Hffik ftMfift ' VttMt rn ^ MMB '4HM| *Y IV OF SAN ;o / M M *m RAILROADS: THEIR ORIGIN AND PROBLEMS. BY CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, JR. NEW YORK G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS 182 FIFTH AVENUE 1878. COPYRIGHT BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 1878. CONTENTS. PAGE THE GENESIS OF THE RAILROAD SYSTEM i THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. . 80 THE GENESIS RAILROAD SYSTEM THERE are not many stories that are either more interesting in themselves or better worth telling for the lesson they convey, than the story of George Stephenson and his invention of the locomo- tive engine. It has been told, too, in a manner which upon the whole leaves little to be desired ; and the great and long continued popularity of Smiles' biography is one of the most encouraging symptoms of the better and healthier education of the times. In the course of his narrative the author describes with great literary skill the genesis of the locomo- tive. In doing so he carries his readers along with him through episodes of opposition, discourage- ment, disappointment, almost defeat, the interest in the narrative and the fortunes of its hero continu- ally growing until it exceeds that of any work of fiction of the day, even though Walter Scott himself was then a living author, until at last the great dramatic 2 THE GENESIS OF climax is reached in the memorable pageant of Sep- tember 1 5th, 1830. That day, the day of the formal opening of the Manchester & Liverpool railroad, was for Stephenson more than an ovation, it was liter- ally a triumph. Guiding his locomotive, the Northum- brian, at the head of the train, not only was he, even though the Duke of Wellington himself was there, the conquering hero observed of all, but there were also many circumstances about the occasion suggest- ive of other and less attractive features of the classic triumphs. Reminders of public distress and private want, of the fickleness of popular favor and of sud- den death itself, all were there. The season was favorable, the skies were clear, the occasion great ; but things would not move smoothly. It was a day of contre-temps ; a day to be remembered and de- scribed, but one which nevertheless must ever after have left a bitter taste in the mental mouths of those who took part in its observances. Unfortunately, when he came to giving an account of it, Smiles' appreciation of the dramatic fitness of things proved too strong for his fidelity to facts. He thought his hero deserved a day of triumph unalloyed, and so he gave it to him as nearly as he could. The terrible episode of Mr. Huskisson's death it was not possible to wholly pass over ; but whatever else was there to mar the pleasure of the day could be ignored, and was ignored accordingly. The liberty with facts which Smiles thus allowed himself to take, was long since pointed out by Jeaffreson, in his excellent life of THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 3 Robert Stephenson ; and in that work will be found a much more correct account than is given by Smiles of the events of the Manchester & Liverpool open- ing. Even Jeaffreson's account is, however, not wholly satisfactory. It was written too long after the event. He sees what he undertakes to describe with eyes accustomed to railroads and locomotives anti trains of cars. He has with great industry gotten all his details together and woven them into a skilful narrative, but it is, after all, not the narrative of one who himself was there. Now the great peculiarity of the locomotive engine and its sequence, the rail- road, as compared with other and far more important inventions, was that it burst rather than stole or crept upon the world. Its advent was in the highest degree dramatic. It was even more so than the dis- covery of America. Of this last we know every detail, and nothing is wanting which could lend an interest to the event. Picturesque and absorbing as the story is, however, the climax did not work itself out before the very eyes of an astonished world. Co- lumbus and his crew alone on the morning of the I2th October 1492, saw the shores of the new world. And yet, next to the locomotive engine, this was probably the most dramatic of all those discoveries which have marked epochs in human history. The mariner's compass, far more momentous in its consequences, crept silently on a world which to this day does not know when or from whence or how it came. It was much the same with gun-powder. In the case of 4 THE GENESIS OF printing it is somewhat different, for though its in- vention has been a fruitful source of controversy, something at least is known of it. Hallam, indeed, in his Literature of Europe, indulges in a flight of rhetoric somewhat unusual with him and which reads queerly, as he speaks of Fustenburg's Mazarin fSible, the first printed book. " It is," he says, " a very striking circumstance, that the high-minded inventors of this great art tried at the very out- set so bold a flight as the printing of an entire Bible, and executed it with astonishing success. It was Minerva leaping on earth in her divine strength and radiant armor, ready at the moment of her nativity to subdue and destroy her enemies. . . . We may see in imagination this venerable and splendid volume leading up the crowded myriads of its followers, and imploring, as it were, a blessing on the new art by dedicating its first fruits to the ser- vice of Heaven." " In imagination " perhaps, " we may see " all this, but assuredly the cotemporary world neither saw nor dreamed of it ; on the contrary, imaginary processions apart, few things less inspiring can be conceived than the unnoticed homely toil of those poor German mechanics at Mentz, who four centuries ago launched upon an unconscious world the great motive power of all modern life. So with the loom, the steam engine, and electricity. Each arid all, they struggled into existence slowly and painfully. The world never stopped to look, much less to wonder at them. We cannot know what people's sensations THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. $ were when they first realized that a new power had appeared, for there was no particular moment at which they ever realized it. The locomotive engine alone as soon as it was seen was acknowledged ; for it must be remembered that its one essential feature the multitubular boiler, was first used in Stephen- son's experimental locomotive, the Rocket, on the Rainhill trial course in October, 1829, and never after that time was the importance of the new dis- covery denied, while the interest felt in its further development each day widened and became more engrossing. It was this element of spontaneity, therefore, the instantaneous and dramatic recognition of suc- cess, which gave a peculiar interest to everything con- nected with the Manchester & Liverpool railroad. The whole world was looking at it, with*, full realizing sense that something great and momentous was im- pending. Every day people watched the gradual development of the thing, and actually took part in it. In doing so they had sensations and those sensations they have described. There is consequently an, ele- ment of human nature surrounding it. The com- plete ignoring of this element by both Smiles and Jeaffreson is a defect in their narratives. They de- scribe the scene from a standpoint of forty years later. Others described it as they saw it at the time. To their descriptions time has only lent a new freshness. They are full of honest wonder. They are much better and more valuable and more interesting now 6 THE GENESIS OF than they were fifty years ago, and for that reason are well worth exhuming. To introduce the contemporaneous story of the day, however, it is not necessary even to briefly review the long series of events which had slowly led up to it. The world is tolerably familiar with the early life of George Stephenson, and with the vexatious obsta- cles he had to overcome before he could even secure a trial for his invention. The man himself, however, is an object of a good deal more curiosity to us, than he was to those among whom he lived and moved. A living glimpse at him now is worth dwelling upon, and is the best possible preface to any account of his great day of life triumph. Just such a glimpse of the man has been given to us at the moment when at last all difficulties had been overcome, when the Manchester Si-Liverpool railroad was completed ; and, literally, not only the eyes of Great Britain but those of all civilized countries were directed to it and to him who had originated it. At just that time it chanced that the celebrated actor, John Kemble, was ful- filling an engagement at Liverpool with his daughter, better known in this country as Mrs. Frances Kemble Butler. The extraordinary social advantages the Kemble family enjoyed gave both father and daugh- ter opportunities such as seldom came in the way of ordinary mortals. For the time being they were, in fact, the lions of the stage, just as George Stephenson was the lion of the new railroad. As was most natural the three lions were brought THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 7 together. The young actress has since published her impressions, jotted down at the time, of the old engineer. Her account of a ride side by side with George Stephenson, on the seat of his locomotive, over the as yet unopened road, is one of the most interesting and life-like records we have of the man and the enterprise. Perhaps it is the most interesting. The introduction is Mrs. Kemble's own, and written forty-six years after the experience : " While we were acting at Liverpool, an experimental trip was proposed upon the line of railway which was being con- structed between Liverpool and Manchester, the first mesh of that amazing iron net which now covers the whole surface of England, and all civilized portions of the earth. The Liverpool merchants, whose far-sighted self-interest prompted to wise lib- erality, had accepted the risk of George Stephenson's magnificent experiment, which the committee of inquiry of the House of Commons had rejected for the government. These men, of less intellectual culture than the Parliament members, had the ad- venturous imagination proper to great speculators, which is the poetry of the counting house and wharf, and were better able to receive the enthusiastic infection of the great projector's sanguine hope than the Westminster committee. They were exultant and triumphant at the near completion of the work, though, of course not without some misgivings as to the eventual success of the stupendous enterprise. My father knew several of the gen- tlemen most deeply interested in the undertaking, and Stephen- son having proposed a trial trip as far as the fifteen-mile viaduct, they, with infinite kindness, invited him and permitted me to accompany them : allowing me, moreover, the place which I felt to be one of supreme honor, by the side of Stephenson. All that wonderful history, as much more interesting than a romance 8 THE GENESIS OF as truth is stranger than fiction, which Mr. Smiles' biography of the projector has given in so attractive a form to the world, I then heard from his own lips. He was rather a stern-featured man, with a dark and deeply marked countenance ; his speech was strongly inflected with his native Northumbrian accent, but the fascination of that story told by himself, while his tame dragon flew panting along his iron pathway with us, passed the first reading of the Arabian Nights, the incidents of which it almost seemed to recall. He was wonderfully condescending and kind, in answering all the questions of my eager ignorance, and I lis- tened to him with eyes brimful of warm tears of sympathy and enthusiasm, as he told me of all his alternations of hope and fear, of his many trials and disappointments, related with fine scorn, how the " Parliament men " had badgered and baffled him with their book-knowledge, and how, when at last they- had smothered the irrepressible prophecy of his genius in the quak- ing depths of Chat Moss, he had exclaimed, ' Did ye ever see a boat float on water ? I will make my road float upon Chat Moss ! ' The well-read Parliament men (some of whom, per- haps, wished for no railways near their parks and pleasure- grounds) could not believe the miracle, but the shrewd Liver- pool merchants, helped to their faith by a great vision of immense gain, did ; and so the railroad was made, and I took this mem- orable ride by the side of its maker, and would not have ex- changed the honor and pleasure of it for one of the shares in the speculation." " LIVERPOOL, August 26th, 1830. " MY DEAR H : A common sheet of paper is enough for love, but a foolscap extra can only contain a railroad and my ecstasies. There was once a man born at Newcastle-upon- Tyne, who was a common coal-digger ; this man had an im- mense constructiveness, which displayed itself in pulling his watch to pieces and putting it together again ; in making a pair of shoes when he happened to be some days without occupation ; THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 9 finally here there is a great gap in my story it brought him in the capacity of an engineer before a committee of the House of Commons, with his head full of plans for constructing a rail- road from Liverpool to Manchester. It so happened that to the quickest and most powerful perceptions and conceptions, to the most indefatigable industry and perseverance, and the most ac- curate knowledge of the phenomena of nature as they affect his peculiar labors, this man joined an utter want of the ' gift of gab ;' he could no more explain to others what he meant to do and how he meant to do it, than he could fly, and therefore the members of the House of Commons, after saying, ' There is a rock to be excavated to a depth of more than sixty feet, there are embankments to be made nearly to the same height, there is a swamp of five miles in length to be traversed, in which if you drop an iron rod it sinks and disappears ; how will you do all this ?' and receiving no answer but a broad Northumbrian, ' I can't tell you how I'll do it, but I can tell you I will do it,' dismissed Stephenson as a visionary. Having prevailed upon a company of Liverpool gentlemen to be less incredulous, and having raised funds for his great undertaking, in December of 1826 the first spade was struck into the ground. And now I will give you an account of my yesterday's excursion. A party of sixteen persons was ushered into a large court-yard, where, under cover, stood several carriages of a peculiar construction, one of which was prepared for our reception. It was a long- bodied vehicle with seats placed across it back to back ; the one we were in had six of these benches, and was a sort of uncov- ered char a bane. The wheels were placed upon two iron bands, which formed the road, and to which they are fitted, being so constructed as to slide along without any danger of hitching or becoming displaced, on the same principle as a thing sliding on a concave groove. The carriage was set in motion by a mere push, and, having received this impetus, rolled with us down an inclined plane into a tunnel, which forms the entrance to the rail- road. This tunnel is four hundred yards long (I believe), and will 1* 10 THE GENESIS OF be lighted by gas. At the end of it we emerged from darkness, and, the ground becoming level, we stopped. There is another tunnel parallel with this, only much wider and longer, for it ex- tends from the place we had now reached, and where the steam carriages start, and which is quite out of Liverpool, the whole way under the town, to the docks. This tunnel is for wagons and other heavy carriages ; and as the engines which are to draw the trains along the railroad do not enter these tunnels, there is a large building at this entrance which is to be inhabited by steam engines of a stationary turn of mind, and different con- stitution from the traveling ones, which are to propel the trains through the tunnels to the terminus in the town, without going out of their houses themselves. The length of the tunnel par- allel to the one we passed through is (I believe) two thousand two hundred yards. I wonder if you are understanding one word I am saying all this while ! We were introduced to the little engine which was to drag us along the rails. She (for they make these curious little fire horses all mares) consisted of a boiler, a stove, a platform, a bench, and behind the bench a barrel containing enough water to prevent her being thirsty for fifteen miles, the whole machine not bigger than a common fire engine. She goes upon two wheels, which are her feet, and are moved by bright steel legs called pistons ; these are pro- pelled by steam, and in proportion as more steam is applied to the upper extremities (the hip-joints, I suppose) of these pis- tons, the faster they move the wheels ; and when it is desira- ble to diminish the speed, the steam, which unless suffered to escape would burst the boiler, evaporates through a safety valve into the air. The reins, bit, and bridle of this wonderful beast, is a small steel handle, which applies or withdraws the steam from its legs or pistons, so that a child might manage it. " The coals, which are its oats, were under the bench, and there was a small glass tube affixed to the boiler, with water in it, which indicates by its fullness or emptiness when the creature wants water, which is immediately conveyed to it from its reser- THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. ' II voirs. There is a chimney to the stove, but as they burn coke there is none of the dreadful black smoke which accompanies the progress of a steam vessel. This snorting little animal, which I felt rather inclined to pat, was then harnessed to our carriage, and Mr. Stephenson having taken me on the bench of the engine with him, we started at about ten miles an hour. The steam horse being ill adapted for going up and down hill, the road was kept at a certain level, and appeared sometimes to sink below the surface of the earth and sometimes to rise above it. Almost at starting it was cut through the solid rock, which formed a wall on either side of it, about sixty feet high. You can't imagine how strange it seemed to be journeying on thus, without any visible cause of progress other than the magical machine, with its flying white breath and rhythmical, unvarying pace, between these rocky walls, which are already clothed with moss and ferns and grasses ; and when I reflected that these great masses of stone had been cut asunder to allow our pas- sage thus far below the surface of the earth, I felt as if no fairy tale was ever half so wonderful as what I saw. Bridges were thrown from side to side across the top of these cliffs, and the people looking down upon us from them seemed like pigmies standing in the sky. I must be more concise, though, or I shall want room. We were to go only fifteen miles, that distance being sufficient to show the speed of the engine, and to take us to the most beautiful and wonderful object on the road. After proceeding through this rocky defile, we presently found our- selves raised upon embankments ten. or twelve feet high ; we then came to a moss, or swamp, of considerable extent, on which no human foot could tread without sinking, and yet it bore the road which bore us. This had been the great stumbling-block in the minds of the committee of the House of Commons ; but Mr. Stephenson has succeeded in overcoming it. A foundation of hurdles, or, as he called it, basket-work, was thrown over the morass, and the interstices were filled with moss and other elas- tic matter. 12 THE GENESIS OF Upon this the clay and soil were laid down, and the road does float, for we passed over it at the rate of five and twenty miles an hour, and saw the stagnant swamp water trembling on the surface of the soil on either side of us. I hope you under- stand me. The embankment had gradually been rising higher and higher, and in one place, where the soil was not settled enough to form banks, Stephenson had constructed artificial ones of woodwork, over which the mounds of earth were heaped, for he said that though the wood-work would rot, before it did so the banks of earth which covered it would have been suffi- ciently consolidated to support the road. We had now come fifteen miles, and stopped where the road traversed a wide and deep valley. Stephenson made me alight and led me down to the bottom of this ravine, over which, in order to keep his road level, he has thrown a magnificent viaduct of nine arches, the middle one of which is seventy feet high, through which we saw the whole of this beautiful little valley. It was lovely and won- derful beyond all words. He here told me many curious things respecting this ravine ; how he believed the Mersey had once rolled through it ; how the soil had proved so unfavorable for the foundation of his bridge that it was built upon piles, which had been driven into the earth to an enormous depth ; how while digging for a foundation he had come to a tree bedded in the earth, fourteen feet below the surface of the ground ; how tides are caused, and how another flood might be caused ; all of which I have remembered and noted down at much greater length than I can enter upon it here. He explained to me the whole construction of the steam-engine, and said he could soon make a famous engineer of me, which, considering the wonderful things he has achieved, I dare not say is impossible. His way of explaining himself is peculiar, but very striking, and I under- stood, without difficulty, all that he said to me. We then re- joined the rest of the party, and the engine having received its supply of water, the carriage was placed behind it, for it cannot turn, and was set off at its utmost speed, thirty-five miles an THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 1 3 hour, swifter than a bird flies (for they tried the experiment with a snipe). You cannot conceive what that sensation of cut- ting the air was ; the motion is as smooth as possible, too. I could either have read or written ; and as it was, I stood up, and with my bonnet off ' drank the air before me.' The wind, which was strong, or perhaps the force of our own thrusting against it, absolutely weighed my eyelids down. " When I closed my eyes this sensation of flying was quite delightful, and strange beyond description ; yet strange as it was, I had a perfect sense of security, and not the slightest fear. At one time, to exhibit the power of the engine, having met another steam-carriage which was unsupplied with water, Mr. Stephenson caused it to be fastened in front of ours ; moreover, a wagon laden with timber was also chained to us, and thus propelling the idle steam-engine, and dragging the loaded wagon which was beside it, and our own carriage full of people behind, this brave little she-dragon of ours flew on. Farther on she met three carts, which, being fastened in front of her, she pushed on before her without the slightest delay or difficulty ; when I add that this pretty little creature can run with equal facility either backwards or forwards, I believe I have given you an account of all her capacities. Now for a word or two about the master of all these marvels, with whom I am most horribly in love. He is a man from fifty to fifty-five years of age ; his face is fine, though careworn, and bears an expression of deep thoughtfulness ; his mode of explaining his ideas is peculiar and very original, strik- ing, and forcible ; and although his accent indicates strongly his north country birth, his language has not the slightest touch of vulgarity or coarseness. He has certainly turned my head. Four years have sufficed to bring this great undertaking to an end. The railroad will be opened upon the fifteenth of next month. The Duke of Wellington is coming down to be present on the occasion, and, I suppose, what with the thousands of spectators and the novelty of the spectacle, there will never have been a scene of more striking interest. The whole cost of the work (in- 14 THE GENESIS OF eluding the engines and carriages) will have been eight hundred and thirty thousand pounds ; and it is already worth double that sum. The directors have kindly offered us three places for the opening, which is a great favor, for people are bidding almost anything for a place, I understand." Even while Miss Kemble was writing this letter, certainly before it had reached her correspondent, the official programme of that opening to which she was so eagerly looking forward was thus referred to in the Liverpool papers : " The day of opening still remains fixed for Wednesday the fifteenth instant. The company by whom the ceremony is to be performed, is expected to amount to eight or nine hundred per- sons, including the Duke of Wellington and several others of the nobility. They will leave Liverpool at an early hour in the fore- noon, probably ten o'clock, in carriages drawn by eight or nine engines, including the new engine of Messrs. Braithwaite and Ericsson, if it be ready in time. The other engines will be those constructed by Mr. Stephenson, and each of them will draw about a hundred persons. On their arrival at Manchester, the com- pany will enter the upper stories of the warehouses by means of a spacious outside wooden staircase, which is in course of erec- tion for the purpose by Mr. Bellhouse. The upper story of the range of warehouses is divided into five apartments, each meas- uring sixty-six feet by fifty -six. In four of these a number of tables (which Mr. Bellhouse is also preparing) will be placed, and the company will partake of a splendid cold collation which is to be provided by Mr. Lynn, of the Waterloo Hotel, Liverpool. A large apartment at the east end of the warehouses will be re- served as a withdrawing room for the ladies, and is partitioned off for that purpose. After partaking of the hospitality of the directors, the company will return to Liverpool in the same order in which they arrive. We understand that each shareholder in THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 1 5 the railway will be entitled to a seat (transferable) in one of the carriages, on this interesting and important occasion. It maybe proper to state, for the information of the public, that no one will be permitted to go upon the railway between Ordsall lane and the warehouses, and parties of the military and police will be placed to preserve order, and prevent intrusion. Beyond Ord- sall lane, however, the public will be freely admitted to view the procession as it passes : and no restriction will be laid upon them farther than may be requisite to prevent them from approaching too close to the rails, lest accidents should occur. By extending themselves along either side of the road towards Eccles any number of people, however great, may be easily accommodated." It only remained to successfully carry out on the the 1 5th the programme thus carefully laid down. Of their ability so to do the directors of the company probably entertained little doubt. Yet there were circumstances connected with the then condition of public affairs which might well have occasioned them some uneasiness. Never in modern times had Eng- land passed through a sadder or more anxious period than that during which the Manchester & Liver- pool road was built. The great reaction which nat- urally followed the close of the long Napoleonic wars was coming to a close, and the patience of all, and the endurance of many, were thoroughly worn out. The suffering of the poorer classes, especially in the manu- facturing districts, was extremely severe, and the con- sequent popular discontent so great that even the semblance of order was with difficulty preserved. Half the counties in England were nightly illum- ined by incendiary fires. A fierce political agitation 1 6 THE GENESIS OF was also raging. The Duke of Wellington was prime minister. The cry for parliamentary reform was loud, and against any compliance with that cry the prime minister had set his face like a flint. From being the most popular man in the kingdom, he had become the most unpopular. He lived in constant danger of being hustled wherever he showed himself, even if he escaped mobbing. And now this man, hard, ungracious in manner, unyielding as iron, the object of intense popular odium, was coming down into the very hot-bed of suffering and agitation to take the prominent part, to be the guest of honor upon an occasion which was sure to call out the entire mass of the population. Whether the directors of the company realized it or no, the experiment was a perilous one. In spite of every precaution the day might not improbably end in a riot, possibly in a revolution. At last it came, and the contemporane- ous reporter has left of it the following account : " The town itself [Liverpool] was never so full of strangers ; they poured in during the last and the beginning of the present week from almost all parts of the three kingdoms, and we be- lieve that through Chester alone, which .is by no means a prin- cipal road to Liverpool, four hundred extra passengers were forwarded on Tuesday. All the inns in the town were crowded to overflowing, and carriages stood in the streets at night, for want of room in the stable yards. " On the morning of Wednesday the population of the town and of the country began very early to assemble near the rail- way. The weather was favorable, and the Company's station at the boundary of the town was the rendezvous of the nobility THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. I/ and gentry who attended, to form the procession at Manchester. Never was there such an assemblage of rank, wealth, beauty, and fashion in this neighborhood. From before nine o'clock until ten the entrance in Crown street was thronged by the splen- did equipages from which the company was alighting, and the area in which the railway carriages were placed was gradually filling with gay groups eagerly searching for their respective places, as indicated by numbers corresponding with those on their tickets. The large and elegant car constructed for the no- bility, and the accompanying cars for the Directors and the musicians were seen through the lesser tunnel, where persons moving about at the far end appeared as diminutive as if viewed through a concave glass. The effect was singular and striking. In a short time all those cars were brought along the tunnel into the yard which then contained all the carriages, which were to be attached to the eight locomotive engines which were in read- iness beyond the tunnel in the great excavation at Edge-hill. By this time the area presented a beautiful spectacle, thirty- three carriages being filled by elegantly dressed persons, each train of carriages being distinguished by silk flags of different colors ; the band of the fourth King's Own Regiment, stationed in the adjoining area, playing military airs, the Wellington Har- monic Band, in a Grecian car for the procession, performing many beautiful miscellaneous pieces ; and a third band occupy- ing a stage above Mr. Harding's Grand Stand, at William the Fourth's Hotel, spiritedly adding to the liveliness of the hour whenever the other bands ceased. " A few minutes before ten, the discharge of a gun and the cheers of the assembly announced the arrival of the Duke of Wellington, who entered the area with the Marquis and Mar- chioness of Salisbury and a number of friends, the band playing "See the conquering Hero comes." He returned the congratu- lations of the company, and in a few moments the grand car, which he and the nobility and the principal gentry occupied, and the cars attached to it, were permitted to proceed ; we say per- 1 8 THE GENESIS OF mitted, because no applied power, except a slight impulse at first is requisite to propel carriages along the tunnel, the slope being just sufficient to call into effect the principle of gravitation. The tunnel was lighted with gas, and the motion in passing through it must have been as pleasing as it was novel to all the party. On arriving at the engine station, the cars were attached to the Northumbrian, locomotive engine, on the southern of the two lines of rail ; and immediately the other trains of carriages started through the tunnel and were attached to their respective engines on the northern of the lines. " We had the good fortune to have a place in the first train after the grand cars, which train, drawn by the Phoenix, consisted of three open and two close carriages, each carrying twenty-six ladies and gentlemen. The lofty banks of the engine station were crowded with thousands of spectators, whose enthusiastic cheering seemed to rend the air. From this point to Wavertree- lane, while the procession was forming, the grand cars passed and repassed the other trains of carriages several times, running as they did in the same direction on the two parallel tracks, which gave the assembled thousands and tens of thousands the opportunity of seeing distinctly the illustrious strangers, whose presence gave extraordinary interest to the scene. Some soldiers of the 4th Regiment assisted the railway police in keeping the way clear and preserving order, and they discharged their duty in a very proper manner. A few minutes before eleven all was ready for the journey, and certainly a journey upon a railway is one of the most delightful that can be imagined. Our first thoughts it might be supposed, from the road being so level, were that it must be monotonous and uninteresting. It is precisely the contrary ; for as the road does not rise and fall like the ground over which we pass, but proceeds nearly at a level, whether the land be high or low, we are at one moment drawn through a hill, and find our- selves seventy feet below the surface, in an Alpine chasm, and at another we are as many feet above the green fields, traversing a raised path, from which we look down upon the roofs of frame THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 19 houses, and see the distant hills and woods. These variations give an interest to such a journey which cannot be appreciated until they are witnessed. The signal gun being fired, we started in beautiful style, amidst the deafening plaudits of the well- dressed people who thronged the numerous booths, and all the walls and eminences on both sides the line. Our speed was gradually increased till, entering the Olive Mountain excavation, we rushed into the awful chasm at the rate of twenty-four miles an hour. The banks, the bridges over our heads, and the rude projecting corners along the sides, were covered with masses of human beings past whom we glided as if upon the wings of the wind. We soon came into the open country of Broad Green, having fine views of Huyton and Prescot on the left, and the hilly grounds of Cheshire on the right. Vehicles of every description stood in the fields on both sides, and thousands of spectators still lined the margin of the road ; some horses seemed alarmed, but after trotting with their carriages to the farther hedges, they stood still as if their fears had subsided. After passing Whiston, sometimes going slowly, sometimes swiftly, we observed that a vista formed by several bridges crossing the road gave a pleasing effect to the view. Under Rainhill Bridge, which, like all the others, was crowded with spectators, the Duke's car stopped until we passed, and on this, as on similar occasions, we had excellent opportunities of seeing the whole of the noble party, distinguish- ing the Marquis and Marchioness of Salisbury, the Earl and Countess of Wilton, Lord Stanley and others, in the fore part of the car ; along side of the latter part was Mr. Huskisson, stand- ing with his face always toward us ; and further behind was Lord Hill, and others, among whom the Mayor of Liverpool took his station. At this place Mr. Bretherton had a large party of friends in a field, overlooking the road. As we approached the Sutton in- clined plane the Duke's car passed us again at a most rapid rate it appeared rapid even to us who were travelling then at, prob- ably, fifteen miles an hour. We had a fine view of Billings hill from this neighborhood, and of a thousand various colored fields. 