z 7165 G7D2 A A : 4 : 9 • 2 ; 9 : 4 ; 7 I 7 " Davenport Classified List of Printed Original Materials for English Manorial and Agrarian History during the Middle Ages THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Radcliffe College Monographs No. 6 Classified List OF Printed Original Materials FOR EiNGLISH MANORIAL AND AGRARIAN HISTORY DURING THE MIDDLE AGES BY FRANCES GARDINER DAVENPORT, A.B. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF \\. J. ASHLEY, M.A. PROFESSOR OF ECONOMIC HISTORY IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY BOSTON, U.S.A. PUBLISHED BY GINN & COMPANY 1894 J i Copyright, 189^, By Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass. SEnibersitg ^rcss: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. 7 / l^S" &7 d:l PREFATORY NOTE. A LARGER body of material for the a<^rarian history of mediaeval England is already in print than is commonly supposed ; but it is scattered about in publications of very different kinds and dates. It has occurred to the Editor, there- fore, that it would be of service to scholars to furnish them with a preliminary survey of this material, classified according to nature, date, and locality. There is this additional reason : that new interest is now being directed to the subject, and fresh documents are likely to be printed during the next few years in increasing numbers. It is surely desirable that, in selecting documents for this purpose, regard should be paid to previous efforts, and that those should first be chosen which belong to classes of material or refer to periods or districts before least satisfactorily represented. A list of the kind here presented will thus, it is hoped, indicate the lacunae which most need to be filled. The list was primarily intended to include only documents printed in whole or in large fragments. It excludes accordingly mere lists or calendars, as well as modern accounts in English which are anything other than literal translations. But the Compiler has so far departed from the original design as to add a list of text-books of manorial law, as well as another of manorial maps. It is believed that these will be useful to investigators, and that even an incomplete list may often be suggestive through mere juxtaposition. It may be well to call particular attention, first, to the inten- tional omission of the contents of such great bodies of record as the Domesday Book and the Hundred Rolls, which are already 1331723 vi Prcfaioiy Note. indexed and easily utilized ; and, secondly, to the fact that the Compiler of the list has been limited in hei opportunities to the Harvard Library, which, although fairly rich iu this department, has yet some grievous gaps. The Compiler and Editor have not aimed at producing more than a " Trial List." By interleaving the little volume and insert- ing in the appropriate place the omissions that will certainly be found, and the additions which the next few years will bring, scholars will find it possible, it is hoped, to gain some advantage even from a list manifestly imperfect. The Editor need not assure any one who is conversant with the subject that the work has involved on the Compiler's part several months of assiduous toil, and the exercise of much scholarly discrimination. W. J. ASHLEY. May 24, 1894. INTRODUCTION. 'T^HIS pamphlet aims at providing students of the manorial and agrarian history of England during the Middle Ages with a list of some printed original materials that may be useful in their work. Some of the sources, however, from which students will draw are purposely omitted from these pages. To have made the list complete in this respect would have been needless, as well as laborious, since these sources are well known and are indexed. Among the works which might be looked for here, but to which no further reference is made, are the following : — Domesday Book. This collection of inquisitions of estates throughout all England except the counties of Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham, and Westmoreland was finished in 1086. Two volumes were published in 1783 and two in 18 16 by the English government. The fourth volume contains in its appendix the Exon Domesday, relating to the counties of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, and supposed to be a transcript of the original returns of the commissioners from which Domesday was compiled ; the Inqiiisitio Eliensis, a similar doc- ument relating to possessions of the monastery of Ely; and the Wmiofi Domesday, an inquest taken between 1 107 and 1128 concerning lands of Edward the Confessor in Winchester. The Itiqnisitio Comitates Caiitabrigiensis contains the original returns made by the jurors of the county of Cambridge at the time of the Domesday inquest. It was published by Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton in 1876. The Hundred Rolls, 1279, describe manors in Bedfordshire, Bucks, Cambridgeshire, Hunts, and Oxfordshire. They were printed by the Record Commission, 1818. viii Introduction. In 1288 Pope Nicholas the Fourth granted to King Edward the Third, for six years, one tenth of the revenue of the Church. Between 1288 and 1292, royal commissioners made a valuation of ecclesiastical property, which served as a basis of taxation till Henry the Eighth's time. The inquisitions of these com- missioners, known as Pope Nicholas's Taxation were published in 1802 by the Record Commission. Nonarum Inquisitiones were taken by royal commissioners in 1 341. A ninth of the corn, wool, and lambs in every parish had been granted by parliament to the king. The ninths were supposed to be equal to the tenths of Pope Nicholas's taxation ; but when there was no such equality the true value of the ninths was to be collected. The parishioners declared the value of the taxable property, and explained discrepancies between the amounts of the ninths and the tenths. Their testimony inci- dentally throws light on the manorial history of the time. The inquisitions were published by the Record Commission, 1807. The Valor Ecclesiasticus, a survey and valuation of the ecclesias- tical property of England and Wales, was drawn up in t 535. It was printed by the Record Commission, 18 10-1834. No attempt has been made to extract from the Statutes of the Realm (1235-1713) printed by the Record Commission, 1810- 1822, from the Rolls of ParUament (1278-1503), printed, 1767, by the English government, or from Rymer's Foedera (1066-1654), newly edited (as far as the year 1383) by the Record Commis- sion, 1816-1869, portions bearing upon manorial history. Since the purpose of this pamphlet is to assist primarily those who are studying manorial history from the economic standpoint, such works as the Testa de Nevil, compiled probably tejnp. Ed. II. from inquisitions taken during earlier reigns, printed by the Record Commission, 1807, and Kirkby's Quest, a survey of knights' fees made temp. Ed. I. (printed for Yorkshire by the Surtees Society, 1867, for Somerset by the Somerset Record Society, 1889, and for Dorset in the new edition of Hutchins's Dorset), do not come within its scope. Many documents of the first half of the seventeenth century have been included in the list, since they help to explain earlier Introduction. ix conditions; but documents of later date have not been referred to. Hence no mention is made of the Parliamentary Surveys (1649 et seq.') of property which had formerly belonged to the Crown. The Parliamentary Surveys for the county of Sussex have been printed in the " Sussex Archaeological Collections," beginning with volume twenty-three. Among the classes of documents that are omitted are grants, charters, and leases, and inventories and household books such as that of Finchale Priory (Surtees Society, 1837), which, amid a mass of other matter, often give information regarding farm- stock, produce, and prices. Account rolls and rentals are not included when the returns from estates are lumped together, or given in no detail. Records of proceedings before manorial courts only are inserted. Final concords, therefore (for which see Salt Archaeological Society publications, volume three et seq?), and in general, pleas relating to freeholds are not noticed here ; and collections of judicial decisions of the king's court giving the law of villeinage, such as the Placitorum Abbreviatio (Record Com- mission, 181 1), Northumberland Assize Rolls (Surtees Society, 1891), Bracton's Note Book, and the Year Books (Rolls Series), are also excluded. Inquisitions post-mortem (see especially York Archaeological Asso- ciation, " Record Series," volume twelve, Lancashire and Cheshire "Record Society," 1880, 1887, and 1888, and the publications of the British Record Society) were inquests concerning the prop- erty of a lately deceased tenant-in-chief, or other tenant holding lands that were in the king's hands. Their purpose was to ascer- tain the feudal rights accruing to the king ; and one of the articles of inquiry pertained to the land of which the deceased died pos- sessed. Sometimes the amount of land is given in round numbers which can be only approximate, and often the inquisitions arc devoid of interest to the student of economic conditions ; on the other hand, these inquests frequently include manorial extents, and describe not only the land, but the tenants, their services and holdings. Inquisitions of this latter class arc alone inserted in this list. Inquisitions postinortcni, as well as inquisitions ad qiiod dampwnn, end in 1645. Inquisitions ad quod dampnum, which X Introduction. begin in Edward the Second's reign, are inquests to ascertain whether petitions, as, for instance, petitions to alienate land, may be granted without damage to the king or any one else. Whenever these have seemed of sufficient interest they have been referred to. The earliest documents of this list are of the twelfth century. They concern the estates of great religious houses, and seem to be modelled after " Domesday Book." Doubtless, as in the case of Burton monastery, these accounts of lands, tenants, rents, and services were drawn up that the heads of such houses might know the amount of revenue due to them. They were to the heads of religious houses what " Domesday " was to the king. The documents of this time exhibit little variety. They are not divided into classes, nor drawn up by special officers as part of their regular duties, nor do they bear the titles, so familiar later, of coiiipotus, extenta, or siipervisus. Briefly, they do not seem, as do the documents of the next century, to be a necessary part of the manorial system. With the thirteenth century a great increase takes place both in the number and in the variety of manorial documents, and from this time they naturally fall into the following distinct groups : — I. Account Rolls. Under this heading come the compoti and rotiili of the prcpositus, ballivns, biirsaruis, or later, of the collector reditwnn, ?cs\6. firmarius . These rolls state the income accruing to the lord of the manor from fixed rents and farms, sales of works, sales of pasturage and grain, perquisites of courts, and the like, as well as the outgo incident to carrying on the estate, — expenses of ploughing, reaping, and sowing, and repairing implements and buildings. On the backs of these rolls, memoranda of farm-stock, works of tenants, and other matters, were often jotted down. It is apparent from the list of printed documents of this class that only isolated and scattered examples of account rolls are accessible to the student who is restricted to the use of published material. In Maclean's " Trigg Minor," however, some half- Introduction. xi dozen may be found, and in Rogers' " Agriculture and Prices " there are several. 