7^ ONE BRAVER THING ONE BRAVER THING ("THE DOP DOCTOR") By RICHARD DEHAN A. L. BURT COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK Copyright. 1910. by DUFFIELD & COMPANY ONE BRAVER THING 2135317 "/ have done one braver thing Than all the 'worthies did; And yet a braver thence doth spring^ Which is, to keep that hid" Donne One Braver Thing UPON a day in August, near the close of the long, brilliant South African winter, when the old Vierkleur waved over the Transvaal, and what is now the Orange River Colony- was the Orange Free State, with the Dutch canton still' showing on the staff-head corner of its tribarred flag, two large, heavily-laden waggons rolled over the grass veld, only now thinking about changing from yellow into green. Many- years previously the wheels of the old voortrekkers had passed! that way, bringing from Cape Colony, with the household gods, goods and chattels, language and customs of the Dutch, the slips of the pomegranate and peach and orange trees, whose abundant blossoming dressed the orchards of the farms tucked away here and there in the lap of the veld, with bridal white and pink, and hung their girdling pomegranate hedges with stars of ruby red. But days and days, and nights and nights of billowing, spreading, lonely sky-arched veld intervened be- tween each homestead. The flat-topped hills were draped and folded in the opal haze of distance; the sky was perfect turquoise; the pinkish kopjes were beginning to be newly clothed with the young pale green bush. To the south there was a veld fire leaping and dancing, with swirling columns of white smoke edged with flame. But it was many miles away, and the north-west wind blew strongly, driving some puffs of gold cloud before it. Doubtless there would be rain ere long. There had been rain already in the foremost waggon, not from the clouds, but from human eyes. The broad wheels crashed on, rolling over the yellow grass and the dry bushes. Lizards and other creeping creatures scuttled across their w r ide tracks. The patient oxen toiled under the yoke, their dappled nostrils widespread, their great dewy eyes strained and dim with weariness. They dumbly wondered why they must labour in the daytime when all night long they had travelled without rest. The glorious sunrise had flamed in crimson and gold behind the eastern ranges full 2 ONE BRAVER THING five hours before. They were weary to death, and no dorp or farm was yet in sight. The Cape boys who tramped, each leading a fore-ox by the green rein bound about the creature's wide horns, had no energy left even to swear at their beasts. The Boer driver was weaned like the ox team and the Kaffirs. His bestial face was drawn, and his eyes were red- rimmed for lack of sleep. The long whip, with the fourteen- foot stock and the lash of twenty-three feet, had not smacked for a long time; the sjambok had not been used upon the long- suffering wheelers. Huddled up in his ill-fitting clothes of tan cord, he sat on the waggon-box and slept, his head nodding, his elbows on his knees. He was dreaming of the bad Cape brandy that had been in the bottle, and would be, with luck, again, when the waggon reached a tavern or a store. A Kaffir drove the second waggon. It held stores and goods in bales, and some trunks and other baggage belonging to the Englishman, for you would have set down the tall, thin, high-featured, reddish-bearded, soft-speaking man who owned the waggons as English, even though he had called himself by a Dutch name. The child of three years was his. And his had been the dead body of the woman lying on the waggon- bed, covered with a new white sheet, with a stillborn boy baby lying on her breast. For this the man who had loved and taken her, and made her his, had wept such bitter, scalding tears. For this his dead love, with Love's blighted bud of fruit upon her bosom, had given up her world, her friends, her family her husband, first and last of all. They had played the straight game, and gone away openly together, to the immense scandal of Society that is so willing to wink at things done cleverly under the rose. They were to be married the instant the injured husband ob- tained his decree nisi. Her Church sanctioned the remarriage of the divorced if his did not, and her Church should thence- forth be his. But there was no decree nisi, her husband pos- sessing a legal heir by a previous wife, and being secretly alarmed lest one of his mistresses should marry him were he once more free. She was a very determined woman. Besides, in a cold way it gave him pleasure to think of that purpose foiled. He soon knew that his wife's lover had sold his com- mission in the Army, and he learned, even, through a com- munication forwarded through a London firm of solicitors, that although he had chosen to ignore a certain appointment offered upon the opposite side of the Channel, the other ONE BRAVER THING 3 man would merely consider it deferred until a suitable oppor- tunity should occur. Meanwhile the writer was travelling in South Africa, not alone. Never to be alone again, she had promised him that not quite four years ago. And to-day he sat on a box beside the waggon-bed where she lay dead with her dead boy, and the only thing left to him that had the dear living fragrance and sweet warmth of her slept smiling on his knees. The long fine silky beard that he had grown swept the soft rose-flushed cheek of the little creature, and mingled with her yellow curls. Within the last forty hours hours packed with the anguish of a lifetime for him there were sprinklings of white upon his high temples, where the hair had grown thin under the pressure of the Hussar's furred busby, the khaki-covered helmet of foreign service, or the forage-cap, before these had given place to the Colonial smasher of felt, and the silky brown beard had in it wide, rugged streaks of grey. He had wor- shipped the woman who had given up all for him; they had lived only for, and in, one another during four wonderful years. Hardly a passing twinge of regret, never a scorpion sting of remorse, spoiled their union. But they never stayed long in any town or even in any village. Some sound or shape from the old unforgotten world beyond the barrier, some English voice that had the indefinable tone and accent of high breeding, some figure of Englishman or Englishwoman whose rough, careless clothing had the un- mistakable cut of Bond Street, some face recognized under the grey felt or the white panama, would spur them to the desire of leaving it behind them. Then the valises would be repacked, the waggons would be hastily inspanned, and their owners would start again upon that never-ending journey in search of something that she was to be the first to find. At last, when the sun was high and the worn-out beasts were almost sinking, a group of low buildings came in sight a few miles away beyond a kloof edged with a few poplar-like trees and the Kameelthorn. A square, one-story house of corru- gated iron, with a mud-walled hovel or two near it, had a sprawling painted board across its front, signifying that the place was the Free State Hotel. Behind it were an orchard and some fields under rude cultivation, and a quarter of a mile to the north were the native kraals. At the sight the Boer shook himself fully awake, and sent the long lash cracking over the thin, sweat-drenched backs of 4 ONE BRAVER THING the ox-team. They laboured with desperation at the yoke, md the waggon rumbled on. The Englishman, hidden with his sorrow under the canvas waggon-tilt, roused himself at the accelerated motion. He rose, and, holding the sleeping child upon one arm, pushed back the front flap and looked out. He spoke to the taciturn driver, who shook his head. How did he, Smoots Beste, know whether a minister of the Church of England, or even a Dutch predikant, was to be found at the place beyond ? All he hoped for was that he would be able to buy there tobacco and brandy cheap, and sleep drunken, to wake and drink again. The waggon halted on the brink of the kloof. Little birds of gay and brilliant piumage, 'blue and crimson and emerald- green, rose in flocks from the bush and grasses that clothed the sides of the coomb ; the hollows were full of the tree-fern ; the grass had little white and purple flowers in it. At the valley- bottom a little river, in spate from the recent rains, wimpled merrily over sandstone boulders; the barbel rose at flies. There was a drift lower down. It was all the goaded, worn- out oxen could do to stay the huge creaking waggons down the steep bank, and drag them over the river-bed of sand and boulders, through the muddied, churned-up water that they were dying for, yet not allowed to taste, and toil with them up the further side. The Englishman was not cruel. He was usually humane and merciful to man and beast, but just now he was deaf and blind. Beside him there was her corpse, beyond him was her grave, beyond that . . . Both he and she in that world that lay beyond the barrier had observed the outward forms of Christianity. They had first met in the Park, one May morning, after a church parade. They sat on a couple of green-painted chairs while Society, conscious of the ever-present newspaper-reporter, paraded past [them in plumage as gorgeous as that of the gay-coloured birds that flocked among the tree-fern or rose in frightened clouds as the waggons crashed by. And they discussed to- gether with the chances of the runners entered for the coming Spring Meeting at Newmarket, and the merits of the problem play, and the newest musical comedy the Immortality of the Soul. She wore a brown velvet gown and an ostrich-feather boa in delicate shades of cream and brown, and a cavalier hat with sweeping white plumes. Her hair was the colour of autumn ONE BRAVER THING 5 leaves, or a squirrel's back in the sunshine, and she had grey eyes and piquant, irregular features, ears like shells, and a deli- cate, softly-tinted skin undefiled by cosmetics. She thought it wicked to doubt that one waked up again after dying Some- where a vague Somewhere, with all the nice people of one's set about one. He said that Agnosticism and all that kind of thing was bad form. Men who had religion made the best soldiers. Like the Presbyterian Highlanders of the Black Watch and the " Royal Irish " Catholics but, of course, she knew that. And she said yes, she knew; meeting his admiring eyes with her own, that were so grey and sweet and friendly, the little gloved hand that held the ivory and gold-bound Church Service lying in her lap. He longed to take that little white, delicate hand. Later on he took it, and a little later the heart that throbbed in its pulses, and the frail, beautiful body out of which the something that had been she had gone with a brief gasping struggle and a long shuddering sigh. . . . He kept the beloved husk and shell of her steady on the waggon-bed with one arm thrown over it, and held the awak- ened, fretting child against his breast with the other, as the sinking oxen floundered up the farther side of the kloof. Amidst the shouting and cursing of the native voor-loopers and the Boer and Kaffir drivers, the rain of blows on tortured, struggling bodies, and the creaking of the teak-built waggon- frames, he only heard her weakly asking to be buried properly in some churchyard, or cemetery, with a clergyman to read the Service for the Dead. Before his field-glass showed him the sprawling hotel-sign he had hoped that the buildings in sight might prove to mask the outskirts of an Afrikander hamlet with an English mis- sionary station, or a Dutch settlement important enough to own a corrugated iron Dopper church and an oak-scrub-hedged or boulder-dyked graveyard, in charge of a pastor whose loath- ing of the Briton should yield to the mollifying of poured-out gold. But Fate had brought him to this lonely veld tavern. He watched it growing into ugly, sordid shape as the waggon drew nearer. To this horrible place, miscalled the Free State Hotel a mere jumble of corrugated-iron buildings, wattle and mud- walled stables for horses, and a barbed-wire waggon enclosure he had brought his beloved at the end of their last journey together. He shuddered at the thought. The waggon halted and outspanned before the tavern. The 6 ONE BRAVER THING drivers went in to get drink, and Bough, the man who kept it, leaving the women to serve them, came out. He ordinarily gave himself out as an Afrikander. You see in him a whisk- ered, dark-complexioned, good-looking man of twenty-six, but looking older, whose regard was either insolent or cringing, according to circumstances, and whose smile was an evil leer. The owner of the waggons stood waiting near the closed-up foremost one, the yellow-haired child on his arm. He looked keenly at the landlord, Bough, and the man's hand went in- voluntarily up in the salute, to its owner's secret rage. Did he want every English officer to recognize him as an old de- serter from the Cape Mounted Police? Not he and yet the cursed habit stuck. But he looked the stranger squarely in the face with that frank look that marked such depth of will, and quelled him with the simple manner that concealed so much, and the English officer lifted his left hand, as though it raised a sword, and began to talk. Presently Bough called someone, and a smart, slatternly young woman came out and carried the child, who leaned away from her rouged face, resisting, into the house. The English traveller would take no refreshment. He needed nothing but to know of a graveyard and men to dig a grave, and a minister or priest to read the Burial Service. He would pay all that was asked. He learned that the near- est village-town might be reached in five days' trek across the veld, and that the landlord did not know whether it had a pastor or not. Five days' trek! He waved the twinkling-eyed, curious landlord back, and went up into the waggon, drawing the door-flaps close. He faced the truth in there, and realized with a throe of mortal anguish that the burial must be soon very soon. To prison what remained of her in a hastily knocked- together coffin, and drag it over the veld, looking for some plot of consecrated earth to put it in, was desecration, horror. He would bury her, and fetch the minister or clergyman or priest to read prayers. Later, if it cost him all he had, the spot should be consecrated for Christian burial. He came forth from the waggon and held parley with the landlord of the tavern. There was a wire-fenced patch of sandy red earth a hundred yards from the house, a patch wherein the white woman who was mistress at the tavern had tried to grow a few common English flower-seeds out of a gaily-covered packet left by a drummer who had passed that way. She had ONE BRAVER THING 7 grown tired of the trouble of watering and tending them, so that some of them had withered, and the lean fowls had flown over the fence and scratched the rest up. That patch of sandy earth brought a handsome price, paid down in good English sovereigns the coinage that is welcome in every corner of the earth, save at the uttermost habitable limits of the Southern Arctic, where gin, tobacco, and coffee are more willingly taken in exchange for goods or souls. The Englishman was business-like. He fetched pen and ink and paper out of that jealously closed-up waggon, drew up the deed, and had it witnessed by the Boer driver and the white woman at the hotel. He had made up his mind. He would bury her, since it must be, and then fetch the clergyman. Knowing him on the road, or returning to the fulfilment of his promise, she would not mind lying there unblessed and waiting for ten lonely days and nights. He whispered in her deaf ears how it was going to be, and that she could not doubt him. He swore not dream- ing how soon he should keep the vow to visit the grave often, often, with his child and hers, and to lie there beside her when kind Death should call him too. Then he left her for a moment, and sent for the Kaffir driver and the Boer to come, and, with him, dig her grave. . . . But Smoots Beste was already in hog-paradise, lying grunt- ing on a bench in the bar, and the Kaffir had gone to the native kraals. The English officer looked at the rowdy landlord and the loafing men about the tavern, and made up his mind. No hands other than his own should prepare a last bed for her, his dearest. So, all through the remainder of the long day, streaming and drenched with perspiration, which the cold wind dried upon him, he wrought at a grave for her with spade and pick. It should be deep, because of the wild-cat and the hungry. Kaffir dogs. It should be wide, to leave room for him. The ground was hard, with boulders of ironstone embedded in it. What did that matter? All the day through, and all through the night of wind-driven mists and faint moonlight, he wrought like a giant possessed, whilst his child, lulled with the condensed milk and water, in which biscuits had been sopped, lay sleeping in the tavern upon a little iron bed. He had had the waggon brought close up to the wired en- closure. All the time he worked he kept a watch upon it. 8 ONE BRAVER THING Did claws scrape the wide wheels or scurrying feet patter across the shadows, he left off work until the voracious creatures of the night were driven away. The pale dawn came, and the east showed a lake of yel- low. . . . When the great South African sun rose and flooded the veld with miraculous liquid ambers and flaming, melted rubies, the deep, wide grave at last was done. He climbed out of it by the waggon ladder, struggling under the weight of the last great basketful of stones and sandy earth. He dumped that down by the graveside, and went to the wag- gon and removed all stains of toil, and then set about making the last toilet of the beautiful woman who had so loved that everything that touched her should be pure, and dainty, and sweet. He had dressed her silken, plentiful, golden-brown hair many times, for the sheer love of its loveliness. With what care he combed and brushed and arranged the perfumed locks! He laid reverent kisses on the sealed eyelids that his own hands had closed for ever; he whispered words of passionate love, vows of undying gratitude and remembrance, in the shell-like ears. He bathed with fresh w r ater and reclad in fragrant linen the ex- quisite body, upon which faint discolouring patches already heralded the inevitable end. When he had done, he swathed her in a sheet, and fetched a bolt of new white canvas from the store-waggon, and lined the grave with that. And then he placed a narrow mattress in it, and freshly covered pillows, and brought her from the waggon, and to the grave, and carried her down the light wooden ladder, and laid her in her last earthly home, with a kiss from the lips that had never been her husband's. It was so cruel to think of that. It was so hard to cover up the cold, sweet face again, but he did it, and lapped the sheet over her and brought the canvas down. Remained now to fill in her grave and fetch the man whose mouth should speak over it the words that are of God. But first fill in the grave. The cold sweat drenched him at the thought of heaping back those tons of earth and stone above her, crushing with a frightful wei'ght of inert matter the bodily beauty that he adored. He felt as though her soul hovered about him, wail- ing to him not to be so cruel, tugging at his garments with, imploring, impalpable hands. The thing must he .done, though, before the sordid life stirred ONE BRAVER THING 9 again under the roof of the tavern, before the vulgar faces, with their greedy, prying eyes, should be there to snigger and spy. He loaded a great basket with fine gravelly sand, and carried it down and laid it on her by handfuls. What were his livid, parched lips muttering? Over and over, only this: " Ashes to ashes, dust to dust . . ." Soon the white swathed-up form was hidden with the sandy gravel. That was a terrible pang. It wrenched the first groan from him, but he worked on. More and more of the sandy gravel, but for security the stones must lie above. Should the voracious creatures of the night come, they must find the treasure in impregnable security. That thought helped him to lay in the first, and the second, and then greater and greater stones. He was spent and breath- less, but still he laboured. He tottered, and at times the tav- ern and the veld, and the waggons on it, and the flat-topped dis- tant mountains that merged in the horizon, swung round him in a wild, mad dance. Then the warm salt taste of blood was in his mouth, and he gasped and panted, but he never rested until the grave was filled in. Then he built, up over it an oblong cairn of the iron-stone boulders, made a rude temporary cross out of a spare waggon- pole, working quite methodically with saw and hammer and nails, and set it up, under the curious eyes he hated so, and wedged it fast and sure. Then he knelt down stiffly, and made, with rusty, long unpractised fingers, the sacred sign upon his face and breast. He heard her still, asking him in that nearly extinguished voice of hers, to pray for her. * * * * "Dicky! . . ." Ah! the tragedy of the foolish little nickname, faltered byj stiffening lips upon the bed of death ! " Catholics pray for the souls of dead people, don't they?! Pray for mine by-and-by. It will comfort me to know you are praying, darling, even if God is too angry with us to hear!" He held her to his bursting heart, groaning. " If He is angry, it cannot be with you. The sin was mine all mine. He must know ! " Later she awakened from a troubled sleep to murmur: " Richard, I dreamed of Bridget-Mary. She was all in black, but there was white linen about her face and neck, io ONE BRAVER THING and it was dabbled dreadfully with blood." The weak, slight body shuddered in his embrace. " She said our wickedness had brought her death, but that she would plead for us in Heaven." " She is not dead, my beloved ; I heard of her before we left Cape Colony. She has taken the veil. She is well, and will be happy in her religion, as those good women always are." " I was not one of those good women, Richard " He strained her to him in silence. She panted presently: "You might have been happy with her if I had never COffle between you." He found some words to tell her that these things were meant to be. From the beginning . . . " Was it meant that I should die on these wild, wide, desolate plains, and leave you, Richard ? " He cried out frantically that he would die too, and follow her. Her dying whisper fluttered at his lips: " You cannot ! Think ! the child ! " He had forgotten the child, and now, with a great stabbing pang, remembered it. She asked for it, and he brought it, and she tried to kiss it; and even in that Death foiled her, and her head fell back and her eyes rolled up, and she died. He remembered all this as he tried to say the prayer, without which she could not have borne to have him leave her. The curious, mocking faces crowded at the tavern door to see him praying a strange, haggard scarecrow kneeling there in the face of day. But he was not the kind of scarecrow they would have dared to jeer at openly. Too rich, with all that money in the valise in the locked-up waggon-chest; too strong, with that sharp hunting-knife, the Winchester repeating-rifle, and the revolver he carried at his hip. " Our Father Who art in Heaven. . . /' He knew, the man who repeated the words, that there was no One beyond the burning blue* vault of ether Who heard . . .and yet, for her sake, supposing, after all, some great Unseen Ear listened, was listening even now. . . . "Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. . . /* And if it came, should those have any part in it who had lived together unwed in open sin? " Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. . . ." The words stuck in his dried throat. Be done, that Will that left him desolate_gnd laid her awiay, a still fair, fast- ONE BRAVER THING n corrupting thing, under the red earth and the great ironstone boulders ! " Give us this day our daily bread. . . ." Her love, her presence, her voice, her touch, had been the daily bread of life to him, her fellow-sinner. Oh, how many base, sordid, loveless marriages had not that illicit bond of theirs put to shame! And yet as a boy he had learned the Sixth Commandment: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Had she not believed all along that the price of such sweet sinning must be paid, if not in this life, then in the life here- after, and could it could it be that her soul was even now writhing in fires unquenchable, whither he, who would have gladly died in torment to save her from outrage or death, had thrust her? "Forgive us our trespasses. . . ." O Man of Sorrows, pitying Son of Mary, before whom the Scribes and Pharisees brought the woman taken in adultery, forgive her, pardon her! If a Soul must writhe in those eternal fires they preach of, in justice let it be mine. Thou Who didst pity that woman of old time, standing white and shameful in the midst of the evil, jeering crowd, with the wicked fingers pointing at her, say to this other woman, lifting up Thyself before her terrified, desperate soul, confronted with the awful mystery that lies behind the Veil . . . " Neither do I condemn thee. . . " And do with me what Thou wilt ! The ragged, wild-eyed man who had been kneeling rigid and immovable before the w r ooden symbol reared upon the new- raised cairn of boulders swayed a little. His head fell forward heavily upon his breast. His eyes closed in spite of his desper- ate effort to shake off the deadly, sickening collapse of will and brain and body that was mastering him. He fell sideways, and lay in a heap upon the ground. II THEY went to him, and took up and carried him into the tavern, and laid him down upon a frowzy bed in the room where the child lay upon the iron-framed cot. He lay there groaning in the fierce clutches of rheumatic fever. They tended him in a rude way. A valise and an iron-bound leather ladv's trunk had been brought from the 12 ONE BRAVER THING waggon by his orders, and set in the room where he was in his sight. These contained her clothes and jewels, and he guarded them jealously even in delirium. About his wasted body was buckled a heavy money-belt. Bough could feel that when he helped the woman of the tavern to lift him. He winked to her pleasantly across the bed. But the time was not ripe yet. They must wait awhile. The English traveller was not al- ways delirious. There were intervals of consciousness, and though he seemed at death's door, who knew? That strong purpose of his might even yet lift him from the soiled and com- fortless bed, and send him on the trek again. Meanwhile the oxen were hired out to work for a farmer fifty miles away. That was called sending them to graze and gain strength for more work ; and there was the keep of two Cape boys, and the Kaffir and the Boer driver, and the cost of nursing and sick man's diet, and the care of the child. A heavy bill of charges was mounting up against the English traveller. Much of what the belt contained would honestly be Bough's. There was no doctor and no medicine save the few drugs the sick man had carried, as all travellers do. The milk for which he asked for himself and the child, which was procured from the native cattle-kraals for a tikkie a pint, and for which Bough charged at the price of champagne, kept him alive. Broth or eggs he sickened at and turned from, and, indeed, the one was greasy and salt, the others of appalling mustiness. He would regularly sw'allow the tabloids of quinine or lithia, and fall back on the hard, coarse pillow, exhausted by the mere ef- fort of unscrewing the nickel-cap of the little phial, and tell himself that he was getting stronger. Sometimes he really was so, and then the child sat on his wide hollow chest, and played with the beard that was now all grey and unkempt and matted, until some word in her baby prattle, some look of wondering inquiry in the innocent eyes, golden-hazel and black- lashed, like his own, that were almost too beautiful to be a man's, people used to say, like the weak, passionate, gentle mouth under the heavy moustache, would bring back all the anguish of his loss, and weaken anew that torturing voice that accused him of being false to his compact with the dead. Then he would call, and send the child away, borne in the arms of the Hottentot chambermaid to breathe the fresh air upon the veld. And, left alone, he would draw up the rough sheets over his head, with gaunt clutching fingers, and weep, though sometimes no tears came to moisten his hangard, staring eyes. ONE BRAVER THING 13 One night, while the flat gold hunting-watch ticked above his head in the little embroidered chamois-leather pouch her hands had worked, Knowledge came to him with a sudden rigor of the muscles of the wasted body, and a bursting forth from every pore of the dank, dark-hued sweat of coming dissolu- tion. He was not ever going to get well, and fetch the clergyman to pray over and bless her resting-place. He was going to die and lie beside her there, under the red earth topped by the boulder-cairn. He smiled. What an easy solution of the problem ! He had been too intent upon gratifying her last de- sire to entertain for a moment the thought of suicide. He had always held self-destruction as the last resource of the coward and the criminal, and besides there was the child. The child! . . . With a pang of dread and terror unfelt by him before he raised his gaunt head with an effort from the uneasy pillow, and looked towards where she lay, with staring, haunted eyes. The window was open a little way at the top, and for fear of the night-chill his fine leopard-skin kaross had been spread over her. . . . One dimpled, rounded, bare arm lay upon the soft dappled fur, the babyish fingers curled one upon the other. Rosy human tendrils that should never twine again in a mother's hair. Her child, her daughter! . . . Born of her body, sharing her nature and her sex, soon to be orphaned. For he who could not even lift himself from bed, and drag his body across the floor to cover that lovely babyish arm, would soon be no better protector than the restless ghost that tugged at his heart with its unseen hands. He knew now why it could not rest. What would become of the child? Another fiery scourge, wielded by the Hand Unseen, bit deep into his shrinking con- science, into his writhing soul. His own act had brought this about. Be a cur, and accuse Destiny, blame Fate, lay the onus upon God, as so many defaulters do he could not. He lay looking his deed in the foul face until the dawn crept up the sky, and learning how it may be that the sins of their fathers are visited on the children. He called for ink and paper as soon as the house was awake, and with infinite labour and many pauses to recover spent strength and breath, for he was greedy of life now, for the reason that we know he wrote a letter home to England, to one who was the head of his House 4 and bore a great old name 14 ONE BRAVER THING so great a name that those who spelled it out upon the en- velope were half afraid to slip the heated knife under the crested seal. But Bough did it, and opened, and read. It was not going to be the soft snap he had thought, but it would be good enough. Wires might be pulled from Down- ing Street that would set the Government at Cape Town work- ing to trace the tall thin Englishman who had travelled up with two waggons from Cape Colony in the company of a child and the woman now dead, and for whose sake he had given up those almighty swell connections. What a fool what a thundering, juicy, damned fool the man had been! whose gaunt eyes were even now making out the landfall of Kingdom Come beyond the distant mountain-ranges. The letter worried Bough. To have the English Govern- ment smelling at your heels is no joke. Any moment the mastiff may grip, and then, if you happen to be an ex-convict and deserter from their Colonial Police, and if you have one or two other little things against you . . . the White Slave traffic, such a profitable source of wealth to honest speculators, suppose you had had to get a speedy move on you from Port Elizabeth, and maybe somewhere else, all along of that? And that other even more profitable business of gun-running from the English ports through to the Transvaal. By men like Bough and his associates vast supplies of munitions and engines of war were wormed through. The machine-guns in carefully numbered parts came in cases as " agricultural implements," the big guns travelled in the boilers of locomotives, the empty cases of the shells, large and small, were packed in piano-cases, or in straw-filled crates as " hardware " ; the black powder and the cordite and the lyddite came in round wooden American cheese-boxes, with a special mark; and the Mauser cartridges were soldered in tins like preserved meat. How handsomely that business paid only Bough and his merry men, and Oom Paul and his burghers of the Volksraad, knew. But Her Majesty's Government, bound about with red-tape, hoodwinked by Dutch Assistant-Commissioners of British Colo- nies, and deceived by traitorous English officials, were blind and deaf to the huge traffic in arms and munitions. Not that there were no warnings. To the very end they were shouted in deaf ears. What of that letter sent from the Resident Commissioner's office at Gueldersdorp, that little frontier hamlet on the north- east corner of British Baraland, September 4, 1899, little more ONE BRAVER THING 15 than a month before the war broke out, the war that was to> leave Britain and her Colonies bleeding at every vein? The Boers were in laager over the border. A desperate ap- peal for help had been made to the Powers that were, and the reply received to the now historic telegram, through the Resi- dent Commissioner, has equally become a matter of history. If ever a book shall be written entitled " The History of Ignorance," that is. " All that was possible " was being done by the Imperial authorities, His Excellency assured the inquirer, to safeguard the lives and property of the inhabitants of the Gold-Reef Town in the extent of an attack by a hostile force. Also the military armament of the place was about to be ma- terially increased. And yet up to the little frontier town upon which so much de- pended not a single modern gun had been despatched. An easy prey had the little town upon the flat-topped hill, set in the mi'ddle of a basin, proved to the Boer General and his commandos but for one thing. For weeks after the bursting of the first shell over Gueldersdorp three sides of the belea- guered town were so many open doors for the enemy. Only upon the threshold of each door stood Fear, and guarded and held the citadel. Ill THAT hard taskmaster, Satan, is sometimes wonderfully in- dulgent to those who serve him well. While Bough, the keeper of the tavern, was yet turning about the open letter in his thick, short, hairy hands, weighing the chances attend- ing the sending of it against the chances of keeping it back, the woman who served as mistress of the place thrust her coarsely-waved head of yellow bleached hair and rouge-ruddled face in at the room door, and called to him : " Boss, the sick toff is doing a croak. Giving up the ghost for all he's worth he is. Better come and take a look for yourself if you don't believe me." Bough swore with relief and surprise, delayed only to lock away the letter, and went to take a look. It was as he hoped, a real stroke of luck for a man who knew how to work it. And he knew now what he would do. Richard Mildare for Bough knew now what had been the name of the Englishman: Ma lor the Hon. Richard Mildare, 16 ONE BRAVER THING late of the Grey Hussars was dead. No hand made murder- ous by the lust of gold had helped him to his death. Sudden failure of the heart is common in aggravated cases of rheumatic fever, and with one suffocating struggle, one brief final pang, he had gone to join her he loved. But his dead face did not look at rest. There was some reflection in it of that terror that had come upon him in the watches of that last night. Bough stayed some time alone in the room of death. When he came out he was extremely affable and gentle. The woman, who knew him, chuckled to herself when he met the Kaffir serving-maid bringing back the child from an airing in the sun, and told her to take it to the mistress. Then he went into the bar-room to speak to the Englishman's Boer driver. Leaning easily upon the zinc-covered counter he spoke to the man in the Taal, with which he was perfectly familiar: " Your Baas has gone in, as my wife and I expected." Smoots Beste growled in his throat: " He was no Baas of mine, the verdoemte rooinek! I drove for him for pay, that is all. There is wage owing me still, for the matter of that and where am I to get it now that the heathen has gone to the burning? " Smoots, who was all of a heathen himself, and regularly got drunk, not only on week days, but on Sabbaths, felt virtu- ously certain that the Englishman had gone to Hell. Bough smiled and poured out a four-finger swig of bad Cape brandy, and pushed it across the counter. " You shall get the money, every tikkie. Only listen to me." Smoots Beste tossed off the fiery liquid, and returned in a tone less surly: " I am listening, Baas." Bough told him, speaking with the thickish lisp and slurring of the consonants that distinguished his speech when he sought to appear more simple and candid than usual. " This dead toff, with his flash waggon and fine team, and Winchester repeating-rifles, had very little money. He has died in my debt for the room and the nursing, and the good nourishment, for which I trusted him all these three weeks, and I am a poor man. The dollars I have paid you and the Kaffir and the Cape boys on his account came out of my own pocket. Rotten soft have I acted over him, that's the God's truth, and when I shall get back my own there's no knowing. But, of course, I shall act ONE BRAVER THING 17 The Boer's thick lips parted in a grin, showing his dirty, greenish-yellow teeth. He scratched his shaggy head, and said, his tongue lubricated to incautiousness by the potent liquor: " The waggons, and the oxen, and the guns and ammunition, and the stores in the second waggon are worth good money. And the woman that is dead had jewels I have seen them on her diamonds and rubies in rings and bracelets fit for the vrouw of King Solomon himself. The Englishman did not bury them with her under that verdoemte kopje that he built with his two hands, and they are not in the boxes in the living- wagon." " Did he not?" asked Bough, looking the Boer driver full in the eyes with a pleasant smile. " Are they not?" Smoots Beste's piggish eyes twinkled round the bar-room., looked up at the ceiling, down at the floor, anywhere but into Bough's face. He spat, and said in a much more docile tone: " What do you want me to do ? " Bough leaned over the counter, and said confidentially: " Just this, friend. I want you to inspan, and take one of the waggons up to Gueldersdorp, with a letter from me to the Civil Commissioner. I will tell him how the man is dead, and he will send down a magistrate's clerk to put a seal on the boxes and cases, and then he will go through the letters and papers in the pocket-book, and write to the people of the dead man over in England, supposing he has any, for I have heard him tell my wife there was not a living soul of his name now, except the child " " But what good will all this do you and me, Baas?" asked the Boer subserviently. Bough spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. " Why, when the magistrates and lawyers have hunted up the man's family, there will be an order to sell the waggons and oxen and other property to pay the expenses of his bury- ing, and the child's keep here and passage from Cape Town, if she is to be sent to England . . . and what is left over, see you, after the law expenses have been paid, will go to the settlement of our just claims. They will never let honest men suffer for behaving square, sure no, they'll not do that! ' But though Bough's words were full of faith in the fair deal- ing of the lawyers and magistrates, his tone implied doubt. " Boer lawyers are slim rogues at best, and Engelsch lawyers are duyvels as well as rogues," said Smoots Beste, with a dull flash of originality. i ONE BRAVER THING Bough nodded, and pushed another glass of liquor across the bar. " And that's true enough. I've a score to settle with one or two of 'em. By gum! I call myself lucky to be in this with a square man like you. There's the waggon, brand-new you know what it cost at Cape Town and the team, I trust you to take up to Gueldersdorp, and who's to hinder a man who hasn't the fear of the Lord in him for heading north instead of north-west, selling the waggon and the beasts at Kreilstad or Schoenbroon, and living on a snug farm of your own for the rest of your life under another man's name, where the English magistrates and the police will never find you, though their noses were keener than the wild dogs? " " Allemachtig ! " gasped Smoots Beste, rendered breathless by the alluring, tempting prospect. Surely the devil spoke with the voice of the tavern-keeper Bough, when, in human form, he tempted children of men. Sweat glistened on his flabby features, his thick hands trembled, and his bowels were as water. But his purpose was solidifying in his brain as he said innocently, looking over Bough's left shoulder at the wooden partition that divided off the bar from the landlord's dwelling-room : " Aye, I am no dirty schelom that cannot be trusted. There- fore would it not be better if I took both teams and waggons, and all the rooinek's goods with me up to Gueldersdorp, and handed it over to the Engelsch landrost there ? " The fish was hooked. Bough said, steadily avoiding those twirling eyes: " A good notion, but the lawyer chaps at Gueldersdorp will want to look at the Englishman's dead body to be able to satisfy his people that he did not die of a gunshot, or of a knife- thrust; we must bury him, of course, but not too deep for them to dig him up again. And they will want to ferret in all the corners of the room where he died, and make sure that his bags and boxes have not been tampered with and then there is the child. In a way " he spoke slowly and apologetically " the Kid and the goods are my security for getting my own back again if ever I do. So you will inspan one of the waggons, the best if you like, with a team of six beasts, and you will trek up to Gueldersdorp you will travel light enough with only the grub you will need, and the Cape boys, and you will hand over the letter to the Resident Magistrate, and bring back the man who will act as his deputy." ONE BRAVER THING 19 But at this point Smoots Beste set down his splay foot. He would undertake to deliver the letter, but he objected to the company of the coloured voor-loopers or the Kaffir driver. He was firm upon that and, finding his most honeyed persuasions of no avail, Bough said no more. He would pay off the niggers and dismiss them, or get rid of them without paying; there were ways and means. He sent up country, and the team came down, six thin, over-worked creatures, with new scars upon their slack and baggy hides, and hollow flanks, and ribs that showed painfully. Smoots Beste was about to grumble, but he changed his mind, and took the letter, buttoning it up in the flapped pocket of his tan-cord jacket, and the long whip cracked like a revolver as the lash hissed out over the backs of the wincing oxen, and the white tilt rocked over the veld, heading to the nor'-west. "When will the Dutchy be back, boss?" asked the woman, with a knowing look. Bough played the game up to her. He answered quite seri- ously: "In three weeks' time." Then he strolled out smoking a cigar, his hat tilted at an angle that spoke of satisfaction. His walk led him past the oblong cairn of ironstone boulders in the middle of the sandy patch of ground enclosed with zinc wire-netting. At the foot of the cairn was a new grave. So the lover did not even lie beside his beloved, as he had vow r ed once, promised and planned, but couched below her feet, waiting, like some faithful hound that could not live with- out the touch of the beloved hand, for the dead to rise again. Why is it that Failure is the inevitable fate of some men and women? Despite brilliant prospects, positions that seem assured, commanding talents nobly used, splendid opportunities that are multiplied as though in mockery, the result is Nothing from the first to last; while the bad flourish and the evil prosper, and the world honours the stealer of the fruit of the brains that have been scattered in frenzied despair, or have become so worn out from the constant effort of creation that the worker has sunk into hopeless apathy and died. Bough was not one of those men whose plans come to noth- ing. He had prospered as a rogue of old in England, really his native country, though he called himself an Afrikander. Reared in the gutters of the Irish quarter of Liverpool, he had early learned to pilfer for a living, had prospered in prison as sharp young gaol-birds may prosper, and returned to it -again to ONE BRAVER THING and again, until, having served out part of a sentence for burglary and obtained his ticket-of-leave, he hi:d shifted his convict's skin, and made his way out to Cape Colony under a false name and character. He had made a mistake, it was true, enlisting as a trooper of Colonial Police, but the step had been forced upon him by circumstances. Then he had deserted, and had since been successful as a white-slave dealer at Port Elizabeth, and as a gold-miner in the Transvaal, and he had done better and better still at that ticklish trade of gun-running for Oom Paul. For, get caught only once get caught and the Imperial Government authorities, under whose noses you had been playing the game with impunity for years, made it as hot as Hell for you. Bough, however, did not mean ever to get caught. There was always another man, a semi-innocent dupe, who would appear to have been responsible for every- thing, and who would get pinched. Such a dupe now trudged at the head of the meagre three- span ox-team. When, after a hard day's toil, he at length outspanned, the waggon-pole still faithfully pointed to the north-west. But before it was yet day the waggon began to move again, and it was to the north that the waggon-pole pointed thenceforwards, and the letter Bough had given Smoots Beste for the City Resident Magistrate at Gueldersdorp was saved from the kindling of the camp-fire by a mere accident. The cat's-paw could not read, or the illegible, meaningless ink scrawl upon the sheet within the boldly-addressed envelope would have aroused his suspicions at the outset. So well had Bough, that expert in human frailty, understood his subject, that the letter was a bogus letter, a fraud, not elaborate a mere stage property, nothing more. But yet he gave it in full belief that it would be burned, and that, the boats of Smoots Beste being consumed with it, according to the thick judgment of the said Smoots, it would be as a pillar of fire behind that slim child of the old voor-trekkers, hastening his journey north. It is typical of the class of Smoots that it never once occurred to Smoots to go east. But Smoots Beste never bought a farm wifh the price of the oxen and the high-bulwarked, teak-built, waterproof-canvas tilted waggon that had cost such a good round sum. There was a big rainfall on the third day. It began with the typical African thunderstorm deafening, continuous rolls and crashes of heavy cloud-artillery, and lightning that blazed and darted without intermission, and ran zigzagging in a horrible, deadly, ONE BRAVER THING 21 playful fashion over the veld, as though looking for dishonest folks to shrivel. One terrible flash struck the wheel-oxen, a thin double tongue of blue flame sped flickering from ridge to ridge of the six gaunt backs . . . there was a smell of burning hair a reek of sulphur. The team lay outstretched dead on the veld, the heavy yoke across their patient necks, the long horns curving, the thin starved bodies already beginning to bloat and swell in the swift decomposition that follows death by the electric fluid. Smoots Beste crawled under the waggon, and, remembering all he had heard his father spell out from the Dutch Bible about the Judgment Day, and the punishment of sinners in everlasting flame, felt very ill at ease. The storm passed over, and the rain rained all through the night, but dawn brought in a clear blue day; and with it a train of eight transport- waggons, and several wearied, muddy droves of sheep and cat- tle, the property of the Imperial Government Commissariat De- partment, Gueldersdorp, being taken from Basutoland East up to Gueldersdorp, under convoy of an escort of B.S.A. Police. To the non-commissioned officer in command Smoots Beste, resigned to the discharge of a trust, handed the letter for the Civil Commissioner. The sergeant, sitting easily in the saddle, looked at the illeg- ible inky flymarks on the envelope, and smelt rats. Then he coolly opened the supposed letter. It contained a blank sheet of paper, but he did not let Smoots see that. Then the follow- ing brief dialogue took place: " You were trekking up to Gueldersdorp," he said to the decidedly nervous Smoots, " to fetch down a Deputy Civil Commissioner to deal with the effects of a dead English traveller, at a house kept by the man who wrote this letter that is, three days' trek over the veld to the southward, and called the Free State Hotel ? " Smoots nodded heavily. The dapper sergeant cocked his felt smasher hat, and turned between pleasantly smiling lips the cigar he was smoking. Then he pointed with his riding- whip, a neatly varnished sjambok, with a smart silver top, to the north-west. " There lies Gueldersdorp. Rum that when the lightning killed the ox-team you should have been trekking due north, isn't it?" Smoots Beste agreed that it was decidedly rum. The sergeant said, without a change in his agreeable smile: 22 ONE BRAVER THING " All right ; you can inspan six of our drove-bullocks, and drive the waggon with us to Gueldersdorp." " Thank you, Baas ! " said Smoots, without enthusiasm. " If you like to take the risk," added the sergeant, who had not quite finished. He ended with an irrepressible outburst of honest indignation: "Why, you blasted, thieving Dutch scum, do you think I don't know you were stealing that span and waggon ? " And as Smoots, sweating freely, unyoked the dead oxen, he decided in his heavy mind that he would be missing long be- fore the convoy got to Gueldersdorp. Nine waggons rolled on where only eight had been before. The mounted men hurried on the daubed and wearied droves of Commissariat beasts. Smoots Beste drove the scratch team of bullocks, but his heart was as water within his belly, and there \vas no resonance in the smack of his whip. When the convoy came to a town, he vanished, and the story thenceforth knows him no more. The discreet sergeant of police did not even notice that he was missing until several days later, when the end of the journey was near at hand. He was a sober, careful man, and a good husband. He shortly afterwards made quite a liberal remittance to his wife, and his troopers pushed Kruger half-sovereigns across most of the bars in Guel- dersdorp shortly after the purchase by a Dopper farmer of a teak-built Cape waggon that a particular friend of the ser- geant's had got to sell. And they were careful, at first, not to wag loose tongues. But as time went on the story of the English traveller who had brought the body of the woman to the Free State Hotel, so many days' trek to the southward from Gueldersdorp, trickled from lip to lip. And years later, ten years too late, it came to the ears of a friend of dead Richard Mildare. The sergeant maintained silence. He was a careful officer, and a discreet man, and, what is more, religious. In con- troversial arguments with the godless he would sometimes employ a paraphrase of the story of Smoots Beste to strengthen his side. " A chap's a blamed fool that doesn't believe in God, I tell you. I was once after a bung-nosed Dutch thief of a transport- driver, that had waltzed away with a brand-new Cape cart and a team of first-class mules. Taking 'em up to Pretoiia on the quiet, to sell 'em to Oom Paul's burghers, he was. Ay, they were worth a tidy lump! A storm came on a regular Vaal ONE BRAVER THING 23 display of sky fireworks. The rain came down like gun-barrels, the veld turned into a swamp, but he kept on after the Dutch- man, who drove like gay old Hell. Presently comes a blue blaze and a splitting crack, as if a comet had come shouldering into the map of South Africa, and knocked its head in. We pushed on, smelling sulphur, burnt flesh, and hair ' By gum ! ' said I ; ' something's got it ' : and I was to rights. The Cape cart stood on the veld, without a scratch on the paintwork. The four mules lay in their traces, deader than pork. The Dutchman sat on the box, holding the lines and his voorslaag, and grinning. He was dead, too struck by the lightning in the act of stealing those mules and that Cape cart. Don't let any fellow waste hot air after that trying to persuade me that there isn't such a thing as an overruling Providence." Thus the sergeant: and his audience, whether Free-thinkers, Agnostics, or believers, would break up, feeli"^ jiat one who has the courage of his opinions is a respectable man- As for Bough, in whose hands even the astute ^ergeant had been as a peeled rush, we may go back and fini him counting money in gold and notes that had been taken from the belt of the dead English traveller. Seventeen hundred pounds, good cash a pretty windfall for an honest man. The honest man whistled softly, handling the white crackling notes, and feeling the smooth, heavy Eng- lish sovereigns slip between his ringers. There were certificates of Rand stock, also a goodly amount of Colonial Railway shares, and some foreign bonds, all of which could be realized on, but at a distance, and by a skilled hand. There were jewels, as the Boer waggon-driver had said, that had belonged to the dead woman diamond rings, and a bracelet or two ; and there were silk dresses of lovely hues and texture, and cambric and linen dresses, and tweed dresses, in the trunks; and a great cloak of sables, trimmed with many, tails, and beautiful underclothing of silk and linen, trimmed with real lace, over which the mouth of the woman of the tavern watered. She got some of the dresses and all the un- dergarments when Bough had dexterously picked out the em- broidered initials. He knew diamonds and rubies, but he had never been a judge of lace. There was a coronet upon one or two handkerchiefs that had been overlooked when the dead woman had burned the others four years before. Bough picked these out too, working deftly with a needle. 24 ONE BRAVER THING He was clever, very clever. He could take to pieces a steam- engine or a watch, and put it together again. He knew all there is to know about locks, and how they may best be opened without their keys. He could alter plate-marks with graving tools and the jeweller's blow-pipe, and test metals with acids, and make plaster-cast moulds that would turn out dollars and other coins, remarkably like the real thing. He was not a clever forger; he had learned to write somewhat late in life, and the large, bold roundhand, with the capital letters that invariably began with the wrong quirk or twirl, was too char- acteristic, though he wrote anonymous letters sometimes, risk- ing detection in the enjoyment of what was to him a dear de- light, only smaller than that other pleasure of moulding bodies to his own purposes, of lust, or gain, or malice. IV THERE was a child in the tavern on the veld; it lay in an old orange-box, half-filled with shavings, covered with a thin, worn blanket, in the daub-and-wattle outhouse, where the Hottentot woman, called the chambermaid, and the Kaffir woman, who was cook, slept together on one filthy pallet. Sometimes they stayed up at the tavern, drinking and carous- ing with the Dutch travellers who brought the supplies of Hollands and Cape brandy and lager beer, and the American or English gold-miners and German drummers who put up there from time to time. Then the child lay in the outhouse alone. It was a frail, puny creature, always frightened and silent. It lived on a little mealie pap and odd bits of roasted cakes that were thrown to it as though it were a dog. When the coloured women forgot to feed it, they said : " It does not matter. Anyhow, the thing will die soon ! " But it lived on when another child would have died. . . . There was some- thing uncanny about its great-eyed silence and its tenacious hold on life. It had only been able to toddle when brought to the tavern. The rains and thunderstorms of spring went by, the summer passed, and it could walk about. It was a weakly little crea- ture, with great frightened eyes, amber-brown, with violet flecks in their black-banded irises, and dark, thick lashes; and the delicately-drawn eyebrows were dark too, though its hair was soft yellow just the colour of a chicken's down. Many a ONE BRAVER THING 25 cuff it got, and many a hard word, when its straying feet brought it into the way of the rough life up at the tavern. But still the scrap of food was tossed to it, and the worn-out petticoat roughly cobbled into a garment for its little body; for Bough was a charitable man. It wa$ a P r orphan, he explained to people, the child of a consumptive emigrant Englishman who had worked for the landlord of the tavern, and left this burden for other shoulders when he died. Charitable travellers frequently left benefac- tions towards the little one's clothing and keep. Bough will- ingly took charge of the money. The child strayed here, there, and everywhere. It was often lost, but nobody looked for it, and it always came back. It liked to climb the cairn of bould- ers, or to sit on the long, low hillock at the cairn's foot. The wire fencing had long been removed from the enclosure; it had gone to make a chicken-pen in a more suitable spot. The cross had been taken down when a prop was wanted for the clothes-line. The child, often beaten by Bough and the woman of the tavern, might have been even worse treated by the coloured servants but for those two graves out on the veld. Black blood flows thick with superstition, and both the Kaffir cook and the snuff-coloured Hottentot chambermaid nourished a wholesome dread of spooks. Who knew but that the white woman's ghost would rise out of the kopje there, some dark night, and pinch and cuff and thump and beat people who had ill-used her bantling? As for the dead man buried at her feet, his dim shape had often been seen by one of the Basuto stablemen, keeping guard before the heap of boulders, in the white blaze of the moon-rays, or the paler radiance of a starry night, or more often of a night of mist and rain ; not moving as a sentry moves, but upright and still, with shining fiery eyes in his shadowy face, and with teeth that showed, as the dead grin. After that none of the servants would pass near these two graves later than sundown, and Bough welted the Basuto boy with an ox-reim for scaring silly jades of women with lying tales. But then Bough avoided the spot by day as well as by night. Therefore, it became a constant place of refuge for the child, who now slept in the outhouse alone. In the long, brilliant winter nights she would leave the straw-stuffed sack that had been her bed ever since the orange- box had been broken up, and climb the stone-heaps, and look over the lonely veld, and stare up at the great blazing constella- 26 ONE BRAVER THING tion of the Southern Cross. In spring, when pools and river- beds were full of foaming beer-coloured water, and every kloof and donga was brimmed with flowers and ferns, she would be drawn away by these, would return, trailing after her arm- fuls of rare blooms, and thenceforward, until these faded, the ridgy grave-mound and the heaped cairn of boulders would be gay with them. She never took them to the house. It might have meant a beating so many things did. In August, when the little apricots and peaches were as large as the dice Bough threw with customers for drinks, she would wander in the orchard belonging to the house, while the heavy tropical rains drummed on the leaves overhead, and sudden furious thunderstorms rent the livid-coloured clouds above with jagged scythes and reaping-hooks of white electric fire, or leap- ing, dancing, playing, vanishing tongues of thin blue. Once this fire struck a krantz, under the lee of which the child was sheltering, and made a black scorched mark all down the cliff- face, but left the child unscathed. No one had ever taught her anything; no one had ever laid a gentle hand upon her. When she first saw mothers and daughters, friend and friend, sweetheart and sweetheart kiss, it seemed to her that they licked each other, as friendly dogs do. She had no name that she knew of. " You kid, go there. You kid, fetch this or bring that. You kid, go to the drift for water, or take the besom and sweep the stoep, or scrub out the room there do you hear, you kid ? " These orders came thick and fast when at last she was old enough to work; and she was old enough when she was very young, and did work like a little beast of burden. A real mother's heart all mothers are not real ones would have ' ached to see the dirt and bruises on the delicate childish limbs, and the vermin that crawled under the yellow rings of hair. How to be clean and tidy nobody had ever shown her, though she had learned by instinct other things. That it was best to bear hunger and pain in silence, lest worse befell. That a truth for which one suffers is not as good as a lie for which one gets a bigger roasten cake, or the scrap- ings of the syrup-can. That to little, weak, and feeble crea- tures of their race grown human beings can be marvellously cruel. That the devil lived down in the Kraals with the Kaffirs, and that God was a swear. It is a wonder that she had not sunk into idiocy, or hopelessly sicken and die, neglected, ill-used, half-starved as she was. But the bright intelligence ONE BRAVER THING 27 under the neglected mass of yellow curls struck out a spark to save her, or He Who seemed to have forgotten her remem- bered the little one. She might have been six years of age when the Lady began coming. And after the first time, with very brief intervals, she came every night. As soon as you lay down on the sack of straw in the corner of the outhouse, slipping out of the ragged frock if the weather were hot, or pulling the thin old horse-blanket over you if the night were a cold one, keeping your eyes tight shut, for this was quite indispensable, you looked into the thick dark, shot with gleams of lovely colours, sometimes with whirling rings of stars, and gradually, as you looked, all these con- centrated into two stars, large and not twinkling, but softly radiant, and you w r ere happy, for you knew that the Lady was coming. For she always came, even when you had been most wicked, when you were sent to bed without even the supper crust to gnaw, and when your body and arms and legs were bruised and aching from the beating they told you you deserved. The stars would go a long way off, and while you tingled and trembled and panted with expectation, would come back again as eyes. Looking up into them, you saw them clearly; the rest of the person they belonged to arrived quite a little while after her eyes were there. Such eyes neither grey, nor brown, nor violet, but a mingling of all these colours, and deepening as you gazed up into them into bottomless lakes of love. Then her face, framed in a soft darkness, which was hair the Kid never knew of what colour her face formed itself out of the darkness that framed those eyes, and a warm, balmy breath came nearer, and you were kissed. No other lips, in your short remembrance, had ever touched you. You had learned the meaning of a kiss only from her, and hers was so long and close that your heart left off beating, and only began again when it was over. Then arms that were soft and warm, and strong and beautiful, came around you and gathered you in, and you fell asleep folded closely in them, or you lay awake, and the Lady talked to you in a voice that was mellow as honey and soft as velvet, and sounded like the cooing of the wild pigeons that nested in the krantzes. or the sighing of the 28 ONE BRAVER THING wind among the high veld grasses, and the murmur of the little river playing among the boulders and gurgling between the roots of the tree-fern. You talked, too, and told her everything. * And no matter how bad you had been, though she was sorry, because she hated badness, she loved you just as dearly as she did when you were good. And oh! how you loved her how you loved her! " Please," you said that night when she came first you remember it quite well, though it is so long ago " please, why did you never come before? " And she answered, with her cool, sweet, fragrant lips upon your eyelids, and your head upon her breast: " Because you never wanted me so much as now." " Please take me back home with you," you said, holding her fast. And she answered in the voice that is always like the sigh of the wind amongst the tree-tops and the murmur of the river: " I cannot yet but I will come again." And she does come, and again and again. By degrees, though she comes to you only at night, when the outhouse is dark, or lighted only by the stars or the moonshine, you learn exactly what the Lady is like. She wears a silken, softly-rustling gown that is of any lovely colour you choose. The hue of the blue overarching sky at midday, or the tender rose of dawn, or of the violet clouds that bar the flaming orange-ruby of the sunset, or the mysterious robe of twilight drapes her, or her garment sable as the Night. The grand sweep of her shoulders and the splendid pillar of her throat reveal the beauty of her form even to the eyes of an untaught, neglected child. Her face is pale, but as full of sunlight as of shadow, and her eyes are really grey and deep as mountain lakes. The sorrow of all the world and all its joy seem to have rolled over her like many waters, and when she smiles the sweetness of it is always almost more than the Kid can bear. Who is the Lady? She has no other name than that. She is very, very good, as well as beautiful, and you can bear to tell her when you have been most wicked, because she is so sorry for you. She can play with you, and laugh .so softly and clearly and gaily that you, who have never learned but to dread grown people's cruel merriment, join in and laugh too. When she laughs the corners of her eyes crinkle so like the corners of her lips that ONE BRAVER THING 29 you have to kiss them, and there are dimples that come with the laughter, and make her dearer than ever. Who is the Lady, tall, and strong, and tender? That dead woman lying out there under the Little Kopje was small, and slight, and frail. Who may the Lady be? Is she a dream or a mere illusion born of loneliness and starvation, of physical and mental? Or has Mary, the Mother of Pity, laid aside her girdle of decades of golden roses, her mantle of glory, and her diadem of stars, and come stepping fair-footed down the stairway that Night builds between Earth and Heaven, to comfort a desolate child lying in a stable who never heard the story of the Christ-Babe of Bethlehem? You ask no questions you to whom she comes. You call her softly at night, stretching out your arms, and the clasp of her arms answers at once. You whisper how you love her, with your face hidden in her neck. The great kind Night that brings her is your real, real daytime in which you live and are glad. Each morning to which you waken, bringing its stint of hunger and abuse and blows renewed, is only a dreadful dream, you say to yourself, and so can face your world. Oh, deep beyond fathoming, mysterious beyond comprehen- sion is the hidden heart of a child 1 VI ONE afternoon when the Kid was quite as tall as the broom she swept the stoep with, she had gone to the drift for water. It was a still, bright, hot day. Little puffs of rosy cloud hung motionless under the burning blue sky-arch; small, gaily- plumaged birds twittered in the bushes; the tiny black ants scurried to and fro in the pinkish sand of the river beach. She waded into the now clean, sherry-pale water to cool her hot bare limbs, and, bending over, stared down into the reflected eyes that looked back out of the pool. Such a dirty little, large-eyed, wistful face, crowned by a curling tousle of matted, reddish-brown-gold hair. Such a neglected, sordid little figure, with thin drab shoulders sticking out of a ragged calico frock. She was quite startled. She had never seen herself in any glass before, though a cheap, square, wooden-framed mirror hung on the wall of the bar- room, with a dirty clothes-brush on a hook underneath, and there were swing toilet-glasses in the bedrooms at the inn. 30 ONE BRAVER THING Something stirred in her, whispering in the grimy little ear, " // is good to be clean" and with the awakening of the maidenly instinct the womanly purpose framed. She put off her horrible rags, and washed herself from head to foot in the warm clear water. She took fine sand, and scrubbed her head. She dipped and wrung and rinsed her foul tatters of garments, standing naked in the shallows, the hot sunshine drying her yellow curls, and warming her slight girl- ish body through and through as she spread her washed rags to dry on the big hot stones. There was a man's step on the bank above her, there was a rustling sound among the green bushes. She had never heard of modesty, but she cowered down among the boulders, and the heavy footstep passed by. She hid among the fern while her clothes were drying, put them on tidily, and went back with her filled water-bucket to the hotel. How could she know what injury the kind peremptory voice, bidding her be foul no longer, had done her? But thenceforward a new cruelty, a fresh peril, attended her steps. Bough and the white woman of the inn had quarrels often. She was no wife of his. He had not brought her from Cape Colony. When the hotel was built he had gone up to Johannesburg on business and on pleasure, and brought her back with him from an establishment he knew. He was gen- erally not brutal to her except when she was ailing, when he gave her medicine that made her worse, much worse so very ill that she would lie groaning upon a foul neglected bed for weeks, while Bough caroused with the coloured women and the customers in the bar. Then, still groaning, she would drag herself up and be about her work again. She did not want t& go back to the house at Johannesburg. She loved the man Bough in her fashion, poor bought wretch. She had quarrelled with him many times for many things, and been silenced with blows, or curses, or even caresses, were he in the mood. But she had never quarrelled with him about the Kid before. Now when he bought some coloured print and a Boer sunbonnet, and some shifts and stockings of a traveller in drapery and hosiery, and ordered her to see that the girl went properly clothed thenceforward, a new terror, a fresh torture, was added to the young life. The woman had ignored, neglected, sometimes ill-used her, but she had never hated her until now. And Bough, the big, burly 4 dark-skinned man with the ONE BRAVER THING 31 strange light eyes, and the bold, cruel, red mouth, and the bushy brown whiskers, why did he follow her about with those strange eyes, and smile secretly to himself ? She was no longer fed on scraps; she must sit and eat at table with the man and his mistress, and learn to use knife and fork. She outgrew the dress Bough had bought her, and another, and another, and this did not make Bough angry; he only smiled. A man having some secret luxury or treasure locked away in a secret cupboard will smile so. He knows it is there, and he means to go to the hiding-place one day, but in the meantime he waits, licking his lips. The girl had always feared Bough, and shrunk from his anger with unutterable terror. But the blow of his heavy hand was more bearable than his smile and his jesting amiabil- ity. Now, when she Went down to the Kraals on an errand, or to the orchard or garden for fruit or vegetables, or to the river for water as of old, she heard his long, heavy, padding footsteps coming after her, and would turn and pass him with downcast eyes, and go back to the inn, and take a beating for not having done her errand. Beating she comprehended, but this mysterious change in the man Bough filled her with sick, secret loathing and dread. She did not know why she bolted the door of the outhouse now when she crept to her miserable bed. Once Bough dropped into her lap a silver dollar, saying with a smile that she was getting to be quite a little woman of late. She leaped to her feet as though a scorpion had stung her, and stood white to the very lips, and speechless, while the big silver coin rolled merrily away into a distant corner, and lay there. The frowzy woman with the bleached hair happened to come in at that moment; or had she been spying through a crack of the door? Bough pretended he had accidentally dropped the coin, picked it up, and went away. That night he and the woman quarrelled fiercely. She could hear them raging at each other as she lay trembling. Then came shrieks, and the dull sound of the sjambok cut- ting soft human flesh. In the morning the woman had a black eye; there were livid weals on her tear-blurred face. She packed her boxes, snivelling. She was going back along up to Johannesburg by the next western-bound transport-waggon- train that should halt at the hotel thrown off like an old shoe after all these years. And she was not young enough for the 32 ONE BRAVER THING old life, what with hard work and hard usage and worry, and she knew to whom she owed her dismissal. . . . Ay, and if she could have throttled or poisoned the little sly devil she would have done it! Only there would .have been Bough to reckon with afterwards. For of God she made a jest, and the devil was an old friend of hers, but she was horribly afraid of the man with the brown bushy whiskers and the light, steely eyes. Yet she threw herself upon him to kiss him, blubbering freely, when at the week's end the Johannes- burg transport-rider's waggons, returning from the district town not yet linked up to the north by the railway, came in sight. Bough poured her out a big glass of liquor, his universal panacea, and another for the transport-rider, with many a jovial word. He would be running up to Johannesburg before she had well shaken down after the journey. Then they would have a rare old time, going round the bars and doing the shows. Though, perhaps if she