THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES fut then I had five mouths to feed beside myself : — " Bread, 9 lbs. ; meat, G lbs. ; coffee, 6 ounces ; rice, ditto ; sugar, 12 ounces ; rum, 3 gills ; potatoes, 1^ lbs. ; onions, f lbs. ; pepper ^ ounce ; and 3 ounces of salt." Now I am on the subject of victualling, it ma\' be mentioned that during the second winter I had got from home a man-cook and a cooking range, with a set of tins as fittings, which enabled me to give my friends quite a rccherclie spread of five or six courses. IN THE VICTOBIAN ERA. 83 made more dainty-looking by being laid on a white tablecloth, supplemented by the additional refinement of snow-white napkins. Such a civilised appearance had not been seen by us since our departure from board ship, and it drew tears from some of my guests, because it reminded them so forcibly of the happy and luxurious surroundings of their homes in dear old England, where they would be enhanced, maybe, by the sunny smiles of wife and children, or mother and sisters. I need hardly say the Monastery of St. George became not a little popular, and various were the visi- tors of both sexes who did me the honour of calling in the afternoons, and patronising the luxuries so hard to collect, I being six miles distant from the suttlers' camp, where those landsharks charged a most exorbi- tant price for everything. When the migratory birds came flocking over from the north, and settled down exhausted in the snow, there was no difficulty in securing a larder full of wild fowl, especially the golden plover, which were as plump as our partridges, and in such crowds did they come that I killed one day eight of them at one shot. This windfall was a welcome addition to one's ordinary diet. My cook made these birds into delicious pies, larding them with fat pork, and placing them over a basis of fresh beef or mutton. These pies were quite o, piece dc nsistauce, and while they lasted became quite the talk of my visiting circle for many a day after. My friends came in the afternoons, not only to taste tho luxuries T could place before them, but to admire the beautiful view from the Terrace, and to listen to the chime, rung by old Peter in the Greek church. Peter was 84 SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTOIUAN ERA. quite a character, rather crippled in his limbs, and was the only one left behind by the church community, but too fond of rum, which in his sober moments he called "No bono, Johnny." CHAPTER XII. There were discussions and disputes as to whether we had shattered Fort Constantine at the north entrance of the harl)our ^Yhen it was bombarded on the 17th of October, 1854, by our ships, especially the three-decker Albion, which went so close in, and got herself such a battering. Hence, when peace was concluded, we made up a part}' and rode round by the Mackenzie heights to see for ourselves. We found the fort was occupied by the Russian commander-in- chief, General Luders, who received us very kindly, and treated us most hospitably. When we told him the purport of our visit, he smiled, and said, " Come and see." He acted as our guide, and took us round the whole of the parapets, explaining every circum- stance in connection with the attack, and how they were protected by gabions. On a close examination we could not discover hardly a place where the stone- work had been chipped. This review of the outside finished, the general asked us to see the inside. Here we found, in a large casemate, a table laid out with sumptuous refreshments, in fact, six delicious courses were provided, to which we did ample justice, and to two or three dift'crent wines, finishing up with a glass 86 SE VENTY YEARS OF LIFE of that well-known delicacy, Crimean champagne, in which our host drank our healths at the shrine of Peace. The cannon was in position in this casemate, and such a toast struck us as somewhat ironical and seemingly out of place, hut we parted most excellent friends, and he promised to return the visit b}' coming to see me at the monastery, which he did shortly afterwards, coming in a droski drawn by five splendid 23onies. So wonderfully drilled were they, that they would start or stop, deviate right or left, by word of command. The general tried to induce some ladies to take a drive with him, but seeing that we had no regular roads, and that the vehicle bumped about un- pleasantly on the uneven plateau, they declined ; but such trifles not troubling my mind, I took a seat at his side, and was amazed at the wonderfully skilful way in which he handled his team. The heads of the ponies were decorated with foxes' brushes and a regular chime of little bells, w^hich seem to excite them to gallop at a great speed. The general paid the Greek church a visit, and old Peter honoured him with one of his best peals. My cook, hearing that so distinguished a guest had paid me a visit, tried to surpass himself by laying out as fine a luncheon as his limited supplies would permit of, and my visitor, being an old campaigner, took in the situation, and determined to enjoy himself accord- ingly. To give zesfc to the entertainment there was seated at the table, a very handsome lady, to whom he gave a cross of Siberian gold, which hung from his watch chain. This generous act did not arise from his having imbibed too much Crimean IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 87 champagne, for I had none to give him ; it must have been due entirely to the lady's fascinating appearance and address. When the genial general took his leave, he carried away ^Yith him all our warm good wishes, leaving behind the golden cross to remind us of one of the pleasantest days we had ever spent in the Crimea. Little did we think a few weeks back that we should be spending so soon such a happy time with the com- mander of our enemy's forces on the north side of Sebastopol — but tcl est la ric. When the treaty of peace was signed we heard that each plenipotentiary was desirous of preserving the pen with which he subscribed the important document, but these great men were obliged to yield to the ex- pressed wishes of the Empress Eugenie, who supplied them with a beautifully jewelled eagle's quill which she desired to retain as a memento of the momen- tous event. When this treaty reached the Crimea it l)rought with it to some of the old stagers the realisa- tion of hopes long hoped for, namely, an early oppor- tunity of getting home alive, and to tell in person terrible tales of battles and sieges, the loss of some friends and the making of others, while to many who came out at a later date it was a source of disappoint- ment — subaltern ofdcors, for example, who viewed the army as an instrument towards worldly prosperity, trusted that peace would not supervene till they had an opportunity of distinguishing themselves, and win- ning a place in the records of glory ! Oh, vanity of vanities, they did not take to heart the saying in the good old 13ook, that "they who live by the sword 88 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE shall die with the sword." I heard an anxious mother on one occasion exclaim, in simple ignorance of what the horrors of actual warfare were like, " Oh ! my poor bo.y, I am so sorry, he had just got to the head of the lieutenants, and I was in hopes of hearing any day of his becoming a captain, and now the war is over he may have to wait ever so long." She, with a mother's natural instincts, did not stop to reflect that her son's promotion would have been accomplished through the further shedding of much human blood and the cruel display of the worst of passions. How thoroughly selfish we are, even when our precious lives and souls are at stake ! Talk of Christianity and its peaceful influences, I should like to know how many men were brought to think of the Saviour while this horrid carnage was going on, when, I take it, half a million of lives were ruthlessly sacrificed on both sides in order to gratify the vain ambition of one man, who prosecuted this prolonged warfare under the cloak of religion. Picture to yourself, dear reader, the following incidents associated with the cessation of hostilities. Though thousands of soldiers in the spring were employed in road-making, building of huts, and in drill, there was nevertheless much spare time, which was spent scandalously in drinking, card-pla^^ing, and gambling. The English were better paid than the troops of our allies, and they did not know what to do with their monej^ ; hence scenes of drunkenness and debauchery prevailed at Kadikoi, where suttlers* booths were kept by most disorderly traders, who en- couraged all sorts of vices, winked at acts of violence, and even murder. Night was made hideous with IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 80 their brawls, aud it was not safe to go near their squatting ground if you at all valued your life ! It was a blessed day indeed when the post-ofidco authorities instituted a mode of sending gold to Eng- land by means of money orders. Many men then availed themselves of this easy means of forwarding their spare cash to their wives and families, or to their aged parents, thus securing themselves against the indulgence in their besetting sins — drunkenness and gambling. It may well be said that idleness, backed b}- riches, is the mother of many miseries. The time had now arrived when we were to bid fare- well to the Crimea, and the recollection, if that were possible, of all its horrors, its dangers and worries, only too thankful that we had escaped with our lives. The beautiful month of June, 185G, found us on board a steam transport bound for Constantinople, where I landed, and went off to pay my respects to my old patient, Miss Nightingale. I found that noble crea- ture looking very pale and slender, and delicate in appearance, with her beautiful black hair cut short, but still retaining her wonted stock of fiery courage and activity. She was simply worshipped by the sick and wounded, who romantically kissed her very shadow as she noiselessly glided along the corridors, lamp in hand, when all was silent and quiet at night, to satisfy herself that all was going on well among her eyeless, armless, footless, shot, sabred, and bayoneted devotees. There, within those dismal walls, was to be seen this refined, highly cultured lady, going the rounds of her wards two and a half miles in extent, among thousands of uneducated men, 90 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE rough, rugged, blood}^ dirty, wounded, sick, hungry, and miserable, undertaking painful and arduous duties with every possible deficiency in the necessary sup- plies, for she had to deal with men wrapped up in departmental formalism called " red-tapeism," where- by living wounded sick soldiers, the defenders of their country's honour, were treated as so many Ijales of goods, to be packed aside in heaps and then forgotten. To correct such crying and shameful misdoings was Miss Nightingale's heavy task, almost singlehanded. She might indeed be well defined without any exag- geration a " ministering angel " in these hospitals. Calling to mind the real luxury of a Turkish bath, I could not leave Stamboul without resorting to that bodily refreshment. The building is like a huge church, with a dome in the centre, in which 150 people can walk about comfortably, and enjoy the delicious balmy heat, and get a g.ood rub down by a small boy, who after lathering you all over, will grinningiy show you what an incredible quantity of black scurf he has managed to scrape off your apparently white skin, but there it is on his hands, and you have to believe him. This desquamation will account, perhaps, for the inex- pressibly soothing sensations one feels afterwards in the cooling room, where a feeling of heaven!}' peace and rest takes possession of one. Such a ]3hysical and mental paradise you will not find in the puny baths which have been set up in England, and which are a mere sham in comparison with those in Constantinople, In taking leave of Scutari and its hospitals, I may just mention an incident which presents to us a very forcible picture how warfare with its horrid sequences IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 91 and debasing surroundings deadens man's heart to all those refined susceptibilities of a moral and reli- gious nature, and suppresses that sympathetic kind- liness of feeling which dominates and exercises our minds when we behold our friends and companions ruthlesslj' snatched suddenly from us in times of peace. Eead, and believe if you can, gentle reader, sitting at your ease in these ''piping times of peace," the following i^lain and unvarnished truth. When the sick and the wounded had collected in their thousands at the Scutari hospitals, and even in the cavalry stables near thereto, they began to die off in scores daily, not so much from actual wounds as from dysentery and fever occurring in broken-down, starved constitutions — hopeless cases. An insupportable gloom overspread the place like a black pall, which affected the spirits and courage of the noble nurses terribly, but their heroism was something wonderful to witness. The cemetery, therefore, at such a time, became the centre of melancholy interest. The private soldiers were buried en masse as I have already described they were in the Crimea, simply stitched up in their blankets, and laid side by side in a large grave, while the officers were interred in a small cemetery overlooking the sea, each with a wooden tablet at the head of the spot. In this resting-place are lying eight doctors, the victims of hard work and disease ! The bodies of the dead were collected together in heaps in an empty ward, then a string of invalid orderlies would form a procession and carry the bodies on stretchers through a long corridor filled with patients who had become so accustomed to this 92 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE melancholy looking train, that they would go on chatting, reading, or being read to, or any other amusement going on, without their attention being diverted in the slightest degree by this touching spec- tacle of their dead comrades going to their last home ! Oh ! war, war, with all thy pomp, glitter, and glory ! How dost thou in thy very bitterness of trial curse our race, sowing penalties and pains broadcast over us, heaping up poverty on the very poor, reck- lessly deriding the widow in her bereavement, making her husbandless, making her childless ; thou begettest orphans ; in the very wantonness of thy cruelty dost thou seek victims from every grade ; reckless of all social distinctions, bringing down to one dead level the heartbroken and the desolate ! Shortsighted, ignorant, and vain men crown thy triumphs with laurel ; but the cypress of the cemetery and the yew of the village churchyard would be more fitting emblems of thy accursed work ! I will now draw down a veil over this harrowing picture. May the time be not far distant in this era of the world in which the saying in the Book of books shall be verified, namely, *' They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning-hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more " ! I now proceeded on my journey homewards, which I hoped to accomplish so as to spend my thirty-sixth birthday in my own country. On board I found an officer whom I had met formerly at Malta on his way up to the Crimea. He, like many others on furlough from India, had diverged and gone to the fighting 7.V THE VICTOBIAN EBA. 93 field to volunteer bis services in order to see what war was really like ; he never having seen a shot fired in anger while in India. He appeared then very impatient to have a go at the Eussiaus, and was vainly boasting of what he would and could do when he had a chance, flourishing in the air his six-shooter. I had now an opportunity of asking him how he had succeeded, and whether he had left his mark behind him. As soon as I mentioned the subject, his countenance fell and he looked rather gloomy. AVhen I reminded him of his remarks about potting the enemy with his revolver, " AVell," he said, " I had my chance, it was at Inkerman, and I will tell you all about it. I got entangled in a mdrc as the duke did, and it was during a hand-to-hand fight when a fellow was about to cut me down, I fired my revolver at and missed him, and then I lost my nerve and self-possession so far as not to let go the trigger for the next shot, and thus was in imminent danger of being killed had not a private soldier come to the rescue and parried the cut with his bayonet. I need hardly tell you that such a narrow escape will never be forgotten, and that it took all the bounce out of me for the future." " Man, proud man ! Dressed in a little brief authority, .... Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven, As make the angels weep ! " Nothing of any great moment occurred before we reached ]\falta, where we lauded and were made nnich of. One officer struggling along on two crutches came in for quite an ovation ; he had been shot in the 94 SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTOlilAN ERA. stomach and the bullet had made its exit at the side of the spiue, and yet, \Yonderful to relate, he had survived and was doing well. Another poor fellow, walking on one crutch, was shot in the heel ; the bone had become a mere shell, the interior having crumbled awa}'. He was suffering a good deal, and the leg would be eventually shorter than the other. Both these officers would be compelled to give up the service, much against their will, and become pensioners for the rest of their lives upon the nation's bounty. The latter case is still alive but lame, and has been well cared for by a grateful countr}^ and in his old age comfortably berthed b}^ the Queen at Windsor. Our reception at Gibraltar was equally pleasant and agreeable. One vied with another, ladies and all, in showering kindnesses upon us, and introducing for our comfort all sorts of delicacies to make our voyage more congenial and health-giving. I myself, besides suffering from the effects of cholera, had had three scurvy ulcers on the leg, which had exceedingly reduced me, and so shattered my general health, that I should have to look out for a sanitorium on arriving in England where I should have to remain two or three years to re-establish my constitution. As to further service in the army that was quite out of the question. Arriving at Portsmouth, my luggage, which was something considerable, was allowed to pass the custom house without examination and my store of Turkish tobacco was admitted duty free. From Ports- mouth I made my way to Brighton, which I had selected as my future headquarters. And here I will stay my band for the present. ./. l'au^hu)t-J/u^'/ui, J:s.j., M.D., L.K.C.T., L.'udon. Knight of the Royal Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Italy. Surgeon-Major, retired, Criinean War, 1854-5—6. Author 0/ " Sei'cnty Years 0/ Life in the Victorian Era." CHAPTEE XIII. ExcErx to those who have experienced the fiery ordeal of having passed through an active campaign of two years' duration in such a war as that of the years 1854-5-G, none can reahse in the faintest degree the blessed calm and blissful peace in which the soul reposes when once more one is safe at home again in the midst of every luxury and refinement, and rejoicing in the congratulations of relations and friends at the many narrow escapes to life ; cheered also at l:)eing honoured with the country's approval and recognition of one's services under fire. In duo course the King Victor Emmanuel forwarded to me through the Foreign Oflfice the Cross of a Knight of the Pioyal Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, " for distinguished services before the enemy," which I received accompanied with a royal warrant to accept and wear the same, signed by Her Majesty herself. This Order with the English and Turkish war medals enabled me to appear at Court with three decorations on my breast. Such an occasion was glorious enough to elicit a sense of pride and vanity in most men's hearts, but to me all such feelings were swallowed up in the one grand iiredominating reflection that I had 96 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE escaped with my life, which idea, at all times, brought to the fore such a deep sense of gratitude to the Giver of all mercies that all the other superficial and mundane thoughts were totally eclipsed. Though many years have elapsed, this condition of mind still exists, and when a gallant volunteer for instance, in the full pride of his new uniform, exclaims, " Oh how I should like to appear at a leree with such decorations," I would reply, " My dear fellow, you little know at what a risk to life and health they were obtained, or you would not think so much of them ! " The first regiment which arrived at Brighton after I took up my residence was the 4th Dragoon Guards which had distinguished itself in the Crimea, hence we soon cottoned together. I became officially attached to the dejwt there, and thus kept in touch with some of my old campaigning friends. Conse- quently joined in the festivities which the good town's 25eople were not slow to indulge both to officers and men. The first fancy-dress ball ever held in the picturesque old Pavilion was a grand success, there being upwards of eleven hundred present. Nearly all Shakespeare's characters were represented. It was a part of the programme that all the party should be presented to and passed by the Doge of Venice, who was seated on a throne in the long corridor. This was a very dazzling sight, the glittering uniforms and quaint old dresses were superb. A Queen's Drawing- room reception could not have come up to it. A friend of mine went in as Falstaff, and his broad front was bejewelled to the tune of £2,000, and he was obliged to pay two guineas each for two of Nathan's IN THE VICTOniAX ERA. 97 men in plain evening dress to safeguard tbem and him from loss or robbery. There were three or four dressed as Shakespeare in silk velvet with point lace collar and cuffs. Two pretty sisters, beautifulh' figured in pink tights and tulle skirts with wing& on the shoulders representing angels, were much admired. Everything was conducted with the utmost decorum, and the committee strictly forbad any objectionable get-up. The return ball 1)}' the 4th Dragoons to their friends was brilliant in the extreme, and the Pavilion suite of rooms was decorated with great taste and lavish expense. Dancing was just possible in the crowded rooms, and when the supper- room was thrown open at midnight it was quite impossible to get near the tables sitting or standing, groaning as they were with every luxury in season and out of season. After remaining a few years at Brighton, and my health having, thanks to its fine bracing air, become thoroughly established, I came to the wise conclusion that that pleasure resovt was very well for amuse- ment and to spend money in, but that it was not the place to get into a lucrative practice unless one obtained a locus standi in partnership with some old practitioner, resident in the town for years. Hence my ambition was to fix myself in London as soon as I could afford to settle in some fashionable street in its West End, for there is no citj' in the world where a professional man can get on so well as in London if he can patiently abide his time, undisturbed l)y a sense of fear or favour. But before this move took plice, I had an oppor- s 98 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE tunity of visiting Italy, where, in consequence of my having received their order of knighthood, I was received with distinguished favour. I was present in Florence when King Victor Emmanuel made his grand entree into that city, and made it for the time being the capital of United Italy, There were great festivities to celebrate the event. I got an invi- tation to the first royal })all at the Pitti Palace, when there were present 5,000 of the elite of the nobility of the land, parading its long suite of twenty- four reception-rooms. The Queen of Portugal was mistress of the ceremonies. I was permitted to enter the compartment where the royal quadrille was being danced, in which were engaged the king's daughter and three of his sons. When I entered the refreshment room, I was surprised to see the tables spread with the most harmless and costless delicacies. The king said neither he nor the country could afford to give expensive entertainments — their war debt was too heavy. There