UC-NRLF C J lilllllllllllll jllllllllillll ll jllil III llll I B 3 fl^fl 2bE CATALOGUE of Coins and Medals Belonging to the Society of California Pioneers ^ K f PRESS OF PHILLIPS a VAN ORDEN CO S09-515 HOWARD ST. SAN FRA.-JCiSCO CATALOGUE OF Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, Bronze and Porcelain Coins and Medals Composed of the well known collections of Dr. Spiers and G. T. Ward, Jr., besides additions|froni 1877 to the present time 11 / 1 -nee TS> This Collection is Composed of the Most Rare and Valuable Medals and Coins of all Nations From the earliest coinage of the Ancitnts, dorvn to the present time SAN FRANCISCO 1909 ■AioV^ INTRODUCTION to Catalogue Issued in 1877 The person who made the collection of ancient and modern coins and medals in the cases numbered from one to twenty- eight inclusive, in the following catalogue, is Dr. Charles Spiers, a resident of California since 1849, and recently elected a member of the Society of CaUfornia Pioneers. He is now in his seventy-seventh year, and has been a coin collector since he was fourteen years of age. With him it has been a labor of love. He was born and reared in Mrginia, and from his boy- hood has taken a deep interest in the collection of rare and curious coins. Whenever a specimen came into his hands it incited a desire to study the history of the period and visit the country where it was coined. In pursuit of this pleasure he has visited, in the last forty j^ears, nearly all the European govern- ments, and also China, Japan, Australia, Central and South America — in fact, almost every country which can boast of a metallic currency as a representative of its civilization. We know that coins have been for nearly three thousand years the representatives of certain values and the medium of exchange between different nations; that medals, for the same length of time, have been the emblems issued by different gov- ernments and various authorities, to commemorate some impor- tant event in history or to ennoble and perpetuate acts of daring, courage and humanity. The study of these coins and medals is the study of ancient and modern history. They bring us in contact with the prominent rulers of the world, and show us the rise and fall of kingdoms and empires, of liberal and despotic governments, in the progress of numismatic science. Hence the Doctor has become not only an extensive traveler, in the 370867 4 INTRODUCTION pursuit of rare and curious coins, but also an exact historian; and in these silent metallic emblems he cannot only scan the present, but "Read the long records of a distant age." Like all men who make some subject a specialty of their lives, Doctor Spiers is an enthusiast upon this subject of speci- men coin collection, and, from having been so long engaged in it, has grown to be an unsurpassed expert. Thus we have surety that every coin mentioned in this catalogue is just as represented. They were not collected for sale or speculation. In addition to the European and American coinage of inter- mediate and modern civilization, are specimens of ancient Phoe- nicia, Persia, Assyria, Greece, Egypt, Judea, Rome, Carthage, of the Saracenic empire, and of the more eastern Asiatics, including those seemingly ever living nations, China and Japan. The following catalogue was prepared by Dr. Spiers, and differs, in some particulars, from the usual methods of cata- loguing coins. They are not classified in the old style, but placed in glass-covered cases, on black velvet ground, according to size, without regard to nationality or date, so as to preserve a uniformity in the cases. Each case and coin being numbered, a description will be readily found in the printed list. The orthography authorized by the government at the time these coins and medals were issued is copied in the catalogue. Various opinions of coin experts and numismatologists could be adduced as to the value of this collection, but it is considered only necessary to give the opinion of Dr. Linderman, the Director of the United States Mint. At the request of Wm. S. O'Brien, Esq., on behalf of the committee on coins. Dr. Linderman, while in San Francisco last January, examined this collection, then at Pioneer Hall. The Doctor said that "he had seen the numismatic collections in the mints and museums of Paris and London, and was familiar with the extensive collection in the Philadelphia Mint; but he pronounced this collection as surpassing, in rarity, antiqueness, and beauty of specimens, any collection he had ever seen. He expressed the opinion that such a rare and valuable collection ought to be secured by the United States Government, and placed in the mint at San Francisco, as this establishment is now one of the most important in the world." The appreciation in the value of coins is one of the most singular features in history. Why should a silver coin that is known to be worth only one hundred cents in copper, sell for a hundred or a thousand times its intrinsic value? For example, case number 28 contains 52 silver dollars, representing every coinage of the silver dollar by our Government since 1794 to the present time. The coinage of ISO-l is the rarest INTRODUCTION' O and most valuable. The coin quotation sales show that this dollar has sold at auction at five different times within the last sixteen vears at prices as follows: $325, $440, $860, $700, and $1,400. Nearly every government in Europe and Asia has a collection of coins. • Our Government has no collection at Washington City. There are many private collections in the United States, and this one made b}^ Dr. Spiers is considered one of the best and most desirable. It is the result of a lifetime of labor and travel. The Doctor has transferred this collection to the Pioneers, considering the transfer entirely in the nature of a donation. Knowing that Pioneer Hall is not fire-proof, the Committee on Coins, pursuant to instruction from the Board of Directors, obtained permission from General La Grange, the present Superintendent of the United States ]\Iint in this city, to deposit this collection temporarily in the mint for safe keeping. A room was very kindly appropriated for their use, where they can be seen b}'' the Pioneers and the public during office hours. The coins in the cases numbered from 29 to 36 inclusive, belonged to the Pioneers before the acquisition of the Spiers collection. By order of the Society of California Pioneers. San Francisco, July 26th, 1877. INTRODUCTION to Edition of 1909 The introduction to the catalogue issued in 1877 refers only to the collection of Dr. Spiers, which Dr. Linderman, for years Director of the Mint, stated was the finest collection he had ever seen. Since that time the large collection of C. T. Ward, Jr., and other smaller collections have been added. A well known expert after examining the collection in 1908, stated that a good many of the coins were the only ones of their kind in existence. The Society of California Pioneers. June 1, 1909. CATALOGUE CASE No. I. 1 — A silver ten cent coin of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Obverse, eagle and wreath, "10 cents." Date, 1866. Con- dition, perfect. Very rare. 2 — A fine silver half crown of Charles VI, Emperor of Ger- many. Obverse, a fine head and full bust of the Emperor in full court dress; name and title. Reverse, a double eagle, crowned, and inscription. Date, 1731. In splendid condition. Rare. 3 — A fine silver half crown of Louis XIV, the great King of France. Obverse, a fine head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coat of arms and inscription. Date, 1663. In perfect condition. Rare. 4 — A silver half dollar of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Obverse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, eagle and inscription. Date, 1866. Condition, perfect. Rare. 5 — A silver ten cent coin of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head, name and title of Victoria, Queen of England. Re- verse, Chinese characters. Date, 1867. Perfect. 6 — A silver coin (dime size), of Japan. Obverse, wreath and emblems. Reverse, a dragon or large snake. Perfect. 7 — United States 25 cents of 1853. Perfect. 8 — A large copper coin of Russia, in the reign of Paul, Em- peror. Obverse, eagle and inscription. Reverse, inscrip- tion. Condition, perfect. Date, 1798. 9 — Two reals, cob money of Spain. Coat of arms on obverse and reverse. Condition, very fine. 8 CATALOGUE OF COINS JO — A silver ten cent coin of Hong Kong. Obverse, head, name and title of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, Chinese characters. Perfect. J 1 — A "silver shilling of William IV, King of England. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1826. Condition, perfect. 12 — A silver shilling of Victoria, Queen of England. Obverse, head, name and title. Reverse, crown, coat of arms and inscription. Date, 1849. Perfect. 13 — A fine large silver dollar of Peter II, Emperor of Brazil. Obverse, a fine large crown, wreath and coat of arms, inscrip- tion, etc. Reverse, "2,000" within a fine circular wreath. Date, 1863. Condition, as perfect as when it was coined. 14 — A silver 25 cent coin of Japan, new money. Obverse, wreath and emblems. Reverse, dragon, or large snake, and Japanese characters. Condition, perfect. 15— United States 25 cents of 1857. Perfect. 16 — A silver ten cent coin of Hong Kong. Obverse, head, name and title of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, Chinese characters and English inscription. Condition, perfect. 17 — A fifty cent silver coin of Hong Kong. Obverse, head, name and title of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, Chinese characters and English inscription. Date, 1866. 18 — A five franc coin of Napoleon III, Emperor of France, Obverse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1869. In beautiful condi- tion and rare. 19— United States half dollar of 1835. Perfect. 20— United States dime of 1825. Perfect. 21— United States 25 cents of 1837. Perfect. 22— A thick, heavy, silver coin of Persia. Weight, 60 cents in silver. Persian inscription on obverse and reverse. Very old and rare. Condition, splendid. CASE NUMBER ONE 9 23 — A veiy fine bronze medal of George III Kins; of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, and around the margin the following inscription: "Ilhistrioiis House of Bruns- wick, ASCD, the throne of Great Britain, August 1st, 1714." Reverse, a crowned female figure, standing bv the side of a large lion, with a three-pronged fork in the right hand and a winged angel in the left, also coat of arms and inscription. In beautiful condition. Size, 32. 24 — A quarter pagoda (silver). Obverse, a tower and eighteen stars. Reverse, a wreath, elephant and inscription. Date, 1625. In perfect condition and rare. 25 — A fine silver coin (quarter dollar size) of Frederick VII, King of Denmark. Obverse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coat of arms and inscription. Date, 1862. Perfect. 26— United States dime of 1841. Perfect. 27 — A fine silver half crown of Wurtemburg, Germany. Obverse, a large crown, coat of arms and inscription. Re- verse, stag or antelope, and inscription. Date, 1764. Rare and in perfect condition. 28 — A fine silver dollar, new money of Japan. Obverse, wreath and Japanese emblems. Reverse, dragon or large snake and inscription. In perfect condition, and a beautiful coin. 29— United States half dollar of 1840. Perfect. 30 — United States dime of 1831. Condition, beautiful. 31— United States 25 cents of 1868. Perfect. 32— United States 25 cents of 1844. Perfect. 33 — A fine silver dollar of Petrus II, Emperor of Brazil. Ob- verse, a large crown and wreath, inscription, etc. Reverse, "2,000" within a round wreath and inscription. Date, 1867. Condition, perfect. 34 — A fine silver J crown of Brunswick and Lunenburg. Obverse, the wild man of the mountains, holding to a tree, and inscription. Reverse, "VI Mariengros," within a beaded circle. Date, 1695. In splendid condition. 35— United States 25 cents of 1869. Perfect. 10 CATALOGUE OF COINS 36 — A ten cent silver coin, new money of Japan. Obverse, wreath and emblems. Reverse, dragon or snake and in- scription. Condition, perfect. 37— United States 25 cents of 1853. Perfect. 38 — A large copper coin of Josephus I, King of Portugual. Obverse, name and title of the King, a large crown and coat of arms. Reverse, inscription and date of 1763. In splendid condition. Rare. 39 — A silver | crown of Frederick VII, King of Denmark. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown and inscription. Date, 1863. Condition, perfect. 40— United States dime of 1835. Perfect. 41 — A silver real of Isabel, Queen of Spain. * Obverse, head, name and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, coat of arms and inscription. Date, 1853. Condition, perfect. 42 — A beautiful silver half dollar of Guatemala. Obverse, a blazing sun, coat of arms and inscription. Reverse, a large "50" in the center, and "Centavos" above. Date, 1870. Condition perfect. 43 — A two franc silver coin of Switzerland. Obverse, ''2 Fr." within a fine round wreath, no inscription. Reverse, a female figure sitting with a cross at her side, and the right hand and arm pointing forward, and above her head the word "Helvetia." Date, 1850. A beautiful coin and in perfect condition. 44— United States half dollar of 1861. Perfect. 45— United States dime of 1852. Perfect. CASE No. 2. 1— United States 25 cents of 1871. Perfect. 2— United States half dime of 1844. Perfect. 3— United States half dime of 1830. Perfect. 4— United States 25 cents of 1834. Perfect. 5— United States half dime of 1867. Perfect. 6— United States half dime of 1860. Perfect. 7— United States 25 cents of 1874. Perfect. CASE NUMBER TWO 11 8— United States 25 cents of 1872. Perfect. 9— United States half dime of 1843. Perfect. 10— United States half dime of 1831. Perfect. 11— United States 25 cents of 1849. Perfect. 12— United States half dime of 1839. Perfect. 13— United States half dime of 1862. Perfect. 14— United States 25 cents of 1853. Perfect. 15 — United States 25 cents of 1875. Perfect. 16— United States half dime of 1841. Perfect. 17— United States half dime of 1832. Perfect. 18 — United States 25 cents of 1854. Perfect. 19— United States half dime of 1872. Perfect. 20— United States half dime of 1873. Perfect. 21— United States 25 cents of 1831. Perfect. 22— United States 25 cents of 1858. Perfect. 23— United States half dime of 1858. Perfect. 24— United States half dime of 1833. Perfect. 25— United States 25 cents of 1856. Perfect. 26— United States half dime of 1861. Perfect. 27 — United States half dime of 1876. Perfect. 28— United States 25 cents of 1862. Perfect. 29 — A fine silver dollar of Isabel, Queen of Spain. Obverse, head, name and title of the queen. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1868. Perfect. 30— United States dime of 1837. Perfect. 31 — A fine, large silver crown of Brunswick and Lunenburg. Obverse, a large crown with a man on each side, holding to a tree, coat of arms, etc. Around the margin is the following, "Carolus Dux Brunswick and Lumb." Reverse, a mining camp and a female, standing erect and playing on a musical instrument. Date, 1685. A beautiful and rare crown, in perfect condition. 32 — United States dime of 1850. Perfect. 12 CATALOGUE OF COINS 33 — One of the early silver dollars of Peru. Obverse, a crown surmounted by a tree, four flags, an eagle on one side of the crown, and a curious long-necked animal on the other side. Around the margin, "Peru, Libre. M. 8 R. I. P." • Reverse, a large column in the center, a male figure standing on one side of it with a drawn sword in the right hand and a cross in the other. On the opposite side a female standing with an olive branch in the left hand. Around the margin the following, "Por la Yirtud y la Justicia." Date, 1822. In splendid condition, and very rare. 34— United States dime of 1840. Perfect. 35— United States dime of 1857. Perfect. 36— United States dime of 1873. Perfect. 37— United States dime of 1874. Perfect. 38 — A very large silver crown of Westphalia, Germany. Obverse, a fine large crown, coat of arms and inscription. Reverse, Monastery in the centre and St. Paul in a cloud with a drawn sword in his right hand, inscription, etc. Date, 1661. In beautiful condition and very rare. Size, 31. 39 — A fine, large, bronze medal of Leopold I, King of Belgium. Obverse, a fine | face and full bust of the King in full uni- form. Around the margin this inscription, "Leopold I, Roi Des Beiges." Reverse, three men, gaudily dressed stand on a pedestal and three others sitting below. German inscription around the margin. Date, 1814. Size, 46. A splendid medal and very rare. 40 — A fine old silver dollar of Turkey, entirely unlike the Turkish coins of the last 200 years. Turkish inscription on obverse and reverse. In splendid condition and a very rare coin. Size, 28. 41— United States dime of 1856. Perfect. " 42 — United States dime of 1853, without arrows. In perfect condition and very rare. 43— United States dime of 1870. Perfect. 44— United States dime of 1875. Perfect. CASE NUMBER TWO 13 45 — A beautiful five franc silver coin of the Republic of France. Obverse, a fine circular wreath with "Five Francs" and "1848" in the center, inscription, etc. Reverse, a iar^e nude male figure standing in the center, and a female standing on each side of him. Inscription as follows: "Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite." As perfect and as brilliant as when it came from the mint. Rare. 46— United States dime of 1831. Perfect. 47 — A beautiful Swiss coin, dollar size. Obverse, a long horned goat standing in the center, and a man on each side, three arms extended through a cloud with their hands clasped. Lengthy inscription. Reverse, crown, flags and inscription. Date, 1842. In splendid condition, and rare. 48— United States dime of 1843. Perfect. 49 — A silver dollar of Mexico. Obverse, eagle, wreath and inscription. Reverse, liberty cap, blazing sun, etc. Date, 1862. Condition, perfect. 50 — A silver coin, quarter dollar size, of Brunswick and Lux- emburg, with the names of George, Rudolph, Augustus and Anthony Ulrich as dukes. Obverse, wild man of the mountains with bearskin hat, holding to a tree. Reverse, "VI Marin Gros" within a wreath." Date, 1689. Condi- tion, perfect. Rare. 51 — A small silver coin, dime size, of the Netherlands. Ob- verse, crown and lion. Reverse, inscription. Date, 1853. Condition, perfect. 52 — A fine little silver coin, dime size, of Russia. Obverse, crown, wreath and inscription. Reverse, double eagle and inscription. Date, 1853. Condition, perfect. 53 — A fine silver shilling of George I King of England. Ob- verse, fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Re- verse, four crowns, cross, coat of arms and inscription. Date, 1723. Perfect. 54 — A silver J franc of Napoleon I, Emperor of France. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, crown and inscription. Date, ISIO. Condition, perfect. 55 — A small silver coin, half dime size, of Persia. Inscription on obverse and reverse. Perfect. 56 — A silver coin, quarter dollar size, of Belgium. Obverse, large crown, two lions and inscription. Reverse, a large, full rigged ship under full sail. Date, 1678. Perfect. 14 CATALOGUE OF COINS 57— United States- 25 cents of 1873. Perfect. 58 — A small silver coin of Portugal. Obverse, crown and inscription. Reverse, wreath and "50 leis." Date, 1863. Condition, perfect. % 59 — United States half dime of 1857. Perfect. 60 — A fine silver shilling of William II, King of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date 1832. Perfect. 61 — A I silver franc of Louis XVIII, King of France. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1822. Condition, perfect. Rare. 62 — Silver half real of the Republic of Central America. Ob- verse, sun, mountains, etc. Reverse, a coffee tree in tlie center, inscription, etc. Date, 1830. Perfect. 63— United States 25 cents of 1873. Perfect. 64— United States 25 cents of 1874. Perfect. 65 — United States half dime of 1859. Perfect. 66— United States half dime of 1836. Perfect. 67— United States 25 cents of 1857. Perfect. 68— United States 25 cents of 1872. Perfect. 69— United States half dime of 1876. Perfect. 70— United States 25 cents of 1858. Perfect. 71— United States 25 cents of 1845. Perfect. 72— United States half dime of 1832. Perfect. 73— United States half dime of 1841. Perfect. 74— United States 25 cents of 1818. Perfect. 75— United States half dime of 1854. Perfect. 76— United States half dime of 1856. Perfect. 77— United States 25 cents of 1843. Perfect. CASE NUMBER THREE 15 CASE No. 3. 1— United States dollar of 1870. Perfect. 2— United States dime of 1873. Perfect. 3— United States dollar of 1871. Perfect. 4 — United States dime of 1872. Perfect. 5 — A fine new Japanese silver dollar. Obverse, a fine wreath, round beaded circle, and emblems. Reverse, dragon, and Japanese language. Date, 1873. Condition, perfect. 6 — Five old Japanese silver coins, half an inch long and one-fourth of an inch wide. Beaded edges and Japanese characters on obverse and reverse. Conditions, perfect. 7 — A fine silver dollar of the Republic of Central America. Obverse, mountains and head within a round circle, and around the margin "Republica del Centro de America." Reverse, a large tree within a round circle, language, etc. Date, 1836. Condition, perfect. Rare. 8 — A one-penny silver coin of Victoria, Queen of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, "1 penny," &c. Perfect. Date, 1842. 9 — A fine bronze medal of Napoleon and M. Louise, Emperor and Empress of France. Obverse, fine heads of the Emperor and Empress. Reverse, two figures, male and female, standing near together, each holding the right hand of the other, and around the margin the following: "Napoleon Emp. et Roi, M. Louise D'Autriche." Date, 1810. A splendid medal. Size, 26. 10— United States dime of 1873. Perfect. li — A fine silver medal of George III and Charlotte, King and Queen of England. Obverse, fine heads and bust of the King and Queen, in full court dress, names and titles around the margin. Reverse, filled up with language expressing the joy of the people at the accession of George III to the throne of the imperial realms of Great Britain and Ireland, Oct. 25th, 1760. This medal is in splendid condition, and very rare. Size, 24. 12— United States half dime of 1865. Perfect. 13 — A silver penny of William IV, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, a large "1," etc. Date, 1836. Condition, perfect. 16 CATALOGUE OF COINS 14 — United States lialf dime of 1S71. Perfect. 15 — United States half dime of 1872. Perfect. 16— United States half dime of 1873. Perfect. 17 — A fine large copper coin of Uruguay. Obverse, a fine large wreath, and "40 centesimos" in the center. Reverse, head and blazing sun in the center, and around the margin the following: "Republica Oriental del Uruguay." Date 1857. Condition, perfect. 18 — A fine little three-cent silver coin of Mexico. Obverse, head with liberty cap. Reverse, wreath, and Spanish language. Perfect. 19 — A fine silver dollar of Alfonso XII, King of Spain. Ob- verse, fine head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1873. Condition, perfect. 20 — One-penny silver coin of Victoria, Queen of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of Queen. Reverse, crown and a large "one." Date, 1843. Condition, perfect. 21 — A fine large copper coin of Russia, in the reign of Nicholas I. Obverse, crown and Russian language. Reverse, double eagle, crowned. Date, 1831. Condition, perfect. 22— United States dime of 1856. Perfect. 23— One silver penny of Wilham IV, King of England. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, and a large "1." Date, 1837. Perfect." 24 — A ten-cent silver coin of Hong Kong. Obverse, head, name, and title of Victoria. Reverse, Chinese characters. Date, 1868. 25— United States half dime of 1873. Perfect. 26— United States three-cent silver coin of 1855. Perfect. 27 — A fine silver crown of Charles Felix, King of Sardinia. Obverse, fine head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1830. Condition, perfect. 28 — A fine three-cent silver coin of Mexico. Obverse, head and liberty cap. Reverse, wreath and Spanish language. 29 — A very large thick copper coin of George III, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title, of the King, indented name, and title, of the King, indented letters. Reverse, a female sitting, holding an olive branch in the i-ight hand, a long hay-fork in left. Date, 1797. Perfect. CASE NUMBER THREE 17 30— United States half dime of 1841. Perfect. 31 — A silver dollar of Mexico. Obverse, eagle and Spanish language. Reverse, a pair of balances, liberty cap, etc. Date, 1869. Perfect. 32 — A quarter franc of Napoleon I, Emperor of France. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the Emperor. Reverse, crown and "J Fr." Date, 1810. Condition, perfect. Rare. 33 — A small silver coin (nearly dime size) of Persia. Native characters on obverse and reverse. In beautiful condition. Rare. 34 — United States dime of 1830. Condition, perfect. 35— United States half dime of 1851. Perfect. 36— United States half dime of 1873. Perfect. 37 — A fine large copper coin of Uruguay. Obverse, a fine large wreath, and "40 centesimos" in the center. Reverse, head and blazing sun in the center, and around the margin the following inscription: "Republica Oriental del Uru- guay." Date, 1857. Perfect. 38 — A fine silver one-and-a-half-penny coin of William IV, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown and wreath. Condition, perfect. 39 — A fine large silver crown of Louis X'S'I, King of France. Obverse, fine head of the king, name, and title. Reverse, a man writing in a book or on sheets of paper, a rooster below. Date, 1793. This crown is in as fine condition as when it came from the mint. Rare. 40 — A small, silver coin, dime size, of modern Greece. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown and wreath. Date, 1853. Perfect. 41 — A fine large copper coin of Michael I, King of Portugal. Obverse, crown, coat of arms, etc.; and around the margin, name and title of the King. Reverse, a large "40," within a wreath. Date, 1828. Condition, perfect. 42 — A beautiful three-penny silver coin of George IV, King of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, crown, and a large "3" within a fine wreath. Date, 1822. As perfect as is possible for a coin to be. Rare. 18 CATALOGUE OF COINS 43 — A fine silver penny of George IV, King of England. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown and wreath, with a large "1" under the crown. Date, 1823. Equally as fine and as perfect as the three-penny piece, just described. 44— United States dime of 1874. Perfect. 45 — United States dime of 1875. Perfect. 46 — A fine three-penny silver coin of Victoria, Queen of Eng- land. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Re- verse, crown and wreath, and a large "3" under the crown. Date, 1859. Condition, perfect. 47 — United States silver dollar of 1859. Perfect. 48 — A one-penny silver coin of William IV, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown and wreath, and a ''1" under the crown. Date, 1834. Perfect. 49 — A beautiful bronze medal of Carolina, Queen of England. Obverse, a splendid head and bust of the Queen, name, and title. Reverse, a woman and four children, one with a book, and another, the next largest, writing; the infant, nvirsing; and the fourth, standing at its mother's right shoulder. This is an old and original medal, but in splendid condition, and very rare. Size, 26. 50 — A fine three-penny piece, coin of Victoria, Queen of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, and a large "3" under it. Date, 1849. Perfect. 51 — A fine large silver dollar of Peru. Obverse, head and blazing sun in the center, and five stars just above; around the margin is the following inscription: "Repub. Sud, Peruana. 8 R. Cinzco." Reverse, mountains, church, sheep, and horn of plentifulness inclosed, or encircled rather, within a fine wreath. Date, 1838. Condition, perfect. Rare. 52 — Five Japanese silver coins, half an inch long and one-fourth of an inch wide. Beaded edges, and Japanese language on obverse and reverse. 53— United States silver dollar of 1873. Perfect. 54— United States dime of 1873. Perfect. CASE NUMBER FOUR 19 55 — A fine silver dollar of the Republic of Spain. Obverse, crown, pillars, and coat of arms. Reverse, a crowned female sitting, holding out an olive branch. Date, 1870. Perfect. 56 — United States dime of 1874. Perfect. 57— United States dollar of 1874. Perfect. CASE No. 4. 1 — A most beautiful silver coin, dollar size, of Frankfort, Germany. Obverse, a splendid double eagle, and German inscription around the margin. Reverse, single eagle, with German inscription. Date, 1848. This coin was only issued the one 3^ear, 1848, while all Europe was at war. ,^cmsequently, it is very scarce and rare, even where it was 2 — A very fine two-penny silver coin of WilUam and Mary, King and Queen of England. Obverse, fine heads of William and Mary, and their names around the margin. Reverse, crown, and a figure "2" under it. Date, 1693. Rare. 3 — A most beautiful silver medal, dollar size, gotten up on the occasion of the death of Augustus, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg. Latin language of birth, death, and age. Date, 1866. Reverse, a beautiful tree, and Latin language in two lines around the margin. In splendid condition, and very rare. 4 — A very fine two-penny silver coin of Charles II King of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, and his name. Reverse, coat of arms, etc. Rare in this condition. 5 — A silver dollar of Turkey, in as fine condition, and as perfect, as when it was coined. Beautiful wreaths and Turkish language on obverse and reverse. Rare. Date, 1700. 6 — A very fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Frederick I, King of Prussia. Obverse, fine head of the old King, name, and title. Reverse, eagle and German inscription. Date, 1542. In splendid condition, and very rare. 7 — A splendid four-penny silver coin of Charles II, King of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, crown and coat of arms; around the margin, "Christo auspice Regno." Rare. 20 CAf ALOGUE OF COINS 8 — A beautiful little coin, dime size, of Ferdinand, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, double eagle, name, and title of the Emperor. Reverse, something like a pine-apple or a bee- hive in the center, and around the margin, "Augusta vin. Delicorum." Date. 1639. In fine condition, and very- rare. 9 — A fine little silver coin, dime size, of Charlemagne, Em- peror of Germany. Obverse, plain surface, with a large, well formed hand in the center. Reverse, crown and cross. About 1,100 years old. Exceedingly rare and valuable. 10 — A beautiful six-and-a-quarter-cent silver coin of Ferdi- nand VI, King of Spain. Obverse, crown, coat of arms, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown and pillars; around the margin, "Que Unum. M. 1751. M." In as fine a condition as it could be. Rare. 11 — A fine silver penny of the Commonwealth of England. Obverse, cross and harp. Reverse, a cross within a wrej|t.h. No letters or date. About 225 years old. Very rare in this fine condition. 