UC-NRLF COMPLIMENTARY THE CHARLES LARNED MEMORIAL OXFORD MASSACHUSETTS 1906 BfRPCBllY LIBRARY I UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA LIBRARY SCHOOL A 04 ooooooooooooooooo ,0 v V o, 00000000000000000- ' SOUVENIR OF THE CHARLES EARNED MEMORIAL AND THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY ^OXFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 1906 BOSTON GEO. H. ELLIS Co., PRINTERS, 272 CONGRESS STREET 1906 GIFT U33ARY SCHOOL FOREWORD. The prime object of the following pages is to report the dedicatory exercises of the CHARLES LAKNED MEMORIAL, but its character as a memorial and as a working factor in the individual and social life of the com- munity cannot be fully appreciated without a some- what detailed account of its history and structural features, while the only fitting introduction thereto is a brief sketch of the FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY whose needs called it into being and with which hence- forth it is to be identified. This sketch has been extracted from the Town Report of 1890, which with all other material has been selected and arranged for this brochure, that, as far as limits would permit, it might at least approach complete- ness and symmetry. M893542 BENEFACTORS OF THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1868. HON. IRA M. BARTON, FOUNDER, $1000. 1876. HON. GEORGE L. DAVIS, $500. 1892. GEN. NELSON H. DAVIS, $250. 1895. MRS. MARY S. T. WALLACE, $1993.25. 1898. JEREMIAH LEARNED, ESQ., Residuary Portion of Estate. 1902. ORRIN F. JOSLIN, ESQ., $1000. TOWN OF OXFORD, $4500. For Purchase of Present Site. 1904. Miss MATTIE E. SAWTELLE, $700. HON. RICHARD OLNEY, $1000. CHARLES EARNED, ESQ., The "Charles Lamed Memorial." P 1 * tf o OQ I 1 < > it Committee. FRANKLIN G. DANIELS, J Approved. CHARLES LARNED. In the acceptance of this report it was voted to adopt the resolution incorporated therein, and that the Committee chosen report at an adjournment of this meeting to be held June 30 at 7.30 P.M. A Committee of three, consisting of C.I. Rawson, C. S. Lyman, and H. A. Larned, was appointed by the Chair to wait upon Mr. 0. F. Joslin, who had expressed his willingness to give a site for the building, for which a vote of thanks was passed at the adjourned meeting held on the 30 June, 1900. In accordance with the above action the ad- journed meeting was held at the date specified, and, the report of the Building Committee on a site for the Charles Lamed Memorial being called for, it was presented by the Chairman as follows : To THE VOTERS OF OXFORD : In pursuance of instructions coupled with the ap- pointment of a Building Committee at the special town meeting held on the 29 May, 1900, a careful and exhaustive examination of available locations for the proposed CHARLES LARNED MEMORIAL has been made in conjunction with Mr. Lamed in person, and has resulted in reducing the question of selection to a choice between three eligible sites, to wit : the Hyde property, the White property, and the Cushman lot. Aside from the essential features of ample space and central location, the considerations which have focussed the attention of your Committee upon these three sites are that all, perhaps in varying degrees, are easily accessible, reasonably quiet, adapted to proper architectural effect, upon the main street, upon the right side of the street, and well shaded. The Hyde property, on the north-west corner of Main and Sigourney Streets, presents a frontage of about 180 feet on Main Street by 200 feet on Sigourney Street, and contains a two-story house with ells and barn. The price is $6,500. 27 The White property, near the C church, consists of two lots, a corner lot with a frontage of 109 feet on Main Street by 200 feet on Church Street, containing a dwelling and barn, also a lot of irregular form opposite the north-east corner of the old cemetery and contiguous to the first, with a frontage of 93 feet on Church Street, run- ning north 133 feet, where it narrows to 40 feet, and containing a tenement house. All this prop- erty can be bought for $3,000 ; or a part of the corner lot, without the buildings, measuring 109 feet on Main Street and 109 feet on Church Street, for $1,500, on condition that the barn shall be moved a few feet to the west and made to front the east, at the town's expense. The Cushman lot, immediately north of Mrs. Cushman's house, may be described as a parallelo- gram, with the north-east corner 42 feet front by 172 feet cut out : this leaves a frontage on Main Street of 88 feet, with a depth westward to the line of the High School lot of nearly 450 feet, and ap- proaching within about 75 feet of Barton Street. The lot can be purchased for $1,200, and will cost the town nothing. As other elements than mere eligibility of a site for library purposes enter into the problem of se- lection, it has seemed to your Committee to accord more fully with the spirit of the instructions given not to attempt to pronounce upon the question of cost by recommending unconditionally a specific site, but rather to eliminate non-essential features, and so reduce the problem to manageable propor- tions, and thus hand it over to the voters in the compact form which it now bears. The considerations pro and con touching each of the above-named locations have been carefully canvassed by the Committee, but it has been thought best not to encumber this report by setting them forth in detail. In view of the fact, however, that we are called upon to act, not for ourselves alone, but for genera- tions yet unborn, and that probably no local ques- tion during all the years of the century now closing so vitally concerns the mental and moral well-being of the young people of Oxford, present and future, and while not unmindful of the limitations of our prerogatives as a committee appointed for a special purpose, it may not be improper to suggest that, as we have enjoyed and are now enjoying the bounty of a long line of liberal benefactors in the past, it becomes us, who are but temporary custodians of the welfare of others, to plan generously and well for the future Oxford in which we of to-day can be at best only a memory. Respectfully submitted, JOHN E. KIMBALL. ) r> - 7 ? OBRIN F. JOSLIN, \Buildmg ALFRED M. CHAFFBB, j Com ttee - OXFOKD, MASS., 30 June, 1900. A motion was then made by Mr. Lawrence F. Kilty, that " we reconsider the vote whereby we voted to accept the proposition offered by Mr. C. Lamed, at a previous session of this meeting." Carried by a vote of 76 to 28, whereupon it was voted to lay the report of the Building Committee on the table. Mr. Lamed having in private generously inti- mated his willingness to allow his proposition of April, 1900, to remain open for action another year, which intimation was reaffirmed by a letter to the Committee dated at Cocoanut Grove, Fla., March 14, 1901, at the annual meeting held 1 April, 1901, the subject reappeared in Article 16 of the Warrant, " To see if the town will accept the propositions of Mr. Charles Larned and Mr. Orrin F. Joslin in relation to a Free Public Library Build- ing, and raise and appropriate money therefor, as petitioned for by John E. Kimball, Alfred M. Chaffee, and Orrin F. Joslin, or act thereon." Mr. Joslin's proposition is embodied in the fol- lowing memorandum : I propose to convey to the Town of Oxford by warranty deed all that portion of the present Cushman lot lying north of a line from a point on the Highway about 88 feet south of the Newton line, running westerly about 450 feet to the Barber line and including the section to the south and west of the Newton Estate, about 42 x 272 feet, upon the following conditions, viz. : The gift shall be held and occupied in perpetuity for a Free Public Library Building, or, if not all required for such building, the residue for a Free Public School Building. In case the Town prefers for such purpose some other site, I will give in lieu of the Cushman lot the sum of ($1,000) One Thou- sand Dollars. ORRIN F. JOSLIN. OXFORD, March 30, 1901. It was voted to accept the propositions of Mr. Charles Larned and Mr. Orrin F. Joslin, and to carry into effect their provisions. The same Building Committee was appointed, and the sum of $500 was raised and appropriated for their expenses. A special meeting of the voters was called for the 30 evening of 18 May, 1901, at which the following report was read and accepted : Your Committee, having discharged its duties, submit the following report : The Cushman Lot, about 88 feet front on Main Street and running back to the High School lot \y% acres, will cost the town absolutely nothing. The Cushman Farm, including the whole of the Cushman property, house and barn, between Mrs. Newton's and Mrs. Wheelock's, will cost the town $4,000. The Morgan Corner, including it and the Chaffee property, two houses and one barn, will cost the town $4,900. The Hyde Lot, house and barn, will cost the town $4,500. The White Lot, north of the Congregational church, two houses and one barn, wih 1 cost the town $2,000. > The Sigourney Lot, 85 x 145 feet, opposite Town Hall, house and barn, will cost the town $3,000. 0. F. JOSLIN. JOHN E. KIMBALL. A. M. CHAFFEE. From these the Hyde lot was selected by the following baUot : Whole number of votes cast, 152. Blank Sigourney Lot 1 White Lot Cushman Farm Cushman Lot 32 Morgan Lot 33 Hyde Lot 79 31 and the Building Committee was authorized to make the purchase. It was then voted to sell the buildings, also to sell 80 feet of land fronting Sigourney Street, with the house and barn. At a special meeting called for the evening of 17 September, 1901, after a nearly unanimous vote refusing to borrow and appropriate the sum of $4,500 for the purchase of the aforesaid Hyde lot it was Voted, " To annul and revoke all acts and votes heretofore taken relative to a new building and site for a Library." The way was thus cleared for history to repeat itself, and accordingly the Warrant for the next Annual Town Meeting held on the 7 April, 1902, contained such Articles as the f oUowing : Article 12. To hear the report of the Library Building Committee and act thereon. Article 13. To see what action the town will take in regard to the gifts of Mr. Charles Larned and Mr. Orrin F. Joslin for a Free Public Library. Article 14. To raise and appropriate a sum of money not exceeding Fifty-seven Hundred Dollars ( $5700) to pay for the Hyde Lot as purchased by the Building Committee, as authorized by vote of the town at a Special Town Meeting held May 18, 1901. Article 15. To raise and appropriate the sum of Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1800) to build a Free Public Library, or act thereon etc. 32 The outcome was a new departure in the passage of two motions, both by Mr. Edwin Bartlett : That the School Committee act in conjunction with the old Library Committee (sic), and confer with Mr. Charles Larned in relation to a Library and High School Building combined, and report at a special meeting to be called as soon as possible. also To authorize the Library Committee, J. E. Kimball, 0. F. Joslin, A. M. Chaffee, and the School Commit- tee, acting jointly, to propose to Mr. Larned to allow his gift of $12,000 and accrued interest to be used in building a Union Building to contain a library and the high school, costing not to exceed $28,000. At the special meeting called for the evening of 6 May, 1902, "to hear the report of the joint Committee in regard to a Union Building to accom- modate a High School and a Library," the report was as f oUows : OXFORD, MASS., May 6, 1902. Your joint Committee appointed at our last Annual Town Meeting to confer with Mr. Charles Larned in regard to using his gift and accrued interest in the construction of a Union Building to accommo- date a Library and High School, having discharged its duty, submit the following REPORT. On Saturday, April 12, Edwin N. Bartlett, David Glass, 0. F. Joslin, and A. M. Chaffee, went to Boston on the 8.58 train from Worcester, going direct to the office of Mr. Larned. After a careful consideration of the subject Mr. 33 Lamed signified his willingness to write a letter setting forth his views, which letter reads as fol- lows : BOSTON, MASS., April 15, 1902. Mr. A. M. CHAFFEE, Oxford, Mass. Dear Sir, Replying to your request that I write you a letter defining my position on a proposed building for library and school combined, I beg leave to say that a combination building for library and school for the town of Oxford has to my mind many serious objections ; but, should the voters of Oxford decide that a combination building is what they want, my offer of $12,000, with interest thereon, I am willing should be used as part payment for such a building, which you tell me may cost about $28,000. The Building Committee to remain as named in my original proposition. Trusting that herein I have covered all the points of your inquiry, I remain, Very truly yours, CHARLES LARNED. On Monday, April 14th, your joint Committee met at the residence of Mr. 0. F. Joslin to discuss the matter, and after careful consideration of the subject it was decided that your Committee make no recom- mendations, but desire that the voters should carefully consider the propositions and decide the question as it seems in their wisdom best. On April 18th your Committee received a further communication from Mr. Lamed, as follows : 34 BOSTON, MASS., April 18, 1902. Mr. A. M. CHAFFEE, Oxford, Mass. Dear Sir, You doubtless have my letter of April 15. I would like to say in addition that, should the town vote to build a library building on the Hyde lot and a school building on another lot, I would be pleased to donate $1,000 toward the school building. In that case the town would have full control of erection of school building. Yours truly, CHARLES LARNED. In conclusion the Committee would recommend that, whatever action the town may take in the premises, that a vote of thanks be passed expressive of their appreciation of Mr. Charles Lamed' s and Mr. 0. F. Joslin's most generous offers. All of which is most respectfully submitted, 0. F. JOSLIN. A. M. CHAFFEE. JOHN E. KIMBALL. DAVID GLASS. JOHNSON R. WOODWARD. EDWIN N. BARTLETT. It was voted to accept the report of the joint Committee, including the two letters from Mr. Charles Larned, and that the same be spread upon the records of the