was a huge ormulu inlaid punch bowl, out of which a servant was ladling cupfuls of something of a brown colour, and as it was much patronised by the ladies, I came to the conclusion that it could not possibly be punch, so I went in for a cup of it, and lo ! behold it was nothing stronger than clear beef tea — a nice innocent beverage to dance upon truly. At that time the cholera was raging at Naples, and nothing would satisfy the king but he must needs go down, contrary to advice, and pay the hospitals a personal visit. Of course it was considered a very brave self-sacrificing thing to do, and when he returned in safetv to IN THE VICTORIAN EB^i. 99 Florence the people were half crazy with delight, and he was received with an uproar of cheers. Patti was then engaged at the opera house, and though very young was rapidly hecoming a great favourite. Hence, on the king's return he went to the opera; Patti had just been before the curtain to receive the applause of the audience three times when the king entered the royal box ; then it com- menced again more furiously than ever, and poor little Patti, not being aware of the royal presence, came forward again to be applauded, but soon dis- covered her mistake, but was consoled by receiving a handsome bracelet from His Majesty. It is not often one finds a foreign order of much service in travelling from place to place, but a very pleasant exception occurred to me on one occasion when visitiug the north of Italy. A party of ladies requested my escort from Venice to the river Po. One had been laid up with inflamed eyes, to whom I had been of some little service. They were English, and did not know any other language than their mother tongue ; under these circumstances I con- sented to take a seat in one of their carriages — for two were required Thus we posted down to the banks of the river. When we arrived our luggage was to be examined at the custom house ; but when I showed the official my credentials he very politely permitted our baggage to pass free, and we got at once into the ferry-boat and were taken over to the opposite side before another large party could clear the customs ; thus I was enabled to secure the only vehicle standing there, on which our luggage was 100 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE placed. While I was chatting with the man in charge of the office on the south side, the other party had got over, and had bribed our cabby with a napoleon to take our trunks off and put theirs on. No doubt the wealthy English heiress with her suite of man- servants and maid-servants, courier and doctor, looked very grand and imposing ; but when I appealed to the official to give me precedence on account of my order of knighthood, he immediately reversed the position of things, giving the driver a good rating. You can better imagine than I can describe it the looks of this rich domineering English party, when they saw their fine boxes taken down and placed uncere- moniously on the muddy shingle, and watching us drive off to Ferrara, a distance of five or six miles, which we reached in time for table cVhOte dinner ; while the great lady and her companions were obliged to wait till carriages were sent from the town to convey them to the hotel, which they reached about midnight, when no meals could be had. One more instance in which I found the Italian order of social service was in Eome. In that city there were at that time several private galleries of painting and sculpture, and valuable libraries, possess- ing ancient collections of manuscripts of great in- terest, in the mansions of the decayed ^obiIit3^ The old Hotel d'Angleterre had then a large number of visitors under its roof, by some of whom I was solicited to get them an introduction to see these treasures, which I had no difficulty in doing. "When a sufficient sum of money had been collected as a honorarium for the great but impoverished owner. IN THE VICTORIAN EBA. 101 whose scanty income was considerably augmented by these tolls, then, and not till then, would I consent to be the guide to the part3\ A rather singular bet was made by some friends in the hotel on the eve of our attending the Jrv<''(' at the Vatican. I must first say that the Pope, in those palmy Church days, was temporal sovereign of the estates of the papal dominion, and at bitter enmity with the king, who wanted Rome to be the capital of United Italy. The bet was this. That I would not dare to appear in the Pope's presence wearing the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, because if I did he would thus have to bestow a blessing on the king's decoration. I did not let them into the secret that I was going to place the cross between two war medals. Hence, when I entered the Audience Chamber, Consignor Howard came up to me, and seeing the order, said, " I presume that is a war decoration, and has nothing to do with any political or religious matter what- ever." I replied, "Certainly not," that it was for service in the Crimea. " Very good," said he, "then you can have the f'ntrer.'" Pio Nono then entered, and walking down the long corridor, speaking to one, then to another in his well-known, kindly, genial way, came opposite to where I stood, and just glancing at the decorations, said, " Do you think the cholera will travel from Naples to Pome "? " " I thought not, if the authorities would look well to the sanitary condition of the city." He then continued on, addressing the company, touching their strings of crucifixes and beads till he reached the further end 102 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE of the long gallery, when be turned round, raised his hand, and blessed Catholics and Protestants alike. Thus the bet was won ! "When I arrived at the hotel, the disappointed ones said, " When His Holiness stopped opposite and spoke to 3'ou, we certainly thought be was giving you a good wigging for appear- ing witb that order upon your breast, but you have done us thoroughly.'' When the war was over in the United States, the Americans, especially the ladies, came over in swarms " to do " Europe, and give their daughters a polish. It was not only the fashion, but a regular craze set in to cross the Atlantic "to see the wonders of the world abroad," notwithstanding that their greenbacks were exchanged at a discount of 40 per cent. They lavishly spent their money broadcast. They secured the best rooms in the hotels ; gave the best prices in the shops for articles de rrrtu, completely swamping the English buyers by giving double the usual charges for copies of the old masters. They excited quite a sensation in the coral, cameo, and mosaic stores by the free-and-easy way in which they spent their money. Some of their countrymen pretended " to do " Eome in a couple of days, rushing about like madmen from museum to church, and hence to ruins, hardly giving themselves time for meals, at which they would read their Murray or examine the maps. I was crossing the country one day when two 3'oung American girls were of the party, who delayed our starting not a little by two huge trunks which they insisted on having chained up behind, making our conveyance IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 105 dangerously top-heavy. So I asked them why they travelled about with such monstrous impedimenta. "Oh!" they said, "they were obliged to do so, because if they did not trouble them a bit at the hotels the}- would be thought nothing of, and be snubbed as 'nobodies.'" I could not help seeing that there was some wise forethought in their plans, and that the usual acuteness of the Yankee was to the fore in this instance, and they could, as they say, " whip the English into fits." Here were two un- protected young girls travelling alone thousands of miles from their own land, perfectly at their ease, yet possessed of a shrewdness and tact quite character- istic of Brother Jonathan's family. Again I came across an American gentleman in charge of four pretty young ladies travelling about in style. He was the envy of all the bachelors, who regarded him as a most fortunate man, and did not fail to express their sentiments. "Oh ! you innocent and simple young fellows : you who don't look beyond the surface," said he. " I only wish any one of you had my place for the next trip, and then I should see how you would like to look after four ladies and nineteen trunks and packages. Just try it at one custom house, and then tell me I am a most fortunate man, if you have the cheek to do so." " But what in the world do they want such a lot of boxes for? " " There you are again, you greenhorns. When you are married you will quickly be installed into such mysteries. Don't you see, if ladies change their dresses four times a day, that the gowns must have plenty of space to themselves to avoid crump- 104 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE ling." They might have ejaculated, " Trul}' we live and learn," but were lost in surprise, and said nothing. Mr. Parker, C.B., the eminent archseologist, being a friend of my family, I had an unusual opportunity of seeing and studying the ruins of ancient Rome under his guidance. He had spent quite a little fortune in excavating different portions of the city, and possessed a fine collection of large photos, from which he lectured to his numerous friends. One of the underground prisons he discovered had been utilised and converted into a dejiot, a, sort of refrigerator, for butcher's meat. What dramatic changes hath not time wrought ! There were a great many assassinations in Rome at that time. It was not safe to go out at night except in company, and with lanterns and sticks. The streets were not lighted with lamps. I was at an evening party in a suite of rooms on the third story (the fashionable and healthy one, high above the stench of the streets) when a gentleman was steathily followed up the dark staircase to the top landing, then stabbed in the neck, just missing the jugular vein. We heard the shriek and a rustle down the steps, but before any of us could get outside the assassin was gone. We were much grieved, for this gentleman had been forty years in the city, and had shown many acts of kindness towards the poor. We heard afterwards that he had been mistaken for somebody else. This wanton act of cruelty roused a good deal of indignation in the English colony, and a deputation was formed to call on Antonelli, IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 105 the foreign minister, stating the case, and asking to be allowed to carry revolvers in self-defence. All the consolation we got was this sarcastic and ominous reply, "Oh, yes ! certainly," said he ; " but you must take the consequences," and we knew what that insinuation meant. The populace hated their French protectors, and many officers on patrol were stabbed, and one died of his wounds while I was there. The Pope would nOw and again come in his carriage, surrounded by his noble guard, and get out among the promenaders in the Piazza di Spagna, when the ladies would gather round him like a flock of pigeons, and kneeling down on the dirty flags, in their splendid silks, would seize the hands of His Holiness and salute them, or failing that would kiss the hem of his garment. There was no Protestant place of worship allowed within the walls of the city in those days ; we were obliged to attend a most un-church-like building outside the gates. We were not allowed to congregate even in a private room to read and expound the Scriptures, except on the sly I All this bigotry is now dead and buried, and religious liberty prevails. Hence the Americans have erected a splendid church in the very heart of Eome, with a lofty spire pointing heavenwards, and not towards the Vatican, where everything inclines good, bad, and indifferent. We will now stop, and then proceed with Chapter XIV. CHAPTER XIV. Before we finall}- take leave of Eome and its renowned antiquities, we must just climb up into the brazen ball crowning the grand dome of St. Peter's, and get a peep through its bull's eyes of the magnificent panorama of the Campagna, backed by its distant hills, and on the other side the meandering Tiber flowing down to join the Mediterranean Sea. Again, let us take a farewell turn on the Monte Pincio of sunny fame, where do congregate the elite in their smart carriages and still smarter dresses, where some American ladies would outshine in splendour those of any other country, and did not fail to attract to the sides of their hired equipages and liveried servants the young impecunious Italian nobles, heirs to large estates mortgaged up to the very hilt for generations past ; these handsome, plausible gentry would leave no stone unturned to secure the afl'ections and the money of these rich women, in order to restore the social position of these fallen but proud old families. But — and there is always a nasty but in the fulfilment of these selfish schemes — when the case had advanced so far as to elicit the reply, "Ask papa," the worthy noble SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 107 finds that dear papa is showing off at the sacrifice of capital, and not Hving in the usual way on his income at all, and can make no settlement on his heautiful and fascinating daughter. Then the dis- api^ointed — one cannot say disinterested — lover slopes away, and is no more seen on Monte Fincio for the remainder of that season. Then you ask a Chicago merchant, rich in pork and credit, how he dare act in such a prodigal way, his answer was, twenty-six years ago, " Well, I can go back to my business and make as good a fortune, and as quickly, again," and so he would, for money was made rapidly in the metropolis of hogs in those days. We will now pass on to Naples — shining beauti- fully in a cloucfless sky like a white-washed sepulchre without, but inwardly stenchy and offensive. Vesu- vius, slightly smoking in the distance, first attracts the visitor's attention, and when we get to it we are told that the feat to accomplish is to take some raw eggs in your pocket, climb unaided up its steep side knee-deep in loose lava and cinders till you reach the crater; then if you have not already fallen and broken your eggs, you descend into its mouth and thrust the eggs into the hot dust to l)e cooked, which takes about half an hour, then you take them out and eat them. This I performed safely, but at the expense of a pair of boots, the soles of which were burnt off. Of course Pompei and its wonders were duly done and studied a la ]\Iurray, then we pro- ceeded via Castella Mare to visit lovely Sorento, basking in its orange groves. We made the Tre- montana Hotel, on the edge of the cliff overhanging 108 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE the bay, our headquarters, from whence we rowed over to Capri in order to enter its celebrated " blue cave " in the waters of which reflecting the sky, a man will plunge in and swim about looking like a silver fish, amid ripples of phosphorescent light — a curious dazzling phenomenon, decidedly worth a visit provided the weather is fine. Eeturning to Sorento we next took a journey inland to Amalti, and thence by very good road cut out of the cliffs overlooking the seas on one side, and bounded on the other by terrace upon terrace of orange gardens, till we reached Salerno, the whole ride singularly wild and picturesque. Not being safe to visit the ruined temples of Paestum in consequence of the roads being infested with brigands, we returned to Naples where I gave myself up for a time to the study of the original statues of the heathen gods, unearthed from the temples in Pompei by Govern- ment excavators. Some, especially the colossal statue of Hercules, seemed as fresh looking as if they had been sculptured yesterday. The various surgical instruments taken from a doctor's house interested me very much and tended to confirm the old saying, that " There is nothing new under the sun." AVhile the wonderful preservation of the loaves of bread with the baker's stamp, the coffee-berries, currants, and spices were no less attractive from a domestic point of view to the ladies. It is not my intention to act as a peripatetic guide to the " lions " of the places I happen to stay at, unless I can point a moral now and again. I shall make a return visit to Italy in the course of ten IN THE VIC TORI AX ERA. 109 years, and then I shall describe the changes, social, moral, and religious, which shall have taken place in the country's condition when it has become happily united and cemented under the liberal government and free under the auspices of a large-hearted king ; and throws off the yoke of the Austrians, who were so hated in Venice when I was there, that when the officers entered a restaurant, the Italian gentlemen would walk out. To economise my time I took a berth in a coasting steamer and left Naples for Genoa, which we reached in forty-eight hours, touching at Civita Vecchia and Leghorn t'n route — trade poor, and people half asleep in each town. Genoa may be defined as a city of marble palaces of a bygoile golden era, when their owners could afibrd to keep them up, but in modern times tenanted by a poor and squalid lot of people, who tramp their marble halls and staircases with perfect unconcern and contempt as to their former grandeur. Such are the changes which a declining commerce has produced, not only at Leghorn and Genoa, but also all along the Eiviera till one reaches the large and prosperous community of Marseilles. I therefore early took my departure from Genoa, chartered a carria.ue, from which I enjoyed, on a lovely bright day to my utmost till, the varied beauties of the world-renowned landscapes along the celebrated Corniclie road. The day's journey terminated at San Eemo, a health resort not thought much of at that time. The town runs up a spur of the Alps at an angle of nearly forty degrees, is well wooded, and is a very pretty sight from the sea, and rice rn-sd from its 110 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE summit. The streets are narrow and bridged over here and there by solid masonry to give the houses stability against earthquakes. The fruit was very cheap — I bought twelve apples for a penny, and as to oranges they were a glut in the market. How will this be in a dozen years hence, when the railway is completed along the coast and its crowds of English and Americans appear to spoil the primitive simplicity '? Leaving San Eemo and its cheap hotel at seven francs a day, I continued along the route a la Cornkhe, which, if anything, becomes more bewitching as one nears Bordighera and Ventimiglia, up and down hill on a perfect roadway, passing bold and lofty promontories and well-wooded hills ; then skirting the bases of precipitous and frowning cliffs washed by the angry waves of the blue sea, crowned here and there by the ruins of venerable towers of bygone ages to protect the residents from pirates. Again we descend into a richly cultivated plain with its curiously shaped olive trees, luxuriant growth of vines, figs, citrons, oranges, oleanders, myrtles, aloes, and even palms, and though last, not least, the showy mimosa with its feathery blossoms and delightful perfume. Passing by the model estate of Mr. Hanbury, a paradise of beauty, which he kindly allows visitors to see, our road ascends and curves round a spur of a pine- clad mountain, when there suddenly bursts upon the sight a splendid panorama, consisting of the town of Mentone, with its eastern and western divisions lying at one's feet, with Koccabruna, Monaco, and the I'Esterel hills in the distance, and the wide expanse of the sea with its ever-varying shades of IN THE VICTORIAN EBA. Ill blue and green. Such a view in a flood of sunshine is a treat indeed, and not to be forgotten by any tourist, however apatlietic. As we descend into Mentone the road is cut out of the solid rock, and a deep gorge is crossed by the Pont St. Louis, a fine specimen of masonry, which forms the boundary between France and Italy, and where I had to submit to my luggage being examined, my Italian privileges having now ceased. I put up at the Hotel de Londres, a small place, but the cooking was excellent, as I was informed by a Leicester clergyman, who had ministered there for some years. My first visit was to my old friend. Dr. Henry Bennet, at the Hotel des Anglais. Ill health had compelled him to leave London every winter and take up his residence and practice in Mentone, which became through his influence and that of his book " Eastward Ho and Westward Ho " the most popular resort for invalids with delicate chests along the whole length of the Eiviera. The natives regarded him in the light of the founder of its prosperity, and styled him " the King of Mentone," and frequently pressed him to assume the office of mayor, though a foreigner. He was a perfect Frenchman in thought and speech, and he carried in the muncipality great weight as far as sanitary improvements were concerned. He had 41 fine suite of rooms in his hotel, where he reigned supreme ; the landlord and servants obsequiously submissive to all his orders. He filled the hotel with his patients. In the large dining-room there was a T-shaped table at which he presided, and insisted on having the windows open at the cross part, much to 112 SEVENTY YEAES OF LIFE the alarm of those delicate ones who thought too much fresh air would kill them. Those, however, who were ohedient to his will were i)riyileged to have seats at the cross portion of the table, which was called the " House of Lords," while the tail part was styled the " House of Commons."' I had breakfast with him in his elegant apartments full of knick-knacks and i^resents from grateful visitors, when he offered to drive me in his handsome carriage and pair as far as Monaco to hear the celebrated band of musicians, the pick of all nations, and to witness the play at the gaming tables, which I accepted in anticipation of much pleasure, for the road had lovely scenery all the way, and the Casino had acquired wide-world renown for the numbers of people it had ruined and the constant suicides that had taken place in the first moments of despair and bewilderment at having lost all. A bright sunny afternoon favoured our delightful drive, and we both enjoyed the visit exceedingly, returning in the shades of evening in the glow of a setting sun with keen appetites for dinner. After struggling up the mountains with a party of ladies on mules to see the magnificent jn-ospect from S. Agnese one day, and on another to make an excursion to Castellara, and not forgetting to note the immense commerce in flowers going on per post between IMentone and England, I regretfully took my leave of this beautiful health resort, and made my way to Nice. The Corniche road continued still to present some splendid l)its of scenery C7i route to Kice, especially as one approaches Yillafranca Bay, and taking the IN THE VICTORIAN Eli A. 113 high road over tlio promontory which in its descent looks down on the town nestling in the hollow. Nice is said to have three distinct climates according to your position in the city, whether this he in the old town, on the Promenade des Anglais, or in the sheltered situation of the "Strangers' Quarter," lying back some distance from the sea front. Here one meets in the winter season crowds of Russians, Germans, French, and English, who congregate together as much for pleasure as for health ; and as money flows freely, living is dearer in comparison with other places on the Riviera. Therefore, after mounting Castle Hill and doing the Public Gardens, there is not much to see, I departed by train for Cannes, instead of travelling by road along the coast which is flat and uninteresting. Cannes may be defined as a city of detached villas, snugly emljowored in their own detached grounds, which extend for miles on each side of a splendid wide road, and having a centre made up of fifty fine hotels, the outcome of its well-deserved popularity as a sheltered wintering place for delicate persons with weak chests. A tourist may spend a very pleasant week there. The islands of St. Marguerite and St. Honorat are well worth a day's visit. The quaint old fortress and the fortified monastery are fine specimens of middle-aged strongholds in the days of bows and arrows. It is well also to ascend to see the old parish church and pottery works on Mount Chevalier, from which a fine l)ird's-eye view of the town at its foot may be had, with the bright sea in front and the Alps in tlie roar, which afford such a