UC-NRLF B M Sfl7 tl7^ .7*^ ' ■ ■••J ^^m^ ../// ^* ^ X:^^ ' "il ^i//-^> X-. T^-^' rr ...- . x- CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIKE AND VERY CHOICE COLLECTION OF ^itgraHngs, THE PROPERTY OF JULIAN MAESHALL, ESQ. COMPRISING THE WORKS OF THE MOST EMINENT ENGRAVERS OF THE OF ITALY, GEEMANY, HOLLAND, FLANDEKS, FEANCE AND ENGLAND. C^e ^prints hu of llje i^t^Ij^st @ualitg, UOTH AS TO IMPRESSION AND CONDITION, MANY HAVING FORMED THE CHIEF ORNAMENTS OF THE PRINCIPAL COLLECTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN DISPERSED FOR MANY YEARS PAST, IN THIS COUNTRY AND ON THE CONTINENT. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Auctioneers of ICitcrarg ^Qropertg 8c aSSorfes tllustrnttljc of ti)c£ine "^rts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13 (late 3), WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On THUESDAY, 30th of JUNE, 1864, and Eleven following Days, (Sundays excepted), at One o'Clock precisely. May be Viewed Three Days previous, and Catalogues had. J. Davy and Sons, Primers, 137, Long Acre, London. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up agaiu, provided the seller cannot decide the said dispute. II. No ])ersou to advance less than (id. ; above ten shillings, l**. ; above five pounds, 2s. Gd. ; and so on. III. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10^. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. lY. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SoTHEBT, Wilkinson and Hodge will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed. but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. V. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money required and depor^ited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if ffff^tf^tii-j^Mi^'i'Qi^ *^ ^''^ reselling of' sueh lots as are 7iot clcarea or pdiajor.dU charges on such rc-sah shall be made good htfT^rSiffiTTrt-hs fit this sale. LIBRARY VII. Tiie whole to be sold with all faults and errors of description. Genlln/ien who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, SOTIIEBV, WILKINSON & HODGE, Wellington Street, Strand. A/^5^ M3 CATALOGUES ARE DISTRIBUTED ABROAD AT Amsterdam Buffa et fils. Bcrliu Amsler and Ruthakdt. Brussels Van der Kolk. Cologne J. J. Prick EN. Dresden E. Arnolix Frankfort Prestel. Leipsic C. G. Boerner. W. Drugulin. R. Weigel. Liege Van Marck. Mannheim Artaria and Fontaine. Munich L. A. V. Montmorillox. Paris M, Clement. GOUI'IL et Ci*:- Vienna Artaria et Ci^- A. POSONVI. 368 In consequence of the almost uniform perfection, as to condition and earliness of impression, which distinguishes THE Prints comprised in this Collection ; the Compiler * of the Catalogue has avoided, as far as possible, the practice of applying terms of exaggerated praise to each INDIVIDUAJi lot. ^ CATALOGUE OF THE C HOICE C OLLECTI ON OF EN GRAVINGS, THE PROPERTT OF JULIAN MARSHALL, ESQ. FIRST DAY'S SALE. (The numbersjn parenthesesj unless otherwise expressed^ refer to Bartsch's Pemtre Graveur.) ^4LBEEp jCCheetjbino) . LOT V 7 ^^a^/Ld '^ ^cyuJla^ 1 — The Iseaelites leaving Egypt, after Polidoro da Cara- vaggio (5) first state, before the arms and dedication, with Iroad margin, very rare 1 2 — Henry IV of Ekance, in an oval cartouche, ornamented with figures (124) very rare 1 ALDEGEEVEE (Heineich). 3 — The Almighty warning Adam and Eve of the danger of par- taking of the Fruit from the Tree of Life (2) ; Adam and Eve hiding from the presence of the Lord (4) 2 4 — Adam standing with the Apple in his right hand (9) ; Adam standing near a Lion (11) ; The Serpent tempting Eve, the companion print (12) 3 6 — The History of Ammon and Thamar (22—28) the set complete, rare 7 B / , /^, /E /^ / — 2 — ' /^ « 9 ^ Cn / r f /^ / - • ^(n / n J /6 / ^ / / / / "t /6 M <• 6 — The Judgment of Solomon (29) ; The Elders accusing Susaunah (31) Jrom the Mariette collection 2 7 — Judith with the Head of Holofernes (34) ; Dalila cutting off Samson's hair (35) very rare 2 8 — Dalila cutting off Samson's hair (3G), very rare ; David discovering Bathsheba at the Bath (37) ; The Annun- ciation (38), rare 3 9 — The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, set of five prints (44 — 48), rare 5 10 — The Virgin ^vith the Infant Saviour in her arms, standing upon a Crescent (50) very rare 1 , I 11 — The Four Evangelists in the Clouds, vrith their Attributes, from designs by George Pencz (57-60) 4 . I 12 — Tarquin and Lucretia (64) ; Mutius Scsevola before Porsenna (GO) 2 13 — Titus Manlius ordering his Son to be decapitated (72); Mars (76) ; The Infant Hercules in his Cradle strangling the two Serpents (83) 8 ,14 — The LABorns of Hercules (83-95) ve7'y rare complete ; from the Gaicet collection 13 15 — Thisbe finding Pyramus dead (101); Thisbe stabbing herself (102) ; Fortune (lOG) 3 16 — The Virtues and the Vices, represented by female figures (117—130) tJie set complete, rare 14 17 — Intemperance (132) ; Death and the Pope (39) ; Death and the Cardinal (40) 8 18 — A pair of the Wedding Dancers (169) ; A Soldier surprising a Monk and a Nun (17S), extremely rare 2 19 — William Due de Julieks (181) first state before the words " In imaginem illusstriss" etc., from the Movant Collection, very rare 1 t {' (jWt^Ai 3 — 20 — "Hi U»j 21 22 23 25 26 — ■XJy i27 •70 !28 Bebnabd Knippeiidollin&, Chief of the Anabaptists at l/c5l/5 MuQster (183) extremely rare 1 Martin Luther (184) 4^|/6 very rare Heinrich Aldegrever at the age of Twenty-eight (188) k-<~f rare Heinrich Aldegrever at the age of Thirty-five (189) ^ very rare 1 Dance of Naked Infants (205) rare 1 Design for a Dagger Sheath (213) ; Another Design for a / Sheath, with a figure of the Whore of Babylon (226) ; and a third of a similar description, with the figures of a Man and Woman nude (248), all of them extremely rare 3 A Branch of Ornamental Foliage, enriched with masks and fishes (236) rare 1 Design eoe the Sheath of a PoiaNAED (259) extremely rare 1 Panel of Ornamental Poliage springing from the legs of a Satyr (279) ; Panel of Grotesque Ornaments, with Male and Female Satyr (282) 2 / /6\ 6 / I ' ^ 29 — '►<«'.«/ i30 / I 'y< 31 ^«, J32 *^^. 1 33 *<^ ■ I34 ALTDOBF ER (Albbecht) . Judith (1) \ Solomon's Idolatry (4) ; Christ driving the ; ^ /V Money-changers from the Temple (6) 3 ' Christ on the Cross (7) ; The Virgin Enthroned (13) ; The , /^ Virgin and Child with St. Anne (14) ; The Virgin, 1507 (15) The Viegin and Child with St. Anne (14) ; The Virgin / /(j in a Landscape (17) rare 2 St. Christopher (19) ; St. Jerome in a Cavern (21) 2 - / St. Jerome and the Lion (22) 1 j2.- Hercules and the Muse (28) ; Venus with Cupids (32) ; Venus, ^ /^ copy from Marc- Antonio (33) — 4 — / // / / V r /^ L 35 — Venus leaving the Bath, ca'py from Marc-Antonio (34) ; Judgment of Paris (36) ; The Centaur (37) 3 36 — Mutius Scaevola (40) ; Dido stabbing herself (42) 2 87 — Dido stabbing herself (42) ; The Punishment of the "Woman I who insulted Virgil (43) 2 . '38 — An Allegory of a Knight in Armour (50) ; The Little Ensign (52) 2 The Violin Player (54); The Architect (55); Martin . 139 — , 40 — J . 41 — r 42 — Luther (61) 3 Martin Luther, a profile in a circle, ornamented with foliage (61) very rare 1 A Halbeediee standing near two Columns excessively rare, undescribed by Bartsch and Passavant 1 History of the Fall and Eedemption of Man (1 to 40), woodcuts the set complete, very early impressions, with full margins, whole bound in morocco by Hiviere, rare 40 ANONYMOUS EAELT ITALIAN. 43 /5t . 44 — TWO SHIPS, BOTH SAILING TO THE LEFT; a dog is sitting at the extremity of the prow of that on the right ; the other has a t-keleton standing on the forecastle ; there appear to be minute figures in the rigging, and the mast broken, and falling forward engraved most carefully icith a very fine point ; it has been ascribed to Mocetto, but on no certain grounds — pi'esque unique. From the Wellesley Collection 1 GIUOCQ DEI TABOCCHL _ Erato xiv ; Melpomene xvii ; Posia xxtii all in the pure early states before the plates were retouched 3 ANONYMOUS, 1524. / ' 45 — Dancing Peasants (_B. ix. 148) attributed by Heinecken to Bartholomew Beham — 5 %u, tUJ If Iff ^ -I '^otUt CWtMUf ANONYMO US. 46 — PEINCE FEEDEEICK HENET, " Eldest sonne of the thrice illustrious Eredericke King of Bohemia," etc, richly habited, in an oval having an ornamental border. No name of painter or address a beautiful print of the greatest rarity, ivith fine margin ; from the Martin Collection 1 47 — The Gunpowder Conspirators tlie original flate, xoitli twelve Latin, thirteen French, and four Dutch lines ; from the Townley and Tunno Collec- tions, terg rare 1 48 — Thomas Percy, the Conspirator oval, with two medallions of his execution 1 AUD EAN (B EypiT). 4^ — The Eape of Dejanira, after Guido Eeni 1 50 — Zephyrus and Elora, after Antoine Coypel with full margin 1 AUD EAN (J eak). 51 — John Hampden, after Eichardson, " Vindex Libertatis " withfne margin, very scarce 1 52 — The EiNDiNa of Moses, after Coypel rare undescribed proof , before any letters 1 BAKHUIZEN (Ludolf ). 53 — The Seeies of Makine Views (1 — 10) a remarkably early set, printed on Dutch paper, hearing the arms of Amsterdam, with full margin, very rare. This set also contains the engraved title and the portrait of Bahhuizen in mezzotint 12 54 — The Series of Marine Views (1—10) another fine set, with full margin, on a French paper, rare 12 55 — POETEATT OE BaKHUIZEN mezzotint, rare, with a fine specimen of his autograph writing 3 ^ a /o / 7 / c^/3 6 i yo ^6"-. — 6 — BALDINI (Baccio). ^^ . . 56 — EL LIBEO INTITULATO MONTE SAXCTO DI DIO, by Antonio Bettini, printed at Florence by Nicolo di Magna, 1477 a fine and perfect copy of this extremely rare hoolc, so inter- esting in its connection with the early history of the art of Engraving. The prints, hy Baldini, are in heautiful con- dition, being impressions takenhefore the plates ivere at all worn. The title-page and the initial letters are illuminated ly a contemporary limner. " Volume tres rare, et recherche parce qu'il est le premier livre conuu ou Ton trouve des planches en taille-douce." — Brunei Manuel du Lihraire. Ottlcy, vol. I, p. 374, et seq. gives a full and detailed account of this remarkable book, which is so rare that it has seldom if ever occurred in a public sale. It contains three prints, two of which are nearly tlie full size of the page, 9| inches high by 7 inches wide. I. The first represents a steep and rocky mountain, on the summit of wliich is the figure of Christ in Glory, surrounded l)y cherubs. From tlie middle of tlie print, at bottom, a ladder rises to the top of the mount, which a good friar is represented as beginning to ascend. The steps of the ladder are named after the Ciiristian virtues. On the right is a figure of Christ on the Cross, and on the left is the figure of a young man, richly dressed, looking towards Heaven, and exclaiming, " Levavi Oculos meos I MONIES," &c. II. The second represents a majestic figure of Christ standing in a glory of flames, and surrounded by angels and cherubs, lOi inches by 7 inches. III. The third is a representation of Hell, and is smaller than the other two, being C| inches in width by 4J in height. In the centre is the figure of Lucifer, surrounded by the damned, who Buffer various punishments. the look is in perfect condition, and hound in old French morocco / o ' 67 — The Infernal Begions, from Andrea Orcagna's picture in the Canipo Santo at Pisa a modern impression ] 1^ '-f- BALECIIOU (Jean Jos eph) . ^ . 58 — 8"" Gekevi^ve, aftee Van Loo aetist's proof before ant letters, itiV7» remark, fne; from the Durand and Hawkins Collections 1 ii<£ui l^uif 1 61 !59 — 60 ilHJL-ft ; 62 ymi*jji 1 63 — 64. — 65 — 66 ntt/i a^ 67 — The Storm, after Vernet first state, with tlie error in spelling the word " compagnief" and before the lines over the inscription and the completion of worh on the arch, very rare 1 The Calm, first state, very rare ; and The Storm, both AFTER VeRNET 2 , r The Bathers, after Vernet first state, fine and rare 1 BA EBE (Jean Baptist e) . The Ammnciation. — St. Peter baptising a Pemale. — Christ on the Cross. — Christ on the Cross with the three Maries. — The Infant St. John. — The Almighty receiving the Body of the Saviour. — Erom his own designs, all with margins, rare 6 Francois Xavier, the Jesuit Saint very early impression, with broad margin 1 B AEO CCIO_i|;EJDERIGO) . The ANNUiSrciATiON, from a picture painted for the Church of the Holy Virgin of Loretto (1) 1 The Virgin in the Clouds, with the Infant Jesus (2), and reverse copy ; both from the Collections of Richard Ford and Dr. Wellesley 2 Saint Francis receiving the Stigmata, from a picture in the Church of the Capuchins at Urbino (3) 1 The Virgin and Our Saviour appearing to St. Francis (4) ; from the Mariette Collection 1 BAETOLOZZI. / Vq / / V /6~. A- nxJii 168 /s g / Wi> >ecu 69 _ Madonna della Seggiola, after Eaffaelle, ^nM^e(^ on satin. — Madonna, after Sasso Ferrato ; and \Sivio\x% proofs of Book Plates, Tickets, &c. 7 | I Ariadne, after Cipriani, choice and rare proof before the lines, — with 2 others, in equally choice proof states 3 /3 Ke — 8 AH. (a Co /6 / / / / (p /€ 70 — Jupiter Dodoenoeus, Marlborough Gem, choice proof; and two proofs of Sir Foster Cuuliflfe's Book Plate, very rare 3 71 — Nymphs Bathing, after Barralet and Cipriani proof before letters 1 72 — The Flood Landscape, oval, in a square border, after Barralet and Cipriani proof hef ore letters 1 73 — Murder of the Innocents, after Guido artist'' s proof, the last and best u'orJc of this talented engraver 1 74 — Clttie, after Carracci choice and rare prof before arms or any letters 1 BEATBICI (Nic coLo) . 75 — The Vieoin enthbo>"ed (29) an early impression, tcith broad margin, rare 1 76 — Heney II Kino or Feance, after Luca Penni (30) very rare 1 77 — Si, Elizabeth, Queen of Hungaey, relieving the distressed, after Muziano (31) first state, very rare ; from the Esdaile Collection 1 78 — St Jeeome kneeling before a Crucifix, after Muziano (32) frst state, before the address of Lafrery, rare 1 79 — A SINGLE FiGUEE, from the Martyrdom of St. Peter, after Michael Angelo ^ before the plate icas reduced in size, undescribed ; from the De Fries and Wcllcslcy Collections 1 BEAUV ABL ET (Jacques Fiemin). 80 — MoLiERE (J. B. PoQUELiN de), after Bourdon curious eiigraver^s proof the face and hands in outline, with a square border, arched inside at the top, adorned with masks and other emblems of the Drama, and before any letters The same, artist's proof, entirely finished, the above- described border w suppressed, also before any letters VERT RAEE 2 — 9 — 7 % SI — 82 83 ' / I I ^' 185 I I ^' ! 86 The same a new border is engraved round the portrait, hut not completely finislied, hefore any letters, very rare 1 The same xoitTi the title on the scroll at the top, the harder finished, hut hefore the dedication, first 'published state, scarce The same an impression in the ordinary state 2 Madame du Barry, after Trouais proof he/ore the letters, very rare 1 The Departure and the Eeturn of the Messenger, after Boucher proofs hefore any letters, rare, with margins 2 " Les Couseuses," after Guide Eeni proof hefore any letters, rare, with margin " Les Confidences," after Van Loo proof hefore any letters, rare 87 — " La Sultane," after Van Loo proof hefore any letters, rare BECCAr UMI (Domenic o) . t ^^lJj\ i ^^ — ^y^o Academical Eigures first state hefore the loords " Micarinus fec.;^' from the Wellesley Collection ^WUjj %» BEGrA ( COBIT ELnJS) . 89 — Bust of a Young Eemale (2) first state Head of an Old Man looking upwards (3) Head of an Old Man smiling (4) Head of a Peasant laughing (5) |90 — Head of a Peasant, seen in profile (6) first state Bust of an Old Woman (7) first state hefore the border, rare The Man in a short cloak (8) first state The Female carrying a pitcher (9) first state c 6 / 6 6 ^ 3 ^^. ^ ^-^^ / 9 /^^. /6 — 10 — / / 7 /^ ^ 9 /6 91 — The Man with his hands under his cloak (10) The same (10) with the top line extended and thickend in parts The Female smoking (11) Also a second impression 4 92 — The Old Woman with the large pitcher (12) ; The Smoker seated (13) ; The Old Woman standing (U) 3 93 — The Peasant in a siioet cloak (15) hefore the outline was strengthened, and iefore the marks with the dry-point near the left hand were erased The same (15) the outline strengthened, particularly to the right, the marks of the dry-point to the right taken out 2 94 — The Toper (16) first state, hefore the outline tvas cleared to the left of the cap, and hefore the superfluous touches with the dry-point were erased 1 95 — The Toper (16) another of the same state, hut cut to the marginal line The same (16) second state, with the outline of the cape cleared, and with the superfluous scratches erased 2 96 — The Peasant with his hat in his hand (17) o/t early impression The Woman carrying a basket on her head (18) first state, with the stone on the rising ground to the extreme left The same (18) second state, the stone on the left hurnished out, and with it a portion of the marginal line The same (18) third state, with the horizontal line lohich crosses the right foot partially erased 4 97 — The Peasant at the Window (19) a very early state, apparently the pure aquafortis, hefore the dry-point work, which is seen all over the figure in the after state, and hefore the marginal line was strengthened The same (19) second state, thefgure and the hackground within the casement much worked over, and the marginal line strengthened 2 (^ft (^ OH &, % ji*- — 11 — %0)f'c, UJ-(A^_ fnuji^ '%HV. 7 iiM\, ■oa/t •^M, Hvu^L 98 — The Peasant lighting his pipe (20) an early impression The Peasant's Family, a sketch (21) an early impression The Peasant seen from behind (22) an early impression \ 99 — The Party near the Chimney (23) an early impression, with margin The Party near the Chimney (23) 100 — The Caresses resisted (24) an early impression The two Lovers at a Table (25) 101 — The Dance (26) Jirst state, ivith the lacTcground white (26) The Dance (26) second state, with the hackground black (26) 102 — The Singer, a sketch (27) an early impression The Mother (28) an early impression 103 — The Theee Topees (29) an early state, with the traces of a different cap on the head of the peasant on the right The same (29) a rather later state, with the cap still there, hut hardly perceptible The same (29) second state ; the cap is taken out 104 — The Mother seated near the window with her Husband (30) an early impression The Family seated in a Cabaret (31) a very early impression /O aipd^ 105 — The Old Itwkeepee (32) an early impression 106 — The Young Innkeeper (33) an early impression before the address ^ // /O a 6 7 /o /o J2 / 3 /6-\ /O r 5 ."^ / 6 42. — 12 — 107 — The same (33) I U'ff^< hefore the address; from the Dumesnil collection, with margin 108 — The old Peasant caressing the Waitress (34) 109 — The Interior of a Cabaret (35) an early impression, hefore the address 110 — The Interior of a Cabaret (35) hefore the address, and with margin BEHAM (Barthol). 111 — Judith seated on the body of Holofernes (3) ; Judith with the head of Holofernes (4) 112 — St. Chistopher (10) first state hefore the hackground, very rare 1 113 — Cuahles V (Emperor) (GO) very rare ; from the Archinto Collection . 1 114 — Ferdinand I (Emperor) (61) first state hefore the address of J. ah Heyden, very rare 1 BEHAM ( Hans Sebald). 115 — Adam and Eve (1—2) 2 116 — Adam and Eve driven from Paradise (7) 1 117 — JuDiTK placing the head of Holofernes in a sack (10) first and second states ^ Judith holding the head of Holofernes (11) Judith with the head of Holofernes (12) ttvo impressions 5 118 — The Virgin and Child with a Pear, (18) The Virgin and Child with a Paroquet (19) very rare 2 119 — The Man of Sorrows (26) early impression, very rare 1 120 — Head of Christ, 1520 (29) The Saviour of the World (30) first and second slates 3 I 13 ~ 121 — The Pabable of the Prodigal Son (31—34) curious set before the retotich, and accompaniedhy an early state of each plate, shoioing very curious variations, very rare 8 122 — St. James the Minor (45) The Four Evangelists (55—58) first states ; from the Bedford Collection 5 128 — Cimon nourished by his Daughter (74) ; Cimon nourished by his Daughter (75) ; Cleopatra (76) 3 \)[la '9 /c J2. XL 7 TT^ :^ ^' , i^-. // — 16 — 154 _ THE IMAN SEATED ON AN ASS (5) first state, pure etching before the additional work, of exces- sive rarity 1 155 — The Shepherd playing the flute (6) first state, pure etching, before the dark shadows in the fore- ground, rare 1 156 — Landscape, with a shepherd and woman in conversation (7) very ra'^e with margin 1 157 — The Shepherd seated on a fountain (8) hefore the number and before the address of De Wit 1 158 — Halt near a Cabaret (11) before the number and before the address of De Wit 1 159 — Crossing the Stream (12) before the address of P. Goos teas effaced, and before the number ; from the Beckford and Harford Collections 1 c0S^. A 7 160 — Eour oblong subjects of Animals (13-10) first states, with Visscher^s address 4 161 _ " Les Yaches a la laitiere " (23-28) second states, with the mimbers, but before some additional work ; from the Arosarena Collection 6 162 — Set of Etchings of Sheep, called the "Woman's Book (29-34) first states, pure etchings, before the numbers and the inscrip- tion on the title, with margins, presque unique ; from the Debois Collection 6 Z/^^. /£.6 rli.Din.nn„.y 1205 0^. C/^. 206 207 The Return from Egypt, " Et erat subditus illis." after Rubens first state, before Vanden Enden^s address was erased, and loithfne margin 1 The Nativity, with Adoration of the Virgin, after Rubens first state, icith Vanden EndeiCs address, rare 1 Holt Family with the Infant St. John, " Delicise meas esse cum filiis hominum," after Rubens first state before any address, fine margin 1 4!?- 208 — Holy Family with the Infant Saviour caressing the Virgin, " Dilectus meus mihi, et ego illi," after Rubens first state, before the address of ""Bon Utfanf,^' loith margin 1 / / ftatytf/.y 1 209 Christ on the Cross, with a View of Jerusalem in the background, after Rubens fi7'st state, loith Vanden Enden's address ; from the Debois Collection 1 / 9 /t — 22 — / ^- / /JU- /2^, ^CLra (h ^^i 210 — The Virgin with the Infant Christ on her knee, with a Female Saint holding a palm, after Van Dyck 1 211 — Holy Family, the Infant Saviour sleeping on its Mother's breast, after Van Dyck first state, hefore the address, and with fine margin; from the Morant Collection 1 212 — The Dead Body of Christ in the lap of the Virgin, attended by Angels, after Van Dyck first state, toith Vanden Enden's address ; from the Collec- tion of D. B. Clarke 1 213 — The Eepose in Egypt, with a group of angels dancing, after Van Dyck first state, ivith the address of Vanden JEnden, rare 1 214 — CHEIST CEOWNED WITH THOENS, after Van Dyck first state, before the cross hatchings on the leg and dress of the second soldier ivho is standing on the right, before the suppi'ession of the bright light on the nostril of the man toho is hnfifeting our Lord, and before the extra work in other jyarts of the plate. This impression ivas in the Col- lection of the Duke of Buckingham, and is excessively BARE 1 215 — THE CEUCIFIXION, " Christ a l'Eponge" impression before the hand of St. John was laid on the shoulder of the Virgin, before additional work on the cross below the arm of the Magdalen, and before the shadow in the foreground from the foot of the soldier, with the words "A. Van Dye pin.rit'" on the left-hand lower corner of the engraving itself and with the dedication FIRST FINISHED STATE, OF GREAT RARITY 1 216 — The Education of the Virgin fine impression 1 217 — Charles the Second and the Duke of York at the Hague rare 1 — 23 '<;/><' //•t^ t//^i ^ Hi he I VI, '( Cmtut ileJ^uurt 224 — 218 — A Satyr holding a pipe, with goats and sheep in a landscape, after Jordaens first state, with the address of Le Blond 1 219 — A Concert, entitled " Soo d'oude songen, soo pepen de jongen," after Jordaens 1 LANDSCAPES AFTER EUBENS. 220 — Euins and figures proof before any letters 221 — A Shepherd tending his flocks on the bank of a stream proof before any letters 222 — The Waggon I first state, tvith Vanden Enden^s address; from Sibber fs Collection 1 ' / / f&MKf (^. (:AMA, 7 247 — The Woman riding on a Mule (1) third state, loith Ilatham's address, lohich was erased in the next state, rare 1 248 — The Waggon drawn by Oxen (2) first state, proof hefore the names of Both or Matham, of excessive rarity 1 249 — The Waggon drawn by Oxen (2) second state, ivith the names, rare 1 250 — The Great Tree (3) hefore the address of Matham was effaced ; from the Morant Collection -^ 251 — The Two Mules (4) hefore the address of Matham was effaced; from the Morant Collection ■•■ 252 — The Stone Bridge (5) first state, pure aqua-fortis, hefore the ruled shy, and hefore much extra ivorh on the water, and other parts of the plate, of the greatest rarity 1 253 — The Stone Bridge (5) proof hefore the name of Both, rare ^ 254 — The Muleteer (6) proof hefore the name of Both, rare 1 E c^ / /O /6 S s /(r , / .ruif* i^\ ?^ — 27 — 266 nun BRI ZIO (F rancesco) . Mabonna della Scodella, after Correggio (4) most curious iinfinislied proof, a portion of the hacJcground heing merely in outline, and hefore all letters, probably unique 1 BEOSAM EB (Hans). 267 — Delila's Treachery to Samson (1) n>^/,/ 268 — Christ on the Cross (6) this impression is considered the finest in existence I 1/ i 7 UHofai ' 269 ■/^.. 270 7 — John II, Abbot of Fulda BBOVVNE (Alexander). — Madame Jane Kelleway, after Sir Peter Lely, in mezzotint .a fti 'J BBUYN (Nicolas de). 271 — Elias, large landscape Ji7'st state before the address, rare BBY (Theodore d e). 