\\\\\\\Vv\VSS\\\>^\\NS\N\\\\\N\V\\\^^^ UC-NRLF v^vw^^woccw^^^\w^^^^ BERKf LEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . . rmttzif^. f TTTTTTT T TTTT TTTT TTTm T I T I I 1 T TTTTTTTTT q ^. JVugvt^tu^ @re^i:sc. ?TTTITTTT11 I1 TTTTI II1 TTTTTTTTY TTTTTTTTT>I COMPANION TO THE jKefaisieii Wtvmn ot^tdSnQli^f) ^eU) ^Testament. COMPANION TO THE 3Rebi£(eti Wtv^ion of m iBnsliii) ^t\ij Cesftamtnt* BY ALEX. ROBERTS, D.D., NEW TESTAMENT COMPANY. Cassell, Fetter, Galpin & Co.: LONDON, PARIS ., Simple),' which is truly an admirable translation. There is no doubt that it was made in the second century, and were we sure that we possessed it in its original form it would thus be of the very highest authority. The other Syriac versions do not rank high as translations, and the Curetonian embraces only fragments of the Gospels. Latin Versions, So prevalent was the Greek language in Rome for several generations after the commencement of our era, that no need of a transla- tion was felt by the inhabitants of that city. Accord- ingly, the first Latin version appears to have been made not in Italy but in North Africa. We know The English New Testament, 27 nothing of its history. It was used by Tertullian and others about the beginning of the third century. Some excellent manuscripts- containing it still exist. The very learned St. Jerome set himself to the re- vision of this version about the end of the fourth century. He improved it greatly both in regard to style and fidelity to the original ; but it was not till two centuries had elapsed that his work took the place of the Old Latin^ and became the Vulgate of the Roman Church. Gothic Version. This version was made by Bishop Ulphilas about the middle of the fourth century. It is not now known to exist in its original completeness. There is a celebrated "Silver Manuscript" of the Gospels preserved in the University of Upsala. The letters of this handsome manuscript are marvellously uniform, and its name is derived from the fact that they are written throughout in silver, except the initial letters of sections, which are written in gold. Belong- ing, as the version of Ulphilas does, to so high an antiquity as the fourth century, it is possessed of great weight in determining the text which had then become prevalent in the Church. Egyptian Versions, There are two Egyptian ver- sions, which are now known respectively as the Mem- phitic and the Thebaic. Before the fact of their inde- pendence was established, they both went under the 28 Companion to the Revised Version of common name of Coptic, This appellation was de- rived from Coptos, a very ancient city of Upper Egypt The term Memphitic points out the version which was used in Lower Egypt, and was taken from the capital city of the district ; while Thebaic indicates the version used in Upper Egypt, and was, in like manner, derived from the chief town of the country. The Thebaic version is supposed, on good grounds, to have been formed in the first half of the third century, and to have been followed by the Memphitic not much later. Both versions will be found more and more valuable for the purposes of criticism the more fully they are studied. Besides these, there are some fragments of a version which has been called the Bash- muric, and which was evidently related to the Thebaic. The Arme7iian Version. This version cannot be placed higher than the fifth century. It seems to have been begun soon after the Council of Ephesus, a.d. 431. Up to that period the Armenian Christians appear to have used the Syriac version; but two native scholars who had attended the Council brought home with them the New Testament in Greek, and from that a translation was made into theJanguage of the country. The Armenian version cannot be deemed of very great importance in textual criticism. The yEthiopic Versiofi. This is a translation of the Scriptures in the ancient language of Abyssinia. It The English New Testament. 29 seems to have been fomied about the sixth or seventh century. There is every reason to believe that it was taken immediately from the Greek, though the mean- ing of the original v/as frequently mistaken. No very exact edition has yet been issued, and the version is not possessed of much authority. The other ancient versions of the New Testament are the Georgian (sixth century), the Arabic (several recensions, the most ancient belonging to the eighth century), Slavonic (ninth century), Anglo-Saxon (from the Latin, eighth to eleventh century), and Persian versions (of varying and doubtful dates). These versions, with all later ones, though taken from the Greek, are too modem to have much weight in the settlement of the true text. The deductions which must be made from the value of even the most ancient versions as testifying to the true text of Scripture are many and serious. First, their genuine readings are often doubtful. It is obvious that they were as liable to corruption in the process of being transcribed as the New Testament itself, or even more so, since greater pains would naturally be taken in copying the sacred original than a mere translation. Again, there is reason to believe that some of the most valuable versions, such as the Syriac Peshito, do not now exist in their primitive condition. They seem to have been conformed to 30 Companion to the Revised Version of the prevalent text of the fourth century, and thus fail us as witnesses to that which was more ancient. On this account we cannot confidently press the authority . of the existing Peshito in behalf, for example, of the Doxology of the Lord's Prayer. Again, in some few instances the authors of the versions appear from doctrinal bias to have departed from the original text. Thus Ulphilas, who had adopted Arian views, has inserted in the Gothic version at Philipp. ii. 6, the words *' likeness to God," which would never suggest the true Greek text implying "equality with God." Lastly, even the best versions have frequently mis- taken the meaning of the original, and may thus tend only to mislead as respects the genuine text. Suppose, in illustration, that a question were to arise with regard to the Greek expression corresponding to the English words " in the bush," at Mark xii. 26, and Luke XX. 37. In that case, the Authorised Version would inevitably suggest a wrong preposition, since it has here quite mistranslated the Greek. The mean- ing of the original is not " i7i the bush," as if referring to locality, but ^^ at the Bush," denoting that portion of the Old Testament which was known among the Jews under the tide of "the Bush." On all these grounds, therefore, the Biblical scholar must use the ancient versions as witnesses to the genuine text of Scripture with great caution and discrimination. The English New Testament, 31 The only remaining source of various readings in the New Testament is that found in the citations of its text by ancient writers. And here it might at first be thought that we have access to more primitive and therefore more valuable testimony than that which is furnished by either manuscripts or versions. The stream of quotations from the New Testament begins even in the first century, and flows on with ever-increasing volume in the succeeding generations. When we reflect that Clement of Rome begins to quote from the sacred writings so early as a.d. 97, when his epistle seems to have been written, and that he is followed by such voluminous writers as Justin Martyr and Irenseus in the second century, as Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Cyprian, and Origen, in the third century, it might well be imagined that we should thus obtain most valuable and trustworthy guidance as to the primitive text of the New Testament. But here again there are very serious drawbacks. No doubt, these early Fathers quote most copiously from Scripture, so that the substance of the whole New Testament could easily be collected from their pages. But important deductions must be made from the value of their writings as authorities in textual criticism. For, first, the manuscripts of their works which we possess are comparatively modern — few indeed rising above the tenth century, and thus their 32 Companmi to the Revised Version of genuine readings are often doublful. And, next, they generally quote from memory, not feeling the need, and not possessing the means, of aiming at that verbal exactness called for at the present day. They had none of those facilities of reference which we possess. The turning to a passage and verifying it, would, in their case, have implied an amount of labour, of which, with our Bibles divided into chapters and verses, we can hardly conceive. Besides, there can be no doubt that many passages would come to be loosely and popularly quoted, without any suspicion that a departure was thus made from the true text. This happens constantly among ourselves with respect to the Authorised Version. How often will one see or hear Deut xxxiiL 25, quoted thus, " As thy day is so shall thy strength be," whereas the true reading is, **Asthy^^>'j, &c."* On the whole, then, there is reason for acquiescing in the following judgment with regard to the value, as respects textual criticism, to be attached to the quo- tations made by ancient writers from the New Testa- ment " Not only is this kind of testimony fragmentary and not (like that of versions) continuous, so that it often fails where we should most wish for information; but the Fathers were better theologians than critics ; * See for a numerous list of such misquotations Eadie's English Bible, ii. 328 ff. The English New Testament 33 they frequently quoted loosely or from memory, often no more of a passage than their immediate purpose required ; what they actually wrote has been found peculiarly liable to change on the part of copyists and unskilful editors ; they can therefore be implicitly trusted — even as to the manuscripts which lay before them — only in the comparatively few places wherein their own direct appeal to their codices, or the course of their argument, or the current of their exposition, renders it manifest what readings they approved. In other cases the same author perpetually cites the self-same text under two or more various forms ; in the Gospels it is often impossible to determine to which of the three earlier ones reference is made; and, on the whole. Scriptural quotations from ecclesi- astical writers are of so much less consideration than ancient translations, that where they are single and unsupported, they may safely be disregarded altogether. An express citation, however, by a really careful Father of the first four or five centuries (as Origen, for example), if supported by manuscript authority, and countenanced by the best versions, claims our respectful attention, and powerfully vindicates the reading which it favours.' ' * * Scrivener's Introduction^ p. 368. 