THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID -e. PHOSPHORESCENCE. PHOSPHORIC PHENOMENON. OBSERVED IN THE GREENLAND SEAS BY .V.AJOR SAB1\ & CAPT N J ROSS. (See P. 54) PHOSPHORESCENCE EMISSION OF LIGHT BY MINERALS, PLANTS, AND ANIMALS. BY T. L. PHIPSON, PH.D., F.C.S., MEMBER OP THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OP PAEIS, ETC. LONDON: LOVELL BEEVE & CO., HENEIETTA STEEET, COVENT GAEDEN. 1862. [The Right of Translation is reserved.] LONDOH : PRINTED BY JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, W.C. T+7 TO SIR WILLIAM SNOW HARBIS, F.R.S., ETC. ETC. My dear Sir, I have great pleasure in dedicating this Work to you, as a souvenir of the pleasant hours passed in your society when you last visited Paris. If it meet with a fraction of the success which has attended your admirable contributions to Electrical Science, I shall feel justified in having inscribed it to you. Believe me, My dear Sir, Yours very sincerely, T. L. PHIPSON. M36505S PREFACE. THE original sketch of this work appeared for the first time in the ' Journal de Medecine et de Pharmacologie/ of Brussels, at the commence- ment of the year 1858. It was soon after re- printed and published anew at Brussels and Paris. At the same time, my original paper was repro- duced in Belgium, without my knowledge, in the ' Eevue Populaire des Sciences/ by M. Husson, and in France, in the ' Ami des Sciences/ a weekly paper, edited by M. Victor Meunier. Unknown to me, it was translated also into German, by Dr. Muller, of Berlin, about two months after its first appearance; and I have since learnt that an Italian edition was expected to appear shortly. I was thus convinced that the subject of Phos- phorescence deserved to be treated far more ex- viii PREFACE. tensively than had been done in my "brochure, a mere sketch, which is now out of print ; so that, instead of republishing it with additions,, I have completely remodelled the work, and brought forward in the present volume every case of Phos- phorescence which it has been in my power to obtain (many of which have originated in my own laboratory), after seeking for and studying the phenomenon in the whole domain of Nature. My attention was first called to this extremely interesting class of natural facts by my physical and chemical studies. They have occupied my thoughts for some time past ; and I was the more anxious of treating this subject in extenso, since, up to the present day, it has been impossible to give a satisfactory explanation of phosphoric phe- nomena. Phosphorescence, indeed, whether manifested by the glowworm, the Bologna stone, a fungus, or a falling star, is generally looked upon as an unexplained and mysterious production of light. I hope, nevertheless, that I have been able to ex- tricate it a little from the obscurity in which it has hitherto been enveloped. In order to appreciate every circumstance con- PREFACE. ix nected with phosphoric phenomena, or the spon- taneous emission of light by natural or artificial substances, as well as by living and dead organic bodies, these phenomena must be studied in the whole domain of Nature in the mineral, in the vegetable, and in the animal world. I have there- fore brought forward what I know on the subject, with regard to mineral substances, and have ex- tended my investigations to vegetables, to animals, and to organic matter deprived of life. The phe- nomenon of Phosphorescence will thus have been studied simultaneously throughout Nature, and this is, to my knowledge, the first time that the interesting series of facts I have consigned to these pages have been looked upon as constitu- ting a whole. Phosphorescent properties, although developed to a prodigious degree in the insect world, are found nevertheless to exist in numerous other ani- mals, in many plants, and also in certain minerals and chemical products. They pertain at once to the science of chemistry and physics, as well as to botany and physiology. Those who possess a profound knowledge of these different branches of natural history, can alone hope to arrive at the x PREFACE. cause of the varied phosphoric phenomena with which observation has already furnished us, or to explain these phenomena in a satisfactory manner. A flame is always a flame, light is everywhere light ; but it remains necessary to ascertain how this light is produced in the different circum- stances under which it is observed. I myself do not pretend to have snatched from Nature the entire secret of Phosphorescence, but I have reasons to hope that the observations contained in this work will prove, that, owing to the rapid progress that natural science has made during the present century, I have been able to tread in a firmer path than many who have preceded me, and that I have penetrated a little way into the track which will conduct us finally to the desired goal. My work is essentially divided into four parts. The first treats concisely of mineral phospho- rescence ; it includes also the history of certain meteorological manifestations of light, some of which are extremely remarkable. In the second, I have said what I know of the emission of light, by plants and vegetable substances ; and have pro- ceeded in the third division to investigate the PREFACE. xi phenomenon of Phosphorescence in dead animal substances, and the emission of light by living animals. The fourth division comprises some historical notes upon the subject, and the theory by which I have endeavoured to account for the various phenomena to which the attention of the reader is called in the previous chapters. I have pur- posely placed my theoretical considerations in this section, as they will thus have a better chance of fair appreciation than if their elements had been dispersed throughout the work, ap- pended to every isolated fact or experiment as mentioned or described. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 first PHOSPHOBESCENCE OF MINERALS. CHAPTER I. PHOSPHOEESCENCE AFTEB INSOLATION ... 11 II. PHOSPHOEESCENCE BY HEAT . ... 18 III. PHOSPHOBESCENCE BY CLEAVAGE, FEICTION, PEB- CIJSSION, CEYSTALLIZATION, AND MOLECTJLAE OB CHEMICAL CHANGE . . . .25 IV. PHOSPHOEESCENCE OF GASES . . 38 V. METEOEOLOGICAL PHOSPHOEESCENCE . .. . 43 VI. DUBATION, INTENSITY, AND COLOTJE OF PHOS- PHOEIC LIGHT IN MINEEAL BODIES . . 70 VII. INVISIBLE PHOSPHOEESCENCE 72 xiv CONTENTS. Part PHOSPHORESCENCE OF VEGETABLES. CHAPTER I. PHOSPHORESCENCE IN PHANEROGAMIC PLANTS . 79 II. PHOSPHORESCENCE IN CRTPTOGAMIC PLANTS AND EMISSION OF LIGHT BY DECAYED WOOD . 88 Part SEfjirto. PHOSPHORESCENCE OF ANIMALS. I. EMISSION OF LIGHT BY DEAD ANIMAL MATTER . 101 II. EMISSION OF LIGHT BY INFERIOR ORGANISMS AND PHOSPHORESCENCE OF THE SEA . . Ill III. PHOSPHORESCENCE OF THE EARTH-WORM . . 126 IV. PHOSPHORESCENCE OF SCOLOPENDRA . . 131 V. PHOSPHORIC INSECTS . . . . . . 135 VI. PROBLEMATICAL CASES OF PHOSPHORESCENCE IN SUPERIOR ANIMALS AND PHOSPHORIC PHE- NOMENA OBSERVED IN MAN . . . .157 CONTENTS. Part ;fF0urtfj. HISTOEICAL, THEORETICAL, AND PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS. CHAPTER PAGE I. HISTOKICAL NOTES ...... 171 II. THEORY . . ". >, v > :.,: * , ~ ; - ''. '.'* . 181 III. PRACTICAL CONSIDEEATIONS . . *.;;, 196 APPENDIX. LIST OF PRINCIPAL WORKS THAT HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO OUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OP PHOSPHORESCENCE. 203 ON THE PHOSPHOEESCENCE OF NATURAL OBJECTS. P t INTRODUCTION. ABOUT the latter end of the sixteenth century there lived in a narrow, winding street of the old town of Bologna, a certain cobbler, Vincenzo Cas- cariolo,* who devoted much of his time to al- chemy. Some say that he even quitted his trade, and applied himself exclusively to chemical la- bours, but I am inclined to doubt the fact. How- ever cheap living might then have been in Italy, alchemy would indeed have formed a bad substi- tute for the last in many respects. In spite of this, Signer Vincenzo was so bent upon making gold, that his little workshop contained nearly all the mysterious chemical apparatus of the day. Phials, retorts, and crucibles found room among awls, lasts, and leather ; and Vincenzo Cascariolo, * Some write his name Casciarolo. 2 PHOSPHORESCENCE. no doubt, looked upon shoe-mending as a sorry occupation for a man initiated in the secrets of the " sublime art/' and who might indeed have ranked among the first adepts of his day. Some time had elapsed since our cobbler had set his heart upon gold-making, when, strolling one fine Sunday evening near the little eminence known as the Monte Paterno, about a league from Bologna, he picked up a stone, similar to any other stone, save perhaps in one particular, its great weight. The fact struck him. This stone possesses, thought he, one of the properties of gold. Per- haps he imagined that it contained gold which might be extracted; or, may be, he fancied it would be capable, from its heaviness, of trans- forming vile or imperfect metals into gold, by im- parting to them its characteristic property. Cardan, Van Helmont, Libavius, and many other distinguished alchemists, had lived before Cascariolo's time, but I know not whether he stu- died their works, and I doubt whether he would have profited much by them if he had. It is impossible to ascertain therefore what pro- minent idea, or what kind of theory reigned in the cobbler's mind on the discovery of this stone, destined to become celebrated and to immortalize his name. However, no sooner had he collected a certain number of specimens, than he hastened INTRODUCTION. 3 back to his little workshop, and began immedi- ately to experimentize upon the mineral. It appears most probable that Cascariolo looked upon the sulphate of baryta, or heavy- spar, for such was the object of his curiosity, as a metallic ore, and supposed that by heating it with charcoal in a hot fire, he would be able to extract a metal perhaps gold ! His hopes in this respect were not realized, but he nevertheless succeeded in ob- taining one of the most curious of substances, a body which, to use the words of an old physicist, " absorbs the rays of the sun by day, to emit them by night." At this period there was at Bologna a well- known alchemist, Scipio Begatello, who had ren- dered himself remarkable by his attachment to the art of gold-making ; and in the year 1602 the cob- bler brought to him the product of his experiments, showed him the substance produced by calcination (and which he called by the mystical name of lapis Solaris), and endeavoured to convince Begatello that from the weight of the stone which had fur- nished it, from its power of attracting and retain- ing the golden light of the sun, this shining sub- stance would doubtless be fit for converting the more ignoble metals into gold the sol of the al- chemists. He showed it also to Maginus, a dis- tinguished professor of mathematics, who, being no adept, did not keep the matter a secret, as Be- PHOSPHORESCENCE. gatello seems to have done, but sent both the mi- neral and the substance produced from it, to the princes and learned men of the day, thereby con- tributing more than any other person to make known this singular discovery. The stone discovered by Cascariolo is now known as Barytine, or Heavy-spar (sulphate of baryta). By heating it with charcoal he had trans- formed it into sulphur et of barium, a substance which has the curious property of shining in the dark, after it has been exposed for some time to the rays of the sun. Many years after its discovery, the German che- mist Marggraf found an easy and certain method of preparing it, by making into a paste with water a mixture of pulverized barytine and flour, and submitting the whole to heat in a closed crucible. The sulphuret thus produced is placed in a well- corked glass jar, or made into stars, which shine marvellously in the dark after they have been ex- posed to the sun for a short time. Such is the history of the discovery of the sub- stance first known to be phosphorescent by inso- lation. For many years it has been sold in the streets of Bologna as a curiosity, under the name of Solar Phosphorus, or the Bologna Stone. Marg- graf showed that other minerals, other varieties of heavy-spar, were capable of furnishing similar "light magnets" or "luminous stones," and at INTRODUCTION. 5 tlie present day a great number of substances are known to possess the same singular property. In 1663, the celebrated English chemist Robert Boyle announced to the world that the Diamond possessed the same luminous property as the Bo- logna Stone ; and what we haye just told of Cas- cariolo's labours has its parallel in the discovery of another luminous body, far more remarkable than either. In the seventeenth century there lived at Ham- burg an alchemist named Brandt, who having en- deavoured for many years, but in vain, to convert other metals into gold, was struck one day with the golden colour of urine, and doubted not but that this liquid contained some substance that would realize his dreams. Brandt thought that by acting upon the metals he wished to convert into gold with a blackish extract he had prepared by concentrating and evaporating urine, he would certainly operate the desired transmutation. He therefore introduced this black extract into a re- tort with the metals in question, lighted his fur- nace, and watched intently the progress of the operation. The result was negative : the metals after the experiment remained unchanged. How- ever, one evening, after having distilled a consi- derable quantity of urine over some metal or other, and having pushed the distillation as far as pos- sible, he was surprised to find that a peculiar shi- 6 PHOSPHORESCENCE. ning body had passed over into the recipient. He repeated the experiment with the black extract, and, after applying as great a heat as he could muster, he obtained a notable quantity of this trange shining substance, collected it in silent astonishment, studied its properties, found that it was extremely inflammable, and that it possessed the curious property of shining intensely in the dark. These experiments were made in the year 1669, and the luminous substance was called Phosphorus. Brandt immediately sent a specimen of this wonderful body to Kunkel, chemist to John George II., Elector of Saxony, and one of the most distinguished savants of the day, but did not disclose to him the secret of its preparation. Knnkel, in his turn, showed it to his friend Kraft, of Dresden, who found it so marvellous that he proposed to set out immediately for Hamburg, and endeavour to discover how this luminous substance was prepared. He took two hundred dollars with him, and succeeded in buying for that sum the whole detail of the preparation. But Brandt only delivered it on the condition that Kraft should disclose it to no one. Kunkel, whose passion for chemistry was in- tense, felt such disappointment when he learnt that Kraft possessed the secret, and yet could not make it known to him, that he determined to set INTR OD UCTION. 7 about finding it out for himself. He knew that Brandt, who died shortly afterwards, had devoted most of his life to experiments on urine, and he felt convinced that phosphorus must have been obtained from that liquid. After many and varied experiments, quite unsuccessful, Kunkel at last obtained (in the year 1674) the substance he sought after so long and so obstinately.* In the year 1675, another chemist, Baudoin, prepared a new "phosphorus," or shining sub- stance, by calcining nitrate of lime. Since then, many substances which shine in the dark after ex- posure to the sun, have been discovered. One of the most remarkable, perhaps, is "Canton's Phos- phorus," or sulphuret of calcium, obtained accord- ing to the author just named ' ' by heating a mix- ture of three parts of sifted calcined oyster- shells with one part of sulphur to an intense heat for one hour." It can also be prepared by calcining plaster of Paris with common charcoal. The peculiar and sometimes extremely vivid phosphorescence of the sea was known in anti- quity. Pliny speaks of it, and of the phosphores- cence of certain Medusae. But it was not till long afterwards that the cause of this wonderful phe- * Some authors state that phosphorus was discovered in Eng- land, about the same time, by Robert Boyle. In 1769, G-ahn, the celebrated Swedish mineralogist, discovered it in bones, and published, with the illustrious Scheele, a new process for extract- ing it, which is similar to the one practised at the present day. 8 PHOSPHORESCENCE. nomenon was ascertained. The names of the au- thors of this discovery, and the dates of their in- vestigations, are given in this work, in their pro- per places. The same observation will apply to those singular cases of phosphorescence which have been observed in the vegetable kingdom, upon flesh, decayed wood, etc. It will be easily understood what is meant by the term Phosphorescence, when we remind our readers that phosphorus, which shines so curiously in the dark, and which enters into the composition of our common lucifer matches, is the most re- markable of all phosphorescent bodies. The word ' ' phosphorus," which signifies a substance that bears or emits a light, has frequently been applied to various other substances besides the non-me- tallic element termed phosphorus in chemistry, on account of the property these substances possess likewise of shining in the dark. PART I. MINEEAL PHOSPHOBESCENCE. 