2O THE GENESIS OF A grand stand was here erected, beautifully decorated, and crowded with ladies and gentlemen from St. Helen's and the neighborhood. Entering upon Parr Moss we had a good view of Newton Race Course and the stands, and at this time the Duke was far ahead of us ; the grand cars appeared actually of diminutive dimensions, and in a shorMime we saw them gliding beautifully over the Sankey Viaduct, from which a scene truly magnificent lay before us. " The fields below us were occupied by thousands who cheer- ed us as we passed over the stupendous edifice ; carriages filled the narrow lanes, and vessels in the water had been detained in order -that their crews might gaze up at the gorgeous pageant passing far above their mast heads. Here again was a grand stand, and here again enthusiastic plaudits almost deafened us. Shortly, we passed the borough of Newton, crossing a fine bridge over the Warrington road, and reached Parkside, seventeen miles from Liverpool, in about four minutes under the hour. At this place the engines were ranged under different watering stations to receive fresh water, the whole extending along nearly a half a mile of road. Our train and two others passed the Duke's car, and we. in the first train had had our engine supplied with water, and were ready to start, some time before we were aware of the melancholy cause of our apparently great delay. We had, most of us, alighted, and were walking about, congratulating each other generally, and the ladies particularly, on the truly delight- ful treat we were enjoying, all hearts bounding with joyous ex- citement, and every tongue eloquent in the praise of the gigan- tic work now completed, and the advantages and pleasures it af- forded. A murmur and an agitation at a little distance beto- kened something alarming and we too soon learned the nature of that lamentable event, which we cannot record without the most agonized feelings. On inquiring, we learnt the dreadful par- ticulars. After three of the engines with their trains had passed the Duke's carriage, although the others had to follow, the com- pany began to alight from all the carriages which had arrived. THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 21 The Duke of Wellington and Mr. Huskisson had just shaken hands, and Mr. Huskisson, Prince Esterhazy, Mr. Birch, Mr. H. Earle, Mr. William Holmes, M. P. and others were standing in the road, when the other carriages were approaching. An alarm being given, most of the gentlemen sprang into the carriage, but Mr. Huskisson seemed flurried, and from some cause, not clearly ascertained, he fell under the engine of the approaching carriages, the wheel of which shattered his leg in the most dreadful man- ner. On being raised from the ground by the Earl of Wilton, Mr. Holmes, and other gentlemen, his only exclamations were; " Where is Mrs. Huskisson ? I have met my death. God forgive me." Immediately after he swooned. Dr. Brandreth, and Dr. Southey, of London, immediately applied bandages to the limb. In a short time the engine was detached from the Duke's carriage, and the musician's car being prepared for the purpose, the Right Honorable gentleman was placed in it, ac- companied by his afflicted lady, with Doctor Brandreth, Dr. Southey, Earl of Wilton, and Mr. Stephenson, who set off in the direction of Manchester. " The whole of the procession remained at least another hour uncertain what course to adopt. A consultation was held on the open part of the road, and the Duke of Wellington was soon surrounded by the Directors, and a mournful group of gentle- men. At first it was thought advisable to return to Liverpool, merely dispatching one engine and a set of carriages, to convey home Lady Wilton, and others who did not wish to return to Liverpool. The Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel seemed to favor this course ; others thought it best to proceed as origi- nally intended : but no decision was made Jtill the Boroughreeve of Manchester stated, that if ihe procession did not reach Man- chester, where an unprecedented concourse of people would be assembled, and would wait for it, he should be fearful of the consequences to the peace of the town. This turned the scale and his Grace then proposed that the whole party should pro- ceed, and return as soon as possible, all festivity at Manchester 22 THE GENESIS OF being avoided. The Phoenix, with its train, was then attached to the North Star and its train, and from the two united a long chain was affixed to his Grace's car, and although it was on the other line of rail, it was found to draw the whole along exceed- ingly well. About half-past one, we resumed our journey ; and we should here mention that the Wigan Branch Railway Com- pany had erected near Parkside bridge, a grand stand, which they and their friends occupied, and from which they enthusi- astically cheered the procession. On reaching the twentieth mile post we had a beautiful view of Rivington Pike, and Black- stone Edge, and at the twenty-first the smoke of Manchester appeared to be directly at the termination of our view. Groups of people continued to cheer us, but we could not reply ; our enjoyment was over. Tyldesley Church, and a vast region of smiling fields here met the eye, as we traversed the flat surface of Chat Moss, in the midst of which a vast crowd was assembled to greet us with their plaudits ; and from the twenty-fourth mile post we began to find ourselves flanked on both sides by spec- tators extending in a continuous and thickening body all the way to Manchester. At the twenty-fifth mile post we met Mr. Ste- phenson returning with the Northumbrian engine. In answer to innumerable and eager inquiries, Mr. Stephenson said he had left Mr. Huskisson at the house of the Rev. Mr. Blackburn, Vicar of Eccles, and had then proceeded to Manchester, whence he brought back medical assistance, and that the surgeons, after seeing Mr. Huskisson, had expressed a hope that there was no danger. Mr. Stephenson's speed had been at the rate of thirty- four miles an hour during this painful errand. The engine being then again attached Jx> the Duke's car, the procession dashed forward, passing countless thousands of people upon house tops, booths, high ground, bridges, etc., and our readers must im- agine, for we cannot describe, such a movement through an avenue of living beings, and extending six miles in length. Upon one bridge a tri-colored flag was displayed ; near another the motto of " Vote by ballot " was seen ; in a field near Eccles, a THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 2$ poor and wretchedly-dressed man had his loom close to the roadside, and was weaving with all his might ; cries of " No Corn Laws," were occasionally heard, and for about two miles the cheerings of the crowd were interspersed with a continual hissing and hooting from the minority. On approaching the bridge which crosses the Irwell, the 59th regiment was drawn up, flanking the road on each side, and presenting arms as his Grace passed along. We reached the warehouses at a quarter before three, and those who alighted were shown into the large upper rooms where a most elegant cold collation had been pre- pared by Mr. Lynn, for more than one thousand persons. The greater portion of the company, as the carriages continued to arrive, visited the rooms and partook in silence of some refresh- ment. They then returned to their carriages which had been properly placed for returning. His Grace and the principal party did not alight ; but he went through a most fatiguing office for more than an hour and a half, in shaking hands with thousands of people, to whom he stooped over the hand rail of the carriage, and who seemed insatiable in their desire to join hands with him. Many women brought their children to him, lifting them up that he might bless them, which he did, and during the whole time he had scarcely a minute's respite. At half past four the Duke's car began to move away for Liverpool. " They would have been detained a little longer, in order that three of the engines, which had been to Eccles for water, might have dropped into the rear to take their places ; but Mr. Lavender represented that the crowd was so thickening in upon all sides, and becoming so clamorous for admission into the area, that he would not answer for the peace of the town, if further delay took place. The three engines were on the same line of rail as the Duke, and they could not cross to the other line with- out getting to a turning place, and as the Duke could not be de- layed on account of his keeping the crowd together, there was no alternative but to send the engines forward. One of the other engines was then attached to our train, and we followed 24 THE GENESIS OF the Duke rapidly, while the six trains behind had only three en- gines left to bring them back. Of course, we kept pace with the Duke, who stopped at Eccles to inquire after Mr. Huskis- son. The answer received was that there was now no hope of his life being saved ; and this intelligence plunged the whole party into still deeper distress. We proceeded without meeting any fresh incident, until we passed Prescot, where we found two of the three engines at the 6 mile post, where a turning had been effected, but the third had gone on to Liverpool ; we then detached the one we had borrowed, and the three set out to meet the six remaining trains of carriages. Our carriages were then connected with the grand cars, the engine of which now drew the whole number of nine carriages, containing nearly three hundred persons, at a very smart rate. We were now get- ting into vast crowds of people, most of them ignorant of the dreadful event which had taken place, and all of them giving us enthusiastic cheers which we could not return. " At Roby, his Grace and the Childwalls alighted and pro- ceeded home ; our carriages then moved forward to Liverpool, where we arrived about seven o'clock, and went down the great tunnel, under the town, a part of the work which, more than any other, astonished the numerous strangers present. It is, indeed, a wonderful work, and makes an impression never to be effaced from the memory. The Company's yard, from Saint James's street to Wapping, was filled with carriages waiting for the re- turning parties, who separated with feelings of mingled grati- fication and distress, to which we shall not attempt to give ut- terance. We afterwards learnt that the parties we left at Man- chester placed the three remaining engines together, and all the carriages together, so as to form one grand procession, includ- ing twenty-four carriages, and were coming home at a steady pace, when they were met near Newton by the other three en- gines, which were then attached to the rest, and they arrived in Liverpool about ten o'clock. " Thus ended a pageant, which, for importance as to its ob- THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 2$ ject and grandeur in its details, is admitted to have exceeded anything ever witnessed. We conversed with many gentlemen of great experience in public life, who spoke of the scene as sur- passing anything they had ever beheld, and who computed, upon data which they considered to be satisfactory, that not fewer than 500,000 persons must have been spectators of the procession." So far from being a success, the occasion was, after the accident to Mr. Huskisson, such a series of mor- tifying disappointments and the Duke of Wellington's experience at Manchester had been so very far re- moved from gratifying, that the directors of the com- pany felt moved to exonerate themselves from the load of censure by an official explanation. This they did in the following language : " On the subject of delay which took place in the starting from Manchester, and consequently in the arrival at Liverpool, of the last three engines, with twenty-four carriages and six hundred passengers, being the train allotted to six of the engines, we are authorized to state that the directors think it due to the proprie- tors and others constituting the large assemblage of company in the above trains to make known the following particulars : " Three out of the six locomotive engines, which belonged to the above teams, had proceeded on the south road from Man- chester to Eccles, to take in water, with the intention of return- ing to Manchester, and so getting out of that line of road before any of the trains should start on their return home. Before this, however, was accomplished, the following circumstances seemed to render it imperative for the train of carriages, containing the Duke of Wellington and a great many of the distinguished visit- ors to leave Manchester. The eagerness on the part of the crowd to see the Duke, and to shake hands with him, was very great, so much so, that his Grace held out both his hands to the press- 2 26 THE GENESIS OF ing multitude at the same time : the assembling crowd becom- ing more dense every minute, closely surrounded the carriages, as the principal attraction was this particular train. The diffi- culty of proceeding at all increased every moment and conse- quently the danger of accident upon the attempt being made to force a way through the throng also increased. At this junc- ture Mr. Lavender, the head of the police establishment of Man- chester, interfered, and entreated that the Duke's train should move on. or he could not answer for the consequences. Under these circumstances, and the day being well advanced, it was thought expedient at all events to move forward while it was still practicable to do so. The order was accordingly given, and the train passed along out of the immediate neighborhood of Manchester without accident to any one. When they had proceeded a few miles they fell in with the engines belonging to the trains left at Manchester, and these engines being on the same line as the carriages of the procession, there was no alter- native but bringing the Duke's train back through the dense multitude to Manchester, or proceeding with three extra engines to the neighborhood of Liverpool, (all passing places from one road to the other being removed, with a view to safety, on the occasion,) and afterwards sending them back to the assistance of the trains unfortunately left behind. It was determined to proceed towards Liverpool, as being decidedly the most advis- able course under the circumstances of the case ; and it may be mentioned for the satisfaction of any party who may have con- sidered that he was in some measure left in the lurch, that Mr. Moss, the Deputy Chairman, had left Mrs. Moss and several of his family to come with the trains which had been so left behind. Three engines having to draw a load calculated for six, their progress was of course much retarded, besides a considerable delay which took place before the starting of the last trains, owing to the uncertainty which existed as to what had become of the three missing engines. These engines, after proceeding to within a few miles of Liverpool, were enabled to return to THE RAILROAD SYSTEM, 2J Parkside (in the neighborhood of Newton) where they were at- tached to the other three, and the whole proceeding safely to Liverpool, where they arrived at ten in the evening." The case was, however, here stated, to say the least, in the mildest possible manner. The fact was that the authorities at Manchester had, and not without reason, passed a very panic-stricken hour on account of the Duke of Wellington. That person- age had been in a position of no inconsiderable peril. Though the reporter preserved a decorous silence on that point, the ministerial car had on the way been pelted, as well as hooted ; and at Manches- ter a vast mass of not particularly well disposed per- sons had fairly overwhelmed both police and soldiery, and had taken complete possession of the tracks. They were not riotous, but they were very rough ; and they insisted on climbing upon the carriages and pressing their attentions on the distinguished inmates in a manner somewhat at variance with English ideas of propriety. The Duke's efforts at conciliatory manners, as evinced through much hand-shaking and baby-kissing, were not without significance. It was small matter for wonder, therefore, that the terrified authorities, before they got him out of their town, heartily regretted that they had not allowed him to have his own way after the accident to Mr. Huskisson, when he proposed to turn back without coming to it. Having once got him safely started back to Liverpool, therefore, they preferred to leave the other guests to take care of themselves, rather 2S THE GENESIS OF than have the Duke face the crowd again. As there were no sidings on that early road, and the connections between the tracks had, as a measure of safety, been temporarily removed, the ministerial train in moving towards Liverpool had necessarily shoved before it the engines belonging to the other trains. The unfortunate guests on those other trains, thus left to their fate, had for the rest of the day a very dreary time of it. To avoid accidents, the six trains abandoned at Manchester were united into one, to which were attached the three locomotives remaining. In this form they started. Presently the strain broke the couplings. Pieces of rope were then put in requisition, and again they got in motion. In due time the three other engines came along, but they could only be used by putting them on in front of the three already attached to the train. Two of them were used in that way, and the eleven cars thus drawn by five locomotives, and preceded at a short distance by one other, went on towards Liverpool. It was dark, and to meet the exigencies of the occa- sion the first germ of the present elaborate system of railroad night signals was improvised on the spot. From the foremost and pioneer locomotive obstacles were signalled to the train locomotives by the very primitive expedient of swinging the lighted end of a tar-rope. At Rainhill the weight of the train proved too much for the combined motive-power, and the thoroughly wearied passengers had to leave their carriages and walk up the incline. When they got to THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 2g the summit and resuming their seats, were again in motion, fresh delay was occasioned by the leading locomotive running into a wheel-barrow, maliciously placed on the track to obstruct it. Not until ten o'clock did they enter the tunnel at Liverpool. Meanwhile all sorts of rumors of general disaster had for hours been circulating among the vast concourse of spectators who were assembled waiting for their friends, and whose relief expressed itself in hearty cheers as the train at last rolled safely into the station. We have also Miss Kemble's story of this day, to which in her letter of August 25th she had looked forward with such eager interest. With her father and mother she had been staying at a country place in Lancashire, and in her account of the affair written in 1876 she says : " The whole gay party assembled at Heaton, my mother and myself included, went to Liverpool for the opening of the rail- road. The throng of strangers gathered there for the same pur- pose made it almost impossible to obtain a night's lodging for love or money ; and glad and thankful were we, to put up with and be put up in a tiny garret by an old friend, Mr. Redley, of the Adelphi, which many would have given twice what we paid to obtain. The clay opened gloriously, and never was an innu- merable concourse of sight-seers in better humor than the surg- ing, swaying crowd that lined the railroad with living faces. . . . After this disastrous event [the accident to Mr. Huskisson,] the clay became overcast, and as we neared Manchester the sky grew cloudy and dark, and it began to rain. The vast concourse of people who had assembled to witness the triumphant arrival of the successful travelers was of the lowest order of mechanics 3O THE GENESIS OF and artisans, among whom great distress and a dangerous spirit of discontent with the government at that time prevailed. Groans and hisses greeted the carriage, full of influential personages, in which the Duke of Wellington sat. High above the grim and" grimy crowd of scowling faces a loom had been erected, at which sat a tattered, starved-looking weaver, evidently set there as a representative man, to protest against this triumph of machinery, and the gain and glory which the wealthy Liverpool and Man- chester men were likely to derive from it. The contrast between our departure from Liverpool and our arrival at Manchester was one of the most striking things I ever witnessed. * * * MANCHESTER, September 2Oth, 1830. MY DEAREST H : " You probably have by this time heard and read accounts of the opening of the railroad, and the fearful accident which oc- curred at it, for the papers are full of nothing else. The accident you mention did occur, but though the unfortunate man who was killed bore Mr. Stephenson's name, he was not related to him. [Besides Mr. Huskisson, another man named Stephenson had about this time been killed on the railroad.] I will tell you something of the events on the fifteenth, as, though you may be acquainted with the circumstances of poor Mr. Hus- kisson's death, none but an eye-witness of the whole scene can form a conception of it. I told you that we had had places given to us, and* it was the main purpose of our returning from Birmingham to Manchester to be present at what promised to be one of the most striking events in the scientific annals of our country. We started on Wednesday last, to the numberof about eight hundred people, in carriages constructed as I before de- scribed to you. The most intense curiosity and excitement pre- vailed, and though the weather was uncertain, enormous masses of densely packed people lined the road, shouting and waving hats and handkerchiefs as we flew by them. What with the THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 3 1 sight and sound of these cheering multitudes and the tremen- dous velocity with which we were borne past them, my spirits rose to the true champagne height, and I never enjoyed anything so much as the first hour of our progress. I had been unluckily separated from my mother in the first distribution of places, but by an exchange of seats which she was enabled to make she re- joined me, when I was at the height of my ecstacy, which was considerably damped by finding that she was frightened to death, and intent upon nothing but devising means of escaping from a situation which appeared to her to threaten with instant annihila- tion herself and all her travelling companions. While I was chewing the cud of this disappointment, which was rather bitter, as I expected her to be as delighted as myself with our excur- sion, a man flew by us, calling out through a speaking trumpet to stop the engine, for that somebody in the directors' car had sustained an injury. We were all stopped accordingly and pres- ently a hundred voices were heard exclaiming that Mr. Huskis- son was killed. The confusion that ensued is indescribable ; the calling out from carriage to carriage to ascertain the truth, the contrary reports which were sent back to us, the hundred ques- tions eagerly uttered at once, and the repeated and urgent de- mands for surgical assistance, created asudden turmoil that was quite sickening. At last we distinctly ascertained that the un- fortunate man's thigh was broken. " From Lady W , who was in the duke's carriage, and within three yards of the spot where the accident happened, I had the following details, the horror of witnessing which we were spared through our situation behind the great carriage. The engine had stopped to take in a supply of water, and sev- eral of the gentlemen in the directors' carriage had jumped out to look about them. Lord W , Count Batthyany, Count Ma- tuscenitz, and Mr. Huskisson among the rest were standing talking in the middle of the road, when an engine on the other line, which was parading up and down merely to show its speed, was seen coming down upon them like lightning. The most 32 THE GENESIS OF active of those in peril sprang back into their seats ; Lord W saved his life only by rushing behind the duke's carriage, Count Matuscenitz had but just leaped into it, with the engine all but touching his heels as he did so ; while poor Mr. Huskisson, less active from the effects of age and ill health, bewildered too by the frantic cries of ' Stop the engine ! Clear the track ! ' that resounded on all sides, completely lost his head, looked help- lessly to the right and left, and was instantaneously prostrated by the fatal machine, which dashed down like a thunderbolt upon him, and passed over his leg, smashing and mangling it in the most horrible way. (Lady W said she distinctly heard the crushing of the bone.) So terrible was the effect of the ap- palling accident that except that ghastly " crushing " and poor Mrs. Huskisson 's piercing shriek, not a sound was heard or a. word uttered among the immediate spectators of the catastrophe. Lord W was the first to raise the poor sufferer, and calling to his aid his surgical skill, which is considerable, he tied up the severed artery, and for a time at least, prevented death by a loss of blood. Mr. Huskisson was then placed in a carriage with his wife and Lord W , and the engine having been detached from the directors' carriage, conveyed them to Manchester. So great was the shock produced upon the whole party by this event that the Duke of Wellington declared his intention not to proceed, but to return immediately to Liverpool. However, upon its being represented to him that the whole population of Man- chester had turned out to witness the procession, and that a dis- appointment might give rise to riots and disturbances, he con- sented to go on, and gloomily enough the rest of the journey was accomplished. We had intended returning to Liverpool by the railroad, but Lady W , who seized upon me in the midst of the crowd, persuaded us to accompany her home, which we gladly did. Lord W , did not return till past ten o'clock, at which hour he brought the intelligence of Mr. Huskisson's death. I need not tell you of the sort of whispering awe which this event threw over our whole circle ; and yet great as was the THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 33 horror excited by it, I could not help feeling how evanescent the effect of it was, after all. The shuddering terror of seeing our fellow-creature thus struck down by our side, and the breathless thankfulness for our own preservation, rendered the first even- ing of our party at Heaton almost solemn ; but the next day the occurrence became a subject of earnest, it is true, but free discussion ; and after that was alluded to with almost as little apparent feeling as if it had not passed under our eyes, and with- in the space of a few hours." In spite of accidents and contre-temps, however, the road was opened to traffic, and at once proceeded to outdo in its results the most eager anticipations of its friends. No account of its first beginnings would, however, be complete -for our time, which did not also give an idea of the impressions produced on one travelling over it before yet the novelty of the thing had quite worn away. It was a long time, comparatively, after September, 1830, before the men who had made a trip over the railroad ceased to be objects of deep curiosity. Here is the account of his experience by one of these far-travelled men, with all its freshness still lingering about it : " Although the whole passage between Liverpool and Man- chester is a series of enchantments, surpassing any in the Ara- bian Nights, because they are realities, not fictions, yet there are certain epochs in the transit which are peculiarly exciting. These are the starlings, the ascents, the descents, the tunnels, the Chat Moss, the meetings. At the instant of starting, or rather before, the automaton belches forth an explosion of steam, and seems for a second or two quiescent. But quickly the explosions are reiterated, with shorter and shorter intervals, till they become too rapid to be counted, though still distinct. 