UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCH1TECTUR7VL DEPARTMENT LIBRARY - GIFT OF Mrs. Lydia Earth BRAYTON STANDARDS A Pocket Companion for The Uniform Design of Reinforced Concrete by Louis F. Brayton Consulting Engineer Minneapolis 1906 640 ^7 / Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1906, by Louis F. Bray ton, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ARCHITECT . uwwp J Mt d Price $3.00. Preface Reinforced concrete has ceased to be an ex- periment in the hands of the specialist. The strength of the various members required in the composition of a structure, can be as safely calcu- lated in reinforced concrete as they can be in wood or steel. The principal difficulty at the present time lies in the fact that the specialists doing this class of work are largely in the employ of companies who are exploiting some particular feature in the line of reinforcement. Architects and engineers have grown into the habit of specifying that the contractor shall furnish the designs for the reinforced portions of the work under consideration. General contractors in turn have been obliged to go to subcontractors who make a specialty of this line of work to get the de- signs. The result has been that no two competi- tors base their bids upon the same design. The one accepted may be unnecessarily expensive be- cause of the patented features in the reinforcement used, or it may be unsafe because of the insuffici- ency in the materials, or an inefficiency in the design. Brayton Standards is a compilation of informa- tion acquired from actual experience, coupled with the necessary theory. The methods of construc- tion shown are not merely theoretical, but have been put into practice and found highly efficient and economical. No patented bars are used, although there could be no objection to them if placed in equivalent quantities, and in the forms shown. Plain, round rods are the cheapest form of rein- forcement, as they may be bought in any market and are not subject to the prices quoted upon bars of special design. They will accomplish every duty required of them if they are placed in the proper form, as indicated in the accompanying details. Where some form of distorted bar is consider- ed necessary to aid the adhesion of the concrete, plain twisted square bars will serve every purpose. These may be obtained from many sources with- out extra cost, except that added for the labor of twisting. The primary object in placing these tables and details in such form as to be available for the use of all, is to enable arthitects and engineers who have not made a specialty of this class of work, to show the complete drawings required to properly illustrate a structure in reinforced concrete, so that all contractors bidding upon the work will bid on a uniform basis, and upon a design which is entirely satisfactory to all those concerned. Brayton Standards are conservative, and as accurate as is consistent with this class of work. It is hoped that the use of them will render the design of reinforced concrete as easy for architects, engineers and builders as is the design of a steel structure at the present time. TABLE OF CONTENTS Principles of Design 3- 5 The Theory 6- 9 The Location of the Steel 10-11 Distribution of Load in a Rectangular Panel 12-14 Slab Reinforcement 15-18 Bending Moment in Slabs for various Types of Reinforcement - 19-21 Bending Moment in Slabs for Various Loads and Spans 22-25 Properties of Slabs 26-28 Moment of Resistance of Slabs 29-42 Capacities of Slabs 43-45 Properties, Area and Tension of Wire 46-51 Properties, Area, Tension and Weight of Rods 52-61 Beam Reinforcement - 62-66 Bending Moment in Beams 67-70 Moment of Resistance in Beams 71-74 Shear Loops for Beams 75 Columns 76-85 Column Binders - - - - 86-87 TABLE OF CONTENTS Footings - - - 88-90 Stairs 91-92 Adhesion of Concrete to Rods - 93-94 Lumber for Forms 95-98 Proportions of Material in Concrete 99-103 Shop Details ------ 102-110 Dedication to the Public. Several patents have been issued to me for Reinforced Concrete Construction involving principles utilized in the Uniform Design set forth in this book; and various additional applications for patents have been filed by me relating to such structures. Wishing to ren- der available to the public this design for Reinforced Concrete Con- struction, I have executed an instrument dedicating and giving to the public all my rights under the said patents and under any ad- ditional patents which may be granted on any of the said applica- tions. Hereinbelow is printed a copy of the said instrument of dedi- cation, identifying the said patents and applications Dedication to the Public. WHEREAS certain United States and Canadian patents have hitherto been issued to me relating to Reinforced Concrete Construc- tion; and whereas certain applications for United States Letters Pa- tents have hitherto been filed by me relating to such construction; and whereas I am desirous of rendering available to the public all of the said devices; NOW, THEREFORE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Be it known, I hereby dedicate and give to the public all my rights under each and all of the hereinbelow identified patents and all rights which may be invested in me under any additional patents which may he granted on the hereinbelow applications, or any thereof. The said patents arid applications above referred to are identified as follows: United States Patents No. 786,622 issued to me of date April, 4 1905 and No. 791,046 issued to me of date June 6, 1905. Canadian patents No's 94,883; 94,884; 94,885 and 94.886, all issued to me of date August 29, 1905. Canadian patents No. 92,906 issued to me of date May 22, 1905; No. 92,669 issued to me of date April 18, 1905; and No. 94,875 issued to me of date August 29, 1905. Applications for United States Letters Patent S, N. 220,745, filed by me August 15, 1904; S. N. 221,592, filed August 22, 1904; S. N. 221,593, filed August 22, 1904; S. N. 222,056 filed August 25, 1904; and S. N. 245,816 filed February 16, 1905. Sigend at Minneapolis, Minnesota, this 25th day of April, 1906. Louis F. BRAYTOX In the presence of James F. Williamson, Frank D. Merchant Patent Attorneys, 925-933 Guaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COl'NTY OF HENNEPIN. On this 25th day of April, 1906, before me, a Notary Public in and for the County aforesaid, personally appeared Louis F. Brayton, to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his own free act and deed. Stephen Mahoney, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota. SKAL. My Commission expires February 7, 1913. THE UNIFORM DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE REINFORCED CONCRETE. Principles of Design In the planning of a structure in reinforced concrete, as well as in other materials, there are two questions of utmost importance: The question of capacity to preform the duties imposed upon the structure, and the question of cost. The two are so closely related that each must be kept continually in mind when the other is under consideration. The tables contained herein, are prepared in such a way as to be simple in their use, but it is left to the designer to use them to the best advan- tage from the standpoint of economy. Particular attention is called to the use of continuous construction in slabs, and especially when it is used in the form of * 'two-way' ' rein- forcement, supported upon the four sides of the panel. The maximum economy is here attained. A word of caution, however, may prevent an error in the calculation of oblong panels of the ' 'two- way'' type.. The method by which these panels are calculated is explained on page 12. Another frequent source of error is the neglect of the end span, where continuous reinforcement is used. This span should be calculated by a different for- mula, as noted in connection with the illustrations on page 21. See also the discussion on page 20. The question of economy of a structure maybe largely influenced by the designer, if proper atten- tion is paid to the forms which will be required in construction. For instance, consider that a nine-story warehouse may be under construction: The first, second and third floors may have a capacity of 500 pounds per square foot; the fourth and fifth floors BRAYTON STANDARDS a capacity of 300 pounds per square foot, and the remaining floors 200 pounds per square foot, except the roof, which need be calculated for only 50 pounds liveload. If one were to design this build- ing without particular reference to the forms, he might assume certain sized beams for the first three floors, then, as the capacity reduces in the floors above, the beams might be correspondingly reduced in their dimensions, as well as in the rods used for tension purposes. The roof might have beams of a very small size compared with those used in the floors. From the standpoint of economy, the sizes of beams should be maintained the same throughout the building, if at all possible, for the reason that it will be far more economical to buy enough lumber for only about one third the floors, manufacture the beams into permanent forms, and use them three times during the construction of the building, than to rebuild the forms for so many different sizes of beams. With this arrangement, as the lower floors become sufficiently set to become se If supporting, the forms maybe removed and used in the upper stories. If the beams in the upper stories are of smaller dimensions than they are below, the labor of remodeling forms will cost far more than the extra concrete would if the beams were made of the same dimensions as used under the heavier capacities. Even the roof with its ex- tremely light load may be more economical if the large sized beams are used. If for any reason it is necessary to change the sizes of the beams, then the dimensions should be arranged in such a way that the forms can be conveniently changed without ripping the lumber. This might be attained by making an even four-inch change in depth, so that if the BRAYTON STANDARDS forms were built using a 2x4 in the side, it could be removed to give the shallower depth beam. The same principal occurs in the construction of columns. It is economy to use the same sized columns from the basement to roof, or at least, not change the size of columns more than once, throughout the height of the column stack. If the column is changed in size one or two inches at every story, it will mean not only remodeling all column forms, but the splicing out of beam forms in order to make them properly fit the new dimensions. BRAYTON STANDARDS The Theory For those who wish to know the basis upon which these tables are calculated, and for use under conditions which may arise outside of those covered, the