272 — A design for a Saucer, with a head in the centre, emblematical of Pride and Folly scarce The Triumph of Bacchus 273 — ViT^ ET IcoNES Sultanorum Tuecicorum, Francf. ad j / Moen A° M.D. XCVI. Fifty portraits in medallions, \ set in richly ornaviental frames, accompanied by lives hy Jan Jacob Boissard j full bound red morocco, and richly gilt 1 /O /^ /r^ /o 9 /^i. /n — 28 — /o V) /^) /6 / /:? -f^ ^ ^ //^. C ALLOT (Jaques ). (TAe numhers and Quotations refe r to Meaume's " La vie et leg ouvrages de Callot.^') 274 — The Massacke of the Inkocents, the first plate (5) Jtrst state lefore tJie letters, " Bare,'' withjlne margin 275 — The Massacre of the Innocents, the second plate (G) Jirst state hefm'e the letters, '''' Bare^' with broad margin; from the Gervaise Collection. Also, second state, with margin ; from the same Collection 2 27(j — Saint Nicholas (140) proof lefore any inscription, hut ivith Callofs name to the left ivithin the front line of the foreground, rare 1 277 — The A^'iLLAGE FiiTE, at Gondreville in Lorraine, known by the name of " Le jeu de boules," Tres-jolie piece (623) first state, before Callot's name, ichich is icritten by the artist himself on this im^yression, in the lower left-hand corner, of the greatest rarity 1 278 — The set of Mendicants (G85— 709) first states, with large margin before the Numbers, and the address of Silvestre, very rare, bound in whole morocco 24 *** This set unfortunately wants Nos. GS7, 688, 689, 694, 705, and 70S, but has a duplicate of 701, and four others belonging to another set. 279 — The Stag Hunt (1194) an early impression, tcith fine broad margin 1 CAMPAGNQLA (Domek ico). 280 — The Descent of the Holt Ghost (3) very rare ; from the Sykes, Beckford and Harford Collec- tions 1 i 281 — THE MAETYRDOM OF A FEMALE SAIKT, in presence of an Kmperor (6) excessively rare IfK'fU '(A* t — 29 — CAMPAGNOLA (Giulio) . 282 — St. John the Baptist (3). The Saint is represented standing, holding his garments with his right liand, while with the other he carries a bowl. Copied from Girolamo Mocetto ^ very rare ;froin the Esdaile, Eoscoe and Maberly Collections 1 283 — The Touisra Shephekd, seated on a bank and turned to the left, with two pipes in his right hand (G) pure and early state, very rare ; from the Bammeville Collec- tion, where it sold for £17 1 CANTABINI (S iMoy). 284 — The Eepose in Egypt (2) frst state, pure etching before the name of Guido The Eepose in Egypt (6) early impression, tcith margin St. John the Baptist in the Desert (22) 3 285 — Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune oifering tbeir Crowns in homage to the Arms of Cardinal Borghese ; sometimes called " Le Quos ego " (29) before the arms of the Cardinal toere effaced, very rare 1 286 — Mercury playing to Argus (31) *^* "Cette estampe est une des principales de I'oeuvre du Pesarese." — BartschS) 1 287 — Fortune (34) first state before the name of Guido, very early proof, ivifh margin. Also the second state 2 CABAGLIQ (Jacopo) . 288 — Holy Family, aftee Raefaelle (5) first state, with the points on the cradle 1 289 — The School of the Ancient Philosopher (57), Dionysius the Areopagite with his Master Apollophanes at Heliopolis very rare 1 290 — The Battle op the Bucklek, after Eaffaelle (59) 1 :^ ^^// /O 6' 4^ 6^ 6 4-1 — 30 — Vn /2 / /// /// CAE RACCI (A gostiko) . 291 — The Virgin supporting the Infant Christ in her arms (31) from the La Salle Collection , 292 — The Virgin and Child on a Crescent, after Ligozzi (34) 1 %* " Cette estarape est une ^des plus parfaites d'Aug. Carrache, tant pour le dessein que pour la gravure." 293 — St. Feaxcis in Extasy, after Francesco Vanni (57) very early impression, toith margin, rare 1 294 — St. Jerome, after Francesco Vanni (74) 1 295 — ST. JEROME (75) Jirst state, as left at the death of Agostino 1 %* " Cette epreuve est extremement rare." 296 — The same, finished by Francesco Brizio rare 1 297 — St. Jkuome, after Tintoretto (70) rare 1 *#* " Cette estampe est une des principales de I'ocuvre de uotre artiste." 298 — The Virgin, St. Jerouu- and the Magdalen, after Correggio (95) rare 1 299 — TuE Maebiage of St. Catueiune, after Paul Veronese (98) very rare 1 *i^* " C'est une des plus belles pieces d'Augustin Carrache." 300 — The Body of Christ supported by the Virgin and an Angel, after Paul Veronese (102) first state before the address " Giacomo Franco Forma " 1 301 — The Madonna and two kneeling Votaries, after Paul Veronese (105) 1 — 31 MT/^ft^'-'r "I (f^o /? '/V^r^/H^ 'Um'iyri'f'^ 7 302 — Pan subdued by Love, " Omnia vincit Amor " (110) very rare 303 — IMercurt and the Graces, after Tintoretto (117) Mars rebuked by Minerva (118) rare ; from the Arcliinto Collection 304 — The Eeciprocation of Love (119) ; The Fruits of Love (120) ; and two companion 2J>"i>its, tvhich are unde- scrihed li/ Bartsch, the first representing Cupid KINDLING THE FLAME OF LovE, and the secoud Love's Votaries enchained and punished of excessive rarity 305 — Venus chastising Love (135) very rare 306 — Ferdinand de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (145) very rare 9 / /3/^ X ^ctiiCnj 307 1 (^' TITIAN (154) first state, before the inscription Titiani Vecellii PiCTORIS CELEBERRIMI AC FAMOSISSIMI VERA EFFIGES ; of extraordinary rarity and perfect condition ; from the Archinto Collection, where it toas sold for £25 C ABB AC CI (Annibale) . 308 — The Adoration of the Shepherds (2) undescrihed first state before the name, excessively rare ; from the Collections of John Barnard and Chambers Hall 1 309 — The Dead Christ of Caprarola (4) first state before the name of Carracci, or the address of \ Van Aelst, very rare ; from the Wellesley Collection 1 . 310 — " La Vierge a l'ecuelle " (9) first state before the name of Carracci and the address of Van Aelst, very rare 1 ^ c^Cn ^ / ^a 6]^, / AST — 32 — / * ti>ey ! 353 — The Anis^tjnciation (1) very rare 1 ^\ 354 — Saint G-eegoet celebeating Mass (21) very rare; from the Defries and Esdaile Collections ^uatir 355 — St. Genevieve of Brabant, called by Bartsch the Penitence of St. Chrysostom (1) rare 1 ^ 9 g/i iU^/, "•"7 356 %, '>AtJ u/lT) DALEN (Cornelius YAy). Chaeles II King of England, half-length, in armour, after S. Luttichuys proof before any letters, and before the alteration which was afterwards made in the face 1 357 — Henet Duke of Gloucestee, after S. Luttichuys proof before the arms or any letters; presumed to be unique in this state 1 358 — The same proof with the arms, but before any letters, extremely rare 1 / ^ • S^6 c^- ■/ — 38 g 9 // ^ S- /s 9 9 .7 359 — PiETRO Aeetino, after Titian proof hefore letters GiovAX>'A Boccaccio, after Titian proof hefore letters Giorgio Baebaeelli, called Gigeqioite, after Titian proof hefore letters Sebastiano del PioMBO, after Titian proof hefore letters 4 *#* Perfect set, very rare. The last set sold, in M. Thiers' sale, for £21. 360 — Francis Deleboe Sylvius " C. Van Dalen Junior delineavit et sculpsif'' 1 361 — Maurice Count of Nassau, after Flinck perfect condition, rare 1 362 — Anna Maeia a Schueman, standing with a book in her hand ; an illustrated oval, after Jansen proof hefore any letters, *' peesque irNiQirE." It is rare even in the finished state 1 DAULLE (Jean) 363 — FEAN9018 Febuee de LembeiI:re, Eveque de Soissons undescrihed first state, hefore any letters 1 364 — Htacinthe Eioaud engraved for the reception of the artist into the Academy, from the picture in the Dresden Gallery 1 365 — Neptune appeasing the Storm, " Le quos-ego," after Kubeus proof hefore letters 366 — Jacobus de Chapt de Eastignac, Archbishop of Tours 1 DEL A RAM (Fbancis). 367 — Queen Mary. *' The Migtie Princess Marie by tlie Grace of God Qucene of England, France and Ireland, &.c. — Coni[)ton JLolhiiKl c.vcud." first stale, with hroad margin, excessively rare 1 — 39 — 368 — Sir Horace Vere, an illustrated oval from the Baziliologia first state, with fine margin, very rare 1 3G9 — The Highe & Mightie Pr. Charles Pr. of Wales first state, lefore the address, very rare 1 370 — William Burton de Falde, Antiquarian, "Anno setatis suae 47, 1622 " rare 1 DELPH (William Jame s). 371 — Charles I, after Daniel Mytens ueti / "^^, 'r/ij 372 — George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, after M, J. Mirevelt the chef-d' oeuvre of tlie master 373 — Dudley Carleton Viscount Dorchester, Ambassador at the Hague DESIS TOYEES (Louis B otjcheb, Babok) . La Belle jAEDiinEiiE, after Eaffaelle aetist's peoof, signed hy the engraver, full margin 375 — La Vieege atjx Kochees, after Leonaedo da Vinci aetist's proof, toith names only, beilliant, and ex- ceedingly EAEE 376 — Napoleon, after G-eeaed superh proof on india paper, with full margin DIE (Mastee of the). 377 — The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (14) an early impression, with fine margin 378 — Cybele in her Car, after Julio Eomano (18) first state, hefore the retouch 379 — Apollo ordering Marsyas to be flayed, after Eaflaelle (31) hefore the retouch '9 Y Y / 6 6 Oc^ % /D / /6- — 40 — ^ / u ^^ /n /() c^ // /3 E /// /3 380 — The Triumph of Love, a frieze, after Eaffaelle (37) first state, before the letter b on the die 1 381 — The Fable of Cupid and Psyche, ai'ter Eaffaelle (39—70), the set of 32 complete with, the address of Salamanca, contained in a folio guard hook, handsomely hound in old red russia extra, gilt edges ; from the Library of George III, with his crown and initials on the side 32 The following ahe Proofs, befobe the Betouoh, of the sam e SeTj^ and are of Extreme Babity . 382 — 1. Apuleius listening to the story of Psyche (39) 2. Divine honours paid to Psyche (40) 3. The Sisters of Psyche married to Kings (41) 7. Psyche in the Bath, attended by invisible Nymphs (45) 4 383 — 4. Psyche's Father consulting the Oracle (42), with margin 5. Psyche conducted to the distant Mountain to accomplish the order of the Oracle (43), icith margin 2 384 — G. Zephyr bringing Psyche to Cupid (44), tcith margin 7. Psycho in the Bath, attended by invisible Nymphs (45), (the second plate) proof before the verses 2 385 — 8. Genii waiting at Psyche's table (46), with margin 9. Cupid reposing in the arms of Psyche (47) 10. Genii aiding Psyche in her morning toilette (48) 3 386 — 11. Psyche making presents to her Sisters (49), toith margin 12. The Jealousy of Psyche's Sisters (50) 13. The too credulous Psyche awaking Love (51) 3 387 — 14. The Despair of Psyche at Cupid's flight (52), with margin 15. Psyche recounting her Misfortune to her Sisters (53) with margin 388 — 16. Venus made acijuaiuted with the illness of Cupid (51), iri/h mnrgiu ; .. 0i^ 40G 407 40S 409 Tlio same second state before the number Nymphs bathing near a Cavern, iu Poclemburg's manner (136) first state, pure etching, very rare 1 The same second state, rare 1 The Chateau in Kiiina (141) first Ktiitr, with large margin 1 iftid^i — 43 fui 410 — 411 — 412 — The Hermitage on the Rock (145) , ^ first state, rare Waterfall, near Tivoli (153) , [/^ Jirst state before the number The Sibyl's Temple, Tivoli (157) first state, very rare A WILD KOCKT Landscape, in Salvatob Eosa's manner | /!/ (158) first state, very rare, before the branch overhanging the rocTc was effaced 1 ^///-,/ 413 muCu 414 The way by the Village (159) first state, rare M^^_XA.^N__STAEEN. The Deluge (2) first state before the coarse stijjpled work over the figures ; hitherto undescribed and perhaps unique ; from the De Fries Collection 1 'i^ i I "''/^ 1415 416 — 417 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (3) very rare ; from the Collection of Sir Peter Lcly Christ meeting Peter on the Sea (4) very rare J 1 k/ 11 /o /6t. The Temptation or Christ (5) curious state before the worh on the ground of the DeviVs ornamented legging, and the broad shadow iinder the hnee etc., hitherto undescribed, perhaps unique 1 t ( uncti tuCtii 418 419 — The same rare St. Bernard (8) very rare \M/^ 6 — 44 — /^ 9 / / / / /^ /< /6 /sr /o ^K /6-\ DEE VET (Pieeke). 420 — Rene de Beauvau, Archeveque de Narbonne, after Hyacinthe Eigaud Jirst state, with the lions turned to the left in the shield of arms, very rare 1 421 — NicnoLA.8 Boileau-Despreaux, after Hyacinthe Eigaud frst state before any letters, with fne margin, extremely rare 1 422 — Jacobus Nicolas Colbebt, after Hyacinthe Eigaud early undescribed state before the dedication, very rare 1 423 — Louis Henri de Bourbon Prince de Conde, after Gober rare 1 424 — Oliver Cromwell, after Vander Werff with fine broad margin, rare 1 425 — Philip V, King of Spain, after Hyacinthe Eigaud fi,rst state before the dedication, rare 1 426 — Jacques Forest, the Painter, after N. de Largilliere first state before any letters, very rare 1 427 — Charles Montague, Earl of Halifax, after Kneller first state before the letters, with margin, rare 1 428 — Marie de Laubespine, wife of Nicolas Lambert, after N. de Largillierre loithfine margin 1 429 — Helene Lambert, wife of Fran9oi8 Marie de Motteville, after N. de Largillierre rare 1 430 — Marie de Ncufchatel, Duchcssc de Nemours, after llyaciuthe Eicraud (/2eu4l t ff (». — 45 !<^ foHoau :c 'enoirft) //'^y /c / /^ l! 6~' ^ , 7i^u.HU-'\ (^. frr(*A^f 458 — Christ expiring on the Cross (24) 459 — Two Angels holding the Sudarium (25) 460 — An Angel flying and holding the Sudarium (26) a rare etching i / 4 ^ / Py — 48 — . /(y . '4G1 3 // / \/6- f 8 The Trinity (27) rare 462 — THE PEODIGAL SON (28) very rare 463 — St. Anno and the Virgin (29) from Prince de Paar's Collection 464 465 466 467 468 469 The Virgin, with a crown of stars and a sceptro (32) The Vikgin, with the Infant in her arms (33) from the Ferol and Arosarena Collections The Viegin suckling the Infant Jesus (34) The same (34) The Viegin seated, embeacino the Infant Jesus (35) The Virgin seated, and suckling the Infant Jesus (36) from the Gawet Collection 1 Qj^^iz^iA c%^ >0h I END OF THE THIRD DAY S SALE. 49 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. P UR ER (Albert) continued._ LOT \ I \ 470 — The Virgin crowned by an Angel (37) 471 — The Virgin, with Infant Christ in swaddling clothes (38) i>a)/u/ ]472 / I The Virgin crowned by two Angels (39) rare 473 — The Virgin seated by the wall (40) mth broad margin \'y^j»oa^ 474 — The Virgin with the Pear (41) with hroad margin ; from the Dumesnil Collection 7 475 I 1 ■y=. I. Ustf^cf ^ 1 476 Wf/u.(u^ 477 j The Virgin with the Pear (41) from the Mariette Collection Tee Virgin with the Monkei (42) inscribed tvifh the name of Mariette, very rare ; from the Maberley Collection The Holy Family, an etching (43) very rare J/ l| 6 C /0\ , ^1 '478 — The Holy Family, with a butterfly (44) fi'om the Collection of I. F. Hinck !Z II ^ .5-^ /^ 4 1 9 j/ i / /6t 6' / 6 6 9 /^ Vn 9 50 479 — St. Philip (46) St. Baetholomew (47) St. Thomas (48) St. Simon (49) St. Paul (50) the set complete, ivith margiiis ; from tlie St. Aubi/n Collection 480 — St. Christopher, with his head turned to the left (51) 481 — St. Christopher (52) 482 — St. Geobge on foot (53) rare 483 — St. Geoege on hoeseback (54) veri/ rare ; from the Delois Collection 484 — St. Sebastian tied to a tree (55) 485 — St. Sebastian tied to a column (5G) fro7n the St. Aiibyn Collection 486 ~ ST. EUSTACHIUS KNEELING BEFOEE A STAG (57) with margin, extremely rare; from the Collection of E. W. Martin I 487 — St. Anthont (58) ^ loith margin 1 488 — ST. JEROME, an etching (59) an extraordinary impression, full of bur, very rare 1 489 — ST. JEROME IN THE CELL (GO) rare ; from the Collection of Thomas Emerson Crawliall 1 490 — St.Jerome in the Deseet (01) 1 491 S. Genevii-.ve, or The Penitence of St. Cheysostom (63) a very nir/y impression, with htrgv margin 1 ' cf^^'uo y^^/ ^4tU4H • ■)&n. o*, (/^r'Mjfj # 'riji'iuC 51 — /^ <2 ^VU r^-^ 7 I cniGf j496 I ^C-. 1 497 492 — The same (63) also vnth margin 493 — The Sobceress (67) very rare 494 — Apollo and Diana (68) from the Collection of John Barnard 495 — The Satyr and his Family (69) The same (69) A Study of naked Figures, an etching (70) inscribed with Mariettes name 498 — The Eape oe Amymone (71) 499 — The same (71) from the Donnadieu and Balmanno Collections ; And an undescribed Copy, by I. H. V. E. Z^c/vy i 500 501 (^e 502 C^o 503 Q)o 504 % 505 (r^eti^ 506 etHrntJO 507 Pluto carrying oef Proserpine, an etehiog (72) inscribed vnth the name of Mariette, very rare The Effects of Jealousy (73) from the Archinto Collection MELANCHOLY (74) very rare GEOUP OF FOUE NAKED WOMEN (75) loith margin Idleness (76) THE LAEGE FOETUNE (77) The Little Fortune (78) Justice (79) From the Debois Collection I / /4 I 1^ 1! I i 6 I / c^ 61/^- — 52 — -2 . 508 — Justice (79) 509 — The Little Courier (80) 510 — The Lady on horseback (82) j J^ 6T, 1 511 — A Peasant -walking, in conversation witu a woman (83 icith marqin 6 \6 I ^■ ^^'-2^ & /O 6\s i I /6' (r Co \/0 , 512 — TuE Hostess and the Cook (84) 513 — The Oriental, with a woman and child (85) rare ; from tTie Dehois Collection 514 — The Three Peasants (86) inscribed with the name of Mariette, loith margin, very rare 515 — The Ensign (87) 510 -- THE ASSEMBLAGE OE WAERIOES (88) with margin, very rare • j 517 — The Peasant, with a basket of eggs (89) with margin 518 — A Countryman and a "Woman dancing (90) 519 — The Plater on the Bagpipes (91) excessively rare 520 — " Le Violent " (92) r\A- i 521 — The Offering of Love (93) rare 522 — THE LADY AND GENTLEMAN WALKING (94) WITH LAliliE MARGIN, AND VERY KAlii;: FROM TU i; Di'MESNiL Collection — 53 ^E?f///t_0 ^> m. 7 1 nil ^ ^ 523 — The Monstrous Hog (95) Jiill of bur 524 — The Little Hoese (9G) with broad margin 525 — The Geeat Hoese (97) 526 — THE KNIGHT OF DEATH (98) very rare 527 — The Cannon (99) rare 528 — The Shield of Aems, with the Cock (100) very rare ; from the Gervaise Collection 529 — THE SHIELD OF AEMS, with the Skull (101) very rare 530 — Albeet, Electoe of Matence (102) with margin, from the Debois Collection ; and copy 531 — Albeet, Electoe of Matence (103) 532 — The same (103) 533 — FEEDERICK, ELECTOE OF SAXONY (104) 534 — Philip Melanchthon (105) rare ; from the St. Aubyn Collection 535 — BiLiBALD Piekheimee (106) 536 — ERASMUS (107) very rare ^f (/- /O ,^'S /O I / //i 1 1/ i!^ /^ ^Cc i j 7 I — 54. // / /( /O /3 /O /S2-. jDUVET (Jeait.) (The numbers refer to Robert Dmnesnil, Peintre-Graveur Frangais.) 537 — St. John the Evangelist, standing between St. Anthony and St. Eoch (15) From the De Fries Collection 1 ILLU STBATIONS TO THE APOCALYPSE. All the following are Early Impressions, printed befor e th e plate s were w orn or retouched, and a re extremely rar e. 1. Jean Duvet seated, studying the Apocalypse (27) 1 538 — 539 — 540 — 541 — 542 — 543 — 544 — 545 — 2. St. John's Vision of the Seven Golden Candlesticks (28) toith fine margin 1 3. The Almighty on His Throne, and St. John mounting to Heaven (29) loith margin 1 pU'ln C4li 5. The Opening of the Sixth Seal (31) with margin 8. The Opening of the Seventh Seal (34) 9. The Sounding of the Sixth Trumpet (35) 10. The Angel commanding St. John to eat the Book (JJO) icifh hrotul inargin 11. The Beast destroying the two Prophets (37) with broad margin (Pf^ ou^ (I^Hn. ea. r^ I — 55 \>riuf IV ttii O U>.'i ly 'JUtiAutu^ 3> Uavo^^ ^i^fn-upO k^^jw^; 546 — 11. The same (37) uiith margin 12. The Dragon standing before the Woman clothed witli the Sun (38) from the Esdaile Collection 2 547 — 13. St. Michael and his Angels fighting against the Dragon (39) from the lEsdaile Collection 1 548 — 14. The Beast rising out of the Sea, and the Lamb standing on Mount Sion (40) ivith hroad margin ■ 1 549 — 19. Christ mounted on a white Horse, followed by the Armies in Heaven (45) 550 — 20. The Angel standing in the Sun (46) with hroad margin 551 — 21. The Angel binding Satan (47) with hroad margin ^4Z 552 — 22. The Angel showing St. John the Heavenly Jerusalem (48) with fine margin 553 23. The Angel showing to St. John the Eiver of the Water of Life (49) with hroad margin 1 554 — The Martyrdom of St. John (51) with hroad margin ^ /s / // ^ <^ / ^ /^, // / /S ~ 56 — Aor. I I DYCK (Sir Anthony). ETCHINGS BY S IR ANTHON Y VAN DY CK, {Arranged accordintj to Weber's Catalogtie.) 555 — Joannes Beeuqel Second state, with only a small portion of the background, which is worked in very fine horizontal lines ; — the mar- ginal lines very slight, and before any inscription ; i extremely rare ; from the Archinto Collection i Third state ; the marginal lines much stronger, with the i inscription, Joannes Breuqel, Antteuple, etc .and | the address, G. H. ; tvith margin, rare Fourth state, with the background finished in horizontal j lines, and also with the address, G. H. ; rare i Fifth state, with the G. H. erased ; from, the Archinto Collection Peteus Beeugel First state ; before the inscription, and having only a slight marginal line scratched in at bottom ; with mar- gin, extremely rare Fourth state. The word prospectuum erased and actionum inserted, with the address, G. H. ; with margin, rare Fifth state. The G. H. erased ; from the Collection of Sir John St. Auhyn Antonius Conelissen Second state. The plate finished by Vorsterman, with Vanden Enden's address, but before the Engraver's name ; with margin, rare Fourth state, with the inscription, pictobi.e aetis AMATon ANTVEEPi.E, and the address of G. II., VandiMi Enden's being erased ; fine margin, rare Fifth state, with the G. IT. erased ; fne margin Antonius Van Dvcic l^'ii-.^l sliite. I'uro etching of the lu-ail, with a slight line to mark the collar, icith the foUoicing inscription icrittni /' •^0 57 in by a contempory hand, oavaliek antonivs van DUCK PICTOR. Antonms van Dyclc fecit., loitTi the marks of the pumice-stone very strong ; of the greatest rarity Second state, the plate finished by J. Neeffs, 1645, very rare : from Mr. Mlis^s Collection Third state, still with Gt. H., but without the date, rare; {Archinto Collection) Erasmus Eotterdamus First state, before the inscription, with slight marginal line scratched in at the bottom only, extremely rare; from the Chambers Hall Collection Eourth state, the G. H. erased, with small margin, the scratches on the plate, and the dry point line ruled for the inscription are very strong and full of bur. (P. Mariette, 1669) Feanciscus Feanck Second state, with the engraved background, but before the marginal lines and inscription ; extremely rare Fourth state, with the initials G. H., ivith large margin, very rare Sixth state, the G. H. erased ; with large margin ; the mark of the erasure of the G. h. is plainly visible Philippus le Eot First state. Pure etching, before the background, mar- ginal lines, or inscription, with a slight corrosion in the plate over the left shoulder ; of the greatest rarity Also the reversed copy of the First state, either by Van Dyck himself or a contemporary painter; presque unique Fourth state, before the letters, the arms, &c., extremely rare ; from Mr. Carpenter's Collection Unde SCRIBED STATE, between the fourth and fifth, before the addition of the helmet, crest, and mantle over the I — 58 arms, and with the following inscription, de le Eoy et S. E. I. Philippus Bare dominus de Bavels et in fono Brouchem Oelegem St. Lamberti. A. van Bych faciem delineavit et fecit aquaforti. Perhaps unique Fifth state, with the addition of helmet, «fcc. and the cor- rected inscription ' ' Le Eoy, et S. E. I. Philipus Baro dominus de Eavels et in fano Brouchem Oelegem S" Lamberti. A. van DycTc faciem delineavit et fecit aqua forti. Rare; from Mr. Carpenter'' s Collection JUDOCUS DE MOMPEE First state, without inscription or marginal lines, except one scratched in at bottom ; extremely rare Fourth state, with the address G. H., very rare Fifth state. The G. II. erased ; with fine margin JuDOCus DEE MoMPEE. (The second plate). Second state. The plate finished by Yoaterman, with the address of Vandeu Enden, but before the engraver's name ; very rare Third state, with the name of the engraver ; very rare Fourth state. The words pictoe montivm antteupiak added to the name, and with the address of G. H. ; rare Fifth state ; the address of G. H. erased Adam Van Ooet Second state, with a pilaster introduced in the back- ground, behind the head ; before any inscription ; extremely rare ; from the Collections of Dr. Peart and Mr. Carpenter Tiiird state, with the marginal lines and inscription, AnAMUS VAN NoOET, AntvkiiI'1 AE, etc.; rrry rare — 59 — Eourth state, with the address G. H., toith margin s very rare Fifth state. Gr. H. erased, and the spots on the right side of the figure remaining ; large margin Paulus du Pont Second state, before the inscription, the marginal lines put in, but irregular and slight ; of the greatest rarity Third state, with the inscription paulus d\] font, CALOCGEAPHus, etc, inscribed P. Mariette, 1677; ex- tremely rare ; from the Collections of John Barnard and S. Drenx Fourth state, undesceibed. The irregularity of the work on the right side of the plate, near the top, is made good with pen and ink only, and the address of Gr.H. is found under the word Antverpise ; with margin, uniqite Fifth state. That part of the work which was irregular in the last has now been made good with the graver ; the G. H. is removed, and placed in the right hand I corner, at bottom, and the bottom of the p in Antver- piffi is made to terminate in a flourish for the purpose j of covering the place where the G. H. stood previously; j extremely rare \ Sixth state ; the G. H. erased, with margin JOANKES SnELLINX First state, without inscription, with only a marginal line scratched in at bottom, extremely rare ; from the Carpenter Collection Fourth state, with the address of G. H., and the marginal line strengthened, with large margin Fifth state. The address G. H. erased, with margin ; from the Arosarena and Archinto Collections JoAKNES Snellinx. (Sccoud plate) Second state ; the plate finished by Peter de Jode, with the address of Vanden Enden, but before the name of the engraver, very rare, tvith margin ; from the Car- penter Collection — 60 Third state, with the name of the engraver added, very rare Undescribed