34 Companion to the Revised Version of CHAPTER III. HISTORY AND CHARACTER OF THE GREEK TEXT ON WHICH THE AUTHORISED VERSION WAS FOUNDED. When an English version of the New Testament is put into our hands as furnishing a transcript in our own language of God's revelation of Himself through Jesus Christ, it is of the most vital importance to be assured of the trustworthiness of the text on which that version has been based. Without this everything else must be comparatively worthless. What we want to know is the exact message which has been addressed to our race by Heaven. And the first essential to this is purity of the original text. It matters not how smoothly a version may read, how pleasing may be its contents, or how venerable even may be the antiquity which it claims. The first and gravest question to be asked regarding it has respect to the faithfulness with which the text on which it was based represented the true and original word of God. How then, we anxiously inquire, does the case stand con- cerning this point with the Authorised English Ver- sion? Before being able to give a full answer to this The English New Testament, 35 question it is necessary to trace the history of the earliest printed editions of the Greek New Testament. This history will gradually lead us on to the text which was made use of in the preparation of the Authorised Version, and we shall be enabled to form a judgment respecting its character. We cannot but feel it somewhat remarkable that so long a time elapsed between the invention ot the art of printing and the passing ot an edition of the Greek New Testament through the press. It is well known that the first book ever printed was the Bible, but this was in the form of the Vulgate. A Latin edition of the Scriptures, very handsomely got up, issued from the press at Mentz in 1452 ; and a few copies of this interesting and precious publication are known to be still in existence at the present day. The Hebrew Bible was also printed, under the auspices of some wealthy Jews, in 1488. But the century which had witnessed the invention of printing was allowed to close without any attempt having been made to prepare a printed edition of the Greek New Testament. Some brief passages of the Gospels from the first chapter of St. Luke — the sacred songs of the Virgin Mary and of Zacharias — had, indeed, been added to a Greek edition of the Psalms printed at Milan in 148 1 ; but no one as yet seems to have conceived the idea of issuing a printed edition of the whole New Testa* D 2 36 Companion to the Rnnsed Version of ment. The cause of this probably was that the Greek language was still but very imperfectly known to theologians. The "new learning^' was as yet only struggling through many difficulties into acceptance, and gradually winning to itself the admiration and affection of those noble men who afterwards cultivated it with so much energy and devotedness. To the able and excellent Cardinal Ximenes, Primate of Spain, belongs the honour of having first projected an edition of the entire Greek New Testa- ment. His plan was to embrace it in a Polyglot Bible, intended to include both the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and the Greek Septuagint version with the Chaldee Targum of Onkelos and the Latin Vulgate. The fifth volume, which is devoted to the New Testa- ment, was first printed, and it bears on its last page as the date of its completion, January, 10, 15 14. But its publication was delayed, apparently, at first, with the view of waiting for the remaining volumes. The last of these, numbered as the fourth, is stated to have been finished on July 10, 15 17. But the exemplary prelate who had originated and superintended this great undertaking died soon afterwards (Nov. 8, 15 17), and the issue of the volume, was, in consequence, still further delayed. It was not till March 22, 1520, that Pope Leo X. formally sanctioned its publication. Thus came forth at length what is known as the The English Ne7U Testament 37 Complutensian edition of the New Testament, Com- plutum being the Latin name for Alcala, where the work was prepared. Meanwhile, however, important steps had been taken m another quarter. The ilkistrious Erasmus comes into view, a man to whom modern thought is, in so many ways, under such deep and lasting obligations. That great scholar was in England in 15 1 5, and on April 17th of that year he received a request from Froben, an eminent printer at Basle, to prepare for publication an edition of the Greek New Testament. Though encumbered by other literary labours, Erasmus set about this work with characteristic diligence, and completed it within the too short period of a few months — by February, 15 16. The work was immediately published, and thus the original text of the New Testament was, for the first time, given to the world. No small eagerness would, naturally, be shown by scholars to possess the sacred text. Accordingly, we find that the demand was, for those days, great. The first edition of Erasmus was reprinted, with corrections amounting to about 200, by Aldus, at Venice, in 15 18. A second edition, with more than 300 improvements, was issued by Erasmus himself in 15 19. This was followed by a third edition in 1522, chiefly remarkable as containing, for the first time, the famous text 38 Co7npanion id the kevised Veisidu of I John V. 7. Erasmus had not till now seen the Com* plutensian edition, but he was able to avail himself of it in the preparation of his own fourth, which came out in 1527. He died in 1536, having issued a fifth edition in the previous year, differing only in four places from the preceding. The fourth edition of Erasmus is thus the most important, and became the basis of all subsequent texts, until what is known as the " Received Text " was formed. After the death ot Erasmus an edition of the Greek New Testament was published by Colinaeus at Paris in 1543. But, although this edition was cor- rected in more than a hundred places from the authority of additional manuscripts, it may be left out of account as having exercised little subsequent influence. The true successor of Erasmus in this department was Robert Stephens the famous Parisian printer. He issued two editions in 1546 and 1549, having availed himself in these of some manuscripts in the Royal Library, and ot the Complutensian text. But his great edition was the third, issued in 1550. This edition is remarkable as containing the first collection of various readings, amounting, it has been reckoned, to 2,194. But though these had been collected from a considerable number of manuscripts, no critical use was made of them. The text of Erasmus was closely followed, and readings found in The English New Testament, 39 it were even clung to when opposed to the authority of all the manuscripts. The fourth edition of Stephens was published at Geneva in 155 1. In this edition the New Testament is, for the first time, divided into verses — an invention of Stephens. The text remained the same as in the previous edition. Beza, the Reformer, next appears as an editor of the Greek New Testament. He published five editions, the first in 1565, the second in 1576, the third in 1582, the fourth in 1589, and the fifth in 1598. These editions varied somewhat among them- selves, but were based throughout upon the text of Stephens. And now we have reached the interesting and important point of this sketch, as the history of the printed text of the New Testament just given has led us very near the date at which the Authorised Eng- lish Version began to be made. It was commenced about 1604, when the above-named Greek texts were, in one form or another, generally circulated. Which of them, we ask with eagerness, formed the original from which our common English translation was derived ? To this question the answer is, that Beza's edition of 1589 was the one usually followed. It had been based on Stephens's edition of 1550, and that again had been derived from the fourth edition of Erasmus, published in 1527. Such is the parentage 40 Companion to the Revised Version of of the Authorised Version — Beza, Stephens, Erasmus. What manuscript authority, let us ask, is thus repre- sented ? Beginning with Erasmus, we find that his resources were meagre indeed, and that even the materials which he had were not fully utilised. It has already been noticed how hastily his first edition was pre- pared; indeed, he himself said of it that it "was rather tumbled headlong into the world than edited." The manuscripts which he had in his possession are still preserved, one having been recovered some years ago after long being lost. Some of them bear in them- selves the corrections which he made, and show too obvious marks of having been used as " copy ^\ by the printer. They consisted of the following. In the Gospels he principally used a Cursive manuscript of the fifteenth or sixteenth century. This may still be seen at Basic, and is admitted by all to be of a very inferior character. He also possessed another Cursive manuscript of the twelfth century, or earlier, and occasionally referred to it. But though this is an excellent manuscript in the Gospels — one of the very best of the Cursives — Erasmus was ignorant of its value, and made litde use of it. In the Acts and Epistles he chiefly followed a Cursive manuscript of the thirteenth or fourteenth century, with occasional reference to another of the fifteenth century. Both The English New Testament. 41 these were of the ordinary type usually exhibited by the later manuscripts. For the Apocalypse he had only one mutilated manuscript. He had thus no documentary materials for publishing a complete edition of the Greek Testament. The consequence would have been that some verses must have been left wanting had not Erasmus taken the Vulgate and conjecturally re-translated the Latin into Greek. Hence has arisen the remarkable fact that in the text from which our Authorised Version was formed, and in the ordinary uncritical editions of the Greek cur- rent at the present day, there were, and are, words in the professed original for which no Divine authority can be pleaded, but which are entirely due to the learning and imagination of Erasmus. As stated above, he availed himself of the Com- plutensian text to some extent in his subsequent editions. Scholars have been unable to ascertain with exactness the manuscripts which were employed in its formation. It was at one time thought that the famous Codex B was one of them. But this has been clearly disproved, and the manuscript authority on which it was based has been shown by internal evidence to have been not ancient, but modern. There is also some ground for suspecting that the editors occasionally, though rarely, allowed an undue influence to the Latin Vulgate. In printing the Old 42 Companion to the Ransed Version of Testament they gave the place of honour in the centre to the Latin, surrounding it on either side by the original Hebrew and the Septuagint translation. On this they make the curious and somewhat suggestive remark, that the Latin thus placed was like Christ crucified between the two thieves ! The one thief was the Greek Church, which they regarded as here- tical ; and the other was the nation of the Jews, who were charged with having corrupted the Hebrew text wherever it differed from the Latin. Stephens, who succeeded Erasmus in the work of editing the Greek Testament, had, as we have seen, a number of additional manuscripts at his command. Among