accompanying diagram and explana- tion are given. Where such points as the neutral axis, center of compression, etc., are assumed, suffice it to say that the assumptions have been based upon tests from numerous sources, and that although the theory may be impirical in some ways, it certainly is not in error more than two or three per cent. In consideration of the materials used and the high factors of safety required, closer calculation than this would amounts to hair splitting. Points in the following discussion are graphical- ly shown on page 7. It is assumed the compression area is a tri- angle with its center of gravity at two-thirds of the height. The neutral axis is located at a depth of 0.45 of the distance from the extreme compression fibre to the center of tension. Thus the effective depth which is the distance between the centers of tension and compression, is equal to 0.85 of the distance of the center of tension from the extreme compression fibre. The moment of resistance is equal to the effective depth multiplied by the ten- sion. The exact location of the 'neutral axis is not of great importance for it can be seen that if it were lowered, increasing the compression tri- angle, the effective depth would also be decreas- ed and the moment of resistance consequently in- fluenced in a lesser degree. Considering a beam 12 inches wide and 1 inch deep from the extreme compression fibre to the BRAYTON STANDARDS centre of gravity of the steel, the compression area is found to be 2.7 square inches, with a total pres- sure of 1350 pounds. The effective depth is 0.85 of the total depth, and the tension required in steel is 1350 pounds, all as shown by the diagram. The moment of resistance in foot pounds is equal to the stress in the steel multiplied by the effective depth in feet, giving a result of 95.62 foot pounds. CALCULATION DIAGRAM F-O* 5LAE>5 EXTREME. FiBR^L 5o - of N* E: 1 . t h ZI ,,J 0. nj P (0 |o.SSTt>HE.UTR./kUA>t.lSJ o.^fS - -t o. II a L ^- ^ This diagram is designed with the idea that the extreme fibre will attain its full safe capacity of 500 pounds per square inch, which is a fact- or of safety of at least four on the concrete when the steel is stressed to one half its elastic limit, giving the regulation factor of safety of two required for steel in combination with concrete. BRAYTON STANDARDS If the bending moment is such as not to re- quire the full development of the concrete in com- pression the conditions will change only in the amount of tension supplied, and the pressure on the concrete or the location of the neutral axis need not be considered. If only 56.6 foot pounds of resistance were required, then only 800 pounds tension would be needed in the steel and the area would be reduced by one-half. For the properties of any beam developing the full capacity of the concrete, the process of calcu- lation is merely by comparison with the beam 1 inch deep as already explained. Thus, where the depth means the distance from the extreme compression fibre to the center of tension in inches, the total capacity in pounds of the compression flange of a rectangular beam is 1350 times the depth. The tension being always equal to the compression in a beam, the maximum tension in pounds which a beam can take is also equal to 1350 times the depth in inches. Steel supplying tension in addition to this amount would be wasted. Since the tension in a beam and the effect- ive depth, or the moment arm, are each directly proportional to the depth, the moment of resistance, which is the product of the two, is proportional to the square of the depth. Hence, by comparison with the beam one inch in depth, the moment of resistance of any beam in foot pounds is equal to 95.62 times the square of the depth in inches. Example: (1). What is the moment of resist- ance of a reinforced concrete beam 12 inches wide by 20 inches deep. (2). What is the area of steel required, the steel having an elastic limit of 32,000 pounds per square inch. (3). What area of steel would be required to give a moment of resistance of 34,000 foot pounds. BRAYTON STANDARDS 9 Answer. (1) Moment of resistance=95.62X20 2 =38248 foot pounds (2) Area of Steel =-=1.69 square inches. 16000 (3) Area of Steel= 34000X12 g 0.85X20X16000 10 BRAYTON STANDARDS The Location of the Steel. A reinforced concrete beam or floor slab is nothing less than a truss, and it may be treated in exactly the same manner. A truss may have its tension web members on the vertical or diagonal. It is equally good either way, but the efficiency of these members is absolutely limited by the strength of their connections at either the bottom or the top chord. The same thing is true of the reinforced con- crete truss. It should be laid out with an effect- ive depth of 0.85 of the total depth, and calcu- lated in the same manner as a truss of any ordi- nary type. The concrete will fulfill the require- ments of compression in the top chord and web, and steel should be placed to take the tension in the lower chord and web. Steel web members, as in the ordinary truss, should be proportioned to the stresses in them and they should be provided with a method of connection to each chord of suf- ficient strength to develop these stresses. Abeam or girder is usually used in connec- tion with the floor slab, and the two are so thoroughly bonded together that they act as one in the form of a tee-section. The slab, like the compression flange of an I-beam, assists in pro- viding the compression strains in the beam. There is a source for argument as to how far out into the slab it may be considered that the tee-section extends, the slab acting with and as a part of the compression area of the beam; but it is perfectly logical to assume that this slab does take some of the compression of the beam, the same as the flange plates in a plate girder are made to resist the compression stresses by means of their con- BRAYTON STANDARDS 11 nection through the flange angles and rivets to the web. In ordinary construction, where the floor slab runs as thick as 5 or 6 inches and the ten- sion stresses of the beam are not exceptionally large, there is not much question but that the slab will supply all of the compression required, without assuming its width to be more than three or four feet. In thin slabs, however, or where the beam is of such a high capacity as to require a great amount of steel in the tension flange, the slab may be called upon to supply an excessive amount of compression. In this case the test of how wide a portion of the slab may be considered as acting in compression with the beam, should be the shear- ing value of the slab both vertically and horizon- tally where it connects with the beam. The prin- cipal is the same as the calculation of rivet spacing in the flange of a plate girder. If the arrangement of steel is provided as shown in the standards, the shear along the plane of the lower side of the slab is amply provided for within the steel members as they pass from the lower flange of the beam, up into the slab and over the point of support. In cases where the slab is so thin as not to be considered of value in providing compression, steel reinforcement in the form of rods imbedded in the compression chord of the beam should be provided in sufficient quantity to give it the required strength and reduce the fibre strain in the concrete to a maximum of 500 pounds to the square inch. In placing these rods in the compression chord of the beam, care should be taken that they are so located as to be thoroughly bonded to the rest of the beam by means of their intermingling with the shear loops. 12 BRAYTON STANDARDS Distribution of Load in a Rectangular Panel. From the standpoint of economy it is advis- able always to reinforce a concrete slab in two directions. By this arrangement of the steel, whether it is simple or continuous, the load is carried in two directions and is supported on the four sides of the panel by means of the surround- ing beams or walls. In order to calculate the proportion of the load, both the live and the dead, which is carried in each of the two directions, it is necessary to calculate the strains caused in the oblong panel under the deflection obtained. It will be readily seen that under a given deflection a much greater strain will be caused in the direction of the short span than in the direction of the long span, for the distortion is proportionally greater. It is unnecessary to explain the details of the calculations to arrive at the accompanying table given on page 14. The results are in the most convenient form. The first column of the table gives the ratio of the length to the breadth, the second column in the table gives the proportion of the load per square foot which is carried by the short span, and the third column gives the proportion of the load which is carried by the long span. It, will be seen that in a panel perfectly square, where the length is equal to the breadth, the ratio is one, and that an equal amount of the load is carried in each direction. In this case the designer would assume the dead and live load per square foot, divide this by two, and calculate the thick, ness of slab, and the amount of reinforcement re- BRAYTON STANDARDS 13 quired to carry this load on the span given. The total reinforcement required for the slab would be equal to double the amount required by this calcu- lation, as it would be used in both directions. In case the ratio of the length to the breath should be 1.2, the table shows that 0.675 of the load is carried on the short span and 0.325 of it is carried on the long span. The method of calcu- lation in this case would be to consider 0.675 of the total load per spuare foot as being carried on the short span, and the thickness of slab and rein- forcement would be determined by these assump- tions. The thickness of the slab being thus de- termined, it remains only to calculate the reinforce- ment required in the long direction of the panel. This is done by placing sufficient steel in the slab already calculated to give a moment of resistance equal to the bending moment caused by 0.325 of the total load being carried on the long span. Particular attention is called to the fact that in all formulae given in connection with the dia- grams, W represents that portion of the total dead and live loads per square foot, which is carried in the direction of the span under consideration. It will be readily seen that a panel very oblong is not an economical proposition, and the designer should make every effort to keep the rectangles as near square as possible. 14 BRAYTON STANDARDS Distribution of Load in a Rectangular Panel. L.E.NQTH T^ELOT^O-G-TI M or* TOTAL. L.OAD PE.R ^>o u AT^E: - TOOT WHICH JS CARRIED 5V rHt^HO^TOPA,N "Peo F"O JE. T 1 M SF TOTAL. L.OAD P "OQ.UA,RE. FOOT WHICH 1'CAEEIE.D " LDHC,^PAH DP.HADTH 1.0 0.5"oo 0.5oo t.l 0.595 O.