11 CHAPTER I. PHOSPHORESCENCE AFTER INSOLATION. SEVERAL substances manifest the strange property of emitting light when they are placed in darkness, after having been exposed for some time to the direct rays of the sun. In some cases a very short exposure to sunlight is sufficient to excite the manifestation of this remarkable property, and in others the direct rays of the sun are not necessary : it suffices that the substance experimented upon be exposed to the dull light of a cloudy day. To this phenomenon the denomination of Phosphores- cence after insolation has been given. ' The substances which possess this property in the highest degree are the Bologna stone, or solar phosphorus, certain varieties of fluor-spar and carbonate of lime, some fossils, calcined shells or pearls, phosphate of lime, arseniate of lime, etc. Many diamonds shine with brilliancy in the dark if they have previously undergone an exposure of some seconds' duration only to solar light. But 12 PHOSPHORESCENCE no substance surpasses in this respect sulphuret of barium. It is nowa long time since the cobbler of Bologna,, in Italy, astonished and amused his friends with a peculiar substance since known as Bologna phos- phorus, Bologna stone, or Solar phosphorus, which shines brightly in the dark after having been placed in the sunlight for some time. This substance is sulphuret of barium. The cobbler prepared it by heating red-hot with charcoal a piece of sulphate of baryta, or Barytine, (Fig. I,) a stone which he Fig. 1. picked up in the secondary strata of the Monte Paterno, where he found it in lumps of considerable weight.* The German chemist, Marggraf, used to prepare solar phosphorus by powdering down the stone, and making it into thin cakes, with a mix- ture of flour and water, before submitting it to calcination. This " Bologna phosphorus" was the first substance known to become phosphorescent after insolation, and, consequently, it has been * Barytine is found abundantly in Derbyshire, Cumberland, the Isle of Arran, etc. . AFTER INSOLATION. 13 submitted to many and varied experiments. It is best obtained by the calcination of pulverized sulphate of baryta, made into a firm paste with common gum. It should be preserved in a bottle which closes hermetically with a glass stopper. When such a bottle and its contents are ex- posed to the rays of the sun, or even to daylight, for a certain time, and then taken into a dark room, the sulphuret of barium is seen to be beau- tifully phosphorescent, or to shine like common phosphorus, and the phenomenon will sometimes last a whole hour. The most intense cold does not affect this phosphorescence, and it manifests itself precisely in the same manner whether the sulphuret be placed in vacuo or in the air. When nitrate of lime is melted for ten minutes in a crucible, it leaves a residue which manifests, to a less extent, the same phosphorescent property. This residue, which is nothing more than pure lime, or a mixture of lime and nitrite of lime, was known for some time as f ' Baudouin's phosphorus" A like phenomenon is observed with calcined shells. Sulphuret of calcium possesses the same phos- phorescent qualities as the sulphuret of barium alluded to above ; hence the former is sometimes known as " Canton's phosphorus. 33 Canton pre- pared it by heating a mixture of three parts of sifted calcined oyster- shells, with one part of sul- 1 4 PHOSPHORESCENCE phur, to an intense heat for one hour.* It can also be formed by heating gypsum with charcoal. Some diamonds, but not all, possess the same property, and many other substances have been ob- served to be more or less phosphorescent in the same circumstances, that is, after insolation. f Landrin (Diet, de Min.) asserts that radiated sulphate of 'baryta, certain natural fluorides, rock- salt, amber (succinum), and quartz, become lumi- nous for a few instants after they have been ex- posed to the sun. Walls that have been painted or whitewashed with lime, are apt to become luminous at night after they have received the action of the sun's rays in the daytime. Whitewashed houses are, on account of their phosphorescent quality, visible at a great distance on the darkest nights. It was natural enough that the action which the coloured rays of the solar spectrum exercise upon these substances, that become phosphorescent after insolation, should be early investigated; and in 1775, Wilson published his ' Series of Experiments on the Phosphori,' in which paper he asserts that the most refrangible rays of the solar spectrum determine a vivid phosphorescence in sulphuret of calcium (" Canton's phosphorus''), whilst those rays which are the least refrangible i.e. those situated near the red light of the spectrum cause * Philosophical Transactions, 1768. f See Chapter VI. AFTER INSOLATION. 15 the phosphorescence excited by the other rays to cease ! Bitter was also aware of this, and about the same time Beccaria found that " the violet rays of the spectrum are the most apt, the red rays the least apt, to develope phosphorescence in solar phosphori." Becquerel affirms also, from his own experiments, that the property possessed by light of rendering certain bodies luminous in the dark, appears to reside if not entirely at least to a great extent in the violet rays, whilst the red rays are completely deprived of this property, a fact noted also by Heinrich. Biot, Arago, Daguerre, and others, have made many researches on this subject. They have shown, among other curious facts, that with the invisible rays sometimes termed chemical or ac- tinic rays situated underneath the luminous part of the solar spectrum, it is possible to render a phosphorescent body luminous, or at least visible; whilst, when plunged in the visible rays, red, yel- low, orange, green, etc., not only this same body is not lighted up, but its light previously excited by the invisible rays is extinguished. This curious phenomenon has been admirably investigated in England by Professor Stokes, who has denominated it Fluorescence, and who has shown that a considerable number of substances, besides those known as solar phosphori, act upon these invisible rays of the spectrum and render them visible. 16 PHOSPHORESCENCE Dessaignes and the elder Becquerel have re- marked that those bodies which are good conductors of electricity are not phosphorescent after insola- tion. We shall have occasion to refer again to this important fact. Biot and Becquerel have both proved that electricity acts upon the solar phos- phori in the same manner as insolation. An elec- tric discharge renders them luminous in the dark for some time after the discharge has passed (a discovery originally made by Grothuss, and with which both Canton and Dessaignes were familiar) , and they have also shown that differently-coloured rays of light modify this action in the same man- ner as the differently- coloured rays of the solar spectrum. Moreover, phosphori that have lost their phosphorescence, or that have ceased to shine in the dark after a first insolation, recover their luminous property when acted upon by the electric light an observation we owe to Grothuss and Becquerel and when this light is passed through certain transparent screens, such as plates of glass, of quartz, or different salts, it is observed that these screens become obstacles and sometimes com- pletely prevent any phosphorescent radiations. Electric discharges proceeding from a battery communicate a recognizable phosphorescence of a longer or shorter duration, to a great number of bodies which are bad conductors or non-conductors of electricity. This phenomenon may be observed, AFTER INSOLATION. 17 for instance, with sugar, dry chalk, and many other substances. Among bodies slightly phosphorescent after in- solation, we may name melted potash and soda, dry nitrate of lime, and chloride of calcium, sul- phate of potash, sulphate of soda, arragonite, calc- spar, dolomite, carbonate of strontia, carbonate of baryta, different calcareous earths, phosphates of lime, sulphate of baryta, sulphate of strontia, etc. According to Ed. Becquerel, other substances are phosphorescent after insolation, but in order to observe it we must remain some time in a dark room, and then, by means of a hole in the shutter, expose the body experimented upon to the light, at the same time keeping the eyes closed until the hole in the shutter is shut again. By experiment- ing in this manner, many substances are seen to be phosphorescent for a few seconds after insola- tion; amongst others numerous minerals, salts, organic substances such as paper, gum, sugar, teeth, etc. Long before Becquerel, however, we find in the article ' Phosphorus," of the ' Encyclopaedia Perth - ensis/ it has been found "that almost all terres- trial bodies, upon being exposed to light, will ap- pear luminous for a little while in the dark, metals only excepted." 18 CHAPTEE II. PHOSPHOKESCENCE BY HEAT. MANY substances become phosphorescent when they are heated to a certain temperature. Such, for instance,, are fluor-spar, lime, sulphuret of cal- cium, diamonds, etc. They manifest their phos- phoric qualities when, after being pulverized or broken into small fragments, they are thrown upon a heated surface. Fig. 2. Some varieties of apatite (fig. 2 phosphate of lime with fluoride or chloride of calcium) are phosphorescent when heated, especially the coarser varieties. I have proved that their phos- phorescence is owing to the fluoride of calcium which forms part of the mineral, for pure phos- phate of lime does not show any phosphoric light PHOSPHORESCENCE BY HEAT. 19 when heated ; nor do most of the so-called chlor- apatites, which contain chloride of calcium substi- tuted in part or wholly for the fluoride. Of all these substances, the most remarkable is fluor-spar (fluoride of calcium fig. 3). When Fig. 3. thrown in the dark upon heated mercury, into boiling water, or on to a hot shovel, this mineral immediately emits a brilliant phosphoric light. Some specimens possess this property to a greater extent than others. A certain green variety of fluor-spar called Chlorophane becomes phospho- rescent at the low temperature of 20 or 25 (cen- tigrade), which is almost that of our summers. Rare descriptions of chlorophane become phos- phorescent in a dark room from the mere warmth of the hand. According to Landrin (Diet, de Mineralogie) some varieties are almost constantly luminous in the dark.* * Fluoride of calcium loses its phosphoric property after it has been once heated. Miller asserts ('Elem. of Chemistry') that when a phosphorescent fluoride of calcium is dissolved in hydro- chloric acid, and then precipitated by ammonia, the precipitate is 20 PHOSPHORESCENCE Common salt (chloride of sodium) , chloride of mercury, arsenious acid, etc., are phosphorescent only at a temperature of about 200 (centigrade). White flocconous oxide of zinc may be heated to a very high temperature without melting or volatilizing ; but whilst heated it is observed to turn yellow, becoming white again on cooling. Now, whilst this transformation of colour from yellow to white is going on, the oxide of zinc is seen to glow with a faint blue phosphoric light. This change of colour and this emission of light, observes Baudrimont (in his ' Traite de Chimie/ vol. ii.), seem to indicate that the oxide of zinc undergoes what is termed an isomeric modification (change of chemical properties) at a high tem- perature, and returns again to its primitive state on cooling. Bendant affirms that a crystal of fluor-spar which is very perfect and transparent, will not be- come phosphorescent by heat until one of its sur- faces has been roughened a little on a piece of sandstone; he states also that diamonds which have not been cut are not phosphorescent by heat, but that they become so as soon as they are cut or polished. phosphorescent. This is not the case, however, if the fluoride has been previously heated enough to destroy its phosphorescence. Solution and precipitation have therefore no power to destroy or to restore this curious property. BY HEAT. 21 Almost any substance,, whether organic or mi- neral, if a non-conductor of electricity, becomes more or less phosphorescent when it is thrown upon a molten bath of the easily-melting alloy of D'Arcet. Indeed, Wedgwood published an ela- borate paper upon this subject in the ' Philoso- phical Transactions' for 1792. He experimented upon an extensive variety of substances both mineral and organic, by reducing the body to a moderately fine powder, and sprinkling it by small portions at a time on a thick plate of iron heated just below visible redness, and removing the whole to a perfectly dark place. He has given a prodigious list of substances which appear lu- minous for a few instants when submitted to this treatment. When a body which is known to be phospho- rescent by heat loses, from some undetermined cause, its phosphoric property, the latter can be re- stored to it by means of electricity, as we have seen in the foregoing chapter regarding substances which are phosphorescent after insolation. For ex- ample, certain diamonds which cannot be made to give out any phosphoric radiation by heat, will do so after one or two electric discharges have been passed over them. This curious fact was made known by the German savant Grothuss. Pearsall (in ' Journal of Royal Institution/ vol. i.) has described experiments proving that a 22 PHOSPHORESCENCE dozen electric discharges passed through non- phosphorescent bodies such as marble, certain varieties of apatite, etc., will give them the pro- perty of becoming luminous by heat. On twenty- one days of exposure to light, these substances rendered artificially phosphorescent lost that pro- perty again. But if kept in a dark room, they retained it. The term "non- phosphorescent bodies," used by Pearsall, is rather exclusive; as phenomena of phosphorescence are so universally spread, that scarcely any substance, if properly experimented with, will prove to be non-phospho- rescent in the strict sense of the word. His ob- servation is, however, exceedingly remarkable. Some years ago M. Schonbein showed that metallic arsenic becomes phosphorescent when its temperature is raised to a certain degree.* I imagined that antimony might present the same phenomenon, but found it was not the case. Stibine, or native sulphuret of antimony, I found, however, to be very phosphorescent when heated in a crucible to a dull -red heat. The light pro- duced is white, with a slight tinge of yellow. I have lately observed that copper, native sulphuret of copper, gold and silver are notably phosphores- cent when melted on charcoal before the blow- * The metallic arsenic is placed in a small glass globe, and heated with a spirit-lamp. The light is emitted at the same time that the characteristic garlic odour is developed. BY HEAT. 23 pipe. As soon as copper is thoroughly melted (at the inner flame), it glows with a greenish-yellow light, similar to that of the glow-worm. On cool- ing a little, it rapidly loses this property, and at the same time a molecular change is observed on the surface of the metal. I have also found that the mineral lepidolite is as brilliantly phospho- rescent by heat as fluor-spar. But to observe this phenomenon properly, it should be viewed through a piece of glass coloured blue by oxide of cobalt. In these circumstances, the phosphoric light of lepidolite before the blowpipe is very fine. The blue glass extinguishes the orange-red light of the heated charcoal. Among organic salts it has been observed that sulphate of quinine and sulphate of chinconine be- come phosphorescent under the influence of heat. M. Bottger has remarked that these salts do not shine in the dark as long as their temperature con- tinues to rise; they become phosphorescent only when, after being heated, the temperature begins to decrease and they remain in a luminous state for some minutes whilst cooling. Pure quinine and sulphate of quinine are very phosphorescent in this manner : the phosphoric light given out by sulphate of quinine whilst cooling is sufficiently strong to enable one to read by it. Pure dncho- nine does not appear to be phosphorescent by heat, but sulphate of cinchonine is so, though to a less degree than sulphate of quinine. 