these was one at least undoubtedly ancient. Codex D, formerly described. But he made very little use either of it or of any of the others in his possession. Almost the only important departure which Stephens made from the Erasmian text was in the Apocalypse, in which book he took advantage of the far better readings supplied by the Complutensian edition. Beza received from Stephens a collection of various readings derived from no fewer than some five-and- twenty manuscripts, but he made little or no critical use of them. He was totally unaware of the value of the manuscript which bears his name, and thought that its publication was rather to be deprecated. He left the The English New Testament 43 text substantially as he had received it from Stephens, who, again, for his part, rarely deserts the fifth edition of Erasmus. Thus, then, stood the text of the Greek New Testament when the revisers of the Bishops' Bible set themselves to form from it our present Authorised English Version. Not one of the four most ancient manuscripts was then known to be in existence. Even Codex D, which was known, had scarcely any weight assigned to it, and the whole Greek text had been based upon a very few modern manuscripts. The ancient versions had not been examined. No careful investigation had been made into the testimony to the primitive text borne by the Fathers. Textual criticism was still in its infancy, the materials for it had not been gathered, the principles of the science had not been studied, and the labours of Mill, Bentley, Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, and other great scholars, to secure the purity of the text of the New Testament, were as yet unheard of, and only to be put forth in the course of many future genera tions. In these circumstances can it be wondered at that vast multitudes of changes will be found in the Revised English Version, owing to an amended text? The wonder really is that they are so few, or, at least, that they are, in general, of such small importance. When 44 Compaiiioji to the Revised Version of we trace, as has been briefly done, the parentage of our English Bible, and when we see on what a slender basis of authority it rests, when we confront with this the enormous wealth of materials for settling the true Greek text which we possess at the present day, and the amount of labour which has been expended in applying them, we might well fear that the alterations requiring to be made in the Bible with which we have all our days been familiar should be of the most revo- lutionary character. But, blessed be God, such is not the case. No doctrine of the faith is in the slightest degree affected. False supports of important doctrines may be removed, and true defences of them may be supplied, but that is all. The Bible remains, for all practical purposes, totally unaffected. That is one grand result of the labours of the New Testament Revision Company, for which all English Christians have good reason to be thankful. They now know the utmost that Biblical science demands. No suspicion need in future haunt them that the Scriptural truths which they love are insecure. These have been proved to rest on an immovable foundation, and they will endure as long as the Divine Word that reveals them, ** which liveth and abideth for ever," But more than this, every loyal Christian heart should surely rejoice to have access, in as pure a form as possible, to the message sent us by our Father in The English New Testament. 45 heaven. That is the great positive work which has been aimed at by the New Testament Company, and the fulfilment of which is presented in the Revised Version. English readers of the Scriptures have now the opportunity of making themselves acquainted with the New Testament in a form more nearly representing the primitive text than they ever had before. Most of the changes made hardly affect the sense, but many even of these alterations are highly interesting. Some few others are of great importance, and will naturally attract more attention from readers of the Revised Version. To these two classes of changes which have been required by an amendment of the text we shall advert at some length in the two following chapters. 46 Companmi to the Revised Version of CHAPTER IV. liXAMPLES OF MINOR CHANGES CAUSED BY A CHANGE OF TEXT. It may be that at first not a few of the changes or omissions in the Revised Version, due to a change in the original text, will be felt disagreeable by the Eng- lish reader. The old familiar rhythm is disturbed, and the ear longs for the words to which it has been accustomed. It must be owned, too, that there are some changes and omissions due to the cause referred to which may worthily seem matter of regret. Thus, we can hardly exchange the beautiful precept, **Be courteous," found at i Pet. iii. 8, in the Authorised Version, for the apparently tamer expression, "humble- minded," in the Revised Version, without feeling that some loss has been incurred. And we cannot read Mark ix. 3, or Mark ix. 24, without wishing that the words " as snow " and " with tears," which add to the graphic style of the narrative, had been retained. In the majority of cases, however, the changes caused by a change of text, will, on consideration, commend themselves as improvements. They will be found to impart greater clearness, terseness, or force, to the The English New Tesiafnent, 47 Version. Thus, there is a vividness at Mark i. 27, "And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying. What is this ? a new teaching ! with authority he commandeth even the unclean spirits, and they obey him," which does not belong to the Authorised Version. Thus, again, it will be felt to be with the remarkable variation which occurs at 2 Cor. i. 20, where we read in the Revised Version, "For how many soever be the promises of God, in him is the yea : wherefore also through him is the Amen, unto the glory of God through us.'* As has been well observed, the ^^ yea " here " denotes the fulfilment of the promise on the part of God, and ' Amen ' the recognition and thanksgiving on the part of the Church, a distinction which is obliterated by the received reading."* So, at i John v. 13, it is an obvious gain to get rid of the clumsy and almost absurd repetition which occurs in the Authorised Version, and to read simply, "These things have I written unto you, that ye may know ye have eternal life, unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God." But whether the frue read- ings be deemed improvements or not, they should always be welcomed simply on the ground of their genuineness. To find out what is true is the supreme object of Biblical science ; and while, no doubt, there * Ughtfoot, On a fresh I^eyisiQn of the New Testament, p. 52. 48 Companion to the Revised Version of may often seem an artificial attractiveness about what is erroneous, there should always be felt a sovereign majesty in truth. With these remarks, let us look at some of the minor changes which have been made in the Revised Version owing to a change of text. I shall first take a few from each of the Gospels, and then some from the other books of the New Testament St. Afatthe7v''s Gospel. At chap. v. 22, the Revised Version omits the words " without a cause. '^ The evidence from manuscripts, versions, and Fathers, is here not quite conclusive, but the internal evidence is clear. It is obvious that a strong temptation pre- sented itself to transcribers to insert the words, in order to soften the apparent harshness of the precept, whereas, had they existed in the primitive text, it is scarcely possible to account for their having been dropped. There is little, if any, doubt, therefore, that they ought to disappear. At chap, xviii. 17 we read in the Revised Version, " Why askest thou me of that which is good ? One there is who is good : but if thou wouldest enter into life, keep the command- ments." The external evidence is decidedly in favour of this reading, embracing, as it does, k, B, D, &c., but it is the internal evidence which is conclusive. We formerly saw how prone copyists were to conform parallel passages, and here St. Matthew's text, as re- The English New Testament. 49 presented in the Authorised Version, has been harmo- nised with those of St. Mark and St. Luke. Besides the question of the young ruler, " What good thing shall I do ? " is aptly answered by the words, " Why askest thou me of that which is good?'' At chap. XXV. 6 we read in the Revised Version, " But at mid- night a cry is made. Behold the bridegroom : come ye forth to meet him." The word "cometh'^is omitted on overwhelming authority ; it had evidently slipped in as a supplement from the working of the mind of the transcriber on the passage before him. ^i^. Mark's Gospel, At chap. vi. 20 we read in the Revised Version, " Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and a holy, and kept him safe ; and when he heard him, he was much perplexed^ and heard him gladly." Here the common reading, *'And did many things," is undoubtedly supported by many of the best authorities ; but the case is such that we cannot conceive of the unusual Greek word for " per- plexed " being substituted for the very common word for " did," while the converse supposition that a tran- scriber here meeting with an unfamiliar expression changed it into one with which he was well acquainted, is easy and natural. At chap. ix. 22, 23, we read in the Revised Version, " If thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us. And Jesus said unto him, If thou canst ! all things are possible to him that £ 50 Covipanlon to the Revised V^ersion of believeth." This is a beautiful emendation. Jesus takes up the doubting words of the father, and, after repeating them, adds that strong assertion of the power of faith which follows. The change is abundantly supported by ancient authority ; and it is obvious that the enfeebling " believe " of the common text has somehow slipped in as a supplement. St. LtMs Gospel, At chap. xvi. 9 we find the interesting change of " it " for " ye,'' and read in the Revised Version^ *' Make to yourselves friends out of the mammon of unrighteousness, that, when it shall fail, they (the friends whom you have thus made) may receive you into the eternal tabernacles.'' At chap, xxiv. 17 a somewhat different turn is given to the narrative by the insertion of a Greek verb in the text, and we read thus in the Revised Version, " What communications are these that ye have one with another as ye walk? And they stood still, looking sad." Again, at verse 46 of the same chapter, the proper reading is, ** Thus it is written that the Christ should suffer," the common text having been derived from verse 26, according to a process familiar to transcribers. St. John^s Gospel. At chap. vi. 1 1 we find in the common text an obvious case of accommodation to the parallel passage in Matt. xiv. 19, and the verse properly runs as in the Revised Version, "Jesus there- The English New Test anient, 51 fore took the loaves, and having given thanks, he dis- tributed to them that were set down." At chap. xiii. 24 we have in the Revised Version a characteristic utterance of St. Peter which is lost in the ordinary text. He seems to have imagined that John, as specially the confidant of Christ, would know what the disciples wished to ascertain, and exclaimed, " Tell us who it is of whom he speaketh." At chap. xx. 16 the amended text has restored the expression " in the Hebrew tongue," which, by the exception which it specially marks out, serves to indicate the language generally made use of in public intercourse by Christ and His disciples. The Acts of the Apostles, At chap. xv. 23 we find an interesting example of the alteration which may take place in the meaning from a very slight change in the text. The words " and the " are simply omitted, and we then read, "The apostles and the elder brethren," instead of "The apostles, and the elders, and the brethren." At chap. xvi. 7 we find an exception to the general rule that a shorter reading is to be preferred to a longer, for the true text un- doubtedly is, " the Spirit of Jesus suffered them not." At chap, xviii. 