had got fixed up with a new friend, some flash young fellow with pots of money, she would not be wanting old faces around? Then he turned aside to pay the transport-rider, and the exile dabbed her swollen face with a rouge-stained, lace-edged handkerchief, and went out to get into the waggon. The girl stood by the stoep, staring, puzzled, overwhelmed, afraid. A piece of her world was breaking off. As long as she could remember anything she had known this woman. She had never received any kindness from her; of late she had been malignant in her hate, but she wished she was not going. Instinctively she had felt that her presence was some slight protection. Keeping close in the shadow of this creature's frowzy skirts, she had not so feared and dreaded those light eyes of Bough's, and the padding, following footsteps had kept aloof. As the woman passed her now, a rage of unspeakable, agonizing fear rose in her bosom. She cried out to her, and clutched at her shabby gay mantle. The woman snatched the garment from her hold. Her dis- torted mouth and blazing eyes were close to the white young face. She could have spat upon it. But she snarled at her three words ... no more, and passed her, and got into the waggon. " Hulloa, there," said Bough, coming forward threateningly, " what you rowing about, eh ? " But no one answered. The girl had fled to the boulder-cairn, and the woman sat silent in ONE BRAVER THING 33 the waggon, until the weary, goaded teams moved on, and the transport-train of heavy, broad-beamed vehicles lumbered away. But the little figure on the cairn of boulders covering the dust of the bosom from whence it had first drunk life sat there immovable until the sun went down, pondering. "Missis now, eh!" What did those three words mean? Then Bough called her, and she had to run. She served as waitress of the bar that day, and the men who drove or rode by and stopped for drinks, chatting in the dirty saloon, or sitting in the bare front room, with the Dutch stove, and the wooden forms and tables in it, that they called the coffee- room, to discuss matters relative to the sale of cattle or mer- chandise, stared at her hard, and several made her coarse com- pliments. She refused to touch the loathly-smelling liquor they offered her. Her heart beat like a little terrified bird's. And she was horribly conscious of those light blue eyes of Bough's following, following her, tvi'th that inscrutable look. When the crowd had thinned he came to her. He caught her arm, and pulled her near him, and said between his teeth: " You will sleep in the mistress's room to-night." Then he went away chuckling to himself, thinking of that frightened look in her eyes. Later, he went out on horseback, and did -not return. The slatternly bedchamber, with its red turkey twill win- dow-curtains and cheap gaud}' wallpaper, which had belonged to the ruddled woman with the bleached hair, was a palace to the little one. But she could not breathe there. Late that night she rose from the big feather bed, and unfastened the window shutters, and drew the blind and opened the window, though the paint had stuck, and looked out upon the veld. The great stars throbbed in the purple velvet darkness over- head. The falling dew wetted the hand she stretched out into the cool night air. She drew back the hand and touched her cheek with it, and started, for the fresh, cool, fragrant touch seemed like that of some other hand whose touch she once had known. She thought for the first time that if the woman who had been her mother, and who slept out there in the dark under the boulder-cairn, had lived, she might have touched her child so. Then she closed the window quickly, for she heard, afar off, the gallop of a hard-ridden horse com- ing nearer nearer. And she knew that. Bough was coming back. 34 ONE BRAVER THING He came. She heard him dismount before the door, give the horse to the sleepy Basuto ostler, and let himself into the bar. She heard him clink among the glasses and bottles. She heard his foot upon the stairs and upon the landing, but it did not pass by. It stopped at the locked door of the room where she was. Then his voice bade her rise and open the door. She could not speak nor move. She was dumb and paralyzed with deadly terror. She heard his coaxing voice turn angry; she listened in helpless terrified silence to his oaths and threats; then she heard him laugh softly, and the laugh was followed by the jingle of a bunch of skeleton keys. He always carried them ; they saved trouble, he used to say. They saved him trouble now. When the bent wire rattled in the lock, and the key fell out upon the floor, she screamed, and his coarse chuckle answered. She was cowering against the wall in a corner of the room when he came in and picked up the key and locked the door. But when his stretched-out, grasping hand came down upon her slight shoulder, she turned and bit it like some savage, desperate little animal, drawing the blood. Bough swore at the sudden sting of the sharp white teeth. So the little beast showed fight, eh? Well, he would teach her that the master will have his way. There was no one else in the house, and if there had been it would have served her not at all. God sat in timeless Eternity beyond these mists of earth, and saw, and made no sign. It was not until the man Bough slept the heavy sleep of liquor and satiety that the thought of flight was born in her with desperate courage to escape him. The shutters had been left unbolted, and the window was a little way open. She sprang up and threw it wide, leaped out upon the stoep, and from thence to the ground, and fled blindly, breathlessly over the veld into the night. VII BOUGH, as soon as it was dawn, sent three of the Kaffirs from the Kraals, in different directions, to search for her, and, mounted on a fresh pony, took the fourth line of search him- self. He had chosen the right direction for riding down the quarry. At broad high noon he came upon her, in a bare, ONE BRAVER THING 35 stony place tufted with milk-bush. She was crouching under a prickly-pear shrub, that threw a distorted blue shadow on the sun-baked, sun-bleached ground, trying to eat the fruit in the native way with two sticks. But she had no knife, and her mouth was bleeding. Bough gave the tired pony both spurs when the prey he hunted came in sight. She leaped up like a wild cat when the mounted man rode dow*n upon her, and ran, doubling like a hare. When overtaken, she fell upon her face in the sand, and lay still, only shaken by her long pants. Bough dismounted and caught her by the wrist and dragged her up with his bandaged right hand. He beat her about her cheeks with his hard, open left. Then he threw her across his saddle, but she writhed down, and lay under the pony's feet. He kicked her then, for giving so much trouble, lifted her again, and tried to mount, holding her in one arm. But the frightened pony swerved and backed, and the girl shrieked, and struggled, and shrieked like a wild cat. She did not know what mercy meant, but she saw by the look that came into those light eyes that this man wbuld have none upon her. She fought and bit and shrieked like a wild cat. He took an ox-reim then, that was coiled behind his saddle, and bound her hands. He tied the end of the leather rope to the iron ring behind his saddle, and remounted, and spurred his weary beast into a canter. The little one was forced to run behind. Again and again she fell, and each time she was jerked up and forced to run again upon her bleeding feet, leaving rags of her garments upon the karoo-bushes and blood- marks on the stones. And at last she fell, and rose no more, showing no sign of life under the whip and the spur-rowel. Then Bough bent over and drew his long hunting-knife and cut the reim, leaving her hands still bound. If any spark of life remained in the girl, he could not tell. Her knees were drawn in towards her body; her eyes were open, and rolled upwards; there was foam upon her torn and bleeding mouth. She was as good as dead, anyway, and the wild dogs would be sure to come by-and-by. Already an aasvogel was hovering above; a mere speck, the great bird poised upon widespread wings, high up in the illimitable blue. Presently there would be a flock of these carrion feeders, that are not averse to fresh-killed meat when it is to be had. Bough remounted, and, humming a dance tune that was often on his lips, rode away over the veld. The great vulture wheeled. Then he dropped like a falling 36 ONE BRAVER THING stone for a thousand yards or so, and hovered and dropped again, getting nearer ever so much nearer with each descent. And where he had hovered at the first were now a dozen specks of black upon the hot, bright blue. A wild dog crept down from a cone-topped spitzkop, and stood, sniffing the blood-tainted air eagerly, whining a little in its throat. The great vulture dropped lower. His comrades of the flock, eagerly following his gyrations and descents, had begun to wheel and drop also. Another wild dog appeared on the cone-shaped kop. Other furry, sharp-eared heads, with eager, sniffing noses, could be seen amongst the grass and bush. Then suddenly the higher vultures rose. They wheeled and soared and flew, a hurrying bevy of winged black specks to the north. They had seen something approaching over the veld. The great bird hanging motionless, purposeful, lower down became aware of his comrades' change of tactics. With one downward stroke of his powerful wings, he shot upwards, and with a hoarse, croaking cry took flight after the rest. The wild dogs stole back, hungry, to covert, as a big "light blue waggon, drawn by a well-fed team of eight span, came lumbering over the veld. Would the ox-team veer in another direction? Would the big blue waggon with the new white tilt roll by ? The Hottentot driver cracked his giant whip, and, turning on the box-seat, spoke to a figure that sat beside him. It was a woman in loose black garments, with a starched white coif like a Dutchwoman's kapje, covered with a floating black veil. At her side dangled and clashed a long rosary of brown wooden beads, with a copper crucifix attached. There were two other women in the big waggon, dressed in the same way. They were Roman Catholic nuns Sisters of Mercy coming up from Natal, by the order of the Bishop of Bellmina, Vicar- Apostolic, at the request of the Bishop of Paracos, suffragan to North- East Baraland, to swell the numbers of the Community already established in Gueldersdorp at the Convent of the Holy Way. The oxen halted some fift) r yards from that inanimate ragged little body, lying prone, face downwards, among the scrubby bushes that sprouted in the hot sand. Little crowding tiny ants already blackened the bloodstains on the ground, and the wild dogs would not have stayed long from the feast if the waggon had passed on. One white-coifed, tall, black-clad figure sprang lightly down ONE BRAVER THING 37 from the waggon-box, and hurried across to where the body was lying. A mellow, womanly cry of pity came from under the starched coif. She turned and beckoned. Then she knelt down by the girl's side, opened the torn garments, and felt with compassionate, kindly touches about the still heart. The other two black figures came hurrying over then, stumbling amongst the stones and karoo-bushes in their haste. Lifting her, they turned the white, bloodless young face to the blue sky. It was cut and scratched, but not otherwise disfigured. Her bound arms, dragged upwards before it, had shielded it from the thorns and the sharp stones. They were raw from the elbows to the wrists. They listened at the torn childish bosom with anxious ears. They got a few drops of brandy between the clenched little teeth. The sealed lips quivered; the heart fluttered feebly, like a dying bird. They gave her more stimulant, and waited, while the Hottentot driver dozed, and the sleek, well-fed oxen chewed the cud patiently, standing in the sun. Then the Sisters lifted her, with infinite care, and carried her to the waggon. The long kangaroo lash cracked, and the patient beasts moved on. Very soon the big white tilt was a mere retreating speck upon the veld. The ants were still busy when the wild dogs came out and sniffed regretfully at those traces on the ground. Coincidence, did you say, lifting your eyebrows over the book, as the blue waggon of the Sisters rolled lumbermgly into the story? The long arm of coincidence stretched to aching tenuity by the dramatist and the novelist! Nay! but the thing happened, just as I have told. What is the thing we are agreed to call coincidence? Once I was passing over one of the bridges that span the filthy London ditch called the Regent's Canal. I had walked all the way from Piccadilly Circus to the Gloucester Gate, haunted by the memory of a man I had once known. He was the broken-down, drunken, studio-drudge of a great artist, a splendid Bohemian, who had died some years before. Why did the thought of the palette-scraper, the errand-goer, the drunken creature with the cultivated voice and the ingratiating, gentlemanly manners, haunt me as I went? I thought of his high, intellectual, pimply forehead, and large benevolent nose, in a chronic state of inflammation, and seedy semi-clerical garb, for the thing had been an ordained clergyman of the Church of England, and I grinned, remembering how, when a Royal 3 8 ONE BRAVER THING visitor was expected at the great man's studio, the factotum had been bidden to wash his face, and had washed one-half of it, leaving the other half in drab eclipse, like the picture-restorers' trade advertisement of a canvas partially cleansed. Idly I tossed the butt of that spoiled cigar over the bridge balustrade. Idly my eye followed it down to the filthy, slug- gishly-creeping water that flows round the bend, under the damp rear-garden walls below. A policeman and a bargeman were just taking the body of an old man out of that turbid canal-stream. It was dressed in pauper's garments, and its stiffened knees were bent, and its rigid elbows crooked, and a dishonoured, dripping beard of grey hung over the soulless breast. The dreadful eyes were open, staring up at the leaden March sky. His face, with the dread pallor of Death upon it, and the mud-stains wiped away by a rough but not unkindly hand, was cleaner that I had ever seen it in life. Because he was the very man the thought of whom had haunted me, the great Bohemian painter's drunken studio- drudge. VIII SCHOOL at the Convent of the Holy Way at Gueldersdorp was breaking up suddenly and without warning, very soon after the beginning of the Christmas term. Many of the pupils had already left in obedience to urgent telegrams from relatives in Cape Colony or in the Transvaal, and every Dutch Igirl among the sixty knew the reason why, but was too astute 'to hint of it, and every English girl was at least as wise, but pn'de kept her silent, and the Americans and the Germans ex- changed glances of intelligence, and whispered in corners of impending war between John Bull and Oom Paul. That deep and festering political hatreds, fierce enthusiasm, hot pride of race, and lofty pride in nationality, were covered by worked apron-bibs, and even childish pinafores, is anyone likely to doubt? Schoolgirls can be patriots as well as rebels, and the seminary can vie with the college, if not outdo it, occasion given. Ask Juliette Adam whether the bread-and- butter misses of France in the year 1847 did not squabble over the obstinacy of King Louis Philippe and the greed of M. Guizot, the claims of Louis Napoleon and the theories of Louis ONE BRAVER THING 39 Blanc, of Odilon Barrot, and Ledru Rollin. And I who write, have I not seen a North Antrim Sunday-school wrecked in a faction-fight between the Orange and the Green. Lord! how the red-edged hymnals and shiny-covered S.P.G. books hustled through the air, to burst like hand-grenades upon the texted walls. In vain the panting, crimson clergyman mounted the superintendent's platform, and strove to shed the oil of peace upon those seething waters. Even the class-teachers had broken the rails out of the Windsor chair-backs, and joined the hideous fray, irrespective of age or sex. " Miss Malcney Miss Geoghegan I am shocked appalled! In the name of decency I command yees to desist. . . . Hit him again, Moggy Lenahan, a taste lower down. Serve you right, Mulcahy! why would you march with the Green?" Thirty years ago. As I gaped in affright at the hideous scene of strife, small revengeful fingers twisted themselves viciously in my auburn curls, and wresting from my grasp a " Child's Own Bible Concordance," a birthday outrage re- ceived from an Evangelical aunt, Julia Dolan, aged twelve, began to pound me about the face with it. As a snub-nosed urchin, gifted with a marvellous capacity for the cold storage and quick delivery of Scripture genealogies and Hebrew proper and improper names, I had often reduced my mild, long- legged girl-neighbour to tearful confusion. Now meek Julia seemed as though possessed by seven devils. I had been taught the elementary rule that boys must not hurt girls, but the code had no precept helpful in the present instance, when a girl was hurting me. Casting chivalry to the winds, I remember that I kicked Julia's shins, and she fled howling; but not before she had reduced my leading feature to a state of ruin, which created a tremendous sensation when they led me home. Later, during the election riots, two young girls, modest, well-behaved lasses as ever stepped, fought in the Market Place, stripped to the waist, and wielding boards wrenched from the side of a packing-case, heavy, jagged, and full of nails. And when the soldiers were called out, we know how many a saddle was emptied by the stones the women threw. "C'r'ips! " as Billy Keyse would have said. Only a day previously the centipede-like procession of girls of all ages, in charge of nuns and pupil-teachers, serpentining over the Gueldersdorp Recreation-Ground in search of the exercise essential to clearness of the complexion and the sharp- 40 ONE BRAVER THING ening of the Intelligence, had sustained an experience with which every maiden bosom would have been still vibrating had not an event even more exciting occurred between the early morning roll-call and prayers-muster and breakfast. Greta Du Taine had had another love-letter! The news darted from class-room to class-room more quickly than little Monsieur Pilotell, the French literature professor; it spread like the measles, and enlarged like the mumps. The Red Class, composed of the elder girls, " young ladies " who were undergoing the process of finishing, surged with volcanic excitement, hidden, but not in the least repressed. The White Class, their juniors, who were chiefly employed in preparing for confirmation, should have been immersed in graver things, but were not. They waited on mental tiptoe for details, and a peep at the delicious document. The Blue Class, as became mere infants ranging from six to ten years old, remained phlegmatically indifferent to the missive, yet avid for samples of the chocolates that had accompanied the declaration, made to eighty girls of all ages by one undersized, pasty, freckled young man employed as junior clerk and chance assistant in a surveyor's office, and who signed at the end of a long row of symbolistic crosses the unheroic name of Billy Keyse. He had seen and been helplessly stunned by the vision of Greta Du Taine out walking at the head of the long serpentine procession of English, German, Dutch, Dutch-French, Dutch- American, and Jewish girls. They are sent now to be taught in Europe, these daughters of the Rand millionaires, the Stock Exchange speculators, the wealthy fruit-farmers, or cereal- growers, or cattle and sheep breeders, who are descended them- selves from the old pioneers and voortrekkers, but they do not get a better education than was to be had at the Convent school at Gueldersdorp, where the Sisters of Mercy took in and taught and trained coltish girl-children, born in a strongly stimulating climate, and accustomed to lord it over Kaffir and Hottentot servants to their hearts' content. These they tamed, these they transformed into refined, cultivated, accomplished young women, stamped with the indefinable seal of high breed- ing, possessed of the tone and manner that belongs to the upper world. What shall I say of the Sisters of the Convent of the Holy Way at Gueldersdorp, I who know but little of any Order of Religious? They are a community, chiefly of ladies of high ONE BRAVER THING 41 breeding and ancient family, vowed to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, nurse the sick, comfort the dying, and instruct the ignorant. Like the Fathers of the Society of Jesuits, those skilled, patient, wise tillers in the soil of the human mind, their daily task is to hoe and tend, and prune and train, and water the young green things growing in what to them is the Garden of God, and to other good and even holy people, the vineyard of the devil. Possibly both are right? I have heard the habit of the Order called ugly. But upon the stately person of the Mother Superior the garb was regal. The sweeping black folds were as imposing as imperial purple, and the starched gimple framed a beauty that was grave, stern, almost severe until she smiled, and then you caught your breath, because you had seen what great poets write of, and great painters try to render, and only great musicians by their impalpable, mysterious tone-art can come nearest to conveying the earthly beauty that has been purged of all grosser particles of dross in the white fires of the Divine Love. She was not altogether perfect, or one could not have loved her so. Her scorn of any baseness was bitterly scathing; the point of her sarcasm was keen as any thrusting blade of tempered steel ; her will was to be obeyed, and was obeyed as sovereign law, else woe betide the disobedient. Also, though kind and gracious to all, tenderly solicitous for, and incessantly watchful of, the welfare of the least of her charges, she never feigned where she could not feel regard or love. Her rare kiss was coveted in the little world of the Convent school as the jewel of an Imperial Order was coveted in the bigger world outside it, and the most rebellious of the pupils held her in respect mingled with fear. The head-mistresses of the classes had their followers and admirers. It was for the Mother Superior to command enthusiasm, and to sway these young ambitions, and to govern the hearts and minds of children with the per- sonal charm and the intellectual powers that could have ruled a nation from a throne. Well, she has gone to God. It is good for many souls that she lived upon earth a little. She has a harvest, not of tares, to gather when earth's fields are ripe for the blade. There was nothing sentimental, visionary, or hysterical in her char- acter. Nor, in giving her great heart with her pure soul to God, did she ever quite learn to scorn and despise the sweet- ness of earthly love. Not all a Saint. The children of those wcmen who most were swayed by, her influence in youth have 42 ONE BRAVER THING been taught to hold her Saint as well as Martyr. And there is One Who knows. It was not until recess after the midday dinner that Greta Du Taine could exhibit her love-letter. She was a Transvaal Dutch girl with old French blood in her, a vivacious, sparkling Gallic champagne mingling with the Dopper in her dainty blue veins. Nothing could be prettier than Greta in a good temper, unless it might be Greta in a rage. She was in a good temper now, as, tossing back her superb golden hairplait, as thick as a child's arm, and nearly four feet long, she drew a smeary envelope from the front of her black alpaca school-dress, and, delicately withdrawing the epistle enclosed, yielded the en- velope for the inspection of the Red Class, " What niggly writing ! " objected Nellie Bliecker, wrinkling her snub nose in the disgust that masks the gnawing tooth of nvy. " And the envelope is all over sticky brown," said another carping critic. " That's because he put the letter inside the chocolate-box," explained Greta, " inside of outside. And the best chocolates the expensive ones always so squashy. Only the cheap ones don't melt because they have got stuff like chalk inside. Kut wait till I show you as much as the envelope of my next letter that's all, Julia K. Shaw 1 ! " Julia K. wilted. Greta proceeded: " It's directed ' To My Fair Addored One/ because, of course, he didn't know my name. I don't object to his putting a d too much in adored ; I rather prefer it. His own name is simple, and rather pretty." She made haste to say that, be- cause she felt doubtful about it. " Billy Keyse." "Billy?" "Billy Keyse?" "B-i-1-l-y K-e-y-s-e!" The name went the round of the Red Class. Nobody liked it. " He must, of course, have been christened William. Shakespeare was a William. The Emperor of Germany," stated Greta proudly, " is a William. Mr. Pitt and Mr. Gladstone were both Williams. Many other great men have been Williams." " But not Billies," said Christine Silber, provoking a giggle from the greedily-listening Whites. Greta scorched them into silence with a look, and continued: ONE BRAVER THING 43 " He is by profession a surveyor, not exactly a partner in the firm of Gadd and Saxby, on Market Square, but something very near it." Do you who read see W. Keyse carrying the chain and spirit-level, and sweeping out the office when the Kaffir boy forgets ? " He saw me walking in the Stad with the Centipede." This was a fanciful name for the whole school of eighty pupils promenading upon a hundred and sixty legs of various nationalities in search of exercise and fresh air. " Go on ! " said the Red Class in a breath, as the White Class giggled and nudged each other, and the Blue Class opened eyes and ears. " He was knocked dumb-foolish at once, he says, by my eyes and my figure and my hair. He is not long up from Cape Colony: came out from London through chest-trouble, to catch heart-trouble in Gueldersdorp " ( do you see hectic, coughing Billy Keyse cracking his stupid joke?). "And if I'll only be engaged to him, he promises to get rich, become as big a swell on the Rand as Marks or Du Taine isn't that funny, his not knowing Du Taine is my father? and drive me to race-meetings on a first-class English drag, with a team of bays in silver-mounted harness, with rosettes the colour of my eyes." Greta threw her golden head back and laughed, displaying a double row of enviable pearls. " But I've got to wait for all these things until Billy Keyse strikes pay-reef. Poor Billy! Hand over those chocolates, you greedy things ! " Somebody wanted to know how the package had been smuggled into the Convent. Those lay-Sisters were so sharp. . . . " They're perfect needles Sister Tarsesias particularly, and Sister Tobias. But there's a new Emigration Jane among the housemaids. You've seen her the sallow thing with the greasy light-coloured bang in curlers, who walks flat-footed like a wader on the mud. I keep expecting to hear her quack. . . . Well, Billy got hold of her. She didn't know my name, being new, but she recognised me by Billy's description, and sympathised with him, having a young man herself, who doesn't speak a word of English, except ' damn ' and ' Three of Scotch, please.' I've promised to translate her letters; he writes them in the Taal. And Billy gave her two dollars, and I've given her a hat. It's the big red one mother brought 44 ONE BRAVER THING back from Paris paid a hundred francs for it at the Maison Cluny and Emigration Jane thinks, though it's a bit too quiet for her taste, it'll do her a fair old treat when she trims it up with a bit more colour and one or two ' imitation ostridge ' tips. ... I'd give another hundred francs for the Maison Cluny modiste to hear." Again the birdlike laugh rang out. " Now you know everything there is in the letter, girls, except the bit of poetry at the end, which only my most intimate friends may be permitted to read. Lynette Mildare! " Lynette, bending over a separate table in the light of the north window of the long deal match-boarded class-room, looked up from her work of tooling leather, the delicate steel instrument in her hand, a little gilding-brush between her white teeth, a little fold of concentrated attention between her slender brown eyebrows. "Yes. Did you want anything?" Greta jumped up, leaving the rest of the box of chocolates to dissolve among the White Class, and came over, threading her way between the long rows of desk-stalls. " Of course I want something." "What is it?" asked Lynette, laying down the little tool. " What everyone has a right to expect from the person who is her dearest friend sympathy," said Greta, jumping up and sitting on the corner of the desk, and biting the thick end of her long flaxen pigtail. " You have it when there is anything to sympathise about. " Greta tapped the letter, trying to frown. " Do you call this nothing? " "You have saved me from doing so." "Lynette Mildare, have you a heart inside you?" " Certainly ; I can feel it beating, and it does its work very well." "Am I, then, nothing to you?" Lynette smiled, looking up at the piquant, charming face. " You are a great deal to me." " And I regard you as a bosom-friend. And the duty of a bosom-friend, besides rushing off at once to tell you if she hears anybody say anything nasty of you behind your back a thing which you never do is to sympathise with you in all your love-affairs a thing which you do even seldomer." Greta stamped with the toe of her dainty little shoe that rested on the beeswaxed boards of the class-room, and kicked the leg of the desk with the heel of the other. ONE BRAVER THING 45 " Please don't spill the white of egg, or upset the gold-leaf. And as I shall be pupil-teacher of the youngest class next term, I suppose I ought to tell you that ' seldomer ' isn't in the Eng- lish dictionary." " I'm glad of it. I like my own words to belong to me, my own self. I should be ashamed to owe everything I say to silly Nuttall or stupid old Webster. You're artful, Lynette Mildare, trying to change the conversation. I say you don't sympathise with me properly in my affairs of the heart and you never, never tell me about yours." The beautiful black-rimmed, golden-tawny eyes laughed as some eyes can, though there was no quiver of a smile about the purely-modelled, close-folded lips. " Don't tell me you never have, or never had, any," scolded Greta. " You're too lovely by half. Don't try to scowl me down you are! I'm pretty enough to make the Billy Keyses stand on their silly heads if I told them to, but you're a great deal more. Also, you have style and grace and breeding. Anybody could tell that you came of tremendously swell people over away in England, where the Dukes and Marquesses and Earls began fencing in the veld somewhere about the eleventh century, to keep common people from killing the deer, or carv- ing their vulgar names on the castle walls, and coming between the wind and their nobility. There's a quotation from your dear Shakespeare for you ! He does come in handy sometimes." " Doesn't he ! " agreed Lynette, with an ardent flush. " And you're descended from some of the people he wrote about," pressed Greta. "Own it! " There was a faint line of sarcasm about the lovely lips. " Shakespeare wrote of clowns and churls as well as of Kings and noblemen." " If you were a clown, you wouldn't be what you are. The very shape of your head, and ears, and nails, bespeaks a Princess, disguised as a finished head-pupil, going to take over a class of grubby-fingered little ones pah! next term. And don't we all know that an English Duchess sends you your Christmas and Easter and birthday gifts! Come, you might as well speak out, when this is my last term, and we have always been such dear friends, and always will be," coaxed Greta, "because the Duchess lets you out, you know!" She said it so quaintly that Lynette laughed, though there was a pained contraction between the delicate eyebrows and a vexed and sorrowful shadow on her face. Greta went on: 46 ONE BRAVER THING " We have all of us always known that you were a mystery. Has it got anything to do with the Duchess? " The round, shallow blue eyes were too greedily curious to be pretty at the moment. Lynette met them with a full, grave, answering denial. " No ; I am nothing to the Duchess of Broads, or she to me. She is sister to the Mother-Superior, and she sends to me at Christmas and Easter, and on birthdays, by the Mother's wish. Doesn't the Mother's second sister, the Princess de , Digny-Veziers, send Kati'e " Katie was a little Irish novice "presents from Paris twice a year?" Greta's pretty eyebrows shot up. Her blue greedy eyes became circular with surprise. " Yes, of course out of charity, because Katie was a foundling, picked up in the Irish quarter in Cape Town." Lynette went on steadily, but looking out of the window at the purple wistaria that climbed upon the angle of the Con- vent wing in which were the nuns' cells. " If Katie was a foundling, I am nothing better." " Lynette Mildare, you're never in earnest ? " The shocked tone and the scandalised disgust on Greta's pretty face stung and hurt. But Lynette went on: " I speak the truth. The Mother and the Sisters, who have always known it, have kept the secret. In their great con- siderate kindness, they have never once let me feel there was any difference between me and the other girls not once in all these years. And I can never thank them enough never be grateful enough for their great goodness especially hers." The steady voice shook a little. " We all know that you have always been the Mother's favourite." There was a little cool inflection of contempt in Greta's high, sweet, birdlike tones that had been lacking be- fore. "And she is the niece of a great English Cardinal, and the sister of a Duchess and Princess, and her step-brother is an Earl." The inflection added for Greta: And yet she turns to the charity child! Lynette said in a low voice: " It is because she is perfect in the way of humility. She is beyond all pride . . . greater than all prejudice . . . she has been more to me than I can say, since she and Sister Ignatius and Sister Tobias found me on the veld seven years ago when they were trekking up from Natal to join the Sisters who were already working here." 47 Greta's face dimpled, and the bright, cold eyes grew greedy again. There was a romance, after all. " My gracious! How did you get there? Did your people lose you, or had you run away from home? " The delicate wild-rose colour sank out of Lynette's cheeks. Her eyes sank under those bold, curious, blue ones of Greta's. She said, with a painful effort: " I had run away from the place that was called my home. I don't remember ever having lived anywhere else before." "My! And . . .?" " It was a dreadful place." A little convulsive shudder Tippled through the girl's slight frame. Little points of moisture showed upon the delicate white temples, where the little stray rings and tendrils clung of the red-brown hair. " I wore worse rags than the children at the native Kraals, and was worse fed. I scrubbed floors, and fetched water, and was beaten every day. Then " she drew a deep, quivering breath " I ran away and and ran until I could run no more, and fell down. ... I don't remember being picked up. I awoke one day here at the Convent ; and I was in bed, and my hair was cut short, and there was ice upon my head. I said, ' Where am I ? ' and the Mother-Superior stooped down and looked into my eyes, and said, 'You are at home.' And the Convent has been nr* home ever since, and I hope with all my heart it always will be." Greta descended from the desk. She drew her embroidered cambric skirts primly about her, and said in a shocked voice: "And I asked you to visit me to come and stay with us at our place near Johannesburg you w r ho are not even respect- able!" Lynette grew burning red. One moment her eyes wavered and fell. Then she lifted them and looked back bravely into the pretty, shallow, and blue eyes. ' That is why I have told you what you know now." " Of course," Greta said patronizingly, " if you wish it, I shall not tell the class." Lynette deliberately put away her tools and the calf-bound volume she had been working on, and shut and locked her desk. Then she rose. Her eyes swept over the long room, its lower end packed with giggling, whispering, squabbling, listening, gossiping, or reading girls. She said very clearly: " It will be best that you should tell the class. Do it now. They can think it over while they are away, and make up 48 ONE BRAVER THING their minds whether they will speak to me or not when they come back. Make no delay." Then she went, moving with the long, smooth, light step and upright, graceful carriage that she had somehow caught from the Mother-Superior, out of the room. Curious eyes followed her; eager ears, that had caught fragments of the colloquy, wanted the rest; eager tongues plied Greta with questions, as she stood reticent, knowing, bursting with in- formation withholden, in the middle of the class-room, where honours she coveted had been won and prizes gained by the Convent foundling. You may be sure that Greta told the story. It lost nothing by her telling, be equally sure. But all that heard it did not take it in Greta's way. The stamp of the woman who ruled this place was upon many minds and intellects and hearts here, and her teaching was to bear fruit in bitter, stormy, bloodstained years of days that were waiting at the very threshold. " I tell you," said Christine Silber, the handsome Jewess, with a fierce flash of her black Oriental eyes, " foundling or charity girl, or whatever else you choose to call her, Lynette Mildare is the pride of the school." Silber 's father was President of the Gisenfontein Legislative Council. A hum of assent followed .n her utterance, and an English girl got upon a form. She was the niece of a High Commissioner, daughter of a Secretary of Imperial Govern- ment, at Cape Town, who wrote K.C.M.G. after his name. " Silber speaks the truth. Not a girl here is a patch on the shoes of Mildare. I am going home to London next winter to be presented, and we shall have a house in Chesterfield Gardens for the season, and if Lynette will come and visit us, I can tell her that she will be treated as an honoured guest. As for you, Greta Du Taine, who are always bragging about your father and his money, tell me what three letters of the alphabet you would find tattooed upon his conscience if the strongest microscope ever made could find his conscience out? Shall I tell you them?" She held up her finger. "Shall I tell you how he bought those orange-groves at Rustenburg and the country seat near Johannesburg and the drag with the silver-mounted harness and the team of blood bays ? " " No, please ! " begged Greta, flinching from the torture. But the English girl was pitiless. She checked the letters off upon her fingers: ONE BRAVER THING 49 " I. D. B." A shout went up from the Red Class. Greta turned and ran. IX THE cell was a large, light, airy room on the first-floor of the big two-storied Convent building that stood in its spacious, tree-shaded, high-fenced gardens beyond the Hospital at the north end of the town. Light-stained wood-presses full of papers and account-files covered the wall upon one side. There also stood a great iron safe, with heavy ledgers piled upon it. Upon the other three sides of the room were bookshelves, doubly and trebly laden, with Latin tomes of the Fathers of the Church, and the works and writings of modern theologians, many of them categorized upon the " Index Expurgatorius." Rows there were of English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish classical authors, and many volumes of recently-pub- lished scientific works. It might have been the room of a business man who was at the same time a priest and a scholar. There were maps upon the walls, and one or two engravings. Bougereau's " Virgin of Consolation," the " Madonna del An- sidei " of Raffaello, and a great " Crucifixion " over the chimneypiece, which had three little statuettes in tinted alabas- ter a St. Ignatius at one end, a St. Anthony of Padua at the other; in the middle, the Virgin bearing the Child. The Mother-Superior sat writing at a bare solid deal table of the kitchen kind, with stained legs to add to its ugliness, and stained black-knobbed fronts to the drawers in it. Her pen flew over the paper. Seated though she was, you could see her to be of noble fig- ure, tall and finely proportioned. The habit of the nun does not hide everything that makes for beauty and for grace. The pure outlines of the small, perfectly-shaped head showed through the thin black veil that falls over the white starched coif. The small, high-instepped foot could not be hidden in walking; the make of the thick shoe might not disguise its form. The delicate whiteness and smooth, supple beauty of her hands, larger than the hands of ordinary women, their owner being of more heroic build, as of ampler mind and keener intellect, betrayed her to be a woman not yet old, though there were some deep lines and many fine ones on the attentive face that bent over the large square sheet of paper. 50 ONE BRAVER THING It was a curious face; its olive skin bleached to dull white- ness, its expression stern almost to severity. I have heard it likened to a Westmorland hill-landscape. Lonely tarns lie under the black brows of the precipice; one feels chilly, and a little afraid. But the sun shines out suddenly from behind mist, and behold! everything is transformed to loveliness. I can in no other words describe the change wrought in her by her rare, sudden, illuminating smile. Her voice was the softest and the clearest I ever heard, a sigh made most audible speech; but in her just anger, only turned to wrath by the baser faults, the fouler vices, it could roll in organ-tones of thunder, or ring like a silver clarion. And her eye made the lightning for such thunder, and the sword-thrust that followed the clarion-note of war. She could have ruled an empire or a court, this woman who managed the thronged, buzzing Convent with the lifting of her finger, with the softest tone of her soft West of Ireland voice, devoid of all trace of the unbeautiful brogue, cultured, elegant, refined. I can only write of her as I knew her. As I have said, the lessons that she taught bore great fruit during that red time of war that Was coming, and will bear greater fruit hereafter. A little is known to me of the personal history of Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne in religion known as Mother Mary of Nazareth that may be here set down. Some twenty-three years previously that devout Irish Catholic nobleman, the Right Honourable James Dominic Bawne, tenth Earl of Cas- tleclare, Baron Kilhail, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and D.L. for West Connemara, not contented with the pos- session of three very tall, very handsome, very popular daugh- ters the Ri'ght Honourable Lady Bridget-Mary, Lady Alyse, and Lady Alethea Bawne consulted his spiritual director, and, as advised, offered his thin white hand and piously regulated affections to Miss Nancy Mclleevy, niece and heiress of Mc- Ileevy of Mclleevystown, the eminent County Down brewer, so celebrated for his old Irish ale and nourishing bottled porter. This lady, being sufficiently youthful, of good education and manners, and of like faith with her elderly wooer, under- took, in return for an ancient name and the title of Countess Castleclare, to find the widower in conjugal affection for the rest of his mortified life, and to do her best to supply him with the grievously-needed heir. There was no wicked fairy at Lord Castleclare's wedding, distinguished by the black- browed beauty of the three bridesmaids, his daughters; and two years later saw the beacons at the entrance of Ballybawne Harbour, on the West Connemara coast, illuminated by the Castleclare tenants in honour of the arrival of the desired heir, upon whom before his birth so much wealth had been ex- pended by Lord Castleclare in pilgrimages, donations, founda- tions, and endowments that, some months after it, his lord- ship conveyed to his three daughters that, in the interests of the Viscount, to whose swollen gums a gold-set pebble enclosing a pious relic of an early Christian martyr was at that moment affording miraculous relief, he, their father, would be obliged by their providing themselves as soon as possible with husbands of suitable rank, corresponding religion, and sufficient means to dispense with the customary marriage portion. Lady Alyse saw the justice of her father's views, and married the Duke of Broads, an English Catholic peer; her younger sister, Alethea, went obediently to the altar with the aged and enormously wealthy Prince de Dignmont-Veziers. Lady Bridget- Mary Bawne, eldest and handsomest of the three, pleaded if a creature so stormy and imperious could be said to plead a previous engagement to an Ineligible. " We have all heard of Captain Mildare of the Grey Hus- sars, my dear child," said Lord Castleclare, going to the door to make sure that those shrieks that had proceeded from the Viscount's sumptuous suite of apartments, situated at the top of the staircase rising at the end of the corridor leading from his father's library, were stilled at the maternal fountain. Find- ing that it was so, he ambled back to the centre of the worn Bokhara rug that had been under the prie-Dieu in the oratory of James I, at Dublin Castle, and resumed: "We have all heard of Captain Mildare. At the taking of AH Musjid arah! at Futtehabad, with Gough arah! and at Ahmed Khel, where Stewart cut up the Afghans so tremendously, Mildare earned great distinction as well as the Victoria Cross, which I am delighted to see, in glancing through the Army and Navy Gazette, Her Majesty has been pleased to confer upon him. As a gentleman and a soldier he presents all that is de- sirable; as a member of an old Catholic family, he does not command my suffrages. But as the husband of my elder daughter I cannot look upon a younger son with toleration. Honourable reputation is much, bravery is much, but my son- in-law must possess arah ! other other qualifications." The old gentleman stuttered pitiably. 52 ONE BRAVER THING " One other qualification, you mean, father, if that term can be given to the possession of a certain amount of money," said Lady Bridget-Mary, standing very straight and looking very proudly at her father. " Will you object to telling me plainly for how much you would be content to sell your stock, with goodwill ? " Lord Castleclare was a thin, frail, courtly old gentleman, who had conquered, he humbly trusted, all his passions, except the passion for ancient Theological Fathers and the passion for Spanish snuff. But he was stung by the irony. He spilt quite a quantity of choice mixture over the long, ivory-yellow nail of his lean, delicate thumb as he looked consciously aside from the great scornful grey eyes that judged and questioned and condemned him as a mercenary old gentleman. And he caught himself wishing that this fine fiery creature had been born a boy. He looked back again at his eldest daughter. Her white arms were folded upon her bosom, her pearl-coloured silk evening gown swept aside from the fire, to whose warmth she held an arched and exquisite foot. Her noble head, with its rich coronet of silken black coils, was bent ; her white bosom had ceased to be stormy. With a half-dreamy smile upon her beautiful firm mouth, she was looking at a green flashing ring she wore on the third finger of her left hand. And the sight of her so sent a sudden pang of remembrance leaping through the old man's heart. He forgot his spoiled pinch of snuff, and stepped over to her, and took the hand, and looked at the em- erald ring with her in silence. " My dear daughter," he said, more simply and more sweetly than Lady Bridget-Mary had ever heard him speak before, " I think you love this brave gentleman sincerely." His daughter's large, beautifully-shaped hand closed strongly over the old ivory fingers. The great brilliant dark grey eyes looked at him through a sudden mist of tears, though she lifted her head and held it high. She said in a low, clear voice: " Father, you remember how my mother loved you ? And Richard is as dear to me as you were to her. I want words when it comes to speaking of so great a thing as the love I feel for him. But it is my life. ... I seem to breathe with his breath, and think his thoughts, and speak with his voice, since we found out our secret, and we are each other's for Time and for Eternity." Then she added, with a lovely smile that had a touch of humour in it : " And he will be quite content to take me with only my share of mother's money." ONE BRAVER THING 53 "Tschah!" said the old father. "Nonsense! Of course, Ballybawne will be delighted to provide for you. Excuse me ... I must go." Ballybawne, in the Castleclare nursery, had set up another squeal. Thenceforward the course of true love might have been ex- pected to run smoothly for Lady Bridget-Mary and her gallant lover. But she had reckoned, not without her host, but with- out her Grey Hussar. In love there is always one who loves the most, and Lady Bridget-Mary, that fine, enthusiastic, tempestuous creature, was far from realizing that she was less to her Richard than he was to her. The reason was not farther to seek than a few doors off in London, when the Ladies Bawne occupied their sombre old corner house in Grosvenor Square. It was Lady Bridget-Mary's dearest Lucy and bosom- friend who had married that handsome, grey-moustached mar- tinet, Richard's Colonel. In Lady Lucy Hawting's drawing- room Lord Castleclare's elder daughter had met Captain Mildare, the hero of Futtehabad and Ahmed Khel. The Colonel's wife was a pretty, delicate, graceful creature, some three years older than her black-browed handsome friend, and much more learned, as, of course, befitted a married woman, in the ways of the world. And Lady Lucy saw the budding of young Passion in the heart of her friend . . . and it oc- curred to her that it would furnish a very excellent excuse for the constant presence of Captain Mildare, if ... ! the sweet- est and most limpid women have their turbid depths, their muddy secrets and she had confided everything to dearest Bridget, except the one thing that mattered! Well! We all know for what reason Le Roi Soleil ad- dressed himself to the wooing of La Valliere. Louis fell gen- uinely in love with the decoy, not quite so Richard. But some- times, when those proud lips meekly gave back his kisses, and that lofty beauty humbled itself to meet his will, he almost wished that he had never met the other. A day came when the secret orchard he had joyed in with that other was threaded with a golden clue, and the hidden bower unveiled to the cold- eyed staring day. Captain Mildare and Lady Lucy Hawting went away to- gether, and from Paris Richard wrote and broke to the girl who loved him, and had been his betrothed wife, the common, vulgar, horrible little truth. Bridget-Mary had been deceived by both of them from the very beginning. Estimate the numbing, 54 ONE BRAVER THING overwhelming weight of that blow, delivered by a hand so beloved, upon so proud a heart. Those who saw her, and should have honoured her great grief with decent reticence, say that she was mad for a while; that she grovelled on the earth in her abandonment, calling upon God to be merciful and kill her. Pass over this. I cannot bear for one to think that the mere love of a man should bring that lofty head so low. While the scandal lived in the mouths of Society, Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne remained unseen. She was pitied oh, burning, intolerable shame! She was commiserated as a cat's- paw, and sneered at as a dupe. Her sisters and her step- mother, her father and her seven aunts, her relatives, innumer- able as stars in the Milky Way, found infinite relish in the comfortable conviction that every one of them had said from the very outset that Bridget-Mary would regret the step she had taken in engaging herself to that Captain Mi'ldare. Sharp claws of steel were added to her scourge of humiliation by a thousand petty liberties taken with this, her great, sacred sor- row, as by letters of sympathy from friends, who wrote as if she had suffered the loss of a pet hunter, or a prize Persian cat. A suitor ventured to propose for that white rejected hand, addressing himself with stammering diffidence to Lord Castle- clare. A young man, the son of an industrious father who had consolidated the sweat of his brow into three millions and a Peerage, hideously conscious of the raw newness of his title ; painfully burdened with the bosom-weight of a genuine, if in- coherent love, he seemed to Lady Bridget-Mary's family toler- able, almost desirable, nearly quite the thing. . . . " He has boiled jam into sweetness for the whole civilized world," said the most influential and awful of Lord Castle- clare's seven sisters, a Dowager-Duchess who was Lady-in- Waiting, and exhaled the choicest essence of the Middle Vic- torian era. She still adhered to the mushroom-shaped straw hats of her youth, trimmed with black velvet rosettes, in the centre of each of which reposed a cut jet button. She went always voluminously clad in black or shot-silk gowns, their skirts so swelled out by a multiplicity of starched cambric pet- ticoats, adorned with tambour-work, that she was credited with the existence of a crinoline. She had, in marrying her now de- funct Scots Duke, embraced Presbyterianism, and though her brother believed her, as far as the next world was concerned, ONE BRAVER THING 55 to be lost beyond redemption, he entertained for her judgment in the matters of this planet a great esteem. " He has boiled jam enough to spread over the surface of the civilized globe, and now proposes to hive its concentrated extract for the benefit of our dearest girl, in the shape of a settlement that a Princess of the blood might envy. I call the whole thing pretty," pronounced the Dowager, " almost romantic, or it might be made to sound so if a person of su- perior intelligence and tact would undertake to plead for the young man. His terrible title has quite escaped me. Lord Plumbanks? Thank you! It might have been Strawberry- beds, and that would have increased our difficulty. No time should be lost. Therefore, as you, dear Castleclare, with your wife and the boy, who, I am gratified to hear, has cut another, are going to Rome for Holy Week, perhaps you would wish me in your absence to break the ice with Bridget-Mary ? " Lord Castleclare's long, solemn face and arched, lugubrious eyebrows bore no little resemblance to the well-known portrait of the conscientious but unlucky Stuart, in whose service his ancestor had shed blood and money, receiving in lieu of both a great many Royal promises, the Eastern carpet that had be- longed to the monarch's Irish oratory, and the fine sard Intaglio, brilliant-set, and representing a Calvary, that loyal servant's descendant wore upon his thin ivory middle finger. He twid- dled the ring nervously as he said: " She has gone into Lenten Retreat at a Convent in Kensing- ton. I arah! I do not think it would be advisable to dis- turb salutary and seasonable meditations with arah! worldly matters at this present moment." "Fiddle-faddle!" said the Dowager Duchess sharply. Lord Castleclare lifted the melancholy viaduct arches of his eyebrows in exhortation. ' Fiddle-faddle,' my dear Constantia? " " You have the expression ! " said she. " Young women of Bridget-Mary's age and temperament will think of marriage in convents as much as outside them. Further, I dread delay, entertaining as I do the very certain conviction that this weak- minded man who has thrown your daughter over will be back, begging Bridget-Mary to forgive him and reinstate him in the possession of her affections before another two months are over our heads. That little cat-eyed, squirrel-haired woman he has run away with, and against whom I have warned our poor dear girl times out of number " she really believed this 56 ONE BRAVER THING " is the sort of pussy, purring creature to make a man feel her claws, once she has got him. Therefore, although my fam- ily may not thank me for it, I shall continue to repeat, ' No time is to be lost!' Still, in deference to your religious prej- udices, and although I never heard that the Catholic Church prohibited jam as an article of Lenten diet, we will defer from offering Bridget-Mary the pot until Easter." But Easter brought the news that Lady Bridget-Mary had decided upon taking the veil, and begged her father not to oppose her wishes. The Dowager-Duchess rushed to the Ken- sington Convent. . . . All the little straw-mats on the slippery floor of the parlour were swept like chaff before the hurricane of her advancing petticoats as she bore down upon the most disappointing, erratic, and self-willed niece that ever brought the grey hairs of a solicitous and devoted aunt in sorrow to the grave, demanding in Heaven's name what Bridget-Mary meant, by this maniacal decision. Then she drew back, for at first she hardly credited that this tall, pale, quiet woman in the plain, close-fitting, black woollen gown could be Bridget-Mary at all. Realizing that it could be nobody else, she began to cry quite hysterically, subsiding upon a Berlin woolwork cov- ered sofa, while her niece rang the bell for that customary Con- vent restorative, a teaspoonful of essence of orange-flower in a glass of water, and returning to the side of her agitated rela- tive, took her hand, , encased in a tight one-button puce glove, saying: "Dear Aunt Constantia, what is the use of crying? I have done with it for good." " You are so dreadfully changed and so awfully composed, and I always was sensitive. And, besides, to find you like this when I expected you to break your head upon the floor or was it against the wall, they said? and pray to be put out of your misery by poison, or revolver, or knife, as though anybody would be wicked enough to do it . . ." A faint stain of colour crept into Lady Bridget-Mary's white cheeks. " All that is over, Aunt Constantia. Forget it, as I have done, and drink a little of this. The Sisters believe it to be calming to the nerves." '' To naturally calm nerves, I suppose." The Dowager ac- cepted the tumbler. "What a nice, thick, old-fashioned glass ! " She sipped. " You hear how my teeth are chattering against the rim. That is because I have flown here in such ONE BRAVER THING 57 a hurry of agitation upon hearing from your father that you have decided to enter the Novitiate at once." " It is true," said Lady Bridget-Mary, standing very tall and dark and straight against the background of the parlour window, that was filled in with ground-glass, and veiled with snowy curtains of starched thread-lace. " True! When not ten months ago you declared to me that you would not be a nun for all the world. . . . You begged me to befriend you in the matter of Captain Mildare. I un- dertook, alas! that office . . ." The Dowager-Duchess blew her nose. "A little more of the orange-flower water, dear aunt?" " ' Dear aunt,' when you are trampling upon my very heart- strings! And let me tell you, Bridget-Mary, you have always been my favourite niece. 'For all the world' you said with your own lips, ' I would not be a nun/ Three millions will buy, if not the world, at least a good slice of it. ... Figura- tively, I offer them to you in this outstretched hand! " The Dowager extended a puce kid glove. " The man who goes with them is a good creature. I have seen and spoken with him, and the dear Queen regards me as a judge of men. ' Consie,' she has said, ' you have perception . . .' What my Sovereign credits may not my niece believe?" Lady Bridget-Mary's black brows were stern over the great joyless eyes that looked out of their sculptured caves upon th** world she had bidden good-bye to. But the fine lines of hu- mour about the wings of the sensitive nostrils and the corners of the large finely-modelled mouth quivered a little. " Drink a little more orange-flower water, dear, and never tell me who the man is. I do not wish to hear. I decline to hear." The Dowager-Duchess lost her temper. " That is because you know already, and despise money that is made of jam. Yet coal and beer are swallowed with avidity by young women who have not forfeited the right to be fastid- ious. That is the last thing I wished to say, but you have wrung it from me. Have you no pride? Do you want So- ciety to say that you have embraced the profession of a Re- ligious, and intend henceforth to employ your talents in teach- ing sniffy-nosed schoolgirls Greek and Algebra and mathemat- ics, because this man has jilted you? Again, have you no pride?" She agitated the Britannia-metal teaspoon furiously in the empty tumbler. 58 ONE BRAVER THING Lady Bridget-Mary took the tumbler away. Why should the humble property of the Sisters be broken because this kind, fussy woman chose to upbraid ? "You ask, Have I no pride?" she said. "Why should I have pride when Our Lord is so humble that He does not disdain to take for His bride the woman Richard Mildare has rejected ? " " You are incorrigible, dearest," said the sobbing Dowager- Duchess, as she kissed her, "and Castleclare must use all his influence with the Holy Father to induce the Comtesse de Lutetia to give you the veil. All of you think I am damned, and possibly I may be, but if so I shall be afforded an oppor- tunity (which will not be mine in this life) of giving Captain Mildare a piece of my mind! " So the Dowager-Duchess melted out of the story, and Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne became a nun. THIS is what the Mother-Superior wrote to her kinswoman, with her mobile, eloquent lips folded closely together as she thought, and her grave eyes following the swift journey of the pen as it formed the sentences: "Now let me speak to you of Lynette Mildare. I have never thought it necessary to make the slightest disguise of my great partiality for this, the dearest of all the many children given me by Our Lord since I gave up my crown of earthly motherhood to Him" She stopped, remembering what another great lady, a relative of hers, had said to her when it was first made public that she intended to enter the Novitiate: " Indeed ! It would seem, then, that you are devoid of am- bition, my dear, unlike the other people of your house." She had said: " Does it strike you as lack of ambition that one of my fam- ily should prefer Christ before any earthly spouse? " What a base utterance that had seemed to her afterwards! How devoid of the true spirit of the religious, how hateful, petty, profane! But the great lady had been greatly struck by it, and went about quoting her words everywhere. She, ONE BRAVER THING 59 who had spoken them, set them for ever as a bar between her and ill-considered, worldly speech. She wrote on: " She has no vocation for the life of a religious, f doubt her being happy or successful an a teacher here, were I removed from my post by supreme earthly authority, or by death, either contingency being the expression of the Will of God. She hat a reserved, sensitive nature, quick to feel, and eager to hide what she feels, indifferent to praise or popularity among the many, anxiously desirous to please, passionately devoted where she gives k:r love. . . " The firm mouth quivered, and a mist stole before her eyes. Being human, she took the handkerchief that lay amongst her papers and wiped the crowding tears away, and went on: "/ could wish, in anticipation of either of the events named, that provision might now be made for her. Those who love me yourself I know to be among the number will not, I feel assured, be Indifferent to my wish that she should be placed beyond the reach of want." She wrote on, knowing that the implied wish would be ob- served as a command: " We have never been able to trace any persons who might have been her parents we have never even known her real name. Those among whom her childhood was spent called her by none. As you know, I gave her In Holy Baptism one that was our dear dead mother's, together with the sur-name of a lost friend^ She is, and must be always, known as Lynette Mlldare." Her eyes were tearless, and her hand quite steady as she con- tinued: " You must not be at all alarmed or shaken by this letter. 1 am perfectly well In health; be quite assured, I trust I may be spared to carry on my work here for many long years to come. But In case it should be othenulse, I write thus'. " The country is greatly disturbed, In spite of the calmlst reports that have been disseminated by the Home Authorities. 