24 PHOSPHORESCENCE BY HEAT. Paper is also capable of becoming luminous when heated : fix upon a plate of copper any characters of the same metal ; these characters should be about two-tenths of an inch thick. At the back of the plate fix an iron rod terminating in a wooden handle. When the plate is heated, and then violently pressed upon very dry paper lying upon three or four folds of cloth, the characters thus impressed will appear faintly luminous in the dark until the paper is cool. 25 CHAPTER III. PHOSPHOEESCENCE BY CLEAVAGKE, FEICTION, PEE- CUSSION, CEYSTALLIZATION, AND MOLECULAE OE CHEMICAL CHANGE. IT has been observed that numerous minerals and chemical products emit light when they are split, i. e. during the process of cleavage ; others, by friction ; others again, by percussion or whilst they crystallize, etc. When a lamina of mica, for instance, is divided by cleavage, and the operation proceeds in a dark room, a feeble emission of light is perceived at the moment the separation of the two plates occurs. Each of the two plates thus separated is found afterwards to be electric : the one shows positive electricity, the other negative electricity. Some- thing similar is observed in the cleavage of feld- spar, which, according to Landrin and some other authors, emits a feeble light in this circumstance, the phosphorescence lasting only a few moments. Another instance is afforded by boracic acid. When boracic acid is melted in a crucible and then 26 PHOSPHORESCENCE allowed to cool, it cracks or splits up as its tem- perature decreases, and, at the same time, emits a feeble light. When vanadic acid is melted, it crystallizes on cooling, and during the whole time that this crystallization lasts, the substance glows with a red phosphoric light. When phosphate of lead is melted before the blowpipe, it forms a crystalline bead on cooling, and whilst this crys- tallization takes place light is produced. I have frequently observed the emission of light by boracic acid: when melted before the blowpipe, and allowed to cool in the dark, it cracks and gives a sudden flash of light when it has cooled for about twenty seconds. The acid should be melted upon a pla- tinum wire bent at the end. Berzelius thought that this light was produced in a similar manner to the electric radiation which is sometimes ob- served when a card is suddenly torn asunder after being split at one of its corners. Light is also produced when crystals of sugar and nitrate of uranium* are broken. And I have observed the same to take place with lactine, or sugar of milk. Another kind of sugar, called mannite, presents similar phenomena. An emission of light is also observed when crystals of protochloride of mer- cury (sublimated calomel) are broken between the fingers. * The effect is very striking if crystals of nitrate of uranium be shaken up in a bottle. T CLEAVAGE, ETC. 27 When chloride of calcium that has been melted in a crucible, is rubbed upon the sleeve in a dark room, it glows with a greenish light. This was first observed by Homberg, hence the name of Homberg 1 8 phosphorus, by which this substance was formerly known. It is very phosphorescent by percussion. Certain varieties of blend (sulphuret of zinc) become phosphorescent by percussion and some- times after very slight friction. Speaking of blend, Dana says : " Merely the rapid motion of a fea- ther across some specimens of sulphuret of zinc, will often elicit light more or less intense from this mineral."* Other substances require a stronger rubbing, for instance, quartz, flint, etc. In the case of quartz, an odour of ozone is per- ceived, a fact to which I called attention in the ( Comptes Rendus' of the Paris Academy, in 1860. f Borax and sugar become luminous also in the dark, when rubbed. Otto de Guericke observed that the globe of sulphur with which he con- structed the first electric machine, became lumi- nous when he rubbed it in the dark. Hawksbee and Picard both discovered that the * Dana's c Mineralogy.' f I find that it requires upwards of two hundred flashes to produce a quantity of ozone equivalent in its effects to one drop of nitric acid. Also, that with white quartz the light is white, but with red quartz or calcined yellow quartz, it acquires a crimson tint, owing to the oxide of iron in the stones. 28 PHOSPHOEESCENCE friction of mercury in the vacuum of the baro- meter tube produces a phosphorescent light. When oxygen gas or air are compressed sud- denly in a piston, heat alone is produced. The light seen in this experiment is owing to the com- bustion of some of the oil of the piston, as proved by Thenard. "When the piston is imbibed with water, no light is perceived ; and M. Saissy, of Lyons, has proved that oxygen alone, by its com- burent power, is the cause of this light. If chlorate of potash, fluor-spar, feldspar, sugar, etc. be struck in the dark, or ground down in a mortar, they present very vivid phosphoric radia- tions. With crystallized substances which are cleavable, i. e. easily divided into thin laminae, this phosphorescence is very remarkable ; with sugar, for instance, each fissure produced by the shock of the pestle gives birth to a streak of light which lasts for an instant, and when a certain quantity of any of these substances is ground down rapidly in a mortar, the whole mass appears as if on fire. This beautiful phenomenon is exceedingly striking when transparent feldspar is experimented upon. It has lately been discovered that dry hypophos- phites of lime, soda, etc., become phosphorescent when shaken or stirred in the dark. (Note. These salts are apt to explode violently when evaporated to dryness at too high a temperature. Tuson, in ' Chemical News/ August, 1860.) B Y CLUA VA GE, ETC. 29 In 1858, M. Landerer, of Athens, discovered that an organic salt, Valerate of quinine, becomes phosphorescent whilst it is being powdered in a niortar. The light emitted, which is very strong at first, becomes feeble as the pulverization proceeds, and ceases altogether when the crystals are reduced to powder. When the crystallization of fluoride of sodium takes place in a dark room, this salt is seen to twinkle with phosphorescent light. The same is observed when sulphate of soda and sul- phate of potash crystallize together. Waechter has observed that chlorate of baryta crystallizes from its solution in long rhombic prisms with pro- duction of light. A most interesting production of light was ob- served and published ( ( Journ. des Sc. Physiques et Chimiques/ de M. de Fontenelle), by Professor Pontus, in 1833, who showed that a vivid spark is produced when water is made to freeze rapidly. A small glass globe, terminating in a short tube, is filled with water, the whole is covered with a sponge or cotton-wool imbibed with ether, and placed in an air-pump. As soon as the experi- menter begins to produce a vacuum, the ether evaporates, and the sponge or cotton-wool dries, the temperature of the water descends rapidly. But some instants before congelation takes place, a brilliant spark, perfectly visible in the daytime, is suddenly shot out of the little tube that termi- 30 PHOSPHORESCENCE nates the glass globe. M. Pontus has repeated the experiment often, and says that the production of this spark is a sure sign that congelation is about to happen. It is well known to chemists that arsenious acid exists under two distinct molecular modifications discovered by M. Guibourt, viz. the transparent acid and the opaque acid. Professor H. Kose, of Berlin, has shown that when the transparent va- riety is dissolved in a hot solution of diluted hydrochloric acid, and the dissolution allowed to cool, the opaque variety is deposited in crystals, and each crystal, as it forms, is accompanied by an emission of light.* The same emission of light is observed when certain oxides, whilst heated in a crucible to a given temperature, undergo a peculiar molecular change which occasions a modification of their chemical properties. A phosphoric radiation, a sort of incandescence, is remarked the instant that this change takes place. The substances that are remarkably phosphorescent during this molecular change occasioned by heat are, alu- mina, chromic oxide, oxide of zirconium, tantalic acid, titanic acid, the acids of the new metal nio- bium, peroxide of iron, and some others. In the mineral gadolinite, this phenomenon is very well * See Rose's paper on this in the c Annalen der Physik und Chemie,' 1835. ST CLEAVAGE, ETC. 31 observed. The rare mineral called samarskite (nio- bate of iron, of uranium, and of yttria) presents the same phenomenon to a less degree. Oxide of molybdenum (MoO) is obtained by heating the hydrate of this oxide in vacuo : when the water is all evaporated, the dry oxide re- maining appears as if on fire; the anhydrous or dry oxide is then completely formed. According to Berzelius antimoniate of copper becomes luminous when heated, and changes its chemical nature. Something similar has been ob- served with phosphate of magnesia. About fifteen years ago, M. Scheerer showed that the density of gadolinite (which, like samar- skite, contains no water) increases during the phosphoric radiation ; the density of the mineral is greater after the experiment than before. M. H. Rose has confirmed this fact anew, and has shown at the same time, that with samarskite the con- trary is observed : the density diminishes. These observations alone prove that a molecular change takes place during the emission of light. H. Rose has also confirmed the fact announced some time ago by Regnault as an hypothesis, via. that the luminous phenomenon which occurs when the substances above alluded to suddenly change their state, is accompanied by an imme- diate change in their specific heat. Thus, the specific heat of gadolinite diminishes one-four- 32 PHOSPHORESCENCE teenth during the emission of light. This neces- sitates a disengagement of heat, which is really observed to take place, as is shown in the follow- ing experiment: When chromic oxide, titanic acid, or better than all, gadolinite is heated in a small retort, the end of which, terminating in a capil- lary tube, plunges into water, the dilated air con- fined in the apparatus is expulsed through the water uniformly as the heat increases, and when the phenomenon of incandescence takes place, the bubbles of air are, for a moment, driven out vio- lently, indicating a sudden production of heat. With samarskite and arsenious acid (see p. 19), whose densities dimmish during the experiment, no heat is disengaged, as with gadolinite. Thus, thinks Rose, when this phosphorescence occurs without any disengagement of heat, it seems to indicate a diminution of density, whilst phospho- rescence with emission of heat, appears indicative of an increase of specific gravity ; and ' ' probably, during the diminution of density, the caloric is employed to separate the atoms, instead of being disengaged." These results, obtained at the beginning of the year 1857, are exceedingly remarkable. In this chapter we should include also the well- known phosphorescence of phosphorus, formerly studied in our ' Recherches nouvelles sur le Phos- phore/ The phenomenon occurs when phosphorus BY CLEAVAGE, ETC. 33 combines with the oxygen of the atmosphere to form phosphorous and phosphoric acids. As a chemical phenomenon it is in every respect similar to the flame produced when potassium or sodium burns in contact with water, or when many bodies having very strong affinities for each other, com- bine, with a production of light. The phospho- rescence of phosphorus, and the combustion (for- mation of phosphorous and phosphoric acids) by which it is accompanied, occur in air or oxygen gas at a given temperature. But if the pressure of these gases be diminished, the phosphorus becomes luminous at a lower temperature; and reciprocally, if the pressure be increased, the tem- perature must be elevated proportionally to make the phosphorus shine. The introduction of some foreign gas, such as hydrogen, nitrogen, or car- bonic acid, into the mixture, has the same effect upon the luminosity of phosphorus in air or oxy- gen, as if the pressure of the latter were dimi- nished a remarkable phenomenon observed by M. Bellani. This is the reason phosphorus shines at a lower temperature in the air than in pure oxygen gas. Thenard has made a curious experiment : he shows that nitrogen, hydrogen, or carbonic acid, which have remained for five or six hours in con- tact with phosphorus, and have then been sepa- rated from it, become luminous when a few bub- 34 PHOSPHORESCENCE bles of air or oxygen are passed into the gas ex- perimented with. Carburetted hydrogen did not give the same result. This deserves to be examined anew, for I have shown in my ( Recherches nouvelles sur le Phosphore/ that phosphorus is not volatile at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere. According to Fischer, phosphorus is luminous in the atmosphere at any temperature above zero (freezing-point) ; it is even luminous at 6 (centi- grade), but does not then appear covered with va- pours. At a lower temperature its light disappears completely. In the barometric vacuum no light is produced by phosphorus. (See Fischer, " On the Light of Phosphorus," in ' Journal fur prak- tische Chemie/ t. xxxv. p. 342.) It is not true that phosphorus becomes lu- minous in carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, oxide of nitrogen, and cyanogen, as some have asserted. When such appears to happen, the gases are found to contain small quantities of air. The smallest quantity of air is indeed sufficient to oc- casion a production of light in these circumstances. A solution of phosphorus in spirit of wine is luminous when dropped into water ; the light is only perceived where the drops fall into the liquid. One part of phosphorus communicates this pro- perty to 600,000 parts of spirit of wine. Water in which phosphorus is preserved, be- comes luminous in the dark after a certain time. BY CLEAVAGE, ETC. 35 When phosphuret of calcium is thrown into wa- ter, a decomposition takes place, and phosphu- retted hydrogen gas is evolved. Each bubble of this gas, as it comes in contact with the atmo- sphere, takes fire spontaneously, and throws off a ring of white smoke. These pretty rings of smoke are luminous in the dark. In the year 1851, M. Petrie discovered that the metal potassium is phosphorescent when exposed to the air, like phosphorus. ( e Annuaire de Millon et Reiset/ 1851.) He covered the potassium with bees' -wax, and then cut it in two. Each segment re- mained luminous for about half an hour, the light being about one-tenth the intensity of that pro- duced by a piece of phosphorus of the same size. M. Linnemann published another note in 1859 (Journ. fur prak. Chem., Ixxv.), upon the phos- phorence of potassium and sodium, showing that both these metals are luminous upon their freshly- cut surfaces. The light emitted by potassium is of a reddish tint, that of sodium greenish, according to this author. At 60 or 70 (centigrade), the light of sodium is quite as intense, if not more so, than that of phosphorus. I have had occasion to examine sodium whilst phosphorescent. Its light is very feeble at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere, and ceases when the newly-exposed surfaces of the metal are covered with a layer of oxide (soda). The luminosity lasts for a few mi- D2 36 PHOSPHORESCENCE nutes, and increases in brilliancy as the tempera- ture rises. Potassium also becomes incandescent when em- ployed in the preparation of boron, as must have been remarked by any chemist who has prepared this metalloid. For this purpose vitrified boracic acid, in fine powder, and potassium are heated in a metallic tube. In fact, light, often accompanied by heat, is evolved, wherever chemical action is very intense. For instance, when sulphur and lead are melted together, light is produced whilst the combination of these two substances takes place. The same is remarked when phosphorus and iodine act upon each other : the experiment is very striking, and occurs when small quantities of phosphorus are covered over with iodine, at the ordinary tempe- rature of the atmosphere. In a short time the whole takes fire spontaneously. I have seen the same occur when a crystal of nitrate of copper was enveloped in a thin sheet of tin. When arsenic or antimony are thrown into chlo- rine gas at the ordinary temperature, the metals (which must be in fine powder) burst into flame while combining with the chlorine. When caustic baryta is placed in a capsule and concentrated sulphuric acid poured upon it, the baryta becomes incandescent. If a drop of water fall into a bottle of anhydrous .BF CLEAVAGE, ETC. 37 sulphuric acid, a flash, of light, accompanied by a slight explosion, is immediately remarked. If small pieces of cork happen to fall upon melted chlorate of potash, so frequently used to obtain oxygen gas, a flash of light appears ; the gas is at first rapidly evolved from the retort, but in an instant an absorption takes place, the water is sucked up into it, and the apparatus broken. When chloride of amide (formerly called chloride of nitrogen) explodes, much light is evolved : the preparation and explosion of this substance are exceedingly dangerous. Potassium takes fire upon water, and burns with a purple flame ; I have also seen sodium shoot out flashes of yellow light in the same circumstances. Nitric acid decomposes oil of turpentine, producing a great flame. When great quantities of lime are slacked in a dark place, not only heat but light is emitted, as was formerly observed by Pelletier.