5 we find a striking illustration of the tendency to replace what was unusual or not under- stood by what was common and familiar; for "Paul was pressed in the spirit" has there taken £ 2 52 Companion io the Revised Version of the place of the true text, " Paul was constiuined by the word." The Epistle to the Romans. A very remarkable change has been made at chap. iv. 19. In accordance with all the great Uncials, the negative in the verse is omitted, so as to read, " he considered his own body now become dead," the point being that, though he fully took into account his own state, yet he did not stumble at the Divine promise. At chap. v. i, after long hesitation, criticism has clearly decided that instead of "we have,'' the true reading is "let us have.'* The text of B in this passage is now certainly known to be in favour of that which stands in the Revised Version, and it is supported by A, C, D, k^ the most important versions, and many of the Fathers. At chap. vii. 6 a reading was introduced by Beza into his third edition, which was a mere conjecture of his own, and is supported by not a single manuscript or version. It stands, however, in the common English Bible, which translates it, " that being dead wherein we were held," instead of the true text as rendered in the Revised Version, " having died to that wherein we were holden." At chap. xvi. 5 we should certainly read " the first fruits of Asia," instead of " the first fruits of Achaia," the mistaken reading having probably arisen from the transcriber having i Cor. xvi. 15 in his mind. The English New Testament, 53 The First Epistle to the Corinthians, The most interesting changes in this Epistle are those which have been made in the eleventh chapter, which con- tains an account of the institution of the Lord's Supper. At ver. 24 the words "Take, eat," have been omitted, as having scarcely a shadow of authority. They were doubtless interpolated from Matt. xxvi. 26. In the same verse the word "broken" is also left out; it was probably a supplement intro- duced by the copyists. In ver. 26 " this cup " becomes "the cup" in the Revised Version; the common text was due to a desire for uniformity in the two clauses. In ver. 29 the word translated " unworthily " has been omitted as certainly spurious ; it was brought in from ver. 27, where it is as certainly genuine. At chap. xiii. 3 a various reading occurs, which, though very properly not placed in the text, will be found in the margin of the Revised Version as having very great support from excellent authorities. It deserves notice as illustrating how one Greek word might be mistaken for another which it closely re- sembled. Here a difference of only a single letter leads to the so great difference of rendering in English, as, "that I may be burned," and "that I may glory.''* The Scco7id Epistle to the Coriftthia7is, There are * The two Greek words are /((^u6^uai and «ctvx^'''^A*«*' 54 Companion to the Revised Version of no very noticeable alterations made in this Epistle owing to a change of text. Perhaps the most inter- esting is at chap. xii. 19, where quite a different turn is given to the passage in the Revised Version, in consequence of one word being altered in the original. The Apostle knew well that his elaborate vindication of himself might be misunderstood by the Corinthians, as if he were anxious to gain their favourable judgment on his conduct, and to meet this mistake he says : — ** Ye think all this time that we are excusing ourselves unto you. In the sight of God speak we in Christ. But all things, beloved, are for your edifying. '' The Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians^ Colossians, At Gal. iv. 14 a new turn is given to the passage by the pronoun being changed in the original. St Paul, instead of there speaking of " viy temptation,'* says, " that which was a temptation to you in my flesh ye despised not nor rejected," surely far more in accord- ance with the context. At Eph. v. 29 we get rid in the Revised Version of the strange declaration, "of his flesh, and of his bones," and read simply, in accordance with the true text, " we are members of his body." At Philipp. i. 16, 17, the two verses must, by overwhelming authority, be transposed, and read as in the Revised Version. At Col. ii. 18 we come upon a passage presenting great difficulty both as to the true text and the right interpretation. But evidence The English New Testament 55 leads us clearly to reject the "not" found before " seen " in the common text. The Apostle is blaming those who dwell in the region of sense rather than that of faith, and this is the meaning given to his words in the Revised Version. It is evident that the ancient copyists did not understand the passage, and that the insertion of the negative was due to their desire of making it, as they thought, intelligible. The Epistles to the Thessalonians^ and the Pastoral Epistles* Few changes worth notice have been made in the Epistles to the Thessalonians on account of a change of text. It may be noted-, however, that the usual designation of our Saviour in these Epistles is "our Lord Jesus," and not "our Lord Jesus Christ." See I Thess. ii. 19, iii. 11, iii. 13 ; 2 Thess. i. 12 (first clause); and compare ii. 8 in the Revised Version. The full title occurs at i Thess. i. i, v. 28, 2 Thess. i. 2, &c., but the shorter form seems characteristic of these Epistles. On the other hand, " Christ Jesus," and not " Jesus Christ," appears as the favourite appellation for our Lord in the Pastoral Epistles. Compare with Authorised Version i Tim. iv. 6, v. 21, 2 Tim. i. I, ii. 3, Tit. i. 4, in the Revised Version. It deserves in this connection to be noticed further that the two versions are coincident in the use of the form " Christ Jesus" in the following passages : i Tim. i. 12, i. 14, ii. 5, iii. 13, vi. 13 ; 2 Tim. i. i (second 56 Compa7iion to the Revised Versio7i of clause), i. 2, i. 9, i. 13, ii. i, ii. 10, iii. 12, iii. 15. The title "Christ Jesus" thus seems in its very frequent use a marked peculiarity of the Pastoral Epistles, and serves as a sort of nexus to bind them all together. The Epistle to Philemon and the Epistle to the Hebrews, Almost the only changes of any interest in the Epistle to Philemon are at ver. 2, where we read, "and to Apphia our sister," for "and to our beloved Apphia," the epithet "beloved" having apparently been substituted to correspond to ver. i ; and "I had," for "we have," in ver. 7, in which some critics also read "grace" instead of "joy," but with- out sufficient authority. At Heb. iv. 2 overwhelming critical evidence compels us to accept the somewhat strange rendering of the Revised Version. Many critics of high name have been tempted to abide by the apparently far simpler and more satisfactory reading which is represented in the Authorised Ver- sion ; but faithfulness to the laws of evidence and grammar will not permit of such a course. At chap. X. 34, the personal reference to the writer of the Epistle is exchanged for the general reference to " them that were in bonds," and this change has an important bearing on the very difficult question of authorship. At chap. xi. 13 the Greek words rendered " and were persuaded of them " have no The English New Tesfafnent 57 right whatever to a place in the text. The beautiful and exact rendering of the original here given in the Revised Version will be noticed afterwards, when we come to treat of mistakes of translation in the Authorised Version, The Catholic Epistles. In the Epistle of James the remarkable change which is found in the Revised Version at chap. i. 19 is due to the change of a single letter in the Greek.* The evidence is decisive ; and the principle here applies that a more difficult reading is to be preferred to one that is easy and frequent. In the first Epistle of Peter, at chap. ii. 21, the con- fusion of the pronouns found in the Authorised Version, which reads, " Christ also suffered for us^ leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps," is, by a change of text, escaped in the Revised Version. The change made at 2 Pet. iii. 2, which cannot fail to strike the reader, has the sanction of all the great Uncials, and of the best versions. In like manner the insertion of the words ** and we are,'' in i John iii. I, rests on the most decisive manuscript and Patristic authority. In 2 John ver. 8 the confusion of pro- nouns again found in the Authorised Version is by a change of text corrected in the Revised Version. In 3 John ver. 12 the glaring incongruity of addressing in the plural Gaius, to whom the Epistle is addressed, * The two Greek words are itrre and wo-re. 58 Companion to the Revised Version of is removed by the adoption of the correct reading, "thou knowest." In the Epistle of Jude ver. i, through a mistake of one Greek word for another,* there is read in the Authorised Version, *^ sanctified by God the Father," instead of ^^ beloved in God the Father." The Apocalypse, As might be inferred from what has been said in the preceding chapter the text of the Book of Revelation on which the Authorised Version rests was of the most unsatisfactory character. Accordingly, numerous corrections of the original have led to change in the Revised Version. One of the most important of these alterations is found at chap. xvii. 8. The Authorised Version refers at the close of this verse to " the beast, that was, and is not, and yet is " — truly an enigmatical declaration — ^but by substitution of the true text we attain to the more intelligible statement which the reader will here find in the Revised Version. Some interesting changes have also been made in the concluding chapter of the Book. Thus, in the third clause of the eleventh verse a very puzzling reading of the common text — which, by the way, ought not to be rendered as in the Authorised Version, but can only mean, "let him be justified still" — has been exchanged for one which * The two words which have been confounded are riyaTTTj/jLivois and 7iyia.