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E. R. GRAHAM, Architect
E. R. GRAHAM, Architect
JULY 3, 1913
Boilers 286
Carpentry and cabinet work 122
Cut stone 55
Elevators 271
Engines 292
Foundation and masonry 9
General conditions 1
Generators 298
Glass and glazing 141
Hardware 146
Hollow tile fireproofing 61
Lighting fixtures 153
Mail chutes 144
Marble and tile work , 133
Mechanical equipment 160
Ornamental iron and bronze work 89
Painting 157
Plastering 114
Plumbing, sewers, gasfitting, ejectors and refrigerating plant 163
Roofing and sheet metal 74
Steamfitting, steam heating and ventilating, stack and ceiling lin-
ing , 205
Structural steel 46
Terra cotta 69
Wiring 242
For the several dimensions, the arrangement and construction of
this building, particular reference shall be had to the accompanying
design prepared by
Chicago, Illinois.
consisting of all drawings necessary to fully explain the work in detail.
Where the term "Owners" is used it shall be understood to refer
to Equitable Building Company.
Where the term "Architect" is used it shall be understood to
refer to E. R. Graham, Architect, 1417 Railway Exchange Building,
Chicago, or his representatives.
Where the term "Contractor" is used it shall be understood to
refer to Thompson-Starrett Co., No. 51 Wall street, New York City.
Where the term "Sub-Contractor" is used it shall be understood
to refer to the individual or firm contracting with the Thompson-Star-
rett Co., 51 Wall street, for the work covered by these plans and speci-
Drawings and Specifications:
The drawings, with such writings, interlineations and details as
may be upon them, shall be considered as part of and illustrations to
these specifications.
These specifications are intended to supplement the drawings, the
two being considered co-operative, and, therefore, it will not be the
omission will not relieve the contractor from carrying out such portions
only indicated on the drawings, and should items be required by the
specifications not indicated on the drawings they are to be supplied,
even if of such nature that they could have been indicated thereon.
Any items which may not be indicated on the drawings or mentioned
herein, or work and materials required by the New York City Build-
ing Laws, which are necessary to complete the entire work, as shown
and intended, must be supplied in place without additional cost. The
decision of the Architect as to the proper interpretation of the draw-
ings and specifications shall be final.
The Architect will furnish full size details for such portion of
the work as in his judgment require it to explain the design more
fully or govern profile, ornamentation and minor detail of design, and
all work shall be executed in strict accordance with said details.
The general character of the detail work is shown on scale details
in the General Drawings, but minor modifications may be made in the
full size details, and the contractor must not get out any part of the
work requiring details until the same have been furnished.
Figures shall have precedence over measurements, and details
over small scale general drawings. Should any discrepancies or am-
biguities be found in the drawings or specifications the same shall at
once be reported to the Architect for correction.
Designation of Materials:
As a general guide to the Contractor in the execution of the
work, the following colors are adopted to designate materials, although
all such materials may not be colored:
Bine — Stone, Marble.
Red — Brick, Hardwood on Details.
Purple — Concrete, Fireproofing.
Yellow — Wood.
Green — Iron, Bronze, Sheet Metal.
Brown — Terra Cotta.
Liability Insurance:
The Contractor shall maintain such insurance as will adequately
protect itself and the Owner and Architect from all liability under
the laws of the State of New York, and from the claims for damages
for personal injuries arising directly or indirectly from operations
under the contract, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for
failure to maintain such insurance.
Personal Supervision:
The Contractor shall give its personal supervision to the work
and shall have at all times some competent person on the work to act
for it.
Public Ordinances:
The Contractor hereby binds itself to protect the Owner and save
it harmless from all damages arising from violations of the public
ordinances of any kind resulting from its operations during the erec-
tion of this building.
Protection Against Fire:
The Contractor and its men are strictly forbidden to smoke, or
light fires of any kind, in or about this building.
Protection Against Damage:
The Contractor shall use all care and diligence to protect its work
from damage resulting from carelessness or otherwise until the build-
ing is completed and accepted.
The Contractor shall also be responsible for any and all damage
to its work by reason of the action of the elements until the entire
building is complete and accepted.
Hoisting, Staging and Runways:
The Contractor, unless otherwise specified, shall do all hoisting
of its materials, and shall provide and maintain proper staging, etc.,
for the erection and completion of its work. When the Contractor
has completed its work it shall remove promptly from the building
all such apparatus.
Materials and Workmanship:
All materials and labor mentioned in these specifications under
the various subheads shall be provided and put in place complete.
All materials shall be new and the best of their respective kinds.
Should it become necessary to substitute material different from
that called for, the written consent of the Architect must be obtained
before the change is made, and the material used shall be equal in
every respect to that called for.
All work shall be executed in a neat and skillful manner exactly
as specified or detailed, and if not mentioned or detailed, then to the
approval of the Architect. In all cases the work shall be executed
to the entire satisfaction of the Architect.
All rejected and condemned material shall be at once removed
from the premises and shall not be used in this work.
Sub-Letting :
The Contractor shall not sub-let any portion of its work without
the written consent of the Architect.
A list of all sub-contractors shall be submitted to the Architect
for approval before entering into contract with such sub-contractor;
however the General Contractor will not be relieved from any obliga-
tions under his contract, by the approval or disapproval of the names
of the sub-contractors.
Removing Scaffolding and Other Apparatus:
At the completion of the work, or at any other time the Architect
may direct, the Contractor shall remove any and all scaffolding appa-
ratus, and other temporary apparatus required during the building
operations, from the building, and should it neglect to do so imme-
diately after being notified, the Architect may have the work executed
at its expense.
Patents :
The Contractor hereby agrees to protect and save harmless
the Owner from loss or damage cansed by suit or otherwise for
infringements of patents for materials or methods used in the construc-
tion of any work called for in the specification.
The Contractor shall not place or maintain any signs, bills or post-
ers, in or about this building, except by written permission of the
Watchmen :
The Contractor shall employ and maintain a corps of day and
night watchmen during the construction of the building, which shall
be under tbe direction of the Architect.
Electric Lights:
Wherever electric lights are found necessary in the progress of
the work the Contractor shall supply and maintain, such light as may
be required to properly execute the work.
Insurance :
All work is at the Contractor's risk until the same is completed
and accepted by tbe Architect. The Contractor is to furnish insur-
ance from time to time as certificates are issued, in a company or com-
panies acceptable to the Owner, same being made payable to the
owner for an amount equal to the certificates so isseud. This insur-
ance shall remain until the completion of the work and its acceptance
by the Architect.
Additional Work Ordered During Construction:
No claim for additional compensation, on account of extra labor
or materials furnished, will be entertained unless in each and every
instance said extra labor or materials are furnished upon written or-
der signed by the Architect.
In case of extra work ordered, the total compensation for which
is not previously agreed upon and stipulated in the order, the Con-
tractor shall report to the Architect at each daily meeting, the labor
and material expended in sucli extra work on the previous day and at
the end of each week shall present for the approval of the Architect,
itemized bills covering said extra labor and material; otherwise no
claim for compensation on account thereof will be allowed.
Extras and Credits Due to Revised Drawings:
Whenever revisions, changes, alterations, additions or omissions
are made for which drawings and details have been prepared and sub-
mitted to the contractor, the contractor shall submit promptly to the
Architect an itemized statement of quantities and prices incident to
such revisions, changes, alterations, additions and omissions, to facili-
tate the checking of quantities involved and the prompt issuance of an
order covering the extra or credit as the case may be.
The Contractor shall properly barricade the work at all times and
erect proper shelters wherever necessary so as to properly protect the
work from damage. All such barricades shall be so arranged as to
insure the safety of the workmen and passers-by.
Office, Telephone and Stenographic Work:
The Contractor shall furnish labor and materials and erect an
office on the grounds, as per plans and directions of the Architect,
and shall move this office at any time and to any place directed by the
This office shall be kept clean of debris and shall be considered
the office of the building, in wbich the general drawings shall be stored.
This office shall be subject to the control and direction of the Architect.
The Contractor shall equip the office with a telephone and employ
a stenographer on the work to do the writing that may be necessary
for the Architect and his Superintendent.
Building Inspector's Office:
The contractor shall furnish the labor and materials and erect
an office on the premises for the exclusive use of the Society's In-
spector of Construction and his assistants. The office shall be made
and constructed as per plans and directions of the Architect.
The office shall be provided with telephone, chairs, desks, drawers
and plan tables for the proper accommodation of the plans and speci-
During cold weather the office shall be hooked up with the steam
heating system of the building, keeping the office warm and habitable
at all times to give the inspector every facility for performing his
duties. All necessary wiring for the proper lighting of the offices
shall also be installed and provided with the necessary fixtures.
Furnish any and all models that may be required for the execution
of the ornamental and decorative work of every description for the com-
pletion of the building, employing for this work only the very best
and most skillful modelers and sculptors who may be selected by the
Architect at his option.
Photographs in triplicate of the models shall be submitted to the
Architect for his review and approval not executing any work until ap-
proval of same has been obtained.
Models shall be changed, altered or new models made until satis-
factory to the Architect in every respect.
Models shall be submitted in place should the Architect direct it to
be necessary for their proper inspection.
Samples of the various materials entering into the construction of
the building as herein specified or as required shall be submitted to
the Architect for approval. The approved samples shall be filed in the
Architect's office and shall be taken as a standard for the materials
entering into the construction of the building.
Shop Drawings:
It is understood that before the manufacture or installation of
the work under this contract is carried forward, shop drawings shall
be prepared and prints in triplicate of same submitted to the Archi-
tect for approval, executing no work until such approval has been
The Architects ' approval, however, shall not relieve the Contractor
of responsibility for errors, as the Architects' approval of the drawing
is only general and is not intended to serve as a check, and does not
in any way relieve the Contractor from the necessity of furnishing the
materials and performing the work as required by the drawings and
All shop drawings previous to submission to the Architect for re-
view and approval shall be completely checked by the Contractor and
it must be distinctly understood that drawings which do not bear evi-
dence of such checking, or are incomplete will be returned without ap-
proval for correction and preparation to comply with these require-
Each consignment of drawings sent for approval must be accom-
panied by a letter of transmission giving a list of the number of the
drawings. Each drawing must be marked with the name of the build-
ing, and each series numbered consecutively for ready reference and
In General:
Furnish all labor and material required to execute and install com-
plete the foundations, concrete work and masonry in accordance with
the accompanying drawings and as required by this specification.
Scope of Contract:
This contract includes the wrecking of such portions of the old
buildings and clearing of the site as hereinafter specified; the excava-
tion and back filling; all foundations, and retaining walls and all stone
and cinder concrete work of every description, plain or re-enforced ; all
column concrete enclosures ; all brick masonry of every description,
including backing of cut stone, ornamental iron, steel and terra cotta ;
all cinder filling and cinder foundations for floors and roofs ; all cement
floors and sidewalks ; all waterproofing or damp proofing of basements,
pits, walls, floors and sidewalks; and all other work of a masonry
nature shown upon the drawings or hereinafter specified.
Permits :
Take out the water permit necessary for the work included in this
contract, together with the sidewalk vaults and street obstruction per-
mits and any others that may be necessary to prosecute the work for
the entire building, assuming all responsibility and paying all costs.
The Owners will take out and pay for the building permit.
Time is of the essence of this contract. Therefore the Contractor
shall provide an adequate plant and shall employ as many men, wag-
ons and teams as practicable on the work of erection of the new build-
ing, and shall prosecute the work with the utmost dispatch, hastening
the same forward to completion as rapidly as possible consistent with
good work.
Structural Steel Drawings:
A careful study should be made of the foundation plans in both
Steel Diagrams and General Drawings. Any work of a concrete or
masonry nature required by the Steel Diagrams which the General
Drawings do not show shall be executed by the Contractor the same
as though shown by General Drawings.
Wall Bearing Beams:
All steel beams and girders resting on concrete or brick walls
shall be provided with bearing plates and anchors which shall be
bedded in cement mortar on the wall, bringing them to proper levels
to receive the beams, building the beams and their anchors solidly and
securely into the walls.
Sidewalk angle guards, size as shown by the drawings, shall be fur-
nished, be accurately located and built in with the sidewalk concrete
and cement construction as the work progresses.
Grounds and Anchors:
All grounds, bolts and anchors which it may be necessary to build
into concrete or brick masonry for the placing and anchorage of all
subsequent work shall be furnished, located and disposed and built into
the masonry in a solid and secure manner.
Waterbars :
Waterbars for all window frames shall be set and bedded in cement
mortar in the waterbar raggles as the frames are placed in position.
Slots and Chases in Walls:
Build all slots, chases, recesses and openings in concrete and brick
walls, piers and foundations which are required for the proper instal-
lation of subsequent work.
Examine the plumbing, heating and ventilating and other dia-
grams to secure a full understanding of what will be required in this
respect, as slots and openings are not in all cases shown on the general
Grade :
All beights shall be figured from an elevation 35.62" above New
York City datum, the inside grade of the sidewalks at the intersection
oT the building lines at the corner of Broadway and Pine Street, as
shown on Architects' drawings, which level shall be known as "Grade"
in this specification.
Allowance for Settlement:
Make all due allowance in construction for such settlement as is
likely to occur in the work, so that after it has taken place the various
points will be at the elevations figured on the drawings. The amount
of such allowance must be approved by the Architect.
Foundation Work.
Scope of the Work:
The work covered by the drawings and this specification includes :
1. All general excavation and disposal of excavated material for
all basements, vaults and retaining walls as shown, including the re-
moval of all rubbish, old walls, footings, or other construction still
remaining, and also any back-filling which may be required in any part
of the work.
2. All sheeting, shoring, bracing and protection required in mak-
ing all excavations.
3. All excavation, concrete or other work required to construct:
(a) A continuous cofferdam and foundation wall around the
outside of the property.
(b) A retaining wall between the high and low level of the
general cellar excavation.
(c) All foundation piers for all interior columns and, if re-
quired and called for later, additional piers or founda-
dations for safe deposit vaults, etc.
(d) A reinforced concrete curb wall around the entire prop-
erty as shown on drawings.
4. All work necessary to maintain, safeguard and restore to orig-
inal condition: '
(a) All adjoining streets.
(b) All constructions contained in said streets.
(c) All neighboring buildings, insofar as same may be af-
fected by reason of work done under this contract.
5. All pumping required for the execution of this work.
6. All temporary work such as fences, sidewalk bridges, plat-
forms, runways, staging, scaffolds, derricks, concrete forms, sheet pil-
ing, shores, bracing, temporary buildings, conveniences, etc., etc.,
as may be required for the proper execution of this work.
7. Furnishing and placing all steel reinforcement shown in the
drawings or as called for in these specifications.
8. Placing and grouting all anchor bolts, and the four columns ex-
tending into cassions as shown on drawings.
9. Payment of all charges for water, electric current or other
service incurred for this work.
10. Obtaining all street permits, other than vault permit.
11. Kemoval and disposal of all excavated material and of all
rubbish incident to this work.
12. Furnishing all labor, tools, machinery, derricks and other
appliances or equipment of whatsoever description necessary and to
the extent required for the prompt and proper performance of this
13. Removal of all temporary work as soon as the necessity for
it has passed and the shifting and adjustment of braces and other tem-
porary work as may be required for the execution of all work.
Wrecking of Old Buildings on Site:
All old buildings on the site to the level of the basement floor, with
the exception of curb walls and sidewalks and such portions of the
outer walls of the buildings as support sidewalks have been wrecked
to the basement floor. Take the work at this point and execute all
further wrecking, clearing the site of all obstructions preparatory to
the erection of the new structure as shown and required by the draw-
Contractor's Liability:
The Contractor shall assume all responsibility in regard to the
proper shoring-up, underpinning, bracing and protection of the ad-
joining or neighboring structures, and all liability for injury and dam-
ages to said structures and their premises arising out of any operation
connected with this contract.
The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner and save it harm-
less from all loss or expense and from all damages for which it may
become liable in consequence of such injury or damage to adjoining
or neighboring structures and their premises, and in case the Owner
is sued the Contractor shall defend such suit or suits at its own ex-
pense, to final decree, judgment or compromise.
Repairs to Adjoining Property:
Execute all repairs to the adjacent, adjoining and neighboring
structures and their premises that may be necessitated by any opera-
tion connected with this contract and leave said structures without ex-
ception in as good condition as they were at the commencement of this
Compliance With Law and Protection for Workmen:
The Contractor's attention is called to the requirements of the
law as to safeguarding men employed to work in compressed air.
The Contractor will be required to comply with the provisions of the
law. If a hospital lock is required it shall be arranged to accommo-
date at least two patients at the same time and shall be furnished
with double entrance doors arranged for the ingress and egress of
attendants without affecting the pressure carried in the hospital cham-
ber. This lock must be ready for instant operation at all times when
work under air is in progress.
The Contractor shall observe all state and municipal laws and all
Building Department and Sanitary Department rules and require-
Day and Night Work:
If necessary, all work covered by this specification shall be pros-
ecuted continuously day and night, working double shifts of men until
the completion of same, except that it is optional with the Contractor
whether it works or not on Sunday or holidays, but if the Contractor
elects not to work on Sundays or holidays it shall not be held in any
way to relieve it of the obligation to finish the work within the con-
tract time.
Survey and Marks:
The Owner shall furnish the Contractor with a copy of the sur-
vey of the property showing lot lines and the location of the necessary
bench marks for levels, and the location of two main axis lines. The
Owner shall have permanent marks established at the site from which
the building and property lines may be located, and also a permanent
bench mark or marks for determining the levels of the building. The
Contractor shall verify and work from these and shall be held en-
tirely responsible for the accuracy of the placing of the work; to this
end the Contractor shall employ a licensed surveyor or city engineer
acceptable to the Architect to establish and verify all lines and levels
in connection with this work. The approval of the engineer selected
to do the work shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility as to
the correctness of the location and levels of the finished work. Re-
ports of surveyor so employed shall be furnished in triplicate to the
Architect and the Owners' Consulting Engineer for their information.
In case any doubt should arise as to the accuracy of the surveys
and levels made by the above mentioned surveyor, the Architect re-
serves the right and privilege to call in another surveyor to verify all
previous work and make such additional surveys and levels as may
in his judgment be necessary to establish beyond doubt all points
in question. The expense of such additional surveys shall be borne
by the Contractor.
Checking Measurements:
The Contractor before commencing work shall carefully check the
survey of the lot and all other measurements controlling his work, and
shall inform the Architect of any discrepancies.
Examination and Photographs of Adjacent 'Work:
The Contractor before commencing operations shall carefully ex-
amine the condition of all neighboring structures, and shall take levels
on the front of all buildings facing the proposed building and shall
make a record of any existing cracks, settlements or defects in same,
and a copy of this record shall be filed with the Architect. The Con-
tractor shall not be relieved of the responsibility of supporting and
maintaining any neighboring building by reason of any defect existing
in same.
Photographs of the facades of the adjacent buildings facing the
Equitable Building site shall be prepared by the Contractor, furnish-
ing a complete set of prints properly mounted and bound, to both the
Architect and the Owners for their files and records.
The Contractor shall take over the premises in the condition ex-
isting, and shall remove all old footings, walls or other construction
remaining on the site and such portions of the sidewalk and vault con-
struction as is necessary for the execution of the work, make all exca-
vation necessary for the construction of all work covered in this speci-
fication, and as required for all vaults, vault walls and vault floors
and for all basement and boiler room floors, as indicated on the draw-
Cut and cap or otherwise take care of all street connections en-
countered in excavating on the street or curb line and mark the loca-
tion of same so that they can subsequently be located and reconnected
as required.
Perform all excavation as shown by the drawings required to ex-
ecute the work and remove from the premises all surplus earth and
The entire area within the curb retaining and the cofferdam
walls to be occupied by the building shall be excavated to the vari-
ous levels of the bottom of the cinder foundation for the concrete
floors, as shown by the drawings. All trenches shall be excavated
to such sizes as to admit of the installation and construction of
the foundation and shall be left level on the bottom to receive the con-
crete work. No trenches shall be excavated deeper than required to
receive the footings, as no filling under footings will be permitted, and
if the excavation is carried too deep the depth of the concrete work
must be correspondingly increased without extra charge.
If any quicksand pockets or other soft spots are encountered be-
neath foundations, piers, walls or footings, the same shall be exca-
vated and filled in solidly with concrete to meet the approval of the
Timber 'Work and Bracing Excavations:
In prosecuting the excavations for this building the Contractor
shall do all timber work, shoring and bracing necessary to retain the
earth banks and prevent caving in and displacement of the adjacent
streets and soil, furnishing all necessary braces, timbers, wales, crib-
bing, planking and sheet piling for the purpose.
All earth banks and the sides of all pits, trenches and other ex-
cavations shall be most thoroughly braced and protected in a manner
to prevent any settlement whatsoever.
All timber used, whether for caissons, sheeting, timbering, bra-
cing, platforms or for temporary work, shall be sound, merchantable
material suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.
Bailing and Pumping:
Perform all bailing and pumping necessary to drain and keep all
excavations, pits, trenches, column foundation wells, and the whole
basement entirely free of water during the progress of the work under
all circumstances and contingencies that may arise, using such means
as may be best adapted to conditions and approved by the Architect.
Sheeting, Bracing and Protection of Street:
The Contractor shall drive wood or steel sheet piling on the line
of the curb to a sufficient depth below the bottom of the excavation re-
quired for the vault wall.
This sheeting, if of wood, shall be of new, sound, long leaf yellow
pine, not less than 3" thick, tongue and grooved and driven close,
plumb and true to line. If required, a power hammer shall be used
in driving same.
This sheeting shall be well braced, and the bracing shall be so ar-
ranged, and if necessary shall be shifted, so as not to interfere with
the sinking of the caissons nor the placing of the steel work, the con-
struction of the vault wall or any other operation of this or other
branches of work.
In case any vault wall now in position is permitted to be utilized
in the new building, the Contractor shall brace and maintain same.
When the shoring and bracing is no longer required, the Con-
tractor shall promptly remove same from the work.
Subway on Broadway:
The Contractor's attention is called to the existence of a subway
on Broadway and the necessity of maintaining and safeguarding same
not only against settlement, but also against fire, water or other mis-
Curb Wall:
The Contractor shall construct a vault or curb wall around the
entire property with recesses where necessary for catch basins, hy-
drants or other street constructions. Otherwise the outer face of the
wall shall be flush with the curb, and shall have a uniform thickness
of three feet down to the footing. The top of wall will conform to the
street gi'ade and be finished approximately one foot below curb level
and ready to receive the curb and sidewalk beams. The bottom of the
3' 0" wall will be at an elevation plus 8.000'. The wall shall be built
of Class "B" concrete, reinforced with J" square deformed or twisted
bars, set vertically 4" back from the inner face of the wall and spaced
9" center to center.
Interior Retaining "Wall:
The Contractor shall construct an interior retaining wall as shown
on the plans, extending from Column 123 on the Pine street front north
to Column 89, thence east to Column 91, thence north to Column 7 on
the Cedar street front. This wall and its footing shall extend from
elevation plus 3.000' down to elevation minus 16.0', except that over
the piers for Columns 105, 89, 90, 91, 75, 59, 43 and 25 the footing shall
extend down to the concrete around the grillages on these piers.
This wall will be composed of Class "B" concrete. Any required
openings or recesses shall be formed in this wall or in the curb wall,
and- the Contractor shall, if required, set in these walls pipes, ducts,
anchors or other connections, same to be furnished by other contract-
Cofferdam Wall and Foundations, for Exterior Columns.
The outside cofferdam wall, surrounding the entire property, shall
consist of four corner caissons and connecting walls, 6' 0" thick (con-
crete size), and shall be constructed in sections, each section to be of
length as hereafter determined.
All sections shall consist of concrete piers. The ends of adjoin-
ing sections shall subsequently be connected for their entire height
by concrete joints, so as to form a complete and substantially water-
tight cofferdam, continuous around the entire lot and extending from
the cut-off levels shown to solid rock and making therewith a satis-
factory joint. All piers forming this cofferdam wall shall be con-
structed by the pneumatic method. In sinking the caissons for the
cofferdam the cutting edge must in all cases be carried down until a
satisfactory joint is made with the hardpan or rock. If satisfactory
joint is made in hardpan, the sinking of the caisson may be discon-
tinued, but the excavation shall be continued of the full width until
satisfactory rock is encountered. The bottom of the excavation shall
then be carefully inspected, all loose or decayed rock shall be removed
and the surface of the rock cleaned, and if necessary leveled or stepped
off as directed to receive the foundation concrete.
Pneumatic Caissons:
Caissons shall be so constructed that no wood remains in the fin-
ished piers or walls.
Working chambers may be built of wood, steel or reinforced con-
The lower edge of the working chamber walls must be provided
with a steel shoe and cutting edge, securely attached to the bottom of
the wall.
Side walls, if of concrete and forming part of the finished pier or
wall, shall be reinforced with steel to the satisfaction of the Architect,
and must not have inclined surfaces showing in the working chamber.
Any changes in the thickness of the walls must be by horizontal offsets
or steps.
Side walls, if of wood, must not encroach on finished size for the
concrete pier.
No timber cross braces, wall timbers or nailing strips will be al-
lowed to remain in the finished concrete.
Caisson Roofs:
The roof of the working chamber, if of timber, shall be entirely
removed before completing the filling of the working chamber.
The roof of the working chamber, if of concrete, shall be rein-
forced, and all forms must be entirely removed before filling the work-
ing chamber with concrete. The under surface of the roof must be
smoothly and accurately finished to facilitate filling the working cham-
ber. In all cases where the roof extends more than 4 feet hori-
zontally from the working shaft, it shall be formed with steps having
a vertical drop of not less than 3 inches for each 2 feet of horizontal
Vent or Grout Pipes:
In all caissons the roof of which is not removed, provision shall
be made for grouting any voids which may be left after filling the
working chamber. To this end the Contractor shall provide vertical
vent or grout pipes not less than 3 inches inside diameter, extending
from the roof of working chamber vertically to the top of the pier or
wall. There shall be at least two of these grout pipes for each
wall caisson, and one for each of the small cylindrical or square piers.
These vertical pipes shall connect at the level of the working chamber
roof with horizontal or inclined ducts or chases formed in the roof
concrete, so arranged as to provide passageways for the grout.
The number, size and location of these grout ducts and the loca-
tion and arrangement of the vertical pipes to be subject to the ap-
proval and direction of the Architect.
Forming :
The concrete forming the main body of the pier or wall above the
roof level may be placed inside of a crib or cofferdam, or it may be
cast in removable forms.
In all cases the construction must be square and true to line and
size and in correct relation to the working chamber, and the exterior
surfaces must be smoothly finished without projections or roughness
to interfere with the smooth sinking of the structure.
The planking, joints, parts, sections, etc., of all concrete forms or
of construction in which concrete is to be cast shall be tight against
any leakage of water from the concrete and all surfaces used as re-
movable forms shall be papered, waxed (not oiled) or otherwise pre-
pared so that the concrete will not adhere to them.
Special care shall be taken Avherever concrete is used in the con-
struction of these piers and walls to produce a structure as nearly
monolithic as possible. The deposition of the concrete must be as
nearly a continuous operation as possible. The forms or enclosing
structure must be strong enough and high enough to allow a section
of 20 feet height of wet concrete to be added in one continuous op-
eration. Upon the completion of a section the upper surface must
be leveled, or if required a key depression formed in the upper surface
before set has commenced. Before starting a new layer on a con-
crete surface which has set for over one hour the surface shall be
scrubbed with stiff wire brooms and water and a layer of thin cement
mortar not less than \" thick shall be spread over the entire surface.
Design of Caissons:
The Contractor must submit to the Architect for his approval,
drawings showing the proposed dimensions, construction and reinforce-
ment of the caissons and piers.
Position of Joints:
Submit a drawing showing the proposed length of caissons form-
ing the cofferdam wall and the location of all joints ; and detail draw-
ings showing the caissons, piers, method of forming joints, reinforce-
ment of caissons, and piers, etc., subject to the approval and ac-
ceptance of the Architect.
Reinforcement :
In all cases where the concrete forming the pier is placed before
the caisson is in its final position, the concrete in the body of the pier
shall be reinforced as follows :
First Vertical Reinforcement:
Vertical reinforcing composed of 1" square or equivalent area
of deformed steel bars shall be set on the four sides of each cais-
son forming part of a cofferdam wall. These bars shall be spaced
24" center to center, except as otherwise shown. All of these bars
shall be set three (3") inches from the face of the concrete. Each
line of reinforcement shall be continuous or if necessarily in sec-
tions then the sections shall be lapped or connected so as to de-
velop the strength of a continuous bar extending from the level
of the cutting edge to the top of the finished pier.
Second Circular Reinforcement:
Spliced or continuous circular horizontal reinforcing rings
shall be placed concentric with the opening for the working shaft.
The rings shall not approach such opening closer than 4" and
shall be spaced not more than V apart vertically, and shall have
sufficient cross section to safely provide for the internal pressure
due to the pressure of the air, figured at 25 lbs. per square inch
on the shaft opening.
Third Horizontal Reinforcement:
All caissons forming the cofferdam wall shall be reinforced
by horizontal bars 1" square (or of equivalent area) laid parallel
to the long sides of the caisson as follows :
(a) Above the roof four bars, two on each side of the shaft
opening 2' shorter than caisson length.
(b) Four bars, six inches below the top and four bars six
inches above the bottom of each build up or section of concrete.
These bars to be one-half of the caisson length. In case the depo-
sition of concrete in forming any section is interrupted for any
reason for more than one hour, four additional bars shall be used
as soon as the concreting is resumed.
Position of Caissons:
All caissons must be sunk as close to position and to the perpen-
dicular as possible. To this end the Contractor must provide well
braced guides and sliding blocks. No caisson will be accepted if it is
more than 6" out of plumb in any direction or if more than 6" out
of position at any point or level. If on completion any caisson does
not come within such limits the Contractor shall without additional
charge of compensation supply such additional construction or do such
additional work (even to the removal and replacement of the caisson)
as may be required by the Architect to rectify the matter.
Acceptance of Bottom:
When the excavation for a caisson has reached a satisfactory bot-
tom, acceptable to the Architect, he shall issue to the Contractor a
written acceptance of the bottom, and a signed record of the depth of
The filling of the working chamber shall not be commenced before
the bottom is accepted.
Filling Working Chamber:
In all cases provisions shall be made for filling all voids in work-
ing chamber with concrete.
The Contractor shall afford the Architect all possible assistance
and information in order to insure the best possible results.
The Contractor may dump soft concrete until the working cham-
ber is filled to within two feet of the roof. If the Architect so directs,
the Contractor shall hold air on the caisson until this concrete has fully-
set before continuing the filling of the working chamber, which shall
be done by benching and ramming concrete against the roof or as
otherwise directed. If required, leave a sump for observation directly
below the shaft.
After the completion of the operation of filling the working cham-
ber (except for the sump or observation chamber) the Contractor un-
der the direction of the Architect shall fully and completely grout
the voids (if any) remaining in the working chamber and for this
purpose shall provide suitable grout mixing machines in duplicate
so as to permit of a continuous supply and a grout pump capable of
producing a pressure of 100 lbs. and delivering no less than 50 gallons
per minute, and shall provide suitable connections to the grouting or
vent pipes hereinbefore specified.
During the operation of grouting there shall be, if required, a com-
petent man in the observation chamber to observe the results, and if
possible to direct the flow of the grout.
The operations of placing concrete under the roof and of grout-
ing may be carried on before air is taken off the caisson or the Archi-
tect may direct that air pressure be taken off before these operations,
in which case the Contractor shall, if necessary, keep the shaft and
sump free from water.
After the completion of the filling of shaft and the grouting of
same the Contractor shall bring the concrete forming the pier or wall
to finished grade.
All cofferdam caissons shall be constructed of Class "A" concrete.
Joints for Caisson Wall:
Each caisson forming part of the continuous wall around the lot
must be provided at its ends with vertical grooves or chases corre-
sponding to similar vertical grooves or chases in adjoining caissons.
These grooves and the spaces between the adjoining caissons must be
filled solidly with concrete, the concrete to extend without break for
at least the central 75 per cent, of the full width of the wall and for
the full distance between caissons, and it must extend vertically from
top of the wall down to the rock.
The excavation for this joint must be done by some method which
will exclude all water and permit of the inspection of the work.
No timber will be permitted to remain in the joint and the con-
crete forming the joint must connect with the concrete forming the
ends of adjoining caissons, and must completely fill the grooves or
chases thereof.
Forming Pockets and Chases in Face of Cofferdam Wall:
Where required the Contractor shall, without charge, form chases
or pockets in the concrete forming the cofferdam for the reception of
work to be subsequently done as herein specified.
Cntting Pockets in Face of Cofferdam Wall:
The Contractor shall, after the completion of the cofferdam wall,
cut pockets for the reception of beams, girders, etc. Each pocket will
be 30" high, 12" wide and 12" deep.
General Excavation and Interior Pier work:
The Contractor may defer commencing the foundations for interior
columns until after the completion of the cofferdam wall. The Con-
tractor has the option of using the pneumatic caisson method or other
methods subject to the approval of the Architect for these interior
The Contractor shall defer that portion of the general excavation
below elevation plus 13 feet until after the completion of the coffer-
dam and the interior piers and until the steel columns and floor con-
struction for the basement floor have been erected. The Contractor
must provide cofferdams extending from the various cut-off levels
up to elevation plus 13 feet for all exterior and interior piers and
also pits for the cantilevers at the 4 corners, so as to permit of the
convenient erection of the steel. It must also thereafter and when
permitted complete the general excavation promptly in such a way as
to pei'mit of the erection of the steel work above the basement floor
level. It must also supplement the bracing effect of the basement floor
by temporary braces as may be necessary and be responsible for the
sufficiency of the operation and the means of bracing the cofferdam
wall until the completion of all work.
The Contractor must assume all responsibility for the safeguard-
ing of the work, and the installation of structural steel or other per-
manent construction will not relieve it from responsibility for the
bracing and maintenance of all walls and banks.
Interior Piers:
The interior piers will consist of rectangular piers and square or
circular piers, having areas as indicated on the plan. The piers will
have the cross section shown by the solid lines on the plan down to
the point at which the bell commences. If hardpan of good quality
and of considerable thickness is encountered, the bell will start one
foot (1') below the top of hard pan and flare with a slope of ^ horizon-
tal to 1 vertical until the required area indicated by dotted lines on
the drawings is reached, below which point the excavation will con-
tinue of the same dimensions for a depth of 6".
If for any reason the Architect decides to carry the excavation
to rock, the bell will be reduced or entirely omitted. The Con-
tractor may be required to carry all these foundations for the in-
terior columns down to rock, in which case the excavation in the
hardpan will be substantially of the same size as the top of the pier
or with a relatively small bell. In any case the Contractor must
provide substantial curbing or lining for the excavation down to and
connecting with the hardpan. This curbing or lining must be of
such dimension and so arranged as to provide for the construction of
the entire pier of the dimensions shown, including the bell or the ex-
tension to rock as a monolith, and a method providing for the deposi-
tion of all of the concrete required for the complete pier in a contin-
uous operation will be required.
Interior piers shall conform to the same specifications as pre-
viously given for the piers or caissons forming the exterior wall so
far as care to be taken in sinking, conformity to correct size and
position, workmanship, etc.
All interior piers shall be constructed of Class "A" concrete.
Pipes and 'Wires in Ground:
Support, shore up and protect all water, sewer and gas pipes and
electric light, telephone and telegraph wires and conduits encountered
in this work and immediately notify the proper officials or the persons
or corporations owning same and allow them or their agents entrance
and opportunity to take such additional measures as they may deem
Fire Hydrants and Lamp Posts:
Shore up, protect and maintain in condition for use all fire hydrants
and street lamps that may be on or aboui the premises, and allow the
Department of Public Works access to same at all times.
Hydrants shall be kept at all times free and clear of all obstruc-
tions that would interfere with their use by the Fire Department.
The chambers in which the hydrants are set, where coming within
the curb wails, shall be rebuilt with masonry of sewer brick laid in
mortar, composed of one (1) part Portland cement and two (2) parts
of sand, in the manner below specified.
The circular wall and arched bottom of chamber shall be nine (9")
inches thick, of two rings of brick laid with full joints, the walls begin-
ning IS" below the top of the finished basement iloor. The drain from
this chamber shall be cleaned and the inner ring of brick in the bottom
and eight courses on the sides shall be laid in hot asphalt mastic. The
lower part of the hydrant sball be coated to the same heigbt with
asphalt mastic.
Back Filling:
Execute all back filling required after installation of column foun-
dation piers and other foundations, footings, walls, piers and pits,
to bring the earth to proper level and grades for subsequent work.
All filling shall be well flooded and solidly tamped in layers, to pre-
vent settlement.
Repairing Pavements:
Carefully repair any and all damage to the street and avenue
pavements adjacent to the premises that may have resulted from any
operation connected with the erection of this building, including repairs
necessitated by the making of service connections to sewers, water and
gas mains and other public utilities.
Repairs shall be made with first class materials in a manner to
place the streets without exception in as good condition as that in
which they were at the commencement of the work, and to the approval
of the city authorities having control.
Temporary Enclosure Shelter and Sidewalk:
fcuild a temporary wood construction enclosure, sidewalk and
shelter surrounding the premises along the street fronts as a protec-
tion for the public, maintaining the same during building operations
and until the Architect consents to their removal.
The enclosures and shelters shall be of wood construction built
in accordance with details shown by the drawings, substantially erected,
firmly and solidly braced, and so located and arranged as to afford
proper protection from falling material and debris. All exposed por-
tions of the wood work forming the sidewalk passages shall be con-
structed of surfaced lumber, and after erection shall be treated to two
coats of white lead and linseed oil, color as directed.
The roof and the posts supporting the shelter shall be strong
enough to carry a load of 600 pounds per square foot, so that all con-
tractors on the building may use it in handling their materials and to
work from.
The passage ways shall be properly wired by the Contractor
for electric lighting and provided with lamps spaced not to exceed 12
feet apart, or as approved by the Architect, and the Contractor shall
furnish all current and maintain such lighting as long as the sidewalk
shelters remain in place, keeping the lamps lighted after dark through-
out the night.
At completion of the building, and when approved by the Archi-
tect, the shelters shall be taken down and removed from the premises,
the materials becoming the property of the Contractor.
Temporary Water Closets:
Build an approved temporary water closet enclosure in basement,
eighth, sixteenth, twenty-fourth and thirty-second stories for the use
of all workmen engaged on the building, and move same from time to
time during the progress of the work as may be necessary in the judg-
ment of the Architect, and when no longer needed take down and remove
from the premises.
Lights :
Furnish, install and maintain, as long as required, a sufficient
number of arc or incandescent lamps to illuminate the premises to
permit working a force of men over the entire area throughout the
night, to advance the work in the contract. The number and location
of lamps shall be subject to the approval of the Architect. All ex-
pense in this connection, including cost of current, shall be included
in the contract.
Concrete Woek.
Extent of Stone Concrete Work:
All cofferdam walls, column foundation caissons and other founda-
tions, footings, piers, retaining walls, curb walls, dwarf walls, pits and
similar work below grade, the filling between and encasing of all grillage
beams, girders and steel work in foundations, and all spandrel beams
and girder concrete enclosures in walls and cornices, the encasing and
fireproofing of beams, girders and columns not enclosed with brick or
fireclay tile, the reinforced concrete floor and sidewalk construction and
the filling around pipes and conduits through floors, the base for all
granolithic sidewalks, the concrete foundations for the bedding of cut
stone and terra cotta work and all other work shown stone concrete on
the drawings shall be executed with stone concrete.
The furring and pitching of the surfaces of all roofs, decks and
gutters, and such other work as is so shown by the drawings shall be
executed with cinder concrete.
Forms and Centers:
Furnish and place all necessary forms and centers, moulds, brac-
ings and supports for the execution of the stone and cinder concrete
work throughout, together with all necessary ties, rods, bars, bolts,
nuts and washers, to properly secure, brace and anchor the forms and
prevent their springing and giving way.
Forms and centers shall be provided in sufficient quantity to per-
mit the work to progress as rapidly as required without the necessity
of removing the forms from the concrete before it has properly set.
All forms shall be made of surfaced, matched lumber put together
in a most rigid and substantial manner, well braced, bolted and tied
together wherever necessary to prevent springing, set plumb, level or
inclined, true to the lines and radii required to produce in the fin-
ished concrete work the forms, sections, outlines and profiles, and to
have it in the position and of the thickness required by the various
plans, elevations and details.
Extraordinary precautions shall be taken to insure that forms
are securely bolted, clamped and anchored to prevent bulging or giv-
ing way while the concrete is being deposited.
Concrete :
Stone concrete for all work in this contract shall be made of Port-
land cement, sand and broken stone in the proportions hereinafter
specified. For cinder concrete work cinders shall be substituted as an
aggregate in place of broken stone.
Cinders :
All cinders for concrete work shall be clean, black cinders from
which all clinkers have been removed, free from all vegetable or other
unsuitable matter.
All sand shall be clean, silicious sand, free from clay, loam, or
other deleterious material. It shall pass a J" screen and not more
than six per cent. (6%) shall pass a sieve having 100 meshes per linear
Stone :
Crushed or broken stone shall be clean granite, trap or limestone
free from pyrites or other deleterious impurities and except as other-
wise herein specified, of a size that will pass through a 2" screen. The
run of the crusher may be used but all dust must be extracted. For the
filling of the working chamber and elsewhere as required the Con-
tractor shall furnish small size stone.
Gravel :
Gravel for concrete shall be clean washed quartz gravel varying in
size from V to 1\" in greatest dimensions and shall be free from sand,
loam or other impurities.
All water used in mixing concrete shall be from the city water
All cement for concrete work must be the best quality of Amer-
ican Portland cement, of a manufacture that will meet the tests here-
inafter specified.
All cements shall be delivered on the premises in original pact
ages, bearing the brand and name of the manufacturer.
Inspection and Testing of Cement:
All Portland cement shall be subject to inspection, the Architect
reserving the right to take samples for testing, say, six (6) samples
from each carload lot. Tests shall be made representing one hundred
barrels of cement. Sufficient cement shall be kept on hand in suitable
store rooms, well protected against dampness, to allow for seven days'
tests without interfering with the progress of the work.
All rejected lots shall be at once removed from the work by the
Contractor .
The tests shall be made by a responsible and experienced labora-
tory engineer selected by the Architect, and shall conform in all re-
spects to the recommendations of the Committee of the American So-
ciety of Civil Engineers on a "Uniform System for Tests of Cement."
All expenses incurred in making tests shall be borne by the Con-
Specific Gravity:
The specific gravity of Portland cement, thoroughly dried at 100
degrees C, shall be not less than 3.10.
It shall leave a residue of not more than 8 per cent, by weight on
the No. 100, and not more than 25 per cent, on the No. 200 sieve.
Time of Setting:
It shall develop initial set in not less than thirty minutes and must
develop hard set in not less than one hour nor more than ten hours.
Color shall be uniform throughout.
Tensile Strength:
The minimum requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one
inch square in section shall be within the following limits, and shall
show no retrogression in strength within the period specified :
Neat Cement. Minimum
Age. Strength.
24 hours in moist air 150-200 lbs.
7 days (1 day in moist air, G days in water) 450-550 lbs.
28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in -water) . . . 700 lbs.
One Part Cement, Three Parts Sand :
7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 200 lbs.
28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 300 lbs.
The sand in these tests shall be the kind intended to be used in the
actual work. Cement failing to meet the seven-day requirements shall
be held awaiting the results of the twenty-eight day test before rejec-
Constancy of Volume:
Pats of neat cement about three inches in diameter, one-half inch
thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist
air for a period of twenty-four hours.
(a) A pat shall then be kept in air at normal temperature and
observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight days.
(b) Another pat shall be kept in water maintained as near 70
degrees Fahr. as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least
twenty-eight days.
(c) A third pat shall be exposed in any convenient way in an
atmosphere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel
for five hours.
These pats to satisfactorily pass the requirements shall remain
hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking or disinte-
Sulphuric Acid and Magnesia:
The cement shall not contain more than 1.75 per cent, of anhy-
drous sulphuric acid (SO,), nor more than 4 per cent, of magnesia
Composition of Concrete:
Concrete for the various purposes shall be mixed in the following
proportions :
Class "A" concrete shall be composed by volume of one part of
cement, two parts of sand and four parts of broken stone or gravel.
Class "B" concrete shall be composed of one part of cement, two
and one-half parts of sand and five parts of broken stone or gravel.
Class "C" concrete shall be composed of one part of cement, three
parts of sand and five parts of broken stone or gravel.
Class "D" concrete shall be composed of one part of cement, three
parts of sand and five parts of crushed hollow tile or brick.
Class "E" concrete shall be composed of one part of cement,
three parts of sand and five parts of clean cinders.
The above proportions are by volume, the cement measured com-
pacted as in original packages.
In proportioning the concrete four cubic feet shall be considered
the equivalent of four bags or one barrel of cement, 95 pounds of ce-
ment shall be furnished in each bag.
All concrete shall be mixed in a revolving batch mixer. Materials
shall be measured accurately in boxes, if required. Sufficient water
should be added to make a plastic mixture.
For all caissons and cofferdam walls Class "A" concrete shall be
For all curb walls and interior retaining walls Class "B" con-
crete shall be used.
For filling between and encasing grillage beams, girders, and other
steel in foundations, the concrete shall be Class "A" concrete, stone of
a size to pass a f" mesh. For bedding grillage beams use a grout of
one (1) part cement to one (1) part sand.
For filling of columns enclosed in hollow tile masonry, the con-
crete shall be Class "D."
For the concrete base for all cement, marble, quarry and ceramic
tile floors, Class "E" concrete shall be used.
The concrete for this work shall be machine mixed, using for this
purpose rotary mixers of a type permitting the definite proportioning
of the materials before they enter the mixer, and which makes a suffi-
cient number of revolutions per minute to thoroughly mix and incor-
porate the entire mass. The mixers must be of sufficient capacity to
insure rapid handling of the concrete work. The mixing must continue
until the mass is thoroughly worked, the grout evenly distributed
through the stone, and each stone thoroughly coated therewith.
The concrete shall be deposited in the forms immediately after
mixing, before it has begun to set, and no more shall be mixed at one
time than can immediately be used.
Retempering Concrete:
Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to re-
temper and use concrete or grout which has taken an initial set. All
such concrete will be rejected and shall at once be removed from the
premises. i
Depositing Concrete:
The concrete shall be deposited in the forms, evenly distributed
and sufficiently worked to ensure a compact and homogenous body.
It shall be deposited quite wet so as to require no tamping. In close
quarters, especial care shall be taken to work the concrete into all voids
and cavities and between and around beams and reinforcements, to
prevent lodgment, secure perfect contact with the metal and obtain
a mass of uniform density free from voids and cavities. Concrete
shall not be thrown into the forms from a height but deposited care-
fully in a manner that will not cause a separation of the stone from
the grout.
Depositing shall be continuous and uninterrupted as far as prac-
ticable and in case of any suspension of the operation the surface shall
be properly protected, and before depositing is resumed shall be made
clean, dampened and slushed over with a grout of neat cement to insure
the adhesion of the fresh concrete.
As far as possible all concrete shall be deposited in a continuous
operation. The trough method of distributing or conveying concrete
will not be permitted.
Concrete Surfaces:
All surfaces of concrete which are to be plastered shall be left
rough to receive the plaster. Other surfaces of concrete shall be fin-
ished smooth.
Steel in Foundations:
Set and bed all grillage beams and girders in grout on tbe con-
crete foundation and fill between and enclose beams and girders witb
concrete so tbat all portions of the steel work will be completely im-
bedded in concrete witb tbe concrete in no case less tban four inches
beyond the edge of the metal.
The caissons and walls which are to receive the grillage beams
and sboes shall be brought to proper elevations and made perfectly
level and true, and the steel members shall be blocked up and set
to the correct levels for grouting, which sball be executed witb a one
and one cement and sand mortar as hereinbefore specified. Great
care must be taken to insure that all the shoes and beams have a full
and perfect bearing below and a level surface on top, and that they
are set accurately to proper levels.
Filling and enclosure of the beams and girders on foundations
shall be executed in a most careful manner to insure a uniform contact
between steel and concrete.
Concrete mixture shall be Class "A" stone to pass §" mesh.
New Connections Through Walls:
At such points in the exterior walls and curb walls as shall be
deemed proper by the Architect, the Contractor shall build openings
or furnish and build in suitable sleeve pipes for the admission through
the wall of water, sewer and gas pipes, electric and other conduits.
These openings shall be temporarily closed with brick, laid dry, and
finished on the outside with asphalt.
Dwarf Walls:
Build dwarf walls in basement wherever necessary to retain earth
at the meeting of a higher and a lower floor level.
Concrete mixture shall be Class "B" stone to pass 2" ring.
Footings of concrete for all walls throughout which rest on ground
shall be built as shown, of size, form and section as indicated by the
Concrete mixture shall be Class "B" stone to pass 2" ring.
Pits and Trenches:
Build all trenches and all pits for elevators as shown and required.
Concrete mixture shall be Class "C" stone to pass 2" ring.
Conereete Fireproofing :
Wherever so shown by the drawings the steel beams, girders,
and other structural members, including spandrel steel work, shall
be filled in, encased and fireproofed with concrete, which shall be de-
posited with great care, to insure perfect contact between concrete and
Concrete mixture shall be Class "C" stone to pass a £" mesh.
Encasing of Columns:
All columns so shown shall be fireproofed with stone, the concrete
work finishing square or circular, or of irregular form as designated.
Where so shown or required for the installation of vent pipes, the
outline of the concrete fireproof enclosure shall follow the section out-
line of the steel columns, leaving chases between the column flanges for
the installation of pipes and ducts.
The surfaces of column fireproofing shall finish straight and plumb,
true to the form indicated.
Where the column enclosures are shown to be of concrete, carry
the concrete enclosure entire height of story.
Concrete mixture shall be Class "C" stone to pass f" mesh.
Beam and Girder Encasing, Spandrel Concrete Work:
Steel beams, girders, channels, angles, and other members, which
are to be fireproofed with concrete, shall be provided with proper
anchors and shall have the lower flanges or the entire beam surrounded
with No. 18 wire cloth, or expanded metal lath, as may be necessary
to properly secure the concrete to the steel, which shall be placed in
position before the concrete is deposited around same. Great care
shall be taken in depositing the concrete to see that the wire cloth re-
tains its position and is thoroughly embedded in the concrete in a
manner to give the greatest efficiency.
The concrete for the soffit protection of beams shall be run in place
wet, poured from one side only, and not applied in the form of made-
up slabs.
Execute all concrete enclosure work with care, in strict conformity
with details, and in a manner to thoroughly and completely fireproof
the members throughout.
Concrete mixture shall be Class "D" aggregate brick or crushed
The concreting of beams and girders in 1st floor spandrels shall be
executed as ahove and as the drawings indicate, with the concrete
brought to the proper levels for the bedding of brick, terra cotta and
other work, and where so shown the concrete shall be filled in between
beams and girders, brought to the proper levels for the bedding of the
cut stone and other materials as shown.
Concrete mixture shall be Class "C," the stone being of a size to
pass a \" mesh.
Pipes and Ducts Through Floors:
After the installation of the telephone, telegraph, electric lighting
and other conduits in shafts, and of thimbles and ducts through floors,
fill in the openings through floors around conduits and ducts the entire
thickness of the floor with concrete, bringing same to the proper level
for the marble floors or the cement floor finish hereinafter specified.
Wherever individual pipes of any character pass through floors,
fill in all voids around same, so as to thoroughly fireproof all struc-
tural members.
Concrete mixture shall be Class "D."
Sprinkler Pipe Enclosure:
This Contractor shall enclose all horizontal sprinkler pipes with
a Class "D" concrete.
The enclosure shall be made so as to completely encase the pipes
with concrete over and around all pipes.
Bedding and Backing for Other Materials:
Bring all concrete walls, concrete enclosures, spandrel and other
concrete work to correct heights for the proper bedding of the cut stone,
brick work, terra cotta, ornamental iron, and other inaterials, and back
6ame up in a solid and workmanlike manner, as shown by the drawings.
Grounds in Concrete Work:
All grounds, bolts, anchors, sleepers, etc., required to properly se-
cure wood trim, and other work will be furnished as specified under
Carpentry, and where same engage or are to be built into concrete
work, will be installed or so disposed that they will be built into the
concrete, thus making the anchorage solid and substantial.
Reinforced Sidewalk and Floor Construction:
The sidewalks on the four street fronts shall be of reinforced con-
crete construction, carried by the steel beams as shown by details in
the general drawings and steel diagrams, which shall be strictly fol-
lowed as regards constructive details and reinforcement. Similar con-
struction as detailed shall be employed for the floors over the elevator
shafts in elevator machine rooms and pent houses and for any other
floors shown to be reinforced concrete.
All reinforcing rods shall be of the sizes called for by the details,
located and spaced as shown, hooked over beams or otherwise an-
chored wherever possible.
Cement grout shall be used for that portion of the slabs below
the reinforcing rods and concrete for the balance of the slabs. The
concrete shall be carefully deposited so that the reinforcing rods will
retain their proper position in the concrete and become thoroughly
embedded in a manner to give the greatest efficiency.
All steel beams occurring in reinforced concrete construction shall
be encased with concrete as shown by the details and hereinbefore de-
scribed under the head of "Beam and Girder Encasing."
All slabs shall be of the thickness shown, made level on top to re-
ceive the asphalt waterproofing course hereinafter specified finished
on top with a one and one-half inch (1-J") cement finish as hereinafter
specified for floors to give the thickness of slab as shown by the draw-
The reinforced slabs in floors over elevator shafts shall have a 1"
cement finish as herein specified for floors.
Concrete mixture shall be class "C," stone to pass \" mesh.
Reinforcing Rods:
All rods and other reinforcing material for reinforced concrete
sidewalk and floor construction, reinforced concrete walls, and where-
ever shown or required, shall he of medium steel of ultimate tensile
strength 56,000 to 64,000 pounds and of the several sizes shown by the
various details.
Reinforcing rods shall not he painted, hut shall be cleaned and
freed from scale and rust before embedding in the concrete.
Cinder Foundation for Floors in Sub-Sub and Sub-Basement,
Cinder Fill:
All floors in the sub-sub and sub-basement resting on the ground
shall have a cinder foundation or bed not less than 6" thick.
The Contractor shall first see that all sewers, pipes and other
ground work are in place, execute the back filling and bring the earth
to proper subgrade, and shall then spread in place a layer of clean
black cinders free from all vegetable and other unsuitable matter,
which when solidly tamped shall be no less than the thickness shown
by the details.
All slopes to drain shall be provided for in the formation of the
cinder bed so that the concrete base will be uniformly of the required
In lieu of cinders, clean coarse gravel may be substituted subject
to the Architect's approval and if used the gravel layer must be of
the same thickness as shown for cinders.
Concrete Base for Floors:
Furnish in place cinder concrete base for all cement floors, the
ceramic and quarry tile, and marble floors throughout.