* Also, in a dan- gerous experiment made by myself, when sodium * There are substances called Kacodyles, (one of which is formed when acetate of potash and arsenious acid are distilled together,) which take fire spontaneously when they come in con- tact with atmospheric air : they are liquid, and possess a nauseous odour. Homberg's pyrophorus, which takes fire in the air, is an example of intense chemical action with production of heat and light. It is prepared by calcining alum with organic matters and cooling the mixture slowly. It must not be mistaken for Hom- berg's phosphorus, which is melted chloride of calcium, and which, as we have seen, becomes luminous when submitted to rapid friction, or when struck with a hard body. 38 PHOSPHORESCENCE, is dropped into concentrated sulphuric acid, a flash of light, distinctly visible in the daytime, is emitted, and red sulphuret of sodium is formed. These are all instances of intense chemical action, accompanied by evolution of light. CHAPTER IV. PHOSPHORESCENCE OP GASES, AND ELECTEIC PHOSPHORESCENCE. THE phosphorescence of gases is quite a new dis- covery, dating from the year 1859. It is extremely probable that many gases are phosphorescent after insolation, when large quantities of them are sub- mitted to the action of the sun's rays. We shall see in the following chapter that the air probably is so, and also that meteoric stones leave phospho- rescent streaks in the atmosphere. We have already noticed, that substances which are not phosphorescent after insolation may be- come so after they have undergone the influence of an electric discharge. In February, 1 859, M. Edmond Becquerel communicated to the A cademy of Sciences at Paris a discovery made by M. Ruhm- korff on rarefied air, and worked out afterwards by the former. M. Euhmkorff remarked that certain rarefied gases, shut up in glass tubes, remained phospho- rescent for some seconds after an electric dis- 40 PHOSPHORESCENCE charge had been passed through the tubes and gases. Hydrogen, sulphuretted hydrogen, chlo- rine, protoxide of nitrogen, showed a feeble light for a few seconds after being submitted to an electric discharge or a current of induction. With oxygen a similar effect is observed. Rarefied oxy- gen, enclosed in a serpentine apparatus composed of a series of glass globes united by bent tubes (fig. 4), in which are soldered platinum wires to Fig. 4. conduct the discharge, is submitted to the action of a powerful induction machine or common elec- tric battery. When the current is suddenly cut off, the entire tube shines with a yellowish light, which persists for some seconds and then gradu- ally disappears. The experiment must of course be made in a dark room. Sulphurous acid gas sometimes shows a similar effect. M. Ed. Becquerel has not been able to observe phenomena of phosphorescence in any of these gases after insolation or after exposing them OF GASES, ETC. 41 to the electric light, though it is probable such does exist. In the above experiment, when other gases are mixed with the rarefied oxygen, the effect is some- what increased, probably because a certain amount of chemical action is set up. Our readers know, that by passing the dis- charges of a RuhmkorfFs induction apparatus through a glass globe in which the air has been highly rarefied, a beautiful luminous phenomenon occurs and persists as long as the induction ap- paratus continues to work. When the vapour of some volatile substance, such as alcohol, essence of turpentine, naphtha, bichloride of tin, etc., is mixed with the air in the glass globe, and a va- cuum then produced by the pneumatic machine, the luminous phenomenon is still more beautiful. The light forms a series of concentric arches separated by dark stratifications ; its colour and form remind us of the Aurora Borealis ; and, in- deed, some have looked upon this experiment as the production of an artificial aurora, the vacuum of the glass globe (which is never a perfect void) representing the rarefied air in the higher regions of the atmosphere, where the Aurora Borealis occurs. The light thus produced, to be seen to advan- tage, must be viewed in a dark room, but it is faintly visible in full daylight. 42 PHOSPHORESCENCE These striking experiments were made some few years ago by Professor Quet, and have ex- cited general admiration wherever they have been seen. Now it has occurred to M. Ed. Becquerel, to enclose certain phosphorescent substances, such as sulphide of barium, etc., in glass tubes, in which a vacuum has been produced by the air- pump, and to submit them in these circumstances to the action of M. RuhmkorfPs apparatus. We have already seen that sulphide of barium, of strontium, of calcium, diamonds, chalk, etc., acquire phosphorescence when submitted to an electric discharge in the air ; as soon as the dis- charge has passed, they glow with phosphoric light of short duration, just as if they had been exposed to the sun, or as if they had been heated ; for these substances are phosphorescent by light, by heat, and by electricity. But when they are submitted to the rapid series of discharges of the induction apparatus in highly -rarefied air, that is, in the void produced by the air-pump, the effect is very striking. The substances named glow continuously with a vivid phosphoric light, so long as the discharges continue to pass.* In these experiments it has been observed, that the glass of the tubes becomes slightly phospho- rescent at the same time as the sulphides. Quet made known in 1853 a very curious pro- * See Ed. Becquerel, Ann. de Chim. Iv. p. 92 et seq. OF GASES, ETC. 43 duction of light that takes place when water is being decomposed by the electric current, after being rendered a good conductor of electricity by the addition of sulphuric acid or potassa. When forty Bunsen's elements are employed, the water is rapidly decomposed, and its temperature con- siderably raised, but a moment comes when the platinum wires plunging into the liquid become suddenly luminous, and the decomposition of the water ceases as suddenly. In this case, when the water is acidified with sulphuric acid, the light given out by the positive pole is red, whilst that emitted by the negative pole is violet. The light seems to encase the wires and to repel the water, so as to prevent its contact with the metal. 44 CHAPTER Y. METEOROLOGICAL PHOSPHORESCENCE. NUMEROUS observations leave no space for doubt regarding phosphorescence of the drops of rain in certain storms. The phosphoric light produced in these circumstances shows itself upon the coats of travellers, or on the borders of their hats, etc. This phenomenon astonished M. de Saussure whilst travelling on the summit of the Breven ; whenever he lifted his hand, he felt a sort of creeping sensa- tion in the fingers, and in a short time an electric spark was drawn from a golden button affixed to the hat of his companion, M. Jalabert. The storm roared in the clouds around him. A somewhat similar phenomenon occurred to Dr. Kane, the intrepid Arctic explorer, which, for certain reasons, we shall speak of in a future chapter. On the 25th of January, 1822, during a heavy shower of snow, M. de Thielaw, on his route to PHOSPHORESCENCE. 45 Freyburg, observed the branches of the trees glow- ing with a bluish light. Francois Arago has collected many instances of luminous rain, among which are the following : On the 3rd of June, 1731, Hallai, an ecclesiastic of Lessay, near Constance, states that he saw, in the evening, during a thunderstorm, rain which fell like drops of red-hot liquid metal. In 1761, Bergman, the celebrated Swedish chemist, wrote to the Royal Society of London that he had observed on two occasions, towards evening, and when no thunder was heard, rain which sparkled as it touched the ground, making the latter appear as if covered with waves of fire. On the 3rd of May, 1 768, near Arnay-le-Duc, M. Pasumot was overtaken on an open plain by a violent storm. The rain-water collected abun- dantly on the border of his hat; and when he stooped his head to let it flow off, he observed that, in its fall, encountering that which fell from the clouds, at about twenty inches from the ground, sparks were emitted between the two portions of liquid. On the 28th of October, 1772, on his way from Brignai to Lyons, the Abbe Bertholon was caught in a storm at five o'clock in the morning. Bain and hail fell heavily. The drops of rain and the hailstones which struck against the metallic 46 METEOROLOGICAL parts of tlie mounting of his horse's trappings, emitted jets of light. A friend of Howard, the meteorologist, on his way from London to Bow on the 19th of May, 1809, during a violent storm, distinctly saw the drops of rain emit light when they struck the ground. On the 25th of January, 1822, the miners of Freyburg informed Lampadius that the sleet which fell during a storm emitted light when it struck the earth. There are other similar instances ; these pheno- mena are evidently closely allied to electricity. Waterspouts (called by the French les trombes), according to Peltier and more recent observers, are sometimes observed to be luminous when they happen in the night. A case of luminous meteoric dust is also on record : During the eruption of Vesuvius which took place in 1794, a shower of extremely fine dust fell in Naples and its environs. It emitted light which, though pale, was distinctly visible at night. An English gentleman, who happened to be in a boat near Torre del Greco about this time, observed that his hat, those of the boatmen, and parts of the sails where the dust had lodged, shed around a sensible luminosity. Shooting stars, or meteoric stones, leave after them in the heavens a phosphoric stream of light, PHOSPHORESCENCE. 47 which often persists for a considerable time after their passage (fig. 5). In his voyage round the world, the Admiral de Krusenstern saw one of these Aerolites leave behind it in the sky a Fig. 5. phosphorescent streak which persisted for a whole hour, without sensibly changing its place. (See Humboldt : ' Cosmos/ vol. i.) Phosphorescent streaks left behind Aerolites not unfrequently re- main visible for about a minute. We cannot do more than mention here the lightning flash,* the Aurora Borealis, the Zodia- cal light, the fire of St. Elmo, the light of fixed * On the various kinds of lightning, see Arago, " Notice sur le Tonnerre," in his ' CEuvres,' or in the Ann. du Bureau des Longi- tudes, for the year 1838 ; Phipson, in the ' Comptes-Rendus' of the Academy of Sciences of Paris, April 13, 1857; and Du Moucel's brochure, 'Sur le Tonnerre et les Eclairs.' Paris : Hachette, 1857. 48 METEOR OL GICAL stars or suns, and the flame, all of which doubt- less belong to our present subject. Lord Napier observed the fire of St. Elmo in the Mediterranean during a fearful thunderstorm. As he was retiring to rest, a cry from those aloft of " St. Elmo and St. Anne \" induced him to go on deck. The maintop-gallant-mast head was completely enveloped in a blaze of pale, phosphoric light, and the other mast-heads presented a similar appearance. The phenomenon lasted for eight or ten minutes, and then became gradually fainter. All other descriptions of this electrical phenomenon coincide perfectly with the above. The Zodiacal light, when seen under the tropics, often shines with a brilliancy equal to that of the Milky Way in Sagittarius. In our Northern cli- mates, it is only observed shooting up towards the Pleiades in the beginning of spring, after the evening twilight, in the western part of the sky ; and at the close of autumn, before the dawn of day, above the eastern horizon. Some philosophers have asserted that the sun's light is an effect of combustion, like the flame of a common candle; but, from a comparison of the rela- tive intensities of solar, lunar, and artificial light, as determined by Euler and Wollaston, it appears that the rays of the sun have an illuminating power equal to that of 14,000 candles at the distance of a foot, or of 3,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 PHOSPHORESCENCE. 4,9 candles at the distanceof 95,000,000 of miles, which is our distance from the sun. Hence it follows, that the amount of light which flows from the sun could scarcely be produced by the daily consump- tion of 700 globes of tallow, each equal to the Earth in magnitude. It does not follow that because planetary bodies shine principally by borrowed light, that they do not possess also a certain amount of phosphoric luminosity. Some modern philosophers are in- clined to believe that our earth itself has a peculiar phosphoric light of its own : (< The extraordinary lightness of whole nights in the year 1831," says Alex, von Humboldt, " during which small print might be read at midnight in the latitudes of Italy and the north of Germany, is a fact directly at variance with all that we know according to the most recent and accurate re- searches on the crepuscular theory and the height of the atmosphere." (Cosmos, i. 133, 134.) And, again in the same beautiful work (p. 197), when speaking of the Aurora Borealis : ' ( This beautiful phenomenon derives the greater part of its im- portance from the fact that the earth becomes self-luminous, and that as a planet, besides the light which it receives from the central body the Sun, it shows itself capable in itself of developing light." The intensity of the light thus diffused is often superior to that shed by the moon in her 50 METEOROLOGICAL first quarter. "Occasionally, as on the 7th January, 1831, printed characters could be read without difficulty."" Indeed, the intensity of the Northern or Polar light is sometimes very great ; and Lowenorn assures us, that on the 29th June, 1786, he recognized the coruscation (trembling motion) of the Aurora Borealis in bright sunshine. Some splendid manifestations of the Aurora Australisj or Southern light, were witnessed by Captain J. Koss in his voyage to the South Pole.* These Southern lights have often been seen in England by Dalton, and Northern lights have been witnessed in the Southern hemisphere 14th Ja- nuary, 1831 as far as 45 degrees latitude. It has been shown, by many experiments, that the electric light, whatever be its source, does not show any signs of polarization. Now this has been lately proved to be the case with the light of the Aurora, which shows no polarization, according to Mr. Rankine ; but when it is viewed reflected from the surface of a river, polarization is detected, which proves that in the former case the want of polarization is not owing to the weakness of the Aurora observed. A curious phenomenon was noted by Admiral Wrangel, when he was on the Siberian coast of the Polar Sea. He observed, that during an Aurora * The Aurora Australia was seen for the first time by Captain Cook in his first voyage, and again in his second voyage. PHOSPHORESCENCE. 51 Borealis, certain portions of the heavens which were not illuminated, lit up and continued lumi- nous whenever a shooting star passed over them. M. Colla, formerly director of the Observatory of Parma, has often observed, since 1825, a sin- gular light in the northern sky, like a zone of 10 or 12 degrees, parallel to the horizon, often of a yellow colour, and most intense in the direction of the magnetic meridian. He considers it to be " the permanent element of the Aurora Borealis." That portion of the planet Yenus which is not illuminated by the sun often shines with a phos- phorescent light of its own. Towards the latter end of June, 1861, the earth passed through a region of the heavens, then occupied by a portion of the great comet of that year. On this occasion Mr. Hind, Mr. Lowe, and others, observed a peculiar phosphoric glare in the atmosphere. It was remarked by many persons as something unusual. That portion of the moon which is not il- luminated by the solar rays shines with a grey light of its own, called by the French lumiere cendree. This is generally attributed to the light thrown upon our satellite by the illuminated por- tions of the earth ; but it may be that the moon possesses phosphorescent qualities like other ce- lestial bodies. Doubtless other planets possess similar phos- 52 METEOEOLOGICAL phorescent properties : " It is not improbable/' says Humboldt, "that the Moon, Jupiter, and comets shine with an independent light besides the reflected, solar light, visible through the po- lariscope." We cannot do better than quote the following passage also, by the same author : "Without speaking of the problematical, but yet ordinary mode in which the sky is illuminated when a low cloud may be seen to shine with an uninterrupted flickering light for many minutes together [see further on] , we still meet with other instances of terrestrial development of light in our atmosphere. In this category we may reckon the celebrated luminous mists seen in 1783 and 1831 ; the steady luminous appearance exhibited without any flickering in great clouds observed by Kozier and Beccaria ; and, lastly, as Arago well remarks, the faint diffused light which guides the steps of the traveller in cloudy, starless and moonless nights, in autumn and winter, even when there is no snow on the ground." Indeed, any attentive observer of Nature may assure himself that in the darkest nights of winter, at the hour of midnight, when the influence of solar light is altogether withdrawn from the at- mosphere, and in the absence of moonlight, a suflicient quantity of light is always diffused to render objects around us faintly visible, and to PHOSPHORESCENCE. 