular dark brown longitudinal band down the centre. Breast very thickly punctured with brown ; sternum dark brown. Legs yellow, with a few fine brown points. Rostrum yellow, with the tip black. Antennae whitish testaceous, with the two last joints dark brown, except at the base. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 37. PENTATOMA pilipes, n. s. P. ovata, testacea, nigro-punctata ; pedibus testaceis. pilis longis tenuissimis vestitis, femoribus annulo ante apicem nigro ; an- tennarum articulis 1 3 ferrugineis, 4 et 5 nigris. & , Long. lin. 3J. Ovate, rather broad, testaceous. Head with the lateral mar- gins and two broad longitudinal lines on the disc black, punc- tured; the apex of the central lobe reddish. Thorax rather strongly, but irregularly and not very thickly punctured on the disc ; a line within the lateral margins, and two spots on the an- terior margin, black, with closer punctures ; the lateral margins impunctate. Scutellum rather thickly punctured with black, with three yellow spots at the base. Coriaceous portion of the elytra thickly and finely punctured with black; membrane brownish, semitransparent. Abdomen beneath testaceous, thickly and finely punctured, with a brown spot in the centre of the base 2-18 HEMIPTERA. and an irregular patch of black punctures 011 each side of the second and third segments ; the whole surface is clothed with very fine, short hairs. Breast testaceous, irregularly punctured with black, and with a broad band formed of black punctures down each side. Legs testaceous, clothed with long, fine hairs ; thighs with numerous pale brown points and with a black rii^ near the apex ; tibiae brownish at the apex ; tarsi brownish, with the apical joints and the tips of the claws black. Rostrum testa- ceous, with the tip black. Antennae with the three basal joints ferruginous, the fourth and fifth black. a. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Dou- bleday, Esq. 38. PENTATOMA seola, n. s. P. nigra, punctata, flavo-maculata ; pedibus flavis, femoribus tarsisque apice, et tibiis basi et apice, nigris ; antennis nigris articulo 2 toto, tertio basi et apice, quarto apice, et quinti basi, testaceis. 9 Long. lin. 4. Ovate, rather elongate, black, thickly and finely puncture Head rounded in front, with the central lobe as long as the late ral ; the apical portion of the lateral margins and a short line on the central lobe yellow. Eyes very prominent ; ocelli large, red- dish. Thorax with the lateral margins yellow ; the disc with two yellow spots on the anterior portion and with several smaller spots of the same colour scattered on the surface. Scutellun with a large spot on each side and a smaller one in the centre < the base, the apex, and several small spots on the disc, yellow. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with a large pale yellow spot on the disc towards the apex and an irregular row of smaller onei towards the base ; membrane brownish, semitransparent. Mar gins of the abdomen banded with yellow and black. Abdomen beneath impunctate, with the sides black ; the disc yellow, with an irregular longitudinal black band down the centre. Breast impunctate, black, slightly brassy, with a yellow spot at the ba of each of the legs. Legs yellow, with the knees, the apices i the tibia3, and the tarsi, except at the base, black. Rostrun pale yellow, with the two apical joints black. Antennae with the basal joint black ; the second and the base of the third testa- ceous ; the rest black, with the articulations whitish. a. New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. 39. PENTATOMA lugens. Cimex lugens, Fab. E. S. iv. 125. 175 (1794); H. Sch. Warn. v. 66. t, 165. fig. 510 (1839). HEMIPTERA. 2-49 Cimex albipes, Fab. E. S. Supp. 535 (1798) $ S. R. 177. 114 (1803). Cydnus lugens, Fab. S. R. 187. 12 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 186. t. 18. fig. 180 (1811). Pentatoma punctipes, Pal. B. Ins. 113. Hem. pi. 8. fig. 6; Say., Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. iv. 313. 4 (1824). Pentatoma lugens, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 96 (1844). a. N. America. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Double- day, Esq. d. N. America. 40. PENTATOMA virgata, n. s. P. ovata, tiava, rufo-variegata, punctata ; thorace lineis 6, scu- tello 2, elytrisque plaga longitudinali viridibus; abdomine subtus linea utrinque longitudinali nigra ; pedibus viridibus, tar sis fuscis ; antennis viridibus, apice nigris. ? . Long. lin. 4. Ovate, somewhat elongate. Head orange-red, narrowly mar- gined laterally, very faintly punctured on the vertex ; lateral lobes faintly wrinkled. Eyes black. Thorax pale yellow, finely punctured with brown, with the anterior portion of the disc bright orange-red, impunctate ; four blackish spots close to the anterior margin, and six green longitudinal lines on the posterior portion. Scutellum pale yellow, finely punctured with brown, , with the base orange-red, and two green longitudinal lines con- 1 tinuous with the central lines of the thorax and running to the apex of the scutellum. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the outer margin broadly, and the apical margin narrowly, bright orange-red, thickly and finely punctured, the inner portion of i the disc pale yellow, with a broad longitudinal stripe down the I middle formed of blackish green punctures, and interrupted to- wards the apex by an oblique, pale yellow, elevated line. Mem- brane brownish, semitransparent, with a blackish brown spot in the inner basal angle. Margins of the abdomen yellow, thickly and finely punctured. Abdomen beneath pale yellow, with a longitudinal black line on each side within the margins, and within this a broad band of orange-red ; the lateral margins are pale yellow and like the centre of the disc impunctate ; the sides of the disc are finely and rather thickly punctured. Breast orange. Legs pale green, with the tarsi dark brown. Rostrum with the basal joint orange, the second testaceous, the third brown, the fourth black. Antennae with the two basal joints M 5 250 HEMIPTERA. and the base of the third dark green, the apex of the third, and the fourth and fifth black. a. New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. 41. PENTATOMA apicalis. Cimex apicalis, H. Sch. Wanz. vi. 95. t. 211. fig. 666 (1842). Pentatoma apicale, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 96 (1844). a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. 42. PENTATOMA inconspicua, n. s. P. ovata, viridi-testacea, fusco-punctata ; elytrorum corio rufes- cente, margine virescente ; scutelli apice pallido ; membrana fuscescenti-hyalina, basi fusca. ? . Long. lin. 3f . Ovate, greenish testaceous, punctured with brown. Head with six lines of fine brown punctures, of which the two central are placed close together on the vertex behind the central lobe, and the two lateral run from the ocelli. Thorax rather thickly and strongly punctured with brown, with a transverse line of brown punctures close to the anterior margin. Scutellum rather more finely punctured than the thorax, the punctures becoming finer towards the apex, which is impunctate and pale testaceous. Coriaceous portion of the elytra pale brownish red, rather thickly punctured with black, with the lateral margin pale greenish, punc- tured ; membrane transparent, brownish, with a brown patch in the inner basal angle. Body beneath testaceous, thickly and finely punctured ; abdomen with a red spot in the centre of the base. Legs pale green ; claws black. Rostrum testaceous, with the tip black. Antennae brow r nish testaceous, apical joint wanting 43. PENTATOMA testacea, n. s. P. prsecedenti affinis, testacea, punctata; oculis nigro-fuscis ; thorace postice obscuriore ; elytrorum membrana alisque hya- linis ; abdomine supra fulvo, subtus testaceo, lateribus fusco- punctato, stigmatibus nigris ; rostro testaceo, apice fusco ; an- tennarum articulis 1 et 2 et reliquis basi pallidis, 3, 4 et 5 apice pallide ferrugineis. ? . Long. lin. 4. a. S. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. 44. PENTATOMA taeniola, n. s. P. prsecedentibus affinis, viridis, punctata ; oculis nigris ; thorace HEMIPTERA. 251 fascia transversa, scutelloque apice sanguineis ; abdomine luteo, marginibus punctis nigris. 9 Long. lin. 3f . An P. antiguensis, Hope, Cat. 36 ? Ovate, green, very thickly and rather finely punctured. Head rather elongate. Eyes black ; ocelli brownish. Thorax with a deep crimson band between the lateral angles. Scutellum with the apex deep crimson. Membrane transparent, spotless. Ab- domen above and beneath pale yellow, very thickly and finely punctured ; the lateral margins with a black dot on the apical angle of each segment. Breast greenish, very thickly punctured. Thighs pale green, testaceous at the base ; tibiae and tarsi green ; claws black at the apex. Rostrum very pale, with the tip black. Antennae with the first and second joints, and the base of the third, very pale green, the apex of the third and the fourth pale ferruginous, fifth wanting. a. Central America. From Mr. Children's Collection. 45. PENTATOMA obsoleta, n. s. P. praecedenti valde affinis, pallide fulvescens, punctata; mem- brana hyalina, punctis nonnullis obsoletis fuscis ; abdominis marginibus fulvis, punctis 4 nigris ; antennarum articulo se- cundo tertio multo breviore, articulis 2 basalibus totis, tertio, quartoque basi, testaceis, tertio apice, quintoque ferrugineis, quarto basi excepto brunneo. 9 . Long. lin. 5. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection, 46. PENTATOMA custator. Cimex custator, Fab. S. R. 164. 43 (1803). Pentatoma custator, H. Sch. Wanz.vii. 96 & 106. t. 247- fig. 771 (1844). a. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Double- day, Esq. 47. PENTATOMA fimbriata. Cimex fimbriatus, Fab. E. S. iv. 121 . 159? (1794) <$ S. R. 1?5. 107 (1803); H. Sch. Wanz. v. 63. t. 164. fig. 505(1839). Pentatoma fimbriolatum, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 95 (1844). a. Java. 48. PENTATOMA viridicollis. Pentatoma viridicollis, Hope, Cat. 35? (1837). a. Java. From the East India Company's Collection. 252 HEMIPTERA. 49. PENTATOMA crossota, n. s. P. prsecedentibus valde affinis, viridis, punctata ; elytrorum corio, margine exterior! excepto, rufo ; thoracis lateribus rectis, linea tenuissima fusca. $ 9 Long. lin. 4f-5. Very closely allied to the preceding. Head, thorax and seu- tellum bright green, rather thickly and finely punctured with brown. Eyes black ; ocelli red. The head has a very short,, black line on each side in front of the eyes below the lateral mar- gin. Thorax with a very slender, reddish brown line on the edge of each lateral margin, the lateral margins straight. Scutellum with the margin of the apex whitish. Coriaceous portion of the elytra red, punctured with brown, with the outer margin green, punctured. Membrane transparent, with a large brown cloud at the base, in which are two darker brown spots. Wings trans- parent, with the principal nervure red. Abdomen above crim- son, very thickly and finely punctured, with the lateral margins bright green. Body beneath green, very thickly and finely punc- tured, except on the centre of the disc of the abdomen which is yellowish, very smooth and impunctate ; lateral margins of the abdomen with a black point on the apical angle of each segment. Legs green ; tarsi testaceous ; claws black. Rostrum pale testa- ceous, with the tip black. Antennae longer than in P.fimbriata ; second joint considerably shorter than the third; basal joint green ; second pale greenish yellow ; third becoming fulvous to- wards the apex ; fourth and fifth fulvous, with the tips brown. a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. b.1 Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 50. PENTATOMA affinis, n. s. P. praecedenti valde affinis, differt antennis brevioribus, articulis 3, 4 et 5 fulvis, apice nigris ; thoracis lateribus subrotundatis, sine linea tenui nigra ; elytrorum corio rufo-fusco, nigro ma- culoso-punctato. S ? . Long. lin. 4J. a. Australia. Presented by John M'Gillivray, Esq. 51. PENTATOMA notia, n. s. P. Ia3te viridis, fusco-punctata ; capite postice, thoracis macula media antica, scutelli macula basali, fulvis; elytrorum disco fulvo, nigro maculato. 9 . Long. lin. 3^. Ovate, rather broad, light green, thickly and finely punctured with brown. Head with the vertex orange. Eyes pitchy black ; HEMIPTERA. 253 ocelli brown. Thorax brownish towards the hinder margin, mar- gined anteriorly, with a bright orange spot touching the centre of the anterior margin and a streak of the same colour on each lateral angle. Scutellum with a large orange spot in the centre of the base, continued in a line nearly to the apex ; the apex whitish. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the disc bright orange, with three more or less confluent patches of black punc- tures, the orange portion impunctate ; the outer margin green, finely punctured; membrane transparent, clouded with brown between the nervures. Wings brown, darkest at the apex. Ab- domen above orange, very thickly and finely punctured, with the margins green. Abdomen beneath with the disc ochreous, the sides green, rather finely and sparingly punctured, the centre of the disc impunctate. Breast bright green, irregularly punctured, with the centre ochreous. Legs green. Rostrum testaceous, with the tip black. Antennas pale green. a. New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. 52. PENTATOMA variegata. Cimex variegatus, Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. 48. t. 2. fig. 62 (1783). Pentatoma orbitalis, Hope, Cat. 35 (1837). Cimex facetus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 172. 106 (1837). Stall, Pun. pi. 14. fig. 93. a. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. Cape of Good Hope. From M . Drege's Collection. 53. PENTATOMA pulchra, n. s. P. rotundato-ovata, luteo, fulvo, nigroque variegata, punctata ; capite pallide fulvo, immaculate ; anteimis nigris, articulis 2 basalibus fulvis. 9 . Long. lin. 65. Rounded ovate. Head rather .large, pale tawny, smooth and impunctate, with the sides narrowly margined. Eyes black; ocelli red. Thorax with six black spots which occupy nearly the whole surface, namely, a rather small oblong transverse spot on each side close to the anterior margin, a larger one on each lateral angle, and two large, somewhat quadrate spots, covering nearly the whole disc and reaching the posterior margin ; the narrow anterior margin, the anterior portion of the lateral margins, a transverse line near the anterior margin, a central longitudinal line, and a longitudinal line on each side running from the trans- verse line to the posterior margin, are yellow ; the central longi- tudinal line has an orange spot close to the anterior margin ; the 254 HEMIPTERA. posterior portion of the disc, with the exception of the cem yellow line, is rather strongly, but not very thickly punctured, with the punctures black on the lateral longitudinal yellow lines, and there is a line of five or six fine black punctures on the yellow portion of the lateral margins close to the edge. Scutellum yel- low, orange towards the base and at the apex, with a narrow trans- verse black band interrupted in the middle, at the base, and a large, somewhat bifid, pitchy black patch occupying nearly the whole of the disc ; the basal portion smooth and impunctate, the disc rather strongly punctured, the punctures becoming finer and closer to- wards the apex, which is very finely and thickly punctured, the lateral margins punctured with black. Coriaceous portion of the elytra orange, with the inner portion yellow ; thickly and rather strongly punctured towards the base, more finely towards the apex, with an impunctate space on the disc behind the middle ; with a large patch, posteriorly deeply emarginate, on the disc about the middle, and the apical margin pitchy black; membrane dark brown; wings brown, semitransparent, with the apex darker. Abdomen above red, very thickly and finely punctured, with the margins yellow ; the margins of the second and of the base of the third segments are black. Body beneath pale yellow, smooth, and shining. Abdomen impunctate, with a large black spot on each side of each segment except the last, which has a large square spot of the same colour in the centre ; the lateral margins of the second segment are black. Breast with a line of fine blackish punctures within the margins of each segment and with two rows of large black spots on each side, of w r hich the inner row consists of three spots, one in each segment, the outer of four, of which the fourth spot is placed close to the posterior angle of the post- pectus. Legs orange, with the base of the thighs testaceous, and with a more or less distinct brown or blackish ring near the apex of the thighs. Rostrum brown, with the apex black and the basal joint pale orange. Antennae black, with the two basal joints orange. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's Collection. 54. PENTATOMA anchora. Cimex anchora, Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. 47. t. 2. fig. 60 (1783). a. Tenasserim. Presented by Packman, Esq. b. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 55. PENTATOMA cruciata. Cimex cruciatus, Fab. E. S. iv. 119. 153 (1794) # S. R. 174. 99 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 62. t. 7. fig. 59 (1801); H. Schdff. Wanz. v. 63. 1. 164. fig. 506 (1839). HEMIPTERA. 255 Pentatoma cruciata, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 132. 7 (1843). Stoll, Pun. 90. pi. 23. fig. 157. a. Tenasserim. Presented by Packman, Esq. b. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. c. N. India. From Capt. Boys' Collection. d. Java. From the East India Company's Collection. e. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. /. India. From Mr. Children's Collection. 56. PENTATOMA? perspicua. Cimex perspicuus, Fab. E. S. Supp. 533. 104 (1798); Burm. Handb. ii. 370. 16 (1835); H. Sch. Wanz. iv. 91. t. 138. fig. 429 (1839). Edessa perspicua, Fab. S. R. 151. 21 (1803). Pentatoma perspicua, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 130. 1. pi. 3. fig. 4 (1843). a. . Presented by the Entomological Club. 57. PENTATOMA? proxima, n. s. P. praecedenti valde affinis, ejusdemque coloribus ; differt prae- cipue maculis nigris paucioribus ; stigmatibus incoloribus ; rostroque ultra abdominis medium extenso, articulis 2 basali- bus rubris. $ ? . Long. lin. 7-7i- Bright red, thickly and rather finely punctured above. Head with the tip of the central lobe and a spot at its base, a spot on the centre of the vertex, a smaller one behind each eye and the orbits of the ocelli, black. Eyes black. Thorax with two round black spots on the disc. Scutellum with two large black spots at the base. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with a large, round, black spot on the disc towards the apex ; membrane black, with the apical margin white. Margins of the abdomen very prominent and thin, with the posterior angles of each segment very promi- nent and rather acute ; a narrow band on the base and apex of each segment, black. Abdomen beneath smooth and impunctate, with the margins banded with black as on the upper surface ; a black spot on the centre of the apical segment, and in the female a black spot on each of the basal vulvar plates. Breast sparingly punctured, with three black spots on each side. Thighs bright red, with the tips, and on the anterior pair a ring near the apex, black ; tibiae and tarsi black. Rostrum very long, reaching the middle of the penultimate segment of the abdomen ; the two basal joints bright red, the two apical black ; third joint very long. Antennae black. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. b. . 256 HEMIPTERA. 58. PENTATOMA ? splendida. Pentatoma splendida, Blanch. D'Orb. Diet. Univ. d'Hist. Nat. Atl. ii. 22. pi. 6. fig. 5 [P. splendens] (1849). a. Columbia. From M. Jurgens' Collection. b. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. c. Mexico. d. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. Genus 20. EPIPEDUS. Epipedus, Spin. Hem. 314 (1837); H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 90 (1844). 1. EPIPEDUS histrio. Epipedus histrio, Spin. Hem. 315 (1837); H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 90 (1844). a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. Genus 21. APLEROTUS, n. g. Head nearly rounded in front, central lobe as long as the lateral. Eyes prominent, globose ; ocelli placed near the eyes. Antenni- ferous tubercle with a small spine on the outside. Antennae of four joints ; basal joint shortest and stoutest, passing the apex of the head; second very long, as long as the third and fourth together ; third longer than the fourth. Rostrum rather short, not reaching the posterior coxae, second joint longest. Body ovate. Legs rather stout. 1. APLEROTUS maculatus, n. s. A. supra niger, punctatus, rufo-maculatus, membrana fusco-iiigra, subaenea ; abdomine subtus fulvo, macula magna nigra ante apicem, lateribus rubro nigroque variegatis ; antennis pedi- busque nigris. $ 9 Long. $ lin. 4J, ? lin. 5. . Above black, somewhat opaque, thickly punctured. Head with the lateral margins narrowly edged with yellow, and with a narrow longitudinal orange-red line on the centre of the vertex. Eyes black ; ocelli red. Thorax with a central longitudinal band, a spot in the middle of each lateral margin, continued along the margin to the anterior angle, and the posterior margin indistinctly, orange-red. Scutellum with a small spot in each basal angle, a short central longitudinal line, a broad band interrupted in the centre, across the middle, and the apex, orange-red. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with a transverse, slightly waved, orange-red band running from the inner apical angle to the outer margin con- siderably behind the middle, and with a faint streak of the same HEMIPTERA. 257 colour on the outer margin near the base ; membrane brownish black with a brassy tinge, not margined with white as in all the species of Strachia. Body beneath orange, smooth, shining. Ab- domen impunctate, with the lateral margins banded with violet- black and red ; a large transverse black spot in the middle of the base of the last segment, and two short transverse black lines at the base of the penultimate. Breast orange, spotted with blue-black on the sides, and with a large black patch on the centre. Legs, rostrum and antennae black. The specimen of the male is of a very dark variety ; the orange markings of the upper surface are more or less obsolete, and the breast is entirely blue-black. a. New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. Genus 22. STRACHIA. Cimex, p., Linn. Syst. Nat.-, Scop. Ent. Cam. (1766); DeG. Mem. iii. (1773) ; Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) % Syst. R. (1803) ; Fall. Mon. dm. (1807) $ Hem. Suec. (1826) ; Zett. Faun. Ins. Lapp. (1828) fy Ins. Lapp. (1840); Burm. Handb. ii. (1835); Ramb. Faun. And. ii. (1841?). Strachia, Hahn, Wanz. i. 180 (1831). Eurydema, Lap. Hem. (1832) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 37 (1835); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 23 (1848) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 21 (1846). Eurydema, Strachia et Ocedosoma, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. (1843). * Second joint of the antenna longer than the third ; lateral lobes of the head meeting in front of the central. (EURYDEMA, Am. 4* Serv.) 1. STRACHIA ornata. Cimex ornatus, Linn. F. S. 251. 