60 ONE BRAVER THING / do not, and cannot, imagine what the official view may be in London at this moment, but it is certain that the Transvaal and Free State are preparing for war. Every hour the enmity between the Boers and the English deepens in intensity. It will be to many minds a relief when the storm bursts. The War Office may think meanly of the Africanized Dutchman as a fighting force, but the opinion of every loyal Briton in this country is that he is not a foe to be despised, and that he will shed the last drop of his own blood and his children's for the sake of his independence. "Above the petty interests of greedy capitalists looms the wider question: Shall the Briton or the Dutchman rule in the South of Africa? Here in this little frontier town ive wait the sounding of the tocsin. The Orange Free State has openly allied itself with the Transvaal Government. There are said to be several commandos in laager on the Border. A public meeting of citizens of this town has been held, at which a vote of c No confidence' in the Dutch Ministers has been passed, and an appeal fsr help has been made to the Govern- ment at Cape Town. It is not yet publicly known what the response has been, if there is any. I think it ominous that all of our Dutch pupils, save one, should have been hurriedly sent for by their parents before the ending of the term. Knowing my responsibility, I am sending all home, except the few who happen to be resident in this town, and the school will remain closed, at all events, until the outlook assumes a less threaten- ing aspect^ It is a relief to many that a Military Commandant has been appointed by the authorities of Cape Town, and that he arrived here a week ago. He is reported to be an officer of energy and decision, and as he has already set the troops under his command to work at putting the town into a condition of defence, and is organizing the civil male population into regi- ment of armed " There was a light knock at the door. She responded with the permission to enter, and a tall, slight girl, with red-brown hair, came in and closed the door, dropping her little curtsy to the Mother-Superior. She wore the plain black alpaca uni- form of the Convent, with the ribbon of the Headship of the Red Class, to be resigned when she should become a pupil- teacher at the opening of the next term; and the rare and beautiful smile broke over the face of the elder woman as the younger came to her side. ONE BRAVER THING 61 " Are you busy, Reverend Mother ? Do you want me to go away ? " " I shall have finished in another five minutes, and then there will be no more letters to write, my child. Sit where you choose ; take a book, and be quiet ; I shall not keep you waiting long." The words were few; the Mother-Superior's manner a little curt in speaking them. But where Lynette chose to sit was on the cheap drugget that covered the beeswaxed boards, with her squirrel-coloured hair and soft cheek pressed against the black serge habit. The Mother-Superior wrote on, apparently absorbed, and with knitted brows of attention, but her large, white, beautiful hand dropped half unconsciously to the silken hair and the velvet cheek, and stayed there. There is a type of woman the lightest touch of whose hand is subtler and more sweet than the most honeyed kisses of others. And the Mother-Superior was not liberal of caresses. When Lynette turned her lips to the hand, the face that bent over the paper remained as stern and as absorbed as ever. She went on writing, directed, closed, and stamped her letter, and set it aside under a pebble of white quartz, lined and streaked with the faint silvery green of gold. "Now, my child?" The girl said, flushing scarlet: " Reverend Mother, I have told the Red Class the truth about me!" The Mother-Superior started; dismay was in her face. "Why, child?" " I I mean " the scarlet flush gave place to paleness " that I have no name and no family, and no friends except you, dearest, and the Sisters. That you found me, and took me in, and have kept me out of charity." "Was it necessary to have told anything whatever?" " I think so, Mother, and I am glad now that I have done it. There will be no need for deception any more." " My daughter, there has never been the slightest deception of any kind whatsoever upon your part, or the part of anyone else who knew. No interests suffered by your keeping your own secret. Who first solicited your confidence in this mat- ter?" " Greta Du Taine." " Greta Du Taine." Very cold was the tone of the Mother- 62 ONE BRAVER THING Superior. " May I ask how she received the information she had the bad taste to seek? " " Mother she took it not quite as I expected." " Yet she and you have always been friends, my child." Lynette rose up upon her knees. The long arm of the Mother-Superior went round the slight figure that leaned against her, and in the sudden gesture was a passion of protect- ing motherhood. " Mother, she does not wish to be my friend any longer. She was quite horrified to remember that she had invited me to stay with her at the Du Taine place near Johan- nesburg. But she said that, if I liked she would not tell the class." " I have no fear of the rest of the class. They have honour, ind good feeling, and Warm hearts. What was your reply to Jjreta's obliging proposition?" "I told her that the sooner everybody knew the better; and [ went out of the room, and came to you as I always do as [ always have done, ever since " Her voice broke in the first sob. "Ah!" cried the voice of the mother-heart she crept to, as *he long arms in the loose black serge sleeves went out and folded her close, " ah, if I might be always here for you to run to! But God knows best!" She said aloud: " Well, the ordeal is over, and will not have to be gone through again. And for the future, bear in mind that every human being has a right to regard his own business or hers as private, and to exclude the curious from affairs which do not concern them." She reached out quick tender hands, and framed the wistful, sensitive face in them, and added, in a lower tone: "For a little told may beget in them the desire to know more. And always remember this: that the only just claim to your perfect confidence in all that concerns your past life, and I say all with meaning " the girl's white eye- lids fell under her earnest gaze, and the delicate lips began to quiver " will rest in the man the honourable and brave and worthy gentleman who I pray may one day be your hus- band." " No! " she cried out sharply as if in terror, and the slight figure was shaken by a sudden spasm of trembling. " Oh, Mother, no! Never, never!" With a gesture of infinite pity and tenderness the Mother ONE BRAVER THING 63 drew her close, and hid the shamed eyes upon her bosom, and whispered, with her lips upon the red-brown hair: "My lamb, my dearest, my poor, poor child! It shall be never if you choose, Lynette. But make no rash vows, no de- terminations that you think irrevocable. Leave the future to God. Now dry these dear eyes, and put old thoughts and memories of sorrow and of shame most resolutely away from you. Be happy, as Our Lord meant all innocent creatures of His to be. And do not be tempted to magnify Greta's offence against friendship. She has acted according to her lights, and if they are of the kind that shine in marshy places, a better Light will shine upon her path one day. I know that you have real affection for her . . . though I must own I have always wondered in what lay the secret of her popularity in the School ? " " She is so amusing and so pretty, Mother." " She is exquisitely pretty. And beauty is one of the most excellent among all the gifts of God. Our sense of what is beautiful and the delight we have in the perception of it must linger with us from those days when Angels walked visibly on earth, and talked with the children of men. A lovely soul in a lovely body, nothing can be more excellent, but such a body does not always cage what St. Columb called ' the bird of beauty.' And we must not be swayed or led by outward and perishable things, that are illusions, and deceits, and snares." The Mother-Superior reached out a long arm, and took a solid leather-bound, red-edged volume from the table, and opened it at a page marked by a flamingo feather, whose deli- cate pink faded at the tip into rosy-white. " I was reading this a little while before you came in. If you were not a little dunce at Greek, you would be able to construe the classic author for yourself." " But I am a dunce, dear, and so I leave you to read him to me," said Lynette triumphantly. " Well, balance this heavy book, and listen." She read: When first the Father of the Immortals fashioned with His Divine Hands the human shape: An image first He made of red earth from Ida, tempered with pure water from the stream of Xanthos, and wine from the golden Kyliz borne by beautiful Ganymede, and it was godlike to look upon as a thing fashioned by the hands of the 64 ONE BRAVER THING god. But the clay was not tempered sufficiently and warped in the drying. Then Zeus Pater fashioned another shape with more cunning, and this was tempered well and warped not. And He bent down to breathe between its lips the living soul* But as He stooped, Hephaistos, jealous of the Divine gift about to be conferred upon the mortal race, sent from his forges smoke and vapour, which obscured the vision of the Almighty Workman. So that the imperfect image received that which was meant for the perfect one. "'And Zeus Pater, being angered, said: "See what thy malice has wrought. Behold, a beautiful soul has been set in a body unbeauteous and through thine act, and God though I be, I cannot take back the gift that I have given." Then into the other image of Man, the Divine One breathed a soul. But being wearied with His labours, and angered by the craft of Hephaistos, it was less pure than the first. And so two men came into being. ''And he whose body had been fashioned perfectly and without flaw by the Hands of the Divine Craftsman walked the earth with gracious mien. Fair-eyed was he, with locks like clustering vine-tendrils, and cheeks rosy ds the apples of Love; but the soul of this man was cunning, and he rejoiced in evils and cruelties, and deceits and mockeries were upon his lips. ''And he whose image had warped in the drying was un- beautiful in body and swart to look upon, as though blackened by the forge-fires of Hephaistos, but he dealt uprightly and hated evil, and on his lips there was no guile, but faithfulness and truth. ' 'And he who was imperfect in body was fairer in the eyes of the Immortal Father than his brother; because there dwelt within him a beauteous soul.' " " And yet, Mother, if your beautiful soul had not been given beautiful windows to look out at, and a beautiful mouth to kiss me or scold me with, and beautiful hands to hold, it would have been a beastly shame/' Is there a woman living who can resist such sweet daughterly flatteries? This was very much a woman, and very much a mother, if very much a nun. She kissed the mouth distilling such dear honey. " This, not for the compliment, but because it is six years to-day since I found you, lying like some poor little strayed lamb on the veld, with the aasvogels hovering overhead." ONE BRAVER THING 65 " That was my real birthday, dearest, dearest . . ." The girl pressed closer to her with dumb, vehement affection, as though she would have grown to the bosom that had been her shield since then. " On that day a little later, when I looked down and you looked up with big eyes that begged for love, I knew that \ve had found each other. And we have never lost each other since, I think? " She smiled radiantly into the loving eyes. " Never, my Mother. But if we did ... if we are ever to be estranged or parted, it would be better . . . oh, it would be better if you had passed by in the waggon, and left me lying, and the aasvogels and the w r ild-dogs had done the rest." The Mother-Superior said, loosening the clinging arms, and putting her gently away: " Never, my daughter. You do gravely wrong to say so. Holy Baptism has been yours, and Confirmation, and you have shared with His Faithful in the Body of Christ. . . . Never let me hear you say that again." " Mother, I promise you, you never shall. But I had a dream last night that was most vivid and strange and awful. It has haunted me ever since." The Mother-Superior started, for she also had had a strange dream. Of that vision had been born the written letter that now lay under the quartz paper-weight the letter that was to be sent, with others, by the next English mail that should go out from Gueldersdorp, which said mail, being intercepted by the Boers, was never to reach its destination. Supposing it had, this story need never have been written, or else another would have been written in its place. " Dear heart, I do not think that it is good or useful to brood upon such things, or to relate them. And the Church forbids us to take account of mere dreams, or in any way to be swayed by them." " That has always puzzled me. Because, you know . . , supposing St. Joseph had refused to credit a dream. . . ." " There are dreams and dreams, my dear. And the heavenly visions of the Saints are not to be confounded with our trivial subconscious memories. Besides, sweets and fruits and pastry consumed in the Seniors' dormitory at night are not only an infringement of School rules, but an insult to the digestion." '' Mother, how did you find out?" cried Lynette. There 66 ONE BRAVER THING was something very like a dimple in the bleached olive of the sweet worn cheek, lurking near the edge of the close coif, and a twinkle of laughter in the deep grey eyes that you thought were black until you had learned better. " Well, though you may not find it easy to believe, I was once a girl at a Convent school, and I possibly remember how we usually celebrated a breaking-up. There is the washing- bell; the school tea-bell will ring directly; you must hurry, or you will be late. One moment. What of this unpleasant incident that took place during the afternoon walk yesterday? Sister Cleophee and Sister Francis-Clare have not given me a very definite account." Lynette's fair skin flushed poppy-red. " Mother, they hooted us on the road to the Recreation Ground." Upon the great brows of the Mother-Superior sat the majesty of coming tempest. Her white hand clenched, her tone was awfully stern : "Who were 'they'?" " Some drunken Boers and store-boys at least, I think they were drunk and some Dutch railway-men. They cried shame on the Dutch girls for learning from vile English idolaters. Then more men came up and joined them. They threw stones, and threatened to duck Sister Cleophee and the two other Sisters in the river. And they might have tried to, though we senior girls got round them at least, some of us did and said they should try that on us first " " That was courageous." " We " Lynette laughed a little nervously " we were aw- fully frightened, all the same." " My dear, without fear there would have been no courage. Then I am told an English officer interfered?" " He was coming from the direction of the Hospital a tall thin man in Service khaki, with a riding-sjambok under his arm. But it would have been as good as a sword if he had used it on those men. When he lifted it in speaking to them they huddled together like sheep." " You had no idea who he was, of course ? " " I do not know his name, but I heard one of the Boers say *That slim duyvel with the sjambok is the new Military Com- mandant.' Another officer was with him, much younger, taller, and with fair hair. He " " I hope I shall soon have an opportunity of thanking the ONE BRAVER THING 67 Commandant personally. As it is, I shall write. Now go, my dear." Lynette took her familiar kiss, and dropped her formal curtsy, and went with the red sunset touching her squirrel- coloured hair to flame. The tea-bell rang as she shut the door behind her, and directly afterwards the gate-bell clanged, sending an iron shout echoing through the whitewashed, tile- paved passages, as if heralding a visitor who would not be denied. An Irish novice who was on duty with the Sister attendant on the gate came shortly afterwards to the room of the Mother-Superior, bringing a card on a little wooden tray. The Mother, the opening sentences of her note of thanks wet upon the sheet before her, took the card, and knew that the letter need not be sent. "This gentleman desired to see me? " " He did so, Reverend Mother," whispered the timid Irish girl, who stood in overwhelming awe of the majestic person- ality before her. " ' Ask the Mother-Superior w T ill she con- sent to receive me ? ' says he. ' If she won't, say that she must.' Says I : ' Sir, I'd not drame to presume to give Herself a message that bowld, but if you'll please to wait, I'll tell her what you're after saying.' >: " Quite right, Katie. Now go and tell Sister Tobias to show him into the parlour. I will be there directly." Katie bobbed and vanished. When the Mother-Superior came into the parlour, the visitor was standing near the fire- place, with his hands behind his back. One wore a shabby dogskm riding-glove. The other, lean and brown and knotty, held his riding-cane and the other glove, and a grey " smasher " hat. He was looking up quietly and intently at a framed oil- painting that hung above. It represented a Syrian desert landscape, pale and ghastly, under the light of a great white moon, with one lonely Figure standing like a sentinel against a towering fang of rock. Lurking forms of fierce beasts of prey were dimly to be dis- tinguished amongst the shadows, and by the side of the patient, lonely watcher brooded with out-spread bat-wings a Shadow infinitely more terrible than any of these. It was rather a poor copy of a modern picture, but the truth and force and inspi- ration of the original had made of the copyist an artist for the time. The pure dignity and lofty faith and patience of the Christ-eyes, haggard with bodily sleeplessness and spiritual 68 ONE BRAVER THING battle, the indomitable resistance breathing in the lines of the Christ figure, wan and gaunt with physical famine as with the nobler hunger of the soul, were rendered with fidelity and power. The stranger's keen ear caught the Mother's long, swift step, and the sweep of her woollen draperies over the shiny beeswaxed floor. He wheeled sharply, brought his heels to- gether, and bowed. She returned his salutation with her in- imitable dignity and grace. With his eyes on the pure, still calmness of the face framed in the white close guimpe, the Colonel commented mentally: " What a noble-looking woman ! " The Mother-Superior thought, as her composed eyes swept over the tall, spare, broad-shouldered figure and the strong, lean, tanned face, with its alert, hazel eyes, nose of the falcon- beak order, and the firm straight mouth unconcealed by the short-clipped moustache : " This is a brave man." XI THE great of soul are not slow to find each other out. These two recognized each other at meeting. Before he had explained his errand, she had thanked him cordially, directly, and sim- ply, for his timely interference of the previous day. " One of the lesser reasons of my visit, which I must ex- plain is official in character," he said, " was to advise you that your pupils and the ladies in charge of them will not hence- forth be safe from insult except in those parts of the town most frequented with our countrymen, and rarely even there. It would be wise of you under existing circumstances, which I shall explain as fully and as briefly as I may, to send your pupils without delay to their homes." " All that have not already left," she assured him, " with the exception of those whose parents reside in the town, or who have no living relatives, and therefore do not leave us, go North and South by early trains to-morrow." " Ma'am," he said, " I am heartily glad to hear it." He added, as she invited him to be seated: "Thank you, but I have been in the saddle since five this morning, and if you have no objection I should prefer to stand. And for another reason, I explain things better on my legs. But you will allow me to find you a seat, if any of these may be moved? " His glance, ONE BRAVER THING 69 with some perturbation in it, reviewed the stiff ranks of chairs severely marshalled in Convent fashion against the varnished skirting-board. " They are not fixtures," she said, with quiet amusement at his evident relief, and he got her a chair, the largest and most solid that the room offered, and planted himself opposite her, standing on the hearthrug, with one hand resting on the corner of the high mantelshelf, and the toe of a spurred riding-boot on the plain brick kerb. " I may as well say . . ." he ran a finger round the inside of the collar that showed about the khaki jacket " that, though I have often had the pleasure, and I will add, the great ad- vantage, of meeting ladies of of your religious profession be- fore, this is the first time that I was ever inside a Convent." " Or a boarding-school ? " she asked, and her rare, sudden smile irradiated her. His hand dropped from his collar. He looked at her with a sudden warmth of admiration there was no mistaking. But her beauty went as suddenly as it had come, and her arched, black brows frowned slightly as she said, in tones that were very cold and very clear, and rather ironical : " Sir, you are good enough to waste valuable time in trying to break, with due consideration for the nerves of a large house- hold of unprotected women, the news we have expected daily for months. You have come here to announce to us the burst- ing of the cloud of War. Is it not so ? " He was taken aback, but hid it like a diplomat. " Ma'am, it is so. The public notice was posted in the town this morning. Forces of Boers are massed on the Natal and Bechuanaland borders, waiting until the British fire a shot. Their secret orders are to wait that signal, but some un- looked-for event may cause them to anticipate these. . . . And we shall be wise to prepare for eventualities. For my- self, having been sent out by the British Government on special service to report to the Home Authorities upon our defences in the North it is an open secret now I have been sent on here to put the town into a condition to withstand siege. And frankly, without apology for necessary and inevitable bluntness, one of the most important of those conditions is that the women and children should be got out of it." The blow had been delivered. The angry blush that he had expected did not invade the pale olive of her cheeks. He added: " I hope you will understand that I say this because it is mj) 70 ONE BRAVER THING duty. I am not naturally an unsociable, or bearish, or a mis- ogynist. Rather the contrary. Quite the contrary." She remembered a slim, boyish, young subaltern officer of Hussars with whom she had danced in a famous London ball* room more than twenty years back. That boy a woman hater! Struggle as she would the Mother-Superior could not keep Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne from coming to the surface for an instant. But she went under directly, and left nothing but a spark of laughter in the beautiful grave eyes. " I understand," she said. " Woman in time of peace may add a certain welcome pleasantness to life. In time of war she is nothing but a helpless incubus." " Let me point out, ma'am, that I did not say so. But she possesses a capacity for being killed equal in ratio to that of the human male, without being equally able to defend herself. In addition to this, she eats, and I shall require all the rations that may be available to keep alive the combatant members of the community." " Eating is a habit," agreed the Mother-Superior, " which even the most rigid disciplinarians of the body have found dif- ficult to break." His mouth straightened sternly under the short-clipped brown moustache. Here was a woman who dared to bandy words with the Officer Commanding the Garrison. He drew a shabby notebook from a breast-pocket, and consulted it. " On the eleventh, the day after to-morrow, a special train, leaving No. 2 platform of the railway-station, will be placed by the British Government at the disposal of those married women, spinsters, and children who wish to follow the example of those who left to-day, and go down to Cape Town. Those 'who prefer to go North are advised to leave for Malamye Siding or Johnstown, places at a short distance from the iTransvaal Border, where they will be almost certain to find jsafety. Those who insist upon remaining in the town I can- not, of course, remove by force. I will make all possible arrangements to laager them safely, but this will entail heavy extra labour upon the forces at my command, and inevitable discomfort possibly severe suffering and privation upon yourselves. To you, madam, I appeal to set a high example. Your Community numbers, unless I am incorrectly informed, twelve religious. Consent to take the step I urge upon you, retreat with your nuns to Cape Town while the opportunity is yours." ONE BRAVER THING 71 He folded his arms, having spoken this curtly and crisply. The Mother-Superior rose up out of her chair. It seemed to him as though she would never have done rising, but at last she stood before him, very straight and awfully tall, with her great stern eyes an inch above the level of his own, and her white hands folded in her brown sleeves. " Sir," she said, " we are here under the episcopal jurisdic- tion of the Catholic Bishop of the Diocese. We have received no order from His Eminence to quit our post and until we receive it, give me leave to tell you, with all respect for your high official authority, that we shall remain in Gueldersdorp." Their looks crossed like swords. He grew crimson over the white unsunburned line upon his forehead, and his moustache straightened like a bar of rusty-red iron across his thin, sunburnt face. But he respected moral power and deter- mination when he encountered them, and this salient woman provoked his respect. " Let us keep cool " he began. " I assure you that I have never been otherwise," she said, " since the beginning of this interview." " Ma'am," he said, " you state the fact. Let me keep cool, and point out to you a few of the peculiarities in which the present situation unfortunately abounds." He laid down, with a look that asked permission, his hat and cane and the odd glove upon the round, shining walnut- table that stood, adorned with good little religious, works, in the geometrical centre of the Convent parlour, and checked the various points off upon the fingers of the gloved hand with the lean, brown, bare one. " I anticipate very shortly the outbreak of hostilities." He had quite forgotten that he was talking to a member of the squeaking sex. " I have begun immediately upon my arrival here to prepare for them. The nucleus of a sand-bag fort system has been formed already, mines are being laid down far in the front, and every male of the population who has a pair of capable hands has had a rifle put into them." She looked at him, and approved the male type of energy and action. " If. I had been a man," she thought, " I should have wished to be one like this." But she bent her head si- lently, and he went on. " We have an armoured train in the railway-yard, with a Maxim and a Hotchkiss. We have a Nordenfeldt, a couple of Maxims more, four seven-pounder guns of almost prehistoric 72 ONE BRAVER THING date, slow of fire, uncertain as regards the elevating-gear, and, I tell you plainly, as dangerous, some of 'em, to be behind as to be in front of! One or two more we've got that were grey-headed in the seventies. By the Lord ! I wish one or two Whitehall heads I know were mopping 'em out this minute. Ahem! Ahem!" He coughed, and grew red under his sun-tan. Her eyes were elsewhere. " Ma'am, you must try to recollect that the Boer forces are armed with the newest Krupps and other guns, and that it is more than possible they may attempt to shell the town. In that case artillery of tremendous range, and a flight almost equal to that of sound itself I won't be too technical, I assure you! will be mustered against our crazy pieces, only fit for the scrap-heap, or for gate ornaments. Understand, I tell you what is common knowledge among our friends com- mon jest among our enemies. And another thing I will tell you, ma'am. Those enemies shall never enter Gueldersdorp ! " She was radiant now, with that smile upon her lips, and that glow in the great eyes that met his with such frank approval. Confound it, what business had a nun to be any- thing like so beautiful? Would she pale, would she tremble, when he told her the last truth of all? " Your Convent, ma'am, unluckily for your Community, happens to be, if not the biggest, at least the most con- spicuously situated building in the place, lying as it does at a distance of four hundred yards from the town, on the north side. Like the Hospital, of course, it will be under the pro- tection of the Red-Cross Flag. But the Boer is not chivalrous. He does not object to killing women or sick people, nor does he observe with any standing scrupulousness the Geneva Con- vention. Any object that shows up nicely on the skyline is good enough to pound away at, and the Red-Cross Flag has often helped him to get a satisfactory range. If they bom- bard us, as I have reason to believe they will, you'll have iron and lead in tons poured through these walls." She said: "When they fall about our ears, Colonel, it will be time to leave them ! " He adored a gallant spirit, and here was one indeed. " Ma'am, I am disarmed, since you take things in this way." " It is the only way in which to take them," she said. * There should be no panic in the hearts of those who wait ONE BRAVER THING 73 on the Divine will. Moreover, I should wish you to under- stand in case of siege, and an extra demand upon the staffs of the town and Field Hospitals, that we are all or nearly all, certificated nurses, and would willingly place our services at your disposal. Let me hope that you will call upon us without hesitation if the necessity should arise." He thanked her, and had taken leave, when he asked with diffidence if he might be permitted to see the Convent Chapel. She consented willingly, and passed on before, tall and stately, and moving with long, light, even steps, her thin, black woollen garments whispering over the tiled passages. The Chapel was at the end of a long whitewashed corridor upon the airy floor above. His keen glance took in every feature of the simple, spotless little sanctuary as the tall, black-clad figure swept noiselessly to the upper end of the aisle between the rows of rush-seated chairs, and knelt for an instant in .veneration of the Divine Presence hidden in the Tabernacle. " Unfortunately situated," he muttered, standing stiffly by the west door. Then he glanced right and left, thumb and finger in the breast-pocket of his tunic, feeling for a worn little pigskin purse. As he passed out before her at the motion, and she mechanically dipped her fingers in the holy-water font, and made the Sign of the Cross before she closed the Chapel door, she saw that he held out to her a five-pound note. " Ma'am, I am not a Roman Catholic, but . . ." " There is no box for alms," she said, pausing outside the shut door, while the lay-Sister waited at the passage end, " as this is only a private Chapel." " I observed that, ma'am. I am, as I have said, a Prot- estant. But in the behalf of a dear friend of mine, a British officer, of your own faith, who I have reason to believe died without benefit of his clergy, perhaps with this you would arrange that a service should be held in memory of the dead ? " " I understand," said the Mother-Superior. " You suggest that a Holy Mass should be offered for the repose of your friend's soul? Well, I will convey your offering to our chaplain, Father Wil, since you wish it." " I do desire it or, rather, poor Mildare would." An awful sensation as of sinking down through the solid floors, through the foundations of the Convent, into unfathom- able deeps possessed her. Her eyes closed; she forced them open, and made a desperate rally of her sinking forces. Un- seen she put out one hand behind her, and leaned it for support 74 ONE BRAVER THING against the iron-studded oak timbers of the Chapel door. But his eyes were not upon her as he went on, unconsciously, to deal the last, worst blow. " I said, ma'am, that my dead friend . . . the name is Richard Mildare, Captain, late of the Grey Hussars. . . . You are ill, ma'am. I have been inconsiderate, and over-tired you." He had become aware that great dark circles had drawn themselves round her eyes, and that even her lips were colourless. She said, with a valiant effort : " I assure you, with thanks, that you have been most con- siderate, and that I am perfectly well. Are you at liberty to tell me, sir, the date of Captain Mildare's death? For I know one who was also his friend, and would " a spasm passed over her face " take an interest in knowing the particulars." " Madam, you shall know what I know myself. About twenty years ago Captain Mildare, owing to certain unhappy social circumstances, not pecuniary ones, sent in his papers, sold his Commission, and left England." She waited. " I heard of him in Paris. Then, later, I heard from him. He was with her here in South Africa. She was a woman for whom he had given up everything. They travelled continually, never resting long anywhere, he, and she, and their child. She died on the trek, and he buried her." "Yes?" The voice was curiously toneless. " Where he buried her has only recently come to my knowl- edge. It was at a kind of veld tavern in the Orange Free State, somewhere in the grass country between Driepoort and Kroonfontein, where travellers can get a lodging, and bad liquor, and worse company. ' Trekkers Plaats ' they call the place now. But when my friend was there ft was known as the ' Free State Hotel.' " Her lips shut as if to keep out bitter, drowning waters ; her face was white as wax within the starched blue-white of the nun's coif; his slow sentences fell one by one upon her naked heart, and ate their way in like vitriol. Quite well, too well, she knew what was coming. " He dug her grave with his own hands. He meant to have a clergyman read the Burial Service over it, but before that could be arranged for he also died of fever, I gather, though nothing is very clear, except that the two graves are there. I have seen them, and have also ascertained that what- ONE BRAVER THING 75 ever property he left was appropriated by the scoundrel who kept the hotel, and afterwards sold it, and cleared out of South Africa; and that the child is not to be found. God knows what has become of her! The man who robbed her father may have murdered or sold her or taken her to England. A man bearing his name was mixed up in a notorious case tried at the Central Criminal Court five years ago. And the case, which ruined a well-known West End surgeon, involved the death of a young woman. I trust the victim may not have been the unhappy girl herself. My solicitors in London have been instructed to make inquiries towards the removal of that doubt. . . ." If those keen eyes of his had not been averted, he must have seen the strong shuddering that convulsed the woman's frame, and the spasm of agony that wrung the lips she pressed to- gether, and the glistening damps of anguish that broke out upon the broad white forehead. To save her life she could not have said to him, " She whom you seek is here." But a voice wailed in her heart, more piercingly than Rachel's, and it cried: "Richard's daughter. She is Richard's daughter! The homeless thing, the blighted child I found upon the veld, and nursed back to life and happiness and forgetfulness of a hideous past ; whom I took into my empty heart, and taught to call me Mother. . . . She is the fruit of my own betrayal, the offspring of the friend who deceived and the man who deserted me." The visitor was going on, his grave gaze still averted: " Of course, the age of the woman whose death brought about the trial I speak of everything depends upon that. Mildare's daughter was a child of three years old when she lost father and mother. If she is alive to-day she would be nearly twenty years of age. I wish it had been my good fortune to trace and find her. She should have had the opportunity of growing up to be a noble woman. In this place, if it might have been, and with an example like yours before her eyes . . . ma'am, good-afternoon." He bowed to her, and went away with short, quick, even steps, following the lay-Sister who was to take him to the gate. She tottered into the Chapel, and sank down before the Altar, and strove to pray. Her mind was an eddying black- ness shot with the livid glare of electric fires. Her faith rocked like a palm in the tempest; her soul was tossed across 76 ONE BRAVER THING raging billows like a vessel in the grip of the cyclone. Being so great, she suffered greatly; being so strong, she had strong passions to wrestle with and to subdue. Awhile, like that other Mary, who, unlike her, was a fleshly sinner, she strove, rent as it seemed to her, by seven devils. And then she fell down prone at her Master's nail-pierced Feet, and found there at last the healing gift of tears. XII EMIGRATION JANE, the new under-housemaid on trial at the Convent, had a gathering on the top joint of the first finger of the hand that burned to wear Walt Slabbert's betrothal- ring, and the abscess being ripe for the lancet, she had an extra afternoon in the week to get it attended to. She found Walt waiting at the street corner under the lamp-post, and her heart bounded, for by their punctuality at the trysting-place you know whether they are serious in their intentions towards you, or merely carrying on, and her other young men had invariably kept her waiting. This new one was class, and no mistake. "Watto, Walt!" she hailed joyously. Her Walt uttered a guttural greeting in the Taal, and dis- played uncared-for and moss-grown teeth in the smile that Emigration Jane found strangely fascinating. To the eye that did not survey Walt through the rose-coloured glasses of affec- tion he appeared merely as a high-shouldered, slab-sided, young Boer, whose cheap store clothes bagged where they did not crease, and whose boots curled upwards at the toes with medieval effect. His cravat, of a lively green, patterned with yellow rockets, warred with his tallowy complexion; his drab- coloured hair hung in clumps; he was growing a beard that sprouted in reddish tufts from the tough hide of his jaws, leav- ing bare patches between, like the karroo. The Slabbert was an assistant-clerk at the Gueldersdorp Railway-Station Parcels- Office, and his widowed mother, the Tante Slabbert, took in washing from Uitlanders who are mad enough to change their underwear with frequency, and did the cleaning at the Gerevormed Kerk at Rustenberg, a duty which involves the emptying of spittoons. Her boy was her joy and pride. Young Walt, the true Boer's son that he was, did not enter- tain the idea of marrying Emigration Jane. The child of the Amaiekite might ne^ei jjgjjrought home as bride to the Slab- ONE BRAVER THING 77 bert roof. But all the same, her style, which was that of the Alexandra Crescent, Kentish Town, London, N.W., and her manners, which were easy, and her taste in dress, which was kaleidoscopic, attracted him. As regards their spoken inter- course, it had been hampered by the Slabbertian habit of pre- tending only a limited acquaintance with the barbarous dialect of England. But a young man who conversed chiefly by grunts, nudges, and signs was infinitely more welcome than no young man at all, and Emigration Jane knew that the language of love is universal. She had sent him a lovely letter in the Taal making this appointment, causing his pachydermatous hide to know the needle-prick of curiosity. For only last Sabbath she had spoken nothing but the English, and a young woman capable of mastering Boer Dutch in a week might be made useful in a variety of ways some of them tortuous, all of them secret, as the Slabbertian ways were wont to be. He advanced to her, without the needless ceremony of touching his hat, eagerly asking how she had acquired her new accomplishment? But the brain crowned by the big red hat that had come from the Maison Cluny, and cost a hundred francs, and had been smartened up with a bunch of pink and yellow artificial roses, and three imitation ostrich-tips of a cheerful blue, did not comprehend. Someone who spoke the Taal had written for her. The bilingual young woman who was to be of such use to Walt had only existed in his dreams. And yet the disappointing creature was exceeding fair. " Pity you left your eyes be'ind you, Dutchy! " giggled Emi- gration Jane, deliciously conscious that those rather muddy orbs were glued on her admiringly. The hair crowned by the screaming hat was waved and rolled over the horsehair frame she had learned to call a " Pompydore " ; the front locks, usually confined in the iron cages called " curlers," frizzled wonderfully about her moist, crimson face. She had on a " voylet " delaine skirt, with three bias bands round the bottom, and a " blowse " of transparent muslin stamped with floral devices. Her shoes were of white canvas ; her stockings pink and open-worked ; her gloves were of white thread, and had grown grey in the palms with agita- tion. One of them firmly grasped a crimson " sunshyde," with green and scarlet cherries growing out of the end of the stick. The young Dopper warmly grasped the other, provoking a squeal from the enchantress.. 78 ONE BRAVER THING "Mind me bad finger! Lumme! you did give us a squeeze, an' a 'arf." " If I shall to hurt you I been sorry, Miss," apologized the Slabbert. " All righto, Dutchy," smiled Emigration Jane. " Don't tear your features." She bestowed a glance of almost vocal disdain upon a Kaffir girl in turkey-red cotton twill, with a green hat savagely pinned upon her woolly hair. At another ebony female who advanced along the sidewalk pushing a white baby in a perambulator she tossed her head. " Funny," she observed, " when I was 'ome I used to swaller all the tales what parsons kep' pitchin' about that black lot 'aving souls like me an' you. When I got out 'ere, an' took my fust place at Cape Town, an' 'card the Missis and the Master continual sayin', ' Don't do this or that, it ain't Englishwomen's work ; leave it to the Caffy,' or ' Call the 'Ottintot gal,' I felt quite 'urt for 'em. Upon me natural, I did! But when I knoo these blackies a bit better, I didn't make no more bones. Monkeys, they are, rigged up in brown 'olland an' red braid, wot 'ave immytated 'uman beings till they've come to talk langwidge wot we can understand, and tumble to our mean- ings. 'Ow do you like me dress, Walty dear? An' me 'at? That chap what passed with the red mustash said to 'is friend as I looked a bit of fair all right, and no mistake. But I'd rather 'ear you say so nor 'im if you 'ad enough English to do it with. Wot do I care about the perisher along of you." It was hard work to talk for two, and keep the ball of courtship rolling after the approved fashion of Kentish Town, when the slouching young Boer would only grunt in reply, or twinkle at her out of his piggish eyes. But Emigration Jane had come out to South Africa, hearing that places at five shillings a day were offered you by employers, literally upon their knees, and that husbands were thick as orange-peel and programmes on the pit-floor of the " Bntanniar Theayter," " 'Oxton," or the Camden Varieties on the morning after a Bank Holiday. She had left her first situation at Cape Town, being a girl of spirit, because her mistress had neglected to in- troduce her to eligible gentlemen acquaintances, as the pleasant- spoken agent at the Emigrants' Information Office in Cheap- side, the young gentleman of Hebrew strain, whose dark eyes, waxed moustache, and diamond tie-pin had made a deep im- pression upon the susceptible heart of his client, had assured Jane the South African employer would take an early oppor- ONE BRAVER THING 79 tunity of doing. The reality had not corresponded with the glowing picture. The employer had failed in duty, the hus- bands-aspirant had not appeared. Ephemeral flirtations there had been with a postman, with a trooper of the Cape Mounted Police, with an American bar-tender. But not one of these had breathed of indissoluble union, though each had wanted to borrow her savings. And Emigration Jane had " bin 'ad " in that way before, and gone with her bleeding heart and depleted Post Office Savings-book before the fat, sallow magistrate at the Regent's Road County Court, and winced and smarted under his brutal waggeries, only to learn that the appropriator of her womanly affections and her fifteen sovereigns had already three wives. The brute, the 'artless beast! Emigration Jane wondered at herself, she did, and 'ud bin such a reg'ler soft as to be took in by one to whom she never referred in speech except as " That There Green." That she softened to him in her weaker moments, in spite of his remembered appetite for sav- ings and his regrettable multiplicity of wives, gave her the fair hump. That something in the expression of this new one's muddy eyes recalled the loving leer of " That There Green," she admitted to herself. Womanly anxiety throbbed in the bosom not too coyly hidden by the pneumonia blouse, as the couple passed the gilded portals of a public bar, and the Slabbert elbow was thrust painfully into her side, as its owner said heavily: " Have you thirst ? " She coyly owned to aridity, and they entered the saloon, kept by a Dutchman w r ho spoke English. Two ginger-beers with a stick of Hollands were supplied, and the stick of Slab- bert was as the rod of Moses to the other stick for strength and power. But as Emigration Jane daintily sipped the cool- ing beverage, giggling at the soapy bubbles that snapped at her nose, the restless worm of anxiety kept on gnawing under the flowery " blowze." Too well did she know the ways of young men who hospitably ask you if you're thirsty, and 'ave you in, whether or no, and order drinks as liberal as lords, and then discover that they're short of the bob, and borrow from you in 3- jokey way. , . . Her heart bounded as the Slabbert put his hand in his pocket, saying: "Watkostbret?" The Dutch bar-keeper, who seemed to know Slabbert, an- swwed in English, looking at Emigration Jane: 8o ONE BRAVER THING " Half a dollar." Half a dollar is South African for eighteenpence. Slabbert rattled something metallic in his trousers-pocket, and said something rapidly in the Taal. The Dutch bar-keeper leaned across the counter, and sai'd to Emigration Jane: " Your young man has not got the money." They were all, all alike. A tear rose to her eye. She bravely dried it with a finger of a white cotton glove, and pro- duced her purse, an imitation crocodile-leather and sham-silver affair, bought in Kentish Town, where you may walk through odorous groves of dried haddocks that are really whiting, and Yarmouth bloaters that never were at Yarmouth, and purchase whole rambler roses, the latest Paris style, for threepence, and cheapen feather-boas at two-and-eleven-three, plucked from the defunct carcass of the domestic fowl. She paid for the drinks with a florin, and it was quite like old times when Slabbert calmly pocketed the sixpence of change. The bar-keeper leaned over to her again, and said, surrounding her with a confidential atmosphere of tobacco and schnaps: " He is a good man, that young man of yours, and gets much money. He means to give you a nice present by-and- by." Her grateful heart overflowed to this friendly patronage. She showed the bar-keeper her gathered finger, and said it did 'urt a treat. She expected it would 'urt worse before Dr. De Boursy Williams " 'adn't 'e got a toff's name?" 'ad done with it. "You go to that Engelsch doktor on Harris Street, eh?" said the bar-keeper, spitting dexterously. " Wat scheelt er aan ? how are you sick, eh ? " " Sister Tobias that's the nun wot 'ousekeeps at the Con- vent give me a order to see 'im, to 'ave me finger larnced," explained Emigration Jane. " Ain't 'e all right ? " " Right enough," said the bar-keeper, winking at the Slab- bert, and adding something in the Taal, that provoked a fine exhibition of that young man's neglected teeth. " There are plenty other Engelsch will be wishing to be as right, oh, very soon. For De Boursy Williams, he has sent his wife and his two daughters away on the train for Cape Town yesterday morning, and he has gone after them that same night, and he has left all his patients to the Dop Doctor." " Some red-necked baboons are wiser than others," said the Slabbert in the Taal, and there was a hoarse laugh, and the ONE BRAVER THING Si humourist turned his big heavy body away, and became one of a crowd of other Dutchmen, who were, in veiled hints and crooked allusions, discussing the situation across the Border. Emigration Jane was not sensitive to the electricity in the atmosphere. She knew no Dutch, and was perfect in the etiquette of the outing, which, when the young woman has been supplied with the one regulation drink, stands her up in the corner like an umbrella in dry weather as long as her young man is a-talking to 'is pals. " So," the bar-keeper went on, " if you shall want that bad finger of yours looked to, you will have to wait until the Dop Doctor wakes up. He is a big man, who can drink as much as three Boers. . . . He came in this morning to get drunk, and you shall not wake him now if you fire off a rifle at his ear. But he will get up presently and shake himself, and then he will be quite steady; you would not guess how drunk he had been unless you had seen. . . . He is over there, sleeping on that table in the corner, and it will be very bad for the man who shall wake him up. For, look you, that Dop Doctor is a duyvel. I have seen him break a man like a stick between his hands for nothing but cutting up a thieving monkey of a little Kaffir with the sjambok. And he took the verdoemte thing home where he lives, they say, and strapped up its black hide with plaster, and set its arm as if it had been a child of Chris- tians. But every Engelschman is mad. Groot Brittanje breeds a nation of madmen." The saloon got fuller and fuller. The air solidified with the Taal and the tobacco, and other things less pleasant. It was not the hour for a crowd of customers, but nobody had seemed to be working much of late. They were all Trans- vaalers and Free Staters, tradesmen of the town, or Boers from outlying farms, and not a man there but was waiting a certain signal to clear out and leave Gueldersdorp to her fate, or re- main in the place on a salary paid by the Republic as a spy. The English customer who came in knew at one whiff of the thick atmosphere that it was unhealthy, and if the man hap- pened to be alone, he ordered, and paid, and drank, and went out quickly. If he happened to be with others, he pointedly addressed his conversation to his countrymen, and left with a certain degree of swagger, and without the appearance of undue haste. Once the swing-doors of the saloon opened to admit a short, spare, hollow-chested, dapper young Englishman, whose in- 82 ONE BRAVER THING significant Cockney countenance was splashed with orange- coloured freckles of immense size. Between his thin anasmic lips dangled the inevitable cigarette. And Emigration Jane, toying with the dregs of her tumbler, recognised the pert, sharp, sallow face seen over the sleeve of a large burgher's out- stretched arm. With some trouble she caught the eye of the short, pale young man, and he instantly became a red one. To reach her was difficult, but he dived and wriggled his way across the saloon, wedging his frail person between the block- ish bodies with a cool address that reminded her of the first night of a " noo show" at the Camden " Theayter," and the queue outside the gallery door. ' 'Ullo, 'ullo ! Thought I reckonized you, miss." He touched his cheap imitation Panama with swaggering gallantry, and winked. " But seeing you eight sizes more of a toff than what you were when I previously 'ad the pleasure, I 'esitated to tip you the 'Ow do." She tossed her imitation ostrich plumes in joyous coquetry. " As if I didn't know wot you're after. Garn ! You only wants to know if I acted on the stryte about. . . ." His projecting ears burned crimson. " Well, an' suppose I do. Did she " "Did she wot?" "You pipe well enough. Did she 'ave it?" "Ain't you anxious?" ' Take it I am anxious. Did she ? No cod ? " " Di'd she git your letter wot you put in the box o' choc's? O' course she did, Mister. Wot d'jer take me for? A silly looney or a sneakin' thief ? " " I'll tell you what I tyke you for. A jolly little bit of English All Right. Say! Do you think . . ." The promi- nent Adam's apple jutting over the edge of the guillotining double collar worked emotionally. " Think she'll send an answer, eh?" " Reckon she will ; you watch out an' see." "You furst-clarss little brick!" "Garn!" " I mean it. Stryte. Next door to a angel that's wot you are. She's the angel. Tell 'er I said so that's if you can, you twig? And say that when I 'card that nearly all the gay ole crowd o' pupils 'ad gone away, day before yesterday, I could 'a blooming well cut me throat, thinkin' she'd gone too. Becos' when I swore in for the Town Guard, it was the ONE BRAVER THING 83 idear mind you rub that in! of strikin' a blow for Beauty as well as for Britanniar, twig?" The thin elbow in the tweed sleeve nudged her, provoking a joyous giggle. " I'm fly, no fear. Are you to 'ave a uniform, an* all like that?" His face fell. "The kit don't run to much beyond a smasher 'at an' putties, but they're the regular Service kind, an' then there's the bandolier an' the gun. She ain't the newest rifle served out to Her Majesty's army, not by twenty years. Condemned Martini, a chap says, who's in the know, an' kicks like a mule when I let 'er off made me nose bleed fust time I tried with blank. But when we gets a bit more used to each other, it '11 be a case of bloomin' Doppers rollin' over in the dust, like rock-rabbits. Don't forget to tell 'er as wot I said so." " Why . . . ain't she a Dutchy herself ? She wrote a letter for me in their rummy lingo to my young man! " "Cr'rips!" He clicked dismay. "Blessed if I 'adn't for- got. But if an Englishman marries a foreigner," he swelled heroic, " that puts 'er in the straight runnin'. And 'art an' 'and I'm 'ers, whenever she'll 'ave me! Tell 'er THAT with a double row of crosses from W. Keyse. And can you remember a bit o' poetry?" He recited with shamefaced rapidity: "'It is my sentry-go to-night, And when I watch the moon so bright, Shining o'er South Africa plain, I'll think of thee, sweet Greta Du Taine.' " Her eyes were full of awe and wonder. " Lor ! you don't mean to say you made up that by yourself? " The poet nodded. "Reckon about as much. Like it?" "It's perfect lovely! Better than they 'ave in the penny books." " Where Coralline and the Marquis are playin' the spooney game, and 'im with a Lady Reginer up 'is dirty sleeve. An' there's another thing I want you to let 'er know." His eyes were on hers, his breath fanned her hot cheeks. " There isn't another woman on the earth but her for me. Dessay there may be others ; wot I say is I don't see 'em ! " He waved his hand, dismissing the ardent creatures. A pang transpierced the conscience hiding under the cheap 84 ONE BRAVER THING flowery blouse. Emigration Jane hesitated, biting the dog's- eared finger-ends of a cotton glove. Should she tell this ardent, chivalrous lover that the Convent roof no longer sheltered the magnificent fair hair-plait and the mischievous blue eyes of his adored ? That Miss Greta Du Taine had left ' for Johannesburg with the earliest batch of departing pupils! If she told, W. Keyse would vanish out of her life, it might be for ever; or, if by chance encountered on the street, pass by with a casual greeting and a touch of the cheap Panama. Emigration Jane was no heroine, only a daughter of Eve. Arithmetic and what was termed the " tonic sofa " had been more sternly inculcated than the moral virtues at the Board School in Kentish Town. And she was not long in making up her mind that she would not tell him not just yet, any- \vay. What was he saying, in the Cockney that cut like a knife through the thick gutturals of the Taal ? "I shall walk past the Convent to-morrer in kit and cetras, on the charnce of 'Er seein' me. Two sharp. And, look 'ere, Miss, you've done me a good turn. And no larks! if ever I can do you an- other trust me. Stryte I mean it! You ask chaps 'oo know me if Billy Keyse ever went back on a pal." She swayed her hips, and disclaimed all obligation. But, garn ! he was gittin' at 'er, she knew ! "I ain't; I mean it! You should 'ave 'arf me 'eredittary estates if I 'ad any. As I 'aven't, say wot you'll drink? Do, Miss, to oblige yours truly, W. Keyse, Esquire." Billy Keyse plunged a royal, reckless hand into the pocket of his tweed riding-breeches, bought against the time \vhen he should bestride something nobler than a bicycle, and pro- duced a half-sovereign. He owed it to his landlady and the rest, the coin that he threw down so magnificently on the shiny counter, but you do not treat your good angel every day. . . . Emigration Jane bridled, and swayed her hips still more. His largeness was intoxicating. One had dreamed of meeting such young meft. " Port or sherry? Or a glass of cham, with a lump o' ice in for a cooler? They keep the stuff on draught 'ere, and not bad by 'arf for South Africa. 'Ere, you, Mister! Two chams for self and the young lydy, an' look slippy ! " The brimming glasses of sparkling, creaming fluid, juice of vines that never grew in the historic soil of France, were passed over the bar. A miniature berg clinked in each, the ONE BRAVER THING 85 coldness of its contact with the glowing lip forcing slight rapturous shrieks from Emigration Jane. "We'll drink 'Er 'ealth!" Billy Keyse raised his goblet. "And Friends at 'Ome in our Isle across the Sea!" He drank, pleased with the sentiment, and set down the empty glass. The Dutch bar-keeper leaned across the counter, and tapped him on the arm with a thick, stubby forefinger. " Mister Engelschman, I think you shall best go out of here." "Me? Go out? 'Oo are you gettin' at, Myn'eer Van Dunck ? " swaggered Billy Keyse. And he slipped one thin, freckled hand ostentatiously under his coat of shoddy summer tweed. A very cheap revolver lurked in the hip-pocket of which Billy was so proud. In his fourth-floor front bed-sitting- room in Judd Street, London, W.C., he had promised himself a moment when that hip-pocket should be referred to, just in that way. It was a cheap bit of theatrical swagger, but the sa- loon was full, not of harmless theatrical pretences, but bitter racial antagonisms, seething animosities, fanged and venomed hatreds, only waiting the prearranged signal to strike and slay. Emigration Jane tugged at the hero's sleeve, as he felt for an almost invisible moustache, scanning the piled-up, serried faces with pert, pale, hardy eyes. ' ' E ain't coddin'. See 'ow black they're lookin'." " I see 'em, syfe enough. Waxworks only fit for the Cham- ber of 'Orrors, ain't 'em?" " It's a young woman wot arsks yer to go, not a bloke! Please. For my syke, if yer won't for yer own ! " Billy Keyse, with a flourish, offered the thin, boyish arm in the tweed sleeve. " Righto. Will you allow me, Miss?" She faltered: " I I can't, dear. I I'm wiv my young man." " Looks after you a proper lot, I don't think. Which is him? Where's 'e 'id 'isself? There's only one other English-lookin* feller' ere, an he's drunk, lyin' over the table there in the corner. That ain't 'im, is it?" " Nah, that isn't 'im. That big Dutchy, lookin' this way, showin' 'is teeth as 'e smiles. That's my young man." She indicated the Slabbert, heavily observant of the couple with the muddy eyes under the tow-coloured thatch. 86 ONE BRAVER THING " 'Strewth ! " W. Keyse whistled deprecatingly between his teeth, and elevated his scanty eyebrows. " That tow-'eaded, bung-nosed, 'ulking, big Dopper. An' you a daughter of the Empire! " Oh, the thrice-retorted scorn in the sharp-edged Cockney voice! The scorching contempt in the pale, ugly little eyes of Billy Keyse! She wilted to her tallest feather, and the tears came crowding, stinging the back of her throat, compelling a miserable sniff. Yet Emigration Jane was not destitute of spirit. "I.... I took 'im to please meself . . . .not you, nor the Hempire neither." " Reckon you was precious 'ard up for a chap. Good- afternoon, miss." He touched the cheap Panama, and swung theatrically round on his heel. Between him and the saloon-door there was a solid barricade of heavy Dutch bodies, in moleskin, tan-cord, and greasy homespun, topped by lowering Dutch faces. Brawny right hands that could have choked the reedy crow out of the little bantam gamecock, clenched in the baggy pockets of old shooting-jackets. Others gripped leaded sjamboks, and others crept to hip-pockets, where German army revolvers were. The bar-keeper and the Slabbert exchanged a meaning wink. "Gents, I'll trouble you. By yer leave? . . ." Nobody moved. And suddenly Billy Keyse was conscious that these were enemies, and that he was alone. A little hooli- ganism, a few street-fights, one scuffle with the police, some rows in music-halls constituted all his experience. In the midst of these men, burly, brutal, strong, used to shed blood of beast and human, his cheap swagger failed him with his stock of breath. He was no longer the hero in an East End melodrama ; his heroic mood had gone, and there was a feel of tragedy in the air. The Boers waited sluggishly for the next move. It would come when there should be a step forward on the part of the little Englishman. Then a clumsy foot in a cow-leather boot or heavy wooden-pegged veldschoen would be thrust out, and the boy would be tripped up and go down, and the crowd would deliberately kick and trample the life out of him, and no one would be able to say how or by whom the thing had been done. And, reading in the hard eyes set in the stolid yellow and drab faces that he was " up against it," and no mistake, Billy Keyse felt singularly small and lonely. ONE BRAVER THING 87 Then something happened. The drunken Englishman who had been lying in a hoggish stupor over the little iron table in the corner of the saloon hiccoughed, and lifted a crimson, puffy face, with bleary eyes in it that were startlingly blue. He drew back the great arms that had been hanging over the edge of his impromptu pillow, and heaved up his massive stooping shoulders, and got slowly upon his feet. Then, lurching in his walk, but not stumbling, he moved across the little space of damp, sawdusted floor that divided him from Billy Keyse, and drew up beside that in- significant minority. The action was not purposeless nor un- impressive. The alcoholic wastrel had suddenly become pro- tagonist in the common little drama that was veering towards tragedy. Beside the man, Billy Keyse dwindled to a stunted boy, a steam-pinnace bobbing under the quarter of an armoured battle-ship, its huge mailed bulk pregnant with possibilities of destruction, in barbettes full of unseen, watchful eyes, and hands powerful to manipulate the levers of titanic death- machines. Let it be understood that the intervener did not present the aspect of a hero. He had been drunk, and would be again, unless some miraculous quickening of the alcohol-drugged brain-centres should rouse and revivify the dormant will. His square face, with the heavy smudge of bushy black eye- brows over the blue eyes, and the short, blunt, hooked nose, and grim-lipped yet tender mouth, from the corner of which an extinct and forgotten cigar-butt absurdly jutted, bore, like his great gaunt frame, the ravaging traces of the consuming drink-lust. His well-cut, loosely-fitting grey morning-coat and trousers were soiled and slovenly; his blue linen shirt was col- larless and unbuttoned at the neck. His grey felt hat was dinged, and crammed on awry. But there was a thick lanyard round the muscular neck, ending in a leather revolver-pouch that was attached to his stout belt of webbing. A boy with a fifteen-and-sixpenny toy revolver you can laugh at and squelch; but, Alamachtig! a big man with a Webley and Scott was an- other thing. And the frowsy barrier of thick, coarsely-clad, bulky bodies and scowling, yellow-tan faces, began to melt away. When a clear lane showed to the saloon door, the Dop Doctor took it, walking with a lurch in his long stride, but with the square head held upright on his great gaunt shoulders.. Billy Keyse moved in the shadow of him, taking two steps to 88 ONE BRAVER THING one of his. The swing doors opened, thudded to behind them. . . . " Outside. . . . Time, too." The wide, lipless Cockney mouth grinned a little consciously as Billy Keyse jerked his thumb towards the still vibrating doors of the saloon. " Reg'ler 'ornets' nest o' Dutchies. And I was up agynst it, an' no mistyke, when you rallied up. An', Mis- ter, you're a Fair Old Brick, an' if you've no objection to shykin' 'ands ... ? " But the big man did not seem to see the little Cockney's offered hand. He nodded, looking with the bloodshot and ex- tremely blue eyes that were set under his heavy straight black brows, not at Billy Keyse, but over his head, and with a surly noise in his throat that stopped short of being speech, swung heavily round and went down the dusty street, that was grilling in the full blaze of the afternoon heat, lurching a little in his walk. Then, suddenly, running figures of men came round the corner. Voices shouted, and houses and shops and saloons emptied themselves of their human contents. The news flew from kerb to kerb, and jumped to upper windows, out of which women, European and coloured, thrust frowsy, questioning heads. The Cape Town train that had started at midday had re- turned to Gueldersdorp, having been held up by a force of armed and mounted Boers twenty miles down the line. And a London newspaper correspondent had handed in a cable at the post-office, and the operator's instrument, after a futile click or so, had failed to work any more. The telegraphic wire was cut. Hostilities had commenced in earnest, and Gueldersdorp, severed from the South by this tpening act of war, must find her salvation thenceforward in x he cool brain and steady nerves of the handful of defenders behind her sand-bags, when the hour of need should come. History has it written in her imperishable record, that is not only printed upon paper, and graved upon brass, and cut in marble, but stamped into the minds and hearts of millions of men and women of the British race, how, when that hour came, ihe hero-spirit in their countrymen rose up to meet it. And for such undying memories as these, and not for the mere word of suzerainty, it is worth while to have paid as Britain has paid, in gold, and blood, and tears. ONE BRAVER THING 89 XIII ~* DOP," being the native name for the cheapest and most villainous of Cape brandies, has come to signify alcoholic drinks in general to men of many nations dwelling under the subtropic South African sun. Thus, apple brandy, and peach liqueur, " Old Squareface," the colloquial designation for Hollands gin, in the squat, four-sided bottles beloved no less of burgher and Afrikander, American and Briton, Paddy from Cork, and Heinrich from the German Fatherland, than by John Chinkey in default of arrack and the swart and woolly-headed de- scendant of Ham. It did not matter what the liquor was, the bar-tenders were aware who served the Dop Doctor, as long as the stuff scorched the throat and stupefied the brain, and you got enough of it for your money. His eyes were blood-red with brutal debauch now, as he neared the one-storied, soft brick-built, corrugated-iron-roofed house on Harris Street, behind the Market Square. It had been a store, but green and white paint and an iron garden- fence had turned it into a gentlemanly residence for a medical practitioner. Mrs. De Boursy-Williams, a lady of refinement, stamped with the ineffacable cachet of Bayswater, had hung cheap lace curtains in all the windows, tying them up with silk sashes of Transvaal green. Between the wooden pillars of the stoep dangled curtains yet other, of chopped, dyed, and threaded bamboo, while whitewashed drain-pipes, packed with earth and set on end, overflowed with Indian cress, flowering now in extravagant, gorgeous hues of red and brown, sulphur and orange. The Dop Doctor, left to maintain the inviolate sanctity of this English Colonial home, hiccoughed as he stumbled up the stately flight of three cement steps that led between white- pointed railings, enclosing on the left hand a narrow strip of garden with some dusty mimosa shrubs growing in it, to the green door that bore the brass plate, and had the red lamp fitted in the hall-light above ft. The plate bore this compre- hensive inscription: G. DE BOURSY-WILLIAMS, M.D., F.R.C.S. LOND. CONSULTING ROOM HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 12 A.M; 6 TO 8 P.M. MODERN DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES 90 ONE BRAVER THING And, scanning the inscription for perhaps the thousandth time, the grim, tender mouth under the rugged black moustache took a satirical twist at the corners, for nobody knew better than Owen Saxham, called of men in Gueldersdorp the " Dop Doctor," what a brazen lie it proclaimed. He heard the town- clock on the stad square strike five as he pulled out the latch- key from his pocket and let himself in shouting: "Koets!" A glazed door at the end of the passage, advertised in let- ters of black paint upon the ground-glass as " Dispensary," opened, and a long, thin Dutchman, dressed in respectable black, looked out. He had been hoping that the drunken Englishman had been shot or stabbed in a saloon-brawl, or had fallen down in apoplexy in a drunken bout, and had been brought home dead on a shutter at last. His long ginger- coloured face showed his cruel disappointment. But he said, as though the question had been asked: " No, there is no telegram from Cape Town." Then he shut the glazed door, and returned to the very congenial occupation in which he had been engaged, and Owen Saxham went heavily to the bedroom placed at the disposal of the locum tenens. The single window looked out upon a square garden with a tennis-ground, where the De Boursy-Williams girls had been used to play. The vine on the south wall was heavy with golden ripening bunches, an abandoned household cat slept, unconscious of impending starvation, upon a bench under a tree. It was a small, sordid, shabby chamber, with a fly-spotted paper, a chest of drawers lacking knobs, a greenish swing look- ing-glass, and a narrow iron bedstead. His scanty belongings were scattered about. There were no medical books or sur- gical instruments. The Dop Doctor had sold all the tools of his trade years before. He turned to Williams's books, stand- ard works which had been bought at his recommendation, when he wished to refresh his excellent memory; the instruments he used when to the entreaties of a fatherly friend Williams added the alluring chink of gold belonged also to that generous patron. There were some old clothes in the ramshackle deal wardrobe ; there was some linen and* underclothing in the knobless chest of drawers. With the exception of a Winchester repeating- rifle in excellent condition, a bandolier and ammunition-pouch, a hunting-knife and a Colt's revolver of large calibre, in ad- dition to the weapon he carried, there was not an article of ONE BRAVER THING 91 property of any value in the room. Old riding-boots with dusty spurs and a pair of veldschoen stood by the wall; a pair of trodden-down carpet slippers lay beside a big cheap zinc bath that stood there, full of cold water; some well-used pipes were on the chest of drawers, with a tin of Virginia; and an old brown camel's-hair dressing-gown hung over a castorless, shabby, American-cloth-covered armchair. And a full bottle of whisky stood upon the washstand, melancholy witness to the drunkard's passion. Yet there were a few poor little toilet articles upon the dress- ing-table that betokened the dainty personal habits of cleanli- ness and care that from lifelong use become instinctive. The hands of the untidy, slovenly, big man with the drink-swollen features were exquisitely kept; and when the dark-red colour should go out of the square face, the skin would show wonder- fully unblemished and healthy for a drunkard, and the blue eyes would be steady r.nd clear. Excess had not injured a splen- did constitution as yet. But Saxham knew that by-and-by . . . What did he care? He pulled off his soiled, untidy gar- ments, and soused his aching head in the cold, fresh water, and bathed and changed. Six o'clock struck, and found Dr. Owen Saxham reclothed and in his right mind, if a little hag- gard about the eyes and twitchy about the mouth, and sitting calmly waiting for patients in the study opening out of the consulting-room of De Boursy-Williams, M.D., F.R.S. Lond. Usually he sat in the study, near enough to the carefully- curtained door to hear the patient describe in the witless ver- nacular of the ignorant, or the more cultivated phraseology of the educated, the symptoms, his or hers. Because the cultured man of science, the real M.D. of Lon- don University and owner of those other letters of attainment, was the drunken wastrel who had sunk low enough to serve as the impostor's ghost. If G. De Boursy-Williams, of all those lying letters, were a member of the London Pharmaceutical Society and properly-qualified dentist, which perhaps might be the case, he certainly possessed no other claims upon the con- fidence of his fellow-creatures, sick or well. Yet even before the Dop Doctor brought his great unhealed sorrow and his quenchless thirst to Gueldersdorp, the smug, plump, grey- haired pink-faced, neatly-dressed little humbug possessed an en- viable practice. If you got well, he rubbed his hands and chuckled over you ; if you died, he bleated about the Will of Providence, and his 92 ONE BRAVER THING daughters sent flowery, home-made wreaths to place upon your grave, and it all went down, adding to the python-length of the bill for medical attendance. This world is thick with De Boursy-Williamses, throwing in bromides with a liberal hand, ungrudging of strychnine, happily at home with quinine and cathartics, ready at a case of simple rubeola; hideously, secretly, helplessly perplexed be- tween the false diphtheria and the true; treating internal can- cer and fibrous tumours as digestive derangements for happy, profitable years, until the specialist comes by, and shatters with a brief examination and with half a dozen trenchant words the comfortable faith of years. Three years before, when the Dop Doctor, coming up from Kimberley by transport-waggon, had stumbled in upon Gueld- ersdorp, the verdict of a specialist consulted by one of his pa- tients, much lacking in the desirable article of faith, had given De Boursy-Williams's self-confidence a considerable shock. Does it matter how De Boursy, much reduced in bulk by a considerable leakage of conceit, came across the Dop Doctor? In a drink saloon, in a music-hall, in a gaming-house or an opium-joint, at any other of the places of recreation where, after consulting and visiting hours, that exemplary father and seri- ous-minded Established Churchman, was to be found? It is enough that the bargain was proposed and accepted. Five sovereigns a week secured to De Boursy-Williams the stored and applied knowledge, the wide experience, and the unerring diagnosis of the rising young London practitioner, who had had a brilliant career before him when a Hand had reached forth from the clouds to topple down the castle of his labours and his hopes. For Owen Saxham the money would purchase for- getfulness. You can buy a great deal of his kind of forgetful- ness with five pounds, and drink was all the Dop Doctor wanted. Now, as the red South African sunset burned beyond the western edge of the rise in the horizon, looking from the ir- regular hamlet town that lies on the low central hill, Owen Saxham sat, as for his miserable weekly wage he must sit, twice daily for two hours at a stretch, enduring torments akin tc those of the damned in Hell. For these were the hours when he remembered most all that he had lost. Remembrance, like the magic carpet of the Eastern story, ONE BRAVER THING 93 carried him back to a rambling old grey mansion, clothed with a great magnolia and many roses, standing m old-time gardens, and shrubberies of laurel and ilex and Spanish chestnut, rhododendron, upon the South Dorset cliffs, that are vanishing so slowly yet so surely in the maw of the rapacious sea. Boom ! In the heart of a still, foggy night, following a day of lashing rain, and the boy Owen Saxham, whom the Dop Doctor remembered, would wake upon his lavender-scented pillow in the low-pitched room with the heavy ceiling-beams and the shallow diamond-paned casements, and call out to David, dreaming in the other white bed, to plan an excursion with the breaking of the day, to see how much more of their kingdom had toppled over on those wave-smoothed rock pave- ments far below, that were studded with great and little fossils, as the schoolroom suet-pudding with the frequent raisin. More faces came. The boys' father, fair and florid, bluff, handsome, and kindly, an English country gentleman of simple affectionate nature and upright life. He came in weather- stained velveteen and low-crowned felt, with the red setter- bitch at his heels, and the old sporting Manton carried in the crook of his elbow, where the mother used to sew a leather patch, always cut out of the palm-piece of one of the right- hand gloves that were never worn out, never being put on. A dark-eyed, black-haired Welsh mother, hot-tempered, keen- witted, humorous, sarcastic, passionately devoted to her hus- band and his boys, David and Owen. David and Owen. David was the eldest, fair like the father, destined for Harrow, Sandhurst, and the army. Owen had dreamed of the Merchant Service, until, having succeeded in giving the Persian kitten, overfed to repletion by an admiring cook, a dose of castor-oil, and being allowed to aid the local veterinary in setting the fox-terrier's broken leg, the revelation of the hidden gift was vouchsafed to this boy. How he begged off Harrow, much to the disgust of the Squire, and went to Westward Ho, faithfully plodded the course laid down by the Council of Medical Education, became a graduate of Trin- ity Hall, Cambridge, and took his degree brilliantly; registered as a student at St. Stephen's Hospital ; won an Entrance Scholarship in Science, and secured the William Brown Exhibi- tion in his second year. Thenceforward the world was an oyster, to be opened with scalpel and with bistoury by Owen Saxham. Oh, the good days! the delectable years of intellectual de- 94 ONE BRAVER THING velopment, and arduous study, and high hope, and patient, strenuous endeavour! The man sitting with knotted hands and tense brain and staring eyes there in the darkening room groaned aloud as he looked back. Nobody envied that broad- shouldered, lean-flanked, bright-eyed young fellow his successes. Companions shared his triumphs, lecturers and professors came down from their high pedestals of dignity to help him on. When he obtained his London University diploma with honours for a thesis of exceptional merit, he had already held the post of principal anaesthetist at St. Stephen's Hospital for a year. Now, a vacancy occurring upon the junior staff of surgeons to the Hospital's In-patient Department, Owen Saxham, M.D., was chosen to fill it. This brought Mildred very near. For he was very much in love. The hot red blood in his veins had carried him away sometimes upon a mad race for pleasure, but he was clean of soul and free from the taint of vice, inherited or acquired, and the Briton's love of home was strong in him. And wedded love had always seemed to him a beautiful and gracious thing, and fatherhood a glorious priv- ilege. Stern as he seemed, grave and quiet and undemon- strative as he was, the youngest and shyest children did not shrink from him. The pink rose-leaf tongue peeped from be- tween the budding rows of teeth, and the innocent considering eyes questioned him only a moment before the smile came. To be the father of Mildred's children seemed the lofty end of all desire that was not mere worldly ambition. Mildred was the elder daughter of a country neighbour down in Dorsetshire. She had known Owen Saxham from her school-days, but never until he took to calling at the house in Pont Street, to which Mildred, with her family mere satellites revolving in the orbit of that shining star of Love migrated in the Season. She was tall, slight, and willowy, with a sweet head that drooped a little, and round brown eyes that were ex- tremely pretty and wore a perpetual expression of surprise. She was rather anaemic, preferred croquet to lawn-tennis then the rage and kept a journal, after the style of an American model. But the space which Mary McMullins cribbed from Mary McMullins to devote to a description of the bathroom in which the ablutions of her family were performed, and a vivid word- picture of their tooth-brushes ranged in a row, and their re- cently wrung-out garments in the act of taking the air upon the back-garden clothes-line, was all devoted to Mildred in Mil- dred's journal. In it Owen found a place. He was described ONE BRAVER THING 95 as a blend between " Rochester " in " Jane Eyre " and " Bazarov " In Turgenev's " Fathers and Children." In one specially high-flown passage he was referred to as a grim granite rock, to which the delicate clematis-like nature of Mil- dred, clinging, was to envelop it with leaf and blossom. She read him the passage one day. Their faces were very close to- gether as they sat upon the sofa in the pretty Pont Street drawing-room, and his newly-bought engagement-ring gleamed on her long white hand. . . . The remembrance of that day made the Dop Doctor laugh out harshly in the midst of his anguish. So trivial and so weak a thing had been that love of hers on which he had founded the castle of his hopes and desires. Now the rising young man bought a practice with some thousands advanced by his father out of the younger son's portion that should be his one day. It lay just where Hyde Park merges into Paddington. Here a medical man may feel the pulse of Dives for gold, and look at the tongue of Lazarus for nothing, and supply medicine into the bargain, if he be of kindly soul, and this young, rising surgeon and physician had an open hand and an unsuspecting nature. God! how much the worse for him. The sweat-drops ran down into the Dop Doctor's eyes as he remembered that. He set up his bachelor tent in Chilworth Street, furnishing the rooms he meant to inhabit with a certain sober luxury. By-and-by the house could be made pretty, unless Mildred should insist upon his moving to Wigmore Street, or to Harley Street, that Mecca of the ambitious young practitioner. Prob- ably Mildred's people would insist upon Harley Street. They were wealthy; their daughter would be quite an heiress, "an- other instance of Owen's luck," as David, long ago gazetted to a crack Cavalry regiment, would say, and Owen would laugh, and admit that, though he would have been glad enough to take his young fair love without dower and plenishing, it was pleasant enough to know that his wife would have an independent fortune of her own. It was one of David's best jokes that Owen was marrying Mildred for her money. David's ideas of humour were crude and elemental. On the other hand, his manners were admirable, and his physical beauty perfect of its type, though men and women turned oftenest to look at the younger brother, whom the women called " plain, but so interesting," and the men " an uncommonly attractive sort of fellow, and as clever as they make them." When the 96 ONE BRAVER THING great crash came Owen Saxham, M.D., F.R.C.S., was about twenty-nine. Do you care for a description of the man at his prime? He was probably five feet ten in height, but his scholar's stoop robbed him of an inch or more. The great breadth of the slightly-bowed shoulders, the immense depth and thickness of the chest, gave his upper figure a false air of clumsiness. His arms were long and powerful, terminating in strong, supple, white hands, the hands of the skilled surgical operator; his thick, smooth, opaque, white skin covered an admirable structure of bone, knit with tough muscles, clothed with health- ful flesh. One noticed, seeing him walk, that his legs were bent a little, because he had been accustomed to the saddle from earliest childhood, though he rode but seldom now, and one saw also that his small muscular feet gripped the ground vigor- ously, through the glove-thin boots he liked to wear. He showed no tendency to dandyism. His loosely-cut suits of fine, silky black cloth were invariably of the same fashion. In abhorring jewellery, in preferring white cashmere shirts, and strictly limiting the amount of starch in the thin linen cuffs and collars, perhaps he showed a tendency to faddism. David told him that he dressed himself like a septuagenarian -Profes- sor. Mildred would have preferred dear Owen to pay a little more attention to style and cut, and all that, though one did not, of course, expect a man of science to look like a man of fashion. One couldn't have everything, at least, not in this world. . . . She said that one day, standing beside the writing-table in the Chilworth Street study, with David's portrait in her hand. It usually stood there, in a silver frame a coloured photo- graph of a young man of thirty, stupid and beautiful as the Praxitelean Hermes, resplendent in the gold and blue and scarlet of a crack Dragoon Regiment. Owen stood upon the hearthrug, for once in Mildred's company and not thinking of Mildred. And with tears rising in her round, pretty, foolish eyes the girl looked from the face and figure enclosed within the silver frame, to the face and bust that had for a back- ground the high mantel-mirror in its carved frame of Spanish oak. There was the square black head bending forwards " pok- ing," she termed it upon the massive, bowed shoulders; the white face, square too, with its short, blunt, hooked nose and grim, determined mouth and jaws, showing the bluish grain ONE BRAVER THING 97 of the strong beard and moustache that Owen kept closely shaven. The heavy forehead, the smutty brows overshadowing eyes of clear, vivid, startling Alpine blue, the close small ears, the thick white throat, were very, very unattractive in Mil- dred's eyes at least, in comparison with the three-volume- novel charms of the grey-eyed, golden-moustached, classically- featured, swaggering young military dandy in the coloured photograph. David had been with his regiment in India when Owen had just seemed to be a good deal attracted to Pont Street. He had wooed Mildred with dogged persistency, and won her without perceptible triumph, and Mildred had been immensely flattered at first by the conquest of this man, whom everybody said was going to be famous, great, distinguished . . . and now . . . the wedding day was coming awfully near. And how on earth was it possible for a girl to tell a man with Owen's dreadfully grim, sarcastic mouth, and those terrible blue eyes that sometimes looked through and through you that she liked his brother best? Poor, .dear, beautiful, devoted David! so honourable, so shocked at the discovery that his passion was reciprocated, so very romantically in love. Only the day previously, calling in at Pont Street at an hour unusual for him, Owen had found them together, Mildred and David, who, having been unex- pectedly relieved of duty by an accommodating brother-officer, had, as he rather laboriously explained, run up from Spurham- bury for the day. It was an awfully near thing, the guilty ones agreed afterwards, but Owen had suspected nothing. These swell scientific men were* of ten a little bit slow in the uptake. . . . But to-day to-day their dupe saw clearly. He recalled the Pont Street incident, and the flushed faces of the couple. He saw once more the silver-framed photograph in the girl's hand, he felt the mute disparagement of her glance, and was con- scious of the relief with which it left him to settle on the portrait again. Ah, how unsuspicious he had been whom they were duping! Doubtless Mildred would not have had the courage to own the truth, doubtless she would have married him but for the scandal of the Trial. He wrenched his knitted hands together until the joints cracked. She would have married him, and forgotten David. He, the man of will, and power, and patience would have possessed her, stamped himself like a seal upon her heart and mind, given her other interests, other hopes, other desires, children, and happiness. 