53 enable us to walk without hesitation in any open country. Let the heavens be overcast, let the stars be hidden by an unbroken mass of clouds, and still a sufficiency of light will be diffused in the open country to prevent the difficulty and inconve- nience which would attend any attempt to walk in a dark cave, or in an apartment the shutters of which are closed. It appears to me that the atmosphere and the clouds themselves act in these cases like the phosplwri spoken of in a previous chapter. Being exposed to the light of the sun the whole day long, it is very probable that they emit a phos- phorescent light like the Bologna stone, for in- stance, when the Sun's rays are withdrawn from them; and moreover, that this phosphorescence may, in certain circumstances, assume an extra- ordinary intensity, as we shall see by some of the following examples. Here are the accounts by Eozier and Beccaria, alluded to above : Eozier states that, being at Beziers, in France, on the loth August, 1781, at a quarter before eight in the evening, the sun having gone down and the sky overcast, thunder was heard. At five minutes past eight, the storm having attained its height, Rozier observed a luminous point above the brow of a hill fronting his house ; this point 54 METEOROLOGICAL gradually augmented in magnitude until it as- sumed the form and appearance of a phosphoric zone subtending at his eye an angle of about 60 degrees, measured horizontally, and having the apparent height of a few feet ; above this was a dark band, and then again another zone of light. These luminous zones of cloud were nearer the earth than the storm clouds, and their brilliancy lasted about a quarter of an hour. Beccaria assures us that the clouds over his observatory at Turin frequently shed in all direc- tions a strong reddish light, which was sometimes so intense as to enable him to read ordinary print. This nocturnal luminosity was especially observed in winter, between successive falls of snow. When General Sabine and his crew were lying at anchor at Loch Scavig, in the Isle of Skye, he observed a cloud which constantly enveloped the summit of one of the naked and lofty mountains which surround that island. This cloud which had been formed by the vapour precipitated near the mountains after having been brought by the constant west winds from the Atlantic, was self- luminous at night, not occasionally, but perma- nently. He saw frequently issue from it jets of light, and convinced himself that this phenomenon had nothing whatever to do with the Aurora Borealis. We may add to these an observation of Nichol- PHOSPHORESCENCE. 55 son, who states that during a storm on the 30th July, 1797, at about five in the morning, certain clouds were observed to shine first with a red, and afterwards with a blue, light. De Luc affirms also, that one winter's night, in the neighbourhood of London, he observed a lumi- nous cloud extending east and west across the southern meridian of the place, about 30 or 40 degrees from the zenith. The atmosphere was clear but not cold, and "there were no signs of electricity/'* One of the most authentic and curious observa- tions of luminous fogs was lately communicated in a letter to M. Elie de Beaumont by M. L. F. Wartmann,f of Geneva. The strange phenomenon was observed during nine successive foggy nights, from the 18th to the 26th of November, 1859. The moon being new, was invisible and absent from the heavens of Geneva. But a vast fog, not damp enough to wet the earth, but so opaque as to render invisible the borders of the river Leman and the mount Salese, hovered permanently over Geneva and its environs. This fog diffused so much phosphoric light, that M. Wartmann could easily distinguish books, etc., upon his table, with- * For more ample details on some of these phenomena, see Beccaria, ' Dell' Elettricismo terrestre atmosferico;' Deluc, 'Idees sur la Meteorologie,' and Arago, in the 'Annuaire' for 1838. f Comptes-Kendus of the Academy of Sciences, Paris, 25 De- cember, 1859. 56 METEOROLOGICAL out having recourse to any other light. Moreover, he questioned a person who had gone on foot from Geneva to Annemasse, in Savoie, on the 22nd of November: he had started at half-past ten at night, and declared that he saw his way the whole distance as if it had been a moonlight night. M. Auguste de la Rive was, that same night, at some distance from Geneva, and was also surprised at the distinctness with which he saw his road and the objects around him. The celebrated dry fog of 1783 was described by M. Verdeil, a physician of Lausanne, as having diffused at night, a luminosity sufficiently intense to render distant objects visible, and this light was equally spread in all directions. It resembled the light of the moon seen through the clouds. This dry fog, in which objects could be seen at night at a distance of 600 feet, lasted a whole month ; it made its appearance nearly at the same time in many distant places, spreading from the north of Africa to Sweden; it was likewise ob- served over a great portion of North America, but was not seen to spread over the sea. It ap- peared to reach higher than the summits of the highest mountains, and neither winds nor rain had any power to disperse it. In Europe this fog exhaled a disagreeable odour, was remarkably dry, did not affect the hygrometer, and possessed the remarkable phosphoric quality I mentioned above. PHOSPHORESCENCE. 57 Many philosophers thought that, at this period, the earth was bathed in the tail of a comet. But in 1831 another dry fog exactly similar was observed ; it did not spread so far as that of 1783, and as it did not cover the whole of Europe, it was easy to perceive that no comet was present to cause its production. The origin of these dry, luminous mists, is yet a mystery. It may, however, be noted that in 1 783 Calabria was visited by a terrible earthquake which destroyed 40,000 inhabitants ; Mount Hecla, in Iceland, broke out in one of its most remark- able eruptions, and volcanic rocks were seen to emerge from the sea, etc. It is said that a periodical dry fog, which does not spread over the sea, visits the eastern coasts of Africa with the disastrous wind called the par- matan ; but whether it is luminous or not I can- not say.* But one of the most curious phenomena ever witnessed was doubtless that described as having been seen by General Sabine and Captain James Ross in their first northern expedition. Being in the Greenland seas during the period of darkness, they were called up by the officers on deck to ob- serve an extraordinary appearance. Ahead of the vessel, and lying precisely in her course, appeared * On a dry fog observed at London, see my note in the ' Comptes-Bcndus,' Paris, 1861. 58 METEOROLOGICAL a stationary light resting on the water, and rising to a considerable elevation. Every other part of the heavens and the horizon all around the ship were in utter darkness. (Vide Frontispiece.} As there was no known danger in this phenomenon, the course of the vessel was not altered; and when the ship entered the region of this light, the officers and crew looked on with the liveliest interest. The whole vessel was illuminated ; the most elevated parts of the masts and sails, and the minutest portions of the rigging, became visible. The extent of this luminous atmosphere might have been about 450 yards. When the bow of the ship emerged from it, it seemed as if the vessel were suddenly plunged in darkness. There was no gradual decrease of illumination. The ship was already at a considerable distance from the luminous region when it appeared still visible as a stationary light astern. Many persons would look upon this curious phenomenon as an intensely phosphorescent mist. Several observations tend to prove that in these northern latitudes the density, and often the dry- ness, of the air, contribute much to the intensity of luminous apparitions, especially those which appear to depend upon electrical actions. The above is the account of this phenomenon as re- lated in F. Arago's ' Notice sur le Tonnerre.' PHOSPHORESCENCE. 59 The following is however that of General Sabine himself, which he has kindly given me in a let- ter : te Before the ship entered into the Auroral light, the Aurora as seen from the ship appeared as an arch, formed partly of an uniform yellowish light, and partly of vertical or nearly vertical streamers proceeding out of the luminous arch upwards. The centre of the arch was not far dis- tant from the zenith, and the legs descended to- wards east and west points. We were opposite to one of the legs, and sailing towards it till we en- tered it. We were sensible of having entered it, by no longer seeing it as a distant appearance, and by the moment of our entrance into it being marked by a generally diffused light, enabling those on deck to see distinctly men on the fore- topsail yard, who we could not see previously." The ship was sailing southward, and entered the western leg of the luminous arch. At the meeting of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester on January 31, 1861, Mr. Baxendell stated that many of the fogs observed during that winter were luminous. Mr. Crosse and other observers have found fogs to be highly electrical. I will place here a passage from a Brussels cor- respondent, who writes in 1860 : " On looking out of my bedroom window at two o' clock on the morning of the 25th January, I 60 METEOROLOGICAL perceived the sky to be very light, insomuch that I could discern the buildings and other objects. The wind blew in fresh gales from W.S.W., barome- ter below ' tempest/ and thermometer about 41. I have only once seen this luminosity before." Loch Scavig appears destined to become cele- brated for luminous phenomena. Besides the phosphorescent cloud seen there by General Sa- bine, my friend Mr. T. K. Edwards tells me of another curious case of a luminous meteor seen in the same locality. It was in the month of September, 1852 or 1853, and the phenomenon was observed about eight o' clock in the evening. He was being rowed by four stout men from Torrin, in the Isle of Skye, to one of the oppo- site shores. On entering Loch Scavig the boat containing Mr. Edwards, his friend Mr. Raymond, four boatmen, and a guide, steered across the little bay situated on their right, when a light was distinctly seen at a great distance to the sea- ward. At first it appeared like the light from the cabin window of a steamboat being near to the surface of the water, and moving with great ra- pidity towards them. The four men at the oars noticed it with evident alarm, and spoke hurriedly to each other in Gaelic. When the guide was asked what they were talking about, he answered, " About yon light ; it's no canny thing, neither." The rapidity with which the light moved, and its PHOSPHORESCENCE. 61 proximity to the boat after a few seconds had elapsed,, fully convinced every one that it belonged to no boat ; besides, as the guide remarked, ' ' no bird could fly so quick. " It appears that this phe- nomenon, which I believe to have been globular lightning, is not unprecedented in the neighbour- hood of Loch Scavig; for though the four oarsmen had never witnessed it before, they had heard it spoken of on the land as betokening evil, and were so much afraid of it that they pulled the boat along most lustily. The light curved off and was soon lost to sight, having been in view and indeed very near to the boat, for about two minutes. The next day was extremely sultry. This kind of travelling light reminds us of some descriptions of Will-o' -the- Wisp ; but besides be- ing seen over the sea, its resemblance to the light of a ship (though it is quite evident no ship or boat carried it), and the extreme sultriness of the next day, makes me think that it is more probably allied to those curious cases globular lightning. Our travellers in the boat may not have noticed the sultriness of the air whilst on the water, but only remarked it the next day, and the men at the oars might have heard of the disastrous effects of globular lightning. A similar light, but a fixed one, was observed by Maffei, in 1713, and the phenomenon recorded by F. Arago : It was during a heavy shower of 62 METEOROLOGICAL rain on the 10th of September. He took shelter in the Chateau de Fosdinovo (in the province of Massa- Carrara, in Italy ), and was standing at a window on the ground-floor,, when a bright light appeared upon the pavement. This light, which in colour appeared to be white and blue, was very unsteady or vibrating, but had no progressive motion ; it disappeared as it had made its appear- ance, that is, suddenly, but not until it had ac- quired a great size. The moment it vanished, Maffei felt a slight itching on his shoulder, a little plaster fell from the ceiling of the room, and a cracking noise was heard, very different from that of thunderi A flame which rose from the ground and maintained itself at three feet from the floor of the church St. Michel, at Dijon, was noticed by the Abbe Richard, on the 2nd July, 1750. This flame rose afterwards to twelve or fifteen feet in height, increased considerably in volume, and dis- appeared near the organ of the church with a loud explosion. These phenomena are evidently allied to atmo- spheric electricity, as they manifest themselves during storms; but F. Arago distinctly states ('Annuaire/ 1838, p. 371) : "it appears that great luminous meteors, similar to lightning in their nature, show themselves sometimes at the surface of the globe, even when the sky does not appear PHOSPHORESCENCE. 63 stormy " Such was the case on the 4th November, 1749, in 42 48' latitude north and 11-^ longitude west of Paris : a few minutes before mid-day, and in perfectly serene weather, a large bluish globe of fire rolled up to the ship the ' Montague/ and exploded, shattering one of the masts. This globe of fire appeared as large as a millstone. A strong " sulphurous " odour was perceived in the ship for some time afterwards. The light described to me by Mr. Edwards appears to have been some such phenomenon, and had he and his companions seen the end of it, the fears of the boatmen might have been realized. Detailed accounts of similar electric meteors may be foreign to the subject of the present work, though electricity plays, doubtless, its part in all phosphoric phenomena ; but I have endeavoured in these pages to notice, however briefly, every known source of terrestrial light, for it is not in our power, in the present state of science, to restrict phosphorescence to a limited number of pheno- mena. I must now say a few words on that beautiful and mysterious production of light known as the Will-o' -the-Wisp or Ignis fatuus ffeuxfollets of the French). This phenomenon is generally attributed, by chemists of the present day, to the spontaneous inflammation of phosphuretted hydrogen gas. It 64 METEOROLOGICAL is well known that one of the gaseous compounds of phosphorus and hydrogen takes fire as soon as it eomes in contact with atmospheric air ; and it is supposed that in certain circumstances the putrefaction of animal matters,, containing phos- phorus and sulphur, besides the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and phos- phate of lime, is accompanied by a production of this phosphuretted hydrogen gas. Will-o'-the- Wisp is observed in boggy lands, and where it is seen some animal or perhaps an unlucky traveller has been swallowed up in the mire. The "corpse-candle" of the Welsh, which nickers over churchyards, is attributed to the above cause, and the same may be said of that mysterious pro- duction of light which occasionally takes place in dissecting rooms. But no chemical experiment, made with organic matters, has yet been brought forward to prove the production of phosphuretted hydrogen with evo- lution of light by submitting these matters to the process of putrefaction. Indeed, I have shown, as will be stated in a future chapter, that the phos- phorescence of dead fish does not appear to depend upon the presence of the chemical element phos- phorus. If, however, it were placed beyond doubt that the phenomenon of the Will-o' -the-Wisp or Ignis fatuusj depended upon the production and spon- PHOSPHORESCENCE. 65 taneous inflammation of phosphuretted hydrogen, it could not be classed among phenomena of phosphorescence any more than the flames of certain fire-springs in the East, which are owing to the combustion of carburetted hydrogen or naphtha, and some of which, like the famous Lycian Chimasra, in Asia Minor, have been burn- ing for several thousand years. From some very interesting arguments brought forward in the last edition (in one volume) of Kirby and Spencers ' Introduction to Entomology,' it would appear probable that some cases of ignis fatuus might be attributed to certain luminous insects not yet known, which hover in clusters over marshy ground. These insects seem to be- long to the genus Tipula (Gnat, " Daddy-Long- legs," etc.), if we are to judge from the hovering appearance of the light. Thus Dr. Derham, in the ' Philosophical Transactions' for 1729, describes an ignis fatuus, seen by himself, as flitting about a thistle. Dr. Derham got within two or three yards of another ignis fatuus, in spite of the boggy nature of the soil. He states, however, that it appeared like a complete body of light without any division, so that he was sure it could not be occasioned by insects. At the same time, it is evident that no insects could produce the phenomenon described by Dr. p 66 METEOROLOGICAL Weissenborn, in 1818, where the light travelled over a distance of half a mile in less than a second. (Mag. of Nat. Hist. N.S. i. 553.) From these facts, it appears probable to modern philosophers, that there are two kinds of ignes fatui, the one referable to spontaneously inflam- mable gas, the other to luminous insects. If phosphuretted hydrogen, or any other spon- taneously combustible gas or liquid, caught fire upon a marsh where carburetted hydrogen (marsh gas) is constantly evolved, the latter would in- flame also.