Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofofficOOmiddrich CATALOGUE OFFICERS AND ALUMNI ) ' ' > ', ' MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE IN MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT AND ALL OTHERS WHO HAVE RECEIVED DEGREES 1800 to 1889 Compiled by THOMAS E. BOYCE, A. M. Class of 1876, Professor of Mathematics MIDDLEBURY, VT. The Register Company, Printers 1890 X^-i^ •^? COMPILER'S NOTICE. After the most diligent search there is lack of much desired information con- cerning many of our alumni. The compiler regrets that about many graduates of the college he is able to say so little ; and in most cases the, want of knowledge is con- cerning the men about whom the readers of this book most desire to learn. It is the classmate who has been lost sight of that we most wish to know about. But while the compiler appreciates and regrets the defects in this catalogue, he trusts its very faults will stimulate all persons who have information of interest concerning any alumnus, or who discover errors herein, to communicate with him immediately that omissions may be supplied and errors corrected in subsequent editions. Abbreviations have been avoided as far as possible and when used are thought to be self-explanatory. The asterisk (*) is used to mark the names of the dead. An interrogation mark (?) is used to express doubt and to request information. GENERAL CATALOGUE, TRUSTEES, MiDDLEBURY COLLEGE was established by a Charter from the Legis- lature of Vermont in the year 1800. TRUSTEES APPOINTED BY THE CHARTER. Rev. Jeremiah Atwater, D. D Resigned 1809. . . . Died 1858 Hon. Nathaniel Chipman, LL. D Died 1843 Rev. Heman Ball, D. D Died 1 82 1 Hon. Elijah Paine, LL. D Resigned 1809. . . .Died 1842 Hon. Gamaliel Painter Died 1 8 1 9 Hon. Israel Smith, A. M Died 181 o Hon. Stephen Rowe Bradley, LL. D Died 1830 Seth Storrs, a. M Died 1 83 7 Hon. Stephen Jacob, A. M Resigned 1810. . . .Died 1816 Hon, Daniel Chipman, LL. D Resigned 1844.... Died 1850 Hon. Lot Hall Died 1809 Rev. Aaron Leland, A. M Died i ?>t^2^ Rev. Gershom Clark Lyman, D. D. . .Resigned 1805 Died 181 3 Samufl Miller, A. M. Died 1810 Hon. Jedediah Parker Buckingham, A. M.Res'd 1823.. ..Died 1840 Hon. Darius Matthews Died 1 8 1 9 TRUSTEES SUBSEQUENTLY ELECTED. Elected. Retired. Died. i8or Rev. William Jackson, D. D 1842 1802 Rev. Job Swift, D. D 1804 1805 Rev. Martin Tullar, A. M 1813 1806 Rev. Thomas Abbot Merrill, D. D 1855 1806 Rev. Samuel Shepard, D. D 1813. . . . 1846 18 10 David Edmond, A. M 1824 1810 Rev. Bancrofi" Fowler, A. M. 1825 .... 1856 960406 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Elected. Retired. Died. 1 8 lo Rev. Sylvester Sage, A. M 1 84 1 1810 Hon. Horatio Seymour, LL. D 1855 .... 1857 '^^iSii . H,o,n, Asa Aldis, A. M. 1817 1847 ' 1811 'Reyv.Aj'si I^urton, D. D 1823. . .. 1836 iSf'i. "Hon. jCifAUNCEY Langdon, A, M 1830 ' i5 r4 R^Vc. jc^JN . Fitch, A. M 1817....1827 181 7 Hon. William Hall, A. M 1831 181 7 Hon. Richard Skinner, A. M 1833 181 7 Rev. Henry Pierce Strong, A. M 1S23. . . . 1835 1819 Rev. Abraham Bronson, A. M 1S32. . . . 1853 1 819 Hon. Joel Doolittle, A. M 1841 1819 Hon. Zebulon R. Shipherd, A. M 1841 1819 Hon. Peter Starr, LL. D i860 1819 Hon. Ira Stewart 1855 1819 Rev. Chester Wright, A. M 1840 1 82 1 Rev. Walter Chapin, A. M 1827 182 1 Hon. Abner Forbes 1828 » 1821 Hon. Jonathan Hunt, A. M 1832 1 82 1 Rev. Absalom Peters, D. D 1842. . . . 1869 1822 Rev. Nathaniel Scudder Prime, D. D 1826. . . . 1856 1824 Rev. Nathan S. S. Beeman, D. D., LL. D 187 1 1825 Rev. JosiAH Hopkins, D. D 1840. . .. 1862 1825 Hon. Rollin C. Mallary, A. M . 1831 1825 Hon. Charles Kilborn Williams, LL. D 1843. ... 1853 1827 Hon. Samuel Swift, LL. D 1855. . .. 1875 " 1 830 Rev. Jedediah Bushnell, A. M 1 846 1830 Rev. Daniel Oliver Morton, A. M 1846. ... 1852 1830 Rev. William Buel Sprague, D. D 1839 .... 1876 1830 Hon. Benjamin Swift, A. M 1839 .... 1 847 1831 Rev. WiLLARD Child, D. D 1842 1877 1833 Rev. Lyman Coleman, D. D 1840 1883 1834 Rev. Edward William Hooker, D. D 1844. ... 1875 1834 Rev. Hadley Proctor, A. M 1842 1834 Hon. Phineas White, A, M 1845. • •• ^^47 1835 Rev. Joseph Steele, A. M 1872 1 83 7 William Page, A. M 1 850 1837 Rev. Charles Walker, D. D 1870 1838 Hon. Isaac Fletcher Redfield, LL. D 1846. ... 1876 TRUSTEES. Elected. Retired. Died. -^ 1839 Rev. Joshua Bates, D. D 1845 • • • • ^^54 1839 Rev. Harvey Freegrace Leavitt, A. M 1874 1840 Hon. Silas Henry Hodges, A. M i860. ... 1875 " 1 840 Hon. ZiMRi Howe, A. M 1 863 1840 Rev. Amos Boardman Lambert, D. D 1888. . . . 1840 Rev. Elijah Whiton Plumb, D. D 1855.... 1879 1 840 Rev. Joseph Dresser Wickham, D. D 1 84 1 Rev. Otto Smith Hoyt, A. M 1 869 1841 Rev. Lucius Maro Purdy, A. M 1853 1841 Rev. Lucius Linsley Tilden, A. M 1875 • • • • ^^^6 1845 R^^'- Andrew Rankin, A. M 1862 1846 Amasa Corbin Moore, A. M 1865 1847 Elisha VV. Chester, A. M 1863. . .. 1873 1847 Rev. JosiAH Fletcher Goodhue, A. M 1858. .. . 1863 1847 R^v- Lyman Matihews, A. M 1866 ' 1850 Joshua Bates, LL. D .1887. . .. 1888 1850 Hon.. Calvin Tilden Hulburd, LL. D 1884. . . . 1850 Rev. John Mattocks, A. M i860. ... 1875 1850 Hon. William Nash 1871 1850 Hon. Bradford Leonard Wales, A. M., M. D. . 1881 . . . . 