^oS 1.2. 0.475 0.32S 1.3 0.14o O.E4o 1.4 0.19o 0.210 1.5 O.63S O.IC5 1.6 0. 665 0.135 l.T 0.695 O. loS u 0.915 0.065 {.9 0.93o O.Olo 1.0 0.94o O.od>O BRAYTON STANDARDS 15 Slab Reinforcement. These standards illustrate the different methods of placing round rod reinforcement within slabs as required to fulfil the various conditions. In cases where slabs bear upon walls, it may be impossible to get continuous construction, and the simple span, "one way" reinforcement may be the one type available. The designer should always, if possible, man- age to insert beams so as to divide up the slab into rectangular panels as near square as possible, and to place the steel in two directions. This "two- way" reinforcement has an economy in it, whether it be of the simple or continuous type, for, because of the panel effect, it is permissible to calculate the bending moment more economically. In slabs, reinforcement should be placed so as to provide for the shear. This is especially true where long spans are used. Shear is amply pro- vided for when the rods are placed as shown in the accompanying details. Attention is called to the method of placing similar rods in continuous construction, so as to provide a truss form, within the concrete, the truss being accomplished by means of the alternate arrangement of the rods. 16 BRAYTON STANDARDS 1 i L 1 i 4 1 - - L i 1 T. " 1 _ _ 3 si i 1 T" 9 ! ii u 1 ft ^ i ^ l- ' .;' ^ i i f 1 ! Ci 1 1 i. J 1 T 2 ] 2 J "'""a id ^. fit / V - l E ro Z i. *< B DD -N i kJ < 1 v 1 i a 1 1 ii ' I a i 1 ! s: ' 'j I -i i fen ^ o [ 1 ~ ~ - : I i z: a 3 n tNT CALCULATE. L* I u ^_ I / [ s Z ? , 0j H o z i o 2 T Ol i PS s 7 \ 5 J H a j H o i i ^1 1 > 15- h r u a S Tt T5t TMO TMt 5tND ^*1 Z i BRAYTON STANDARDS 17 Z u I u U 01 E r u pi 5 u z o o D H Z O u .__ " :: " " " : " ... V z -^' 2 z 0j C to 55 ?' DS 7" Z! :| i (^ ' t z z J i i C _ . 1 1 J _ _ ._ _ _ . . -J a 18 BRAYTON STANDARDS 1 3 1 : , ' : ! 1 Ij. 7 f5 -] _ " T^ i _ u - I ' j 1 1 J ! 1 i 1 1 c 1 C \ L i 1 i |Z . . - L -1 - - - - T -- -- - - u - 1 ; J_ - - - - - 1 - ~ft~ , J k Z o h \J U a CHON I 1 3 1 < C >. g < 1 T J i p :-, s i : h I L J i _ '. U - ^ - 3 S - 1. - - . . I. 1 r _ - ... - r - - - i- - - . C - < 1 i a in T ! 1*0 D Z " 1 i h | r i 10 I H '1 1 - - - - T C - - 1 ~ - ; i. L ' [ r- -I i NOTL C - lot M H .a fc c / w lit 3 MM D' 2I.C T )L Or< Ltc Ll nt Tt Cl H\' N't) D M PC r. D-stc-noN o'T.t Et.NToBcrKtMi K,H^ AUULMTD- 5tr. BRAYTON STANDARDS 19 Bending Moment in Slabs for Various Types of Reinforcement. On page 21 are illustrated two general styles of reinforcement, the simple and the continuous. The simple span under some conditions may be combined with the continuous construction, as shown between the other two types. Either the simple span, or the continuous span, or the combination single and continuous span may be used in two directions i n the same panel. Thus, in all, there will be six types of reinforcement, and under every type a different formula is used for the calculation of the bending moment. For the simple span one-way type of reinforce- ment, M is equal to /^ WL 2 where M equals the bending moment in foot pounds, W equals the dead plus the live loads per square foot, and L equals the span in feet. When this type of reinforcement is used in two directions the strength of the slab is very materially increased because of its being supported on the four sides, and it will be more than twice as strong, as if it were supported on two sides. Under these con- ditions the bending moment is considered equal to 1-10 WL* in each direction, W being considered that portion of the total dead and live loads per square foot (see the table on page 14) carried on the span under consideration. For the combination of the simple and the con- tinuous type one-way reinforcement, M is equal to 1-9 WL 2 , and for this same reinforcement of the two-way type M may be considered equal to 1-11 WL 2 in each direction, W and L having the values as stated above. For the continuous one-way type of reinforce- 20 BRAYTON STANDARDS ment, M is to be calculated as equal to 1-10 WL 2 , and where the two-way type continuous reinforce- ment is used M may be considered to be equal to 1-12 WL 2 in each direction, W and L being subject to the conditions stated above. All tables here given, which involve the ques- tion of bending moment, are calculated for the simple span of the one-way type of reinforcement, where the bending moment M = /^ WL 2 . In order to use these tables with other types of reinforcement the totol dead and live load per square foot should be reduced to an equivalent load per square foot, by multiplying the load under consideration by a coefficient corresponding to the type of reinforce- ment adopted. The results given, by using this equivalent load in the tables, will be correct for the corresponding type of reinforcement. The coefficients for the various types are as follows : Coefficient for imple one-way type :ombination simple and continuous one-way type continuous one-way type simple two-way type ...... combination simple and continuous two-way type continuous two-way type 1.000 O.SS8 o.soo 0.800 0.727 0.666 In continuous construction the designer will save himself trouble and make the construction more uniform, if he will make the end spans equal to 0.95 of the interior spans. It will be found by simple calculation that if the exterior span is 0.95 in length of the interior span, the formula for the bending moment equal to 1-9 WL 2 for end spans, will give practically the same bending moment, as will the formulaM^l-lOWL^for the interior spans, and the construction may remain uniform in thick- ness, and in size and spacing of rods. The same conditions hold true for the continuous types. BRAYTOX STANDARDS 21 22 BRAYTON STANDARDS Bending Moment in Slobs for Various Loads and Spans. For slabs of various spans under total uniform live and dead loads per square foot, ranging from five-foot to twenty-four-foot spans, and from 75 pounds to 1000 pounds load per square foot, the bending moment in foot pounds is given in tables on pages 23, 24 and 25. These tables are used in connection with the tables given on pages 31 to 42. Example: What is the bending moment in foot pounds for a simple span of 12 feet of the one- way type of reinforcement under a load of 250 pounds per square foot? Answer, 4500 foot pounds. Example: If the span is simple, uniformly loaded, of the two-way type of reinforcement, the panel being square, what bending moment, in each direction, will be attained for a panel 14'xl4', under a total load of 500 pounds per square foot (see page 20 and page 14)? Answer: 0.5x0.8x500-200 pounds per square foot, the amount to be used in the table. The bending moment would be 4900 foot pounds per foot of width in each direction in the slab. The bending moment in slabs of the contin- uous one-way type of reinforcement, and of the continuous two-way type of reinforcement may be found in the same way by reducing the total ac- cording to the coefficients called for upon page 20. BRAYTON STANDARDS 23 Bending Moments in Slabs Per Foot of Width. BENDING MOKELNT m FOOT POUNDS IN 3LA&5 FOE. VAT2-1OU3 5PANS$l>AD3 *. 5QTT M.iwi.2- L.OAD " Ele DOLJAT^E-FOOT L-IVE- - D e/vo 75* loo* \^ 150* ITS' ^00* 1 4 z A 4 J o w X < (0 3 6 235 3lo 3 So 4TO 5SO <^2S 34o 45o 54o GTS IBS 900 7' 4So 43oo 49oo ^l oo 28oo 3Soo 4-T.eo 49oo 5>oo 16 24oo 3Zoo 4|oo 4Goo 5boo M-oo 11' la 19 21oo 36oo 4Soo S4oo G3oo 72.00 3loe -4-ioo Sioo <0 i 00 1 loo eioo 34oo 4-Soo Sfcoo 6600 79 oo 9ooo ^o 3TSo 5ooo 62.o TSoo 31SO toooo z\ 4 loo 55oo 69 oo 83oo ^feoo 1 looo li 4Soo <900O T&oo 9ooo lOSoo IZOoo 22> 5ooo GGoo 63oo ioooo I !6oo I32.oo 24 54oo 7zoo Sooo lo&oo 1-Z.Soo I43oo 24 BRAYTON STANDARDS lending Moments in Slabs Per Foot o Width. BENDiNC-j MOMELNT IN "FOOT POUNDS IN w.4* ' LOAD L" + D**O rooT> II 250- 3oo* 35o* 4oo^ 4-5o* Soo" iU 1 * J L Z DL 5 7*o 34o 1 \oo IZSo t4oo IS6o G 1 ISO I35o l*5oj i8oo 2-0 50 ZZ5o 7 I55o lS5o Z.I56 Z45o 2150 30SO 8 2 ooo Z4oo zeoo 3Zoo 36oo 4ooo 9 Z5SO 3ooo 3550 4oSo 46 oo 5^100 to 315o 375o 44oo 5ooo 5650 67-So iV 30oo 4550 53oe 4to 6800 T6oo li 4500 54oo C3oo 77LOO dlOo Sooo 13 53oo 64 oo 74oo 85oo 3Soo 10600 14 (o! oo *?4*o o ,36,00 ^800 11 1 00 1 2.3 oo 15 71 oo SSoo S3oo U3oo iZloo 1 A ( oo 16 8000 96oo UXoo izeoo I44oo \Qy OOO 11' 9ooo 10600 It-Joo 14s o^ I63oo JSooo 16 lo 1 oo 1X2.00 14Zoo i6z.oo J87.00 2o3oo IS USoo 13600 I58oo )8ooo Zo4oo 2x6oo 2o IZ500 J5Ooo I75oo Zoooo ZZSoo 25ooo 21* 13doo !G5oo \93oo ZZooo 247oo 27Soo 2Z 152.00 !8Zoo Zl-zoo Z4ioo Z73oo 30ZOO 23 (6Soo (^800 Z3Zoo ZGSoo 29100 33ooo 24 I8ooo Zltoo Z5Zoo zeeoo 3Z4oo 36 ooo BRAYTON STANDARDS 25 Bending Moments in Slabs Pep Foot of Width. MCMILNT IN T~OGT POUHD5 IN LOAD PE * 5GUAT2.T- TOOT nzo 1675 3125 c ZSoo 2.100 3!50 34 45oo 1 SS-oo ++00 TZoo ftooo 3510 lloo 6 loo 10 (00 i 66.70 1OOOO 1 fZSO \15Qc i 12.100 \Sioo !Z SSoo 13 11(9 00 ZMoo 14 1-7 reo 15 iSSoo Hooo 2.Zoo ZS^eo 26 BRAYTON STANDARDS Properties of Slabs. On page 6, the method of calculation of a reinforced concrete beam having a deptn or one inch from the extreme compression fibre to the center or tension, is explained. The table shown on page 28 indicates the properties of slabs, based upon the principles developed in the discussion of the slab one inch in depth. In the first column the different thicknesses of the slabs from 2/4" to 18" are given. This "thickness of the slab" means the entire slab, in- cluding the concrete on the under side of the rod. The second column gives what has been previous- ly explained as the depth of the slab in inches, meaning the distance from the center of tension to the extreme fibre in compression. This depth is arrived at by the use of one-half inch of con- crete, outside of the metal, and by the assumption of the size of rods which would probably be used in the slab under consideration. In the third col- umn is given the effective depth in feet, which is equal to 0.85 of the depth, as previously explained. The fourth column indicates the tension which would be required in the slab, in the form of steel, if the slab were stressed in bending, so as to de- velop its full capacity, at an extreme fibre strain of 500 pounds to the square inch. The fifth column gives the moment of resistance in foot pounds, for the various slabs. This moment of resistance is a maximum capacity of the slab, and will not be in- creased by an additional amount of steel over that called for in column Four. Column Six indicates the cubic feet of concrete per spuare foot of slab, and is to be used in estimating purposes. Column Seven indicates the weight of the concrete calcu- BRAYTON STANDARDS lated at 150 pounds to the cubic foot. This is used in connection with the calculation of the dead load. This table is useful in determining the thick- ness of the slab and the tension required, after having calculated the bending moment in foot pounds. Example: If a slab has such a span and load as to develop a bending moment of 2600 foot pounds per foot of width, what slab will be re- quired to furnish the proper moment of resistance? Answer: A slab six inches thick will provide a moment of resistance of 2636 foot pounds per foot of width, and the tension required in the steel will be 7088 pounds; the weight of the slab will be 75 pounds per square foot, and it will contain 0.5 of a cubic foot of concrete. 