937 (1761) Sf S. N. i. 723. 56 (1767); Scop. Ent. Cam. 123. 361 (1766) ; Fab. E. S.iv. 117. 144 (1794) S. R. 172.93(1803); Panz. F. G.33.21; Wolff, Ic. dm. 15. t. 2. fig. 15 (1800); Fall. Mon. dm. 49. 15 (1807) 8f Hem. Suec. 30. 15 (1826) ; Burm. Handb. ii. 368. 12 (1835) ; Ramb. F. And. ii. 118. 1 (1841?). Cimex festivus, Linn. S. N. ii. 723. 57 (1767); Fab. E. S. iv. 118. 151 (1794) Sf S. R. 173. 95 (1803) ; Panz. F. G. 6. 19 ; Wolff, Ic. dm. 61. t. 6. fig. 58 (1801). Cimex dominulus, Scop. Ent. Cam. 124. 362 (1766). Strachia festiva, Hahn, Wanz. i. 181. t. 29. fig. 93 (1831). Pentatoma ornata, L. Duf. Rech. 30. 6 (1833). Eurydema ornatum, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 55 & 91 (1835). Eurydema herbaceum, H. Sch. Cont. Panz. F. G. 115. 12, fy Nom. Ent. i. 55 & 91 (1835). 258 HEMIPTERA. Pentatoma pictum, H. Sch. Cont. Panz. F. G. 116. 12 & 13. Eurydema pictum, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 55 & 91 (1835). Strachia ornata, herbacea et picta, Hahn, Wanz. iii. 12. 13 & ] t.77. %. 238-240(1835). Eurydema ornata, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 126. 1 (1843) ; Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 24. 1 (1848). Eurydema ornatum, festivum, decoratum, herbaceum, Lhesgi- cum, Armeniacum, et pictum, Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 25-29. sp. 144-151 (1846). Eurydema, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 437. 49 (1845). Geoff. Ins. i. 469. 69. Stoll,Pun. 15. pi. 2. fig. 11. (a. Cimex ornatus, Linn., $*c.) a. France. b. Italy. c. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. d. Malta. From Mr. Children's Collection. d*. India. Presented by General Thomas Hardwicke. df. N. India. From Capt. Boys' Collection, rfj. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. 08. Eurydema Armeniacum, Kolen.) e. Italy. (y. Cimex festivus, Linn.; C. dominulus, Scop.; E. herba- ceum, H. Sch.) /. France. g. Italy. (S. Pentatoma pictum, H. Sch.) h. Italy. Presented by Dr. Dowler. i. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. j- Italy. k. France. 2. STRACHIA pulchra. Pentatoma pulchra, Hope, Cat. 34 (1837). a. Java. Presented by M. Serville. b. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 3. STRACHIA Gebleri. Cimex sexpunetatus, Gebler, Mem. Mosc. v. 332. 9 (1817). Eurydema Gebleri, Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 23. 143. t. 15. fig. 30 (1846). a. . Presented by Dr. Dowler. 4. STRACHIA oleracea. Cimex oleraceus, Linn. S. N. i. 722. 53 (1767) ; DeG. Mem. iii. 266. 10. pi. 15. fig. 22 & 23 (1773); Fab. E. S. iv. 121. 162 HEMIPTERA. 259 (1794) Sf S. R. 177. 112 (1803) ; Panz. F. G. 32. 12; Wolff, Ic. dm. 16. t. 2. fig. 16 (1800); Fall. Mon. dm. 49. 16 (1807) # Hem. Suec. 31. 16 (1826); Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 465. 8 (1828) <$ Ins. Lapp. 260. 8 (1840); Burm. Handb. ii. 368. 11 (1835). Strachia oleracea, Hdhn, Wanz. i. 182, t. 29. fig. 94 (1831). Eurydema oleraceum, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 55 & 91 (1835). Eurydema oleracea, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 25. 2 (1848). Ospriodes, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 439. 50 (1845). Geoff. Ins. i. 471. 74. Stoll, Pun. pi. 5. fig. 32 & 33. a. France. b. France. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. c. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. d. Polish Ukraine. Presented by Dr. Dowler. 5. STRACHIA picta. Cimex pictus, Fab. E. S. iv. 122. 163 (1794) fy S. R. 177. 115 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 17. t. 2. fig. 17 (1800). a. India. Presented by General Thomas Hardwicke. b. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. 6. STRACHIA hilaris. Cimex hilaris, Burm. Handb. ii. 368 (1835). Cimex jucundus, King fy Ehr. Symb. Phys. v. t. 44. fig. 6 (1845?). i Cimex hebraicus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 177- 115 (1837). Cimex pictus, H. Sch. Wanz. v. 64. t. 165. fig. 508 (1839). Stoll, Pun. 133. pi. 34. fig. 237. a. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. S. Africa. c. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. t Second joint of the antenna shorter or not longer than the third; lateral lobes of the head not meeting beyond the central. (STRACHIA & OCEDOSOMA, Am. fy Serv.) 7. STRACHIA gloriosa. Pentatoma gloriosa, Hope, Cat. 34 (1837). Cimex musivus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 176. 114 (1837). Eurydema musiva, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 84. t. 242. fig. 751 (1844). a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. b. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 260 HEMIPTERA. 8. STRACHIA pcecila, n. s. S. nigro, flavo, rubroque variegata ; praecedenti valde affinis, dif- fert scutello apice angustiori, medio flavo, rubro tincto, linea central! longitudinali uigra. ? . Long. lin. 4. Ovate. Head black, with five yellow spots, one on the inner margin of each lateral lobe, one on the centre of the vertex, and an oblique one on each side of this near the eyes. Eyes dark brown. Thorax divided across the middle by a strongly punc- tured transverse furrow ; the anterior portion black, nearly im- punctate, but with a transverse ovate impression, enclosing a raised orange spot, near each anterior angle ; the anterior margin yellow, interrupted in the middle ; the lateral margins and two spots on each side on the disc yellow ; close to the middle of the anterior margin is a large red patch, which gives off posteriorly a yellow line which runs down the centre of the thorax to the posterior margin ; the posterior portion of the thorax is varie- gated with black and yellow and coarsely punctured ; the poste- rior margin is yellow, and an orange line runs across the disc close to the transverse furrow. Scutellum rather strongly punc- tured ; the base black and somewhat wrinkled, with a yellow im punctate spot in the centre and another in each basal angle ; the lateral margins and the middle of the disc yellow tinged with red and punctured with black, with an irregular black line down the centre, which expands into a transverse black spot near the apex ; the apex is much narrower than in the preceding specie yellow, with a tinge of red at the extreme tip, and impunctati Coriaceous portion of the elytra black, punctured, with yellow lines on the outer margin and along the course of the princip nervures, a yellow spot on the outer margin near the base, a larj oblique one tinged with orange at the apex, an irregular ova pale yellow one on the disc before the middle, and a small one at the inner apical angle ; membrane dark brown. Wings brown. Back of the abdomen red ; margins black, thickly punctured, and with a yellow band at the posterior margin of each segment. Body beneath yellow, shining. Abdomen with a black spot on the lateral margins of each segment which includes the stigma and runs up towards the disc in a short impressed line ; a black line also runs across each of the sutures ; each segment has a red line on each side, which rises from the basal margin a little within the line of the stigmata, runs longitudinally nearly to the posterior margin, and then turns off towards the centre of the disc which it nearly reaches ; the basal margin of the anal apparatus and two spots on the apical segment are black. Breast with a few irre- gularly scattered black punctures and a few black lines and spots HEMIPTERA. 261 on each side. Legs longitudinally striped with yellow and black ; tarsi black. Rostrum black, with the base yellow. Antennae black. a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. 9. STRACHIA alienata. Cimex alienatus, Fab. S. R. 173. 97 (1803). Ciinex variegatus, King fy Ehr. Symb. Phys. v. t. 44. fig. 7 (1845?) (in textu Cimex coloratus). a. W. Africa. b. S. Africa. c. Port Natal. From Dr. Gueinzius' Collection. 10. STRACHIA speciosa, n. s. S. supra nigra, nitida, flavo rubroque variegata ; membrana fusca, jieneo-subnitida, limbo hyalino; subtus fulva, linea utrinque submarginali rufescenti, abdomine stigmatibus nigris, et utrin- que serie punctorum nigrorum. 9 Long. lin. 3^-. Rather elongate ovate. Head black, impunctate, with the in- ner margin of each of the lateral lobes yellow, an orange spot at the base of each lateral lobe, a large oblong orange-yellow spot on the centre of the vertex, and a minute yellow dot on each side between this and the eyes. Eyes pitchy ; ocelli red. Tho- rax black, divided in the middle by a deep, transverse, strongly punctured furrow ; anterior portion smooth", shining, impunctate, with the broad lateral margins, a short line on each side on the anterior margin, and four spots across the disc, just in front of the transverse furrow, yellow ; a small raised orange spot near each anterior angle surrounded by a depressed line; posterior portion irregularly punctured, with a broad central yellow longi- tudinal band, expanded on the posterior margin (and probably continued on the anterior lobe), and a narrower band of the same colour on each side. Scutellum rather elongated, punctured ; the base black, with a broad, central, longitudinal yellow line, and an orange spot in each angle ; the posterior portion yellow, with a large red patch on the disc, at and behind which, the late- ral margins are black ; apex impunctate. Coriaceous portion of the elytra black, punctured, with the disc smooth ; with the outer margin broadly but interruptedly pale yellow, the two inner ner- vures pale yellow, an orange spot on the disc before the middle, and a large irregular yellow patch tinged with red in the middle, at the apex ; membrane dark brown, shining, somewhat brassy, with the margin hyaline. Body beneath tawny, very smooth, shining. Abdomen impunctate, with a row of spots on each 262 HEMIPTERA. lateral margin, a similar row on each side within the line of stig- mata, and the stigmata themselves, black ; the stigmata are seated in a reddish longitudinal line. Breast more or less punctured and spotted with black. Thighs pale yellow striped with black, especially towards the apex ; tibiae yellow, with two black lines on the outside; tarsi blackish brown. Rostrum pitchy black, with the base yellow. Antennae black, with the second joint much shorter than the third, the basal joint yellow beneath. a. N. India. From Capt. Boys' Collection. 11. STRACHIA crucigera. Strachia cruciger, Hahn, Wanz. i. 184. t. 29. fig. 95 (1831). a. Java. Presented by M. Guerin-Meneville. b. Java. Presented by M. Percheron. c. Java. From Mr. Melly's Collection. d. Java. From the East India Company's Collection. 12. STRACHIA bicolor, n. s. S. elongato-ovata, viridi-senea, nitida; corpore subtus, scutello, thoracis elytrorumque maculis, femoribusque basi, albidis ; an- tennis elongatis, nigris. ? . Long. lin. 4. Elongate ovate, above deep brassy green, shining. Head im- punctate, with the inner margins of the lateral lobes and a spot on the vertex whitish'. Thorax divided across the middle by a deep transverse, punctured furrow ; the anterior portion impunc- tate, but with a deep impression on each side, the posterior por- tion coarsely punctured towards the transverse furrow ; the an- terior and postero-lateral margins narrowly, the lateral margins broadly, yellowish white ; the anterior portion of the disc with a large yellowish white square patch in the centre, continued in a narrow line along the centre of the posterior portion to the hinder margin. Scutellum entirely yellowish white, sparingly punctured with dark brown across the middle. Coriaceous portion of the elytra thickly punctured, with the disc smooth ; the outer mar- gin at the base, a small spot on the disc before the middle, and a transverse band running from the inner apical angle to the outer margin, yellowish white ; membrane dark brown, shining with brassy green, with the margin transparent. Body beneath yellowish white, smooth, shining, impunctate ; abdomen with a row of blackish, brassy green spots on each side within the stig- mata ; breast with a broad, blackish, brassy green band on each side. Thighs whitish at the base, striped with brassy blackish green and white at the apex ; tibiae and tarsi black. Rostrum HEMIPTERA. 263 pitchy, with the base whitish. Antennae black, very long ; second joint about one-third the length of the third. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 13. STRACHIA limbata. Cimex limbatus, Fab. S. R. 176. 110 (1803); Burm. Handb. ii. 367. 10 (1835); H. Schdff. Warn. iv. 91. t. 138. fig. 430 (1839). Strachia limbata, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 127. 1 (1843). a. Java. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Java. From Mr. Melly's Collection. c. Java. From the East India Company's Collection. d. N. Holland. From Mr. Children's Collection. 14. STRACHIA elegans. 3imex elegans, Don. South Sea Ins. Hem. pi. 3. tig. 7 (1805). a. New Holland. b. New Holland. Presented by Lord Mountnorris. c. New Holland. From Mr. Children's Collection. d. New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D, 15. STRACHIA histrionica. Strachia histrionica, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 116. t. 65. fig. 196 (1834). a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. b. Mexico. From Dr. Hartweg's Collection. c. Mexico. d. . From Mr. Children's Collection. i 16. STRACHIA acroleuca. Pentatoma acroleucum, Perty, Del. 168. pi. 33. fig. 11 (1834). Cimex acroleucus, Burm. Handb. ii. 366. 6 (1835). Ocedosoma acroleucum, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 128. 1 (1843). Pa. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club, b. S. America. 17- STRACHIA bifasciata. Pentatoma bifasciatum, \H. Sch. Wanz. iii. 96. t. 104. fig. 321 (1836). Pentatoma trifasciata, Hope, Cat. 37 (1837). a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. b. Brazil. From Mr. Children's Collection. 18. STRACHIA violascens. Pentatoma violascens, Hope, Cat. 34 (1837). 264 HEMIPTERA. 19. STRACHIA munda, n. s. S. supra nigro-caerulea, albo-variegata, subtus albida, lateril nigro-maculatis ; membrana hyalina, macula nigra basali ; j dibus albidis nigro-maculatis. 9 . Long. lin. 5. Ovate, rather broad. Head blue-black, shining, impunctate, with the tip of the central lobe, an oblique line running from the base of the inner margin of each lateral lobe to the outer margin beyond the middle, and a narrow longitudinal line on the centre of the vertex, yellowish white. Eyes black; ocelli reddish. Thorax blue-black, shining, with a shallow, punctured furrow across the disc about the middle ; the rest of the surface impunc- tate ; with the lateral margins, a central longitudinal line, a transverse line near to, and parallel with, the anterior margin, a short transverse line on each side close to the transverse furrow and touching the lateral margins, a longitudinal line running from the middle of this to the middle of each postero-lateral margin, and these margins themselves, yellowish white. Scutellum blue- black, shining, rather coarsely punctured in the middle, impunc- tate at base and apex ; with a central longitudinal line not reach- ing the apex, the ^lateral margins to beyond the middle, a trans- verse line on each side near the base, running from the lateral margins towards the middle, but not reaching the central line, find the apex, yellowish white. Coriaceous portion of the elytra blue-black, shining, rather coarsely punctured on the outer and inner margins, especially towards the base of the outer, very finely and faintly punctured at the apex, the disc impunctate ; a small spot at the base, another on the outer margin at some di- stance before the middle, a transverse band running from the outer margin a little behind the middle towards the inner apical angle, but broadly furcate about the middle of the disc, and a small spot on the apical margin towards the outer angle, yellowish white ; membrane hyaline, with a large deep black patch at the inner basal angle. Margins of the abdomen banded with black and white. Body beneath yellowish white, smooth, shining, im- punctate. Abdomen with a row of black spots on the lateral margins, a black spot on each of the stigmata, and a short, trans- verse, black line on each side at the base of every segment. Breast with a large black patch, enclosing a whitish spot, on each side of each segment. Legs yellowish white; thighs spotted with black at the apex ; knees black ; tibiae with two pairs of short black lines on the outer margin ; tarsi brownish at the apex. Rostrum pale, with the tip pitchy. Antennae black ; basal joint white, with a black line on the upper surface ; the articula tions of the other joints white. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. HEMIPTERA. 265 20. STRACHIA concinna, n. s. S. supra cseruleo-violacea, nitida, albo-variegata, subtus albida, lateribus nigro-maculatis; membrana nigra, limbo hyalino; pedibus albidis, nigro-maculatis. $ . Long. lin. 3. Ovate. Head deep blue violet, shining, with the vertex very finely and rather sparingly punctured, the tip of the central lobe, the inner margins of the lateral lobes, a large oblique spot on each lateral lobe, and an indistinct spot on the vertex, white. Eyes very prominent, globose, black; ocelli reddish. Thorax deep blue violet, very smooth and shining, divided across the middle by a deep, punctured furrow ; anterior margin strongly punctured ; the disc, especially of the posterior portion, with a few coarse punctures ; the lateral and postero-lateral margins, a central longitudinal line, and a transverse line on each side, near the anterior margin, not touching either the lateral margins or the central line, clear yellowish white. Scutellum deep blue violet, very shining, finely punctured at the base, which is slightly raised, rather coarsely punctured in the middle, impunctate at the apex, with a central longitudinal yellowish white line running from the base to the apex, and a line of the same colour on each lateral margin which does not reach the apex, but joins the central line a little behind the middle. Coriaceous portion of the elytra deep blue violet, rather strongly punctured, with the disc smooth, a small yellowish white spot at the base, another on the outer margin at some distance before the middle, and a transverse band of the same colour running from behind the middle of the outer margin (where it is considerably expanded) towards the inner apical angle ; this is broadly furcate on the disc, the lower branch of the fork reaching the apex; membrane deep black, shining, tinged with violet, with the margin colourless. Margins of the abdomen black, with a narrow white band at the apical margin of each segment. Body beneath yellowish white, very smooth, shining. Abdomen with a large violet-black patch on each side of each segment, leaving only a narrow white band on the poste- rior margin. Breast with the sides violet-black, with a few punc- tures ; sutures white. Legs yellowish white ; thighs more or less spotted and striped with black ; knees black ; tibiae with two pairs of short black lines on the outer margin ; tarsi black at the tip. Rostrum yellowish white, with the tip black. Antennae with the basal joint white, with the base black; the remainder ilack, with the articulations white, the second and third joints tfith a brassy green tinge. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 266 HEMIPTERA. 21. STRACHIA? decorata, n. s. S. ? aurantiaca, nitida, punctata; thoracis marginibus dilatatis, rotundatis, valde reflexis ; thorace, scutello, elytrorum corio, et lateribus abdominis pectorisque, nigro-maculatis ; membrana nigra, limbo lato hyalino ; antennis pedibusque nigris. $ . Long. lin. 7-J- Ovate. Head pale yellow, impunctate, with the orbits and a central longitudinal line, which becomes wider towards the apex, deep black. Eyes brown ; ocelli yellow. Thorax bright orange, shining, rather finely punctured, with the lateral margins round- ed, much dilated and strongly reflexed, with two large, somewhat quadrate black spots, encircled with pale yellow, close to the middle of the posterior margin. Scutellum bright orange, shi- ning, rather thickly punctured, with two large black spots close to the base and a smaller one in each basal angle ; the apex, and the surface surrounding these black spots, pale yellow. Coria- ceous portion of the elytra bright orange, shining, thickly and rather finely punctured, with the apical portion pale yellow and bearing two black spots; one placed near the outer margin, somewhat quadrate, the other smaller and rounded, close to the inner apical angle ; membrane black, shining, somewhat brassy, with a broad transparent border. Margins of the abdomen yel- low, with a large black patch at the junction of each segment. Abdomen beneath bright orange, smooth, shining, impunctate, with the lateral margins and two or three large spots on each side of the disc pale yellow ; a large spot on each lateral mar- gin at the junction of every segment, the stigmata, and a spot on the centre of each segment, black. Breast pale yellow, with the lateral margins orange, the antepectus punctured ; stigmata black ; a large patch on each segment within the stigmata, and the centre of the breast, black. Legs black, with the base and under surface of the thighs and a more or less distinct ring to- wards their apices, yellowish white. Rostrum reaching the poste- rior coxae, pitchy black, with the basal joint and base of the second yellowish white. Antennae entirely black; basal joint stout, passing the apex of the head ; second joint longer than the first, much shorter than the third ; fourth longest, fifth a little long than the third. a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. 22. STRACHIA? spectabilis. Cimex spectabilis, Drury, Ins. hi. 65. pi. 46. fig. 4 (1782). a. Brazil. Presented by Sir Charles Stuart. b. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. c. Brazil. HEMIPTERA. 267 23. STRACHIA? rufifrons, n. s. S. supra coccineo nigroque variegata, nitida, punctata, scutello cruce rufo ; membrana fusco-nigra, margine fuscescenti-hya- lina ; abdomine coccineo, lateribus nigro-maculatis ; antennis nigris, articulo basali rufo ; pedibus nigris. 9 . Long. lin. 6J-7. Ovate, rather broad, variegated with bright red and brassy black, shining, very finely punctured. Head impunctate, with the anterior portion from the eyes to the apex red, the vertex black, with a small red spot in the centre of the base. Eyes black; ocelli small, yellowish. Thorax with the anterior and lateral margins and two large spots on the posterior margin, black, the rest red. Scutellum with a large black spot in each basal angle, and another about the middle of each lateral margin, leaving a large cross on the disc, and the apex, red. Coriaceous portion strongly rugose at the inner and outer margins, with a red band across the base and apex, the centre black ; membrane pitchy black, shining, somewhat brassy, with the margin semi- transparent, brownish. Margins of the abdomen banded with red and black, the basal portion of each segment being red. Abdomen beneath bright red, smooth, shining, impunctate, with a large black spot occupying the posterior portion of each lateral margin in the second, third, fourth and fifth segments, a black spot on the stigmata on each of these segments, and a large trans- verse black spot on the centre of the last segment. Breast black, shining, slightly punctured, with the centre more or less red. Legs black. Rostrum black, with the basal joint and the base of the second red. Antennae black, with the basal joint red. a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. 