34 THE GENESIS OF These belchings or explosions more nearly resemble the pant- ings of a lion or tiger, than any sound that has ever vibrated on my ear. During the ascent they became slower and slower, till the automaton actually labors like an animal out of breath, from the tremendous efforts to gain the highest point of eleva- tion. The progression is proportionate ; and before the said point is gained, the train is not moving faster than a, horse can pace. With the slow motion of the mighty and animated machine, the breathing becomes more laborious, the growl more distinct, till at length the animal appears exhausted, and groans like the tiger, when overpowered in combat by the buffalo. " The moment that the height is reached and the descent commences, the pantings rapidly increase ; the engine with its train starts off with augmenting velocity; and in a few seconds it is flying down the declivity like lightning, and with a uniform growl or roar, like a continuous discharge of distant artillery. "At this period, the whole train is going at the rate of thirty- .five or forty miles an hour ! I was on the outside, and in front of the first carriage, just over the engine. The scene was mag- nificent, I had almost said terrific. Although it was a dead calm the wind appeared to be blowing a hurricane, such was the velocity with which we darted through the air. Yet all was steady ; and there was something in the precision of the ma- chinery that inspired a degree of confidence over fear of safety over danger. A man may travel from the Pole to the Equator, from the Straits of Malacca to the Isthmus of Darien, and he will see nothing so astonishing as this. The pangs of Etna and Vesuvius excite feelings of horror as well as of terror ; the con- vulsion of the elements during a thunderstorm carries with it nothing but pride, much less of pleasure, to counteract the awe inspired by the fearful workings of perturbed nature ; but the scene which is here presented, and which I cannot adequately describe, engenders a proud consciousness of superiority in hu- man ingenuity, more intense and convincing than any effort or THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 35 product of the poet, the painter, the philosopher, or the divine. The projections or transits of the train through the tunnels or arches, are very electrifying. The deafening peal of thunder, the sudden immersion in gloom, and the clash of reverberated sounds in confined space, combine to produce a momentary shudder or idea of destruction a thrill of annihilation, which is instantly dispelled on emerging into the cheerful light. " The meetings or crossings of the steam trains flying in op- posite directions are scarcely less agitating to the nerves than their transits through the tunnels. The velocity of their course, the propinquity or apparent identity of the iron orbits along which these meteors move, call forth the involuntary but fearful thought of a possible collision, with all its horrible consequences. The period of suspense, however, though exquisitely painful, is but momentary ; and in a few seconds the object of terror is far out of sight behind. " Nor is the rapid passage across Chat Moss unworthy of notice. The ingenuity with which two narrow rods of iron are made to bear whole trains of wagons, laden with many hundred tons of commerce, and bounding across a wide, semi-fluid mo- rass, previously impassable by man or beast, is beyond all praise and deserving of eternal record. Only conceive a slender bridge of two minute iron rails, several miles in length, level as Waterloo, elastic as whalebone, yet firm as adamant ! Along this splen- did triumph of human genius this veritable via triumphalis the train of carriages bounds with the velocity of the stricken deer ; the vibrations of the resilient moss causing the ponderous engine and its enormous suite to glide along the surface of an extensive quagmire as safely as a practiced skater skims the icy mirror of a frozen lake. " The first class or train is the most fashionable, but the sec- ond or third are the most amusing. I travelled one day from Liverpool to Manchester in the lumber train. Many of the car- riages were occupied by the swinish multitude, and others by a multitude of swine. These last were naturally vociferous if not 36 THE GENESIS OF eloquent. It is evident that the other passengers would have been considerably annoyed by the orators of this last group, had there not been stationed in each carriage an officer somewhat analogous to the Usher of the Black Rod, but whose designa- tion on the railroad I found to be ' Comptroller of the Gammon.' No sooner did one of the long-faced gentlemen raise his note too high, or wag his jaw too long, than the ' Comptroller of the Gam- mon ' gave him a whack over the snout with the butt end of his shillelagh ; a snubber which never failed to stop his oratory for the remainder of the journey." To one familiar with the history of English rail- road legislation the last paragraph is peculiarly sig- nificant. For years after the railroad system was in- augurated, and until legislation was invoked to com- pel something better, the companies persisted in carrying passengers of the third class in uncovered carriages, exposed to all weather, and with no more decencies or comforts than were accorded to swine. Naturally, the beginning of the railroad system in America, was neither so interesting nor so picturesque as it had been in the case of Great Britain. At most it was but an imitation ; and that too, on a small scale. Yet, about all its details there was something which cannot but be peculiarly suggestive to the American of the present day. As you review the record, it seems to relate to another country and almost to a different world. With the Manchester & Liverpool road this was not so. There the thing, for a begin- ning, was on a large scale. The cost of the struc- THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 37 ture, the number of the locomotives, the fame of the guests, the mass and excitement of the spectators were all equal to the occasion. This was not so in America. Everything was diminutive and poor in 1831. The provincialism of the time and place is almost oppressive. In turning over the old records the eye constantly rests on the names, familiar to us, of men now living ; but it seems scarcely possible that any human life can have spanned the well nigh in- credible gap which separates the America of 1878 from that of 1830. Certainly, neither anywhere else nor at any other time has the world in a space of less than fifty years witnessed such extraordinary develop- ment. Whatever credit is due to the construction of the first railroad ever built in America is usually claimed for the State of Massachusetts. Every one who has ever looked into a school history of the United States knows something 8f the Quincy railway of 1826. Properly speaking, however, this was never or at least, never until the year 1871, a railroad at all. It was nothing but a specimen of what had been al- most from time immemorial in common use in Eng- land, under the name of "tram-ways." Indeed it is a curious illustration of the combined poverty and back- wardness of America at that time, that so common and familiar an appliance should only then have been in- troduced, and should have excited so much interest and astonishment. This road, known as the Granite railway, was built by those interested in erecting the '38 THE GENESIS OF Bunker Hill Monument, for the purpose of getting the stone down from the Quincy quarries to a wharf on Neponset River, from which it was shipped to its des- tination. The whole distance was three miles, and the cost of the road was about $34,000. At the quarry end there was a steep inclined plane, up and down which the cars were moved by means of a stationary engine. From the foot of that incline the road sloped gently off to its river terminus. There was nothing in its construction which partook of the character of a modern railroad. The tracks were five feet apart, and laid on stone sleepers eight feet apart. On this stone substructure wooden rails were laid, and upon these another rail of strap iron. Down this road two horses could draw a load of forty tons, and thus the expense of moving stone from the quarries to the river was reduced to about a sixth part of what it was while the highway alone was in use. Such was the famous Quiney railway, the con- struction of which is still referred to as marking an era of the first importance in American history. Such, also, it remained down to the year 1871, a mere tramway, operated exclusively by means of horses. In that year the franchise- was at last pur- chased by the Old Colony Railroad Company, the ancient structure was completely demolished, and a modern railroad built on the right of way. Through the incorporation into it of the old Granite railway, therefore, the line which connects the chief town of what was once Plymouth Colony with the chief town THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 39 of what was once the colony of Massachusetts Bay has become the oldest railroad line in America. In this there is, so to speak, a manifest historical pro- priety. Apart, however, from the construction of the Granite railway, Massachusetts was neither particu- larly early nor particularly energetic in its railroad development. At a later day many of her sister States were in advance of her, and especially was this true of South Carolina. There is, indeed, some reason for believing that the South Carolina Rail- road was the first ever constructed in any country with a definite plan of operating it exclusively by locomotive steam power. But in America there was not, indeed from the very circumstances of the case there could not have been, any such dramatic occasions and surprises as those witnessed at Liver- pool in 1829 and 1830. Nevertheless the people of Charleston were pressing close on the heels of those of Liverpool, for on the i$th of January 1831, exactly four months after the formal opening of the Manchester & Liverpool road, the first anniversary of the South Carolina Railroad was celebrated with due honor. A queer looking machine, the outline of which was sufficient in itself to prove that the in- ventor owed nothing to Stephenson, had been con- structed at the West Point Foundry Works in New York during the summer of 1830 a first attempt to supply that locomotive power which the Board had, with a sublime confidence in possibilities, unanimous- 4O THE GENESIS OF ly voted on the I4th of the preceding January should alone be used on the road. The name of Best Friend was given to this very simple product of na- tive genius. The idea of the multitubular boiler had not yet suggested itself in America. The Best Friend, therefore, was supplied with a common ver- tical boiler " in form of an old fashioned porter-bottle, the furnace at the bottom surrounded with water, and all filled inside of what we call teats, running out from the sides and tops." By means of these pro- jections, or " teats," a portion at least of the neces- sary heating surface was provided. The cylinder was at the front of the platform, the rear end of which was occupied by the boiler, and it was fed by means of a connecting pipe. Thanks to the indefatigable researches of an enthusiast on railroad construction, we have an account of the performances of this, and all the other pioneers among American locomotives ; and the pictures with which Mr. W. H. Brown has enriched his book* would alone render it both curious and valuable. Prior to the stockholders' anniversary of January I5th, 1831, if seems that the Best Friend had made several trial trips " running at the rate of sixteen to twenty-one miles an hour, with forty or fifty passengers in some four or five cars, and without the cars, thirty to thirty-five miles per hour." The stockholders' day was, however, a special occasion, and the papers of the following Monday, for it happened on a Saturday, gave the following account of it : * The History of the First Locomotive in America. THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 41 " Notice having been previously given, inviting the stockhold- ers, about one hundred and fifty assembled in the course of the morning at the company's building in Line Street, together with a number of invited guests. The weather the day and night previous had been stormy, and the morning was cold and cloudy. Anticipating a postponement of the ceremonies, the locomotive engine had been taken to pieces for clean ing, but upon the as- sembling of the company she was put in order, the cylinders new packed, and, at the word, the apparatus was ready for movement. The first trip was performed with two pleasure-cars attached, and a small carriage, fitted for the occasion, upon which was a detachment of United States troops and a field piece which had been politely granted by Major Belton for the occasion. . . The number of passengers brought down, which was performed in two trips, was estimated at upward of two hundred. A band of music enlivened the scene, and great hilarity and good humor prevailed throughout the day." The " great hilarity and good humor " of this occa- sion no one can doubt who studies the supposed con- temporaneous picture of it contained in Mr. Brown's book. The pleasure must, however,Tiave been largely due to novelty, inasmuch as a railroad journey on a " cold and cloudy " January day, performed in " two pleasure cars," between which and an " old fashioned porter-bottle " of a locomotive, puffing out smoke and cinders, there was nothing but a " small carriage " fit- ted up to carry " a field piece," while a band of music enlivened the whole taking all these ingredients to- gether, it would not at this time seem easy to com- pound from them a day of high physical enjoyment. But the fathers were a race of simpler tastes* It was not long, however, before the Best Friend 42 THE GENESIS OF came to serious grief. Naturally, and even necessarily, inasmuch as it was a South Carolina institution, it was provided with a negro fireman. It so happened that this functionary while in the discharge of his duties was much annoyed by the escape of steam from the safety- valve, and, not having made himself complete master of the principles underlying the use of steam as a source of power, he took advantage of a temporary absence of the engineer in charge to effect a radical remedy of this cause of annoyance. He not only fast- ened down the valve lever, but further made the thing perfectly sure by sitting on it. The consequences were hardly less disastrous to the Best Friend than to the chattel fireman. Neither were of much further practi- cal use. Before this mishap chanced, however, in June, 1831, a second locomotive, called the West Point, had arrived in Charleston ; and this at last was construct- ed on the principle of Stephenson's Rocket. In its general aspect, indeed, it greatly resembled that al- ready famous prototype. There is a very characteris- tic and suggestive cut representing a trial trip made with this locomotive on March 5th, 1831. The nerves of the Charleston people had been a good deal dis- turbed and their confidence in steam as a safe motor shaken by the disaster which had befallen the Best Friend. Mindful of this fact, and very properly so- licitous- for the safety of their guests, the directors now had recourse to a very simple and ingenious expedient. They put what they called a " barrier car '' between the locomotive and passenger coaches of the THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 43 train. This barrier car consisted of a platform on wheels upon which were piled six bales of cotton. A fortification was thus provided between the passengers and any future negro sitting on the safety valve. We are also assured that " the safety valve being out of the reach of any person but the engineer, will contrib- ute to the prevention of accidents in future, such as befel the Best Friend. Judging by the cut which rep- resents the train, this occasion must have been even more marked for its "hilarity " than the earlier one which has already been described. Besides the loco- motive and the barrier car there are four passenger coaches. In the first of these was a negro band, in general appearance very closely resembling the min- strels of a later day, the members of which are ener- getically performing on musical instruments of vari- ous familiar descriptions. Then follow three cars full of the saddest possible looking white passengers, who were present as we are informed to the number of one hundred and seventeen. The excursion was, however, highly successful, and two and a quarter miles of road were passed over in the short space of eight minutes, about the speed at which a good horse would trot for the same distance. This was in March, 1831. About six months before, however, there had actually been a trial of speed between a horse and one of the pioneer locomotives, which had not resulted in favor of the locomotive. It took place on the present Baltimore & Ohio road upon the 28th of August, 1830. The 44 THE GENESIS OF engine in this case was contrived by no other than Mr. Peter Cooper. And it affords a striking illus- tration of how recent those events which now seem so remote really were, that here is a man still living, and among the most familiar to the eyes and mouths, of the present generation, who was a contemporary of Stephenson, and himself invented a locomotive during the Rainhill year, being then nearly forty years of age. The Cooper engine, however, was scarcely more than a working model. Its active-minded inventor hardly seems to have aimed at anything more than a demonstration of possibilities. The whole thing weighed only a ton, and was of one-horse power ; in fact it was not larger than those, hand- cars now in common use with railroad section-men. The boiler, about the size of a modern kitchen boiler, stood upright and was filled above the furnace, which occupied the lower section, with vertical tubes. The cylinder was but three and a half inches in diameter, and the wheels were moved by gearing. In order to secure the requisite pressure of steam in so small a boiler, a sort of bellows was provided which was kept in action by means of a drum attached to one of the car-wheels over which passed a cord which worked a pulley, which in turn worked the bellows. Thus of Stephenson's two great devices, without either of which his success at Rainhill would have been impos- sible, the waste-steam blast and the multitubular boiler, Peter Cooper had only got hold of the last. He owed his defeat in the race between his engine THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 4$ and a horse to the fact that he had not got hold of the first. It happened in this wise. Several exper- imental trips had been made with the little engine on the Baltimore & Ohio road, the first sections of which had recently been completed and were then operated by means of horses. The success of these trips was such, that at last, just seventeen days before the formal opening of the Manchester & Liverpool road on the other side of the Atlantic, a small open car was attached to the engine, the name of which, by the way, was Tom Thumb and upon this a party of directors and their friends were carried from Baltimore to Ellicott's Mills and back; a distance of some twenty-six miles. The trip out was made in an hour and" was very successful. The return was less so, and for the following reason : " The great stage proprietors of the day were Stockton and Stokes; and on that occasion a gallant gray, of great beauty and power, was driven by them from town, attached to another car on the second track for the company had begun by making two tracks to the Mills and met the engine at the Relay House, on its way back. From this point it was determined to have a race home, and the start being even, away went horse and en- gine, the snort of the one and the puff of the other keeping tune and time. " At first the gray had the best of it, for his steam would be applied to the greatest advantage on the instant, while the en- gine had to wait until the rotation of the wheels set the blower to work. The horse was perhaps a quarter of a mile ahead, when the safety valve of the engine lifted, and the thin blue vapor issuing from it showed an excess of steam. The blower whistled, the steam blew off in vapory clouds, the pace increased, 46 THE GENESIS OF the passengers shouted, the engine gained on the horse, soon it lapped him the silk was plied the race was neck and neck, nose and nose, then the engine passed the horse, and a great hurrah hailed the victory. But it was not. repeated, for just at this time, when the gray's master was about giving up, the band which draws the pulley which moved the blower slipped from the drum, the safety valve ceased to scream, and the engine, for want of breath, began to wheeze and pant. In vain Mr. Cooper, who was his own engineer and fireman, lacerated his hands in attempting to replace the band upon the wheel ; the horse gained on the machine and passed it, and although the band was pres- ently replaced, and steam again did its best, the horse was too far ahead to be overtaken, and came in the winner of the race." Poor and crude as the country was, however, America showed itself far more ready to take in the far reaching consequences of the initiative which Great Britain gave in 1830 than any other country in the world. Belgium, under the enlightened rule of King Leopold, did not move in the new departure until 1834, and France was slower yet. The fact is, however, that those countries did not feel the need of the railroad at all in the same degree as either Eng- land or America. They already had excellent systems of roads which sufficed for all their present needs. In America, on the contrary, the roads were few and badly built ; while in England, though they were good enough, the volume of traffic had outgrown their capacity. America suffered from too few roads ; England from too much traffic. Both were restlessly casting about for some form of relief. Accordingly, all through the time during which Stephenson was THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 47 fighting the battle of the locomotive, America, as if in anticipation of his victory, was building railroads. It might almost be said that there was a railroad mania. Massachusetts led off in 1826 ; Pennsylvania followed in 1827, and in 1828 Maryland and South Carolina. Of the great trunk lines of the country, a portion of the New York Central was chartered in 1825 ; the construction of the Baltimore & Ohio was begun on July 4th, 1828. The country, there- fore, was not only ripe to accept the results of the Rainhill contest, but it was anticipating them with eager hope. Had George Stephenson known what was going on in America he would not when writing to his son in 1829 have limited his anticipation of orders for locomotives to " at least thirty." Accordingly, after 1830 trial trips with new loco- motive engines followed hard upon each other. To- day it was the sensation in Charleston ; to-morrow in Baltimore ; the next day at Albany. Reference has already been made to a cut representing the ex- cursion train of March 5th, 1831, on the South Caro- lina Railroad. There is, however, a much more familiar picture of a similar trip made on the 9th of August of the same year from Albany to Schenectady, over the Mohawk Valley road. This sketch, more- over, was made at the time and on the spot by Mr. W. H. Brown, whose book has already been referred to. There are few things of the sort more familiar to the general eye, and, either in shop windows or in the 48 THE GENESIS OF offices of railroad companies, almost every one has cu- riously studied the train, with its snorting little engine and barrels of pine-knots for fuel, the highly respect- able looking engineer, standing up and meditatively observing his machine, with all the dignity inseparable from a dress coat so neatly buttoned up, the two following coaches, in the inside of the first of which may be identified Mr. Thurlow Weed, already a man of thirty years of age and one of the political powers of the land, while he upon the outside seat, with his hat on the back of his head, is, as we are informed, Mr. Billy Winn, the penny post man. The history of this now famous excursion has been preserved almost as minutely as that of the more widely known affair which had taken place at Liverpool just a year before. The train was made up of a locomotive, the De Witt Clinton, its tender and five or six passenger coaches, which were, indeed, nothing but the bodies of stage coaches placed upon trucks. The first two of these coaches were set aside for distinguished visitors ; the others were surmounted with seats of plank to accommodate as many as possible of the great throng of persons who were anxious to participate in the trip. Inside and out the coaches were crowded ; every seat was full. At Liverpool the start of the train was sig- nalled by the discharge of a cannon ; they were more modest at Albany, where the conductor, having duly collected his tickets by stepping from platform to platform outside the cars, mounted on the tender and, sitting upon the little seat which is to be seen in the THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 49 sketch of the train, gave the signal to start with a tin horn. What followed has been described by one who took part in the affair : " The trucks were coupled together with chains or chain- links, leaving from two to three feet slack, and when the loco- motive started it took up the slack by jerks, with sufficient force to jerk the passengers, who sat on seats across the tops of the coaches, out from under their hats, and in stopping they came together with such force as to send them flying from their seats. "They used dry pitch-pine for fuel, and there being no smoke or spark-catcher to the chimney or smoke-stack, a volume of black smoke, strongly impregnated with sparks, coal and cinders, came pouring back the whole length of the train. Each of the outside passengers who had an umbrella raised it as a protec- tion against the smoke and fire. They were found to be but a momentary protection, for I think in the first mile the last one went overboard, all having their covers burnt off from the frames, when a general melee took place among the deck-passengers, each whipping his neighbor to put out the fire. They presented a very motley appearance on arriving at the first station." Here " a short stop was made, and a successful experiment tried to remedy the unpleasant jerks. A plan was soon hit upon and put into execution. The three links in the couplings of the cars were stretched to their utmost tension, a rail, from a fence in the neighborhood, was placed between each pair of cars and made fast by means of the packing yarn from the cylinders. This ar- rangement improved the order of things, and it was found to answer the purpose when the signal was again given and the engine started." In spite of these trifling annoyances the engine, which was a little thing weighing but three and a half tons, accomplished the distance from Albany to Schenectady in less than an hour, and, during a part 3 50 THE GENESIS OF of the way, ran at as high a speed as a mile in two minutes. At Schenectady the members of the party refreshed themselves, and then, resuming their seats, reached Albany in due time and without delay or accident of any kind. In spite of dilapidated gar- ments and lost umbrellas, the passengers were on the whole well pleased with their trip, and in this respect at any rate far more fortunate than those who a year before had helped inaugurate the Manchester & Liverpool road. The DeWitt Clinton, as well as all the other engines used on the occasions which have been de- scribed, were of American make. But the fame of the Stephenson works at Newcastle-upon-Tyne had crossed the ocean, and to possess a specimen of their products was the ambition of every enterprising rail- road company. As early as September 1829 one of their earlier engines, the Stourbridge Lion by name had been landed in New York and set up as an object of curiosity in an iron-yard on the East River. It was one of the old models, however, of ante-Rocket construction, and was always regarded as a failure. Orders for locomotives of the new model were sent over as soon as its success was demonstrated, and at about the time of the Schenectady excursion, which has just been described, one of these was landed in New York. Its whole cost, including freight, duties and insurance, was $4,869.59. This " powerful Stephenson locomotive," as it was called, weighed about seven tons ; but, light as this now THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 5 I seems, it was far too heavy for the structure upon which it was to run. Early in September, however, it was placed upon the tracks, and on the i6th and 1 7th made its trial trips, using coal for fuel. And now another, and this time more formal and brilliant excursion, was planned in honor of the event, and was fixed for the 24th. It was to be to America what the Manchester & Liverpool opening had been to England, and the presence of the Duke of Wellington there, was to be offset here by that of Gen. Scott. But to be appreciated this excursion must be de- scribed in contemporaneous language : " The company consisted of the Governor, Lieutenant Gov- ernor, members of the Senate, now in session as a Court of Errors, our Senators in Congress, the Chancellor and Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, State officers, the president of the Board of Assistants and members of the Common Council of the city of New York, the Mayor, Recorder and Corporation Counsel of the city, and several citizens of New York, Albany and Schenectady. " Owing to a defect in one of the supply-pipes of the English locomotive, that powerful engine was not brought into service, and the party, having been delayed in consequence, did not leave the head of Lydius Street until nearly twelve o'clock. They then started with a train often cars, three drawn by the American locomotive, De Witt Clinton, and seven by a single horse each. The appearance of this fine cavalcade, if it may be so called, was highly imposing. The trip was performed by the locomotive in forty-six minutes, and by the cars drawn by horses in about an hour and a quarter. From the head of the plane, about a quarter of a mile from Schenectady, the company were conveyed in carriages to Davis's Hotel, where they were joined 52 THE GENESIS OF by several citizens of Schenectady, and partook of a dinner that reflected credit upon the proprietor of that well known es- tablishment. Among the toasts offered was one which has been verified to the letter, viz. : ' The Buffalo Railroad may we soon breakfast in Utica, dine in Rochester, and sup with our friends on Lake Erie !" After dinner the company repaired to the head of the plane, and resumed their seats for the return to Albany. It was an imposing spectacle." All this took place during the summer of 1831, and it was only during that very summer, when the locomotive was already an established fact, a working agent in at least two of her sister States, that Mas- sachusetts aroused herself to