28 BRAYTON STANDARDS Properties of Slabs. )MC .APACH "IL5^ X Cu.fT WT-- 1 J fl u z k o; I: h O: I Cof^r TlBRt .133 Z53 1* 336 .Zl 3J.3* 3" fc|: .IC.4 3 1 Zz" 51 1 .Z5 31.5 31 asi" .133' 3797* 756 .3 43.6 4" 3.3 1 " .235' 44TZ^ I osi .34 5o.o 4i 3.18" .zts' 5 J o5* I36G .35 54.3 5 w .303' 5150* /15) .4Z 4Z.S -5E 4.ia' .339' G4S4* ZI86 46 48.8 fc" 5.zs' .31Z' 1o6&* Z3C, .5 75.0 4i 5.75" .4oT 17 63* 3 159 .55 Sl^ r 6.Z" 44' 6374* 3660 .53 87.5 s" T.I" ,5oo S597- 4532. .47 JQO.o 3" 6.1' .575-' lo^T* 6 Z.6o .75 H-Z.5 Jo" S.ol' .6^3 1Z IT I* 777 I .64 IZS.o n lo.SE." .7To' 14744^ I 14o4 j.oo ^5o.o 14" iz.ia" ,^oS ; n4-* I5^Z4 \M 17^.0 ff 14.18" I.o4o' 13954* ZCB53 i.M Zoo,*- 16" J.ITo ^ Z6.3ZZ J.S" zzs. BRAYTON STANDARDS 29 Moment of Resistance of Slabs. The tables from page 31 to page 42 give the moment of resistance in the various thicknesses of slab, ranging from 2/4" to 12" total thickness, this thickness including the concrete on the under side of the rods. These tables are to be used in con- nection with the tables of bending moment in foot pounds given on pages 23 to 25. From the theory of the concrete beam given on page 6 it will be seen that the safe capacity of any thickness of slab, is reached when the concrete has been strained to 500 pounds per square inch in the extreme fibre, and that a greater amount of steel placed in the slab than is required to produce this compression is wasted. In these tables the top figure in any column, indicates the maximum moment of resistance in foot pounds, which the slab is capable of resisting, and rods spaced closer to- gether than the corresponding distance shown will be of no advantage. Example : What thickness of slab and what sizes and spacing of bars will give a resistance of 4,900 foot pounds per foot of width ? Answer : An eight-inch slab with y%" rods 6" on centers, or a 9" slab with %" rods 10" on centers, or a 10" slab with 7 /%" rods 13" on centers. It is obvious that the first one is most econom- ical, as the maximum amount of strength is being obtained from a minimum quantity of concrete. For the sake of economy, however, it would be well to use yij* rods spaced such a distance on centers as to give the same tension as the ffi' rods 6" on centers. This may be obtained by referring to table on page 60. The advantage gained is that the price of y" rods is slightly less than that of W, and that 30 BRAYTON STANDARDS less pieces need be handled, thus reducing the cost of labor. Rods may be spaced within a slab with safety up to a distance on centers equal to double the thickness of the slab. Where the surface of the slab is finished for a wearing surface, it may be considered as a part of the total thickness of the slab, provided it is placed at the same time as the body so that it is thoroughly bonded together; but if this wearing surface is placed at a later date, it should in no case be con- sidered as giving any strength to the slab. BRAYTON STANDARDS 31 Two and One-half Inch Slabs One Foot Wide. MOMLNT*- UL515TANCL- IN TOOT POUNDS'"- * 5LA& Zz'tHiCIC- WITH VARIOUS size H.SPACINC^'-T^ODS- "o Q o ^ 3 It Q- z ID D 1 A M E.T E. "R. 01- ^2 Q D - 4 5." 3" & -ITECTlVfc ^t BTM .133' .I3o 3i* 336, 4" 313 4^" Z78 5" Z5o 54" 227 G" Zlo 319 C. 1 " I9Z Z94 7" Z73 7i" ZS5 32 BRAYTON STANDARDS Three Inch Slabs One Foot Wide. HOMLHT --ROISTANCL m TOOT POUNDS -A^-LAD 3" THICK. WITH YA1ZIOU3 ,3 IZE. 4 *o .SPACIN^ o'T^ODS t o k j tf 01 z h GO f ^ DJAME.TC.R. OK 52.QC > &" \<0 S LTtCTlVfc DtPTM .lG6 ,\C,C, .\C,3 >4" 39G 44" 4 2 351 5" 31C, 466 /i 5k Z67 444 G* ZC.3 4ol a" Z43 375 5.1 1 7' Z26 34e 493 7i Zl 1 3ZS 4&0 a" 196 3o5 43 I BRAYTON STANDARDS 33 Three and One-half Inch Slabs One Foot Wide. MOKLNT ^L5l5TANCri IN FOOT POUNDS ^ A^LAD Sj THICK, VJ'.TH VARIOUS 31ZLE. *4fe 5PACJNG? "-^ODi i q f 5 ^ i TAN0 u in Id $ h 03 DlAME-TEB-*"- ROC> ' (t s a" ia Er^e. . 4k" 5oo 77Z. iosi. 5" 4So G95 393 5^" 4o9 G3I Sol 6" 3T5 ST9 e>zi g 534 7(2>3 1030 7" 49Z T06 35G Tz 4C,3 GGI <>3Z 6" 434 ^>ZO 3G BRAYTON STANDARDS 35 Four and One half Inch Slabs One Foot Wide MOMENT " IN fOOT POUNDS ^A 3t-AiE> ^""THICK, WITH VAfclOlO 3!Z.E-* Nt >5PAlN<: ( ~"EDDs "I Q* o #0 L* or 3 r ** r Hi ^ 0^ BIAME.TE.12- o^l^ODS- 5" \C* 3" e> T " Ife 1 " 'z. C-fCEtTIVlt. PECTH .Zl' .ZT' .ZG,' .7.C 4" 93T 13TO Ak' 861 JZGT 5' T^S ll^-o 5^ 1ZS io3C 13TO it 6 4GS 9So 1Z64- cjt ^13 11 Uss 7" Slo 614 1 lol Tk^ 53Z 1o loZT I3lo 6" 499 113 3C3 1Z4^ 36 BRAYTON STANDAEDS Five Inch Slabs One Foot Wide. MOMLNT-fcLSDTANCL- IN TOOT pbONDi) '^^ 3i-AvE> 5"TH1CK. WITH VARIOUS Di_L>o 3PACIMC, -"poD5 A O* o 0>E t o 0"" ,^o <^rn r ^ f: w 3.s fi D1AME.TE112. oF-eoX)^- 2>" a T " Ig J. M " a> Lf-Fte.Ttf- DtfTA< .3' .2> r .2>' . 3' i 5 1 t7l 11 51 54" 1179 1583 ^" JoT4 1453 ^ 39( l34o IT 39 7^ 3zo 1Z4S 1G IS 7^" 659 I \C,I I5o1 6" 8,00 loao 14-1 3 3" To^ 9Gi I Z 5G lo" G3C S^S 1 1 3o nci BRAYTON STANDARDS 37 Six Inch Slabs One Foot Wide. IN TOOT POUNDf> Foie *OL-A> d TmCK WITH VARIOUS 5(Ziji**OPAciNc l o'-"R.oD.2> o o " 1 DlAME-TELTZ ~^"5.OD5 i" la T* I" 2." I>tPTH 3T' .51' .3S .lf Z5A* 14" mi 39 6 15m Z, 6 = 38 BRAYTON STANDARDS Seven Inch Slabs One Foot Wide. MOMLNT~L515TANCr IN TOOT POUNDS Foe + r>LAE>T' T ttlC! 3" i" PE.PTM .44' .44' .4Z' .4Z' ZS9! 55 4Z 11" Z3S4 3Z39 \z' 2.1 Co Z969 14" l&STl 25T-45- 3^-63 1C," 2ZZ6 3o3o BRAYTON STANDARDS 39 Eight Inch Slabs One Foot Wide. MOMLNr-Ut^DTANCC. IN roor POUNDS ^"/DLAB &" THICK. WITH VAEIOU5 3IZ.E/"OPACIMq - "EoD5 o n vri ?f U<1 <^ az OD -DIAME.TE1T2. -"RODS- i z 5 " e> 3." *T '' s" Lrrccrwt DtPTH .5' . 5' .^-9' .^9' ! 9' 3z^72 4C.S3 lo- 2945 4iae> ir Z41T 3>oT IE" 24-54 3469 41(4 14" 23S) 4o4o \c," 35 3S 40 BRAYTON STANDARDS Nine Inch Slabs One Pool Wide. MOMLNT ~ ^XSDTANCL IH TOOT POUNDS * ~ A Dl_At>9"THlCK. U1TM VARIOUS 121E- *OPAClNq ofr "^OD5 tf, 8 02 o .H fl CTfl za ^ h ^ 0? DlAMC.TC.T2. -T20D>- 5" e> ^." -^> T " d r irrccTwe. Dt^TH ,se> 7 .ss>' L 5e ' .5^ l 0' 4ZTI 6150 3" 3T94, 5444 Jo" 341C 43Zo 44^5 II" 31o4 4413 5^11 )Z- 41oo 539T 14" 3S)4 4^ia o3o r4* 4o4o 52-n BRAYTON STANDARDS 41 Ten Inch Slabs One Foot Wide, MOMLNT-CLSDTANCL IN TOOT POUNDS * * >UA>D lo THICK WITH VAT21OU> 3 \Z1L- ** 5PAC J N^ - "^OD^) ' a < h 3) DiAMrTne. T2oo^ ft ?' 2. " (" ^D^T .<2,2>' .as' .>' .^' 1 Gie>5 7" 53oo 1432, tf 4a. & 4416 3" 4IZ& 593C -74S4 lo- 3llo 534Z G9ZT ir 4854 CZ92 i 4453 51 iz 1S4o 14" 4341 646 ( icT 43Z9 S5 42 BRAYTON STANDARDS Twelve Inch Slabs One Foot Wide. MOMLNT- LDDTANCL irt roo*r POUNDS ^^^LA'D IE/THJCIC WITH VAT2.IOU5 SiZLE-^o DF>AC)NC| o""BOD^> \Do Q*o o 0^ lu ""* j^ er2 ?f gn < H a z <03 DlAr^fLTELE. ' 12.0DS- i" *' 7 " ~& r E.rrc^-TiMf DK.PTM. .e>o .eo' .1e>' .-]&' &' 1854 11310 1" ^130 9693 6" 5S90 S461 IIZS6 9" 7S4c, Iooo5 to' C^1S4 9ooS 1I16Z 11" 4144 a>ie>4 lo4,92 1 2" 5455 Io4 ^ao! 14" 443Z &4oo 14" 73SI BRAYTON STANDARDS 43 Capacities of Slabs. The tables given upon pages 44 and 45 are calculated for simple one-way spans where the bend- ing moment is equal to J/sW L 2 , W being the total dead and live load per square foot. In the table this total load per square foot is put at the top, while the span of the slab is given at the left side. In the body of the table is given the thickness of the slab in inches and the total tension required therein, in pounds per foot of width, to give the slab the proper strength to resist the load on the span given. Example : For a simple one-way reinforce- ment of the type shown upon page 16 and having a span of 12 feet, what thickness of slab will be required and what tension will be necessary per foot of width to carry a total dead and live load of 175 pounds per square foot ? Answer : The total thick- ness of the slab is 6.50 inches and the tension re- quired 7,800 pounds per foot of width. Example : In a square panel 14' x 14' of the simple two-way type of reinforcement, what thick- ness of slab and what tension per foot of width in each direction will be required to carry a total live and dead load of 500 pounds per square foot ? (See page 14 and page 20 ) Answer: 0.5 x 0.8 x 500 =200 pounds per square foot. The thickness of the slab from the table will be 7.98 inches, or practically 8 inches, and the tension in each direction per foot of width will be 9,750 pounds. In case the panel is oblong, the coefficients given on page 14 are to be used in determining the amount of load which goes in each direction, instead of considering that one-half of it goes each way as above. 44 BRAYTON STANDARDS Capacities of Slabs. LoAD pr - E >auAGn FOOT- L-tve. * DE.AO SPAH 75- loo* 1Z5* 150* 1-75* Zoo* 5* 2.7.5* Z-4^0* 2. .lo" 3000- 3- 09* 3Z5^ c Z55o 2.65" 7.930 3. M " 3ZBo 3.34" 34oo tlto 3-75" 41 \o i rf 2. 69" 342.0 3. 54" 3.79" 4-eA" 4.7.7 " 3.\9" 34oo 3-59" -44oo 4.Z4" 4 STZ' 7 4-&T," SS'S'O r 3 JJ 393" -4-. 37 * 49-2.S 54oo 5Boo S.3Z" lo 3. A" 4Z5o 43Z* 49oo 5ASo fo'oo' 4Soo 5.8S " II 1 4.17" 47oo 4.7 Z" 54oo 5.I7 7 ' 4^00 4.00* 71oo 43S" 74oo IX A47" 5 loo 5 o7" S.57 * 7ZoI 4 So" 7Soo 4.8S* 3-Z.So 13 5SSo 5.4Z" .00" 7 loo 4 So " "IQoo 4.9S" a 4-00 7.4S" 9oSo 14 5.1** 5.8 " 6800 6C.5" "lloo 6, 98" *3oo S-ST" 66.0 7^ * 1 t !S_ 111 \z_ 11. !i li ]4 ii J8 4/1 Z" 54-00 S.IZ" Gooo 5.4-21^ s.-i-f S2.S" (..IS Tsoo aaoo 1OOO 8QOO T.TI" S35o G.SO* leoo dSoo 97.00 a. oo* se>so B So* II 1 00 esso 1 | O 9.1 r J -2.0 oo 1.C.6* 6.31" lo J oo fl. 91* t OO 9. SI* lo.SS le loo 3.0 1" llooo 9.4,1'' 12.000 10.^,5* to.zs" 17.600 10. SS 13^00 U.4o" 14-So* lo&oo 9.AI* UCoo 12.000 1 o . So l3Too I53oo II. OS^ 13300 li-TS" 14-1 oe 1 Z,43* 13.08' Il.tS* 14-S^o 13. 2 iSloo 13000 U-4S* 14-450 J 3. Zo " ISlSo IMS" (4-ooo 152.30 13. OS" 16,500 15.94" 14-. 