12 — A beautiful silver crown of Belgium. Obverse, a large crown with a lion under it, with a drawn sword in his right paw, and around the margin the following: "Concordia Res, parva crescunt." Date, just above the crown, 1683. Reverse, a man standing at full length over a crown, with cap on, and a sword in his right hand, turned down; around the margin, "Mo. No. Arg. Ord. Gron. et Ome." This is one of the most splendid crowns I ever saw. Very rare in this condition. 13 — A fine patented medal of black walnut, gotten up on the occasion of the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, on the fourth of July, 1876. Obverse, head of Alfred T. Goshorn, Director-General United States International Ex- position. Reverse, "The 100th Anniversary of American Independence." In the center of the medal is as follows: "Great International Exhibition, Fairmount Park, Phila- delphia, 4th of July, 1876." 14 — A very fine and curious old Spanish silver dollar. Ob- verse, a small round circle, size of large dime, in the center of the piece, within which circle is a long figure "1," and a blazing sun over it; and around the margin of the circle, in Spanish, "Salve La Patria, y su Gloria en Ingavi." Re- verse, perfectly plain, except a small round circle in the center, in which circle there is a mountain rind the following: "18 de Noviembre, 1641." This piece is in splendid condi- tion, and considered exceedingly rare and valuable. CASE NUMBER FOUR 21 15 — A fine broad silver sixpence of James I, King of England. Obverse, fine head, with large crown on it; name and title around the margin. Reverse, coat of arms and date, 1604. A very rare coin in this fine condition. 16 — A splendid silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Louis XV, King of France. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, crown, wreath, and coat of arms. Date, 1772. Rare. 17 — A beautiful silver coin, nearly quarter-dollar size, of Louis IX, King of France. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1647. In splendid condition, and very rare. IS — A fine silver coin, half-franc size, of Louis XIV, King of France. Obverse, head and title of the King. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1699. Rare. 19 — A beautiful silver coin, half-franc size, of Louis XVIII. Obverse, fine head, name, and title. Reverse, a splendid head of Henry IV, King of France; around the margin, name and title. No date. Very rare. 20 — A beautiful silver coin, half-franc size, of Louis XV, King of France. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, a crown, wreath, and coat of arms. Date, 1770. Very rare. 21 — A splendid large broad silver crown of Peter I, the Great, Emperor of Russia. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the Emperor, court dress on, name and title in Russian language around the margin. Reverse, double eagle, with crown over the heads of the eagle, Russian language, etc. Date, 1721. This is the finest coin, and in the most perfect condition, of any I have seen of Peter. Exceedingl}^ rare and valuable. 22 — A fine patented black walnut medal, gotten up on the occasion of the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, on the fourth of July, 1876. Obverse, "1776. Memorial Hall. 1876." Below the hall, "International Exhibition." Re- verse, "4th of Julv, 1876. Exhibition open from May 10th to Nov. 10th, 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia." Around the margin. "The 100th Anniversary of American Independence." 22 CATALOGUE OF COINS 23 — A beautiful silver crown of John Philip, Frederick, and John William, Dukes of Saxony. Obverse, three fine heads and busts in full court dress, and Latin language around the margin. Reverse, one head and bust, richly attired in court dress; names and titles around the margin. Date, 1625. In splendid condition, and very rare. 24^ — A very fine one-franc silver coin of Louis XVIII, King of France. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, crown within a wreath, "1 F." Date, 1817. In perfect condition, and rare. 25 — A beautiful one-franc silver coin of Louis XVI, King of France. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, crown wdthin a wreath, and coat of arms. Date, 1779. A splendid coin. Rare. 26 — A very fine four-penn}' silver coin of Charles II, King of England. Obverse, head of the King, with crown on his head; name and title around the margin. Reverse, coats of arms, etc. A splendid coin, in fine condition. 27 — A very fine three-penny silver coin of Charles II, King of England. Obverse, fine crowned head of the King, name and title, etc. Reverse, coat of arms, and language around the margin. Rare. 28 — A beautiful two-penny silver coin of. Charles II, King of England. Obverse, fine crowned head, name, title, etc. Reverse, coat of arms, and language. A splendid little coin. Rare. 29 — A splendid two-penny silver coin of Charles II, King of England. A variety-head and face turned to the right. Reverse, crown resting on "X." Date, 1689. Rare. 30 — An elegant large silver crown of the Swiss. Obverse, a beautiful large crown, and, immediately under it, "40 batz"; around the margin, "Canton Zurich." Reverse, "Domine conserva nos in pace." Date, 1813. All in- closed within a fine large wreath. A rare coin. 31 — A patented black walnut medal of George Washington. A fine head of Washington in the center of the obverse, and, around the margin, "George Washington, born Feb. 22d, 1732, died Dec. 14th, 1799." Reverse, "The 100th Anniversary of American Independence." In the center, "Great International Exhibition, Fairmount Park, Phil., 4 July, 1876." CASE NUMBER FOUR 23 32 — A most beautiful five-lira silver coin of Italy. Obverse, a handsome wreath, inclosing the "5 lira Italian," and, around the margin, "Governo Prouvisorio de Lombardia." Date, 1848. Reverse, a female figure standing erect, holding a long staff in the right hand, and the left pointing up; around the margin, "Dio lo Veiole, Italia Libera." This piece is not only very fine and rare, but so scarce that it brings a high price, whenever and wherever sold, even in Italy. Date, 1848. 33 — A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Frederick I, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, eagle and German language. Date, 1545. In very fine condition, and rare. 34 — A beautiful silver shilling of William III and Mary II, King and Queen of England. Obverse, fine head of William, name, and title. Reverse, fine head of Mary, name, and title. No date, but 180 odd years old. Very rare. 35 — A silver groat of William I, King of England. Obverse, head and title of the King. Reverse, cross and four round circles in the center, coat of arms, etc. In splendid condi- tion, and very rare. No date, but over 1,000 years old. 36 — A beautiful four-penny silver coin of William III and Mary II, King and Queen of England. Obverse, heads together, and "Gulielmus et Maria, D. G." Reverse, a large "4" under a crown, and. language around the margin. Date, 1689. In splendid condition, and rare. 37 — A splendid three-penny silver coin of England. Obverse, a fine head of Anna, the Queen, with name and title around the margin. Reverse, a large ''3" under a crown, and around the margin, "IVIag. Bri. Fr. et Hib. Reg." Date, 1713. Rare in this fine condition. 38 — A beautiful small silver medal of George Washington. Obverse, a splendid and very correct head of Washington. Reverse, inclosed within a beautiful wreath, the following: "Born, 1732; died, 1799." Rare. 39 — A fine large broad silver crown of Charles II, King of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, and, around the margin, "Carolus II, Dei Gratia." Reverse, four crowns, coat of arms, and, around the margin, "Mag. Br. Fra. et Hib." Date, 1672. A splendid crown, and very rare. 24 CATALOGUE OF COINS 40 — A very fine small silver medal of Napoleon I. Obverse, fine head of the Emperor, with name and title. Reverse, male and female figures standing together, and French language around the margin. Date, 1810. 41 — A beautiful silver half crown of Anna, Queen of England. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Queen, and around the margin, "Anna, Dei Gratia." Reverse, four crowns and coat of arms; around the margin, "Mag. Bri. Fr. et Hib. Reg." Date, 1708. In splendid condition, and very rare. 42 — A beautiful small silver medal of Napoleon I and M. Louise. Obverse, heads together; no inscription. Reverse, Napoleon and Louise standing together; and around the margin, "Napoleon Emp. et Roi, M. Louise D'Autriche." Date, 1810. Rare. 43 — A splendid silver crown or dollar piece of Lodew I, King of Holland. Obverse, fine head of the King, and, around the margin, "Lodew I, Kon. van HolL Nap." Reverse, large crown, under which are two eagles and two lions, and Dutch language around the margin. Date, 1808. A rare coin, and very difficult to procure. CASE No. 5. 1 — A very fine English half penny, copper token. Obverse, a female figure and harp. • Reverse, a large ship under full sail. Date 1820. 2— United States 25 cents of 1872. Perfect. 3 — One franc of the Republic of France. Date, 1848. Con- dition, perfect. 4— United States 25 cents of 1873. Perfect. 5 — One copper penny of George III, King of England. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1794. In perfect condition. 6 — A fine silver dollar of Frederick William, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, fine head, name and title of the Em- peror. Reverse, a large crowned eagle. Date, 1871. Perfect. 7 — A very fine copper coin of the Republic of Hayti. Ob- verse, "Deux centimes" and wreath. Reverse, liberty cap over an axe, and around the margin the following: "Lib- erte Egalite." Date, 1843. Perfect. CASE NUMBER FIVE 25 8 — A fine large two gulden silver coin of Frankfort, Ger- many. Obverse, a large crowned eagle. Reverse, a fine broad wreath and "2 gulden," 1849. Condition, perfect. 9 — A very fine copper piece of Canada, half penny size. Ob- verse, ships, colonies and commerce. Reverse, a large ship under full sale. Condition, perfect. 10 — A beautiful silver crown dollar of Saxony. Obverse, fine head of King Johann, title, etc. Reverse, a winged figure mounted on a fine horse, bearing a flag in the right hand with an eagle on it, and in the left an olive branch, and around the margin, "Ein Thaler XXX ein. Pf. F." Date, 1871. Splendid condition. 11 — A copper coin of Sonora, Mexico. Obverse, eagle and wreath. Reverse, a female sitting wdth a staff or pole in her right hand, and a liberty cap on the upper end of it. Date, 1859. Condition, perfect. Size, 21. 12— A United States 20 cent silver coin. Date, 1875. 13 — A fine copper coin of Pius IX, Pope of Rome. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Pope, name and title. Reverse, "4 soldi" within a beaded border, and the following around the margin: "Stato Pontificio, 20 centescimo." Date, 1868. In beautiful condition. Size, 24. 14 — A silver coin (2 reals) of Charles III, King of Spain. Ob- verse, crown ancl letters. Reverse, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1707. Condition, perfect. 15 — Copper coin of Johannes, Queen of Portugal. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Queen, name and title. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1825. In perfect condition. Size, 23. 16 — A fine silver crown of Cosmus III, Duke of Etrura. Ob- verse, fine head and bust of the Duke, name and title. Re- verse, John baptising Zacharias. In splendid condition and rare. Date, 1626. Size, 24. 17 — A one franc silver coin of the Republic of France. Date, 1848. Perfect. 18 — A silver dollar of Augustus I, Emperor and ruler of Mex- ico. Obverse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Re- verse, eagle, etc. Date, 1822. In perfect condition and rare. 26 CATALOGUE OF COINS 19 — A beautifvil private silver coin of the Irish Bullion Com- panv. Obverse, "sold by the Irish Bullion Compan}- for one*^British shilling. D. 2, 1698." Reverse, a man sitting with a full rigged ship in his lap. Size, 16. 20 — A very fine half crown issued in Brunswick and Lunenburg with the name and title of George III, King of England. Obverse, a large croAvn, coat of arms, etc. Reverse, the wild man of the mountains, with bearskin hat, holding to a tree with his right hand, language, etc. Date, 1778. In perfect condition and rare. 21 — A very large heavy double crown of Leopoldus I, Em- peror of Germany. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Em- peror, with a large curl}^ wig coming down to his shoulders, name and title. Reverse, eagle, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1663. In beautiful condition and rare. 22 — A fine bronze medal of General Jackson. Obverse, a fine head and full bust in uniform, with his name and title around the margin. Reverse, in the center of the piece are two female figures standing, one with her arms arovmd the other, and the following around the margin, "Resolution of Congress, Feb. 27, 1815." "Battle of New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815." A beautiful medal and in perfect condition. Size, 42. 23 — A very large fine silver medal, gotten up and issued on the occasion of peace with France and Spain, in which the British government participated. Obverse, the crowns of Fji-ance, Spain and England, with a hand near the margin, holding them up by a chain, and around the margin the fol- lowing: "A Domino Factum, st. Istud." Reverse, filled up entirely with latin language relating to the settlement between the parties. This is the most beautiful medal the writer has ever seen. Size, 34. 24 — A fine silver half crown of Salsburg, Germany. Obverse, a large crown with a lion on each side of it, and around the margin, "Maximilian," etc. Reverse, Patrona and the infant Christ. Date, 1627. In as perfect condition as when it was coined. Rare. 25— A fine large silver crown of j\I. Theresa, Queen of Aus- tria and Hungary. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Queen, name and title. Reverse, double eagle, crowned, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1780. Perfect. CASE NUMBER FIVK 27 26 — A fine silver shillinp; of Georo;e III, Kinp; of Enp;land. Obverse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1787. 27— A very thick heavy silver medal, gotten up on the occasion of a proposition to unite the Central and South American States into a Confederacy. Obverse, an Indian standing with a sword or spear in his right hand, and a pair of small balances in his left, a goat or llama mounted on a stand, mountains, horn of plentifulness, and a ship in a harbor. Spanish language around the margin. Reverse, a fine wreath, blazing sun and language. Date, 1864. Size, 22, but ver}' thick. Condition perfect. 28 — A fine copper coin of Sonora, Mexico. Obverse, large eagle, etc. Reverse, a female figure holding a long staff or pole in the right hand with a liberty cap on the upper end of it. Date, 1861. Size, 22. Perfect. 29— United States 20 cent coin. Date, 1875. 30 — A beautiful large copper coin of Pius Sextus, of Rome. Obverse, a fine large crown, two keys and many church emblems, name and title of Sextus. Reverse, within a fine wreath the following, ''Due Baiocchi Romaini." No date. Size, 25. A splendid coin and in the most perfect condi- tion. Very rare. 31 — A two real silver coin of Charles III, King of Spain. Ob- verse, crown, name and title. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1712. Condition, perfect. 32 — A very fine large copper coin of Birmingham and Neath, England, Obverse, a large crown in the center and the names of the two cities around the margin. Reverse, "one penny." Date, 1811. Size, 24. Condition, perfect. 33 — A fine silver siege dollar of William, King of Prussia. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, a female crowned, and around the margin, "Sieges Thaler." Date, 1871. Condition, perfect. 34 — A copper coin of the Isle of Man. Obverse, an eagle on a rock. Reverse, three legs. Date, 1733. Size, 17. Con- dition perfect. 35 — A very fine five franc coin of Napoleon I, Emperor of France. Obverse, fine head of the Emperor, name and title. Reverse, "5 francs" within a wreath. Date, 1807. In perfect condition and very rare. 28 CATALOGUE OF COINS 36 — A two cent nickel coin of the United States. Date, 1815. Perfect. 37 — A fine silver half crown of Fredericus, King of the Swiss. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, a tree in the center and language around the mar- gin. Date, 1833. Condition, perfect. Rare. 38 — A copper penny token of Field Marshal Wellington. Ob- verse, head, name and title. Reverse, a female figure hold- ing out an olive branch. Date, 1814. Perfect. 39 — A silver two real coin of New Granada. Obverse, "Dos Reales" within a wreath and "Bogota" around the margin, Reverse, wreath, emblems and Spanish language. Date. 1849. Condition, perfect. 40 — A very fine coin of Hesse, quarter dollar size. Obverse, crown and lion in the center. Reverse, "VIII Einen Reich. Thai." Date, 1769. Condition, perfect. 41— United States 25 cents of 1813. Perfect. 42 — A very fine copper coin of Egypt. Native language on obverse and reverse. Size, 18. Perfect. CASE No. 6. 1— United States half dollar of 1842. Perfect. 2— United States 25 cents of 1875. Perfect. 3 — Silver crown of William V, King of Wurtemburg. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, a large crown supported by two lions, coat oi arms, etc. Date, 1848. Condition, perfect. 4— United States 25 cents of 1832. Perfect. 5— United States half dollar of 1813. Perfect. 6— United States half dollar of 1850. Perfect. 7— United States dime of 1844. Perfect. 8— Copper coin of Portugal and Brazil. Obverse, fine head, name and title of Maria I, Queen. Reverse, a large crown and coat of arms. Date, 1787. Condition, perfect. Size 23. CASE NUMBER SIX 29 9 — United States dime of 1S62. Perfect. 10— United States half dollar of 1817. Perfect. 11— United States half dollar of 1844. Perfect. 12— United States dime of 1845. Perfect. 13 — A silver dollar of Frederick William, the great King of Prussia. Obverse, head, name and title. Reverse, crown and cross, eagle, etc. Date, 1797. Condition, perfect. Rare. 14— United States dime of 1868. Perfect. 15— United States half dollar of 1819. Perfect. 16— United States half dollar of 1845. Perfect. 17— United States dime of 1849. Perfect. 18 — A beautiful large crown dollar of Leopold, of Baden. Obverse, fine head of Leopold, and the following around the margin, "Leopold Grosherzog Von Baden. Kronen Thaler." Reverse, a large number of eagles, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1856. A splendid crown, and as perfect as when it came from the mint. 19 — United States dime of 1873. Perfect. 20— United. States half dollar of 1821. Perfect. 21— United States half dollar of 1856. Perfect. 22— United States dime of 1859. Perfect. 23 — A very large copper coin of Russia in the reign of Cather- ine II, the great. Obverse, a fine large wreath, crown, etc. Reverse, a crown supported by two animals, coat of arms and Prussian language. Date, 1778. In perfect condition and rare. 24 — United States dime of 1873. Perfect. 25— United States half dollar of 1824. Perfect. 26 — United States half dollar of 1874. Perfect. 27— United States dime of 1851. Perfect. 28 — A fine large crown of Christianus VII, King of Denmark. Obverse, head of the King, name, etc. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1789. Condition, perfect. 30 CATALOGUE OF COINS 29— United States dime of 1874. Perfect. ' 30— United States half dollar of 1825. Perfect. 31— United States half dollar of 1874. Perfect. 32— United States dime of 1853. Perfect. 33 — A silver dollar of Frederick, King of Prussia. Obverse head of the King, and around the margin, "Fridericus Borrus- sorum Rex." Reverse, crowned eagle, etc. Date, 1789. In very perfect condition. 34— United States dime of 1874. Perfect. 35— United States half dollar of 1830. Perfect. 36— United States half dollar of 1856. Perfect. 37 — United States dime of 1853, without arrows. In perfect condition and very rare. 38 — A fine copper coin of Portugal. Obverse, a large crown and coat of arms, around the margin the following: ''Ma- ria II, Del Gratia." Reverse, "20" within a fine wreath, and around the margin, "Portugaliae Et. Algarbiorum Re- gina." Date, 1843. In perfect condition. Size, 23. 39— United States dime of 1875. Perfect. 40— United States half dollar of 1831. Perfect. 41— United States half dollar of 1874. Perfect. 42— United States 20 cent coin of 1875. Perfect. 43— A five shilling bank token of George III, King of England. Obverse, fine head, name and title of the King. Reverse, fine wreath and "Bank Token, 5 Shillings." Date, 1813. Condition, perfect. 44— United States 25 cents of 1874. Perfect. 45— United States half dollar of 1832. Perfect. CASE No. 7. ites half (: uncirculated. 1— United States half dollar of 1834. Small date. Perfectly CASE NUMBER SEVEN 31 2 — Copper coin of Holstein. Obverse, wreath, crown and coat of arms. Reverse, 1 sechslino;, date 1850 and language around the margin. A beautiful coin and in perfect condi- tion. Size 18. 3— United States half dollar of 1845. Very fine. 4 — A one cent copper coin of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head, name and title of Victoria, Queen of England. Re- verse, Chinese language and date 1863. Perfect. 5— United States half dollar of 1838. Very fine. 6 — A very fine coin of Isabel, Queen of Spain. Obverse, head, name and title of the Queen. Reverse, cross, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1845. Condition, perfect. 7 — United States 25 cents of 1853. Perfect. 8 — A very fine silver coin of Portugal. Cross and Coat of arms, etc., on obverse and reverse. Date, 1746. Size, 24. Condition, perfect. 9 — United States 25 cents of 1854. Perfect. 10 — A very fine copper piece relating to the American Colo- nization Society. Obverse, ''Founded A. D. 1816." Re- verse, a man planting a tree, and just above the top of the tree, Liberia, ship in harbor and date 1833. Condition, perfect. 11— United States half dollar of 1862. Perfect. 12— United States ^ cent of 1853. Perfect. 13 — A fine silver coin of Bremen in the reign of Leopold, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, double-headed eagle, crowned, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, crown supported by a lion on each side. Date, 1661. In perfect condition and rare. 14— United States half cent of 1853. Perfect. 15— United States half dollar of 1859. Perfect. 16 — A copper coin of James I, King of England. Obverse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1603. Size, 18. In very fine condi- tion and rare. 32 CATALOGUE OF COINS 17 — United States 25 cents of 1855. Perfect. 18 — A silver coin of Albert Ernest, Prince of Ottingen. Ob- verse, head of the Prince, with large, long wig, name and title. Reverse, a large crown and coat of arms. Date, 1660. Condition, almost perfect. Size, 24. 19— United States 25 cents of 1856. Perfect. 20 — A very fine copper coin of the Netherlands. Obverse, a large crown with initials under it. Reverse, German language. Date, 1782. Size, 19. 21 — A silver crown of Maximilian II, King of Bayern. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, Patronia crowned and holding in her arms the infant Christ. Date, 1855. Condition, perfect. 22— United States half cent of 1835. Perfect. 23— United States half cent of 1849. Perfect. 24 — A fine large silver coin of Frederick Augustus, King of Poland. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, a large crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1704. In splendid condition and very rare. Size, 24. 25 — A dollar of Charles IV, King of Spain. Obverse, a very fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown, pillars and coat of arms. Date, 1790. This dollar lay at the bottom of the sea for 72 years, and is now in- perfect condition except being a little stained by being in salt water for so long a time. 26 — A very fine half crown of Augustus, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Obverse, a'' trooper in rich mail dress on a splendid horse at full speed, and the following around the margin, "Augustus V GG. Herzog Zubrunswuk and Lunaburg." Reverse, a large crown and coat of arms con- sisting of various emblems, seven lions, one eagle, one stag and a horse. Date, 1664. Size, 40. This coin is now in as fine condition as when it was issued, and certainly very rare. 27 — A silver dollar of Charles IV, King of Spain. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown, pillars and coat of arms. Date, 1800. This dollar, like the one of 1799, lay at the bottom of the sea for 72 years. The ship which contained this money went down in 1S()2, and the treasure was not recovered until about 1874. Condition, perfect, except a slight coloring by the salt water. CASE NUMBER SEVEN 33 28— United States half cent of 1825. Perfect. 29— United States half cent of 1828. Perfect. 30 — A German coin (silver), dollar size. Obverse, fine head and the following around the margin, "Carl Furst, zu Hohenzollein Sigmaringin." Reverse, crown supported by two lions, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1848. A beautiful coin and in perfect condition. 31— United States 25 cents of 1856. Perfect. 32 — A five franc coin of the Republic of France. Obverse, a fine decorated head and around the margin "Republique Francaise." Reverse, 5 francs and date 1841, inclosed within a wreath. As perfect as when coined. Rare. 33— United States 25 cents of 1862. Perfect. 34 — A fine silver medal, aw\arded to General Melgarejo, for honorable and heroic military services, rendered in the wars of Bolivia. Obverse, fine head and bust in full uniform. Reverse, name, title and other Spanish language. Date, 1865. Condition, perfect. Size, 23. 35 — Half penny copper token of Wellington. Obverse, fine head and bust in full uniform. Date, 1816. Reverse, a ship under full sail. Condition, perfect. 36 — A copper penny of Victoria, Queen of England. Ob- verse, head of the Queen, name and title. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1843. Perfect. 37— United States half dollar of 1865. Perfect. 38 — A copper coin of Westfalia, Germany. Obverse, 3 cent, and the following around the margin, "Koen V Westfalia, F. R. P. R." Date, 1809. Reverse, wreath and two large letters, "N." and "H." Condition, perfect. Rare. 39 — ^A silver coin of Russia, dollar size. Obverse, double eagle, crowned and language around the margin. Reverse, crown; wreath and Russian language. Date, 1832. Con- dition, perfect. 40 — United States two cent nickel coin. Date, 1866. Per- fect. 41 — A silver coin, dollar size, of Felix, Duke of Saxony. Ob- verse, a large crown, coat of arms, etc. Reverse, a large chicken holding one foot up, and language around the margin. Date, 1692. Condition, perfect. 34 CATALOGUE OF COINS 42 — A copper medal, issued on the occasion of the suspension of specie payments by all the banks in the United States, in 1837. Obverse, "Specie Payments Suspended, May 10, 1837." Reverse, female head within a wreath. Condition, perfect. 43— United States 25 cents of 1876. Perfect. 44 — Crown dollar of Fred. William and Augusta, King and Queen of Prussia. Obverse, fine head and bust of the couple, names and titles. Reverse, an eagle crowned, four other crowns and various letters. Date, 1861. Condition, perfect. 45— United States 25 cents of 1861. Perfect. 46- — A beautiful copper half penny of Scotland. Obverse, wreath, anchor, etc.; "Edinburgh half penny," around the margin. Reverse, a man standing erect dressed in a long robe, and holding a very long cross in front of him. Around the margin, "nemo me impune lacessit." Date, 1790. Condition, perfect. 47— United States half dollar of 1826. Perfect. 48 — A very fine copper penny of Geo. Ill, King of England. Obverse, head, name and title. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1768. Condition, perfect. 49— United States half dollar of 1855. Perfect. 50 — A copper piece of the first steam coinage of the United States. Obverse, "United States Mint, first steam coinage, May 23, 1836." Reverse, a cap with liberty on it. Condi- tion, perfect. 51— United States half dollar of 1830. Perfect. CASE No. 8. 1— United States half dollar of 1872. Perfect. 2 — 1 Franc, Swiss coin; very fine. 3 — United States half dollar of 1857; very fine. 4— United States 25 cents of 1831. Perfect. 5— United States half tlollar of 1837. Perfect. CASE NUMBER EIGHT 35 6 — Shilling of Charles II, King of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, coat of arms etc. In very fine condition. Rare. 7 — A 25 cents of Isabel, Queen of Spain. Obverse, fine head of the Queen, name and title. Reverse, coat of arms and crown. Date, 1865. Perfect. 8 — A very fine bronze medal of Napoleon I, Emperor of France. Obverse, fine head of the emperor, name and title. Reverse, three men lying down on their backs and another man riding a large eagle. Date, 1806. In perfect condition and rare. Size 26. 9 — A 25 cents of new Japanese money. Obverse, wreath and emblems. Reverse, dragon or reptile and language. A beautiful coin. 10 — Shilling of George III, King of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1778.- A perfect coin. 11 — Half dollar of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Ob- verse, fine head, name and title. Reverse, crown and eagle. In perfect condition, and very rare. 12 — Ten cent silver coin of Japan. Obverse, wreath and emblems. Reverse, dragon and language. In perfect con- dition. 13 — Japanese half dollar. Obverse and reverse, the same as No. 12. Condition, perfect. 14 — A silver sixpence of Geo. Ill, King of England. Ob- verse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1774. Condition, perfect. 15— United States half dollar of 1846. Perfect. 16 — Silver coin of Paul Frederic of Mecklenberg, nearly dollar size. Obverse, head, name and title. Reverse, wreath, crown and coat of arms — Date, 1840. Condition perfect. 17 — United States dime of 1837, without stars. Very rare. 18 — A large fine silver dollar of the Province of the River Plata. Obverse, a round head in the center, and the fol- lowing inscription around the margin. "Provincias Del Rio De la Plata." Reverse, two hands clasped, within a fine wreath and around the margin, the following: "En Union y Libertad Ra. P." Date, 1833. Condition, perfect. Rare. 36 CATALOGUE OF COINS 19 — A beautiful silver sixpence token, of Bristol, England. In perfect condition and rare. 20— United States half dollar of 1858. Very fine. 21— A curious silver dollar of Chili. Obverse, a lone star in the center and immediately under it; "1 P," no inscription. Reverse, plain. 22 — A silver five cent coin of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Date, 1866. Condition, perfect. Very rare. 23 — A fine old copper coin of China, about eight hundred years old; Chinese inscriptions on obverse and reverse, and square hole in the center. Size, 32. In very fine condition and very rare. 24 — United States dime of 1838, without stars. In fine condi- tion and very rare. 25 — Silver dollar of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, crown and eagle. Date, 1866. Condition, perfect. 