For the cement floors the concrete shall be deposited on top of
the cinder foundations, tile arches or concrete slab construction, as
the case may be, in layers of the thickness required by details, with
the upper surface parallel to and one (1) inch below the finished floor
line preparatory to the cement finish hereinafter specified.
For the marble, the ceramic and quarry tile floors the concrete
shall be deposited on the tile arches or concrete slab construction and
brought parallel to and within two (2) inches below the finished floor
For the quarry tile floors in the engine and pump rooms the con-
crete shall be deposited on the cinder foundation and brought parallel
to and within two inches of the finished floor surface, thickness as
For the brick paving in the boiler room the concrete shall be
brought parallel to and within (3" of the finished floor surface, thickness
as shown by drawings.
The Contractor shall study carefully the details of the various
floor constructions and execute the work in accordance therewith.
Concrete mixture for this purpose, Class "E."
Concrete Base for Sidewalk:
For the cement sidewalks the concrete shall de deposited on
top of the asphalt course over the reinforced slab construction, bring-
ing same parallel to and within one and one-half inches of the finished
sidewalk surface, all preparatory for the cement finish.
Cement Finish:
The top finish or wearing surface for all cement floors shall be
composed of two (2) parts of Portland cement and three (3) parts
of sand, cement and sand as specified for concrete work, thoroughly
mixed dry, screened and wetted to the proper consistency, using no
more water than is necessary. The sprinkling of dry cement on the
surface while troweling will not be permitted.
The finish shall be one (1) inch in thickness unless otherwise
shown or specified. It shall be spread on the concrete immediately
after mixing and before the concrete has commenced to set, and floated
and troweled to a perfectly smooth, hard and even surface, finishing
neatly against all walls, columns, bases, etc., to make a first class job.
The floor shall be divided up in sections approximately four feet
square, the joints cut clear through the cement dressing finish after
which the exposed top edge of joints shall be smoothed over and fin-
ished perfectly flush to present a floor without joints.
All floors shall be neatly finished against all walls, columns, etc.,
engaging with the plaster wall surface, and preparatory for the wood or
cement base as the case may be.
All joints shall be run with an approved jointer.
Granolithic Finish:
The top finish or wearing surface for all sidewalks, the sub-sub
and the sub-basement floors, except where otherwise shown or specified,
shall be composed of two (2) parts Portland cement as specified for
concrete work and three (3) parts perfectly clean granite screenings,
commonly known as No. 5, thoroughly mixed dry, wetted to the proper
consistency and applied in the manner herein specified for cement
Floor Gutters:
Gutters shall he formed in the cement floor of the sub-sub and sub-
basement along the inner side of the exterior walls, properly pitched
and connected to drains as shown by details.
Roof Furring:
All roof surfaces shall be furred with cinder concrete, forming all
counter-roofs, saddles, slopes, hips, valleys and pitches to downspouts
as the drawings indicate; and before the concrete has begun to set
it shall be finished with a cement top dressing the same as above speci-
fied for cement floors, but one-half (i) inch in thickness, troweled
smooth to receive the tile roofing work.
Concrete mixture "E" cinder aggregate.
Gutter Furring:
The "built in" gutters the offset between the exterior building
walls at the 36th floor and wherever so shown or required by the draw-
ings shall be furred, pitched and graded to downspouts with Class "E"
concrete as indicated by the details and finished with cement top dress-
ing as above specified for roofs, preparatory for the copper lining
specified under Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
'Waterproofing of Sidewalks:
Three and one-half (3-}) inches below the finished sidewalk surface
on the reinforced concrete construction lay a five-ply membraneous
water-proofing of a type and character satisfactory to the Architect,
carrying same in a continuous sheet over the entire surface, flashed and
properly connected at walls in a manner to absolutely prevent leakage
of surface water into the basement.
Waterproofing of Basement:
The Contractor shall waterproof in a most thorough and complete
manner all portions of the basements below street grade, carrying the
waterproofing through all walls, floors, sumps, pits and trenches so
as to make the entire basements watertight and moisture proof.
The waterproofing shall be accomplished by methods and with
materials satisfactory to the Architect. The Contractor will be re-
quired to furnish a satisfactory written guaranty warranting the work
against all leakage for and during a period of ten (10) years from
and after completion and acceptance of the work, as evidenced by the
final certificate, and binding himself to repair and make good at his
own expense any and all leaks that may develop in the waterproofing
within said period.
Brick Work.
Extent of Brick "Work:
All backing for cut stone, marble, terra cotta, iron and steel and
all piers, walls, spandrels, arches, column enclosures, fireproofing and
similar work not shown or specified to be of concrete or fire clay tile
shall be executed with brick of the various kinds indicated and herein-
after specified.
Terra Cotta Work:
All terra cotta for this building will be furnished and set as herein
specified under Terra Cotta. Back up all terra cotta and build in all
anchors, making the work absolutely solid and substantial.
"Wood Centering:
Arched openings in brickwork shall be turned on wood centers,
furnishing all centers required, which shall be strongly constructed,
made to fit accurately to the work, well supported and rigidly braced
so as to carry all loads until the brickwork is set. Centers shall not be
struck until the Architect approves.
At completion of the work remove all centers from the premises.
Pressed Brick:
The exterior wall surfaces of all street fronts, courts, and pent
house walls except where terra cotta, granite and marble are shown,
shall be faced with a standard size, impervious, vitrified pressed brick
of a color as selected by the Architect, for which purposes samples shall
be submitted to Architect for approval.
All parapet walls shall be faced on the side toward the roof with
pressed brick as above specified.
The exposed wall and column surface of the boiler room shall be
faced with a vitrified impervious pressed brick, color as selected by
the Architect.
Enamel Brick:
The exposed wall and column surfaces of the engine room shall
be faced with the 4"xl2" size enamel brick, of color approved by the
Architect. Use 2" radius brick at all outer corners.
All enamel brick shall be uniform in size, even and perfect in
surface finish and color, free from cracks, craze, spawls or other im-
perfections, and the enamel shall be guaranteed for a period of ten
years not to craze or spawl off. All brick that develops defects within
(5) five years from and after the completion and acceptance of the
work shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.
Hollow Brick:
The inner four inches of all exterior brick walls, except where
indicated as filled with tile or expanded metal lath and plaster, shall
be laid up with a first-class hollow brick, equal to brick manufactured
by the Delaware (Ohio) Hollow Brick Company.
Paving Brick:
The boiler room floor shall be paved with hard vitrified paving
brick, the brick costing not less than $30 per M. The brick shall be
bedded on the concrete foundations on a two-inch sand cushion, well
tamped into place with the joints reduced to a minimum and after the
brick are laid, the joints shall be grouted with a Portland cement grout,
flush with the top surface. Floors when finished shall be absolutely
level and sound.
Common Brick:
All work tinted or cross-hatched in red on the drawings, or other-
wise indicated to be brickwork, which is not shown or specified to be of
pressed or hollow brick, shall be laid up with a selected first quality,
sound, hard, common brick of a make approved by the Architect.
Samples :
Samples of all the various kinds of brick herein mentioned shall
be submitted to the Architect for approval and the samples selected
and approved shall be filed with the Architect and taken as a stand-
ard of the materials which are to be furnished for this work.
All brick brought on the premises for the work must be equal in
every respect to the approved samples.
Furnish all mortar necessary for all masonry work of every de-
The mortar for all hollow and common brickwork above grade,
except as otherwise specified, shall be composed of one (1) part of
Portland cement of same brand as used for concrete work, and four
(4) parts of clean, sharp, coarse sand thoroughly mixed dry in a box,
wet to the proper consistency, tempered with 6 % lime paste (Limoid)
to make it work smoothly and immediately used. No pump sand shall
be used for making mortar.
Below grade the mortar shall be as above specified, omitting the
lime paste or limoid.
The mortar for all terra cotta work, enameled and pressed brick
work and for the brick backing of granite and marble work shall be com-
posed of one (1) part Portland cement as specified for concrete work,
one (1) part lime putty and two parts fine, sharp, clean, white sand of
the very best quality, the sand and cement mixed dry and wetted to
proper consistency and the lime putty then added.
"Where required the mortar shall be colored with mineral pig-
ments to match the materials.
For the backing up of granite and marble work the mortar shall
be made of non-staining cement, brand as approved by the Architect.
All lime putty used in mortar for pointing shall be screened
through a very fine sieve to remove all lumps
No more mortar shall be mixed at one time than can immediately
be used. The retempering of mortar which has commenced to set will
not be permitted. All such mortar which has frozen in the box shall
be thrown out and not used in the work.
All brick work shall be laid to the proper lines, each pier and i'all
kept plumb, each course level, with the joints accurately kept, all brick
well bedded with full mortar joints throughout.
All common and hollow brick shall be laid with shove joints on
full mortar beds, all interstices being thoroughly filled with mortar;
whole brick shall be used and all brick shall be well wetted before
being laid except in freezing weather.
A header course of whole brick shall be laid every sixth course the
whole length of the wall and lapped through the wall in every case;
hollow brick, where used, shall be built in and bonded with the com-
mon brick in the regular manner.
Where necessary to level brick courses to meet face brick work,
chipped courses shall be used if the difference in level is more than
£ inch, and tile courses when less than f inch. All mortar joints ex-
posed on the exterior of the building shall be struck with a jointer.
Face brick whether pressed or enameled shall be laid in all cases
from an exterior scaffold, in the best possible manner, with full and
level beds, faces plumb and joints neatly pointed; the brick shall be
laid all stretchers in the face of the wall except for necessary return
headers at jambs, reveals and returns and shall be bonded with the
backing every seventh course by a course of square bond brick having
a depth into the wall equal to the stretch.
Metal ties or anchors will in no case be permitted.
All face brick shall be pointed up in a neat and first-class manner
as the work progresses and left with the workmanship perfect in
every respect. Lime putty with white Portland cement shall be used
for pointing enamel brick.
Backing Up Granite, Marble and Terra Cotta:
Except as otherwise shown by the drawings all granite, marble and
terra cotta shall be backed up solidly with brick work, all anchors con-
neeting same with brick work being securely built into tne racking.
The brick work shall be built into all voids of the terra cotta, filling
same completely so as to make a solid and substantial piece of work.
Where so shown ornamental iron work, steel and other materials
shall be backed up with brick work in the manner indicated by the de-
Column Enclosures:
Structural columns occurring in exterior walls and wherever so
shown shall, unless otherwise specified, be enclosed with brick work as
the drawings indicate, the enclosures carried up plumb and true with
not less than two inch space between the brick and extreme edges of
the metal in all cases.
Cleaning Down:
Upon completion of the building and when so ordered, clean down
and repoint all brick work and other masonry where so required and
leave all surfaces uniformly clean and in perfect condition to the en-
tire satisfaction of the Architect.
Unit Prices:
Name one price only for any additions to or deductions from this
contract for the respective materials and labor named below, said price
to govern until the completion of all work called for herein and its ac-
ceptance by the Architect:
General excavation to underside of basement floors,
per cubic yard $
Excavation below basement floor line, not including
pier wells, per cubic yard $
Excavating quicksand pockets and filling same with
concrete (made proportions one to two to four),
per cu. ft $
Concrete above basement floor line, per cubic foot,
includings forms Class A cement $..........
Concrete above basement floor line, per cubic foot,
including forms Class B cement $
Concrete below basement floor line, per cubic foot,
including forms Class A cement $
Concrete below basement floor line, per cubic foot,
including forms Class B $
Reinforced concrete floor construction, per superfi-
cial foot, including forms, reinforcement and the
cement floor finish $.
Reinforced concrete sidewalk construction, per su-
perficial foot, including forms, reinforcement and
waterproofing . $.
Cement floor, per sq. ft., including concrete base and
cement finish $ .
Cement floor, per sq. ft., including cinder concrete
base, cement finish $.
Granolithic sidewalk, per square foot, including con-
crete base, granolithic finish but not including
structural slab , $.
Cinder concrete foundations for marble, quarry and
ceramic tile floors to within 2 inches of finished
surface per sq. ft $.
Cinder concrete roof furring, per cu. ft $.
Concrete fireproof column enclosures per foot height
of column $.
Common brick, per M., 21 brick per actual cubic foot
measurement $.
Hollow brick, per M., 21 brick per actual cubic foot
measurement $.
Pressed brick, per M., 21 brick per actual cubic foot
measurement $.
Enameled brick, Norman size, per M., 3 brick per
actual square foot measurement $.
Paving brick, 20 brick per actual cubic foot measure-
ment $.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and install the Struc-
tural Steel in accordance with the accompanying drawings and these
Scope of This Work:
In this work shall be included all steel, cast iron, cast steel, etc., to
complete the building as shown and specified.
Shop Drawings:
All details and shop drawings shall be made by the Contractor at
his own expense and shall be submitted to the Architect for his written
approval before proceeding with the work.
This approval, however, shall not relieve the Contractor of re-
sponsibility for errors in details and connections, as the Architect's
checking of the details is only a precautionary measure, and it is not
intended that this checking shall go into every detail of the shop work.
The Contractor shall furnish the Architect with two complete sets
of detail drawings and shall also furnish the Architect with complete
mill orders made out in such a way that by using the framing plans
and this mill order together the materials can be identified, in order
to enable the Inspector to trace it through the mill and keep the Archi-
tect informed as to the progress of the work in the mill as well as in
the shop.
Each shipment of drawings must be accompanied by a letter of
transmission giving list of the number of drawings. Each drawing
must be marked with the name of the building, and each series num-
bered consecutively for ready reference and convenience.
Shop and Mill Markings:
Beams on framing plans shall be given a number in connection
with the floor mark, and the mill order shall show the same marks.
The columns shall be given a number in connection with the story
mark, and all material in mill order belonging to the respective col-
umns, shall be given the corresponding number and mark. See further
under heading of "INSPECTION."
All materials shall be steel, except separators between beams,
which shall be cast iron, unless specifically shown otherwise.
Soft Steel:
All bolts, tie-rods, anchors and rivets shall be of soft steel.
Cast Iron:
All separators between beams shall be of cast iron unless other-
wise shown on plans.
Cast Steel:
If cast steel is shown it shall be Open Hearth steel as herein speci-
fied. Castings must be free from blow-holes and other imperfections
detrimental to the strength of the castings. All steel castings must be
Foundation Work:
All beams in foundation shall be of steel as shown on foundation
plan, and shall be delivered and set by the Contractor in the same man-
ner as the balance of the steel.
Anchors :
All beams resting on masonry shall have lug anchors riveted to
the beams.
"Wall Plates:
Bearing plates for beams will be bedded in cement mortar and set
in place as specified under masonry.
For sizes of all bearing plates see plans.
Columns :
All columns are to be standard built-up columns, as shown on
plans. Flanges shall be made up, preferably, of the largest obtainable
units; if built up of units of thicknesses admitting of punching, the
boles for the rivets shall be punched smaller than required for the size
of rivets and shall then be reamed out to the required size after the
parts of the column has been assembled, so as to insure perfect holes
without injuring the material around it.
In case the column is built up of such units as will not allow of
any punching, all the holes shall be drilled in one operation through
the flange plates and the angles.
For a built-up column, two (2) web plates may be used with four
(4) 8x8 angles, in which case four rows of rivets will be required in each
flange of the column, and four (4) rows of rivets through the web, mak-
ing altogether sixteen (16) rows of rivets in the full column section.
All columns shall be made to splice in two story lengths
as shown on the column diagram. Column splices shall be made as
shown by typical details. All column joints shall be milled square to
axis of columns and splice plates fitted and reamed in the shop to
insure perfect fit in the field.
In no case shall rivets be spaced over six (6) inches center to
center in any line of rivets, and no rivets shall be closer together than
three (3) times the diameter of the rivet. General details for con-
nection of girders and beams to columns to be as shown on diagrams.
Column diagram calls for sizes of rivets for the columns. For beams
and girders §" or £" shall be used.
Girders :
All girders, as well as brackets, where such is shown on the plans
for this building, shall be made with special care in such manner as
to insure tbat the surface of the ends of the girders comes square with
the axis — this to insure a plumb column
All column shoes are to be special built, or steel slabs, as shown
on the plans.
Quality of Material:
All material for columns and riveted work shall be made by the
Open Hearth process. All beams may be made either by the Open
Hearth or Bessemer processes. The material must be uniform in qual-
ity and must not contain over 0.08 of one (1) per cent, of phosphor
for Bessemer steel nor more than 0.06 of one (1) per cent, of phos-
phor for Open Hearth process steel.
The steel shall have an ultimate strength of 65,000 pounds per
square inch and shall not vary from this more than 5,000 pounds per
square inch either way. It shall have an elastic limit of not less than
one-half of the ultimate strength ; an elongation of 25 per cent, in eight
(8) inches for test pieces, three-quarter (f ) inch thick by one and one-
half (H") inch wide with a reduction of one (1) per cent, in the elong-
ation for each \" increase in thickness of test piece ; so that for a 2" thick
test piece the elongation shall be not less than twenty (20) per cent, in
eight (8) inches. Test pieces to be cut from the rolled sections and full
thickness of the section, one and one-half (14") inch wide, and reduction
of area shall be not less than forty-five (45) per cent, on a test piece of
f"xl£". For thicker test pieces a reduction of one (1) per cent, in the
reduction for each additional \" in thickness will be allowed, so that for
a test piece 14"xl4" the reduction in area will be forty (40) per cent,
and for a test piece 2"x4£" the reduction will be thirty -five per cent.
All blooms, billets or slabs shall be examined for surface defects,
flaws, or blow-holes before rolling into finished section, and such chip-
pings and alterations made as will insure perfect solidity in the rolled
A test from the finished material will be required representing
each blow or cast.
A duplicate test piece from each blow or cast will be required. It
must stand cold bending 180 degrees over a mandrel, the diameter
of which is equal to one and one-half {\\) times the original thickness
of the specimen, without showing sign of rupture on either convex or
concave side of curve.
After being heated to a dark cherry and quenched in water 180
degrees Fahrenheit, it must stand cold bending as before.
The original blow or cast number must be stamped on each ingot
from said blow or cast, and the same number must be stamped on each
piece of the finished material from said blow or cast.
No steel beams or angles shall be heated in a forge or other fire
after being rolled, but shall be worked cold, unless subsequently an-
Field Connections:
All field connections shall be riveted except in cases where rivets
cannot be driven, in such cases turned bolts shall be used.
This Contractor shall bill and furnish rivets for all field connec-
tions as well as turned bolts for any such connection of and to columns
and elsewhere where rivets cannot be driven. In such cases the Con-
tractor shall ream holes for such connections.
Punching and Riveting :
For all columns, rivet spacing must be accurately laid out by suit-
able templates, and sub-punched, if material is of such thickness as to
allow punching. After the different units have been assembled the
holes for the rivets shall be reamed out to the proper size for the size
of the rivets, as shown on the plans, this applies to heavy built-up mem-
bers (columns and girders).
All other rivets in this work must be accurately spaced so that upon
assembling of adjacent pieces a cold rivet of the size intended for the
work can be inserted in the hole.
Drifting will not be allowed, except as may be required in assemb-
Kivets with cracked head or heads not concentric with the center
of shafts, or rivets found loose must be cut out.
All rivet holes must be so accurately punched that when several
parts forming a member are assembled a rivet 1/16 inch less in diame-
ter than the hole can enter without drawing or straining the steel by
drifts. If this is not the case the holes must be reamed.
The rivets when driven must completely fill the holes, and heads
must be hemispherical and of uniform size for the same size rivets
throughout the work ; and they must be full and neatly formed. When-
ever possible all rivets must be machine driven.
So far as possible all shop rivets shall be driven by direct acting
power machines which are capable of holding on to the rivets after up-
setting is completed. When it is found necessary to cut out rivets it
shall be done in a way not to injure the material.
No rivets shall be spaced closer than three diameters of rivet, and
this shall only be done in extreme cases where it is absolutely neces-
Bearing and Shearing Values of Rivets:
Shearing values of field rivets shall be 8,000 per square inch, and
for shop rivets 10,000 pounds per square inch. Bearing values for shop
and field rivets shall be 20,000 pounds per square inch. For wind
strains only this value may be increased by 50 per cent.
Spandrels :
All girders in outside spandrels shall be connected to the columns
by web angles, as well as top and bottom angles or brackets. General
details for these are shown on drawings.
Smoke Stack:
The smoke stack shall be 11' 0" inside diameter as shown on the
drawings. Angle irons on interior of the stack for the support of the
stack lining as shown and specified. Stack to be as per drawings sup-
ported on steel frame every second floor.
Terra Cotta and Stone Anchors:
Wherever anchors are shown on the plans for terra cotta or stone
through webs of beams or girders, holes shall be placed six (6) inches
on centers and be of the same diameter as other punching in the re-
spective members.
Fainting :
All steel and cast iron before leaving the shop shall have all scales,
rust, etc., cleaned off and then be thoroughly painted with one (1) coat
composed of twenty-five (25) pounds of pure thoroughly oxidized red
lead to one (1) gallon of pure boiled linseed oil, or other good paint
as may be sleeted by the Architect or his representatives.
In all cases where surfaces are not accessible after assembling
they shall receive two (2) coats of approved paint before assembling.
All planed surfaces shall receive one (1) coat of white lead and tallow
before shipment.
Inspection and Testing:
APPOINTMENT : An Inspector will be appointed by the Archi-
tect, who shall, in that case, inspect the making of the steel at the mill,
as well as the fabricating of same at the Fabricating shop. The Con-
tractor to pay for this inspection at the rate of 40c per ton.
Facilities :
The Contractor shall furnish without extra charge, ample facili-
ties for the inspection and testing of all rolled, forged, or cast iron and
steel for this building, and shall furnish all test specimens and the
use of suitable testing machines.
The Architect, or his authorized agents, shall have access to all
portions of the mills or shops where work is being done under this con-
The Contractor shall furnish to the Inspector complete copies of
all orders for material (Iron and Steel) which are placed with the
mills; this shall be made out as hereinbefore specified under "General
Specifications," the object of this requirement being to enable the In-
spector to keep close track of all materials, and know the relative posi-
tion of the same in the finished structure.
The Contractor shall furnish the Inspector a complete set of all
detail drawings after the same shall have been approved by the Archi-
Copies of all invoices shall be furnished to the Inspector within
twenty-four hours of the time of shipment of accepted material.
Duties of Mill Inspector:
It shall be the duty of the Inspector to make or witness all of the
required physical tests and to obtain from the manufacturer certified
copies of all the required chemical analyses. He shall make complete
reports to the Architect of all tests and analyses and state if the
material represented by the same is accepted or rejected.
He shall make a surface inspection of all material and identify the
mill or cast number of same.
All material from melts or casts not conforming with specifica-
tions and all material found defective shall be rejected, while all ma-
terial from accepted melts and free from defects will be accepted and
the Inspector will place his stamp of acceptance on such materials.
The Inspector will make complete reports to the Architect of all
materials he has inspected. These reports to include the melt number
on all items. These reports shall show what has been accepted and
what has been rejected.
Weekly reports shall be made to the Architect by the Inspector
showing in condensed form the condition and progress on all orders
at the several mills and factories doing the work. All reports to be
made on forms approved by the Architect.
Shop Inspection:
All finished work must be inspected and accepted by the Author-
ized Inspector before it is loaded on cars for shipment, and it shall
be the duty of the Contractor to furnish the Inspector every facility
for a careful inspection of all material at any stage of the work he
may select.
Any defective material or workmanship wherever found, at the
shop or building at any time before the completion and acceptance of
this contract, shall be rejected regardless of all previous inspection,
as the inspection is not intended to relieve the Contractor of respon-
sibility, but is a measure of precaution against oversights and errors.
Any defective material which is rejected shall be removed and replaced
by the Contractor at his own cost, and he shall be further liable for all
expense due to delay, caused by such rejections.
If the Contractor fails or refuses to replace such defective mater-
ial as may be found at any stage of the work, or fails to make good
mistakes due to workmanship, the Owner or Architect may go into
the open market and purchase the necessary material and may order
such work done and charge the cost of the material and work to the
Mode of Ascertaining the Tonnage of Steel:
All columns, girders and riveted work shall be weighed and
charged for by actual weight ; all beams, channels and single angles shall
be estimated at the theoretical weight, counting only the rivet heads and
disregarding coping. The appointed inspector shall certify all weights.
Patents :
The Contractor hereby agrees to protect and save harmless the
Owners from loss or damage by suit or otherwise on account of or by
reason of any and all infringements on patents for materials or meth-
ods used in the construction of all work called for in this contract.
Misfits :
All misfits found during erection which are due to errors in the
shop shall be promptly reported to the Architect and corrected by Con-
Field Connections:
All the field connections shall be riveted throughout the entire
structure, unless it is impossible to reach connection with riveting tools ;
in which case turned bolts inserted into reamed holes may be used.
All steel work shall receive one (1) coat of point of a make accept-
able to the Architect.
All surfaces which are not accessible after erection shall receive
one (1) coat of paint before erection. No painting shall be done in wet
or freezing weather.
The Contractor shall figure on paint equal to twenty-five (25)
pounds of best red lead to one (1) gallon of pure Unseed oil.
The Architect's inspector on the job will inspect all of the field con-
nections, and the Contractor shall furnish the Inspector all possible
facilities to enable him to properly perform this work.
Workmanship :
All workmanship must be first-class in every particular.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and set complete the
Cut Stone Work in accordance with the accompanying drawings and
as required by this specification.
Cut Stone:
All granite and marble shall be of a light and uniform color
throughout, sound and free from discoloration, knots, sap, rot, shakes,
seams, flaws and other defects.
Each and every stone shall ring clear when struck with a hammer.
All granite wopk shall have a highly polished finish on all exposed
All exposed marble surfaces except the carved surfaces shall have
a honed finish.
Alternate Finish:
The Contractor shall state what amount is to be added to Main Bid
in case the exposed stone work to the top of the pier cap — a distance
approximately 12'0" above sidewalk — is finished with a high polish.
Samples :
Submit samples of granite and marble, 6"x6"x6", with an eight cut
finish on two faces a polished finish on the third and a honed finish on
the other face in the manner herein specified for the work.
The samples selected by the Architect shall be kept on file in his
office, and shall be taken as the standard of material, the Contractor
guaranteeing that no portion of the work shall be inferior to the sample
in quality and finish.
Diagrams :
Working drawings and diagrams for the cut stone work shall be
made to show all jointing, bond and construction. Regarding the sub-
mission and approval of drawings, see General Conditions.
Mouldings, Ornament and Carving:
All moulded work throughout shall he executed in strict accord-
ance with full size details. The finish shall correspond to the general
surface finish.
All carving shall be executed by the most skillful architectural
carvers, closely following details in an artistic and spirited manner, to
the entire satisfaction of the Architect. Mouldings shall be cut with
care, true to profile throughout, all arrises sharp, carefully membered,
so that when the work is set mouldings will be continuous and in per-
fect alignment.
Depth of Facing:
Each stone shall be of full size and depth shown by the drawings
and the backs shall be pitched at right angles to the bed and parallel
to the face.
No piece of ashlar shall be less than four (4) inches thick. Alter-
nate courses, wherever possible, shall be of sufficient depth to bond with
the brick backing, and projecting courses shall be of sufficient depth
to balance on the wall unless hung or anchored to structural steel.
Where the cut stone facing of piers passes in front of steel columns
the depth of the facing shall be such as to allow for not less, or where
the drawings show no intervening brick an allowance shall be made for
not less than 2" of masonry.
Heads and Returns:
All pilasters, reveals, jambs and similar portions shall have full
heads or returns and in no case shall exposed heads in cut stone be less
than one foot wide unless otherwise detailed.
All stone shall be cut to rest on its natural bed ; the beds shall be
full and point dressed to even surfaces and bearings throughout;
vertical joints 4".
Joints :
All joints shall be located exactly where shown on drawings, unless
changed by written instructions of the Architect. Any uncertainty
as to jointing is to be referred in writing to the Architect for decision.
All joints shall be even and true, all arrises sharp and true to
line. Bed joints in ashlar shall be one-quarter inch in thickness and
the butt joints shall be as small as possible.
Jambs and Reveals:
All jambs and reveals shall be cut and set square, plumb and true,
and shall have the same finish as remainder of work, unless otherwise
Lintels :
Wherever lintels or spandrel stones are shown or in the nature of
the case require to be self-supporting, they shall be single stones span-
ning the full opening with proper bearing on the piers at either end.
Drips :
All projecting courses, sills, belts, cornices and copings shall be cut
with drips underneath, so that water will not run down the face of the
wall. In case Architect's details do not show proper drips their atten-
tion shall be called to the fact before the stone is cut.
Washes :
All copings, cornices, sills and projecting courses shall be cut with
a wash on the upper exposed surface to throw water away from the
Cut raggles for all window frame water-bars, and wherever shown
by drawings or required.
Structural Steel:
Where cut stone work is to be supported by, hung and anchored
to structural steel where so shown, for which execute all cutting, check-
ing and fitting necessary to make the cut stone work clear the steel
work and to provide for its proper support and anchorage thereto.
Anchors, Cramps and Dowels:
Furnish and .set all anchors, cramps and dowels, and make all
holes and sinkages for same.
Anchors shall be at least £"xl£" galvanized iron. Each piece of
ashlar shall have at least one (1) anchor, and large pieces shall have at
least two (2) anchors each.
All cramps and dowels shall be of copper, securely fastened into
All stone ashlar shall be anchored at least three times in height of
story to the structural steel columns.
Templates, Centers, Bracing:
Furnish and place all templates, centers and bracing required for
the proper execution of the work.
At completion, remove all centers and false work from the prem-
Damp Proof Coating:
Before the cut stone is set in the walls each stone shall be coated on
the ends, sides and back with a heavy coat of hot asphaltum, E. I. "W.,
Dehydratine, or some other damp proofing medium approved by the
Architect, bringing the same within \" of the exposed face of the stone.
The coating shall be evenly and uniformly applied, using care not
to get coating on the exposed face of the stone.
Mortar :
All mortar for setting of the work shall be composed of limoid, non-
staining cement and white clean sharp sand, in the proper proportions.
Mortar for pointing shall be made of one (1) part white non-stain-
ing cement and one (1) part white sand.
No mortar which has commenced to set or become hard in the box
shall be used in the work ; all such mortar shall be thrown out. Only
clean, fresh water shall be used in mixing mortar
The cut stone shall be delivered on the premises promptly and set
in place as rapidly as the progress of the work requires.
Each and every stone shall have cut into it a Lewis hole or holes
for the purpose of setting.
Each stone shall be set on a full mortar bed, the mortar furnishing
a perfect and even bearing between the stones.
Each stone shall be set with a derrick, dropped squarely into place,
so that as little shifting as possible will be necessary, hammered down
to a solid bed, so that bearing cannot come on front edge of stone, and
set perfectly level, plumb and true to line and bond. The bed shall be
dampened to prevent too rapid absorption of the water in the mortar
and the mortar shall be kept back one-half inch from the face of the
Sills shall be carefully bedded at the ends only, and after the work
is set and when the Architect so directs the joints shall be filled and
pointed up as hereinafter specified.
Vertical joints in sills, belt courses, etc., shall be grouted full, using
mortar as specified for pointing.
The Contractor shall back up all cut stone work with brick or con-
crete as fast as it is set and no portion of the ashlar shall be carried
up higher than two courses ahead of the backing or adjoining ashlar,
except by special permission of the Architect.
Securely box and protect all projecting courses, jambs, angles,
bases, capitals and sills with proper boarding, to save the same from
damage during construction.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any damage to the
cut stone that may occur until the building is completed and accepted.
At completion, or when so ordered by the Architect, remove all
boxing and boarding from the premises.
Defacement :
Each piece of cut stone shall be sound and perfect and no exposed
portions of the work shall show mark of setting tool, spawl, scratch,
stain, mar or defacement of any sort.
No patching or concealing of defects with composition of any kind
or by pieces set in with shellac, will be permitted ; any piece of cut stone
showing defect or defacement shall be at once removed by the Con-
tractor and replaced.
This applies to any defacement that may occur either before or
after the work is in place, it being clearly understood that the Con-
tractor shall properly protect his work as necessary and leave the
same upon completion of the building a first-class piece of work.
Cleaning Down and Pointing:
At completion and after all danger from frost, the Contractor
shall carefully clean down all exposed surfaces of the cut stone work,
removing all dirt and mortar stains, and shall rake out all joints at
least one-half inch back from the face of the stone, remov-
ing all wedges, and then point up the work with cement mortar, mixed
as above specified. The mortar shall be strongly driven in with a
jointer until the raked out space is entirely filled and moisture appears
upon the surface. All joints shall finish flat, recessed back one-eighth
inch from the face of the stone, care being taken that no coloring
remains on exposed surfaces. Care shall be taken that all joints are
of the same shape and size and made straight.
The cleaning shall be thoroughly and carefully executed and the
work left in perfect condition, free from mortar stain or other de-
facement. The use of acids, sapolio or wire brushes in cleaning down
is positively forbidden.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and install complete the
hollow tile fireproofing work in accordance with the accompanying
drawings and as required by this specification.
Scope of Contract:
Furnish and install all hollow tile work and fireproofing, floors,
floor furring and blocking, partitions, furring for walls and pipe en-
closures and the encasing of all columns, beams, girders and struc-
tural steel of every sort, not shown enclosed in brick or concrete,
throughout the building.
Building Regulations :
It is understood that the Contractor shall comply with all ordi-
nances and the requirements of the Building Department of the City
of New York, N. Y.
Furnish and place all centers, templets and temporary supports
required for the installation of the burnt clay tile work. Centers
shall be strongly constructed and properly braced and shall not be
struck until the Architect approves. At completion remove all centers
and falsework from the building.
Structural Steel:
Carefully examine the structural steel diagrams and furnish in
place without extra charge any tee irons, channels, beams or sup-
ports other than those shown on structural steel diagrams, which may
be necessary in the judgment of the Architect for the execution of
this work.
Furnish and set any anchors in connection with this work which
may be necessary in the judgment of the Architect to securely anchor
the work in place or to comply with the City Ordinances.
All work colored or cross-hatched a neutral tint on the drawings
and all that is otherwise shown to be of burnt clay material, including
roofs, floors, ceilings, partitions, furrings, backing of walls and the
encasing of all steel and iron work, pipes, etc., in the building, shall be
of first-quality hard burned clay tile, free from cracks or defects.
All surfaces that are to receive plaster or mortar shall be scored
and roughly scratched before burning, to give a key for the mortar.
Size of Tile:
The tile for the various purposes unless otherwise specified shall
be as shown or marked on drawings.
Floor Arches:
Floor arches shall be of the various thicknesses indicated by the
drawings and unless otherwise shown shall be side or end construction
flat tile arches. All floor arches shall be set so that the covering
underneath the flanges of beams will in no ease be less than two (2")
inches thick, and the arch skewbacks shall be so arranged as to closely
fit the profile of beams, and to engage with the soffit protection of the
beam flanges and securely hold it in place.
The form of construction employed shall be subject to the ap-
proval of the Architect, and in all cases the floors,- after they are set
in place, shall be capable of sustaining an equally distributed test load
of 400 pounds to the square foot without deflecting.
Contractor must carefully examine the plans and various detail
drawings to ascertain the arch thicknesses where special treatments
are shown, necessitating varying thicknesses of arches, and shall carry
out the work in accordance with details.
Roof Arches:
Main and pent house roofs, unless otherwise shown, shall be con-
structed with flat arches, same as floors.
Partitions :
Lay out all lines for partitions, the bucks, studding, frames, etc.,
being furnished and installed as herein specified under Carpentry.
Soft tile blocks for the engagement of grounds shall be furnished
and built in wherever required.
Corridor partitions shall rest on the fireproof arches, all other
tile partitions on the arches or on the concrete filling over the arches.
All partitions shall extend underside of floor arches above.
Where hollow tile partitions are shown to intersect or abut each
other they shall be regularly bonded and all continuous perpendicular
joints shall be avoided.
Partitions shall be built plumb and true, to perfectly straight or
curved lines, as the drawings indicate, the tile so laid as to engage and
Slecurely anchor to the blocks nailed on the back of the wood bucks.
Tile shall be carefully fitted around all doors, window and other open-
Slots and Chases:
Where slots or chases are shown in partitions, they shall be
formed with special tiles and the Contractor shall submit detail draw-
ings to the Architect showing the forms of dies it is intended to use,
and obtain his approval before beginning the work.
Lintels and Lintel Arches:
Furnish all tees and angle iron lintels over doors in corridor, in-
termediate and division partitions, as shown on drawings, or as re-
quired for proper support of the tile, or spring arches over all window
and door heads, and other openings where, in the judgment of the Ar-
chitect, it is necessary.
Eased Corners:
All corners or angles shown to be eased or rounded off on draw-
ings shall have special tile made for same as shown by full size details.
Furring and Tile Fillings:
Where walls, spandrels, floors, gutters, pipe spaces and the like
are indicated as furred or enclosed with tile, the work shall be ex-
ecuted with tile of the sizes shown or noted. Furring around pipes at
columns shall be bonded with the column coverings and tile partitions.
Cutting for Pipes:
Execute all cutting, fitting, channeling and grooving that may be
required in connection with the plumbing, gas fitting, electric wiring,
steam fitting and ventilating work for pipes, ducts and conduits which
pass through the fireproofing.
Variation in location or position of pipes of any kind from that
shown on general drawings should be immediately reported, before
enclosing the same with fireproofing.
Book Tile:
The floors over pipe expansion voids and the floor over framed
pipe spaces, chases, or pockets in floor construction, and such other
portions as are so shown or noted on the drawings, shall be constructed
of book tile, the tile being so made as to thoroughly fireproof the struc-
tural members.
The floors of the water closet and toilet rooms shall be furred up as
shown on plans, with book tile and tee irons supported on tile parti-
tions, leaving proper runways for plumbing and ventilating ducts, the
Contractor furnishing and setting all tee irons where required.
Furnish book tile and tee iron construction over radiator pockets
in vestibules, and wherever else shown or required.
Column Fire-Proofing:
The fireproofing of the columns, unless otherwise specified, shall
be executed with hollow tile as shown by the drawings, regularly bonded
and set plumb, leaving a one-inch space between fireproofing and metal.
All interior columns, fireproofed with tile, shall have the voids
between the steel and the tile enclosure completely filled with
concrete. This work must be executed as the laying of the tile pro-
gresses, and solidly tamped; and in no case shall the tile be carried
more than one (1) foot above the concrete before the voids are again
The tile floor arches immediately above the column enclosures shall
be left out until the column enclosure is in place to facilitate the tamp-
ing of concrete and permit the thorough fireproofing of the columns.
The concrete for column filling shall be made of Portland cement,
clean, sharp torpedo sand and broken tile or brick in the proportion
of one (1) part cement, three (3) parts sand and five (5) parts crushed
tile or brick of a size to pass a f" mesh. These materials shall be inti-
mately mixed, wet to the proper consistency, deposited between the tile
and columns, and carefully and solidly tamped in place, the entire work
so executed as to completely enclose and fireproof the steel to the en-
tire satisfaction of the Architect.
Spandrel Girder Protection:
All spandrel girders throughout shall be most thoroughly en-
closed and fircproofed with hollow tile materials, unless otherwise spe-
cified or indicated on drawings.
Especial attention is directed to the fireproofing of the girders,
beams, etc., over the exterior windows on the various stories, for which
special tile forms must be made fitting the flanges to which they must
be securely anchored, as indicated by the sectional drawings.
It is to be clearly understood that a strict compliance with these
requirements will be demanded, the fireproofing in all cases to be self-
supporting or securely anchored to steel, completely fireproofing the
beams and girders and so set as to be entirely free from any support
from the window frames below.
Spandrel girders other than those indicated in exterior walls shall
be fireproof ed as indicated in a careful and secure manner.
Wherever girders or beams are indicated as fireproofed with con-
crete or brick, the work will be executed as herein specified under Ma-
Elevator Shaft:
The framing around elevator shaft in all stories, also all other
openings in floors, shall be fireproofed clear around, it being clearly
understood that in no case shall any structural iron or steel be left ex-
posed, except small steel beams crossing elevator shaft between cars,
used only for attaching of elevator guides.
The walls of the elevator shafts must be true and square and ab-
solutely plumb from top to bottom, and should any cutting of walls be
found necessary to permit the installation of elevator apparatus owing
to wal's being crooked or out of plumb, the Contractor shall execute
the same and put the walls in first class order.
Mortar :
All mortar for tile setting shall be composed of first quality Port-
land cement of an approved brand, and coarse, sharp, clean sand, in the
proportion of one to four thoroughly mixed dry in a bos, wet to the
proper consistency, tempered with lime paste to make it work smoothly
and immediately used.
No more mortar shall be mixed at one time than can immediately
be used. The retempering and use of mortar which has commenced to
set will not be permitted; all such mortar and mortar that has frozen
shall be thrown out and not used in the work.
All burnt clay material shall be set in place as rapidly as the
progress of the job requires.
All tile shall be set to bond, breaking joints in all cases, all joints
shall be slushed full and no joint shall exceed one-half (£) inch in
thickness. Joints in book tile shall be struck and neatly pointed, leav-
ing the entire surface smooth and even.
Skew backs shall be set with care, well bedded in mortar and with
an even bearing on the beams; arch tile shall be shoved in place to
close joints completely filled with mortar, and all keys shall fit tightly
into place.
The arches shall fit close against all walls and around pipes and
All work throughout shall finish straight and true, level or plumb,
as the case may be.
If, during the construction of this building, tile arches or walls
become displaced, are damaged, removed or cut out the Contractor
shall without extra charge execute all patching and repairing necessary,
and leave the entire work ready to receive the plaster.
Cleaning Ont:
When the work is completed, clear away and remove from the
building all rubbish and debris resulting from the work in this contract
and leave the floors and premises clean as regards fire clay material.
Unit Prices:
Name one price only for any additions to or deductions from this
contract, for the respective materials and labor named below; said
price to govern until the completion and acceptance of all work called
for herein. All prices are to be based upon the actual measurements :
16" tile arch in place, per sq. ft $
13" tile arch in place, per sq. ft $
12" tile arch in place, per sq. ft $
10" tile arch in place, per sq. ft $
8" tile arch in place, per sq. ft $
6" tile arch in place, per sq. ft $
3" book tile in place, per sq. ft $
6" tile partition in place, per sq. ft $
5" tile partition in place, per sq. ft $
4" tile partition in place, per sq. ft $
3" tile partition in place, per sq. ft $
3" furring tile in place, per sq. ft $
2" furring tile in place, per sq. ft $
Cindeb Reinforced Concrete Fibepkoofing.
The Contractor has the privilege of using a satisfactory Rein-
forced Cinder Concrete arch construction instead of the hollow tile
arch construction as above specified, in which case the following spec-
ifiation must govern:
Proportions :
For this purpose the Cinder Concrete shall be made of best Port-
land Cement one (1) part, clean sharp sand two and one-half (2^)
parts and clean cinders free from all animal or vegetable matter, five
(5) parts, mixing of these materials as herein specified under Masonry.
The Concrete shall be deposited in place on centers formed as
shown, so that all structural steel members will be completely enclosed,
the concrete extending no less than two (2) inches beyond the extreme
edge s of the metal, and shall be brought to proper heights to receive
the "top finish," which in all cases shall be made as herein specified
under Masonry Concrete Work.
Reinforcement :
Into the Concrete Construction there shall be laid a steel rod or a
wire mesh reinforcement, properly placed and installed, so that the
strength of the reinforced concrete construction shall conform to the
requirements of the New York City Building Department and shall in
every respect be the equal of the tile arch construction in strength and
bearing value above specified.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and set complete the
Terra Cotta work in accordance with the accompanying drawings and
as required by this specification.
Terra Cotta:
All terra cotta shall be of first class manufacture, made from care-
fully selected clays, compact and homogeneous in body, carefully fired,
burned to a proper degree of hardness, and made first class in mate-
rial, workmanship and finish.
All surfaces shall be true and out of wind. No warped, over or
under-burned, discolored, painted, spawled, or cracked pieces will be
A sufficient number of extra pieces sball be made to guard against
delay through rejection of faulty material.
Color and Finish:
All terra cotta except as otherwise specified, shall have a dull
white enamel finish on all exposed surfaces unless otherwise shown or
The terra cotta from the seventh story belt cornice down to the
top of the cut stone work shall have a surface finish to match that of
the cut stone below, both in color and texture.
The exposed surfaces of the spandrels and mullions on the 2d,
3d, 4th, 5th, 32d, 33d and 34th stories, and as shown on the drawings,
shall have a dark olive green color finish.
The terra cotta base and lintels in boiler, engine and pump rooms
shall be made to match the brick work in finish, the base shall have a
round top edge and a 1" radius cove shoe at bottom.
All enameled terra cotta must be guaranteed to maintain its color
and enameled surface without crazing or spawling off, and must cover
all exposed surfaces perfectly so that every piece will be absolutely
non-absorbent and may be readily cleaned with sponge and water.
Samples :
Submit to Architect for approval samples of the terra cotta of
the various finishes herein specified.
The samples selected and approved by the Architect shall be kept
on file in their office and taken as a standard of the material which
is to be furnished for this work.
Strength: '
Where terra cotta is used constructively, it shall be webbed and
partitioned and so formed as to be capable of sustaining all loads or
strains to which it may be subjected.
The Contractor shall assume entire responsibility as regards the
structural capacity of all terra cotta work, which shall have a bearing
capacity of at least equal to that of brick masonry.
Working Drawings:
Working drawings shall be prepared for the terra cotta work
showing in detail the jointing, bond, construction, anchorage and en-
gagement with steel work. Regarding submission and approval of
drawings see General Conditions.
All ornamental portions of the terra cotta work shall be modeled
by experienced and skillful architectural modelers and sculptors, who
may be selected by the Architect at his option. All modeled work
will be inspected by the Architect before it is burned and shall be
changed and altered until it is satisfactory to him. No work shall
be burned until such inspection or approval has been obtained.
Size and Depth:
Each piece of terra cotta shall be of the full size shown by the
drawings, unless otherwise detailed by the Architect, and shall extend
into the wall the full depth shown. No piece of terra cotta shall be
less than four inches in depth.
All joints in terra cotta shall be located as shown on detail draw-
ings, so far as practicable, and in case it becomes necessary to change
the position of any joints the written approval of the Architect must'
be obtained before the change is made.
All work shall be laid out, dressed and fitted at the factory to exact
sizes required, with proper allowance for joints. All joints shall bo
straight and true, shall finish not to exceed 3/16" in thickness and shall
be as near \" as possible. Any dressing and fitting that may be neces-
sary on the job shall be done by skilled workmen in the best possible
All window sills and large washes shall have raised or standing
All copings shall have roll cover joints.
Drips :
All projecting courses, such as sills, belts, cornices, copings, shall
have drips cut underneath so that water will not run down the face of
the wall. If Architect's details do not show proper drips their atten-
tion shall be called to the fact before the work is gotten out.
All copings, cornices, sills and projecting courses shall be formed
with a wash on the upper exposed surfaces to throw water away from
the wall.
Raggles shall be formed in the terra cotta wherever necessary
to receive sheet metal work, flashings and counter flashings which en-
gage terra cotta work.
All window sills shall be raggled for hoop iron water bars.
Structural Steel:
The terra cotta will be used in connection with structural steel
work to which it is to be hung and anchored. This Contractor shall
obtain and carefully study the structural steel diagrams and shall
make all necessary provision in the terra cotta for its support, en-
gagement and anchorage to the steel work. Furnish and place any
steed other than that shown on the steel diagrams that may be nec-
essary for the proper construction, support and anchorage of the terra
cotta work.
Anchors :
Furnish all anchors, clamps and hangers necessary for the proper
installation of the terra cotta, and prepare all holes and sinkages in
terra cotta to receive the same.
Each piece of terra cotta shall have at least two anchors.
Anchors, clamps and hangers shall be wrought iron, galvanized or
coated with asphaltum, applied hot, or of proper sized copper wire.
It shall be the duty of the Contractor to attach all anchors to terra
cotta and to structural steel and to see that they are properly built
into the masonry work as it is carried up.
Centers :
Furnish all centers of every nature required to install his work
in the building.
Setting :
Set the terra cotta in place in the building as fast as the progress
of the work requires, working from an exterior scaffold.
All terra cotta shall be carefully set to proper lines, courses kept
level with a rod, joints kept close, each piece well bedded, all joints com-
pletely filled with mortar, all anchors, clamps and hangers placed and
securely attached to structural steel or left ready to build into masonry
backing, and suspended pieces drawn tight to close joints and proper
The mortar for the setting of the terra cotta work shall be as herein
specified under Masonry.
Backing of Terra Cotta:
All terra cotta shall be well filled with brick work or concrete, as
the drawings show, as fast as it is set.
The Contractor shall see that all anchors are properly and se-
curely built into place by the mason.
Boxing and Protection:
Securely box and protect all projecting courses, jambs, angles,
sills, columns, capitals, bases, ornament, etc., with proper boarding to
save the same from damage during construction until the building is
At completion or when directed by the Architect, remove all box-
ing and boarding from the premises.
Each piece of terra cotta shall be sound and first class in every re-
spect, and no exposed portion shall show mark of setting tool, crack
craze, spawl or defacement of any sort.
Any piece which becomes chipped or otherwise disfigured, whether
before or after it is set in the work, will be rejected and shall be re-
moved and replaced, it being clearly understood that the Contractor
shall properly protect the work as necessary and leave the same in
first class condition at the completion of the building.
Cleaning Down:
At completion or when the Architect approves, clean down all
terra cotta work, repoint the joints and leave the entire work in a
first-class and satisfactory condition.
Guaranty :
This Contractor hereby guarantees all work installed under this
contract for a period of ten (10) years from and after the completion
and acceptance of the same as evidenced by the final certificate, and
binding himself to repair and replace, at his own expense, when or-
dered so to do by either the Owners or the Architects, any and all
work which may show defect of material or workmanship, deteriorate
or become unsightly, through the action of the elements or otherwise,
within said period.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and install complete
the Roofing and Sheet Metal Work in accordance with the accompany-
ing drawings and as required by this specification.
Scope of Contract:
This contract includes all composition, tile and copper roofing, all
copper flashings and counter flashings, decks, gutters, gutter linings,
conductors and conductor heads, and connections to interior down
spouts ; all copper covered frames and sash, all hollow metal doors and
frames, except as otherwise specified, and all other work of a sheet
metal or roofing nature shown by the drawings or hereinafter specified.
Structural Steel:
Furnish and set without extra charge any and all steel framing
and structural work other than that shown on the steel drawings which
may be necessary in the judgment of the Architect for the proper sup-
port and installation of the work under Roofing and Sheet Metal
Tile Roofs:
All roofing surfaces throughout, except as otherwise specified,
shall be covered with an impervious vitrified tile, with copper flashing,
all as shown by the drawings.
All tile roofs shall have an underlying composition roof.
Roof Surfaces:
The roof surfaces on which the roofing is to be applied will be
formed of flat tile arches, which will be furred up as herein specified
under Masonry, with concrete to form all necessary saddles and bring
the surface to proper levels, slopes and pitches to drain to gutters and
downspouts, and finished with a cement top dressing giving a smooth
surface on which to lay the roofing materials.
The laying of the roofing shall commence as soon as the roof suf-
faces are ready to receive the same, the work being carried forward to
completion as rapidly as possible. If necessary, the roofing shall be
laid in sections at such times as the Architect approves, the Contractor
making such preparation for future connections of the roof sections as
will be required to make a first-class connection and a secure roof in
every respect.
The materials for the composition and tile roofs shall conform to
the following requirements :
Roofing Cement:
All roofing cement for composition shall be an asphalt
roofing cement of a brand approved by the Architect. Not
less than one hundred and twenty (120) pounds shall be used
to the square of 100 square feet of roofing.
Roofing Felt:
All saturated Irish Flax Felt shall weigh not less than
fifteen (15) pounds, per single thickness, per square of 100
square feet.
All No. 1 Saturated Wool Felt shall weigh not less than
fifteen (15) pounds, per single thickness, per square of 100
square feet and shall be of a brand approved by the Archi-
Composition Beneath Tile Roof:
The finished cement surface of the roof shall be thoroughly and
uniformly mopped with asphalt roofing cement, into which shall be laid
a single thickness of saturated Irish Flax Felt, each sheet lapping three
(3) inches on the preceding sheet, all laps thoroughly mopped and
cemented together and the whole thoroughly cemented to the roof, the
felt flashing up four (4) inches on all walls and projections above the
The entire surface of the felt shall then be mopped with a heavy
coating of the roofing cement evenly and uniformly applied, into which
shall be laid four (4) full thicknesses of No. 1 Saturated Wool Felt
each 32" sheet lapping 244" on the preceding sheet, all joints well
mopped the full width of the lap, thoroughly cementing the sheets to-
gether and to the first layer of felt. The felt shall flash four inches on
all walls and projections above the roof and shall be cut off evenly at
the top.
The metal flashings shall then be applied and securely fastened in
place as elsewhere specified, the felt being thoroughly mopped beneath
the metal before it is applied ; and when flashings are in place the en-
tire surface of the roof, felt and flashings, shall be mopped as before
with a heavy coating of the roofing cement into which shall be laid the
cap sheet consisting of two full thicknesses of No. 1 Saturated "Wool
Felt each 32" sheet lapping 17" on the one preceding, laps well mopped
and the whole well cemented to the underlying layer as before, the
cap sheet covering the entire surface of the roof out to all edges and
neatly finishing against all walls and projections.
All felt shall be evenly and smoothly laid the entire work executed
in a thorough and workmanlike manner to produce a waterproof and
durable roof covering satisfactory to the Architect.
Felting Beneath Copper:
The surface of all roofs, decks and gutters, which are to be cov-
ered or fined with copper, shall be covered beneath the copper with a
single thickness of Saturated Irish Flax Felt and three full thicknesses
of No. 1 Saturated Wool Felt, laid with 22" laps, applied in the man-
ner above specified for composition roofing, thoroughly mopped
throughout and flashed up four (4) inches on all walls and around all
projections above roof.
Laying Tile:
For all tile roofs, after the underlying composition above speci-
fied is in place, the surface of the felt shall be spread with Actinolite
cement into which the vitrified tile shall be set and bedded. The tile
shall be set with joints not over one-fourth (^) inch in width, which
shall first be filled about one-third full with asphalt roofing cement
poured in hot and then filled up flush with top of tiles with Marmolite
cement neatly pointed, leaving a smooth even surface.
The tile shall be fitted close up to all walls, curbs and projections
above roof with all jointings and fittings most carefully made so as to
produce a waterproof and durable roof covering with perfectly plane
and smooth surfaces and even slopes.
Proper preparation must be made in the laying of tile roofs for
expansion joints, accomplishing the same in a manner satisfactory to
the Architects.
The Contractor hereby binds himself to repair and make good at
its own expense any and all portions of this work which may leak
within or during a period of ten (10) years from and after the issuance
of the final certificate in connection with this work.
Sheet Metal:
All the sheet metal work herein specified shall be executed with
first-class materials in a most workmanlike manner to secure a water
and weather proof and durable job.
All copper shall be 16 oz. unless otherwise specified, and hard or
soft rolled as specified hereinafter.