24. STRACHIA? nigrorubra, n. s. S. nigra, nitida, tenuissime punctata ; thorace, lateribus exceptis, cruce basali scutelli, dimidio apicali corii, lateribusque abdo- minis, coccineis ; punctis 2 thoracis et uno in singulo elytro, nigris ; abdominis marginibus nigro-maculatis. $ . Long. lin. 5. Ovate, rather broad, variegated with bright red and black, shining, very finely punctured. Head black, impunctate. Eyes black ; ocelli reddish. Thorax red, with the anterior and lateral margins broadly black, the former interrupted in the middle, and with two small round black spots on the disc. Scutellum black, with a red cross, formed of a tolerably broad band across near the base, which reaches the lateral margins, and of a central lon- gitudinal line which tapers off towards the apex and vanishes N2 268 HEMIPTERA. entirely a little beyond the middle. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the basal half black, the apical bright red, with a small round black spot a little behind the centre of the disc. Membrane black, with the margin white. Margins of the abdo- men banded with black and red, the basal portion of each seg- ment being red. Breast and disc of the abdomen black ; the sides of the abdomen broadly bright red, with a spot on the lateral margin of each segment and the stigmata black ; the apical seg- ment red, with a large black spot in the centre ; anal apparatus black. Legs, rostrum and antennae deep black; the antennae gradually increasing in thickness to the apex of the fourth joint ; fifth wanting. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. Genus 23. TROPICORIS. Cimex, p., Linn. S. N. i. (1767); Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) 4- Syst. R. (1803) ; Fall Mon. dm. (1807) fy Hem. Suec. (1829); Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Pentatoma, p., LeP. fy Serv. Enc. Meth. x. (1825) ; H. Schdff. Norn. Ent. (1835). Tropicoris, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 52 (1834) ; Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 44 (1846). Cimex, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 149 (1843); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 30 (1848). 1. TROPICORIS rufipes. Cimex rufipes, Linn. S. N. i. 719. 24 (1767); DeG. Mem. iii. 253. 2 (1773) ; Fab. E. S. iv. 93. 56 (1794) & S. R. 156. 5 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 9. 1. 1. fig. 9 (1800); Fall. Mon. dm. 46. / (1807) # Hem. Suec. 26. 7 (1829) ; Burm. Handb. ii. 366. 7 (1835); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 149. 1 (1843); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 30. 13 (1848). Pentatoma rufipes, LeP. fy Serv. Enc. x. 55. 13 (1825); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 56 & 93 (1835). Tropicoris rufipes, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 54. t. 4?. fig. 145 (1834); Kolen. Mel. Ent. iv. 44. 169 (1846). Tropicoris, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 454. 70 (1845). a. England. b. France. c. France. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. Genus 24. ^Ecius, n. g. Head elongate, narrowed in front, finely emarginate at the apex, lateral lobes passing the central lobe considerably and HEMIPTERA. 269 meeting beyond it. Antennae rather more than half the length of the body, of five joints ; basal joint stoutest, scarcely passing the apex of the head; second joint about equal to the first, re- mainder gradually increasing in length to the fifth. Rostrum short, not passing the intermediate coxae ; basal joint short and stout, second longest, third longer than the fourth, which is about equal to the first. Body ovate. Thorax with the lateral angles produced into strong blunt spines, directed forwards. Scutellum of moderate size, with the apex rounded. Elytra with the outer margin of the coriaceous portion much dilated about the middle. Membrane with longitudinal nervures. Margins of the abdomen strongly toothed, the posterior angles of each segment projecting considerably beyond the base of the following one. Ventral spine very short and obtuse. Sternum not keeled. Tarsi of three joints. 1. ^Ecius aereus. PI. IX. fig. 4. Cimex aereus, H. Sch. Wanz. vi. 69. t. 203. fig. 635 (1842). Pentatoma aereum, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 94 (1844). Genus 25. CATAULAX. Dinocoris, p., Burm. Handb. ii.? (1835). Cataulax, Spin. Hem. 339 (1837). 1. CATAULAX macraspis. Pentatoma macraspis, Perty, Del. 166. pi. 33. fig. 7 (1834). Dinocoris macraspis, Burm. Handb. ii. 364. 2 ? (1835). Cataulax macraspis, Spin. Hem. 339 (1837). Genus 26. BATHYCCELIA. Pentatoma, p., Pal. Beauv. Ins. (1805). Bathycoelia, Am. <$ Serv. Hem. 110 (1843). Gastraulax, H. Schdff. Wanz. vii. 61 (1844). 1. BATHYCCELIA thalassima. Gastraulax thalassinus, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 62. t. 235. fig. 731 (1844). a. Gambia. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. b. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. 2. BATHYCCELIA buonopoziensis. Pentatoma buonopoziensis, Pal. B. Ins. 82. Hem. pi. 7. fig. 2. Bathyccelia buonopoziensis, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 110. 1 (1843). a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 270 HEMIPTERA. 3. BATHYCCELIA indica, n. s. B. supra pallide virescens, punctatissima, scutello basi punc nigris ; subtus albido-lutea, nitida ; antennarum basi thoracis que lateribus, violaceis. c? . Long. lin. 9J. Above very pale green, very thickly and minutely punctu_ _ Head slightly truncated at the apex. Thorax with the later; margins edged with violet. Scutellum with a small round bla spot in each basal angle. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the outer margin dark green, except towards the base; membrane transparent, colourless. Body beneath pale yellow, smooth and shining ; abdomen impunctate ; breast finely punctured. Legs pale yellow. Rostrum pale yellow, with the tip of the last joint black. Antenna? with the two basal joints and the base of the third pale violet, third and fourth joints pale yellow, fifth wanting. a. N. India. From Capt. Boys' Collection. Genus 27. CATACANTHUS. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) # Syst. Eh. (1803); Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Edessa, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803). Pentatoma, p., LeP. fy Serv. Enc. Meth. x. (1825). Catacanthus, Spin. Hem. 352 (1837); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 141 (1843). * Abdomen with a strong basal spine. 1. CATACANTHUS incarnatus. Cimex incarnatus, Drury, Ins. ii. 67. pi. 36. fig. 5 (1773); Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. 46 (1783). Cimex aurantius, Sulz. Gesch. Ins. 96. t. 10. fig. 10 (1776) ; Fab. E. S. iv. 105. 99 (1794). Cimex nigripes, Fab. E. S. iv. 106. 101 (1794); Wolff, Ic. Cim. 11. t. 2. fig. 11 (1800) ; Don. Ins. Ind. Hem. pi. 8. fig. 1 (1800). Edessa aurantia et nigripes, Fab. S. R. 149. 14 & 17 (1803). Pentatoma nigripes, LeP. fy Serv. Enc. x. 53. 4. pi. 123. 24 (1825). Cimex aurantiacus, Burm. Handb. ii. 365. 1 (1835). Catacanthus aurantius et incarnatus, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 142. 1 & 2 (1843). Stoll, Pun. 14. pi. 2. fig. 10 & 29. pi. 6. fig. 39. Stoll, Pww.21.pl. 4. fig. 26? a. Pondicherry. Presented by M. Reiche. b. Tenasserim. Presented by Packman, Esq. HEMIPTERA. 2?1 c. Ceylon. Presented by Miss K. Wenham. d. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's Collection. e. Ceylon. From the Rev. J. Wenham's Collection. /. Corea. Presented by Capt. Sir Edward Belcher. g. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. J. Hooker. h. Madras. Presented by Mrs. Capt. Hamilton. i. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. k. Bombay. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. I. Bengal. Presented by General Thomas Hardwicke. CATACANTHUS nigripes. Cimex nigripes, Sulz. Gesch. Ins. 96. t. 10. fig. 9 (1776). Cimex punctum, Fab. E. S. iv. 105. 100 (1794). Edessa punctum, Fab. S. R. 149. 16 (1803). Raphigaster Carrenoi, LeGuillou, Rev. Zool. iv. 262. 9 (1841). Stoll. Pun. 29. pi. 6. fig. 40. I a. New Holland. b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Louisiade Islands. Presented by John MacGillivray, Esq. Abdominal spine obsolete or merely indicated. (CHALCOCORIS, White, MSS.) 3. CATACANTHUS ? anchorago. Cnnex anchorago, Drury, Ins. iii. 66. pi. 46. fig. 5 (1782). Cimex rutilans, Fab. E. S. iv. 108. 108 (1794). Edessa rutilans, Fab. S. R. 151. 25 (1803). Stoll, Pun. 72. pi. 18. fig. 122. I a. West Africa. Presented by B. Frend, Esq. b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. ,. Genus 28. VULSIREA. Cimex, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) # Syst. R. (1803) ; Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Edessa, p., Fab. Syst. R. (1803). Vulsirea. Spin. Hem. 350 (1837) ; Am. $ Serv. Hem. 142 (1843); H. Sch. Wanz. viii. (1845). * Lateral angles of the thorax unarmed. ( VULSIREA, pr.) 1. VULSIREA nigrorubra. Vulsirea nigrorubra, Spin. Hem. 351. 2 (1837); Am. & Serv. Hem. 143. 1 (1843). a. Cuba. Presented by M. Guerin-Meneville. 2/2 HEMIPTERA. 2. VULSIREA ancora. Vulsirea ancora, Spin. Hem. 351. 1 (1837); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 143. 2^(1843); H. Sck. Wanz. viii. 12 (1845). a. S. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. 3. VULSIREA dispar. Dinidor dispar, Hope, Cat. 25 (1837). a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. New Holland. 4. VULSIREA pulchella. Cimex pulchellus, Drury, Ins. iii. 67. pi. 46. fig. 8 (1782), Cimex concentricus, Burm. Handb. ii. 365. 5 (1835). Stoll, Pm.83.pl. 21.% 142. a. . Presented by Sir Edward Belcher. b. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection, c. Columbia. 5. VULSIREA formosa, n. s. V. prsecedenti valde affinis, nigro-aenea, punctata ; capite, ma- culis 2 thoracis, scutelli fascia arcuata basali, apiceque, elytro- rum fascia transversa, corporeque subtus, aurantiacis; abdo- mine pectoreque maculis tribus utrinque, pedibus, antennis rostroque nigris ; antennarum articulo basali aurantiaco. 9 Long. lin. 9. Stoll, Pun. 23. pi. 5. fig. 30. Ovate, above brassy greenish black, shining, punctured. Head bright orange, smooth, shining and impunctate. Thorax coarsely punctured, with a large, impunctate, orange spot in each humeral angle. Scutellum coarsely punctured at the base, more finely towards the apex, with an arched transverse band running from one basal angle to the other, and the apex, bright orange. Co- riaceous portion of the elytra with a small bright orange spot at the base and a transverse band of the same colour behind the middle; membrane brassy green. Margins of the abdomen bright orange. Body beneath bright orange. Abdomen smooth and shining, impunctate, with three black spots on each side within the lateral margins. Ventral spine very short. Breast with a few patches of fine punctures, and with three black spots on each side. Legs black. Rostrum black, reaching the poste- rior margin of the fourth ventral segment. Antennae black ; the basal joint bright orange, with the tip black. a. Para. From Messrs. Wallace and Bates' Collection. HEMIPTERA. 2?3 t Lateral angles of the thorax produced into acute spines or tubercular processes. 6. VULSIREA ? variegata. Cimex variegatus, Drury, Ins. ii. 72. pi. 38. fig. 4 (1773). Cimex validus, Drury, Ins. iii. 64. pi. 45. fig. 6 (1782); Burm. Handb. ii. 365. 4 (1835). Cimex tarandus, Fab. E. S. iv. 93. 53 (1794). Edessa tarandus, Fab. S. R. 147. 9 (1803). 7. VULSIREA ? liturata, n. s. V. supra fusca, punctata ; thoracis angulis lateralibus tubercu- latis, margine antico, lituraque utrinque, scutellique margini- bus lateralibus, flavis ; abdominis marginibus aurantiacis, nigro- maculatis ; corpora subtus, femoribusque aurantiacis, fe mo- rum apicibus, tibiis tarsisque nigris. ? . Long. lin. llj. Above brown. Head black, tinted with violet, shining, slightly wrinkled, with a very few fine punctures on the vertex. Ocelli minute, red. Thorax with the lateral angles produced into strong violet-black, finely punctured, tubercular processes ; the disc deep brown, shining, coarsely punctured ; the anterior margin broadly yellow, and a band of the same colour on each side running from the centre of the antero-lateral margins to the basal angles of the scutellum ; the yellow portions subimpunctate. Scutellum dark brown, shining, coarsely punctured towards the base, more finely towards the apex, with the lateral margins broadly edged with yellow, and finely punctured. Coriaceous portion of the elytra chestnut-brown, opaque, thickly and finely punctured ; mem- brane brown. Margins of the abdomen bright reddish orange, with a large black patch at the junction of each segment. Body beneath bright orange, shining. Abdomen impunctate, with the stigmata, and a row of marginal spots, corresponding with those of the upper surface, black. Vulvar apparatus orange, with the tips of the basal plates black. Breast with three violet-black spots on each side, the antepectus finely and not very thickly punctured, the rest impunctate, the lateral tubercles violet-black. Thighs deep orange, with the tips black ; tibiae and tarsi black. Rostrum and antennae black. a. S. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. 2/4 HEMIPTERA. Genus 29. RHAPHIGASTER. Cimex, p., Linn. S. N. (1767) ; Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) fy Syst. R. (1803); Burm. Handb. ii. (1835); Ramb. Faun. And. ii. (1841?). Edessa, p., Fab. Syst. R. (1803). Pentatoma, p., Pal. Beauv. Ins. (1805) ; LeP. & Serv. Enc. Meth. x. (1825); Hahn, Wanz. ii. (1831). Rhaphigaster, Lap. Hem. 59 (1832) ; H. Schdff. Norn. Ent. i.37 & 57 (1835) # Wanz.iv.(lS39)-, Kolen.Mel. Ent.iv. 55 (1846). Rhaphigaster et Nezara, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 145 & 143 (1843;. A. NEZARA, Am. fy Serv. Generally green insects, with either a very short basal spine, or with a more or less distinct keel to the abdomen. a. Thorax and scutellum spotted with black ; membrane green ; wings violet. 1 . RHAPHIGASTER guineensis. Edessa guineensis, Fab. S. R. 151. 27 (1803). a. . Presented by Captain Friend. b. Thorax and scutellum not spotted with black ; membrane and wings transparent. Posterior angles of the abdominal seg- ments generally with a black dot. * Ventral spine very small, generally obtuse and nearly rudi- mentary. a. Abdomen with a more or less distinct keel. (NEZARA, pr.) 2. RHAPHIGASTER prasinus. (Typicus.) R. elongato-ovatus, laete viridis, punctatissimus ; scutello basi maculis 3 minutis albidis, punctoque nigro utrin- que in angulo basali ; membrana subvirescenti-hyalina, imma- culata; carina ventrali laevi, flavescente; sterno flavescente, Isevi ; pedibus viridibus, coxis flavescentibus ; rostro testaceo, apice nigro ; antennis viridibus, articulo tertio secundo multo longiori, apice, quarto basi excepto, quintoque ferrugineis. Long. lin. 7-8. Var. ft. (C. torquatus, Fab. ; P. flavicollis, Pal. B.) Capite thoraceque antice flavis. Var. y. (C. viridulus, Linn. ; C. hemichloris, Germ.) Supra flavus, thorace maculis 3 anticis, scutello 3 basalibus, latera- HEMIPTERA. 275 libus minutis, apiceque, maculaque magna subapicali in sin- gulo elytro, viridibus. Cimex prasinus et viridulus, Linn.S.N. i. 722. 49 & 721. 39 (1767). Cimex sraaragdulus, torquatus et viridulus, Fab. E, S. iv. 109. 114, 108. 107, & 109. 110 (1794) S. R. 167. 61 & 166. 56 & 57 (1803). Cimex viridissimus, Wolff, Ic. dm. 55. t. 6. fig. 52? (1801). Pentatoma flavicollis, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 185. Hem. pi. 11. fig. 4. Rhaphigaster smaragdulus et torquatus, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 57 &94 (1835). Cimex hemichloris, Germ, Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 166. 94 (1837). Cimex torquatus, Ramb. Faun. And. ii. 125. 12 (1841?). Rhaphigaster torquatus, H. Sch. Wanz. iv. 100. pi. 142. fig. 447 (1839). Nezara smaragdula, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 144. 1 (1843). Raphigaster smaragdulus, Kolen, Mel. Ent. iv. 55. 182 (1846). Nezara, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 450. 66 (1845). a. Madeira. Presented by Captain Parry. b. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. c. W. Africa. From Capt. Parry's Collection. d. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. e. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. /. Africa. g. S. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. h. Java. Presented by M. Serville. i. Java. Presented by James Wilson, Esq. k. Java. From the East India Company's Collection. I. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. m. India? Presented by General Hard wicke. n. Corea. Presented by Capt. Sir Edward Belcher. o. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. p. Italy. q. S. of France. r. Sicily. From Mr. Melly's Collection. 5. Jamaica. t. St. Domingo. Presented by M. Guerin-Meneville. v. Venezeula. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 3. RHAPHIGASTER subsericeus. R. prsecedenti valde affinis et vix distincta, nisi statura minori. Long. lin. 6-6 J. Cimex smaragdulus, Wolff, Ic. dm. 56. t. 6. fig. 53? (1801). Pentatoma subsericea et Chinensis, Hope, Cat. 38? (1837). a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. b. . 2/6 HEMIPTERA. 4. RHAPHIGASTER Sarpinus, n. s. R. prasino valde affinis, elongato-ovatus, Isete viridis, punctatis- siraus ; capitis thoracisque marginibus lateralibus flavescenti- bus ; oculis nigris ; scutello basi maculis 5 mhmtis pallidis ; membrana hyalina, punctis nonnullis oblongis fuscis sub-basa- libus ; carina ventrali sublaevi, concolore ; stigmatibus fusco- rufescentibus ; sterno flavescente ; pedibus viridibus ; rostro testaceo, apice nigro ; antennarum articulis 3 basalibus viridi- bus, tertio secundo paullo longiori, apice nigro, quarto basi testaceo, apice nigro, quinto basi testaceo, dimidio apicali nigro, apice extimo testaceo. Head dull olive, impunctate, pointed in front, with the vertex nge. Thorax with the anterior portion olive, rather coarsely ; sparingly punctured with black, and with a broad, impunc- e, orange band near the anterior margin; posterior portion uginous, rather thickly punctured with black ; lateral angles iuced into long, acute, red spines, which are directed a little forwards, but have the apex slightly turned back ; the basal por- tion of these spines is coarsely punctured with black, the apex smooth. Scutellum ferruginous olive, sparingly and irregularly punctured with black ; the apex testaceous. Coriaceous portion of the elytra thickly and rather strongly punctured with black, with the outer margin, as far as the submarginal nervure, olive ; membrane transparent, brownish. Body beneath orange ; breast yellowish; abdomen with the posterior angles of the last seg- ment, and the posterior margins of the intermediate and apical vulvar plates, bright red. Legs pale yellowish olive, with the base of the thighs and the tarsi orange testaceous. Rostrum short, testaceous. Antennae pale olive (two apical joints wanting). a. . Presented by General Thomas Hardwicke. 24. ACANTHOSOMA laevicorne, n. s. A. supra navescenti-olivaceum, punctatum; thorace spinoso, spinis longis, validis, apice sub-recurvis, acutis ; corpore sub- tus fulvo ; antennis articulo tertio nigro, basi pallido, $ 9 . Long. ,/ ^ i S 2 / " '^ ; yi s ' ' K' ,/^%^,~~? T* \ /f^v y ; / k \, PI. IV. ^ s i._ ;^ "\ \6l \; .unctate, with the nervures elevated and smooth ; membrane leep black. Margins of the abdomen projecting slightly beyond the elytra, especially in the female, emarginate at the junction if each segment towards the apex. Body beneath black, slightly shining. Abdomen impunctate, faintly wrinkled, with a tubercle on each side on the second and third segments, largest in the male; posterior margin of the last segment red. Breast rugose ; antepectus punctured. Anterior and intermediate legs red, with the base of the thighs black, or with the thighs black, or the knees and tibiae black or blackish ; posterior thighs much thick- ened and curved in the male, less thickened and nearly straight in the female, red, with the base and apex black ; posterior tibiae black, with the inner margin more or less marked with red, very broad in both sexes ; in the male with a small tooth on the inner margin near the apex, and the outer apical angle spinous ; in the female with the outer margin slightly waved, the apex iunded. Rostrum pitchy black. Antennas red ; last joint wanting. a. Abyssinia. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. 29. MICTIS undata, n. s. M. piceo-nigra, opaca; humeris prominentibus subacutis, ser- ratis ; antennis elongatis, fulvis ; tibiarum posticarum margi- nibus undatis. $ . Long. lin. 11. Pitchy black, opaque, punctured. Head thickly clothed with very minute whitish hairs. Thorax with the lateral angles di- lated into broad, flat, subacute, serrated processes ; the surface somewhat granulose. Scutellum rather elongate, wrinkled, with the tip whitish. Coriaceous portion of the elytra thickly and finely punctured, and clothed with short golden hairs ; the ner- vures slightly elevated and smooth ; membrane brassy. Margins T 2 vures 396 HEMIPTERA. of the abdomen banded with testaceous ; the margins of the last two segments slightly dilated and rounded. Abdomen covered with minute granulations, and with a long acute tubercle on each side on the second and third segments, visible from above. Breast opaque, with an oblique band of fulvous hairs on each side. Anterior and intermediate legs dark brown, with the apex of the thighs blackish ; posterior legs pitchy black ; thighs much thick- ened, clavate, with a large swelling on the inside, which is co- vered with small tubercles ; posterior tibiae broad, with the mar- gins undulated, and a small tooth on the inner margin near the apex ; all the tarsi fulvous, with the tips of the claws brown. Rostrum brownish testaceous, with the tip black. Antennae ful- vous, with the basal joint brownish, the apical joint orange. a. Port Natal. From Dr. Gueinzius' Collection. 30. MICTIS terminalis, n. s. M. fusca, opaca, humeris prominentibus, subobtusis; antennis nigris articulo ultimo flavo ; pedibus saturate fuscis, tibiarum dimidio apicali, tarsisque luteis. ? . Long. lin. 12. Brown, opaque, more or less clothed with short golden hairs. Thorax very thickly and finely punctured, with the lateral angles prominent, somewhat obtuse, the lateral margins irregularly and indistinctly denticulated. Scutellum with a small whitish point at the apex. Coriaceous portion of the elytra rather thickly and finely punctured; membrane dark brown, somewhat obscure. Abdomen beneath with numerous small elevations, the disc clothed with very short whitish hairs; posterior margin of the second segment waved. Legs dark brown, with the apical half of the tibiae and the tarsi yellow; posterior thighs not much thickened ; posterior tibiae broad, with the base slender, the outer margin curved. Rostrum testaceous, with the basal joint brown. Antennae slender, black, with the apical joint orange-yellow, black at the base. a. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. 31. MICTIS cruciata, n. s. M. fusca, subopaca, humeris prominulis, obtusis ; scutello nigro ; capite, thorace, elytrorum cruce, pectore, pedibus antennisque fulvo-testaceis. S ? . Long. lin. 9. Head pale fulvous. Thorax pale fulvous, very thickly and finely punctured, with the lateral angles prominent, obtuse. Scutellum black, thickly punctured, with the tip testaceous. Co- riaceous portion of the elytra with the inner and apical margins HEMIPTERA. 39/ broadly pale fulvous, forming together a cross; the remainder chestnut-brown, thickly and somewhat irregularly punctured; membrane dark brown, brassy. Abdomen beneath paler or darker chestnut-brown, more or less wrinkled and granulated; in the male with an acute black tubercle on each side on the second and third segments, and the anal plate black ; in the female with slight black elevations in the place of the tubercles, and the vul- var plates black. Breast pale fulvous, opaque ; antepectus punc- tured. Anterior and intermediate legs pale fulvous; posterior legs chestnut-brown; thighs considerably thickened in both sexes; tibiae in the male with the inner margin toothed near the apex, the outer apical angle acute ; in the female, with the margins entire, the extremity of the outer dilatation rounded ; tarsi ful- vous ; posterior coxae and trochanters black or blackish. Ros- trum brownish fulvous. Antennae long and rather slender, pale fulvous. a. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. III. Posterior tibice dilated internally in both sexes; the dilated portion more or less toothed or spinous. (PI. XII. fig. 6.) a. Lateral angles of the thorax unarmed or simply spinous; posterior tibia more or less dilated to the apex, and armed with several strong spines. 32. MICTIS dentipes. Mictis dentipes, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 190. 2. pi. 4. fig. 10 (1843). a. India. From Archdeacon Clerk's Collection. 33. MICTIS calcar, n. s. M. pallide fusca, opaca, humeris acutis ; thorace punctis fuscis, lateribus nigro-denticulatis ; antennis nigris; femoribus anti- cis fulvis, spinulis nigris, tibiis obscuris. c? ? . Long. lin. 13. Pale brown, opaque, more or less clothed with yellow hairs. Head black, with a broad yellowish brown line down the centre, and an angular spot of the same colour surrounding each of the ocelli. Eyes reddish brown. Thorax thickly clothed with very- short yellowish hairs, and with numerous blackish or dark brown points; lateral margins denticulated, the teeth black, rather distant at the base ; lateral angles prominent, each terminated by an acute spine, which is directed backwards and tipped with black. Scutellum brown, with the edges clothed with golden hairs. Coriaceous portion of the elytra brown, rather thickly and finely punctured, and clothed with very short golden hairs; ner- 398 HEMIPTERA. vures nearly black ; membrane brassy blackish brown. Margins of the abdomen banded with yellow and brown. Body beneath paler than above, thickly clothed with whitish hairs, and with numerous scattered black or dark brown points, some of which are elevated, others impressed. Second abdominal segment shorter than the rest, elevated or tubercular in the centre in the male. Anterior and intermediate thighs dull fulvous, with a double row of small black spines beneath, and one or two rows of smaller ones on the upper surface ; tibiae pale brown ; poste- rior thighs much thickened, concolorous with the body, with the tip and a band about the middle blackish; under surface with two rows of black spines, of which those at the middle of the thigh are the largest, those between these and the apex the smallest ; upper surface with three or four irregular rows of small black tubercles ; posterior tibiae much dilated internally, the di- lated portion widest about one-third (?) or one-fourth ( posticis rufo-fuscis, tarsis luteis, fe^ morum dentibus nigris. ? . Long. lin. 11. Above dark brown, somewhat obscure. Head nearly blacky with a few short yellow hairs. Eyes brown; ocelli reddish. Thorax dark brown, with numerous small, smooth elevations, the interstices between which are very finely and thickly punc- tured, and clothed with very short yellow hairs ; the anterior por- tion is occupied by a patch of yellowish white hairs, with several small, naked brown marks and dots ; lateral angles of the thorax prominent, acute, denticulated. Scutellum with the apex yellow, a line of yellow hairs down each margin, a similar line within each margin, and another running down the middle from base to apex. Coriaceous portion of the elytra dark brown, with the nervures red ; the borders of the nervures, and generally a line in each of the cells, clothed with short yellow hairs ; membrane brown, with yellow nervures. Wings transparent, with brown nervures. Abdomen above dark brown, somewhat opaque ; mar^ gins clothed with yellow hairs. Body beneath pale fulvous brown, smooth and somewhat shining. Abdomen impunctate, clothed with short yellow hairs ; stigmata black. Breast with the sternum and the anterior portion of the medi- and postpectua inlpunctate, the antepectus and the posterior portion of the other two segments rather strongly punctured and somewhat rugose. Four anterior legs fulvous ; thighs with a row of black teeth be- neath, becoming larger towards the apex ; posterior thighs red- dish chestnut, with two longitudinal furrows on the outer sur- face ; the upper margin with two rows of small black teeth, the lower margin with a row of strong black serrations ; posterior tibiae dilated, foliaceous, widest at the base ; the outer portion with a strong tooth before the middle, from which it is of nearly the same width to the apex, where, however, it is a little widened and rounded ; inner portion dilated at the base into a semicir- cular plate which occupies about one-third of the length of the tibia, the remainder narrow and of the same width to the apex of the tibia ; tarsi yellow, with black claws. Rostrum and an- tennae pale fulvous brown (last joint wanting). a. . 3. METAPODIUS thoracicus, n. s. M. fuscus, opacus, luteo-pilosus; thorace postice alato, marginibus serratis ; antennis elongatis castaneis, articulo ultimo fulvo. 3 . Long. lin. 15. An Diactor alatus, Burm. Handb. ii. 334. 3 (1835?). Above brown, opaque, clothed with short yellowish hairs. HEMIPTERA. 429 Eyes black ; ocelli red. Thorax with the lateral angles produced into broad, flat, acute processes, the margins serrated both before and behind the angles ; the surface with a few scattered acute tubercles \ the anterior portion thickly clothed with whitish hairs. Scutellum with a narrow raised margin ; the tip with a minute yellow tubercle. Membrane of the elytra black. Margins of the abdomen with a yellowish spot at the apex of each segment. Body beneath brown, opaque, thickly clothed with very short, fine yellow hairs. Abdomen with the margins darker ; stigmata blackish. Breast with an orange patch on each side at the opening of the odoriferous apparatus, the under side of the lateral pro- cesses of the prothorax blackish. Anterior and intermediate thighs brown, clothed with short, golden yellow hairs, with two rows of short black spines on the under surface, the intermediate pair with a single row on the upper surface also ; anterior and inter- mediate tibise prismatic, and with the tarsi fulvous brown ; claws black ; posterior thighs very broad, compressed, brown, clothed with yellow hairs ; the inner surface with a broad furrow near the upper edge ; the edge itself with a row of tubercles ; the portion below the furrow covered with small tubercles ; outer surface with a row of tubercles along the upper edge and several scattered ones on the disc ; the lower margin with a large spine about the middle and two or three smaller ones on each side of this ; pos- terior tibiae thickly clothed with golden hairs, compressed, dilated; the outer dilated portion broad, widest at about one-third the length of the tibia from its base, then narrowed to the middle, and thence of the same width to the apex, which is emarginate, with the outer angle subacute; inner margin very slightly di* lated, with numerous small teeth, and two or three larger ones ; tarsi yellow ; claws black. Rostrum pale brown, the apical joint fulvous, tipped with black. Antennse very long, rather stout ; first three joints chestnut-brown ; apical joint dull fulvous. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 4. METAPODIUS suratus. Diactor suratus, Burm. Handb. ii. 334. 2? (1835) ; H. Sch. Wanz. iii. 94. t. 103. fig. 318 a-b. (1836). Anisoscelis Stollii, Guer. Voy. Coq. Atl. Ins. pi. 12. fig. 6 (..E.S.iv. 142.25(1794) fy .#.212.36(1803). Coreus lunatus, Lat. Humb. fy Bonpl. Obs. Zool. i. 187. 31- pi. 17. fig. 9 (1811). 456 HEMIPTERA. Leptoscelis rubropicta, Hope, Cat. 17? (1842). Leptoscelis lunatus, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 219. 2 (1843). Stoll, Pun. 46. pi. 10. fig. 71. a. Brazil. From M. Mornay's Collection. b. Brazil. From Mr. Walker's Collection. c. Columbia. From M. Jurgens' Collection. d. Mexico. From Mr. Walker's Collection. 3. LEPTOSCELIS pulchella, n. s. L. supra nigro-fusca, thorace fascia antica, elytris fascia media albida ; corpore subtus viridi-seneo, immaculato. fusco-punctatus ; humeris prominentibus, subacutis, postice obtuse unidentatis; elytris fascia media irregulari albida. $ . Long. lin. 3. Above testaceous, thickly and finely punctured with black. Thorax with the disc whitish, somewhat rugose, the posterior portion brownish; lateral angles prominent, somewhat acute, with an obtuse tooth a little behind the apex of each. Scutellum with two small blackish spots at the base. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with a broad, irregular, whitish band across near the apex, interrupted in the middle by the basal angle of the mem- brane; membrane brownish, semitransparent, with five or six irregular, branched nervures. Margins of the abdomen banded with testaceous and brown. Abdomen beneath fulvous, very thickly and finely punctured, with an indistinct line of black punctures on each side. Breast ochreous, thickly and finely punctured with brown, and with a few patches of blackish punc- tures on each side. Legs ochreous; thighs clouded with brown; tibiae with two narrow brown rings. Rostrum pale ochreous, with the tip blackish. Antennae somewhat ferruginous, with the apical joint blackish. a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. b. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 13. GONOCERUS pusillus, n. s. G. supra testaceus, fusco-punctatus, subtus flavus ; humeris pro- minulis, subobtusis, subemarginatis ; antennis ferrugineis, arti- culo apicali nigro, secundo tertio breviori. ? . Long. lin. 3. Above testaceous, thickly and finely punctured with brown. Thorax with the antero-lateral margins yellow ; the lateral angles prominent, somewhat obtuse, very slightly emarginate. Coria- ceous portion of the elytra with the basal half of the outer mar- 498 HEMIPTERA. gin yellow, and with a small whitish point near the middle of the apical margin; membrane transparent, with about eight ner- vures. Wings transparent, iridescent. Abdomen above reddish fulvous, variegated with brown. Body beneath yellow, very thickly and finely punctured ; abdomen with six rows of minute black points. Legs pale yellow. Rostrum fulvous, with the apex black. Antennae ferruginous, with the apical joint black ; second joint shorter than the third. a. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 14. GONOCERUS ? crassicornis, n. s. G. fuscus, subobscurus, punctatus ; capite quadrato ; humeris prominulis, obtusis ; antennis crassis, fusco-rufis. $ . Long. lin. 3. Brown, somewhat obscure, thickly and finely punctured. Head square, very slightly prominent between the antennae, forming an obtuse point. Thorax with an indistinct fulvous band across the disc ; lateral angles prominent, somewhat obtuse. Membrane of the elytra semitransparent, brownish, with five or six irregularly branched nervures. Legs pale brown, mottled with dark brown. Rostrum brown, with the apical joint black. Antennae thick ; basal joint about as long as the head, stouter than the second and third, which are about equal in thickness ; second a little longer than the third; fourth joint wanting; basal joint brown ; second and third somewhat ferruginous. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 15. GONOCERUS insidiator. Coreus insidiator, Fab. E. S. iv. 131. 15 (1794) # S. JR. 198. 28 (1803); Coqb. Ill Ic. ii. 82. t. 19. fig. 6 (18Q1); Ramb. F. And.il 136. 6(1841?). Gonocerus insidiator, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 239. 1 (1843). Insidiator, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 481. 96. 16. GONOCERUS venator. Coreus venator, Fab. E. S. iv. 128. 4 (1794) 4- S. R. 194. 12 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 21. t. 3, fig. 21 (1800); Schill. Beitr. 40. 4 (1829); H. Sch. Cont. Panz. F. G. 116. 15, & Nom. Ent. i. 41 & 74 (1835). Coreus chloroticus, L. Duf. Reck. 35. 2 (1827). Gonocerus venator, Burm. Handb. ii. 311. 1 (1835) ; Am. & Serv. Hem. 239. 3 (1843). Coreus crudus, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 174 (1838). HEM1PTERA. 499 Coreus (Gonocerus) venator, Kolen. Mel. Ent. ii. 51. 9 (1845). Gonocerus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 482. 97. a. S. of France. b. . From Mr. Children's Collection. t Lateral angles of the thorax rounded. 17. GONOCERUS tristis. Cimex tristis, DeG. Mem. iii. 340. 14. pi. 34. f. 20 (1773). Coreus rugator, Fab. S. R. 192. 4 (1803). Oriterus destructor, Hahn, Wanz. i. 8. t. 1. fig. 2 (1831). Lygaeus irroratus, Grav. Verz. [sec. BurmJ]. Coreus ordinatus, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. iv. 318. 2 (1824). Gonocerus rugator, Eurm. Handb. ii. 311. 4 (1835). a. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Double- day, Esq. b. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. c. . 18. GONOCERUS dilatatus, n. s. G. fuscus, nigro-punctatus, subtus fulvescens, thoracis marginibus concoloribus ; abdominis marginibus dilatatis. ? . Long. lin. 6i. This species closely resembles the preceding ; but the thorax is broader behind, less convex, and not margined laterally with orange ; and the margins of the abdomen are much more dilated and not banded with orange. a. . 19. GONOCERUS apicalis, n. s. G. griseo-testaceus, subtus pallide luteus, fusco-punctatus ; ab- dominis marginibus luteo fuscoque fasciatis; antennis nigris articulo ultimo fulvo. $ ? . Long. lin. 6. Above greyish testaceous, thickly and finely punctured with brown. Scutellum with a whitish point at the apex. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with a small white point on the disc behind the middle, and another on the apical margin, near the outer angle; membrane brown, slightly iridescent. Abdomen above black, with two large yellow spots; the margins banded with yellow and black. Body beneath pale yellow, very thickly and minutely punctured with brown; breast with three black points. Legs pale yellow ; thighs with numerous black points ; tibiae very 500 HEMIPTERA. minutely punctured with brown. Rostrum pale testaceous, with the tip black. Antennae black, with the apical joint orange. a. Mexico. From Mr. Children's Collection. Genus 8. CERATOPACHYS. Homceocerus, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). Ceratopachys, Westw. in Hope's Cat, 22 (1842). Prismatocerus, Am. & Serv. Hem. 184 (1843); H. Sch. Warn. ix. 236 (1850); Spin. Tav. Sin. Hem. 41 (1850). * Thorax not produced on each side into aflat elevated process. (CERATOPACHYS pr.) 1. CERATOPACHYS ruficornis, n. s. C. virescenti-luteus, punctatus; antennis, articulo ultimo luteo excepto, elytrorum corio, margine externo excepto, abdomi- nisque dorso, runs. ? . Long. lin. 8. Head, thorax and scutellum pale greenish yellow; thorax thickly and finely punctured; scutellum very finely wrinkled transversely, and with a few fine punctures. Coriaceous portion of the elytra reddish, thickly punctured, with the outer margin pale greenish ; membrane semitransparent, brownish. Wings semitransparent. Back of the abdomen bright red, with the margins whitish. Body beneath yellow ; breast greenish, thickly and finely punctured ; abdomen very minutely punctured. Thighs fulvous ; tibirc and tarsi greenish yellow. Rostrum pale green- ish. Antennae rather long, somewhat prismatic ; first three joints red, finely granulose; last joint dull yellow, smooth. a. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. 2. CERATOPACHYS virescens, n. s. C. virescenti-luteus, punctatus; elytris basi nigro-punctatis ; an- tennarum articulis 2 ultimis viridi-aureo tinctis. cf ? . Long. $ lin. 6, ? lin. 7- Greenish yellow above, thickly and finely punctured. Coria- ceous portion of the elytra with the punctures of the basal por- tion black ; sometimes with the base and apex reddish, and with a whitish spot in the centre of the apical margin. Back of the abdomen generally more or less tinged with red, sometimes en- tirely greenish yellow. Breast thickly and finely punctured ; abdomen very thickly and minutely punctured. Thighs yellow ; tibiffi greenish, with their apices and the tarsi dusky or reddish. HEMIPTERA. 501 Rostrum yellow, with the apex brownish. Antennae reddish, or fulvous tinged with red, finely granulose, the last two joints with a golden green clothing. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' Collection. b. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss' Collection. 3. CERATOPACHYS prominulus, n. s. C. fulvus, punctatus ; thorace fascia postica nigra, humeris pro- minentibus, subacutis; elytris cinnamomeis, margine externo et macula media cordata in singulo elytro, luteis. <$ ? . Long. $ lin. 6, ? lin. 7i- Head orange, minutely punctured, with a black line on each side. Thorax orange, thickly and rather finely punctured, with a black transverse band close to the hinder margin, and a line of minute black points on each lateral margin ; lateral angles pro- minent, somewhat acute. Scutellum nearly impunctate ; trans- versely wrinkled in the female. Coriaceous portion of the elytra reddish brown or reddish, thickly and finely punctured, with the outer margin, and a large cordate spot touching the apical margin, yellow; membrane brown. Margins of the abdomen yellow, with a brown band on the apical margin of each segment. Body beneath orange or yellow ; breast thickly punctured ; ab- domen impunctate. Legs greenish, with the knees, the apices of the tibiae and the tarsi brownish or dusky. Rostrum greenish or yellowish white, with the tip black. Antennae prismatic; basal joint pale yellowish brown, with the apex blackish ; second joint yellow, with the tip black ; third joint dilated at the apex, black, with the base yellow ; fourth joint wanting. a. Bombay. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. b. N. India. From Capt. Boys' Collection. 4. CERATOPACHYS vicinus, n. s. C. praecedenti valde affinis, ochreus, punctatus; humeris sub- truncatis, obtusis, vix prominentibus ; thorace fascia trans* versa, elytrorumque corio, cinnamomeis, hoc macula cordata, margineque externo, flavis. ? . Long. lin. 8^. This species very closely resembles the preceding, and may perhaps be only a variety of it ; it differs in the lateral angles of the thorax not being prominent, and in the scutellum being more pointed and elongated. Antennae prismatic ; basal joint fulvous, with the apex brown; second joint reddish orange, with the base and apex reddish brown ; remainder wanting. a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. 502 HEMIPTERA. 5. CERATOPACHYS variabilis, n. s. C. viridis, vel fulvus, rubro-varius ; macula parva flava in angulo apicali interno singuli elytri ; antennis nigris, articulis 2 et 3 basi flavis vel viridibus, tertio dilatato. 363 (1763); Rossi, F. E. ii. 231. 1301 (1790); Fab. E. S. iv. 126. 1 (1794); Wolff, Ic. dm. 20. t. 3. fig. 20 (1800). Cimex auriculatus, DeG. Ins. iii. 272. 17 (1773). Coreus venator, Coqb. III. Ic. ii. 82. t. 19. fig. 7 (1801) [nee Fab.']. Coreus marginatus, Fab. S. R. 192. 6 (1803); Hahn, Wanz. ii. 102. t. 61. fig. 185 (1834); Fall. Mon. dm. 56. 1 (1807) <$ Hem. Suec. 36. 1 (1829); Schill. Beitr. 38. 1. 1. 4. fig. 1 (1829) ; H. Sch. Cont. Panz. F. G. 117. 11, fy Nom - Ent - * 41 & ?4 (1835); Zett.F. Ins. Lapp.i. 466. 1 (1832) $ Ins. Lapp. 261. 1 (1840); Ramb. F. And. ii. 137. 9 (1841?). Syromastes marginatus, Burm. Handb. ii. 315. 4 (1835); H. Sch. 510 HEMIPTERA. Wanz. iv. t. 141. fig. 443 (18,39); Am. fy Serv. Hem. 20?. 1 (1843). Coreus (Syromastes) marginatus, Kolen. Mel. Ent. ii. 51. 11 (1845). Syromastes, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 465. 78. f. 21, Geoff. Ins. i. 446. 20. Stoll, Pun. 26. pi. 5. fig. 37. a. Italy. b. S. of France. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. c. France. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. d. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. Genus 16. CHARIESTERUS. Coreus, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. 1 ? (1803). Chariestems, Lap. Hem. 44 (1832); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 210 (1843); H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 23? (1850) & 248 (1851); Spin. Tav. Sin. Hem. 41 (1850). Chariestems, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). 1. CHARIESTERUS antennator. C. supra fuscus, obscurus, punctatus, subtus cum pedibus rufes- cens ; capitis disco utrinque trispinoso ; antennarum articulis 1 et 2 rufescenti-fuscis, secundo apice nigro, primo* basi spi* noso, 3 et 4 nigris, tertio valde dilatato, basi fusco ; thoracis marginibus denticulatis, dentibus 3 majoribus, humeris spi* nosis. Coreus antennator, Fab. S. R. 198. 33? (1803). Chariestems mcestus, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 3. t. 217. f. 681 (1844). a. Georgia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 2. CHARIESTERUS albiventris. Chariesterus albiventris, Burm. Handb. ii. 317- 4 (1835). a. S. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. * The description given by Fabricius is as follows : C. thorace serrato obscurus antennarum articulo penultimo apice di- latato compresso rnembranaceo. Habitat in Carolina. Mus. Dom. Bosc. Medius. Antennse obscurse : articulo secundo scabro, tertio apice dilatato, membranaceo, atro, ultimo claviformi. Caput, thorax, elytra obscure fusca thoracis margine valde serrato. Abdomen rufum. HEMIPTERA, 511 3. CHARIESTERUS moestus. Chariesteras moestus, Burm. Handb. ii. 317- 5 (1835). a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. b. Mexico. From Mr. Children's Collection. 4. CHARTESTERUS abdominalis, n. s. C. supra niger, obscurus, thoracis elytrorumque lateribus rubris 5 abdomine subtus fl avescenti, lineis transversis nigris ; antenna- rum articulo tertio valde dilatato. ? . Long. lin. 5. An Chondrocera foliaceata, Blanch. D'Orb. Voy. Am. Mer. vi. 220. 