2. Court Rolls begin to appear at about the same time as manorial accounts, that is, before the middle of the thirteenth century. To students of economic history this class of documents is of prime importance, for it throws light on the relations of the peasantry to their lords and to the land. Very few court rolls have as yet been printed- In the volume edited by Professor F, W. Maitland for the Seldon Society (1889), however, most valuable early material of this kind may be found. 3. Printed Extents of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries are comparatively abundant. A document commonly assigned to 4 Ed. III. (1276) prescribes the subjects and order of inquiry. Buildings; acreage and value of demesne, meadow, pasture, and foreign pasture, parks and demesne woods and foreign woods ; pannage and herbage ; mills and fisheries ; freeholders and their lands; customary tenants, their holdings, works, customs, and fixed rents ; cottagers, and their curtilages ; perquisites of courts ; patronage of churches ; heriots ; fairs; markets; customs, services, and foreign works and customs ; fines and reliefs, — are all matters that come within the scope of the manorial extent. Extents were usually drawn up by " ancient and sage tenants," " true and sworn men." Walter of Henley, writing in the thirteenth century, advises landlords to have extents made yearly, and yearly views of account taken. This, he says, is necessary to protect them from dishonest bailiffs on the one hand, and from tenants who will wish to " deny services " on the other. Religious houses seem to have been particularly careful in the management of their estates and in preserving their manorial records. One of the regulations of the Monastery of Gloucester required bailiffs to write their accounts on rolls of parchment and to put the proper titles to the documents.' The typical extent, then, describes the lands as well as the tenants of the manor; but there are other documents of the thirteenth century and later that deal with the tenants alone. They give the names of the tenants, the holdings of each, the ' Gloucester Cartulary, iii. 216. xii Introduction. rents and services due from each, and the customs of the manor. They are : — 4. Rentals and Customaries. Their Latin titles read somewhat as follows : " redditus, consuetudines, et servicia," " consuetudines manerii," and so forth. In the earlier part of the period covered by the list no line can be drawn, as a rule, between the rental and the customary. The customs of the manor consist largely in the customary rents of labor or of money due from the tenants. Still, even at this time, these documents sometimes contain general statements as to the duties of manorial officers, or with regard to such matters as alienation of land. But later rents are no longer dependent upon custom, but are fixed; they no longer are in ser- vices, but in money; and rental and customary are documents of quite different kinds. By the sixteenth century the rental is a list of names of tenants with the payments due from each, while the customary is a statement in general terms of the rights or duties of classes of tenants (not of individuals) or of officers. Custom- aries seem to have been written in English for some time before Latin ceased to be the language of " Account Rolls," " Court Rolls," and " Rentals." Since many of these English records bear the title of " customary," and some of the Latin ones that of "custumarium,'' and since almost no document styled "cus- tomal " has come within my notice, I have adopted the former word. 5. Documents entitled "supervisus" have been placed among the rentals in this list except when the survey concerned the customs of the manor, when it naturally finds a place under the head of " customaries." Besides being virtual rentals or custom- aries, some of these surveys give in detail the bounds of the manor and of each of its fields. The classes of documents previously enumerated originated within the manor. Subsidy Rolls (Henry III. — William and Mary), though not manoral in origin, yet throw much light on the population, — not on their numbers only, but sometimes on their occupations and property as well. From 4 Richard II., however, to 14 Henry VIII., most of the rolls supply no names. Introduction. xiii Since the list is based almost exclusively upon an examination of books in the library of Harvard University, in the Boston Public Library, and in the Boston Athenaeum, it can, of course, have no pretensions to completeness. The compilation has been prepared under the constant super- vision of Professor W. J. ASHLEY, whom the Compiler wishes to thank for much generous assistance. CONTENTS. Page Prefatory Note v Introduction vii Bibliography i Account Rolls H Court Rolls '6 CUSTOMARIES . . l8 Rentals, Customaries, and Extents 20 Miscellaneous Documents 2S Maps 3° Subsidy Rolls 3~ Manuals of Husbandry 33 Text-Books of Manorial Law 34 Documents concerning Enclosures 36 Topographical Index 3^ ENGLISH MANORIAL AND AGRARIAN HISTORY DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. 25itiliograpljp. Note. — P. indicates that a book is in the Boston Public Library ; A., that it is in the Boston Athenaeum Library. Books not specially marked are in the Harvard College (or Law School ) Library, t indicates that a book is in none of these libraries, and has not been examined by the Compiler. Abingdon Abbey, Accounts of the obedientiars of. Camden Society, London, 1892. Abingdon, Chronicon monasterii de. Ed. J. Stevenson. Rolls Series, 2 vols. London, 1858. fAdames, Jonas, 1593. [Treatise on manorial law. Ref. in York. Arch. Jotirn. (1887-89) ; x. 68.] Allen, Thomas. History of the county of Lincoln. 2 vols. London, 1834. Anderson, J. C. Plan and award of the commissioners appointed to inclose the commons of Croydon. Croydon, 1889. [Map.] P. Archaeologia. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Lon- don, I 770, et seq. Archaeologia Aeliana. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of New- castle-upon-Tyne. Nevvcastle-upon-Tyne, 1822, et seq. Archaeologia Cambrensis, the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Assoc. London, 1846, et seq. See also Original Documents aJid Baronia de Kemeys. Archaeologia Cantiana ; being transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society. London, 1858, 2>- Lr. 1329. Wookey, Somerset. Holmes, 32. Lat. and tr. 1335-6. Beaumaris, Anglesea. Ortg. Docs., xviii. Lat. 1337. Auckland, Durham. Hatfield, app., 200. Lat. 1349. Manors of See of Durham. Hatfield, app., 211. Lat. 1363. Clent, Stafford. Nash, ii., app. xiii. 1372-1416. Huntington, Hereford. ArcheoL Camb., i., 4th series, app. viii. Lat. 1376-9. Wardley, Durham. Collectanea Topographica, i., 70. Lat. 1381. Gargrave, York. Whitaker : Craven, 64. Lat. 1384 et seq. Manors of Abingdon in Berks, Gloucester, and Oxford. Abing- don Obedientiars, 143. Tr. and abstracts. 1395. fXewton (near Wisbeach), Cambridge. East Anglian, iv., 69. Tr. 1398. Manors of Bp. of Bangor, Wales. Caerftarvon, 231. Lat. 1401-2. Anstie, Herts. Cunningham, i., app., 516. Lat. 1403. Tywarnhayle, Cornwall. Maclean : Trigg Minor, iii., 84. Lat. Account Rolls. 15 1406-7. Lanowseynt, Cornwall. Maclean : Trigg Minor, ii., 87. Lat. l-lll-lZ. Castle Combe, Wilts. Scrope, 252. Lat. 1413. Waddington, Lincoln. Lincolnsh. N. and Q., iii., 80. Lat. and tr. 1422-4. Standon, Stafford. Salt : Standon, 83. Tr. 1425. Bursars account. Manors of Burcester Priory, Oxford. Dunkin: Bicester, app., 234. Tr, 1444-7. Standon, Stafford. Salt : Standon, 92. Tr. 1455-6. Alton Barnes, Wilts. Rogers : A. and P., iii., 705. Lat. 1458-9. Castle Combe, Wilts. Scrope, 250. Tr. 1461-2. Wookey, Somerset. Holmes, 41. Tr. 1473-5. Takeley, Oxford. Rogers: A. and P.,\\\.,']\\. Lat. 1434-5. Alton Barnes, Wilts. Rogers: A. and P., iii., 709. Lat. 1485,1503,1512. Kemeys, Pembroke. Baronia de Kemeys, iii. 1522-3. Upton Scudaraore, Wilts. Hoare, iii. (hund. of Warminster), 62. Lat. 1530-1. Alton Barnes, Wilts. Rogers: A. and P., m., 710. Lat. ^1536. Brunham, York. Dugdale : Monasticon, \y. 2S0. Lat. 1535-7. Cannington, Somerset. Hugo : Nuniieries (Cannygton), 80. Tr. 1536-7. Mynchin Barrow, Somerset. Hugo : Nunneries (Mynchin), 54. Tr. 1536-7. Newminster, Northumberland. Newminster Chart., app., 306. Lat. 1538-9. Manors of Rievaulx, York. Rievaulx Chart., 310. Lat. 1538-9. Manors of late priory of Buckland in Devon, Dorset, and Somer- set. Hugo, 1 28. Tr. 1539. Chariton Marshal, Dorset. Hutchins, iii., 144. Lat. 1539-40. Launcestonland, Cornwall. Notes and Gleanings, v., 50. Lat. 1539-46. Manors of Whitby in York. Whitby Chart., ii., 719. Lat. 1540-1. West Monkton, Somerset. Somerset Agric. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xviii., 120. Tr. 1544-5. Huntington, Hereford. Archeol. Camb., i., 4th series (1870), app. xiv. 1552. West Monkton, Somerset. Archbold, 350. Tr. 1557-8. Penpont, Cornwall. Maclean: Irigg Minor, W., 126. Lat. 1610. Sotterley, Suffolk. Suckling: Suffolk, i.,^"]. Lat. 1635. Bodmin, Cornwall. Maclean: Trigg Minor, \., 2 s^- 1 Other documents of this nature and of appro.ximately this date contained in the Monasticon are not noted here. 1 6 Euglish Manorial and Agrarian History. COURT ROLLS. 