All galvanized iron shall be No. 22 and No. 24 gauge, as hereinafter
specified, and shall be of a brand approved by the Architect.
Expansion and Contraction of Metal:
In the execution of all sheet metal work due consideration shall
be given to the expansion and contraction of the metal and proper pro-
vision shall be made to counteract the same, so that there will be no
buckling or tearing of the metal or opening of joints from this cause.
After sheet metal work and flashings are in place, calk all ragglea
and point them up with elastic cement in a manner to make the work
absolutely water tight.
Flashings :
Before the cap sheet or upper layer of the composition for com-
position roofs is laid, the walls and other projections above roof shall
be flashed with 14 oz. soft rolled copper extending eight (8) inches up
on the walls and seven (7) inches out on the felting, well cleated in
The walls shall then be counter-flashed with twelve (12) ounce
hard rolled copper, beginning twelve (12) inches above the roof ordi-
narily, in the nearest brick joint, in tbe raggle provided for the pur-
pose, at the under side of the roof coping or where indicated by the
drawings, and extending to and lapping over the flashings not less than
three (3) incbes, and well secured with copper holdfasts or clips sot
at proper centers, as directed by the Architects.
The smoke stack shall be flashed with 16 oz. soft rolled copper at
the point where it pierces the roof, the flashing being extended up on
the stack not less than twelve inches and out on the roof the same dis-
tance beneath the cap sheets of the composition, and then counter-
flashed with 16 oz. hard rolled copper extended up beneath the flashing
angles on the stack, and lapping not less than six (6) inches over the
flashings. On the side of the stack next the wall the stack flashings
shall be properly connected with the wall flashings. Execute the en-
tire work with especial care to make a thoroughly weather proof con-
nection, proper provision being made for expansion and contraction
at roof line.
Gutter Linings:
All "built in" gutters shall be lined with 16 oz. soft rolled copper,
properly graded and connected to down spouts.
The copper lining shall be laid on the underlying composition
hereinbefore specified and well cleated in place, flashed upon all walls,
height as shown by drawings, and not less than eight (8) inches and
counter-flashed as specified for flashings, and properly connected to
copper work of roofs, decks and skylights.
Where seams are required lengthwise of the gutter they shall be
formed over polygonal wood strips as specified for expansion joints
in roof copper. All other joints in gutter linings and connections of
same to copper roofs and decks shall be made with flat locked seams,
double locked where possible, and well soldered.
The "off-set gutters" between the exterior walls at the 36th story
shall be lined with copper, as above specified, properly graded to down-
spouts and the work installed in best possible manner to secure a
water and weather proof job.
Down Spouts and Connections:
Downspouts carried down inside the building will be of wrought
iron pipe furnished in place as herein specified under .Plumbing, and
cast iron thimbles will be provided for connections through the roof as
specified under Ornamental Iron.
Make all proper connections through roof thimbles to the down-
spouts by means of conical water heads or throats formed of 16 oz.
soft rolled copper formed as indicated by the details, properly con-
nected to the downspouts and to copper gutter lining, or, where occur-
ring in composition or tile roofs turned out on the roof not less than
12" beneath the cap sheet of the composition, which shall lap upon and
be well cemented to the copper. All throats shall be protected by two
baskets of No. 10 copper wire to prevent clogging of the spouts.
All exterior downspouts for main court skylights shall be of 16 oz.
hard rolled copper of the square corrugated type of sizes called for
1) ythe drawings, secured in place by copper holdfasts and formed
with all necessary hends, turns and elbows as the drawings indicate.
Down spouts discharging on the roof surface shall be curved at
bottom and provided with copper fan spreader on the roof at point of
discharge, well secured in place.
At all connections of waterheads to down spouts provide copper
wire baskets as specified above for connections to interior down spouts.
Ventilating Hoods and Louvres:
Provide all ventilating hoods, louvres and other sheet metal work,
in connection with the vent shafts and fan exhausts not included under
All this work shall be executed with 16-oz. hard rolled, copper
braced and strengthened as necessary and with all proper flashing and
counterflashing to make the work weather proof.
Metal Clad Work:
Furnish and install roof hatch covers made of wood, sizes and in
strict accordance with the details as shown. All exposed surfaces of
the covers shall be completely metal clad with 16-oz. copper in strict
accordance with the rules and requirements of the National Board of
Underwriters for metal clad doors.
Provide the hatch covers with bronze or brass hinges and the
necessary locking devices to make the work secure and acceptable.
The skylights as shewn by the drawings shall be furnished and set
complete, made and constructed as the sectional details of same in-
All metal work for the skylights shall be of 16-oz. copper, with
glass supporting copper bars, which shall have condensation gutters
connected into outlet hips and valleys in skylight. The metal support-
ing bars for the large court skylights shall have wrought iron core re-
inforcement of proper size, all rigidly constructed and wholly framed
All structural steel for skylights where not shown on steel dia-
grams shall be furnished to make the work rigid and substantial.
Ventilators in large skylights, unless otherwise specified, shall be
24" and for the small ones shall be 12" in diameter of a type approved
by the Architect, made of 16-ounce copper and provided with damper
and chain for closing from the floor below.
The glass for the skylights shall be f" ribbed wire glass.
The entire exterior curb walls of the skylights shall be covered
with 16-ounce hard rolled copper, well cleated on, extending flashing
to the roof below and connecting with skylight work above, the work
being executed to obtain a first-class waterproof job. Make all neces-
sary allowance for expansion and contraction of metal.
The hanging gutters and downspouts for skylights shall be sizes
as shown by the drawings.
Furnish in connection with the skylights cross §" tie rods with
turn-buckles of a number as shown and required, placing same above
the ceiling lights below specified.
Ceiling Lights, Frames, Sash, Etc.:
The ceiling light frames beneath the court skylights shall be made
of No. 24 galvanized iron, constructed on a system of bar iron rein-
forcements in accordance with scale details. For this purpose suspend
by means of suspension rods from the structural steel work above 4"
steel I-beams, placing one in each mullion, connected by angles as indi-
cated by drawings.
The entire frame work to be rigidly connected and so adjusted as
to be perfectly level as shown by drawings. Upon this skeleton steel
frame work shall be built the galvanized iron frames, mullions and
beams, as indicated by the scale and full size sections.
The beams, bars, muntins, etc., of the ceiling fight frame work
shall have moulded members as indicated by scale sectional drawings,
with all mitres neatly and accurately made, and well soldered together.
All necessary wrought iron forms, lookouts, etc., required to pre-
serve the forms and hold the same in position, shall be furnished in
place complete.
The sash for glass shall be made of No. 22 metal and shall be
made to swing down and provided with all necessary hardware for
operation as shown.
All steel T's, bars, angles, etc., in connection with this work shall
be painted one coat of Prince 's mineral paint before and one coat after
Skylight Wire Mesh Guards:
All skylights shall be provided with a galvanized iron wire mesh
guard, supported on a frame work, placed a distance above skylights
as sectional drawings indicate. The supporting members of the guards
shall consist of a light angle iron construction rigidly anchored in
place, so constructed as to receive frames of iron guards which shall
be securely anchored to the frame work. The mesh guard shall con-
sist of an interwoven \" wire with a \" mesh set in frames, secured to
the supporting frame work and the entire work neatly installed and
treated to two coats of red lead and linseed oil, color as directed.
The wire protecting guards shall be made and installed to con-
form with the New York City building requirements.
Submit shop drawings of supporting frame work to Archiect for
Copper Covered Window and Door Frames, Etc.:
All exterior window frames and sash throughout, including tho
pent house doors and frames, except where otherwise shown or speci-
fied, shall be of wood, copper covered. The engaging interior finishing
wood work will be as herein specified under Carpentry.
Frames shall be of pine or cypress, made and constructed with the
various member sizes as shown. The frames, sashes and doors, in-
cluding the stops and staff beads, shall be completely encased with
16-ounce copper in a manner to conform with the requirements of the
New York Building Department and the National Board of Under-
All frames shall be made of clear material, kiln dried, free from
sap, shakes or knots.
The frames shall be set perfectly plumb, and secured in place by
copper hold-fasts which shall be built firmly into the masonry and se-
curely anchored to the frames.
All frames shall be set as the masonry work progresses and shall
be rigidly braced across the center so that their proper shapes will be
preserved. No stops shall be set until the sash are installed.
All stops shall be secured by oval-headed bronze screws, which
shall be spaced 18" centers, with washers.
All staff beads shall be attached to the frame in a temporary man-
ner until the masonry is built up, after which they shall be removed
and the joints around the jambs and heads caulked.
The Contractor shall furnish and put in place all window weights
of iron as required. All boxes of frames must be of adequate size to
properly accommodate the proper size cast iron counter weights.
The attachment of chains and weights to windows shall be such as
will meet the approval of the Architect. Where weight pockets are
too small for iron weights, compressed lead weights shall be used.
All frames shall be substantially constructed and carefully built
into the walls so as to obtain a weathertight job.
The exterior doors and frames in pent house shall be copper cov-
ered construction as above specified.
The glass for copper covered frames and doors shall be as herein
specified under Glass and Glazing.
Where heads of court window frames are connected with fresh air
intakes the frames shall be made as shown by drawings, the sash being
reduced in size and the upper section of frames shall be fitted with
louvres made of twenty ounce copper, constructed as drawings indicate.
Immediately back of the louvres and where same connect with the
fresh air duct furnish and install a wire screen, set in a channel frame.
Screen shall be made of £" wire, one inch mesh, diagonal weave.
Frames so designated by drawings shall have fresh air ventilators
fitted into sills, the ventilators being made of twenty ounce copper, con-
structed and operated as shown by full size details. Provide valves
and operating device as shown.
Metal Weather Strips:
Furnish and set in place complete for all exterior copper covered
window. and door frames where the application of same is practicable,
the Chamberlain, the Athey metal weather strip, or metal weather
strips by other manufacturers equal to the above in the judgment of
the Architect, set and secured in place in an accurate and satisfactory
Sills and 'Water Bars:
All window sills shall be thoroughly protected with $" boards,
left until directed to be removed by the Architect. All sills shall be
rabbetted for and provided with hoop iron water bars, not less than
3/32" thick, depth as shown by drawings.
Caulking of Frames:
The exterior window frames throughout this work shall be caulked,
for which purpose all staff beads shall be attached to the frames in a
temporary manner until the masonry is built up, after which they shall
be removed and the joints around the jambs and heads caulked with
The caulking shall be driven at least one-half inch back from the
face of the frames, and after the joints are approved by the Archi-
tects they shall be pointed up with elastic cement, and the staff beads
neatly and accurately set in place and secured in a permanent manner
to the frames. No staff beads shall be permanently applied until both
caulking and cementing have been accepted by the Architect.
The sashes for exterior copper covered windows shall be of sound,
kiln-dried white pine, assembled and constructed in a most rigid and
substantial manner, to the satisfaction of the Architect.
All check rail sash shall be double hung in place. All sash not
shown check rail sash shall be fixed or arranged to hinge or pivot as
the drawings indicate.
All sash shall be of the various thicknesses as shown by the scale
and full size detail drawings, having extended stiles or bumper moulded,
as per details.
All sashes shall be completely enclosed with 16 ounce copper as
above specified for frames, making same to conform to the require-
ments of the New York Building Department and the National Board
of Underwriters.
All skylights shall be glazed with first quality §" ribbed wire glass.
The glass for the ceiling lights beneath court skylights shall be
\" maze wire glass and shall be glazed in a satisfactory manner.
The glass for the copper covered windows, doors, etc., shall be as
herein specified under Glass and Glazing.
Steel Drawing*:
Carefully examine the structural steel drawings, and any steel
required to properly erect and support the sheet metal work, other
than those shown, in the opinion of the Architects, shall be furnished
in place without additional cost.
Exercise extraordinary precautions for the protection of the glass
after same is put in place in he building, as all glass must be in a first-
class condition when the building is turned over to the owner.
At completion, or when so ordered, clean the glass of oil or other
defacement, wash and leave clean and ready for occupancy, to the sat-
isfaction of the Architect.
Window Cleaning Equipment:
Equip all copper covered window frames throughout for the H. K.
Whitner window cleaners guards or guards or other manufacture equal
in the judgment of the Architect. All bolts and sockets shall be of
genuine bronze, made, engaged and rigidly anchored to the jamb of the
frame as shown.
Furnish and deliver, for use with the above, twenty (20) Whitner
or equal double rope safety window cleaners' guards, complete with
all attachments ready for use.
Hardware :
Furnish in place all rought and finish hardware required for copper
covered sash. All hardware shall be first class in every respect and
must be such as will meet the requirements of the Board of Fire Under-
Sash weights shall be of lead or iron as required, of proper size
aud weight to counter balance sash.
Chains shall be Smith and Egge "Giant A," metal sash chains or
equal in the judgment of the Architect and of approved weight. The
method or device for attaching chains to weights must receive the
Architect's approval.
Pulleys shall be Corbin's 2605R, cast case, 3" turned wheel, steel
ball bearings, amber bronzed face, or similar pulleys of Grant or Yale
and Towne manufacture or equal in the judgment of the Architect.
Finish hardware such as lifts, sockets, sash fasts for copper cov-
ered sash shall be as herein specified under the Hardware Specifica-
Submit for the approval of the Architect a complete line of sam-
ples of the hardware it is intended to furnish ,together with schedule
of the hardware equipment of all items in this contract.
The Contractor shall set all hardware in place in a very neat
and workmanlike manner, employing for the setting of hardware none
but the most skillful mechanics accustomed to such work, and all hard-
ware shall be left at the completion of the building, absolutely free
from tool marks, mars or defacements of any kind and in working order,
to the entire satisfaction of the Architect.
Before the work is set in place in the building the Contractor Bhall
paint all galvanized iron work throughout, including wrought iron and
steel in connection therewith, unless otherwise specified, one coat red
lead ground in oil.
The paint shall be well applied with the brush only, and shall be
applied on all surfaces of the metal whether exposed or otherwise.
Hollow Metal Work.
Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Trim:
All doors to enclosed stair on the various stories, all Dumb "Waiter
doors, the automatic fire doors, and such other doors as are
so noted on the drawings, shall be hollow metal doors, with hollow
metal frames set in the tile openings, and with hollow metal trim on
stair side of stair doors, as the drawings indicate.
The passenger elevator doors, except first story elevator openings,
shall also be of hollow metal set in the ornamental iron openings, as
shown by drawings.
Hollow metal doors shall be sash or panel doors as shown, with
moulded stiles and rails and moulded stops to secure the glass and,
unless special details are shown, shall conform in profile and design to
the details shown for wood doors of a similar character.
All panels shall be double, made of two plates separated by an
asbestos filler. Stiles and. rails shall be hollow lined throughout with
asbestos and provided with cork fillers to deaden sound. Outer edges
of stiles and rails shall be reinforced on the inside with bar iron and
similar reinforcements shall be provided at all points where hardware
is to be applied. All joints in doors shall be made with lock seams,
process welded throughout, so as to obtain an invisible joint and in-
sure a stiff and rigid door.
The fire doors being extra width shall be constructed especially
for this purpose, that is, reinforced and made perfectly rigid and sub-
stantial with ail necessary metal bars for the attachment of the hangers,
guides and other hardware. These doors will be provided with the
necessary hardware and shall be hung to fire door openings as specified
under Ornamental Iron and Bronze.
Sheet Steel:
All hollow metal work shall be executed with cold rolled, patent
leveled, open hearth sheet steel of the very best grade, known as metal-
lic furniture steel, using No. 16 U. S. standard gauge metal for all
work, except mouldings, moulded cornices, and the like, which may be
No. 18 gauge metal.
All formed and moulded work shall be cold drawn and no material
shall be heated except for the welding of joints.
In the construction of all work in this contract due allowance shall
be made for expansion and contraction of metal and proper and effi-
cient means shall be employed to counteract its effects so that there
may be no warping or breaking of the work or opening of joints.
Moulding, Profiles:
All mouldings and formed work shall be cold drawn and formed
to the exact profiles detailed true to details in every respect with
straight lines and sharp arrises.
All hollow metal work for elevator shall have an imitation bower-
barff finish. All other hollow metal work shall be treated as herein
specified under Painters Finish in Carpentry and Cabinet Work.
Workmanship :
All hollow metal work furnished under this contract shall be of
the very best type, perfect in material, workmanship and finish, and
equal in appearance to cabinet woodwork of the highest grade.
Building Ordinance and Underwriters Requirements:
All hollow metal work furnished under this contract shall comply
in all respects with the Building Ordinance of the City of New York.
It shall further meet all requirements of the Board of Fire Under-
writers and shall bear the inspection label of the Underwriters' Lab-
Hardware :
The hardware for all elevator doors shall be as herein specified
undei Elevator Service, and for all other hollow metal doors as herein
specified under Hardware.
All automatic fire doors shall be provided with frictionless hinges,
tracks, guides, cables, counter weights, electric automatic releasing de-
vice, etc., to make the work complete and to meet the New York Build-
ing Requirements.
Unit Prices:
It is understood and agreed that the following net prices for labor
and materials erected complete in place shall govern any and all addi-
tions to and deductions from this contract, until the completion of the
work called for herein and its acceptance and the issuance of the final
certificate by the Architects:
Price per square of 100 sq. ft., actual measurement, for
tile roof . . . , .,. ... ., $.
Price per lineal foot, actual measurement, of copper flash-
ing. $.
Price per square foot, actual measurement, of copper coun-
terflasbing '...,.. $.
Price per typical copper covered window frame and sash set $.
place complete, with pulleys, chains and weights $.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and install complete
the Ornamental Iron and Bronze work in accordance with the accom-
panying drawings and as required by this specification.
Scope of Contract:
This contract, except as otherwise expressly stated, includes all
architectural metal work shown by the drawings or hereinafter speci-
fied, the term ornamental iron being intended to include all work of
bronze, brass, wrought and cast iron and steel, other than the structural
steel framing of the building and work herein specifically excepted,
that may be required to complete the building in accordance with the
drawings and this specification.
Structural Steel Drawings:
Carefully examine the structural steel diagrams for the build-
ing and furnish all structural steel or iron, other than shown by steel
diagrams which may be necessary to properly carry out all work herein
Drilling, Cutting, Punching, Etc.:
Execute all cutting, fitting, punching, drilling and tapping of the
ornamental iron work wherever other contractors deem it necessary and
require the same in order to properly secure their work, such as
grounds, finished woodwork and hardware.
Models :
Furnish any and all models and costs thereof that may be re-
quired in the judgment of the Architect for the execution of the orna-
mental iron and bronze work, employing only the best and most skill-
ful architectural modelers and sculptors, who may be selected by the
Architect at tbeir option.
Models shall be submitted in place should the Architect decide it to
be necessary for their proper inspection.
Bronze :
All bronze castings shall be made from a standard bronze metal
particularly adapted for the finest quality of castings and shall be of
a color selected by the Architect, who may at his option specify the
mixture formula for the same.
Sheet bronze shall be rolled bronze plate 3/16 inches thick unless
otherwise shown or specified and with all bronze bars and other
wrought work shall perfectly match the cast bronze in color.
Iron and Steel:
All iron castings shall be made from the best brands of soft Su-
perior or Southern pig irons.
Boiler plate shall be rolled steel plate of the several thicknesses
shown and specified.
Square, flat and round bars and tubing for wrought work and
steel members for structural work shall be standard steel bars, tubes
and structural shapes.
All bronze castings shall be made from electro plated metal pat-
terns in moulds with special facings.
All fine iron castings shall be made in stove plate moulding sand,
all ornamental portions cast direct from a plaster reproduction of the
clay models. No ornamental portions shall be cast from wooden pat-
Cast metal shall be of uniform thickness throughout and free from
blow holes, sand holes and other defects and from flaws, spalls and
superficial imperfections that cannot be removed. All castings shall be
of thickness and strength to withstand all strains, weights and pres-
sures that may be brought to bear upon them, but unless otherwise
shown or required for strength the thickness shall not exceed § inches
for iron and £ inches for bronze.
The exposed surfaces of all ornamental castings shall be per-
fectly clean and sharp with the ornamental detail brought out clear
and strong, well modeled, in good relief and undercut as necessary
to carry out the design, and with all lines, arrises, flutings, profiles,
and ornaments true, first-class and in accordance with details and ap-
proved models. Pierced work shall have openings and outlines free
from irregularities.
All castings shall be neatly filed and chased to remove all super-
ficial imperfections and make the work uniform throughout; all rough
and uneven edges, lines and arrises shall be carefully retouched and
made first-class, and surface lines, straight line mouldings and the like
shall be ground and soft wheeled.
All bronze castings shall be hand filed, chased and finished through-
out in a most skillful and artistic manner.
Wrought Work:
All wrought work shall be executed in a skillful, workmanlike and
artistic manner closely adhering to the details.
All welds, riveting and jointings shall be satisfactorily made with
rivet heads countersunk on all exposed surfaces unless otherwise shown.
No sheet metal ornament or stamped work of any kind shall be
Assembling :
All work shall be carefully and accurately assembled to carry out
the design as shown; all joints made in a first-class and workmanlike
manner, filed, milled, or machined so as to secure an absolutely close
first-class connection that will not be readily detected by the eye;
carefully membered so as to preserve the forms of all mouldings, pro-
files, ornament and the continuity of lines; and well secured together
with all screws and rivets concealed as much as possible.
Delivery and Setting:
The work shall be delivered complete ready to set up, and shall be
brought to the building as required, and promptly set into place,
rigidly and securely anchored, in a most workmanlike and substantial
Workmen shall exercise proper care in the handling and erection
of all work, so as not to injure the finished surfaces, and proper pre-
caution shall be taken to protect the work from damage after it is in
place. All work shall be left, upon completion of the building, com-
pletely finished, free from mar and defacement, and with workman-
ship first-class in every detail, to the entire satisfaction of the Archi-
Caulking and Pointing:
All frames of ornamental iron or bronze in exterior openings and
wherever exposed to the weather shall be canlked in the openings with
oakum and then pointed with elastic cement in a manner to make them
water tight and weather proof. Point all joints in exterior iron work
as necessary to make the work weather proof.
All bronze work, unless otherwise specified, shall have a first-class
statuary bronze finish as selected by the Architect.
Iron work shall have bower-barff, imitation bower-barff, or painted
finish as hereinafter specified. All work specified bower-barff shall be
finished by the genuine bower-barff process, with a first-class finish,
unif orcn throughout ; work specified imitation bower-barff shall receive
a first-class painted finish dead black in color to resemble as closely as
possible genuine bower-barffing, and all iron work not specified bower-
barff, or imitation bower-barff, shall receive one (1) coat of Princess
Mineral paint in the shop and two (2) coats pure white lead and Unseed
oil after erection in colors as selected by the Architect.
The mahogany handrails and the wood work of the elevator cabs
shall be finished in the same manner as specified for the interior wood
work in the building in the Carpentry Specification.
Submit to the Architect samples of bronze for approval as to
workmanship, color and finish and of iron for approval of workman-
ship, finish and bower-barffing.
All utilities or other work in this contract which it may be neces-
sary to use during the construction of the building so that the same
become more or less worn and disfigured, shall be thoroughly re-
painted, retouched or refinished without extra charge so as to leave
the same in first-class condition at completion of the buildings.
Staircases :
Furnish the entire ornamental iron work for the stair wells and
staircases throughout the building, made as indicated by the various
plans, elevations and details.
Furnish all necessary strings and supports, carriages, fascias,
pilasters, newels, balustrades, panel and grille work closures, risers
and treads and platforms, except where composition and marble treads
and platforms are shown on drawings, in which case arrange the proper
ornamental iron supports for marble treads and platforms and provide
metal sub-treads and sub-platforms. All sub-treads shall be secured
with tap screws ; stove bolts will in no case be permitted.
Treads and risers shall be made of 3/16-inch plates supported on
and secured to angles anchored to carriage with countersunk tap
screws, the single sizes as drawings show.
Staircases which have all exposed surfaces of marble shall be
provided with all structural iron or steel supports necessary, such as
carriages, cast iron risers, knees and other metallic supports required
to install the marble work as shown by the drawings.
Where staircases have no composition or marble treads, all treads
shall be of cast iron, "diamond roughed."
Where stairs or platforms require suspension or strutting up,
the suspension rods and struts shall be located as far as practicable
in tile partitions where they will be concealed from view, or if they
must be exposed, shall be of an ornamental character, of such form
and so located and arranged as not to detract from the design.
Stair strings and fascias shall be built up of ^-inch steel plates and
cast moulded top and bottom section as the details indicate, and where
shown shall member with cast iron base, which shall be installed on
walls, on all landings of enclosed staircases.
Newels shall be of cast iron of ornamental design as detailed.
Brackets supporting the hand rails, wherever required or shown
on drawings, unless otherwise shown or specified, shall be cast iron,
made in accordance with the details and spaced as shown, well an-
chored to walls to make a solid and firm support for rails.
The balustrades and grilles shall be made with sizes of metal as
shown, substantially and rigidly constructed and anchored in place.
Gas pipe balustrades are specified elsewhere.
Winding Staircase:
As indicated by the scale details, furnish an ornamental iron con-
structed winding staircase having diamond surfaced treads and a neatly
constructed balustrade extending from sub-sub-basement to the mezza-
nine floor. Wbere staircase pierces the floors the opening shall be pro-
vided with an ornamental iron fascia finished on edge with nosing,
fillet and cove.
Finish of Staircases:
All open staircases in basement, first and second stories shall have
all exposed ornamental iron work with genuine bower-barff finish.
All other staircases throughout, including enclosed stairs in the
stories above mentioned, shall be painted imitation bower-barff.
Elevator Enclosures:
Furnish and set complete all ornamental iron work in connection
with the elevator enclosures throughout.
The elevator enclosure on the various stories shall be in design,
character, etc., as the drawings indicate.
The enclosure for the first story shall be of special design, made
of cast iron, backed on interior with plate wire glass. The wire glass
shall be set in hinged sash, the whole so constructed and installed as to
admit of easy access to glass for cleaning purposes.
Provide all necessary hardware for these swinging sash, such as
locks, hinges, etc.
All elevator screens in the basement, on the second story, and all
stories above, unless otherwise shown, shall consist of channel iron
frames and hollow metal doors, the doors being made as specified under
Roofing and Sheet Metal.
All screens shall be carefully and accurately assembled, with the
ornamental parts neatly executed, mitres and joints made in a manner
to preserve the forms of the mouldings, profiles, continuity of lines,
etc., and the work installed in a first class and substantial manner.
Ornamental parts shall be executed in accordance with the scale
and full size details, closely following and adhering to the profiles
given. The enclosure for each elevator on the first floor shall be pro-
vided with ornamental dials and the necessary indicators as the details
The elevator doors throughout except on 1st floor shall be of hollow
metal construction as herein specified under Hollow Metal Doors (See
Roofing and Sheet Metal) and shall be hung on the most approved Keli-
ance Elevator frietionless door hangers, or frictionless door hang-
ers by other manufacturers equal to the above in the opinion of the
Each set of doors shall be equipped with latches, locks, keys and
with an automatic elevator door device to make doors open simultan-
eously, of a type to meet the approval of the Architect. Submit sam-
ples of hardware to Architect for approval. The entire system of
doors shall be made to operate freely and perfectly.
Elevator Screen Structural Work:
A careful study of the drawings for the elevator screens is re-
quired, as all supports, such as channels, frames, tees, etc., shown in
connection with the elevator enclosures on all floors, other than that
shown on the Structural Steel drawings, shall be furnished and in-
stalled to make the work complete.
All elevator enclosures shall be extended at top so as to have main
supports fastened to the structural steel of the building to make the
work absolutely secure and rigid.
The floor sills for all elevator enclosures shall be secured to the
structural steel work, to which shall be anchored the elevator screens.
Elevator Screen Indicators:
The elevator enclosures on the first story shall be provided with
ornamental iron indicators and the necessary numerals on the face of
each for each story, indicating the stories to which the cars travel, to-
gether with the hands required to make the work complete. The en-
circling bands, the hands and numerals shall be of polished bronze, as
drawings indicate.
The mechanism for operating hands of dials, etc., together with all
connections to the lifting machinery, will be furnished as herein speci-
fied under Elevators.
The elevator enclosures on all floors shall be provided with 1 elec-
tric flash light fixture seats as shown by the drawings. Execute all
drilling, cutting, etc., in these seats required to secure the electric fix-
tures to the screens. The light fixtures, globes, all electric operating
devices, etc., shall be furnished as herein specified under Elevators.
Finish of Elevator Screens, Doors, Etc.:
All exposed surfaces of the elevator screens, on first and second
story shall have a genuine bower-barff finish, of the very best quality,
uniform in finish throughout.
The screens in all other stories shall be painted imitation bower-
The facias for stairs and well holes are specified under "Stairs."
The fascias for all elevator shafts throughout shall be made of
3/16-inch sheet steel secured to cast iron sills above and the elevator
screen work below, made as indicated by sectional drawings. Fascias
shall be rigidly and securely assembled and anchored in place, neatly
fitted around the structural beams in elevator shafts.
Where facias fit between beams they shall be neatly and accurately
coped and the joint between beams and facias covered with a neat
thimble. All iron facias shall have an imitation bower-barff finish.
Safety Treads:
Each elevator opening throughout shall be provided and fitted
with a bronze safety tread having a rounded nosing on shaft side, the
tread threshold width as shown, and shall be of the Mason's Safety
Tread Type or others approved by the Architect.
Numbers :
Furnish in place white enameled cast iron story numbers on facias
in front of each elevator car from first to top story. Numbers shall be
at least six (6") inches high, and well secured to the fascias with in-
visible anchors.
Passenger Elevator Cars:
Furnish all labor and materials and finish all elevator cars com-
plete in accordance with the drawings as shown.
The platforms for the passenger elevator cars will be furnished
as herein specified under Elevators, to which rigidly anchor in place
complete the cabs or inclosures.
The cabs shall be made of mahogany (fireproofed if required) and
ornamental iron in a rigid and secure manner. The top and sides of
cars above the wainscot cap mouldings shall consist of a system of
grilles, made as indicated, which together with all exposed ornamental
iron work of the cars shall be finished in bower-barff.
The top of each car shall be provided with a copper drip pan,
made as shown and as directed by the Architect. The top of the com-
bination car shall be so made as to be removable.
Light fixtures made of cast iron, all complete with glass globes,
socket, etc., for cars shall be furnished all complete and ready for
lamp attachment.
The wood work in connection with the cars shall be best grade
selected mahogany, highly figured stock, the work, quality of material
and execution of same shall be first class in every respect and in finish
shall correspond with the wood work and finish of same for the build-
ing, for which see Carpentry and Carpenters' Finish specifications.
Each car shall be fitted at sides with an exit door as a means of
egress from one car to another. The doors shall be so constructed as
to be practically invisible and shall be provided, for proper operation
of same, with all necessary locks, butts and other hardware, first class
in make, quality and finish, of a type acceptable to the Architect.
The cars shall be braced and strengthened by a frame work of
3x3xf-inch angles on all exterior corners set flush into the woodwork,
well framed together and rigidly sectioned at the bottom to the car
Elevator Car Collapsible Gates:
Each passenger elevator car throughout shall be fitted with an
ornamental iron collapsible gate of an approved type, installed in
complete working order with the necessary guides, tracks and other
operating mechanism to make same complete and comply with the New
York Building Ordinance.
Cork Floors:
All passenger and combination elevator cars shall have cork tile
floors \ inch thick. The tile shall be made of the finest quality clear
granulated cork compressed solid in closed moulds and thoroughly
The cork shall be free from all foreign substances and cement of
any kind other than the natural gum of the cork.
The cork tile shall be laid with a special elastic waterproof cement,
so applied as to hermetically bind all joints.
The tile shall be color and size as selected by the Architect, shall
be laid perfectly smooth and level with the top surfaces in the same
plane. The entire work shall be installed to the entire satisfaction of
the Architect. Submit samples to the Architect for approval.
Entrance Doorways and Vestibules.
The entrance doorways to the building on Broadway, Cedar, Nas-
sau and Pine streets shall be made of cast or wrought bronze, orna-
mental in design, prepared for Revolving Bronze Doors and Enclos-
The work shall be carefully and accurately executed and worked
out in strict accordance with floor plans, elevations and scale details
of same.
The grille work above the revolving door enclosures and the deco-
rative parts shall be artistically executed, with all lines clean and sharp
throughout, the ornamental portions carried out in strict accordance
with the models approved by the Architect.
All joints, mitres, etc., shall be made in first-class manner with the
workmanship perfect in every respect. All mitreing of mouldings,
jointings, etc., shall be most carefully made and membered to carry out
the designs as shown, with the lines and ornamental parts unbroken.
The work for these entrance doorways and vestibule shall be sol-
idly and substantially erected and well secured in position to make a
rigid job, acceptable to the Architect.
Radiator grilles and frames adjacent to the entrance door enclos-
ures shall be of cast iron with a genuine bower barff finish, and in de-
sign as shown. The grilles shall be made in sections set in frames and
hinged so as to give access to radiator space, and shall be provided
with all necessary hardware, such as locks, hinges, etc., which shall be
made as inconspicuous as possible. The backs, ends and floors of ra-
diator pockets shall be made of £-inch sheet iron, all properly con-
nected with grille frames.
The structural beams, channels, angles, tees, etc., shown in connec-
tion with the main entrance doorways and vestibules, radiator grilles,
store fronts, transom grilles, etc., other than that shown by the Struc-
tural Steel drawings, shall be furnished in place complete, sizes as
shown, the work securely anchored to the structural steel of the build-
ing, forming solid and substantial frame work to receive the orna-
mental metal work.
Revolving Doors:
Furnish in place, complete in all respects, including glass, the
revolving doors and enclosures for the Broadway, Pine, Nassau and
Cedar street entrances to the building, as the drawings indicate.
The enclosures shall be made of cast bronze of ornamental design,
carried out in strict accordance with the details. The sides of the
enclosures shall be arranged to receive curved glass panels and pro-
vided with stops to secure the same, so arranged that the face of the
glass on the inside will be flush with the inside face of enclosure frame.
The complete cylindrical enclosures, both on inner and exterior
sides, shall be of bronze.
The doors shall be made of wrought bronze and shall be of the
latest and most approved type of revolving doors, equipped with all
necessary hardware, tracks, hangers, pivots, operating mechanism,
etc., complete, and made to operate to the entire satisfaction of the
Architect and to comply with all requirements of the city ordinances
and the regulations of the Building Department.
Circular bronze corrugated thresholds shall be installed for all
openings as shown, securely anchored in position in the floor.
All hardware and exposed parts of mechanism, also stops securing
the glass in the enclosures, shall be of bronze of same finish as the
doors and enclosures.
The revolving wings shall be hung independently of each other on
a central shaft, held in a radial position by flexible bronze cables and
so arranged that by the application of unusual pressure on any part
or parts of any two of the revolving wings the wings will automatically
collapse and fold flat on each other in an outward position.
The revolving wings shall be hung from a self-oiling ball bearing
located above the ceiling and so arranged that they may be released
from the central position by one operation and moved to one side of
the opening.
The revolving doors and enclosures for the basement story, next to
Broadway, leading to the sub-way, shall be made of mahogany and plate
glass, made and installed in a similar manner as above specified for
bronze revolving doors and enclosures and as shown by detail draw-
ings for the same. Fit the openings with bronze circular thresholds
and the doors with bronze kick plates.
Provide all hardware, such as locks, bolts, etc., necessary to make
the work complete.
Bulletin Boards:
Furnish and locate on the wall of the first floor elevator hall, as
shown by the drawings, two (2) ornamental iron bulletin board directo-
ries, and frames as shown on drawings, made and arranged to accom-
modate the names of the tenants of the building, equal to the arrange-
ment manufactured by the Tablet & Ticket Company or the United
States Tablet & Sign Company of New York. The Contractor shall pay
the rental for the first year's use of this system, the same reverting to
the Owner of the building thereafter.
The frames shall be made for sectional iron minor frames to
accommodate the names of the tenants. Each minor frame shall be
rabbetted to receive a bevel edged plate glass which shall be in one
single piece for each frame.
Each minor frame shall be provided with black strips containing
the names of the tenants and an adjustable wood backing with catches,
clasps, etc., complete, all as the drawings indicate.
The frame and the minor sectional frames shall be finished a
genuine bower-barff. The inscription "Directory" at the head of the
board shall be of polished bronze, raised not less than 3/16", secured to
the frame with invisible anchors.
Provide all glass facing sections, which shall be best grade of pol-
ished plate, beveled as shown.
Bronze Thresholds:
The main entrance revolving doors to the building, the revolving
doors in basement, all doors on first floor facing elevator halls and cor-
ridors, the doors on the 37th story leading to roof, and such other doors
as the plans and detail drawings so indicate, shall have cast bronze
corrugated thresholds, carefully fitted and well secured and anchored
in place, made in accordance with full size detail drawings for same.
Kick Plates:
The kick plates for the exterior side of all entrance store doors,
first floor, shall be of bronze, dull statuary finish.
The kick plates on all other doors where shown or required shall
be cast iron, and shall have a bower-barff finish. Kick plates shall be
provided for all first floor corridor and store exterior and interior en-
trance doors, and wherever indicated on drawings.
Wherever kick plates are shown or required, they shall be placed
on both sides of the doors.
Pipe Shaft Iron Doors and Frames:
The openings leading to the pipe shaft on floors where required by
the drawings shall have 3"x3"xf" angle frames made as shown by
detail drawings, the frame continuing around entire opening forming
frame and sill.
The frames shall be fitted with 3/16" boiler plate steel doors, stiff-
ened on inner side by having l"xl"x3/16" angles riveted around en-
tire outer edges, with two (2) intermediate horizontal angles of same
size, spaced at equal intervals vertically.
The doors shall be provided with good and serviceable locks, butts
and other hardware acceptable to the Architects.
Cast Bronze Door Sills and Fascias:
The door opening for pent house on exterior shall be provided
with cast corrugated bronze sills.
Automatic Fire Doors and Frames:
Fire doors and frames shall be furnished and installed complete
throughout the building where shown and required by the drawings.
The openings shall be fitted with channel and angle iron frames, made
and installed as indicated, the frames being secured at top and bot-
tom to the floor structural steel work, the entire work made rigid and
solid, preparatory for the installation of the doors.
The doors shall be hollow metal as herein specified under Roofing
and Sheet Metal Work, and shall be hung on iron tracks secured rig-
idly to frames and equipped with tracks, hangers, cables, counter-
weights, electric automatic devices for closing same in case of fire, etc.
Especial attention shall be given to installing thermostatic closing
device, which shall he perfect in operation and acceptable to the Archi-
tect, the New York Fire Department and made to comply with the re-
quirements of the New York building code.
Iron access doors for each fire door opening shall be provided for
access to the weight boxes and overhead tracks, guides and sheaves
as shown and required, for which furnish all hinges, catches, locks, etc.
Equip all doors with grooved iron sill, thresholds and furnish in
place, track and counter-weight boxes and frames for access to the
mechanism of doors, together with hardware for same.
Equip each track access door with an illuminated opaque glass
sign with numbers of offices beyond doors and all necessary lamps
and electrical connections, making the work complete.
Second Story Grilles:
At each end of coffered ceiling, second floor, furnish and install
an ornamental iron frame and open grille as indicated by the draw-
ings. The frame shall consist of a system of vertical mullions secured
to sill and head of frames at top and bottom respectively. Between
mullions install ornamental irou grilles consisting of a system of hori-
zontal, vertical and diagonal moulded bars, fabricated in a neat and
accurate manner so as to make all joints first-class in every respect.
Grilles and frames shall be finished alike on both sides, accurately
fitted and securely anchored in place.
All exposed work of grille and frame shall be finished imitation
Flag Pole:
As the scale plans, elevations and sectional details indicate, fur-
nish and locate flag poles in court pediment walls at seventh floor level,
over the main entrances on the Broadway and Nassau fronts, the poles
being made of 7", 6", 5", 4" and 3" wrought iron pipes. These pipes
shall be connected by extending one pipe into the next larger size a dis-
tance of not less than two feet, the joints being "shrunk" or welded
joints, no screwing, riveting or clamping of joints will be permitted.
The poles shall rest on cast iron shoes setting on and secured to
the roof beams, anchored to the steel construction.
Where the pole and braces are secured to the roof construction,
they shall be provided with a storm collar, to which shall be secured
copper flashing, extending same on to roof, executing a water tight job
in every respect.
Poles shall be provided at top with a cast bronze truck with two
bronze sheaves, and each pole surmounted with a 12-inch No. 16 sheet
bronze ball, gilded with gold leaf, all as shown and required by the
Cast iron base, where poles engage with the terra cotta, shall be
made as shown, the engagement between the various materials being
made in a first class and satisfactory manner.
Provide two \ inch copper wire cable halyards for each pole, and at
the base of the staff grips or clamps well secured for fastening hal-
yards, same to be of a design satisfactory to Architect.
Wrought Iron Pipe Balustrades:
Wrought iron pipe (also marked "Gas Pipe" on drawings) balus-
trades and railing for staircases, so noted on drawings, elevator shaft
in pent house and wherever so noted on the drawings, shall be provided
and installed as shown.
The railings shall be made of two parallel rows of pipe, joined with
the proper unions and connections to vertical flanged pipe uprights,
spaced approximately four feet centers, which shall be securely and
firmly anchored in place to make a substantial job in every respect. The
size of pipe for balustrades shall be as marked on drawings, and where
not designated shall be made of \\" pipe.
Where staircases have wrought iron pipe balustrades they shall be
made in a similar manner with same size materials as above specified,
the balustrades being securely and rigidly anchored to the carriages.
Pipe Shaft Balconies:
As indicated by the various floor plans, furnish in place on each
floor iron balconies constructed of a system of angles, bars, etc., as
shown by the details, which shall be securely and firmly anchored to
the structural steel work to make same secure in all respects.
The balcony construction shall at each floor consist of parallel
3"x5"x^" angles arranged as shown and extending across pipe shaft,
framed together and to the structural steel work, forming a support
for the floor construction which shall consist of two parallel 2£"x2-|"
bars, into which shall be set a series of £"xf" cross cars well riveted
and made perfectly rigid. This floor construction shall be so made
as to be easily lifted out of the angle iron frame work. As the scale
details of same indicate a portion of the balcony floors shall be hinged.
Balconies shall be supported on channels and I beams, as drawings
indicate, to which they shall be securely anchored.
Iron Ladders:
Furnish in place in pipe shaft, and wherever else noted, iron lad-
ders the entire height of the shaft, or lengths and runs as shown, made
of two 2\"s2\" bars, placed vertically two feet apart with £"x§" square
iron rungs spaced 14" centers and set diagonally. Ladders shall be
securely riveted and anchored to structural "I" beams, with iron
brackets, or anchored to brick work with expansion bolts as the case
may be. The ladder from the main to the pent house roof, also the
ladder escape from boiler room to sidewalk on Cedar street, shall be
securely constructed and anchored in place.
Vent and Exhaust Grilles:
Furnish vent and exhaust grilles and thimbles for same, wherever
shown or required by the drawings.
All grilles shall be made of cast iron, ornamental in design as the
drawings indicate, and where necessary shall be provided with a cast
or sheet steel thimble for setting in and securing in position in the
All grilles, unless otherwise specified, shall have imitation bower-
barff finish.
Vent and exhaust grilles are required for all corridor doors in the
toilet rooms and janitors' closets throughout the various stories, and
wherever noted on the drawings.
A careful study of the plans, scale and sectional drawings is re-
quired for the location of these grilles, as it is to be understood that
all grilles as shown and required shall be furnished in place complete.
The ceiling registers for toilets and janitors' closets, except where
sizes of same are marked on the drawings, shall be 8"x8".
The vent grilles for entrance doors to janitors' closets and toilet
rooms shell be made in ornamental pattern set in a frame and secured
to the panels provided for same in the doors.
Store Fronts, First Story:
The exterior store fronts, first story, shall be of wood and orna-
mental cast iron, constructed and securely anchored to jambs, sills and
heads by means of angles and expansion bolts, as indicated by scale
and full size detail drawings of same. The wood work will be mahog-
any furnished as herein specified under Carpentry.
Frames shall be carefully fitted to openings, securely fastened and
tightly caulked to make an absolutely tight job.
Extraordinary care must be exercised in anchoring the frames to
the cut stone, terra cotta work and structural columns so as to avoid
spawling the surfaces of same.
It is to be understood that in case any cut stone or terra cotta sur-
faces are marred or damaged in executing the work, the same must be
made good and replaced to the satisfaction of the Architect.
Where members of store fronts are to be drilled for condensation
gutters, the same shall be executed as shown. All store fronts shall
be constructed with removable stops, so that the glass can be inserted
from the outside.
Frames shall be so made that transoms, doors, etc., will swing as
indicated by the detail drawings.
All store fronts shall be carefully constructed with the mouldings
accurately made, in accordance with full size section, carefully mitred
so that all members are made, assembled and worked out in strict ac-
cordance with the drawings.
Provide all structural angles, tees and other steel members for
proper anchorage and support of the store fronts as shown.
The interior store fronts shall be made of wood and will be fur-
nished as specified under Carpentry.
Window Grilles:
For windows located in the frieze of the Intermediate Story (im-
mediately above the third story), furnish and install ornamental iron
grilles and frames as indicated by the drawings. The guides shall be
made of a system of horizontal, vertical and diagonal cast bars, neatly
fabricated, assembled and fitted into a cast frame, which shall be well
secured to the openings in the terra cotta work. Grilles shall be fin-
ished alike on both sides.
Window Guards:
Window guards for the exposed window in the toilet rooms shall
be made as indicated by toilet room detail drawings. The guards are to
consist of a system of 1£ horizontal round bars, two to each window, and
to be securely anchored to the window jambs. Guards shall have a
bower-barff finish.
Ejector Pit:
Provide and set iron stair to bottom of ejector pits, and a two inch
double gas pipe hand rail around pits, the rails continuing down sides
of stair. The stair shall have wrought iron strings, cast threads (no
risers) and all work shall be securely fastened in place and shall re-
ceive three (3) coats of paint.
Coal Bunker Doors and Frames:
The coal bunker door frames in boiler room shall be made of \"
sheet steel, reinforced on corners with 3x3x5/16 inch angle, and fitted
on jambs with anchors which shall be laid into the concrete work,
securely anchoring the jambs to the masonry.
Provide heavy corrugated cast iron thresholds for each frame, as
The outer doors shall be made of 3/16 inch sheet steel stiffened
around outer edges with 1£xHx3/16 inch angles, and hung to the metal
jambs with heavy hinges. Provide each door with all necessary hard-
ware, such as hasps, catches, etc., all complete in every respect.
Inner sides of frames shall be provided with angle guides and
2"x8" planks for coal guards. Planks shall be bound on ends with
channel iron.
Elevator Controller Floors:
The controller floors shall be provided with bar iron grating floors,
supported on an angle iron frame work, made of 2xJ inch bars, set into
an angle iron frame work, all as shown by drawings. Openings for
cables, sheaves, etc., shall be framed into these gratings as shown. Sub-
mit shop drawings for this work, showing sizes, etc., to the Architect
for approval.
Coal Hole Covers and Sidewalk Escape:
Coal hole covers and frames of a size as shown on plans shall be
provided in the Nassau and Pine street sidewalks over the coal bunkers.
The covers shall be a bar grating construction fitted into rabbeted cast
steel frame made in accordance with details.
The frames shall be cast steel thimbles securely anchored to the
concrete work and set flush with surface of the pavement; the lower
edge of the thimbles discharging into and being connected with f-inch
boiler plate chutes, which shall be rigidly and solidly constructed and
anchored into place. Chutes shall be square in section, riveted together
at angles by means of continuous angles on exterior side entire length.
Frames shall be rabbeted to receive covers, which shall be hinged to
same with heavy brass hinges.
The covers must be delivered and set up so that they can be built
into the concrete work as the same is installed.
The sidewalk escape door at the head of ladder leading from
boiler room shall be made of cast iron with "diamond surface" top,
providing same with a catch beneath for ready opening in case of neces-
Main Arcade Booths:
The booths in main arcade shall be of ornamental cast iron and
marble construction as the drawings indicate.
The ornamental iron work in connection with the booths shall be
of the same character and design as the elevator enclosures, of which
they are practically a continuation, neatly and solidly constructed, all
executed in a first class manner. Entrance gates to booths shall be
made as details show, fitted with Rixon floor checking, hinges and secret
locks and catches.
For the openings in the booths there shall be provided a system
of removable collapsible iron grilles for night installation, made for
ready removal and installation, and as shown by the detail draw-
ings. Provide all necessary hardware such as locks, butts, etc., of ihe
most approved type.
Radiator Register Faces and Enclosures:
Into the vertical walls just above the floors and beneath all exterior
windows in the fourth, fifth and the west half of the sixth, seventh and
eighth stories, furnish and install ornamental iron register frames and
grilles, placing same immediately back of radiators, all made as details
All radiators in executive office of the Equitable Company shall
be completely enclosed, top, sides and front with ornamental iron
radiator enclosures indicated by the drawings.
Trench Cover and Frame:
Provide frame and cover for the pipe trench in boiler room in sub-
sub-basement floor. Frame shall be continuous of cast steel corrugated
on the face, rabbeted to receive the covers and well anchored in the
Cover shall be of cast iron, made as sectional details indicate to
receive a vitrified tile floor as herein specified under Masonry, in
lengths of about five feet, stiffened on the back with ribs, set loose into
frame and provided with flush rings for lifting.
Access Iron Doors and Frames:
Furnish and install in basement and sub-basement iron doors and
frames to the various voids, which give access to valves and such other
utilities as the drawings indicate.
The frames shall be made of angle irons, which shall be firmly an-
chored to furred ceilings or tile walls, as the case may be.
Frames shall be set flush with the plaster and shall be rabbeted to
receive the doors.
The doors shall be made of 3/16" sheet steel, stiffened on back by
having l"xl"x3/16" angles riveted to outer edge of the steel sheets.
The doors are to be provided with flush hinges and all necessary
hardware, such as locks, catches, etc., for their proper operation.
Cast Iron Bumpers:
Furnish and install cast iron bumpers for freight entrances, as
shown by the drawings. The bumpers shall be made form and size as
shown, extended beneath the sidewalk surface and securely anchored to
structural steel work.
The castings shall be one-piece castings, not less than one (1) inch
in thickness and uniform in finish throughout and so made as to neatly
engage with the granite and adjacent masonry work.
Dumb Waiter Door Frames:
The dumb waiter door frames on the 35th and 36th stories shall be
made of channel iron, framed between and connected to the floor beams,
all made as shown by drawings for same. The doors will be hollow
metal, as herein specified under Roofing and Sheet Metal, for which
shall be provided all necessary cables, pulleys, counter weights, guides,
fusible links, catches, etc., to make the work complete.
The casings for the openings shall be made of wood, as specified
under Carpentry.
Coal Banker Balconies:
Furnish and install a balcony floor and wrought iron balustrade in
coal bunker, as shown by the drawings.
The balcony floor construction shall be of the fire escape type with
f" square bars spaced 2-J" centers and riveted into §"x3" horizontal
bars, the grating being anchored to cantilevered beams, which are fur-
nished, as shown by the Structural Steel drawings.
The balustrade shall be a two (2) inch gas pipe railing with vertical
uprights secured to each cantilevel beam.
The whole work shall be securely and solidly anchored in place and
connected with the exit doors at ends, as shown on drawings.
Access to the balcony shall be had by means of a ladder terminat-
ing above on an exterior grating platform, as indicated.
Machine Room Trap Doors:
For the removal of elevator engines, armatures, sheaves, etc., pro-
vide in the floor of elevator machine rooms where so shown and re-
quired angle iron frames and Linden steel doors of a size as indicated.
Frames shall be made in depth equal to the thickness of the floor con-
struction, properly constructed to receive the doors.
The doors shall be made of \" Linden steel, in two leaves each, stif-
fened by having 2"x2"x3/16" angles riveted around the entire outer
edge of doors with two intermediate angles placed at equal intervals.
Provide doors with all necessary hardware, such as locks, hinges,
lifts, etc. "j ' *'T5]
Boiler Plate Wainscoting:
The walls of the freight vestibules, first story, shall be wains-
coted to a height of five feet above the floor with \" sheet steel, extend-
ing all around the room.
The work shall be executed with plates of a width equal to the
full height of the wainscot and of as great length as possible, so that
there will be no horizontal and but few vertical joints. Vertical joints
where occurring shall be butt joints secured by plates riveted on the
All joints at corners shall be made with 3x3x£ inch angles placed
on the back at re-entrant angles and on the front at salient angles, and
the upper edge shall be stiffened with a 2ix3x^ inch angle placed on
the front, set with the 3 inch leg horizontal in position to be built into
the tile walls as they are laid up. The plates shall be carefully fitted
at all openings and properly connected with the frames.
The exposed walls of the freight lift shaft shall be lined its entire
height with boiler plate 3/16" in thickness and installed as above speci-
fied for the boiler plate wainscoting.
The wainscoting shall be provided on the back with proper an-
chors to be built into the walls and shall be set with great care so
that the finished surfaces will be perfectly plane and free from warps,
twists or buckles.
Conductor Head Thimbles:
Each down-spout head where same pierce the roofs there shall
be provided cast iron thimbles not less than 1 foot 1 inch in diameter,
flanged at top and bottom to support the tile arch of the roof con-
These thimbles in depth shall equal the depth of the fireproof
arches supporting the roof at the place where the down-spout heads
are located.
Meeker Sliding Doors:
Openings where so indicated by the drawings shall be fitted with
channel iron frames (depth of jamb) and Meeker or the Vermaneo
counterbalanced iron doors, of a size as indicated by the drawings.
The door frames in the brick wall shall consist of a 3/16 inch
boiler plate jamb and head stiffened on both sides with 2£x2£x^ inch
angles riveted to both iambs.
The opening shall be provided and fitted with a heavy cast cor-
rugated angle threshold depth of wall, extending down the face of the
elevator shaft at least six inches to form a fascia. Threshold shall be
securely and solidly anchored to the floor construction.
The counter-balanced doors shall be made of No. 18 galvanized
corrugated iron, secured to a well constructed angle iron frame of a
size as shown by the full size sectional details. Doors shall be made
to slide in grooves, properly counter-balanced, and shall be provided
with heavy rubber cushions at abutting joints of doors. Provide all
necessary and suitable hardware, such as cables, sheaves, locks, catches,
etc., for the proper operation of the door. Contractor is to under-
stand that only doors which operate satisfactorily will be acceptable
to the Architect.
Where the counterbalanced doors are over six feet in width, they
shall have extra horizontal reinforcement across the middle, so as to
prevent doors being forced in and interfere with the passage of the cars.
Rolling Steel Shutter and Frame:
Furnish in place rolling steel shutter and frame for the freight
elevator entrance, first story.
The opening shall be fitted with a boiler plate frame, made of \
inch metal stiffened on edges with 2ix2ix| inch angles, so arranged
as to form inner and outer casings. The frame shall be set in place
before masonry work is executed, so same will be solidly bricked in.