* In the valley of Gorbitz, Mr. Blesson discovered a light emanating from marshy ground. Remain- ing for some days near the place, in order to study the phenomenon as closely as possible, he found it was owing to an ignited gas, the faint flame of which was invisible during the day, but became gradually visible in the evening. The gas appears to have been carburetted hydrogen, or marsh gas. As he approached it, the flame receded, but he eventually succeeded in lighting a piece of paper by it. According to some authors, Will-o' -the- Wisp may be seen at all seasons of the year; but a great * At Wigmore, in Herefordshire, and other places in England, carburetted hydrogen used to be so abundant in the ground that it was employed for lighting and cooking in the houses, as we learn from travellers is a common practice in China. PHOSPHORESCENCE. 67 number of persons I have questioned upon the subject all agree in stating that they have noticed it in autumn, or towards the end of autumn, and the beginning of November. It cannot be termed a common phenomenon, as many distinguished naturalists have never been able to observe it; it is not unfrequent in the north of Germany, and is often witnessed in the peat districts around Port Carlisle, in the Lowlands of Scotland, and in the swampy parts of the South of England, etc. It was seen by Mr. Warltire, in a very curious form, on the road to Bromsgrove, about five miles from Birmingham, as noted by Dr. Priestley in the Appendix to his third volume of ' Experiments and Observations on Air/ The time of observation was the 12th December, 1776, before daylight. Some countries are very remarkable for this curious phenomenon ; for instance, the neighbour- hood of Bologna, in Italy, and some parts of Spain and Ethiopia. According to an account left us by M. Beccari, an intelligent gentleman travelling in the evening, between eight and nine o' clock, in a mountainous road about ten miles South of Bologna, perceived a light which shone very strangely upon some stones on the banks of the Rio Verde. It appeared as a parallelepiped of light, about a foot in length, and two feet above the stones. Its light was so strong that he could plainly see by it part of a neighbouring hedge and 68 METEOROLOGICAL the water of the river. On examining it a little nearer, lie was surprised to find that the light be- came paler, and when he came to the place itself, it quite vanished. No smell or other mark of fire was observed at the place where this light shone. Another gentleman informed M. Beccari that he had seen the same light five or six different times, in spring and autumn, always of the same shape, and in the very same place. Dr. Shaw, in his ' Travels to the Holy Land/ states that an ignis fatuus appeared to him in the val- ley of Mount Ephraim, and attended him and his company for more than an hour. Sometimes it appeared globular, at others it spread to siicli a degree as to involve the wliole company in a pale, inoffensive light ; then contracted itself, and sud- denly disappeared, but in less than a minute it would appear again; sometimes running swiftly along, it would expand itself at certain intervals over two or three acres of the adjacent mountains. Dr. Priestley has given an account of what some look upon to have been an artificial Will-o'-the- wisp. A gentleman, who had been making elec- trical experiments for a whole afternoon in a small room, on going out of it, observed a flame follow- ing him at some little distance. In this case, how- ever, there seems to have been a difference between the artificial ignis fatuus and that met with in nature, for the flame followed the gentleman as PHOSPHORESCENCE. 69 he went out of the room, but the natural pheno- menon generally recedes as we approach it. It is a common practice, in chemical lectures, to imitate the Will-o'-the-wisp by throwing fragments of phosphuret of calcium into water, when flames arise, owing to the spontaneous combustion of phosphuretted hydrogen gas. But the imitation is very bad indeed, and can hardly be said to resemble the mysterious natural phenomenon, much less explain it. For my own part, I think the ignis fatuus to be sometimes the light from a burning gas, which light is invisible in the day- time, and at other times to be connected with those curious cases of luminous mists mentioned above, and in which electricity doubtless plays an important part. The luminous appearances known in Scotland as Elf-candles belong either to this category of phenomena, or to that which will be treated of in a future chapter of this Work. 70 CHAPTER VI. DURATION, INTENSITY, AND COLOUR OF PHOS- PHORIC LIGHT IN MINERAL BODIES. THE duration, the intensity, and the colour of phosphoric light produced by mineral substances, depend upon the nature of the phosphorescent body. I shall mention only a few examples of colour. The most general tint of light is that seen in the glow-worm and other phosphorescent animals, of which we shall speak hereafter ; it is a greenish- yellow light, at times approaching to whiteness. Some bodies however appear, during their phos- phorescence, to emit light which differs a little from this as to its colour. Certain marbles and amber (succinum) give a phosphorescent light of a golden yellow ; some specimens of fluor-spar, arseniate of lime, and chloride of calcium, emit a greenish light; other varieties of fluor-spar pro- duce a bluish-violet radiation, and that which is called Chlorophane gives a green phosphorescence. Oriental garnet shines with a reddish phosphores- cence, whilst Harmotome (a sort of zeolite) gives PHOSPHORESCENCE. 71 a greenish-yellow phosphorescence. Dolomite, Aragonite, and some specimens of diamond, shine with a brilliant, white, phosphoric light. In the same manner, the colour of a flame de- pends upon the nature of the body that burns. Thus, carburetted hydrogen and sodium burn with a yellow flame, oxide of carbone with a blue flame, potassium and cyanogen with a purple flame, etc. Pearsall, Brewster, Dessaignes, and Becquerel have studied this subject. It appears to me very evident that the same substance may slightly differ in the colour of its phosphorescence, ac- cording to the manner in which the latter is prepared or excited. Concerning colours and tints, we should, in general, be careful in admitting them too exclu- sively, for there are scarcely two persons who will entirely agree upon the denomination of any tint that is not one of the striking colours of the solar spectrum. 72 CHAPTER VII. INVISIBLE PHOSPHORESCENCE. I HAVE given the name of Invisible Phosphores- cence to some curious phenomena discovered by my ingenious friend M. Niepce de St. Victor, who communicated them to me with much kind- ness before they were published. During latter years he has, however, addressed to the Academy of Sciences, at Paris, a number of notes and papers, in which his experiments are detailed.* The basis of them all was the following interesting obser- vation : M. Niepce discovered that if an engraving be exposed for some time to the sunlight, and then taken into a dark room, and placed upon a sheet of photographic paper prepared with chloride of silver, an impression of the engraving is produced in a very short space of time upon the paper. This experiment was immediately tried with a great variety of substances, such as white porcelain with * ' Comptes-Rendus' from 1857 to the present time. PHOSPHORESCENCE. 73 black figures, wood, linen, cardboard, marble, etc., and always with the same result. In every experiment, an impression was left on the photo- graphic paper in the dark, and this experiment was clearly proved to be owing to the action of light alone ; no chemical agent whatever to which such a phenomenon might be attributed, entered into these experiments. It was soon perceived that certain substances seemed to possess, as it were, " a greater affinity for light than others," and, as M. Niepce used to say, " seemed to become, during their exposure to the sun, more saturated with light than others" in the same space of time, and, consequently, acted with greater intensity on the photographic paper in the dark. A step more, and my friend had actually ' ' bot- tled up light," to use his own expression. A sheet of cardboard, imbibed with a solution of tartaric acid or a salt of uranium, was rolled into a cylinder and placed inside a tin tube, open at one end, so as to line it. The tube was then exposed to the light, with its orifice towards the sun. After a certain time had elapsed, from a quarter of an hour to about an hour, the orifice of the tube was her- metically sealed up. If such a tube be taken into a dark room, opened, and its orifice placed upon a sheet of photographic paper, in a very short time the impression of this orifice is left upon the 74 INVISIBLE paper. I have seen tubes of this kind that had been prepared and corked up for a week, a fort- night, and some that had even been closed up for months, after their exposure to light, and all left the impression of their orifices upon the photo- graphic paper, as if the paper in the tube had been acted upon only a few seconds before. But the impression is not so intense when the tube has been kept closed for a long period of time. These effects are owing probably to a pheno- menon of phosphorescence, and, if so, they prove evidently that all bodies possess this property to a greater or less extent, depending upon the nature of the substance examined. Luminous vibrations, which constitute phosphorescence, are hereby shown to exist when we cannot perceive them : their presence is made known by the pho- tographic paper when the eye is not able to discern them. These luminous vibrations persist, also, for a period of time which is much longer than any one would, at first, be inclined to suppose. In a recent paper, M. Niepce says : " I have repeated my former experiments of shutting up light in tubes, employing in these experiments cardboard imbibed with a salt of uranium, or with tartaric acid. The results have been far more surprising than before. I expose to sunlight a sheet of cardboard saturated with tartaric acid or with a salt of uranium, after which I roll my card- PHOSPHORESCENCE. 75 board into a metallic tube, so that it lines the latter. I close the tube, and after a very long period of time I prove, by opening it, that the cardboard acts upon salts of silver as perfectly as it did the day it was prepared. At the ordinary temperature, this action becomes manifest only after a period of twenty -four hours ; but if, after opening the tube, a few drops of water are thrown into it, and it be then closed again, and heated to forty or fifty degrees (centigrade), on re-opening the tube, and applying its orifice to a photogra- phic paper, an impression is produced upon the latter in less than five minutes. This experiment only succeeds once, as if the photographic paper had absorbed all the light out of the tube ; and to produce a second impression, the cardboard must be again exposed to light."* This shows that heat and chemical action have an influence in these phenomena, and we know that this is very generally the case in phenomena of phosphorescence. Mr. Draper, in his ' Human Physiology/ p. 288, describes an experiment which is closely allied to the above : If a sheet of paper, upon which a key has been laid, be exposed for some minutes to the sunshine, and then instantaneously viewed, in the dark, the key being removed, a fading spectre of * This passage is not entirely in M. Niepce's own words, but as I condensed it from his paper for the English press in 1858. 76 PHOSPHORESCENCE. the key will be visible. Let this paper be put aside for many months where nothing can disturb it, and then in darkness be laid on a plate of hot metal, the spectre of the key will again appear. In the cases of bodies more highly phospho- rescent than paper, the spectres of many different objects which may have been laid on in succession will, on warming, emerge in their proper order. PART II. EMISSION OF LIGHT BY VEGETABLES. 79 CHAPTER I. PHOSPHORESCENCE IN PHANEROGAMIC PLANTS. THE phenomenon of phosphorescence has, up to the present time, been very little observed in the vegetable world. I have collected, not without much difficulty, all the observations upon this subject which ap- pear to me worthy of confidence. Luminous plants are probably numerous, though few have been observed hitherto, and the observations we possess are somewhat scanty and uncertain. The first discovery of a light-emitting vege- table is attributed to the daughter of Linnaeus a young damsel who was fond of setting fire on a dark summer evening, to the inflammable atmo- sphere which envelopes the essential-oil glands of certain Fraxinellte, an experiment with which the learned Francois Arago was quite as delighted as the daughter of Linnaeus. A curious fact strikes us here : the first obser- vation of vegetable phosphorescence was made 80 PHOSPHORESCENCE IN by the Swedish maiden on an orange-coloured flower that of the garden nasturtium (Tropao- lum majus, fig. 6) ; and most cases of plant phos- Fig. 6. phorescence hitherto recorded have been observed upon flowers in which the orange and yellow tints predominate. Indeed, whether we consider phosphorescence in the mineral, the vegetable, or the animal kingdom, whether we take into con- sideration the colour of the substance which shines or that of the light produced, we are for- cibly led to notice that of all the colours of the solar spectrum, the yellow and orange tints appear PHANEROGAMIC PLANTS. 81 to be connected in an extraordinary manner with these phenomena. Seated one sultry summer evening in a garden, the daughter of the illustrious naturalist observed with surprise certain luminous radiations emitted by the flowers of a group of nasturtiums. This curious observation was made more than once during twilight in the months of June and July, 1762. The girl lived long to tell her wonderful tale.* The same phenomenon has been witnessed by other naturalists, but almost exclusively on yellow or orange-coloured flowers. Thus, it has been seen, we are told, in the corolla of the sunflower (Heliantlius annuus), in the garden marigolds (Calendula), in the two species of Tagetes (which the French botanists call the Rose d'Inde and the (Eillet d'Inde). Phosphoric light has also been seen to be emitted from the flowers of the Tu- * Mrs. Loudon, in her 'Ladies' Flower Garden,' p. 116, says: " A curious discovery was made respecting this plant (Trop&olum majus, L.) by one of the daughters of Linnseus, who died lately at the advanced age of ninety-six. This lady, in the year 1762, observed the T. majus, or garden Nasturtium, to emit sparks or flashes in the morning before sunrise, during the months of June and July, and also during twilight in the evening, but not after total darkness came on. Similar flashes have been produced by other flowers, and it has been observed that they are always most brilliant before a thunderstorm." See also Paxton's Mag. of Botany, vol. ii. p. 195. It has been asserted that certain flowers always emit light at the periods of floration and fecundation. G 82 PHOSPHORESCENCE IN berose, different varieties of Nasturtium, the Yel- ow Lily, and some other plants. The Swedish naturalist, Professor Haggern, per- ceived one evening a faint flash of light repeatedly dart from a marigold (fig. 7) . Surprised at such Fig. 7. an uncommon appearance, he resolved to examine it with attention, and, to be assured that it was no deception, he placed a man near him with orders to make a signal at the moment when he ob- served the light. They both saw it constantly at the same moment. The light was most brilliant upon marigolds of an orange or flame colour ; but scarcely visible on pale ones. The flash was fre- PHANEROGAMIC PLANTS. 83 quently seen on the same flower two or three times in quick succession, but more commonly at intervals of several minutes; and when several flowers in the same place emitted their light to- gether, it could be seen at a considerable dis- tance. This phenomenon was remarked in July and August at sunset, and for half an hour, when the atmosphere was clear ; but after a rainy day, or when the air was loaded with vapours, nothing of it was seen. The fact of this phenomenon only occurring when the air is dry, leads us naturally to presume that it is connected with electricity. The following flowers were observed by M. Hag- gern, to emit flashes more or less vivid, in this order : 1. The marigold (Calendula officinalis, fig. 7). 2. Monkshood, or garden nasturtium (Tro- pceolum majus). 3. The orange lily (Lilium bulbi- ferum, fig. 8) . 4. The French and African mari- golds (Tagetes patula and T. erecta). To discover whether some little insects or phosphoric worms might not be the cause of this emission of light, M. Haggern carefully examined the flowers with the microscope, but no animal organisms were found. The rapidity of the flash seems to indicate that electricity has something to do -with the phenomenon. The same philosopher, after having observed the flash from the orange lily, the anthers of which are a considerable dis- tance from the petals, assured himself that the PHOSPHORESCENCE IN light proceeded from the petals. But as it is well known that when the pistil of a flower is impreg- nated, the pollen bursts away by the elasticity of the anthers, and may be to a certain extent elec- trifled, M. Haggern thinks that this emission of light by flowers is electrical, and that it is caused by the pollen which, in flying off, is scattered upon the petals. Whatever we may be inclined to think of this theory, the observations of M. Haggern are exceedingly interesting. The latest, and at the same time most authentic PHANEROGAMIC PLANTS. 