state, between the third and fourth, Vanden Enden's address being erased, but with only two lines of inscription ; before the G. H., and also the words in Aulceis et Tapetihus Fifth state ; the address of G. H. erased ; from the Collection of Sir John St. Aubyn Feanciscds Sntders First state. Pure aqua-fortis, without any marginal line or inscription. One of the rarest of Vandyck's etchings Second state. No marginal lines, but with the inscrip- tion FEANCISCUS BNTDEES, VENATIONUM PEEAEUM, etc. Third state. Finished by Neefs, and with the address of G. H., rare Fourth state, with the G. H. erased ; from the Archinto Collection Peteus Stevens First state, with the title petets btevens and Yanden Enden's address, but before the name of the engraver ; extremely rare, with margin ; from the Seguire, Sheep- shanks, and Carpenter Collections Second state. Tlie same title, same address, but with Vosterman's name, rare Undescribed intermediate state, having Vanden Enden's address and two lines of inscription, icith large margin Third state, with three lines of inscription, Vanden Eiidcu's name erased, ;md with the address of G. II., with fine margin, very rare ; from the Collection of H. Dreux Fourth state, the whole of the address erased, with full margin 61 Justus Suttebmans First state, before the inscription, and the marginal line merely scratched in, of the greatest rarity ; from Mr. Carpenter's Collection Third state. Judocus Citeemans, with the address G. H., loitli margin ; very rare Fourth state. The name altered to Justus Sutteemans, fine margin ; rare Fifth state. The address G. H. erased, good margin, with the marks of the erasure very apparent Aktonius Teiest \* The first state is unknown, except by a counterproof in the Cabinet of the Duke of Devonshire Second state, finished by Peter de Jode, loithfine margin ; extremely rare Third state, with the word Topairha corrected to Toparcha, with margin; rare Fourth state, Vanden Enden's address erased, and with the G-. H., with fine margin ; very rare Fifth state, with the G. H. erased, with large margin Lucas Vosteemans First state, before inscription or marginal lines, with margin, of the greatest rarity ; from Lord Northwich's Collection Fourth state, with the address Gr. H., (P. Mariette, 1699) with margin ; verg rare Fifth state, the Gr. H. erased, with margin ; from the Archinto Collection GUILIELMUS DE VOS A photograph of the First state, which is presque unique Second state, still before the letter, but with the hack- ground, full of bur ; very rare Third state, finished by Bolswert, loithfne margin Fourth state, the G. II. erased, good margin ; rare — 62 - Paulus de Vos First state, the head and frill finished, but no indication of the figure, inlaid, of the very greatest rarity ; from the Delois and Dreux Collections Second state, the figure etched in by Meyssens Third state, the figure finished by Meyssens,j^ne margin Fourth state, the plate retouched by Bolswert, with the addition of venationvm antyeepiae, and the address G. H., rare ; from Mr. Carpenter's Collection Fifth state, the address G. H. erased Joannes de Wael First state, before the introduction of the sleeve and hand, and before the inscription, inlaid, extremely rare; from the Collections of Chambers Hall, and Herman Weber Second state, the sleeve and hand introduced ; the name of the person represented, and Van Dyke fecit, written by a contemporary hand in ink, tvith large margin ; from the Donnadieu Collection Third state, the inscription Joannes de wael, antveepi^, &c. toith large margin, extremely rare Fourth state, with the address of G. H., large margin, very rare Fifth state, the G. H. erased, (P. Mariette, 1672), with margin Joannes vanden Woutee A photograph of the first state Third state, finished by Paul Pontius, before the name of tlio engraver, yi'ne margin, very rare Undescuibed intekmediate state, with the name of the engraver on the left side under that of the painter, still with the address of Martin vanden Enden, and before the inscription of the fourth state Fourth state, with the G. H. and margin, rare Fiftii state, the (J. 11. tMasod. irithfnll margin — 63 — Cheist Crowned with Tnoniirs Photograph of the unique first state Second state, completely finished, before the address of Bon Enfant, but with the inscription, ecce stat inno- cuus spiNis BEDEMITUS ACUTis, &c., extremely rare Fourth state, the word invenit in full, to which is added, etfeciat g^uaforti, rare Fifth state, the word Begis erased, and mth the following address, A Paris chez J. Ph. Le Pas, 1" Crraveur du Cabinet du Poi, Pue de la Harpe Titian and his Misteess The first and second states are unique, and are only found in the British Museum Third state, finished throughout, with the verses com- mencing Ecco iL Belvedee ! 6 che felice soete ! &c., before the address of Pon Pnfant, very rare; from Dr. Pearfs Collection Fifth State, the address of A Pon Enfant erased Holy Family from the Collections of M. PyshraecTc and Mr. Carpenter Maetyedom of St. Baebaea (Le Comte Cabinet, vol. I, p. 168) ; from the Pond, Austin, Seguier, and Carpenter Collections Geoup of Cupids from Mr. Carpenter's Collection \ *** The whole of the etchings by Van Dyck described above j are in an old book, handsomely bound in morocco, richly [ tooled, they form (it is believed) a more complete series thau has ever before been ofiered for sale. i — 64 — 9 / /M /h 7 / / / S , /6 PORTRAITS AFTER VAN DYCK. Enqbaved fob the P ub lisher. Mabtiit y ak peit EiTDEy. The references as to state, and tlie armiigemc nt, are according to Weber's Catalog ue RaisoxnEi Bo nn, 1852 AISTONYMO U S. 556 — Bosschaert, Historical Painter witli margin ; from the Seguier and Carpenter Collections BO LSWERT (SoHELTE a). 557 — Aremberg (Albert, Count of) Jirst state, extremely rare 558 — Barbe (Jean-Baptiste), Engraver first state, rare 559 — Brouwer (Adrian), Painter Jirst state, rare ; from the Seguier and Carpenter Collec- tions ; and an impression in the third state 5G0 — Lipsius (Justus), Historian frst state, with margin, extremely rare 561 — Pepyn (Martin), Historical Painter frst state ; from the Seguier and Carpenter Collections 562 — Vrancx (Sebastian), Historical Painter first state, with margin, rare ; from the Seguier and Carpenter Collections ; ufith an impression in the second state, from the Mariette Collection 563 — IMarguorito de Lorraine, Femme de Gaston de France, Due d' Orleans second state i 65 I (^r 6^r DEL FF. 564 — Mierevelt (Michel), Portrait Painter Weber; undescribed state, before any letters, and before extra xvorh 1 565 — Mierevelt (Michel) Previous to Weber's first state, before any letters, but finished ; from the Archinto Collection 1 GALLE (CoENELiirs). 567 u. 568 569 Cituui: Q)f 566 — "WoLFAET (Aktus), Historical Painter proof before any letters, and before much extra tvork, quite undescribed, and probably unique 1 Wolfart (Artus) frst state, with full margin, rare ; and an impression in the fourth state, with margin 2 HOND IUS (William) Franck (Franciscus) Historical Painter first state, with margin ; from the Carpenter and Seguier Collections 1 HoNDius (William) proof before any letters, and before extra worlc, of the greatest rarity 1 570 — Hondius (William) first state, loith margin, rare ; from the Seguier and Car- penter Collections ; and an impression in the second state 2 £ODE (Abnould de). 571 — Howard (Lady Catherine), Duchess of Lenox proof before any letters, very rare 1 572 — The same and an impression with the letters 2 / / /S // 6 / /v6- / / /6' ^. f^ /Of — 66 / / /X2- '9 /6 , ^3 JODE ( PlERBE DE) LE JEU NE. 573 — CosTEB (Adam de), Painter first state, hefore the riglit hand was JinisTied ; from the Marietta, Sheepshanks, and Carpenter Collections ; tvith an impression in the second state, rare 574 — Halmalius (Paul), Senator at Antwerp proof hefore any letters, tindescrihed, presque unique 575 — Halmalius (Paul) frst state, rare; from the Mariette, Seguier, Sheepshanks, and Carpenter Collections 576 — Jordaens (Jacobus), Painter first state, very rare ; from the La Salle Collection Nole (Andre Colyns de), Sculptor second state 577 ^- Poelenburg (Coraeille), Painter first state ; from the Arehinto Collection 578 — Puteanus (Erycius), Historian first state, rare 579 — Tuldenus (Diodore), Jurist first state ; and an impression in the second state 580 — Wallenstein (Albert, Count), ^?*«^ state Urphe (Genevieve d'), Widow of the Duke of Croy third state LAUWERS (NicnoLAs). 581 — Blancatcio (Frere Lclio), Commander of Malta fimt state, icith margin, rare PON TIUS ( Paul) ._ 582 — Tlalon (TTonry Van), niatnrical Paintor, first Master of Van Dyck ■ first state C/1J/Uiu<^^, fplu fltf >ttL. r^r. I (^ \ I ! I 1 '-'^m cuf f&^^tKLtfti 7 % Q)c — 67 — 583 — Bazan (Don Alvar), General first state, with margin, rare ; from the Mariette Collec- tion 684 — Breuck (Jacobus de), Architect first state ; from the Dumesnil and Carpenter Collections 585 — Colomna (Don Charles), General first state 586 — Colomna (Don Charles) first state, loith margin 587 — Crayer (Caspar de) Portrait Painter first state, very rare 588 — Trockas Perera et Pimentel (Don Emanuel) first state, rare 589 — Geest (Cornelius van deb) first state ; from the Carpenter Collection; and an impres- sion in the third state 590 — Gevartius (Gaspar), Jurist first state ; from the Dumesnil and Carpenter Collections 591 — Honthorst (Gerard), Historical Painter fii'st state, very rare 592 — Hugens (Constantino), Secretary to the Prince of Orange first state, rare 593 — Miroeus (Aubert) first state, rare Nassau (John, Count of) first state, rare 594 — Nassau (John, Count of) first state, rare; and an impression in the second state, with full margin 595 — Palamedes, Historical Painter first state, rare ; from the Seguier and Carpenter Collec- tions / / / / / ^^ /4 68 — / 6 /th 596 - Pontius (Paul) | ^f^,„„^ first state, rare ; from the Seguier and Carpenter Collec- tions 1 597 — Kavcstein (Jean van), Portrait Painter first state ; from the Carpenter Collection AT- /^ / ^m. CrlriilHtttu 7 // /u /6 '/ 598 — Raveatein (Jean van) first state ; from the Mariette Collection 599 — Eombouts (Tlieodore), Historical Painter first state, rare ; from the Dumesnil and Carpenter Collec- tions ; and an impression in the second state 2 GOO — Rubens (Petee Paul), Painter first state, very rare ; from the Carpenter Collection 1 , GOl — SCAGLIA (CiESAR AlEXANDEe) I first state, of the greatest rarity ; and an impression in the second state 2 602 — 8avoye (Francois Thomas de), Prince de Carignan first state, very rare, with margin ; from the Seguier and UV\ / / / Carpenter Collections 603 — Seghers (Gerard), Painter first state, rare 604 — Stalbent (Adrien van), Landscape Painter first state, very rare 605 — Steenwyk (Henry), Painter first state, with margin , ()0() — Vauloou (Theodore), Painter first state, from the Seguier and Carpenter Collections ; I and an impression in the second state ^ ' G07 — Yo8 (Simon do) I first state ; from the Dumesnil Collection J (PA I iWjIiii^uJ. \ — 69 — illc&iLi, at (ttcntOn 608 — Wildens (Jean), Landscape Painter first state Medicis (Marie de) second state, rare 2 ST OCK (Akdre). 609 — Snateks (Pierre), Historical Painter proof before any letters, of excessive rarity ; and an impression in the first described state 2 / ^ /^ ■f*n Ihc.rt 610 \u^J^^x 611 iMuxut ! 612 JHl/'fVfK '/ f^aWT) % 'ftuaul!^ 613 7 'e-uJ VOEBST (Ro bert VAy)^_ Digby (Sir Kenelm) first state, witli margin, rare 1 Jones (Inigo), Architect first state, very rare ; and an impression iti the second state 2 Yoerst (Robert Van), Engraver first state, rare 1 Vouet (Simon), Painter first state, rare 1 VOBSTEBMAN (Lucas). Cachiopin (Jacques de) first state, with margin, rare; from the Scgiiier and Carpenter Collections 1 615 — Callot (Jacques), Painter and Engraver first state, rare 616 — Coeberger (Wenceslaus), Architect and Painter proof before any letters, presque unique / / /6 / 614 ^ ^ 617 — Coeberger (Wenceslaus) first described state, rare 9 9 70 — //I ^ i- / / /S 'A 3 /A /8 618 — Delmont (Deodat), Painter first state, very rare 1 619 — Dtck (Antonio Van), Painter first state, very rare ; from the Carpenter Collection 1 620 — Eynden (Hubert van den), Sculptor first state, rare ; from the Carpenter Collection 1 621 — Galle (Theodore), Engraver first state, from the Carpenter Collection; and an impression in the second state 2 622 — Gaston de Prance, Due d' Orleans second state, from the Dumesnil Collection 1 623 — Gentilesehi (Horace), Painter first state, with margin ; from the Carpenter Collection 1 624 — Jode (Petrus de). Engraver first state, rare ; and an impression in the second state, with full margin 2 625 — Livens (Jean), Painter and Etcher first state 1 626 — Malleet (Charles de). Engraver ^ first state, ivith margin ; from the Carpenter Collection 627 — Milder (Joannes van), Sculptor first state, rare 628 — Peirese (Nicolas P'abriee de) first state, ivithfull margin, very rare 62U — Sachtleveu (Cornelius), Painter and Etcher first state ; from the iScyuier and Carpenter Colltxliona 71 — i MJ/tHo Ci^ACut ^^ 7 ft^<, \. Mj^iuC Q)' GALLE (CoBNELius), le jeun e. 644 — Ferdinand III, Emperor first state Maria of Austria, Empress first state 2 645 — Henriette de Lorraine first state, with margin Meyssens (Jean) second state, loitJi margin 2 646 — Pappenheim (Grodefroy Henri) Count Greneral first state, rare ; from tlie Qarpenter Collection Taie (Engelbert) Deputy for the States of Brabant first state, with margin 2 JODE (Peteb de) . 647 — Cusance (Beatrix de), Wife of Charles III of Lorraine first state, loith margin Montfort (Jean de) Minister of Finance to the King of Spain first state 2 NEE FS (Ja cques) . 648 — Bablemont (Marie Marguerite de) Countess of Egmont proof hef ore any letters, fresque unique; and an impression in the first state 2 ^ONTIUS_(Paul). 649 — Arenberg (Marie Countess of) first state, tvitJi margin 1 WAUMANS (CoNB^D.)_ 650 — Croy (Marie- Claire de) first state, with margin Orange (Frederic Henri Prince d') first state, with margin Orange (Eraelie de Solms Princesse d') first state, with margin Zuniga el Davila (Don Antoine de), Marquis de Mirabelle first state, with jnargin "* L / / ^ / / 6 ^ y a — 74 / /r ANONTMOUS_ '^ ' 651 — Opstal (Anthonius Van), Portrait Painter first state ; from the Seguier Collection CLOUET (P^eeee). 652 — Lamen (Christophe Vander), Painter fi^rst state Rogiers (Theodore), Silversmith first state, loith large margin Scribanius (Charles de), Jesuit with, large margin JODE (PlEEBE DE)^ / <^ . 653 — Liberti (Henricus) first state ; from the Mariette Collection Simons (Quentin), Historical Painter first state, ivith margin ; from the Carpenter Collection LOMMELIN (Adbiek). C) ^ C-i 654 — Bisthoven (Jean Baptiste de), Jesuit proof before any letters, undescrihed,very rare, hefore much extra work Bisthoven (Jean Baptiste de) proof hefore any letters, undescrihcd, viore finished, the name hclow written in ink and signed by the engraver, unique ; and an impression in the first described state A ^^ , ;655 — Faille (Jean Charles de la), Jesuit and Mathematician I proof before any letters, undescrihed stat?, tcith margin ; I and an impression in the third state Marselaer (Fn'deric de), Burgomaster of Brussels first state, with margin 3 / /n MAT! I AM (Tueodobe). ■ |656 — Leblon (Michel), Swedish Ambassador to England proof before any letters, undescribed, probably unique ; and an impression in the first described state — 75 — ivCcCtiHut PAYNE^ (JoHN)^ 657 — Feedinand of Austria •proof hef ore any letters, undescrihed, rare H/fJiciC Qd6 658 — 7^^^<, m^lMe CHJ 682 — Holt Family. From the picture painted by Eaffaelle for /O Francis I. in 1515 (4) before the arms of Colbert, with fine margin, very rare 683 — THE BATTLE OF THE STANDAED. From the cele- brated Cartoon painted by Leonardo da Vinci in com- petition with Michael Angelo's Cartoon at Pisa (44) proof before the words " L. d'la Mnse pin. O. EdelincJc scy of the greatest rarity, with margin 684 — Eene Descabtes, after Frank Hals (181) ^ frst state, before the address of Chereau le jeune, toith broad margin, rare 1 /6 / 685 — Nathaniel Dilgeeus (185) " Morceau rare et recherche,^'' with margin ; a chef- d'oeuvre of the art 1 686 — John Dryden, after Kneller (187) 1 687 — Anne Louise Christine de Foix de la Valette d'Epernon, after LeBrun (195) with margin 1 688 — GuiDO Cbecentius Fagon, after H. Eigaud (200) ^ first state, with Guido spelt G^ido, with broad margin, very rare 689 — Ferdinand, Prince-6veque de Paderborn et Munster (203) fii'st state, before the ivords " E. Typographia Begia,'' rare ; also the usual state, with the additional words 690 — Henry Goltzius, the Engraver (216) /^ a finished proof before any letters, most rare 691 — The same finished proof 692 — Madame Heltot with a crucifix, after J. Galliot (223) {^ before the loords in the right hand lower corner were erased to make room for " Gum pri regis,'^ with fine margin, very rare 7^ // ? 6 I / // i I I , - ^-^^ !/ 3 / // — 80 — 693 — Gerbrand Van Leeuwen, after A. Booner (239) first state, before any letters, with fine margin 694 — Louis XIY. in a cuirass (248) first state, before any letters, " Tres-rare'''' 695 — Louis Moreri, after De Troye (280) second state ; from the Collection of Francois Lousbergs 696 — Israel Silvestre (319) rare 697 — TlTlAKO ViCELLIO (327) first state, before any letters, loith margin, very rare G98 — F11AN901S j>E Neufville, Due de Villerot et de Beau- preau, after H. Eigaud (337) undescribed state, before the sky was strengthened, par- ticularly behind the baton, and some delicate ivork about the face and before the wig was diminished in height ; excessively rare 699 — The same (337) first described state, before any letters, with fine margin, very rare J I I Sr^. «r 6 ELSTBACKE (EicnAnD). ^ /O i . 700 — QUEEN ELIZABETH ; an iUustrated oval " Shee was Shee, is what can there more be said ? In earth the first, in heaven the second Maide." arc to sold by J. Sudbury tff George Hmnble in Pope's head Alle at the White horse. Tn matchless condition, with fine margin, and extremely rare 1 01)* 81 C7(//i^-> QU/ia(^/xCU EVE BDINGEN (Albebt yan). This is probably the fi nest Se ries of th ese beautiful Etching s ever offered for Sale. 701 — Oval Landscape (-i) third state, the plate reduced to an oval The Four Figures under the Tree (5) second state, ivith the name, but before the dry point on the rocks to the right 2 702 — The Man on the wooden Bridge (G) frst state, before the shadows in the foreground loere rebitten The Swineherd (8) first state, before the marginal line loas strengthened, and before the additional work on the sTcy, at top 2 -^MPiya^uA 703 (di. (^ ^ / The two Casks before the Cottage (11) second state, before the forms of the clouds were defined, and before the plate was cleaned third state, the forms of the clouds made out, and the plate cleaned 2 701 — Marine Landscape (14) first state, before the plate was rebitten and the forms of the clouds defined, and before the strong marginal line 1 705 — The Cottage in Euins (15) first state, bejore the horizontal lines on the shy, and before the plate was rebitten in the foreground TheEock (18) first state, before the sky loas carried to the right hand corner at top 706 — The Casks Landed (20) second state, with the hard outline of the clouds softened down, but before the plate was rebitten The Carpenter's Tressel (21) first state, before the strong marginal line M / /O / 7 / / 8 r /(c — 82 — / .O I, I 707 — The Broken Fence (27) Jirst state, pure etching, before the shy, and before the plate was cleaned ! / .. j . j 708 — The House with the pointed Tower (29) j first state, pure etching, before the marginal line was ! ! made good J?\ Co / /// // 7 / / / //* /o O V { lynliAuAAjtr <0^. //Oi . 709 _ 710 11 — 712 — 713 — 711 — I 715 — The High-rock, a Night Piece (31) first state, before the deep colour of the sl-y was reduced, and before much extra work The Winding Eiver (33) first state, pure etching, before the strong work in the foreground and the marginal line second state, with the additional ivorJc and the marginal line The Cottage in Ruins (38) first state, pure etching : befare the additional skg and the margiyial line The INIan by the Broken Fence (39) first state, before the sky was entirely tcorked over, a7id the strong marginal line was added The Eock in the middle of the River (40) second state, before the strong marginal line, the additional sky, and the re-biting of the foreground The Herd of Pigs (43) third state The River at the foot of a steep Rock (44) ^ first state, before the plate was re-bitten The Sheltered Bridge (45) first state, pure etching ; before the sky was carried to the right hand corner, and before the tcater teas worked over The small Boat on the banks of the River (52) second state, with the distant hill on the extreme left intro- duced, which is wanting in an earlier state Till- Wooden Bridge (53) first state, before the plate received the injury un the rock seen across the ravine iruMu^ M/'/o ^. 'IMmj \ .% f^ (^, JtJttkmuf. L/b6 — 83 ((^ lUOXL^Ci. Jf^A. ^& tl*JUtf- (UCiiMIVuf / (jieiXM.ueLi 1 (^ % V^o<-/u^ 7 716 — The Two Men Sketching (54) second state, tvith the addition of the large tree on tie left, hefore the re-touch The Inscription on the Eock (55) second state, with the strong work on the trees behind the rock 2 717 — The Cart in the Defile (57) first state, pure etching, before the dry point worh on the sky and the strong marginal line, the plate uncleaned second state, with additional work in the sky, etc., full margin 2 718 — The two Sailing Boats (58) first state, pure etching, before the extra work on the sky 1 719 — The two little Boats, empty (60) frst state, pure etching, before the extra work on the sky The Pointed Eock by the Eiver side (62) first state, pure etching, before the extra work on the sky 2 720 — The Sketchers (63) third state, with the clouds defined ; and fourth state 2 721 — The Watermill (64) first state, pure etching, the plate uncleaned third state, with the strong marginal line 2 722 — The Timber and Casks on the banks of the Eiver (65) first state, pure etching, before the sky was carried to the top angles of the plate 1 723 — The two Men on Horseback (67) second state, before the sky was worked over The Peasant on Horseback (69) first state, pure etching, printed in red 2 724 — The Three Travellers (70) first state, pure etching, before the strong marginal line 1 // / /^J 6 /^ Co ^ ^ /o ^.- Cl 6-~ — 84 — 1 / . //I . 725 ^ I ! \J^ 6 The Porter (72) Jirst state, pure etching, before the failure in the biting on the extreme right of the foreground was repaired second state, the little spot on the right worked over, but before the strong marginal line 2 72G — The "Woman watching the Boat (75) first state, pure etching, before the forms of the clouds were properly defned third state, with the strong marginal lines 2 / // . 727 - !/ <>. M /t^) 728 — The Wheel under the Thatched Eoof (77) third state, with strong marginal line The Two Carts (85) frst state, pure etching, before the dry point work on the roadway tmder the waggon 2 The Waterinill (99) first state, pure etching, before the foreground was re-bitten, and before the strong marginal line 1 iflUdi-Uurt C'^OUtHun I MitG-^ji~m> ^i EXSHAW (Carl). 729 — Christ with his Disciples in the Ship overtaki-n by the Tem- pest, after Eembrandt FAUC CI (Carlo). 730 — A Bacchanalian subject, with Silenus between a Nynipli and :i Faun, al'ter P. P. Rubens proof before letters 1 \tUJ % (^A FAITHORNE OV^illiam). f-^ A^ C-, 731 — Henrietta -M.vuiA, AS Queen-Dowager engraved in the manner of Mellan, before any letters, inscribed with Mariette's name, very rare 1 /yd , , I 732 — TTknriktta Maria, after Van Dyck u'ith the Jirst address, " Are to be souUl by Robert Penke at his shopp neere Holborne Condtiitt,'' rare 1 i '{f^HiK 7 — 85 — Ci-if ojmu/ S^ (^ (ueL J ^ 61 (nMpt>tt'fUi ^!c»cr. , — 87 751 — sa^. FONTAINEBLEAU XScHooL^ . The Deposition. The Virgin is seen in the foreground away from the other mourners, and seated in a pit at the foot of the Cross where the Saviour is just being laid ; in a broad arabesque frame, ornamented with masks not described, a ■print of the greatest rarity ; from the Richardson, Ryshraech, Reynolds, andEsdaile Collections FONTANA. 7 752 — utttmiutd- 753 Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, after Cammiani artisVs proof hefore any letters FORSTEE (FBAycois). Eaffaelle at the age of 15 artisfs proof on india paper, presentation copy from the engraver (Afi^^j^ 1754 (^ 755 — ^U^fttnim^i i756 PJlHofuuct^ 757 FEANCO (Battisia). Moses striking the Eock (2) first state hefore the address " Franco Forma," very rare; from the Storch Collection ] Dagon overthrown by the Ark (6) hefore the address "■Franco Forma ; " from the De Fries Collection 1 Animals going to a Steeam to Deink (76) curious undescrihed state, being hefore any letters, and printed on the same sheet with An Allegory of Eeligion consoling a Beggar (58), a7id Two Angels rising in the air with flaming torches (66) a proof taken hefore the copper loas cut ; from the De Fries and Dumesnil Collections 1 FBITZSC H (Christian FBiEPEicn ) . Abeaham DE Haen proof before letters, with fine margin 1 7 // / /o 9 /^ / <^ — 88 — V/ FYT (Jan). Etchings of different Animals (1 — 8) early impressions before the name of Fyt on the first plate, very rare 6\M\ . !759 — The Set of Dogs (9 — 1G) I 1 extraordinary 6et, with fine margins, some in undescribed 1 I states / ^ M , /SI , '^ /^ "fiu :(;0 — Title, with dedication to Don Carlo Guasco (9) undescribed state, with "Jo. Fi/te" slightli/ etched in the place, ichich was afterwards burnished out to make a clear space for the name to he inserted in full /761 — The Sporting Dogs, under the arch in ruins (10) undescribed state, before the marginal lines toere strengthened at the top corner to the right The Pair of Beagles (12) an early impression ^7G2 — Two Dogs in a Leash (13) an early impression Two Dogs Coupled (14) an early impression (JALLE (CoBNELiTrs). 