26 — Silver dollar of Ludwig, King of Bayern. Obverse, a splendid head of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown, lions and coat of arms. Date, 1846. This coin is in the most perfect condition and is a beautiful piece. Rare. 27 — A ten cent silver coin of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Date, 1866. In perfect condition, and rare. 28 — Silver dollar of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head of Victoria, Queen of England, name and title. Reverse, Chinese emblems and characters. Date, 1867. In perfect condition. 29 — A silver real of Charles III, King of Spain. Obverse, head of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1785. Perfect. 30— United States half dollar of 1869. Very fine. 31 — Silver half dollar of Isabel, Queen of Spain. Obverse, fine head of the Queen, name and title. Reverse, crown, coat of arms. etc. Date, 1865. Condition, perfect. 32— A one real of Philip V, King of Spain. Crown and coat of arms on obverse and reverse. Date, 1738. Condition, perfect. Rare. CASE NUMBER EIGHT 87 33 — Japanese half dollar. Obverse, wreath and emblems. Reverse, dragon and native inscription. 34 — A silver four-penny coin of Victoria, Queen of England. Obverse, head, name and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, wreath and a large "4" under the crown. Date, 1839. Condition, perfect. 35 — Crown dollar of Frederick William and Augusta, King and Queen of Prussia. Obverse, fine heads and busts of the King and Queen, names and titles. Reverse, four crowns, an eagle in the center, and various letters. Date, 1861. Condition, perfect. Rare. 36 — A beautiful silver coin, half dollar size, of Frederick Augustus, King of Saxony. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, a crown and coat of arms. Date, 1800. Condition, perfect. Very rare. 37 — A 10-cent piece of new Japanese money. Obverse, wreath and emblems. Reverse, dragon and native inscrip- tion. Perfect. 38 — A beautiful bronze medal of Napoleon I, Emperor of France. Obverse, a splendid head and bust of the Emperor in full uniform, name and title. Reverse, a man in a kneeling position, holding out his right hand to another, stands erect with a book or some other object in his hand. Date, 1806. Size, 26. 39 — A one-real piece of Isabel, Queen of Spain. Obverse, head, name and title. Reverse, crown and coat of arms. Date, 1865. Perfect. 40 — A Spanish proclamation coin, issued in relation to the colony of Guatemala. Obverse, crown, coat of arms and a man on horseback. Reverse, crow^n, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1812. In splendid condition, and very rare. 41 — An old pillar half dollar of Charles III of Spain. Ob- verse, a large crown in the center and two pillars crowned. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1769. Condi- tion, very fine. The "pillar" coins of Charles III are scarce and rare. 42 — A very fine silver coin of Denmark. Obverse, crown and coat of arms. Reverse, "XX Skilling, Dansk, Amer- ikansk Mynt, 1848." Condition, perfect. Rare. 38 CATALOGUE OF COINS 43— A half dollar of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Obverse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1866. In perfect condition. Rare. 44 — Quarter crown of Hamburg, Germany. Obverse, three steeples and inscription around the margin. Reverse, crown, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1766. Condition, splendid. Rare. 45— United States half dollar of 1836. Perfect. CASE No. 9. 1- — United States half dollar of 1854. Fine. 2 — United States half dollar of 1856. Very fine. 3— United States half dollar of 1857. Very fine. 4— United States half dollar of 1858. Very fine. 5— United States half dollar of 1861. Very fine. 6— United States half dollar of 1808.* Perfect. 7 — A very fine copper coin of Germany. Obverse, crown and coat of arms. Reverse, "4 Heller." 1821. Size 17. 8— United States half dollar of 1836. Very fine. 9 — A fine copper coin of Munz, Germany. Obverse, eagle and coat of arms. Reverse, "3 Pfen; Scheide, 1752." Size, 16. 10— United States half dollar of 1821. Very fine. 11— United States half dollar of 1809. Very fine. 12 — Copper coin of Pedro, Emperor of Brazil. Obverse, fine head of the Emperor. Reverse, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1868. 13— United States half dollar of 1837. Very fine. 14— Copper coin of Egypt. Date, 1848. Very fine. Size, 18. 15 — United States half dollar of 1836. Very fine. 16— United States half dollar of 1810. Very fine. 17— United States twenty-five cents of 1865. Very fine. CASE NUMBER NINE 39 18— United States half dollar of 1829. Very fine. 19 — United States twenty-five cents of 1853. Very fine. 20— United States half dollar of 1826. Very fine. 21— United States half dollar of 1861. Very fine. 22— United States dime of 1856. Very fine. 23— United States half dime of 1830. Very fine. 24— United States dime of 1849. Very fine. 25 — Bronze medal of Paul Jones. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Commodore, with the following inscription: "Joani Paulo Jones, Classis Praefecto." Reverse, a fine war ship, cannon, cannon-balls, fiags, etc. This medal was awarded by a resolution of Congress. In perfect con- dition, and rare. Size, 30. 26— United States dime of 1872. Fine. 27 — United States half dime of 1831. Very fine. 28 — United States dime of 1873. Very fine. 29— United States half dollar of 1827. Very fine. 30— United States half dollar of 1820. Very fine. 31 — United States twenty-five cents of 1863. Very fine. 32— United States half dollar of 1834. Very fine. 33 — United States twenty-five cents of 1857. Very fine. 34— United States half dollar of 1830. Very fine. 35 — United States half dollar of 1821. Very fine. 36 — Copper medal of Lord Wellington. Obverse, fine head and bust of Wellington, and wreath wdth this inscription: "Field Marshal Wellington." Reverse, a female figure holding out an olive branch. Size, 18. In very fine con- dition, and rare. 37— United States half dollar of 1838. Very fine. 38 — Copper coin of Hesse. Obverse, fine head of King Charles, with this inscription: "Carol. D. G. Hass. Land." Re- verse, coat of arms, etc. Size, 16. In fine condition, and rare. 39— United States half dollar of 1831 . Verv fine. 40 CATALOGUE OF COINS 40— United States half dollar of 1825. Fine. 41 — Copper coin of the Sandwich Islands. Obverse, head and full bust of the King, name, and title, as follows: "Kam- ehameha III, Ka. Moi." Date, 1847. Reverse, native inscription. In splendid condition, and rare. Size, 19. 42— United States half dollar of 1834. Very fine. 43 — Copper coin of Egypt. Obverse, crown and cross above, and double cross below; native inscription. Reverse, native inscription and date, 1848. In fine condition, and rare. Size, 18. 44— United States half dollar of 1833. Very fine. 45— United States half dollar of 1876. Very fine. 46- — United States half dollar of 1875. Very fine. 47— United States half dollar of 1871. Very fine. 48— United States half dollar of 1873. Very fine. 49— United States half dollar of 1872. Verv fine. CASE No. 10. 1— United States half dollar of 1855. Perfect. 2 — A German copper coin, half-penny size. Obverse, crown and lion. Reverse, "4 Heller." Date, 1789. Condition, perfect. 3— United States half dollar of 1834. Perfect. 4 — A fine copper coin of Germany, half-penny size. Obverse, a fine head and bust of a Bishop. Reverse, "3 Pfennig." Date, 1760. Perfect. 5— United States half dollar of 1873. Perfect. 6 — A very fine copper coin, half-penny size, of Louis XV. Obverse, fine head, name, antl title of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1750. Condition per- fect. 7 — United States dime of 1850. Condition, perfect. 8— United States half dollar of 1871. Perfect. CASE NUMBER TEN 41 9 — A three-penny silver coin of \'ietoria, Queen of Hnjiiand. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, and a large "8" under it. Date, 1857. Condition, perfect . 10 — A fine copper half penny of Norfolk and Norwich, England. Obverse, several crosses, and a lion. Reverse, a large building, and a lion standing at the door. Date, 1702. Condition, perfect. Rare. 11 — A silver shilling of Elizabeth, Queen of England. Ob- verse, fine crowned head of the Queen, name, and title. Reverse, crown and coats of arms. Date, 1569. Condition, perfect . 12— United States dime of 1854. Perfect. 13 — A large copper medal of Germany. Ol^verse, a large city, with ships in the harbor. Reverse, a fine large wreath and German inscription. Date, 1816. Size, 22, but very thick. 14 — A small silver coin, dime size, of Portugal. Obverse, a crown and inscription. Reverse, cross and round dots. Condition, perfect. 15 — A fine silver coin, two reals, of the Spanish cob or cut money. This is an improvement on that series of coins, it being perfectly round, and having fine beaded borders or edges. Pillars and cross on obverse and reverse. Rare. 16 — A fine copper medal of William Rusher, of Banbury, England, the noted hatter and stationer. Obverse, head, and name of his business place. Reverse, cross, and Eng- lish coats of arms. Date, 1760. Size, 18. Perfect. 17— A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Charel ^T, Em- peror of Germany. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the Emperor, with a long curly wig, name, and title. Reverse, crown and coats of arms. Date, 1718. Condition, perfect. 18— United States half dollar of 1853. Perfect. 19 — A silver real of New Granada. Date, 1853. Condition, perfect . 20 — A fine copper coin, penny size, of Denmark. Obverse, crown and initials. Reverse, inscription. Date, 1764. Condition, perfect. 42 CATALOGUE OF COINS 21 — A fine large broad proclamation silver crown of Charles IV, King of Spain. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, name, and title. Reverse, a very large crown, coats of arms and inscription. Date, 1789. Size, 28. Condi- tion, perfect. Rare. 22 — A very large broad two and-a-half crown (fine silver) of Henricus, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Obverse, the Duke, in full mail dress, mounted on a fine horse, with mail covering; name and title of the Duke around the margin. Reverse, crown and coats of arms, lions, eagles, etc. Date, 1608. Size, 42. In splendid condition, and very rare. 23 — A fine broad silver crown of Brunswick and Lunenberg, Obverse, the wild man in the center, holding to a large tree. Reverse, coats of arms and inscription. Date, 1657. Condition, very fine. Rare. 24 — A fine copper coin, penny size, of Louis XVI, King of France. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, French inscription. Date, 1792. Condition, very fine. 25 — A fine silver coin of Fredericus II. Obverse, a fine head, with long wig. Reverse, coats of arms and inscription. A. C. 1212. In splendid condition, and rare. 26— United States half dollar of 1854. Perfect. 27 — A very fine four-penny silver coin of Newport, Isle of Wight, England. Obverse, a fine ship in the center, with a round beaded circle around it. Reverse, "4-penny token." Date, 1811. Condition, perfect. 28 — A very fine copper half penny of Edinburgh, Scotland. Obverse, crown, wreath, and inscription. Reverse, St. Andrew, with a long cross in front of his breast, and a small tree on each side. Date, 1790. Perfect. 29 — A very fine and curious silver coin of Mexico. Obverse, a female standing with a torch in one hand, and two snakes in the other, with the following inscription: "El Pueblo Juez." Reverse, a blazing sun, sword, and cross; inscrip- tion as follows ; "Juicio por Jurados." Date, 1833. Size, 17. In perfect condition, and very rare. 30— United States dime of 1854. Perfect. CASE NUMBER ELEVEN 43 31 — A very fine old curious copper coin of Japan. Obverse, a sword, snake, turtle, and chain of lightnino;. Reverse, Japanese inscription. A. .C. 640. Size, 82. In splendid condition, and very rare. 32— United States dime of 1865. Perfect. 33 — A fine silver shilling of Elizabeth, Queen of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1568. Con- dition, very fine. Rare. 34 — -A fine copper coin of Russia. Obverse, a crown, sup- ported by two animals; inscription, etc. Reverse, double- headed eagle, crowned, and inscription. Date, 1833. Size, 18. Condition, splendid. 35 — A ten-cent silver coin of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, crowned head of Victoria, Queen of England, name, and title. Reverse, Chinese inscription. Date, 1868. Con- dition, perfect. 36— United States half dollar of 1872. Perfect. 37 — A fine four-penny silver coin of George II, King of Eng- land. Obverse, a fine head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1738. Condition, perfect. 38 — A fine Portsea copper half penny. Obverse, three w^hales, and a hand holding a lance or spear. Reverse, a fine large full rigged ship, under full sail, and inscription. Date, 1794. Condition, perfect. 39— United States half dollar of 1859. Perfect. 40 — United States copper cent of 1857. Perfect. 41— United States half dollar of 1830. Perfect. 42 — United States copper cent of 1857. Perfect. 43— United States half dollar of 1875. Perfect. CASE No. 11. 1 — A large Chinese Josh or God dollar of fine silver. Ob- verse and reverse, filled with stamps or punch marks and Chinese characters. Size, 26. A curious piece and I sup- pose ver}' rare. 44 CATALOGUE OF COINS 2 — A § silver crown of Charles William Frederic, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg. Obverse, name and title of the Duke, and a fine horse in the center, going at full speed. Reverse, crown and coats of arms. Date, 1800. Condition, perfect. 3 — A silver half dollar of the United States of Columbia. Obverse, head and name of their country. Reverse, eagle and language. Condition, perfect. 4 — A fine silver dollar of the Republic of Central America. Obverse, mountains and a human head, name of their countr}^ etc. Reverse, a large tree, etc. Date, 1827. Condition, perfect. 5 — United States copper cent of 1814. Very fine. 6 — United States copper cent of 1816. Very fine. 7 — United States cent of 1817. Very fine. 8— United States cent of 1818. Very fine. 9 — United States copper cent of 1819. Very fine. 10 — A fine silver crown of Louis XIV, King of France. Ob- verse, a fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, a large crown, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1655. In splendid condition and rare. 11 — A fine silver half crown of Victor Frederic, Duke of Saxony. Obverse, name and title, a large crown, coats of arms, etc. Reverse, a large crowned bear. Date, 1727. In almost perfect condition and rare. 12 — A beautiful silver medal, relating to the life and death of Ericus Lindschold. Obverse, a fine head and bust, with long wig coming down to the shoulders. Reverse, a man standing, wrapped in a large loose robe. Date, 1634. Condition, perfect. Size, 20. 13 — A fine silver medal of the St. Joseph's Benevolent Society, organized in San Francisco, 1860. Obverse, St. Joseph sit- ting with the infant Christ in his arms. Reverse, several lines relating to the founding of the society. In perfect condition. Size, 24. 14 — United States copper cent of 1820. Very fine. 15 — United States copper cent of 1822. Very fine. CASE NUMBER ELEVEN 45 16 — One silver florin of Belgium. Obverse, a lion in the center. Reverse, two hands clasped. Date, 1790. In perfect condition and rare. 17 — United States copper cent of 1S24. Very fine. IS — United States copper cent of 1S25. Very fine. 19 — A fine broad silver crown of Louis XVI, King of France. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown, coats of arms. Date, 17S9. In splendid condition and rare. 20 — A fine silver florin of Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria. Obverse, fine heafl, name, and title. Reverse, double headed eagle, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1859. Condition, perfect. 21 — A beautiful quarter crown of Leopoldus, Emperor of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Emperor, with a large long wig. Rever.se, Patronia and the infant Christ. Date, 1678. In as perfect condition as when it was coined. Rare. 22 — A Five Franc Swiss coin. Obverse, a female figure sitting with the right hand and arm held out. Reverse, a beautiful wreath with "5 Fr." and date "1850." enclosed. 23 — United States copper cent of 1833. Very fine. 24 — United States copper cent of 1834. Very fine. 25 — A silver coin, quarter dollar size, of Denmark. Obverse, crown and coats of arms. Reverse, Hebrew characters. Date, 1644. In splendid condition and rare. 26 — United States copper cent of 1831. Very fine. 27 — United States copper cent of 1832. Very fine. 28 — A fine silver crown of Louis XIV, King of France. Ob- verse, fine wigged head of the King, name, and title. Re- verse, 4 crowds, cross, coat of arms, etc. Date, 1692. 29 — A beautiful three shilling bank token of George III, King of England. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, "Bank token, 3 shill. 1811," and a beautiful wreath. As perfect as when first coined. 30 — A Canadian 50 cent silver coin. Obverse, head, name and title of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, crown and wreath, 50 cents, 1870. Condition, perfect. 46 CATALOGUE OF COINS 31 — Hong Kong silver dollar. Obverse, head, name and title of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, Chinese char- acters, etc. Date, 1866. Condition, perfect. 32 — United States copper cent of 1835. Very fine. 33— United States copper cent of 1837. Very fine. 34 — United States copper cent of 1845. Very fine. 35 — United States copper cent of 1839. Very fine. 36 — United States copper cent of 1840. Very fine. 37 — A very fine Wolf Gang silver crown of John, Henry and Albert, Dukes of Brunswick and Lunenburg. Ob- verse, various emblems, an eagle and a fish. Reverse, a large stag in the center. Date, 1642. In beautiful condi- tion and very rare. 38 — A fine old silver coin of Harold I, King of England. Ob- verse, a man mounted on a rude horse with a drawn sword in his right hand; name and title of the King around the margin. Reverse, coats of arms and various emblems. This coin, in appearance, is similar to the old English groats, but much larger, and is certainly exceedingly rare. Con- dition as fine as could be expected for a piece of this series. A. C, 1033. Size 22. 39 — A fine silver coin of Denmark. Obverse, crown with a large 4 and a large C under it. Reverse, Hebrew, char- acters, etc. Date, 1645. Size, 20. Rare. 40 — A fine silver dollar of the Independence of Chile. Ob- verse, mountains, and around the margin, "Chile Inde- pendence, Santiago." "Un Peso," within a wreath. Re- verse, a liberty pole with a cross, and "Libertad," on the top of it. Date, 1834. In the most beautiful and perfect condition. Rare. CASE No. 12. 1 — A fine large silver crown of Belgium. Obverse, a large crown, with a lion on each side and one in the center. Re- verse, a mounted trooper at full speed, and a crown and coats of arms under the horse. Date, 1757. Condition, perfect. CASE NUMBER TWELVE 47 2 — A fine silver half crown of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, Latin inscription. Date, 1762. In perfect condition and a beautiful coin. Rare. 3 — A fine silver half crown of Hieronymus, of Austria. Ob- verse, head, name, etc. Reverse, crown and coats of arms. Date, 1720. Condition, perfect. 4 — A large 1^ silver crown of Frankfort, Germany. Ob- verse, female head and bust. Reverse, a large spread eagle. Date, 1866. In perfect condition. Rare. 5 — United States copper cent of 1812. Very fine. 6 — United States copper cent of 1821. Very fine. 7— United States 25 cents of 1857. Very fine. 8 — United States copper cent of 1826. ^'ery fine. 9 — United States copper cent of 1827. ^'ery fine. 10 — A fine large silver crown of Christianus, King of Den- mark. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, a large crown with a nude man, on either side of it, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1847. Perfect. 11 — A very fine large silver crown of Denmark. Obverse, crown with a large "3 and F" under it; also "Ebenezer." Reverse, crown, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1659. In splen- did condition and very rare. 12 — A fine thick silver medal, gotten up on the occasion of the completion of a railroad in Chile. Obverse, steam cars running through the mountains. Reverse, Spanish lan- guage, etc. Size, 24, but weighs about $1.50 in silver. Con- dition, perfect. 13 — A fine silver crown of Josephus II, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, head and bust with the name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, city of Ratisbon. Date, 1780. A beautiful crown, and in as perfect condition as when first coined. Rare. 14 — United States copper cent of 1828. Very fine. 15 — United States copper cent of 1829. Very fine. 16— United States 25 cents of 1858. Very fine. 17 — United States copper cent of 1836. Very fine. 48 CATALOGUE OF COINS 18 — United States copper cent of 1837. Very fine. 19 — A fine large silver crown medal of Geneva. Obverse, a beautiful wreath, part of an eagle, a key, etc. Reverse, a fine looking man at his studies. Size, 27, but thick and heavy. A beautiful medal and rare. 20 — A fine silver crown of Oscar, King of Norway. Obverse, head, name and title. Reverse, a large crown supported by two lions, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1846. Condition, perfect. 21 — A fine silver crown of Ludwig, King of Bayern. Ob- verse, fine head and bust of the King. Reverse, head and names of all the royal family, nine in number. Date, 1828. A beautiful crown and in perfect condition. 22 — A fine silver double crown of Maximilian, King of Ba- varia. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1790. Condi- tion, splendid. 23 — United States copper cent of 1841. Very fine. 24 — United States copper cent of 1842. Very fine. 25— United States 25 cents of 1860. Very fine. 26 — United States copper cent of 1843. Very fine. 27 — United States copper cent of 1844. Very fine. 28 — A fine large old silver crown of Christianus, King of Denmark. Obverse, a fine crowned head of the King, name and title. Reverse, a large lion holding a battle axe. Date, 1623. In splendid condition and rare. 29 — A fine silver coin, dollar size, of Russia. Obverse, a large cross and two crowns. Reverse, Russian language, no eagle. Date, 1801. A very i;are and curious coin. Condition, perfect. 30 — A fine large five franc coin of Switzerland. Obverse, crown and "5 Fr." Reverse, female sitting with the right hand and arm pointing forward. Date, 1846. Condition, perfect. 31 — A fine silver crown of George Frederick and Alexander, Dukes of Lunenberg. Obverse, heads and busts of the two Dukes, names and titles. Reverse, crown, etc. Date, 1720. Condition, perfect. CASE NUMBER THIRTEEN 49 32 — United States copper cent of 1846. Very fine. 33 — United States copper cent of 1847. Very fine. 34— United States 25 cents of 1861. Perfect. 35 — United States copper cent of 1848. Fine. 36 — United States copper cent of 1849. Very fine. 37 — A large silver crown of Belgium. Obverse, a large crown with a lion on either side, and a smaller lion in the center. Reverse, a trooper on horseback. Date, 1758. Condition, perfect. 38 — A fine silver marriage medal of the Emperor and Empress of Austria. Obverse, heads, names and titles of the two. Date, 1868. Size, 20. 39 — A fine silver medal of Martin Luther. Obverse, fine head and bust of Luther, name, etc. Reverse, a church. Condition, perfect. 40 — A fine silver crown of Charles VI, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the Emperor, with a long curly wig. Reverse, a large double eagle crowned. Date, 1678. Condition, perfect. CASE No. 13. 1 — A fine silver coin one-third crown of Batavia. Obverse, crown and lion. ReVerse, ship under full sail. Date, 1802. In perfect condition and rare. 2 — Quarter of a silver Rupee of the East India Company, Obverse, head, name, and title of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, wreath and "J Rupee," Date, 1840. Condition, perfect. 3 — A fine large silver crown of ^I. Theresa, Queen of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, double eagle crowned. Date, 1780. Condition as perfect as when it was coined. 4 — A three-penny silver coin of George II, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown and a large "3" under it. Date, 1760. Perfect. 50 CATALOGUE OF COINS 5 — A silver franc of Napoleon I, Emperor of France. Obverse head, name, and title of the Emperor. Reverse, wreath and "1 Franc" in the center. Date, 1813. A beautiful coin, and as perfect as when it came from the die. Rare. 6 — Six East India copper coins, thick dumps, of various sizes. Native characters or language on obverse and re- verse. All in splendid condition, and rare. 7 — A silver four-penny coin of Anna, Queen of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, and a large "4" under it. Date, 1705. Condition, perfect. Rare. 8— A silver sixpence of William III, King of England. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arms. Date, 1700. In perfect condition, and rare. 9 — A fine large silver crown of Leopoldus I, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, name and title of the Emperor, and a large double eagle. Reverse, two keys crossed, and a human head above. Date, 1694. In splendid condition, and rare. 10 — A three-penny silver coin of William and Mary, King and Queen of England. Obverse, heads, names, and titles of the two. Reverse, crown, and a large "3" under it. Date, 1607. In splendid condition, and rare. 11 — A silver coin, shilling size, of India''Batavia." Obverse, crown, coats of arms, etc. Reverse, "India Batavia. Date, 1802. Condition, perfect. 12 — A fine copper coin of Egypt, quarter dollar size. Egyptian language on obverse and reveree. Condition, perfect. Rare. 13 — A small copper coin of India Batavia. Obverse, crown and lion. Reverse, "India Batavia." Date, 1806. Per- fect. 14— United States nickel cent of 1867. Perfect 15 — United States nickel cent of 1865. Perfect. 16 — A beautiful little copper coin, dime size, of the Netherlands. Obverse, crown, and date of 1827. Reverse, a fine horse. Rare. 17 — A silver coin quarter dollar size of Persia. Emblems and characters on obverse and reverse. CASE NUMBER THIRTEEN 51 18 — A four penny silver coin of William and Mary, Kins; and Queen of England. Obverse, heads, names, and titles of the two. Reverse, a large "4" under a crown. Date, 1689. In splendid condition, and rare. 19 — A large silver crown of Rudolphus, Emperor of Austria, Germany, Hungary and Bohemia. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Emperor in rich gaudy court dress, name and title around the margin. Reverse, a large crown, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1605. In beautiful condition, and rare. 20 — A fine silver coin quarter dollar size, of Modern Greece. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, wreath, crown, and cross; date, 1833. Condition, perfect. 21 — A fine quarter crown (silver) of John Frederick Richard, Duke of Belgium. Obverse, a man holding on to a tree. Reverse, "IV Marie gros." Date, 1668. In splendid con- dition, and rare. 22 — Six three cent silver coins of the United States. Dates, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856. 23 — A three-penny silver coin of George II, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, and a large "3" under it. Date, 1746. Perfect. 24 — A silver coin nearly half dollar size of Leopoldus I, Emperor of Austria, Germany, Hungar}' and Bohemia. Obverse, a fine wigged head of the Emperor, name and title. Reverse, double eagle crow^n and coats of arms. Date, 1673. In splendid condition. 25 — A silver coin, real or dime size of Charles I, King of Spain. Obverse, crown with "R. 1" under it. Reverse, crown and coats of arms. No date. This coin is not in very fine con- dition, but as nearly so as could be expected of this series. Very rare. 26 — A very large fine silver medal of a fireman's company in Denmark. Obverse, "Koenigsberg, Denmark, Juni, 1811;" emblems and inscriptions on obverse and reverse. A beautiful medal and of the highest order of workmanship. Size, 23. 27 — A silver half franc of Switzerland. Obverse, wreath and "^ Ft." Reverse, a female sitting with the right hand held out. Date, 1850. 52 CATALOGUE OF COINS 28— A silver shilling of Elizabeth, Queen of England. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown and coats of arms. Date, 1570. Condition very fine. 29 — Six United States three cent silver coins. Dates, 1852, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861. All very fine. 30— A silver shilling of George II, King of England. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, "4 Crowns" and coats of arms. Date, 1757. Condition, perfect. 31 — A fine half crown of Anna, Queen of England. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Queen, name and title. Reverse, crowns, and coats of arms. Date, 1705. In perfect con- dition, and rare. 32 — A silver real of Charles III, King of Spain. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, name and title. Reverse, crown, pillars, and coats of arms. Date, 1819. As perfect as when coined. Rare. 33 — A fine large silver crown of Salisberg. Obverse, a full length figure of Archbishop Paris, name and title. Reverse, Patronia and the infant Christ. In as fine condition as it could possibly be. Date, 1644. Rare. 34 — A fine silver groat of Henry I, King of England. Obverse, crowned head and full face of the King. Reverse, cross, dots, etc. "A. C. 1100." In much finer condition than the English groats are usually found. Very rare. 35 — A fine silver coin quarter dollar size, of Saxony. Obverse, crown and coats of arms. Reverse, tree, and stag. Date, 1722. Condition, perfect. 36 — A copper coin half penny size, of Friedericus VI, King of Denmark. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown and coats of arms. Date, 1811. Perfect. 37 — A beautiful little copper coin of Philip I, King of Spain, Obverse, a crown resting on two large letters, "T & Fr." Reverse, inscription. Date, 1833. Rare. 38 — Two small square copper coins of Philip I, King of Spain. Obverse, crown and name of the King. Reverse, coats of arms. No date. In very fine condition, and very rare. CASE NUMBEK THIRTEEN 53 39 — A. beautiful little copper coin, dime size of the Republic of France. Obverse, Goddess of Liberty, and liberty cap and around the margin, "Repul)lique Francaise." Re- verse, "Un Centime" and two hands pointing to the letter "A." Date, 1851. In perfect condition, and rare. 40^ — A fine copper coin, quarter dollar size, of Hungary. Ob- verse, crown and coats of arms. Reverse, Patronia. Date, 1707. In splendid condition, and rare. 41 — A silver shilling of George II, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, four crowns, and coats of arms. Date, 1746. Condition, perfect. 