UC-NRLF SB E57 GIFT OF ibeatb's fiDofcern Xanguaoe Series A TRIP TO SOUTH AMERICA EXERCISES IN SPANISH COMPOSITION BY SAMUEL M. WAXMAN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES m BOSTON UNIVERSITY D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY D. C. HEATH & Co. PREFACE These lessons are intended for students in high schools and colleges who have mastered the elements of Spanish grammar. They form a series of consecutive conversations between a young business man and a college instructor who first plan a trip to South America and then visit Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and Santiago de Chile. It is hoped that in each lesson the Spanish conversation will be learned verbatim by the student before he attempts to do the exer- cise in composition. The English exercises are purposely kept close to the Spanish in order that the student may make as few errors as possible in Spanish constructions, the author's theory being that it is wiser to give the student the idiomatic Spanish phrase at the very outset, and not allow him the slightest opportunity to write phrases that have an English flavor. Each lesson contains in part 2 one or more irregular verbs put into short, colloquial phrases introducing as many simple, current idioms as possible. I take this opportunity to thank my colleague, Professor Francisco Zuazaga, and Mr. Guillermo Rivera of Harvard University for many valuable suggestions and corrections. I am especially indebted to Mr. Rivera who very kindly examined the manuscript before it went to press and also read the proofs. Thanks are also due to the Macmillan Co. and to Mr. Rivera once more for their kind permission to reprint the description of Rio de Janeiro in Lesson XII. S. M. W. A45894 A TRIP TO SOUTH AMERICA LESSON I 1. En el Club jHola, Juan! <:Es Vd.? <;C6mo va, holgazan? <[Que hace Vd. aqui a 1 esta hora del dia? iCaramba! 6 librotes. 32 A TRIP TO SOUTH AMERICA sido comparada a la de Napoles, Palermo, Sidney, San Francisco, Honkong y Bombay, asi como el Bosforo. No se parece en nada a ninguna, excepto en ser bella, ni me figuro que se parezca a ninguna en el mundo. Ima- 5 ginese uno el fondo del valle Yosemita, o el del valle de Auronzo en los Alpes venecianos, lleno de agua, y el efecto seria algo semejante al de la bahia de Rio. Sin embargo faltaria la lozana vegetation y el panorama de las lejanas mon tafias y la realization de la presencia del 10 oceano azul fuera de los cabos que guardan la en trad a. El nombre (Rio de Enero) sugiere un rio, pero esto fue un error de los descubridores Portugueses, pues son solo corrientes insignificantes las que desembocan en esta gran ensenada. Es un golfo cercado de tierra, de veinte 15 millas de largo y de cinco a diez de ancho, al que se llega desde el oceano por un estrecho de menos de una milla de ancho entre promontories penascosos en los cuales se han erigido f uertes. Al lado del norte y dentro de la entrada esta la villa de Nictheroy cuyo nombre conme- 20 mora una tribu de indios extinta desde hace muchisimo tiempo. En frente de ella hay penascos escarpados y detras se levantan altos montes. (From G. Rivera's translation of Bryce's South America.) 2. Verbs : traer, distraer, valer, valerse de Bring it to me at once. He brought it to them. They 25 brought it with them. He is bringing it now. Don't bring it with you. I am bringing them. We brought them to you. If you had not brought them, we should not have paid you. Let us not distract him. They distracted him very much. Don't distract him. Gracious me! 1 Better 2 late than never. 1 / Vdlgame Dios! 2 mas vale. A TRIP TO SOUTH AMERICA 33 How much is that worth? It is not worth much to-day, but it will be worth more to-morrow. They will never be worth anything. It would be worth more if he had not broken it. It is not worth while 1 to do it. I am sorry that it is not worth more. He did not avail himself of his strength. Avail 5 yourself of every opportunity. 