1239-40. Brancaster, Norfolk. Ramsey Cart., i., 423. Lat. 1240. Riiigstead, Norfolk. Ramsey Cart. ^\., /^i\. Lat. 1246-96. Manors of the Abbey of Bee in Berks, Bucks, Dorset, Hants, Middlesex, Norfolk, Northants, Oxford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, War- wick, and Wilts. Select Pleas, 6. Lat. and tr. 1258. Court of the honour of Broughton, Hunts. Select Pleas, ^2. Lat. and tr. 1262. Court of hundred of Whorwelsdovvn, Wilts. Select Pleas, 178. Lat. and tr. 1262. Ashton, Wilts. Select Pleas, 183. Lat. and tr. 1278-9. Hemingford, Elton, and Little Stukeley, Hunts. Select Pleas, 88. Lat. and tr. 1281-2. Crondal, Hants. Baigent : Crondal, 142. Lat. and tr. 1285-1327. Littleport, Cambridge. Court Baron, \\<^. Lat. and tr. 1288-1303. King's Ripton, Hunts. Select Pleas, 107. Lat. and tr. 1290. Gidding, Hunts. Select Pleas, 97. Lat. and tr. 1293 et seq. Bray, Berks. A few misc. extracts from rolls. Kerry, 159. Lat. 1293-6. Brightwaltham, Berks. Select Pleas, 165. Lat. and tr. 1296-1384. Manors of Durham Priory, Durham. Durham Halmote Rolls. Lat. 1307. Leek, Stafford. Reliqnary, ix., 182. Lat. and tr. 1326. Selby Waterhouses, York. Burton: Heminbroitgli,a.-p'g., ^01. Lat. 1327. Hales-Owen, Salop and Worcester. Nash, i., 513. Lat. 1328. 1329, 1414, 1490. 1584. Great Cressingham, Norfolk. Chandler. 1335-6. Rochdale, Lancashire. Fishwick : Rochdale, 286. Tr. 1337. Holywell, Oxford. Rogers : A. and P., ii., 666. Lat. 1338-1750. Standon, Stafford. Salt: Sfandon, 64. Tr. 1340-1400. Castle Combe, Wilts. Scrope, 159. Lat. 1369. Swainswick, Somerset. Peach, 6. Lat. 1373 et seq. Kingsthorpe, Northants. Kingsthorpiana, 20. Lat. 1397 et seq. Wingerworth, Derby. Yeatman, ii., part 4, 452. Tr. 1410-60. Castle Combe, Wilts. Scrope, 233. Lat. 1449. Botetourts or Botours Hall, Thompson, Norfolk. Crabbe, 67. Tr. 1453-4. Shaftesbury, Dorset. Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, i.. 201. Lat. 1460-1700. Castle Combe, Wilts. Scrope, 323. Lat. Court Rolls. 17 1461-1864. Wimbledon, Surrey. Wimbledon. Lat. and Eng. 1499. Aylesbury, Bucks. Parker, 93. Lat. 1510-41. Spellesbury, Oxford. Jordan : 309. Lat. and tr. 1518-19. Hatherleigh, Devon. Western Antiquary (^\Z'$>']-ZZ^ \v\\..i ^\. Tr. 1519-1630. Scotter, Lincoln. Peacock: Scatter, 2)T 2 1552-1846. ^Manchester, Lancashire. Earwaker. 1563-73. Muston, Hunnianby, Auburn, Settrington, and Nafferton, York. Boulter, 69. Lat. 1566-1624. Rochdale, Lancashire. Fishwick: Rochdale, 293. Tr. 1567-1605. ]\Ianors in York. York Co. Mag. (1892), 234. 1576, etc. Hibbaldstow, Lincoln. Peacock : Hibbaldstow. 1593-1607. Burton, Northumberland. Bateson, 292. 1606. Penmayne, Cornwall. Maclean : Trigg Minor, iii., 49. Lat. 1612. Bootle, Lancaster. Lancash. a?id Chesh. Hist. Soc. (18S7), 167. Tr. 1612, etc. Epworth, Lincoln. Reliquary (1882-83) i xxiii,, 47. 1632. Morpeth. Hodgson: Customs of Morpeth. 1638. English Bicknor, Gloucester. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. (18S6- 87) ; xi., 269. 1645-53. North Runcton, and Setchey with Hardwick, Norfolk. East Anglian, N. S. (1889-90) ; iii., 41. t Socton with the Soke, Suffolk. East Anglian, iv., 3. 1 8 English Manorial and Agrarian History. CUSTOMARIES. 1260? Manors of Otterton, Devon. Oliver, 254. Lat. 1309. Sutton Coldfield, Warwick. Dugdale : Warwickshire, u., ^11. Lat. (Also in Sutton Coldfield^ -i^^. Tr.) 1361. Salton, York. Hexham Priory, ii., 143. Lat. 1339. Basingstoke, Hants. Baigent : Basingstoke, 2x2,. Tr. 15th cent. Heminbrough, York. Burton : Heminbrough, app., 390. 1400. Painswick, Gloucester. Rudder, 593. 1401. Blackburnshire, Lancaster. Whitaker : Whalley, i., 265. Lat. 1422. Custom-roll and rental. Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancaster. Three Lancash. Docs. 94. 1457? Tottenham, Middlesex. Robinson: Tottenham, \., 186. 1483. Kingsthorpe, Northants. ICingsthorpiana, 38. 1509-47. Stanesgate, Essex. Dugdale : Monasticon, v., 39. 1523. Manors of Braunton, Devon. Dymond. 1535 ? Thoby, Essex. Suckling : Essex, 43. 1547. Kingsthorpe, Northants. Kingsthorpiana, 84. 1553. Church Clent, Stafford. Nash, ii., app. xvii. 1558-1G03. Rolleston, Stafford. Shaw, i., 29. 1564. Battle, Sussex. Wolcott, 72. 1567. Crondal, Hants. Baigent: Crondal, 159. 1569. Holm Cultram, Cumberland. Nicholson and Bum, ii., 185. 1573. Gillingham, Dorset. Hutchins, iii., 222. 1583. Go wer Anglicana, Glamorgan. Gower and Kilvey, \\\. 1583. Pennard, Glamorgan. Gower and Kilvey, -^oz^. 1583. Wellington, Somerset. Humphreys, 46. 1534. Almonbury, York. Walker, 19. 1593. Aston and Cote, Oxford. Williams, 472. 17th cant? Kemeys, Pembroke. Baro?na de Kejneys, 43. ICOO? Berkeley, Glouc. Smyth: Berkeley MSS., m., 16. 1603. Fulham, Middlesex. Fiilham, 23. 1504. Tettenhall Regis, Stafford. Smith : English Gilds, 432. 1609. Yardlcy Plastings, Northants. Tracts. 1610. Kaegurwen, Glamorgan. Gowcr and Kilvey, 177. 1612. Bradford, York. James: Bradford, 114. 1612. Bewdley, Worcester. Nash, ii., 282. 1617. Stepney, Middlesex. Stow, ii., bk. iv., 89. Customarics. 19 1620. See under rentals ref. to Gower and Kilvey. 1621. Shoreston and North Sunderland, Northumberland. Bateson, 315. 1632. Oxwich, Glamorgan. Gower and Kilvey, 125. 1632. Nicholaston, Glamorgan. Gower and Kilvey, 222^. 1632. Penrice, Glamorgan. Gower and Kilvey, 22,%- 1634. Church Enstone, Oxford. Marshall: Church Ensione, 2,2. 1635. Earl Soham, Suffolk. East Anglian, N. S. (1887-88) ; ii., 215. 1637. Bosham, Sussex. Smyth : Bosham, 264. 1641. Millwood, Glamorgan. Gower and Kilvey, 2 g2>. 1642. Mitchel-dean, Gloucester. Maclean : Dene Magna, 207. 1642. Priorston, Glamorgan. Gower and Kilvey, 203. 1650? Blisland, Cornwall. Maclean: Trigg Minor, \.,Z'j**. 30 English Manorial and Agrarian History. RENTALS, CUSTOMARIES, AND EXTENTS. 12 cent? Survey. Salton, York. Hexham Friary, ii., 83. Lat. 1100-1113. Extents. Manors of Burton-upon-Trent, Stafford. Burton Chart., 18. Lat. 1100-1113. Extent. Burton-upon-Trent, Stafford. Shaw, i., app. i. Lat. 1114. Extents. Manors of Burton-upon-Trent, Stafford. Burton Chart., 24. Also in Shaw, i., app. i. Lat. 1125? "Descriptio maneriorum." Manors of Peterborough in Hunts, Leicester, Lincoln, Northants, Nottingham, and Rutland. Liber Niger, 157. Lat. 1141-54. Services. Cirencester, Gloucester. Fuller, 286. Lat. 1154-89. Extents. Manors of Abingdon in Berks. Abingdon Chron., ii., 301. Lat. 1170-81. " Inquisicio." Manors of St. Paul's in Essex, Herts, Middlesex, and Surrey. Hale : Dam. S. Paul's, 140. Lat. 1181. Fragment of "Domesday Ranulphi de Diceto." Manors of St. Paul's. Hale: Dom. S. Faiil's, 109. Lat. 1183. Survey. Manors of See of Durham. Boldofi Bk. Lat. and tr. 1184 ? Tenants and holdings. Thingoe Hundred. Gage, xii. Lat. 1185. Rental. Manors of the Templars throughout England. Dugdale : Monasticon, vii., 821. Lat. 1189. Inquisition. Manors of Glastonbury. Somerset. Sully's Inquisi- tion. 1189? Customary. Great Horninpherth, Suffolk. Gage, 503. Lat. 1189 ? Customary. Risby, Suffolk. Gage, 70. Lat. 1195-1245. Rental. St. Cross, Hants. Rogers : ^. <7«^ Z'., ii., 648. Lat. 1200? Customary. Hardwick, Suffolk. Bury and IV. Suffolk Arch. Inst. (1851) 180. Lat. and tr. 1203? Services. Otteham, Sussex. G. M. Cooper, 172. Tr. 1207-8. Services and customs. Cirencester, Gloucester. Fuller, 296. Lat. and tr. 1210. Services and customs. Cirencester, Gloucester. Fuller, 306. Lat. and tr. 1222. Domesday of St. Paul's. Manors of St. Paul's in Essex, Herts, Middlesex, and Surrey. Hale : Dom. S. PauPs, i. 1233-44. Rental, compiled in 1430. Manors of Durham Priory. Feoda- rium Dunehnensis. Lat. Rentals, Customaries, and Extents. 21 1235-61. Rentals, customaries, and extents. Manors of Glastonbury in Dorset, Somerset, and Wilts. Glaston. Lat. 1239-55. Extents. Manors of Ramsey in Bedford, Cambridge, Herts, Norfolk, Northants, and Suffolk. Ramsey Cart., i., 28 1. Lat. 1240. Rental. Beauchamp, Essex. Hale: Dom. S. PaiiVs, 11 8. Lat. 1240-54. Rental and customary. Manors of Worcester priory in Worces- ter and Salop. Hale : Reg. IVigom, g a. Lat. 1241-83. Inquisitions. Yorkshire. York Rec. Series, xii. Lat., tr., and abstracts. 1249. Extent. Hadleigh Castle, Essex. East Anglian, ]V. S.,\\., 2,6. Tr. 1250 ? Rental and customary. Rothley, Leicester. G. T. Clark, 99. Lat. 1257. Extent. Berwick St. James, Wilts. Hoare, ii. (hund. of Bench and Dole), 25. Lat. 1260. Customary. Axminster, Devon. Oliver, 367. Lat. 1262. Extents. Laniltwit and Liswirni. Glamorgan. Arch. Jouriu, xxviii., 312. Lat. 1263. Extents. Colne, Essex. Morant, ii., 210 n. Lat. 1265-8. Extent. Manors of S. Peter's in Gloucester and Hants. Glouc. Cart.., iii., 35. Lat. 1267. Extent. Huntington, Hereford. Archczol. Camb., i., 4th series (1870), app., I. Lat. 1272. Extent. Tockington, Gloucester. Maclean: Tockington, 12^. Tr. 1272. Customs and services. Mutford, Suffolk. Suckling : Suffolk, i., 271. Lat. 1272. Extents. Weoley, Cradley, Worcester ; Sedgley, Mere, Clent, Swin- ford, Stafford. Grazebrook, 25. Tr. 1273. Extent and partition. Chipping Camden, Gloucester. Bartleet, 1 4'^, 153- Tr. 1274. Extent. Island of Lundy, Devon. Collectanea Topographica, iv., 316. Tr. 1275. Customary. Hales-Owen, Salop and Worcester. Nash, i., 512. Tr. 1276. Customary. Headington, Oxford. Kennet, i., 452. Lat. 1277. Extent. Bishop's Hatfield, Herts. Clutterbuck, ii., app. v., 6. Lat. 1277. Extent. Totteridge, Herts. Clutterbuck, ii., app. viii., 15. Lat. 1277. Extent. Little Haddam, Herts. Clutterbuck, iii., app. i., 611. Lat. 1277. Extent. Kellshull, Herts. Clutterbuck, iii., app. ii., 615. Lat. 1279. Extent. Boston, Lincoln. Allen, i., 217. Tr. 1282. Extent (inspeximus of). Manchester, Heaton-Norris, Barton and Cuerdley, Lancaster. Harland : Mamecestre, i., 130. Lat. and tr. 1283 ? Rentals and customaries. Lands of Battle Abbey in Berks, Essex, I lants, Kent, Oxford, Sussex, and Wilts. Battle Abbey. Lat. 1283. Extent. El wick, Northumberland. Batcson, 410. Lat. and tr. 22 English Manorial and Agj'arian History. 1284. Extent. Midhurst, Sussex. W. D. Cooper, 4. Tr. 1284. Services. Crondal, Hants. Baigent : Crondal, 13. Lat. and tr. 1285. Extents. (Extracts.) Meriet, Lopene, Stratton, Somerset. Green- field. Lat. 1285. Rental. Hawsted, Suffolk. Cullum, 94. Lat. 1287. Rents, services, and customs. Crondal, Hants. Baigent : Crondal, 84. Lat. and tr. 1290. Extents. Handsworth, Rowley, Mere, and Sedgley, Staffordshire. Grazebrook, 31. Tr. 1291? Extent. Depyng, Lincoln. Dugdale : Monasticon,\v.,\']0. Lat. 1292. Extent. Flixton, Suffolk. Suckling: Suffolk, \., \(^\. Tr. 1293. Extents. Manors of Farleigh Priory, Wilts. Dugdale: Monasticon, v., 28. Lat. 1293. Extent. Tykford, Bucks. Dugdale : Motiasticon, v., 205. Lat. 1297. Extent. Brent Pelham, Herts. Cussans, i., part 2, 135. Tr. 1298. Rental. Cuxham, Oxford. Rogers: A. and P.,\\., d'^T)- Lat. 1298. Rental, Ibstone, Bucks and Oxford. Rogers: A. and P., ii., 656. Lat. 1298. Rental. Manors of Coldingham priory, Scotland. Colditigham, app. Ixxxv. Lat. 1298. Customary. Wykes, Essex. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans., i., new series. 109. French. 1299. Extent. Ambrosden, Oxford. Kennet, ii., 41 1. Lat. 13th cent. Rents, services, and customs. Bleadon, Somerset. Smirke, 201. Lat. 1300? Tenements and rents. Basingstoke, Hants. Baigent: Basing- stoke, 192. Tr. 1301. Extent. English Bicknor, Gloucester. Maclean : English Bicknor. Tr. 1301-2. Extent. Itchell, Hants. Baigent : C/-o;zrf8 English Manorial and Agrarian History. MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. Tenure of '•' Nativi " of St. Albans. Whethamstede, 324, ii:^^. Lat. 1255. Partition of Belford manor, Northumberland. Bateson, 376. Tr. 1364. Complaints of tenants of Crondal, Hants, as to exaction of addi- tional services. Baigent: Crondal, a^t^. Lat. and Tr. 1368. Note on Rustington, Sussex. Cunningham, i. 515. Lat. 1399. Terrier of Burncester-Bury-End, Oxford. Kennet, ii., 185. Lat. 1407. Account of the outgoings and incomings of the dairy of Le Brech, Bicester, Oxford. Dunkin : Bicester, app., 230. Tr. 1446. Certificate of non-villenage. Peacock : On a certificate of tion- villenage. 1452. Award and abitrament. Cheltenham, Gloucester. Rogers : A. and P., iii., 739. 1499-1508? Felson book [relating to rights of common]. Stutson, Suf- folk. Commonplace book, 124. 1500? Taske book. Stutson, Suffolk. Commonplace book, 128. 1517. Inquisitions into inclosures. Norfolk, York, Hereford, Stafford, Hants. Leadam. 1541 ? Documents concerning dispute about conies. Kingsthorpe, Nor- thants. Kingsthorpiana, 58. 1564-69. Inventories of live stock, from Cony estate book. Basingthorpe, Lincoln. Lincolnsh. N. and Q., i., 113. 1567. Clarkson's survey of Lucker, Northumberland, Bateson, 240. 1567. Clarkson's survey of Tuggal, Northumberland, Bateson, 350. 1567. Clarkson's survey of Swinhoe, Northumberland, Bateson, 350. 1567. Particulars of Benacre, Suffolk. Suckling: Snffolk,\\., 122. 1578. Terrier of the manor of Hertford priory. Cussans, ii., part 2, 64. 1580. Sheep bill. N'ortliants Azotes, i., 37. 1586. Extract from Clarkson's survey. Newham, Northumberland. Bate- son, 274. 1599. An agreement of the freeholders, tenants, and commoners of Shrew- ton, Wilts. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Mag. (1887) ; xxiii. 33. 17th cent, (early). "Briefe collection concerninge those Manners of the Dutchie of Cornwall wch are commonly called assessionable or Antient Dutchie." Maclean : Trigg Minor, ii., app. i., 381. 1618-20. Documents relating to a dispute concerning a corn mill. Wigan, Lancaster. Bridgeman, part ii.. 237 et seq. Miscellaneous Documents. 29 1620. Copyholds confirmed. Wirksworth, etc., Derby. Reliqicary, xii. (1871-72), 125. 1621. Terrier. Elford, Northumberland. Bateson, 287. 1621. Terrier. Tuggal, Northumberland. Bateson, 354. 1628. Some instructions given by \Vm. Booth, Esq. to his stewards . . . upon the purchase of Warrington, Lancaster. Booth. Articles of inquiry, and forms for extents. Hale : Reg. Wore. Priory, 24 b. Malmesbury Reg., i., 201. Hale : Dom. S. PauPs, 153. Extenta Manerii, Statutes 0/ Realm, i., 242. Baro7iia de Kemeys, 103. 30 English Manorial and Agrarian History, MAPS. 1422? Plan of demesne of Chertsey Abbey, Surrey. Brayley, ii., 174. [Also in Manning and Bray, iii., 210.J 1558-1603. Bradwell, Essex. Hall; 26. 1597. Barrow, Suffolk. Gage, 16. 1599. Clopton Estate, Warwick. Halliwell-Phillips, ii., 279. 1599. Edge ware, Middlesex. Colledajiea, i., part 4, frontispiece. 17th cent, (early). Ashborne, Derby. Gomrae : Village Community, 44. 17th cent, (early), A manor house. Gomme : Village Comfuunity, 118. 1605. Cowley, Oxford. Movvat, maps 6 and 7. 1605. Whitehill, near Tackley, Oxford. Mowat, map 5. 1606. Lower Heyford, Oxford. Movvat, maps 1-4. 1614. Ebury, Middlesex. Clinch : May/air^ 8. 1614-17. Sketch of small part of Welcombe Commons, Warwick. Ingleby. [of. Halliwell-Phillips, i., 250.] 1615-1642. Hawsted, Suffolk. Gage, 440. 1619. Pembroke, Bruses, Dawbeneys, and Mockings, Middlesex. Robin- son : Tottenham, frontispiece. 1620 ? Lucker, Northumberland. Bateson, 234. 1620? Newstead, Northumberland. Bateson, 256. 1620 ? Tuggal, Northumberland. Bateson, 342. 1638. Little Saxham, Suffolk. Gage, 138. 1653. Hardwick, Suffolk. Gage, 482. 1664-5. Part of the manor of Bloomsbury, Middlesex. Clinch : Bloo77is- bury, 127. 1685. Reculver, Kent. C. R. Smith, 193. 1695. East Greenwich, Kent. Drake's Hasted, 43. 1708. iSLarylebone, Middlesex. Loftie, ii., 223. 1723. Grosvenor Estate (including Ebury), Middlesex. Clinch : May/air, 164. 1725 ? Thompson, Norfolk. Crabbe, i. 1726. Folly Bridge, Berks. Mowat, map 17 b. 1734. Demesnes of the manor of Stoke Newington, Middlesex. Robinson : Stoke Newiiigton, 37. 1743. Chalford, Oxford. Mowat, maps 13, 14. 1743. Dean, Oxford. Movvat, maps 9-12. 1745. Hampstead, Middlesex. B3\x\q%: Hamfistead,^']. [Rocque's Survey.] 1745. Stepney, Middlesex. Loftie, ii., 149. [Rocque's Survey.] Maps. 3 1 1745. Suburbs of London. Loftie, ii., 165, 201, 267. [Rocque's Survey.] 1756. Wroxton Park, Oxford. Mowat, map 17 a. 1767. Cuxham, Oxford. Mowat, map 8. 1768. Wroxton, Oxford. Mowat, map 8. 19th cent, (early). Purwell Field, Hitchin, Herts. Seebohm, 6. 1800. Croydon, Surrey. Anderson, end. 1801-2. Edmonton, Middlesex. Robinson : Middlesex, end. 1816. Hitchin, Herts. Seebohm, frontispiece and 26. 1820. Hitchin, Herts. Clutterbuck, iii., end. 1822. St. Albans, Herts. Clutterbuck, iii., end. 1839-44. Outlines of certain fields in Wrexham, Abenbury, Acton, and Stansty, Denbigh. Palmer : Wrexham, frontispiece. 1844. Erbistock, Denbigh. Palmer : Ancient field system, frontispiece. 1856, Ashmore, Dorset. Watson, end. Modern maps, undated. Begbroke, Oxford. Stapleton, end. Chippenham, Wilts. Gomme : Village Community, \'j 2. Donisthorpe, Derby. Gomme : Village Community, 288. Kidlington, Oxford. Stapleton, end. Lauder, Berwickshire. Gomme : Village Community, 148. Malmesbury common, Wilts. Gomme: Village Community, 188. Penrith and adjacent country in Cumberland and Westmoreland. J. Clarke, end. Ribchester, Lancaster. T. C. Smith, frontispiece. Stoke Newington, Middlesex. Robinson: Stoke Newitigton, frontispiece. Thompson, Norfolk. Crabbe, i. Tottenham, Middlesex. Robinson: Tl^Z/^w/zaw, ii., frontispiece. Wighill, York. Chetwynd-Stapylton, 385. Yarnton, Oxford. Stapleton, end. 32 " English Manorial and Agrarian Law. SUBSIDY ROLLS. Cornwall. 1327-1543. Deanery of Trigg Minor. Maclean: Trigg Minor. Derby. 1535-71 Hope. Reliquary., xi., 167. Dorset. 1327-1628. Ashmore. Watson, 129. Gloucester. 1327, etc. Parishes throughout county. Bigland. 1327, 1542-3. Pebworth. Wadley, 227. Kent. 1327. Blackheath hundred. Drake's Hasted, i., 280. 1522. Faversham hundred. Subsidy roll for hundred of Faversham. [Ref. in Gomme : Lit. of Local l7ist., 58.] Lancashire. 1332. Leigh Laficash. and Cheshire Noles, \i., iZ2>. 1332. Carleton, Marton, Poulton, Thornton. Fishwick : Foulton-le- Fylde, 8-23. 1541, 1622. Salford hundred. Three Laticash. subsidy rolls. 1628. Leyland hundred. Three Lancash. subsidy rolls. (1552-53. Easter rolls of parish of Whalley. Easter Rolls.) Norfolk. 1327-1683. North Erpingham hundred. Rye : Erpingham, part 2. 1327, 1332. Cromer and Shipden. Rye : Cromer, App. xxv. 1327-1598. Thompson. Crabbe, 15-24. Northumberland. 1296. Bamburgh hundred. Bateson. Somerset. 1327. Parishes throughout county. Exchequer Lay Subsidies. Stafford. 1327. Parishes throughout county. Wrottesley, 197. 1327 et seq. Leek. Sleigh, 186. Suffolk. 1327. Lackford hundred. East Afiglian, N. S., w., c^\. 1565. Lackford hundred and Hawsted (Thingoe hundred). East Anglian, JV. S., iii., 242. 1639. Lackford hundred and half of Exning hundred. East Anglian, JV. S., iv., 170. Sussex. 1296 et seq. Parishes throughout county. Sussex Archceol. Coll., ii. et seq. (Rape of Lewes, vol. ii.) York. 1379. West Riding. York Foil Tax. Manuals of Husbandry. 33 MANUALS OF HUSBANDRY. 13th cent. Walter of Henley. Le Dite de Hosebondrie. Walter of Henley, 2. Translation of the above attributed to Robert Grossteste. Walter of Henley, 41. 13th cent. Hoseboudeiie. Walter of Henley, 60. 13th cent. Seneschaucie. Walter of Henley, Za^. 1240-1. Grossteste, Robert. Les Reules Seynt Robert. Walter of Hen- ley, 122. 1340? rieta. Book 2, chapters 71, et seq. 1420 ? Palladius on Husbondrie, Translation of. 1534. Fitzherbert, Anthony. The book of husbandry. 1537. Benese, Sir Richard de. Boke of the measuring of land. 1539. Fitzherbert, Anthony. The book of surveying. 1557. Tusser, Thomas. Fine hundred pointes of good husbandrie. 1607. Norden, John. The Surveyor's Dialogue. 1641. Best, Henry. Rural Economy in Yorkshire. Rules concerning the management of manors. Glouc. Cart., iii., 213. A breviate touching the order and government of a nobleman's house. [Including] necessarie instructions for the stevvarde. Archaologia (1807), xiii., 315. 34 English Manorial a7id Agrarian History. TEXT-BOOKS OF MANORIAL LAW. 1265 ? The Court Baron. Maitland : Court Baron. 1269 ? How to hold pleas and courts. Maitland : Court Baron. 1307? The manner of holding courts. Maitland : Court Baron. 1342. The manner of holding courts. MaiUand : Court Baron. 1499-1503. Articles of inquiry at a court baron and a court leet. Com- iuonplace Book, 154. ^ 1510? Modus tenendi curiam barofiis cum visu frane' plegii. 1516? Modus tenendi curiam baronis cum visu fraui plegii. R. Pynson. 1520 ? Modus tenendi curiam baronis cum visu franem plegii. R. Pynson. 1530 ? Modus tenendi curiam baronis cum visu franci plegii. J. Rastell. 1534 ? Natura brevium . . . (et inter alia) Modus tenendi curiam baronis cum visu franci plegii. W. Rastell. 1539. Modus tenendi unutn hundredutn sive curiam de recordo. R, Redman. 1542 ? The maner ofkepynge a courte baron and a lete. Elisabeth Pykeryng. 1544. The boke for a justic of peace . . . (et inter alia) The boke that teach- eth to kepe a court baron. The book teaching to keep a court hun- dred. T. Berthelet. 1544. The maner of kepynge a court baron and a lete. W. Middilton. 1546. The manner of kepy?ige a court baron and a lete. R. Toye. 1580, ist French ed. ; 1651, ist English ed. Juris dictions. John Kitchin. 1593. Order of keeping a courte leet and a court baron. Jonas Adames. 1607. The surveyor's dialogue. John Norden. 1618. Maner and forme how to keepe a court leet or a lawday. John Wil- kinson. 1641. Co?nplete copyholder. Sir Edward Coke. 1641. Court-keeper s guide for keeping courts leet and courts baron. William Sheppard. 