42 — A small silver coin dime size, of Victor Emanuel, King of Italia. Obverse, head, name, and title. Reverse, "Regno Itaha 50 Centesimi." Date, 1863. Condition, perfect. 43 — A fine lar^e silver crown of Leopoldus, Duke of Austria, Burganda, etc. Obverse, a fine crowned head of the Duke, full bust and a spear in his right hand, and name and title. Reverse, crown, eagles, lines, etc. Date, 1632. Condition, perfect. 44 — A fine silver sixpence of George III, King of England. Obverse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown and coats of arms. Date, 1816. As perfect as when it came from the die. 45 — A silver groat of Henry II, King of England. Obverse, head, and full face of the King, name, etc. Reverse, cross, dots, etc., "A. C. 1154." In fine condition and rare. 46 — A very fine copper coin of Francis II, Emperor of Austria. Obverse, a large crown, coats of arms, name of the Emperor, etc. Reverse, "Ein Krutzer." Date, 1804. Condition' perfect. 47 — A small copper coin of modern Rome. Obverse, cross keys, and a lion's head. Reverse, "Quat Trino. Rom." Date, 1738. In perfect condition, and rare. 48 — A very fine small copper coin, dime size, of Denmark. Obverse, crown, etc. Reverse, "1 Pfennig." Date, 1847. Perfect. 49— A fine little copper coin, dime size, of John, King of Po- land. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, a spread eagle and the word "Polo." Date, 1664. In splendid condition, and very rare. 54 CATALOGUE OF COINS 50— A small copper medal of George and Martha Washington. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the General, and his name. Reverse, a fine head and bust of Martha Washington. Date, 1792. In very perfect condition, and rare. 51 — A fine copper coin, half-penny size, of Denmark. Obverse, crown, a large "C" and a figure "7" under it. Reverse, "i Skilling, Dansk. K. M." Date, 1771. In perfect condi- tion. 52 — A fine silver coin, half-dollar size, of modern Greece. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse crown, cross and coats of arms. Greek language on obverse and reverse. Date, 1868. A beautiful coin, and as perfect as when it came from the die. 53 — A fine silver coin, half-franc size, of Napoleon III. Ob- verse, fine head of the Emperor, name and title. Reverse, a large crown and "50 cent." Date, 1864. As perfect as it could be. 54 — A fine silver proclamation crown, of Fernando VII, King, of Spain. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King in full court dress, name and title. Reverse, a fine large wreath and Spanish language. Date, 1709. Size, 26. A most beautiful coin, and very rare. 55 — A splendid silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Holland. Obverse, a large crown and lion. Reverse, a female holding a cap on the end of a long staff. Date, 1759. A beautiful coin. 56 — A fine silver shilling of Victoria, Queen of England. Ob- verse head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, wreath and crown. Date, 1868. Perfect. CASE No. 14. 1 — A very fine broad silver crown of Josephus, Emperor of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia. Obverse, a fine head of the Emperor, with a remarkably fine large curly wig. Reverse, a large crown, coats of arms, lions, eagles, etc., and a dog or wolf suspended by the waist just under the lower part of the crown. Date, 1710. Very rare. 2 — Henry II, King of France, half crown. Obverse, fine head of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1555. In splendid condition, and very rare. CASE NUMBER FOURTEEN 55 3 — A beautiful old thick silver rupee of the East Indies, half-dollar size, but much thicker. In as fine condition as when it came from the mint. Native language on obverse and reverse. Date, 1051. Rare. 4 — A very remarkable and curious silver dollar of Mexico. Obverse, an elegant eagle without a head, sitting on a cluster of prickly pears, inclosed by a beautiful wreath. Reverse, a blazing sun. This curious piece of coin, it was supposed, was struck during some one of their many revolu- tions, when they had no ruler. No date. 5 — A perfectly uncirculated Connecticut cent. Obverse, fine head, "Auctori Connec." Reverse, female sitting with an olive branch in the right hand, and a staff in the left. Date, 1788. Very rare in this condition. 6 — Copper coin of Ceylon, size of a half cent. Obverse, an elephant. Reverse, "No. 96," inclosed within a wreath. Date, 1802. In splendid condition, and rare. 7 — A beautiful copper half penny of the Colony of Virginia. Obverse, fine head of George III, King of England. Reverse, crown, coats of arms. "Virginia" on obverse. Date, 1773. A rare coin. 8 — A splendid United States copper cent, as perfect as when coined. Obverse, fillet head, with the word "Liberty" above the head. Reverse, "One Cent," within a wreath. Date, 1794. Very rare in this condition. 9 — A beautiful copper coin of the East Indies, nearly dol- lar size. Obverse, a large heart, with a large figure "4" above it. Date, 1791. Reverse, a pair of balances, and native characters. In perfect condition, and very rare. 10 — A very fine broad silver crown of Leopoldus, Emperor of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia. Obverse, fine head of the Emperor, and large fine head. Reverse, double eagle, with crown above. Date, 1670. Very rare. 11 — A large broad silver crown of Christianus, King of the Danes. Obverse, full length figure of the King, standing, with a fine crown on his head. Reverse, a large coronation crown, in the center of the piece. Date, 1618. A splendid crown, and very rare. 12 — A large curious silver piece, crown size. Obverse, St. Patrick, with a long spear in hand, thrusting it into a large snake. Reverse, St. Patrick, and an Irish boy, killing and burning snakes. No date, but, from its appearance, and the Latin language on it, it must be very old. Rare. 56 CATALOGUE OF COINS 13 — A splendid Massachusetts Colonial cent. Obverse, an Indian, standing, with a bow in the right hand and an arrow in the left; "Commonwealth." Reverse, "Massa- chusetts," and a large eagle; "Cent" on the breast of the eagle. Date, 1787. As fine as when coined, and very rare. 14 — A perfect United States copper half cent of 1800. Ob- verse, fillet head, with "Liberty" above. Reverse, "Half Cent" within a wreath. Very rare in this condition. 15 — A beautiful copper coin of the East Indies. Obverse, a large heart in the center of the piece, and a large figure "4" above the heart. Reverse, fine wreath, and native language. Rare. 16 — A beautiful United States copper half cent. Obverse, fillet head, and "Liberty" above. Reverse, "Half Cent" within a wreath. Date, 1794. Rare in this fine condition. 17 — A very fine large copper penny of George III, King of England. Obverse, unusually fine head of the King. Re- verse, a female, holding an olive branch in her hand. Date, 1766. Very rare. 18 — A very large square silver crown of John George, King of Saxony. Obverse, a full length figure, in a nude con- dition, his right arm and shoulder resting on a large club, and holding in his left hand what seems to be apples or other fruit. Reverse, a large crown in the center of the piece, with crossed swords inclose'd within a wreath; a small crown in each corner of the piece; various coats of- arms, lions, etc. Date, 1676. Excessively rare and valu- able. 19 — A very large heavy silver treble crown of Holland, in splendid condition. Obverse, a trooper, on a finely equipped horse, with a drawn sword in hand; a city under the horse. Reverse, eagles, lions, and many coats of arms. Exceed- ingly rare a^d valuable. No date. 20 — Another fine square silver crown of John George, King of Saxony. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, in- closed within a fine beaded circle. Reverse, crown and crossed swords, within a large beaded circle, and a human head in each of the four corners of the piece. Date, 1764. In splendid condition, and very rare. CASE NUMBER FOURTEEN 57 21 — A very fine ring or chain cent, copper. Obverse, thirteen rings linked together, and, in the center of the piece, "We are one;" "United States" in a small circle. Rever.se, a blazing sun surrounding a head; around the margin, "Fugio, 1787;" underneath, near the margin, "Mind your business." A beautiful cent, and very rare. 22 — The most beautiful and perfect United States copper half cent of 1793 I ever saw. Obverse, a splendid fillet head, with "Liberty" above the head, and "1793" below. Rever.se, "Half Cent" within a wreath, and "United States" around the margin. Very rare and valuable in this fine condition. 23 — The most beautiful and finest Washington cent the writer ever saw. Obverse, a fine head and bust of Washington, in uniform; and, around the margin, "Washington, President." Date, 1791. Reverse, a beautiful large eagle, and "One Cent" just above the head of the eagle. Very rare and valuable. 24 — A Massachusetts half cent, in perfect condition. Obverse, an Indian, standing with a bow in his right hand, and an arrow in his left; "Commonwealth" around the margin. Reverse, eagle, and "Massachusetts" around the margin; "Half Cent" across the breast of the eagle. Date, 1788. Very rare. 25 — A very fine Louisiana copper cent. Obverse, "Colonies Francoises;" an "A" in the center of the coin, cross, and "XV." Reverse, crown, coat of arms, and Latin language. In splendid condition, and very rare. Date, 1767. 26 — A very fine large broad silver proclamation double crown of Charles III, King of Spain. Obverse, fine head and bust of the King, and, around the margin, "Carol. Ill, Hispan. Rex. Mexic. Procla." Date, 1760. Reverse, a large crown in the center, with various emblems, and, around the margin, "Imperator Indiarum;" and, immediately under the crown, "A Madero Consulatus." A splendid piece, and very rare. 27 — A fine large broad old silver crown of Holland. Obverse and reverse, full of Dutch and Latin language. Date, 1534. In beautiful condition, and very rare. 28 — A fine large silver crown of Augustus, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Obverse, head and full face of the Duke. Reverse, large ships coming in, and a man on shore, awaiting their arrival. In splendid condition, and rare. No date, but seems to have been issued in the 15th century. 58 ■ CATALOGUE OF COINS 29 — A very fine and beautiful Colonial cent of Kentucky. Obverse, fourteen stars, set in triangular shape, with "E Pluribus Unum" on the margin. Reverse, a hand and arm, holding a piece of paper, on which is written, "Our cause is just;" and around the margin is "Unanimity is the strength of society." No date. This cent is in extremely fine condition, ancl, of course, very rare and valuable. 30 — A most beautiful French copper coin of the Colony of Cayenne. Obverse, a crown, coats of arms, etc.; and, around the margin, "Louis XVI, R. de Fr. et de Nav." Reverse, "Colonie Cayenne;" and, in the center of the coin, within a wreath, "2 Sous." Date, 1789. Rare. 31 — A splendid United States patent copper cent of 1S55. Obverse, a beautiful flying eagle in the center, and thirteen stars around the margin. Date, 1855. Reverse, "One Cent" within a fine wreath, "United States" around the margin. A rare piece, and very scarce. 32 — A copper cent of the United States, date 1795, as fine and as perfect as it was the day it was coined. Obverse, a fine fillet head, "Liberty" above, and date, 1795, below. Reverse, "One Cent" within a wreath, and "United States" around the margin. Very rare and costly in this condition. 33 — A most beautiful Colonial cent of New York. Obverse, a man, almost nude, standing erect, holding a long staff in his right hand, with a liberty cap on the upper end; around the margin or edge, "Liberty and Commerce;" date below, 1795. Reverse, a large fine ship under full sail; and around the margin or edge, "At the Store of Talbot, Allum & Lee, New York." No piece of coin could be in finer and more perfect condition than this. Very rare. 34 — A very fine large silver crown piece of Petrus, Emperor of Brazealea. Obverse, "960" inclosed within a beautiful wreath, the name of the Emperor and other language around the margin. Reverse, a fine large crown, and Latin words. Date, 1812. A splendid coin. 35 — A beautiful silver medal of Napoleon I and the Empress M. Louise. Obverse, heads of the Emperor and Empress. Reverse, Emperor and Empress, standing, with their right hands in each other's, and their names around the margin. A splendid medal, and rare. CASE NUMBER FIFTEEN 59 36 — A splendid silver medal of Napoleon I. Obverse, fine head of the Emperor, and, around the margin, "Napoleon, Empereur." Reverse, Napoleon, held up by two men, while addressing the French Senate and the people. Rare. 37 — A fine large silver dollar of Charles II, King of Spain Obverse, fine head of the King, with wig, and ornamental band around the head; and, around the margin, "Carlos II, D. Ct. Rex. Hisp." Reverse, a very large crown and coats of arms; around the margin, "Utrius, Sici. Hierus. G. 100." Date, 1680. In splendid condition, and very rare. CASE No. 15. 1 — A splendid old silver crown of Venice, Italia, of Francis Erizzo, Duke of Venice. Obverse, a large cross in the center of the piece, and the name of the Duke around the margin. Reverse, a large crown and pillars, human head in the center of the crown; around the margin, "Sanctus Marcus, Venet." Date, 140. Exceedingly rare. 2 — A fine silver dollar of the old cob or cut money of Spain. Obverse, crow-n and pillars. Date, 1735. Reverse, a large crown, with the Spanish coats of arms. In splendid condi- tion, and very rare. 3 — A. fine silver half dollar, Spanish cob or cut money. The same as the dollar just described. Rare. 4 — A very fine new silver dollar of Japan. Obverse, a beau- tiful wreath, and Japanese emblems. Reverse, a curious dragon, and native language. 5 — United States twenty-five cent piece. Date, 1S53. 6 — A very pretty copper coin of Holland, quarter-dollar size, Obverse, a lion within a circle. Reverse, a large "A," within a circle. Date, 1659. A rare coin. 7 — A very fine large silver crown piece, wdth St. ]\Iartin, on horseback, giving his cloak to a beggar; and, around the margin, "Martinus Sanctus." Reverse, a large crown, in the center of wliich is "Liberta," and, around the margin, "Respublica Lucensis." Date, 1747. A rare coin. 60 CATALOGUE OF COINS 8 — A fine copper coin, quarter-dollar size. Obverse, a crown, with the capital letters "F." and "W." immediately under the crown. Reverse, "^ Kreuzer, Schles. Land. Munze." Date, 1797. 9 — United States twenty-five cent piece. Date, 1856. 10 — A very large heavy copper coin of Catharine, Empress of Russia. Obverse, a large crown, supportecl by two animals, not lions, but some other fierce-looking beast, and Russian language around the margin. Reverse, a large "E." and "H." under a crown, inclosed by a large handsome wreath. Rare. 11 — A very fine Colonial .copper cent of the United States Obverse, "U. S." inclosed within a beautiful wreath, and, around the margin, "Justitia, Libertis." Date, 1783. Reverse, thirteen stars in a circle, inclosing a blazing sun; and, around the margin, "Constellatis Nova." A splendid cent, and very rare. 12 — A very fine copper cent of Florida. Obverse, a large spread eagle, and Spanish language in a half circle over the head of the eagle. Date, 1634. Reverse, crown, a small double-headed eagle, and Spanish language around the margin. A splendid piece, and exceedingly rare and valuable. 13 — A very large old brass coin of China. Obverse, a round hole in the, center; eleven varieties of animals and fowls, covering nearly the whole face of the piece. Reverse, Chinese language. This is a very remarkable piece, sup- posed to be about 800 years old. Condition, fine, and rare. 14 — A splendid copper coin of George III, King of England. Obverse, fine head of the King, "Georgius III, D. G. Rex. Reverse, crown, and wreath under the crown; "One Stiver;" around the margin, "Colonies of Essequibo and Demarara." Date, 1813. Rare. 15 — United States dime, date 1853, with arrows 16 — A beautiful large silver double crown of Friedrich Au- gustus, King of Saxony. Obverse, a splendid head of the King; name and title around the margin. Reverse, a fine large crown, and language around the margin. Date, 1854. Rare. 17— United States dime of 1854. CASE NUMBER FIFTEEN 61 18 — A splendid copper coin of the Danes, dollar size. Obverse, a large crown, with a large "C" immediately under it; three smaller crowns, and language, around the margin. Reverse, two long arrows crossed, and "1 Skilling." Date, 1822. 19- — A very fine broad crown of Leopoldus, Emperor of Austria. Obverse, fine head of the Emperor, with a large curly wig, and ornamental band on his head; name and title around the margin. Reverse, large double eagle, with crown above, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1696. In splendid condition, and rare. 20 — A very fine old copper coin of China, two and one-eighth inches broad. Square hole in the center; broad plain rim, nearly half an inch wide. Chinese characters on obverse and reverse. Said to be a thousand years old. A rare coin. 21 — A very fine silver double crown of Frederick William III, King of Prussia. Obverse, fine head of the King, with name and title around the margin. Reverse, a large crown, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1840. A splendid coin. 22 — A very fine copper medal of Cornwallis, dollar size. Ob- '' verse, a fine head, uniform, cocked hat; and, around the margin, ''Charles, Marquis Cornwallis." Reverse, a winged angel blowing a trumpet, and a wreath of olive in the right hand; inscription around the margin, as follows: "His name resounds from east to west." A finely gotten up piece. Rare. 23— United States dime of 1871. 24 — A beautiful fine silver double crown, or three-and-a- half-gulden piece, of Frankfort, Germany. Obverse, an exceedingly large and verv fine wreath; around the margin, and within the wreath, is ^"3^ Gulden, 2 Thaler, 1842." On the extreme of the margin above is "Vereinsmunze;" and on the extreme of the margin below, "VII. Eine F. Mark." A fine piece, and as beautiful as when coined. Reverse, a fine large eagle, and "Freie Stadt, Frankfurt." 25— United States dime of 1872. 26 — A very fine copper coin, nearly dollar size, of Russia. Obverse, double eagle, and Russian language. Reverse, fine wreath, and "5 Koubekb." Rare. Date, 1870. 62 CATALOGUE OF COINS 27 — A fine copper medal of Admiral Edward Vernon, of the British navy. Obverse, full length portrait of the Admiral, with his name below, and one ship. Reverse, a squadron of nine ships. This medal was gotten up on the occasion of the attack and bombardment of Porto Bello, in New Granada. A fine medal, and rare. 28 — A very fine and curious copper half penny of Ireland. Obverse, fine head of St. Patrick, with a very high hat on his head, and a long staff, crooked at one end, in his hands- around the margin, ''Cronebane half penny." Reverse, coats of arms, and, around the margin, "Associated Irish Miners' Arms." A splendid piece, and rare. Date, 1794. 29 — A fine copper medal, or token, of Pitt. Obverse, fine head of Pitt; around the margin, "The Restorer of Com- merce;" and, just under the bust, "No stamps." Date, 1766. Reverse, a large ship under full sail, and, near by the ship, "America;" around the margin, "Thanks to the friends of liberty and trade." Rare. 30 — A very fine large bronze medal of Frederick William IV, King of Prussia. Obverse, fine head of the King, with name and title around the margin. Reverse, a Bishop sitting on a fine chair, and a man nearly on his knees; Ger- man and Latin language around the margin. Dated at Berlin, 15th Oct. 1840. A splendid medal. 31 — United States twenty-five-cent piece. Date, 1856. 32 — A very fine copper coin, quarter-dollar size, of Denmark. Obverse, crown, with large "C." and "R." under it; "1 Penning." Date, 1717. 33 — Xauverius, Duke of Saxony. Obverse, fine head of the Duke, with name, title, etc. Reverse, a large crown, with seven lions, four eagles, one dog, one chicken, and two fish; and, around the margin, "Electoratus Saxonia, Ad- ministrator X. Eine Marck F." Date, 1765. This is a splendid large broad silver crown, and in the finest condition. Rare. 34 — A beautiful copper coin of Ireland, a little over dime size. Obverse, crown and coats of arms; around the margin, "George II, Vices Quintoan — rec." Date, 1751. Reverse harp, "D. G. 24, Ireland." A rare coin. 35 — United States twenty-five-cent piece. Date, 1857. CASE NUMBER SIXTEEN 63 36 — A beautiful larp;e broad silver crown of Gustavus, King of the Swedes. Obverse, fine head of the King, with name and title. Reverse, large crown, Avith three smaller crowns; and, around the margin above the crown, "Faderneslandet." Date, 1777. A very rare crown in this splendid condition. 37 — A fine two-third crown, silver coin of Maximilian, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, name and title around the margin, coats of arms, etc. Reverse, large eagle, and German language. Date, 16S7. A rare coin. 38 — A fine silver coin, one-third-crown size, coined in the town of Constantz, German3\ Obverse, a crown, with German and Latin language. Reverse, eagle, and German and Latin language. No date, but must have been coined in the thirteenth or fourteenth centur^^ Rare. 39 — A beautiful large fine silver crown or dollar of the Swedes. Obverse, a very fine curious eagle, with one leg only, wings of an eagle, and long head, neck, and tail like a snake; and the following around the margin: "Conserva nos in pace, Domine." Reverse, the beautiful city of Barilea, horns of plentifulness, coats of arms, etc. Date, 174L Exceedingly rare in this splendid condition. CASE No. 16. 1 — A splendid half crown of George II, King of England, obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, four crowns, coats of arms, etc. In the very finest condition and rare. Date 1745. 2 — United States half dime of 1830. Very fine. 3 — United States 25 cents, as perfect as when it came from tlie die. Date, 1849. Very rare, in this splendid condition. 4 — United States half dime of 1838, in perfect condition. 5 — United States half dollar of 1851, New Orleans mint, as perfect as it w^as the day it was coined. This is one of the scarce and very rare half dollars. Very desirable. 6 — A beautiful United States dime of 1836, as fine as can possibly be. Very rare. 7 — Three pieces of curious old silver coin of China, nearly round in shape. Weight in fine silver, 80, 40 and 20 cents. Very fine condition, singular, and very rare. 64 CATALOGUE OF COINS 8 — Two pieces Siamese round silver money. Fine and rare. 9 — United States dime without arrows. In splendid condi- tion, and very rare. 10— United States half dollar of 1794. In splendid condition, and very rare, 11 — United States half dime of 1794. As fine as it could be, and very rare. 12 — United States half dime of 1795. This piece could not possibly be in a finer condition. Very rare. 13— A beautiful United States half dime of 1800. Condition very fine. A rare coin. 14 — United States half dime of 1831. A perfect piece. 15 — United States half dollar of 1795. As fine and as perfect as when it was coined. Very rare in this splendid condition. 16 — A very fine United States dime of 1805. Very rare. 17 — A splendid United States dime of 1814. Condition, beautiful. Rare. 18 — United States dime of 1820. Condition, perfect. Rare. 19 — United States dime of 1823 in perfect condition. Rare. 20 — A very fine United States dime of 1844. Rare. 21 — A beautiful United States dime of 1846. Very scarce, and very rare. 22 — A splendid uncirculated United States dime of 1851. 23 — A splendid uncirculated United States dime of 1852. 24— A perfect United States half dime of 1832. 25 — A perfect United States half dime of 1837. 26 — A beautiful composition-metal of Victoria, Queen of England. Size, 39. Obverse, a splendid crowned head of the Queen, and around the margin, "Victoria, Dei Gratia, Regima." Reverse, crown, and within a fine large wreath, "Born, 24th Mav, 1819. Ascended the Throne, "^ June 20, 1837." 27 — A perfect United States dime or ten cent coin of 1796. Extremely rare in this unusually fine condition. 28 — A perfect United States ten cent coin of 1827. Rare. CASE NUMHIOR SIXTEEN 65 29 — A beautiful and perfect United States ten cent coin of 1829. Hare. 30 — A perfect United States ten cent coin of 1S31. 31 — A perfect and beautiful United States ten cent coin of 1836. Rare. 32 — A perfectly uncirculated United States dime, without stars. Date, 1837. Vei'v scarce and rare. 33 — A perfectly uncirculated and beautiful United States lialf dollar of 1803. Very rare. 34 — A perfectly uncirculated United States half dime of 1833. Rare.' 35 — A perfectly uncirculated United States half dime of 1834. Rare.' 36 — A perfectly uncirculated United States half dime of 1840. Rare. 37 — A perfectly uncirculated United States half dime of 1843. Rare.' 38 — A beautiful uncirculated United States half dollar of 1822. In splendid condition. 39 — A beautiful and perfect United States dime of 1839. Rare. 40 — One piece round silyer coin of Siam, fine and rare. 41 — Six small thick silyer coins of different weights, from that of a dime down to two cents. This money is supposed to be the coinage of the lonians, and if so, they are over 2,000 years old. Ver\^ rare. Characters not understood on Obyerse and Reyerse. 42 — A perfectly uncirculated United States dime of 1838, without stars. Beautiful and rare. 43 — A beautiful uncirculated United States half dollar of 1806. Rare. 44 — A perfect United States half dime of 1844. Rare. 45 — A beautiful uncirculated United States 25 cents of 1820. Rare in this fine condititon. 46 — Uncirculated and beautiful United States half dime of 1850. 47 — United States half dollar of 1852, uncirculated, and in perfect condition. Very rare. 66 CATALOGUE OF COINS CASE No. 17. 1 — About the finest Hamburg crown of Charles XI, Emperor of Germany, I ever saw. Obverse, name and title of the Emperor, double eagle and crown. Reverse, a large public building, with three steeples. Date, 1730. This crown, it is well known by collectors, is very high and rare, where it was coined. 2 — A black walnut centennial medal, patented June 1st, 1875. Obverse, fine head of General Joseph R. Hawley, President U. S. International Exposition. Reverse, around the mar- gin, "The 100th Anniversary of American Independence, 1876." On the base and center is the following. "Great International Exhibition, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, 4th of July, 1876." Size 40. 3 — A splendid large uncirculated crown of Fredericus III, King of Denmark. Obverse, fine crowned head of the King, name and title. Reverse, rampant lion with battle ax in his paws. Date, 1653. This is a beautiful crown, and very rare. 4 — A very fine half crown, silver coin of John George, King of Saxony. Obverse, fine head, and bust of the King with drawn sword in hand, name and title around the margin. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and date of 1631. Hare. 5 — A very fine Danish silver coin of the East Indies. Ob- verse, crown, lion, and coats of arms. Reverse, native characters. Date, 1855. Size, 12. A beautiful little coin. 6 — A beavitiful silver bank token of George III, King of England. Obverse, a splendid head of the King, name and title. Reverse bank token and "G. D." and "1811" en- closed within a fine wreath. Size, 17. Rare. 7 — A splendid little silver coin, dime size, of George Louis, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Obverse, name and title of the Duke, and in the center of the piece "II Marien Gros: Fein. S. H. B." Reverse, name of St. Andreas around the margin, and on the center of the base, St. Andrew, with a long cross. Date, 1708. A curious, scarce, and rare coin. 8 — A very perfect silver coin, half-dollar size, of Sigismund III, King of Poland. Obverse, a fine crowned head of the King, with name and title. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, etc. No date. This coin is in beautiful condition, and very rare. CASE NUMHKK SKVKNTKKN 67 9- — A beautiful old Tersian silver coin, half-dollar size, issued in the reign of Cyrus, King of Persia. Coats of arms, Persian language, and beaded borders on obverse and reverse. This coin for its age, is in splendid condition, and as all coin collectors must know, is very rare and valuable. Date, 536 B. C. 10 — A beautiful small silver coin dime size, of Chile indepen- dence. Obverse, mountains and "Chile independence, San- tiago." Reverse, tree and "Libertad." Around the mar- gin. "Union y Fuerza." 1814. 11 — Old oblong silver coin of Japan, one inch long, and half an inch wide. Japanese characters on obverse and reverse. 400 to 500 years old, and exceedingly rare. 12 — A ver}' pretty little silver coin, dime size, of \'ictor Emanuel II, King of Italia. Obverse, head and name of the King. Reverse, "50 Centesimi," within a wreath, and around the margin, "Regno D. Italia." Date, 1868. 13 — A beautiful silver coin of Siam, half-dollar size. Obverse, three beautiful towers, and various emblems. Reverse, elephant and Siamese characters. Rare. 14 — United States half dollar of 1814. As fine and as perfect as when it fell from the die. Rare. 15 — A very fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size of Siam. Ob- verse, three towers, buds, and leaves of trees. Reverse, elephant v/ithin a wreath. In splendid condition, and rare. 16 — A most beautiful and perfect 15 Sols, silver coin of Louis XVI, King of France. Obverse, head, name, and title. Date, 1791. Reverse, a winged man standing, and writing on a scroll of paper. Very rare in this perfect condition. 17 — A four-penny silver coin of George I, King of England. in perfect condition. Obverse, fine head of the King, and around the margin, "Georgius, Dei. Gra." Reverse, crown and a large "4" under it; around the margin, "Mag. Bri. Fr. et Hib. rex." Date, 1727. Rare. 18 — A iDeautiful twelve-pence silver coin, of the commonwealth of England. 01)verse, cross and harp, date, 1653, "XII God with us." Reverse, cross within a wreath, and around the margin, "The Commonwealth of England." In splendid condition, and verv rare. 68 CATALOGUE OF COIN'S 19 — A splendid large broad silver crown of Rudolphus Augustus and Anthony Ulric, Dukes of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Obverse, heads, and busts of the two Dukes, sitting together with side faces; names and titles around the margin. Re- verse, a crown, two army flags, two swords, and many spears resting on two pillars. Around the margin, "Tuleris Securius, Duobus." Date, 1695. This crown is in elegant condition, and very rare. 20 — A patented black walnut medal, gotten up on the occasion of the United States International Exhibition at Philadel- phia, July 4, 1876. Obverse, a facsimile of the main building, and around the margin of the medal "1776, Main Building, 1876. Internationar Exhibition." Size 48. 