98 ONE BRAVER THING But for the Trial the little germinating seed of treachery would never have grown up and borne fruit. Had it been treachery, after all? Far, far too grand the word. Who would expect a modern woman to practise the obsolete virtue of Fidelity? Fool, do you expect your minia- ture French bulldog or your toy-terrier to dive in and swim out to you, and hold your drowning carcass up, should you happen to become cramped while "bathing in the sea"? The little, feeble, pretty, feather-brained thing, what can it do but whimper on the shore while you are sinking, perhaps be con- soled upon a friendly stranger's lap while your last bubbles are taking upward flight, and your knees are drawing inwards in the final contraction? Happy for the little creature if the kindly stranger carry it away! Poor, pretty, foolish Mildred, whose gentle predilections were as threads of gossamer compared with the cable-ropes of stronger women's passions! She had nestled into the strong protecting arm, and dried her tears for the old master on the sleeve of the new one, whimpering a little, gently, just like the toy-terrier bitch or the miniature bull. And yet he had once seen, a creature tinier and feebler than either of these, a mere handful of yellow floss-silk curls, defend its insensible master with frenzy, as the sick man lay in the deadly stupor of cerebral congestion, from those who sought to aid. Valet and nurse and doctor were held at bay until that snapping, foaming, raging speck of love and devotion and fidelity had been whelmed in a travelling-rug, and borne away to a distant room, from-whence its shrill, defiant, implor- ing barks and yelps could be heard night and day until, its owner being at last conscious and out of danger, the tiny crea- ture was set free. Ergo, there are small things and small things. Beside that epic creature Mildred dwindled inconceivably. And David . . . David, who had shaken his handsome head sorrowfully over his brother's ruined career, who had been horribly sick at the scandal, shudderingly alive to the disgrace, sorrowfully, regretfully compelled to admit that the evidence of guilt was overwhelming ... he did not trust himself to think of David overmuch. That way of thought led to Cain's portion in the very pit of Hell. For six months subsequently to the finding of the Jury in the well-known criminal case, The Crown vs-. Saxham, David had married Mildred. If she had been innocent of actual treachery, here was the smooth, ONE BRAVER THING 99 brotherly betrayer, unmasked and loathly in the sight of the betrayed. How quietly the storm-clouds had piled up on his bright horizon at the close of his second year of active, brilliant, successful work! The first lightning-flash, the first faint mutter of thunder, had passed almost unnoticed. Then the tempest broke, and the building wrought by a strong man's labours, and toils, and hopes, and joys, and dolours had been lifted, and torn, and rent, and scattered as a hill bothy of poles and straw-bundles or a moorland shelter of heather and bushes is scattered by the fury of a northern mountain-blast. His practice had become a large and, despite the many claims of Lazarus at the gates, a lucrative one by the com- mencement of his third year of residence in Chilworth Street. It was the end of April. He was to be married to Mildred in June. That move to Harley Street had been decided upon, the house taken and beautified. Though his love for her was not demonstrative or hysterical, it was deep, and tender, and strong, and hopeful, and Life to this man had seemed very sweet five years ago. He was successful professionally and socially. He had been chosen to assist a surgeon of great eminence in the removal of the appendix of a semi-Royalty. He had written, and publishers had published, a remarkable work. " The Diseases of Civilization " had been greeted by the scientific reviewers with a chorus of praise, passed through four or five editions had been translated into several Euro- pean languages ; and his " Text-Book of Clinical Surgery " had been recommended to advanced students by the leading profes- sors of the Medical Schools when the horrible thing befell. XIV IT was in '94, when even the electro-motor was not in general use, and the petrol-driven machine was slowly convincing Paris and New York of its magnificent possibilities. Saxham used a smart, well-horsed, hired brougham for day-visits, and for night work a motor-tricycle. There were no stables to the house in Chilworth Street. He left the motor-tricycle at the place where he had bought it second-hand. The machine was cleaned and kept in order, and brought to his door by one of the employes at a certain hour, for a fixed weekly sum paid to the proprietor of the establishment, Bough by name, an Eng- ioo ONE BRAVER THING lishman born in the Transvaal, who had quite recently, or so he said, emigrated from South Africa, and set up in London as a cycle-seller and repairer, though there were not many cycles at the shop. Heavy packing-cases and crates were always be- ing delivered there, and always being despatched from thence, via Cape Town and Port Elizabeth and Delagoa Bay to the Transvaal, Bough being agent, or so he said, for several South African firms engaged in the transport of agricultural machines. Bough had a wife, a large-eyed, delicate-looking, pretty woman, who seemed afraid of the big, muscular, tanned fellow of thirty- five or so, with the odd light eyes, and the smooth manner, and the ready smile, and the deft, expert, supple, cruel-looking hands. He had seen life, had Bough, at the gold-fields and at the diamond-mines, and as a trooper through the Zulu and Matabele campaigns, and he was ready to talk about what he had seen. Still there were reservations about Bough, and mysteries. The Doctor suspected him of being brutal to his wife, and would not have been surprised any morning upon receiving the news of the man's arrest as one of a gang of forgers, or coiners, or burglars. But he lived and let live, and whatever else the big Afrikander may have been, he was an excellent workman at his trade. One evening Bough rode round on the motor-tricycle himself, and mentioned casually that his wife was ailing. The Doctor, in the act of mounting the machine, put a brief question or two, registered the replies in the automatic submemory he kept for business, and told the man to send her round at ten o'clock upon the following morning. She came, punctual to the hour, and was shown into Owen's consulting-room a little woman with beautiful, melancholy eyes and a pretty figure. Illiterate, common, affected, and vain to a degree, hideously misusing the English language in that low, dulcet voice of hers, ludicrously fantastic in her use and application of the debatable aspirate to words in the spell- ing of which it has no part. Absurd and somehow tragic too. Quite tragic by the time she had made plain her errand. He heard her tell the tale that was not new to him. Cul- tured, highly-bred women had made such appeals to him before, and without shame. How should this little vulgar creature be expected to have more conscience than they? They beat about the bush longer, they put the thing more prettily. They spoke of their frail physical health and theif husband's great anxiety, and quoted the long-ago expressed ONE BRAVER THING 101 opinion of ancient family physicians, who possibly turned in their decent graves uneasily. But the gist of the whole was f that they did not want children, and Dr. Saxham had such a great and justly-earned reputation in skilful and delicate opera- tions . . . and, in short, would he not be compliant and oblige? They would pay anything. Money was positively no object. How many such tempting sirens sing in the ears of young, rising professional men, who are hampered by honourable debts which threaten to impede and drag them down; who are possessed of high ideals and moral scruples, which, not being essentially, fundamentally embedded and ingrained in the con- science of the man, may possibly be argued away; who have not cherished in their souls and hearts the high reverence for womanhood and the deep tenderness for helpless infancy that distinguished Owen Saxham! He heard this woman out, as he had heard all the others. He began as he had begun with every one of them the deli- cate, titled aristocrats, the ambitious Society beauties, the popular actresses, the women who envied these and read about them in the illustrated interviews published in the fashion papers, and sighed to be interviewed also to not one of these had he weighed out one drachm less of the bitter salutary medicine that he now administered to Mrs. Bough. He invariably began with the personal peril and the in- evitable risk. Strange how they ignored it, blinded themselves to it, thrust it, the grinning, threatening Death's-head, on one side. Of course, he talked like that! It was most candid of him, and most conscientious. But if they were willing to take the risk and antiseptic surgery had made such huge strides in these days that the risk was a mere nothing. . . . Besides, there was not really need for anything like an opera- tion, was there? He could prescribe the kind of dose that ought to be taken, and everything would then be all right. He would open that grim mouth of his yet again, and speak even more to the purpose. To these mothers w r ho did not \vish to be mothers, who threw the gift of Heaven back in the face of Heaven, preferring artificial barrenness to natural fecundity, and who made of their bodies, that should have brought forth healthy, wholesome sons and daughters of their race, tombs and sepulchres to these he told the truth, in swift, sharp, trenchant sentences, that, like the keen sterilized blade of the surgical knife, cut to heal. When they argued with him, saying that the thing was done, that everybody knew it was 102 ONE BRAVER THING done, and that it always would be done, by other men as brilliant as, and less scrupulous than, the homilist, he admitted the force of their arguments. Let other men of his great call- ing pile up and amass wealth, if they chose, by tampering with the unclean thing. Owen Saxham would none of it. At this juncture the woman would have hysterics of the weeping or the scolding kind, or would be convinced of the righteousness of the forlorn cause he championed, or would pretend the hysterics and the convictions. Generally she pretended to the latter, and swam or stumbled out, pulling down her veil to mask the rage and hatred in her haggard eyes, and went to that other man. Then, after a brief absence accounted for as a " rest cure," she would shine forth again upon her world, smil- ing, triumphant, prettier than ever, since she had begun to make up a little more. Or, as a woman who had passed through the Valley of the Shadow, with only her own rod and staff of vanity and pride to comfort her, she would emerge from that seclusion a nervous wreck, and take to pegging or chloral or spiritualism. Most rarely she would not emerge at all, and then her women friends would send wreaths for the coffin and carriages to the funeral, and would whisper mysteriously together in their boudoirs, and look askance upon the doctor who had attended her. For of course he had bungled shockingly, or everything would have gone off as right as rain for that poor dear thing! Little Mrs. Bough was of the type of woman that pre- tended to be convinced. She had cried bitterly in the begin- ning, as she confessed to him that she was not really married to Bough, and that the said Bough, whom Saxham had always suspected of being a scoundrel, would certainly go off with " one of them other women and leave her if she went and 'ad a byby." She cried even more bitterly afterwards, as she wondered how she ever could 'a dreamed o' being that wicked ! Bough might kill her that he might! or go back to South Africa without her; she never would give in, not now. Never now the Doctor might depend upon that, she assured him, drying her swollen eyes with a cheap lace-edged handkerchief loaded with patchouli. She was shaken and nervous, and in need of a sedative, and Saxham, having the drugs at hand, made her up a simple draught, omitting to make a memorandum of the prescription in his pocket-book, and gave her the first dose of it before she went away, profuse in thanks, and carrying the bottle. ONE BRAVER THING 103 And he saw his waiting patients, and stepped into his wait- ing brougham, and, having for once no urgent call upon his professional attention, dined with Mildred at Pont Street, and was coaxed into promising to take her to the first performance of a new play which was to be produced three nights later at a fashionable West End theatre. Mildred had set her heart upon being seen in a box at this particular function, and Sax- ham had had some trouble to gratify her wish. He remembered with startling clearness every remote detail of that night at the theatre. Mildred had looked exquisitely fair and girlish in her white dress, with a necklace of pearls he had given her, rising and falling on the lovely virginal bosom, w T here the lover's eyes dwelt and lingered in the masterful hunger of his heart. Soon, soon, that hunger of his for pos- session would be gratified! It was May, and at the end of July, when work was growing slack, they would be married. They were going North for the honeymoon. A wealthy and grateful patient of Saxham's had placed at his disposal a grey, historic Scotch turret-mansion, standing upon mossy lawns, with woods of larch and birch and ancient Spanish chestnuts all about it, looking over the silver Tweed. In the heat and hurry of his daily round of work, Saxham, who had spent an autumn holiday at this place, would find himself dreaming about it. The smell of the heather would spice the air that was no longer hot and sickly with the foetor of the city, and the hum of the drowsy black bees, and the cooing of the wood-pigeons would replace the din of the London traffic, and Mildred's eyes would be looking into his, and her cool, fragrant lips would be all his at last, and her arms would be about his neck, and all those secret aspirations and yearnings and dreams of wedded joy would be realized at last. He grinned to himself sitting there in the hot darkness of the South African night, the great white stars and the vast purple dome they throbbed in shut out of sight by the miserable little gaily-papered ceiling with its cornice of gilt wood, re- membering that everything had ended that night. Thenceforth no more hopes, no dreams, for the man whom Fate and Destiny* hitherto propitious and obliging, had conspired to lash with scourges, and drive with goads, and hound with despairs and horrors to the sheer brink where Madness waits to hurl the desperate over upon the jagged rocks below. He supped with them at Pont Street. Mildred came down to say good-night at the door._ 104 ONE BRAVER THING " Have you been happy?" he had asked, framing the sweet .young face in tender hands, and looking in the grey-blue gentle eyes. " You have been so very dear and kind to-night," she had answered, " how could I have helped being happy? And He " she meant the Semitic actor-manager, whom she romantically adored; whose thick, flabby features and pale gooseberry orbs, thickly outlined in blue pencil, eye-browed with brown grease- paint; whose long, shapeless body, eloquent, expressive hands, and legs that were very good as legs go, taking them separately, but did not match, had been that night, his admirers declared, moved and possessed by the very spirit of Shakespearean Tragedy " He was so great ! Don't you agree with me marvellously great ? " Saxham had laughed and kissed the enthusiast. It had ap- peared to him a dreary performance enough, or it would have, had it not been for Mildred and the dear glamour with which her presence had invested the great gilded theatre, with its rows of bored, familiar, notable faces in the stalls, representing Society, Art, Literature, Music, and Finance, its pit and gallery crowded with organized bodies of blackmailers, one party bound to boo where the other applauded, riot and disorder the inevitable result, unless both had been sweetened, by the tactful pre-administration of cheques of corresponding value, to dis- play a unanimity of approval, upon which the dramatic press critics would rapturously descant in the newspapers next morn- ing. XV SAXHAM said his lingering sweet good-night, and shut Mildred into the warm, lighted hall, and ran down the steps, and hailed a passing hansom, and was driven back to Chilworth Street. It had rained, and the heat, excessive for May, had abated, and the wise, experienced stars looked down between drifting veils of greyish vapour upon the little human lives passing below. As he jumped down at his door and paid his cabman, his quick eye noticed a bicycle leaning against the area-railings. One of his poorer patients was waiting for the Doctor. Or a messenger had been sent to summon him. He let himself into the lighted hall, whistling the pretty plaintive melody of Ophelia's song. ONE BRAVER THING 105 A woman sat on the oak bench under the electric globe, her little huddled-up figure making rather a sordid blotch of drab against the strong, rich background of the wall, coloured Pompeian red, and hung with fine old prints in black frames. Her tawdry hat lay beside her, her haggard eyes were set, star- ing at the opposite wall; her lower jaw hung lax; the saliva dribbled from the corner of her underlip; her yellow, rigid hands gripped the edge of the bench. It was the woman who passed as the wife of the man Bough. And in instant, vivid, wrathful realization of the desperate reason of her being there, Saxham cried out so loudly that the servant who had let her in and was waiting up for his master in the basement heard the- words: "Are you mad? What do you mean by coming here? I have told you that I will have nothing to do with you and your affairs. . . ." The voice that issued from her blue lips might have been a scream, judging by the wrung anguish of the awful face she turned upon him; but it was no more than a dry, clicking whisper that even he could barely hear: " Don't be 'ard on a woman ... in trouble, Doctor." " Hard on you. . . . On the contrary, I have been too considerate," he said, steeling his heart against pity. " You must go home to your husband, Mrs. Bough, or apply elsewhere for medical advice. I have none to give you." His square face was very stern as he took the cab-whistle- from the hall-salver, that was packed with cards and notes, and letters that had come by the last post, and a telegram or two. She moaned as he laid his hand on the knob of the hall- door. " It wasn't my doings, Doctor. ... Hi told Bough what you said. Hi did, faithful . . . an' 'e swore if you wasn't the man to do wot 'e wanted, Vd be damned but 'e'd find a woman as would. And she come next night a little, shabby, white-faced, rat-nosed old thing, shiverin' an' shakin'. Five pounds she 'ad of Bough, shakin' an' shiverin'. An' he wasn't to send no more to the address he knew, because she wouldn't be there. Always move out . . . she says, after a fresh job! Oh, my Gawd ! An' Bough, he ordered me, an' Hi 'ad to give in. An' to-night Hi reckoned Hi was dyin' an' e' said Hi best arsk you, 'e was about fed up with women an' their bloom- ing sicknesses. So Hi hiked 'ere because Hi couldn't walk. An' now! . . ." She groaned: "Hi ham dyin', aren't Hi?" io6 ONE BRAVER THING Even to an observation less skilled than that of the expert medical practitioner the signs of swift and speedy dissolution were written on the insignificant, once pretty, little face. Dying, the miserable little creature had ridden to Chilworth Street, hastening her own inevitable end by the stupendous act of folly, and ensuring his. That certainty had pierced him, even as the first horrible convulsion seized her and wrenched her sideways off the bench. He caught her, and shouted for his man, and they carried her into the consulting-room, and laid her on a sofa, and he did what might be done, knowing that his mercy on her involved swift and pitiless retribution upon himself. Mrs. Bough died three hours later, as the grey dawn straggled through the blinds, and the men with the district ambulance waited at the door, and Dr. Owen Saxham went about his work that day with a strange sensation of expecting some heavy blow that was about to fall. It fell upon the day following the Coroner's Inquest. He was sitting down to breakfast when a Superintendent of Police arrested him upon a warrant from Scotland Yard. His servant, very pale, had announced that the Superin- tendent wished to see the Doctor. The Superintendent was in the room, courteously saluting Saxham, before the man had fairly got out the words. " Good-morning, sir. A pleasant day." " Unlike the business that brings you here, I think, Mr. Superintendent," said Saxham, with his square jaw set. His man spilt the coffee and hot milk over the cloth in trying to fill his master's cup. " You are nervous, Tait. You had better go downstairs, I think, unless " Saxham looked in- terrogatively at the burly, officially-clad figure of the Law. " No, sir, thank you. We do not at present require your man, but it is my duty to tell him that he had better not be out of the way, in case his testimony is wanted." "You hear?" said Saxham; and as white-faced Tait fled, trembling, to the lower regions: "Of course, you are here," he went on, pouring out the coffee himself with a firm hand, and looking steadily at the Superintendent, " with regard to the case of Mrs. Bough? I have expected that a magistrate's inquiry would follow the Inquest. It seemed only nat- ural " The Superintendent interrupted, holding up a large hand. " It is my duty to tell you, Dr. Saxham, that everything you say will be taken down and used against you in evidence." ONE BRAVER THING 107 " Naturally," said Saxham, putting sugar in his coffee. The sugar was used against him. It amused him now to remember that. The Superintendent had never seen a gentleman more cool, he told the magistrate. " You see, sir, this case has been fully considered by the authorities, and it has an ugly look; and it has therefore been decided to charge you with causing the death of the woman Bough by an illegal act, performed here, in your consulting- room, on May the twentieth, when she visited you. . ." " For the first time," put in Saxham quietly. " That may be or may not be," said the Superintendent. " You were often at her husband's place of business, you know, and may have seen her or not seen her." " As she used to be in Bough's shop, it is possible that a great many of the man's customers besides myself did see her," Owen went on, eating his breakfast. " One of my men out there in the hall. I've noticed you looking towards the door " began the Superintendent. " Wondering what the shuffling and breathing at the key- hole meant?" said Saxham quietly. "Thank you for ex- plaining." " One of my men will fetch a cab when you have finished breakfast, and then, sir," said the Superintendent, " I am afraid I must trouble you to come with me to Paddington Police Station." " Very well," said Saxham, frowning, " unless you object to using my brougham, which will be at the door " he looked at his silver table-clock, a present from a grateful patient " in ten minutes' time." " I don't at all object, sir," agreed the obliging Superin- tendent; "and the men can follow in the cab. Any objec- tion?" Saxham had winced and flushed scarlet to the hair. " For God's sake, don't make a procession of it. Let things be kept as quiet as possible for the sake of my family and my friends." He thought with agony of Mildred. They were to be married in June, unless The Superintendent coughed behind his glove. "The question of bail will rest with the magistrate, of course," he said. " But I should expect that it would be admitted, upon responsible persons entering into the customary recogniz- ances." Saxham rose. He had drunk the coffee, but he could not io8 ONE BRAVER THING eat. " Like all the rest of them, in spite of his show of cool- ness," thought the Superintendent. " I will ask you for time to telephone to some friends who will, I have no doubt, be willing to give the required under- taking, and arrange for a colleague to visit my patients. You will take a glass of wine while I step into the next room? The telephone is there, on the writing-table." " And a loaded revolver in the drawer underneath, and poisons of all kinds handy on the shelves of a neat little cab- inet," thought the Superintendent. But he said: "With pleasure, sir, only I must trouble you to put up with my company." A tingling thrill of revulsion ran through Saxham. He set his teeth, and conquered the furious, momentary impulse to knock down this big, burly, smooth-spoken blue-uniformed official. " Ah, very well. The usual procedure in cases of this kind. Please come this way. But take a glass of wine first. There are glasses on the sideboard there, and claret and port in those decanters." " To your very good health, Dr. Saxham, sir, and a speedy and favourable ending to the present difficulty." The Superintendent emptied a bumper neatly, and with discreet relish, and followed Saxham into the consulting-room, and once more, at the sound of the measured footfall padding be- hind him over the thick carpet, the suspect's blood surged madly to his temples, and his hands clenched until the nails drove deep into the palms. For from that moment began the long, slow torture of watching and following, and dogging by the suspicious, vigilant, observing Man In Blue. A Treasury Prosecution succeeded the Police-Court Inquiry, and the accused was formally arrested upon the criminal charge, and committed to Holloway pending the Trial. The Trial took place before Mr. Justice Bodmin in the following July, occupying five red-hot dog-days in the thrashing out of that vexed question, the guilt or innocence of Owen Saxham, M.D., F.R.C.S. Who for airless, stifling years of weeks had eaten and drunk and slept and waked in the Valley of the Shadow of Penal Servitude. Who was conveyed from the dock to the cell and from the cell to the dock by wardens and policemen, rumbling through back streets and unfrequented ways in a prison-van. Who came at last to look upon the Owen Sax- ham of this hideous prison nightmare, the man of whom the ONE BRAVER THING 109 Counsel for the Crown reared up, day by day, a monstrously- distorted figure, as quite a different person from the other innocent man whom the defending advocate described in flow- ery, pathetic sentences as a martyr and the victim of an un- heard-of combination of adverse circumstances. Things went badly. The case against the prisoner looked extremely black. That monstrous figure of Owen Saxham, based upon an ingenious hypothesis of guilt, and plastered over with a marvellous mixture of truths and falsities, facts and conjectures, grew uglier and more sinister every day. The principal witness, the bereaved husband of the hapless victim, dressed in deep mourning and neatly handled by Coun- sel, evoked a display of handkerchiefs upon his every appear- ance in the w T itness-box, from the smart Society women seated near the Bench. Many of them had been Saxham's patients. Several had made love to him, nearly all of them had made much of him, and quite an appreciable number of them had asked him to be accommodating, and render them immune against the menace of Maternity. These had received a curt refusal, accompanied with wholesome advice, for which they revenged themselves now, in graceful womanly fashion, by be- ing quite sure the wretched man was guilty. More than pos- sible, w r as it not? they whispered behind their palm-leaf fans: it was hot weather, and the vendors of these made little for- tunes, hawking them outside. Was it not more than possible that he had been the dead woman's lover ? The Crown Coun- sel improved on this idea. Wretched little Mrs. Bough, of in- finitesimal account in Life, had become through Death a per- son of importance. Much was made out of the fact that she had gone to Chilworth Street some days previously to her de- plorable ending, and remained closeted with Dr. Saxham for some time. He had supplied her with a bottle of medicine upon her leaving medicine of which no memorandum was to be found in his notes for the day. She had taken the first dose then and there. According to the testimony of the Ac- cused, the bottle had contained a harmless bromide sedative. Upon the oath of the Public Analyst, the same bottle, handed by the husband of the deceased woman to the Police upon the night of her death, and now produced in Court with two or three doses of dark liquid remaining in it, contained a powerful solution of ergotoxine a much less innocent drug. Who should presume to doubt its administration by the Prisoner, when the label bore directions in his own characteristic hand- I io ONE BRAVER THING writing? Who should dare to affirm his innocence, seeing that to him his victim had hastened, almost in the act of death, begging him, with her expiring breath, " not to be hard on a woman," who had ignorantly trusted him, Gentlemen of the Jury! only to find, too late, the deceptive nature of his spe- cious promises? A whip, cried the Bard of Avon, England's glorious immortal Shakespeare, should be placed in every hon- est hand to lash such scoundrels naked through the world! Let that whip, in the honest hands of twelve good Britons, be the verdict of guilt! The Counsel for the Crown, red-hot and perspiring, sat down mopping his streaming face, for it was now mid-June, with the white handkerchief of a blameless life. Irrepressible applause followed, round upon round thudding against the dingy yellow-white walls, beating against the dirty barred skylight of the stifling, close-packed Court. Then the Judge interposed, and the clapping of hands and thumping of stick and sunshade ferrules upon the dirty floor died down, and the Counsel for the Defence got up to plead for his man, who, by the way, he firmly believed to be guilty. That remembrance made the Dop Doctor merry again, this scorching night in Gueldersdorp, five years later. But it was ugly mirth, especially when he recalled his agony of sympathy upon hearing, through her mother, that Mildred was ill in bed. Christ! how he hated the simpering, whispering, sneering, gig- gling women in Court when he pictured her, his innocent darling, his sweet girl, suffering for love of him and sorrow for him. David, detained by onerous duties at Regimental Headquarters throughout the whole of the Case, wrote chilly but fraternally expressed letters on blue official paper. Of his mother, oi his father, he dared not think. Innocent as he was, the shame of his position, the obloquy of the Trial, must be a branding shame to them for ever. It had killed them, the Dop Doctor remembered, within a few years of each other the hale old Squire and Madam, his Welsh wife, feared by the South Dorset village folks for her caustic tongue, beloved for her generous heart, her liberal nature. It was Mildred who he had believed would die if the Verdict went against him Mildred, who had consoled herself so quickly and so well Mildred, whom he had held a spotless lily of Paradise, a young saint in purity and singleness of heart, in comparison with those other women. Bah! what a besotted idiot he had been! She was as they were. The nodding of their towering hats was before his ONE BRAVER THING in eyes; the subdued titter that accompanied their whispered com- ments was in his ears, the lavender, white rose, and violet essences with which they perfumed their baths and sprinkled their clothes were in his nostrils; suffocatingly, as his Counsel went on pleading. The intention of his trenchant cross-ques- tioning of Bough, who had lied from the beginning, like a true son of the Devil, his father, showed plainly now. Little by little the evidence accumulated. Here, free and unsuspected and doing his best, to send another man to Penal Servitude, was the man who had all to gain by fixing the guilt upon the Accused. He had sent the woman, his mistress, to -the prisoner; he had resented the prisoner's re- fusal to commit or to abet a dangerous and illegal operation. He had compelled his private victim to submit herself to the hands of a wretch wlio lived by such deeds. Possibly he had sickened of his poor toy he had told her as much. Possibly he had determined, by a bold and daring stroke, to free himself of a wearisome burden, and let another man pay the penalty for his own crime. The substitution of the lethal drug found in the bottle for the harmless bromide-mixture given to Mrs. Bough by Dr. Saxham would naturally suggest itself to such a wretch, whose calculating cleverness had been crowned with success by the culminating master-stroke, admirable in its simplicity, damnable in its fiendish cunning, of sending the un- happy woman whose deliberate murder he had really planned and carried out, to die upon the threshold of the innocent vic- tim of this diabolical plot. Let those who heard hesitate before they played into the hands of a villain by condemning the blame- less to suffer. Let them look at the young man before them, whose hard work had won him, early in life, his brilliant posi- tion as one of the recognized pioneers of the new School of Surgery, as an admitted authority on Clinic Medicine, whose wedding-bells the handkerchiefs came out at this had rung to-morrow but for this harrowing and bitter stroke of adverse Destiny. Which would they have? Let the Jury decide for Christ or Barabbas! He spoke in all reverence, because the up- right, innocent, charitable, self-denying life of a diligent healer of men would bear the analogy of Christ-likeness beside that of the principal witness in this Case, the evil liver, the slanderer, the ex-thief and burglar, the English ticket-of-leave man who had emigrated to South Africa eighteen years previ- ously, had enlisted under a false name in the Cape Mounted Police,, had deserted, been traced to Kimberley, and there lost ii2 ONE BRAVER THING sight of, and who, under the name of Bough, had recently re- turned to England, giving himself out as an Afrikander, and setting up in business in London upon the accumulated savings of a career most probably in keeping with his abominable rec- ord. Wardens from Wormwood Scrubbs and Portland Prisons were there to swear to the identity of Abraham Brake, alias Lister, alias Bough, whose photographs, thumb-prints, and measurements an official from the Criminal Identification De- partment of Scotland Yard was prepared to place before the Court, for whose rearrest, as a ticket-of-leave man who had failed to keep in proper touch with the Police, an officer with a warrant waited. What, then, was to be the Verdict of the Jury? Was Dr. Owen Saxham innocent or guilty? If in- nocent, then, in the name of God, let him go forth from bond- age, to the unutterable relief of those who waited in anguish for the Verdict. His father, his mother, and the fair young girl the Court was drowned in tears at this last touching reference, even his Lordship the Judge being observed to re- move and wipe eyeglasses that were gemmy with emotion, as Counsel dwelt upon the touching picture of the sorrowing bride-elect, whose orange-blossoms had been blighted by the breath of this hideous, this unbearable, this most unfounded charge. . . . XVI THE Judge summed up, with an evident bias in favour of the Accused. An old advocate in criminal causes, his Lordship had formed his own opinion of the principal witness for the Crown, though there was no evidence to prove the guilt of the astute Mr. Abraham Brake, alias Lister, alias Bough. The Jury retired, to return immediately. The Verdict " Not Guilty " was received with applause and cheers. Bough departed, to pay the prison penalty of not keeping in touch with the Police. . . . More cheers, strongly deprecated by the Judge. The Dop Doctor could hear that ironical clapping and braying five years off. It was over, over! He was free! Oh, the mockery of the word! His Counsel shook his hand warmly, and several old friends and colleagues pressed round him with hearty congratulations. Then a telegram was handed to him. " No bad news, I hope," said the Counsel, who had defended, ONE BRAVER THING 113 seeing his lips blanch. " You have had enough trouble to last for some time, I imagine ? " " It appears as if my measure was not quite full enough," said Owen quietly. " My father died suddenly last night, down at our place in South Dorset. The wire says, ' An attack of cerebral haemorrhage/ probably brought on by worry and distress of mind over this damned affair of mine." He ground his teeth together, and went on: " I must go to my mother without delay. How soon can I get away from here ? " It was oddly difficult to realize that all the doors were open, and that the following shadow of the Man In Blue would no longer dog his footsteps. It was strange to drive home in the brougham of a friend to Chilworth Street, and let himself into the dusty, neglected, close-smelling, shut-up house. All the servants were out; probably they had been making holiday through all the weeks that had preceded the Trial. His man returned as the master finished packing a portmanteau for that journey down to Dorsetshire. Saxham. left him to finish while he changed his clothes and scrawled a letter to Mildred. Noth- ing else but this death could have kept him from hurrying to the embrace of those dear arms. As it was, he half expected her to rush in upon him, stammering, weeping, clinging to him in her overwhelming relief and gladness. ... At every rumble and stoppage of wheels in the street, at every ring, he made sure that she was coming. But she did" not come, and he sent his man to Pont Street with his letter, and went down into Dorsetshire by special train from Waterloo, and found the dead man's dogcart waiting for him, with the old bay cob in harness, and the old coachman who had taught him to ride his pony waiting, with a yard of crape about his sleeve, and drove through the deep, ferny lanes to the old home standing in its mantle of midsummer leafage and blossom in the wide gardens whose myrtle and lavender hedges overhung the beach below. There was a little, old, bent, white-haired woman in a shabby black gown and white India shawl waiting for him on the threshold, and only by the indomitable, unquailing spirit that looked out of her bright black eyes did Owen Saxham recognize his mother. She called him her David's dearest son, and her own boy, and took both his hands, and drew his head down, and kissed him solemnly upon the forehead. " That is for your father, my dear," she said. " He never doubted you for one moment, Owen. And this is for myself. We have both believed in you implicitly throughout. We 114 ONE BRAVER THING would not even write and tell you so. It would have seemed, your father thought, like admitting, tacitly, that we doubted our son. But other people believed you guilty, and oh, Owen, I think it killed him!" " I know that it has killed him," Owen Saxham said simply. The early morning light showed to the mother's eyes the rav- ages wrought in her son's face by the mental anguish and the physical strain of those terrible weeks of May and June, and Mrs. Saxham, for the first time since the Squire's death, burst into a passion of weeping. Owen's eyes were dry, even when he stooped to kiss the high, broad forehead of the grand old grey head that lay upon the snowy, lavender-scented pillow in the cool, airy death-chamber, where the perfume of the climb- ing roses that flowered about the open casements came in drifts across the sharp, clean odour of disinfectant. Captain Saxham arrived late that night. His greeting of his brother was stiff and constrained; his grey eyes avoided Owen's blue ones; he did not refer to the events of the past six weeks. He had always had a habit of twisting and biting at one of the short, thick ends of his frizzy light brown moustache. Now he wrenched and gnawed at it incessantly, and his usually florid complexion had deteriorated to a muddy pallor. Black mufti did not suit the handsome martial figure, and there is no dwelling so wearisome as a house of mourning, when the servants move about on tiptoe, wearing faces of funer- eal solemnity, and the afternoon tea-tray is carried in in state, like the corpse of a domestic usage on its way to the cemetery, with the silver spirit-kettle bubbling behind it as chief mourner. But, as the elder son, there was plenty to occupy Captain Sax- ham. There was business to be transacted with the Squire's solicitor, with his bailiff, with one or two of the principal ten- ants. There were the arrangements to be made for the fu- neral, and for the extension of hospitality to relatives and friends who came from a distance to attend it, When it was over and the long string of County carriages had driven home to their respective coach-houses, Owen Saxham returned to town. " Give my dear love to Mildred. Tell her, if she grudged the first sight of you to me, she will forgive me when she has a son of her own," his mother said. " You talk as though she were my wife ! " he said, the bitter lines about his set mouth softening in a smile. " She would be but for what is past," said Mrs. Saxham. " She must be soon, for your sake. Your father would have ONE BRAVER THING 115 wished that there should be as little delay as possible. Marry quietly at once, and take her abroad. If she loves you, as I know she does, and must, she will not regret the wedding-gown from Paquin's and the six bridesmaids in Directoire hats." For that deferred wedding was to have been a gorgeous and impressive function at St. George's, Hanover Square, with a Bishop in lawn sleeves to pronounce the nuptial benediction, palms, spiraea, Eucharistic lilies, and white rambler roses every- where, while the celebrated " Non Angli sed Angeli " choir of boy-choristers had been specially engaged to render the an* them with proper fervour and give due effect to "The Voice that Breathed." Owen promised and went back to London. There were cards and envelopes upon the salver in the hall, but no letter from Mildred. That stabbed him to the heart. But it lay waiting upon the writing-table in his study the letter her letter. He snatched at it in desperate haste. He had been deeply, secretly, horribly wounded because she had not written to him before. . . . Not a line, O God! not a written line, in answer to that letter in which he told her of the acquittal, and of his father's death, and of his own anguish at having to answer the stern call of filial duty, and leave dear Love uncomforted by even one kiss after all these weeks of famine, and hurry away to lay that grand grey head in the vault that covered so many Saxhams. Not a line. But here was the letter, which his idiot of a servant, demoralized by the recent catas- trophe, had forgotten to send on. He tore the envelope open. Her letter bore the date of that day. She said she had written several times and torn them up ... it was so difficult to be just to him and true to her- self. ... It was a roundabout, involved, youthfully grandilo- quent epistle in which Mildred confessed that her love for Owen was dead, that nothing could ever resuscitate it, that she could not, could not, ever marry him, and that she had returned in an accompanying packet his ring, and presents, and letters, and would ever remain his friend (underlined) Mildred. In a rather wobbly postscript, she begged him not to write or to at- tempt to see her, because her decision was irrevocable. She spelt the word with only one r. Saxham read the letter three times deliberately. The walls of the castle he had built, and fondly believed to be a work of Cyclopean masonry, had come tumbling about his ears, and lo! ii6 ONE BRAVER THING the huge blocks were only bits of painted card, and the Lady of the Castle, his true love, was the false queen, after all. He folded up the letter and put it away in his pocket-book, and went over to the mantel-glass and looked steadily at the reflec- tion of his own square face, haggard and drawn and ghastly, with eyes of startling blue flaring out from under a scowling smudge of meeting black eyebrows. He laughed harshly, and a mocking devil looked out of those desperate eyes, and laughed back. He unlocked an oak-and-silver-mounted cellaret cabinet, and got out a decanter of brandy, and filled a tumbler, and ; drank the liquor off. It numbed the unbearable mental agony, 'though it had apparently no other effect. But probably he was drunk when he rang the bell and said to his man : " Tait, do you believe there is a God?" Tait's smooth, waxy countenance did not easily express sur- prise. He answered, as if the question had been quite in the commonplace, ordinary nature of his domestic duties: " Can't say I do, sir. I reckon the parsons are responsible for floating 'Im, and that they made a precious good thing out of bearin' stock in Heaven until the purchasers began to ask for delivery, and after that . . ." He chuckled dryly. " I've lived with one or two of 'em, and, if I may say so, sir I know the breed." " He knows . . . the breed . . ." repeated Saxham heavily. He asked another question, in the same thick, hesitating way, as he moved across the carpet to the oak-and-silver cabinet. " Tait, when things went damned badly with you, when that other man let you in for the bill you backed for him, and that girl you were to have married went off with someone else, what did you do to keep yourself from brooding? Because you must have done something, man, as you're alive today!" Tait looked at his master dubiously as he poured out more brandy, and went over and stood upon the hearthrug with his back to the empty fireplace, drinking it in gulps. " I did what you're doing now, sir: I took a sight of drink to keep the trouble down. And " He hesitated. " Go on," said Saxham, nodding over the tumbler. " You're not like other gentlemen in your ways, sir," said smooth Tait, " and that makes me 'esitate in saying it. But I took on a gay, agreeable young woman of the free-and-easy sort, and went in for a bit o' pleasure, and more drink along with it. One nail drives out another, you know, sir. And if the young lady have thrown you hover " ONE BRAVER THING 117 "Why, you damned, white-gilled, prying brute! you must have been reading my correspondence," said Saxham thickly, as he lifted the tumbler to his mouth. Tait grinned. He could venture to tell his master, drunk, what he would not have dared to tell him sober. " No need for that, sir. I've come and gone between this house and Pont Street too often not to know what was in the wind. Why, Captain Saxham was there with her often and often when you never suspected. . . ." The tumbler fell from Saxham's hand, and struck the fender, and smashed into a hundred glittering bits. " Go ! " said Tait's master, perfectly, suddenly, dangerously sober, and pointing to the door. The man delayed to finish his sentence. " While you were in Holloway, sir, and all through the Trial. . . ." The door, contrary to Tait's discreet, usual habit, had been left open. He vanished through it with harlequin-like agility as a terrible, white-faced black figure seemed to leap upon him. . . . " I've 'ad an escape for my life!" he said, having reached in a series of bounds the safer regions below stairs. " Of the Doctor ? . . . Go on with your rubbishing non- sense ! " said the cook. "What did you go and do to upset 'im, pore dear?" de- manded the housemaid, who was more imaginative, and cher- ished the buddings of a romantic passion for one who should be for ever nameless: " Her at Pont Street has wrote to give 'im the go-by that's what she've done," said pale-faced Tait, wiping his dewy brow. " And seeing the Doctor for the first time since I've been in his service a bit overtook with liquor, and more free and easy like than customary being a gentleman you or me would 'esitate to take a liberty with in the ordinary way o' things I thought I'd let 'im know about the Goings On." " Of them two . . ." interpolated the cook " Her and the Captain." " Shameless, I call 'em ! " exclaimed the incandescent house- maid as Tait signified assent. " 'Aven't they kep' it dark, though ! " wondered the cook. " They're what I call," stated Tait, who had not quite got over the desertion of the young woman he was to have married, u8 ONE BRAVER THING and who had gone off with somebody else, " a precious downy couple. And what I say is it's a Riddance ! " "How did 'e take it, pore dear?" gulped the housemaid. " Like he's took everything that is, up to the last moment," admitted Tait. " But this is about the last straw." The housemaid dissolved in tears. " He'll get another young lady," said the cook confidently. " And him so 'andsome an' so clever, and such heaps of carriage- swells for patients." Tait shook his prim, respectable head. " The swells '11 show their tongues to another man now, my gal, who 'asn't the dirt of the Old Bailey on his coatsleeve. Whistle for patients now, that's what the doctor may. Why, every one of 'em has paid their bills, and them that haven't have asked for their accounts to be sent in. And it's ' Lady So-and-so presents her compliments,' instead of ' Dear Dr. Saxham.' Dene for, he is, at least as far as the West End's concerned. . . . Mind, I don't set up to be infallible, but ex- perience justifies a certain amount of cocksureness, and what I say is Done for! Best he can do is sell the practice, and lease, and plate, and pictures, furniture, and so on, for what- ever he can get the movables would have provoked spirited biddin' at auction if the verdict had been Guilty, but, under the circumstances, they won't bring a twentieth part of their valoo and go Abroad." Tait's gesture was large and vague. " Foreign parts. Pore dear, it do seem cruel ! " sighed the cook. " And 'is young lady false to 'im, and all. I wonder he don't do away with hisself," sobbed the housemaid. " I do, reely! " " With all them wicked knives and deadly bottles handy," added the cook. "Not him!" said Tait. "I'm ready to lay any man the sporting odds against him committing sooicide. He's not the sort. Lord ! what was that ? " That was only the oversetting of a chair upstairs. XVII WHILE the servants talked in the kitchen the master had been sitting quietly in the darkening study. All without and within the man was eddying, swirling blackness. Heat beat and glowed upon his forehead, like the radiation from molten metal ; ONE BRAVER THING 119 there was a winnowing and fanning as of giant wings or leap- ing of furnace fires. The blood in his throbbing temples sang a dull, tuneless song. But presently he became aware of an- other kind of singing. It was a little hissing voice that came from the inside of the oak-and-silver liquor cabinet. And it sang a song that the man who sat near had never heard before. " Why think of the sharp lancet or the keen razor, why long for the swift dismissing pang of the fragrant acid, or the leap down upon the railway-track under the crushing, pulping iron wheels? " sang the little voice. " I can give you Forgetfulness. I can bring you Death. Not that death of the body which, for all you know, may mean a keener, more perfect capability to live and suffer on the part of the Soul, stripped from the earthly husk that has burdened and deadened it. The Death that is Death in Life. . . . Here am I, ready to be your minister. Drink deep, and die! " The man who heard lifted his white, wild, desperate face. The song came more clearly. " Wronged, outraged, betrayed of the God you blindly be- lieved in and the man and the woman who had your passionate love, your absolute faith, have your revenge upon the One as upon those two others. Degrade, cast down, deface, the image of your Maker in you. Hurl back every gift of His, prostitute and debase every faculty. Your Body, is it not your own, to do with as you choose ? Your Soul, is it not your helpless prisoner, while you keep it in its cage of clay? Revenge, revenge, through the body and the soul, upon Him who has mocked you ! Do you not hear Him laugh as you sit there desolate in the darkness poor, broken reed that thought itself an oak of might alone, while your brother kisses the sweet lips that were yours. David and Mildred are laughing too, at you. Hasten to efface every memory of the lying kisses she has given you upon the bosoms of the Daughters of Pleasure! Love, revel, drink! Drink, I say, and you will be able to laugh at the One and the two. . . ." The little hissing voice drove Saxham mad. He leaped up, frenzied, oversetting the chair. He tore open and threw wide the doors of the oak-and-silver cabinet, and sought in it with shaking hands. He found a bottle of champagne and the brandy-decanter, and a long tumbler, and knocked off the wired neck of the bottle against the chimneypiece, and crashed the foaming wine into the crystal, and filled up the glass with 120 ONE BRAVER THING brandy, and drank down the stinging, bubbling, hissing mixture, and laughed as he set the tumbler down. The thing inside the oak-and-silver cabinet laughed too. ***** The hall-door shut heavily as Tait and the women in the kitchen sat and listened. They had not spoken since the crash of the falling chair in the room overhead. The area-door was open to the hot, sickly night air of London in Summer. Tait slid noiselessly out and listened as his master hailed a passing hansom and jumped lightly in. The flaps banged together, the driver pulled open the roof-trap and leaned down to catch the shouted address. Tait's sharp ear caught it too, and the know- ing grin that decorated the features of the cabman was re- flected upon his decent smug countenance. His tongue was in .his cheek as he returned to the kitchen. For his master had given the direction of a house of ill-fame. Thus the door would have shut for ever upon the old, strenu- ous, honourable, cleanly, useful life of Owen Saxham, were it not that the For Ever of humanity means only a little space of years with God sometimes only a little space of hours. Saxham did not need the evidence of the shower of cheques from people who hated paying, the request from the Committee of his Club that he would resign membership, the averted faces of his ac- quaintances, the elaborate cordiality of his friends, to tell him what he knew already. As the astute Tait had said, as Society knew already, he was a ruined man. He had made money, but the enormous expenses of the Defence swallowed up thousands. By bringing an action against the Treasury he might have re- covered a portion of the costs so he was told, but he had had enough of Law. He resigned his post at the Hospital, in spite of a thinly-worded remonstrance from the Senior Physician. He dismissed his servants generously. He sold his lease and furniture and other property through a firm of auctioneers who robbed him, and sold what stocks he had not realized upon, and wrote a farewell letter to his mother, and sailed for South Africa. Thenceforward he was to build his nest with the birds of night, and rise from the stertorous sleep that is of drunken- ness only to drink himself drunk again. From assiduous letter-writing friends David heard reports of his brother that grieved him deeply. He told these things to Mildred, and they shook their heads over them and sighed together. Poor Owen! It was most fortunate for his family that the Jury had taken so lenient a view of the case . . . 121 otherwise . . . ! They were quite certain in their own minds that poor Owen had been culpable, if not guilty. They were married six months later. The Directoire hats were out of date, of course, but Louis Quinze, with Watteau trimmings, suited the six bridesmaids marvellously, and the " Non Angli sed Angeli " choir rendered the Anthem and the " Voice that Breathed " to perfection. And Mildred, who never omitted her nightly prayers, made a special petition for the reformation of poor misguided Owen upon her wedding-night. " Because we are so happy," she told David, who had found her kneeling, white and exquisitely virginal in her lace and cambric draperies by the bedside. " And he must be so miserable. And you know, though I never really cared for him, he was perfectly devoted to me." "Who could help it?" cooed enamoured David, and knelt and kissed his bride's white feet. The white feet bore no ugly stains, although to reach the bridal bed towards which he now drew her they had trodden recklessly upon a wounded, bleeding heart. XVIII THE Dop Doctor lifted his head as the bell of the front-door rang loudly at the back passage end. Two mounted officers of the Military Staff at Gueldersdorp had trotted up the street with an orderly behind them a moment before. The elder of the two had pulled sharply up in front of the green door whose brass-plate flamed with the last rays of sunset. He had dis- mounted lightly and gone up the steps and rung, saying some- thing to his companion. The other officer had saluted and ridden on, as though to carry out some order; the orderly had come up and got off his horse and taken the bridle of the officer's, as the Dutch dispensary attendant, Koets, had plodded heavily along the passage and opened the door, and now slouched heavily back, ushering in a presumable patient. " Light the lamp," said the Dop Doctor in Dutch to the fac- totum, as he rose up heavily out of his chair. " It will be dark directly." " There is no need of more light, I am obliged to you," said the stranger, cool, alert, brown of face as of dress: a thin man, distinct of speech, quiet of manner, and with singularly vivid eyes of light hazel. " In the actual dark I can see quite clearly. 122 ONE BRAVER THING A matter of training and habit, because I began life as a short- sighted lad. Do we need your assistant further ? " In indirect answer to the pointed question, the Dop Doctor turned to the Dutch dispensary assistant, and said curtly: "Gauit!" Koets went, not without a scowl at the visitor. " A sulky man and a surly master," thought the stranger, scanning with those observant eyes of his the gaunt figure in the shabby grey clothes. " Has seen trouble and lived hard," he added, mentally noting the haggard lines of the square face under the massive forehead, over which a plume of badly- brushed hair, black with threads of grey in it, fell awkwardly. " English and a University man, I should say. Those clothes were cut by a Bond Street tailor in the height of fash- ion five years back. And the man is in the second stage of recovery from a bout of drunkenness unless he drugs." But even while the visitor was taking these memoranda, he was saying in the customary tone of polite inquiry: " I have, I think, the pleasure of speaking to Dr. Williams? " " Sir, you have not. Dr. De Boursy- Williams has left for Cape Town with his family. You are speaking to his tem- porary substitute." The bloodshot blue eyes met his own in- differently. " Indeed ! Well, I do not grudge the family if, as I believe is the case, it chiefly ranks upon the distaff side. But the Doctor will miss a good deal of interesting practice. As to yourself, you will allow the inquiry. . . . Are you a surgeon as well as a medical practitioner? " " If I were not, I should not be here." " I will put my question differently. I trust you will not consider its repetition offensive. Have you an extensive ex- perience in dealing with gunshot wounds?" Saxham said roughly: " I have experience to a certain extent. I will go no farther than to say so. I am not undergoing examination as to my professional capabilities that I am aware of, and if you doubt them you are perfectly at liberty to seek medical advice elsewhere." " My good sir, I have been elsewhere, and the other doctor, when he learned the purport of my visit, relished it as little as your principal is likely to do. With the imminent prospect of a siege before us, we are making . . ." The speaker, slipping one hand behind him, moved a step backwards and nearer to ONE BRAVER THING 123 the street-door. " As I said, sir, with the imminent prospect of a siege before us, we are making a house-to-house requisi- tion. . . . Ah, I thought as much ! " The door-knob had been quietly turned, the door suddenly pulled open, bringing with it Koets, the Dutch dispensary at- tendant, whose large red ear had been glued to the outer key- hole. " Your Dutch factotum has been listening. Pick yourself off the mat, Jan, and take yourself out of earshot." The stranger whistled the beginning of a pleasant little tune, with a flavour of Savoy Opera about it. " Ik heb not the neem of Jan," snarled the detected Koets, re- tiring in disorder. The whistler left off in the middle of a deftly-executed em- bellishment to say: " Unfortunate; because I don't know the Dutch word for spy." The keen hazel eyes and the haggard blue ones met, and there was the faint semblance of a smile on the grim mouth of the Dop Doctor. Keeping the door open, the visitor went on: " I have some notes here entries copied from the railway freight-books. Three weeks ago twenty carboys of carbolic acid, with a considerable consignment of other antiseptics, surgical necessaries, drugs, and so forth were delivered to Dr. Williams' order at this address. Frankly, as the officer com- manding Her Majesty's troops on this border, I am here to make a sequestration of the things I have mentioned, with all other medical and surgical requisites stored upon the premises that are likely to be of use to us at the Hospital. In the name of the Imperial Government." The smile died out on the grim mouth. A sombre anger burned in the blue eyes of the haggard man in shabby grey., " Curse the Imperial Government ! " said the Dop Doctor. The stranger nodded in serious assent. " Certainly, curse it! It is your privilege and mine, shared in common with all other Britons, to damn our Government, as long as we remain loyal to our Queen and country." The other man shook with a sudden uncontrollable spasm of hate, rage, and loathing. He clenched his hand and shook it in the air as he cried : " You employ the stock phrases of your profession. They have long ceased to mean anything to me. I have been the victim and the sacrifice of British laws. I have been formally pardoned by the State for a crime I never committed. I have 124 ONE BRAVER THING been robbed, plundered, ruined, betrayed, by the monstrous thing that bears the name of British Justice. And as I loathe and hate it, so do I cast off and repudiate the name of English- man. You speak of the imminent prospect of a siege. What other causes have operated to bring it about but British greed, and the British lust, for paramountcy and suzerainty and posses- ,sion? Liberal, or Conservative, or Radical, or Unionist, the '(diplomats and lawyers and financiers who urge on your political machinery by bombast and bribes and catchwords and lying promises, are swayed by one motive governed by one desire lands and diamonds and gold. Wealth that is the property of other men, soil that has been fertilized by the sweat of a nation of agriculturists, whom Great Britain despised until she learned that gold lay under their orchards and cornfields." He broke into a jarring laugh. " And it is for these, the robbers and desperadoes, that the British Army is to do its duty, and for them that De Boursy- Williams is to help pay the piper. As for his property, which you are about to commandeer in the name of the British Imperial Government, I suppose I am legally responsible, being left here in charge. Well, be it so. ... I can only protest against what I am free to regard as an act of brigandage, reflecting small credit upon your Serv- ice, and leave you, sir, to discover the whereabouts of the car- boys for yourself ! " He waved his hand contemptuously, and swung towards the door. " A moment," said the other man, " in which to assure you that the fullest acknowledgments will be given in the case of the stores, and that their owner will be paid for them liberally and ungrudgingly. And, granting that much of what you have said is true, and that the leaven of self-seeking is to be found in every man's nature, and that greed is the predominating mo- tive with those men who, more than others, work for the build- ing-up of an Empire and the profitable union of Britain with her Colonies, don't you think that there may be something in the good old footballer's motto, ' Play the game, that your side may win ' ? " The Dop Doctor made a slight sound that might have been of indifferent assent or of contradiction. The other chose to take it as assent. " Take the present situation, purely as football. They have picked me as a forward player. And I mean to play the game ! " ONE BRAVER THING 125 The Dop Doctor might or might not have heard. His square, impassive face looked as if carved in stone. " To play the game, Doctor. Perhaps I have my bone or two to pick with several of the Institutions of my country. Possibly, but I mean to play the game. Fate has ridden me on a saddle-gall or two, and mixed too much chopped straw in proportion to the beans, but there's the game, and I'm going to play it for all I'm worth. As an old Uni- versity man, that way of looking at things ought to appeal to you." jStill no answer from the big, sullen, black-haired man in the shabby grey clothes. But his breathing was a little quickened, and a faint, smouldering glow of something not yet quenched in him showed in the haggard blue eyes. " It's a confoundedly handicapped game, too, on the defend- ing side. Doesn't that fact rather appeal to the sportsman in you, Doctor? " The other said slowly: " I gather that the struggle will be unequal. It was stated in my hearing yesterday afternoon that a considerable force of Boers were advancing on Gueldersdorp from the direction of Geitfontein, and, later, that another body of them were on the march along the river-valley from the south-west. I did not attempt to verify what I had heard from my own observation. I was otherwise engaged." The half-incredulous surprise that the other man could not keep out of his eyes stung him into adding: " Frankly, I did not care to trouble. It did not interest me." The Colonel said, with a dry chuckle: "No? But it will presently, though! And, seen through the glass even now, it's an instructive spectacle. Masses of Dutchmen, well-weaponed and thoroughly fed if insufficiently washed, gathering in all quarters marching to the assembly points, dismounting, unlimbering, going into laager. Ten thousand Boers, at a rough estimate, not counting the blacks they have armed against us. . . . And, behind our railway- sleepers and sand-bags, eight hundred fighting European units, twenty per cent, of them raw civilians; and seven thousand neutral Barala and Kaffirs and Zulus in the native Stad an element of danger lying dormant, waiting the spark that may hurry us all sky-high. ... By God, Doctor, the game's worth playing, except by cowards and curs ! " The smouldering glow in the Dop Doctor's eyes had been 126 ONE BRAVER THING formed into a fire. The visitor saw the flame leap, and went on: " There's a native proverb I wonder whether you know it? a kind of Zulu version of the regimental motto, Vestigia nulla retrorsum. It runs like this: '// we go forward, we die; if we go backward, we die. Better go forward and die' " He reached out a long, lean, brown right hand. " Come for- 'ward with us, Doctor. We can do with a man like you ! " The impassive face looked up. Saxham gripped the offered hand as a drowning man might have done. He cried out hoarsely : " You don't know the sort of man I am, Colonel. But everybody else in this cursed place knows, or should know. They call me the Dop Doctor. You understand what that nickname implies?" He held out his shaking hands. "Look at these! They would tell you the truth, even if I lied. What use can a man like me be to you, or men like you? I am a drunkard, sir, who has not gone to bed sober one night in the last five years ! " There was a pause before the Colonel answered, filled up in the odd way characteristic of the man by a softly-whistled repetition of the opening bars of the pleasant little tune. Then he said quietly and dryly: " There is another proverb, not Latin nor Zulu, but Eng- lish, which impresses on us that it is never too late to mend ! " He looked at a tarnished Waterbury watch, worn on a horse's lip-strap. " I am due to inspect the Hospital to-morrow at ten o'clock sharp. If you will meet me there punctually at the half-hour, I shall have the pleasure of introducing you to your Colleagues of the Medical Staff. And now, if you please, as I have just five minutes left to spare, we will have a look at those carboys of carbolic." :< They are in the old Chinese godown at the bottom of the garden," said Saxham. He felt in one of the baggy pockets of the shabby grey coat, pulled out a key, and offered it si- lently to the conqueror, who motioned it back. "Keep it, if you'll be so good. We'll send a waggon and a careful man or two round from the Army Service Store De- partment within an hour; for that stuff in your friend's car- boys is more precious than rubies to us just now a man's life In every teaspoonful. And if, as you tell me, there is some mercurial bichloride, Taggart and the Medical Staff will jump for joy. What we owe to Lister and those fellows! You'd ONE BRAVER THING 127 say so if you'd ever seen gangrene on War Hospital scale in Afghanistan, in 1880, even as recently as the Zululand Cam- paign of 1888. The Pathan and the Zulu are slim, and the Boer is even slimmer, but the wiliest customer of 'em all is the Microbe. No wonder Wellington's old campaigners used to slit the throats of badly-wounded soldiers, or that the ambulance men of Soult and Bonaparte w-ere merciful enough to knock on the head every poor beggar who had been bayonetted in the body. They knew there was not the atom of a chance. But to-day we know how to deal with the invisible enemy. Thanks to Aseptic Surgery, that younger daughter of Science and Genius, as some smart fellow puts it in the National Review." And the pleasant little tune was whistled through to its final grace-note as the two men went down the house-passage and crossed the garden. Verily, to some other men that have lived since Peter of the Nets has it been given to be fishers of their kind. This man said that night to an officer of the Staff: XIX " I LANDED twenty carboys of carbolic to-day, and a lot of other Hospital stores, by talking football to a man who knows the game, chiefly from the ball's point of view." " That counts to you, Colonel," called out Beauclair, the Chief's fair, boyish junior aide-de-camp, from the bottom of the table, " against the awful failure you were grousing about the other night." " Ah ! you mean when I tried to frighten some Sisters of Mercy into leaving the town by painting them a luridly-col- oured verbal picture of the perils of the present situation," said the Colonel. His keen hazel eyes twinkled, though his mouth was grave. " I ought to have remembered that you can't scare a religious, be he or she Roman Catholic, Buddhist, or Mohammedan, by pointing to the King of Terrors. He does to frighten lay-folk, but for the other Death's grisly skeleton- hand holds out the Keys of Heaven." "What will it hold for some of us others, I wonder?" said one of the dinner-guests, a moody-looking civilian, of Semitic features, whose evening clothes made a dull contrast with the mess-dress of the Staff officers gathered about their Chief's table in his quarters at Nixey's Hotel on the Market Square. 