a consciousness that something unusual had taken place. Then at last that corporation was chartered which subsequently, five years later, opened for public use the first steam railroad regularly planned and constructed as such within the limits of the State. Such an apparent apathy is not very explicable. Not only the Quincy railway, but the Middlesex canal as well, had been the first things of the kind brought to a successful completion in America. Just at this time, also, the manifest success of the Erie canal had given a new and portentous significance to the Berkshire hills, causing them to throw a dark shadow over the future of Massachusetts. They seemed stationed on the western border of the State, an insuperable bar- rier against which the eastward tide of commerce struck and then with a deflected course flowed quiet- ly in the direction of New York. Either in some way that barrier must be overcome or the material pro- THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 53 gress of the State would in the future be seriously threatened. So much was obvious. Before the year 1826 this difficult problem had already occupied the attention both of the public and of the legislature. A commission had been appointed to survey a canal route from tide water at Boston to the Connecticut, and thence to some point in the State of New York, near where the Erie canal emptied into the Hudson. The report of this commission was submitted by Gov. Lincoln to the legislature in January 1826, and to- day, after the lapse of more than fifty years, the document has a peculiar interest and significance. The survey was made by Col. Loammi Baldwin, a civil engineer who has left his mark cut deep on the Massachusetts system of internal improvements. There was no good route, and so he fixed on what has since become well known as the Hoosac Tun- nel line as being Jibe least bad. Accompanying the report of 1826 is a map made by Col. Baldwin upon which is laid down a canal-tunnel exactly where the railroad tunnel now is. This canal-tunnel project was adopted by Col. Baldwin as a dreadful alternative to a system of locks crossing the mountains at the same point. Not that he considered the lock scheme im- practicable ; on the contrary, he demonstrated in his report its perfect feasibility on paper He objected to it solely on the score of expense. He accordingly had recourse to the cheaper expedient of a tunnel, and pro- ceeded to estimate its cost. That long forgotten esti- mate is now one of the curiosities of engineering litera- 54 THE GENESIS OF ture. It was made, be it remembered, in the early days before tunnelling had become a science, and when the whole work would necessarily have been done by hand-drilling and without the aid of any explosive more powerful than gunpowder. In making his estimate Col. Baldwin, as an engineer of character having a reputation at stake, was extremely cautious. He said, " in a tunnel, four miles in length, of the size named, there will be 211,200 cubic yards of stone to excavate, which at $4.25 per cubic yard, amounts to $920,832." But this he took pains to state was " beyond a doubt ; the highest price " having been assumed. Even at the time, this conclusion, to which sub- sequent bitter experience has lent a grim humor, did not pass unchallenged. A writer in the Bos- ton Courier, for instance, calculated that, on the data given in the report, it woujd take fifty-two years and nineteen days to finish the tunnel. The present Hoosac Tunnel was in fact finished a little over fifty years from the time when this report was laid before the Legislature ; but, instead of having proved " not more difficult than the cut through the ' Mountain Ridge ' on the Erie canal," the expense of which per cubic yard had been $1.75, each new difficulty which developed itself was overcome .only to make way for another, until the ultimate expense was about $20 per cubic yard, and the total cost some ten times the original estimate. Naturally enough, however, nothing was done in THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 5$ consequence of Col. Baldwin's report towards extend- ing the Erie canal to a connection with tide-water at Boston. That such an idea should ever have been gravely entertained seems now almost beyond belief. Yet there, on file among the public documents of that day, is the record showing that sane men actu- ally dreamed that water could be made to flow over the Berkshire hills so as to compete with the un- taxed current of the Hudson ! Four years more passed by without contributing anything to the solu- tion of the problem. In October 1829, however, the crucial test at Rainhill gave a new direction to men's thoughts in other places than in England. Nathan Hale at that time edited the Boston Daily Advertiser, and he had also been one of the commissioners under whom Col. Baldwin had made his survey. An editor of a school which has long since passed away, he not only occupied a prominent position in the busi- ness circles of the day, but by force of individual character he exercised through his paper a wide and useful influence. The Advertiser was Nathan Hale ; and, as regarded this question, Nathan Hale moved in the front rank of progress. And now in 1829 the Advertiser reproduced day after day every detail of the Rainhill experiments and spread them be- fore the people of Massachusetts with all possible emphasis. The result was immediate. The ses- sions of the Massachusetts legislature were then held in the spring and early summer, and occupied about as many weeks as they now do months. The 56 THE GENESIS OF following June, in response as it were to the Rainhill challenge and before the Manchester & Liverpool road was yet open to traffic, a number of charters were granted to corporations with all necessary powers to construct railroads on specified routes. In those days, however, the science of railroad financiering had not been developed to the degree of excellence which it has since attained. The first condition to an enterprise was the actual raising of money to carry it out. While capitalists were timid, legislatures were cautious. A tedious contest, therefore, ensued between the two. On the one hand, those who proposed to build the roads insisted on a guarantee of exclusive railroad rights between the points designated in their charters ; on the other hand, the legislature refused to concede any such monopoly. At last, however, in the case of a single road, that between Boston and Lowell, the exclusive concession asked for was granted for a term of years. Accordingly in this case the charter was accepted, the company speedily organized and books of subscription opened. In November '1830 accounts came across the ocean of the successful opening of the Manchester & Liver- pool road, and again Mr. Hale reproduced them in detail. The schoolmaster was abroad. He was busily at work between Liverpool and Manchester, and the Advertiser kept his instructions before the eyes of the people at home. Consequently, in June 1831, two more roads were incorporated by the next legis- lature, one of which, the Boston & Providence, still THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. S7 preserves its individuality and its original name. The boards of direction of these several roads were made up of the most respectable and best known citizens of Boston. Patrick T. Jackson was president of the Lowell company ; T. B. Wales of the Providence, and Nathan Hale of the Worcester. There is something very interesting and attractive in those days of small things. To men of the present time, accustomed to corporations which operate thousands of miles of road, which yearly carry millions of tons of freight and tens of millions of passengers, while they wield hundreds of millions of capital, to men accus- tomed to the presence of these leviathans, the little original roads, the longest of which was but fifty miles, seem little more than toys. They were, however, the beginning of great things. We to-day are familiar with the names of enterprises which stretch out into what was then the undiscovered West, and the fabulous East. We can, whenever we please, read the last quo- tation of stocks representing a property lying on the shores of the Euphrates or among the steppes and gorges of the Rocky or Ural Mountains. We have tunnelled the Alps and bridged the Mississippi. These great accomplished facts, however, only make the fresh, new impressions with which our fathers viewed the gradual completion of the little original lines more quaint and more interesting. The gossip, as it were, of those days is by no means the least attractive thing about them. The Lowell was the first organized of the Mass- 58 THE GENESIS OF achusetts roads, as well as the first upon which the work of construction was actually begun, though the Boston & Providence was the first completed. But it was upon the Worcester road, and towards the lat- ter part of March, 1834, that the first locomotive ever used in Massachusetts was set in motion. On the 24th of the month Mr. Hale advised the readers of the Advertiser that " the rails are laid, from Boston to Newton, a distance of nine or ten miles, to which place it is proposed to run the passenger cars as soon as two locomotives shall be in readiness, so as to en- sure regularity. One locomotive, called the Meteor, has been partially tried and will probably be in readi- ness in a few days ; the second, called the Rocket, is waiting the arrival of the builder for subjecting it to a trial, and the third it is hoped will be ready by the first of May." The last named locomotive, the Rocket, was built by the Stephensons at Newcastle-upon- Tyne, and " the builder " whose arrival was looked for must have been an English engineer sent out to superintend the work of putting it in operation. No allusion is made in the papers to the first trial of these locomotives, but we have the impressions which one who claims to have been an eye-witness of it long afterwards gave : " The Boston & Worcester Railroad Company imported from Newcastle-upon-Tyne one of George Stephenson's locomotives, small in stature but symmetrical in every particular, and finished with the exactness of a chronometer. Placed upon the track, its driver, who came with it from England, stepped upon the platform with almost the airs of a juggler or a professor of chem- THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 59 istry, placed his hand upon the lever, and with a slight move of it the engine started at a speed worthy of the companion of the Rocket amid the shouts and cheers of the multitude. It gave me such a shock, that my hair seemed to start from the roots, rather than to stand on end." On the 4th of April, a Friday by the way, a locomotive was first employed on a gravel train, upon which occasion, as the Advertiser the next day assured its readers, " the engine worked with ease, was perfectly manageable, and showed power enough to work at any desirable speed." Three days later, on Monday, /th, we are informed that a locomo- tive ran on the railroad for the first time, " as far as' Davis' tavern in Newton, a distance of eight or nine miles, accompanied by a part of the directors and fifty or sixty other persons, for the purpose of making trial of the engine and examination of the road. The party stopped several times for various purposes on the way out. They returned in thirty-nine minutes, including a stop of about six minutes for the purpose of attaching five cars loaded with earth. The engine travelled with ease at the rate of twenty miles an hour." The next day a larger party went over the ground, the directors inviting about one hundred and thirty gentlemen on the excursion. It would not appear to have been a very successful affair, for, " after proceeding a short distance, their progress was interrupted by the breaking of a con- necting-rod between two of the cars. This accident caused a considerable delay, and unfortunately the 60 THE GENESIS OF same accident occurred three or four times during the excursion." So, after a short stop at Newton, the party came back, quite cross apparently, and did not get home until half past six in the evening. On the 1 5th of the month a yet larger party, consisting of about one hundred and twenty ladies and gentlemen in six cars, went out to Newton and back, making the return trip in less than half an hour. The cars began to run regularly next day, making two trips each way to Newton and back, leaving Boston at 10 A. M. and at 3.30 P. M. The regular passenger railroad service in Massachusetts dates, therefore, from the i6th of May 1834. Al- ready, four days before, there had appeared in the advertising columns of Mr. Hale's paper a new form of notice. At the head was a rude cut of a locomo- tive and part of a train of cars, the cars being of the old stage coach pattern, mounted high on wheels with spokes in them, and divided into compartments which were entered through doors at the sides. The brakemen, sitting on a sort of coach boxes, regulated the speed by the pressure of their feet on levers just as is still done with wagons on hilly roads. The notice was headed " Boston & Worcester Railroad " and read as follows : "The passenger cars will continue to run daily from the depot near Washington St., to Newton, 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock A. M. and at 3^ o'clock p. M., and " Returning, leave Newton at 7, and a quarter past 1 1 A. M., and a quarter before 5 P. M. THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. Ol " Tickets for the passage either way may be had at the Ticket Office, No. 617 Washington St., price thirty-seven and a half cents each ; and for .the return passage, of the Master of the cars, Newton. " By order of the President and Directors. " F. A. WILLIAMS, Clerk." Curiously enough the issue of the very next day contains this editorial notice : " History of the United States. We understand that George Bancroft Esq. of Northampton, has been for a long time en- gaged in the preparation of a history of the United States, the first volume of which is nearly ready for publication. Mr. Ban- croft has been long known to the public as a scholar of distin- guished talent, and diversified attainments ; and there is every reason to believe that his work will be equally honorable to himself and to the literary reputation of the country. He has qualified himself for the task by a very diligent investigation of authorities, and a resort to the most authentic sources, in order to render his history no less valuable as a repertory of well as- certained facts, than it will be spirited and interesting as a narrative." It would certainly be no easy matter to hit upon any incident which could more forcibly illustrate the briefness of the time within which the whole railroad development has been compressed. Mr. Bancroft is still at work on his history. The consecutive labor of one literary life time covers, therefore, the entire period. The later volumes of Bancroft's history are still unpublished ; yet when the earliest railroad train was run in New England the first -volume was just issuing from the press. Partially opened to travel in May, the Boston & 62 THE GENESIS OF Worcester road was by the end of June finished as far as Needham, and on the 7th of July it was formally opened to that point ; when " the stock- holders and a number of other gentlemen, to the number of about two hundred in all, by invitation of the directors, made an excursion to Needham, in eight passenger cars, drawn by the new locomotive Yan- kee, . . The excursion was pleasant, and the party appeared to enjoy the ride, and the beautiful scenery which is presented to view on different parts of the route." The further extension to Hopkinton was completed by September, and so on the 2oth of that month another excursion of some two hundred in number went out from Boston in seven of the com- pany's largest passenger cars drawn by the locomotive Yankee, and duly celebrated the occasion. " They started off" as the Advertiser of the following day stated, " at a rapid and steady pace. The weather , was unusually fine, and the sweetness of the atmos- phere, the rapidity of the motion, and the beauty and novelty of the scenery which was successively pre- sented to view, appeared to produce in all the party an agreeable exhilaration of spirits." At Framingham the excursionists were met by John Davis, then Governor of the Commonwealth, by ex-Governor Lincoln and other gentlemen from Worcester, who got upon the train and went with it to Hopkinton, where it arrived at half past three o'clock and was received with a salute of artillery, the cheers of the populace and an address from the THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 63 village authorities ; after which, under escort of a company- of riflemen, the whole party went to Cap- tain Stone's tavern, where a collation had been pro- vided. " While the party were at table the ladies were invited to take seats in the cars, and the military with their band of music to take a stand upon the tops of the cars, where they were formed in sections. In this manner they made an excursion of several miles down the road and back, which they appeared to enjoy highly. As they returned, the military on the tops of the cars approached the hotel with arms presented and music playing." Then followed speeches from Governor Davis and Governor Lin- coln, and presently, at quarter after five, the psfrty resumed their seats in the train and safely returned to Boston. The next day the train service was ex- tended to Hopkinton. . L A similar party which left Boston on the I5th of November in honor of the completion of the road as far as Westborough were not so fortunate as the Hop- kinton excursionists. They started at eleven o'clock, but were delayed for some time at Needham from a cause which reads strange enough now head winds. The road had but one track, and it was arranged that the excursion train should at Needham meet and pass another train on its way to Boston. It was autumn, and there was a gale blowing from the east, so that the locomotive Meteor had been delayed in its up passage " by a strong head wind," and consequently could not return on time. After a due amount of waiting the 64 THE GENESIS OF excursionists, however, lost their patience and de- termined to proceed. They accordingly did so ; but when they had cautiously crept along for about four miles they met the belated Meteor coming down upon them before the wind. There was nothing for it but to take the back track to Needham, and there get out of its way. This was done, and in doing it so much time was consumed that the train did not reach Westborough until two o'clock, having accomplished thirty-two miles in the space of three hours. Once at Westborough, however, the party proceeded to celebrate with a dinner and speeches after the usual fashion. The local authorities welcomed the direc- tors with an address, to which Mr. Hale replied. At the close of his remarks he ventured to say, in refer- ence to the railroad, that, " some of them hoped to see this work of improvement extended much further to behold the day when the city of Boston would be placed within an afternoon's ride of the rich valley of the Connecticut River, and even when the banks of the Hudson would be brought within a day's journey of the metropolis of the commonwealth." He con- cluded by expressing a wish that they might all live to see these anticipations realized. He himself cer- tainly did live to see them realized ; for the road was formally opened from Boston to Albany in December, 1841, just seven years from the time at which he spoke, and before his death in 1863 the question was already, not of connecting Boston with Albany, but the seaboard of the Atlantic with that of the Pacific. THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 65 Among the other speakers at Westborough were Gov. Davis and both of the Everetts, Alexander and Edward. A Mr. P. P. F. De Grand was also there, a French emigrant of the old type, long resident in Boston, whose name was very closely connected with the early history of Massachusetts railroad develop- ment. Indeed Mr. De Grand was at times almost the moving spirit of the first enterprises, and it was his wont energetically to refer to the Worcester rail- road as being a forty- four mile extension of Boston Long Wharf. During the periods of discouragement which, a few years later, marked certain stages of the construction of the Western road, connecting Worces- ter with Albany, when both money and courage seemed almost exhausted, Mr. De Grand never for a moment faltered. He might almost be said to have then had Western railroad on the brain. Among other things, he issued a certain circular which caused much amusement and not improbably some scandal among the more precise. The Rev. S. K. Lothrop, then a young man, had preached a sermon in Brattle Street church, which attracted a good deal of attention, on the subject of the moral and Chris- tianizing influence of railroads. Mr. De Grand * thought he saw his occasion, and he certainly availed himself of it. He at once had a circular printed, a copy of which he sent to every clergyman in Massachu- setts, suggesting the propriety of a discourse on " the moral and Christianizing influence of railroads in general, and of the Western railroad in particular." 66 THE GENESIS OF To return, however, to the Boston & Worcester road. It was completed in June, 1835, J ust f ur years after it had been chartered. It ran through a far from difficult country and was but forty-four miles in length ; but in those days eleven miles a year were looked upon as quite a rapid rate of railroad construc- tion. At last, on the 3d of July, a locomotive with one passenger car, in which were a few of the directors, passed over the line from end to end, and on Saturday, the 4th, the four engines, which constituted the entire motive power of the company, passed twice each way between Boston and Worcester, two engines, draw- ing eleven cars, leaving the opposite ends of the road at the same time. During the day over fifteen hun- dred passengers were carried. In reality the opening of those first completed railroad lines, for the Wor- cester was the third of the original lines all opened within one month, was an event to be celebrated, an event second in importance to none in the his- tory of the State. The formal opening took place two days later, on the 6th, which, as hardly needs to be said, was a great day for Worcester, then a quiet country town of six thousand inhabitants. At ten o'clock in -the morning a special train, con- sisting of twelve cars, drawn by two locomotives* and carrying some three hundred officials and in- vited guests, left Boston and reached Worcester at about one, where its arrival was welcomed by a salute of artillery and a general ringing of bells. Charles Allen, afterwards a member of Congress and Chief THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 67 Justice of the Superior Court of the State, was chair- man of the committee of arrangements, and the pro- gramme included a procession and dinner at the Town- Hall. This, as usual, was followed by a great many toasts and a considerable effusion of after-dinner elo- quence. Mr. Hale spoke, of course, as president of the road. He was followed by Edward Everett, as Governor of the Commonwealth ; who, the report says, made a speech " of uncommon beauty and in- terest, interspersed with pleasant anecdote and elo- quent remark. It was one of the happiest efforts of the distinguished gentleman." Of greater interest to posterity, however, were the more common place remarks, from a rhetorical point of view, of Mr. Henry Williams of Boston, one of the directors as well as the clerk of the company. He took occasion to allude " with much fueling to the difficulties with which the enterprise had to contend at the outset without the aid of the capitalists, who hesitated to embark in so perilous an adventure. ' The work was commenced and has been completed,' said Mr. Williams, ' by the middling class in the com- munity.' ' For the rest the toasts on this occasion were of much the usual character, and now, after the lapse of more than forty years, they have certainly lost what little of flavor they may perchance once have had, and read thin and flat enough. One only among them has a curious sound, being strongly suggestive of the familiar " tempora mutantur " of the Latin poet. It was offered by ex-Governor Davis and was in these 08 THE GENESIS OF words, " Railroads. We are willing to be rode hard by such monopolies." On that day certainly no anticipation of Granger agitations or of " Potter " laws was present in the mind of Governor Davis, or of any one else. At least no such forebodings troubled the festivities of the occasion, and a prophet who would then have dared to predict that within the lifetime of any there gathered together a political party would rise up with whom the indiscriminate denunciation of those who built railroads as "vampires" and those who operated railroads as " the robber barons of mod- ern civilization " was the breath of life, assuredly that prophet of evil would have found himself com- pelled to face a storm of jeers and contumely. But no such bird of ill-omen presented himself, and at eight o'clock that evening the safe and uneventful return home, of the Boston party brought the cele- bration to a close. Meanwhile those who had the construction of the other roads in charge were not idle. The Boston & Providence was fast approaching completion, and on Tuesday, June 2d, a party went over it from end to end. The following account of the excursion, which appeared in a Providence paper a few days later, has rather acquired than lost interest through the lapse of forty years. The party set out from Providence upon the invitation of the board of directors : " It was in contemplation to have taken the new engine that had arrived from Philadelphia only the day before, but some of her pipes were not in order, and we finally set off from the THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 69 depot at India Point, at a quarter before one o'clock in the af- ternoon, with two cars, each propelled by two horse power. " The application of horses afforded us a most fortunate opportunity for inspecting the grand structure over which we passed. The road . . has been laid to endure with the ever- lasting hills, and is finished with a neatness very gratifying to the eye. The viaduct at Canton, though yet unfinished, is a stupendous work. A view of it many times repays the trouble of passing round. The excavations and embankments in Can- ton are also worthy of minute attention ; they testify in strong language, to man's dominion over nature, and his ability to overcome any obstacle to any undertaking that is not either morally or physically absurd. The project of cutting through these rocky heights and crossing the valley of the river by the viaduct was a very bold one. A hesitating mind would have surmounted them by stationary engines, or some less formida- ble way. But any other mode would have detracted very much from the facilities which give value to such a road. " The road has been constructed under the direction of Major McNeil, and it will stand for ages, an enduring monument of the high talents and high attainments of its accomplished engineer. " Among the curiosities on the way is a bog in Mansfield where the road sunk, during its formation, to the depth of forty feet , and it is also a curious fact that sixteen miles and a half of this road are on a perfectly straight line. " After examining the work at Canton we took the engine at twenty minutes past five, and were landed at West Boston at about six o'clock. The party accompanied the directors to their depot at the Tremont House, and enjoyed their overflowing hos- pitality with keen appetites and grateful hearts." The viaduct at Canton, by the way, the bold conception and fine construction of which excited so much admiration in the minds of these excursionists, 7O THE GENESIS OF really was a most creditable piece of work. When they did build, they built better in those days than they now do, and the passage of forty years of con- stant use has developed no greater need for repairs on the Canton viaduct than it has on the pyramids of Egypt. That viaduct, also, has a history of its own, curiously illustrating the value of fatal accidents as a dynamic force in railroad development. In the earliest surveys of the route of the Boston & Provi- dence line, the deep and wide ravine through which the Neponset river flows between the elevated hills of Canton had presented itself as a serious obstacle in the way of the enterprise. Closely following the precedents already established in the case of the coal tramways, both at home and abroad, the engineers at first proposed to overcome the difficulty by means of inclined planes operated by stationary engines. It so happened, however, that there already was, only a few miles away and also close to the banks of the Neponset, an inclined plane at the end of the Quincy Granite Railway. From motives of curiosity parties of gentlemen were in the custom of visiting that work. While the construction of the Boston & Providence road was yet undecided, a party of this sort was one day ascending the Quincy incline when the pulleys broke, and the car on which the visitors were ran backwards down the grade, throwing them out and killing one of them, a Mr. Gibson, well known in Boston. . This accident brought inclined planes into great disfavor, and induced the construction of the , THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 7 1 Canton viaduct ; just as invariably since that time every serious railroad accident has had a direct and often most perceptible influence in bringing about some great advance in railroad construction or ap- pliances for safety. To return, however, to the party of excursionists who visited Boston in the early days of June, 1835. They had left Providence on Tuesday. On the very day before, another event of interest had taken place on Long Island sound, for the ill-fated steamer Lexington, built specially to run between New York and Providence in connection with the new railroad, had then made her trial trip. The Lex- ington was constructed for and under the direction of Captain Cornelius Vanderbilt, who had not then ar- rived at his subsequent title by courtesy of Commo- dore, but " whose reputation for fast boats is," the contemporaneous authority goes on to say, " so well established in this community." The Lexington upon her trial trip astonished those on board of her, and the editor of the New York Courier and Enquirer, who was one of the number, thus gave vent to his feelings : " We were of the party who accompanied her on this novel and interesting expedition : and although the Boston & Provi- dence Railroad is not yet opened which event will shorten the time of travelling between those cities two hours we yester- day, breakfasted at Boston, left there at 2 A. M., and arrived in this city off Dry Dock in eleven hours and fifty -nine min- utes from Providence, performing the entire distance in less 72 THE GENESIS OF than sixteen hours, and bringing with us the Boston daily papers of yesterday morning for the benefit of our readers and those of our cotemporaries." In other words, General Webb had left Boston at two in the morning and arrived in New York at six o'clock on the evening of the same day, being the shortest time which had ever been made between those two cities. He then proceeds, in a strain of en- thusiastic exultation over the prospect of " reducing the time of overcoming the distance between New York and Boston (250 miles) to fourteen hours," and closes with a tribute which, though offered nearly half a century ago, still has an amusing significance : " Other sections of the country will be equally benefited by this improvement of steam navigation by Captain Vanderbilt, and his name will in future be classed with those of Fulton and Stephenson, to the latter of whom we owe nearly all the im- provements which have been made in the steam engine, since the death of that great man to whom the world is indebted for that most important discovery which has ever been made except the art of printing." Having given one side of the picture ; it is but fair to present the other. The advent of railroad locomotion was not even in America hailed by all in a similar spirit of exuberant satisfaction. A little over a month after the time when General Webb went from Boston to New York in sixteen hours, a gentleman of the very old school, then in his sixty- fourth year, made the same trip ; and in his diary thus freshly recorded his experience and sensations : THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 73 "July 22, 1835. This morning at nine o'clock I took pas- sage in a railroad car (from Boston) for Providence. Five or six other cars were attached to the locomotive, and uglier boxes I do not wish to travel in. They were made to stowaway some thirty human beings, who sit cheek by jowl as best they can. Two poor fellows, who were not much in the habit of making their toilet, squeezed me into a corner, while the hot sun drew from their garments a villainous compound of smells made up of salt fish, tar and molasses. By and by, just twelve, only twelve bouncing factory girls were introduced, who were going on a party of pleasure to Newport. "Make room for the ladies !" bawled out the superintendent. " Come, gentlemen, jump up on the top ; plenty of room there." " I'm afraid of the bridge knocking my brains out," said a passenger. Some made one excuse and some another. For my part, I flatly told him that since I had belonged to the corps of Silver Grays I had lost my gallantry, and did not intend to move. The whole twelve were, however, introduced, and soon made themselves at home, suck- ing lemons and eating green apples. . . . The rich and the poor, the educated and the ignorant, the polite and the vul- gar, all herd together in this modern improvement in travelling. The consequence is a complete amalgamation. Master and servant sleep heads and points on the cabin floor of the steamer, feed at the same table, sit in each other's laps, as it were, in the cars ; and all this for the sake of doing very uncomfortably in two days what would be done delightfully in eight or ten. Shall we be much longer kept by the toilsome fashion of hurrying, hurrying, from starting (those who can afford it) on a journey with our own horses, and moving slowly, surely and profitably through the country, with the power of enjoying its beauty and be the means of creating good inns. Undoubtedly, a line of post- horses and post-chaises would long ago have been established along our great roads had not steam monopolized everything. . . . Talk of ladies on board a steamboat or in a railroad car. There are none. I never feel like a gentleman there, and I can- 74 THE GENESIS OF not perceive a semblance of gentility in any one who makes part of the travelling mob. When I see women whom, in their draw- ing-rooms or elsewhere, I have been accustomed to respect and treat with every suitable deference, when I see them, I say, elbowing their way through a crowd of dirty emigrants or low- bred homespun fellows in petticoats or breeches in our country, in order to reach a table spread for a hundred or more, I lose sight of their pretentions to gentility and view them as belonging to the plebeian herd. To restore herself to her caste, let a lady move in select company at five miles an hour, and take her meals in comfort at a good inn, where she may dine decently After all, the old-fashioned way of five or six miles with liberty to dine decently in a decent inn and be master of one's move- ments, with the delight of seeing the country and getting along rationally, is the mode to which I cling, and which will be adopted again by the generations of after times."* Curiously enough, but probably as the result of a very natural spirit of emulation in those engaged in building them, the three initial roads of Massachusetts, the germs of her subsequent railroad system, were all completed and opened to traffic within four weeks of each other, the Providence on the nth of June, the Lowell on the 2/th of the same month, and theWorces- ter on the 3d of July. They were all well built roads, especially that to Lowell, "in the construction of which the Manchester & Liverpool precedents had been so closely followed that the serious error was committed of laying the rails on stone blocks instead of wooden ties. It is, indeed, matter of curious observation that almost uniformly those early railroad builders * Recollections of Samuel Breck, pp. 275-7. THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 75 made grave blunders, whenever they tried to do their work peculiarly well ; they almost invariably had after- wards to undo it. The Lowell road, for instance, was too well built in many respects. On a portion of its track the stone blocks, into which the oaken plugs to spike the rails to were inserted, were laid on a foundation of continuous, parallel, dry, stone walls running in trenches under each line of rails, and from two and a half to four feet deep and a foot and a half wide. Such work as this was intended to last, and doubtless the Boston & Lowell directors thought that they had acquitted themselves of their trust with a far seeing economy. Unfortunately, as time passed, experience decided the other way. They gradually learned to their great surprise that speed without elas- ticity is always costly ; and to-day the sides of the road- bed are liberally ornamented with those useless stone sleepers, the eternal life of which was once looked for- ward to with confident pride. It was only through the shrewd sense of its constructing engineer, also, that the Boston & Providence company was saved from this same blunder. Captain McNeill had been sent abroad to examine the Manchester & Liverpool road. While doing so he not only had the sense to see that the objections to the use of wood which existed in England, because of its scarcity, did not hold good in this country, but he also with great sagacity di- vined at once the importance of an elastic road-bed. In one important respect, however, the early railroad companies enjoyed an enormous advantage over those 76 THE GENESIS OF of to-day; the materials they used were as a rule honestly made. The original iron of the Boston & Providence weighed fifty-five pounds to the yard and would outlast most modern steel. The last of it was not taken out of the tracks until 1860, and then, after twenty-five years of continuous service, it was still in good condition. The first epoch of railroad construction in Massa- chusetts did not, however, close with the opening of the Boston & Worcester road. On the contrary, it rather began with that want. It closed six years later during the last days of 1841 when at length with hard struggle and after many and bitter discour- agements, at times verging almost on despair, the Western railroad was completed. By it Boston was brought intoa close connection with Albany and that great network of internal communication, whether by land or water, which there found an outlet. For the time the construction of that road was really a great achievement, much greater than the subse- quent building of the Pacific railways. Begun in 1834, it was seven years, covering all the dreary period which followed the panic of 1837, before it could be finished. During that time the work progressed at an average rate of about twenty two miles a year. Repeatedly it would have come to a dead stand-still had not the assistance of the State been extend ed to it with a liberal hand. Of its original officers during the period of construction but one now survives, Josiah Quincy, then the younger of the name, who was treas- THE RAILROAD SYSTEM 77 urer of the corporation. As in the case of Mr. De Grand, the sanguine temper of Mr. Quincy was then of no little service. During the too frequently recur- ring days of despondency he was wont to humorously draw courage for himself and his associates from the remark of that king of Spain who met the sugges- tion of a canal between two points in his dominions with the dry negative, that " If the Almighty had intended there should be navigation between these two points, he would undoubtedly have placed a river there ; but it was not for a poor mortal like himself to improve on the infinite wisdom of God's handi- work." But in the case of the Berkshire hills, as Mr. Quincy argued, the Almighty had made a prac- ticable roadway, and hence it was clear He meant in His wisdom there should be a railroad built through them, and consequently the road would be built. Built at last it was, and its completion brought to a triumphant close the first epoch of Massachusetts railroad construction. The State then had a com- plete railroad system ; and, in closely studying the records of the time, it is curious to see what a revolution the new power had already brought about. The community had in 1841 fully entered on the new life. Accordingly when the Western railroad was at last opened, though the event was Qne of too much importance to be passed over un- noticed, the celebration had distinctly lost that fresh, primitive flavor which alone lends to our times a charm in the earlier occasions. The opening of a 78 THE GENESIS OF new railroad was in 1841 an old story. Every one had then made journeys by rail. There was no long- er any novelty about the thing, and the orators who tried to excite fresh emotions of wonder by dwelling on the well-worn theme began to find it very hard work. Nevertheless on the 2/th of December 1841, the members of the Boston city government started for Albany, on what would now be termed a " muni- cipal junket." Among other invited guests they took with them a delegation from New Bedford. To these New Bedford gentlemen was due on this occasion the last vestige of that simple wonder which had al- ways been so prominent a feature in the earlier rail- road celebrations. In order to lend point to the as- tonishing fact that, leaving their homes in the morn- ing they would in fifteen hours be in Albany, these gentlemen during the small hours of the 3ay of their departure caused some spermaceti candles to be moulded. These they took with them on their trip, and that evening the rays from these candles illu- mined the table around which took place the civic banquet at Albany. But the Albanians were not to be outdone. They were to return to Boston with their guests the next day ; and in doing so, they took with them a barrel of flour, the wheat for which had been threshed at Rochester on the previous Monday, they went to Boston on Wednesday while the bar^- rel itself was made from wood which on the thresh- ing day had been growing in the tree. This flour, duly converted into bread, the authorities of the two THE RAILROAD SYSTEM. 79 cities and their invited guests solemnly ate at a grand dinner given at the United States Hotel in Boston on the evening of December 3Oth, 1841. Of the toasts and speeches given utterance to on this occa- sion there is little enough to say. In them honest astonishment had given place to a mouthing elo- quence. Every one realized fully the importance and the far reaching consequence of the event they were met to celebrate, the fire companies and the military were all paraded and the air was filled with the strains of music, but none the less it was all a twice-told tale. Railroads had grown to be com- monplace affairs. The world had already accustomed itself to the new conditions of its existence, and wholly refused to gape in childish wonder at the thought of having accomplished a journey of fifty miles more or less between the rising and setting of even a December sun. The genesis of the system was complete. * THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. DURING the last ten years there has been so much vague discussion of what is commonly known as the Railroad Problem, that many people, and those by no means the least sensible, have begun gravely to doubt whether after all it is not a mere cant phrase, and whether any such problem does indeed exist. Certainly the discussion has not been remarkable for intelligence, and the currency ques- tion itself has hardly been more completely befogged in clouds of indifferent declamation, poor philosophy and worse logic. No fallacy has been too thin to pass current in it ; and the absolute power which certain words and phrases have held over the public mind has throughout seemed to set both argument and patience at defiance. . Under these circumstances^) before beginning to discuss the Railroad Problem, it might seem proper to offer some definition of what that problem is. To do this concisely is very diffi- cult. As an innovating force the railroad has made itself felt and produced its problems in every depart- ment of civilized life. So has the steam-engine ; so has the newspaper ; so has gunpowder. Unlike all these, however, the railroad has developed one distinctive problem, and a problem which actively presses for THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 8 1 solution. It has done so for the reason that it has not only usurped, in modern communities, the more important functions of the highway, but those who own it have also undertaken to do the work which was formerly done on the highway. Moreover, as events have developed themselves, it has become ap- parent that the recognized laws of trade operate but imperfectly at best in regulating the use made of these modern thoroughfares by those who thus both own and monopolize them. Consequently the political governments of the various countries have been called upon in some way to make good through legislation the deficiencies thus revealed in the working of the natural laws. This is the Railroad Problem. Thus stated, it hardly needs to be said that the questions involved in its solution are of great magnitude and extreme delicacy. To deal correctly with them re- quires a thorough knowledge of intricate economical laws, superadded to a very keen insight into political habits and modes of thought. For not only is there a general railroad problem for all countries, but this problem has to be dealt with in a peculiar way in each country. One mode of treatment will not do for all. Before discussing, therefore, the form this problem has assumed in America it will be well to briefly re- view its development, and the efforts made to solve it elsewhere. The experience of other countries can hardly fail to throw a side light at least on the direc- tion events are taking here. The railroad originated in England, and in Eng- 4* 82 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. land it has upon the whole attained its highest pres- ent stage of development. The English railroad sys- tem and the English experience must, therefore, first be described. In one of the earlier parliamentary debates on the subject of railroads the Duke of Wellington is reported to have said that in dealing with them it was above all else necessary to bear in mind the analogy of the king's highway. The re- mark was certainly characteristic, both of the indi- vidual and the race. Without any careful analysis to find out whether it was real or apparent only, the analogy was accepted and upon it was based that whole elaborate system of legislation through and in spite of which both in Great Britain and in America the railroad system grew up, and in the meshes of which it is now struggling. In fact the analogy was essentially a false one. In no respect did the railroad in reality resemble the highway, any more than the corporation which owned and operated it resembled the common carrier. The new system was not amen- able to the same .natural laws which regulated and controlled the operations of the old one, and the more the principles and rules of law which had grown out of the old system were applied to it, the worse the result became. The acme of the ludicrous in this respect was, however, reached not in England but in America. In England the truth dawned in time on the minds of those upon whom the work of legislation devolved. After more than forty years of blundering it was there at last realized in 1872 that THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 83 the railroad system was a thing sui generis, a vast and intricate formative influence, as well as a material power, the growth of which was to be curiously watched in the expectation that in due time it would develop some phase which again would call forth a corresponding development in the machinery of government, through which its political and economi- cal relations with the community would be finally established on some rational and permanent basis. Meanwhile at the very time this result was reached in Great Britain, and the railroad problem conse- quently ceased to be a matter for active discussion, America was clinging more desperately than ever to that false analogy which had thus been finally aban- doned in the place where it originated. Since 1872, even more than before that time, the American legis- lation has been inspired by the theory that the rail- road corporation is nothing but an overgrown com- mon-carrier, who has in some way got the monopoly of a highway, and, being crazed by sudden and ill- gotten gains, has forgotten his proper place in life ; of which he must forthwith be reminded through an exercise of political power. The old analogy sug- gested by the Duke of Wellington, as mischievous as it is false, still maintains a strong hold on the legisla- tive mind and belittles a great question. Upon it, however, the whole railroad system of Great Britain was founded. In the first place, the proprietor of the road-bed and the carrier over it were to be different persons. Provision in this respect was 84 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. especially made in all early charters, and it was sup- posed that the power of using the road, which was reserved to all the world on certain fixed terms, would make impossible any monopoly of the business over it. Experience, of course, quickly showed how utterly fallacious this reasoning was. No glimmer of doubt, however, as to the correctness of the analogy drawn from the king's highway suggested itself to the parlia- mentary mind. On the contrary it was only the more tenaciously clung to. Recourse was had to a system of fixed maxima charges, and the old tollboards of the turnpikes were incorporated at enormous length into the new charters as they were granted. One of these, for instance, which went through Parliament in 1844, consisted of three hundred and eighty-one distinct sections, in which, among other things, it was pre- scribed that for the carriage of a " horse, mule, or ass " the company might charge at a rate not to exceed three pence per mile, while for a calf or a pig or " other small animal," the limit was a penny. Nat- urally, this attempt at regulation proved no more effi- cacious than the other ; but it served its turn until yet another theory, that of parallel highways controlled by competing common carriers, was ready to be de- veloped. This was about the year 1840. The chaotic condition of the English railroad legislation had then begun to attract public notice, and this led to a ref- erence of the whole subject to the first of those many special parliamentary committees which have taken it into consideration. Sir Robert Peel was a member THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 85 of this committee, which apparently fell back on the principles of free trade as affording all the regulation of railroads which was needed. It was argued that "an enlightened view of their own interests would always compel managers of rail- roads to have due regard to the general advantage of the public." At the same time, to afford railroad managers a realizing sense of what the principles of free trade were, numerous charters were granted and liberal encouragement given to the construction of competing lines. Then came on the great railroad mania of 1 844, and, as other countries have since done, England awoke one day from dreams of boundless wealth to the reality of general ruin. Free trade in railroads was then pronounced a failure, and in due time another parliamentary committee was appointed, and the whole subject was again taken into considera- tion. Of this committee Mr. Gladstone was the guid- ing spirit. Meanwhile Sir Robert Peel, who was then prime minister, had changed his mind as respects the efficacy of " an enlightened self-interest " stimulated by competition, and had come to the conclusion that railroad competition was an expensive luxury for the people indulging in it, and that there might be some- thing in state management of railroads ; a system which his friend, King Leopold of Belgium, was then developing with much judgment and success. Ac- cordingly Mr. Gladstone's committee made a series of reports which resulted in the passage of a law look- ing to the possible acquisition of the railroads by the 86 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. state at the expiration of twenty-one years from that time. With this measure as the grand result of their labors the committee rested. Not so the railroad system. The twenty-one years elapsed in 1865, and during that time Parliament sat and pondered the ever-increasing complication of the railroad problem with most unsatisfactory results. Competition be- tween railroads through all those years was working itself out into combination ; and, as the companies one after another asked and secured acts of amalga- mation, obstinately refusing to compete, it was clearly perceived that something was wrong. The parlia- mentary mind was sorely troubled ; but no way of deliverance revealed itself. In 1865 a new commis- sion was appointed, which went again over the famil- iar path, this time in the direction of state ownership. The cry now was that the process of amalgamation, or consolidation as we in America term it, had gone so far that the time was close at hand when the rail- roads would manage the state, if the state did not manage the railroads. In truth there was something rather alarming in the speed with which illustrations followed one upon another of the truth of George Stephenson's aphorism, that " Where combination is possible, competition is impossible." The thing, too, was now done upon a scale of magnificence which was not less startling than novel. The world had seen nothing of the kind before, and naturally paused to ask what it all meant and whither it was tending. For instance, one committee pointed out, as an THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 8/ example of what the process might lead to, that a single amalgamation was suggested to it through which a union of 1200 miles of railroad would be ef- fected, bringing under one control 60,000,000 of capital with 4,000,000 of annual revenue, and ren- dering impossible throughout one large district the existence of an independent line of railway. A few years later, when the next committee sat, all this had become an established fact; only the mileage was 1500 instead of 1200, the capital 63,000,000 instead of 60,000,000, and the annual income 7,000,000 instead of 4,000,000. Nevertheless the commission of 1865 followed closely in the steps of its predeces- sors. It dumped upon the tables of Parliament an enormous " blue-book," which left the matter exactly as dark as it was before. Still the amalgamations went on. All England was rapidly and obviously being partitioned out among some half-dozen great corporations, each supreme in its own territory. Then at last, in 1872, a committee on railroad amalgama- tions was appointed, the .Marquis of Salisbury and the Earl of Derby being two of its members, which really gave to the whole subject an intelligent consid- eration. Unlike its predecessors, that committee did not leave the railroad problem where they found it. On the contrary, they advanced it by one entire stage on the road to its solution. In the first place, after taking a vast amount of evidence, they proceeded to review the forty years of experience. The result of that review may be stated in few words. 88 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. They showed with grim precision how, during that period, the English railroad legislation had never ac- complished anything which it sought to bring about, nor prevented anything which it sought to hinder. The cost to the companies of this useless mass of enactments had been enormous, amounting to some ^80,000,000 ; for these were 3,300 in number and filled whole volumes. Then the committee examined in detail the various parliamentary theories which had, at different stages, marked the development of the railroad system. The highway analogy was dis- missed in silence ; but of the " enlightened view of self- interest " theory, it was remarked that experience had shown that as a regulating force this was to be relied upon " only to a limited extent." The principle of competition was next discussed, and the conclusion of the committee was " that competition between railroads exists only to a limited extent, and cannot be maintained by legislation.'' Of the great Gladstone act of 1845, looking to the ultimate purchase of the railroads by the government, it was remarked that " the terms of that act do not appear to be suited to the present condition of railway property, or to be likely to be adopted by Parliament, in case of any in- tention of Parliament at any future time to purchase the railways." Having disposed of this measure, the committee addressed itself to the amalgamation panic, which through so many years had rested like a night- mare on. the slumberous discussions of Parliament. They cited the case of the North- Eastern railway, THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 89 which was composed of thirty-seven once independent lines, several of which had formerly competed with each other. Prior to their consolidation these lines had, generally speaking, charged high rates, and they had been able to pay but small dividends. Now, the North-Eastern was the most complete monopoly in the United Kingdom. From the Tyne to the Humber it held the whole country to itself, and it charged the lowest rates and paid the highest dividends of all the great English companies. It was not vexed by liti- gation, and while numerous complaints were heard from Lancashire and Yorkshire, where railway com- petition existed, no one had appeared before the committee to prefer any complaint against the North- Eastern. In view of such facts as these the commit- tee reported that amalgamation had " not brought with it the evils that were anticipated, but that in any event long and varied experience had fully demon- strated the fact that while Parliament might hinder and thwart, it could not prevent it, and it was equally powerless to lay down any general rules determining its limits or character." The statute-book was full of acts regulating the rates at which the poorer classes should be carried by rail, and these acts at least had always been pointed to as indisputable evidence of the virtue and efficacy of railroad regulation by Par- liament. In their day they had perhaps done good service ; but yet even of these as a whole it was re- ported that " the ill success of this attempt may well justify hesitation in entering upon further general 9O THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. legislation of the same kind." Finally, the commit- tee examined all the various panaceas for railroad abuses which are so regularly each year brought for- ward as novelties in the legislatures of this country. These they passed in merciless review. Equal mileage rates they found inexpedient as well as impossible ; the favorite idea of a revision of rates and fares with a view to establishing a legal tariff sufficient to afford a fair return and no more on the actual cost of the railroads, they pronounced utterly impracticable ; tariffs of maxima charges in- corporated into laws, they truly said had been re- peatedly enacted and as often had failed ; periodical revisions of all rates and fares by government agents they found to be practically impossible, unless some standard of revision which had not yet been suggested could be devised. There is in the French law a pro- vision that whenever the profits of any road shall ex- ceed a certain percentage on its cost, such excess shall be divided between the corporation owning the railway and the government. This plan, also, the committee took into careful consideration, only to conclude that in Great Britain its adoption would be attended with " great if not insuperable difficulties." Finally, the owning of the railroads by the govern- ment was referred to as " a state of things which may possibly arise," but one which the committee was not at all disposed at present to recommend. At first glance, therefore, it seemed as if this com- mittee had arrived at only negative results ; but in THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. gi truth they had reached positive conclusions of the first importance. They had, indeed, clearly stated the problem ; a thing never before done in Great Britain. The natural development of the railroad system as a system was recognized, and the folly of restrictive legislation demonstrated. A new policy was thus established, at the base of which was the principle of private ownership and management, which was to be left to work out its own destiny through that process of combination in which com- peting monopolies always result. The members of the committee saw perfectly clearly where their pro- cess of reasoning would bring them out. It could result only in a tacit assent to the growth of private corporations until they become so great that they must, soon or late, assume relations to the govern- ment corresponding with the public nature of their functions. This was obvious enough. Meanwhile the committee also saw with equal clearness that this was a question of the future, perhaps of the remote future ; a question which certainly had not yet pre- sented itself, and which they had no disposition to precipitate. They accordingly fixed definitely the policy of Great Britain as an expectant one. The railroad system was to be left to develop itself in its own way, as a recognized monopoly, held to a strict public accountability as such. Whenever it should appear that it abused its privileges and power, then the time for action would have arrived. As yet this was not the case in any such degree as called for a 92 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. decisive and far reaching measure of reform. To bet- ter watch over it meanwhile, and to cause its mem- bers to work with less friction among themselves and with a more careful regard to the equal rights of pri- vate persons, an exceptional piece of governmental machinery was provided i'n the form of a board of commissioners. The powers of this tribunal were both judicial and executive in character and very broad. It was its duty not only to hear all complaints of private parties, but to intervene in cases of difficulty which might arise between the companies themselves. The board was in fact designed to insure to the com- munity an easy and equitable interchange of traffic over its railroad lines, as well as to put a stop in so far as might be practicable to that unjust and vexatious system of discrimination which seems to be insepa- rable from all active railroad competition. Through this board the exceptional character of the rail- road system was at last recognized. An attempt was made to deal with the anomaly as an anomaly. Meanwhile the most noticeable feature in the career of the board, which has now been in existence five years, is the very trifling call which seems to have been made upon it. So far as can be judged from its annual reports, the cases which come before it are neither numerous nor of great importance. It would, however, be wholly unsafe to conclude from this fact that such a tribunal is unnecessary. On the con- trary, it may confidently be asserted that no compe- tent board of railroad commissioners, clothed with THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 93 the peculiar powers of the English board, will ever, either there or anywhere else, have many cases to dispose of. The mere fact that the tribunal is there, that a machinery does exist for the prompt and final decision of that class of questions, puts an end to them. They no longer arise. They cease to arise for the simple reason that the railroad corporations in these matters are not like the members of a numerous and complicated business community. The controver- sies among them, which do not involve legal points, are comparatively simple and confined to few persons. These they will in the vast majority of cases settle themselves, if they only know that if they do not so settle them, a public official will. The English board has always been composed of very competent .men. Accordingly the officials of the corporations, knowing quite well in advance what their decisions will be, do not probably care to encounter them. A single test case disposes of innumerable subsequent cases. In Great Britain, therefore, the discussion of the railroad problem may be considered as over for the time being. It is quiescent, not dead. The period of meddlesome and restrictive legislation is passed, and the corporations are now left to work out their own destinies in their own way, just so long as they show a reasonable regard for the requirements and rights of the community. The time may not be remote, when, for instance, all England will be served by three or four gigantic railroad companies, or per- haps by only one ; just as many cities are now fur- 94 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. nished with gas. Nor is this ultimate result any longer viewed with apprehension. The clearer politi- cal observers have come to realize at last that con- centration brings with it an increased sense of responsibility. The larger the railroad corporation, the more cautious is its policy. As a result, there- fore, of forty years of experiment and agitation. Great Britain has on this head come back very nearly to its point of commencement. It has settled down on the doctrine of laissez faire. The river is not to be crossed until it is reached ; and, perhaps, by the time it is reached a practicable method of crossing will have become quite apparent. Turning now from Great Britain to Belgium, an opportunity is offered to observe the practical work- ing of a wholly different policy. The famous Belgian 1 railroad system originated with King Leopold, and bears to this day marks of the creating mind. When the Manchester & Liverpool railway was completed the Belgian revolution had not yet taken place, and Leopold was still a resident of England. His attention was naturally drawn to the possible conse- quences of this new application of steam, and when, a few years later, he was called to the throne of Bel- gium, one of his earliest projects related to the con- struction of railroads in his new dominions. He was strongly persuaded, however, that the English system of private construction was not the correct one. He, as well as the Duke of Wellington, strongly adhered to the analogy of the highway ; but, more logical THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 95 * than the duke, his was the king's highway and not a turnpike. Accordingly he planned a system of rail- way communication in which the roads the steam- highways were to be constructed, owned, and operated by the state. With some difficulty legisla- tive assent to his scheme was obtained, and the earliest lines were undertaken in 1833. The govern- ment then went on year by year developing the system, but failed to keep pace witTi the public demand. Accordingly, in a few years, though not until after the principal and more remunerative routes were occupied, concessions, as they were called, being the equivalent of English charters, were made to private companies, which carried on the work of extension. One peculiar feature in all these concessions had, however, a direct and sagacious though somewhat distant bearing on the fundamental idea of the Bel- gian railroad system, that of ultimate government ownership. They were all made for a term of ninety years, at the expiration of which the railways were to become the property of the state, which was to pay only for their rolling-stock. The right was also reserved to the government of buying back the con- cession at any time, upon assuming payment to the owners for any unexpired balance of the ninety years of a yearly sum equal to the average net receipts during the seven years next preceding the taking. Until their concessions should be thus termi- nated, however, the private companies owned and 96 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. * operated their several roads in much the same way as English or American corporations; although the greatest benefit from their construction resulted to the state lines, which, holding the centre of the country and the main routes of communication, kept the private lines necessarily tributary. In 1850, the government owned about two-thirds of all the railroad mileage then in operation, and pri- vate companies the other one-third. Ten years later the proportion had changed, two-thirds of the system being in the hands of private compa- nies. It so happened, also, that, as the government in making the concessions had followed no plan of districting the country, but had rather adopted a policy of competing lines, these lines competed not only with each other but also with the state lines. From this fact there resulted a condition of affairs which was wholly unanticipated, but which has since constituted the very essence of the Belgian railroad system. For the first and only time in railroad his- tory, a case was presented in which competition did not result in combination. The one system of lines being owned by the state and the other by private companies, no consolidation of the two was practica- ble as against the public ; and accordingly the gov- ernment found itself in a position to regulate the whole system through the ownership of a part of it, and in consequence was able to establish a policy of cheap railroad transportation, under the influence of which the country developed with amazing rapidity. THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 97 The action of the government, however, practi- cally forced the various independent companies to unite among themselves ; until, about the year 1860, they had become consolidated into trunk lines suffi- ciently powerful to compete with the state on equal terms. Under these circumstances, in order to main- tain the principle of its railroad system, the govern- ment was forced into a policy of further development which in 1870 resulted in the acquisition by lease of a whole system of competing lines. Again, in the year 1872, as one of the indirect outcomes of the Franco-German war, the government felt constrained to purchase, from the English company which owned it, the Luxembourg road in order to keep it from falling into German hands. Finally, at the close of the year 1876, the state owned or controlled sixty per cent, of the entire railroad mileage of the country, while the remaining forty per cent, belonged to pri- vate companies. These private companies practically operate their roads with the utmost freedom from governmental interference. They raise and lower their rates at discretion, and no limitation is put on the amount of dividends they may declare. In respect to questions of police and safety only does the gov- ernment formally interfere with them ; and, with the exception of certain guaranteed lines, it has no power even of supervising their accounts, or, indeed;, of compelling them to render any. Of late years, therefore, Belgium has simply pre- sented the spectacle of the state, in the character of 5 90 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. the richest and most powerful railroad company of its system, holding in check and regulating other companies, not greatly inferior to it in power, which compete with it for business and with which it deals on terms of equality. The effect of this on each system of roads has been excellent. At times, when the government has attempted certain great measures of reform or bold experiments in transpor- tation, its course has been vehemently criticised by the private companies, who have complained that their property was being unjustly depreciated by tariff reductions made upon unsound principles, but which, from their position, they were compelled to adopt. This was perfectly true ; but, on the other hand, the government was so largely interested in railroad property that it felt no disposition to persist in any line of experiment which seemed likely to reduce its value permanently ; and in the long run the private companies have found that the experiments of government were far less to be feared than the wild and ruinous fluctuations of railroad competition, as it was carried on in Great Britain. These they were exempt from. The competition they had to meet was decided, but of a wholly different character. It was certain, firm, and equably distributed. Those managing the state roads acted at all times under a heavy sense of responsibility; they did not dare to show preference to persons or localities; they could not do business for anything or nothing one day, and the next combine against the public to make good THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 99 their losses through extortionate charges. In a word, it was found that while the competition between private roads in Great Britain and America disturbed and disorganized railroad traffic, that between public and private roads in Belgium regulated it. The government, meanwhile, in its turn pressed by the competition of the private lines, found itself compelled to work its roads on regular " commercial principles." In order to get business it made special rates, and, if necessary, entered into joint-purse arrangements with its adversaries. It made bold experiments, and through those experiments es- tablished certain principles of transportation now universally recognized. At other times its ex- periments resulted in failure and were abandoned. Yet little doubt can be entertained that it was the constant pressure of competition which kept the state lines up to their work and in the advance of railroad development. The tendency in Belgium now is for the government to absorb all the remain- ing lines. Should this be done, it will then remain to be seen whether by so doing that equilibrium to which the success of the whole system has appar- ently been due will not have been destroyed. Com- petition, certainly, will then no longer exist, and with its disappearance a strong incentive to activity may also disappear. It would of course be most unnatural to suppose that the state roads of Belgium have always given perfect satisfaction to the community. There have, IOO THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. on the contrary, been very grave and distinct com- plaints in regard to their management, but nothing which will compare with those constantly made both in Great Britain and in America. To satisfy every one always is a result not likely to be attained under any system or in any country ; meanwhile, it may with tolerable safety be asserted that the Belgian system is as satisfactory to the people of Belgium as the nature of things human permits that it should be ; certainly the public feeling points very distinctly towards the acquisition of the remaining lines of the system by the government, while the sale of the government lines to private corporations has never been urged by any considerable party. Financially the undertaking has proved a decided success, the government roads netting an annual profit of late years of about six per cent, which is equivalent to at least ten per cent in this country. While in Great Britain, therefore, the railroad problem seems entering upon a period of comparative quiescence, a phase of expectancy, as it were, in Belgium the contrary would seem to be the case. Should the Belgian government now adopt a policy of expansion, and proceed to acquire the remaining lines of the system, it will enter upon the very doubtful experiment of exclusive state manage- ment. The problem will then assume wholly new phases, the development of which will everywhere be watched with deep interest. The railroad system of France was developed on THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. IOI principles wholly different from those adopted in England and Belgium. In that country there was none of the bold English initiative ready to force the experiment along through private enterprise ; nor was there any King Leopold on the throne. There was already an admirable system of highways, and, comparatively speaking no great need was felt of rail- roads. Moreover, in spite of the political changes and the turbulence which have characterized the history of the country, the French mind is essentially conserva- tive ; it looks naturally to the government for an in- itiative, and not only submits to, but craves minute regulation from a central authority. Accordingly, when forty years ago England and America caught eagerly at the idea of railroad development, and rushed into it with all the feverish ardor which ever marks private speculation, France hung back. It was not until 1837, when already what are now the great trunk routes of Great Britain and of America had assumed a definite shape, that the French system began slowly to struggle into life. Even then the first attempts resulted only in failure. The govern- ment, after hesitating long, recoiled from the idea of following the bold example set by Belgium, and decided in favor of a system of concessions to pri- vate companies, instead of construction by the state. These companies were organized at last, and an ap- peal was made to the public. The public, still timid and lacking confidence in itself, failed to respond, and the companies, frightened at the liabilities they 102 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. had incurred, renounced their concessions. Then at last, but not until 1842, the government definitely took the lead. A division of risk was effected. Nine great lines were mapped out, seven of which were in- tended to connect Paris with the departments of the frontier or the sea-board, while two were provincial. As respected some of these the state assumed the expense of acquiring the necessary lands and building the stations, while the companies undertook to furnish the superstructure and material, and to operate the roads ; as respected othe'rs the companies took upon themselves the whole burden. The political disturb- ances of 1848 and the years immediately ensuing greatly retarded French development in railroads, as it did in everything else. It was not until 1859 that the system assumed a definite shape. Then at last, under the inspiration of the imperial government, a new and final arrangement was effected. The exist- ing lines were consolidated, and France was prac- tically partitioned out among six great companies, to each of which a separate territory was allotted. The fundamental distinction between the French and the English and American railroad systems was now brought into sharp prominence. Not only was no provision made for competition, but every precau- tion was taken to prevent it. No company was to trench upon the territory allotted another, and, in consideration of this immunity, each line under- took within its ow-n district a railroad development proportionate to all reasonable demands. Again, THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 103 however, the companies found the burden they had assumed out of proportion to their resources. Once more recourse was had to the state. The neces- sary assistance was forthcoming, but on condition. The lines to be constructed and operated by each company were laid down, and arbitrarily divided into classes, designated as the ancien rdseau and the nou- veau r/seaii, the first of which included the older and more profitable, and the latter the additional routes the construction of which was deemed essential. Upon the securities issued to build these last the government guaranteed a minimum rate of interest, which the companies undertook ultimately to reim- burse. The material of both the ancien and the nou- veau rdseaux was also pledged as security for any advances which the state might be called upon to make. The amount of advances thus made up to the present time somewhat exceeds $60,000,000. The concessions are for ninety-nine years, at the ex- piration of which the roads will revert to the state, which is bound, however, to purchase the rolling- stock at a valuation, after deducting advances made. The right is also reserved to the government of pur- chasing the lines on payment of an annuity for the un- expired portion of the ninety-nine years' concession, calculated on the average profits of the lines during the seven years previous to the act of taking. The French method of operating the railroads is as far removed from the English or American as is the system under which they were constructed. The 104 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. supervision of the government is ubiquitous. Every tariff, every time-table, has to be submitted for ap- proval, and there are public agents at every principal station. The accounts of the companies are subjected to an annual examination, and the most rigid police regulations are enforced. If questions arise between companies, they are settled not by might asserting itself through competition, but by a board of ar- bitration, with an ultimate appeal in matters of graver importance to the Central Railroad Com- mission. Thus it is that, in theory, the railroad system of France is purely and essentially French. The gov- ernment initiated it, supervises it, has a large ulti- mate pecuniary interest in it. At the expiration of sixty years more it may yet be made to pay off the national debt. At present, however, it is accfu- mulating it. The guaranteed interest is a constant burden on the revenue. And it is in this connection that the French railroad problem asserts itself. The essence of the system lies in regulation, as a substi- tute for competition. One railroad war, such as an- nually vexes America, would make the guaranty of the government assume proportions calculated to appal the most daring minister of finance. One can imagine the fury of American railroad struggles if the payment of interest was guaranteed from the public treasury ! Competition, therefore, cannot be tolerated among the railroads of France. The French public, nevertheless, like the English and the THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 10$ American, is constantly demanding more railroads. It asks for them, too, not because they are profitable in themselves, but because of the incidental advan- tages to be derived from them. The great estab- lished companies naturally say that there must b"e some limit to construction. They can ruin neither themselves nor the government by building railroads intended merely to improve the value of adjacent property. To this those demanding the additional roads simply reply that if the great companies will not supply them, they desire the privilege of supply- ing themselves. Yielding to this plausible argument, and to a feel- ing of political necessity, a law of the empire, known as the railroad law of the I2th of July, 1865, under- took to create a third rtseau called the rtseau vicinal. It was a French approach to the American idea of a general railroad law. The departments and com- munes were empowered either to construct certain local railroads themselves, or to grant charters for their construction by others. It was erroneously supposed that these roads would be insignificant affairs, and act as mere feeders to the great compa- nies. The French do not move rapidly in enterprises of this description, but still they move. The door was now open ; competition soon entered through it. At first few local concessions were made, and those in good faith. Then the projects began to flow in, and they rapidly assumed a new phase. The con- tractor, the speculator, and the black-mailer made 106 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. their appearance in rapid succession. Railroads were built to be sold. A new character now suddenly appeared upon the stage in the person of a daring Belgian operator, or railroad king, one Phillipart by name. This man had seen his opportunity some years before in Bel- gium, and by constructing and connecting a number of cheap railroads in that country parallel with the state roads he had succeeded in so embarrassing the operations of the latter, that the government had in 1870 leased his properties on terms very advantageous to him. It in fact bought him out. Transferring himself to Paris he there attempted a similar opera- tion on the French reads under cover of the rfceau vicinal, connecting the disconnected lines into com- peting systems. He wielded an enormous capital and operated on a large scale. For a time he occa- sioned the government and the old established lines much perplexity. Obtaining control of several banks and taking advantage of the mania for railroad con- struction, he developed his plans with great rapidity. In 1870, the local lines constructed under the law of 1865 aggregated but 180 miles.. During the war with Germany the amount did not, of course, increase. Under the stimulus of the Phillipart mania, however, it rapidly assumed new proportions, and in 1875 there were 930 miles of completed local roads, while 1730 more miles were in process of actual construction, and 756 miles authorized. These roads involved an estimated outlay of $130,- . THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 1 07 000,000. The posture of affairs was highly alarming, and the government was being rapidly forced into a very difficult position. The French nation had a large pecuniary interest in the existing railroad sys- tem. It was in fact under the terms of the concessions a vast sinking fund for the future extinction of the national debt. Its value was now seriously menaced by that uncontrolled competition which it had been the whole effort of the French railroad policy to pro- vide against. Yet the hands of the government were tied. It did not dare to run counter to the mania and repeal the law of 1865, for that would have been tantamount to forbidding all future railroad construc- tion. It seemed, indeed, as if the Phillipart scheme must again prove a success, and that the established lines would have to submit to being victimized. The mania, however, did not suffice to overcome the ob- stacles in the great operator's way. The odds against Phillipart were too heavy. He was broken down in his stock speculations by a general combination against him, and failed for an enormous amount early in 1876. With his failure the mania collapsed. The question, however, only assumed a new shape. The local lines were worthless in themselves, but those holding stock in them were not without influence, and they now turned to the government. The ques- tion of the purchase of all the railroads by the state was agitated ; and it was claimed the government should at least complete the unfinished local roads and do something to relieve their owners. The plan 108 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. of purchase by the state encountered, however, much resistance from the existing companies, and the dis- cussion would probably soon have died away, had it not recently been revived through the publication of two reports prepared by the present Minister of Public Works. Here the matter now rests and the course which events will take is not apparent. Mean- while, the whole drift of discussion tends, away from the private ownership of French railroads and reliance on competition among them, towards a closer connec- tion between the railroads and the government. So far as uncontrolled competition is concerned, the result of the Phillipart struggle has, indeed, been decisive. It will hardly again be seriously attempted. On the other hand the vested interests in the estab- lished companies are so powerful that it seems improbable they will be disturbed. The relations between the community in France and its railroad system are moreover reasonably satisfactory, and no strong disposition to force a change is apparent. Though not especially enterprising, the companies are as a rule solvent, impartial and reliable. Indeed those managing them look with simple astonishment on the wild fluctuations in the railroad tariffs in- cident to the American method of operation, and they do not hesitate to say that if any similar out- rages were perpetrated on the French people and business public by them, the question of the state ownership of railroads would immediately assume a new shape. Such proceedings would not be tolerated. THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. lOO, If there is, indeed, an inherent and irresistible . tendency in the railroad systems of all countries to assume closer relations with governmental systems ; if, as so many are inclined to believe, transportation is such an important and complex element in modern life that it must ultimately find its place among the functions of the state, then it is safe to say that in no other country does the railroad problem pre- sent so interesting a phase of present development as in Germany. The inclination of the German mind, especially the North German mind, is bu- reaucratic. It takes naturally and kindly to this method of development. It seems the natural mode in which the political genius of the people works. With us, in America, it is just the oppo- site. The commission is our bureau. We are con- tinually driven to a recourse to it, but we always ac- cept the necessity with reluctance, and the machine withal does not work well. Where it is not corrupt, it is apt to be clumsy. We get from it no such re- sults as are obtained by the Germans. > The reason, if we choose to seek it, is obvious enough. The bureau is a natural outgrowth of the German polity; it is the regular and appropriate form in which that polity effects its work. With us it is a necessity, but none the less an excrescence. Our political system has come in contact, through the complex develop- ment of civilization, with a class of problems in pres- ence of which it has broken down ; such questions as those of police, sanitary regulations, education, in- 110 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. ternal improvements, transportation. At first we always try to deal with these through the machinery of parliamentary government, a sort of sublimated town meeting. The legislative committee is the embryotic American bureau ; as such it serves its purpose for a time, doing its work in an uncouth, lumbering sort of way, and then, its insufficiency be- coming manifest, it makes way for the commission. The American commission is, however, by no means the Prussian bureau. It is at best a very poor sub- stitute for it ; a thing suddenly improvised in place of one gradually developed. When a community is brought face to face with such a problem as the gradual political development, it might almost be said the political evolution, of its railroad system, this distinction becomes important. In the one case the question is approached by a pa- tient, trained professional ; in the other by an eager, ever-confident amateur. If, therefore, the problem of reestablishing the state in new and more effective relations with the agencies of transportation is to be solved in our time, it is pretty safe to predict that the solution will be reached in Germany long before it is in America. Not only do they approach it there in a more practical and scientific spirit, but the ground is better prepared. The material is more ready to the hand. For, almost necessarily, the German railroad system reflects the condition of the German political system. It is a curious complication, very difficult to understand : a mass of raw material, out of which THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. Ill order is to be deduced. Particularism rules supreme ; each petty sovereignty has a policy of its own. Yet cer- tain fundamental principles have asserted themselves everywhere. The system, for instance, was originally established on the principle of concessions to private companies, usually for from thirty to fifty years, and the idea of competition found no place in it. On the contrary, the building of competing lines was ex- pressly forbidden. As the several lines extended themselves, this restriction so impeded their develop- ment that in Prussia a few years ago it was repealed. The results which have just been described in France then ensued. A mania for railroad construction and expansion developed itself. Dr. Strausburg burst upon an astonished world. The usual result followed. A panic and collapse took place, and railroad prop- erty depreciated in value as much in Prussia as re- cently it has in America. But throughout Germany the relations between the state and the railroads have always been very close. Those building the roads under concessions have received liberal aid from government, sometimes in the form of a subsidy, at other times through a guaranty of interest or dividends ; while in yet other cases the state itself has been a large stockholder. The tendency towards a closer connection between the government and the railroads has constantly been ap- parent, and is more pronounced now than ever before. Prussia, always a large, if not the largest, owner and manager of railroads in North Germany, has lately 112 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. purchased new lines; while the government of Bava- ria has at last acquired all the railroads within the limits of that country, and is indeed thus the first considerable government in the world to both own. and work its entire system. Whether actually own- ing and operating the railroads or not, however, the hand of the German governments has ever been pres- ent in their affairs, regulating everything, from the rates on merchandise to the safeguards against acci- dent. Starting from the fundamental German princi- ple that it is not only the right but the duty of the state to interfere in every matter of public interest, it assumed the power as a matter of course, until in practice the will of the minister was able to make it- self felt in every direction. Owing to the lack of cohesion among the politi- cal organizations of the German-speaking race, the necessities of their position long ago caused the rail- roads of central Europe to form a union among them- selves. In this there were included, in 1873, nearly one hundred managements, operating 26,000 miles of track, the governments being represented in the same way as private managements. This union set- tled questions of fares and freights, and made all necessary traffic arrangements. Through it combi- nation was made to take the place of competition, and in case of controversy the roads had recourse to arbitration, directly under the eye of the government and of the public, instead of to wars of rates. Before the battle of Sadowa brought the North German THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 11$ empire into existence, this union was, under the conditions there existing, a necessity. It then became firmly established, and is now recognized as a most useful part of the railroad organization. It introduces into the system uniformity and stability, causing a direct contact with the government. Holding in ownership and themselves operating the whole or a large portion of the railroads within their limits, as so many of the German governments did, it was inevitable that the formation of the Ger- man empire must here also work a new departure. The control of the lines of communication was very essential to the stability of the new imperial system. Provision in this respect was accordingly made in the constitution of the empire, and the policy to be pur- sued under it has since been not the least perplexing of the many perplexing questions which have engaged the attention of Prince Bismarck. At first he seemed to incline towards a scheme of general state owner- ship. All the railroads were by degrees to be pur- chased and absorbed by the imperial government. As a step in this directio'n a commission was ap- pointed which in 1876 made an elaborate report. This was submitted to the Prussian parliament, accompanied by a government project for the trans- fer of the state roads of that country to the empire. After a vigorous debate, in which Bismarck himself took an active part, the measure was passed, though not without considerable opposition. Nothing, how- ever, has been done under it ; on the contrary the 114 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. movement seemed to stop here, and it is generally supposed will not, at any rate for the present, be pressed further. It is further stated that Bismarck after full consideration has come to the conclusion that the correct solution of the problem does not lie in the direction of state ownership. He has com- plained bitterly in the Prussian parliament of repeated conflicts between the imperial government and the managements of the railroads, and not long since proposed to create a special ministry to take charge of the subject so far as Prussia was concerned. This measure was defeated, and led to a change in the cabinet. Meanwhile Baron von Weber, who is the highest German authority on railroad subjects, has recently entered the Prussian service, and is thus in position to affect the course of affairs. He is com- mitted against the project of imperial ownership, and inclines to the adoption of a definite policy very similar to that which has been arrived at in Great Britain. He would leave the system to develop in its own way, and to assume such shape as circum- stances may dictate. Those owning the individual railroads, whether states or companies, should be left to manage them, provided they did so under close governmental supervision. In Germany it should-be understood this means much more than it does in Great Britain, or would in America. Meanwhile the German policy seems to incline towards at least trying the experiment of government control, before having recourse to government ownership. The THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 11$ whole question there, however, is complicated by political and military considerations which do not affect it either in Great Britain or in America. The English, the Belgian, the French, and the German are the four great railroad systems. With many points in common, each has peculiar features deserving of careful study. In their political rela- tions they are divided into two groups by a broad line of demarkation. On the one side of that line are the systems of the English-speaking race, based upon private enterprise and left for their regulation to the principles of laissez faire, the laws of competition, and of supply and demand. On the other side of the line are the systems of continental Europe, in the creation of which the state assumed the initiative, and over which it exercises constant and watchful supervision. In applying results drawn from the experience of one country to problems which present themselves in another, the difference of social and political habit and education should ever be borne in mind. Because in the countries of continental Eu- rope the state can and does hold close relations, amounting even to ownership, with the railroads, it does not follow that the same course could be suc- cessfully pursued in England or in America. The former nations are by political habit administrative, the latter are parliamentary ; in other words, France and Germany are essentially executive in their gov- ernmental systems, while England and America are legislative. Now the executive may design, construct, Il6 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. or operate a railroad ; the legislative never can. A country, therefore, with a weak or unstable execu- tive, or a crude and imperfect civil service, should accept with caution results achieved under a govern- ment of bureaus. Nevertheless, though conclusions cannot be adopted in the gross, there may be in them much good food for reflection. The railroad system of the United States, with all its excellences and all its defects, is thoroughly characteristic of the American people. It grew up untrammelled by any theory as to how it ought to grow ; and developed with mushroom rapidity, with- out reference to government or political systems. In this country alone were the principles of free trade unreservedly and fearlessly applied to it. The result has certainly been wonderful, if not in all respects satisfactory. Why it has not been wholly satisfac- tory remains to be explained. Looked upon as a whole, the American railroad system may now be said to have passed, wholly or in part, through three distinct phases of growth the limits of which are merged in each other, though their order of succession is sufficiently clear. First was the period of construction, beginning with the year 1830 and closing with the completion of the Pacific railroad in 1869; merged wfth this period and following upon it, was that of active competition, which reached its fullest development in 1876 ; this naturally was followed by the period of combination, THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 1 1/ which first assumed a large and definite, shape in 1873, and has since that gradually but surely been working itself out into something both definite and practical. To one now looking back and reviewing the whole course of events, cause and effect become apparent. Things could not have taken any course other than that which they did take, the logic has been inexorable. The whole theory under which the railroad system was left to develop itself was founded on a theoretical error ; and it was none the less an error because, even if it had been recognized as such, it could not have been remedied. That error lay in the supposition, then universally accepted as an axiom, that in all matters of trade, competition, if al- lowed perfectly free play, could be relied upon to protect the community from abuses. The efficacy of railroad competition, expressing itself in the form of general laws authorizing the freest possible railroad construction everywhere and by any one, at an early day became almost a cardinal principle of American faith. The people of the country in their political ca- pacity had faith in it. Indeed, not to have had faith in it at that time would have seemed almost to imply a doubt of the very principles upon which the gov- ernment was established. The whole political ex- periment in America was based upon the theory that the government should have the least possible con- nection with all industrial undertakings, that these undertakings had been regulated in other countries ' Il8 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. far too much, and that now, in the New World, it was to be proved that they would regulate themselves best when most left alone. The exceptions to this rule had yet to develop themselves. Forty years ago they had not begun, or had hardly begun, to develop themselves at all. If the people, and through the people the government, had faith in competition, the private individuals who constructed the railroads seemed to have no fear of it. They built roads everywhere, apparently in perfect confidence that the country would so develop as to support all the roads that could be built. Consequently railroads sprang up as if by magic, and after they were constructed, as it was impossible to remove them from places where they were not wanted to places where they were wanted, they lived upon the land where they could, and, when the business of the land would not support them, they fought and ruined each other. The country was of immense extent, and its development under the stimulus of the new power was unprecedentedly rapid. At first, and during the lives of more than one generation, it really seemed as if the community had not relied upon this funda- mental law of competition without cause. Never- theless, there never was a time, since the first rail- road was built, when he who sought to look for them could not find in almost any direction significant in- dications of the violation of a natural law. Local in- equalities always existed, and the whole system was built up upon the principle of developing competing THE RAILROAD PBOBLEM. 1 1 9 points at the expense of all others. There were cer- tain localities in the country known as railroad cen- tres ; and these railroad centres were stimulated into an undue growth from the fact that competition was limited to them. The principles of free trade did not have full play ; they were confined to favored locali- ties. Hence resulted two things: in the first place the community suffered ; then the railroads. Under the hard stress of local and through competition the most glaring inequalities were developed. The work of the railroad centres was done at a nominal profit, while the corporations recompensed themselves by extorting from other points where competition did not have to be met, the highest profit which business could be made to pay. It thus gradually became apparent, although men were very slow to take in the fact, that immense and invaluable as were the results in many respects secured through unlimited railroad competition, yet so far as the essential matter of securing to all reasonable and equal rates of pay- ment for similar services performed was involved, it did not produce the effect confidently expected of it. On the contrary, it led directly to systematic dis- criminations and wild fluctuations, and the more ac- tive the competition was, the more oppressive the discriminations became and the less possible was it to estimate the fluctuations. In other words, while the result of other and ordinary competition was to reduce and equalize prices, that of railroad competi- tion was to produce local inequalities and to arbi- 120 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. trarily raise and depress prices. The teachings of po- litical economy were at fault. The variation was so great that it was evident some important factor in the problem had been overlooked. Though in the case of the railroad system the disturbance produced by this false application of a correct principle was far more sensibly felt in Amer- ica than in any other country, yet the reason of the difficulty was thought out elsewhere. Much has been heard within the last few years of a newly developed school of political and economic thinkers which is making itself felt in Germany, and the tendency of which is supposed to be reactionary against English free trade and laissez faire. These German thinkers have been laid hold of in this country by the protec- tionists, and claimed by them as allies. In truth they are nothing of the sort. They are free traders themselves, but they declare that the principles of free trade also are not of unlimited application ; that, on the contrary, experience, and especially the expe- rience of the last few years, has definitely shown that, in the complex development of modern life func- tions are more and more developed which, in their operation, are not subject to the laws of competition or the principles of free trade, and which indeed are reduced to utter confusion within and without if abandoned to the working of those laws. The more thorough ascertainment of these limitations on prin- ciples generally correct is one of the important stud- ies of the day. Thirty years ago they were not THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 121 understood at all ; they are now understood only in part. John Stuart Mill had a clear though limited perception of them ; and how limited his perception was will be realized from the fact that of the twelve hundred pages of his work on political economy he devotes just four pages to this subject. Yet to-day these limitations are asserting themselves in a way which cannot be ignored. The traditions of political economy, therefore, to the contrary notwithstanding, there are functions of modern life, the number of which is also continually increasing, which necessarily partake in their essence of the character of monopolies. The supplying rail- road and telegraph facilities presents examples of these on the large scale, as the supplying cities and large towns with water and gas presents examples of them on a smaller scale. All of these, and others which could be named, partake of the character of monopolies as a fundamental condition of their de- velopment. Now it is found that, wherever this characteristic exists, the effect of competition is not to regulate cost or equalize production, but under a greater or less degree of friction to bring about com- bination and a closer monopoly. The law is invaria- ble. It knows no exceptions. The process through which it works itself out may be long, but it is sure. When the number of those performing any industrial work in the system of modern life is necessarily limited to a few, the more powerful of those few will inevitably absorb into themselves the less powerful. ' 6 122 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. > The difficulty of the process is a mere question of degree ; its duration is a mere question of time. In America a great many agents, though by no means an unlimited number, are employed in the work of railroad transportation, hence the monopoly is looser and the struggle between the monopolists is fiercer than it is in many other countries ; hence, also, the process of bringing about a thorough combination is rendered more difficult and requires more time. None the less it goes on. Where the extent of country to be occupied was so vast and the necessity for some means of trans- portation so great, it naturally took a number of years for a theoretical error at the bottom of a sys- tem to work its way to the top. For a long time all went apparently well. The people of the country saw only the manifold advantages which flowed from a railroad construction which was stimulated by every inducement which could be held out to avarice. Thousands of miles were built each year, the interior was opened to the seaboard with an energy which out- did expectation, new appliances, whether of speed, of safety or of economy were introduced as fast as ingenuity could invent them, rates of fare and of freight between distant points became lower and lower, until what seemed reasonable yesterday was looked upon as exorbitant to-day, and altogether the development was so surprising that it could not but excite sensations of wonder and gratitude which for the moment alone found expression. This state THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 12$ of things could not be permanent. The mania for railroad construction which began in 1866, and cul- minated in the crash of 1873, brought matters to a crisis. As lines multiplied, the competition increased. The railroads had been built much too rapidly and the business of the country could not support them. Those immediately in charge were under a constant and severe pressure to earn money ; and they earned it wherever and however they could. They stopped at nothing. Between those years it is safe to say that the idea of any duty which a railroad corporation owed to the public was wholly lost sight of. In the eyes of those managing them the railroads were mere private money-making enterprises. They acted accordingly. If they were forced to compete, they competed sav- agely and without regard to consequences ; where they were free from competition, they exacted the uttermost farthing. There naturally ensued a system of sudden fluctuations and inequitable local discrimi- nations which has scarcely ever been equalled and which was well-nigh intolerable. At one point sev- eral roads would converge, and the business or travel to and from that point would be furiously fought over until rates became almost literally nominal; mean- while those engaged in business or living at other points but a few miles away would be charged every penny that they could be made to pay without be- ing driven off the railroad and back to the highway. Where goods starting from the same point were to be delivered at different stations on the line of the 124 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. same road, those forwarding them discovered to their cost that the tariff resembled nothing so much as an undulating line, for a distance of twenty miles, more would have to be paid than for a distance of forty miles. Those living between competing points were rigidly excluded from the benefits of competition. To such an outrageous extent was this carried, that it be- came the common practice where an entire car-load of merchandise, destined to some way station on the line of a railroad, was paid through to a competing point far beyond on that line, to make a large extra charge for not hauling it to that point, but dropping it at its ultimate destination in the first place. It was exactly as if a traveller was to buy a through ticket from Al- bany to Buffalo, and the railroad company were to insist not only on taking up his ticket but on charg- ing him a dollar extra if he left the train at Syracuse. Remonstrances against this absurd anomaly were treated by the officials of the railroad companies as if they were too unreasonable for a patient hearing. This was much more the case in the West than at the East, but even in Massachusetts when the state rail- road commissioners on one occasion urged upon a corporation the injustice of charging some twenty dollars extra on each car-load of wheat which had been paid for on a through bill of lading to the fur- ther end of its line if they left it at its point of desti- nation one hundred miles short of that end, thus making a charge of twenty dollars for not hauling the loaded car one hundred miles, in this case their THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 12$ representations were met with the counter proposal that, if the consignee preferred, the company would haul his goods by his door to the point to which they were billed, and then back, charging both ways. He might pay the through rate forward and the local rate back, or submit to the extra charge, just as he chose. Besides all this, however, competition led to favoritism of the grossest character, men or business firms whose shipments by rail were large could com- mand their own terms, as compared with those whose shipments were small. The most irritating as well as wrongful inequalities were thus made common all over the land. Every local settlement and every secluded farmer saw other settlements and other farmers more fortunately placed, whose consequent prosperity seemed to make their own ruin a question of time. Place to place, or man to man, they might compete ; but where the weight of the railroad was flung into one scale, it was strange indeed if the other did not kick the beam. Of course, even under the most favorable circum- stances, it was wholly unlikely that such a condition of affairs should long continue. The fact that these abuses were the simple and inevitable outcome of a public policy in regard to railroads which had from the beginning been jealously adhered to was of no consequence. People felt and did not reason. Competition made the price of flour and cloth and shoes equal and reasonable : why should it make fares and freights unequal and unreasonable? Few in- 126 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. deed were they who could be made to see that the true cause of complaint was with an economical the- ory misapplied, not with those who with only too much energy had carried out the misappled theory to its final logical conclusions. Yet a cause of complaint did exist, and to a degree which made a popular ex- plosion inevitable. In the case of the railroad corpo- rations, moreover, the prejudice was aggravated by well authenticated rumors of the gross financial scandals which disgraced their management. The system was, indeed, fairly honeycombed with job- bery and corruption. They began high up in the wretched machinery of the construction company, with all its thimble-rig contrivances to effect the unseen transfer of assets from the treasury of the corporation to the pockets of its directors. Thence they spread downward through the whole system of supplies and contracts and rolling-stock companies, until it might not unfairly be said that everything had its price. The natural results followed. In 1879 a popular agitation broke out which for the time being threat- ened to sweep down not only all legal barriers but every consideration of self-interest ; and, at the same time, the corporations driven to the verge of bank- ruptcy, if not fairly over it. by the joint effects of cor- ruption and competition, turned their thoughts on the single chance of escape which combination among themselves held out. In 1873 the Grangers were electing Judges in Illinois; and in 1874 the railroad THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. I2/ magnates were discussing the details of a grand com- bination at Saratoga. Of the Granger episode little now needs to be said. That it did not originate without cause has already been pointed out. It is quite safe to go further and to say that the movement was a neces- sary one, and through its results has made a solu- tion of the railroad problem possible in this country. At the time that movement took shape the railroad corporations were in fact rapidly assuming a position which could not be tolerated. Corporations, own- ing and operating the highways of commerce, they claimed for themselves a species of immunity from the control of the law-making power. When laws were passed with a view to their regulation, they received them in a way which was at once arrogant and singularly injudicious. The officers entrusted with the execution of those laws they contemptu- ously ignored. Sheltering themselves behind the Dartmouth College decision, they practically under- took to set even public opinion at defiance. Indeed there can be no doubt that those representing these corporations had at this juncture not only become fully educated up to the idea that the gross inequali- ties and ruinous discriminations to which in their busi- ness they were accustomed were necessary incidents to it, which afforded no just ground of complaint to any one ; but they also thought that any attempt to rectify them through legislation was a gross outrage on the elementary principles both of common sense 128 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. and of constitutional law. In other words, they had thoroughly got it into their heads that they as com- mon carriers were in no way bound to afford equal facilities to all, and, indeed, that it was in the last degree absurd and unreasonable to expect them to do so. The Granger method was probably as good a method of approaching men in this frame of mind as could have been devised. They were not open to reason, from the simple fact that their ideas of what in their position was right or wrong, reasonable or unreasonable, were wholly perverted. They were part of a system founded on error ; and that error they had all their lives been accustomed to look upon as truth. The Granger violence was, therefore, need- ful to clear the ground. This it did ; and it did it in a w*ay far from creditable to those who called them- selves Grangers. Indeed, the extravagant utterances of that time would even now seem incredible were they not mat- ter of record. For instance, the following is one of a long series of resolutions adopted at a general convention of the Granges held at Springfield, 111., on the 2d of April, 1873 : Second. The railways of the world, except in those countries where they have been held under the strict regulation and super- vision of the government, have proved themselves of as arbitrary extortion and opposed to free institutions and free commerce between the states as the feudal barons of the Middle Ages. This comparison between the modern railroad corporations and the feudal barons, in spite of its THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. grotesque absurdity, was very popular among the Granger rhetoricians. It made its appearance with great regularity in nearly all their more labored and ornate productions. In June, 1873, for example, numerous county gatherings put forth a declaration of farmers' grievances and principles, in which oc- curred this passage : " The history of the present railway monopoly is a history of repeated injuries and oppressions, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the people of these States unequalled in any monarchy of the Old World, and having its only parallel in the history of the mediaeval ages, when the strong hand was the only law, and the highways of commerce were taxed by the feudal barons, who, from their strongholds, surrounded by their armies of vassals, could lay such tribute upon the traveller as their own wills alone should dictate." As usual, these wild utterances in due time re- sulted in the enactment of yet wilder laws. Laws were demanded which should regulate the profits, the methods of operation, and the political relations of the railroads ; the corporations were to be made to realize, as the phrase went, that " thecreated was not greater than the creator;" that the railroads were the servants of the people and not their masters. Here then ought to have been met a complete and logical abandonment of the whole theory of regula- tion by natural law, under which the railroad sys- tem had been organized and had grown up. If that theory was worth anything at all, the remedy for the ills under which the community was suffering would 130 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. at once come into play. The railroads were not monopolies. There was nothing to prevent the or- ganization of new companies to construct parallel and competing lines of road. Here was the remedy through competition : and the mere statement of it revealed its utter absurdity. Nevertheless the idea that from the very necessity of the case uncontrolled railroad competition led directly to and was insepar- able from railroad discriminations and local inequali- ties obtained no lodgment. The fact that the railroad companies did not com- pete with each other -regularly and equally and mod- erately at all times and at all places was patent. The reason why they did not do so was not at once appa- rent, and the result itself, therefore, by a sort of gen- eral consent, was set down as one more manifestation of that innate perversity common to all monopolists. Meanwhile not the slightest degree of distrust was felt of the competitive principle under the conditions in which it was now sought to be applied. That, throughout the discussion, was accepted as axiom- atic a nostrum at once universal and infallible. The abandonment of competition between rail- roads consequently found no place in the philosophy of Granger legislation. It was, on the contrary, tena- ciously clung to, and new laws were passed to render more illegal than ever any combination between com- peting lines. The remedy, from the Granger point of view, was obvious. As the trouble was due to hu- man perversity, and not to any defect in principle, THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 131 nothing was needed to make things right but more of the same remedy, liberally supplemented by penal legislation. If the Sangrado treatment did not work a cure, the blood-letting must go on, but the alguazil should replace the warm water. Meanwhile the Granger legislation, crude as it was and utterly as it lacked insight, did produce results. That it did so was due wholly to the fact that the states which enacted the Granger laws went further, and incorporated into them a special execu- tory force. To a certain extent, therefore, the state governments assumed the management of the rail- roads. In so far as they did this, the Granger legis- lation was logical and consequently effective. Gov- ernment regulation is a practical substitute for com- petition. Apart from this, it was in no respect a success. If experience has proved anything conclu- sively, it has certainly proved that mere abstract laws aimed at the inequalities which arise out of railroad competition are of no avail. Whether placed on the statute books as laws generally applicable, or incor- porated at length into special charters, the result has been the same. The precedents are innumerable, and the Granger experiments did but add to their number. The ingenuity of lawyers, working on the intricacies of a most complicated system, has never failed to make a broad path through the meshes of merely declaratory statutes. The Granger legisla- tures, though with great reluctance, recognized this fact. Boards of commissioners were accordingly pro- 132 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. vided, and to them was entrusted a general supervis- ion over the railroads and the duty of making the new legislation effective. The organization and ex- perience of these commissions is, from the govern- mental point of view, the most important and in- structive phase in the development of the railroad problem during the last few years. It has already been pointed out that the inclina- tion of the American mind is not bureaucratic. Recourse is had in this country to commissions, as our bureaus are called, with great reluctance. Ex- perience, it must also be admitted, fully justifies this feeling of distrust ; as a rule they do not work well. Not only do they develop in too many cases a sin- gular aptitude for all jobbery, but, even when hon- estly composed, they rarely accomplish much. Once created, also, they can never be gotten rid of. They ever after remain part of the machinery of government, drawing salaries and apparently making work for themselves to do. The reason is obvious. In America there are not many specialists, nor have the American people any great degree of faith in them. The principle that all men are created equal before the law has been stripped of its limitations, until in the popular mind it has become a sort of cardinal article of political faith that all men are equal for all purposes. Accordingly, in making up commissions to deal with the most complicated issues arising out of our modern social and industrial organization, those in authority are very apt to conclude that one THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 133 man can do the work about as well as another. The result is what might naturally be expected ; and the system is made responsible for it. All this received pointed illustration in the case of the Granger com- missions. In the first place the country did not contain any trained body of men competent to do the work. They had got to be found and then edu- cated. In the next place the work was one of great difficulty and extreme delicacy. The commissioners were to represent the government in a momentous struggle with the most compact and formidable interest in the country. They were to be pitted against the ablest men the community could supply, thoroughly acquainted with their business and with unlimited resources at their disposal. Finally the test of success was -to be that, under these circum- stances and in the face of these difficulties, the com- missioners should develop the crude original laws placed in their hands into a rational and effective system. It was from the beginning, therefore, obvious that no high standard of success could reasonably be hoped for from the Granger commissions. They were far too heavily handicapped. In the first place the executives of the states in selecting their mem- bers not infrequently seemed to regard any antece- dent familiarity with the railroad system as a total disqualification. So afraid were they of a bias, that they sought out men whose minds were a blank. Farmers, land-surveyors, men of business and poli- 134 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. ticians were selected. There were, of course, excep- tions to this remark, and some very competent men were appointed who did excellent work so long as they remained in office. But a long continuance in office was again looked upon as undesirable, and these men were either speedily removed to make way for incompetents, or they voluntarily passed into the employ of the railroad corporations before they had fairly mastered the situation.