protection from the dreaded U 114 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE mistral wind from the north-west. Cannes is a quiet family place, where home-life predominates over fashionable display, and does not pretend to com- pete with her more flashy neighbom-, where high life reigns supreme, and boasts of its " Battle of riowers " as not second to that held in Eome. Leaving Cannes I take rail to Hyeres, another health resort, well worthy of a short visit, because its climate is so mild for invalids. The graceful large palm trees lining its public x^romenade, bearing fruit which actually ripens, is a truthful testimony to its warm sunny aspect. Being three miles from the station and the same distance from the 'sea is rather against it ; still it is much frequented by families seek- ing quietness and moderate living expenditure. The natives cultivate largely the violet and the rose, which grow profusely and are exported in large quantities. Passing by Toulon, the great naval harbour of France, I reach by rail Marseilles, its greatest com- mercial seaport, the counterpart of our Liverj)ool, boasting 300,000 people all alive and active, and carrying on an immense maritime traffic with Africa, India, and Australia. The thing to do is to mount the rather steep climb of the rock on which the Cathedral of the Notre Dame de la Garde is situated, crowned by the gilt figure of the Virgin, the landmark and object of devotion to the sailors at sea. From the terrace a grand view of the big city at one's feet with its huge shipping docks is beheld. Again a boat should be taken to the Chateau d'lf, where Mirabeau was confined, and the scene is laid of Dumas' " Monte Christo." Marseilles is fully IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 115 exposed to the mistral aucl is oae of the collest j)laces in winter I ever visited. Before leaving the South of France, the land of lemons and oranges, I ma}' just relate a legend which is superstitiously believed in by the lower orders : it is this. When Eve was expelled from the Garden of Eden she carried iiway with her a fine lemon, wliich she carefully nursed for a long time seeking a suitable soil to plant it in. At last arriving at Mentone she fixed upon that charming sunny spot as the best she had come across. So she deposited her lemon there, where it took root kindly, and has ever since thriven so pleuteously and luxuriantly that the fruit is held in high esteem in Paris and deemed the finest in the world. CHAPTEE XY. Havikg bid fareuell to Marseillep, the f/rand vitesse landed me safely in Paris in about thirty-six hours, which I found in an awful state of confusion and consternation, in consequence of the unexpected failure of Overend and Gurney's bank, which was universally regarded as safe as the Bank of England. English gentlemen and ladies were vociferating loudly over their losses, and scanning eagerly the last news from London. After having had a good look at the beautiful Eugenie, whom I was lucky enough to see walking arm in arm with the Emperor in the Place de la Concorde, I made the best of my way to London to safeguard m}' own interests, as I was told that the *' Bears " were trying to ruin the other banks by making a run upon them. But my bank was forewarned, and had protected itself against their sudden onslaught by getting into their coft'ers one and a quarter millions of money, and thus could meet every demand. When the settling-day came round the " Bears " had to repa}^ 3 per cent, en the bank's stock ; and thus the biters were bitten, and in some cases even to ruin ! Here, again. Providence SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 117 intervened in my favour, and I was therebj'' enabled to carry out my longed-for plan of settling in London. Beginning ^Yith unfurnished apartments in George Street, Hanover Sc[uare, I was lucky enough to secure the whole house after I had been there a few months. From the dining-room window I could see, and was often amused at, the splendid weddings which so often took place in St. George's Church, the steps up to which were carpeted with red cloth, generally indicative of a mariage a la mode among the aristo- cracy, and as these were frequently regarded a mariage de convenancc, the steps were nicknamed "the steps to ruin," and in many instances it was only too true. When my first London season came round I thought it would be to my advantage to be presented at Court, and as the then Adjutant-General kindly consented to act as my sponsor, I went and was introduced, not to the Qaeen, but to the young Prince of Wales, who represented her Majesty at the levee. I felt disappointed, and so did an elderly officer who had come all the way from India to see his Queen herself. He told me that he was old enough to be the Prince's father, and remembered his being biDrn. But the fact was, her Majesty had been so cut up by the unexpected death of the Prince Consort — Albert the Good, as he was called — that she had not appeared in public for some time. The next best thing that could happen to me was to get a hospital appointment, which I succeeded in doing the first year of my residense in London, which brought me into personal contact with all sorts and conditions of 118 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE men, womcD, and children, from the duchess to the dustman, from the peer to the pauper, especially with that perplexing; portion of the pecple since descrihcd as the " submerged tenth." As a hospital physician I came into close communion with the degraded classes, and in one's mission of merc}* among them gained their confidence. The fact was very soon and very forcibly revealed to me, that the drinking of rough, cJicaj) spirits in their raw and immature character was the cause, as a general rule, of their pitiful downfall, their deplorable debasement of body and mind. I don't think the fact is brought home with sufficient emphasis when the "West End talk glibly of the moral degradation of the East End. No one would believe the deleterious, the diseasing effects of these vile concoctions, first upon the body, then upon the mind, except those who have had actual experience of such in our public hospitals, and in the homeS' — if you can call them such — of those who apply as outsiders. Those who will closely look into this perplexing problem as to what can be done to stem the torrent of evils associated with this engrossing vice, find themselves hedged about with many difficulties, though the glaring truth is apparent to any impartial looker-on, that this spirit-drinking is the prohfic mother of many miseries. When the man or the woman is once down, and has lost all self- respect, it seems an impossibility to reason them out of the vicious and uncontrollable cause. They know it, they feel it, they confess it with tears ; and it matters not what position in society they may have come frcm, they are all tarred with the same brush. IN THE VICTORIAN Eli A. 119 which marks them as the " devil's own." Xo blood ties, no social ties, no knowledge, scientific, literary, moral, or religious, in the least degree influences them, and one can only commit them to the gracious intervention of God's good Spirit to move them, come when and where that may. Under these dire circumstances what can society, ■what can the nation and its Government do to redeem this pitiable condition of the lower classes and, by self-impoverishment, the very lowest classes ? What will the upper middle and aristocratic orders do to ameliorate matters? Go into what is called "good society," and just see and hear for j^ourself, as one perfectly disinterested and unbiassed. You cannot help observing and feeling that there is some great controlling power at work, obstructing greatly efforts at reform, and encouraging this gigantic evil, this pernicious agency floating freely, without let or hin- drance, in every nook and corner of the kingdom. Why is this drink question tabooed ? Why is it a forbidden subject in fashionable circles ? Why are you treading on delicate ground when you venture to allude to it under your breath '? Why are con- scientious people put down as fanatics who dare to give their opinion courageously on this momentous subject ? The reply to these tangible questions is plain and evident enough to those who are not pur- posely blind. Vested interests is the answer; interests involving every moneyed class in society ; 139 millions of gold invested by thousands of well-to-do people in the higher and middle ranks, who through the medium of huge brewing companies have each 120 SEVENTY YEAIiS OF LIFE and all a direct pecuniary stake in the manufacture and consumption of intoxicating spirits. The kings of the liquor trade, counting their millions, who have made their concerns into limited companies, have immense power in both houses of Parliament, and exert that influence to protect and increase the traffic, so as to enrich themselves and their legion of subscribers, at the expense of the well-being, moral and physical, of the great mass of the people. That da}' is greatly to be deplored on religious, mental, and physical grounds, when the spirit-lords of the United Kingdom converted their grand paying pro- perties into limited companies, tempting outsiders by the inducement of heavj^ dividends to take shares in their respective establishments, thus giving each individual subscriber a direct mone3'ed interest in the success of their venture, and what is worse, implant- ing in their minds a strong selfish motive to uphold a wrong and to shut their eyes, or assume a silent attitude, against what is a glaring national injustice, which if they held themselves aloof and impartial they would condemn and endeavour to suppress by supporting the God-blessed Temperance movement throughout the countrj". There can be no doubt whatever tha,t the strong and increasing wave of this movement alarmed their lordships, and filled them with fear and apprehension that their fine property would be depreciated as time went on, so, worldly- wise, they resorted to the above lamentable expedient of propping up a falling house. The magistrates, many of whom are owners of i)ublic-houses themselves, have not the courage nor IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 121 the iucentive to 'withdraw Hcences, not even when the pubhcs are admittedly too numerous and their removal is desired by the local inhabitants — yea, not even when the houses have disgraced their rights by harbouring thieves, and become the resort of prosti- tutes, betting-hells, and the depot of stolen goods, are they disestablished. The great majority of the " publics " and gin-palaces are " tied houses " belonging to the wealthy brewers, and these domineering owners and masters can and do exert widespread social and political influence ; so that any one, for example, who aspires to the coveted position of a M.P. has to reckon with and conciliate this powerful caste, which so often turns the scale at elections, and always in favour of that party which will shout the loudest for compensation to the publican, and no Sunday closing, &c. Though this pothouse influence is now becoming more or less counteracted by the Temperance party, w^ich is every day gaining more and more strength in every town and village, the centre of hope, as the saviours of the countrj', are the Bands of Hope. The children -^the rising generation — being secured, the parents become more or less interested in their well-being, and thus this valuable movement rouses their paternal instincts and excites their sympathies. This is a subject of such vital importance to the commonweal, not only to this England of ours, but to the whole world, that I shall stop hero and give it the next chapter to itself. CHAPTEE XYI. Whatever I may have said in the previous chapter^ I feel it does not devolve upon me as a laj^man to give moral advice, or thrust my opinions down the throats of others, as to whether they ought, or ought not, to drink strong alcoholic beverages ; but what I do feel I may venture to do, and to do it without offending fixed prejudices, is to try to remove from the minds of the great mass of the people the crass and pitiable ignorance with respect to the miscon- ception of the physiological action of alcohol on the living tissues of the human frame, and the tendency of the spirit to engender a variety of well-known diseases which the total abstainer is not subject to. There is a wonderful concensus of scientific opinion "up to date" that alcohol is a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in certain fixed, defined pro- portions, forming a peculiar liquid, unique, stable, and singularly tenacious — a marvellous agent for evil, without a corresponding minimum for good. The greatest enemy in the universe manufactured by man for man, and the most diseasing of all liquids to the healthy organs of the human form divine, towards whose delicate organism and construction 122 SEVENTY YE ABS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 123^ it yields not the slightest particle of nourishment, or the smallest modicum for the repair of its structure by labour or exercise. And why not ? Because when it is once swallowed, neither the stomach nor any other organ in our constitution has the power of digesting it, decomposing, or separating and re- arranging its ingredients for the process of assimila- tion ; but we have to sul^mit in childlike helplessness to its irritating and narcotic and benumbing in- fluences. It is rapidl}' absorbed into our circulation, and carried into every nook and corner of the entire fabric, depositing itself unchanged and unchangeable in the delicate and sensitive tissue of every vital organ, notably the cells of the brain, producing drowsiness, stupidity, and paralysis, interfering with a healthy train of sound thought and reflection, and muddling the logical capacity of the mind, rendering unstable also the spinal movements. It disturbs and ruffles the quiet, natural and har- monious function of every organ with its temporary artificial stimulation, setting up organic mischief in its sound structure, slowly or rapidly it may be, but with deadly certainty, in exact ratio to the quantity collected and stagnating within us, and the inability of the lungs, skin, and kidneys to expel the burden in a given time, and the varying strength of individuals to resist its morbific action. In a word, the frame is in a state of artificiality in contradistinction to its condition in a state of nature. It is bepidc the ques- tion here to comment upon alcohol and its uses as a medicinal drug ; that must be left to the wisdom, courage, and discretion of medical men, upon whom 124 SEVENTY YE Alt S OF LIFE must rest the sole responsibility of prescribing it, not as a luxury, but as a curative agent. Again, there is another characteristic peculiarity connected with the introduction of alcohol into our frames, namely, its singular tendency to accumulate by degrees, and fix itself in every part of our structure with an irre- sistible affinity — humanity bends beneath its despotic sway with absolute submission. This fact leads us on to ask ourselves the very pertinent question — What are the effects of the gradual accumulation of this narcotic irritant and diseasing agent upon our healthy bodies '? Well, the following are some of its disastrous results : — After our patients — it matters not what section of society they belong to — have continuously, daily, and habitually drunk wine, spirits, or beer in what some would deem moderate quantities (an indefinable standard) for a period of time, varying with con- stitutional differences, they are compelled to pull up, and put aside their alcoholic beverage — be that what it may — and why ? because the whole system from head to foot has become gradually overcharged, soaked, we might say, like a sponge, with the con- tinuous influx of alcohol, and the poor body, thus groaning under its intolerable burden, rebels against any further drinking, and a forced abstinence is imperatively demanded, till the bilious or gouty attack, headaches, fever, or other storms of serious sickness have subsided, and the alcohol is more or less washed out of the system by the physician's prescription. Well, we will suppose the attack is safely over, and IN THE VICTORIAN EILi . Ti', they have Dal•ro^Yly escaped a fatal result in the form of paralysis or "Brigbt's disease," what do the con- valescents do '? Do they take a lesson of warning from their oft-repeated attacks ? In the majority of cases, not they ! No, in vain does the conscientious and patriotic physician reason with his patients, some of whom, perhaps, are blessed with the possession of even the most eminent and intellectual attainments, and disinterestedly reveals to them the real source of their ailment and the danger of its repetition. Some will exclaim in heated language, "What is the use of my splendid cellar of choice and valuable wines, mellowed with age and laid down with anxious care and great expense, if I am not allowed to enjoy them? Am I to abandon my boon companions (friends ?), and throw into a state of confusion mj^ recognised position in society?" I heard one man of consider- able talent say, " I will die first," and die he did, in the course of time, a raving madman. You may argue till you are black in the face with such thoughtless beings, and others even in their most serious moods only pay passing heed to your re- monstrance. Irresolute man, with childish efiforts, resolves and re-resolves to be wiser and more cir- cumspect for the future, but generally ends in falHng back to his old habits. Now I would ask any prac- titioner engaged in a large practice in Loudon, whether the above is not a true type of myriads of cases which come before him every year. Is it not very humiliating to a man of any moral or religious feeling to have to record the fact that such cases as above described constitute at least two-tbirds of the 12G SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE labours of every active medical man in our huge metropolis, and also in all our large centres of popu- lation thi-ougbout our country? There is not a section of society which does not come under this ban ! Such a mode of passing through this life must be condemned as a farcical drama unworthy of a man of common sense and sound reasoning, even taken from a worldly, social, or national standpoint, but how much more less becoming in the professing Christian, who, with his e^'es open to its bitter fruits, obstinately refuses to give up his daily luxury (or even its occa- sional use), which prevents him from keeping the body in subjection to his rational mind and thought, and which clouds over every refined feeling of our nature. Let us look the above facts fearlessly in the face of truth and science, and may we not justly say that they constitute a key-note to the argument against the continuous use of alcoholic drinking, and, further, form the basis of our indictment against them as daily human beverages. It is to be hoped some good will eventuate to the reader when he reflects that we cannot alter by one iota the peculiar characteristics of alcohol when it is once within us ; and, secondly, let him be thoroughly convinced and warned this evil spirit has an irresistible tendency to accumulate within us, and set up disease in our vital •organs, notably the heart, brain, and lungs. Let all those struggling young members who are desirous of getting on and succeeding in either of the professions, or iu any of our competitive commercial pursuits, remember and take to heart that nothing tends so much to obstruct their progress as alcoholic IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 127 drinking, leaving alone excessive smoking. Let them record deeply the stubborn facts which have been laid down for their guidance in the log-book of their memories, so that they will serve them as an unshak- able rock upon which they can rest their faith and practice, and also base their replies when asked for their reasons for total abstinence, or, if not total abstainers, for ceasing to be daily and habitual •drinkers of an alcoholic beverage. There are four hundred honest, courageous, and patriotic medical men in London who have associated together to give up alcohol, and not to prescribe it for their patients if possible, and then only as a drug. And I shall be excused if I agree with them, for after fifty years of my life spent amid the sufferings of my fellow beings, and witnessing the fearful evils arising from drink in active warfare and in peace time, also in uiy hospital and private practice in London, em- bracing every rank in society, graduating down from the peer to the pauper — the evils involving in their ■destruction and ruin the high and the low, the rich and the poor, men, women, and children indiscrimi- nately — my large and sad experience will not allow me to sit passively down and do nothing to reclaim and reform them. Before I quit this important sub- ject, I would like to have just a little say in respect to the indulgence in drink, even to a moderate extent, upon the prospects of a professional man in London. This will be endorsed l>y many a poor talented fellow who has taken early warning by the forelock, but this I shall leave for the next chapter. CHAPTER XVII. My last chapter concluded with an expression that I had something further to say in relation to the habit of drinking intoxicants of the stronger sort among the young aspirants to fame in the three learned pro- fessions, and among those who intended to gain their bread by brain work. Well, those who have come to the front in their respective professions — some of them, whose names need not be mentioned as they stand out indelibly as household stars, illuminating the unthinking and ignorant masses by their speeches and their lives — these big minds tell us that it is physically and mentally impossible to retain their position of eminence if they did not make a point of being ever on the watch against any indulgence in excess. Nay, further, that they shunned any ap- proach to a quantity that would lead to a state bordering on narcosis, headache, a flushed face, or confusion of ideas, such as would prevent them from rising in the morning with brain refreshed, or induce a feeling of languor and seediness, ill-prepared to fight the day's battle with a cloud of anxious, ex- pectant, and argumentative people, perhaps sickly ones, impatiently clamouring for immediate relief, 128 SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 12i> and watching every expression on one's face with a lynx-eyed scrutiny and earnestness. These wise heads have arrived by personal experience at the unshakable resolution that an unalcoholised brain — a brain free from the tainting presence of spirit in its delicate tissues — is in the most favoured and active condition for the mind to work upon. And if this be a logical conclusion on their part with respect to their prosperity and success in a worldly point of view, how about the higher classes of thought and order of things ? As the action of the mind involves the reasoning soul, is not the whole mental being placed in a more susceptible position for the presence and active operation and indwelling of the Divine Spirit, when it receives deeper and more efficient and sensitive impressions from a material organism that is not more or less benumbed, nar- cotised, and handicapped by the presence of alcohol circulating through its delicate cells ? I would appeal to all Temperance workers and ministers of the Gospel, and all those who would efface themselves by doing rescue work among the " submerged tenth," to reflect upon this burning question in this light, as it constitutes the strongest argument in favour of total abstinence. But let us come down once more to consider our subject from a worldly standpoint, as connected with our e very-day life. What facts do we glean from comparing individuals ? What encouragement do we get from watching those who take strong drink and those who do not ? Do we not find that those who will make the self-sacrifice and curb their desires are 10 130 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE more to the fore in their work, whether we regard this as the labour of the mind or of the body, or of both combined. Are they not more precise, more decided, more ready, more enduring at their work, and do we not extract out of them the fullest extent of their natural powers ? Let us take, for example, the