The shutter shall be constructed of No. 18 galvanized steel with
reinforced edges, counterbalanced by Helix wire springs, and shall
have an endless chain operating device, the whole neatly and securely
anchored in position, as indicated by sectional drawings.
The shutter, owing to its width, shall be heavily reinforced and
solidly constructed.
Provide shutter with necessary guides, hood, hardware, lock, key,
etc., to make same complete in every respect, and shall be installed
and made to operate to the entire satisfaction of the Architect.
The rolling steel shutter and frame shall be painted as herein-
after specified.
Iron Doors and Frames:
Openings in the brick and tile walls where so shown or noted shall
be provided with iron doors and frames.
The frames shall be made of steel channels or of 3/16 inch boiler
plate stiffened on the edges with 3x3xf inch angles. The frames shall
be secured to the steel work both below and above.
The doors shall be made of 3/16 inch sheet steel, stiffened by hav-
ing l|xlfx3/16 inch angles riveted around entire outer edges, with
two horizontal angles spaced equally vertically.
The doors shall be hung with heavy hinges and provided with all
necessary hardware, locks, etc.
All doors shall be painted as herein specified.
Booth Mezzanine Balconies:
The first floor booth mezzanine balconies shall be provided with
an ornamental cast and wrought iron balustrade with wood hand
rail constructed and rigidly anchored to the structural steel work, all
as indicated by the scale and detail drawings. From the first to the
mezzanine balconies install iron step ladders with cast iron carriages
and diamond surfaced treads finished on edge with a neat rounded
nosing. Step ladders to be provided with a 2 inch polished bronze rail
securely anchored to the carriages and newel posts above.
Painted Work:
This Contractor shall paint all of the ornamental iron work not
bronze, brass or bower-barff, unless otherwise specified, one (1) coat
of Prince's Mineral Paint before delivery and two (2) coats of pure
white lead and linseed oil after delivery. The color shall be selected
by the Architect.
The elevator cars and the wood handrails throughout shall be
finished in same manner as all interior woodwork, for which see Car-
pentry Specification.
Mail Box:
The mail box will be furnished as specified under Mail Chute and
Furnish and set in place in a very neat manner all finished hard-
ware required to complete ornamental iron and bronze work in the
building. All hardware shall be left at the completion of the work
absolutely free from tool marks, mars of any kind, and all shall be
made to work to the entire satisfaction of the Architect.
All hardware for this purpose, except as above specified, shall be
first class in every respect, of the most modern and approved type,
acceptable to the Architect.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and install complete the
Plastering work in accordance with the accompanying drawings and
as required by this specification.
Plaster Surfaces:
The following surfaces shall be plastered:
Sub-Sub and Sub-Basement:
All exposed wall and ceiling surfaces, including columns,
shall be plastered, except the interior walls of the coal bunk-
ers, which will be left in the rough.
All exposed wall and ceiling surfaces, including columns,
except otherwise noted, shall be plastered.
First Floor to and Including Thirty-sixth Story:
All wall and ceiling surfaces, including columns, except oth-
erwise noted, shall be plastered.
Pent Houses:
All exposed walls and ceiling surfaces shall be plastered.
The elevator shafts and stair case enclosures shall be plas-
tered top to bottom; the pipe and vent shafts shall not be
Burnt Clay Tile Material:
All partitions, ceilings and furring will be of hollow tile construc-
tion, unless otherwise shown or specified. Where walls are not furred
they shall be plastered directly on the brick or concrete and as the case
may be.
Wetting Tile:
All tile partitions and furring shall be wet before plastering is
applied to prevent too rapid absorption of water from the mortar.
Expanded Metal Ceilings, Partitions and Enclosures:
All partitions and furring shown on drawings as "metal lath and
plaster" shall be constructed of expanded metal or wire lath and steel
The enclosures for pipes on the interior columns, unless otherwise
shown, will be of tile, furnished in place as herein specified under Hol-
low Tile Fireproofing. Where same are shown to be of metal lath and
plaster they shall be as specified for expanded metal partitions.
All ventilating ducts exposed in portions of the building which are
plastered shall be enclosed with expanded metal lath and plaster work ;
contractor must refer to diagrams to ascertain the extent of this work.
The ceilings of certain portions throughout the building shall be
"suspended ceilings" furred down with expanded metal lath or wire
cloth upon framing of steel channels and angles, which shall be hung
with suspension bars and rods from clips attached to structural steel
beams before the tile fire-proofing is applied.
Other Furring:
All plaster beams, cornices, soffits and other portions so indicated
shall be similarly furred with expanded metal lath or wire cloth with
all necessary steel framing for its support properly disposed and rig-
idly secured in place. All suspended portions shall be supported from
clips attached to steel beams as specified for suspended ceilings.
Slots and Chases:
All recesses, slots and chases cut or built into the walls for steam
or plumbing pipes, electric wiring, etc., shall be covered over with strips
of expanded metal rigidly secured to the adjacent walls to admit of
making the plaster surfaces continuous.
Other Plans:
Carefully examine the heating and ventilating diagrams and struc-
tural steel drawings and enclose with expanded metal lath and plaster
any work such as raggles, expansion joints or plumbing pipes which
require such enclosures.
Door and Window Openings:
Around all window or door openings throughout where walls are
to be plastered install a strip of expanded metal or wire lath ten (10)
inches wide, properly and securely anchored to the grounds and tile
or hrick work, to prevent the possibility of cracks in the plaster work
around openings; execute this work very carefully to insure a 1st class
job in all respects.
Studding and Framing:
The studding for expanded metal partitions shall be £" steel chan-
nels, 7/10 pound per lineal foot, spaced twelve (12) inches on centers;
spiked at bottom to wood strips on a line with the top of floor strips
and wired at top to channel irons. All openings shall be framed with
l"xl"x3/16" angles. All angle studs used in framing shall be full
length, extending from floor to ceiling.
All framing for suspended ceilings, furring and similar work shall
be of steel channels, angles or tees as above, of proper size for the pur-
pose for which employed, suspended, anchored and secured rigidly in
Structural Work:
Provide any and all supports, lookout, furrings, tee irons, etc.,
that may be necessary for the proper construction of all plain and orna-
mental plaster work, dropped ceilings, furred walls, etc.
All such supports, furring, and grounds shall be of metal and of
the size, shape, etc., approved by the Architect, same being securely
fastened into place. Carefully examine the structural steel diagrams
and furnish all additional work necessary to properly and safely sup-
port the plaster work, other than shown on same.
All lath shall be expanded metal lath of not less than No. 24 gauge,
with ribs at least %" wide, or if not less than No. 22 gauge with ribs
at least 3/32" wide; or No. 18 U. S. Standard gauge wire cloth f"
mesh, stiffened every 7" with 3/16" diameter rods, all of which shall
be given one (1) heavy coat of paint or linseed oil. The lath shall
be firmly wired to the furring with No. 18 annealed galvanized lac-
ing wire; each sheet of metal lath being wired at least four (4)
times to each stud, with ends and sides of sheets properly lapped not
less than one (1) inch and laced together. One (1) side only of stud-
ding shall be lathed. See drawings and full size details.
Sample of expanded metal lath or wire cloth shall be submitted
to the Architect for his written approval.
Grounds :
All necessary wood grounds will be furnished and set in place as
herein specified under Carpentry.
Where grounds come in expanded metal furrings, the metal chan-
nels shall be suitably punched to admit of readily nailed wood blocks
to which wood grounds are secured, all as shown on drawings.
Verify all grounds before the plastering is begun to see that they
are built perfectly true and straight, plumb and level as required, and
see to it that the same are remedied before commencing the plastering.
All grounds and furring for ornamental plaster wall shall be of
metal in all cases furnished in place complete, no wood grounds or
furring shall be used for this purpose.
All mortar for the plastering, unless otherwise specified, shall be
composed of a patent mortar, either Diamond, Flint, Granite, Imperial,
Rock, Kallolite, Mineral City, or equal in the judgment of the Archi-
tect, mixed with sand in the proportion specified by the manufacturers.
All sand shall be clean, sharp and free from loam, bark, coal dust,
cinders, charcoal or any vegetable matter.
Coats :
Except as otherwise specified, all plastering on concrete, brick and
tile walls shall be what is known as two-coat work, where on metal lath
surfaces it shall be three-coat work. The last coat in all cases, unless
otherwise specified, shall be plaster of Paris finish.
Applying Plaster:
The first or scratch coat shall be rendered on the metal lath sur-
faces and scratched in both directions with a lath scratcher and shall
be thoroughly dry before applying the second coat. The scratch coat
shall be omitted on brick and tile walls.
The second or brown coat shall be applied as follows : When the
scratch coat is thoroughly dry, run "screeds" in all vertical angles
and at intermediate intervals as required, made absolutely plumb and
true by means of a plumb rule reaching from floor to ceiling. Hori-
zontal screeds shall be run at base and ceiling lines, and on walls of
high stories intermediate screeds between ceiling and floor. These
screeds shall be run Unable and true from vertical screeds and left until
hard. All spaces shall then be filled, rodded and left absolutely true
and plumb to a line or radius as called for on the plans.
All ceilings shall be screeded around angles and intervening
screeds shall be run at intervals of about six (6) feet, made abso-
lutely level, straight and true, and when thoroughly hard shall be filled
in and straightened by a rod or darby as in the case of walls. All
surfaces, whether vertical, horizontal or curved, shall be made true
without waves or other defects in every respect to make a first-class
job, with the best workmanship first class and acceptable to the Archi-
The third or finishing coat shall be plaster of Paris, unless other-
wise specified, and shall be applied after the second coat is thoroughly
dry, straightened by means of straight edges, ten feet long, troweled
to perfectly true and even surfaces and the entire work left without
scratches, ridges, waves, chips, cracks, voids, brush marks, stains,
mars or defacements of any sort. All surfaces shall be straight so that
a ten-foot straight edge will fit the walls and ceilings at any angle or
diagonally on the walls and ceilings. All angles shall be left absolutely
sharp, true and clean cut.
Special care must be exercised in the execution of the finishing
on the curved surfaces to make same true surfaces of revolution as in-
dicated by the drawings.
The plastering shall extend close to floors and to all openings,
flush with grounds.
Cement Plaster Wainscot and Base:
The walls of all janitor closets throughout shall have a Portland
cement plaster wainscot five (5) feet high.
Install cement base where called for by drawings, heights as shown
and made of best Portland cement, neatly finished with a 1" radius cove
shoe to meet the floor surface.
Plaster Jambs:
Jambs and soffits of window and door openings, wherever shown to
be plastered on drawings, shall be finished like the walls and ceilings,
with the surfaces perfectly straight and true.
Drop Beams:
Wherever beams and girders project below the ceilings, in rooms
which are plastered, they shall be plastered same as ceilings.
Metal Corner Beads:
Except where rounded corners are shown or specified, galvanized
iron corner beads of a type which shall meet the approval of the Archi-
tect sball be put on all salient corners of piers, walls, columns and pil-
asters, and shall extend from floor to ceiling.
Beads must be put on square, plumb, true, and shall be securely/
anchored to walls.
Round Corners:
Where rounded corners are shown by the drawings, the same shall
be neatly and satisfactorily executed, and made perfect surface of revo-
lution, true to scale and full size detail.
All salient corners in corridors shall be neatly rounded 3£" radius
as shown by the drawings.
Plastering Back of Marble:
There will be no plaster back of marble work.
Ornamental Plaster:
Execute all ornamental plaster work of every kind required and
as shown by the drawings. All work shall be made in strict accord-
ance with details and approved models for the work, in a manner ac-
ceptable to the Architect.
Plaster Beams and Cornices:
Run all plaster beams, cornices, coves, panels, mouldings, and
furnish in place all capitals, rosettes and ornaments where indi-
cated on the drawings or required by the work. All work shall be in
strict accordance with the details and shall be run perfectly true,
straight or curved, as required.
All modeling shall be executed by the best and most artistic archi-
tectural modelers and sculptors, who may be selected by the Architect
at their option.
Changes in models, or new models, shall be made, changing and re-
changing them until they are satisfactory to the Architect in every
Models shall be submitted in place should it be necessary for the
proper inspection of same.
All mouldings, rosettes and other ornamental work that cannot be
lun in place, except as otherwise specified, shall be of the best quality
staff, well secured in place, put up perfectly straight and plumb and
all curved surfaces absolutely true.
All ornamental plaster work shall be cast in gelatine moulds, under-
cut as necessary.
Only the best quality of stucco shall be used and all lines, surfaces
and ornament shall be true and clean.
All work shall be properly and securely "stuck" and anchored,
being fastened into place with copper wire, backed with jute cloth and
filled in with rattan pieces as necessary, to secure a substantial and se-
cure job.
All fastenings shall be securely made and all jointings and fasten-
ings neatly pointed up so as to be invisible.
Furnish all heat required to properly dry plaster, including sala-
manders, fuel and the necessary attendance.
Mixing Mortar on Upper Floors:
In case any mixing of mortars is required on the upper floors it is
to be distinctly understood that only water tight boxes are to be used.
All patching of plaster work required by the Architect after all
work has been executed must be done in a very neat manner, leaving
neither crack, mar nor stain at any point.
Cleaning Ont:
When the plaster work is finished remove from the building all
staging, tools and debris of every sort arising from this work.
Unit Prices:
The Contractor shall name one (1) price only for all additions to
or deductions from this contract for the respective labor and materials
named below; said price to govern until the completion and acceptance
of all work called for herein :
Plaster per square yard actual measurement of plastered
surfaces on walls $.
Plaster per square yard actual measurement of plastered
surfaces on ceilings $
Plaster per square yard on channel irons and wire cloth,
including channel irons and wire cloth. . . ., $
Portland cement plaster, per square yards, on walls $
Portland cement base, per lineal foot $
Plain Keene cement plaster, per square yard $
Scagliola, plain surfaces, in place complete, per square ft. $
Unit price of salamander, including coke, attendance, etc.,
complete $
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute, install and complete
the Carpentry and Cabinet Work in accordance with the accompanying
drawings and as required by these specifications.
Scope of This Work:
In this work shall be included all labor and materials to execute
the rough, finished and cabinet wood work, as shown by the plans and
as required by these specifications; together with the Painter's finish
of all hardwood, the priming, the painting and graining of the inside
of all exterior frames and sashes, except as otherwise specified.
In this work shall also be included the finishing of all hollow metal
doors, frames and trim, except the elevator hollow metal doors, which
shall be finished as herein specified under Ornamental Iron Work.
Fireproofing of Wood:
All woodwork of every description throughout for the rough and
finished work entering into the construction of this building shall be
rendered fireproof with a treatment by some process acceptable to and
approved by the Building Department of the City of New York.
Bough Carpentry and Miii. Work.
Timbers :
All timbers, studding, furring, etc., shall be sound, weather-sea-
soned and perfectly dry; unless otherwise specified, it shall be No. 1
spruce, cypress, Washington fir or other woods as approved by the
Temporary Closing:
Close the first story door and window openings with temporary
doors and sash; all other openings in exterior walls shall be closed
with the permanent sash and glass.
Window and Door Frames:
All exterior window and door frames, also all exterior sashes and
doors for the entire building shall be copper covered construction fur-
nished as herein specified under Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
Partitions, Wood Bncks, Blocks, Etc.:
Lay out all lines for interior partitions throughout. All parti-
tions will be of tile or expanded metal as shown by the drawings.
Furnish all necessary wood blocks, bucks, grounds, etc., required
around openings to receive the finish.
All necessary bucks or studding for grounds for openings shall
be furnished and set in place, made as shown by full size details, and
made to extend in single lengths the full height of the opening with
proper wooden keys nailed on the back where same engage with the
hollow tile work. Execute all necessary framing overhead for support
of tile and plaster.
Where bucks, rough frames, etc., are shown or require grooving
for transmission of electric conduits, the same shall be executed to
facilitate the installation of wires, etc.
Where two or more openings are adjacent the fireproofing will
be omitted and the Contractor shall execute all the necessary furring,
studding, etc.
All frames shall be set plumb and so kept. All openings shall be
framed so as to admit of full casings.
Back Plans:
Buck plans with correct location of all corridor openings shall be
prepared, submitting prints of same to the Architect for approval.
Put up dressed grounds, securely anchoring same in place, for all
architraves, picture and wire mould, base and finish of every sort, as
will be required to install the wood work for the entire building in a
substantial and acceptable manner.
The grounds shall be level and straight or plumb, as the case may
be, and should the plastering be crooked on account of these grounds,
it shall be done over at the Contractor's expense.
Grounds and bricks shall be put up absolutely true, level and
plumb to receive the finished wood work.
In the floor of opening for each door having wood thresholds, pro-
vide and install 2"x4" beveled grounds for securing of thresholds.
Finished Floors:
All finished floors throughout will be marble, cement, etc., as else-
where specified, no wood floor obtaining in the building.
Inside Finish:
All finish throughout, unless otherwise specified, shall be first
quality clear, thoroughly seasoned, kiln-dried, selected stock, highly
figured Honduras, Mexican or African mahogany, for which purpose
submit samples for approval of the Architect, and after approval the
approved samples shall be filed with the Architect, and shall be taken
as a. standard for all inside finish work in this contract.
The finish for the inside of elevator machine rooms, the 2d story
of Main Pent House, and the interior trim in storage rooms in Sub
and Sub-sub-basements shall be red birch.
All work shall be put together cabinet style, veneered and glued;
nailing where necessary, shall be secret nailing with fine finishing nails,
and it is hereby understood that a first-class cabinet job in every de-
tail will be required.
All work shall be finished complete in the shop of the cabinet-
maker as hereinafter specified, and the Contractor shall notify the
Architect when the materials are ready for finishing, so that the work
may be inspected and approved.
Inside Frames:
All exposed parts of inside window frames shall be mahogany,
as above specified for Inside Finish, made and installed as shown by scale
and full size details of same.
No interior trim, frames, etc., are to be set until the plaster is on
and dry, in the judgment of the Architect.
Where two or more windows or doors and windows are shown to
come together, full openings will be left in the tile partitions, for which
such additional furring as may be necessary shall be furnished to make
the work come right.
All doors throughout the building, except where otherwise shown
or specified, shall be If" thick, made in strict accordance with scale
and full size details.
The fii'e doors throughout, the entrance doors to stair enclosures,
the dumbwaiter doors, the elevator machine room doors, the doors in
the sub-sub and the sub-basement (unless otherwise noted) and where-
ever so shown or indicated by drawings, will be hollow metal with hol-
low metal frames, furnished as herein specified under Roofing and
Sheet Metal. These doors will be trimmed with wood on corridor side
and with metal on the opposite side, except in the mechanical plant
rooms, the trim will be hollow metal on both sides.
All door stiles and rails shall be veneered with 3/16" thick sawed
veneer on staved cores of thoroughly seasoned white wood or pine;
veneered on both faces and on the edges of the stiles. The veneer
on edges of stiles shall be not less than §" thick.
The panels for doors shall be veneered with not less than 1/20"
thick sawed veneer on laminated cores, forming five-ply panels when
finished, the two outer layers on either face being of hardwood, the
under layer of the two being of birch and the finish layer of mahogany,
extra selected stock, highly figured, of a character satisfactory to the
The thicknesses of veneers here specified are the finished thickness
of the veneer.
All panels shall receive the varnish finish hereinafter specified be-
fore they are framed into place, and panel moulds shall be so set as
not to interfere with the shrinking and swelling movements of the
The water closet stall doors, and the toilet room fly doors shall be
IV thick, all veneered as above specified, and made in accordance with
the details.
Doors marked S. D. shall be sash doors arranged with moulded
wood stops to secure the glass as detailed.
Doors marked "S. D. T." shall be sash doors, as above, with
transoms over.
Doors with Grilles:
All janitor closet doors throughout, and other doors so shown by
the drawings, shall be fitted with an ornamental iron grille in lower
panel. The grilles will be furnished as herein specified under Orna-
mental Iron for which prepare the panels to receive them and provide
the wood stops to hold them in place. Grilles shall be as shown by
the detail drawings, for the reception of which execute all necessary
cutting, fitting, etc., to make the materials engage in a first class
Pent House Doors:
The exterior doors and frames for the pent house shall be of cop-
per covered construction as specified under Hoofing and Sheet Metal
Base and Plinth Blocks:
The walls throughout the building, except where wainscoted in
marble or specified to have marble or cement base, shall have plinth
blocks and base of wood, made in accordance with full size details.
Cutting, Boring, Etc.:
Execute all cutting, fitting, boring, etc., in the wood finish neces-
sary for the installation of the switches, electric conduits, etc., where
shown and required, by the Electricians for installation of their work.
Wood Thresholds:
Each door throughout the building shall be furnished with birch
thresholds, moulded according to detail, except where marble or metal
thresholds are shown on drawings. Thresholds shall be provided with
and rigidly anchored to wood grounds laid in the concrete floor con-
struction as above specified.
Picture and "Wire Mould:
Furnish and set in place picture moulds as indicated, extending
same around all rooms and offices, except in closets, the sub and sub-
sub-basements, all of which shall be properly secured to grounds, put
up perfectly level and true.
On the corridor sides, the picture mould shall become the wire
mould, made and built out as shown by detail of same. Mould shall
continue around all corridor walls for transmission of electric wires,
Wood Work Around Plumbing:
Furnish and set all material for grounds and temporary supports
for setting fixtures, marble, glass work, pipes, etc.
The partitions between, behind and around the water closets will
be of marble, with hardware as herein specified under Hardware.
Exterior Shop Fronts:
The first story store fronts, doors, transoms, etc., for same shall
be made of steel, ornamental iron (as specified under Ornamental
Iron) and mahogany wood work. Sills and transom bars shall be
grooved for condensation gutters, which shall be lined with 16 ounce
hard rolled polished copper, fitting same with §" conductors, three (3)
to a window.
The rough ground for securing of the finished wood work shall
be rigidly bolted to the structural steel or iron members, furnishing
all bolts and washers and executing all drilling, cutting, fitting, etc., to
install the work as shown.
The transoms in connection with the store fronts shall be made
of mahogany, thickness as indicated, hinged at the bottom as the draw-
ings show. Where no sash are indicated the glass is to be held in place
with wood or metal stops.
Interior Shop Fronts:
The interior shop fronts on the first and basement stories shall be
a combination of wood and glass, with the exposed finish, such as stops,
casings, etc., made of selected, highly figured mahogany, the fronts hav-
ing a wood base on shop and marble base on the corridor side.
Transoms for these shop fronts shall be thicknesses as indicated,
made of mahogany, hinged at the bottom ; the doors shall be built up,
mahogany veneered, 1$" thick, made for single glass panel.
Repairing Woodwork:
Repair and make good all damages to woodwork that may be
done during the execution of the building, and leave the work in this
contract in first class condition, without exception.
Cntont Closet Doors:
Doors to cutout closets shall be full height of closet, except where
otherwise shown in which case they shall be in two tiers, with transom
bar made removable so as to give a clear opening the full height of the
closet, as the details indicate.
Architraves :
All exterior and interior openings throughout, unless otherwise
shown or specified, shall have moulded wood architraves. Architraves
on stair side of doors for enclosed stairs will be of hollow metal as
herein specified under Ornamental Iron.
Details— Setting Trim:
Full size details of all typical trim as above mentioned are shown
by drawings and all work shall be made and installed in strict accord-
ance with the same ; all frames and finish of every sort shall be put up
plumb or level, straight and true ; all trim shall be put up with proper
grounds in every case, and well secured to same. All nailing shall be
with fine wire finishing nails and shall be concealed as much as pos-
Hand Bails:
All wood hand rails for the staircase throughout, unless otherwise
shown or specified, shall be furnished in place as herein specified under
Ornamental Iron Work.
Elevator Cars:
The elevator cars will be furnished as herein specified under the
Ornamental Iron Work.
Mirror Frames and Shelf s:
Furnish mahogany frames and shelves for all mirrors not shown
to have marble frames or otherwise specified, the frame to be moulded
and of width as detailed, with the mirror stopped in from the front.
For all mirrors throughout having either wood or marble frames fur-
nish grounds, wood backing and moulded stops, all in accordance with
the drawings.
The mirror frames and shelves over office lavatories shall be of
birch, with o white enamel finish.
Painters Finish fob all Inside Finish.
In General:
Furnish all labor and material required to finish complete all in-
terior wood work, all hollow metal and doors, frames and trim (except
the elevator doors, which will be finished as herein specified under
Ornamental Iron, and the interior side of all hollow metal and copper
covered frames and sashes throughout the building.
Samples :
Six samples 12"xl2" in size of the woods as called for herein,
stained and finished, shall be submitted to and for approval by the
Architect. The approved samples shall be filed with the Architect and
shall be taken as the standard of the work to be executed for the fin-
ishes herein called for.
Finish For Woodwork:
Finish complete all mahogany and birch throughout the building
with stain and varnish finish as below specified.
All work shall be finished complete at the shop before being
brought to the building and simply retouched after it is set in place.
All panels shall be finished before they are framed into place.
Notify the Architect when the work is ready for finishing, so that
he may inspect it before the finishing is executed.
Materials :
All varnish for this work shall be of the very best grade, con-
taining not less than 25 per cent, of imported vegetable gum, and shall
be free from resin or petroleum products, giving when dry a hard,
tough elastic film.
All varnish shall be applied in the consistency manufactured and
shall not be thinned by mixing with turpentine or any other ingredi-
All paint shall be composed of pure white lead and raw linseed oil
with not to exceed 5 per cent, of drier.
White lead shall contain not less than 70 per cent, carbonate of
Jead to 30 per cent, lead hydroxide, and not more than 75 per cent,
carbonate to 25 per cent, hydroxide.
Oil shall be pure raw linseed oil free from "foots."
Drier shall be free from gums, resin or petroleum products.
Shellac shall be composed of gum shellac cut in pure grain alcohol.
All materials shall be delivered at the building in unbroken pack-
ages, bearing brand and maker's name, materials requiring mixing
shall be mixed on the premises. All materials shall be subject to in-
spection and approval of the Architect and materials rejected shall at
once be removed from the premises.
Mahogany Finish:
All mahogany shall first be treated with a mahogany stain, then
filled with a mahogany woodpaste filler, colored to match the stain,
after which it shall receive one coat of white grain alcohol shellac, fol-
lowed by three coats of the piano varnish above specified.
Sufficient time shall be allowed for each coat to dry before the
following coat is applied.
The shellac and the first coat of varnish shall be sandpapered
smooth with No. sandpaper, and the last two coats shall be rubbed
down with pumice stone and water to a dull cabinet finish. All work
shall be finished clean and sharp without any fat edges or other un-
even parts.
Exterior entrance doors shall be finished with a durable "exte-
rior" or spar varnish that will withstand the weather.
Birch Finish:
All birch, except as otherwise specified, shall first receive a coat
of oil stain to bring it to a color to match mahogany or walnut as
directed, then apply one coat of orange grain alcohol shellac, sand-
paper well and finish with varnish in the same manner as specified for
the mahogany, rubbed to a dull cabinet finish.
The birch frames for office mirrors shall receive a coat of shellac,
followed by a coat of white lead and oil, lightly sand papered, and
then treated to four additional coats of white enamel paint, sand
papered between coats, the last coat having an egg shell finish.
Finish of Unexposed Work:
All inside finish woodwork shall be given one heavy coat of white
lead and linseed oil on the back to protect it from moisture.
All exposed surfaces of the copper clad frames and sash on the
interior and all exposed surfaces of hollow metal doors (except elevator
doors), frames and trim shall be painted two (2) coats of pure white
lead and linseed oil in addition to the priming coat, and then grained
in oil to match the hard wood finish. When thoroughly dry the work
shall be given two (2) coats of piano varnish above mentioned and
lubbed to a dead finish as specified for hardwood finish.
Repairing Woodwork:
Make good and repair all damages to woodwork that may occur
during the erection of the building, and leave all work in a first class
condition, without exception, at completion.
Rough Hardware:
All rough hardware in connection with carpentry work shall be
furnished and installed and shall include all nails, spikes, oval-headed
bronze screws and patent washers for stops, and other hardware
Finish Hardware:
All finish hardware required to complete the building will be fur-
nished as herein specified under Hardware.
Set all hardware in place in a very neat and workmanlike manner,
employing for setting of hardware none but the most skillful mechanics,
accustomed to such work, and all hardware shall be left at the comple-
tion of the building absolutely free from tool marks, mars or deface-
ments of any kind, and in first class working order, to the entire satis-
faction of the Architect.
Unit Prices:
Name one price only for any additions to or deductions from this con-
tract for the respective materials named below, complete in place, said
price to obtain until the completion and acceptance of all work called
for herein :
Corridor doors with transom and trim, including set-
ting of all hardware $
Inner office door with transom, trim and threshold, in-
cluding setting of all hardware $
Communicating doors with trim and thresholds, includ-
ing setting of all hardware $
Borrowed lights, corridor, per frame $
Borrowed lights, intermediate partition, per frame... $.
Picture mould, per lineal foot $.
Wire mould, per lineal foot $.
Typical office mirror frame complete ., $.
Base, per lineal foot $.
Water closet stall door $.
Typical interior store front, including door and tran-
som, each $.
Birch threshold in place $.
In General:
Furnish all labor and material to execute and install complete the
Interior Marble and Tile Work in accordance with the accompanying
drawings and as required by this specification.
Scope of Contract:
In this work shall be included all marble work of every descrip-
tion for staircases, vestibules, lobbies, passages, halls, corridors, toilet
rooms, water closet and urinal stalls ; the marble and tile floors and any
other marble, or tile work shown by the drawings or hereinafter speci-
Marbles :
The Vermont Verde Antique, white Alabama and gray Tennessee
marbles herein specified shall be domestic stock; all other marble, un-
less otherwise specified, shall be foreign stock.
All marbles shall be selected, first quality, free from all cracks,
stains, porous streaks, sand holes or flaws of any sort, and shall be
selected to run in even shades. The marbles shall be of the several
kinds herein specified or as marked on drawings.
Vitrified Tile Floors:
All vitrified tile for floors shall be 2" hexagonal tile, first quality
in every respect, free from cracks, craze, sprawls, stains or flaws of any
sort, uniform in size with true and plane surfaces and square edges.
The scagliola work will be furnished as herein specified under
Plaster Work.
Submit samples of the marbles for this work to the Architect for
approval, which shall be not less than 12"x24"xl", polished on one side,
and honed finish on the other.
Finish of Marble Surfaces:
All exposed marble surfaces, except flooring tile, stair treads and
platforms, shall have a high polish. Floors, stair treads and platforms
shall have a honed finish.
Joints :
All marble shall be jointed as indicated on the detail sheets.
All joints shall be honed and shall finish not in excess of 1/16
unless otherwise specified, being V-joints where required by full size
All joints at salient angles, other than rounded corners, through-
out shall be quirk mitre joints, or as shown by detail drawings, exe-
cuted in a neat and first-class manner, acceptable to the Architect.
All marbles shall be of sizes and thicknesses required to execute
the work as the drawings indicate.
All mouldings for marble work shall be made with the profiles
true to details, lines in perfect alignment and executed with the work-
manship first class in all respects. Exposed surfaces shall be polished.
Setting :
Marble work shall be set after the fireproof walls and ceilings are
in place. Where used adjacent to plaster it shall be set after plastering.
All marble shall be set straight to the lines indicated and the work
executed in accordance with details and left in a perfect state, free
from stain, mar or defacement of any sort.
Cutting, Fitting and Filling:
Drill and cut all holes in marble work in accordance with direc-
tions for work which engages with the marble.
Execute all cutting of tile, concrete, brick and other walls, and
wherever the same is necessary for the proper installation of this work.
Execute all necessary furring and filling back of marble to bring
the finished surfaces of this work to the lines and positions designated
on the drawings.
Anchors and Supports:
Furnish all metal anchors, cramps, dowels, braces, hangers, tee
irons, etc., for anchorage of work in this contract. All marble shall be
secured in place by concealed brass or copper anchors.
Water Closet Stalls:
The partitions, backs and door jambs of water closet and urinal
stalls shall be of blue veined Italian white marble, all made and as-
sembled as shown by typical details of same.
The water closet and urinal stalls shall be put together by a system
of grooves, dowels, and cramps, and constructed in a most rigid and
substantial manner, without the use of exposed metal work. All dowels
and anchors shall be of copper or brass. Submit for Architect's ap-
proval detail drawings showing the method of construction proposed.
Hinges and catch for stall doors will be furnished as herein speci-
fied under Hardware, for which execute the necessary drilling and cut-
ting of marble for their installation.
First Story Marble Work:
All marble through first story, including the main staircase from
basement to second floor, except marble for floors, shall be Botticino.
Floors shall be light grey Tennessee.
Alternate Proposition:
The Contractor shall submit alternate proposition on using mar-
bles for first story and main staircase marble work, submitting a sep-
arate proposition for each kind as follows: Tavernelle Clair, Haut-
ville and Istrian.
Second Story Marble Work:
All marble throughout second story shall be Basseville, except the
floors, which shall be light grey Tennessee.
Wainscot and Base:
All elevator corridors throughout, unless otherwise specified, shall
be wainscoted with English veined Italian white marble with a 12"
base of same marble.
All oilier corridors, except as otherwise specified, shall be pro-
vided with 12" English veined Italian white marble base.
Elevator corridor wainscots throughout shall be heights as shown
by typical details, and shall butt the wood trim at all openings, with
plinth blocks provided to receive the trim as shown.
At all salient angles in elevator halls and corridors and wherever
round corners are called for, provide a marble quadrant on a radius
as shown by full size detail.
Toilet room wainscots shall be 7'0" high, including 10" base and
without cap.
Marble base where there is no wainscot shall be of the several
heights shown by details.
Elevator corridor wainscots shall be heights as shown by typical
details, and shall butt the wood trim at all openings, with plinth blocks
provided to receive the trim, as shown.
At all salient angles in elevator halls and corridors and wherever
round corners are called for, provide a marble quadrant on a radius
as shown by full size detail.
Toilet room wainscots shall be 7'-0" high, including 10" base and
without cap.
Marble base where there is no wainscot shall be of the several
heights shown by details.
Plinth Blocks:
For all openings in rooms having marble base, furnish marble
plinth blocks to receive the trim, of same marble as the base, made in
accordance with details.
Composition Stairs:
All stairs, except otherwise shown or specified, shall have treads,
landings and platforms of composition.
The composition shall be either Asbestone, Asbestolith, Monolith,
or composition equal in the judgment of the Architect, the material
applied in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer of
the material used.
Marble Staircases:
The staircases extending from basement to the second floor shall
have all exposed surfaces made of Botticino marble (except where
otherwise indicated), built upon the structural iron work as specified
herein under Ornamental Iron Work. Other steel, iron, etc., required
and not shown, shall be furnished in connection with the marble.
The treads and landing for these staircases shall be If" in thick-
ness, all of grey Tennessee marble, risers $" in thickness, of Botticino
Stairs in toilet rooms shall have 1{" treads and f" risers.
The marble newels, strings, faseias, balusters, rails, where of mar-
ble, etc., shall be neatly and accurately made, carefully following the
scale and full size details. Special care must be exercised in the execu-
tion of curved surfaces to preserve the continuity of lines, mouldings,
planes, etc., in a manner satisfactory to the Architects.
Models, Carvings, Etc.:
Furnish all plaster models for the ornamental work, using such
modelers as the Architect may direct. Submit to the Architect photo-
graphs in triplicate of all models for revision and approval.
All carved and ornamental work shall be in strict accordance with
the models and shall be executed by the most skillful architectural
carvers. Any work not in accordance with the models will be rejected
and shall be at once removed from the premises.
All work shall be executed in a first class manner to the entire
satisfaction of the Architect.
Floors :
All marble floors throughout shall be of light grey Tennessee and
unless otherwise shown or specified, shall be 10 by 20 inch tile. All tile
shall be not less than $ inch thick.
Toilet rooms throughout shall have white vitrified tile floors.
The floor for the engine and pump rooms shall be laid with im-
ported vitrified impervious 6"x6" quarry tile.
The base for all wainscot, except otherwise specified, shall be 12"
high and shall be made of the same marble as the wainscot above, ex-
cept in first story work.
The base for all first story marble work shall be Vermont Verde
Antique, heights as shown by the drawings, prepared to engage with
the cove shoe as indicated. All base throughout shall have a highly
polished finish on exposed surfaces.
Where marble, cement or tile floors occur on both sides of an open-
ing, and where they join one with another, marble thresholds shall be
provided unless metal thresholds are shown on the drawings.
In intermediate or office division partitions where cement floor ob-
tains on both sides of the openings, birch thresholds will be provided
as herein called for under Carpentry.
The thresholds shall be of marble to match adjoining marble floor
or floor border, or where not in contact with marble floor, shall be of
light grey Tennessee marble. All thresholds shall be If inches thick
with beveled edges, bedded securely and solidly into place, so that top
edge except where otherwise shown, will not be less than | inches above
the floor surface, all in accordance with full size details.
Concrete Foundation for Floors:
For all marble and quarry tile floors the concrete foundation shall
be brought parallel to and within two (2) inches of the finished floor
surface upon which deposit the necessary mortar and bedding for the
bedding of the tile.
Setting Marble, Quarry and Ceramic Tile Floors:
Deposit upon the concrete foundation a bed of cement mortar made
of two (2) parts of Portland cement with three (3) parts of clean
sharp white sand.
Before depositing the bedding mortar on the concrete the entire
surface of the concrete shall be well saturated with water to prevent
the too rapid absorption of the water from the bedding mortar.
Mortar shall be spread evenly over the required surface to estab-
lish the floor levels for the tile so as to avoid excessive tamping of tile
to obtain proper level.
All floor tile shall be set so as to have joints reduced to a mini-
mum, and in no case are they to exceed 1/16".
All floor tile shall be well bonded, matched in color, joints kept
true to line, all upper surfaces kept level and in the same plane, each
tile well and securely bedded in the cement mortar.
All marble floors shall be holy-stoned upon completion and left in
an absolutely perfect condition, acceptable to the Architect.
The joints between the tile shall be grouted from the surface with
Portland cement, mixed with water to the consistency of cream, filling
all joints perfectly. Wash off all cement from the surface of the tile
before it sets, making a first-class joint in every detail.
At completion, clean all marble and tile, leaving the entire work
in perfect condition, satisfactory to the Architect.
Marble Alternates:
In place of the marble above mentioned the following substitution
may be made:
For Floors : Alabama, Colorado Yule, etc.
For Base and Wainscot (first floor excepted) : Light gray Ten-
nessee, Colorado Yule, Pentilikon, Alabama, Light Cloud Vermont,
Unit Prices:
Name one price only for all additions to or deductions from this
contract for the respective materials and labor named below; said
price to obtain until the completion of all work called for herein and
its acceptance by the Architect.
Gray Tennessee marble floors, including bedding under
same, per square foot $ ,. .,. .
Vermont Verde Antique marble base, per lineal foot. . $.
Ceramic tile floor, including bedding under same, per
square foot $
Quarry tile floor, including bedding under same per
square foot , ..,$..
Water closet partition slabs, blue veined Italian, per
square foot $
Water closet and urinal backs, blue veined Italian, per
square foot ,. . . $ ,. .,
Water closet stiles, blue veined Italian, per square foot $. . . ... .,. .
Water closet partition slabs, white Alabama, per square
foot $..
Water closet and urinal backs, white Alabama, Ver-
mont or Pentilikon, per square foot , .$..,. .... .,. .
Water closet stiles, white Alabama, Vermont or Pen-
tilikon, per square foot 1 ...,$. .
English Veined Italian marble wainscot, per square
foot $.
"White Alabama, Vermont or Pentilikon marble wains-
cot, per square foot $.
English Veined Italian marble base, per lineal foot $.
"White Alabama, Vermont or Pentilikon marble base
per lineal foot $.
Vermont Verde Antique marble base, per lineal foot. $.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and install complete the
Glass and Glazing Work in accordance with the accompanying draw-
ings and as required by this specification.
Scope of Contract:
Furnish and set in place all glass and mirrors throughout. The
wire glass in skylights, the plate glass for Directory Boards, will be
furnished as herein specified under Roofing and Steel Metal and Orna-
mental Iron Work.
Exterior Glass:
The glass in all exterior openings on street elevations of the build-
ing, the entrance vestibules and first story corridors, also the light
courts of the building, unless otherwise shown or specified, shall be of
first quality polished plate glass, uniform in thickness, the glass for
all the windows, except the store fronts, shall not exceed ^ inch in
thickness, and the store front glass not more than § inch.
The glass for toilet room windows in exterior walls of the building
shall be chipped plate glass.
Interior Glass:
First Story:
All glass throughout, unless otherwise shown or specified, shall be
polished plate.
Second to Thirty-seventh Stories, Inclusive:
All corridor entrance doors shall have chipped plate glass panels.
All glass above transom bars shall be first quality D. T. A.
A. sheet glass.
Hollow Metal Doors:
All glass for hollow metal doors throughout where shown and re-
quired shall be polished plate wire glass \" in thickness.
Pent House:
All glass for pent house doors and interior windows shall be D.
T. A. A. glass.
Elevators and Stair Enclosures:
All elevator and stair enclosures throughout, unless otherwise
shown, shall have polished plate wire glass.
Glass Sizes:
All sizes for glass shall be taken from the actual frames and sash.
This contract contemplates all glass set in place and the Contractor
shall assume all responsibility in regard to correct sizes. Sizes marked
on drawings are approximate and shall be used for estimate only.
Furnish and set in place all mirrors for toilet rooms and wherever
indicated on drawings. All sizes shall be marked on drawings. If
sizes of mirrors over lavatories are not indicated or marked on draw-
ings the width of mirrors shall be equal to the combined length of the
lavatories, and the height as shown by drawings.
All mirrors, unless otherwise shown, shall be held in place with
wooden stops furnished as herein specified in Carpentry. Furnish
and install felt backing for all mirrors where shown or required.
All mirrors shall be first quality American polished plate, with the
silvering uniform and perfect over entire surface ; the surfaces of the
glass for the mirrors shall be absolutely true and perfect planes.
"Where glass is set in iron frames it shall have soft wood cushions
or bearings, furnished and set in place complete, and shall be secured
with stops as shown.
The glass in corridor and other partitions will be held in place with
wood stops, secured and set in place in a very careful manner, care
being taken not to mar the finished woodwork.
The glass for all exterior frames and sash, unless otherwise shown
or specified, shall be held in place with stops as details indicate.
The remaining glass throughout the work, unless otherwise de-
tailed, shall be bedded in putty, secured in place with glazier's tacks,
and then neatly puttied the full section of the rabbet.
The putty shall be first-class pure Unseed oil putty.
Sash Bars:
Where corridor openings are too large for the largest size of
D. T. A. A. glass, provide and set in place a small and neat heavily
nickel-plated brass sash bar, as the Architect may detail or select, and
securely fasten same in position.
Breakage :
The Contractor shall take extraordinary precaution for the pro-
tection of the glass in this contract after same is put in place in the
building, and he shall be held responsible for all breakages in the glass
until the building is completed and accepted.
Cleaning :
At completion, or when so ordered, clean the glass of all oil or
other defacement, wash and leave perfectly clean.
Unit Prices:
The Contractor shall name one price only for any additions to or
deductions from this contract for the respective materials and labor
named below; said price to obtain until the completion and acceptance
of all work called for herein :
Discount on polished plate glass from list dated $
Discount on D. T. A. A. glass from list dated. .1 $ .
Discount on mirrors from list dated $.
Price per square foot for chipping plate. $. . . .1
Price per squart foot for 3/16" maze glass $.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and install complete
the Mail Box and Mail Chute work in accordance with the accompany-
ing drawings and as required by this specification.
Scope of Contract:
Furnish and install complete in working order a Mailing Equip-
ment, consisting of four (4) mail boxes located in first story of the
building and two mail chutes for each box, serving all stories to and
including the thirty-six story.
Mail Boxes:
The mail boxes shall be ornamental cast bronze, made in accord-
ance with the scale elevations and sectional details of same, with doors,
flaps, etc., complete in every respect.
The work shall be executed and constructed in a neat, careful and
artistic manner, with the ornamental parts well modeled, cast, hand
chased and the whole worked out in accordance with scale and full
size details, in a manner to meet the approval of the Architect.
The boxes shall be securely and rigidly anchored in place with
secret anchors. Height above floor as shown.
The mail box metal shall have a statuary bronze finish.
Chutes :
The chutes shall start from a point 4' 6" above the thirty-seventh
story extending down through the various stories to and connecting
wilh the mail boxes in the first story.
The chutes shall be of metal and plate glass carefully and sub-
stantially constructed, accurately installed, absolutely plumb through-
out the entire height, and rigidly secured in place.
Letter drop openings in chutes shall be provided for all stories
above the first floor.
All metal work for the enclosure and the chute above the 1st
story shall be of ornamental iron, with a first-class and durable imita-
tion bower-barff finish, with the finish and workmanship first-class,
satisfactory to the Architect in every detail.
All exposed work of the chutes on first story, except glass work,
shall have a statuary bronze finish.
Installation :
Execute all cutting and fitting, and make all connections in the
building, and furnish and set in place all angles, sleeves and other
fittings necessary properly to support and install this work.
This apparatus shall be of the United States Standard, without
change of any kind, made and installed in the building in accordance
with and subject to all the conditions imposed by the Post Office De-
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and complete the Hard-
ware work in accordance with the accompanying drawings and as re-
quired by this specification.
Scope of Work:
Furnish all finished hardware of every description required to
complete the building, including the hardware for all copper covered
work and hollow metal doors. Tbe hardware in connection with bronze,
ornamental iron work will be furnished as herein specified under Orna-
mental Iron and Bronze.
Rough hardware in connection with copper covered window and
door frames and the carpenter work will be furnished as herein speci-
fied under Carpentry and Roofing and Sheet Metal.
Workmanship :
All work shall be cast ; no stamped or spun work shall be used.
Workmanship shall be first class in every respect to the entire
satisfaction of the Architects.
Such portions of the sub-sub, sub-basement, basement and pent
bouses as are used by the building employes only shall have hardware
of plain bevel edge design ; all other portions of the building through-
out shall have hardware of special design as detailed.
Plaster models of hardware shall be submitted to the Architect
for their approval.
Samples :
It is understood that it is the intention of this specification to
cover materials the best of their respective kinds. A complete line of
samples, will be required for the written approval of the Architect
as a part of this specification. These samples to remain on file and to
be used in comparison with the material furnished, which must corre-
spond in every way.
Furnish all necessary templates and samples of hardware for cop-
per covered frames, sashes and doors, also the hollow metal doors, so
the same may be prepared for the reception of hardware at factory
before shipment.
The hardware for first story shall be of cast bronze metal, statuary
bronze finish.
The hardware for toilets, and wherever same abuts marble, shall
be of the best silver bronze or white metal.
The hardware for exterior side of pent house doors shall be brass
or bronze.
The hardware for all other portions of the building throughotit
shall be of the best quality, barff black rustless iron.
Hollow Metal Doors:
All hollow metal doors, except as otherwise specified, shall have
typical hardware, same as the hardware for wood doors of a similar
character, which shall in every respect comply with the requirements
of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. All hardware for these
doors shall be packed with machine screws.
The hardware for the elevators and automatic fire hollow metal
doors shall be as herein specified under Ornamental Iron and Roofing
and Sheet Metal.
All locks shall be first-class in make, with solid bronze bolts, hav-
ing exposed parts together with striking plates finished to correspond
with trimmings. The striking plates shall be of the box type and for
knob locks shall have lips made to protect the woodwork.
All cylinder locks shall have special keyway section, three (3)
grooved keys to each lock, and each cylinder shall have five (5) pin
Master Keying :
The locks for each story shall be master keyed and the locks for
the entire building grand master keyed.
All door knobs shall have long shanks, with supporting thimbles
and threaded spindles, and shall be made to attach rigidly to spindles
by a locking device without the use of side knob screws.
All butts shall be extra heavy cast metal, self-lubricating, steel
bushed or anti-friction, five-knuckled, loose in pin, with pin retaining
device and with tips of proper size for the door on which they are
Transoms shall have tight pin butts.
There shall be three (3) butts for each door, over four feet in
Double acting fly doors shall have jamb hinges which will not per-
mit the door to sag in any portions of its arc.
All top and bottom bolts for doors in pairs shall be of the lever
eccentric type, and the bottom strike plate for pairs of doors to offices,
corridors, passages, etc., shall be of the self-closing type.
Door Holders:
All door holders unless otherwise specified shall be of the plunger
Butting Blocks:
Butting blocks shall be iron, rubber tipped, and are required for
doors without spring and check which do not swing against marble.
Checks and Springs:
Door checks and springs shall be of proper size for the doors on
which used. Provide brackets for support and installation of checks
where necessary.
The following schedule is inserted to give an understanding of
what is required for the doors and windows named, but is not intended
to include all hardware required for the building. Carefully examine
all plans, elevations, scale and full size details, and shall furnish all
hardware of whatever description necessary to complete the building.
All hardware not particularly designated in the following schedule shall
correspond to that specified in every way.
Building Entrance and Vestibule Doors:
Hardware furnished as specified under Ornamental Iron and
Doors From Streets to Stores, First Story:
Doors banging to metal.
Butts, three 6"x5" anti-friction.
Special store door handles and heavy cylinder looks.
Letter plate and hood special.
Springs and checks with brackets.
Door holder.
When in pairs use flush bolt, top and bottom.
Doors From Main Arcade to Shops, Basement and First Story:
Same as next above, doors hanging to wood. Omit letter plate and
Doors to Enclosed Stairs Openings:
Butts 5"x5".
Pull and push plates, special.
Checks and springs.
Corridor side, first story, pull and push plates without locks.
Typical Corridor or Outer Door to Offices and Similar Doors
in all Stories, from Basement to 36th Story, Both Inclusive:
Butts 5"x5".
5£" cylinder office latch with self-locking bolt and auxiliary bolt
to deadlock the main bolt and the stop work.
Knobs and escutcheons, special.
Letter plate and hood, special.
Check and spring.
Door holder.
Top and bottom bolts, where in pairs.
Typical Inner Office Door:
Butts 5"x5".
Cylinder office latch 5-|", with self -locking bolt and thumb piece on
inside which, when thrown, will render keys inoperative.
Knobs and escutcheons, special.
Check and spring.
Door holder. »
Butting block.
Typical Transom:
Butts 3"x3".
Lifter class No. 4, f " diameter rod, of length adapted.
Stay chains where required.
Typical Communicating Door Between Offices:
Butts 5"x5".
Three bolts communicating door lock, with key mechanism which
will render thumb pieces inoperative.
Knobs and escutcheons, special.
Butting block.
Typical Toilet Room, Rest Room Doors:
Butts 5"x5".
Double cylinder deadlock, all locks on one key.
Pull and push plate, special.
Check and spring.
Typical Doors to Janitor Closets:
Butts 5"x5".
Mortise latch without cylinder.
Knobs and escutcheons, special.
Pipe Shaft Doors and Doors to Cut Outs and to Elevator Ma-
chine Rooms:
Same as next above, substituting cylinder office latch 5$'-, all
latches on same key as toilet room doors ; where in pairs- add
top and bottom bolts.
For cut-out closet and machine room transom doors substitute
catch in place of cylinder latch and add bolts for removable
transom bar.
D. A. Doors in Public Toilets:
Double acting spring hinges, extra strong.
Push plates, special.
Water Closet Stall Doors:
Clamp hinges reverse spring as detailed.
Indicator bolts, strike special for marble with rubber buffer.
Special hook and bumper as detailed.
Hardware for marble to attach with special head bolts.
Plumbing Space Doors:
Hinges special.
Cylinder dead lock, all locks on same key as toilet room door.
Typical Check Rail Sash:
Sash fasts, extra heavy.
Sash socket with four screws.
Bar lift, two for each lower sash, special.
First Story Corridor Transom Windows:
Pivots and sash fasts, extra heavy.
Sash sockets with four screws.
Stay chains — two for each sash.
Sub-sub, Sub-Basement and Pent House:
Hardware as required and adapted to location.
Ceiling Light Sash Beneath Skylights:
Butts, two to each sash.
Catch for each sash of proper size.
Cabinet Hardware:
Furnish all necessary cabinet hardware of kind adapted for cases,
drawers, etc., and wherever required. Locks shall be cabinet cylinder
Unit Prices:
It is understood and agreed that the following net prices for ma-
terials delivered at the proper place in building shall govern any
and all additions to and deductions from this contract, until the com-
pletion of the work called for herein and its acceptance and the issu-
ance of the final certificate by the Architects :
Hardware for street entrance shop doors ■,..,. .$.
Hardware for door from main arcade to shops , $
Hardware for door to enclosed stairs, opening on
corridors $
Hardware for typical corridor door (no trans.) $
Hardware for typical inner office door (no trans.) ... $
Hardware for typical transom $
Hardware for typical communicating door $
Hardware for typical toilet room door $
Hardware for typical cut-out door, double doors,
two tiers $
Hardware for typical machine room doors, double
doors, two tiers — $
Hardware for typical janitors' closet door $
Hardware for typical door to pipe shaft. $
Hardware for double D. A. doors in toilet rooms $
Hardware for typical W. C. stall door $
Hardware for plumbing space doors $
Hardware for typical check rail sash $
Hardware for typical side hinged sash $
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and install complete the
Lighting Fixture work in accordance with the accompanying drawings
and as required by this specification.
Scope of Contract:
In this work shall be included all light fixtures, except as other-
wise specified, delivered at the building, hung and connected to the
wiring system, with all insulating joints, wiring, sockets, shades and
holders complete ready to receive electric lamps.
Fixtures :
All outlets, unless otberwise specified, shall be provided complete
with fixtures of types and designs as shown by the drawings and as
hereinafter specified. All fixtures shall be electric throughout except
where combination gas and electric outlets are shown on plans, for
which combination fixtures are to be supplied.
For the number of fixtures and lights, see drawings.
There will be no fixtures in this contract for floor outlets, base-
board outlets or drop cord outlets unless specifically stated to the
Special Fixtures:
The special fixtures shall include all light fixtures for the first
story entrance vestibule, main arcade, elevator and staircase lobbies
and 1st story corridors, for which an amount of ten thousand dollars
shall be allowed and included in this contract.
The special fixtures shall be suspended from ceilings with chains,
varying in length with height of ceilings.
Typical Fixtures:
The typical fixtures include the following:
1 light outlet corridor ceiling fixture.
2 light outlet corridor ceiling fixture.
1 light outlet typical ceiling fixture.
2 bight outlet typical ceiling fixture.
3 light outlet typical ceiling fixture.
4 light outlet typical ceiling fixture.
5 light outlet typical ceiling fixture.
6 light outlet typical ceiling fixture.
1 light gas bracket.
1 and 1 light combination bracket (stairway light).
1 and 2 light combination bracket (exit light).
2 light electric bracket (floor sign, stairways).
Materials and Workmanship:
All fixtures, both typical and special, unless otherwise specified,
shall be made of brass metal.
All materials, tubing, spun work, etc., shall be straight, true and
of proper size to execute the work in a first-class manner.
The work shall be carefully and accurately made and shall be as-
sembled and executed in such a manner as to obtain finished and per-
fect results in every detail.
All special fixtures shall be of cast or wrought metal throughout
with no spun work.