128 ONE BRAVER THING The host leaned forward to reply: " My dear Mr. Levison . . . special mention in Despatches Above, with honours and promotion for those of us who have been approved worthy. For others, who have tried and failed, a merciful overlooking of blunders, a generous ac- ceptance of the Intention where the Performance came short. And for the rest, as for all ... a grave on the yellow veld in the shadow of a rock or thorn-bush, with the turquoise sky of day overhead, shimmering in the white-hot sunshine; or an ocean of purple ether, ridden by what old Lucian called ' the golden galley of the regnant Moon.' That in South Africa; and at home in England, one's memory kept warm and living in, say, three hearts that recognize the best in one, and love it, another's heart, the heart of a friend and hers!" There was no insincerity of flattery in the hum of applaud- ing comment that ensued. All earnest original thought has beauty; and this man could not only think, but clothe his thoughts in direct and simple language, and add to it the charm of well-modulated and musical utterance. " I call that good enough," said the senior Staff Officer, a dark, handsome, eagle-faced Guardsman, who bore a great historic name, " for you or me or any other fellow alive we're not taking into account the living dead ones." The Chief leaned forward in his characteristic attitude, and spoke, a long, lean brown forefinger emphasizing the sentences, his quickened glance driving them home. " I tell you, Leigh- bury, that some of those, the rottenest corpses among 'em, will shed their grave-clothes, and rise up and do the deeds of liv- ing men before, to quote Levison, this month is out. Never take it for granted that a man is dead until the grass is grow- ing high over his bare bones, and don't make too sure even then! Because to-day I saw such dry bones move and it's an instructive if an uncanny sight." " Whose were the bones, Colonel ? " called out the hand- some young aide at the bottom of the table. The host, his thin, brown fingers busy at the clipped moustache, was listening to the Mayor of Gueldersdorp, who sat upon his right. He withdrew his attentive eyes from that stalwart sportsman's broad, ruddy face to glance smilingly at the fair, handsome face, and reply: "Whose? Well, up to the present they have belonged to the Dop Doctor." " That man ! " The Mayor, in the act of taking another ONE BRAVER THING 129 slice of the roast, looked round as at the mention of a name familiar, shrugging his portly shoulders. " Surely you know who the fellow is, Colonel? He drifted up here from Cape Colony three years ago. A capable confoundedly capable man, handicapped by a severe muscular strain," the Mayor's twinkling eye heralded the resurrection of an ancient jest "sustained in lifting a cask of whisky a glass at a time!" White teeth flashed in alert tanned faces. The school- boy laugh went round the table; then the Babel of talk went up again. Most of these men were quite young . . . their seniors barely middle-aged, not a man but was what they themselves would have termed both " fit " and " keen." They had wrought for many days in the erection of sand-bag de- fences, in the digging of trenches, in the drilling of Irregulars and Volunteers and the newly enrolled Town Guard. This was the pleasant social time of lull before the storm, and they were not to get many more good dinners or peaceful nights in bed for a long siege to come. They did not show out- wardly the tension of strung nerves that waited, as the whole world waited, for the echo of the first shot, rattling amongst the low hills to the east. Nor did it occur to them that there was anything heroic or noticeably dramatic in their quiet un- affected pose. Gathered together upon one little spot of border earth destined to be the vital, tragic, throbbing centre of great events and tremendous issues, actions glorious, and deeds scarce paralleled upon the page of History, let us look upon them, well-groomed, well-bred, easy-mannered, cheery, demolishing the good dishes furnished by the chef of Nixey's Hotel, with the hungry zest of schoolboys, exchanging fusilades of not very brilliant chaff. Scraps of scientific and technical conversation with refer- ence to telephonic and telegraphic installations between outly- ing forts and headquarters, electric communication with mines, automatic warming apparatuses, the most effective methods of constructing bomb-proof shelters, the comparative merits of Maxim and Nordenfeldt, crossed in the air like fragments of bursting projectiles, impelled by those admirable engines of destruction. Mingled with reminiscences of cricket, golf, tennis, polo, and motoring, then in its infancy, anecdotes new and old, and conjectures as to what the fellows at home were doing? Hurlingham and Ranelagh, Maidenhead and Henley, Eton and Oxford, Sandhurst and Aldershot, Piccadilly in the season, Simla in the heats, the results for the Jockey Club 130 ONE BRAVER THING Stakes and the Cesarewitch all of these they talked, with rhina and elephant shooting and the big battues of pheasants now taking place in the Home Midlands and up North. But though the watch-fires of their pickets burned upon the veld, and though the Boer lay in laager over the Border, of him they said not one word. That reticence upon the vital point was characteristically English. The Gaul would have wept, kneaded his manly bosom, and alluded to his mother ; the Muscovite would have wept also, referring to his Little Father, the Czar; the Teuton would have poured forth oceans of sentiment about the Fatherland; the Spaniard, like these, would have recognized himself as a warrior upon the verge of a Homeric struggle, and said so candidly; the hysterical Amer- ican would have sung "Hail, Columbia!" and waved pocket- handkerchief-sized replicas of the Star-Spangled Banner until too exhausted to agitate or vocalize. But to these men in- dulgence in sentiment was " bad form," and unrestrained patriotic utterances merely " gas." The Liberal, the Social- ist, and the pro-Boer of both denominations, classed by these men under the heading, Bounder, gassed, tainting the air with an odour as of election eggs or sulphuretted hydrogen. There- fore were many words to be avoided. A pose, if you will, an affectation, this studied avoidance of all appearance of enthusiasm or excitement, showing the weak spot in the armour of these heroes, henceforth to be of epic fame. But Man is essentially a weak being. It is only when the immortal spirit of him nerves the frame of perish- able muscle that he rises to heights that are sublime. Such a Promethean spark was in these men, that when the Wind of Death blew coldest and the lead and iron hail beat hardest, they only glowed more fiercely radiant; and Want and Priva- tion, instead of sapping the energies that dwelt in them, only seemed to make them more strong strong to endure, strong to foresee plots and avert perils and oppose wit to cunning, and strategy to deceit; so strong that, by reason of their strength, that little frontier town became a stronghold. And yet their names, other than those I have given them in this story, shall go ringing down the grooves of Time, until Time itself shall be no more. XX WHILE they ate and drank, laughed, and chatted, the man who was to be their comrade, sharer in all those perils and ONE BRAVER THING 131 privations yet to come, was tramping up and down the bare boards of the dingy bedchamber in Harris Street, wrestling desperately with his tragic thirst. " Why did he come and look at me, and take me by the hand, and revive my dulled capacity for the agony that has no name? Why not have left me alone in this living death I had attained ? " he cried. " When first I took to the in- fernal, blessed liquor, it was for the sake of relief from mental pain, torture unbearable. Then I was a man, only unhappy. Now I am lower than the lowest of the sensible, cleanly, decent brutes, because I frantically desire the drink for its own sake, and my senses find gratification in physical degradation. O God, if Thou indeed art, and I must perforce return to live the life of a man amongst men, help to burst the chains that fetter me ! Help me to be free ! " He swallowed a great draught of water, and stumbled to the unused bed, and threw himself across it, raging and pant- ing, and defiant of the very Power he invoked. And then, against Hope, sleep came to him, drowning Memory and obliterating Thought, and his fierce physical sufferings. The lines smoothed out of the heavy forehead, and the grim mouth relaxed in the smile that his dead mother had kissed, coming in with the shaded candle to look at her sleeping boy. Just as the Mayor of Gueldersdorp, that stalwart York- shireman, mighty hunter of elephant, rhino, giraffe, and lion in the reckless days of bloodshed that were before the introduc- tion of the Game Laws into South Africa, was saying to the Colonel : "Irreclaimable, sir. Hopeless! A confirmed drunkard, who has soaked away all self-respect, who has been cautioned and warned and fined scores of times, by myself and other magistrates. Dr. De Boursy-Williams, our leading practi- tioner here, has taken the fellow under his wing, in a manner 'bails him out when it is necessary, and, I believe, when the man is sober enough, gives him work in his dispensary and allows him to administer the anaesthetic when it's a question of a surgical operation. Wonder he trusts him for my part. Yet De Boursy-Williams is a remarkably successful operator, and hardly ever loses a case. It is unfortunate that he should have been called away to Cape Town at this juncture." " He has left Dr. Saxham as locum tenens, I understand." The Mayor shrugged his portly shoulders. " As to his qualifications, there's no doubt. Ranked 132 ONE BRAVER THING at one time as a London West End specialist. I have seen his name myself in a British Medical Directory of some years back as principal visiting surgeon to St. Stephen's and the Ludgate Hospital for Diseases of the Chest. Has written books scientific works that are quoted now. Must have been making money hand-over-hand when the collapse came. The usual thing one slip and a Police-court Inquiry follows, and down goes the unlucky wretch with the Crown on top of him, and all the Press pack yelping for soft snaps. True, the find- ing of the Jury was ' Not Guilty,' but the fact of there having been a Prosecution was enough to ruin Saxham professionally. 'Ah, I thought you must have heard the name." For the listener had moved suddenly. He did remember the name of the distinguished London practitioner who had been discreditably mixed up in the case of Mrs. Bough, the young, miserable, murdered creature, who might possibly have been the daughter of Richard Mildare. Tough and cool as his tried nerves were, he shuddered at the thought, and a sickly heat made the points of perspiration stand out upon his forehead. But the Mayor, good man, was prosing on: " I can't say the facts of the case are very clear in my recollection, but I have a file of the Daily Wire at home, ex- tending over six years back, so the Criminal Court proceedings must be reported in it. The woman's name, I do remember, was Bough. As regards her age, now you ask me " for the Colonel had put a quick question " I fancy she must have been twenty-two or three. Indeed, I am almost certain that was the age as stated by the Medical Witness in the Prosecu- tion. . . . However, I'll go into the reports and let you know for certain." "Thank you, Mr. Mayor. And, in case those files are jbombproof, possibly it would be better to take the family into The reports with you and stop until times improve." "Not bad, not half bad, Colonel. But to tell the truth, .1 wouldn't miss what we used to call the shindy, and those boys of yours term the ' scrap ' for a pile of Kruger sovereigns. And I can shoot better than most men, if I am in the sere and yellow sixties." The Mayor was slightly ruffled; the astute touch smoothed him down. " My money is on you, Mr. Mayor, when it comes to stopping a Boer with a rifle-bullet at four hundred yards. By the way, I have a little confidence to repose in you. When you meet as I am confident you will meet Dr. Sax- ONE BRAVER THING 133 ham at the Hospital or elsewhere, metaphorically clothed and in his right mind, and in the active discharge of duties which no man, judging by your own testimony, is better fitted to perform, let him down gently." The Mayor, conscious of civic dignity and magisterial warn- ings from the Bench ignored, swelled obviously. " My dear sir, you can't let the Dop Doctor down anyhow. He is just about as low as a man can get short of being underground." " Lend him a hand up in the first instance by forgetting that confounded nickname which I was clumsy enough to blurt out just now. Be oblivious of what he is, because of what he has been in the Past, and will be in the Future. For there is tremendous stuff in the fellow even now or I am a bad judge of men." " Colonel, you're a thundering bad judge of drunkards, from the Bench's point of view, but you'd be a damned good special pleader for a client in need of all the excuses that could be trumped up for him." " We all have something we'd like to have an excuse for, Mr. Mayor." The keen hawk-eyes held a twinkle in reserve. " There was a man I knew, a mighty hunter before the Lord and before the Game Laws." The thin brown fingers of the veined hard-palmed hand played with the stem of a wine- glass as the sentences came out, crisp and pointed. " Well, this is the story of a mistake, and an old shikari of your ex- perience can find even more excuses for it than I can . . . but perhaps I bore you?" " On the contrary on the contrary, sir." The fish had taken the bait, remained to play the quivering captive until his last swirling struggle brought him within reach of the skilful dip and lift of the angler's net. " It was about four years ago, in the Matsamba District, Portuguese East Africa, where elephants are to be had, and rhino, particularly the Keitloa variety with the long posterior horn, and a bad habit of charging the man behind the 600 bore. . . ." Mr. Mayor's capacious white waistcoat was agitated by a subterranean chuckle. His double chin shook merrily. "A side shot through the head solid bullet is the best cure for that, Colonel. But you had to wait in the high swamp-grass and keep the wind of him, and make sure of your aim." " Quite so. This man, from the shelter of a rock, waited 134 ONE BRAVER THING to make sure of his aim. The rhino was feeding tsetse as he dozed in the high swamp-grass. His biggest horn showed, and a bit of his shiny black skin. One j'orward lunge of the big head and Nimrod could get that side-shot. So he waited, patience being, as we know, a virtue to be cultivated by the successful stalker of big game " The Mayor, boiled prawn-pink to the receding boundary- line of his upright white hair, coughed awkwardly. " So the man waited two hours. Then the unclad and obese native lady, carrying a long pointed grass basket on her back, who had squatted down in the high grass to smoke a pipe and administer maternal refreshment to a shiny black piccanni of three or four ! " The Mayor, purple now, burst out: " Got up and went on ! And, if these boys of yours get wind of that story, I shall be roasted within an inch of my life. Whoever told you? In the Lord's name, don't give me away ! " The keen eyes were dancing now the big fish had fairly got the gaff. " I promise, Mr. Mayor, upon the understanding that you don't give away my man. . . . It's a compact? Thanks tremendously! And here comes the Manager to be con- gratulated upon the haunch. I never tasted better venison, Mr. Nixey, though, as you say, this is rather far North for koodoo. And the quail were beyond praise. Waiter, a glass for Mr. Nixey. . . . Port and we're going to ask you to join us in drinking a toast. . . ." The beautiful, flushed boy rose solemnly, glass in hand. About the long board, adorned with a fine epergne full of tuberose, rose, and jasmine, spread with Nixey's best plate and linen, crystal, and dishes of Staffordshire china piled with grapes and mandarins and loquats, the fruit of October. About the table there was a great uprising of those phlegmatic, self-contained Britons. Straight as the flames of unblown torches, they burned about the table. With a simultaneous movement all those eyes of varied colours turned to the lean brown face of the quiet man at the table-head as the sweet young clarion rung out: " Gentlemen the Queen ! " The brimming glasses rose high one crystal wave with the crimson blood in it. The English and the sharper Colonial voices answered together with a crash. As of the wave break- ONE BRAVER THING 135 ing on white cliffs northwards, spreading to the steps of the Throne where She sate, bowed with great griefs and great joys and great triumphs and glories, and white-haired with the full burden of her venerable years: "The Queen!" XXI THEY lingered not long over wine and cigars. Lady Hannah Wrynche, who was entertaining what she disdainfully termed a " hen party " in her private rooms at Nixey's, vacated in her honour by her landlord's wife expected them to coffee. Much to the relief of the military authorities at Cape Town, Milady, most erratic of Society meteors, had quitted that centre of painstaking official misinformation, for the throbbing spot of debatable land whence events might be gathered as they sprang. Shooting across the orbit of the reddening, low-hang- ing War-planet, she had descended upon Nixey's in a shower of baggage-trunks, fox-terriers, and interrogations. For one thing, she explained to everybody, she had undertaken to supply a London Daily with a series of Letters, written from the Seat of Hostilities, and for another, Bingo was on the Staff, and it would be so nice for him, poor dear, to have his wife near him in case those wretches . . . was " chipped " the proper technical term, or "potted"? The Letters were in- tended to be the real thing racy of the soil, don't you know, and full of " go " and atmosphere. Let it be said here that they achieved raciness. The London print in which they ap- peared came to be christened by the scoffer and the incredulous the Daily Whale it swallowed and disgorged so many of the Jonahs rejected by other editors. But the profits increased, and the Proprietors could afford to smile at Envy. Food for the insatiable gold fountain-pen of our in- defatigable Lady Correspondent, stooping to occupy the in- defatigable gold fountain-pen from whence she derived her literary pseudonym, in recording merest gossip, in the absence of the longed-for opportunity to prove herself the equal, if not the superior, of Dora Corr. Dora is the woman Lady Hannah respects and envies above all others. Colonial Editor to The Thunderbolt, War Correspondent, financial expert, political leader-writer, and diplomatic go-between, when Cabinet Min- isters and Empire-builders would arrive at understanding the serfdom of sex, the trammels of the petticoat weigh as lightly 136 ONE BRAVER THING upon this thrice fortunate spinster as though it were no draw- back to be a daughter of Eve. Oh, prayed Lady Hannah, for the chance of proving that another woman can equal this brilliant feminine Phoenix! Meanwhile her bright eyes and quick sense of humour took note of the toilettes of some of her guests, wives and daughters of notable citizens who had not hurried South at the first mutterings of the storm. The purple satin worn by the Mayoress tickled her no less than the unfeigned horror of its wearer when offered from her hostess's chatelaine-case the choicest of Sobranies. Lady Hannah's laugh was the rattling of a mischievous boy's stick across his sister's piano-wires, and the metallic jangle preceded her assurance that everybody did it all women in Society, at least, and you were thought odd if you didn't. After dinner, in the most exclusive houses, the most rigid of hostesses invariably allowed her women guests to smoke. They knew people worth having wouldn't come if they weren't allowed to smoke. " Never beneath my roof ! " gasped the shocked and scandal- ized wearer of the purple splendours demanded of the wife of a Chief Magistrate. "Never at my table!" Of course, the agitated Mayoress went on to say, one had heard of the doings of the Smart Set. But one had hoped it wasn't true, or, at least, had been very much exaggerated by " writing- people." The Mayoress, though a mild woman, had her sting. Lady Hannah, immensely tickled to find the morals of Bays- water rampant, as she afterwards expressed it, in the centre of South Africa, cackled as she helped herself to a second liqueur-glass of Nixey's excellent apricot-brandy. Small, thin, restless, she presented a parched appearance, with bright, round, beady eyes continually roving in search of information from the shadow of a crumpled Pompadour transformation, for those horrors had recently become fashionable, and the whole world of women were vying with one another in the simulation of the criminal type of skull, with the Bulge Dolichocephalic. " My dear lady, tobacco-ash is an excellent thing for killing moth in carpets, and Time, when one is compelled to bestow it upon dull people; and a perfectly healthy, Nonconformist conscience must be a comfortable lodger. But as regards the sacred roof, and the defended table, it's a question how long both British institutions remain intact, with those big guns getting into position round us. . . ." She waved her small ONE BRAVER THING 137 hand, its nails superbly ignored, its sun-cracks neglected, its load of South African diamonds coruscating magnificently in the light of Nixey's electric bulbs, and shrugged her thin, vivacious shoulders. The entrance of the gentlemen relieved the situation. Lady Hannah jumped up and rushed at the Colonel. "As If she meant to eat the man," the Mayoress said afterwards, in the shadow of that threatened roof. But, impervious to the en- treaty of the bright black eyes and the glittering hand that beckoned with the urgent fan, he bowed, smiled, said a few pleasant words to his hostess, and walked " straight across " as the Mayoress afterwards confided to the Mayor to take a seat beside the large, placid, matronly figure palpitating in purple satin on an imported Maple sofa. Pleased and flattered, she made room for him, while Lady Hannah became the gossip-centre of a knot of Mess-uni- forms. . . . " Both well ? " It would have been unlike him not to have remembered that he had seen children at her house. " Hammy and Berta made great friends with me the other day. . . . Tell them I haven't forgotten the promise to rummage up some odd native toys I picked up in Rhodesia made of mud and feathers and bits of fur and queerly-shaped seed-pods the most enchanting collection of birds and beasts that ever came out of the Ark. And the Matabele have a legend about a big flood and a wise old man who built a house of reeds and skins that floated. . . . The North American Indians will tell you that it was a big Medicinal Canoe, and amongst the tribes of the Nilghiri Hills you find exactly the same story that the Chaldean scribes wrote on their tablets of clay. To- day in Eastern Kurdistan they'll point you out the peak on which the Ark grounded. The Armenians hold it was Ararat. . . . It's curious how the root-legend crops up every- where. . . ." " But of course it must." Her good, calm eyes showed surprise, and her broad, white, matronly bosom was a little fluttered. " Doesn't the Bible teach us that the Deluge cov- ered the whole earth? Even Hammy and Berta can tell you the whole story about Noah, and the raven and the dove." He smoothed his moustache with a palm that wiped the smile out. " I must get them to tell it me one of these days." The twinkle in his eye was not to be repressed. " It would save 138 ONE BRAVER THING such a deal of trouble to believe there was only one Noah, and only one Ark, don't you know?" Her motherly cheek glowed: " My children shall never believe anything else ! " He was grave and sympathetic, though a muscle in his thin cheek twitched. " I believe the Ark of our happy childish memories is built, if not of gopher-wood, at least upon the lines laid down in Scripture. Has Hammy ever tried to get his to float? Mine invariably used to sink straight to the bottom of the bath. Perhaps that continually-recurrent catastrophe had something to do with the sapping of my infant faith, or the establish- ment of a sinking-fund of doubt regarding the veracity of the Noachian reporter?" She leaned towards him, her placid grey eyes dilating with pity for this man. " You ought to come and sit under our Minister, Mr. Oddris, on Sundays. Pray do. He would convince you if anybody could. Such an eloquent, able, well-informed man, and so truly pious and brave." The laugh perforce escaped him. The convincing Apostle Oddris had called on him at official headquarters that day, to inquire whether, as his wife and children were going to the Women's Laager, his place as a Minister was not by their side? Being informed that able-bodied male beings were not included in the list of the defenceless, he had become im- portunate in the matter of at least a bombproof shelter to be erected in his back-yard. " I had rather sit under Hammy and hear about Noah, with Berta on the other knee." Her heart went out wholly to him. ..." Out of the mouths of babes." . . . Wasn't that one of the texts with Promise? . . . "You love children?" "Bless the little beggars!" he said heartily, "they're the jolliest company in the world." She leaned towards him, palpitating between her shyness of the Commander of the Garrison and her womanly curiosity to know more about the man. " Hammond the Mayor has told me I hope it is not in- discreet te mention it that the first thing you did, on joining your regiment in India as a young subaltern, was to gather all the European children '.n cantonments together and march ONE BRAVER THING 139 them through the place, playing ' The Girl I Left Behind Me ' on the flute." His brow grew black as thunder. The utterance came, terse and sharp. " Ma'am, you have been gravely misinformed." She jumped in terror. " Oh ! . . . Can it be ? ... Colonel, I do so beg you to forgive me. Let me assure you that neither the Mayor nor myself will ever again repeat the story." || Ma'am, if you do . . ." " But I promise, never . . ." " Ma'am, if you never do, at least remember that the flute was an ocarina." He left the good soul in an ecstasy of giggles, and crossed to Lady Hannah. She welcomed him with a glitter of eyes and teeth and discovered the reserve-chair that had been covered by her somewhat fatigued and wilted draperies of maize Lib- erty-silk, veiled with black Maltese lace. " What it is to be a man of tact ! You've made that purple creature perfectly happy. Don't say you're going to be less kind to another woman ! " She tapped with a reproachful fan the scarlet sleeve of his thin serge mess-jacket, her appraising eyes busy with the minia- ture medals and star worn on the dark green roll-collar. If a clever woman could be the confidante of a Cabinet Minister, the post of right-hand to the Officer Commanding H.M. Forces in Gueldersdorp might be won. And then the world would know what Hannah Wrynche was born for. What was he saying? " I never warn my victims beforehand." " Sphinx ! and I hoped to find you in the relenting mood ! " " If possible, madam, my granite bosom is more unyielding than on the last occasion when . . ." " Do go on ! " said the fan. " When you tried to tap it." "You're all alike." She sighed. "That is, you give the keynote, and the others take up the tune. Even Bingo Bingo, whom I firmly believed incapable of keeping a secret in which his dearest interests were concerned longer than ten minutes Bingo has sprung a surprise on me. I shall end by falling in love with my own husband such an indecent thing to do after seven years of married life! " " Fortunately, the scene of your lapse from the crooked path i 4 o ONE BRAVER THING of custom Is distant from the West End of London more than six thousand miles. And you can rely upon me for secrecy." " Ah, that ! ... If only you did leak a little information now and then." Her eyebrows went up to the dry fringe of her Pompadour transformation. " For the sake of the thirst- ing public at home, to say nothing of my reputation as a Special Correspondent " " Drive over and call on General Bronnckers at Kloof Laager, Geitfontein, on the Border, early to-morrow. Perhaps he would oblige you with matter for a paragraph, and for- ward the cable by private wire." Her birdlike eyes were bright on him. " I would go if I thought I could get anything by going. Special information with reference to a Plan of Attack. Oh ! if you knew how I'm dying to be really under fire. To hear bullets zip-zip isn't that the sound? as they strike the ground or walls, and shells scream overhead ! " She clasped her dry little jewelled hands in affected ecstasy. His eyes were stern, and the lines about his mouth deepened. " Pray to-night that you may never hear those sounds you speak of ! " She struck an exaggerated attitude of horrified consterna- tion. "But no! Why am I here?" "The Lord only knows. I've seen a hen peck at a lump of dynamite. . . ." " Ah, you never will take me seriously. But own in your secret heart you're as much afraid as I am that a Relieving Column will be sent down from Do tell me again where Grumer is with the Brigade? Uli, in Upper Rhodesia thanks! Well, Grumer is quite a near friend of Bingo's, and an old flame of mine. But to burst our lovely peacock bubble of Siege and let the whole situation down, sans coup ferir, into muddy commonplace may Grumer never come ! " She held up her coffee-cup, and drank the toast! " Only for the women and children here," he said, and his thin nostrils moved to the measure of his quickened breath- ing, and a hot spark glowed in his keen eyes, " I'd have joined you in that. But under the present circumstances I'd give five years of life and I love life! if our lookouts could pick up Grumer's Advance by the time grey dawn creeps up the east again." She was incredulous* . ONE BRAVER THING 141 "You, who said when you got orders to sail for South Africa I have it on the authority of your Ascot hostess ' I hope they'll give me a warm corner ' ! " " I did say just that. And I meant it." His lips pursed in a soundless whistle. She went on: " I've been poking round. Seen your preparations. The little old forts, put into such repair! and the armoured train, with a Maxim and a Nordenfeldt, standing in the railway siding, ready for business. And the earthworks! And the shelters panelled and roofed with corrugated iron. And your bomb-proof Headquarter Bureau, the iron skull that's to hold the working brain of the place . . . with underground tele- graphic and telephonic communications with all the forts and outposts. It's colossal! A masterpiece of cool, deadly, lethal forethought. ... I thought I was incapable of the delicious shiver of expectation that the schoolboy enjoys, sitting in the stalls of dear Old Drury, waiting for the curtain to rise on the first act of the Autumn Drama. But you've given it to me you and our friends out there ! " She waved the dry little glittering hand. " And you can talk in cold blood of marching out and leaving the hive and all the honey you might have had out of it. Sweet danger, perilous sport, the great Game of War played as a man like you knows how to play it in this little sandy world-arena, with all the Powers and Dominions looking on. Preserve us! Oh, to be in your shoes this minute, if only for one week! But as I can't it's you I hope to see riding the whirlwind and directing the storm. Not only for my own sake and the wretched paper's though, mind you, I don't pretend to be anything but a mer- cenary, calculating worldly creature . . ." His eyes were very kind. "Bingo knows better!" Her laugh did not jangle this time. " Lady Grasby, the vitriol-tongued water-nymph, as some- body clever once called her, said that if Bingo got killed by any chance, I should sit down and write a gossipy descriptive article, dealing with his military career, married life, and last moments, before I ordered my widow's-weepers. Horrible things! They've come in again, too! Talking of gossip, which I know you only pretend to despise, I found the son of a mutual acquaintance dying in the Hospital here. You know the Bishop of H . . .?" " His eldest son, Major Fraithorn, was my senior when I 142 ONE BRAVER THING was Assistant Military Secretary in India in '93. And the Bishop is quite a dear crony of my mother's." " The Bishop," she said, " was always a person of excellent good taste except when he cut off his second son, Julius, with two hundred a year for turning Anglican, wearing a soft hat and Roman collars, and joining the staff at that clerical poster shop in Cavendish Street West as Junior Curate." " St. Margaret's. I know the church. Often go there when I'm at home." " It's the Halfway House to Rome, according to the Bishop, who won't be content with running at every red rag of Ritual- ism that flutters in his own diocese, but keeps up the character of belligerent Broad Churchman by writing pamphlets and ask- ing questions in the House of Lords with reference to affairs which are the business of other people. According to him, the red cassocks of the acolytes at St. Margaret's are cut out of the very skirts of the Woman of Babylon, and Father Turney and his curates they're all Fathers there, and celibates of choice are wolves in wool, and Mephistophelean plotters against the liberties of the Church. Punch published a cartoon of the Bishop shutting his eyes and charging at a wind- mill in a cope and chasuble. He is sending out a string of Protestant-Church Integrity vans all over England, Scotland, and Wales this season, with acetylene-lantern pictures from Foxe's ' Book of Martyrs,' and a lecturer to point the morals and adorn the tales. . . . But if he could see his Mary's boy to-day, he'd put up with any amount of long-tailed coats and Roman collars, and incense and altar genuflections wouldn't count for a tikkie. Oh ! it's been a sore with me this many a year, but when I saw him to-day I said ' Thank God I never had a child ! ' Because to have seen a boy or girl grow up and wither away as that beautiful young fellow is withering is a thing that a mother must shudder to look back upon even when she has found her lost one again in Heaven." There was genuine feeling in her voice, usually loud, harsh, and tuneless. The bright black beadles had a gleam as of tears. He turned to her with sympathetic interest. " He ought to be obliged to you for rinding this out. No hint of it had reached me. I am due at the Hospital in the morning, and we'll see if something can't be done." She shook her head. " It's a case of tuberculous lung-disease. He developed it in ONE BRAVER THING 143 the Clergy House at St. Margaret's, and made light of it, supposing or pretending that the cough and wasting and diffi- culty of breathing meant bronchial trouble, the result of Lon- don fogs. These young people who don't value Life glorious gift that it is! When he broke down utterly, at the end of a rampant campaign against Intemperance he wouldn't be the Bishop's son if he didn't gall the withers of some hobby- horse or other the doctors agreed there was nothing for him but South Africa." He frowned, knowing how many sufferers had died of that lethal prescription. She went on: " So he came out alone upon the advice of the well-in- tentioned wiseacres, knowing nothing of the country, to live on his two hundred a year until the end. And the end is coming in Gueldersdorp Hospital with giant strides." She blinked. "They've isolated him in a small detached ward. He has a kind friend in the Matron, and the chart-nurse is in love with him, unless I'm mistaken in the symptoms of the complaint. And he looks like St. Francis of Assisi, wedded to Death instead of Poverty and coughs fit to tear your heart. B'rrh!" she shuddered. He repeated : " I'll see what can be done to-morrow. These cases are deceptive. There may be a gleam of hope." " There is one doubt about the case which might infer a hope. I don't know what discoveries the London doctors made, but I wormed out of the chart-nurse, who plainly adores him, that the doctors in Gueldersdorp can't scare up a bacillus for the life of them." His eyes lightened in voluntary admiration, though his tone was jesting. "You're thrown away on mere journalism. Criminal In- vestigation or Secret Intelligence would offer wider fields for your abilities." "Wait!" she said, her beady eyes black diamonds. "I shall hope to prove one day that an English woman-journalist can be as useful as a Boer spy in the matter of useful informa- tion. Why, why am I not a man ? You only don't trust me because I am a woman." He had touched the rankling point in her ambition. He applied balm as he knew how. 11 Your being a woman may have made all the difference for Fraithorn. I shall set Taggart of the R.A.M.C. at him 144 ONE BRAVER THING to-morrow; the Major's a bit of a crack at pulmonary cases. And he shall consult with Saxham, and " " Saxham." Her eyebrows were knitted. " I thought I knew the names of your Medical Staff men. But I can't re- call a Saxham." " This Saxham is Civilian and rather a big pot M.D., F.R.C.S., and lots more. We're lucky to have got him." She stiffened, scenting the paragraph. " Can it be that you mean the Doctor Saxham of the Old Bailey Case?" ' The Jury acquitted, let me remind you." " I believe so," she said ; " but he vanished afterwards. I think an innocent man would have stopped and faced the music, and not beat a retreat with the Wedding March almost sounding in his ears. But who knows? You know his brother, Captain Saxham, of the th Dragoons? It was he who stepped into the matrimonial breach, and married the young woman." ' The young woman ? " " His brother's fiancee an heiress of the Dorsetshire Lee- Haileys, and rather a pretty-faced, silly person, with a penchant for French novels and sulphonal tabloids. I always shall be- lieve that she liked the handsome Dragoon best, and took ad- vantage of the Doctor's being under the cloud of acquittal by a British Jury, to give him what the dear Irish call ' the back of her hand.' " 11 The better luck for him ! " " It was mere instinct to let go when the man was dragging them both under water," she asserted. " A Newfoundland bitch would have risen above it." " You hit back quick and hard." "I'm a tennis-player and a polo-player and a cricketer." "What game is there that you don't play?" " I could tell you of one or two. . . . But I must really go and speak to some of these ladies. One of them is an old friend." " I know who you mean. If I hadn't, her glare of envy would have enlightened me. Did I tell you that / encountered an old friend or, at least, a friend of old at the Hospital yesterday?" "You mean poor Fraithorn?" " Not at all. I'm only a friend of his mother. I had only heard of the boy, not met him, until I tumbled over him here. ONE BRAVER THING 145 But this face looking at me from a starched white gmmpe and floating black veil belonged to my Past in several ways." He showed interest. "Your friend is a nun? At the Convent here? How did you come across her? " " She came in to see the Bishop's son while I was with him. It seems that, judging by the poor dear boy's religious medals, and crucifixes, and crossings, and other contraptions, the Matron had got him on the books as a Roman Catholic. And, consequently, when my friend looked in to visit a day- scholar who was to be operated on for adenoids I've no idea what they are, but a thing with a name like that would natur- ally have to be cut out of one she was told of this poor fellow, and has shed the light of her countenance on him oc- casionally since. Yesterday was one of the occasions, and Heavens! what a countenance it is even now! What a voice, what eyes, what a manner! I believed I gushed a bit. . . . She met me as though we'd only parted last week. Nuns are wonderful creatures : she's unique, even as a nun." He said : " I believe I had the honour of meeting the lady of whom you speak when I called at the Convent yesterday afternoon. A remarkable, noble, and most interesting per- sonality." Lady Hannah nodded. " All that. But you ought to have seen her at eighteen. We were at the High-School, Kensing- ton, together, I a brat of ten in the Third Form, she a Head Girl, cramming for Girton. She carried everything before her there, and emerged with a B.A. Degree Certificate in the days when it was thought hardly proper for a woman to go about with such a thing tacked to her tails. And all the students idolized her, and the male lecturers worshipped the ground she trod. And when she was presented what a sensation ! They called her the ' Irish Rose,' and ' Deirdre,' for her skin of cream and her grey eyes and billowing clouds of black hair. Society raved of her for three seasons, until the fools went even madder about that little woman Manon Lescaut in Saxe biscuit who bolted with the man my glorious Biddy had given her beautiful hand to. And the result! She who might have married an Ambassador and queened it in Peters- burg with the best of 'em she's in a whitewashed Convent, superintending the education of Dutch and Afrikander school- girls in Greek, Latin, French, Algebra and Mathematics, Calisthenics, needlework, the torture of the piano, and the 146 ONE BRAVER THING twiddle of the globes. He has something to answer for, that old crony of yours ! " Lady Hannah stopped for breath, giving the listener his opportunity. " My dear lady, you have told me a great deal without enlightening me in the least. Who is my * crony,' and who was your friend? " Lady Hannah opened her round beady eyes in astonish- ment. "Haven't I told you? She is or was Lady Bridget- Mary Bawne, sister of that high-falutin' little donkey the present Earl of Castleclare, who came into the title and married at eighteen. His wife has means, I understand. The dear old Duchess of Strome, a cousin of my mother's, was her aunt, and Cardinal Voisey, handsome beauty, is an uncle on the distaff side. All the Catholic world and his wife were at her taking of the veil of profession nineteen years ago. The Pope's Nuncio, thp Cardinal-Bishop of Mozella, officiated, and the Comtesse de Lutetia was there with the Due d'Or. . . . They didn't cut off her beautiful black hair, though we out- siders were on tiptoe to see the thing done. I don't think I ever cried so much in my life. Had hysterics real when I got home, and mother scolded fearfully. The Duke of C came with his equerry, and after the cloister gates had shut crash on beautiful Biddy in her bridal laces, and white satin, and ropes of pearls, and we were all waiting, breathless, for her to come back in the habit, I heard the Duke say, not that the dear old thing ever meant to be profane: ' By G- ! General, I'm dee'd if Captain Mildare hasn't made Heaven Ian uncommonly handsome present!' And the man he said 'that to was the husband of the very woman Dicky had run (away with not quite twelve months before. Mercy on us! " " Good God ! " the listener had cried and started to his feet, the dark blood rushing to his forehead. The ivory-pale, mutety-suffering face against the background of whitewashed wall flashed back upon his memory, in a circle of dazzling light. He saw her again, leaning against the door of the chapel as he told her the cruel news. He heard her saying: " Are you at liberty to tell me the date of Captain Mildare's death? For I know one who was also his friend and would take an interest in the particulars." The particulars! And he had bludgeoned the woman with them stabbed her to the heart, poor soul, unknowing. . . . ONE BRAVER THING H7 He was blameless, but he could not forgive himself. . . . He drove his teeth down savagely into his lower lip, and muttered an excuse, and went away abruptly, leaving Lady Hannah staring. He took leave soon after, and went to his own quarters with the D.A.A.G., while her ladyship, with in- finite relief, getting rid of her feminine guests, repaired with Captain Bingham Wrynche, familiarly known to a wide circle of friends as " Bingo," and several chosen spirits to the billiard- room, for snooker, pool, and whisky-and-soda. " The grey wolf is on the prowl to-night," said one of the chosen spirits, as he chalked Lady Hannah's cue with fastidious care. He winked across the table at Bingo, sunset red with dinner, champagne, and stroke-play. "S'st!" sibilated the Captain warningly, winking in the direction of his wife. Lady Hannah, her little thumb cocked in the air, her round, birdlike eyes scientifically calculating angles, paused before making a rapid stroke, to say: " Don't be cheaply mysterious, my dear man. Of course, the Colonel visits the defences and outposts and things regularly after dark. It's part of the routine, surely? " ' Of course. But you don't suppose he goes alone, do you, old lady?" queried Captain Bingo. " I suppose he takes his A.D.C." " Not to mention a detachment of the B.S.A. Also a squad of the Town Guard in red neckties, solar topees and bandoliers ; with the Rifles' Band, and D Squadron of the Baraland Ir- regular Horse. Isn't that the routine, Beauvayse? You're more up in these things than me, and I fancy there was a change in the Order for the evenin'." " Rather ! " assented Beauvayse, continuing, to the rapture of winking Bingo. " On reaching the earthworks where our obsoletes are mounted, the townies will now fire a salute of blank, without falling down, and the Band have instructions to play * There's Death in the Old Guns Yet.' Those were the only material changes, except that sentries will for the future wear fly and fever belts outside instead of in." " So that he can see at a glance," Lady Hannah said ap- provingly, " that all precautions are being taken. Very sensible, I call it." "Ha, ha, haw!" Bingo's joyous explosion revealed to the outraged woman the fact that she had been " had." " Haw, haw! What a beggar you are to rot, Beauvayse, and that makes five to us," 148 ONE BRAVER THING Lady Hannah, vibrating with womanly indignation, had made her long-delayed stroke, missed the pyramid ball, and sent Pink spinning into the pocket. She threw aside her cue and rubbed her fingers angrily. She hated losing, and they were playing for shilling lives and half-a-crown on the game. "You schoolboys!" She threw them a glance of disdain, as Beauvayse, his seraphic face again screwed in his supereroga- tory eyeglass, lounged over the table. " You artless babes ! Did you suppose I should be likely to swallow such a feuille de chou without even oil and vinegar? For pity's sake, leave off winking, Bingo! It's a habit that dates back to the era when women wore ringlets and white book-muslin, and men sported shaggy white beaver hats and pegtop trousers, and all the world read the novels of Lever and Dickens." " Have Lever and Boz gone out?" asked Beauvayse, pocket- ing his pyramid ball. " I play at Blue." He hit Blue scien- tifically off the cushion and went on. " Read 'em myself over and over again, and find 'em give points in the way of amuse- ments to the piffle Mudie sends out. Not that I pretend to be a judge of literature. Only know when I'm not bored, you know. You to play, Lord Henry." But the senior officer of the Staff, Lady Hannah's partner, had vanished. Somebody passing the open window of the billiard-room had whistled a bar or so of a particularly pleasant little tune. Another man took the senior's place, and the game went on, but never finished, for one by one, after the same quiet, unobtrusive fashion, the male players melted away. . . . Left alone, Lady Hannah, feeling uncommonly like the idle boy in the nursery-story who asked the beasts and birds and insects to play with him, betook herself to bed. The arrogance of men! she thought as she hung her trans- formation Pompadour coiffure on the looking-glass. How cool, how unshaken in their conviction of superiority, in spite of all deference, courtesy, pretence of consideration for Queen Dolt. But she would show them all, one of these days, what could be achieved by a unit of the despised majority. . . . " I should like to see him at night-work," she said after- wards, when, very late, her Bingo appeared in the shadow of the conjugal mosquito-curtains. " You wouldn't," was her martial lord's reply. "Wouldn't what?" asked Lady Hannah, sitting up in tropical sleeping attire. ONE BRAVER THING 149 Bingo, applying her cold cream to a sun-cracked nose, replied to her reflection in the looking-glass: " You wouldn't see him. Like the flea in the American story, when you've got your finger on him is the time he isn't there." " But he is there for you?" Bingo shook his head, holding the candle near the glass and regarding his leading feature with interest. " Not if he don't choose to be. By the living Tinker ! if I go on browning and chipping at this rate, I shall do for the Etruscan Antiquity Room at the British Museum. Piff, what a smell of burning! It's the hair-thing hangin' on the lookin'- glass." Male Society began to practice the shedding of its final g's, you will remember, about the time that Female Society took to wearing transformation coiffures. Lady Hannah, her ac- tive little figure rustling in the thinnest of silk drapery, jumped nimbly out of bed, and rushed to save her property. "Idiot!" she shrieked. "Frightfully sorry! But you're lumps prettier without," said Bingo. " Don't pile insult on injury." "Couldn't flatter for nuts!" " I'll forgive you if you'll tell me how he manages to attain invisibility." Bingo struck an attitude and began to declaim: " As the sable shades of Night were broodin' over the be- leaguered town of Gueldersdorp, the manly form of a myste- rious bearded stranger in grey reach-me-downs and a felt slouch might have been observed directin' its steps from one to the other of the various outlyin' pickets posed on the veld . . ." "Once for all, I decline to believe such theatrical rubbish! A beard, indeed! Why not a paper nose and a pierrot's cap?" "Why not?" acquiesced placid Bingo, getting into bed. But the eye concealed by the pillow winked; for he had told her the absolute truth, and woman-like, that was just what she wouldn't swallow, as he said to Beauvayse next morning. XXII ' THE Town Guard," according to Billy Keyse, who kept a Betts' Journal, one shilling net, including Rail and Ocean Ac- 150 ONE BRAVER THING cident Insurance, was " a kind of amachoor copper, swore in to look after the dorp, stand guard, and do sentry-go, and tumble to arms, just as the town dogs leave off barkin*, an' the old gal in the room next yours is startin' to snore like a Kaffir sow." Later on even more was asked of the townie, and he rose to the demand. The smasher hat was not unbecoming to the manly brow it shaded, when W. Keyse put it on and anxiously consulted the small greenish swing looking-glass that graced the chest of drawers, the most commanding article of furniture in his room at Filliter's Boarding-House. It was Mrs. Filliter who snored in the room on the other side of the thin partition. Like the immortal Mrs. Todgers, she was harassed by the de- mands of her resident gentlemen in connection with gravy; but, unlike Mrs. Todgers, she never supplied even browned and heated water as an equivalent. And the mutton was wonderfully lean, and the fowls, but for difference in size, might have been ostriches, they were so wiry of muscle, es- pecially as regarded the legs. A time was to come when Mrs. Filliter was to cook shrapnel-killed mule and exhausted cavalry charger for her gentlemen, and when they were to bear up better than most sufferers from this tough and lasting form of diet, because of not having previously been pampered, as Mrs. Filliter expressed it, with delicacies and kickshaws. The bandolier was heavy upon the thin shoulders and hollow chest of a pale young Cockney, who had drifted down from Southampton in the steerage, and roared and rattled up from Cape Town by the three foot six inch gauge railway, eight hundred and seventy miles, to Gueldersdorp, that he might find his crown of manhood waiting there. The second-hand Sam Browne belt was distinctly good ; the yellow putties, worn with his own brown lace-up boots, took trouble to adjust. And it was barely possible, even by standing the small swing look- ing-glass on the floor, and tilting it excessively, to see how one's legs looked. Billy suffered from the conviction that these limbs were over thin. Behind the counter of a fried-fish shop in High Street, Camden Town, serving slabs of browned hake, and skate, and penn'orths of fried eels and chips to the hungry customers who surge in tempestuously to be fed on their home- ward way from the Oxford or the Camden Hall of Varieties, or the theatre at the junction of Gower Street and the Hamp- stead Road one develops acuteness of observation in such a ONE BRAVER THING 151 service, one gains experience. There is always the bloke who cuts and runs without paying, or eats and shows reversed trouser-pockets in default of settlement, to deal with. But one does not develop muscle, the thing above all that Billy most longed to possess. When he went into the printing-business and bent all day over the forms of type in the composing- room, hand-setting up the columns of the North London Half- penny Herald, to the tune of three-and-eightpence a day, the hollow chest grew hollower, and he developed a "corf." The physician in charge of the out-patients' department at Univer- sity College Hospital said there was lung-trouble, and a man at the printing office who had never been there, said South Africa was the cure for that. And W. Keyse had thirty pounds in the Post-Office Savings Bank, earned by the sweat of a brow which was his best feature, and the steamships were advertising ten-pound third-class single fares to Cape Town. One of the Societies for the Aid of Emigrants would have helped him, but while Billy 'ad a bit of 'is own, no Blooming Paupery, said he, for him. His sole living relative, an aunt who inhabited one of a row of ginger-brick Virginia-creeper- clad almshouses " over aginst 'Ighgyte Cimitery," sniffled a little when he called to say good-bye, bring a parting present of a half-pound of Liphook's Luscious Tea and a screw of snuff. " I shan't never see you no more, William." " Ow yes, you will, mother ! Don't be such a silly ! " Wil- liam's cousin 'Melia, in service as general in the Adelaide Road, Chalk Farm end, had said; and she had looked coldly upon William immediately afterwards, bestowing an amorous ogle upon Lobster, who sat well forward upon a backless Windsor chair, sucking the silver top of his swagger cane Lobster, who was six foot high and in the Grenadier Guards, and had sup- planted William in 'Melia's affections for they 'ad used to walk out regularly on Sundays and holidays before Lobster came along. How William loved Lobster now! Why, but for him he might have been married to 'Melia now doomed to tread in the ways of commonplace, ordinary married life, to live and die without once having peeped into Paradise, without ever having looked upon the only woman in this world ! Owner of the glorious golden pigtail, the entrancing, figure bewitch- ing, twinkling, teasing eyes of blue! Suppose only suppose the silent threatening Thing across the border, jewelled with the glowing Argus-eyes of many 152 ONE BRAVER THING camp-fires, conjecturable in dark masses flecked with the white of waggon-tilts, and sometimes giving out the dull gleam of iron or the sparkle of steel, were to choose this, W. Keyse's first night on guard, for an attack! Even to the inexperience of W. K. the sand-bagger earthworks built about Guelders- dorp, the barricades of trek-waggons and railway-trucks block- ing up the roads debouching on the veld, the extending lines of trenches, the watchdog of forts, the sentinelled pickets, the noiseless, continually moving patrols, all the various parts of the masterly machinery of defence, controlled by one master-hand upon the levers, would count for nothing against that over- whelming onrush of armed thousands, that flood of men dammed up above the town, and waiting the signal to roll down and overwhelm her, and Cr'rips! what a chance to make a glorious, heroic splash in Her sight! Die, perhaps, in saving her from them Dutchies. To be sure, she, divine creature, was a Dutchy too. But no matter a time would come . . . Confident in the coming of that time, W. Keyse took the brown rifle tenderly from the corner, and replaced the meagre little looking-glass upon the yellow chest of drawers. In the act of bestowing a final glance of scrutiny upon his upper lip, whose manly crop had unaccountably delayed, he caught sight of a cheap paper-covered book lying beside the tin candlestick whose tallow dip had aided perusal of the volume o' nights. The red surged up in his thin cheeks as he picked up the thing. There were horrible woodcuts in it, coloured with terrible splashes of red and blue and yellow, and the print contained matter more lurid still. Vice mopped and mowed and slavered, obscene and hideous, within those gaudy covers. He looked round the mean, poor, ugly room, the volume in his hand; a photograph of the dubious sort leered from the wall beside the bed. " If they rushed us to-night, an' I got shot in the scrap, an* they brought me back 'ere, dyin', and She came . . . an' saw that . . .!" His ears were scarlet as he dashed at the leering photograph and tore it down. Oh, Billy Keyse, it is pitiful to think you had to blush, but good to know you had not forgotten how to. There was a little rusty fireplace in the room. Billy burned something in it that left nothing but a feathery pile of ashes, and a little shameful heap of mud in the corner of a boy's memory, before he hurried to the town Guardhouse, where jther bandoliers were mustering, and fell in. As though the Powers designed to reward an act of virtue on the very night ONE BRAVER THING 153 of its performance, he was posted by his picket in the lee of the high corrugated iron fence of the tree-bordered tennis-ground behind the Convent, as " Lights Out " sounded from the camp of the Irregulars, behind the railway-sheds and storehouses. It was glorious to be there, taking care of Her, though it would have been nicer if one had been allowed to smoke. The moon of Billy's passion-inspired verse was not shining o'er South Africa's plain upon this the very night for her. It was dark and close and stiflingly hot. A dust-wind had blown that day, and the suspended particles thickened the atmosphere, to the oppression of the lungs and the hiding of the stars. He knew his picket posted a quarter of a mile away on the other side of the cemetery; his fellow-sentry was on the opposite flank of the Convent. He was a stout, middle-aged trades- man, with a large wife and a corresponding family, and it wrung the heart of W. Keyse to think that a tricky fate might have placed that insensible man on the side where 'Er window was! Through the boughs of the peach and orange trees, whose unripe fruit was thimble-size, you could get an occasional glimpse of whitewashed brick walls, darkened by the outline of shuttered oblongs here and there. And Imagination could blow her cloud of fragrant vapour, though tobacco were denied you. " They're all 'Er windows while she's there be'ind them walls," was the reflection in which Billy Keyse found comfort. She was not there. She was at that moment being kissed on the stoep of the Du Taine homestead near Johannesburg, by a young officer of Staats Artillery, to whom she had agreed to be clandestinely engaged, though Papa Du Taine had other views. W. Keyse was spared this tragic knowledge. But if the moon, shining beautifully over the Du Taine gardens and orange-groves, had chosen to tell tales! It was still still and quiet ; a blue radiance of electric light burned here and there, at the Staff Office on the Market Square, and at other centres of purposeful activity. Aromatic beer-cellars and whisky-saloons gave out a yellow glare of gas- jets; the red lamp of an apothecary showed a wakeful eye. Gueldersdorp sprawled in the outline of a sleeping turtle on her squat hillock of gravelly earth and sand. In the smoke- ^^ibured folds, closely matching the lowering dim sea of va- puurs brooding overhead, the prairie spread about her, deepen-^ ing to a basined valley in the middle distances, sweeping to a 154 ONE BRAVER THING rise beyond, so that the edges of the basin looked down upon the town. High on the hill-ranges in the South more chains of red sparks burned ... he knew them for the watch-fires of the Boer outposts, and the raised edges of the basin East and North were set thickly with similar twinkling jewels where the laagers were; while smaller groups shone nearer, marking the situation of isolated vedettes. The sickly taint upon the faint breeze told of massed arrd clustered humanity. 'Strewth, how they stunk, the brutes! He hoped there was enough of 'em, lying doggo up there, waiting the word to roll down and swallow the blooming dorp! His palate grew dry, as the sweat broke out upon his temples and trickled down the back of his neck, and the palms of his hands were moist and clammy. Also, under the buckles of the Sam Browne belt was a sinking, all-gone sensation excessively unpleasant to feel. Perhaps W. Keyse had a touch of fever! Then the stout tradesman on the other side of the Convent sneezed suddenly, and W. Keyse, with every nerve in his body jarring from the shock, knew that he was simply suffering from funk. Staggering from the shock of the horrible self-revelation, he gritted his teeth. There was a Billy Keyse who was a bloom- ing coward inside the other who was not. He told the sick- ening, white-gilled little coward what he thought of him. He only wished that is, one of him only wished that a gang of the Dutchies would come along now! He drew a lurid picture for the benefit of the trembler, and when the young soldier had fired into the brown of them and seen the whites of their eyes, and fallen, pierced by a hundred wounds, in the successful defence of the Convent, he was carried in, and laid on a sofa, and nobody could recognize him, along of all the blood, until She came, with her white little feet peeping from the hem of a snowy nightgown, and her unbraided pigtail swamping the white with gold, and knew that, it was 'Im, and knelt by the hero's side. Soft music from the Orchestra, please! As with his final breath W. Keyse implores a last, first kiss. Even as Billy No. i thrilled to the rapture of that imagined osculation, Billy No. 2 experienced a ghastly fright. For out of the enfolding velvety darkness ahead of him, and looking towards those firefly sparks shining on the heights, came the sound of stealthy measured footsteps and muffled voices talking Dutch. The enemy had made a sortie. The defences had been rushed, the town surrounded. Yet there were only two of them a big, slouching villain and a short ONE BRAVER THING 155 thin one, who wore a giant hat. The chirping sound of a kiss damped the fierce martial ardour of Billy the First, and greatly reassured Billy the Second. It was only a townsman taking a night walk with his girl! Crushed and discouraged, W. Keyse relaxed his grip upon the trusty rifle, and slunk back into the shadow, as the tall and the short figures halted at the angle of the fence. " 'Ain't it a 'eavenly night ? " came from the short figure, who leaned against the tall one affectionately. " An' me got to go in. A crooil shyme, I call it. 'Ain't it, deer? Leggo me wyste, there's a love. You've no notion 5 ow I shall cop it for bein' lyte." He sportively declined to release her. There was the sound of a soft slap, followed by the smack of a kiss. She was very angry. " Leggo, I tell yer! Where's your manners, 'orlin' me abart! If that's the way you be'ayve with your Dutch ones . . .!" He spat and asseverated: " Neen ! I no other girls but you heb got." It was the Slabbert with Emigration Jane. " Ho! So you can talk English a bit give you a chance? " " Ja, a little now and then when it is useful. But when we are to be married, you shall only to me talk in my own moder Taal." " Shan't I myke a gay old 'ash of it ! " Recklessly she crushed the large hat against the unwieldy shoulder. " There good-night, agin, deer! Sister Tobias that's what they call the one that 'ousekeeps and manages the kitchens Sister To- bias '11 be sittin' up for me, thinkin' I've got meself lost or bin run away with." She gurgled enjoyingly. " Tell me again, before you shall go, about the Engelsch Commandant who came to visit at the Convent to-day." "Lor! 'Aven't I told you a' ready? 'E stopped 'arf an 'our or more . . . an' She that's the Reverend Mother, as they call her She took 'im over the 'ouse, an' after 'E'd gone through the 'ouse, an' Sister Tobias ain't that a rummy name for a nun? Sister Tobias, she showed 'im to the gyte, an' 'e says to 'er as wot 'e's goin' to 'ave the flagstaff rigged up in the gardin fust thing to-morrow mornin', an' 'e'll undertake that the workin'-party detached for the purpose will know 'ow to be'ayve theirselves respectful. An' then 'e touches 'is 'at an' gets on 'is 'orse an' . . JL 156 ONE BRAVER THING " Listen to me." The Slabbertian command of that barbaric language of the Englanders evoked her surprise, but the pain- ful squeeze he gave her arm commanded attention. " Next time the English Commandant to the house shall come, you to listen at the keyhole is." "Wot for?" " For what have you before at keyholes listened, little stupid?" "To find out when they was goin' to sack me, so's to git me own notice in fust see? Then you can say to the lydy at the Registry Office and don't they give theirselves hairs! as wot you're leaving because the place don't suit. Twiggy?" " You for yourself did listen, then. Good. Now it is for me you listen will, if you a good Boer's vrouw wish to become by-and-by." She rose to the immemorial allure that is never out of season in angling for her simple kind. "That word you said means wife, don't it, deer?" Her voice trembled; the joyous, longed-for haven of marriage was it possible that it might be in sight? " It shall mean wife, if you obey me ja otherwise it will be that I shall marry the daughter of a good countryman of mine, who many sheep has, and much land and plenty of money to give his daughter when she a husband gets! " Her under lip dropped pitifully, and the tears welled up. It was too dark to see her crying, but he heard her sob, and grinned, himself unseen. "I'll do anything for you, deer! Only don't take an' 'ave the other One. She may be a Dutchy, but she won't never care for yer like wot I do. Don't you know it, Walt?" " I shall it know when I hear what you have found out," proclaimed the Slabbert grimly. There was a boiling W. Keyse in the deep shadow of the tall corrugated-iron fence, who restrained with difficulty a snort of indignation. " On'y tell me, deer. I'll find out anythink you want me to." Before her spread a lovely vista of floors her own floors to scrub, and a kitchen range hers, too which should cook dinners nice enough to make any husband adore you. "You shall for me find out what that Commandant of the rooineks is up to under his Flag of the Red Cross." " He didn't say nothink about no Red Cross, darlin'." ONE BRAVER THING 15; " Stilte! They will the Red Cross Flag hoist, I tell you, and it will cover more than a parcel of nuns and schoolgirls. That Commandant is so verdoemte slim! Tell me, do you cartridges well know when you shall see them? Little brown rolls with at one end a copper cap and at the other a bullet. And gunpowder you have that seen also ? " She quavered. "Yes; but you don't want me to touch the narsty, dreadful stuff, do you, Wally deer?" He scoffed. " Afraid of gunpowder, Meisje, that like a whey-blooded Engelschwoman is. A true Boer's daughter would know how to load a gun, look you, and shoot a man many men if for the good of the Republic it should be! But you will learn. Watch out, I tell you, for stores that Commandant will be sending into the Convent. Square boxes and long boxes, and cases some of them heavy as if lined with iron ; painted black with white letters, and others stone-colour with black letters, and yet others grey with red letters; the letters remember 'A.O.S.'" "But wot '11 be in the boxes, deer?" His English, conned from recently published Imperial Army Service manuals, grew severely technical: " If you could their big screws unscrew, and their big locks unlock, you would see, but you will not be able. What in them? Cakes! Black, square cakes, with in them holes; and grey, square cakes, and red cakes, light and crumbly, that dog- biscuits resemble ; and long brown sticks, like peppermint-candy, in bundles tied together with string and paper. Boxes of stuff like the hair of horse, and packets of evil little electric detonat- ors in tubes of copper. Alamachtig! who knows what he has not got that Engelsch Commandant both in the dorp and hidden in those thrice-accursed mines that he has laid on the veld about her. Prismatic powder and gun-cotton, dynamite and cordite enough to blow a dozen commandos of honest Booren into dust a small, fine dust of bones and flesh that shall afterwards fall mingled with rain of blood. For I tell you that man has the wickedness of the duyvel in him, and the cunning of an old baboon ! " She babbled: " 'Ow pretty you talk English when you want to, Walty deer ! 'Aven't you bin gettin' at me all along, makin' out . . .*' He swore at her savagely, and she held her tongue, wor- 158 ONE BRAVER THING shipping this new development of masterful brutality in a man whom she had regarded as a " big softy." He went on: " Now you know what to look for, and when the verdoemte explosives come, you will know them by the boxes and the letters ' A.O.S.' and you will tell me and the guns of our Staats Artillery will not shoot that way, for the sake of the little woman who is going to be a good Boer's wife by-and-by." She threw her arms about his rascally neck, and laid her head upon his hulking shoulder, regardless of the hat she wrecked, and cried in ecstasy: " I'll do it, deer; I'll do it, Walty! But why should there be any shootin', lovey? At 'Ome I never could abear to see them theaytre plays what 'ad guns an' firin' in 'em ; it made me 'art beat so crooil bad." He grinned over the big hat into the darkness. " All right ! I will tell the men with the guns that you do not like to hear them, and they will not perhaps shoot at all. But you will look out for the boxes with the dynamite, and send me the message when it comes?" " Course I will, deer! But 'ow am I to send the message? " The shadowy right arm of Slabbert swept out, taking in the black and void and formless veld with a large free gesture. " Out to there. Stand in this place when it becomes dark, looking east. Straight in front of us is east. The game is great fun, and very easy. Strike a match, and count to ten before you blow it out, and you shall not have done that three times before you shall see him answer." "But oo's 'im?" " He is my friend out there upon the veld." "Lor! but where '11 you be? Didn't you say as I'd be talkin' to you? I don't 'arf fancy wot you calls the gyme, not if I 'ave to play it with a strynge bloke! " The answer came, accompanied by a scraping, familiar sound. The Slabbert was striking a match of the fizzling, splutter- ing, Swedish-made non-safety kind, known to W. Keyse and his circle by the familiar abbreviation of " stinkers." "Voor den donder! Have I not told you I shall be there with him after to-night?" Her womanly tenderness quickened at the hint of coming separation. She clung fondly to his arm, and the match went out, extinguished by a maiden's sigh. He shook her roughly off, and struck another. ONE BRAVER THING 159 " I shall go away ja and here is the other way for you to reach me ! " As the fresh match glimmered blue, he held it at arm's length in front of him, counting silently up to ten, then blew it out, and set his heavy boot upon the faintly-glowing spark, and did the thing again. Endeavouring not to breathe so as to be heard, W. Keyse flattened himself against the corrugated fence, and waited, looking ahead into the black velvet darkness, sensing the faint human taint upon the tell-tale breeze, and counting with the Slabbert; and then, out in the darkness that concealed so much that was sinister, sprang into sudden life an answering bluish glimmer, and lasted for ten beats of the pulse, and went out as suddenly as though a human breath had blown upon it. " Is that your pal ? " she whispered. " That is my pal now." He struck another match, and flared it, and screened it with his big hand, and showed the light again, and repeated the manoeuvre three times. " That is my pal now and I have said to him 'No news to-night'; but to-morrow night and the night after, and so on for many nights to come, I shall be out there where he is, and after you have called me and I have answered, just as he has done, you will tell me what there is to tell. Can you spell your language? " " Pretty middin', Walty deer, though not as I could wish, owin' to me 'avin' to leave Broad School in the Fif Stannard when father sold up the 'ome in drink after mother went orf wiv the young man lodger. Someow, try all I could, I never . . ." " Wilt ge wel zwijgen! With my people, when men speak, Boer women listen; but you English ones chatter and chatter! Remember that this match-talk goes thus: For the letter A one flare, and hide the light as you saw me do just now. For B, two flares, and hide the light; for C, three, and hide; for D, four, and hide; and so on to Z. It is slow, of course, and matches will blow out when you do not want them to, and a cycle-lamp or a candle-lantern would be easier to deal with, but for the verdoemte patrols. Do you understand ? Say now, what I say, after me. For the letter A one flare and hide. For B . . ." He put her through the alphabet from end to end; she la- boured faithfully, and pleased her taskmaster. He grunted ap- provingly. 