3. Exercise How well 2 you describe Rio! Did you ever read any de- scriptions of that beautiful bay and city? Yes, about twenty or so, but none of them describes Rio as it really is. How can one be successful in describing the most beautiful spot 3 10 in 4 the world? None of those descriptions which I have read have prepared me for the truth. Have you ever seen the bays of Palermo or Naples? Do you think that either of them looks like Rio, except that they too are beautiful? If you could imagine yourself in a valley that was full of water, 15 the effect would be something like that of the bay of Rio. Nevertheless the blue ocean and the mountains in the dis- tance would be lacking. But here we are now. We can de- scribe it ourselves. Those two capes over there seem to guard the entrance to the bay. Yes, they are called The Hump- 20 back 5 and the Sugarloaf. 6 This strait between the two capes does not seem to be more than a mile wide. By the way, why was this bay called a river? Oh, that was a mistake of the Portuguese explorers. The two rivers that empty into the bay are insignificant streams. How large should you say 25 that"* this gulf is? About twenty miles long and from five to ten miles wide. Those must be forts over there on those promontories. Do you see that town over there to the north? That is called Nictheroy. What a peculiar name! It surely is not Portuguese, is it? 8 No, it is an Indian name and com- 30 1 valer la pena. 2 que, bien. 3 lugar. 4 de. 5 El Corcovado. El Pan de Azucar. 7 que extension tendrd. 8 jverdad? 34 A TRIP TO SOUTH AMERICA memorates an Indian tribe that used to live there a long time ago. Just look at those high hills rising behind the houses, the luxuriant vegetation everywhere, and the beauti- ful city of Rio nestling around the curve l of the bay with ; the blue water in front. Now, do you think that any other city of the world can be compared with Rio? LESSON XIII 1. De Montevideo a Buenos Aires jQue mar tan borrascosa! Se diria que estamos en pleno mar o en el Canal de la Mancha o tal vez en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Y esta ensenada no es nada mas 10 que un estuario. Aunque lo llaman el Rio de la Plata es hasta cierto punto un lago donde desembocan los grandes rios el Uruguay y el Parana y otros mas chicos. 12. decir, diciendo, dicho. pres. ind. digo, dices, dice, decimos, decfs, dicen. pres. subj. diga, digas, diga, digamos, digais, digan. pret. dije, dijiste, dijo, diji- mos, dijisteis, dijeron. . , . / dijese, imp.nbj. [jjQ^ jut. dire, etc. cond. dirfa, etc. 13. dormir, durmiendo, dor- mido. Rad. ch. pres. indie, duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dor- mis, duermen. pres. subj. duerma, duermas, duerma, durmamos, dur- mais, duerman. pret. dormf, dormiste, dur- mi6, dormimos, dormisteis, durmieron. durmiese, durmiera ; etc 14. empezar, empezando, em- pezado. Rad. ch. and verbs in zar change z to c before e. pres. indie, empiezo, em- piezas, empieza, empeza- mos, empezais, empiezan. pres. subj. empiece, empieces, empiece, empecemos, em- peceis, empiecen. pret. ist. pers. sing, empece. 15. enviar, enviando, enviado. Takes an accent on the i in the sing, and 3d pers. plur. of pres. indie, and pres. subj. pres. indie, envio, envias, envfa, enviamos, enviais, envian. pres. subj. envfe, envies, envfe, enviemos, envieis, envien. 16. escribir, irreg. p.p. es- crito. 