All castings shall be clean, sharp and well modeled, and all
turned work regular in form without flaws. All ornamental portions
of the cast metal shall be neatly executed, hand chased, and finished
in an artistic and skillful manner, subject to the approval and ac-
ceptance of the Architect. All work shall be well and neatly fitted
No spelter work or stamped metal shall be used in the fixtures.
All modeling for the decoration and ornamental work of the
fixtures shall be executed by skillful and artistic modelers, selected by
the Architect, and changes shall be made in models, or new models
made, changing and rechanging them until they are satisfactory to the
Architect in every respect.
All special fixtures throughout shall have a brushed brass finish.
All typical fixtures throughout except as otherwise shown or here-
in specified shall be first copper plated (black) and shall then have
a coating of black finish baked on hard.
Inspection :
Furnish for all fixtures a certificate of inspection from the Board
of Underwriters and City Inspection Departments controlling same.
Measurements :
Take all necessary measurements for this work at the building in
order that his work may fit that already in place.
Care must be taken that the canopies will cover the wiring work
at outlets, this Contractor seeing that light wires are brought to proper
The fixtures shall be of special design, made in strict accord with
drawings and details for same as shown.
Provide all insulating joints, the insulation must be of such char-
acter as will comply with the rules of the National Board of Fire Un-
All wire shall be of rubber covered Habirshaw Bed Core, Sim-
plex Couchouc, or other wire equal to the above, in the judgment of
the Architects, and no wire shall be less than No. 18 B & S gauge.
All sockets for typical ceiling fixtures shall be Benjamin weather
proof sockets of the numbers and with form of holders noted on the
drawing; sockets where so noted shall be without bushings.
All other sockets shall be of the Edison screw base type, of a make
approved by the Architects.
Edison type sockets shall be provided with keys where shown or
Shades, Globes and Reflectors:
All fixtures, unless otherwise shown, shall be provided with shades
or globes complete, which for typical fixtures shall be of Alba glass,
Haskins Lucida glass or similar glass or other manufacture equal in
the judgment of the Architect, and for special fixtures shall he glass of
a size, character and design as shown by scale and full size drawings.
Gas brackets have no shades. Exit and stairway lights shall have red
glass globes and panels as shown.
Unit Prices:
The Contractor shall name one price only for all additions to or
deductions from this contract for the respective labor and materials
named below; said price to obtain until the completion of all work
called for herein and its acceptance by the Architect :
Typical Fixtures:
One light typical ceiling fixture $
Two light typical ceiling fixture. $
Three light typical ceiling fixture $
Four light typical ceiling fixture $
250 watt typical ceiling fixture $
One light gas bracket $
One and one light combination bracket $
Two light exit light $
Two light stairway light (floor sign) $
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute and complete the Paint-
ing Work in accordance with the accompanying drawings and as re-
quired by this specification.
Colors :
All colors for the various painted surfaces 6hall be as hereafter
selected by the Architect.
All paint for work in this contract shall be composed of pure white
lead and raw linseed oil with not more than 5% of drier, and coloring
pigments to give the desired tint.
White lead shall contain not less than 70% carbonate of lead to
30% lead hydroxide nor more than 75% carbonate to 25% hydroxide.
Oil shall be pure raw linseed oil free from "foots."
Drier shall be free from gums, resin or petroleum products.
Shellac shall be composed of gum shellac cut in pure grain alcohol.
Putty shall be composed of white lead paste mixed with dry white
lead to the proper consistency and colored to match the paint.
All materials for painting shall be delivered in unbroken pack-
ages bearing brand and maker's name and shall be subject to inspec-
tion. All mixing of materials shall be done at the building. Materials
rejected shall at once be removed from the premises.
All galvanized iron work will be primed as herein specified under
Sheet Metal Work.
All wood work requiring painting unless otherwise herein speci-
fied, shall be primed with white lead and linseed oil.
Exterior and Interior Hard Wood Work:
All exterior and interior hard wood work will be finished as herein
specified under Carpentry Work.
Exterior and Interior Metal Work:
All exterior copper work shall be left in its original condition, un-
The hollow metal doors and frames shall he painted as herein spec-
ified under Painter's Finish in Carpentry Work.
All galvanized iron work shall he given three coats of lead and oil
paint, in addition to the priming coat.
All exposed steel beams between elevator cars on the various floors,
and where otherwise exposed throughout the building, shall be painted
three (3) coats of white lead and linseed oil in colors as directed, in
addition to coats as herein specified under Structural Steel.
Priming of Plaster:
All plaster surfaces throughout which are to be painted or kalso-
mined shall be treated to a priming coat of an approved Stain-Killer
satisfactory to the Architect.
Painting of Plaster:
All plaster surfaces of the following rooms shall be painted with
two (2) coats of linseed oil and white lead paint in not more than
three tints. The last coat in all cases shall be carefully stippled to
obtain a dull smooth surface.
The elevator and staircase halls, corridors, toilet rooms and util-
ity closets.
First, to and including Fifth Story:
All rooms throughout.
The plain and ornamental plaster surfaces of the Main Entrances
and Vestibules, the Main Arcade, the corridors, the elevator and stair-
case lobbies on the first and second story shall be painted with three
coats of lead and oil in not more than five tints.
Sixth to Thirty-Sixth Stories, Inclusive:
The elevator and staircase halls, corridors, toilet rooms, freight
rooms and utility closets.
Enclosed Stairs:
The interior walla of all stair enclosures shall be painted from top
to bottom.
Elevator Shafts:
All elevator shafts throughout shall be painted from top to bot-
Tinting of Plaster:
All surfaces of plaster throughout, not otherwise specified, after
priming as above mentioned, shall be tinted with best quality kalsomine
in not more than three (3) colors, tints to be selected by the Architect.
Unit Prices:
The Contractor shall name one price only for any additions to or
deductions from this contract, for the respective materials and labor
named below; said price to obtain until the completion of all work
called for herein and issuance of final certificate by the Architect.
Painting plastered walls (3 tints) per square of 100 ft. $
Tinting plastered walls per square of 100 ft $
Boilers, engines, generators, ejectors, stack and ceiling lining, re-
frigeration, heating, ventilation, elevators, wiring, plumbing, gas fit-
ting and all mechanical equipment throughout the entire building
shall be provided and installed complete and ready for operation.
All material and workmanship entering into this installation must
meet with the approval of the Architect, who reserves the right to
reject any material not in accordance with these specifications, either
before or after installation.
All material herein mentioned shall be furnished and installed
complete and shall be the best of its kind.
Dimensions taken at the building shall govern all construction.
Drawings :
The Architect will furnish certain plumbing, heating and venti-
lating drawings and diagrams which, with such writing, interlineations,
figures and details as may be upon them, shall be considered as part of
and illustrating these specifications.
The Contractor, however, shall furnish complete working draw-
ings of each branch of the mechanical equipment, showing complete
layouts and work in detail. These drawings and details shall be sub-
mitted to the Architect for his written approval, which approval must
be obtained before any work is begun.
Layout of Machinery:
The general layout of machinery as shown on drawings is not abso-
lute, and is subject to such changes as will admit of better adaptation
of the machinery for the work it is to perform, but it is to be confined
to its present location.
Installation of Work:
The Architectural, Heating, Ventilating, Plumbing and Structural
Steel drawings shall be examined before installing the work contem-
plated in these specifications, and if any discrepancies occur between
them and these specifications, making it impossible to install the work
as shown, the same shall be reported to the Architect and written in-
structions obtained for changes made necessary to accommodate the
work hereinafter specified.
All changes in the work covered by the specifications made neces-
sary by the neglect of the Contractor to report said discrepancies shall
be made by and at its expense.
Openings Through Walls and Floors:
The Contractor shall provide all openings through walls and floors,
either below or above ground, and all cutting and fitting made neces-
sary by neglect to make such arrangements shall be done by it at its
Excavation :
The Contractor shall do all the excavating necessary in the con-
struction of the work included in these specifications and all sheathing
and bracing with proper material, which may, in the opinion of the
Architect, be necessary for the protection of the foundations or walls
of the building, and shall keep all excavation free from water during
the progress of the work.
Removal of Earth:
After all the underground work installed by the Contractor is in
place he shall remove from the building all surplus earth resulting from
his work, and shall dispose of the same at its expense.
Foundations :
Furnish all labor and material and do all work necessary to install
the foundations required by the machinery herein specified. No foun-
dations shall go below or come in contact with the building footings,
and the Contractor shall furnish steel beams thoroughly protected by
concrete and properly supported on piers to relieve building founda-
tions of all vibration where foundations would otherwise rest on same.
Foundations, excepting for machinery on framed floors, shall be of
best cement concrete, extending at least four (4) inches above floor
line, and .shall be neatly finished with faced brick above floor line.
The Contractor shall provide the pumps and necessary power at
its own cost and expense and keep excavation for foundations free
from water during the installation of this work.
All exposed piping, ducts, iron work, etc., shall be painted, as
directed by the Architect, two (2) coats of asphaltum paint or of lead
and oil, final coat tinted as directed.
All exposed covering shall be painted two (2) coats of lead and
oil, final coat tinted as directed by the Architect.
Finish coat on pipes and covering shall be tinted so as to identify
the various services and shall be as directed by the Architect.
Paint all machinery, after installation, two (2) coats of lead and
oil, final coat tinted as directed by Architect.
All of the machinery herein specified shall be tested as specified
or as directed by the Architect, and it shall perform all duties speci-
fied in every respect; these tests shall be made in the presence of the
Laws and Ordinances — Inspection:
The Contractor must comply with all the laws of the State of New
York, the ordinances of the City of New York, N. Y., and the rules
and regulations of the Board of Underwriters in the installation of the
equipment included in these specifications ; anything in these specifica-
tions to the contrary notwithstanding.
All electrical work shall be installed in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the Electrical Department of the City of New York,
N. Y., and the Board of Underwriters, and certificates of inspection
and approval obtained at the Contractor's expense.
When Plumbing and Gas Fitting work herein specified is com-
pleted the Contractor shall secure from the Sanitary Engineer of the
Board of Health, or other proper official, and shall furnish free of
cost to the owners, a certificate of inspection signed by the Sanitary
Engineer certifying that all Plumbing work has been properly in-
He shall also secure certificate signed by the Gas Company's In-
spector stating that ajl gas piping has been made tight and accept-
The Contractor shall state the make and kind of apparatus and
material he proposes .to furnish for all parts of the work covered by
these specifications, all of which shall be approved by the Architect.
In General i
Furnish all labor and material to execute, install and complete
the plumbing in accordance with the accompanying drawings and as
required by these specifications.
Scope of the Work:
Furnish and install in a good, firm and substantial manner, all
the drainage sewers and appurtenances, piping for hot and cold water
supplies, waste and ventilation of waste and gas fitting, also plumbing
fixtures and appurtenances, tanks, pumps, etc., as herein specified,
making the system of water supply, use and waste and gas fitting com-
plete and ready for service.
Old Pipes in Curb Walls t
Remove all sewer, water and gas pipes passing through curb walls,
which will not be used in connection with the new work and close all
openings in the proper manner. This work shall be done at such times
as directed by the Architect and in accordance with the rules and reg-
ulations covering the respective kinds of service.
The Architectural drawings shall take precedence over the Plumb-
ing diagrams, and if there is any difference in number or location of
plumbing fixtures or gas outlets, the maximum number shown shall be
installed under this contract, and all fixtures and outlets shall be con-
nected complete.
All risers are to be enclosed with tile or other material and in
no case will the enclosure be made larger than is shown on the Plumb-
ing and Architectural drawings.
In every case suspended pipes must be kept as close to the ceiling
as possible.
Testing Material i
All pipe, fittings, valves, etc., worked under a pressure of 100
pounds or less shall be tested to 250 pounds hydrostatic pressure and
those above 100 pounds to 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure per square
inch at the factory.
Quality of Materials:
All piping and fittings shall be of the inside diameter designated.
Soil and waste pipe in ground shall be extra heavy cast iron soil pipe
in lengths of five (5) feet, smooth inside and with outer and inner
surfaces concentric, sound, and free from defects and of iron that will
cut well. The average weight of each pipe shall not be less than the
10 inch pipe 45 pounds per foot
8 inch pipe 33f pounds per foot
7 inch pipe 27 pounds per foot
6 inch pipe 20 pounds per foot
5 inch pipe 17 pounds per foot
4 inch pipe 13 pounds per foot
3 inch pipe 9| pounds per foot
2 inch pipe 5$ pounds per foot
All pipe cracked in cutting or otherwise shall be at once removed
from the building and shall not be used in any part of the work.
Fittings for cast iron pipe shall be especially made for drainage
purposes of the same inside diameter as the pipe with which they are
to be used, and of equal quality and weight in all parts. These include
elbows, bends, traps, Y branches, etc., and where shown shall have
proper hand holes with cast iron covers. Fittings for junctions of
cast iron and wrought pipe shall be cut at one end with full threads,
and those supporting risers shall have proper shoes east on them.
All suspended soil and waste pipes, downspouts, vent and cold
water supply pipes shall be wrought pipe galvanized, of standard
weights and dimensions, cut with full threads, and when used for soil,
waste and vent pipes shall be cut to a gauge.
No pipe lighter than full weight will be permitted.
Pipe for hot water supply shall be of seamless brass, iron pipe
Horizontal runs of soil and waste pipes and downspouts in the
basement, pump discharge pipes and all water supply pipes in the
basement, sub-basement and sub-sub-basement supplied from the high
level house tanks, also all piping for the fire protection shall be extra
Fittings for soil and waste pipes shall be especially made for
this purpose, of cast iron of the same internal diameter as the pipe,
with which they are used, cut with full threads and to the same gauge
as the pipe and shall be galvanized. Graded fittings shall have the
grade cast on them.
Fittings for vent and cold water pipes shall be galvanized, cut
with full threads.
All fittings 1-J- inches and less in diameter shall be of mallea-
ble iron and all fittings 2 inches and larger in diameter shall be of
cast iron. All changes in direction in water supply pipes around
filters, surge tanks, pumps and in pump discharge pipes, 2 inches and
larger in diameter, shall be sweep fittings.
Fittings for hot water Bupply pipe shall be rough brass.
Where pipes are extra heavy, fittings shall also be extra heavy.
Fittings for gas pipe shall be malleable iron and beaded where
possible to obtain same.
All exposed pipes and fittings used in connection with plumbing
fixtures shall be white metal, iron pipe size, and all faucets, exposed
traps and trimmings of all kinds shall be white metal, unless other-
wise specified under "Fixtures."
Sheet lead for flashing shall weigh six (6) pounds per square foot.
All brackets, clamps and hangers shall be of wrought iron and
constructed to the satisfaction of the Architect.
Drain tile shall be best hard burned.
Brick shall be hard burned sewer brick, free from lime, and shall
be thoroughly wet before laying.
Cement shall be the best Portland. ,
Sand shall be clean, sharp and free from loam.
Cement mortar for pipe laying shall be made of one (1) part ce-
ment and one (1) part sand; for brick laying it shall be made of one
(1) part cement and three (3) parts sand. For all mortar the parts
shall be by measure and the cement and sand shall be first mixed dry
and then wet with as little water as will make an easy working mortar.
Mortar shall be mixed fresh for the work in hand, and any mortar
which shall have become hard in the box shall be thrown out and shall
not be used in any part of the work.
Lead shall be soft pig and gaskin shall be picked oakum.
A line shall be used to mark out the trenches for sewers, and there
shall be no variation from the diagrams, except by order of the Archi-
tect. All sewers in ground shall be laid in open trenches not less than
two (2) feet wide in bottom.
All horizontal runs of soil and waste pipes, whether in ground or
suspended, shall have a grade of i-inch to the foot, unless otherwise
ordered by the Architect.
Sewer Connections:
If a sewer of proper size is laid in curb wall near any of the
points marked for sewer connections, the Contractor shall locate it,
clean it out, and upon approval of the Architect shall connect thereto.
If no such sewer is laid in the curb wall, connect with the street
sewer and lay a sewer of the size shown on diagrams to a point six
(6) feet outside the curb wall for each connection.
Each pipe shall be laid true to line and shall be bedded in dry
sand. Each joint shall be filled and properly caulked all around with
cement mortar. The joints shall be cleaned off inside and struck
smooth outside and mortar thrown on and struck off around pipe to
the proper level. Dry sand shall be filled in and tamped solid to 6
inches above pipe. Above this the trenches shall be back filled as here-
inafter specified.
The connection of iron sewer to clay sewer shall be made with col-
lar of brick laid in cement made of two rings of brick with not less
than six (6) inches bearing on each side of joint.
Cast Iron Pipes:
All sewers in ground through and inside curb walls to a point six
(6) feet outside of said walls shall be cast iron pipe laid truly to line
and grade. Any changes in line or grade shall be made with a proper
curved fitting and all junctions shall be made with Y branches.
Handhole fittings shall be used where shown, and where junctions
of sewers occur, and one (1) handhole in main sewer at least every
fifty (50) feet. Fittings receiving risers shall be set with top of fitting
at surface of finished floor, and the fittings seated upon or firmly
clamped to the adjacent wall or column.
Each pipe shall be bedded its entire length in packed dry earth or
sand with proper bell hole at each joint. The joints shall be tightly
caulked with gaskin, leaving not less than 1£ inches depth of lead room.
The inside shall be examined and if not smooth shall be made so. A
clay or asbestos roll shall be used to make the joints and shall be put on
so that after caulking the lead will finish flush with the bell. Each
joint shall be run full of molten lead at one pouring, and if it does not
fill perfectly shall be cut out and repoured; any lead that has run
through to the inside shall be removed and the joint left smooth.
The joint shall be properly caulked. No lead shall be cut until
the caulking is carried all around the pipe; the lead shall then be
trimmed and finished smooth with end of bell.
All openings for connections shall be closed with plugs until tested,
and all handholes shall be closed at once and the sewers shall be kept
clean ; any dirt which may get in shall be removed.
Back Filling:
As fast as the pipe is laid dry earth shall be rammed into place at
the sides of the pipe, leaving the joints and tops exposed until tested
as hereinafter specified. After testing the trenches shall be filled in
layers not more than nine (9) inches thick, each thoroughly rammed
with an iron rammer.
At such times as the Architect may direct stop all openings on the
cast iron sewers, set up a standpipe twenty- five (25) feet long on each
and fill same with water. If any leak shows in pipe or joint, it shall
be made good and the test repeated, and the final certificate will not be
issued until the work is made tight as contemplated herein. After this
test the back filling shall be completed as hereinbefore specified.
Suspended Sewers:
All suspended sewers shall be of wrought pipe, hung to the beams
of the floor just above same, and the points of support shall not be
more than twelve (12) feet apart, and there shall be at least one sup-
port in each length.
As regards grade and use of fittings : The joints and pipes shall
be as specified for soil and waste pipes.
Horizontal runs of sewers in basement shall be extra heavy.
Ejector Fits:
Furnish all material and do all excavating and set in place in
sub-sub-basement floor two (2) ejector pits each nine feet in inside
diameter constructed as shown on diagrams. Each pit shall be made
of steel and must be water tight when completed and shall be sur-
rounded with concrete as indicated. Pipes passing through walls of
pit shall make water tight joints with same.
Provide concrete floor in bottom of each pit.
The ejector pits must be put in place as soon as building founda-
tions are built and must be kept free from water until they are turned
over to the Owner.
Discharge Pipes from Ejectors:
The discharge pipes from ejectors shall be extra heavy wrought
pipe galvanized, connected to sewers in street as shown. Fittings used
in discharge pipes shall be extra heavy sweep fittings.
The ejectors will be furnished as specified under "Ejectobs."
The inlet and outlet pipes of same will finish with flanges. Furnish
flanged pipe connections on inlets and outlets of same diameter, and
make connections to the ejectors inside of pits, making requisite holes
in same. Make cross-connections between ejectors, properly valved.
Surface Drains: 1 j|
Surface drains shall be laid of the sizes and on the lines shown on
diagrams, set in boxes. Boxes and trenches shall be filled to the bot-
tom of the concrete floor with small broken stone. The bottom of the
trenches shall be graded to the section shown with a regular grade
between sections, and each box shall be set in a solid bed of sand its
entire length, with the projecting sides resting upon the projecting
bottom of the preceding box.
The broken stone shall finish evenly at the specified level and shall
be covered with boards, secured to stakes driven on each side of trench.
Maintain this protection until the laying of the concrete floor and make
good and repair or replace, as may be necessary, any damage resulting
from neglect to do this.
Where drains pass under footings and foundations they shall be
of cast iron pipe.
Surface Basins:
Build where shown, surface basins of brick laid in cement mortar
with walls four inches thick, and one (1) course in bottom (flat). They
shall finish inside nineteen (19) inches in diameter and four (4) inches
deeper than outlet drain and shall be covered at floor level with fin-
ished ring with deep collar and counter-sunk flush lid eighteen (18)
inches clear inside diameter, set level and true. Rings and lids shall
be of cast iron, except in the Safety Deposit Department and in the
Engine Boom, where they shall be of brass.
Settling Basin:
Build, where shown, settling basin three (3) feet six (6) inches
inside diameter at bottom and drawn in to nineteen (19) inches at top;
cover with counter-sunk iron ring and flush lid eighteen (18) inches
in diameter. The settling basin shall have two (2) flat courses in
bottom and two (2) rings of bats in wall, plastered outside and cleaned
and painted inside. Bottom of basin shall be two (2) feet below
Cleaning Surface Drainage System:
The entire system of surface drainage shall be kept clean during
the construction of the building and shall be delivered to the Owner
absolutely free from stoppage.
Manhole :
Build, where shown, or where required, circular manhole not
less than three (3) feet six (6) inches inside diameter at bottom and
drawn in to 19 inches at top. Cover with counter-sunk iron ring and
flush lid 18 inches in diameter. The manhole shall have two flat courses
in bottom and two rings of bats in wall, plastered outside and cleaned
and painted inside.
Gutter Drain in Front of Boilers:
Furnisb and install where shown in front of boilers graded gutter
and cover, which shall be coated inside and outside while hot with coal
tar varnish and set in a cement grout. Do all cutting and repairing
required by the installation of this gutter.
Catch Basin:
Build, where shown, a brick catch basin of cement and hard burned
sewer brick. Basin shall be three (3) feet six (6) inches in diameter
at the bottom and three (3) feet below outlet with three (3) courses
of hard burned brick and eight (8) inches of cement concrete in bottom
and two (2) rings in wall. Outside shall be plastered \ inch thick with
cement plaster and inside the same to sewer outlet. Basin shall be
drawn in to nineteen (19) inches at top and covered with a counter-
sunk iron ring and flush lid eighteen (18) inches in diameter, set flush
with the floor.
System :
The system of plumbing shall furnish hot and cold water to points
indicated on diagrams.
Joints in and to wrought pipe and fittings shall be made with
threads fully coated with white lead and oil and properly screwed
All carpentry work necessary for supports, etc., in setting the
fixtures included in these specifications will be done as specified under
"Carpentry and Cabinet Work."
Risers and Branches:
All risers and branches for soil, waste and down-spouts shall be
connected to sewers. Connect bottom of each vent pipe to nearest soil
or waste pipe. All connections through which water is to run shall
be made with Ys, unless otherwise indicated on detail drawings, and
these Ys and the elbows used from vertical to horizontal runs, or to re-
ceive water closets, shall be cut to the proper grade of horizontal pipe.
All risers shall be securely clamped at floors to beams or walls
and at any deflection from the vertical a firm support by bracket or
hanger shall be given the riser in its new position. Branches for
water closets shall be firmly supported to beams where necessary.
Branches for ventilation of traps shall be run as directed, and all
openings shall be left above outlet of fixture at such height as to give
continuous rise from the connection to waste pipe. Where a branch
vent crosses a room, corridor or doorway on any floor, it shall be run
in the floor above and dropped through to the fixture.
In all cases of waste or vent pipes the iron used shall come through
the floor or plaster line only, leaving the opening at the finished floor
or plaster line ready for connection.
Handholes of same diameter as pipes shall be put in on every
branch in floor at the connection to riser and on each riser at its con-
nection to sewer, and each branch shall have one or more handholes
as may be necessary. All openings shall be closed with screw plugs
with plumbago. All parts of this work shall be made accessible so that
it may be readily cleaned out.
Screw plugs, except on exposed suspended sewers, shall be of white
metal, set flush with the finished floor, those on exposed suspended
sewers shall be rough brass.
Set downspouts of wrought pipe as hereinbefore specified for waste
In all cases where trap is not in combination with fixture, it shall
be as specified under "Fixtures," or as shown on diagrams. Each
fixture shall be fitted with a trap set in all cases as close to the outlet
as practicable.
Extra Plugged Openings:
In each story where fixtures occur install in branch to each riser
the following fittings, located where directed, in addition to all con-
nections that are necessary for fixtures shown :
On each water supply a plugged tee full size of branch.
On each vent a plugged tee full size of branch.
On each waste or soil a graded fitting full size of branch, properly
stopped off.
On all risers having connections to plumbing fixtures, install in all
stories, fittings for branch connections full size of risers for waste or
soil, vent and hot and cold water supply.
All extra openings shall be located as directed.
Ys shall be used on all waste and soil risers in all cases.
Ml pipes passing through the roof shall be flashed at the roof fine
with a piece of sheet lead not less than eight (8) inches in all direc-
tions from pipe and a piece of lead soil pipe ^ inch thick, running from
sheet lead to top of pipe and turned down inside of pipe one (1) inch.
The sheet lead and pipe shall be joined with a wiped joint.
Connect to city mains in Broadway and Cedar, Nassau and Pine
streets, and lay in cast iron pipes to meters of the sizes shown. From*
the meters the pipe shall be continued to the filters with all connections
properly valved.
There shall be four meters located where shown or where directed
by the Water Department of the City of New York, N. Y.
Meters shall be set on the floor, unless otherwise indicated on the
diagrams and connected with a fish strainer on each connection from
main, all of a make approved by the Water Department of the City
of New York, N. Y., and provided with a gate valve on each side of each
meter. Meters shall have flanged connections.
Provide plugged fittings on each side of each meter for the insertion
of test meter.
Rules :
All work in connection with the water mains and meters and loca-
tion of same must be done in accordance with the rules of the Water
Department, by and at the expense of the Contractor, who shall also
provide the meters.
Surge Tanks:
Furnish, set up and connect where shown two (2) open surge tanks
each of 5,000 gallons capacity ; one tank shall be used for building serv-
ice and one for fire pump service. Tanks shall be made of f inch thick
steel, water tight, and shall be provided with necessary flanges for
suction to house pumps or fire pumps, overflow to sewer with running
trap and draw off at bottom. Provide valve on each connection, except
overflow. Surge tanks shall be covered as hereinafter specified.
Provide each tank with a heavy sheet steel cover, having manhole
and cover.
Each tank shall be provided with a flange steel drip pan \ inch
thick and one (1) foot larger in diameter than the tank and four (4)
inches deep, riveted perfectly tight.
Surge tanks shall be set on concrete foundations four (4) inches
above floor.
Make all connections between filters and surge tank for house
service also by-pass around surge tank. Provide two (2) ball floats
in each surge tank, floats to be arranged to operate at different levels.
The levels at which floats operate will be determined later.
Furnish, set up and connect at location shown five (5) pressure
filters, each having a capacity to filter ten thousand (10,000) gallons
of water per hour taken from mains, based on a maximum rate of fil-
tration not exceeding four (4) gallons of water per square foot of filter
area per minute, and at the end of eight (8) hours run the filtrate
must be clear and not contain any free alum or other coagulent at any
Provide all necessary flanged openings for inlet and outlet and
washout to sewer-
Filters shall be fully equipped for operating and shall be set on
a concrete foundation four (4) inches above floor.
Filters shall be covered as hereinafter specified.
Filter Connections:
Filters shall be arranged and so connected that they can be used
singly or together as desired; also provided with a by-pass around
each filter. Each connection shall be properly valved.
Install on supply from filters a cross-head as shown on diagrams
arranged for independent connection for each supply. Also install on
this cross-head four (4) extra valved connections of the sizes directed.
Each branch from the cross-head shall be fitted with a valve and
with a brass plate plainly marked with the destination of the supply.
Each supply delivering water above the filters shall be fitted with a
lever handled drain cock connected with a £ inch pipe to nearest sewer,
and each supply delivering below the level of the filters shall be fitted
with an air cock.
House Tanks:
Furnish, set in place where shown, and connect six (6) house tanks,
made of flanged steel ; sides and bottoms shall be § inch thick, riveted
perfectly tight; tops shall be reinforced with 2|x2^-inch angle irons;
locations and capacities of tanks shall be as follows :
Two (2) of 12,500 gallons each in the 38th story.
Two (2) of 5,000 gallons each in the 26th story.
Two (2) of 5,000 gallons each in the 16th story.
The capacities noted above shall be effective capacities between
equalizers and overflows.
On each of these tanks shall be riveted perfectly tight pipe flanges
of proper size for overflow, equalizing purposes and draw-off; center
of overflow pipe shall be six (6) inches from top of tank. The high
level house tanks shall be arranged to supply both the interior stand-
pipes and plumbing fixtures above the 26th floor; the supply for
the standpipes shall be taken from an equalizer, placed between house
tanks and taking water from points near the bottom of the tanks. The
supply for plumbing fixtures shall be taken from an equalizer, placed
between house tanks at such a height that there will always be a total
of 10,000 gallons reserve in the two tanks for fire purposes.
Overflow from the high level house tanks shall be to the inter-
mediate level house tanks, and overflow from the intermediate level
house tanks shall be to the low level house tanks; overflow from the
low level house tanks shall be to surge tank in sub-sub-basement.
Each pair of tanks shall be provided with a flanged steel drip pan
£ inch thick, rectangular in shape and of such size that it will receive
the two tanks. It shall be four (4) inches deep, riveted perfectly tight
and located on supports.
All tanks shall be painted two (2) coats of red lead before assem-
bling; after assembling they shall be painted two (2) coats asphaltum
inside and outside, one coat in the shop and one coat after installation.
Provide each tank with heavy sheet steel cover having a manhole
and cover. Make valved connections from house tanks to main sup-
plies, each fitted with a valve and air cock at point of connection; in-
stall on supplies to risers two (2) plugged "Ts" at points directed
by Architect and provide valve on equalizer connection at each house
Telltale Pipe:
Run telltale pipe from each pair of house tanks to a convenient
place in the boiler room to sound an alarm to warn the attendant in
case of failure of the ball floats to operate properly.
Hot Water Connections:
The hot water heaters will be set in the sub-sub-basement as speci-
fied under "Steam Fitting, Steam Heating and Ventilating."
Arrangements shall be made so that two (2) heaters can be used
to supply the plumbing fixtures above the 26th story; two (2) heaters
to supply the plumbing fixtures from the 16th to the 25th stories in-
clusive; two (2) heaters to supply the plumbing fixtures between the
2d and 15th stories inclusive, and two (2) heaters to supply the plumb-
ing fixtures in the sub-sub-basement, sub-basement, basement and 1st
Connect the main supplies from each pair of house tanks in the
various stories to supply the hot water heaters for its respective sys-
tern. Supply pipes shall each be fitted with an air cock at top and
drain pipe with valve at the bottom, discharging into nearest sewer.
Install on heaters cross heads with valved connections to heaters
and take off main supply connections, each fitted with brass valve and
with a lever handled drain cock and connected to nearest sewer.
Provide two (2) extra plugged openings on each cross head. The
heaters shall also be connected with drain pipe with valve ; each branch
from cross head shall be fitted with a brass plate, plainly marked with
the destination of the supply; proper connections shall be made be-
tween heaters complete with valves so that any one heater or any
combination of heaters may be used in any service while other heaters
are in use on other services.
Risers :
All risers shall be located as shown and securely clamped to the
walls or beams at floors. Each riser shall be provided at the bottom
with a proper drain valve. Each hot water pipe shall be made with
offsets or otherwise arranged in a satisfactory manner, so that expan-
sion at fixture will not exceed | inch.
Cold water risers shall be connected together at the bottom of
each system and carried to some convenient point for draining.
Provide air chamber at top of all risers of as great length as
At the bottom of each descending hot water riser shall be set a
loosely swinging approved brass angle check valve standing open
when no water is being drawn from riser; also globe valve.
Furnish and securely attach at bottom and top of each hot and
cold water riser brass plate, plainly marked in such a manner as to
identify the riser. Marking of these plates shall be submitted to the
Architect for approval.
Branches :
Branches shall be run in the manner before specified for wastes
and vents. All branches run to a succession of fixtures shall be pro-
vided with a shut-off valve at connection to riser located conveniently.
All hot water pipes shall be arranged so as to allow for expansion.
Connections and Trimmings:
All exposed supply pipe and connections and trimmings of all
kinds, including faucets, etc., for all plumbing fixtures throughout the
building shall be of white metal ; pipe under pressure shall be iron pipe
size seamless white metal capable of withstanding a pressure of two
hundred (200) pounds per square inch.
Each connection to cock or bibb shall be provided with an air
chamber twelve (12) inches long, concealed in wall, where possible,
and approved key stop set conveniently.
Special Snpply Piping:
Make connection to cross-head at filters and run supply pipe for
boiler feed, terminating at a point near the feed water heaters; con-
nection will be made to this point as specified under "Steam Fitting,
Steam Heating and Ventilating," and supply run to the boilers and
feed water heaters. Also make connection and run supplies from the
cross head to the elevator tank, air compressors and refrigerating
plant, terminating same at points approved by the Architect. Also
make connection to cross head between meters and filters and run
piping to a point inside of each compartment of the coal storage bin,
terminating with hose connection located where approved by the Archi-
The above connections shall be properly valved.
Make valved connection between supply to hot water heaters
from high level house tanks to supply boilers in emergency.
Run all supply piping necessary for the kitchen service, bars and
club. The fixtures in these rooms will be furnished and installed by
the Owner, and piping shall be brought to the rooms, capped and left
ready for future connections.
Install a sprinkler system in waste paper room in sub-basement
complete with all heads, piping, etc., that may be required to sprinkle
all portions of the room and connected to cold water supply to hot
water heaters from the low level house tanks.
Sprinklers shall be automatic in operation and the system shall
be complete with all equipment.
Provide sprinkler system in refrigerating room, same to be com-
plete with all piping, sprinkler heads and other equipment, and con-
nected to cold water supply to hot water heaters from low level house
tanks. Heads in this room are to be open and water is to be admitted
to the system by opening a valve placed outside of the room.
Also provide sprinkler system in paint shop and in all other rooms
in which inflammable materials are stored and in kitchens, boiler room,
engine room and pump room.
These systems shall be automatic in operation and shall be com-
plete with equipment.
Supplies and Wastes in General:
All branches to horizontal pipes shall be laid to drain. All risers
shall be so set as to be conveniently encased.
Sill Cocks:
Set and connect, where shown, polished brass sill cocks with loose
keys and furnish a key with each sill cock. They shall be firmly
caulked in place. On each connection to sill cock provide a hand valve
and drain stop.
Where so indicated on diagrams they shall be installed in con-
nection with the Siamese connections and shall be of the design shown
on the drawings.
All supply pipe shall be stopped off at outlet and filled with cold
water at normal pressure. The sewers shall be stopped off at curb
walls. All openings on sewers, wastes, soils and vents shall be plugged
and the entire system filled with water to roof.
All of the foregoing shall be carefully examined and if any are
found to leak they shall be made tight and the test repeated. These
tests shall be made in the presence of the Architect, and the Contractor
will not be entitled to either final certificate or payment until work is
made tight as contemplated herein. If required by the Inspector of
Plumbing, an air, smoke or peppermint test shall be made, by and at
the expense of the Contractor.
Interior Standpipes:
Furnish, set up and run from the sub-sub-basement ceiling to the
38th story, where shown, standpipes of extra heavy wrought pipe, gal-
vanized. There shall be one (1) standpipe in each main stair of the
size required by the City Fire Department. All of the above shall be
complete with fittings and valves and shall be securely fastened to
beams or walls. The main risers shall be connected together in the
34th intermediate story and joined to the standpipe equalizer at the
high level house tanks. All risers shall be connected at the sub-sub-
basement ceiling and to fire pumps and Siamese steamer connections
located where shown on drawings. Provide brass fitted swinging check
valve at connection to equalizer, to each Siamese connection and to
each fire pump. Mains connecting standpipe risers in the 34th inter-
mediate story shall be of standard wrought pipe galvanized. All fit-
tings throughout shall be long turn fittings. All pipe, fittings and
valves used in this connection shall he extra heavy and fittings shall
be flanged fittings where required by the Board of Underwriters. Pro-
vide an automatic brass or bronze drip ball connection hetween each
Siamese coupling and check valve. Gate valve at connection to equal-
izer shall be of the outside stem and yoke type and built in accordance
with the specifications of the National Board of Underwriters. Pro-
vide pressure regulators on each standpipe in height of building com-
plete with by-passes and valves; number shall be approved by the City
Fire Department.
Run 24-inch connections from standpipes to the hose racks, there
being four (4) connections in each story from the second to the thirty-
sixth inclusive, and two (2) connections in thirty-seventh and thirty-
eighth stories. Provide the following additional 2J-inch hose connec-
tions located where shown on diagrams or where approved by the
Sub-Sub-Basement 2
Sub-Basement 4
Basement 6
Plugged openings only shall be provided in the first story. Pro-
vide at each connection a drain not less than | inch in diameter with
shut-off cock. Drains shall be connected and run to sub-sub-basement
with discharge to sink in boiler room. Provide 4-inch valved drip con-
nection at bottom of each standpipe to nearest sewer.
Provide specially designed polished brass Siamese connections at
wall located where shown, and connected to main. These Siamese con-
nections shall be of the general design shown on drawings and shall
be of the size and type required by the City Fire Department.
Racks and Hose :
Furnish, set up and connect at each hose connection throughout
the building an approved nickel-plated brass swinging hose rack ar-
ranged so that hose will hang in vertical lengths, complete with 2^-inch
unlined linen fire hose bearing the label of the Underwriters' Labora-
tories and provided with one nickel-plated brass one (1) inch smooth
bore play pipe not less than twelve (12) inches long, weighing not
less than three (3) pounds. Nozzle shall be provided with spanner
lugs. Hose on each rack shall be of sufficient length to reach any por-
tion of the building served from its respective standpipe or connec-
tion and shall be in 25 and 50 foot lengths, but in no case will more
than one 25 foot length be allowed for a rack. Hose lengths shall be
figured to reach the farthest point of the building and to meet each
other. Couplings shall be Underwriters' Coupling, of nickel- plated
Each hose connection shall be provided with a 2^-inch gate valve
constructed in accordance with the specifications of the National Board
of Underwriters, except that 6-inch handwheels shall be provided.
Valves shall be of nickel-plated brass.
All apparatus in connection with the fire protection equipment
Bhall be of a make and type approved by the Underwriters and the
Fire Department of the City of New York, N. T., and all work shall
be installed to meet their requirements. Obtain the written approval
of the Board of Underwriters and the City Fire Department on all
portions of this work.
Cuts of all fixtures hereinafter specified shall be submitted to the
Architect to enable him to make selection of same.
Fixtures shall be set up and connected complete to soil or waste
vent and water supplies.
The fixtures included in these specifications shall be set and con-
nections made thereto in a neat, finished and uniform manner, making
the connections to all fixtures of each class of equal height and plumb
or at right angles to the wall, unless otherwise directed by the Archi-
Water Closets:
All water closets shall be of the siphon jet pattern, with concealed
siphon limb, of such diameter as to permit the passage of a 2^-inch
hard rubber ball.
Bowl shall be of a vitreous body throughout and shall weigh not
less than fifty (50) pounds, without seat. It shall maintain a water
seal of not less than 3 inches in depth and an area at top of water line
which shall not be less than 8x10 inches.
Closets shall be of the floor type and shall be set on heavy cast
brass floor flanges not less than I inch in thickness with joints packed
with solid asbestos roll with lead mixture and covered with plumbago
treatment. Bowls shall be fastened to flanges with white metal bolts
having blank white metal heads. Connection to soil pipe shall be made
through threaded connections.
Tanks where concealed shall be plain wood tanks concealed behind
marble and supported on angle iron or gas pipe frame. Tanks shall be
lined with 16 oz. tinned and planished copper and provided with link
rod operated by a push button or lever as approved by the Architect,
and set to discharge at least five gallons at each flush. Tank shall be
connected to bowl with 1^-inch rough brass flush pipe.
Tanks where exposed shall be cabinet finished hardwood copper
lined tanks set on white metal brackets with chain and pull; flush pipe
shall be white metal. ■■■'■■■ ;
Each connection of water supply tank shall be fitted with a gate
valve set conveniently. Supply pipes shall be concealed where pos-
Each water closet shall be provided with seat without cover; seat
in each case shall match the woodwork of the room.
The water supply to each battery of water closets shall also be
provided with a gate valve to shut off the supply to all fixtures in the
Urinals :
Urinals shall be vitreous lipped urinals, having integral inlets
and outlets and shall be placed in stalls furnished and set in place as
specified under "Marble and Tile Work."
All tanks shall be automatic flushing; where they are concealed
behind marble they shall be plain wood tanks set up on frames similar
to water closet tanks. Where exposed, they shall be cabinet finished
hardwood tanks finished to match the woodwork in the room and set
on white metal brackets.
They shall be of capacity to provide a flush of two (2) gallons per
The water supply shall be conneqted to concealed pipe with nickel-
plated brass key stop set conveniently.
Lavatories shall be of vitreous china.
In offices they shall have integral backs and return ends and single
legs of china; they shall not be less than 20x24 inches overall dimen-
In toilet rooms and bath room they shall be roll rim lavatories not
less than 20x24 inches over all dimensions and shall have single legs
of china. Where in batteries they shall be installed with 3-inch space
between end lavatory and wall and at least 2-inch space between lava-
Lavatories shall have splash rims and shall be provided with ad-
justable wall supports.
Each lavatory, except in the Engineers' and Firemen's Toilet
Rooms, shall be provided with two self-closing faucets connected to
hot and cold water supplies in wall. Faucets shall close with the pres-
sure. Faucets for the lavatory in the Engineers' and Firemen's Toilet
Rooms shall be compression faucets. Each connection shall be pro-
vided with an air chamber concealed in wall and a loose key stop. Pro-
vide each lavatory with a pop-up waste outside of the overflow or sim-
ilar waste approved by the Architect, and hooded overflow. Outlet
shall be connected to "P" trap with waste to wall and vent continued
from waste pipe. All faucets shall be provided with hot and cold
water indicators. Provide soap dish for each lavatory integral with
the lavatory.
All metal in connection with lavatories shall be white metal.
Slop Sinks:
Slop sinks shall be of enameled iron 20x24 inches. Each sink shall
be provided with one (1) combination hot and cold water compression
faucet connected to hot and cold water supplies with air chambers and
loose key stops and shall be equipped with white metal dome type
strainer with small holes and white metal protecting rim. Faucet shall
be provided with brace, and shall be strong enough and arranged to
hold a pail.
Sinks shall have "P v trap standards, enameled inside and out-
side and connected to waste with three (3) inch screw thread Dur-
ham flange.
Shower Baths:
Shower baths in Mechanical Plant shall be head showers with
six (6) inch removable faces connected to hot and cold water sup-
plies. They shall be provided with combination cast iron drum traps
with seven (7) inch white metal outlet grates and three (3) inch waste
connection and anti-scalding valves.
All metal work shall be of white metal.
Install check valves on water supplies.
Bath Tub:
Provide in bath room in 34th intermediate story a five-foot six-
inch enameled iron roll rim tub, provided with chain and plug and
combination faucet for hot and cold water supplies, also combination
waste and overflow. Provide drum trap. All trimmings shall be white
Sink in Boiler Room:
Sink in Boiler Room shall be enameled iron, 20x36 inches, with in-
tegral back. Sink shall be enameled inside and outside, supported on
cast iron legs painted white. Sink shall be provided with compression
faucets for hot and cold water, also plug and chain and "P" trap, all
of white metal.
Earthenware :
Earthenware for all plumbing fixtures shall be of china and guar-
anteed not to craze.
Floor Drains:
Furnish, set in floor and connect to sewer at locations shown
throughout the building extra heavy cast iron combination floor drains
and deep seal running traps with water supply.
Top of floor drains shall have brass strainer set flush with the
All exposed pipes passing through floors or walls shall be pro-
vided with shields of same material as pipes and neatly fastened to
All hot water pipes, except branches in floors, shall be covered
with two (2) layers of wool felt covering, each | inch thick, lap jointed
with insulating paper next to the pipes, properly protected from water
with a water-proof paint.
All exposed cold water pipes shall be covered in a similar man-
ner, except that wool felt covering on piping 2| inches and less in
diameter shall be \ inch thick, and on all piping 3 inches and larger in
diameter shall be 1 inch thick, put on in two (2) layers, similar to cov-
ering for hot water pipes.
Filters and surge tanks shall be covered with hair felt covering
one (1) inch thick lap jointed with insulating paper, properly pro-
tected with a waterproof coating. These shall be covered with eight
(8) ounce canvas and treated with two (2) coats of waterproof paint.
All the above shall be covered with eight (8) ounce canvas and
painted as directed by the Architect.
Cover all exposed down spouts, including vertical runs, soil and
waste pipes similar to cold water pipes, except that covering on all
downspouts shall be \ inch thick.
All covering shall be neatly and thoroughly applied, special care
being taken with the fittings and joints.
All exposed covering on piping in the Sub-sub-basement, Sub-
basement, and 38th story shall be supplied with bright lacquered
bands, put on every eighteen (18) inches, and with similar band on
each side of each fitting.
The Contractor shall guarantee that there will be no condensation
on the outside of covernig and that no moisture will appear at any
time in any part of same.
If, in the opinion of the Contractor, the covering as above specified
will not comply in every respect with the intent of the specifications
and prove satisfactory, he shall confer with the Architect and obtain
instructions as to changes necessary.
Steam ends of all pumps shall be covered with 85 per cent, mag-
nesia blocks with Russia iron jackets and spun brass heads.
Furnish, set up and connect latrines in temparary water closet
enclosures to be erected as specified under "Foundations and Ma-
sonry." In connection with the latrine in all stories excepting base-
ment, install wooden house tank and electrically driven house pumps
of sufficient number and capacity per hour to provide all water neces-
sary for latrines. Install two (2) inch discharge to house tanks. House
tanks shall be complete with overflow and drawoff ; drawoffs shall be
valved. Provide motors for house pumps.
Connect latrines to sewer with six (6) inch pipe. Make all con-
nections of whatever nature that may be required to install pumps,
motors, house tanks and latrines. Pumps shall be automatic in action.
Piping shall be boxed and packed in sawdust and all piping and
tanks shall be protected against freezing.
These latrines shall be kept free from stoppage during construc-
tion of the building and shall be disconnected and removed from the
premises when directed by the Architect.
Latrines shall be located where directed by the Architect, and
shall be moved as often as required.
House Pumps:
Furnish and install on foundations where shown steam driven du-
plex outside packed bronze plunger pumps, of a make approved by the
Architect; capacity of each pump shall be not less than the following:
two (2) pumps delivering to high level house tanks, 15,000 U. S. gal-
lons each per hour; two (2) pumps delivering to intermediate level
house tanks, 10,000 U. S. gallons per hour; two (2) pumps delivering
to low level house tanks, 10,000 U. S. gallons per hour. Piston speed
of each pump shall be not more than 35 feet per minute when pumping
the amount of water specified.
Make all steam supply and exhaust connections to pumps from
piping installed as specified under ' ' Steam Fitting, Steam Heating and
Ventilating. ' '
Install inside of delivery gate valve a safety valve for each pump.
Install in discharges from each pair of house pumps a 200-gallon
cushion tank.
Provide to each cushion tank air connection to high pressure com-
pressed air tank; all connections shall be properly valved.
Provide water glass on each cushion tank, also on pressure air
chamber on each house pump, all with self-closing gauge cocks and all
necessary tank trimmings.
Pump shall be arranged for automatic operation and shall be com-
plete with all connections and equipment.
Provide sniffing valve on suction of each pump.
Fire Pumps:
Furnish and install where shown two (2) steam driven fire pumps
of the Underwriters '■ Pattern and each having a capacity of 1,000 gal-
lons per minute delivering against 50 pounds at the highest outlet.
Pumps shall be automatic in action and with all equipment must meet
with the approval of the Board of Underwriters and the City Fire
Make all connections to surge tank for fire pumps, also to mains
between standpipes.
Valves :
All valves shall be of the gate pattern. All valves two (2) inches
and less in diameter shall be of brass; all valves above two (2) inches
in diameter shall have iron bodies and brass working parts, except
where brass valves are specifically mentioned. All valves shall be
supplied with hand wheels with arrow indicating "Open", and to each
shall be attached a brass tag indicating its use.
Connections :
The Contractor shall pay the cost of bringing in connections
from mains to meters.
Provide automatic shut-off on each service of a make and type
approved by the Board of Underwriters of the City of New York, N. Y.
All gas fitting in connection with this building shall be done un-
der the rules of the company furnishing the gas to the building.
Working Plans:
Working drawings shall be submitted by the Contractor which
will show all lines of gas piping, together with the risers, runs to me-
ters, and outlets.
All outlets shown shall be piped for gas.
Connect to meters and run all piping carrying up main risers and
branches on each floor, setting a cock at each branch from main riser.
A cock shall be set on each side of each meter.
Each pipe shall be firmly secured in place. Care must be taken
that no pipe shall be trapped and all runs in floors shall be bedded so
that they do not give or spring under tread. The sizes of this piping
shall be governed by the rules of the gas company furnishing the gas.
Tested pipe shall be furnished as required while partitions are
being set.
Each separate supply pipe shall be tested with an air pump and
if any leak is found it shall not be cemented or caulked, but the pipe
taken out and made over.
After the piping is installed and made tight, it shall be coated
with asphaltum.
Gas for Fuel:
Run mains, branches and risers to supply ranges and othor gas
appliances in kitchens in the basement and in the club in 36th story.
Sizes shall be as required for the services.
Number of Fixtures:
The number of each kind of fixtures as shown on diagrams is
not absolute.
Unit Prices:
Name one price only for any additions to or deductions from this
contract for the respective fixtures and materials named below; said
price to obtain until the completion and acceptance by the Architects
of all work called for herein.
Water closets of the floor type, furnished, set up and
connected, complete, to concealed pipes, each $. .,
Urinals, furnished, set up and connected complete to
concealed pipes, each $ 1. . ...
Lavatories, china, furnished, set up and connected, com-
plete, to concealed pipes, each $........
Slop sinks, furnished, set up and connected to concealed
pipes, each ,. . ., , , ,... ... . $. .,. .,. .1. .
Shower baths furnished, set up and connected to con-
cealed pipes, each $
12" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $
10" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $
8" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $
6" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $ 1..
5" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $
4" in suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $ 1. .
2\" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $ ,. .
2" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $
1£" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
per foot $
12" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot $
10" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings,
and covering, per foot $
8" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot $
6" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot $
y suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot $
4" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot $
3" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot $
24" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot $
2" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot $
1|" suspended waste pipe, installed, including fittings
and covering, per foot , — $
10" vent pipe, installed, including fittings, per foot $
8" vent pipe, installed, including fittings, per foot $
6" vent pipe, installed, including fittings, per foot. ... $
4" vent pipe, installed, including fittings, per foot $
3" vent pipe, installed, including fittings, per foot $
1\" vent pipe, installed, including fittings, per foot $
2" vent pipe, installed, including fittings, per foot. ... %
\\" vent pie, installed, including fittings, per foot. ... %
8" cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot $
6" cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot %
5" cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot %
4" cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot $
3" cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot %
1\ cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot $
2" cold water pipinc, installed, including fittings, per
foot $
W cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot • $
\\" cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot %
V cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot $
J" cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot $.
\" cold water piping, installed, including fittings, per
foot $.
8" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
G" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $ .
5" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
4" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $ .
3" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
IV' cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
2" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $ .
IV cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
1\" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
1" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $ .
f" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
\" cold water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
5" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
4" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
3" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
2J" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
2" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot . $.
IV hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
1\" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
1" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $.
|" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $
\" hot water piping, installed, including fittings and
covering, per foot $
10" cast iron sewer in ground, installed, complete, in-
dueling fitting, excavating, back filling and re-
moval of earth, per foot $
8" cast iron sewer in ground, installed, complete, in-
cluding fitting, excavating, back filling and re-
moval of earth, per foot $
6" cast iron sewer in ground, installed, complete, in-
cluding fitting, excavating, back filling and re-
moval of earth, per foot i $
5" cast iron sewer in ground, installed, complete, in-
cluding fitting, excavating, back filling and re-
moval of earth, per foot $........
4" cast iron sewer in ground, installed, complete, in-
cluding fitting, excavating, back filling and re-
moval of earth, per foot $
3" cast iron sewer in ground, installed, complete, in-
cluding fitting, excavating, back filling and re-
moval of earth, per foot $
2" cast iron pipe in ground, installed, complete, in-
cluding fitting, excavating, back filling and re-
moval of earth, per foot $....,. . .
4" drain tile, installed, complete, including excavating,
back filling, crushed stone and removal of earth,
per foot .. . $........
6" drain tile, installed, complete, including excavating,
back filling, crushed stone and removal of earth,
per foot $. .,
Roughing in for water closets, per lineal foot, includ-
ing soil, vent and water supply $. .
Roughing in for urinals, per lineal foot, including
waste, vent and water supply. $
Roughing in for lavoratories, per lineal foot, including
waste, vent and water supply $
Roughing in for slop sinks, per lineal foot, including
waste, vent and water supply. $
Roughing in for shower baths, per lineal foot, including
waste, vent and water supply. $
4" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $
3" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $
2\" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $.
2" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $.
\\" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $.
1" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $.
|" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $.
\" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $.
|" gas pipe, including fittings, installed, per lineal foot $.
Excavation, per cubic yard $.
Removal of earth, per cubic yard $.
Crushed stone, installed, per cubic yard ,. . . $.
Scope of The Work:
Furnish and install the ejectors, air compressors, motors, con-
trollers, receivers, and all appurtenances and equipment necessary to
make the ejector plant complete and ready for service.
Description of Plant:
The plant shall consist of two (2) air compressors, two (2) air
receivers and four (4) ejectors, located where shown.
The pits will be built as specified under "Plumbing, Sewers and
Gas Fitting" and each pit will be nine (9) feet internal diameter; tho
bottoms will finish 3 feet 7 inches below the invert of inlet sewers.
The sewage to be ejected will be ordinary waste, such as drainage
from plumbing fixtures and surface or floor water.
Furnish four (4) hydro-pneumatic ejectors and erect two (2) on
the floor of each pit. Provide inlet and outlet flanges, to which the
inlet and discharge pipes will be connected through flange connections
as specified under "Plumbing, Sewers and Gas Fitting."
The capacity of each ejector shall be one hundred (100) U. S. gal.
Ions per minute.
Air Compressors:
Furnish, set up on foundations and connect two (2) compound
crank and fly-wheel compressors, steam driven, and automatic in action.