1642. A treatise of the antiquity, authority, &>c., of the ancient courts of leet. Robert Powell. 1668. Authority, jurisdiction, and method of keeping county courts, courts leet, and courts baron. William Greenwood. 1696. Lex custumaria : or a treatise of copyhold estates. S. C. (S. Carter.) 1714, 4th ed. Practice of courts-leet and courts-baron. Sir William Scroggs. 1717. Court-keeper' s companion. Giles Jacob. 1 This and the nine following references are taken from The Court Baron, pp. 3, 4. Text-books of Manorial Law. 35 1724. Compleat court-keeper. Giles Jacob. 1726. Lex maneriorum. William Nelson. 1792. jurisdiction 0/ the court leet. Joseph Ritson. 1797. Treatise on copyholds. Charles Watkins. 1816. Treatise on copyhold tenure. John Scriven. English Manorial and Agrarian History. DOCUMENTS CONCERNING ENCLOSURES. 1486-1504. Letter to the Vicar of Quinton. Denton, 318. 1514. Petition to King Henry against the engrossing of many small farms into one man's hands, etc. Furnivall : Ballads from old MSS.^ lOI. Proclamation in accordance with the Prayer of the above Petition. Ibid., 102. 1517. Inquisitions into inclosures. Leadam. 1519. Armstrong. A treatise concerning the staple and the commodities of this realme. Pauli, 15. 1529. Concyderacions ffolowyng, wherefore alle manere of vyttelle hath been so dere. Furnivall : Ballads, 18. Certain causes gathered together, wherein is shewed the decaye of England. Four Siipplicatiofis. 1535-6. How to reforme the realme in settyng them to worke and to restore tillage. Pauli, 60. 1535-48 ? HoAv the comen people may be set to worke an order of a comen welth. Pauli, 5 1 . 1538 ? Starkey. A dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Thomas Lupset. Etigland in the reign of Kifig Henry the Eighth, 97. 1548. Inclosure at Iwerne-Courtenay, Dorset. Topographer and Genealo- gist, l, 47. 1548. Proclamation against inclosures. Com^nomejeal, 148. 1548. Commission for redress of inclosures. Strype, ii., app., 47. 1548. The charge of Mr. John Hales one of the commissioners. Strype, ii., app. 49. 1548. Letter of John Hales to the Lord Protector. Tytler : England, i., 1548. Causes of dearth. Commonweal, xliii. 1548. Bill on the decay of tillage. Commoftweal, xlv. 1549. Complayntes at the insurrection. Cooper : Annals, ii., 38. 1549. Grievances of the Norfolk rebels. Russell, 147. 1549. Somerset's letter to the mayor of Cambridge. Annals, ii., 136. 1549. Instructions given by the King to his commissioners. Strype, ii., app- 55- 1549. Defence of John Hales. Commoftweal, Hi. Documents concerning Enclosures. 37 1549. Hales. A discourse of the Commonweal of Engtand. (Printed in 1 58 1 under the title, A Compendious or brief e examination of cer- tay?ie ordinary complaints, etc., and commonly attributed to W. S.) 1577. Harrison. Description of England, part i, 306 ; part 2, 7. 1604. Trigge's petition. Furnivalle : Ballads, 34. 1614-17. Fragment of the private diary of Thomas Greene, concerning the enclosure of Welcombe commons. Ingleby. 1653. Moore. The crying sin of England of not caring for the poor. 1654. Considerations concertiing fields and inclosures. 1656. Vindication of the co?isideratio?is concerning common fields and ifi' closures. 1656. Lee. Vitidication of a regulated inclosure. Becon. Catechism, 434, 598, 599, 603. Cranmer. Works, ii., 195. Gilpin. Fragment of Sermon quoted in Strype, ii., 440. Hutchinson. Works, 301. Origifial Letters, i\., 6^4. Latimer. Sermotis, 7,1, 40. Lever. Sermons, 39, 77. More. Utopia, 41. Nowell. Catechism, 227, 228. Pilkington. Works, 86. Tyndale. Doctrinal Treatises, 201, 202. Brinklow. Complaynt of Roderyck Mors, 9, 16, 38, 49. Crowley. Works, 116, 122, 132, 142, 144, 157, 159. Forrest. Pleasant Poesie of Princelie Practise. Starkey, xcviii. Roy. Rede me and be not wroth, 99. Skelton (commonly attributed to). Now-a-dayes, 11. 157-168. Furnivall : Ballads, 93. Vox Populi Vox Dei. Furnivall : Ballads, 1 24. Stubbs. Anatomy of Abuses, 116, 117. The second part of the Anatomy of Abuses, containing the Display of corruptions, 24 et seq. 38 English Manorial and Agrarian History. TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Bedford. Barton. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 474. Clifton. Knights Hospitallers, 73. Cranfield. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 437, 455 ; ii., 3. Eton. Knights Hospitallers, 120. Hardwick. " " 73. Holywell. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 293. Melchbourn. Knights Hospitallers, 70. Pegsdon. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 465. Pelyng. Knights Hospitallers, 73. Shitlingdon. Ramsey Cartulary, \., 458. Berks. Appleford. Abingdon Obedientiars, 149. Ashbury. Glastofiia, 51; Dugdale : Monasticon, \., 17. Bray. Kerry, 159. Bright Waltham. Battle Abbey, t^%'. Select Pleas, 165. Folly Bridge. Mowat, map 17 b. Gosey. Abingdon Obedientiars, 163. Grenham. Knights Hospitallers, 3. Shillingford Blewbury. Abingdon Obedientiars, 155, 160. Shillingford Newbury. " " 145, 151, 158. Wantage. Select Pleas, 10, 31. Welford. Abingdon ChroJiicle, ii., 301. Wittenham. Abingdon Obedientiars, 143. Buckingham. Aylesbury. Parker, 93. Bledlovv. Select Pleas, 6, 20, 22, 27, 30, 33. Borstall. Kennet, i., 443. Hogshavv. Knights Hospitallers, 68. Ibstone. Rogers A. and P., ii., 656. Tickford (Tykford). Dugdale: Monasticon, v., 205. VVinslow. Cunningham, i., 515, 536. Cambridge. Arrington. Knights Hospitallers, 75. Ashley. " " 121. Barrington. Cunningham, i., 513. Boxworth. Knights Hospitallers, 165. Topographical Index. 39 Cambridge — cotitinued. Burwell. Ramsey Cartulary, ii., 25. Chatteris. " " i., 429- Chippenham. Knights Hospitallers^ 78. Girton. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 491. Littleport. Court Baron, 119. Newton (near Wisbeach). East Anglian, iv., 69. Shingay. Knights Hospitallers, 75. Wendy. " " 75- Wilbraham (Great). Knights Hospitallers, 163. Chester. Congleton. De Lacy Compoti, 53, 66. Halton. DeLacy Co77ipoti, 43, 57 ; Beamont : Halton and Norton, 46. Norton. Beamont: Halton and Nortofi, 20^. Cornw^all. Barton of Crowan. Maclean: Trigg Minor, \., \\\. Berneir. Maclean : Trigg Minor, i., 427, 430 ; Trevelyan Papers, ii., 8. Blisland. Maclean : Trigg Minor, i., app. i., 87**. Bodanan. " " " i., 519. Bodiniell. " " " i., 257. Bodmin. " " " i., 251. Bodulgate. " " " ii., 342. Boyton. Polsue, i., 117. Cassacavven. Maclean: Trigg Minor, \\\., s^id. Colquite. " " " ii., 478. Crofthole. Topographer atid Genealogist, i., 343. Lamayle. Maclean : Trigg Minor i., 438. Landren. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 346. Landulph. " " " i., 227. Lanowseynt. Maclean: Trigg Minor, \\., ^-j . Launcestonland. Notes and Gleatiings, v., 50. Lawytton, etc. Trevelyan Papers, i., 9, et passim. Leigh- Durant. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 226. Nether Helland. Maclean: Trigg Minor, \\., 19. Penmayne. " " " iii., 45, 49. Penpont. " " " ii., 126. Porpehan. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 344. Roscarrockvean. Maclean: Trigg Minor, '\., ej2g. Roscarrockmeur. " " " i., 525. Tintagel. " " " iii., 192, 268, 270. Trebigh. Knights Hospitallers, 15. Tressaret. Maclean : Trigg Minor, ii., 490. 40 English Mmiorial and Agrarian History, Cornwall — cotitinued. Tynten. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 345. Tywarnhayle. Maclean : Trigg Minor, iii., 84. Cumberland. Armethvvaite. Dugdale : Monasticon, iii., 272. Askerton, etc. Hutchinson, i., 98, et passim. Holm Cultram. Nicholson and Burn, ii., 185. Isell. Black Book of Hexham, 13. Penrith. Clarke, end. Renwick. Black Book of Hexham, 1 3. Derby. Appleby. Burton Chartulary, 30. Ashborne ? Gomme : Village Community, 44, Barrow. Knights Hospitallei's, 109. Bersicote (Brislingcote). Burton Chartulary, 24, 29. Cauldwell. Burton Chartulary, 29. Donisthorpe. Gomme : Village Community, 288. Finden. Burton Chartulary, 23, 28. Littleover. " " 22, 28. Mickleover. " " 22, 28. Portlock. " " 23. Stapenhill. " " 23, 29. Ticknall. " " 24, 29. Thaithwart. Yeatman, ii., part 4, 460. Willington. Burton Chartulary, 23, 28. Wingerworth. Yeatman, ii., part 4, 452, 460. VVinshill. Burton Chartulary, 24, 29. Wirksworth. Reliquary, xii., 125. Yeaveley. Knights Hospitallers, 43. Devon. Axminster. Oliver, 367. Aylesbear. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 43. Bothemescomb. Knights Hospitallers., 13. Braunton Abbots. Dymond. Dean. " Gorges. " Carswell. Oliver, 312. Christow. " 157. Chndleigh, etc. Trevelyan Papers, 12, et passim. Covvick. Oliver, 157. Hatherleigh. Western Antiquary, vii., 51. Hele. Hugo, 131. Topographical Index. 41 Devon — continued. Lundy. Collectanea Topographica, iv., 316, 318. Modbury. Oliver, 299. Okehampton. Bridges, 163. Otterton. Oliver, 254. Uplyme. Dugdale : Monasticon, \., 16. Whytford. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 223. Dorset. Ashmore, Watson, end. Buckland-Nevvton. Glasto?ua, 103; Dugdale: Monasticon, 16. Burton-in-Marnhull. " 96. Charlton-Marshall. Hutchins, iii., 144. Chilcombe. Knights Hospitallers, 105. Gillingham. Hutchins, iii., 222. Iwerne-Courtenay. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 47. Kingston. Knights Hospitallers, 10. Mayne. " " 10. Newton. Dugdale : Motiasticon, i., 16. Povington. Select Pleas, 14. Primesley. Hugo, 142. Shaftesbury. iV". and Q.for Somerset and Dorset, i., 201. Sturminster-Newton. Glastonia, 81, Toller-Fratrum. Knights Hospitallers, 105. Warnehall. Dugdale : Monasticon, i., 16. Waye. Knights Hospitallers, 11. Durham. Aucklands, The. Boldon Book, 23, 25, 26 ; Hatfield, 29, n, 200 ; Feodarium, 71, 177. Aycliffe. Durham Halmote, 35 ; Feodarium, 57, 320. Bedburn (North and South). Hatfield, 54, 57. Bellasis. Durha?n Halmote, see index. Benfieldside. Hatfield, 113. Bewlcy. Durham Halmote, see index. Biddick (UlkiU's and South). Boldon Book, 3, 6 ; Hatfield, 153. Biddick (North). Hatfield, 82. Billingham. Dtirham Halmote, Ji?*? index ; Feodarium, 40, 316. Binchester, Boldon Book, 37. Bishopley. Hatfield, 59. Blackwell. Boldon Book, 17 ; Hatfield, 11. Boldon. Boldon Book, 3 ; Hatfield, 98. Bromc. Hatfield, 1 18. Broomshields. Hatfield, 1 1 6. 42 English Manorial and Agrarian History. Durham — continued. Burdens, The. Boldon Booh, 6; Hatfield, 144; Dtirham Halmote, see index; Feodarintn, 45, 146, 318. Burnhope. Hatfield, 120. Butterwick. Boldon Book, 37. Byers. Hatfield, 43. Carlton, Boldon Book, 15 ; Hatfield, 177. Cassop. Hatfield, 150. Chester. Boldon Book, 3 ; Hatfield, 7 7. Chilton. Durham Hahnote, see index. Choppington. Boldo?t Book, 38. Cleadon. Boldori Book, 5 ; Hatfield, 102. Coatham. Hatfield, 6, 244. Cockerton. Boldon, Book 17 ; Hatfield, 14. Cornforth. " " 11; " 184. Cornsay. Hatfield, 121. Coundons, The. Boldon Book, 27; Hatfield, 41, 216. Cowpon. Durhavi Hahnote, i- 10 ; " 150? 