17. estar, estando, estado. pres. indie, estoy, estas, esta, estamos, estais, estan. pres. subj. este", estes, este, estemos, esteis, esten. pret. estuve, estuviste, es- tuvo, estuvimos, estuvis- teis, estuvieron. , f estuviese, imp-suly. { estuviera>etc . gustar, regular in sense of to taste; impersonal, used only in third person in sense of to like. 18. haber, habiendo, habido. pres. ind. he, has, ha, (hay), hemos, habeas, ban. pres. subj. haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayais, hayan. pret. hube, hubiste, hubo, APPENDIX 73 hubimos, hubisteis, hu- bieron. hubiese, hubiera, etc. jut. habre, etc. cond. habrla, etc. 19. hacer, haciendo, hecho. pres. indie, ist pers. hago. pres. subj. haga, hagas, haga, hagamos, hagais, hagan. pret. hice, hiciste, hizo, hici- mos, hicisteis, hicieron. , . / hiciese, fap.slAj. \ hiciera, etc. fut. hare, etc. cond. haria, etc. 20. huir, huyendo, huido. pres. indie, huyo, huyes, huye, huimos, huis, huyen. pres. subj. huya, huyas, huya, huyamos, huyais, huyan. pret. hui, huiste, huy6, hui- mos, huisteis, huyeron. j huyese, imp. subj. ( huyerajetc . 21. ir, yendo, ido. pres. indie, voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van. pres. subj. vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayais, vayan. pret. fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron. , . f fuese, imp. subj. ( fuera>etc . fut. ire, etc. cond. iria, etc. 22. jugar, jugando, jugado. Rad. ch., and verbs in gar insert u before e. pres. ind. juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugais, juegan. pres. subj. juegue, juegues, juegue, juguemos, jugueis, jueguen. pret. ist pers. sing, jugue. leer, see creer. lucir, see conocer. 23. llegar, llegando, llegado. Verbs in gar insert u before e. pres. subj. llegue, llegues, llegue, lleguemos, llegueis, lleguen. pret. ist. pers. sing, llegue. morir, muriendo, muerto. See dormir. 24. ofr, oyendo, oido. pres. indie, oigo, oyes, oye, oimos, ois, oyen. pres. subj. oiga, oigas, oiga, oigamos, oigais, oigan. pret. of, olste, oy6, oimos, oisteis, oyeron. . . , . -j / oyese, * w ^^ \oyera, etc. fut. oire, etc. cond. oirfa, etc. pagar, see llegar. parecer, see conocer. 25. pedir, pidiendo, pedido. pres. indie, pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pedis, piden. pres. subj. pida, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidais, pidan. pret. pedi, pediste, pidi6, pedimos, pedisteis, pidie- ron. . ,.( pidiese, imp. subj. { pidiera?eta 26. pensar, pensando, pensa- do. Rad. ch. pres. indie, pienso, piensas, piensa, pensamos, pensais, piensan. pres. subj. piense, pienses, 74 APPENDIX piense, pensemos, penseis, piensen. 27. perder, perdiendo, per dido. Rad. ch. pres. indie, pierdo, pierdes, pierde, perdemos, perdeis, pierden. pres. subj. pierda, pierdas, pierda, perdamos, perdais, pierdan. 28. poder, pudiendo, podido. pres. indie, puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, podeis, pueden. pres. subj. pueda, puedas, pueda, podamos, podais, puedan. pret. pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudisteis, pudie- ron. / pudiese, imp. subj. j pudierajetc . fut. podre, etc. cond. podria, etc. 29. poner, poniendo, puesto. pres. indie, ist pers. pongo. pres. subj. ponga, pongas, ponga, pongamos, pon- gais, pongan. pret. puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusisteis, pusie- ron. imp. subj. pusiese, pusiera, etc. fut. pondre, etc. cond. pondria, etc. 30. querer, queriendo, querido. pres. indie, quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, quereis, quieren. pres. subj. quiera, quieras, quiera, queramos, querais, quieran. pret. quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisisteis, qui- sieron. , f quisiese, imp. subj. { quisiera>etc . fut. querre, etc. cond. querria, etc. 31. reir, riendo, reido. pres. indie, rio, ries, rie, reimos, reis, rien. pres. subj. ria, rias, ria, riamos, rials, rlan. pret. rei, reiste, rio, reimos, relsteis, rieron. , . / riese, imp. subj. | rierajetc> fut. reire, etc. cond. reiria, etc. 32. saber, sabiendo, sabido. pres. indie, se, sabes, sabe, ' sabemos, sabeis, saben. pres. subj. sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepals, sepan. pret. supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supisteis, supie- ron. . , . / supiese, imp. subj. ( supiera> etc . fut. sabre, etc. cond. sabria, etc. sacar, see buscar. 