768. Atl. Ins. pi. 30. f. 4 (1843). Above black, obscure, thickly and minutely punctured. Tho- rax with the lateral angles acutely spinous, the lateral margins minutely denticulated, reddish. Lateral margins of the coria- ceous portion of the elytra, and some of the nervures towards its apex, red ; membrane pitchy black. Wings transparent, with the nervures black. Abdomen above black, with a yellow patch at the base, and another towards the apex ; the edges of the lateral margins pale. Abdomen beneath pale dull yellow, with a black line running across the middle of the base of each segment, which is then produced obliquely to the outer basal angles of the preceding segment. Breast pitchy black, with the sternum yellowish. Legs black ; tibiae with a broad yellowish ring towards the apex. Rostrum pitchy, with the tip of the first joint pale. Antennae black ; basal joint suddenly clavate at the apex ; third joint broadly dilated, with a minute white ring at the base, a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. Genus 17. CLAVIGRALLA. Cimex, p., DeG. Mem. iii. (1773). Coreus, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) $ Syst. Eh. (1803). Clavigralla, Spin. Hem. 200 (1837) * Tav. Sin. Hem. 39 (1850). Zicca, Am. 8? Serv. Hem. 240 (1843); H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 243 (1850) & 271 (1851). 1. CLAVIGRALLA gibbosa. Clavigralla gibbosa, Spin. Hem. 202. 1 (1837). a. Bombay. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. 2. CLAVIGRALLA elevator. Coreus elevator, Fab. S. R. 194. 11 (1803). a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Bev. D. F. Morgan, 512 HEMIPTERA. 3. CLAVIGRALLA Acanthion, n. s. C. pallide ferrugineo-fusca, punctata; corio albido, apice nigro, nervis pallidis ; capite antice, vertice, thoracis disco, abdominis marginibus antennarumque articulo basali, spinosis. ? . Long. lin. 3%. Pale ferruginous brown. Head with three rows of small whitish spines on the forehead, a single row of larger ones along the vertex, and another on the outside of each antenniferous tuber- cle. Thorax rather thickly and strongly punctured with brown, with several whitish spines on the anterior portion of the disc, the lateral angles acutely spinous, and a fringe of spines on the lateral margins ; posterior margin bilobate. Scutellum elevated and covered with spinous tubercles, with the apex whitish. Co- riaceous portion of the elytra pale testaceous, punctured with black, with a triangular black spot at the apex ; nervures white ; membrane semitransparent, whitish, with the nervures tinged with brown. Margins of the abdomen very prominent, with a strong acute spine on each segment, and the edges between these spines finely denticulated ; testaceous, with a broad brown band on the third and fourth segments, and a narrow one on the suture between the fifth and sixth. Abdomen beneath testaceous, irro- rated with brown, with the base blackish, and a short, oblique, black line on each side of each segment within the margin ; the lateral margins of the fifth and sixth segments testaceous. Breast testaceous, thickly and coarsely punctured with brown, with an irregular interrupted yellow line down each side. Legs pale tes- taceous; thighs mottled with brown, spinous both above and below ; the posterior pair with two long spines beneath near the apex ; tibia? brownish at base and apex ; tarsi brownish at the apex. Rostrum brownish testaceous, with the apex brown. An- tennae pale testaceous, with the apical joint brownish ; the basal joint spinous. a. Para. From Messrs. Wallace and Bates' Collection. 4. CLAVIGRALLA Hystrix, n. s. C. obscure griseo-fusca ; humeris, thoracis abdominisque lateri- bus valde spinosis ; tibiis albido biannulatis. $ . Long. lin. 3J. Greyish brown, obscure. Head obtusely spinous on each side in front. Thorax with the lateral angles produced into long acute spines, which are black at the apex, and furnished near the base with a smaller spine ; each antero-lateral margin with a strong, black, upright spine about the middle ; postero-lateral margins denticu- lated; the disc with a few scattered tubercles. Scutellum con- siderably elevated. Coriaceous portion of the elytra dark brown, HEM1PTERA. 513 punctured, blackish towards the apex, with a whitish line on the apical margin ; membrane dark brown, rather paler towards the apex, where it has several small whitish points ; with the inner margin and a curved line near the base white. Margins of the abdomen with five strong acute spines. Abdomen beneath brown, spotted with testaceous. Breast brown, covered with minute raised points, and with a small yellow tubercle on each side at the opening of the odoriferous apparatus. Legs brown ; poste- rior thighs with a broad whitish ring near the base ; tibiae with two broad whitish rings ; tarsi with the basal joint whitish. Ros- trum brown. Antennae with the basal joint very long, nearly twice as long as the second ; first and second joints dark brown, the latter with a whitish ring ; remainder wanting. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 5. CLAVIGRALLA tuberculata, n. s. C. fusco-grisea, obscura, pilosa, punctata; capite inermi; tho- racis disco tuberculis 4, humeris valde spinosis ; pedibus tes- taceis, femoribus apice, tibiis basi annuloque ante medium fuscis. S ? . Long. lin. 4. Head unarmed, brown, clothed with dull yellow hairs. Thorax brown, covered with small, dark brown warts, and clothed with dull yellowish hairs ; the disc with four strong tubercles, placed in pairs, the anterior pair larger and more distant from one an- other than the posterior ; lateral angles acutely spinous, blackish. Scutellum elevated, pilose, with a longitudinal central yellow line in one specimen. Coriaceous portion of the elytra brownish tes- taceous, thickly and finely punctured with brown ; membrane semitransparent, with the nervures brownish, and one or two brown points at the base. Wings whitish, semitransparent. Abdomen above fulvous, blackish, and punctured towards the base, and with a large black point on each side of the last two segments ; margins brownish, testaceous towards the apex, with five strong spines on each side. Body beneath brown, pilose ; abdomen with a row of oblique yellowish lines on each side; breast covered with small dark brown warts. Thighs brown, with the base testaceous ; tibiae testaceous, with the base, and a more or less distinct ring before the middle, brown ; tarsi testa- ceous. Antennas fulvous testaceous, with the apical joint darker. a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 514 HEMIPTERA. 6. CLAVIGRALLA scutellaris. Coreus scutellaris, Hope, Cat. 24 (1842). a. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. b. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. c. Philippine Islands. 7. CLAVIGRALLA nigro-punctata. Cimex nigro-punctatus, DeG. Mem. iii. 335. 20. pi. 34. figs. 12-14 (1773). Coreus delirator, Fab. E. S. iv. 130. 11 (1794) $ S. R. 197. 24 (1803) ; Hope, Cat. 24 (1842). Zicca massulata, Am. $ Serv. Hem. 240. 1 (1843). a. British Guiana. From Sir Robert Schomburgk's Col- lection. b. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 8. CLAVIGRALLA tseniola, n. s. C. praecedenti affinis, ochrea, fusco-punctata; thorace fascia trans- versa nigra inter humeros acutos; corpore subtus pallidiori, serie utrinque punctorum nigrorum. ? . Long. lin. 3. Head ochreous, very minutely punctured with brown. Eyes brown. Ocelli reddish. Thorax ochreous, thickly and finely punctured with brown, with a narrow transverse black band be- tween the lateral angles; the portion behind this band punc- tured with black ; lateral margins with a few white teeth ; lateral angles very prominent and acute. Scutellum dull ochreous, very thickly and finely punctured with black. Coriaceous portion of the elytra thickly and finely punctured with brown, with a small impunctate spot on the disc; membrane brownish, semitrans- parent, with numerous brown dots. Wings transparent, with dark brown nervures. Abdomen above red, with the margins banded with yellow and black. Body beneath pale ochreous. Abdomen very minutely punctured on the sides, with a row of black points down each side, and two similar points on the base of the third segment. Breast thickly and finely punctured with brown, with two black points on each side and two smaller black points close to the insertion of each of the legs. Legs pale ochreous ; thighs with several black points, posterior pair dusky towards the apex, denticulated beneath ; tibiae with one or two indistinct brownish rings ; tarsi with the apex and claws brown. Kostrum pale ochreous, with the tip black. Antennae fulvous, with the apical joint brown, pale at the tip. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. HEMIPTERA. 515 9. CLAVIGRALLA ? hoploxys, n. s. C. ferrugineo-fusca, punctata; elytrorum corio testaceo ; capite antice bispinoso, ocellis distantibus; humeris acute spinosis, spinis nigris, antice porrectis. S . Long. lin. 5. Head and thorax ferruginous brown. Head finely granulated, with a small spine on each side close to the insertion of the an- tennae. Eyes brown ; ocelli large, distant, prominent. Thorax thickly punctured, with the lateral angles produced into long acute black spines, which are directed forwards and a little up- wards, with their apices turned outwards. Scutellum pale brown, rather coarsely punctured, with the tip white. Coriaceous por- tion of the elytra testaceous, brownish towards the base, rather thickly punctured, with a brown interrupted line on the apical margin ; membrane brownish, semitransparent, with a few brown marks on the nervures. Abdomen above orange, with a small spine on each side at the posterior angle of each segment ; ab- domen beneath orange, thickly covered with minute whitish hairs. Thighs ferruginous; anterior and intermediate pairs with two minute spines beneath near the apex ; posterior pair with two strong spines beneath near the apex, with the interval between them and the posterior margin of the apical spine denticulated ; tibiae pale fulvous ; tarsi testaceous. Rostrum testaceous, with the tip black. Antennae ferruginous, with the apical joint brown- ish, obscure, clothed with short pale hairs ; first joint granulose. a. Gambia. From Mr. Shuckard's Collection. Genus 18. ACANTHOCORIS. Coreus, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) fy Syst. Rh. (1803). Crinocems, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835); H. Sch. Wanz. vi. (1842) &ix. 238 (1850) & 253 (1851). Acanthocoris, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 213 (1843). * Third joint of the antennas cylindrical. 1. ACANTHOCORIS scabrator. Coreus scabrator, Fab. S. R. 195. 19 (1803). Crinocems scabrator, Burm. Handb. ii. 319. 4 (1835). Crinocems scabripes, H. Sch. Wanz. vi. 18. t. 186. f. 574 (1842). Acanthocoris scabrator, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 214. 1 (1843). a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. b. Java. From the East India Company's Collection. c. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. d. . Presented by General Thomas Hardwicke. 2A2 &16 HEMIPTERA, 2. ACANTHOCORIS acutus, n. s. A. praecedenti valde affinis, humeris acutioribus j tibiis lineari-compressis, margine externo vix denticulate. < . Long. lin. 5|-6. a. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. b. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 3. ACANTHOCORIS fasciculatus. Coreus fasciculatus, Fab. E. S. iv. 130. 14 (1794) # S. R. 197. 27 (1803). Crinocerus grylloides, Burm. Handb. ii. 319. 5 (1835). Crinocerus aper, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 149. 66 (1837). Stoll, Pun. pi. 16. fig. 114. a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. 4. ACANTHOCORIS obscuricornis, n. s. A. praecedenti affinis ; humeris minus prominentibus, subrotun- datis ; antennis nigro-fuscis, hirtis, articulo ultimo luteo, basi fusco. cf . Long. lin. 6. Resembles the preceding species. Dark brown, opaque, hairy, rough, but not tubercular, except on the legs. Head and thorax with a whitish central longitudinal line ; the latter with the lateral angles less prominent and less strongly denticulated, somewhat rounded. Scutellum blackish, with a whitish central line. Membrane of the elytra dark brown. Anterior and inter- mediate thighs tubercular ; anterior tibiae somewhat compressed, with four teeth on the outer margin ; posterior thighs very thick, hairy, slightly tubercular, and with a short spine at the apex above, nearly unarmed beneath; posterior tibiae compressed, dilated, narrowed towards the apex, and with the inner margin unequally denticulated. Antennae with the first three joints blackish brown, hairy ; the basal joint somewhat tubercular ; third joint cylindrical; fourth joint yellow, brown at the base, clothed with short fine hairs. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. t Third joint of the antennce more or less dilated at the apex or spatuliform. 5. ACANTHOCORIS asper, n. s. A. fuscus, opacus, hirsutus, fasciculato-tuberculatus ; thoracis lateribus spinosis, humeris prominentibus, truncatis ; elytrorum HEMIPTERA, 517 tnembrana albida, punctis nonnullis fuscis ; antennis obscure ferrugineis. 3 Long. lin. 5. Brown, opaque, hirsute. Thorax with the disc covered with strong tuft-like tubercles ; lateral margins strongly spinous ; lateral angles prominent, truncated. Scutellum with two black triangular spots at the base ; its disc with a few small tubercles. Coriaceous portion of the elytra covered with small tubercles, the basal portion of the outer margin blackish ; membrane whitish, semitransparent, with a few scattered dark brown points. Back of the abdomen red, with the margins blackish, tuberculate. Legs tuberculate ; anterior tibiae compressed, somewhat dilated, canaliculate and denticulated on the outer margin; posterior tibiae compressed, somewhat dilated, narrowed towards the apex ; the inner margin denticulated and with a strong tooth about the middle. Antennae entirely pale yellowish ferruginous ; first three joints rough, hairy; third joint slightly dilated at the apex. a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. 6. ACANTHOCORIS apicalis, n. s. A. praecedenti aifinis, fuscus, opacus, hirsutus, fasciculato-tuber- culatus ; antennis fusco-testaceis, hirsutis, articulo tertio spa- tulato apice, et quarto, basi excepto, nigris ; elytrorum mem- brana fuscescenti. (? ? . Long. lin. 4-5. This species closely resembles the preceding in colour and tex- ture. The antennae are brownish testaceous, with the apex of the third joint, and the fourth joint, except at the base, black ; the first three joints are covered with strong hairs; the third joint considerably dilated at the apex ; fourth joint clothed with fine hairs. The posterior tibiae are more strongly denticulated in the male than the preceding species ; those of the female dilated before the middle into a broad, somewhat lozenge-shaped plate. Membrane of the elytra brownish, somewhat opaque. a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. 1. AGANTHOCORIS thoracicus, n. s. A. pallide fuscus, opacus ; thorace postice albido, transverse ru- goso, humeris prominentibus, truncatis ; antennis fuscis, arti- culo tertio valde dilatato, basi excepto nigro, quarto luteo, apice nigro. ? . Long. lin. 4^. Pale brown, opaque. Head with three whitish longitudinal lines ; central lobe projecting into a small spine between the an* tennae. Thorax with the posterior portion white, rather strongly 518 HEMIPTERA. wrinkled transversely ; lateral margins with a few black spines ; lateral angles produced into broad, flat, truncated processes, which are spinous in front. Membrane of the elytra brownish. Thighs tuberculate ; anterior tibiae compressed, denticulated externally ; posterior tibiae dilated at the base on the inside, narrowed towards the apex, with a pale band near the base ; inner margin denti- culated. Antennae with the first two joints brownish, channelled, the apex of the second blackish ; third joint much dilated, black, with the base brown ; fourth joint yellow, with the tip black. a. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 8. ACANTHOCORIS obscurus, n. s. A. fuscus, obscurus, hirsutus; thorace, pedibus, articuloque basali antennarum, fascieulato-tuberculatis ; antennarum arti- culo tertio apice valde dilatato, supra crenato, secundo et tertio apice nigris, quarto toto luteo. $ . Long. lin. 6. Brown, obscure, clothed with hairs. Thorax with the humeral angles prominent, truncate, the lateral margins with one or two spines, the disc covered with strong tuft-like tubercles. Scutel- lum with two blackish spots at the base. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with a few small tubercles ; membrane brownish, ob- scure, clouded with brown. Abdomen above red, with the mar- gins brown, banded with pale brown ; the last segment with two small tubercles on each edge. Body beneath paler than above. Thighs tubercular ; anterior tibiae compressed, somewhat dilated, with a double row 7 of tubercles on the outer margin ; intermediate tibiae tuberculate externally ; posterior tibiae dilated on the inside near the base into a large somewhat triangular lobe ; the outer margin with a few tubercles ; the inner margin with a row of acute spines. Antennae with the first three joints concolorous with the body, the second and third joints black at the apex ; basal joint tuberculate ; third joint much dilated at the apex, with the upper margin of the dilated portion crenated ; fourth joint yellow. a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. b. Bombay. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. Genus 19. CHCEROMMATUS. Choerommatus, Am. fy Serv. Hem. 204 (1843). 1. CHCEROMMATUS farinosus. Chcerommatus farinosus, Am. & Serv. Hem. 204. 1. pi. 4. fig. 4 (1843). a. Africa. Presented by J. D. Jebbs, Esq. HEMIPTERA. 519 Genus 20. DASYCORIS. Cimex, p., Scop. Ent. Cam. (1763). Acanthia, p., Rossi, F. Etr. ii. (1790). Coreus, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794) fy Syst. Rh. (1803) ; LeP. $ Serv. Enc. Meth. x. (1825) ; S chill. Beitr. i. (1829) ; Fall. Hem. Suec. (1829) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1835); Burm. Handb. ii. (1835) ; Ramb. F. And. ii. (1841 ?); Kol Mel. Ent. ii. (1845). Merocoris, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 105 (1834) ; Spin. Hem. 215 (1837). Merocoris, p., Spin. Tav. Sin. Hem. 39 (1850). Coreus, Am. $ Serv. Hem. 237 (1843) ; H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 238 (1850) & 255 (1851). 1. DASYCORIS denticulatus. Cimex denticulatus, Scop. Ent. Cam. 125. 365 (1763). Acanthia denticulata, Rossi, F. E. 359. 1284? (1790). Coreus hirticornis, Fab. E. S. iv. 131. 17 (1794) 8f S. R. 198. 31 (1803) ; Coqb. III. Ic. i. 39. t. 10. f. 8 (1799) ; Panz. F. G. 92. 17 ', LeP. Sf Serv. Enc. Meth. x. 59. 1 (1825) ; Fall. Hem. Suec. 37. 3 (1829); Ramb. F. And. ii. 135. 5(1841 ?); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 238. 1(1843). Coreus denticulatus, Wolff, Ic. dm. 71. t. 7. f. 68 (1801) ; Schill. Beitr. i. 44. 8 (1829) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 42 & 73 (1835) $ Wanz. ix. (1851). Merocoris denticulatus, Hahn, Wanz.ii. 106. t.62.f. 188 (1834). Coreus scabricornis, Panz. F. G. 83. 21. Coreus hirticornis et pilicornis, Burm. Handb. ii. 309. 1 & 2 (1835). Coreus affinis, H. Sch. Wanz. iv. 97. t. 141. fig. 441 ? (1839). Coreus (Merocoris) denticulatus, Kolen.Mel. Ent.ii.53. 12 (1845). Coreus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iii. 479. 94. a. France. b. France. Presented by M. Audinet Serville. c. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. d. Piedmont. e. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. 2. DASYCORIS dentator. Lygseus dentator, Fab. E. S. iv. 138. 13 (1794). Coreus dentator, Fab. S. R. 198. 30 (1803); Burm. Handb. ii. 309. 4 (1835). Coreus alternans, H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. 42&?3 (1835) fy Wanz. ix. 256 (1851). a. Italy, 520 HEMIPTERA* Family 8. RHOPALID^B. Head more or less triangular. Antennae with the basal joint shorter than the head, the apical joint thicker than the pre- ceding. Nervures of the membrane of the elytra generally few. Rhopalides, p., Am. $ Serv. Hem. 243 (1843). TABLE OF GENERA. I. Posterior thighs spinous beneath. A. Second joint of the antennae much shorter than the third 2. ATRACTUS. B. Second and third joints of the an- tennae about equal in length. a. Breast furrowed longitudinally for the reception of the rostrum ; ros- trum reaching or passing the inter- mediate coxae, with its third joint as long as, or longer than, the fourth. . 1. HARMOSTES. b. Breast not furrowed; rostrum not reaching the intermediate coxae, with its third joint very short 3. CERALEPTUS. II. Posterior thighs unarmed. A. Eyes not projecting beyond the an- terior angles of the thorax 4. MARCUS. B. Eyes projecting beyond the anterior angles of the thorax. a. Head inserted up to the eyes in the thorax 5. MACCEVETHUS. b. Head narrowed beyond the eyes into a distinct neck ; eyes somewhat pedunculated 6. RHOPALUS. Genus 1. HARMOSTES. Harmostes, Eurm. Handb. ii. 307 (1835) ; H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 243 & 270 (1851). * Membrane whitish, without brown spots. 1, HARMOSTES virescens, n. s. H. virescens, punctatus; antennis fiilvis, articulo ultimo fus- cescenti, 2 et 3 subaequalibus ; pedibus subfulvis, femoribus posticis valde spinosis. ? . Long. lin. 4. Pale yellowish green, thickly and rather finely punctured. Head very minutely punctured, with the spines of the antenni- HEMIPTERA. 521 ferous tubercles acute, but short. Thorax with the lateral mar- gins smooth, anterior angles somewhat acute, lateral angles un- armed ; the disc with a smooth, slightly elevated, longitudinal central line. Scutellum with the punctures indistinct, the mar- gins slightly raised, the disc with a smooth raised longitudinal line. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the nervures elevated and smooth, indistinctly spotted with brown ; the -outer margin indistinctly spotted with brown ; membrane whitish. Abdomen beneath impunctate ; stigmata blackish. Breast thickly and finely punctured. Legs pale fulvous; tarsi palest; posterior thighs much thickened, with a row of four strong spines beneath near the apex. Antennae fulvous, with the basal joint granulose ; second and third joints about equal; apical joint brownish. Rostrum reaching the posterior coxae. a. Georgia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 2. HARMOSTES chilensis, n. s. H. pallide luteo-virescens, punctatus; thoracis mar^inibus sub- dilatatis ; pedibus antennisque concoloribus, his articulo ultimo fusco. $ . Long. lin. 3. Pale yellowish green, thickly and finely punctured. Head minutely punctured. Thorax with the lateral margins slightly dilated and reflexed, the anterior angles acute, slightly projecting forwards, the disc with a narrow smooth central line. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the outer and inner margins thickly punctured, the two middle cells nearly impunctate, the nervures elevated and smooth ; membrane transparent, colourless. Wings transparent. Back of the abdomen greenish. Abdomen im- punctate. Breast thickly and finely punctured, especially on the posterior margins of the segments. Legs concolorous; claws black; posterior thighs considerably thickened, with a row of spines along the under surface, of which those near the apex are larger. Rostrum not passing the intermediate legs, whitish, with the tip black. Antennae greenish yellow, with the basal joint nearly smooth; the second and third joints nearly equal; the fourth joint brown. a. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. f Membrane covered with brown points. 3. HARMOSTES perpunctatus, n. s. H. griseus, fusco-punctatissimus ; tuberculis antenniferis externe longe spinosis ; antennarum articulo secundo tertio breviore ; rostro abdominis basin attingenti. c? ? . Long. 1m. 3. 2A5 522 HEMIPTERA. Griseous, thickly and finely punctured with brown, with the whole upper surface covered with minute brown spots. Antenni- ferous tubercles produced into long acute spines. Thorax with the lateral margins denticulated. Body beneath thickly and finely punctured with brown. Legs concolorous with the body, thighs punctured with brown ; posterior pair thickened, spinous beneath. Rostrum long, reaching the base of the abdomen, testaceous, with the tip black. Antennae with the first and fourth joints brown ; the second and third testaceous ; second shorter than the third. a. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 4. HARM OSTES affinis, n. s. H. praecedenti valde aifinis, differt tuberculis antenniferis breviter spinosis, antennarum articulis 2 et 3 sequalibus, rostro vix ad basin pedum posticorum attingenti. <$ . Long. lin. 3. a. ? From Mr. Children's Collection. Genus 2. ATRACTUS. Coreus, p., Fall. Mon. dm. (ISO/) fy Hem. Suec. (1829) ; Schill. Beitr. i. (1829); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1835) 8c Wanz. ix. (1851). Atractus, Lap. Hem. 45. 8 (1832); Curt. B. E. xi. 500 (1834) ; Spin. Hem. 210 (1837); Am. % Serv. Hem. 209? (1843). Arenocoris, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 109 (1834). Pseudophlceus, Burm. Handb. ii. 308 (1835) ; H. Sch. Wanz. vi. 3 (1842) ; Am. fy Serv. Hem. 246 (1843) ; Spin. Tav. Sin. Hem. 42 (1850). 1. ATRACTUS Waltlii. Coreus Waltlii, H. Sch. Cont. Panz. F. G. 127. 6 & Norn. Ent. i. 42 & 74 (1835). Pseudophlceus Waltlii, H. Sch. Wanz. vi. 4. 1. 182. fig. D (1842). a. . 2. ATRACTUS nubilus. Coreus nubilus, Fall. Mon. dm. 58. 4 (1807) fy Hem. Suec. 39. 5 (1829) ; Ahrens, F. Ins. Eur. 6. 22; Schill. Beitr. i. 47. 10. t. 4. fig. 5 (1829). Arenocoris nubilus, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 111. t. 63. fig. 191 (1834). Pseudophlceus nubilus, H. Sch. Wanz. vi. 4 (1842). a. Versailles. HEMIPTERA. 523 3. ATRACTUS? spinipes. Coreus spinipes, Fall. Mon. dm. 57. 3 (1807) Sf Hem. Suec. 38. 4 (1829); SchilL Beitr. i. 43. 7. t. 1. fig. 3 (1829). Arenocoris spinipes, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 110. t. 63. fig. 190 (1834). Pseudophlceus spinipes, H. Sch. Wanz. vi. 4 (1842). a. Italy. Presented by Dr. Dowler. Genus 3. CERALEPTUS. Coreus, p., H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1835) Sf Wanz. ix. (1851). Pseudophlceus, p., H. Sch. Wanz. vi. (1842). Ceraleptus, A. Costa, Atti del R. 1st. Nap. vii. 375 (1848) (Schaum, Bericht, 1849, 297). 1. CERALEPTUS gracilicornis. ? Coreus gracilicornis, H. Sch. Cont. Panz. F. G. 135. 5 fy Norn. Ent. i. 42 & 73 (1835). ? Pseudophloeus gracilicornis, H. Sch. Wanz. vi. 5. 1. 182. fig. E. (1842). d. Mexico. From M. Hartweg's Collection. e. Brazil. From Mr. Children's Collection. /. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. g. British Guiana. Presented by Sir Robert Schomburgk, HEMIPTERA. 539 18. LYG^EUS alternans. Lygseus alternans, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 20. t. 224. fig. 704 (1844) '& ix. 200 (1850). a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. 19. LYGSEUS gutta. Lygneus gutta, H. Sch. Wanz, vii. 20. t. 224. fig. 703 (1844) & ix. 200 (1850). a. Jamaica. From Mr. Children's Collection. 20. LYG/EUS quadriguttatus, n. s. L. rufus; elytris nigris, maculis 2 albis in singulo; antennis nigris, basi rufis. ? . Long. lin. 5. Bright red. Eyes black. Thorax with a central longitudinal raised line; posterior margin black. Scutellum pitchy black, with a raised central line. Elytra black, with a large white spot at the base, and another at the apex of the coriaceous portion. Wings sooty, semitransparent. Abdomen beneath black towards the apex. Thighs red, blackish at the apex; tibiae and tarsi black. Rostrum black, with the basal joint red. Antennae black, with the basal joint red. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 21. LYG^US variegatus. Cimex variegatus, DeG. Mem. iii. 342. 17. pi. 34. fig. 23 (1773). Lyg33us pulcher, Fab. S. R. 225. 104 (1803). a. Para. From Messrs. Wallace and Bates's Collection. 22. LYGSEUS unifasciatus. Lygseus unifasciatus, Hahn, Wanz. ii. 7- 1. 37. fig. 120 (1834) ; H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 200 (1850). a. Brazil. b. Brazil, From Mr. Children's Collection. c. Jamaica. From Mr. Children's Collection. d. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. e. Mexico. Presented by the Entomological Club. /. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. g. British Guiana. Presented by Sir Robert Schomburgk. h. Rio. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 23. LYGSEUS equestris. Cimex equestris, Linn. F. S. 946 (1761), M. L. U. 177 (1764) & S. N. i. 726. 77 (1767) ; DeG. Mem. iii. 276 (1773) ; Rossi, F.E. 1319(1790); Schr.F.B.ii. 79. 1119 (1801). 2 B 2 540 HEMIPTERA. Cimex speciosus, Scop. Ent. Cam. 127. 369 (1763). Lygseus equestris, Fab. E. S. iv. 14?. 43 (1794) fy S. R. 217. 57 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 24. t. 3. fig. 24 (1800); Panz. F. G. 79. 19; SchilL Beitr. 58. 1. pi. 5. fig. 4 (1829) ; Fall.Hem. Suec. 48. I (1829); Hahn, Warn. i. 21. t. 3. fig. 12 (1831); Eurm. Handb. ii. 298. 3 (1835) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 44 & 76 (1835) $ Wanz. ix. 196 (1850); KoL Mel Ent. ii. 74. 38 (1845). Coreus equestris, Fall. Mon. dm. Suec. 61. 10 (1807). Metulla, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 74. 111. f. 27. Geoff. Ins. i. 442. 14. a. Italy. b. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. c. Asiatic Turkey. 24. LYG^EUS turcicus. Lygaeus turcicus, Fab. S. R. 218. 61 (1803) ; H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 195 (1850). a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 25. LYG^EUS analis, n. s. L. praecedenti aflinis, coccineus, nigro-variegatus ; pectore nigro, macula utrinque coccineo; abdomine maculis 4 anoque ni- gris. $ . Long. lin. 4. Bright red, opaque. Head above red, with a small black spot at the apex, and another on each side of the vertex within the eyes ; beneath red, with a large triangular black spot on the disc. Eyes black. Thorax with a black band across the anterior por- tion, the posterior margin of which is strongly bisinuate ; poste- rior margin blackish. Scutellum black, with the apex reddish. Coriaceous portion of the elytra bright red, with a large irregu- lar, somewhat triangular spot on the outer margin; membrane blackish brown, with a large bifid white spot on the disc. Ab- domen beneath bright red, with a row of small black spots on each lateral margin, two pairs of small black spots on the third and fourth segments, and the apical segment and anal plate black. Breast black, with a bright red spot on each side on the posterior angles of the antepectus. Legs, rostrum and antennae black ; anterior thighs unarmed ; rostrum not passing the pos- terior coxae. a. Mexico. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. HEMIPTERA. 541 26. LYG^EUS costalis. Lygseus costalis, H. Sch, Wanz.vii. 22. t. 224. fig. 706 (1844) & ix. 195 (1850). a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. 27. LYG^EUS reclivatus. Lygseus reclivatus, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. iv. 321. 1 (1824). Lygaeus bipunctulus, H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 195 (1850). a. N. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. California. From M. Hartweg's Collection. 28. LYGAEUS militaris. Cimex militaris, Fab. Syst. Ent. 1\1. 103 (1775) ; Rossi, F. E. ii. 381.1320(1790). Lygseus pandurus, DeVill. Ent. i. 526. 165.pl. 3. fig. 23 (1789). Lygseus militaris, Fab. E. S. iv. 14?. 42 (1794) $ S. R. 217- 56 (1803); Burm. Handb. ii. 298. 2 (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 44 & 77 (1835) Sf Wanz. ix. 198 (1850); Ramb. F. And. ii. 155 (1841?); Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 249. 1 (1843); Kol. Mel. Ent. ii. 73. 37 (1845). Lygseus civilis, Wolff, Ic. dm. 25. t. 3. fig. 25 (1800). Lygseus lagenifer, L. Duf. Rech. Hem. 45. 1. pi. 3. f. 23 (1827). Lygaeus asiaticus, Kol. Mel. Ent. ii. 72. 36. t. 8. f. 12 (1845). Lagenifer, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 75. 112. a. Germany. b. Italy. c. S. of Europe. Presented by R. M* Andrew, Esq. d. Spain. Presented by Capt. Parry. e. Malta. /. Africa. Presented by J. D. Jebbs, Esq. g. Africa. h. Teneriffe. i. Madeira. Presented by T. V. Wollaston, Esq. j. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. Ar. N. India. 29. LYG,EUS elegans. Lygseus elegans, Wolff, Ic. dm. 112. t. 11. fig. 106 (1802); Burm. Handb. ii. 298. 1 (1835) ; H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 199 (1850). a. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. c. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. d. S. Africa. e. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 542 HEMIPTERA. 30. LYG^EUS concinnus, n. s. L. coccineus, nigro-variegatus ; scutello nigro, linea media coc- cinea; pectore nigro, maculis 3 utrinque albidis; membrana albida, nigro-venosa et nebulosa, maculis duabus niveis. ? . Long. lin. 4. Bright red, opaque, pilose. Head with the lateral margins, the orbits, and a longitudinal central line not reaching the poste- rior margin, black ; beneath black, with the edges of the rostral canal whitish. Eyes brown; ocelli yellowish. Thorax with the lateral margins and two irregular longitudinal bands on the disc black ; these bands are united to the outer margins at the ante- rior margin, and again a little before the middle, and to each other a little behind the anterior margin. Scutellum black, with a red longitudinal central line. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with a black spot near the apex of the clavus, a blackish line along the suture of the clavus, a black spot on the centre of the disc, from which a black line runs to the centre of the apical margin, a line along the apical half of the outer margin, and the apical margin black; outer margin edged with yellow; mem- brane dusky white, with a blackish cloud towards the base and another on the disc, a white spot in the inner basal angle and another on the disc; nervures black. Abdomen red, with the edges, the stigmata and the apex black. Breast black, with the anterior margin of the antepectus and the posterior margins of all the segments yellow. Legs, rostrum and antennae black. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 31. LYG^EUS crudelis. Cimex crudelis, Fab. Sp. Ins. ii. 362. 143 (1781). Cimex albidus, Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. 56 (1784). Lygjeus crudelis, Fab. E. S. iv. 148. 45 (1794) # S. R. 218. 60 (1803); H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 198 (1850). Lygams rivularis, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 141. 49 (1837). Stall, Pun. 50. pi. 2. fig. 80. a. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. b. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. c. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. d. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 32. LYG^EUS mundus, n. s. L. prsecedenti affinis, niger ; macula verticali, strigis 3 thoracis elytrorumque coccineis ; corpore subtus nigro coccineoque fas- ciato ; thoracis margine postico subrecto; membrana albida. ? . Long. lin. 4. HEMIPTERA. 543 Black, opaque. Head with a scarlet spot on the vertex. Tho- rax with a central, longitudinal scarlet line running from the posterior margin to near the anterior margin, and an irregular scarlet line on each side within the lateral margins; posterior margin nearly straight. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with three red lines, of which the first runs along the inner margin of the clavus, the second along the suture of the clavus at the apical portion, and the third within the outer margin ; membrane whitish, with a black line across the base. Abdomen beneath banded with red and black, the basal portion of each segment being black, and with a black band down each side within the margin. Breast black, with a large red spot on each side of each segment. Legs, rostrum and antennae black. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 33. LYGJSUS trimaculatus, n. s. L. rufo-nigroque varius ; capite macula bifurca, thorace maculis tribus anticis, pectore nigro maculis tribus utrinque, fulvis ; ventre nigro-fasciato ; meinbrana nigra. $ . Long. lin. 5. Head with the apex and a spot on each side within the eyes black, leaving a large, anteriorly bifurcate spot on the disc orange ; beneath black, with a reddish orange spot on each side at the base of the antennae. Eyes brown; ocelli reddish. Thorax with the anterior margin and two broad longitudinal bands on the posterior portion of the disc united with the anterior margin by a narrow line, black ; three orange spots on the anterior portion, of which the central one is transverse and elevated ; the lateral margins and a line on the disc of the posterior portion red. Scutellum black, with the apex red, with a deep triangular im- pression on each side behind the middle. Coriaceous portion of the elytra red, with a streak on the suture of the clavus, and a large triangular spot on the outer margin, black; membrane black. Abdomen red, with a broad band across the base of the third, fourth and fifth segments, a spot on each side of the second segment, and the disc of the last segment black; posterior margin of the fifth segment yellowish. Breast black, with three orange spots on each side. Legs, rostrum and antennae black, a. N. America. From Mr. Children's Collection. 34. LYG^EUS furcula. Lygaeus furcula, H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 197 (1850). a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. b. Port Natal. From Dr. Gueinzius's Collection. 544 HEMIPTERA. 35. LYG.EUS familiaris. Cimex familiaris, Fab. Sp. Ins. ii. 363. 145 (1781); Rossi, F. E. 1318 (1790). Lygseus familiaris, Fab. E. S. iv. 149. 48 (1794) $ S. R. 219. 64(1803); Panz.F. G. 79. 20. Sodus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 77- 114. Geoff. Ins. i. 442. 13. a. France. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. b. France. c. Versailles. i 36. LYG^US pacificus. Lygseus pacificus, Boisd. Voy. Ast. ii. 639. pi. 11. fig. 20 (1835). a. Swan River. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. b. N. Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. c. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by Sir John Richard- son, M.D. d. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. e. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. A. Sinclair, R.N. /. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club. (/. India. Presented by General Thomas Hardwicke. 37. LYG^EUS saxatilis. Cimex saxatilis, Scop. Ent. Cam. 128. 371 (1763); Linn. S. N. i. 727. 81 (1767); Rossi, F. E. 1317 (1790). Lyganis saxatilis, Fab. E. S. iv. 148. 46 (1794) fy S. R. 218. 62 (1803); Wolff, Ic. dm. 26. t. 3. fig. 26 (1800); Panz. F. G. 79. 22 ; Schill. Beitr. i. 59. 2 (1829) ; Hahn, Wanz. ii. 6. t. 37. fig. 119 (1834); Eurm. Handb. ii. 298. 4 (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 44 & 77 (1835) <$ Wanz. ix. 197 (1850); KoL Mel. Ent. ii. 72. 35 (1845). Lygaeus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 76. 113. Geoff. Ins. i. 441. 6. a. Switzerland. Presented by Dr. Dowler. b. Italy. c. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. 38. LYG^US hospes. Lygseus hospes, Fab. E. S. iv. 150. 50 (1794) $ S. R. 219. 66 /i OAON Lygjeus lanio, H. Sch. Wanz. vii. 21. t. 224. f. 705 (1844). a. Bombay. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. b. China (Fow-ehoo-foo). Presented by G. Tradescant Lay, , Esq. HEMIPTERA. 545 39. LYGJEUS longulus, n. s. L. praecedenti affinis, coccineo nigroque varius ; membrana fusca, maculis 3 albis ; pedibus, rostro, antennisque iiigris, femoribus anticis subtus denticulatis. Long. lin. 5. Somewhat elongate, bright red, opaque. Head with a black point at the apex; eyes black. Thorax with the anterior mar- gin, and two bands on the disc, which do not reach the anterior margin, black. Scutellum black. Coriaceous .portion of the elytra, with a black point near the apex of the clavus, and a black band across the middle ; membrane brown, with a white trian- gular spot in the inner basal angle, a similar spot at the outer basal angle, and a round white spot in the centre of the disc. Abdomen wanting. Breast black, with the sides of the ante- pectus red. Legs, rostrum and antennae black. a. Egypt. Presented by Wilkinson, Esq. 40. LYG^EUS punctum. Lygaeus punctum, Fab. E. S. iv. 157. 75 (1794) $ S. R. 224. 94 (1803) ; Coqb. Ill i. 41. 1. 10. fig. 14 (1799) ; Wolff, Ic. dm. 73. t. 8. fig. 70 (1801); Burm. Handb. ii. 294. 5 (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 44 & 77 (1835) $ Wanz. ix. 198 (1850). Lygseus ventralis, Kol. Mel. Ent. ii. 75. 39. t. 9. f. 13 (1845). Stigmophorus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 78. 115. Geoff. Ins. i. 443. 15. a. Italy. b. S. of France. c. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. 41. LYG^EUS argentatus. Lygaeus argentatus, Fab. S. R. 228. 120 (1803). a. . 42. LYG^EUS maculatus, n. s. L. rufus; capite, thoracis maculis 2 magnis posticis, scutello, elytrorum maculis membranaque, pectoris punctis 4 utrinque, pedibus, rostro, antennisque nigris ; ventre rufo, postice griseo, apice nigro. $ . Long. lin. 3f . Opaque, pilose. Head black, with the lateral margins red ; beneath red. Eyes brown. Thorax red, with a triangular blackish spot on the anterior portion, and two large deep black spots occu- pying the greater portion of the posterior half, and leaving only the margins and a narrow central line red. Scutellum black, with 2B5 546' HEMIPTERA. a slightly elevated red line at the apex. Coriaceous portion of the elytra red, livid, with a large round, deep black spot on the disc, and a small one at the apex of the clavus ; membrane deep black, with the apex and a small spot in the inner basal angle white. Abdomen beneath red at the base and along the sides, becoming griseous on the disc, with the apex blackish. Breast red, with black spots in the posterior angles of each segment, and a smaller one close to the insertion of each of the anterior legs. Legs, rostrum and antennae pitchy black ; basal joint of the rostrum red. a. N. India. From Capt. Boys's Collection. b. India. From Archdeacon Clerk's Collection. 43. LYG^EUS sternalis, n. s. L. coccineus, nigro-maculatus ; pectore maculis tribus magnis utrinque, mesosternoque nigris ; ventre nigro-fasciato, margin e rufo ; membrana nigra margine tenuissimo albo. S ? . Long. lin. 4|. Bright red, opaque. Head above, with the vertex and a spot at the apex black ; beneath red, with a spot on each side at base and apex. Eyes dark brown ; ocelli reddish. Thorax with two large square black spots, occupying the greater part of its surface, leaving only a rather broad space on the anterior margin, a nar- row central line and a very narrow line on the posterior margin, red. Scutellum black. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with a large black spot on the disc and a black streak on the clavus ; membrane black, with a spot in the inner basal angle, and the margin white. Wings sooty. Abdomen above red, with the apex black ; beneath red, with broad black bands on three or four of the segments; margins red. Breast with three large black spots on each side, of which those on the medipectus are united to one another. Legs, rostrum and antennae black. a. W. Africa. From Mr. Fraser's Collection. 44. LYG^EUS fimbriatus, n. s. L. praecedenti aftinis, coccineus, nigro-maculatus ; ventre nigro, marginibus runs; membrana nigra, margine tenuissimo albo. ? . Long. lin. 3^-4. Head red, with two black spots at the posterior margin, en- closing the ocelli, and a third at the apex ; beneath red. Thorax red in front, with two large black spots on the posterior portion, leaving the lateral and posterior margins and a central longitu- dinal line reddish orange. Scutellum black. Coriaceous portion of the elytra orange, with the clavus and a large, somewhat tri- angular spot on the outer margin black ; membrane black, with HEMIPTERA, 54? a spot in the inner basal angle and the margins white. Abdomen beneath black, with the base and margins orange. Antepectus red, with a black spot on each side ; medipectus and postpectus black, with the margins of the sockets of the legs red. Legs and rostrum black ; antennae wanting. a. Java. From the East India Company's Collection. b. Java. 45. LYG^EUS punctatoguttatus. Cimex punctatoguttatus, Fab. Sp. Ins. ii. 365. 161 (1781) ; Rossi, F. E. ii. 384. 1324 (1790), Lygseus punctatoguttatus, Fab. E. S. iv. 158. 77 (1794) fy S. R. 224. 97 (1803); Burm. Handb. ii. 299. 6 (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 44 & 77 (1835) # Wanz. ix. 199 (1850); Kol. Mel. Ent. ii. 76. 41 (1845). Stigmorhanis, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 79. 116. a. Teneriffe. 46. LYGSEUS bipunctatus, n. s. L. ruber, pilosus ; capite, punctis 2 thoracis, punctis 3 utrinque in pectore, ano, pedibus, rostro, antennisque nigris ; membrana nigra, apice albo. S . Long. lin. 3. Head pitchy black, pilose. Thorax bright red, pilose, rather strongly punctured, with a large black point within each lateral angle. Scutellum and coriaceous portion of the elytra dull red, pilose ; membrane black, with the apex and a small spot in the inner basal angle white. Abdomen beneath dull red, pilose, with the apex black. Breast red, with three black spots on each side. Legs pitchy black. Rostrum and antennas black. a. E. Indies. From Mr. Wooley's Collection. 47. LYGSEUS servus. Lygaaus servus, Fab. E. S. iv. 156. 72 (1794) $ S. R. 223. 91 (1803). a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. d. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 48. LYG^JUS guttiger, n. s. L. niger, rufo-variegatus ; thoracis marginibus, lineaque media, rubris; elytrorum corio fusco, extus basi rufo, membrana nigra, linea transversa pone basin, apiceque albis. ? . Long. lin. 3. 548 HEMIPTERA. Head above black, with a red spot on each lateral margin; beneath black, with the edges of the rostral canal pale. Thorax black, with the margins and a central longitudinal line red. Coriaceous portion of the elytra brown, with the base of the outer margin red ; membrane black, with the apex and a trans- verse line near the base white. Abdomen above red, with the apex black, the margins banded with black and red; beneath black, with the base reddish, the margins banded with black and red. Breast black, with the margins of the antepectus and a spot on each side of each segment close to the insertion of the legs reddish. Legs, rostrum and antennae black. a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. 