(TiJicvo',s. The English Ne7v Testament, 59 yields a plain and satisfactory sense — " let him do righteousness still." And in the fourteenth verse, instead of these words of the Authorised Version, '^ Blessed are they that do his conunandments^ that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city," we must read, far more in accordance with the analogy of Scripture, "Blessed are they that ivash their robes ^ that they may have the right to come to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city/' 6o Companion to the Revised Version of CHAPTER V. MORE IMPORTANT CHANGES DUE TO A CHANGE OF TEXT. Probably the first great change which will strike the reader of the Revised Version is the entire omission of the doxology of the Lord's Prayer at Matt. vi. 13. The reasons for this omission are conclusive. First, the clause is not found in any of the great Uncials, m, B, D, which contain the passage. Secondly, it is not noticed by the earliest Fathers in their expositions of the Lord's Prayer. True, Chrysostom and others recognise it in the fourth century, but this cannot outweigh the fact that it is wholly unnoticed by Origen in the third. The internal evidence, too, is somewhat against it, as an interruption of the context. There is, indeed, one weighty argument in its favour. It is found in most of the ancient versions, such as the ^thiopic, the Armenian, the Gothic, and, above all, the Syriac. Versions, it is obvious, are far more valuable as witnesses to the existence of clauses than they can be in regard to individual words. And could we be sure that the doxology existed from the first in such an ancient version as the Peshito Syriac, The Efiglish New Testament 6i its genuineness would perhaps no longer be disputed. But, as was formerly remarked, we cannot insist on the authority of the Syriac in support of the passage. This is felt all the more from the varying form which is presented by the doxologyin the Curetonian version, which omits altogether the words " and the power." Besides, it does not exist in the Latin Vulgate, a very important witness. Upon the whole, criticism must pronounce decidedly against the clause as forming part of the original text; and it is, accordingly, not admitted into the Revised Version. Mark xvi. 9 — 20. The reader will be struck by the appearance which this long paragraph presents in the Revised Version. Although inserted, it is marked off by a considerable space from the rest of the Gospel. A note is also placed on the margin con- taining a brief explanation of this, but it may be well here to say something more respecting such an impor- tant section of the Evangelical history. The case, then, stands as follows. It cannot be denied that there is something peculiar about the paragraph. We find that it has no place in k, B, the two oldest manu- scripts in our possession. It is true that the writer of B has left a blank space at the end of St. Mark's Gospel, clearly indicating that he knew of something more that might be inserted, but the fact remains that he did not insert it; Again, as Tregelles has remarked, 62 Companion to the Revised Version of "Eusebius, Gregory of Nyssa, Victor of Antiocli> Severus of Antioch, Jerome, as well as other writers, especially Greeks, testify that these verses were not written by St. Mark, or not found in the best copies/' * Moreover, it must, I think, be admitted that the style of the passage is not that of the Evangelist. Not only are there seventeen words in the compass of only twelve verses which are nowhere else made use of by St. Mark, but the general complexion of the paragraph is unlike that of the gospel. This much may be urged against the genuineness. But, on the other hand, in support of it we are told to reflect how improbable it is that a writer of the Gospel history would abruptly end his narrative with the statement contained in verse 8. That may be admitted, and yet there may have been circumstances unknown to us that compelled the author to make such a sudden termination. How many works might be referred to, such as Macaulay's " History of England," which close abruptly, for the too-sufficient reason that death arrested the pen of the writer ! But again it is argued that Irenaeus quotes the passage, without the slightest misgiving, in the second century. True, and that is most weighty proof of the atcthority assigned to the passage even from the earliest times, but does by no means prove the authorship of St. Mark. Nor * Introduction ^ p. 435, The English Neio Testament, d^i can the evidence of versions be deemed conclusive, for reasons which have been ah'eady stated. On the whole, a fair survey of all the facts of the case seems to lead us to these conclusions : first, that the passage is not the immediate production of St. Mark ; and secondly, that it is, nevertheless, possessed of full canonical authority. We cannot ascertain its author, but we are sure he must have been one who belonged to the circle of the Apostles. And, in accordance with this view of the paragraph, it is marked off from the words with which, for some unknown reason, the Gospel of St. Mark ended ; while, at the same time, it is inserted, without the least misgiving, as an appendix to that gospel in the Revised Version: John vii. 53 — viii. 11. This section of the Gospel narrative stands on much the same footing with that just considered. It is enclosed within brackets in the Revised Version, and is accompanied by an ex- planatory note on the margin; More, however, than that note is necessary to set forth the real authority belonging to the passage. It is not found in any one of the first-rate Uncials, nor in the Syriac and other ancient versions. There is no evidence that it was known to Origen, Chrysostom, and others of the early Fathers. It is obelised as doubtful by many of the manuscripts which contain it; The texts in which it has come down to us vary exceedingly among them- 64 Companion to the Revised Version of selves. And, lastly, as against its being an integral portion of St; John's Gospel, it has no connection with the context, and its style is totally different from that of the Evangelist. On the other hand, it is found in the ancient Uncial D, though in a text which varies much from the received. It was known to St. Jerome in the fourth century, who expressly testifies that it existed in his days " in many manu- scripts both Greek and Latin." Augustine about the same date affirms that " some of but weak faith, or rather enemies of the true faith," had expunged it from their copies of the New Testament, and adds that they did so with an ethical purpose, fearing lest the passage might seem to grant impunity to sin. It would appear from Eusebius that even Papias, who lived in the early part of the second century, was famihar with the story, though that of course does not prove that he knew it as existing in St. John's Gospel. Finally, the narrative itself breathes the very spirit ot Christ and Christianity. Now, in these circumstances, what judgment can criticism pronounce regarding it ? The right conclusion probably is that it is no part of St John's Gospel, and yet is a perfectly true narrative which has descended to us from the Apostolic age. Some critics think that its proper place would be at the end of Luke xxi., where it is really placed in some of the best of the Cursive manuscripts. Such being The English New Testament, 65 the facts of the case as regards this famous paragraph, it has properly been inserted in the text, but marked off from the context and enclosed in brackets in the Revised Version. Coloss, ii. 2. A very important departure has here been made, on textual grounds, from the Autho- rised Version. But, as the reader will observe from the note on the margin, this has not been done with much confidence. The fact is that, in the present conflicting state of the evidence, it is impossible to say, with any approach to certainty, what was here the original text. There are many varieties of reading. First, we find the very short form, " to the acknowledg- ment of the mystery of God," without any reference to Christ at all. Next, we have " to the acknowledg- ment of the mystery of God, Christ," nothing being interposed between the words " God " and " Christ." Thirdly, there is the form, " to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, which is Christ." Fourthly, some good manuscripts read " to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, the Father of Christ." And lastly, there is the reading of the mass of the Cursives represented in our Authorised Version, "to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, ana of Chrisv.'' The three last readings are, by the general consent of critics, set aside, as manifest amplifications of the original text. We are, therefore, left F 66 Companion to the Revised Version of to choose between the first and second forms. Such choice is by no means easy, and critics are greatly divided on the point According to a principle often already alluded to, the shorter form should, other things being equal, obtain the preference. But in this case there is scarcely equality. The curt form " of God " is supported only by one late Uncial, and some good Cursives. The longer form "of God, Christ," has the weighty authority of B, and of Hilary among the Fathers. The fourth form mentioned above is supported by k, A, C, and thus has perhaps more external evidence than any of the rest, but can scarcely be accepted on account of internal considerations. In these circumstances, we conclude with some confidence that the true text of the passage is that represented in the Revised Version. I Tim, iii. i6. The English reader will probably be startled to find that the familiar text, "And with- out controversy great is the mystery of godliness; God was manifest in the flesh," has been exchanged in the Revised Version for the following, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness ; He who was manifested in the flesh." A note on the margin states that " the word God^ in place of He who, rests on no sufficient ancient authority ;" and it may be well that, in a passage of so great importance, the reader should be convinced that such is the case. The English New Testament, 67 What, then, let us inquire, is the amount of evidence which can be produced in support of the reading ^' Godf This is soon stated. Not one of the early Fathers can be certainly quoted for it. None of the very ancient versions support it. No Uncial witnesses to it, with the doubtful exception of A. The most diverse opinions have been expressed by critics as to the true text of this manuscript. To let the reader under- stand how this should be, it must be stated that the difference between two such similar forms as O C and decides whether the reading shall be " who " or " God.*' Now, it cannot be wondered at that in a manuscript not less than fourteen hundred years old, it is difficult to say whether the decisive lines exist or not. But this difficulty has been greatly increased by an unfortunate attempt to escape from it altogether. Some very orthodox but presumptuous hand has drawn a dark line in the middle of the O? so as to render it certain that *' God *' is the reading of the manuscript. But the effort must now be made to overlook that modern touch entirely, and decide whether or not there is any trace of an original line in the heart of 0« Hence the diversity of opinion among critics. Bishop Ellicott declares for C " indispiUably^ after minute personal inspection."