1850 Hon. Joseph Warner 1865 ' 185 1 Joseph Paddock Fairbanks 1855 1 85 1 Hon. Myron Lawrence, A. M 1852 1853 Henry Simpson Waldo ♦. .1862 1 855 Charles Jones Starr 1855 Julius A. Beckwith, A. M 1857 1855 Rev. Willard Child, D. D 1877 ' 1855 Thaddeus Fairbanks, A. M 1886 1855 Hon. James Meacham, A. M 1856 1855 Prof. William Henry Parker, A. M 1889 1858 Rev. Elijah Whiton Plumb, D. D 1879 1858 Hon. John Wolcoit Stewart, LL. D 1859 Hon. Solomon Foot, LL. D 1866 1859 Hon. Romeo H. Hoyt, A. M 1874 1888 1859 Rev. George P.Tyler, D. D 1887 1859 Rev. Cyrus Bryant Drake, D. D 1878 1863 Rev. John Jason Owen, D. D., LL. D 1869 1863 Rev. Aldace Walker, D. D 1878 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Elected. Retired. Died. 863 Rev. RuFUS Spaulding Cushman, D. D 1877 863 Hon. John B. Page 1885 866 Rev. Calvin Butler Hulbert, D. D 867 Hon. Edwin Hammond 1871 868 Rev. William Patton, D. D 1879 868 Rev. George Nye Boardman, D. D 868 Rev. Pliny Holton White, A. M 1869 869 Hon. John Charles Churchill, LL. D 1875 ... . 8 70 James B. Jermain, A. M 870 Hon. Walter C. Dunton, A. M 870 Hon. Stephen A. Walker, LL. D 873 Rev. Harvey D. Kitchel, D. D 1879. . . . 873 Baxter E. Perry, A. M 1884 873 Hon. William H. Walker, A. M 874 RuFUS Wainwright, a. M 874 George W. Ware, Jr., A. M 876 Rev. Edward P. Hooker, D. D 880 Rev. Lewis A. Austin, A. M 1 880 880 Rev. James G. Johnson, D. D 1 889 .... 88 1 Hon. Joseph Battell, A. M 881 Hon. Loyal D. Eldredge, A. M 884 ColUxMbus Smith 1 888 .... 885 Brainerd Kellogg, A. M 885 Hon. Aldace F. Walker, LL. D • • • • 885 Hon. George Z. Erwin, A. M 885 Gen. James M. Warner, A. M 885 Rev. Charles C. McIntire, D. D 886 Rev. Rufus C. Flagg, A. M 889 Hon. David K. Simonds 889 Rev. Chandler N. Tho]\ias 889 Hon. Charles S. Colburn, A. M SECRETARIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. T 800 Seth Storrs, a. M 1 807 . . 1807 Hon. Peter Starr, LL. D 1815. . 181 5 Hon. Samuel Swift, LL. D 1826. . 1826 Hon. Harvey Bell, A. M ..1843. . 1843 Rev. Lucius Linsley Tilden, A. M 185 1 . . 1837 i860 1875 1848 1886 TRUSTEES — TREASURERS . Elected. Retired. Died. 185 1 Hon. John Wolcott Stewart, LL. D 1858. . . . 1858 Rev. Lucius Linsley Tilden, A. M 1862. . . . 1886 1862 RuFUS Wainwright, a. M 1 881 ... . 1881 Charles G. Wainwright 1883. . .. 1 883 Hon. James M. Slade TREASURERS. 1 800 Hon. Darius Matthews 1 803 .... 1 8 1 9 1803 Samuel Miller, A. M 1806. . . . 1810 1806 Hon. Samuel Swift, LL. D , .1810. . .. 1875 181 o John Simmons, A. M 1829 1829 William G. Hooker 1830. . . . 1830 1830 Rev. William Chauncey Fowler, LL. D 1837. .. .1881 1837 Hon. Samuel Swift, LL. D 1839. • • • 1^75 1839 Hon. Peter Starr, LL. D 1842. . .. i860 1842 Rev. Thomas Abbot Merrill, D. D 1852. . . . 1855 1852 Julius A. Beckwith, A. M 1S54. . ..1857 1854 Rev. Joseph Dresser Wickham, D. D 1855 ... . 1855 Prof. Willum Henry Parker, A. M 1884. • • • 1889 1884 Hon. Loyal Dorus Eldredge, A. M MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. CORPORATION, 1889— 1890. Ezra Brainerd, LL. D., ex-officio, President. Rev. Joseph D. Wickham, D. D., Manchester. Charles J. Starr, Esq., A>z£/ York, N. V. Hon. John W. Stewart, LL. D., Middlebury. Rev. George N. Boardman, D. D., Chicago, III. James B. Jermain, A. M., Albany, N. V. Hon. Walter C. Dunton, A. M., Rutland. Hon. William H. Walker, A. M., Ludlow. RuFUS Wainwright, Esq., A. M., Middlebury. George W. Ware, Jr., A. M., Boston, Mass. Hon. L. D. Eldredge, A. M., Middlebury. Hon. Joseph Baitell, A. M., Middlebury. Hon. Aldace F. Walker, A. M., Rutland. Hon. George Z. Erwin, A. M., Potsdam, N. V. Gen. James M. Warner, A. M., Albany, N. V. Rev. C. C. McIntire, D. D., Pitts/ord. Prof. Brainerd Kellogg, A. M., Brooklyn, N. V. Rev. RuFUS C. Flagg, A. M., IVells River. Hon. David K. Simonds, Manchester. Rev. Chandler N. Thomas, Port Henry, N. V. Hon. Charles S. Colburn, A. M., Pitts/ord. Hon. L. D. Eldredge, A. M., Treasurer. Hon. James M. Slade, A. M., Secretary. PRESroENTS. PRESIDENTS. REV. JEREMIAH ATWATER, D. D. Appointed, 1800; resigned, 1809; died, i8i^8. Dr. Atwater, the first President of Middlebury College, was bom at New Haven, Conn., in 1774. He graduated at Yale College in 1793, was the youngest of his class and distinguished himself by his scholarly attainments. He was tutor at Yale from 1795 to 1799, when he was appointed Principal of Addison County Grammar School on the recommendation of Dr. Dwight, then Pres- dent of Yale College. In 1800 he was appointed President of Middlebury College. He continued to act, however, as Principal of the Grammar School until 1805. Under President At water's administration the College grew and prospered. In 1809 he resigned his office and accepted a similar position in Dickinson College at Carlisle, Pa. After his resignation of the presidency of Dickinson in 18 15 he returned to New Haven and established his residence there. His degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred by the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. While residing in Middlebury, he was mar- ried to Clarissa, daughter of Rev. Eleazer Storrs, who died at New Haven in 1834. He subsequently married Mrs. Susan Barnes, whom he survived four years. Doctor Atwater continued to reside at New Haven until his death, July 29, 1858. REV. HENRY DAVIS, D. D. Appointed, 