160 ONE BRAVER THING " Zeer goed ! See that you do not forget. And remember, you are to listen and watch, and tell me what you hear and see. If you are obedient, I will marry you by-and-by." He gave her a clumsy hug in earnest of endearments to come. " But if you do not please me " the grip of his heavy hand bruised her shoulder through the thin, flowery " blowze " " I will punish you yes, by the Lord, I will marry a fine Boer maiden who is the daughter of a landrost, and who has got much money and plenty of sheep. And you can give yourself to any dirty verdoemte sckelm of an Engelschman you please, for I will have none of you! To-morrow you shall have a paper showing you how to tell me very many things in match- talk, and earn much money to buy presents for my good little Boer vrouw. Alamachtig! what is this?" " This " was the hard, cold, polished business-end of a con- demned Martini poked violently out of the blackness into the Slabbertian thorax. " Not in such a 'urry by 'arf, you perishin' Dopper," spluttered the ghastly little man in bandoliers behind the weapon. " Put up them dirty big 'ands o' yours, or, by Cripps ! I'll let 'er off, you sneakin', match-talkin' spy ! " The arms of Slabbert soared as the tongue of Slabbert wagged in explanation. " This is assault and battery, Meister, upon a peaceful burgher. You shall answer to your officer for it, I tell you slap. Voor den donder! Is not a young man to light his pipe as he talks to a young woman without being called spy by a verdoemte sentry? Tell him, Jannie, that is all I did do!" W. Keyse felt a little awkward, and the rifle was uncom- monly heavy. The Slabbert felt it tremble, and thought about taking his hands down and reaching for that Colts six-shooter he kept in his hip-pocket. But though the finger wobbled, it was at the trigger, and Walt was not fond of risks. " Tell him, Jannie ! " he spluttered once more. She had not needed a second bidding. As the domestic hen in defence of her chicken will give battle to the wilde-kat, so Emigration Jane, with ruffled plumage, blazing, defiant eyes, and shrill objurgations, couched in the vernacular most familiar to their object, hurled herself upon the enemy. " You narsty little brute, you ! To up and try an' murder my young man. With your jor about spies! Sauce! I'd perish you, I would, if I was 'im! Off the fyce o' the earth, ONE BRAVER THING 161 an' chance bein' 'ung for it! Take away that gun, you silly little imitation sojer d'jeer?" The weapon was extremely weighty. Billy Keyse's arms ached frightfully. Perspiration trickled into his eyes from under the tilted smasher. He felt damp and small, and des- perately at a loss. And as though in malice the moon looked out from behind a curtain of thick, dim vapour, as he said with a lordly air: "You be off, young woman, and don't interfere! " Gawd! she knew him in spite of the smasher hat. Her rage burst the flood-gates. She screeched: " You ! . . . It's you. 'Oo I done a good turn to an' this is 'ow I gits it back ? " She gasped. " Because you're arter one young woman wot wouldn't be seen dead in the syme street wi' you . . ." Pierced with the awful thought that the adored one might be listening, W. Keyse lifted up his voice. " Sentry. . . . 'Ere! . . . Mister! " he cried despairingly. "You on the other side, can't you hear?" In vain the call. The stout fellow-townsman of W. Keyse, comfortably propped in an angle of the opposite fence, the bulk of the Convent and the width of its garden and tennis-ground being between them, continued to sleep and snore peacefully and undisturbed. Emigration Jane continued: " Because that sly cat wiv the yeller 'air-plait won't 'ear o' you, you try to git a pore servant-gal's fancy bloke pinched! Yah, greedy! Boo! You plate-faced, 'erring-backed, s'rimp- eyed little silly, with your love-letters an' messijes! Wait till I give 'er another o' your screevin' that's all! " The unsteady rifle wobbled more and more. " Patrol ! " cried W. Keyse in a despairing whimper. She advanced upon him closer and closer, lashing herself as she came to frenzy. How often had W. Keyse seen it outside the big pubs in the Tottenham Court Road, and outside the Britannia, Camden Town! Perhaps the recollection staring, newly awakened, in the pale, moonlit eyes of the little perspir- ing Town Guardsman stung her to equal memory, and pro- voked the act. Who can tell? We may only know that she plucked the weapon of lower-class London from her hat, and jabbed at the pale face viciously, and heard the victim say " Owch ! " as he winced, and knew herself, as her Slabbert gripped the rifle-barrel, and wrested it with iron strength from 162 ONE BRAVER THING the failing hands of W. Keyse, the equal of those dauntless Boer women who killed men when it was necessary. But, oh, the 'orrible, 'ideous feeling of 'aving stuck something into live flesh ! Sick and giddy, the heroine shut her eyes, seeing behind their lids wondrous phantasmagoria of coloured pyrotechny, rivalling the most marvellous triumphs of the magician Brock. . . . Billy's beheld, at the moment when his weapon was wrenched from him, two long grey arms come out of the dark- ness and coil about the largely-looming form of Slabbert. Enveloped in the neutral-tinted tentacles of this mysterious embrace, the big Boer struggled impotently, and a quick imperative voice said, between the thick pants of striving men: " Get the gun from him, will you, and call up your picket. Don't fire ; blow your whistle instead ! " " Pip-ip-ip-Yrf Pip-ip-rr! " The long, shrill call brought armed men hurrying out of the darkness on the other side of the Cemetery, and considerably quickened the arrival of the visiting patrol. " Communicating with persons outside the defences by flash- light signals. We can't shoot him for it just yet, but we can gaol him on suspicion," said the Commander of the picket. And Slabbert, with a stalwart escort of B.S.A. troopers, re- luctantly moved off in the direction of the guard-house. "Who was the fellow who helped you, do you know?" asked the officer who had ridden up with the patrol. " Threw him and sat on him until the picket came up, you say," he commented, on hearing W. Keyse's version of the story. "A tall man in civilian clothes, with a dark wideawake and short pointed beard! H'm!" " Coming from the veld, apparently, and not from town," said the picket Commander. " Must have known the counter- sign or the sentries out there would have stopped him. I see! " He looked at the patrol-officer, who coughed again. The moonlight was quite bright enough for the exchange of a wink. Then: " Hold on, man, you're bleeding," said W. Keyse's sergeant, an old Naval Brigade man. " How did ye get that 'ere nasty prod under the eye? " Billy put up his hand, and gingerly felt the place that hurt His fingers were red when they came away. ONE BRAVER THING 163 "The young woman wot was with the Dutchman, she jabbed me with a 'at-pin, to git me to let 'im go." "There's a blindin' vixen for you!" commented the Ser- geant. " Two inch higher, and she'd have doused your light out. Where did she come from, d'ye know?" " Have you any idea who she was?" asked the Commander of the picket. W. Keyse shook his head. " 'Aven't the least idear, sir. Never sor 'er before in my natural ! " he declared stoutly. " Well, you'll know her again when you meet her or she will you," said the patrol-officer, about to move on, when a deplorable figure came staggering into the circle, and the rider reined up his horse. "What's this? Hey, Johnny, where's your gun ? " It was W. Keyse's fellow-sentry from the opposite flank of the Convent. " And time you turned up, I don't think," commented W. Keyse. " Didn't you 'ear me sing out to you just now?" " Come, now, what were you up to?" the Sergeant pressed. " Better up an' own it if you've bin asleep on guard." The eager faces crowded round. The object of interest and comment, not at all sympathetic or polite, was a stout, respect- able tradesman, with a large, round, ghastly face, who saluted his officer with a trembling hand. "I I have been the victim of an outrage, sir!" "Sorry to hear it; what's your name?" "Brooker, sir," volunteered W. Keyse's Corporal. "The other sentry we put on with Keyse here." , " Mr. Brooker, sir, General Stores, Market Square,"; babbled the citizen. " Well, Private Brooker, what have you to say? " " I have been drugged or hypnotized, sir, and robbed of my gun while in a state of insensibility, sir upon my honour as an Alderman and Magistrate of this borough! Swear me, sir, if you have any doubt of my veracity!" He flapped his hands like fins, and his bandolier heaved above a labouring bosom. The Commander of the picket looked preternaturally grave. " Very sorry, Private Brooker, but unless the Sergeant has brought his Testament along, you'll have to give your informa- tion in the ordinary way. So they drugged you or hypnotized 164 ONE BRAVER THING you or both, was it? and took away your rifle. Of course you saw it done? " " No, sir, I did not see it done. When I woke up . . ." " Ah, when you woke up ! Please go on." The crowding faces of B.S.A. men and Town Guardsmen were grinning now. The patrol-officer was rocking in his saddle. " When I revived, sir, from the swoon or trance . . ." "Very good, Private Brooker; we'll hear the rest of that in the morning. Sergeant, relieve these sentries, and bring Private Keyse and the hypnotic subject before me in the morn- ing. Make this man Brooker a prisoner at large for the present, and fall in the picket." The Sergeant saluted. " Very good, sir." The bubbling Brooker boiled over frothily as the sentries were changing. "A prisoner! Good God! do they take me for a traitor? A Magistrate ... an Alderman, the President of the Gas Committee . . ." " I should 'ave guessed you to be that if I 'adn't 'card it, sonny," said the Sergeant dryly, the implied sarcasm provoking a subdued guffaw. He added, as the visiting patrol rode on and the picket marched back to the Cemetery: "Can't re- lieve you of your rifle, because you 'aven't got 'er. What in 'Eaven's name are they goin' to do to you? Well, you'll find out to-morrow. Left face; quick march! " Counting left-right, and keeping elbow-touch with the next man, W. Keyse got in a whisper: " I say, Sergeant, am I in for it as well as Ole Bulgy Weskit? You might as well let me know and charnce it! " The Sergeant answered with unfeeling indifference: " Since you ask, I should say you was." "That's a bit 'ard! Wot '11 I git?" " Ten to one, your skater." "Wot is my skater?" "Your Corporal's stripe, you suckin' innocent! Wot for? For takin' a Boer spy pris'ner 'that's wot for! " "C'ripps!" said W. Keyse, enlightened, illuminated and glowing in the darkness. He added a moment later, in rather a depressed tone : " But it was 'im, the civilian bloke with the beard, 'oo downed the Dutchy, an' sat on 'im till the guard come up." The Sergeant was ahead of the half-company, speaking to ONE BRAVER THING 165 the officer in charge. It was the Corporal who answered, across the man who marched upon the left of W. Keyse: " O' course it was. But you 'ad the Dopper fust, and," he cackled quietly, " the Colonel won't be jealous." The eyes and mouth of W. Keyse became circular. "The who?" "The Colonel, didn't you 'ear me say?" "That wasn't never . . . 'im?" " All right, since you know best. But him, for all that! " " Cripps ! " gasped Billy Keyse. XXIII You are to imagine Dawn, trailing weary-footed over the interminable plain, to find Gueldersdorp, lonely before, and before threatened, now isolated like some undaunted coral rock in mid-Pacific, crested with screaming sea-birds, girt with roaring breakers, set in the midst of waters haunted by myriads of hungry sharks. Ringed with silent menace, she squatted on her low hill, doggedly waiting the event. It was known that on the previous day the telegraph wires north of Beaton had been cut, and this day was to sever the last link with Cape Town at Maripo, some forty miles south. The railway bridge that crossed the Olopo River might go next. Staat's Engineers had been busy there overnight. Rumour had it, Heaven knows how, that the armoured train that had been sent up from the Cape with two light guns of superseded pattern a generous contribution towards the col- lection of obsolete engines now bristling from the sand-bagged ramparts had been seized by a commando, with the officer and the men in charge. This was to be confirmed later by the arrival of an engine-driver minus five fingers and some faith in the omnipotence of British arms. But at the beginning of this chapter he was hiding in a sand-hole, chewing the cud of his experience, in default of other pabulum, and did not get in before dark of the long blazing day. Crowds gathered on the barely-reclaimed veld at the north- ern end of the town to see the Military Executive take over the Hospital. But that the streets were barricaded with waggons and every able-bodied male citizen carried a rifle, it might have been mistaken for an occasion of national rejoic- ing or civic festivity. The leaves of the pepper-trees fringing 1 66 ONE BRAVER THING the thoroughfares and clumped in the Market Square rustled in the faint hot breeze. By-and-by they were to stand scorched and seared and naked under the iron hail that beat in blizzards upon them, and die in the noxious lyddite fumes dispersed by bursting shells. The variegated crowd cheered as the Staff dismounted at the white-painted iron gates of railed-in Hospital grounds. It was not the acclamation of admiration, it was the cheer ex- pectant. They wanted to know what this man, their sole hope, was going to do. Intolerable suspense racked them. Wherever it was known that he would be, there they followed at this juncture solid masses of humanity, bored with in- numerable ear-holes, and enamelled with patient, glittering, expectant eyes. His own keen, kindly glance swept over them as he touched his grey felt hat in acknowledgment of their dubious greeting, that half-hearted but well-meant cheer. He read the mute question written upon all their faces: What are you going to do? Part of his answer to the interrogation was standing in the railway-yard, but they would have to wait a little while longer yet just a little longer. He whistled his pleasant melodious little tune as the porter hurried to open the gates. One pair of pale, rather ugly eyes in the crowd were illumined with pure hero-worship. " That's 5 im," explained their owner, nudging a big man in shabby white drill, who was shouldering a deliberate way through the press. "The Colonel and ain't 'e a Regular Oner! Them along of 'im with the red shoulder-straps and brown leather leg- gin's, they're cav'l'ry Orficers o' the Staff, they are. An' them others in khaki with putties syme as wot I've got on they're the Medical Swells. Military Sawboneses twig? You can tell 'em, when you're near enough, by the bronze badges with a serpint climbin' up a stick inside a wreath wot they 'ave on the fronts o' their caps an' on their jacket-collars, an' the instrument-cases wot they carries in their bres' pockets. I'm a bit in the know about these things, being a sort of Service man meself." Thus delicately did W. Keyse invite comment. Splendid additions had certainly been made to the martial outfit of the previous day. The tweed Norfolk had been replaced by a khaki jacket, evidently second-hand, and obligingly taken in by the lady of the boarding-house. A Corporal's stripe, pur- chased from a trooper of the B.S.A., who, as the consequence ONE BRAVER THING 167 of over-indulgence in liquor and language, had one to sell, bad- been sewn upon the sleeve. The original owner had charged an extra tiklcie for doing it, and it burned the arm that bore it like a vaccination pustule on the fifth day. " Being a sort of Service man meself," repeated W. Keyse. He twitched the stripe carelessly into sight. " C'manding orficer marked me down for this to-day," he continued, with elaborate indifference, "along of a Favourable Mention in the Cap'n's Guard Report. Nothin' much a little turn- up with a 'ulking big Dutch bloke, 'oo turned out to be a spy." In the act of feeling for the invisible moustache, he rec- ognized the face under the Panama hat worn by the big neigh- bour in white drill, and blushes swamped his yellow freckles. The owner of that square, powerful face, no longer bloated and crimson, but pale and drawn, was the man who had stepped in to the rescue at the Dutchman's saloon-bar on the previous day, where Fate had stage-managed effects so badly that the heroic leading attitude of W. Keyse had perforce given place to the minor role of the juvenile walking-gentle- man. "Watto!" he began. "It's you, mister! I bin want- in* to say thank " But a surge of the crowd flattened W. Keyse against the green-painted iron railings surrounding a municipal gum-tree, and the big man was lost to view. Perhaps it was as well that the acquaintance made under con- ditions remote from respectability should not be renewed. But W. Keyse would have preferred to thank the rescuer. The taking over of the Hospital was accomplished in a moment, to the disappointment of the ceremony-loving Briton and the Colonial of British race, to say nothing of the Kaffirs and the Barala, who anticipated a big indaba. The little party of officers in khaki walked up the gravel-drive between thej carefully-tended grass plats to the stoep where the Mayor of Gueldersdorp, with the matron, house-surgeon, secretary, and several prominent members of the Committee including Alderman Brooker, puffy-cheeked and yellow-eyed for lack of a night's rest waited. Military Authority saluted Civic Dignity, shook hands, and the thing was done. Inspection followed. "The warr'ds." The Chief Medical Officer, a tall raw- boned personage, very evidently hailed from North of the Tweed. " I'm obliged to ye, madam," he addressed the jflustered matron, "but the warr'ds an' the contents o' the 1 68 ONE BRAVER THING beds in them are no' to say of the firr'st importance at least, whaur I'm concerr'ned. With your permeesion we'll talc' a look at the Operating Theatre, and overhaul the sterileezing plant, and the sanitary arrangements, and maybe, after a gliff at the kitchens, there would be a moment to spend in ganging through the warr'ds. Unless the Colonel would prefer to begin wi' them? " He turned a small, twinkling pair of blue eyes set in dry wrinkles upon his Chief. " Not I, Major. This is your department. But I shall ask five minutes more grace in the interests of the friend I spoke of, Dr. Saxham, with whom I made an appointment at the half-hour." " You're no' by any chance meaning the Saxham that wrote ' The Diseases of Civilization,' are ye, Colonel ? I mind a sentence in it that must have been a douse of cauld watter toch! vitriol would be the better worr'd in the faces o' some o' the dandy operators. ' Young men,' he ca'ed them, as if he was a greybeard himsel', 'young men who, led into Surgery by the houp o' gains an' notoriety, have given themselves nae time to learn its scienteefic principles showy operators, who diagnose wi' the knife an' endeavour to dictate to Nature and no' to assist her.' And yet Saxham could daur ! ' I shall prove that the gastric ulcer can be cured wi'out exceesion,' he said, or they say he said in the Lancet report o' the operation on the Grand Duke Waldimir I cam' across a reprint o' it no' lang ago when Sir Henry McGavell sent for him, wi' the sweat o' mortal terror soakin' his Gladstone collar. He cut a hole in the Duke's stomach, ye will understand, in front o' the ulcer, clipped off the smaller intesteene, spliced the twa together wi' a Collins button, and by a successful deveece o' plumbing naething less earned the eternal gratitude o' the autocrat an' the everlastin' currses o' the Nihilists. All that, seven years ago, an' the thing is dune the day wi'oot a hair's- breadth difference. For why? Ye canna paint the lily, or improve upon perfection. Toch! . . . Colonel, that man would be worth the waitin' for, if he stood in your friend's shoes the day! " " Rejoice then, Major, and be exceeding glad, for I believe this is the man who wrote the book and plugged or was it plumbed the potentate." The Chief Medical Officer rubbed his hands. " I promise myself a crack or twa wi' him, then. . . . But how is it a busy chiel like that can get awa' from his private patients ONE BRAVER THING 169 and his Hospital warr'ds in the London Winter Season? Ahem ! ahem ! " By the haste the Medical Officer developed in changing the conversation, it was plain that he had recalled the cir- cumstances under which the " busy chiel " had turned his back upon the private patients and the Hospital wards. " Colonel," he went on, " I could be wishing this varry creedit- able-appearing institution judging from the ootside o't were twice as big as it is, wi' maybe an Annexe or so to the back of that." " My dear Major, I never knew you really satisfied and happy but once, and that was when we had fifty men down w r ith dysentery and fever in a tin-roofed railway goods-shed, and a hundred and seventy more under leaky canvas, and you were out of chlorodyne and quinine, and could get no milk." " That goes to prove the eleementary difference between the male an' the female character. A man will no' keep on dither- ing for what he kens he canna' get. A woman, especially a young an' pretty " He broke off to say: "Toch! will ye hark to Beauvayse! The very name of the sex sets that lad rampaging." " Beautiful ! I tell you, sir," the handsome, fair-haired young aide-de-camp was emphatically assuring that stout, rubicund personage, the Mayor, " the loveliest girl I ever saw in my life, or ever shall see bar none ! I saw her first on the Recreation Ground, the day some Boer blackguards insulted some nuns who were in charge of a ladies' school, and to-day she passed with two other Sisters of Mercy, and I touched my hat to her as the Staff dismounted at the gate." " Another rara avis, Beau ? " the Colonel called across the intervening group of talkers. The group of khaki-clad figures separated, and turned first to the Chief, then to the bright- eyed, bright-faced enthusiast. White teeth flashed in tanned faces, chaff began. "In love again, for the first and only time, Toby?" " Since he lost his heart to Miss What's-her-name, that pretty ' Jollity ' girl, with the double-barrelled repeating wink, and the postcard grin." " Don't forget the velvet-voiced beauty of the dark, moon- less night on the Cape Town Hotel veranda." "She turned out to be a Hottentot lady, didn't she?" " Cavalry Problem No. I. Put yourself in Lieutenant the 170 ONE BRAVER THING Right Hon. Viscount Beauvayse's place, and give in detail the precautions you would have taken to insure the transport of your heart uninjured from the Staff Headquarters to the Hos- pital Gate. Show on the map the disposition of the enemy, whether desirous to enslave, or likely to be mashed. . . ." " She was neither," the crimson boy declared. " She was simply a lady, quiet and high-bred and simple enough to have been a Princess of the Blood, or to look a fellow in the face and pass him by without the slightest idea I'd swear to it that she'd fairly taken his breath away." " My dear Lord ! " The Mayor took a great deal of com- ifort out of a title. " Attractive the young lady is, I certainly admit, and my wife is I may say the word enthusiastic in her praise. But you go one, or half a dozen, better than Mrs. Greening, who will be perfectly willing, I don't doubt, to in- troduce you, unless the Colonel entertains objections . . ." "To Staff flirtations? Regard 'em as inevitable, Mr. Mayor, like Indian prickly-heat, or fever here. And probably the best cure for the complaint in the present instance would be to meet the cause of it." " Judge for yourself, Colonel ; you've first-class long-distance eyesight." There was a ring of defiance in the boy's fresh voice. " You've seen her before, and it isn't the kind of face one forgets. Here they are . . . here she is now, coming back, with the other ladies. The railing spoils one's view, but the gates are open, and in another moment you'll see her pass them." The Chief moved to the front of the stoep where the Staff had congregated. Men quietly fell aside, making place for him, so that he stood with Beauvayse, in a clear half-circle, ringed with a circle of neutral Service browns and drabs and umbers, waiting until the three figures should pass across the open space. One or two Staff eyeglasses went up. The Chief Medical Officer removed and wiped his steel-rimmed eyeglasses before replacing them on his bony aquiline nose. They came and passed the white figure and the two black ones. Of these one was very tall, one short and dumpy veiled and mantled, their hands hidden in their ample sleeves, they went by with their eyes upon the ground. But the girl with them a slight, willowy creature in a creamy, cambric dress, a wide hat of black transparent material, frilled and bowed upon her dead-leaf coloured hair, and tied by wide strings of muslin under her delicate round chin looked with ONE BRAVER THING 171 innocent, candid interest at the group of men outside the Hos- pital. The tanned faces, the simple workmanlike Service dress, setting off the well-knit, alert figures, the quiet, soldierly bear- ing, even the distant sound of the well-bred voices, pleased her, even as the whiff of cigars and Russian leather that the breeze brought down from the stoep struck some latent chord of sub- conscious memory, and brought a puzzled little frown between the delicately-drawn dark eyebrows arching over black-lashed golden hazel eyes. And cognizant of every fleeting change of expression in those lovely eyes, the taller of her two companions thought, with a stab of pain: " Your father was that man's friend, and the comrade of others like him." " Now, then ! " challenged Beauvayse, as the three figures moved out of sight. " The ' Girl With the Golden Eyes '? " said somebody. " You wouldn't speak of her in the same breath with that brainless beast of Balzac's, hang it all ! " expostulated the champion. He turned eagerly to the Colonel. " Now you've seen her, sir, would you?" " Not exactly. And I'm bound to say, I regard your claim to possession of a good taste as completely established. . . . 'Ware the horse, there! Look out! look out!" His eyes had followed the tall figure of the Mother-Superior, moving with the superlative grace and ease that comes of perfect physical proportion, carrying the black nun's robes, wearing the flowing veil of the nun with the dignity of an ideal queen. And even as he looked, his charger, held with some others by a mounted orderly before the gates, and rendered nervous by the presence of the crowd, shied at the towering panache of imitation grass-made ostrich feathers trailing from the aged and crownless pot-hat worn by a headman of the Barala in holiday attire, jerked the bridle from the hand of the trooper, and backed, rearing, in the direction of the three women pass- ing on the sidewalk. The other horses shied, frustrating the efforts of the orderly to catch the flying bridle, and the danger from the huge, towering brown body and dangling iron-shod hoofs was very real, seemed inevitable, when a man in white drill and wearing a Panama hat ran out of the crowd, sprang up and deftly caught the loose bridoon-rein, mastered the frightened beast, and dragged it back into the roadway, in time to avert harm. " Cleverly done, but a close thing," the Chief said, as he 172 ONE BRAVER THING turned away. "/ wish I had had that fellow's chance!" was written in Beauvayse's face. To have won a look of gratitude from those wonderful black-fringed eyes, brought a flush of admiration into those white-rose cheeks, would have been worth while. The slight, tall, girlish figure in its dainty creamy draperies had passed out of sight now between its two black-robed guardians. And had not Luck, that mutable- minded deity, given the golden chance to a hulking stranger in white drill, his, Beauvayse's, might have been the hand to intervene in the matter of the Colonel's restive charger, and the ears to hear her thanks. If he had known that her eyes had been too full of his own resplendent virile, glowing young personality to even see the man who had stepped in between her and possible danger! The most innocent girl will have her ideal of a lover and thrill at the imagined touch, and furnish the dumb image with a dream-voice that, woos her in impossible, elaborate, impas- sioned sentences, very unlike the real utterances of Love when he comes. The blue-eyed, ruddy-cheeked, golden-locked St. Michael portrayed in celestial-martial splendour upon one of the panels of the triptych over the altar in the Convent chapel had, as he bent stern young brows over the writhing demon with the vainly-enveloping snake-folds, something of the young soldier's look, it seemed to Lynette. Ridiculous and profane, Sister Cleophee or Sister Ruperta would have said, to liken a handsome, stupid, young Lieutenant of Hussars to the im- mortal Captain of the Armies of Heaven. But she knew another who would understand. There was no flaw in the perfect sympathy that maintained between Lynette and the Mother-Superior, though, certainly, since the Colonel's visit of the previous day, the Mother had seemed strangely preoccupied and sad. . . . Her good-night kiss, in- variably so warm and tender, had been the merest brush of lips against the girl's soft cheek; her good-morning had been even more perfunctory; her eyes, those great maternal radiances, turned their light elsewhere. Unloved and neglected, the Con- vent's spoiled darling hugged her abandonment, weaving a very pretty, ineffably silly romance, in which a noble and beautiful young Hussar lover, suddenly appearing over the corrugated-iron fence of the tennis-ground, the foliage of its fringe of pepper-trees waving in the night-breeze, knelt no, nobody ever knelt now, out of Scott's novels or Sheridan's plays strode towards the slender-built figure leaning from ONE BRAVER THING 173 her chamber-casement, whispering, with outstretched hands and eyes that gleamed through the darkness: " Open the door! Do you hear, you Kid? Open the door! " Her heart went heavily, and seemed to stop. A cotd breath seemed to blow upon the little silken hair-tendrils at the nape of her white neck, spreading a creeping, stiffening horror through her body, deadening sensation, paralyzing every limb. The close approach of any man, even the thought of such contact, turned her deadly faint, checked her pulses, stopped her breath. At picnics and parties and dances to which the Mayor's wife or the mothers of some of the pupils would in- vite or chaperon her, her vivid, delicate, fragile beauty would draw first men's eyes, and then their owners, not all unhand- some or undesirable, while showier girls looked in vain for partners or companions. The little triumph, the consciousness of being admired and sought after, would quicken Lynette's pulses, and heighten the radiance of her eyes, and lend anima- tion to her girlish chatter and gaiety to her laughter at first. Then some over-bold advance, some hot look or whispered word, would bring quick recollection leaping into the lovely eyes, and drive the vivid colour from the virginal undine face, and stamp the smiling mouth into pale, breathless lines of Fear. That night in the tavern on the veld had branded a child with premature knowledge of the incarnate ravening, devouring Beast that lies in Man concealed. She felt the scorching breath of lust upon her; she quailed under the in- tolerable touch ; she shook like a reed in the brutal hands of the evil, dominating power that would brook no resistance and knew no mercy. The horrible obsession came upon her now, as ever, stronger for those moments of forgetfulness: "Clang clang clang! " The little Irish novice had rung the Chapel-bell for Sext and None. She could hear, from the nuns' end of the big rambling, two-storied house, the rustling habits sweeping along the passage. She hurried to the dt>or, and tore it open, and ran as though that ravening breath had been hot upon her neck, saw the dear black figure of the Mother sweeping toward her, and rushed into the arms that were held out, and hid from that burning, scorching, hideous memory in the bosom that dead Richard Mildare had turned from in his blindness. Just as Beauvayse, stimulated by the recollection of the 174 ONE BRAVER THING Mayor's promise to introduce him to the loveliest girl he had ever seen in his life, or ever should see, mentally registered a vow that he would keep the old buffer up to that, by listen- ing to his interminable hunting-stories, and laughing at his venerable jokes, to tears if necessary. Love, like War, sharp- ened a fellow's faculties. " It's rum to reflect," Beauvayse said, conscious of per- petrating an epigram, " that from time immemorial the fellow who wants to make up to a young woman has always had to begin by getting round an old man." He looked round for the old man, whom the title would have estranged for ever. He had buttonholed the Chief, and was gassing away joy! upon the very subject. " I fancy the ladies of the Convent who occasionally visit the Hospital were coming in at this gate. The short nun, I noticed, had a little basket in her hand. Probably they went round to the side entrance, seeing the ha, ha! the stoep garrisoned by Her Majesty's Imperial Forces. Cer- tainly. . . . Without doubt. We respect the Mother- Superior highly. A most gifted, most estimable person in every way, if rather stern and reserved. . . . Unapproachable, my wife calls her. But Miss Mildare, her ward " XXIV " Miss MILDARE ! " The Chief's keen eyes had lightened suddenly. The whole face had darkened and narrowed, and the clipped brown moustache lost its smiling curve, and straightened into a hard line. "Miss Mildare? " " Why, yes, that is her name. . . . An orphan, I have heard, and with no living relatives. But she seems happy enough at the Convent, judging by what Mrs. Greening says." The hearer experienced a momentary feeling of relief and of anger relief to think that dead Dick Mildare's daughter should have found refuge in such a woman's heart ; anger that the woman should have concealed from him the girl's identity, knowing her the object of his own anxious search. Then he understood. His anger died as suddenly as it had been kindled. He recalled something that he had seen when the rearing horse had inclined perilously towards the ONE BRAVER THING 175 footway that protecting maternal gesture, that swift inter- position of the tall, active, black-robed figure beween the white-clad, flower-faced, girlish creature and those threaten- ing iron-shod hoofs. . . . " She loves the girl Dick Mildare's daughter by the woman-friend who stole him from her. Is there a doubt? With poor little Lady Lucy Hawting's willowy figure and the same nymph-like droop of the little head, \vith its rich twists and coils of dead-leaf-coloured hair, shaded by the big black hat. That woman has taken her to her heart, however she came by her; the uprooting would be agony, stern, proud, tender creature that she is! I suppose she will be doing thundering penance for not having told me, a fellow who simply walked into the place and assegaied her with my death- news. Here's a marrowy bone of gossip Lady Hannah shall never crack. And yet I wouldn't swear there's not an angel husked inside that dried-up little chrysalis. For God made all women, though He only turned out a few of 'em perfect, and some only just a little better than the ruck." He roused himself from the brown study that brought into relief many lurking lines and furrows in the thin, keen face, as the Chief Medical Officer, fixing, him through suspicious eyeglasses, demanded : " Ye got your full allowance o' sleep last nicht ? " He nodded. " Thanks to a Cockney babe in bandoliers, who was born not only with eyes and ears, like other infants, but with the capacity for using 'em." " Ay. It's remarr'kable how many men will daudle com- placently through life, from the cradle to the grave, wi'out the remotest consciousness that they're practically blind and no better than deaf, as far as regards rea.1 seeing and hearing. But who's your prodeegy?" " One of Panizzi's Town Guardsmen. They put him on at the Convent with another sentry, their first experience of a night on guard. By not being in a hurry to challenge, and keeping his ears open while a conversation of the confidentially- affectionate kind was going on between a Dutchman a fellow employed in the booking-office at the railway, on whom I've had my eye for some little time past and his sweetheart, my townie found out for himself something that most of us knew before, and something else that we wanted to know particularly badly. . . ." 176 ONE BRAVER THING "Namely?" " For one thing, that the town is a hotbed of spies, and that our friends in laager outside are nightly communicated with by means of flash-signals." " And that's an indeesputable fact. Toch ! " No other combination of letters may convey the guttural, " Have I no' seen the lamps at warr'k mysel', after darr'k, at the end o' the roads that debouch upon the veld ! The Dutchman would be able to plead precedent, I'm thinking." " He will have plenty of time to think where he is at present. When the sentry interfered he was instructing the young woman in a simple but effective code of match-flare signals, by means of which she was to communicate with him when he had cleared out. And he had announced his inten- tion of doing that without delay." " An' skipping to his freends upo' the Borr'der. . . . Toch ! " The network of wrinkles tightened about the sharp little blue-grey eyes of the Chief Medical Officer. " That would gie a thochtfu' man a kind o' notion that a reese in the temperature may be expectit shortly. An' so you slept soundly on the strength o' many wakeful nichts to come? Ay, that would be the kind o' information ye were badly wanting! " " You're wrong, Major. The bit of information was this from the spy to his friends outside: 'A^o news to- night' " The keen hazel eyes conveyed something into the Northern blue ones that was not said in words : ' ' No news to-night.' And the sender of that message was a railway man." The wiry hairs of the Chief Medical Officer's red moustache bristled like a cat's. " Toch, Colonel, you will have reason to be considering me dull in the uptake, but I see through the mud wall now. And so the knowledge that ye have no equal at hiding your deeds o' darkness even in the licht o' the railway-yard was as good to ye as Daffy's Elixir. And when micht we reckon on getting notification from what I may presume to ca' your double sur- preese-packet ? " He looked at his watch a well-used Waterbury, worn in a leather strap upon his wrist. " Ten o'clock. At a quarter past eleven I think we may count upon something. The driver of Engine 123 has given me the word of an Irishman from County Kildare; and the ONE BRAVER THING 177 stoker, a Cardiff man, and the guard, who hails from Shore- ditch, are quite as keen as Kildare." " You're sending the stuff up North ? " " In the direction of the railway-bridge they're busy wreck- ing, in the hope that it may come in useful." " Weel, I will gie ye the guid wish that the affair may go off exactly as ye are hoping." "Thanks, Major! You could hardly word the sentence more happily." They exchanged a laugh as the Mayor bustled up, rubi- cund, important, and with a Member of the Committee to introduce. " Colonel, you'll permit me to present Alderman Brooker, one of our most energetic and valued townsmen, President of the Gas Committee, and an Assistant Borough Magistrate. One of Major Panizzi's Town Guardsmen. Was on sentry- go last night not far from here, and had a most extraordinary experience. Worth your hearing, if you can spare time to listen to my friend's account of it." " With pleasure, Mr. Mayor." Brooker, a stout and flabby man, with pouches under biliously tinged eyes, bowed and broke into a violent per- spiration, not wholly due to the shiny black frock-coat suit of broadcloth donned for the occasion. " Sir, I humbly venture to submit that I have been the victim of a conspiracy!" "Indeed? Step this way, Mr. Brooker." Brooker, soothed by the courteous affability of the reception, his sense of importance magnified by being led aside, apart from the others, into the official privacy of the stoep-corner, began to be eloquent. He knew, he said, that the story he had to relate would appear almost incredible, but a soldier, a diplo- mat, a master of strategy, such as the personage to whom he now addressed himself, would understand none better how to unravel the tangled web, and follow up the clue to its ending in a den of secret, black, and midnight conspiracy. A blob of foam appeared upon his under-lip. He waved his hands, thick, short-fingered, clammy members. . . . " My story is as follows, sir. . . ." " I shall have pleasure in listening to it, Mr. Brooker, on condition that you will do me first the favour of listening to a story of mine? " 1 78 ONE BRAVER THING Deferred Brooker protested willingness. " Last night, Mr. Brooker, at about eleven-thirty or a quarter to twelve, I was returning from a little tour of in- spection " the slight riding sjambok he carried pointed over the veld to the northward " out there, when, passing the south angle of the enclosure of the Convent, where, by my special orders, a double sentry of the Town Guard had been posted, I heard a sound that I will endeavour to repro- duce." " Gr'rumph! Honk'k! Gr'rumph!" Brooker bounded in his Oxford shoes. The face upon which he glued his bulging eyes was grave to Sternness. He stuttered, interrogated by the judicial glance: " It arah ! it sounds something like a snore." " It was a snore, Mr. Brooker, and it proceeded from one of the sentries upon guard." " Sir ... I ... I can expl " " Oblige me by not interrupting, Mr. Brooker. This sentry sat upon a short post, his back fitted comfortably into an angle of the Convent fence, his head thrown back, and his mouth wide open. From it, or from the organ immediately above, the snore proceeded. He was having a capital night's rest in the Service of his Country. And as I halted in front of him, fixing upon him a gaze which was coldly observant, he shivered and ceased to snore, and said " : the wretched Brooker heard his own voice, rendered with marvellous fidelity, speaking in the muffled tone of the sleeper "" ' Annie, it's damned cold to-night; and you've got all the blanket'" "Sir . . . sir!" The stricken Brooker babbled hideously. ..." Colonel . . . for mercy's sake ! . . ." " I could not oblige the gentleman with a blanket, Mr. Brooker, but I relieved him of his rifle and left him, to tell his picket a cock-and-bull story of having been drugged and hypnotized by Boer spies. And I will overlook it upon the present, occasion, but in War-time, Mr. Brooker, men have been shot for less. I think I need not detain you further. Your rifle has been sent to your headquarters with my card and an explanation. One word more, Mr. Brooker " Brooker, grey, streaky, and desperate, wretched, was blind to the laughter brimming the odd keen hazel eyes. " I am entrusted by the Imperial Government with the preservation of Public Morality in Gueldersdorp, as well as with the maintenance of the Public Safety ami I should be ONE BRAVER THING 179 glad of an assurance from you that Mrs. Brooker's Christian name is really Annie? " "I I swear it, Colonel!" Brooker fled, leaving the preserver of public morality to have his laugh out before he rejoined the Staff, glancing at the Waterbury in the shabby wristlet. Half-past ten. Would the Dop Doctor turn up to appointment, or had the battle with habit and the deadly craving born of indulgence ended in defeat? As his eyes moved from the dial, they lighted upon the man " Clothed and in his right mind^ . . ." His own words of the night before recurred to memory as he came forward with his long, light step, greeting the new-comer with the easy, cordial grace of high-breeding. " Ah, Dr. Saxham, obliged to you for being punctual. Let me introduce you to Major Lord Henry Leighbury, D.S.O., Grenadier Guards, our D.A.A.G. Dr. Saxham, Colonel Ware, Baraland Rifles, and Sir George Wendysh, Wessex Regiment, commanding the Irregular Horse; Captain Bingham Wrynche, Royal Bay Dragoons, my senior aide-de-camp, and his junior, Lieutenant Lord Beauvayse, of the Grey Hussars. And Dr. Saxham, Major Taggart, R.A.M.C., our Chief Medical Officer." He watched the man keenly as he made the introductions, saying to himself that this was immeasurably better than he had hoped. For one thing, he was both distinctive and dis- tinguished. The ragged black moustache had been shaved away; the frayed but spotless suit of white drill fitted the heavy-shouldered, thin-flanked, muscular figure perefctly; the faded blue flannel shirt, with the white double collar and narrow black tie ; the shabby black kamarband about his waist, the black-ribboned Panama, maintaining respectability in ex- tremest old age, as that expensive but lasting headgear is wont to do, possessed, as worn by this man, a certain cachet of style. His slight, curt, almost frowning salutations displayed a well- graduated recognition of the official status of each individual to whom he was made known, betokening the man accustomed to move in circles where such knowledge and the application of it was indispensable, and who knew, too, that slight from him would have given chagrin. But another moment, and the junior Medical Officer, a blackavised little Irishman from County Meath, gripped him by both hands, and was exclaim- ing in his juicy brogue, real delight beaming in his round, rosy face: i&> ONE BRAVER THING " Saxham ! Saxham of St. Stephens, and the grand ould days! Deny me now, to my face. Say, 'Tom McFadyen, I don't know you,' if you dare." The blue eyes shone out vivid gentian-colour in the kindly smile that illumined them, the stern lips parted in a laugh that showed the sound white closely-set teeth. " Tom McFadyen, I do know you. But if you offer to pay me that cab-fare you owe me, I shall say I'm wrong, and that it's another man." " Hould your tongue, jewel," drolled the little junior, who delighted in exaggerating the brogue that tripped naturally off his Irish tongue. " Don't be after giving me away to the Chief and the Senior that believe me, by me own account, to be descended from Ollamh Fodla, that was King of Tara, and owned the cow-grazing from Trim to Athboy, and ate boiled turnips off shields of gold before potatoes were invented, when the bog-oaks were growing as acorns on the tree. And as to the cab-fare, sure I hailed the hansom out of politeness to your honour's glory, the day that saw me going off to the Army Medical School at Netley, wid all my worldly belongin's in wan ould hat-box and the half of a carpet-bag. Wirra, wirra! but it's some folks have luck, says I, as the train took me out av' Waterloo in a third-class smoker, while you were left on the platform sheddin' half-crowns out av every pore for the newspaper boys an' porters to pick up, and smilin' like a baby dhramin' av the bottle. You'd passed your exams in Anatomy wid wan hand held behind you an' a glove on the other, you'd got your London University Studentship in Physiology, and you'd fallen head over ears in love with the prettiest and sweet- est girl that ever wore out shoe-leather. You wrote to me two years later to say you'd been appointed an in-surgeon on the Junior Staff, an' that you were engaged to be married. But divil the taste of weddin'-cake did I ever get off you. What " The little Irishman, thoughtlessly rattling on, pulled up in an instant, seeing the ghastly unmistakable change upon the other's face. He remembered. He knew, more per- fectly than his less well-informed senior, the grim black reason for the change in Saxham, and for once, his habitual tact de- serted him. His rosy gills purpled, even as had the Mayor's on the Dop Doctor's entrance. His eyes winced under the heavy, petrifying, unseeing stare of Saxham's blue ones. " Sorry to stem the flood of your reminiscences, McFadyen f but we're going to overhaul the Hospital now." ONE BRAVER THING 181 It was the voice of the visitor who had come to the Harris Street house on the previous night, the tall, loosely-built, closely-knit figure in the easily fitting Service-dress that now stepped across the gulf that had suddenly opened between the two old friends, and laid a hand in pleasant, familiar fashion upon Saxham's heavy, rather bowed shoulders. But for that scholar's stoop they would have been of equal height. He went on : " You will be able to give us points, Saxham, where they will be needed most. Can't expect Colonial institutions, even at the best, to keep abreast of London." The blue eyes met his almost defiantly. " As I think I remember telling you, sir, it is five years since I saw London." " Well, I don't blame you for taking a long holiday while it was procurable. There are a fe\v of us who would benefit by a gallop without the halter, eh, Taggart? " He would not stoop even to benefit indirectly by the shrewd, kindly act. He drew himself to his full height, and the words were spoken with such ringing clearness that they arrested the attention of every man present. " My holiday was compulsory. I underwent innocently a legal prosecution for malpractice. The Crown Jury decided in my favour, but my West End connection was ruined. I resigned my Hospital and other appointments, and left Eng- land." "Ay!" It was the Chief Medical Officer's broad Aber- deenian tongue that droned out the bagpipe note. " Weel, Doctor, it's an ill wind blaws naebody guid, and ye canna ex- pect Captain McFadyen or mysel' to sympatheese overmuch wi' the West End for a loss that is our gain. And, Colonel, it's in my memory that ye had set your mind on beginnin' wi' the Operating Theatre? . . ." XXV THE chart-nurse looked in to say that the Medical officers of the Garrison Staff were making the rounds, and was stricken to the soul by the discovery that the Reverend Julius Fraithorn had had no breakfast. Occupying a small, single-cotted, electric bell-less room in the outlying ward brick-lined and corrugated-iron-built like the greater building, and reserved for infectious cases the Reverend Julius might have been said 182 ONE BRAVER THING to be marooned, had not. his dark-eyed, transparent, wasted young face created such hot competition among the nurses for the privilege of attending on him, that he had frequently re- ceived breakfast and dinner in duplicate, and once three teas. Some of the probationers, reared in the outer darkness of Dis- sent, knew no better than to term him " the minister." To the matron, who was High Church, he existed as " Father Fraithorn." Julius is hardly complete to the reader without an intimation that he very dearly loved to be dubbed " Father." The matron had never failed in this. A letter from Father Tatham, Julius's senior at St. Mar- garet's, lay under the bony hand a mere bunch of fleshless fingers, in which the skin-covered stick that had been a man's arm ended. Father Tatham wrote to say that, after a bright, enjoyable summer holiday, spent with a chosen band of West- Central London coster-boys at a Rest Home at Cookham-on- Thames, he has started his Friday evening confirmation classes for young costermongers in Little Schoolhouse Court, and ob- tained a record attendance by the simple plan of rewarding punctual attendance and ultimate mastery gained over the Catechism and Athanasian Creed with pairs of trousers. Julius had shaken his head over the trousers, knowing that the first walk taken by the garments in company with the winners would be as far as the pop-shop. But lying there in the clean- smelling, airy Hospital ward, he yearned with a mighty yearn- ing for the stuffy West-Central classroom, and the rowdy crew of London roughs hulking and hustling on the benches, learn- ing per medium of " the dodger," that one's duty to one's neighbour was not to abuse him foully without cause, to re- frain one's hands from pocket-picking, shop-snapping, hustling, and jellying heads with brass-buckled belts or iron knuckle- dusters, and not to get drunk before Saturday night. He had come out to South Africa upon the advice of physicians honestly-meaning wiseacres, ignorant of the. shifts, the fatigues, the inevitable exertions and privations that the panting, tottering invalid must inevitably undergo, in company with the hale traveller and the sound emigrant; the rough, protracted journeys, the neglect and discomfort of the inns and taverns and boarding-houses, where Kaffirs are the servants, and dirt and discomfort reign. He bore them because he must, and struggled on, learning by painful experience that fever-patches are best avoided, and finding out what dust-winds mean to a man who has got sick lungs, and sometimes thinking he was ONE BRAVER THING 183 getting better, and would be one day able to go back to the Clergy House, and take up his curacy in the West and West- Central districts, and begin work again. Now, lying panting on his pillows, raised high by the light chair slipped in behind them, hospital-fashion, he looked be- yond the whitewashed walls northwards, to grimy London. He dreamed, while the chart-nurse was still apologizing about the forgotten breakfast, of the High Ritual in the sacred place, and the solemn joy of the vested celebrant of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. The incense rose in clouds to the gilded, diapered roof, the organ pealed . . . then the ward seemed to fill with men in khaki Service dress, keen-eyed and tan-faced beings, of quiet movements and well-bred gestures, obviously stamped with the cachet of authority. Upright, alert, well-knit, and strong, the visitors exhaled the compound fragrance of healthy virility, clean linen, and excellent cigars; and the poor sufferer yielded to a pang of envy as he looked at them, standing about his bed, and thought of that resting-place even narrower, in which his wasted body must soon lie. And then he mentally smote his breast and repented. What was he, the unworthy servant of Heaven, that he should dare to oppose the Holy Will? " Well, now, and how are we the day ? " said the Chief Medical Officer, presented by the Resident Surgeon to the occupant of the bed. He read approaching death in the sunken face against the pillows, and in the feeble pulse as he touched the skeleton wrist, and the Resident Surgeon, catch- ing the Scotsman's eye, shook his head slightly, imparting in- formation that was not needed. " It is not in my power, I am afraid, sir, to return you the conventional answer," said Julius Fraithorn. " To be plain and brief, I am suffering from tuberculous lung-disease, and I am advised that I have not many days to live." He smiled gratefully at the Resident Surgeon. " Everything that can be done for me here is done. I can- not be too thankful. But I should have liked I should have wished to have been spared to return to England, if not to live a little longer among my friends, at least to . . ." He broke off panting, and his rattling breaths seemed to shake him. He sounded like Indian corn shaken in a gunny-bag; he wheezed like the mildewed harmonium in the Hospital chapel, on which he had once tried to play. When he had spoken, his voice had had the flat, deadly softness of the ex- 184 ONE BRAVER THING hausted phthisical sufferer's. When he had moved he had suffered torture: the shoulder-blades and hip-bones had pierced the wasted muscular tissues and projected through the skin. " I can't ! " he gasped out. " You see " A dizziness of deadly weakness seized him. His soft muffled voice trailed away into a whisper, blue shadows gathered about his large, mobile, sensitive mouth, much like that of Keats as shown in the Death Cast, and his head fell back upon the pillows. Julius had fainted. "Poor beggar!" said a large, pink man, wearing the red shoulder-straps and brown-leather leggings of the Staff, to another, a fair, handsome, young giant who leaned against the opposite door-post, as the chart-nurse hurried to take away the pillows, and lay the patient flat, and the shorter of the two medical officers dropped brandy from a flask into a glass with water in it, while the tall Scot, his finger on the pulse, stooped over the pale figure on the bed. " No doubt about his next address being the Cemetery. Should grouse myself if I was in his shoes or bed-socks would be the proper word what ? " Beauvayse agreed. " He looks like a chap I saw once get into a coffin at the Cabaret de 1'Enfer that shady restaurant place in the Boulevard de Clichy. When they turned on the light . . ." He shrugged. " The women of the party thought it simply ripping. I wanted to be sick." Captain Bingo had also known the sensation of nausea dur- ing a similar experience. " But women'll stand anything," he said, " particularly if they've been told it's chic. My own part, I can stand any amount of dead men healthy dead men, don't you know? But give you my word a cadaverous spectacle like that poor chap, bones stickin' out of his hide, and breathin' as if he was stuffed with dry shavin's, or husks like the Prodigal Son, gives me the downright horrors ! " Thus they conferred, supporting opposite door-posts with solid shoulders, until the C.M.O., turning his head addressed them brusquely, curtly: " Wrynche, if you'd transfer yourself with Lord Beauvayse to the passage, myself and my colleagues here would be the better obliged to ye." "Pleasure!" They removied, with a simultaneous clink of scabbards and a ring of spurred heels on the tiled pavement. The Colonel remained, making those about the bed a group of five. The chart-nurse stayed, pending the nod of dismissal, ONE BRAVER THING 185 a rigid statue of capped and aproned discipline, upright in the corner. "Phew!" Captain Bingo blew a vast sigh of relief, and produced a cigar-case. " Well out of that, my boy. All jumps this morning; wouldn't take the odds you're not as bad." " Rather." Beauvayse nodded, and drew the elder man's attention, with a look, to the strong young hand that held a choice Havana just accepted from the offered case. " Shaky, isn't it? and yet I didn't punish the champagne much last night. It's sheer excitement, just what one feels before riding a steeplechase, or going into Action early on a raw morning. Not that I've been in anything but a couple of Punitive Ex- peditions from Peshawar, under Wilks-Dayrell, splitting up some North-West Frontier tribes that had lumped themselves together against British Authority up to now. But I'm looking out for the chance of something better worth having, like you and all the rest of us. Trouble you for a light ? " " By the Living Tinker, and that's the fourth ! Where d'you think I'd give a cool fifty to be this minute? Not cooling my heels in a brick-paved passage while a pack of doctors are swoppin' dog-Latin over the body of a moribund young parson, but on the roof of the Staff Quarters, lookin' North, with my eyes glued to the binoculars and my ears pricked for you know what ! " Beauvayse groaned. "Isn't that what I'm suffering for? And the Chief must be ten times worse. How he keeps his countenance demure as my grandmother's cat lappin' cream. ... I say, the Transvaal Dutch ; they call themselves the true Children of Israel, don't they? Well, which did Moses and his little gang come across first in the Desert, the Pillar of Cloud, or the Pillar of Fire, or a couple of railway-trucks con- tainin' the raw material for a sky-journey, only waitin' till Brer' Boer plugs a bullet in among the dynamite? It makes me feel good all over, as the American women say, when I think of it." He smiled like a mischievous young archangel, masquerading in Service kit. Within the room the fainting man was coming back to con- sciousness, his dry, rattling breaths bearing out Captain Bingo Wrynche's similitude of a sack of shavings, rings of blue fire swimming before his darkened vision, and a dull roaring in his ears. . . . The Royal Army Medical Corps wrought over him; the nurse lent a deft helping hand; the Resident 1 86 ONE BRAVER THING Surgeon talked eagerly to the Colonel; and he, lending ear, scarcely heard the reiterated, stereotyped parrot-phrases, so taken up was his attention with the man in shabby white drill clothes, who leaned over the foot of the bed, his square face set into an expressionless mask, his gentian-blue, oddly vivid eyes fixed upon the wasted, waxy-yellow face of the sick man, his head bent, as he listened with profound, absorbed attention to the husky, rattling, laboured breaths. Suddenly he straightened himself and spoke, addressing him- self to the Resident Surgeon. " The patient has told us, sir, that he is suffering from tuberculous disease of the lungs. May I ask, was that the conclusion arrived at by a London consulting physician, and whether your own diagnosis has confirmed the assertion ? " The Resident Surgeon nodded with patronizing indiffer- ence. He was not going to waste civilities upon this rowdy, drunken remittance-man, whom he had seen reeling through the streets of the stad as he went upon his own respectable way. "Phthisis pulmonalis" He addressed his reply to the Chief. " And the process of lung-destruction is, as you will observe, sir, nearly complete. He encountered from the Chief a look of cool displeasure that flushed him to the top of his knobby forehead, and set him blinking nervously behind his big round spectacles. " Dr. Saxham asked you, sir, unless I mistake, whether you had ascertained by your own diagnosis, the . . ." Lady Hannah's words came back to him. He recalled the " bit of information wormed out of the nurse," and ended with " the presence of the bacillus?" Saxham's blue eyes thrust their rapier-points at him, and then plunged into the oyster-like orbs behind the spectacles of the Resident Surgeon, who rapidly grew from scarlet to purple, and from purple to pale green. Major Taggart and the Irish- man exchanged a look of intelligence. " Koch's bacillus, sir, were this a case of tuberculosis proper, would be present in the expectoration of the patient, and easy of demonstration under the microscope." Saxham's voice was cold as ice and cutting as tempered steel. " May we take it that you can personally testify to its presence here ? " He pointed to the bed. "And varra possibly," put in Taggart, "ye could submit a culture for present inspection? It would be gratifeeying ONE BRAVER THING 187 to me and Captain McFadyen here, as weel as to our friend an' colleague Dr. Saxham, late of St. Stephen's-in-the-West, London, to varrafy the correctness o' your diagnosis." " And it would that ! " the Irishman chimed in. " So trot out your bacillus, by all manner of means ! " The Resident Surgeon babbled something incoherent, and melted out of the room. " Moppin' his head as he goes down the passage," said Mc- Fadyen, coming back from the door. " He'll no be in sic a sweatin' hurry to come back," pro- nounced the canny Scot, shedding a wink from a dry, red- fringed eyelid. He produced from the roomy breast-pocket of his khaki Service jacket a rubber-tubed stethoscope, and put it silently into the hand Saxham had mechanically stretched out for it. Then he drew back, his eyes, like those of the other two spectators of the strange scene that was beginning, fixed upon the chief actor in it. The other, weak after his swoon as a new-born child, lay passively, helplessly upon the bed. Saxham, his square face stony and set, moved with a noise- less, feline, padding step towards the prone victim. A gleam of apprehension shot into Julius Fraithorn's great dark eyes, reopening now to consciousness. They fixed themselves, with an instinct born of that sudden thrill of fear, upon the lightly- closed right hand. Instantly comprehending, Saxham lifted the hand, showed that it held no instrument save the stetho- scope, and dropped it again by his side, drawing nearer. Then ; the massive, close-cropped black head sank to the level of Julius Fraithorn's breast, revealed in its ghastly, emaciated nakedness by the open nightshirt. The massive shoulders bowed, the supple body curved, the keen ear joined itself to the heaving surface. In a moment more the agonizing, hack- sing, rending cough came on. Julius battled for air. Raising him deftly and tenderly, Saxham signed to the nurse, who hurried to him, answering his low questions in whispers, giv- ing aid where he indicated it required. Steadily, patiently, the binaural stethoscope travelled over the lung area, gathering abnormal sounds, searching for silent spaces, sucking evidence into the assimilative brain behind the eyes that saw nothing but the man upon the bed, the locked human casket housing the Secret that was slowly, surely com- ing to light. In the fierce determination to gain it, he threw the stethoscope away, and glued his avid ear to the man again. 1 88 ONE BRAVER THING " Toch ! but I wouldna' have missed this for a kittle o' Kruger sovereigns ! " the Chief Medical Officer whispered to his colleague from Meath. And McFadyen whispered back: " Nor me, for your shoes. 'Ssh ! " He was lifting up the great stooping shoulders, and begin- ning to speak in a voice totally different from that of the man known in Gueldersdorp as the Dop Doctor. Clear, ringing, concise, the sentences left his lips: " Gentlemen, I invite your attention to a case of involun- tary simulation of the symptoms distinguishing pulmonary tuberculosis by a patient suffering from a grave disease of a totally different and much less malignant character. Oblige me by stepping nearer." They crowded about the bed like eager students. " In order to show what false conclusions loose modes of reasoning and the habitual reliance upon precedent may lead to, take the instance of the consulting physician to whom some years ago this young man, now barely thirty, and reduced, as you may see for yourselves, to the final extremity of physical decline, resorted." " I would gie five shillin' if the man could hear his ain judgment!" murmured the Chief Medical Officer; for he had gleaned from a whispered answer of Julius's the omnipotent name of Sir Jedbury Fargoe. "Toch!" He chuckled dryly. Saxham went on : " The consulting patient suffers from cough, painful and racking, from impaired digestive power, from increasing de- bility, fever, and night-sweats. He visits the specialist, con- vinced that he was consumptive, he receives confirmation of his convictions, and you see him to-day presenting the appearance, and reproducing all the symptoms of a patient in consump- tion's final stage. Possibly the germs of tuberculosis may be dormant in his organization, waiting the opportunity to de- velop into activity! Possibly a very remote possibility the disease may have already attacked some organ of his body! But and upon this point I can take my stand with the con- fidence of absolute certainty the lungs of this so-called pul- monary sufferer are absolutely sound ! " "My certie! Send I may live to foregather wi' Sir Jed- bury Fargoe!" the Chief Medical Officer prayed inaudibly. " He will gang to the next International Consumption Con- gress wi' a smaller conceit of himsel', or my name's no Duncan Taggart ! 