town. At this meeting it was also voted that the Select- men and Treasurer be directed to borrow a sum not to exceed Fifty-seven Hundred Dollars ($5700) to pay for the Hyde lot, purchased by the Building 35 Committee, as authorized by vote of the town at a Special Town Meeting held 18 May, 1901. Under another article, that they be directed to turn over the license fees for this year to the Library Building Committee. (This "tainted money" was subsequently turned back into the treasury.) And, finally, "that the town accept the gifts of Mr. Charles Larned and Mr. Orrin F. Joslin in re- lation to a Free Public Library, said gifts, Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000), with interest, from Mr. Larned, and One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) from Mr. Joslin, coupled with conditions which they have stated in writing," with a vote of thanks to these gentlemen, with acceptance, thanks, and acknowledgment for Mr. Larned' s gift of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for a High School Building. In the accepted belief that, despite the contradic- tions of two years' experience the final vote of acceptance meant what it purported to mean, the policy of obstruction seeming to have fairly ex- hausted itself, from this time the enterprise pro- gressed steadily and without interruption to its final accomplishment. Henceforth the Building Com- mittee was left to prosecute its work unmolested, and at the Annual Town Meeting held on 6 April, 1903, reported progress as follows : Perhaps no report from this Committee is caUed for till our work is done. When that period ar- rives, we hope the work will speak for itself. Con- scious of the fact, however, that the public is deeply 36 interested, we have deemed it best to report prog- ress coupled with some considerations touching its financial aspect. One year ago, as you remember, preliminary sketches by several architects were submitted, which led to the choice of Cutting, Carlton & Cutting of Worcester, who proceeded at once to embody our plan in working drawings. On the completion of plan and specifications the season was too far ad- vanced to justify an attempt to erect the building before winter. The time was improved, however, in devising improvements in the plan, selecting ma- terials, and seeking out the right men. The con- tract was finally, in January, awarded to Kankin & Woodside of Worcester, for the sum of $21,100 and the stone and brick on the lot. Meanwhile the buildings and other property had been sold and re- moved, and the site placed in readiness for the builders, who began work about two weeks ago. It will be remembered that a printed statement submitted to the town in 1902 represented the " Balance " over and above available funds " needed to complete the library building" to be $1,800, the members of the Building Committee being person- ally pledged to be responsible for any excess in cost over $18,000. A letter just received from Mr. Lamed may mod- ify these conditions by relieving the town of the necessity of raising even the $1,800, and placing at our disposal for better and more complete equip- ment the funds already on deposit. The letter is as follows : EOOM 1025 TKEMONT BUILDING, BOSTON, MASS., April 3, 1903. To THE VOTERS OF OXFORD : Gentlemen, Whereas the town has generously secured and purchased a more expensive and ell- 37 gible lot for the Free Public Library building than was at first anticipated, said lot being devoted ex- clusively to the library building, and on which said building is now in process of erection, and whereas said library building will, when completed, cost largely in excess of the original sum men- tioned, $18,000, after due consideration I have de- cided, with the consent and approval of the town, to modify my original proposition, to wit : To assume and bear the entire expense and cost of the library building up to the sum of Twenty- four Thousand Dollars ($24,000), thereby enabling the town, through the Building Committee, to fur- nish and equip the library in a more liberal manner than they would otherwise feel like doing. Very truly yours, CHARLES LARNED. Perhaps the Building Committee might consider its duty discharged when the building was com- pleted, and leave the matter of equipment and adornment of grounds to other hands; but the comprehensive plan upon which we have labored covers every detail inside and outside the building, all of which should be harmoniously wrought out, and it would be more in accordance with the fitness of things, not to say our own views, to turn over the property finished, equipped, and ready for use. Therefore, we submit the following recommenda- tions : I. That the proposition embodied in the accom- panying letter of Mr. Charles Larned be accepted with appropriate acknowledgments. II. That the proceeds of the sale of buildings and other property on the library premises be ap- propriated to the grading and laying out of the grounds. III. That all funds in the town treasury or on deposit available for library purposes be turned over to the Building Committee, to be used, or such portion thereof as may be necessary, to properly furnish and equip the new building. Building JOHN E. KIMBALL, 0. F. JOSLIN, A. M. CHAFFEE, Committee of the Charles Lamed f Memorial. ,x OXFORD, MASS., 6 April, 1903. The report was supplemented by the statement that the property on the Hyde lot had been sold for nearly $700, and that the Building Committee this day had voted to refund to the town the $2,250 license money set apart for their use on 6 May, 1902. By a unanimous vote the report of the Building Committee was adopted, and thanks tendered to Mr. Charles Lamed, of Boston, for his generous additional gift, which the Town Clerk was instructed to enter upon the records and communicate to Mr. Larned. At the Annual Town Meeting held on 3 April, 1905, after the completion and dedication of the building, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Besolved, That the inhabitants of the Town of Oxford desire to place upon record an expression of their appreciation and gratitude for the munificent gift of the CHARLES LABNED MEMORIAL recently dedicated to the use of the Free Public Library. It will stand through the years to come a monu- ment of rare public spirit guided by wisdom and intelligent foresight, while presenting to old and young an ever-abiding object-lesson inspiring loy- alty and filial gratitude and beckoning to higher planes of thought and life. While thus voicing the sentiment of every resi- dent of Oxford, coupled with the hope that the gen- erous Donor may long be spared to witness and enjoy the fruits of his noble benefaction, we trust he may find satisfaction and reward in the reflection that such acts are not bounded by the span of a single life, but are self -perpetuating and immortal. Resolved, That the claim upon Mr. Charles Larned for $1,000, pledged for a High School Building to forestall the adoption of a plan whose unwisdom is now universally recognized, is hereby voluntarily relinquished. 40 LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE. Excavation having been made and the founda- tions completed, the 20 May, 1903, was designated for the ceremony of Laying the Corner-stone. An invitation had been extended to the Masonic Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to take charge of this ceremonial, whose acceptance and willing ser- vice were highly appreciated by the citizens and invited guests. Weather conditions were most favorable, and when at 2.30 P.M. the representa- tives of the Grand Lodge, consisting of Most Worshipful Grand Master Baalis Sanford and fif- teen associates, escorted by the local lodge and led by the Pulaski Cornet Band of Webster, reached the site of the building, they were welcomed by a con- course whose number and enthusiasm were in keep- ing with the significance of the occasion. The exercises were opened by the following hymn sung by the Worcester Masonic Quartet : Great Architect of earth and heaven, By time nor space confined, Enlarge our love to comprehend Our brethren, all mankind. Where'er we are, whate'er we do, Thy presence let us own ; Thine eye, all-seeing, marks our deeds, To Thee all thoughts are known, 41 While Nature's works and Science's laws We labor to reveal, Oh! be our duty done to Thee With fervency and zeal. With FAITH our guide, and humble HOPE, Warm CHARITY and LOVE, May all, at last, be raised to share Thy perfect light above. The formal request for the service of the order was extended by the Chairman of the Building Committee in these words : Most Worshipful Grand Master, Guests and Friends : A former resident of this historic town, actuated by a sentiment of filial gratitude and regard for the well-being of the people of his early home, is erect- ing upon this spot a permanent abode for an insti- tution which is typical of New England community life in the twentieth century. It means much to us, it is even more significant to the nation, the corner-stone of whose fabric rests upon the intelligence of the masses and whose insti- tutions open up the avenues of wealth to the private citizen, native and foreign born alike, at the same time prompting the consecration of wealth to no- blest uses. We are here to-day publicly to inaugurate the enterprise so auspiciously begun ; and in recognition of your ancient and honorable order, whose tradi- tions are linked with some of the most notable structures of the Old and New Worlds, past and present, we have invited you, sir, and your asso- ciates, as representatives of that order, to come hither and, in the presence of an appreciative public in 42 whose interest the work is done, to officiate, accord- ing to established forms, in laying the corner-stone of the CHARLES LARNED MEMORIAL, the permanent home of the FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF OXFORD. The response of the Grand Master was as fol- lows : Mr. Chairman and Brethren : From time immemorial it has been the custom of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, when requested so to do, to lay, with ancient forms, the corner-stones of build- ings, both public and private, devoted to learning, to benevolence, to religion, and for the purposes of the administration of justice and free government and the commemoration of great and humane bene- factions to mankind. And we are assembled here to-day to lay this corner-stone in accordance with our law ; and thus re- newedly testifying our reverence and love for Him whom we worship as the Giver and Guardian of our souls, and our respect, loyalty, and allegiance to the laws of our country, we shall proceed in accordance with ancient usage. Let us first give our attention to the contempla- tion of a lesson from the " Book of the Law," and in accordance with the usual Masonic custom at the commencement of every undertaking unite with our Reverend Grand Chaplain in an invocation to the Great Architect of worlds, that his mercy and favor may be with us, and with the whole brother- hood of man. 43 The following selections with responses by the brethren were then read by Rev. Albert Tyler, Chap- lain of the Oxford Lodge : CHAPLAIN. Bless the Lord, my soul. Lord my God, thou art very great ; thou art clothed with honor and majesty. Psalm civ. 1. BRETHREN. But thou, Lord, shalt endure for ever ; and thy remembrance unto all generations. Psalm cii. 12. CHAPLAIN. Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion : for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come. Psalm cii. 13. BRETHREN. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favor the dust thereof. Psalm cii. 14. CHAPLAIN. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Job xxxviii. 4. BRETHREN. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Job xxxviii. 5. CHAPLAIN. Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner-stone thereof? Job xxxviii. 6. BRETHREN. When the morning stars sang to- gether, and all the sons of God shouted for joy ? Job xxxviii. 7. CHAPLAIN. Is it time for you, ye, to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this house lie waste ? Thus saith the Lord of hosts : Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will 44 take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the Lord. Hag gal i. 4, 7, 8. BRETHREN. Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God. 1 Peter ii. 5. CHAPLAIN. Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, a sure founda- tion : he that believeth shall not make haste. Judg- ment also will I lay to the line and righteousness to the plummet. Isaiah xxviii. 16, 17. BRETHREN. Open to me the gates of righteous- ness : I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord. Psalm cxviii. 19. Honor and majesty are before him, strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Psalm xcvi. 6. CHAPLAIN. Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it : except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalm cxxvii. 1. BRETHREN. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteous- ness. Psalm cxlv. 4, 7. CHAPLAIN. come, let us worship and bow down : let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Psalm xcv. 6. BRETHREN. For he is our God ; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Psalm xcv. 7. CHAPLAIN. Sing unto the Lord, bless his name ; 45 show forth his salvation from day to day. Psalm xcvi. 2. BRETHREN. All thy works shall praise thee, Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee. Psalm cxlv. 10. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord : for great is the glory of the Lord. Psalm cxxxviii. 5. Prayer was offered by the Grand Chaplain, Rev. Charles A. Skinner, after which a list of articles deposited in the copper receptacle enclosed in the corner-stone was read by the Grand Treasurer, Henry G. Fay, as follows : 1. Documentary History of the Charles Larned Memorial. 2. Sealed Package from Mr. Larned, the Donor of the Building. 3. A Copy of the Town Eeport for 1890, containing a His- tory of the Free Public Library. 4. Catalogue of the Free Public Library 1895. 5. Daniels' " History of Oxford." ti. Freeland's " Kecords of Oxford." 7. The Assessors' Keport for 1902. 8. Town Keport for 1903, with the Present Board of Select- men and the Building Committee. 9. Oxford and Auburn Directory 1903. 