1809; resigned, 1817; died, 1852. Rev. Henry Davis, D. D., was born in East Hampton, N. Y., in 1 771. His ancestors came from Kidderminster, England, and were parishioners of Richard Baxter. He prepared tor college at Clinton Academy, and graduated at Yale in 1796. He immediately accepted a tutorship at Williams College, which he held till 1798. He then en- tered upon the study of theology at Somers, Conn., with Dr. Charles lO MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Backus, who also had the training of Dr. Woods of Andover and President Moore of Amherst. In about six months he was licensed to preach by the Association of Tolland County, and soon after was appointed tutor in Yale, where he remained till 1803. In 1806 he was called to the professorship of Greek in Union College. Three years after, upon the retirement of Dr. Atwater, he was elected Pres- ident of Middlebury College and was ordained at the time of his in- auguration. Later the degree of D. D. was conferred upon him by Union College and again the Greek professorship of that institution was offered him, which he declined. Later he declined the presiden- cy of Yale College. In 181 7 he was elected President of Hamilton College. This position he held till 1833. He was President of Mid- dlebury from 1809 to 181 7. Dr. Davis was especially active in the establishment of Auburn Theological Seminary and the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He died at Clinton, N. Y., in 1852. REV. JOSHUA BATES, S. T. D. Appointed, 1818; retired, 1839; died, 1854. Rev. Joshua Bates was born at Cohasset, Mass., March 20, 1776. His early boyhood was divided between farm labor or attendance on a country store and the ordinary schools of his neighborhood. It was not till the age of seventeen that he began his classical studies with the parish pastor and not till twenty that, after many inteirup- tions, he was fitted for college. Having carried on the studies of the freshman year while teaching a select school, he entered Harvard College as a sophomore and graduated with highest honors in the class of 1800. The next year he taught in Phillips Andover Acad- emy, and the next was a student of theology under Rev. Jonathan French, of Andover, the Theological Seminary not being opened till four years later. Licensed in 1802, on March 16, 1803, he was or- dained and installed over the First Church and Parish in Dedham, Mass., as colleague with the Rev. Jason Haven. Mr. Haven died in about two months, leaving him sole tenant of the pastoral office, which he occupied for fifteen years. On the i8th of March, 1818, he was inaugurated President ot Middlebury College. His administra- tion proved honorable, energetic and wise and the result of his ef- forts, both as an educator and a man of affairs, was lasting. It had PRESIDENTS. 1 1 been his intention to retire from the presidency at the age of sixty. Circumstances, however, made it advisable that he should delay the execution of his purpose for three years, and he remamed in office until after the Commencement of 1839. Visiting Washington im- mediately after his resignation, he was elected chaplain of the House of Representatives and acted in that capacity during the long session of the twenty-sixth Congress. He settled in Dudley, Mass., in 1843, where a pastorate of ten years was ended by his death, Jan. 14^ 1854. REV. BENJAMIN LABAREE, D. D., LL.D. Appointed, 1840; resigned, 1866; died, 1883. He was the son of Benjamin and Hannah (Farwell) Labaree, born in Charlestown, N. H., r8oi, June 3. He studied at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., graduated at Dartmouth College 1828, and at Andover Theological seminary 1831, and was ordained by the Presbytery of Nevvburyport, at Bradford, Mass., Sept. 26, 1831. Before entering the Academy he had been a teacher in North Caro- lina, and after his Seminary course he was sent out by the American Education Society to make a tour through the region south-west of Ohio to enlist young men for the ministry. Soon after, in September, 1 83 1, he accepted a position as head teacher in a Manual Labor School at Spring Hill, Tenn., where he resided till 1836. During the last four years of this period he was connected with Jackson College, Columbia, Tenn. — as Professor of ancient languages, i832-4,and as President, 1834-6. In the autumn of 1833 he was unanimously elected to the Presidency of Western Reserve (now Adelbert) College, and in 1 835 to the chair of Sacred Rhetoric in Lane Theological Sem- inary ; both of which calls he declined. From 1837 to 1840 he was Secretary of the Central American Education Society at New York City, from which position he was called to the Presidency of Middle- bury College. His long administration of twenty-six years was an em- inently successful one. The endowment of the College was largely increased by his earnest and self-sacrificing efforts. The new dormi- tory, "Starr Hall," was built in i86r, and promptly rebuilt after the fire of 1864. He commanded the esteem of his pupils for the thor- oughness of his instruction, the firmness of his government, and his paternal care for their welfare. He labored for the religious interests 12 MroDLEBURY COIXEGE. of the college ; sixty-three of his graduates became