49. LYG^EUS verticalis, n. s. L. rufo nigroque varius; capite rufo, vertice nigro ; scutello nigro apice pallido ; elytrorum corio macula media nigra, basi nigri- canti ; membrana nigra apice alba. $ . Long. lin. 3. Head red, with a black spot on the vertex. Thorax black, with the margins and a longitudinal central line red. Scutellum black, with the apex pale dull orange. Coriaceous portion of the elytra red, with the basal portion blackish, the disc with a black spot ; membrane black, with the apex white. Wings brownish. Abdomen red, with the apex black. Breast red, rather thickly punctured, with a black point on each side on the first and second segments, and a black band on the anterior por- tion of the second and third segments. Legs, rostrum and an- tennae black. 50. LYG^EUS melanurus. Lygaeus melanurus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 143. 52 (1837). a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. b. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. 51. LYGAEUS marginellus, n. s. L. rufus, capite, thorace, scutello, membrana, pectore, abdominis apice marginibusque, pedibus, rostro antennisque nigris ; tho- racis angulis lateralibus rufis. Long. lin. 3J. Head black, with a minute red point on the vertex. Thorax black, with the humeral angles red ; the disc with a shallow, transverse, punctured impression. Scutellum black. Coriaceous portion of the elytra red, with the outer margin blackish ; mem- brane black. Abdomen both above and beneath red, with the HEM1PTERA. 549 margins and the apex black. Breast, legs, rostrum and antennae black. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 52. LYG^EUS vicinus, n. s. L. praecedenti valde affinis, differt praecipue abdomine rufo, apice solo nigro ; membrana albo-marginata. Long. lin. 2f . Thorax with a strong transverse impression about the middle ; this impression and the anterior margin coarsely punctured. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. 53. LYG^EUS lineola, n. s. L. niger, cinereo-pilosus ; thorace coccineo, fasciis 2 nigris -, scu- telli linea media, et elytrorum abdominisque marginibus tes- taceis ; trochanteribus albidis. ? . Long. lin. 2f . Head black, with the margins of the rostral canal testaceous. Thorax red, with two irregular black longitudinal bands. Scu- tellum black, with a narrow testaceous line down the centre. Coriaceous portion of the elytra black 5 with the outer and apical margins and the inner margin from the apex of the scutellum to the base of the membrane testaceous ; membrane black, with the margins whitish. Abdomen beneath black, thickly clothed with minute ashy hairs, with the margins testaceous. Breast con- colorous with the abdomen, with the anterior and lateral margins of the antepectus red, and the margins of the sockets of the legs yellow. Legs black, with the trochanters whitish. Rostrum and antennae black. a. St. John's Bluff, E.Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 54. LYG^EUS collaris. Lygseus collaris, Fab. S. R. 230. 129 (1803). a. Jamaica. From Mr. Children's Collection. 55. LYG^EUS pulchellus. Lygseus pulchellus, Fab. E. S. iv. 159. 83 (1794) # S. R. 225. 105 (1803); H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 199 (1850). Lygaeus bimarginatus, H. Sch. Wanz. viii. 105. t. 284. f. 8/7 (1847). a. Jamaica. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 550 HEMIPTERA. 56. LYG^EUS xanthostaurus. Lygaeus xanthostaurus, H. Sch.Wanz.ix. 200. t.284. f. 874(1850). a. Brazil. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Brazil. 57. LYGAEUS Poeyi. Lygseus Poeyi, Guer. Ic. R. A. Ins. 346. pi. 56. fig. 1. . Cuba. Presented by M. Guerin-Meneville. 58. LYGAEUS lateralis, n. s. L. niger, elytrorum margine externo, punctoque in medio tho- racis marginis postici, rufis. 3 . Long. lin. 3. Black. Thorax rugose, with a strong transverse ridge a little before the middle, and a raised line down the middle of the pos- terior portion ; the posterior margin with a small red spot in its centre. Coriaceous portion of the elytra with the outer margin bright red. a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. Genus 2. AROCATUS. Lygseus, p., Fab. Syst. Rh. (1803); Schill Beitr. i. (1829); Burm. Handb. ii. (1835) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1 835) # Wanz. ix. (1850). Arocatus, Spin. Hem. 257 (1837) Tav. Sin. Hem. 38 (1850). 1. AROCATUS melanocephalus. Norn. Ent. i. 43 & 77 (1835) $ Wanz. ix. 198 (1850). Arocatus melanocephalus, Spin. Hem. 257 (1837). Arocatus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 80. 11.9. a. Versailles. b. France. 2. AROCATUS pusillus, n. s. A. capite membranaque nigris ; thorace rufo, maculis 2 magnis posticis fuscis ; corio fusco, venis testaceis. c? ? . Long. lin. 2. Head black. Thorax red, rather strongly punctured, with two large dark brown spots on the posterior margin. Scutellum blackish, with a pale central line. Coriaceous portion of the HEMIPTERA. 551 elytra brown, with the nervures and the posterior margin testa- ceous ; membrane deep black, with the tip whitish. Margins of the abdomen banded with brown or black and white. Abdomen beneath yellow, with an abbreviated brown band on each side of each segment; the apex black or dark brown. Breast red, punctured, with the edges of the segments testaceous. Thighs pale testaceous at the base, dark brown at the apex ; tibiae and tarsi brownish. Rostrum black. Antennae dark brown or black- ish, with a whitish ring at the apex of each of the first three joints. a. E. Indies. From Mr. Woolev's Collection. Genus 3. ORSILLUS, n. g. Head elongated, triangular, with the antenniferous tubercles somewhat acute externally. Eyes moderate ; ocelli placed close to the eyes, on a line with their posterior margin. Antennae about two-thirds as long as the body; basal joint shortest, not passing the apex of the head; second joint longest; third and fourth nearly equal. Rostrum long, passing the posterior coxae ; basal joint not reaching the base of the head, inclosed at its base in a canal; second and third joints much longer than the first, third a little the longest ; fourth joint shortest. Body elongate ovate, pointed in front. Scutellum small. Membrane with four parallel nervures, of which the two inner are united near the base by a transverse nervure, forming a cell. Breast with a slight furrow down the centre. Anterior thighs slightly thickened, and denticulated beneath ; tarsi of three joints, with the basal joint nearly equal to the other two together, the second shortest. 1. ORSILLUS depressus, n. s. PI. XV. fig. 2. O. subferrugineus, thorace punctato; membrana fuscescenti, albido-nebulosa ; femoribus luteis. Long. lin. 3. Pale ferruginous. Thorax and scutellum rather thickly punc- tured. Coriaceous portion of the elytra mottled with pale spots ; membrane brownish, semitranspareiit, mottled with whitish spots. Abdomen wanting. Antepectus rather coarsely punctured. Thighs yellow ; tibiae and tarsi pale ferruginous. Rostrum tes- taceous, with the tip brown. Antennae ferruginous. a. Italy? Genus 4. NYSIUS, n. g. Head triangular, rather broad. Eyes prominent, projecting beyond the anterior angles of the thorax. Ocelli placed rather 552 HEMIPTERA. nearer to the eyes than to each other. Antennae more than half the length of the body, of four joints ; basal joint shorter than the head ; second generally longer than the third ; third and fourth joints about equal. Rostrum reaching the posterior coxae ; basal joint not passing the base of the head, enclosed at its base in a canal ; second and third joints about equal, longer than the first; fourth about equal to the first. Body oblong. Thorax trapezoidal. Scutellum rather small, triangular, obtuse. Mem- brane of the elytra with five nervures, of which the two inner are united by a transverse nervure ; the remainder run parallel to one another to the base. Legs moderate; anterior thighs un- armed; tarsi three-jointed, with the basal joint as long as, or longer than, the other two together. Lygseus, p., Fall. Mon. dm. (1807) fy Hem. Suec. (1829) ; Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. (1832) # Ins. Lapp. (1840). Heterogaster, p., Schill. Beitr. (1829); H. Sch. Nom. Ent. i. (1835) ; Curt. B. E. xiii. 597 (1836) ; Kol. Mel Ent. ii. (1845); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. (1848). Cymus, p., Burm. Handb. ii. (1835). * Second joint of the antennce longer than the third. 1. NYSIUS Zealandicus. N. fusco-griseus, punctatus, pilosus, subtus fuscus, albido-macu- latus ; capite nigro ; antennis nigris, articulo tertio apice fulvo. ? . Long. lin. 2f-3J. Rhopalus Zealandicus, White, Zool. Ereb. fy Terr. a. New Zealand. Presented by Sir James Ross. b. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Andrew Sinclair. c. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Hooker's Collection. 2. NYSIUS Thymi. Lygseus Thymi, Wolff, Ic. Cim. 149. t. 15. fig. 143 (1804) ; Fall. Mon. Cim. 63. 3 (1807) fy Hem. Suec. 49. 3 (1829); Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 469. 2 (1832) $ Ins. Lapp. 262. 2 (1840). Heterogaster Thymi, Schill. Beitr. i. 85. 3. t. 7. fig. 9 (1829) ; H. Sch. Cont. Panz. F. G. 135. 13 # Nom. Ent. i. 46 & 81 (1835); Curt. B. E. xiii. 59?. 1 (1836); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 52. 2 (1848). Heraria, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser, iv. 106. 165. a. Alten, Finmark. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. HEMIPTERA. 553 3. NY si us Senecionis. Heterogaster Senecionis, Schill Beitr. i. 87. 5. t. 8. fig. 1 (1829) ; H. Sch. Cont. Panz. F. G. 135. 14. fy Norn. Ent. i. 46 & 81 (1835); KoL Mel. Ent. ii. (1845). a. S. of France. b. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. 4. NYSIUS basalis, n. s. vN. fusco-griseus, fusco-punctatus ; elytris pallidis, membrana hyalina ; ventre basi nigro, $ $ . Long. lin. 2-2. Head and thorax pale greyish brown, finely punctured with brown, with a longitudinal pale line down the centre. Coria- ceous portion of the elytra whitish, with two indistinct brownish longitudinal streaks on the disc ; membrane transparent. Body beneath brownish testaceous ; abdomen with the basal portion black ; breast thickly punctured, with the centre black, and an indistinct blackish band on each side. Legs testaceous ; thighs punctured with brown; tarsi brown or blackish at the apex. Rostrum testaceous, with the tip brown. Antennae brownish testaceous, with the basal joint brown, the apical joint blackish. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Brazil. From Mr. Children's Collection. 5. NYSIUS scutellatus, n. s. N. supra griseus, capite thoraceque fusco-punctatis, nigro- varie- gatis ; scutello nigro ; corpore subtus nigro, albido fulvoque variegato. $ ? . Long. lin. H-lf. Head and thorax griseous punctured with brown ; head with a black streak on each side ; thorax blackish in front. Scutel- lum black. Coriaceous portion of the elytra pale, with a brown line near the outer margin and the apical margin brown ; mem- brane brownish, with the nervures transparent. Head beneath black, with the walls of the rostral canal yellow. Breast black, punctured, with a yellow spot at the base of each leg. Abdomen black, with a large orange spot at the apex in the female, imma- culate in the male. Legs orange, with the thighs brownish or punctured with brown. Rostrum brownish, with the apex black. Antennae brownish, with the basal and apical joints blackish. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Children's Collection, 6. NYSIUS nubilus, n. s. N. capite thoraceque griseis, nigro-punctatis, scutello nigro ; elytrorum corio testaceo, nervis fuscis albo-variegatis, mem- 554 HEMIPTERA. brana subhyalina, fusco-maculata; corpore subtus nigro, griseo- piloso. d* . Long. lin. 3. Head and thorax griseous, very thickly and finely punctured with black. Eyes black. Scutellum black, thickly punctured. Coriaceous portion of the elytra testaceous, indistinctly mottled with brown, with the nervures variegated with white and brown ; membrane transparent, with the interstices of the nervures more or less spotted with brown. Wings iridescent. Abdomen above black, with an orange spot behind the middle ; beneath black, thickly clothed with a pale greyish pile, with the anal plate and the centre of the posterior margins of the three last segments brownish, and transverse rows of deep black spots, containing four in each, across the disc of the second and third segments. Breast black, thickly punctured and clothed with a greyish yellow pile, with the margins of the four posterior leg-sockets testa- ceous. Legs testaceous ; coxae and trochanters fulvous ; thighs covered with dark brown points ; tarsi brownish, with the base testaceous. Antennae with the basal and apical joints blackish, the second and third brownish. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. f Second joint of the antenna equal in length to the third. 7. NYSIUS binotatus. Cymus binotatus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 138. 41 (1837). a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. 8. NYSIUS pallens, n. s. N. capite, thorkceque testaceis, hoc linea media albida ; scutello nigricanti, linea media lutea; elytrorum corio pallido, mar- gine postico nigro- vel fusco-maculato. f the anterior legs. Anterior thighs black, with the base, a HEMIPTERA. 563 band along the upper surface and the extreme tip testaceous ; intermediate and posterior legs, and the anterior tibiae and tarsi testaceous, the tibiae and tarsi blackish at the tip. Rostrum brown. Antennas brown or brownish testaceous, sometimes with the basal and apical joints dark brown or blackish. a. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. 7. RHYPAROCHROMUS mserens. Pachymerus maerens, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 139. 43 (1837). a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. b. S. Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. c. S. Africa* Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. 8. RHYPAROCHROMUS vulgaris. Pachymerus vulgaris, SchilL Beitr. i. 65. 2. t. 5. fig. 8 (1829) ; Hakn, Wanz. i. 41. t. 7- fig. 26 (1831) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent.'i. 45 & 80 (1835). a. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. 9. RHYPAROCHROMUS pedestris. Lygaeus pedestris, Panz. F. G. 92. 14 ; Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 470. 4 (1832) # Ins. Lapp. 263. 5 (1840). Pachymerus pedestris, Schitt. Beitr. i. 70. 10. t. 6. fig. 7 (1829) ; Hahn, Wanz. i. 62. t. 10. fig. 38 (1831); Burm. Handb. ii. 296. 7 (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 44 & 79 (1835). Raglius, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 89. 133. a. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. 10. RHYPAROCHROMUS margine punctatus. Lygaeus margine punctatus. Wolff, Ic. dm. 150. t. 15. fig. 144 (1804). Lygaeus pilifrons, Zett. Act. Holm. 1819, 71 ; Fall. Hem. Suec. 52. 8 (1829). Pachymerus margine punctatus, SchilL Beitr. i. 71. H. t. 6. fig. 8 (1829) ; Hahn, Wanz. i. 52. t. 8. fig. 32 (1831) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 45 & 79 (1835). Nevelus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 84. 123. . Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Italy. c. Madeira. Presented by T. V. Wollaston, Esq. d. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. 2c2 564 HEMIPTERA. 11. RHYPAROCHROMUS sylvaticus. Lygsms sylvaticus, Fab. E. S. iv. 163. 98 (1794) fy S. R. 229, 126 (1803); Fall. Mon. dm. 67. 10 (1807) $ Hem. Suec. 59 17 (1829). Pachymerus sylvaticus, Schill. Beitr. i. 80. 24. t. 7- fig. 4 (1829) ; Hahn, Wanz. i. 221. t. 36. fig. 1 15 (1831 ) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 45 & 80 (1835); Kol. Mel. Ent. ii. 81. 50 (1845). Rhyparochromus sylvaticus, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 57. 5 (1848). a. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 12. RHYPAROCHROMUS nebulosus. Lygaeus nebulosus, Fall. Mon. dm. 65. 7 (1807) fy Hem. Suec. 54. 11 (1829) ; Zelt. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 471. 6 (1832) & Ins. Lapp. 263. 7 (1840). Pachymerus nebulosus, Schill. Beitr. 69. 8. t. 6. fig. 5 (1829); Hahn, Wanz. i. 46. t. 8. fig. 29 (1831); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. I 45 & 79 (1835). Rhyparochromus nebulosus, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 56. 3 (1848). Nassir, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 86. 128. a. ? From Mr. Children's Collection. 13. RHYPAROCHROMUS agrestis. Lygams agrestis, Fall. Mon. dm. 66. 8 (1807) $ Hem. Suec. 55. "12 (1829); Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 471. 8 (1832) & Ins. Lapp. 263. 9 (1840). Lygaeus sylvaticus, Panz. F. G. 93. 16 [nee. Fab.']. Pachymerus agrestis, Hahn, Wanz. i. 25. t. 4. fig. 15? (1831); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 45 & 78 (1835). Rhyparochromus agrestis, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 56. 4 (1848). Jassarus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 86. 126. a. Italy. 14. RHYPAROCHROMUS chiragra. Lygseus chiragra, Fab. E. S. iv. 168. 113 (1?94) # S. R. 233 144(1803); Fall. Hem. Suec.SS. 16. (1829); Zett. Ins. Lapp. 263. 10 (1840). Pachymerus chiragra, Schill. Beitr. i. 75. 16. t. 6. fig. 9 (1829) ; Hahn, Wanz. i. 56. t. 9. fig. 34 (1831); Burm. Handb. ii. 294 2 (1835); H. Sch. Norn. Ent.i. 45 & 78 (1835). Rhyparochromus chiragra, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 63. 15 (1848). Chironosus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 92. 139. a. Italy. b. ? HEMIPTERA. 565 15, RHYPAROCHROMUS decoratus. Pachymerus decoratus, Hahn, Wanz. i. 139. t. 22. fig. 71 (1831). Rhyparochromus decoratus, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 63. 14 (1848). a. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. 16. RHYPAROCHROMUS borealis, n. s. R. prsecedenti affinis, elongatus, capite, thoracis lobo antico, maculisque 4 in lobo postico, scutello, corporeque subtus, nigris ; membrana fusca, maculis tribus venisque albidis ; fe- moribus anticis piceis. $ . Long. lin. 3. Somewhat elongate. Head black, impunctate. Thorax with the lateral reflexed margins yellowish white ; the anterior lobe rather convex, black, impunctate ; the posterior lobe brown or chestnut, punctured with black and with four black spots, namely one in each lateral angle and two on the disc. Scutellum black, finely but sparingly and irregularly punctured, the apical portion with an impunctate slightly elevated central line. Coriaceous portion of the elytra brown, finely punctured, with the base tes- taceous punctured with brown; outer margin testaceous; disc, with a blackish spot ; membrane brown, with the nervures whitish and with three slightly pearly spots, placed one at the inner, one at the outer basal angle, and one at the middle of the inner margin. Wings iridescent. Abdomen above black; be- neath black, with the apex reddish. Breast black, finely punc- tured ; posterior margin of the antepectus brownish, punctured with black ; posterior margin of the postpectus brownish testa- ceous. Anterior thighs black, becoming reddish towards the base ; anterior tibiae and tarsi and the intermediate and posterior legs deep fulvous. Rostrum pale fulvous, with the basal joint brown. Antennae black or pitchy black, with sometimes the basal joint and the base of the second dull red. a. N. America. From Lieut. Redman's Collection. b. Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 17. RHYPAROCHROMUS erraticus. Lygeeus erraticus, Fab. E. S. iv. 167. 109 (1794) ^ S. R. 232. 139 (1803); Fall. Mon. dm. 65. 12 (1807); Hem. Suec. 60. 19 (1829); Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 472. 9 (1832) & Ins. Lapp. 264. 11 (1840). Pachymerus erraticus, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 44 & 79 (1835). Rhyparochromus erraticus, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 62. 12 (1848). a, Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. 566 HEM1PTERA* 18. RHYPAROCHROMUS plebeius. Lygseus sylvestris, Panz. F. G. 92. 10 (nee Linn.). Lygams plebeius, Fall Mon. dm. 6?. 11 (180?) $ Hem. Suec. 59. 18 (1829). Pachymerus sylvestris, Schill. Beitr. i. 73. 14. t. 6. fig. 1 (1829) ; Hahn, Wanz. i. 54. t. 9. fig. 33 (1831) ; Burm. Handb. ii. 296. 8 (1835). Pachymerus plebeius, H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 44 (1835). Rhyparochromus plebeius, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 61. 11 (1848). a. Europe. From Mr. Children's Collection. 19. RHYPAROCHROMUS sordidus. Lygaeus sordidus, Fab. E. S. iv. 164. 101 (1794) Sf S. R. 231 131 (1803). a. E. Indies. Presented by Capt. Parry. b. China (Fow-choo-foo). Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. 20. RHYPAROCHROMUS chinensis, n. s. R. oblongo-ovatus, subelongatus, niger ; capite acuminate ; tho- race elytrisque testaceo-variegatis j femoribus nigris. $ . Lon 1 , lin. Oblong-ovate, somewhat elongate. Head much produced and pointed anteriorly, black, impunctate. Thorax black ; its lateral margins reflexed, with a yellow spot at the middle ; the trans- verse furrow a little behind the middle ; the anterior lobe rather convex, finely and rather sparingly punctured; posterior lobe rather strongly punctured, with two yellow spots on the disc Scutellum black, rather thickly and finely punctured, with two yellow points on the disc about the middle and a third at the apex. Base and inner margin of the coriaceous portion of the elytra either testaceous thickly punctured with black, or black more or less variegated with testaceous, apical portion black ; outer margin testaceous, impunctate, terminating in a large tes- taceous spot, punctured with brown, within which is a smaller whitish impunctate spot ; membrane brown or blackish brown, with some of the nervures pale towards the base. Body beneath black ; abdomen opaque, clothed with a pale pubescence ; breast finely punctured ; mesosternum with two minute spines. Ante- rior coxa? spinous. Thighs black, pilose, with the base testa- ceous ; the anterior pair much thickened, with a single spine near the apex ; anterior tibise pale brown, with the apex black ; inter- mediate and posterior tibise black ; tarsi brownish, clothed with a yellow ment of t Antennae with the basal joint pitchy black, the second pale brown, llow pubescence. Rostrum long, reaching the second seg- ment of the abdomen, brown, with the last two joints blackish. HEMIPTERA. 56? the third dark brown, the fourth yellowish white at the base* black at the apex. a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 21. RHYPAROCHROMUS albostriatus. Lygjeus albostriatus, Fab. S. R. 229. 122 (1803). Pachymerus albostriatus, Burm. Handb. ii. 295. 5 (1835). 