229. Raintons, The. Durham Habnote, see index; Feodarium, 312. Redworth. Boldoti Book, 23; Hatfield, 25. Ricknall. U j^. 25, 249 Ryhope. " 6 ; 140. Ryton. « Z ; " 93- Whitburn. '' " 5; " i°2- Witton. Hatfield, 51. Witton (Gilbert). Boldon Book, 33. Wolsingham. " " 27 ; Hatfield, 60. Wolviston. Durham Halmote, j'.?^ index; Feodarium, 27, 315. Essex. Adulfsnasa (Walton, Kirkby, Thorp). Hale : Dom. S. PauVs, 38, 43, 48. Barling. Hale : Dom. S. PauPs, 64, 143, 161. Barrington's Fee. East Anglian, N. S., v., 188. Beauchamp. Hale: Dojn. S. PauVs, 27, 114, 118, 141, 160. Borley. Cunningham, i., 505 ; Cheyney. Boxted. Morant, ii., 626. Bradwell. Hall, 26. Chingford. Hale: Dom. S. PauVs, 85, 144, 161. Colne. Morant, ii., 210 n. Cressing. Knights Hospitallers, 168. Hadleigh. East Anglian, N. S., iv., 36. Hanningfield (East). Gentleman's Mag. Lib., xv., 133. Havering-atte-Bower. Ogborne, 109 n. Topographical Index. 45 Essex — continued. Heybridge. Hale : Dom. S. Paulas, 52, 162. Hutton. Battle Abbey, 9 1 . Maplestead. Knights Hospitallers, 87. Navestock. Hale : Dom. S. Paul's, 74, 144, 162. Norton. " " " 73, 143, 164. Runwell. •' " " 69, 143, 164. Stanesgate. Dugdale : Monasticon, v., 37, 39. Thoby. Suckling: Essex, z^^. Tidwolditun. Hale: Do7n. S. Paul's, 52, 142. Tillingham. " " " 58, 142. Wickham. " " " 33, 141- Wykes. Essex ArchcBol. Soc. Trafis., i., new series, 109. Gloucester. Abinghall. Maclean : Dene Magna, 200. Abload. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 164, 295. Aldsworth. " " iii., 184. Ampney. " " iii., 208. Barnwood. " " iii., 120. Barton (Abbot's)." " iii., 149. Barton (King's). " " iii., 67. Berkeley. Smyth: Berkeley MS S., iii., 16. Bicknor (English). Maclean: English Bicknor, 72; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc, xi., 269. Boxwell. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 97. Brockthorp. " " iii., 140. Buckland. " " iii., 61. Bulley. " " iii., 47. Cheltenham. Rogers : A. and P., iii., 739. Chipping Campden. Bartleet, 148, 153. Churcham. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 133. Cirencester. Fuller, 286, 296, 306, 312. Clifford. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 49. Coin St. Aldwyn's, Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 196. Coin Rogers. " " iii., 203. Cubberly. " " iii., 211. Dombleton. Abingdon Obedientiars, 153, 162. Duntsborne. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 192. Eastleach. " " iii., 187. Elmore. Maclean : Elmore, 53. Frocester. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 88. Guiting. " " iii., 65. 46 English Ma7ional and Agrarian History. Gloucester — coniitmed. Hartpury. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 77. Highnam. " " iii., no. Hinton. " ** iii., 55. Ledene. " " iii., 126. Maismore. " " iii., 170. Marston. Worcester Register, 97 b. Mitchel Dean. Maclean: Dene Magna, 200, 207. North) each. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 176. Painswick. Rudder, 593. Quenington. Kfiights Hospitallers, 28. Ridge. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 146. Ruardean. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans., viii., 124. Staunton. Maclean : Staunton, 238. Tockington. Maclean : Tockington, 128, 130. Hants. Aldershot. Baigent : Crondal, 98, 330. Anesty. Battle Abbey, 83. Baddesley. Knights Hospitallers, 21. Basingstoke. Baigent: Basingstoke, 173, 192, 200, 213. Bramshete. Baigent : Crondal, 95. Combe. Select Pleas, 34. Covenholte. Battle Abbey, 69. Crondal. Baigent: Crondal, 13, 43, 51, 84, 142, 159. Crookham. " " 105, 222. Dippenhall. " " 102, 203. Dodingtone. Ramsey Cartulary, 59. Easton. Abingdon Carttdary, ii., 306. Godsfield. Kfiights Hospitallers, 21. Hawley. Baigent: Ci'ondal, 95, 311. Hurstbourn. Stevens, 109. Itchel. Baigent: Ow?^'^^?/, 416, 424. Linkinholt. Gloucester Cartulary, iii., 41. Littleton. " " iii., 35. Run ham. Knights Hospitallers, 22. St. Cross. Rogers: A. and P., ii,, 648. Southwood. Baigent : Crondal, 97. Sutton. « " 75, 135, 359. Sutton Warblington." " 369. Swanthrop. " " 86, 210. Wychintone. Ramsey Cartulary, 54. YateJy. Baigent : Crondal, 91, 258. Topographical Index. 47 Hereford. Dinmore. Knights Hospitallers, 30. Garway. " " 196- Huntington. ArchcEol. Camb., i., 4th series, app. i. Up Leadon. Knights Hospitallers, 195. Hertford. Ardleigh. Hale: Dom. S. Paul's, 21, 140. Anstie. Cunningham, i., 516; Cussans, i., part 2, 56. Ayot (St. Lawrence). Cussans, ii., part 3, 233. Brent Pelham. Cussans, i., part 2, 135. Caddington. Hale: Dom, S. FauVs, 1, 140. Caldecote. Cussans, i., part 3, i 7. Essenden. Clutterbuck, ii., 127 n. Hadham (Little). Clutterbuck, iii., app. i., 611 •, Cussans, i., part 2, 188. Hatfield (Bishop's). " ii., app. v., 6. Hitchin. Clutterbuck, iii., 17 and end; Seebohm, frontispiece, 6, 26. Kellshull. " iii., app. ii., 615. Kensworth. Hale : Dom. S. FauPs^ 7, 140. Luffenhale. " " " 19* Hi- St. Albans. Clutterbuck, iii., end. Sandon. Hale : Dom. S. FauVs, 13, 141. Standon. Knights Hospitallers, 89. Stevenage. Clutterbuck, ii., vii., 14. Therfield. Ramsey Cartulary, 45. Totteridge. Clutterbuck, ii., app. viii., 15. Huntingdon. Ahvalton. Liber Niger, 160. Brington. Ramsey Cartulary, ii., 42. Broughton. " " \., no; Select Pleas, ^2. Bythorn. " " ii., 47. Ellington. " " ii., 23. Elton. " " iv 330 ; Select Picas, 90. Fletton. Liber Niger, 165. Gidding. Select Pleas, 97. Hemingford. " " 88 ; Ramsey Cartulary, i., 380; ii., 244. Holme. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 401 ; ii., 312. Houghton. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 363. Ripton (Abbot's). " " i., 320. " (Kings). " " I, T,c)'j ; Sciect Fleas, 10-]. St. Ives. " " i.,281. St. Neot's. Dugdalc : Monasticon, iii., 478. Stukeley. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 392 ; Select Picas, 96. 4S English Manorial and Agrarian History. Huntingdon — continued. Upvvood. Raffisey Cartulary, {., 340. Warboys. " " i., 305. Weston. " " ii., 35. Wistow. " " i., 351. Woodhurst. " " i., 281. Kent. Acholt. Battle Abbey, 121. Albring'. " " 106. Bocholte. " " 116, 120. Charles. Archceol. Caniiana, ix., 302. Cleperegg'. Battle Abbey, 106. Dengemarsh. " " 42. Eglingdenn'. " " 107. Greenwich (East). Drake's Hasted, 43. Iburmindenn'. Battle Abbey, \\\. Icheregg'. Kingswood. (West). " (East). Ocholte. Plerindenn'. Plimton. Reculver. C. R. Smith, 193. Roughehel. Archceol. Cantiana, ix., 302. Rumdenn'. Battle Abbey, 106. Seldis. " " no. Swingfield. Knights Hospitallers, 91. Wecchindenn'. Battle Abbey, 106, 114, 120. Wye. " " loi. Lancaster. Accrington. Three Lancash. documents, n ; De Lacy Compoti, i, 11, 88, 108. Ardwick. Harland : Mamecestre, ii., 280. Ashton-under-Lyne. Three Laficash. documents, 94. Barton. Harland: Mamecestre, {., 135. Blackbumshire. Whitaker : Whalley, \., 26^. Boode. Lancash. a?td Chesh. Hist. Soc. (1887), 167. Burnley. Three Lancash. documents, 9 ; De Lacy Compoti, 8, 10; Towneley refttal, i. Caton. Cockersand refital, 21. Cliviger. Three Lancash. documejits, 12; De Lacy Compoti, 12, 109. « (( 106. « <( 102, 122, 130. « « I05> 113' 121. u u no. (( u 109. (( ti iig. (( (I 119. Topographical Index. 49 Lancaster — continued. Clitheroe. Three La?icash. documents, 4 ; De Lacy Compoti, 12, 96, 109. Colne. " '' " 8 ; " " 3, 99. Crumpsall. Harland : Maf/iecesire, \\., 2d>i. Cuerdley. " " i., 135- Downham. Three Lancash. documents, 7 ; De Lacy Cofnpoti, 10, 107. Feelie Close. Towneley re?iial, 4. Forton. Fishwick : Garstang, i., 10; Cockersand rental, 17. Garstang. Fishwick: " i., 9 ; " " 15. Gorton. Harland: Mafnecestre, ii., 279, 281. Hapten. Towneley rental, 2. Haslingden. Three Lancash. documetits, 13; De Lacy Compoti, 4, 100. Heaton Norris. Harland: Mamecestre, i., 134; ii., 275, 283. Huncotes. Three Lancash. documents, 14. Hutton. Cocker sand rental, 8. Ightenhill. Three Lancash. documents, 10; De Lacy Co7npoti, J, ij ; Towneley rental, 3. Keniscough. Cockersand rental, 6. Leyland. " " 10. Manchester. Harland: Mamecestre, i., 132, ii., 274, 361, iii., 477, 514; Earwaker. Marsden (Great). Three Lancash. documents, 8. (Little). " " " 8 ; De Lacy Compoti, 9, 104. Orford. Beamont : Warrington roital, 116. Padiham. Three Laficash. docu7?iefits, 10 ; De Lacy Compoti, 8, 104. Pendleton. " " " 5,11; " " 7,102. Penwortham. " " " 21 ; " '•' 9, 105. Ribchester. T. C. Smith, frontispiece. Rossendale (Donockshey and Nutshaw). Towneley rental, 6. Rochdale. De Lacy Compoti, 6, loi ; Fishwick : /Rochdale, 286. Salford. Cockersand rental, i. Standen. Three Lancash. documents, 5 ; De Lacy Compoti, 41, 91. Tottington. De Lacy Compoti, 5, 100. Trawden. " " 20, 68. Warrington. Booth, 6 ; Beamont : Warrington. Widnes. Three Lancash. documents, 23 : De Lacy Compoti, 49, 62. VVigan. Bridgeman, ii., 237. Worston. Three Lancash. documents, 5 ; Dc Lacy Compoti, 7, 102. Wyersdalc (Nether). Fishwick: Garstang, \., z^-]. so English Manorial and Agrarian History. Leicester. Babgrave. G. T. Clark, 107. Barnsby. " " 105. Caldwell. " " 116. Croxton. " " 108. Dalby. Knights Hospitallers, d^)- Donisthorpe. Gomme : Village Community, 288. Eston. Liber Niger, 159; Walter of Whittlesey, 203. Gadesby. G. T. Clarke, 102. Grimeston. " ** 113. Kayham " " 118. Langton (Church). Hill : Langton, 22 *. Lutterworth. Archceol. yourn., xlviii. (1891), 191. Mardefield (North). G. T. Clark, 112. " (South). " " 109. Menton. G. T. Clark, 120. Rothley. " " ()g ; Knights Hospitallers, 1^6. Saxelby. " " 114, Somerdeby. " " iii. Stoughton. Hearne : Leicestershire, 95. Swinford. Knights Hospitallers, 108. Tylton. G. T. Clark, 109. Wartnaby. " " 115. Lincoln. Bardney. Dugdale : Monasticon, i., 638. Basingthorpe. Lincohishire N. and Q., i., 113. Boston. Allen, 217. Bruern. Knights Hospitallers, 154. Depyng. Dugdale : Monasticon, iv., 1 70. Eagle. Knights Hospitallers, 157. Ep worth. Reliquary, xxiii., 47. Fiskerton. Liber Niger, 164; Walter of Whittlesey, 208. Freiston. Thompson, 499. Gosberchirge. Liber Niger, 165. Hibbaldstow. Peacock : Hibbaldstow, 283. Kirkby Thorpe. Knights Hospitallers, 155. Maltby. " " 57. Rowston. " " ie4. Scaletorp. Liber Niger, 164. Scotter. « " 164; Walter of Whittlesey, 211; Peacock, 372. Skirbeck. Knights Hospitallers, 60. TopograpJiical Index. 