1 A" 18SSO U.1S* 114.00 J4-.C4" IS 500 13.4-4 l-looo 14. S 16 3 2[ i 2Z > 23 24 15.14-^ Iftooo LBVoo 16Soo 46 BRAYTON STANDARDS Properties of Wire The properties of wire given upon page 48 are according to the Trenton wire guage. Only such sizes of wire are given as may be found useful in reinforcing of concrete. Sizes smaller than No. 12 will never be used, and sizes larger than No. 3 will probably be replaced by steel rods given in another table. Area of Wire Per Foot of Width. The table on page 49 gives the area of wire, in square inches per foot of width, in slabs, for the various gauges from No. 1 to No. 12, and spacing from 1" to 12". This is based upon the sizes of wire given in the table on page 48, and is accord- ing to the Trenton wire gauge. Example: If a form of wire mesh is to be used as reinforcement requiring a total area of 0.12 of a square inch of metal per foot of width, what sizes and spacing of wire should be used? Answer: No 9 wire spaced 1/4" on centers, or No. 8 wire spaced 2" on centers, or No. 3 wire spaced 4^" on centers, etc. BRAYTON STANDARDS 47 Tension in Wire per Foot of Width Wire is manufactured with a very high carbon, and some manufacturers recommend a safe capacity on wire, of 40,000 pounds or 50,000 pounds per square inch, the wire which they supply testing up to 100, 000 pounds elastic limit, or even higher. We do not consider this good practice, and in fact would not advise the use of any tension higher than 28,000 pounds per square inch. The table on page 50 gives the total tension produced in wire, for Trenton wire guages, from No. 1 to No. 12, and spacing from 1" to 6" where the fibre strain is 16,000 pounds, 20,000 pounds, 24,000 pounds and 28,000 pounds per square inch. In case it should be found necessary to use tension values of 32,000 pounds, 40,000 pounds or 48,000 pounds, they can be arrived at by doubling the quantities given in the table. Example : Where a metal fabric having No. 7 wire spaced 3" on centers is imbedded in a slab, what tension value is given to the slab per foot of width, when the allowable working load is 24,000 pounds per square inch of metal? Answer: 2,300 pounds per foot of width. 48 BRAYTON STANDARDS Properties of Wire Trenton Wire Guage. 5IZ I>W JL1G,HT -1T20N-0- TLULWlRL WlBt H DECIMALS AE.C.A o^- 5C.CT1OM WCIC,HT or 1 roo-r m T r E. - ET TO r4o. 1 .ZG5 .o^ 19 .Z.53 4.^45 z ^5 .05515 I.IM1 5,374 3 .245 .o4T 14 .159 t 6.ZS4, 4 .2Z5 .o.enc, 1342. 1.454 5 .ZoS .0330! .1 1 14 6.974, 35 .OSS6G 10.453 7 .ns .OZ4o5 ,001 IS 1Z.3ZZ & .160 .oZol \ ,O^S6 14-. 13^ 3 145 .OI4SI .0551 I 11.950 Jo -130 .013Z-T 04411 22.-33S 11 .1115 .0 ! o64 .OMM Z1.34o 1Z ,0* -00 S ^ -oze^ 34. zia BRAYTON STANDARDS 49 Area of Wire. TOTAL APX/x- WIWL- 5aUABI IHChLS PdR TOOT WIDTH (^ OACIL A '"'DlAH\t.TE.-K. IN INCHED il 1 MIC- ~i rt -3 ,-4- ^'sl.lojj DJA- ZaSl.T-kSl.-W-^UlS ZoS" Ir SPACING, OP WfiZ-C- IN IMCHE.S I"' in Uo .414 39C Mo .264 I .Z40.19C, .lU Ha ,|o4 5io .44q 310 zl4 222 192 .I4o I2a Jo4 081 otff 382 .330 262 .238 196 Ho 144 ,ilo .096 ,060 9U .051 .310 .2(>5 .215 .185 158 134 \\5 09k .011 .oU 052 036 I .254 .210 -lea 158 !33 ,1\4 094 08o .ott 052 044 .034 .22o .190 .\u .134 113 094 062 Ol9 055 .045 .031 .02* 4 191 .165 .141 .1.9 099 ,085 OTZ O4o .049 ,o4o .032 .026 4" 111 .141 .115 .105 .06C 075 oU- 053 .043 .035 029 .021 5* 155 .132 .111 .094 .019 .0^7 058 046 .036 .031 .OlC 2 .14 .110 .103.065 .012 oLl .052 o44".035 .QZ8 024 on c .111 .llo .094 .019 .oU .051 .04& .O4o .033 .024, .OZ.Z .o\i L- .Il6 .(01 .081 .071 .oU .052. .044 .037 .03o .024 .010 OlS i -Ho .094 .06, .0^7 .057 .046 ,041 .034 .021 .012 .019 .013 6 3" .095 .081 .Olo .059 .049 .042 .034, .05. .024 .010 .oiU .013 .085 .013 43 .OS* .044 .031 631 .out. .021 on .Oi4 o\( it oU .OSS .041 .039 .03, .018 .01-4 . ; .013 OU .006 50 BRAYTON STANDARDS Tension in Wipe. ION Fr *Ft>oT"' WIDTH *a- o f>' 4 / \(&ooo ,7.0000, L4ooo Z.QOOO 3Te>^M '"txnAn 1ELTC,R. 35t5 >o oo o ocf - o oo" ZZoo 5600 ie>5"oo . s ( Goo o^ Z o o o o m Z/S-o oo" 2L 8 o o o* eiso iOZoo tsroo IS6oo feooo IS-oo 9000 osr^o i 5 o o! IZ&oo l<4-1oo 49^0 etoo 300 6loo 14-00 t* i&O 00 Z-o ooo 2. -4 ooo G! oo Tfcoo 38oo ?3; 3<2>oo Also lliooo Zoooo* 2.4 o o 4-500 !! oo 3oSo 3Boo 4550 1 Co o o 2.00 oo 3o5o Z4o 4-Goo 3lSe> -45oo SZSo 25So 37100 34-00 39.50 ZSoo 33oe 3e>oo Zloo 2tS"o 32.00 <4-Too 2.JSO 3loo I9oo !6oo 22go ZISo le>oo ZlSo ISoo 2.300 ZT oo Z3So 1 G 0* 2.O O TL4- o o A Z ft o oo 2*Too M-O 41 oo 41 S 14oo 3Soo ^ 1 00 Zl oo ZSoo 1 G o o Zooo S 2xV oo jgeoo Z4-SO 3loo 3lo 4300 3\5o 3loo ZtSo 3 I oo ZT.SO 2. feoo ISSo I9oo IQ5Q 2:4-0 o q "2e c& o o 2.-2.SO 33^0 I9oo 33^ 1350 Zooo 2.3.S !4So lloo 2ooo 9So fZoo l-Too |Go o o. ^o o 2.4-00 Zooo ZSoo 3ooo 1130 Z-2LOC /Z-So 15^0 I3oo 2.2.00 loso l-SSb ISoo 9oo /loo !3So BRAYTON STANDARDS Tension in Wire. TE.N^>ION ^roor^; WIDTH TENSION g T E. A DtA>H\e.-rc.g. IM incng-fe * >o 1*11 I * reT |Q. >6>Q"lo. HVS" o->3,o'io-Trt5"l o->oS I (b 000 2,o ooo 2-4 ooo Z- ooo 7900 G.TOO ZSoo 2-Soo t Ca o o 1.0 000 3L-4 ooo 3>oo 2LSS-0 3 Zoo 3Q 20SO ZSSo 1050 ZSoo 2.900 14-oo nso Zloo I05o iioo ISSo l&oo \(o 00 TLO ooo Z.4- ooo ZSoo 1^00 24oo ZdSo ISSo I^SO 23So 21 So IZSo Itoo 1*^00 2.-2.SO looo IZSO (Soo 1750 S2o looo IZoo I4oo suo-ooo 18SO ZISo 3Z<=>o VSSo S2oo iSSo Zt SO looo 12.00 14-So IToo 1050 IZSo 1450 Goo ISo Soo ! iU Di 3 d4 ( &> O 90 2o ooo ?LA ooo t~& ooo JSoo l)00 Zioo Z.6&0 izso ) Goo I55o l&So Soo 1 000 IZSo 14-S-o eso loso 1*200 5So GSo Ooo 9So lGooo Zo OOO LA 00 Z8 ooo Uo JtSo 19oo 850 1 loo loo 9oo iOSo ^00 ISO ^00 loSo SSo tSo ISO I G o oo to ooo O o ooo J4AO nzo 2.01O >oo I no G4o Tto 5Zo 4,2.0 17.0 1C. ooo Zooeo ZXVo o ioto IT 60 85o lote IZto to 1030 Too [ DlA>KlCTI.e. OFQKOO WEIGHT OF- EOOHO "Eoo OME. T : OOTL.OH<^ AKt^ or "EouiMD "Eol? n* .04-9 ( 7as g .ZG r .0141 l^xi 3" e .315 .1 io4 t 1<;6 L" 16 .51 \ .I5o3 Z4os r ,GGT . 19G3 3 141 3; .645 .2485 5914 5" a l.oA3 . 3oCG> 4e o^ IT 1C. I.ZC,Z. 37 12 5939 3" 4 l.SoZ .44)6 1o9 a Z.04-4 .4013 SG2. \ r Z.47o l^S^- 125 C, ik' 3.319 .S34o I 59o4 li' 4. 115 1. Z-2.12 19C>3S iSi 5-04-9 |. 4649 Z37 se> ff G.OO& 1. 1C>1! Z&Z14 S l.oS 1 Z. 0739 3 3 1 SZ BRAYTON STANDARD 57 Properties of Round Rods. R.OUND "RODS- I r ___ . _. .... , or O Poo ?OorsO ROO "RouMO ISoo (g. t6>000* pL* o or, ^AUAtKK. MC.H I a.i-fs^ Z.AOS3 364^5- tf 9.^>se> Z.-T&I-Z 44 I 1 9 z" lo <^e>o 3. 14 1 C, 502.G B 2k' iz.o 4jO 3.54-G^ Z*' 13.SZO 3- 31^1 y[ IS.oio 4.4301 2i' 14. &9o 4.9oe>7 21" J& 4oo 541 19 * Zo. Zo o S.9^94, *I 2Z OTO G.49 lfi> 3' Z4 03o 1. o4B4 3k" z4>.o6o l.C,4>99 3* za.zoo e>.-ze>se> 3k" 3Z.T |o 9. 4Z.I i 3V 37.S&0 11. o4So 4" 4Z 130 jz..s(^to 58 BRAYTON STANDARDS Area of Rods. ARLA OTCXL'OaUAfcL IMCMC.5- P*-*-roOT WIDTH w TOD^> -HOPAClNCj CjlVLlS- .OD DIAMLTELR [i i > ll * I EELS I" g 1" i" r O iU r u z o O 0. k. or z U < a 3 .(96 .501 .441 .601 las .e>94 1.221 l.4a5J1.1Cl Z.4oS 3-141 Ji ixe .Z6.3 .me> .515 C,13 .85Z l.oSZ J.Tirjl.514 2.0*.! 2&9Z 4" .141 .Z5o .331 .451 .569 .145 .920 J.I 13 1.3ZS J.&04 Z.3SC 4 .131 .Zo4 .Z94 1 .4oi .52 2> .64-3 .6(6 .^9o J.H6 l.Goi Z.o?4 5" .118 .l64|.t6S 3C,I 4TI ^9fe .T>6 .691 l.oto )^V43 1.065 5^ .lo'l 1C.T .240 .327 .416 .541 .6t9 .805 .9< B ^ 1.311 1.112 G" .038 .153 .72.1 .3oo .392 .49T .613 .142 .6B5 )2o2 1.S1I cfc 09o .iil .204 .117 .3^ .456 ^Gfc .4, as >5 1.110 |.4So r ~ii .054 (31 .169 .ZS7 .334 .42(, .524 .64 151 Jo5o 1.344 .olfi ,1X3 IU .Z4o .314 .391 /49I .594 .lol .942 US4, e cm .115 JUS .225 .294 ^13 .4U .5S7 .6.^3 .9o2 ina 3" oU loz .146 .Zx>o 26z 33o ,4oS .495 .59o ^00 icS to" .058 .091 .12>Z .180 .23S .291 .3t5 .445 .5^o .72.0 .94o 1Z 043 .014 .lie .I5o .194, .248 .3ot .311 .442 4o( .165 14 fC," .041 .o4>5 .094 .)Z6 .1U .ZIZ .26,3 .38 .314 .5lS ,tts .OTT ,051 .06Z .uz. .144 J65 .230 .21T .530 .45o .SSS BRAYTON STANDARDS 59 Tension in Rods. TtNSlON TC.NMON FOOT WjDTH a " ".0000* 3" 7 " (G 1 " z. 4909 39ZG 47 I o lZoZ4 14-4Z9 JZ5G3 I57o4- ZG93 SZ4-3 10354 4o39 3 I o 90S, 2. 13458 1 G 1 So Z357 Z94-G 3535 seep 4Go ! 55ZI SZ99 <^024 7949 7Z14 9o 16 i oe-22. 942.2 1177 141 2>4 4 3Z7Z 8374 Z I eo i <^ 9GJ9 lees Z35 G Z944 3G 44! -4-Z36 5Z96> G35S 5T7 1 7ZI4 94ZZ 17 i Z5 G.& ZC-T5 3^44 4o 1 3 5-2.4 1 ^9 3 J S5 3d ZT 3784 454-1 4 1 -z 2. 51 5 Z G7Z9 Ti 1-2.57 157! J Z454 353Z 4Z38 7S3G J 1 IS 1473 1 Q-4-0 33 I Z 3974 541 1 47 1 1 5883 60 BRAYTON STANDARDS Tension in Rods. ^^ TENSION Q iCooo 7.0000 2.^000^ 5' 3 A' 1" 8 23&S& I9G3S Z4544 Z94S3 Z3T56 3S4Q3 35344 4-a I 3S63.S 4-Z4I 57725 2.0-2J-43 2.1034- ZS2-4) 2.0 3 SS 25*448 2.42.^2. 3oZ, 9 1 zz4 1 I9ZS 14909 11690 I412& flail 2Z.7S.-JZ zae6z 31699 1841 J2.4 ^6549 4 13069 13Z53 15304 Z31SS Z3131 ZQ4S4 335 Jo 41 a si 50-2.^4 9S4Z 1 19ZQ 14314 1 1180 14126 1 142.53 Ji Zt 10,9^5 2,1 ZoS 25446 31G9S 34 6 34 I4-SZ3& 5-; 10834 (3oo I lolo I 13115 12.941 154-10 Z0913 Z12>93 2,62,16 34Z4Z 314594-1 090 7932 1Z2.12. 1 1 sis 14-84-6 J9Z42 I1C1Z ZS J2.3 31499 /03C.3 9114 I \-bTL<~ I3S9) 19STZ 1115:6 Z3I91 2.g 6514 es i6 JOZ-2.Z B4/3 1-2. 6 7.0 Jol 19 1-Z.1Z4 1526,9 12.1 1G 15 e 15144 Z Z!53o 2692,3 Z4134 1952 954-2 1853 S8)G 1119 9So-2. I lais 1 I 3o9 15392 OZ40 Zo Jo<2, ZS J32L 8 S9G4 1454 13C.3 9zo4 1 1045 S9o9 I 11 36 133C.3 JoC.c.3 I3Z54 !59o5 !443o lBQ5o 235^.2 28^74 BRAYTON STANDARDS 61 Weight of Rods. WEiqttTOTC.L IH POUNDS Pee 3QUAULTboT~*KOD5 * 5PACINCJ qiVLN T2.0D Dl A MELTED* n & f" fe" i " z fe" I K *" s 1" vO u r u r z ho o r IL V7 Z vj < a (0 i 3" U^ 1.044J 1.5o Z.044 z.U-j 3.2*8 5.0^ 6/>o 0.nC, lo.te 3K 5t8 895 L16T USP 2.1*1 2.8^1 3.SlC 43Z1 5.15 1/>o6 3.154- 4-" .Sc .155 UTS ;.S"d3 Zu>o Z.535 S.IZ.S 4xSo( 4j>t 4k .4-H- .4* (.000 1.^7. .no rz^ t.iez 3.3C6, 4*L 5.4& -j.i i* 5 .4oo 4zt .9o l.zzt i.e. Z.oZfl 2.5CO 3.0x9 3.C.r 4-.9oC (,&<*> 5j ."M* .51o .618 l.jis- lASS J.BZS Z.zis z/isi Am 4.4-12 SG2.1 G .J>35 .SiT. .ISo J.orr l.i (.490 Z.otC 3.o o< 4.084 3v- C>1 .?>o7 4SZ .493 . < =>4^ U i.s4i \3-LS 2.^Sa Z.lfio 3-7*z *9Z.9 1" .zas .447 .4,43 -67C M43 I.-446 Lias Z.|<,3 2.5 75 i44s 4.5-71 ll .ztt .416 too .&)d l-ol! 13S1 I.U9 2.013 Z/*ob 3.2 M 4.7 11. C>" ,7So 5Sl .5C.3 .7 (,7 i.zte l.srts Le>93 z.zsa 3.oU 4-. ooo 9" ^ .222 .345 .5 oo .661 .BS9 IJT7 !.59( J.tM 2^>o3 Z-TiST 3^Co .?oo 313 ASo .M3 .600 1.014 1.2S-/ /4TI9 J.Bo3 Z.4S3 3.7.0. 12 .tl .Itl .375 .511 .U7 .84-5 J.043 1.7.4,2 J-Sol 2^>44 ZllO u' 143 -2Z4 .322 .436 .572 :iz4 .634 1.062 J.-Lflfi his 2183 \C .