ministers. His devotion to his work led him to decline an invitation to a secretary- ship of the American Board. After leaving Middlebury Dr. Labaree resided at Andover, Mass., 1867-69; was acting pastor at South Weymouth, Mass., 1869 ; resided at West Roxbury, Mass., 1870-75 ; at Charlestown, N. H., 1875-80; at Walpole, N. H., from 1880 till his death, Nov. 15, 1883. He was appointed lecturer on Moral Phil- osophy and International Law in Dartmouth College in 1871 and held the office until 1876. He lectured on these topics also at Middle- bury College in 1874. He received the degree ot D. D. from the University of Vermont in 1841 ; and the degree of LL.D. from Dart- mouth College in 1864. Dr. Labaree was married in Dorchester, Mass., Sept. 29, 1831, to Eliza Paul Capen, who died in Spring Hill, Tenn., Oct. 12, 1835, leaving two sons, Benjamin and John C. Dr. Labaree was again married in 1836, Oct. 25, to Mrs. Susan (Free- man) Fairbank of Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Labaree and his late widow are buried at Charlestown, N. H. REV. HARVEY DENISON KITCHEL, D. D. Appointed, 1866; resigned, 1875. President Kitchel was born at Whitehall, N. Y., February 3, 181 2. His education was obtained by persistent efforts, and he graduated at Middlebury College with high honors in 1835. The fall after gradu- ation he taught in Castleton Seminary, and soon after entered upon his studies at Andover Theological vSeminary, where he remained un- til 1836, when he returned to Middlebury College as tutor. The next year he resumed his studies at Yale Theological Seminary and gradu- ated at that institution in 1838. The next year he became pastor of the Congregational church in Thomaston, Conn., where he re- mained until 1848, when he was called to the First Congregational church in Detroit, Mich. His service with that church continued for sixteen years and there he confirmed his reputation as a vigorous thinker, an eloquent preacher, a strong man. In 1864 he accepted a call to the Plymouth church in Chicago, and thence in 1866, upon the retirement of President Labaree, he was called to the presidency of Middlebury College. Dr. Kitchel entered upon the duties of his office in the fullness of his powers and for nine years administered the affairs of the college with sound judgment and thorough effi- PRESIDENTS. 1 3 ciency. In the State at large he at once took his place as a man of commanding powers and wide influence, and into the immediate col- lege life he entered with dignity and kindHness. He resigned the pres- idency of the college in 1875. In early life he married Miss Ann Sheldon of Rupert, Vt. ; she became the mother of his six sons, who are all filling honorable and responsible positions. His second wife was Mrs. Ophelia Sayre of Brooklyn, N. Y. Not long before coming to Middlebury he married Mrs. Harriet Smith of Milwaukee, whose worth and grace added largely to the success of his administration. They are passing the last years of honored lives in their home at East Liverpool, Ohio. REV. CALVIN BUTLER HULBERT, D. D. Appointed, 1875 ; resigned, 1880. President Hulbert was successor to President Kitchel, coming to the office after a vacancy in the presidency of a year. Professor W. H. Parker, senior professor, acting in the interim. Dr. Hulbert was born in Vermont, at East Sheldon, Oct. 18, 1827. His parents were Chauncey and Charlotte (Munsell) Hulbert. His pre- paration for college was made at the Academies at Bakersfield and Thetford. The experiences formerly so common to students, that of struggle for means of carrying on study, teaching in winter and working on the farm part of the summer, was not an exception in his case ; he was compelled to make his own way. He entered Dartmouth College in 1849 and graduated in the class of 1853. Then followed three years of teaching, one at Swanton and two as Principal of the Franklin County Grammar School, St. Albans, Vt. In the Autumn of 1856 he entered the Theological Seminary at An- dover, Mass., and graduated in 1859. On October 20 of the same year he was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational church. New Haven, Vt. It was while pastor of this church in the vicinity of Middlebury that his official connection with the College began, he being in 1866 elected a member of the Board of Trustees. He evinced a warm and abiding interest in the prosperity of the col- lege. After ten years' labor at New Haven he was dismissed from this place to enter upon the pastorate of the Bellville Avenue Congrega- tional church, Newark, N. J., which he began Jan. i, 1870. In May, 1872, he was installed pastor of the Second Congregational church of 14 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Bennington, Vt., continuing there until entering upon the duties of the presidency of Middlebury College, July, 1875. At Commence- ment time, 1880, he resigned the presidency and returned to the work ot the gospel ministry. He was acting pastor of the Congregational church, Lyndonville, Vt., until 1886. In 1887 he entered upon the pastorate of the Congregational church in East Hardwick, Vt. In 1875 Dartmouth College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Dr. Hulbcrt has written many papers and addresses of value, chiefly