artisan, the watchmaker, the engraver on stone or metal, the electrician, &c., do we not find that deli- cacy and refinement of touch which is the very essence of perfect skDl, the eye guiding the hand with unerring rectitude ? If the surgeon, for in- stance, is called upon for immediate action in time of war, or in a mining district, with its oft-recurring accidents, we see that he maintains that power of instant decision and self-command which is the first quality for the emergency. Then, again, our much- respected nursing sisters, now faithfully to the front, will be seen to possess great endurance night and day, which strikes with wonder and envy those less careful of their own powers and abilities. Thus, then, these grand and cardinal virtues — precision, decision, presence of mind, and physical endurance — are the outcome of total abstinence from intoxicating strong drinks to the very fullest extent that the Creator has implanted them in our mental and physical condition ; hence we enjoy the sweets and the delightful fruits of those' talents with which we are entrusted by Heaven in their most valuable bearing upon ourselves and upon our fellow-creatures. This being so, ought not the authorities regulating our free education in the Board Schools to insist, as a very important item in their programme, that the IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 131 teachers, male and female, should instruct the little children — the fathers and mothers of a future gene- ration — in the knowledge that alcoholic heverages, beginning in moderate quantities, but leading up inevitably to larger quantities, if (htily and con- tin iioushj taken, create in our frames a score of diseases which would not exist in us but for the presence and stagnation of the spirit in our vital organs — besides reducing to a lower standard of abilit}'^ our natural gifts of mind and of body ? Let these facts be plainly instilled into our little ones of every grade and station by parents and instructors, public and private, so that when they grow up they will not go astray from sheer ignorance. I will conclude this chapter by affirming that alcohol is such a fixed body, and has such a strong affinity or liking for our tissues, that, as a rule, we cannot shake it off as quickly as we drink it, hence its evil effects ; and, to aggravate matters, the raw, immature spirits drunk by the lower classes have a strong narcotic, irritating and maddening, and dis- easing action on the mind ; and following in the wake of disease comes the loss of manly strength, of time and money ; and linked to this sad triplet of troubles are weak resolves, idleness, and wortblessness. "And they all began with one consent to make excuse." This well-known rebuil" and refusal to an invitation to meet others to celebrate a memorial feast — a feast of reason, is not inapi)lical)le to the position in which the physician is posed when he endeavours to call the attention of his patients and friends to the drink question. It is a lamentable fact 13'2 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE that with one accord they begin to apologise for the daily habit of drinking alcoholic stimulants, and this with an unusual amount of disturbed equanimity and warmth of expression. Evidencing a disposition to shut up the mind and reason against any argument, and a disinclination to be logically convinced upon the subject — they will have none of it. We find little of the openness, candour, and willingness to hear the truth and facts of the case which is usually evinced when conversing on anj^ other matter of daily interest. An answer which is first and foremost on the tip of the tongue of the great majority is this, " My doctor has ordered me to take some stimulant." One of the most fashionable of these in the present day is whisky in some effervescing alkaline water. Heaven help the poor kidneys which are daily flushed with this and such-like irritating depletants. Well, we will grant that the doctor has done so at a time, perhaps, when extreme weakness and a flabby heart have supervened on a long illness, and he wished to bridge them over the temporary exhaustion. Now, is it not very unfair and unjust to make the poor doctor the scapegoat for the subsequent troubles when the occasion for stimu- lating has passed away, and they still continue to take alcohol habitually ? They would be acting more honourably and generously towards the faculty if they confessed the truth that they went on with the luxury because they liked it, and took all the blame and responsibility on their own shoulders, and thus exone- rated the doctors, who at first only j)rescribed it medicinally. IN THE VICTOIilAN ERA. 133 Again, there is a small commimity of weakly beings in this wealthy country of ours, degenerate ofifsprings of decaying families, to whom a small quantity of alcohol appears a necessity of life, without which they feel, they assert, that they would melt away, and would be incapable of meeting the small demands upon their strength — a strength which will not carry them through half a day's work, or no work at all, or it may be that they are rusting out their lives in a state of doh-e far tuent< — a condition often seen among the idly rich, who often bore one with their iiKihuUe imaginaire. Such-like beings of both sexes affirm with no little warmth that they would faint, swoon, or die away if they did not have their daily reviver — a " pick-me-up " to tide over the despondency arising from congenital infirmity or the sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach. Here the doctor is placed in a difficult position — he has to choose the lesser of two evils ; either he must yield wdth a good grace and submit to expediency, or lose his moral hold upon his patients as a gentle persuader and admonisber should he decline to visit and watch over them. I have a word more to say in reference to this par- ticular sinking and die-away feeling at the pit of the stomach, which is almost invariably exjierienced, now and again, by those from whom the alcoholic stimu- lant — the artificial prop — is withdrawn, and which is temporarily removed by the drinker resorting to another quantum of his paralj'sing narcotic. I believe the sinking sensation, more intolerable in some than in others, is the cause of more pledges being broken than anything else. Then comes the 134 HEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE question, how is it to be overcome, and finally dis- posed of, stamped out, in fact, by those who have made up their minds to abstain. I generally observe that it continues with more or less of severity from two to six months, and then disappears altogether. In those of a very nervous temperament it requires no little patience, perseverance, and moral courage to resist the temptation, the inward crave to fall back on the old pain killer, which is in reality the veritable cause of the sensation and distress. If the upper ranks of society would sink their pride, and resort to what has been found so beneficial among the working classes, namely, the homely oat- meal porridge well cooked with milk or good beef tea, they would get not only certain relief from their passing distress, but an acquisition of strength truly remarkable. Again, when common tea is taken as a beverage, the infusion should not allow to brew more than three minutes before it is drawn off, inasmuch as sodden tea in most persons gives rise to a very serious form of depressing dyspepsia ; so depressing and painful is it among the poor seamstresses of London, who take it three or four times a day, that it is impossible to relieve them till it be abandoned. It is, therefore, no wonder that they add rum to their cup when they can afford it — thus adding mischief to mischief. " Tea Dyspepsia " was the name I gave to these very numerous cases among my hospital patients. I will conclude this article by expressing a hope that I may live to see the day when the upper crust of society will wave their exclusiveness, and make the self- IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 135 sacrifice for the sake of the healthy and happy well- being of those below them by drinking stimulants occasionally instead of daily as a necessary adjunct to every meal. If they would but set the fashion afloat, for strong is the force of fashion, those in the lower social grade Avould, from sheer love of imitation, follow the good example, which would react again on those of a still lower type, and blessed would be the change all along the line. Some of my readers will think that I have been rather long-winded over this, to not a few, unpalat- able subject ; and yet it comprehends the most burning question of the day in the social economy of our race, not only in England, but in the Greater Britain. Notwithstanding all our grand reforms and boasted civilisation, our scientific progress, our increase of wealth and luxuries, refinement and knowledge, Britain is still left under the ban of its proverbial drunkenness and debauchery, the very scorn of nations. If we look at the horrid sequences of this dreadful system — its curses, its calamities, its huge difficulties, it may w^ell arouse the attention and devotion and earnestness of all our young people, upon whom devolves in a great measure its cure and suppression. Viewing the vastness of the subject from a vital and patriotic standpoint, I don't see that I have said one word too much for the reasoning mind to reflect upon. CHAPTER XVIII. Having visited nearly every country in Europe, and having time and means at my disposal, I thought it would be advantageous and profitable to go further a-iield and " see the wonders of the world abroad," as revealed to us in a tour round the globe. Hence, accompanied by my wife, we took a cabin in that most delightful of the P. and 0. steamers, the Victoria, and left our shores in November, 1889, when winter was beginning to stare us in the face. Nothing very sensational occurred to us between England and the Mediterranean. Even the Bay of Biscay was in a kind mood and comparatively calm, and did not churn up either sex as is its wont. We had a lively lot of passengers on board, and leaving behind all the icyness characteristic of the British nature, a general thaw took place, and figuratively shaking hands all round, we one and all made up our minds to enjoy ourselves. Every berth was taken up in this favourite ship, the helm of which was under the experienced guidance of the commodore of the P. and 0. Company's fleet. We had therefore a large first- class company, which had to be dined at two separate SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTOEIAN EBA. 137 hours — namely, the House of Commons at (> p.m., and the House of Lords at 8, the captain presiding at the latter more aristocratic hour, when evening dress was the rule and not the exception. A good deal of card-playing went on, not unmixed with some gambling — an evil sequence not to be surprised at among a lot of idle rich young men ; but the highest stake played was by a bewitching young damsel, chaperoned by an elderly lady, who threw down before an admiring group a most telling trump card, which consisted of an assertion, made through her well-tutored duenna, to the effect that her piquant and fascinating protrfifw had declined sixteen offers of marriage already, ])ut the siren kept back the secret fact that she had speculated in a return ticket to Malta in hopes that she might be fortunate enough in securing a seventeenth which would be to her taste and liking. Now there were many well-gilded and good-looking eligibles on board, but somehow or other none of them came up to the winning post, and Malta was reached without anything of an engage- ment having been made. It was most amusing to the looker-on to witness the clever w\ay in which she handled the ribbons of her team of admirers — coaxing and wheedling some, and gently rebuffing others. But she was determined to finish her game pluckily by inviting six of her most promising devotees to a champagne dinner asliore, with all the delicacies of the season, and so liberally did the l)ottle go round, that at midnii^ht, on coming to terms with a cabman to bring them back to the shi}), they quarrelled and kiioeked him down, the issue of which was that our 138 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE diners-out were taken to the police station, where they were kept in durance vile for three hours till the superintendent was roused out of his bed, who kindly released them just in time to catch the steamer before she left the harbour ! Thus ended an escapade, and an unusual spice of self-centred vanity, which served as a subject for a nine da^ys' talk among the young people, and varied the monotony between Malta and Brindisi. I introduced myself to the Rev. G. M , going out to Sydney to join the Incumbent of St. Philip's Church. He was a fine specimen of what is defined as Muscular Christianity, and an eloquent extempore preacher. When I asked the captain to allow him to perform the services on Sunday in the first-class saloon, he surprised me by objecting rather brusquely, and stating that he should officiate himself, being, as he said, bishop of his own ship ! So our only Epis- copalian clergyman on board was forced to be content with holding a service in the second saloon, where I read the lessons for him, and we secured an excellent choir and mustered a good congregation, the waiters crowding the doorways, and others listening through the open skyligiits to catch the words of a most heart- stirring address. Brindisi, 2,640 miles from London, was reached on a most brilliant Sunday. There is nothing worth noting except an old Roman gateway and the remains of an ancient fort. No service was held ; all seemed busy in the shipping of fresh passengers and luggage, haling from the overland route, and the whole sur- roundings betokened a working week-day appearance. IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 139 After a cleliglitful voyaye of two aud a half days in a perfect calm we reached Port Said, where I lauded just to say that I had trod on African ground. It is a low, dirt}^ place, with equally dirty Aral)s, but the rapid way in which this unwashed crew coaled the steamer was a wonder to every one, and at nightfall, when it is carried on under the electric light, their black, greasy, nearly naked bodies frisking rapidly about, passing and re-passing along their to-and-fro gangways, they are more like so many unearthly demons than anything else one can compare them to. Our distance from London is here 3,570 miles. We passed through the Suez Canal at night under the guidance of the electric light radiating from our foremast, which illumined the water for a consider- able distance ahead, and doing away with any diffi- culty in passing other vessels at the various sidings (ill route. As we neared the pretty French town of Ismalia, quite an oasis in the desert, we witnessed a very interesting sight to the eyes of Westerns. Al)0ut 500 camels were employed in carrying oft" in box panniers the sand from a heap forty feet liigh, which was a source of trouble and expense to the Canal Company, because it kept drifting into the cutting and necessitated dredging out. The sagacious animals quietly lay down to be loaded, and then struggled up to mount the hill in their usually sluggish fashion, in order to deposit their burden at a safe distance from the bank. After passing in review Mount Sinai with its three points, there was little worth recording in steaming down the Ked Sea, except that it was not quite so like a Turkish bath at 140 SEVENTY YE A US OF LIFE 120 as usual. When we were in it midway, and no land visible on either side, we were startled by ladies shrieldng on deck, and running hither and thither shaking their skirts ; the alarm ])eing occasioned by several large locusts settling down on the vessel and hiding themselves away in any nook and cranny they could find, even to the crawling up the ladies' legs or ascending inside the gentlemen's trousers. Some, two and a half inches long, were secured as speci- mens, and were furnished with pretty green wings. We could well understand how a cloud of such for- midable insects would soon make a clean sweep of anything green, and lay bare in a very short time thousands of acres of agricultural produce. It must have been a fearful curse on Pharaoh and his people when the plague of locusts was sent, for it is said that they filled all the houses without distinction, and ate up every herb of the land, all that the hailstorm had left. " Very grievous were they," covering the face of the whole earth, and consuming every green thing through all the land of Egypt. The God of Israel and of Moses must have been sorelj'' tried and angry in those days. Having demolished our insect pest, which for a time crented so much alarm among our fair ones, we reached Aden in peace the following morning. This town, with its fortress, was formerly remarkable for its huge tanks for the conservation of rain-water to supply the natives and the shipping, but these are now obsolete, other means of supply being substituted. The boys diving into the sea after some silver coins thrown into it by the passengers were most expert, for it mattered not how far down IN THE VICT OBI AN ERA. 141 the shining piece had got, they never failed to reach it and bring it up to the surface triumphantly be- tween their teeth. Imposition is the order of the day here with Arab purveyors of fancy goods. One very ordinary article for sale is the long boa made of ostrich feathers. They began by asking t'8, and kept aloof from any deduction, gesticulating that they were giving them away at that figure, and that it was simply ruin to take less, looking as innocent as they do at a muck auction in London, till the vessel showed signs of leaving, and just as we were about to haul up the gangway ladder an Australian gentleman went down to their bumboat, and, dis- playing two glittering sovereigns (an irresistible sight to an Oriental), brought back four of the boas — which was a bargain certainly, and out of which he could make a good profit when he reached Sydney. At Aden we were 4,9G5 miles away from home. Crossing the Indian Ocean we hardly encountered a single sail. Having had a glimpse of the Socotrine Islands, where much of our medicinal aloes is obtained, we entered the tine deep harbour of Colombo, where steamers of any size are safely anchored behind a grand solid stone breakwater of about a mile in length, and a fine promenade for the townspeople. As the Indian mail had not arrived we had the whole day before us, so we went ashore to visit this picturesque town, so prettily em- bosomed in its evergreen trees, yielding abundance of fruit of many kinds. Declining a ride in the quaint two-wheel vehicles drawn by a man between the shafts, we chartered a waggonette and paid the 142 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE museum a visit, which contains a fine collection of Singalese objects of natural history, notably the turtles, which I should say are the largest in the universe, and snakes of a prodigious size. Being Sunday, we attended Divine service in the cathedral, a small church of no pretensions to beauty, and while we were inside a violent tropical rain came down, which passed through the wooden roof, warped into cracks b}' heat, down the walls, and out at the doors, a wonderful sight for English eyes ; but the deluge of water did not distract the attention of the congrega- tion or upset the placid native mind, who entered heartily into the responses and the singing with a correctness of pronunciation which we at home are strangers to. The native portion of the town was very smelly and dirty, with a surface drainage, and appears built on marshy ground, hardened by added soil and regularly dyked and drained, but in the new part the buildings are good and solid — even fine, such as the barracks. All the streets are made to radiate in a straight line towards the park as to a common centre. The public roads are beautifully kept, and as smooth as those made with asphalt. A large body of Lascars left our vessel at Colombo, their three years of contract service being over with the P. and 0. Company, and when they left the ship thej^ gave three good hearty English cheers from the barge, showing how well they had been treated by the Com- pany's officers and crews. I was much pleased with the natives, who conduct themselves in a very orderly, quiet manner, and seem well contented under their English rulers, under whom they thrive and IN THE VICTORIAN Eli A. 143 have implicit faith. The free-and-easy wa}' in which the local jewellers trust our people is something astonishing, putting a wonderful trust in an English- man's word. In one case I heard of a city man who was entrusted with £15 worth of jewels on approval, and when he got to London had the stones tested and valued, and the tradesman, being an expert, offered him i'50 for his bargain, which he declined, whereupon the owner sent off at once his cheque to Colombo. On his return to Melbourne he invested a much larger amount on the same condition, the precious stones being principally sapphires in settings of cheap gold, the usual custom with the Singalese makers, and the same good faith was observed by both parties. It is not an easy matter to distinguish the sexes ; the male has a very scant}' beard, and l)oth he and his mate wear their coal-black wavy hair long behind, and wind it up into a knot on the head. The cut of the man's features is decidedly feminine. They are both very cheery and amiable, and dearly love money-making. The very lowest are so indus- trious and thrifty that they get on and become rich. We had no time to take a trip by train to Candy, a town in the mountains (S.OOO feet above the sea-level, which is cool and ))eautiful, and where tea planta- tions are numerous. That man deserves well of his country, and indeed of Europe too, and his name ought to be perpetuated l)y a splendid monument, who first tliouglit of substituting the tea for the coffee plant in Ceylon, when the latter had by repeated cropping exhausted the soil ! I must not forget to mention that there is in the public gardens a tree 144 SEVENTY YEARS OE LIEE called "the Traveller's Palm," from which, when nicked, fresh water flows out. We need to reside in a hot and thirsty land to appreciate fully this God-sent provision to His people. Our distance here from England is 7,058 miles. Leaving Colombo at 1 p.m., and steaming down its beautifully wooded coast, green to its water edge with palms and cocoanut trees, we cross the Line at midnight of the next day, and the following morning we are 170 miles south of it, traversing a dead-calm sea without a sign of life on, or in, the water, not even a flying fish disporting itself to vary our monotony. We had not proceeded much further southward before we encountered the South-East Trade Wind, which slightly headed us all the way to W^estern Australia, and more or less disturbed the equauimit}' of some of our fair passengers, especially when the deck chairs broke away from their moorings, often causing a ludicrous upset. We had shipped at Colombo a very pleasant and intelligent traveller, Mr, Tlieo. Davis, our British Yice-Consul at Hono- lulu, who had been touring through India with his son, a gentleman who took a deep and active part in mission work, especially among the .young men and children in the Haiwaia Islands, where he was the proprietor of some very extensive sugar plantations. His cheery conversation, interspersed with most amusing anecdotes, kept our saloon table quite lively ; and what with concerts, dancing, and theatricals, we passed away many hours that would otherwise have been ver}' dull and wearisome, and tended to shorten the ten days' steaming required before we could be IN THE VICTOniAN ERA. 145 landed at St. George's Sound, the first point tlie mail steamers touch at on the Australian continent. It is very remarkable that between Colombo and this point we never sighted a single vessel, nor had we a glimpse of any land nor the sight of any living thing, fish, flesh, or fowl — which is very astonishing considering the immense exj)anse of ocean we had traversed, 3,390 miles. We are here 10,448 miles from our dear old home, and as this chapter has been rather a prolonged yarn, I shall rest upon my oars awhile before I begin another which will be descriptive of scenes and people so widely different to those we have left behind at the Antipodes. 