\lL .196 .2 .364 .SOC -tV4 .703 .94-7 /.ll? /.Sib 62 BRAYTON STANDARDS Beam Reinforcement. Beam reinforcement is shown for three types of beams, similar in their general character. The four-rod type of beam reinforcement shown upon page 64 is the simplest form and the one recom- mended for general use. For interior spans, the four rods composing the beam are exactly alike. The truss arrangement is formed by means of two of the rods having their bent portions turned each way in each beam. The shear in the beam is amply pro- vided for by means of the tension rods, which extend to the top chord and continue over the point of support, and also by means of the shear loops, which are spaced on an average of twelve inches on centers throughout the length of the beam. By means of their interlocking with the spacing bar and slab rods, these shear loops thoroughly tie the floor slab to the beam and insure its action as a tee-section. There is no ironclad rule to determine the depth of a beam so long as all stresses are cared for, but in general it ought to be assumed that the height of a beam, from the top of the slab to the extreme bottom of the concrete, is at least equal, in inches, to the span of the beam in feet. The sizes of loops which should be used with beams of various heights are given in the table on page 75. For end spans of beams a slightly different form of rod is shown. The six-rod type of beam shown on page 65 is exactly like the four-rod type except that two straight rods in the lower portion of the beam have been added. This is merely a convenient way of increasing the strength of the four-rod type of beam. Care should be taken in designing these beams BRAYTON STANDARDS 63 that they are not assumed so shallow that the com- pression flange of the beam, together with the assistance of the slab, is not sufficient to equal the tension in the rods used. To avoid this a deep beam should be assumed, if possible. If not, steel must be placed in the compression flange to give assistance to the concrete. The eight-rod type of beam reinforcement is shown upon page 66. This type is used where ex- ceedingly heavy girders are required, and especially where the shear in the girders is a maximum, the great number of rods passing up on the diagonal at each end, together with the horizontal ends of the rods at the bottom extending into the column, pro- viding an abundance of shear. The designer should take into consideration the compression strains de- veloped in the compression chord, and should also provide a beam of sufficient width to give room for the placing of the rods. 64 BRAYTON STANDARDS BRAYTON STANDARDS 66 !f BRAYTON STANDARDS BRAYTON STANDARDS 67 Bending Moment in Beams. The bending moment in uniformly loaded beams for simple spans from 5 feet to 50 feet long, and for total live plus dead loads of from 5,000 pounds to 100,000 pounds is given in the tables on pages 68, and 70. These tables of bending moment are to be used in connection with the moment of resistance tables for beams, given upon pages 72, and 74 It is understood that the moment of re- sistance in any beam must always exceed the bending moment given in these tables. Example : What is the bending moment in foot pounds in a beam of 16-foot span under a total uniform load of 35,000 pounds ? Answer : 70,000 foot pounds. Example: What reinforced concrete beam will resist this bending moment of 70,000 foot pounds ? Answer : From page 72 a beam of the standard four-rod type having a total depth of 22" and four V rods for reinforcement will give a moment of resistance of 70,000 foot pounds. If a shallower beam is required, one of 18" depth and having four l/^" rods will give the required moment of resist- ance. For beams having concentrated loads the bending moment must be calculated by the usual methods, as explained in text books on mechanics. Pf BRAYTON STANDARDS Bending Moment in Beams. BLND!NQMOMLNT lw roOT POUNDS IN SIMPLH ftnAMs M-^WL ! 5PAN (jNiroRM LOAD IN PDUND^* DtAj)-Livt 5oo^L' 3C>oo 45oo 53oo 6000 4700 7.5oo Il3oo Tj 44oo 53oo 42oo 7ooo 19oo &^00 (32oo 6' 5ooo ' I13oo j35oo IS-TOO I8ooo Zo^Jo Z25oo 34ooo 19* )I7oo J4-ZOO lC,6oo J9ooo ZI4-00 23100 3S5oo 20 1 IZSoo iSooo nsoo Zoooo Z-2-Soo ZSooo 375oo El' 15100 16300 Ziooo 23000 Z^ooo 335-00 ZZ tfcSoo i&Zoo 22 ooo Z4Soo Z/TSoo 4looo 23' Zoooo 23ooo 2S700 zs7oo 4^000 24 Ziooo 2,4ooo 21ooo 3oooo 4^000 Sup 2^ooo 2^300 3ZSOO 49ooo ELS ooo 3l5oo 35ooo SZSoo 3o' 338oo 37SOO 54 ooo 3S' 44ooo 6(oOOO 4o ISooo 45' I 50 ' BRAYTON STANDARDS 69 Bending Moment in Beams. bUNDlNq MOMLNT '"FooT^bUHDs IN SISAPLE. D.E.AMS M-gWL- bpyu UNiFj ?RM LOAD IN POUNDS- LIVC.--DE.AD Zoooo ZSooo 30000 35000* 4oooo 4-Sooo 5' IZSoo I56oe Joo IS \Sooo ie0 oo 2.ZSoo 7' ITSoo 2.2OOO Z(07Joo 3Jooo &' 2.0000 25000 3oooo 35ooo 9 1 ZZ5oo 2 do oo 34coo 39ooo 4,srooo \d ZSooo 31000 3T5oo 435oo 5oooo 54eoo M' Z75oo 34ooo 4looo 46ooo 55ooo 6Zooo ! iz' 3oooo 3lSoo 4Sooo 52^oo 60000 <->Booo 13' 3ZSoo 4looo 4->ooo 5Tooo 65ooo| 73ooo 14 35ooo 44ooo 53ooo 4looo "loooo T8ooo IS' 3l5oo 4"Tooo 54,ooo 44>ooo "]5ooo &4ooo )6' 4cooo Soo^o <*>oooo TOOCSO 0000 9oooo n' 42Soo 53ooo| 44-ooo 74ooo Sooo 54ooo 16 4-6 ooo Skooo ^,e>ooo 7^000 9oooo ^CZooo 13' 47Soo 5Soooj 7|ooo 63ooo 9SOOO lofooo Zo' Soooo (oZSoo TSooo e7Soo iooooo (JZ-Soo 2|' 5Z5oo Ce><^000 "19000 9-Zooo lOSooo 1 !eooo ZZ'lj 55ooo (oSOOO 83ooo 9^,06)0 t 1 o ooo JZ4ooc Z3'|| 575oo IZooo 6G>ooo JOoooo 1 ISooo I^GOOO 24 >OOOO T5ooo 3oooo Io5ooo 1*2.0000 135000 it: >5ooo 61000 9aooo 1 14-000 I3oooo lATooo -2.e> Toooo ftfooo Io5ooo !Z2ooo /4-Gooo ISTooo 3o i ISooo 94ooo 11 3ooo 131000 ISoooo |C>6ooo 3 Sdoeo I loooo !3oooo (SZooo IT5ooo I9tooo 4o 1 00000 12-Sooo iSoooo IlSooo Zooooo 225ooo 45 ' 113000 (4oooc iGBooo !96ooo 225ooo 252ooo So* 1 ZSooo 15^000 l&looo 2ZOOOC ZSoooe 2.6oooc BRAYTON STANDARDS Bending Moment in Beams. E>HMD1NQ McMLNT'"fOOTPoUN& IN 5IMPL.E. RE-AH5 - M = ~Wi- UNirOJ2.M LOADIH POUNDS L-NE.-* DEAD 5 PAH 5oooo &OOOO 7o oooj Booo o j ^oooojloooec lo' ZOOO TSooo FT G>3ooo 63ooo 9looo ( { Oooo iz' 75oo Soooo ) oSooo iZOooo 135ooe 1 Soooo 13' Siooo 9flooo I 1 S'ooo |3oooo (4Gooo \oooo 2 03x300 Z-2uSooo J9' I I6ooo 142.000 IC4>OOO I 90000 Z)3ooo Z37ooo Zo IZSooo ISoooo nsooo 2.ooooo Z2.Sooe ZSoooo zt ' 13) ooo IS7ooo 1 84-000 Zioooo Z35ooo 2^Zooo ZZ I3fooo lCSooo l9Zooo Z.2oooo ZAioo^ ZISooo Z3' !43ooo iTZooo Zoooeo 23oooo ZSTooo ZS(booo Z4 iSoooo (60000 2loooo Zoooeo ZToooo 300000 2^' ZB (94000 ZZ7ooo Zioooo Z9Zooo 3ZSooo HSooo Z 1 . oooo Z-W-ooo ZSoooo 3lZooo 3Soooo 3o' l&looo ZXSooo Z^>looo 3ooooo 33Sooo 37ooo 3S' zjeooo Z^Zoeo 3oSooo 35ooeo 330000 43Sooo 4o ZSoooo 3ooooo 2>Soooo ^fooooo 4^0000 Sooooo 4S r Zfiooeo 2>iGooo 4S 00 00 *5oSoo 5^>OOOO o 3lZooo 3*TSooo 43Sooo Sooooo SGoooo 4ZSooo BRAYTON STANDARDS 71 Moment of Resistance in Beams. The tables on pages 72, and 74, give the moment of resistance in foot pounds, for beams from 10" to 36" in depth, and containing rods from ^" to IX" in diameter, and of the four-rod, six-rod and eight-rod types, illustrated on pages 64, and 66. These tables maybe used either in connection with the bending moment in beams having concen- trated or uniform loads. Example : If a beam is to be 20" in depth and must have a moment of resistance of 49,000 foot pounds, what size rods will be required ? Answer : Four y%" rods. The table also indicates that the ten- sion area of the four fa" rods is 2. 405 square inches, that the tension value of these rods at 16,000 pounds per square inch is 38,800 pounds and that the effect- ive depth in a 20" beam is 1.27 feet. The effective depth means the distance from the center of tension to the center of compression. In connection with these beams of the four, six, and eight-rod types, loops must be provided of various sizes according to the depth of the beam. The table on page 75 indicates the size of the loops, together with the length of the pieces and the weight required for various heights of beams. It is usual to space these loops closer at the ends of the beam than at the center, but on an average there should be a loop for each foot of length. The es- timator will note that the fourth column, which gives the weight of the loop, will also give the weight of loops per lineal foot of beam if the above rule is followed, and in estimating, if the lineal feet of beam are taken, the weight of the loops required {s readily calculated. 72 BRAYTON STANDARDS Four-Rod Type of Beams. MOMENT*- RESISTANCE. IN FOOT POUNDS- P.OUND "&OD3 4-k" *JE ^-r 4- 1' 4-1* 4-i| TOTAL- A^tA or Tops .1654 1.ZZ1 1.U1 Z4o5 3.1416 3.314 "Tr.Ni\ f M |u U / i 4 u fQ k. h I vT ia X Jo 11 .stf 7ooo Il4oo I58oo znoo 11" .64 6000 ISooo laooo 24Too - 12" .11' asso 144oo Zoooo ZTSoo 355oo 13' .78 3Too 15800 ZZooo 3^000 39ooo 14" .&5* iotoo IT300 24ooo 33ooo 42 Soo 54Soo 15" .92 II Soo 15 ^00 24>ooo 35Soo 44Soo 5&5oo 1G" .99 I24oo ZOJOO Zdooo 3SSoo Soooo G4ooo It Lot I52oo Zl6oo 30000 4(ooo 53^00 6aooo 1ft" U3 (4ooo Z^ooo 320oo 44ooo S6,5oo 73ooo 19" iZo ISooo 24-*00 34ooo 4&Soo (aOOOO nooo to" 1.2T IS 600 24ooo 3&000 49Soo C.3500 6^000 Zl" 1.34 ZTooo 31doo 52000 Glooo d&ooo Zt" 1.4o ZASoo 3SSOO 54000 Toooo &9ooo Z3' 1.46 -42000 5TSoo *74oeo 9Sooo 24" 1.55 -^"5500 (Soooo TTSoo 99000 25" I.W' >JSSoo CZSoo 3looo \o4ooo BRAYTON STANDARDS Six-Rod Type of Beams. MOMENTA .L!)i3TANcr IN TOOT POUNDS R-OOND^ODS r 5 " G *a ( i" ^"A c4" 6-1" - , ,r 6-l 4 TOTAU A 12- El- A or "EoDS I84o8 Zt5o8 3&o18 41114 5.^4,4 1.3^32 Tc. M i i L.E. VA LU E. tAM \ LrriLCTiVE- DE.PTM- 15' 9Z 2.1 o oo 3>9oe 53leo i 99' 9loe 42o 6S2oo 65zoo 19" l.Zo' 353oo 50900 69Zoo 9oSoo (IS'ooo 2o" in* 373eo 539oo 13teo 9Sloo i-2.|oo 21" 134 394oo 54,00. 175oe loloeo IZftoOe lS8ooo 2?" Uo 4!zoo S94o ofloo (OSSoo ]33ooo )(5ooo 23" 148 435oo &2to. 8S I] u Iu IL- u X 2 < Kl fO k h r u r Zl' i.34 5ZSeo ISToo tO^^Z-oo Z2 11 1.4o' SSooo 191oo lot oo |4oloo 23" J.4& Saooo &3Soo 9lSoo IT.-VIOO 6xe>oo ZoSloo 26," 1.63 CaG^OO ^SSoo ^0^00 llooeo X 14-^00 z4sioo Z7" nc: Soe Tltioo za* 1.53 Tnoo |o3Aoo lAo^oo )839oo Zi-i4oc 2^1*.oo Z9 1.90 iOftZ-oo J44^oo I2)ooo 2-412.00 Z963>o 3eT \yi ii I 3oo ISnoo l^aooo 2LSo2^o 3 o^oo 31" ZfAr nssoo ISTTooo ZoSooo ZS^Ooo 37.0000 32* Zlo' \ieioo l^noo 2.1 1 ooo Z6G.loo 330000 33* z.n Klooo 2.1 Bo oo zis4a 34-onoo 34 z-zC H4ooo 27.^100 Z-Clooo ^S4-8oo 35' 23S Ifclooo Z^oo i^ftSOo M*oo 36' Z4o' laA^oo iA-\ooo 3o4oo 3TCCk>o BRAYTON STANDARDS 75 Shear Loops fop Beams. 3HE.AC> L L ! T ? WniC-HT- S.XtOFDXK l_tHc,TH -REQD WEICHT or CMC LOOP 1 1 <=> ^- x< 4' Z'- 1 o* 0. 9-z.* I l" - 3'- Z" J . osi" i z" " 3'- ," 1 / z } 3" 3'-)o" J . zV 1 4" , 4' -2" 1 . 34* I s" ,. 4' - ," ! . 44* ) /' r * &! ^-'-/o" Z. 07* J 7" - s'- z" Z.. -2. I* J a" 5'- 6" Z. 34* l s>" S-'-Io" z 47* Z,o" G'- z." Z. , J *^> * z -s" '. T-lo" 3. 3 3.* -z 6" * e>- z" 3 4T 27' e>'- ^" 3- ^2." ze.' " >'- Jo" 3. 7 6* Z / 9- 2." 3 . 5^ c* 3 =>" li'^i" S'- C," c. oe>* 3 r H 9'- Jo' 6, . 2a" 3 2L" ft Jo'-z" 4.^-c,* 3 3" " lo'- ^, w <^. 7^-* 34" " Jo'-Jo" ^ s>^" 3S" H n 1 - 2* 7. J4-* 3<^" " ir~<^" 7. 