upon topics connected with education. REV. CYRUS HAMLIN, D. D., LL.D. Appointed, 1880; resigned, 1885. His parents were Hon. Hannibal Hamlin and Susan Faulkner Hamlin, who resided in Waterford, Me. His father was teacher, member of the General Court of Massachusetts, and High Sheriff of Oxford County. Maine was ^t that time a province of Massachusetts. Cyrus Hamlin was born in Waterford, Me., January 5, t8ii. Till he was 16 years old he lived on a farm, attending the common school a few weeks each year. January i, 1827, he entered a jewelry and silversmith establishment in Portland, Me. Under the preaching of Payson he became a Christian and went to Bridgton Academy, May, 1829, to prepare for the ministry. He was graduated from Bowdoin College in 1834, and while in college exhibited the same mechanical skill and Christian courage which characterized his later life. In his sophomore year he built a steam engine under great difficulties, the first one constructed in Maine. He was graduated from Bangor Theological Seminary in 1837. His wish was to go into Central Africa as an explorer, but the A. B. C. F. M. sent him to Constantinople to establish a High School and to superintend educa- tion. From 1840 till i860 he was principal of Bebek Seminary ; and then became engaged in the work of founding Robert College and securing a building for it. Success crowned this last effort only after the most persistent and patient labor. He was its first President and continued in this office till 1877. During his residence at Constanti- nople he showed his great executive power in the successful introduc- tion of industrial activities, especially bread-making, among the perse- cuted Armenians and in connection with the English hospital at Scutari PRESIDENTS. 1 5 during the Crimean war. From 1877 to 1880 he was Professor of Theology in Bangor Theological Seminary and from 1880 to 1885 was President of Middlebury College. Several thousand dollars were collected by him with which he fitted up new rooms for the library and added many books to it, arranged the cabinets in new and spacious quarters, greatly enlarged the amount of physical apparatus, and built a boarding hall. These remain as a constant reminder of his energy. He received the degree of D. D. from Bowdoin and Harvard and LL.D. from the University of New York and Bowdoin. He now resides in Lexington, Mass. EZRA BRAINERD, LL.D. Appointed pro tempore, 1885 ; elected, 1886. Ezra Brainerd was born at St. Albans, Vt., Dec. 17, 1844. His early life was spent in that town, where he received his preparation for college. Through the influence of the Rev. Dr. J. E. Rankin he was led to enter Middlebury College in the autumn of i860. He graduated in 1864, receiving the first honor, and was immediately appointed tutor for the following year. There is but one other in- stance in the history of the college of the appointment of a student to the position of instructor for the year succeeding his graduation. After serving for two years as tutor, Mr. Brainerd entered the Theo- logical Seminary at Andover, Mass., where he graduated in i868. He was at once appointed to the chair of Rhetoric and English Lit- erature in Middlebury College, left vacant by the resignation of Pro- fessor Brainerd Kellogg, who had been called to the Brooklyn Poly- technic Institute. He filled this position until 1880, when he was made Professor of Physics and Applied Mathematics. In 1885, upon the resignation of the Rev. Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, he was appointed tem- porary president by the Board of Trustees, and on April 17, 1886, he was elected eighth president of the college with which he had been so long connected. In addition to his regular college duties, Presi- dent Brainerd has given much study to other departments of Natural Science, and has made several important contributions to the Botany and Geology of Vermont. In 1887, he was one of the three commis- sioners appointed to revise the school laws of the State of Vermont. In 1888, he received the degree of LL.D. from Ripon College, Wis- consin, and also from the University of Vermont. I 6 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. FACULTY. Appointed. 1800 *REV. JEREMIAH ATWATER, A. B., Yale, 1793 ; A. M., Yale, 1796; S. T. D., Dickinson, 1810; D. D., University of Pennsylvania, 181 1 Died 1858 President, 1800-1809. 1800 *HON. JOEL DOOLrCTLE, A. B., Yale, 1799 ; A. M., Middlebury, 1802 Died 1841 Tutor, 1800-1801 1801 *HON. SAMUEL SWIFT, A. B., Dartmouth, 1800; A. M., Middlebury and Dartmouth, 1803 ; LL. D., Mid- dlebury, i860 Died [875 Tutor, 1801-1803. 1803 *REV. EXPERIENCE PORTER, A. B., Dartmouth, 1803 and Middlebury, 1804 ; A. M., Middlebury, 1806 Died 1828 Tutor, 1803-1804. 1804 *REV. THOMAS ABBOT MERRILL, A. B., Dart- mouth, 1801 ; A. M., Middlebury and Dartmouth, 1805 ; D. D., Middlebury, 1837 Died 1855 Tutor, 1804-1805. 1804 *REV. WALTER CHAPIN, A. B., Middlebury, 1803; A. M., 1806 Died 1827 Tutor, 1804-1805. 1805 *FREDERICK HALL, A. B., Dartmouth, 1803; A.M., Middlebury, 1806, and Dartmouth and Harvard, 1810 ; M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1827; LL. D., Dartmouth, 1841 Died 1843 Tutor, 1805-1806. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1806- 1824. 