^ Dr. Scrivener, on the other hand says, " I have always felt convinced with * Coftim. on I Tim.^ p. 51. F 2 68 Companion to the Revised Version of Berriman and the earlier collators that Cod. A read C*'^* The truth probably is, that in the now worn condition of the leaf containing the passage, it is im- possible for any one by personal inspection at the present day to determine the original reading of the manuscript. Much weight, however, is due to the opinion of those who had an opportunity of examining the Codex soon after it was brought to England, and when it must have been far easier to decide the question at issue. Now, these appear to be almost unanimous that the reading was C- But even granting that the weighty suffrage of the Alexandrian manuscript is in favour of " God," far more evidence can be produced in support of "who." x and pro- bably C witness to this reading, and it has also powerful testimony from the versions and Fathers. Moreover, the relative " who," is a far more difficult reading than "God," and could hardly have been substituted for the latter. On every ground, therefore, we conclude that this interesting and important passage must stand as it has been given in the Revised Version. I Peter \\L 15. The importance of the departure here made from the Authorised Version may not at first be obvious to the reader, but will become so on a very little consideration. It amounts to nothing less * Introduction, p. 553. The English New Testament. 69 than the identification of Christ with Jehovah, For, as all admit, the Apostle here borrows his language from Isa, viii. 13, where we read "Sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself." Since, therefore, the language made use of in the Old Testament with respect to Jehovah is here applied by St. Peter to Christ, there could not be a clearer attestation to the deity of our Redeemer than that w^hich is furnished by this passage as read in the Revised Version. And the necessity of the change here made in the text admits of no question. For the reading of the Authorised Version there are only a few manuscripts and Fathers; while for that of the Revised there are all the great Uncials, several of the Fathers, and all the best versions. This instance of clear gain by rectification of the text tends all the more to reconcile us to the apparent loss which now comes to be mentioned. I Johji V. 7,8. The whole of these verses bearing upon what is known as " the heavenly witnesses," has been omitted in the Revised Version. This omission is one of the most indubitable results of textual criticism. The words left out can be proved to have no claim whatever to a place in the text of Scripture. None of the Uncial manuscripts contain them. None of the ancient versions represent them. None of the Fathers quote them, even when arguing on the subject of the Trinity. There are, indeed, two passages in 70 Companion to the Rroised Version of Cyprian which seem to indicate an acquaintance with verse 7, but even though that be granted, the fact goes for nothing against such powerful counter-evidence. As was formerly noticed, Erasmus omitted the words in his first two editions. But, as they had long stood in the Vulgate, he was, of course, subjected to much odium for so doing. To disarm his malignant assail- ants, he promised that in future editions he would insert the words if they were found in a single Greek manuscript. One was discovered in Britain which did contain them, and therefore Erasmus admitted them into the text of his third edition. But it is now agreed by all scholars that the ** British manuscript," on whose authority the words were inserted, was not more ancient than the fifteenth or sixteenth century. It once belonged to a Dr. Montfort, of Cambridge, and from him it has derived its name^ being still preserved under the title of the Codex Montfortianus in Trinity College, Dublin. Erasmus himself suspected that the disputed words contained in this manuscript had been translated into Greek from the Latin Vulgate, and this is now the fixed opinion of critics. The same thing must be said respecting the only other Greek manuscript known to contain the passage. It belongs to the fifteenth century, and is preserved in the Vatican library. The text it offers varies considerably in the verses referred to from that of the manuscript The English New Testament 71 already spoken of, but was also undoubtedly derived from the Latin. The same seems clearly to have been the case with the Complutensian edition of the New Testament. That contained in Greek the disputed words, and Stunica, its leading editor, severely censured Erasmus for omitting them. But when the great scholar asked him to state on what authority he had inserted the passage in the text, Stunica appealed only to the Vulgate. He maintained that the Latin repre- sented the true original of Scripture, and that the Greek copies had been corrupted, a pretty conclusive proof that the words in question owed their place in his text not to their having been found in any Greek manuscripts, but simply to their having been translated into Greek from the Vulgate. No defender of the genuineness of i John 7, 8, will probably arise in the future. The controversy regarding the passage is finished, and will never be re- newed. But the literary history to which it has given rise will not be forgotten. A small library might be formed of the books and pamphlets which have been written for or against the words. Among the authors of these works some very celebrated names appear. That of the illustrious Sir Isaac Newton has a place in the list. He wrote against the genuineness of the words, and thus did good service in the cause of truth. But by far the most memorable event in this lengthened 72 Companion to Revised Version of New TesfamenL and often bitter controversy was the publication of the letters of Professor Porson to Archdeacon Travis. These letters, by their acuteness and ability, whatever may be thought of their spirit, virtually settled the case against the genuineness of the passage. And although since then the voices of some zealous friends of Scripture — Bishops, Cardinals, and others — have been unwisely lifted up in defence of "the three heavenly witnesses," yet so decidedly have the minds of all scholars now been made up as to the spurious- ness of the words, that they have been omitted in the Revised Version without a line even on the margin to indicate that they had ever been admitted to a place in the sacred text. PART II. CHANGES ARISING FROM AN AMENDED TRANSLATION. CHAPTER I. CORRECTION OF MISTAKES IN THE MEANING OF GREEK WORDS. There are not very many instances in which the Authorised Version has positively mistaken the import of the original. The translators had before them the labours of many able predecessors, and upon the whole turned to good account the advantages which they thus enjoyed. Still, there are cases in which they have gone quite astray in the meaning assigned to the Greek, and to the chief of these we now proceed to direct our attention. Matt. X. 4 and Mark iii. i8. In these passages we read in the Authorised Version of "Simon the Catjaanite.'' This naturally suggests to an English reader the idea that one of the Apostles did not belong to the family of Abraham, but to the race of the Canaanites. Such a notion, however, rests upon an utter mistake. The epithet applied to Simon is taken from the Aramaic /^/^/^, then commonly spoken in Palestine. It is replaced by the Greek word 76 Companion to the Revised Version of meaning " Zealot" at Luke vi. 15 and Acts i. 13, just as the same Evangelist gives the Greek equivalent at Luke viii. 54 for the Aramaic words in Mark v. 41. The meaning, therefore, is that Simon had, before he became a follower of Christ, belonged to the Jewish faction of the Zealots. Accordingly, this explanation has been given on the margin of the Revised Version at Matt. X. 4, and Mark iii. 18, while Cananaean has taken the place of the erroneous and misleading form " Canaanite," in the text. Matt. xiv. 8. Here we read in the Authorised Version, "She, being before instructed oi\\Qr mother," &c. But it is certain that this is a mistake. The Greek verb made use of has never any reference to time, but can only mean "urged on," or "impelled." As Archbishop Trench has remarked, " We may conceive the unhappy girl, with all her vanity and levity, yet shrinking from the petition of blood which her mother would put into her lips, and needing to be urged on or pushed forward before she could be induced to make it; and this is implied in the word."* Hence the rendering "put forward" in the Revised Version. Matt, XV. 27. The Greek will not here allow of the rendering "yet," which occurs in the Authorised Version. And it completely perverts the meaning. * On Authorised Versioti, p. 115. The English New Testament. 77 The argument of the woman is derived from that very appellation which our Lord had given her. Granting its truthfulness, she saw it opened a door of hope before her, so that, instead of being driven by Christ's words to despair, she ventured to rest her whole case upon them, and exclaimed, as in the Revised Version, " Yea, luox^y for even the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table." Matt. xxvi. 15. An interesting correction has been made in this verse. We cannot, indeed, affirm that the translation "covenanted," here found in the Authorised Version, is absolutely impossible. But it entirely breaks the connection between this passage and Zech. xi. 12. We there find the very same Greek verb in the Septuagint as here occurs in the Gospel. The Old Testament rendering is, " They weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.'' And so it should be here, as in the Revised Version, "They weighed unto him thirty pieces of silver." Mark iv. 29. Here the expression "is brought forth," in the Authorised Version, is a very inexact rendering of the Greek verb. The proper translation, " is ripe,'* will be found in the text of the Revised Version. Luke iii. 23. Here we find in the Authorised Version the singular statement that "Jesus himself 78 Companion to the Revised Version of began to be about thirty years of age." The Greek gives no countenance to such a translation. It ought to be rendered as in the Revised Version, "And , Jesus himself, when he began (to teach), was about thirty years of age." Luke ix. 32. This verse is quite misrepresented by the Authorised Version, "But Peter, and they that were with him, were heavy with sleep ; and when they were awake^ they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him." It ought to be rendered as in the Revised Version, " But Peter, and they that were with him, were heavy with sleep \ yet having remained awake ^ they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him." Lukey^M\\\. 