763 — EccE Homo, after Eubens first state, with GalWs address, rare ; from the De Fries Collection 704 — Seneca in the Bath, after Rubens GAULTIEB (Leonar d). 7G5 — The Last Judgment, after Michelangelo rare 7GG — I U'liri d'Orleans, Dui; de Longueville eery rarr <®. ^ ■tfMTet'Uiut 21 rf' ^ V)(lt*ne*rt I — 89 r (f/i^fl'f^j. vv 7 aHEYN (JACQUE8 DE}^ 767 — Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan proof, loith large margin Qa4i.r« *) 768 ; (0^irr(^nJ 769 r 770 - J. B. Hanwaert proof before any inscription, very rare 1 - PoRTEAiT OP Hugo Gbotius at the aoe of Fottrteen two states ; the first zmique, heing before the plate was cut, and toith a note by Grotius himself in the margin at bottom, giving an anecdote ofFl: Josephus having written a loorh at the age of 14! 2 %* In the second state the plate is narrower by half an inch. 6' / The Guards oe the Emperor Eudolph II. very eat^y iinpressions of the complete set, rare 6" 12 /I(U^r/ftf\ GHISI (Adam) . 771 — The Fisherman and the Monster Fish, after Julio Romano, (106) a very early impression, ivith large margin 1 *^* The ti'aees of the pumice-stone are very apparent iu the sky. /c^ I a f^rlf. ■^ GHISI ( Diana ). 772 — Christ's Charge to Peter, after Eatfaelle (5) an extraordinary impression, full of bur ; from the Collec- tion of the Count de Fries 1 773 — The Birth of Apollo and Diana in the Isle of Delos, after Julio Eomauo (39) first state, before the address '"'' Horatius Facificxis Formis,''' very rare 1 774 — The Charlatan, with snakes, selling his quack medicines (41) first state, before the address " Horatius Facificus Formis,''^ with broad margin ; from the Wellesley Collection 1 / ^ , / U^- 1/ 'A — 90 ///I. /i/n /(n // 775 — Sacrifice of a Hull to Jupiter (46) first state, befc/re the address, rare GHISI (G i OBGio). 776 — The Meeting of IVIaet and Elizabeth, after F. Salviati unfinished impression, with the white column above the female on the left ; a print of the greatest rarity 1 %* A similar proof is described by Bartsch as existing in the Imperial Library at Vienna 777 — The Marriage of St. Catherine, after Francesco Prima- ticcio (12) rare 1 778 — THE DISPUTE OF THE SACEAMENT, after Eaphael (23) chef d^ceuvre of the master, of the greatest rarity 1 779 — The Trojans deceived dy Sinon (28) with margin ; from the Collections of M. Rysbraech and Dr. Wellesley 1 780 — Cupid and Psyche on the Couch, after Julio Eomano (45) first state, before the draperies 1 781 — The Birth of Memnon, from the Palazzo del T., by Julio Eouiano (57) 1 782 — TiiK Judgment of Pahis (60) a very early impression, with margin ; from the De Fries Collection I 783 — The Calumny of Apelles, after Lucas Penni (64) undescribed state, before the name and date on the side of the throne, and the tablets with the inscriptions beneath 1 7s| — Uaffaelle's DUKAM (67) very rare ; from the Murunt Collection 1 J^Cot.. 7 e>» Q), O). (^1 {J'iftion 7 'ff. 'I v>(juuAuX:, 785 — A Cemetery. The Skeletons leaving the tombs, taking new flesh to appear at the Last Judgment (69) undescribed state, hefore any letters on the scroll, before the name of Ghisi, and before the address, probably unique 1 786 — The same as descnbed by Bartsch, rare 1 GLQCKENTQN (Albert). 787 — THE PASSION OE CHEIST THE COMPLETE SET, all early states before the plates were retouched ; of extraordinary rarity Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (2) The Last Supper (3) Christ Praying on the Mount of Olives (4) Christ taken in the Garden (5) Christ brought before the High Priest (6) The Flagellation (7), with broad margin Christ Crowned with Thorns (8), loith broad margin Christ bearing the Cross (9) The Crucifixion (10) The Burial of Christ (11) The Descent of Christ into Limbus (12) The Eesurrection of Christ (13) 12 ■ G OLTZIUS (Hetnr ich). 788 — Set of the Master Pieces (15 — 20) The Annunciation, in the style of Eaphael The Visitation, in the style of Parmegiano The Adoration of the Shepherds, in the style of Bassano The Circumcision, in the style of Albert Durer The Magi oflfering their gifts to the Infant Saviour, in the style of Lucas van Letden The Holy Eaniily, in the style of Baroccio 6 '^/ ^ / /() ^ /O / ^/. / /3 /I// /|// / /n / /.v / /// — 02 — 7^9 — Tlie Yirj,Mn and .St. Joseph, showing the Infant Jesus to the Shepherds (21) first state, before the date of 1651, and before the unfinished part of the composition was etched in outline 1 790 — The Virgin weeping over tlie Dead Body of Christ (41) engraved in imitation of Albert Burer 1 roi — Christ, the Twelve Apostles, and St. Paul. A set of half- length figures, with Latin inscriptions under each, (43—56) the perfect set, U7iiform in impression, and inscribed P. Mariette, 1G67, ivhole bound in old French calf; from the Walker Collection 1 75)2 — Portrait of Frederick II, King of Denmark (166) rare 1- 79;} — Frau^oise d'Egiuont, half-length, her right hand on a skull (168) with margin, rare ; from the Qaivet Collection 1 704 — Pierre Forestusi (169) from the 3Iariette Collection 1 795 — Henry IV, of France (174) ' first state 1 796 — Nicquet (177) I from the De Fries Collection C. A^ander Spronk (185), and duplicate, from the Mariette | Collection 3 j 797 — Tui; Boy and Dov,, Puutkait of xue Son or Tui;oDOfTte Fuisiu.s, a Dutch Painter (190) vert/ rare 79S — A IVmale Head, "In leiden geduldich," &c. (191) AriwMul Beerestein (192) Bust of a Young IMan (19;J) three small ovals ; from the Mariette Collection 799 — Bust of a Young Man, "Bene agere ct nil timero," (207) .sY//(/ to be a portrait of Simon Sovins .)u>lus liipsius, inscriln'tl " ^lorihus Auticjuis " 2 C lofCoUirn, {/i(T{VlHl, (Q^r 7 7 (^» U}(u*rJii I (i^QitC,., ipCciii. ,H — 93 (f^l/H'^iCuy ^- 't>(auftt S^y^v 0), ritj 1800 — M. de la Faille, inscribed «' Leges tueri," (212) Madame de la Faille, with a skull (213) 2 GTJEBCI NQ (Giov. FBAy. Babbieri , petto) . 801 — St. Anthony of Padua (1) a very early impression ; from the Barnard and Chambers S.all Collections 1 802 — The lufent St. John (2) An early impression, tvith margin, and counter proof also with margin ; from the Wellesley Collection 2 (^^ 803 The Virgin and Child with a Book. She is seen standing behind a table, on which the infant is placed, with his feet on a napkin, and supported by his mother's right arm ; they are both looking intently on the book, which is held by the child. a very beautiful etching, unknown to Bartsch 1 GUIDO EENI. ^ /n SOi The Virgin with the Infant Jesus (1) proof, before the address of N. van Aelst Sn c CfcL^ion Cron *^* " Cette estampe est une des plus belles productions du Guide, et elle est rare." — Bartsch 't^fft S05 — Holy Family, in the style of Parmigianiuo (9) first state, before the painter'' s name ; from the St. Aubyn Collection Holy Family (10) the same composition as the last, but reversed 2 ^^SOG — The Infant Jesus and St. John the Baptist (13) an early imp)ression, with margin ; from the Gervaise Col- lection St. Christopher crossing the river with the Infant Clirist on his shoulder (14) 2 807 — St. Jerome praying before a Crucifix (15) ivith a counter proof from a very early state of the same ; from M. Bysbraeck' s Collection ; and also a copy 3 iruitt) <^\ /o /a / ^ i /^- (^ \M /i» 4 6r; — 94- 808 — The Love of Study (IG) tico impressions, one of them before the re-touch with the dry point, which is seen particularly in the distance; from the Endris Collection 2 809 — A Glory of Angels, after Lucas Cambiasi (45) early proof before all letters, undescribed, very rare ; from the Morant Collection 1 ( //n-U^rt{^^ / // . SIO I 811 — 812 — . 813 — The same in the ordinary state 1 The original Drawing of the same, by Cambiasi, called Cangiagio Pen washed with bistre ; from the Morant Collection 1 I Christ laid in the Tomb, after Parmigianino (46) I from the Esdaile and Ford Collections 1 1 The Virgin suckling the Infant Christ, after Annibale Car- racci (51) frst state, before the address ; from the Endris Collec- tion 1 ^- . '814 An early German print of the latter end of the fifteenth cen- c^fVoti^.-u/ tury, representing St. Mathilde standing under a Gothii' , / arch, with tracery of foliage above BrulUot, 1286; in beautiful condition with margin 1 81i 816 H OGARTH (William). IIknuy VIII. aud Anne Boleyn proof before any letters, with margin ; from the Esdaile Collection Tin; H.vim.ot's Piiogress FIRST STATKS, before the feet of the old woman were intro- duced in the frst plate, and before the word '' London " on the letter the parson is readi/iy, etc., with margin ; from the Esdaile Collection 6 (^c. (^ 95 -- '7!. I^ff/mr^ :^.^ V/y % i^J^din/^ (^i> 817 818 819 C^A >ftu 820 821 (fle^f 1822 7 7 7 SOUTHWARK FaIB 'proof with Jine margin 1 The Eake's Progeess FIRST STATES, with " Memo^""' 1721," etc., on the hooh to the left in plate 1 ; in the after state the look is erased to make room for an old shoe with the cover of a Bible in it 8 The Sleepy Congregation first state, before '' Dieu et mon droit'' was introduced under the Boyal arms, and before the pipe teas taken from the angeVs mouth 1 STEOLLING ACTEESSES, DEESSING IN A BAEN undescribed first state, before the feathers were taken froon the head of the female who is greasing her hair with a candle, and before much extra loork, as on the neck of Juno, and in other parts of the plate, rare 1 The Marriage a-la-Mode first states, before the lock of hair on the lady's forehead was engraved in tlie seco7id plate, being put in with indian ink; set complete, with large margins 6 MAEEIAGE A-LA-MODE a curious proof of the first plate, before all letters, before the inscription on the marriage contract, the genealogical tree, etc. I '^ Only one other impression in this state is known to exist ; it is in the British Museum. / ca A^ / ^ 6 // 823 Portrait of Himself with his Dog. " 8e ipse Pinxit et Sculpsit, 1749 ;" tvith margin 824 — Gin Lane frst state ; from C. Sogers' Collection ; curioiis as being coloured by a contemporary hand, perhaps that of Hogarth himself 1 4- ^6^. ^■ /< 9 96 — 6 ^4 1^ /() 7 -■^v (o 825 — Four Prints of an Election Plate 1. — An Election Entertainment FIRST STATE ; " Painted and the Whole Engraved by Wm. Sogarth" tvith the seven Jialf lemons seen near the punch bold, and ivith the inscription " For our Country,'^ in the Butchcr^s hat Plate 2. — Canvassino for Votes before the lion's white teeth were hidden by additional work, making the mouth darker Plate 8. — The Polling Plate 4. — Chairing the Member 820 — Canvassing for Votes an extremely curious unfinished proof ; from the Bindley Collection ; presumed to be unique ^r^r&u.. 7 (^r cMI'r, / ;827 — The March of the Guards to Finchlet, in 1745 an unfinished proof, little more than an etching, prcsque unique I *#* Only one other impression in this state is known to exist ; it is in the British Museum. 828 — THE MAECII OF THE GUAEDS TO FINCIILEY ,^.%yk^^ IN 1745 proof before any letters 1 %* Only one other impression in this state is known to exist; it is in the Library of the Royal Academy. KO 'A 7 829 — The same first described state, with the Sunday date, and with one s in J-'rifxsia, very rare 830 — The Times, Plate 1 undcscribed first state, with a white cloud seen above the dove in the sky, and before the oblique lines on the shadow of the fire engine, and over the entrance to the house on the rii/ht 4 end of the fifth day s sale. 98 — SIXTH DAY'S SALE. HOLLAE (WEycESLAUs). ( The numbers refer to Parthey's Catalogue / : ^ , 6- . LQT_ 836 837 — The Trial and Execution of the Earl oi Steaffoed (551—552) Jirst states, with fine margins 2 Proclamation of Peace at Ant weep (between the States General and Spain) (5G1) first state, with fine margin 1 838 — AMOENISSIMI ALIQVOT Locorum in diversis Provincijs incetium Prospcctvs (719 — 72G, etc.) the perfect set of twelve views, early impressions, with fine margins, and a duplicate of " Tootehill fields ; " the whole bound in blue morocco 1 lytiu S^ ^,<5 i , |839 — I I I I / /<:■ . SIO (p - . 811 A Prospect of Arrundel Castle «& Towue on >' West- side," (955) from the St. Aubyn Collection 1 The Long View of Greenwich, on two sheets (977) 1 View or London from the toi* of Arundel IIousk (1011) very early impression, in the most perfect state, with large margin 1 pntitfitf^ 99 ^f^aLil^4 ' 7 a^ (^ ''V (7t^fjL'a^ 7 C^o C^&bw- ■eu^ 842 — Arundel House (Septentrionem Versus) (lOSJ;) with fine margin \ 843 — Landscape with windmills, after Peter Breughel (1215) first state, hefore the words " Buyten BrtcsseV \ 844 — Landscape with the Canal through the village, after Peter Breughel (1218) firom the Esdaile Collection 1 845 — Landscape with Cattle watering, after Paul Brill (1220) 1 846 — Pietro Aretino, after Titian (134G) from the Dumesnil Collection 1 847 — Vandee Boecht (1365) first state, un described bi/ Parthey, with Meysseti's address, and before the last ivord of the inscription " Walles " was corrected to " Galles " 1 848 — SIR THOMAS CHALONER, after Holbein (1371) first state, before the mistakes were corrected in the inscrip- tion, the tvord Poeseos being spelt Poaseas, and Veee spelt Vero, tvith i.E.i. after the Emperor's name instead of IMP, extremely rare ; from the Barnard Collection 1 849 — SIR THOMAS CHALONER, after Holbein (1371) second state, with the corrections ; one of the rarest of Hollar's works ; from the Tunno Collection 1 *** The rarity of this portrait is so great that neither Vertue nor Parthey describe this variation. Very few impressions are known to exist. 850 — Lord Denny, a circle, after Hans Holbein (1387) 1 851 — Sir Anthony Van Dyck, with a sun flower (1393) early impression, tvith margin, rare 1 852 — The Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I, an oval (1396) with margin, rare 1 ^^k / / / So /o S/ /o / / 6 — 100 — / / /S' (3 0, g • '9 1 \ / , ^ ^ / o (n B // 853 — Siu Thomas Faiefax iu armour, a small oval (1402 a) Jirst state, before the address of Huyssens ; also the second state, with the address, rare 854 — Marc Gabkaud, from a painting by himself (1407) early impressioii, ivith mart/in, ten/ rare 855 — Giorgioue, reproaented as David with the head of Goliah(1408) inscribed with Mariette's name, very rare 856 — Sir Henry Guldefoedk, after Hans Holbein, a circle (1409) rare 857 — Lady Elizabeth Harvey, after Van Dyck (1412) from the Towneley Collection 858 — Hans Holbein, in a circle (1418) from the De Fries Collection 859 — Wenceslaus Hollar, holding his portrait of St. Catherine (1419) prooj before any letters, signed hy the artist, very rare 8(50 — Wenceslaus Hollar, in an oval (1420) in the frst state, before any letters, and before the altera- tions in the coat of arms beneath, excessively rare 801 — The same ici/h the alterations in the arms, but before the name and address, very rare ; from the De Fries Collection Sli'i — Vhv s;uno irif/i the name, but before the address, rare ; from the Dumesnil Collection so;} — diaries 1, in a hat, view of Whitehall in the distance, after A'an Dyck (1432) first state, before the address Sl»4 — Charlt's II, after Yaw IToei-ke, Ihc smaller plate (1441) CTlMVlrUif, 7 7 CSi. fr. PUi£uf l^ (/?>g CUKCttt' 7 <@. — 101 — '^U)0^ /uv Q. /)^e(ty:i V^caf^p (y)cil.tncll 7 Oh (P/)c mcxec/, V 865 — Chables II, with a view of St. James's Park and Whitehall in the background, after Van Dyck (1442) FIRST STATE, hefove the alteration in the inscription, the introduction of the word " prius,^' etc., rare ' 1 866 — The same ( 1442) with the alterations, hut be-fore the address of Meyssens, rare 1 867 — Tlie same with the address, which was effaced in the next state 1 868 — Elizabeth Villiers, Duchess of Eichmond, after Van Dyck (1457) jlrst state, before the face ivas thrown into shadow, and before the long perpendicular lines on the trees in the background to the right, Sfc, undescribed 1 869 — Mary Villiers, Duchess of Richmond, after Van Dyck (1457) toith the additional worJc, and fine margin 1 870 — Nathaniel Nye, Mathematician, an oval (1475) with large margin, very rare ; from the Durrani Collection 1 871 — Archbishop Laud, after Van Dyck (1453) before " Wilhelmus Lavd, Archiepiscopvs,''' ^c, in four lines. Hollar's name in the centre, and that of Vaii Dyck on the right; inscribed with Mariette's name; very rare 1 d^ K/ /// / 872 — Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, after Van Dyck ' / (1481) I Jirst state, before the hair teas diminished on each side of \ the head, and before any address, with margin, rare 1 /6- 873 874 — Jerome Weston, Earl of Portland, after Van Dyck (1483) I / iciith the first address, and with margin 1 The Countess of Portland, after Van Dyck (1484) first slate, before the address oj' Meyssens was erased ; from the Barnard Collection 1 ^ / — 102 — \/o , 875 — Peter Paul Rubens, in au oval frame (1498) ivith broad margin 1 876 — SiocKnovirs, after J. van Oost (lo07) proof before any letters, tcith margin, undescribed ; and an early impression with the letters, also loith margin 2 877 — TiioMAS Wentworth, Eael of Steaffokd, in armour, after Van Dyck (1508 i). The second plate, the man looking downwards first state, before the addition of the tvords "<|" Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter,'^ and the tvord "Londini " after the date 1 a \/6\ . 1^78 — Heney Howard, Earl or Sueeet, after Hans Holbein ' ' (1509) FIEST STATE, before the flowers on the drapery, aiid before any inscription in the margin beneath, excessitelt bare 1 /a . 879 880 4-.-J__ hbl — 882 883 Head of a Man, whose face is turned towards the right, and who wears a flat cap, slashed back and front, after Holbein (1544) from the Barnard and Thane Collections 1 The King and Queen of Tunis, grotesque heads, after Leonardo da Vinci (1G03) ; A yt)uug Negro's Head, (2003) ; and another similar (2004) ; Bust of a young Negress in a lace collar (207) the last three with fine margins 4 Jacou Stanier, " Mcrcator Londonensis, A°. 1G45." after 11. Garret (150G) beautiful print, with marqin 1 Mary Queen of Scots, from a niiuiature in the British Museum, by Zucchcro (1705) rare 1 Aletuea Countess of Aeundel, and her daughter. Lady Mowuray (1725, 172G), small ovals on the same plate, which was afterwards cut very rtirr ; from (he Thane Collection 1 ! 7 »y^/< '/hM ///, (/iinCtrlnn. 7 \ ^fftUAi^A f — 103 (tr^C^e^/-^ \/ttJ Q^fl /jOLCHu^f^ % /rj^ji/i Ca.^ (Mm, "I %^. ' ^'A^ / /■// . ,^. — 104 — HOPFEE (Jerome^. 893 — St. Jerome in Penitence, copied from Albert Durer (19) Jirsl state, before the number, with large margin The Sultan Solyman (57) HOPFEE (Lambert 894 — Herodias receiving the head of St. John, from a woodcut by Albert Durer (20) very early impression, with the harder of arabesque orna- ment 1 HOUBEAKEN (Jacob). All THE FOLLOWING A^E PeOOFS BEFORE LETTERS, WITH FINE MAR G IKS, OF THE HeADS ILLUSTRATING Dr^ Birch's Lives of Illustrious Persons, published IN PART S, BY THE KnAPTONS. Queen Anne Boleyn 1 (MtuJjLcC, 895 89G 897 898 Queen Catherine Howard Mary Queen of Scots ^ , 899 /•'' ■ 900 George Abbott, Archbishop of Canterbury also a proof before the border, and before a good deal of work near the ornamentation and the engraver's natne 2 Thomas Howard. Earl of Arundel and Surrey I'Vancis Eussell, second Earl of Bedford alxo an early proof with the head mrrelif in outline 001 — George Digby, Earl of I^ristol 'Z . 902 — Henry Staflbrd, Duke of Buckingham ^Y . 903 — VViiJ.iAM l'i;('iL, Lord Briti,Ki(»ii 905 i^totuf 906 C^<^r'V.y 907 y.'/ieiyf 908 QcinCi^f 909 UUK f 910 J^i 911 ^ 912 '^"71 913 u.. 914 ■ifflOu^, 915 ^lh}-tc(.,^ 916 (Sdo 917 MfP.rr,j 918 - (f^rin/,^, 919 (/uwruMfvt^ 920 — George Byng, Lord Viscount Torrington 1 — Samuel Clarke, D.D. before the engraver's name 1 — Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench 1 — Francis Lord Cottington 1 — Thomas Lord Coventry, Lord Keeper 1 — Olivee Cbomwell, Loed Protector 1 — Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight 1 — Sir Francis Drake before the engraver's name 1 — John Drtden very rare ; from the Sykes' and Tunno Collections 1 — Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex with a proof of the illustrated oval, before the head tvas introduced 2 Daniel Finch, Earl of Nottingham before the engraver's name 1 John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester with the unfinished proof before the border, and before a good deal of ivork over the ornamentation and the engraver's name . 2 Charles Fleetwood, Deputy of Ireland 1 Sir Samuel Garth, Knight, M. D. I Sidney, Earl Godolphin 1 John Hampden 1 William Haevey, M. D. 1 / / , " /6 / /2- , / 6 "• / ' 6 /o / 6 . 1 1 / // 1 ' 1 6' 7 1 i 1 i 1 1 i / /o , ! I I I I //; . I / ! 4^/6! — lOG -- 1 / Vo ' 921 , \l(r, . 922 ^- /o . 923 / /n 924 925 / S , 92G /; c^ • 927 / ^ • 928 X? 6 • 929 / / . 930 8 /o 931 / S ' 932 / rx , 933 / 6~ '• 934 g ^ , 935 a ^0 • 93G / • , 937 / •• t 938 / // 939 ^f- /J3. ' 940 — Henry Ibeton, Deputy of Ireland — Eobert Bertie, Earl of Lindsay — James Maitland, Duke op Lauderdale — JonN Milton — Sir William Morrice, Knight — James Douglas, Earl of Moreton, Eegent of Scotland — TnoMAS Howard, Duke of Norfolk — Edward Russell, Earl of Orford — TnoMAT Otway from the Tiinno Collection — Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough — Alexander Pope — James Stuart, Duke of Eichmond before the engraver's name — Laurence Hyde, Earl of Eochcster — Frederick Duke op Schomberg — William Shakespeare — Sir Philip Sidney, Kniout before the engraver^s name — Sir Thomas Smith, Secretary of State — Eobert Car, Earl of Somerset before the engraver's name — Sir Eidiard Steele, Knight — Thomas Wentwortu, E.vkl ok Straffohd 107 — ^aa(k> 941 ^ 942 (&x 943 C/2V 944 fffCtUi 7 U^fiu^i (%\ I 979 t \ 977 — The Temple in Ruins (12) j -proof before the number, with margin 1 j 978 — The Four Goats (13) j proof before the number, with margin, rare The same same state 980 — The Four Sheep (14) proof befm'e the number, rare ! 981 — 982 The Two Pigs (15) proof before the number, rare The Three Pigs (16) proof before the number 984 983 — The Boy and the two Donkeys (19) proof before the number, very rare The Two Muleteers (20) proof before the number, with margin, very rare 985 — The two Oxen (24) ■proof before the number, very rare / / \/ /n \^^. r i! ^ ^~. no //4 . 988 O , 989 i 986 — The two Hohses neae the Plough (25) ' 'proof hefore the number, very rare 987 — TffE Ox AND THE Ass (26) proof hefore the number, rare A Peasant wading a Stream (27) proof hefore the number, very rare The FiEFiD of Battle (28) proof hefore the niwiber, very rare 990 — The Mule with the Bell (29) proof before the number, with margin, very rare ; from the Dumesnil Collection 1 991 — The Ox standing neae the Calf which is besting (30) undesci'ibed proof before the number, and before the margi- nal line was made good to the right, very rare 1 992 — The same I proof hefore the number, loith margin 1 098 — The Shepheedess talking to her Dog (:U) proof hefore the number, very rare 1 994 — TuE Ass and the two Sheep (32) proof before the number, very rare 1 995 — TiiK Flock of Sheep and Goats (33) proof before the number, vei'y rare 1 996 — The same (33) undescribed state, before the marginal line was made good to the left, extremely rare 1 997 — The Cows, the Bull, and the Calf (34) curious rarly state, before the work with the dry point on the rising ground in the distance to the right, undescribed, excessively rare 1 71 lA^ L r (Si- nt(Uit , [otvmu 7 ^^ C^^o^/njO' 7 (p^AA.' ^ilt L E BAS (Jacqu es Philippe) . 1024 — " AssEMBLEE Galante," after Watteau proof before any letters, rare LE CLEEC (Sebastien). 1025 — Puer parvulus, or the Landscape of Isaiah proof before letters, ivith broad margin; from the Oervaise Collection 1026 — The Apotheosis of Isis the first state, with the dancers by the side of the altar, Sfc. with fine margin 1027 — The Entey op Alexandee into Babylon first state, with the head of Alexander in profile, with margin, very rare LEU (Thomas de). 1028 — Jo. de Beaugrand, Bibliothequier du Eoi, after P. du Moustier first state, before any letters, a very rare and beautiful portrait 1029 — Gentianos Heetetus an early impression, loith broad margin ^ /3 ^ ^ z^- / 4. moMyUjaJ 1030 7 I (^cvitC^j 1031 iKi'inueuj 1032 (^ % Henet de Loeeaine, Due de Bae. "A I'unicque Princesse " very rare Chaeles de Loeeaine, Due du Mayne very rare Louis Seetin proof before the inscription above, loithfine margin / /o ! (r. 1033 — Blaise de Vigenebe proof before am,y letters, presq^ue unique ; and print 1034 — Caeolus Gonzaga, dux Nivernensis et Ehetellensis very rare J2 /o /o — 116 — / /: I jLEETJW ("WiLHELM VAN DEB). 1035 — The Crocodile and Hippopotamus Hunt, after Eubens r (fit'O^tHt'r,,, I - kl i / (n /?Jf /o\ / 9 (o s' LEYDEN (Lucas van). j 1036 — Joseph and Potiphab's Wife (20) 1 1037 — The same (20) 1 \ 1038 — David plating on the habp befoee Saul (27) verij rare ; from the Crawhall Collection 1 1039 — THE ADOEATION OF THE MAGI (37) a very early impression, with margin, of this viagnificent print, which is extremely rare 1040 — Chbist cbowned with thobns (68) 1041 — Chbist oeowned with thobns (09) 1042 — ECCE HOMO, on CHRIST PRESENTED TO THE PEOPLE (71) the rarest, and one of the finest works of the master . 1043 — Eetubn of the Peodigal Son (78) ; a very early impression, with broad margin ; from the Esdaile and Blackburn Collections *#* " On doit y admirer I'intelligence et I'art qui ont guide la main de Lut-as dans Texccutiou des lointains. Lcs fabriqucs, i le paysagc, et les petites figures qui s'y trouvent, tout y eat I touchi' avcc esprit et comme U falloit pour faire degrader lcs objets." — Bartsch. ' I lOU — Thu Virgin and Child sitting at the foot of a tree (S4) ' extremely rare ; from the Lloyd and Esdaile Collections 0). 