33. salir, saliendo, salido. pres. indie, salgo, sales, sale, salimos, salisj salen. pres. subj. saiga, saigas, saiga, salgamos, salgais, salgan. fut. saldre, etc. cond. saldria, etc. 34. seguir, siguiendo, seguido. pres. indie, sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, seguis, siguen. pres. subj. siga, sigas, siga, sigamos, sigais, sigan. APPENDIX 75 ,. imp. subj. pret. segul, seguiste, sigui6, seguimos, seguisteis. si- guieron. siguiese, siguieraj etc. sentarse, like pensar. 35. sentir, sintiendo, sentido. Rad. ch. pres. indie, siento, sientes, siente, sentimos, sentis, sienten. pres. subj. sienta, sientas, sienta, sentamos, sentais, sientan. pret. senti, sentiste, sinti6, sentimos, sentisteis, sin- tieron. imp. subj. \ smtiera, etc. 36. ser, siendo, sido. pres. indie, soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son. pres. subj. sea, seas, sea, seamos, seais, scan. pret. fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron. / f uese, j. | fuerajetc> servir, see pedir. 37. tener, teniendo, tenido. pres. indie, tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, teneis, tienen. pres. subj. tenga, tengas, tenga, tengamos, tengais, tengan. pret. tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvie- ron. tuviese, 38. traducir, traduciendo, tra- ducido. pres. indie. 1st pers. traduzco. pres. subj. traduzca, tra- duzcas, traduzca, traduz- camos, traduzcais, tra- duzcan. pret. traduje, tradujiste, tra- dujo, tradujimos, tradu- jisteis, tradujeron. , . / tradujese, imp. subj. ( tradujera>etc . 39. traer, trayendo, traido. pres. indie, ist pers. traigo. pres. subj. traiga, traigas, traiga, traigamos, trai- gais, traigan. pret. traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajisteis, tra- jeron. , . / trajese, imp. subj. | trajerajetc> 40. valer, valiendo, valido. pres. indie, ist. pers. valgo. pres. subj. valga, valgas, valga, valgamos, valgais, valgan. fut. valdre, etc. cond. valdria, etc. 41. venir, viniendo, venido. pres. indie, vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, venis, vienen. pres. subj. venga, vengas, venga, vengamos, vengais, vengan. pret. vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, yinisteis, vinie- ron. imp. subj. ltuviera>etc . fut. tendre, etc. cond. tendria, etc. imp. subj. vimese, viniera, etc. fut. vendre, etc. cond. vendria, etc 76 APPENDIX 42. ver, viendo, visto. vestirse, see pedir. pres. indie, veo, ves, ve, ve- 43. volver, volviendo, vuelto. mos, veis, ven. pres. indie, vuelvo, vuelves, pres. subj. vea, veas, vea, vuelve, volvemos, vol- veamos, veais, vean. veis, vuelven. pret. vf, viste, vi6, vimos, pres. subj. vuelva, vuelvas, visteis, vieron. vuelva, volvamos, volvais, , / viese, vuelvan. imp.svbj. ( vierajetc . SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY App., with number, refers to irregular verbs in the Appendix. a, at, to. abajo, below. abnegation, /. self-denial. abrigo, m. overcoat. abril, m. April. abrir, app. i, to open. abrochar, to fasten, buckle on. abundante, m. and f. abundant. acabar, to finish; de, to have just. acaso, adv. by chance. action, /. action. acepillar, to brush. aceptar, to accept. acerca, about; de, with regard to. acomodador, m. usher. acompafiar, to accompany. aconsejar, to advise. acordarse de, app. 2, to re- member. acostarse, app. 2, to go to bed. acostumbrarse, to accustom one's self. acudir, to hasten. adelantado, -a, advanced, fast (of a watch) . adelantarse, to anticipate, come ahead of time. ademas, besides, moreover. |adi6s! goodbye! adivinar, to divine, guess. adquirir, to acquire. afeitar, to shave; navaja de , razor. aficionado, -a, fond of, inter- ested in. afortunadamente, fortunately. agenda,/, notebook. agraviado, -a, aggrieved. agua, /. water. aguardar, to await, wait for. agujero, m. hole. ahi, there; i va! biff, bang! ahogar, app. 23, to suffocate. ahora, now. ahorro, m. saving. aire, m. air, look. Jaja! aha! alarma, m. alarm. albricias, /. pi. good news, hurrah. alcanzar, to reach. alegrarse, to be glad. alegre, m. and f. happy, gay. aleman, -na, German. algo, something. algun, alguno, -a, some, any. aliado, m. ally. almacen, m. storage house. almuerzo, m. breakfast, lunch. Alpes, m. pi. Alps mountains. alto, adv. loud. alto, -a, high, tall. altura, /. height. alia, there. alii, there; por , over there. 