21 — A fine old silver medal, size 26. Obverse, John baptising Christ. Around the margin, the following. "Resipiscite et Baptizamini." Reverse, "Circumcision;" around the mar- gin, "Circumcidite Praeputium Cordei Deut 10." This is a very old relic, but in very fine condition, and very rare. 22 — A very fine United States half dollar of 1815. Condition splendid. Rare. 23 — A beautiful little coin of Siam. Obver.se, three towers. Reverse, Elephant within a circular wreath. In splendid condition. Size, 12. Rare. 24 — A very fine old silver coin of Persia, over 2000 years old. Persian language on obverse and reverse. In very fine condition, and very rare. Size, 16. 25 — A beautiful silver coin of Frankfort, Germany. Ol3ver.se, "6 Kreuzer" and "185.3" encircled by a fine wreath. Re- verse, "City of Frankfort." In perfect condition, and rare. 26 — A splendid silver half-crown of Louis XV, King of France. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, etc. Reverse, crown, and coats of arms. In the very finest condition, and very rare. 27 — A beautiful silver half-crown of modern Rome. Obverse, Crown, fig trees, and various emblems. Around the mar- gin, "Alexander VII. Pont. Max." Reverse, an arm and hand through a cloud, holding a pair of balances, and around the margin, "Nee. ultra Nee. Citra." In splendid condition, and rare. 28 — A very fine silver sixpence of George II, King of Eng- land. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, four crowns, coats of arms, etc. Date, 1757. c;ase nt.mhku skvkxtken 69 29 — One of the early silver coins of Jajxin, an iiuili lon III, Kiii^ of lOntiland. Obverse, fine head of the Kintr. name, and title. Reverse, crown, with a large "3" under it. In fine condition. 26 — Silver bracteate coin of Germany. Obverse, head of a Bishop, with a staff in the right hand and a flas; in the left. Reverse, plain surface. Rare. 27 — A fine silver medal, representing A))raham in the act of sacrificing his son Isaac. Obverse, Al)raham with a dagger, and about to strike the fatal blow, when an angel appears in the clouds and forbids the act; Latin language around the margin, and beaded border. Reverse, Christ riding into Jerusalem on a jack, and groups of people on the wayside; Latin language, and beaded border. A very old medal, but in very fine condition. Size, 20. Very rare. 28— A very thick heavy silver coin of China, in the shape of a crescent, and weighs over a dollar and a half in United States silver currency. This is a remarkably curious coin, but current money in China, as the writer saw when he was there. Yet it is very scarce, and, outside of China, very rare. 29 — A large heavy silver treble crown of Rudolphus II, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the Emperor, name, and title. Reverse, a large crown, coats of arms, etc., and German language around the margin. Date, 1604. This coin weighs about three dollars compared with United States money, and is in as fine condition as it could possibly be. Yevy rare. 30 — A large heav}^ round silver coin of Siam, or bullet money, as it is sometimes called. Rare. 31 — A triangular shaped silver coin of Denmark and Norway. Obverse, a crown, with a large "5" under it, and nine large round dots; no letters. Reverse, two swords crossed, and three war dogs. In very fine condition, and very rare. The angles are size 19 each. 32 — Four rude bvit very fine silver coins of Persia. Obverse and reverse, covered with Persian language, or characters. Sizes, from 25 cents regularh^ down to 3 or 4 cents, com- pared with American money. These coins are all in very fine condition, and very rare. 33 — A two-penny silver coin of William and Mary, King and Queen of England. Obverse, fine heads of the King and Queen. Reverse, crown, and a large "2" under it. Date, 1689. In verv fine condition, and rare. 78 CATALOGUE OF COINS 34 — A very fine silver groat of Henry I, King of England- Obverse, fine head of the King, full face, name, etc. Re- verse, cross, dots, etc. This is a much finer groat than is usually of this reign. Rare. 35 — A very fine bracteate silver coin of Germany. Obverse, fine head of a Bishop. Reverse, plain surface, as is the case with all the bracteate coins. A. D. 1114. Size, 13. 36 — A fine silver half crown of Charles VI, Emperor of Ger- many. Obverse, name and title of the Emperor, crown, and double eagle. Reverse, a large building, with three steeples. Date, 1727. Rare. 37 — A very fine silver coin, size of a twenty-cent piece, of Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria. Obverse, fine head of the King, name, and title. Reverse, crown, and double eagle. Date, 1868. 38 — A fine large silver crown of Cosmus III, Duke of Etruria. Obverse, a fine head and bust of Cosmus, with a very large long wig, name, and title. Reverse, John baptizing Christ, and a small eagle above; around the margin, the following: "Delectus Filius." This is a beautiful crown, and in splendid condition. Issued in the fourteenth or fifteenth century. 39 — A silver groat of Edward III, King of England. Ob- verse, head and full face of the King, name, etc. Reverse, cross, and round dots. In fine condition, and rare. 40 — A verj' broad silver shilling piece of James I, King of England. Obverse, a fine large head, full face, and bust of the King, in full court dress, wearing a very large hat, with the broad brim turned up in front; and the following indented words around the margin: "Give thy Judgments, God, unto the King, and thy Righteousness vmto the King's Sonn." Reverse, a fine head, full face, and bust of Charles I, in full court dress. Both obverse and reverse of this piece is in almost perfect condition, and exceedingly rare. 41 — Three thick heavy copper coins of Ceylon. Size, 14, 8 and 6. Obverse, elephants. Reverse, native language! These coins are all in very fine condition, and rare. 42 — A very old silver coin of Tunis. Native language or characters, and beaded borders, on obverse and rever.se. Date, 1175. A very fine coin. Everything about it seems to be almost perfect. Size, 9. A rare coin. CASE NUMBEIt NINETEEN" 79 43 — A small copper coin of Edelred, Kinf? of KnpiJand. Ob- verse, a small round beaded circle in the center, and "Ivlclred, Rex," around the margin. Reverse, small beaded circle in the center, and language around the margin. Cross on obverse and reverse. In very fine condition, and verj^ rare. Size, S. 44 — A small copper coin of Mahomet I. Obverse, head and full bust of Mahomet, with a curious tall crown on his head, and the left hand pointing up; dots, characters, and emblems around the margin. Reverse, language or char- acters, and round dots. Very rare. Size, 8. 4.5 — A fine copper coin of Rome. Obverse, head of Tiberius. Reverse, a fine large ship. This coin is in fine condition, and said to be exceedingly rare. 46 — A large broad silver bracteate coin of Germany. Obverse, a full figure or portrait of the Abbe Beatrix 11, of Quedlin- burg; a big scepter in the right hand, and an open book in the other. Reverse, plain. A. D. 1139. Verv rare. Size, 18. 47 — A fine silver groat of Henry III, King of England. Ob- verse, head of the King, with full face; spear or staff on the right; name and title around the margin. Reverse, cross, round dots, etc. 48 — A fine silver rouble of Russia. Obverse, double eagle, crowned, with Russian language around the margin. Re- verse, crown, wreath, and date, 1875. 49 — A very fine silver groat of Henry II, King of England. Obverse, head and full face of the King; a staff or spear on the right, with a cross on the upper end of it. Reverse, a cross within a small beaded circle, and four cross-dots. This groat is in very fine condition, much better than is usuall.v found among the old English coins of this period. 50 — A beautiful Swiss franc, as perfect as when it was coined. Obverse, a female figure, sitting, with the right hand and arm pointing forward, and the name "Helvetia" just above the head. Reverse, "1 Fr." within a fine wreath. 51 — A beautiful bracteate coin of Germany. Obverse, a man on horseback, holding in his right hand a flag attached to a long staff; beaded border and Latin words around the margin. A. I). 1173. In splendid condition, and very rare. Size, 18. 80 CATALOGUE OF COINS 52^A fine silver shilling of Heniy VIII, King of England. Obverse, a very fine crowned head of the King, name and title. Reverse, cross, coats of arms, etc. This coin is in almost perfect condition, and very rare. A. D. 1509. 53 — A splendid silver shilling of Henry VIII, King of England; a variety. Obverse, a very large harp, crowned, with the letter "R" or "K" on one side of the harp, and a letter "A" on the other, both letters crowned. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, etc. In verv fine condition, and a verv rare coin of Henry VIII. A. D. ^1509. 54 — A quarter crown (silver) of Charles ^T, Emperor of Ger- many. Obverse, double eagle, crowned; name and title around the margin. Reverse, a pubhc building, with three high steeples; "Hamburg" around the margin. Date, 1738. Rare. 55 — An eight-shilling silver coin of Lubec, Germany. Ob- verse, double eagle, crowned, and German language, around the margin. Reverse, wreath, and German inscription. Date, 1729. This coin is in very fine condition, and rare. CASE No. 20. 1 — A large brass coin of Lysimanchus, King of Greece. Ob- verse, a fine large head of the King, with his name in Greek. Reverse, three male figures, standing, holding each other by the hand, and Greek inscription. B. C. 322. Condition, very fine. Rare. Size, 20. 2 — A silver coin of Pompeii, of Rome. Obverse, emblems and inscriptions. Reverse, two tapers, with' a cross at the top of each one. B. C. 89. In very fine condition, and rare. 3 — A copper coin of Antoninus Pius, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Rever.se, a large lion ancl inscription. A. C. 138. In splendid condition, and rare in this metal. 4- — A silver coin of Faustina, Empress of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Empress. Reverse, a female figure sitting, and inscription. A. C. 117. Condition, very fine. CASE NUMHEIl TWKNTY 81 5 — A very large thick hi-ass coin of I'austiiia. Hmpress of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Km press. Reverse, a richly draped female figure, standing in the center, holding a globe in the right hand, with a large bird sitting on it, and the following inscrijition: "^ternites." A. C. 117. In perfect condition, and rare. Size, 1. 6 — A silver coin of the Military Tribunes of Rome. Obverse, female head, no inscription. Reverse, two snakes driven in a chariot, and inscription below. B. C. 450. In very fine condition, and very rare. 7 — A silver coin, the Tribunes of Rome, in the reign of Cin- cinnatus. Obverse, female head, no inscription. Re- verse, a female holding a snake in her right hand, inscrip- tion on each side. B. C. 452. Condition, very fine. Rare. 8 — Silver coin of D. N. Valens, Emperor of Rome. Ob- verse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a female sitting with a large hat on her head. Inscription, "Roma." A. C. 364. Condition, perfect. Rare. 9 — A silver coin of Julius Ciesar, Emperor or Dictator of Rome. Obverse, head and name of Caesar. Reverse, a tall male figure standing. Inscription, etc. B. C. 48. In perfect condition, and very rare. 10 — A small silver coin of Ancus Martins, King of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the King. Reverse, a female, sitting. B. C. 640. Condition, fine. Rare. 11 — A silver coin of Claudius, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, a camel and inscription. Reverse, horses and chariot, in- scription, etc. In splendid condition, and rare. 12 — A silver coin of Geta, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the Emperor, name around the mar- gin. Reverse, a female standing, and inscription. A. C. 211. In perfect condition, and rare. 13 — A silver coin of Trajano, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a female, stand- ing. Inscription, etc. A. C. 98. In splendid condition, and rare. 14 — A large brass coin of Nero, Emperor of Rome, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a female figure sitting, holding a small Angel in her right hand, and a long staff in the left. "Roma" below, A. C. 54. This coin is in splendid condition, and very rare. Size, 22. 82 CATALOGUE OF C'OINS 15 — A silver coin of Deciiis, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and inscription. Reverse, a female, standing, with a long staff in her left hand, inscription, etc. Condition, very fine. A. C. 249. Rare. 16- — Silver Consular coin of Rome. Obverse, head and in- scription. Reverse, horses and chariot. B. C. 440. In splendid condition, and rare. 17 — A silver coin of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Re- verse, a female, standing, inscription, etc. A. C. 161. Condition, splendid. 18 — A silver coin of Eugenius, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head of the Emperor, and inscription. Reverse, a female sitting on a high chair, and inscription. A. C. 392. In splendid condition, and rare. 19 — A very fine little silver coin, of Dido, Queen of Carthage. Obverse, head and name of the Queen. Reverse, a very large, rvide human head, covering the entire reverse. B. C. 836. In splendid condition, and of course very rare. Size, only 9, but very thick. 20 — A beautiful silver coin of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, a fine head of the Emperor, name, etc. Reverse, a male figure standing with a globe in the right hand, and something like a scorpion in the left. A. C. 161. In perfect condition, and rare. 21 — A beautiful silver coin, of Antonia, Daughter of Marc An- tony. Obverse, a splendid head, with spiked crown, inscrip- tion, etc. Reverse, a male figure stancling, and around the margin, "M. Antoninus." B. C. 36. This coin is in the most perfect condition, and very rare. 22 — A splendid silver coin of Macrinus, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, a male figure sitting on a chair, and inscription. A. C. 217. In perfect condition, and rare. 23 — A beautiful silver coin of Rome. Obverse, head of Janus, within a fine, round beaded circle. Reverse, a large chariot and four fine horses in full speed, and "Roma" below. In perfect condition, and very rare. A. C. 245. CASE \UMHi;U TWHXTV 83 24 — A fine large Clreek silver coin of Phokea. Obverse, a man standinii in the center, in the attitude of comhatinp; with another, and near by is the figure of three legs and short Greek inscription. Reverse, two men standing near together, bending down and holding each other by the arms. B. C. 562. In splentlid condition, and very rare. 25 — A genuine Jewish shekel. Oln-erse, Urn and Hebrew characters. Reverse, fig tree and Hebrew characters. 1 have had this coin in my possession over fifty years, and date it back to at least a thousand years before Christ. Abraham, near 2,000 years B. C, paid 400 Jewish shekels for his burying ground, which will go to shown that the Jewish shekel was the common currency of that time. In splendid condition. \evy rare. 26 — A very fine large Greek silver coin of Agrigentum. Ob- verse, a large eagle standing on a dog. Reverse, a large stand, something like a three-legged table, in the center, and a swan on the side, inscription, etc. B. C. 364. This is a beautiful coin, and in splendid condition. Ver}'- rare. 27 — A fine Greek silver coin of Corinth. Obverse, head of Minerva, with a winged animal on the left side of her head. Reverse, a wolf pouncing on, and devouring a stag. B. C. 165. In beautiful condition, and very rare. 28 — A silver coin of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a female, sitting, inscription, etc. A. C. 161. In perfect condition. Rare. 29 — A fine Consular silver coin of Rome. Obverse, a female head with winged head-dress. Reverse, the two infants, Romulus and Remus, sucking a wolf. B. C. 458. In splendid condition, and very rare. 30 — A small silver coin of x\neus Martins', King of Rome. Obverse, head of the King. Reverse, a winged figure, standing. The letter "M" above, and "Titus" below. Six straight lines on one side. B. C. 640. In fine condition, and very rare. 31— A fine silver coin of Tullus Hostilius, King of Rome. Obverse, a fine head of the King, and inscription. Re- verse, a female figure in the center, and inscription. B. C. 572. In very fine condition, and very rare. 84 CATALOGUE OF COINS 32 — A very fine silver coin, Tatius, a Sabine King of Cuers. Obverse, a splendid head of the King, very much like the head of General Jackson. Reverse, two Roman soldiers capturing a young Sabine woman. B. C. about 720. In splendid condition, and very rare. 33 — A fine silver coin of Hadrianus, Emperor of Rome. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, a female, standing, inscription, etc. A. C 117. Condition, very fine. 34 — A very fine Greek silver coin. Obverse, a fine large head of Minerva, and a small male figure standing above. Re- verse, a bull in the center, and a fish below, inscription, etc. B. C. about 360. In splendid condition, and very rare. 35 — A fine Greek silver coin. Obverse, head of Minerva. Reverse, a wolf and inscription. About 220 B. C. In very fine condition, and very rare. 36 — A very fine large brass coin, of Caligula, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, a fine head of the Emperor, name and other inscription. Reverse, three female figures, standing, Drusilla, Julia and Agrippina. A. C. 37. In splendid condi- tion. Rare. 37 — A fine Greek coin. Obverse, head of Minerva. Reverse, a head of barley or wheat, and Greek inscription. Over 200 B. C. In splendid condition, and very rare. 38 — A fine silver coin of Hostilius, King of Rome. Obverse, head of the King, with large, long wig. Reverse, a female, standing, a small stag, and inscription. B. C. 672. Con- dition, very fine. Very rare. 39 — A fine silver coin of Alexander the Great. Obverse, head of Jupiter. Reverse, a male figure sitting and in- scription. B. C. 336. In splendid condition, and very rare. 40 — A fine silver coin of Mithridates, King of Pontus. Ob- verse, a fine head of the King. Reverse, a nude man, sitting, and inscription. B. C. 89. This coin is in beautiful condi- tion, and very rare. 41 — A fine silver coin of Marc Antony and Julius Ctiesar. Obverse, head and name of Antony. Reverse, head of Caesar, and inscription. B. C. 48. In splendid condition, and rare. 42 — A fine silver Consular coin of Rome. Obverse, head of Diana. Reverse, a man with another man on his shoulder, and inscription. B. C. about 450. In perfect condition, and rare. CASE NUMUKll TWKXTY-ONK 85 48 — A beautiful .silver coin of the Tribunes of Rome. Oh- ver.se, a fine female head, \vearin — A very fine old silver medal of St. Paul. Obverse, a fine heatl and bust of Paul, with very long beard, something like that of Lorenzo Dow's. Inscription around the margin, and Paulus below the bust. Reverse, three men on horse- back, armed with clubs and daggers, inscription, etc. In splendifl condition, and very rare. 6 — A ^ dollar, eight square gold coin of California. Obverse, head and stars, and date 1873. Reverse, "half dollar California," within a wreath. 7- — A one dollar, eight square gold coin of California. Ob- verse, head and stars. Reverse, "one dollar 1854," within a beaded circle, and around the margin, "California gold." 8 — An eight square, gold half dollar of California. Obverse, head and stars. Reverse, wreath and date, lSo6. 9 — A fine gold coin of the Mormons. Obverse, clasped hands in the center, and around the margin the following: "G. S. L. C. P. G. five dollars." Reverse, an all-seeing eye in the center, nine stars, and "holiness to the Lord" around the margin. Condition, perfect. Date, LS50. 10 — A gold ducat of Ferdinand II, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, double eagle within a beaded circle, crown, name, and title of the Emperor. Reverse, St. Peter and a young lamb, inscription, etc. Date, 1628. Condition, perfect. Very rare. 11 — A gold spade guinea of George III, King of England. Obverse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, a crowned spade, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1787. Condition, perfect. 12 — A gold ducat of Venice, Italia. Obverse, two human figures skating, inscription, etc. Reverse, sixteen stars within a beaded circle, and inscription. No date. Init very old. Condition, perfect. Rare. 13— A fine dollar, gold coin of Turkey. Obverse, wreath and Turkish inscription. Reverse, wreath, seven stars, and inscription. Condition, perfect. Rare. 14 — A beautiful silver coin, dollar size, of Cochin, China, a small square hole in the center, and Chinese inscription on obverse and reverse. In perfect condition, and very rare. 92 CATALOGUE OF COINS 15 — A beautiful gold coin of the English East India Company, $3.50 weight in gold. Obverse, a lion and the name of the company. Reverse, native characters. Condition, perfect, and rare. 16 — A gold ducat of Friedericus III, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, crowned head, cross, and inscription. Reverse, cross, beaded circle and inscription. A. C. 1440. In beau- tiful condition, and very rare. 17 — A gold ducat of Maximilian I, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, cross in the center, and the name and title of the Emperor around the margin. Reverse, St. Peter and a lamb in the center, inscription around the margin. Date, 1500. Condition, perfect. Very rare. IS — A beautiful silver rupee of the East Indies. Obverse, a fine wreath and native inscription. Reverse, a large pea- cock, with a full spread tail, and native characters. This rupee is nearly the size of a dollar, much larger than the rupees generally are. In perfect condition, and a splendid coin. Very rare. 19 — United States ten dollar gold coin of 1795, as perfect as it was the day it was coined, never having been circulated for one hour. Very rare in this beautiful condition. 20 — A beautiful gold ducat of Matthias, King of Hungary. Obverse, two heads, and bust in the center, name and title of the King arovmd the margin. Reverse, a full length figure, with crowned head, standing with a drawn sword in the right hand, and a cross in the left. A. C. about 1100. In splendid condition, and very rare. 21 — A fine large gold coin or medal, doubloon size, coined and issued in Mexico, soon after the conquest of that country by Cortez. Obverse, cross, chain and one star, with the following Latin inscription within a fine beaded border: "Nonfecit taliter omninationi," Reverse, a priest standing, with a crown on his head, and a cross in his right hand. A beautiful, doul)le ]:)eaded border around the margin. In splendid condition, and certainly very rare. Size, 23. Very fine gold. 22 — A fine gold coin of Morocco; weight, $2 in gold. Native inscription on obverse and reverse. Rude coinage, but in perfect condition. ^ ery rare. CASE NUMHER TWENTY-TWO 93 23— A gold half Noble, of Edward I, King of England. Ob- verse, crowned head, name, and title of the King. Re- verse, four crowns, two beatled borders, coats of arms, and inscription. A. C. 1272. This coin is in almost perfect condition, and very rare. 24 — A gold half ducat, of Charles V, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, a crowned male figure, standing, with something like a club in his right hand, and a cross in the left, and around the margin, "Carolus V Imperator." Reverse, a square in the center, with a crown on each side of it. Date, 1555. In very perfect condition, and very rare. 25 — A gold coin, said to be of Mahomet I; weight, near $2 in . gold. Obverse, three rude heads, the center one crowned. Various round dots, etc. No inscription. Reverse, filled up with round dots. A. C. 571. In splendid condition, and very rare. 26 — A gold half joe, or $8.50, coin of Maria I, and Petrus III, of Portugal. Obverse, heads and bust of the King and Queen, with their names and titles. Reverse, a very large crown and coats of arms. Date, 1786. ^'ery fine gold, and in perfect condition. 27 — A gold teaspoon, said to have been taken from Solomon's Temple, at the time it was plundered by Shishak and his army, 932 B. C. Very curious, and rare. 28^ — A very fine large silver medal, gotten up to represent the marriage feast at Cana, Galilee. Obverse, Christ stand- ing between the bride and bridegroom, pronouncing the marriage ceremony, which is around the margin, as follows: "Homonon Separet Quos Deus Coniunit." Reverse, Christ and his mother, the bride and bridegroom, and one other person sitting at a long table, eating and drinking. Just below the table there are six large water-jars, and around the margin, the following inscription: "Jesus Christus machet wasserz wein in Cana Galilea." This medal, from its general appearance, must date back to nearly, if not quite the time of Christ. The artisanship of this remarkable medal is certainly superior to anything seen on coins or medals issued within the last 500 or a 1,000 years. In splendid condition, and I would say, as rare as any relic in my col- lection. Size, 40. 29 — A gold teaspoon, said to have been taken from Solomon's Temple, at the time it was plunderetl by Shishak and his armv, 932 B. C. \erv curious and rare. 94 CATALOGUE OF COINS 30 — A gold double guinea of George IV, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, St. George and the dragon. Date, 1823. Condition, as perfect and as beautiful as it was the day it came from the mint. Very rare. 31 — A very fine round, gold coin of Japan, weight near $5 in gold. Japanese inscription on obverse and reverse. This coin is but little larger than a dime, but thick and heavy. No coin in Japan is more scarce or difficult to procure than this, as the writer experienced while there some years since. Verv fine gold, and in beautiful condition. Exceedingly rare. A. C. 1120. 32 — A beautiful gold dollar of Turkey. Obverse, wreath, one star, and Turkish inscription. Reverse, wreath, seven stars, and inscription. Rare. 33 — United States ten dollar gold coin of ISOl. Condition, as perfect as when it was coined. Rare. 34 — A gold ducat of Venice. Obverse, two male figures, standing, with a long cross between them, inscription, etc. Reverse, a human figure, standing within a long, beaded circle, and stars. Inscription around the margin. Date, 1515. In splendid condition, and rare. 35 — A fine large gold coin (weighs .113 in gold), of Maximilian II, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, a male figure, standing, with a staff in the right hand, and a globe and cross in the left, name and title of the Emperor around the margin. Reverse, a large city in the center, "Patronia and the infant Christ" above, and an angel on each side, inscription, etc. A. C. 1564. Condition, splendid. Rare. 36 — A gold ducat, of Friederic, King of Sweden. Obverse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, a crowned lion in the center. Date, 1748. Condition, perfect. Rare. 37 — A fine broad gold guinea of James I, King of England. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the King, within a round, beaded circle, name and title around the margin. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. A. C. 1603. In splendid condition, and very rare. CASE XUMHER TWENTY-TWO 95 38 — A rouncl, silver coin of China, no hole in the center, as is usual with Chinese coins. Weight, aliout seventy-five cents in silver. Obverse, Chinese inscription. Reverse, a large, long dragon, something like a snake, with four legs. This coin is very old, and was taken from the Kmperor's Palace, at Pekin, at the time it was captured by the English and French armies, and dates back, as I ascertained while in China, to 183 B. C. It is entirely uncirculated, atirl in beautiful condition, ^'ery rare. 39— United States two and a half dollar gold coin of 1796. Obverse, head, liberty, cap and date. Reverse, large eagle, stars and inscription. In as perfect condition as when it came from the mint. Ver}^ rare. 40 — A gold half guinea, of George III, King of England. Obverse, a splendid head of the King, name and title. Re- verse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1808. No coin could be in a more perfect condition than this. Rare. 41 — United States two and a half gold coin of 1804. Condition, perfect. Rare. 42 — A beautiful silver coin, dollar size, of Tunis, Africa. Obverse, an elegant wreath around the margin, and native inscription in the center. Reverse, a different wreath, and equally beautiful, native characters in the center. Condi- tion, as fine as could be. Rare. 34 — A gold ducat of Maximilian I, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, St. Peter, and the lamb in the center, inscription around the margin. Rever.se, cross, eagle, and coats of arms. Date, 1509. Condition, splendid. Rare. 44 — United States five dollar gold coin of 1805. Condition, perfect. Rare. 45— A fine gold coin, of Petrus II, Emperor of Portugal; weight, $4.50 in gold. Obverse, crown, coats of arms, and name of the Emperor. Reverse, cross and inscription. Date, 1699. Condition, perfect. Rare. 46 — California five dollar gold coin, without alloy. Obverse, eagle and inscription. Reverse, stars and inscription. Date, 1849. Condition, perfect. Rare. 96 CATALOGUE OF COINS 47 — A five dollar gold coin of the Massachusetts & California Company. Obverse, wreath and inscription. Reverse, a man, mounted on a horse, in the center, a bear on one side of the horse, and a goat on the other. Date, 1849. Condi- tion, perfect. 48 — A California gold half dollar of 1864. Condition, perfect. 49 — An eight square gold dollar of California. Date, 1854. Condition, perfect. 50^A round gold half dollar of California. Date, lS71. Perfect. 51 — A fine large silver crown, of Ferdinand III, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the Emperor, with name and title around the margin. Reverse, a large city and inscription. Date, 1640. In very perfect condi- tion, and rare. 52 — United States gold dollar of 1869. Condition, perfect. 53 — A very fine large silver coin, of Titus, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, a fine large head of the Emperor, name, and title around the margin. Reverse, a tall tree in the center, and a man who seems to be weeping, is sitting under it, and another man is standing on the opposite side. Around the margin, "Judea Capta." A. C. 79. This coin is in beautiful condition, and very rare. Size. 20. 54 — United States gold dollar of 1851. Condition, perfect. 55 — A fine old silver coin of Saxony, with heads and bust of four Dukes. "John" on the obverse, and "Philip, Frederic, and John William" on reverse, with their names and titles. Date, 1624. Condition, perfect. Rare. CASE No. 23. 1 — A silver half-crown of George I, King of England. Ob- verse, name and title, four crowns, and coats of arms. Re- verse, horse in the center, and inscription around the margin. Date, 1719. Condition, perfect. 2 — A beautiful gold quarter-ducat of Leopoldus I, p]mperor of Germany. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Em- peror. Reverse, a man standing in the center; inscription around the margin. Date, 1686. Condition, perfect. CASK NU.MUKH TW KN'IV-IH in:K 97 3 — A fine silver medal of ("liristiaii Inmost, of (lorinany. Obverse, toinl), luii, and inscription. Reverse, entirely filled up with Latin and (Jerman inscription, relating to the birth and death of the late Christian Ernest. Horn, July 27, 1644, died May 10, 1712. Condition, perfect. Size, 24. 4 — A gold dollar of Charles III, Kinfi of Spain. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Kin<;-. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, etc. Date, 178.S. Condition, very perfect. 5 — A very fine old Spanish doUai' of cob money, in much finer condition than is usually found. Coats of arms on obverse, and reverse. 6 — A fine silver shillino; of James T, Kina; of luigland. Ob- verse, crowned head, name, and title of the King, lleverse, coats of arms, and inscription. A. C. 1608. Condition, very fine. Rare. 7 — A fine silver half groat of Canute, King of England. Ob- verse, a fine head, and bust of the King, and inscription. Reverse, cross, and inscription. A. C. 1017. Condition, almost perfect. Rare. 8 — A very fine thick copper coin of Ptolemy Soter. Ob- verse, fine head of Jupiter. Reverse, eagle, and inscription. B. C. 304. In splendid condition, and very rare. 9 — A beautiful silver groat, of Ethelred I, King of England. Obverse, a fine head and Inist of the King, name, and title* Reverse, cross, and inscription. A. C. 866. In splendid condition and ver}^ rare. 10 — A splendid silver coin, shilling size, of John, Duke of Brabant, Netherlands. Obverse, a winged figure in the center, and a cross, above the head, inscription, etc. Re- verse, cross, and inscription. A. C. about 1284. 11 — A fine large silver coin of Philip, King of Macedonia, and father of Alexander the Great. Obverse, a fine head of Jupiter. Reverse, the noted horse Bucephalus, and Alexan- der, when a boy, riding him; Greek inscription. The horse Bucephalus was bought by Philip, at a cost of 13 talents, or $7,436. B. C. 360. This coin is in splendid ' condition. Very rare. 12 — A beautiful Carolina gold dollar. Condition, perfect. G8 CATALOGUE OF COIXS 13 — A fine old silver crown of John Christian and John Seyf, Dukes of Eggenberg, Germany. Obverse, fine heads and busts of the Dukes, in court dress, names, and titles. Re- verse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1653. In perfect condition, and rare. 14— A gold dollar of Lima, Pervi. Obverse, wreath in the center, "Lima" above, and date, 1833, below. Reverse, a Lima tree and horn of plenty. Condition, perfect. 15 — A large Babylonian silver coin, in the reign of Arcianus. Obverse, a fine large head. Reverse, a nude figure, sitting with a spear in the right hand: Greek inscription. B. C. 709. In very fine condition, and very rare. 16 — A beautiful round silver coin, two-real size, of the old cob money of Spain. Obverse, pillars, and inscription. Reverse, coats of arms. Condition, perfect. 17 — A gold dollar of Ferdinand \l. King of wSpain. Obver.se, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1759. Condition, perfect. 18 — A gold ducat of Venice, Italia. Obverse, two male figures, one holding a long staff, with a cross on the upper end. Reverse, a male figure in the center, a long I^eaded circle, and stars. Condition, verv fine. No date, but verv old. 19 — A gold coin, dollar size, of James I, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arm-;, and inscription. A. C. 1603. Con- dition, very fine. 20 — A silver coin, c{uarter-crown size, of Philippus I, King of France. Obverse, a cross in the center, and the name of the King between two round beaded circles: cross above, and inscription around the margin. Reverse, cross, emblems, and inscription, within a round l)eaded circle. A. C. 1060. In splendid conditi'.> 22 — A silver coin, diino size, of ("oniad I, l-lmporor of (jermany. Obverse, cross, round dots, and l)virnin silvci' dollar «if Alfonso XII, Kinji of Spain. Ob- verse, a splendid head of the Kin}«:, with name and title. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1875. Condition, perfect. 20 — A very fine silver coin, dime size, of IVi'sia. Persian inscription on ohverse and I'cverse. In heautiful condition, and rare. 21 — A very lariie copper coin of Catharine II, the ^reat Em- press of Russia. 0])ver.se, crown, initials, and wreath. Reverse, doiilile eatiie, crowned, and inscription. Date, 1793. Condition, perfect. 22 — A fine little silver coin, half-dime size, of Persia. Con- dition, perfect. Rare. 23 — A very fine large silver crown medal of Charles III, King of Spain. Obverse, a fine head and bust of the King, in full court dress and wig; and around the margin, the follow- ing inscription: "Carolus Pius Felix Augustus, P. P." Reverse, a man, sitting under a tree, holding out a cross to a woman, who seems to be in great distress; Spanish inscrip- tion around the margin. Date, 1785. Size, 24. In as fine and perfect condition as when it was issued. Rare. 24 — A silver real of Philip, King of Spain. Oliverse, head and bust of the King, name, and title. Reverse, cross, round dots, and inscription. Date, 1637. Condition, perfect. Rare. 25 — A fine silver groat of Edward I, King of Englantl. (^b- vei'se, head and full face of the King, inscription, etc. Re- verse, cross, and inscription. A. C. 901. Condition, very fine, and very rare. 26 — A fine large silver crown of Leopoldus, Duke of Austria. Obverse, head and bust of the Duke, name, antl title. Re- verse, a large crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1620. In splendid condition, and i-are. 27 — A fine silver real of Philip I, King of Spain. Obverse, name in the center, within a small beaded circle. Reverse, cross, and coats of arms. Condition, very fine. Rare. 28 — United States dime of 1872. Perfect. 29 — A two-i-eal silver coin of Spanish cob or cut money. Span- ish coats of arms on oln-erse and rever.se. Condition, very fine. 104 CATALOGUE OF COINS 30 — One silver coin, real size, of Saetabi, King of Spain. Ob- verse, crowned head of the King, and beaded circle. Re- verse, coats of arms, and inscription. This coin dates back to about 800 A. C. Condition, very fine. Rare. 31 — A beautiful silver half crown of Salisburg, Germany. Obverse, a fine large church, with dome and steeples, and two Bishops, in full regalia and high hats, sitting in the front of the church; inscription, etc. Reverse, a procession of Bishops and priests; inscription, etc. Condition, perfect. Rare. Date, 1628. 32 — One silver real of Spanish cob or cut money. Coats of arms on obverse and reverse. 33 — A two-real coin of the old Spanish cob or cut money. Spanish coats of arms on obverse and reverse. Condition, very fine. 34 — A very fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Hesse. Obverse, crown, and two large letters. Reverse, "VIII, Einen R. Thai." in the center, and a lengthy inscription around the margin. Date, 1732. In splendid condition. 35 — A silver bracteate coin of Germany. Obverse, head of a Bishop. Reverse, plain. In perfect condition. This coin dates back to about 1200 A. C. Rare. 36 — A fine bronze medal of William, King of Prussia. Ob- verse, head, full face, and bust of the King, name, and title. Reverse, a large tall crowned column in the center, and the balance entirely filled up with German language relating to the war with France. Date, 1870. Condition, perfect. Size, 26. 37 — A silver real of old Spanish cob or cut money. Cross and Spanish coats of arms on obverse and reverse. Con- dition, fine. 38 — A fine silver shilling of David II, King of Scotland. Ob- verse, a crowned head and side face of the King, holding a scepter and cross; full and clear name and title around the margin. Reverse, crown, coats of arms and inscription. Reign, 1329 to 1371 A. C. In fine condition, and very rare. 39— United States 25 cents of 1861. Perfect. CASE NUMIJKU TWKNTV-FIVi: 10.") 40 — A fine German coin, quartor-dollar size, in the ici^n of Ferdinand I. Obverse, inscription, and date. l.loO. He- verse, eagle, and inscription. In splendid condition, and very rare. 41 — A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of ('olf)gne. Ob- verse, a silver cup, and inscrij)tion. Reverse, coats of arms, and inscription. J)ate, IT.'iO. 42 — A fine silver coin of Persia, quarter-dollar size. Persian inscription on obver.se and reverse. 43 — A beautiful silver coin, ({uarter-dollar size, f)f Charles VII, Emperor of (Germany. Obver.se, eagle, and inscription. Reverse, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1710. Con- dition, perfect. CASE No. 25. 1 — A Unitetl States copper cent of 1804. In very fine con- dition, and very rare. 2 — United States half-cent of 1803. Condition, very fine. Rare. 3 — A fine large copper coin, of Ferdinandus II, King of Italia. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, a large crown, and inscription. Date, 1840. Size, 24. In splendid condition. 4 — A fine United States copper half-cent of 1805. 5 — A fine United States copper cent of 1807. 6^ — United States cent of 1808. ^'ery fine. 7 — United States half-cent of 1807. ^'ery fine. 8 — A fine copper coin of Alexander, Emperor of Russia. Obverse, crown, wreath, and Russian inscription. Reverse, a double headed eagle, crowned. Date, 1803. Size. 16. Perfect. 9— United States half-cent of 1809. Perfect. 10 — United States copper cent of 1803. ^'ery fine. 11 — United States copper cent of 1813. \evy fine. 12 — United States copper half-cent of 1825. 106 CATALOGUE OF COINS 13 — Japanese oblong brass coin, two inches long, by one and one-fourth inches wide. Japanese characters on obverse, and reverse. Condition, perfect. 14 — United States copper half-cent of 1S28. Very fine. 15 — United States copper cent of 1808. Very fine. 16 — United States copper cent of 1800. Very fine. 17 — United States copper half-cent of 1828. Very fine. 18 — United States copper cent of 1820. Very fine. 19 — United States copper half-cent of 1832. Very fine. 20 — United States copper cent of 1823. Very fine. 21 — United States copper cent of 1828. Very fine. 22— United States half-cent of 1833. Yevy fine. 23 — A large thick copper coin of Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia. Obverse, a crown, large wreath, and initials. Reverse, a double headed eagle, crowned, and an inscription. Date, 1771. In splendid condition, and rare. 24 — United States half-cent of 1834. Very fine. 25 — United States copper cent of 1830. A'ery fine. 26 — United States copper cent of 1833. Very fine. 27— United States half-cent of 1833. Very fine. 28 — United States copper cent of 1855. Very fine. 29 — United States half-cent of 1834. Very fine. 30 — United States copper cent of 1856. Very fine. 31 — United States copper cent of 1850. Very fine. 32 — United States half-cent of 1835. Very fine. 33 — Japanese oblong brass coin, two inches long, by one and one-fourth inches wide. Condition, perfect. 34— United States half-cent of 1849. Very fine. 35 — United States copper cent of 1851. \'ery fine. 36 — United States copper cent of 1852. Xevy fine. 37 — United States half-cent of 1850. Very fine. CASE Xr.MMKH TWKNTY-Sl X \i)t 38 — A (Jernian copper coin, (|uart('i-(loll;ir size. Obverse, cross, crown, double eufjle, and inscription. Kcvorse, wreath and inscription. Date, 1S16. Condition, perfect. 39— United States half-cent of iSol. \ery fine. 40 — United States copper cent of l.So3. \'ery fine. 41 — United States copper cent of 1X54. Very fine. 42— United States half-cent of 1S()9. \'ery fine. 43 — A large copper coin of Petrus II. Kmperor of Brazil. Obverse, crown, wreath, and inscription. Reverse, wreath, and inscription. Size, 26. Condition very fine. Date, 1829. 44 — United States half-cent of 1809. \'ery fine. 45 — United States copper cent of 1802. Very fine. CASE No. 26. 1 — A fine copper coin of Denmark, Obverse, crown and initials. Rever.se, "I Skilling Danske K. M. 1771." In perfect condition. 2 — A small silver coin, dime size, of Brunswick and Lunen- burg. Obverse, "St. Andrew" with a cross, and inscription. Date, 1708. Condition, perfect. Rare. 3 — A very fine large copper coin of Turkey. Turkish in- scription on obverse and reverse. Size, 24. In splendid condition, and rare. 4 — A small silver coin, dime size, of Brunswick and Lunen- burg. Obverse, crown, initials and inscription. Rever.se, a fine beaded circle in the center, and inscription. Date, 1689. In perfect condition, and rare. 5 — A fine copper coin, of Louis X^T, King of France. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the King. Rever.«^e. crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1791. Condition, very fine. 6 — A fine silver crown, \ size, of Charles I. Emperor of Ger- many. Obverse, name and title of the Emperor, with a six pointed star in the center. Reverse, eagle and inscrip- tion A. C. 875. A'ery fine, and rare. 108 CATALOGUE OF COINS 7 — A copper coin, of Const ant ine I, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a male figure, standing, and inscription. A. C. 340. ^'ery fine, and rare. 8 — A very fine silver coin, half dollar size, of Prince John, of Schwarzenberg, Germany. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Prince. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscrip- tion. Date, 1783. In perfect condition, and a beautiful crown. 9 — A thick heavy copper coin of Alexander the Great. Ob- verse, head of Jupiter. Reverse, two columns, with vines around them, and inscription. In very fine condition, and very rare. B. C. 356. 10 — A fine silver coin, of John Philip Franz, of Wurzburg, Germany. Obverse, a large crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Reverse, German inscription. Date, 1719. Size, 17. In splendid condition, and rare. 11 — A Louisiana Colonial copper cent. Obverse, crown, two "Ls" crossed, and French inscription. Reverse, "Colonies Francoises." Date, 1721. In very fine condition, and very rare. 12 — A beautiful silver coin, nearly quarter dollar size, of Sigmund, Duke of Burgunda and Tyroil. Obverse, fine head and bust of the Duke, name and title. Reverse, crown, eagle, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1664. In perfect condition, and rare. 13 — A fine old copper coin of China, about 400 years old. Chinese characters on obverse and reverse. Size, 18. In splendid condition, and rare. 14 — A fine silver coin, nearly quarter dollar size, of Holland. Obverse, crown, lion and inscription. Reverse, inscription. Date, 1792. Condition, perfect. 15 — A fine Roman copper coin, of Philip I, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a female figure, standing, and inscription. Condition, perfect. A. C. 244. 16 — A fine silver coin, half dollar size, of Frederick William, of Hildesheim, of Germany. Obverse, head, bust and in- scription. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1764. Condition, perfect. ("ASK NlMliKK IWKNTV-SIX 100 17^ — A fine copper coin, of Constantius, Kinpcror of (icrinany. ()I)veise, head and name of the iMnperor. Heverse, two male fijjures, standing in the c-enter, with spears and chibs, inscription, etc. In perfect condition, and rare. IS — A beautiful silver half crown, of Jo.sephus, I'lmpeioi- of Austria. Obverse, a fine head and ])ust of the Kmperor, name and title. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and in- scription. In splendid condition. Rare. Date, 1090. 19 — A copper coin, of vSmerdis, Kinf>; of Egypt. Obverse, a fine large head and inscription. Reverse, eagle standing erect, and inscription. R. C. 523. In very fine condition, and very rare. 20 — A fine silver half crown, of Joseph Nicholas, of Wind- ishgratz. Obverse, a fine head and inscription. Reverse, a large crown, with a lion on each side, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1777. In perfect condition, and rare. 21 — A large copper coin, of Nero, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Emperor. Reverse, a male figure, standing, and inscription. A. C. 54. Condition, very fine. 22 — A fine silver coin, one-eighth of a crown, of Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Duke. Reverse, inscription. Date, 1671. Condi- tion, very fine. Rare. 23 — A large old brass coin of China. Obverse, Chinese in- scription. Reverse, plain. A. C. 1346. Size, 25. In splendid condition, and rare. 24 — A fine silver coin, \ crown, of Charles MI, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, a fine head and i)ust of the Emperoi-. name and title. Reverse, double eagle crowned, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1744. Condition, perfect. 25 — A copper coin, of Licinius, Emperor of Rome. Obvei-se, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a fine, large temple, or place of w^orship, and a female figure, sitting in the door. A. C. 30S. In very fine condition. Rare. 26 — A fine silver half crown, of Ferdinand III, King of Belgium. Obverse, a large key, under a crown, and inscription. Re- verse, double-headed eagle, with a cross above, inscription, etc. Date, 1654. Condition, perfect. Rare. 110 CATALOGUE OF COIXS 27 — A copper coin, of Licinius, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a male fioure, standing, and inscription. A. C. 312. In very fine condi- tion, and rare. 28 — A fine silver half crown, of Francis Ludwig, Duke of Saxony. Obverse, a fine head and inscription. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1694. Con- dition, perfect. Rare. 29 — A copper coin, of Constantius, Emperor of Rome. Ob- • verse, a fine head and bust of the Emperor, name and title. Reverse, a male figure standing, with the right hand raised up, and a globe in the left. A. C. 305. In perfect condition, and rare. 30 — A fine silvei' half crown, of Fred, Augustus, Duke of Saxony. Obverse, head and full bust of the Duke, inscrip- tion, etc. Reverse, crown, wreath, coats of arms, and in- scription. Date, 1797. Condition, perfect. 31 — A copper coin, of Maximinus Emperor of Rome. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the Emperor. Reverse, a female figure, standing, holding up an olive branch, and inscription. A. C. 325. Condition, perfect. 32 — A beautiful silver coin, quarter dollar size, of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Obverse, crown, wreath, cross, and coats of arms. Reverse, wreath and inscription. Date, 1795. Condition, perfect. 33 — A fine copper coin, of Joseph II, Emperor of Austria. Obverse head, name, and title of the Emperor, a fine large wreath, and inscription. Date, 1789. Size, 17. Condi- tion, perfect. 34 — A beautiful silver coin, quarter dollar size, of Frankfort Germany. Obverse, eagle and inscription. Reverse, a round, circular wreath, and inscription. Date, 1855. Con- dition, perfect. 35 — A splendid copper coin, of Maria Theresa, Queen of Aus- tria. Obverse, a fine head of the Queen, and inscription. Reverse, a beautiful cii'cular wreath, and inscription. Date, 1777. Condition, perfect. Size, 18. 36 — A fine silver coin, \ crown, of John William, Duke of Poland. Obverse, a fine head of the Duke, and inscrip- tion. Reverse, crown, cross, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1715. Condition, perfect. CASE NTMBKH TWKNTV-SKVKX 111 37 — A small ('()i)poi- coin of AlcxMiidcr the (licMt. ( )l>v('rs(', a fine large iiead. Reverse, horse and insciiption. hi splendid condition, and very rare. B. ('. AnV). 38 — A silver half crown, of Charles, l)id. Size. 20. Condition, very fine. CASE No. 27. 1 — United States half dollar of 1810. Condition, perfect. 2 — A small copper coin of Persia, in the reign of Cyrus. King of Persia and Babylon. B. C. 536. Size, \2. In very fine condition, and very rare. ,._-_ 112 CATALOGUE OF COINS 3— United States half dollar of 1856, N. O. .Mint. Condition, perfect. 4 — A small copper coin of Maximin, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a skeleton figure, standing, and inscription. A. C. 235. Condition, very fine. 5 — United States half dollar of 1859. Condition, perfect. 6 — A fine copper coin of the Republic of Peru. Obverse, "Un Centavo," and wreath. Reverse, inscription. Date, 1864. Perfect. 7 — A fine little round copper coin of Japan, value 1 rin. Japanese inscription on obverse and reverse. Condition, perfect. 8 — A small oblong silver coin of Japan. Japanese inscription on obverse and reverse. 9 — A small copper coin of Hostilian, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of Emperor. Reverse, two male figures, standing, and inscription. A. C. 251. Condition, very fine. 10— A small copper coin of the Island of Malta. Obverse, eight long sharp points arranged around a large round dot in the center. Reverse, a small male figure. In very fine condition, and rare. 11 — United States 25 cents of 1855. Perfect. 12 — A fine silver quarter crown of John Frederick, Duke of Wurzburg, (lermany. Obver.se, name and title, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Reverse, inscription i-e- lating to the birth and death of the Duke. Date, 1645. Condition, perfect. 13 — A fine large copper coin of Augustus, I'hnperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a tree and inscription. Condition, very fine, l^are. A. C. 36. 14 — A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of CJernumy. Ob- verse, crown, cross, and inscription. Reverse, inscription around the margin, and "I\' .Marien Gros." in the coiiter. Date, 1()92. In beautifvil condition, anil rare. 15 — United States 25 cents of 1861. Condition, perfect. J CASK Xl'MIiKK r\VKN'l"^-SKVKN W'A 16 — A small copper coin of Julius Nipos, Emperor of Home. Obverse, head and name of the f^mjioi-oi-. Reverse, a male figure, standing, and inscription. A. ('. 472. Condition, fine. 17 — A small copper coin of Croesus, King of Lydia, and a descendant of Hercules. Obverse, head of the King, and inscription. Reverse, male and female figures, standing near together. Cropsus made Sardis his capital. B. C. 549 In fine condition foi- the time. \'ery rare. 18 — A Japanese oblong silver coin, with Japanese inscription on obverse and reverse. Very fine. 19 — A small copper coin of Avitus, Emperor of Rome. Ob- verse, head and name of Avitus. Reverse, two male figures, one sitting and the other standing. A. C. 455. Very fine. 20 — A small Jewish copper coin, with emblems and Hebrew characters on obverse and reverse. Very old, but in fine condition for the time. Very rare. 21— United States half dollar of 1844. Perfect. 22— United States dime of 1858. Perfect. 23^A fine eight-square porcelain coin of China, one inch broad, and over an eighth of an inch thick. Chinese in- scription on obverse and reverse. Curious and rare. 24— United States dime of 1862. Perfect. 25— United States half dollar of 1846. Condition, beautiful. 26— United States half dime of 1853. Perfect. 27 — A small copper coin of Caligula, Emperor of Rome. Ob- verse, head and name of Caligula. Reverse, a male figure, standing and inscription. A. C. 37. Very fine. Rare. 28 — A small oblong silver coin of Japan. Japanese inscription on obverse and reverse. 29 — A small copper coin of Constans, Emperor of Rome. Ob- verse, head and name of Constans. Reverse, two female figures, standing, with a lamp between them. A. C. 337. Condition, very fine. 30 — United States three-cent silver coin of 1852. Condition perfect. 31 — United States copper half cent of 1826. Condition, per- fect. 114 CATALOGUE OP COINS 32 — A very fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Ernest Au gustus, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg. Obverse, name and title of the Duke. Reverse, a fine horse in the center, and inscription. Date, 1686. A beautiful coin, and very rare. 33— United States half dollar of 1813. Perfect. 34 — A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Fred. Augustus, Duke of Saxony. Obverse, a fine large head and bust of the Duke, with name and title. Reverse, double-headed eagle, and inscription. Date, 1740. Condition, very fine. Rare. 35— United States half cent of 1850. Perfect. 36 — A small silver coin, shilling size, of Saxony. Obverse, crown and inscription. Reverse, inscription. Date, 1763. Condition, perfect. Rare. 37 — A very fine copper coin of JMorocco. Obverse, two tri- angles crossed, and a large round dot in the center. Re- verse, native characters, and date, 1202. In very fine con- dition, and very rare. Size, 13. 38 — Chinese oblong silver coin, weight 40 cents, silver. Chi- nese inscription and stars on obverse and reverse. Condition, perfect. 39 — A fine copper coin of Ptolemy Soter, King of Egypt. Obverse, crowned head of the King. Reverse, inscription. B. C. 304. Condition, very fine, and very rare. 40 — A fine little silver coin, dime size, of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Obverse, crown and inscription. Reverse, a fine horse, and inscription. Date, 1741. Condition, per- fect. 41 — United States silver half dollar of 1810. Condition, veiy fine. 42 — A small silver coin, dime size, of Conrad II, iMuperor of Germany. Obverse, name of the I^^mperor, other in- scription, and a large crowned letter "A" in the center. Reverse, inscription. A. C. 1024. In very fine condition, and very rai'e. 43 — United States silver ilollar of 1S72. Condition, perfect. CASE XUMIJKH T\VK.\TV-Si;\i:\ 115 44 — A very curious old silver coin of the Peruvian Indians, made in the shape of a crescent, a man's head cut or carved on one side, and a round hole in the renter. Very old, but in very fine condition, and very rare. Size, 20. 45 — United States half dollar of ISLS. In beautiful uncir- culated condition. 46 — A fine silver coin, shilling size, of Brunswick and Lunen- berg. Obverse, wild man, and tree in the center, inscription, etc. Perfect. 47 — A fine copper coin of Morocco. Obverse, two triangles crossed, and a large round dot in the center. Reverse, Moorish inscription, and date, 1177. In very fine condi- tion, and very rare. Size, 12. 48 — A fine oblong silver coin of China, one inch long, and three-eighths of an inch wide. Chinese inscription on ob- verse and reverse. Condition, perfect. 49 — A very fine small copper coin of Diocletian, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a female figure, standing, and inscription. Condition, very fine. Rare. A. C. 284. 50 — A fine silver coin, dime size, of George Louis, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Obverse, name and title of the Duke. Reverse, horse and inscription. Date, 1702. Condition, perfect. Rare. 51 — United States copper half cent of 1835. Condition, per- fect. 52 — A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Landmunz, Ger- many. Obverse, head and bust of a Bishop, holding a key and cross; two wheels, two lambs, and a sword. Date, 1713. In very fine condition, and very rare. 53— United States half dollar of 1830. Condition, perfect. 54 — A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Joseph II, Em- peror of Austria. Obverse, name and title of the Emperor; a large cross in the center, and crown above. Reverse, double-headed eagle, crowned, and inscription. Date, 1789. Condition, perfect. 55 — United States half cent of 1851. Condition, perfect. 56 — United States five'-cent silver coin of 1853. Condition, perfect. 116 CATALOGUE OF COINS 57 — A very fine little copper coin of Probiis, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head of Probus, and inscription. Reverse, a male figure, standing, and inscription. A. C. 276. Condition, perfect. 58 — A small oblong silver coin of Japan, five-eighths of an inch long, and three-eighths of an inch wide. Japanese inscrip- tion and round dots on obverse and reverse. Condition, perfect. 59 — A beautiful copper coin of Persia. Persian inscription and stars on obverse and reverse. Size, 12. Condition, perfect. 60 — United States three-cent silver coin. Date, 1853. Con- dition, perfect. 61 — United States half dollar of 1838. Condition, perfect. 62 — United States dime of 1876. Condition, perfect. 63 — A very fine and singular brass coin of Spain. Size, only 16, but over a quarter of an inch thick, and weighs over an ounce. Obverse, a large crown, with round dots above, and, just under the croMm, "XX DE YIII 6X6 R." Re- verse, cross, and Spanish coats of arms. No date, but must have been in the reign of some one of the early Kings. In very fine condition, and, I would say, very rare. 64— United States dime of 1861. Perfect. 65 — United States half dollar of 1872. Condition, perfect. 66 — A small copper coin of Leo the Great, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, an eagle, in the center. A. C. 457. In very fine condition, and rare. 67 — A small copper coin of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, a small crown, and English inscription, "1 .Mil," around the margin. Reverse, Chinese inscription. Round hole in the center. Date, 1866. Condition, perfect. 68 — A small oblong silver coin of Japan. Japanese inscrip- tion and round dots on obverse and reverse. Condition, perfect. 69 — A small copper coin of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, a small crown, and English inscription, "One Mil," around the margin. Reverse, Chinese inscription. Round hole in the center. Date, 1866. Condition, perfect. CASE XIMIJKU TW KN'l'V-SKVKX 117 70 — A small copper coin of Thoodosius the Clieat, Kniperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Kmperor. Re- verse, a female figure, standing, and inscription. A. C. 379. Condition, very fine. Rare. 71 — United States 25 cents of 1815. Comlition, very fine. This is one of the rare American quarters. 72 — A very fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Clei-many. Obverse, crown, and letters "I H S" in the center; inscrip- tion around the margin. Reverse, inscription, and date, 1672. Condition, very fine. Rare. 73 — A fine old copper coin of Philip II, King of Spain. Obverse, head and name of Philip. Reverse, the rattle of a rattle- snake, and inscription. Date, 1593. In very fine condi- tion, and very rare. Size, 16. 74 — A beautiful silver coin, quarter dollar size, of Charles VII, Emperor of Germany. Obverse, name of the Emper- or, a large crown, and coats of arms. Reverse, inscrip- tion, and date, 1714. Condition, perfect. Rare 75 — United States 25 cents of 1820. Condition, very fine. Rare. 76 — United States three-cent nickel coin of 1865. Condition, perfect. 77 — A small copper coin, with Hebrew characters on obverse, and a bee-hive on reverse. Supposed to have been issued several hundred years B. C. Condition, very fine. Size, 8. Very rare. 78 — A small oblong silver coin of Japan. Japanese inscrip- tion and round dots on obverse and reverse. Condition perfect. 79 — A small copper coin of Constantine I, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a male figure, standing. In very fine condition, and rare. 80 — United States nickel cent of 1871. Condition, perfect. 81— United States half dollar of 1869. Condition, perfect. 82 — A fine copper coin of Carthagena. Obverse, two cocoa- nut trees, and a man sitting .under one of them. Reverse "Cartagena," and date, 1017. Size, 13. A rare coin. 83 — United States half dollar of 1877. Condition, perfect. 118 CATALOGUE OF COINS 84 — A copper coin,- double tournois, of Henry II, King of France. Obverse, head, name and title. Reverse, em- blems, and inscription. A. C. 1547. In splendid condition, and rare. 85 — United States half dollar of 1877. Condition, perfect. CASE No. 28. 1 — -A full and complete set of United States Dollars, fifty- two pieces, one for each year that any were coined. These dollars, are all in splendid condition, a large majority of them, never having been circulated for a day. 2 — Continental bills, one for one-third of a dollar, dated, February 17, 1776; and the other for one dollar, dated, November 20, 1775. Both in fine condition, and rare. . CASE No. 29. 