7 ir.fr tHfl.f- ^ I (flf'Ou 1045 — The Repose in Ec.ypt (85) very rare *#* Marc Antonio made use of the background of this composi- tion for his Uido. I (r^fiKcnt J L — 117 — 7 i N I fc^ li-iitf- \ 1046 — THE DANCE OF THE MAGDALEN (122) a very early impression, in 'perfect condition 1 *^* " Cette belle piece que Lucas a gravoe dans le temps de sa plus grand force, est une de ses meilleurs ouvrages. Les bonnes epreuves en sont extremement difficiles a trouver ; eUes se vendoient, deja du vivant de Lucas, un florin d'or." 1047 — The Poet Virgil suspended in a basket (136) a very early impression, full of colour, and very rare *^* "Et du cote du dessein e'est aussi un de ses meilleurs ouvrages, il s'y trouve des airs de tetes et des attitudes de figures que ne seraient pas desavoues par les grands maitres." — Bartsch. m /i^/q. (^> ! 1048 — A Man and Woman seated, in conversation (148) very rare Cuj (j^O (^c (^c Q^ 1049 — Two Children, supporting a shield (167) rare LOGGAN (David). 1050 — Edwajsd Hyde, Eael op Claeendon, in his robes as Chancellor j with fine margin, rare jlOSl — Dr. Allesteee, Provost of Eton, John Dolben, j Archbishop op York, and John Fell, Bishop of I Oxford, sitting at a table in mezzotinto, very rare ; Sir Mark Sykes's sold for £27. 16s. 6d. *^* Called Chipley, Chopley, and Chepley. J1052 — Sir Thomas Isham, of Lamport, Northampton j proof before the engraver^s name, ^c. rare ; from the Morant Collection J1053 — Archibald Campbell, Earl of Argyle, in an oval of laurel, with the arms beneath icith margin H /'S* ! I S\/€ /\/o ' I ii I : 1 I 118 — / /O a / '9 /^ // /3 / /O 1054 — Gilbert Sheldon, Aechbishop of Cakteebuet proof before any letters, probably unique 1 1055 — James Fitzeot, Duke of Monmouth the impression in the Sykes Collection realized £21. 1 1056 — Francis North, Lord Guildford, Keeper of the Great Seal, in a large oval, with the insignia of his oflBce beneath proof before the inottoes in the arms 1 1057 — Eobert Stafford of BradEeld, Berkshire proof before the arms icere finished and before any letters, very rare 1 LQLI (L oBENZo) . 1058 — The Virgin and Child, with the Infant St. John (5) The Holy Family, after Gio. Andrea Sirani ; in two states, the first before Loli's name 3 1059 — Two Cupida playing at the entrance of a tent (22) Cupid bending his bow (23) The Infant Hercules (24) all early states ; from the Barnard Collection 3 lOUO — The Ekwaud of Study, after Giovanni Andrea Sirani (30) a very early impression, rich toith bur 1 LONGHI (Giuseppe). 1061 — Portrait of Eembrandt ; and two others, after the same artist's proofs 3 1062 — Napoleon, avitu the Ikon Ceown autist's PEOOF, before tlie "N" in the star ; from the Archinto Collection \ 1063 — Napoleon with the laurel wreath proof before letters 1 1064 — The Philosopher in his Study The Philoaopher in Meditation, botii after Rembrandt artist's proofs 2 ^ OUfte^ 1 ^* ^» (l}^o r^/V oL ■7 119 iHU'-uttii '■(lirti/ uT.f r€&.. @h Q^ ittjj 1065 — A Burgomaster, after Eembrandt choice artisf s proof ] 106G — Riposo IN Egitto, after Procacoini proof hefore letters, loith artists' names only 1 1067 — The same FINE artist's proof, witTi full margin, tvifh the etched name only 1 1068 -- The same artist's proof before any letters, hefore the light on the donkey's nose was toned down Etching of the same 2 1069 — VisioK OF EzEKiEL, after Eaphael artist's peoot, with the etched name, fine, and the rarest of the artisfs works in this state 1 1070 — The same two tmfinished proofs, in different states 2 1071 — Madonna del Laqo, after Leonardo da Vinci INDIA PROOF before LETTERS, WITH THE ARTIST'S NAMES only, large margin, excessively rare 1 1072 — The same artist's PROOF, with the head of the Madonna alone completely finished, the rest being in outline i 1073 — The same loith the figure of the child completed ; the rest of the plate remains in the same state 1 1074 — Galatea, after Albano artist's PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS, EXTREMELY BARE 1 / J^ ^ ^ ^ /h ^8 ? 6/6 /O . <^ -7 1075 - / /o 1076 - 1 (p • 1077 - 1 Os ' 1078 - ' 1 /o 1079 - -, /x . :/^ 6'R 0/ iftuufL 1 0\ — 120 — MAGDALEN, after COREEGGIO aetist's proof before the arms, with etched name, extremely rare 1 An Etching of the same voitli the "head finished only, most rare 1 _LUTMA (Janus). Portrait of his Father, treated as an antique bust " Janus Lutma, Posteritati, opus mallei per Janum F." 1 Portrait of his Father, in the style of Rembrandt " Joannes Lutma aurifex " 1 I Four Portraits, represented as antique busts, and executed i in his "opus mallei" style. His Father, Jan Lutma, j himself, Jan Lutma, Vondelius, and P. C. Pooft 4 1 M<^A EDELL. 1080 — Time Clipping the Wings of Cupid, after Van Dyck fine proof before any letters 1081 — Infancy of Moses, after Van Dyck fine proof before any letters MAIR, 1499. 1082 — THE SCROLL PRESENTED ; The Interior of an Apartment of three vaulted chambers, in which A gentleman is seen presenting a scroll to a young lady, and a man playing on the bagpipes, etc., called by Bartsch " La Banderole Pre- sentee" of excessive rarity ; not in the British Museum MANTEGNA (AndreaJ. | 1083 — The Flagellation of Christ (1) I ^)jj^t!Mt.,., a very early impression, before the scratches on the plate \ / were the least worn, and with laryr maryin, very rare I j (pu/tue/Mf'l. i,_. 121 — :iiiif/,. ,^» Uleui ' in\e(ii I (^UP^n 1084 — The Entombment (3) a very early state ^ loith all the delicate worJc and the fine expression of the heads, ivhich is entirely lost in the impressions usually seen 1 1085 — Christ Descending into Hell (5) in perfect condition ; from the Collection of the Count de Fries 1 1086 — A Combat of Marine Gods (18) a very early impression, with the fine work pure and perfect, in fine condition ; from, the 'Si/Jces and Maherley Collections 1 MARATTI (Carlo)_._ 1087 — The Annunciation (2) j first state, hefore the name and address; from the St. \ Aubyn Collection j and the second state, ivith broad marqin ; from the Sforck j Collection 2i // 9 // /o /n 6^. 1088 ^rtinrftt \ 1089 — C"''^f'Oy -(Ofty t/B^ The Visitation (3) i first state, before the name and address, and an impression i ivith the name 21 The Nativity (4) first state before the name and address also the second state, and a duplicate ; from the St. Aubyn Collection The Virgin and Sleeping Child (6) 1090 — The Virgin and Child, with the Infant St. John (9) ; with the original drawing for the same I The Marriage of St. Catherine (10) 3j 1091 — The Flagellation of St. Andrew, after D. Ciampelli (11) i first undescribed state, before the name of the painter, j inscribed with the name of Mariette ; and from the ] Gervaise Collection 1 ! I 6 , ^i. 6' — 122 — / / 6^. /6~, 4^^/ MARSHALL (Wi lliam). 1092 — " The Tkue Portraictuee op Captayne Charles Sal- TONSTALL, setatis suae xiix." excessively rare %* This Print has realized £16 16s. in public sale. 1093 — Dr. Thomas Taylor, Eector of St. Mary, Aldermanbury, with four Latin lines hy o. I., " Exhibet eflBgies faciem, liber iste vigoreni, etc." very rare 1 1094 — Thomas Scott, '• Sacra Theologiae Baccalavrei, Obiit Ac. 1026." an oval, ivith emblems and twenty lines 1 1095 — Sir John Suckling, Poet. Frontispiece to his " Poems j and Plays." In an oval of bays, with the eight lines I whicli were inscribed on his tomb rare 1 1 1090 — The right high and right mighty Prince George Villi khs, I Duke, Marquis, and Earle of Buckingham, in I armour. An oval with an anchor and arms below 1 extremely rare 1 ,1097 — Francis Bacon, Lord Viscount St. Albans. Half length, I seated writing " Tertius A platone Philosophiie Princ-eps." } From his " Advancement of Learning," 1040. rare 1 MASSON (Antoine). :^^, (The numbers refer to Robert Dumesnil, Feintr e-Graveur F raD9ais.) / / . 1098 — The Holy Family, after N. Mignard (3) " Tres belle piece ;" Jirsf state before the address, tcith fine margin 1 I ^1 • 1099 — riiiiisT AND xiiK Discin.Ks at Emmai's, aftcT Titian (5) 1 I Gb. ^/ 0i, (^. (^ (^^iwreH (J/U i/H^<\ — 123 — 'J(n* tntutt^ C^^rn (^. •9- 7 X ^atuiTtD fzy c/t&^}Srtujt 7 1100 — Emanfel-Theodore, Due d'Albert,Cabdinal DE Bouil- lon, after N. Mignard (14) with fine margin, rare 1 1101 — GuiLLAUME DE Beisacier, after N. Mignard (15) " i' un des chefs d'ceuvre du maUre ;" first state, before the inscription on the harder, extremely rare 1 1102 — Marin, Cureau de la Chambre, after P. Mignard (24) first state, before the cross hatchings on the right cheek, with fine margin, very rare 1 1103 — Alexandre Duput, Maequis de St. Andre, after De Seve (26) ivith fine margin 1 1104 — HENEI DE LOREAINE, Comte de Harcourt, the " cadet a la perle,''' after N. Mignard (34) chef-d' oeuvre du 7naUre, first state, before the No. 4 to the left in the margin, very rare 1 1105 — The same in the same state, with margin t^HtftitJ (^ ^>C/ tlf 1106 — Louis XIV, crowned with laurels (41) " piece rarissime " 1 *^* Another branch is drawn in with ink, corresponding to the one engraved on the one side, probably by Masson himself. 1107 — Portrait of Nicolas de Nicolai (54) first state, ivithfine margin 1 1108 — Olivier Le Fevre d'Ormesson (58) second state, unth fine margin 1 /S F / ^ // ^ (^ MATH AM (Jacobus). 1109 — Anonymous Portrait of a Man, who holds up a drinking glass in his right hand, after Cornelius Kettel (169) 1 /6 / / IJ. — 124 — U^ MATH AM (TiiEODOKE). 1110 — Jean Maurice, Comte de Nassau 1/ ' ' ' I 1111 — A CLIUOUS AND IKTERESTING PROOF OF THE HeAD OF THE SAME, taken before the curtain aud helmet were added, ' and before the high lights on the armour were subdued 1 ^ /■'^ 1112 — Hieronyma Justiniaua, an oval inscribed icith Marictte's name • 1 1113 — Henricus Kegius, after H. Bloemert proof before any inscription, inscribed loith the name oj Mariette, probably unique 1 1114, — Sib John Webster, Commissary for the Emperor of all Russia and Muskovia proof before any inscription, probably unique 1 . 6 ^13 AM/ — 125 — tCtuaift U^Jyfun. 7 1119 — The Marriage of the Virgin (33) very rare ; from the Balmmino and Morant Collections 1 1120 — The Annunciation (34), from the Esdaile Collection 1 1121 — The Circumcision of Christ (37) very rare ; from the Esdaile Collection 1 //6 /6 /r\ , -i^u^A^tiTt jll22 -4^^ (^O riAj The Massacre of the Innocents (38) very rare ; from the Esdaile Collection Q, Crj-e cfe. J^^f Cita.t#/. ueuy 1134 — (^ ( Cua/coC 1135 C^&toeu^ 1136 'UJ cr^c ^. (^. (§>. A Female seated on a large stone, and besting hee LEFT HAND BETWEEN THE BRANCHES OF A TREE, NEAR WHICH A Satyr is seen, two children plating with A bird to the left (21) very rare : from the Dehois Collection I The Centaur and Warrior struggling for the possession of a Nymph (IG) from the Sykes Collection 1 MONTAaNE (N. de). Francis I, after Janet 1 MOOB (Karelde) . Franz Mieris proof before any inscription, extremely rare 1 MOBGHEN (Baffa elle). Various Vignettes, Tail Pieces, Vases, &c., after Algarotti and Mignardi. Heading to French Bepublican Des- patches, Book Plates, &c. curious and rare 14 1139 GUTCCIARDINI artisfs proof on india paper, before the square hackground Portrait of Madame IMorghen proof 6". 1137 f^ /^. / ^1 ^- /^~~; 1138 /O / 1140 — GOLDONI artisfs proof R — 128 — 7 ■ i /^1 . nil — YoLPATO, after Angelica Kauffinam etch ill J and unfinished proof 1112 — The same proof icith open letters, rare 1143 — The same artist's proof before any letters, rare / 6 1144 1145 — 114(5 1147 , 114S — U /d . i 11 19 Benvenuto Cellini artisf s proof before any letters, rare 1 Lorenzo de Medici fine and rare, artistes proof before any letters, with remark 1 Leonardo da Vinci brilliant artist's proof on india paper, before the B. AT. or any letters 1 Michel Angelo ariisfs proof 1 Raffaelle fne proof 1 TuE FoRNAuiNA, after Raffaelle fne proof 1 ^"r ruiniii ^^ ^//tllMl/^ 7 ■ (ytacCm,„i /6^. !ll50 -- The same I artist's proof, the face and neck are complete, the rest I imfinishe.d, very rare 1 O' . 11151 ^ 1152 115;j — Uanti: proof before letters, with the arfiat's names ; and the etching Tasso artist's proof before any letters Pi;ruAUL'U artist's proof before any letters T J crMVirway 6?> (fit fa ^t^ 0\. \29 ^ ^jt-e-f J^/tuixe/tj nfi'tHv. 7 Q). Qh 1154 1155 — 1156 1157 — 1158 ^&meul ill59 Qio 1 1161 ^. 11162 c7^^W.^y|ll63 I ^Y/^../^ '1164 0), 1165 r^^> 1166 Abiosto proof hefore letters, with the artist's names Boccaccio artisfs proof before any letters Napoleon in his Coronation Eobes, after Tofanelli fine proof before letters, with artisfs names only The same in a similar state ; from the Collection of D. JR. Clarke The same artist's proof before any letters and before the motto in the Order, excessively rare MoNCADA, after Van Dtck choice proof , with large margin Lot and his Daughters, after Guercino proof Madonna della Seggiola, after Eaffaelle rare artist's proof before the R. M. The Infant Saviour, after Carlo Dolci artist's proof, before any letters and before the square border, rare La Madonna del Gran Duca, after Eaeeaelle artist' s proof before any letters, tvifh the remark St. John, after Guido proof before any letters, rare The Dance of the Seasons, and the Eepose in Egypt, both after Ponssin proofs Noli me Tangere, after Baroccio artist's proof with the white stick, rare / ^ /o / / 6 9 / (n / ^ ^ /o R J Vo y\/ — 130 — LLE J r/ti ^A' I 11167 — LA MADONNA DEL CAEDELLINO, AFTER Eaffaelle | f/x^m,^ i ' I AETIST'S PllOOF BEFOBE ANT LETTEES, WITH THE WmTE ] / 1 //, , I , IIGS r<2^/0\ , 3169 -v4 BOOK, PBESQUE UNIQUE Pakce Somnum Eumpere, after Titian india proof before letters, tvith artist's names only 1 TUE SAME with the engraver's name tvritten hy himself, excessively rare ; from the Poggiali Collection 1 i/;tzi'< 1170 — Magdalen, after Mueillo ABTIST's PBOOF BEFOEE ant LETTEES, BEILLIANT, AND WITH ENTIRE MAEGiN, extremely rare 1 1171 — THE LAST SUPPEE, after LEONAEDO DA VINCI beilliant proof of this celebeated woek, the chef d'(euvee of the ENGEAVEB 1 , ^. 1 jinijf,^^ 7 U>% END OP the seventh DAT 8 SALE. 131 — EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. JIOEIN (Jean). (The numbers refer to R obert-Dumesnirs Peintre Graveur Fran9ais.) (3t 7 LOT 1172 — The Virgin adoring the Infant Jesus, after Titian (15) 02i if i^UUUtf- 1176 1 n^Hvecy 1177 1 (P2, 1 1178 (o2h 1179 1173 — The Head of Cheist, crowned with thorns, after Philippe de Champagne (23) proof hejhre the retouch 1 1174 — The Geeat St. Beenaed, after Philippe de Champagne (33) rare 1 1175 — Anne of Austeia, Queen Regent of France, after Philippe de Champagne (40) 1 Caedinal Guido Bentivoglio, after Van Dyck (43) from the Ryshraech Collection 1 Henet II, King of France, after Janet (59) an early impression, ivith broad margin, rare 1 Henet IV, King of France, after Ferdinand (GO) CoENELius Janssenius, Bishop of Ypres (Gl) with margin / /! . ^ /o I . '/A . i I I — 132 / /& /S \^ / // 1180 — Louis XI, King of France (63) early impression, ivith broad margin 1181 — AuousTix DE Thou (77) 1182 « \/0 ^ S' :^4 3 Jea>'-Baptiste-Amadoe Vigxeuod, after Philippe de Champagne (85) -proof lefore any letters, and before the plate was reduced, very rare 1 lls;3 — Antoine Vitee, after Philippe de Champagne (88) undescribed state, before much of the fine worlc in stipple over the face, Sfc. Also a finished Impression loithfine margin 2 1184 — Set of six Landscapes in circles, " L'Enclos," &c. (90-94) first states, before the numbers, and with the blank angles, rare 6 1185 — The large set of upright Landscapes, after S. Fouquiere (05—98) 4 1180 — Euins of an Aqueduct, after Claude Lorraine (102) Landscape, "La Chasse aux canards" (103) early state, with margin 2 1187 — Landscape, " La Paysanne en marchc" (105) ^ 1 1 ISS — The same Landscape, " Les Moissonneurs " (107) 2 AlULLElt (Ciui^isTi^vN FEiEnuicu) liso — ST. JOHN, AFTER DOMENICHINO SUPERB PROOF, in the first state, with the incription in open letters, and the date ISO-^, and before the address of Jfanihoz, with full margin, extremely rare 1 e2)' , V%?^v. 7 a>b' — 133 — Miit~ 'Cuj Jyj 1190 — MADONNA DI S. SISTO, after RAFFAELLE FIRST FINJ811ED I'ROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS, and hcfore the " Aureoles''' over the heads of the Virgin and Child, on INDIA PAPER; chef-d^ oeuvre of the engraver, and of the GREATEST RARITY 1 *^* It is said that only five impressions were printed froui the plate in this state. MULL EK (Jan ) 1191 — Belshazzar's Feast an undescrihed proof, before the writing on the wall and some additional worJc lohich appears in the after states, and before the letters 1 j 1192 — The Adoration of the Magi (2) undescribed proof , before the name and address, very rare 1 1193 — Joannes Fontanus (20) curious undescribed state before any letters ; the four buttons on the sleeve of the dress are left quite white, very rare 1 1194 — Joannes Peter Sweling, Organist of Amsterdam (22) curious undescribed state before letters and the strong marginal line, and before the high lights on the cloak were subdued ; and an impression in the ordinary state 2 1195 — John of Leyden, King of the Anabaptists, after Heinrich Aldegrever (24) first state, before Muller's name and address 1 1196 — Maurice Prince of Orange, after Mirevelt (58) an early impression, ivith broad margin 1 1197 — Albert Archduke of Austria, after Eubens (G2) proof, before " Oum privilegio,'' rare 1 1198 — Isabella Clara Eugenia, after Eubens (63) proof before " Cum privilegio," rare 1 ^r. 3 ^ / fs , /o / /o & 6' /A / c^- /s~. /^, — 134 .'^W /o 6\ ■ /.', ^.\/a, / 6 - 1190 — Minerva and Meecuet aemikg Peeseus for his Combat with Medusa (69) rare undescribed state before any letters 1 *^* " Cette estampe connue sous le nom du chef d'oeuvre de Jean Muller eat uue des plus remarquables at des plus belles que cet artiste ait gravee." — Bartsch. 1200 — Bellona, Goddess of War, after Spranger (75) Jlrst state, with the address of Muller ; j^^'ifited on two sheets, not joined together, rare 1 1201 — Title with peofile head of Louis XIV. iu a medallion, surrounded by portraits of all the previous kings of his name, and resting on a pedestal which bears the inscrip- tion, CEuvuE DE Robert Nanteuil, Dessinateue et GrEAVEUE DR EOT undescribed 1 1202 — Moses holding the Tables of the Law, commenced by Nanteuil and completed by G. Edelinck, after Philippe de Champagne third state, loith the address of P. Drevet, ivithfine margin 1 120^i — Holy Family. " K. Nanteiiil Philosophia) auditor sculpebat Khemis An" dni, 1645 " (2) undesceibed state, before the inscription on the large stone, a smaller stone bears the name of JV^anteuil, which does 7iot appear there in the after states, perhaps itnique ; from the Donnadieu Collection ; with the original print hy Claude Mellon 1204 — Head of Christ ceowned with Thorns (4) second state, dated 1053, rare 1205 — Bust of the Virgin (5) Jlrst state, before the tears on the Virgin^s face and before the marbling oj' the angles, very ran- (/i). cu(~ fi'o. 7 ( 'CuirftH Ipcfu uoeffu iff a a ttfi /(M. 7 — 135 — [ ''cutxit/ \, ^^'luCijf eft (iii>ij 7 6?)fl (a), I ®e^^^l 1200 — The same tMrd state, loith the " crocJiet,'^ rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection fourth state, undescribed, the inscription removed from the banderole, a7id a shield of arms, with helmet and crest, substituted, JP. Mariette, 1676, on the front of the print, very rare and curious 1207 — The Four Evangelists (7) second state, with the words VNVS atqve idem spiritvs, 1 Cor. 12, on the banderole, very rare third state, with the inscription Histoeia et Concordia Evangelic^, etc., rare 120S — Eight Vignettes of Flowers and Letters (10 — 17) all very rare and in perfect condition. The No. 13 alone is wanting 1209 — The Arms oe M. de Marolles (18) ■printed on the same sheet with the first state of the portrait (171) ; on the reverse is printed the madrigal de " M. De La Goutte-Chappuis " in twenty -two lines, xoith full margin, extremely rare POETBAITS. 1210 — Jacques Amelot, Premier President de la Cour des Aides (19) first state, xoith the escutcheon, hut without the inscription, rare third state, the first inscription taken out and replaced by JACOBUS amelot, MARCHIO DE MAVEEGARD, etC. ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1211 — Michael Amelot, Archeveque de Tours (20) third state, xoith the crochet after the point which follows the letters C P. JR. // i " i <^ i-6- /2i/o 'CeSyo^ 1212 — The same, size of life, inscribed Michael Amelot, Aechiepiscop. Tveonensib (21) /6i 6- . /O — 130 — 9V /?> x^ /< /W p Cx 121.3 — Anne d'Autriche, Reine de France (22) second state, before the marks of erasure on the fillet of the border on the right, very rare ; from the Donnadieu I Collection 1 I 11214 — The same (22) in a similar state ; from the Donnadieu Collection and another in the third state, with the marks, but before the No. 15 over the arms, rare ; from the Archinto Collection 2 1215 I L$! . . 1216 The same (22) fourth state, with the No. 15, rare ; two impressions 2 Anne d'Autriche Eeine de France (23), size of life, inscribed Anne Infante d'Espagne, Reine de France et Mere du Rot, 1660, etc. first state, before the crochet, inscribed JP. Mariettr, 1697. very rare ; from the Franck Collectiori I ^ 1 1217 — The same ] i second state, with the crochet 1 , 12 IS — Simon Aenauld de Pomponne, Ministre d'Etat (24) life size third state, with the lines parallel 1 1210 — Dueux d' Aubrat, Lieutenant civil au Chatelet de Paris, 1658 (25), one of the victims of the celebrated Marquise de Brinvilliers another impression of the same,Jlne margin 2 1220 — Claude Auvrt, Ev£;que de Coutances, Tresobier de la sainte Chapelle (26) first stale, with the plain border, rare 1 1221 — TlIK SAMK in a similar state and an impression in the second .if ate, the border ornamented with mouldings 2 C^<7^»//« 7 ^. TJUitH. (S)^^a. ^rfj>t 7 ^ (^' 2 y/Hf'(ytafu 7 (^o ( ^ fKCntnei^ 1224 eitj (S>o tliiCiit (^auCn, Antoikte Bakbeein, Cardinal Aecheveque de Eeims (28) rare 1 / ^' /o\ 1225 — The same person, in an oval border of laurel (29) first state before the re-touch, with margin, rare 1226 — The same in an undescrihed state, with another border, very rare ; i from the Archinto Collection 1 I I 1227 — The same person, in an octagon border of laurel (30) { inscribed P. Mariette, 1676 1 ! / c^^/'Sxf,,^ 1228 1229 — AnTOINE BaVRILLON DE MORANQIS, CoNSEILLBR d'EtaT, | , Intendant des Finances (31) P. Mariette, 1678 1 _ I I Etiennb Jehannot-de-Bartillat, Garde du Tresor | / ROTAL (32) first state, with the date 1666, and the escutcheon sur- mounted by a helmet and mantle, icitli large margin, rare 1 \//^^ 1/6' /H , i^anA, 1230 A 7 Francois de Vendome, Due de Beaufort (33) first state, as published by Le Blond, with margin, very rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 ^ki- 1231 — The same in a similar state, two impressions ' and a second state, with Mariette' s name substituted for i that of Le Blond 3 ' I I m — 138 / V ^ . v^. // 6 (n ^ ' /s 7 (&6 1232 — PhTLIBEET-EmMANUEL DE BeAUMANOIK DE HaVARDIN, (ff^Cir Ev£que du Mans (34) first state, dated 1651, rare ; the quartering of the shield is not blazoned according to the rules of heraldry 1 1233 — The same Person, with a Pastoral Cross (35) first state, loith the date \QQO,very rare; from the Bonnadieu Collection 1 1234 — Tue same second state, undescrihed, the plate measuring half an inch more in width than as described by Dumesnil ; Sauteur 12 po. 7 I., Largeur 9 po. 8 I., probably unique 1 1235 — The same ^ third state, vnth the original baclcgrmind tahen out and the C/lo- / \^ & 7 'A / C~i 1 1252 — Godefeoi-Maubice ue la Tour d'Auvergne, Due de j Bouillon, Grand Cuambellan de France (50) first state, iefore all the marks and signs in the margin, which appear in the later states, extremely rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection third state, loith the mark A, under the centre of the lower border-line, with margin, very rare. (There are four later states of this plate). 2 1253 — Emmanuel-Thegdose de la Tour d'Auteegne, Car- dinal DE Bouillon (51) first state, before the point on each side of the ornamental rosette, in the middle of the top of the border, inscribed P. Mariette, 16G8, very rare 1 1254 — The same peeson, in an oval border (52), life-size first slate, before the introduction of the Order of the Saint-Esprit, rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 ^o 1 1248 — Louis Boucherat, Chancelier de Feance (46) 1 I ' 1249 — Pieeee Bouchee, Abbe de la Feete, puis de Claievaux (47) i first state, with the word Firmitatis in the inscription, which was afterwards altered to Clarsevallis, loith large , margin, rare 1 1250 — Frederic-Maurice de la Tour d'Auteegne, Dug de Bouillon (48) second state, 1619, before the inscription on the console, giving the names and titles of the personage, with large margin, extremely rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 ! 1251 — The same person, in an oval border, with arms beneath (/?)„ (49) third state, with the single mark, in the middle of the loioer margin, very rare fifth state, with three marks, in place of one, with margin 2 (^(iA^, '^J rcdt (/lv/viui^f>u . .. ...f — %f/.