2>6" 76 BRAYTON STANDARDS Columns. From pages 78 to 85 are given the capacities of reinforced concrete columns ranging in size from 10"xlO" over all dimensions, to 24"x24", all the different sizes of columns having the sizes of rods practical to be used, the area of the steel corresponding to the rods, the weight of rods per lineal foot of column, the maximum height at which the column should be used for its full capa- city, and the full capacity of the column under the conditions stated. In these columns the net cross-sectional area of the concrete, with the exception of one inch around its perimeter, has been calculated at 350 pounds per square inch direct compression. The steel rods have been calculated at a compressive value of 12,000 pounds per square inch. It is considered that in a concrete column for the sake of economy, the outside dimensions will be the same from the bottom to the top of the building, and that the concrete with the exception of a slight difference in net area will carry the same amount of load, but that the rods will change in size as the total load changes, the steel being added in sufficient amount to give the total re- quired capacity at the unit stresses already given. It will be noticed that no attempt has been made to keep the proper ratio of the modulae of elasticity of the concrete and the steel. If the ratio was assumed to be 12, and the concrete pres- sure kept at the point usually assumed, the steel would be necessarily figured at so low a value as to make the use of the column prohibitive on ac- count of its expense. Some authorities recommend stressing the concrete on the diameters here given, to as high BRAYTON STANDARDS 77 as 700 pounds per square inch. It will be found in the majority of cases of the columns herein given, that if the test were applied as to the ratio of the modulae of elasticity being 12, that the con- crete is not stressed beyond 700 pounds per square inch, and it will be found in the same columns, that if the value is assumed 700 pounds per square inch on the concrete, that the steel pressure is extremely low, which puts the columns on a most conservative basis. On the other hand, in those columns where because of the ratio of 12, the concrete is appar- ently stressed beyond the safe point, it will be found invariably, that the steel might be assumed to carry the entire load, without assistance from the concrete, without being stressed to more than 13,000 pounds or 14,000 per square inch, which is abundantly safe in itself. Regardless of what the modulae of elasticity may be, the columns as given here are considered by many engineers to be extremely conservative, and have given satisfaction in some of the most prominent concrete buildings in the United States. Concrete for use in columns should be mixed in the proportions of one part of portland cement, to two parts of sand, to four parts of hazelnut stones. Column reinforcement is shown on pages 64 to 65 in connection with the four-rod type of beam. A section through the column shows how the binders which are formed of round rods are placed about the vertical column rods to form a tie. The principal advantage in this form of binders is that it provides a space down the center of the column for the placing of the concrete, and for the pudd- ling required to bring the cement in close contact with the steel. 78 BRAYTON STANDARDS Ten Inch Column. COLUMN lo"*1o' CONCR.E.TC. <, 35o* JTE.E.U- iT-ood 1 " 1SOUMD C.OC>.S> SAKE. I-OAD ^ {HO. DlA- j5T^ |ToT*i-W-r p.^TboT HEf^MT <^IVE-H 4 3" -4 LTCT 6.0 1* lo' 4-2.000* 4 i" a.4cf a. id 10 .. 5 2. .0 4 1" fl* 3.14 lo. G&^ 12.' 5>o o o 4 i 3f 13-52," 14-' G> > o o o* 4 *" 4.9o" ic.taT 1C,' 1 9oo o 4 ii' 5.34 Ze>. 12)^ iV 3 J o o o* 4 IE" f.p6 Z.4.o2>* lo' I o4-ooo 4 ig S.79 ^G.^o* 16' 1 J T o oo* 4 if S.4Z* 3Z.t { * ie' i 34*o o o 4 ,-" is 1U4 31. SS* io' 14-9 o o o* 2" JZ.54 4z.7z" !&' ! &*t 000 BRAYTON STANDARDS 79 Twelve Inch Column. COLUMN! 1Z,"*1Z" CONGT2.*--TZ_ & 35O* ^)TC.t.L_ \ZOOO~' "R.OUND J2.Or>>> ^AF'tL i O>^O o- No. Dl*. ToTvVi- A.K.IHA To >r >^i- > ^' T pe*fboT Ht^HT (T^VtM a 4 a ' 353 iz.o^* J2.' 75 000^ 6 i" 4ai" I&.3S* \C^ 9oooo a I" 4.26 ZJ.34* Zo' 1 o"T o oo e> 18 195 21. o3>* zx' I2T oo o* a m li o' 5>.e>i 33, 36* 7. -2.' 149 o oo e> *a 11.86 40.38* 27:' I73oo o* e> tf 14. J 3 4a.o4* Z2.' I99ooo^ a 1|" I&.S9 54.4 r 2-z.' 2.7-5"oo o*" e> *' J9.24 4S.4Z^ 22.' ZSSooo e> ii o ** ZZ.OS Tff.-lo* zz' 41 29o5o* ^TELE.LCS. Izooo** ROU HD ZoD*3 ^)AFE. L-OAO ^c. CLOL-UMMi ^ T Mr-l^HT ^\VS.H |Ho DJA TOT A^E.A |roTAuWr T TT e> I" 3.53>* 7P IT- OZ 14-' 9 o ooo* a 4.oC' l^.ss"" 14.' 1 S & i" G.zeT' 2). 2 & IE" 7.9S* ZT.oS* /e/ !4-*2-o o < a M? 9L 81" 33. 3 a* T * |l" \t9*f 5 *" I 9. Z-f"" ^" Z^.J3^ <95.44* **' * 3^.0 ooo 6 i* Z6.31 " 96.46* 24' 38 B o oo 6 zi" 31.81 )oe>. ^cT 2A x ^Vzo ooo a z!" 3S.44" JZo. S4* Z4-' ^ 4-doo eo a zi" 33. Z4* 133. S 2* **' * JTo -4-000 6 i 43. -Zg) " I4T.7.0* 24' ^"S 1 ocoo f . e> a" a" 4T SZ JC, J.^o* 2A' ^ CD O O ooo a *i* 5-J.32 nc..s&* **' o oo 5Z2. ooo 6 _a_ a G J g> oo o zi 3s" 3o' 7 *r a o o o 6 34 30' O 3 8 o 82 BRAYTON STANDARDS Eighteen Inch Column. COLUMN !&"* CONC.RE.Tr- < 35 0** 3TJL, 16" FLL_ e 1zocx>*" 32.0UND T20D^> S^TrilL i_OXK D FoK dlOt_UMM2> AT Mtlfj'MT ^WtM No. *>* r^rrA ToTAuW-r p*T=~r 8 I* ^.Z6 a ' ?-t. 3C.* IB' 1 G-Z. ooo s> SL 7.95* ZT. 03* 2o' IS 7.000 8> li" W 33.3ft* Zf * Zo-4 ooo 8 ll" 11.86" 40.3*" Zd 1 ^ ZZ ooo 8 li" 14,13" 46.o4* 3o' ^ 254 ooo a K.ST9" SC^4JI* 3Z' ,r /1O 00 a |T J9.Z4' GS.4Z* 34-' . 3 t 4 ooo 6 si 2Z.o4 15. la* 34*5*0 oo 8 2" 0" ZS.(3 85.44* 34.' ^ * 38o ooo 6 26" ae>.3T* 9k.4e>" 1 4Ze ooo*" e z" ioS.l^* 3C- * 4(^ o ooo 6 *I 35.44' IZo.St" 5t ' c 5o o ooo 6 z* 39.7ZT 133.SZ* S4-4ooo* *r 43.Z' (47.Zo^ 3C ^ S9 o o oo 8 * 41.52"' 1 (o J. 40* it' , G4-o ooo 6 5i 5J.9Z D " n^s4* G9 o ooo 6 3" 5(^.54-^ 19Z.-ZA* 3t< 744000* 6 5^ 0,1.3^" Zoe 64* 3f * ^0 000 6 2>k 4(o.3G' ZZS.^o^ 3C 4o 000 6 3k 1^.9) 6T" ZU.4,6* 34 ' r- " 3G> o ooo BRAYTON STANDARDS 83 Twenty Inch Column. COLUMN 2.0"* 2,0" Ho. DJA | T -^ A.D ** Cot_OMMi>. AT 8 33. 2Z1 ooo 8 I!. 66 46.36* . TLS \ ooo 14. ) 4s 37.' _8_ _8_ 6 303000^ 33T o IS.lo* 4o' 4S I o oo z 3L8i 40' -4e>3 o oo 4" 35.44 c 4o' 5Z.2>ooo* _e^ _^ _8_ _e_ _a_ 8 39.ZG 4.0' ^ 5to' ^ 7 G^o oo 4-Q- j8^ _8^ 8 40' lOo3o o o 68.3Z " (14-3000 \oo.52 iooo 84 BRAYTON STANDARDS Twenty-two Inch Column. COLUMN 2.2** 2Z" CoNCiecLTr. <. 35o " STC.ILL. <,* T2.0UND 32.0:03 5,A,T-E. L-0>XO *>. CoUUM Ni A>T Ht qnT C[i VE.H No. |DiA. TOTAI- AFKC.A TOTAI.WT. p K T^T. 8 tf 9.e)" 33. 3G* 2C.' * Z5-4o o o 6 ) i -66' 4o-3a* zs 1 Z1 6000 6 il" 14. 1 3 4-6. oG* 3Z' * 3o4- ooo & f" 1^.59 5C.4I* 34.' *" 33OOOO 6 I* 1 9. ^^ 65. 4Z - 3S ^ 36> 4-ooo 6 ^ tt.o 75-10* 47-' * 39 5"o oo 2" 15. !3* 65.44* 4-2.' 4 3 o ooo 6 Z& ZG^l " 9C*.48* AT! # 47S oo o 6 zi" 3J -61 106.1G* 4-Z' 5 J o o oo 6 4" 35.4-4 1 Zo.SG^ -4-Z' * 5 5 O o o o 6 * ^^. 39.ZG I33.5Z* 4-z' 5e4-o oo 6 it 43. -Z. 6 J4T.ZO* 4Z' w <^,4. O O OO 6 a 41. 5Z' 1C, J.Go" 9 o o o o 6 * 5.9Z Q " 1TG,.S6.* AZ # *7A o o o o e> 3" 5t.S4- 19-Z., z.-4 --2' * 794- ooo 8 3^" 6J.3-G Eoe- G4* A-Z' * e>so ooo 6 3i 6G>.3G Z-2.S. 3k T^.94, ' 261. Ga* 41 ' *> \ O 3O OOO a >3 ^4- as 3z c 300.4-6* A-Z > 1 I~7o =oo a 4" o* (OO.51. 34 1.6 A* 4.71' 1 3o o o o o BRAYTON STANDARDS 85 Twenty-four Inch Column. COLUMN 24" 12.0UND HO. |D i HEIGHT ^3.36 1A' ZT5> o oo 11.66' 3o 3 o oo 14.13 32. <3 o oo ll" 36' 55" ST ooo 6 3 89 ooo 75. l 44-' -4S S o oo 6 is 503000 3I.6J 1 OS.) G 53 S o oo 44' ST S o oo 133.5 44' f J O O I4T.7.0 41- 161.60 44' T 1 5 ooo 44' 1 9 o oo 38 44' 61 S ooo 3k 2.GI.46* 44' 1 55" ooo 66.3 1 I 95ooo llZ5ooo 86 BRAYTON STANDARDS Column Binders. Column binders, regardless of the size of the column or the capacity therein should be of the sizes given in the accompanying table on page 87, and in all cases the binders should be spaced 12" on centers. The table gives the size of the col- umn together with the size of the binder, and the length of the pieces from which it is made in feet and inches, and its total weight in pounds. These binders are based upon the detail given upon page 64, and it will be noticed that for columns larger than 10"xlO" where eight rods are used, each binder consists of two pieces, the one set on the diagonal, as shown. The binders being spaced just one foot on centers, the weight of the binders given in the table is convenient for estimating pur- poses, being the weight per lineal foot of column. BRAYTON STANDARDS 87 Column Binders. COLUMN BINDE.T2.S- SlZ-C. ~* Io**lo" 3" a I.Zo' It* It" 1" 5L'- 3" 3 L Jo" 3.1 ' I4> t A* 16 I'-t- *,- 1C- 14' 1C 5'- -2." *. r 4 '-<:, M 15x16 5'- lo" s.ze i" S'-o" Zo*Zo z 6T-6.' i.&" * 22*2z" z T'-Z* 644 C'- o" 24'* 24 J_^ a'- o" 9.3V 88 BRAYTON STANDARDS Footings. A reinforced spread footing is one in which the reinforcement is used to give the footing a great spread at a shallow depth. The reinforcement should be always arranged to take care of the shear in the concrete, similar to that shown in the detail. The column is given a bearing on these footings, by a steel plate within the footing and short pieces of steel of the same diameter as the column, being of steel of the same diameter as the column rods, being ptovided in such a way teat the column may be conveniently started, a splice being formed the same as at any floor level above. Footings of the pyramid type do not require reinforcement, as the concrete is of such form as to furnish enough tension within itself. Usually foot- ings of this character are supplied with cast iron base plates underneath the columns. This base plate is most conveniently formed of the box type in which the steel rods are extended to the bottom plate of the cast iron base. BRAYTON STANDARDS 89 Footing. PYRAMID COLOMH fOOTtHQ" MALJT PLAN- 90 BRAYTON STANDARDS Footing. COLUMN TOOTINC 5E.CT10N PLAN BRAYTON STANDARDS 91 Stairs. Stairs in reinforced concrete are economical and the most thoroughly fireproof type of stair con- struction possible. They may be finished on top either with a cement finish, or merely the structural portions of the stair may be built in concrete, and the top finished with marble, mosaic, cast iron, or other material suitable to the architectural require- ments. The type of stairs here detailed is that where stringers are not used but the treads are built direct- ly upon a slab. This method is entirely satisfactory for short spans. Where the span becomes so great that the dead load of the stairs plus the live load requires a very thick slab, a stringer should be built at each side, the treads spanning between and acting as beams. The stringers are calculated the same as beams, the details being suited to resist the shear produced at the various angles. 92 BRAYTON STANDARDS BRAYTON STANDARDS 93 Adhesion of Concrete to Rods. Tests show that plain rods imbedded in con crete will develop an ultimate adhesion of something over 200 pounds per square inch. It is considered in good practice that 50 pounds per square inch is safe. In case the rods should be imbedded with a hook on the end or in a curved form, because of the increased friction, far more than 50 pounds to the square inch would be developed. In the case of heavy rods imbedded as tension members, care should be taken that a sufficient length of bar is imbedded in the concrete to develop the strength of the rod itself at the strain for which it is calcu- lated. The table on page 94 indicates the length of rods of various diameters imbedded in concrete, so that when the adhesion equals 50 pounds per square inch of surface, the strength of the rod will be fully developed, the fibre strains being calculated at 16,000 pounds, 20,000 pounds and 24,000 pounds per square inch. 94 BRAYTON STANDARDS Adhesion of Concrete to Rods. UtLQuiacD LTLNC.TH -- 5TR&io,MTl2oD5 1MDLDDLD ro DLVLLOP rib^LOm/\lM5 Q1VE.N- ADHESION WLlNCf 5OVOQMH- MBRE. 5TRAU IN &.OD3 iGooo o x/ Zoooo ^a" 2.4 ooo Q C C^ Q 2 D cy D2 d h uJ 2 < A l'-a" z^r E'- 6" t tf-jT z'- e> u 3-z" d E-^ 3 - ^" 3- 9" I'' g Z- II" 3- a" 4-5" ( " z 3'-4-" -4 1 - z" S- o" 9" 1C* 3- 9" 4'-" 5^'' 5" fi> 4-- 2" 5'- 3" C.'