* Above and beyond' all this, however, these commissions began their work in a false position, and they never extri- cated themselves from it. They were not judicial tribunals. They ever reflected the angry complex- ion of the movement out of which they had originat- * There could not be a better illustration of the shifting charac- ter of these boards under the system in. use in the states of the West than has been fuinished in the case of that of Illinois. It consists of three members. The original appointments were made July 1st, 1871. These commissioners went out of office and an entirely new set were appointed on March I3th, 1873. The chairman of the new board died in the succeeding November, and a successor was ap- pointed. These commissioners held office until February 2ist, 1877, when they all retired, and were succeeded by the present board. Three complete changes in less than six years, with one additional vacancy occasioned by death. Under these circumstances a remark in its last report that " the Commission, ever since the time of its organization, has labored under embarrassments which have deprived it of the ability to be as useful to the people " as it might have been, seems in no way unreasonable. But who is responsible ? Certainly not the commissioners, who by no possible exertion of their own dur- ing their brief tenure of office could have qualified themselves to perform its duties. The railroad corporations manage things differ ently. THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 135 ed. They were where they were, not to study a dif- ficult problem and to guide their steps by the light of investigation. Nothing of this sort was, as a rule, expected of them. On the contrary they were there to prosecute. The test of their performance of duty was to be sought in the degree of hostility they manifested to the railroad corporations. In a word they represented force. That under these circumstances they succeeded at all is the true cause of astonishment ; not that they succeeded but partially. That they did suc- ceed was due solely to the incorrigible folly and pas- sionate love of fighting which seems inherent in the trained American railroad official. Placed as they were, entirely unfamiliar with the difficult questions they were compelled to confront, lacking confidence in themselves and very much afraid of their oppo- nents, had those opponents seen fit to be even mod- erately civil and deferential to them, the position of the commissioners would have been rendered ex- tremely difficult. Had the representatives of the railroad corporations, with their vast resources and intimate acquaintance with the subject, been wise enough to take the initiative and meet the commis- sioners half way, it would have been strange indeed if they had not succeeded in impressing upon them a sense of the difficulty of their task, and so mate- rially affected their action. Instead of this they simply ignored them. For instance, when the newly organized California board requested one corporation 136 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. to forward the passes which would enable the com- missioners to go over its road, the passes came accom- panied by a denial of the " validity of the law," and a statement that they were sent " not in obedience to said Act, but merely as an act of courtesy to the members of the Board and their Secretary." Even in Massachusetts, the mere suggestion of the com- missioners in 1871 to the railroad corporations that they should carefully revise their tariffs, was met by one General Manager with the astounding reply that " he had not supposed, and did not now suppose that the Commission intends to seriously attempt advising the trained and experienced managers of roads in this Commonwealth upon the details of their duty." In the West, during the years 1872-3, if a railroad official was asked what course the compa- nies proposed to pursue in regard to the new legis- lation, the usual answer was that they did not pro- pose to pay any attention whatever to it. Imagine the English corporations thus coolly setting Parlia- ment at defiance ! Naturally this impolitic course not only incensed the commissioners, but, what was of far more consequence, it strengthened their hands. The popular feeling, strong enough before, was inten- sified. The agitation was thus kept alive until the decision of the courts of last resort was obtained, which fortunately placed the railroads completely at the mercy of the legislatures. Nothing short of this would apparently have sufficed to force them out of their attitude of stupid, fighting defiance. This re THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 137 suit, however, once arrived at, they immediately recovered their senses, and with them their strength. They became at once compliant and formidable. Their knowledge, their skill, their money and their influence began to tell. Driven by brute force out of the utterly untenable position in which they had sought to entrench themselves, the moment they reconciled themselves to the use of the weapons of protection customary in civilized communities mat- ters began sensibly to improve. Not that the prob- lem was touched, for discrimination and inequality, competitive business and local combinations, still remained inherent in the system. An obligation to the public was, however, recognized. It was no long- er claimed that railroads were mere private business enterprises, and the abuses incident to their compe- tition among themselves were at least softened down by the absence of that old arbitrary spirit which had so aggravated hardships. The laws were sufficiently complied with to remove the more flagrant causes of complaint, and the practical results thus secured through the Granger agitation were far more con- siderable than has been generally supposed. Fortunately, while in the more western states of the Union years were being wasted in a mere pre- liminary struggle, the question in another part of the country had from the beginning taken a different shape, and one far more promising of results. Owing to other conditions of railroad ownership and a more composed state of the public mind, the East afforded 138 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. a better field for profitable discussion than the West. Various state railroad commissions already existed in that section, but in 1869 one was organized in Massachusetts on a somewhat novel principle, and a principle in curious contrast with that which has just been described as subsequently adopted in the West. In the West the fundamental idea behind every railroad act was force ; the commission repre- sented the constable. In the Massachusetts act the fundamental idea was publicity ; the commission represented public opinion. The law creating the board and defining its field of action was clumsily drawn, and throughout it there was apparent a spirit of distrust in its purpose. In theory an experiment, in reality it was a makeshift. The powers conferred on the commissioners hardly deserved the name ; and such as they were, they were carefully hedged about with limitations against their abuse. Accordingly when the commissioners entered upon their duties they were at first inclined to think that they could hardly save themselves from falling into contempt from mere lack of ability to ^compel respect for their decisions. In fact, how- ever, the law could not have been improved. Had it not been a flagrant legislative guess, it would have been an inspiration. The only appeal provided was to publicity. The board of commissioners was setup as a sort of lens by means of which the otherwise scat- tered rays of public opinion could be concentrated to a focus and brought to bear upon a given point. THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 139 The commissioners had to listen, and they might in- vestigate and report ; they could do little more. Accordingly they were compelled to study their subject, and with each question which came before them they had to stand or fall on the reasons they presented for their conclusions. They could not take refuge in silence. Whenever they attempted to do so they speedily found themselves in trouble. They had, as each case came up, to argue the side of the corporations or of the public, as the case might be ; but always to argue it openly, and in a way which showed that they understood the subject and were at least honest in their convictions. Placed from the beginning in this position, the -board was singularly fortunate in the permanence with which its members were continued in office. But two individual changes were made in it during nine years, and it has undergone no change during the last six. Accordingly it had a chance to outlive its inex- perience and profit by its own blunders, which natu- rally were at first neither trifling nor infrequent. The result was necessarily as different from that reached at the West, as were the conditions under which it was reached. The board, in the first place, became of necessity a judicial in place of a prosecut- ing tribunal. It naturally had often to render decis- ions upon matters of complaint which came under its cognizance in favor of the railroad corporations ; whether it decided in their favor or against them, however, its decisions carried no weight other than I4O THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. that derived from the reasons given for them. The commissioners were consequently under the necessity of cultivating friendly relations with the railroad of- ficials, and had to inspire them, if they could, with a confidence in their knowledge and fairness. Without that they could not hope to sustain themselves. On the other hand, their failure was imminent unless they so bore themselves as to satisfy the public that they were absolutely independent of corporate influ- ence, and could always be relied upon to fearlessly investigate and impartially decide. Undesignedly the Massachusetts legislators had rested their law on the one great social feature which distinguishes modern civilization from any other of which we have a record, the eventual suprem- acy of an enlightened public opinion. The line of policy thus happily initiated was carefully pur- sued. New and wider powers were, year by year, conferred upon the board, but always in the same direction, powers to investigate and report. The commissioners meanwhile were not slow to realize the advantage of their position, and have repeatedly put themselves on record as desiring no more arbi- trary powers, as feeling themselves indeed stronger without them. In 1876, this policy reached its final result, as the legislature then placed the entire sys- tem of accounts kept by the corporations under the direct supervision of the board. Its power in this respect was unlimi^d. Not only was it authorized to prescribe a uniform system upon which those THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 14! accounts should be kept, but they were also to be kept under the immediate and constant supervision of its officers, and on proper application the books were to be publicly investigated. In view of the notorious scandals which have made " railroad financiering " a by-word for whatever is financially loose, corrupt and dishonest, the scope and signifi- cance of this measure does not need to be dwelt upon. It went to the root of the matter. It opened to light all the dark places. In France only, it is believed, had a similar power been asserted ; but there, its exercise was based on the large pecuniary interest the government had in the railroad proper- ties. It was a partner, and as such concerned in all their transactions. In Massachusetts a different ground was taken. The indisputable fact was rec- ognized that those corporations are so large and so far removed from the owners of their securities, and the community is so deeply concerned in their doings and condition, that the law-making power both has a right and is in duty bound to insist on that publicity as respects their affairs without which abuses cannot be guarded against. No where has the soundness of this doctrine received such copious illustration as in America during the last few years. Singularly enough also, this act was passed not only without opposition from the railroad companies as a body, but with the active assent of many of them. When it took effect the corporations were sum- moned together by the commissioners and invited 142 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. to assist, through a committee of their accountants, in preparing a uniform system of accounts. They did so ; and the system thus prepared by them, after being approved by the board, was put in operation. The accounts of all the Massachusetts roads have since been kept in practical accordance with it. This measure carried the Massachusetts method of dealing with the railroad question to its ultimate point of development under a state government. No greater degree of publicity was possible. The system was perfectly simple, but none the less logi- cal and practical. It amounted to little more than the establishment of a permanent board of arbitra- tion, acting without any of the formality, expense and delay of courts of law. On each question which came before it, whether brought to its notice by means of a postal card or through the action of a city government, this board was to make an inves- tigation. If wrongs and grievances were made to appear, and no measure of redress could be secured, the appeal was to the courts or the legislature, the board still being the motive force. Thus on all questions, not strictly legal, arising out of the rela- tions of the railroad corporations, whether among themselves, with the community as a whole or with individuals, a body of experts, supposed to be skilled, was provided, who were clothed with full inquisitorial powers and whose duty it was, whether moved thereto by facts within their own knowledge or brought to their knowledge through the interven- THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 143 tion of others, to investigate the doings or condition of the corporations, and to lay the resulting facts in detail before the public. Without remedial or cor- rective power themselves, behind them stood the legislature and the judiciary ready to be brought into play should any corporation evince an unrea- sonable spirit of persistence, when once clearly shown to be in the wrong. The policy thus described would seem to have worked sufficiently well in Massachusetts. The com- mission has certainly succeeded in sustaining itself, for, while at every session the legislature has conferred upon it new powers, always in the same direction, the railroad corporations have never appeared in opposition to it as a body. The particular measures recommended by it have not, of course, always been looked upon with favor by the corporations, nor adopted by the legislature. This also has been fortunate, as the opposition and con- sequent delays thus encountered have given the commissioners time to reconsider many of the con- clusions which they had reached and, if need be, to revise them. This they have frequently done. That a commission organized on a like basis in any of the western states between the years 1870 and 1875, could have accomplished the work there to be done is, to say the least, improbable. It could have com- manded the confidence of neither side, and would have been listened to by neither. The issue then and there presented had to be fought out with other 144 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. weapons than written reports. Now that it has been fought out and decided, the question presents itself in a different aspect. But it has been denied that a similar policy would, even under the conditions which now exist, succeed in the more western states, on the ground that the railroad corporations of that section are not so sensitive to the public opinion about them as those of Massachusetts. They are not owned in the West, and the absentee owner is currently supposed to care nothing for the West, its interests, feelings or sentiments. As to the local management, that is in the hands of salaried subordinates who are neither expected nor disposed to serve two masters. Every one at all acquainted with the real facts in the case knows perfectly well to how little weight this line of reasoning is entitled. The conditions stated are, on the contrary, exactly those in which such a machinery as that in use in Massachusetts would be peculiarly useful and effective. So far from being insensible to public opinion in the West, the eastern owner of western railroad securities is in fact peculiarly sensitive to it. The rule that the remote and unknown is always formidable applies in his case as well as in most others, and heretofore it has been by no means one of the least difficulties of the western railroad situation that no machinery has ex- isted through which the voice of complaint could be carried over the head of the local manager directly home to the foreign proprietor. It is rarely indeed that satisfactory results are brought about through THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 145 any dealings with subordinates. Nor is this remark true of railroads alone. Where any good cause of complaint exists, the local managers are usually more or less responsible for it. Men of routine, they as a rule can see only their own side of any question ; above all, they rarely know when to yield, and are apt to resent interference as if it were an insult. The true way would be to go unceremoniously over them. The owner is the man. In the case of the western railroads, however, the foreign owner has naturally looked upon the Granger commissioner as the willing agent of demagogues and communists, their mere attorney, bound to prosecute and annoy, right or wrong ; on the other hand, the commissioner has not hesitated to give his opinion of the foreign owner as a " robber baron," a "bloated bondholder" and " a money shark." To one who has had an op- portunity to look behind the scenes on either side a wilder case of mutual misapprehension could not well have been imagined. A great advance towards a better condition of affairs in this respect has, how- ever, been secured during the last year, through the action of the Iowa legislature in repealing the so- called " Potter " law, and substituting for it a com- mission practically organized on the Massachusetts plan. It will only remain for those who compose that commission to fairly try the effect of intelligent public discussion as a substitute for ignorant force. That the experiment should now be tried by them, and made to succeed, is of the utmost importance ; 7 146 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. for if it does succeed the whole movement in the West will be advanced by one entire stage. The decision of' the Supreme Court in the Granger cases having finally settled the legal relations of the par- ties, the discussions before this board and its conse- quent action may gradually establish them on a friendly and intelligible basis. No comprehensive solution of the American rail- road problem need, however, now or at any time, be anticipated from action of the government. The statesman, no matter how sagacious he may be, can but build with the materials he finds ready for his hand. He cannot call things into existence nor, in- deed, can he even greatly hasten their growth. If he is to succeed, he must have the conditions necessary to success. So far as the railroad system of this coun- try is concerned in its relations to the government, everything is as yet clearly in the formative condi- tion. Nothing is ripe. That system is now, with far greater force and activity than ever before, itself shaping all the social, political and economical con- ditions which surround it. The final result is proba- bly yet quite remote, and will be reached only by degrees. When it comes, also, it will assuredly work itself out ; probably in a very commonplace way. The development will then unquestionably be found to have been correspondent ; that is, consciously or unconsciously, the government on one side and the railroad system on the other will have worked to- wards each other. Whether travelling on lines nearly THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 147 parallel, or which seem. gently to converge or to sharply diverge, or even to run counter to each other, we may rest assured that, whether we see it or not, they are steadily in the United States, as in France, England and Germany, doing this now. Hitherto the attempt has been to show how far the process of governmental development has as yet gone in America towards this common ground. It is not much and can be briefly summarized. So far as legislation, pure and simple, is concerned, no pro- gress at all has been made. The laws intended to abstractly solve the difficulties presented have been mere copies, whether intentional or not, of similar acts long since passed elsewhere, and the utter futility of which is denied by no one. Passing on to the more positive results, the essential fact that railroad corporations are amenable to the legislative power has been completely established in the West ; while in the East the influence of publicity and the result- ing force of public opinion as a power adequate to all necessary control of the railroad corporations have been tested to a certain extent. The real issue, however, has not yet been touched ; for all that has yet taken place is little more than the skirmishing which precedes a decisive engagement. Hitherto the question has been confined within state limits ; but the problem in its full magnitude and complexity is co-extensive with that continental field in which Congress alone has " power to regulate commerce between the states." It is there, as the result of an 148 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. uncontrolled and an as yet. uncontrollable competi- tion, that those harsh inequities manifest themselves which have hitherto baffled all attempts at regu- lation. It is now necessary to turn from the side of the question which relates to the government, and to consider that which relates to the railroad corpora- tions. It will be found that they also have made progress within the last few years. There is no oc- casion to go back beyond 1873. At that time the unnaturally rapid construction which had for ten years been going on produced its result. A general collapse took place. In that collapse the railroad in- terest from the first suffered more severely than any other, and a vast number of corporations were forced into bankruptcy, either because the country did not afford a sufficient business to support them or be- cause such business as it did afford was fought over and competed for until it ceased to be worth possess- ing. Bankruptcy, again, became merely the process through which absorption was carried on ; but it was a terribly exhausting process. It was competition run mad. So long as the struggle was confined to solvent roads, or to roads which had not yet resigned themselves to a condition of chronic insolvency, something might be predicated in regard to it. There was a point at which the owners of the railroads would cease to be willing to do business in a man- ner which seemed likely to result only in their inevitable ruin. The moment that point was reached THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. 149 and the conviction was fairly forced upon the minds of the contending parties that a conflict further prolonged would lead to this result and that shortly, then the moment for an agreement or for a combi- nation had arrived. They invariably came together and sought to save themselves at the expense of the community. In other words, there was always a point, so long as solvent roads only were con- cerned, at which competition naturally and quietly resulted in combination. This, however, was true only of solvent corporations. But the effect of the crisis of 1873 was sharply to divide the railroad system of the whole country, and more particularly the railroad system of the West, into two classes : the solvent roads and the insolvent roads. The trunk lines mainly belonged to the former class, and the latter class comprised certain of the trunk lines and many, if indeed in the West not a majority, of what are known as the cross lines and the side lines. Between the solvent roads and the roads thus bankrupt a new form of competition then developed itself. The bankrupt roads were operated not for profit, apparently, but to secure business ; business at any price. If it was paying business, so much the better ; if, however, the business would not pay, it was better than no business at all. Accordingly, the position of the solvent lines soon became almost untenable. They found themselves forced to decide whether to lose their business entirely and to see it pass away from them to rival lines, or to retain that ISO THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. business by doing it at a dead loss, which seemed inevitably to endanger their ultimate solvency also. Such competition as this could not terminate in the usual combination. The difficulty was exceptional, and unless some new method of solution could be devised, must be left to solve itself. Accordingly, in the summer of 1873, those man- aging the principal through lines running east and west met together in conference. Commodore Van- derbilt was then passing the vacation time after his usual manner at Saratoga. To Saratoga the repre- sentatives of the other lines accordingly found their way, and there took place a consultation which be- came subsequently famous as the " Saratoga Confer- ence." That conference resulted, it is true, only in a scheme which soon proved abortive ; nevertheless it was deserving of all the temporary notoriety it achieved, for it will probably be found to have marked an era in the history of American railroad development ; the era of what may, perhaps, be known as the Trunk-line Protectorate. There were five rival through routes. Chief among them was the New York Central. North of the New York Central was the Grand Trunk, the through route of Canada. South of it lay three other competing lines : the Erie, the Pennsylvania, and the Balti- more & Ohio. Of those lines three only, with their connections, were represented at the Saratoga con- ference, or agreed to its conclusions. These were the New York Central, the Erie, and the Pennsyl- THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. I$I vania. At the time, the results of the Saratoga conference excited alarm and popular clamor throughout the country. It was looked upon as a movement against public policy, and the plan for operating the combined roads which resulted from its deliberations was denounced as one which, if successfully carried out, must necessarily result in the destruction of all competition for carriage be- tween the sea-board and the West, and as conse- quently turning over to a band of heartless monop- olists the vital work of transporting the cereals of the interior to their market. The cry of the " railroad kings " and " railroad extortioners " was at once raised from almost every quarter. Meanwhile this clamor, like most popular clamors, had little real cause. The essential principle of the Saratoga combination lay in fact merely in the substitution of an open and responsible organization for a secret and irresponsible one, which had for years been in existence. To thoughtful and reflecting men it seemed very questionable whether, after all, such a change was not directly to the advantage of the community ; even more to the advantage of the community indeed than of the railroad corporations. That the whole business of transportation between the West and the sea-board, and the prices which should be charged for doing it, had long been per- formed under common tariffs binding on all the roads represented at Saratoga, and made by their agents at stated times, was a matter of public notoriety. The I $2 THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. newspapers had for years contained, among other regular news items, the reports of the meetings of these freight agents of the different corporations for the purpose of effecting these common tariffs, just as they had contained reports of the doings of the state legislatures or of Congress. That such meet- ings should have been held and such common tariffs prepared and published, was obviously a matter of mere necessity to the railroads. It would have been utterly impossible for them to live under the pressure of a war of rates knowing no limitation, a war in which freight of every description should be transported long distances absolutely for nothing. There was a time, for instance, when cattle were brought over the competing roads in New York at a dollar a car. Such competition as this plainly opened the widest and shortest way to insol- vency, and it was to avoid it that the conven- tions of freight-agents met. There was no secrecy about their proceedings. The tariffs arranged by them were published in the papers. They took effect at stated periods, and they were subject to modifications at other periods. There was no more concealment about them, if indeed so much, as there was about the regular local tariffs in operation on the several roads represented. The only difference between the local and the through tariffs was that, whereas the former were fixed and rarely changed, the latter were subject to sudden and violent fluc- tuations. These fluctuations were known as railroad THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. I 53 wars, and to these it was proposed to put a stop through the machinery devised in the Saratoga con- ference. It was not intended as the result of that conference to, as it is called, " pool " the profits of the different lines which were parties to it. On the contrary, each line was to be left free to procure all the business that it could, and charge the agreed- upon rates therefor, and to keep to itself all the profits that it could realize from it. There was nothing which looked to a common-purse arrange- ment. The effort was solely to do away with wars of rates through