«'«v 1255 — 141 — The same person at a more advanced age, (53), life-size first state, before the alteration of the dedication, " Offerebat Bartholomceus Ghappuis de la Fay," rare; from the Donnadieu Collection second state, the dedication altered, and with the address of Edelinch ; from the Donnadieu Collection 2 (/2)a*,a, / '(yj '1256 — Victor le Bouthillier, Aecheveque de Toues (54) with margin ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 '//>^»/'^y !l257 The same person, in an oval border (55) first state, with the date of 1659, rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 (&1, m, 1258 — The same person, Victor le Bovthillier Tvronensium Archiepiscopus, dated 1662 (56) inscribed JP. Mariette, 1662, with margin //- / / // /^ li 1259 — Marie de Bragelogne, Veuve de Claude Le ; / Bouthillier, Sueintendant des Finances (57) i fourth state, with ■ on the bottom of the plate, withfi/ne margin 1 ' J///i<^ 1260 Jacques, Marquis de Castelnau, Marechal de i / V/A France (58) with full margin ; from the Collection of H. Dreux 1 c7t/y/lfr(tjry ,1261 C{^. J1262 — Grui Chamillaed, Maitre des Eequetes de l'Hotel (59) I second state, but before the addition of tassels to the band j round the nech of the personage, very 7'are 1 \ The same ' third state, with two tassels added to the band round the ' ! neck, rare j fourth state, with two commas following the un,, with margin 2 J^ 6 (^^nua^, 'J 1263 — Jean Chapelain, Membre de l'Academie Fean^aise (60) 1 r^j /<5| first state, before trees or bushes on the mountains, in the medallion, very rare ~ 142 — E /S /I (o / ^ / r / 1264 — The same third state, loith the addition of some trees and bushes, and ivith two additional locks of hair, which partially hide the forehead, with large margin fourth state ; the line of dry point at the top of the plate is no longer visible Charles-Emmanuel II, Due de Satoie ((^61) with margin 3 1265 — Charles II, de Gonzaoue, Due de Mantoue (62) with margin, inscribed P. Marieite, 1672, rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 1266 — Cha-eles de Loeeaine, V^ du nom (63) inscribed P. Mariette, 1660, and F. Debois, 1841 1 1267 — The same complete with the additional plate at bottom, tohich has four French and two Latin verses on a curtain, which is powdered tvith the cross of Lorraine, rare N. Chaubaed, Cokseillee au Paelbmbnt de Toulouse, (64) with margin 2 1268 — Chaeles d'Albeet-d'Aillt, Due de Chaulnes (65) second state, with a line after the date 1676, with large margin 1 1269 — Lkon de Bouthilliee, Comte de Chavignt, Ministee d'Etat (66) 1 1270 — Christine Eeine de Suede (67) third state, with a note of interrogation at the end of the inscription 1 1271 — Fean^oise de Clemont-Tonnere, EviiQUE DE Natou (68) first statCf before the pastoral cross, and with only one point after the figure which follows the date 1655, with fine margin, extremely rare 1 ^ 'U4 ^^^^ large margin, rare third state, the inscription on the border has been replaced by a croivn of laurel ; from the Donnadieu Collection / /<^> , 6 /o / 9 144 — ^ ^ /A 1279 — The same peeson (73), in an oval medallion, suspended on an obelisk 2 *#* This portrait covers two sheets, of which part is occupied by a view of the Louvre. /6i • 1280 — The same person — Joannes Baptista CoLBEnT Eeoi A SANCTIOBIBirS CONSI-LIIS REOIORTJM ORDINUM QIJiESTOR EEONI ADMINISTER (74) life size second state, before the point between the tioo dry point lines preceding the name of JR. Nanteuil, very rare ; from the Archinto Collection 1 ^^^j-, '1281 — The same person — Joan. Bapt. Colbert, regi ab intim i first state, with the word ^' Messire" spelt "Missive," with margin, extremely rare 1 // 7 /^^. C^<*Um/H!^ 7 7 1304 — The same . fifth state, with / . . in the middle of the margin at top, ^VO Jean Fronteau, Cha.noine de Saint Genevieve (99) frsf state, before the page of letter-press on the reverse of the print, with margin, rare 2 c. 1305 — Guillaume Egon, Cardinal de Furstemberg (100) second state; in lieu of ego, egon is inserted, and loith the point after the word Morel of two bars =, ivith margin '■ 6y^^ — 148 — M / // //i 7 / / 7 1306 — Pierre Gassendi, Prevot de l'Eoltse de Digne en I Provence (101) Jirst state, before the crochet which follows the point after the date 1658, extremely rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection second state, with the crochet after the point irhich follows the date, and before the f was crossed, with margin, rare; from the Donnadieu Collection undescuibed state between DumesniVs second and third, having the comma, but before the stroke through the f, ■ ; perhaps unique third state 4 11307 — Melciiiou de Gillter, MAriRE d'Hotel du Eoi (102) with margin 1 a second impression of the same I with large margin I Madame de Gtlliee (103) j loith large margin 3 I I PL30S — Jean Baptiste Budes, Comte de Gueb riant, Mabechal 1 DE France (104) i I first state, ivith the words "'JVomtne a VOrdre du St. I Esprit,'' Sfc. rare second state, the words " JVommc a VOrdre du St. Esprit, '^ Si-c. replaced by " ct Qouverneur d^Auxonne,'' Sfc, with margin 2 1309 — Fi{AN> (pll(unC,^, I 1325 \ I ^rM^mutiu 1326 itlU cod, — 151 — The same person, in an oval border, Gvillelmus de Lamoignon Senatus Galliarum Prtnceps (120) Louis Pheltpeaux de la Vbilliere, Secretaire d'Etat (123) second state, with the date 1662 too rare third state, with the addition 1662 c^ , , from the Donnadieu Collection 3 Noel le Boulz, Conseilleb atj Parlement de Paris (124) from the Donnadieu Collection Jacques de Caigneux, President a mobtier au Par- lement de Paris (125) ivith margin, rare 2 1327 — Michel le Masle, Prieur des Roches, Chantre et Chanoine de l'Eglise de Paris (126) first state, with the date 1658, rare, two impressions 2 ,i> f/f V ^rA»^^u 1328 %urt^cit 1329 The same first and second states, the date altered to 1661, with large margin ; from the Donnadieu Collection 2 The same frst state, loith margin Antoine le Pautre, Architecte et Ingenieub (127) second state, before the address of the publisher, rare; from the Donnadieu Collection Michel le Tellier, Ministre d'Etat, puis Chance- LiER et Garde des Sceaux de Eeance (128) 3 (Wcin^i^f 1330 — The same person, in an oval border (129) first state, with the date of 1658, rare 1 . /n , /^ / 3 / ryi 1331 — The same person, in an octagon border (130) from the Franck and Vanden Zande Collections The same person in a crown of laurel (131) with margin \^ /3 1 L — 152 — Q A. 1 1332 — The same (131) The same pebson, in a crown of laurel (132) FIEST STATE, rNDESCKiBED, before the crochet lohich follows the date, extremely rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection second state, with the crochet after the date 1659«^>^ icith fine margin / ^A ^ o / ^r,u^„j ^ /^\ . il333 The SAME PEHSON, in an oval border, inscribed Tibt Maxima eeeum non eerant teeboetjm qui FIDES (133) from the Donnadieu Collection The same peeson, in an octagon border (134) first state, with the octagon border of oah leaves, rare second state, the border altered to an oval, and composed of laurel ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1334 — The same peesox in an oval border, inscribed Michael le TeLLIEE EEGI a SANCTIOEIBUS CONSILIIS seceetis et Mandatis (135) second state, with margin The same peeson, in an oval border (136) 2 ' 1335 — The same peeson (137) second state ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 , 1336 — Chaeles-Maueice le Tellieu, Aechev^que de Eetms j (138) *. \ from the Donnadieu Collection 1337 — The same peeson, in an octagon border (139) first state, before the crochet, and icifh onhj a single point after the date 1663, extremely rare third state, icith a crochet and two commas following the date (1663 toi ") very scarce fourth state, the fine border and inscription entirely cleared from the plate, and a fresh one inserted, with the date of I6()l, inscribed P. Mariette, 1664, with margin ; from the Donnadieu Collection 3 a £s- 0uu}ti4 <^/v «'<7 Sty« 7 (fhaui\.j — 153 — (. '^l^^Oinf.,. I 1338 ^^^«» 1339 ! ^ ! 1340 r^ftane/t 1341 iuxotir' 1342 /T)/', 'ruin/ (Id 1343 The same person, with the pastoral cross, in an oval BORDER (140) first state, before any loork in the margin, extremely rare ; from tlie Donnadieu Collection second state, ivith + in the centre of the margin at the top ; from the Boerner and Vanden Zande Collections third state, the inscription altered, and with the date of 1671, tvith margin The same person (141), life size first state, rare The same second state, with the laurel border and the inscription altered, rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection third state ; loith the pastoral cross taken out, and the Order of the Saint Esprit introduced in its place, loith large margin The same person (142), life size from the Donnadieu Collection Francois de la Mothe le Vayer, Conseiller d'Etat, (143) first state, loith the date of 1QQ\ preceded and followed by a single point, with large margin, extremely rare ; from the Collection of F. Debois, 1839 second state, loith the addition of inverted commns to the fill points, ,,1661." also two duplicate impressions of the second stale 4 j ( I The same j second state POMINIQUE DE LiGNY, EvEQUE DE MeAUX (144) The same person, Dominicus de Licmr Meldensium Episcopus (145) Q 9 (aa o /a I — 154 — / fi> /-^/j- . !l344 — HuouEs DE Ltoxne, Secrktaire d'Etat (14G) Jimt state, before the inscription teas effaced, and hefore the pillars in the coat of arms toere substituted for the towers, rare Jules Paul Lionne, Abbe de Marmoutteb et Prieur de Saint-Marttn-des-Champs (147) first state, before the date of 1673 (^ teas erased, with fine margin, rare % 'n/UHr/( J .^!//v/^y I 1350 (^6 02)^ (/}^o L^c, 1351 — — 155 — - LOUIS XIV. (153) UNDESCRiBED FIRST STATE, before the three accents after the crochet, with a point after the word " indulsit,'' and hefore the comma toas added after the loord " amans " in the Latin verses on the pedestal 1 * A print of the greatest beauty, and supposed to be unique. The same I first described state, before the border teas altered, and I hefore the Icing's mantle toas altered to armour, very j rare 1 ! f? /^. 1352 The same second state, toith the border altered and the armour i introduced 1 ! ^ i/6; I i i 1353 — Louis XIV. (155) ' I \ first state, before the alteration in the hair, there being / /o, three cv/rls on the left and four on the right, very rare 1 1 1354 — The same i ' I first state ic-Z^ second state, loith the hair altered, the three curls on the \ left being no longer seen, and on the right a small one i ! only, rare 2 END OE EIGHTH DAT S SALE. — 156 — NINTH DAY'S SALE. T7f/J . i/^o ^ ' 1 1355 (p f^. ^J l;i5G — 1357 Louis XIV. (156), life size first state, before the mark over the crochet following the date 1G64 «>»' exceedingly rare 1 The same second state, with the accent 1GG4 ««' very rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 Louis XIV. (157), life size first state, before any letters on the oval border or the upper margin, excessively rare; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 1358 — LoTJis XIV. (158), life size •^ second state, with the crochet after the date 1667 co? third state, loithouf the border, but icifh the inscription, LVDOVICVS. DECIMVS-QVAB-TVS. RKOVM. MAXIMVS., M.DC.LXX., &C. jcith large margin 3 1359 — Louis XIV. (160), life size third state, the cuirass of the king is ornamented irith flcur-dc-lis, rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection I 7 Q^^, (Ttlt^XttMru, ^'OmjCc *; (o f/^/^c IHufM 7 (fi:, (^l, (J^s #/»a/i "; 159 — "^"^HT/wrn/ ' 1369 — Jules Mazarin, Cabdtnal, Ministre d'Etat (174) 7 / 0% (^, C^f first state, hefore tlie additional work in the face, and hefore the plate was cut, extremely rare 1 1370 — The same person I I second state, hefore the inscription sic lecvm inocvis i SUNT, etc., rare and another, third state ; from the Donnadieu Collection 2 1 1371 — The same person, after Van-mol (175) j ■^ frst state, before the inscription on the lorder, very rare 1 f *^* The same person (176) This portrait does not exist. The description of it in i M. Dumesnil's catalogue refers to the first state of the next > print. /8 /6\ . C'^(CMye„ft i 1372 — The same person, with an escutcheon of arms, with the ' ( motto, " Datformas admitque''' (177) second state, with the Latin verse commencing " Terrarum Domitor," with fine margin, rare ; from the Storck Collection 1373 — The same person (178) m- m )Cuj 1374 — The same person (179) (^ with fine margin, rare ; from the Storck and Archinto I Collections 1 *^* The last impression sold in the Collection of M. Thiers, at Paris, in March last, for £8. 1375 — The same person, with a Vignette of Louis XIII. ill in bed (180) first state, hefore the inscription was altered to *' Totum per at hcec te Fama per orhem f extremely rare and another, third state, with the inscription erased 2 AvA — 160 / ^^1 1 1376 — The same person, in an oval border of olive foliage (181) second state, with A in the middle of the margin at bottom, ! very rare 1 ' / , .1 1377 — The same person UNDESCEIBED STATE, between M. Du/mesniVs second and third, with the bar in the centre of the upper marcjin of the plate, but before the two points which follow the bar in the next state, extremely rare ; from the Sergeant Collection And another ffth state, with the border of the portrait altered to laurel, and with medallions in the angles ; from the Donnadieu Collection 2 / / / /c, r J2l 1378 — The same person, in an oval border (182) icithfour Latin lines, commencing " Quam bene di/Jiciles regnorum flectat habenas," Sfc. with margin The same person (183) IVLIVS* MAZARINVS* CARDINALIS* DUX. &c. second state, loith the crochet', with fine margin 2 1379 — TuE SAME PEEsoN, in an octagonal border (184) first state, before the scratches on the boi'der and on the mantle, rare 1 1380 — The same person, seated in a gallery of antiquities (185) 2 1381 — The same person, in an oval border, in which is written IvLivs Mazarinvs Cardinalis Dux Minister Packs SORRONiE PeOVISOR (180) second s/atr, with margin, rare 1 1382 — The same /// the snmc state \ 1383 — The same person, in an oval border of laurel (1S7) first state, before the inscription was altered, and the tablet enlarged, very rare \ (i^tiufi /-^ (^c> <@. — 161 %/f/H ,«y 1384 ^0 ^. I 6^3'' GiLLEs Menage, Homme de lettees (188) Jirst state, lefore the plate was reduced, inscribed P. Mariette 1676, tvith margin, rare And another second state, the plate cut and the figure reduced to a bust, ivithfuU margin Louis de Vendome, Due de Merci^ub (189) 3 i 1385 — Jean de Mesgbigny, Premier President au Parlement DE Provence (190) yirst state, before the name and rank of Mesgrigny, rare Henri de Mesmes, President a moetieb au Paele- MENT DE Paris (191) first state, with the date of 1650, loMch teas afterwards altered to 1654, inscribed P. Mariette, 1673, very rare, two impressions ' 1386 — Jean Antoine de Mesmes, President a mobtiee au Parlement de Paris (192) first state, before the inscription in the oval, and with the date 1655, ivith fine margin, very rare ; from the Don- nadieu Collection second state, the date altered to 1661, a/nd with the inscrip- tion in the border, Ioan Antonivs de Mesmes in SVPREMO G-ALLIARVM SENATT PEASES INFVLATVS, loith margin, rare ; from the Donnadieu Collection third state, the date altered to 1662 ; from the Donnadieu Collection fourth state, toith the tablet altered; laurel and lilies being now introduced 1387 — Edouabd Mole, President a mortier au Parlement DE Paris (193) with margin ; from the Debois Collection The SAME with large margin ; from the Donnadieu Collection Matthieu Mole, Garde des sceaux (194) with margin Y / /S / ^ V(c. / 6 162 / // / /^ // /Cr 1388 — Francois Mole, Abbe de Sainte-Croix de Bobdeaux, ^ ^/^ MAtTRE DE8 EeQUETES (195) Jean de Montpezat de Carbon, Abciieteque de BouROEs, PUIS DE Sens (196) first state, with the date of Hi" Z, and before the alteration of the inscription, very rare 1389 — Henri de Lorraine, Marquis de Mout (197) ^ first state, before the inscription henry de Lorraine marquis de mow, &e., very rare ; from the Donna- dieu Collection Henri de Savoie, Duo de Nemoubs (198) first state, loith the date of 1651, with fine margin, exceedingly rare second state, the date altered to 1652, rare; from the Donnadieu Collection third state, loith the inscription in the oval border, UENET DE SAVOYE AECUEVESQUE ET DUG DE RHEIMS, yc ; from the Donnadieu Collection 1390 — TuE SAME PERSON, iu an oval border, and decorated with (^ the pastoral cross (199) first state, before the name and long list of titles, with margin, extremely rare second state, with the name Henet de Savote, with the list of titles 2 /^ 1391 — Anne-Marie d'Obleans Longuetille, Duchesse db Nemours (200) with fine margin, rare Franqois-Tiieodore de Nesmond, President a mortier AU Parlement de Paris (201) two itiipressions 3 1392 — Francois Nesmond, Ev^que de Bayeux (202) second state, before the date 1663 was altered to 1667 ; with fine margin ; from the Donnadieu Collection And another fourth state, with the date of 1667 < 1393 — Ferdinand de Neufville, Ev^que de Chartreb (203) second state, taitk the date 1657, with fine margin, rare third state, the date altered to 1658 2 1394 — The same person, in an oval border (204) UNDESCRIBED first state, before some additional work on the right side of the head and hair, with large margin, supposed to he unique; from the Donnadieu Collection 1 1395 — The same person (204) first state, before the crochet after the date 1664 second state, with the crochet after the date 1664. "^n rare third state, with the accent, 1664 t^' large margin, rare fourth state, the date altered, 16656<»'' fifih state, the date again altered, and another accent added, 1666cc»'' sixth state, the inscription altered, and the date 1668 seventh state, the date altered to 1669 ; from the Donna- dieu Collection eighth state, the date 1669 erased, and each angle orna- mented with a monogram; from the Donnadieu Collection ^ Q nr. / ninth state, with the monograms erased ; from the Donnadieu Collection 9 (^ I 139(j — Nicolas Potier de Notion, Premier President au Parlement de Paris, in an octagonal border (206) second state, dated 1657, and with the badge of the order of the Saint Esprit, rare and another, third state, with the date altered to 1658 2 1397 — The same person, in an oval border of laurel foliage (207) first state, before the crochet, extremely rare second state, with the crochet 3i i i 11410 _ jEAN-FEANgOIS-PAUL DE GONDI, CARDINAL DE EeTZ (217) j FIRST STATE, before the plate was cut *** A print of the greatest beauty and rarity. 6^6 — 170 /> /// /n\. // IMPRESSIONS OF WOEKS IN NIELLO. 1434 — POETKAIT OF A YoUNO LaDT IN PROFILE, TUENED TO THE RIGHT ; her liair is arranged in three circular divisions, and she wears a rich necklace with pendant, and a close dress, flowers and foliage halt" way up on each side ; near the left edge of the plate are two holes for fixing the same this exquisite specimen, probabli/ executed by F. Francia, is from the Collections of Mr. Wilson (No. 37), and Dr. Wellesley 1435 — Judith uoluixo the Head of Holofernes in her RfGHT HANI), and a drawn sword in her left; she is turned three-quarters to the right this exquisite specimen is in the grand style of Leonardo da Vinci, and in the finest state, undescribed by Duchesne ; from Mr. Wilson's {No. 25) and Dr. Welleslefs Collections A Man tn a ducal cap, standing; he is dressed in a close habit, with an ornament like a chevron in trout, and wears sandals ; he is turned towards the right, but looks to the left, and is in the act of drawing his sword ; on his right arm he carries a large shield ; on each side is a rock, and above two holes for fixing the plate undescribed by Duchesne ; from Mr. Wilsons {No. 33) and Dr. Welleslefs Collections *■ 1437 — A Woman walking to the right, and leading by the hand a little boy with bare legs, holding in his right hand a cornucopia ; in tho front of her gown, which she raises with her left hand, are ears of corn or flowers; the upper part is tilled with arabesque foliage, and two holes for uail-lieads this beautiful niello ?. for Pere- grini, Bartsch xiii. p. 54, No. 12— Duchesne 249 fine rich impression, with margin li 1. — 172 — /6 Z^", A1 /^] /J^ /n Q /a . 1441 — OiiPUErs, PLAYING ON THE GuTTAB, and seated in the middle of the composition against a leafless tree, among the branches of which many birds are assembled, while at his feet are crouched a variety of animals : at the bottom of the first is a margin of some breadth bearing the letters -0-^-D-C- in the centre, which signify Opera Peregrin i da Cesena. Bartsch xiii. p. 208, No. 6. Duchesne, No. 255 fine rich impression in blur ink ; from the Sylces and I Wellesley Collections il412 — PoETEAiT OF A YouNo Lady, down to the waist, three- quarters, turned to the right ; her hair parted on her forehead, a pearl necklace and pendant, the pattern of her sleeve lozenged, with the elbow slashed; the back-ground is filled by a sprig on each side, and mas- sive festoons of fruit and leaves above; in the upper margin is the letter v. for Pellegrini fine and undcscrihed 1443 — An Allegorical Femalk Figure, seated on a dragon. and holding a cornucopia with her right arm, and a circular mirror in her left hand ; in the back-ground are four trees, and the top is indented ; in the margin below is the mark p. Bartsch, xiii. p. 207, No. 3, describes this subject as Providence, Duchesne, 208, as St. Margaret, and Mr. "Wilson as Pride from Mr. Wilson's and I>r. Wellesley s Collections 1444 — The Resurrection of Christ. A composition of a ])yramidal form, in the middle of which is represented the open tomb with the Kedeemer rising, with his banner in one hand, and giving the benediction with the other ; two sleeping soldiers crouch in the angles, one on each side /('//// mart/ in, undescrihcd (^^f- 7 7 14GI — Man and Woman walking (24) first atate, pure etching, before the marginal line, very rare 14G2 — The Sinoaker and the Drinker (24 a) first state, pure etching, before the marginal line was strengthened, undescribed by Bartsch, excessively rare 1463 — Woman knitting (25) second state, hefare extra work, rare 1464 — The Fishers on the Beidge (26) first state, with the fine marginal line, before extra work on the bridge to the left, very rare 1465 — The same first state, before the strengthening of the marginal line, with large margin, rare 1466 — Thbee Grotesque Piguees (28) first state, pure etchhig, before the marginal line, exces- sively rare ; and an impression in the third state ; from the Galichon Collection 1467 — The Spectacle Seller (29) first state, pure etching, with fine marginal line, presque unique 1468 — The same second state, with the dry point work, before the marginal line was strengthened, excessively rare ; and an impres- sion in the third state 1469 — Woman spinning (31) first state, with slight marginal line, and before the diagonal lines in the shadow inside the pigsty, excessively rare ; from the Esdaile Collection 1470 — The same second and third states 1471 — The Painter in his Study (82) first state, before the strengthening of the border, before the verses, and before the painter's cap was reduced in height, excessively rare ; from the Thimesnil and Moranf Collections I . /(r ■< j (^ i I Am 3\/. o S^M <^ \/, 6. / — 17G — /^ / /^ , /3 / jU 7 / (p // /n (n // /:2 1472 — The same second state, with the marginal line strengthened, and with the verses added, hut before the cap tvas reduced in height, and before the " et excud.^' was added 1473 — The Male Nurse (33) third state " L'Epouillease " (35) verg rare, with margin 1474 — The Knife Grinder (36) fii-st state, with fine marginal line, before much extra work, very rare ; and an impression in the third state 1475 — Man axu Woman conversing (37) first state, pure etching, with slight marginal line, before the outline of the coat was finished, loith large margin ; from the Chambers Hall Collection 1476 — The Wandering JMusicians (38) first state, pure etching, before extra work in the right hand top corner, Sfc. very rare 1477 — The Backgammon Players (39) first state, before the hack ground was darkened, with large margin, rare 1478 — The Pig Killer (41) first state, pure etching, before the sky was completed, before the marginal line, and before much extra work, excessively rare The Peasant paying his reckoning (42) fourth state 1479 — The Cuahlatan (43) Jirst state, pure etching, before the group of children on the left, before any marginal line, and before much extra work ; excrnsively rare 1480 — The same //; llie same rare stale ' (^la^uCu^ 0), C^r (^» (Ou[riion^t.\ — 177 — .'iTtf^jHtet- 1481 — The same second state, with tJiegrou/p of children introduced, before the strengthening of the shadow on the hack of the hoy; and impressions in the fourth and fifth states 3 1—1— /O ? ^r 1482 — Qia 11484 (S)P il4S5 — Q)» \ 1486. ^/t(md?j. The Hump- Back' d Violin Player (44) first state, hefore the shadows were strengthened on the settle and on the gable of the roof very rare ; from the Galichon Collection 1 The same undescrihed state, between the first and second, with the shadow on the roof, but before much extra dry point ivork, particularly on the shaded part of the hat of the player ; very rare 1 The same second and third states 2 The Old Violin Player and the Hurdy Gurdj Player (45) second state, hefore the strengthening of the shadows and rebiting of the foreground ; very rare 1 The same third state, with the foreground rebitten, but before the lines on the church tower ; and' an impression in the fourth state 2 'S , \^ M 1487 — The Family (46) FIEST STATE, purc etching, before the lines on the stairs, before any marginal line, and before much extra work ; an impression OF ttncommon bktllianct and of THE HIGHEST EAEITT /Ci "T- H ^. ''r/jr.y|1488 I The same third state C/tofCitu^eii 1490 The ViUage Festival (47) first state, before the cross lines under the gable end of the i house ; very rare Ij I The same I third state, hefore the retouch ^ /C . ■• //. /f 178 ^1 / / 6 // /o 1491 11492 1493 1494 , :1495 1496 6 6 The Fete under the Large Tree (48) second state ; very rare The Dance in the Cabaret (49) fourth state Interior, vdth Peasants Regaling (50) Jifth state ; rare A. P. The Flagellation of excessive rarity PAEMIGIANINO (Feancesco). Judith putting the Head of Holofemes into a sack (1) from the Ford Collection 1 The Annunciatiok (2) first state, before the delicate work at the top of the dove's icings was worn out ; from the De Fries and Ford Collec- tions 1 I % (ycfti^^ 0. r®n c ifyfT'iMu 7 . j 1497 — The Resurrection (6) very rare 1498 — The Young Shepherd (12) frst state ; from the Ford Collection A Study for the Arm of his Picture of Diogenes undescrihed, and almost icnique ; from Bichard Ford's Collection, icho states, in a note behind the etching, tJuit he •' never saiv another impression " PASS (Ceispin^e) 1499 — Illdstuis. Caholus Princeps Wallije, Dux Cornw. Eborac, &c. first state, before the address, in matchless condition, with hroad margin ; most rare 1500 — Queen Elizabeth, " Elisabet D. G. Ang. Fran. Hib. et \'erg. Rt'gina fidei Chri8tiaua> propugnatrix Act'rrinia," with eight lines in two columns in heuutiful condition, with full margin I ra, (df, Ci^/ L^//«/^/ n 179 jff^Mi.. 7 'f^nuiCi ^7 (^o y^om. tHJ ^o 62U.