77 7 8 SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY amable, m. and f. amiable, kind. amagar, to threaten. ambicioso, -a, ambitious. America del Sur, /. South America. americano, -a, American; cab (Chilean) . amigo, m. friend. amo, m. master. ancho, -a, wide, ample; a sus anchas, at one's ease. andar, app. j, to walk, travel. anden, m. platform. anonimo, -a, anonymous, nameless. anteayer, day before yesterday. antes, before, formerly. antiguo, -a, ancient, old, for- mer. ano, m. year. aparecer, app. 7, to appear. apenas, scarcely. aplicar, app. 4, to apply; se, to apply one's self, pay close attention. apostar app. 2, to bet, wager. aprender, to learn. apresurar, to hurry, hasten. apropiar, to appropriate, as- sume: se, to arrogate to one's self. aprovechar, to profit by, make good use of. apuntar, to note, prompt. apurarse, to worry. apuro, m. want, worry; salir de s, to get along. aqui, here; por , this way. ardor, m. ardor, faith. Argentina, la Argentina, Argen- tine Republic. argentine, -a, Argentine. aristocracia, /. aristocracy. aristocratico, -a, aristocratic. aritmetica, /. arithmetic. armario, m. closet. arqueria, /. aqueduct. arquitectura, /. architecture. arquitectural, m. and f. archi- tectural. arrancar, app. 4, to tear. arreglar, to arrange. arriba, above. articulo, m. article. asalariar, to fix with a salary, pay. asar, to roast. ascendiente, m. ascendant. ascensor, m. elevator. asegurar, to assure, make secure, fasten. asi, so; , , so so. asiento, m. seat. asistir, to be present, attend. aspecto, m. aspect. atencion,/. attention. atender, app. 27, to attend. atestar, to crowd, cram. atmosf era, /. atmosphere. atraer, app. 39, to attract. atrasado, -a, backward, be- hind the times, slow. atravesar, to cross. atuf\Jdo, -a, harebrained. I/ aumentarse, to increase. aun, even, still; asi y todo, even so, notwithstanding. aunque, although. autor, m., author. avenida, /. avenue. ayer, yesterday. ayudar, to help. azucar, m. sugar. azul, m. and f. blue. SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 79 B babucha, /. slipper. bahia, /. bay. bailar, to dance. bajar, to descend, go down, get out. balcon, m. balcony, banquero, m. banker. barato, -a, cheap. barbaridad, /. barbarity, atro- city. barrera, /. barrier. barro, m. clay, ibasta! enough; j de chistes! stop your joking ! bastante, enough, sufficient, baul, m. trunk; de camarote, steamer trunk. bello, -a, beautiful. benefico, -a, beneficent, bibliomane, m. bookworm. biblioteca, /. library. bibliotecario, m. librarian. bien, well, indeed; no , as soon as. billete, m. bank note, ticket. bianco, -a, white. boberia, /. foolishness. boca, /. mouth. boleta; s, /. pi. metal balls. bolsillo, m. pocket. bombero, m. fireman, bondad, /. kindness; tenga la , please, bonito, -a, pretty. bordado, m. embroidery, borrascoso, -a, stormy, rough. boton, m. button. Brasil, el Brasil, m. Brazil. bravo, -a, brave; indio , wild Indian. broma, /. joke. bueno, -a, good. buscar, to seek, look for. butaca, /. armchair, seat in a theatre. buzon, m. mail box. caballero, m. gentleman. caballo, m. horse. cabello, m. hair. cabeza, /. head. cabo, m. end, cape. cada, m. and f. each; cual, every one. cadena, /. chain, series. caer, a pp. 5, to fall. cafe, m. coffee, cafe. caja, /. case. calabaza, /. squash. calcetin, m. half-hose, sock. calcular, to calculate. caliente, m. andf. warm. calor, m. heat, warmth; hacer , to be warm. calvo, -a, bald. calle, /. street. cama, /. bed. camarote, m. stateroom, cabin; baul de , steamer trunk. cambiar, to change. cambio, m. exchange, change; en , on the other hand. camisa, /. shirt; de frac, dress shirt. campana, /. bell. campanula, /. bell. campo, m. field, prairie. Canal de la Mancha, m. Eng- lish Channel. icanario! goodness! icanastos! good gracious! cansado, -a, tired. 