11 CHAPTER XIX. Albany is the name of the town and port in liin^ George's Sound where the mails are left for Western Australia. It possesses a fine long pier, supporting a railway, cranes, &c., but the water is too shallow to allow large vessels to come up alongside of it, hence we had to land from a steam-tug. We found the town a progressive one, with several good buildings, especially those for public worship. Overlooking the town and harbour is a steep hill, up which we ascended, and from the top were rewarded with ti magnificent view inland of forty miles, and with the sea and shipping at our feet. The ground was covered with a variety of wild flowers, notably with the white-blossomed mj'rtle. Our party returned to the ship laden with a large quantity of tbese flowers, which made the saloon quite gaj^-looking. We took on board here an immense quantity of bananas, which is a regular article of commerce, and the huge spikes of fruit were suspended by their strong stalks over the deck-houses to ripen. Albany is the terminus of the railway to Perth, which is the capital city of Western Australia. Considering that we were now, December 19th, in midsummer at the Antipodes, SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 147 the air was so cool that we required our winter wraps, and this, with a roughish sea, continued all the way to Adelaide, which we reached on Sunday morning, December 22nd. This city is situated about six miles from the landing-stage — a stage from which is ex- ported the finest wheat in the world — where we deposited several of our passengers, whose acquain- tance had ripened into pleasant friendship during our voyage, and from whom we had pressing invitations to go and stay, with characteristic Australian hospi- tality ; but the heat is intense to a fresh European, the town being located in a sort of well-like hollow, backed by hills to the north and east, which seem to concentrate the rays of the sun into a sort of focus below. These hills are a very pretty object fi-om the deck of our vessel, being thickly wooded, and dotted here and there with white villas peeping out of the green — residences of the well-to-do merchants who reside there during the hot months. The railway to Melbourne zig-zags over them also, and the views, they say, from this line are very grand. Many persons leave the ships at this port of call in order to enjoy the splendid prospects, and get to Melbourne much quicker than we can steam it. Here we revelled in the luxurious Adelaide grape, and we took on board a large quantity of eight different kinds of delicious fruits to add enjoyment to our Christmas dinner, and also piles of evergreens and flowers to decorate our saloons and drawing-rooms. It was at Adelaide that we received our Antipodean telegram, hailing from Sydne}', giving us a hearty welcome to the Australian Colonies, warning us that we had touched 148 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE the fringe of civilisation again, though we were now 11,455 miles from home. Continuing our course northward, we arrived on Monday night in sight of Melbourne, having been piloted up the tortuous channel of Port Philip for forty miles, and reached the harbour of Williams- town, to which we were securely lashed at 10 p.m. Here we were in deep water, and there is a terminus of a short line to the city. As we were to remain there all Tuesday, we took our seats in the train and went ofi" to pay a visit to this wonderful upshot of a mushroom town which shows what heaps of gold can do in a short space of time. It would be simply futile to try to describe the magnificence of some of its public buildings. They are on such a gigantic scale that I do not believe there is a town in Europe which can boast of so many in so small a space. The Houses of Parliament, isolated in their splendid public gardens, and the Town Hall are superb in size and architecture, and strike the visitor with wonder ; and no less so do also the extraordinary height of the stores and offices in Collins Street and Elizabeth Street, some running up to an elevation of thirteen stories, so valuable has become the ground for building pur- poses. In Burke and Owenson Streets we met the fashionables promenading in their Sunday best, it being Christmas week ; and though an Englishman would say that the get-up was, upon the whole, rather loud and vulgar, still one could see that the crowds were well-off, and no signs of poverty were visible whatever. Melbourne is a very extensive city, spread- ing over a large area, with outlying suburbs of con- IN THE VICTORIAN KEA. 149 siderable size and population — some as much as 10,000 — made up of four-roomed shanties in plots of ground, the occupier being the owner; and when a man has by industry and thrift acquired one of these freeholds, he has a vote and a stake in the welfare of tlic city, and be becomes a true Conservative in feel- ing and i")rinciple, and you hear no more of socialism or rowdyism, divide and divide agaui, &c. ; and though they listen attentively to what Mr. George has to say, tliey end in laughing at him. Mr. E., a well-known and extensive merchant in Melbourne, asked us to stay with him. He was brimful of in- formation ]-especting the social, political, and religious aspect of the city, and he told me that, provided the wants and needs of the Church were clearly made manifest to the people, money to any amount was always forthcoming both for the clergy and the buildings. Taking our seats in a cable tram, we came down Collins Street with a fearful rush to Spencer Station, where we got into the train for Williamstown, and on the road down we passed close to the race-ground, most peculiarly and conveniently situated in a hollow, with an amphitheatre of hilly slopes around it, so that men, women, and children can look down, in their thousands, and enjoy the races at their feet in comfort and safety. This natural formation of the land would have been singularl}^ well adapted for the Olympic games, and only required a canvas covering to make it a Coloseum on a gigantic scale. We passed Christmas Day at sea, between Mel- bourne and Sydney, and at luncheon we had a most 1/50 SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. luxurious display of viands, comprising a large boar's head stuffed with minced meat ; a game pie decorated with a pheasant's head and tail feathers ; and in the centre a huge cake three feet high, replete with orna- ments on its three stories, and crowned b}- Old Father Christmas in his own proper costume, backed by dishes of prawns in jelly, crayfish, &c. The big saloon, itself beautiful in white and gold, was rendered still more so by a most elaborate arrangement of ever- greens and flowers, the work of our fift}' waiters. At 7 p.m. we sat down to a dinner of several courses of delicacies in season and out of season, such as the richest nobleman in England could not have got together for love or money. We had, of course, to thank our refrigerator for yielding, as from a huge ice-house, such things as green peas and ducks, fresh salmon, game of all sorts, brought from home to supply us the w^hole voyage out — and to top all we had a dessert set before us consisting of eight different kinds of fresh fruits, such as would gladden the eye and moisten the palate of the most exacting epicure. ' I got up at 5 a.m. to see the sun rise over the Pacific, and to enjoy one of the most lovely sights in the world, namely, the entrance into Sydney Harbour by the " Heads," a narrow passage between two sharp rocky projections, and a glorious trip up the port for seven miles to Sydney itself. En routv the scenery is unique, consisting of pretty creeks, and suburban villas on the slopes of well-w^ooded hills, always green to the water edge, and piebalded with white villas, all protected by verandahs, and some more pretentious with towers or turrets. The harbour was dotted here liVi SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. and there with many yachts of all sorts and sizes (every Sydneyite beinf^ a born yachtsman), inter- spersed with a large sprinkling of huge steamers and sailing vessels hailing from every clime, and as we neared the " circular quay " — the well-known landing place — we passed six men-of-war sleepih' at anchor, keeping guard over this, one of the wealthiest and most bustling of ports. Within so small a water area I should opine that there is not in the whole commercial world so much energy and exchange of commodity going on as at this, only one of the quays of the cit3^ The number of landing stages, the repeated going to and fro of the local steamers to the different points of this port, consisting of a multipli- cation of inlets, each with its stage and adjoining gigantic warehouses, a collection of busj^ centres most perplexing and confusing to a stranger at first. Not one-half of the extent of these active shipjDing points can be seen from any one spot on the opposite, or what is called the " North Shore," nor can the har- bour be photo'ed as a whole, though what one can take in is a wonderful sight under a brilliant clear sky. Perhaps the grandest view of all is obtained from the top of the lighthouse built near the south " Head.'" The electric light radiated from this tower is so powerful that it quite dazzled my vision as I was sitting in a drawing-room window four miles away, and from the top of it I saw one day upwards of thirty yachts racing up and down the harbour — a very prett}^ panorama as they each turned round the light- ship with their white sails glistening in the sun. I will not attempt a description of the pulHic buildings TOWN U.VLL, SYDNKY. ir)4 SEVENTY YEAIiS OF LIFE in Sydney— the}' are so many ; but the Post Office, Cathedral, and especially the Town Hall, stand out pre-eminently beautiful, notably the latter, which the Sydneyites may well be proud of, as containing the largest organ in the largest hall in the world. The people of this city are a picnic-loving community^ and to cavrj this pleasure into practice make a holiday whenever they can devise an excuse. Wishing to see how a party of excursionists would conduct themselves, I early one morning joined a train going to the Hawks- bury Eiver with about four hundred men, women, and children, surprisingly got up in their holiday attire of silks, muslins, and feathered hats, with their brown arms and hands encased in long gloves to hide their workaday look. When we arrived at Peat's Ferry on this river, called the Pibine of Australia, we boarded a steamer, which took us up a remarkable serpentine stream, having this singular pec uharity, that after turning one promontory we get into a sort of lake-like reach which appears completely land-locked, and when one gets to the end, and you fancy the steamer is going headlong into the rock, it suddenly turns round and gets into another reach of the same appearance. The banks are very picturesque, and would yield many a good landscape, the red sand- stone rock standing out from thick foliage and the eucal3'ptus issuing from the crevices interspersed with many flowering shrubs — notably the red Christmas bush — and dotted here and there with wooden villas for summer residences, which are shut up during the winter. On our return we had an opportunity of examining the fine railway suspension bridge consist- IN THE VICTORIAN EEA. 155 ing of seven spans, each of 480 feet long. It produces quite an ocular delusion, for the further span when viewed from either end appears so small-looking that one cannot believe that it is the same width and height. The engineers have been much complimented on this fine piece of iron trellis-work. — Now with respect to the behaviour of this company of pleasure-seekers. I have never in any country witnessed anything so well conducted and orderly. The characteristic " billy tea tin " accompanied each family, and I did not see any one drink any intoxicating beverage whatever ; hence there was no rowdyism, or practical joking, or vulgar brawling, and when they entered the train for the homeward journey of a hundred miles it was done as quietly as if they had been so many lords and ladies, instead of the representatives of Qvexy working class in the city — for all are expected to join the fraternit}^ of working men and women, if they mean to hold their own in busy Sydney. Before we left the Hawksbury, I should have mentioned that I saw a catfish caught which has a nail-like spear projecting from its head, and a stab from which is so much dreaded by the fishermen as it is very dangerous, and also what they call the stinging fish, which strikes with its tail and hurts one considerably. It being a hot day many would have enjoyed a good bathe, but they feared the sharks, which ascend this river from the sea. Before proceeding to descant upon the Sydney races and the caves in the Blue Moun- tains, I shall rest awhile. CHAPTER XX. On Saturday, January 4tli, I paid the racecourse at Eanwick a visit of inspection. It is situated on a flat with rising ground on one side, so that the whole circle can be clearly seen without going on the grand stand. Eacing is quite an institution among the Sydney people, they are a regular horsey class. Every colonist is born, as it were, in the saddle. The races occur about once a fortnight, the prizes are of small amount. I saw both flat and hurdle races. The bulk of the horses differ from ours about the rump, which slopes downwards like a barb, and tends to bring the hocks closer together ; but they have the advantage over English horses in having deeper chests with very muscular forelegs and well-developed large joints, with the head small and stag-like. I saw twenty run in one race and eighteen in another, and they were all so fleet that they ran throughout in such close quarters that one might have covered them with a sheet ; no one horse beat his opponent by a length or two, as one sees so often in England. The two-year-old stands up in as good a form as our three- year-old does, thanks to the climate and the grass. In one race I saw twenty horses jump the hurdles 156 SEVENTY YEAES' LIFE IN THE VICTOIUANEIiA. 157 almost simultaneously, and came to the post in a ruck together like a flock of pigeons, and coloured like a bed of pansies — one of the prettiest sights I ever beheld. I cannot say much for the betting ring ; it was about as noisy as Epsom, differing, however, in this, that many ladies came down from the grand- stand and joined the groups of gentlemen in the gambling ground, and it is to be hoped acted as checks to bets of extravagant amount. The crowd outside were very orderly and good-tempered, and the book-keepers, being all publicly registered, con- fined the stakes to the small sums of one shilling or half-a-crown. I saw no drunkenness on the course, nor any strong drink taken in the booths, but there was a large demand for fruit, wliich was excellent and cheap, and the " billy tea tin " was not forgotten. There was none of that "rough" element present which is so prevalent on English race-grounds ; and as I walked back with the crowd to the city I saw no disorderly horseplay whatever. The women and children were quite safe from insult or molestation of any kind. I could not help asking myself, are all these people, the outcome of every class, really the offspring of English people ? Well, all I can say is, I wish their relatives at home would behave as well. I can bring in a word here about Sunday closing ; in Sydney they have it, and one Sunday night 1 was returning from the north shore, and passed along the streets in the principal thoroughfares, and I found all so quiet and peaceful that it might be well compared to a city of the dead ! I was told that if a man is seen zig-zagging along in a state of drunkenness in the 158 SEVENTY YEAIiS OF LIFE public streets, he is immediately "ran in" by the police, when we, in our large towns, would let them alone to find their way home, provided they were not disorderly ; but in Sydney, whether disorderly or not, the authorities are down upon them sharp, and will not look on with indifferentism upon such a reproach to social morality. No visitor should fail to take a tram-ride of six miles to see the pretty little bay of Coogee, a sweet nook nestling in shrubs, and rapidly becoming a popular sea-bathing resort for the citizens. It would be well also, in order to judge of the wide extent of the other outlying suburbs, all in touch with one another as far as the large town of Paramatta — a dis- tance of sixteen miles from the mother city, and forms a very interesting ride by railway, which gives also a good idea of the huge area upon which this widespread city is built, each suburban villa or mansion being surrounded by its own well- wooded grounds. Bal- main, so well seen from the Observatorj^ Gardens in Sydney, is situated on a spur of land running into the port, and is now a large municipal town of itself ; there one can see how the thrifty artisans are build- ing houses for themselves, and very near may be seen a new gtand dock, which is excavated out of the solid sandstone rock on one side of Cockatoo Island, which will take in the largest steamers afloat. Having obtained an introduction to Major , the manager of the Mint, he kindly showed and explained to me the whole process, from the assaying to the blocking out of each sovereign, which, if it were two-tenths of a grain too light was cast aside by the working of a IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 159 very singular automatic piece of machinery, the amount of alloy being 11 per cent., as in England. I was asked to take a seat on the platform and give an address to an audience of several hundred men at the Young Men's Christian Association Hall, which the working-men put up at a cost of £'40,000. It contains a library and reading-room, a gymnasium, and a coffee-room, &c. I was told that I should have to face a large l)ody of sceptics, who would not attend any ordinary place of public worship, but would slip into this hall and listen to its bright and cheerful music, and tolerate without a sneer or interruption the short addresses from different laymen on the sub- ject of morals and religion. Kising up early one morning, T took the train to the Blue Mountains, at the foot of which wo crossed the Nepean River, that supplies Sydney with water — a distance of forty miles — irrigating also the Emu plain, noted for its extensive orange and peach plantations. Our train begins the ascent b}- zig- zagging, being drawn up one incline, and pushed up the next by the engine and carriages going into a siding at each angle, thus reversing the order of going at every gradient, till we reached the plateau, or dividing ridge, when we went along a slight rise till we got to Mount Victoria. Finding that I had time to spare, I continued on, to see a grand engineering feat — the " Great Zig-zag," which terminates the mountain railway and brings one down to the town of Lithgow, in a valley boasting of four valuable colleries and a large pottery manufactory, the manager of which was kind enough to show me the whole pro- SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 161 cess. He complained of the competition and other difficulties the company had to contend with, by the old country deluging the Sydney market with its con- demned goods, the imperfections of which the squatter could not detect. On my return journe}', the scenery from the Zig- zag was even grander, and I had plenty of time to dwell upon it, as the ascent is a slow affair, and done on the same s^-stem as I have already described. Mount Victoria was my resting-spot for the night, in a fairly good hotel, but the bed was very hard. This mount is covered with villas and a few restaurants, and is the resort of residents from the hot towns during the summer month. Here the climate puts one in mind of Scotland. The next morning we were up to an early breakfast, and took our seats in a coach, which carried its eight passengers to the " Half Way " house, as it is called, where we lunched, and having changed horses, con- tinued our journey, through dense forests of euca- lyptus, till we reached the Caves, now named " Janelon," at six o'clock, in time for dinner ; the constant jolting over the ruts having made us despe- rately hungry. The one hotel here, occupying, with a road and a small brook, the whole of a pretty little creak, is styled " The Accommodation House," but was not very accommodating, it being crowded with tourists, twenty-nine of whom had to make the most of twenty-four beds. Professor L , of tho Sydney Universit}- — a most learned and agreeable conipuuion — and myself were fortunate in getting a small bed- room, with two beds in it. Mr. Jeremiah "Wilson, the 12 102 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE proprietor and discoverer of the caverns, gave us most excellent meals, considering the distance we were from any stores. The next morning I made one of a party of ladies and gentlemen, overflowing with life and good-humour, to pay the right-half of the Imperial Cave a visit, which is lightened up hy Government with electricity, and our guide illumi- nated the more beautiful parts with the addition of the combustion from the magnesian wire, each person having to pay five shillings towards this item of expense, otherwise everything else is free. I will not attempt to describe minutely the splendid dazzling beauties of this huge underground cavern. The white and red colouring in distinct divisions of what is called "The Shawl and Curtain Drapery" is most peculiar, and as transparent as hanging sheets of porcelain. Again, another remarkable feature is the singular shape of the stalactites in the Mystery Cave, where they assume most fantastic forms — some like twigs of trees pointing sideways, and some even upwards, which is quite inexplicable considering that the accre- tion from the carbonate of lime in solution is from above, and the natural gravitation downwards. The bones of wallambi and other animals are found here encrusted in the deposit, and when the crust is broken the bone within is found intact. A good specimen was shown to me of a small vertebra and a jaw-bone, with alveolar process complete, and these in a cavern six hundred feet below the surface. Another wonder- ful sight is the " Broken Column," the upper part not being in line with the lower, which can only be ex- plained by an earthquake breaking and diverting the IN THE VICTORIAN EEA. 163 column from its original position, how many thou- sands of years ago I will leave geologists to determine ! The cavern called " Lucinda," after the wife of the discoverer, is sweetly pretty, and it boasts of a fine specimen of the sJsote-formation. After a good deal of stooping and corkscrew ascents and descents, we regained the iron gate which bars the entrance, and returned to the hotel to luncheon, after which refresh- ment we started again to explore the left half of the Imperial Cave. This is very much a repetition of the right half, with this very important exception, we had to visit the Underground Eiver, which was to be reached by descending a dark shaft of 50 feet by means of a wire-rope ladder of thirty-two rungs, which vibrated most alarmingly. The first round had to be seized in a doubled-up position, and in this cramped attitude w"e made the first step downward and feel our way from rung to rung till we got into a pit of Egyp- tian darkness, for we could not carry lights. \Yhen once at the bottom, we found ourselves at the side of a quiet, flowing stream of pure limpid water, cool and refreshing to the taste, down which the visitors amused themselves by sailing on its surface wooden floats, on which were fixed lighted pieces of candle, which gave to the sides and roof of the tunnel a weird, unearthly aspect, and only wanted a blue sulphur flame to make it look like Dante's Inferno ! Now one would suppose that this feat would be difficult enough for men to do, but four ladies of the party had sufiicient strength of nerve to accomplish it, and seeing this, though many years their senior, I made up my mind not to be beaten by women, colonial or otherwise. Hence I 164 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE summoned up courage to face the peril, and descended safely, amid applause. I need hardl}' say that our ladies did not hail from Belgravia. These afternoon explorations were rather fatiguing, and we emerged again to the light of day with intense appetites that made a deep impression on Mrs. Taylor's