-3* 4 5'-o- -3" T-4" 7 " a 5-)o" -7-4" >'-9" 1" G-a" e-V lo'-^' li' 1-6" 9-^' y n- s" U" e-V lo-S"" JZ-4- il" s'-z 7 ' ti" Jc'-o" 11" lo ^!c" a w I!'- 8" is ltT-4 1 z" 13-^" BRAYTON STANDARDS 95 Lumber for Forms. On page 101 is given a method of building forms which are entirely collapsible, and which have been used extensively in the construction of buildings. This method of construction has proved extremely satisfactory because of its economy. The use of the 2" solid plank may seem superfluous but in the end it is the cheapest way, because the 2" plank will hold its position without being nailed, where a fa" board would warp or would be broken by the handling of the material on top of it. Furthermore, heavy forms will have more salvage in them than light ones, coming out almost without damage. Forms should be figured to be used from two to four times, depending upon the size of the building. Usually if time permits, it is possible to use the forms three times in a 9-story building. Weather being suitable, forms may be removed in 20 days. Setting of concrete may be hastened by heat supplied by radiators, or preferably by a fan system. The general system of forming is that the joists are supported upon the beams by means of a loose piece of 4 x 4, which may be removed, thus remov- ing the entire support of the joists, which are not nailed in place, and they may be immediately taken down, together with the 2" plank used for the slab. After the removal of the joists and the slab, the forms for the beams are removed by opening them away from the beam, the sides swinging on the bolts which act as hinges at the lower ends of the battens. Column forms are built entirely of 2" stuff having each side held together by battens. Binders for the column forms consist of 4 x 4 pine slotted at the ends to receive /^" bolts having malleable cast washers. It will be noticed that the beam 96 BRAYTON STANDARDS supporting the joists is slightly different from the beam parallel to the joists. The table on page 102 indicates the board measure to be used for slabs, beams and columns, slabs being given per square foot, beams of the two types being given per lineal foot, and columns being given by the lineal foot. The sizes of the beams below the slab are noted in inches together with the number of feet board measure required to build the forms. Columns for various sizes are given to- gether with the board measure required to build the forms, the forms including all battens, binders, etc. Beams and columns of other sizes than those given may be determined by interpolation. All struts supporting the beams are included in the board measure here given. BRAYTON STANDARDS 97 98 BRAYTON STANDARDS Lumber for Forms. T2LQUIT2E.D T BEAM3S COLUMNS- ACCORDING Toj)LTA I L - PELU Jo PE.R LINLAL roar !NCLUDiNC 7 FOE.E>E-AK E>tL-OW SLAB !o"*15' b / \ATE 5 TaiAI_'RE.QUlfcf - D Z\ &.M.* Z^-B.JA 21&xC LAMS PA"g/\LL.fLU TO JOISTS ^^ DtLOW ^>LAD lo* is' COLUMN!) Pn^ LINLAL TOOT INCLUDiMC, B^ 15 e>. 2.1 e>.^* 2A - 24*| BRAYTON STANDARDS 99 Proportions of Materials in Concrete. The tables from pages 100 to 103 are taken from experiments made at the University of Cornell, and it has been found by experience that the pro- portions of the various materials required to make one cubic yard of concrete agree fairly well with the quantities given in these tables. They are not given as being absolutely correct, but as the best available information on the subject and entirely satisfactory for estimating purposes. For use in reinforced con- crete the table for gravel, given upon page 100, and the one with the hazelnut stone, upon page 101, should be used. Stone of 2" size is rarely used in reinforced concrete. There should be an abundance of water mixed with the concrete used for reinforcement, as it gives a tougher mixture when fully set and is more econ- omical in placing; it comes in closer contact with the steel and the cement is more likely to thoroughly coat every surface than where the concrete is so dry as to require tamping. For reinforced concrete work in which the ex- treme fibre in bending is strained to 500 pounds per square inch or direct compression is figured at 350 pounds per square inch as in these tables the proportions of one part of cement, to two parts of sand, to four parts of hazelnuf stone or gravel are recommended. 100 BRAYTON STANDARDS Gravel Concrete. AMOUNTS or CJLMHNT- 3&ND *-OTONCL "REiauip-EiD F *- CONCR.ELTH Mix.Tui2.E.^ CONCT2E.TE. U/ITH d^AVCLL. jfc" AND UMDE-CL T^FPOPORTJ ON.S T^C-dUlTeEX) TOTC. 1 CO 3ic VAT&P- JtMCNT SAND ICJRAVEL Ct^tMT &.Bt_i> ^>AMD Cu YOS C R.AVt\- C. c f O f 1 . o . o . o . Z..S 3.0 3.S -4-. o 2.. ( o . e>> .T 1 5 S o, 3 -a. o. z& o. -2.<*> . & \ o. 34 .5 .S .5 .5 . 5 3 o 35 "V. o -4-.S 5.0 . T I . ST . A<* . 34- . ^4 0.3d o. 3 o. 3a o.3t o. -X.& 0. T a 0. d3 0- dd 0- S 1 o 34 Z.o Z.o 7L o Z..O 2. 3.S 4-. o -4- ^ 5-0 <,. o .4-4. . 34- . 2.G* . 1 T o2> 0.44 o. 4 I o 3fi 0. 3 <2? 0. 3 I o. T T 0. o \ o. B&> o. a 3 o. S4 Z S 2..S 2. e 2. 5 z.s Z. 5 A .0 AS 3.& 3.S 61.0 7. o . Z-4- . I &> . 1 o3 o.9d o se> 0. 4- T 0.44 0.42. 0-39 0. 3"T 0- 33 o. T S 0. fl o63 o. S4> o. &9 0. 9 3 3.o 3.0 C> o VO 3. o 3.o 5 o 5.o 5. S G.o 6-S To l.S S.o i o -a o S-T 0.9 -.z 0.0 o.S4 o. 8>o o. -?, 4 T 0. 44 0. 4 2. e.4o o. 3<3 3T o. 35 1 o. f 8 o. e 1 o. ^4 o. a T o. a> o. 9 I 0, 9 3 3.5 3.S 3.S 3.5 3.S 3.5 3.S G> o 9 o- 3 I 0.93 So 5 o to. o 1^.0 51 05 1 0-4 3 ,30 o a *f o e>-2. d>.o & t-z. o l^-.o o 4fi> o 4-3 o.44 04-0 o e o. S 2. 1 1 14-0 IG, o O ^7. o.36 o.44 O 4 O S<9 0. 2L. BRAYTON STANDARDS 101 Hazelnut Stone Concrete. ANAOUNT^ or CELMHNTOAND*OTONH 12C-OU 1 Rt-D Tots - CONCT2E.TJL MlKTU^E-5 * jCorsCRETE. WITI-I "MA2LE.l_NUT" i>TOME-- PeoPosLT.o > TO*. 1 co Bi S YASLD ,c .0 .0 . ^ 2..S 3.5 2-57 z. zs> !. B4- o. 39 0- 35- 0. 3 1 0. 7,6) C.O . f OS 0.7 B 0.86 . 94- . 5 . S . 5 .5 S i.s 3.0 3. e 4-. Z.oS 1.63 .11. . 57 43 o. 4-7 O. 4-2. 0. 39 O. ^ 0.7ft o *'9 0. SB 2. Z Z ^ o 3.o 3-5 4.o 4-. 5 ! 5.0 . 7o . 57 . 3 o 10. O o. G"2. o . So O -4-7 o .9o 0.95 6>.o \\.o 17.. o o. 55 0-52- , SI o -46 o 93 o. 95 7.o 13.0 0.-4-5 So 0.4-S 2:U 102 BRAYTON STANDARDS Graded Stone Concrete. AMOUNTS or CE.MCNT-OAND ^OTONE. CO NC'TS.n.T'CL- WITH -STONE- "2.^" ^ M0 OHDELTS- O/S^> Eg.gui^e.1 % c T ^ r> o . o . 2..0 3.o 3. S 2.- 2>4- 2.- 1 J. 8S 0.4-0 o. 3> <5> o. 32. o. X9 o. 60 o . e e I . . 5 5 5 .5 . 5 25 3-0 3- S 4-. o 4-. 5 Z. ojD J. 9 . C* \ o . 4- o.43 o. 4o o. 31 O . "3 13 o. So 0. ftl o. S 3 o. 9 S 1.00 Z.o 20 2.0 2.-0 2. o 3-5 .4. o 4-.S 7 3 .4 S 0. 5 2. o. 4-5 o . -4- Z 0. 39 o. 19 o- s S O 90 . ^J? o. 9B z.s z.s z.s z.s 2: s 3.S 4-. o 4-5 S.o S.5 i 3 "2-3 . Z( . ! S 0. SC. o . S 3 0.4-9 . .4 & o , ^.4 o. 4 1 o. IS o . sA o. e>& o. 3 z 3.o 3-0 3.o 3.0 3.0 3-0 4. S S.o s.s 4.5 I.o . 7.3 ! v5 . o Z o . ^ S o. 9Z- o. sa o. 55 o. 5Z, o 4 *3 o. A T o. 44- o. 42- o. i s O . & Z- o. ai 0. go o. 3 3 0.' 9 e> 3.S 3.5 3.5 2>.S 3.S S.o 5-5 6.0 T*S .01 . oZ o.9o o. as o. 66 o. 51 o. 54- o. 5 I o. 43 o. 41 o. 4-5 <=>. SZL o. fi>5 o. es . 9 Z. 0. 9S o . S fi> A.o 4.0 C..S 1-0 T-5 as o. ae 0. O4- o. a i 0. -\Ca o . 5 < o. 53 o. S \ o- 5o o . 4 S O. 4- o. A4- ei o. ^o o. 9 "3 0. 3S o. 9 6 5.0 S.o 9.0 lo.o o . GT o 43 0.52. 0,93 O- S > fc'.O M. o o!54- S:5S o. 2>^}- 1.0 1.0 13.o l'.*l o.5l 0. SS BRAYTON STANDARDS 103 Two and One-half Inch Stone Concrete, AMOUNTS or CLMELNT -^AND^OTONIL- CoNCR-tiTE- WITH D~T~OME_ 2-4." PR.OPO E.-TIOM> J2.E_QUISZ.E-D Fe>l * 1 <^OE>10 ^Av-Eir) a M eN,|5ANO I5TONC. C^^-r SA-O S-ro^r- I 1 1 ! . o Z o 2. S 3- o z -1 ' o. 4- | 0- 31 33 0.83 ^Z. I 5 15 1.5 ~2-S 3- S Z. 1 G |. C.-* 0.4- 1 o 3S 0-89 | . oo 7.0 Z. o 2.-0 2.0 3 3.5 1 I IS 1 .' 53 I .43 o. S4 o . 50 0- 4T O. <4-2> o.Sl o. fi>Q . O . **) 3 o. ^e> 2.. 5 2.5 Z 5 2.5 Z-5 3.S -4-.S s.s 1. 5 1 . 33 l! 16 0. 5S . 54 0. 5" I o . 4& 0. 4-4 o.e! O. >T o. 96, 0.99 30 30 3-0 3-0 3.0 4.S S.o s.s l.'4 i-il I. 1 1 . I . oC, o. 0.91 3.S 3-5 3. S 3.S s.s TO 1 . 061 1. 00 O . C)Ca o. S3 o. SO. o . S3 o. SI 0,49 9S O 9s 4.0 4-o *X.o T.S 0-95 oiai 0.84 . 58 o. sS o- S3 0- SI o .49 0.81 o 90 o 93 o 38 S.o S.o . o'A* o - 51 . S3 o.9T o- ^G &>.<=> 1 0.0 o. GS o . sd - 5<^ O - ft Q To 1-0 U. o IZ- o o. S4 0-S2- o -St o SS o . o^ 1 Shop Details. The following pages illustrate the * types'' of rods used in "The Uniform Design" and show how, by combination of these "types," all ordinary slabs and beams are reinforced. If detailers will make it a practice to use the notation here given for the various forms of rods, it will be of great assistance to workmen and to others familiar with standard construction. Where beams of such a nature are to be de- signed, that rods of a special type must be used, the latter must be special and be marked with a designat- ing letter "S," as shown in some of the details follow- ing. In preparing rods for the structure they should be tied in bundles of convenient size to handle with the apparatus at hand. Each bundle should con- tain only beams of one "type" and should be prop- erly labeled for identification. For convenience in erection the number of rods in one bundle should be for one floor only, for no broken bundles should await erection. Bending of rods can almost always be done cold and it will be found far more economical than blacksmith work. The first requirement for detailing is a framing plan showing the exact location of all columns and beams by means of figured dimensions. Beams should always be represented by means of a center line, and not by two lines, and dimensions should be to this center line. BRAYTON STANDARDS 105 The primary object in a framing plan is to locate the various beams by their "marks." Each beam should receive a number, similar beams being marked with similar numbers. In detailing, the "mark" is given for each beam and the number of beams of this "mark" is indicated for each floor, or for the entire building as the de- signer desires. This is most conveniently done by the use of a rubber stamp. A second stamp pro- perly filled out should indicate the "types" ^nd number of rods, and diameter and length of each required to make one beam. The total bill of rods giving sizes and lengths for the entire building should be made from these details. 106 BRAYTON STANDARDS o c* (O BRAYTON STANDARDS 107 o C* c <0 to 7 108 BRAYTON STANDARDS <0 r vO *j Q "0 u -1 ft VJ J O 1- (J- fi Id -^^7" BRAYTON STANDARD 109 c. o Jf) *c Q. O 110 BRAYTON STANDARDS o c a^ ( < * c c " CD IQ CD S* m ^3 3J Us -o ' CD 0) Q. CD CD * J i- la wo mo Ol M CO H 30 O m O 33 O C so m 0149! \