8o SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY cantaro, m. pitcher, jug; llover a s, see llover. capital,/, capital (city). cara, /. face; jugar a o cruz, see jugar. caracter, m. character. icaramba! good gracious! cargo, m. charge. carne, /. meat, meat dish. caro, -a, dear, expensive. Carolina del Sur, /. South Carolina. carretero, m. expressman. carta, /. letter. casa, /. house; en , at home; de huespedes, boarding- house, dormitory. casi, almost. caso, m., case, event; hacer caso a, to pay attention to. icaspita! good gracious! castellano, -a Castilian; el, the Castilian language. catastrof e, /. catastrophe, acci- dent. causa, /. cause; a de, on ac- count of, because of. celebrar, to celebrate, sing praises of, hold (races). cenicero, m. ash tray. central, m. andf. central. centre, m. center. cepillo, m. brush. cerca, near. cercar, app. 4, to surround. cereza,/. cherry. cerrar, app. 26, to dose. certidumbre, /. certainty, as- surance. cerveza, /. beer. cien, ciento, hundred. cierto, -a, certain; por , certainly. cigarrillo, m. cigarette. cigarro, m. cigar. cinco, five. ciruela, /. plum. ciudad, /. city. [jnan. ciudadano, -a, citizen, towns- civilizaci6n, /. civilization. clase, /. class. clerigo, m. clergyman, priest. club, m. club. cocer, to cook. coche, m. coach, cab. cochero, m. driver. codo, m. elbow; me como los s, I am famished. coger, app. 6, to catch. coleccion, /. collection. colega, m. colleague. colegial, m. college boy, school boy. colegio, m. college, school. colocarse, app. 4, to place. color, m. color. combatir, to fight. comedor, m. dining room. comer, to eat, dine. comercial, m. and /. business, commercial. comerciante, m. merchant, busi- ness man. comercio, m. commerce, busi- ness. comida, /. dinner. comisi6n, /. commission. como, as, like, since. *t ^ toma, /. capture. tomar, to take, get; billetes en contaduria, see conta- duria. tomate, m. tomato, tontamente, foolishly. tonto, m. fool. torre, /. tower, tostar, to toast. trabajador, m. worker, trabajar, to work, trabajo, m. work. traducir, app. 38, to translate. traer, app. 39, to fetch, bring. traje, m. suit of clothes, tranquilamente, quietly. tranquilo, -a, quiet. tranvia, m. tramway, street car. traspunte, m. prompter. tratar, to treat, try; de, to treat of, treat like; se de, to be a question of. travesura, /. prank, mischief; meterse en s, to get into mischief. treinta, thirty. tremendo, -a, tremendous, ex- cessive, tren, m. train, tribu, /. tribe, trigo, m. wheat. tropezar, app. 14, to stumble, strike against. tropical, m. and f. tropical. U iuf! phew! ultimo, -a, last, un, una, a, an; pi. some, about. unico, -a, only. uniforme, m. uniform. universidad, /. university. uno, -a, one. Uruguay, el Uruguay, m. Uru- guay. usar, to use, wear. usted, you. util, m. andf. useful. uva, /. grape. vacaci6n, /., pi. vacaciones, vacation. vagabundo, m. tramp. vagar, app. 23, to wander; por esos mundos, to travel all over the world. valer, app. 40, to be worth; ivalgame Dios! Good gracious! se de, to avail one's self of; vale mas, it is better. valor, m. valor, bravery, valle, m. valley. vapor, m. steamship. vara, /. yard (measure). variado, -a, varied, variedad, /. variety. vario, -a, various. vaso, m. glass. vecindad, /. vicinity, vecino, -a, neighbor. vegetation, /. vegetation, veinte, twenty. SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 97 veintena, /. some twenty. veintid6s, twenty-two. veneciano, -a, Venetian. venidero, -a, coming, future, venir, app. 41, to come; eso me viene al pelo, that suits me toaT. ventaja, /. advantage. ventana, /. window. ventanilla, /. ticket window, car window. ventilar, to ventilate. ver, app. 42, to see; vamos a , let's see. verano, m. summer. veras, /. pi. reality, truth; ide ? really? verbo, m. verb. verdad, /. truth; es , it is true;