1806 *HON. DANIEL CHIPMAN, A. B., Dartmouth, 1788 ; A. M., Middlebury, 1808; LL. D., Middlebury, 1849 Died 1850 Professor of Law, 1806-1816. 1806 *REV. ALLEN GREELEY, A. B., Dartmouth, 1804 ; A. M., Middlebury and Dartmouth, 1807 Died 1843 Tutor, 1806- 1808. FACULTY. 1 7 Appointed. 1808 *REV. OLIVER HULBURD, A. B., Middlebury, 1806 ; A.M., 1809 Died 18 14 ' Tutor. 1808-1811. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, 1811-1812. 1809 *REV. RICHARD HALL, A. B., Middlebury, 1808; A.M., 181 1 Died 1824 Tutor, 1809-18 10. i8io *REV. HENRY DAVIS, A. B., Yale, 1796 ; A. M., Yale and Williams, 1799 ; S. T. D., Union, 18 10. ...Died 1852 President, 1810-1817. 1810 *IRA BASCOM, A. B., Middlebury, 1807; A. M., i8to. .Died 1820 Tutor, 1810-1811. 181 1 *REV. WILLIAM GOODELL, A. B., Middlebury, 1810; A. M., 1813 Died 1865 Tutor, 1811-1813. 181 1 *HON. HORATIO CONANT, A. B., Middlebury, 1810 ; A. M., 1813; M. D Died 1879 Tutor, 1811-1813. 1812 *REV. JOHN HOUGH, A. B., Yale, 1802 ; A. M., Yale, 1805 ; Williams, 1806; Middlebury, 1807; S. T. D., Middlebury, 184.C; Died 1861 Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, 1812-1817. Professor of Theology, 1817-1825. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, 1825-1838. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, 1838-1839. 1813 *REV. JOEL HARVEY LINSLEY, A. B., Middlebury, 181 1 ; A. M., 1814; D. D., 1837 Died 1868 Tutor, 1813-1815. 1813 *REV. SAMUEL S. DAVIS, A. B., Middlebury, 1812; A. M , Middlebury and Union, 18 15 ; D. D., Franklin, 1845 Died 1877 Tutor, 1813-1814. 1814 *SOLOMON METCALF ALLEN, A. B., Middlebury, 1813 ; A. M., Middlebury and Williams, 1817. .Died 181 7 Tutor. 1814-1817. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, 1817. 1815 *REV. ELEAZER STORRS BARROWS, A. B., Mid- dlebury, 181 1 ; A. M., Middlebury, 18 14; College of New Jersey, 181 7 Died 1847 Tutor, 1815. 1 815 *REV. OTTO SMITH HOYT, A. B., Middlebury, 1813 ; A. M., 1816 Died 1869 Tutor, 1815-1816. 1 8 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Appointed. 1816 *HON. NATHANIEL CHIPMAN, A. B., Yale, 1777; LL. D., Dartmouth, 1797 Died 1 843 Professor of Law, i8 16-1843. 1816 *REV. REUEL KEITH, A. B., Middlebury, 1814; A. M., 18 19; D. D., 1827 Died 1842 Tutor, 1816-1817. 181 7 *HOLDEN RHODES, A. B., Middlebury, 1815 ; A. M., i8r8 Died 1857 Tutor, 1817. 1817 *REV. DANIEL HEMENWAY, A. B., Middlebury, 1815; A. M., 1818 Died 1871 Tutor, 1817-1818. 1817 *ROBERT BRIDGES PATTON, A. B., Yale, 181 7; Mid- dlebury, 181 8 ; A. M., Middlebury, 1820 ; Ph. D., Goet- tingen, "182 1 Died 1839 Tutor, 1817-1818. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, 1818-1825. 1818 *REV. JOSHUA BATES, A. B., Harvard, 1800; A. M., Harvard and Brown, 181 3 ; S.T. D.,Yale, 181 8.. Died 1854 President, 1818-1839. 1818 *FRANKLIN SHERRILL, A. B., Williams, 1815 ; Mid- dlebury, 1818; A. M., Middlebury, 1819 Died 1856 Tutor, 1818 1820. 1818 *HENRY HOWE, A. B., Middlebury, 1817; A. M., 1820 Died 1865 Tutor, 1818-1820. 1820 *REV. JONATHAN COLEMAN SOUTHMAYD, A. B., Middlebury, 181 7; A. M., 1820- Died 1838 Tutor, 1821-1822. 1820 *REV. JUSTUS WARNER FRENCH, A. B., Middle- bury, 181 7 ; A. M., 1820 Died 1862 Tutor, 1820-1821. 1821 *REV. HEMAN ROOD, A. B., Middlebury, 1819; A. M., 1822; D. D., 1873 Died 1882 Tutor, 1821-1822. 1822 *REV. JOSIAH FLETCHER GOODHUE, A. B., Mid- dlebury, 182 1 ; A. M., 1824 Died 1863 Tutor, 1822-1823. 1823 *EDWARD TURNER, A. B., Yale, 1818; A. M., Yale, 1821 ; Middlebury, 1825 Died 1838 Tutor, 1823-1825. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, I825- 1838. FACULTY. 19 Appointed. 1824 *REV. LUTHER GOODYEAR BINGHAM, A, B., Middlebury, 1821 ; A. M., 1824 Died 1878 Tutor, 1824. 1825 *REV. JOHN STEVENS, A. B., Middlebury, 1821 ; A. M., Middlebury, 1824; Brown, 1829; D. D., Roch- ester, 1873 Died 1877 Tutor, 1825-1827. 1827 *REV. EDWIN HALL, A. B., Middlebury, 1826 ; A. M., 1829; D. D., 1846 Died 1877 Tutor, 1827-1828. 1828 *REV. WILLIAM CHAUNCEY FOWLER, A. B., Yale, 1816; A. M., Yale, 1819; Middlebury, 1837; LL. D., Lafayette, 186 r Died 1881 Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, 1828-1838. 1828 *REV. HENRY SMITH, A. B., Middlebury, 1827; A. M., 1830 ; D. D., 1847 ; LL. D., Marietta, 1874.. Died 1879 Tutor, 1828-1830. 1830 *REV. TRUMAN MARCELLUS POST, A. B., Middle- bury, 1829; A. M., 1832; D. D., 1855 Died 1886 Tutor, 1830-1832. 1832 *WILLIAM HENRY PARKER, A. B., Middlebury, 1830; A.M., 1833 Died 1889 Tutor, 1832-1834. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1848- 1881. Emeritus, 1881. 1834 *REV. HARVEY CURTIS, A. B., Middlebury, 1831 ; A. M., 1834; D. D., 1857 Died 1862 Tutor, 1834-1835. 1835 REV. SAMUEL STORRS HOWE, A. B., Middlebury, 1829; A. M., 1832 Died 1888 Tutor, 1835-1836. 1836 ^LEONARD RAWSON, A. B., Middlebury, 1833; A. M., 1836 Died 1838 Tutor, 1836 1837. 1836 *HON. JAMES MEACHAM, A. B., Middlebury, 1832 ; A. M., 1835 Died 1856 Tutor, 1 836- 1 838. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, 1 846-1850. 1836 REV. HARVEY DENISON KITCHEL, A. B., Mid- dlebury, 1835 ; A. M., Middlebury, 1838 ; Yale, 1865 ; D. D., Middlebury, 1858 ' Tutor, 1836-1837. President, 1866-1873. * 20 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Appointed. 