12. Here the word " possess " in the Authorised Version is quite an impossible rendering of the Greek. It ought to be "acquire" or "get," as in the Revised Version. Tithes were paid not on what was laid up or possessed^ but on what was gained in the way of increase. Hence the Pharisee says, " I give tithes of all that I get." Luke xxii. 56. The exact and graphic force of the original is here missed in the Authorised Version. ** But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire : and earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him." The real meaning is, that she recognised him when a flash of the smouldering fire The English Neto Testament, 79 fell upon his countenance. This is brought out in the Revised Version. "And a certain maid seeing him as he sat in the light (of the fire), and earnestly looking upon him, said, This man also was with him." Ltike xxiv. 25. Many readers must have been struck by the harshness of the words, " O fools," here found in the Authorised Version. Such an opening of his discourse seems quite out of keeping with the tender and affectionate way in which Christ dealt with these two disciples. No such incongruity appears in the original. It simply denotes want of understanding and reflection, and the Authorised Version has been softened in the Revised by the simple emendation, " O foolish men." John ix. 17. Here the Authorised Version is scarcely intelligible. " They say unto the blind man again. What sayest thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes?" The meaning is made plain in the Revised Version merely by inserting "in," thus — " They say therefore unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him, in that he opened thine eyes? And he said, He is a prophet." John X. 14, 15. The connection between these two verses is totally destroyed in the Authorised Version, which runs thus : " I am the good Shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the So Companion to the Revised Version of Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep." The verses should be read as in the Revised Version : " I am the good Shepherd, and I know mine own, and mine own know me, even as the Father knoweth me and I know the Father ; and I lay down my life for the sheep." John xi. 20. The supplementary word "still" here inserted in the Authorised Version : " but Mary sat still in the house," is apt to produce an erroneous impression. By simply transposing it in the Revised Version, the true meaning of the tense employed in the original is brought out : " but Mary still sat in the house." Acts ii. 3. The Authorised Version is here quite wrong ; " And there appeared unto them cloven tongues^ like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.'' The symbolical meaning of the appearance is thus quite missed. We must render, as in the Revised Version, "And there appeared unto them tongues parting asunder (or, partifig among them), like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them." Acts iii. 19, 20. An impossible translation here occurs in the Authorised Version, in which we read : "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord ; and he The English New Testament. 8i shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you." For eschatological reasons it is most important that the true rendering of this passage should be presented. It is thus given in the Revised Version : *' Repent ye therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that so seasons of refresh- ing may come from the presence of the Lord ; and that he may send the Christ who hath been appointed for you (even), Jesus." Acts xxvi. 28. It is with some reluctance that we here abandon the rendering of the Authorised Version, ^^ Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." This is a text from which many eloquent and edifying sermons have been preached, but the Greek will not tolerate it. Quite a different expression must have been used for " almost ; " and the true rendering of the original, as it stands, seems to be that of the Revised Version : " With hict little persuasion thou wouldest fain make me a Christian." Rom. iii. 25. The Authorised translation of this verse is, " Whom God hath set forth to be a propitia- tion through faith in his blood, to declare his righteous- ness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God." But, besides being almost unintelligible, this is an utterly impossible version of the Greek. The original can only be fairly represented in some such translation as that of the Revised G 82 Companion to the Revised Version of Version : ** Whom God set forth to be a propitiation, through faith, by his blood, to shew his righteousness, because of the passing over of tJie sins done aforetime, in the forbearance of God." Ro7n. xi. 7, 25. It is remarkable that the Greek words which the Authorised Version translates in these verses, and at 2 Cor. iii. 14, Eph. iv. 18, as " blinded " and ** blindness," are in the Gospels (Mark iii. 5, vi. 52; John xii. 40) rendered *' hardened^' and *' hardness." The latter is their proper meaning, and, as such, it has been consistently maintained in the Revised Version. I Cor. iv. 4. This verse stands as follows in the Authorised Version, *^ For I know nothing by myself ; yet am I not hereby justified ; but- he that judgeth me is the Lord." As thus translated, the passage is constantly misunderstood. Even intelligent readers imagine that the Apostle here means to state that he was dependent for all the knowledge he had on the favour of God. But this is a total misapprehension of the meaning. The true sense is brought out in the Revised Version, '^ For I know nothing against myself; yet am I not hereby justified : but he that judgeth me is the Lord." This passage might, perhaps, have been more justly classed mth those archaisms which require adjustment to present-day usage than with mistakes in translation. Yet the misunderstanding of the words The English Neiu Testament. 83 is so great, that it seemed important to notice them here. Some have deemed the expression " by my- self " a mere provinciaHsm, which was, through over- sight, admitted into the Authorised Version, but the phrase seems once to have been good EngUsh. Thus, " Cranmer says to Henry VIII., * I am exceedingly sorry that such faults can be proved by the queen,' that is, against her."* The Aposde means that though he was not conscious of having done any wrong in reference to the Corinthians, yet, after all, it was only God that could truly judge and thoroughly justify him. 2 Co7'. ii. 14. Here the rendering, "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ," seems to rest on a mistake as to the meaning of the Greek. Indeed, the Authorised Version con- tradicts itself, for the same word occurs again at Col. ii. 15, and is there translated " triumphing over them." The correct rendering is that of the Revised Version, " But thanks be unto God, which always leadeth us in triumph in Christ,'' on which Bishop Lightfoot remarks, that here ^'the image of the believer made captive and chained to the car of Christ is most expressive, while the paradox of the Apostle's thanksgiving over his own spiritual defeat and thraldom is at once sig- nificant and characteristic." t * Eadie, The English Bible, ii. 374, t Revision of the New Testament, p. 135, G 2 84 Companion to the Revised Version of Gal, V. 17. The Authorised Version here reads, " For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh ; and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.'' By this rendering the flesh is represented as the master-principle, which succeeds in preventing believers from doing the things which they would. But the very opposite is implied in the Greek. The Spirit who dwells in believers is represented as enabling them successfully to resist those tendencies to evil which naturally exist within them ; and the correct rendering is that of the Revised Version, "For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary the one to the other ; that ye may not do the things that ye would^^ Eph, iv. 29. Here again the Authorised Version presents the following impossible translation, " Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying^ that it may minister grace unto the hearers." The literal meaning of the Greek is " to the building up of the need," and its real import is, that hearers are to be addressed, not in commonplace generalities, but in special terms, as their necessities require. This is expressed in the Revised Version, " Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but that which is The English New Testament 85 good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear/' Fhilipp. iv. 2, 3. The Authorised Version here reads, *'I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. And I intreat thee also, true yoke-fellow, help those women which laboured with me in the Gospel," &c. It would seem from this rendering that Euodias and Syntyche are referred to only in the second verse, and that the women afterwards spoken of are different. But the original shows that this is not the case, and the proper translatfcn is that of the Revised Version, " I beseech Euodias, and I beseech Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. Yea, I intreat thee also, true yoke- fellow, help those women for they laboured with me in the Gospel," &c. Col ii. 8. If it cannot be said that the Authorised Version here is positively erroneous, it is certainly liable to grave misconstruction. The true meaning is clearly brought out, when instead of " Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,'^ we read as in the Revised Version, " Take heed lest there shall be any one that maketh spoil of you through his philosophy and vain deceit." 