22. RHYPAROCHROMUS pallens, n. s. R. supra testaceus, fusco-punctatissimus ; capite, thorace antice scutelloque basi castaneis ; corpore subtus fusco ; pedibus luteis ; antennis testaceis, articulo ultimo fusco, basi albido. ? . Long. lin. 4^. Rather elongate, above testaceous, thickly and finely punc- tured with brown. Head pale chestnut-brown, impunctate, with the tip of the central lobe pale. Thorax with the anterior por- tion of the disc pale chestnut-brown, thickly and finely punc- tured ; lateral margins slightly reflexed, impunctate. Scutellum with a large tridentate chestnut patch at the base, and with a minute pale point at the apex. Membrane of the elytra opaque, brownish, with a large brown patch at the base near the inner angle. Abdomen beneath dark brown, opaque, clothed with a fine pale pubescence ; the margins spotted with yellow. Breast pitchy, thickly and minutely punctured, with the posterior mar- gins of the ante- and postpectora testaceous, and with a testa- ceous spot at the base of each leg. Legs yellow ; thighs more or less punctured with brown ; tibiae with several brown spines. Rostrum short, not reaching the intermediate coxse, testaceous, with the tip brown. Antennae with the first three joints testa- ceous, the basal joint with a few brown bristles; last joint brownish, with the base whitish. a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's Collection. 23. RHYPAROCHROMUS acuminatus, n. s. R, niger, nitidus, punctatus ; capite elongato, antice acuminato ; elytrorum corio macula subapicali alba; antennis pedibusque piceis. $ , Long. lin. 2. Somewhat elongate, a little wider behind the middle, blatfk, shining. Head longer than broad, pointed in front, impunctate. Thorax nearly square, slightly narrowed in front, lateral margins narrowly reflexed ; the disc with a transverse impression behind the mid'dle ; the portion in front of this furrow somewhat convex, smooth and impunctate, the posterior portion rather thickly punctured. Scutellum finely punctured, Coriaceous portion of 56"& HEMIPTERA. the elytra thickly and rather strongly punctured, especially on the clavus and in its neighbourhood, with a small streak at the apex of the clavus, the basal portion of the outer margin, and a large spot near the apex of the outer margin, white ; membrane rudimentary, blackish brown. Abdomen beneath smooth, shining and impunctate ; breast shining, thickly and finely punctured. Legs pitchy ; tibiae and tarsi reddish. Rostrum very long, reach- ing the middle of the abdomen, fulvous, with the base brownish. Antennae pitchy ; last joint wanting. An immature specimen of this species has the entire ground- colour brownish ferruginous, with the pale spots less distinct ; the membrane in this specimen is developed, semitransparent, brownish. a. N. Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. 24. RHYPAROCHROMUS ovalis, n. s. R. fuscus, elytris fusco-testaceis, fusco-punctatis ; pedibus luteis, femoribus posticis et intermediis apice fuscis ; antennis fulvis, articulo ultimo fusco, annulo ante medium albido. ? . Long. lin. 2$. Head and thorax brown, somewhat ferruginous ; head im- punctate ; eyes blackish. Thorax quadrate, a little wider behind than in front, with the lateral margins indented in the middle ; disc with a faint transverse impression about the middle ; the anterior portion reddish brown, slightly convex, impunctate ; the posterior portion brownish testaceous, punctured with brown. Elytra ovate, wider than the thorax, testaceous, punctured with brown, with a brown spot on the outer apical angle of the corium, and another on the outer margin a short distance from the apex ; membrane rudimentary, variegated with brown. Apex of the abdomen reddish brown. Body beneath blackish brown ; breast punctured. Legs yellow, with the apex of the intermediate and posterior thighs blackish. Rostrum yellow, with the apex brown. Antennae fulvous ; the last joint brownish, with a whitish ring near the base. a. Columbia. From M. Goudot's Collection. II. Thorax narrowed in front, the anterior margin narrower than the head. a. Lateral margins of the thorax reflexed. (BEOSUS, A. fy S.) 25. RHYPAROCHROMUS luscus. Lygseus luscus, Fab. E. S. iv. 165. 103 (1794) fy S. R. 231. 133 (1803) ; Wolff, Ic. dm. 145. t. 14. fig. 139 (1804). HEMIPTERA. 569 Lygaeus quadratus, Panz. F. G. 92. 11. Pachymerus luscus, S chill. Beitr. i. 67. 6. t. 6. fig. 4 (1829); Hahn, Wanz. i. 48. t. 8. fig. 30 (1831) ; Burm. Handb. ii. 295. 6 (1835) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 45 & 79 (1835). Beosus quadratus, Am. Sf Serv. Hem. 254. 1 (1843). Beosus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 90. 135. a. Africa. From Mr. Children's Collection. 26. RHYPAROCHROMUS notatus, n. s. R. elongatus, niger ; thorace postice, elytrorumque basi testaceis, fusco-punctatis ; elytrorum corio apice albo, fusco-punctato ; femoribus basi, tibiisque 4 anticis, apice excepto, flavis. R. precedent! valde affinis; differt thorace opaco, lobo antico minus convexo, linea media obsoleta elevata, lobo postico te- nuiter punctato. ? . Long, lin, 6. This species very closely resembles the preceding, from which it differs principally in the form of the thorax, which is rather shorter in proportion to its length, and less strongly constricted behind the middle ; the whole thorax is black and opaque ; the anterior lobe has its sides less rounded, and its disc less convex, than in R. bengalensis, with the surface finely punctured; the posterior lobe is also finely punctured, and has a short, orange, central line. a. Bombay. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. HEMIPTERA. 573 36. RHYPAROCHROMUS consutus. Pachymerus consutus, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. v. 139. 44 (1837). a. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. 37. RHYPAROCHROMUS pallicornis, n. s. R. capite, thorace, pectore scuteiloque nigris, thorace postice piceo punctis 4 fulvis ; elytris ochreis fusco-punctatis et va- riegatis, corio apice nigro; antennis fulvo-testaceis, articulo ultimo apice obscuro. ? , Long. lin. 3. Elongate. Head rather wider than the anterior margin of the thorax, black, opaque, very closely and minutely punctured, with the tip of the central lobe reddish. Thorax very little longer than its width at the base, strongly constricted about the mid- dle, with the posterior lobe considerably wider than the anterior ; anterior lobe black, very finely but sparingly punctured, with a transverse impressed line close to the reddish anterior margin, the lateral margins with a slightly raised line; posterior lobe pitchy brown, finely punctured, with four fulvous points, namely a very distinct one on each lateral margin, and two, less distinct, on the disc. Scutellum black, finely punctured, with the extreme tip fulvous. Coriaceous portion of the elytra ochreous, finely punctured with brown, with a small brown spot near the base, and an irregular band of brown spots across the disc behind the middle ; a large pale patch, punctured with brown, comes imme- diately behind this band, and the apex has a large black patch ; membrane brownish ochreous, opaque; its base spotted with brown, with the nervures whitish. Abdomen beneath pitchy red. Breast black, finely punctured. Anterior thighs black, with the apex fulvous ; posterior yellow at the base, blackish at the apex ; intermediate wanting; tibiae and tarsi fulvous. Rostrum pale brown, with the base and apex pitchy. Antennas fulvous testa- ceous, with the apical joint dusky, whitish at the base, a. E. Indies. From Mr. Wooley's Collection. 38. RHYPAROCHROMUS gutta, n. s. R. capite, thorace antice, pectore scuteiloque nigris, thorace pos- tice piceo ; ely trorum corio testaceo, fusco-punctato, margine apicali fusco, gutta alba in angulo interno ; membrana fusca, nervis plagaque magna media, albidis. ? . Long. lin. 2i. Elongate. Head black, thickly and minutely punctured, broader than the anterior margin of the thorax. Ocelli red. Thorax about as long as the width of its base, strongly con- 574 HEMIPTERA. stricted at the middle ; the anterior lobe narrower than the pos- terior, a little broader than long, convex, black, impunctate ; the anterior margin with a distinct raised rim ; posterior lobe pitchy,, rather thickly punctured. Scutellum black, punctured, with a pitchy brown line down the centre, and the apex whitish. Co- riaceous portion of the elytra testaceous, punctured with brown, with the outer margin whitish and impunctate, the apical margin brown ; a little within the inner apical angle is a small whitish spot ; membrane brown, with the nervures, and a large streak down the middle, but not reaching the base, whitish. Abdomen reddish, with the apex blackish. Breast black, minutely and sparingly punctured; the posterior portion of the antepectus pitchy. Legs pale fulvous ; anterior thighs pitchy brown, with the apex pale fulvous; tarsi blackish at the tip. Rostrum brown. Antennae fulvous, with the last joint brown. a. N. India. From Capt. Boys's Collection. 39. RHYPAROCHROMUS sylvestris. Cimex svlvestris, Linn. F. S. 256. 965 (1761) S. N. i. 731. Ill (1767). Lygseus silvestris, Fall. Mon. dm. 69. 15 (1807) # Hem. Suec. "61. 22 (1829); Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 473. 10 (1832) $ Ins. Lapp. 264. 12 (1840). Rhyparochromus silvestris, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 70. 2 (1848). Pachymerus sylvestris, H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 209 (1850). a. ? From Mr. Children's Collection. 40. RHYPAROCHROMUS inconspicuus, n. s. R. nigro-piceus ; thorace postice obscure castaneo, punctato; elytris testaceis fusco-punctatis, macula apicali albida ; pedi- bus pallidis, femoribus anticis nigris. ? . Long. lin. 2^. Rather elongate, pitchy black. Thorax rather strongly con- stricted about the middle, the posterior lobe dull chestnut, finely punctured. Scutellum whitish at the tip. Coriaceous portion of the elytra testaceous, thickly and finely punctured with brown, with the outer margin whitish and impunctate, and with a small white spot close to the inner apical angle ; membrane brownish, semitransparent, with the nervures pale. Abdomen beneath red- dish. Legs yellow; anterior thighs black, with the apex ful- vous. Rostrum brown. Antennae pale fulvous, with the apical joint brown. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. HEMIPTERA. 575 41. RHYPAROCHROMUS lineatus. Lygseus lineatus, Fab. Ent. Syst. Supp. 541. 124 (1798) fy S. R. 234. 152 (1803). a. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 42. RHYPAROCHROMUS basalis, n. s. 11. niger ; elytrorum corio griseo, fusco-punctato, macula parva albida in angulo interno apicali ; thorace postice griseo-4- maculato ; antennarum articulo primo basi nigro. 6 ? . Long. lin. 2-2^. Head black, thickly and minutely punctured. Eyes brown. Thorax a little longer than the width of its base, rather strongly constricted a little behind the middle ; anterior lobe narrower than the posterior, wider behind than before, convex, black, im- punctate ; posterior lobe black, rather strongly punctured, with two indistinct griseous spots on the disc, and a smooth pale spot on each posterior angle. Scutellum black, punctured. Coria- ceous portion of the elytra punctured with brown, with an indi- stinct dark streak on the disc, running parallel and close to the suture of the clavus, and enclosing at its apex a small whitish spot ; membrane brown, w r ith whitish nervures. Abdomen be- neath pitchy. Breast black, with the posterior angles of the antepectus pale. Anterior thighs black, with the apex fulvous ; posterior and intermediate thighs fulvous, with a broad black ring near the apex ; tibiae and tarsi testaceous, with the tips of the tarsi blackish. Antennae pale fulvous, with the base of the first joint blackish, the last joint brown. a. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 43. RHYPAROCHROMUS scutellatus, n. s. R. prsecedenti affinis, castaneo^fuscus ; thorace magis constricto ; pectore nigro ; elytris testaceis, fusco-punctatis, fascia irregu- lar! fuscescenti subapicali, punctoque fusco in angulo apicali externo ; antennis pallidis, articulo apicali fusco. $ . Long. lin. 2*. Head and thorax pale chestnut-brown ; head minutely punc- tured, wider than the anterior margin of the thorax ; thorax longer than broad, strongly constricted behind the middle ; ante- rior lobe as wide in front as behind, somewhat globose, impunc- tate ; posterior lobe somewhat paler, broader than the anterior, rather finely punctured, with a short central line, a short oblique line on each side of this, and the posterior angles, brown ; the extreme tips of these angles pale, smooth. Scutellum rather elon- gate, blackish. Coriaceous portion of the elytra testaceous, finely 576 HEMIPTERA. punctured with brown, with an irregular brownish band behind the middle, and with a small brown spot on the outer apical angle ; membrane brown, with the nervures pale, and with a more or less distinct whitish patch at the apex. Abdomen beneath red, with the anal plate black. Antepectus reddish brown ; the two other segments black, with a whitish spot at the base of each leg. Anterior thighs black or brown, with the apex pale ; inter- mediate and posterior thighs yellow, with the apex blackish; tibiae and tarsi testaceous. Rostrum pale brown. Antennae pale yellowish testaceous, with the last joint brown. a. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 44. RHYPAROCHROMUS vicinus, n. s. R. praecedenti valde affinis ; capite, thoracisque lobo antico nigris; elytris sine puncto albo ; scutello elongato, apice rufescenti ; antennis fulvis, articulo tertio apice, quartoque toto, nigrican- tibus. ? . Long. lin. 3. This species very closely resembles the preceding, but the white spot of the inner apical angle of the corium of the elytra is wanting, and the apex of the third joint of the antennae is blackish, as well as the last joint. a. N. America. From Lieut. Redman's Collection. 45. RHYPAROCHROMUS parvulus, n. s. R. praecedenti affinis, niger, thorace postice castaneo ; elytrorum corio pallide testaceo, fusco-punctato, apice fusco-nigro, ma- cula parva alba; membrana fusca, nervis pallidis. c? ? . Long. Serv. Hem. (1843); Kol. Mel. Ent. ii. (1845); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. (1848); H. Sch. Wanz. ix. (1850); Spin. Tav. Sin. Hem. (1850). 1. CYMUS claviculus. Lygseus claviculus, Fall.Mon. dm. 64. 4 (1807). Lygaeus caricis, Fall. Hem. Suec. 51. 5 (1829); Zett. Ins. Lapp. 264. 14 (1840). Heterogaster claviculus, Schill Beitr. i. 90. t. 8. fig. 6 (1829) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 46 & 80 (1835). Cymus claviculus, Hahn, Wanz. i. 77. t. 12. fig. 44 (1831); Burm. Handb. ii. 292. 3 (1835); Am. $ Serv. Hem. 259. 1 (1843); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 72. 2 (1848). Cymus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 109. 170. a. ? From Mr. Children's Collection. 2. CYMUS Resedae. Lygaeus Resedse, Pans. F. G. 40. 20. Lygaeus didymus, Zett. Act. Holm. 71 (1819); Fall. Hem. Suec, 50. 4 (1829). HEMIPTERA. 587 Heterogaster Resedse, S chill. Beitr. 89. t. 8. fig. 5 (1829) ; Burm. Handb. ii. 292. 1 (1835) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 46 & 81 (1835). Cymus Reseda, Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 71. 1 (1848). Clidocerus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 108. 168. a. England. b. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 3. CYMUS lineola, n. s. C. griseus, punctatus, rufescenti-tinctus ; capitis linea .media, corpore subtus, abdominis apice excepto, antennisque basi et apice, nigris ; scutello linea media albida. ? . Long. lin. 2. Head reddish, thickly and finely punctured, with the vertex and a line down the centre black. Eyes black. Thorax griseous, reddish in front, thickly punctured with brown ; with a narrow whitish line across the anterior margin. Scutellum blackish, with a yellowish white elevated line down the middle. Coria- ceous portion of the elytra griseous, reddish along the inner and apical margins, with two rows of strong punctures on the clavus, a row of finer punctures within the suture of the clavus, a simi- lar row along the outside of the subcostal nervure, and a few fine punctures on the disc within this nervure ; apical margin wdth two blackish points, one at the middle and the other at the outer angle ; membrane transparent, brownish. Body beneath black, obscure, covered with a greyish pubescence ; apical portion of the abdomen orange, with the extreme tip blackish, and with a deep black line down the suture of the vulvar cleft. Thighs orange ; tibiae and tarsi testaceous. Antennae with the basal and apical joints black, the second and third orange. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Drege's Collection. Fam. 2. ANTHOCORID.E. Rostrum apparently only of three joints, the basal joint being minute and concealed. Corium with an appendix ; membrane generally with only one distinct nervure. Anthocorides, Am. Sf Serv. Hem,. 262 (1843). Articulipennes, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 377 (1846). Lygaeodes, p., et Xylocorides, H. Sch. Wanz. ix. (1850). TABLE OF GENERA. I. Last two joints of the antennae as thick as or thicker than the preceding 1. ANTHOCORIS. II. Last two joints of the antennae thinner than the preceding 2. XYLOCORIS. 2 D 2 588 HEMIPTERA. Genus 1. ANTHOCORIS. Cimex, p., Linn. S. N. (1767). Acanthia, p., Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. (1794). Salda, p., Fab. Syst. Rk. (1803). Lygseus, p., Fall. Mon. dm. (1807). Anthocoris, Fall. Hem. Suec. (1829) ; Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. (1832) $ Ins. Lapp. (1840) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. (1835) $ Wanz. ix. (1850); Burm. Handb. ii. (1835); Am. $ Serv. Hem. (1843); Sahib. Geoc.Fenn. (1848); Spin. Tav. Sin. Hem. 37 (1850). Rhynarius, Hahn, Wanz. i. 104 (1831). 1. ANTHOCORIS nemorum. Cimex nemorum, Linn. F. S. 953 (1761) % S. N. i. 729. 91 (1767). Acanthia sylvestris, Wolff, Ic. dm. 90. t. 9. f. 84 (1802). Salda sylvestris, Panz. F. G. 92. 21. Lygjeus nemorum, Fall. Mon. dm. 71. 20 (1807). Anthocoris nemorum, Fall. Hem. Suec. 66. 1 (1829); Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 474. 1 (1832) fy Ins. Lapp. 265. 1 (1840) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 60 & 96 (1835) ; Burm. Handb. ii. 288. 1 (1835) ; Am. $ Serv. Hem. 263. 1 (1843); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 75. 1 (1848). Anthocoris, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 378. 312. a. ? From Mr. Children's Collection. b. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. 2. ANTHOCORIS nemoralis. Acanthia nemoralis, Fab. E. S. iv. 76. 35 (1794). Salda nemoralis, Fab. S. R. 116, 15 (1803). Anthocoris nemoralis, Fall. Hem. Suec. 67. 2 (1829); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 60 & 96 (1 835) ; Burm. Handb. ii. 289. 2 (1835) ; Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 75. 2 (1848). Hylophila, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 378. 313. a. Italy. b. . From Mr. Children's Collection. 3. ANTHOCORIS borealis, n. s. A. prsecedenti affinis, niger, punctatus ; corio basi albido, clava, dimidioque apicali nigricantibus, puncto parvo albo ad basin appendicis. ? . Long. lin. 1^. Black. Head smooth. Thorax finely wrinkled, with a strong transverse impression. Coriaceous portion of the elytra whitish and semitransparent at the base ; the clavus and the apical half HEMIPTERA. 589 blackish brown, with a minute white point at the base of the ap- pendix ; membrane brownish, with the inner portion and a spot at the outer basal angle white. Wings transparent. Legs ful- vous. Rostrum pitchy. Antennae black ; second joint reddish orange, with the apex black ; third joint reddish orange at the a. Hudson's Bay. Presented by George Barnston, Esq. 4. ANTHOCORIS minutus. Cimex minutus, Linn. F. S. 941 (1761) # S. IV. i. 723. 61 (1767). Lygaeus minutus, Fall. Mon. dm. 73. 22 (1807). Rhynarius minutus, Hahn, Wanz. i. 111. t. 17. fig. 60 (1831). Anthocoris fruticum, Fall. Hem. Suec. 68. 4 (1829). Anthocoris minuta, Zett. F. Ins. Lapp. i. 4?6. 4 (1832) 4* Ins. Lapp. 266. 9 (1840); H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 60 & 96 (1835). Exorhinus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 379. 315. a. S. of France. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. b. ? From Mr. Children's Collection. c. Italy. 5. ANTHOCORIS exilis. Lygseus exilis, Fall. Mon. dm. 73. 23 (1807). Anthocoris exilis, Fall. Hem. Suec. 68. 5 (1829) ; H. Sch. Norn. Ent. i. 60 & 96 (1835) ; Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. 78. 8 (1848) ; H. Sch. Wanz. ix. 219 & 230 (1850). Dipyxidium, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 380. 316. a. Finmark. Presented by Francis Walker, Esq. Genus 2. XYLOCORIS. Xylocoris, L. Duf. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxii. 425 (1831) fy Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ii. 105 (1833) ; Burm. Handb. ii. (1835) ; Am. fy Serv. Hem. (1843); Sahib. Geoc. Fenn. (1848); H. Sch. Wanz. ix. (1850); Spin. Tav. Sin. Hem. 3? (1850). Lyctocoris, Hahn, Wanz. iii. (1835). 1. XYLOCORIS parisiensis. Xylocoris parisiensis, Am. Sf Serv. He'm. 264. 1 (1843). Harmocoris, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 me ser. iv. 381. 318. a. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. 2. XYLOCORIS americanus, n. s. X. prsecedenti affinis, fuscus; corii apice obscuriori; thorace antice angustato, lateribus marginatis. ? . Long. lin. l. 590 HEMIPTERA. Brown. Thorax much narrowed in front ; the lateral margins narrowly reflexed \ the disc with a very strong transverse impres- sion. Coriaceous portion of the elytra rather paler than the rest of the insect, with the apical portion blackish ; membrane brownish, semitransparent, iridescent. Legs pale brownish ful- vous. Rostrum fulvous. Antennae pale brown. a. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 3. XYLOCORIS corticalis. Lyctocoris corticalis, Hahn, Wanz. iii. 21. t. 79. fig. 244 (1835). a. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XII. Fig. 1. EUAGONA DIANA. a. Head. b. Head laterally. 2. Head of MACHTIMA CRUCIGERA. 3. BARDISTUS SERRULATUS. a. Head. 4. Posterior leg of MICTIS CURVIPES $ . 5. Posterior leg of MICTIS VALGUS $ ? . 6. Posterior leg of MICTIS CALCAR $ ? . 7. Posterior leg of MICTIS FULVICORNIS $ ? , 8. AMORBUS ABDOMINALIS. a. Head and antenna, b. Head laterally. PLATE XIII. Fig. 1. HlMELLA VENOSA. a. Head. b. Antenna. 2. GAL^ESUS HASTICORNIS. a. Head. b. Antenna, c. Head laterally. 3. CARPIA PUNCTATA. a. Head. b. Antenna. 4. LAGARIA VARICORNIS. a. Head and antenna, b. Head laterally. 5. ORNYTUS ELONGATUS. a. Head. b. Antenna, c. Head laterally, 6. PHILONUS FUSCUS, 592 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. MlCROBASIS MACULATA. a. Head. b. Head laterally, c. Antenna. 2. LYBAS OBSCURUS. a. Head. b. Antenna. 3. EUTHETUS PULCHELLUS. a. Head. b. Antenna. 4. ACESTRA SINICA. a. Head. b. Head laterally, c. Antenna. 5. HYDARA TENUICORNIS. a. Head. b. Antenna. 6. AULACOSTERNUM NIGRORUBRUM. a. Head. b. Head laterally, c. Antenna. PLATE XV. Fig. 1. MARGUS PECTORALIS. a. Head and antenna, b. Head laterally. 2. ORSILLUS DEPRESSUS. a. Head. b. Head laterally, c. Antenna, d. Ante- rior leg. 3. LETH^EUS NIGER. a. Head and antenna, b. Head laterally, c. Elytron. 4. ORTH^EA CONSUTA. a. Head and thorax, b. Head laterally, c. Anterior leg. Printed by TAYLOR and FRANCIS, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. HEMIPTERA. H.XII V \S -r" v HU&L HNi - /" x? S TiaBaLS, 4eL. ot litt. HEMIPTERA. P1.XIII. v^ --4 f \ " * HEMIPTEBA H.X1V. J . !l T (W~> in m ' h ' AJL1< R ^ ^ v!"~ VJ S\ K Q \ S D a.lla.s , iel . rt K HEMLPTEHA. PIXY / ' DAY USE RETURN TO ENTOMOLOGY UBRARV _SENYONJLL l7-30//j-io '74 (S1664L)4188 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES