SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE NEGRO QUESTION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER SECOND ISSUE WITH ADDITIONS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1906 u> LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE NEGEO QUESTION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER SECOND ISSUE WITH ADDITIONS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1906 L. C. card, 6-35017 PREFATORY NOTE This is one of a number of lists upon topics of current interest which have been compiled to meet requests by letter. So far as it could be distributed at all it has hitherto been distributed in type written form. The applications have become so numerous that it has now been reduced to print, so as to be available for more general distribution. a lt has no -claim to completeness; nor does it even attempt to exhaust the resources of this Library on the subject. Its purpose is merely to present some of the authorities of interest to the general inquirer. The special investigator must, of course, go much further. A. P. C. GRIFFIN Ch ief of Division of Bibliography HERBERT PUTNAM Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C., March 26, 1903 a NOTE. This issue has received some new titles, but not sufficient to change the character of the List as described above. WASHINGTON, D. C., June 9, 1906 I 6520! LIST OF BOOKS ON THE NEGRO QUESTION Abbott, Ernest Hamlin. Religious life in America. A record of personal observation. New York: The Outlook company, 1902. xii, 370pp. 8. "Religious tendencies of the negro," pp. 81-104. American academy of political and social science. America s race problems. Addresses at the fifth annual meeting, April 12-13, 1901. [Philadelphia: American academy of political and social science, 1901.} 187 pp. 8 C . Contents: The races of the Pacific: The natives of Hawaii; a study of Polynesian charm, by Titus Munson Coan; The races of the Philippines The Tagals, by Charles C. Pierce; The semi-civilized tribes of the Philippine Islands, by Oliver C. Miller; The causes of race superiority, by Edward A. Ross; The race problem at the South: Introductory remarks, by Hilary A. Herbert; The relation of the whites to the negroes, by George T. Winston ; The relation of the negroes to the whites in the South, by W. E. Burghardt Du Bois; The races of the West Indies: Our relation to the people of Cuba and Porto Rico, by Orville H. Platt; The Spanish popu lation of Cuba and Porto Rico, by Charles M. Pepper. American negro academy. Occasional papers. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6. Washington, D. C. Published by the Academy, 1897-1899. 4 vols. 8. Bald-win, William H. jr. The present problem of negro education. (In American social science association. Journal, number 37, December, 1899, pp. 52-68.) Barringer, Paul Brandon. The American negro: his past and future. 3d edition. Raleigh, N. C. : Edwards & Broughton, 1900. 23 pp. 8. The sacrifice of a race. " An address delivered before the race conference at Montgomery, Ala., May 10, 1900. Raleigh, N. C., 1900. 30pp. 8. 5 6 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Blair, Lewis H. The prosperity of the South dependent on the eleva tion of the negro. Richmond, Va.: E. Waddy, 1889. ix, 147pp. 12. Blyden, Edward W. Christianity, Islam and the negro race. With an introduction by the Hon. Samuel Lewis. 2d edition. London: W. B. Whittingham c co., 1888. (!,}, aw, (!}, 433 pp. 8. "African colonisation," pp. 383-423. "Appendix. The Republic of Liberia," pp. 425-432. Brackett, Jeffrey R. The negro in Maryland. A study of the insti tution of slavery. .Baltimore: N. Murray, 1889. (6], 268pp. 8. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Extra vol. 6.) - Notes on the progress of the colored people of Maryland since the war. A supplement to The negro in Maryland: a study of the institution of slavery. Baltimore: Publication agency of the Johns Hopkins Univer sity, July, August, September, 1890. 96 pp. 8. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Eighth series, 78-9.} Brannon, Henry. A treatise on the rights and privileges guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Cincinnati: W. H. Anderson &co., 1901. ix, (1), 562pp. 8. Brown, William Garrott. The lower South in American history. New York: The Macmillan company, 1902. xi, (1), 271 pp. "The Ku Klux movement," pp. 189-225. "Shifting the white man s burden," pp. 245-271 Bruce, Philip A. The plantation negro as a freeman. Observations on his character, condition, and prospects in Virginia. New York and London: G. P. Putnam s sons, 1889. ix, (1), 262pp. 12. (Questions of the day, no. 57.} Cable, George Washington. The negro question. New York: Charles Scribner s sons, 1890. vi, (2), 173 pp. 12. - The silent South, together with the freedman s case in equity, and the convict lease system. New edition. New York: Charles Scribner s sons, 1889. vi, (2), 213 pp. Portrait. 12. LIST OF BOOKS ON THE NEGBO QUESTION 7 Calhoun, William Patrick. The Caucasian and negro in the United States. They must be separate. If not, then extermina tion. A proposed solution : colonization. Columbia, S. C. : The R. L. Bryan co. , 1902. 171 pp. Por trait. 12. Chandler, Julian A. C. Representation in Virginia. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins press, 1896. 83 pp. 8. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and politi cal science. Fourteenth series, 6-7.} [Christmas, L. T.] An evil router from all the walks of life from the cradle to the grave. A panacea for racial friction and a crowning benediction to humanity. Raleigh, N. C., Edwards & Broughton, 1900. 26pp. 8. Clayton, Virginia V. White and black under the old regime. With introduction by F. C. Morehouse. Milwaukee: The Young churchman co., [1899], 195 pp. Plates. Portraits. 16. Clowes, W. Laird. Black America: a study of the ex-slave and his late master. Reprinted, with large additions, from "The Times." Cassell <& company, London, [etc.], 1891. ayiii, (!}, 24-0 pp. Map. 12. Cook, Charles C. A comparative study of the negro problem. Washington D. C. : Published by the Academy, 1899. llpp. 8. (American negro academy. Occasional papers, no. 4>) Cross, Samuel Creed. The negro and the sunny South. A lecture. /S. C. Cross, publisher, Martinsburg, West Va. , 1899. 136pp. Portrait. 12. Culp, Daniel Wallace, ed. Twentieth century negro literature; or, A cyclopedia of thought on the vital topics relating to the American negro, by one hundred of America s greatest negroes. Naperville, III. : J..L. Nichols A co., [1902]. 472pp. Fron tispiece. Portraits. 8. Curry, J. L. M. 1. Difficulties, complications and limitations con nected with the education of the negro. 2. Education of the negroes since I860. (In United States. Commissioner of education. Report, 1894-95, vol. 2, pp. 1366-1384. Washington, 1896.) 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt. The college-bred negro: report of a social study made under the direction of Atlanta univer sity; together with the proceedings of the fifth conference for the study of the negro problems, held at Atlanta uni versity, May 29-30, 1900. Atlanta, Ga. : Atlanta university press, 1900. (2},115,(l)pp. 8. (Atlanta university. Publications, no. 5.} - The conservation of races. Washington: Published l>y the Academy, 1897. 15 pp. 8. (The American negro academy. Occasional papers, no. 2.) The negro common school. Report of a social study made under the direction of AtLnta university; together with the proceedings of the sixth conference for the study of the negro problems, held at Atlanta university, on May 28, 1901. University press, Atlanta, Georgia, 1901. (.), ii, (2), 1%0 pp. 8. (Atlanta university. Publications, no. 6.) The negro in business. Report of a social study made under the direction of Atlanta university; together with the pro ceedings of the fourth conference for the study of the negro problems, held at Atlanta university, May 30-31, 1899. Atlanta, Georgia, 1899. (4), 77 pp. 8. (Atlanta univer sity. Publications, no. 4-} - The negro in the black belt: some social sketches. ( In United States. Department of Labor. Bulletin vol. 4, no. 22, pp. 401-116. Washington, 1899. 8.) The negro landholder of Georgia. (In United States. Department of Labor. Bulletin no. 35, pp. 647- 777. Washington, 1901. 8.) - The negroes of Farmville, Virginia: a social study. ( In United States. Department of Labor. Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 14, pp. 1-38. Washington, 1898. 8.) - The Philadelphia negro, together with a special report on domestic service, by Isabel Eaton. .Boston: Ginn <& co. , 1899. 8. ( University of Pennsylvania. Publications. /Series in political economy and public law, no. IJf-.} - A select bibliography of the American negro for general readers. Atlanta, Geoi^gia, 1901. 11 pp. 8. (Atlanta University. Publications.) LIST OF BOOKS ON THE NEGRO QUESTION 9 Du Eois, W. E. Burghardt. Some efforts of American negroes for their own social betterment. Report of an investigation under the direction of Atlanta University; together with the proceedings of the third conference for the study of the negro problems, held at Atlanta University, May 25-26, 1S98. Atlanta, Ga. : Atlanta university press, 1898. (#), 66 pp. 8. (Atlanta university. Publication*, no. 3.} Ferrer de Couto, Jose. Los negros en ,su diversos estados y condi- ciones; tales como son, como se supone que son, y como deben ser. Nueva York: Ttnprenta de Hallet, 1864. 310, (1) pp. 8. Fortune, T. Thomas. Black and white: land, labor, and politics in the South. New York: Fords, Howard, cfe Hulbert, 1884. 310pp. 16. (American questions.} G-aines, D. B. Racial possibilities as indicated by the negroes of Arkansas. Little Rock, Ark. : Print, dept. of Philander Smith college, 1898. 189pp. Illustrations. 12. Gannett, Henry. Occupations of the negroes. Baltimore: Published l>y the Trustees, 1895. 15 pp. Plates. 8. (John F. Slater fund. Occasional papers, no. 6.) Reprinted in United States. Commissioner of Education. Report, 1894-95, vol. 2, pp. 1385-1396. Washington, 1896. Gibson, J. W., W. H. Crogman, and others. The colored American from slavery to honorable citizenship. J. L. Niclwls <& co., Atlanta, Ga. [etc.] 1902. 7 3% pp. Illus trations. Plates. Portraits. 8. Gruthrie, James M. Camp-fires of the Afro- American, or, the col ored man as a patriot, soldier, sailor, and hero, in the cause of free America. Philadelphia: Afro- American puh. co., 1899. 710pp. Illus trations. Plates. Portraits. 8. Gruthrie, William D. Lectures on the fourteenth article of amend ment to the Constitution of the United States. Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1898. xxviii, 265 pp. 8. Hampton normal and agricultural institute. Twenty-two years work of the Hampton normal and agricultural institute at Hamp ton, Virginia. Records of negro and Indian graduates and ex-students. With historical and personal sketches and tes- 329640(5 2 10 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS timony on important race questions from within and with out. Illustrated with views and maps. Hampton: Normal school press, 1893. v, (3), 520, (8} pp. Frontispiece (Folded plate}. Folded maps. 8. Haynes, G. H. Representation in state legislatures. The Southern states. (In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 16, pp. 93-119. Philadelphia, 1900.) Herbert, Hilary A., and others. Why the solid South? or, recon struction and its results. Baltimore: R. H. Woodward dk co., 1890. xvii, 452 pp. 16. Hoar, George Frisbie. The opportunity of the colored leader. An address to the law class of Howard university, 189-i. Washington: Howard university press, 189 4. 17 pp. 8. Hoffman, Frederick L. Race traits and tendencies of the American negro. Published for the American economic association by the Mac- millan company, New York, [1896]. 329 pp. 8. (Amer ican economic association. Publications, vol. 11, nos. 1, 2 and 3.} Ingle, Edward. The negro in the District of Columbia. (In Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Eleventh series, 3-4, March-April, 1893, pp. 93-202. 8. ) Southern sidelights. A picture of social and economic life in the South a generation before the war. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & company, [1896]. (6), 373 pp. 12 Q . (Library of economics and politics, no. 10.) Johnson, Edward A. History of negro soldiers in the Spanish- American war, and other items of interest. Raleigh, N. C. : Capital printing co. . 1899. 147pp. Plates. Portrait. 8. Kettell, Thomas Prentice. Southern wealth and Northern profits, as exhibited in statistical facts and official figures: showing the necessity of union to the future prosperity and welfare of the Republic. New York: George W. cfe John A. Wood, 1860. 173pp. 8. Laws, J. Bradford. The negroes of Cinclare central factory and Calumet plantation, Louisiana. (In United States. Department of Labor. Bulletin no. 38, pp. 95-120. Washington, 1902. 8.) Le Conte, Joseph. The race problem in the South. ( In Brooklyn ethical association. Man and the state. Studies in applied sociology, pp. 349-402. New York, 1892. 8.) LIST OF BOOKS ON THE NEGKO QUESTION 11 Love, John L. The disfranchisement of the negro. Washington, D. C. : Published by the Academy, 1899. (#), 27 pp. 8. (The American negro academy. Qccaswnal papers, no. 6.) Mayo, A. D. The opportunity and obligation of the educated class of the colored race in the southern states. (In United States. Commissioner of Education. Report, 1898-99, vol. 1, pp. 1227-1246. Washington, 1900. 8.) - Third estate at the South. An address delivered before the American social science association at Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1890. Boston: G. II. Ellis, 1890. 24pp. 8. Miller, Kelly. "The primary needs of the negro race;" an address delivered before the alumni association of the Hampton normal and agricultural institute, June 14, 1899. Washington,!). C.: Howard university press, 1899. 18pp. 8. A review of Hoffman s race traits and tendencies of the American negro. Washington, D. C.: Published by tJie Academy, 1897. 36 pp. 8. (American negro academy. Occasional papers, no. 1.} Morgan, John T. Negro suffrage in the South. Mr. Pritchard s res olution. Speech in the Senate of the United States, Jan uary 8, 1900. Washington, 1900. 16pp. 8. Cover-title. Morgan, Thomas J. The negro in America, and the ideal American republic. Philadelphia: American Baptist publishing society. [1898]. 203 pp. 12. Nash, Charles E. The status of the negro, from a negro s standpoint, in his own dialect. Little Rock, Ark. : Tunnah cfc Pittard, 1900. 32 pp. Illus trations. 12. National negro business league. Proceedings of the first meeting, held in Boston, Massachusetts, August 23 and 24, 1900. [J. R. Hamm, publisher, Hoston, 1901.] 279 pp. Plates. Portrait. 8. Nieboer, H. J. Slavery as an industrial system. Ethnological researches. The Hague: Martinus Nijhof, 1900. xwvii, (!}, 474 pp. 8. 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Northrop, Henry Davenport, Joseph R. Gay Northrop, and I. Gar land Perm. The southern college of life and universal edu cator; being a manual of self -improvement and guide to success for the colored race. Philadelphia, Pa.: National publishing <%>., [190%]. (6), 17-164, %ii, \iii\ xviii, 700, (8), mi pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Map. 8. Pell, Edward Leigh. The bright side of humanity; glimpses of life in every land, showing the distinctive noble traits of all races. Richmond, Va.: The B. F. Johnson publishing co., [1900], 602 pp. Illustrations. Plates (partly colored). Portraits. 8. The American negro, pp. 303-343. Penn, I. Garlarid, and J. W. E. Bowen. The united negro : his prob lems and his progress. Containing the addresses and pro ceedings the Negro young people s Christian and educa tional congress, held August 6-11, 1902. Atlanta, Ga.: D. E. Luth&r publishing co., 1902. xxx, 600 pj). Plates. Portraits. 12. X Pierce, Edward L. Enfranchisement and citizenship. Addresses and papers. Edited by A. W. Stevens. Boston: Roberts lr other s,1896. vii, (), 397pp. 8. Chapter5, pp. 142-184, contains "Two systems of reconstruction." Pike, James S. The prostrate state: South Carolina under negro government. New York: D. Appleton A CQ., 187 4. 279pp. 12. [Presley, Samuel C.] Negro lynching in the South. Treating of the . negro, his past and ^.present condition, of the cause of lynching, and of tjje means to remedy the evil. Washington, Bxttf: T. W. Cadick, 1899. 64 pp. Illus trations. 8. Prichard, Hesketh. Where black rules white; a journey across and about Hayti. Westminister: Archibald; Constable c co., 1900. (10), 288 pj>. Illustrations. Plates. 8. Richings, G. F. An album of negro educators. \n. p., 1900.] 48 pp. Illustrations. Oil. 32. Riley, Jerome R. The philosophy of negro suffrage. Hartford: American piillishing company, 1895. 110 pp. Portrait. 8. LIST OF BOOKS ON THE NEGKO QUESTION 13 Royall, William L. History of the Virginia debt controversy. The negro s vicious influence in politics. Richmond, Va.: Geo. M. West, publisher, 1897. lllpp. 12. Sadler, M. E. The education of the coloured race. (In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on educa tional subjects, vol. 11. Education in the United States of Amer ica, part 2, pp. 521-560. London, 1902. 8.) Slater (John F.) fund for the education of freedmen. Proceedings of the trustees. Baltimore: J. Murphy <& co., 1892-1901. 6 vols. 8. The "Occasional papers" of the Slater fund, nos. 1-6, are reprinted in the United States. Commissioner of education. Report, 1894-95, vol. 2, pp. 1366-1424. Social and physical condition of negroes in cities. Report of an inves tigation under the direction of Atlanta university: and Proceedings of the second conference for the study of problems concerning negro city life, held at Atlanta uni versity, May 25-26, 1897. Atlanta, Ga. : Atlanta university press, 1897. 72,J.4PP- #- (Atlanta university. Publications, no. 2.) Southern society for the promotion of the study of race conditions and problems in the South. Race problems of the South. Report of the proceedings of the first annual conference ... at Montgomery, Alabama, May 8, 9, 10, 1900. Richmond: B. F. Johnson publishing company, [1900]. 2^0 pp. 8. Contents: "Montgomery s welcome to the visitors and delegates," E. B. Joseph; "The welcome of^Alabama," Joseph F. Johnston; s< The idea and history of the conference," J. B. Gaston; "The problems that present themselves," Hilary A. Herbert; "The franchise in the South," Alfred Moore Waddell; John T. Graves; William A. McCockle; " Popular education in the South," Hollia B. Frissell; Julius D. Dreher; J. L. M. Curry; " The negro in rela tion to religion;" "Expenditures for negro evangelization Principles and methods;" "Which is the wiser form of religious work among negroes that controlled by white agencies, or that administered by negroes?" D. Clay Lilly, W. A. Guerry; "What are the religious conditions of the negro to-day, compared with those of ante-bellum days the differences and their significance?" C. C. Brown; "Should we advise the raising of the standard of ordination for the negro clergy?" J. R. Slattery; Lynching as a penalty: "The punishment of crimes against women existing legal remedies and their sufficiency," Alex. C. King; " Is lynch ing advisable?" Clifton C. Breckinridge; The negro and the social order: "The sacrifice of a race," Paul B. Barringer; "The negro aa an American problem," W. Bourke Cockran; "A partial list of books and pamphlets on the negro question in the United States," S. M. Lindsay, pp. 224-240. 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Spahr, Charles B. America s working people. Longmans, Green andco., New York, London [etc.]., 1900. m, (2), 261pp. 12. The negro as an industrial factor, pp. 72-90. The negro as a citizen; pp. 91-119. [Stetson, George R.] The southern negro as he is. By G. R. S. Boston: G. H. Ellis, 1877. 32pp. 8. Stone, Alfred Holt. The negro in the Yazoo-Mississippi delta. (In American economic association. Publications, 3d series, vol 3, pp. 235-272. New York, 1902. 8. ) Sutton, Edwin H. Negro problem. {Baltimore, 1889.} 71pp. 12. Thorn, William Taylor. The negroes of Litwalton, Virginia: a social study of the " Oyster negro." (In United States. Department of Labor. Bulletin, no. 37, pp. 1115-1170. Washington, 1901. 8.) The negroes of Sandy Spring, Maryland: a social study. (In United States. Department of Labor. Bulletin, no. 32, pp. 43-102. Washington, 1901. 8.) Thomas, William Hannibal. The American negro, what he was, what he is, and what he may become. A critical and practical discussion. New York: The Macmillan company, 1901. xxvi, (#), 440 pp. 8. Thrasher, Max Bennett. Tuskegee: its story and its work. With an introduction by Booker T. Washington. Boston: Small, Maynard <& company, 1900. xvi, 215 pp. Plates. Portrait. 12. Tillinghast, Joseph Alexander. The negro in Africa and America. Published for the American economic association by the Mac millan company, New York. [1902]. m, 231 pp. 8. (American economic association. Publications, third series, vol. 3, no. 2. May, 1902.} Part I : The negro in West Africa. Part II : The negro under American slavery. Part III: The negro as a free citizen. Bibliography, pp. 229-231. Tourgee, Albion W. An appeal to Caesar. New York: Fords, Howard and Hulbert, 1884. 1$% pp. 16. LIST OF BOOKS ON THE "NEGRO QUESTION 15 United States. o5th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 114,. Protest of citizens of Louisiana, etc. Letter from the attorney -general, transmitting, in response to resolution of the Senate of January 26, 1898, copy of a protest of citizens of Louisiana against violations of the Constitution by the acting circuit judge and the district attorney of the United States for the eastern district of Louisiana by the exclusion from service on juries in the United States courts of duly qualified citizens on account of color. Feb. 4, 1898. 14 pp. 8. Senate document no. 114, pt. 2. Exclusion of colored persons from juries in United States courts in Louisiana. Letter from the attorney-general, transmitting, in further response to resolution of the Senate of Jan. 26, 1898, copies of answers filed by the district judge and the attorney of the United States, referred to in the protest concerning alleged exclusion of colored persons from service upon juries in the United States court in the district of Louisiana. Mar. 7, 1898. 5 pp. 8. Bureau of Education. Education of the colored race. (In Report of commissioner for 1894-95, vol. 2, pp. 1331-1366. Washington, 1896. 8.) The Slater fund and the education of the negro. (In Report of commissioner for 1894-95, vol. 2, pp. 1367-1424. Washington, 1896. 8.) Education of the colored race. (In Report of commissioner for 1895-96, vol. 2, pp. 2081-2115. Washington, 1897. 8.) Education of the colored race. (In Report of commissioner for 1896-97, vol. 2, pp. 2295-2333. Washington, 1898. 8.) Education of the colored race. (In Report of commissioner for 1897-98, vol. 2, pp. 2479-2507. Washington, 1899. 8.) - The future of the colored race. (In Report of the commissioner for 1898-99, vol. 1, pp. 1227-1248. Washington, 1900. 8.) Department of Labor. Condition of the negro in various cities. ( In its Bulletin, vol. 2, May 1897, pp. 257-369. Washington, 1897. 16 LIBKAKY OF COJSTGKESS Washington, Booker T. Education of the negro. ( In Butler, Nicholas Murray, ed. Education in the United States, [vol. 2], pp. 893-936. Albany, N. Y. 1900. 8. United States commission to the Paris exposition of 1900. Department of education. Monograph 18. ) - The future of the American negro. Boston: Small, Maynard & company, 1899. (2), x, 3, 294 pp. Portrait. 12. An autobiography; the story of my life and work. Intro duction by Dr. J. L. M. Curry. Toronto, Ont., JVaperville, III. [etc.]: J. L. Niclwls da co. [1901]. Jf55 pp. frontispiece. Plates. Portraits. 8. - Up from slavery. An autobiography. New York: Doubleday, Page & co., 1901. ix, 330 pp. Portrait. 8. - De esclavo acatedratico; autobiografia de Booker T. Washing ton; vertida del ingles al espanol por Alfredo Elias y Pujol. Nueva York: D. Appleton y compania, 1902. mi, (1), 297 pp. Frontispiece. Plates. Portraits. 12. West, Max. The fourteenth amendment in the light of recent decisions. (In Yale review, vol. 8, Feb. 1900, pp. 385-402.) Williams, Fannie Barrier. A new negro for a new century; an accurate and up-to-date record of the upward struggles of the negro race. Chicago: American publishi/tig h&use, [1900.] J$8 pp. Portraits. 8. Willcox, Walter F. Negro criminality. (In American social science association. Journal, no. 37, pp. 78-98, 1899.) SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON THE NEGRO QUESTION Alexander, William T. History of the colored race in America. Containing also their ancient and modern life in Africa . . . the origin and development of slavery in the Old world, and its introduction on the American continent; the slave trade; slavery, and its abolition in Europe and America. The civil war, emancipation, education and advancement of the colored race, their civil and political rights. Kansas City, Mo.: Palmetto publishing co., 1887. (4), 600 p2 J - Plates. Portraits. 8. Allen, William G. The American prejudice against color. An authentic narrative, showing how easily the nation got into an uproar. London [etc.}: W. and F. G. Cash [etc.], 1853. (4), 107, (1) pp. 16. (Tracts. [Cambridge, etc., 1840?]-59. [no. 4]) American negro academy, Washington, D. C. The negro and the elective franchise. A series of papers and a sermon. Washington, D. C. : The Academy , 1905 . 85pp. 8. (Oc casional papers, no. 11} CONTENTS. 1. Meaning and need of the movement to reduce south ern representation, by A. H. Grimke. 2. The penning of the negro <the negro vote in the states of the revised constitutions> by C. C. Cook. 3. The negro vote in the states whose constitu tions have not been specifically revised, by John Hope. 4. The potentiality of the negro vote, North and West, by John L. Love. 5. Migration and distribution of the negro population as affecting the elective franchise, by Kelly Miller. 6. The negro and his citizenship, by F. J. Grimke. - Occasional papers. Washington, D. C. : Published by the Academy, 1897-1905. 11 nos. 8. CONTENTS. No. 1. MILLER, K. A review of Hoffman s race traits and tendencies of the American negro, 1897; 2. Du Bois, W. E. B. The conservation of races, 1897; 3. CRUMMELL, A. Civilization the primal need of the race, and The attitude of the American mind toward the negro intellect, 1898; 4. COOK, C. C. A com parative study of the negro problem, 1899; 5. STEWARD, T. G. How the Black St. Domingo legion saved the patriot army in the siege of Savannah, 1779, 1899; 6. LOVE, J. L. The disfran- chisement of the negro, 1899; 7. GRIMKE, A. H. Right on the scaffold, or the martyrs of 1822, 1901; 8. SCARBOROUGH, W. S. The educated negro and his mission, 1903; 9. CROMWELL, John W. The early negro convention movement, 1904; 10. FADUMA, O. The defects of the negro church, 1904; 11. The negro and the elective franchise, 1905. 3296406 3 sZ\ r - 17 F .v*y PAL FOPN^X 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Armistead, W. S. The negro is a man; a reply to Professor Charles Carroll s book "The negro is a beast; or, In the image of God." Tifton, Ga. : Armistead & Vickers, 1903. xxiv, o^ pp. Por trait. Plates (partly colored). 8. Armstrong association, New York. The work and influence of Hampton. Proceedings of a meeting held in New York city Februan r 12, 1904, under the direction of the Arm strong association. With the addresses of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, chairman; President Charles W. Eliot; Dr. H. B. Frissell; and Dr. Booker T. Washington. [New York: The Lehmaier press, 1901,. ~] 38pp. 8. Atkinson, Edward. The race problem: its possible solution. {Baltimore? 190 If} 8* pp. 8. Cover-title. In double columns. Reprinted from Manufacturers record of Baltimore, of December 19, 1901. Atlanta university. Publications. Atlanta, Ga.: Atlanta university press, 1896-1904- 10 vols. 8. CONTENTS. No. 1. Conference for investigation of city problems, Atlanta. Mortality among negroes in cities, 1896; 2ded. Abridged, 1903; 2. Social and physical condition of negroes in cities, 1897; 3. Du Bois, W. E. B. ed. Some efforts of American negroes for their own social betterment, 1898; 4. The negro in business, 1899; 5. The college-bred negro, 1900; 2d ed. abridged ed. 1902; 6. The negro common school, 1901; (Un-numbered) Select bibliography of the American negro, 1901; 7. The negro artisan, 1902; 8. The negro church, 1903; 9. Some notes on negro crime, particularly in Georgia, 1904. Boas, Franz. Human faculty as determined by race. (In American association for the advancement of science. Proceed ings for the forty-third meeting held at Brooklyn, N. Y., August, 1894, pp. 301-327. Salem, 1895. 8.) "By far the ablest plea yet made for the backward races is to be found in the address of Dr. Franz Boas on Human Faculty as Determined by Race." W. B. Smith. The Color line, New York, 1905, page 111. Brandt, Lilian. The negroes of St. Louis. (In American statistical association. Publications, vol. 8, pp. 203-268. Boston, 1903. 8.) Brooks, Calvin Herlock. ^he race problem solved, or, A reply to a book entitled, "The negro a beast," by Chas. Carroll. Elgin, Tex. : W. C. Smith & sons, 1901. (0), 74 pp. 12. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGRO QUESTION 19 Brorup, Rasmus Peterson. The struggle for America. Fitzgerald, Ga.: North and South pvbUshing co.^ 1904- 9$ pp. 8. "The South and the negro," pp. 65-75. Brousseau, Kate. L education des negres aux Etats-Unis. Paris: Felix Alcan, 1904. xvi, 396, (1) pp. 8. Bibliographic, pp. 333-391. Brown, William Wells. The negro in the American rebellion; his heroism and his fidelity. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1867. xvi, 380 pp. 12. Bullard, II. L. The negro volunteer: some characteristics. (In Military service institution of the United States. Journal, vol. 29, July, 1901, pp. 29-39.) Burgess, John William. The middle period, 1817-1858. New York: C. Scribner^s sons, 1897. xvi, 544- PP- Maps. 12. (The American history series, vol. 4-) Bibliography: pp. 497-502. Reconstruction and the Constitution, 1866-1876. New York: Charles Scribner s sons, 1902. xii, (2), 3J/2 pp. 12. (The American history series.} " Carpet-bag and negro domination in the southern states between 1868 and 1876," pp. 247-279. Campbell, Sir George. White and black: the outcome of a visit to the United States. London: Chatto <& Windus^ 1879. osvii, (1), 441 PP- #- Carroll, Charles. The negro a beast;" or, "In the image of God;" The reasoner of the age, the revelator of the century! The Bible as it is! The negro and his relation to the human family ! St. Louis, Mo.: American hook & Bible house, 1900. 382 pp. Plates. 8. Charities. The negro in the cities of the North. New York: The Charity organization society, C 1905. (4), 96 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 4 At head of title: Charities publication committee. Keprint of Charities, October 7, 1905. Conference for education in the South. 2d, Capon Springs, W. Va. Proceedings, 1899. Raleigh, N. C.: Edwards & Broughton, printers, 1899. 109pp. Portrait. Plates. 8. 3d, Capon Springs, W. Va. Proceedings, 1900. Raleigh, N. C.: Printing office, St. Augustine s school, [1900]. 108pp. 8. 20 Conference for education in the South. Jfth, Winston -Salem, N. C. Proceedings. April 18, 19 and 20, 1901. [Jlarrisburg, Pa.: Mount Pleasant press], 1901. iv, 182 pp. Plates. 8. 5th, Athens, Ga. Proceedings. April 24, -25 and 2(3, 1902. [I&ioxville, Tenn. : Gaut- Ogden company, printers], 1902. viii, 102 pp. Plates. 8. 6th, Richmond- Charlottesmlle, Va., 1903. Proceedings. Richmond, Va., April 22d to April 24th, and at the University of Virginia, April 25th. \_New York: Committee on publication^, 1903. 269 pp. 8. 7th, Birmingham, Ala. Proceedings. April 26th to April 28th, 1904. New York: [Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford co., printers], 1904. 183, (I) pp. 8. Conference for investigation of city problems. 1st, Atlanta, 1896. Mortality among negroes in cities. Proceedings, May 26-27, 1896. Atlanta, Ga.: Atlanta university press, 1896. 51 pp. 8 C . (Atlanta university publications, no. 1} No. 1 in a volume lettered: Atlanta university publications, 1896- 1901. 2d ed. abridged. Ed. by Thomas N. Chase. Atlanta, Ga. : Atlanta university press, 1903. 24 pp. 8. (Atlanta- university publications, no. 1} Cromwell, John W. The early negro convention movement. Washington, D. C. : Published by the Academy, 1904- 23 pp. 8. (The American negro academy. Occasional papers, no. 9.) Crummell, Alexander. Civilization the primal need of the race, inaugu ral address, March 5, 1897; The attitude of the American mind toward the negro intellect, Address, Dec. 28, 1897. Washington, D. C.: Published by the Academy, 1898. 19 pp. 8. (T/ie American negro academy. Occasional papers, no. 3.} Cutler, James Elbert. Lynch-law ; an investigation into the history of lynching in the United States. New York, London [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co., 1905. xiv, 287 pp. 8. Proposed remedies for lynching. 1904. CO, 194-412 pp. 8. Reprinted from Yale review, vol. 13, August, 1904. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGKO QUESTION 21 Dabney, Charles William. The problem in the South. New York: General education board, 1903. 21, (1) pp. 8. Cover-title. An address before the Southern educational association, Columbia, S. C., Dec. 28, 1901. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. The negro artisan. Report of a social study made under the direction of Atlanta univer sity; together with the Proceedings of the seventh confer ence for the study of the negro problems, held at Atlanta university, on May 27th, 1902. Atlanta university press, Atlanta, Ga., 1902. 192 pp. 8. (The Atlanta university publications, no. 7) The negro artisan. (In Commons, John R., ed. Trade unionism and labor problems, pp. 349-370. Boston, 1905. 8. ) "Extracts from The Negro artisan: Report of a social study made under the direction of Atlanta University, 1902." The negro church; report of a social study made under the direction of Atlanta university; together with the Proceed ings of the eighth Conference for the study of the negro problems, held at Atlanta university, May 26th, 1903. Atlanta, Ga., The Atlanta university press, 1903. viii, 212 pp. 8^. (The Atlanta university publications, no. 8) "Select bibliography of negro churches": pp. vi-viii. The problem of housing the negro. (In Southern workman, vol. 30, July-Dec., 1901, pp. 390 ... -688, vol. 31, Feb., 1902, pp. 65-72.) Contents. I. The elements of the problem; IT. The home of the slave; III. The home of the country freednian; IV. The home of the village negro; V. The southern city negro of the lower class; VI. The southern city negro of the better class. Some notes on negro crime, particularly in Georgia; report of a social study made under the direction of Atlanta univer sity; together with the proceedings of the Ninth conference for the stud} 7 of the negro problems, held at Atlanta uni versity, May 24, 1904. Atlanta, Ga. : The Atlanta university press, 190^. viii, 68 pp. Diagrams. 8^. (The Atlanta university publications, no. 9) CONTEXTS. The problem of crime (F. B. Sanborn) Crime and slavery. Crime and the census. Extent of negro crime. Crime in cities (by M. N. Work) Crime in Georgia. Atlanta and Savannah (by II. H. Proctor and M. N. Work) Crime in Augusta (by A. G. Coombs and L. D. Davis) What negroes think of crime. Causes of negro crime. Some conclusions. The Ninth conference. Resolutions. Index. Bibliography: pp. vi-viii. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. The suppression of the African slave-trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870. New York: Longmans, Green, and co., 1896. xi, (1), 335 pp. 8. (Harvard historical studies, vol. 1.) The souls of black folk; essays and sketches. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & co., 1903. viii, (2), %61t, (2) pp. 8. CONTENTS. Of our spiritual strivings. Of the dawn of freedom. Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and others. Of the meaning of progress. Of the wings of Atalanta. Of the training of black men. Of the black belt. Of the quest of the golden fleece. Of the sons of master and man. Of the faith of the fathers. Of the passing of the first-born. Of Alexander Crummell. Of the coming of John. The sorrow songs. Eastman, Henry Parker. The negro, his origin, history and destiny ; containing a reply to "The negro a beast." Boston: Eastern publishing company, [190<5]. 44-8 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8. Biographical introduction by J. M. McLeod. Eaton, Isabel. Special report on negro domestic service in the sev enth ward, Philadelphia. (In Du Bois, W. E. B., The Philadelphia negro; a social study, pp. 425-509. Philadelphia, 1899. 8.) Elwang, William Wilson. The negroes of Columbia, Missouri; a con crete study of the race problem; with a preface by Charles A. Ellwood. [Columbia, Mo.]: Dept. of sociology, University of Missouri, 1904. vii, 69 pp. Plates. Map. 8. Fadunia, Orishatukeh. The defects of the negro church. Washington, D. C. : Published by the Academy, 1904- 17 pp. 8. (The American negro academy. Occasional papers, no. 10.) Fleming, Walter Lynwood. Civil war and reconstruction in Ala bama. New York: The Columbia imiversity press, The Macmillan company, agents; [etc., etc.] 1905. xxiii, 815 pp. Illus trations. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. Maps. 8. Foard, John Frederick. North America and Africa, their past, present and future, and key to the negro problem. [3d ed.] \_8tatesville, N. C. : Brady the printer, 190 4.} 67pp. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGKO QUESTION 23 Fowler, William Chauncey. The historical status of the negro in Connecticut. A paper read before the New Haven colony historical society. Copied from the Historical magazine and Notes and queries concerning the antiquities, history and biography of America, vols. xxiii-xxiv, 1874-1875. Charleston* 8. C. : Walker, Evans efe Cogswell co. , 1901. 81 pp. 8. G-aines, Wesley J. The negro and the white man. Philadelphia: A. M. E. publishing house, 1897. 218 pp. 12. Galloway, Charles Betts. The South and the negro. An address delivered at the seventh Annual conference for education in the South, Birmingham, Ala., April 26, 1904. New York: The Trustees, 1904- 16 pp. # : . (Trustees of the John E. Slate) 1 fund. Occasional papers, no. 11} (In Conference for education in the South. 7th, Birmingham, Ala., 1904, pp. 27-38. New York, 1904. 8.) G-arner, James Wilford. Reconstruction in Mississippi. Neiv York: The Macmillan company; London: Macmillan & co., 1901. xiii, (1), 422pp. 12. G-ilman, Daniel Coit. A study in black and white. An address at the opening of the Armstrong-Slater trade school building, November 18, 1896. Baltimore: The Trustees [J. Murphy c& co., printers], 1897. 14PP 8. (Trustees of the John F. Slater fund. Occa sional papers, no. 10} "Reported by the Southern workman, and printed in that jour nal, December, 1896." p. [5] Grady, Benjamin Franklin. The case of the South against the North: or historical evidence justifying the southern states of the American union in their long controversy with the northern states. J?dwards <& Broughton, Raleigh, N. C 1 ., 1899. xxix, (3), 345pp. 8. G-rimke, Francis James. The lynching of negroes in the South; its causes and remedy. [Sermons delivered in Washington, D. C., June 4th-25th, 1899.] [Washington? 1899 f] (2), 81pp. 8. Gunby, A. A. Negro education in the south. New Orleans: II. C. Thomason, 1903. 66pp. 12. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hampton negro conference. Proceedings. Hampton, Va. : Hampton institute press, 1898-1903. 6 vols. in 1. 8. No. 2. July 1898. No. 3. July 1899. No. 4. July 1900. No. 5. July 1901. No. 6. July 1902. No. 7. July 1903. The report of the first conference, July 1897 is contained in v. 26, No. 9 (Sept. 1897) of the Southern workman. CONTENTS. No. II: Second conference, 1898. Address of welcome. H. B. Frissell. Business enterprises as conducted by colored men. H. E. Baker. Reaching and saving the negro. John W. Lemon. A remedy for the excessive mortality of the negro. F. J. Shadd. Temperance and the negro race. Francis J. Grimke. Some wasteful practices of Southern farmers. C. L. Goodrich. Some of the dangers confronting Southern girls in the North. Mrs. V. E. Matthews. The development of stronger womanhood. Mrs. S. B. Stevens. Work being done for girls in Southern cities. Mrs. Casper Titus. Sewing in the public schools. Miss C. E. Syphax. Co-operation in the work of industrial schools. S. G. Atkins. How to hold the young people in the churches. No. III. Conference, 1899. Suggestions of the Committee on edu cation. H. M. Browne. Report of Committee on religion and ethics. Francis J. Grimke . Report of Committee on business and labor. Andrew F. Hilyer. Report of Committee on vital statistics and sanitary problems. F. J. Shadd. Report of Com mittee on statistics. J. W. Cromwell. Suggestions of Committee on domestic science. Mrs. V. E. Matthews. The burden of the educated colored woman. Lucy C. Laney. The woman s con ference. Modern industrialism and the negroes of the United States. A. H. Grimk4. The negro pulpit and its responsibilities. Richard Spiller. A few hints to Southern farmers. G. W. Carver. The educational side of sewing. Mary S. Woolman. Negro business enterprises of Hampton. Harris Barrett. The negro in fiction as portrayer and portrayed. W. S. Scarborough. Remarks by Dr. R. F. Campbell. Capital and labor in co operative farming. Alexander Purves. No. IV. Conference, 1900. Report of the Committee on business and labor by A. F. Hilyer; The economic aspect of the negro problem, by Matthew Anderson; Report of the Committee on domestic economy, by Rosa D. Bowser; The negro s duty to himself, by W. S. Scarborough; Report of Committee on religion and ethics, by Francis J. Grimke and William V. Tumiell; Report of Committee on vital statistics and sanitary problems; Negro criminality, by John Henry Smyth; The aim of negro education, by G. N. Grisham. No. V. Conference, 1901. Opening address. Booker T. Washing ton. Report of Committee on business and labor. A. F. Hilyer. Public spirit among our people. L. H. Reynolds. Report of Committee on domestic economy. Mrs. Rosa D. Bowser. The working value of educational ideals. Marie L. Baldwin. The proposed disfranchisement of the negro. Win. M. Reid. The relation of the pastor to the community. G. R. Waller. Report of the Committee on general statistics. J. M. Colson. Review of W. Hannibal Thomas book " The American negro." Kelly Miller. The American negro exhibit at the Paris exposi tion. Thomas J. Galloway. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGKO QUESTION 25 No. VI. Conference, 1902. Opening remarks. R. R. Moton. Report of Committee on vital statistics and sanitary problems. F. J. Shadd. Report of the Committee on general statistics. J. M. Colson. Report of Committee on domestic science. Mrs. R. D. Bowser. An effort to improve negro farmers in Texas. Robert L. Smith. Report of Committee on business and labor conditions in Richmond, Va. W. P. Burrell. Report of Com mittee on religion and ethics. F. J. Grimke. Co-operation essential to race unity. W. S. Scarborough. Report on educa tion. Kelly Miller. Condition of the women in the rural dis tricts of Alabama. What is being done to remedy that condition. Georgia Washington. No. VII. Conference, 1903. Introduction. Negro rural schools in Virginia, W. T. B. Williams; The summer-school idea, W. B. Evans; The school in its relation to the home; The philanthropic efforts of colored women, Miss E. B. Kruse; A movement for the general improvement of a Georgia community, Judia C. Jackson; The importance of business to the negro, W. R. Pettiford; The problem of employment for negro women, Fannie Barrier Wil liams; Labor and business in Virginia, W. P. Burrell; Some facts from the Census report for 1900, John W. Cromwell; Some defects of the church and recommendation of plans for improvement, J. E. Moorland; Diseases prevalent in negro communities, J. W. Prather; Report of Committee on resolutions. Hampton, Va. The Hampton normal and agricultural institute, Hampton, Va. Hampton, Va.: Hampton institute press, 1905. 15, (1) pp. Illustrations. 8. Cover-title: The work of Hampton. Harris, Norman Dwight. Tbe history of negro servitude in Illinois, and of the slavery agitation in that state, 1719-1864. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & co., 1904. *, (#), 276 pp. Por traits. Facsimiles. 12. Bibliography: pp. 245-257. Herbert, Hilary A. and others. Why the solid South? or, recon struction and its results. Baltimore: R. H. Woodward & co.,1890. xvii, Jfi pp. 16. CONTEXTS. Reconstruction at Washington, by Hilary A. Herbert; In Alabama, by Hilary A. Herbert; In North Carolina, by Zebu- Ion B. Vance; In South Carolina, by John J. Hemphill; In Georgia, by H. G. Turner; In Florida, by Samuel Pasco; In Ten nessee, by Ira P. Jones; In Virginia, by Robert Stiles; In West Virginia, by O. S. Long and W. L. Wilson; In Missouri, by G. G. Vest; In Arkansas, by W. M. Fishback; In Mississippi, by Ethel- bert Barksdale; In Texas, by Chas. Stewart; In Louisiana, by B. J. Sage. Hill, Walter B. Negro education in the south. (In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 22, Sept., 1903, pp. 320-329. Philadelphia, 1903. 8.) 3296406 4 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hill, Walter B. Negro education in the South. ( In Conference for education in the South. 6th, Richmond, Va. and Charlottesville, Va., 1903, Proceedings, pp. 206-217. New York, 1903. 8.) Hobson, Elizabeth C. and Charlotte E. Hopkins. A report concern ing the colored women of the South. Baltimore: The Trustees [J. Murphy & co., printers], 1896. 15pp. 8. (Trustees of the John F. Slater fund. Occa sional papers, no. 9} Holt, George C. Lynching and mobs. (In Journal of social science, vol. 32, Nov., 1894, pp. 67-81.) John F. Slater fund for the education of f reedmen. Proceedings of the trustees, 1883-1903-1904:. Baltimore, New York, 1883-190 J,. 14 rols. 8. Johnson, Edward Augustus. History of negro soldiers in the Span ish-American war, and other items of interest. Raleigh: Capital printing co., 1899. lift pp. Plates. Por traits. 8. Light ahead for the negro. New York: The Graf ton press, [1904]. m, (2], 132 pp. 12. Johnson, John Quincy. Report of the fifth Tuskegee negro confer ence, 1896. Baltimore: The Trustees [J. Murphy A co., printers}, 1896. 27 pp. 8. (Trustees of the John F. 8 Later fund. Occa sional papers, no. 8} Johnson, William Bishop. The scourging of a race, and other ser mons and addresses. Washington: Beresford, printer, 1904- viii, 228 pp. Por trait. 12. Kelsey, Carl. The evolution of negro labor. (In American academy of political and social science. Current labor problems^ pp. 55-76. Philadelphia, 1903. 8.) The negro farmer. Chicago: Printed and on sale by Jennings & Pye, 1903. 103 pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8. Kletzing, Henry F. and W. H. Crogman. Progress of a race; or, The remarkable advancement of the American negro. With an introduction by Booker T. Washington. Atlanta, Ga., Naperville, III.,, [etc.]: J. L. Nichols cfc co. , 1897. 663pp. Illustrations. Portrait. 12. Leigh, Frances Butler. Ten years on a Georgia plantation since the war. London: R. Bentley <& son, 1883. xi, 3 47 pp. 8. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGEO QUESTION 27 Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre. Die Rassenf rage in den Vereinigten Staaten. ( In Politisch-anthropologische Revue, vol. 3, Dec., 1904, pp. 537-541. ) The United States in the twentieth century; authorized translation by H. Addington Bruce. New York and London: Funk c6 Wagnalls company, 1906. vcxvi, 396 pp. 12. "The negro population and the race question," pp. 36-47. Liberia. Bulletin no. 1-11. Washington, D. C. : Issued by the American colonization society, 1892-1897. 11 nos. 8. Livenuore, George. An historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Read before the Massachusetts historical society, August 14, 1862. [With supplementary note and index.] Boston: Printed ly J. Wilson and son, 1862. xiv, (2), 236 pp. 5. Also pub. in Proceedings of the Ma achusetts historical society, 1863, v. 6, pp. 86-248. Same. 4th ed. Boston: A. Williams and company, 1863. xviii, (2), ISlf. pp. 8. Livingstone, William P. Black Jamaica; a study in evolution. London: Sampson, Low, Marston, and company, 1899. (2), 298pp. 12. Locke, Mary Stoughton. Anti-slavery in America from the intro duction of African slaves to the prohibition of the slave trade (1619-1808). Boston: Ginn & co., 1901. xv, 255 pp. 8. (Radcliffe college monographs, no. 11) Lowell, James Russell. The anti-slavery papers of James Russell Lowell. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1902. 2 vols. 8~. These volumes "contain more than fifty articles; the first five con tributed during 1844 to the Pennsylvania freeman; the rest, between 1845 and 1850, to the National anti-slavery standard. " Introduction. jMcKinley, Carlyle.] An appeal to Pharaoh. The negro problem and its radical solution. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1889. 205pp. 12 C . 28 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS Manning, Joseph C. Rise and reign of the Bourbon oligarchy. [Birmingham, 1904.] 27pp. 8. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. Social and industrial condition of the negro in Massachusetts. <From the Thirt} 7 -fourth annual report of the Massachusetts Bureau of statistics of labor, p. 215-320. > Boston: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1904. (!}, 215-319, (l]pp. 8 G . Mayo, A. D. Southern women in the recent educational movement in the South. Washington: Government printing office, 1892. 300pp. 8. ( U. S. Bureau of education. Circular of information, no. 1, 1892.} The work of certain Northern churches in the education of the freedmen, 1861-1900. (In U. S. Commissioner of education. Report, 1901-02, part 1, pp. 285-314. Washington, 1903. 8.) Merriam, George Spring. The negro and the nation; a history of American slavery and enfranchisement. New York: H. Holt and company, 1906. iv, 1$6 pp. 8. Moffat, R. Burnham. The disfranchisement of the negro, from a lawyer s point of view. (In Journal of social science, no. 42, Sept., 1904, pp. 31-62. Bos ton, 1904. 8.) Morris, S. L. At our own door; a study of home missions with special reference to the South and West. New York, Chicago, Toronto, [etc.}: Fleming H. Resell com pany, [1904]. 258pp. 12. The White man s burden, pp. 112-129. Murphy, Edgar Gardner. Problems of the present South; a discus sion of certain of the educational, industrial and political issues in the southern states. New York, London: The Macmillan company, 190 4. xi, 335 pp. 12. Negro suffrage, pp. 190-201. The white man and the negro at the South. An address delivered under invitation of the American academy of political and social science ... in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, on the evening of March 8th, A. D. 1900. [Montgomery? Ala., 1900.} 55pp. 8. SUPPLEMENTAKY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGRO QUESTION 29 Murphy, Jeannette Robinson. Southern thoughts for northern thinkers. New York city: The Bandanna publishing company, [1904]* (2], 47 pp. 4- CONTENTS. Black mammy, creditor. Sence freedom broke out. Hands off the negro. Southern thoughts for northern thinkers. Religious education for negroes. 1 s sorry fo bits. Lazy Dink, a runaway slave. Singin Sam. Uncle Jeter churns the butter. De future ob yo pas , a private sermon. How the palms of negroes hands became white. Gawd bless dem Yankees, a bed time story. Group of sermons heard at the North. African music in America. Slave spirituals, Two imitation negro songs (words and music) The Negro problem; a series of articles by representative American negroes of today; contributions by Booker T. Washing ton . . . W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, Paul Lawrence Dun- bar, Charles W. Chesnutt, and others. New York: J. Pott & company, 1903. 234 pp. Portraits. CONTENTS. Washington, B. T. Industrial education for the negro. Du Bois, \V. E. B. The talented tenth. Chesnutt, C. W. The disfranchisement of the negro. Smith, W. H. The negro and the law. Kealing, H. T. The characteristics of the negro people. Dunbar, P. L. Representative American negroes. Fortune, T. T. The negro s place in American life at the present day. A New negro for a new century ; an accurate and up-to-date record of the upward struggles of the negro race . . . Education, industrial schools, colleges . . . and their relationship to the race problem by B. T. Washington. Reconstruction and industrial advancement by N. B. Wood; The colored woman and her part in race regeneration, by Fannie B. Williams. Chicago: American pub. house, [1900]. 428 pp. . Illustra tions. Plates. Portrait. 8 C . Newman, Francis William. Anglo-Saxon abolition of negro slavery. London: K Paul, Trench & co., 1889. (4), 136 pp. 8. Parts i and n reprinted from Frazer s magazine, January and February, 1879. CONTENTS. pt. i. Negro slavery under British rule. pt. n. Negro slavery in the American union. pt. in. Final issue under Presi dent Lincoln. pt. iv. The good cause of President Lincoln. Page, Thomas Nelson. The negro: the southerner s problem. New York: C. Scribner s sons, 1904. ** , (#), 316 pp. 12. CONTENTS. Slavery and the old relation between the southern whites and blacks. Some of its difficulties and fallacies. Its present condition and aspect, as shown by statistics. The lynch ing of negroes: its cause and its prevention. The partial dis franchisement of the negro. The old-time negro. The race question. Of the solution of the question. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Peirce, Paul Skeels. The Freedmen s bureau; a chapter in the his tory of reconstruction. Iowa City, la.: The University, 1904. (})Vii, WO pp. 8. (The State university of Iowa. Studies in sociology, eco nomics, politics and history, vol. in. no. 1) Bibliography: pp. [175]-186. "List of congressional documents used": pp. [187]-191. Pike, Godfrey Holden. From slave to college president; being the life story of Booker T. Washington. London: T. F. Unwin, 1902. (6], 111, (1) pp. , Portrait. 12. ([The "lives worth living" series]) The Possibilities of the negro in symposium ... a solution of the negro problem psychologically considered. The negro not "a beast." Atlanta, Ga. : The Franklin printing and publishing com pany, [1904]. (4), 165 2>p. 1 ^- CONTENTS. Dowman, C. E. Foreword. Graves, J. T. Chicago uni versity speech: "The problem of the races." Grady, H. W. "Boston banquet speech." Grady, H. W. "But what of the negro?" Grady, H. W. "What of the negro?" Timmons, R. "Aged ex-slaves gather at home of old master." Northen, W. J. "Races in harmony; South safe as home." Candler, W. A. "Must put down the mob or be put down by it." Turner, H. M. "Races must separate." Holsey, L. H. "Race segregation. "- Edmonds, R. H. "Burden of the negro problem." Parks, W. B. "A solution of the negro problem psychologically considered; the negro not a beast. Reed, John C. The brothers war. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1905. xviii, 4.66 pp. Richings, G. F. Evidences of progress among colored people. 12th ed. Philadelphia: G. S. Ferguson co., 1905. 595pp. Illustra tions (incl. portraits). 12. Schell, William Gallic. Is the negro a beast? A reply to Chas. Carroll s book entitled "The negro a beast." Proving that the negro is human from Biblical, scientific, and historical standpoints. Moundsville, W. Va. : Gospel trumpet pub. co. , 1901. 238 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 12. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGRO QUESTION 31 Scholes, Theophilus E. Samuel. Glimpses of the ages; or The superior" and "inferior" races, so-called, discussed in the light of science and history. Vol. I. London : J. Long, 1905. 8. To be issued in 2 volumes, the second volume to follow within a year. cf. Preface. "This review, which in the first volume deals with the physical and mental aspects of the subject, and which in the second vol ume will deal with the moral aspect, has shown, and will show, the utter baselessness of the conclusions, that the white race is superior to the coloured races, and that the coloured races are inferior to the white race." Preface, p. xvi. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The citizen; a stud} 7 of the individual and the government. New York: A. S. Barne* and company, 1904- viii, (#), 3^6 pp. 18. "The negro question," pp. 220-238. Simmons, Enoch S. A solution of the race problem in the South. RaleigJi, N. C.: Prcsse* of Edward* <fc Broughton, 1898. WO pp. Portrait. 12^. Simmons, William ,}. Men of mark: eminent, progressive and rising. With an introductory sketch of the author by Henry M. Turner. Cleveland, O.: G. M. Rewell A co., 1887. 1138 pp. Por traits. 8. Same. Cleveland, 0.: Baltimore; The Rewell publishing co., 1891. 736pp. Portraits. 8. Simpson, Samuel. A treatise on negro colonization. Plan for colo nizing all the negroes in the United States on foreign territory. Alexandria, Va., 1888. 20pp. 16-. Sinclair, William A. The aftermath of slavery; a study of the con dition and environment of the American negro; with an introduction by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Boston: Small, Maynard <fc company, 1905. xiit, 358 pp. 12. CONTENTS. A biographical note; Introduction, by Thomas Went worth Higginson; 1. The institution of slavery and its abolition; 2. Reconstruction and the Southern "Black code"; 3. Southern opposition to reconstruction; 4. The war on negro suffrage; 5. The false alarm of negro domination; (5. The negro in politics; 7. The negro and the law; 8. The rise and achievements of the colored race; 9. The national duty to the negro; 10. Public opinion omnipotent. 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Smith, Hoke. George Peabody and the work of the Peabody fund. An address delivered before the Southern educational association held at Atlanta, Georgia, December 30th and 31st 1903, and January 1st 1904. Hackney & Moale co., Asheville, 3 T . C. [1904]. 12pp. 8. Smith, William Benjamin. The color line; a brief in behalf of the unborn. New York: McClure, Phillips & co., 190 5. xv, 261pp. 12. CONTEXTS. The individual? or the race? Is the negro inferior? Nurture? or nature? Plea and counterplea. A dip into the future. The argument from numbers. Foresees the disappearance of the negro. Smith, William Henry. A political histoiy of slavery; being an ac count of the slavery controversy from the earliest agitation in the eighteenth century to the close of the reconstruction period in America. With an introduction by Whitelaw Reid. G. P. Putnarrfs sons, New York and London, 1903. 2 vols. frontispiece. 8. The Southern workman and Hampton school record. Vol. 28-35. Hampton, Va., Hampton normal and agricultural institute, 1899-1906. 8. Stevens, William. The slave in history; his sorrows and his eman cipation. With portraits, and with illustrations by J. Fin- nemore. London : The Religious tract society, 1904- 379 pp. Plates. Portraits. 12. First questions in America, pp. 255-264; The fugitive slave, pp. 265- 272; Harriet Beecher Stowe, pp. 273-284; William Lloyd Gar rison, pp. 285-293; John Brown, pp. 294-311; Abraham Lincoln, pp. 312-323; The negro as citizen, pp. 324-330. Tarver, H. M. The negro in the histoiy of the United States from the beginning of English settlements in America, 1607, to the present time, with the Constitution of the United States and illustrations. Austin, Tex. : The State printing company, 1905. (4], [31]- 186, (2) pp. Illustrations. Portraits. 12. Terrell, Robert H. A glance at the past and present of the negro; an address delivered at Church s auditorium, before the Citi zen s industrial league of Memphis, Tennessee, September 22, 1903. Washington: Press of E. L. Pendleton, 1903. 16pp. 8. Tricoche, George Nestler. La question des noirs aux Etats-Unis. Paris: Guillawnin et c ie . 1894- 44pP> 8. " Extrait du Journal des economistes (num6ros d aout et de septem- bre!894)" SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGEO QUESTION 33 United States. Bureau of the census. Bulletin 8. Negroes in the United States. Washington: Government printing office, 1901f,. 333pp. If. The negro population, Walter F. Willcox, pp. 11-68; The negro farmer, W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, pp. 69-98; General tables, pp. 101-333. Vance, Joseph Anderson. American problems. Chicago: The Winona publishing company, 190 1^. 252 pp. 18. "The negro." pp. 19-52. [Virey, Julien Joseph] Natural history of the negro race. Extracted from the French. Charleston, S. C.: D. J. Dowling, 1837. mi, v, ii, 162 pp. 16. Dedication in English and French. Chiefly extracted from Virey s Histoire naturelle du genre humain. On the comparative anatomy of the negro and European. Selected from Professor Soemmering s essay": pp. 57-75. "Appendix. Of diseases which affect the human race specially in each climate": pp. [129J-162. Walker, H. de R. The West Indies and the Empire: study and travel in the winter of 1900-1901. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1901. x, 253 pp. Foldedmap. 8. " The negro and the East Indian," pp. 109-175. Warner, Charles Dudley. The education of the negro. (In American social science association. Journal of social science, no. 38, Dec., 1900, pp. 1-14.) Washington, Booker Taliaferro. Black-belt diamonds; gems from the speeches, addresses, and talks to students of Booker T. Washington; selected ... by Victoria E. Matthews; introduction by T. T. Fortune. New York: Fortune & Scott, 1898. xii, 115 pp. Portrait. 16. Character building; being addresses delivered on Sunday evenings to the students of Tuskegee institute. New York: Doubleday, Page <& company, 1902. (12], 291 pp. Frontispiece. 12 Q . Negro education not a failure. Address in the Concert Hall of Madison Square garden, New York, Lincoln s birthday, February 12, 1904. \Tuske<jee\: Tuskegee institute steam print, \190Jf\. 13 pp. 12. Cover-title. 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Washington, Booker Taliaf erro. The story of ray life and work, with an introduction by J. L. M. Curry, illustrated by F. Beard. Naperville, Chicago [etc.}: J. L. Nichols < co., [1900]. 4%3 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8. Same. 25th thousand. Rev. ed. Naperville, III., Atlanta, Ga. [etc.]: J. L. Nichols [1901]. ^23 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portrait. ed. Tuskegee & its people: their ideals and achievements. New York: J). Appleton & company, 1905. xiv, 35 J^ pp. Plates. Portraits. 8. The volume here presented has been edited by Mr. Emmett J. Scott, executive secretary of the Tuskegee institute. The task of editing which the principal had expected to perform has been so well done that it has only been necessary to review the manuscript after its preparation for the publishers, and to forego the strict editorial revisioning planned, cf. General introduction. CONTEXTS. I. The school and its purposes. II. Autobiographies by graduates of the school. Working with the hands; being a sequel to "Up from slavery," covering the author s experience in industrial training at Tuskegee; illustrated from photographs by Frances Ben jamin Johnston. New York: Doubleday, Page t& company, 1904,. %, 4-6 PP- Plates. Portrait. 12. Washington conference on the race problem in the United States, Washington, D. C., 1903. How to solve the race problem. The proceedings of the Washington conference on the race problem in the United kStates under the auspices of the National sociological society, held at the Lincoln temple Congregational church; at the Nineteenth street Baptist church and at the Metropolitan A. M. E. church, Washing ton, D. C., November 9, 10, 11, and 12, 1903. Addresses, resolutions, and debates by eminent men of both races and in every walk of life. Washington, D. C.: Beresford, printer, 1904. (2), 286 pp. Illustrations. Portraits. 8. Edited by Jesse Lawson. Contains the following addresses: Race segregation, by Bishop Lucius H. Holsey; The duty of the white American towards his colored fellow-citizen, by Rev. A. D. Mayo; Race segregation and distribution, George H. White, John P. Green, Reuben S. Smith, Geo. F. Bragg, and others; Race harmony, the city negro, rape and lynchings, Booker T. Wash ington, L. M. Hershaw, Walter H. Brooks, and others; Psychology of race prejudice, Dean Richmond Babbitt; The negro s place in history, E. A. Johnson; Religion, Walter H. Brooks, with die- SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF BOOKS ON NEGRO QUESTION 35 cussion; The duty of the white man of the North and the black man of the South, Algernon S. Crapsey; I^ace mortality, J. R. Wilder; The necessity for the appointment of a commission to consider every phase of the American race problem, Daniel Mur ray; Negro education not a failure, Booker T. Washington. Weeks, Stephen Beauregard. Southern Quakers and slavery: a study in institutional history. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins press^ 1896. xiv, JfiO pp. Folded m.ap. 8. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science . . . Extra vol. xi>.) Bibliography: pp. 345-362. Williams, George Washington. A history of the negro troops in the war of the rebellion, 1861-1865, preceded by a review of the military services of negroes in ancient and modern times. JVew York: Harper & brother s, 1888. xvi, 353 pp. Illus trations. Plates. 12. History of the negro race in America, 1619-1880. Neto York: G. P. Putnam s sons, 1883. 2 vols. 8. Wilson, Henry. History of the rise and fall of the slave power in America. Boston: J. R. Osgood & co. , 1872-187 ^. 2 vols. 8. Wilson, Joseph T. The black phalanx; a history of the negro sol diers of the United States in the wars of 1775-1812, 1861- 65. Hartford: American publishing company, 1888. 328 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. 8. Bibliography: p. 517. CONTENTS. pt. i. The wars for independence. 1775-1812. pt. u. The war between the states. 1861. pt. in. Miscellany. Wimberly, A. T. A study in black and white. An opinion of the condition of the two races, north and south combined with an arraignment of President Roosevelt s administration. [New Orleans, La. : 1904.] %5 pp- 8. Cover-title. NEGRO QUESTION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1879. Reconstruction and the negro. D. H. Chamberlain. North American review, vol. 128 (Feb. 1879}: 161-173. 1879. Ought the negro to be disfranchised? Ought he to have been enfranchised? James G. Elaine, L. Q. C. Lamar, Wade Hampton, James A. Garfield, Alexander H. Stephens, Wendell Phillips, Montgomery Blair, Thomas A. Hen- dricks. North American review, vol. 128 (Mar. 1879}: 225-283. 1884, The future of the negro in the South. James B. Craighead. Popular science monthly, vol. 26 (Nov. 1884} 39. 1885. The freedman s case in equity. George W. Cable. Century magazine, vol. 29 (Jan. 1885} : 409-4.18. 1885. In plain black and white. A reply to Mr. Cable. Henry W. Grady. Century magazine, vol. 29 (Apr. 1885): 909-917. 1889. The republican party and the negro. E. L. Godkin. Forum, vol. 7 (May, 1889}: 24-6-257. 1890. Statistics of the colored race in the United States. Francis A. Walker. American statistical association. Publications, vol. 2 (Sept.- Dec., 1890}: 91-106. 1891. White and negro criminals. The Tradesman (Chattanooga}, vol. 25 (May 1, 1891}: 4$- 1891. Negro labor. The experience of Southern manufacturers. The Tradesman (Cliattanoogd), vol. 25 (Aug. 15, 1891}: 31-32, 35. 1891. Negro labor in the South. Comments of leading journals. The Tradesman (Chattanooga}, vol. 26 (Oct. 15, 1891}: 55. 1891. Thoughts on the negro problem. James Bryce. North American review, vol. 153 (Dec., 1891}: 641. 1892. A cross section through North Carolina. A. B. Hart. Nation, vol. 54 (Mar. 17, 1892}: 207. 1892. A Southerner on the negro question. Thomas Nelson Page. North American review, vol. 154 (Apr. , 1892} : Ifll. 37 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1893. Negro suffrage a failure: shall we abolish it? John C. Wickliffe. Forum, vol. 14 (Feb., 1893}: 797-801, . 1893. Why the Southern elections fraud issue was a failure. L. Satterthwait. American journal of politics, vol. 2 (Apr., 1893}: 41 1894. The South and its problems. L. B. Evans. Educational review, vol. 7 (Apr., 1894): 333-342. 1896. South Carolina s new constitution. Albert Shaw. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 13 (Jan., 1896}: 66-71. 1896. The education of the negro. J. L. M. Curry. American magazine of civics, vol. 8 (Fel>., 1896}: 169-180. 1898. The study of the negro problems. W. E. Burghardt DuBois. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 11, (Jan., 1898}: 1-23. 1898. Taking away the negro s ballot. Francis Bellamy. Illustrated American, vol. 23 (Jan. 15, 1898}: 72. 1898. An appeal to the Louisiana convention. Independent, vol. 50 (Feb. 17, 1898}: 217-218. 1898. The Louisiana suffrage clause. Would it be constitutional? Public opinion, vol. 24 (March 24, 1898}: 362; (June 2, 1898}: 679. 1898. The Louisiana constitution. Independent, vol. 50 (March 31, 1898}: 412-413. 1898. The new constitution (Louisiana). Nation, vol. 66 (May 19, 1898}: 374. 1898. Disfranchising a race. Nation, vol. 66 (May 26, 1898}: 398-399. 1898. The future of the American negro. Booker T. Washington. Missionary review, vol. 21 (June, 1898): J$7~433. 1898. Education and suffrage of negroes. Booker T. Washington. Education, vol. 19 (Sept. 1898}: 49-50. 1898. The race problem in the South. L The North Carolina revo lution justified. A. J. McKelway. II. A negro s view. Kelly Miller. Outlook, vol. 60 (Dec. 31, 1898): 1057-1059; 1059-1063. NEGRO QUESTION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 39 1899. A negro schoolmaster in the new South. W. E. Burghardt DuBois. Atlantic monthly, vol. 83 (Jan., 1899}: 9.9-104. 1899. Race war in North Carolina. H. L. West. Forum, vol. 26 (Jan. 1899): 578-579. 1899. Light in the South. Booker T. Washington. Independent, vol. 51 (Jan. 19, 1899}: 175-176. 1899. Efforts of negroes for their own social betterment. Outlook, vol. 61 (Jan. 28, 1899}: 235. 1899. [Discrimination between whites and negroes in the South.] Independent, vol. 51 (Mar. 9, 1899}: 713. 1899. The three phases of colored suffrage. Walter C. Hamin. North American review, vol. 168 (Mar. 1899}: 285-296. 1899. Negro disf ranchisement. Outlook, vol. 61 (Mar. 4, 1899}: 486. 1899. The race problem. A symposium. 1. The origin of race an tagonism, by James T. Holly. 2. Is there a negro problem ? by W. H. Councill. 3. Disf ranchisement as a remedy, by J. Montgomery McGovern. 4. Impossibility of racial amal gamation, by W. S. McCurley. 5. Educational possibili ties, by Booker T. Washington. Arena, vol. 21 (Apr. 1899}: 421-458. 1899. Negro disf ranchisement in North Carolina. Outlook, vol. 61 (Apr. 1, 1899}: 711-712. 1899. Negro disfranchisement in Alabama. Outlook, vol. 61 (Apr. 8, 1899}: 802-803. 1899. A Southern woman s view [of the negro question.] Mrs. L. H. Harris. Independent, vol. 51 (May 18, 1899}: 1354-1355. 1899. The negro and crime. W. E. Burghardt DuBois. Independent, vol. 51 (May 18, 1899}: 1355-1357. 1899. America s working people. 4. The negro as an industrial factor. 5. The negro as a citizen. Charles B. Spahr. Outlook, vol. 62 (May 6, 1899}: 31-37; (July 1, 1899}: 490-499. 1899. Negro suffrage in Alabama. Joseph F. Johnston. Independent, vol. 51 (June 8, 1899): 1535-1537. 1899. Negro womanhood. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Independent, vol. 51 (June 22, 1899): 1687-1689. 40 LIBKAKY OF CONGEESS 1899. "Good Indians" and "good niggers." 1 T. Thomas Fortune. Independent, vol. 51 (June 82, 1899): 1689. 1899. Negro immorality. Independent, vol. 51 (June 22, 1899): 1703-1704. 1899. History of the negro question. 3. L. M. Curry. Popular science monthly, vol. 55 (June 1899): 177-185. 1899. The future of the negro. W. H. Council!. Forum, vol. 27 (July 1899): 570-577. 1899. Race problem in the United States. Booker T. Washington. Popular science monthly, vol. 55 (July 1899) : 317-325. 1899. The negro as a modern soldier. James Cleland Hamilton. Anglo- American magazine, vol. 2 (Aug. 1899): 113-124 1899. The racial troubles in the South. B. Odell Duncan. Harper s weekly, vol. 43 (Aug. 19, 1899): 817. 1899. A pioneer in negro education. Bernard C. Steiner. Independent, vol. 51 (Aug. 94, 1899): 2287-2290. 1899. The negro as a soldier. Public opinion, vol. 27 (Aug. 17, 1899): 198. 1899. The American negro and his place. Elizabeth L. Banks. Nineteenth century, vol. 46 (Sept. 1899): 459-474-. 1899. The case of the negro. Booker T. Washington. Atlantic monthly, vol. 84 (Nov. 1899): 577-587. 1899. The suffrage fight in Georgia. W. H. Burghardt Du Bois. Independent, vol. 51 (Nov. 30, 1899): 3226-3228. 1899. Disfranchising the negro. Nation, vol. 69 (Nov. 23, 1899): 384. 1899. A negro on the position of the negro in America. D. E. Tobias. Nineteenth century, vol. 46 (Dec. 1899): 957-973. 1899. Disfranchisement defeated in Georgia. Independent^ vol. 51 (Dec. 7, 1899): 3306-3307. 1900. The Philadelphia negro: a social study. Percy N. Booth. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 15 (Jan. 1900): 100-103. 1900. Race war and negro demoralization. Thomas F. Price. American Catholic quarterly review, vol. 25 (Jan. 1900): 89-105. NEGRO QUESTION; ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 41 1900. Negro education. Charles Minor Blackford, jr. Arena, vol. 23 (Jan. 1900): 24-30. 1900. Signs of progress among the negroes. Booker T. Washing ton. Century magazine, vol. 59 (Jan. 1900): 472-478. 1900. The negro as a factor in the future of the West Indies. H. C. De Lisser. New century review, vol. 7 (Jan. 1900) : 1-6. 1900. Booker T. Washington on our racial problem. Outlook, vol. 64 (Jan. 6, 1900): 14-17. 1900. The Philadelphia negro. Henry L. Philipps. Charities review, vol. 9 (Feb. 1900): 575-678. 1900. The American negro of to-day. Philip Alexander Bruce. Contemporary review, vol. 77 (Feb. 1900): 284-297. 1900. Secret societies and negro progress. W. P. Trent. Public opinion, vol. 28 (Feb. 22, 1900): 238. 1900. The race problem: a southern conference. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 15 (March, 1900): 307-310. 1900. The negro as a political factor in the South. A. ... Abbott. Anglo-American magazine, vol. 3 (March, 1900) : 203-207. 1900. Thirty-five years of freedom for the negro. Outlook, vol. 64 (Mar. 10, 1900): 565. 1900. Village improvement among the negroes. R. L. Smith. Outlook, vol. 64 (Mar. 31, 1900): 733-736. 1900. The negro in business. Public opinion, vol. 28 (Mar. 1900): 399. 1900. The American negro in business. Spectator, vol. 84 (Mar. 31, 1900): 440. 1900. "Learning by doing" at Hampton. Albert Shaw. American review of revietvs, vol. 21 (Aj/r. 1900): 417-432. 1900. The negro s case in equity. Ida B. Wells Barnett. Independent, vol. 52 (Apr. 26, 1900): 1010. i 1900. Lynching and the franchise rights of the negro. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 15 (May, 1900): 493-497. 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1900. The negro and the soil. D. Allen Willey. Arena, vol. 23 (May, 1900}: 553-560. 1900. The Montgomery conference. Isabel C. Barrows. Independent, vol. 52 (May 24, 1900): 1257-1259. 1900. The Montgomery conference. Outlook, vol. 65 (May 19, 1900): 153-155. 1900. The Montgomery conference. Isabel C. Barrows. Outlook, vol. 65 (May 19, 1900): 160-162. 1900. The negro since the civil war. N. S. Shaler. Popular science monthly, vol. 57 (May, 1900): 29-39. 1900. The Montgomery conference. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 21 (June, 1900) : 655. 1900. Will education solve the race problem? John Roach Straton. North American review, vol. 170 (June, 1900) : 785-801. 1900. The future of the negro in the Southern states. N. S. Shaler. Popular science monthly, vol. 57 (June, 1900): 147-156. 1900. The industrial color-line in the North. James S. Stemons. Century magazine, vol. 60 (July, 1900): 477-478. 1900. The Montgomery conference. Charities review, vol. 10 (July, 1900): 193-194- 1900. Montgomery conference. Chautauquan, vol. 31 (July, 1900): 328. 1900. The Montgomery race conference. Booker T. Washington. Century magazine, vol. 60 (Aug. 1900): 630-632. 1900. Tuskegee negro conference. Max Bennett Thrasher. Chautauquan, vol. 31 (Aug. 1900): 504-507. 1900. The negro problem in the South. Charles Henry Grosvenor. Forum, vol. 29 (Aug. 1900): 720-725. 1900. North Carolina s red-shirt campaign. Independent, vol. 52 (Aug. 2, 1900): 1874-1876. 1900. Election in North Carolina. Marion Butler. Independent, vol. 52 (Aug. 16, 1900): 1953-1955. 1900. The North Carolina suffrage amendment. A. J. McKelway. Independent, vol. 52 (Aug. 16, 1900): 1955-1957. 1900. Education will solve the race problem. A reply. Booker T. Washington. North American review, vol. 171 (Aug. 1900) : NEGRO QUESTION: AETICLES IN PERIODICALS 43 1900. Crime among the negroes of Chicago. A social study. Mon roe N. ^V ork. American journal of sociology, vol. 6 (Sept. 1900}: 204-223. 1900. The fourteenth amendment and the race question. Max West. American journal of sociology, vol. 6 (Sept. 1900): 248-254- 1900. North Carolina s suffrage amendment. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22 (Sept. 1900): 273-271,. 1900. Crime among the negroes of Chicago. Public opinion, vol. 29 (Sept. 20, 1900}: 367. 1900. The negro problem in the South. Oscar W. Underwood. Forum, vol. 30 (Oct. 1900}: 215-219. 1900. Have we an American race question? 1. The negro vindi cated. George Allen Mebane. 2. Passing of the race problem. Walter L. Hawley. 3. Lawlessness vs. law lessness. W. S. Scarborough. 4. A plea from the South. Walter Guild. Arena, vol. 24 (Nov., 1900}: J49-488. 1900. Paths of hope for the negro. Jerome Dowd. Century magazine, vol. 61 (Dec. 1900}: 278-281. 1900. The negro in New York. Jno. Gilmer Speed. Harper s weekly, vol. 44 (Dec. 22, 1900): 1249-1250. 1900. The American negro and his economic value. Booker T. Washington. International monthly, vol. 2 (Dec. 1900} : 672-686. 1900. The religion of the American negro. W. E. Burghardt DuBois. New world, vol. 9 (Dec. 1900): 614-625. " II: \w 1; ill 1 nil 8 iC 1 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1901. Has Jamaica solved the color problem? Julius Moritzen. en-union s magazine, vol. 20 (Jan., 1901): 31-46. 1901. New Orleans and negro education. Grunton s magazine, vol. 20 (Jan. , 1901} : 66-70. 1901. The conditions of the reconstruction problem. Hilary A. Herbert. Atlantic monthly, vol. 87 (Feb., 1901): 145-157. 1901. The training of the negro teacher. Nathan B. Young. Education, vol 21 (Feb., 1901): 359-364. 1901. The negro and education. Kelly Miller. Forum, vol. 30 (Feb., 1901): 693-700. 1901. A Southern woman s appeal for justice. Amanda Smith Jemand. Independent, vol. 53 (Feb. 21, 1901): 438-440. 1901. The negro problem. Charles H. Vail. International socialist review -, vol. 1 (Feb., 1901): 464~470 1901. The South and the negro. Marion L. Dawson. North American review, vol. 172 (Feb., 1901): 279-284. 1901. Disfranchisement in Maryland. Public opinion, vol. 30 (Feb., 21, 1901): 230-231. 1901. The race problem. As discussed by negro women. Mary Taylor Blauvelt. American journal of sociology, vol. 6 (Mar., 1901): 662-672. 1901. Negro education in the South. Paul B. Barringer. Educational review, vol. 21 (Mar., 1901): 233-243. 1901. The negro in business. Booker T. Washington. Guntorfs magazine, vol. 20 (Mar., 1901): 209-219. 1901. The remedy for disfranchisement. Public opinion, vol. 30 (Mar. 28, 1901): 390-391. 1901. Reconstruction in South Carolina. Daniel H. Chamberlain. Atlantic monthly, vol. 87 (Apr. 1901): 473-484. 1901. The case for the South. J. W. Bailey. Forum, vol. 31 (Apr. 1901): 225-230. 1901. The Tuskegee negj-o conference as an educational force. Max Bennett Thrasher. Guntorfs magazine, vol. 20 (Apr. 1901): 359-366. NEGRO QUESTION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 45 1901. The Southern mountaineer. John Fox, jr. Scribner s magazine, vol. 29 (Apr. 1901}: 387-399; (May, 1901): 556-570. 1901. The negro and our new possessions. W. S. Scarborough. Forum, vol. 31 (May, 1901}: 340-349. 1901. Popular education and the race problem in North Carolina. Joseph W. Bailey. Outlook, vol. 68 (May 11, 1901}: 114-116. 1901. The Alabama constitutional convention. Max B. Thrasher. Outlook, vol. 68 (June 22, 1901}: 437-439. 1901. Shame of New Orleans. Independent, vol. 53 (July 11, 1901}: 1630. 1901. The burden of negro schooling. W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. Independent, vol. 53 (July 18, 1901}: 1667-1668. 1901. The condition of the South. Walter G. Oakman. North American review, vol. 173 (July, 1901} : 40-43. 1901. The negro as soldier and officer. Nation, vol. 73 (Aug. 1,1901}: 85-86. 1901. Southern suffrage amendments. Joseph Culbertson Clayton. Albany law journal, vol. 63 (Sept., 1901}: 358-359. 1901. The southern people during reconstruction. T. N. Page. Atlantic monthly, vol. 88 (Sept., 1901}: 289-304. 1901. Southern problem. G. A. Thacher. Forum, vol. 3% (Sept. 1901}: 116-118. 1901. Reconstruction and disfranchisement. Atlantic monthly, vol. 88 (Oct. 1901}: 433-437. 1901. The undoing of reconstruction. William A. Dunning. Atlantic monthly, vol. 88 (Oct. 1901}: 437-449. 1901. Alabama s new constitution. Outlook, vol. 69 (Nov. 23, 1901}: 751. 1901. The race problem at the South. H. A. Herbert. Social science, vol. 4 (Nov. 1901} : 139-140. 1901. Suffrage, North and South. William R. Merriam Forum, vol. 32 (Dec. 1901}: 460-465. 1902. Alabama constitutional convention. G. Corey. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 19 (Jan. 1902}: 143-145. 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1902. The American negro as a religious, social, and political factor, Kelly Miller. Anglo-American magazine, vol. 7 (Jan. 1902) : 63-75. 1902. Alabama s new constitution. Chautauquan, vol. 34 (Jan. 1902): 361. 1902. Economic work of the negro. B. T. Washington. Current literature, vol. 32 (Jan. 1902): 85-86. 1902. Our negro population. Independent, vol. 54 (Jan. 2, 1902): 57. 1902. Impossibility of restoring negro suffrage. World s work, vol. 3 (Jan. 1902): 1585-1586. 1902. The expansion of the negro population. Kelly Miller. Forum, vol. 32 (Feb. 1902): 671-679. 1902. The "Black north." Rebecca Harding Davis. Independent, vol. 54 (Feb. 6, 1902): 338-34.0. 1902. The negro problem. Henry W. Blair. Independent, vol 54 (Feb. 20, 1902): 44^-444- 1902. Theology versus thrift in the black belt. Charles B. Dyke. Popular science monthly, vol. 60 (Feb. 1902): 360-36 4. 1902. The American negro s religion for the African negro s soul. Levi J. Coppin. Independent, vol. 54 (Mar. 27, 1902): 748-750. 1902. The new race question in the South. S. A. Hamilton. Arena, vol. 27 (Apr. 1902): 352-358. 1902. The settlement idea in the cotton belt. Pitt Dillinghani. Outlook, vol. 70 (Apr. 12, 1902): 920-1 1902. The negro and higher learning. W. S. Scarborough. Forum, vol. 33 (May, 1902): 349-355. 1902. Negro disfranchisement in Louisiana. Paul L. Haworth. Outlook, vol. 71 (May 17, 1902): 162-166. 1902. Suffrage in the South: six new state constitutions. Chappell Cory. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 25 (June, 1902): 716-718. 1902. Shall the Southern delegation to Congress be cut down ? Edgar D. Crumpacker. Frank Leslie s popular monthly, vol. 54 (July, 1902): 281-286. NEGKO QUESTION: AETICLES iisr PEEIODICALS 47 1902. Negrophilism in South Africa. M. J. Farrelly. Fortnightly revieiv, vol. 78 (Aug., 1902}: 301-308. 1902. Of the training of black men. W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlantic monthly, vol. 90 (Sept., 1902}: 289-297. 1902. The American negro. Cuyler Smith. Frank Leslie s popular monthly, vol. 64. (Sept. 1902}: Jf.17- 430. 1902. Colored men as cotton manufacturers. Jerome Dowd. Gunton s magazine, vol. 23 (Sept. 1902}: 254-256. 1902. The negro problem how it appeals to a Southern colored woman. Independent, vol. 54 (Sept. 18, 1902}: 2221-2224. 1902. The negro problem how it appeals to a Southern white woman. Independent, vol. 54 (Sept. 18, 1902): 2224-2228. 1902. Negro conditions sensibly discussed. A. R. Holcombe. Outlook, vol. 72 (Sept. 20, 1902}: 170-173. 1902. The crux of the negro question. Henry A. Stimson. Bibliotheca sacra, vol. 59 (Oct. 1902}: 717-729. 1902. Insanity and the negro. M. L. Perry. Current literature, vol. 33 (Oct. 1902}: 467-468. 1902. A plea against suffrage restriction in the South. H. D. Money. Frank Leslie 1 s popular monthly, vol. 54 (Oct. 1902}: 609-613. 1902. The negro as an industrial risk. Independent, vol. 54 (Oct. 2, 1902): 2381. 1902. Suffrage restriction in the South; its causes ana consequences. Clarence H. Poe. North American review, vol. 175 (Oct. 1902}: 534-563. 1902. The hope of the negro. J. L. Robinson. Open court, vol. 16 (Oct. 1902}: 1902. The southern republican elimination of the negro. World s work, vol. 4 (Oct. 1902}: 2591. 1902. The negro in South Africa and in our. southern states. World s work, vol. 4 (Oct. 1902}: 2591-2592. 1902. The national negro business league. Booker T. Washington. World s work, vol. 4 (Oct. 1902}: 2671-2675. 48 1902. 1902. 1902. 1902. 1902. 1902. 1902. 1902. 1903. 1903. 1903. 1903. 1903. 1903. 1903. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The agricultural negro. Booker T. Washington. Arena, vol. 28 (Nov. 1902}: 461-463. The native labour question in South Africa. H. H. Johnston. Nineteenth century, vol. 52 (Nov. 1902}: 724-731. The separate street-car law in New Orleans. A. R. Holcombe. Outlook, vol. 72 (Nov. 29, 1902}: 746-747. An Alabama negro sdhool. Oswald Garrison Villard. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 26 (Dec. 1902}: 711-714. The Anglo-Saxon and the African. Kelly Miller. Arena, vol. 28 (Dec. 1902}: 575-684. Right of negroes to hold office. Independent, vol. 54 (Dec. J,, 1902}: 2855-2856. Color line. P. Goddard. Independent, vol. 53 (Dec. 5, 1902}: 2895-2897. The President on the appointment of negroes. Outlook, vol. 72 (Dec. 6, 1902}: 759-760. The evolution of negro labor. Carl Kelsey. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 21 (Jan., 1903}: 55-76. Deep waters of the race problem. World s work, vol. 5 (Jan., 1903}: 2935. The new aspect of the negro question. Thomas Nelson Page. Collier s weekly, vol. 30 (Feb. 28, 1903}: 11. The American negro historical society of Philadelphia and its officers. H. Harrison Wayman. Colored American magazine, vol. 6 (Feb., 1903): 287-294- Latest phases of the race problem in America. Sarah A. Allen. Colored American magazine, vol. 6 (Feb. , 1903} : The negro and the Philippines. R. B. Lemus. Colored American magazine, vol. 6 (Feb. , 1903} : 314-318. Hopeful position of the negro. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 27 (Mar., 1903}: NEGRO QUESTION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 49 1903. Settlement work among colored people. Caroline B. Chapin. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 21 (Mar. 1903}: 336. 1903. The negroes of St. Louis. Lilian Brandt. American statistical association. Quarterly publications, vol. 8 (Mar. 1903}: 203-268. 1903. Die Grenzen des amerikanischen Auf schwungs. Wilhelm von Polenz. Die Grenzboten, vol. 62 (Mar. 12, 1903}: 625-636; (Mar. 19, 1903}: 709-719; (Mar. 26, 1903}: 753-765. 1903. The President s doctrine and the facts of history. Harper s weekly, vol. 47 (Ma? . 14, 1903}: 1903. Southern ignorance of the negro. Independent, vol. 55 (Mar. 12, 1903}: 634-635. 1903. The negro and the trade unions. Nation, vol. 76 (Mar. 5, 1903}: 186-187. 1903. The negro and public office. Joseph B. Bishop. International quarterly, vol. 7 (Mar. -June, 1903}: 231-237. 1903. Negroes and poor whites. Nation, vol. 76 (Mar. 12, 1903}: W^-205. 1903. The race problem. Outlook, vol. 73 (Mar. U, 1903}: 607-610. 1903. A southern view of the negro. L. H. Hammond. Outlook, vol. 73 (Mar. 14, 1903}: 619-623. 1903. Changed opinions on the race question. World s work, vol. 5 (Mar., 1903}: 3156-3159. 1903. The south and the educated negro. Nation, vol. 76 (Apr. 23, 1903}: 32 4. 1903. The mulatto factor in the race problem. Alfred Holt Stone. Atlantic monthly, vol. 91 (May, 1903}: 658-662. 1903. The problem of the blacks. William Hemstreet. Arena, vol. 29 (May, 1903}: 495-499. 1903. The Atlanta university conferences. W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. Charities, vol. 10 (May 2, 1903}: 435-439. 1903. The case of the negro. W. H. Johnson. Dial, vol. 34 (May 1, 1903}: 299-302. 50 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1903. The future of the negro. Archibald R. Colquhoun. North American review, vol. 176 (May, 1903} : 657-674- 1903. The negro problem. J. M. Bicknell. Arena, vol. 29 (June, 1903}: 611-615. 1903. The negro in the regular army. Oswald Garrison Villard. Atlantic monthly, vol. 91 (June, 1903}: 721-729. 1903. From darkness to dawn: Booker T. Washington s work of education among the negroes. Minerva Spencer Handy. Era magazine, vol. 12 (July, 1903): 3-13. 1903. A lawj^er s solution of the negro problem. Charles A. Gardiner. Literary digest, vol. 27 (July 11, 1903}: 36-37. 1903. Negro criticism of Booker T. Washington. Literary digest, vol. 27 (July 11, 1903}: 37-38. 1903. The American negro for South Africa. D. H. Newland. Engineering and mining journal, vol. 76 (Aug. 29, 1903): 308-309. 1903. The negro criminal. George B. Winton. Harper s weekly, vol. 47 (Aug. 29, 1903}: 1414. 1903. The successful training of the negro. Booker T. Washington. World s work, vol. 6 (Aug., 1903): 3731-3751. 1903. Negro rural schools in Virginia. W. T. B. Williams. Southern workman, vol. 32 (Aug. -Sept., 1903}: 363, Jf-13. 1903. Negro education in the South. Walter B. Hill. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 22 (Sept., 1903}: 76-85. 1903. The race problem in the United States. Lyman Abbott. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 28 (Sept., 1903}: 321-325. 1903. Educating the American negro: the work of Tuskegee institute. H. E. Thomas. Gassier* s magazine, vol. 24 (Sept., 1903}: hlfl-lfid. 1903. Heroes in black skins. Booker T. Washington. Century magazine, vol. 66 (Sept., 1903): 72^-729. 1903., The negro problem in the United States. John A. Hobson. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 54 ( Oct. , 1903} : 581-594- 1903. Some co-operating causes of negro lynching. Henderson M. Somerville. North Amwican review, vol. 177 (Oct., 1903}: 506-512. NEGRO QUESTION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 51 1903. The training of negroes for social power. W. E. B. Du Bois. Outlook, vol. 75 (Oct. 17, 1903}: 409-414. 1903. Stirring up the fires of race antipathy. John Spencer Bassett. South Atlantic quarterly, vol. 2 (Oct., 1903): 297-305. 1903. The negro farmer in the Mississippi delta. Alfred Holt Stone. Southern workman, vol. 32 (Oct., 1903): 457-460. 1903. The negroes of Beaufort county, South Carolina. Niels Christensen, jr. Southermvorkman, vol. 32 (Oct., 1903): 481-485. 1903. Old-time negro education in the South. G. S. Dickerman. Southern workman, vol. 32 (Oct., 1903): 500-503. 1903. Some charges against the negro race. Booker T. Washington. Southern workman, vol. 32 (Oct., 1903): 496-498. 1903. Racial composition of the American people: the negro. John R, Commons. Chautauquan, vol. 38 (Nov., 1903): 223-234. 1903. The fallacy of the " selected group " in the discussion of the negro question. Talcott Williams. Southern workman, vol. 32 (Nov., 1903): 520-526. 1903. Proposed solutions of the negro problem. Samuel Chiles Mitchell. Southern workman, vol. 32 (Nov., 1903): 545-550. 1903. Where negroes may not come. Albert Bushnell Hart. Harper s weekly, vol. 47 (Dec. 5, 1903): 1950. 1903. Mr. Schurz on the negro problem. Nation, vol. 77 (Dec. 31, 1903): 518-519. 1904. Statutory prohibition of the emigration of colored laborers from North Carolina. W. A. Guthrie. American law review, vol. 38 (Jan.-Feb., 1904): 14 4-145 1904. Can the South solve the negro problem ? Carl Schurz. McClure s magazine, vol. 22 (Jan., 1904): 259-275. 1904. Education as a cause of negro criminality. J. K. Vardaman. Booker T. Washington. Literary digest, vol. 27 (Jan. 30, 1904): 137-138. 1904. Lawlessness in the South : an analysis of conditions. Henry N. Snyder. Methodist quarterly review, vol. 53 (Jan., 1904) 81-96. 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. The lynching- of negroes its cause and its prevention. Thomas Nelson Page. North American review, vol. 178 (Jan., 1904): 33-48. 1904. The negro as the South sees him. Joel Chandler Harris. Saturday evening j^ost, vol. 176 (Jan. 2, 1904): 1-2, 23. 1904. The negro of today: his prospects and his discouragements. Joel Chandler Harris. Saturday evening post, vol. 176 (Jan. 30, 1904): 2-5. 1904. The black belt. Ulrich B. Phillips. Sewanee review, vol. 12 (Jan., 1904): 73-77. Review of Carl Kelsey s The negro farmer. 1904. The American negro artisan. Thomas J. Calloway. Cassier s magazine, vol. 25 (Mar., 1904): 4-35-445- 1904. The negro: the southerner s problem. Thomas Nelson Page. McClure s magazine, vol. 22 (Mar., 1904): 548-554,- (Apr., 1904): 619-626. 1904. Darkest America. Kelly Miller. New England magazine, vol. 30 (Mar. , 1904) 14~21. 1904. Die Negerfrage in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Harry A. Fiedler. Preussische Jahrbucher, vol. 116 (Apr., 1904) 65-108. 1904. The negroes of St. Louis. Lilian Brandt. Southern workman, vol. 33 (Apr., 1904) 223-228. 1904. The negro problem from the negro point of view. I. The Tuskegee idea. Booker T. Washington. II. Problems of the city negro. Kelly Miller. HI. A plea for fair play. Jesse Lawson. IV. Booker T. Washington and his critics. Ida B. Wells-Barnett. V. The parting of the ways. W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. World to-day, vol. 6 (Apr., 1904) 511-523. 1904. Part of a man s life : "intensely human." Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Atlantic monthly, vol. 93 (May, 1904) - 588-597. 1904. The negro as a peasant farmer. Katharine Coman. American statistical association. Quarterly publications, vol. 9 (June, 1904): 39-54. 1904. The progress of the negro: a study in the last census. George W. Forbes. Arena, vol. 32 (Aug., 1904): 134-141. NEGRO QUESTION: AKTICLES IN PERIODICALS 53 1904. The negro s part in the negro problem. Kelly Miller. Forum, vol. 36 (Oct. -Dec., 1904): 289-304. 1904. National supervision of negro education. Carl Holliday. South, Atlantic quarterly, vol. 3, (Oct., 1904): 356-360. 1904. The negro s financial contributions to negro schools in Vir ginia. W. T. B. Williams. Southern workman, vol. 33 (Oct., 1904): 550-554- 1904. The value of educating the negro. Bocker T. Washington. Southern workman, vol. 33 (Oct., 1904): 558-564- 1904. Helping the negro to help himself. C. C. Smith. Outlook, vol. 78 (Nov. 19, 1904): 727-730. " Lowndes county, Alabama, Land company." 1904. The old-time negro. Thomas Nelson Page. Scribner s magazine, vol. 36 (Nov. , 1904) 522-532. 1904. Some effects of the negro s poverty. Roscoe Conkling Bruce. Southern workman, vol. 3 3 (Nov., 1904): 1904. Census statistics of the negro. Walter F. Willcox. Yale rev ieui, vol. 13 (Nov., 1904): 27^-286. 1904. The white peril: the immediate danger of the negro. William Garrott Brown. North American review, vol. 179 (Dec. , 1904) 824-841. 1905. Reorganization of the industrial s} T stem in Alabama after the Civil war. Walter L. Fleming. American journal of sociology, vol. 10 (Jan., 1905): Jfl 3-500. 1905. The Italian cotton grower: the negro s problem. Alfred Holt Stone. South Atlantic quarterly, vol. 4 (Jan., 1905): J$-Jfl . 1905. The negro in Virginia. C. Braxton Bryan. Southern ivorkman, vol. 34 (Jan., 1905): 51-54; (Feb., 1905): 100-108. 1905. The economic position of the American negro. Report. W. F. Willcox and others. American economic association. Publications, 3d ser., vol. 6 (Feb., 1905): 216-221. 1905. A plantation experiment. Alfred Holt Stone. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 19 (Feb., 1905): 270-287. A discussion of an experiment six years after its inception, which was described in a paper by the same author on "The negro in the Yazoo-Missi?sippi Delta." 5-4 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1905. A negro s chance: how the race problem is answered in the blackest portion of the black belt. [Mississippi.] B. G. Humphreys. Saturday evening post, vol. 177 (Feb. 11, 1905}: 1-2. 1905. The negro in Virginia. Ft. III. C. Braxton Bryan. Southern workman, vol. 3 4 (Mar., 1905): 170-179. 1905. The Tuskegee negro conference. Thomas Jesse Jones. Southern workman, vol. 34 (Apr., 1905): 204-207. 1905. Remedies for the southern problem. Albert Bushnell Hart. Independent, vol. 58 (May 4, 1905): 993-996. 1905. The economic cost of slaveholding in the cotton belt. Ulrich B. Phillips. Political science quarterly, vol. 20 (June, 1905) : 257-275. 1905. The negro south and north. W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. Bibliotheca, sacra, vol. 62 (July, 1905) : 500-513. x 1905. The religious life of the negro. Booker T. Washington. North American review, vol. 181 (July, 1905): 20-23. 1905. The south and the negro. Booker T. Washington. Southern workman, vol. 34 (July, 1905): 400-405. 1905. "The negro a beast." Edward Atkinson. North American review, vol. 181 (Aug. , 1905) : 202-215. 1905. The negro helping himself. Rufus Rockwell W T ilson. Public opinion, vol. 39 (Aug. 5, 1905): 166-169. 1905. The probable increase of the negro race in the United States. Walter F. Willcox. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 19 (Aug., 1905): 545-572. 1905. Booker T. Washington and the negro: some dangerous aspects of the work of Tuskegee. Thomas Dixon, jr. /Saturday evening post, vol. 178 (Aug. 19, 1905) : 1-2. 