^/..; cf^^o rttv 1501 — Pebct, the Gunpowdee Conspirator — "Thomas Persi nobilis Anglus Magui Britauniae Regis Stipendiariua Anno 1605 " a beautiful print, and most rare 1 1502 — Philip III. of Spain, when young—" Phil. II, Catholi. Hisp. Eegis filius, An. D. 1595" an early impression, with fine margin, in matchless condition 1 PASS (Cr ispin de) , Junior. 1503 — Frederick, Elector Palatine, in an oval, with martial Trophies — " Eheni Vtrivsqz Bavariae Dux. Sax. Eoman Imperii Archidapieer, etc.'" rare 1 PA SS (Maod a lena ) . 1504 — Latona changing the Lyciau Peasants into Frogs, after Elsheimer very rare PASS (Simon). 1505 — George Abbott, Archbishop of Canterbury, with a View of Lambeth Palace, and six Latin lines, com- mencing " Quam bene (clare Pater) designant nomina vita " very rare 1506 — The Eight Honourable Lord George, Marquis Buckingham, Viscount Villiers, Baron of Whaddon, &c. crowned by Love an illustrated oval, most rare ; from the Sykes and Martin Collections 1507 — Effigies eximij viri Dili Didace Salmienti de Acuna, Comitis de Gondomaee, Equitis nobili ordinis Calatravae proof before Jenner's address, extremely rare ^ 3 / /n /8\ // / 6-T 4 /d 9 — 180 — / / , ' 1508 — " The most iLLusTEiors Princesbe Mart of Austria, j Daughter to the most Puissant Prince Philip the ! Thii'd, King of Spaine and India, &c. very rare i are to he sould in Pope's Ally hy Jo. Sud. Sf O. Sumhle 1 / /<^ . : 1509 — Sereniss. Maria Philippi IIII. Hispaniahum, Indiar. [ Etc. Eegis Soroh, the Affianced Bride of King j Charles I, with four lines in Latin i curious proof, entirely finished, tvith the exception of the border, tvhich is completed in pencil, perhaps unique; \ and an early impression from the finished plate ; from the Musyrave and Martin Collections 2 ,^. /^^ J 1510 — The Eight Honourable and Most Noble Henry I Wkiotheslt, Eaule of Southampto", Baron of I Litchfield, Knight of the most nob. Ord. of y' Garter ; very rare 1 .^//^. /3 .^ / // PASS (William). 1511 — " The right high and right mighty Prince George Villiers, Duke, Mauquis, and Eaijle or Buckikgham." Eichly dressed, and on horseback ; a view of the sea in the distance, with ships. " Graven and dedicated by Wil. Passa-us in the Yeare o' our Lord God 1G25 " early impression in the most perfect condition, tvith larye margin ; extremely rare 1 *^* This plate was afterwards altered into a portrait of James, Marquis of Hamilton. 1512 — D' Didacus Sarraiento de Ac^^m comes de Gondomau, ^tatis f^ua; 54 in beautiful condition, ivith fine margin 1 1513 — Henry liiiii. Earl of Holland, when Sir Henry Kich, an (»val, witli militiu'y trophies arc to be sould by Thomas Jcnner in Cornhill 1 (S)nHfjr » 7 <^ (^/>^^^ ^y 181 1514 — Philip III. of Spain, when young. Half length, richly dressed, with one hand resting on a table, where hia jewelled hat is placed a curious proof before tlie border , lohich is partially dravm in, and before the inscriptio7i on the tablet; probably unique ^ /O 1515 PA:SSAEQTTQ (Bar tolomeo) . Portrait of Pope Pius V, allegorically treated. A double- headed figure, to the right, supports a terrestrial sphere, on which is inscribed — EN VIGTLIS GEEMIO PEUDENTIA POSVIT OBBEM JUSTITIA ET CHARITES VT MODERENTVE EVM. On the other side, the Pontiff is enthroned, giving his benediction ; the name is plainly inscribed to the left at bottom, £Pasarotto. I. this large and important work is presumed to be unique, as no accou/nt of it is to be found in any book PAYNE (John ). " The first Englishman who distinguished himself by the use of the graver." — Walpole. 1516 — William Alabaster, Prebendary of St. Paul's, after Cornelius Jaussen. A head, in an oval, with an orna- mented plinth beneath in perfect condition, and a very rare and beautiful print 1517 — Henry Vere, Earl of Oxford. Small three-quarter length, holding his wand, as Lord Chamberlain ; in a border, representing Pike-men and Arquebusiers ; en- graved by William Pass, and used for several other prints /5 /3 / very rare ^■■J- 61oL^, 8. END Of THE NINTH BAY S SALE. — 182 — TENTH DAY'S SALE. PENCZ (George ). LOT / \/2. /^ r (^ i r / ' % /6- /?. , /(■'> • 1 ' 1518 — Abraham Entertaining the Angels (2) ; Abraham Preparing to sacrifice Isaac (5) 2 1519 — Tke History of Joseph (9 — 12) 4 1520 — The Judgment of Solomon (23) ; The Woman taken in Adultery (55) ; Christ Blessing Little Children (5U) 3 1521 — The Seven Works of Mercy (58 — 64) Jirsf states, before the retouch, rare 7 1522 — The Good Samaritan (68) ; The Conversion of St. Paul (69) ; Paris and ai:uone (72) ; Procris killed by Cephalus (73) ; and Another of the Same, pure first state, undescribed 5 1523 — Mucins Scevola putting liis Hand into the Brasier (74) ; Marcus Curtius (75) ; The Death of Eegulus (77) 3 152 1 — Tarquin and Lucretia (78) ; Death of Lucretia (79) ; Horace Codes defcndiug the Bridge (SO) ; Porsenua hearing of the Death of Clelia (81) 4 1525 — Artemisia about to drink the Ashes ol her Husband (83) 1 fU^/i{tU 6 ^^. i (Oi6 (ClUtu-f y ZT/oiCcii'. (^i. (^* — 185 — cm'^i>,a.. 7 1545 (%iou.U 1546 S. Carlo Boromeo administering the Sacrament to those stricken with the Plague at Naples first state, in which the wafer is being given with the left hand, rare \ The Marriage of St. Catherine, after S. Bourdon proof before letters ; from the Debois Collection 1 / / 7 (fi)m^&, ctiQyuAuMt^ JfoCa mjutuj (flJ/1imu/^<^ /liXUiloL^ 1547 — Louis XIV. when young, after Mignard, within a square frame of laurels, the corners being filled with emblems 1 154S — Louis XIV, after Mignard 1 POILLY (Nicola s) . 1549 — Louis XIV, in a frame of laurel, with emblems in medal- lions, after N. Mignard undescribed proof before the border was finished, before any letters, and with the trumpet, Sfc. left white 1 1550 — The same proof, with margin Nicolas Edouard Olier, after C. le Fevre 2 7 /8 ^ 7 ^0 PQLLAJUOLQ (Antonio del) 1551 — The Gladiators. Ten naked figures armed with various offensive weapons and fighting in a wood (2) probably engraved between the years 1460 and 1470, of extreme rarity PONTIUS (Paul) . 1552 — Presentation or the Infant Saviour in the Temple, after Eubens undescribed state, before the nimbus round the head of the Virgin, and before the rays of light entering at the tvin- dow of the Temple, very rare 1553 — The Assumption or the Virgin, after Kubens B B .^/ // /O / // — 18G U2 /o\ /r .^ /n (A, / / ^) /^ 1554 — The Bearing of the Cboss, after Eubens rare 1 1555 — St. Rocn, with several afflicted persons claiming his inter- cession, after RuBEXs I ♦#* " Le tableau original est un chefs-d'oeuvre de Rubens et I'estampe est celui de Pontius." — Basan. 1556 — TuoMiKis commanding the head of Cyrus to be plunged into a bason of blood, after Rubens this impression is esteemed thejinest in existence I *^* The original picture is in the Darnley Collection, Cobham. 1557 — CiiuiSTiXA Queen of Sweden, after Anselm van Hulle proof before the quarterings on the shield of arms and the artists' names, tvith the cum privilegio, undescribed Also the finished Portrait 2 1558 — Cheistoval Marquis of Castel Rodrioo, after Rubens proof before letters, very scarce 1 *#* A chef-d'oeuvre of engraving. 1559 — Gaspakd de Gusman, Comte d'Olivares, after Rubens 1 1560 — Heneicus Meuesius, after P. Codden, an oval, in a richly- ornamented gothic frame proof before the border, and before the writing on the book, Sfc. and an impression with the border 2 1561 — Philip IV, King of Spain, after Rubens first state, before the moustache was enlarged 1 IJ3()2 — Jacobus Roelans, after AVillebouts proof before any letters, very rare 1 156;i — CouNTKss OF Warwick, aftt^ Van Dvck, u small oval proof before any letters, very rare 1 Ji^tn i/i)(. 7 .//cinJ:, nCl ^(tCCinj^r,, 7 (^anOy \jll^t-92 — A Man holding a Female by the uands (471), after Rattaelle first stale, before the hand was shaded, very rare I /7 (^tiift^iiuct -i/runr/, 7 p{hi t tf rc(7 ^t in lie/, 7 y/i^fr. tHO\, 1 Jirnuti*^* / — 191 — (-TA/^Aj 7 #/> 1593 1594 '/oHthujq 1 1595 1 ERASMUS ; a reversed copy of the woodcut by Holbein, representing Erasmus standing beneath an arch, which is richly ornamented. The engraver's monogram is introduced under a mask at bottom undescribed, and prohahly unique ; full of bur ; from the Rattier Collection Also the OEiaiNAL woodcut very Jine and rare, in the first state 2 BAIMONDI (S chool of Marc- A ntonio ). LoDOVico Ariosto and G-iacobo Sannazauo first state, before the plate loas divided, probably unique and a duplicate impression of the first mentioned, also before the plate was cut 2 An Allegorical subject, representing a female seated by a tree about to receive a vrounded hare from the talons of an eagle undescribed, very rare 1 KEMBEANDT VAN EHTN. V^ ^ /6~~ (The numbers refer to L'CEuvre complet de Rembrandt par M. Charles Blanc .)' 1596 — The Saceifice of Abraham (6) early impression, with bur / 1597 — The Triumph of Moedecai (12) / first state, full of bur, rare ; from the Mbrant Collection l\ ^2-\ /^ 1598 — Christ Preaching, called the little " La Tombe " (39) j Aj/^j j second state, before the sleeve of the man in the turban toas ! made white, covered tvith bur, very rare 1 *^* The only impression known of the tirst state described by Blanc is in the Bibliotheque at Paris, and its authenticity is doubted i- — 192 ^ A '^ //) //I 6 1599 — TnE Tribute to Cesar (42) first state, hefore the additional work on the sitting figure to the right ; from the Bechford and Harford Collections second state of the same, vnth the additional work on the sitting figure to the right, with margin ; from the Esdaile Collection 2 1600 — Jesus Christ driving the Money-Changers out of the Temple (44) first state, hefore the shadows tvere strengthened on the face of the man dragged hy the ox, ^c., with fine margin, rare ; from the Oawet, Mole, and Morant Collections 1 1601 — CuRiST HEALING THE SicK, called " The Hundred GuiLDEE Piece" (49) curious and beautiful impression of the Capt. Baillie re-touch, printed on satin, very rare 1 1602 — ECCE HOMO (52) extremely rare state, hefore the cross lines on the face of the Jew above the man that holds the reed 1 *#* This impression is one of the finest in existence. It is from the following collections : De Boissieux Michel de Marseille, Debois, Delessert, and Dreux. It realised at the Debois sale in 1843 £45. lOs. ; when it was again sold in 1859, it was purchased by Mr. Dreux for £.58. 15s. 1G03 — The Ceucifixion (55) first state, hefore the mezzotint background 1 1604 — Descent prom the Cross. A Night-piece (58) rich with bur, and with margin, rare 1 1605 — The Funeral of Jesus (60) with much bur, very rare 1606 — The Entombment (61) second state, with the dark ground over the whole surface of the plate, rare; from the Esdaile and Jlibbcrt Collections 1 //rrtHl/l/^^ 7 ^ //^Xrrff, ^ X%r. 7 (^ lrniitf/ij C/i{K\l'll'A,, (/^ 1G07 -f/ineS:iu(vC 160S 1609 ' met IH fly IGIO (^0 1011 (/Min^:> 1612 (fj^nuoiuAM 1613 ^ati^iu — 193 — — St. Francis Phatino (78) second state, rich in bur, loith margin, very rare \ *** The first state is unique, aud is in the Britisli Museum. — Medea ; or the Marriage of Jason and Creusa (82) first state, before the crown on the head of Juno, full of bur, very rare \ — Doctor Faustus (81<) first state, before the rays from the magic characters were curtailed, and before the cross hatchings on the globe, extremely rare ; from the Oawet and Grawhall Collec- tions 1 — The Tratelling Musicians (90) first atate, rare, with margin I — John Asselyn (171) second state, before the background was cleaned, on china paper, rare 1 i ! — Clement de Jonge (180) I first state, before the upper bar of the chair teas reduced ^ in breadth, and the shadows of the remaining portions deepened with dry point, extremely rare 1 j — Clement de Jonge (180) ' second state, with the upper bar of the chair reduced, Sfc, but before the arched top to the plate, very rare; from the Deighton Collection 1 1614 — Jan Antonides Vander Linden (181) first state, toith the foliage to the left merely in outline, very rare ; from the Hibbert and Esdaile Collections 1 1615 — The same second state, before the balusters were distinctly defined by strong outlines ; from the Collection of Lord Aylesford 1 c c ff/(^ /Jl F /o A r 6 (p U\ C^/o / 7 / 6/ -^(Afn // /r /n h^ /o 194 Ifilfi — John Lutma (182) third state, tvith the window and bottle added, but before the plate was reduced in size, on china paper, with fine margin 1 1617 — Janus Silvtus (186) second state, with the shadoivs deepened l 1618 — UYTENBOGAERT, CALLED "THE GOLD- WEIGHER" (189) FIEST STATE, WITH THE FACE ONLY IN OUTLINE, of the highest rarifi/, tvith broad margin, and in pei'Jerf condition ; from the De Fries Collection 1 1619 — THE SAME, a matchless impression of the fnished plate, in perfect condition, on india paper, tvith broad margin, rare I 1620 — The same proof, with margin, before the initials w. B. of the Baillie copy 1 1621 — Wtenbeqardus, or Uttenbooaebt, a Dutch ]^lilu^ter, (190) third state, before the angles of the plate were cut 1 1622 — Rembbandt, with moustaches (206) rare, from the Oarford Collection ^1 1623 — Eembrandt, in an oval (232) third state, with the anyle.s effaced, and the plate made into an oval 1 162i — Kembeandt in a Cap and Feather (233) rare ; from the Durrant Collection 1 1625 — View of Omval, neae Amsteubam (312) very early impression, with the background still dirty, very rare 1 ^'^rrr. 7 /.Or (rrrff^n lut 'S.]ni't;P,^ /Ntitxrl^i (^f (^ ( ^/.<%//.- 7 &rui 1 1 t/t. \'^- ittfii 7 (/rl lined J U CiitucQ — 195 — 162G — A View op Amsterdam (313) with margin, rare 1627 — THE THEEE TREES (315) perfect condition, verif rare *:j^* One of the rieliest impressions in existt'iicc of this master- piece. 1628 — A Peasant cabrying Milk-pails (316) full of hur, and \on cldna paper, very rare ; from the Barnard and Esdaile Collections 1 7 1629 — Ak Arched Landscape with a Flock of Sheep (325) third state, toith the distance introduced behind the man and the two children to the left, very rich in hur, and rare 1 1630 — A Village with a Canal, and a Vessel under Sail (329) a very early impression with dirty background, and with margin 1 1(331 — A Cottage with White Pales (332) second state, with margin, rare; from the Collections of Sir Jacob Astley and John Barnard 1 1632 — Rembrandt's Mill (333) a very early impression, brilliant, with bur, and the back- ground very dirty, with margin, rare 1 1633 — A Landscape with a Canal and large Boat (336) very rich ivith hur, rare 1 1634 — A Landscape with Cow drinking (337) brilliant, with hur, and with broad margin, very rare 1 REVERDINO (Gasparo). i635 — Jupiter aud Leda (22) rare ^ ir^^' /6 ^ /n /n . 9 /nyo I I — 196 / Vr^ / 0\ y 1636 — Eight Children Dancing to the Bagpipes (38) from the Buckingham Collection 1 1637 — A Female suekounded by the Appliances of an Aechitect, eompasses in band, striking a geometrical figure on the ground undescribed, but signed at the left hand corner at bottom ; from the Esdaile Collection 1 RIBERA (Giuseppe) petto LO SPAGNOLETTO. 1038 — St. Jerome and the Angel Sounding the Trumpet (4) very early impression 1 1639 — The same subject differently treated (5) also a very early impression 1 1610 — The Flaying oe 8t. Bartholomew a very early impression, full of bur, and loith margin ; from the Collection of H. Dreux 1 %* " Cette piece est la plus belle de Tceuvre de notre artiste, et bonnes I'preuves en sent tres rares." — Bartsch. 1641 — St. Peter praying (7) very rich in bur, and with broad margin, rare 1 1612 — Dante in Meditation ; or, " Le PoI-te" (10) one of the earliest impressions taken from the plate, rich with bur and strong marks of the aquafortis 1 ROBETTA. 1613 — Tin: Adoration of the Magi (6) rare 1 16-14 — Ceres and the infant Satyrs. She is carrying one infant and the other is close behind lier ; the distance is a landscape (16) from the Sykcs, Wilson, and WellvsUy Collections. I *^* Bartsih had not seen this plate, but dcstribcs it from aulhoritv. ^fr52 — The Goat (35) ; froutispiece with artist's name proof before the number^ fine margin rare The Katn and the Shorn Sheep (36) proof before the number, rare The Goats (37) proof before the number, rare 3 1653 TllK SUKPUEUD AND HIS FlOOK SLEEPING (38) perfect condition , with fine margin, extremely rare 1 ROS A^^Salvatoe) . . 1654 — (Edipus (8). The Fall of the Giants (21) 2 I I ' 1655 — Polycrates attached to a Cross by order of Orestes (10) ivith margin 1 1656 — Jason charming the Dragon (18) an early impression, with broad margin An Allegorical snbject, called the Genius of Salvalor (lii) Jine early state, with broad margin 2 BOT A (Mabtin). 1657 — TuE Death of Peter the Mautyk, after Titian (20) frst stale, ivilh the address of Giieriiionius, rare 1 1658 — TuE L,vsT JuDUMENT. The design attributed to Titian (29) very rare 1 1659 — Alpkonso II, Duke of Feuuaua (66) very rare 1 1660 — liuDOLPU II, Empekok (91) first state, with date of 1575 ; from the Marirttv and Hermann Collections 1 (/ ntfinfc ffr/frn , //frtUuiC — 199 f-K^A.^-y 1(501 0. 10G2 — 16(53 V/.,/;.y ii604 — '0 (/ rrJtUUfi'^ Q/lrtCAWfU RiTDOLPii II, Emperor, in armour (07) first state, ivith the date of 1574 1 The Battle of Lepaiito (114) a very curious composition, extremely rare 1 EOULET (John Louis) . The Theee Maries weeping over the dead Body of Christ, after Careacci l^roof before letters, extremely rare; from the Clarke Collection 1 Franqois Michel, Marechal Ferrant rare proof hefore the inscription 1 7 fJjjlUCiuCli^ EUBENS (Peter Paul). 16G5 — St. Catherine standing on the Wheel " P. Paul Rubens fecit.''' 1 BUISDAEL (Jakob) . 16G6 — LANDSCAPE, called " LES YOYAGEUES " (4) FIRST STATE, BEFORE THE CLOUDS WERE ADDED, AND BEFORE SOME ADDITIONAL "WORK ON THE TREES, AND IN OTHER PARTS OF THE COMPOSITION presque unique 1 *^* Bartsch gives a long description of this state in a foot-note, taken from the impression in the Collection of Le Comte de Fries. RUPERT (Prince) . 1667 — The Portrait of a Young Man, resting his head on his right hand, said to be a likeness of the Prince himself very rare 1 16GS — The Standard Bearer ; a half-length figure of a young man in a cuirass and slashed sleeves ; his head is turned to the right, and his long hair falls on his shoulders very rare 1 /. ^ /h c^ ^ ^/^o. y 9 — 200 6'^ // 7 / // / 1 <^^' THE MASTER OF 14(JG. IGGO — THE VIRGIN KNEELING IN PRAYER BEFORE AN ALTAR {B. vi, page AQ), marked E UU7 S. a print of (jreat heauty and excessive rarity, and in perfect state 1 SADELER (^Egibiu s). 1070 — The Massacee of the Iknocents, after Tintoeetto undescrihed proof , before any letters, extremely rare 1 1G71 — The Scoueging of Cheist rare ; from the Collection of Mr. Fountaine Walker I 1G72 — IIeau of an Old Man in a cap, after Albert Durer inner ibed with Mariette's name 1 lG7^i — CUAELES DE LoNGUEVILLE an illustrated oval, with a battle in the distance to the left, first state, before the address of AL. Sadeler, rare 1 1G74 — The Empeeou Matthias proof before any work outside the oval, very rare 1 1075 — The Empeuor Matthias and his Consout Anna, half, leugths, iu their imperial robes (02 — 04) 2 *^* Two portraits of great brilliancy, and iu perfect condition. 1070 — Maui'in di: Vo.s, after Joseph lleiuz Inscribed with Mariette's name 1 (Jw 1 1G82 — Tub Pakaule of the five Wise and the five Foolish Virgins, (2-0) I first stales, before the address of Roh. de Bandcsus, and also before extra work on the frst plate 5 -''> , 1683 — A Philosopher addressing some young people on the folly of , dancing (S) 1 /S ^ /a / 6 / /o> /o LLl 1684 — Minerva, Venus, and Juno, with tlieir attributes, after Henry Goltzius (56—58) frst states, brfore " J. O. Visscher excudit " on the first of the set, rare 3 1685 — Peeseus rescuing Andromeda from the Sea Monster, after Henry Goltzius (80) The Seasons, after Henry Goltzius (87 — 90) frst states, before " J. 0. Visscher exc." on the first of the set, and before the numbers SAFTLEVEN (H erman ) . 1686 — The Vessel anchored near some rocks (12) tvith fine margin 1687 — Landscape, with a river in the distance (18) very early impression, rare 1688 — The two Boats (20) an early impression, with maryin, rare 1689 — The Seasons (22—25) early impressions, with broad margins, rai'e 1690 — The Swineheud (:iO) very carli/ iinpression ; from the Arosarena Collection 1691 — Tjie Woman Mti-KiNO a Cow (31) very rarr (pat Off l( (prtlna ff < C/7<'<(i^/>» l/»y c^2)^ 203 — cflcf&fiifii. 7 C{fh (]Pr C^, / SANTIS ( Horace de). 1092 — St. Geouue fighting the Dragon (18) an early impression, with marfjin, rare sart (coknelius du) . 1693 — The two Singers (:}) first state, before the plate ioas reduced to an oval, with margin The same (3) second slate, the plate reduced to an oval The Drunken Couple (7) an early impression, rich in bur 1694! — The Jovial Cobbler (14) j ^ proof in the first state, before any inscription, and before the border line, ^c. very rare 1 1695 — Interior with people carousing, listening to a man I A playing on the violin, " Le violou assis " (15) ' first state, before the roulette work, of extreme rarity 1 *** " On trouve quelques fois des premieres epreuves de ce moreeau, tirees de la planche, avant que du Sart I'eut repassee avee le berceau, mais elles sont extremement rares. ' ' — Bartsch . /C) 1696 — The same (15) second state, loith the roulette work very strong, rare I / /6 ^f^ci-v^i 1 1697 — The Village Festival (16) an early impression, with margin; from Mr. Clarke's ' Collection 1 I c/mPiru.^ca/\lQm — A Man ABOUT TO light a kocket (33), in mezzotint proof before any letters, rare; from the Terstolk Collection A Seaman dancing (37), in mezzotiuto proof before any letters, from the Verstolk Collection The Harlequtn, (39), in mezzotiuto proof before any letters 3 / /6' P-VO — 2U4 — // /C ^ s s /^/ 9 '9 / Cf^cttiCnj 1749 /I -(^rimtdu 1750 1748 — The same proof before any letters The Magdalen, after Corregqio proof before any letters Cleopatra, whole-length, after Guido proof before any letters, very rare 1751 CHARLES I. IN HIS ROBES, after VAN DTCK PROOF before any LETTERS, WITH THE MARKS OF THE GRAVER IN THE MARGIN, OF THE GREATEST RARITY E E 6^ 6' 6" /& I L 6~^-. /6~ /O /fe/i (/^f^ii^f, C fitflt*H'f>x 7 — 211 — C7^<:r^. f-tij (^aiL& j^ C&'^ 7 /«-» tAyj 1757 — The Emperor Ferdinand III. (26) first state, before the number' The Emperor Frederick III. (27) second state, with the member and date 1644 The Emperor Frederick III. (27) third state, with the date erased, undescribed Fr. Henricus Nassavius, Prince of Orange, after G. Honthorst (28) second state Gillis de G-larges, after Mierevelt (29) first state, tvith the address of Segermann S 1758 — Georgius Christophorus Liber Baro ab Haslang (31) before Bombout vanden Holye's address, undescribed The same (31) with Bombout vanden Holye's address Adrian Heerebord, after P. Dubordieu (32) inscribed P. Mariette, 1694 3 1759 — The same, 1647 (32) loith margin Adrianus Heereboord, the small plate, 1659 (33) Eudolphus Heggerus, after J. D. Vos (34) first state Daniel Heinsius, after J. Merck (35) second state, with the address of Banheinningh, rare Franceacus Heeremans (37) 5 1760 — Abrahamus Heydanus, after J. van Schooten (38) first state, with ten buttons instead of eight, rare Johannes Hoornbeeck (40) undescribed state, before the words ltgdvno-batava were taTcen out and ulteatectina substituted, with the first address, Pieter de Goos 2 /^ , /^ /^ /^_ 212 //) /> 7 /'// 1761 — Johannes Hoombeeck (40) Jirst address, Pieter de Goos, rare Johannes Hoombeeck (10) third state, unth the address of De Jonghe John Count Nassau, after Vau Dyck (42) first state, before the number Johanna Philippi, his Consort, after Soutman (43) Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, his Consort, after Eubens (44) first state, before the number 5 1762 — Hendrick de Keyser, after S. de Keyser (46) inscribed P. Mariette, 1679 Albertus Kyperus, after D. Bailly (19) first state Jacobus Maestertius, after N". van Negre (51) The Empress Maria, his Consort, after Lucas van Leyden (52) before the number was erased The Emperor Maximilian, after Lucas van Leyden (53) Franciscus de Mon^ada. after Van Dyck (57) first state, rare C 1703 — IMauritius Nassavius, Prince of Orange (68) second state David Nuyts (01) ^ second state, fine margin Philip I, Duke of Burgundy, after Soutman (63) before the number Philip II, King of Spain, after Antony More (64) second state Philip III. (65) second state Godartus a Rede (69) /h\ Y/a-fiH (^, ®< eiMCnj — 213 — CO>tij,,. (j^Ciu^iyj M. l^oeu 7 (^ M(>n ei-u 1764 — Eenatus Nassavius, de Cbalon, Prince of Orange (70) Jlrst state Jacobus Eevivus, after Frank Hals (71) second state Andreas Eivetus, after P. Dubordieu (72) Jlrst state 1765 — The same (72) first state, before any address, with large margin, rare Claudius de Salmasia (75) first state, loith the address of J. Maire 1766 — Sigismuud III, King of Poland (81) Eleazar Swalm (84) first state Segularius, of Haarlem, after Frank Hals (88) IMartin van Tromp, after H. Pot (90) first state 1767 — Martin van Tromp, after H. Pot (90) first state Gilbertus Voetius (93) first state Gilbertus Voetius ; a small copy reversed Guilielmus Nassavius, Prince of Orange (98) second state 1768 — The Burgomasters of Amsterdam (102) 1709 — Man akd Woman drinking in a Cabaret, " Ni pateat fundus," &c., after Ostade (118) first address, " Clement de Jonghe'^ The Three Fates, after Ostade (120) first state, before any address, rare 2 1770 — The Gambler's Quarrel, " Suick-a-snee," after Gerard Terburg (122) first state, before the address of " CL de Jonghe,'' with broad margin 1 '/ ^ // ^.^- /'/O ^-. / ^ ^ — 214 — /'// ^ //, / , /-^ /Ur 1771 — The Baoksammon Platebs, after Ostade (123) fir»t state, before " Nicolaus Vitaher excudit cum Privi- leyiu'' with large margin 1 1772 — Le Cour uk Couteau ; an Interior, with peasants quarrel- ing, after Adrian Ostade (127) proof before the aJdresg of Clement de Jonghe, and before the verses, very rare 1 8WANEVELT (HEttMANj 1773 — " \K\i\x Campestrum Fantasi.f," (1— 2i) the set of siimU oval fAiiuhcajioi. covtjtlctc, tcith good margins, rare 24 1771 — An oval Lanohcape, with a Satyr playing on the pipes (25) the rarest of the artist's works, a very early impression, toith fine margin St. John tue Baptist in the Desert (34) an early impression, with brottd margin, rare 2 1775 — The Sot of Four Arcadian Landscapes, with Nymphs and Satyrs (49—52) early impressions, with fine margins, rare 4 1770 — " DiVKUSES VeOeh dedans et dehors de liome " (53 — G5) first states (54) is wtinting, very rare 12 1777 — The Set of (hii.onu Landscapes (77 — 80) first states, before the address of Bonnart 4 1778 — TiiK Woman wrm iiik distaff, and the four Oxen (78) proof before any letters, presque unique 1 1771) — The Little Cascade (80) proof before any inscription, and before extra work, tcith a good margin, and in thr fnirrst condition, presque unique 1 '^^•J tetu ^, ^„ ^rrni'iif ^V/'W/V/ii,* f(M ( f ItHllfitt, UK ((t* * b — 1 (^. (h — 215 — 1780 — ETEyrso (81) ■proof he fore any inserij)tion, presrpie unique I 1781 — Laxdscapes, enriched with buildings (83, 84, fjo, SG, 87, 91, 92, and 93) earli/ impressions, with the first address, and all with margins, rare 8 1782 — The Bieth of Adonis (101) Jirst state, before much work in the shy, piresque unique A enus presenting to Diana Love and the young Adonis (103) Jlrst state, he/ore the address of Bonnart 2 1783 — The Pekitekt Magdalen (107) an early impression, xcith the first address and fine margin 1 1784 — St. Jeeome in the Deseet (109) an early impression, loith the first address and fine margin 1 PArL the fiest Heemit, and St. Anthont (110) with the first address, and xcith fine margin 2 11785 — Balaam and the Angel (111) I undesorihed first state, before some delicate work with the dry point defining the form of the distant mountains, and also before the shadows in the foreground were strengthened, presque unique 1 |1786 — The same (111) another early state, before SwaneveWs name, etc., rather more worked on, but much less than the next, excessively rare 1 V»/.^^|1787 — The same (111) finished proof , before the name, very rare also an impression with the najnc, and with Poilly's address 2 ^ / // // ^- /o - /6 / ftinj- Tfn/tM\ — 217 — (jff^ffl'tOfH 7 Q^v VAIL LANT (Wallebant) . 179G — PoETRAiT OF A YouNG Man, who rests his head on his left hand reversed copy of the same subject hy Prince Rupert The Standard Bearee a reduced copy of the same subject by Prince Rupert, exceedingly scarce,, with margin 2 1797 — The Love Letter. An old woman leaning over the back of an arm chair, and presenting an epistle to a young lady proof before any letters, with margin, rare 1 VALCK (&ERARP). 1798 — HoRTENSE Mancini, Duchesse de Mazaein proof before letters, and before the embroidered work on the drapery, perhaps unique ; from the Strawberry -hill, Brooke, and Crawhall Collections 1 CrLb&iiuyr, /// (n VELDE (Adrian Van de). i808- ^ .lllie.set of -Animals (1— Ip.^ first states before the numbers, and before any address, ivith margins, extremely rare 10 1804 — The Three Oxen (3) undescribed first state, pure etcJiiny before the stre7igthcn- iny of the border line, extremely rare 1 1805 — TUE Ox STANDING IN THE STREAM (6) undescribed state, pure etching before the strengthening of the border line, presque unique 1 1806 — The Horse Grazing (7) undescribed first state, pure etching, before the failures in the biting were repaired, and before the marginal line was can'ied along the bottom of the plate, presque unique 1 1807 — The Cow Grazing, and the two Sheep near the trunk of a Tree (11) a very early impression ; from the Debois Collection The Pied Ox and the two Sheep (12) a very early impression ; from the Debois Collection The two Cows at the foot of a Tree (13) a very early impression, with fine margiu ; from the Gervaise Collection The Ewe suckling hor Lamb (14) a very early impression The two Sheep (15) with fine margin ; from the (Jervaise Collection 5 c/^^ r^>6 ^. ^, ^fu. U^* — 219 — :^/2'^/vy I 1808 (fiiou^a^ci^ 1809 ,^. (i^UiKirtuA 7 Jjjtuudu C^auHetC 1810 1811 — Cf^r ($)a (^e 7 The SHEpnERU and Shepherdess with their Flock (17) before the injury in the right corner tons repaired, and before De Wifs address, very rare 1 YELDE (Jan yait de) The History of Tobit, a set of four plates, after Wtenbroeck early impressions, very rare 4 The Sorceress first state, before the address, unthfne maryin, very rare I VEBTUE (Geor& e). Sir Philip Sidney brilliant proof , before the dedication, etc. 1 VICO (Eneas) . LucRETiA, after Parmigianino (17) rare ; from the Buchingham Collection A Sacrifice, after Pierino del Vaga (38) 2 1813 — The Khiuocex'os (47). " Nascono questi aniuiali," etc. rare ; from the Defries Collection 1 1814 — The Set of Antique Gems (100—133) on three sheets before the plates loere cut, not known to Bartsch in this state, rare 3 1815 — Giovanni de Medici, in an ornamental oval cartouche (254) frst state, before the address, very rare 1 1812 X /S~ /^ /6 6 // Z^- / k7 1^27 — GELLIIJS DE BOUMA, Minister of the Gospel at Zutphen (89) first state, with the white hook, and inscribed loith the name of Mariette, 1670, ivith fine margin ; from the Debois and Simon Collections *•%* A print of the greatest beauty and rarity. 1828 — The same hefore the year 1656, and hefore the address .0(r /n 1829 — Coppenol, the Writing INIaster (93) [ first state, hefore any letters, and hefore the shadow on the \ right arm was altered, very rare; from the Dehois j Collection H I 1830 The same second state, also hefore any letters; the shadow on the right arm altered so as to produce a lighter and more agreeable effect, rare 1 / 1831 — William de Etck, Oculist of Amsterdam (115) hefore the twelve lines in Dutch ivcre effaced, rare ^6 /(r /(' 1| /c /n ,^ ^ 6 .-^6 / ^3 / /^ . — 222 — 1882 — Petbtjs Sceiveeitjs (116) before the word HA.C in the inscription was altered to H^c, unth broad mart/in, the Jirst state, before the name of Visscher 1 •,* Probably unique, as Mr. Smith mentions it only on the authority of Wiegel. 1833 — Andreas Deonyozoon WiNius, called the "Pistol Man," (126) 1 second state, with the 2500 on the barrel : from the Dehois Collection 1 *^* " The scarcest and most valuable of his portraits." — Bryan. 1834 — RoBEET Junius, after Palmidas 1 1835 — Joannes de Pack proof hforc any letters, with margin, presque unique ; from the Mariette and Debois Collections 1 VIS SCHER (Jan). 1836 — Beughem's Ball. Interior of a Burn with jieasants dancing, after Berghem proof before any inscription, very rare 1 1837 — Peasants regaling at the door of a Cabaret, aftcM- Ostade proof h fore any letters, rare 1 1838 — Rustic Courtship, after Ostade proof rare 1 1839 — An Interior, witu a Man eeelino and a Woman- spinning, after Ostade proof hfore any letters, very rare 1 ]s40 — An Intkriou. with Peasants singincj to a violin, afler Ostadi; proof In fore any h'tlen<, rare 1 nuCn mo C l/HL/^(or, 1 (^i ^, Cm Co J "I ^//rJff/,y^ 223 — "HflUtHOCt-J 1841 — The Suttler's Booth, after Philip Wouveeman / XL proof before A. 1849 — The Town (9) vei'y rare ( ' t./H:ibfjix. 74<*«^ 'U*j [ ' 7 ■'iuk'nA t-'liei'uMuifi^ (pteA^t wt 7 — 225 — 1850 — The Fisheeman (10) rare \ 1851 — The Set of Animals (11—20) first states, hefore the address of Dancherts on the last plate, which is frequently wanting, very rare 1 YOERST (Robe rt YAypEii). 18o2 — James Stuart, Duke of Richmond, after Geldorp first state, hefore the address of Welh, extremely rare 1 1853 — Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, after Mttens toith the first address, rare 1 VOLPATO (Giovanni). 1854 — The Deposition, after Raffaelle proof 1 VORSTERMAN (Lucas). 1855 — The Descent from the Cross, after Rubens first state hefore the address of Corn, van Merlen 1 1856 — St. George fighting with the Dragon, after Raffaelle a very early impression, with large margin, very rare 1 ^// s ^ /o Cq\ Ql^. 1 1859 1857 — A COUNTER PROOF OF THE SAME exceedingly interesting, heing as rich in colour as a fine impression ; from the Oervaise Collection 1858 — The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, after Rubens first state, with hroad margin, rare Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, after Van Dyck proof hefore letters, loith margin, very rare with the portrait from Thane's series, and autograph signature of Norfolk Q G j ! I // — 226 — r // I860 ^ 6 /.^. WAEL (Jan Baptist de). The Conceet. The Interior of a large Apartment, where thirteen gentlemen are assembled, most of them playing on musical instruments undescribed ; the most important of this master's works WALCH ( Jacob), [the MASTEE OF THE CADUCETTS.) riUriif'ir ST. ^ /Z 1861 — Holt Family. The Virgin seated, with the Infant Saviour in her arms, and turned to the right ; while St. Joseph is ^een in profile, and down to the knees only. The caduceus is introduced at the top, on the left very early impression, full of bur ; undescribed by Bartsch ; very rare 1862 — St. Jebome Weittno (7) very early impression, rare 1863 — St. CATHEEune (8) a very early impression, rare 1864 — A Man caeeying a Ceadle (11) a very early impression, toith margin, rare 1865 — The Woman with a Mieboe (12) ** early impression; from the Storck, Sykes, and Esdaile Collections ; very rare I186G — The Theee Men tied to a Tree (17) I very rare WHIT E (ROBEET). 1867 — Stephen Dugdalb toith fine margin, rare (P.-iffi^iiCi^-^ cni^mv,. 7 — 227 I {& Y r/f{/] . . 1910 /n , . / /rr /4 /,? 3 / Death of Q-eneeal "Wolfe, after Benjamin West (3) early unfinished proof, before the alteration in the legs of the Ensign running with the colours, and with the trial marks of the needle in the margin of the plate 1 The same proof before any letters, in perfect condition 1 .>r^s^ Miiei, 7 ^ / .. 1911 — The same open letter proof the artist's name merely etched in, and before the words, " Historical Painter," were added to Wesfs name 1 1912 — The Battle at La Hooue, after Benjamin West (4) matchless finished proof before any letters, except the artists' s names, tohich are merely etched in ; from Mr. Clarke's Collection 1 1913 — The Battle of La Hogue, after Benjamin AV^est proof, with single line of inscription, before the dedication, ^c. 1 1914 — Jacob and Laban, " Le Gband Pont," after Claude (6) proof very near completion, but before the high lights were toned down, particularly in the sky, and on the figures ; presumed to be unique 1 1915 — The same, " Le Grand Pont" (6) fine proof before letters 1 1916 — The same (8) proof with the artist's narnes merely etched in, with margin ; and proof etching 2 1917 — Tobit and the Anoel, after Glauber (9) proof before all letters, except the words, painted by Glauhrr, with broad margin ; from the Durrani Collection and ( iching of the sumr 2 ^, ^^A./. 7 Q), (^o C f/ftftlC 1918 — NioBE, after Eichard Wilson (10) / '/ an early unfinished proof , nearly an etching, a fine example . of the masterly and vigorous treatment of Woollett; only three were printed in this state The same finished impression 1919 — NIOBE, after Eichard Wilson This is perhaps the finest peoof in existence— finished ^ ' ' all hut a little xoorh with the dry point over the fork of lightning ; from Mr. Clarke's Collection, were it \ realized £54. 10s. 1 ' i 1920 — Diana and AcTiEON, after Pilippo Lauri (11) | 6T 1921 ■f(> ^u'au (C^' the etching of the landscape, the figures merely indicated hy afeio lines The same early unfinished proof, the figures still remain in outline, excepting the nymph on the extreme right, and the legs of her nearest companion, which are finished The same finished proof , with the arms and etched na^nes 1922 — Cetx and Alcione, after Eichard Wilson (12) proof with the title and the names of the artists, hut before the lines from Thomson^ s Seasons 1 ' i I I 1923 — . The same unfinished proof in the pure aquafortis state, with margin , Celadon and Amelia, after Eichard Wilson similar impression 2, *^* These proofs were presented to Mr. Athawes by Woollett. j i 1924 — PHAETON, after Eichard Wilson (13) i/^ j/, proof before any letters, and before some slight work on the \ high lights ; from Mr. Clarke's Collection H H ! I — 234 — ^ Vr) c^H ^ JX /a ."2 ^1 r, /n 1925 — A Sacrifice to Apollo (The Altieri picture) after Claude ! i/'tu;e/, Lorraine (14) PBOOF BEFOBE LETTERS, With the artists' names etched 1 1926 — EOMAN EDIFICES IN RUINS, after Claude Lorraine (15) artist's proof before the arms or any letters, before the erasure of the trial marks of the needle in the margin, rare and choice unfinished proof of the same 1927 — The same proof before letters, with arms and etched names and etching 1928 — Apollo and the Dancing Seasons, after Kichard "Wilson (IG) pure aquafortis proof loith only the upper portion of the sky, two impressions The same proof before all letters, excepting the artists' names, which are merely etched in, and with some trial marks of the needle in the margin of the plate 1929 — Cicero at uis Villa, after Eichard Wilson (17) proof toith title and arms, the artists' names and address merely etched in, but before the dedication 1930 — Solitude, an illustration to Thomson's Seasons, after Richard Wilson (18) pure aquafortis proof with (he artuifs' names etched in The sAMi; proof with the title in ujien Itllcrs, before the alteralion in the shield, and also before the lines, rare I ((h JP/7 (/'fUur/, (jf/HCi'ti'ri. I 07^ 235 7 1931 — Dido and ^neas, after T. Jones and J. Mortimer (19) earli/ unfinished proof, with the trial marks ivith the needle in the margin, and lefore a great deal of delicate work all over the plate and another in a more advanced state 2 1932 — The same proof with large margin 1 1933 Meleager and Alatanta, after Eicbard Wilson (20) unfinished proof before the high lights were subdued in the sky and distance, and before additional work on the figures ; touched by the engraver The same the etching, with margin 2 1934 — Meleager and Atalanta, after Eicbard Wilson (20) proof before letters, except the artists' names, tvhich are merely etched in 1 1935 — Calypso Eeceiving Telemachus and Mentor, after Benjamin West (21) early unfinished proof, showing the state of the plate as left by Woollett at his death, and a finished proof, loith Wesfs name and the date etched in 2 1936 — Macbeth, after Francesco Zuccarelli (22) p>roof, the artists' names and the address merely etched in 1 1937 — Celadon and Amelia, after Eicbard Wilson (23). Com- panion print to Ceyx and Alcyone proof, with the title and the names of the artists, but before the seven lines from Thomson's Seasons 1 1938 — Tbe same in the same state Tbe same imfinished proof before the high lights were subdued, ivith the artists' names merely etched in 2 / / /() /6-. O- '1 ^ 236 K Cci 1939 — AScENEFEOMTiiE Vicar OF Wakefield, after Hearne (24) india proof', before the quotation of eigTit lines and the Etching Another Scene from the Vicar of "Wakefield, after Hearne (25), the Etching 3 1940 — LA CHASSE AU SANGLIER, after Pillement (27) finished proof hefore the artists' names, presque uniqtte and Etching, shewing the variation suhseqriently made in the drawing of the horse iii the foreground 2 1941 — The same (27) finished impression, ivith curious unfinished proof 2 1942 — The Fishery, after Eichard Wright (29), the first Premium Picture in 1764 choice proof hefore any letters, with the artists' names etched in 1 1943 — The same unfinished proof in the pure aquufortis state, with an auto- graph in the engraver's handwriting, " To Mr. Bcttcn from his Ilum''^'- Serv'- W"- Woollettr 1 1944 — The Jocund Peasants, after Cornelius Du Sart (30) artist's proof before any letters, or the etched name of Woollett under that of Browne with Etcliing ^ both with margins ; from the Debois and Clarke Collections 2 1945 — The same (30) in the same state The Happy Cottagers, after C. du Sart (31) in the same state 1910 — The Jocund Peasants, and The Happy Cottagers choice artist's proofs, with the introduction of the etched name of Woollett; from the Collection of Elizabeth Boydcll, with her autograph signature cn/tffj^„f,^ (/eifiiuv 1 y,jfuc^ (fU,u, U^^fflUl^nt "I Q. rue/n^ C Yf'A^tri 1 237 — y/r/T^- ^ttt (QV' 1947 — Morning, after H. Swanevelt (33) proof very near completimi, lefore some of the high lights were subdued, and with the trial marks of the needle remaining in the margin 1 1948 — Morning and Etening, after H. Swanevelt (33—34), the pair proofs with open letters, fine margins 2 / '^ A' ^^^--'^C J 1949 cffM 7 \ (^t 1950 I 'f^ffci^ faiLyji/t c(/eLii£cxSllr, Morning and Evening, after H. Swanevelt, pair of cwious unfinished proof s 2 Landscape with Figures, after Gaspar Poussiu (35) proof lefore all letters, excepting the etched artist's names; from the Collections of Sir John St. Auhyn and. D. B. Clarke and a finished impression, in the first state 2 1951 — The same unfinished proof , before the additional foliage introduced to subdue the light above the trees in the distant avenue, and on the ground beneath, etc., and also before the etched artist'' s names ; touched on by Woollett The same proof of the etching, loith margin 2 1952 — The Maid of the Mill, after John Eichards (37) proof before any letters, the artists' names etched in, with margin, rare ; from the Debois Collection 1 / /3|, S- A // / / 1953 — The First Premium Landscape, after George Smith, of / Chichester (38) unfinished proof , before the distant sky teas put in, and before much fine work over the high lights 1 1954 — The same finished proof before any letters ; from the Debois Collec- tion M •J. / /-? ^ — 238 — / /^ 1955 — The Eueal Cot, an illustration of Thomson's Winter, after George Smith (-lO) proof near completion, hut before the fine work on some of the high lights 1 / / K^ ' 1956 — The same finished proof, with the artisfs names, and " Sold by T. Bradford " in the centre of the margin at bottom etched in 1 i'^A 4 /s 1957 — The same proof ivith the artists' names etched in, and also " Sold by T. Bradford'' in centre at bottom The Apple Gatherers, after George Smith (41) pure aqua fortis proof, icith only a portion of the sky put in 2 / 6' ' 1958 — The Haymakers, after George Smith (42) choice proof before any letters Small Landscape — a river scene with a castle in ruins to the left in the distance, after George Smith (43) 2 c^Sr.K,..,. / */// //a u/t. 4*iC(^ (^ ■fyn }CMJ 1963 — The same two unfinished proofs of the subjects (48 and 50) 2 1964 — Snowdon, after Eichard Wilson (54) proof before any letters, loith fine margins ; from Colonel Durranfs Collection 1 1965 — An Illusteation to Cook's VoTAaES, " View in the Island of Tanna," after W. Hodges (5G) choice proof ivith margin, before any letters ; and a finished impression 2 1966 — An Illustration to Cook's Voyages, after W. Hodges, " The Fleet of Otaheite assembled at Oparee" (57) proof before any letters, with large margin An Illustration to Cook's Voyages, after Webber, " A Human Sacrifice, in a Marai, in Otaheite " (58) proof before any letters, with large margin 2 1967 — An Illustration to Cook's Voyages, after W. Hodges, Monuments in Easter Island (59) proof before letters, with the artists' names etched, loith large margin An Illustration to Cook's Voyages, after W. Hodges, A Toupawow with a corpse on it, attended by the chief mourner (60) proof before letters, with the artists'' names etched, tvith margin An additional Plate, not mentioned in Nagler proof before letters, with Woollett's name, and No. 6 in the right hand corner 3 1968 — The Vallet of Lauteebeun, in the Canton of Berne, after William Pars (61) pure aquafortis proof before some of the sky was put in, with margin also A TOUCHED Peoof, before any letters 2 /n /^ //- 6", '(' / — 240 / /// 4^/n / /^V .. I// I / , // ^H^^f 1969 — The Devil's Bridge, \Jt\, Switzerland, after "William Pars, (02) proof before any letters, and before some ivork with the dri/ point on the foaming water 1 1970 — The Valley akd G-laciees of G-rindelwald, Beene, after William Pars (63) artist's proof toith the sheep in the foreground left white, with margin and an Etching of the same 2 1971 — The Great Frozen Valley near Chamouny, after William Pars (61) finished J) >'oqf before any letters; from the Durrant Col- lection 1 1972 — The Valley and Glaciers of Chamouxt, after AVil- liam Pars (65) pure aqua-fortis proof and another very near completion, before any letters 2 . ^/'v/f/Y.V 1973 — The Set of Four Views in Switzeeland choice early impressions, presented by the artist to his friend the Rev. Mr. Davy 4 1974 — The Storm, after Vernet (32) unfinished proof tvith the trial marks of the needle on the margin of the plate, in the state as left by Woollett at his death 1 (^The following Subjects are omitted in Nagler's List). 1975 — The Gipsy, after Gainsborough proof before any letters, and before part of the sky was put in, and other work, printed in red The same proof with the address of Hixon, No. 140, Strand The same proof, with the address of " Robert Wilkinson, No. 125, Fenchurch Streef 3 ^ (2^0 C (i^ttCnt ^r ^/ /WTvv/v,, / faCi\\e\. k- ' rU'iuc'/^ \ ^ (0^ I { 'Uu/aC 'M., ^ ^awtrlt — 241 — 197G — John Scott of Maidstone, aged 154 years •private plate, an exceedingly rare etcliimj 1 1977 — Watch Paper for his brother John WooUett of Maidstone first state Another of the same, with the address of Lambeth Four emblematical Figures, after Angelica Kauffman The Peacock,. shop bill for John Brenchly of Maidstone all exceedingly rare 4 1078 — Vignette, inscribed " Temoiguage de la Diligence " first state, before the rigid hand corner of the plate ivas strengthened The Grotto at Amwell, after B. T. Pouncy Seven Peacocks in a Landscape, with barred gate in the distance, and beyond it the village church ; a shop bill all very rare 3 1979 — The Hermitage at Warkwokth, after Hearne proof before any letters, with fine margin, rare 1 1980 — The same, an etching ajid the original drawing by Hearne 2 1981 — The same proof, uxith the inscription etched in, and before the dedica- tion ; and a finished impression Lanercost Priory, after Hearne 3 1982 — An rPEiGHT Landscape, with a man fishing, after George Smith, from Lord Eadnor's picture the etching and tivo finished impressions 3 1983 — Mercury, Argus and Io, after Claude proof before letters, tvith artists' names 1 :7 2. 6^'\ ^ /o 3 y 242 — , rO (r. / ^f Q /c 6 /(-) / XI Cn // lOS^' — An Illustration to Tom Jones, after Loutherbourg proof, with fine margin North- West View of Moreton, the fSeat of James Frampton, Esq., after Isaac Taylor scarce ZAGEL (Martin ) 19S5 — Sat XT Christopher (7) a very early impression, and very rare 1 19SG — Saint Margaret (12) rare ; from the Esdaile and Balmanno Collections 1 1987 — The Touno Gentleman embracing a Lady (15) a very early impression, with margin, rare 1 1988 — The Two Lovers seated in a Landscape (16) rare 1 1989 — An Old Man on his hands and knees, on his back is seated a woman flourishing a whip (IS) a very early impression, tvith margin, extremely rare 1 ZEEMAN (Beonier ). 1990 — A Set of Eight Plates of Sea Ports (23—30) frst states, tvith the address of Clement dc Jonghe, with margins, very rare -S 1901 — A Set of Twelve Views of the Shipping of Amsterdam, with each particular craft described in Dutch (75 — SG) undi'scribed first states, with the address of Clement dr Jonghe, and with margins, rare 12 1992 — Four Marine Views (109, 112, 110 and 117) proofs before any letters or numbers 4 f I (flit fir, ^c\ (O^JlnejuOr,, [tlUlK/i, db. l/n-nfteitl j14^(UHuhl (Q>. — 243 — '€ep,^ 7 1993 — A Set of Twelve Shipping Pieces, " Divers Embarque- MENTS ET AUTRE Faicts, par E. IST"'. Zeeman A Ams- terdam" (127—139) fine early impressions, tvitli margin, of excessive rarity 12 I *.^*- Bartsch never saw a set, but merely described them from a Sale Catalogue of IMarcus. In the first states the name at the end of the address being spelt " Danchhaerheyp," which was afterwards altered to " Danckerts." 12 ^ WOODCUTS, &c. myi^eitu^ (/fj>m/u> 7 CAEPI (Ug o da). 1996 — Sybil reading, after EafFaelle the first woodcut executed in chiaroscuro, very rare also the copy from the Collection of the Prince de Paar 1997 — Diogenes (10) Miraculous Draught of Fishes (13) first state, rare ; and another, in the second state La Vierge a L'Escalier, after Eaffaellc, by G. Matheus ANDEEANI (Andr e). tuju6'.. I 1994 _ Tijg Entombment, after Guido (24) | chiaroscuro \ Mary Magdalen washing the feet of Jesus, after Eafiaelle 2 B UEGMAI E (Hans) j 1995 — St. George on Horseback (23) chiaroscuro, first state, extremely rare and two others /n ^ r (^ / 7 / /o 244 — /{n />^ / .<2 •^ / A /(■) // COEIOL ANO (Baktuelemi). 1998 — Sybils, after Guido (2—5) Fortune, after Guido CBANACII (L ucas). 1909 — Christ presented to the People Philip Melancthon (153) Virgin and Cliild. with Saints (5) rare C*fr^iy 7-^\M WW ^^J^m IB' ^ ,' ' '- • ^W^) f/' -H :^Wr-/ ■' ,/•';■ \- *' ^^ "^ .//• "TK- ^'r A.^ ^-^•^ > S-%^|>5 mm si5fl