1 — United States dollar of 1799. Very fine. 2 — United States dollar of 1841. Very fine. 3 — United States dollar of 1842. Very fine. 4 — United States dollar of 1800. Very fine. 5 — United States half-dime of 1831. Fine. 6 — United States half-dime of 1835. Fine. 7 — United States half-dime of 1837. Fine. 8— United States dime of I860. Very fine. 9 — United States three-cent silver coin of 1856. 10 — United States three-cent silver coin of 1853. H — A small round mar])le shaped silver coin of Siam. Fine. 12 — A small silver coin of Persia. Fine. 13 — A very fine ])attern, silver, of a Jewish shekel. Obverse, a pot or urn, of the holy incense, and Hebrew characters. Reverse, fig trees, and Hebrew chai-actors. CASE NUMHER TWENTY-NIN K 119 14 — A small silver coin of Louis X, Kins of France. 01)- verse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, two letteis crossed, and inscription, A. ]). 1314. 15 — A silver shilling of George III, King of I'lngland. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, four crowns, coats of arms, and inscription. ])ate, 1787. Very fine. 16 — A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Felix, King of Sardinia. Obverse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1787. Very fine. 17 — United States silver dollar of 1847. Fine. 18 — A small silver coin of the East Indies. Native inscrip- tion on obverse, and reverse. Very fine, and rare. 19 — A small siver coin of Persia, native inscription on ob- verse and reverse. Condition, very fine. 20 — United States dime of 1833. Very -fine. 21 — A small silver coin, dime size, of Egypt. Egyptian in- scriptions on obverse and reverse. Very fine. 22— United States half-dime of 1832. Fine. 23 — Two small silver coins of the East Indies. Native char- acters on obverse, and reverse. Very fine. 24 — A small oblong gold coin of Japan. Japanese inscrip- tion on obverse, and reverse. Fine. 25 — United States silver dollar of 1795. In very fine condi- tion, and very rare. 26 — A fine East India silver rupee. Native inscription on obverse, and reverse. Condition, very fine. 27 — A fine gold coin of the East Indies, about S2.50 weight in gold. Beaded borders, and native inscription, on ob- verse, and reverse. \ ery fine, and rare. 28 — A fine silver medal of General W. T. Sherman. Ob- verse, a fine head, and full bust of the General. Reverse, arrows, and star. Condition, very fine. Size, 20. 29 — United States silver dollar of 1796. Fine. 120 CATALOGUE OF COINS 30 — A fine gold coin of Charles XIV, King of Norway, about $3.50 weight in gold. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1837. Condition, ver}' fine. 31— United States gold dollar. Date, 1856. 32 — A fine gold dollar of Isabel, Queen of Spain. Obverse, head, name, and title, of the Queen. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1861. 33 — A fine broad, but very thin gold coin, of the East Indies. Emblems, and native inscription on obverse, and reverse. In beautiful condition, and rare. Size, 14. 34 — Carolina gold dollar, 21 carats fine. In very fine con- dition, and rare. 35 — A very fine gold coin of the East Indies, weight about S3. 00 in gold. Native inscription on obverse, and reverse. Condition, fine. 36 — Gold coin of Christian IV, King of Denmark, half-ducat. Obverse, a man in full mail armor, with crowned hat, stand- ing in the center, and the name of the King around the margin. Reverse, Hebrew characters. Date, 1646. Fine. 37 — A gold quarter doubloon of Joseph Napoleon, King of Spain. Obverse, head, name, and title, of the King. Re- verse, crown, coats of arms and inscription. Date, 1809 Very fine. 38 — A small gold coin of the East Indies, $1.50 weight, in gold. Native inscription on obverse, and reverse. Condi- tion, very fine. 39 — ^Mahometan gold coin, $1.00 gold weight. Obverse, rude head and bust. Reverse, native characters. Very fine, and rare. 40 — Gold dollar of Philip V, King of Spain. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1744. Fine. 41 — Mahometan gold coin of $2.00 gold weight. Obverse, rude head, and bust. Reverse, native charactens. Con- dition, fine. Rare. 42 — Mahometan East India, gold coin, $1.50 gold weight, Obverse, emblems, and round dots. Reverse, filled up with round dots. Verv fine. CASK MMBKH TW KNIV-N I Ni; 121 43 — Gold coin of Turkey, $2.50 wei^lit. Tiirki.-sh inscriptions on oi) verse and reverse. 44 — Japanese oblong gold coin, weight SI. 50. 45— California gold half-dollar. Date, 1S64. A'ery fine. 46 — California gold ilollar. Date, 1871. \'ery fine. 47 — A very small gold coin of the East Indies, twenty-five cents in gold. Native characters, on obverse, antl reverse. Fine, and rare. 48 — A very fine gold coin of the East Indies, about $7.50 in gold. Native characters on obverse, and reverse. In very fine condition, and very rare. 49 — A very fine gold bar of China, weight, one antl one-fourth ounces, in fine gold; length, one and five-eighths inches, width one-half inch, and nearh' one-fourth of an inch thick. Chinese inscriptions, nearly all over it. These bars of gold, pass in China, as currency. In very fine condition, and rare. 50 — A large size Japanese gold cobang, weight in gold, $7.50 to $8.00, length two and one-half inches; width, one and one-fourth inches. Very thin, oval shaped ends. Japan- ese inscription on obverse, and reverse. Condition, fine. 51 — A silver currency bar of China, weight, nearl}- one and one-fourth ounces; two and one-fourth inches long, one inch wide, and one-eighth of an inch thick. Chinese inscription on obverse, and reverse. Condition fine. 52 — United States five dollar gold coin of 1811. Condition, perfect. Rare. 53 — ^Japanese oblong coin, $2.00 in gold. 54 — California gold half-dollar. A'ery fine. Date, 1864. 55 — California gold dollar of 1871. ^>ry fine. 56 — A very small gold coin, of the East Indies, twenty-five cents in gold. Fine, and rare. 57 — A twenty franc, Italian gold coin, issued at the time of their Republic in 1809. Obverse, female head with liberty cap, and inscription. Reverse, ''20 Franc," within a wreath, and inscription. Perfect. 58 — A small gold coin of Egypt, fifty cents in gold. Egyp- tian inscription on obverse, and reverse. Very fine. Rare. 122 CATALOGUE OF COINS 59 — A fine little gold coin of the East Indies, weight SI. 00 in gold. Native inscription on obverse, and reverse. Rare 60 — A gold dollar of Ferdinand VI, King of Spain. Obverse, head, name, and title, of the King. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1748. Fine. 61 — A very old round, thick, gold coin, of Japan, weight about $3.50 in gold. Japanese inscription on obverse, and reverse. Fine and rare. 62 — Mahometan East India gold coin, weight about .11.75 in gold. Obverse, rude head, and long bust. Reverse, round dots. Condition, very fine. Rare. 63 — Gold coin of the English East India company, weight in gold, about $4.25. Obverse, a lion, and the name of the company. Reverse, native inscription. Condition, very fine. 64 — Gold coin of Franciscus I, Emperor of Austria, weight, about $4.00 in fine gold. Obverse, head, name, and title, of the Emperor. Reverse, double headed eagle crowned, and inscription. Date, 1833. Condition, perfect. 65 — Gold dollar of Lima, Peru. Obverse, wreath, and in- scription. Reverse, a llama, tree, and horn of plenty. Date, 1829. Very fine. 66 — United States gold dollar of 1855. Fine. 67 — A very fine gold coin, two Pagodas, of the East Indies, over $5.00 weight in gold. Obverse, a tower, and stars in the center, and "two Pagodas," around the margin. Reverse, a rude male figure in the center, surrounded by three round circles of dots, two crosses, and native inscrij)- tion. Date, 1626. In perfect condition, and rare. 68 — A small thick Mahometan gold coin, of the East Indies, weight, nearly $2.00 in gold. Obverse, rude head, and l)ust. Reverse, a five pointed star in the center, and round dots around the edge. Fine and rare. 69 — A Georgia gold coin of $2.50. Very fine. 70 — A gold ducat of Salisburg. Obverse, a Bishop, sitting, with a large basket in his right hand, and a long staff in the left. Reverse, crown, cross, church emblems, and in- scription. ]3ate, 1723. P'ine. 71 — United States silver dollar of 1797. In ver}' fine condi- tion. CASE NT'MHEH T\VK\TV-NI NK 123 72— A fine silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of the lOast Indies. Native inscription on obverse, and i-everse. Condition, very fine. 73 — Gold coin of Trajan, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of Trajan. Reverse, a soldier on horsel)ack, lancing another man, who is down, and under the feet and legs of the horse. A. C 98. Condition, very fine. Rare. 74 — A fine large silver coin of 8iam. Obverse, wreath, and elephant. Reverse, three large towers. Size, 20. In very fine condition. 75 — United States silver dollar of 1798. In very fine condi- tion. 76 — A small silver coin of the East Indies. Native inscrip- tion on obverse and reverse. Fine. 77 — A fine solid silver coin of Italy. Obverse, head of Na- poleon, and his name, as Emperor. Reverse, crown and inscription. Date, 1810. Fine. 78 — A very fine small silver coin, of the East Indies. Na- tive inscription on obveree and reverse. 79 — A small silver coin, a little over dime size, of Egypt. Egyptian inscription on obverse and reverse. Condition, perfect. 80— United States half-dime of 1840. Fine. 81 — Two small East India silver coins. Native inscription, on obverse and reverse. 82 — ^A gold dollar of Charles III, King of Spain. Obverse, head, name and title, of the King. Revei-se, crown, and coats of arms. Date, 1786. Fine. 83 — Half pagoda (silver) of the East Indies. Obverse, a rude head in the center, with three round circles of dots around it and native inscription. Reverse, a tower, and stai-s in the center; inscription and beaded circle. Condition, very fine. 84 — A thick square silver coin of the East Indies, weight in silver about seventy-five cents. Native inscription on ob- verse, and reverse. Condition fine. Rare. 85 — New England or ^Massachusetts shilling. Date, 1652. Fine and rare. 124 CATALOGUE OF COINS 86 — A thick, heavy silver coin of the East Indies, weight a httle over fifty cents in silver. Native inscription on ob- verse and reverse. Fine and rare. 87 — United States silver dollar of 1859. Condition very fine. 88— United States half-dime of 1853.. Fine. 89 — A small silver coin, dime size, of Denmark. Obverse, crown, and inscription. Reverse, inscription. Date, 1854. Fine. 90— United States half-dime of 1857. Fine. 91 — United States dime of 1857. Fine. 92 — A small silver coin of Norway. Obverse, head and in- scription. Reverse, wreath, and date 1861. Fine. 93 — United States half -dime of 1856. Fine. 94 — A small silver coin of the East Indies. Native inscripr tion on obverse and reverse. 95 — A small silver coin, dime size, of the East Indies. In- scription on obverse and reverse. 96— United States silver dollar of 1803. Very fine. 97 — United States silver dollar of 1859. Very fine. 98 — United States silver dollar of 1860. ^'ery fine. 99 — United States dollar of 1836. Fine and rare. CASE No. 30. 1 — United States silver dollar of 1840. Fine. 2 — United States silver dollar of 1843. Fine. 3 — United States silver tlollar of 1849. Fine. 4 — An old Spanish dollar, of Charles II, coined at Potosi, Cross, coats of arms, and inscription, on obverse and re- verse. Date, 1683. In very fine condition, and rare. 5 — Five United States cojiper cents of various chites. Con- dition, fine. 6 — Five United States coi)per cents of various dates. Con- dition, fine. CASE XIMUKR THIRTY 12.') 7 — Five United States copj)er cents of various dates. Con- dition, fine. 8 — Five United States copper cents of vaiious dates. Con- dition, fine. 9 — Five ITnited States copper cents of various dates. Con- dition, fine. 10 — Five United States copper cents of various dates. Con- dition, fine. 11 — A silver crown, of William III, Kino; of England. Ob- verse, head, name, and title, of the King. Reverse, four crowns, coats of arms of England, Ireland, Scotland, and France. Date, 1696. Very fine. 12 — A fine large silver medal of Simon Bolivar. Obverse, fine head and bust of Bolivar, in full uniform. Reverse, a large building in the center, blazing sun, and inscription. Date, 1825. Size, 27. Condition, very fine. Rare. 13 — A fine silver dollar, of P'erdinand VII, King of Spain, coined at Lima, Peru, in the year 1808. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, double-headed eagle, crowned, pillars, coats of armor, and inscription. Date, October 13, 1808. In very fine condition, and rare. 14 — A fine silver dollar of Chili. Obverse, eagle and inscrip- tion. Reverse, a five-pointed star in the center, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1869. A^ery fine. 15 — Five United States copper cents of various dates. Fine. 16 — Five United States copper cents of various dates. Fine. 17 — Five United States copper cents of various dates. Fine. 18 — Five United States copper cents of various dates. Fine. 19 — Five United States copper cents of various dates. Fine. 20 — Washington and Independence copper cent. Ob\-erse, head of Washington. Reverse, "one cent," within a wreath, and "United States," around the margin. Date, 1793. Condition, very fine. Rare. 21 — A copper cent of Massachusetts. Obverse, eagle in the center, and "Massachusetts" around the margin. Re- verse, Indian in the center, and "Commonwealth" around the margin. Date, 1787, Fine. 126 CATALOGUE OF COINS 22 — A Colonial ring or chain cent. In very fair condition, and rare. Date; 1787. 23 — Connecticut copper cent. Date, 1787. Fine. 24 — Massachusetts copper cent. Obverse, eagle in the cen- ter, and "Massachusetts" around the margin. Reverse, Indian in the center, and "Commonwealth" around the margin. Date, 1787. Condition^ fair. 25 — A silver crown, of two Dukes, George and John Fred- eric, of Saxony. Obverse, "John Frederic," with drawn sword, name, and title. Reverse, head and bust of "George," name and title. Date, 1538. Condition, fine. Rare. 26 — An old silver 5-franc coin of France. Condition, fair. 27 — A silver medal, dollar size, of Simon Bolivar, issued at Lima, Peru. Date, 1826. Condition, very fine. 28 — ^A Washington Benevolent Society medal, fine silver. Obverse, a male figure, holding an olive wreath, over the head of "Washington." Reverse, a male figure, offering aid, to a person in distress. Date, 1808. In ver}'- fine condition, and rare. Size, 28. CASE No. 31. 1 — Mexican silver dollar of 1872. Fine. 2 — Three United States silver quarter dollars. Dates, 1845, 1858, and 1876. Fine. 3 — Mexican silver dollar of 1860. Fine. 4 — Copper half stiver, token of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demaray. Obverse, head, name, and title of George III, King of England. Reverse, crown, wreath, inscrip- tion, and "Half Stiver." Date, 1813. Very fine. 5 — Three United States coins, of 25 cents each. Dates, 1841, 1853, and 1861. Fine. 6 — One copper cent, of the English East India Company. Obverse, head and name of "Victoria," Queen of England. Reverse, wreath and name of the company, "One Cent" in the center. Date, 1845. Aery fine. CASE NUMBER THIUTV-ONF. 127 7 — Copper half penny, of George l\', King of England. Ob- verse, head, name and title of the King. Reverse, a fe- male figure, sitting, on a wheel, liolding in the left hand, a three-pronged staff. Date, 1826. Fine. 8 — A copper quarter Anna of the East India Company. Ob- verse, lions, flags, etc., and inscription. Reverse, a pair of balances in the center, and native characters. Date, 1779. Very fine. 9— United States 25 cents of 1873. ^'ery fine. 10 — United States copper half cent of 1851. Fine. 11 — A copper coin of Denmark. Olnerse, four crowns, and the initials, "C. A. I. V." in the center. Reverse, two crossed arrows, and "One-half SkilUng." Date, 1809. Fine. 12 — Irish copper half penny. Obverse, head, of George III, King of England, and his name. Reverse, a large crowned harp in the center, "Hibernia," and date "1805" around the margin. Fine. 13 — A Montreal copper sou. Very fine. 14 — United States 25 cents of 1857. Fine. 15 — A one cent copper coin, of the Xetherland Indies. Ob- verse, crown, lion, and inscription. Reverse, a fine, round beaded circle, and native inscription. Verv fine. Date, 1858. 16 — A one cent copper coin of Hong Kong. Obverse, crowned head of Queen Mctoria. Reverse, round beaded circle, English inscription, and Chinese characters. Date. 1866. Fine. 17 — A fine old Greek copper coin. Very thick. Obverse, a large head in the center, no inscription. Reverse, various emblems, and Greek inscription. Size. 21. Rare. 18 — A copper coin of Austria. Obverse, crown, cross, double- headed eagle, and inscription. Reverse, Ein Kreuzer, wreath and date, 1816. ^'ery fine. 19— United States 25 cents of 1876. Fine. 20 — A copper half cent of the East India Company. Obverse, head and name of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, "Half Cent," within a round wreath, and the name of the company. Date, 1845. Fine. 128 CATALOGUE OF COINS 21 — A copper penny, of Victoria, Queen of England. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, a fe- male figure, sitting, on a wheel, holding in the left hand, a long staff, with three forks or prongs at the upper end. Date, 1854. Fine. 22 — A large copper penny of Barbadoes. Obverse, crowned head of the King. Reverse, pineapple in the center, and inscription around the margin. Date, 1788. Fine. "1. Serve," the name of the King, low down under the bust. 23 — Arabian copper coin, quarter dollar size. Aral)ic in- scription on obvei'se and reverse. Fine and Rare. 24— United States 25 cents of 1873. Fine. 25 — A small copper coin, half cent size, of Denmark. Ob- verse, crown and four lions. Reverse, "One Skilling." Date, 1815. Fine. 26 — A large copper coin, of Charles X, King of France. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, "Ten Cent," within a wn-eath, and inscription. Date, 1827. Fine. 27 — A fine round silver coin, of Cochin, China. A small square hole in the center, and Chinese inscription on obverse and reverse. Size, 20. In very fine condition, and rare. 28 — A fine silver quarter dollar, or two reals, of the Republic of Central America. Obverse, mountains, blazing sun, and inscription. Reverse, coffee tree, and inscription. Date, 1832. Fine, and rare. 29 — Chinese oblong silver coin, about forty cents weight in silver. Chinese inscription on obverse and reverse. Very fine. 30 — A proclamation silver coin, one-third dollar size, of Fer- dinand ^^I, King of Spain. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, public building, flag and inscription. Date, 1808. Condition, fine. 31— United States half dollar of 1823. Fine. 32 — A two-real copper coin of Buenos Ayres. Obverse, "Dos Reales," within a round wreath, and inscription. Reverse, "2 R's," within a small wreath, and inscrijition. Date, 1840. Very fine. 33 — A copper half-penny, of Victoiia, (^ueen of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the t^ueen. Reverse, a female figure, sitting, on a wheel, holding in the left hand, a long staff, with three forks of prongs, on the upper end, and inscription. Date, 1865. Very fine. CASIO NH.MMKK Til I inV-().\ 10 12!) 34— United States 25 cents of 1873. Fine. 34^ — A copper farthing, of Victoria, Queen of Mnglaiid. ()l)- verse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, a fe- male figure, sitting, on a wheel, holding in the left hand, a long, staff, with three prongs or forks on the upper end. Date, 1843. Very fine. 35 — A copper coin (two decimes), of the Republic of I'rance. Obverse, a female head and bust, with liberty cap and in- scription. Reverse, "Two Decimes," and date, "1849," within a fine wreath. 36 — A copper cuartilla, of Sonora, Mexico. Obverse, eagle and inscription. Reverse, a female figure, holding in her right hand, a liberty cap on the end of a pole. Date, 1862. Fine. 37 — United States copper half cent of 1805. Fair. 37 1/2— United States 25 cents of 1856. Fine. 38 — A copper coin, of Mexico, one-eighth of a real. Ob- verse, eagle and inscription. Reverse, wreath and inscrip- tion. Fine. Date, 1842. 39— A copper half penny, of Victoria, Queen of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, a female figure, sitting, with a three-pronged fork in her left hand. Date, 1861. Fine. 40 — A copper coin of Uruguay, (two centessimos). Obverse, wreath, inscription, and a large "2" in the" center. Re- verse, head and blazing sun in the center, inscription, etc. Fine. Date, 1869. 41_A copper coin, (^ centavo), of the Republic of Venez- uela. Obverse, female head, with liberty cap and inscrip- tion. Reverse, wreath and date, 1843. ^^ery fine. 42_United States 25 cents of 1874. Fine. 43_A small copper coin of Denmark. Obverse, crown and lion. Reverse, "1 Skilling." Date, 1870. Very fine. 44— Half anna copper coin of the East India Company. Ob- verse, crown, flags, and lions. Reverse, native characters. Date, 1804. Fine. 130 CATALOGUE OF COINS 45 — A copper Veto token of General Jackson. Obver.se, the General sitting, in an iron box, in the center, with a drawn sword in his right hand, and a money l^ag in his left, and around the margin, "I take the Responsibility." Reverse, a mule or jack in the center; and the word "Veto" under it. Around the margin, "The Constitution as I Understand It." In very fine condition, and somewhat rare. 46 — A copper coin, of Oscar, King of Norway. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, "2 Ore," within a wreath. Date, 1858. Fine. 47 — A Canadian silver coin of 25 cents. Obverse, head and name of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, crown and wreath. Date, 1872. Very fine. 48 — A small copper coin of Chili. Obverse, star in the center, and inscription. Reverse, "Medio Centavos" in the center, and inscription. Date, 1851. 49 — Half anna copper coin of the East India Company. Obverse, lions, flags, and inscription. Reverse, native characters. Date, 1864. Fine. 50 — A copper cent of India Straits. Obverse, head and name of Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, "One Cent Intiia Straits," large wreath, and date, 1862. Fine. 51 — Three United States coins of 25 cents each. Dates, 1853, 1854, and 1857. Fine. 52 — A copper coin, half penny, size of India, Batavia. Ob- verse, crown, and lion. Reverse, inscription and date, 1821. Fine. 53 — A fine large silver dollar of Peru. About the same em- blems and inscriptions as are usually found on the Peruvian coins. Condition, perfect. Date, 1872. 54 — Three United States siKer coins of 25 coats each. Dates, 1843, 1858, and. 1869. Fine. 55 — A five-franc silver coin, of Napoleon III, l']mperor of France. Obverse, head, name, and title of the lunperor. Reverse, ci-own, eagle, coats of arms and inscription. Date, 1869. Condition, perfect. CASK MMHi:i{ TiriUTY-TWO Kil Case No. 32. 1— United States half dollar of ISIU. Fine. 2 — United States nickel cent of 1X6:^. \evy fine. 3— United States half dollar of 1,S22. Fine. 4 — United States nickel 5 cents of 1864. Fine. 5— United States half dollar of 1S19. Fine. 6 — Canadian copper cent. Obverse, liead and name of \'ic- toria, Queen of England. Reverse, wreath and date, 1858. Fine. 7 — A copper quarter anna of the East India Company. Ob- verse, lions and flags. Reverse, a pair of balances, and inscription. Date, 1833. Fine. 8 — An old Chinese copper coin. Square hole in the center. Chinese inscription on obverse and reverse. Condition, fine. 9 — A small copper coin, one skilling, of Denmark. 01) verse, a crowned "F," and wreath. Reverse, a figure "1" in the center, and inscription. Condition, fair. Date, 1856. 10 — A copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria, Queen of England. Reverse, English and Chinese inscriptions. Fine. 11— United States half dollar of 1859. Fine. 12 — A two-cent nickel coin of the United States. Date, 1871. Fine. 13 — A two-ore copper coin of Norway. " Obverse, head and name of King Oscar. Date, 1858. Fine. 14 — Two-cent nickel coin of the United States. Date, 1865. Fair. 15— United States half dollar of 1815. Fine. 16 — A small copper coin of Denmark. Obverse, crown, eagle, and inscription. Reverse, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1816. Fine. 17 — English copper half penny. Obverse, head and name of Victoria. Reverse, a female figure, sitting, and inscription. Date, 1862. Fine. 132 CATALOGUE OF COINS 18 — Two old Chinese eopper coins. Square hole in the center. Chinese inscription on obverse and reverse. Fine, and very old. 19 — A copper coin, half-penny size, of the Netherland Indies. Obverse, crown and lion. Reverse, inscription and date, 1822. Fine. 20— United States half dollar of 1806. Fine. 21 — Colonial copper half cent of Massachusetts. Obverse, eagle, and "Massachusetts." Reverse, an Indian, and "Commonwealth." Date, 1787. Very fine. Rare. 22 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English inscription and Chinese characters. Date, 1863. 23 — A small copper coin of William IV, King of England. Obverse, head and name of the King. Reverse, a female figure, sitting, and inscription. Date, 1835. Fine. 24— United States half dollar of 1836. Fine. 25 — A silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Norway. Obverse, head and name of King Oscar. Reverse, crown, lion, and wreath. Date, 1845. Ver}^ fine. 26— United States 25 cents of 1825. Fair. 27 — A silver shilling of Anna, Queen of England. Obverse, head and name of the Queen. Reverse, four crowns, cross, and inscription. Date, 1711. Fine. 28— United States 25 cents of 1828. Fine. 29— United States 25 cents of 1840. Fair. 30— United States half dollar of 1821 . Fine. 31 — United States three-cent nickel coin. Date, 1870. 32 — A one-cent copper coin of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English in- scription and Chinese characters. 33 — A one-skilling copper coin of Denmark. (Obverse, crown, and a huge "C." Reverse, figure "1" in the center, an(l inscription. No date. 34— United States half dollar of 1S59. Very fine. 35— United States half dollar of 1S3S. Fine. CASE xr.Mi'.Kij 'lining -TWO 133 36 — A qiuutci-centavo copper coin of N'ciipzuola. Obverse, female head, witli liberty cap. Reverse, wreath, iiisciii)tion, and date, 1S43. \'ery fine. 37 — A very large copper coin of Catharine the Cli-eat, l']ni|)ress of Russia. ()l)verse, a large crown, supported by a fox on each side; inscription, etc. Reverse, crown, wreath, and initials. Date, 1772. Size, 32. Condition, very fine. 38 — A small copper coin of the Republic of France. Obverse, head, with liberty cap; and inscription. Reverse, "Un Centime," within a beaded circle. Very fine. 39— United States half dollar of 1S37. Fine. 40— United States half dollar of 1826. Fine. 41 — United States nickel cent of 1859. Fine. 42 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. 01)verse, head and name of Queen Mctoria. Reverse, English inscription and Chinese characters. Date, 1863. 43 — A two-cent copper coin of Belgium. Obverse, lion, and inscription. Reverse, crown, and inscription. Date, 1833. Fine. 44— United States half dollar of 1876. Fine. 45 — Five United States quarter dollars. Dates, 1815, 1854, 1856, 1858, and 1859. Fine. 46— United States half dollar of 1833. Fine. 47 — United States copper half cent of 1835. Fine. 48 — A copper coin, one skilling l:)anco, of Carl XIX, of Norway. Obverse, head and name of the King. Reverse, wreath, and crossed arrows. Date, 1848. Fine. 49 — United States copper half cent of 1833. Fine. 50— United States half dollar of 1808. Fine. 51 — A one-cent copper coin of Netherland India. 01)verse, crown and lion. Reverse, a beaded circle and native inscrip- tion. Date, 1857. Fine. 52 — Cinq-centimes copper coin of France. Obverse, head, name, and title of Napoleon III, Emperor. Reverse, eagle, and inscription. Date, 1856. Fine. 134 CATALOGUE OF COINS 53 — English copper half penny. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, a female figure, sitting, and in- scription. Date, 1867. Fine. 54 — A copper quarter anna of the East India Company. Ob- verse, three lions, two flags, cross, and inscription. Date, 1838. Fine. 55 — A two-ore copper coin of Norway. Obverse, head and name of King Oscar. Reverse, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1858. Fine.^ 56— United States half dollar of 1810. Fine. 57 — A small thick copper coin, half-cent size, of Belgium. Ob- verse, lion, and inscription. Reverse, "10,' in the center, and inscription. Date, 1862. Fine. 58 — English copper half penny. Obverse, head and name of Queen A'ictoria. Reverse, a female figure, sitting, and in- scription. Date, 1864. 59— United States half cent of 1809. Fine. 60— United States half dollar of 1812. Fine. ' 61 — An old Chinese copper coin. Scjuare hole in the center, and Chinese inscriptions on obverse and reverse. Fine. 62 — A copper coin, half-cent size, of the Republic of Buenos Ayres. Obverse, "^10" in the center, and inscription. Re- verse, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1827. Fine. 63 — A two-cent nickel coin of the United States. Date, 1864. Fine. 64 — United States copper half cent of 1853. Fine. 65 — A small Mexican copper coin, one-eighth of a real. Ob- verse, eagle, and inscription. Reverse, wreath, and inscri))- tion. Date, 1842. Fine. 66— United States half dollar of 1832. Fine. 67 — United States nickel cent of 1860. Fine. 68- United States half dollar of 1826. Fine. 69 — A small coppei' coin of I'ersia. Obverse, rooster, anil in- sci'iption. Reverse, Persian insciiption. Fine. 70— United States half dollar of 1835. CASK Nr.MHi:i{ iniiMv-TUHKi: 1:^5 Case No. 33. 1 — United States half dollar of 1S();{. Fino. 2 — A war token of ISfio. ()l)verse, head of Washiiifitoii. Re- verse, wreath, and the word "Medal" in the'^centei-. Date, 1863. Fine. 8— United States half dollai- of 1S()7. Fine. 4 — United States nickel cent of ISO.S. Fine. 5— United States half dollar of 1S25. Fine.' 6 — Seven Iilast India coppei" coins, lumps, of vario\is sizes. All fine. 7— United States half dollai- of 1S43. Fine. 8 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Revei'se, English and Chinese inscription. Date, 1863. Fine. 9 — A Greek copper coin of Athens. Obverse, head of Minerva. Reverse, horses and chariot. B. C. about 200. Condition, very fine. Rare. 10 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, crownetl head of \'ictoria. Queen of England, name, and title. Reverse, English and Chinese inscription. Date, 186."^. Fine. 11— United States half dollar of 1855. Fine. 12 — Two English copper pennies. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, a female figure, sitting, and inscription. Dates, 1865 and 1868. Both fine. 13 — United States nickel cent. Flying eagle. Date, 1857. Fine. 14 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head and name of Queen A'ictoria. Reverse, English and Chinese inscription. Date, 1863. Fine. 15 — A fifty-cent copper coin of Charles X, King of France. Obverse, fine head of the King, name and title. Reverse, "10 Cent." within a fine wreath, and inscription. Date 1828. Condition, very fine. Rare. 16 — A silver peseta, quarter-dollar size, of Barcelona, Spain. Obverse, three stars, and "Peseta" within a circle. Reverse, a square and two crosses in the center. Date, 1800. Fine, and rare. 136 CATALOGUE OF COINS 17 — A silver coin of .Hong Kong, China, twenty cents. Ob- verse, head and name of Queen "\^ictoria. Reverse, English and Chinese inscription. Date, 1868. Fine. 18 — A silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of Isabel, Queen of Spain. Obverse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, coats of arms and inscription. Date, 1858. Fine. 19 — A twenty-cent silver coin of Chile. Obverse, eagle, and inscription. Reverse, star in the center, wreath, and in- scription. Date, 1861. Fine. 20 — A silver coin, quarter-dollar size, of New Zealand. Ob- verse, crown, and lion. Reverse, a large ship, and inscrip- tion. Date, 1790. Fine. 21 — A large copper coin, two skillings, of Norway. Obverse, head and name of King Oscar. Reverse, two arrows crossed, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1847. Fine. 22 — A small copper coin of Norway. Obverse, head of King Carl, and inscription. Reverse, wreath, and "1 Ore" in the center. Date, 1870. 23 — A five-ore copper coin of Norway. Obverse, head of King Oscar, and inscription. Reverse, wreath, and date, 1858. Fine. 24— United States nickel cent of 1865. Fine. 25 — English copper penn5^ Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, female figure, sitting, and inscription, r Date, 1854. Fair. 26— United States half dollar of 1841. Fine. 27— United States half cent of 1832. Fine. 28— United States half dollar of 1845. Fine. 29 — A small copper coin of the Netherland Indies. Obverse, crown, and lion. Reverse, inscription, and date, 1839. 30— United States half dollar of 1846. Fine. 31 — A large copper coin of the Republic of Uruguay. Obverse, blazing sun in the center, and inscription. Reverse, "40 Centisimos," within a fine wreath. Date, 1857. Fine. 32— United States half dime of 1829. Fair. 33 — A large copper coin of Brazil. Obverse, crown, wreath, and inscription. Reverse, "40" within a circle. No date. Fair. CASE NTMIJEH TIFIKTY-THREE 137 34— United States half dime of 1S32. Fine. 35 — A large copper coin of Brazil. Obverse, crown, wreath, and inscription. Reverse, "20" within a round circle, and inscription. Date, 1828. Fine. 36— United States half dollar of 1.S49. Fine. 37 — A Greek copper coin. Obverse, head, and Greek in- scription. Reverse, a female figure, standing, in the center, and inscription. Very old, and rare. 38— United States half dollar of 1857. Fine. 39 — A small copper coin of the Netherlands. Obverse, crown, and lion. Reverse, date, 1780. Fine. 40— United States half dollar of 1858. Fine. 41 — A large copper coin of William IV, King of England. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, a female, sitting, and inscription. Date, 1831. Fine. 42 — A small Roman copper coin. Obverse, head of Julia, wife of Pompey, and daughter of Julius Ctesar. B. C. 48. Fine, and rare. 43 — English copper half penny. Obverse, head and name of Victoria. Reverse, female figure, sitting. Date, 1856. Fine. 44 — A fine Roman copper coin of Philip I. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, a male figure, standing, and inscription. Condition, very fine. 45 — A large copper business card of the firm of I. T. ct W. H. Daly. Obverse, a very fine large female head in the center, and thirteen stars around the margin. Reverse, business inscription. Date, 1866. Size, 22. 46 — ^An old Spanish pistaren of Charles II, King of Spain. Obverse, crown, and initials of Carolus. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1710. Fine. 47 — Two reals, Spanish cob money. Obverse, pillars, and in- scription. Reverse, a large cross in the center, and coats of arms. Condition, fine. 48 — A Spanish quarter dollar of Joseph Xapoleon. Obverse, head and name of the Iving. Reverse, crown. Spanish coats of arms, and inscription. Date. 1812. Fine, and rare. 13S CATALOGUE OF COINS 49 — United States quarter dollar of 1847. P'ine. 50 — A silver proclamation coin, thirty-five cents in silver, of A. Fernando, King of Spain. Obverse, head, name, and title of the King. Reverse, crown, mountains, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1808. Fine, and rare. 51 — A one-skilling copper coin of Denmark. Obverse, crown, and initials. Reverse, inscription, and date, 1771. Fine. 52 — A two-skilling copper coin of Denmark. Obverse, crown, and lion. Reverse, inscription, and date, 1822. Fine. 53 — A copper coin of Decius, Emperor of Rome. Obverse, head and name of the Emperor. Reverse, two male figures, standing. A. C. 249. Fine. 54 — A five-ore copper coin of Norway. Obverse, head and name of King Carl. Reverse, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1864. Fair. 55 — English copper penny. Obverse, head and name of Vic- toria. Reverse, a female figure, sitting, and inscription. Date, 1866. Fine. 56— United States half dollar of 1860. Fine. 57 — A lead coin, half-dollar size, of Siam. Obverse, three towers, and various emblems. Reverse, elephant in the center, and native inscription. Fine, and rare. 58 — A Greek copper coin. Obverse, head, and Greek in- scription. Reverse, eagle, and Greek characters, ^'ery old, but in splendid condition. Rare. 59 — Dix-centimes copper coin of France. Obverse, head and name of Napoleon III. Reverse, eagle, and inscrip- tion. Date, 1856. In perfect condition, and a beautiful coin. 60— United States half dollar of 1861. Fine. 61 — A very fine small copper medal of Geo. B. ^IcClellan. Obverse, fine head and bust. Reverse, "Army and Navy" within a fine wreath. Condition, perfect. Date, 1863. 62 — Five thick lumpy East India copper coins. Native characters on obverse and reverse. Condition, fine. 63 — United States nickel cent of 1864. Fine. 64— United States half dollar of 1862. Fine. CASE Nl'.Min:i{ THIHTV-FOrU 139 65 — United States nickel ccMit of ISfi^. I'ine. 66— United States half dollar of ]SG7. Fine. 67 — United States nickel cent of 1866. Fine. 68— United States half dollar of 1848. CASE No. 34. 1— United States half dollar of 1809. Fine. 2 — A silver coin quarter-dollar size, of Ferdinand VII, King of Spain. Obverse, head, and name of the King. Reverse, crown, and inscription. Date, 1823. Fine. 3 — Copper coin of the Republic of France. Obverse, crown, and inscription. Reverse, liberty cap on the end of a long pole, balances, and inscription. 4 — A silver proclamation coin of Fernando All, Iving of Spain. Obverse, head, and name of the King. Reverse, mountain in the center, beaded border, and inscription. Date, on obverse and reverse, 1808. Fine. 5— United States half dollar of 1818. Fine. 6 — Two copper cents of Hong Kong, China, Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English in- scription, and Chinese characters. Date, 1865. Fine. 7 — United States copper cent of 1826. Fair. 8 — English copper half penny of Queen ^'ictoria. Obverse, head and name of the Queen. Reverse, female figure, sitting, and inscription. Date, 1859. Fine. 9 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head and name of Victoria. Reverse, English inscription, and Chi- nese characters. Date, 1863. Fine. 10— United States quarter-dollar of 1825. Fine. 11 — English copper half-penny. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, female figure, sitting, and in- scription. Date, 1865. Fine. 12 — United States copper cent of 1811. Fine. 140 CATALOGUE OF COINS 13 — English copper half-penny of George III. Obverse, head and name of the King. Reverse, female figure, in the center, holding out an olive branch. Date, 1776. Fine. 14 — United States quarter-dollar of 1832. Fine. 15 — ^New Jersey copper cent. Obverse, head of a horse, plow below, and "Nova Csesarea." Reverse, "E Pluribus Unum." Date, 1788. Fine. 16 — United States copper cent of 1827. Fine. 17— United States half dollar of 1824. Fine. 18 — ^Bank token copper half-penny of Canada. Obverse, bank building of Montreal. Reverse, cross, beaver, and wreath. Date, 1844. Very fine. 19— United States copper cent of 1821. Fair. 20 — United States quarter-dollar of 1806. Fine. 21 — Three United States copper cents. Dates, 1812, 1814, and 1820. Fine. 22— United States quarter-dollar of 1818. Fine. 23— Two United States copper cents of 1819, and 1822. Fine. 24— United States half dollar of 1829. Fine. 25 — United States copper cent of 1808. Fine. 26 — Copper coin, half-penny size, of Belgium. Obverse^ lion, and inscription. Reverse, crown, and inscription. Date, 1837. Fine. 27 — United States quarter-dollar of. 1835. Fine. 28 — ^St. Helena copper half-penny. Obverse, lions, and flags. Reverse, wreath and inscription. Date, 1821. ^'ery fine. 29 — United States copper cent of 1836. Fine. 30 — A copper coin, penny size, of Gregory, Bishop of an- cient Rome; A. D. 590. Obverse, head and bust of the Bishop. Reverse, church emblems, and inscription. Fair, and very rare. 31— United States quarter-dollar of 1820. Fine. 32 — ^A "quarter anna" copper coin of India. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, wreath and in- scription. Date, 1802. A'er^- fine. CASE NUMBER TH IHTV-Kor K 141 33 — A copper coin, penny size, of Charles Felix, King of Sar- dinia. Obverse, "five centesimi," wreath and inscription. Reverse, crown, eagle, and wreatli. Date, 1826. Fine. 34— United States half dollar of 1795. Fine. 35 — Copper coin, half-penny size, of Russia. Obverse, wreath' and inscription. Reverse, crown, and dou])le headed eagle" Date, 1854. Fine. 36 — Copper cent of Hawaii. Obverse, head and name of King Kamehameha. Reverse, wreath, and native inscrip- tion. Date, 1847. Very fine. 37 — United States quarter-dollar of 1859. Fine. 38 — Copper coin of Sinaloa, Mexico. Obverse, small head, in the center, wreath, and inscription. Reverse, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1865. Fine. 39 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, crowned head of Queen Victoria, and inscription. Reverse, Eng- lish inscription, and Chinese characters. Date, 1863. Fine. 40 — Copper coin, cent size, of Austria. Obverse, crown, double headed eagle, and inscription. Reverse, inscription, and date, 1616. Fine. 41 — United States quarter-dollar of 1857. Fine. 42 — Copper token, little larger than a copper cent. Ob- verse, a man standing in the center, with a club in his right hand, and an olive branch in his left. Reverse, 'Ture cop- per preferable to paper." No date. Fine. 43— A copper token, issued in 1837, relating to the United States Treasury. Obverse, a large turtle with a money box on his back, and inscription. Reverse, a fine looking jack in full speed, and inscription. Date, 1837. Condition, very fine. 44— United States half dollar of 1801. Very fine. 45 — Two copper cents of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, crowned head of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English in- scription, and Chinese characters. Dates, of each 1863. Fine. 46 — United States quarter-dollar of 1834. Fine. 47 — Copper coin of China. Square hole in the center. Chinese inscription on obverse and reverse. Ver}- old. Condi- tion fine. Rare. 142 CATALOGUE OF COINS 48 — Copper half-i>enny token, of Nova Scotia. Obverse, head of William IV, King of England, and inscription. Reverse, wreath, and flower in the center, and inscription. Date, 1832. Fine. 49 — Copper token, size of a copper cent. Obverse, female head, 13 stars, and "E Pluribus Unum." Reverse, "Not one cent for tribute; millions for defense." Date, 1837, Fine. 50— United States quarter-dollar of 1833. Fine. 51 — Kentucky copper cent or half-penny. Obverse, a hand holding a scroll of paper, on which is written; ''Our cause is just," and around the margin, "Unanimity is the strength of society." Reverse, thirteen stars, arranged in a triangu- lar shape, and around the margin; "E Pluribus Unum." This is a genuine Colonial coin. Rare. 52 — Colonial copper cent. Obverse, initials in the center surrounded or enclosed within a wreath, and the following around the margin; "Libertas et Justitia." Reverse, an all seeing eye in the center; "Constellatio." Condition fine. Rare. Date, 1785. 53 — East India copper coin, half-penny size. Obverse, two lions supporting or holding, up a cross, on top of which is a small lion, and two flags. Reverse, wreath, and native characters. Date, 1825. Very fine. 54 — ^Copper coin, one skilling, of Norway. Obverse, head and inscription. Reverse, wreath and inscription. Date, 1843. Fair. 55 — -United States quarter-dollar of 1836. Fine. 56 — United States copper cent of 1826. Fine. 57 — United States copper cent of 1849. Fine. 58 — ^United States copper token. Obverse, female head, thirteen stars, and around the margin, "E Pluribus Ihium." Reverse, "Mint Drops" within a wreath, and around the margin, "Bentonian currency." Date, 1837. Fine and rare. 59 — United States quarter-dollar of 1853. Fine. 60 — Five Hong Kong copper cents. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English inscription and Chinese characters. Date, 1863. Fine. CASK .\rM|{i:i{ THIUTV-I-IVK 143 61— United States lialf dollar of ]SI1. Fine. 62 — A silver one franc coin of Switzerland. Ohvense, a fe- male figure, standing, with a long staff in the rigiit liand, and a cross in the left; twenty-two stars around the mar- gin. Reverse, a fine wreath, "1 Fr.," and date, 1.S76 in the center. Condition, perfect. 63 — English copper half-penny. Obverse, head and name of Victoria. Reverse, a female, sitting, and inscription. Date, 1864. Fine. 64 — English silver shilling of Queen Elizabeth. Obverse, crowned head of the Queen. Reverse, cross, coat of arms, and inscription. No date. Fair. 65 — -United States half dollar of 1817. Fine. CASE No. 35. 1— United States half dollar of 1828. Fine. 2— United States quarter dollar of 1858. Fine. 3— United States half dollar of 1838. Fine. 4 — United States quarter dollar of 1857. Fine. 5 — United States half dollar of 1847. Fine. 6— Six War Tokens, gotten up in the Western, and some other States, during the Rebellion, and used for small money change. In fine condition. 7 — A one mill, copper coin of Hong Kong. Obverse, a small round hole in the center, and English inscription. Reverse, Chinese characters. Date, 1863. Very fine. 8 — Seven United States dimes and ten cent pieces of various dates. All fine. 9 — Six United States nickel cents of different dates. All fine. 10 — A small copper coin of Hong Kong, round liole in the center. Obverse, English inscription. Reverse, Chinese characters. Date, 1863. Fine. 11 — A large copper coin, of Louis XVI, King of France. Ob- verse, head and name of the King. Reverse, wreath and French inscription. Date, 1792. Fine. 144 CATALOGUE OF COINS 12 — Copper cent of. Hong Kong. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English inscription, and Chi- nese characters. Date, 1863. Fine. 13 — A bank copper token, of ^lontreal, Canada. Obverse, "Banking House," and inscription. Reverse, wreath, cross, and inscription. 14 — Copper penny, of George III, King of England. Ob- verse, head and name of the King. Reverse, female, sit- ting, holding out in the right hand, an olive branch. Date 1812. Fair. 15 — Seven United States dimes of different dates. All fine. 16 — A large English copper coin of King George III. Ob- verse, head and name of George. Reverse, a male figure, sitting, with an olive branch in the right hand, and a three- pronged fork, at the end of a staff, in the left. 17 — United States dime of 1823. Fine. 18 — Half anna copper coin of the East India Company. Ob- verse, lions, flags, and inscription. Reverse, native char- acters. Date, 1804. Fine. 19 — United States dime of 1835. Fine. 20 — A large old French copper coin of Louis XIV. ^Much worn by circulation. 21 — Eight United States half dimes of different dates. 22 — ^Eight United States half dimes of different dates. 23— United States half dollar of 1814. Fine. 24 — United States quarter dollar of 1854. Fine. 25— United States half dollar of 1827. Fine. 26 — United States quarter dollar of 1856. Fine. 27— United States half dollar of 1836. Fine. 28 — Eight United States half dimes of different dates. 29 — Eight United States luiif dimes of different dates. 30 — A large copper coin of the Republic of France. Obverse, emblems and French inscription. Reverse, balances, wreath, libert}' cap, and inscription. Date, 1793. Very fine. Size, 22. CASE NUMIiKH Til I I{TV-I-I VK Ho 31 — United States dime or ten cents of 1831. Fine. 32 — A 5-ore copper coin of Norway. 01)verse, head of the King, and inscription. Reverse, wreath and date, 1858. Fine. 33 — United State.s ten cents of 1834. Fine. 34 — A large copper coin of Denmark. Obverse, head of the King and inscription. Kever.se, wreath and inscription Much circulated. 35 — Seven United States dimes and ten cent coins of differ- ent dates. Fine. 36 — A large thick copper coin of Portugal. Obverse, head and name of Queen ^laria. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. 37 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English inscription, and Chinese characters. Date, 1863. Fine. 38 — A large thick copper coin of the Republic of France. Obverse, head, with liberty-cap, and inscription. Reverse. wreath and inscription. 39 — United States copper cent of 1810. I'air. 40 — A large broad copper coin of Modern Rome. Obverse, a Bishop, with two large keys, one on each side of his head, and inscription. Reverse, inscription and date, 1802. 41 — Seven war copper tokens, used in some of the Western and other States during the Rebellion, as money change. Dated mostly in 1863. 42 — Seven United States dimes of different dates. All fine. 43 — Seven war copper tokens, used at the time of the Rebel- lion, as money change. Dated mostly in 1863 and 1864. 44— United States half dollar of 1830. Fine. 45 — United States quarter dollar of 1860. Fine. 46— United States half dollar of 1877. 47 — United States quarter dollar of 1861. Fine. 48— United States half dollar of 1831. Fine. 146 CATALOGUE OF COINS ^ CASE No. 36. 1— United States half dollar of 1844. Fair. 2 — United States five cents, nickel coin. Fine. 3 — One silver real, of Augustus I, Emperor of Mexico. Ob- verse, head, name, and title. Reverse, wreath, mountain and inscription. Date, 1822. Ver}' fine. 4 — Silver real of the Republic of Columbia. Obverse, horns of plenty, cross and inscription. Reverse, wreath and in- scription. Date, 1808. Fair. 5 — United States nickel cent of 1853. Flying eagle. Fine. 6— United States half dollar of 1863. Fine. 7 — Five copper coins, penny size, of different nationalities, and dates. Fair. 8 — Seven United States half dimes of different dates. All fine. 9 — Colonial copper cent of Vermont. Fair. 10 — P^ive copper coins, nearl}' half penny size, of different nationalities and dates. Fair. 11 — Seven Ignited States half dimes of different dates. All Fine. 12 — Silver coin, half dollar size, of Alexander, Emperor of Russia. Obverse, double-headed eagle, crowned, and in- scription. Reverse, crown, wreath, inscription and date, 1813. Fine. 13 — A silver coin, nearly half dollar size, of Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria. Obverse, head and name of the Em- peror. Reverse, double-headed eagle, crowned, and in- scription. Date, 1842. Very fine. 14 — ^Hong Kong copper cent. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English inscription, antl Chinese characters. Date, 1863. Fine. 15 — A silver (;oin, one-half guilder, of \\illiam II, King of the Netherlands. Obverse, head antl name of the King. Reverse, crown, lion, and inscription. Date, 1848. Very fine. 16 — Copper cent of Hong Ivong. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English inscription, and Chi- nese characters. Date, 1863. Fine. CASE NUMIJEH THIHTV-SIX 147 17 — A one centavo copper coin of Venezuela. Obverse, a fine female head, with liberty cap. Reverse, wreath antl inscription. Very fine. Date, 1843. 18 — A fine little silver coin, dime size, of Sardinia. Obverse, crown, lion, and inscription. Reverse, inscription, and date, 1825. Perfect. 19 — A very fine silver rupee of the East India Company. Obverse, a splendid crowned head of Queen Victoria, her name, and title. Reverse, a beautiful wreath and inscrij)- tion. Date, 1862. Condition, perfect. 20 — Canadian ten cents silver coin. Obverse, head and name of Queen Victoria. Reverse, crown, wreath, and inscrip- tion. Date, 1858. Fine. 21 — A large copper coin of the East India Company. Ob- verse, three lions, two flags, and inscription. Reverse, nearly covered with native characters. Date, 1719. Fair. 22 — Two small East India copper coins. Fine. 23 — A Peruvian silver medal of Simon Bolivar. Obverse, fine head and bust of the General, in full uniform, his name, etc. Reverse, wreath, flags, and coats of arms. No date. 24 — A fine round bullet shaped silver coin of Siam, with two stamps, one on each side. 25 — An old Spanish silver dollar of Charles III. This dollar has been corroded, and black, on account of having lain at the bottom of the sea for seventy years, before it was re- covered. 26 — A silver coin, a little over dime size, of Max Joseph, King . of Baiern. Obverse, head and name of the King. Re- verse, crown, wreath, and inscription. Date, 1807. Fine. 27— A Proclamation half dollar, of Ferdinand VI, King of Spain. Obverse, head of the King, and inscription. Re- verse, mountains and inscription. Date, 1747. Fair. 28— Two small ^^lahometan. East India copper coins. \evy fine. 29 — A very fine copper coin or medal of the French Republic. Obverse, female head, and inscription. Rever.se, "Three Centimetres Twenty Grammes," and inscription. No date. Very fine. 30 — United States dime or ten cents of 1820. Fine. 148 CATALOGUE OF COINS 31 — A silver medal of Major-General William H. Harrison. Obverse, fine head and bust of the General, in full uniform. Reverse, female figure, and emblems in the center, and around the margin, the following: "Resolution of Con- gress, April 4, 1813;" "Battle of Thames, October 5, 1813. Size, 20. 32 — A one-franc silver coin of Belgium. Obverse, head and name of King Leopold. Reverse, wreath and date, 1835, Fine. 33 — Copper cent of Hong Kong, China. Obverse, crowned head of Queen Victoria. Reverse, English inscription, and Chinese characters. Date, 1863. Fair. 34 — A silver coin, one guilder, of India Batavia, Holland. Obverse, crown, lion, and inscription. Reverse, a large ship, under full sail, and inscription. Date, 1802. Very fine. 35 — A silver coin, nearly half dollar size, of Guatemala. Ob- verse, rising sun, and inscription. Reverse, a female stand- ing, and holding two snakes in her left hand, and the fol- lowing inscription: "El Pueblo Inez." Very fine. 36 — Dix centimes, copper coin of France. Obverse, Napo- leon III, his name and title. Reverse, eagle and inscrip- tion. Date, 1856. Fine. 37 — A silver quarter dollar, of Isabel, Queen of Spain. Ob- verse, head, name, and title of the Queen. Reverse, crown, coats of arms, and inscription. Date, 1838. Very fine. 38 — English copper half penny of Queen Victoria. Obverse, head and name of the Queen. Reverse, a female figure, in the center, and inscription. Date, 1844. 39 — Seven United States half dimes of different tlates. All fine 40— United States half cent of 1804. Fine. 41— United States half cent of 1806. Yeiy fine. 42 — Four copper coins, two (ireek and two Roman. Comli- tion, only fair. 43 — Seven United States half dimes of different dates. All fine, 44 — Five copper coins, penny size, of different nationalities, and dates. Fine. CASE XUMHEU TUl KTV-SEVKX 14U 45— United States half dollar of ISG! . \'orv fine. 46 — A copper coin of Constantine, Knijjcror of lioinc. A. ('. 305. Fine. 47 — A small silver coin, one-eighth of a crown, of Louis X\', King of France. Obverse, head and name of tlie King. Reverse, inscription. No date. Fine. 48 — A silver real, of Ferdinand, King of Spain. Date, ISOS. Fine. 49 — A small copper coin of Ancient Rome. Condition, only fair. .50— United States half dollar of 1842. Fine. CASE No. 37. 1 — Souvenir coin, quarter of a dollar, (California (lold.) Date, 1853. 2 — Souvenir coin, half dollar, (California Ciold.). Date, 1853. 3— United States dollar. (California Cold). Date, 1849. 4 — Chile gold coin, one peso. (Equal to one dollar.) Date, 1860. 5 — Gold coin of Columbia, one peso. (Ecjual to one dollar.) Reverse, Bogata coat of arms. Date, 1826. 6 — Chile coin, two pesos. (Equal to two dollars.) Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1873. 7 — Gold coin of Central America, escudo. (Equal to about two and one-half dollars.) Reverse, tree and words, "Libre Cresca Fecunda." Date, 1844. 8 — Gold coin of Costa Rica, escudo. (Equal to about two and one-half dollars.) Reverse, female figure leaning against a pillar on which are the words, "15 de set? de 1821. Date, 1855." 9_tTnited States Three Dollar Piece of 1856. 10 — French coin, Napoleon IlL Reverse, twenty franc 1856, encircled by a laurel wreath. 11 — Australian sovereign. Reverse, laurel wreath. Coin from Sydney Mint. Date, 1857. 12 — Chile gold coin, ten pesos, (Equal to ten tlollars). Re- verse, coat of arms. Date, 1859. 150 CATALOGUE OF COINS 13 — Small silver coin, Popayan, three cents. Reverse, Pome- granate. Date, 1850. 14 — English coin, three pence. Reverse, wreath and crown. Date, 1843. 15— Half dime of United States. Date, 1848. 16 — English four-pence. Reverse, Britannia holding the tri- dent. Date, 1845. 17 — Chile coin, five centavos. Reverse, laurel wreath. Date, 1861. 18— EngHsh four pence. Reverse of No. 16. Date, 1839. 19 — Coin of Peru, one quartillo. Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1860. 20 — Chile coin, five centavos. Reverse, laurel wreath. Date, 1879. 21 — Chile coin, one real. Reverse, volcano. Date, 1834. Very scarce. 22 — Mexican coin, one-half real. (Equal to 6j cents.) Re- verse, spread eagle. Date, 1849. 23 — French coin, half franc, time of Louis Phillipe, Reverse, 183 — wreath. (Date worn away). 24 — Spanish coin, Carolus III. Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1780. 25 — Chile coin, ten centavos. (Same as No. 20.) Date, 1855. "26 — French coin, fifty centimes. Reverse, wreath, inscrip- tion, "Liberte. Egalite. Fraternite." Date, 1850. 27— Coin of Peru, one real. Reverse of No. 19. Date, 1860. 28 — Chile coin, one real. Reverse, coat of arms, encircled by a wreath. Date, 1851. 29 — Spanish coin, one real fuerte, Ferdinand III. Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1816. 30— Reverse of No. 28. Date, 1834. 31— Coin of Bolivia, one real. Date, 1830. 32— Reverse of No. 31. Date, 1830. 33 — lielgium silver coin, ten centimes, Leojxjld. Dah^ 1862. CASE NUMHKU Til I ItTV-SIOVKX l.)l 34 — Chile coin, twenty cents. Date, 1881. 35— Reverse of No. 34. Date, 1880. 36 — Coin of Peru, two reals, about 25 cents. Heverse, coat of arms. Date, 1828. 37 — Coin of Chile, two reals, about twenty-five cents. He- verse same as No. 21. Date, 1834. 38 — Spanish coin, two reals. Reverse of No. 29. Date, INI 7. 39 — Spanish coin, Charles III, two reals, about twenty-five cents. Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1767. 40 — Spanish coin. Reverse of No. 38. Date, 1794. 41 — English coin, half crown, (ieorge IV. Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1835. 42 — Silver coin of Brazil, 1 milreis. Date, 1859. 43— United States of America half dollar. Date, 1801. 44 — English coin, half crown, Victoria. Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1844. 45 — Silver coin known as the "Gallo" coin, l)earing a star stamped on one side. Coined in Copiapo, Chile, by order of the revolutionary General "Gallo" and executed by T. C. Brower from bar silver; half dollar. Date, 1852. Very scarce and rare. Reverse, quite plain. 46 — One dollar. Same description as No. 45. Date, 1852. 47 — Silver coin of Peru. Old style. Date worn away. 48 — Spanish coin, four reals, (about half a dollar). Charles III. Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1775. 49 — Silver coin of Nueva Grenada, one peso, equal to one dol- lar. Reverse, coat of arms. Date, 1857. 50 — A Spanish silver coin, one peso. One amongst a few excavated from under the Custom House in Valparaiso, which proved that the first mint in South America was established in Peru by the Spaniards. A perfect coin. Re- verse, coat of arms, shield with crown above. Ferdinand VI. Date, 1757, Lima. 51 — A Spanish coin, eight reals, equal to one dollar. Charles IV. Reverse of No. 48. Date, 1791. 152 CATALOGUE OF COINS ^ CASE No. 38. I — Drop >silver stamped. Spanish coin. Four reals. Date, 17—. 2— DrojD silver stamped. Spanish coin, two reals. Date, 17—. 3 — Drop silver stamped. Spanish coin, one real. Date, 17 — . 4 — ^Drop silver stamped. Spanish coin, one quartillo. Date, 17—. 5 — Curious copper coin. (?) 6 — Copper cent of the United States. Date, 1859. 7 — Copper cent of the United States. Reverse, wreath of wheat, corn and dry leaves. Date, 1858. 8 — Copper coin of United States. Date, 1869. 9 — Copper cent of United States. Reverse of No. 8. Date, 1882. 10 — Copper coin of Chile, medio centavo (half-cent). Date, 1853. 11 — Copper coin of France, five centimes. Napoleon III. Date, 1854. 12— Reverse of No. 11. Date, 1855. 13 — -English copjDer coin, half penny. Reverse, head of \'ic- toria. Date, 1861. 14 — Siamese copper coin, ^ F. 15 — United States copper coin, one j^enny? Date, 1803. 16 — Copper coin of Chile, un centavo, (one cent). Date, 1851. 17— Reveise of No. 16. Date, 1853. 18 — Copper coin from the C-atacombs. 19 — United States centennial medal. Reverse, words "In commemoration of the hundredth anni\-ersary of American Inde])on(l;nice, 1876. 20 — Harvard University medal, Porcelain Club, instituted 1791. Medal belonged to Chief Justice Artemas Ward of Massachusetts. TASK NTMliKU I'll I lM'V-\ 1 N K 1 ").'', 21 — ('liui-('h medal picked up in the I'liiiis of the chuffh "La Viro-jn." The church was tlcsti-oyed iti IS22 l)y an earth- quake. Reverse, head of the Virgin. 22 — EngUsh copper coin — ? 23-24 — Harry Meiggs' inaugui'ation I'aih'oad medals, 1S70. White metal. 25-26 — Same as al)()\'e in copper. 27— One dollar bill of the National Rank of Bolivia. CASE No. 39. 1 to 16 (inclusive) — V. S. dollars. 17-18— U. 8. Trade dollars. 19— Columbian half dollar, 1892. 20— (Gold -Medal). The first board of Aldermen of San Fran- cisco in 1850, voted themselves (Jold Medals at a cost of $150.00 each, and also presented this one, which is a fac- simile of theirs, to ^Irs. E. M. Wills, with inscription on the back "Presented to Mrs. E. M. Wills, by the Citv of San Francisco, Oct. 29th, 1850. 21— Gold Bar. Dated, 1850. Gold value, $50.00. These bars were recei\'ed and circulated as coin for a time. 22— Spanish dollar. Dated, 1700. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED MAIN LIBRARY CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT THIS BOOK IS DUE BEFORE CLOSING TIME ON LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW LIBRARY USE 1-r^ ^ fiEPiCia, ^1378 - - / / ■ / / : / 1 LD62A-30m-7,'73 (E2278l0)9412-A-32 1 l,!^.5'^'^^^f^ LIBRARIES <^oqboa3aao y 370867 'isassaissm UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY