Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/collectionofmastOOdavirich . 13 ^ \l f\ A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR THESE letters were written for many men of many minds — advertisers with different needs or notions. Hence the literary style or word treatment of the letters is "as changing as the sands of the sea." So I sincerely believe that each letter in this portfolio has something in it for you. My suggestion would be that you make your own collation of the Sentences and Paragraphs you like or that are specially adapted to your purposes. Then put them all in a scrap book or card index system. They should be numbered, indexed and classified, so that you can always find the thing you're looking for. Pay no attention to the subjects. Get the meat of the salesmanship out of this material and blend it into your own selling story. You can do it in a thousand instances. But you can't do it in a minute — take your time and read this collection of letters slowly, methodically, at odd times — a little each day. Mark it up as you go along, just as you would a book. After a thorough reading of the whole portfolio, you can make the Classified Collation of Sentences and Paragraphs. This will prove the handiest, "usefulest" and most profitable thing that you ever kept on your desk. Get the dollars out of this collection! Others have! You can! There is a Strong Young Giant just awakening into life! It is Direct Publicity — advertising by mail. This is the Future Great Foundation of all Big Business. You won't go wrong to study it intensely. ^5^^ .,,, ,,„,.,. ... ,... i .,, : . ... ,, . .. D 7> n* L I . ■ ,. . UI'IJ :■< ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ !!' ■■■'■ ' "" ■ ■ ,lllllll! ■ ■ INDEX THE COLLECTION OF MASTER BUSINESS LETTERS BY AD-MAN DAVISON. Subjects Numbers Subjects Numbers 82 36 23 26 Accounting 37 Automobiles 81 Auto Specialties 32 Bank Supplies 79- 80 Books 1- 18 Business College 19 Cleaner 21- Coal and Wood 24- Coffee 29 Collections (From Debtors) 160-167 Collections (From Debtors Where Payment Was Extended) 198-203 Collections (Soliciting) 27- 28 Credit 77 Dancing School 76 Farm Implements 40 Farm Paper 52 Fire Extinguisher 53 Fire Insurance 54 Flavoring Extracts 59 Flour 60 Fountain Pens 20 Furs 65 General Merchandise 66 Gift Store 39 Ginger Letters to Salesmen 83-102 Gum Labels 70 Hay 71 Health Appliance 72- 74 Health — A Sermonette 38 Ice 75 Ledger 137-139 78 45 58 64 68 Letter to Employees 30- 31 Lists of Agents' Names 69 Machine Works 103-104 Men ' s Clothes 110-125 Millinery 133 Music Lending Library 134-136 Orchard Spray 168-170 Paint 184-197 Paper 171-172 Paper Boxes 173-174 Pleasure Resort 175 Plumbing 176 Polishing Cloth 177 Pool Board 178 Printing and Business Literature 141-159 Printing Ink 179-181 Raincoats 182-183 Real Estate and Land 126-132 Repeat Orders (Soliciting) 140 Roofing Slate 204 Safety Clock 205 Salesmen Wanted 105-109 Shoes 206-207 Sick Room Device 208-209 Signs 210 Ticket Seller 46- 51 Typewriter Supplies 211-213 Typometer 214 Wall Paper 215 Water Filtration 216 Wheat 217 SUPPLEMENTARY SET OF SPECIAL MAIL ORDER LETTERS . Subjects Numbers Mail Order School 218-223 Oil Investments 224-229 Fat Reducer 230-233 Men's Doctor 234 Tuberculosis Cure 235-236 Pyorrhea Cure 237-238 Flesh Builder 239-240 Beverages 241-250 uniilitiiimniilliiilimnilimii..: ,,,, I ,. 5 1 DON'T— MISS— IT— FOR— A— MILLION! ! Dear Mr, I've a little book that means WORLDS to you! It means more, much more, than you ever dreamed a little book COULD! It has within its pages the most startling, wonderful, practical and powerful prescription for Success ever written down by the hand of mortal man! This small volume has actually changed the course of many men's lives. AND YOU CAN READ IT IN AN HOUR! That one short hour will mean more to you than any YEAR of your life thus far! Please don't think I'm exaggerating just to interest you in it. I'm telling you the plain, unvarnished truth. Now, because of its almost unbelievable INFLUENCE upon the life of every man who reads it — its magical effect upon his immediate prospects and plans, it is called "T-H-E S-T-0-R-Y" Listen, my friends — let me sincerely say that every day you delay reading it you are MISSING AND HEEDLESSLY PASSING BY something you've probably sought for years — sought, looked, longed for, envied and admired in OTHERS — something that would give you THE GIFT OF GETABILITY — that Power of Accomplishment, of Cashing In on Your Abilities, of Governing Yourself and the Other Man, of Turning Dreams into Realities, of Changing Hope to HAVE, Maybe to MUST — and Uncertainty, Hesitancy, Delay and Fear into POSITIVE, VIGOROUS, UNAFRAID, SUCCESSFUL ACTION! "The Story" really TELLS HOW in clear, clean-cut, heart-to-heart style that DRIVES THE BIG THOUGHT CLEAN HOME!* I KNOW you'll be profoundly glad I wrote you, profoundly glad you "Listened" to me and sent for this book, grateful that you drank in its every word AND MADE IT A NEW PART OF YOU! It will give you Fresh Strength, Firmer Purpose for all the things of life — new, real vigor of mind and spirit; a Higher, Clearer, Surer, More Buoyant and Bounding Belief in Yourself that will STAY WITH YOU FOREVER. The book costs $2. It's worth $200,000. By the way — pretty expensive reading, that— $2 for ONE HOUR— BUT BURN THIS IN YOUR MIND: It MIGHT be a blamed-sight more expensive NOT to read it. NOT to read it may cost you MANY THOUSANDS!! Think it over. I'll be $2 richer if you write today and put that amount in the envelope, BUT AT THE END OF A YEAR YOU'LL LOOK BACK AND SAY THAT $2 WAS THE MOST MIRACULOUSLY MULTIPLYING MONEY YOU EVER PARTED WITH IN YOUR LIFE ! ! For "The Story" is a miracle-book that BUILDS NEW BACKBONES AND BIGGER BANK ACCOUNTS . It will pay Huge Dividends to You and You Alone! SEND for it — don't miss it for a Million! S-E-N-D T-0-D-A-Y! Yours sincerely, ■ . ■'■;'; ;.;,.-. ■:.; ■• ,,..■ jUliltii!itt;ii!tiiii:iitilliii! ni:t'iil itmtliimtiMi ittrtirjri KiiitmiMiitMiririii' ir.in !\':\i' rwi i i i i i:inimi:t:iiii;, FOR TWO DOLLARS I PROMISE YOU TODAY THE VERY BEST YEAR'S READING YOU EVER BOUGHT IN YOUR LIFE ! ! Dear Friend: THIS may be real news to you: is an illus- trated weekly for ALL THE FAMILY father, mother, sister, brother. You DID know, perhaps, of its peerless record as the cleanest and most wholesome periodical of American life, representing the best in fiction, in fact and in current comment. Its many thousands of constant readers have found that in all this broad land there is no more entertaining, edifying, enthusing weekly. YES ! YES ! ! MOST CERTAINLY YOU SHOULD HAVE coming into your home every week from this day forth! It covers every phase of the busy life of now-a-day. It is so inspiring; it is so refreshing! It is so helpful, diverting, instructive! It is INTENSELY CLEAN and Scrupulously Free from the literary abandon of many present-day periodicals. Your beloved son or daughter can enjoy it to the fullest extent-it is SAFE AND SWEET AND SANE ! It has special pages that sparkle with interest for every member of the family. It is an all-thrcugh-the-household-all-the- year-» round paper THAT EARNS ITS SUBSCRIPTION PRICE A THOUSAND TIMES! It becomes indispensable 'round the reading table warmly welcomed by all ! Right at this moment there's a most splendid inducement for you to send in your 1914 subscription! Look at the Accumulative Offer on the back of the enclosed circular it means that you get a good deal more than a year's subscription if you act at once ! It's seriously WORTH YOUR WHILE to decide today. The is really too enjoyable for you and your dear ones to do without, for the sake of $2. Beside its many other attrac- tions, those valuable Health Articles and Splendid Household Recipes alone would be worth the price. Write your name and address at the bottom of circular, detach, and send to me with $2 today. Do this for the Family's enjoyment for your own ! You know THEY'LL benefit by it. So will YOU! It will add to the radiance and charm of the home atmosphere. It's really a fine and thoughtful thing to do. DECIDE AT ONCE let that good deed go forth in tonight's mail. Cordially yours, 3 I YOU'LL BE ANOTHER MAN FROM THE MOMENT YOU READ IT ! ! Dear Sir: Maybe that's a strong thing to say! Maybe it isn't; maybe I'm putting it DEAD STRAIGHT: "You'll be ANOTHER MAN!" You're no different from the rest the men of the hour; live, alert, resourceful, up-and-doing, success-craving; determined to ACCOMPLISH MORE TODAY THAN THSY DID YESTERDAY! You are no different, I say. If YOU, too, read — it will light within your breast the Fires of New Ambition, just as it has done with every other man. No, it isn't a long-drawn-out, lily-livered, high-browed treat- ise on Success, or a lot of canned, theoretical, wishy-washy optimism. It's only a little bit of a book, but it holds a GREAT BIG, GLORIOUS, GRIPPING, FLESH- AND-BLOOD C-O-M-M-A-N-D THAT CARRIES VIRILE CONVICTION! You can read it in SIXTY MINUTES, but in that sixty-minute session you get a Fateful, Glowing Message that STRIKES FIRE and STARTS SOMETHING ! No such thing as the has ever before been put into words! It is wonderfully startling and startlingly wonderful. It contains the Unexpected, the Unthought-of , the Undreamed-of! Lords of Finance, Captains of Industry, Big Men who are Towers of Strength in the Commercial World, have read this bit of a book and it actually jarred them into Fresh Activities and Broader Accomplishment. Do you mean to tell me it wouldn't do the same thing for you? THE SURPRISE, THE STING OF IT, GIVE YOU A STRONG SHOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, A BOOST TOWARD THE BIG GOAL. Ah! it "moves in wondrous ways its miracles to perform!" "You'll be another man from the moment you read it!" Your family, your friends, your business associates will notice it ! They are BOUND to see a big change in you! 0, yes, there are a thousand tons of Mesmerism to the square inch in i You'll be HYPNOTIZED INTO HIGHER PRODUCTIVE- NESS, WITH BRISTLING PURPOSE RADIATING FROM EVERYTHING YOU DO ! And, mark this mark it well: A YEAR HENCE YOU'LL HAVE A GREATER INCOME AND HEALTHIER STORE OF OTHER THINGS WORTH WHILE ! YOU'LL HAVE GAINED MORE GROUND THAN IN ANY OTHER YEAR OF YOUR LIFE! Strong words, yes, but THE BOOK ITSELF WILL BE PROOF POSITIVE ! It costs a Dollar, whether bought in Hackensack or Halifax. But you're playing safe your dollar has a STRING to it. IT ISN'T MINE UNTIL YOU SAY SO. You get it back if you're willing to give back the book. Get your order in the mail. Don't let anything or anybody stop you. Fate lurks at the Letterbox. Fortune waits 'round the corner. Who knows? The Dollar you send may prove the Dollar of Destiny the Luckiest you ever let go! And it's all at MY risk, anyway why hesitate or hem and haw? ISN'T THIS LETTER MY LEGAL PROMISE TO PAY BACK INSTANTLY? Yours truly, '"■'■■ : ■■ ■ i ■ ■ ■■ . ■ . ■ i;l '■ : ''■■' ,. . 'I ... ... ., .1 . ■ ■... TWO WONDERFUL BOOKS, BRIM FULL OF FRESH IDEAS ! BOOKS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW, THAT WILL SAVE YOU LOADS OF TIME AND LOTS OF MONEY ! My dear Sir: Good Ideas are as elusive as they're costly. You know that. I'm dead-sure you do, if you're an advertising man, sales- manager, printer, publisher, lithographer or engraver. And good ideas, Sirrah, are mighty CASHABLE, by the way! You know THAT, too. I've a rich, rare treat for YOU I A veritable Storehouse of Stun- ning New Ideas in Illustrating and Printing sparkling color schemes, unique and attractive productions of high-skilled artists, handsomely paid illustrators, talented typographers men of brains and daring originality! I've two fine, big books that are published monthly. One is called The other, You will find them brim-full of good things every month uncom- mon, striking designs, high-art photo-engraving, electro- typing, lithography, typography. Then there are specimens galore of New Papers, New Covers and New Papeterie Wrinkles of every imaginable kind, milord. 0, the cleverest, catchiest stuff you ever saw! They're meaty with myriads of magnificent ideas, and what's more, I'M GOING TO SEND YOU SAMPLES OF BOTH OF THESE ELEGANT BOOKS ABSOLUTELY FREE! You can just mail me the enclosed card right away, and they'll be sent you without the slightest obligation on your part. After you see them, if you just can't resist the idea of having them monthly, the subscription is $3.50 for 24 numbers. If you SHOULDN'T want them, keep the two copies with my compliments. I want you to see them immediately and get a glimpse of the glories within ! Not in all America will you find two monthly publications like these ! Hundreds of prominent ad-men, printers, and people in allied businesses the country over, get these wonderful books every month and take advantage of their rich and abundant supply of New Ideas. Don't let another day go by without Grabbing this Great Chance! and will pay you 1000% on the investment at every blessed issue. LET THAT CARD COME FORWARD RIGHT AWAY, MISTER! It won't cost you a copper, mind and, by the way, it's a mighty happy thought to 'tend to it RIGHT THIS MINUTE! Yours very truly, My dear Sir: I'm glad to send you under separate cover and LISTEN! You'll find four articles in ALONE really worth more than the entire year's subscription to both of these Idea-giving Periodicals ! The first is , by , who is a Past-Master in Tempting Typography; Professor of Printed Persuasion. 0, this Chap is a type-wizard ! His clever curves are worth your while ! Grab THIS article and read it first thing it's worth great, round, glittering dollars to you! Then straightway absorb that splendid on page 349. John's friend, , wrote it. , besides being a "photographer for art publishers, printers and adver- tisers," is a rare genius, and yet, strange to say, not a poor business man at that ! His work will interest you. , page 365, is seriously valuable to the adver- tiser, or the cut or catalogue maker. Easy enough to learn to put 1,000% more efficiency into a catalogue if now and then you get a flash of something like this! You'll say the lay-out is mighty clean-cut , sir! Then back on page 341 you'll find 's inspiring mes- sage for . Here's rich thought-food for the Printer With A Small Shop. Here's a NEW PLACE for him with Bigger Possi- bilities a Broader Sphere of Activity that has been WAITING FOR HIM ALL ALONG ! But these are only four features of the Glorious Big Show! A glittering galaxy of other attractions is there to greet you breezy, brisk, business-breeding things bound to inject Brand New Gumption into your business literature. Why, it's simply one continuous performance of scintillating suggestions for alert folk who are as good at ADAPTING as they are at originating which, you'll agree, is a nifty little knack all in itself. THINK! These two books-ful of Grand, Good Things, every month for a whole year, $3.50, postage included! And, just to show you my heart's right, if you ACT TO-DAY, I'll make your subscription THIRTEEN MONTHS instead of twelve note enclosed special offer. THIS isn't a doubtful investment; it strikes right at the heart of your business; you can't afford to turn your back upon it. JUST GRAB YOUR PEN AND HAVE IT OVER WITH, THEN (There's a whole Drove of dollars in it for you!) Yours sincerely, 11'tnwiliiimirjiiiumiiiH.riiwinMi.Niiiiii niiiiiiiimmmijiiimi l(l|g|UlllliMillimilHlliMnitmiiiiiiiiiii«.iiM:i!iiimiiiiiM(mmiiiiiiiiiiimti'iNiiiii rum imtr i:iiimhiiiiiiimii:miiii 1:1 iiiriiimiiHitmitiiinMiiiiiii-iiiiniH iiiii[i.iiiiiiiiiHimii|i!iMii:ii>:iriiiimttimillitmmi intmnotiimi ■-■-■■ ■ lummmniitiNtiiMimniflinttniMtHtMnfMfl MilHHIlnH'1! i::i-n;ii i I Hlllhl.liHllfUlllli/IUnilll A BRILLIANT NEW PROGRAMME OF BIG SURPRISES IN 1914 AND ! ! Dear Mr a This is to gently warn you that your subscriptions are just ex- piring AND YOU MUSTN'T LET THEM! You'd — be — missing — the — treat — of — your — life ! For the Publishers of and the have a whole flock of Fresh Innovations up their sleeves ; things with the Thrill of Unexpectedness in them; Stunts in Type-craft and Skits in Color, Photo-Engraving, Electrotyping and Lithography, THAT WILL ADD A KEEN NEW ZEST AND EUOYANT RELISH TO YOUR APPRE- CIATION OF THESE WELCOME MONTHLY VISITORS ! Each of these Splendid Magazines will carry Broader Inspiration and Bigger Helpfulness with every succeeding issue in 1914. DON ' T — EVEN — THINK — OF — MISSING— A — SINGLE — NUMBER ! They represent a Moving Picture Show of Myriad Smart Suggestions to the fellow who MUST keep down-to-now in his line of work! They are worth $99 a minute as IDEA INCUBATORS ! They Generate Brand New Ginger at the rate of a thousand pounds to the square inch! Don't short-circuit this Line of Live Vibrations LET 'EM KEEP COMING! You MIGHT afford to do without OTHER periodicals you're taking, but NOT THESE, NOT THESE! Now-a-days, when every branch of Endeavor is crowded-to-the-guards with Competition, a fellow needs all the ideas he can grab hold of ! And just let this Little Tip seep into your System, Sir: You're going to get a Grander Value for your money this year a more Magnificent Feast of Good Things than ever you fed your Observ- ing Mind ! ANOTHER THING: The Publishers, charge $4 my price to you is $3.50, provided, of course, your kind-faced check accompanies your order for renewal. STILL another thing: You might prefer to renew for alone ; if so, send me $2.75. Or, you might want simply the that would be $1. But the two together are what you shouldn't be without. The price is a Pittance compared to their Profit Possibilities to you. AGREED? Then, let's reach for the check-book and have it over with. Dip your pen in the Ink of Wisdom and make that Renewal Remittance payable to Yours sincerely, '^'""""""•ll'IIIJIIHINrlllllllllllMIIIIIlltlllltirltliltlltllHiltMUllil IIIMMIllllllilllllllllMHIIllllM'llliTlimiNillMI INHIMl;! IIIIHllltlllllllllKII.'lliril IIIINIIIIIIMIItllthlllllltlllltlllliinilNlllllIllllllilllllllllillliltlllllllllllilllll!:! :ilNIIII!:i>in!IIMII!ll!llll)llilimil!ll!l]l[l|[|llli!![tlllllllllllllII(llll< 8 Dear Mr. is a little bit of a warm, winning monthly magazine. It is filled from cover to cover with graceful, glowing, human thoughts. And ah! I tell you it is for Gentlefolk. It is so unobtrusive, sincere, charming. So deeply enjoyable to all kinds of people who are fond of things artistic. It is for Artists, Art Devotees, Lovers of Antiques, of Books, of Book-making, of Things Decorative. is a delight to the man or woman attuned to the Higher Ideals of Beauty, and Work and Life and Love. It is a developer of Artistic Ideas in the Home. So is for those, dear friend, who find "tongues in trees, sermons in stones, books in the running brooks and good in every- thing." •IS — FOR — YOU ! You will enjoy it. You will profit by it. You will welcome its coming. You will soon look upon it as a fond, fast friend. It will brighten and broaden your life. It brings to you all that is Best of the Beautiful. A dollar brings you for a whole year. And your dollar re- funded after THREE MONTHS if you're not satisfied. This is so Fair and Safe I'll expect your subscription by Return Mail. Won't you 'tend to it IMMEDIATELY? Yours sincerely, HitnnmfirrtrtiiiirimtmtiiiiiiiiiimiimiMiiinii'.Mi ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■ : ........... llimilmilllllHIIIirli.:,: I, iiiMINNIill! imilllHINIilllilllimillMltmiHIim'i, I S — E — C — — N — D W — A — R — N — I — N — G ! D A N G E R ! ! Dear Sir: You can't blame me if it happens ! I've flashed the signal. I've hung out the red light. LISTEN: There's Danger of your missing some HOT IDEAS you could, would or should have coined into COLD CASH I NOT A WORD, NOT A LINE FROM YOU ABOUT RENEWING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO 1914 AND 1914 ! You're live, resourceful, up-and-doing ! You won't FOR ONE MOMENT let a REAL good thing pass you by with- out so much as raising your hand to stop it. NO ! ! ! ! ! Those palpitating periodicals, and , are positive profit producers ! Every thirty days they walk in and hand you a JOLT that stirs your AD-LIVER into brisk action, and puts the veal in your vibratorium! They're for restless, red-blooded businessmen who keenly enjoy a Monthly Passing Show of Money-breeding Ideas, Myriad Flashes of Color-fancy, Daring New Departures in Photo-Engraving, Electro- typing and Lithography stuff that fairly OOZES out new plots and plans for your publicity programme ; things that FIT YOUR CASE EXACTLY ! Don't turn a cold shoulder to the Goddess of Inspiration. She's a bit sensitive, likewise fickle, and may flirt with your competitor! Lord help any businessman who sticks to the dull grind with 'nary a flash from her radiant shrine ; he grows musty, crusty, and, finally, goes BUST-Y ! These books are good for what ails you when Brother Brain-fag drops in! They're a mental tonic, a thought rejuvenator; they help incubate Vivid New Ideas with the lilt and lure of Triumphant Trade-getters ! Be not wayward, then! WHERE could you put a $3.50 check to Wiser Purpose? There's the ink, there's pen right before you; and the BURNING INCENTIVE is a whole year's whopping-big Feast of Meaty Morsels from the Best-paid Brains in Christendom! LOOK HERE NOW! If you don't want Brother Brain-fag to get you, WRITE THAT CHECK AND MAIL IT P.D.Q. Sincerely yours, 10 1 GREAT GOOD NEWS FOR YOU ! ! I Dear Sir: Within a very few short hours you're going to get copies of two dashing, distinctive, delightful magazines ! They pulsate with productive printing ideas, master-strokes in typography, a glittering pageant of color schemes, cover designs de luxe radiant, startling, unusual; works of wonder in photo- engraving, electrotyping and lithography. 0, my dear sir, you've NEVER found, all at one time, in one place, such a wealth of vivid, vibrant, valuable suggestions I Even the busiest man hasn't any right to CHEAT HIMSELF out of this glorious treat ! These Journals of Joyous Inspiration feed Fancy's Fruitful Flame they are called When the sample copies come, read them, dig right into them from cover to cover not a page but what might hand over to you THAT LONG-PURSUED PARTICULAR IDEA! SEE if you wouldn't like these Gems of Genius every thirty days, with their rich store of creative surprises their offerings of the best handiwork of Craftsmen worth while ! IMAGINE! These magnificent big books, out of which you're free to "lift" good things at your lordly leisure, are yours every month for a whole year at $3.50, postage included! ONE IDEA, remember, might be worth $350 or $3500 or $35,000 who knows? Your little monthly journey through those vivacious volumes would prove a positive mental tonic, a prod to your cosmic generator: Result BING! you'd hit the bull's eye of bigger results every time ! And say ! Just to hand you a bit of a bribe right on the face of it, I'll do THIS: If you'll reach right over, grab the pen and make that check for $3.50 payable to right now I'LL PUT YOU DOWN FOR THIRTEEN MONTHS INSTEAD OF TWELVE! i I Whopping big dividends on this little ole three and a half you'll gladly acknowledge THAT before a year rolls round! Takes just a minute to fix the whole thing THIS MINUTE will do, Sir! This minute will do! Yours truly, ? """"'"""""" " ; "'" mimiminn i iimiiniuii mi,,,;,, ,i„„„, ,„,„„„, ,„„ ■„„ niiiiiiiilu'miiiiiiiiu „„,„„„„„ ,„„, ,, „„,,,„ , iiiiiuiimiiiuiimiimimiii iiiiiiuiuuiiiiinii mil I ' «"»' limn" imiiiiuiiiiinii I iiuimui "' liiiiHiiuniiniilS .11 ■ ii liiiitiiiiii i. urn nririiNiM iiiIiiiiiiii:i:i;i. Dear Friend: 11 STOP! Stop and read this letter — no matter how busy you are. You may be deeply grateful that you DID ! WE'VE PUBLISHED A BOOK THAT MEANS WORLDS TO YOU! Every man, every woman should read it no matter what his or her work in life may be. This wonderful book shows you how to BE more, HAVE more and DO more! It is rich with priceless information, valuable advice, great surprises, astonishing truths ! IT IS THE BOOK YOU SHOULD READ RIGHT AWAY! It means A New Lease on Life for you in many, many ways. It will smooth your pathway from the first day you read it. It tells the GREAT, Helpful Things that books rarely tell. It's a Revelation. A book of a thousand wonders. It brings you Health and Happiness in ways without end! It's for the man or woman who has groped in the Darkness of Uncer- tainty, who "asks and is not answered." It's for the man or woman who has wondered, wished and waited who has longed for Success and Perfect Health and Contentment. This book is making NEW BEINGS every day! It comes into your life like The Dawn of a New Day. It bears strange and won- derful tidings things you never dreamed of. It is a flood of clear sunlight that dispels the darkness and Builds New Cour- age and Fresh Hope from the hour you read it. Yes ! Yes ! This book will mean more to you than any book you ever read, or DREAMED of reading! Although its price is $2, we are sure that after you have read it you would not take $1,000 for it ! It's a book one wants to hug to oneself and take where one can read it alone. A book you read far into the night, even until the hours of earliest morning ! YOU ARE FASCINATED, THRILLED, SURPRISED AND OVERJOYED! Its revelations, its discoveries, its helpful, practical NEW TRUTHS about you, your life, health, happiness, fortune and future these make you want to read on and on! You cannot get enough of it ! You feed on its dazzling pages. It floods your very soul with Higher Purpose and Greater Resolve ! This unusual, startling work was written by a New Hampshire man, , who has made New and Great Discoveries that will PUT YOU ON THE THRESHOLD OF A BROADER LIFE. MUlUllIlltllirHiiIiiiu: I BBWBHIBHIII ItnUMniUUIIIII mHUHIItlllinillHIIIUIIMUUIIHIIIHIIHUIIIHnHMUWHHIIIIJtlltltUniinHIH ' .. iiitiinuiuunuiiij 12 ! Sheet 2. Listen! Read what ELBERT HUBBARD, one of the best-known philosophers of the time, says of this book: "I HAVE REQUESTED THAT 'S BOOK BE REGISTERED AND CATALOGUED IN OUR ROYCROFT LIBRARY. IT IS INTENSELY INTERESTING AND CONTAINS MANY WONDERFUL THOUGHTS AND SUGGESTIONS." The well known REVEREND LUCIEN J. HARPER writes: ■I HAVE READ THIS BOOK WITH WONDER AND RE-READ IT WITH INCREASED AMAZEMENT. I CONSIDER IT UNIQUE IN LITERATURE. I REGARD IT AND ITS AUTHOR AS HOLDING A PLACE PREVIOUSLY UNOCCUPIED A PLACE RESERVED FOR THEM, PERHAPS, SINCE THE WORLD'S BEGINNING. IT IS A GREAT HONOR TO HAVE GIVEN HUMANITY THIS PRICELESS GIFT THIS DEFINITE KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WAS PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED UNKNOWABLE. I HOPE EVERY THINKING MAN AND WOMAN MAY READ THIS BOOK, AND SOON." This is what PROFESSOR F. H. BAILEY, the eminent scholar, author and lecturer, says: "I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF PERUSING THE MANUSCRIPT OF MR. 'S BOOK, WHICH MARKS THE TURNING POINT OF THE WORLD'S PROGRESS. THE EVIDENCE, PROOFS AND TESTS GIVEN IN THIS VOLUME CONSTITUTE THE MOST REMARKABLE PRESENTATION OF FACTS THAT HAVE BEEN RECORDED, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ■ We enclose you an order blank. Fill it out, writing your name and address very plainly, so that there may be no mistake. Then pin a two dollar bill to the order blank and send it to us in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. We know you will be overjoyed with the contents of this won- derful volume. In your Deep Gratitude and Profound Happiness you will want to lend it to all your FRIENDS. In your Bound- less Enthusisam you will want them to enjoy the many good things you've discovered! SEND YOUR $2 FOR THIS BOOK TODAY! It is beautifully silk bound, gold-leaf lettered, 232 pages, illustrated, mailed postage prepaid for this amount. DON'T WAIT use pencil in filling out order blank if pen and ink are not handy. YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE CAUSE TO BE GLAD YOU TOOK THIS STEP. Remember, on the Great Clock of Time there's but ONE word: "NOW!" Yours sincerely, 13 Dear Mr. I don't know whether you'll believe me. I hope you will. Of course if you won't, you won't. It's just a simple little question of FAITH. It concerns a Book. And it concerns $3. I've the Book. You've the $3. You can believe me or not — but nowhere in all this world is there a Book that will do for you what THIS book will! And RIGHT NOW, for a thousand reasons, for your sake, for the sake of those you love, for the sake of your present prospects, for the sake of your entire future, for the sake of your health, happiness, peace of mind, pride, principle and YOUR WHOLE LIFE'S AMBITION, you should get hold of this book at the earliest possible moment, and BURN INTO YOUR BRAIN, INTO YOUR VERY BEING, EVERY THOUGHT IT CONTAINS This Book is called " ." It was written by , Ph.D., M.S. In its 600 pages are the Four Courses that mean so much to You: 1. The Factors of Personal Power in Business; Groundwork Analysis of Great Executive Ability. 2. Economic Laws and Business Axioms; 202 Natural Principles Basing All Success- ful Business. 3. The Psychology of Business; Skill and Strategy of Turning Brain Power into Bank Balance. 4. Business in Fact; the Ways by which Any Man can Advance Himself to Phenomenal Success. This Book will grasp you by the Hand, look you in the eye, and start right off to tell you, in plain, simple language, EXACTLY WHAT WILL BRING YOU THE THINGS YOU WANT IN THIS LIFE! I don't know how big you are. I don't know how big you could be. I don't know how big you mean to be. EUT THIS BOOK HAS SOMETHING VITAL TO DO WITH IT ALL RIGHT NOW! It will do something for you that your most intimate friend CANNOT. It can and will point out to you JUST WHERE you may be lacking in your business make-up. It will tell you all of these things Clearly and Truthfully, because it is Frank and Forceful and Unafraid. IT WILL MAKE A BETTER, BIGGER, BROADER, BOLDER, BRAINIER BUSINESS MAN OF YOU WITHIN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS AFTER YOU'VE READ IT! Don't resent my saying this. We can all LEARN. We realize that "the recipe for perpetual ignorance is to be satisfied with our own opinions and content with our own knowledge." This Book will surprise you in a thousand ways by explaining things you may have noticed in other successful business men — in their methods — things you may have often pondered over. It will lay bare before you all the Deep, Decisive T-R-U-T-H-S you must Firmly Grasp and Forever Make a Part of Your Business Self, in order to Do, to Dare, to Dominate! You must get this Book. You should get it Right Away. The price is $3, as I've said. An order blank is enclosed. Of course I want to send it to you; of course I want your check with the order — BUT I'M DOWNRIGHT POSITIVE YOU'LL BE FOREVER GLAD YOU PARTED WITH THE AMOUNT AND BOUGHT THE BOOK! You've wasted many, many times S3 on many, many a thing in your business life that BROUGHT YOU NOT A MILLIONTH PART OF THE BENEFIT THIS BOOK WILL . That's all I've got to say. It's up to you, Mr. . Yours sincerely, KimtniMUimiiHiii .-...- I ■ ■ ■ ■ 14 ! 1 HAS MADE MANY A SIT-STILLER A GO-GETTER I" Dear Mr. You haven't answered my letter about the book ■• Maybe you've been busy; maybe undecided; maybe disinterested; maybe it's the price but I think not. Whatever kept you from sending immediately for this Vital Volume, let me say THIS: Every day you miss reading it, you're missing many Real Triumphs in Business Golden Ideas, Rich Op- portunities, Cashable Methods, Profitable Suggestions, Clean- Cut SOLUTIONS of Problems constantly confronting ycu ; things you NEED in your business battle; things you've missed, lacked, looked and longed for ! Now, to be AWFULLY frank, it won't make a GREAT deal of differ- ence to me if you lose this chance of reading " " BUT IT WILL TO YOU IT WILL TO YOU!! "0, yes," you say, "he just wants to sell me his book and get my $3." Of COURSE I want to sell it, and of COURSE I want your $3, — BUT What now-a-day man of Flesh and Blood, Ambition and Ability will let a THREE-DOLLAR DOUBT cheat him cut of a Big Bundle of Brainy New Ideas? WHY, IMPROBABLE A3 IT MAY SOUND, I'M DOING MORE YOR YOU, BY SENDING YOU THIS BOOK, THAN A M<\N WHO'D HAND YOU $5,000 CASH TODAY, EVEN IF I MADE YOU PAY $300 FOR THE BOOK INSTEAD OF $3. In " " there are Rockef eller-Morgan-Carnegie- Hill-Astor secrets of TURNING THE TIDE OF THINGS IN YOUR FAVOR, AND TURNING THEM NOW, NOW, NOW! Not five, ten or fifteen years from now, but TODAY-A. D. 1913! LAUGH at the man who tells you that Laurels and Lucre are LUCK! That's the Sob of the SEAT-WARMER, the Howl of the HAS-BEEN, the CRY of the CRAW-FISH ! LISTEN! There really IS a well-defined system, whereby OTHER men ROSE HIGHER, and YOU can! AND " " TELLS IT TO YOU SO CLEARLY, CONCISELY, CONVINCINGLY, THAT A TWELVE- YEAR- OLD WOULD BE QUICK TO GRASP IT ALL ! It is the MAP with which you can deliberately, definitely, de- ■ 15 Sheet 2. cidedly LAY YOUR PLANS and CHART YOUR COURSE for broader activ- ities and bigger rewards. It contains the SUCCESS-SEEDS for New Undertakings that will make you Rich and Independent. Grover Cleveland said: "Opportunity and accomplishment are two very distant relations." SEEING the chance and SEIZING it are different matters. is a Miracle-Book that Builds New Backbone ! It generates New Grit, Ginger, Get-Up, Gumption! It CREATES BROADER PRODUCTIVENESS in your business make-up. It opens hundreds of New Avenues of ACCOMPLISHMENT it Ex- plains, it Reveals, it Rouses, like some powerful, potent tonic that Redoubles your Energies, and gives you PLUCK, PURPOSE, POISE and POWER ! All this may sound like exaggeration or extravagant promise, but the book is here to prove any claims of what it will do for you, Mr. . ONE THING IS SURE if you send for it immediately; if you get this $3 remittance for " " in tonight's mail; if you believe that , its author, is a man whom you would gladly sit and listen to from a public platform by the hour, deeply grateful to him for Every Word He Utters, drinking in his Startling, Simple Solutions of the Unexplained THEN I GUARANTEE YOU WILL ALWAYS CONSIDER THIS THE VERY BEST $3 INVESTMENT YOU EVER MADE IN YOUR LIFE. Sincerely yours, """nimmmncnmmimii,!,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,^!,,,,,,,, mTmiiiiiiNimiiimiiniiunitKimunicimiiiiiiuiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiii:- mnnMnMMMI Una I Mammal ;MMitjlJ!lJllllitl:i>(ii!itiii>i!ii ::iii'iui:iti irirniiiniU'ii ;■: hi:iiiii:iiiiu;i iniMiiiri.rrirL.iiirjiiii.KMirsn'i-pniiMris'iii!. ,:: .:■■ .-.\ \:\ rmniM-iu: mi-mum iiiiiiiiiiiili'>ivii' urmn iMiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiKiiliilitiin iriii'iviniriiiMliuiliiiinn I'fntiilimiiMiNrimtllfmiimimiMiMHIIlfi 22 YOU'RE MISSING SOMETHING GREAT! SOMETHING YOUR TRADE DOESN'T WANT TO MISS! Dear Sir: You haven't answered our letter! It's just like spiting your pocketbook! Here's new profit staring you right in the face! RIGHT NOW THE PEOPLE WHO PATRONIZE YOU WANT THE SWIFT-SELLING CLEANER, ! They've been waiting, wishing, watching for it. They want something non-inflammable. They want something quick and sure. They want something odorless. They want something that won't destroy fabric. meets all these demands ! It makes every user glad he found it ! It fulfills our every claim! We give you a big sample supply so you can PROVE IT ! A man or woman would much rather buy a 250 bottle of — than pay a cleaner one or two dollars for taking the spots out of a garment. Once you show them what will really do, they're not only pleased, but GENUINELY GRATEFUL TO YOU. DEALERS EVERYWHERE ARE ACCEPTING OUR LIBERAL PROPOSITION WHY NOT YOU? With a 3-dozen trial order, at $2 per dozen, we include 50 sample packages, 3 full-size packages for clerks in demon- strating, an elegant cut-out for your window ,and we also prepay the freight. Don't turn your back upon "A LIVE NUMBER ! M proves a magic friend-maker for your store. People who buy it feel they've made a genuine "discovery." They're supremely tickled! They tell all their friends. This first three dozen would go quickly! Your re-order would be in mighty soon. r our trade will warmly welcome ! >on't delay another minute! Fill in the order blank. Mail it the next thing you do! NOTHING'S more important than pleasing your customers. The minute enters your store you've a drawing attraction that not only sells itself, but sells OTHER things! DON'T PASS UP THIS LIBERAL PROPOSITION! OTHER DEALERS ARE PROMPTLY ACCEPTING ! GIVE IT YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. ours for Brisk Sales, ■ 23 I A LIGHTNING SELLER! A LIVE, LIBERAL OFFER! Dear Sir: You CAN'T AFFORD to overlook this article! You CAN'T AFFORD to overlook this offer! Every woman wants a bottle of . So does every man. Every customer of yours right now can be made a REGULAR CUSTOMER. THAT MEANS NEW AND REGULAR PROFITS FOR YOU! is such a positive S-E-N-S-A-T-I-O-N as a SPOT remover. It immediately becomes your best regular seller, the moment your trade knows what it will do. Every user is delighted beyond words at the work of this perfect cleaner. pleases because it has none of the bad habits of other cleaners. It leaves no mark ! it doesn't injure the most delicate fabric! !t contains no acid ! it has no disagreeable odor! It is not inflammable ! It is economical, effective, ever-ready! L-I-S-T-E-N ! ! le have for you THE GREATEST CLEANER, on the most attractive offer ever made to ycu. Here it is, subject to immediate ac- ceptance by live dealers on the lookout for Fast-Moving Mer- chandise and Quick Profits. With order for three dozen , $2.00 per dozen, we will include 50 sample bottles, 3 full size bottles for clerks in .emonstrating, fine cut-out for your window, also prepay "reight. )nce you introduce in your neighborhood, the demand ,akes care of itself. It is the most self-selling cleaner on ;he market today. 'ill out enclosed order blank right now, while the thought's rarm in your mind! New things like this prove an added attrac- ion for your store. Let that order come forward today. This >ffer is too good to delay action! JET OFF THAT ORDER IN TONIGHT'S MAIL! Yours for Pleased Customers, : II,,: . ■■ II' II. >l ■ I 24 A COAL AND WOOD BUSINESS WITH SOMETHING MORE, IF YOU PLEASE, THAN THE MERE DOLLAR-GETTING IDEA I Dear Mr. NO! Not just Coal and Cash. Not just Wood and the Wherewithal. You ought to get Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y ! You ought to get S-E-R-V-I-C-E I You ought to get P-R-I-C-E C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y ! You're ENTITLED to all these three, in addition to the Merchan- dise you get for your money. You want GOOD coal and you want DECENT wood, delivered WHERE you want them, WHEN you want them at the RIGHT price and none other ! You like to know your trade is WARMLY APPRECIATED; that we're anxious to please you and Eager to make you a Steady and Satis- fied Customer. You want to SAVE ON YOUR FUEL BILLS by actually getting the MAXIMUM heat-power at MINIMUM cost. You want ECONOMICAL, non- wasteful Coal that will give you your FULL MONEY'S WORTH! We've grown a bit proud of the Uniform Satisfaction given by our , AND COALS, and the nice things people say about them. It's a genuine pleasure to sell coal that wins unsolicited praise wherever used! If YOU'VE never tried them, there's a REAL SURPRISE in store for you! Each of these brands is a heat-giving marvel and a great money-saver ! A TRIAL TON WILL SPEEDILY CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU'VE REALLY BEEN [ISSING SOMETHING! md beside giving you better quality and stretching your fuel- lollars, we're a bit sure the SERVICE our prompt, courteous, >ersonal attention to your wants, will be a bit of a happy revelation to you. ORDER NOW while the thought's warm in your mind. Our I 'phone's number — and IT'S LIST'NING SYMPATHETICALLY FOR YOUR WELCOME TING-A-LING ! ;ii;;uiiilni!U ^nullum mi n i.riuiHiniijN 25 "BUSINESS IS SENSITIVE; IT GOES ONLY WHERE IT'S WELCOMED, BUT WALKS OUT WHERE ILL TREATED!" Dear Mr. We saw the above on the wall of a busy man's office. We like it because it Hits the Bull's Eye of our Belief! Maybe you'll suspect it has something to do with , and COAL. And it has ! We strongly believe in the business epigram above. If our grades of coal please you thoroughly, if our service is everything it should be, once you buy of us most likely you will remain our regular patron. If we sold you coal not up to standard, if our service was slip- shod, our employees negligent or uncivil, our deliveries late, you'd give some other concern your trade. It's only human, isn't it, to want to spend one's dollars where one's trade is most sought after and one's orders receive best attention? Therefore, having the Coal and Wood you want, at the price you want to pay, and giving you the very best service obtainable anywhere, we come to you today for AT LEAST A SHARE of your trade. We want to show you a distinction and a difference in Coal Quality and Coal Service. We can give you greater heating- power to the shovelful than you've BEEN getting. Obey that impulse to TRY A CHANGE! Better fuel for your money, better treatment, better delivery, if you'll just call 'phone . Every 'phone, you know, is an )rder Station for Fuel YOUR 'phone particu- •arly. Just say " " to the soft-voiced central. She'll quickly connect you! Yours very truly, 26 SATISFACTION ! Dear Mr. : Satisfaction's a big word with a big meaning! Maybe you haven't been getting YOUR SHARE of it in Buying Fuel. You're paying out your good money for Coal and Wood. C-e-r-t-a-i-n-1-y ! Well, you ought to get a full Dollar's Worth of Solid Satisfac- tion for every Dollar's Worth of Fuel you buy. You'll find in , and COAL the Fuel Ideal. These are Heat-Makers of Highest Power. They give the kind of Satisfaction that BRINGS YOU BACK AGAIN! You'll find in our SERVICE that Promptitude, Courtesy and Appreciation that ALSO give you Supreme Satisfaction. Your Every Order is Carefully Handled and Personally Looked After. Our Aim isn't simply to sell you Coal and Wood, but to supply you the Right Fuel at a Righteous Price, delivered RIGHT-ON- THE-DOT ! Our idea is to please you so well you'll praise both our Merchan- dise and Methods to your neighbors. Folks who want FUEL QUALITY and FUEL SERVICE are finding out every day that 'PHONE is the number to call. YOU, too, want to join the Ranks of the BETTER SATISFIED! There's a Best in Everything. In Coal and Wood, we claim that leans 'Phone : , and you'll find it out the first time p ou whisk in your order over the wire. TAKE UP THAT RECEIVER RIGHT NOW! Yours very truly, '!iiHi!iiiititiiiiit!itiiiiiii]!itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiitiiiiii!iinnmiii!iiiiiiir:ii;iii niiimiiii^iimmnmniiiiiiminimiimiiifmjfi^iimimnimiiiiiMmH^ 21 Dear Sir: The Golden Season draweth near when Debtors will flush with coin I Why, then, why hesitate to fill out the list blank en- closed, and tell us how many more you'll need, so's to be first under the wire for your share of the Gate Receipts ! We josh, but we're in deep, dead earnest: You'll get biggest and swiftest returns on delinquent subscriptions by sending them to us RIGHT NOW. Our well-oiled collection machinery is primed and ready, at your service, eager to begin. Like the mills of the Gods, it grinds exceedingly small, and never fails to turn in the Long Green! Our contract's on the list blank read it, please. It's so very FAIR to all concerned it has made thousands of friends for us. In fact, it's our Success Foundation. Then, too, our endorsements from the Collected-For and the Collected-From are shining examples of Performance, if we do get a bit chesty and say it ourselves. As Mr. Dooley says: i "'TIS AWL ROIGHT, HENNESSY, FUR A MON TO BLOW HIS OWN HOR— R-N, PROVOIDED IT ISN'T A TIN ONE!" And every endorsement we use is GENUINE, full-fledged, unso- licited and honestly earned open to investigation as to its authenticity. There are Sledge-Hammer Collection Methods which not only fail, but cost you subscribers as well. WE USE THE HAMMERLESS. It isn't as noisy or blustering, but it does the work. It is Gentle, Free from Friction, and PUTS IT OVER, which, as Shake- speare said, is the "consummation devoutly to be wished. " i i Let the little card enclosed come forward in tonight's mail. The moment you send it out, you can really begin to feel that ;he LONG LOST LUCRE IS AT LAST HEADED IN YOUR DIRECTION ! And it 'on't be only a FEELING, either OUR CHECK WILL BE IN YOUR IANDS BEFORE YOU'RE QUITE READY TO BELIEVE IT POSSIBLE. 'es, let's have the card it's your C. Q. D. We're waiting. 'lash the signal ! Yours very truly, President. 28 I My dear Sirs: Look at this lambast from a place called ; it's what an indignant gentleman scribbled across our last garrulous, gaseous guffaw: "What trash to send to a business man. Doing business is no joke, and placing accounts in the hands of Comedians is certainly far from me." Along with this harrowing call-down comes a bright, beaming bouquet from the at , : "We wish to say in commendation of your Association that we esteem it a wonderful success. You have collected for us large claims from people who neglected our bills for years, yet gently ate from your hands, and what is better, placed in your palms the cash. You may expect another list soon. Yours truly, So there is a silvery lining, friend publisher, to every cloud. They HOOT us and they HAIL us ! But right now, we're filled with a deep, dark, despairing doubt that YOU have sadly forgotten we are here to Painlessly Extract the Past-Due Pelf from Poor-Pay Patrons of your Periodical I The man who said we were Comedians may have been perfectly right we get the Gleeful Dollars from the Slow-Pay Sub- scriber and always Leave him Laughing when we say Goodby ! That » s what you call CASHABLE COMEDY I Not an unprofitable form of Fun-Making, is it? The enclosed mailing card is a serious-minded little bit of pasteboard that requires your immediate attention. It wants to be filled out without any foolishness and sent to us forthwith. We're dyin' to know how many list-blanks you will need upon which to enroll the list of Money-Hugging Subscribers who are Loath to Let-Go of the Lucre. We can make every one of these a Laughing Liquidator! Just you get busy and send us that card, and WE'LL PROVE IT !0 YOU! Inclosed is some pretty Powerful Evidence that we can Coax in ihe Long-Lost Long-Green, and surprise you some bright morning with our Beautiful Check to cover many dollars you may have bidden a last, long, lingering farewell. WE'RE WAITING! Sincerely yours, President. 1 ""'uiiiiiHiiii: ii[iHitii!iiiMtiiii]iiiiii iriiiiiiiiiriii tmirmiimiiiHiiimiiiiiiiitmiiiriiiiiiiiij ■ ^MMMWM' triiuirtiiiiinMiriiitruttrnitiliMRKlliiitiJinin>ll(iill*niMriltiullttlimiitliiitiuiiltiiuiui>rtiii)iitiiiUi.>iiiii:tiiiiiiiiUiillliiuitliijUilliiiiiitiihiiiiiliuiitmiiiUillli!i!li 36 | 50% PROFIT FOR YOU. Gentlemen: Our is a time, toil, temper saver. It's economical, efficient, ever-ready. It has imitators scads! But the take- off always heaps glory on the original. You want the BEST. There's a BEST in everything in Polishing Cloths it's the It does away with liquid metal polish; gives the result better, cheaper, quicker, in polishing silver, gold, nickel, brass, cop- per and all metals in homes, stores, banks, buildings and garages. The cloth has none of the bad habits of other kinds. The polish STAYS IN it ! Its imitations come in greasy, unsightly envelopes, don't LAST, and take on an offensive odor. The is 14x18 inches ; PUT UP IN A LITHOGRAPHED TIN-TOP-AND-BOTTOM CONTAINER; grease proof. You'd find it your BUSIEST REPEATER. Be Prepared give your trade the REAL article. "Thrice armed is he who hath his quarrel just but FOUR times he who gets his blow in FUST!" Get in your order before the other fellow. There's 50% profit in it for you. Do the polishing cloth business of your section; GET THAT ORDER OFF IN TONIGHT'S MAIL! Sample mailed you today. Try it and connect at once with this live, lucrative merchandise it's a swift-moving, satisfac- tory, strong seller. Whisk in that trial order today and you'll soon have a rush business in Do it while the thought's warm in your mind. Yours very truly, President. ■"•"MMiimim.il, ,:„ imiiiiiiniiiimi miiimmiimn inimiiiiiiii i.iiiimumiiiiiiiiii.iimiii.iiiiii mmiim , mum iiinui iimlimimnmmmim i mini mn liimiMlM mmimmiiim mmimimnmnni tiimiiiininu niimuumiiimiuniniimumimmimimmiimmiiiii n ■WMttMMMMMHWM IHIWIHIIHI IIWIW ' 37 WARNING ! Look out for the little Expense-Mice that Gnaw Holes in your Profits ! Dear Mr. Beware of the Needless Leaks ! Catch the Unsuspected Losses ! No matter how SURE you are of your books, little elusive drains are costing you something every day. Let us prove this to you. We can come into your office right now and point out many VITAL ECONOMIES YOU CAN PUT INTO EFFECT AT ONCE. Like other busy men, you're TOO CLOSE to your business to see these defects, losses. So are your employees, however effi- cient. It takes SOMEBODY FROM THE OUTSIDE. You'll acknowl- edge that. Your clerks are honest, competent — YES. But they've had lit- tle opportunity to study THE NEWEST LOSS-CHECKING THINGS IN ACCOUNTANCY, THE MINIMIZING OF YOUR "OVERHEAD.* 1 In these we save you a thousand times the cost of our service. And we can do it RIGHT AWAY! Your business may be economically run, but it should be ABSOLUTELY LOSS-PROOF, and we're ready to MAKE IT SO! Where we've made audits, the systems are perfect, the expense is scientifically HELD DOWN. LET US GO OVER YOUR BOOKS AND DO THE SAME FOR YOU. 5 'IND OUT at once what this examination would mean. tail the enclosed card TODAY. It merely brings us to talk things over. NOT THE SLIGHTEST OBLIGATION. And our visit will result in suggestions you'll appreciate. 'ill in the card NOW. Mail it NOW. It's a money-saving move. You'll be glad you MADE IT! 'ours for Economy and Efficiency, iiiiiNitritii(Miiit!tiiiiniiiin:!i!ii(Miirii:iiiii!t::i(!:iiiMmii'fi:iii(iHMtiintimnniirtin 38 Dear Mr. : Yours with $• check is here. Thank you. Say, , you want to get that idea about nerves and all the rest of it out of your nut. Forget about glasses for your eyes. Forget about the medicine man. Forget about the maladies you think are in your system. Work won't hurt you. Few folks fall sick from overwork; it's what we do when we don't work that gets us. No, answering your silent inquiry, I am not a metaphysician. I simply was in your fix years ago and near dead. The only thing that pulled me out of the hole was that I refrained absolutely from taking medicine or doctor's advice, or talking about my health to others, or thinking about it, or letting others of my family talk about it to me or sympathize with me. I simply cut the cable and said that mine was a natural body and medicine could never do it any good. That Nature was the great physician, and that if I kept out in the air and ate plain food, drank lots of water and worked, everything would come right, and so it did. j And so I pass it on to you, Brother , as an unfailing prescription. Get after it right away — don't fail. Sincerely yours, '! 'NUilll!IWI]!]infiimN|]HII!N|l!li;>lllillllHlllllltlNt; llllllMltlMlililtllliiitlt lllll!lltlilUitllill;illl!iltl':illlll]l!!t(:illlllll!:MII!IIIIIMIIIII!illllinillllllllHIIIU!ll!1ll, llJIIIItlilllllltillllitllllllti'lllltHlilllllllinrilllltlllllllilliimill! ■■ IM!(|]ltllll!lli:!lfWlllilNIIIil:t11ll!MIIHIIIlll[:t![!IllilllllllIIIIHIlttlltmilllinm .,,„„ ; itiiilJHltHHIItiHtlllMltHIIIIIIIIIlltlHIIIIIIHHIIItHIlltlJlflHIlll'n: i 1 ,■.-,;■ ',n ':i'.,i".:i,!'ii's;', :\r:,: II III Iffl I I 1 1 1 ! 1 1 : . i . ,■.:..■ ;;•, !.. : r . i. .;■:!..: ■;,., .!'..:■ I ■ . ■ 1 1 r -m..., :,i, .it- hi n. ;■,,..'!■..;, i. ,.!. .11. . I 39 THIS YEAR 'S IS A VERITABLE SANTA CLAUS' STOREHOUSE FOR ELEGANT, ENDEARING AND ENDURING CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Dear Sir or Madam: You can certainly find here exactly the Gift you want at exactly the Price you want to pay! If, in shopping for presents, you seriously want to save money, be sure to come to ' s and see the many beautiful, appropriate and useful things you can 'ind in: ILEGANT fancy China of every variety! :OYS in endless array; delightfully new and novel playthings ,hat will delight children of all ages ! GAMES in profusion; all the very latest interesting and ab- sorbing ones ! MANICURE SETS galore, from the least expensive to the extrava- gantly beautiful! BRUSH and COMB SETS, always acceptable; you will find them here much lower priced than elsewhere ! LEATHER GOODS, in pocketbooks, card-cases, bill-folds, and all the most recent novelties that will make lasting remembrances ! CHILDREN'S BOOKS; very newest fairy stories, beautifully illustrated in attractive colors; prices to fit every purse! COPYRIGHT FICTION for grown-ups ; a late book is always accept- able ; the very newest are here at Purse-Pleasing Prices ! 'ERFUMES, PERFUMES; All the new and dainty scents to please Milady; a gift in perfume will please any of the fair sex! TOILET WATERS ; and in all sizes ; make splen- did impersonal gifts ! 'S CANDIES; freshly shipped, in the most Delicious issortments ; all in elegant Christmas packages ! ■ f S CANDIES; Melt in Your Mouth; all freshly packed in leautiful holiday boxes. DAINTIES; confections of quality, temptingly put up, suitable as gifts ! "here are many, many other Rare, Pretty and Pleasing ?hings we have not space to mention but you'll find the solu- tion of all your little Gift Perplexities at 's. »on f t Wait, Wish or Worry come and look over our stock to your Leart's content; you are certainly very welcome, no matter whether you make a purchase or not. is Christmas is very near, we hope you will make it a point to come as soon as possible and make your selections, assuring 'ou that we have an endless array of Handsome Offerings appro- priate for Husband, Wife, Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Son, )aughter and even the Baby. Yours very truly, ■'..■ ,■. H< . ■! ■ 40 50% FUEL SAVING PLUS 50% SAVING ON OPERATING EXPENSE, IF YOU BUY THAT TRACTOR NOW! Dear Mr. We are mighty glad to get your inquiry and to know you are inter- ested in the Tractor. There are real, ripe, red- blooded reasons why you should own one of them. And you should own it RIGHT AWAY ! READ THE BOOKLET WE'RE SENDING YOU UNDER ANOTHER COVER. READ IT CAREFULLY: IT MEANS A WHOLE LOT TO YOU. EVERY PAGE IS PACKED WITH PROFIT POSSIBILITIES FOR YOU! THE IS MORE AND WILL DO MORE THAN ANY OTHER TRACTOR YOU CAN BUY. It has something Big and Vital to do with your Future Farming Success. Yes, yes it has something SERIOUSLY "to do" with YOUR BALANCE IN BANK AT THE END OF A CROP SEASON ! Every imaginable New and Desirable Tractor Improvement will be found in the Money-Savnig, Money-Making ! It's the product of EXPERIENCE, not experiment. It's CURED of all the Bab Habits of other tractors, and, what's more, has many advan- tages they HAVEN'T. Every farmer can afford the Ever-Useful and NO farmer can afford to be WITHOUT it even though it cost DOUBLE the price. LISTEN: YOU'RE NOT FARMING FOR YOUR HEALTH. YOU'RE IN IT FOR PROFIT, AND BIG PROFIT. RIGHT NOW WE GUARANTEE THE TRACTOR WILL PROVE TO BE THE MONEY-MAKING INVESTMENT OF YOUR LIFETIME ! The moment this Ail-Purpose Tractor is on your place, you've entered a Big, New Era of Prosperity; you'll get Bigger Results, Make More Headway, Produce Greater Crops AND AT HALF WHAT IT COST YOU IN THE PAST ! That's something to think seriously about, isn't it! You don't want to STAND STILL YOU want to PUSH FORWARD. You're in one sense a "manufacturer," and smart manufacturers these days figure GREATER PRODUCTION AT LOWER COST. The price is $1400, cash, f. o. b., . We can't sell it on installments because it costs so much to MAKE we'd have to ask much more if we sold it on time. BUT IF YOU'RE THE FIRST MAN IN YOUR COUNTY TO BUY ONE, WE'LL ALLOW YOU 10% OFF, LEAVING NET PRICE TO YOU, $1260. BIG THINGS IN STORE FOR YOU AND EVERY OTHER THRIFTY AGRICUL- TURIST SINCE THE NEW CURRENCY BILL ! THE TRACTOR COMES RIGHT IN AS AN IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR NEW PLANS ! INVESTIGATE all of its many mechanical advantages at once; TAKE ADVANTAGE of this 10% discount before some other man in your county DOES. W-R-I-T-E U-S T-O-D-A-Y ! Yours for Big Savings and Better Results, ■ utiti iiiiiinmiiitiiiiii .'. mm wmmmmmmmm 41 I YOU FEED A TRACTOR ONLY WHEN IT WORKS, BUT YOU FEED HORSES WHETHER THEY WORK OR NOT ! THINK IT OVER T-W-I-C-E ! ! Dear Mr. Not having heard from you since writing you recently and send- ing you our Catalogue, we want to strongly emphasize that Our Mission is to Lower Your Farming Expense, Bring you Bigger Crops and Make More Money for You. This is the plain, unvarnished Truth. And we're going to prove it. We've a Tractor that can do for you what no other tractor can. In fact, we have THE tractor you'll buy if you want the UTMOST for your money; and if you positively cannot afford to make a mistake ; and if COLD FACTS and nothing else are the things that influence you. SAY YOU'VE 8 HORSES AT $200 APIECE, OR $1600. FOUR $40 SETS OF HARNESS, OR $160. HORSES AND HARNESS, $1760. HORSE FEED, $75 PER YEAR EACH, OR $600 YEARLY FOR 8 HORSES. HIRED MAN'S BOARD, ROOM AND WAGES PER YEAR, $600. INITIAL COST OF 8 HORSES, $1760; THEIR UPKEEP, $1200 A YEAR. Now, keep the total of these last two figures in your mind as against $1400 for a Tractor and one man and fuel for a year and you'll immediately see you are losing big money every day you haven't this wonderful, all-purpose Tractor on your place ! YOU FEED THE TRACTOR ONLY WHEN IT WORKS, BUT YOU FEED HORSES WHETHER THEY WORK OR NOT ! And you can feed the "most anything," as a fellow says. Gasoline, motor spirits or kerosene and at all speeds. Either fuel will do the work and you get the same results. A gallon of kerosene runs it every bit as long as a gallon of gasoline and develops the SAME HORSE POWER. ANOTHER CROWNING VIRTUE OF THE : IT EATS LESS FUEL THAN ANY OTHER TRACTOR ON THE MARKET ! AS A FUEL SAVER IT HAS ENDEARED ITSELF TO EVERY MAN THAT OWNS ONE. IT SAVES YOU 50% BY BURNING THE CHEAPEST FUEL, AND, IN ADDITION, BURNS MIGHTY LITTLE OF THAT ! There are dozens of other Superior Points and Money-and-Time saving Advantages about the Peerless that our booklet fully explains. It was sent to you; if you've misplaced it, let us send you another immediately. Lose no time in "GETTING ALL THE EVIDENCE" about this tractor; YOU'RE CERTAINLY LOSING TIME AND MONEY EVERY DAY YOU'RE NOT USING ONE I Farming the old way or with a poor tractor is NOT FOR YOU ANY LONGER. The Tractor goes hand in hand with a Bigger Bank Balance, Larger Crops, More Acreage, More Stock and maybe a Brand New Auto to take the Missus and Kids to town in I GRAB THIS OPPORTUNITY to decrease the OUT-GO and increase the INCOME! Pen, ink and paper are handy; let us hear from you right away; you'll be MIGHTY GLAD YOU DID ! Yours for Lower-Cost-of-Farming, t t(iiiiit!ht;it:[i:its!Uji:inti!iii'iii!ii!Titu!i;it-:tin!:( 42 YOUR RAILROAD FARE PAID BOTH WAYS IF YOU COME TO OUR FACTORY TO INVESTIGATE AND BUY A TRACTOR. Dear Mr. We want you to come and see this peerless tractor of ours ! We want you to see horn it f s made from beginning to end; study every point in its construction; know just how it's put to- gether; fnd out for yourself why it is easily superior to any other tractor made. We want you to meet the men who MAKE it, too. We want you to know their ideas and ideals why they have a pride in producing the greatest tractor in the country. And we want to meet you, too, face to face, and grasp you by the hand and look you in the eye and prove to you that you are making an investment that will bring you many thousands of dollars in return. YOU like to deal man to man, and so do WE. Hence we say come, and see the Tractor put together; inspect every point of its construction to your heart's con- tent, and, after satisfying yourself thoroughly in every re- spect, if you give us an order, we will be glad to pay your railroad fare both ways. FURTHERMORE, if you are the first man in your county to buy a Tractor, we will do even better than that: We will, in addition, allow you a full 10% discount from the $1400 price, making the net figure $1260. The Tractor is a big money maker for every man who puts it to work. It is for the wide-awake, alert, resourceful farmer who has his eyes on bigger crops, bigger profits, bigger acreage and a broader and more prosperous future. The saying is, "To get ahead you must use your head!" The slow, expensive, old-time horse and man method is for the fellow who never gets ahead — NOT YOU! The Way is a primrose path to profit I Make up your mind RIGHT THIS MINUTE to reduce your costs and raise your income; it's simple, it's easy — write us immediate- ly and take us fully into your confidence; we're waiting, willing to show you the way. Get that letter off in tonight's mail SURE! Your friends, iiiltimimiiiiminmiiiiiiuiiiiiiiMi mtiiiijiiiitirmiiiiitiirmmtiiiiifiiijiijifrii iiiiiiimi iimimiimiimfiijiiifiiriii'iiimiitriiiiri iimiiiiimiiiiiiiNiimMiiinmtiiimiiiiiimiiiimitmiiiiiii iinum nntui iifiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiimiiiiii urn iminin » iiitiiiiiiriiiii.iiiiiiilliliiimiullililMniiG II ■■ ■ .■.....■■..,.,■ I. ■ ....;,.,..,,.,.... ■.:.'.,!■■ YOU'RE MISSING GREAT BIG PROFITS EVERY MONTH YOU'RE WITHOUT A TRACTOR! 43 Dear Mr. Maybe you read the little story of the fellow who fixed a pump. It was a troublesome pump. It often got out of order. Eut he fixed it. And he sent in a bill something like this: To repairing pump .75 To KNOWING HOW 5.00 Total 5.75 We believe this KNOWING-HOW idea has a whole lot to do with Farming Success these days. The man who KNOWS HOW to get the UTMOST in results with MINIMUM expenditure of time and labor is usually the fellow with the bulging balance over at the First National I "The old order of things passeth away" — and these are days of Kncw-How Methods, of Higher-Efficiency, and of short-cuts to Better Results. RIGHT HERE is where the Tractor comes in. It represents the know-how of better farming. It stands for double results for each day's work — double and more. It cuts out the food bills and slices labor costs in half — for you don't have to feed the when it isn't working and it only takes one man to run it. The , remember, is the pioneer Light Tractor, has been on the market for several years, is no experiment, is fully guaranteed — which means you take NOT THE SLIGHTEST chance when you buy one. Your money is here for you IF THE DOESN'T FULFILL TO THE FULLEST EXTENT EVERY SINGLE CLAIM WE MAKE FOR IT. We pay your railroad fare both ways if you come to our factory to investigate and buy a Tractor. You are also en- titled to a full 10% discount in addition, if you're the first man in your county to buy one. Don't let the thought of the first cost of the hold you back — it's small and insignificant compared to the huge returns it will bring you. Get in touch with us today. Write that letter NOW — a bigger Destiny waits at the mail box; Broader Opportunity lurks around the corner! Sincerely yours, !'■"' ii'i!iiii:iiiiiiiii:i ll( i!:)t:i:,Miiii .ti;nut;fiim>;.iim>imijiim?;t! 44 I "HE DIDN'T KNOW IT COULDN'T BE DONE SO HE WENT AND DID IT!" Dear Mr. We saw the above printed on a placard in a busy man's office recently. It struck us instantly that this Blazing Thought had something to do with the wonderful Tractor and the way it surprises every user with its TREMENDOUS SAVINGS, and the many things it will do for the farmer who DIDN'T know they COULD be done. For the All-Purpose Tractor is full of many surprises. It's the Machine of a Thousand Uses. This light one-man Tractor goes anywhere and does everything, quicker and better than it could be done otherwise. With SEVEN speeds forward and backward for traction or belt, from one speed of the motor, and an unlimited number of speeds through changing speed of motor with the throttle, it readily adapts itself to all purposes. A fourteen-year-old boy is per- fectly at home operating the . Weighing only 5000 pounds, it doesn't pack the ground as all heavy tractors do. The gets its light weight from the fact that we use only the very finest materials — light in weight, yet strong and durable. So, to sum it all up, you get the MAXIMUM of Power and Perform- ance out of the at the MINIMUM of weight and fuel consumption. All these Big, Vital advantages mean Big, Vital things to you, Mister. Why not pack your grip, get on the train and come right here to the factory? Get intimately acquainted with the and the men who make it. We pay your fare both ways if you leave us an order while here. You're also entitled to a full 10% discount if you're the first man in your county to buy one. Lnd, by the way — SOME FOLKS make extra money with the 'ractor HELPING out their neighbors. In fact, some T] owners make enough extra money this way to pay for their tractors. Then, too, some of them get on the township payroll to pull a grader or do other road work. These possibilities of extra profit might interest you! If you're not fully convinced by now that the , and no other, is the tractor for you to buy — write us so we may quickly enlighten you further or make that little trip to the home of the on the basis we suggested. Sincerely yours, "■' n.'iimiiiiiiii miimuimil immillnilliiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimi u: !;:m!M!Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti>iiiiiuiiimiiu;iirimiiimmii!iii!iii!uiiiiimliiiMiHiiii i mini iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii iiiminiiiniilniimiimii iiiiiinmiii iiiiiiniiimiiiinililiililiillilll lltlllllilllrow 45 A GREAT FARMER SAID: "OPPORTUNITY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT ARE ONLY DISTANT RELATIONS. SEEING THE OPPORTUNITY AND SEIZING IT ARE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MATTERS." Dear Mr. That Tractor we've been writing you about is YOUR genuine Opportunity for Greater Accomplishment. Whatever may have kept you from placing your order, you will be wise to STRONGLY RECONSIDER THE proposition Today and S-E-I-Z-E this Legitimate Opportunity to DOUBLE YOUR PROFITS AND CUT FARMING COSTS IN HALF! That great big Chunk of Money you pay out of your Crop Returns each year for Farm Help and Horse Feed, Care and Keep, will be YOURS TO KEEP from the day you put that Tractor to work ! Don't turn your back, stop your ears and close your eyes when Dame Fortune is rapping on your Door with a Hammer of Pure Gold I She bids you Open and Hold Out your Arms to the Great Money- Saving Methods and Profit-Breeding Possibilities this Useful and Economical Machine has in store for you! Get out of the Rut of Antiquated Methods, out of the Jog-Trot of Old-Style Farming, into the Brisk, Business-like, Labor- Saving and Lucre-luring Principles of Time-saving, Cost- lowering and Increased Production — — "YOU'LL THANK YOUR STARS AND BLESS THE DAY YOU STARTED TO FARM IN THE WAY!" Remember, this machine, unlike your horses, is Never Sick, Never Balks, Never Needs a Veterinarian, Needn't be Hitched or Unhitched, Watched or Worried over, Goes Without Feed When Not Working — Goes Everywhere and is Always Ready for Instantaneous Use. And Remember that a 14-year-old lad and your Steady-going does the work of Two Men and Eight Horses, in Half the Time and at Half the Cost ! Any Speed you want, all the Power ycu want, any Use you want to put it to, A-N-D I-T N-E-V-E-R G-E-T-S T-I-R-E-D ! ! Our offer to pay your fare both ways if you visit our Plant and order a — still stands open and you get, in addi- tion, a full 10% discount from the $1400 price if you're the first man in your county to buy this King of Tractors. "There is a Time and Tide in the affairs of Men, which, taken at its ebb, leads on to Fortune." The will mean the Turning Point in your Farming Career — Less Work, Less Expense and MORE REVENUE: More Improvements, More Land, and More Things Worth While for You and Yours. SIT DOWN AND WRITE US WHILE THE THOUGHT'S WARM IN YOUR MIND! Yours for Prosperity, ..II ■:■■ 'ii;iiiiiiiiiniiiiii|iilinuillltlltiwilltnit-|lll)tttll KllllHiltsimmill '■■'■; iit::iiiimhi :iitiim::ii:ui i . i-minn-m .:iti |„| ,,.... .1 ■ .. ,■:■! ■;:, 46 Dear Sir: You are live, alert, resourceful. Ycu don't overlook any real chance to GET AHEAD! You want the Public to LIKE your show. You want to IMPROVE YOUR INVESTMENT in every way possible! Right here, THE REGISTER looms big ! It gives the front of your house a NEW prestige. It adds elegance and efficiency to your box office. It SPEEDS UP the sale of . It gives you a NEW SAFETY. PROTECTS you, A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y. Not only YOU, but YOUR CASHIER has a new sense of security. You're able to check up receipts ANY MOMENT. Your box office worries are OVER! The is a time, temper and trouble saver. It doesn't keep the patron waiting. Its hand never slips; its attention never lags. No excuses ; works perfectly, smoothly, rapidly* One, two, three, four, five tickets delivered SIMULTANEOUSLY. Their registered INSTANTANEOUSLY. No confusion, no delays, no cash drawer mistakes. No disputes, no ifs and ands, no uncertainty. For efficiency's, economy's, saf ety ' s sake, install an . The cost is INSIGNIFICANT compared to its benefits. One night's use and you wouldn't go back to hand-selling for TEN TIMES THE cost ! »Your patrons, your cashier — YOU will be immensely pleased. What other amusement men say MEANS SOMETHING. Their letters are attached. And under another cover we send you illustrated booklet. Don't W-A-I-T 0-R D-E-B-A-T-E about this big and important item! Go over the booklet carefully. It tells about the dif- ferent types of . Write us about the size and style you need. D-0 T-H-I-S T-0-D-A-Y ! It's a money-making move on your part. Sincerely yours, ■ 'IM li" ■'..■'■ ■■■•'■..■■.'; ,; iill <1 . :,-■ |'I!i . . ; (1 '11111,1 i 47 Dear Mr. : Every day we've been expecting an answer from you. Every day you're without the Register YOU MISS A GREAT DEAL! GOOD PICTURES make your house popular. GOOD EQUIPMENT, Prompt and Accurate Service will attract MORE people. For weeks after you install this , every patron who buys a will be interested in the way it operates. Your will work better. She knows the is accurately every sale. She no longer becomes flustered on big nights. "The long waiting line" has no more terrors for her. Your patrons will appreciate it. They are on more promptly. Not the slightest delay or hesitancy. and change — QUICK AS A FLASH! YOU will be better pleased. You'll be more fit for business; you'll worry less. You'll know things are going more smoothly, safely, securely. Your keeping system will be reduced to an EXACT SCIENCE! You need never ask the cashier, "How much cash?" THE TELLS YOU AT ANY SECOND! AND THE DOESN'T MAKE MISTAKES ! THAT feature alone is worth a hundred times the cost of the ! THAT feature alone might some time save you the cost in THIRTY DAYS! Think how quickly you'd invest this amount in SOME OTHER LESS IMPORTANT feature of your theater! Think how often you HAVE done it ! AND— THIS— HAS— TO— DO— WITH— THE— SAFETY— AND— ACCURACY OF— YOUR— CASH ! It's very, very, VERY important!!! You admire a store that has its . You respect the office that has its ADDING MACHINE. The Public will approve of your box office — accurate, effi- cient, speedy, business-like, with the air of progress- iveness and prosperity. Mail the enclosed card. It does not obligate you. Simply indicates you MIGHT be interested if we PROVE the machine a wise Investment for you NOW. Yours very truly, '' ■ . iiuiitfiiiiill!iiiin«iiiii! : mi unimiiimnminm : 49 ■I WOULDN'T PART WITH THE WE HAVE FOR $5,000 1" Dear Sir: Mr. , manager of the , , wrote us the above ! His letter is attached. Please read it CAREFULLY. You will notice, too, in one place he says: "On rush nights there is no delay at the office, everything working smoothly, no mixups ; the cash is always correct with the n YOU know what this means ! YOU have had to contend with it. YOU recognize the conditions he refers to. YOU know the human mind is not infallible, nor the human hand unfailing. But the you can depend upon ABSOLUTELY. It is mechanically infallible. Its operation is UNFAILING. It is always on duty. It is ever alert. Its attention never lags. Its vigilance is eternal. It is your Silent Watchman — the watchman of your welfare, your interests, your TREASURE BOX! And one of the biggest things about the is the beauty, the good looks, the improved appearance, it gives your It is one of the few things that is as useful as it is ORNA- MENTAL. You'll be proud of the IMPRESS IVENESS of your ! You'll be proud of the better service you are giving your patrons. You'll be DEEPLY GRATIFIED with the new order of things — the smoothness, the accuracy, the ease with which your is kept. What the costs you SINKS INTO INSIGNIFICANCE com- pared to what it DOES for you. And it is a simple, durable . It doesn't get out of order. It is trouble-proof, tamper-proof. It KEEPS ON working smoothly, night after night, week after week, month after month. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. DECIDE NOW! This has too many benefits for you to overlook. Fill out the card enclosed, for further conclusive evidence. We're anxious to furnish it. It's here in abundance! Let the card come forward immediately. It obligates us only — NOT YOU. Yours very truly, :,;,,.,, mi.'ii 11,1 ■■■■....! 50 Dear Sir: People like to go where things are up-to-date. People like to go where things look prosperous. People like to go where "everything is first-class." People take their friends to THE BETTER KIND of . HUMAN PRIDE has something to do with the SIZE of your attend- ance. The exhibitor who overlooks this is LOSING MONEY every day. The gives a NEW AIR OF PROSPERITY to the front of your . It impresses your patrons with your progressive spirit, your desire to please them. It gives your box office an atmosphere of QUALITY — of crisp, business-like service. Successful exhibitors everywhere will echo the above. They'll tell you the stamps your enterprise with success. That it is practical, profitable and should be a part of every progressive exhibitor's equipment. They'll tell ycu it banishes old-time slips, uncertainty, confusion. That it avoids mixups. That it's accurate, un- filing, ever watchful. That it shows you IN A JIFFY how men cash there is on hand. That it makes your bookkeeping easy, convenient, condensed. That it gives you ABSOLUTE PROTECTION every hour your show is open throughout the year. They'll tell you this protection is worth A THOUSAND TIMES the cost ! YOU CAN AFFORD TO LISTEN TO THESE SUCCESSFUL MANAGERS. They're not men who'd recommend an unsuccessful thing. They are live, up-and-doing. They believe in equipment that repre- sents TIME-SAVING, ACCURACY, BETTER SERVICE. Whatever has kept you from getting this machine, from writing us before, BRUSH IT ASIDE. Mail the enclosed card. The man NOT OPEN TO CONVICTION closes his eyes to his own best interests and turns his back upon SUCCESS. We're ready to FURNISH POWERFUL FACTS. Won't hurt to LET US SEND THEM ON! Yours very truly, 51 My Dear Sir: Thank you for your inquiry about the We are positive that GETTING THIS MACHINE would prove a vital step FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE BENEFIT AND PROFIT. A step that will quickly show satisfactory results in thoroughly S-Y-S-T-E-M-A- T-I-Z-I-N-G your business. The delivers one to five tickets SIMULTANEOUSLY. It instantly records each ticket sold and (the register being under lock and key) makes you S-U-R-E of your cash account every moment, NO MATTER HOW FAR FROM THE THEATER YOU MAY BE. The WON'T LET mistakes occur. It WON'T LET your cashier get careless. It WON'T LET there be any uncertainty. It WON'T LET the patron wait. ' ' • It WON'T LET you worry. It WON'T LET your competitor get ahead of you. We furnish of all denominations: 100,000 to 500,000 at per thousand; 500,000 to 1,000,000 and over at — ; 1,000,000 and over at — (see page 8, our catalogue) . Our single machine is for shows where sales average 400 to 800 per day, on one price . Our DOUBLE serves ANY SIZE , holds of each, and sells without re-loading. With THIS , you can sell , , at the same time. (See catalogue, page -. ) Tell us by return mail the CAPACITY of your and the DENOMINATION of you sell. We want you to have the EXACTLY suited to your needs — an Service that will prove an endless source of satisfaction and safety. This information we ask DOES NOT OBLIGATE YOU IN THE LEAST. Send it today, and we will simply write you our SUGGESTIONS. We can install the on terms satisfactory to you. Just now we are equipped for PROMPT SHIPMENT, and hope you will get your specifications to us at once. We don't say this to hurry you, but the demand for is such that a delay at this time might retard its delivery to you, should you decide to order. Feeling sure you will find it profitable to give us this informa- tion by RETURN MAIL, I am Sincerely yours, SALES MANAGER. 'ii'iiuimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimimiii immu miiu.mi .m n.iriiiui imnimmmiiiiiiummimiimmimiimimmimmiimiii mm nullum muimmiuii ii.iiinmmui ■IIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHK1 1 iMiiiimiiinimiiiim ::■ 52 | GREAT NEWS ! I My dear Sir: Big and Bounteous is the harvest this trip in our "Golden Egg Territory" ! Bigger than it's been for SEVEN YEARS! The Farmer is Overjoyed! Bulging crops and Bulging bank balances ! And you can bet Pa and Ma, and daughter Nell, and the boys, Joe and Ed, will HAVE THINGS this year! La, yes ! They've fixed their minds on a whole flock of Fresh Fixings ! New Home Furnishings, New Personal Apparel, New Farm Improve- ments, Conveniences, Implements, Vehicles, Harness, etc., Right now "The Golden Egg Territory" of S. Dakota, N. E. Nebraska, N. Dakota and S. W. Minnesota holds out a ripe, rich harvest of Jingling Dollars to the ADVERTISER! And listen! There's but ONE farm paper that COMPLETELY, THOROUGHLY AND ABSOLUTELY covers this Dollar-Yielding Domain. YOU'VE FOUND IT! Tha , if you please. Fifty-five thousand guaranteed circulation $3.50 an inch, no medicine or liquor advertisements. Right now, today, these fifty-five thousand prosperous farmers and breeders are waiting to see that ad of yours. Right now other Agricultural and Live Stock Advertisers are getting big and gratifying results through our Weekly Magazine. Right now is the Real Opportunity to market your product in The Golden Egg Territory we so effectively reach. Fight now I hope you'll determine to tell your story to all these fellows in the Hour of their Prosperity. THEY WANT YOUR STUFF! WHY SHOULD YOU IGNORE THEM? Cordially yors, Advertising Manager. iiiiitii!tiM[iititiititii;iti!iiLiitiiiiiiiiii>i:iiiiii>iiii[ii'itmiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmiiiimiiiiiiimiiiii[|>iiiiiiiiiiiii niiiiinmiii! i(:iiiiiimiiiiii!iiiiniii:iiiiKiitiiNiiii!iiiiitiiiniiiiiiiiiwiMililiiiiiiiiiiHi:iiiiMifnimiiii ifiiiititftiiMii«i«ililitnilllMllliMO 55 I "THAT EXPLAINS WHERE MY CLOTHES-LINE WENT TO!" 1 I = 1 SAID AN IOWA WOMAN WHO FOUND HER HUSBAND HAD HUNG HIMSELF IN THE BARN. Dear Mr. •Tis true, the above is a grewsome incident to illustrate a point, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with my store, but I simply v/ant to show that everything has an explanation a reason. There's a real, red-blooded, vital reason why you should let write your Fire Insurance. I mean a business reason a reason that has real advantages in it for YOU! The , , and companies are right up-to-the-minute in method, broad-gauged with policy-holders, quick and just in their settlements, reliable, prominent, powerful. Yes, indeed! I am here before you with Insurance that Insures; I don't want to merely deliver your policies, collect the premium and forget you until expiration time I want to give you SERVICE; to take care of your insurance, watch your ex- pirations, save every dollar for you I can, give you every advantage in my power, and in all ways look after YOUR interests as keenly as those of my companies. You want the BEST protection at the very LOWEST price it can be bought for THAT'S WHAT I CAN GIVE YOU! Maybe your insurance is costing you more than it should, or maybe it doesn't as THOROUGHLY PROTECT you as it might, or maybe you want BETTER SERVICE GENERALLY. Now, there's a card enclosed: Maybe if you fill out your expirations on it and mail to me, you'll be mighty glad you did; it's likely to save you some BIG, ROUND, JINGLING DOLLARS ! And what's more vitally imporant- BRING you more j ingling dollars if you'd happen to have a little bonfire down your way. Let me show you my "Wares" anyway no harm done if you decide to stick to what you've got. Why not mail this postal while the thought's fresh in your mind? Whirl 'round in your office chair and do it NOW 'tis a turn for the BETTER ! i Yours for just a Little Share, """"'" ■ 56 Dear Sir: Listen to this. Listen to it C-L-O-S-E-L-Y. It means D-O-L-L-A-R-S to you. MANY of them in the course of the year ! Your store and fixtures are insured. You've taken out fire insurance in the regular way. You were right to do this, of course BUT you didn't know, most likely, about and its big saving and great benefits. is the better, newer kind. Gives you the same protection AT A MUCH LOWER COST! Ha! That interests you- well, HERE ARE A FEW STARTLING FACTS: YOU CAN SAVE 390 OUT OF EVERY DOLLAR YOU'RE NOW PAYING THE REGULAR FIRE COMPANIES ! You can know that BUT ONE-FIFTH OF YOUR DOLLAR goes for company operating expense ; You can be sure that NONE of it goes to stockholders as dividends ; You'll be positive that only 60 of it is set aside for "bad moral hazard" ; You'll be sure that 740 of it is reserved to pay legitimate losses and PROFITS BACK TO YOU! If you join this Exchange you not only save 390 of every dollar you now pay for fire insurance, but you get the same protection and receive a profit in addition. if you adopt at once, it's just like being a stockholder in a big insurance company, and getting your share of its profits while immediately reducing the cost of your own insurance. It is like PAYING TO YOURSELF money that used to .eave your pockets NEVER TO COME BACK AGAIN! It's simply joining a number of first-class concerns in your line, banded together to protect each other against fire loss, ider a plan that gives each his insurance at a T-R-E-M-E-N-D-O-U-S saving. 'ou simply CAN'T afford to overlook this. Every up-to-the- linute businessman is on the sharp lookout for things that •educe the COST of doing business and insurance is a mighty >ig item an important one, too! frite me today for FULLER information; you should I-N-V-E-S-T-I-G-A-T-E without a minute's delay. It means big, round dollars in your pockets, and still JUST AS BIG indemnity in case you've a fire loss. Don't put this off, look into it at once; you will be glad you lid. Fill in the enclosed postal and DROP IT IN THE VERY NEXT Yours for a Big Saving, iivi wtmmmmm Yours very truly, 57 i Dear Sir: You haven't answered my recent letter about . Guess you've been too busy. BUT IT'S AN AWFULLY IMPORTANT THING FOR YOU! You shouldn't let it go another day without full investi- gation. Live, resourceful merchants everywhere are taking up every day. To them it means "a boon and a blessing." IT STOPS A BIG MONEY-LEAK! It's simply EVOLUTION A GREAT STEP FORWARD! It's the saner and more economical way of protecting a stock against fire loss. It PUTS A STOP to paying out gigantic profits to stock- holders of insurance companies ! i Serious, far-seeing Businessmen everywhere are readily adopt- ing . A thing they'd long been waiting for! A way to TURN TO THEIR OWN POCKETS profits they have long paid to others. YOU SHOULDN'T BE CAUGHT NAPPING on such a vital proposition! YOU SHOULD MAKE THIS THING AN IMPORTANT BUSINESS MATTER WHICH REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION THIS VERY DAY ! Don't turn your back upon a 390 saving out of every dollar you pay the fire companies now. Really, you CAN'T AFFORD to do it. It's TOO BIG AN ITEM TO LET GO BY! Let me personally assure you of ONE thing: YOU will be as highly enthusiastic over as all the other excel- lent concerns that have joined this Exchange. You'll even REGRET you didn't take it up long ago. So, I urge that you ACT IMMEDIATELY that you at once fill out enclosed card, which brings you complete information by return mail. I can furnish you any number of powerful testimonials from big concerns and big businessmen who have adopted — and are intensely satisfied with it. THEY wouldn't go back to old-time fire insurance methods for anything. THEY poured their money into the coffers of these concerns LONG ENOUGH. I hope to hear from you by return mail. YES, RIGHT AWAY! i Send off that card the very next thing you do IT'S A MONEY- MAKING MOVE ON YOUR PART. .KI'iKliHIIMIifim III U l.lTNisrUHlli HI II l.llllillKH Manager. ■miiiiiiiiwiwh— ihmwihiii miwiMiiimiiiniinnnr in " .-.—.—. J= 58 Dear Sir: My third letter to you about I'm a bit mystified as to why we've had no response. The immense saving and big benefits SURELY have some weight with you. It may be, however, that you have not fully grasped the situation. If this is so, I want a chance to MAKE EVERYTHING CLEAR TO YOU. You need as badly as any other progressive, in- telligent merchant who wants to cut down his overhead expense and yet have the surest possible protection in case of fire. I THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HOLDS OUT TO YOU RIGHT NOW! 1 The figures I can furnish by return mail will not only astonish you — they will C-O-N-V-I-N-C-E you, and mighty quickly, that is the thing for you to connect with IMMEDIATELY. With your present insurance, you must have a fire in order to cash in on your premiums. If you never have one, you contribute thousands as dividends to Directors. cuts out bad losses — we all know each other in this Exchange, and the "fire bug" never gets in. By eliminating him, we get full indemnity for our own losses and cut the premium rate WAY DOWN. HOW DOES THAT STRIKE YOU? ! i The moment you employ , you stop the eternal P-A-Y-I-N-G into the pockets of others, and you pay something to yourself, and get the strongest protection in the world. Again I send you the postal to fill out, which simply indicates you are INTERESTED— nothing else. With this postal, if you'll send one of your policy forms, we will make up "A Specimen Policy" in , simply for your inspection — there's not the slightest obligation on your part to accept it. I'm SURE you'd be interested the moment you glanced over this policy. i i Give the matter your serious attention TODAY. Don't "Let It Wait !" Forward the postal and policy form and simply BE OPEN TO CONVICTION. , with its countless advantages, will do the rest. On the Great Clock of Time, there's but one word: "Now!" A-C-T R-I-G-H-T A-W-A-Y! Yours very truly, 59 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO WHOLESALE BAKERS ! Gentlemen: I am prepared to immediately save you from 50% to 75% on all the Flavoring Extracts you use. I can at once furnish you with a Complete Set of Guaranteed Formulas for making your own Flavors and SAVING ALL YOU'VE BEEN PAYING THE FLAVOR-MAKERS! My business for years has been the manufacture of Pure Extracts. I therefore know how the BEST are made, and just what they have been costing you. I am in position to offer you a Complete Set of Formulas for $25. These formulas will be sold you with the GUARANTEE OF ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK! You can hardly afford to neglect this Big Opportunty for Saving, and Increased profits, nor neglect to answer this letter right away. I want you to be Perfectly Satisfied, however, before you buy this set of formulas, so request that you mail the enclosed card immediately it will promptly bring you I A SAMPLE OF FLAVOR made from these formulas. You will find it as good as anything you ever bought and that the time has come to make your own ex- tracts and save hundreds of dollars annually. M-A-I-L T-H-A-T C-A-R-D T-0-D-A-Y ! ! You'll be MIGHTY GLAD you did ! It's a money-making move on your part ! Yours for Extract Economy, ■ 60 "THE CALL OVER THE COUNTER!" Dear Sir: We know you're practical-minded, resourceful, alert. You're out for BIGGER SALES on anything you sell. Like every other Live Merchant, you judge of an article's merit by The Call Over The Counter ! LISTEN! LISTEN HARD! ! If you want to quickly add GET-UP, GINGER AND GUMPTION to your Flour Sales, you want to Connect Up Mighty Quick with our and Flours ! THEY ARE SALES SPEEDERS AND SATISFACTION SPREADERS! EACH IS A REAL, TRUE, TRIED, TRIUMPHANT BAKER! Each makes an Instantaneous Hit with The Woman at The Bake Oven! It's SHE that has a whole lot to do with th size of your flour-sales as the months roll 'round! and ARE THE KIND OF FLOURS THAT MAKE MRS. JONES LEAN OVER THE FENCE AND TELL MRS. BROWN!! and win a never-ending "call over the counter" wherever they land! Hadn't you better get to figuring mighty hard about adding them to your List of Trade Attractions right away? is the Peer of Pure Soft Wheat, Highest Patent Flours, and doesn't Low-Bridge to any Hard Wheat Flour in Creation! This isn't idle boast we BACK IT with A MONEY- BACK GUARANTEE THAT MEANS SOMETHING! We hope you'll promptly consider a SWITCH to these Trade- Tempting Brands! They'll put Vim, Vigor and VELOCITY into your flour-sales right from the start, and incidentally inject more speed into the sales of OTHER merchandise you carry! Why not write us at once how soon you're due to send in another flour order? Somehow, we're right positive YOU'LL BE DOWNRIGHT GLAD YOU DID ! Yours very truly, 61 I Dear Sir: Barnum, the circus man, was WRONG! He had a Bug in his Dynamo when he said "People Like To Be Humbugged !" THEY DON'T! Now-a-days, THEY WANT WHAT THEY PAY FOR! Humbug Flour is a Trade-Frightener. High-grade Flour is a Trade-Brightener ! RIGHT NOW you should decide to give your Custom the SUPREME THING IN FLOUR, our and ! THESE TWO BRANDS WILL BOOST YOUR BALANCE AT THE BANK! THIRTY YEARS OF KNOWING HOW GOES INTO EVERY BLESSED SACK! Our Perfect Products are the result of EXPERIENCE, not Experi- ment ; our Milling Methods are Strictly Down-To-NOW ! and are Sure, Steady Sellers. stands for Business Rushing and for Unceasing Trade ! WHAT THEY'VE DONE FOR OTHER LIVE DEALERS THEY'LL DO FOR YOU! You can't keep satisfied People from TALKING-' specially the good housewives ! The moment you sell and , the Good Gossip about BETTER BAKING RESULTS will get out among the women-folk, YOUR FLOUR TRADE WILL TAKE ON A NEW SPEED AND YOU'D BE YELLIN' BACK FOR ANOTHER CAR IN JIFFY-TIME ! Get Aboard the Quality Line-Only Swift Route to Satisfactionville! It'll be a MONEY-MAKING MOVE ON YOUR PART! is a Pure Soft Wheat, Highest Patent Flour. is a Pure Hard Wheat, Highest Patent Flour. You can sell them both with an IRON-BOUND MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE and know 'way down deep within you that THEY'LL BRING DOWNRIGHT BAKING- JOY INTO EVERY HOME THEY GO TO ! These Faultless Flours Form Firm, Fast Friends for KEEPS! Hadn't you better let us quote you on 'em right away? Yours very truly, 62 Dear Sir: Maybe you've heard the story of the fellow who fixed the pump. He sent in a bill something like this: To repairing your doggone pump. . . $ .75 To KNOWING HOW 5.00 $5.75 KNOW HOW is the Stuff that Made the Japs Capture Port Arthur! KNOW HOW is the Stuff in our and flours that'll Capture for YOU the biggest flour-trade you've ever had I THIRTY YEARS of Know How ought to inject the Quintessence of Quality into 'most ANY article, oughtn't it? Our faultless is a supreme soft-wheat wonder for delicious biscuits, pies, cakes, pastry! Southern folks can make light bread and rolls with it that'd melt in your mouth! They KNOW HOW ! Our famous is a hard-wheater in High Degree, that for Bread, Rolls and Biscuit wins the housewife hands down! She finds 'nary a coarse, dark, tasteless loaf in a thousand sacks! Ycu can personally assure each and every customer of a Much- Better Yield, Much-Better Color and Much-Better Flavor; you could take your oath on and making the best of EVERYTHING and the town constable '11 never run you in for perjury, either! We've a large list of dealers who positively declare our flours surpass in Yield, Flavor, Color, Grain and Uniform Baking Satisfaction EVERY OTHER FLOUR THEY'VE EVER SOLD! You'll be doing the same thing if you make up your mind to speedily make our Business-Building Brands your Best Bet ! Let us hear from you, whether you wish to order or not. Tell us freely and Frankly and Fully just how you feel about this flour proposition. Nothing like swapping sentiments about these things sometimes — maybe it'll result to our mutual profit. WHY NOT WRITE TO US TO-DAY? To-day's better'n To-morrow; it always WAS ! Yours very truly, HlMmmiimim'imiiiu.iii'm.i ll m n u m im«iiimmm;ilroni:ilnilimiiiMmilol!iMni^^ 63 1 Dear Sir: That thing called TRUTH is something like the Arnica a fellow puts on a Burn STINGS LIKE BLAZES BUT GOES STRAIGHT TO THE SPOT! It hurts when we must say there are a whole raft of flours not NEAR as good as and , but, By Jings, it's the TRUTH, Tried, Tested, Triumphant!! There's a BEST in Everything in Soft Wheat Flour it's ; in Hard Wheat Flour it's , and tryin* to imitate it is just like Firing at Armour-plate with a Bean-shooter! We don't want to seem boastful, but we're SURE of the superiority of our products with a kind of THIRTY- YEAR CONVICTION, see? Folks have crowned the prize-winner of Biscuit- Pie-Cake-Pastry flours, and it's dear to the heart of Southern people for 'making light bread and rolls (they're MAGICIANS with soft wheat flour!) walks away with the Laurels when it comes to a down- right Dependable BREAD, ROLL and BISCUIT maker and an Every-pur- pcse Family Flour. YOU WANT THESE ENDLESS REPEATERS RIGHT NOW TO OFFER TO YOUR TRADE! MOST LIKELY YOU WANT TO SELL ALL THE FLOUR YOU CAN. YOU CAN'T NAIL A BIG TRADE WITH HAPHAZARD FLOUR. YOU'VE GOT TO POUND 'EM WITH SOMETHING STRONGER! BETTER QUALITY'S THE ONE AND ONLY THING THAT MAKES THE BIG HIT. and are Soaring on the Top-most wave of Popularity with Wise Housewives Everywhere. They're both SELF- SELLING flours— — after you've sold the housewife ONE sack, she comes back and asks for 'em of her own accord. So, if you're in Dead Earnest about More Flour Profit, Mister, take ycur pen in hand and tell it to Yours very truly, ::;:.::.:■ i .,-, , ; m ;u ,.\ ,,■ , n :. ■:- ,:;■ 64 SPECIAL. Dear Sir: I decided to write you personally today, for a little information. I'd like to know whether you could give our flour a THOROUGH SELLING-TEST at the earliest possible date? If not, will you do me the kindness to frankly write me WHY, in the enclosed envelope? My idea in bringing this urgently to your special attention today, is just this: I noticed your name, this morning, on our "Unconvinced Dealers" list. I 'm curious to know why it 's there, because we now have a fine large list of dealers who positively declare our flours surpass in Yield, Flavor, Color, Grain and uniform Baking Satisfaction, EVERY OTHER FLOUR THEY'VE EVER SOLD. Our high grade, short patent flour has made more money for them. It will make more money for you. YOUR VERY FIRST TRIAL OF IT WILL PROVE THIS TO YOU: THEN I KNOW YOU WILL REGRET NOT HAVING SOLD IT BEFORE. Our great and growing family of Convinced Dealers know they are selling the very highest grades southwestern flour milled in America. The housewife finds 'nary a coarse, dark tasteless loaf in a thousand sacks. I can personally assure your customers of a much Better Yield, much better Color, much Better Flavor, and YOU a much Better Balance at the bank, if you will write me today stating just when you would consider giving us a trial order. Hoping to hear from you by return mail, and feeling sure it will result to our mutual profit, I am, Sincerely yours, ivirii ■•■;..;.. ' i. -i(it 'il>i;.'.i' >i< i;i ,,..,■ ::-i - ., , ■■ ■■ . 's.iir i.'l' .::■■.;■'■■! " r 65 Gentlemen: Our will soon walk in on you. He wants to interest you in the very best line of Men's Fur-Lined Coats you've ever looked at in Galloway, Russian Calf, Manchurian Dog, black Horse-Hide and Coonskin. We have our own factory here, are pretty close to you, and the freight saving is a big item. You will save big money by buying from us. You will get better Skins and more dependable Gar- ments. You will get Better Service, Prompt Shipment; in fact you will find it a Money-Saving Move to await coming and carefully inspect our line. We make these Coats ourselves, we know what's in them from start to finish, and you can always go "behind the scenes" in a Coat and find the RIGHT STUFF. We know our line will Hit the Bull's Eye of Your Expectancy, give Your Trade The Greatest Satisfac- tion, and, incidentally, BOOST YOUR BALANCE AT THE BANK. Watch for Very truly yours, ■ ■ ■ ■ n.:,i" n ■: ■ 'I ■■-■' ■■ " 66 Dear Mr. Let it sorta sink into your soul that we thoroughly appreciate every dollar's worth of business you've ever done here. We hope you, too, are supremely satisfied and will still be trading at when your great-grand-children are men and women. Outside of providing you with the things you want, when you want them, at let-live prices, on liberal terms, just burn it in your memory that this store's here to serve you in every way it can. We say this and we MEAN it. If we've ever made an omission in dealing with you, 'twas an Error of the Head and not of the Heart. You see, it isn't all a cold matter of Merchandise and Money with us we want the Fast Friendship and Complete Confidence of EVERYONE WHO TRADES WITH THE HOUSE OF This store's Success is founded upon the Solid Rock of INTEGRITY, and the Firm Faith of its Debtors and Creditors alike. Meeting obligations ON THE MINUTE is one of the Vital Reasons of our Steady Growth and our ability to accommodate you and your neighbors. When we ask you to call without delay and pay the amount you owe, , as we do now, we know you'll understand that your prompt settlement will enable us to just-as-promptly ACCOMMODATE YOU AGAIN, when you need it. So, we're sure you'll arrange to come at once and square ac- counts, in order that we, in turn, may meet our own obligations on the dot. I Thank goodness, the crops have been unusually good, and it looks as though everybody will be in pretty good shape all around. Therefore, we're expecting you in right away, and we can quickly get your good name on the CREDIT side of the big ole book we keep to ease the Pathway of our Friends. i And then, too, we're just downright anxious to see your smiling face again, shake hands with you, swap stories and the like. Would you mind writing or otherwise notifying us, upon receipt of this, just when we may expect to hear your welcome "Howdy"? Sincerely your friends, "■"■"n""-' .mnmumnmimmniiiiiimiMiiniwmmimiiiiiiitiini.iimiiiiiiiiur Miuimmniiiipiiimmiiii^,: ,: i n.ii.-miiiiimtiumll««llli.««mim«li«llllcMl»«r ■■I: 67 A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS THE BIGGEST PLUGGER OF 'EM ALL. Dear Sir: You remember the good old slogan used to be "A Satisfied Customer Is The Best Advertisement" but we've brought it down- to-now, as above. It tells the simple story of this store's steady growth and hosts of friends, all in one year. SATISFACTION brings them back. SATISFACTION with the sterling quality of our goods; our stand- ing offer to refund money on any unsatisfactory purchase; our prompt, polite, painstaking service. Let it sorto sink into your Soul, Neighbor, that this store would be downright glad to have you for a Customer, and would prove to you its ability to provide you with the things you want, when you want them, and at LET-LIVE PRICES. Burn it into your Memory, too, that we're here to serve you in every way we can, whether your purchases be large or small. We SAY this and we MEAN it. You see it isn't all a cold matter of merchandise and money with us we want the Fast Friendship and Complete Confidence of EVERYONE WHO TRADES WITH fe hope you'll come and see us right soon, whether you wish o buy or not. ou are always welcome to visit us to your heart's content. We're always glad to see you and to hear your welcome "Howdy." Your friends, : ■ . ■■',-..:::■..■'.. i.m 68 I THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF THE HOUSE OF 1. Thou shalt give Dollar for Dollar in Full Measure of True and Honest Merchandise. 2. Thou shalt make Each and Every Customer thy Fond, Fast Friend, remembering the Wise Philosopher's word: "To Have Friends, You must BE One." 3. Thou shalt Deal Rigidly upon the Principles of the Square Deal and make each transaction a Shining Example of the Golden Rule. 4. Thou shalt Warmly Welcome the Small Euyer as he were a Princely Patron, and Favor the Random Customer as Freely as the Regular. 5. Thou shalt "Play no Favorites," but make Favorites of ALL. 6. Thou shalt Lead all Friends from the Error of Long-Distance Trading for the Merchant-of-the-Mails is like unto the noisy Circus with Paper Promises, that cometh and taketh Much, giveth Little, doeth no good for the Community, and is Stone Deaf in Your Hour of Need. 7. Thou shalt have One Price for All; and that Price Fair, Righteous, Reasonable. 8. Thou shalt Extend the Hearty Hand of Helpfulness to the Thrifty who come for Accommodation; thine shall be an Open House with an Open Heart. 9. Thou shalt be Courteous, Kind, Just and Generous to Everyone, Sympathetic in the Hour of Affliction, Sincere and Neighborly ever. 10. Thou shalt Treasure as a Priceless Jewel the Full Confidence of the Community; thine shall be a Store with a Soul, where even a Blind Man shall Receive Honorable Value and the Little Child may come alone and Buy. ' miiMimmimiini : imNUtiinitu ■■ : wmtmm HMN . ■ :■ ■ ■ : 69 EXTRA ! ! Gentlemen: For $1 we will send you 100 Brand New, Live, Legitimate, UNUSED Agents' Names. i 1 Names of Real, Reliable, Red-Blooded Men, who can go out in the world and SELL THINGS WITH A VENGEANCE! MEN, not mollycoddles, who are SALESMEN FROM THE GROUND UP! Men with Ginger, Gumption and Getability in them! Men who can promptly SPEED UP your sales, who'll W-O-R-K all hours to SELL YOUR STUFF if your stuff's right. Men who are Ambitious, Energetic, Resourceful who are Restless, Rattling-Good Money-Makers. Men who will neither Shirk, Shuffle or Shilly-Shally. You want such agents, don't you? You need 'em right now you BET you do ! WAIT! You needn't say it of COURSE you've heard from other list-peddlers and we know you've bought other lists. DON'T BUY OURS IF YOU DON'T THINK THEY ARE EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED. JUT! Get this in your mind Good and Hard: You've never bought 's lists, and once you do, WE WON'T HAVE TO CEEP AFTER YOU TO BUY MORE OF THEM; YOU'LL DO IT OF YOUR )WN ACCORD. We KNOW HOW to find good Agents, KNOW HOW to keep track of ,hem, KNOW HOW to sell Good Lists, KNOW HOW to keep our clients rtio use lists year after year. )UR LISTS DO THE WORK FOR OTHERS, AND THEY'LL DO THE WORK FOR ^OU. So, if you're seeking SIX-CYLINDER SALESMEN who can go mt and LAND THE LUCRE, send us a dollar today, right now, for .00 names of JUST SUCH MEN. )urs is a List Business foundedupon the Solid Rock of INTEGRITY, and we'll bet ONE thing after we've sold you ONE list, you'll come right back for MORE. CONNECT WITH BETTER AGENTS AND BIGGER SALES TODAY! . . . Yours for Lucrative Lists, iMMMaaHHnmiamMMMMUiHManaMMMBM 70 1 I My dear Sir: We don't know whether or not you've ever used Gummed Labels, but v/e DO know you've never used There's a dif. We make them newer, better, brighter with more STICKTOITIVE- NESS in them. The Ad-Label never gets lost, it stays right where ycu put it, serves its purpose, tells your story, and is so inexpensive you can use them as carelessly as you do pins. Sealing your packages with Ad-Labels means you are saving money, saving twine, saving time, saving trouble, saving temper they don't come undone, don't slip off, don't tear off. r e make them in a number of snappy colors, and print them with -our name and ad to the queen's taste. [sed for labels, or stickers, or address cards, they make ■our packages look mighty slick and business-like ; they show you're an up-and-doing concern with your eyes on the ball. They dress-up your package and show that you're down-to-now folks and do things expeditiously. There are cheap labels on the market, but we are not guilty the kind never would, could or should be cheap. Our )rices are righteous, and our labels appeal to those who don't )uy Bleary-Smeary, Clap-Trap Stuff. re hope you will some day give us a trial order. If you do, it follows as the night the day (as Bill Shakespeare said) that you'll order a second time of your own sweet will. 'ours for Labels that Lure the Lucre, . 71 Dear Friend: We won't talk shop this trip. Nope, nary a breath of Hay gossip. This letter is simply to wish you the compliments of the season. I want you to know this isn't just simply a game of Hay and Pay with me. There's a world of other satisfaction in knowing our friends are with us strong, that we're getting on. For every friendly word spoken for us is a boost toward the Big Goal. Lucre isn't everything. LAURELS are worth some- thing. Laurels and loyalty the loyalty of those with whom we're dealing day after day. You see, I'm just the plainest kind of plain folks myself, and I like to deal with plain folks. They are my kind. I feel perfectly at home with them. They feel at home with me. In fact we get along famously. You may remember what a great man said: "GOD MUST HAVE LOVED THE PLAIN FOLKS. HE MADE SO MANY OF THEM. " So, with Santa Claus peepin' around the corner and everybody thinking of everybody else and me grinding away here in my shirt sleeves, smokin* a fragrant Fleur de Alfalfa that one of my shipper friends handed to me well, I just kinda elt like passing the good cheer along, in the hope that Jhristmas day may hold a thousand joyous thrills for you and ill your loved ones; that your missus and kids are as joyously lappy as me and mine — that the festive Yuletide spirit may be ,here in your midst with bells on. 'or happiness is a thing, we all know, that we must GIVE in irder to RECEIVE. Saith the wise Bard: "TO HAVE FRIENDS, YOU MUST BE ONE!" !c I'll let it go at that, I guess, and get back to the ;rim grind again leaving you my warmest good wishes for a lerry, merry Christmas, and a New Year filled to overflowing with bright, fresh, endless possibilities of prosperity and happiness in fact all the bounteous benefactions that the Goddess of Good Fortune may be able to pour out upon you. Believe me, Ycur sincere friend, i'lUMlllinimiln rii!<:ri:inini| r:,i«i, iciiMfiiNi. .mm, i,i, im. mini, iininiN, mimmmmm.:, „,„„,„ in imiiiniimi . . i u,,,,. ,;.: ,,,■ ■ inn ■■ .1::. .:■■, 'i, ! Recently we wrote you about taking the Agency for the , a Wonderful Health Appliance that can really do more for Sick People than all the Medicines and Men of Medicine in Creation. Whatever has delayed your reply, we are positive if you knew what OTHER agents are making with this proposition, you would get busy awfully quick and apply for the agency in your locality by next mail. Inasmuch as we need someone to represent The in your City at once, and have a very Satisfactory and Substantial Territorial and General Agency proposition to offer him, we would thank you to advise us right away as to whether you can take hold. We are willing to ship you a Sample upon payment of $5 down and $5 monthly, you to try out its SELLABILITY for 30 days, and, if dissatisfied, you get your money back. As stated in former letter, the sells for $35; the Agent buys it for $25. He can sell for cash or on installments. In taking the Agency, therefore, he is not risking a dollar; on the other hand, he has every opportunity, and every assistance from us, in building up a Large and Lucrative Busi- ness for himself. THE will bring Grateful and Gratifying Relief to Every Man, Woman or Child who uses it, ACTING, AS IT DOES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GREAT FUNDAMENTAL LAW OF NATURE. You will be selling something that Really Does the Work, Readily Brings Results, Rapidly Arrests Disease and Conquers Pain. IT SELLS ITSELF BY PROMPTLY FULFILLING EVERYTHING YOU CLAIM FOR IT. After you have proven your ability, we'd be willing to allot r ou generous territory, give you a General Agency; your Sub- Lgents would receive $10 for each sale and we would allow you ^4 on every sale made by them; you would then also receive this jxtra commission on your own sales. If you proved a good >rganizer, however, it would probably pay you best Appointing md Assisting Agents. :HERE IS QUICK, SURE, BIG MONEY IN THIS CLEAN-CUT PROPOSITION FOR YOU. DON'T HESITATE WHEN A REAL OPPORTUNITY IS LAID RIGHT IN YOUR LAP. ON THE GREAT CLOCK OF TIME THERE'S BUT ONE WORD "NOW !" WRITE— US— THIS— VERY— MINUTE ! I ours very truly, N'luiiiiiiiiiuuunmiiiiiiiiiiii'iii i tuiiii , . . ■ , , ..-,-.:,-■ . r. .....:: imihmmi mmmimmmimn tiiiimnnimiiitiinmimiiu.inniliiiiiiin mimnim , NiiiMmitmiiniuMiiim.mui.il,.:. m miiiiiimiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iii imiimimiiMMmiMm.M.iimiimi iMtii.iiiiiiiisiiilliliiinniniintre umnii m.iti 74 OPPORTUNITY DOESN'T COME TO HIM WHO WAITS, BUT TO HIM WHO GOES AFTER IT ! Dear Sir: Let us again and finally urge upon your attention the Big Money-making Possibilities FOR YOU in selling THE in your locality, acquiring a territory and operating Sub- Agents. In view of your apparent hesitation, we have decided to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER, in order to induce you to ACT WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY. i If ycu will immediately send us the names of a number of sick or ailing persons in your city, and we succeed in selling THREE as a result, we will promptly ship you an , FREE. When we correspond with them WE WILL NOT MENTION YOUR NAME, so you need not hesitate about giving us their names at the earliest possible moment. If you do not wish the Agent at all, we will pay you a cash commission of $8 on every instrument we sell through names furnished by you. So, you can make money on the , either as an Agent or as an Outsider. There is not one sick person you know who would not be Heartily Enthusiastic over it after a brief trial. It represents an Enlightened, Sane, Natural, Drugless means of Curing Disease. Every Person Benefited recommends it to OTHERS, and that is why it proves a Splendid, Lucrative Propo- sition for Every Agent handling it. Through our liberal proposition above, you can get an Free or make a clean cash commission of $8 on every person who buys one through your having sent us his or her name. This ought to appeal to you as a Mighty Attractive Way to turn your Spare Time into Good, Round Dollars. Remember, the is a Highly Meritorious Article that you can be proud to be connected with. It has brought Happiness into Hundreds of Homes ! You will be benefiting others and getting liberally >aid for it into the bargain! Now that it doesn't take one dollar of your money to start in and make money on , we hope you will START RIGHT IN GATHERING NAMES AND SENDING THEM TO US, either on the basis of getting a Free , or of receiving $8 for every one sold through you. In this way you will have a chance to observe their Wonderful Curative Powers and Ready Salability to all Ailing Persons; then we predict you will be only too eager to become our regular agent in your locality. Now, let us hear from you right away; every moment you spend in the interests of The will be paid for in cash, as explained above. Get busy collecting names and you will reap a Harvest of Easy Profit. WRITE US TODAY! Yours very truly, 75 Dear Mrs. : We'd like to furnish your Ice this season, and, what's more important, we want our SERVICE to satisfy you THOROUGHLY. You're paying for SERVICE as well as Ice. By Service we mean: REGULAR DELIVERY, TIMELY DELIVERY, COURTEOUS DELIVERY, CLEAN DELIVERY, CAREFUL DELIVERY. These things MEAN SOMETHING to you and to us to you, because they keep you contented with our merchandise and methods ; to us, because we've a deep satisfaction in GIVING satisfaction to each and every patron. PROFIT ISN'T THE ONLY THING. And we ask this: If you like our service tell OTHERS; if you don't, tell US. Tell us WHY. We APPRECIATE COMPLAINTS. You see, it helps us to promptly BETTER THINGS when you report any dissatisfaction. Why not begin co-operating with us for Good Service right away? ORDER NOW. ALWAYS HAVE COUPONS OR MONEY READY FOR DRIVER. ALWAYS TELL HIM HOW MUCH ICE TO LEAVE. ALWAYS TELL HIM WHEN YOU WANT EXTRA ICE. ' We promise Uniform Good Quality, Correct Weight, and a sincere willingness at all times to prove our thorough ap- reciation of your kind patronage. Yours very truly, lll»miiiiiiimiiiim:niin: . iiN'ninii:n;i;;]ii 1:11:1:111 !;hi;:i:iih;'iiii 76 Dear Mr. You've put it off. You've delayed. You've doubted, perhaps. It isn't that you DON'T WANT to learn to dance, but maybe you've thought it would take you a long time. Or you may think you won't be graceful. Or is it that you imagine the Fox Trot, One Step or Hesitation more difficult than they really are? Or perhaps you see people dancing them and say to yourself: "Oh, I simply couldn't learn that!" Now I've a real, genuine surprise in store for you. Yes, YOU who are reading this letter I I can make you a dancer quicker and more easily than you ever DREAMED it could be done! Eighteen years of study and practice have perfected my Methods. I make the most doubtful man or woman dance easily, gracefully. I can teach you perfect confidence in yourself and free, 'hythmic movement without any of the difficulties you've imagined. You can quickly convince yourself of this. Make an appointment with me right away. Telephone , and after you've taken JUST ONE LESSON I know you'll be GENUINELY HAPPY over your swift, easy progress. Our pupils everywhere speak for us. YOU will do the same. No need for you to stand by and see others dance. Get to the 'phone and make that appointment NOW! After the first lesson you'll be mighty glad you did. Yours very truly, _ :iiTiu!!:,ir ■ Dear Mr. I am very much obliged to you for your kind order just received. When we hear from a new friend like yourself we somehow feel like meeting him personally and shaking hands, because we know he's going to like our Quality Goods so much he'll likely "be with us" a long, long time. The Credit Department being in my care, I'm happy to tell you we've on our books thousands of customers like yourself folks who have enjoyed charge accounts with us for years. In opening one for you, I want to arrange my records so that you will get ESPECIALLY PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE AT ALL TIMES. And you can help me a bit in this. Just let me have the name of a merchant you're now favoring with your patronage on a credit basis, or kindly refer me to some customer of ours whom you may know. 1 WE WON'T MENTION WHAT KIND OF GOODS YOU'RE BUYING AND THE LETTERHEAD WE'LL USE WON'T REVEAL IT. I'm sure you've not the slightest objection to doing this, as you know 'most everybody now-a-days buys more or less on credit (myself included), and all of us find the nicest, easiest way to introduce ourselves is simply through the word of some re- sponsible person that we're all right. Bookkeeper. i Mail me this bit of private information today, in the enclosed stamped envelope, and you may be sure I'll always take great pleasure in seeing that your shipments go forward promptly on the day we receive your welcome commands. Again thanking you sincerely for your valued orders, and assur- ing you we are mighty glad to get acquainted with you, I am Cordially yours, >■■■ mtmmmmm 78 Dear Mr. — It's mighty nice to hear from you again! Permit me to personally thank you for your very kind order, just laid on my desk. Your request for another supply makes me feel that you fully appreciate this splendid at its true merit. You see, my good friend, this business isn't just merely a matter of " and lucre." No, no! There's also a lot of warm, human, heart-felt SATISFACTION in knowing that men like yourself keenly appreciate and enjoy our peerless product its enchanting flavor and wholesome purity, the result of scientific . That same scientific and scrupulous care, those skilled methods of perfecting our goods, have recently necessi- tated a change in our business policy in order to meet Increased Expense. We are frankly writing all our good friends why we've been forced to put our business on a cash basis, so that we may always maintain the Richest Quality, THE VERY BEST, as that is the ONLY kind the House of will EVER sell. ?hey are all responding nobly, knowing we have always been only .00 glad to extend credit in the past, before this vital change >ecame necessary to our business. 'eeling that you, too, are a loyal friend of the goods, we know you will be willing to remit today for your kind order, and by so doing hereafter, materially help us keep our Quality and Service Standards up to THE VERY HIGHEST NOTCH, thus bettering conditions generally for You and ourselves. Assuring you of my hearty appreciation of your good will and continued trade, and thanking you in anticipation of your kind remittance so that we may hasten your shipment with all pos- sible speed , I am Very sincerely yours, : m mmmn mmmmmamummm immmamHimmmmmmiimmammmammimmm nhummhmim mmnmrn^ammtmaamt wmmmwhw 79 GOOD PASS BOOKS ARE ADVERTISING! POOR PASS BOOKS ARE BADVERTISING ! My dear Sir: So very many Live, Up-And-Doing Banks are now PAYING MORE ATTEN- TION to the Style and Get-up of their Pass Books, Checks, Drafts and other Stationery for Customers' Use. THEY'VE FOUND IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH INCREASED DEPOSITS AND MORE PASS BOOKS BEING ISSUED ! Yes, yes! It's DECIDEDLY True. A Bank's Pass Books and other stationery have an INFLUENCE upon its Business. I The reason's simple: These are days of ADVERTISING. A Bank must keep its name before the Public, or the competitive bank WILL! As its very Location is part of that advertising, so are its PASS BOOKS. i A PASS BOOK IS ONE PIECE OF ADVERTISING THE DEPOSITOR NEVER LETS GO OF. IT'S THE MOST INTIMATE BOOK IN HIS POSSESSION. He keeps it and keeps it CAREFULLY. So, of COURSE, it should be a well-made, durable, well-groomed little book! (Maybe you never thought of it just that way.) It it's Cheap, of poor materials, badly made it's a STANDING BAD AD for the institution, even though the depositor may never mention it. We're getting orders right along from banks with REFORMED PASS BOOK IDEAS, because most banks know we're absolutely QUALITY CRANKS on Make-up and Material ; that all our energies for years have been concentrated on getting out GOOD PASS BOOKS, and that every man on the job KNOWS HOW! We've some splendid suggestions on A NEWER AND BETTER STYLE FOR YOU THE NEXT TIME YOU ORDER. We can save you money, too, if you WON'T FORGET TO LET US KNOW WHEN YOUR STOCK'S RUNNING LOW. Now, why not jot right down on the enclosed card just about how soon that'll be? Yours for Patron-Pleasing Pass Books, i.niiiiiintHimnnmiHiimtimiaMaMa 80 THIS IS HOW I CAN ACTUALLY HELP YOU TO GET A LOT OF NEW DEPOSITORS RIGHT AWAY! Dear Sir: My plan is very simple. It is sane. It is based on Common Sense. Be the farmer's friend and he'll be YOUR friend. Be helpful to him. Show him how he can make more money, how he can have more money in YOUR bank than he may have right now in the other fellow's ! Get together the names of every agriculturist in your vicinity who ISN'T your customer, but whom you think OUGHT to be, then send each one of these men a year's subscription to NOW, THINK A MOMENT WHAT THIS WILL REALLY MEAN: In the first place, it will reach him EVERY WEEK; it will remind him of your bank Every Seven Days ; it is really an advertisement of your institution that goes to him FIFTY-TWO TIMES A YEAR! And all for $1.50-pretty cheap for a year's advertising, isn't it? Then, secondly, you are sending him, not only the LEADING Agri- cultural Magazine of America, published by the leading American publisher, but you are furnishing him with a weekly store of Seriously-Helpful, Vital, Valuable Information and Ideas that mean DOLLARS AND CENTS, BIGGER CROPS, BETTER PRICES, MORE IM- PROVEMENTS, LESS LABOR, INCREASED LAND VALUES AND A BIGGER, BROADER FUTURE FOR HIMSELF AND HIS FAMILY! You see, he wants That Auto, if he hasn't one; his boy or girl wants that College Education if he or she is a bit doubtful about getting it ; and Ma wants that new house built or that new Furni- ture or that Wonderful Pianola or Victrola YOU JUST SHOW HIM HOW TO MATERIALLY INCREASE HIS REVENUE AND HAVE ALL OF THESE LUXURIES, AND SEE IF YOU DON'T MAKE HIM YOUR FOND, FAST FRIEND AND DEPOSITOR ! ! OTHER banks are using subscriptions to to help increase their business, and are mighty enthusiastic over the results! SEE THEIR NAMES ON THE ENCLOSED CIRCULAR. They are finding it by far the most Sensible and Downright Gratifying Ad- vertising Investment they ever made ! YOU will, too. You'll find every one of these fellows tickled to death with (I'm sending you copy.) They'll read every line of every issue. They'll come right in and warmly thank you for it. THEN'S your chance; you've as well as LANDED your man right then ! Use the subscription blank enclosed; fill in their names; it's a Big Step Forward toward a nice lot of New Accounts early in 1914. SOMETHING TELLS YOU THIS PLAN IS GOOD AND SENSIBLE AND FRUITFUL AND WORTH YOUR WHILE. YOU — WOULD — BE — WISE— TO — ACT — ON — IT — TO-DAY. Yours very truly, mum mumnoxuiMi iiiniruiitiHiiiiitii" 81 Dear Mr. This is a cordial invitation to you to go for a ride in an Automobile. I wonder if you will consent to do this upon my assurance that it will not put you under the slightest obligation? Furthermore, I promise you will under no circum- stances be importuned to buy. The has proven to be a Self-Selling Car; after you've ridden in it, if you DO buy a car later on, you're not likely to choose another make . I simply would like you to make a few observations, purely on your own account, for your present information and future guidance, as to what the really represents in modern-day motor car construction and value. Upon these assurances, may I hope you will telephone when it will be convenient? Yours very truly, IIIUItillllllllimillllllltlHHIMIIHIIII ■ ■■ : ii,/iiiiiiii'iiin:Nii!l!.iiii.'tu.!!ii:i:ii:,ii. 1 -a!i.u, l i 1 :;.ii..:;!:i,iiin: 1 ,iNi,iNi.ii.iiii;;,iii'. 82 Dear Mr. Recently I invited you on an "observation trip" in an — Automobile. My sole idea was to show you "a distinction and a difference" in motor cars. I wanted you to simply get acquainted with the even though you had no intention of buying. If you will be my guest upon reiterated assurances that you do so merely as an observer, and in no sense as a prospective purchaser, I shall hope for a 'phone message from you within the next few days. Yours very truly, 'Hlliiliimiiiiiiiiriiiiiiimnmimimiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiimii ■iimm-m iiiimhiidhi; iiimMitiiiHiiiiiiminiiHii imtimimn i ■ ■ r : liuniriiifiiiMiNiitt: uiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiiiMiiiiuniti;' ■ liiiitiiiiiiiniiiiMir; - 83 I My dear Friend: Right around New Year's most of us are somehow thinking about what we'll accomplish within the next twelve months! Often we get to figuring and planning and laying it all out beforehand I So, maybe it'll mean a lot of inspiration to you, as it did to me, to read A RED-HOT LETTER THAT CAME FROM ONE OF THE AGENTS THIS MORNING! You can judge for yourself whether he's a live-and-kicking chap! You can judge for yourself whether he's chockful to overflowing with enthusiasm for the New Year; he's a red- blooded fellow who thinks, dreams, talks and he sells them with all his soul! He's brimful of lucre-luring logic from head to heel. In fact, he's a fellow after your own heart. He NEVER PUTS OFF TILL TOMORROW THE HE CAN SELL TODAY ! The letter he writes is for you and for me to soak into our sys- tems just because we, too, are on the threshold of a Glad New Year! In this man's breast we find the glorious spirit of boundless self-confidence in his ability to beat all former rec- ords in to blaze a selling trail that will put all his past efforts to shame ! Listen! Listen!! Here is the part of his letter I think will hit you right : "You know, the funny thing about it is, when I first started selling three years ago, I didn't DREAM what good money on the side a fellow could make with a thing like this if he just simply held on like a bulldog, plugged tenaciously and talked everlastingly to everybody everywhere ! Why, this business has simply gotten me out of the rut into which I had unconsciously fallen — it has brought out more stamina than I ever thought was in me ! This town, you can bet, is a Town, and when I pass by the different houses in the evening and see , somehow 'way deep inside of me is a feeling of exultation that's Simply Great! Now, for the New Year, I wanted you to know that I've simply laid down the law to myself and in- wardly vowed as follows: 'Yes, you've been hustling like sixty, you've sold a whole slew of these three years, but for you must put all previous records in the shade ! This neighborhood has dozens and dozens of prospects which you alv/ays looked upon as impossible — now you are going after them with red-hot, flaming arguments — you are going after them as RIPE POSSIBILITIES! With the magic wand of salesmanship, YOU will transform each one of them from a possibility to a purchaser!' " ■| ^'I'lCIIHMilUIIilllltllliilllllilCdlliJIrill'IMIIMtllllllllfltirHmi. 84 Sheet 2. So you see, this man believes the Fall-Downs of yesterday are the Ripe Frospects of Tomorrow! He has learned the lesson of EVERLASTINGLY KEEPING AT IT I And when a man has stuff in him like that, my friend, he can cash in on his capability 1000% bet- ter than the other fellow! For C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E is the Primrose Path to PLENTY! You know it was one of the world's merchant princes who said: "HE WHO HAS LOST CONFIDENCE CAN LOSE NOTHING MORE—HE WHO HAS FOUND IT CAN WIN EVERYTHING!" For it isn't altogether the ARTICLE you're selling — IT'S WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT; it's the VALUE you build in the prospect's mind; it's the picture you weave in his brain that makes him buy — whether it's a or something else worth while. And I know YOU, too, have that same spirit of self -rivalry as our friend whose words you've just read. You, too, want to do better in the coming year than you did in this! You, too, want to climb higher, reach out into broader fields, lay bigger plans for sales in the coming twelve months ! You're handling the best — anybody can buy anywhere — some- thing that laughs at competition and challenges it to produce a superior. The whole family, all the way up and down the line from office boy, shipping clerk, stenographer, book- keeper, foreman, superintendent, president, including every one of its agents in all corners of its vast territory, should swing into the glorious New Year all athrob WITH THE BIGGEST STOCK OF ENTHUSIASM AND ENERGY IT CAN MUSTER UP AND PUT IN MOTION ! Right here in , plugging away at our desks, day after day, every one a salesman to the very core, like yourself, is a crew of busy workers who have your interests, your success at heart — They are WITH YOU in every move you make in the name of the They want you to WIN wherever you're working on a prospect; They believe in your Ability and your Aggressiveness ; They are your friends, not only because you sell this but because you have your shoulder to the wheel in the same pursuit and are up-and-doing, earnest and industrious, with firm faith in the future and your fellow workers ! And as one of those fellow workers, I personally want to extend my hand to you across the miles, in the warm grasp of fraternity — I want to thank you for your past good work, for your present efforts, and for your future plans — and I want to wish you and your dear ones the unbounded Success and Happiness for the New Year which you so richly deserve. Yours For a Mutually Profitable . iummmimihiiih niumnnHiiiintKi MllllillllHIUIIIilMHIIIIlKi . 85 Dear The brisk cold days are here! The crisp, bracing air brings back our vim, vinegar and velocity — we stand briskly erect, shake ourselves, inhale God's clear, sweet ozone, drop from us the lethargy of late Summer, come out of our husk of inactivity — straighten our spines and dash forth to deeds anew I The goodly farmer has garnered his riches of field and orchard, stowed some and sold some, and his wallet is jingling, his bank balance bulging, his content supreme, his heart glad and his purse F-A-I-R-L-Y E-A-S-Y T-0 O-P-E-N — SEE? It is now the ripe time for YOUR harvest, YOUR garnering of riches from YOUR field — which is the broad, big Field of and all the world around you, as the days shorten and the dark hours lengthen, wants M-O-R-E B-L-E-S-S-E-D 1 You want them to have it, you WANT to sell it to them, you CAN sell it to them, and you WILL sell it to them! Make up your mind this minute that the winter of will show a Glorious and Mighty Increase in your Sales of This wonderful, attractive business of selling - is dignified, legitimate, lucrative and without limit- Make up your mind THIS MINUTE that the Field of Users around you is more fertile than ever; make up your mind THIS MINUTE that everything, everything, everything comes to HIM WHO GOES AFTER IT! Make up your mind THIS MINUTE that out of the Large Army of Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Salesmen, you will be one of the Big Money Makers of the Great Winter Campaign — that you will swing into line with your own powerful battery of Pluck, Persuasiveness and Persistency and conquer the dollar- laden army of buying prospects ! I personally have full faith in your ability to make your sales this season surpass all former showings ! I KNOW YOU WILL DOUBLE YOUR RECORD! I am anxious to co-operate with you through every means in my power. I want you to go after the Big Money in this business; go after with head, heart and hand; I want you to end this season with a great, big, fat, juicy bunch of green- backs laid securely away ! I know you CAN if you WILL ! You have only to put a firm foot down upon all Hesitancy, Un- certainty, Lack of Confidence, or Fear — put everything and everybody aside and GO TO IT earnestly, eagerly and intensely with every inch of your manly resolve. Right here I quote you from the most famous little book on Success ever written — mark well the words: "Fortune is a jade who must be coerced, commanded; She will not be coddled. She is ever elusive to the weak-willed and can only be retained by force. Deal with her tenderly and she will forsake you for a stronger man . " .:-■:. ;. . ■;■ ■ : '.;, " ; .. imgHmiMiiiwwiHIWIIIIMWIIIHIMIIIIHWWI— WW ■« 86 I Sheet 2 THINK! We have agents who often order $600 to $1000 worth — and they are men not one whit more intelligent or able than yourself : They are simply "Grim Grinders" — and they never let up in their determination to build up their sales on this most Excellent Article of Utility, the like of which, as a giver, as an economizer, as a non-troublesome device for turning into in the homes of thousands, has no equal in the world ! You are selling the Very Finest in all Creation I Get that thought deep, deep, deep into your system, into your salesman- ship spirit I Half the battle in selling is to know down in your heart, that what you offer has no superior; that you can look every prospect in the eye and swear by your article. Having first convinced yourself that it is the best, you can easily and surely make the OTHER FELLOW believe it — and if he believes it, the trick is done! Salesmanship is a fine art but no one can learn it any better than YOU CAN! Clear, convincing, compelling ARGUMENT is a science, a study, and you can improve yours just as powerfully as the other fellow. I want to urge you and help you in every way that a man can — you are one of the Big Family, and I am as much interested in ycur growth as I am in my own. The more you sell, the more sales victories you win, the bigger and broader grows your splendid confidence in your ability. Get all six cylinders going — crowd on all your gasoline — put on the high speed to the top notch and GET AC- QUAINTED WITH THE BIGGER PRODUCER THAT IS RIGHT NOW WITHIN YOU. He's the more prosperous fellow who can really do all the things you may have admired or secretly envied in certain other men. He wears your clothes, eats your meals, smokes your cigars — his friendly image looks back at you every time you face the mirror! He's the chap who is going to sell more this season than he ever dreamed was mortally possible for him to sell. He is — your abler self, with a thousand tons of confidence to the square inch, and I am personally back of him to the limit in this new six cylinder salesmanship campaign to sell a whole slew of We'll NEVER PUT OFF TILL TOMORROW THE WE CAN SELL TODAY! We will begin at once and redouble our efforts with every pass- ing hour! Write to me at any hour, any day, for anything that will lend speed and strength to the good work: I am here wait- ing and willing to co-operate closely and constantly. Again, I quote from that wonderful book on Success: "Go, therefore, and do that which is within you to do; take no heed of gestures which would beckon you aside. ASK OF NO MAN PER- MISSION TO PERFORM. BEGIN THIS MORNING, THIS AFTERNOON, TO- NIGHT. START UPON THE NEW JOURNEY WITHIN THIS HOUR!" ■ Your sincere friend, n iHmwuaMiwuuuHMw m mmummmmmam h tamumu mmmt i ■■ wmmmKmm i., i ■ ■ r i ui i; :, iniii.i .::. 1:1 87 Dear Friend: Just now the secretary brought me your letter, received today. I want to answer it personally. Am genuinely glad you wrote us and asked about the , and am more than delighted to sit right down and write you fully, freely and frankly, as friend to friend, neighbor to neighbor, about this peerless giver, which its thousands and thousands of delighted users have emphatically and unanimously declared to be by long odds the greatest in all the world! Something about its dazzling and charm attracts hundreds of purchasers every passing day! For there is a magic, a mystery, in a beautiful repre- sents life and hope and happiness, while is the sordid cloak of gloom, despair, death and oblivion. Why, just between us, my friend, I'll candidly say that although I've sold this match- less, magnificent for years; although I've watched it, worked over it, written about it, tinkered with it, talked over it, dreamed of it, thought about it, and improved it in a hundred and one different ways, I had actually never, until I took it this Summer to my own vacation haunt in the woods, fully realized the vital influence this beautiful, brings into the lives of all of us mortals down below here "upon the star-scattered grass." Ycu know in August I spent my usual summer vacation in the mountains. I have a rough, old, weather-beaten cabin up there, where I go with my wife and children each season to seek a few weeks' rest from the selling turmoil of my business. Eecause I'm selling the best in Christendom at a small profit margin, you see, I can't afford a fancy recreation place. Mine didn't cost much; I'm not a tony rich man who can sport a palatial Summer home, or anything like that. But my restful, little, old shack up there is a mighty cheery, cozy, comfortable place, anyway. The exhilarating odor of the pines, with which the clear mountain air is laden, gets 'way, 'way down deep into a fellow's system and breathes brand-new, bubbling buoyancy into the innermost depths of his being! There in the dense woodland of the mighty slopes, as dusk falls and the soft shadows grow longer and deeper, and the feathery and furred creatures of the wood echo their shrill calls through the gathering twilight, a kind of a gentle chill permeates the air, and we used to hike indoors a bit early, start a blazing log fire and light that peerless gloom-dispeller, the . My! what a magical transformation! Its piercing, every corner and crevice of the cabin and diffuse its winsome through the very souls of us all! Ah, my friend, I cannot begin to picture to you the delight of those evenings beside the log fire, as we read or played games, sang or told stories in the of this soul- gladdening ! There was something more inspiring about it than the most break o' day, with its shimmering beams of red and gold. Aye, the even vied with the rising sun's scintillating splendor. It rivaled "The Goddess of the Morn, who with rosy-tinted fingers draweth aside the curtain of Night, to let the Sun God, in his chariot of gold, enter upon his Ethereal Flight!" Listen closely, my friend: For more than the mere mite of money involved I want you to have one of thebe ! I have a real heart interest a genuine, personal pride in putting one of them into your home and adding to the domestic charm and happiness of your household. I can picture, as I sit here, the inexpressible delight of your entire family, as they all gather 'round the living room, in the luminous of the ! 88 Sheet 2. I know that you and your dear ones would be thrilled with a sense of its fascinating that casts its seductive spell upon all within the glamor of its . I know this will prove a veritable of Hope, and a of Gladness. It is a with a Soul — endearing, enduring! Its many, many virtues, its supreme safety, its wonderful economy, its harmony, its less, less^ less merits will a thousand times repay its cost! Why, the sense of security alone will be worth the investment a hundred-fold. THINK! Turned on its side, turned upside down, turned any-which-way, it can do no harm; serenely undisturbed, and with not the slightest element of . It is less, Wasteless, Worryless! Sit down at once and carefully fill in the order blank enclosed — the moment you do that and attach your remittance and drop it in the mail, you have forever bidden farewell to the Goblins of , to rooms, to corners and anywhere throughout your home. I PERSONALLY PLEDGE IT WILL GIVE YOU BETTER AT LOWER COST. I PERSONALLY PLEDGE IT WILL GIVE YOU PERFECT SATISFACTION AT ALL TIMES. I PERSONALLY PLEDGE ITS SAFETY, ECONOMY AND GIVING QUALITIES. REMEMBER: The money you send for this today is ready for you the moment you want it.- In fact, your $ is still yours, just as though it were still in your own bank, until you are thoroughly happy over your purchase. In fact, I would INSIST on your returning the immediately and sending you my check by return mail, upon your slightest word of dissatisfaction. Get off your order for in TONIGHT'S mail. Do this for the Family's sake — for your own! You know THEY'LL benefit by it. So will YOU! It is a they will E-N-J-0-Y a long, long time! It will add a tremendous measure of new, radiant happiness to the Home Atmosphere. It will be warmly welcomed by them ALL! Yes, yes! SEND for it! It's really a fine and thoughtful thing to do. DECIDE AT ONCE "let that good deed go forth WITHIN THE HOUR!" Your Sincere Friend, 89 "The Goddess of the Morn, with rosy-tinted fingers, Draws aside the Curtain of Night ; To let the Sun God, in his Chariot of Gold, Enter upon his Ethereal Flight !" My Dear Friend: For the life of me I can't tell just why, but somehov those lines always make me think of my own peerless , My daily mail is so full of happy letters from its latest users, all so sincerely delighted with their new household ■ , " so supremely content with its " ," so agreeably surprised at its wonderful power to flood the home with as in the dark hours where it "draws aside the Cur- tain of Night" — THAT I AM POSITIVE BEFORE YOU FINISH THIS LETTER YOU'LL AGREE YOU'VE BEEN MISSING SOMETHING! Let me say to you, in the frankest, friendliest way I know how: For quite a little while, my friend, you've been letting five dollars stand right between you and worlds of Glorious Comfort, Convenience and Happiness in that Home you hold so dear to you 1 Ordinarily, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't let five dollars stand between you and those vital things in life that are actually worth while. I don't mean Luxuries, understand. I mean the practical, helpful, comfort-giving, enjoyable, really necessary things, for yourself and your family! No, no, no! Of COURSE you wouldn't! Then, as between men, and NOT as manufacturer to prospective customer and cutting out all cold-business considerations, I want to tell you this: FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, RIGHT NOW, THE WOULD BE A GREATER BLESSING THAN YOU EVER DREAMED OR COULD POSSIBLY IMAGINE! It has a THOUSAND benefits and uses that you understand ONLY when this Marvel of is actually in your home, right there on your living room table, in all its splendor, wielding its influence over everything and everyone in your household, with its pure, penetrating , its magic witchery and soft, glowing charm, endearing it to you more strongly with every passing day! Ah! , , blessed, beautiful , is the Creator's greatest gift to the Children of Earth ! The of the brings loftier dreams and 'wakens thoughts of Higher Things! For here, you might say, is a with a Soul the Soul of Sunshine! 'Twill through your family circle and pour into your very LIVES a more beautiful, bright, hopeful influence, fostering sweet harmony and a rosier and more wholesome view of the present and future ! ■ ■' cm ,,!■; '■■,:;:■■ 90 | Sheet 2 The is the of Hope, the of Harmony, the of Happiness. It is the you learn to love because of its exemplary virtues, its sturdy quality, its sterling worth, its enduring goodness. Yes, yes, you really grow fond of it for it serves you Faithfully and Well ! Its bright draw closer the ties of home, and ever smiles a warm, cheery welcome to your Visitors. You see, it is the of Hospitality, too ! AND IT IS SO DOUBLY SAFE! YOU ARE SO SURE OF IT! YOU KNOW IT IS PROOF AND PROOF! YOU KNOW IT COULD NOT HARM YOU OR ANY ONE OF YOUR FAMILY OR EVEN THE TENDEREST BABE IN ARMS ! It is such a model of immaculate CLEANLINESS, in all its graceful, glistening beauty! It needs not a single care! It is ! It is Wasteless! It is Worryless ! And and smut and dirt and and are forever done away with the moment this enters your home ! No odor, no anxiety; it is trouble-proof, tamper-proof, temper- proof ! And its is Steady and UNIFORM it has neither Fits of or Fidgets of . It is as constant as the Nothing nothing disturbs its Serene Tranquility! Nothing daunts its Sublime! Turn it on its side, turn it up-side-down, turn it any-which-way : "WHO CARES," jests the , as it calmly on, as the of Noonday ! BE DETERMINED, THEN: MAKE UP YOUR MIND. CAST ASIDE ALL OBSTACLES, ARGUMENTS, EXCUSES OR DELAYS. DON'T LET ANYBODY OR ANYTHING HINDER YOU FROM OWNING ONE OF THESE AS QUICKLY AS EVER IT CAN BE SHIPPED TO YOU FOR REMEMBER WHEN YOU ORDER IT AND PUT YOUR $5 IN THE ENVELOPE, THAT MONEY STILL REMAINS YOURS UNTIL YOU'VE TRIED THE TWO WHOLE WEEKS AND ARE FULLY AND COMPLETELY SATISFIED WITH IT! When you get this you'll be sorry you didn't order one MONTHS AND MONTHS AGO ! It will prove by far the most profit- able, pleasurable investment you ever made in all your days! It will bring you Huge and Endless Dividends in Downright Satisfaction! AND YOU ARE HEARTILY WELCOME TO THE FULL FOUR- TEEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL. Everything, you see, is fixed in your favor everything is arranged for Your Satisfaction and Security ! Don't go on MISSING THE BIGGER JOYS OF A HOME AND ALL THIS WILL BRING TO YOU! For YOUR sake and YOUR FAMILY'S sake, GET THAT ORDER IN THE MAIL R 1 Q H T N W ! ! R 1 Q H T N W ! ! Your sincere friend, ■ .. ; . . .:.,,.;...:.. i ■ i: . i! Mi, 1,1. .: MUnl ., ill H 91 CONFIDENTIAL Dear Friend: I am going to take you right into my confidence. I want you to know our purposes and plans. You are an Impor- tant Part of the Institution. That's the way we feel about it. You are one of its Vital Branches. You are the essence of its very Life Blood. You are a part of its New Hopes and Fresh Undertakings. You are a Star Feature of its Great Future! IT GROWS THROUGH YOU AND YOU GROW THROUGH IT. And from today on I want you to feel, 'way down deep within you, that you are more than ever ONE OF US and that we are interested more deeply than ever in your efforts to expand the sales of the in your locality. For I'll tell you frankly right now, we have set a mighty TALL selling mark for the next 60 days. We propose to make, within that time, a most Powerful Selling Campaign, through you and every one of our Splendid Hustlers. I am thoroughly convinced that the time is RIPE FOR DOUBLING OUR SALES of : — , . because of the universal satisfaction this wonderful is giving through the country; because the good words about its superior giving qualities and many other glowing virtues are passing from lip to lip, user to user, town to town; and because we are sure that YOU, MY FRIEND, HAVE A RIGHT TO REAP A RICH HARVEST OF PROFIT FROM THIS, as well as we; and because we are sure if we double your present revenue from the sales of these you will be TWICE as eager to sell them as you were before you will leave no stone unturned, no chance neglected, no prospect overlooked, wherever there is the LEAST CLUE of a buyer or the slightest opportunity of making a sale. Here at this office, I can tell you that ENTHUSIASM RUNS HIGH over ,our Specially Strenuous Sitfty-day Campaign and I prom- ise you this splendid spirit of greater activity is spreading out like wild-fire, in thousands of different directions. • From this office through the mails today I am sending to "every good man and true," connected with us, a warm message of buoyant encouragement arid fresh impulse; for nothing, my dear co-worker, is impossible in the face of Boundless Enthu- siasm and Unfagging Determination. For- ■listen ! I saw these inspiring words printed in big letters on the wall of a man's office today: "THE BLAMED FOOL DIDN'T KNQW IT COULDN'T BE DONE, SO HE WENT AHEAD AND DID IT!" J HMMH 92 I i Sheet 2 This sentence is deep with meaning for you and for me I Honestly, it struck me right between the eyes. It punched the skepticism out of me ! It knocked in the head all my little last remaining doubts that we could immediately put on a Glorious Sixty-day Campaign, through the hearty co-operation of our loyal friends like yourself, that would SMASH TO SMITHEREENS the sales records of any previous sixty days in our entire history I Yes, we're going ahead to do it, you and I, because we simply WON'T BELIEVE it can't be done we KNOW, we. KNOW, it CAN! I know that you, too, have a pride, as I have, in making a record, in achieving an end, in gaining a reward, not alone of Cash, but of Confidence New and Greater Confidence in your ability to DO MORE and REACH HIGHER tomorrow ^ than you did today. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, THEREFORE, THAT IT IS TIME TO STRIKE NOW I Get together all your forces of Argument, of Resource, of Prospecting for sales. Convince yourself that lying all around you in many parts of your town and tributaries are live prospects — people who are their homes and stores INSUFFICIENTLY^ AND EXPENSIVELY, when the would mean a world of increased satisfaction and greater saving to them. RE-CANVASS EVERY NOOK AND CORNER of your locality! Get out and go after it with "the Fine Comb of Firm Resolve." You will be AMAZED with what a fresh new start will do ! You'll be ASTONISHED at the good openings you will find! You will be THUNDERSTRUCK with the number of needy folks you will discover. You will be immensely pleased with the amount of New Sales you can v close even WITHIN THE FIRST TWO WEEKS of our Great New Sixty-day — Selling Marathon. The race is on, my enterprising friend! And you, I know, are IN IT and will make the Finest Showing you have. ever made. I have the utmost faith in your ability to establish a Magnificent New Record. I have unbounded confidence in your Ambition to share in the Bigger Profits and the Manly Satisfaction of giving the ot^er Salesmen a dickens of a race ! Assuring you I shall eagerly watch the returns from your locality with intense personal interest and sincere wishes for your success, and hoping to get a letter from you by return mail, saying you are in the Sixty-day Speed-up WITH EVERY OUNCE OF GETABILITY AND STAMINA YOU HAVE IN YOU, believe me Your sincere friend, . .. 93 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. Dear Mr. I am glad you answered my advertisement, and hasten to reply to your letter personally. Just to be plain and frank with you, I think you'll find this the very best money-making proposition you ever bumped into in your whole life ! I want a man in your town, and I want him right away. He's got to be a Real, Red-Hot, Red-Blooded Fellow who can go right out after this Monumental Dollar-Getting Proposition and Sell These Marvelous with a vengeance ! I want a Man who's a SALESMAN from the ground up, who's a DEAL CLOSER from the ground up, who's a MONEY MAKER from the ground up ! He must have Vim, Vinegar and Velocity in him I He must have Ginger, Gumption and GETABILITY in him! He must be Ambitious, Resourceful, Reliable yes, above all, RELIAELE. He must neither Shirk,, Shuffle or Shilly-Shally, but TAKE HOLD of this thing with Head, Heart and Hand and W-O-R-K WITH ALL THERE'S IN HIM! Now, the enclosed literature fully explains to you every phase of the ■ proposition from A to Z. Sit right down and go over it C-A-R-E-F-U-L-L-Y. Get all the Main Points firmly fixed in your mind. It is a Good, Clean-Cut, Live, Legitimate Selling Proposition, backed right up by Strong Facts and a Strong Financial Standing! What we say about the and its Absolute Superiority as a Giver, a Money-Saver, Absolute Per- fection as to Features, we MEAN, and we Mean Good and Hard. We do not utter a single statement about the that we cannot thoroughly substantiate. Ours is the Business founded upon the Solid Rock of INTEGRITY! So, you can go to work with a perfectly clean conscience, and a mountain of effervescent energy and enthusiasm, deter- mined to make every prospective buyer in your town and vicinity quickly see the excellent wisdom, greater economy and in- creased of this New Marvel of the Twentieth Century ! You will indeed be surprised and delighted at the Warm Welcome 'oiks will extend to this Wonderfully wherever p 6u put it up on display and its magnificent Lp the surroundings. fow, I'm going to make you the most Broad-Gauged, Generous I !. muautimuumumMm winn wiihiimiimhiwhihi ihii mwni mimiiiimiiiiwinBwwniiwwMwwiiwniwi^tmnmiTri mum i mtnntliiitmini immnmnntiitmr irmnmniriiftrniii 94 Sheet 2. Proposition ever proffered by one Live Man to another: The regular retail price of the is , and you won't find a single individual in your locality who won't be mighty glad indeed to pay that price for it without Quibble, Quarrel or Query. In order to offer you immediately a mam- moth inducement to surpass yourself in selling , I will ship you a sample at the actual factory-cost price, with the , and with the Surely this is offering you a magnificent margin of profit on every you sell. Your Neighbors and Friends, and every- body else who sees this , will quickly sit up and listen to your proposition to sell them one. And in order to show you how DOUBLY SURE I am that the will gratify you personally in every way, I'll add the fol- lowing conditions to my proposition: 1. We will ship you this on fifteen days' trial. 2. You may remit direct to us, or deposit $5.50 or $6.50 with the — of this City, on condition that at the end of the days the money be returned to you if is not absolutely satisfactory and in every way as represented by us. (You will find upon inquiry that the is one of the most prominent and powerful institu- tions of this City and State.) 3. Our five years' guarantee goes with every Now, I think you'll thoroughly agree with me that you can well afford to get busy and start cut to face the hosts of pros- pective purchasers of your locality with a very Strongly- Fortified Proposition. If, after carefully going over the facts enclosed, you thor- oughly appreciate the as a Swift Selling- 'roposition in every way, and feel that you can pour every r estige of your energy and enthusiasm into it right from the r ery outset; if you are satisfied as to its Genuineness, Substantial Backing, Splendid Sellability and Magnificent 'rofits for YOU, I hope you will lose no time in answering :his letter, with your remittance covering sample , so -hat there may be no delay whatever in your getting this )roposition before the people of your town and vicinity. assuring you that I feel this is but the beginning of an .mmensely profitable relationship between us, I am, lincerely yours, President. lUnmaiiiiinuN i uiiuiiiijj mm . tmammiuiiiititHUi d 95 I GREAT CHANCE! READ ABOUT IT, REALIZE IT, AND CASH IN ON IT DEEP AND PLENTY! Dear Mr. Here's exciting news and food for thought! Do you know that our last Spring- and -Summer sales went 'WAY, 'WAY UP, higher than ever before? This proved to us one remarkable thing: PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY BUYING IN THE SPRING AND SUMMER NOW JUST AS READILY AS THEY BUY 'EM IN THE HEART OF WINTER; THE AGENT'S OPPORTUNITIES AND OUR OPPORTUNITIES ARE NOW EQUALLY GREAT ALL THROUGH THE BLESSED YEAR! So NOW! The secret's out! and it's a bully secret — an inspiring, fine thing that buoys a fellow WAY UP at the thought of bigger Spring and Summer sales than he ever had before! YOU can feel this way as well as I! YOU are glad to know that the season you thought poorest, is rich and ripe as the season you thought was the best — full of sale-plums, ready to be plucked! ALL seasons are now a glorious harvest for ! All agents are the Harvesters — and YOU shouldn't let ANY fellow be a busier harvester than you! TELL YOURSELF YOU'RE GOING TO REAP A BUMPER CROP OF BIG DOLLARS— money you thought you weren't entitled to in the Spring and Summer season. Hah! I tell you, it's just like getting money from home — cash you never expected, prospects you little dreamed were there! Plunge into this Newly-Discovered Sale Season — lasso a big bunch of prospects, corral that flock of orders you're sure to find if you GO IN TO DIG THEM OUT. That word "lasso," by the way, reminds me of a Mexican war incident I heard of a short time ago. It's simply a little story of sheer pluck and daring, and somehow it goes to show that a fellow who don't wait to see what the other fellow's doing, but gets busy and takes Opportunity by the Forelock, is the fellow who LANDS ON TOP! A bunch of Mexican Federals were whanging away at a small party of Revolutionists. Two of the Federals had a rapid-fire gun up on a post, busily sputtering lead into the little band of Villa's men. In that little band was a mounted Oklahoma cowboy. He saw several of his companions fall while the rapid-firer kept singing its merry tune. Suddenly he untied his lariat from the saddle, wheeled his horse around with a ringing yell, charged pell-mell at a plunging gallop up near the Federals, and, swinging his lasso, landed it full tilt over machine gun and gunner — then he whirled iround with a wild, savage, ear-splitting echo, and beat it back to his friends, iragging gun and gunner rolling over and over in the dust of the plain! ie put the other fellows out of action and won the day! te didn't wait for the bugle-call of retreat, he didn't watch what his fellows were ioing, he didn't stand back — he conquered because he "walked in where angels feared to tread!" fou, my friend, in selling , this Spring and Summer, can in many ways emulate our )klahoma boy. ie enemy of Doubt can be taken with a rush! Turn your Spring and Summer canvass into Victory! You can rout out prospects from near and far — people you never r'eamed of selling, folks you've been giving the go-by in neighborhoods you've thought ^SELLABLE ! ■ 96 Sheet 2. And here, too, is a nice little added incentive. It isn't a GREAT deal, but it's something really worth while. And something mighty seasonable, too. WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU, ABSOLUTELY FREE, WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER, ONE OF THE NEW FOR THE SOMETHING THAT WILL KEEP , AND MEDDLESOME CHILDREN, FROM . These are worth apiece, wholesale price. The FIRST one you get FREE, and you're bound to sell a lot of them in the warm months. They are made of heavy . Fit and are held snugly against with clip, furnished with each , No trouble to put on or take off, Protect perfectly. Do not detract from or the beauty of the . Only one is needed for each . The attached coupon entitles you to one of these free with your first order for one or more . DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS! You'll find the a ready-seller EVERYWHERE. Now, we'll just unfurl our lasso and rush into this Spring and Summer season with a determination to bring in orders right and left! WE'RE NO LONGER HELD DOWN WITH THE IDEA THAT WINTER IS THE ONLY TIME to Sell 'em — we find that was just a bugaboo in our minds. You are going to join me, I know, in this big campaign for Warm Weather Profits. You're just as eager, energetic and enthusiastic about it as we are, because you know it means DOLLARS YOU DIDN'T EXPECT TO GET! And that kind of money — say! It feels mighty good jingling in a fellow's pocket — better than the kind he knew was coming all along. Are you with me? I can hear you say, "YOU BET, BROTHER , I'M THERE WITH BELLS ON." Good! That sounds like sweet music to Your sincere friend, ■ ■■ '■ ■"■ 97 GONE! A RATTLING GOOD YEAR THAT ALL OF US SHOULD BE DEEPLY THANKFUL FOR! ARRIVED! A GLORIOUS NEW YEAR THAT HOLDS OUT ITS ARMS TO US WITH A WORLD OF BRIGHT OPPORTUNITIES! Dear Mr. Do you know that this is the time of year I have the worta feeling that I'd just like to call one big, rousing mass meeting of all you Boys in one big hall, and have the greatest fraternal and business pow-wow that has ever been held! I feel as though a monumental get-together celebration would do us all a lot of good! But we can't do this, so I just sit down to converse with you today via "Uncle Sam's Wireless." I want you to know that every canvass you've made, every word you've spoken, every order you've taken, for the during the past year, has been personally appreciated by me. I want you to know that I am thoroughly grateful for your good work, because I myself am a salesman, and although I have to stay here and run things, I'd MUCH rather be out there in the field with you! For I know Salesmanship and LOVE it! I claim it is the Peer of ALL Vocations! It's an inspiring and honorable thing! The Salesman, after all, is the Real Producer! He is the Force that Swings the Pendulum of Prosperity! Business would be choked, stagnated, paralyzed without him! Ah! He's the Boy that keeps the Wheels of Commerce Moving Merrily! And that just reminds me. A few days ago I got a letter from a Agent, a Regular Go-getter. He sells lots of and is just as interested in this whole business as I am. He told me quite a lot about the way HE sells . And you'll admit he is a chap we can ALL listen to! READ THIS: "First thing I said to myself when I began to sell was, 'I've got to SHOW the itself to them to really MAKE 'EM WANT IT! They've got to SEE it, FEEL it^ WATCH it ! When you it, it becomes a thing of LIFE, a Object, pleasant to be near, good to look upon warm with , cheerful, cozy. I'LL TAKE IT WITH ME every blessed time*. If I haven't got it along, my words are cold, my argument lifeless they must have something to LOOK AT, to ADMIRE, to SEE HOW IT WORKS, just like the small boy with the watch (you know the old, old story) . ' So THAT'S how I make my sales, and make 'em easy, Mr. . A is, after all, the most glorious argu- ment you can put up to them, standing right there, as it is, right before their very eyes — SEE?" YOU know and I know that our friend is RIGHT! He's got the failure-proof system! And this is the very man, by the way, who sends us in bigger orders for than any other man on our list. He believes in keeping a stock on hand ALL the time. "This way," he explains, "I've ALWAYS got to show and sell RIGHT ON THE SPOT, and, another thing, when I've always got 'em ON hand, I'm always hustling like the dickens to get 'em DFF my hands, so I can turn right around and order a new bunch and sell THEM!" ha! You see it's kind of a CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE with this agent — selling id pocketing the profits! And I'm glad I let you read part of his letter. It'll do us )TH good, won't it? It shows us conclusively that THE BIG THING is to always SHOW the — and always HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF 'EM ON HAND! id I guess a fellow could apply this aggressive man's ideas to OTHER things, to success Ln business generally. The thought is to "ALWAYS BE THERE WITH THE GOODS" to back up 3ur argument, and always have them WHEN they're wanted. », here are two good, bright, bristling thoughts to begin the New Year on! Let's both >u and I take them up and cash in on them! Let's make up our minds right here to MORE ili DOUBLE our business the coming twelve months. We know deep within us that it really IN be done it's all simply a matter of our making up our minds that WE WILL! ■ 98 Sheet 2. You'll admit it would be hard to find a MORE LIVE AND LIKABLE, practical and persuasive article of merchandise than the . It backs up every argument you make, fulfils every promise, substantiates every claim, gives a good account of itself, and reflects credit upon the man who sold it as well as paying the purchaser endless divi- dends of supreme satisfaction. SUCH an article is this you've been selling and SO IT ALWAYS WILL BE ! RESOLVE for 1916 to keep more on hand. They are as good an investment for YOU as they are for the USER. The more you keep on hand, the more you will sell. Don't let that thought get away grab it, keep it, you can coin it into shining silver dollars! I repeat it: THE MORE YOU KEEP ON HAND THE MORE YOU WILL SELL! Make this new idea a big part of your 1916 selling plans. Test it out. It cannot fail. It's simple, but it's great. ALL great things are simple! YOU BET! But here this was to be a New Year letter and I drifted into "talking shop" and got all wrapped up in my subject. Anyway, maybe it didn't do EITHER of us any harm. Maybe our New Year will be all the Happier for it. Men live and grow and prosper through the interchange of ideas. And you and I are just the same as the rest of humanity, aren't we? Here's to you and yours and the New Year! May each blessed day of it record for you New Happiness, Health and Prosperity. Your sincere friend, I'liiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiNiiuinmi! 99 I ~ ( * F U H D " MULTIPLIED OPPORTUNITIES FOR AGENTS EVERYWHERE! A WONDERFUL NEW MODEL JUST FROM THE FACTORY! STARTLING IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL SPEED UP SALES ENORMOUSLY! Dear Friend: We write you this letter today in a mighty, mighty happy frame of mind! We were never so pleased over anything in our lives as we are over our latest production! We are over-joyed to announce to you that our BRAND NEW OF the is now a n ready for delivery. It is Positively a M-A-R-V-E-L! A marvel of enlightened construction. A marvel of newer principles of simplicity, of higher ideals of perfection! It is the surprise and wonder of every man who has seen it, be he expert, agent or buyer. It is TWICE AS EASY to operate. It is TWIC E AS EASY to keep in order. It is TWICE AS EASY TO SELL! This fascinating New is SELF and SELF- . There are vital improvements to the , , , I tell you, it's fairly ALIVE with New Attractions. And the wonder of it all is: THERE IS NO INCREASE IN PRICE! EVERY ONE of these improvements raises the higher and higher as a swift and successful seller; as a downright sure, speedy money-maker for the Up-and-Doing Agent — for Y-O-U! EVERY ONE of these improvements gives you an important new talking point; fresh and more vivid, vigorous arguments to put before your customer. Enthusiasm is running high here in the office and among near-by agents who have seen this inspiring new , with its many advantages and bigger incentive for booming sales as never before! YOU WANT TO BE ONE OF THE ACTIVE LEADERS IN THE GREAT NEW SELLING CAMPAIGN NOW JUST BEGINNING! You NOW have a that is positively irresistible to every beholder! Beside being self and self it is SELF-SELLING IN A BIGGER SENSE THAN IT EVER WAS! You NOW have a you could put, without a word, on ANY man's table and walk away with the simple request that he "TRY IT!" THE DOES ALL THE REST! THE meets all arguments, answers all questions, substantiates every claim, fulfills every guarantee, defeats every competitor. ™E makes itself LIKED and WANTED quicker than anything you've ever sold! ■ ! n im i wimtwiMHiminHHUiiHiui«nHmiii»iiii»iititHu»«um i ,n. . ■ -■ . ■ .i limn i 100 I Sheet 2. THE proves its own efficiency, its own economy, its own simplicity, its own ease of . But of course, every man with warm blood in his veins likes to BACK the thing he's selling, with red-hot, ringing arguments that kindle Interest, arouse Desire and Awaken THE IMPULSE TO SAY "YES" ! Salesmanship is a Right Royal Game, where a man has a REAL article that nobly meets every statement he makes. What man wouldn't want to put his mettle to the test on a new world-beater like this! Every Pep-and-Ginger Fellow takes a fine pride in presenting a glorious thing like our GREATEST OF ALL ! GET STARTED on this new right away! Order IMMEDIATELY! Order a good, liberal supply to begin with. You'll need them. Order TWENTY — - — , or but surely not less than at the price.* But even of them wouldn't be too many --NO TRICK AT ALL TO SELL OF THIS ! They'll go like wild-fire--they'll go unbelievably fast! Everybody, everywhere will WANT ONE! Your stock will be exhausted before you Know it. But if you want to FIRST have a SAMPLE shipped you immediately, promptly, use enclosed and ORDER ONE. When it comes, inspect it carefully, IN EVERY DETAIL! Impress upon your mind its new points of perfection. Get deep into your system ITS GREATER SELLABILITY, its broader value to the user. ANALYZE IT WITH THAT LIVELY INTEREST IN SOMETHING THAT MEANS MORE DOLLARS TO YOU THAN ANYTHING YOU'VE EVER SOLD! Familiarize yourself with its bigger possibilities. In other words, take THIS to your heart in DEAD EARNEST! It will quickly bring you a rich harvest of New Dollars! So, we're expecting a warm response from YOU by return mail, with a prompt order for Read carefully the enclosed circular about the . It goes into detail about its many improvements. Make out your order right away. Get your letter off in tonight's mail. Don't wait a minute; ORDER NOW. QUICK ACTION MEANS BIG MONEY FOR YOU. Sincerely Yours, MMMtwauiniiRHiiiittiiiriiiNitMiniiiMfiii ■ , HtnmnnqHKaMMmMMHMiinnHiMnMan |MIH .»^M l iiifiiin>iiiiliiii'M!;ii:iiiJiJ l |i 101 A SWEEPING SUCCESS!! THE A QUICK WINNER AMONG THOUSANDS OF AGENTS ! A DELUGE OF DELIGHTED LETTERS ! ORDERS CROWD IN FROM ALL POINTS ! ! Dear Friend: We are INSPIRED to write you today! "There's a song in our hearts!" We're simply S-N-O-W-E-D U-N-D-E-R with glad, grate- ful messages about the Magnetic, Money-Getting New , and how it is winning with a rush WINNING, WINNING, WINNING everywhere ! i NEVER have we had a that captured B-U-Y-E-R-S with such unbelievable rapidity! NEVER a that so completely swept the Agents off their feet ! NEVER a that brought such a prompt and gratifying influx of SHIP-QUICK ORDERS and glowing testimonials ! NEVER a that gave such swift and complete satisfaction! NEVER a that s-o-l-d i-t-s-e-1-f so readily! NEVER a that opened up to agents such broad and endless possibilities of money-making! LISTEN! We'll tell you something you'll scarcely believe. Maybe it will be a bit of a surprise. Maybe the happy thought never occurred to you but here it is: THE PROFIT POSSIBILITIES FOR AGENTS IN THE BUSINESS HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN S-C-R-A-T-C-H-E-D YET! ITS OPPORTUNITIES ARE A HUNDRED TIMES GREATER THAN YOU'VE THOUGHT THEY WERE! We mean right in your own vicinity right where you're oper- ating at this very moment ; where the field is full of Richer Plums of Profit than you ever dreamed! RIGHT THIS MOMENT Agents in many sections are DOUBLING and TREBLING their sales on the . Where, in a given time, they used to sell ONE of former , they're now selling THREE, FOUR and FIVE of the New . i YOU BET ! ! THEY'VE FOUND THIS GREATLY IMPROVED A SIX- CYLINDER SELLER, A REAL HYPNOTIC ARTICLE WHOSE SMOOTHER WARMS THE HEART OF THE HARD-TO-SELL PROSPECT, MAKES HIM OPEN HIS WALLET AND HAND OUT THE CURRENCY!! i f So, don't for a moment tell yourself you've combed your neighborhood of Buyers. Hah! Tell yourself you've ONLY JUST BEGUN! Tell yourself that the New CHANGES THE WHOLE SITUATION and makes EVERY a M-U-S-T B-U-Y ■ 102 Sheet 2. prospect for you to GATHER IN, NOT ONE BY ONE, BUT IN TWOS, THREES, FOURS AND FIVES!! BROADEN YOUR VIEW! SET A HIGHER MARK! TELL YOURSELF THAT FROM NOW ON YOU CAN SELL FIVE TO EVERY ONE YOU SOLD BEFORE ! Tell yourself that this Exciting New Quick-Profit with its many up-to-now features, is the C-A-S-H G-E-T-T-E-R with which you'll BLAZE A BRAND NEW SALES RECORD ON THE HIGH SPEED THAT WILL MIGHTY SOON MAKE YOU A MORE FREQUENT VISITOR AT THE BANK WITH THAT LITTLE LEATHER- COVERED DEPOSIT BOOK!! GET TOGETHER all your H-U-S-T-L-E en the The Agent who puts new Spark Plugs in his Engine of ENTHUSIASM, as he strikes out for Big Stakes on this Selling Wonder, IS THE MAN WHO'LL SOON BE AMAZED TO FIND THERE'S MORE READY-MONEY IN SELLING IT THAN ANYTHING ELSE HE CAN DO ! ! fow, fill out the order blank. Fill it out Right Now. Fill .t out GENEROUSLY for YOUR OWN SAKE! The more you order ,he MORE QUICK PROFIT there's in it for you. Many of our !IMIDEST Agents are ordering of the New it the price ! fhy, you could really leave of these in ;even home in one and collect your money from ALL the 'ery next day! THAT'S THE WAY THE MODEL DOES THE :rick for others — why not you? GET YOUR LETTER OFF TONIGHT! The time's ripe! Folks are just >eginning — ralk right into their homes with the ron't be intruding they'll WELCOME YOU! ;hem a world of that will ■ So you can ! You .« ' You're bringing GOLDEN HARVEST OF DOLLARS IS WAITING TO ROLL INTO YOUR LAP! let in the game R-I-G-H-T N-O-W ! ! YOU'LL be thunder-struck at ;he Great, Big, Handsome Profit-Showing you make by the first )f the year! Why, man, you can GET ACQUAINTED WITH MORE 'IVE, TEN AND TWENTY DOLLAR BILLS THAN YOU EVER DID BEFORE IN ?HAT LENGTH OF TIME! 'ours sincerely, P—W H M ,: : ■ ■ . ::■■■■.■■■ : 103 "TROUBLE KNOCKED AT THE DOOR AND, HEARING A LAUGH, HURRIED AWAY. Gentlemen: When engine troubles knock at your door, just LAUGH at 'em and flash a line to ; they'll be perfectly adjusted in jiffy-time I We are the Enemy of leaky valves, worn cylinders, and lost motion of every kind. Our methods, men and materials up-to-the-tick- of-the-telegraph. No old-time guesswork or bungling. We save you money, worry, time, power, and bring to your plant BRAND NEW EFFICIENCY! I We put head, heart and hand into this thing. CONSCIENCE is right with us on every job, and no man who's MISLAID his can stay on our pay-roll. MERIT, we believe, is the Busiest Plugger of them all. THAT, we can say with all modesty, is what keeps us eternally busy. Let us send you our Estimator to see what's what. This means no expense or obligation on YOUR part we're glad to do it, whether we land the job or no. 'Member the old, old saw, "A stitch in time saves nine. n Yours for a Smooth-running Engine Room, ■waniwiiBmimitiiiiiiimHtmiiiHHimtiii DHUMIH 104 Gentlemen: Without boasting, we can say we're painstaking, proficient and prompt. From boyhood we've had the real Know How of machinery repairing right at our fingers' ends. Saying that, somehow, reminds us of the fellow who fixed the farmer's well-pump. His bill read some- thing like this: To repairing pump, $ .75 To KNOWING HOW, 5.00 ,5.75 Right to your plant we bring our experience, our skill, with tools that are up-to-the-minute. We quickly cure leaky valves, worn cylinders or other lost motion, and tone up your power plant to the very highest notch of perfect service. And our rates are so reasonable you're sure to call us again when we're needed. You see, we make fast friends with our prices as well as our workmanship. At our own expense we'll send our man with an indicator to look over things and give you an estimate. You're not under the slightest obligation to give us the work unless our figure is perfectly satisfactory. May we hope to hear of your needs by return mail? Yours for Satisfactory Service, 105 Dear Mr. I'm glad you answered our advertisement, and hasten to reply to your letter personally. Just to talk plain, I think you'll find this the Very Best Money-Making Proposition you ever bumped into in your life I I want a man in your town and I want him right away. He's got to be a Real, Red-Hot, Red-Blooded Man who can go right after this Elegant Proposition and Sell These Units with a vengeance ! I want a Man who's a SALESMAN from the ground up, who's a DEAL CLOSER from the ground up, who's a MONEY MAKER from the ground up I He must have Ginger, Gumption and GETABILITY in him! He must be Ambitious, Resourceful, Reliable — yes, above all, RELIABLE. He must neither Shirk, Shuffle or Shilly-shally, but TAKE HOLD of this thing with Head, Heart and Hand and W-O-R-K WITH ALL THERE'S IN HIM! Now, the enclosed literature explains every phase of this proposition from A to Z. Sit right down and go over it C-A-R-E-F-U-L-L-Y. Get all the Main Points firmly fixed in your mind. It is a Good, Clean-cut, Legitimate Investment, backed right up by Strong Facts, Strong Figures and Strong Financial Reputations ! We are selling Units in a Developed Acre Apple Orchard. These Units sell for , and up to the year investors draw — interest. When the Orchards begin to bear, the Unit Owners receive of the net profit and our company for management. From the day he invests, the Unit Owner is GUARANTEED PER CENT ON HIS MONEY, be his crop large or small. He will own NOT MERE STOCK in the Orchards, BUT AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE ENTIRE ACRES OF APPLE LAND, WHICH THE COMPANY AGREES TO DEVELOP AND OPERATE, NO EXPENSES OR TAXES TO BE PAID BY THE UNIT OWNER ! you'll have no difficulty in finding Hundreds of Far-seeing, irifty Folk in your city and vicinity who will Sit Right Up and jisten to a Clean, Substantial, Lucrative Proposition of this :ind, where the small Investor has every Benefit, Advantage and ^course of the larger! ■ i ihnhm Mm* !!'-:. mmhu ■ 106 I Sheet 2 One of the most Prominent and Powerful Financial Institutions in the State of Georgia CARES FOR THE INTERESTS OF EVERY UNIT OWNER. I think you'll agree you could hardly start out to face the Hosts of Small Investors of your locality or any other, with a more Strongly-Fortified Proposition! If, after carefully going over the facts enclosed, you thoroughly appreciate this investment as a selling proposition, and feel that you could pour every vestige of your Energy and Enthusiasm into it right from the very outset ; if you are satis- fied as to its Genuineness, Substantial Backing, Magnificent Prospects and Splendid Sellability, I would be willing to offer you a commission of per cent on your sales. Now, as stated above, I want a Six-Cylinder Representative for the Orchard Proposition at once, and would thank you to let me hear from you without delay, stating frankly, freely and fully just what you think you could do with the proposition. Yours very truly, utiiiiNiinimuiimiin wutiinmiui hum mm i i inniiuiwiimmii .i.Hii, i IN!;! -,, ii! ':, i illl.lii ■" ■ ■ .' .■:'. .■.!'. . (Hi: ':iJi;i: .-.;.. , i ., , 107 ! >ear Sir: — fait! One moment, please. le dcn't want a dollar of yours; not a word about insurance, lither ! te're in trouble; we have a little favor to ask of you — it is not men ; in the end you will be the "gainer!" fOW — listen! because of your position and standing in your locality, we jelieve you can give us the names of one or two good men in your ;ity, who might be developed into capable representatives for ;his Company. fere is a chance — a big one — a solid, substantial SOMETHIN'-IN- !T for the RIGHT MAN! ! le want him — we want him NOW ! le believe YOU can point out the right man. re don't ask you to do this for nothing — we ask you to accept a •eward ! COMMISSION ON ALL THE BUSINESS HE WRITES DURING THE FIRST TEAR ! ! ! isn't this worth while to you? Jan't we depend on you to promptly take an interest in this Ling, and AT ONCE get us into communication with the VERY BEST :IND OF A MAN? te'd really like to have the names of SEVERAL, or maybe you have particular friend, whom you would like to see DO MORE than he .s doing — this is a real legitimate opportunity for you to help lira to SOMETHING BIGGER. id, then, too, you musn't forget — there's a real, interestin' lcunt of money in it for you! If for any reason you won't do this for us, won't you write us RIGHT AWAY? DO THIS, PLEASE. Yours very truly, ■ !> ■ '• ■ ' ' ' I'. ■■'■ ' ' 108 Dear Mr. I am somewhat at a loss to understand why you haven't answered my recent letter. For some reason I had you in my mind as the very man who would be quick to grasp this exceptional invest- ment proposition as a big and extraordinary Profit-Maker for himself. It may be that my letter miscarried in some way, and if that is the case and this one reaches you safely, I shall expect to hear from you right away. I am particularly anxious to get someone in your locality at the earliest possible moment a man with the Productiveness and the PUNCH; who can sail into this Orchard proposition and successfully show the prospective investors of your locality what an excellent thing it is. Now, if, for any reason whatever, you are not in shape to take off your coat, plunge right in and give this matter your Strongest Possible Efforts, I will thank you very much to so advise me by return mail. The literature sent you in my first letter clearly bears out our claims that this is essentially an investment for THE LARGE SAVINGS-ACCOUNT MAJORITY, who want more than 3% or 4% on their money. The Units sell for $350, and draw 6% interest up to the year 1917. THIS 6% IS GUARANTEED, and begins from the day of investment. Beside this guaranteed interest, every Unit owner will receive 87 1/2% of the net profits derived from the operation of these orchards, the company being allowed 121/2% for management. emember further that the Unit Owner is not simply a stock- older in the , but actually owns an divided interest in the entire 1,000 acres of apple land, ich the company agrees to develop and operate, no expense or .axes to be paid by the Unit owner. len and women, serious-minded, sensible, saving, resourceful >eople, can readily be induced to listen to this exceptionally tdvantageous investment proposition, where the larger investor il-Xil i 109 Sheet 2. has no advantage of any kind over the smaller ; where the small investor is fully protected against every possible contingency of loss ! The Trust Company of looks after the interests of the Unit Owner throughout this propostion the standing and strength of this institution certainly lends an element of security to the investment, as well as increased force to all of your arguments. I am sure there is a rare opportunity for you I am sure there is a rare opportunity for many people with surplus money in your locality. As stated in my former letter, I want a representative worthy of the high character of the investment, and he can certainly draw down a very handsome compensation for every day, every hour, devoted to the selling of Apple Orchard Units. I feel that in offering you a commission of per cent I am giving you a very strong incentive to take hold with the determination to make a record for yourself, and, incident- ally, bring about a big and gratifying difference in your balance at the bank! Now, I shall expect to hear from you right away, if you want to take advantage of my offer. Remember, the saying that "Everything comes to him who waits" is all wrong; EVERYTHING 10MES TO HIM WHO GOES AFTER IT! Setter get your letter to me in tonight's mail. 'ours very truly, President. imiitniiimimtfit:;: ■MMMMMNMMi miititimtiiinimnsiiiMiitti 110 A DISCOVERY! AN INVENTION! AN IMPROVEMENT ! Dear Sir: News ! ! Heretofore, you see, the stripes or checks of a fellow's coat didn't MATCH at the back, where the seam is. Now they're GOING TO! And this store is the FIRST to introduce this Great Step Forward in Clothescraf t . REALLY, YOU MUST COME AND SEE WHAT IT ALL MEANS. FURTHERMORE : You must see this Aristocratic Autumn Array of and Clothes ! Sumptuous apparel, Horatio and yet and yet the Penalty isn't at all severe, say $17.50 to $35 or thereabouts. The question is: WHEN will you deign to TRY ON these royal robes; we're waiting, willing, watching YOU'RE the doctor so SUIT YOURSELF. Yours truly, inn:;i!i Itli-iniftKHJm, :•■•;■! -i-ivm;i;i csKiin mmiiiinn/imfiii'ii.c.ttii; mmmmmtm 111 Dear Sir: When you put on a Garment, there's no denying you're stepping into THE RIGHT KIND OF SCENERY! and were both born with the cutting- shears in their hands and carved clothes from the Cradle ! We know the kinks and curves of Conscientious Tailoring from the ground up, and take Pains, Pride and Pleasure in Every Garment we build. If there's a single stitch on the blink, WE'RE the first to set up a howl ; the Customer never gets a CHANCE to I We're itching to Make that Winter Suit or Overcoat for you. We've got Better Woolens and Workmen than we EVER had and can turn you out a Clean-Cut Garment with Dash and Durability in it and say I You've no more chance of getting anything as RIGHT in a Ready-made than a Crippled Canary has at a Cat-show ! Put your good money in a Suit. YOU'LL GET IT OUT AGAIN IN SUPREME SATISFACTION! Better-Built Clothes are an INVESTMENT, not a Speculation. Why Gamble when you can get a Sure Thing? Sincerely yours, ■ : : ■ ■ C UMMHMtuittitjiiii^iiiuiiiiuiiiMiiiiiiLtiiuittiLiriiiiiiLiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiticiiritiiutiiiftittiMfiiiJirriifOitifiliirimtAi rtiit iitililiiMnilimilXlTlitrTiuEtiiiiiiftitiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniiiiiiinimiiiiiiDiiiiiiiitiiiiiHiiiiifiiiiliiliiliiftiiiiiiiiif iiMiHiiMiiiiniiuiiaiiiiiiiiniiiiiniHiiiMniiiiiniiiuiiiiiniiNi>iitiM!>ii!i,nNiiit.UMimi.i!i 1 iiiumMMnMHWMMMMUIt:<' MMMIMII1MII1I « - iiiummiMumuuuumoimiu»B'ni'li:iii" -■ l "' l: " « ■' iSBBBMkl 120 ! Dear Mr. Pardon us maybe we're a bit too persistent. But persistency is the child of progressiveness. We long to take your measure for that dashing spring suit. We're watching our doorway, in the agonies of anticipation, hoping you'll drop in. Scads of suitings I Sprightly textures that'll strike your fancy in jiffy time I Why procrastinate? Monday's a mighty good day to order the built suit the other good days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Friday and Saturday. Faithfully yours, . > :■,-,.. umbnvmmI ■ 121 A LITTLE THOUGHT ABOUT CO-OPERATION. Dear Mr. You being a property owner of this vicinity, I thought you might warm to the idea of personally patronizing the stores of the locality. Ours is the only store of its class IN the neighbor- hood and I think it HELPS the neighborhood. My motive may be a bit selfish in writing you about our English-made and — Clothes, Raincoats, Shirts, Underwear and Hats. Of course, I'd like a little of your trade, but DECIDEDLY NOT unless I had the merchan- dise that pleased you. In other words, I don't expect the custom of the property owners on any sympathy basis, but with a little co-operative thought, PROVIDED I HAVE THE GOODS THEY WANT. I hope you'll find a few minutes to drop in and see the new things we're showing YOUR CALL ENTAILS NOT THE SLIGHTEST OBLIGATION TO BUY. In fact, I'd like awfully well simply to become acquainted with you. Won't talk shop at all unless you want something. And if you'll be kind enough to ask for me person- ally, I shall appreciate it. Sincerely yours, ■ 1 I r 122 EXTRA II Dear Sir: Want to see some rare stuff from Nippon? Cloth mixtures a la Mikado? Fabric Fancies fresh from Jiu Jitsu Land? Nippon Spring Overcoats, stunningly designed out of Jap-land cloth, by New York's past-masters in the modeling of artistic apparel. KEEN garments, these I Exactly as you'll see 'em along Fifth Avenue on those crisp, sunshiny afternoons of early Spring, You must slip in and try one on. This is the happy-to-show-you house, where you can LOOK at things without feeling OBLIGATED. Spring won't wait. Why should YOU? Come TODAY! Yours truly, ALSO JUST ARRIVED I ANOTHER CROWNING ATTRACTION OF 'S SPRING FASHION SHOW SUIT STYLES SUPREME FROM THE STUDIOS OF SMARTNESS ■ 123 CONFIDENCE ! Dear Sir: Confidence is a big word with a big meaning. Confidence is the Solid-Rock Foundation upon which we stand. One of the things you like is to walk into a store and know you'll get what you want at the price you want to pay. AND KNOW NOBODY ELSE CAN BUY IT FOR ANY LESS ! The history of this store is simply Sixteen Years of Plain Figures and Plain Facts. Rigid Rule No. 1 is One Price. Rigid Rule No. 2 is Plain Figures. Rigid Rule No. 3 is Honest Values. No mysterious markings on price tickets here, neither do we play favorites. EVERY CUSTOMER IS A FAVORITE AT THIS STORE! OUR GOODS ARE BOUGHT ON A STRICTLY CASH BASIS. EVERY PENNY WE SAVE IN DISCOUNT GOES INTO YOUR POCKET ! Think this over, twice! The simple reason we're doing the largest clothing, shoe and furnishing business in is simply this: People know EVERY DOLLAR BUYS ITS LEVEL BEST AT 'S! Handsome Fall Arrivals in Dependable Head-to-Heel Apparel are awaiting your inspection. We think it's the Finest Selection of Men's Garments ever shown here. Our store is your store. Always come in and visit to your heart's content; we never expect you to buy unless you're in the mood. You're Heartily Welcome! Cordially yours, utMHHHiniiiHHitimiiuimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidN; « ■ ■ iiimiiiniiitiii rirniifdiimii.i! 124 i Dear Mr. If you're very busy, pardon me. But I'm thinking about you and your Fall Suit. For some time you've forgotten us. And even a tailor-chap hates to be forgotten. You see it isn't all Duds and Dollars there's a bit of deeply genuine pleasure in having one's patron's reappear! This season I'm quite happily fixed in the matter of Imported Cloths that'll strike your fancy. May I hope you'll drop in to look at them at a very early day? Whether you select something or not, I'd be most happy to see you anyway. Very truly yours, 'iiiifiimiiiimimnmi 125 Dear Mr. : Pardon me ! I don't want to bother you. Eut I'm more than anxious to show you the Stunning New Clothes about which we recently wrote you. They made an Instantaneous Hit I Dozens of MEN WHO LIKE THE CLOTHES YOU LIKE, have come in and BEEN CONVERTED to the sanely artistic ideas of this Original De- signer, who has dared to cast precedent aside and do things dif- ferently. By all means come and see these clean-cut, uncommon garments, as well as our faultless fall models, which this year are really a trifle toppier than anything their talented Craftsmen have ever handed out. I'm going to expect you within a day or two. You'll be very glad you made the little j ourney. Cordially yours, 126 DON'T WAIT! ACT ON THIS TODAY I Dear Sir: Everybody is out for money, profit, gain — we assume YOU are. Read the enclosed circular on both sides VERY CAREFULLY — then you are sure to buy a lot or two in , the coming big metropolis of Northern Alberta. THESE LOTS HAVE SOLD WITH A MIGHTY RUSH. Only the WHITE spaces on the red plat show those UNSOLD. So you'll have to ACT QUICKLY if you grasp the opportunity for immense profts on this small investment you can make on easy terms. The is the Future Busy Center of , which is destined to be one of Canada's greatest cities. Just to talk real plain, we think you'll find this the very best money-making proposition you ever bumped into IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE ! Red-blooded people from everywhere are rushing into Canada — it is the last great, big unsettled country where Golden Opportunities are to be found. YOU may be one of those to profit by these conditions if you invest at once in Again we say, go over the enclosed circular very care- fully. It explains every phase of the investment from A to Z. SIT RIGHT DOWN AND GO OVER IT NOW. Get all the main points firmly fixed in your mind. It is a good, clean-cut, wise, safe, legitimate in- vestment, BACKED UP BY STRONG FACTS, STRONG FIGURES AND STRONG FINANCIAL REPUTATIONS. We're not trying to hurry you today. Our plat of lots itself is your warning. It is the red danger signal that NO TIME IS TO BE LOST if you have a little money on which you'd like to make BIG RETURNS with absolute safety. (liiifi;niin; ( iiiin iWiiidiiiii! iii! ( ..!ii .,;:,,:, ,...■ ..i. ■•■,.'.■■ ■ ■ 127 Sheet 2 Should the lot you pick out be gone by the time your letter reaches us, we will write or wire you, and you can either select another or we will refund your money. TEN PER CENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE IS ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR YOU TO SEND. Look over the list of unsold lots and prices, and if possible write to us in TONIGHT'S MAIL. You will not be sorry that you heeded our admonition to make haste — the hundreds who have bought lots are now rejoicing over the things they hear of the big and positive prosperity confronting Don't YOU let this Live Chance "lay dreaming I" A Big-Profit Opportunity is LOOKING YOU IN THE EYE RIGHT THIS MINUTE! BUY that Lot. BUY it immediately. TAKE—THE— STEP— TO-DAY ! Yours very truly, . .. I .'ill ,..,,-■. Mi; IN. I • 128 SECOND CALL ! YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS VANISHING ! )ear Sir: lis is not more "rush talk." ?he lots in have been going more rapidly than )ver since we wrote you. re write again, thinking possibly our letter was misdirected or 'ailed to reach you. Lgain we send you the descriptive circular of this property, for 'ear you may have lost the other one. 'ou know the old truism that Shakespeare wrote: "There is a time id tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its ebb, leads on o Fortune !" ie eyes of the world's opportunity seekers are firmly fixed ipon Canada — immigration figures don't lie I l11 this rush of humanity to and through will increase the value of your lot day by day. Its price will go steadily upward; and as the city soars and thrives, and build- ing activity goes forward by leaps and bounds, you are sure to feel that it was a lucky stroke when you made up your mind to buy that lot in We believe you are satisfied enough about the security of the investment. We believe you are satisfied about the standing of this Company and its strong financial references. But, somehow, you seem to hesitate. Maybe you can scarcely believe your $200 or $300 lot in will greatly increase in value as we say it will. Now if were not a great natural shipping center, if it were not the portal city to such a tremendous agricultural region, if it had not such powerful and influential friends as the and the well, maybe you would be right about going slowly in this thing. But you know all the facts now. We feel that it is time for us to 129 I Sheet 2 cease talking and let you make up your mind in your own good time — ONLY YOUR CHANCE WILL BE GONE BEFORE VERY LONG. We sincerely hope that TODAY, right now, this very moment, you will put aside all petty hesitancy and doubt, and make your remittance for this 10% of the purchase price. Turn to the big circular, select your lot, and get your letter off within this hour! DO THIS RIGHT AWAY. THE TIME'S RIPE! Tomorrow something else may intervene. Today, today, is the time; MAKE THIS PURCHASE OF A LOT YOUR VERY NEXT ACT. Yours truly, Per- 130 i A GENTLE WARNING I OUR THIRD AND LAST CALL! Dear Sir: You know the old saying that "Everything comes to him who waits" is all wrong. EVERYTHING COMES TO HIM WHO GOES AFTER IT! Today with a mighty few dollars you can lay the foundation for a nice bundle of greenbacks within a few years! Yes, this is not a dream it's the solid, substantial truth. For the third time we write, inviting you to buy a lot in Subdivision of the city of , the great gate- way to River and all Northern . The circular sent you in our first two letters clearly bears out our claim that this easy-to-make investment in a coming great City in the very heart of what should be its busiest business center will bring you a handsome profit on the small amount of money you put into it. These people who have already bought lots are men and women who are serious-minded, sensible, saving, resourceful. They are small investors who are careful, yet they quickly made up their minds that a city like , with its rich tributaries, great river, and other wonderful natural ad- vantages, was the safest place in the world to invest their money, and the easy payment plan, whereby they pay but 10% down and $10 monthly, made them speedily decide that a lot was a splendid buy and a rare opportunity. to are SURE THIS IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU, TOO. Here is irely an ideal investment. It will bring you maximum re- Lrns consistent with absolute safety. This is a wise, worry- iss way to make $10 a month earn money for you with every issing day. Put this $10 a month to work where it will .n the greatest rewards for you. You worked for that money -now let it hustle like blazes for you. You know there are two kinds of people in the world those ■nwaoMMM 131 Sheet 2. whose are always getting ready to do something, and those who go ahead and do it ! YOU BE THE FELLOW WHO WENT AHEAD AND DID IT ! Make up your mind THIS MINUTE that you are going to own that lot in ; that you are going to buy it today that in this land of opportunity your small investment now will yield big and gratifying returns within a few years; that you will get your 10% first payment off in today's mail, because YOU DON'T WANT TO BE THE MAN WHO WOULDN'T LISTEN I You don't want to be the man who stood still! You want to be the man who reached out his hand at the right time and grasped a beaming opportunity to win much and invest little. Have your letter on the way before you lie down to sleep tonight own that lot, because it is a sound invest- ment, because it is guaranteed, because hundreds of other level-headed people have set the example for you, because this lot is easily bought, easily paid for, and because who knows your profits on it may furnish the foundation for a lifetime competency and years of prosperity and happiness ! Success comes to all Won't-Wait People who never put off 'till tomorrow DON'T YOU DELAY A DAY LONGER! Yours very truly, Per- .1. il. Mil' ~ 132 Dear Sir: I am very glad to get your inquiry. I can assure you it means more to YOU than to us, even though we make a sale. Subdivision has the Biggest Future in — to-day, and what is equally as interesting, we are selling at at to others' prices! If you will be guided by my advice right now, you will be very happy over your investment before another year rolls 'round. is to be the most prosperous pay-roll city between and . Within three years you will find a population, paved streets, sewers, sidewalks, electric lights, schools, churches, big manufacturing plants — a railroad and industrial city WITH PROPERTY VALUES 'WAY UP AND CONSTANTLY ON THE INCREASE. And THEN ! Then I wouldn't be able to buy back your property in Subdivision FOR FIVE TIMES WHAT I'M ASKING YOU FOR IT TO-DAY! There's a time for the conservative man to buy. That's when OTHER conservative men are buying. Every day we're selling lots in to the most cautious investors — men who think hard, look far and "make assurance doubly sure. n THEY are certain of Big Profits; so will YOU be when you investigate. THEY bought of us at to others' prices. PROPERTY RIGHT NEXT TO OURS IS BEING SOLD AT DOUBLE WHAT WE ASK ! If you act PROMPTLY I am sure you will be glad you did. Our automobile is at your service at any hour you notify us. Our easy terms will please you as much as our low prices. Read over the enclosed circular and price list. Let us know right away how soon you can look over these lots. The choice ones are going rapidly. You want that kind. Don't put it off. Write, 'phone or wire us immediately. Yours very truly, 133 JULY 29TH! JULY 29TH! )ear Madam: le repeat the date 'cause we want you to BURN IT IN YOUR SMORY ! [t's the day our Big Fall Opening begins I id YOU are especially and cordially and urgently invited. le want to make this Fall Buying Trip your most Profitable, Pleasant and Advantageous one. The enclosed Bulletin of Specials represents but a meager idea of the Wonderful Price Surprises in store for you here ! IN SHORT, THE METHOD MEANS MORE MONEY IN THE BANK FOR YOU. We have figured out Bigger Profits for you this Season, and if you will be sure to visit this Store you will be thoroughly convinced of it, AND YOU WILL BE DOUBLY GLAD YOU CAME! Look over the enclosed Bulletin carefully; you will find things you need and should order now. You will find this store can save you money on anything and everything you need; that it looks out for its customers at all times, and always gives them the ADVANTAGE OF EVERY POSSIBLE SAVING! Special: Our Bureau of Information is always at your Service, if you are in business, or if you desire a position as Trimmer. Again assuring you that you will do well to remember our Opening and Visit Us, we are Yours very truly, ELL-OC. iHjHiiHfumitmn:!,;:,., .. wuanMMiiiHniMiiiHnmiiMiaMinHanBinai iiimiiiiiiiiiiwii—iihiiii n ammmmm 134 BORROW THE MUSIC YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT IT, AS LONG AS YOU WANT IT! Dear Mr. So very many resourceful, economical Musicians and Music Lovers are enjoying the Many Benefits of the Library I Why not YOU? I'm quite sure it will mean a great deal to you. And the yearly subscription is so very reasonable one guinea ! Doubtless you buy all your music now. It's costing you quite a bit, isn't it? And even at that, you haven't NEARLY as many pieces as you really WANT, have you? How much, more more Economical, Beneficial and Enjoyable to be able to "borrow the music you want, WHEN you want it, as LONG as you want it ! n How much more Helpful to your Musical Education, if you had ready access, at trifling cost per year, to ANY piece of music you wanted, at ANY time! A one guinea subscription to the Library would RIGHT NOW be a Great Big Lift in your musical studies. It's a Splendid Thought a Sensible, Saving Thing to do. It immediately puts you in touch with ALL the music of the old and new masters. It gives you the widest possible range of selection. It Helps you KEEP PACE with the march of Musical Events. It lets down the Bars of Restraint the Question of Ex- pense that may have hindered you in your musical progress. Read enclosed booklet, and send in your Subscription, filling in the form of entry on page 13 a money-saving move on your part that will prove the wisest little investment you ever made ! ACT NOW! Yours truly, iwwmihiiim ■■■ '""fW TwmmiiiMtiiwiniiiMwiniiiiiiirimMiiiiiiniwuiiniii wmiiwiMiwiiiiiBiiiiiiiit itiwnwwwMwwiiiwiHiiiiMiiuiiMMwMiiiMiMiyiaiiMMiiaiiiiiiiiiii iiiniii mm iniiiii i in nnnw nimiiiim n m 1 n ; luitiiimiMaainnKiinnnniwiiJiiiiiiituinuiifimirmiMmi^ 135 ON THE GREAT CLOCK OF TIME THERE IS BUT ONE WORD "NOW" ! Dear Mr. Every day you delay in subscribing to the Library you are really and truly Missing Big Things in a Musical Way I The modern trend of musical events the newer popular melo- dies, the more recent additions to classic masterpieces, are things music students and music lovers should keep constantly and closely in touch with. A One Guinea Subscription enables you to keep as well informed as one who can afford to be extravagant in the purchase of anything and everything in fresh music. As a member of the Library you can indulge in almost unlimitable musical study and recreation. The range of works at your command not only embraces the old masters, but also the compositions of the leaders and framers of modern musical thought. My library is in four sections, Orchestral, Operatic, General and Rolls, the last being, of course, for piano-players. There are thousands of volumes in the Library opening out to you an endless opportunity for perfecting yourself on any particular phase of musical thought you may be interested in. It means to you an end of constant expenditure for the pieces you want; it means a constant variation in your study; it means fuller, deeper , broader insight into the particular class of music you love. Be DOWN-TO-NOW in whatever you are doing! The Library is here, always at your fingers' end, so to speak, and a single guinea brings you the full year's benefit of its many advantages 1 The thought of this TREMENDOUS SAVING should move you to instantaneous action. Why not fill out the enclosed form of entry and send it to me in tonight's mail? I am positive you will be glad you did. Sincerely yours, 136 A GUINEA PUTS THE WORLD OF MUSIC AT YOUR FEET. Dear Mr. Let me again urge that you join the Library. The cost is SMALL! The benefits GREAT ! I really believe it would prove an important step in your Musical Career. It is a step you should take NOW. I am posi- tive it would broaden your general knowledge of Music, the value of which is not to be estimated in money. When you become a member of the World of Music is at your feet. Library, the Whole Just think! Think TWICE! A guinea buys your yearly membership fee ! It's but a trifle to the amount you'd spend for music in a year if you bought outright every piece you wanted. You need never be "caught napping" in your knowledge of the very latest pieces, or have on hand discarded music that has cost you good money and is no longer of any use to you but a dead asset on your hands. The Library is a Boon, a Blessing and a Bargain, for every Musician and Music Lover in or any part of the United Kingdom. TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW, of this Easy Way of acquiring a complete knowledge of Musical Literature at astonishingly small cost. No serious-minded, saving student or lover of music should overlook it. Why not sit down and write me fully as to the kind of music you play or prefer, and send one guinea for a year's subscrip- tion, so that you may receive a number of beautiful selec- tions by return mail? I know you will be immensely gratified that you acted on my suggestion. BETTER DO THIS AT ONCE! Sincerely yours, mi(U »"«'Uimi«n,iniiijhiiii, i , ; ..,, .,■ m. , ■ , I! .. ■ Mil ■ ■ 137 YOU BUY AN EXPENSIVE ADDING MACHINE, OR A COSTLY LETTER DUPLICATOR, OR A HIGH-PRICED DICTATING DEVICE, BECAUSE THEY SAVE TIME; REDUCE CLERICAL COST: THEN L-I-S-T-E-N ! My dear Sir: I am writing you personally today, because I am positive we can save you money. I am absolutely sure we've an article here that has something vital to do with immediately lowering your office expense, and greatly increasing your accountant's efficiency. I am equally certain it will pay you to BURN THIS THOUGHT INTO YOUR MEMORY: The cheapest ledger is not one you buy for the lowest price, but the one that costs least to operate. That means the DIRECT ROUTE Automatic Ledger. Every account in it is INSTANTANEOUSLY FINDABLE I It is the SUPREME self-indexer, cured of all the "bad habits" of others. And yet it is so simple a 12-year-old boy can under- stand it. It is mechanically up-to-the-tick-of-the-telegraph. The TIME of human beings clerical cost is your most expen- sive office item. A Taxi Meter doesn't register your dollars any faster. WATCH THAT ITEM I I urge you today, to SERIOUSLY INVESTIGATE our money-saving ledger. At TREBLE its price it would be a highly profitable in- vestment for you NOW. Your office may be economically run, but it hasn't reached its minimum operating cost until you've installed the They are using it right this moment in offices where expense is scientifically HELD DOWN. See partial list of concerns on back of this letter. I've promised you a big saving. I've promised you more efficiency. You're surely interested enough to mail the inclosed card. iy not turn 'round in your office chair and do it immediately? 'TIS A TURN FOR THE BETTER! r ours for Economy and Efficiency, President. ..■-:■ , : ■■ .. ..■ I ::' ,1 V-\ i, ■ ' . , : '■ ' . I !' Ill H I I . I ' I / . I ' . ■ H ! III! I , .■■,',: I , I I : . I 138 THE MAGIC LEDGER THAT DECREASES ACCOUNT- ING COSTS AND INCREASES EFFICIENCY! My dear Sir: I write you again about the , feeling sure if I can interest you in this wonderful ledger you'll really be GRATEFUL afterward. This is a day of Efficiency Experts and Cost Counselors surely YOU can't afford to overlook REAL opportunities to save Clerical Time and Cut Out Loss Motion. Our book is a Swift-Service Account Record. It falls in with the Time-Saving Spirit of the Day. For, verily, 'tis a world of Short Cuts and Swift Methods. Few people BUGGY RIDE any more. The most nimble-footed nag but sniffs the perfume of the Gasoline Guzzler as it whizzes by. Mrs. Newrich's large, luxurious lavender limousine shoots past its equine rival like the lightning limited laughs back at the lumbering local freight. With the Ledger, your bookkeeper can handle each entry like a hot plate that's quickly passed along. He doesn't fumble or finger needless pages, guess, grope, or go it blind. He KNOWS where to find the account he is after! Right at his fingers' ends, where his fingers FIND IT with presto- like promptitude. These things relegate the Accountant to the Seventh Heaven of Supreme Satisfaction. They make him more content and capable. "Art is man's joy in his work" you get perfect service from the fellow who takes pleasure and pains and pride in what he's loing. is a joy to its Keeper! it me at least PROVE WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. This won't entail Le slightest obligation on your part. Fill out the card iclosed and send it today. 'Twill prove a money-making move your part. 'ours for Less Ledger Labor, President. KwaMMwo, «»„»„„„„,„ , ii!Jii!rlliimi.nllM1:IHii;ililtii!:!! :i!Mili«i:itiliM minimi :i.i!:nuim!:ii .1 1111 .: iiiijii.iiimiiiliiicii^.jj-Mitiui: : :■.... ,!■:;. i;n ■ ::;iit-.ii,r iilfiiiiiitii'Hiiiiniiilumiminii 139 EFFICIENCY: "IF A MAN BUILD A BETTER MOUSE TRAP THAN HIS NEIGHBOR, THOUGH HE DWELL IN THE WILDERNESS, THE WORLD WILL MAKE A BEATEN PATH TO HIS DOOR." My dear Sir: Again I call upon you in the name of Efficiency! Efficiency and Economy! The Ledger is a Mighty Step Forward for your Accounting Department. It is a Triumphant Time-Saver 1 THIS, because its Ingenious DIRECT ROUTE Index AUTOMATICALLY finds the account for you. It is Trouble-Proof, Temper-Proof! THIS, because it avoids mix-ups, minimizes errors and prevents delays. Indexes have come and gone, but THIS one is a HAPPY "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST." It simplifies, shortens and speeds-up entry work. In this alone the EARNS ITS COST within less than thirty days ! YOU WANT THIS LEDGER IN YOUR OFFICE RIGHT NOW. The investment will pay you 200 cents on the dollar! From the moment it enters your office, all ledger-labor flies out the window. Your bookkeeper will warmly welcome it, because it means LESS COMPLEXITY, LESS CONFUSION (AND MAYBE LESS CUSSING) ! I urge you to let us DEMONSTRATE. I urge you to fill out the enclosed card and mail it tonight. I am positive you will be immensely gratified with what we can show you. 'ter Lower-Cost-of-Living, what's more important than >wer-Cost-of -Doing-Business? mrs with the Evidence Ready, President. wuimiiW!tujti«iiiumi!iMrH!ti!i!Htitiuii;j, ^.niii^iii-.ihJsiiimiiMuuiiwmuuiiwuiiitiiiii/iMiiiMuitiMiiiiti^ijii^Mi.ir^rT.,-., ,.,,,, r-.,.!;,,,,,,^,, mtm'iit; mn;m ^imwir'""""""""'" , '"" ! '-" [ """ : .!.. !■■■.■■: 143 I 'Morning, Mr. "The man who doesn't advertise his business has no business to BE in business and generally ISN'T I" So wrote the Sage of East Aurora. Maybe he put it a bit strong. But it is all of nine-tenths true, anyway don't you think? Good printing is Good Advertising, and SOME advertising is good printing. BUT NOT ALL. In our Up-and-Doing plant, we put into our work a bit of vivid imagination, mixed with a lot of practical thought and every ounce of Print-Wisdom we've got up there in the thought- spire ! And because we have skilled helpers we give you printing that is sure-enough advertising! And that, no matter what price you pay or who you are. We play no favorites, we pander to none especially we try to please ALL. If Conscience makes cowards of us all, it also makes CONQUERORS for the man who cannot give you anything but the BEST there's in him is bound to win you in the end I Agreed? Then let us GET TO this printing try-out with all possible speed. You need the VITALIZED kind that CREATES A CASHABLE COMMOTION! The burden of proof is on us when will Your Honor decide? Expectantly yours, I.I1IIIIIIIUIIU i'lii'ini.i 144 ELBERT HUBBARD SAID: "THE MAN WHO REALLY COUNTS IS THE ONE WHO MAKES THE GHOST WALK ALL THE REST ARE JANITORS!" Dear Friend: You can pack it in your jimmy-pipe that Elbert hit the blazing nail of truth right on the head when he dropped that little remark. "The man who makes the ghost walk" is the producer, the go-getter, the wizard who brings in the wherewith, swings the deals and lands a boat-load of dollars every time he swats the golden fly of fortune ! HE, by the way, is the identical chap who believes in pro- ductive printing that attracts, pleases the eye, and finally JAMS THE BUYING THOUGHT CLEAN HOME! Yes, the ghost-walk man spends liberally for good printing. He's shrewd enough to know that EVERY SHEET OF IT IS ADVERTISING AND THAT'S THE STUFF YOU CAN'T GET TOO MUCH OF! For advertising is the magic wand that 'wakes a sleeping business into new life and activity the momentum of its power increases day by day for every man who KEEPS IT UP! AND ONLY THE LIVE ONES DRAW IN THE BIG, GOLDEN BASS FROM THE STREAM OF TRADE! YOU are wide-awake, alert, resourceful. You're quick to grasp the things that keep the propeller of progress spinning to the tinkle of dollars T-H-E-R-E-F-O-R-E : You want none but printing that MAKES BUSINESS MULTIPLY. That grab-the-order and land-the-business kind. Printing that makes them forget your competitor and trade only with you! Now, the undersigned can connect you with printing that MAKES A NOISE LIKE READY MONEY. His mill turns out that particular brand, and at this very moment he's on the tip-toe of expectancy, lying in wait for your order. BETTER GET IN TOUCH WITH HIM. Yours sincerely, ' " i . iNcmmhuiuJ'iNmiiiimiiuiinnmtuuiiMii i[i!iiiiiiriiNitimiih:;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:miiiii in/iiMNum (tiii'iiurmiNiiii minim 145 PRINTING WITH A WALLOP IN IT ! Dear Friend: Be undeceived. The Wallop is not a new disease. It's a new dynamic force that we put into printing ! TRY IT ON YOUR SALES COMPUTER! 'Twill increase your business! Doubt us if you will, but the freshness and FETCHABILITY we'd inject into your printing would have a lot to do with that fateful string of figures on your check-book stub ! We're dead in earnest about elevating y-o-u-r business literature. We're anxious to put more work, wits and WORTH into it. Sounds boastful, but it's all our risk if we don't take the slow-pinks out of that printing of yours and give it the wallop that sends your sales skyward ! YOU'RE ENTITLED TO PROOF before we deserve your PATRONAGE. SO We're anxious to demonstrate how we can make type behave and presses perform. We're willing to bank on bettering your printing and boosting your product ! If you've a print-job hanging around, there's a 'phone at your elbow. And »s at the other end L-I-S-T-E-N-I-N-G. Yours at the Receiver, ini » W »w i H iii nu iin im i im tmniiini»i'i' 146 SWIFT SERVICE! Dear Friend: Nay, good neighbor, ours is not a SLOW print-plant. 'Tis a quality outfit with a gait on! For, verily, this is a fast, fast world. And the quick stuff has the call ! Do people take BUGGY RIDES now-a-days? NOPE! Not many. The most nimble-footed nag but sniffs the perfume of the gasoline guzzler as it whizzes by! Mrs. Newrich's large and luxurious lavender limousine shoots past its equine rival like the lightning limited laughs back at the old town horse car. At our printing place, everlasting PROMPTITUDE is the Password Quick Action the Command, from Order Desk to the pond'rous presses as they whirr into joyous revolution! You see, we handle a print job like a hot plate that's quickly passed along. The customer pays us to print it well and print it pretty dash quick. This busy now-a-day world is chockful of won't wait people who never put off 'till tomorrow and never tarry for the next car. (They'd rather risk their necks catching the one that's going by with a gait on!) And so the Jiffy-Time Majority want their printing before the ink's quite dry. But the kind always lands on the job clean-cut and non-sticky, and usually sooner than EXPECTED ! H-e-n-c-e : When in haste for handsome printing, remember that LIGHTNING is our middle name ! Sincerely yours, ■ 147 Dear Mr. Know what kind of an animal a Never-Wuzzer is? He's a fellow who just NEVER COULD be successful. HE CAME IN AT THE WRONG DOOR! The sky-rocket of his ambition never had a fuse to start it off ! If he tried to DO anything, he used a tack-hammer, when he should have hit ■ er with a SLEDGE ! Botch printing is like the Never-Wuzzer. It has a tack-hammer effect. You need the kind that SWINGS THE SLEDGE and drives the good results CLEAN HOME. GOOD LOOKING PRINTING IS A DIVIDEND PAYER. IT LANDS YOU IN THE SPOTLIGHT OF SUCCESS ! It has the sparkle of seductiveness ; it has the snappy, swift-selling sorcery. It helps you to pile up profits, through its productive LURE! It's as much ADVERTISING as it is printing; it's representative, responsive, resultful. It 'WAKES A LETHARGIC BUSINESS; it brings NEW FACES into your office, your store. Keeps the telephones busy as as an ambulance on election day. Poor printing has no more chance than a crippled canary at a cat show. The GOOD is a business exhilarator! On your next job, you can't afford to forget . Why SHOULD you, anyway? Yours for Printing that PRODUCES, ""^■MMiaMm,,,,,,, —«iih«-^.-...— ..-...,.. — nmrmimmim iM m.n imi.nwM—iiiiiwiiiiini—11.... —iiiiiim.— .m«— —m.i i> i i i»iiM i iniiiwi B iiii . iiiii N i MiNW «iii — iii«iimii M ii«ii niiminwn — —■ — — mmm « mmmniiiiiimimmiMimJ ' ii(iiuauiltinii-iiiii"ii>ijiH