Capacity of each compressor shall be two hundred (200) cubic feet of
free air per minute compressed to seventy-five (75) pounds, gauge.
Compressors shall be water jacketed and shall be complete with all
necessary piping from water jackets so arranged that all cooling water
can be delivered into the sewer or surge tank, as desired, with all neces-
sary valves and connections.
Normal speed of air compressors shall not exceed one hundred
(100) R. P. M.
Air Receivers:
Where shown or directed, set two (2) compressed air receivers,
each not less than four feet in diameter and five feet high, built of
flanged steel and tested to withstand a working pressure of 150 pounds
per square inch.
Eeceivers shall be connected together by header on which shall
be provided the necessary openings of proper size for ejectors, tem-
perature regulation system, compressed air cleaning system, barber
shop, and for supply to air compressors installed as specified under
"Elevators." These openings shall be of the size required for the
various services and all connections shall be valved. Also provide on
header two additional plugged connections of sizes approved by the
Connecting Pipes:
Connect air compressors to the receivers, receivers to the ejectors
and ejectors to ventilating shaft, and make all water and waste con-
nections required. Provide pressure reducing valve on supply to
Compressors, receivers and ejectors shall be complete with all pipe
and fittings, water gate valves, safety valves, nickel-plated gauges, etc.,
necessary for the continuous operation of the plant.
Operation :
When set and connected as specified, this apparatus shall be auto-
matic in its action, engaging one or both compressors, and one or all
ejectors, as may be necessary.
Test and Acceptance:
When the apparatus is completed and ready for service it shall be
tested as follows :
Taking the sewage and such additional water as may be neces-
sary, the whole apparatus shall run at its full capacity of 400 U. S. gal-
lons per minute for thirty (30) minutes. The apparatus shall then be
delivered to the Architect and he may, during the next succeeding
week, make such trials within the specified capacity as may be desired.
As it will be necessary to use these ejectors during the erection
of the building, they shall be installed as early as possible after con-
struction is begun and at such time as directed by the Architect. Pro-
vide all necessary protection for the machinery, and before turning
this plant over to the Owner put same in first-class condition.
Scope of the Work:
The work covered by these specifications includes the generator,
absorber, condenser, pumps, foundations, tanks, piping, valves, fittings
of all kinds, all insulation and all other equipment and appurtenances
that may be required to maintain proper temperature in the refrig-
erators and to make the amount of ice required for the water coolers,
restaurants, bars and club, installed complete and ready for service.
All refrigerating machinery shall be so located that a second unit
can be installed in future, if desired.
Testing Material:
All piping, fittings, valves, etc. (except for ammonia), for a work-
ing pressure of 100 pounds or less shall be tested to 250 pounds hydro-
static pressure at the factory and all those over 100 pounds shall be
tested to 500 pounds.
Ammonia pipe, fittings and valves shall be tested to 1,000 pounds
at the factory.
Test and Acceptance:
After completion of this installation and before acceptance of the
same, all ammonia work shall be tested to 500 pounds hydrostatic pres-
sure. The plant must be run for twenty-four (24) hours at the expense
of the Contractor and during that time shall fulfill all conditions herein
Capacity of Plant:
Plant shall be of sufficient capacity to make twenty (20) tons of
clear ice per day and to maintain the air in the refrigerators at the
proper temperature for this class of work.
The above conditions must be maintained continuously for twenty-
four (24) hours per day, with the refrigerating plant in use fourteen
(14) hours, it being shut down ten (10) hours during the night. The
room temperature to be taken at 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
System :
The plant shall be of the absorption type, refrigeration being af-
fected by means of indirect expension of ammonia, using Chloride of
Calcium brine, of 1.25 specific gravity, circulated through coils by means
of brine circulating pumps. Temperature of condensing water shall
be taken at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pumps shall be steam driven, the exhaust from same being used
for the ammonia generator at two (2) pounds pressure, supplemented
when necessary with high pressure steam from the boilers. Live steam
will be supplied at a pressure of one hundred and fifty (150) pounds
at the header. Furnish necessary reducing valve with by-pass prop-
erly valved.
Generator shall be of horizontal steel type, mounted on cast iron
saddles and provided with return bend steam coils of extra heavy
lap welded pipe, and special heavy return bends; all threads shall be
Condenser shall be of the double-pipe type supported on stand-
ards and made of special ammonia pipe and fittings. Coils shall be
so arranged that the water will travel in a direction opposite to that
of the gas.
Ends of coils shall be connected at inlets and outlets with cast
iron or steel headers as required.
Absorber shall be of the tubular type with steel shell riveted, sup-
ported an cast iron saddles and provided with straight tubes.
Brine Cooler:
Brine cooler shall have steel welded shell provided with brine coils
connected at inlet and outlet with cast iron headers and supported
on iron standards.
Otber Equipment:
Rectifier coils shall be of the submerged type, of lap welded pipe
with return bends neatly placed in steel tanks.
Weak liquor cooler shall be of the double-pipe type.
Exchanger shall be mounted on standards.
Eeceiver shall be welded and provided with gauge glasses.
Provide two (2) pumps for pumping brine and two (2) for pump-
ing ammonia. They shall be of the direct acting type specially
designed for these services and shall be provided with cast iron bed
plates or drip pans and force feed lubricators.
Each pump of each class shall be of ample capacity to operate the
entire plant.
Provide snifting valve on suction of each pump.
Brine Tank:
The brine tank shall be of tank steel provided with angles at top
and bottom, and horizontally through center. All parts shall be painted
with asphaltum inside and outside, two (2) coats before assembling
and two (2) coats after testing. The tank shall be watertight.
Tank shall be provided with a wood cover of M. & D. f -inch yellow
pine lumber, solidly constructed, neatly finished on edges, and well
cleated on bottom, the cleats being spaced not more than two (2) feet
apart. Provide a manhole in the cover.
All connections to this tank shall be made through cast iron flangeB
riveted water tight to tank.
Details of Construction:
All shells shall be of steel or special cast iron.
All flanges shall be carefully faced and scored for gaskets and all
bolt holes shall be drilled. All bolts shall be of best locomotive stay
bolt iron with hexagonal heads and U. S. standard nuts. All iron
castings shall be of soft gray iron presenting a smooth and even
Equipment :
Provide necessary nickel-plated brass rim gauges six (6) inches
in diameter, one (1) for condenser and one (1) for back pressure.
Furnish pink Tennessee marble gauge board, not less than 1|
inches thick, with all connections behind the board. Gauge board shall
be properly supported on angle iron frame securely fastened in place.
Furnish gauge cocks with guard rods and glasses for indicating
the liquid levels in all tanks in connection with this plant.
Furnish six (6) inch pressure gauge similar to other aguges.
Provide oil, ammonia, etc., necessary for fully charging and put-
ting the plant in operation.
Also furnish a complete set of wrenches and other necessary tools
required for this plant.
Sixes of Refrigerators:
The approximate sizes of refrigerators for the Restaurants and
Club are as follows:
In Connection With Dining Room in Basement:
1 Chef's Box Wx 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Pantry Box 16'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Garde Mange 12'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
I Oyster Box 10'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Back Bar Box 9'-0"x 3'-0"x3'-G"
1 Vegetable Box 8'-0"x 5 / -0"x8'-0"
1 Wine Box 24'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Beer Box 14'-0"xl5'-0"x8'-0"
1 General Storage Box 36 / -0"xlO , -0"x8'-0"
1 Ice Storage Box l(y-0"x 6'-0"x8M)"
1 Baker's Refrigerator 7'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Garbage Box
In Connection With Restaurant in Basement:
1 Chef's Box 9M)"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Pantry Box .lGMTx 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Garde Mange .12'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
I Oyster Box lO^x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Back Bar Box ^-CTx 3'-0"x3'-6"
1 Vegetable Box S'-fTx 5'-0"x8'-0"
1 Wine Box .24'-0"x 3'-e"x7'-0"
1 Beer Box 14'-0"xl5'-0"x8'-0"
1 General Storage Box 36'-O"xl(y-0"x8'-O"
1 Ice Storage Box lV-Crx 6'-0"x8'-0"
1 Baker's Refrigerator 7'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Garbage Box
In Connection With Ladies' Tea Room:
1 Chef's Box &-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Pantry Garde Mange 16'-0"x y-6"x7'-0"
1 General Storage Box 18M)"x 7'-0"x8'-0"
1 Oyster Box 7'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Garbage Box
In Connection With Future Service Kitchen:
1 Chef's Box 6'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Pantry Garde Mange lS'-Cx 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 General Storage Box 18'-0"x 7'-0"x8'-0"
1 Ice Storage Box &-Q"x 6'-0"x8'-0"
1 Oyster Box 7'-0"x 3'6"x7'-0"
1 Garbage Box
In Connection With Club in 36th Story:
1 Chef's Box &-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Pantry Box W-W'x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Garde Mange 12'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Oyster Box 10M)"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Vegetable Box 8'-0"x 5'-0"x8'-0"
1 Wine Box . . : 24'-0"x 3'-6"x7'-0"
1 Beer Box 14'-0"xl5'-O"x8'-0"
1 General Storage Box 36 , -0"xl0'-0"x8'-0"
1 Ice Storage Box KK-0"x 6'-0"x8'-0"
1 Baker's Refrigerator 7'-0"x 6 / -0"x7'-0"
1 Garbage Box
The above sizes are approximate and are given for the basis of
estimate only. Definite sizes will be determined later. Sizes of ice
boxes in the bars will also be determined later. Ice boxes and coils
in same will be furnished and installed by the Owner, but all piping
for same shall be installed by the Contractor to a point near each
refrigerator, capped, and left ready for future connection to coils.
Ice Making Machinery:
Furnish and install freezing tank together with coils, cans, agita-
tor, and other equipment necessary for making the quantity of ice
hereinbefore specified.
Cans shall be of heavy galvanized iron of proper size to make ice
cakes of 150 pounds each.
Furnish trolley, dump and all other equipment necessary for easy
handling of ice.
Freezing tank shall be well insulated with wainscoting made of
matched boards with clear space of not less than fifteen (15) inches
on sides and twelve (12) inches under bottom between tank and boards
which shall be filled with granulated cork.
Provide storage box for ice, thoroughly insulated.
Make all connections necessary for the ice making machinery.
Brine Piping:
The brine shall be circulated through the brine cooler by means
of brine pumps, the cooled brine being pumped through the ice-tank
and then returned to the brine tank.
Pipe Work:
All pipe work, except as noted above, shall be put in place by
the Contractor; pipes, unless otherwise specified, shall be wrought
pipe, galvanized.
All pipes coming in contact with ammonia shall be extra heavy
wrought iron pipe. All coils shall be made of extra heavy and re-
worked full weight iron pipe known as "coiling pipe." All spiral coils
shall be continuously welded from end to end, and joints scarfed long.
All coils shall be hammered while being tested to dislodge scale and
uncover defects.
Fittings for brine piping shall be malleable iron, galvanized.
All fittings in connection with ammonia piping sball be of cast
steel or malleable iron and protected at the threads by glands or rub-
ber rings and sweated joints. All unions shall be flanged male and fe-
male. All gaskets shall be specially made to withstand the action of
All valves used in this work shall be of water gate pattern of a
kind required for each particular purpose.
Each shall be provided with a hand wheel.
Make all necessary water, waste, steam supply, exhaust and drip
connections to this apparatus from the piping installed as specified
under "Plumbing, Sewers and Gas Fitting" and "Steam Heating and
All pipes shall be wrought pipe, fittings shall be malleable or cast
Furnish all labor and material and install all piping required for
cooling water, so arranged that this water after passing through the
condenser, absorber and rectifier can be delivered to the surge tank
or wasted to the nearest sewer, as desired.
This piping shall be complete with all necessary valves, fittings,
All tanks, except freezing tank, installed in connection with this
plant shall be properly insulated by the Contractor with granulated
cork boards and paper ten (10) inches thick, properly secured in place,
finished with sectional hardwood lagging, lagging rings and necessary
brass bands and clips for same. Bodies of generator and cooler sball
be covered in a similar manner. Freezing tank shall be covered as
hereinbefore specified.
All ammonia and brine pipes shall be covered with cork brine
covering approximately two and one-half (2^) inches thick with min-
eral rubber finish; all end joints shall be broken, and all longitudinal
joints shall be on the top and bottom of pipes. Covering shall be se-
curely wired in place and all spaces between covering and pipes, or be-
tween covering and fittings shall be filled with melted paraffine and
fine granulated cork. Where pipes pass through insulated walls the
covering shall extend one inch beyond the walls. All screw fittings
and all flange fittings 3 inches and less shall be covered with moulded
cork jackets, installed in a manner similar to pipe covering. All flange
fittings larger than 3 inches shall be covered with cork insulation lag-
ging properly wired in place. All spaces shall be filled with melted
paraffine and fine granulated cork. All seams and broken edges shall be
filled with melted paraffine and cork dust so as to leave a smooth sur-
face, which shall be painted with asphaltum as directed.
All cold water pipes shall be covered with wool felt covering \ inch
thick, covered with eight (8) ounce canvas.
All covering shall be neatly and thoroughly applied, special care
being taken with fittings and joints.
All exposed covering in the sub- sub-basement shall be provided
with bright lacquered bands, put on every eighteen (18) inches, and
there shall be a similar band on each side of each fitting.
The Contractor shall guarantee that there will be no condensation
on the outside of covering, and also that no water will at any time ap-
pear in any part of covering. If in his opinion any part of the cover-
ing above mentioned will not comply with the intent of these specifica-
tions and prove satisfactory in every particular, he shall confer with
the Architect before installing same and obtain instructions for in-
stallation of the work.
Steam ends of all pumps shall be covered with 85 per cent, mag-
nesia blocks with Russia iron jackets and spun brass heads.
Unit Prices:
This Contractor shall name one price only for additions to or
deductions from his contract for the respective materials named below:
said prices to obtain until the completion of this work and its accept-
ance by the Architects.
4" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, installed,
per foot $.
3" pipe for ammonia, installed, including fittings,
per foot $.
2i" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, installed,
per foot ;'., $..•...
2" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, installed,
per foot $.
1£" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, installed,
per foot . .i — . $.
li" PiP e f° r ammonia, including fittings, installed,
per foot $
1" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, installed,
per foot . ., $
f" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, installed,
per foot $
\" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, installed,
per foot $
4" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot $
3" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot $..,..
2£" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot , $.
2" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot $.
\\" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot $
li" pip e f° r ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot $
1" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot , $.
5" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot $
\" pipe for ammonia, including fittings, covering
and painting, installed, per foot $
4" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, per
foot $
3" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, per
foot ■.....$
2^" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, per
foot $•
2" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, per
foot • $•
1\" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, per
foot $.
1£" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, per
foot $•
1" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, per
foot $•
J" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, per
foot i $•
4" piping for brine, installed, including fittings, cov-
ering and painting, per foot $.
3" brine piping installed, including fittings, cover-
ing and painting, per foot $.
2£" brine piping, installed, including fittings, cover-
ing and painting, per foot $.
2" brine piping, installed, including fitting, cover-
ing and painting, per foot $.
\\" brine piping, installed, including fittings, cover-
ing and painting, per foot $.
14" brine piping, installed, including fittings, cover-
ing and painting, per foot $.
1" brine piping, installed, including fittings, cover-
ing and painting, per foot $.
\" brine piping, installed, including fittings, cover-
ing and painting, per foot $.
Valves on ammonia work of the following sizes, installed, each:
4" $ IF $
3" $ 1" i $•
2£" $ I" $
2" $ i" $
vr %
Valves except on ammonia work of the following sizes installed,
4" $ 1£" $
3" $ 1" $
2J" $ |" $
2" $ i" $
ir $
If approved by the Architect a compression type of refrigerating
plant, using ammonia or carbonic anhydride may be substituted for
the absorption type specified, same to be complete in every respect
and of the capacity specified.
Scope of the Work:
Furnish and install the boiler feed and vacuum pumps, high pres-
sure drip pumps, blow-off pumps, feed water heaters, blow-off, receiv-
ing and expansion tanks, radiators, coils, valves, piping, fittings of all
kinds, covering, fans, ducts, temperature regulation system, motors,
controllers, trenches, ash removal system, etc., as hereinafter specified,
together with the necessary auxiliaries and appurtenances to complete
the steam heating and ventilating plant and make all live and exhaust
steam and drip connections required in and around the Mechanical
Plant, leaving the whole complete and ready for operation.
Sizes of piping shall in no case be smaller than those shown on
drawings or specified.
Installation of Work:
All suspended pipes and duets shall be kept as close to the ceiling
as possible.
Special care shall be taken in the installation of all concealed
portions of tbis work.
All supports for radiators, coils, etc., that may be required in addi-
tion to work shown on the Architectural and Structural Steel drawings
shall be furnished in place.
Testing Material:
All pipe, fittings, valves, etc., for a working pressure less than 100
pounds shall be tested to 250 pounds and those above 100 pounds to
500 pounds hydrostatic pressure at the factory. Extra heavy fittings
will be required for 100 pounds pressure and above.
Guarantee :
The Contractor shall guarantee the perfect operation of all ap-
paratus installed by him, tbat a complete circulation of steam will be
established throughout the entire heating system at atmospheric pres-
sure within thirty (30) minutes after the main valves are opened;
that the said circulation will be accomplished fully and completely
without any part of the apparatus filling with water, without ham-
mering or surging in any part, and also that after the circulation
is established the plant will maintain a temperature of 70 degrees
Fahrenheit in all rooms when the temperature outside is zero (0) with
steam at atmospheric pressure.
Steam Pressure:
Steam pressure at boiler header will be 160 pounds per square
inch gauge. Exhaust steam will be used for steam heating at atmos-
pheric pressure or vacuum supplemented by live steam when neces-
Auxiliaries and Steam Fitting.
Pipe Connections:
Connect all steam, exhaust and drip connections from the entire
Mechanical Plant.
All high pressure piping shall be blown out in the presence of the
Architect, and shall be kept clean.
Boiler Header:
Furnish, set up and connect main boiler header as shown on dia^
grams. This header shall be made of best quality wrought steel with
welded flanges and all joints shall be made up with approved gaskets.
The header shall be subjected to a test pressure of 300 pounds per
square inch.
Each boiler shall have an independent double valved connection
to the header with valves at the header and adjacent to boiler. The
valve at the boiler shall be an automatic stop and check valve arranged
for hand operation, of a make and type approved by the proper bureau
of the City of New York, N. Y.
Provide on this header all connections shown on diagrams. Also
provide two (2) extra six (6) inch connections closed with valves and
blind flanges. All these connections shall be made through extra heavy
flanged fittings.
Header shall be supported on pipe standards with large size floor
flanges placed in such a manner that no vibration will be transmitted
to the building structure. Tops of standards shall be equipped with
adjustable saddle supports.
Provide dividing valves in header as shown.
Circulating Mains:
Run high pressure circulating main to supply engines and aux-
iliary circulating main and provide valve at each connection to main
header. Also run auxiliary high pressure circulating main to supply
house pumps, fire pumps, air compressors, refrigerating plant and
other auxiliary equipment, and provide valve at each connection to
circulating main for engines.
Mains shall be supported on pipe standards as specified for high
pressure header.
All changes in direction in connections to boilers, engines, and in
circulating mains shall be made with bends, made of extra heavy
wrought pipe, bent to a radiu?i of not less tban 5 times the diameter of
the pipe, great care being taken not to burn the pipe nor crimp the
weld, except immediate connections to boilers, which shall be long
radius elbows.
Returns to Feed Water Heaters:
All returns from steam heating mains and low pressure apparatus
shall be connected to feed water heaters with necessary valves and by-
passes to insure operation of the plant when heaters are cut out.
Free Exhaust:
Exhaust riser shall be installed in pipe shaft where shown, firmly
supported at bottom upon pipe standard with concrete foundation, so
that expansion will be upward to the thirty- fourth intermediate story;
at this point connection will be taken to supply the heating system.
Install immediately below this connection an expansion joint to take
up the expansion of the vertical riser. A special fitting shall be pro-
vided in this story to take the weight of riser above the expansion
joint, same to be securely anchored in place and arranged so that
expansion in riser will be upward.
Riser shall be secured so as to maintain a vertical alignment.
Riser shall finish with cast iron exhaust head above roof, terminating
an directed, and shall have a two (2) inch drip to carry water of con-
densation to blow-off tank with two (2) inch branch to feed water heat-
ers through loop seal, with necessary valves; drip pipe shall be prop-
erly fastened with provision for expansion. Install back pressure
valve on main exhaust above point of connection of distributing mains
to heating system in thirty-fourth intermediate story and arranged
for operation from the sub-sub-basement.
Safety Valve Relief:
Safety valves on each boiler shall discharge into a heavy steel
hood, connected into an eight (8) inch pipe connected with base of
vapor riser.
Provide additional $-inch safety valve on each main safety valve
connection to blow into Boiler Booni. Safety valve outlets must be ar-
ranged to point away from the bridge or direction in which persons
would be liable to stand.
High Pressure Drips:
All water of condensation from high pressure piping free from
oil or other matter shall be returned by independent connections to
the boilers by means of a gravity return system with swing checks
ready for operating and provided with a high water alarm. For this
purpose an opening shall be left in each boiler of the size required by
the return system.
Open blows shall discharge into pipes run independently to a
tank placed in a location approved by the Architect. This tank shall
be connected to nearest sewer.
High pressure drips shall be covered as hereinafter specified for
other high pressure piping, except that covering shall be one (1) inch
(If approved by the Architect, a trap system of high pressure re-
turns may be installed, discharging to feed water heaters.)
Blow-Off Connections:
Join the blow-off connections from each boiler with extra heavy
wrought pipe, galvanized, and connect to blow-off tank. Each connec-
tion shall be complete with water gate valve. Blow-off line shall be
run in trench.
Provide plugged "T" in blow-off connection from each boiler,
placed between the blow-off valve and gate valve.
All water of condensation, including high and low pressure drips,
shall be returned to their proper basins by gravity, pipes being run,
where required, in trenches. These trenches shall be of concrete eight
(8) inches thick made water tight on sides and bottom. Except in
the Engine Eoom, the tops shall be made of heavy cast iron or steel,
diamond pattern floor plates, with lifting holes making lap joints with
each other and sides of trenches. The tops of these trenches shall bo
level with the finished floor. Provide necessary angle iron frames to
receive floor plates. In the Engine Room covers will be provided aa
specified under "Marble and Tile Work."
Oil Separator:
Provide on exhaust connection to expansion tank an oil separator
and muffler of ample capacity.
Blow-Off Tank and Pnmps:
Furnish and set up in pit one (1) blow-off tank of 1,000 gallons
capacity, made of one-half (1) inch flange steel; tank shall have
bumped heads, securely riveted and made water tight under a pressure
of 150 pounds per square inch.
Equip this tank with a manhole 10x16 inches, with bolts, crab and
gasket complete. Paint inside and outside of tank two (2) coats of
asphaltum. Make all connections between boilers, tank, pumps and
sewers of extra heavy wrought pipe, galvanized, with screwed joints
also run eight (8) inch vapor pipe from tank with free exhaust, ter-
minating in a cast iron exhaust head above roof.
Run 2-inch condensing water pipe from supply to feed water heat-
ers through coil in the blow-off tank with proper connections to feed
water heaters, so that all water used for condensing purposes can be
used as make-up water in the boilers. All connections shall be prop-
erly valved.
Also furnish and install in pit two (2) steam driven blow-off
pumps for taking water from blow-off tank and discharging same to
sewer and provided with govei'nor. Make all steam and exhaust con-
nections; also connection to blow-off tank.
Pit shall have walls and bottom of concrete not less than eight
(8) inches thick, and shall be made water-tight in a manner approved
by the Architect. Pit shall be of proper size to receive the blow-off
tank and pumps.
Provide gas pipe rail around pit with iron ladder for access to pit.
Receiver Separators:
Equip each steam connection to engines with a receiver separator
of wrought steel installed in a vertical or horizontal position as
directed, complete with flanges, water glass and valved drip connec-
tions. Capacity of each separator shall be not less than three (3)
times the capacity of the high pressure cylinder of the engine which
it supplies. Details of separators must be submitted to the Architect
for approval.
Hot Water Heaters:
Furnish, set up and connect eight (8) hot water heaters with all
connections complete. Two (2) heaters will be used on high level
house tanks; two (2) on intermediate level house tanks; two (2) on
lower level house tanks, and two (2) on city pressure. These heat-
ers will all be installed in sub- sub-basement. Heaters shall be sup-
ported on wrought pipe or I beam stands, resting upon and securely
fastened to the floor with large size floor plates. Supports for heaters
shall be arranged in such a manner as will not interfere with passage
or access to machinery at floor level. Tanks shall be well stayed and
braced. Heating of water will be done by exhaust steam from expan-
sion tank, and water of condensation returned to feed water heaters,
but all connections shall be valved and by-passed so that if desired
water can be heated by live steam with corresponding return of con-
densation. Provide all valved and flanged connections required.
These heaters shall be of the closed heater type, and provided
with steamless drawn brass tubes not less than one and one-half (H)
inches in diameter, and properly arranged for expansion and cleaning.
Each heater shall have a capacity to heat 2,000 gallons of water
per hour from fifty (50) degrees to one hundred and eighty (180)
degrees Fahrenheit with steam at atmospheric pressure. Water stor-
age capacity of each heater shall be not less than five hundred (500)
gallons. Provide on each heater thermometer and automatic tempera-
ture regulating device of a make and kind approved by the Architect
Provide a pressure reducing valve on high pressure connection to
hot water heaters.
Low Pressure Drip Tank and Pumps:
Furnish and install in pit an ample sized tank made of one-half
(£) inch flange steel with humped heads, made steam tight under a
pressure of one hundred and fifty (150) pounds per square inch. Con-
nect to this receiving tank all drips containing oil and other matter
from the plant. Place in this pit duplicate separators, arranged to
separate oil from water and complete with all connections and equip-
ment necessary to deliver the oil to the oil filters and the water to the
drip tank. Provide two (2) steam driven high pressure drip pumps,
each of sufficient capacity for the plant, and provided with governor.
Make all steam and exhaust connections, also make connection between
tank, pumps and sewer. Connections to sewer shall be through a four
(4) inch extra heavy wrought pipe, galvanized, complete with back
water valve.
All high and low pressure drips emptying into this tank shall be,
run separately and connected into a header at receiving tank. In ad-
dition, all drips from exhaust piping shall be run in separate pipes.
Equip each connection at each engine and exhaust pipe with check
valve and hand valve, both of brass.
The receiving tank shall be painted inside and outside two (2)
coats of asphaltum, and all parts shall be heavily coated with red lead
before assembling.
Construction of pit and covering for same shall be as specified for
blow-off tank pit.
From the top of this receiving tank take out a four (4) inch pipe
and run to roof, terminating in cast iron exhaust head, with three (3)
inch connection from receiving tank on heating system.
Boiler Feed Pomps:
Furnish, set up on foundations and connect two (2) duplex out-
side end packed bronze plunger pumps, of the pot valve type, of a makp
approved by the Architect; each pump shall have a capacity to de-
liver 93,000 pounds of hot water per hour taken from feed water heater
under a back pressure of three (3) pounds. These pumps shall be
fully equipped for the pumping of water at a temperature of 210
degrees and shall have large size air chambers on both suction and
discharge. The piston speed of pump shall not exceed twenty-five (25)
feet per minute under the above conditions.
These pumps shall be so connected as to admit of their being nsed
singly or combined on any one boiler and piping must be so adapted
that one pump can deliver hot water from heaters to any one boiler
and tbe other pump take water from cross-head at filters for the other
boilers, or vice versa.
The pumps shall be also so connected that there will be a double
system of piping to boilers.
Make all necessary connections between heaters, cross-head, boil-
ers and pumps, leaving the pumps complete and ready for operation.
Install all live steam, exhaust steam, drip connections, traps, etc.,,
in and around these pumps. All water connections in and around
these pumps and heaters shall be equipped with gate valves, except
that valves at the boilers shall be globe valves, with a flanged union on
each side of valve.
Each boiler feed pump shall be equipped with an approved force-
feed cylinder lubricating pump as also sight feed lubricators, spanner
wrenches and nickle-plated pet cocks on air chambers.
Provide snifting valve on suction to each pump. Also provide
pressure regulating valve on each pump.
(If approved by the Architect, steam driven turbine pump may
be substituted for the plunger pump specified.)
Thermometer Wells:
Provide the hot and cold water headers at boilers with tubes so
that temperature of feed water can be read from same.
Furnish, set up and connect in .each boiler feed pipe, making all
necessary valved connections and by-passes, one meter of a make ap-
proved by the Architect; meter shall be especially adapted to boiler
feed work. They shall be supported in a substantial manner and
located where approved by the Architect.
Feed Water Heaters:
Furnish, set up and connect where shown two (2) open vertical feed
water heaters, each to have purifier, filter, oil separator and condensa-
tion receiver and having a capacity to filter and heat in one (1) hour
200,000 pounds of water from 45 degrees to 210 degrees Fahrenheit,
and to remove all oil and other matter from water of condensation
returning to it. These heaters shall be fully equipped with trimmings
to take care of exhaust, blow-off connections to catch basin of oil and
water, and automatic water supply. The heaters shall be set so there
will be at least four (4) feet head from the level of the water to the
pump suction.
Auxiliary Boiler Feed Piping:
Cold water supply piping will be brought to points near the boiler
feed headers as specified under "Plumbing, Sewers and Gas Fitting."
Connect with same and to the boiler feed headers, properly valved, in
such a manner that any boiler can be filled with water from the high
level house tanks when desired, and so that any boiler when cold can be
filled with water at city pressure. Feed headers at boilers shall be
located so that valves can be operated easily from floor.
Gauge Board:
Furnish, set up and connect in chief engineer's office at location
directed one (1) gauge board of pink Tennessee marble, properly
stopped, chamfered and mounted on japanned angle iron frame, well
braced at top and bottom.
Gauge board shall be not less than 2 inches thick, free from faults.
Equip the board with the following apparatus, all to be dust proof,
nickel-plated brass, mounted on face of board. All connections shall
be made at rear of board, and each connection shall be provided with
lever handled stop cock, placed where easily accessible.
One (1) gauge for vacuum and heating systems. This shall be a
compound gauge, with zero for center line.
One (1) recording gauge for heating system, with zero as center
line, complete with book, chart and ink.
One (1) recording gauge for high pressure steam connected to
steam header with high and low alarm batteries, chart book and charts.
One (1) recording thermometer for boiler feed.
One (1) pressure gauge for high pressure steam, connected to
steam header, and corrected for difference in level below boilers.
One (1) draft gauge graduated to 1/10 inch.
One (1) recording vacuum gauge for heating system, complete
with book, chart and ink.
One (1) air pressure gauge for air receivers, ejector system.
One (1) air pressure gauge for temperature regulation system.
One (1) Howard movement eight-day clock.
One (1) recording device for recording C0 2 in flue gases.
All gauges shall be 8^ inches in diameter, standardized.
Furnish all material and labor and do all work necessary to con-
nect these gauges with the machinery of which they are a part. For
high pressure work the range shall be between and 300 pounds, with
150 pounds for center line. All connections between machinery and
this board shall be made with extra heavy fittings.
Design of board shall be submitted to Architect for approval.
Special Supply and Return Piping:
Run high pressure supply and return piping to kitchens, bar and
club as shown on diagrams. Fixtures in these locations will be fur-
nished by the Owner, but the Contractor shall cap pipe in floor or
walls and leave ready for connection by the Owner. Provide all press-
ure reducing valves required. Returns shall be run to feed water
Compressed Air System:
Connect to the compound air receivers installed as specified under
"Ejectors" and install air filter and run piping to supply compressed
air in proper location for cleaning all motors and generators, and for
the Barber Shops.
Install a 2-inch riser to 38th story with connections for cleaning
all motors in elevator machinery rooms and 38th story. Riser shall be
run in pipe shaft and branches in floors.
Piping for cleaning generators and all motors in the basement,
sub-basement and sub-sub-basement shall be run where approved by
the Architect with the number of outlets required for properly clean-
ing the machines.
Provide three hundred (300) feet of hose in lengths directed, com-
plete with a nozzle for each length.
Piping shall also be run to Boiler Room and connections made to
the compressed air cleaning apparatus for boilers.
Connections in Barber Shops shall be made at each lavatory as
directed. AH connections shall be capped and be left ready for hose
with all necessary valves and fittings.
Horizontal mains shall be run at sub-sub-basement ceiling, except
for Barber Shop in Basement, which shall be run at sub-basement
All pipes shall be wrought; pipe and fittings shall be galvanized.
Provide all pressure reducing valves necessary.
Oiling System:
Furnish, set up and connect complete, oil filters, oil tanks, pumps,
piping, valves, etc., for an oiling system for engines. All piping in
connection with this system shall be wrought pipe and all piping and
fittings shall be galvanized except that all piping and fittings in and
around engines shall be nickel-plated brass; oil tanks adjacent to en-
gines, and suspended oil tank over filters, shall be of flanged steel with
bumped and dished heads, made tight under 100 pounds pressure per
square inch.
Oil filters and pumps shall be in duplicate and shall be complete
with all connections to gravity tank. Suspended and return tanks shall
be connected to gravity tank and each connection shall be provided
with valve. Also provide drain pipes with valves on tanks; tanks shall
be equipped with water glasses.
Provide proper means for supplying oil from barrels to the
All tanks at engines shall be fastened to sub-base with wrought
iron brackets and all connection to tanks, filters and manifolds shall
be provided with valves.
A complete layout of this oiling system must be submitted to the
Architect for his approval.
Boiler Compound Device:
Furnish and install a device for supplying compound to the boil-
ers, through the discharge of the boiler feed pump.
Boiler Tube Cleaning Pump:
The Contractor shall furnish and install where directed a steam
driven centrifugal pump for circulating water through boiler tubes,
taking suction from blow-off tank. Make all steam and exhaust con-
nections, also make connection to nearest water supply.
Expansion Tank:
Furnish, set up on concrete saddles and connect one (1) flange
steel expansion tank with bumped heads, well stayed and braced, and
equipped with gauge glass and nickel-plated combination vacuum and
low pressure gauge. All exhaust shall return to this tank with by-
pass to atmosphere and heating mains in thirty-fourth intermediate
Btory. Make live steam connection to this tank, provided with two (2)
pressure reducing valves and by-passes to admit of two (2) reductions
in steam pressure. From this tank run connections for first story steam
heating mains, fan coils and for hot water heaters. Equip tank with
5-inch pop safety valve. Make necessary valved connection with drips
to vacuum pumps. Make all connections to this tank, sizes to be as
shown on diagrams. Each connection shall be valved at tank, and
provided with a brass tag showing what it supplies. Tank shall be
made steam tight under 150 pounds per square inch. All connections
to this tank shall be made through flanges securely riveted to tank.
Provide manhole complete with crab and gasket.
Tank shall be provided with a baffle for separating water from
Provide runway around expansion tank and ladder for access to
valves on same.
Damper Regulator:
Furnish and install an approved automatic damper regulator and
connect with damper in main breeching.
Furnish all necessary shafting, anti-friction bearings, hangers,
etc., to properly connect this regulator and damper in order that same
ehall have positive action.
Ladders and Runways:
Furnish and install ladders and runways for access to valves on
main header and boiler connections, also to manholes in boiler drums.
Kunways shall be provided with two (2) inch pipe rails and ample size
pipe rail holders and pipe supports. Floor of runways shall be made
of ca&t iron or steel open work of a neat pattern, the whole put up in a
substantial and workmanlike manner.
Furnish and install in boiler room where shown a system of
cast iron tracks, with switches, for handling coal cars in boiler room.
Tracks shall be of the narrow gauge type, and shall he complete
with all necessary switches, turntables, etc.
Tracks shall be imbedded in floor in Boiler Room while floor is
being laid.
Complete layout of track system shall be submitted to Architect
for approval.
Coal Cars:
Furnish six (6) coal cars for handling coal and ashes in boiler
room. They shall be of one ton capacity and arranged for one side
to let down parallel to the floor.
Cars shall be made of sheet steel, stiffened with angle irons and
with rounded corners and arranged to run on tracks hereinbefore spec-
Type of car shall meet with the approval of the Architect.
Platform Scale:
Furnish and install in Boiler Room where shown or directed a
platform scale of not less than two (2) tons capacity complete with
platform, pit, beam box, track, and all necessary mechanism in connec-
tion with this type of scale. Platform shall be of sufficient length to
accommodate the charging coal cars herein specified. Graduation of
the beam shall be in pounds.
Type of scale shall meet with the approval of the Architects.
Boiler Cleaning Device:
Furnish and install in each boiler setting a soot cleaning system
of piping, so that the boiler tubes may be cleaned with compressed air
without the use of hose. This device shall be complete with all piping,
fittings, valves, etc., and with hose connection.
Motors and Accessories:
Motors used in connection with the ventilating plant (except for
air wash circulating pumps) shall be variable speed and shall operate
their respective machines continuously over the entire range of speed
from 50 per cent, below normal speed by armature control to 10 per
cent, above normal speed by field control or over the same range of
speed by field control only.
All other motors shall be constant speed.
Each motor shall be of ample size to operate the respective de-
vice to which it is connected at its proper full load and speed contin-
Under the above conditions each motor shall operate without shift-
ing of the brushes from no-load to full-load, without sparking, cutting
or blackening of the commutator, and without heating in any part of
windings more than 40 degrees Centigrade or any part of commutator
more than 45 degrees Centigrade above the temperature of the sur-
rounding atmosphere.
Motors must be of high efficiency and must be subjected at tbe
factory to an insulation test of 1,500 volts alternating current for a
period of one (1) minute.
Bearings sball be self oiling and equipped with oil gauges.
Each variable speed motor shall be equipped with a no-voltage re-
lease speed regulator designed to give 50 per cent, reduction by arma-
ture control and 10 per cent, increase by field control or above varia-
tion by field control only. The controller resistance shall have capac-
ity for continuous operation over the entire range of speed without
injurious heating.
All other motors shall be equipped with no- voltage release start-
ing rheostats.
All controller boards shall be of pink Tennessee marble, not less
than 1^ inches thick, free from faults. Each board shall be properly
secured to a japanned angle iron frame and shall stand at least one
(1) foot from any combustible material, and shall have a distance of
at least three (3) feet between the bottom of the board and the floor
Starting rheostats shall have removable segments with binding
posts at rear with connections plainly stamped thereon and boxes shall
be arranged for either wall or floor connections. In place of line switch
and fuses each controller board shall be equipped with one double
pole, double arm, with independently operating arms, overload re-
lease laminated contact and pressure carbon break circuit breaker in
main line of circuit of motor.
Installation of Motors and Controller Boards:
All motors and controllers shall be installed by the Contractor.
All motors shall be provided with No. 20 B. & S. gauge planished
copper drip pans with beaded edges placed under bearings and se-
curely attached to motors.
All rooms above grade shall be heated by direct radiation.
Mechanical ventilatidn shall be installed where shown.
Radiators and coils are to be operated by a two-pipe vacuum sys-
tem with mains located at points shown.
The Contractor shall be responsible for stoppages in return valves
and piping, and all piping shall be blown out in the presence of the
Architect and shall be kept clean.
Distributing mains shall be connected to main exhaust in thirty-
fourth intermediate story as indicated on diagrams. They shall be
run as shown and shall be supported from beams above by wrought
iron clamp hangers set not over twelve (12) feet apart.
The supply mains shall deliver steam to the distributing risers
located around walls of the building. One set of pipes shall be run to
supply radiators and another set to return water of condensation to
the return system.
Connections of risers to supply radiators located below the mains
shall be made from the under side of the main and connections to
supply risers or branches to radiators above the mains shall be made
from top side of main. Each riser shall be separately valved with a
gate valve at the main.
An independent supply and return shall be run for direct radia-
tion in the first story.
Steam heating mains shall be raised and dripped wherever nec-
essary in the opinion of the Architect to provide the maximum amount
of head room.
All supply and return risers shall be located where shown and
shall be of the sizes shown on diagrams. They shall be provided with
valves at connections to mains.
Each riser shall be anchored firmly in the 2d, 8th, 16th, 24th and
32d floors so that expansion will be in both directions from tliese points
with expansion loops in the 4th, 12th, 20th and 28th floors. Sides of
loops shall be as long as possible in the space provided.
Special attention must be paid to the offsets at all floors where
same occur. At the other floors risers shall be so anchored to beams
as to maintain perfect alignment. All anchors at fastening point-3
shall be at least four (4) inches long at points where same are clamped
to risers.
Eisers are to be concealed throughout the building and special
care shall be taken in the installation so that they will be located wholly
within the space provided for them and perfect alignment vertically
Provide in each riser in each story where same is not shown con-
nected to a radiator, at the proper height above the floor line, a
plugged tee of proper size for the future installation of a radiator.
All returns of condensation shall be delivered to the feed water
heaters by means of the vacuum system employed.
At the bottom of each supply riser shall be placed a drip connec-
tion to return complete with a valve of the kind used in the vacuum
Each return riser shall be provided with a valve at its lowest
Provide drip pockets at the bottom of all risers located at acces-
sible points. , , *
Sizes of Connections:
All radiators and coils shall be connected through a two-pipe sys-
tem and graded down toward the return end. The supply and return
connections shall be graded down toward respective risers.
These connections must be so set that they will not be trapped by
the expansion of the risers. Where one branch serves two radia-
tors, it shall he not less than 1 inch in diameter and no connection shall
be less than f inch in diameter.
The size of supply valves on radiators and coils shall be as fol-
f-inch shall not supply more than 60 square feet.
1-inch shall not supply more than 90 square feet.
1-^-inch shall not supply more than 140 square feet.
Branch connections to radiator valves shall be run below the floor
and shall be as follows :
1-inch pipe shall not supply more than 40 square feet.
1^-inch pipe shall not supply more than 75 square feet.
l|-inch pipe shall not supply more than 125 square feet.
Radiators and Coils:
Radiators shall be located as shown, unless express permission is
given for change. Special care must be taken in the location of radia-
tors which are to be concealed. Sizes shall not be less than indicated,
although, if in any case the Contractor considers a larger radiator or
coil necessary to enable him to fulfill the guarantee which accompanies
these specifications, the increase in size shall be made by him. Top
of radiator shall in no case come above the sill of window.
All radiators shall be cast iron of the steam pattern with plain
The coils shall be of new wrought pipe, unless specifically noted
to the contrary, and shall be supported on iron supports neatly and
securely attached to iron work. Coils shall have spring pieces at inlet
ends ; all shall be provided with necessary manifolds.
Finish of Radiators and Coils:
All radiators, coils and connections to same shall be painted two
(2) coats, final coat tinted as directed by the Architects.
All pipe shall be new wrought pipe, standard weights and dimen-
sions, except where otherwise specified. All pipe between boiler feed
pumps and boilers shall be of brass, iron pipe size, and extra heavy.
Fittings shall be fine grained gray cast iron, except that all fit-
tings in connection with brass pipe for hot water boiler feed shall be
extra heavy brass, cast in same mold as extra heavy iron fittings.
All flanges and fittings shall be of uniform thickness throughout
and concentric, thoroughly cleaned, wire brushed, pickled and finished
smooth inside and outside. All flanges shall be faced and drilled.
Standard weights and dimensions to govern. All threads shall be
clean cut, smooth and tapering. Blind flanges shall be heavy ribbed
from center boss to outside edge of flange, and all bolt holes shall have
bosses. All curved fittings, except as specified for bends, shall be of
the sweep or long radius pattern.
Joints :
All flanged joints on low pressure work shall be made with rubber
gaskets. All flanged joints on high pressure work shall be welded
steel faced on pipe approved by the Architect, and made with sheet
packing of a material especially designed for this class of service.
Threaded joints may be made with red lead, but caution must be
taken that only a thin coat of lead is put on the threads.
All joints shall be made tight under steam pressure.
All pipes, fittings and valves three (3) inches and greater in diam-
eter shall be made up with flanged joints, except that heating piping
below twelve (12) inches in diameter, other than connections at expan-
sion tank, shall be made up with screwed joints.
Securing Piping:
All piping shall be firmly secured with proper allowance for ex-
pansion and contraction, which shall be compensated for as much as
possible by right angle turns. Wherever suspended, expansion hang-
ers must be used; all supports for pipes must be arranged to prevent
In all work the main supplies shall have a pitch of not less than
] inch in ten (10) feet. All small pipe shall have a pitch of not less
than one (1) inch in ten (10) feet.
Where pipes pass through walls, floors, partitions, pipe enclos-
ure walls, marble or wood trim, they shall be provided with galvanized
iron sleeves. For vertical piping sleeves shall be made with top edges
turned over to give good bearing surface and beaded edges at ceiling;
on risers they shall be adjustable and so made that bottom of sleeve
will project one (1) inch below ceiling, and shall be arranged to per-
mit covering to pass up in same. Where risers are exposed sleeves
shall be finished at floor line with cast iron plates. For horizontal
pipes, sleeves shall have expansion plates to allow for expansion of
pipes ; plates must not slide by sleeve flanges.
Sample of sleeve shall be submitted to the Architect for approval.
Steam Piping in Floors:
Except branches to radiators, in every case where steam supply
and return pipes must be run concealed in the fill above floor beams
they shall be installed in ducts of No. 20 galvanized iron, rectangular
in section and of a width required. These ducts shall be provided with
covers of similar material soldered on before floors are laid. Where
pipes pass through these covers, provide thimbles with heavy cast iron
floor flanges. Great care must be taken in the installation of these
boxes and proper provision must be made for expansion. Pipes shall
be covered as hereinafter specified under "Covering."
Place a covering of rock concrete at the sides of the galvanized
iron boxes and provide all necessary protection of boxes until floors
are laid.
Over radiator connections where in floor provide an arched cover
of No. 18 galvanized iron. Connections must be covered same as the
Valves :
For high pressure steam, valves shall be of the globe or angle pat-
tern, extra heavy, except dividing valves in main high pressure header,
in high pressure engine circulating main and engines fed from same,
high pressure pump circulating main, and high pressure supply from
circulating main to expansion tank, which shall be gate valves. All
these valves shall be suitable for a working pressure of 250 pounds.
Body and bonnet flanges shall be grooved to hold packing. Flanges
shall be faced and drilled to a template.
All gate valves 6 inches and larger in diameter shall be provided
with by-passes and with wedge gates and rising stems.
These valves shall be of the highest quality and shall contain not
more than seven-tenths of 1 per cent, phosphorus, and not more than
one-tenth of 1 per cent, sulphur ; tensile strength shall not be less than
20,000 pounds per square inch. Valves shall be provided with renewa-
ble seats.
For low pressure steam, valves shall be of the water gate pattern.
All gate valves on the expansion tank connections and all other
gate valves 3 inches and above in diameter, except on heating system,
shall be flanged and provided with companion flanges.
All check valves shall be of brass.
All fan coils operated by thermostats shall be equipped with auto-
matic valves. All radiators and coils shall be provided with packless
radiator valves with wood wheels, nickel-plated trimmings, unions and
rough bodies. Valve handles which control radiators behind grilles
shall be placed in easily accessible locations at points approved by the
All radiators and coils and each sub-division of the fan coils shall
be provided with automatic return valves of a kind suitable for the
system operating the plant at atmospheric pressure or vacuum. Ex-
cept on fan coils, return valves shall be nickel-plated.
All main steam valves in Engine and Pump Rooms which are not
within easy reach of the operator shall be provided with chains or
other approved means for closing same from the floor.
Vacuum System:
It is the intention to have the steam throughout the entire system
circulate at one-half (i) pound pressure or below same, and the Con-
tractor shall install a complete system of piping to accomplish this
result. All piping shall terminate in the Pump Room.
All subdivisions of the heating apparatus, including fan coils,
Bhall have corresponding subdivisions in the vacuum system of piping
so that a shutting down of a portion of the apparatus will not inter-
fere with the successful operation of the balance.
The vacuum system shall be of a type which does not require con-
densing water and valves shall be so constructed that no steam will
pass through and shall be noiseless in operation.
Provide a connection to hot water heaters.
Furnish all apparatus, machinery, valves, etc., for the vacuum sys-
tem, run all return or other pipes required to make all connections to
radiators, coils, heaters, etc., also to sewer and water supply, if re-
Furnish and install, in location approved by the "Architect, on
foundations, and connect three (3) vacuum pumps. Each pump shall
be of sufficient capacity to operate one-half the system. Vacuum pumps
shall be steam driven and shall deliver into a receiving tank which
shall be provided with vent and connection to feed water heaters.
Gauges shall be mounted on a pink Tennessee marble gauge board
not less than 1} inches thick, free from faults, and shall be mounted
on an angle iron frame similar to frame hereinbefore specified for con-
troller board under "Motors and Accessories."
All gauge board connections and instruments shall be nickel-plated
Test and Acceptance:
When the vacuum system is ready to be turned over, and before
acceptance same shall be tested as directed by the Architect. This
plant must be capable of producing and maintaining a vacuum through-
out the entire return piping of not less than five (5) inches at all points
in the system.
Licenses :
Furnish the Owners with the necessary licenses to operate the
vacuum system, but under no circumstances will any licenses be ac-
cepted that demand of the Owners the acknowledgment of the validity,
of the patents covering the apparatus installed.
The Contractor shall thoroughly test his work, and all risers and
other pipes to be concealed shall be subjected to proper pressure test
and be made steam tight before covering is put on. The heating sys-
tem shall be steam tight under a pressure of fifteen (15) pounds per
square inch.
Covering :
After all piping is thoroughly tested and accepted, pipe and fit-
tings shall be covered as follows:
All high pressure piping and all exhaust piping, including riser,
shall be covered with 85 per cent, magnesia 1£ inches thick.
All heating and low pressure piping, except distributing risers in
the heating system, shall be covered with high pressure asbestos
moulded sectional covering, having walls not less than one (1) inch
All supply and return risers shall be covered with f -inch thick wool
felt sectional covering, asbestos lined and covered with asbestos sheath-
ing and covered with canvas. This covering shall be set into cups
provided on risers and shall extend inside of floor sleeves; special care
shall be taken to see that covering extends inside of sleeve not less
than two (2) inches.
All piping exposed in cold places shall be provided with an addi-
tional frost proof covering.
All cold water piping shall be covered with wool felt covering one-
half (I) inch thick, covered with insulating paper and properly pro-
tected with a waterproof covering.
All piping between boiler feed pumps and boilers shall be coA'ered
with wool felt covering in two layers each § inch thick.
All tanks and heaters installed shall be covered with 14-inch thick
moulded asbestos blocks wired on with one (1) inch air space formed
of angles between covering and shell, stretching thereon wire netting
of one-half (|) inch mesh, and covered with one-half (£) inch thick
asbesots cement felt.
Steam ends of all pumps shall be covered with 85 per cent, mag-
nesia blocks with Russia iron jackets and spun brass heads.
All of the above work shall be covered with eight (8) ounce can
vas, which shall be so put on that no frayod edges will be exposed. All
high pressure and exhaust piping and fittings in the sub-sub-basement
shall be neatly covered with sheathing paper and eight (8) ounce can-
vas, sewed on over the covering above specified. Flanges in above
shall be provided with similar covering made removable.
Asbestos moulded sectional covering and blocks shall contain not
less than ten (10) per cent, of white asbestos fibre and shall not be
subjected to extreme heat in drying as determined by finger impres-
sions on finished material.
All covering on pipes in third intermediate and thirty-fourth in-
termediate stories shall be provided with bright lacquered bands put
on every eighteen (18) inches, and with similar band on each side of
each fitting.
All covering shall be neatly and thoroughly applied, special care
being taken with the fittings and joints.
Fresh air is to be introduced and foul air exhausted at points
indicated on diagrams, and all systems shall operate practically noise-
Fresh Air Intakes:
Intakes with iron gratings for fresh air fans will be furnished and
installed as specified under "Ornamental Iron." Connect with these
intakes and run No. 18 galvanized iron ducts to fans, an independent
duct being run to each unit as shown.
Tempering Chambers:
Build a tempering chamber for each fresh air fan, of No. 18 gal-
vanized iron, well stayed and braced with angle irons, the whole being
air tight. Make connections to fans and provide each chamber with a
tight fitting door having lock, key and hardware, and set in wall of
chamber for access from floor. Edge of door shall be faced with felt
on the inside to insure a tight fit.
Exhaust Chambers:
Build exhaust chambers where shown and make connections to
exhaust fans, all in the manner specified for tempering chambers.
Where two or more ducts are connected to one exhaust chamber
they shall be so arranged that the flow of air shall be free through all
Fresh Air Dampers:
Furnish and put in place in each fresh air connection to tempering
chambers a balanced sheet iron damper to close tight. The damper
shall be painted two (2) coats of asphaltum. Provide this damper
with necessary operating device so that it can be operated easily from
the floor.
Fan Discharge Outlets:
Equip each exhaust fan with discharge outlet, protected with hood
and deflector. These outlets shall be made of 20-ounce copper above
roof and shall be properly secured to roof beams; they shall be de-
signed so as to present as little obstruction to passage of air as pos-
sible. In addition to the exhaust outlet specified each exhaust fan for
kitchen service shall be provided with a free discharge direct to atmos-
phere with fusible link and damper, so arranged that in case of fire
the damper will close against the fan inlet and allow the products of
combustion to pass directly to the atmosphere.
Air Washing Devices:
Furnish, install and connect between each fresh air fan and its
tempering coil3, an air washing device, which shall be of ample ca-
pacity for the amount of air passing through, the velocity of which
shall not exceed 500 feet per minute. All parts of the washing device
coming in contact with water shall be of heavy copper and all parts
shall be made water tight. Spray heads shall be of brass and shall bo
arranged for automatic cleaning.
This air washing device shall be complete with circulating pump
and motor of ample capacity for supplying all necessary water for
the spray pipes.
All main connections to air washers shall be provided with valves
to regulate the flow of water, and all branches to spray pipes must
be installed in such a manner that they can easily be cleaned or flushed.
Make all necessary water and sewer connections, and supply and re r
turn piping. This work shall be completed in the same manner as
other similar work installed in the building.
Complete details of the air washing devices shall be submitted to
the Architect for approval.
All piping in connection wtih these air washes shall be wrought
pipe galvanized, of standard weights and dimensions, except inside of
chambers, which shall be brass.
Provide all necessary doors for access to air washing device with
window in door between tempering coils and washer. Directly opposite
this window on the other side of chamber provide a similar window.
Heating Coils:
Furnish, set up on an angle iron frames and connect the coils for
heating the air supplied to the fresh air fans. Each heating coil shall
be made of one (1) inch wrought pipes, staggered in a heavy cast iron
base and there shall be four (4) rows of tubes in each base.
Heating coils shall be of the capacity and free area indicated on
heating diagrams.
Heating coils shall be of the approximate width shown on dia-
grams, extra wide bases being provided where necessary. Where
shown, coil3 shall be set end to end.
(If approved by the Architects "Vento" cast iron heaters may
be substituted for the pipe coils specified, same to be of the same ca-
pacities and having not less than the free area specified.)
Tempering and re-heating coils shall be connected in batteries,
each enclosed in a steel housing, provided with extension for connec-
tion to fan as shown.