'V ONE BRAVER THING 189 The lecturer, absorbed in his subject, lifted his hand to silence, the murmur, and pursued : "From what disease, then, is this man suffering? Logical and progressive conclusions drawn from experience and based upon the local enlargement which the physicians previously consulted have apparently failed to perceive, lead me to diagnose the presence of a tumour in the mediastinum, extend- ing its claws into the lungs, and seriously impeding their ac- tion and the action of the heart. An operation, serious and necessarily involving danger, is imperative. The growth may be benign or malignant; in the latter case I doubt whether the life of the patient is to be saved. But in the former case he has good hopes. Understand, I speak with certainty. Upon the presence of the growth, simple or otherwise, I am ready to stake my credit, my good name, my professional repu- tation " Ah! It rushed upon him with a sickening shock of recollec- tion that he was bankrupt in these things, and shame and anger strove for the mastery in his face, and anguish wrung a sob from him, despite his iron composure. He wrenched at the collar about his swelling throat, as he turned away blindly towards the window, seeing nothing, fighting desperately with the horrible despair that had gripped him, and the mad, wild frenzy of yearning for the old, glor- ious life of strenuous effort and conscious power. Lost! lost! all that had been won. " I ... I had forgotten . . . ! " he muttered ; and then a hard, vigorous hand found his and gripped it. " Go on forgetting, Saxham ! " said a voice in his ear a voice he knew, instantly steadying such virtue is there in honest, heartfelt, comprehending sympathy between man and his fellow-man the spinning brain, and quieting the leap- ing pulses, and giving him back, as nothing else could have done, his lost self-control. " You surely have earned the right!" "Man, you're a wonder!" groaned the enraptured Chief Medical Officer. He added, with a relapse into the national caution : " That is, ye will be if your prognosis proves correc'. But the Taggarts are a' of the canny breed of Doobtin' Tammas, an sae I'll juist keep a calm sugh till I see what the knife lays bare." " Use the knife now, sir. At once without delay!" It was the weak, muffled voice of the patient on the bed. 190 ONE BRAVER THING Saxham wheeled sharply about, and the stern blue eyes and the great lustrous pleading brown ones, looked into each other. The pale Julius spoke again: "I entreat you, Doctor!" Saxham spoke in his curt way: "You are aware that there is risk?" Julius Fraithorn stretched out his transparent hands. " What risk can there be to a man in my state ? Look at these; and did I not hear you say . . ." "Whatever I may have said, sir, and however urgent I may admit the necessity for immediate operation, you must wait until to-morrow morning." " I am fasting, sir, and fed. I received Holy Communion this morning, and have not yet breakfasted." The return of the chart-nurse followed by a probationer carrying a laden tray provoked an exclamation from the little Irishman. " Signs on it, the boy's as empty as a drum. The devil a wonder he went off like he did a bit back. And you can't deny him, Saxham ? " " I wad gie him the chance, Saxham " this from Surgeon- Major Taggart " in your place ; and maybe I'm putting in six worrds fer mysel' as well as half a dozen for the patient. For I have an auld bone to pyke wi' Sir Jedbury Fargoe, aboot a Regimental patient he slew for me, three years agone, wi' his jawbone of a Philistine ass." Saxham spoke to Fraithorn authoritatively, kindly. " You have no near relative to sign the Hospital Register?" " My family are all in England, sir. I have not thought it necessary to distress them with the knowledge of my state." " I think Lady Hannah Wrynche, who is now in Guelders- dorp, happens to be an acquaintance of theirs, if not a friend." Julius turned eagerly to the Colonel. " It is true, she did come here yesterday. But I should hardly wish . . . Surely, being of mature age and in the full possession of all my faculties " there was a smile on the pale lips " I may be allowed to sign the book myself? " The doctors interchanged a look. The Colonel said to the patient: " Mr. Fraithorn, if the idea is not unwelcome to you, I myself will sign the book, and " he stooped over the bed and laid his hard, soldierly hand kindly on the pale one " in the event of a less fortunate termination than that we hope for " ONE BRAVER THING 191 the faces of the three surgeons were a study in inscrutability " I will communicate, as soon as any communication is ren- dered possible, with the Bishop and Mrs. Fraithorn." The cough shook Julius as a terrier shakes a rat before he could gasp out: " Thank you, sir. With all my heart I thank you." " You shall thank me when you get well ! " l he Chief shook the pale hand, crossed the bare boards to Saxham, who stood staring at them sullenly, and took him by the arm. They went out of the ward together, talking in low tones. The medical officers followed. Then the chart-nurse and the probationer, who had been banished with the tray, came bus- tling back with towels, and razors, and a soapy solution in a basin, having a carbolic smell. Dr. Saxham had gone to take a disinfecting bath, she said, as she went about her minute preparations; and the Com- manding Officer had gone with the Staff, and now her poor dear must let himself be got ready. They wrapped the gaunt skeleton in a white blanket-robe with a heavy monkish cowl to it, and drew thick padded blanket-stockings over the ligament-tied, skin-covered bones that served the wasted wretch for legs, and wheeled in a high, narrow, rubber-wheeled, leather-cushioned stretcher, and laid him on it, light to lift, a very handful of humanity, and wheeled him, hooded and head-first, through the tile-floored passage and out into the golden African sunshine, that baked him gloriously through the coverings, and so into the main building and down tile-floored passages there. He prayed silently as he was wheeled, with blinded, cowled eyes, through double doors at the end. . . . XXVI THE operation was over, and the two Celts, self-appointed to the temporary posts of assistant-surgeon and anaesthetist ex- pressed their emotions in characteristic manner. . . . " Twelve minutes to a second between the first incision an' the last stitch. . . - Och, Owen, the jewel you are! Give me the loan of your fist, man, this minute." " What price Sir Jedbury Fargoe the noo ? The auld- farrant scraichin', obstinate grey gander. A hand I will tak' at his over the head o' this, or I'm no Taggart of Taggart- 192 ONE BRAVER THING showe. Speaking wi' seriousness, Saxham, it was a pretty operation, an' performed wi' extraordinary quickness. And Tm sorry there are no' a baker's dozen o' patients for ye to deal wi'. It's a gran' treat to see a borrn genius use the kneefe." " You could have done it yourself, Major, in less time." " Maybe I could, and maybe I couldna' ! I doubt but we Army billies are better at puttin' men thegeither than at takin' them to pieces in the long run. . . . Gently now, porter, wi' liftin' the patient. . . . Ay, McFadyen, that's richt, gie the man a hand. See to him, Saxham, is he no' fine to luik at? A wheen blue an' puffy, but the pulse is better than I would have expeckit. Wheel him awa', nurse; he'll no come round for another hour. . . ." They wheeled him away, back to the distant ward. The porter followed. The three surgeons standing by that grim table in the rubber-floored central space of the amphitheatre, fenced in by students' benches, vacant save for half a dozen whispering dressers, looked at one another. Bloused and aproned with sterilized material, masked, rubber-gloved, and slippered, and splashed with the same ominous stains that were on the table and upon the floor, Saxham's heavy-shouldered figure was as ominous and sinister as ever played a part in medieval torture-chamber, or figured in a nightmare tale of Foe's device. You can see the other surgeons, bibbed and sleeved, the Irishman, small and dark and wiry, sousing a lethal array of sharp and gleaming implements in a glass bath of carbolic; Taggart, standing at a glass table, rubber-wheeled and movable, like everything else, for use, and laden with rolls of lint and bandaging, and blue-glass bottles of peroxide of hydrogen and mercurial bichlorate, daintily returning reels of silkworm gut and bobbins of silver wire to their velvet- lined case. " You're no' fatigued ? You would no' like a steemulant ? " Saxham started and withdrew his gaze. He had been star- ing with dull intensity of desire at the brandy decanter, for- gotten by the matron, whose usual charge it was. And the sharp blue-grey eye of Surgeon-Major Taggart followed the glance to its end in the golden-gleaming crystal. "Fatigued? I hardly think so!" He laughed, and the others joined in the laugh, remember- ing the lengthy line of patients operated on in a single mid- week morning at St. Stephen's. And yet his steady hand ONE BRAVER THING 193 shook a little, and a curious soft, subtle dulness of sensation was stealing over him. He had gone to bed sober, had risen after three hours of blessed, unexpected, helpful sleep, to battle with his desperate craving until morning. When the old woman left in charge of the housekeeping arrangements had come to his door with hot water and his usual breakfast a mug of strong coffee with milk and a roll he had gulped down the reviving, steadying draught thirstily, and swallowed a mouthful or two of the bread ; and when he was shaved and tubbed and clothed in the shabby white drill suit, had gone down to the dispensary and mixed himself a dose of chloric ether and strychnine, stjong enough to brace his jarred nerves for the coming ordeal. Not that Saxham habitually drugged: that craving was not yet known to him. But the habitual intemperance had ex- acted even from his iron constitution, its forfeit of shakiness in the morning, and the rare sobriety left the man suffering and unstrung. Looking about him as the dose began its work of stringing the lax nerves and stimulating the action of the heart, he saw that many of the drawers were open, a costly set of graduated scales missing, with their plush-lined box. . . . With a certain premonition of what would next be missing, he went into the surgery. A case of silver-mounted surgical instruments had vanished from a shelf, with a presentation loving-cup, given by admirers among De Boursy-Williams's patients to that gifted practitioner. A roll-top desk was partly broken open, but not rifled, the American boltlocks having de- fied the clumsy efforts of the thief. Koets, the Dutch dispen- sarist, had cleared out of Gueldersdorp, under cover of the previous night, crossing, with the portable property reft from the accursed Englander, the barbed-wire fence that formed the line of demarcation between the British Imperial Forces and the Army of the Transvaal Republic. He had meant to wait yet another day, and take many things more, but the coming of those verdoemte soldiers of the Engelsch Commandant to fetch away the carboys of carbolic acid and the other medical stores had roused him to prompt action. Later, wearing the brass badge of a Surgeon of the Army of the Transvaal Republic, Koets ruled a Boer Field-Hospital, fearlessly slashing his way into the confidence of the United Republics through the tough, wincing brawn and muscle of Free Stater and Transvaaler. It speaks for the enduring 194 ONE BRAVER THING -qualities of the Boer constitution to say that many of his patients survived. ***** But the brandy in the decanter. . . . How it beckoned and allured and tempted. And the throat and palate of the man were parched with the desire of it. And yet, a moment before, with the toils about his feet, Saxham had wondered at the thought of these degraded years of bondage. He shook his head sullenly as Taggart repeated his question, and went away to wash and get dressed. Then he meant to shake off his companions and go where he could quench that inward fire. He loathed them as they followed, chatting pleasantly. . . . But above the hissing of the hot water from the faucets over trie basins came presently another sound, most familiar to the ears of the gossiping Celts. . . . " Rifle-fire! Out on the veld over yonder." MeFadyen's towel waved North. " Do ye hear it?" "Ay, do I! First bluid has been drawn. And to which side?" Boom! . . . The Hospital quivered to its foundations at the tremendous detonation. Shattered glass fell in showers of fragments from the roof of the operating theatre, as the force of the explosion passed beneath the buildings in a surging of the ground on which they stood, a slow wave rolling southwards, without a backward draw. The lavatory door had jammed, as doors will jam in earth- quakes. Saxham tore it open, and the three shirt-sleeved, ensanguined men ran through the theatre, strewn with the debris from the roof, and through the double doors communi- cating with the passage, populous with patients who should have been in bed, pursued by nurses as pale and shaken as their stampeding charges. The rear of the Hospital faces North, and they ran down a corridor simultaneously, ending in glass doors, and tore out upon the back stoep, wide and roomy, and full of deck chairs and wicker lounges. " Do ye see it? Ten thousand salted South African deevils. Do ye no see it?" the Surgeon-Major yelled, pointing to a monstrous milk-white soap-bubble-shaped cloud that slowly rose up in the hot blue sky of the North and hung there, sullenly brooding. "What is it, Major?" shouted Saxham, for behind them ONE BRAVER THING 195 the Hospital was full of clamour. Nurses and dressers were running out into the grounds to listen and question and con- jecture, the barely reclaimed veld beyond the palings was black with hurrying, shouting men, bandoliered, and carrying guns of every kind and calibre, from the venerable gaspipe of the native and the aged but still useful Martini-Henry of the citizen, to the Lee-Metford repeating carbine, and the German magazine rifle of latest delivery to the troops of Imperial Majesty at Berlin. Men were clustered like bees on the flat tin roofs of the sheds at the Railway Works; men had climbed the signal-posts and were looking out from them over the sea of veld; the Volunteers garrisoning the Cemetery had poured from their temporary huts and dug-out shelters, and were massed on the top of their sand-bag mounds. A fair, hand- some Staff officer, the younger of the two men who had ac- companied the Colonel, went by at a tearing gallop, mounted on a fine grey charger, and followed by an orderly, while the pot-hat and truncheon of a scared native constable emerged timidly from the gaping jaws of a rusty water-cistern, long dismissed from Hospital use, and exiled to the open with other rubbish waiting transference to the scrap-heap ; and far out upon the railway-line that vanished in the yellowing sea of veld an unseen engine screeched and screeched. . . . The Chief, in his pet post of vantage upon the roof of Nixey's Hotel, lowered his binoculars as the persistent whistle kept open. The lines about his keen eyes and mouth curved into a cheerful smile. The sound was coming nearer, and pres- ently Engine 123 backed into view, a mile or so from waiting, expectant Gueldersdorp, and snorting, raced at full speed for her home in the railway-yard. Her driver was the young Irish- man from the County Kildare, and her stoker hailed from Shoreditch. And both of them had a tale to tell of what Tag- gart had called the Colonel's double surprise-packet, to a tall man whom they found waiting on the metals by the Signal Cabin. " Six mile from the start sorra a yard more or less, sor, I sees a comp'ny o' thim divils mustered on the bog, I mane the veld, sorr smokin' their pipes an' passin' the bottle, an' givin' the overlook to a gang av odthers, that was rippin' up the rails undher the directions av a head-gaffer wid a hat brim like me granny's tay-thray, an' a beard like the Prophet Moses." " I sor 'is whoppin' big 'at myself, though we was two mile off when we picked the beggars out," the guard objected; 196 ONE BRAVER THING " but 'ow could you twig 'is beard or that the other blokes was smokin'?" " Did ye ever know a Dutch boss av any kind clane-shaved an' not hairy-faced?" was Kildare's just retort, "or see a crowd av Doppers gathered together that the blue smoke av the Blessed Creature was not curlin' out av their mouths an' ears an' noses, an' Old Square Face or Van der Hump makin' the rounds?" " You thought the blokes on the metals was a workin' gang of our chaps at the fust go off," complained the guard, " an' you opened the whistle to warn 'em ! " " He did that for sure," put in the Cardiff stoker. " But he was tipping me the wink while he did it, so he was; as much as to say he knew they were Boers all the time." " Would they have stopped where they was, well widin range, av I had let on I knew they was a parcel av unwashed Dutchmen?" demanded Kildare hotly. "Would they have hung on as I pushed her towards thim would they have stopped to watch me uncouplin' the two thrucks, smilin' wid simple interest in their haythen faces, av they had not taken me for a suckin' lamb in oily overalls that took themselves for sheep av the same fold ? " " They got a bit suspicious when we steamed orf," said the guard; "more than a bit suspicious, they did." " They took the thruck for the Armoured Thrain," re- counted Kildare, with a radiant smile illuminating a counte- nance of surpassing griminess, " an 5 they rode to widin range, an' got off their hairies, an' dhropped in a volley just to insinse them they took to be squattin' down inside them insijious divizes, into what they would be gettin' if they put up the heads av them." He mopped his brimming eyes with a handful of ! cotton waste, not innocent of lubricating fluid. " Tower av Ivory! 'twas grand to see the contimpt av thim when the cow- ards widin did not reply. ' Donder ! ' says the gaffer in the tay-thray hat and the beard like the grandfather av all the billygoats, ' Is this,' he says, ' the British pluck they talk about? Show thim verdant English a Dutchman behind a geweer,' he says, an' that's what they call a gun in their dirty lingo ' an' they lie down wid all four legs in the air like a puppy that sees the whip. Plug thim again, my sons,' says he, ' an' wid the blessin' av Heaven, we'll stiffen the lot ! ' ' " You could never hear him, so you could not, not at all that distance," the Cardiff stoker objected. ONE BRAVER THING 197 " Could I not see him, ye blind harper, swearin' in dumb show, an' urgin' thim to shoot sthraight for the honour av the Republic an' give the rooibatchers Jimmy oh! Gz-lant-ly they respondid, battherin' the sides av the mystarious locomotive containin' the bloody an' rapacious soldiery av threacherous England wid nickel-plated Mauser bullets, ontil she hiccoughs indacintly an' wid a bellow to bate St. Fin Barr's bull, kicks herself to pieces! " " She did so, surely," affirmed the Cardiff stoker. " Surely she did so." " Tell the Colonel 'ow the engine jumped right off the metals," advised the guard. " Clane she did," went on Kildare jubilantly, " an' rattled Davis an' me inside the cab like pays in an iron pod. See the funny-bone I sthripped agin' the side av her." He exhibited a raw elbow for the inspection of the Chief. " An' when Davis gets the betther av the rest av the black that's on him wid soft soap an' hot wather, there's an oi he'll not wash off." " The brake-handle did that, it did so," said Davis, touching the optic tenderly. But Kildare was answering a question of the Chief's. "Killed! Wisha, yarra! av Oi'd left a dozen an twenty to the back av that sthretched on the bog behind me, it's a glad man I'd be to have it to tell ye, sorr. But barrin' they wor' blown to smithereens entirely, not. a livin' man or horse av thim did I see dead at all, But the Sergeant an' the Reconnoithrin' Party will asy know the place asy by the thundherin' big hole that's knocked in the Permanent Way there, sizable enough to bury. . . ." He paused, for once at a loss. " Korah, Dathan, and Abiram," suggested Davis, who, as a Bible Baptist, had a fund of Scripture knowledge upon which he occasionally drew, "with their families and their pavilions and all their substance. . . ." " Av Cora was there," said Kildare, " she was disguised as a Dutchman, for sorrow, an' oi clapped on any human baste that was not a square-buttocked Boer in tan-cord throusers. Thank you, sorr, your Honour, an' good luck to yourself an' all av us. An' we'll dhrink your Honour's health wid it." "We will so!" agreed Davis, as the sovereign, dropped into his own twice-greased palm, vanished in the recesses of his black and oleaginous overalls. " Thenkee, sir. You're a gentleman, sir!" the guard ac- 198 ONE BRAVER THING knowledged, touching his cap and concealing the gold COIA slid into his own ready hand with professional celerity. " Begob ! an' you might have tould the Colonel somethin* that was news," commented Kildare, as the tall, active figure stepped lightly over the metals and passed up the ramp, and 123 trundled on over the cavities, and backed into the engine- shed amidst a salvo of cheers and hand-clapping. The Colonel whistled his pleasant little tune quite through as, the Reconnoitring Party despatched to the scene of the ex- plosion, he went contentedly back to luncheon at Nixey's. True, Kildare had said, and as the Sergeant, in command re- gretfully testified later, said correctly, that neither Boer nor beasts had been put out of action bv the flying debris. A poor reprisal had been made in cfle opinion of some malcontents, for the act of War committed by the forces of the Republic in crossing the Border, in cutting the telegraph lines, and de- stroying the railway-bridge. But the moral result was any- thing but trifling, in its effect upon the Boer mind. The " new square gun " became a proverb of dread, inspiring a salutary fear of more traps of the same kind, " set by that slim duyvel, the English Commandant," and threw over the innocent stretch of veld outside those trivial sand-bagged de- fences the glamour of the Mysterious and the Unknown. No solid Dutchman welcomed the idea of soaring skywards in a multitude of infinitesimal fragments, in company with other Free Staters or sons of the Transvaal Republic similarly re- duced. No more boasts on the part of Bronnckers, General in com- mand of those massed, menacing, united laagers on the Border, -seven miles from Gueldersdorp as the crow flies. No more .imaginative promises with reference to the taking of the small, defiant hamlet before breakfast, wiping out the garrison ,to a rooinek, and starting <-n the homeward march refreshed ;with coffee and biltong, and driving the townspeople before 'them as prisoners of War. The desperate perils presented by the conjectural and largely non-existent mine were thence- forth to loom largely and luridly in the telegrams that went up to Pretoria. "There's a lot in bluff, you know," that "slim duyvel," the Commandant of the rooineks, said long afterwards. "And we bluffed about the mines, real and dummy, for all we were worth!" So, possibly with premonition of the telegram that was ONE BRAVER THING 199 even then clicking out its message at Pretoria, there was a note of satisfaction in the whistle out. of keeping with the execu- tion actually done, as Nixey's Hotel came in sight with the Union Jack floating over it, denoting that, all 'was well. That flagstaff, with its changing signals, was to dominate the popular pulse ere long. But in these days it merely denoted Staff Quarters, and War, with its grim accompanying horrors, seemed a long way off. A white-gowned European nursemaid on the opposite street-corner waved and shrieked to her deserting elder charges, and the Chief's quick eye noted that the small, sun- burned, active, bare legs of the boy and girl in cool sailor-suits of blue-and-white linen twill, were scampering in his direc- tion. He knew his fascination for children, and instinctively slackened his stride as they came up, abreast now, and shyly hand in hand: " Mister Colonel . . . ? " The speaker touched the ex- pansive brim of a straw sailor hat with a fine assumption of adult coolness. " Quite right, and who are you ? " The small boy hesitated, plainly at a nonplus. The round- eyed girl tugged at the boy's sailor jumper, whispering: " I saided he wouldn't know you! " " I fought he would. Because Mummy said he wemem- bered our names ve uvver night at ve Hotel . . . when he promised . . . about ve animals from Wodesia ... all made of mud, an' feavers, and bits of fur . . ." Memory gave up the missing names, helped by those boyish replicas of the candid clear grey eyes of the Mayor's wife, shin- ing under the drooping plume of fair hair. " Mummy was quite right, Hammy, and Berta was wrong, because I remember your names quite well, you see. And the birds and beasts and insects are in a box at my quarters. Come and get them." 'If Anne doesn't kick up a wow?" hesitated Hammy, his small brown hand already in the larger one. " We'll arrange it with Anne." He waited for the arrival of the white-canopied perambulator and its fluttering-ribboned guardian to say, with a tone and smile that won her instant suffrages: " I'm going to borrow these children for a minute or so. Will you come into the shade and rest? I promise not to keep you long." Beauvayse and Lady Hannah's Captain Bingo, relieved from 200 ONE BRAVER THING lookout duty, and descending in quest of food from the Chief's particular eyrie on the roof of Nixey's Hotel, heard shrieks of infant laughter coming from the coffee-room. Knives, forks, and glasses had been ruthlessly swept from the upper end of one of the tables laid for the Staff luncheon, and across the fair expanse of linen, pounded into whiteness and occasional holes by the vigorous thumpers of the Kaffir laundry-women, meandered a marvellous procession of quagga and koodoo, rhino and hartebeest, lion and giraffe, ostrich and elephant, modelled by the skilful hands of Matabele toy-makers. Tarantula, with wicked bright eyes of shining berries, brought up the rear, with the bee, and the mole-cricket, and, with bulgy brown, white striped body and long wings importantly crossed behind its back, a tsetse of appallingly gigantic size. . . . " Oh, fank you, Mister Colonel," Hammy was saying, with shining eyes of rapture fixed upon the glorious ones ; " and is they weally my own, my vewy own, for good?" " Yours and Berta's, really and for good." " And won't you " Hammy's magnificent, effort at disin- terestedness brought the tears into his eyes " won't you want vem to play wif , ever yourself ? " The deft, hands swept the birds and beasts, with tarantula and tsetse, into the wooden box, and lifted the children from their chairs, as Captain Bingo and Beauvayse, following the D.A.A.G., came in, brimming with various versions of what had happened out there on the veld. . . . " I have other things to play with just now, Hammy. Run along with Berta now. You'll find your nurse in the hall." Berta put up her face confidently to be kissed. Hammy,' in manly fashion, offered a hand the left the right arm be- ing occupied with the box of toys. As Berta's little legs scampered through the door, he delayed to ask: "What are your playfings, Mister Colonel?" "Live men and big guns, just now, Hammy; and chances and issues, and results and risks." The plume of fair hair fell back, clearing the candid grey eyes as Hammy lifted up his face, confidently lisping: " I don't quite fink I know what wesults and wisks are, but I'd like to play wif the live men an' the big guns too some- times ... if you didn't want vem always?" " We'll see about it, Hammy, when you're grown up." ONE BRAVER THING 201 " Good-bye, Mister Colonel. And I would lend you my beasts an' tings, because I know you wouldn't bweak them?" " See that Berta has her share in them meanwhile. Off with you, now ! " Later, in the seclusion of the connubial bedchamber, said Captain Bingo, dressing for dinner, the last time for many months, as it was to prove: " What do you suppose was the Chief's next move, after the engine and tender got in, and the crowd hoorayed him back from the Railway Works? No use your guessin', though. Even a woman wouldn't have expected to find him playin' Noah's Ark in the coffee-room with the Mayor's two kids! " " I like that ! " said Lady Hannah meditatively, arranging the Pompadour transformation, not apparently the worse for the candle accident of the previous night. " Because you're a woman and sentimental," said her spouse, wrestling with a cuff-link. " No ; because I am a woman whose instinct, tells her that nothing will seem too big for a man in whom nothing is too small. And what an incident for a paragraph!" He grinned: "With headin's in thunderin' big capitals. ... ' The Soldier Hero Sports with the Babbling Babe. . . . The Defender of British Prestige at Gueldersdorp puts in Half an Hour at Cat's-Cradle ere the Armoured Train toddles Out with the B.S.A.P. to give Beans to the Booming Boer!'" She darted at him, caught him by the lapels . . . made him look at her. "It's true? You really mean it? The ball begins?" " Upon the honour of a hen-pecked husband before day- break to-morrow, you'll hear the music." She sparkled with delight. " Oh, poor, unlucky, humdrum women at home in England, walking with the shooters, or lolling in hammocks under trees, and trying to flirt with fat. City financiers or vapid young at- taches of Legation! I shall take the Irish mare, and borrow an orderly, and ride out to see a Real Action ! " His round pink face grew long. "The devil you will!" " The devil I won't, you mean. Why, for what else under the sky did I come out here but the glorious chance of War ? " Her impatient foot tapped the floor. He recognized the warn- ing of domestic battle, glowered^ and gave_in. 202 ONE BRAVER THING " Well, if you get chipped, don't blame me. There's about as much cover on a baccarat-table as you'll find on that small- bush veld." " All the better for seeing things, my dear ! " She gave him a radiant glance over her shoulder as she snapped her diamond necklace. " You'll see things you won't enjoy. Mind that. Unless the expedition ends in sheer fizzle." " I'll pray that it mayn't! " " I'd pray to have you much more like the ordinary woman who funks raw-head-and-bloody-bones if I thought it would be any good ! " "My poor old boy, it's thirty years too late. You ought to have begun while I was crying In the cradle. And I was under the impression that you married me because you found me different from the ruck. And besides think of my paper!" " Damn the rag! I think of my wife! " She swept him a curtsy: "Cela va sans dire! " " And how a woman of your birth and breedin' can dream of nothin' else but doin' somethin' that'll make you notorious set the smart crowd gabblin' and gapin' and crushin' to stare is more than I can understand ! " She flashed round upon him. " You have the wrong word ! Notoriety and social divorcee or big-hatted music-hall high- kicker can have that if only they've kicked high enough ! Popularity is what I'd have if I could and only the People can give it as Brutus and Cromwell and Napoleon knew! " He admitted that those old Roman johnnies who jawed in the Forum knew what they were about, but added that the Puritan chap with the wart on his nose was a thundering old humbug, ending triumphantly: "And we whacked old Bony at Waterloo! And suppose you stop a Boer bullet and get knocked out where do I come in ? " She jangled out her shrillest laugh. " Behind the coffin as Chief Mourner, I suppose. And you'll tack on the orthodox black sleeve-band, and look out for Number Two. And choose the ordinary kind, who funks raw-head and all the rest of it, for the next venture. But. I prophesy you'll be bored. It's settled about Sheila and the orderly ? " He nodded. ONE BRAVER THING 203 " Righto ; but there'll be two troopers, not one. And you'll be under the Corporal's orders about range, and distance, and keepin' out of the hands of the other side. You don't, abso- lutely yearn to be killed or taken prisoner, I suppose?" Her heart beat high at the latter-named eventuality. She saw London rushing to read of the thrilling seizure and the yet more thrilling escape of the Lady War Correspondent, attached to H.I.M. forces on the Frontier: Who got clean away, mind you, with complete information of the strategic plans of the General in command of the enemy's laagers, sewn inside her corsets or hidden in her shoes ! Bingo little dreamed of the definite plan seething under his little wife's transformation coiffure. It had matured since her meeting on the railway-journey from Cape Town with an interesting personality. A big, brown-bearded Johannes- burger, with light queer eyes, oddly set, reticent at first, but more interesting after his confidence had been gained. Van Busch he had named himself. Of the British South African War Intelligence Bureau. That man knew how to value women. And he had proved them at what he called the resting game. " With nerve and jests like yours, and plenty of money for palm-oil," Van Busch had said, and winked, signifying that there were no lengths to which a woman of Lady Hannah Wrynche's capabilities might not go. And he had slipped into her hand a card scrawled with an address where he might be got at in case . . . The pencilled oblong of soiled pasteboard card was in a se- cret compartment of her handbag. Under the alias of W. Bough, Transport Agent and Stock-dealer, Van Busch was to be communicated with at a farmstead some thirty miles north. The spice of adventure her palate craved could be had by communicating with Van Busch Bough. After that Well! She had her plan . . . She tied her husband's white tie, took him by the ears, kissed him warmly on each side of his large pink face, glowing with blushes evoked by her unwonted display of affection, and led him away to dinner, her mental vision seeing prophetic broad- sheets papering the kerbs of Piccadilly, the ears of her imagina- tion making celestial melody of those raucous yells: " Speshul Edition! Hextry Speshul Edition! 'Ere y'are, sir; on'y a 'a'penny. SPESHUL!" 204 ONE BRAVER THING XXVII FOR nearly two months, from dawn until dark, Gueldersdorp had squatted on her low-topped hill in a screaming blizzard of shrapnel and Mauser bullets. Never a town of imposing size or stately architecture, see her now a battered hamlet of gaping walls, and shattered roofs, and wrecked chimneys; staring defiance through glassless windows like the blind eye- holes in the mouldered House that once has held the living thought of man. From dawn until dark the ancient seven- pounders of her batteries banged and grumbled, her Maxims rattled defiance from Kopje Fort, and the Nordenfelt released its showers of effective, death-dealing little projectiles. Scant news from outside trickled into the town. Grumer, with his Brigade, was guarding the Drifts, and when the Relief might be expected was now a moss-grown topic of general conversa- tion in Gueldersdorp. And within her girdle of trenches, stern, grimy, haggard men lived, cheek to the heated rifle-breech, and ate, and snatched brief spells of sleep, booted and bandoliered, and with the loaded weapon ready for gripping. Since the attack on Maxim Kopje had choked the Hospital with wounded men and dotted the Cemetery with little white crosses, nothing of much note had occurred. The armoured train had done good service, and the Baraland Rifle Volunteers had carried out their surprise against the enemy's western camp one fine dark night, helped by a squadron of the Irregulars, with slight casualties, and the loss of nineteen horses out of twenty-five. The Convent of the Holy Way stood empty and deserted in its shrapnel-littered garden-enclosure. From east, west, north, and south the deadly iron messengers had come, making sore havoc of this poor house of Christ. " When the walls fall about our ears, Colonel," the Mother- Superior had declared, " it will be time to leave them." They were lacework now, with a confusion of bare rafters overhead, over which streamed, as if in mockery, the Red-Cross Flag. Grim figures, like geometrical problems gone mad, were made by water and gaspipes torn from their bedding, and twisted as if by the hands of giants in cruel play. The little iron bed- steads of the Sisters and the holy symbols over them were the only articles missing from the cells, revealed in section by the huge gaps in the masonry.. ONE BRAVER THING 205 The Tabernacle of the chapel altar, void of the Unspeakable mystery it had housed, fluttered its rearward curtains through the wreckage of the east wall, and the cheap little stained- glass window, where the Shepherds and the Magi had bowed before the Virgin Mother and the Divine Child. Within sight of their ruined home, the Sisterhood had found refuge. An underground dwelling had been dug for them in the garden before an abandoned soft-brick-and-corrugated-iron house, formerly inhabited by one of the head officials of the Railway, a personage of Dutch extraction and Boer sympathies at present sequestered beneath the yellow flag of the town Jail for their too incautious manifestation, while his wife and young family were inhabitants of the Women's Laager. And from their subterranean burrow the Sisters carried on their work of mercy as cheerfully as though their Order had been originally one of Troglodytes, nursing the sick and wounded, cooking and washing for the convalescent, comforting the bereaved, and tending the many orphans of the siege. South lay the laager of the refugees. To the westward within the ring of trenches and about a mile and a half from the town, was the Women's Laager, visited not seldom by the enemy's shell-fire, in spite of the Red-Cross Flag. Fever and rheumatism, pneumonia and diphtheria stalked among the dwellers in these tainted asylums, claiming their human toll. Women languished and little children pined and withered,, dying for lack of exercise and fresh air, with the free veld spreading away on all sides to the horizon, and the burning blue South African sky overhead. Famine had not yet ap- peared among the Europeans, though grisly black spectres in Kaffir blankets haunted the refuse-heaps, and fought with gaunt dogs for picked bones and empty meat tins, and were found dead not unseldom, after full meals of strange and dreadful things. Fresh meat was still to be had, though the cattle and sheep of the Barotse had been thinned by raids on the part of the enemy, and poor grazing. Shell and rifle-fire not infrequently spared the butcher trouble, so that your joints were sometimes weirdly shaped. But they were joints, and there was plenty of the preserved article in Kriel's Warehouse and at the Army Service Stores. Tea and coffee were be- coming rare and precious, the sparkling draught of lager was to be had only in remembrance; the aromatic beer was all drunk up, and the stone-ginger was three shillings a bottle. Whisky was to be had at the jprice of jiquid gold, brandy was 206 ONE BRAVER THING treasured above rubies, and served out sparingly by the Hand of Authority, as medicine in urgent cases. You could get vegetables from the Chinaman, who con- tinued to cultivate onions, cabbages, potatoes, and melons in the market-gardens about the town, imperturbable under shot and shell, his large straw hat affording an admirable target from the Boer sniper's point of view, as metaphorically he gathered his fat harvest of dollars from the soil. What you could not get for any amount of dollars was peace and rest, clean air, and space to stretch your cramped-up limbs in, until Sunday came, bringing the Truce of God for Englishman and Transvaaler. The Hospital, like each of the smaller hospitals that had sprung from the parent stalk, was crowded. The operating theatre had been turned into a ward where the lane between the beds just gave room for a surgeon or a nurse to pass, and hourly the cry went up: "Room, more room for the wounded and sick!" And among these Saxham worked, night and day, like a man upheld by forces superhuman. " By-and-by," he would say impatiently, when they urged him to take rest, and bend his black brows and hunch those great, shoulders of his to the work again. " Ye have a demon, man," said Taggart, Major of the R.A.M.C., himself a haggard-eyed but tireless labourer in the red fields of pain. " At three o' the smalls ye got to your bed, and at six ye made the rounds, at seven ye were dealing with a select batch o' shell-fire an' rifle-shot casualties our friends outside being a gey sicht better marksmen when re- freshed by a guid nicht's sleep ; at eight ye had had your bit o' breakfast, and got doon your gun an' gane oot for an hour o' calm, invigorating sniping on the veld before returning punctually at ten o' the clock to attack the business o' the day, wi' a bag o' twa Boers to your creedit." " I only got. one, Major. The other chap hobbled down bandaged, upon crutches, to-day, and had a pot-shot at me as I lay doggo behind my particular stone. I put up my hat on a stick, and see ! " Saxham gravely exhibited a felt Service smasher with a clean hole through it, an inch above the lining- edge. " He's a snowy-locked', hoary-bearded, Fatirer Noah- hatted patriarch of seventy at least, and very proud of his shooting, and I've let him think he got me this time just to make him happy for one night. To-morrow he is to make the painful discovery that I am still in the flesh." ONE BRAVER THING 207 "Aweel, awheel! But I would point out. to ye that For- tune is a fickle, tricksy jade, and the luck o' the game might fall to your patriarch in the antediluvian headgear to-morrow." Then the luck of the game, thought the hearer, deep in that wounded heart of his, would not only be with the patriarch. And the great puzzle, Life, would be solved for good. Taggart had said he, Saxham, had a demon. He could have answered that only by hard, unceasing, unremitting work, or, when no more work was there to do, by the fierce excite- ment of those grilling hours spent lying behind the stone, was the demon to be kept out. Of all things he dreaded inactivity, and though he would drop upon his cot in the tiny bedroom that had been a Hospital ward-pantry, and sleep the heavy sleep of weariness the moment his head touched the pillow, yet he would start awake after an hour or two, parched with that savage, unquenched thirst, and drink great draughts of the brackish well-water, boiled for precaution's sake, and tramp the confined space until the grip of desire grew slack. But he had never once yielded since the night when a man with the eye and voice of a leader among men had come to the house in Harris Street and taken him by the hand. Do you say impossible, that the man in whom the habit of vice had formed should be able to cast off his degrading weak- ness, like a shameful garment, by sheer force of will, and be sane and strong and masterful again? I say, possible with this man. You see him plucked from the slough by the strong hand of manly fellowship, and nerved and strengthened, if only for a little while, to play the game for the sake of that other man's belief in him. Such influence have such men among their fellows for good or for ill. You can see him upon this brilliant November morning mounting a charger lent him by his friend, a handsome Waler full of mettle and spirit oats not being yet. required for the support of men and calling au revoir to Taggart as he rides away from the Hospital gates followed by an orderly of the R.A.M.C. in a spider, pulled by a wiry, shabby little Boer mare. "The man rides like a foxhunter," commented Taggart, noticing the ease of the seat, the light handling of the rein, the way in which the fidgety, spirited beast Saxham rode answered to the gentling hand and the guiding pressure of the rider's knee, as a sharp storm of rifle-fire swept from the enemy's northern trenches, and the Mauser bullets spurted 208 ONE BRAVER THING sand between the wheels of the spider and under the horses' bellies. Saxham spurred ahead, the spider following. The bullet- pierced grey felt smasher hat, a manly and not unpicturesque headgear, sat. on the man's close-cropped head with a soldierly air becoming to the square, opaque-skinned face that had power and strength and virility in every line of it. The blue eyes, under their black bar of meeting eyebrows, were clear now, and the short aquiline nose, rough-hewn but not coarse, and the grimly-tender mouth were no longer thickened ahd swollen and reddened by intemperance. The figure, perfect in its manliness, if marred by the too heavy muscular development of the throat and the slightly bowed shoulders, looked well in the tunic of Service khaki, the Bedford cords and putties and spurred brown boots that had replaced the worn white drills, the blue shirt and shabby black kamarband and canvas shoes. Looking at Saxham, even with knowledge of his past, you could not have associated a personality so salient and striking, an individuality so original and so strong, with the idea of the tipsy wastrel, wallowing like a hog in self-chosen degradation. The Mother-Superior, coming up the ladder leading out of her underground abode as the horseman and the attendant spider drew near, thought of Bartolomeo Colleoni, as you see him, last of the great Condottieri, in the fresco at the House of Charity in Bergamo to-day. In armour, complete without the morion, one with the great Flemish warhorse, he sits carrying the baton of Captain-General, given him by the Doge of Venice, in the pov--erful hand that only a little while before aided his picked men of the infantry to pack and harden snow about the granite boulders of the mountains in the Val Seriana, and sent the giant, snowballs thundering down, crush- ing bloody lanes through the ranks of the Venetian cavalry massed in the narrow defile below, and striking chill terror to the hearts of Doge and Prince and Senate. Only the batoit was a well-worn staghorn-handled crop, Squire Saxham's gift, together with a hunter, to his boy Owen, at seventeen. It was one of the few relics of home that had stayed by Saxham during his wanderings. He reined up now, saluting the Mother-Superior with marked respect. " Good-morning, ma'am. All well with you and yours ? " She answered with unusual hesitation: "All the Sisters are well, thank you. But if you could ONE BRAVER THING 209 spare me a minute, Dr. Saxham, there is a question I should like to ask." " As many minutes as you wish, ma'am. It is not your day for the Hospital, I think?" " Ah, no ! " she said, with the velvety South of Ireland vowel-inflection. " We keep Wednesday for the Women's Laager, always. Many of them are so miserable, poor souls, about their husbands and sons and brothers who are in the trenches, or w T ho have been killed, and then there are the children to be cared for and washed. Not only the siege orphans, but so many who have sick or neglectful mothers. It takes us the whole day once we get there." Saxham dismounted as she stooped to seize the end of a blue cotton-covered washing-basket impelled from below by an ascending Sister. The spider pulled up under cover of the brick-and-corrugated-iron house vacated by the Railway official, as another short storm of riflery cracked and rattled among the northern foothills, and a whistling hurry of the sharp- nosed little messengers of death passed through Gueldersdorp. Some of t.hem hit and flattened on the gable of the Railway official's house, one went through the leathern splashboard of the spider. Saxham moved instinctively to place himself between the closely-standing group of nuns and possible danger. "No, no!" they cried, as one woman, their placid, cheer- ful tones taking a shade of anxiety. " You must not do that." " I know you are all well-seasoned," he said, looking at them with the smile that made his stern face changed and gentle. " I am not so sure. The bullets come in the usual way of things. We take our chance of them," the Mother-Superior answered. But she pressed her lips together and grew pale as a faint cry came up from the subterranean dwelling, roofed with sheets of corrugated iron laid upon steel rails, and made bombproof with bags of earth. And Saxham, looking at the fine face, with its wan lines of fatigue and over-exertion, and noting the deep shadowy caves that housed the great luminous grey eyes, said: " I think we must have you take some rest, or I shall be having my best helper on my hands as a patient. And that won't do, you know." " No, it. would not do," she said, looking fully and seriously at him. " And therefore I think our Lord will not permit it. 210 ONE BRAVER THING But If He should, be sure another will rise up to fill my place." " Whoever your successor might be," said Saxham sincerely, " she will not fulfil my ideal of an absolutely efficient nurse, as you do. So from the personal, if not the altruistic point of view, let me beg you to be careful." " I take all reasonable care," she told him. " It is true, the work has been heavy this w r eek; but to-morrow is Sunday, and we shall rest all day and sleep at the Convent. Indeed, some of us have taken it in turn to be on guard there every night, or nothing would be left us." " I understand." He knew how prowlers and night-thieves made harvest in the darkness among the deserted dwellings since Police and Town Guardsmen had been requisitioned to man the trenches. She went on: " The upper story of the house is sheer wreck, as you may see, but the ground-floor is quite habitable. So much so that if the shells did not strike the poor dear place so often, I should suggest your turning it into a Convalescent Home." " We may have to try the plan yet," said Saxham. " The Railway Institute is frightfully overcrowded." " And," she told him, " a shell struck there yesterday even- ing, and burst in the larger ward." " I had not heard of it," he said. "Was anybody hurt?" " No one, thank God ! But the fire was difficult to put out, until one of the Sisters thought of sand." " It was an incendiary shell ? " Disgust and contempt swelled his deep-cut nostrils and flamed from his vivid blue eyes. " And yet these Kaiser's gunners, in their blue-and- white Death or Glory uniforms, can hardly pretend ignorance of the Geneva Convention. But your question?" " It is children." She beckoned to the two nuns, who stood at a little distance apart holding the washing-basket be- tween them. " I will ask you to go on slowly before me with the basket. I will overtake you when I have spoken to Dr. Saxham." " Surely, Reverend Mother." One tall, pale, and thin, the other round and rosy, they were alike in the placid, cheerful serenity of their good eyes and readily smiling lips. " And won't we be after taking the bundle ? " " No, no! It is heavy, and I am as strong as both of you together." ONE BRAVER THING 211 " Very well, Reverend Mother." They were obediently moving on. " A moment." Saxham stopped them. " If you two ladies have no objection to a little crowding, the spider will hold both of you as well as the bundle and the basket of washing. At least, it looks like a basket of washing?" All three laughed as they accepted his offer, assuring him that his suspicions were correct. For neither Kaffir laundry- woman or Hindu dhobi would go down any more to the wash- ing troughs by the river, for fear of crossing that Stygian flood of blackness rivalling their own, supposing, as Beauvayse once suggested, that there is a third-class ferry for niggers and persons of colour. And from the waterworks on the Eastern side of the town the supply had been cut off by the enemy, so that the taps of Gueldersdorp had ceased to yield. Old wells and springs had been reopened, cleaned, and brought into use for drinking purposes, so that of a water- famine there could be no fear. But the element became ex- pensive when retailed by the tin bucketful, a bath a rare luxury when the contents of the said bucket might be spilled or thrown away in the course of the gymnastics wherewith the sable or coffee-brown bearer sought to evade the travelling unexploded shell or the fan-shaped charge of shrapnel. There- fore, the Sisters had turned laundrywomen. You could hear the sound of Sister Tobias's smoothing-iron coming up from below, thump-thumping on the blanketed board. "And where do you think we get the water, now?" the rosy Sister, in process of being packed into the spider, leaned over the wheel to ask. "Not from the Convent?" Saxham thought of the strip of veld between there and the Hospital, even more fraught with peril than the patch he had just traversed, or the distance yet to be covered between the Sisters' bombproof and the Women's Laager, where Death, with the red sickle in his flesh- less hand, stalked openly from dawn to nightfall. " From the Convent, carrying it across after dark. And no well there, either, that you'd get the fill of a teaspoon out of " a " tayspoon " it was in the rosy Sister's Dublin brogue " and yet there's water there." " But how " Saxham began. The Mother-Superior shook her head, and the rosy Sister was silent. " There is no mystery about the water at all. It is very simple." Standing there with her head held high and the 212 ONE BRAVER THING fine, free, graceful lines of her tall figure outlined by the heavy folds of the now worn and darned black habit, and her hands, still beautiful, though roughened by toil, calmly folded upon her scapular, she was as remarkable and noble a figure, it seemed to Saxham, as the golden sunlight could fall upon anywhere in the world. And besides, she was his right hand at the Hospital. A capable, watchful, untiring nurse and beauty would have decked her in his surgeon's eyes if she had been physically ugly or deformed. " There is no mystery whatever, only when the bombard- ment first began I thought of the waterworks, and that one of my first cares, supposing I had been General Bronnckers " she smiled slightly " would have been to operate there. So I set the Sisters to work at filling every empty barrel and bucket and tub in the Convent with water from the taps. And as we happened to have plenty of empty barrels and tubs, why, there is water to be had there now, and will be for some time to come. Go now, my children." The smiling Sisters waved their hands. The orderly saluted with his whip and drove on in obedience to Saxham's nod. " Of course, the Sisters are aware," he said, meeting the Mother's grave glance, " that if it is quicker to drive, it is safer to walk?" She nodded with the gay, sweet smile that had belonged to Lady Biddy. " They know, of course. But danger is in the day's work. We do not seek it. We are prepared for it, and it comes and passes. If one day it does not pass without the cost of life, we are prepared for that, and God's Will is done always." " You are very brave," he said. It was the first time in his life that he had used the phrase to any woman, and the words came out almost grudgingly. " Oh no, not brave," she told him ; " only obedient." Her veil fluttered in the mild November breeze that had in it the heavy fetid taint from the overcrowded trenches that ringed Gueldersdorp, and the acrid fumes of the cordite, though the air up here on the veld was sweet compared with the befouled atmosphere of the Women's Laager and the crowded wards at the Hospital, in spite of all that disinfectants could do. She went on : " And we are very grateful to you for the lift. Sister Ruperta was on duty last night, and Sister Hilda Antony ONE BRAVER THING 213 the rosy Sister is not as well as she would have us believe* Ah " With her grave eyes screened by her lifted hand, she had been watching the progress of the spider westward over the dun-yellow veld. Now the long wailing notes of the head- quarter bugle sounded, in slow time, the Assembly, and in the same instant, from the Staff over the Colonel's hotel, where the red lamp signalled danger by night and the Red Flag gave its warning by day, the scarlet danger-signal fluttered in the breeze. Once, twice, again, the deep bell of the Catholic Church tolled. A dozen other bells echoed the warning, signifying by the number of their iron tongue-strokes the threatened quarter of the town. " 'Ware big gun ! " called the sentries. " West quarter 'ware!" The Mother-Superior grew pale for the Women's Laager, towards which the little Boer mare was steadily trotting with the laden spider, lay in the menaced quarter, with a bare stretch of veld between it and the Camp of the Irregular Horse, whose white tents and dug-out shelters were pleasantly shaded by ancient blue gums, picturesque and stately in spite of broken boughs and foliage, torn by shrapnel and seared by the chemical fumes of bursting charges innumerable. " Will you not go down ? " She shook her head in reply, and stood with a waiting face in prayerful silence, not stirring save to make the Sign of the Cross. And as the long white fingers fluttered over the bosom of the black habit, the faint cry that Saxham's quick ear had heard before floated up from the populous depths be- low. "What Is that?" Before the question had left Saxham's lips, the monster gun spoke out in deafening thunder from the enemy's redoubt at East Point, full two miles away. The heavy grey smoke- pillar of the driving-charge towered against the sunbright dis- tance, and simultaneously with the crack of the discharge, sounding as though all the pent-up forces of Hell had burst the brazen gates of Terror, and rushed forth to annihilate and destroy, the ninety-four pound projectile passed overhead* sweeping half the corrugated-iron roof from the Railway of- ficial's late dwelling with a fiendish clatter and din as it passed harmlessly over the Women's Laager, and, wrecking a sentry's shelter on the western line of defences, burst harmlessly upon 2i 4 ONE BRAVER THING the veld beyond, blotting out the low hills behind a curtain of acrid green vapour. "Get under cover, quick!" Saxham had shouted to his companion, as deafened and dazed and half-asphyxiated by the tremendous concussion, he strove for mastery with his mad- dened horse. This regained, he looked for the figure in the black habit and white coif, and knew a shock of horror in seeing it prone upon the ground. "No, no, I am not hurt!" she cried, lightly rising as he hurried towards her. The tremendous air-concussion had thrown her down, and beyond a scratch upon her hand and some red dust on the black garments she was in nothing the worse. " I don't know how I kept my own legs," Saxham said, laughing. " It went by like twenty avalanches," she agreed. " And blessed be our Lord, excepting for the damage to the roof, no more seems to have been done. I can see the spider stopping near the Women's Laager." She peered out earnestly over the shimmering waste of dusty yellow-brown, and cried out joyfully: "Ah, Sister Hilda Antony and Sister Ruperta are getting out. All is well with them ; all is well." " But not with the washing." Saxham had swung round his binoculars, and brought them to bear upon the vehicle and its late occupants. A grim smile played about his mouth as he handed her the glasses, and heard her cry of womanly distress as she beheld the fruit of late labour scattered on the veld and the Sisters' agonized activity displayed in the gathering up of sheets, pillow-slips, handker- chiefs, babies' shirts and petticoats, with other garments of a strictly feminine and private character. Her grave, discreet eyes avoided his as she handed back the binoculars, but a dimple showed near the edge of the white coif. " And now," Saxham said, glancing at his watch, " may I know in what I can be of service ? " It had seemed to him that the Mother-Superior hesitated to broach the subject. Nor had he been mistaken. The dimple vanished. Her grey eyes became troubled, and she asked, with a slight catching of the breath: " Yes, there was something . . . Doctor, is it possible for a person to die of fear?" He answered promptly: " In circumstances like the present? Certainly. Un- ONE BRAVER THING 215 doubtedly possible. I have seen twenty deaths from pure fright since the bombardment began, and I expect to see more before the siege ends, or people get callous to the possibilities of sudden extermination that are afforded them a hundred times a day. Is the person to whom you refer a woman or a child?" " A young girl " she was beginning, when a buxom little figure, black veiled and habited like herself, rose up as if from the bowels of the earth. " I vill look. But I can see nozing," she called to some- one invisible below. " It must be that you vait until my eyes shall become more strong." She shaded them, newly brought from semi-darkness and blinking in the hot, white sunlight. The Mother-Superior hurried to her, saying with a note of anxiety in her usually calm voice: "Sister Sister Cleophee; is anything the .matter?" " Mon Dieu! It is ze Reverend Mozer!" ejaculated the other, relief and joy expressed in the rapid movements of pliant hands and expressive eyes. " Nozing is ze matter, Reverend Mozer, if only you are safe." " Quite safe, and so are the Sisters. Only the linen was upset." "My 'eavens, but a miraculous escapement!" The supple hands and the expressive eyes and shoulders of Sister Cleophee made great play. " Me and Sister Tobias, 'ow we pray when we 'ear ze great gun, vith knowledge zat you and ze Sisters were upon the vay to ze Women's Laager. My faith, it vas terrible! Me, if I 'ad not make to ascend and learn how it go vid you, la petite vould 'ave come running up to make dis- covery for herself. She behave like a little crrazy, a little mad sing. I forget your vord for she zat have lost 'er vits. Sister Tobias and me, we 'av to 'old 'er." The fine, expres- sive eyes went, past the Mother-Superior, and lighted with evi- dent relief on Saxham. "Ah, Monsieur le Docteur, it is incrredible vat zat poor child she suffer. Madame la Mere 'ave told you " " Madame was about to tell me, my Sister," Saxham said, in his smooth, fluent French, " when you appeared upon the scene." Sister Cleophee launched, unwitting of the Mother-Su- perior's gesture of vexation, into voluble explanations in that native language which M. le Docteur spoke so well. Mademoiselle Mildare, the ward of Madame the Mother- 216 ONE BRAVER THING Superior, was no coward. But no, the child had courage in plenty it was the suspense that devoured her in the absence of the Mother, to whom Mademoiselle was most tenderly at- tached, that reduced her to a state of the most pitiable. The Sisters left at home each day would talk of the rain and the fine weather anything to distract the mind that presented it- self to them but now, nothing was of any use. When the Reverend Mother came back at nightfall, behold a transforma- tion. Mademoiselle would laugh and sing and chatter. Her eyes would shine like stars, she would be happy, said Sister Cleophee, with dramatic emphasis and gesture, as a soul in Paradise. Next day, taking her guardian from her side, would bring the terrors back, find redoubled the nervous sufferings of Mademoiselle, to-day reaching such a height that Sister Cleophee felt convinced that something must be done. "As, my Sister, if I could do anything!" the Mother- Superior said, with the velvet Southern Irish inflection in the breathing aspirate and the soft melodious cadence that made her pure, cultivated utterance so exquisite. The voice broke and faltered, and a spasm of mother-anguish wrung the firm mouth, and as a slow tear dimmed each of her underlids and splashed on the white coif she put out her hand blindly, and the sympathetic little Frenchwoman took it in both her own. " Reverend Mozer, you can do zis. You can bring Mon- sieur le Docteur to see Lynette. You can 'ave his advice upon 'er case, and you can " Another fusilade of rifle-fire, sweeping from the west over Gueldersdorp, brought a repetition of the faint moaning cry from below. Saxham consulted the Reverend Mother with a look. She bent her head in silent assent. He hitched the horse's bridle to what, had been the gatepost of the Railway official's front-garden, as she signed to him to descend the ladder leading to the Sisters' underground abode. And he went down to meet his Fate there. XXVIII THE temporary Convent was a roomy trench dug out of the red gravelly sand, lined with the inevitable sheets of corrugated iron, and roofed with the same material, supported by a solid frame of steel rails. Wide chinks between the metal sheets gave admission to light and air, and earthen drainpipes made ONE BRAVER THING 217 ventilators in the walls. But the light penetrated like spears of burning flame, and the air was stifling hot. The paraffin stove that heated irons for Sister Tobias smelled clamorously, and the droning of myriads of flies, not the least of the seven plagues of Gueldersdorp, kept up a persistent bass to the shrill singing of the little tin kettle. Later, when the April rains began, and the tarpaulins were pulled over the sand-bagged roof, tin lamps burning more paraffin did battle with Cim- merian darkness. Saxham's keen, observant glance took in the marvellous cleanliness and neatness of the place, divided into living-room and dormitory by a heavy green baize curtain, that at the Convent had shut off the noise of the great classroom from the rest of the house. The curtain was drawn, hiding the little iron cots brought from Sisters' cells, ascetic couches whose narrow wire mattresses must afford scant room for repose to double sleepers now, where all were crowded and conventual rules must be in abeyance. The outer place held a deal table, the oil cooking-stove; some household utensils shining with cleanliness were ranged upon a shelf, and several pictures hung upon the walls. Upon a bracket the silver crucifix from the altar of the Convent chapel gleamed against the back- ground of a snowy, lace-bordered linen cloth. There were orderly piles of cleaned and mended clothes, military and civilian, the garments of sick and wounded male patients, who would leave the Hospital without a thought of the unselfish women who had foregone sleep to patch jackets and sew on missing buttons. There were haversacks of coarse canvas for the Volunteers, finished and partly made, with ammunition- pouches and bandoliers. And Sister Tobias stood! ironing at the deal table, partly screened by a line of drying linen, while Sister Mary- Joseph turned the mangle, and the little brisk novice, her round cheeks no longer rosy, folded with patient hands. Saxham's keen quick glance took in the place and three of its occupants, and rested on one other face there. Its wild white-rose fairness had dulled into the pallor of old ivory. There were deep, bluish shadows about the eyes and round the mouth, and the hollow at the base of the throat where the pulse throbbing and fluttered visibly, had grown deep. Her red-brown hair had lost its burnished beauty. It had become dull like her skin, and her garments hung loosely upon the form whose soft roundnesses had fallen away. But her eyes had changed most. Their golden-hazel irises had faded 218 ONE BRAVER THING to pale bronze, the full, fair eyelids had shrunk, the pupils were distended to twice their natural size. She sat upon a stool in a corner, a slight girlish figure in a holland skirt and white cambric blouse-bodice, her slender waist girdled with a belt of brown leather, the colour of her little shoes. Huddled up against the corrugated-iron wainscot of the rough earth wall, the obsession of fear that dilated her eyes and parched her lips shook her in recurrent gusts of trembling, whenever the guns of the Gueldersdorp batteries spoke in thunder, when- ever the Boer artillery bellowed Death from the heights above. For since the great gun had spoken from East Point Kopje, Death's red sickle had not ceased to ply its task. Some sewing, one of the coarse canvas haversacks made by the nuns for Gueldersdorp 's enrolled defenders, lay at the girl's feet. Her right hand, horrible to see in its incessant, mechanical activity, made continually the motion of sewing. Her eyes stared blankly, unwinkingly at the opposite wall, and the gusts of trembling went over her without cessation. At a more deafening crash than ordinary, an irrepressible scream would break from her, and her hand would snatch at an in- visible garment as though she plucked back its imaginary wearer from peril by main force. " She sees nobody. She hears nozing when we speak she vould feel nozing, if you should pinch or shake her. Was I not right, Reverend Mozer, to say it is time zat somesing should be done? " The shrill whisper came from Sister Cleophee. The Mother-Superior made a sign in assent. Beyond words, her heart was crying. Oh, misery and joy in one mingled draught to have won such love as this from Richard's child! But her face was impassive and stern, and her eyes, looking over Saxham's great shoulder as he stood silently watching at the bottom of the ladder stairway, imposed silence on the busy, observant, tactful Sisters, who continued their labours without a break, as the sewing hand went, diligently to and fro, and the recurrent convulsive shudders shook the girl's slight frame, and the irrepressible cry of anguish was wrung from her at each ear-splitting shellburst. And yet, with all her agony of love intensifying her gaze, the Mother did not see as much as Saxham, who took in every detail and symptom with skilled, consummate ease, realizing the desperate effort that strove for self-command, noting the exhaustion of suspense in the dropped lines of the half-open, colourless mouth, the incipient mental ONE BRAVER THING 219 breakdown in the vacant stare of the dilated eyes, the me- chanical action of the stitching needle-hand, the convulsive shudder that rippled through the slight figure at each boom, or crash, or fusilade of rifle-fire that drifted over the shrapnel- torn veld and through the battered town. He threw a swift whisper over his shoulder presently, that only reached the ear of the Mother-Superior, standing behind him, her tall shape concealed from the sufferer's sight by his great form. " How long has this been going on?" She whispered back : " I am told ever since the bombard- ment began. Every day, and at. night too, should duty detain me at one or another of the Hospitals." He added in the same low tone : " She has a morbid terror of death under ordinary circum- stances? " The Mother-Superior murmured, a hand upon the ache in her bosom: " Not of death for herself. For another." His purely scientific attitude must, have already abandoned him when he knew gladness that Self was not the dominant note in this dumb threnody of fear. But he wore the profes- sional mask of the physician as he ordered: " Let one of the Sisters speak to her." The Mother-Superior glanced at the nun who was ironing, and then at the figure on the stool. The Sister was about to obey when the Maxim-Nordenfelt on the southern heights rattled. There was a hissing rush overhead, and as a series of sharp, splitting cracks told that a group of the shining little copper-banded shells had burst, and that their splinters were busily hunting far and wide for somebody to kill, the stitch- ing hand dropped by the girl's side. A new wave of shudder- ing went over the desolate young figure, pitiable and horrible jto see. Dull drops of sweat broke out upon her temples in the shadow of her red-brown hair. " How are you getting on with your work, dearie?" Sister Tobias had spoken to her gently. She moved her head and her fixed eyes in a blind way, and the stitching hand resumed its mechanical task, but she gave no answer, except with the shudderings that shook her, as a lily is shaken in an autumn blast. Then Saxham stepped backwards noiselessly, climbed the steep ladder stairway, and stood waiting for the Mother- Superior in the blazing yellow sunshine, beside the ijost to 220 ONE BRAVER THING which his horse was hitched. The Mother followed instantly. He was making some pencil memoranda in a shabby note- book, and kept his eyes upon his writing, and made a mere mask of his square, pale face as he began: " It the case presents a very interesting development. The subject has at one time or other probably the critical period of girlhood sustained a severe physical and mental shock?" The great grey eyes swam in sudden tears that were not to be repressed, as the Mother-Superior remembered the finding of that lost lamb on the veld seven years before. She bowed her head in silent assent. "You would wish candour," Saxham said, looking away from her emotion. " And I should tell you that this is grave." " I know it," her desperate eyes said more plainly than her scarcely moving lips. " But so many others are suffering in the same way, and there is nothing that can be done for any of them." He answered with emphasis that struck her cold. " Some measures must be taken in the case, and without delay. This state of things must not go on." He saw that the Mother- Superior caught her breath and wrung her hands together in the loose, concealing sleeves as she said, with a breath of anguish : " If she only had more self-control." " She has self-control." He echoed the word impatiently. " She is using every ounce she has for all she is worth. She has used it too long and too persistently." " I will say then, if she only had more faith ! " "I know nothing of faith," Saxham said curtly: "I deal in common sense." She could have asked if it were commonly sensible for a creature made by God, and existing but by His will, to live without Him? But she put the temptation past her. No cordial flame of mutual esteem and liking ever sprang up be- tween these two, often brought together in their mutual work of help and healing. She recognized Saxham's power, she ad- mitted his skill. But, as his practised eye had diagnosed in the beloved of her heart the signs of physical and mental crisis, so her clear gaze deciphered in his face the story written by those unbridled years of vice and dissipation, and knew him dis- eased in soul. She may have been fully acquainted with all Gueldersdorp had learned of hiir^ going here, there, and every- ONE BRAVER THING 221 where, as was her wont, in obedience to her Spouse's call. But if so, she never betrayed Saxham. There was no resent- ment, only delicate irony in the curve of her finely-modelled lips as she queried : "Am I so deficient in the quality of common sense?" " Madam," he said, " you have manifested it in each of the many instances where I have been brought in contact with you. But in your solicitude for this young girl you have shown, for the first time in my experience of you, some lack of good judgment, and have inflicted, and do inflict, severe suffering on her." Her eyes flashed grey fire under her stern brows as she de- manded : "How, pray?" " It is out. of the question, I suppose," Saxham said coldly, " that you should slacken in your ministrations among the sick and wounded, and keep out of daily and hourly danger for her sake ? " " Impossible," her voice answered, and her heart added un- heard : " Impossible, unless I should be false to my Heavenly Bridegroom out of love for the child He gave." " Then," said Saxham bluntly, " unless these recurrent nerve-storms are to culminate in cerebral lesion and mental and physical collapse a result more easy to avert than to deal with take the girl about with you." " But " the Mother uttered in irrepressible dismay. " I we go everywhere!" It was most true. He had a vision, as she said it, of the black-robed, white-coifed, cheerful Sisters passing in couples through the shrapnel-littered streets, between houses of gap- ing walls, and shattered roofs, and glassless windows, cheer- ful, serene, helpful, bringing comfort to the dying, and assist- ance to the sick, oblivious of whistling bullets and bursting shells. And the most arduous duties, the most repulsive tasks, the most danger-fraught errands, were hers, always by right, and claim, and choice. What a woman it was! A very Judith in Israel. He knew that Judith did not like him, but unconcealed admiration was in his blue eyes as he looiced at her. " I know it. Let her go everywhere. It is the sole chance, and you spoke of faith just now. ... If you have it for yourself and the religious women of your Order, who go about doing good in confidence of the protection I do not 222 ONE BRAVER THING speak in mockery of an Almighty Hand, why can't you have it for her?" She had never seemed so noble in his eyes as when she took that implied rebuke of his, with meek bending of her proud head, and candid self-condemnation in the eyes that were lowered and then raised to his, and beautiful humility in her speech: . "Sir, your reproach is just; it is I who have been lacking in faith. And it shall be as you advise." The distant bugle blared out its warning. The bell tolled twice, stopped, and tolled four; the smaller bells echoed. The voices of the sentries came to their ears, loudly at first, then more distant, then reduced to the merest spider-thread of sound: ' 'Ware big gun ! South quarter 'ware ! " " I must go to her," the Mother-Superior said, and passed him swiftly and went down the ladder. Saxham followed. The white figure on the stool had not stirred apparently. Its blank eyes still stared at the wall, and the mechanical hand moved, sewing at nothing, as diligently as ever. "Lynette!" The fixed, blindly-staring eyes came to life. Colour throbbed back into the wan ivory cheeks. The mouth lost its vacant droop. She rose up from the stool with a joyful cry, and, stumbling in her haste, ran into the outstretched arms. As they wrapped about her, clinging to her sole earthly friend and guardian as though she could never let go, came the crash of the driving-charge, the yelling Brocken-hunt of the passage of the huge projectile, the ear-splitting din of the shellburst. She lifted up a radiant face of laughing defiance, and then choked and quivered and burst out crying, leaning her panting young bosom against the black habit, and weeping as though her whole being must dissolve, Undine-like, in tears. Ah, the lovely feminine woman who weeps and clings! She will never lose her dominion over the sons of men. The ap- pealing glances of her beautiful wet eyes melt, the stoniest male hearts, the soft tendril-like wreathing of her arms about the pillar of salt upon the Plain would have had power to change it back into a breathing human being once more, if Lot had looked back, instead of his helpmeet. Her sterner sisters may feel as keenly, love as tenderly, sorrow even more bitterly than she. Who will believe it among the sons of dead old Adam, who first felt the heaving bosom. pant against ONE BRAVER THING 223 his own, and saw the first bright tear-showers fall forerunners of what oceans of world sorrow to be shed hereafter, when the Angel of the flaming sword drove the peccant pair from Paradise. Ah, the fair, weak woman who weeps and clings! And Owen Saxham, watching Lynette from the ladder- ot, and the Mother-Superior, clasping her and murmuring Ibft comfort into the delicate, fragile ear under the heaped 'waves of red-brown hair, shared the same thought. How this trembling, vibrating, emotional creature will love one day, when the man arrives to whom imperious Nature shall bid her render up her all ! In whom, prayed the unselfish mother-heart, willing to be bereft of even the Heaven-sent consolation for the sake of the beloved, in whom may she find not only the earthly matefellow but the kindred soul. For, all-pitying Mother of Mercy, should she too, be doomed for wreck upon a wavering, un- stable, headlong Richard, what will happen then? Looking at the pair, Saxham thought of Ruth and Naomi. Lynette's tears had been dried quickly, like all joy-drops that the eyes shed. She was talking low and earnestly, pleading her cause with clinging hands and wistful looks and coaxing tones that were broken sometimes by a sob and sometimes by a little peal of girlish laughter. " Mother, I am not made of sugar to be melted in the sun, or Dresden china to be broken. I am strong enough to take my share of the work; I am brave enough to bear a'nything anything," she urged, " if only I may be with you. But to sit cooped up here day after day, safe and sheltered, sewing powder-bags or giving Katie French lessons, or helping Sister Tobias, and listening to the guns " the blood fled from her cheeks and the great, pupils of her eyes dilated until they looked all black in her face of whiteness " the dreadful guns, and wondering where you are when the shells are bursting " her voice rose in anguish "I can't bear it! Mother, do you hear?" She threw her beautiful head back entreatingly, and the pulses in her white throat throbbed under Saxham's eyes, and her slight hands were desperate in their clutch upon the arms that held her. " I want my share of the risk, whatever it is. I will have it. It is my right. I have tried to be good and patient, but I can't, I can't, I can't stand this any more ! " Her voice broke upon a sob, and Saxham said from the door- way that was filled by his great shoulders from post to post: " You will not have to stand it any more. The Reverend 224 ONE BRAVER THING Mother has reconsidered her decision. She will take you to the Hospital and elsewhere from to-day." The man's curt manner and authoritative tone brought Lynette for the first time to knowledge of his presence. Her glance went to him, and joy was mingled with surprise in the face she turned towards the Mother-Superior. "Really, Mother?" The Mother-Superior, though her own still face had flushed with quick irrepressible resentment at Saxham's tone, said cheerfully: " It is true, my child. Dr. Saxham thinks it will be best for you. Dr. Saxham, this is my ward, Miss Mildare." Saxham made his little brusque bow. Lynette, bending her lovely head, gave a grateful glance at the khaki-clad figure with the great hulking shoulders standing under the patch of hot blue sky that the top of the ladder vanished in, and a strange shock and thrill went through the man's whole frame. His odd, gentian-coloured eyes under the heavy thunder-cloud of black eyebrows lightened so suddenly in reply that the girl felt repelled and half-frightened. She was conscious of a curious oppression. As for Saxham, a delicate, stinging fire ran newly in his veins. Something stirred in the secret depths of him, and came to life with an awakening thrill exquisitely poignant and sweet. For this slight, unsophisticated, Convent- bred creature, pure as a lily, reared in innocence among the blameless, was rich as her frail, lovely mother had been before her in the mysterious allure of sex. Beautiful Lady Bridget- Mary at the zenith of her stately beauty had never possessed one-tenth of the seductive charm that emanated from this young girl. Thoughts of the stored-up golden honey seen gleaming through the translucent waxen cells of the virgin comb made the senses reel as you looked at her, if you were man born of woman, with your passions alive and keen-edged in you, and your blood had not lost the lilt of the song that it has sung in healthy veins of sons of Adam since the Woman was made for and given to the Man. For Artemis may invite, if uncon- sciously, the hot pursuit of the hunter; the shy, close-folded nymph among the sedges may awaken the primal desire of Pan among the reeds. . . . Saxham, even in the years of his degradation, had scarcely sunk to the level of the crook-limbed, hairy-thighed, hoofed satyr. But he had built his nest with the birds of night, and slaked his thirst at impure sources, and only now did he realize how his mad dream of vengeance upon ONE BRAVER THING 225 the Power that had cast him down and wrecked his future was to recoil upon himself. " I have done with Love," he had said, " and with Hope, and with Life as it is known of the honour- able and the upright and the cleanly among men for ever." And now ... his thoughts were tipped with fire as he drank in the suddenly-awakened, vivid, delicate beauty of Lynette Mildare. Now he realized the depths of his own mad folly. Oh, to have had the right to hope again, to love again, to live again, and be grateful to David, who had be- trayed him, and Mildred, who had deserted him to this end! Oh, never to have lost the honourable claim to woo such love- liness as this and win such purit)', and wear both as a talis- man upon his heart for ever! He drew breath heavily as he looked at the girl, transformed and glowing under the touch she loved, shining from within like some frail, transparent alabaster lamp with the light that he had helped to rekindle. And as his great chest expanded with deep draughts of the subtle, intoxicating atmosphere of her, and the blood hummed through his veins to that new measure, the last link of his old fetters fell clanking to the ground. And then, with a sting of intolerable remorse, came the memory of his shameful five years' Odyssey spent as a hog among other hogs of the human kind. It had not been an overthrow. It had been a sur- render of all that was good and strong in him to all in him that was despicable and weak and vile. And his soul shud- dered, and his heart contracted in the sickening clutch of shame. XXIX HE awakened from that lost moment of enthralment to the pang and the shock of self-discovery, and to the knowledge that somebody was hailing him by name from the top of the ladder. " Saxham! Doctor! Are you below there?" It was the gay, fresh voice of Beauvayse, halted with a handful of Irregulars, bandoliered, carrying their rifles and the day's provisions, wearing their bayonets on their hips, and sitting their wiry little horses with the ease of old troopers in the lee of the piled-up mound of sandbags that roofed the underground convent. Five men and a Corporal of the Town Guard, similarly burdened and accoutred we know the pale Cockney eyes and the thin face of the Corporal, whose freckles 226 ONE BRAVER THING have long ago vanished in a uniform gingerbread hue had also taken momentary shelter from one of the intermittent blizzards of Mauser bullets that drifted through Gueldersdorp. One Irregular was sitting on an earth-filled packing-case, swearing softly, nursing a disabled right arm, and looking at the corded network of hairy, sunburned muscles that were deli- cately outlined in the bright red stream that trickled from be- neath the rolled-up shirt-sleeve of raspy " greyback." " We saw your hairy tied up outside, Doctor, and ' sensed ' your whereabouts, as McFadyen says. Can the ladies spare you for a moment? Sorry to be a nuisance, but one of my fellows has got winged on our way to relieve the garrison at Maxim Outpost, South, and though he swears he is as fit as a fiddle, I don't believe he ought to come on." "I'm all right, Sir, 'pon me Sam I am!" protested the dis- mounted trooper. " It's a bit stiff, but the bleedin' '11 take that off. I shan't shoot a tikkie the worse for it. Lay any- body 'ere a caulker I don't." Nobody took up the bet, fortunately for the sportsman, as surgical examination proved that the bullet had gone sheer through the fleshy part of the upper arm, breaking the bone, just missing the artery, and leaving a clean hole. "You'll have to go to Hospital, my man," pronounced Saxham. The face of the wounded Irregular lengthened in disgust. "My crimson luck! And I'd made up my mind to pick off a brace o' them blasted Dutch wart 'ogs over that, there bad job of pore Bob Ellis." He blinked violently, and gulped down something that rose in his brown, muscular throat as the voice of a comrade, mid- dle-aged like himself, coffee-baked as a Colonial, and also speaking with the accents of the English barrack-room, took up the tale. " Bob Ellis was 'is pal, Sir, and mine, too. We was in the same battery of 'Orse Artillery at Ali Musjid, an' we went up along of Lord Kitchener to Khartoum. An' they shot 'im yesterday. Through the 'ead, clean, an' 'e never spoke an- other word." " Through the loop-'ole o' the parapet, it was," went on the wounded man. " Bein' in the advance trench, we've got on neighbourly terms like, with the Dutchies, and Tom Kelly, wot 'as just bin speakin', 'card Bob Ellis promisin' this bloke as 'ow if 'e'd on'y 'urry up an' git killed soon enough, Bob ONE BRAVER THING 227 would 'ave 'is farm and 'Is frow when 'e come marchm' along- to Pretoria. 