85 observation of luminous flowers that lias been made, is the following : On the 18th of June, 1857, about ten o'clock in the evening, M. Th. Fries, the well-known Swedish botanist, whilst walking alone in the Botanic garden of Upsal, remarked a group of poppies (Papaver orientate), in which three or four flowers emitted little flashes of light. Fore- warned as he was by a knowledge that such things had been observed by others, he could not help believing he was suffering from an optical illusion. However, the flashes continued showing themselves from time to time during three-quar- ters of an hour. M. Fries was thus forced to be- lieve that what he saw was real. The next day, observing the same phenomenon to re-occur at about the same hour, he conducted to the place a person entirely ignorant that such a manifesta- tion of light had ever been witnessed in the vege- table world, and without relating anything con- cerning it, he brought his companion before the group of poppies. The latter observer was soon in raptures of astonishment and admiration. Many other persons were then led to the same spot, some of whom immediately remarked that the flowers were throwing out flames. Some days later, on the 23rd of June, the wea- ther having become warmer, fourteen persons again witnessed the little flashes of light on the 86 PHOSPHORESCENCE IN flowers, not only of Papaver orientals, but also on those of the lily, Lilium bulbiferum. And be- fore the phenomenon had ceased, upwards of a hundred and fifty persons had been astonished and delighted with this singular case of phospho- rescence. In the flowers observed by the daughter of Linnaeus, the phosphoric light produced was not continuous ; it manifested itself in flickerings or sparks, which were shot out from the corolla, and resembled somewhat those given by an electric machine. Other observers agree with these state- ments, and remark that the plants in question are most luminous on calm sultry summer evenings when the air is highly charged with electricity, and have never been noticed to emit light when the atmosphere is very damp. In the phenomena remarked by Fries, the phos- phorescence of the flowers always occurred be- tween the hours of a quarter past ten and a quar- ter past eleven in the evening. The weather was warm and sultry, and the luminous phenomenon was best observed by looking at a group of poppies without fixing the eyes upon any one flower in particular. But the emission of light by phanerogamic plants is not limited to the flowers. Some natu- ralists assure us that the leaves of CEnothera ma- crocarpa, an American plant, exhibit phosphoric PHANEROGAMIC PLANTS. 87 light when the air is highly charged with electri- city. The latex or milky juice of some vegetables becomes phosphorescent when it is rubbed upon paper, or when it is heated a little. This is ex- tremely remarkable in Euphorbia phosphorea, a Brazilian species, which I believe has also been met with in Asia. If its stem be broken, and the milky juice which exudes be drawn over paper, characters are obtained which appear luminous in the dark. It is to M. Martins, of Montpellier, that we owe the discovery of the phosphoric pro- perty of this plant. An emission of light has also been observed in a plant closely allied to the Palm family, and which belongs to the genus Pandanus. The rup- ture of the spatha which envelopes the flowers of this genus of plants, is accompanied by a loud cracking noise, and a spark of light. The common potato in a state of decomposi- tion sometimes emits a most vivid light, sufficient to read by. This fact was remarked some time ago by an officer on guard at Strasburg, who thought the barracks were on fire, in consequence, of the light thus emitted from a cellar full of potatoes. This phosphorescence resembles that of stale fish, but it is perhaps attributable to the same cause as that of decayed wood, treated of in the next chapter. 88 CHAPTER II. PHOSPHORESCENCE IN CRYPTO GTAMIC PLANTS, AND EMISSION OF LIGHT FEOM DECAYED WOOD. PHOSPHORESCENCE has been rather more frequently observed in Cryptogams than in Phanerogams. An emission of light has been observed in a pretty little plant belonging to the family of Hepaticce, which grows chiefly upon schists, and resembles in miniature the royal fern (Osmunda regalis). From these two circumstances, the plant in question has been named ScJiistostega osmundacea (fig. 9). When this plant germinates, it gives birth to numerous confervoid filaments, which shine in a semi-obscurity with a very sin- gular luminosity. linger has observed, however, that spider s' webs present very nearly the. same appearance, and this circumstance has led some naturalists to believe that the shining property of Schistotega osmun- dacea may probably be nothing more than re- flected light. CRYPTO GAMIC PLANTS. 89 In the great family of Fungi, many cases of phosphorescence have been accurately observed, especially among the Rhizom orpine, cnrious vege- table organisms, resembling long thin dark-co- loured roots (rliizo-morplia, in form of a root) , some- times expanding into a membraniform production, which are seen creeping between the bark and the wood of old decayed trees (willows, oaks, poplars), or shooting down into dark holes, into damp cre- vices, etc. The white, flocconous extremities which consti- tute the mycelium of the species known as R. siib- terranea (fig. 10), observed not unfrequently at the 90 PHOSPHORESCENCE IN bottom and on the walls of dark damp mines or moist caverns, on old decayed humid towers, etc.* evolve a tranquil phosphoric light, which some- times attracts attention by its intensity. The phosphorescence of R. sulterranea is fre- quent in coal mines, and has been many times observed near Dresden. Counsellor Ehrman has spoken with enthusiasm of its pleasing effect in these lone and desolate places. Having once de- scended into one of the Swedish mines, he saw these "vegetable glowworms" gleaming along its walls or shining in some obscure recess. Caverns in the granitic rocks of Bohemia are often beautifully decked with this luminous cryp- togam, and I am told that our English coal-mines occasionally exhibit, by its aid, a light sufficiently clear to admit of reading ordinary print. CRYPTOGAMIC PLANTS. 91 But nowhere, perhaps, is the effect produced by this cryptogamic phosphorescence so exquisitely beautiful as in the mines of Hesse, in the north of Germany, where the walls of the air galleries ap- pear illuminated with a pale light resembling that of the moonbeams stealing through narrow cre- vices into some gloomy recess. Some other species of Rhizomorpha are sup- posed to be luminous, but this is doubtful. Heinz- mann says he has remarked phosphorescence in It. subterranea and in R. aidulce. Certain experimentalists think that the light of these fungi is more brilliant in oxygen gas than in the air, and that it is extinguished in those gases which are non-respirable ; whilst others, on the contrary, have asserted that though hydrogen gas, hydrochloric acid, and nitric oxide, seem to put out the light of many phosphorescent fungi, this light is not extinguished in pure nitrogen. These observations require, therefore, to be re- peated with care. Phosphorescence appears to have been first ob- served in large fungi at Amboine, by the botanist E/umphius, who saw light emitted from a species he has designated Fungus igneus, or fire-mush- room. It was afterwards seen in the Brazils by another botanist, Gardner, upon an agaric, which grows on the dead leaves of the Pindoba palm, and which has been named Agaricus Gardneri. PHOSPHORESCENCE IN Mr. Gardner found these phosphorescent fungi in Brazil, but it appears that a very large species which possesses similar light-emitting properties, is found in the Swan River colony. A red mushroom, AgaricMs olearius (fig. 11), Fig. 11. which grows at the foot of the olive-tree, in Italy, throws out during the night a blue light, which it spreads silently around. This remarkable fungus has been studied by M. Delille and M. Fabre. According to the first-named naturalist, when this agaric is still young, it is phosphorescent for many successive nights, even when it is detached from the tree, at the foot of which it is generally to be found. It begins to shine a little before nightfall, continues luminous during the night, CRYPTOGAMIC PLANTS. 93 and ceases to shine as soon as the sun rises. The same author says that he never saw the Agaricus olearius shine during the daytime, how- ever dark the room in which it was kept ; and we might remark upon this that fungi only vegetate at night. But M. Fabre has, more recently, ob- served that the phosphorescence of this agaric is not intermittent, as M. Delille supposes, and that it shines during the day as well as by night. Ex- posure of the plant to sunlight appears to have no influence whatever upon the phenomenon, " and does not prevent its manifestation as soon as the fungus is removed into a dark place." This seems, however, to indicate that the sun's light has, in reality, an influence upon the emission of light by this fungus during the daytime, and that the phenomenon observed by M. Fabre is probably a case of phosphorescence after insola- tion a circumstance not to be passed over slightly, as we see further on, that a similar fact has been observed in the insect world. M. Fabre has also shown that the dampness or dryness of the air does not appear to have any influence upon the phosphorescence of Agaricus olearius, unless indeed the dryness is so intense as to desiccate the tissue of the plant. An eleva- tion of temperature, within certain limits, does not modify the phenomenon : below H- 9 to -K 6 (centigrade) the light ceases, but the phosphores- 94 PHOSPHORESCENCE IN cence recommences when the temperature is gra- dually raised again above this point. If the plant has been kept for some time at freezing-point, it loses its phosphoric property completely. A warmth of +48 to +50 likewise destroys this peculiar property. In other respects the emission of light by this agaric is the same under water as in the air, and pure oxygen does not appear to augment its intensity. No elevation of tempera- ture can be observed in the parts of the fungus which shine. The phosphoric light emitted by Agaricus ole- arius is evolved from the head (pileus) of this fungus : the lamellce of the pileus, where the spo- rules or seeds are accumulated, are the seat of this extraordinary phenomenon. The byssoid fungi, which penetrate the tissues of other superior kinds of fungi, or into decayed wood, are frequently seen to'be phosphorescent, and the light observed is generally attributed to the decayed wood itself. This is very remarkable in old willows (Salix). Wood which is tender, like that of these willows, is often penetrated in all its parts by filaments of the mycelium of some infe- rior byssoid fungus, by which it acquires a pe- culiar fungoid smell, and becomes luminous in the dark. This light is curious to observe under the mi- croscope, in a dark room. CEYPTOGAMIC PLANTS. 95 It is not exactly known to what species of fun- gus decayed wood owes its phosphoric light, but we can, with much probability, attribute it to the mycelium of a certain Thelephora which Linnaeus has named Byssus phosphorea, placing it in the genus Byssus, because this illustrious naturalist was only acquainted with the filaments of the my- celium, and not with the entire plant. Agardh, who also saw the mycelium only, classed its filaments under the name of My cinema Fig. 12. phosphoreum, and other botanists have named them Conferva phosphorea and Auricularia phos- phorea. At the present day the fungus, of which these luminous filaments constitute a part the mycelium is known under the specific name of Thelephora ccerulea (fig. 12), on account of the fine blue colour observed upon the perfect plant. 96 PHOSPHORESCENCE IN It is quite possible, however, that the syno- nyms given above refer to more than one plant ; it is very probable also that many byssoid fungi are luminous in the dark, and that this phospho- ric property pertains to many other cryptogams. Adrien de Jussieu, in his ' Elements de Bota- nique/ remarks that certain kinds of wood become phosphorescent when they are exposed to the damp after they have been cut in full sap. The phosphoric light emitted in this case appears to be owing to one of the byssoid fungi just named. No Algce have, if I mistake not, been described as phosphorescent, although many whilst grow- ing under water reflect colours which perish al- most immediately when the plant is removed to the air. Of this class are several species of Cysto- seira, especially 0. ericoides, which, though really of a greenish-olive, appears when growing under water to be clothed with the richest phosphoric greens and blues, changing momently, as the branches move to and fro in the water. Similar colours, according to Harvey, have been observed, though in a less striking degree, on some of the RedAlgce, and the genus Iridcea derives its name from this phenomenon. Clwndrus crispus is ob- served to be occasionally iridescent, and at the Cape of Good Hope Ghampia compressa and Cliy- locladia Capensis present very brilliant rainbow colours, etc. "The cause of these brilliant co- CRYPTOGAMIC PLANTS. 97 lours/' says Professor Harvey, "has not been particularly sought after." I cannot say these pertain to phosphoric phe- nomena, but I have cited the above cases on ac- count of their curiosity. They appear rather to belong to the optical phenomenon of interference. Experiments made with a view of investiga- ting the physical causes of the phosphorescence of decayed wood, alluded to above as owing to a minute cryptogamic organism, have consisted in placing the luminous wood into different gases, plunging it under water, etc. Bockman has proved that phosphorescent wood is as luminous in pure nitrogen and in a void, as in pure oxygen, and that its light is extinguished even in oxygen gas, if the temperature be rather high; also, that it remains luminous under water. This ingenious experimentalist has remarked that moisture ex- alted, to a remarkable degree, the phosphoric in- tensity of decayed wood, and that it appeared es- sential for its manifestation. In general a certain degree of warmth and moisture, combined sometimes with a peculiar electrical state of the atmosphere though this does not always seem essential appear to be the most favourable conditions under which we ob- serve vegetable phosphorescence. PART III. ANIMAL PHOSPHOBESCENCE. 101 CHAPTER I. EMISSION OF LIGHT BY DEAD ANIMAL MATTER, IN this section of my work I shall speak of the emission of light by dead animal .matter, before entering upon the subject of phosphoric animals. It is well known that when the dead bodies of certain fish, more especially mackerels and her- rings, are exposed to the air for a short time, they soon become luminous in the dark. When they are in this state, if we merely rub the finger over the luminous surface of the dead fish, we re- cognize the presence of an oily substance, which renders the finger luminous, as if it had been rubbed upon phosphorus. This grease, when separated from the body of the fish by means of a knife, and placed upon a plate of glass, continues to shine in the dark. When examined under the microscope, not a ves- tage of infusoria or other animalcule is seen in it, which otherwise, as we shall see further, might account for its luminosity. 102 EMISSION OF LIGHT BY When these dead fish are placed in sea-water, they render it luminous in the course of a few days, the phosphorescence of the sea is however owing to a different cause, and the water then shines in a uniform, manner, i.e. everywhere with equal intensity : if it be passed through a filter it continues to shine as before. These facts prove clearly that this singular phosphorescence is not owing to any luminous animalcules. Water that has been rendered luminous by dead fish loses its transparency, becomes milky, and acquires a repulsive odour; in the space of four or five days it ceases to be luminous. Hulme, who has made numerous observations on this particular case of phosphorescence, says that the luminous greasy substance of the herring soon loses its phosphoric properties in pure water. Alcohol, acids, and alkalis also prevent its shining. Common salt and honey appear, on the contrary, to assist this phosphorescence. Sometimes also, when the latter has been extinguished by one means or another, it can be brought back again : thus, in one of Hulme' s experiments, twenty -four grammes of sulphate of magnesia, dissolved in twenty-one grammes of water, and mixed with the luminous substance of the mackerel, com- pletely extinguished its light ; but if to this mix- ture six times its volume of water were added, it became luminous again. The same observer also JDEAD ANIMAL MATTER. 