51 Lincoln — continued. Turleby. Liber Niger, 160; Walter of Whittlesey, 214. Waddington. Lincolnshire N. and Q., iii., 80. Walcot. Walter of Whittlesey, 213. Middlesex. Bloomsbury. Clinch: Bloomsbury, 127. Bruses. Robinson: 7l'//^«/it?w?, 171, 187, frontispiece. Clerkenwell. Knights Hospitallers, 94. Dawbeneys. Robinson : Tottenham, frontispiece. Drayton. Hale : Dom. S. FauPs, 99, 145, 163. Ebury. Clinch : May/air, 8. Edgeware. Collectanea, i., part 4, frontispiece. Fulham. Faulkner: Fulham, 2^. Grosvenor Estate (including Ebury Clinch) : May/air, 164. Hampstead. Baines : Hampstead^Zi. Marylebone. Loftie, ii., 223. Edmonton. Robinson : Middlesex, end. Mockings. Robinson: Tottenham, \., 171, 187, frontispiece. Pembroke. Robinson: " 171, 187, frontispiece. Ruislip. Select Pleas, 8, 14, 15, 29, 38^ 39, 41, 43- Stepney. Stow, ii., book 4, 89 ; Loftie, ii., 149. Stoke Newington. Robinson : Stoke Newington, ii., frontispiece, 3 7- Sutton. Hale : Dojn. S. PauVs, 93, 144. Tottenham. Robinson: 7'^//'^«//a;«, i., 171, 187, frontispiece. Monmouth. Lamadok. Knights Hospitallers, 197. Norfolk. Brancaster. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 412. Botetourts Hall, Thompson. Crabbe, 67. Carbrook. Knights Hospitallers, 81. Cressingham (Great). Chandler. Downham. Ramsey Cartulary, \., 61. Erpingham (North) hundred. Rye : Erpingham. Ringstead. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 404. Runcton (North). East Anglian, N. S., iii., 41. Setchey (with Hard wick). East Anglian, N. S., iii., 41. Thompson. Crabbe, i., i, 15, 18, 22, 24. Togrynd. Knights Hospitallers, 166. Wcstwinch, East Anglian, JV. S., iii., 59. Wimbotsham. Ramsey Cartulary, i., 60. Wretham. Select Pleas, 12. 52 English Manorial and Agrarian History. Northampton. Aldwinkle. Liber Niger, i66. Barnwell. Ramsey Cartulary, 48, Burgbury. Walter of Whittlesey, 179. Castre. Liber Niger, 163; Walter of Whittlesey, 175. Cottingham. " " 159; Walter of Whittlesey, 196. Dingley. Knights Hospitallers, 66. Esctona. Liber Niger, 162; Walter of Whittlesey, 191. Eye. " " 165; " '' 187. Glinton. " "162; " " 182. Hetherington. Knights Hospitallers, 1 18. Irtlingborough. Liber Niger, 166; Walter of Whittlesey, 199. Kettering. " " 157; " " 194. Kingsthorpe. Kings thorpiaiia, 20, 38, 58, 84, 129, 136. Northburgh. Walter of Whittlesey, 201. Oundle. Liber Niger, 158. Peterborough. " " 161. Picheley. « " 161. Pilesgate. " " 158. Stanford. " " 165 ; Walter of Whittlesey, 216. Stanwigge. " " 166; " " 198. Thorpe. " "158; " " 175. Towcester. Northants Notes, iii. 120. Walton. Liber Niger, 165 ; Walter of Whittlesey, 185. Warmington. " " 160; '* " 192. Weedon Berks. Select Pleas, 11, 16, 21, 24, 32, 37, 40, 46. Witherington. Liber Niger, 161; Walter of Whittlesey, 184. Wormleighton, Northants Notes, {., 37. Yardley Hastings. Tracts. Northumberland. Acklington. Hartshorne, cxxx. Allerwasshe. Hexham Priory, ii., 24. Alnham. Hartshorne, cxxvii. Alston. Hexham Priory, ii., 19, 163. Alnwick. Hartshorne, cxxiii. Ancroft (formerly in Durham), Raine, 19. Anwick. Hexhatn Priory, ii., 3, 161. Bamburgh. Bateson, 119, 151, 152. Bedlington (formerly in Durham). Boldon Book, 38 ; Hatfield, 125. Belford. Bateson, 376. Bingfield. Hexham Priory, ii., 6, 162. Birling. Hartshorne, cxxx. Topographical Index. Northumberland — continued. Budle. Bateson, 182. Burton. " 292. Byeres. Hexham Priory, ii., 22. Byresfeld. " " ii., 43. Caldstrothre. " " ii., 36. Cambois (formerly in Durham). Boldon Book, 39. Carraw. Hexham Priory, ii., 15. Chatton. Hartshorne, cxxvii. Cheseburghe. Hexham Priory, ii., 52. Cheswick. Raine, 21. Chibbum. Knights Hospitallers, 52. Chollirton. Hexham Priory, ii., 30. Golden. " " ii., 34. Dalton. " " ii., 46, 163. Denvvick. Hartshorne, cxxv. Dotland. Hexham Priory, ii., 10, 162. Echwyk. " " ii., 44, 164. Elford. Bateson, 287. Ehvick. " 410; Raine, 20. Fenham (formerly in Durham). Raine, 20. Gosewick. " " "21. Grindon. *' " Boldon Book, 41. Raine, 19. Harbottle. Archaol. Aeliana, ii., 327. Hoghe. Hexham Priory, ii., 48. Houghton (Great). Hartshorne, cxxvi. Kirkheaton. Hexham Priory, ii., 36, 163. Lesbury. Hartshorne, cxxv. Lowlyn (formerly in Durham). Raine, 21. Lucker. Bateson, 234, 240. Milnburn (North). Hexham Priory, ii., 42. Nesbit. « " ii., 53. Newham. Bateson, 274. Newstead. " 256. Newton. Hartshorne, cxxxi. Newminster. Newminster Chariulary, 306. Norham (formerly in Durham). Boldon Book, 40 ; Raine, 1 7. Olmers. Hrxha?n Priory, ii., 25. Presdale. " " ii., 20. Rosse (formerly in Durham). Raine, 19. Rothbury. Hartshorne, cxxxi. Sandhoe. Hexham Priory, ii., 5, 161. 54 English Majwrial and Agrarian History. Northumberland — continued. Sclavcleye. Hexham Priory, ii., 27. Seton. " " ii., 42. Shoreston. Bateson, 315. Skremerston (formerly in Durham). Raine, 21. Sleckburne (formerly in Durham). Boldon Book, 38, 39. Snytr. Hartshorne, cxxii. Spindleston. Bateson, 182. Stannington. Hexham Priory, ii., 40. Stelling. " " ii., 54. Sunderland (North). Bateson, 315. Swinhoe. Bateson, 350 ; Hartshorne, cxxvi. Threpton. •' cxxi. Thornton (formerly in Durham). Boldon Book, 42 ; Raine, 20. Thornton (Temple). Hexham Priory, ii., 38 ; Creighton, 67. Tinmouth. Brand, ii., 594. Tuggal. Hartshorn, cxxvi. ; Bateson, 342, 350. Wallsend (formerly in Durham). Durham Halmote, see index. Warden. Hexham Priory, ii., 18, 25, 166. Whalton " " ii., 39. Willington (formerly in Durham). Dwham Halniote, see index ; Feo- dariiim, 306. Nottingham. Collingham. Liber Niger, 159 ; Walter of Whittlesey, 205. Ossington. Kftights Hospitallers, 54. Winkbourne. " " 114. Oxford. Ambrosden. Kennett, ii., 411. Aston and Cote. Williams, 472. Begbroke. Stapleton, end. Bicester. Blomfield, 7, 136; Dunkin, 215, 230, 234; Kennett, i., 565. Burncester-Bury-End. Kennett, ii., 185. Chalford. Mowat, maps 13. 14. Chesterton. Kennett, i., 450. Church Enstone. Marshall: Church Enstofie^ 31, 32. Clanefield. Knights Hospitallers, 26. Cottisford. Select Pleas, 22, 23, 28, 32, 37. Cowley. Mowat, maps 6, 7 ; Knights Hospitallers, 189. Crowmarsh. Battle Abbey, 85. Cuxham. Rogers : A. and P., ii. 617, 653 ; Mowat, map 8. Dean. Mowat, maps 9-12. Fritwell. Bloraefield : Fritwell, 7, 17. Topographical Index. 55 Oxford — continued. Headington. Kennett, i., 452. Kensington. Marshall : Woodstock, 42. Heyford (Lower). Mowat, maps 1-4. Holywell. Rogers : A. and F., i\., 666. Horspath. Knights Hospitallers, 190. Ibstone. Rogers : A. and F., ii., 656. Kidlington. Stapleton, end. Lewknor. Abingdon Obedientiars, 14S, 164. Merton. Knights Hospitallers, 190. Pidington. Kennett, ii., 135. Rewley Abbey. Stapleton, 214. Sandford Knights Hospitallers, 189. Sibford. " " 190- Souldern. Blomefield : Souldern, 12. Spellesbury. Jordan, 309. Swincombe. Select Fleas, 7, 27. Takeley. Rogers: A. and F., iii., 711. Weston. Abingdon Chronicon, ii., 305. Whitehill (near Tackley). Mowat, map 5. Wrechwyke. Kennett, ii., 85, 100. Wroxton. Mowat, maps 15, 16. Wroxton Park. " map 17 a. Yarnton. Stapleton, end. Rutland. Tinewell. Liber Niger, 158 ; Walter of Whittlesey, 202. Salop. Buraston. Hale : Reg. IVigorniensis, 9 a. Preen. Knights Hospitallers, 199. Staunton. " " 199. Wenlock. Dugdale : Monasticon, v., 77. Somerset. Ashcott. Glastonia, 152. Balstonborough. " 195. Batcombe. Dugdale : Monasticon, i., 13. Berrow. Glastonia, 44. Bleadon. Smirke, 201. Brent. Glastonia, 199 Buckland. Knights Hospitallers, 17. Butleigh. Glastonia, 7 : Dugdale : Monasticon, i., 13. Cannington. Hugo (Canyngton), 80. Cheriton? Knights Hospitallers, 188. Doulting. " 129; Estby. « 40. Glastonbury. " 118; ton, ii., 309. Godeneye, " 236; Hams, The. 28. High Hams. " 160 ; 56 English Manorial and Agrarian History. Somerset — cofiiiniied. Coker (West). Topographer and Genealogist^ '\., 150. Ditcheat. Glasto?iia^ 114; Dugdale : Monasticon,\., 14. i., 13. " " i., 10 ; Johan. Glas- i., 12. 1., 14. Load. Knights Hospitallers, 184. Lopen. Greenfield, 109 ; Knights Hospitallers, 184. Lympsham. Glastonia, 48 ; Johan. Glaston, ii., 331. Marksbury. " 200 ; Dugdale : Mojiasticon, i., 14 ; Johan. Glaston, ii., 355. Mells. Dugdale : Monasticon, i., 13. Melnes. Glastonia, 218. Mere. " 203; Dugdale: Monasticon, \., 11. Meriet. Greenfield, 108. Middlezoy. Glastonia, 18, 30. Monkton (West). Somerset Agric. and Nat. Hist. Soc, xviii., 120 ; Archbold, 348. Moorlinch. Hugo, 155. Mudford and Hinton. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 145. Myddelton. Dugdale : Monasticon, i., 14. Mynchin Barrow. Hugo (Mynchin), 54. Othery. Glastonia, 21. Pennard (East). " 125 ; Dugdale, Monasticon, i., 14. Pilton. " 208; " " i., 12. Pilton Park. " 237. Shapwick. " 148 ; Johan. Glaston, ii., 333. Southbrent. " 35. Sowy. " 170. Sowy Moors. " 33. Stoke-Courcy. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 152. Stratton. Greenfield, no. Street. Glastonia, 12. Swainsvvick. Peach, 6. Templecombe- Knights Hospitallers, 183. Walton. Glastonia, 156. Wellington. Humphreys, 43, 46. Westcombelond. Knights Hospitallers, 183. Topographical Index. 57 Somerset — continued. Weston. Dugdale : Monasticon, i., 1 2. Westsowy. Glastonia, 27. Westonzoyland. " 16. Wilton. Knights Hospitallers, 183. Wnfrod. " 235. Wookey. Holmes, 32, 41. Worle. Somerset Agric. and Nat. Hist. Soc, xxxi., 39. Wrington. Glastonia, 72 ; Dugdale, Monasticon, i., 12 ; Johan. Glas- ton, ii., 348. Stafford. Beddington. Burtofi Chartulary, 22, 28. Branson. " " 18, 25. Bromley-Abbots. " " 20, 26. Burton-upon-Trent, Burton Chartulary, 18 ; Shaw, i., app. i. Clent. Grazebrook, 25 ; Nash, ii., app. xiii., xvii. Darlaston. Burton Chartulary, 22, 28. Dodsleigh. " " 21. Dudley. Grazebrook, 25. Field. Burton Chartulary, 21, 27. Handsworth. Grazebrook, 31. Ham. Burton Chartulary, 21, 27. Leek. Reliquary, ix., 182. Leigh. Burton Chartulary, 21, 27. Mere. Grazebrook, 27, 31. Okeover. Burton Chartulary, 21, 27. Pillatonhall. " " 22, 28. Rolleston. Shaw, i., 29 ; Topographer and Genealogist, i., 347. Rowley. Grazebrook, 31. Sedgley. " 28, 32. Standon. Salt : Standon, 64, 83, 92. Stretton. Burton Chartulary, 19, 25, 30. Swinford. Grazebrook, 27. Tettenhall Regis. Smith : English Gilds, 432. Suffolk. Barrow. Gage, 16. Battisford. Knights Hospitallers, 84. Benacre. Suckling: Suffolk, W., 122. Bcnhall. Suffolk Records (1888), 14. Blakcnham. Select Pleas, 12. Chevington. Gage, 325. Coddenham. Knights Hospitallers, 84. 