Sub-divisions of the fan coils, except first section of tempering
coils for each fan, shall be provided with diaphragm valves which
will automatically control the steam supply; the tempering coils shall
be arranged so as to be controlled by two thermostats and the re-
heating coils so as to be controlled by one thermostat. Hand valve
only shall be installed on the first section of tempering coils for each
Provide under each battery of tempering coils for fresh air fans
a cold air by-pass, at least two (2) feet high, provided with a damper
controlled by a thermostat. Provide under each battery of re-heating
coils a similar by-pass, without main damper; by-pass shall be con-
nected to hot air ducts from tempered air chamber, and each hot air
duct and its by-pass shall be provided with a pair of dampers con-
trolled by a thermostat arranged to maintain air in the rooms at a
temperature to be determined later. Locations of these thermostats
shall be as directed.
These thermostats shall be operated with compressed air and con-
nection shall be made with compressed air receivers installed as spec-
ified under "Ejectors." Furnish complete all piping, fittings, valves,
Make all steam and return connections required, properly valved.
Fans shall be of the multivane type and shall be properly pro-
portioned for the requirements specified. The housing of each fan
shall be properly designed for the conditions under which the fan
must be installed; they shall be made of steel with heavy stiffeners
of channels, angles or tees, or if approved by the Architect, of cast
They shall be set upon large angle iron bases and be complete
with shafting, adjustable boxes, ring oilers, etc., and equipped with
polished brass sight feed oil gauges on all bearings.
Each fan shall be provided with a plate fastened to fan housine
where directed, stating the portion of the building to which air is
supplied, or from which air is exhausted, the quantity of air supplied
or exhausted per minute, and the revolutions of the fan under normal
load. Marking for each plate shall be submitted to the Architect for
Fan Requirements:
The fans must operate practically noiselessly under maximum
pressure and maximum revolutions.
The capacities of fans shall be as noted on heating diagrams.
Foundations :
Foundations for fans shall be continuous under fans and motor
Fans shall be provided with large size angle iron bases only, and
shall be bolted to floors with insulating material consisting of two (2)
one (1) inch layers of cork between base and floor to take up any
vibration. Furnish a wood frame on top of each cork base.
Each fan shall be driven by a direct connected, direct current 240
volt electric motor of the shunt wound, open, multipolar type, with con-
troller of ample size to operate its respective machine at its proper
full load and speed as hereinbefore specified under "Motors and Ac-
The motors, controllers and all appurtenances and equipment re-
quired by same shall be furnished, the whole to be as specified under
"Motors and Accessories."
Ducts shall be made of galvanized iron.
All suspended ducts shall be made with double lock joints and
shall be made air tight. Joints shall be soldered if necessary in ordei
to make them tight. They shall be made with galvanized angle iron
frames and hangers and shall be firmly secured in place. If of four
(4) square feet area or greater, they shall be of No. 22 gauge iron
and if of less than four (4) square feet area, of No. 24 gauge. In ad-
dition, all suspended ducts of more than 256 square inches area shali
be thoroughly stiffened with galvanized one (1) inch angle irons placed
not more than four (4) feet apart.
All ducts in connection with kitchens shall be of not less than No.
14 gauge.
All changes in direction shall be along easy curves, the radius
measured from center of duct to be in no case less than twice the diam-
eter of the duct, if circular, nor less than twice the diameter of a cir-
cular duct having an equivalent cross sectionel area, if rectangular.
Connections to outlets shall be made through trumpet shaped mouth
pieces flared out as much as the construction will permit. All branches
shall be taken out at an angle not to exceed 45 degrees with line of air
Provide in each fresh air and exhaust duct an air tight damper
located near fan so that the fresh air to or exhaust from any portion
of the building can be shut off completely ; also mark each duct neatly
in a conspicuous place to or from what portion of the building it sup-
plies or exhausts air.
Ducts at entrances and at other points delivering fresh air below
radiators shall be made of proper size to deliver air directly beneath
the entire radiators. Duet work shall terminate just below the floor
line and all openings in floor around duct work and radiator connec-
tions shall be properly filled in with tile or concrete.
Hoods in Kitchens:
Furnish and install hoods in kitchens where so indicated on dia-
grams. They shall be made of heavy black iron, properly reinforced,
and connected with exhaust ducts.
Ventilation of the Equitable Company Space:
An exhaust ventilating system shall be installed in the Equitable
Company space in the entire 4th and 5th stories, the air being taken
from points east and west of the elevators in each story, as shown on
diagrams, with the exhaust fan located in the 4th story and discharg-
ing into the vent shaft.
The discharge shall be continued the full height of the building
with discharge above roof, similar to hoods for other exhaust fans.
Canvas Ducts:
The connection of each fresh air fan to main outlet shall be made
of No. 6 duck, two (2) feet long, having substantial iron frame at each
end, bolted securely in place with air tight gaskets at all joints. These
ducts shall be well sized and painted as directed.
Openings in Ducts:
Provide openings not less than ten (10) inches square in sus-
pended ducts larger than 12x12 inches with air-tight sliding doors,
located as follows:
One (1) at every curve on each main pressure and exhaust duct,
and one (1) at each junction of main branch with main supply.
Air Splits:
At every junction of a fresh air branch duct to a main or sub-main,
an air split hinged at junction shall be furnished in place and at every
junction of an exhaust branch duct to a main or sub-main a deflector
hinged at junction shall be furnished. Where ducts are concealed,
these adjusting splits and deflectors must be arranged in branches be-
hind inlets and outlets in easily accessible locations; where exposed,
they must be provided with solid rod connections to outside of duct
with handles and lock nuts to lock the splits in place after adjustment.
Air splits and deflectors shall be of a design which, will permit
variation in the amount of air passing through the branch duct without
presenting an obstruction to the passage of air in main duct. Design
of air splits and deflectors shall be submitted to the Architect for
All air splits and deflectors shall be made of heavy galvanized
Inlets and Outlets:
Fresh air inlets and exhaust outlets where required in toilet rooms
and janitors' closets, first story vestibules, and in certain portions of
the basement and sub-basement will be furnished and installed as spec-
ified under "Ornamental Iron and Bronze Work." Furnish and in-
stall all other inlets and outlets.
Inlets in the sub-sub-basement, including all portions of the Me-
chanical Plant, shall be provided with beaded edges and all exhaust
outlets in the Mechanical Plant shall be screened outlets with beaded
edges, except where grilles are specifically mentioned.
These shall be register faces (with louvres) of a design approved
by the Architect. Register faces shall be finished to match the hard-
Inlet and outlet connections shall be made air tight.
Each fresh air inlet shall be provided with a diffuser to equally
distribute the air across the full area of the inlet. Details shall be
submitted to the Architect for approval.
The quantities of air supplied or exhausted through inlets and
outlets shall be in accordance with a schedule provided at a later date
by the Architect. Measurements of the air supplied or exhausted
will be made by the Architect at the points of entrance to and exit
from the various rooms, and if the results obtained are not in accord-
ance with the schedule, such changes and adjustments must be made
in the ventilating equipment as may be required.
Ventilation of Vaults:
The Safety Deposit Vault and the Silver and Trunk Vault shall
be provided with ventilation.
The duct work inside the Safety Deposit Vault will be provided
by the Owners.
Duct shall enter this vault through the emergency door. The sec-
tion passing through the door shall he made of aluminum and installed
in such a manner that it can easily he removed to allow closing of
door and when in place joints shall be air tight.
Confer with the Owners and so arrange the work as to make the
installation complete in every respect. Complete details of the in-
stallation shall be submitted to the Architect for approval.
Insulation of Boiler Room and Pump Room Ceilings:
A vitrified asbestos ceiling will be installed in the Boiler Room and
Pump Room, leaving a clear space of approximately eight (8) inches
between tile ceiling and top of asbestos ceiling. Air will be admitted
to this space through grilles. Make connection from this air space into
the exhaust systems from the Boiler Room and Pump Room. Exercise
great care in all work in connection with the ceiling and see to it that
all work is made air tight. Lf it is necessary to provide any sleeves for
ducts or pipes through this space, the sleeves shall be of sufficient
length to extend entirely through this space to the ceiling below.
Sleeves Through Floors and Walls:
In all cases where ducts pass through floors and openings for same
are not framed with steel beams or channels, the Contractor shall fur-
nish and install sleeves made of cast iron not less than i inch thick, or
of 3/16-inch steel properly stiffened with angle irons, and made proper
length to extend through floor, but no edges shall be exposed.
Where ducts pass through main building walls provide similar
Full details of these sleeves must be submitted to the Architect
for approval.
In every case sleeves shall be installed at the time the floor or
wall is built and shall be properly secured in place.
The fresh air intakes shall be covered with £-inch thick air cell
blocks put on single and covered with 8-ounce canvas. These blocks
shall be securely fastened to the intakes and guaranteed against con-
In addition, that portion of the fresh air ducts exposed in the
Boiler and Engine Rooms shall be covered with two (2) layers of ^-inch
thick air cell sheets put on single, covered with 8-ounce canvas. These
sheets shall be supported on f-inch angle irons attached to the ducts
spaced every twenty-four (24) inches. Angle irons shall have | inch
holes at outside edge spaced every twelve (12) inches for wiring sheets
in place.
Special care must be taken in the construction of ducts and appli-
cation of covering to insure straight lines after covering is applied.
Temperature Regulation :
Temperature regulation shall be installed for the ventilation sys-
tem. Compressed air shall be taken from the air receivers specified
under "Ejectors," connection being made through pressure reducing
valve. This system shall be complete with all necessary parts, tanks,
valves, piping, etc., and shall be erected in a neat and workmanlike
manner. All air pipes shall be wrought pipe galvanized, and shall be
concealed as much as possible. Thermostats shall be automatic in
uction and must govern within a variation of two (2) degrees.
If it is necessary to install additional filters in the air supply to
this system, or to provide cooling coils to remove moisture from the
air same shall be furnished and installed complete in every respect
in a manner approved by the Architect.
The finish, style and location of thermostats shall be approved by
the Architect.
Before this apparatus is installed, a layout of the same shall be
submitted to the Architect for approval.
Test and Acceptance:
When the ventilating plant is ready to be turned over, and before
acceptance of same, the Contractor (after all ducts are properly ad-
justed for carrying capacities) shall subject the plant, at its own
expense, to a continuous run of six (G) hours under full loads, and
it shall perform all the duties hereinbefore specified, and the quan-
tities of air shall be as hereinbefore specified.
This test shall be made under the direction of the Architect.
Before acceptance of the plant, the Contractor shall enter into a
written agreement with the Owners to properly clean out, adjust and
put in first-class condition at its own expense, all valves, thermostats,
air splits and deflectors the winter next following the acceptance.
Unit Prices:
Name one price only for any additions to or deductions from the
contract for the respective materials named below ; said price to obtain
until tho completion of this work and its acceptance by the Architects :
36" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
30" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
24" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
20" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
18" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
16" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
14" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
12" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
10" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
8" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
6" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
5" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
4" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
3" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
2+/' pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
2" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
1$" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
1£" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
1" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
f" pipe installed, including fittings, per foot.
by the A
... $..,.
rchuects :
... $..,
... $...
(• ■
... $...
... $....
• • • • . •!• •
... $...
... $...
... $....
I. . . .!. .'. .
... $...
... $...
la • • •• •!■ •
... $...
... $...
... $...
... $...
... $...
i. •
...... .i. .
... $...
4" pipe installed, including fittings and painting,
per foot $.
3" pipe installed, including fittings and painting,
per foot $.
2|" pipe installed, including fittings and painting,
per foot $.
2" pipe installed, including fittings and painting,
per foot $ .
1$" pipe installed, including fittings and painting,
per foot $ .
H" pipe installed, including fittings and painting,
per foot , $.
1" pipe installed, including fittings and painting,
per foot $ .
|" pipe installed, including fittings and paintings,
per foot $.
36" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
30" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
24" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
20" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
18" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
aabestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
16" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
14" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot ...,$.
12" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
10" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
8" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $.
6" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
5" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
4" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
3" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
2V pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
2" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
IV' pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
H" pip e » including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
1" pipe, including fittings, magnesia or moulded
asbestos covering, and painting, installed, per
foot $
4" pipe, including fittings, wool felt covering and
painting, installed, per foot $
3" pipe, including fittings, wool felt covering and
painting, installed, per foot $
1\" pipe, including fittings, wool felt covering and
painting, installed, per foot $
2" pipe, including fittings, wool felt covering and
painting, installed, per foot $.
\\" pipe, including fittings, wool felt covering and
painting, installed, per foot $
1" pipe, including fittings, wool felt covering and
painting, installed, per foot $ — .
\" pipe, including fittings, wool felt covering and
painting, installed, per foot $
Radiation as follows, including radiator, freight, drayage, all han-
dling necessary to set radiator in place in the building, ready for in-
stallation, and also including painting, per square foot:
• • •
45" high $ 20" high $.
44" high $ 18" high $.
38" high $ 16" high $.
32" high $ 14" high $.
26" high $ 13" high $
22" high $
Radiator connections of the following sizes, including correspond-
ing return connections, painting connections, etc., each:
14" $
W $
1" $
!" $....'....'....
Return valves, each $
Disconnecting radiators after installation, each. . . $
Valves of the following sizes, each:
20" $ 6"
IS" $ 5" $.
16" $ 4" $.
14" $ 3" $.
12" $ 2$" $.
10" $ 2" $.
8" $ U" $.
Breaking radiators and reconnecting same, each.. $.
Radiator valves of the following sizes, each:
li" ••
Installation and removal of radiators used for tem-
porary heating purposes, each $
Radiation in coils, including coil, freight, drayage,
labor, all handling necessary to set coil in
place in the building ready for connection, and
also including the necessary hangers, painting,
etc., per square foot $
Suspended galvanized iron ducts, per lb., includ-
ing angle iron stiff eners, hangers, etc $
Covering for ducts, per square foot, installed , $
Excavation, per cubic yard ....$.., . .
Concrete, per cubic yard, installed $.
Removal of earth, per cubic yard ...$...
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute, install and complete
the Stack and Ceiling Lining in accordance with the accompanying
drawings and as required by these specifications.
Scope of tlie Work:
The smoke stack and the necessary angles for supporting the lin-
ing inside the stack, will be furnished and set as specified under
"Structural Steel" and "Erection of Steel."
Line the entire inside of the smoke stack and the entire ceiling of
the Boiler Room and Pump Room with Vitrified Asbestos Lining not
less than two (2) inches thick.
Furnish all necessary fastenings to secure the stack lining in place,
supported on angle irons ; all joints shall be made perfectly tight with
specially treated Asbestos Cement.
Also furnish all metal angles, strips, etc., for supporting the ceil-
ing lining. This ceiling lining shall be a suspended ceiling installed
so as to leave a clear space of approximately eight (8) inches between
the tile ceiling and top of asbestos ceiling. This space will be used
for the circulation of air and proper means shall be provided for
supporting lining leaving this air space as free as possible. Where
drop beams and girders extend below suspended ceiling, the asbestos
lining shall be carried around the sides and bottom of beams and gir-
ders next to the fire proofing.
At certain points, pipes, conduits, ducts, etc, will extend from the
floor above through the ceiling lining ; at all points where ceiling lining
is penetrated the opening shall be filled with asbestos cement in such a
manner as to make a close fit around all pipes, conduits, ducts, angles,
etc.; all joints shall be made perfectly tight. Plaster the entire ceil-
ing of the Boiler Room and Pump Room one-half (i) inch thick with
Asbestos and Portland Cement Plaster, and the entire installation
when completed shall be air tight.
The vitrified asbestos lining must show under test that it can be
heated to a temperature of 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit and immediately
immersed in cold water without causing any change in its construc-
Unit Prices:
Name one price only for any additions to or deductions from this
contract for the material named below, said price to obtain until the
completion and acceptance by the Architects of all work included
herein :
Vitrified asbestos stack lining, installed, per square
foot , $
Vitrified asbestos ceiling lining, installed, per
square foot $
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute, install and complete
the Electric Wiring and Switchboard Work in accordance with the
accompanying drawings and as required by this specification.
Installation of Work:
The Contractor shall examine the Architectural, Heating, Plumb-
ing and Structural Steel drawings and if any discrepancies occur be-
tween them which in any way affect the work, or if any details of
construction interfere with the work, report the same to the Architect
and obtain written instructions for changes necessary in the work. In
all- cases where heat and vent ducts prevent locating of outlets in ceil-
ingj the Contractor shall provide a special type of approved strap
hanger for the proper support of conduit and boxes beneath the ducts,
or install pipe thimble to allow conduits to pass through the duct, as
approved by the Architect.
Any cutting and patching of floors or walls made necessary by
the neglect of the Contractor to provide necessary openings through
same shall be done by it at its expense.
Cabinet and other iron work, not including exposed conduits, in-
stalled under these specifications, shall be painted two (2) coats of
black insulating paint, one (1) coat before delivery at the building and
one (1) coat after installation and after all pipes and wires are con-
nected complete. Exposed conduits shall be painted with two coats of
lead and oil, last coat tinted as directed.
Insulation Resistance:
After wiring is complete, it shall be tested in sections, and all
defects shall be made good before current is turned on to the building.
The Contractor shall make all tests in the presence of the Architect
to show that insulation resistance meets Underwriters' requirements,
and shall provide all apparatus required to make such tests.
All work and material shall be strictly first-class in every particu-
lar, and shall be installed in accordance with the rules and require-
ments of the Electrical Inspection Department of the City of New
York, and the rules and regulations of the Board of Underwriters,
anything in these specifications to the contrary notwithstanding.
This shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from com-
plying with any requirement of the plans and specifications, which
may be in excess of the requirements of the hereinabove mentioned
rules, and not contrary to same; nor for any special construction for
which the Architect obtains special permission from the Inspection
Department, although same may conflict with the letter of the rules.
The Contractor shall furnish, at his own cost and expense, a per-
mit and certificate of acceptance for all electrical work installed un-
der these specifications, including inspection fee for all motors, ex-
cept for elevators and elevator pumps, installed in the building, and
the final inspection and certificate of the Architect will not be made
or issued until the Inspection Department's certificate is delivered to
Guarantee :
All material and workmanship shall be of the best, and must meet
with the approval of the Architect, who reserves the right to reject
any material not in accordance with these specifications, either be'fore
or after installation.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all work put in under
these specifications. He shall make good, repair or replace, at his own
cost and expense, as may be necessary, any defective work, material
or part which may show itself within one (1) year after date of final
certificate, if, in the opinion of the Architects, said defect is due to
imperfection in material or workmanship, as specified, and not to care-
lessness or improper operation.
Plans :
To accompany these specifications there will be a set of plans,
showing the arrangement of the building, electric outlets, cut-out cab-
inets, wire shifts, etc. The plans, such writings, interlineations, fig-
ures and details as may be upon them shall be considered as part of
and illustrating these specifications.
The drawings and specifications are not intended to show all de-
tails, and the Architect will not be responsible for the absence of any
details which the Contractor shall require, or any special construction
which may he found necessary, as the work progresses. The Con-
tractor must satisfy himself on all points in regard to the work, and
obtain all necessary information before submitting his proposal, and
shall include in his price a sum sufficient to cover same. No extras will
be allowed for any work or material, unless same can be clearly shown
to be an addition beyond the intent and contemplation of the drawings
or specifications, and necessary to complete the work.
Scope of the Work:
The Contractor shall furnish and install in a good and substantial
manner the generator leads, main bus bars, all switchboards, all neces-
sary switches, fuses, conduits, telephone and telegraph conduits, pull
boxes, junction and outlet boxes, distributing centers, cut-out cabinets,
complete with panel boards, all necessary feeders, wire, drop cords, etc.,
complete, furnishing all material and labor necessary to install all
wiring for power and lights complete from the generators to all out-
lets shown on the plans or otherwise hereinafter specified.
Working Drawings:
The Contractor must submit drawings to scale, showing the lay-
out of generator leads, switchboard, complete feeder riser diagram,
lines of conduit, cables, wires and sizes of same, junction and cut-out
boxes, copper sizes, the current carried and the number of feet in the
run; also drawings covering all changes that may be ordered by the
Architect during the progress of the work.
Riser diagram shall show main feeders, all cut-out cabinets with
number of lights fed from each, number of circuits, etc., pull boxes, all
distributing centers with capacity of all motor feeders indicated com-,
Wiring Diagrams Shall Be Drawn Up at £" Scale. It is recom-
mended that conduit runs be laid out in pencil on these diagrams, which
will permit of readily changing locations of switches and grouping of
outlets. Prints from these preliminary plans are to be submitted for
examination by the Architect. After checking, one set will be returned
with corrections, after which the drawings are to be revised and com-
pleted in ink and four sets of prints sent in for approval.
Complete working drawings and detailed wiring diagram of the
switchboard shall be submitted to the Architect for approval.
Complete working drawings showing method of cable suspension
in wire shaft shall be submitted to the Architect for approval.
Each drawing must be marked with the name of the building, with
a serial number, as also with the number of the Architect's drawing
from which it is made. Four prints of each drawing must be sub-
Each drawing must be approved in writing by the Architect be-
fore any work covered by same is begun by the Contractor. The
Architect's approval, however, shall not relieve the Contractor of re-
sponsibility for errors, as the Architect's approval of the drawing is
only general, and is intended as an assistance to the Contractor and not
to serve as a check, and does not in any way relieve the Contractor
from the necessity of furnishing the materials and performing the
work as required by the drawings and specifications. The cost of all
these drawings shall be included in the contract price.
Samples :
Not less than thirty days before purchasing such material, the
Contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval the following.
Material shall not be ordered until approval of samples or makes.
1. Sample of 200-ampere knife switch.
2. Rubber covered conductor.
3. Varnished cambric conductor.
4. Cut-out cabinet.
5. Ceiling outlet box, with hanger and fixture stud.
6. Receptacle outlet box.
7. Plug and receptacle.
8. Wall switch.
9. Grip for supporting riser cables.
10. Floor box, complete with fittings.
11. Cartridge and link fuses.
Feeders for the entire lighting system shall be run on the three-
wire 120-240 volt, direct current system. The neutral conductor shall
have the same cross-sectional area as either outside conductor, except
as specified under "Generator Leads." All cut-out cabinets shall be
arranged for three-wire mains and two-wire branch circuits. Three-
wire branch circuits will not be permitted.
All power circuits and wiring shall be arranged for the direct
current 240-volt two-wire system.
All lamps on switchboard shall be fed from the low tension storage
All wires of a circuit may be run in the same conduit, but the
wires of no more than one circuit shall be run in the same conduit, ex-
cept for public lighting, where two circuits may be run in the same
conduit. No tenant circuit conduit shall be less than §" from cutout
closet to switch outlet and thence to the first ceiling outlet on each leg
of the circuit.
Main feeder conduits passing through floor structure at offsets
shall not be larger than two-inch, and where the feeder capacity re-
quires it, duplicate feeders shall be run. Feeder cables shall not be
larger than 1,000,000 C. M.
All main feeders shall be without reduction in cross-section to the
farthest cutout cabinet on that feeder.
Elevator feeder conduits shall be run up in spaces back of the ele-
vators, where they will avoid counterweights, etc.
All conduits for bracket lights and wall receptacle outlets shall
be run from the floor up to the outlet.
All circuit conduits from cut-out cabinets to switch outlets in ten-
ant offices and suites shall be run in the floor of the story in which
the fights supplied by the respective circuits occur, and not in the floor
Wall switches for the control of ceiling lights in tenant offices
and suites shall in general be located near corridor doors and on col-
umns; all switches, however, to be located subject to the approval of
the Architect.
Where office space is divided into separate rooms, run the f-inch
circuit conduit into the bottom of the switch box. Run conduit down
to floor and across to feed the various wall outlets. Run a f-inch con-
duit up to first ceiling outlet and extend a £-inch conduit to second
outlet. Where space is undivided the same method is to be followed
as closely as consistent with lack of division partitions.
Dossert joints shall be soldered.
Where running threads would otherwise occur, Erickson coup-
lings, or other similar device approved by the Architect, shall be used.
Loss of Potential:
It is intended that the sizes of all lighting feeders shall be pro-
portioned on the basis that all lights shown on plans or herein specified
are burning, and when thus loaded the wires shall be of ample size,
so that the loss of potential between the main switchboard and any
cut-out cabinet will not exceed four volts, measured across the outside
legs of the three-wire system. The loss of potential on any branch
circuit from cut-out cabinet to farthest lamp, with circuit fully loaded
(1,320 watts), shall not exceed 1J volts.
The ampere capacity of all power feeders shall be based upon the
horse power ratings hereinafter specified, but all feeders shall be of
ample size, so that when fully loaded the loss of potential shall in no
case exceed ten (10) volts from the service to any motor.
Generator Leads and Bus System:
All generators shall be so connected as to feed into a double bus
system, composed of lead covered cable run in conduit laid under the
engine room floor. Generator leads shall run from each generator to
a remote-control circuit breaker panel located as near to generator as
consistent with accessibility. From this two sets of connections shall
be run to the light and power busses, respectively. At each point
where connections from contactor panels join main bus cables, junc-
tion box shall be provided, set flush in floor and provided with outer
and inner iron covers, the latter fitted with rubber gasket and bolted
down. All conduit joints shall be made up with red or white lead and
terminals sealed with asphaltuin or other approved insulating com-
pound. The entire under-floor system shall be so constructed as to
be absolutely water-tight in a manner acceptable to the Architect.
Generator leads shall be of such size that when generators are
operating at 50 per cent, overload, carrying capacities shall be in ac-
cordance with Underwriters' requirements. Each set of bus cables
shall be of a capacity equal to 75 per cent, of total full-load rating of
the plant. Equalizer legs shall each have a carrying capacity equal to
one-half that of the corresponding outer legs. Shunt field leads shall
not be less than No. 6 B. & S. gauge. Ammeter shunt leads shall be cali-
brated by the instrument manufacturer with the ammeters and their
respective shunts. After calibration their lengths shall not be altered
by cutting or splicing, any surplus length being coiled up back of the
board. Shunts shall be mounted in generator pits and protected by
cages of galvanized iron wire not smaller than No. 8, 1-inch mesh.
Feeder boards shall be located where shown on plans, each to
serve lighting feeders running up the adjacent wire shaft. Positive
and negative feeders for these boards shall be connected to main bus
cables by lead covered cable in the same manner as previously de-
scribed. They are to be connected to the main busses at the nearest
junction boxes in floor. A similar method is to be followed in the
case of feeders running to each elevator distributing center and at the
sub-basement distributing center
Each neutral leg shall have a carrying capacity of not less than
25 per cent, of its outer legs. All of the neutral legs shall be brought to
a common neutral bus on main switchboard. Balancer leads shall be
run directly to the switchboard.
Where necessary to place fuses in engine room floor junction
boxes, they shall be so enclosed that the blowing of one fuse or set of
fuses will in no way affect the operation of other feeders. Neutral
feeder connections shall not be fused.
In making connections between lead-covered cables and lugs, tap-
ing and cable insulation shall be kept back \ inch from lugs.
Switchboards :
The Contractor shall furnish and install, where shown on plans, a
main switchboard of polished pink Tennessee marble not less than 2
inches thick and free from faults. Panels shall stand approximately
ninety (90) inches high and no panel shall be wider than thirty (30)
inches. Board shall be located where shown on plans, not less than six
feet from wall in rear, and extend down to the floor line resting on a
6 inch, 8 pound channel iron base, securely grouted in place with best
quality cement, and shall be properly secured to a self-supporting
frame of 2 inch by 3 inch japanned angle iron with copper-plated bolts
and countersunk washers, or acorn nuts. Frame shall have corners
properly braced with gusset plates. The space between the ends of the
board and the wall shall be closed by an electro-bronze basket work
grill of flat ribbon wire not less than f inch by 3/32 inch crtfss section
and not more than 1 inch mesh. In this grill shall be a door not less
than two feet by six feet, six inches, fitted with Yale lock and three
On this main switchboard shall be provided all the required in-
struments, switches and appliances for the control of the main gen-
erators, balancers and low tension sets.
Each of the six generator panels shall be equipped with an am-
meter of full scale reading equal to 200 per cent, of normal full load
rating of its generator; a watthour meter of capacity equalto normal
full load rating of its generator; a flush mounting bullseye pilot lamp
socket to receive standard 16 c. p. carbon filament lamp; controlling
switch for motor-operated rheostat; controlling switch for each re-
mote-control generator circuit breaker, provided with red and green
indicator lamps connected so as to show whether breaker is opened or
For each balancer set there shall be provided a panel on which is
to be mounted a rear-of -board starting rheostat of a type (details to
be submitted for approval) which will automatically limit acceleration
current to not more than 25 per cent, more than normal; one center-
zero neutral ammeter of capacity equal to 150 per cent, of normal bal-
ancer rating; necessary single and double pole knife switches of a
capacity equal to normal neutral rating of the balancer set; one or
more field rheostats (if required by scheme of connections adopted) ;
series relay in neutral, connected to bell and annunciator in engineer's
office, to ring on overload.
There shall also be provided on main board a 10-inch secondary
clock with trim to match meters, clock to be of same type as other sec-
ondary clocks ; two 300-volt voltmeters, together with necessary connec-
tions and approved voltmeter switches or plugging scheme to read the
voltage on light busses, power busses, any generator independently,
between neutral and either positive or negative leads to either com-
pensator set, and voltage to ground on positive and negative light and
power busses.
There shall be provided a low-tension panel for each small motor-
generator set on which shall be mounted a rear-of-board starting rheo-
stat ; a D. P. S. T. fused main motor switch ; an ammeter for generator
of capacity equal to 150 per cent, of rated capacity of same; switch-
board mounting field rheostat ; main fused generator switch. For both
panels and mounted on one, shall be a 30-volt voltmeter, connected with
voltmeter plug and receptacle on each low-tension panel.
On one of the low tension panels shall be provided battery charg-
ing equipment as follows : D. P. S. T. main switch ; rear-of -board type
charging rheostat; overload and reverse current single pole circuit
breaker; center-zero ammeter with full scale reading in each direction
equal to 125 per cent, of normal charging rate; 3-volt voltmeter, with
switch to connect same to any cell of battery ; receptacle to connect 30-
volt voltmeter mentioned above across entire battery ; D. P. S. T. fused
discharge switch. Reverse current relay on circuit breaker shall be
so arranged that it may be readily cut out, if desired. Fuse connec-
tion for switchboard lights shall also be provided.
At each main generator shall be located where approved by the
Architect a 3-inch pink Tennessee marble panel on angle iron frame-
work on which shall be mounted two double-pole, two-coil, overload
and reverse current release, rigid arm, remote controlled, solenoid
operated circuit-breaker of a capacity equal to 150 per cent, of normal
rating of its generator and equipped with five-second definite time limit
tripping mechanism. One is connected to light bus and other to power
bus. Emergency means shall be provided for hand operation. Breaker
shall be so connected to generator that all current generated by the
machine shall pass through it. Contacts shall be provided for opening
the equalizer connection when the breaker trips. Grill shall be pro-
vided entirely to protect copper work on back of panels.
At locations shown on plans, four feeder boards shall be located,
one for the lighting feeders up each wire shaft. They shall be of the
same form of construction and material as specified for main control
board and be provided with a 3 P. S. T. knife switch for each feeder
fed from them. Each circuit shall have removable links in the bus bar
construction so that shunts for portable meters may be inserted in
positive, negative and neutral leads. Grill work and doors, as pre-
viously described shall be placed at the sides or rear of each board.
All distributing centers shall be built up on oil finished Monson,
Maine, slate, \\ inch thick, mounted upon a japanned angle iron frame
of similar construction as specified for main switchboard.
All switches, bus bars and connections shall be of a capacity and
construction as specified for similar work on switchboard. Each dis-
tributing center controlling more than two (2) motors shall be pro-
vided with unfused main switch of the total capacity of the power fed
from its respective center. Each motor circuit, except for the elevator
motors, shall be provided with a switch and link fuses mounted on face
of board and all enclosed in a sheet metal cabinet with doors, hinges
and nickel-plated vault handles, similar to those specified under
"Cutout Cabinets." The whole shall be carefully secured in place on
a japanned angle iron frame. Each switch shall be provided with neat
fibre name plate.
In place of switch and fuses, each elevator motor circuit shall be
provided with one overload release, double pole, double arm, with in-
dependently operating arms, laminated contact, pressure carbon break
circuit breaker. Normal capacity of circuit breaker to be 150 amperes
with tripping range of 110 to 300 amperes.
All bus-bar work shall be on rear of panel.
Sub-sub-basement motors shall be fed from sub-basement center.
A 600-ampere, 240-volt watthour meter shall be furnished and in-
stalled on each elevator distributing center, a 700-ampere meter on
sub-basement distributing center, a 350-ampere meter on pent house
distributing center No. 2 and a 40-ampere meter on laundry power
All circuits, switches and instruments shall be marked with neat
copper name plates of approved design. List of names for circuits
and switches will be furnished by the Architect.
The main switchboard shall be equipped with continuous J-M Lino-
lite, mounted m special switchboard reflector, run the full length of the
board. The outside of the reflector trough shall be finished to match
the equipment on the board, as approved by the Architect. The re-
flector shall be complete with tungsten Linolite lamps. An approved
rotary snap switch shall be placed at the rear of the board, near the
access door, and connected so as to control the lighting in this reflector.
Linolite, switch indicator and other lamps essential to the operation
of the switchboard shall be connected to the 24-volt battery circuit.
There shall be furnished and installed on pink Tennessee marble
panel, where approved, in Chief Engineer 's office, the following graphic
recording meters :
Oile voltmeter, scaled 180-280.
Three ammeters, scaled 0-3500, one connected to each 600 K. W.
Two ammeters, scaled 0-1800, connected to 300 K. W. Generators.
One ammeter, scaled 0-1200, connected to 200 K. W. generator.
The graphic meters shall be of a type having a uniformly divided
scale and a pen motion perpendicular to the direction of paper travel.
In addition to the scale marking on the paper, meters shall be provided
with a fixed scale and pointer on the pen arm. The action shall be
dead beat and accurate within 1 per cent, of full scale reading. Paper
shall be fed at 2 inches per hour. Extra paper shall be furnished for
six months' operation.
It is to be understood that graphic meters are to be manufactured
by Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., General Electric Co.,
Esterline Co., or equal, as approved by the Architect.
The switchboards shall be built up at the factory complete, and
when approved by the Architect shall be taken to the building and set
up. Final approval will be given after the boards are installed and
in successful operation.
A competent attendant must be furnished by the switchboard
builder to take charge of the switchboard until the plant is in running
order and ready to be turned over to the owner. He shall remain in
charge and be responsible for the switchboard equipment until same
has been accepted. He must be qualified and be required to give to
the Chief Engineer all necessary and proper directions regarding the
operation of the switchboard and other apparatus furnished by his
Before each switchboard has been unboxed after delivery, the Con-
tractor shall construct around its location a substantial partition of
rough planks and joists at least as high as the board and provided
with strong door with padlock. This space should be sufficiently large
to give ample working space around the switchboard. Suitable cover-
ing shall be arranged over this enclosure to protect the board from
dirt and other objects which may be dropped in. This enclosure shall
be maintained until all construction work has been completed in the
engine room and there is no further risk of damage to the switchboard.
Instruments :
All instruments mounted on the front of the board shall have
metal parts finished with brushed copper finish. Ammeters and volt-
meters shall be 7-inch, round pattern, glass face, uniform scale type.
Wattmeters shall be of the shunt type (with separate shunts), with
glass cases, three-wire (or two two-wire) for light; two-wire for power.
All wattmeters shall have test links and fuses.
After board is installed, all instruments shall be installed and cali-
Instruments shall be manufactured by one of the following makers :
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., General Electric Co.,
"Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Keystone Electrical Instrument Co.,
or other approved by the Architect.
Circuit Breakers:
Circuit breakers shall be of the laminated contact, pressure carbon
break type. Current density and brush pressure shall be such as to
warrant the breakers to operate at their full rated capacity by con-
tinuously with temperature rise in any part not exceeding 20° C. above
the surrounding air. They shall be manufactured by General Electric
Co., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. or Cutter Co.
Bus-Bars and Connections:
All bus-bars and connections shall be made from the best quality
of hard drawn Lake Superior copper of 98% conductivity, mounted
on rear of board. All bars and connections shall be built up of ^-inch
laminations separated by copper ventilating spacers and the current
density shall not exceed 800 amperes per square inch of cross section
of conductor, nor 100 amperes per square inch of clamped contact
surface for the full connected load.
All connecting surfaces and contacts shall be perfectly tight over
entire connection, and shall be machined down to an absolutely true
surface; all contact surfaces shall be carefully cleaned. All switch
studs and fuse studs shall be long enough so that bus-bars run ver-
Provide brackets secured to angle iron frame, and insulated with
black fiber or slate slabs where bus-bars rest in such a manner that no
portion of the weight of bus-bars comes on switch or fuse studs; size
of bars shall be shown on wiring diagram of board.
Vertical bus bar work for mains and feeders shall be carried to the
bottom and top of board and so arranged that no cable work need be
brought back of panels.
Switches on Board and Distributing Centers:
All switches shall be made from the very best quality of cold rolled
and hard drawn Lake Superior copper. All jaws, clips and blades
shall be of sawed copper and must be in perfect alignment. All parts
shall be machined, no cast parts to be used. All jaws, clips and studs
shall be securely pinned aiid sweated into the base blocks. Switches
with offset lugs will not be approved.
All switches shall have draw-file finish.
All switches shall be "ground in" with pumice stone and oil to
insure good contact.
No switch on board or distributing center shall be of a smaller
capacity than one hundred (100) amperes.
Sample switch shall be submitted to the Architect for approval.
Carrying capacity of switches shall be based on 800 amperes per
spare inch of cross section of conductor throughout, and fifty (50)
amperes per square inch of sliding contact. Clamping nuts on switch
studs shall lie of copper of 98 per cent conductivity.
Each switch on switchboards, unless otherwise specified, shall be
provided with fuses on separate marble fuse panels extending across
the main panel and supported on angle iron frame on the rear of the
All fuses throughout the building, unless specifically stated to the
contrary, up to and including 30 amperes capacity, shall be of the
cartridge type provided with approved terminals and indicators. Fuses
of over 30 ampere capacity shall be of the open link type. Type, make
and sizes of fuses must be approved by the Architect. Suitable hori-
zontal barriers shall be provided to prevent vapors from any blowing
fuses reaching other fuses above.
Wire Shafts:
There will be provided throughout the building wire shafts at loca-
tions shown on plans in which the vertical mains and feeders supplying
the various distributing centers and cut-out cabinets shall be run. All
mains and feeders shall be run in conduits from the switchboard to all
the outlets.
All cables must be securely anchored with cable supports enclosed
in sheet steel boxes at intervals of three or four floors as required by
the rules of the National Board of Underwriters, and as directed by
the Architect. These cable supports shall be of a make satisfactory to
the Architect.
All supports not shown on Structural Steel diagrams in these wire
shafts shall be provided by the Contractor. No wood construction will
be permitted. Detail drawings of this construction shall be submitted
to the Architect for approval.
Cutout Cabinets:
There shall be a cut-out cabinet in each shaft on every floor where
wire shaft opens, and additional cabinets as shown on plans, or as re-
quired, of sufficient size to contain all cut-outs feeding the circuits on
their respective floors and as otherwise specified.
These cabinets shall be made of No. 10 U. S. gauge sheet steel,
provided with suitable braces and having side, top and bottom wiring
compartments not less than six inches wide. The slate shall be rubbed
down with boiled linseed oil, giving a fine dull jet black surface free
from blemishes. Slate for panel shall be 1 inch thick. Double panels
shall be provided with a removable strip in the center, separating the
two sections.
This box shall be fitted with doors of heavy iron, complete with
nickel-plated vault handle and piston bolts, and extending full height
of panel. Doors shall be fitted with approved Yale cylinder locks and
keys; all locks keyed alike.
Cut-outs shall be of the panel board type, connections being made
through machine copper strips; all strips for circuits shall be continu-
ous from one side to the other.
All cut-out cabinets in the building shall each be provided with an
even number of circuits; each cabinet with not less than six extra
circuits over and above those required by lights shown on plans or
called for in specifications.
All panels in building shall be of the same make. The main bus-
bars and branch copper bars shall be in no case less than I inch by \
inch, and shall be figured on a basis of 800 amperes per square inch of
cross-sectional area and 12 amperes at 120 volts per branch circuit,
counting the total number of branches on the panels, including spares.
Double panels must be used where the top of the cabinet would
otherwise be over 7 feet from floor when installed.
Only rolled or drawn copper shall be used, copper castings will
not be permitted in the construction.
Each branch circuit shall be plainly numbered or suitably lettered
as approved by the Architect. For each panel board there shall be
provided a heavy polished glass and neat frame for holding same in
which shall be placed a suitable typewritten directory and plan indicat-
ing the location of lights fed over each circuit. All metal parts shall
be well polished and lacquered.
A Hubbell flush wall receptacle shall be set into the face of each
panel for use in connection with Inspector's extension cord. Circuit
fuses shall be of the cartridge type.
Before beginning the manufacture of any of these cabinets or cut-
outs, this Contractor shall first submit to the Architect, for his ap-
proval, sample of switch and fuse terminals, together with all draw-
ings or details that may be required.
Conduits :
All wires shall be run in conduits, which shall be of mild steel
tube, sherardized or galvanized, especially selected with reference to
uniformity of thickness and freedom from defects. Conduit shall be
delivered at the building in not less than ten-foot lengths. The Con-
tractor shall furnish samples of conduit to be used before ordering.
The decision as to the quality of conduit furnished and the acceptance
of same, or the approval of any standard make, shall be made by the
Joints shall be made tight with standard galvanized couplings and
corners turned with elbows or long radius bend in pipe.
The ends of all conduits or elbows shall be cut square and reamed,
and all joints shall be brought to a shoulder. All conduits shall be
put up first and wires pulled through after plaster is on.
All conduits and fittings shall be earfully examined before being
installed and all blistered and defective pieces shall be rejected.
All conduits shall be concealed unless specified to the contrary, or
otherwise shown on drawings.
All conduits installed underground or in floors under which there
is no excavation shall be put together with joints made up with white
lead and tested as directed by the Architect, to show that they are
Special care must be taken to run conduits from switchboard to
ceiling along plumb-lines.
Outlet Boxes:
At each outlet an approved galvanized or sherardized pressed
steel outlet box of the knockout type, of not less than No. 12 B. & S.
gauge, shall be placed and securely fastened. Each box shall have
threaded stud in the bottom to act as a fixture fastener. The conduits
shall be fastened to these boxes with lock nuts and bushings, and all
unused outlets or holes must be left sealed. There must be sufficient
room for insulating joints, wires and bushings, and deep boxes must
be installed where required by the type of fixture called for by the
All ceiling outlet boxes shall have a support independent of the
conduits to same, this support to consist of pipe nipple fastened to the
outlet boxes with lock nut and bushing and extending through the floor
above with a "T" and cross-bar transmitting the weight to the floor
Boxes where gas outlets are shown shall be provided with a hole
to allow for the reception of gas piping. All wall switches shall be
provided with similar boxes. Care must be taken in placing these
boxes so that fixtures will stand at right angles to the wall and hang
Such boxes as are set in concrete slab shall be fitted with exten-
sions to increase the depth of the box, so as to allow conduit to enter
the side of the upper section, the object being to avoid pockets in the
conduit in which moisture may collect.
Floor Outlet Boxes:
The Contractor shall furnish and install water-tight floor boxes
where shown on plans or as herein specified. Boxes shall be of cast
iron, not less than £ inch thick, 4$ inches outside diameter and 3i inches
net inside opening. All joints shall be made with white lead. Boxes
shall have a machine finish brass top, not less than 3/16 inch thick,
made watertight with rubber gaskets and provided with leveling ad-
justment. Cover plates shall be set in a brass edge frame and floor
boxes shall be set flush in floor in a neat and finished manner. Floor
outlets for electric light shall be provided with plug and receptacle
and bell nozzle.
All floor boxes shall be of a make approved by the Architect.
Floor outlets for telephones and other low tension service shall be
provided with special elbow outlets as detailed in drawings.
Ceiling and wall outlets shall be controlled by wall switches as
herein specified. All wall switches, except as otherwise specified, shall
be of "the flush push ten (10) ampere type, with face plate to match
the hardware in the various rooms in which they are located, and of
a make approved by the Architect. Switches shall be placed in
gang boxes where directed. Single pole switches shall not be used to
control circuits which supply more than 330 watts. All switches located
in places accessible to the public must be of flush lock push type.
Switches on columns shall be so placed as not to interfere with future
partitions on column center or be separated from the lights which they
No wire smaller than No. 14 B. & S. gauge shall be used for light
and power circuits and all wires larger than No. 10 B. & S. gauge must
be stranded.
"Wire shall be rubber covered, double braided, and shall conform
strictly to all the requirements of the latest edition of the Electric
Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and the four chem-
ical extractions and the ash test specified shall show not less than 20
per cent, of pure rubber gum. This Contractor shall submit samples
for test upon request of the Architect, and the Architect reserves the
right to make any tests on samples of the wire delivered at the build-
ing. A complete coil of wire is to be loaned for the insulation resist-
ance test. All tests shall be made by a responsible and experienced
laboratory engineer selected by the Architect, and shall conform in
all respects to the Underwriters' Laboratories Specifications. All ex-
pense incurred in making these tests shall be borne by the Contractor.
All wire which is rejected by the Architect, on account of tests
made during construction, shall be at once removed from the work
by the Contractor.
For all cables of No. 6 B. & S. gauge and larger sizes, double
braided, varnished cambric covered cable may be used, in place of the
rubber covered wire herein specified, subject to the approval of the
local inspection departments. This varnished cambric cable shall be
of the General Electric Company's standard make, or equal in the
opinion of the Architect, and thickness of insulation shall not be less
than called for in General Electric Company's bulletin No. 4787, for
working pressure of 1,000 volts. Carrying capacities shall be figured
on the same basis os rubber covered wire. Ends are to be sealed with
"PB." or other approved waterproofing compound before being
All cables and wires installed underground or in floors under which
there is no excavation shall be lead covered.
The decision as to the quality of wire furnished and the accept-
ance of same, or the approval of any standard make of wire, shall be
made by the Architect.
Fixtures :
At all typical ceiling outlets the Contractor shall leave wire ter-
minal extending not less than eight inches below the plaster so that
wires may be run directly into socket without splice.
Lamps :
All lamps will be furnished and installed by the Owner.
Engine Room Lights:
The Contractor shall furnish and install at each 400-watt outlet in
engine and boiler rooms an Adams-Bagnall G-63 pdfcelain enamel
steel reflector, with stem, canopy and insulating joint complete, or
260 !
equal in the opinion of the Architect. Stem to be of a length approved
by the Architect.
Drop Cords:
All outlets where drop cords are called for, as shown on plans and
as otherwise specified, shall be provided by the Contractor with a drop
cord of sufficient length to bring socket within six (6) feet of the floor,
complete with Edison key socket (General Electric, Perkins, Pass &
Seymour or Hubbell), rosette and cord adjuster. Cord shall be extra
heavy braided.
Receptacles and Plugs:
For each baseboard and wall outlet other than bracket and switch
outlets, the Contractor sball furnish and install, unless otherwise
specified, flush receptacles and plugs complete with face plate finished
to match the hardware of the various rooms in which they are located.
Receptacles and plugs sball be of a make and type approved by the
Arcbitect. All plug and receptacle outlets, except for show windows,
shall be located just above the baseboard. Window outlets shall be
located near the tops of show windows.
The Contractor shall locate outlet so there will be no interference
with pipe work, outlets being readily accessible. Receptacles in col-
umn faces sball be placed at one side, so as not to interfere with future
partitions, which will be run on column centers.
Air Washer Lights:
There shall be provided a drop cord at one side of each air washer,
so placed that the light from same will be thrown through the window
into the spray chamber.
Elevator Lights:
Run the necessary 120-volt lighting circuits to the top of travel
of each bank of elevators, as approved by the Architect, to provide
four lights capacity per car for the up and down elevator signal lamps
on the various floors; also to provide current for a 1 H. P. elevator
signal light motor generator for each bank of elevators.
Telephone and Telegraph Conduits:
Furnish and install a complete system of telephone and telegraph
conduits as hereinafter specified, and provide a continuous race-way
from service entrance to outlets provided in every room in the build-
ing for use of the telephone, telegraph and signal service wires. In-
cluded in the drawings is a plan of the basement showing location of
service rooms for telephone, telegraph, etc., distributing frames and
boxes. Also, the conduit runs from this room to each wire shaft and
the local distributing points.
These services will enter the building on the Cedar street side
approximately 125 feet east of the Broadway building line. There
shall be provided two sets of 3" conduits, twelve per set, extending 8"
beyond the Cedar street curb wall and 2' 6" below the street level.
Each of these sets of conduits shall be arranged in two tiers of six
each. Particular care must be taken in installing these conduits that
the run from the curb wall to the north partitions of service rooms
shall be as nearly straight as possible. There shall also be provided
through the Pine street curb wall a sleeve of 3-inch inside diameter to
provide entrance of future cables at each of the following points: 85
feet and 179 feet east of east curb line on Broadway.
Wire shafts will be provided where shown on plans, same to ex-
tend from basement ceiling through the thirty-sixth floor. From the
telephone service room to a pull box located at the foot of each shaft
shall be run three 3" conduits for the use of the New York Telephone
Company and the same number from the telegraph and signal room
to each shaft, for the use of other service companies.
No bends of radius smaller than 36" shall be used in these con-
duits. All necessary pull boxes, of sizes and shapes to meet the re-
quirements of the telephone, telegraph and signal companies, shall be
furnished and installed by the Contractor. These boxes shall be not
less than 12" deep and placed so that their lower faces are flush with
the suspended ceiling. At each offset in each low tension wire shaft,
provide six 3" conduits running from the ceiling of one closet through
the floor of the closet above, in the corresponding location.
Referring to typical plan showing telephone conduit arrangement
on floors from second to thirty-sixth, inclusive, there shall be run from
each low tension closet to each of five exterior columns as shown a \\"
telephone conduit to provide access to distributing box and a 1" con-
duit for miscellaneous low tension wires, the latter terminating in No.
14 sheet steel box 3 inches high, 3 inches wide and 2 inches deep, so
placed as to provide ready access to wire mould. Both of these outlets
shall be placed as close as possible to the side of the pier to avoid
future partition. From the bottom of the telephone distributing box
and the above-mentioned outlet box, run f" conduits down the column
and terminate in standard receptacle outlet box fitted with metal plate
(finished to match other hardware in the room) with bushed opening
in center for wires. This box is to be placed immediately above the
base. From the bottom of it run a §" conduit down to floor, bend at
right angles to face of column and extend four or five inches in floor
fill and cap, so that conduit will be concealed under finished floor and
ready for future extension.
Interior columns, where shown, shall each be provided with a re-
ceptacle outlet box with cover (as described above and similarly
located) for telephone wires and one for other low tension wires, placed
on opposite sides of the same face of the column. Similarly located
boxes on adjacent columns shall be interconnected by two runs of §"
conduit, as shown, and each series connected to low tension closet by
%" conduits, as shown on diagram. Care is to be taken to place outlet
boxes far enough from center of column face to avoid possible parti-
Where low tension floor outlets are shown on plans, conduit from
nearest outlet box shall terminate in special floor elbow shown on plans.
The telephone company will furnish and install their distributing
boxes, but the Contractor shall furnish and install No. 12 gauge sheet
steel boxes set flush into columns where shown, and of such size as to
accommodate the telephone company's equipment.
Separate scale drawings shall be prepared showing the telephone
and telegraph conduit work, locations of distributing and outlet boxes,
etc., for each floor from basement to thirty-seventh, where any varia-
tions occur ; that is, conduit plans need not be submitted for more than
one floor where such floors are exact duplicates as regards corridors,
etc. The typical conduit layout shown in the drawings is intended as a
general guide to the Contractor in laying out this work and is subject
to modification where required by changes in the architectural features.
The Contractor shall submit his telephone and telegraph conduit
plans to the various companies interested and shall obtain their writ-
ten approval of the layout before beginning this part of the work.
The Contractor shall also furnish and install from the second to
the thirty-sixth floors, inclusive, in each bay a 1" (inside dimensions)
porcelain tube connecting corridor wire mould with picture mould in
office or undivided rentable area.
Also furnish a 5" conduit connection from telephone outlet on the
outside of each vault running to nearest telephone distributing box.
At the vault ends of these conduits near the doors, outlet boxes, cover
plates, etc., shall be furnished and installed in accordance with the New
York Telephone Company's specifications for portable systems.
All free ends of all of the above conduits shall terminate in bush-
ings and conduits shall be fastened to outlet boxes with lock nuts and
bushings. All conduits shall be reamed at both ends to remove all burrs.
Intercommunicating Telephones:
Furnish and install complete an intercommunicating telephone
system connecting to stations hereinafter specified or shown on the
plans. The system is to be such that any station can communicate with
any other station by use of a private exchange and operator, located
in superintendent's office, and it shall be possible for as many separate
conversations to take place at the same time as there are pairs of in-
struments in the system. At the switchboard, connection shall be made
to a New York Telephone Company line. The system is to be free
from inductive disturbances and cross-talk, and is to be operated by
two separate sets of dry batteries, one for the ringing circuit and the
other for the talking circuit.
Each station shall be provided with a wall mounting, non-flush
metal telephone set, the exact locations of which shall be subject to
approval of Architect. The design and workmanship in this equip-
ment shall be of the best. All circuit contact points on keys and switch-
hooks shall be of platinum. The sets shall be arranged for metallic
circuit wiring. The operation of the sets shall be such that a connec-
tion can be established between any station and the exchange by re-
moving receiver from hook.
All wiring between stations shall be run in standard telephone
cable made by the manufacturer of the telephone equipment or recom-
mended and guaranteed by him. All wires shall be twisted in pairs,
each pair being distinguished by different colored insulations. All
cable shall be run in conduit except where use is made of regular tele-
phone wire shaft. When the wires are distributed to terminals in tele-
phone sets or telephone terminals they shall be neatly formed and laced
with heavy waxed linen twine and boiled out in bees wax. No acid
shall be used in making soldered connections. The batteries shall be
of a make and number as recommended by the telephone manufacturer,
considering the length of runs and number of stations in the system.
Each elevator car will be provided with a telephone instrument.
It shall be the duty of the Contractor to complete the necessary con-
nections from these car telephones to the starters' stations, and ar-
range the latter so that the starter may connect any car instrument in
that bank with the private exchange.
The starters' telephones will be set behind ornamental iron doors
provided in place by the ornamental iron contractor.
The locations of telephone stations shall be as follows:
One in each Elevator Controller Room;
One for each Elevator Starter;
One in Janitor's Headquarters;
One in Superintendent's Office;
One in Chief Engineer's Office;
One in House Mechanic's Quarters;
One in Machine Room;
One in Lounging Room ;
One in Porter's Headquarters;
One in Freight Entrance ;
One on each floor in janitor's closet, from basement to 37th
In connection with each of these janitor's closet telephones, there
shall be provided a 120-volt flash lamp outlet (located in corridor,
where approved by the Architect), connected so that lamp will light
when corresponding telephone station is called, and remain lighted
until call is answered, regardless of whether or not the connection is
continued at the switchboard. Answering call shall cause flash lamp to
be extinguished.