dinner, the cloud of flies notwithstanding. In the evening we entertained ourselves with music and singing, and I recited some anecdotes connected with my Crimean war experiences, which amused the colonists not a little — the Baby Incident exciting much sympathy in the minds of the fair sex. The next morning we paid a visit to the Lucas Cave, which is remarkable for the huge dimensions of its cavities. The Exhibition Cavern, as it is called, being two hundred yards in ck- cumference, and required two hours to see it properly. The winding zig-zag descent to it is weird looking in the extreme, when you look back and upwards and see the visitors coming down in single file, each with a candle in hand, stumbling and falling now and again with a horrid, ghost-like screech, and enveloped in pitch-like darkness, they resembled so many shape- less demons going down into the bottomless pit. The swaling of the candles over the dresses of the ladies and the coats of the gentlemen, gave rise to much laughter, as the spots of grease on each person gave them the appearance of a spotted hyena, but they all took it in good humour, as it was impossible to hold the candlestick straight when one's attention was directed to all sorts of curious sights. The bespatter- ing of your neighbour went on in perfect innocence, while you in your turn were served exactly alike, IN THE VICTORIAN ERA 165 because we were all on differeDt levels. In the after- noon we visited the " Devil's Coachhouse," an im- mense cavern, 200 feet high, ojien to enter at both ends, and lighted by a large opening in the centre of the roof. I could not throw a stone with all my force one-third of the way to its ceiling, and a wooden gallery made round its roof for visitors to see the interior the better, looked very queer — their Ijodies resembled midgets in size and their voices sounded as if they came from the skies, and calling out to me, said that I looked like a small fly seated on a rock at the bottom. There were other caves to explore, but I had had enough ; and I left the nest morning at 5 a.m., having had a high time of it; though it did rain a good deal I was sorry to leave such a pleasant company. I drove back alone in a buggy and pair, and passed through the Hartley Valley, where the hares are so numerous that an English sportsman is asked as a favour by the farmers to shoot them. And the wallambi, a sort of small kangaroo, is met with frequently, for whose scalp tivepence is given and for the skin sevenpence. They boast also some pretty feathered pigeons and parrots, but no rabbits trouble them in the mountains. The grass is so rich and nourishing that the oxen are as sleek and fat as those stall-fed at home. "When we arrived at the ridge of the hills I was shown two small rivulets, one going west and originating the River Murray, and the other passing eastward and forming the Nepean Piiver, which supplies Sydney with water. I could not help remonstrating with my coachman for driving his horses so fast, and never slackening rein IGG SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE on hill or dale. They are nearly thoroughbred, and they are strained most unmercifully, for they only last about four years, and then turned over to the cart or the plough. They are replaced by fresh young horses which are cheap, costing £-i or i'5 a head. This plan the coach proprietors find pays better than feed- ing the poor animals on corn to keep them up to their work ; fortunately for the poor beasts the grass is very nutritious. The wind and endurance of the colonial horse strikes an Englishman with wonder — a British horse in harness could not stand such work for a week — and their surefootedness is astonishing down or uphill, along rough roads full of ruts, sludge, and loosened stones they keep on their legs, which are as fine as racehorses' ; their great strength lies in the shoulder and in a very muscular forearm. On returning to Victoria Mount I had an opportunity of admiring the celebrated Victoria Pass, which con- sists of a gulf between two precipitous cliffs, bridged over by a wonderful piece of masonry of great inge- nuity. It was constructed by the convicts in days gone by, one of whom cut his name on the rock. The gorges visible on each side the bridge are 1,000 feet deep, and looking down from the stone causeway the big fir trees at the bottom look like so many blades of grass. I was shown the building in which the chain gang were confined during the night, and also the court-house where they were tried for mis- behaviour. These places are now used for better purposes. In the valleys coal is found, and at the pit's mouth is sold at four shillings a ton. Shale is also present, from which they distil kerosene. Some IN THE riCTOBIAN EBA. 167 of the trees are very large, and of great age, the rings in some indicating a thousand years. When the squatter wishes to clear the ground for grazing, he kills the trees by removing a ring of the bark, then it dies and stands up denuded of leaves, and the grass grows up at the foot. The old trees often rot in the centre, and in the cavity thus made the people make a fire to cook their food, and take shelter from snow and rain. Before I take leave of this land of caves I must just parod}' what the Book of books says with regard " to those who go down to the sea in ships, and see the works of the Lord and His wonders in the deep," by stating that they who go down into the bowels of the earth at the Janelon Caves see also the wonders of the Lord hidden from sight in the midst of the rocks ! for these mighty hollows ought and should be seen by every visitor to New South Wales, for it is impossible for any one to exaggerate their superb grandeur. CHAPTEE XXI. Before leaving Sydney, I must not fail to state that the best mode of seeing this beautiful port, with its mimerous harbours, is to charter a steam launch, and begin at Manley Beach and the middle harbour, then cross to Watson's Bay, and so work upwards, crossing and recrossing till every inlet is seen and admired, finishing up with a trip along the Paramatta river, whose banks are picturesquely dotted with the villas of the rich and their woody inclosures. Having left my card and address at Government House, his lordship being away in the mountains during the summer, I left this charming city with great reluctance, and took my passage for the Island of Tasmania, which is a two days' voyage due south from Australia. This colony rejoices in two large prosperous towns, one at the north end, and the other at the south, 130 miles apart. Launceston, at the north end, is prettily situated on rising ground, sloping down to the Tamar, a tidal river, and a brisk trade is carried on in tin and wool and apples. Here I resided for some time at the house of an old magistrate, who was well up in the history and commerce of the island. On Sunday we attended 168 170 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE Divine service at St. John's Church, built of stone by the convicts in days gone by. The sermon and service veere decidedly sluggish, the temperature in the shade being 97°, so it was excusable. On Tuesday "we took our places in a train which went zig- zagging through the mountain wilds to a township called Scotsdale, passing oi route some exquisitely beautiful creeks and water-gullies, with lots of tree ferns in them. Here we had an opportunity of walking into the primeval forest, and examining the huge trees, some upright and some fallen, centuries ago. Avenues of dead trees most weird in appear- ance, produced by " bush fires," and bounded on each side by the green eucalyptus, extend to a great distance. These dead monsters are called skeletons — looked ghostlike — and when the interior, which is like tinder is ignited, it goes on burning to the very top, then falls from its own weight. I should say that these monster trees, from their origin to their fall, would be at least 2,000 years old. In this locality grows the wattle tree, the bark of which yields three times as much tannin as our bark, and is largely exported to the tanyards of England and America. At Waverley, a short drive from Laun- ceston, there is a woollen factory in a pretty creek among the hills, where an enterprising Scotchman, with the aid of a well-directed water-power, and supplemented by a Government subsidy, has suc- ceeded in erecting some modern machinery, which will turn out all kinds of cloth, good enough for volunteer uniforms, trouserings, shawls, and blankets. I was surprised to see that the proprietor had got the IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 171 electric light laid on for the ^orks, and also to bear that he could not put up with the free-and-easy way of the local colonials, and found it paid better to import his employes direct from Scotland. The great sight which the Launcestonians are so proud of showing the visitor is the wild-looking Gorge. A tortuous path leads up the hill commanding the Gorge, through which gushes the turbulent river Esk, and when a similar pathway is completed on the opposite side, and the two rock}- banks are united by a suspension bridge, a view will be obtained of rock, wood, and rushing frothy waters, as can hardly be surpassed in any part of the world, enhanced as the prospect is by the pretty upstanding town and shipping harbour at one's feet. The tourist should not fail to pay a visit to the tin-smelting works close at hand, and see the ingots of metal moulded, and which are shipped in large quantities to Europe. The heat from the furnaces is intense, and the fine l)ody of men were streaming down with perspiration; and on my in- quiring whether they quenched their thirst with beer or any alcoholic liquor, they all replied unreservedly that they had tried it over and over again, but found from experience that they could not do with it at all ; and that oatmeal and water was the only thing that could support them under the fearful strain of such physical pressure. Finally, I must mention that in the Museum will be seen, a fine, clever picture by Dowling, a native artist, representing a group of the aborigines — very repulsive, but life-like ; also some good specimens of one from the Bischoff tin mines, which should be visited if anv one is desirous of 172 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE seeing for himself the richness of this colony in minerals. It would be ungrateful not to mention how I enjoyed the delicious apricots, peaches, and plums, from standard trees, so refreshing in the hot weather, and which adorn the tables at every meal, accompanied, as in Australia, with tea, coffee, and cocoa, but no stronger drinks whatever, lieceiving a pressing invitation to a friend's house in the centre of the island, we left the hospitable roof of the old magistrate, and made our way by the main line to Boss, where we were met by our host, and driven in a carriage a few miles into the country, where a new experience awaited me. This gentleman lived on his own estate of 5,030 acres, which fed 3,000 Merino sheep — 400 of which were a stud stock, several having taken valuable prizes at the agricultural show. One ewe especially had distinguished itself, having taken a silver cup twice over, and yielded a fleece weighing 22|-lbs., a fact difficult to believe in England, where we get only 7 or 8 lbs. of wool from a sheep ; but thanks to the climate and the nutritious nature of the grass, these heavy fleeces are not uncommon in Tasmania. A large river runs through the property about 500 yards from the house, and an American windmill pump sends the water up to the house and gardens, which, by irrigation, yields an abundance of the usual fruits with the addition of cherries, strawberries, and grapes. The rabbits were the great plague on this station ; it might be defined the irrepressible rodent, as its fecundity and multiplication is so rapid that our friend had to keep going two men throughout the year, who were paid £l each per week, to suppress IN THE VICTORIAN EBA. 173 the nuisance. It was but small pay for that colony as they had to find their own ammunition, but they liked the sport and stuck to it. I believe they get some small capitation fee for each scalp from the Government. I only savf one live kangaroo on the estate ; they are gradually being exterminated, as they eat up the grass, and, besides, their skins are valuable. A great domestic inconvenience in the home life of the island is the difficulty of obtaining female servants, and when you have got them to retain them, for if they are at all nice looking and capable, they are sure to be snatched up by the men and married. And in a country place this family trouble is still more felt with regard to men servants, since nothing, love or money, will induce them to work indoors, their whole heart is bent on an out-of- door life. One day we drove off to pay a call at Mona Vale, one of the grandest mansions in the colony, where the Duke of Edinburgh was entertained. There I fully expected to see a butler and two foot- men at least ; no, nothing of the kind, only a quiet- looking young woman answered the door, but in the gardens, which were beautifully kept up, I ol>served three gardeners at work. We then paid the Principal of Horton College a visit, where young men are educated, and there also female domestics waited upon us. Though our host was a member of the Legislative Assembly, a magistrate and warden of his township, and the owner of a flourishing estate, such was this difficulty and worry in connection with indoor servants experienced by him and his house- hold, that his wife and daughters, ladies in every 174 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE sense of the word, were obliged to give an active band in many little domestic arrangements — in fact, while one moment they would be helping to clear the dining table, the next they would be amusing us with some excellent classical music in the drawing- room, for parents as a rule in Tasmania, as in Australasia generally, make it a sacrifice and care to give their children the best education money can command. Though in the estimation of many self- made colonials money makes the man, knowledge, notwithstanding, is held in great respect, and stands forth as a dominating power. The neighbourhood of Eoss is well adapted as a residence for sportsmen, there being fishing and shooting in abundance, and the horses are very fine and swift ; and as each man and lady is brought up as it were in the saddle, riding exercise is very much to the fore as an every-day pleasure. Picnic parties into the mountains amid lake scenery is a common source of bringing young and old together — social gatherings which are carried on without stiffness or formality, thus knitting to- gether in one sympathetic bond all the families for a circuit of many miles. We were loath to leave our host and his happy and cheerful surroundings of wife and children, but we had to move on, and our next stay was at Hobart, the capital of Tasmania ; but we were not allowed to enter as strangers, our friend accompanied us, and he being a M.P. knew everybody and everything, hence we had a most useful and instructive cicerone. We were shown the Houses of Parliament, Government offices, the Museum rich in curios connected with the natural history of the IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 175 island and its minerals, the quay where much active commerce was going on with all parts of the world, and the very extensive and beautifully situated public gardens on rising grounds overlooking the harbour and Government House. I called upon the Dean of St. David's Cathedral, and read the lessons for him on Sunday. This building is not yet completed, though the foundation stone was laid by the Duke of Edinburgh twenty years ago — in fact, the Nonconfor- mists are much more in advance of the Church of England as to their buildings, especially the Congre- gationalists, who have a very fine freestone Gothic building with a high spire in Elizal)eth Street. Ilobart is in a lovely situation, at the foot of Monnt Wellington, which is often capped with snow even in the summer time, and which should by all means be ascended, especially as half way the coaches land you at Ferntree Arbour, a charming spot shaded with large tree ferns. Now having explored the city, I will just relate as shortly as possible what the traveller ought to see. Let him go down to the pier and take the excursion steamer to what is called the " Eagle Hawk's Neck," a narrow strip of land which joins the Tasman peninsula to the mainland. This point was guarded formerly by dogs and soldier sentries, to prevent the convicts from escaping into the open country ; their penal settlement being on the peninsula, located at a place called Port Arthur, now falling into ruins. The courageous and daring attempts to pass the dogs and sentries by the convicts were quite romantic, but they invariably ended in disaster by a well-directed shot, or if they escaped the 17G SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE bullet starvation stared them in the Bush, where food was scarce and difficult to get without firearms. Those who would wish to read these harrowing accounts, so sensational and blood curdling, should get a book entitled " For the Term of his Natural Life," written by a convict, a gentleman who had been transported for a crime for which he was quite inno- cent. In those days many persons were exiled for very slight offences. It is rather a stiff walk from the " Neck " to the " Blowhole," a natural curiosity in the shape of a tunnel through a rock through which the sea rushes with a deafening roar ! Another trip worth taking is to go by steamer to the viaduct which crosses the Derwent river some miles above Hobart, and then take the train to Plenty Station, then get out and walk to the artificial ponds, where salmon and trout are hatched, and when matured turned out into the Derwent, where they afford capital sport to the angler, who- uses a live grasshopper on a bare hook, and soon fills his basket. The curator kindly supplied our party with tea at the side of the pools, where we amused ourselves watching and feeding the young fish which were quite tame, and the keeper could whip out any of the larger ones with an artificial fly for our inspec- tion, and then throw them back again. * In this valley we had a good view of some luxuriant hop plantations, and thousands of acres of apple orchards, bearing some most tempting fruit gro^vn to a great size in a well-irrigated loam soil. The jam factories in Hobart are quite an institution, and are supplied to any extent by fruit from these prolific valleys IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 177 yielding peaches, apricots, and plums, from standard trees, pruned down to about 12 feet. There is now a large export trade of apples to London, since they have learnt how to pack them properl}'. Thou- sands of cases of this fruit in the green state are shipped off to England in chartered steamers, where they fetch a high price, as they arrive in our country in the winter time. I doubt not it will not be long before a plan is discovered of exporting the fresh apricots and peaches as well. Before we part company with Hobart and our dear kind-hearted friend, I must make a remark u})on the young women. They are well formed and strong, tall, and walk uprightly, with complexions and good looks which will bear favourable comparison with those we meet with in any of our own large towns. The men are tall and well set up, and it is not an un- common thing to see men on the streets who stand 6 feet 2 inches or 6 feet 3 inches in height. We bade adieu to Hobart on a Friday, taking our passage to New Zealand in the well-equipped steamer Mavaroa, in rather gusty weather which sent the ladies to their berths. This continued all Saturday, and more or less on Sunday, in consequence of which we had no religious service, though there were three clergymen on board. On Monday night we neared the coast, and as it was not safe to enter the Bluff Harbour at night, we kept outside till morning dawned, then steamed on and reached the pier at breakfast time, after which we ascended a steep hill of GOO feet, flying the signalling flag, and from thence we had a magnificent view over sea and land. On Wednesday 13 178 SEVENTY YEABS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN EBA. Ave bad reached Port Chalmers, where our steamer Avas put into a dry dock, so we had plenty of leism*e to make our way to Dunedin, eight miles off by train, where an international exhibition was being held of colonial produce and manufactures. If we wished to see evidences of the astounding progress our colonies have made, we could not have had a better oppor- tunity than the fine display at Dunedin, a Scotchified town, where the people of any other nationality were boycotted till a few years ago, so jealous and selfish were its founders. They may well be proud of their grand stone buildings, especially their churches ; one in particular, standing out pre-eminently so, the Presbyterian, which is like a noble Gothic cathedral, with a splendid tapering spire. The town is prettily situated on steep hills and well-wooded dales, up and down which rush cable-trams at a furious rate, which the residents state were the first ever started in the world. The views from these various suburban emi- nences are simply charming, grasping in a bird's-eye prospect the long port and island opposite, the juiblic park, the University college, and other large prominent buildings which the industrious, thrifty, and canny Scotchman has erected. And, though last not least, the sight of its wide streets, lined with large shops and high plate-glass windows, displaying their elegant wares from every country ; its banks and hotels, to compare with which there is nothing so English-like in any other town in Xew Zealand. CHAPTER XXII. No one should leave Port Chalmers without ascend- ing to the cemeter}', which is well laid out as a flower garden and public recreation ground, situated on a rocky plateau overlooking the harbour and pier, and dominating also the peninsula on which the town is built, and around which a good drive has been made yielding pleasant views in every direction. There is also a striking object in the form of a very fine stone- built Presbyterian church, in the Gothic style, with high-tapering spire, perched on a pinnacle of rock, such as one sees in some Roman Catholic towns in Europe. "We are here 1,034 miles from Hobart, and continuing our course along the eastern coast we arrive after a passage of 200 miles at Lyttleton Harljour, the port of supply and export for the city of Christchurch, which is eight miles inland. This short distance was difficult to traverse, leading as the winding road did over a high mountain, and was a great impediment to commerce till it was tunnelled by an enterprising and popular superintendent of the province, Mr. Sefton Moorhouse, and a railway made to connect the port with the city. Christchurch is 179 180 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE the centre of life in the magnificent and fertile Canterbury Plains, a fine and extensive view of which may be had from the Lyttleton hills and from the spire of the cathedral which I ascended, though the ladders are rather rickety. The plains overflow with fruitfulness irrigated as they are from the watershed from the hills which bound it on all sides, and are 100 miles apart, all the tributary streams centring in the beautiful silvery Avon, in which trout do abound, and takes a pretty serpentine course through this rich land, yielding an immense quantity of corn, wool, flax, and fruits, but especiallj' horses, which are bred here in great numbers and then exported to India, where they produce a valuable stock for the cavalry and artillery by interbreeding with the native stud. I met a gentleman who, with his partners, owned 17,000 acres of fine pasture land; he told me nothing paid so well as the breeding of horses — cheap on the spot, but fetched a good price when they reached Calcutta. No immigrant need imagine that he can purchase land in these plains at a low figure, and unless he has a long purse he had better stay at home. The visitor should not fail to pay a visit to the splendid Museum with its large and unique collection of objects of art and of natural history ; the lovely Public Gardens, through which meanders a river teeming with trout ; the noble Cathedral ; the old Provincial Council