10. Copy of The Mid-Weekly for Wednesday, 11 August, 1897. 11. History of Masonry in Oxford from 1795 to 1903. 12. Collection of Forty or Fifty Photographs and Local Views in Oxford, including a View of the Foundations of this Building. 13. Miscellaneous Local Documents, Business Cards, etc. 14. The McKinley Memorial. 15. Copies of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat and the St. Louis Republic, containing an account of the Inauguration Ceremonies of " The Louisiana Purchase Exposition." 46 16. A Set of Silver and Minor Proof Coins for 1903, from the United States Mint at Philadelphia, Pa. 17. Specimens of Fractional Currency issued during the War of the Kebellion. 18. Copies of The Worcester Telegram and The Worcester Spy for 20 May, 1903. The corner-stone in place, the imposing ritual was continued by the Application of the Jewels, the Libation of Corn by the Deputy Grand Master, J. Gilman Waite, When once of old in Israel, Our earthly brethren wrought with toil, Jehovah's blessing on them fell In showers of Corn, and Wine, and Oil. the Libation of Wine by the Senior Grand Warden, John A. McKim, When there a shrine to Him alone They built, with worship, sin to foil, On threshold and on corner-stone, They poured out Corn, and Wine, and Oil. the Libation of Oil by the Junior Grand Warden, William H. H. Soule, And we have come, fraternal bands, With joy and pride, and prosperous spoil, To honor Him by votive hands With streams of Corn, and Wine, and Oil. an Invocation by the Grand Chaplain, the Presen- tation of Working Tools to the Architect, and the closing address by the Grand Master : 47 May this undertaking be conducted and com- pleted by the craftsmen according to the grand plan in Peace, Harmony, and Brotherly Love ; and by the skill and taste of the architect may an edifice here arise which shall render new service and honor to this ancient town. May it be blessed with Wisdom in the plan, Strength in the execution, Beauty in the adorn- ment ; and may the Sun of Righteousness enlighten those who build, the generous Donor, and the com- munity for whose benefit this structure shall be erected. Proclamation was duly made by the Grand Mar- shal Frank W. Mead, and after the singing of the hymn, Lord! Thou hast been our dwelling-place, Through years of old and ages past; And still Thy laws we seek to trace. On Thee our trust we humbly cast, Father of Light ! Builder Divine ! Behold our work, and make it Thine, the address of the day was delivered by Rev. William H. Rider, D.D., of Gloucester, Mass. As this address by force of circumstances was largely impromptu, it cannot be reproduced, but was listened to with close attention and deep interest. The flowering beauty of the opening spring-time suggested to the speaker the more beautiful sen- timent of maternal and filial love from which emanated this project and this occasion. By a natural transition it was declared most fitting that a fraternity seeking light and "More Light," thus 48 leading to the Source of all knowledge, should par- ticipate in the consecration of a building sacred to tender memories and all best thought and life. Familiar as is the dedication of libraries in New England, we shah 1 never see too many of them. The victories of the twentieth century are to be intellectual, victories of science and education. The war-drums are muffled, and a new song, the song of peace and good wiU to men, is heard in the land. The prophecy of this peace is to be fulfilled by just such buildings as this. There is nothing to be compared with the lasting effects of a public library in a community. It is the privilege of everybody in such community to keep company with the ages. Not one of ah 1 the marvelous things that have come to us through modern improvements the trolley car, the electric light, the telephone, the telegraph is to be compared in real value to a good book. It transformed Abraham Lincoln from an ignorant boy into the First American. Books are light-houses erected in the great sea of time. He who gives, gives also guides for finest conduct and inspires with greatest hope. In conclusion, the speaker made among other practical suggestions this excellent recommendation, that the library which was to be here installed should be made complete in some one line, be it a department of history, of science, or of literature, so that it should be known far and wide as possessing an exceptionally rich, if not exhaustive, collection in that special department. The singing of "America" by the assemblage 49 and the benediction pronounced by the Grand Chaplain concluded the exercises of a day memo- rable in the history of the town. In response to the following invitation, at the hour appointed the auditorium of Memorial Hall was filled with an expectant assemblage made up of present and former residents of Oxford, invited guests from all parts of Massachusetts and neigh- boring States, including names prominent in literary, professional, and public life. 50 DEDICATION. Sty* irirtratum oftfy* CI3MHAJ WOSWiaOH A88IHAJQ in mntuirg of (Elartaaa Subtamm ntdoH arnfin tii the uar of th? - - f bill take an W^nwbag, 5 rtnbrr, l^J/J^rftt 1:30 n'rlork p moil bnelloH Joiiu . Kimball 1 Alfrri* 4fl. Olljaff^ J 51 Cfiummtttfr. 9 Februar LARNED Vermont 29 April, 1817, Jo 1 May. Massachusetts thr Charles, 6 Elijah, s Benjamin^ Peter,^ Isaac, 2 from Rev. John' Robinson, of Leyden Holland DEDICATION. Op irttiralum of % Sn mcmarji of (Clarissa ihifaiusnn Earned -- to thr uflF of th^ tr ffitbrarg httll takr plarr at on M^bnwbag, 5 rtob^r, 19fl4, at 1:30 o'rlork p. m. bg ^0tu Qlarrnll i. Wrt of gour JoJyn IE. IKtmhaU _ rrtn Iff. Jofilin (fiummtttcr. iJ. 51 , 1004. invocation. VOCAL Music, "Jehovah Reigns." Mendelssohn. DOUBLE QUARTET. Untrotwctors. IResponses* "HoN. IRA M. BARTON, Founder of the Free Public Library." EDMUND M. BARTON, American Antiquarian Society. "PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN MASSACHUSETTS." C. B. TlLLINGHAST, Chairman of Free Public Library Commission of Massachusetts. "THE PUBLIC LIBRARY AS A PUBLIC EDUCATOR." SAMUEL S. GREEN, Free Public Library of Worcester. "THE ROBINSON FAMILY." HON. DAVID I. ROBINSON, President of the Robinson Family Genealogical and Historical Association. VOCAL Music, "The Old Arm-chair," Eliza Cook, music by Henry Russell. OXFORD MALE QUARTET. Delivery ot 2>eefc ant) To TOWN AUTHORITIES To TRUSTEES OF LIBRARY. Dedicators prayer* REV. CHARLES M. CARPENTER. Hfcfcress. HON. CARROLL D. WRIGHT. SINGING, "America." The AUDIENCE, led by the QUARTET. Benediction. 52 The exercises conformed to the above program, John E. Kimball, Esq., Chairman of the Building Committee presiding. CHAIRMAN: The divine blessing will be invoked by Rev. I. A. Mesler, of Oxford. INVOCATION. We are very grateful, our Heavenly Father, for that which brings us together to-day. We recog- nize the fact that every good gift and every perfect gift cometh from thee. We pray for thy blessing upon it. We pray for thy blessing upon all the ex- ercises of this day. May the Holy Spirit rest upon those who shall speak to us, and guide in every thought and every word ! In Jesus' name we ask it. Amen. SINGING. Jehovah Reigns. CHAIRMAN : Ladies and Gentlemen, In behalf of the Building Committee of the Charles Lamed Memo- rial I extend to you a cordial welcome and thanks for the interest manifested by your presence. There are scores, perhaps hundreds, who would like to be here, but cannot, and I am constrained to read, in their behalf, a sample letter of regret expres- sive of the sentiments of those who, from age or infirmity, distance, or other engagements can be with us to-day only in spirit : 53 I am very grateful for the invitation so kindly sent me the 25th to attend the exercises in Memo- rial Hall October 5, and regret that I cannot be present at that time. Certainly, my native town is to be congratulated that the generosity of her pub- lic-spirited son Mr. Charles Larned has taken such a beautiful form, one which not only adds at- traction to her main street, but which will furnish her residents pleasure and profit so long as the memorial shah 1 stand. May it be a "joy forever!" It was a happy thought of Mr. Larned to asso- ciate his mother's name with the building, and I trust this silent witness of a son's filial love and respect will be a lesson to all the young people who fre- quent the Library, and be an aid in making them also noble sons and daughters. Friends, we have met to dedicate to public uses a building typical of what is best in New England civilization, filial reverence and gratitude, intelli- gence and character in the masses, and public spirit, which is but another name for patriotism. It is not for us to know what tender memories and cherished associations are built into this me- morial temple, imparting a touch of peculiar grace to this happy combination of utility and beauty. That belongs to the sacred privacy of the domestic circle, which we may not invade; but we do know the value of such sentiments in molding character and shaping destiny, not alone of individuals, but of nations; we do know that loyalty in the home begets loyalty to the State, the logical outcome of which is individual and social betterment. This simple ceremonial may fade from the mem- 54 ory and be forgotten ; methods and usages will change, grow old, and be superseded by that which is better, but the lessons of yonder structure will deepen with the years, they can never become obso- lete, for they are vital to our continuance as a people, and, happily, in their very nature are self -perpetu- ating. The conditions which render this gift timely and most acceptable are the growth of more than a gen- eration. A flourishing Free Public Library has long been the protege and pride of the people. Oxford has been fortunate in her benefactors ! We con- gratulate the recipients of Mr. Carnegie's bounty, and ah 1 honor to that broad philanthropy which has given us a new lesson in the uses of great wealth, while doing so much to cement the brotherhood of the nations ! But we count ourselves more fortu- nate. Our benefactors are "to the manner born" and bred among us, and their benefactions are evi- dence not only of successful endeavor and generous impulses, but of affection and gratitude as well. Especially is this true of the honored Founder of our Free Public Library, who in his will remem- bered the inhabitants of his native town by a gift for that purpose "as an inadequate return for the kindness and patronage of their fathers" and it will be a special pleasure to hear a word from the representative of Hon. Ira M. Barton in the person of his son, Edmund M. Barton, of Worcester. 55 Mr. BARTON: Mr. Chairman, My duty is strictly filial, it seems to me, to-day. On beautiful Oxford plain there were born into the family of which my honored father was the head four sons and one daughter ; while Worcester was the birthplace of three sons and one daughter. Among the papers of the first-born William Sumner Barton, born in Oxford, Sept. 30, 1824 is a brief sketch of the founder of this library, to which T call your atten- tion during the few moments allowed me. The Hon. Ira Moore Barton, of Worcester, first named Ira, was born in Oxford, Oct. 25, 1796, and in 1839, by act of the General Court, was authorized to take the additional name of Moore in memory of his revered maternal grandmother, Dorothy Moore, and of his great-great-grandfather Moore, the first magistrate of his native town. He was a grandson of Dr. Stephen Barton, who was born at Sutton, June 10, 1740. Dr. Barton's father and mother, Edmund and Anna Flynt Barton, were married in Salem, April 9, 1739, and probably moved to Sutton soon afterward. Mr. Barton graduated with high honors at Brown University in 1819, and at the Cambridge Law School in 1822. He practised law in Oxford from 1822 to 1834, and was representa- tive from that town during the years 1830 to 1832, inclusive. In 1833-34 he represented the county of Worcester in the State Senate. He removed to Worcester in 1834, and in 1836 was appointed by Governor Everett judge of probate for Worcester County. In 1840 he was chosen one of the electors 56 for President in the famous Harrison or log-cabin campaign. He resigned his judgeship in 1844, and in 1846 represented the then town of Worcester in the legislature. Judge Barton continued the prac- tice of his profession until 1849, when he visited Europe in pursuit of much-needed rest and recrea- tion. Upon his return in 1850 he resumed his office practice only, finding leisure during the inter- vals of business for the indulgence of his literary, historical, and antiquarian tastes. He was an active member and for many years a councilor of the American Antiquarian Society. He died very sud- denly at his home in Worcester, July 18, 1867. I submit also the f oUowing character picture by one who knew him intimately : " Judge Barton was distinguished for purity, simplicity, and integrity of character ; and as a public servant, in numerous offices of trust and responsibility, his conduct was marked by signal ability, fidelity, and success. He was eminently the accomplished lawyer, the upright magistrate, the enlightened patriotic citizen; and the community which, through a long and busy life, he has benefited and honored, will hold in grateful remembrance his services and his virtues. He has been described as a man of very striking personal appearance, with tall and commanding figure, fine head and Websterian eyes. He showed something of the Roman mould in his aspect, which was well reflected in his character." The tributes paid by Mr. George F. Daniels in his History of Oxford and by Samuel Foster Haven, LL.D., in his Report of the Council of the American 57 Antiquarian Society, read Oct. 21, 1867, may well be had in remembrance. While this beautiful memorial appeals strongly to the gratitude of all, the surviving children of the founder may lay claim to a special cause for thankfulness to the wise and generous giver. CHAIRMAN : The Free Public Library Commis- sion has achieved an enviable reputation in placing Massachusetts in the forefront of States on either side of the Atlantic in free library facilities for the people. We hoped to listen to its chairman to-day, but instead the following letter comes to hand this morning : FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION OF MASSACHUSETTS. Oct. 4, 1904. JOHN E. KIMBALL, Esq., Chairman, etc. : My dear Mr. Kimball, Though it will be im- practicable for me to accept your kind invitation to participate in the dedicatory services of the Charles Larned Memorial, I wish to express through you my appreciation of the gift which has come to your people and which enriches the Commonwealth. I have known something of the sweet spirit the giver has shown in his desire to provide a building which shah 1 be a source of inspiration and pride to the present and future citizens of his native town. Similar gifts are not uncommon in Massachusetts. They bear witness to the growing sentiment that the library, supplementing the public school, adds 58 to the pleasures and refinement of the home, the happiness and prosperity of the people, and the civic virtues which insure good citizenship and pure government. All honor to Mr. Larned, a modest and philan- thropic citizen, who, from the results of a lifetime of mercantile honor and thrift, provides a chaste, beautiful, and permanent home for the literary treas- ures that tend to perpetuate and increase the wis- dom and intelligence which are the heritage of New England culture. Yours most cordially, C. B. TlLLINGHAST, Chairman, Free Public Library Commission. Fortunately, however, we have another represen- tative of the Commission in our neighbor of the Free Public Library of Worcester. He can tell us all about Libraries and the Library Commission, for, wherever they are in evidence, we are quite sure to see or hear the name of, Samuel S. Green. MR. GREEN : Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my first duty and my pleasure to greet you in be- half of the libraries of the Commonwealth. In 1890, when the Free Public Library Commission was established, the record of Massachusetts had been most honorable when compared with that of any other State. But still there were one hundred and three towns which at that time had no public library. I am able to say to you to-day that there is not remaining in this State a single town that has not a public library. All these towns sym- pathize with you to-day as you come here to dedi- cate this beautiful and convenient building, for which you are indebted to the munificence of the venerable gentleman who sits here upon the plat- form. In the name of the Public Library Commis- sion of the Commonwealth, in behalf of the libraries of this State, in behalf of its whole people, I thank him for what Mr. Tillinghast says he has done, " enriching the Commonwealth." I must also greet you, ladies and gentlemen, in behalf of the library of the principal town in this county. Please accept of the hospitalities of the Free Public Library of Worcester, and I will add with Mr. Barton, the librarian, and Colonel Wright, a member of the Council, that I also, as a member of the Council, extend to you a cordial welcome to use the library of the American Antiquarian Society. You have asked me, Mr. President, to speak upon public libraries as educational institutions. It is not only in their connections with colleges and schools that libraries exert an educational influence. I sup- pose, when I speak of them as instruments of value in connection with formal educational institutions, you wish me to speak mainly of their usefulness to the public schools, even though this town has the name of one of the great universities of the world. But a word before I do this. This is a town of farms. Is it not true that the best farmers here are those who attend institutes, read agricult- ural papers, and make themselves conversant with 60 agricultural literature? What are you doing when you do this thing? Why, you are simply educating yourselves by adding to your own experience as farmers and to the results of experience which has been given to you by your fathers and neighbors the experience of other men engaged in similar pursuits as recorded in books, the experience often of men who have had rare opportunities for experi- ment and investigation, and the results of whose researches it is of the greatest value for you to become acquainted with. What an educational in- fluence, then, Mr. President, may a library exert in a town if the farmers of the town read papers and magazines, United States and Massachusetts Agri- cultural Reports, and books treating of the various departments of agriculture! What a blessing a library may be if the people use this kind of books, and if they are provided for them in sufficient num- bers in the town! There is manufacturing in Oxford. Suppose for an instant that everybody connected with a large shop the proprietor, the manager, the foreman, and the workmen were all readers ; suppose they made it, all of them, their business to become acquainted with the principles of science which underlie the processes which they are engaged in performing every day ; supposing they paid especial attention to the literature of the particular occupation in which they are engaged, can you doubt for an instant that the products of that shop would be better or that instructed managers and informed workmen would do better work, that there would be more in- 61 ventions, and that the value of the work of all would be so much increased that higher wages and salaries would be commanded? But, Mr. President, I suppose that you wish me to speak especially of the connection of libraries with public schools. Supposing a library affords especial privileges to teachers, allows them to take a con- siderable number of books which they may need in preparing themselves for school exercises ; supposing the teacher is allowed to take a still larger number of books to be used in any way he pleases for the benefit of the scholars do you not see at once that those teachers and scholars have a great advantage over such as do not have such privileges? How much more interesting and profitable a teacher can make his work if he can have accessible a large libra- ry of books, and be able to take to the school-room and to his home a considerable number to use in connection with the work in hand ! How much more interesting it is to a scholar to be allowed, when he is studying upon any subject, to read graphic and interesting accounts of that subject to add to the interest which comes from a dry paragraph in a text- book alluding to the subject ! Why, ladies and gentlemen, you can often make study fascinating to children if you point out to them sources of infor- mation where, in an interesting way and with a pro- fusion of details, matters treated of briefly in their text-books are treated of at length and in a clear and agreeable style in larger books accessible to them in public libraries. But there is another feature. Suppose a teacher 62 is allowed to take a large number of books from a public library, display them in the school-room, and allow the scholars to rummage freely among them and select such as they like to take home to read, care having been taken by the teacher to acquaint himself with the best literature for children, and opportunities being afforded him to consult with the librarian, who, it may be, has a large knowledge of children's literature; suppose a teacher to be thus situated, to have interest enough to inform himself in regard to what are really the good books for children, and ample opportunities in the library to obtain those books and place them before the children ; suppose that work of the kind men- tioned begins when the children are small, and is continued for a series of years while they remain in the public schools, can you doubt that a teacher of tact will so interest the children that a large part of their leisure time, all the time they have for reading, will be taken up in reading good books? And can you doubt, if this course is pursued long enough and faithfully enough, that the taste of the children will improve, and that you will find after a series of years that poor books are not attractive to them? Mr. President, I should like to speak to you of the value of a library in cultivating the imagina- tion and the moral sense, and particularly in aiding in the cause of good morals in the community where a library is established. I have no time to do this, sir, but will hint at one argument which I should like to develop. If you find that young 63 people are loafers or idlers and are beset with the temptations which men who are idle are influenced by, if you find boys and girls in this condition, where the lower parts of their nature are certain to come to the front, what are you to do for them ? It is a cardinal principle in philanthropy that, if you would get rid of what is bad, you must substitute for it something that is interesting and good. Now supposing you create a taste for reading, you may even make a passion for reading in young people. Supposing you make it the pleasure of people as they grow up to turn when they have leisure to read- ing and study as a recreation. Can anybody doubt that you are giving them an immense safeguard? A philanthropist in Boston, a lady whose name you would recognize as one of those who have been very successful in doing good work in a large city, said to me, " When I find that a person whom I am trying to influence has an interest in reading, I feel a strong hope that I can do good to that person." Now, ladies and gentlemen, if your young people, as the result of a free use of books in school and in the home, can arouse in themselves a strong interest in reading, even though they read only newspapers and magazines and good stories, what a beneficent work you are doing in awakening this interest, and giving them an occupation to which they turn spontaneously instead of becoming idle and gratify- ing the lower appetites of human nature ! Now, Mr. President, I ought to stop, but I have just come from the beautiful library building which Mr. Lamed has given you, and I saw there a window 64 which interested me. I cannot forget that two months ago I stood on the spot at Delftshaven where John Robinson knelt and blessed the Pilgrims, and bade them God-speed as they went on board the vessel to go first to England and then to America, to found in the Old Colony of this Commonwealth their little republic and become exemplars of man- kind. A few days later I stood in Leyden, in the church where John Robinson is buried, and on the outside of that church I read the inscription on the tablet which has been placed there by the American lovers and admirers of John Robinson, who is regarded as the father of Congregationalism. On a house opposite the church I saw another tablet which announced that here was the site of the house in which Robinson lived, the house in which he preached, for he gathered his congregation about him in his dwelling-place, and connected with which was a garden in which there were numerous little houses in which a considerable portion of his congregation lived. It was thrilling, Mr. President, to stand there amid the things which reminded one of our Pilgrim forefathers, and to think what a work John Robinson, Edward Winslow, William Bradford, and the others had done for this country and the world. Libraries do much, sir, in an educational way to-day through pictures. We have in our own library in Worcester a magnificent collection of the largest- sized and best photographs that can be procured in Europe, illustrating the different schools of art and objects of interest throughout Europe and Asia. 65 You have, sir, what pictures you can afford to have, but whatever others you get, and I assure you that they exert a great educational influence, whatever others you get, you have the picture of John Robin- son. A noble man he was. I will not speak of his love of learning, or of the University of Leyden, close by his house, of which he was a member and with whose professors he delighted so much to asso- ciate. I would rather have you think of him as the Apostle of Righteousness, as the man who was ready to sacrifice everything for what was right, and I would recall to your minds that particular feature of his righteousness which to me makes John Robinson stand out as one of the finest types of men to be found in history. He had an open mind. He was always a student, and, whenever new light came to him, he immediately, readily, willingly, heartily, gave up old views which he had found to be incorrect. CHAIRMAN : Few who have heard of the Charles Lamed Memorial and none who have passed its por- tals have failed to observe the prominence of the Robinson name, looking out from its memorial tab- let and further suggested by the illuminated window over the entrance. Some years ago the Robinsons of America awoke to the fact that they had an ancestry worth looking up ; and accordingly an asso- ciation was organized for that purpose. The presi- dent of that association is with us to-day, having come all the way from Gloucester to recognize and honor the spirit and motive of this occasion. I take pleas- ure in introducing Hon. David I. Robinson, of Gloucester. 66 MR. ROBINSON : Mr. Chairman, It is with extreme pleasure that I bring to you to-day the greetings of the Robinson kinsfolk ; for the erection of the Charles Lamed Memo- rial Building is to them of more than passing interest. This building commemorates the name of one very dear to the heart of Mr. Lamed, for the one word "mother" expresses much. She was one whose long line of honorable ancestry reaches back to the Rev. John Robinson, of Pilgrim renown: she was a worthy descendant of a worthy ancestor. My own line of genealogy I am able to trace to Abraham Robinson, who settled at Agassquam, or Annisquam, now a part of Gloucester, on Cape Ann, in 1631 ; but here the link is broken, and, try as we will, we cannot definitely connect with the Rev. John Robinson, although tradition is wholly on our side. "We find from the Ley den records that he had a son Isaac and a son Jacob. We think, therefore, he ought to have had a son Abraham. If he did (and tradition gives it as a fact), then that son Abraham was our ancestor, and the chain is complete. A few weeks ago the Robinson Family Genea- logical and Historical Association met at the historic spot where nearly three centuries ago the flock of Rev. John Robinson sought religious freedom on our shores. Mr. Robinson, you remember, was pre- vented from coming with the colony or from joining it later, on account of not obtaining the consent of the English Association which controlled the enter- prise. He died before this consent could be obtained, but he cheered and counseled his flock until his death, 67 which occurred in 1625, when a life of suffering from religious persecution, but of devotion to the cause of religious freedom, was brought to a close. On account of his strenuous life, the reverential devotion of his followers, his fatherly care over them, and his wise counsel, we are wont to think of the Rev. John Robinson as an aged man, who lived beyond the allotted life of threescore years and ten ; yet he died at the comparatively early age of fifty years. His life was one so full of devotion to others and of self-sacrifice as not to be measured by the flight of years, a life which the boundless ages of eternity alone can embrace. In the rush and turmoil of the busy world of to-day there are to a greater or less degree just such characters, which stand out in bold relief, those who, forgetful of self and living for the good of others, are the world's benefactors, heroes and hero- ines in the battle of life. Every such a one is making the world better by living in it. This thought will call vividly to mind the great life which has just come to a close in your neighbor- ing city of Worcester, or rather which is just begin- ning to shine in the endless ages of eternity. Sena- tor Hoar belonged to the state, to the nation, to the world : he belonged to that class of which I speak. He lived not for himself. Wealth, honor, title, position, were nothing to him except as he could use them for the good of others. His life was a bene- diction ; his death a sublime transition. Monuments do not make such men great, but they serve to remind generations to come that great men have lived. This beautiful library building which to-day the town of Oxford receives from the hand of Mr. Charles Lamed is a monument the best, the most enduring in memory of her who was the honored daughter and seventh descendant of one of the great characters of the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- turies, the Rev. John Robinson, of Leyden. SINGING. The Old Arm-chair. I love it ! I love it I and who shall dare To chide me for loving that old arm-chair? I've treasured it long as a sainted prize, I've bedewed it with tears, and embalmed it with sighs ; 'Tis bound by a thousand bands to my heart ; Not a tie will break, not a link will start. Would ye learn the spell ? A mother sat there ; And a sacred thing is that old arm-chair ! In childhood's hour I lingered near The hallowed seat, with listening ear ; And gentle words that mother would give, To fit me to die and teach me to live. She told me shame would never betide With truth for my creed and God for my guide ; She taught me to lisp my earliest prayer, As I knelt beside that old arm-chair. I sat and watched her many a day, When her eye grew dim, and her locks were gray ; And I almost worshiped her when she smiled And turned from her Bible to bless her child. Years rolled on, but the last one sped My idol was shattered, my earth-star fled ; I learned how much the heart can bear, When I saw her die in that old arm-chair. 69 CHAIRMAN : This Memorial is to be transferred to the town finished and complete in all its details, therefore, no report upon the building itself is caUed for. It will be open for inspection at the conclusion of these exercises, and will speak for itself. A few facts, briefly stated, however, may be of interest. The subject was first broached to the town at its annual meeting on the 2d of April, 1900, four and a half years ago. Seven and a half sufficed for the building of Solomon's temple, but Solomon and Hiram wrought in harmony. Four and a half years ! A period marked by vicissitudes "grand, gloomy, and peculiar," and by enactments wise and otherwise, which have passed into local history, and need not here be recounted. The total cost to the donor of the building, with its fixed furniture, has been upwards of $27,000, more than two and a quarter times what he first proposed to give. For the movable furniture and incidentals about $3,000 from the funds of former benefactors has been expended, making the total cost of the building and equipments about $30,000. The original cost of the lot was $5,500, fur- nished by the town and a member of the Building Committee; while the expense of grading, walks, shrubbery, etc., increased that item to nearly $6,000, thus adding to the non-taxable but large divi- dend-paying property of the town approximately $36,000. 70 It would be more in accordance with our sense of the fitness of things for Mr. Larned, in person, to present the symbols of ownership and enjoy the heart-felt applause of the beneficiaries, but his liber- ality is even exceeded by his modesty ; and he has begged to be excused, since his forte is "Deeds rather than Words." In deference to the wishes of others, however, to which he is not indifferent, I understand he has penned a brief note, which embodies the substance of all he could say, and will be read by our now friend, Mr. Robinson, of Gloucester. MR. ROBINSON: OXFORD, MASS., Oct. 5, 1904. To THE CITIZENS OF OXFORD AND OUR WELCOME GUESTS : Ladies and Gentlemen, It affords me great pleasure to meet and greet you all to-day. It is an occasion for mutual congratulations. We have a common pride in this historic old town, and the memories of my early life which I passed here have prompted me to erect upon your beautiful street the Memorial Building which we dedicate to the use and benefit of all. I am glad to do this, for the character and purpose of the structure mean much to me, and I feel assured that it will be used, en- joyed, and appreciated by you and your successors for many, many years. In tendering, through the Building Committee, the deed* of the property with the keys to the repre- * See page 96. 71 sentatives of the town, I wish publicly to thank all who have in any way contributed to the success of the undertaking, and especially to express my high appreciation of the gratuitous services of our Build- ing Committee, to whose untiring exertions this happy consummation is chiefly due. Cordially yours, CHARLES LARNED. CHAIRMAN : "Exegi monumentum cere per ennius," cried the enraptured Latin poet, as he contemplated his triumphs in verse, "I have reared a monument more lasting than brass" and ages have proved it no vain boast. There are other earthly pledges of immortal honor no less sure. An American poet whose laurels, like those of Horace, will be green through the centuries, James Russell Lowell, once said on an occasion similar to the present : "There is no way in which a man can build so secure and lasting a monument for himself as in a public library. Upon that he may confidently allow Resurgam to be carved, for through his good deed he will rise again in the grateful remembrance and in the lifted and broadened minds and fortified characters of generation after generation. The Pyramids may forget their builders, but memorials such as this have longer memories." And in similar strain the eloquent and lamented Henry Stedman Nourse, worthy representative of the Library Commission, thus voiced the same senti- ment: 72 "There is no more enduring thing, as human matters are accounted, than the free public library, and he who puts his name over its portals, either as founder or as benefactor, has built for himself a more graceful and a more enduring monument than any that his heirs can erect in any cemetery, though they pile granite skywards or with its foundations cover a rood of ground." And so, despite all modest protests, in the far-off years when you and I shall have gone to our rest and the young life of other generations shall cluster around yon delivery desk, haply some one may ask, "Where is the resting-place of him who in the long- ago planned for us so wisely and so well, that we may at least stand in the shadow of his monument and do him honor?" And the answer shall come over seas from the silent crypt of St. Paul's, where rest the remains of its great architect, Sir Christopher Wren: "Si monumentum qumris circumspice" "If you seek a monument, look about you" and the spontaneous tribute of grateful hearts shah 1 rise like incense, and haUow all the place. It only remains for the Building Committee to surrender its trust and responsibilities by turning over to the authorities of the town the deed of gift which, as Mr. Larned's representative, I hold in my hand, with the keys which give the people free ac- cess to the building and its treasures. Upon one of these keys is inscribed MASTER, which indicates that it will open the way to every room in the building. In it I see a type of the library itself in its sumptu- ously appointed home, which, rightly used, is a master- 73 key to all the chambers of human knowledge. [De- livery of deed and keys to Lawrence F. Kilty, chair- man of the Board of Selectmen.] Guard it well, and may the town be indulgent and liberal to this child of its old age, so making its future career of enlarged opportunity and increased usefulness tell upon the generations following, "That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth ; that our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the similitude of a palace." MR. KILTY: Mr. Chairman, It gives me pleasure, in behalf of the people of Oxford, as their chosen represen- tative on this occasion, to accept from your hand the keys to this new and valued acquisition by the town. Oxford, rich in the munificence of her former sons and daughters, is again reminded of those who, in her earlier history, by lives and labors have contrib- uted so much to the character and reputation which she now enjoys. This costly memorial places within easy reach of our people the key of knowledge and education. It dignifies town office, and it will be a just matter of pride to those intrusted with town affairs to see that the interests of the Free Public Library do not suffer at their hands, but rather that its usefulness is enhanced. In behalf of the town I wish to extend thanks to the donor of the Charles Lamed Memorial for one of the most beautiful free public library buildings in the Commonwealth. 74 The chairman of the Board of Selectmen in turn transferred the keys to the Trustees of the Free Public Library, represented by Orrin F. Joslin, chairman, who responded as follows : Mr. Chairman, In behalf of the Trustees of Ox- ford Free Public Library I accept from you the keys of this building. In their acceptance we realize that we are taking upon ourselves a great respon- sibility, for on the public schools and public libra- ries depend in a large degree the developing, uplift- ing, and ennobling of future generations. We realize this fact, and pledge ourselves to untiring devotion to its best interests in every department of its work. In order that this building may fulfill in the highest degree the purpose for which it has been erected, we would earnestly request the hearty co- operation of the citizens of Oxford, both old and young. Assured of this, we believe that this beau- tiful library building, given to the town by one deeply interested in its welfare, can be made a great power for good in this community. CHAIRMAN : The prayer of dedication will now be offered by Rev. Charles M. Carpenter, of Oxford. PRAYER. Let us unite our hearts in prayer. Lord our God, Thou art from everlasting to everlasting. Thy days change not, Thy years are 75 ever the same. And so we know, we are conscious, fully conscious, that Thou dost still love Thy chil- dren, and that Thou dost bestow upon the sons of men great gifts. Heaven and earth are full of them. The heavens declare Thy glory, and the earth speaks forth Thy handiwork, and yet they cannot tell us all the things Thou wouldst have us know as Thy sons and Thy daughters, created in Thine own image; and so Thou hast moved mightily upon man, and Thou hast inspired great minds to record great events, and record the noble thoughts which are born of God. And we praise Thee that gene- ration after generation are the recipients of Thy bounty in this direction. We praisie Thee, Infi- nite God, that as the days come and go, ripening into centuries, the events which have gone to make up this great world's history, the events which have gone to ennoble and purify and lift up man, have been treasured by movable types and upon papers and parchments that are enduring. And we bless Thee also that Thou didst move upon mighty men to come to this land, barren, des- titute, gloomy, forbidding, and to establish here the republic that should endure as long as time endures. We praise Thee that in the hearts of these noble men there was the desire to worship the everlasting God, and to bring up generations that should honor Him forever and forever. And now we praise Thee that Thou didst send to these shores representatives of a man whose heart was full of the knowledge of the Lord, and who cried out for more light. May that be the petition of all descendants of him who 76 loved his own land, but sought for his own people a larger heritage. And we pray that these genera- tions now existing may rise, and in his memory do their best for this our beloved land. And we thank Thee for the memory of her who looked back through generations to him who loved his God and who loved his native land, and who desired for his people better things. We thank Thee for that spirit of philan- thropy which she fostered in him who has so won- derfully blessed this town. We thank Thee for this donor to our Free Public Library, who has made a home for that collection which has so long been dear to this people. We thank Thee for the hearts that inspired men and women to plant this library here in our midst. And so, Lord, we beseech Thee for Thy blessing upon all who have in any way contributed to this great event in the history of Oxford. We pray for Thy blessing upon all donors. We pray for Thy blessing upon all who have arduously toiled. We pray for Thy blessing upon the recipients of this gift. We pray for Thy blessing upon the generations yet to come and to enjoy these things; We pray for Thy benediction upon aU that pertains in any way to this acquisition to our town's wealth. Hear us, we en- treat Thee, and, as we dedicate this building to Thee and to Thy glory, we would dedicate it to these fathers and these mothers, these sons and these daughters; we would dedicate it to the children of generations yet unborn ; we would dedicate it as a memorial forever. And we beseech Thee to hear our petitions and 77 give us "more light*' until the day when Thou shalt gather us all into Thy kingdom, with Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. CHAIRMAN : Friends, this is, in character, a kind of " Old Home Week" gathering. Most of those who have participated are in some manner connected with Oxford, if not residents. The Orator of the Day, however, we regret to say, is a native neither of Oxford nor of Worcester County. If he were, we could not claim him, for he belongs to the nation and the age. We are, nevertheless, no less happy to welcome him here to-day, and I take great pleasure as I have the honor to introduce to you the distin- guished gentleman who will deliver the dedicatory address for this occasion, HON. CARROLL D. WRIGHT, President of Clark College of Worcester. ADDRESS. Dreams, books, are each a world ; and books, we know, Are a substantial world, both pure and good. Round these, with tendrils strong as flesh and blood, Our pastime and our happiness will grow. WORDSWORTH, in " Personal Talk," Stanza 3. In books lies the soul of the whole Past Time ; the articu- late audible voice of the Past, when the body and material substance of it has altogether vanished like a dream. CARLYLE, Heroes and Hero-worship. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has the proud distinction of being the only State in the 78 world that can announce the great fact that every city and town within its borders has the right and privilege of a free public library. The importance of this proclamation is enhanced by the fact that there are 353 cities and towns in the State. One might ask why it is that this Commonwealth of ours has achieved this great work. I think we may look for an answer in the principles involved in the set- tlement of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies, notwithstanding the diversity of the char- acteristics of the settlers or founders of the two colo- nies. Those of the Plymouth Colony took on the freedom of thought of the Independents who made up the body of Pilgrims, on the one hand, relig- ious, broad-minded men and women as they were, while, on the other, the men and women that made up the Massachusetts Bay Colony were Puritanical, dogmatic, narrow, proscriptive, but thoroughly im- bued with the idea of the observance of a strict re- ligious life, accompanied by the desire and the determination to secure educational privileges, the latter being evidenced by their establishment of Harvard College at an early date. There seemed to be two lines of thought in the two colonies al- most antagonistic in their nature, yet running along in other directions on parallel lines. The basis of their new civilization was the church, as evidenced by the parish, the unit of municipal organization. Out of this there naturally grew the desire to es- tablish the two fundamental elements of American civilization, the church and, by its side, the school- house. Intolerant as they were of religious free- 79 dom for others, fighting for the liberty of con- science, and by that they meant the liberty of their own conscience and not that of others, they, nevertheless, established those institutions and in- sisted upon those elements of civilization which have marked the course and the progress of this Com- monwealth, and which have had an enduring in- fluence in the establishment of American constitu- tions. Keligious to the extreme of bigotry, and dogmatic and intolerant as they were, they were nevertheless statesmen in a large sense, and so ordered their lives that they have reflected on all other political organizations in this country the firm principles of political liberty and the loftiest ideals of statecraft. The leader of the Pilgrims, standing in their midst in Holland on the 21st day of July, 1620, gave to the world a new Magna Charta, when he said : " I charge you if God should reveal anything to you by any other instrument of his, be as ready to receive it as ever you were to receive any truth by my ministry, and I am confident that the Lord hath more light and truth yet to break forth out of his holy word." It was not immediately that his disciples saw the force of this utterance. In fact, it was not until after generations that the real import of John Robinson's foresight was understood by the people of the New World ; but the new and the other light came gradually, however, and the growth of our new civilization can date its birth from the utterances of John Robinson, whose de- scendant, in his generosity, and with a clear under- 80 standing of the necessity of intellectual growth to secure the highest ethical results, establishes this beautiful memorial as the receptacle for the public library of this ancient municipality. No other town has the satisfaction of receiving a public library erected to the memory of a lineal descendant of the Rev. John Robinson of Leyden. Your town appre- ciates this generosity, and more, it appreciates the opportunity given it for perpetuating not only the memory of the one who gives it, but the lofty senti- ments of the ancestor who did so much to inspire the growth of the highest qualities of mind in our Commonwealth. You have struggled here to gain a library for the benefit of your citizens. As I read your history, I find that several attempts were made to secure a col- lection of books that should be of service to your citizens, and from these small beginnings you finally established a public library. But you needed a case, and Charles Lamed has furnished it, and so well has he done in its furnishing that you may justly be proud of the rank you now take as the owner of one of the most beautiful library buildings in the State. When we undertake to grasp the vast domain of knowledge, we often regret that it cannot be be- queathed as can other possessions; that the men who have spent their lives in the pursuit of some depart- ment of human knowledge or have sacrificed all com- fort for the attainment of science should not be per- mitted to transmit their acquisitions. In our short- sightedness we feel that the world loses in some way 81 from its sum of information when such men as Agassiz are called from their labors. This feeling of loss has taken possession of the minds of men in all the ages that have witnessed the development of the human race, and the desire to give to the world that which has been dearly won in the varied fields of learning has induced scholars to put into books the gems of their possessions. To transmit the results of research, to record the deeds of men, to sing the praises of heroes, even to perpetuate the names of men, these are motives which have stimulated the labor of book-writing from the days of papyrean records to present times. And yet the origin of books cannot be traced. How can it be traced when the scholastic Greek lost all tradition of the birth of his nation? And books existed long before the birth of the Greek nation. The Scriptures were written in language dead even at the time of their discovery; but the grand litera- ture of the times of Moses and the Prophets has found in modern scholarship the most correct inter- preters. The knowledge of the past has been bequeathed to us, and we in turn shall bequeath the accumula- tions of all the ages to those succeeding. To be- queath the intellectual treasures of the past necessi- tated the institution of libraries, and so we read of the coUection of books as among the earliest works of man. Even the Assyrians and Babylonians had what have been aptly designated "libraries of clay," being collections of inscribed bricks and tiles. It is contended by some authors that the Hebrews were the originators of libraries proper, and that the care they took for the preservation of their sacred records and the story of the actions of their ances- tors furnished an example to other nations. It is recorded that Osymandyas, an Egyptian king, taking the hint from the Hebrews, established a library in his palace. He had inscribed over the door of his library, "The Storehouse of Medicine for the Mind." The Ptolemies were not only curious as to books, but preserved them in magnificence in the city of Alexandria. It was, indeed, a library that Nehemiah instituted in the temple of Jerusalem, and in which he preserved the books of the Prophets and of David, and the letters of the kings. The first public library at Athens was founded by Pisistratus. Rome had its great collections of intellectual treasures, and in ancient times every large church had its library, the first church library having been founded by Pope Nicholas at the Vatican in 1450. The invention of the art of printing, which fol- lowed the revival of learning in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, of course led to a wonderful in- crease in the production of books, and consequently to a new era in the history of public libraries, until to-day the grandest monuments of civilization man has been able to erect are the vast libraries of the world. So it seems that the library, almost coeval with man, certainly with the growth of acquired knowl- edge, has given the means for bequeathing that knowledge, and thus rendered the sacrifices of the devotees of science and of all learning the direct in- 83 heritance of all who may inquire as to the nature of their inheritance, but to none others than those who knock at the door. The history of libraries shows, of course, that ever-varying fortune which attends the history of art and of all that belongs to man's finer development, but the library has been the door which wise men have erected everywhere at which the seeker after knowledge can knock for ad- mittance ; and the only condition has been the ex- istence of the desire to learn. How many have wanted to enter, but could find no door ! How many have recognized the portal, but have failed to give the sign ! A generation before our Revolution a young man, a Boston boy, who had run away from his apprenticeship to a printer in Boston and had made his home in Philadelphia, and who had felt the great want of books, determined to institute means by which he and others like him could have the benefit of the brains of men who had recorded the results of their labor. This young man had been obliged to beg and borrow books ; had pinched his stomach, that his mind might expand. The mem- bers of a little club to which he belonged con- tributed the few books they each owned to a com- mon stock, and with these and a subscription of two pounds each and ten shillings a year from about fifty young men Franklin inaugurated his first impor- tant movement for the good of his fellow-men. He laid the foundation of the Public Library of Phila- delphia. Franklin, in his Autobiography, in speak- ing of this enterprise, says : " This was the mother 84 of all the North American subscription libraries, now so numerous. It has become a great thing itself, and continually goes on increasing. These libra- ries have improved the general conversation of the Americans, made the common tradesmen and farmers as intelligent as most gentlemen from other coun- tries, and perhaps have contributed in some degree to the stand so generally made throughout the col- onies in defence of their privileges." The importance Franklin attached to this institu- tion was great indeed, and the realization of the value of the library resulting from his own wants only influenced him still more in urging its founda- tion. While the creation of this subscription li- brary at Philadelphia was, as I have said, and ac- cording to Edward Everett's testimony given at the dedication of the Boston Public Library, Franklin's first work of importance to his fellow-men, the li- brary he established was the first of the kind of which there is any record. It was not only the mother of subscription libraries, but the parent of the distinctly American free city and town libraries which exist all over our country. Andrew Carnegie, who has given several hundred libraries to different municipalities, has testified that he was induced to take this course through the de- sire in early life to have access to books, and, when a friend loaned him works from his own library, he resolved that, if he ever had the means, he would do all in his power to secure like privileges for others seeking like advantages. This matter of bequeathing knowledge through 85 books and through collections of books called libra- ries is well illustrated by an anecdote related by Mr. Samuel S. Green, librarian of the Free Public Li- brary of Worcester, in his address at the opening of the library building of Clark University last Jan- uary. Mr. Green was undertaking to show how students seeking to add to the sum of human knowl- edge must, in order to prevent a waste of time and energy, first learn what is already known. Hence the need of libraries to serve as storehouses of the records of existing knowledge. He stated that the process by which civilization grows, in so far as it is advanced by the use of books, is a simple one, and that this is obvious even to the untutored savage, as is well illustrated by the remarks of Geroiiimo, an Indian prisoner of the United States a few years ago, who, when asked, " Do not the products of civilized life astonish you?" replied, "No, I see how they come about. A man does something, and writes a book to describe it. Another man comes along, and reads that book, and it occurs to him that he can do better the thing that has been done. He improves upon his predecessor, and writes a book to record his accomplishment. A third person improves upon the work of the second, and succeeding scholars and thinkers, adding their own achievements to those of their predecessors, in time produce the glorious re- sults of high civilization. But," he added, " I was taken to New Orleans, and shown an establishment in which ice was made. At one end of a building I saw wood thrown into furnaces, and out of the other end came blocks of ice. Man did not do that : only God Almighty can make ice from fire." And Mr. Green added, after relating this interesting an- ecdote, that, although Geronimo had not come to understand fully the power of man when he avails himself of the forces of the universe, he certainly had grasped an underlying principle in the process of civilization. The garnered treasures of past learning and the knowledge of the present are step- ping stones to higher achievements and greater en- lightenment. Standing on the shoulders of earlier scholars, we gain a wider outlook and broader views. So we need have no fear of losing the results of the work accomplished by the human intellect. The man who accomplishes results is mortal, and dies, but his work survives him, and the library is the storehouse that perpetuates all that is worth remem- bering and what the student needs to enable him to go forward in his researches, while it furnishes the opportunity to man to gain a broader culture in life, even if he does not secure the fundamental facts of knowledge. Literature, art, everything that helps to adorn the human character, can be gained by reading, by the study of what is and of what has been. So the library is what Carlyle called it. He said, " The true university of these days is a collection of books." That author, given to epigrammatic say- ings, never recorded a wiser one. The library is the university of the town, and every town in our honored Commonwealth has this university. It is the source to which all citizens can freely go when- ever taste, inclination, or the desire for knowledge, 87 inspires them. And in the light of this grand in- fluence we may overlook the criticisms that are often made upon the character of the collection. This world is not made up entirely of wheat. In the divine plan there is chaff. The thistles will grow up and help smother the pure grain, but the pure grain is there, and the care exercised by the managers of our public libraries is evidence that the tares are kept to the minimum. The influence of the library as the university of the town is felt to a large degree in the new proc- esses or new methods, rather, of instruction. Many of us remember that the teacher's task as a teacher was finished when she had asked the questions at the bottom of the page of the text-book ; that there was no indication or suggestion of what the student better read in a collateral way in order to interest him and to enable him to gain other information than that given in the text-book, or to broaden his mind by understanding the views of other authors than those given him to study. In fact, there would have been little use fifty years ago of the teacher's suggesting to the student a course of collateral read- ing, for the source of such reading was not at hand, except in a very few private libraries, and then only to a limited degree. Now the teacher knows well that putting the questions which the text-book contains is the smallest or slightest part of her work. She must illuminate the whole subject ; she must stimu- late the young mind in its plastic stage ; she must throw around her work the elements that will induce the boy or girl to seek further light and to secure 88 greater enjoyment in the acquisition of knowledge. If it be a class in history, she can easily say to its members, "You will find in such and such works an elaboration of this principle or the facts given more in extenso" and the pupil has recourse to the public library, where he can supplement the some- what rigid work of the curriculum by interesting collateral reading and gain a new insight into the dryness of the text-book. This course leads the young mind to comprehend the real power of knowing well what is taught in a preliminary way only in the public schools. The pupil learns the power which he gains by a fuUer knowledge, and, if he be industrious and his selec- tions are wise, he can lead his class, and be an in- fluence in his school and in his community. While this is peculiarly true of history, it is also true that other branches afford the same opportunity in dif- ferent degrees, perhaps of acquiring that collateral knowledge which is so necessary in the study of any branch of learning. Truly, the public library is the university of the town, but it goes beyond this. The use of the books of a public library by the pupils in the schools carries its influence to the father and the mother and the older members of the family, and a taste for reading is acquired. Those of us who are passing down the closing years of our lives know well that the man who has a taste for reading, who never allows an hour to pass in idleness when he can oc- cupy himself with a good book, has a hold that no other man has. He is not only entertaining himself ? but he may entertain others ; and he is a safer man, a better citizen, a truer patriot, than the man who has never had the good fortune to acquire the taste for reading. The library helps him in his declining years to make himself an agreeable companion and a real helper in the progress of the studies of the youth of his community. We often hear some condemnation of the public library. You will recall that the distinguished play- wright, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, in " The Rivals," puts it in the mouth of one of his characters to say that "a circulating library in a town is as an evergreen tree of diabolical knowledge." This sentiment was uttered 130 years ago, but we still hear it. We are still told that the public library feeds the ambition of the young, causes degeneration of the mind, and pollutes morals ; and here and there we hear of a youth who has been led into criminal courses by read- ing trashy novels and adventures. We hear that much reading creates discontent among the people, who, it is assumed, ought to confine their lives in the narrow limits of a workaday existence; that through this discontent they are constantly grasping for things not within their reach, and that by such grasping they fail to perform the duties belonging to an industrious life. All these things may be true, but I assure you they are true only in a very limited degree ; and the extent to which they are true is offset by a higher element which comes into the lives of those who have free access to books. Every day I meet men of the strongest mental capacity, men hard at work 90 in their particular walk in life students of science, writers, men whose labors cannot be limited to an eight or a ten hour day, the products of whose minds are giving to the world some of the best thought and the best results that can be secured, but who seek recreation, relaxation, rest, in fact, by reading romance. We may say this is perfectly safe for a mature mind, but unsafe for the young. I believe too much novel-reading by the young is pernicious to some degree, but chiefly because it may vitiate a taste for reading of a higher order. The good, clean, and wholesome novel only stimulates mental activity : it does not dull it ; but, carried too far, the better works are laid aside or neglected, just as too much magazine reading after a while vitiates the taste or dulls the desire to read more sustained works. A man who reads magazines con- stantly, shrinks from taking up a work of four or five hundred pages on some subject which would be of advantage to him. And yet the magazine is the chief source to which many in their busy lives can turn for the gratification of the desire to read at all. The skimming of newspapers a necessity in our day takes the edge off the desire to read books. But, when we study the statistics of libraries and see the character of the works that circulate in any com- munity, especially in New England, I think one is fully satisfied that there are no works of substantial merit in a public library that do not receive gratify- ing attention. We are living in the day when competition is mind with mind. Life is exacting. The necessity 91 to earn one's living and to support one's family leads to the desire for recreation, and this modern condition superinduces the desire for general read- ing. The activity of the mind must be fed, and the degree in which the feeding process goes on de- pends upon the facility of securing the food. I believe that the reading by any man or boy or girl of even what we may call trashy novels is bet- ter for him or her than the idling away of his or her life on the street or in questionable places, though by such reading we may occasionally witness a wreck. In every work there will be found something good ? and, if a book takes a boy off the street and from vicious companions, so much good has been accom- plished. The influence may not be immediate, but it is there. It is always in every book, as in every play, however low down it may be, that virtue is lauded, and when virtue triumphs, even in the old Bowery Theatre in New York, the applause which comes from the galleries is stronger than that from any other part of the house ; and no author of a cheap novel would allow his created viUain to secure per- manent success. Many a child reading light and even frivolous works has often had his taste for reading stimulated to the selection of better books, and this process may secure to him that general taste for reading which enables one to obtain higher positions in life than would otherwise have been possible. There is no one so poor as the man who does not read. We must not condemn utterly all reading simply because some is of such a character as to exert a bad 92 influence. This is just as true of life as it is of books. We must not condemn all men because some are vicious. The better way to overcome the influences which come from strong drink is by some healthful substitute. It may not be a radical sub- stitute, but whatever it is that prevents the presence in the saloon or the idling away of hours in the streets in dissolute companionship is certainly to be commended, in so far as it accomplishes this result. But there is one grand satisfaction in considering this side of the public library, and that is that in the sterling virtues of our people, as exercised through the town meeting, the purest type of de- mocracy that has ever existed, there is a careful scru- tiny in the selection of books for the shelves. This must be kept up. There must be a judicious cen- sorship in the management of every public library, and with this censorship we need have no very alarming fears of the result. I think it is safe to say that the public library now completes the trinity of public influences in shaping thought. Our forefathers established the church and the school-house. We have added to these the public library, and now these three great institutions are with us, and aim for the very best civilization. How can it be otherwise ? What has been the great influence that keeps this country true to the principles established by the settlers? We are not a warlike people. We believe in education, and are willing to take the results. France, with its brilliant history, with all its science and its literature, now spends $4 per capita for military purposes per annum, and only 70 cents per capita for general public educational work ; and England, our mother, spends $3.72 per annum for military purposes, and only 62 cents per capita for the education of her people. Prussia spends $2.04 for her military es- tablishment per capita, and only 50 cents for her public schools. The United States expends 75 cents per capita per annum for military equipment, and $3 per capita for her public education, while we in Massachusetts spend $4.96 for every man, woman, and child within the State's borders for public schools. These facts testify to the influences which have worked with us. They show that we care more for the qualities of the mind than for any other, and that we are following the great exhortation of John Robinson to receive light whenever it is revealed to us; and this library, citizens of Oxford, this gen- erous memorial, is an evidence that in your triple position of Pilgrim and Puritan and Huguenot you have not lost sight of those great principles which mean religious and political liberty and intellectual freedom. CHAIRMAN: Permit me to repeat the notice al- ready given, that the Charles Larned Memorial will be open for inspection at the close of these exer- cises. You are now requested to rise and join in the singing of " America, "and remain standing until the benediction is pronounced by Rev. Albert Tyler, of Oxford. 94 SINGING. America. BENEDICTION. And now may the Father's everlasting blessing rest upon this edifice which we have upon this occa- sion dedicated. May the Father's kindly hand rest in blessing upon the head and heart of him who was inspired to build it. May the memories of this glo- rious occasion be with us in days to come, inspiring us to work for humanity and for the glory of God. Amen. 05 DEED. all men bn tlK0c presents, , CHARLES L ARM ED, of Boston, in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in consideration of one dol- lar and other valuable considerations paid by the TOWN OF OXFORD, in the County of Worcester and Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the said TOWN OF OXFORD a building constructed of Kittanning gray brick with Milford pink granite foundation and trimmings, designated on a granite slab at the front of the balcony over the main entrance and known as the CHARLES LARNED MEMORIAL, for the purpose set forth on a metal tablet set into the front wall in a niche north of said main entrance, bearing the following legend : I @ THIS BUILDING *** ERECTED TO THE MEMORY OF CLARISSA ROBINSON LARNED A LINEAL DESCENDANT IN THE SEVENTH GENERATION OF REV. JOHN ROBINSON OF LEYDEN IS PRESENTED TO THE TOWN OF OXFORD FOR THE USE OF ITS FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR ALL TIME & Said building being located on what was formerly known as the "Captain De Witt lot" and later as the "Hyde lot," on the west side of Main Street, at the corner of Sigourney Street, in said 96 Oxford, bounded and described as follows : on the east by Main Street about one hundred seventy-five feet; on the north by land of Orrin F. Joslin about two hundred feet ; on the west by land of Herman H. Sigourney about one hundred seventy-five feet ; on the south by Sigourney Street about two hundred feet; being the same premises conveyed to Orrin F. Joslin by Mary D. Hyde by deed dated the twenty-third day of July in the year one thou- sand nine hundred one (23 July, 1901) and recorded in Worcester District Registry Book 1690, page 444, corrected by a quitclaim deed from said Hyde to said Joslin, dated 20 May, 1902, and -filed for record in Worcester District Registry. o Ijatu? and to Ijolb the granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said Town of Oxford and its heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever. And I do hereby, for myself and my heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said grantee and its heirs and assigns that the granted premises are free from all incum- brances made or suffered by me, and that I will and my heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant anJ brfimb the same to the said grantee and its heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through, or under me, but against none other. SH imturss rnlf*mtf, I, the said CHARLES LARNED, being un- married, hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-ninth day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and four. Signed, sealed, and delivered ") in presence of CHARLES LARNED. [SEAL] JOHN E. KIMBALL. \ !. ; v>j tf i ,n8i',*h4 8v : J or its Mam fetreet. seven rods in width, this well- shaded thoroughfare^ extends north and south for nearly a mile on a level. iKl^atybJKfl&r^ tFJf&i^tfegtege of about 180 feet and a depth westward of 200 feet on Sigourney Street, its southern boundary, bor- *leradbtiBf r^fefc mtk/aiij[i^eti by pmvateefetart^sy these amply shaded an^sgacgojis^poirnds, retired, yet easy of access, offer an ideal location for an institution upon which more than upon any other is focussed the interest of the whole community. The building, in the form of a Roman cross and Renaissance in style of architecture, is placed in the centre of the lot, facing eastward, the extreme width from north to south being about 70 feet, and its length, east and west from entrance steps to rear of stack-room, upwards of 82 feet. The central portion is two stories in height, affording a spacious room on the second floor for the display of art and antiquities, smah 1 gatherings for conference, a trustees' room, attic storage rooms, etc. A broad granolithic walk leads from Main Street to the front entrance, the head of the cross, and, ascending a flight of eight granite steps flanked by heavy buttresses, we stand in the entrance porch between polished granite columns and pilas- ters. Over our heads, in heavy block letters cut from the solid stone, stands out FKEE PUBLIC LIBKAKY, and surmounting this, in front of the balcony above, CHAELES LAKNED MEMOKIAL, while just to the right of the porch, in a niche corresponding to the window on the left, is placed a massive bronze tablet, bearing the legend repro- duced on page 96. Entering the vestibule, a flight of stairs on the right leads to the basement. Passing through the door in front, we are in the Delivery Hall. On the right, stairs lead to the floor above. On the left is a small room furnished with cases, table, and chairs for special study or conversation. Directly in front is the Delivery Counter and Cataloguing Eoom, immediately in the rear of which is the Stack Room. On the right or north of the delivery counter is the Librarian's Room, with Toilet Room adjoining. Corresponding to the librarian's room on the left or south of the delivery counter is the Reference Room. South of the delivery hall and reference room and extending from front to rear of the main building is the General Reading Room, lighted by windows on three sides. In the corre- sponding wing on the north side is the Juvenile Room, somewhat smaUer. Each of the two latter being furnished with a spacious fireplace, bordered by enamelled tile-work and a rich mantel. The stack-room, including the basement, is designed for three tiers of stacks, with a total capac- ity for 40,000 volumes, and is practically fireproof, being separated from the main building by fire- proof walls and doors. Between the stack-room and main structure there are outside stairways lead- ing up to the cataloguing room being the rear entrance connected with Sigourney Street by a granolithic walk and down to the basement, which with its whitened walls and cement flooring is spacious and well lighted, affording accommoda- tion for the steam-heating apparatus, coal bunkers, toilet and storage rooms, and any additional equip- ment which may be required in the future. The building is heated by steam and is piped for gas, though lighted throughout by electricity, and sup- plied with running water from a neighboring hill. The building material is Milford pink granite and a light gray brick. The ashlar basement, in- cluding water-table, steps, and entrance porch en- tire, door and window sills and caps, chimney caps and coping, are of selected granite, while the brick of 100 which the walls are constructed is from Kittanning, Armstrong County, Pa., and so thoroughly vitrified in the process of manufacture as to be impervious to moisture. The roof of the main structure is covered with g Monson black slate, trimmed with copper hip, ridge crestings, and finials, and that of the stack-room with rolled copper. The floors of the first and sec- (~ ond story are of kiln-dried quartered oak, the < general reading, reference, and juvenile rooms hav- ing inlaid patterns, except those of the delivery hall u. and vestibule, which are Italian marble mosaic, < flecked with the French fleur-de-lis, with ornamental border of classic design, the base-boards, plinths, and thresholds being of the same rich material, while in the centre of the space a graceful wreath incloses the monogram of Mrs. Lamed, for whom the build- ing stands as a memorial. The stack-room is exceptionally well lighted and well ventilated, with ample windows upon three sides, and furnished with Library Bureau clutch double steel stack, glass floor, hand lift, and iron stairway. The walls and ceilings are tastefully tinted and decorated, while the interior finish, with all furni- ture, fixed and movable, designed and made to order, is of choice quartered oak, finished in natural tints. One of the most artistic features of the structure is the stained glass work of Redding, Baird & Co., Boston. While plain, polished plate glass, from considerations of utility, was adopted for windows, doors, and sometimes partitions, the leaded glass 101 bordering the main doorway, transoms, and espe- cially the large arched window over the porch ap- peal strongly to the aesthetic sense, and are notable for their appropriateness and artistic merit. The latter commemorates " The Departure of the Pil- grims from Holland in 1620," and represents a group from the famous painting of Charles West Cope, R.A., one of a series decorating the British House of Parliament. This superb creation, about eight by ten feet in size, consists of a large central panel surrounded by border panels at the top and sides, with emblematic medallions representing "The Mayflower," "The Open Bible," and " A Burning Lamp, " which serve as foils to the main group. The central figure of the devout circle kneeling at the water's edge is that of the revered Robinson, with outstretched arms and eyes turned heavenward as he commits his charge to Him who rules the winds and waves. The accessories are in the high- est degree suggestive, especially the local coloring, as seen in the Dutch dwellings of gray stone with heavy gables and tiled roofs, the old windmill, the waiting boat ready to convey its precious freight to the "Mayflower" in the offing, and even the pas- tor's passionate soul-cry for "More Light" flashing forth in ruby and gold from the clear skies over- head. The transoms on the main floor, including the stairway, each of which is a work of art, are no less noticeable for their suggestive beauty. In the cen- tre of each is a twelve-inch circular medallion, 102 THE DEPARTURE OF THE PILGRIMS FROM HOLLAND IN 1620. CHARLES WEST COPE, R.A. twelve being reproductions of old book-marks used by printers and publishers, mostly in the sixteenth century, while the remaining four in the juvenile room consist of flowers and figures selected from " Flora's Feast " by Walter Crane. They may be briefly described as f oUows : SPECIAL STUDY BOOM. Arion with violin and bow, standing upon the dolphin. Johann Oporin, Basle. About 1510-1570. An anchor held by two hands and bearing the Greek letters Alpha and Omega, also Chi Bho, the initial letters of the name of The Anointed." Motto: " CONCORDIA." Gerardus Wolfschatius, Antwerp. About 1601-1625. GENERAL BEADING ROOM. A crab below, a butterfly above. Motto: "MATURA." Jehan Trellon, Lyons, and other Lyons printers. About 1540-1550. An anchor held by a hand reaching from the clouds. Motto: "ANCHORA SPEI." Thomas Vautrollier, London and Edinburgh. About 1565-1605. Also John Norton, London. 1601- 108 A primitive hand-press and an open book, surrounded by a ring of serpents. Invented 1428, 1440. Copied from a silver medal struck in Haarlem by Laurens Koster. A pair of compasses directed by a hand. Motto : " LABORE ET CONSTANTIA." The best known of several devices used by the famous Plantins of Antwerp, printers and publishers. Introduced by Christopher Plantin about 1550. Pegasus. Motto: " AD ASTRA VOLAJSTDUM." Jeremiah Duemlerus, Nuremberg. About 1601-1650. The winged bust of a woman with three heads, a woman, an old man, a young man. A laurel wreath above, a star in the woman's forehead, an open book below. Motto: "USUS ME GENUIT." Melchior and Gaspard Trechsel, Lyons. About 1526-1550. REFERENCE KOOM. A Bible richly bound, in a circle of light. Motto : " YET AT MORI." David Martini, Antwerp. About 1601. LIBRARIAN'S ROOM. An open book displayed on the breast of Phoenix, bearing the Greek letters Alpha and Omega. Motto : l ' RENO VABITUR. ' ' Johannes Columbius, Deventer. About 1650. 104 STAIRWAY. A boy piping beneath a tree beside a stream on which he has just launched a tiny boat bearing a burning lamp. Motto: " TOUT BIEN OU RIEN." Elihu Yedder's design for the Riverside Press, Cambridge, first made to accompany his illustrations to "Rubaiyat" of Omar Khayyam. Two hands holding upright a caduceus, on which is perched a bird. The two serpents are crowned. Motto: "FROBEN." The device of John Froben, Basle. About 1490-1525. JUVENILE ROOM. The Tulips lift their banners red, Or fill their cups with fire instead. The little Crocus reaches up To catch a sunbeam in his cup. The evening Primrose lights her lamp, A beacon to the garden camp. The Lilies of the day are done, And sunk the golden westering Sun. Those who have been instrumental in realizing an expression of the sentiment and purpose which here find embodiment are : Cutting, Carleton & Cutting, Worcester ARCHITECTS. Rankin & Woodside, Worcester . . . GENERAL CONTRACTORS, 105 SUB-CONTRACTORS . O. Berggren, Oxford MILFORD PINK GRANITE. Boston Fire Brick Co., Boston .... KITTANNING (PA.) GRAY BRICK. George A. Barnard & Sons, Worcester . ROOFING. Willis C. Beveridge, Oxford .... PLASTERING. New England Marble and Mosaic Co- operative Co., Boston ..... MOSAIC WORK. O. S. Kendall & Son, Worcester . . . HEATING AND TILE WORK. Redding, Baird & Co., Boston . . . STAINED GLASS. Stenberg & Co., Worcester MURAL DECORATION. Plummer, Ham & Richardson, Worces- ter ELECTRIC WORK. T. F. McGann & Sons Co., Boston . . BRONZE TABLET. Library Bureau, Boston FURNITURE AND FITTINGS. Hey wood Bros. & Wakefield Co., Bos- ton FURNITURE. Henry M. Pratt, Boston GRADING AND SHRUBBERY. The Receipts and Disbursements whereby this was accomplished are best set forth in the Report of the Building Committee submitted to the town at its annual meeting, 3 April, 1905, which is hereto appended. 106 REPORT OF THE BUILDING COMMITTEE OF THE CHARLES LARNED MEMORIAL. The Building Committee of the Charles Larned Memorial was appointed when the terms of the gift required that one-third of the expense should be borne by the town. Subsequently, Mr. Larned proposed to assume the entire expense of the build- ing, and in view of this change no report to the town, save as regards the Wallace Fund and the $500 appropriation by the town, would seem to be called for, but, as the citizens are deeply interested in all details connected with our Free Public Li- brary, the financial report of the Charles Larned Memorial, in so far as it has been determined by the Committee, is respectfully submitted. CONTRIBUTIONS AND APPROPRIATIONS. O. F. Joslin . $1,000.00 Town appropriation 500.00 Wallace Fund 2,783.84 Town appropriation for lot 4,500.00 Charles Larned 25,083.47 Credit allowed by town on insurance for three years, 116.65 $33,983.96 Town appropriation of $500 overdrawn .... 13.83 $33,997.79 107 DISBURSEMENTS. Lot. Movable Furniture. Building and Fixed Furniture. Total Cost. Library site . . . $5 500 00 $5 500 00 Telegram Newspaper Co George E. Chaffee, printing J. E. Kimball, labor of teams Vinton Bros., teams Chaffee Bros. Co., pipes, etc John H. McWhorter, labor H. M. Pratt, grading and shrubs .... C S Bacon insurance 13.80 4.75 26.39 255.58 18.10 678.58 54.35 140 00 13.80 4.75 26.39 255.58 18.10 54.35 678.58 140 00 Visiting libraries for plans . . . 16 46 16.46 Postage, car-fare, filling post holes . . . Stationery and telephone Expense to Boston for plans W H Haven, piping 3.52 .45 5.44 28 48 3.52 .45 5.44 28.48 William I. Thompson, engineer .... N S Pike cleaning well 1000 8.95 8.95 10.00 Boardman Bros., copper box . . . 2 55 2.55 Vinton Bros., trucking 2.00 2.00 Express on tamels Duncan & Goodell, hardware H. O. Lamson, lighting 3.30 175.00 453 00 3.30 175.00 453.00 Chaffee Bros. Co., chairs $212.65 212.65 C. F. Daniels, labor .68 .68 The Clark-Sawyer Co., tools 9.06 9.06 Duncan & Goodell tools 10 00 10.00 John H. McWhorter, labor William Miller & Son, labor Doll & Richards, framing plan .... H. M. Pratt, plan Law & Hawxhurst.gas and electric fixtures Dedication expense, printing, etc. . . . Expense telephone freight 14.75 26.03 18.50 15.00 .50 184.00 40.32 2.57 14.75 26.03 18.50 15.00 184.00 40.32 3.07 Freight on gas machine . . . . 6.71 6.71 Plummer, Ham & Richardson, elec. w'k . C. G. Farnsworth, putting on door spring, Barnard, Sumner & Putnam, curtains . E. A. Wheelock, door spring Rankin & Woodside, contract Rankin