1905. The negro race and European civilization. Paul S. Reinsch. American journal of sociology, vol. 11 (Sept., 1905): 145-167, 1905. The religion of the American negro. F. M. Davenport. Contemporary review, vol. 88 (Sept., 1905): 369-375. Eclectic magazine, vol. 145 (Dec., 1905): 609-614- NEGRO QUESTION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 55 1905. The negro in the cities of the north. Charities, vol. 15 (Oct. 7, 1905): 1-96. CONTENTS. The inake-up of negro city groups. Lilian Brandt, pp. 7-11; Assisted emigration from the South: the women. Frances A. Kellor, pp. 11-14; Some causes of negro emigration: the men. Carl Kelsey, pp. 15-17; Why should negro business men go South? Booker T. Washington, pp. 17-19. Kowaliga: a community with a purpose. William E. Benson, pp. 22-24; The negro home in New York. Mary White Ovington, pp. 25-30; The black vote of Philadelphia. W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, pp. 31-35; Industrial conditions among negro men in Boston. John Daniels, pp. 35-39; Social bonds in the "black belt" of Chicago. Fannie Barrier Williams, pp. 40-44; Some causes of criminality among colored people. J. H. N. Waring, pp. 45-49; Negro dependence in Balti more. Helen B. Pendleton, pp. 50-58; The negro of to-day in music. James W. Johnson, pp. 58-59; Mission sketches, pp. 59-63; A social settlement in south Washington. Sarah Collins Fernandis, pp. 6466; The negro press in America. L. M. Her- shaw, pp. 66-68; The negro in times of industrial unrest. R. R. Wright, jr., pp. 69-73; In the day s work of a visiting nurse. Jessie C. Sleet, pp. 73-74; The negro church and its social work: St. Mark s. Maude K. Griffin, pp. 75-76; The school as a social center. William L. Bulkley, pp. 76-78; Court studies from life. Lucy F. Friday, pp. 79-81; Children of the circle. Helena Titus Emerson, pp. 81-83; Manual training for negro children. David E. Gordon, p. 84; The negro and the demands of modern life. Franz Boas, pp. 85-88; In the country at large. Thomas Jesse Jones, pp. 88-96. 1905. Future of the negro in America: will the race become extinct? John P. Heap. National magazine, vol. 23 (Oct., 1905): 105-108. 1905. Negro concentration in the South. How racial distribution is determined in the South by geographical, not by political forces. Edwin C. Eckel. World to-day, vol. 9 (Nov., 1905): 1215-1220. 1905. Le probleme noir aux Etats-Unis d Amerique. L. J. de Lavigne Sainte-Suzanne. Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 4.6 (Dec. 10, 1905): 573-581. 1906. The negro in business. Booker T. Washington. American illustrated inagazine, vol. 61 (Jan., 1906): 340-345- 1906. The heart of the race problem. Archibald H. Grimke. Arena, vol.35 (Jan., 1906): 29-32; (Mar, 1906): 274-278. 1906. Some psychological considerations in the race problem. Her bert A. Miller. Bibliotheca sacra, vol. 63 (Apr., 1906): 352-363. 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1906. Race questions and prejudices. Josiah Royce. International journal of ethics, vol. 16 (Apr., 1906): 265-288. 1906. Tuskegee: a retrospect and prospect. Booker T. Washington. North American review, vol. 182 (Apr., 1906}: 513-523. 1906. Twenty-five years of Tuskegee. Booker T. Washington. World s work, vol. 11 (Apr., 1906}: 7433-7450. 1906. The industrial condition of the negro in the North. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 27 (May, 1906}: 543-609. CONTENTS. The economic handicap of the negro in the North, Kelly Miller; The negro in the trades unions in New York, Mary White Ovington; The migration of negroes to the North, R. R. Wright, jr. ; The training of the negro laborer in the North, Hugh M. Browne; The industrial condition of the negro in New York City, William L. Bulkley; The three amendments, John Bascom. 1906. "Forty acres and a mule." Walter L. Fleming. North American review, vol. 182 (May, 1906}: 721-737. 1906. The Freedmen s Saving bank. Walter L. Fleming. The Yale review, vol. 15 (May, 1906}: 40-67. AUTHOR IOT3EX Page Abbott, A. R 41 Abbott, Ernest Hamlin 5 Abbott, Lyman 50 Alexander, William T 17 Allen, Sarah A 48 Allen, William G 17 American academy of political and social science 5 American negro academy 5, 17 Anderson, Matthew 24 Armistead, W. S 18 Armstrong association 18 Atkins, S.G 24 Atkinson, Edward 18, 54 Atlanta university 18 Babbitt, Dean Richmond 35 Bailey, Joseph W 44, 45 Baker, H.E 24 Baldwin, Marie L 24 Baldwin, William H , jr 5 Banks, Elizabeth L e 40 Barksdale, Ethelbert 25 Barnett, Ida B. Wells 41 Barrett, Harris 24 Barringer, Paul Brandon 5,13,44 Barrows, Isabel C 42 Bascom, John 56 Bassett, John Spencer 51 Bellamy, Francis 38 Benson, William E 55 Bicknell, J. M 50 Bishop, Joseph B 49 Blackford, Charles Minor, jr 41 Blaine, James G 37 Blair, Henry W 46 Blair, Lewis H 6 Blair, Montgomery 37 Blauvelt, Mary Taylor 44 Blyden, Edward W 6 Boas, Franz 18, 55 Page Booth, Percy N 40 Bowen, J. W. E 12 Bowser, Rosa D 24,25 Brackett, Jeffrey R 6 Bragg, George F 34 Brandt, Lilian 18, 49, 52, 55 Brannon, Henry 6 Breckinridge, Clifton C 13 Brooks, Calvin Herlock 18 Brooks, Walter H 35 Brorup, Rasmus Peterson 19 Brousseau, Kate 19 Brown, C. C 13 Brown, William Garrott 6, 53 Brown, William Wells 19 Browne, Hugh M 24,56 Bruce, H. Addington 27 Bruce, Philip Alexander 6, 41 Bruce, Roscoe Conkling 53 Bryan, C. Braxton 53,54 Bryce, James 37 Bulkley, William L 55, 56 Bullard, R. L 19 Burgess, John William 19 Burrell, W. P 25 Butler, Marion 42 Cable, George Washington 6, 37 Calhoun, William Patrick 7 Galloway, Thomas J 24, 52 Campbell, Sir George 19 Campbell, R. F 24 Candler, W. A 30 Carnegie, Andrew 18 Carroll, Charles 19 Carver, G. W 24 Chamberlain, Daniel H 37, 44 Chandler, Julian A. C 7 Chapin, Caroline B 49 Chase, Thomas N 20 Chesnutt, Charles W 29 57 58 AUTHOR INDEX Christensen, Niels, jr Christmas, L. T Clayton, Joseph Culbertson Clayton, Virginia V Clowes, W. Laird Coan, Titus Munson Cockran, W. Bourke Colquhoun, Archibald R Page 51 7 45 7 5 13 50 Colson, J. M 24,25 Coman, Katherine 52 Commons, J. R 51 Conference for education in the South 19,20 Conference for investigation of city problems 20 Cook, Charles C 7,17 Coombs, A. G 21 Coppin, Levi J 46 Corey, G 45 Cory, Chappell 46 Councill, W. H 39,40 Craighead, James B 37 Crapsey, Algernon S 35 Crogman, W. H 9,26 Cromwell, John W 17, 20, 24, 25 Cross, Samuel Creed 7 Crummell, Alexander 17,20 Crumpacker, Edgar D 46 Gulp, Daniel Wallace 7 Curry, J. L. M 7, 13, 16, 34, 38, 40 Cutler, James Elbert 20 Dabney, Charles William 21 Daniels, John 55 Davenport, F. M 54 Davis, L. D 21 Davis, Rebecca Harding 46 Dawson, Marion L 44 DeLisser H. C 41 Dickerman, G. S 51 Dillingham, Pitt 46 Dixon, Thomas, jr 54 Dowd, Jerome 43, 47 Dowman, C. E 30 Dreher, Julius D 13 Du Bois, William Edward Burg- hardt 5, 8, 9, 17, 18, 21, 22, 29, 33,38, 39, 40, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55 Dunbar, Paul Lawrence 29 Duncan, B. Odell 40 Dunning, William A 45 Dyke, Charles B 46 Eastman, Henry Parker 22 Eaton, Isabel 8,22 Eckel, Edwin C Edmonds, R. H Elias y Pujol, Alfredo Eliot, Charles W Ell wood, Charles A Elwang, William Wilson. Emerson, Helena Titus . . Evans, L. B Evans, W. B . . Pagre 55 30 16 18 22 22 55 38 25 Faduma, Orishatukeh 17, 22 Farrelly, M. J 47 Fernandis, Sarah Collins 55 Ferrer de Couto, Jose 9 Fiedler, Harry A 52 Fishback, W. M 25 Fleming, Walter Lynwood 22, 53, 56 Foard, John Frederick _. 22 Forbes, George W 52 Fortune, T. Thomas 9, 29, 33, 40 Fowler, William Chauncey 23 Fox, John,j> 45 Friday, Lucy F 55 Frissell, Hollis B 13, 18, 24 Gaines, D. B. 9 Gaines, Wesley J 23 Galloway, Charles Betts 23 Gannett, Henry 9 Gardiner, Charles A 50 Garfield, James A 37 Garner, James Wilford 23 Gaston, J. B 13 Gibson, J. W 9 Gilman, Daniel Coit 23 Goddard, P 48 Godkin, E. L 37 Goodrich, C. L 24 Gordon, David E 55 Grady, Benjamin Franklin 23 Grady, Henry W 30,37 Graves, John T 13,30 Green, John P 34 Gresham, G. N 24 Griffin, Maude K 55 Grimke, Archibald H 17, 24, 55 Grimke, Francis James 17, 23, 24, 25 Grosvenor, Charles Henry 42 Guerry, W. A 13 Guild, Walter 43 Gunby, A. A 23 Guthrie, James M 9 Guthrie, W. A 51 Guthrie, William D 9 Hamilton, James Cleland 40 AUTHOB INDEX 59 Page Hamilton, S. A 46 Hamm, Walter C 39 Hammond, L. II 49 Hampton, Wade 37 Hampton negro conference 24, 25 Hampton normal and agricultural institute 9 Handy, Minerva Spencer 50 Harris, Joel Chandler 52 Harris, Mm. L. II . . . 39 Harris, Norman Dwight 25 Hart, Albert Bushnell 37, 51, 54 Hawley, Walter L 43 Haworth, Paul L 46 Haynes, (i. II 10 Heap, John P 55 Hemphill, John J 25 Hemstreet, William 49 Hendricks, Thomas A 37 Herbert, Hilary A 5, 10, 13, 25, 44, 45 Hershaw, L. M 35, 55 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth .. 31,52 Hill^ Walter B . . 25, 26, 50 Hilyer, Andrew F 24 Hoar, George Frisbie 10 Hobson, ?:iizabeth C 26 Hobson, John A 50 Hoffman, Frederick L 10 Holcombe, A. R 47,48 Holliday, Carl 53 Holly, James T 39 Holsey, Lucius H 30,34 Holt, George C 26 Hope, John 17 Hopkins, Charlotte E 26 Humphreys, B. G 54 Ingle, Edward 10 Jackson, Julia C 25 Jemand, Amanda Smith 44 John F. Slater fund for the educa tion of f reedmen 13, 26 Johnson, Edward Augustus ... 10, 26, 35 Johnson, James W 55 Johnson, John Quincy 26 Johnson, W. H 49 Johnson, William Bishop 26 Johnston, H. H 48 Johnston, Joseph F 13, 39 Jones, Ira P 25 Jones, Thomas Jesse 54,55 Joseph, E. B 13 Kealing, H. T 29 Kellor, Frances A 43,55 Page Kelsey, Carl 26,48,55 Kettell, Thomas Prentice 10 King, Alex. C 13 Kletzing, Henry F 26 Kruse, Miss E.B 25 Lamar, L. Q. C 37 Laney, Lucy C 24 Laws, J. Bradford 10 Lawson, Jesse 34, 52 Le Conte, Joseph 10 Leigh, Frances Butler 26 Lemon, John W 24 Lemus, R. B 48 Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre 27 Lewis, Samuel 6 Liberia 27 Lilly, D. Clay 13 Lindsay, S. M 13 Livermore, George 27 Livingstone, William P 27 Locke, Mary Stoughton 27 Long, O. S 25 Love, John L 11, 17 Lowell, James Russell 27 McCockle, William A 13 McCurley, W. S 39 McGovern, J. Montgomery 39 McKelway, A. J 38,42 McKinley, Carlyle 27 McLeod, J. M 22 MacNair, Colin 27 Manning, Joseph C 28 Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor 28 Matthews, Victoria E 24, 33 Mayo, A. D 11,28,34 Mebane, George Allen 43 Merriam, George Spring 28 Merriam, William R 45 Miller, HerbertA 55 Miller, Kelly 11, 17, 24, 25, 38, 44, 46, 48, 52, 53, 56 Miller, Oliver C 5 Mitchell, Samuel Chiles 51 Moffat, R. Burnham 28 Money, H.D 47 Moorland, J. E 25 Morehouse, F. C 7 Morgan, John T 11 Morgan, Thomas J 11 Moritzen, Julius 44 Morris, S. L 28 Moton, R. R 25 AUTHOR INDEX Page Murphy, Edgar Gardner 28 Murphy, Jeannette Robinson 29 Murray, Daniel 35 Nash, Charles E 11 National negro business league 11 Newland, D. H 50 Newman, Francis William 29 Nieboer, H. J 11 Northen, W. J 30 Northrop, Henry Davenport 12 Northrop, Joseph R. Gay 12 Oakrnan, Walter G 45 vington, Mary White 55, 56 Page, Thomas Nelson. 29, 37, 45, 48, 52, 53 Parks, W . B 30 Pasco, Samuel 25 Peirce, Paul Skeels 30 Pell, Edward Leigh 12 Pendleton, Helen B 55 Penn, I. Garland 12 Pepper, Charles M 5 Perry, M. L 47 Pettiford, W. R 25 Philipps, Henry L 41 Phillips, UlrichB 52,54 Phillips, Wendell 37 Pierce, Charles C 5 Pierce, Edward L 12 Pike, Godfrey Holden 30 Pike, James S 12 Platt, OrvilleH 5 Poe, Clarence H 47 Polenz, Wilhelm von 49 Prather, J. W 25 Presley, Samuel C 12 Price, Thomas F 40 Prichard, Hesketh 12 Proctor, H. H 21 Purves, Alexander 24 Reed, John C 30 Reid, Whitelaw 32 Reid, William M 24 Reinsch, Paul S 54 Reynolds, L. H 24 Richings, G. F 12,30 Riley, Jerome R 12 Robinson, J. L 47 Ross, Edward A 5 Royall, William L 13 Royce, Josiah 56 Sadler, M. E 13 Sage, B. J 25 Sainte-Suzanne, L. J. de Lavigne . 55 Sanborn, F. B 21 Page Satterthwait, L 38 Scarborough, W. S. . . 17, 24, 25, 43, 45, 46 Schell, William Gallio 30 Scholes, Theophilus E. Samuel ... 31 Schurz, Carl 51 Scott, Emmett J 34 Shadd, F. J 24, 25 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate 31 , 42 Shaw, Albert 38, 41 Simmons, Enoch S 31 Simmons, William J 31 Simpson, Samuel 31 Sinclair, William A 31 Slattery, J. R 13 Sleet, Jessie C 55 Smith, C. C 53 Smith, Cuyler 47 Smith, Hoke 32 Smith, ReubenS 34 Smith, Robert L 25,41 Smith, William Benjamin 32 Smith, William Henry 29, 32 Smyth, John Henry 24 Snyder, Henry N 51 Somerville, Henderson M 50 Spahr, Charles B 14, 39 Speed, Jno. Gilmer 43 Spiller, Richard 24 Steiner, Bernard C 40 Stemons, James S 42 Stephens, Alexander H 37 Stetson, George R 14 Stevens, A. W 12 Stevens, Mrs. S. B 24 Stevens, William 32 Steward, T. G 17 Stewart, Charles 25 Stiles, Robert 25 Stimson, Henry A 47 Stone, Alfred Holt 14, 49, 51, 53 Straton, John Roach 42 Sutton, Edwin H 14 Syphax, Minn C. E 24 Tarver, H. M 32 Terrell, Robert H 32 Thacher, G. A 45 Thorn, William Taylor 14 Thomas, H. E 50 Thomas, William Hannibal 14 Thrasher, Max Bennett 14, 42, 44, 45 Tillinghast, Joseph Alexander 14 Timmons, R 30 Titus, Mrs. Casper 24 Tobias, D. E 40 61 Page 14 41 32 24 25 Tourgee, Albion W Trent, W. P Tricoche, George Xestler Tunnell, William V Turner, H. G Turner, Henry M 30, 31 Underwood, Oscar W 43 United States. Bureau of the Cen sus - 33 15 15 15 44 33 25 51 25 Villard, Oswald Garrison 48, 50 Virey, Julien Joseph 33 Waddell, Alfred Moore 13 W T alker, Francis A 37 Walker, H. de R 33 Waller, G. R 24 Waring, J. II. N 55 Warner, Charles Dudley 33 Washington, Booker Taliaferro. 14, 16, 18, 24, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 Bureau of education .. Congress Department of labor .. Vail, Charles H Vance, Joseph Anderson. Vance, Zebnlon B Vardaman, J. K Vest, G. G Washington, Georgia Way man, II. Harrison Weeks, Stephen Beauregard Wells-Barnett, Ida B West, H, L West, Max W T hite, George H Wickliffe, John C Wilder, J. R Willcox, Walter F 16, 33, Willey, D. Allen Williams, Fannie Barrier. . . 16, 25, Williams, George Washington Williams, Talcott Williams, W. T. B 25, Wilson, Henry Wilson, Joseph T Wilson, Rufus Rockwell Wilson, W Wilson, W. L Wimberly, A. T Winston, George T Winton, George B Wood, X. B Woolman, Mary S Work, Monroe N Wright, R. R.,jr Young, Nathan B 25 48 35 52 39 16,43 34 38 35 53,54 42 29,55 35 51 50,53 35 35 54 43 25 35 5 50 29 24 21,43 55,56 44 O RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW DEC09B96 FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720