2 Thess, ii. i. Here the Authorised Version errs, in common with many others, in the rendering, "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming 86 Companion to the Revised Version of of our Lord Jesus Christ," &c. It should be, as in the Revised Version, "Now we beseech you, brethren, in regard of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,'' &c. I Tim, vi. 5. Here the rendering of the Author- ised Version, "supposing that gain is godliness," is not only erroneous but absurd. How it could have ever found acceptance is very difficult to understand. As the original clearly indicates, " godliness " is the subject, and "gain" the predicate, so that the correct rendering is that of the Revised Version, " supposing that godliness is a way of gain P Heh. xi. 13. This verse is spoiled in the Author- ised Version, which runs thus, "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them and em- braced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." It was formerly remarked that the clause " and were persuaded of them " has no right to stand in the text. We have now to notice that the translation, "and embraced them," is incorrect. The image, as Chrysostom long ago remarked, is that of sailors who, catching a glimpse of the shores they wish to reach, salute them from a distance. It will be remembered how the poet notices this in our own language, when, speaking of a promontory by the sea, he says— The English New Testament, 87 " His hoary head Conspicuous many a league, the mariner, Bound homeward, and in hope already there, Greets with three cheers exulting." - Such is the attitude assigned in this passage to the Old Testament saints, and the verse ought to be translated as in the Revised Version, " These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them, and greeted them from afar, and having confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." I Fet. iii. 21. It is certain that the Authorised Version is here wrong in translating the original as meaning " the answer of a good conscience towards God." The exact meaning of the clause is difficult to determine. It probably is the seeking after God with an earnest heart, as the great spiritual idea in Christian baptism implies. The Revised Version, with certainly a far nearer approach to truth than the Authorised, inserts somewhat doubtfully in the text, " the interro- gation of a good conscience toward God," while " inquiry " and " appeal " stand on the margin. Rev. iv. 6, 7, 8, 9; V. 6, 8, 11, 14; vi. i, 3, 5, 6, 7; vii. 1 1 ; xiv. 3 ; xv. 7 ; xix. 4. Every one must have heard the word "beast" or "beasts," which is the translation of the Authorised Version in these passages, quietly corrected into "living creature" or "creatures." * Cowper's Task, Book I. 88 Covipanion to the Revised Version of The word in the original is totally different from that which is found in such passages as Rev. xiii. i, xiv. 9, &c., where the rendering ''beast" is quite proper. The terms will be found properly discriminated in the Revised Version. The English New Testament, 89 CHAPTER II. CORRECTION OF MISTAKES IN GREEK GRAMMAR. Here a very wide field opens up before us. The Authorised Version is often most inexact in regard to grammatical points. This comes out in many ways, and will here be illustrated with reference to the article, the tenses of the Greek verb, and the senses assigned to several prepositions. It need hardly be said how great is the difference of meaning imparted to a clause or sentence in our language, according as one word in it is without an article, or has the indefinite or definite article. Thus, if we read, " God gave life to inan^^ that is felt to have a very distinct sense from " God gave life to a man," and the latter again to be very difi"erent in meaning from, " God gave life to the man." Perhaps no better illustration could be adduced of the difference of signification caused in English by the use of the indefinite or definite articles respectively than is fur- nished in the remark said to have been made by Charles Fox, when^ comparing his own fluency with that of William Pitt, he said, " I never want a word, 90 Compajiio7i to iJie Radsed Version of but Pitt never wants ike word.'* These examples will sufficiently suggest to the reader how much may depend on the coiTect use of the article in our language. But in the Authorised Version this point of accuracy has been almost entirely neglected. The Greek language has a definite article, and its omission or insertion in a passage often has the weightiest effect upon the sense. Yet our translators seem to have been ignorant of this fact, and have treated the article as if it were not of the slightest importance. They have been guilty of every possible variety of error in connection with it. As will immediately appear, they have omitted it in their version where it existed in the original ; they have inserted it where it had no place in the Greek ; and they have sometimes over-translated it by giving it the force of a demon- strative pronoun. Let us look at some instances of their blundering under each of these three heads. First — The Authorised Version has frequently omitted the article where it existed in the Greek. There are, no doubt, cases in which the English idiom will not tolerate the use of an article where it is found in the original. This is especially true when it stands before proper names and abstract nouns. But, with these exceptions, it is generally important that the definite article should be represented in English when The English Nav Testament, 91 it stands in the Greek. This comes out very strikingly in connection with the word Christ, That term is never used in the Gospels as a proper name, but always as an official title. Only once is it connected with the personal appellation Jesus, namely, at John xvii. 3, in which passage the Saviour stations himself, as it were, in the future, when his claim to be regarded as Messiah shall have been demonstrated by the resurrection. After that event, the term Christ might be used as synonymous with Jesus, but not before. Accordingly, we find that in the Gospels the word has, with very few exceptions, the article prefixed, and should therefore be translated ^' the Christ." Thus, at Matt. ii. 4, where the Authorised Version has ^*he demanded of them where Christ should be born," the proper rendering is the Ch7'ist, the promised Messiah. And so throughout. Many other examples of the improper and hurtful omission of the article by the Authorised Version might be quoted. I shall notice only these two — 2 Thess. ii. 3, where, instead of " a falling away,'' and " that man of sin," we should read " except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed," and Heb. xi. 10, where the right rendering is, " he looked for the city which hath the foundations," the reference being to the Avell-known and often-alluded-to foundations, in other words, he looked for the New Jerusalem, of which it had been 92 Companion to the Revised Version of already said, "Her foundations are in the holy mountains" (Ps. Ixxxvii. i ; cf. Isa. xxviii. i6); even as in the Apocalypse great things are spoken of these glorious foundations of the heavenly city (Rev. xxi. 14, 19, 20)."* Proper regard to the insertion of the definite article where it occurs in the Greek will be found one of the marked characteristics of the Revised Version. Secondly, the Authorised Version has ijiserted the definite article where it had no place in the Greek. This is not such a frequent error as that just noticed, but still not a few examples are to be found. Thus, at I Tim. vi. 10, the Authorised Version makes St. Paul declare that " the love of money is the root of all evil," an exaggerated statement which could not be seriously maintained, whereas the true rendering is, " the love of money is a root of all evil," a sad truth which universal experience has confirmed. So again, at Luke iii. 14, we should read, " and soldiers also asked him ; " at 2 Cor. iii. 15, " ^ veil lieth upon their heart;" at Gal. iv. 31, "children of a handmaid ; " at Philipp. iii. 5, "a Hebrew of Hebrews;" and thus in several other passages which will be noticed by readers of the Revised Version. * Thirdly, the Authorised Version has sometimes over-translated the article by giving it the force of a * Abp. Trench, 0?i the Authorised Version, p. 86. The English New Testament, 93 demonstrative pronoun. Examples of this error occur at John i. 21, where we find, ^^Art thou that prophet ? " instead of "Art thou the prophet?" iv. 37, ^Uhat saying" for "///?A*aTtfeo'0ai and /JLcra/jLopcpovo-dai. f did^oXos and hai^oviovj or Sai/xwy. J 2 132 CompanioJi to the Revised Version of is the word which is literally *' daemon," and which is so often used in connection with those unhappy beings who are described as daemonized^ or "possessed of devils." This "possession was a disease like epi- lepsy, for the victim was * healed,' and some kind of insanity, for the * right mind ' was restored. But it was something more — the intrusion of an alien force into the nervous system, impeding sensation, so that the patient was deaf and dumb ; with perfect organs, but without power to use them ; his will overlorded (Acts X. 2i^) by an alien might, which created the confusion of an apparently dual consciousness. The rendering of the two distinct terms by the same word obliterates a very marked distinction to the English reader."* It is, indeed, much to be regretted that the word " daemon " was not introduced into the earliest versions of the New Testament which were made into our language. Had that been done, the ex- pression would soon have established itself as clearly marking a distinction between the evil spirits so named and the great adversary — the devil. In the Revised Version the common rendering has been retained as now almost a matter of necessity, but wherever the word " daemon" has been translated "devil " the fact is indicated on the margin. There is a simple Greek verb which is usually * Eadie's English Bible^ ii. 433. The English New Testame?tt 133 and properly translated " judge," but it is erroneously rendered "condemn'' at John iii. 17, 18. In like manner, the simple substantives connected with it are generally represented by ^'judgment " in English, but improperly by " damnation " at Matt, xxiii. 33, Mark xii. 40, and other places. On the other hand, a com- pound of the verb referred to with a preposition is somewhat inexactly rendered by " judge " at i Cor. iv- 3> 4j 5, although all that has there been done in the Revised Version is to place another translation on the margin. The reference seems to be to the pre- liminary examination of accused persons — what is known in Scotch law as a " precognition." We have an example of this at Acts xxv. 26 ; but, however useful this may be in human affairs, the Apostle pro- tests against it in matters spiritual as an unwarrantable anticipation of the judgment of the great day. There is another compound of the same verb which is also improperly rendered "judge" at i Cor. xi. 31; it should be translated "discern," as in ver. 29. A third* compound is correctly rendered "condemn," as at Matt. xii. 41 and most other passages, but "damned," which occurs at Mark xvi. 16 and Rom. xiv. 23, is now too strong an expression, and has been avoided in the Revised Version. * The several Greek terms are Kpivu, Kpi^a, Kpicris, avaKplvv ZiaKpivw, KaraKpivQ), 134 Conipanio7i to the Revised Version of Three words'^ are in common translated *' bright- ness " in the Authorised Version which, nevertheless, admit of being easily distinguished. One of the ex- pressions occurs in that striking passage, Heb. i. 3, in which we read of Christ, " Who being the brightness of his glory," &c. Here the word might be mistakenly supposed to mean a reflected splendour, but the true meaning is a radiance which is flashed forth; and therefore the translation ^* effulgence " has been adopted in the Revised Version. At Acts xxvi. 13, on the other hand, " brightness '' is the exact trans- lation of the Greek, while at 2 Thess. ii. 8 it is totally \vrong, and must give place to some such word as " manifestation." The Greek words which denote the act of dying and the state of death respectively have not unfre- quently been confounded in the Authorised Version, sometimes to the great obscuration of the sense. Thus, the constantly recurring words "are dead," in Rom. vi. 2, &c., should be translated "died." This emen- dation is specially important at 2 Cor. v. 14, where the common rendering, " We thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead, ^^ completely ruins the sense. It should be, " We thus judge, that one died for all, therefore all died^^\ — that is, all believers died in and with Christ. * aTravya(riJ.a, Aa^UTrporr^y, *Tri