'Oppin' mad the Dopper was at that, an' the names 'e called pore Bob was something disgraceful. An* when 'e got 'im through the loop-'ole me an' Kelly made our minds up to show a bit o' fancy shootin' and lay 'im out in turn. That's 'ow it was, Sir. An' now " the voice grew shaky "they've corked me. Corked me, by God! an' there's not a bloke among the lot of us but me can play the concertina." With his undamaged arm he swung round his haversack, bulging at the top with a cheap, bone-keyed, rose- wood-veneered, gaudy-paper-sided instrument of German make, and hung his head over it in silence. " But what on earth has the concertina got to do with it?'* Saxham was frankly puzzled, and Beauvayse, with all his pro- fessional knowledge of " Tommy," was for once nonplussed. " You'd better explain to the Doctor, Corporal Leash. I'm out of the running when it comes to killing men with con- certinas. And you don't play as badly as all that, da you?" " On the contrywise, Sir," explained the comrade Kelly, " plays uncommon well, he does all the tunes of the latest music-'alls and patriotic songs." " An' them blasted Doppers are uncommon fond o' music, d'ye see, Sir," explained the wounded trooper. "They can't keep their ugly 'eads down behind the sandbags when they hears it. Up they pops 'em over the edge and then you take care they don't pop down no more." The Captain's gay young laughter was infectious; white teeth showed, or teeth that were not white, in the tanned faces of Irregulars and Town Guardsmen. Even the mourning comrades grinned, and Saxham smiled grimly as Beauvayse cried : " By George, a more original method of reprisal I never came across! But it's clear if you can't shoot with that left arm of yours you can't play the concertina. Wish I could knock a tune out of the thing, Leash, for your sake enough to make a Boer put his head up. But I'm a duffer at musical instruments always was. What do you say, my man ? " " Beg pardon, Sir." The Corporal with the Town Guards- men saluted, making the most of his five feet two inches. " I can pl'y the squiffer I mean the concertina, Sir a fair treat for a hammatore. And if I might be let to tyke this man's plyce at Maxim Outpost South, Sir, I could 'elp serve the 228 ONE BRAVER THING gun, too, Sir we've bin' attendin' Artillery Drill in spare hours." " I shouldn't think you had any spare hours to spare." Beauvayse looked at the thin, tanned face with liking, and the keen pale eyes met his fairly. " We haven't, Sir, but we manage some'ow." " But what about your own duty ? " " I'm tykin' these men over, Sir." He indicated a solid family grocer, a solicitor, a clerk of the County Court, a Swiss waiter, and two Navy Reserve men reduced to the ranks for aggressive intemperance of the methylated spirit kind, which, in the absence of other liquor, had prevailed among a certain class, until the intoxicating medium was con- fiscated by Government. " Captain Thwaite 'as spared us from the Cemetery Works to relieve Corporal Brice an' 'is little lot at Angle VII. South Trenches. A telephone message come from our Colonel to say Brice's men was bad with rheumatism and dysentery but Brice is all right an' fit, Sir and " the pale eyes pleaded out of the brickdust-coloured face " I'd like the charnce o* gettin' nearer to the enemy, Sir an' that's the truth." Beauvayse conceded. " Very well. I'll square things with your commanding officer as we go along, and explain matters to the Colonel per telephone from Maxim Outpost South. Come on there when you've handed over your men to Brice." The pale eyes danced. " Thank you, Sir." " An' I'll owe you a dollar whisky-peg for the good turn," muttered the perforated musician, as he handed over the cherished concertina to the volunteer, " till next Sunday that I see you in the stad." " Righto! " said Corporal Keyse, accepting the sacred charge. " Look here, though," came from Beauvayse, " there's one thing you must remember what's your name ? " " Keyse, sir Corporal, A Company, Gueldersdorp Town Guard." " Well, Keyse, you've heard Meisje hiccoughing ninety-three pound projectiles all the morning, haven't you?" " Couldn't possibly miss 'er, sir " the pale eyes twinkled as the Corporal finished " not as long as she misses me." " She has a talent for missing, otherwise a good many of us fellows would have heard the Long Call before now. But most of her delicate little attentions with the exception of one shell she sent over the Women's Laager, to show the ONE BRAVER THING 229 people there that she doesn't mind killin' females and children if she can't get men most of 'em are meant for Maxim Out- post South ; and one of 'em may get home sometimes, when the German gunner isn't thinking of his sweetheart. Then, if you find yourself soarin' heavenwards in a kind of scattered anatomical puzzle-map of little bits, don't blame me for oblig- in' you, that's all." There was a guffaw from the listeners. W. Keyse saluted, cheerfully joining in. " I shan't s'y a word, sir." " By George, I believe you ! " said Beauvayse. " What's up ? Seen a ghost ? " Saxham had swung his wallet round, producing carbolic, antiseptic gauze, First Aid Bandages, and other surgical in- dispensables from its recesses, as by legerdemain, and a tall, stately black figure, followed by a tall, slender white figure, had risen from the bowels of the earth. The Mother-Su- perior, taking in the situation and the need of her at a glance, called a brief order down the ladder stairway, and went swiftly over to Saxham, whipping a blue apron out of a big pocket, tying it about her, and pulling on a pair of sleeves of the same stuff as she went. Lynette turned to take the basin of hot water that the arm of Sister Tobias extended from below, and the jaws of W. Keyse snapped together. Until he twigged the bronze-red coils of hair under the broad, rough straw hat, he had thought. . . . C'r'r! We know how the dancing, provoking, mischievous blue eyes and adorable wrist-thick golden pigtail of Greta du Taine dwelt in his love-stricken remembrance. Her worshipped image had got a little rubbed and dimmish of late to be sure, but breathe on the colours, and you saw them come out clear, and oh ! bewilderingly lovely. Billy Keyse had never even beheld the enchantress since that never-to-be-forgotten morning when he had seen her pass at the head of the serpentine procession of pupils, slowly wind- ing across the Market Square. But he knew she was still in Gueldersdorp. He felt her, for one thing. We know that in his case Love's clairvoyant instinct had got its nightcap on. We saw Greta depart on the train bound North for the Du Taine homestead near Johannesburg. But if she were not in Gueldersdorp, why did the left breast-pocket of the now soiled and heavily-patched khaki tunic bulge so? C'r'r! There were six letters inside there, tied up with a frayed bit of blue 230 ONE BRAVER THING ribbon. Hers? 'Strewth, they were! And each what you might call a Regular One-er of a love-letter. Never mind the paper being thumb-marked as well as cheaply inferior, one can- not expect all the refinements of civilization in a beleaguered town. It was the spelling that although we know W. Keyse to be no cold orthographist occasionally gave him pause as he perused and re-perused the greasy but passionate page. And why did she sign herself " Fare Air ? " The sense of in- gratitude pierced him even as he wondered. Why shouldn't she if she chose? What a proper beast he was to grumble! Him, that ought to be proud of her demeaning herself to stoop to a young chap in a lower station, so to call. And her a Regular Swell. He hugged the letters against him with the arm belonging to the hand that held the concertina. Beloved missives, where was the worshipped writer now? Sitting by a tapestry-frame, for he could not imagine her peeling potatoes, down in the Convent bombproof, dreaming of him, weeping over his last letter, or blushfully aware of his vicinity, panting at the bot- tom of the ladder, listening for the beloved accents of the man who . . . Hold hard, though! she had never heard the voice of Billy Keyse ; or he hers for that matter, but he would have recognized it among a thousand. He had told her so, writing with ink pencil, of the kind that when sucked in moments of forgetfulness tastes peculiarly horrible, and tinges the saliva with violet, at spare moments in the trench. A phlegmatic Chinaman acted as Love's postman, handing in the envelopes that were addressed to Mr. W. Keyse, Esquer, in caligraphy that began in the top left-hand corner, and trickled gradually down into the right-hand bottom one. Pumping the Celestial iwas no use. John Tow sabee'd only that a fair foreign devil 'gave the one missive, with a tikkie for delivery, and 'spose one time Tow makee plenty good walkee back with anulla paper some pidgin bime-bye catchee more tikkie. If walkee back no paper, too muchee John catchee hellee, reaping only reproaches and no tikkie at all. Judge how the heart of W. Keyse bumped against the con- certina when the slender vision in the holland skirt and white blouse and broad straw hat appeared from underground. It was not she, though, Queen of heroic thoughts, inspirer of deeds of daring yet to be done, who followed the Mother- Superior. It was the loveliest girl Beauvayse had ever seen, or ever ONE BRAVER THING 231 would see. The girl who had stood up in defence of two nuns against a threatening gang of rowdy Transvaalers, one day in the Recreation Ground, the girl who had passed as the Staff dismounted at the Hospital gate on the day of appropriation. The Mayor had had no chance of fulfilling his promise of an introduction. The Mayor's wife, with her two children, was an inmate of the Women's Laager. But at last the kind little genii that deal with happenings and chances had brought Beau- vayse and his divinity face to face. Now she rose out of the Convent, dug-out in the waste that had been the Railway Official's front-garden, like a fair white Psyche-statue, delivered in the course of some convulsion of Nature from the matrix of the earth. And she was even more exquisite than his re- membrance of her, even more . . . Beauvayse descended abruptly from an empyrean flight of poetic imagery to remember his torn and soiled silk polo-shirt with its rolled-up sleeves, his earth-stained cords, girt with a belt of vari-coloured webbing, his muddy leather leggings and boots with their caked and dusty spurs, telling of hard service and unresting activity. But he looked radiantly handsome as he leapt to the ground and came forward, his tall athletic figure, trained by arduous toil and incessant work, until the last superfluous ounce of flesh had vanished, looking the personification of manliness, his tanned face, still clean-shaven save for the slight fair mous- tache, one to set any maiden dreaming of its straight clean- cut features and beautiful grey-green eyes. The wide felt hat he touched in salute sat with a jaunty air on the close-cropped golden head. Here was a gallant, heartsome vision to greet Lynette, stepping after the Mother into that outer world, where fire belched warning from iron mouths, and steel de- struction sped through the skies, and bullets sang like hornets past your head, or hit the ground near your feet, sending up little bushy columns and spirts of dust. The wounded man, now carbolized, plugged, and bandaged by Saxham's dexterous hands, took the hastily-scrawled ad- mission order, involved his officer, the ladies, and the Doctor in a left-handed salute, distributed a parting wink among his comrades, counselled W. Keyse in a hoarse whisper to go tender on the off-side G. of the instrument he dandled, and trudged sturdily away in the direction of the Hospital. " Thank you, ma'am. There's no stealing a march on you," Beauvayse said to the Mother-Superior, touching his hat with 232 ONE BRAVER THING his gay, swaggering grace, as she emptied a bowl of red water on the ground, and whisked the blue apron and sleeves back into the vast recesses of the mysterious pocket. " But you're spoiling us. Hot water isn't on tap, as a rule, for field-dress- ings, and and won't you " He reddened to the fair un- tanned skin upon his temples. " Mayn't. I ask, ma'am, to be introduced to Miss Mildare?" The Mother complied with his request, smiling indulgently. She had known and loved this bright boy's mother in her early married days. The Dark Rose of Ireland and the White Rose of Devon, a noted Society phrasemonger had dubbed them, seeing them together on the lawn one Ascot Cup Day, their light draperies and delicate ribbons whip-whipping in the pleasant June breeze, ivory-skinned, jetty-locked Celtic beauty and grey-eyed, flaxen-locked Saxon fairness in charming, con- fidential juxtaposition under one lace sunshade, lined with what has been the last new fashionable colour under twenty names, since then; only that year they called it Rose fane* Richard Mildare praised the sunshade, a Paris affair supplied by Worth with his creation, Lady Biddy Bawne's beautiful gown. He asked Lady Biddy to marry him at the back of the box on the Grand Stand when Verneuil was winning the Cup. Who shall dare say that he was not then a sincere lover? thought the Mother-Superior of the Convent of the Holy Way. And then she recalled her wandering thoughts, and turned them to the One Lover who never betrays His chosen. And her rapt eyes looking up, seemed to pierce beyond the flaming sky-vault overhead. She forgot all else, suddenly snatched from earthly consciousness to beatific realization of the Divine. There had been for some minutes now a lull in the bombard- ment from the ridges. The enemy's guns were silent a space, and the hot batteries of harassed Gueldersdorp snatched a brief respite while Boers gathered for the nine o'clock coffee-drink- ing round their little snapping fires of dried dung and tindery bush. Now and then a rifle cracked, and a bullet sang past or whitted in the dust. But comparative peace brooded over the shattered hamlet of wrecked homes and ploughed-up, lit- tered roads, and raw earthworks blistering in the pitiless sun. " Miss Mildare." Beauvayse was speaking in that pleasant, boyish voice of his, standing close to Lynette, his tall head bending for a glimpse of the eyes of golden hazel, that were shaded by the broad, rough straw hat. " If you knew how I've waited for this. Nearly seven weeks since one day in ONE BRAVER THING 233 early October, when I saw you on the Recreation Ground, where some brutes were annoying you, and a day or so later you went by the Hospital as I rode up with the Chief. But, of course, you don't remember?" His eyes begged her tx> say she did. " I remember quite well." It was the voice he had imagined for her low, and round, and clear, with just an undernote of plaintiveness matching the wistful appeal of her eyes. At the first sound of it a shudder of exquisite delight went through him, as though she had touched him with her slender white, bare hand on the bared breast. " Thank you for not quite forgetting. You don't know what it means to me, being kept in mind by you." " I do not know that I kept you in mind." There was a touch of girlish dignity in her utterance. " I only said that I remembered quite well." He bent his head nearer, and lowered his pleasant voice to a coaxing, confidential tone. " You'll think me a presumptuous kind of fellow for talk- ing like this, won't you, Miss Mildare? But the circum- stances are exceptional, aren't they? We're shut up away from the big world outside in a little world of our own, and such chances fall to every man and most of the women here: a shrapnel bullet or a shell-splinter might stop me before an- other hour goes by from ever saying what I've felt for weeks on end had got to be said what I'd risk a dozen lives, if I had 'em, to get the opportunity of saying to you." His hot eagerness frightened her. Her downcast eyelids quivered, and her flushed maiden-face shrank from him. "Oh, don't be angry! Don't move away!" Beauvayse en- treated ; for Lynette's anxious glance had gone in search of the Mother-Superior, with whom Saxham was now discussing the nuns' idea of utilizing the Convent as a Convalescent Hos- pital. In another instant she would have taken refuge by her side. " If you knew how I have thought of you and dreamed of you since I saw you! If you could only understand how I shall think of you now! If you could only realize how awfully, utterly strange it is to feel as I am feeling! " His voice was a tremulous, fervent whisper. His eyes gleamed like emeralds in the shadow of the wide-brimmed felt hat. " And if I die to-day, it won't end there. I shall think of you, and long for you, and worship you wherever I am." " Oh, why do you talk to me like this?" 234 ONE BRAVER THING Lynette's whisper was as tremulous as Beauvayse's own. Her eyes lifted to the glowing, ardent face for one shy instant, and found it good to look upon. Men, young and not undesir- able, had tried to make love to her before, at dances and parties and picnics to which she had been chaperoned by the Mayor's wife. But the first hot .glance, the first word that carried the vibration of a passionate meaning, had wakened the old terror in her, and bidden her escape. The nymph had al- ways taken flight at the first step upon the bank, the first rustle of the sedges. She had never lingered to feel the air stirred by another burning breath. She had never asked any one of those other men why he talked like that. Beauvayse went on: " Perhaps I even seem a little mad to you fellows have told me lately that I went on as if I had a tile off. Perhaps I'm what the Scotch call ' fly.' I've got Highland blood in me, anyhow. And you have set it on fire, I think started it boiling and racing and leaping in my veins as no woman ever did before. You slender white witch! you fay of mist and moonlight, you've woven a spell, and tangled my soul in it, and nothing in Life or in Death will ever loose me again." His tone changed, became infinitely caressing. " How sweet and dear you are to be so patient with me, while I'm sending the Conventionalities to the rightabout and terrifying the Proprieties. Forgive me, Miss Mildare." The pleading in his face was exquisite. She felt as a bee might feel drowning in honey, as she wreathed her white fingers together upon the silver buckle of the brown leather belt she wore, and said confusedly: " I ... I believe I ought to be very angry with you." His whisper touched her ear like a kiss, and set her trem- bling. "But you're not?" " T " She caught her breath as he came nearer. There was a fragrance from him a perfume of youth and health and vital- ity that was powerful, heady, intoxicating as the first warm, flower-scented wind of Spring, blowing down a mountain- kloof from the high ranges. Her white-rose cheeks took sud- den warmth of hue, and her pale nostrils quivered. A faint, mysterious smile dawned upon her lips. Something of the old terror was upon her still, and yet it was delicious to be afraid of him. ONE BRAVER THING 235 " Say that you aren't angry with me for being so thunder- ingly presumptuous. Please be kind to me and say it." Her lips began to utter disjointed phrases. " What can it matter really ? . . . Oh, very well, then ... if my saying so is of such . . . importance. . . ." " More important than anything in the world ! " he de- clared. " Very well, then, I am not angry not furiously so, at least." The bud of a smile repressed pouted her lips. " And," he begged, " you'll let what I've said to you be our secret? Promise." " Very well." "You sweetest, kindest, loveliest " " Please don't," she entreated. " And I may know your Christian name ? " he persisted. " I've thought of everything in the world, and nothing's good enough to fit you." " Oh, how silly ! " Her eyes gleamed with laughter. " It is Lynette." He caught at it with rapture. " Perfect ! The last touch. . . . The scent of the rose, or say the dewdrop on it. By George, I'm in earnest ! " He had spoken incautiously loud. A grating voice address- ing him pulled his head round. " Lord Beauvayse . . ." "Did you speak to me, Doctor? As I was saying, Miss Mildare," he went on, continuing the blameless conversation, " dust storms and flies are the twin curses of South Africa." The harsh voice spoke to him again. He looked round, met Saxham's eyes, hard and cold as blue stones. The Doctor said grimly: " You may not be aware that your men are drawing fire." It was undeniable fact. The bullets had begun to hit the ground under the horses' bellies, spurting little columns of dust and flattening against the stones. Coffee-drinking was over in the enemy's trenches, and the business of the day had begun again. Beauvayse bade the ladies good-morning, and swung himself into the saddle. "Au revoir, Miss Mildare. Please get under cover at once." The proprietorship in the tone stung Saxham to winc- ing. " Good-morning, ma'am," he cried to the Mother- Superior, " we know you ignore bullets. So long, Doctor. 236 ONE BRAVER THING Hope I shan't count one in your day's casualty-bag. Ready, boys?" The chatting troopers sprang to alert attention. W. Keyse, pensively boring the sandy earth with the pneumatic auger of imagination, in search of the loved one, believed to inhabit the Convent bombproof, was recalled to the surface by the curtly- uttered command, and knew the thrill of hero-worship as Beauvayse threw out his tightly-clenched hand, and the troopers, answering the signal, broke into a trot. The hot dust scurried at the horses' retreating heels. Corporal Keyse, trudging staunchly in their wake with his five Town Guards- men, became ghostlike, enveloped in an African replica of the ginger-coloured type of London fog. And the Mother- Superior looked at her well-worn watch. " My child, we must be moving if you are coming with me to the Women's Laager. I am nearly an hour late as it is." " I am ready, Mother dear." Lynette's eyes came back from following that dust-cloud in the southern distance to meet the hungry, jealous fires of Sax- ham's gaze. He had seen Beauvayse's ardent look, and her shy heart's first leaf unfolded in the answering blush, and a spasm of in- tolerable anger gripped him as he saw. He turned away silently, cursing his own folly, and unhitched his horse's bridle from the broken gatepost. With the act a crowd rose up be- fore Lynette and a frightened horse reared, threatening to fall upon three women-figures hurrying along the side-walk outside the Hospital, and a heavily-shouldered, black-haired man in shabby white drills stepped out of the throng and seized the flying bridoon-rein, and wrenched the brute down. She recognized the horse and the man again, and exclaimed: " Why . . . Mother, don't you remember the rearing horse outside the Hospital that day in October? It was Dr. Sax- ham who caught him, and saved us from getting hurt." " And we never even thanked you." The Mother-Superior turned to Saxham with outstretched hand and the smile that made her grave face beautiful. " What you must have thought! . . ." " I looked for the person who had been so prompt, but you had vanished where, nobody seemed to know," Lynette told him with her clear eyes on the stern, square face. " And then a man in the crowd called ^out, ' It's the Dop Doctor!' And ONE BRAVER THING 237 I thought what an odd nickname! . . ." She broke off in dismay. Saxham had become livid. His grim jaws clamped themselves together, and the blue eyes grew hard as stone. One instant he stood immovable, the Waler's bridle on his left arm, his right hand clenched upon the old hunting-crop. Then he said very coldly and distinctly: " As you observe, it is a queer nickname. But, at any rate, I had fairly earned " The bugle from the Staff headquarters sounded, drowning the rest of the sentence. The Catholic Church bell tolled. The other bells took up the warning, and the sentries called again from post to post: ''Ware gun, Number Two! Southern Quarter, 'ware!" The Krupp bellowed from the enemy's north redoubt, and cleverly lobbed a seven-pound shell not far behind that rapidly- moving, distant pillar of dust, the nucleus of which was a little troop of cantering Irregulars, and not far in front of the lower, slower-moving cloud, the heart of which was a little knot of tramping Town Guardsmen. The shell burst with a splitting crack, earth and flying stones mingled with the deadly green flame and the poisonous chemical fumes of the lyddite. Figures scurried hither and thither in the smoke and smother; one lay prone upon the ground. . . . At the instant of the explosion Saxham had leaped forwards, setting his body and the horse's as a bulwark between Death and the two women. Now, though Lynette's rough straw hat had been whisked from her head by a force invisible, he saw her safe, caught in the Mother-Superior's embrace, sheltered by the tall, protecting figure as the sapling is sheltered by the pine. " We are not hurt," the Mother protested, though her cheek had been cut by a flying fluke of flint, and was bleeding. " But look . . . over there ! " She pointed over the veld to the prostrate brown figure, and a cry of alarm broke from Lynette. " Oh, Mother, who . . . ? " " It is a Town Guardsman," Saxham answered, his cold blue eyes meeting the wild frightened gaze of the pale girl. " Lord Beauvayse and the Irregulars got off scot-free. Rev- erend Mother, do not think of coming. Please go on to the Women's Laager. I will see to the wounded man, and follow by-and-by." He mounted, refusing all offers of aid, and rode off. Look- 238 ONE BRAVER THING ing back an instant, he saw the black figure of the woman and the white figure of the girl setting out. upon their perilous journey over the bare patch of ground where Death made harvest every day. They kissed each other before they started, and again Saxham thought of Ruth and Naomi. If Ruth had been only one half as lovely as this Convent-grown lily, Boaz was decidedly a lucky man. But he had been a respectable, sober, steady-going farmer, and not a man of thirty-six with- out a ten-pound note in the world, with a blighted career to regret, and five years of drunken wastrelhood to be ashamed of. And yet . . . the drunken wastrel had been a man of mark once, and earned his thousands. And the success that had been achieved, and lost, could be rewon, and the career that had been pursued and abandoned could be his Saxham's again. And what were his publishers doing with those accumulated royalties? For he knew from Taggart. and McFadyen that his books still sold. "The Past is done with," he said aloud. "Why should not the Future be fair? " And yet he had nearly yielded to the impulse to own to those degraded years, and claim the nickname they had earned him, and take her loathing and contempt in exchange. What sudden madness had possessed him, akin to that unaccountable, overmastering surge of emotion that he had known just now when he saw her tears? We know the name of the divine madness, but we know not why it comes. Suddenly, after long years, in a crowded place or in a solitude where two are, it is upon you or upon me. The blood is changed to strange, ethereal idea, the pulse beats a tune that is as old as the Earth itself, but yet eternally new. Every breath we draw is rapture, every step we take leads us one way. One voice calls through all the voices, one hand beckons whether it will or no, and we follow because we must. With the Atlantic rolling between us I can feel your heart beat against mine, and your lips breathe into me your soul. The light that was upon your face, the look that was in your eyes as you gave the unforgettable, immemorial kiss, the clasp of your hands, the rising and falling of your heart, like a wave beneath a sea-bird, like a sea-bird above a wave, shall be with me always, even to the end of time and beyond it. For there are many loves, but one Love. ONE BRAVER THING 239 XXX A LONG-LEGGED, thinnish officer, riding a khaki-coloured bicycle over a dusty stretch of shrapnel-raked ground, carrying a riding-whip tucked under his arm and wearing steel jack-spurs, might have been considered a laughter-provoking object else- where, but the point was lost for Gueldersdorp. He got off his metal steed amongst the zipping bullets, and came over to the little group of Town Guards that were gathered round Saxham, who had just ridden up, and their prostrate comrade, who writhed and groaned lustily. "You have a casualty. Serious?" Saxham looked up, and his hard glance softened in recog- nition of the Chief. " I'll tell you in a moment, sir." The earth-stained khaki tunic was torn down the left side and drenched with ominous red. A little pool of the same colour had gathered under the sufferer. "He looks gassly, don't him?" muttered one of the by- standers, the Swiss baker who was not Swiss. " Makes plenty of noise," said the County Court clerk hypercritically, " for a dying man." "Oh Lud! oh Lud!"' The subject had bellowed with sonority, testifying at least to the possession of an uninjured diaphragm, as Saxham began to cut away the tunic. " Oh, come now," said a brisk, pleasant, incisive voice that sent an electric shock bolting through the presumably shattered frame. " That's not. so bad ! " " I told you so," muttered the County Court clerk to the Swiss waiter. " You remember me, Colonel ? " Haggard, despairing eyes rolled up at the Chief appealingly. He had met the gaze of those oyster-orbs before. He rec- ognized Alderman Brooker, proprietor of the grocery stores in Market Square, victim of the outrage perpetrated on a sentry near the Convent on a certain memorable night in October last. "Yes, my man. Anything I can do?" He knelt down beside the prostrate form. " You can tell my country, sir, that I died willingly," panted the moribund. 240 ONE BRAVER THING "With pleasure, when you're dead. But you're not yet, you know, Brooker." His keen glance was following the run of the Doctor's surgical scissors through the rough stuff and revelling in discovery. And Saxham's set, square face and stern eyes were for once all alight with laughter. The dying man went on: " It's a privilege, sir, an inestimable privilege, to have shed one's blood in a great cause." " It is, Mr. Brooker, but this is different stuff." His keen face wrinkled with amusement as he sniffed, and dipped a finger in the crimson puddle. " Too sticky." He put the finger to his tongue " and too sweet. Show him the bottle, Saxham." The Doctor, imperturbably grave, held forth at the end of the scissors the ripped-up ruins of a small-sized india-rubber hot-water bottle, a ductile vessel that, buttoned inside the khaki tunic, had adapted itself not uncomfortably to the still existing rotundities of the Alderman's figure. A hyaena yell of laughter broke from each of the crowding heads. Brooker's face assumed the hue of the scarlet flannel chest-protector ex- posed by the ruthless steel. "What the what the ?" he stuttered. " Yes, that's the question. What the devil was inside it, Brooker, when the shell-splinter hit you in the tummy and it saved your life? Stand him on his legs, men; he's as right as rain. Now, Brooker?" Brooker, without volition, assumed the perpendicular, and began to babble: " To tell the truth, sir, it was loquat syrup. Very soothing to the chest, and, upon my honour, perfectly wholesome. Mrs. Brooker makes it regularly every year, and we sell a twenty-gallon barrel over the counter, besides what we keep for ourselves. And if I am to be exposed to mock- ery when Providence has snatched me from the verge of the grave . . ." " Not a watery grave, Brooker," came from the Chief, with an irrepressible chuckle " a syrupy one. And have I your word of honour that this is a non-alcoholic beverage ? " " Sir, to be candid with you, I won't deny but what it might contain a certain proportion of brandy. And the nights in the trench being particularly cold and myself constitutionally liable to chill . . . I I find a drop now and then a comfort, sir." ONE BRAVER THING 241 " Ah, and have you any more of this kind of comfort at your place of business or elsewhere?" " Why why . . ." the Alderman faltered, " there might be a little keg, sir, in the shop, under the desk in the counting- house." " Requisitioned, Mr. Brooker, as a Government store. You may feel more chilly without it; you'll certainly sleep more lightly. As far as I can see, it has been more useful outside of you than ever it was in. And the safety of this town depends on the cool heads of the defenders who man the trenches. A fuddled man behind a gun is worse than no man to me." The voice rang hard and clear as a gong. " I'm no teeto- taller. Abstinence is the rule I enforce, by precept and ex- ample. While men are men they'll drink strong liquor. But as long as they are not fool-men and brute-men, they can be trusted not to lap when they're on duty. Those I find un- trustworthy I mark down, and they will be dealt with rigor- ously. You understand me, Brooker? You look as if you did. You've had a narrow squeak. Be thankful for it that nothing but a bruise over the ribs has come of it. Corporal, fall in your men, and get to your duty." W. Keyse and his martial citizens tramped on, the re- suscitated Brooker flying rags of sanguine stain. Then the stern face of the Chief broke up in laughter. The crinkled-up eyes ran over with tears of mirth. "Lord, that fellow will be the death of me! Tartuglia in the flesh how old Gozzi would have revelled in him ! Those pathetic, osyter-eyes, that round, flabby face, that comic nose, and the bleating voice with the sentimental quaver in it, reel- ing off the live man's dying speech. . . ." He wiped his brimming eyes. " Since the time when Boer spies hocussed him on guard you remember that lovely affair? he's reg- istered a vow to impress me with his gallantry and devotion, or die in the attempt. He's the most admirably unconscious humbug I've ever yet met. Sands his sugar and brown-papers his teas philanthropically, for the good of the public, and de- nounces men who put in Old Squareface and whisky-pegs, as he fuddles himself with his loquat brandy after shop hours in the sitting-room back of the store. But let us be thankful that Providence has sent Brooker on a special mission to play Pantaloon in this grimmish little interlude of ours. For we'll want every scrap of Comic Relief we can get by-and-by, Sax- 242 ONE BRAVER THING ham, if the other one doesn't turn up say by the middle of January." " I understand, sir." Saxham, to whom this man's face was as a book well loved, read in it that the Commissariat was caving. " There has been another Boer cattle-raid ? " The face that was turned to his own in reply had suddenly grown deeply-lined and haggard. " There has been a lot of cattle-shooting. Lobbing shrapnel at grazing cows was always quite a favourite game with Bronnckers. But his gunners hit oftener than they used to. And the Government forage won't hold out for ever." He patted the brown Waler, who pricked his sagacious ears and threw up his handsome bluntish head in acknowledgment of his master's caress. " Presently we shall be killing our mounts to save their lives and ours. Oats and horseflesh will keep life in men and in children and women. . . . The devil of it is, Saxham, that there are such a lot of women." " And seventy-five out of a hundred of them stayed out of pure curiosity," came grimly from Saxham. " To see what a siege would be like. Well, poor souls, they know now! You were going over to the Women's Laager. I'll walk with you, and say my say as I go. I'm on my way to Nordenfeldt Fort West. Something has gone wrong with the telephone-wire between there and Staff headquarters, and I can't get anything through but Volapuk or Esperanto. And those happen to be two of the languages I haven't studied." The dry, humorous smile curved the reddish-brown moustache again. The pleasant little whistle stirred the short-clipped hairs of it as the two men turned in the direction of the Women's Laager, over which the Red-cross flag was fluttering, and where the spider with the little Boer mare, picking at the scanty grass, waited outside the earthworks. Saxham 's eyes did not travel so far. They were fastened upon a tall black figure and a less tall and more slender white figure that were by this time halfway upon their perilous journey across the patch of veld, bare and scorched by hellish fires, and ploughed by shrapnel ball into furrows whence Death had reaped his harvest day by day. " There goes one of the women we couldn't have done without," commented his companion, wheeling his bicycle be- side Saxham, leading the brown Waler. " It is the Mother-Superior," Saxham said, " with her ward, Miss Mildare." ONE BRAVER THING 243 " Ah ! My Invariable reply to Beauvayse you know my junior A.D.C., who daily clamours for an introduction to Miss Mildare is, that I have not yet had one myself, though at the outset of affairs I encountered the young lady under rather trying circumstances, in which she showed plenty of pluck. I thought I had told you. No? Well, it was one morning on the Recreation Ground. The School was out walking a brace of nuns in charge, and some Dutch loafers mobbed them threatened to lay hands on the Sisters and Miss Mildare stood up in defence head up, eyes blazing, a slim, tawny- haired young lioness ready to spring. And Beauvayse was with me, and ever since then has been dead set upon making her acquaintance." Saxham's blood warmed to the picture. But he said, and his tone was not pleasant : " Lord Beauvayse attained the height of his ambition a few minutes ago." " Did he ? Well, I hope disillusion was not the outcome of realization. Up to the present " the humorous, keen eyes were wrinkled at the corners " all the boy's swans have been geese, some of 'em the sable kind." Saxham answered stiffly: "I should say that in- this case the swan decidedly predominates." The other whistled a bar of his pleasant little tune before he spoke again. " It is a capital thing for Beauvayse, being shut up here, out of the way of women." " Are there no women in Gueldersdorp ? " " None of the kind Beauvayse's canoe is given to capsizing on." The line in his senior's cheek flickered with a hinted smile. " None of the kind that run after him, lie in wait for him, buzz round him like wasps about a honey-bowl. I've de- veloped muscle getting the boy out of amatory scrapes, with the Society octopus, with the Garrison husband-hunter, with the professional man-eater, theatrical or music-hall; and the latest, most inexpressible She, is always the loveliest woman in the world. Queer world ! " " A damned queer world ! " agreed Saxham. " I'd prefer to call it a blessed queer one, because, with all its chaotic, weltering incongruities there's a Carlyleism for you I love it! I couldn't live without loving it and laugh- ing at it, any more than Beauvayse could get on minus an affair of the heart. Ah, yes, that amatory lyre of his is an uncom- monly adaptable instrument. I've known it thrummed to the praises of a middle-aged Duchess quite a beauty still, even by 244 ONE BRAVER THING daylight, with her three veils on, and an Operatic soprano, with a mascot cockatoo, not to mention a round dozen of frisky matrons of the kind that exploit nice boys. Just before we came out, it could play nothing but that famous song-and-dance tune that London went mad over at the Jollity in June It is .raving over still, I believe. Can't give you the exact title of ; the thing, but ' Darling, will You meet Me in the Centre of the Circle that the Limelight Makes upon the Floor, Tiddle-e- yum ? ' would meet the case. We have Musical Comedy now in place of what used to be Burlesque in your London days, Saxham, with a Leading Lady instead of a Principal Boy, and a Chorus in long skirts." Saxham admitted with a cynical twitch of the mouth: " There's nothing so short as a long skirt properly man- aged." " You're right. And Lessie Lavigne and the rest of the nimble sisterhood devote their gifts Thespian and Terp- sichorean to demonstrating the fact. Oh, damned cowardly hounds!" The voice jarred and clanged with irrepressible anger. "Saxham, can't you see? Bronncker's Sharpshooters are sniping at the women the Sister of Mercy and the girl." His glance, as well as Saxham's, had followed the tall black figure and the slender white figure on their journey through Death's harvest-field. But his trained eye had been first to see the little jets and puffs of sickly hot, reddish dust rising about their perilous path. They walked quickly, but without hurry, keeping a pace apart, and holding one another by the hand. Saxham, watching them, said, with dry lips and a deadly sickness at the heart: " And we can do nothing? " " Nothing ! It's one of those things a man has got to look on at, and wonder why the Almighty doesn't interfere. Oh, to have the fellows triced up for three dozen of the best apiece good old-fashioned measure. See, they're getting near the laager now. They'll soon be under cover. But I wonder the Convent cares to risk its ewe lanb on that patch of veld." " It is my doing." Saxham's eyes were glued on the black figure and the white figure nearing, nearing the embrasure in the earthwork redoubt, and his face was of an ugly blue-white, and dabbled with sweat. "Your doing? " " Mine. I was called in, to find Miss Mildare breaking down from suspense, and the overstrain of reaction. And to ONE BRAVER THING 245 avert even worse evils, I prescribed the tonic of danger. There was no choice In at last! " The Sister of Mercy and the girl had vanished behind the dumpy earth-bag walls. He thought the white figure had glanced back, and waved its hand, and then a question from his companion startled him beyond his ordinary stolid self-control. " By the way . . . with reference to Miss Mildare, have you any idea whether she proposes taking the veil?" " How should I have ideas upon the possibility?" The opaque, smooth skin of the square, pale face was dyed with a sudden rush of dark blood. The Colonel did not look at it, but said, as a bullet sang upon a stone near his boot, and flat- tened into a shiny star of lead: " I would give something to hear you laugh sometimes, Saxham. You're too much in earnest, my dear fellow. Burub Njal himself could hardly have been more grim." Saxham answered: " That fellow in the Saga, you mean. He laughed only at the end, I think, when the great roof-beam burned through and the hall fell in. But my castle tumbled about my ears in the beginning, and I laughed then, I remember." " And, take it from me, you will live to laugh again and again," said the kindly voice, " at the man who took it for granted that everything was over, and did not set to work by dawn of the next day building up the hall greater than before. Those old Vikings did ' and each time the high seat was dight more splendidly, and the hangings of the closed beds woven more fair.' They never knew when they were beaten, those grand old fellows, and so it came about that they never were. By the way, I have something here that concerns you." " Concerns me? " " I think I may say, nearly concerns you. A paragraph in this copy of the Cape Tourn Mercury, which, by the way, is three weeks old." A rubbed and shabby newspaper, folded small, came out of the baggy breast-pocket of the khaki jacket. Saxham received it with visible annoyance. " Some belated notice of one of my books." The scowl with which he surveyed the paper testified to a strong desire to pitch it to the winds. " Not a bit of it. It's an advertisement inserted by a London f. rm of solicitors 1 Donkin, Donkin, and Judd, Lincoln's Inn. Possibly you are acquainted with Donkin, if not with Judd." 246 ONE BRAVER THING "They are the solicitors for the trustees of my mother's property, sir. I heard from them three years ago, when I was at Diamond Town. They returned my last letter to her, and told me of her death." " They state in the usual formula that it will be to your ad- vantage to communicate with them. May I, as a friend, urge on you the necessity of doing so." Saxham's grim mouth shut close. His eyes brooded sul- lenly. " I will think it over, sir." " You haven't much time. A despatch-runner from Koodoosvaal got. through the enemy's lines last night with some letters and this paper. No, no word of the Relief. His verbal news was practically nil. He goes out at midnight with some cipher messages. And, if you will let me have your reply to the advertisement with the returned paper by eleven at latest, I will see that it is sent." The rather peremptory tone softened became persuasive. "You must build up the great hall again, Saxham, and building can't be done without money. And it occurs to me that this may be some question of a legacy." " My father was not a wealthy man," Saxham said. " He gave me a costly education, later advanced four thousand pounds for the purchase of a West End practice, upon the understanding that I was to expect no more from him, and that the bulk of his property, with the exception of a sum left as provision for my mother, should be strictly entailed upon my brother and his heirs, if he should marry. The arrange- ment was most just, as I was then in receipt of a considerable income from my profession, and my father died before my cir- cumstances altered for the worse. Independently of the pro- vision he made for her, my mother possessed a small jointure, a freehold estate in South Wales, bringing in, when the house is let, about a hundred and fifty pounds a year. That was to have been left to me as the younger son. But her trustees informed me, through these solicitors, that she had changed her mind, as she had a perfect right to do, and bequeathed everything she possessed to my brother's son, a child who " Saxham's voice was deadly cold "may be about three years old." " A later will may have been found. If I have any influ- ence with you, Saxham, I would use it in urging you to reply to the advertisement." ONE BRAVER THING 247 Saxham agreed unwillingly : " Very well." The other knew the point gained, and adroitly changed the conversation. It grew severely technical, bristling with scien- tific views, dealing chiefly with food-values. The black cloud cleared from Saxham's forehead as he lectured on the energy- fuels, and settled the minimum of protein, fat, starch, and sugar necessary to keep the furnace of Life burning in the human body. Milk, that precious fluid, could henceforth only be given to invalids and children. Margarine and jam were severely relegated to the list of luxuries. Sardines, tinned salmon, and American canned goods had entirely given out. And flour, the staff of life, was vanishing. The joy of battle lightened in their faces as they talked, forging weapons that should make men enduring, and Saxham warmed. His icy crust of habitual silence melted and broke up. He became eloquent, pouring out his treasured projects, suggesting substitutes for this, and makeshifts for that and the other. He was in his element he knew the ground he trod. He thrust out his grim under-jaw, and hulked with his heavy shoulders as he talked to this man who understood; and every supple movement of his surgeon's hand pointed out some fresh expedient, and the singing bullets went by or whit-whitted about them in the dust, and now and then a shell burst over patient Gueldersdorp. They parted at the Women's Laager, and as the khaki bicycle grew small in distance, Saxham realized with a shock that he was happy, that life had suddenly become sweet, and opened out anew before him in a vista, not of shining promise, but with one golden gleam of Hope in it, to a man freed by the force of Will from the bondage of that accursed liquor thirst. Freed! If freed in truth, why should the sight and smell even of Brooker's sticky loquat brandy have set the long denied palate craving? Saxham put that question fror?. hiru with both hands. And then he frowned, thinking of that adaptable instrument that had thrummed an accompaniment to the arias of the Opera soprano as to the Society drawing-room duets, sung with the frisky married ladies who liked nice boys, and had made tinkling music for the twinkling small feet, and the strident voice of Lessie Lavigne of the Jollity Theatre, and now must serenade outside a Convent close in beleaguered Gueldersdorp, where the whitest of maiden lilies bloomed, tall and pure and 248 ONE BRAVER THING slender and unharmed, in a raging tempest of fire and steel and lead. XXXI PRAY give a thought to the spy, Walt Slabbert, languishing in durance vile under the yellow flag. Several times the first- class, up-to-date, effective artillery of his countrymen, being brought to bear upon the gaol, had caused the captive to bound like the proverbial parched pea, and to curse with curses not only loud but fervent the indiscriminating zeal of his brother patriots. He was, though lost, to sight behind the walls of what Emigration Jane designated the jug, still fondly dear to one whose pliant affections, rudely disentangled by the hand of perfidy from the person of That There Green, had twined vigorously about the slouching person of the young Boer. Letters were received, but not forwarded to suspects enjoying the hospitality of the Government, so communication with the object of her dreams was painfully impossible. Stratagems were not successful. A passionate missive concealed in a plum-pudding before it was put on to boil had become in- corporated with the individuality of a prison official, who ob- jected on principle to waste. On Sundays, when you could go out without your 'art in your mouth on account of them 'orful shellses, a fair female form in a large and flamboyant hat, whose imitation ostridge tips were now mere bundles of quill shavings, and whose flowers were as wilted as tht other blossoms of her heart, wandered disconsolately round her Walt's place of bondage, waving a lily hand on the chance of being seen and recognized. Tactics productive of nothing but blown kisses on the part of extra-susceptible warders, and one or two troopers of the B.S.A.P., who ought to have known better. These advances Walt's bereaved betrothed rejected with ringing sniffs of scorn, yet, of such conflicting elements is the feminine heart composed, found them strangely solacing. She 'ad 'ad 'er month's notice from Sister Tobias's upon the morning following the night of the tragedy, another score to the account of the traitor Keyse. Arriving unseemly late, and in an agitated state of mind, and could you wonder, after her young man had been pinched and took away? She had mechanically accounted for her late return in the well-worn ONE BRAVER THING 249 formula of Kentish Town, explaining to the surprised Sisters that there 'ad bin a Haccident on the Underground between the Edgeware Road and 'Ammersmiff, an' that her sister Hemmaline had bin took bad in consequence, the second being looked for at the month's end; and to leave that pore dear in that state her 'usband being at his Social Club was more than Emigration Jane 'ad 'ad the 'art to do. She received her dismissal to bed, and the advice to examine her conscience care- fully, before retiring with defiance, culminating in an attack of whooping hysteria. Nor was she other than wildly elated at the knowledge that nobody slept in the Convent that night, until she had run down. The character supplied by Sister Tobias to her next employer specified terminological inexacti- tude among her failings, combined with lack of emotional self- control, but laid stress on an affectionate disposition, and a tendency to intermittent attacks of hard work. She was now with her new mistress and the kids, pigging you couldn't call it nothink else, not to be truthful you couldn't at the Women's Laager, along of them there dirty Dutch frows. She refrained from too candid criticism of her Walt's countrywomen, but it was proper 'ard all the same not to call crock and muck by their right names. Languishing in seclusion, week and week about, cooking scant meals of their Commissariat beef moistened with gravy, made from them patent packets of Consecrated Soup, can you won- der that her burden of bitterness against W. Keyse, author of all her wrongs, instrument most actively potential in the jug- ging of her young man, bulked larger every day? She was not one to 'ave the world's 'eel upon 'er without turning like a worm. No Fear, and Chance it. Her bosom heaved under the soiled two-and-elevenpenny peek-a-boo " blowze " as she registered her vow. That there Keyse the conduct of the faithless Mr. Green appeared almost blonde in complexion be- side the suave villainy of the other That There Keyse should Rue the Day! How to make him ? that was the question. Then came the dazzling flash of inspiration but not until they had met again. She was circulating hungry-hearted about the brick-built case that held her jewel the man who had held out that vista of a home, and called her his good little Boer-wife to be. We know it was a mere bait designed to allure and dazzle the Boer spy had caught many women with it before. Do you 250 ONE BRAVER THING despise her and those others for the predominance of the primal instinct, the sacred passion for the inviolate hearth? Not so much they yearned for the man as for the roof-tree, whose roots are twined about the heart-strings of the natural woman, the spreading rafter-branches of which shelter little downy heads. She encountered the traitor, I say, and her eyes darted fire beneath a bristling palisade of iron curling-pins. She had not the heart these days to free her imprisoned tresses. The villain had the perishing nerve to accost her, jauntily touching the smasher hat. ' 'Day, Miss! 'Aven't seen you since when I can't think." She replied with a ringing sniff and a glance of infinite scorn that she would trouble him not to think; and that she regarded low, interfering, vulgar fellows as the dirt under her feet. So there! " Cr'r ! " He was took aback, but not to the extent of taking hisself off, which he ought to. " You're fair mad with me, an' no mistyke." His pale eyes were unmistakably good- natured ; the loss of the yellow freckles, swamped in a fine, uniform, brilliant hue, was an improvement, she could not help thinking. " But I only did my duty, Miss, same as another chap would have 'ad to. Look 'ere! Come and 'ave a split gingerade." The delicious beverage was three shillings the bottle. She frowned, but hesitated. He persisted ; she ended by giving in. Weeks and weeks since she had walked with a young man ! The Dutchman's saloon was closed and barricaded ; its owner had made tracks to his Transvaal friends at the beginning of the siege. But the aromatic beer-cellar was one of the places open. They went in there. Oh! the deliciousness of that first sip of the stinging, fizzling beverage ! He lifted his glass in the way that she remembered, and drank a toast. " 'Er 'ealth ! If you knew how I bin wantin' to git word of 'er! She's well, isn't she, Miss? Lumme! the Fair Old Time I got when I see the Convent standin' empty. . . . Gone into laager near the Railway Works now, you 'ave, I know. Safe, if not stric'ly luxurious. But I git the Regu- lar Hump when I think of of a Angel like 'Er 'avin' to live an 'eat an' sleep in a a in a bloomin' rabbit-'ole." He sighed as he wiped the stinging froth from his upper lip. " Pity you can't tell 'er so ! " The sarcasm would have iti way, out ii failed of his great simplicity. ONE BRAVER THING 251 " That's why I bin lookin' out for you." He blushed through the brick-dust hue as he extract a fatigued-looking letter from a baggy breast-pocket in which h had sojourned in company with a tobacco-pouch, a pipe which must not be smoked in the trenches if a man would prefer to do without a bullet through his brain, a handful of screws not innocent of lubricating medium, a clasp-knife, a flat tin box of carbolized, vaseline, a First-Aid bandage, and a ration of bread and cheese wrapped in old newspaper. The bread was getting deplorable, for even the dusty seconds flour was fast dribbling out. "You'll give 'er this, won't you, Miss, and tell her I bin thinkin' of 'er night and d'y? Fair live in the trenches now; and when I do git strollin' round the stad, blimme if I ever see 'er. But she's there an 'ere's a ticker beatin 'true to 'er." He rapped a little awkwardly upon the bulking left breast- pocket, " To the bloomin' end, wotever it may be! " "Oh, you silly, you!" She found him ridiculous and tragic, and so touching all at once that the gibe ended in a sob. It was not the stinging effervescence of the gingerade that made her choke and brought the smarting tears to her eyes. It was envy of that other girl. And then she noticed, under his left eye, a tiny scar, and she knew how he came by it, and remembered what she owed him, and saw that the chance, had come for her revenge. She could pierce the heart beating under the khaki breast- pocket to its very core with three words as easily as she had jabbed his face with her hatpin on that never-to-be-forgotten night. She would tell him that the lady of his love had gone up to Johannesburg weeks and weeks ago. Oh, but it would be sweet to see the duped lover's face! She would give him a bit of her mind, too perhaps tear up the letter. Then flashed across the murky-black night of her stormy [mind the forked-lightning inspiration of what the real revenge would be. To take his letter write him another back, and yet others, fool him to the top of his bent, and presently tell him, tossing at his feet a sheaf of billets. " And serve yer glad and no more than your deservings. Who put away my Walt?" She accepted the letter, only permitting herself one scorn- ful sniff, and put the missive in her pocket. Next day John Tow, the Chinaman, serenely fatalistic, smilingly perpendicular in felt-soled shoes, amidst zipping bullets, brought to the trench a reply signed " Fare 'Air." 252 ONE BRAVER THING The writer Toke the Libberty of Hopeing W. Keyse was as it Left her at present. She was Mutch obblig for his Dear Leter Witch it 'ad made her Hapey to Know a Brave Man fiteing for her Saik. " Cr'r !" ejaculated W. Keyse, below his breath. His face was radiant as he read. Her spelling was a bit off, it (Came to him to own in cooler blood. But Cr'rips! to be ;called a brave man by the owner of the maddening blue eyes, and that great thick golden pigtail. The letter went on: " Dear mr. Keyse yu will be Please to Kno Jane is Sutch a Cumfut to me in Trubel. As it is Selldom Fathful Frends are To be Fownd But Jane is trew as Stele & Cold be Trustid with Ibs & Ibs. no More at Preasent from yr afexn Swetart. X X X X " FARE 'Am." His senses reeled, as under pretence of making a sneeze he pressed his burning lips to those osculatory crosses. He wrote her a flaming answer, begging a Sunday rendezvous. She ap- pointed a place and an hour. He went there on the wings of love, but nobody turned up except the Jane who could be trusted with pounds and pounds. She hurried to him trembling and quite pale, her blue eyes he had never noticed that they were blue and really pretty wide with fright under her yellow fringe of curls newly released from steely fetters. Her lips were apart, but he failed to observe that the teeth they revealed were creditably white; her cotton-gloved hand repressed her fluttering heart, but he did not see its tumultuous throbbing. He gulped as he said, with a fallen jaw and a look of abject misery that pierced , her to the quick: " She couldn't come, then ? " "No, pore deer!" gasped the comfort in trouble, casting about for something to tell him. She had made up her mind as she came along; she would have her revenge there and then, and chance it. Something kept her from laying the candle- flame to the time-fuse. She did not know what it was yet. But, oh! the sharp look of terror in the thin, eager face pierced her through and through. " My Gawd ! She's not bin killed ? " he cried. " Don't tell me she's bin " " Lor', gracious goodness, no! What will you think of next?" She lied, rallying him, with jealousy eating at her ONE BRAVER THING 253 own poor heart. " Can't git away, that's all. Them Sisters are so precious sharp. An' ' Go an' tell 'im,' she says, ' 'e'll 'ave to put up with you this once. An' you'll come back an' tell me all about, 'im ! ' : He swallowed the bait, and her spirits revived. Emigration Jane, if not the rose, lived with it. Strictly speaking, they spent a pleasant Sunday, though when he found himself for- getting the absent one, he pulled himself sharply up. He saw net part of the way home; more she would not allow. " And and " she whispered at their parting, her eyes avoiding his " if she can't git out next Sunday an* it's a chance whether she does, that Sister Tobias being such a watch- ful old cat would you like to 'ave me meet you an' tell you all about 'er?" W. Keyse assented, even eagerly, and so it began. Behold the poor deceiver drinking perilous joys, and learning to shud- der at the thought of discovery. Think of her cherishing his letters, those passionate epistles addressed to the owner of the golden pigtail. Think of her pouring out her poor full heart in those wildly-spelt missives that found their way to him, and be a little pitiful. She did not thirst for that revenge now. But, oh! the day would come when he would find out and have his, in casting her off, with what contempt and loathing of her treachery she wept at night to dream of. This feeling, that lifted you to Heaven one instant, and cast you down to Hell the next, was Love. Passion for the Mari, not yearning for the hearth- place, and the sheltering roof, and the security of marriage. She left off walking round the gaol indeed, rather avoided the vicinity of the casket that for her had once held a treasure. What would the Slabbert think of his little Boer-wife that was to have been ? What would he say and do when they let him out? She took to losing breath and colour at the sound of a heavy step behind her, and would shrink close to the martial figure of W. Keyse when any hulking form distantly re- sembling th'e Boer's loomed up in the distance. Oh, shame on her, the doubly false! But: but she had never been so orful 'appy. Oh, what a queer thing was Love! If only But never, never would he. She was imitation. There came a moment when W. Keyse swerved from the path of single-hearted devotion to the unseen but ever-present wearer of the golden pigtail. 254 ONE BRAVER THING As Christmas drew near, and Gueldersdorp, not yet sensible of the belly-pinch of famine, sought to relieve its tense muscles and weary brains by getting up an entertainment here and there, W. Keyse escorted his beloved by proxy, as usual to a Sunday smoking-concert, given in a cleared-out Army Service Stores shed, lent, by Imperial Government to the pro- yTnoters of the entertainment. Oh, the first delicious sniff of an atmosphere tinged with paint and acetylene from the stage-battens and footlights, and altogether so flavoured with crowded humanity of various nationalities as to be strongly reminiscent of the lower troop- deck with the hatches battened down ! The excess of brillancy which must not stream from the windows had had to be shut- tered in, and a tarpaulin drawn over the skylight, in case the gunners of Meisje should be tempted to rouse the monster from her Sabbath quiet, and send in a ninety-three-pound shell to break up an orgie of godless Englanders. But the stuffiness made it all the snugger. You could fancy yourself in the pit of the Theaytre of Varieties, 'Oxton, or perched up close to the blue-starred ceiling-dome of the Pavilion, Mile End, on a Saturday night, when every gentleman sits in shirt- sleeves, with his arm round the waist of a lady, and the faggots and sausage-rolls and stone-gingers are going off like smoke, and the orange-peel rains from the upper circle back-benches, and the nutcracking runs up and down the packed rows like the snapping of the breech-blocks in the trenches when the fire is hottest. . . . Ah! That brought one back to Gueldersdorp at once. Meanwhile, a pale green canvas railway-truck cover, marked in black, " Light Goods Destructible," served as a drop- curtain. Another, upon which the interior of an impossible palace had been delineated in a bewildering perspective of red and blue and yellow paint-smudges, served as a general back- scene for the performance. The orchestra piano had been wounded by shell-fire, and had a leg in splints. Many members of the crowded audience were in strapping and bandages. Drink did not flow plenti- fully, but there was something to wet your whistle with, and the tobacco-cloud that hung above the trestle-benches, packed with black and yellow faces, as well as brown and white, could have been cut with a knife, if you had wanted to. It was a long, rambling programme, scrawled in huge, black- paint characters on a white-planed board, hung where every- ONE BRAVER THING 255 one could read it. There were comic songs and Christy Minstrel choruses by people who had developed vocal talent for this occasion only, and a screaming display of conjuring tricks by an amateur of legerdemain who had forgotten the art, if ever he had mastered it. At every new mistake or blunder, and with each fresh change of expression on the en- tertainer's streaky face, conveying the idea of his being under the influence of a bad dream, and hoping to wake up in his own quarters by-and-by, to find that he had never really under- taken to make a pudding in a hat, and smash a gentleman's watch and produce it intact from some unexpected place of con- cealment, the spectators rocked and roared. Then there was a Pantomimic Interlude, with a great deal of genuine knock- about, and, the crowning item of the entertainment, a comic song and stump-speech, announced to be given by The Anonymous Mammoth Comique an incognito not dimly suspected to conceal the identity of the Chief himself, being delayed by the Master's character top-hat a fondly cherished property of the Stiggins brand and the cabbage umbrella that went with it, having been accidentally left behind at the Mammoth's hotel, the Master of the Revels, still distinguished by the lug-sail collar and shiny burnt-cork complexion of the corner-man, was sent to the front to ask if any lady or gentle- man in the audience would kindly oblige a ten-minute turn? "All right, Mister!" A soiled cotton glove waved, a flowery hat nodded to the appeal from behind the acetylene footlights. The faces in the front rows of seats, brick-dust and ginger-head and cigar- browned European, African countenances with rolling eyes and shining teeth; and here and there the impassive, almond-eyed, yellow mask of the Asiatic, slewed round as Emigration Jane rose up in the place beside W. Keyse, a little pale, and with damp patches in the palms of the washed white cotton gloves, as she said: If the gentleman pleased, she could sing just, a little! No, thank you! She wasn't afryde, not she; they was all friends there. And do 'er best she would. She took off the big flowery hat quite calmly, giving it to W. Keyse to keep. The panic came on later, when the Gladstone-collared, burnt- corked Master of the Ceremonies was gallantly helping her up the short side-ladder, and culminated when he retreated, and left her there, standing on the platform in the bewildering 256 ONE BRAVER THING glare of the acetylene foot-lights, a little, rather slight and flat- chested figure of a girl, blue-eyed and yellow-haired, in a washed-out flowery " blowze," and a voylet delaine skirt that had lost its pristine beauty, and showed faded and shabby in the yellow gas-flare. Oh! 'owever 'ad she dared? That dazzling sea of faces, with the eyes all fixed on her, was terrifying. A big lump grew in her throat, and the crowded benches tilted, and the flaming lights leaped to the roof as the 'helpless, timid tears Wiled into her blue eyes. And then the miracle happened. W. Keyse sat on a back-bench, the thin Cockney face a little raised above the others, because he had slipped a rolled-up overcoat, under him, pretending that it was to get it out of the way, you understand. Always very sensitive about his short- ness, W. Keyse. And she saw his face, as plain as you please, and with a look in the pale, eager eyes, that for once was for Emigration Jane, her very own self, and not for That There Other One. She knew in that moment of revelation that she had always been jealous. Oh, wasn't, it strynge? Her heart surged out to W. Keyse across the gulf of crowded faces. And her eyes had in them, all at once, the look that is born of Love. Ah! who can mistake it? It begets a solitude in a vast thronged assemblage for you and for me. It sends its silent, wordless, eloquent, message thrilling to the heart of the Be- loved, and wins its passionate answer back. Ah! who can err about the look of Love? She drew a deep breath that was her longing sigh for him, infinitely dear, and never to belong to her, and began her song. She sang it quite simply and naturally, in an untutored but sweet and plaintive voice, and with the Cockney accent that spoke of Home to nearly all that heard. And her eyes never moved from his face as she sang it. It was, I dare say, a foolish, trivial thing. But the air was pretty, and the words were simple, and it had a haunting re- frain. To this effect, that the world is a big place and a hard place, with scant measure of joy in it, for you or for me. Bitter herbs grow side by side with the flowers in our Earth gardens. Salt tears mingle w