103 remarked that the quantity of light produced in phosphorescent putrefactions diminishes as the process of putrefaction itself advances. Cold prevents the phenomenon of phosphores- cence in dead fish, but only temporarily, for the light bursts forth again with its usual intensity as soon as the temperature becomes milder. It has been also seen that this phosphorescence is ac- companied by no production of heat in the parts which shine. We have already noticed this fact in the mineral and in the vegetable world, and we shall notice it again when speaking of luminous animals. Boiling water and high temperatures destroy the phosphorescence which occupies us here. I have myself proved the exactness of most of the above facts whilst studying the body of a dead stockfish (Ray a) in a luminous condition. In a short note published in the ' Comptes-Rendus' of the Paris Academy of Sciences for I860, I have shown by direct chemical experiment that no phos- phorus can be found in the luminous grease which shines upon fish. I was at first inclined to attri- bute their phosphorescence to the presence of some microscopic fungi, but at present I am more inclined to believe it is owing to some peculiar organic matter which possesses the property of shining in the dark like phosphorus itself. The bodies of other marine animals shine after 104 EMISSION OF LIGHT J5F death, none perhaps so vividly as that of the Pholas, a mollusk well known to those who reside on the coast. That this mollusk was luminous after death was known to Pliny, who said that it shone in the mouths of the persons who ate it ; and among the moderns, Keaumur, Beccaria, Marsilius, Galea- tus, and Montius have studied its phosphores- cence. Beccaria had the curiosity to ascertain how the light of putrescent fish, and that of the dead pholas, affected different colours, and for this pur- pose he placed in the light emitted, pieces of dif- ferent coloured ribbons. The white came out brightest, next -to that was the yellow, and then the green-, the other colours could hardly be per- ceived. The same experiment was repeated, with similar results, on trying coloured liquids in glass tubes. We have here then another instance of the predominance of yellow tints over the others in cases of phosphorescence. Indeed Sir Isaac New- ton, who first decomposed light into the seven rays of the spectrum, says, " The most luminous of the prismatic colours are the yellow and the orange ; these affect the senses more strongly than all the rest together." These experiments of Beccaria were made chiefly with the Pholas. A single pholas rendered seven ounces of milk so luminous that the faces of per- sons might be distinguished by it, and it looked as if transparent. DEAD ANIMAL MATTER. 105 Beccaria and Reaumur made many attempts to render the luminosity of the pholas permanent. The best result was obtained by placing the dead mollusk in honey, by which its property of emit- ting light lasted more than a year ; whenever it was plunged into warm water the body of the pholas gave as much light as ever. Galeatus and Montius showed that vinegar and wine extinguished the light of the dead pholades; that a heat of 45 Reaumur (56 centigrade) ex- tinguished this light, though it had increased in intensity up to that temperature, and that it could not afterwards be brought back again. Many other less remarkable experiments have been noted by the above-named authors. Most saltwater fish become phosphorescent in the dark, like those mentioned above ; and con- cerning those which inhabit fresh water I have heard it stated that the ovaries of the carp have been seen in a phosphorescent state. Mr. Canton has observed that several kinds of river fish could not be made to give light in the same circumstances in which sea-fish became lu- minous, but that a piece of carp made water very luminous, though the outside or scaly part of it did not shine at all. In 1672 Boyle published a paper in the ' Philo- sophical Transaction s/ containing observations upon shining flesh. He treats in this paper of the 106 EMISSION OF LIGHT BY phosphorescence of a neck of veal, which shone in more than twenty places, as decayed wood or putre- fying fish, do. In 1 838, M. Julia de Fontenelle related in his ' Journal des Sciences Physiques et Chimiques/ a curious case of phosphorescent light observed upon the dead body of a man. Such cases of phosphorescence are not unfrequent in dissecting rooms, but often escape observation, as neither students nor professors visit these rooms at night, and when a person does happen to enter them after dark, the light he carries in his hand is too powerful to allow him to perceive the phosphoric radiations which often emanate from fragments of dead bodies lying about. As this chapter is devoted exclusively to the phosphorescence of animal matter which has lost its vitality, I have reserved certain observations concerning evolutions of light by living subjects for a future one. All the observations we possess regarding the nature of the light emitted by dead animal matter coincide with those of Robert Boyle, published as stated above, in the year 1672. When all the lucid parts of the shining neck of veal were surveyed at once, they made, he tells us, " a very splendid show." By applying a printed paper to some of the more luminous spots, divers letters of the title could be distinguished. But notwithstanding the DEAD ANIMAL MATTER. 107 vividness of the light, it did not yield the least degree of heat appreciable either to the touch or by the thermometer. Boyle was often disappointed in his experiments made with a view of obtaining shining flesh at will. The luminous neck of veal was observed on the 15th of February, 1672, by one of his servants. Suspecting that the state of the atmosphere had something to do with it, he carefully noticed that the wind was south-west and blustering, the air hot for the season, the moon past its last quarter, and the mercury in the barometer at 29-^ inches. The first distinct account that I meet with of light proceeding from putrescent flesh is that which is given by Fabricio d'Acquapendente, who says that when three Eoman youths residing at Padua had bought a lamb and had eaten part of it on Easter-day, 1592, several pieces of the re- mainder which they kept till the day following shone like so many candles when viewed in the dark. Part of this luminous flesh was sent to Fa- bricio d'Acquapendente, who was then Professor of Anatomy in Padua. He observed that both the lean and the fat shone with a white kind of light, and that some pieces of kid's flesh which had lain in contact with it were luminous, as well as the fingers of the persons who touched it. Those parts shone most which were soft to the touch, and which appeared more or less transhicid when held before a lighted candle. 108 EMISSION OF LIGHT BY The next account of a similar appearance was described by Bartholin, the celebrated Danish philosopher, as seen at Montpelier in 1641. A poor woman had bought a piece of flesh in the market, intending to make use of it the day fol- lowing ; but happening not to sleep well that night, and her bed and pantry being in the same room, she observed so much light come from the flesh as to illuminate all the place where it hung. This flesh was shown to many persons as a curi- osity, and kept till it began to putrefy, when the light vanished. After these come Boyle's observations alluded to above. It has often occurred to me that this singular production of light in dead animal matter precedes putrefaction; no disagreeable smell is observed until the luminous appearance has lasted some time. Boyle was also aware of this, for he says, "Notwithstanding the great number of lucid parts/' referring to his neck of veal, " not the least degree of stench was perceivable to infer any putre- faction." Water does not destroy the phosphorescence of dead animal matter ; but alcohol, acids, etc., soon extinguished it. According to Boyle's experi- ments, a piece of shining flesh shone less, but did not lose its light, when placed in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump ; " but," he adds, ( ' by the DEAD ANIMAL MATTER. 109 hasty increase of light that disclosed itself in the veal upon admitting the air into the exhausted receiver, it appeared that the decrement, though slowly made, had been considerable." The lumi- nosity of flesh generally lasts about four days, after which putrefaction sets in rapidly. A peculiar mucilaginous substance, or mucus, is sometimes seen about spring, on the damp ground near rivulets or stagnant pools in the fields, which, from the circumstance of its being occasionally phosphorescent at night, has been regarded, since the middle ages, as having some connection with shooting stars. The Belgian pea- sants call it " the substance of shooting stars." I have sketched the history of this curious sub- stance in the ' Journal de Medecine et de Pharma- cologie' of Bruxelles, for 1855. It was analysed chemically by Mulder, and anatomically by Carus, and from their observations appears to be the pe- culiar mucus which envelops the eggs of the frog. It swells to an enormous volume when it has free access to water. As seen upon the damp ground in spring, it was often mistaken for some species of fungus; it is however simply the spawn cf frogs, which has been swallowed by some large crows or other birds, and afterwards vomited, from its peculiar property of swelling to an im- mense size in their bodies. From the fact of this mucilaginous matter having been sometimes ob- 110 DEAD ANIMAL MATTER. served in a luminous state at night, the Dutch and Belgian peasants imagine that it has been dropped upon the ground by some passing shoot- ing star; and in Mulder' s account of its chemical composition, given by Berzelius in his ' Rapport Annuel' (French edition), he distinguishes it by the designation of " mucilage atmospherique." My attention was called lately to a case of lumi- nous urine, observed by a friend of mine, in 1859, during a warm summer in Paris. It was observed to shine with a slight phosphoric light when stirred. I was at first inclined to attribute this to a phe- nomenon of reflection, but I find that the same fact was observed many years ago by two well- known medical men, Reiselius and Pettenkofer, one of whom witnessed this phosphorescence in November, and the other in March. It appears, therefore, evident that urine may become lumi- nous in certain circumstances with which we are not acquainted. The old chemist Lemery has, moreover, remarked that urine is sometimes phos- phorescent. Ill CHAPTER II. EMISSION OF LIGHT BY INFERIOR ORGANISMS. PHOSPHORESCENCE OF THE SEA. I SHALL now enter upon the subject of Phosphoric Animals; i.e. of the phenomenon of phosphorescence in living animal organisms. And in the first place I shall draw attention to a curious fact. With the exception of a few more or less doubtful cases, to which I shall allude at the end of this part of my work, the faculty of producing light seems, in the animal world, to cease with the class of insects. But, on the other hand, from insects downwards, there is scarcely a section of the animal world but which furnishes us with some self-luminous beings. Thus decided cases of phosphorescence have been and are frequently observed, in Infusoria, Rhizo- podes, Polypes, Echinoderms, Annelides, Medusae, Tunicata, MollusJcs, Crustaceans, Myriapodes, and Insects. It would indeed require volumes to describe each luminous animal belonging to these numer- ous tribes. I shall not attempt it here, but I 112 EMISSION OF LIGHT shall call attention to the most remarkable of them. Their zoological descriptions, i.e. their nature and habits, can be found in other works. A vast number of these inferior organisms render the waters of the ocean luminous in every latitude. The little beings classed in the genus Noctiluca, which resemble the larger kinds of In- fusoria, but belong in reality to the class of Wdzo- podes, play an important part in the illumination of the sea. Polypes , Medusae, a whole host of In- fusoria, some Worms, and some small Crustaceans, contribute also to the beauty of this phenomenon. In the years 1749 and 1750, Vianelli and Grix- ellini, two Venetian naturalists, discovered in the waters of the Adriatic, considerable quantities of an animalcule evidently possessed of luminous pro- perties. They immediately attributed to this sin- gular being, the cause of the phosphorescence of the sea, a phenomenon which to that day had re- mained a mystery. This animalcule received from Linnasus the name of Nereis noctiluca. In 1776, Spallanzani was made aware of the self-luminous properties of a Mediterranean blub- ber, Pellagia phosphorea, and at the commence- ment of the present century Yiviani made known the following fifteen species of phosphoric animals, Asterias noctiluca, Gy clops exiliens, Gammarus caudisetus, G. longicornis, G. truncatus, G. hetero- j G. crassimanus, Nereis mucronata, N. radi- SY INFERIOR ORGANISMS. 113 ata, Lumbricus hirticauda, L. simplicissimus, Pla- naria retusa, Srachiurus quadruples, andSpirogra- phis Spallanzanii. Some of these were found off the coast of Genoa in 1805. Scoresby and Eiville soon recognized other phosphorescent species, which they dredged from the ocean in their voyages. Macartney made known, in 1810, the luminous Medusa scintillans, M. lucida, and another curious little being closely allied to Medusas, called Beroe fulgens. Peron and Lesueur, in their voyage from Europe to the Isle of France, discovered the Pyro- soma Atlantica (fig. 12 : 1, the entire animal mag- Fig. 12. nified ; 2, the phosphorescent surface of the body, magnified 300 diameters), one of the most curious of animals. It belongs to the tribe of Tunicata; each individual resembles a minute cylinder of glowing phosphorus ; sometimes they are seen adhering together in such prodigious numbers, that the ocean appears as if covered with an enor- i 114 < EMISSION OF LIGHT mous layer of shining phosphorus or molten lava. These singular productions of nature are met with between 19 and 20 of longitude east of Paris, and 3 and 4 north latitude. The no less curious animals belonging to the genus Salpa (fig. 13, Salpa cristata : 1, an iso- lated individual; 2, five Salpae united as they swim), also classed in the Tunicata, abound in the Fig. 13. Mediterranean and warmer parts of the ocean. They are often phosphorescent. They also swim, adhering together in vast numbers; their phos- phorescence resembles the light of the moon on the still waters, and they give rise to what is termed by the French a mer de lait, or sea of milk. Sir Joseph Banks, in his voyage from Madeira to Rio Janeiro, discovered the little crab Cancer fulgens, a species said to be very phosphorescent. In nearly the same latitude that this discovery was made, Medusa pellucens was met with; its phosphorescence is described as resembling a flash of lightning. BY INFERIOR ORGANISMS. 115 In 1810, M. Suriray showed that the phospho- rescence of the sea in the English Channel was owing exclusively to Noctiluca miliaris, a very mi- nute Rhizopode, which has since been studied by Fig. 14. M. de Quatrefages, of Paris, and Dr. Verhaghe, of Ostend. (Fig. 14, Noctiluca miliaris : I, The animal 116 EMISSION OF LIGHT highly magnified; 2, less magnified; 3, as seen with a pocket lens on the surface of a glass of water; 4, as they descend through the water, glowing with phosphorescent light, when the glass is shaken.) In the year 1830, Michaelis, a distinguished professor at Kiel, was, according to Humboldt, the first to make known the existence of Phosphoric Infusoria. He first observed the phenomenon of phosphorescence in a species of the genus Peridinium (fig. 15), a ciliated animalcule, and Fig. 15. afterwards in Prorocentrum micausj* and in the * It is exceedingly probable that this animalcule will be placed among the Khizopodes; and the same remark may apply to many now-called Infusoria. In this microscopic class of ani- mals, as it undergoes fresh investigations, the species are con- tinually being removed and placed in higher genera, families or classes. Thus the Rotifera are now classed among the Annelides. BY INFERIOR ORGANISMS. 117 Rotifer which he has named Synchata Baltica, indicating that it is found in the Baltic Sea. The naturalist Focke has since found this re- markable little being in the lagune of Venice. Ehrenberg has described the following species of self-luminous Infusoria existing in the Baltic : Prorocentrum micans, an oval-shaped animalcule with a long cilium, and containing many trans- parent nucleoles (fig. 16) ; Peridinium Michaelis, Fig. 16. P.micans, P.fusus, P. f urea, P. acuminatum, Syn- chata Baltica, and a species of Stentor (S. igneus?) . Peridinium Michaelis (fig. 1 7), named after the distinguished naturalist already alluded to, is not unlike a very minute Florence flask filled with plums, standing upon two legs, and hav- ing a ciliated belt round its middle. It is perfectly invisible to the naked eye. The other species are very odd-look- ing creatures, which it is impossible to describe here. Flg - 17> 118 EMISSION OF LIGHT The interesting Synchata Baltica (fig. 18) be- longs to the tribe of Hydatinea, of which many individuals are common in our ditches and stag- nant freshwaters. The largest of these phosphorescent Infusoria described by Ehrenberg, are about one-eighth 01 a line, the smallest are from a forty- eighth to a ninety-sixth of a line in size. They offer a Tig. 18. magnificent spectacle when placed under the mi- croscope in a dark room. Ehrenberg has likewise studied certain species of Photocharis, marine animalcules which resemble Nereis among the worms ; and, when seen under the microscope, appear like minute strings of lighted sulphur. The phosphoric light they emit is of a greenish-yellow, similar to that of the com- BY INFERIOR ORGANISMS. 119 mon glowworm. Oceana hemispJi