58 English UTanorial and Agrarian History. Suffolk — continued. Earl-Soham. East Anglian, ii. (1887-88), 215. Flixton. Suckling: Suffolk, \., 191. Hadleigh. Suffolk Arch. List., iii., 229. Hardwick. Gage, 482 ; Bury and W. Suffolk Arch. Inst. (185 1), 180. Hawsted. Cullum, 94 ; Gage, 440. Horninperth, Gage, 503. Mells. Knights Hospitallers, 85, Mutford. Suckling: Suffolk, \., 2"]!, Risby. Gage, 70. Saxham (LitUe). Gage, 138. Socton. East Anglian, iv., 3. Sotterley. Suckling: Suffolk, \. ^'j. Stutson. Co7nmonplace Book, 124, 128, 154. Temple in Dunwich. Suckling: Suffolk, i., 271. Thingoe hundred. Gage, xii. Surrey. Barnes. Hale: Dom. S. PauPs, 103, 144. Brodeham. Battle Abbey, 159. Chertsey Abbey. Brayley, ii., 1 74. Croydon. Anderson, end. Haling. Collectanea Topographica, iii., 3, 9. Limpsfield. Battle Abbey, 137. Prinkeham. " " 149. Tooting. Select Pleas, 12, 26, 28, 29. Vauxhall. Tansvvell, t^t,. Wimbledon. Wimbledon. Sussex Alsiston. Battle Abbey, 26. Alnrichton. " " 2,2>- Appledrum. " " 53. Battle. Wolcott, 72. Bernehorne. Battle Abbey, 1 7. Blechintum. " " 37. Bixley. Battle Abbey, 24. Bocholt. " " 38. Bosham. Smyth : Bosham, 264. Brembr'. Battle Abbey, 41. Clopham. " " 33. Linderle. Battle Abbey, 40. Lullinton. '' " 33. Mailing (South). Sussex Arch. Coll., xxi., 188. Topographical Index. 59 Sussex — continued. Marley. Battle Abbey, 3. Midhurst. W. D. Cooper, 4. Otteham. G. M. Cooper, 172. Poling. Knights Hospitallers, 24. Preston. Select Pleas, 26, 33. Rammescornbe, Sussex Arch. Coll., xxi., 188. Rustington. Cunningham, i., 515. Sliipley. Knights Hospitallers, 175. Shoreham. Battle Abbey, 41. Sirmtun. Battle Abbey, 40. Sternerse. " " 39. Stonham. Sussex Arch. Coll., xxi., 188. Tarring with Marlpost. Siissex Arch. Coll., xxxviii. (1892), 148, 152. Teletun. Battle Abbey, 32. Wyke. " " 48. War-wick. Atherstone. Select Pleas, 25, 40. Anstrey. Burton Chartulary, 24, 30. Balshall. Knights Hospitallers, 179. Clopton Estate. Halliwell-Phillips, ii., 279. Grafton. Knights Hospitallers, 41. Sutton Coldfield. Dugdale : Warwickshire, ii., 911 (also in Sutton Coldfield, 36). Welcombe. Ingleby. (Cf. also Halliwell-Phillips, i., 250.) Wilts. Aldbourne. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Mag., xxiii. (1887), 261. Allington. Dugdale : Monasticon, v., 28. Alton Barnes. Rogers: A. and P., iii,, 705, 710. Ambresbury. Hoare, ii. (hund. of Ambresbury), 193. Anesty. Knights Hospitallers, 7. Ashton. Select Pleas, 183. Avon. Malmesbury Register, i., 168. Badbury. Glastonia, 57; Dugdale: Monasticon, i., 18. Berwick St. James. Hoare, ii. (hund. of Bench and Dole); 25. Blackland. Malmesbury Register, \., 190. Brcmhill. Malmesbury Register, \., 162. Brokenborough. " " i., 182. Bromeham. Battle Abbey, 72. Burton. Malmesbury Register, i., 176. Castle Combe. Scrope, 146, 159, 203, 233, 250, 252, 323. 6o English Manorial and Agrarian History. Wilts — continued. Charlton. Malmesbury Register^ i., 154. Chehvorth. " " i., 146. Chippenham. Gomme : Village Community., 172; Dugdale : Mofias- ticon, V. 28. Christmalford. Dugdale : Monasticon, i. 17. Cleaverton. Mahnesbury Register, i., 184. Clotley. « '' i., 150. Cole Park. « " i., 1 74. Colerne. « " i., 190. Corstone. '< " i., 174. Corton. Topographer and Genealogist, i., 56. J Crudwell. Malmesbury Register., i., 144. ' Damerham. Glastonia, 108; Dugdale: Mo?iasticon, i., 18; Hoare, iii. (hund. of S. Damerham), 40. Deverhill-Longbridge. Glastonia, 133; Dugdale, Monasticon, i., 18. Deverill, Select Pleas, 13. Eastcourt. Malmesbury Register, i., 146. Ewen. " " i., 140, Farleigh. Dugdale : Monasticon, v., 28. Foxham. Malmesbury Register, i., i66. Fulinge. " " i., 156. Grittleton. Glastonia, 64 ; Dugdale : Monasticon, \., 1 7. Hangre. Malmesbury Register, i., 164. Hankerton. " " i., 148. Haselholte. '' " i., 162. Hidling. " " i., 170. Idmiston. Glastonia, 165; Dugdale: Monasticon, \., 19; Hoare, v. (hund. of Alderbury), 67. Kemble. Malmesbury Register, i., 138. Kynegareshey. '* " i., 184. Kyngtonne. Dugdale: Monasticon, i., 17. Lockeridge. Knights Hospitallers, 187. Malmesbury commons. Gomme • Village Community, 188. Monkton (East). Dugdale : Afonasticon, i., 18. " (West). Glastonia, t^"] ; Dugdale: Monasticon,!., 18. Morcote. Malmesbury Register, i., 146. Nettleton. Glastonia, 68; Dugdale: Monasticon, i., 17. Newnton. Malmesbury Register, i., 180. Norton. " " i., 178. Ogboume. Select Pleas, 9, 19, 36, 47. Pur ton. Malmesbury Register, i., 158. Topographical Index. 6i Wilts — continued. Schorteway. Malmesbury Register, i., 148. Shrewton. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Mag., xxiii. (1887), 33. Slaughterford. Dugdale : Mofiasticon, v., 28. Speercul. Malmesbury Register, i., 164. Sutton. " " i., 170- Temple Rockley. Ktiights Hospitallers. 187. Thornhill. Dugdale : Monasticon, v. 28. Upton Scudamore. Hoare, iii. (hund. of Warminster), 62. Whonvelsdown hundred. Select Fleas, 1 78. Wike. Mabnesbitry Register, i., 162. Winterbourne. " " i., 138 ; Glastonia, 61 ; Hoare, ii. (hund. of Ambresbury), 193; Dugdale: Monasticon^ \. 18. Ykemere. Malmesbury Register, i., 148. Worcester. Bewdley. Nash, ii., 282. Blackwell. Hale • Reg. Wigorniensis, 64 b, 94 a. Broadwas. " " " 31 b. Bromesgrove. " " " 82 a. Charlton. " " " 71 a. Cleeve-Prior. " " " 85 b. Cradley. Grazebrook, 26. Cropthorn. Hale : Reg. Wigorniensis, 69 b. Crowle. " " " 55 b. Cutsdean. " " " 103 a. Dodenham. " " " 20 b. Eardiston (Alvestune). Hale : Reg. Wigorniensis, 80 b. Fepstone. " " " 57 a. Grimley " " " 41 a. Hales-Owen. Nash, !., 513. Hallow. Hale ; Reg. Wigorniensis, 47 a. Harrington. " " " 60 a. Himbleton " " " 55 b Hincwik. " " " 52 a. Horsley. " " " 93 b. Iccomb. " " " 104 a. Lindridge. " " " lob. Lippard. " " " 53 a. Moore. " " " 16 b. Ncthcrton. " " " 7^ b. Newnham. " " " 12 a. Norton. " " " 89 b. ^2 English Manorial and Agrarian History. ,J "Worcester — continued. Overbury. Hale : Reg. Wigorniensis, 74 a. Pensex. " " " 19 a. Sedgeberrow. " " " 59 a. Shipston. " " « 68 a. Stoke. " " « 99 b. Tibberton. " " " 54 b. Tidintun. " " « 82 a. Upton. « « " 93 b. Weoley. Grazebrook, 26, Wich. Hale : Reg. Wigorniensis, 35 a. Wolverley. " '•' " 92 a. Woodhall. " " " 34 b. York. Manors throughout county. York Rec. Series, xii. Almonbury. Walker, 19; York Archceol. Journ., vi., 431. Alvesthorp. Knights Hospitallers , 141. Askwith. York County Mag. (1892), 236. Auburn. Boulter, 72. Ayresdale cum Harden. Rievaulx Cliartulary, 326. Bergh (Great). Hexham Priory, ii., 79. " (Little). " " ii., 80. Beverley. Knights Hospitallers, 49. Bilsdale. Rievaulx Chartulary, 314. Bradford. James, 60, 81, 85, 114. Brawby. Hexham Priory, ii., 77. Broughton (Great). Hexham Priory, ii., 67. (Little). " " ii., 65. Brunham. Dugdale : Monasticon, iv., 280. Burniston. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 752. Clifford. York County Mag. (1892), 234. Cowton. Knights Hospitallers, 135. Dales. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 748. Denton. York County Mag. (1892), 236. Dunsley. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 734. Edston. Hexha7ji Priory, ii., 78. Elmswell. Best, Eskedaleside. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 743. Everley. " " ii., 751. Fingall, York Archceol. yourn., x., 415. Flaxton. Hexham Priory, ii., 80. Fyling. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 737. Topographical Index. 63 York — continued. Fyling Rawe. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 739. Gargrave. Whitaker: Craven, 64. Hackness. W/uilyy Chartulary, ii., 365, 746. Hardwood-dale. " " ii., 749- Hawkser. " " iiv 729- Heminbrough. Burton : Heminbrough, app., 390. Holme. Whitaker: Craven, iQ\. Hunmanby. Boulter, 69, 81. Hutton. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 754. Ingleby. Hexham Priory, ii., 69. Kirkby in Cleveland. Hexhajn Priory, ii., 70. Lund. Rievaulx Chartulary, 325. Millington. Hexham Priory, ii., 81. Mount St. John. Knights Hospitallers, 47. Muston. Boulter, 69. Nafferton. " 76, Newholm. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 733. Newland. Knights Hospitallers, 45. Newsorae. York County Magazine (1892), 234. Normanby. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 738. Rievaulx. Rievaulx Chartulary, 310. Rigton. York Coufity Mag. (1892), 236. Ruswarp. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 736. Salton. Hexham Priory, ii., 72, 83, 143. Selby Waterhouses. Burton : Heminbrough, app., 401. Settrington. Boulter, 74. Silpho. Whitby Chartulary^ ii., 748. Skipton. Whitaker : Craven^ 300. Stainton. Knights Plospitallers, 113. Stainsiker. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 728. Staxby. " " ii., 73 1- Stirton and Thorleby. Whitaker : Craven, 301. Suffield. Whitby Chartulary., Ii., 750. Temple Newsom. York Archceol. Journ., iv., 159; x., 411. Thwaite. York County Mag. (1892), 234. Thorp. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 740. Towston. York County Mag. (1892), 234. Wclbnrn. Rin>aulx Chartulary, 320. Whitby. Whitby Chartulary, ii., 720. Wighill. Chctwynd-Stapylton, 385. 0'4 English Manorial and Agrarian History, Anglesey. Manors throughout county. Caernarvon, 44. Beaumaris. Original Docs., xviii. Berw. Berw and the Hollands. Caernarvon. Manors throughout county. Caernarvon, i. Bangor. Caernarvon, 92, 231. ■ Denbigh. * Manors of Bromfield and Yale lordship. Original Docs., cxi., cxcL Abenbury. Palmer : Wrexham, frontispiece. '\ Acton. Palmer: *' frontispiece. Erbistock. Palmer : Ancient Field System, frontispiece. i Stansty. Palmer : Wrexhatn, frontispiece. Wrexham. Original Docs., cxxxv., cy.xyji\.; Palmer: Wrexham, iron- tispiece. Glamorgan. Clase and Landewy. Gower afid Kilvey, 191. Gower Anglicana. Gower and Kilvey, 97, 114. Kaegurwen. " " 177. Landymore. " " 157- Laniltwit. Archceol. yourn., xxviii., 312. Llanblethian. Corbett, 70. Lllanrhidian. Gower and Kilvey, 159. Millwood. Nicholaston. Oxwich. Pennard. Penrice. Priorston. Merionethshire. Manors throughout county. Caernarvon, 261. Ardudo. Archceol. Catnb., xiii., 3d series, 189. Estumaner. " " " " 186. Penthlyn. " " " " 184. Talbunt. *' *' « " 184. Pembroke. Kemeys. Baronia de Kemeys, 43, in. Haverfordwest. Archceol. Camb., xi., 4th series, 168. Pill. '' " " " 168. Slebech. Archceol. Camb., xi., 4th series, 1 64. Knights Hospitallers, 34. St. Dogmaels (Moylgrove, Nefarn, Newport). ArchcBol. Camb.., xii., 3d series, 337. (( K 165, 287, IC (( 223. i( li 125. it <( 305- It (( 235- tt (( 197, 203. Topographical Index. 65 Radnor. Glasbury. Gloucester Cartulary^ iii., ^t^. Scotland. Aldcambus. Coldi?ig/ui7n, xcix. Aldengraue. (( xciii. Aymouth u c. Ayton (Inferior) (C xci. Ayton (Superior) « xc. Coldingham. i( xciv. Ederham. tl bcxxix. Eslummesden. << xc. Estreston. (( xcvii. Fissenyk. u Ixxxvii. Flemington. il xcii. Lambirtons, The. u ci., cii. Lauder. Gomme : Village Community, 148 Paxton. Coldingl lam, Ixxxviii. Rayington. a xciii. Swinton. (( Ixxxv. Swynwodbernes. (( xcviii. Weslummesden. k( xci. Westrenigton. (> xcviii. :Ul UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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