Chamber, the most perfect of its kind in New Zealand ; the Government domain and the Botanic Gardens. As a tourist I can ouly summarise by saying Christchurch abounds in. public institutions of every kind and need, and IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 181 especially places of public worship of every known sect, even down to the Salvation Army. A very pleasant time may be spent here and in its eight extensive suburbs, some of them with 10,000 people. If the traveller desires to go farther a- field, let him take the coach to Nelson through the BuUer Gorge, or to the west coast by way of the Otira Gorge, or he can diverge and visit the Gold Fields at Hokitika if money fascinates him. Cook aud Son help one well for boating and fishing and local excursions, lieturning to Lyttleton, I may just mention that the men occupied at the shipping business don't do amiss, provided there is no loafing and shuffling. They get one shilhng and threepence an hour, and with thrift and sobriety can occupy a cottage of their own in three years. The union men pay four shillings and sixpence a month to their club, and for this get during illness or incapacity for labour £1 a week for six months, then ten shillings a week for a month, and finally five shillings till they are well. The climate is delicious, like our English summer, and barring the apprehen- sion of a coming earthquake would be a charming place to settle in and be content. A tourist fond of enjoying a picturesque sight of unusual beauty could not do better than mount one of the low hills above the town which is so prettily built on the slopes of the gullies leading down to the harbour — the streets being in terraces one above another — every square yard being utilised. Taking a steamer, and continuing our passage along the east coast for 175 miles farther north, we reach Wellington, since ISfM, the capital of New Zealand, 182 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE in which we land on a fine, but dusty and windy day, characteristically windy, hence its nickname, "Windy Wellington." The large Government build- ings, the Houses of Assembly, and even the Governor's palace, are so many shams. In the distance you exclaim what splendid freestone structures, and when you go up to them and tap them with a finger you find that they are nothing but wooden erections, painted and rough cast with sand to represent stone ; but they are very handsome, being ornamented with pillars having Corinthian capitals well carved, and elaborate cornices, and surmounted by towers or high spires. They are regarded by the citizens with great pride, and a wonder of the world as the largest build- ings of wood in the universe. A Koman Catholic church perched on a pinnacle of rock high above the town was enough to deceive any one, but on going up to it was found to be wood also, but sculptured with figures at great expense. It has been discovered that it is safer to live in a wooden dwelling than a stone one in case an earthquake should pay them a visit. Their grand harbour is land-locked and has deep water to its very edge, capable of floating the largest iron-clad war vessel. The town is confined to the space between the hills and the port, of a horse-shoe shape, so that the people have been obliged to build their houses up the steep bills, and in the gullies, and on any flat available space, natural or artificial, that they could stick a building on, hence the quaint aspect of the city from any high point is picturesque in the extreme. This being so hemmed in by the guardian hills has prevented the city from spreading IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 183 landwards, and it boasts of l)eing the most compact town in New Zealand, the Empire Cit}' as they love to call it. To see its extent the visitor should take a train ride from one end of it to the other, a dis- tance of three miles for a penny — the cheapest ride in the world — then he will l)e able to judge what a bustling, busy place is "Wellington. A very good bird's-eye view of the town and the beach where the fashionable promenade and bathing goes on may be obtained by ascending a winding road which leads up to Mrs. Rhodes' house, built on a spur of the moun- tain at the east end of Wellington. Then again there are other " lions " to see, such as the Botanical Gardens situated in a creek, dotted on each side its little streamlet with high tree-ferns, and crossed now and again l)y rustic wooden bridges. English trees have been planted here between the native, reminding us of home. The walks are so tortuous and inter- lacing that the garden may be compared to a Rosa- mond's Bower, in which we might lose ourselves. On our return through a singular looking suburb, we noticed how curiously the villas appeared perched one above another on plateaus of rock blasted to get a fiat basis to rest upon, and behind them the bare mountains denuded of trees. Again an outlying district called the "Lower Hut" is the centre of amusement for pleasure parties ; there being a race- course, and tea gardens for picnics, kc. Before I leave this delightful town I must not forget to say that it is lighted with electricity ; that the " publics " are closed on Sunday ; that I did not see any drunkenness on that day, or rowdyism or In-awling ; 184 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE that there were no signs of pauperism nor any pawn- shops visible. General contentment seemed to pre- vail. Earthquakes had not visited this locality for so long a period that the speculators had taken courage and built some very grand stone and brick stores, while the authorities had erected a very fine post office and customs house on the qua}'. These with the huge meat-freezing factories gave the town an aspect of great commercial importance, which it merited. As at Christohurch so here, the places of public worship and schools are so numerous that every phase of religious sentiment is represented, and though the citizens may be called worshippers of Mammon the sabbath is well observed and orderly. Thus I have given a very short summary of this pleasant resting-place, which in my opinion is suffi- cient for the passing tourist. And now we leave Wellington and proceed not by steamer to Napier — oh ! no, certainly not — the right thing to do is to take a railway ride of a hundred miles over the most interesting part of the colony, namely, over the Pdmutaka Mountains to Palmerston, on the west coast. It cannot be compared to a trip over the Eocky Mountains, nevertheless, the wild scenery we meet with and the Fell engine with its central rail working up the steep gradients is a sight worth some trouble to inspect, and implies great engineering skill. At Palmerston, situated in a well- wooded and fertile district, there is a break at present in the Wellington Manawatu railwa}', and we had to take a coach and four, which was a pleasant change, through a well- cultured valley till we reached the Manawatu IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 185 Gorge, a fearfully dangerous pass of three mile in extent, up which we were coached with a perpen- dicular rock overhead, and the same below, and traversing a roadway made by blasting the face of the rock, so that if a wheel came off or our horses shied we should have been sent down into the abyss below, in which roared a perfect "hell of waters." There was no railing on the side, and the wheels would go as near as eighteen inches to the edge, the look-out was fearful, and shook the nerves of even the old hands present ! We were, therefore, very much relieved to find ourselves out of it. On the other side of this gorge they are making a single line of rail- way by blasting the rock for a road, and tunnelling through the projections here and there, a very slow, expensive piece of cutting. A few miles further on, our coach stopped at the flourishing town of Woodville ; here we had a refreshing lunch, and then proceeded by train to Napier, 95 miles off, through a fine well- watered country pasturing thousands of sheep and cattle. This was a hard day's travelling, and we were glad to find ourselves at the Masonic Hotel at Napier, where our Scotch host gave us very ex- cellent rooms. Napier is the chief city in the Hawke's Bay Province, one of the best agricultural districts in New Zealand. It is a diocesan cit}' and the residence of the Bishop of "Waiujiu, who, when he attended the synod of bishops at Lambeth Palace, was greeted with the pun, " Here comes the representative of church free sittings, 117;// (( pen- .^ " The town rests on a lovely site, which neither the pencil of the artist nor the photographer can do justice to. • The houses 186 SEVENTY YEAIiS OF LIFE of tlio well-to-do stand brightly forward on a succes- sion of rounded hills and their intervening valleys, embosomed in evergreens and flowering shrubs, a very paradise of beauty and serenity. The glorious peninsula of villas ends in what is called the "Spit," "where there is a fine basin for ordinary sized vessels ; but the spirited authorities are making, at great cost, a splendid breakwater to accommodate the largest steamers. I should advise a tourist to walk or drive round this peninsula, a distance of five miles, as he would be well rewarded. The roads and pathways in and around Napier are excellent. Again the thing to do is to drive to Taradale, a native village seven miles off, in the midst of English civilised dwellings and cultivated fields. We entered the chief's principal lodging — a large room, on the floor of which matting was laid down for men, women, and children ; here his family and retainers slept, each having a proper allotment. We were warned not to go too far into it by our guide because the " live stock," as he called them, w^ere too numerous, and would be unpleasant mementos to take away with us. The centre props to the room were ornamented with idols, carved in wood, hideous looking monsters. This dwelling was surrounded by less pretentious ones made of wattle, reeds, and clay like wigwams. Outside these were seen the Maoris squatting and cooking their meals, and who took very little notice of us. They are a very fine athletic race with an intelligent aspect, and some of the young women were quite good-looking with olive complexions, oval faces, and coal-black eyes, with long wavy dark coarse hair. 7^ THE VICTORIAN Eli A. 18T Oil our return jouriie}' we passed the racecourse, an institution so characteristic of this horsey people, and is here located in the midst of thousands of acres of garden-like land, yielding abundance of every pro- duce. Horses, cows, and sheep, looking sleek and fat, amidst a people thriving and smiling, a veritable land of " milk and honey." Hovering above we saw- several hawks, hence the name given to this district ! On Sunday we went to the Cathedral, a fine brick and stone building, which is strengthened in the inside by heavy buttresses in case of an earthquake coming. While we were examining the interior, the dean came up to us in a most affable manner, and gave us a very excellent account of the church from its beginning, and the difficulties he had to encounter to get it erected, and the danger and risk of a possible earthquake that he had to provide against. The dean has a very pleasing, expressive face, very like that of the Saviour, especially the one painted by Count d'Orsay. Although a spare-looking man, he has a powerful voice and an excellent extempore delivery, just suited to the place and its people, hence he is very popular. He asked me if I would read the evening lessons for him which I did, and afterwards invited us to the deanery to tea with Mrs. Hovell, his son, and two daughters, with whose amiability and courtesy we were much pleased. Dean Hovell is cousin to Mr. Mark Hovell, the specialist who attended the Emperor Frederick with Sir Morel Mackenzie. There is Sunday closing in Napier, and the streets are remarkably quiet ; and on Saturday night the promenades were crowded with well-dressed 188 SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. people, English and native converts alike ; and the Salvation Army were busy at the corner of our hotel doing their level best to induce their listeners to think of the higher life. CHAPTER XXIII. On Monday we left Napier at six in the morning to commence the ■wonderful inland coach journey of about two hundred miles to Oxford, rin Taupo. "We carried the mail, and each passenger was only allowed one portmanteau. I don't think the ladies had the least idea what they were going to encounter in the way of roughing it. For the first twenty-five miles we drove up and down hills, and through about forty creeks, having '2 feet or 3 feet of water in them, with a shingly bottom. Down into these the five horses dashed with as much impetus as they could muster in order to get up the opposite slope, urged thereto with much shouting and whip-cracking by the driver, conveying a most unpleasant jolt to our bodies. Then we would slowly ascend some high mountain, we men getting out to walk ; but when once on the summit we were rewarded by some really very grand views — notably from the tops of Mounts Tau- ranga, Kuma, and Titiokura. Then we would have to descend some fearful ziz-zag road cut out of the side of a hill, with a precipice on the other hand looking down gorges 400 feet to 1,000 feet deep, with rushing torrents. At the sharp turns in these awful 189 190 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE roads our Jehu would amuse himself with shouts and flicking of his whip, which sent the nerves of the strongest of us into a most unpleasant state of tremor. To watch our dismayed looks was, I dare say, fun to him, but it was decidedly painful to his living freight. Hence we were very glad to find ourselves at the half-way house, and get a little respite from the continued jolting of our heads against the roof of the coach, and the thuds to our nether ends by bumping down on the hard cushions. In the short space of four hours I never, in the whole course of my life, heard so many exclamations of oh ! and no wonder, our very spines felt like a mass of jelly. Having had a refreshing lunch and changed our horses we all got into a good humour again, especially as we were told that the track would now become less perilous and distressing, Avith less screeching from our fair companions. We passed a most interesting sight en route, and that w^as the collecting together on the side of a hill by stockmen and their collies 10,000 sheep, an immense flock, reminding one of what Israel had in patriarchal days. Again we met a party of Maoris filing along on horseback, the ladies riding cross-legged, like their lords. We dropped some letters into an old box stuck on a post close to the road- side, and this was the primitive depository for the correspondence of a township some distance off, not a habitation of any kind being visible anywhere, and there could have been no thieves, certainly. The evening of the first day found us at Taravera, having traversed a distance of fifty miles. There we IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. l!)l had an excellent dinner and spent the night ; the daughters of the host waited on the guests, and then amused them with some music, and in no way felt it infra difh, in New Zealand. The next morning we started afresh to traverse another fifty miles, princi- pally over a desert-like plateau, without a vestige of life on it, and for twelve miles no water for birds or animals to drink. Hence we passed carcases of dead bullocks and sheep, which had succumbed in their journey across this waterless track. The plateau, as far as the eye could reach, was wearisome in its perpetual sameness : a barren wild of fern and small shrubs of the Tei tree growing in loose soil of pow- dered pumice-stone, the only relief being in front of us a high volcanic mountain of 8,000 feet in full activity, and the snow-capped Euapehu. At the half-way house there was another luncheon and a change of horses. A wide stream passed through the grounds, and on this we threw large flat pieces of pumice-stone, which floated away on its surface — contradicting the usual saying, that a stone sinks in water. Starting once more, we descended by a tor- tuous dusty road, from which we enjoyed splendid views of the grand inland Lake Taiipo, and the valley beneath us, from which issued here and there from the green bush white clouds of steam, indicating the spots where the hot springs w^ere located. Having run along the shore of the lake for some distance, we arrived finally at Joshua's Spa, in the midst of this valley of geysers. This is the most extraordinary situation for a sanatorium I ever saw or heard of. This spa, called Joshua, after the name of the pro- 102 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE prietor, consists of a number of separate wooden buildings erected in a land-locked hollow, naturally- excavated in a valley of pumice rock and soil, through which passes a small stream of hot sulphurous water from a neighbouring spring, supplemented by hot ebullitions in the grounds, which are diverted into baths for the use of invalids. Of course we did the singular sights of the locality. A short walk leads you down to the celebrated Waikato Eiver, which takes its origin in the lake. Near its banks we look with amusement at the geyser called the " Crow's Nest," with its peculiar border of sticks encrusted with white silicate of lime. These sticks were said originally to have been placed round the edge to prevent the Maoris' children from falling in, and become fossiled in time. Next came the '' Witches* Caldron," belching up its steamy contents at a tempe- rature of 180° F. Further on we came across the " Paddle-wheel Ben," in which the sulphur gas issues forth from a rocky cavern with a gushing, hissing sound — a blow-hole I called it. On returning we started a brace of red-legged partridges. As to our meats, the mutton, our only flesh meat, was very" stringy, because the weather was so hot, or the gas did not agree with its keeping, for what we had to eat at dinner was killed in the early morning of the same da}^ The sweets were excellent, and we had an entree of wild ducks brought in by the Maoris, who shot them by self-made shot. We passed two days very pleasantly with our friend Joshua, a most obliging and gentlemanly host, at whose expense I made an innocent pun. How came it about that IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 193 Joshua bad no father ? because Joshua was the son of Xnn .' The Lake Taupo is the Largest in New Zealand, being twenty-four miles long by fifteen broad, but we did not take our excursion on it in the steam launch, as we could admire its broad expanse and its smoking volcano at the further end from the hills, which the next day we had to ascend on our coach. We were told that there was some verj^ good gratuitous shooting here of wild duck, pheasant, and partridges during the winter months, Mliich it was not our pleasure to wait for. Early in the morning we took our leave of the Spa and our seats on a coach and five horses, and continued a jolting journey northwards through a most uninteresting wilderness of fern and bush, till we reached llotorua, a distance of lifty-six miles, where we were refreshed l)y a really good dinner, followed by sound sleep till live in the morning, when I went out and had a delightful swim in a bath, in the grounds of the Palace Hotel, which was only slightly impregnated with sulphur. Subsequently we walked a short mile to the regular baths connected with this world-famed health-resort. These are on an extensive scale, under Government control, with a regular doctor engaged, and in every other way the organisation is perfect. The use of the " Eachel " bath softens and smooths the skin, while the larger amount of silicate of lime in the celebrated "Priest's" bath excites the surface, producing strongly a prickly feeling and intense perspiration, and being at a temperature of 10:30 F. the patients do not remain in it more than iifteen minutes as a rule. They say these two baths 14 194 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE have cured some most obstinate cases of chronic rheumatism and inveterate skin diseases. Knowing that I was a physician from London, the authorities took good care to give me every information, and praised the sanatorium as the best in the world, and statistics would show that its reputation was well sustained by Australasia, at any rate as the sick flocked from all the colonies for relief when all medicines had failed. There is a good Maori settle- ment adjoining the colonial town, possessing an English church. There is an excellent understanding between the natives and the English, the former highly appreciating the education their children get in the colonial schools, and the clergyman makes many converts to Christianity through the medium of the Church services, where they receive instruc- tion in their own language; but he complained sadly of the obstacles thrown in his way by the English selling the Maoris strong drink. I remarked to a resident who had been there fifty years that I seldom met a Maori with grey hair, and he replied that he had never seen one with a bald head. I asked him if there was any truth in what I had heard, namely, that the English settler w^ould marry a Maori girl, and after living with her for several years and getting lots of children by her, would, when he had prospered and become rich, desert her and his children, though she had materially assisted him in getting the wealth. He replied, "I am sorry to say such is the case in many instances within my own knowledge." To show how very fertile the soil is about the hot springs, Mrs. Macrae, our hostess, told IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 195 US that some of the onions iu ber garden weighed lltbs., and two pumpkins scaled respectively 1031t)s. and I'iOtbs. Mrs. Macrae, who kept the hotel in the vicinity of the pink and white terraces, the pride and glory of New Zealand, gave me a most graphic description of the volcanic eruption of mud which destroyed them and her residence, and from which so few escaped alive, and left the traveller to mourn over the loss of the sight of these lovely silica incrustations. If one did give up making the usual excursions from Eotorua, it would be a great mistake not to pay a visit to the native village close at band, and study a little the peculiar customs and habits of the Maoris. It comprises a collection of native huts called whares ; also rather a fine meeting-house, well carved and painted outside, with a statue of our Queen in the interior. There are boiling pools where the villagers cook their food, and warm pools where the men and boys do bathe. They manage very cleverly also to divert the hot stream from these pools into a variety of holes, which act as ovens, and thus obviate the necessity of making a fire. "We will ask our readers to follow us, as we ought to have done before, along this wonderful inland drive, through the very heart of the North Island of New Zealand, as indicated on a map. We were now cu route again on a mail coach, drawn by five horses, as usual, and our destination is Oxford ; the drive proved to be the most dusty I ever ex- perienced. Talk of swallowing a peck of dirt in a lifetime, I should say that a month would be quite 196 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE long enough to inhale that quantity if we had to traverse this road daily. First of all we had to zig- zag up a series of hills and dales till we reached a mountain ridge, along which we travelled for some miles, with precipices on each side, and in the gorges below a depth of hundreds of feet could be seen the trees of a primeval forest, and though huge in size when looked at from above, appeared like so many saplings. This was really a superb sight when the clouds of dust would permit us to enjoy it. We came across many bush fires, where the trees are cleared by burning, and English grass seed is sown and covered with the charcoal dust, and a fine crop arises in a few weeks,. to the great joy of the settler and the success of his sheep run. Our journey was only one of thirty-five miles in extent, and yet till this space is covered by a railway' the excellent health resort at Kotorua will not be patronised as it deserves to be. We arrived at Oxford in good time for a thorough brush down, and our clothes to have the thick layer of dust brushed out of them. My long