  • Hi>Hiiii.: 148 Dear Sir: Maybe I'm telling you a fib when I say I represent the most MONEY-SAVING PRINTERS. Maybe I'm romancing when I tell you they're the PROMPTEST, TOO I Maybe not. Maybe I'm flirting with truth when I vow they're the MOST PAINSTAKING. 0, well it's all a matter of WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GIVE US A JOB. Mere printer's prattle doesn't count. Every man's a crank about SOMETHING. We're cranks about getting out printing that PUTS IT OVER for our patrons. Robert Louis Stevenson said, "Man's joy is in his work." Whether he had in mind printers or preachers, we know not, but we DO know that we take a DEEP AND GENUINE pleasure in doing things TIDILY and TIMELY! The thought of your next order rankles in our minds. Won't you let us prove YOUR OWN WISDOM in letting us have it? Yours very truly, uouHiiijiuiiimHiJiiiCiirirsM.inun'iiniuiiif 149 "BUSINESS IS SENSITIVE: IT GOES WHERE WELCOME, BUT DEPARTS WHEN ILL-TREATED I" Dear Friend: I saw the above in a busy man's office a day or two ago. And it set me to THINKING. So I pass it along to YOU. Maybe you'll suspect it has something to do with the goodness or badness of a fellow's printing. And it HAS. It HAS ! Your letter-heads, statements, envelopes, circular letters, price-lists, pamphlets, booklets, ALL may have an INVITING PERSONALITY. Or they may have an UNWELCOME LOOK a careless, let-me-go, listlessness that carries DEPRESSION instead of IMPRESSION! No, no you mustn't have that Kind! You want the stuff that WAKES »EM UP; that WAFTS A WARM WELCOME. That walks right in with the glad grasp of geniality and GETS THE ORDER ! You may think that printing CAN'T do that, but we are here to PROVE it ! Better business literature MAKES THE LIMOUSINES WHIZ UP TO YOUR DOORS OR THE POSTMAN ANNOY YOU WITH MONEYED MAIL! Live, clean-cut printing is a powerful antidote for fozzles and failures, because it GRABS HOLD. It interests, pleases, PAYS! You can't afford to be without that kind and office is the official order station. One word over the wire brings him ! W-H-I-S-P-E-R! Yours sincerely, 150 TAKE SARSAPARILLA FOR THAT FAILING FALL FEELING IN YOUR SALES ! Dear Friend: — A new remedy has just been discovered for shriveled sales records — This is a sure cure and the ONLY dope you can afford to take regularly. In fact, sir, if you become a victim to the habit, 'twill expand your business, double your working-force. You'll seek larger quarters, and then whisk in your order for that new twelve-cylinder speedereeno ! NO DREAM ! There are more prof it possibilities in good-printing than you'll ever believe. Any prosperous concern will say YES to this mighty quick! In our print orium we get a world of pleasure-putting, dollar- coaxing characteristics into every job we turn out. We know that LOOKS COUNT in A. D. 1915. The now-a-day world sizes you up Cold Turkey. On its casual estimate of you OFTEN GENERALLY depends your degree of prosperity. (This is no mere Mother Goose !) And speaking of cold turkey reminds me: Why not put a little turkey trotishness into your business literature, if you want 'em to drive up with the lucre in the limousine? Sombre, stiff-backed printing WON'T DO. Give them a gleam of something colorful and clever. We are busy students of profitable printing. The kind they'll look at WITH THE WARM EYE OF APPROVAL ! This, then, is the brand we cook up. We're wondering how soon we'll have YOUR job n on the iron." r Chef is past-master at twirling type-schemes that TEMPT THE TRADE ! Dinner's ready, Milord. Yours at the Oven, , IMTTT"" ■"■"■""" ■"■•" "»■""""" utiHmmimmwitiiHtiiii 151 Dear Sir: Here I am again Twirling out more trade-teasing talk about Typography I Why not let us inject some brand new vim, vinegar and velocity into your printing and advertising YOU KNOW; some of that six-cylinder stuff that scintillates seductive salesmanship ! THINK a moment ! Isn't your printing part of your business scenery? You wear neat cloths for "business reasons." Your printing should be dressed up for the very same purpose. You know how YOU judge the OTHER FELLOW'S business by his printed matter. Remember that he sizes you up THE VERY SAME WAY ! If more men realized this they'd give more thought to the quality and get-up of their printing and straight-way grab the telephone and provoke me with a call ! WE print stuff that radiates that bright, bristling, business-like spirit and adds prestige and power to your proposition. DECIDE RIGHT THIS MINUTE! Get in touch with PRINTING THAT BRINGS HOME THE BACON ! Yours very truly, . 152 "There ain't but two kinds Miss them that's good and them that's bad!" Dear Sir: I once saw a play called, "Paid in Full." Maybe you saw it too. Anyway, there's an old Sea Captain in it and he's ex- plaining to the young heroine his ideas about women. "There ain't but TWO kinds, Miss," says he, "them that's good and them that's bad." No middle ground. No part saint and part sinner. Either they're good or they're bad. They can't be a LITTLE BIT bad without being ALL bad So, at least, said the Sea Captain. And maybe the same thing applies to Business Liter- ature. Either it's good or it's bad. There's no middle ground. Either it's mighty good to look at; either its appearance is a corking good ad for your institution or it's something like send- ing a bleary-faced tramp to the door TO INVITE BUSINESS IN! In this Printing Business we play "the Glad Game," you know. And it beams forth from every job that whisks through the presses. We all join in and take up each job with that glad expectancy that we're going to produce a genuine work of art Something that'll make our customer glad all over. This plant I represent, my patient friend, is the GLAD Printplant — YOUR Printplant. Ever ready to serve you with a song on its lips, and taking a real pride in that service. So use it. Use it as thou wilt. Sincerely yours, nmuiuiiuirunililiuiiumiiuiiiiiiiitiiiiniiii::!^.... . mBBMMlllMMIIMIMmi MMNI H Mi'iiimitrimmitr 153 Dear Friend: 'Member what they did a year or two ago in Wall Street. The latest coy wrinkle was to slip out from under Interlocking Directorates, jar yourself loose, hide your shells, hand over the keys all in an open, straightforward, sincere style, with wistful child- like innocence in your manner, and a new-found aversion to tainted riches. Of course John D. Pocketf iller and Andrew Library didn't get mixed up in it at all But that reminds me ! Did you ever hear what Mister Dooley said about our old friend Andrew? "Andrew Library" says he, "is generous to a fault especially if it's his own." (Well, maybe the Laird of Lucre isn't so very much different from the rest of us. ) But to return to the thought of "Big Business." Tho' "Big Business" may be sinful, yet we must acknowledge that it has something to do with OUR printing. It is the inevitable result of better business literature. Clean-cut publicity yields fat dividends. The two are inseparable. Slipshod printing has put the skids of failure under many a proposition and the fellow in charge of the show couldn't guess the riddle ! That's the sad part of it. Now, we've rolled up our sleeves for Fall and want to fight our way into your good graces to the extent of getting a printing order RIGHT SOON! We're ready with warm, eloquent proof that we can put Herculean Hypnosis into your Printing, so it will escort you right up to Dame Fortune's door! Yours expectantly, :■■'■ ■ ■ '■; ,:. :. ■■ ■...■; 154 I 'PHONE 1" Dear Friend: Just to prove that I wish you well, I hope you'll get the " 'Phone ■ habit when you need Printing. That is, AMBITIOUS printing printing that has a purpose, a real aim, a genuine success-spirit! That " 'Phone Habit" is a habit worth while ; it's progressive, it's profitable, it pays 200 cents on the dollar, because NO man ever failed to profit on good-looking business literature. The Snappy-typed stuff is simply magnetic ! It sparkles, it strikes fire it DRAWS PEOPLE! It pays Big Dividends in Increased Trade. Yes, yes ! Good printing has in it the Yeast that raises the Dough. Because it's painstakingly done, because we've an 18-karat pride in our work and LIKE it; because we're FUSSIER THAN YOU ARE about its being JUST SO. So, kind-reader-of-our-letters, when you get the " 'Phone Habit" you are really taking THE RIGHT STEP in the direction of BIGGER BUSINESS. You are climbing up on the Ticket Wagon in the Big Circus of Trade (and the ticket wagon's where the Swag is.) GET ABOARD ! Take the Bee-Line to Busier Business (you'll never get stung on THIS bee-line). It's the only direct route to Dollarville, where Dame Fortune lives, and she's the only "other woman" your wife don't obect to. Sincerely yours, ■HHiuiiiituiamiMtttijn ■ i . 155 "LIFE," SAID 0. HENRY, "IS MADE UP OF SMILES, SNOBS AND SNIFFLES MOSTLY SNIFFLES." Industrious Sir: Business life today has its share of snifflers. They're the fellows who NEVER SEEM TO PUT IT OVER, and whimper at this, that and the other cause of failure. Here's to the Non-Sniff ler, who wastes no time weeping o'er Sure-things-gone-to-smash upon the rocks of regret . Bless ' im ! HE PLOWS AHEAD in the wise optimism that : "Men may rise to higher things o'er the stepping stones of their dead selves." This is no sermonette, Sirrah, but a gentle little Preachment of PERSISTENCY, which connects by wireless with the subject of progressive business literature. Our printing emits the spark of eternal enterprise. It is the enlightened kind that fits the undaunted purpose of the boys who TRIP UP Dame Fortune, if no other way '11 do. In the grim quest of the glitter these days, THAT kind of printing puts success skids under lethargic enterprises and lands 'em big in Bradstreet's rating. Let me give you a taste of the kind that lifts the lozenges I You can only GAIN by it WE lose, you see, if our printing doesn't DEMONSTRATE. Honest, we wouldn't let you KEEP it for the world I (No Durham!) Give us a whirl, at OUR risk. Cordially yours, MuiiiummiittHMuiiiiiiiDittiuiiuiit ,„„ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiitKiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii lutmitiifmiiiMUHimiunimimnrHuiiimmiiimmiifmiiinufmirriiirmnmiiiiimimimm ■ 156 Dear Sir: The other day I noticed this motto on the wall of a business man's office: "I'll tell you the best payin' Graft of 'em ALL HONESTY ! ! !" The thing sorta sunk into my mind; it stuck with me and still sticks just because it puts a red-hot sizzling TRUTH right over the plate, as the ball fans say. Maybe it's a bad thing for one to prate about honesty. But your humble friend might be forgiven if he pauses to observe that honesty IS the best paying "graft !" The undersigned has always had that full-value principle about the printing he sells. It lived with him from the day he first swung his sign to the breeze. It's with him still and is a mighty pleasant, profit- able, fine ole principle to have hangin' 'round. FULL VALUE in careful execution, quality of materials, head-work, enthusiasm and determination to please. Our plant is awfully warm for that NEXT ORDER of yours ! Our printing will hit the bull ' s eye of your expectancy. It's GOT to, or we won't let you use it ; it MUST be faultlessly FIT or you don't fork over. That's our proposition on EVERY job that rolls off the presses. That's why the honesty motto has something to do with our product. Our "graft" is to give each patron dollar for dollar in downright printing satisfaction. Make us PROVE it ! We don't care HOW soon I Sincerely yours, '■ '! ' ■ ' ■!"■■!' '■' ' .1. •:■!■!'.■ 157 Dear Sir: That Man with the Fear Worm, the Sick "Murm" or the Grouch Germ, has nothing en Guest No. 989 at Sing Sing. He'll never scale the wall of his woeful imaginitis. Live, alert men believe in optimistic printing the kind that reflects a bristling business spirit, through refreshing typographical ideas. This, in truth, has something to do with setting off the fuse that lights the dynamic desire to BUY! Agreed? Then get better acquainted with OUR printing, very, very soon, dear friend- It carries a magnetic message, because it emits the spark of SALESMANSHIP! It's THE cure for sick profits. It's the panacea for business ills. The more attractive your business card, letterhead, envelope, pamphlet, or booklet, the more likely it is to DRIVE THE BUYING THOUGHT CLEAN HOME! We create Printing that has a warm, trade-tempting way with it. You want that kind because it will prove HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE for you and then it's more than likely you'll elect us "your printer" for ninety-nine years. We're a red-hot candidate for that honorary title. Why not let us prove our Qualifications at an early day? You won't be sorry you put us on our Mettle. Honest ! Sincerely yours, . , . ,1 ,,ll 158 Dear Sir: When you send out stuff that has the spark, it's awful' likely to land the lucre ! That's what you'd call PRINTING WITH THE PUNCH IN IT ! We're specialists in red-blooded printing and busi- ness literature of every kind. We put THOUGHT into this type-juggling. Numbskull printers aren't known around the place. We're enthusiastic, exacting and eternally endeavoring to EXCEL! We do none but rattling good work and our prices are none but reasonable. OUR printing is an INVESTMENT, not a speculation — SEE? Our foreman is finicky, our Pressmen particular, our Typesetters trustworthy and our Boss full of brimstone if every job isn't done just SO ! HOW CAN YOU GET ANYTHING BUT SUPREME SATISFACTION OUT OF A JOINT LIKE THAT ! Therefore, Kind Sir, mayn't we print something spark - lingly ADVERTISTIC for YOU right soon? Yours very truly, ., ;.i:..'. II' ■■ ■ i < ; : : '■' . >■:..■ i,' liiit; ..I 159 "YOU DON'T GET NERVOUS PROSTRATION FROM PUSHING YOUR BUSINESS: YOU GET IT ONLY WHEN THE BUSINESS PUSHES YOU!" Dear Friend: I frisked the above from the "Philistine." Strictly between you and I some fellows are so hot after business they'd WELCOME nervous prostration in order to GET it. It's also a fact, I guess, that "nerve pros" oft' sends in its card to the chap who is a hustler alright, but who overlooks effective weapons for PUTTING THINGS OVER such as GOOD PRINTING. Cheap, chucked-together business literature has been RULED OUT by aggressive institutions that push their business without letting the business push them. They side-step "nerve pros" by the practice of clear-as- daylight horse-sense, which teaches them that a good appearance is a prime requisite now-a-days. We admit that good clothes don't make the man, but they're mighty helpful in GETTING A HEARING ! Which means that good printing doesn't MAKE your proposition, but cloaks it in VERY TEMPTING FORM! 'Tis true we are a bit fanatical about our work and our wares but Fervor is the child of Accomplishment and we put into each print job the FERVOR OF FAULTLESS FORM! Let us put a little FERVOR into your printing; 'twill bring you in a boat-load of dollars ! We're ready to stand trial, Your Honor. Our evidence is all ready, our typesetters at atten- tion, our pressmen alert, our telephone L-I-S-T-E-N-I-N-G! Yours in a Fervor of Expectancy, '■■■■ ' . ■ ;,.■.:,(:■ .'.■, ■ ..'!.■■■ 160 FORM 1 Mr. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT, of To. For subscription from to Dear Sir: — The above firm is a member of our association and in auditing its accounts we find your name. Evidently this little matter has slipped your memory, and we feel that in writing you about it our letter will be taken purely as a reminder. One's is a thing one is most apt to forget. This firm has always valued you as a customer, and hopes you will always continue. Kindly regard this merely as a reminder and make remittance to us by Draft, Post Office or Express Money Order, in enclosed envelope. Cordially yours, Secretary. P^Mmamm. nui maiiwwwitwtmmitnitttiiit'i!' . ■■ . ■ :,■!,. 161 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT. of To. FORM 2 Mr. For Dear Sir:- We did not hear from you relative to the above. We know it is a small matter and in all probability you have simply overlooked it. Won't you fix it up today, so we can turn the amount in? The above firm highly values your kind patronage ; like every other , it is sustained by the moral and mone- tary support of its customers. We simply audit accounts for its owners. Kindly make remittance direct to us today by Draft, Postal or Express Order. Cordially yours, Secretary. immiMiKiiHMmiiHimiinwHnHjM,,,^,,,,,,,^,,,^,,, :t n ;i.!i ;. i: c h< ' . ii >. . " :'■ .:■:...■ 162 FORM 3 Dear Sir: — We are again writing you about the small account noted below and are much disappointed not to have had remittance from you before this. Since you have not written us, we take it for granted that the account is correct as rendered. While we do not think you are trying to avoid payment of a just debt — and such a small one — unless we hear from you im- mediately with amount in settlement, we shall be compelled to turn same over to our Attorney for collection. This we dislike to do, as this concern looks upon all its customers as personal friends, but you must know that it requires a good deal of money to maintain such a business, and the collection of all outstand- ing accounts, both large and small, is essential. Respectfully, STATEMENT. of Debtor to of 'or Amount ,:mim,,m,l, " il "ifitumitiimirmiiMiuimiiiuiMUiuiMiitHiMi ' 163 I FORM 4 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT. Mr. of To For $ Dear Sir: — You can't say we haven't been patient with you. This is our fourth letter regarding the above unpaid account. We feel that, in all fairness, we are entitled to some kind of a reply and if not a full, at least a partial, remittance of the above amount. Surely you wouldn't have our clients sell you their merchandise, cheerfully extend you credit, and then neglect to pay. Don't let's fuss about the matter, but close up this little account today; send Draft, Postal or Express Money Order. Yours very truly, General Manager. nMHHWm imUUKIJtlXH'il 164 I FORM 5 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT. to Mr. For $ Dear Sir: — Every day we have been expecting remittance from you. We CAN'T believe you'd let the go without payment. They've been awfully nice about it; they've cautioned us against drastic action. They say you're the right kind of person and you'll pay it. We believe this, too. Now, haven't we been patient, polite and persistent enough? Surely you won't let us wait any longer. Sit down and write your Check or send us Draft, Postal or Express Money Order for the amount. Kindly attend to this today, SURE. Yours truly, President. P. S. — If you cannot possibly pay now, your application "or extension of payment will be given consideration; write us •day if you desire to name a future date of payment, so we may low your intentions are good. ■MWMNMH 165 FORM 6 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT. Mr. to For Dear Sir: — We don't want to proceed against you for this amount, but we've exhausted all reasonable means of getting you to remit amicably. As a final effort to settle it in a friendly way, we write again. Of course, if you won't answer this, and remit all or a portion of the account, we must proceed to collect other- wise. We still hope you'll do the square thing, and trust that by return mail we will receive your remittance. In our former letter we offered to extend the time of payment if you wish to liquidate a little later; we will still consider this if you cannot pay now. All we ask is an evidence of your willingness to pay. Yours truly, President. NOTICE — The hereby disclaims all liability of whatsoever kind or nature, for damage to the General Credit Standing of any delinquent subscriber, in case of failure or refusal to pay, all reports of such failure or refusal to pay being made after a reasonable time has been allowed for remittance. . ■ ; r . I : ■ 1- I . -i . 166 I FORM 7 BLANK AND BLANK Attorneys at Law TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEBTOR: We are instructed to bring suit against you for the above claim. Our clients, the , of this city, have instructed us briefly and distinctly to take action immediately. We never bring suit against a man without giving him a chance to settle. We don't think it is fair. It is just possible that you haven't paid because you were a little low on ready funds. We appreciate how this is. It happens to every man. But now we are under instructions and simply compelled to go ahead and sue you unless you can write us, sending at least a portion of the amount you owe. Don't make the mistake of neglecting the matter any further and bringing about a suit that will simply notify the people in your neighborhood that you don't pay your bills or are hard up. Attend to this thing at once — for unless we hear from yGu within a reasonable time, it will be our duty to go right ahead and begin suit without further notice. If you can pay a portion of the amount today, remit to us in the enclosed envelope, so that you will get proper credit, and put a stop to the suit. Yours truly, 167 FORM 8 BLANK AND BLANK Attorneys at Law ATTORNEY'S FINAL NOTICE: Due notice is hereby given that the Creditors in the above entitled claim have duly certified that you are legally indebted to them for the amount above specified; that you have entered no denial of said indebtedness, and that, although legal notification and demand have been made upon you, you have failed, refused and neglected to pay your just indebtedness as aforesaid. Therefore, unless the above named debtor will at once fully liquidate said account, certified as aforesaid, by imme- diate remittance to the attorneys for said creditor, at , on or before the last day of grace, given below; or unless definite arrangement is made by said debtor for the pay- ment thereof, suit will be at once entered in a court of proper jurisdiction. Attorneys for Creditor. Last date of payment 168 WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY THE SPRAY ! Dear Mr. Eecause apple crops are meager is no reason you shouldn't spray this season. In fact it's the BIG reason every grower should spray ALL THE MORE; you want a bigger crop next year to make up for THIS YEAR'S LOSS! You want a high-grade, marketable crop next season; you want it SURE, and the time to get in your very best work for such a result is RIGHT NOW I WHEN OUR SPRAYS ENTER UPON THE SCENE, ALL THE PEST TROUBLES FLY OUT THE BACK DOOR! Sprays are the safest, soundest insurance against loss they "make assurance doubly sure." The Orchard Owner who fails to investigate Sprays is surely turning his back upon the best. Don't let a poor crop discourage your spraying plans it's almost like failing to reinsure when your building burns down ! Lime-Sulphur Solution is the Safest, Surest, Strongest, Savingest Spray on the market it's best by test; uniform in quality; put up in non-leaking steel drums; higher in strength than any other Lime-Sulphur Solution; costs no more than inferior kinds. It's the deadliest enemy of San Jose Scale. It's the spray that every thoughtful owner and grower should use. If you connect up right now with — Sprays, we are mighty sure you will be glad you did. May we hope to hear from you? Very truly yours, ■ 169 "The Spray Route Swiftest Line to Satisf actionville I" Dear Mr. Let us again urge upon your attention THE SPRAYS as Big-Crop Bringers ; they are of Guaranteed Efficiency, and of a Quality that knows no other name than BEST I As a grower or owner, you surely want a Bulging, Bounteous Crop next season, and the SUREST ROAD TO THIS IS THE SPRAY ROUTE Swiftest Line to Satisf actionville I The poor prices this year don't mean YOU SHOULDN'T PREPARE ; FOR TOP-MARKET FIGURES ON THE NEXT CROP the law of Equaliza- tion proves that for every bad year there's a correspondingly PROFITABLE ONE! SPRAY, SPRAY, SPRAY but be sure you Spray! Our Lime Sulphur Solution is the Real Spray, the RIGHT Spray the Spray for YOU; it has brought BIG AND GRATIFY- ING RESULTS to OTHERS and will do the same in your case. Get a Solution that you're SURE is higher in Strength than any other and, the beauty of it is, — costs no more, is absolutely uniform, and comes in non-leaking steel drums. The San Jose Scale just CAN'T LIVE AROUND IT every user of Lime-Sulphur will testify to that. Make up your mind that Sprays are the Sprays For Your Money and get in your order TODAY ! glorious Crop is the Inevitable Result. it at once we promise prompt shipment. )urs very truly, :.;■.:■ . . : ,r .:■■,! ■ ■ muiuuiu mniHiittUtiiiiiiifiuHuuiii m i mum tuiuiiiitt 170 ! "Why Buy the Unsafe Kind When the Same Money* 11 Get You the REAL THING?" Dear Mr. We're SURE you'll pardon us for our Persistency if it results in your using Sprays, because they'll MAKE YOU CROP- HAPPY NEXT SEASON! Once you use Sprays, you'll forget the NAME of any other brand ! Every Grower and Owner should Spray to the limit this year, DESPITE the poor prices that have prevailed. He owes it to his Next Year's Bank Balances see? A low profit crop should SPUR EVERY THOUGHTFUL GROWER TO EVEN GREATER SPRAYING ACTIVITY! Lime Sulphur Solution wins in a walk in every Battle with San Jose Scale it is the Sure Killer that NEVER MISSES FIRE! It is THE Economical Spray it GOES Farthest, is of Highest Strength and always UNIFORM comes in Non-Leaking Steel Drums. You'd pay the same for INFERIOR Sprays that you'd pay for , SO WHY BUY THE UNSAFE KIND WHEN THE SAME MONEY 'LL GET YOU THE REAL THING? This is our THIRD letter to you, and "the third time's the charm"; you ought to SEND US THAT ORDER RIGHT AWAY! ». r hosts of Satisfied Users will have none but our QUALITY SOLUTIONS, because they've found 'em THE KIND THEY CAN ALWAYS BANK ON! Why not order at once, while the subject is in your mind? Yours very truly, ■.■■ .' ■::■■..: ■'■■ ' I' ■'■ ■ I' '■! ■■■ ' ■ : ■ ■■''■■' ■ ■ ■'■■" " 171 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. Dear Mr. You've never answered yes or no to any dang thing I've ever sent you. I've often wondered JUST WHY? Now that we're doing business on our famous Double Discount Plan (5% off for orders by mail and 5% additional for cash with order) , a whole lot of Printermen are flocking to the Standard of Saving on all the Paper they buy ! Wouldn't it be a good idea for YOU to get into the Economy Band Wagon? There's MORE PROFIT in it for you. I don't suppose you study printology for GLORY I Sit right down and tell me why we can't get together. Would you mind? Cordially yours, President. WMiwmimvii: 172 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. Dear Mr. I've often wondered why you've only favored us semi-occasionally with an order. Thought I'd frankly write you today and find out. Of course, I deeply appreciate every dollar's worth you ever bought here. It's simply human nature for a fellow to want all the business he can get. Don't overlook our Double Discount of 5% for orders by mail and 5% additional if the cash cometh also. It's a money-saving thought. Won't you bear it in mind? Cordially yours, § itiNiiiiHiiiitritiHiiHniiimmiiiitiHiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiuitiHiiiir ''"'''""""''"^'"^'^'^""^'"^m^imffftimtnmnt^^ 173 I Dear Mr. I decided to write you personally today with the idea of immedi- ately interesting you in a trial order of 100 I can offer you by far the most Economical, Cleanly, Sanitary \ and Non-Troublesome package for shipping. I know you'd be highly gratified with this splendid, COMMON- SENSE CHANGE! Not only will YOU be much more pleased, but your customers, and your CUSTOMERS' customers will be pleased! If I can induce you to at once seend me an order for 100 YOUR NEXT ORDER WILL COME OF ITS OWN ACCORD: You'll then be just as enthusiastic as dozens of other bakers who declare these boxes have solved a lot of troublesome prob- lems for THEM! The enclosed literature tells of Paper Box Triumphs and Wood Basket Troubles. I ask you to carefully read it. Since the Pure Food Cry swung 'round the world, wise manufac- turers adopt every possible method of Cleanlier Handling. YOU should decide it's time to discard antiquated, unsanitary, inconvenient shipping methods, and deliver your product to the trade Fresher, Cleaner and more Wholesomely Packed. ANSWER THE CLARION CALL OF ECONOMY! They mean Low-Cost-of-Delivery and Less-Troublesome Delivery! It's no use to argue, theorize or wait; Boxes will bring you Bigger Sales and a Better Satisfied Trade. You will avoid all Frets and Friction over lost baskets. You will Save Time for Yourself, your Employes and your Teams. You will be doubly-glad you "listened" to this letter and gave us "rat order for a trial hundred! You should decide that today, right now, is the time to make the ITCH, and that you will write me in tonight's mail. SW If, for any reason, you don't want to order at once, I should be glad to have your views on the subject, anyway — so I hope to hear from you at once. mrs for Better Shipping and Bigger Profits, Manager. ■ 174 1 Dear Mr. Let me once more urge that you give Bread-Shipping Eoxes a thorough test RIGHT AWAY. Prompt, Proper and Perfect Shipment is important to you. The Method Boosts Your Bank Balance ! These Convenient, Clean Boxes will serve you much more effi- ciently, right now, today, because: immediately Lower the Cost of Shipment. immediately Lessen the troubles of Shipment. immediately render your shipping facilities Dust- Proof, Dirt-Proof, Air-Proof, Waste-Proof, Worry-Proof. immediately dispense with all Checking, Tracing and Corresponding over lost, strayed or stolen Wood Baskets. immediately Guard you against all troubles with Pure Food Inspectors or the Board of Health. immediately put you on a par with the Very Best Baking Concerns in the Country, whose facilities are in keeping with Modern Ideas of Sanitation. immediately Equip you to meet Energetic Competition on its own ground and give you the reputation of delivering your product in Perfect Shape. You are certainly entitled to the same Saving of Money, Time, Trouble and Trade that the are DAILY bringing OTHERS. You should get acquainted with Sanitary Shipping right away. You ought to order a trial hundred by return mail. They will certainly pay you big dividends in INCREASED CUSTOM AND DECREASED COST! You cannot begin too soon; why hold back when it REALLY MEANS less bother, less book-keeping, less bickering, less BILLS- PAYABLE? I'm sure all these things mean as much to you TODAY as they will tomorrow, next week, or next month; so why not write at once for a hundred 40-loaf ($11.55), or 50-loaf ($14.25), or 60-loaf ($15.65) f. o. b. Lawrence, Kansas? Better let me have that order in tonight's mail; 'twill be a -oney-saving move on your part ! mrs for 100% more Shipping Satisfaction, Manager 175 My dear Sir: So many folks are motoring out to Lake Park these days. Why not you and the Missus next Sunday? Lake Hotel is a most charming place to spend the day. One needs but know that , of fame, has everything in charge, and that the Chef's none other than One may row, swim, fish, play golf, lawn tennis or go for a canter splendid saddlers are handy. Then, too, there's restful shady seclusion for one who'd sit and day-dream. Seventy-five miles from , four from Cross-roads, two from the State Road. is in truth "a bit of Paradise here and now" you'll really be glad you found it. Cordially yours, Secretary. ■ ; UlllHHimuiimiiMii. . ■ ■ lrM[ (tiiLriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiLitiiiiiiiiriijiMniiiMttiiiiiiiiiiiniiiitMiiiNiiitiiUJiniiiiNiTiiiiitlHiititiiiKiMMiii iiiMiiliiiMiiN!l[im:millfililiiiiHlillirili 176 Dear Mr. It's time for those Spring plumbing improvements or repairs to your property. Right on this thought we want your SERIOUS AT- TENTION for a moment. Here is ONE fact we ask you to burn into your memory: OUR SERVICE WILL MEAN A GREAT, BIG, REAL, SERIOUS SAVING TO YOU ON THIS WORK ! You may have thought about putting in new plumbing fixtures, or a sink, closet, bath, towel bars, glass shelves, soap dishes, mirrors, or bath room cabinet. If so, it would be VITALLY TO YOUR INTEREST to get our figures before placing your order. We also install gas mantels, globes, chimneys, Wellsbach lights and other fixtures, in either old or new houses. If your property is right now without the most modern conven- iences of this kind, it would be an IMMEDIATELY PROFITABLE investment to install them. You can get more rent from the day they are put in I In . you get quality of workmanship, reliabil- ity, thoroughness, promptness. We offer you MORE FOR YOUR MONEY THAN YOU USUALLY GET ! Merit, after all, is the one best advertisement. You can't keep satisfied people from TALKING! in plumbing and heating has given satisfaction for thirty years. It has grown through conscientious work, reliable materials and clean methods. If your property needs new plumbing or repairs, and you're determined to have it done AT THE LEAST COST CONSISTENT WITH DEPENDABILITY, check off the items that interest you on en- closed card and mail it to us today. THIS DOES NOT OBLIGATE YOU IN THE LEAST. Simply gives us a chance to submit figures. And we're ALWAYS glad to do that, r— - ur property needs these things NOW! Fill out and mail the rd NOW! Why not get it off in the very next mail. Yours for Efficiency and Economy, ,;.,.■ ,., :.. ,: .t , isi-r.iH : ll1l;ll!!IIIH>mi I.IIHIitllll!,- 177 "GET YOUR BLOW IN FUST!" ! Gentlemen: The Polishing Cloth has come to stay. It's a time, toil, trouble, temper saver. It's economical, efficient, ever- ready. NECESSITY was the mother of the CLOTH. It has imitators scads ! But the take-off ever heaps glory on the Original. YOU want the BEST in this new article of widespread utility. There's a BEST in everything In Polishing Cloths it's the . It does away with liquid polish; gives the result better, cheaper, quicker. For polishing metals or furniture in homes, stores, banks, buildings and garages, it answers the present- day demand for highest efficiency, with least effort and time- loss. The is tried, true, triumphant! It has none of the bad habits of other kinds. The polish is IN THIS CLOTH TO STAY. It has the same con- sistency Josh Billings said was in the postage stamp "sticks to its job 'till the finish." Its imitations come in greasy, unsightly envelopes. They don't LAST and they take on an offensive odor. The is 14x18 inches, put up in an attractive tin-top-and-bottom retainer, positively grease proof. Be prepared give your trade the REAL cloth, the RIGHT cloth. "Thrice armed is he who hath his quarrel just but FOUR times he who gets his blow in FUST I" Get in your order for — before the other fellow has a chance to start. There's 50% profit in it for you right now. Decide THIS VERY MOiMENT to do the polishing-cloth business of your section; GET THAT ORDER OFF IN TONIGHT'S MAIL! You'd find Cloths the BUSIEST REPEATER in took. sample goes to you today by parcels post. Connect at once ith this live, lucrative line of merchandise and push it A rong it is a swift-moving, satisfactory, strong seller. the Great Clock of Time there's but one word "NOW!" me on today with that trial order and you'll soon have a rush business in . Do it while the thought's I arm in your mind, ours very truly, President. ■ . : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . . ....-......■■..:.■ ,...-. ■ .-,,..... ...-. .... ..:. ... . ;......■.. 178 I HERE IS A TEN DOLLAR INVESTMENT THAT WILL IMMEDIATELY INCREASE YOUR TRADE, PUT LUCRATIVE LIFE INTO DEAD TABLES, AND BOOST YOUR BALANCE AT THE BANK! My dear Sir: You will thank us for this ! It's doing you a genuine favor. It's putting you in touch RIGHT THIS MINUTE with the ONE thing that will make your idle tables pay, and pay BIG! Your Hall will BRING IN MORE CASH, the very moment you install it ; from the day it takes its place on any "lazy" table you may have ! THE POOL BOARD is the busiest little money-maker ever introduced to the Billiard Men of America! It is the most magnetic pastime that Pool and Billiard Players have ever found. You want one, you need one, and you need it RIGHT AWAY; its price is $10, and it will prove THE VERY BEST $10 INVESTMENT YOU EVER MADE IN YOUR LIFE. We are sure of this, because orders for Pool Boards are pouring in every day; our many Billiard Hall Friends are reaping a ripe, rich harvest of Fat Profits on this Engaging, Irresistible New Game. No Pool Hall equipped with this wonderful board ever has many idle moments, and our especial proposition to you today is that, if you buy one of these Boards right now, we will agree not to sell it to any other hall in your town for sixty days after you get yours if you so request. We want you to be first to introduce this Fascinating New Game Board in your town. Read enclosed descriptive circular don't pause, ponder or procrastinate tear off the perforated portion thereof, fill in the order blank, and let us send you one of these boards by return express. Ev ery Live, Alert, Resourceful Pool Hall Man will be quick to see it's a money-making move on his part to install the Pool Board at once. This snappy new game will put Vim, gor and Velocity into your business RIGHT AWAY! On the great clock of Time there's but ONE word "NOW!" Send us your order in tonight's mail you'll be mighty glad you did. Yours for Bigger Profits, """"""MHIIII,,,,,,,, : : ■unanwi n 179 THE INK YOU WANT: THE QUALITY YOU WANT, THE COLOR YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT IT, AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY! Dear Sir: The has just sprung into life. It means something to YOU as well as ourselves. It is a VITAL MESSAGE that explains our new, swift, economical and efficient Parcel Post Ink Service, that saves you time and money — and lends VALUABLE HELP TO YOUR BUSINESS! The will visit you every little while, with Smear Cards, which are for your convenience, and through which you can always quickly get "THE INK YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT / IT, AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY!" We don't know WHOSE ink you've been buying, or how you've been buying it, but we DO know our new, Quick-Delivery Service on Quality Inks will prove a great, big, real help to you in BOOSTING YOUR BALANCE AT THE BANK! We enclose several of the Smear Cards, with return envelope. We ask you to keep them handy on your desk, so that you can use one at any minute for the special ink you may want, by simply dropping it in the mail and LETTING US DO THE REST. We guarantee to match the ink satisfactorily and send it to you by parcel post the same day we receive your order. If convenient, always attach to the Smear Card a piece of the stock you will use. This makes it even surer you will get EXACTLY the ink you're looking for. Beside Quick Service and High Quality, we want to build a name for ourselves as "The Ink House That Saves You Money." You can always depend on our quoting the lowest possible price, considering the absolute dependability of Inks. Right now, today, this very minute, perhaps you need a color for some special job. Grab one of the Smear Cards, put on that gob of ink, with sample of the stock, and see how quickly and satisfactorily we handle this trial order! You'll be more than GRATIFIED — you'll be DELIGHTED! BETTER GET IT OFF IN THE VERY NEXT MAIL! Yours for Quick Service, Quality and Economy. 180 THE SWIFT SERVICE INK HOUSE WHERE QUALITY AND ECONOMY GO HAND IN HAND! Dear Sir: Another — And more Smear Cards — for your convenience and in the interests of good service! Our Printer-friends everywhere have FALLEN RIGHT INTO THE HABIT OF USING THEM. And so many are frankly enthusiastic over this Prompt Parcel Post Service! They whisk in the Smear Cards and get the ink they want by return mail, paying the post- master — and that ends it. They pay no middlemen's profits. They have no long waits. No inconvenience, no excuses or delays of any kind. They get EXACTLY what they want and they are genuinely satisfied. We want YOU, too, to have the benefit of this same good service. You are entitled to it. Your TRADE is entitled to it. THEY will benefit by it — and so will YOU. Service simply represents EVOLUTION! Down-to-now methods compared to the slow, inefficient ways of the past! F-A-L-L I-N L-I-N-E — and you'll find Prosperity waiting 'round the corner! For INK is an important factor in the QUALITY of your work and the success of your shop. We help you give BETTER, PROMPTER service to your trade — and you know that means A DICKENS OF A LOT! The printer of bygone days was something like the Sultan of Turkey. He promised every- thing but performed in very dilatory style. The down-to-now print-shop MAKES ITS REPUTATION BY GETTING THINGS OUT ON TIME! So, look over that Ink Stock of yours this very day. Use one or more of the Smear Cards in the very next mail. Keep your ink supply Right Up to Snuff — Ready for every emergency. The Smear Cards mean swift service, ALWAYS! We are waiting to fill that order the same day it gets here. L-E-T I-T C-O-M-E ! Yours expectantly, . . .1 .; liinimmiimimiiDii 181 EVERYBODY ENTHUSIASTIC ! PARCEL POST SERVICE GIVING UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION AND PRINT SHOPS PROSPERING! Dear Sir: "Confound it," you murmur, "there's that darn again." Or do you say: "Well, those fellows are certainly A-F-T-E-R me hot and heavy. They're determined to get my ink business with their Prompt -Delivery Parcel Post Plan!" And you're right. "Right as a fox," as a fellow says. We want your ink business both for your sake as well as ours. We know you'll be THE GAINER; furthermore, we know our serv- ice will be a positive TONIC to your business. The method of selling ink spells A-L-A-C-R-I-T-Y ! No time's lost! Not a second! Not a minute! You simply use a Smear Card to show us just the ink you want. The day it reaches us we fill the order and shoot the goods right back at you in JIFFY-TIME! Uncle Sam is our errand boy — he delivers the stuff swiftly, safely, satisfactorily! And when you use it, you find we have given you the RIGHT INK at the RIGHT PRICE — and on time! And we can sell you Better Inks for Less Money, because the only salesmen we use is The Good Ink and Good Service are SELF -SELLING propositions. Once you try service, you turn out to be YOUR OWN salesman. You're so SUPREMELY SATISFIED you need no further argument. Ink prices fluctuate, but we save you money at every opportunity. That's part of Service and Principle. The old, old business saying that "A satisfied customer is the best advertisement" is the solid ground upon which we stand. More Smear Cards herewith, at your service, to be used and shot back at us in the mail. You'd better use one today — give the parcel post service a trial at once. The result will prove YOU'VE BEEN MISSING SOMETHING! (And some fellows sorta ENJOY finding that out, especially if the discovery BENEFITS them!) "Printers' Ink makes millions think" — and the kind makes them think F-A-V-0-R- A-B-L-Y ! Coupled with Service, Inks simply represent Better Satisfaction and Bigger Sales! COLORS MEAN EFFICIENCY! 0-R-D-E-R T-0-D-A-Y 1 Jurs for I-m-p-r-o-v-e-m-e-n-t 182 EXTRA ! ! Gentlemen: Excuse us, but we're all Excited, Effervescent, Exultant! RAINCOAT ORDERS are pouring in in Torrents ; our Merchant Friends are reaping a Ripe, Rich Harvest of Fat Profits; and the only Cloud over our Happiness is that YOUR order isn't here I Don't Pike, Pause, Ponder or Procrastinate — PLUNGE RIGHT INTO THIS RIP-ROARING RIOT OF RAINCOAT REDUCTION ! Right Now a Bigger-profit Opportunity is Rapping on your door with a Hammer of Pure Gold ! GET IN ! Get in this Glorious Gold Gath'ring Raincoat Game with Head, Heart and Hand— and you'll have a BIGGER BALANCE AT THE BANK! Everybody's selling our Raincoats at YOU could sell 'em at and make 100% STILL STIFFER Profits on our Better Lines ! And the moment you buy of us, we flatly refuse to sell your Competitors. This means you can BACK 'EM ALL CLEAN OFF THE BOARD WITH YOUR LOWER PRICES— IF YOU ACT NOW! Make up your mind THIS VERY MINUTE to do the Whopping-Big Rain- coat Business of your locality, and GET THAT ORDER OF YOURS RIGHT OFF IN TO-NIGHT'S MAIL! You want to PILE UP YOUR PROFITS before the other fellow gets started, so remember: "Thrice armed is he who hath his quarrel just," BUT FOUR TIMES HE WHO GETS HIS BLOW IN FUST ! ! GET YOUR BLOW IN FUST ! And Burn This in your Memory: We don't want money in advance; Terms 2% 10 days, or net 30 days ; AND YOU'RE WELCOME TO SHOOT THE GOODS RIGHT BACK AT OUR EXPENSE, IF IT ISN'T THE SPIC-AND- SPAN, SNAPPY, SWIFT-SELLING STUFF WE SAY IT IS ! On that Great Clock of Time there's but One word — "NOW!" Come on with that Order, and you'll have a Record-smashing, Rush Business in Raincoats ! GET IT GOING! Write or Wire— QUICK ! Yours for More-Money Merchandise, 183 I PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. My dear Doctor: I am writing you personally today because we've just designed and finished, especially for Ministers, about 100 FAST BLACK Raincoats, one of which I would be delighted to send you at once on approval. You would like this coat immensely, and I am almost positive you would want to keep it. I am glad to make you a special price of for this absolutely storm-proof, light-weight, good-looking garment. You would find it so very useful on rainy days going to and from Church, or making calls, or officiating at weddings or funerals during wet weather. I would urge that you let us hear from you at once, as the number of these coats is quite limited, and I really would like to see you get one of them at this very low price. You are of course taking no risk whatever in remitting the amount today, as we absolutely guarantee to refund your money if for any reason you return the coat. Sincerely yours, President. "HHHmUHimiiiimiiuiiiNiiHNin'! 184 "ARE YOU THAT REAL LIVE WIRE?" Dear Sir: We're looking for Somebody- Somebody in your town- Somebody who wants a whole lot of EASY PROFIT — Some Live, Alert, Resourceful Dealer to handle the line of Bigger-Profit Paint, Varnish, Brushes ! WE'LL help him get the business — the GOODS will help him KEEP it I Our Products, Our Publicity, Our Principles, HELP HIM BUILD UP A BIG BUSINESS IN A SHORT SPACE OF TIME! Are YOU that Real, Live Wire? If you are, write to us today not tomorrow, TODAY! 'Twill be a money-making move on YOUR part ! Yours very truly, 185 THEY HAMMER ON THE COUNTER AND YELL FOR ! ! Dear Mr, DEMAND'S the thing I The enormous Demand for Products was built up, Brother Dealer, NOT through Persistent Advertising but upon the Solid Rock of Sterling QUALITY ! Persistent Advertising has HELPED, but the Pure, Unadulterated GOODNESS of — Merchandise has indelibly impressed itself upon the minds of Users of the Very Best, EVERYWHERE. Barnum was wrong! You can't fool folks! They know the Real Thing when they see it. Now, when you handle Products, and you should handle the FULL LINE, no other dealer in your town can compete with you, because we WILL NOT sell the jobber; your profits are therefore your own as long as you handle ; you are protected every day in the year against local competition. This is the kind of line you should carry. You really ought to write us about it AT ONCE. Dealers are the most liberally advertised of any in the country. ALL that comes to you FREE. Let us hear from you not tomorrow, but TODAY. Yours truly, iliiiniiiiiiiiiiii: ii i>ii;i!Hi!i>!iiiii!iiiiii!i;iitfi!?> 186 I Dear Mr. Here's a Real Money-Saving Suggestion I hope you'll bear in mind: When you paint your house, DON'T LET 'EM USE ANY OLD MONGREL MIXTURE CALLED PAINT ! DON'T! OR YOUR POCKETBOOK WILL BE THE SUFFERER I Be Cautious about it; get LEAD AND ZINC PAINT. Get it yourself, then get a Good Painter to put it on. You'll save gallons of paint, and gallons of trouble. And about a pint of DOLLARS ! has a Century of Paint-making Experience in it. Made of the Very Best Materials, scientifically mixed, uniform in quality and color. Why, the zinc in it almost DOUBLES ITS LASTING POWER over mere lead and oil, no matter how pure they are. IT HAS BEEN TRIED UNDER EVERY CONDITION AND PROVEN ITS STERLING WORTH AT EVERY TEST ! Jot it down deep in your memory: and None But . You'll be mighty glad you did; our dealer in your town will tell you WHY. Cordially yours, ' """wnauiiiuii,,™,,,,,,,, 187 Dear Mr. Your house, your home, deserves lots of considera- tion. You've thought about its location, sanitation, architecture and exterior; you've figured on its interior comforts and conveniences ; you want its WALLS AND CEILINGS decorated in a style you, your wife and children will be proud of. You'd use wall paper or kalsomine, but medical authorities say both are unsanitary. You don't want to take any risk. You don't want old-style, unsatisfactory, unhealthy or too-expensive decoration. You v/ant DOWN-TO-NOW Decoration. You should have . It affords so very many beautiful and harmonious tints and combinations. It is a firm, fadeless, flat finish. It is WASHABLE; it is applied like ordinary paint and dries with a soft, velvet effect that STAYS SOFT AND VELVETY ! It is germ-proof, vermin-proof, dust-proof, trouble-proof. It is easily cleaned and easy to renew when necessary. It is modern, sane, sensible; IT OUGHT TO GO ON YOUR WALLS AND CEILINGS, WITHOUT FAIL! The man to see about it is Cordially yours, iinmmimitrmiMii.iiniiiiinMuinm'iiiiiiimiiiilliniui'i ■ •'•"'•: '• ■ "■="" ' Ill HIHIIllliltH ■ ■■ ■ 'Iti-ii!!!!! : \ ■:> 188 Dear Mr. I'm almost sure of one thing: You want the BEST Varnish used on your building. It's easy to get the Best. It's easy to get the Worst. A man's wise to be careful about this. Not that people buy POOR varnish KNOWINGLY. They DON'T; they want the best and THINK they're getting it. GOOD ingredients often make Bad Varnish. Does that surprise you? Yes, the same gums, linseed oil and turpentine that make the famous VARNISH would make much inferior stuff through IMPROPER MAKING! It's like women baknig bread. All use the same ingredients, but well, YOU know the difference! Lots of Varnish Makers are like the housewife who uses good materials but JUST CAN'T make good bread. are among the country's oldest and largest varnish makers. They know the REAL way, the RIGHT way, to make Good Varnish from Good Materials. Get ! Get for DEPENDABILITY! It's the Product of EXPERIENCE, not Experiment. ALL products are. Cordially yours, uiluiKiHimniiiniMiiiuiiiinnii,! I 'II 'II : i tniliu!lilli!lliuillliilllillhiimiiliniiii:iiiiiiiiiiliiiliitiiiiiii iniiiiiiiii 'Minn. until iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiih luiiiiitiiiiiiitmiiiiiiumliilimiimniinii mi iitiiiiillllllinwltimllE I. ,,,,,,.. ;■■■■■ . ■,. IHI ■ ID ,1 .■!!. '... .:■■,. Il'l'lll" ,11 ri I I 189 Dear Mr. Decoration isn't a paint's only duty. Its main mission is PRESERVATION. Burn that in your memory it will PROFIT you ! Lead and Zinc Paint is MOST ECONOMICAL for you because it CARES FOR everything it COVERS. And the surprising thing is YOU PAY LESS FOR BECAUSE IT TAKES FEWER GALLONS. Ten Gallons do the work of Fifteen of another kind, and do it BETTER. I'm simply making a plain statement of a provable fact, that's all. Let me whisper: take LESS of — Our new dealers kick because jobs — than of ordinary paint, but our old dealers LIKE the fewer-gallon feature. It spreads the good news and they SELL MORE IN THE LONG RUN. You just can't keep satisfied people from TALKING! If a barber could shave his customers so well they'd only have to come once a week, he'd lose at first, but MY! WOULDN'T HE BE SHAVING THE WHOLE TOWN BEFORE LONG? Lead and Zinc Paint, plus a Good Painter, produce a job that'll LAST TRIUMPHANTLY THROUGH THE YEARS! Mr. publisher Herald, says: "Seven years ago I painted my house with . Great satisfaction. Want 20 more gallons. Can buy a dozen other kinds here, but prefers YOURS." OF COURSE you'll have nothing but - man to see about it in your town is Cordially yours, -and the 190 Dear Mr. You've found the ONE AND ONLY covering for Inside Walls ! It's FLAT FINISH! Washable, Sanitary, Permanent, Artistic. Vermin-proof, German-proof, Trouble-proof. Wall paper lasts two or three years. Kalsomine not as long. Wall paper fades and harbors GERMS. Kalsomine rots and must be entirely removed in re-decoration. is less expensive, more durable, sane, sanitary, cleanly and cleanable, than Wall Paper. Your Wall may be washed and looms forth good as new! Or a new coat put on at little expense and trouble. ONE GALLON will cover 700 to 800 square feet. It costs less and covers better than White Lead, which covers but 400 to 500 square feet per gallon. If applied over SIZE, Finish is DOUBLY LASTING! You can't afford to overlook this Peer of Wall Coverings. IT MEANS THE END OF ALL WALL TROUBLE FOR YOU ! It's the Stuff that Serves, Satisfies and SAVES! There's a dealer who's anxious to see you about this right in your town; his name's Cordially yours, 191 I Dear Mr. I've just been thinking about that barn of yours. It's the Storehouse of your Farm and holds the Rewards of your season's labor, 'till they're marketed. A MIGHTY IMPORTANT BUILDING ! You wouldn't feel safe if it wasn't fully protected against fire, yet it ' s a fact that MORE BARNS ARE DESTROYED BY PAINT NEGLECT THAN BY FIRE and paint's a whole lot less expensive than insurance I It's the Cheapest Form of Protection for YOU! A run-down barn may require $150 to $200 to repair, when $10 or $15 spent for paint IN TIME would have avoided most of that expense. We make house paints PURE LEAD AND ZINC PAINT, in many shades; the best for ANY building; but FOR YOUR BARN, where color isn't so important, we make BARN PAINT, English Red Oxide (Bright Red) and Moss Green, both strong and lasting, good for sides and roof, combining two important features for you, DURABILITY AND ECONOMY, You can be dead-sure about BARN PAINT ! Get and none BUT 1 It prettifies and PRESERVES your barn. In your town it's sold by Cordially yours, " ' M 'l: : i'l !;,(,! . : |i. ■, ■■ .. 192 i Dear Mr. IMPORTANT ! You pay but ONE profit when you buy Paints, Varnishes or Brushes the profit between maker and user. That is the dealer's profit. But you don't pay any more. You don't pay any jobber's profit. It's a clean saving money you can use for other purposes. That's a economy to begin with then on all materials you make an additional saving, because — materials, being the much better kind, go farthest and last longest ALWAYS! Cheap paint products cost you like the dickens in the long run ! The kind STAND BY YOU for a Big Reason: They're backed by 150 years of Paint Making, 50 years of Varnish making, 30 years of Brush making! Think of it think of it TWICE! Then go right to town and consult the dealer his name is . Sincerely yours, 193 Dear Mr. Shakespeare said: "Put money in thy purse." Funny — but this is exactly what you do when you take money FROM your purse to buy Lead and Zinc Paint for your Uarn or Out-Buildings. It is the very best P-R-E-S-E-R-V-A-T-I-O-N you can invest in the SURE paint for any wooden building outside of your house, if you want to match house and out-buildings. There's ANOTHER plan, however, of combining durability and economy, beside adding years of life to your barn or out-buildings: YOU CAN USE BARN PAINT, MADE IN TWO COLORS, ERIGHT RED AND MOSS GREEN. This barn paint has no superior the world over. It is made of exactly the right materials, properly proportioned and scientifically ground by modern machinery. It is equally good for barn sides and barn roofs. It is the Barn Paint SUPREME the very best you can put your money into. Our dealer in your town will testify to this his name is . Sincerely yours, THwnmmimiHi.,. 194 I Dear Mr. A mighty serious thing the wall and ceiling finish for THAT NEW BUILDING OF YOURS I Its location, sanitation, architecture and other things have occupied your mind, and you settled on them but have a care about your walls and ceilings. You want them decorated j— U— S— T R— I— G— H— T ! ! Wall paper or kalsomine you bar because obsolete and unsanitary. You wouldn't risk having your walls full of vermin with these old-style, unhealthy and expensive coverings. So, then, there's nothing to do but use VELOUR FINISH. There are a thousand reasons why you should. But a few of them are: It affords many beautiful, harmonious tints and combinations. It's a firm, fade-less, flat finish. It's washable; it's applied like ordinary paint and dries with a soft velvet effect that stays soft and velvety I It's germ-proof, vermin-proof, dust-proof, trouble-proof. It's easy to clean and easy to renew when necessary. Let there be no argument or mistake see the dealer in your town this very day; he is . Sincerely yours. !, .1111 '..■■: i =■-:!- i s i! r ■ .■ ■■■■■: ■ ., 195 Dear Mr. ONE THING'S SURE! Wall and ceiling sanitation demand Velour Finish. It is the finis] of today and tomorrow. Beside its washable, darable, sanitary and cleanly qualities, its economy and artistic virtues, harken to its wonderful hiding power: ONE COAT OF WHITE WILL OBLITERATE BLACK! And its even mere remarkable covering capacity: 700 SQUARE FEET PER GALLON! Hah! You are surprised; you are interested! And well you may be. Furthermore, its magnificent velvety surface enhances the beauty of the finest home or the humblest dwelling, the most pretentious building or plain storeroom. This wonderful wall covering is as far superior to wall paper and kalsomine as the Mazda lamp is to the candle light. Have . Finish, and nothing else, for YOUR walls and ceilings ; you will always be deeply content over your choice. Our dealer in your neighborhood is Sincerely yours, ... i .in-.. il . .HI ■ ■ ik il ■ Ili.il ■ ■.,..: n. ;.:■:■.;•: , il: I, i!i . ;.. i \r ill, ;, 196 Dear Mr. Your barn's something like a Treasury Vault. You see, it holds your crop riches until sold and it harbors OTHER things important to you. Barn Paint is AN ARMOR OF PROTECTION against the ravages of weather and time. Lots of folks insure their barns against fire, but fail to paint 'em well — and "paintlessness" ruins more barns than fire. Cut down your barn repair bills by keeping it painted with Barn Paint. English Red Oxide (Bright Red) or Moss Green. Both are strong and lasting, good for sides and roof, and stand for two important things : D-U-R-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y A-N-D E-C-0-N-O-M-Y. Don't order "barn paint" — but Barn Paint. The difference is startling — to your purse and to your barn. Get because it means the very best protection at minimum cost. For more Barn Paint Truths, see our dealer in your town, Mr. . Sincerely yours, i Miuiiii.!Hiiiriiiiiiiiitiai:iin.iiiiii>iiii!iitiii<^iioii iimiiiiiiimiHntmiliil 197 Dear Mr. Varnish is funny stuff. You can't make it any old way even with the finest ingredients. So, you see, it takes PAINS PLUS BRAINS ! Varnish Products are self-selling to every man who has once used them. He knows the BIG DIF- FERENCE! He simply WON'T HAVE any other kind. FLOOR VARNISH. Hah! A triumph of toughness, elasticity, durabil- ity. It is heavy-bodied and won't spot or mar white. INTERIOR. Another style of Varnish perfection! Won't spot or mar white, is tough, elastic, durable, heavy- bodied. SPAR. "Stands the gaff," as the sailormen say. Ye see, mate, it'll stand the swirl o' a sou-wester on a good ship's spars, or on your front door or your porch chairs — and shatter my top-lights if it'll turn a hair ! So, then, 'tis no sea yarn about the downright superiority of Varnishes. You're wise to listen and take heed. Our dealer-man in your town is a neighborly soul and will gladly tell you more. See him! Sincerely yours, ■ " ■ !" ■ 198 FORM 1 EXTENDED PAYMENT LETTER, Mr. of To Subscription from to Dear Sir: — We extended the time of payment on the above account for ycu ; that extension has expired. In all probability the matter slipped your mind and you did not mean to fail in making remittance on the date promised. Will you therefore send us today Post Office Order or Draft for the above amount, in enclosed envelope? Thanking you in advance for prompt attention to this, we are Yours very truly, Secretary, I'il'l : ,:.,!■■ .... ,. ,, ( ,,: ,,, , ,, ., ., ,.,, : . . . . I , , I. , i . . : . ,....■■ I'mMIIWOWIItHHIlffllHWtJttlWIMItaWWlinMII^ 199 FORM 2 EXTENDED PAYMENT LETTER. Mr. of To Subscription from to Dear Sir: — You have not answered our very recent letter, notifying you of your failure to remit the above amount at the expiration of extension granted you. We can't believe you purposely meant to break your promise in so small a matter. Surely we have done our utmost to make payment easy for you. Don't you think it's a little bit unfair for you to neglect the matter this way after we've shown every disposition to await your convenience? We ask that you send us Post Office Money Order or Draft for the amount in today's mail; don't lay the matter aside; attend to it NOW. Hoping to hear from you promptly, we are Yours very truly Secretary. WE KNOW YOU WANT TO DO WHAT'S RIGHT. WHY NOT SETTLE THIS LITTLE MATTER TODAY? ■•in;' ;: i. tii; ■ ■ :i;,[|iitUiiiitui!Ti;:!ii!::tIi.!!'iiK'ii;li|iv.!'- 200 I FORM 3 EXTENDED PAYMENT LETTER. Mr of To Subscription from to $ Dear Sir: — We are going to ask you for immediate action today in the matter of the above unpaid account and your failure to remit at expiration of extension granted you. This is the third time we have written you about it, and we feel that either you have not received our two former let- ters or that you wish to purposely ignore the matter. Surely after granting you a liberal extension of time in which to pay, and even waiting upon you far beyond that date, your sense of fairness should impel you to settle up the matter at once. We hope you will make it a point to get this remittance to us in the evening's mail, either by Post Office or Express Order. Further delay would only make it more unpleasant for all concerned. Hoping this will have your attention today without fail, we are Yours truly, General Manager, IF YOU ARE IN BUSINESS YOURSELF YOU KNOW HOW THESE LITTLE lCCOUNTS AMOUNT UP ; HENCE WE COUNT UPON A REMITTANCE FROM . r 0U TODAY I MWMMMnMnMMnNWMMNMMmmmtt , .: : li; iHmiiiitniiiitiiiiHUiimiiiHiiifiiiiiHiimrimitimnini.nirS ■: i| . ■ : ■. m: ir ■■■..■■.. . ■■ ■ : , . . ■ 201 FORM 3 EXTENDED PAYMENT LETTER. Mr. of To Subscription from to Dear Sir: — You have not answered our former letters regarding payment of the above; and we are therefore compelled to make this our final effort to have you remit the amount amicably. After granting every reasonable extension of time and making allowance for the possibility of your having overlooked the matter, or having been too busy, or your absence from the city, we can come to but one conclusion, and that is, you do not wish to pay this account in accordance with your promise. We feel that we have been treated unfairly and that you did not intend to make a peaceable settlement in the first place. However, we may be wrong in all of this, and with that thought in mind we urgently request you to remit today for the amount. This, however, is our final attempt to get you to pay it in good grace. : Hoping you will consider that we have been very patient nd therefore are entitled to an immediate remittance, we are Respectfully yours, President. -.__„„_._ THE AMOUNT YOU'LL HAVE TO PAY WILL BE CONSIDERABLY LARGER? LET'S SETTLE THE MATTER AND BE DONE WITH IT: WHAT SAY YOU? NOW IS THE TIME ! in mmtuiiimriiimimiiH 202 I FORM 4 BLANK AND BLANK Attorneys at Law Amount of Claim, versus Interest Amount to Remit Dear Sir: — We beg to remind you of your recent request for an exten- sion of time in payment of account below, and that on date shown, the time to pay this account will have expired. Assuring you of our good will, and that of the , and anticipating prompt fulfillment of your promise, we are, Yours very truly, EXTENSION EXPIRES. 203 FORM 5 BLANK AND BLANK Attorneys at Law versus Amount of Claim, Docket Fees Summons Interest Amount to Remit Dear Sir: — The extension of time in which to pay the above account, granted you by , having expired without settlement on your part, we beg to notify you that all evidences of indebtedness and other papers in the case have been referred to us for immediate action. We promptly advise you of this fact in order that you may have an opportunity to get into communication with us at once and avoid all additional expenses attendant upon the filing of proceedings against you. We can only hope that you will not delay action, if you wish to avoid such procedure on our part. Yours respectfully, tamuiuiumiiiiinimtiitinmniumiii liiiiiiwimuiunuinint miuiuuitnmniniiiiniimii u iiiuimiiiiiiiniMiumiiiiimninwMH'""" 1 "" 1 '"""""""' :„;., ■■'!. I .■::.:■'■.. ■ i 204 I My dear Sir: Barnum was wrong ! You know, he said that the people liked to be humbugged. They DON'T. A greater man than Barnum voiced the Real Truth about this, when he said, "You can fool all of them some of the time, and some of them all the time, but you can't fool all of them all of the time. 11 Mr. Lincoln was RIGHT! Therefore, we ask you to burn in your memory that: 1. Our is True in Color, True in Durability, True in Workmanship, True in Quality. 2. It is free from Ribbons. 3. It is Fadeless and Ribbonless only because it comes from BIG BEDS. 4. So-called "Genuine" Slates bearing are Hushed and Still as to the PERMANENT COLOR of their product and likewise Silent as to RIBBONS. 5. Our Slate goes to you with a REAL GUARANTEE that PROTECTS you! 6. We've absolutely no connection with any Association or Com- bine and hence our prices for Much-Better Slate are Much Lower than you pay elsewhere. IN very car of Slate we ship is backed by our reputation, and we ke not a single claim for our goods that we cannot substantiate N FULL. If you are in the market for SLATE THAT GIVES SUPREME SATISFAC- TION, may we hope you will fill out the enclosed card and send it to us right away? Yours sincerely, i iMiiuiiMtlUtimmitKiHi.iUiimmiiiiiinii.iiLiuiiiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiti u iii:inni:i:m;iuiiiU!iin:iiiiiimi(iliiitiiiMi;'iniiili>iii;rtimn '!, ,. ., ... || . 205 Dear Sir: Your premises will be 100$ safer, your watchman surer of himself, your insurance risk less, if you'll read the inside pages of this letter ! I'm sure of that because you'll immediately realize what my patrol clock would mean to you RIGHT NOW, in Freedom from Worry, Doubt, Risk and all possibility of Loss. Wise watchmen welcome the . It safe- guards them against Suspicion. It safeguards YOU against Service Slip-ups ! This Clock is a Triumph of Tamper-proof, Trouble-proof, Weather-proof Mechanism; approved by the National Fire Underwriters and the Factory Mutual Laboratories ; absolutely guaranteed, and sent on 30 days trial. You're risking nothing to order one to-day; you owe nothing until you've decided it is what you've long needed. May I hope to hear from you by return mail? Yours truly, 206 EXTRA! Dear Sir: Yes, it's true ! Every word of it. Our big, Bristling Clearance Sale DOES turn loose with all its fury on July 20th, as you'll see by the papers. Listen, Mister ! This will be a dead-in-earnest affair ! It's a real, rare chance for you to get your favorite quality and style of Oxford at A BIG SLICE OFF THE REGULAR PRICE ! You know 's merchandise and methods. He has always respected the confidence of folks. So this sale is A REAL SALE OF REGULAR GOODS — not a fix-up affair. I've just $2500 in Elegant Men's Oxfords that MUST, WILL AND SHALL BE SOLD ! Sorry I've got to sacrifice them, in one way, and in ANOTHER way I'm GLAD. Every pair that goes out at an extra-low price is A LASTING ADVERTISEMENT! So, come quickly and be fitted AT A SAVING YOU WON'T FORGET, IN AN OXFORD YOU'LL REMEMBER US BY! Come early, so you'll be sure to get your correct size. A Fit is a Faultless Fit. In fact, it's a Fit or you don't Fork Over! Yours sincerely, 'f-"'i'i tmniitiitif iiKMiuM .mi-'i i Miimi M i OT iH n H i in mm ii w iiHnwiiMii i iiiiMiii'iiiii Dear Sir or Madam: — The : Shoe Store has an important message for you to-day; it is a money saving message — IT IS THIS: We can sell you DEPENDABLE footwear at the very lowest prices in town — • 1. Because we do not spend several thousand a month for advertising; 2. Because our store rent is low, even though our location is a prominent one; 3. Because a rigid economy in every detail is observed in our store management ; 4. Because, our sole aim and fundamental business principle is to give each and every customer the UTMOST SHOE VALUE FOR HIS OR HER MONEY ; 5. Because, we know that the one big secret of true business success is, according to the old but reliable business motto: "A satisfied customer is the best advertisement . " If you have never bought shoes of this store, and will make it a point to get your next pair here you will find that everything we have said about it is abso- lutely true, and we feel very sure that you will buy from us thereafter. Hoping you will call on us for your spring footwear, and assuring you of a perfectly satisfactory fit, as well as courteous treatment whether you buy or not, we are, Yours very truly, ■ 208 INVESTIGATE! BY ALL MEANS Dear Sir (or Dear Doctor): Knowing it will quickly commend itself to you as a positive BLESSING to patient, physician and nurse alike, we are very anxious to ship you for immediate trial. Readily adjustable to any bed, it is the most ingenious of latter-day sick room devices. You'd find its uses and benefits surprisingly many. It saves the patient. Saves the nurse. Saves the doctor. Whether for chronic invalid or accident patient, the obviates a world of suffering, inconvenience, trouble and time-loss. Its HUMANITARIAN phases, in addition to its wonderful utility, flexibility, adaptability in handling the most serious cases, we are sure would strongly appeal to you. The is rightly named. It brings to the sick room a helpful, restful, soothing influence, greatly reducing nervous strain on the patient and minimizing the work of physician and nurse. Test it thirty days strictly at our risk, then return at our expense if not supremely satisfactory. The price is f . o. b. Just send the enclosed card to-day. It doesn't obligate you in the least. We are only too glad to thoroughly demonstrate. No harm done if you don't keep it. I ay we hope you will mail the card at once? ours very truly, 209 A GREAT RELIEF TO THE PATIENT ! A BIG CREDIT TO THE DOCTOR! A RARE HELP TO THE NURSE ! Dear Sir (or Dear Doctor) : We've brought down to a simple, painless science the handling of fractures of every kind; the moving of paralytics and helpless patients generally. That's why THE materially lessens your anxiety over the progress of any case of that character. This new appliance, beside handling and lifting patients without the least discomfort, makes changes of bedding, or the use of bed-pan, a quick, non-troublesome operation both for the nurse and her charge. The has the warm, willing endorsement of every physician, patient and nurse wherever used; all are highly enthusiastic over its smooth operation and the grateful ease it affords the afflicted. No slipping, no jolting, no shocks — absolutely painless lifting and lowering, with the individual scarcely realizing he's being moved. The is quickly adjustable to any bed rail by a patent clamp and easily adapted to any width or length of bed. STRICTLY AT OUR OWN RISK, We WANT YOU TO TRY IT. The card enclosed entitles you to our offer of 30-day return privilege. Kindly mail it to us to-night, so that we may ship without delay— We are positive you will be strongly in favor of the pliance within 24 hours after being put to use. Th e price is f . . b. , you to send it back at ur expense after a month's trial if not perfectly satisfactory. Feeling that you will find it wise to avail yourself of our offer m to-night's mail, we are Yours very truly, ""■"""Wiiioiwiuimii ii. m :. .1....'. ■ .n n- i ...'.■ ........r. ■.; 210 THE SIGNS YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT THEM, AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY. Gentlemen: At no cost to you, and with no obligation on your part, we want to submit some attractive new ideas in signs for your building. We learn you'll soon be in need of these. All you need do is sketch us a rough drawing of your building front, with measurements of windows and spaces where signs are to be placed, and the wording you want on them. We will take much pleasure in submitting for your approval sketches of signs we consider appropriate, with prices. * Our experience, equipment, materials and price in- ducement should interest you — we know WE CAN GIVE YOU THE MOST EFFECTIVE SIGN DISPLAY AT THE LEAST COST ! Make that sketch of your building front RIGHT NOW I Not the slightest obligation on YOUR part, remember: it simply gives us an opportunity to submit sugges- tions and figures, which we're ALWAYS glad to do. Our suggestions cost you nothing, and, even if you DO NOT order, may prove valuable to you. Attend to this while the thought's warm in your mind! It's a money saving move — MAKE IT NOW! Yours for Sign Satisfaction and Saving, . ,, M ,| ,. ,,, . . :. |. .. . ,:. ,| , -u .;,; , .■: i, ,;i . :!■ ■.. rT i i!: 211 Dear Sir: Kindly burn this in your memory. n it i The Tested, Tried, True, Triumphant Typewriter Ribbon ! The Real Ribbon. The RIGHT Ribbon. The Ribbon without any of the Bad Habits of other kinds. It won't Fade. It won't Blur or Smut. It won't fill the Type. It won't wear out or dry out. Writes clean, writes sharp. Wears evenly, and LASTS, LASTS, LASTS! There's a BEST in Everything; in Typewriter Ribbons it's none other than — I This is the ribbon you've been looking for, your Stenographer's been longing for! It will give you Better, Cleaner, Clearer Work and Save you Many Dollars because of its DOUBLE DURABILITY. It's made of finest imported fabric, inked by special improved process, with very best coloring materials. THIS IS THE RIBBON YOU'LL ALWAYS BUY AGAIN. One dollar each, $9 per dozen. Now that you've found the best, you'd better order at once, giving name and number of typewriter and color desired. Two or three color ribbons, same price. Cheap ribbons are speculation; an INVESTMENT. Invest today! Yours very truly, ■mm ■. ■■ 212 I'M TAKING ALL THE RISK! Dear Sir: Your money back in jiffy-time if you're not satisfied with the Typewriter Ribbon ! The Guarantee IS a Guarantee. IT MEANS WHAT IT SAYS ! WE Cough if YOU Kick! There are no ifs and ands about it. It's the Ribbon you buy WITH PROTECTION. It's GOT to make good! Don't tell yourself one dollar's a high price for a ribbon LIKE THAT ; EVEN IF THE PRICE WERE TWO DOLLARS IT WOULD BE THE CHEAPEST RIBBON YOU COULD BUY ! I'm so absolutely sure it will give you Much Better Satisfaction and Double wear, I'm taking all the risk when I offer you YOUR MONEY BACK if it isn't the ribbon I say it is ! There's no FADE or FILL UP or FAG OUT about the I COULD manufacture it CHEAPER, but I WON'T. I WOULD make it BETTER, but I CAN'T! So many hundreds of concerns won't use anything but the not because they love me or like to pay a dollar, BUT BECAUSE IT'S CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN THAN RIBBONS THEY CAN EASILY BUY FOR LESS. Pay a dollar for a and you've got a Real Ribbon with Vim, Vigor and Virility in it. They're $9 per dozen. Give name and number of typewriter and color desired. Two or three color ribbons, same price. Order the Non-Fading, Non-Filling, Non-Fagging It 's a MONEY-SAVING MOVE ON YOUR PART ! Order TO-DAY! Yours very truly, ■ ■ ■ mmpiummiimnni^N.-i,.'. :m -■ .iiiiiitiiimnj.■■■■■ ■■ I' ' II 'I D!i .1 .. T ■ lllll ..,; I, ..;■■■ I,., ..,.,. .. i ., ■, , ■,., . ., . , ,,,... I, ,,,■;., .■■,:■ Ill; ii II l| ■ 214 "What in Heck IS this they're talk- ing about — Is it a vegetable or an animal? Dear Sir: Yes, those were his very words. But that was before he BOUGHT one ! He was a busy ad-man and printer, with no time for monkey- business — YOU know the kind. And now he's glad he INVESTIGATED. The bloomin' little trick saves him a world of time, trouble and temper EVERY DAY! NOW he's never without it. NOW he takes it MIGHTY SERIOUSLY; As YOU will— or BETTER HAD ! The tells you where to get off when you're figuring WHAT STYLE AND SIZE OF TYPE, AND HOW MANY WORDS, WILL GO IN A GIVEN SPACE ! Not bad? It cuts out all figuring f ol-de-rol ; It cuts out all guess-work or groping in the dark; It's simple, accurate and works BING — just like that! Every Ad-man, Print-man, Layout man, Foreman and even Bill, the crack compositor, NEEDS our handy little friend, the And after using one, mark ye, it's to get along WITHOUT it — Pretty Tough, certainly! So I'll be your Brother Elk here and now; I'll let you have a Linen Bristol one for or an IVORY CELLULOID pocket size for a ACTUAL VALUE IN CONVENIENCE AND TIME SAVED — ENDLESS SIMOLEONS ! Big men with little leisure (six-cylinder chaps) are using this handy scamp, And, confidentially, they fall for I he CELLULOID. , then, for this brain saver — this Short Cut to Supreme atisf action. Of COURSE you must have it. A-N-D R-I-G-H-T A-W-A-Y ! ! So, Rush that Bone to Boston. You'll get it back if you're not Satisfied. , " • I GUARANTEE THAT RIGHT HERE. Sincerely yours, ■MMMMBHMMttMBMNM 215 I LOTS OF PROFIT FOR YOU IN LIVE, LUCRATIVE LINE OF WALL PAPERS! Dear Mr. With the opening to the Brand New Year, why not make up your mind to pitch in vigorously and DOUBLE your v/all paper sales? LISTEN! That Book of Samples you've got has more big Round Dollars in it than you ever dreamed, dear friend! Yes, yes! Glorious greenbacks of Profit, hiding right there between the leaves, simply waiting to be PLUCKED! DON'T LET 'EM SLIP AWAY FROM YOU. STOP 'EM FROM GOING TO THE OTHER FELLOW'S POCKET. Dozens of our hustling Paper Hanger Friends throughout the country are mightily tickled with their Net Cash Results, all because they put a little EXTRA PLUGGING and PUSHENCY behind that Scintillating Sample Book. AND ALSO BECAUSE THEY KNEW THAT THE FELLOW WHO SAID, "EVERYTHING COMES TO HIM WHO WAITS," HAD A BUG IN HIS DYNAMO. THEY FOUND THAT EVERYTHING COMES TO HIM WHO GOES AFTER IT ! So, it all rests with YOU. If you'll make up your mind RIGHT TO-DAY to grab a lot of Nice New Money out of the Wall Paper Game, why, pretty soon you'll be busier 'n an ambulance on election day, contracting for jobs that were simply WAITING FOR YOU TO STIR THEM UP. OTHER FELLOWS ARE DOING IT AND WE KNOW YOU CAN ! Our Papers don't low-bridge to any other line in America — you couldn't show your customers more attractive patterns and prices, so there's nothing to prevent you from get- ting "A CORNER" on the wall-paper business of your town. YOU'RE MAKING A PRETTY LIBERAL PROFIT ON PAPERS, AND THERE ARE LOTS OF JOBS LAYIN' FOR THE FELLOW WHO HAS HIS EYES OPEN AND SAMPLE BOOK HANDY. C-U-T L-0-O-S-E ! ! Sell more paper! The more you sell, the busier and happier and richer you'll be — and then, who knows HOW soon your neighbors will hear the Proud HONK of your New Auto? Your Sincere Friends, ■mmmmmiiiiMi mmmunumrnHmmmiimmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimummmmummmmmmmmmmmmm^Mmmumima imiimnmm minim m m. n n«Mininiiiiininnm-tn-it i-ami ■ :. i .,: .1 ,1 216 I FIVE CENTS A TON FOR WATER PURER THAN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE U. S. PHARMACEUTIC ASSOCIATION; PURE, PAL- ATABLE, PERFECT, WITH ALL THE GASES ABSOLUTELY REMOVED. My dear Sirs: Are you willing to investigate the CHEAPEST method of producing the PUREST water? If so, this letter is really well worth your serious consideration. With one of our Large Stills, you can have absolutely pure water, with all distillation gases taken out, for FIVE CENTS A TON ! Under our process, no aeration is needed. We remove the gases by never allowing them to enter the distillate. Hard to believe, maybe — but we've been doing it ever so long ! We have proven to others that our method of Water Distillation is a Big Step in Advance Over All Others; we can prove it to YOU. In our Stills, THREE SEPARATE PROCESSES remove the flat, distilled taste, due to GASES. We feel that you should be immediately interested in getting better water than you've ever used, at a lower price than it has ever cost you! If you will give us an opportunity to demonstrate, we are positive you'd be more than gratified at having taken up the matter with us directly upon receipt of this letter. Signing and sending the enclosed card "puts the burden of proof upon us" and incurs not the slightest obligation. May we hope you will MAIL IT TO-DAY? Sincerely yours, MUMUUH«im»miliiiKiilliiiiiitiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiint;tii!iiiii ...I,; a ■ mamat m mm, w.w.mn ti-.uu .>. . u :■■ ■ ■ .. 217 Dear Sir: Dame Wheat has been somewhat whimsical and inconsistent this whole season. Just when it looked like she'd be a trifle down- in-the-mouth, her spirits rose and upset everybody's calcula- tions, including even the Grain Solons. Mr. Trader who foresaw important declines when the Public got wind of the huge winter wheat yield, was a bit bowled over when this failed to elicit Bearish Growls. Why, he was almost thunderstruck I But he smiled up his sleeve and was morally certain it would come anyway. "Bound to come," he muttered, "when the Spring Wheat movement begins." But it didn't — his Dreams of Decline vanished like a ham sandwich into a messenger boy. When the Northwest's Crop rolled into market, Bearishness had hiked out the back door, owing to the STEADY DEMAND, which fully offset supply. While nothing like a quick rise appears on the Wheat Horizon, there's no more chance of a decline than a crippled canary has at a cat show. I really look for continued moderate gains in October. Large consumers are now buying quietly but steadily, and among foreigners there's a slight revival of interest. steady demand, not exactly stupendous, may be expected from mr milling friends the rest of the season. While Winter and Spring Wheat are plentiful now, this year's Spring Crop is a bit shy, you must remember. International demand for Northwestern night to drain its stocks if the market slips back from present .evels. This should prove an antidote for slumpingitis. lon't forget, too, that the Wheat Grower of A. D. won't part rith his bullion berries unless he gets a pretty fair price, le's not unused to Dollar Wheat, and even tho ' he's marketed it >elow that figure this season, he's disposed to keep a Bull-dog ;rip rather than let loose of it at what he considers a jacrif ice. 'ou're not likely to see any free selling by the Farmer. This should keep supplies at important centers on present levels. Not much chance of a weak streak in the situation. The broad commercial buying and awakened interest of cur foreign brethren should cause a nice, steady demand. Yours very truly, 1 '■■ i ■ 218 OPPORTUNITY NEVER COMES TO HIM WHO WAITS! IT COMES TO HIM WHO GOES AFTER IT WITH ALL THERE IS IN HIM; WITH THE DEEP, BURNING, INTENSE, IRON RESOLVE OF HIS INMOST BEING! Dear Mr. I want to sincerely congratulate you on answering my ad! I congratulate you because your alert, ambitious action in so doing will mean a whole lot to you, if you don't hesitate to take advantage of the rare opportunity I'm willing to offer you; if you follow your idea right up — the idea that made you write me — the idea to BE more and CO more and HAVE more in this Life! The world of Wage -Earners is a World of WISHERS, HOPERS AND HESITATORS, held down by Foolish Doubts and Empty Fears! Endless thousands of Bright, Fine Fellows whose WISHBONES are where their BACKBONES ought to be; they are excusably afraid, halting, timid; clinging with the drowning-man grasp to their slender salaries, ALL BECAUSE THEY THINK MONEY-MAKING IS A MYSTERY THEY CAN NEVER LEARN! Just listen! I, myself, was situated something like you perhaps are today; was just "a fellow who had a job" — nothing more. I never really thought I'd ever BE anything more. I got average wages and economized eternally. I knew people not half as intelligent as I, but ten times more successful, who rated me a ,: Dub," and, believe me, dear friend, the thought was Bitterer than the Gall of Goliath! I didn't have many of the things I wanted. Had mighty few. I wore cheap suits, cheap shirts, collars, socks, under- wear, cheap hats and shoes. Other men always seemed better dressed; other men got more out of life; other men had things easier and had more fun than I; other men had more CONFIDENCE than I — other men had more of EVERYTHING than I, except HOPELESS RESIGNATION TO MY LOT! Ah! I tell you it all seemed pretty BLACK at times— this thing of LIVING LIFE WITHOUT A LOOK-IN ON LUXURY! I can point my finger across the country and show you thousands of fellows, no smarter than you and I, now Rich and Retired, all from a very small beginning in the mail order business— men who had only $10 or $15 or $25 to start! MAN ALIVE, THINK OF IT! YOU WHO HAVE TWO GOOD HANDS AND A BRAIN! ! It shows you that IN these fellows was the Ability, just as it is in countless thousands of now Boss-Scared, Job-Hugging, Wage-Cowed Fellows, who are plodding along with their eyes to the ground, doing the Dull-Drudge, Lock-Step to and from work. THEY HAD THE ABILITY, and only realized it when someone came along and Set Off the Skyrocket of their Ambition — STARTED THEM, just as I'm going to start you, unless the Doubt-Bug or Fear-Worm GETS IN ITS WORK AND HOLDS YOU BACK, AS IT ALWAYS WILL UNLESS YOU FLATLY, FIRMLY REFUSE TO LET IT! Excuse me, dear friend, for talking so plainly, but Plain Talk, like the Arnica you put on a burn, STINGS LIKE BLAZES BUT GOES STRAIGHT TO THE SPOT; PLAIN TALK STINGS GOOD MEN TO ACTION, PRODS THEIR PRIDE, AND PUTS THEM ON THE PRIMROSE PATHWAY TO PROSPERITY! I know of one little weak woman in a department store who started a mail order business with a beauty cream costing her 5c a jar, which she is now selling to MILLIONS AT $5 a jar! [MAGINE! But get the right thought about it deep into your mind. It wasn't the CREAM that made this Success-Miracle, it was the LITTLE WOMAN, her pluck, perseverance, her Hind-made-up methods, her downright determination not-to-work-for-others-but-have- )thers-working-f or-her ! id here's a nice thing about this Wonderful Business. Your wife, in her leisure hours, :ould start it BRINGING IN MONEY. She can devote part of her time to it in the day, and rou can help her after you have come home from work. You won't have any office expense; )perate it right from your home. You can have MONIED MAIL pouring in from all quarters; rou can sensibly hold your present position until the greater money-making powers of your lew enterprise make it foolish to work for the boss any longer — AND THAT DAY, THAT HAPPY, 3 PY DAY, YOU CAN FOREVER SHAKE THE GALLING YOKE OF "YOUR EMPLOYER!" All this, mind rou, is not a vague and distant dream; it is right here, right now, this very moment, fITHIN YOUR REACH— I'M WAITING AT THE OTHER END TO SEND YOU, FOR $15, THE ENTIRE EQUIPMENT iT WILL QUICKLY MAKE YOU A DAILY BANK DEPOSITOR! ■ i; .1 in; '" Mii'i'i sttri i - ; ■ "i 219 Sheet 2. Now, dear friend, you can believe me or not — but nowhere in all this world is there a thing that will do for you what these Twenty Complete Mail Order Plans WILL! And RIGHT NOW, for a thousand reasons, for your sake, for the sake of those you love, for the sake of your present prospects, for the sake of your entire future, for the sake of your health, happiness, peace of mind, pride, principle and YOUR WHOLE LIFE'S AMBITION, you should get hold of them at the earliest possible moment, and burn into your BRAIN, into your VERY BEING, everything they contain! Uncle Sam will help ME help YOU become independent! Through the new Parcels Post the possibilities of the Mail Order Business you are now entering have increased A HUNDRED THOUSAND FOLD; it's just as if the United States Postoffice had invited its 90,000,000 customers to go right into the mail order business and reap the Golden Harvests thereof! If YOU are among the first in the field, you will Garner the Greatest Gain! MY OFFER TO YOU MAKES IT SO EASY. All my Successful Experience that brought me $650,000.00 in eighteen months, all these Twenty, Extensive, Complete, Detailed Plans of Quick, Money-Making Advertisements, Powerful Follow-up Letters, Convincing Circular Matter, Priceless Formulas, Valuable Mailing Information, Sources of Supply, Endless Rich Ideas, Profitable Secrets and Instructions in the Method of Mail Order Money- Making — all of this I am perfectly willing to send to you on receipt of $15, trusting to your honor, integrity and sense of deep loyalty and gratitude, when your new mail order business is flourishing and you are happy and grateful, to send me $85 more, at the rate of $10 a month, AFTER YOU'VE MADE YOUR FIRST $500 IN PROFITS. Now, Think THIS; THINK it hard — Think it Harder than Anything you ever thought in your life: YOU ARE PREPARING TO INCREASE YOUR PRESENT INCOME TEN TO TWENTY TIMES WHAT IT IS THIS VERY MINUTE BY REMITTING $15 TO ME BY THE NEXT MAIL THAT LEAVES YOUR CITY! MAKE THIS MOVE AT ONCE, and in a very little while the Daily Stream of Cash Remittances will flock in to you in every mail from cities, towns and villages everywhere, YOUR PROFITS PILING UP AND ERINGING YOU AND YOURS all those new and wonderful, wanted, waited and wished-for Luxuries of Life, that Heavenly Ease, that Priceless Independence that Enabled You to Bid Your Pay-Check Pals Good-Bye Forever! Your Friend and Sincere Well-Wisher, ■ ...,,- .■■..,-, ■ ,. ■■■ . : ±i - » ■ - ■ ,■■,■ »'ii! i.(.'" ■■■ ''■■!■ -■.!!■■■ ' 220 Dear Mr. I just can't understand why you failed to answer my letter. Somehow, from the tone of your reply to my ad, you seemed to be in deep, dead earnest about starting right out in that Mammoth, Money-Yielding Mail Order Field, that is daily pouring in its Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to live, resourceful people who started exactly like YOU would start. I was almost positive, from your letter, that you had grown sick and tired of SEEING THE OTHER FELLOW MAKE MONEY! Now, listen! I don't want to discourage or dis- content you with your lot— far from that ; I WANT TO HELP YOU LIFT YOURSELF AND YOUR DEAR ONES RIGHT UP INTO THE SUCCESS-SPHERE, WITH ALL THE NEW COMFORTS, THE NEW PLEASURES, THE DEEPER HAPPINESS, THE HIGHER RESPECT, CONFIDENCE AND ADMIRATION OF YOUR FRIENDS AND FELLOWS; THAT LONG-SOUGHT END OF PITTANCE-PAY, PENURY AND PINCHING, AND, INSTEAD, PLENTY OF EVERYTHING, WITH EVERY HOPE FULFILLED, EVERY AM3ITI0N REALIZED!! You, YOU— who per- haps until now have RIDICULED the thought that YOU could some day Live in your own Fine Home, ride in your own Automobile, Dress your Wife as she enviously desires to dress, clothe and educate your Children so they may move among the Best, and grow up amid Cultured Surroundings, Happy, Healthy, Well-informed, perfectly developed mentally and physically, to take their places with the Elite of the Social and Business 7/orld! Now, the fellow who always keeps telling himself that these things are far beyond him; who scoffs, sneers, doubts, discredits and disbelieves Everybody and Everything that looms up to show him it all IS possible, WILL NEVER GET ANYWHERE OR HAVE ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD, and he's NOT the man for the mail order business, or ANY OTHER business, for that matter. But I know it's different with you; you are now thoroughly awakened, and anxious and ambitious and ready and willing to LISTEN AND LEARN. So, if I can get you to fully realize and believe that, EVEN THOUGH I'M SELLING YOU SOMETHING, I'M GIVING YOU A GREAT DEAL MORE, FOR THE $15 PAYMENT I ASK, THAN ANY MAN EVER OFFERED YOU IN YOUR LIFE— if I can MAKE YOU SEE that I'm ready to lay in your lap all the Dearly-Bought Kernels of Swift Success in this Wealth-Without-End, Money-Multiplying Mail Order Industry that made for me OVER TWO MILLION DOLLARS, the Rich Recipes for which I've just spent $5,000 to prepare for you — if I can convince you NOW AND FINALLY that I'm offering you a FULL SCORE of fully-tried, tested and triumphant REMITTANCE-BRINGING CAMPAIGNS for a Large, Lucrative Business of Your Very Own — THEN YOU'LL DELAY NOT ONE SECOND LONGER, FILL OUT THIS MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE ORDER BLANK, TEAR OFF AND KEEP DUPLICATE, SENDING THE ORIGINAL AND $15 REMITTANCE AT ONCE, BEFORE WE FOREVER DISCONTINUE THE EASY-FOR-YOU $15 OFFER, AND ARE COMPELLED TO ASK THE FULL $100 CASH DOWN! For I want you to understand thoroughly, in making this deal with me today, that, COMBINED WITH THIS COMPLETE $100 COURSE OF INSTRUCTION YOU GET, ABSOLUTELY FREE FOR ONE YEAR, MY SERVICES (now actually valued at $1,000 a day) IN PREPARING FOR YOU ALL ADDITIONAL PLANS, ADVERTISEMENTS, FOLLOW-UP LETTERS, PAMPHLETS, FOLDERS, BOOKLETS AND LITERATURE FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO MARKET BY MAIL; that, besides this, you are entitled at all times to the full benefit of my personal advice, suggestions and ideas Ln all things that may come up in your new business, including my advice as to investing LI your surplus funds in new enterprises. I want you to consult with me freely; I invite rou to; you're welcome to every helpful service from me that will clear the way for you >r add to your profits. In fact, my friend, I want you to consider YOUR BUSINESS PARTNER, who will have, from now on and forevermore, A DEEP HEART -INTEREST Ln your new ventures, your welfare generally; ever ready, anxious and willing to come to your assistance in the hour of need, to help you think and figure out bigger things lo perpetuate your glorious and well-deserved success, so you can tell yourself in your 3wn mind, in addition to the twenty immensely valuable, complete plans and details for mail order money-making, you have the services of America's Most Successful Mail Order Merchandiser, whose own mail order income right now exceeds $2,000 a day! Now, tell me, is there any chance on earth for you not to make piles upon piles of money out of the mammoth opportunity I am laying at your door upon payment of a mere $15 and your promise to send me the $85 balance out of your first $500 of profits? Think! YOU ARE EVEN FREE AS A BIRD FROM THIS $85 OBLIGATION unless you make a complete and gratifying success, AND, IN ADDITION TO THAT YOU GET BACK THE $15 YOU ARE SENDING ME NOW! 221 Sheet 2. I ask you to read carefully, thoroughly, the yellow guarantee order-blank enclosed, and let my big, broad, brotherly, open-handed, sincere and generous offer SINK DEEP into your mind. Tell me frankly, did any man, anywhere, at any time, EVER make you as logical, liberal and live-and-let-live an offer to start you upon the sure, substantial, swift, ROAD TO A BIG, BOUNTEOUS, BULGING EANK BALANCE? I'm trusting you---you who are a stranger — I'm taking all the risk. I stand a chance to lose — you are taking NO risk- --you stand NO chance to lose, BECAUSE I AM GUARANTEEING RIGHT HERE AND NOW, ON THAT SELF-SAME GUARANTEE ORDER BLANK, TO REFUND EVERY DOLLAR OF YOUR MONEY ON YOUR MERE SAY-SO! So no matter WHAT kept you from immediately answering my FIRST letter, do not delay action another moment. Remember, my friend, the well-worn, wise admonition of Shakespeare — you may have heard it a thousand times, but RIGHT NOW, within this very hour, is the time to TAKE IT RIGHT HOME TO YOURSELF: "There is a Time and Tide in the affairs of Men, which taken at its Ebb leads on to Fortune." Decide now! Decide to do and dare, and dominate instead of being dominated. Decide you can and WILL be independent, free, and that within a few brief months you and your loved ones will be decidedly different be:lngs in decidedly different circumstances! Fill out this order- blank and send it with your $15 remittance TODAY. MARK THIS! All these Splendid, Live, Real-Money Plans I am offering you are NOT like the CANNED mail order courses you've seen advertised, the warmed-over and worn-out, weak, wishy-washy Selling Schemes, Eunco Games, Agents' Outfits or Catalogue Concoctions- --you may have wasted your good, honest money on them all in vain. EVERYTHING I AM OFFERING YOU IS NEW AND STRAIGHT, SUBSTANTIAL, CLEAN AND LEGITIMATE- --practical, profitable and POSITIVE IN ITS CASH-PRODUCING POWERS! A 810 BILL WILL START YOU RIGHT IN TO MAKING MONEY ON ANY ONE OF THESE GUARANTEED PLANS- --CURRENCY, CHECKS, BANK DRAFTS, POSTAL MONEY ORDERS AND EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS WILL AT ONCE FLOW IN ON YOU--- then HALF of your profits put back into increasing your business each week, will make it BULGE AND GROW INTO STUPENDOUS PROPORTIONS IN A SURPRISINGLY SHORT SPACE OF TIME! CONSIDER! ! Beside the Vast, Dollar-Strewn Field of Opportunities opened up by the New Parcels Post, Klondike Riches pale into insignificance — YOU would share in this Great Niagara of Wealth that streams into the Coffers of those who, WHILE OTHERS HESITATED, WERE FIRST TO SEE AND QUICKEST TO ACT; DON'T YOU BE THE MAN WHO WAS BLIND, WHO HESITATED! ! I have certainly urged you, and I have shown you an Easy, Strictly Honest and legitimate Way to Wealth! I have talked to you plainly and frankly, not misrepresenting a single thing by a single word. The Lifetime Opportunity is Yours. Here and Now! It's up to you I'm through talking; I'm waiting for your answer. four sincere Friend and Future Business Partner, 222 I AM I YOUR FRIEND OR AM I SIMPLY A MERCENARY, MONEY-MAD MONSTER WHO SEEKS TO WRING FROM YOU YOUR HARD-EARNED DOLLARS? THIS LETTER IS THE FINAL AND THE FULL PROOF— READ, READ, READ IT!! Dear Mr. I've been waiting, watching, wondering! Day after day I've expected to hear from you. I was almost SURE your answer would come. But it hasn't. And now, my friend, I'll be very frank with you: I'm very much disappointed, and I'm even a bit surprised. SO I'M GOING TO TURN AROUND AND SURPRISE YOU! BUT WE'LL SPEAK OF THAT FURTHER ON IN THIS LETTER. JUST WAIT AND SEE! I somehow pictured you as just the sort of a fellow who, once he had gotten the manly IDEA OF INDEPENDENCE, would plow right in, with head down and energies all aquiver, hell-bent for blessed liberty, grimly resolved that nothing could stop him in his down- right determination to shake off the sickening Yoke of the slavery stipend, of the Tremble-with-fear-at-your-frown Tyranny of the Bond-Clipping Boss! Yes, yes, my dear fellow, that's how I had you figured out — exactly! I even thought that by NOW you'd SURELY be the Busiest Man you had ever been in your life, with stacks and stacks of monied mail steadily streaming in and piling up on your desk at home, with your wife, and perhaps one or two of your family, busy helping you; every- body happily flurried and flushed with joyous new excitement of seeing that rain of remittances roll in; everybody gladly helping, bustling, feverishly eager in the new home-begun Mail Order Business, anxious to get things moving faster and faster; and you making your joyous and regular trips to the bank every day, carrying in your inside pocket a bank book bulging with the day's receipts; not yet certain it wasn't all a dream. AH! MY FRIEND, I CAN'T FOR THE LIFE OF ME UNDERSTAND JUST WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK! (Honestly, you're a puzzle to me!) Now, wait a minute — maybe I CAN! Maybe it's the lack of IMMEDIATE CASH to buy this great mail order course; maybe you're a bit shy just now; maybe your head and heart are willing, but your purse ISN'T. Is that true? Come — out with it like a man; are you short of money? If you are, if you REALLY are, and you cannot raise even the reasonable price I've asked you for this great big wonderful new start-off in life, then I'm going to prove to you, my boy, that I am REALLY your friend, even though you and I have never met, and you only answered an ad of mine, and I don't know you from ADAM; and even though, in not answering my last letter, you've been playing the part of Mr. Skeptical — so I'm going to return good for evil, and prove, right here before your very eyes, that part of the $2,000,000 I made in the mail order business came to me through broad-gauged, generous treatment of every human being I came in contact with — that I did not become own as the "World's Mail Order Merchant Prince" through hard-fisted, skin-flint, oul -squeezing methods! am going to throw down the bars to you with a vengeance, my friend, taking you warmly nto my confidence, smashing all business rules to smitherines, and offering you as sincere, heart-to-heart and brotherly an opportunity as one man ever offered another — an opportunity which you will agree is a thousand times removed from the cold, calculating, grab-it-all, beat-the-other fellow disposition that dominates the now-a-day world! tence, I warn you, my friend, whether you'll believe it or not, that after you read this unbelievably generous proposition I'm about to make, if you THEN hold back any Longer through over-caution, or lack of faith in yourself, or in me, or through the idvice of some well-meaning but misunderstanding friend, THEN you will have carelessly, thoughtlessly TURNED YOUR BACK ON THE ONE REAL, SUPREME CHANCE OF YOUR WHOLE EXISTENCE! 30! I've made up my mind that if you have within you one small, smouldering spark of a self-made GO-GETTER, an un-bossed freedman — that glorious spark of dashing, defiant oanhood which burns in the breast of every real, flesh-and-blood fellow — I'M GOING TO s R0CEED TO JAR IT LOOSE AND WAKEN IT FOR ALL TIME! 223 Sheet 2. HERE GOES! This is what I've decided to do for you: Now, if you can make up your mind within the next forty-eight hours that you really want to be independent for life and go into the mail order business in deep, determined, dead earnest, and accept my offer of a Complete Course of Twenty Money-Getting Plans for Swift and Sure Mail Order Success, with all these wonderful and expensive plans entail, including absolutely free A Full Year's Advice, Ideas, Suggestions and General Business and Advertising Assistance from me personally, I will be willing to accept your remittance right now of FIVE DOLLARS for it all, and send you the Combined Mail Order Course and all the wonderful benefits that go with it — strictly under the following conditions, however, and not otherwise: CONDITION 1: THAT YOU AGREE NOT TO RE-SELL THIS COURSE TO ANYONE ELSE, AS SOME OF MY OTHER SUCCESSFUL PUPILS HAVE DONE, GETTING FOUR OF FIVE TIMES WHAT THEY PAID FOR IT. (OF COURSE, I CANNOT BIND YOU BY LAW NOT TO DO THIS — IT IS SIMPLY A QUESTION OF GIVING ME YOUR PROMISE.) CONDITION 2: THAT YOU AGREE NEVER TO DISCLOSE TO A THIRD PERSON THE CONTENTS OF ANY PORTION OF THIS ENTIRE COURSE OF TWENTY PLANS. CONDITION 3: THAT YOU WILL FURNISH ME, WITHIN NINETY DAYS FROM THE DAY YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED YOUR NEW BUSINESS, THE NAMES OF TWELVE (12) GOOD, LIVE, HONEST, ENERGETIC MEN OR WOMEN WHOM YOU CONSCIENTIOUSLY BELIEVE WOULD MAKE SUCCESSES IN THAT FIELD, AFTER YOU ARE WELL ORGANIZED AND MAKING PLENTY OF MONEY AND SEE HOW VERY EASY IT IS TO HAVE A LIFE-TIME REVENUE -PRODUCER OF YOUR VERY OWN. IT IS DISTINCTLY UNDER- STOOD THAT YOU WILL PERFORM THIS SERVICE INSTEAD OF PAYING ME THE $95 BALANCE DUE FOR THIS COURSE. CONDITION 4: THAT YOU DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, REVEAL TO ANYONE THE CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND I WHEREBY YOU GET THIS ENTIRE MAIL ORDER EDUCATION AND FULL YEAR'S ASSISTANCE AND INSTRUCTION, VALUED AT $100, FOR THE UNBELIEVABLE PRICE OF $5. Now get the speed in you, if we're going to do business at all, and if you want me to help fou join the Money-Making Minority within a few brief weeks! I cannot urge you further, friend, and, of course, I could not possibly make you a more liberal offer, unless I WE this mail order course outright. WILL EXPECT YOUR ANSWER OF ACCEPTANCE, WITH $5 REMITTANCE, WITHIN SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS LETTER, OR, OF COURSE, I'LL CONCLUDE THAT YOU'RE LETTING A MERE FIVE-DOLLAR DOUBT STAND BETWEEN YOU AND A GLORIOUS NEW LIFE OF LIBERTY AND LUXURY, AND I'LL DISTURB fOU NO MORE. >u're the one to choose. Yes or No. I've made it AWFULLY EASY for you. I'm waitings four sincere friend, t *"mmM.t(iiit,i«n UimBWmil 224 EXTRA ! ! MAMMOTH NEW GUSHER IN FIELD INDICATES GIGANTIC PROSPECTS FOR ALL INVESTORS IN THE "MILLIONAIRE LEASE! !" My dear Sir: You haven't anb/rered my letter. Maybe it was mis-directed. Or perhaps you'- /e delayed action for some other reason — but whatever the cause of your failure to reply, I hope you'll imme- diately decide that the time to buy, if ever, is RIGHT NOW! I'm happy to report to you to-day that our Drillers are now down nearly feet on Well No. ! All authorities and indications prove that this Well will be a MONUMENTAL PROFIT PRODUCER for every man who holds stock in the company! Read enclosed bulletin sheet regarding New Barrel Gusher in Field, breaking all oil records, as verified by article from of It's just an indication to you of what may happen WHEN OUR OWN DRILLERS HAVE GONE DOWN A LITTLE FURTHER! I AM VERY SURE YOU WOULD THEN REPROACH YOURSELF VERY BITTERLY FOR NOT HAVING BOUGHT OIL STOCK WHEN THE EASY OPPORTUNITY HELD OUT ITS ARMS TO YOU AT A SHARE ! I am also glad to be able to tell you that the stock at this writ- ing is no higher than Cents. In the same breath let me warn you that THE ADVANCE IN PRICE WE HAVE EXPECTED MAY COME BY TELEGRAPH AT ANY HOUR ! I don't say this to hurry you. I'm absolutely sincere in wanting every buyer of stock to get in at the low figure IN ORDER THAT HE MAY REAP THE BIGGEST KIND OF CASH DIVIDENDS! It is certainly to my future advantage to have every single Investor realize Gigantic Returns on his money. It has ALWAYS been my firmly-fixed policy to handle none but Investments of the Highest Character, in the Most Reputable, Substantial and Lucrative Enterprises. ?he Canadian and California Business men in the Oil iompany are well known everywhere for their Sound, Successful business Foresight, High Intelligence and Integrity, and therefore YOU, as a stockholder, will be all the more Secure and Satisfied in Mind, after your stock has greatly advanced in >rice, the company's wells are producing, your Dividends are coming in regularly, your interests with the company will have >roadened, and we will be supplying the oil companies with thousands of barrels from our busy gushers ! 225 Sheet 2. THINK ! THINK ! ! YOU CAN PERHAPS INCREASE YOUR PRESENT INCOME TEN TO TWENTY TIMES WHAT IT IS TO-DAY, BY FILLING OUT THE ENCLOSED STOCK SUB- SCRIPTION BLANK AND SENDING IT TO ME BY FIRST MAIL WITH YOUR REMITTANCE ! All the busy Oil Companies in this Region are making STUPENDOUS PROFITS ! Our rich neighbors, like the Standard Oil and Amalgamated, ad- joining the "Millionaire Lease," keep boring and boring wells and BANKING THE PROFITS! Soon THIS company, YOUR company I hope it will be, SHALL BE DOING THE SAME THING ! ! As stated — at any hour, any day, I may receive telegraphic in- structions to "IMMEDIATELY ADVANCE THE PRICE OF STOCK" to 60, 75, 90 or $1 a Share. I therefore again reserve the right to return your Subscription and Remittance, as outlined in footnote notice. BUY AT ONCE, while you can get a big block of stock for compara- tively little money I BUY AT ONCE, and immediately become an owner in the Rich 40- acre ," in the Proven Territory of Field ! BUY AT ONCE, and very soon the Golden Dividends will Gush Forth and Give You All the Luxuries of Life, Ease, Independence and Power I BUY AT ONCE, and share in the Great Good News and Jubilation when Well No. BLOWS ITS HEAD OFF AND SPOUTS OUT OIL BY THE TRAIN-LOAD ! And now it's up to YOU I I've said my say. "There's a Time and Tide in the affairs of Men, which, taken at its Ebb, leads on to Fortune!" GET THAT SUBSCRIPTION AND REMITTANCE TO ME BY RETURN MAIL — AND IN LESS THAN THIRTY DAYS YOU'LL ONLY BE SORRY YOU DIDN'T BUY I EN TIMES THE AMOUNT YOU DID! 'ours very truly, NOTICE: hereby reserves the right to return any Subscription and Remittance, should the price of Oil stock have advanced above quotation herein, before the receipt of such subscription. 226 ! Dear Friend: Sitting here at my desk these days, WOW! I'm sorta all in a fever of excitement! It's the excitement of EXPECTANCY! A healthy, buoyant restlessness that stirs a fellow's blood! Waiting for word, you know, from the busy drillers down on our big oil lease in Oklahoma! ANY MINUTE, any hour, that wire may come showing the boys have hit the oil sands and hit 'em RIGHT AND DEEP! THAT'S the news I expect that's the news I'm waiting for the news that's keeping me on the tiptoe of anticipation! It makes a fellow smoke so doggone many of those strong, black cigars he becomes a regular stovepipe. It makes him fidgety and jerky and pleas- antly nervous YOU KNOW, a kind of joyful fever that thrills a fellow way down to his boots. 0, it's great to be EXPECTING SOMETHING BIG TO HAPPEN! Something that means the turning-point in a fellow's fortunes. The magic, lightning change that transforms him from a mere nickel-grubber, eternally worried about paying his bills, to a fellow who has EVERYTHING HE WANTS FOR HIMSELF AND LOVED ONES, with a great, big, fat, bulging bank balance, a fine home, a big buzz-wagon and all the luxuries of life! I'm thinking of YOU, friend, when I think of these things. Folks can tell you that personally I've ALREADY cashed in considerably from the Oklahoma Oil Fields, and others who were with me have, too. THIS TREASURY STOCK OF THE , AT 10 CENTS A SHARE, TO MY WAY OF THINKING, AT THIS MOMENT SEEMS TO REPRESENT DAME FORTUNE TOUCHING YOU ON THE SHOULDER WITH A WAND OF PURE GOLD! THIS IS NOT FANCY. IT'S FACT. BACKED BY FACTS. WARM, LIVE, REAL, THROBBING FACTS ABOUT OUR PROPERTY, ITS PROSPECTS, AND ENDLESS INSTANCES OF MEN WHO MADE MONEY DOWN IN OKLAHOMA WITHIN THE LAST FEW YEARS! Tour peculiar hesitancy to buy this stock may cause you ACTUAL GRIEF at any hour. Maybe rou've ALWAYS hesitated when a great opportunity stood at your elbow and almost BARKED it you! Maybe that's why you've never accumulated enough money to make you happy. We believe we have the chance for you today. With a vast oil lease right in the heart )f a field with actual producing wells, 150 of them around us with our own big equip- nent in action, with the drill going, going ceaselessly night and day we feel it's a time for you to brush aside every vestige of doubt and remit to the BANK OF , for as much of this stock at 10 cents per share as you can possibly buy right now. THE BANK KEEPS YOUR MONEY FOR YOU UNTIL I HAVE SOLD 25 CARLOADS OF OIL AND YOU KNOW THAT MY $10,000 BOND ABSOLUTELY PROTECTS YOU. YOU HAVE NO CAUSE WHATEVER TO HESITATE ANY LONGER. NO MATTER HOW BIG YOUR PURCHASE OF THIS STOCK: YOUR MONEY IS JUST AS SAFE! YOUR INTERESTS JUST AS SECURE! AND YOUR CHANCES JUST THAT MUCH GREATER FOR COLOSSAL GAINS ON YOUR INVESTMENT ! Beside all these things: Our Unquestionable Banking and Commercial References are so strong that the most cautious man alive would find no further cause for Doubt or Delay! I want to see YOU get in on this thing, my friend. I talked just this way to the men and women who went in with me on the great OIL deal not many months ago and who are now deeply grateful they did. We have the proven stuff right here in this great big, wonderful lease the oil sands are there, the test wells have proven it ABSOLUTELY, and neither you nor I nor any other man has a grain of business sense not to buy every dollar's worth of Treasury Stock at 10 cents he can possibly get hold of. nmm.ni: m n ..i„,„m,„.. n .,i„.. n „ n ..»^-«»m»«.»».-^~.. mM . M — —- —,.—,— t— imimnirmiTmnmmimiiittimiiiiiiimiiniMiiiwiiiii —niimniiiimiMmiiimwii i'fl miiTmiimiiitiinmiiiwimiiiii 1111111111111111mi111m114.11u114ju1111u1uui11.1r 227 J Sheet 2. 1 REMEMBER THIS: THE MINUTE WE PRODUCE THESE 25 CARLOADS OF OIL, THE PRICE OF THIS STOCK SHOOTS WAY UP OUT OF THE REACH OF THE FELLOWS TO WHOM BIG OIL PROFITS WOULD PROVE A POSITIVE BLESSING! That is the warning I want to DRIVE DEEP INTO YOUR MIND. I don't want you to look back and reproach yourself about this thing, and say I didn't tell you. You had better make up your remittance, fill in the enclosed blank and GET IT RIGHT OFF TO THE BANK, before I get a wire that says: " , WE'VE STRUCK A GUSHER! SELL NO MORE STOCK AT A DIME!" Remember, he who hesitates now-a-days never even gets a FLASH at Fortune. The men who made millions in Oklahoma are the men who DARED. Who went ahead unafraid, who plunged in on their own judgment and didn't WAIT! I'm expecting your answer by wire to hold your shares with remittance by registered mail. I hope sincerely, for your own good, you will get in with us before the hour strikes when you'll bitterly say to yourself: "GREAT GUNS! WHAT A FOOL I WAS TO HOLD BACK THOSE FEW MEASLY DOLLARS ! THINK! THINK WHAT THEY'D HAVE BROUGHT ME! " Sincerely your friend, NOTICE: Mr. hereby reserves the right to request the Bank of to return any remittance for stock at 10 cents per share, should said price advance before the receipt of such subscription by said bank. *WW»mitnHiHHJHHi!H||||tHH!ll mnnimumuiimmitmmMiitui rmui wnuHMHrnmiiiuwoi! iuhhwiui n :■:..!! . , i ■. -i ... .1 :'.' ,.•'■.'.. ■ ■'■■ 'i. ■ 'i ■■ .. . 228 f Dear Mr. I am rushing this letter to you. Really I feel as though I ought to have WIRED. There is no time to be lost NOW. I can't imag- ine WHY you haven't answered me. (Possibly you may have been away or something.) But I do know there IS need for immediate haste at this writing. Here is my FINAL WARNING. If at this late hour you want to secure Treasury Stock of the Corporation, at 10 cents a share I THERE IS EVERY EX- PECTANCY OF A RAISE IN PRICE ALMOST ANY HOUR! While you are waiting, many are BUYING! Whatever YOUR doubts may be, OTHER PEOPLE don't share them! The Bank of Denver, which receives these remittances for stock, has notified us that their mail increases in volume with every round of the postman — handful upon handful of letters from thrifty, far-seeing, wide-awake people everywhere, who realize that on our big proven oil property in Oklahoma there ought to be profits for EVERYBODY, because we can really drill as many as 60 wells on this 169 acres ! id they are rushing their money right into the Bank of Denver, because they realize ANOTHER THING: THE MINUTE m PRODUCE THE FIRST 25 CARS OF OIL FROM THIS LEASE — BING ! UP, UP, UP GOES THE VALUE OF THEIR TREASURY STOCK, HIGHER AND HIGHER, DAY BY DAY! THE STOCK THEY PAID A MERE 10 CENTS A SHARE FOR, AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME, AS YOU SHOULD TODAY! mother thing that makes them buy this Treasury Stock without hesitation or the least misgiving for the safety of their money, or the outcome of this investment: They know full well that right there in the State Mercantile Eank is that $10,000 Bond that absolutely protects every dollar of every investor who sends his or her money there. Do you realize, also, that, IN ADDITION, you are getting an actual interest in this $90,000 lease with the $38,000 of improvements on this proven oil land? Do you realize, fur- thermore, than 140 oil wells surround our property? That everything in the vicinity seems to be literally soaked and swimming in oil? That the test wells on our own lease show not only ONE oil sand, but THREE of them, and we know the actual depth? And all this security, and all this positive proof, and all this valuable lease and the improvements thereon, including the well now drilling and all the wells we ever drill, ALL go into this proposition, and you become part owner in them, at the low price of 10 cents a share for the Treasury Stock. I am one of the plain people and I get along best in dealing with them. They are my kind. You will remember Abraham Lincoln said: M G0D MUST HAVE LOVED THE PLAIN PEOPLE. HE MADE SO MANY OF THEM." "' iiiiiiiriuiiiimimii 229 Sheet 2 It isn't the rich man I want to make rich. He's got enough. It's the fellow who works hard for every dollar he earns. The man or woman who has hoped and waited and wished for an oppor- tunity like this ! Who has dreamed of better things and brighter days and bigger happiness for self and loved ones. THINK! THINK! You may perhaps increase your present income TEN TO TWENTY TIMES what it is today by filling out enclosed blank and sending your money to the Bank by the very next mail! But the BIG thing is not to DILLY-DALLY, not to DOZE, not to WAIT! You should DO THE THING this minute! As stated at any hour, any day, I may receive telegraphic news that will swiftly advance this 10 cent price to 250, 500, or stop the sale of stock entirely. BUY AT ONCE, while you can get a big block of Treasury Stock for comparatively little money! BUY AT ONCE, and immediately become part owner in the big lease, its improvements, the well now drilling, and the big profits we all so confidently look forward to ! BUY AT ONCE, and share with me in the great good news when the well now drilling blows its head off with a rip and a roar and spouts out the Golden Grease all over its surroundings ! And now it's up to you! YOU ENTIRELY! I've had my say. This is final. Remember, "There's a time and tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at its ebb, leads on to fortune!" !ET OFF THAT SUBSCRIPTION BLANK AND REMITTANCE TO THE.- j ° BANK OF BY THE NEXT MAIL AND PERHAPS IN LESS THAN ONE SHORT WEEK YOU WILL ONLY BE SORRY YOU DID'T BUY TEN TIMES THE AMOUNT YOU DID TODAY! Yours for Immediate Action, NOTICE: hereby reserves the right to request the Bank, of , to return any remittance for — stock at 10 cents per share, should said price advance before the receipt of such subscription by said bank. 230 My dear friend: I am sincerely glad to get personally acquainted with you through your reply to my advertisement. I am positive it is going to prove an acquaintance, a friendship, that will result in a world of boundless happiness for you, of deep, sincere, unforgetting gratitude on your part for the great, glorious, precious new liberty that will be yours after you have been forever released from the cruel, cruel prison of fat that has so long held captive. When you will arise in the morning and greet each beautiful new born day with a glad song upon your lips instead of a sigh; when you will glow from head to foot with a thrilling exultation of becoming more beautifully slender day by day, actually seeing with your own eyes the superfluous flesh melt away, and instead of the flabby, fat, un- gainly lines, the new and bewildering grace of youth will steal as if by magic over your entire form; the miracle of being made all over again will actually transpire for you — a slender waist-line, smaller and more classic hip lines, a girlish throat, clean-cut, smooth and fair; a firmer bust of beautiful and more modest roundness; thighs and lower limbs superbly re-molded, so that the tight gowns of the day will enchantingly express the sylph-like grace of your new proportions! And your arms! Their new, slender, soft, velvety youthfulness will add to your already brimming cup of perfect happiness! Listen, dear friend: I am so wildly enthusiastic over my new world-thrilling dis- covery of a perfect and positive fat reducer, that I am madly impatient for every fat human being in the universe to get the wonderful benefits of it right away, right away! My own case is so bewildering I can scarcely believe it yet, and sometimes have the horrible thought that "I'll awake and find it all a dream." I, , once a too-hopelessly fat girl, a dreamer, doomed to be a despairing, disappointed nonentity it seemed, because of my awful over-burden of flesh, now new and young and beautifully girlish again, and the Star of " ," one of the country's greatest and most successful musical productions, owned by the great and rich and powerful theatrical trust! I, , have actually, truthfully, fallen off seventy pounds, through the most harmless method in the world, through an astonishingly new, delightful, heretofore unheard of, undreamed of, method that is sure to electrify all civilization! I, , who in the wildest flights of all my histrionic dreams, never dared hope of being some day chosen, for the superior grace and loveliness of my figure, as leading lady of one of the foremost American musical comedies, to vie with and outrival, in physical charm and attractiveness, every other woman in that mammoth theatrical production! Yet it has come to pass, and I am a brand new woman, well and happy, with reverent gratitude and profound thankfulness in my soul that I found the way, found the way, after so many painful, tortured years; happy, glad and thankful that I may no-v help all others to that seventh heaven of ecstatic delight which I shall call "SLENDERDOM! " Yes, yes, I want to and can and will help you, dear friend, you and every other woman who will do herself the great good of believing implicitly in the actual, positive, proven effects of the , so vastly different and more sure and sane id sensible than all the rest, that you will be absolutely thunderstruck after you have received it and are happily started on your precious new process of recreation. tow, I am going to promptly make you thin at the lowest possible cost to you; I am lot going to ask you to pawn your body and soul to me, as the expensive specialists id other fat reducing concerns do, but I have to pay for advertising, for office rent id expenses in order to tell my story to you and all the rest of the world of fat folks, so you realize I must have something from each one in order to maintain my institution, am a woman and in this thing heart and soul, out of the great joy it has brought me, 30th to be slender and see all others slender, so if you will fill out the enclosed guarantee order blank and send it to me at once, with ten dollars, I will immediately send you, under plain cover, the complete guaranteed , the like of rtiich you have never even dreamed of nor the world has ever seen! With this new and absolutely unfailing fat reducer, let me firmly impress upon you that you have no internal medicine to take, no nauseous pills, tablets, powders or liquids, no grilling, grinding, gruelling exercises, tortuous massage, no painful masks or bind- ing apparatus, no rollers, none of the old, moth-eaten, worn-out, useless, silly, sense- less daily self-denial or third degree methods. I guarantee all this, and on the day you receive my treatment you will yourself be happily aware that you have at last found the only real and rational treatment known to the world's science. Now, frankly, I truly expect you, of all people, to answer me back in happy haste, feverishly eager to be FOREVER RELIEVED OF YOUR FAT AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DAY, so that you will soon be slender, newly graceful, free and happy as a child over it all, with an intense, deep joy and burning pride filling your inmost being with a thousand new-born hopes and purposes and plans. Then I know you will be as wildly enthusiastic ,:-,.'. :-.. :; :iliiititiiitiiuiui>tmti»iuiiiHiii>iiiniiii>iii>ini:iiiMtiii»nii»ii>Miiu!iii<>iiij>i>iiiH<>i>ii>< raimimimmim.mi ■MMnmMH miimmiiiitiimmMMiiiNiimtm»miim»i.ii.imrmuiinFnjfim; i I, ..,.-.., 239 My dear Sir: We are glad to send you this trial package of We know if you will begin immediately and carefully follow directions, you will soon be very, very happy over the result. Because is a concentrated, natural genuine FOOD you will have a plump, well-rounded figure in a surprisingly short space of time ! All the hollows and "skinny places" will disappear! You will be astonished, dumbfounded! So will your friends ! Beside your healthy, new, firm flesh, you will take en, these tablets will increase your bounding energy and buoyant spirits. You'll work, walk, eat, sleep, act and think like a different human being. We are sending you, too, an interesting booklet called "Good Flesh." Sit right down and read it carefully. It's full of great and gratifying news if you want to gain good, solid flesh and glow with perfect health! And now, HERE ARE SOME IMPORTANT THINGS TO BURN INTO YOUR MEMORY ! 1. Right today is the time to begin taking 2. Do not, under any circumstances, or for any reason, let anything or anybody interrupt this treatment. 3. Never miss a dose — from this hour, take one of these food tablets before each meal, three times a day. 4. Drink plenty of good, pure water every time you take a tablet. 5. You must at once supply yourself with sufficient to gain from ten to thirty pounds, so that when these sample tablets are exhausted, you will not have to wait for more of them to continue the treatment. 240 Sheet 2 We are personally very anxious to see you take on New Flesh rap- idly, and get the full, vitalizing benefit of this remarkable body builder. WE ALSO WANT TO QUICKLY INTRODUCE IT INTO YOUR LOCALITY. A satisfied person WILL talk and we know you'll HELP US INTRODUCE IT BY YOUR ENTHUSIASTIC TESTIMONY after you've experienced its wonderful benefits. Therefore, we will send you PREPAID, IN PLAIN PACKAGE, our complete $4 treatment, consisting of two large size, regular $2 boxes, for $3, if you will promptly fill out the enclosed order form and remit. You are risking nothing by remitting at once, because OUR POSITIVE GUARANTEE accompanies each $4 treatment, and entitles you to YOUR MONEY BACK, if not satisfied after a ten days' trial. Right now will begin to make a plump, well-rounded, virile, vigorous individual out of you! Right now is the time to begin! RIGHT NOW YOU SHOULD GET THIS ORDER IN THE MAIL ! Yours for More Weight and Rosy Health, '""""" "'""""" ""''"'"""" Ml ' ll "" w " lllll "" ll ' lnin '^ —I ■MHMNHUI 241 Dear Mr. (or Dear Dr. ): So many of your Colleagues are letting me send them a Complimentary Quart of Why not YOU? I want you to have some of this famous old brand that Grandfather Rose made in his Log Cabin Still at the close of the war ! Out of aged casks, hoop-rusty and worn with time, we take a most lusciously-ripe 18-year-old Kentucky bourbon, to blend with The result's SOMETHING DELICIOUS I A serene, smooth, liquid-velvet, fragrant as Spring flowers, so deeply satisfying I simply can't describe it— BUT I KNOW YOU'LL POSITIVELY BE DELIGHTED: This honorably-aged, pure, gentleman's drink wins your warm friendship IMMEDIATELY. Let me express at once four quarts prepaid — NO OBLIGATION, NO EXPENSE TO YOU; one quart is YOURS to enjoy to your heart's content. Keep the other three ONLY if it tastes so good you really WANT to, and send me otherwise, express them back at my expense, and no harm's done. If you'll mail the enclosed card to-night, I'm sure you'll be glad you did. Sincerely yours, President. 242 PRIVATE OFFICE My dear I write you personally to-day because I want you to enjoy a trial quart of the most delicious, rare old Whiskey you ever used. This quart I'm anxious to have you try immediately. I'd like to express it, with three others, so you'd have a reasonable supply in case you found it EXACTLY what you've wanted. HUNDREDS OF PROMINENT CHURCHMEN WHO REGULARLY USE OUR PEERLESS PRONOUNCE IT THE MOST PERFECTLY AGED, PURE, WHOLE- SOME AND HEALTHFUL BEVERAGE THEY HAVE EVER FOUND. I'm sure YOU will say the samel When you're a bit tired, or after visiting the hospital or exposure out-of-doors, you'll find a soothing, strengthening draught — a real energizer, a rare tonic. It also makes a most hospitable offering to set before a visiting colleague or other friend. BLENDED WITH A LUSCIOUS, MELLOW 18-YEAR-OLD STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON, IT IS SO DELIGHTFUL AS A DIGESTIVE AID, WITH ITS ELO- QUENT FLAVOR AND DEEPLY FRAGRANT BOUQUET, THAT YOUR PHYSICIAN WILL ENTHUSIASTICALLY COMMEND IT. The four quarts would come to you in a plain package, express prepaid, STRICTLY AT MY RISK; you to test a whole quart with my hearty good wishes. You are perfectly welcome to it. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION WHATEVER. If then you are so thoroughly pleased you want to keep the full shipment, simply send us ; other- wise you can return the remaining three quarts at my expense. KINDLY MAIL THE ENCLOSED CARD TO-DAY. TRY THIS EXTRA-FINE WHISKEY AT ONCE. I KNOW HOW WELL YOU'LL LIKE IT. I DOUBT IF YOU'VE EVER TASTED ITS EQUAL AND BELIEVE YOU WILL EVEN BE GRATEFUL THAT I WROTE YOU. With cordial greetings and the hope that you are in the best of health, I am, Sincerely yours, ■"""KUHtHMim 243 PRIVATE OFFICE Dear Mr. Your very kind order was just received to-day, and I want to write you myself and sincerely thank you for your continued patronage. You see, it is something of a deep, genuine personal satisfaction to me to feel that you have become one of the many warm friends of this supremely fine brand. Another man who uses it regularly writes me: "This glorious whiskey of yours, , is by long odds the grandest lubricant that ever gladdened the gullet of Man! I've no eulogy to do it justice; words are weak to describe its witchery. It hath a Soul — the Soul of Purity. It is a Poem of Liquid Paradise, that calms the Spirit and clarifies the mental atmosphere like a gentle Summer's rain!" In entering your order just now, the book-keeper found a little memo of your unpaid balance as noted below. I told him you'd probably forgotten to send it with the new order, or, more likely, you thought it was already paid. Most of our good friends really appreciate being reminded of an oversight like this, and I know you'll feel the same. You can just fix ap the old balance to-day, while the thought's in your mind, and I'll be more than glad to extend the usual convenient terms on your new order. Again assuring you of my profound pleasure at receiving your call for another supply, and awaiting your kind remittance, witn cordial regards, I remain, Sincerely your friend, 244 I Dear Mr. The bit of pasteboard enclosed is magical. 'Twill transform your taste for a toss-off, into a refined appetite for that Nectar of the Gods, called ■ " the most delicious man's-bev- erage in Christendom, a Fascinating Fourteen-Year-Old that makes you forever forget any other whiskey you ever tasted ! No man ever quaffed this Kingly Cup, but what his soul soared the Heights of Supreme Satisfaction. The red-blooded mortal who likes a rare drop finds in " n the Soft, Subtle, Seducive Smack that Soothes ! Make this magic card your messenger; mail it. If w M does not prove a Princely Potation that Pleaseth Your Palate to Perfection, then the treat, Good Sir, is ours. Are we fair with you? Cordially yours, 245 Dear Mr. Deep, deep down in our dark dungeon-cellars, where no ray of golden sunlight is allowed to penetrate, for fourteen long years we've had imprisoned some fine, old, rare whiskey called " . " DELICIOUS I We want you to have some ! It's be long odds the Most Glorious Lubricant that ever Gladdened the Gullet of Man we have no eulogy to do it justice ; words are weak to describe its Witchery I But the little card enclosed will bring a goodly gallon to your lordship's larder; you can sample it and by YOUR judgment we'll abide. The Risk is all ours rush the card, Senor ! Cordially yours, ■Hmmnmmmm ■.■.-,: I ■■;.,:..';.■.;,■■ I'lillltlllllllllllillM 246 ! TROUBLE KNOCKED AT THE DOOR, AND, HEARING A LAUGH, HURRIED AWAY Dear Mr. The guy with a Fear worm, Sick "murm" or Grouch germ, has nothing on 999 at Sing Sing — he'll never scale the wall of his woeful Imaginitis. Now the positive pacifier for peeved persons is that peerless prescription, pronounced " n , a fear-dispelling, exhilarating extract of Eternal Optimism, that clarifies the mental atmosphere like a Gentle Summer's Rain. The Charm of this Winsome Whiskey is in its Mellow Age, its Appetizing Aroma, its healthful, healing, harmonious companionship after it gets inside. Have a Gallon sent to you — after the First Taste you'll treasure it as a New-Found Friend. Sincerely yours, "'""" ' "' I """" ' ' WW IMII HI. W I I HaMMMWMMMWWM I ttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmftmmmmt^mmwmmmammmimmim^f 247 Dear Mr. Why not mingle a little of the Spirit of f 76 with the Spirits of '99? Yes, yes! DO have a supply of " ■ for the Fourth ! The glorious manhood of our bold, brave forefathers are commemorated in the patriotic thunders of our great American holiday — so this fine, old, fragrant whiskey fits well the occasion! ' Tis a serene, smooth, inspiring beverage, with a winsome delicacy that bringeth down blessings on the host and beaming satisfaction to the soul within! The joys of Vacation, too, are heightened by a handy flagon of this same superb " " , the fluid of Fellowship; the juice of aged perfection. Of course your order should go forward post-haste — why not this very day? Sincerely yours, 248 Ho, There ! With Santa peeping 'round the corner, and YOU thinkin' of EVERYBODY ELSE — how about a wee, winsome, divine draught ie of somethin' REAL good for yerself '? Why not a bit of self -giving? Say a four-quart remembrance of ■ " ? And, as it's a gift occasion, we'll do OUR share by slipping in a sly bottle of dear ole St. Croix Rum, with a delicious recipe for Old Fashioned Southern Egg-nog that'll draw forth deep UM-M-M-M-M-S of ecstacy ! " " is a serene, soul-warming Christmas beverage ; the cup of Yuletide camaraderie — Ah ! Man , Man 1 'Tis Noble Nectar! And you've naught to do but mail the card enclosed: MAKE HASTE, THEN I A joyous thought — don't wait Lest the Festive Cheer come late! Yours for a Merry Christmas, ' ■.::■■ J . i ■ i ■ 1 1 , , r i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■: ntimnnii mil 1 1 j n m t . m . ; F i ! n ' H - s i M i . 1 1 . . m n 1 1 1 . . 1 1 h i r r 1 1 f i i J u ■■ n-n ■■rn.M, 1 ■■.:■■■■ mi ■ 249 I "The Goddess of Morn, with rosy tinted fingers, draws aside the curtain of Night, to let the Sun-God in his Chariot of Gold, enter upon his Ethereal Flight." Dear Mr. The bright, fresh, youthful hopes of the dawn tingle in every drop of " " — the Wonder Whiskey — a marvel of mellowness, of amber richness, of aged Perfection, of delicacy, of immaculate fragrance. Today — right now, this delightful draught should take the place of the one you now imbibe ; " " would be so much more gratifying, because, dear friend, this Rare Whiskey is sincere ; it hath a Soul — the Soul of Purity. Your first order, on the card enclosed, would mean but little profit to us — only by proving to you the deeply delightful DIFFERENCE of " " can we hope to number you among its firm, fast, fond friends. Just as sure as you try it, you'll be one of them. Why not TO-DAY? Cordially yours, ' ,: """""" ,l; ' " ■■■■■■■ , wuMMMHwan mm mm mm MiHMHiaiawaHaMnMMaHBaaNiM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■i 250 "Why be this Juice? The Growth of God. Who dare blaspheme it as a snare? A Blessing we should use it, should we not — and if a curse, why, then, Who Put it There?" — OMAR Kind Sir: IS a Blessing ! And YOU should use it ! No whiskey you've tasted has so eloquent an aroma, so inviting an incense of aged purity, so pleasurable a passing-down; for in this Inspired Amber you will find rare Refreshment, Peace, Poise and Power. Out of aged barrels, hoop-rusty, warped and worn with time, we draw this Fourteen-Year-Old Fragrance, for those who pass the Friendly Word to send it on. Will YOU? Sincerely, ■ 'i '■'. YE 16076 S: 'If* / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY h *•