All intercommunicating telephone equipment shall be of a make
and type approved by the Architect.
Clamp Socket:
Furnish and install a porcelain clamp screw socket at each outlet
where called for on drawings or otherwise specified. Sockets and cover
shall be of a make approved by the Architect.
Vault Wiring:
The Contractor shall furnish and install the necessary wiring for
lights in each vault as follows:
From nearest cut-out cabinet run a 120-volt sub-feeder to a ^-inch
sheet-steel circuit breaker box mounted where directed adjacent to
vault door. This box and its contents shall be furnished and installed
by the Contractor. Box shall be of an ample size to accommodate cir-
cuit breaker, approximately 8^ inches deep by 10^ inches wide by 14
inches high. Door and trim will be furnished in place by the Con-
tractor. In it place a 20 ampere ITE type EL, or equal, circuit breaker,
double pole, plain overload, front connection, with special handle and
slate base, as shown on Cutter Co.'s drawing No. 11954. All connec-
tions on back of circuit breaker shall be countersunk and filled flush
with insulating compound. Drill and tap back of box for four No.
14-20 standard machine screws for supporting slate panel so that same
will be removable from the front. Provide rubber washers between
slate panel and back of box to prevent cracking of slate. Panel shall
be mounted with one inch clearance between bottom of panel and bot-
tom of box.
Extend sub-feeder from circuit breaker to receptacle and plug
beside vault door, furnishing necessary flexible cable to connect with
wiring inside of vault in a manner approved by the Architect.
All wiring within vaults will be furnished and installed by the
Vault Contractor.
Burglar Alarm Conduits:
Furnish and install from telephone and telegraph room a f-inch
conduit to an outlet box near each door of each vault in a manner ap-
proved by the Architect. This conduit is to be used for installation
of burglar protection service wires to be installed under future con-
Motor Generators:
The Contractor shall furnish and install in engine room, where
shown on plans, two 500-watt, 230-volt primary, 30-volt secondary
motor generators (motor and generator separate, but on common bed
plate), operating at speed of approximately 1,600 E. P. M. These shall
be set on foundations similar to those provided for the balancer sets.
These shall be of a make approved by the Architect and able to take
one-minute pack loads amounting to 150% of normal load without un-
due heating or injurious sparking. They shall be able to carry normal
load continuously with temperature rise not exceeding 40° C. above sur-
rounding air.
Furnish and install for use in connection with them an Edison
storage battery of 20 amperes normal (8-hour) discharge rate at 24
volts. This battery is to be so connected that it may be kept floating
on the 24-volt line to serve as a reserve.
Fire Alarm System:
Furnish and install a 6" gong of approved make on each floor from
the second to the thirty-seventh, inclusive, on the north corridor wall
near the ceiling opposite the entrance to No. 6 bank of elevators ; also
one gong at the top and bottom of each of the No. 6 bank of elevators
(making a total of 42 gongs). The system shall include break-glass
fire alarms located one on each floor from basement to thirty-seventh,
inclusive, at the south corner of No. 6 bank of elevators. An annunci-
ator which will indicate location of alarm box which has been rung
shall be placed in the engine room and a similar annunciator in the su-
perintendent's office.
There shall also be provided all necessary conduits for a combina-
tion fire alarm and watchman service, as approved by the Manhattan
Fire Alarm Company, locations to be where directed later.
Illuminated Signs:
Provide outlets and wire to all illuminated signs showing room
numbers and signs for directing to elevators. There will be provided
an illuminated sign at each floor served by the various banks of ele-
vators at either end of the cross halls in east and west corridors so
that it can be read in the corridors, indicating the location of the ele-
vators to be used by tenants on various floors. Similar sign will be
placed at the end of the north and south halls serving the auxiliary
Similar signs will be placed in the main hall indicating the number
of the group of elevators. Each of these signs shall be provided with
separate lock wall switch for its control.
Mains and Feeders:
The Contractor shall run three-wire feeders from each feeder
board up their respective shafts to feed all tenant lighting in the build-
ing, the runs of feeders to be as follows : Sub-basement to 2d, 3d to
6th, 7th to 11th, 12th to 15th, 16th to 19th, 20th to 23d, 24th to 26th,
27th to 29th, 30th to 32d, 33d to 34}th, 35th to 37th.
For engine, boiler, pump and sub-basement fan room lights run a
separate three-wire feeder, tapping cut-out cabinets where shown on
Separate three-wire feeders shall be run for each of the following
classes of service: Night lights (marked "N" on plans), other corri-
dor and hall lights, exit and stair lights, all other public lights (ele-
vators, toilets, janitors' closets, etc.).
Four No. 10 two-wire 30-volt feeders shall be run up the four low
tension wire shafts, and be provided with suitable junction boxes on
each floor.
One set of two-wire feeders to each motor shown on plans or here-
in specified and not provided for in distributing centers.
One set of two-wire feeders to each distributing center shown on
plans or herein specified.
In addition, run one set of two-wire feeders from each distribut-
ing center to each motor, as hereinafter specified.
The Contractor shall do all wiring and make all connections from
distributing switches on switchboard or distributing centers to all mo-
tors and controllers shown on plans or hereinafter specified.
Also install and connect motors and controllers, doing all wiring
for temporary latrine pumps on eighth, sixteenth, twenty-fourth and
thirty-second floors with control circuits to tanks, all as directed by
the Architect, removing same when directed by the Architect. Motor
will be of approximately 10 H. P. capacity.
Sub-Sub-Bas enie n t :
Machine shop (feed from sub-basement center) .20 H. P. Total
Sub- Basement:
Fresh Air Fan for Boiler Room 1-35 H. P.
Fresh Air Fan for Engine Room , 1-25 H. P.
Fresh Air Fan for Pump Room 1-15 H. P.
Fresh Air Fan for Safety Deposit 1-25 H. P.
Fresh Air Fans for Basement ,. .2-20 H. P.
Fresh Air Fan for Entrances 1-20 H. P.
Air Washers 7-5 H. P.
Third Intermediate:
Laundry 15 H. P. Total
Fourth Floor:
Exhaust Fan for Equitable Space (feed from
laundry center) 1-30 H. P.
Fifteenth Floor:
Elevators (Bank No. 1) 8-35 H. P.
Twenty-Third Floor:
Elevators (Bank No. 2) 8-35 H. P.
Thirtieth Floor:
Elevators (Bank No. 3) , .8-35 H. P.
Thirty-Fourth Floor:
Elevators (Bank No. 4) 8-35 H. P.
Thirty-Sixth Floor:
Elevators (Bank No. 5) 8-35 H. P.
Pent House Dist. Center No. 1:
Elevators (Bank No. 6) .8-35 H. P.
Pent House Dist. Center No. 2:
Exhaust Fan for Club Kitchen .1-15 H. P.
Exhaust Fan for Boiler Room. ., l-£0 H. P.
Exhaust Fan for Safety Deposit 1-25 H. P.
Exhaust Fans for Basement .,. . .,. .2-18 H. P.
Exhaust Fans for Toilet Rooms 2-20 H. P.
Note : In above list, ' ' total ' ' indicates the aggregate horse-power
of two or more motors fed from the board over a single feeder, which
is to be run to each motor starter.
The above motor sizes are given for estimating purposes only, and
the Contractor shall confirm or correct them before working draw-
ings are submitted. Wiring for motors of proper sizes shall be pro-
vided without increased charge.
All lights shall be controlled by wall switches as directed by the
All wall switches in the building to be located subject to the ap-
proval of the Architect.
Unit Prices:
The Contractor shall name one price only for any additions
to or deductions from this contract for the respective materials and
labor named below; said prices to obtain until the completion and
acceptance by the Architect of all work called for herein; these prices
shall include material and appliances installed complete and ready for
service :
Price for receptacle, plug and box complete, installed. . $
Price for drop cord, fifteen (15) feet long, socket, rosette
and adjuster, installed $
Price for single pole flush push wall switch with outlet
box, installed $
Price for double pole flush push wall switch, with out-
let box, installed $
Price for ceiling outlet box, complete with hanger as
specified, installed $
Price for wall outlet box, installed $
Price for switch outlet box, installed $
Price for water-tight floor outlet box, complete with
plug and receptacle as specified, installed $
Price for sectional water-tight floor outlet box, com-
plete with plug and receptacle, as specified, per
section, installed $.
Price for water-tight telephone floor outlet box, com-
plete as specified $.
One (1) clamp screw thread socket, installed $.
One (1) 12-circuit standard panel board complete with
fuses and cabinet as specified, installed $.
Two (2) additional circuits on panel board, with fuses
and necessary increase in cabinet $.
Conduit as specified (per foot), installed, including all fittings:
\" $ If $
|" $ 2 " $
1 " $ 2r $
\\" $ 3 " $
34" $
Wire, per foot, rubber covered or Varnished Cambric, double
braid, as specified, installed :
No. 14 Duplex $ No. Single $.
No. 12 Duplex $ No. 00 Single $.
No. 10 Duplex $ No. 000 Single $.
No. 14 Single $ No. 0000 Single $.
No. 12 Single $ 300,000 C. M. Single. .$.
No. 10 Single $ 400,000 C. M. Single. .$.
No. 8 Single $ 500,000 CM. Single. .$.
No. 6 Single $ 600,000 CM. Single. .$.
No. 5 Single $ 700,000 CM. Single. .$.
No. 4 Single $ 800,000 CM. Single. .$.
No. 3 Single $ 900,000 CM. Single. .$.
No. 2 Single $ 1,000,000CM. Single. .$.
No. 1 Single .$
State what amount will be added to contract price for substituting
"Okonite" wire for that specified.
Scope of the Work:
The Contractor shall furnish and install a complete elevator plant,
consisting of:
Forty-six (46) passenger elevators, one (1) combination passen-
ger and freight elevator and one (1) freight elevator, all of the 1 to 1
electric gearless traction type.
One (1) passenger elevator and one (1) freight elevator of the
direct lift plunger type.
Working Drawings:
Complete working drawings of the entire plant, showing location
and arrangement of all machinery, tanks, piping, elevator cars, and all
devices and appurtenances pertaining thereto, shall be submitted to
the Architect, and his written approval must be obtained thereto
before beginning the work, and any work performed without first
having obtained the written approval of said Architect shall be at
once removed when so ordered by him, and shall be performed in
a manner satisfactory to said Architect and according to his written
Foundations and Supports:
Furnish and install all immediate machine and sheave supporting
beams and channels, and for the electric elevators furnish and install
upon same floors of f" Linden steel. Openings in this floor with
substantial iron gratings for ventilation and access to secondary
sheaves as well as iron ladders from controlling floors to secondary
sheave compartment and all other necessary openings for ropes, etc.,
with proper curb around same, shall be provided.
Upon the Linden steel floor and beneath winding engine bed
plates shall be four-inch thick strips of wood or other sound and vibra-
tion reducing material.
All supports, additional steel work, excavation, flooring, openings,
gratings, ladders or change in construction in the building in any way
that may be required in addition to that shown or specified, or that
may be required for the complete installation of and access to all parts
of this elevator plant shall be provided.
Foundations shall be of the best cement concrete, and where they
extend above floor line shall be neatly finished with cement, with the
top edges chamfered.
Fit Pans:
Furnish and install for the combination, the freight elevator, and
the direct lifts, pit pans of 5/16 inch steel, all water tight and painted
inside and outside with two (2) coats of asphaltum. Those for the
direct lifts shall be properly provided with and pitched to four (4)
inch flanges.
The pans shall be set in concrete pits.
All rivet heads shall be countersunk and flush.
Guide Lubricators:
Furnish and install on all main and counterbalance guides auto-
matic oiling devices of type and make to be approved by the Archi-
After installation paint all machinery and other iron work in con-
nection with these elevators at least two (2) coats of lead and oil, final
coat of all shaftway iron work to be black with varnish added. The
elevator winding engines shall be filled, painted, striped and varnished,
and each shall have its number at least six inches in length upon it.
Testing and Acceptance:
When complete and ready to be turned over for acceptance and
payment of retained percentage the Contractor must subject the ele-
vator plant to sixty (60) minutes running, as in service conditions,
with the speed loads and speeds as hereinafter set forth, and shall
make such other tests as may be deemed necessary by the Architects
to show compliance with these specifications.
These tests shall be made by and at the expense of the Contractor
and under the direction and supervision of the Architect. The Con-
tractor shall furnish all the labor, instruments and weights necessary
to make these tests.
Final Adjustments:
After the elevators have been in regular building service for a
reasonable length of time should any adjustments, repairs or lining
up be required in such installation in the opinion of the Architect, such
work shall be done at such times and as directed by the Architect.
Traction Elevators.
Rise of Car
From To
Normal Class
of Service
Erpress Local
to to
Live Load
at Speed
of Feet
Per Min.
11. 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18
1 12
21, 22, 23, 24,
25, 26, 27, 28
1 20
31, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38
1 27
1 32
51, 52, 53, 54,
55, 56, 57, 58
1 35 31
(Ultimate rise to
61, 62, 63
66, 67, 68
Inter floor
and Special
Combinat 'n
1 37
S.S.B. 37
S.S.B. 37
Safety Devices:
A complete description of the safety devices, automatic stops,
brakes, etc., to be used, must be submitted to the Architect.
Each car and each counterweight shall be equipped with a speed
governor, the acting of governor to clamp car or counterweight to its
guides and bring same to rest without injurious shock or jar. All
governors must be constructed in such a manner that the respective
machines will be first slowed down, and the potential switch opened
before the application of safety, the application of the car safety to
immediately open emergency circuit as herein described.
Provide for the freight car a device to lock it at any floor when
loading or unloading heavy freight.
Provide each car with an emergency apparatus for applying
Bafety device independent of governor.
Under each car and counterweight shall be placed such an oil
buffer or retarder as should the car under any conditions of loading
run beyond its ordinary limits of travel it will be brought gradually
to rest without injurious shock or jar even at a speed of 50% in ex-
cess of contract speed previously specified.
Each elevator in banks 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be equipped with such
retarding devices (independent of both electric apparatus and oil buf-
fers) as will prevent the car and counterweights from striking the top
of shaftway, as also a device that should car or counterweight come
within one foot of such ceiling in shaftway that such car or counter-
weight will be mechanically arrested from descent without injurious
shock or jar, all independent of other safety apparatus.
Automatic stops shall be so located in hatchway that car will be
gradually stopped near top and bottom of shaftway independently of
the operator, and shall be located as far below and above lower and
upper landings respectively as is consistent with good practice. Emer-
cency limits shall also be provided in hatchway at such points as should
the car by any chance overrun its ordinary limits of travel it will be
brought quickly to rest in the same manner as by opening the separate
emergency switch in car. The directional and emergency limit switches
in hatchway shall open both the plus and minus control circuits.
Each elevator shall also be equipped with a separate emergency
switch in the car, the opening of wbich will immediately interrupt cur-
rent and apply both dynamic and mechanical brake at the same time.
Controlling Devices:
The elevators shall be furnished with switch in car which shall
have an independent mechanical or electrical stop on both the up and
the down sides which can easily be set by the elevator operator to limit
the speed of car in either or both directions to about 80% of full speed,
all operating a magnetic controller complete in its connections and
Starting current shall not exceed 150 per cent, of the maximum
running current. Car switches and controllers shall be arranged for
not less than two (2) running speeds. Ordinary service stops shall
be made dynamically, the brake coming on at the last moment only.
Only current for safety devices shall be on when elevator is not in use.
Controller contacts shall be of such size as to carry not more than
100 amperes per square inch.
Each car must attain specified speed in four (4) seconds from the
time of starting.
Each controller shall be plainly marked with a number corre-
sponding to its machine.
The ornamental iron work in connection with the passenger and
combination cars will be as specified under Ornamental Iron.
Car frames shall be of wrought iron or steel of such strength
that they will not be unduly stressed by eccentric loading or unduly
strained by the application of main safeties or action of buffer.
Each elevator shall have in the floor an easily removable brass
plate of such size that fire department hose and couplings can be pulled
through same into the car.
All platforms shall be of clear maple. Floor plates, collars and
angles for passenger cars shall be properly arranged for tile floor to
be laid on the above mentioned maple floor.
The freight elevator shall be enclosed on three (3) sides with
finished hardwood wainscoting six (6') feet high and provided with
collapsible gate. The sides above wainscot and the roof shall be of dia-
mond mesh netting and roof shall be of such stiffness as to support
two men without undue sag, and a section of the roof shall be easily
removable. The floor shall be covered with diamond floor plate and
the sides, to a height to five (5) feet with \" sheet steel.
The secondary cross head for both the freight and the combina-
tion elevators shall be beneath floor.
Direct current will be furnished for power at a pressure of 230 to
240 volts. Provide and install motor controller boards with all neces-
sary fuses and minimum circuit breaker of self-closing type, wiring be-
tween distributing center, controller boards and motors and all neces-
sary wiring for controlling apparatus.
All wires shall be run in conduit of same type as used for work
of like nature in building; all ends must be lock-nutted in place and
conduits shall be securely fastened to supports.
Connection between car switches and junction boxes in shaft shall
be made with best grade rubber insulated, taped and braided flexible
elevator cable, and emergency circuits shall be run in a separate swing-
ing cable.
The Contractor shall furnish all labor and material, including flex-
ible rubber-covered cable, to install complete in each elevator car a
three-light outlet and flush push controlling switch. Under and fast-
ened to the floor of each elevator car furnish and install a clamp screw
socket fastened to outlet box for inspector 's use. A similar outlet shall
be provided on the roof of the car.
Motor controllers shall be mounted on pink Tennessee marble not
less than two (2) inches thick, free from blemishes and of even color,
and mounted on angle iron frame. Details of controllers shall be sub-
mitted to the Architect.
Motors :
Each motor shall be wound for the requirements herein specified,
provided with carbon brushes carrying not to exceed thirty-five (35)
amperes per square inch of surface contact at full load ; motors shall
have self-oiling bearings. Motors must withstand under factory test
an alternating current potential of 1,500 volts for one (1) minute.
Each elevator shall be of ample size to operate at its proper full
load and speed, as in service conditions, without shifting of the brushes
from no-load to full-load, without sparking, cutting or blackening of
the commutator and without heating in any part of the windings more
than 40 degrees Centigrade or any part of the commutator more than
45 degrees Centigrade above the temperature of the surrounding atmo-
Proper provision shall be made so that oil will be prevented from
reaching the commutators of all motors.
All main and secondary sheaves shall have machine turned grooves
to properly fit ropes without clamping same. The rims of the driving
sheaves shall be demountable.
Bed Plates:
Each winding machine and its motor shall be mounted on a single
extra heavy well ribbed cast iron base plate securely anchored to
foundation or supports. Bed plates shall be so ribbed that oil cannot
drip on the car. Proper provisions with the same object in view shall
also be made in connection with sheaves and governors.
Insulation resistance between field and armature wire and frames
of motors shall not be less than one (1) megohm.
The Contractor shall furnish a lifting bar for each size of arma-
ture and all connections necessary for attaching to armature or shaft,
as also two demountable triplex or other suitable trolley tackle to
travel on hitch beams provided. Provide such a frame or portable
structure as may be necessary in connection with above tackle to re-
move armatures of bank No. 5.
Main Brake:
A spring actuated magnet brake shall be provided on each ma-
chine of sufficient power to stop and hold the car under maximum and
minimum load. The brake must be applied when its circuit is opened
by the service limit stops, emergency shaftway limit stops, excessive
speed of car, emergency switch in car, application of main safties, and
by operator in ordinary service stops.
Each elevator shall be equipped with the necessary wire cables,
which shall have a factor of safety of at least ten under the speed
loads called for. The attachment of cables to car and counterweight
shall be able to rotate freely and maintain practically an equal tension
on cables.
Each machine when operating with the loads and speeds herein-
before mentioned shall have as a whole at least a net efficiency of 70
per cent, from wire to load, electrical measurements to be taken at the
elevator control board.
Guides and Guide Posts:
Furnish and put in place in proper alignment finished steel Tee
guides for all cars and counterweights, which shall be reinforced
where necessary. The car guides must withstand eccentric loading
on platform without undue stress and all guides the application of
safety, without undue distortion. All guides shall be properly lined
up and securely clamped or fastened to the adjoining structure beams
or supports, and through bolt positive attachments shall be used about
every sixth floor.
Counterweights :
The counterweights shall be proportioned to balance the dead
weight of car plus a portion of the live load, and produce proper
amount of traction on the driving sheaves for the maximum loads.
They shall be so designed and constructed that weights cannot be
jarred out or released by spread of frame.
Rope losses shall be compensated for in a practically noiseless
manner otherwise than by chains.
Signaling System.
The six banks of elevators are to be considered, insofar as sig-
naling is concerned, as distinct groups.
Equip each group of elevators with a full flashlight signal system
complete with up and down lamps, fixtures, push button sets, swinging
cables, all necessary wiring in conduits and connections complete
throughout. The operation of the system shall be such that the press-
ing of a directional button on any floor shall light a white or a red light
in suitable fixture in front of the first car on its near approach to
such landing in the desired direction ; a single light in suitable fixture
in car to flash simultaneously with the corridor light. A single stroke
bell shall sound at each flash light, both in corridors and cars simul-
taneously with the lighting of such lamp. The whole combination thus
indicating to intending passenger the car he is to take and to operator
that he is to stop at such floor. The response of any car to a call to
cancel automatically such call.
Provide a cutout switch in each car so as to transfer the call to
the next approaching car in group, if desired.
In addition group No. 6 shall have such a switch for each car as will
transfer to next approaching car all signals except for 1st, 36th and
37th floors.
There shall be placed in each of four of the passenger elevators
and in the combination elevator of bank No. 6, in addition to the
flash lamp, an annunciator for night service, so arranged that by op-
erating a double throw switch located near the top of the hatchway
it will throw off the flash signals and throw the annunciators into serv-
ice, operating same from the flash push buttons.
Provide for the elevators of each group two sets of flash push
buttons on each floor served. These push buttons shall be located as
directed by the Architect and mounted on neat ornamental plates of
a design and finish to match grille work, all of which must be sub-
mitted to the Architect for written approval.
These plates, in addition to "UP" and "DOWN," shall have such
other descriptive lettering as may in the opinion of the Architects be
necessary to designate the class and scope of the service.
While it is the intention at the start to operate the elevators and
signal system as called for in column "Normal Class of Service"
caption "Loads, Rise and Speeds," all signal mechanism shall be ar-
ranged for and wires run in conduit ready to connect to fixtures and
mecbanism so tbat the following additional floors in the various groups
may be properly served :
Group No. 1— 11th and 12th.
Group No. 2— 9th, 10th, 19th, 20th.
Group No. 3— 17th, 18th, 25th, 26th, 27th.
Group No. 4^24th, 31st, 32d.
Group No. 5— 30th, 36th.
Furnish and install complete for each group of elevators one (1)
iron-clad noiseless motor generator set to operate the flashlights and
annunciators, each motor of a capacity, however, for two (2) groups,
with motor controller board on which shall be mounted all necessary
switches, fuses, motor starting box, etc., so connected tbat either set
will operate one or two banks of elevator signals and annunciators.
Furnish and install controller boards mounted on brackets near motors
and all wiring between motor generators and controller boards and
signal apparatus in conduit similar to that used in other portions of
Controller boards shall be of pink Tennessee marble similar to ele-
vator controller boards. Direct current will be furnished at controller
boards at a pressure of 120 volts.
Each motor generator set shall be mounted on a hard wood foun-
dation, and efficient means provided to prevent oil from reaching such
foundation, all to be approved by the Architect.
There shall be provided in each car, where directed, a switch con-
trolling the signals of its respective car and so connected that its sig-
nals may be disconnected at that point.
Telephones and Miscellaneous:
Furnish and install in each car a telephone equipment for op-
erator's use. All the elevators of any bank to connect to a telephone
terminal box on first floor near said bank. Make all connections in a
proper manner between telephones in cars and terminal boxes.
Near the base of each bank of elevators (except No. 6) shall be
located a bell which can be used for night service, using the up and
down push buttons, a throw over switch being provided which shall
cut out or in the flashlight signals or the bells.
Each elevator bank (except No. 6) shall be provided with a varia-
ble time starting single stroke bell system, with regulator for changing
interval between strokes of bell. Bells to be located near bottom of
each group of four elevators. The regular boxes for varying interval
between strokes to be located in a central position on first floor for
ready adjustment in a location as directed by the Architect. All con-
nections, wiring, etc., shall be made to render the system operative.
Annunciators :
Provide the freight and as hereinbefore called for the combination
elevator each with an electric annunciator provided with drops for
each floor at which cars land, and each with proper push buttons in an
inconspicuous place provided at such floors. The two circuits to be
independent of each other.
Proper connections shall be made between each push button and
its annunciator with all necessary wire run in conduits, to connect to
motor generators, junction boxes, etc., and all materials, etc., to make
the system operative.
In addition provide and install for each group a duplicate system
of batteries, on which all of its bells or buzzers (except flashlight bells)
can be operated at night. They shall be complete with all wiring and
switches necessary to operate them on either the motor generator sys-
tern or the battery system. The battery cells to be in locked boxes or
cupboards and to rest on non-corroding trays or pans.
Indicators :
Position indicators and pointers will be installed for the elevators
in the first story as specified under Ornamental Iron, furnished with all
necessary material and labor to connect each indicator with the lifting
machinery of its respective car. An extra indicator for each the com-
bination and the freight shall be installed in sub-sub-basement, all prop-
erly connected.
Travel Recorders:
Each elevator shall be equipped with an accurate mileage re-
Hydraulic Direct Lifts.
Load, Rise and Speed:
The freight elevator No. 1 shall rise from sub-sub-basernent to six
feet above first floor and shall have a maximum ordinary capacity to lift
a live load of 3,300 pounds on the platform at a speed of 50 feet per
minute, and to travel at a speed of 150 feet per minute with 2,000
pounds on the platform, and shall be capable of lifting 7,000-pound
safes at a slow speed by means of a safe lifting pump.
The safe deposit elevator No. 2 shall rise from sub-basement to
first floor and shall have a live load lifting capacity of 2,500 pounds
at a speed of 50 feet per minute and 150 feet per minute with 1,500
pounds live load.
The floor of cars shall be of hard wood and that of No. 1 shall
be covered with diamond steel plate. The cage for No. 2 will be
furnished by the Ornamental Iron Contractor.
Elevator No. 1 shall have locking device for locking platform flush
with sidewalk and at other floors for loading safes.
Operating Devices:
The freight elevator shall be operated by hand rope, controlling
a balanced valve with graduated opening, and the passenger elevator
by a lever in car in connection with pilot valve. Arrangements must
be made to stop cars automatically at top and bottom limits of travel.
Guide Posts and Guides:
Steel tees properly reinforced where necessary shall be provided
for guides.
Cylinders, Casings and Plungers:
The cylinders shall be enclosed full depth in steel casings not less
than |" thick, provided with outside couplings and anchored in such a
manner as to prevent any settlement.
The cylinders shall be made of heavy wrought pipe of standard
dimensions, that for the freight extra heavy, with long thread coup-
lings and with ends butted together. Cylinders shall be put together
above ground and made water tight under double the maximum work-
ing pressure. In case of any leaks the joints shall be made over, and
under no circumstances will any caulking of joints be allowed.
The plungers shall be made of heavy steel tubing, surfaced and
polished in lathe, and put together with inside couplings.
Counterweights :
Each elevator shall be equipped with a counterweight similar to
those specified under "Traction Elevators," but without safety ap-
Under each car and counterweight shall be spring or rubber bump-
ers of ample strength and compression.
Pumps :
Furnish and install two (2) Duplex, Steam Driven Pumps, each
of a capacity to allow each of the two elevators to make round-trips
every two minutes. Steam pressure at throttle will be 150 pounds.
The pumps shall be properly lagged and painted ; they shall be of
the outside packed plunger pot valve type and shall perform the serv-
ice called for at not over forty (40) strokes per side per minute.
Provide each pump with a steam regulating valve and force feed
lubricator which will deliver oil in proportion to the number of strokes
as also with a sight feed lubricator.
Provide a safe lifting pump of the duplex, steam driven type, of a
capacity to lift 7,000-pound safes at a speed of fifteen (15) feet per
minute of a type and lagged similar to the main elevator pumps. This
pump shall be provided with a sight feed lubricator and the plungers
shall be of bronze.
Provide two (2) steam driven, vertical, air compressors of the
locomotive type, the air cylinders of which to compress air to 250
pounds per square inch ; it being understood, of course, in so pumping
the two pumps will be compounded on the air ends or will receive air
from the 75-pound air system of the building compressed air system.
Each pump, however, to be able to deliver compressed air at 100 pounds
per square inch with free air suction.
All steam, drip and exhaust connections for all the above pumps
shall be installed.
Tanks :
Furnish and install pressure and discharge tanks of such a size
that both hydraulic elevators will be able to start at the same time and
fulfill the speed and load conditions as hereinbefore outlined.
Pressure tank, or tanks, shall be equipped with all necessary tank
fittings, safety valves, gauges and automatic self-closing gauge cocks,
as also all necessary nozzles and flanges for pipe connections.
Provide for air pumps a receiver for intermediate pressure of 100
gallons capacity, as also a terminal pressure storage tank of 100 gal-
lons capacity.
Make all pipe connections between cylinders, valves, automatic
stops, pilot valve, pumps, tanks and all piping, valves, gauges, etc., to
make this hydraulic elevator system properly operative.
Between each pump and its delivery gate valve shall be placed an
adequate water relief valve, and all pumps shall have bye-passes so
that they may be operated at moderate speeds with delivery valve
closed. Provide a sniffing valve on regular service pumps.
The safe lifting pump and its elevator shall be piped such that
main valve shall not be subjected to safe lifting pressure, the manip-
ulation of the machine to be directly from the pump and by bye-passes
of small diameter.
A bell, wire and battery system shall be installed from the safe
lifting elevator to the safe lifting pnmp for the purpose of signals from
the elevator to the pump operator.
All pipe valves and fittings subjected to safe lifting pressure shall
be extra heavy.
Make connections from compressed air house system and connect
to intermediate air tank and make air connections between air pumps
and air tanks so that either or both pumps can deliver free air to in-
termediate tank or take air from intermediate tank and deliver to
high pressure tank. Make all pipe connections from the high pressure
tank to the elevator pressure tank or tanks and the three house service
cushion tanks. All air piping, valves and fittings for pressures above
150 pounds shall be extra heavy.
All necessary valves, check valves, safety vales, gauges, etc., shall
be provided to make this air system complete and operative.
Annunciators :
Equip each of the two direct lifts with an annunciator and push
buttons at floors served and connect same to one of the motor genera-
tor sets as also to a battery set, all in a manner similar to annunciators
in traction elevators. Annunciator box and push buttons for the pas-
senger elevator (No. 2) to match surroundings.
Each elevator shall be equipped with a telephone and connected to
elevator exchange as previously specified.
A close approximation shall be submitted of the average overall
K. W. H. per car mile of all the elevators considered as one unit under
the following conditions:
Number of elevators in service (Nos. 11 to 68, inclusive), number
of floors served as per "Normal Class of Service."
Loads and number of stops as would obtain in this building un-
der normal service running conditions.
Figures to be based on normal service between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m.
Main Proposition.
In accordance with the plans and specifications.
Alternate "A":
Substitution of 2 to 1 rope-geared traction winding engines
for the 1 to 1.
Alternate "B":
Substitution of double helical spur gear traction winding en-
gines in place of the 1 to 1. The operation of same to be prac-
tically noiseless and without appreciable vibration in car.
Alternate 'C":
Substitution of worm gear winding engines specially de-
signed for this service.
In General:
Furnish all labor and materials to execute, install and complete
the Boiler work, in accordance with the plans and the following speci-
Scope of the Work:
The work covered by these specifications includes the boilers and
breeching and all work in connection with same.
Working Drawings:
The Contractor shall submit complete working drawings for all
work called for under these specifications, showing layout of boilers
and connections, with size of piping and connections, for the written
approval of the Architect, which approval must be obtained before
beginning the work.
Inspection and Insurance:
The Contractor shall furnish a certificate of inspection from an
inspection and insurance company approved by the Architect, that
the boilers have been properly tested and inspected, which work shall
be done twice for each boiler as follows:
First: When it is in the shop.
Second: When it has been set up complete on its foundation; it
shall then be made tight under the pressure hereinafter specified.
He shall also furnish an insurance policy in favor of the owner,
from the same company in the amount of $5,000.00, to cover a period
from the time the boilers are installed until one (1) year after date of
acceptance by the Architect and issuance of final certificate.
After installation all covering shall be painted two (2) coats of
lead and oil, and all exposed iron work shall be painted two (2) coats
of asphaltum paint; doors and frames shall be relieved with a light
colored line striping put on as directed by the Architect.
There shall be the following water tube boilers, set and bricked up
in place:
2—525 H. P. each (set in battery).
2—525 H. P. each (set singly).
1— 450 H. P. (set singly).
2—350 H. P. each (set singly).
They shall be of a make approved by the Architect, and dimen-
sions shall be such as to adapt them to the space allotted to them as
shown on the drawings. The tubes shall be not less than three and one-
quarter (3£") inches in diameter.
All tubes shall be of charcoal iron and properly expanded into
their headers and arranged for removal and cleaning of same through
proper openings protected in an approved manner. These headers
shall be of forged steel, and all covering plates for tubes shall be ar-
ranged so as to make tight joints inside of header.
Heating Surfaces:
Boilers shall each have not less than ten square feet of effective
heating surface per horse power.
Pressure :
The boilers shall be of a type adapted to work under a pressure
of 160 pounds per square inch, and must be tested and made tight
under hydrostatic pressure of 300 pounds per square inch.
Each boiler shall have two (2) or more steam and water drums,
cylindrical in form and made of O. H. steel. Longitudinal seams shall
be butt jointed, having inside and outside cover plates with two (2)
rows of rivets on each side of joint. Provide nozzles for safety valves
and steam connections. All connections shall be flanged, properly faced
and drilled. Each drum shall be complete with a forged steel manhole
plate. All flanges shall be forged steel.
Boiler Settings:
Each boiler shall be set upon a foundation of concrete, made with
washed gravel or broken cobble stone, and shall be enclosed in brick
walls not less than seventeen inches thick, the outside of which shall
he hard burned brick.
All brick work exposed to the fire and hot gases shall be lined with
Maurer No. 1 first brick laid in fire clay mortar and well ground down,
with every other course a header.
Provide a fire arch over fire and use steel mixture cast clay door
jambs and wedge brick arches in cast iron frames. Fire clay joints
between brickwork must be as thin as possible. Boilers shall be pro-
vided with drop dead plates of bull nose fire brick four inches deep.
Front, rear and side walls of boilers to be faced with light gray vitri-
fied pressed brick.
The Contractor shall furnish and install all brick work necessary
for side and rear walls, bridge wall, or any other brick work necessary
back of bridge wall and for iron front furnished by him, of height re-
quired for the future installation of stokers, which shall not be less
than eight (8) feet from floor line to bottom of front header. The
foundations shall be carried down to a depth as required by the nature
of soil and the depth of the ash pits as required.
Settings shall be arranged so that freed draft equipment may be
installed if desired.
Each boiler shall be supported on wrought iron beams resting on
wrought iron columns with cast iron bases or on beams and brick work.
Any brick work which would otherwise rest on the building footings
shall be carried over same by steel beams, protected by concrete and
properly supported on piers.
Each boiler shall be furnished with a neat ornamental iron front
provided with all necessary openings and doors for access, and so con-
structed that a stoker can be installed in the future with the minimum
of change and expense. Each boiler shall be furnished with a neat
number and name plate, of a design approved by the Architect.
All portions of the boiler shall be made accessible, and if any addi-
tional doors or openings are required, the Contractor shall provide
All parts shall be of a substantial construction, well jointed and
neatly finished.
Valves and Fittings:
On each boiler provide the following: Two (2) or more, as re-
quired, nickel-seated pop safety valves of a make and type approved
by the Architect, set to blow off at a pressure as directed by the Archi-
tect, and of ample size.
One (1) steam gauge, iron case, with 12-inch dial face with nickel-
plated frame. Gauge shall be graduated to read from to 300 pounds,
with 150 pounds at center line.
One (1) safety water column complete with standpipe and large
size glass water gauge fitted with independent cleaning pipes and
valves. Try cocks shall be provided with lifting handles arranged
to be operated from the boiler room floor; the column sLall be pro-
vided witb a high and low water alarm. It shall be provided with cop-
per funnel with drip pipe carried to the ash pit. Provide guard rods
for the water glasses and shut-offs for renewal under pressure, ar-
ranged to be operated from boiler room floor. All metal work in con-
nection with these water columns shall be brass.
One (1) globe valve and one (1) flanged check valve for boiler feed.
One (1) approved blow-off valve for each blow-off connection, so
arranged as to be easily accessible.
One (1) valve for tube cleaning connection.
One connection of such size as required and provided with check
and globe valves for connections for discharge from the high pressure
drip system.
The Contractor shall provide and install all necessary pipe and
fittings for attaching the above mentioned fixtures to the boilers in
order to make a complete working plant.
All valves on above mentioned connections, except blow-off valves,
shall be of extra heavy polished brass; pipe and fittings used in mak-
ing up the above mentioned connections, except for blow-off, shall be
brass, and all changes in direction shall be made with crosses and tees,
and not ells.
Breeching and Smoke Connections:
The Contractor shall furnish and install the main breeching to
the stack, the smoke connection from each boiler to the main breeching
made of sheet steel, No. 10 U. S. gauge, thoroughly bolted and riveted
at connections. Smoke connections shall enter breeching on a curved
line with adjustable deflectors inside of main breeching. Breeching
and smoke connections shall be provided with ample sized cast iron
cleaning doors, with frames, made to close air tight.
Main breeching and each smoke connection to same shall be fur-
nished with a heavy damper, arranged to be operated from boiler room
floor and provided with quadrant and chained pin. A second main
damper shall be installed in the breeching and arranged to be operated
by a damper regulator.
Fixtures :
Each boiler shall be equipped with flame bridge plates, bridge wall,
ignition arch, girders and bars, all the necessary bolts and pipes, all
the requisite openings in the walls and bars for same, buck stays and
anchor bolts. There shall be furnished and installed in front of each
boiler a steel ash pit plate set in iron frame.
Furnaces :
Provide all labor and do all work necessary to equip each boiler
with a hand-fired furnace complete with dumping grates arranged for
No. 3 buckwheat coal and not less than ten (10) feet in depth. Grates
shall be sloped to rear, J inch to a foot, and have 3/16-inch air space.
Pins connecting dumping bars with dumping rods shall be cold rolled
steel with bronze cotter pins.
Provide all necessary tools for the regular operation of boilers
and tube scrapers with gas pipe handles, also scale cutting machine
of approved make, with necessary hose.
Flanges :
All flanges shall be of the thickness and drilled according to the
pipe fitters' standards as specified in Steam Fitting specifications.
All steam drums and connections thereto shall be covered with 85
per cent, magnesia blocks two (2) inches thick, so applied as to be
easily removed. Cover all blocks with 4-inch thick asbestos cement.
All connections up to the flanges shall be covered in a similar manner.
On top of drums the magnesia blocks and cement are to be covered
with a rowlock course of brick.
This Contractor shall line the entire inside of the breeching and
smoke connections with vitrified asbestos stack lining not less than
two (2) inches thick, furnishing all the necessary fastenings to secure
the lining in place, supported upon angle irons, and all joints made
perfectly tight with specially treated asbestos cement.
Scope of the Work:
The work covered by these specifications includes the engines fur-
nished and installed complete and the placing of same in successful
Foundations :
The Contractor shall furnish all labor and material and do all
work necessary to install the foundations required by the machinery
furnished by him. Foundations shall be of such a character that no
jarring or vibration will be perceptible when the entire plant is run-
ning under full load conditions. No foundations shall go below or
come in contact with the building footings, and the Contractor shall
furnish steel beams thoroughly protected by concrete and properly
supported on piers to relieve building foundations of all vibration
where engine foundations would otherwise rest on same.
Foundations shall be of best cement concrete and shall extend not
less than four (4) inches above floor line, and shall be neatly finished
with white enameled brick above floor line and in wheel pits. A 4x4-
inch curb shall be provided all around generator pit, beveled on side
away from pit, to prevent surface water running into pit from floor;
the curb to be neatly finished with white enameled brick.
After the engine and generator sub-bases are set upon founda-
tions the Contractor shall grout them in position with the best ce-
ment concrete.
Before shipment all engines and accessories shall have all ex-
posed surfaces which are not machined, filled and rubbed down to a
smooth finish. The generators will be furnished filled and rubbed
down to a smooth finish.
After installation is complete the Contractor shall paint all en-
gines, generators, balancer sets and accessories two (2) coats of pure
linseed oil and white lead, tinted as directed by the Architect, then
striped and finished with two (2) coats of best grade varnish. Each
unit shall be properly numbered.
Submitting; Bid:
The Contractor shall submit specifications in triplicate, stating
the kind and make of apparatus and material he proposes to furnish
for all parts of the work covered by these specifications, all of which
shall be approved by the Architect in writing.
Proposal shall give a detailed description of lubricating system
and the means of adjusting the various moving parts. Also the fol-
lowing detailed information for each size of engine:
Size of steam pipe.
Size of exhaust pipe.
Size of receiver.
Diameter of each cylinder.
Length of stroke.
Length of main bearing.
Diameter of main bearing.
Diameter of shaft at generator fit.
Diameter of crank pins.
Length of crank pins.
Diameter of cross head pins.
Length of cross head pins.
Width of cross head shoes.
Length of cross head shoes.
Diameter of piston rods.
Diameter and width of face of fly wheel.
Net weight of fly wheel.
Net weight of engine complete.
There will be installed six generating units, three of GOO K. W. at
110 R. P. M., two of 300 K. W. at 110 R. P. M. and one of 200 K. W.
at 110 R. P. M.
The engines furnished and installed under this specification shall
be of ample capacity for this work when operating as hereinafter
Type of Engines;
The 600 K. W. and 300 K. W. engines shall be of the horizontal,
cross compound, Corliss releasing valve gear type, non-condensing.
The 200 K. W. engine shall be of the horizontal, simple, non-con-
densing, Corliss releasing valve gear type.
Generator field frames will be horizontally divided and engine
sub-bases shall be so arranged as to permit of sliding the generator field
frames sideways in the direction of the axis of the shaft a sufficient
distance to clear the armature for the purpose of repair.
After each engine is placed upon its foundation the space between
the cylinder and outside casings shall be packed with a high pressure
moulded asbestos non-conducting covering.
Bodies of cylinders shall be thick enough to allow reboring and
operation under the same steam pressure.
Each engine shall be equipped with a soft packing of a make ap-
proved by the Architect, but shall be so designed that a metallic pack-
ing may be substituted later.
Main bearings shall be provided with chain oilers.
Regulation and Load:
All engines will operate on a combined power, electric elevator,
and lighting load and shall be provided with fly wheels of sufficient
weight to insure successful operation.
Each engine must regulate within one and one-half (1£%) P er
cent, from no load to full load and two (2%) per cent, from no load to
125% of full load; also the percentage of momentary change in speed
due to 100% change in load during two seconds shall not exceed 3%.
Each engine must be capable of carrying full load for twenty-four
(24) hours continuously, and then carry 25% overload for two (2)
hours and 50% overload for one (1) hour additional and 100% over-
load momentarily without undue heating in any of the bearings and
without undue straining of parts or any sign of distress.
Steam Consumption:
Steam consumption shall not exceed 27 pounds per I. H. P.-hour
at full load nor 30 pounds per I. H. P.-hour at half load for the 200
K. W. unit.
Steam consumption shall not exceed 22 pounds per T. H. P.-hour
at full load nor 30 pounds per I. H. P.-hour at half load for the 300
K. W. unit.
Steam consumption shall not exceed 20 pounds per I. H. P.-hour
at full load nor 27 pounds per I. H. P.-hour at half load for each 600
K. W. unit.
Engines will be operated non-condensing, exhaust steam to be
used for heating; back pressure 3 lbs. gauge.
Fly Wheel:
The flywheel of each engine shall be cast in halves and shall be
bolted together at the hub with reamed bolts carefully fitted in holes
drilled from the solid, and the parts shall be planed true where they
join. The wheel shall be carefully designed throughout in order to
have a large factor of safety, and both edges and face of rim shall be
turned true. Provide bar holes and apparatus for conveniently turn-
ing engine.
Materials Used in Construction :
All steel castings used must be thoroughly annealed. All cast
iron must be hard, close grained, sound, tough and of uniform quality
throughout. All castings shall be sound, free from sand and blow-
holes, cold shorts and mill cinder, shrinkage cracks and all other im-
perfections, and shall be carefully inspected to insure uniform density
throughout the piece. No plugging or filling of holes or cracks will
be allowed.
All castings shall be true to form and dimensions, smooth and
thoroughly cleaned on the outside and inside surfaces and all cores
removed with wire brushes and scrapers and shall be free from loam,
sand, dirt and rust, all scabs and other surface imperfections; and
shall be neatly chipped and filed off to the proper line of surface of
the casting.
All brass, bronze and composition metal must be made of new
material only, to comply in proportions with the standard alloys and
especially adapted to the work which will be required in each instance
where brass or other composition will be used in the construction of
the engine.
All babbitt metal must be well hammered in all boxes and sleeves
before boring.
Steam Pressure:
All guarantees shall be based upon steam pressure at the throttle
of one hundred and fifty (150) pounds per square inch, and containing
two (2) per cent, of moisture.
Covering :
The receiver and all pipe work in and around these engines and
connections, including throttle valve, which are installed by the Con-
tractor, shall be encased with an 85% magnesia covering having walls
34 inches thick, heavily covered with canvas. Paint this covering two
(2) coats of lead and oil, final coat tinted as directed by the Architect.
All coverings shall be neatly and thoroughly applied, special care
being taken with fittings and joints. All covering shall be of a make
approved by the Architect.
Tools and Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish for each engine a full equipment of
all necessary wrenches, tool board, studs, dowel pins and special appli-
ances, a set of polished brass oilers, including trays and stands, #20
planished copper drip pans for all bearings, approved automatic nickel-
plated cylinder lubricating pumps of a make approved by the Archi-
tect, as also nickel-plated sight feed lubricators of ample size, and
approved throttle, exhaust and drip valves.
Each engine shall be provided with a complete system of nickel-
plated brass oil piping, terminating in a sight feed tip at each point
on engine needing lubrication. These pipes to be brought together at
one point on the engine. Each engine frame to have a drain connec-
tion for oil.
Each engine shall be provided with a type of automatic engine
stop which will insure stopping any unit the speed of which exceeds
normal by 10%.
Each engine shall be provided with nickel-plated indicator cocks.
Furnish also two approved indicators with accurate reducing motions.
The Contractor shall furnish and install for each engine a railing
which shall run around the accessible sides of the fly wheel and gen-
erator pit and terminate in an approved manner. All pipe stanchions
and fittings shall he of polished steel. The stanchions to be screwed
into polished iron floor flanges.
Alternate "A": The installation of a steam turbine plant, with
generators and all appurtenances, with or without condensers, which
will fulfill the load conditions specified for engines and generators.
Alternate "B": The substitution of simple for compound en-
gines in the 600 K. W. and 300 K. W. units.
Shop Drawings:
Supplementing section headed "Shop Drawings," page 9, it is
intended that drawings submitted by the Contractor shall show de-
tails of generators, connections and sizes of leads necessary to con-
nect generators to the switchboard. He shall exchange the necessary
drawings and data with the Engine Contractor without delay.
Scope of the Work:
The work covered by these specifications includes generators, bal-
ancer sets, etc., furnished and installed complete, and the placing of
same in successful operation.
Before shipment all generators and balancer sets shall have all
exposed surfaces which are not machined, filled and rubbed down to a
smooth finish ready for final painting after installation.
Submitting Bid:
The Contractor shall submit specification in triplicate stating
the efficiencies of the different sized generators at full load, three-
quarter load, half load and 25 per cent, overload, number of poles, net
weights of yokes and armatures, diameter and width of face of com-
mutator, guaranteed wearing depth of commutator bars, and give a
complete description of all apparatus together with all guarantees.
Efficiencies shall take into account all losses except bearing friction
and windage.
Each generator and balancer shall be subjected at the shop to a
continuous heat run of eight (8) hours at full load, followed by con-
tinuous run of two (2) hours at 25 per cent, overload.
Machines shall be in good mechanical balance and shall operate
practically noiselessly and without jar or vibration.
Regulation, heating and sparking limits, efficiencies, etc., shall be
as herein specified.
All tests are to be made in accordance with tbe rules of the Amer-
ican Institute of Electrical Engineers.
Notify the Architect when generators and balancers are ready for
factory test, so that he may be represented at the test if he so desires,
and furnish the Architect with a complete copy of the shop tests be-
fore shipment.
There shall be installed six generating units of the two-wire,
direct current, direct connected type, one of 200 K. W. normal capacity
at 110 K. P. M., two of 300 K. W. normal capacity at 110 R. P. M. and
three of 600 K. W. normal capacity at 110 R. P. M.
The normal full load ampere capacities shall be based upon a
nominal rating of two hundred and fifty (250) volts, although nor-
mally operated at 240-244 volts.
Generators :
All generators shall be compound wound, with series and shunt
field windings wound and insulated separately.
Frames shall be horizontally split, of high magnetic permeability
and of ample proportions to insure mechanical stability.
Provide connection boards for each generator, equipped with suit-
able lugs to receive generator leads and cables. The Contractor shall
properly mount on each generator frame slate terminal block, carrying
ammeter shunt, connecting it to the proper machine leads. Generator
terminal connections shall be so arranged as to permit of location of
circuit breaker panel adjacent to each generator.
All generators shall be provided with detached sole plates of suf-
ficient length to allow field frames to be slid sideways so as to expose
the armature and field coils for inspection and repair.
Armature shall have laminated core built up of carefully annealed
sheet steel discs, securely keyed to the spider, which shall be so de-
signed as to possess great strength and rigidity with a minimum of
shrinkage strains. Armature discs shall be thoroughly japanned to
prevent eddy currents.
Coils shall be continuous without joints from segment to segment
of commutator, and shall be thoroughly insulated and held in the slots
by wedges.
The commutators shall be of a construction enabling them to with-
stand strains due to expansion, contraction and centrifugal force. Seg-
ments shall be of the best hard drawn copper and of sufficient depth to
allow ample wearing surface, and shall be insulated from each other
and the cast iron center by the best grade of mica suitable for the
purpose. Mica and copper shall present a uniform wearing surface
to the brushes.
The commutators shall be turned so as to run perfectly true and
have a smooth surface and, if necessary in the opinion of the Archi-
tect, shall be turned after the installation without extra charge.
Brush rigging shall be so constructed that all brushes may be
skifted simultaneously. Brush holders shall be so constructed that
tension springs and sliding contacts are not depended upon to carry
the current from the holders. Brushes shall be set so as not to get
out of alignment as they wear down. Brush tension shall be individ-
ually adjustable without the use of tools.
Brushes shall be of carbon and the current density shall not ex-
ceed thirty (30) amperes per square inch of surface contact at full
All generators shall operate successfully in parallel, dividing the
load between them in proportion to their normal ratings.
Heating and Sparking:
Each generator shall carry its full rated load continuously for a
period of eight (8) hours without heating in any part more than 35
degrees C. above the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.
Immediately following the above mentioned full load run each
generator shall carry 125% of its full rated load for two (2) hours
without heating in any part more than 50 degrees C. above the tem-
perature of the surrounding atmosphere.
Each generator shall operate without sparking and without cut-
ting or blackening of the commutator at all loads from no load to 125%
of full load without shifting of the brushes, and shall carry 150% of
full load for a period of one (1) hour immediately following full load
run and 200% of full load momentarily without injury, and without
shifting the brushes.
Regulation :
The machines shall operate successfully on a combined power,
electric elevator and lighting load. They shall have good inherent reg-
ulation and shall show on actual factory test a smooth compounding
voltage curve between no load and full load, which shall not vary at
any point more than two (2) per cent, from a straight line drawn be-
tween the no load and full load voltage points.
The field windings shall be so proportioned as to give 240 volts
across the terminals of the machine at no load and 244 volts at full
load with constant setting of the field rheostat and at the rated speeds,
allowing 2% drop in engine speed from no load to full load.
The machines preferably shall be so designed as to give the above
specified over-compounding without the use of a shunt across the se-
ries windings, but in no case shall the machines show a greater rise in
voltage than ten (10) volts from no load to full load without the use of
a shunt on the series, as it is desired to keep the amount of shunted
series current down to a minimum, to improve the voltage regulation
on fluctuating loads. Tf this condition is not met when the generators
are tested, they must be provided with different and suitably designed
field coils before they will be accepted.
The efficiencies, including brush friction, shall not be less than
92% between one-half and full load for any generator.
Insulation :
The generators and balancers must withstand a factory insulation
test of an alternating current of at least fifteen hundred (1,500) volts
continuously applied for one (1) minute after the final heat runs have
been made.
Materials Used in Construction:
All castings shall be of the first quality, with smooth surfaces,
free from blow-holes, scabs, chipping marks or other defects; all pieces
at joints shall be dressed fair with each other, making well finished
joints. Nuts and bolt heads shall be hexagonal, finished and case
All polished work shall be free from tool marks. No plugging or
filling of holes and cracks allowed.
Field Rheostats:
There shall he furnished and installed under this contract motor
operated field rheostats with all necessary accessories required for the
parallel operation of the generators. The control switches, indicators,
etc., shall be mounted directly upon the switchboard panels, as des-
cribed under "Switchboard." Emergency means for hand operation
shall be provided for rheostats.
Balancer Sets:
The Contractor shall furnish and install on foundations finished
similarly to the engine foundations and provided by him, two balancer
sets. Each set shall be of sufficient capacity to take care of 200 amperes
flowing in the neutral. Balancer sets shall be built by the same firm
that manufactures the generators supplied under this contract. Each
6et shall consist of two separate machines with three bearings mounted
on single cast iron bed plate. Each set shall be compound wound
with adjustable German silver field shunts which shall be mounted on
the frame. The sets shall be so designed that they will maintain
equality of voltage on the two sides of the three-wire system within
1^ per cent, without hand regulation or adjujstment. That is, with
200 amperes unbalanced current, the voltage on one side shall not ex-
ceed 122 and on the other 118, with 240 volts between positive and
negative. It is desired that the design of the sets he such that they
may be operated to secure the above conditions without the use of field
rheostats. However, if required by the system contemplated, all neces-
sary field rheostats shall be provided.
Rise in temperature in balancer sets after 8 hours run at full load
in the neutral (200 amperes) shall not exceed 40° C. in any part except
the commutator which may rise 45° above the surrounding air. The
speed of these sets shall not exceed approximately 1300 R. P. M. They
shall operate sparklessly at all loads from no load to 125 per cent. load.
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