brown coat was as white as a miller's. It was quite refreshing to see a railway again, and to find one's self in the vicinity of ordinary civilisation, while the surround- ing farms and homesteads looked like dear Old England, barring its characteristic hedgerows. We were up betimes the next morning, and after break- fasting at 6.15 took our places in a train which landed us at Auckland by 2 p.m. There, indeed, we did meet with a welcome change from the rough life we had been comparatively leading for some time past. We put up at the Star Hotel, where we were accommo- IN THE VICTOlilAN Eli A. 197 dated with some fine lofty rooms, while the table was luxuriously supplied, conjoined with an efficient staif of men waiters ; the essential bath-room on every floor, and the whole house conducted in as good a manner as a first-class hotel in London ; a few minutes' walk from the port, and other centres of life and amusement, but I will leave a further description of beautiful Auckland for another chapter. CHAPTER XXIY. A DESCRIPTION of beautiful Auckland painted in the most vivid word-colouring Avould fail to give the reader a fair idea of its varied loveliness. It is situated on an isthmus with a sea view nearly all round, and unique in its bright grandeur, surpassing anything of the kind I have ever seen. The sight of Naples and its bay, with Capri and Vesuvius in the distance from the Mount St. Elmo is not to be com- pared to it, and any one of the views that the eye can grasp of the separate harbours of Sydney does not match it, and if one's mind is recalled to the sight of the entry into the Bosphorus at Constantinople, or the i^assages up to New York and San Francisco with the morning sun glowing on those splendid cities, still Auckland bears the palm, and stands out pre- eminent in a situation of beauty so extensive and comprehensive that nothing in my opinion can come near it. I would ask the visitor to go with me to the top of Mount Eden — a rise of 650 feet above the town, and only three miles off, with a winding road to its summit. From this historic old crater and Maori fort, in excellent shape and preservation, a panorama unique in extent and sublimity is to be 198 SEVENTY YEABS" LIFE IN THE VICTOEIAN EBA. 199 seen ■which the citizens may well be proud of. From its base to the sea we have the lovely city with mag- nificent buildings of halls, churches, museum, hospital, and huge warehouses, with harl)Our crowded with shipping from all nations, and further out numerous 3'achts with their white sails like so many butterflies flitting about, backed by the opposite shore, with Mount Victoria clothed in verdure, dotted with suburbs of elegant villas. Eight and left of Mount Eden there are extensive suburbs also nestling in pretty nooks, clothed in evergreens, reachable by a tramway. Now let us turn round, and an extra- ordinary sight faces us. No less than twenty-four volcanic cones on as many round hills dot the landscape, extinct for ages past. Again, between these hills are located large mansions in parklike grounds, interspersed by homesteads and even hedge- rows, putting one forcibly in mind of old England, and the simile is enhanced by a railwa}' winding its way through the dales. Before we descend let us face the city again and admire the well-kept central Public Gardens, the big building to the left being the Provincial Hospital on a high site dominating the public domain. The Museum, Law Courts, and Government House are nearl}' obscured by trees. It is very difficult to get a good photo from Mount Eden of the city and its surround- ings. We will now take the steamer constantly going to and fro to the north shore on the oppo- site side of the harbour, and take a ramble in Davenport, the fashionalde summer resort, much prized by the Auckland people. Piising from the 200 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE centre of this sul)urb is Victoria Mount, about 200 feet hiKb, with a well-shaded wooded walk to its flagstaff top, from which a view of the city opposite is afforded of the most splendid nature, far surpassing that from the north shore at Sydney, especially in the afternoon, when the sun's rays are in full play upon it. Having now admired this exquisite bit of scenery, we can take a cab or the coach and enjoy a most agreeable drive of four miles to the Lake Takapuna, another favourite resort, along the road to which and on its banks are springing up numerous dwellings in their snug grounds, rejoicing also in a large popular hotel, with boats on the lake. This lake is very deep, and has no outlet, contains fresh water, though only a narrow strip of ground separates it from the salt water of the ocean. If we continue along the north shore we come to Northcote, another very pretty suburb, and near to this a popular settlement called Birkenhead, in which there is the Colonial Sugar Company's "Works, an extensive refinery. On the side of the hill, one above another, are the rows of cottages belonging to the work-peoj)le, exceedingly picturesque. Auckland and its western suburb is a thing to be seen and not forgotten from this elevated quarter, and no visitor or tourist has done himself or the lovely city due justice who has not rambled at his ease along the north shore, and taken in his fill of such a delightful prospect. We will now return to our hotel, and to- morrow charter a hansom cab and pay St. John's College a visit, so interestingly associated with Bishops Patterson and Selwyn. There we shall IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 201 find an extremely pretty, but quaint-looking, old wooden church, with memorial brasses and windows to those good self-denying men. On the road back I called on Dr. Cowie, one of the handsomest of bishops, to whom I handed my letter of introduction, and was heartily received. I was shown over the large Selwyn Library, and over his most singular wooden palace, fixed to the side of a steep ravine, with the bedrooms below and the reception rooms on a level with the ground above, but all the windows over- looking the harbour and north shore ; a grand picture, truly — nestling in peace and quietude — a soul-in- spiring spot for an ecclesiastical student. The bishop had one feeling at any rate in common with myself, we had both been in active warfare ; he as chaplain to the forces in India, where he had been actually engaged in carrying shot to our men in the midst of the din and danger of a fight. "What a con- trast to his present position ! Now that I am on the subject of Colonial Bishops, I will here introduce a rather weird story told by Sir George Bowen when he was Governor of New Zealand. A very good heading to it would be this, " A New Zealand Chief's Preparation for the Higher Life." Among the loyal Maori chiefs invited to meet the Duke of Edinburgh was one of the original signers of the treaty of Waitaugi in 1840, and who had ever since been a firm friend of the English. One of the Anglican Bishops afterwards said to the Governor, " Do 3'ou know. Sir, the antecedents of that old heathen?" "No my dear Bishop," was the reply, " but I do know that he brought five hundred of his 202 SEVENTY YEAIiS OF LIFE clansmen into the field to fight for the Queen, so I invited him to meet the Queen's son." " Well,'*' continued the Bishop, " when I first arrived in New Zealand that chief came to me and said that he wished to be baptized. I knew that he had two NEW ZEALAND CHIEF. wives, so I told him that he must first persuade one of them to return to her familv. He said he feared that would be difficult, but that he would see what could be done, and came back to me in two months. When he returned he exclaimed, " Now, missionary, you may baptize me, for I have only one wife." IN THE VICTORIAN EliA. 203 I asked, " What have you done with our dear sister, your first wife "? " He replied, smackiug bis lips, " I have eateu her ! " The Maori priests were the scholars of the tribes, and to them were entrusted the important business of tattooing. This was considered a very grave under- taking bv the chiefs, each of whom indulged in special patterns, which distinguished them from one another in the same manner as our coats of arms do our aristocratic families. I give a sketch of an old chief who gloried in a kind of shawl devise which marked his particular rank, and the little kingdom he reigned over. This disfigurement is supposed to overawe his enemies with fear, and to hide the wrinkled traces of old age. Girls before they marry are not honoured by a tattoo, and the married very slightly so on the lips, chin, and eyebrows, but all this custom is fast passing away from those who join the English community. The Maoris as a people merit a few further remarks, but I shall make them as brief as possil>le, just of sufficient interest to instruct the coming tourist. They are not supposed to be the original natives of New Zealand, Ijut immi- grants from the South Sea Islands. Captain Cook when he visited the country reckoned them at 90,000 double what they are now. They could weave coarse cloth from the native flax ; work and polish their sacred green stone, and very hard work it is ; make canoes and ornament them with rude carving ; make battle axes and spears and fishing nets, and grotescpie personal decorations. Some of the -best specimens of this handiwork 204 SEVENTY YEABS OF LIFE may be seen in the Auckland Museum, and the Dunedin Exhibition, where a fine chieftain's tomb was on view. The white spots are bunches of feathers from rare birds. The carving is really wonderfully skilful, considering the simple tools em- ployed. Primogeniture is a recognised law. The spell called " Tapu," acts as their principal mode of government, and the cast of the spell over any- thing was sufficient to make it sacred — not to be touched, and hardly to be looked at except with veneration and awe. The influence of " Tapu " strengthened the hands of both chiefs and priests in their dealings with the people. The Maoris believe in a future state, though it required the aid of Christian missionaries to convince them that God was omnipotent. They love pleasure, and have many sports, the principal being horse-racing. They erect their storehouses on piles to keep away the rats. They are naturally a war-like race, and when the Anglo-Saxon first invaded their country he found them no mean enemy to contend with. Their fortresses, called "Pahs," were most ingeniously con- trived to keep our soldiers at bay ; protected as they were with rifle-pits, ditches, and stockades in front, we were often defeated in our attacks upon them. As to the sale of land or other property which is common to the individuals composing the different tribes, this cannot be effected without the consent of all concerned, hence a good deal of trouble has arisen to Europeans buying their lands in conse- quence of some individual objecting to join the majority, somewhat like one juryman not falling in IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 205 ^vitb the other eleven in our country. Then angry feeUngs and contention arose, and force has been used to settle the conve3'ance. The Maori of to-day has not much to thank the English for, since he has learnt all the evils of civilisation without acquiring its virtues. The only wise thing they have learnt in coming into contact with us has been the giving up of the hideous tattooing ; but agaiust this we must set their artful cunning in over-reaching us iu their bargains, and we have taught them to be ardent smokers and heavy drinkers, whenever they can purchase the " fire water," hence they become laz}-, given to cheating, and mulish in obstinacy. Can we be surprised, then, at the population de- creasing and the whites increasing ? Can we feel otherwise than that the Maoris are doomed ? though it is a crying pity that we don't intluence them for good, for they are a fine manly race, and deserve better things than being made bad imitations of ourselves. Why are not our missionaries and temperance workers to the fore ? The Episcopalians did, single-handed, much good work among the natives for several years, then crept in the Uoman Catholics and Wesleyans, introducing their creeds, with the result that they quite bothered the Maori's intellect, which is fairly shrewd and quick, and the}' were unable to understand the religious divisions of the three churches, and remarked very sensibly and pointedly, '" If these learned priests cannot agree among themselves which is the straight road to Heaven, and the correct religion to follow, how can we poor unenlightened Maoris be expected to know •206 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE how to choose '? " Can we be surprised, then, that between these three stools the puzzled native falls to the ground and relapses into paganism ? The Bible was translated as far back as 1837 into the Maori language, and it may be asked how many con- verts has it made ? The Maoris struggled against us for eighteen years, and stopped all progress, but in the year 1840 the chieftains agreed to the following treaty, namely, " The Maori chiefs ceded to Queen Victoria the right of government over the whole of their country." • The Queen, on her part, gave the chiefs full right over their property, but ceded to Her Majesty the right to purchase the land if they were willing to sell. And, thirdly, " the Queen agreed to protect all her Maori subjects, and granted to them the same rights and privileges as if they were Englishmen." Notwithstanding this treaty, quarrels and angry passions were roused in connection with land purchases, and fighting went on between the natives and our red-coats, which seemed to excite them like the red cloth does at bull-bating ; and matters did not mend till our soldiers were with- drawn and the colonists were left to settle their own affairs with the Maoris. We Avill now take leave of the Maoris, and hark back to Auckland, and for an hour or so seat ourselves on its large pier and landing stages, which I reckon could not have cost less than half a million of money. Let us just dwell on its busy scenes, with Mount Eden in the background. What is the occasion of this lively sight ? Why, in the first place, one sees huge ocean steamers taking their cargoes of IN THE VICTORIAN EBA. 207 tliousautls of carcases of sheep, frozen in an im- mense factory adjoining the pier, Mhich commmii- cates with the shipping by a railway, so that there is no time lost for the meat to thaw before it gets into the refrigerator of the vessel. Again you will see hundreds of bales of fine flax, which the colony yields in immense profusion, and with it sacks of hops and bundles of merino wool, all of which are exported to England. As to the cereals, tlie oats are grand, weighing 45 lbs. to the bushel, and much appreciated in our country. Then come imckages of Kauri gum from the Kauri trees, very precious, while the wood is plentiful and valuable, taken from the Thames Valley, down whose beautiful river the logs are floated during a " fri^shet," and caught ])y booms. Of all the precious minerals which New Zealand yields — gold, silver, copper, antimony, manganese, and coal — gold is the only one I shall allude to, as it is that which is most interesting to tliose already there, and to those about to go. £45,000,000 of gold was the amount of the find from 1858 to 1889. A splendid outcome, and it is no marvel, therefore, that the colony has flourished so well since it was first constituted in 1810. Personally, I feel an unusual interest in this matter, because a friend of mine, Mr. Charles Iling, of liingcote, Auckland, was with his brother the original discoverer of gold in New Zealand. In prospecting for the precious metal he first came across it at Coromandel in 1852. The Government had offered a reward of .i*5,000 for the first discovery of "available" gold, and when NEW ZEALAND VEGETABLE CATERPILLAK. SEVENTY YEARS' LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 2(K) Messrs. Ring applied for the reward, it was refused on the ground that the Maoris objected to the spot being worked, hence it was not " available." Not- withstanding, the Government instigated these gentlemen to go on prospecting in order to ascer- tain to what extent the auriferous deposit existed in the colony, and they did so at their own expense, and they continued to make discoveries, and because they were not " available " through the obstinacy of the natives, they still kept back the reward. A mean and shabby thing to do — thus utilising the time, talents, and money of these public-spirited men for the public welfare without a just recompence. I now come to speak of the most extraordinary thing I met with during my tour round the globe, namely, the New Zealand Vegetable Caterpillar. Our old scientific teachings are completely upset when we insist that a vegetable production must of necessity take its origin and extract its nourishment from the soil : that it is through the medium of gases dissolved in water, constituting what is called "sap," which ascends the plant till it reaches the leaves, where cir- culating through the cells, it becomes subjected to the influences of light and heat, and deoxidation is eti'ected, oxygen being set free to purify the air, while the car- bon descends, constituting woody fibre and vegetable growth. This physiological explanation is of no avail to us in our efforts to explain the nourishment and growth of the Vegetable Caterpillar — a most startling phenomenon — a singular freak of nature ! Remark- able to relate, this plant fulfils its destiny by i^ossessing the power of reproducing itself by means of minute 210 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE seeds, whicli are massed like so much red sand on the ends of the twigs. They are clearly seen by an inch magnifier, packed together firmly somewhat like the maize in the cob. These small seedlings find their way into the interior of the caterpillar through the pores of the animal's breathing apparatus, represented in the drawing by the round marks. Once inside its body hair-like roots are sent out, which ramify into every nook and corner of its soft tissue, absorbing no gases in the usual way of soil-growing plants, but directly taking up the albuminous fluid from the body of the grub, which, as the plant bursts outside and develops itself, gradually sucks dry its very existence, starves out in fact its ver}' life, and the caterpillar shrivels up by degrees and dies of inanition. In this condition thej' both fall down to the root of the tree, when it is said the Maories collect them into bundles, boil, and eat them — quite as palatable per- haps as fat snails consumed as a relish by the natives of other countries. This very peculiar and interest- ing specimen of creative genius is indeed unique, and like many other created things, at present beyond our comprehension. We must be content to await patiently the greater developments of scientific research. "We must remain students all our days, and keep our scientific eye open to the reception of new laws, and the rejection of old conclusions. This perpetual going to school, this attitude of honest and humble study, will tend doubtless to keep the mind fresh. Thinkers must all admit that God works in a m^'sterious way, and because we cannot at once understand and explain His wondrous marvels, let us not shut ourselves up IN THE VICTOlilAX ERA. 211 in our owu vaiu conceits, and say that there is no Creator. **We are fearfully and wonderfully made," so says the Psalmist ; but he goes on to say, " and that my soul kuoweth right well." Do we know it right well '? Do we really and practically feel it ? Do we humble ourselves at the sight of God's grand and indescribable developments '? Do we confess our in- tellects very small, very midgy-like, veritable pigmies, when compared with His magnificent intelligence. If we do, then we maj' venture to say and to feel that our faith and hope is based upon a solid rock which cannot be shaken by the attacks of sceptics, be they ever so sharp, delusive, fascinating, and plausible. Sometimes I give a lecture on this singular phe- nomenon so inexplicable to the scientist of the day, and end by drawing some useful moral reflections from it, such as the following : — The introduction of these seedlings into the cater- pillar, and the gradual destruction of its body and the extinction of its very life, may be very aptly taken to illustrate the efifects of the smaller sins into the hearts of men and women. In a thoughtless and unguarded moment we permit these little evils to penetrate into our minds, where they take deep root — a tenacious lodgement— till they gradually expand into some be- setting sin, monopolising the whole soul, which we cannot of ourselves shake off. And if we do not apply earnestly and vigorously for the power of the Holy Spirit to come to our aid and help us to weed it out, it will take as iirni a grip of us as this plant does of the grub which it cruelly kills, and hinders from per- fecting itself for the higher life of a splendid insect, a 212 SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE l)eautifully coloured moth, soaring upwards to the skies in self-dehght and the admiration of all be- holders. It shows also very forcibly how necessary it is for us in going through this world, replete with temptations and traps to catch the unwary, that we should be steady and unswerving sentinels, wide awake and ever on the watch against the insinuating arts and wdles of the Evil One, going al)Out seeking where he can drop his seedlings of sin and mischief, and also knows so well our salient points of weakness. Whether these be the outcome of our various positions, high or low, rich or poor, old or young, or not, none are exempt from attacks. As we pity this unfortunate caterpillar which is shrivelled up into a mere shell, and even as a grub looses its comely aspect and its chances of a higher development, so must we pity the human being whose soul is so perverted and dis- figured by continuous sinning that it is not fit to mix with the company of the angels in heaven. We la- ment over the being who is so careless and slumbering that a little evilly-disposed wish is allowed to enter a corner of the heart, where it finds congenial soil till it expands into a masterful giant ! To get this wish gratified all the cardinal virtues are sacrificed and ignored, such as truth, temperance, self-respect, honour, justice, humility, and faith, and all the helps to the acquisition of these virtues are set at nought, even voted a bore, or tolerated only for social appearance sake, such are prayer, bible reading, public divine worship, and all that belongs to the formation of the Christian character. As men and women in the image of our God we rob ourselves of our higher life IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. 213 and dignity, and become not unlike this cateriDillar and its parasite, which thinks only of sensual gratifi- cation. We may well take this warning lesson from the New Zealand caterpillar. Let us strive to safe- guard ourselves against the first insidious entrance of the small seedlings sown by the Evil One in our minds, which grow so l)ig and formidable, and create in us such a cruel injury. But should we in an unguarded moment have allowed one to penetrate our hearts, let us quickly search and weed it out before it has time to take deep root within us, and thus hinder our spirits from soaring heavenwards, and mounting from strength to strength, and from glory to glory, till we have reached that spiritual peace which passeth under- standing. Finally, let us bethink ourselves how such a depraved mind prevents our shining here as lights and helpers to others, and checks our ascent to God's glorious home, clothed in our beautiful resurrection bodies, which He has promised to those who love and serve Him steadfastly and faithfully. I cannot take my leave of beautiful Auckland without a word with respect to the social aspect of the upper classes. They are so thoroughly English in their ways and feelings that it is difficult to imagine oneself out of England. They are very fond of music, and though their assembly room was burnt down twice by an in- cendiary, they have now erected a third one of stone and brick, which has 1,800 sittings. All the concerts are b}' amateurs, who invite their friends, and most agreeable evenings are spent. There is a great deal of quiet sociability going on among the families, with- out any pretence at anything grand or expensive. The w^j