1837 REV. JAMES DAVIE BUTLER, A. B., Middlebury, 1836; A. M., 1839; LL.D., 1862. Tutor, 1837-1838. 1838 *SOLOMON STODDARD, A. B., Yale, 1820; A. M., Yale, 1823 ; Middlebury, 1838 Died 1847 Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1838. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, 1838- 1847. 1838 JAMES MADISON FLAGG, A. B., Middlebury, 1835 ; A.M., 1 838 Tutor, 1838. 1838 *CHARLES BAKER ADAMS, A. B., Amherst, 1834; A. M., Amherst, 1837 ; Middlebury, 1839 ^^^^ 1853 Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, 1838-1847. 1838 *REV. JAMES ANDRUS BLIN STONE, A. B., Middle- bury, 1834 ; D. D., Madison, 1853 Died 1888 Tutor, 1838-1839. 1838 *ALEXANDER CATLIN TWINING, A. B., Yale, 1820 ; A. M., Yale, 1823; Middlebury, 1839; LL.D., Yale, 1865 Died 1884 Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1838- 1847. 1839 *RENSSELAER DAVID CHANCEFORD ROBBINS, A. B., Middlebury, 1835; A. M., 1838; D. D., 1882 Died 1882 Tutor, 1839. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, 1848-1866. Professor of Greek and German, 1866-1872. 1839 WILLIAM FRANKLIN BASCOM, A. B., Middlebury, 1838; A. M., 1841 Tutor, 1839-1845. 1840 *REV. BENJAMIN LABAREE, A. B., Dartmouth, 1828; D. D., University of Vermont, 1841 ; LL.D., Dartmouth, 1864.... Died 1883 President, 1839-1866. Instructor in International Law and History of Civilization, 1 876- 1 877. 1840 *REV. ALBERT SMITH, A. B., Middlebury, 1831 ; A. M., 1834; D. D., Shurtleff, i86o Died 1863 Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, 1840-1844. 1840 *REV. DAVID TAPPAN STODDARD, A. B., Yale, 1838; A. M., Yale, 1841 Died 1857 Tutor, 1840. FACULTY. ♦ 2 I Appointed. 1840 *REV. MILO JUDSON HICKOK, A. B., Middlebury, 1835 ; A. M., 1838; D. D., College of New Jersey, 1861 Died 1873 Tutor, 1840. 1843 *REV. MATTHEWS DAVIDSON GORDON, A. B., Middlebury, 1 840 ; A. M., 1 843 Died 1853 Tutor, 1843-1844. 1844 *JAMES HADLEY, A. B., Yale, 1S42 ; A. M., Yale, 1845; LL. D., Wesleyan, 1866 Died 1872 Tutor, 1844-1845. 1845 HON. JOHN CHARLES CHURCHILL, A. B., Mid- dlebury, 1843 > A. M., 1846 ; LL.D., Middlebury, 1874; Hamilton, 1882 •••• Tutor, 1845-1846. 1846 *EBER DOUGLASS MUNGER, A. B., Middlebury, 1842 ; A. M., 1845 Died 1847 Tutor, 1846-1847. 1847 REV. GEORGE NYE BOARDMAN, A. B., Middle- bury, 1847; A. M., 1850; D. D., University of Ver- mont, 1867 Tutor, 1847-1849. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, 1853-1859. 1848 JOHN BUTLER TALCOTI^ A. B., Yale, 1846 ; A. M., Yale, 1849 Tutor, 1848. 1848 *HON. HORACE EATON, A. B., Middlebury, 1825; A. M., 1828; M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1828 Died 1.855 Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, 1848-1854. 1849 REV. JOSEPH AVERY BENT, A. B., Middlebury, 1845 ; A. M., 1848 Tutor, 1849-1850. 1850 REV. IRA DOTY BURWELL, A. B., Middlebury, 1847; A. M., 1850 Tutor, 1850. 1850 Rev. JEREMIAH EAMES RANKIN, A. B., Middle- bury, 1848; A. M., 1851 ; D. D., 1869 Tutor, 1850-1851. 185 1 REV. JOSEPH BAUGHER BITTINGER, A. B., Penn- sylvania College, 1844; D. D., Western Reserve, 1864 Professor of Rhetoric and EngUsh Literature, 1851-1853. 2 2 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Appointed. 1851 ELEAZER SHERMAN, A. B., xMiddlebury, 1849; A. M., 1852 Tutor, 1851-1852. 1852 *REV. HIRAM MEAD, A. B., Middlebury, 1850; A. M., 1853; D. D. 1870 Died i88i Tutor, 1852-1854. 1854 SOLON ALBEE, A. B., Middlebury, 1851 ; A. M., 1854 Tutor. 1854-1855. Professor of Latin, 1866-1880. 1855 ^GILBERT COOK LANE, A. B., Middlebury, 1853; A. M., 1856 Died 1858 Tutor, 1855-1856. 1855 REV. GEORGE AUGUSTUS WEEKS, A. B., Middle- bury, 1853; A. M., 1856 Tutor. 1855-1856. 1856 *ISAAC FARWELL HOLTON, A. B., Amherst, 1836 ; M. A., Amherst, 1846 Died 1874 Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, 1856-1857. 1856 REV. EDWARD PAYSON HOOKER, A. B., Middle- bury, 1855 ; A. M., 1858; D. D., 1881 Tutor, 1856-1857. 1857 REV. LEWIS AUGUSTIN AUSTIN, A. B., Middle- bury, 1856 ; A. M., 1859 Tutor. 1857- 1859. Professor of Latin, 1880-1885. 1859 REV. SAMUEL WARD BOARDMAN, A. B., Middle- bury, 1851 ; A. M., 1854; Dartmouth, 1859; D. D., Hamilton, 1870 Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, 1859-1861. 1859 REV. CHARLES MARSH MEAD. A. B., Middlebury, 1856 ; A. M., 1859 ; Ph. D., Tuebingen, 1866 ; D. D., Middlebury, 1881 Tutor, 1859-1860. i860 BRAINERD KELLOGG, A. B., Middlebury, 1858; A. M., 1861 Tutor, 1860-1861. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, 1861-1868. Instructor in Elocution, 1872 — 1 86 1 REV. JOHN KILBOURN WILLIAMS, A. B., Middle- bury, i860 ; A. M., 1863 Tutor, 1861-1863. FACULTY. 23 Appointed. 1861 HENRY MARTYN SEELY, Ph. B., Yale, 1856 ; M. D., Berkshire Medical School, 1857; A. M., Yale, i860. Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, i86i — 1863 *REV. JAMES E. PIERCE, A. B., Middlebury, 1861 ; A.M., 1864 Died 1870 Tutor, 1863-1864. 1864 EZRA BRAINERD, A. B., Middlebury, 1864 ; A. M., 1867; LL. D., Ripon and University of Vermont, 1888 Tutor, 1864-1866. Professor of Rhetoric and EngUsh Literature, 1868-1880. Professor of Physics and Applied Mathematics, 1880 — President, /rc> tempore, 1885-1886. President, 1886— 1866 REV. GEORGE NELSON WEBBER, A. B., Amherst, 1852 ; M. A., Amherst, 1855 ; D. D., Amherst, 1870. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, 1866-1874. Pro tempore^ 1885-1886. 1872 EDWIN HALL HIGLEY, A. B., Middlebury, 1868; A.M., 1871 Professor of Geeek and German, 1872-1882. 1874 WILLIAM B. CLARK, A. B., Amherst, 1874 Instructor in Intellectual Philosophy and Logic, 1874-1875. 1874 HENRY HERBERT ROSS, A. B., Middlebury, 1872 ; A.M., 1875 Instructor in Greek and Mathematics, 1874-1875. 1875 REV. CALVIN BUTLER HULBERT. A. B., Dart- mouth, 1853 ; D. D., Dartmouth, 1876 -President, 1875-1880. - 1875 *REV. M. STUART PHELPS, A. B., Yale, 1869 ; Ph. D., Yale, 1874 Died 1883 Instructor in Intellectual Philosophy and Logic, 1875-1876. 1877 DAVID McGregor means, a. B., Yale, 1868. . . . Professor of Political and Mental Science, 1 877-1880. 1S80 REV. CYRUS HAMLIN, A. B., Bowdoin, 1834; A. M., Bowdoin, 1837 ; D. D., Bowdoin, 1854 ; Harvard, 1861 ; LL. D., University of New York, 1870 ; Bow- doin, 1880 President, 1880-1885. 1880 JULIAN WILLIS ABERNETHY, A. B., Middlebury, 1876; A. M., 1879; Ph. D., Yale, 1879 Tutor, 1880-188 1. 24 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Appointed. 1881 HENRY W. HULBERT. A. B., Middlebury, 1879; A. M., 1 882 Tutor, 1881-1882. 1882 WILLIAM WELLS EATON, A. B., Amherst, 1868; M. A., Amherst, 1871 Professor of Greek, 1882-1884. Professor of Greek and German, 1884- 1882 REV. FRANK HUGH FOSTER, A. B., Harvard, 1873 ; Ph. D., Leipsic, 1882 Protessor of Philosophy and German, 1882-1884. 1884 EDWARD STRIEBY STEELE, A. B., Oberhn, 1872. . Professor of Philosophy, 1884-1885, 1884 SAMUEL SHELDON, A. B., Middlebury, 1883; A. M., 1887; Ph. D., Wuerzburg, 1888 Instructor in Mathematics, 1884-1885. 1885 HENRY EDWARDS SCOTT, A. B., Harvard, 1881. Professor of Latin and Instructor in French, 1885-1887. 1885 CHARLES BAKER WRIGHT, A. B., Buchtel, 1880; A. M., Buchtel, 1885 Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, 1885— 1886 REV. GRANVILLE YAGER, A. B., Wesleyan, 1866. Professor of Psychology, Ethics and Economics, 1886-1889. Professor of Psychology and Ethics, 1889 — 1886 THOMAS EMERSON BOYCE, A. B., Middlebury, 1876; A.M., 1879 Professor of Mathematics, 1886 — 1887 JAMES MORTON BATON, A. B., University of the City of New York, 1 883 ; Harvard, 1 884 Professor of Latin and French, 1887 — 1889 WALTER E. HOWARD, A. B., Middlebury, 1871.. . Professor of History and Political Science, 1889 — FACULTY. 25 FACULTY. T 889— 1890. EZRA BRAIN ERD, LL. D., President, I And Professor of Physics. HENRY MARTYN SEELY, A M., M. D., Burr Professor of Chemistry and Natural History. Rev. GRANVILLE YAGER, A. M., Professor of Psychology and Ethics. WILLIAM WELLS EATON, A. M., Professor of Greek and German. WALTER EUGENE HOWARD, A. M., Professor of History and Political Science. THOMAS EMERSON BOYCE, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. CHARLES BAKER WRIGHT, A. M., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature. JAMES MORTON PATON, A. B., Morton Professor of Latin and French. BRAINERD KELLOGG, A. M., Instructor in Elocution. C. B. WRIGHT, Librarian. 26 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1S02-1S04 ALUMNI 1802 *Aaron Petty, Westminster, Vt. He had the ministry in view. Died 1803. 1803 ♦Walter Chapin, Woodstock, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Principal of Royalton Academy, 1803- 1804. Tutor in Middlebury College. 1804-1805. Pastor of Congrega- tional church in Woodstock, 1810-1827. Secretary Vermont Domes- tic Missionary Association seven years. Trustee of Middlebury Col- lege, 1821-1827. A. M. Died 1827. ♦Henry Chipman, Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Practiced in Walterborough, S. C, 1809-1824. Removed to Detroit, 1824. Chief Judge of Wayne County Court, 1825-1827. Judge of the U. S. Territorial Court of Mich., 1827-1832. Recorder of De- troit, 1833-1835. Chief Justice of the District Crimmal Court, 1840- 1844. Adjutant U. S. service, 1812. A.M. LL. D., 1866. Died 1867. ♦Edward S. Stuart, Lyons, N. Y. Lawyer. Studied law in Troy and settled in Lyons, N. Y. He was an uncle of Senator Stewart of Nevada. Died 1816. 1804 ♦Charles Barney, New Haven, Conn. Teacher. Died 1815. ♦Jonathan Bell, Detroit, Mich. Commissioned First Lieutenant U. S. A., 1815. Afterward he served in the Commissary Department with the rank of Major. He lived in I^wiston, N. Y., until 1850, when he removed to Detroit. Died 1867. ♦Milo Cooke, Augusta, Ga. Lawyer and teacher. Read law in Middlebury and practiced in Wil- liston, Vt., till 1813. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 1817-1818 ; English Department, Richmond Academy, Augusta, 1818- 1820. A. M. Died 1820. ♦James B. Gibson, Salem, N. Y. Lawyer. Died 1827. 1804-1805 ALUMNI. 27 *Thomas'E. Hale, Castine, Me. Lawyer. A. M. Died 1821. *Daniel C. Hopkins, Montclair, N. J. Presbyterian clergyman. Ordained by the Presbytery of Hudson, N. Y., 1809. A. M. 'Died 1871. ♦Thomas Dillino Huggins, Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. A. M. Died 1816. *Ira Manley, Keene, N. Y. Presbyterian clers^yraan. Principal of Brandon Academy four years and also taught in Rutland and West Rutland. Read law and theol- ogy. Was licensed to preach by the Rutland Association, 1813 and ordained about 1816. He preached in Essex and Oneida counties, N. Y., until about 1850, when he removed to Wisconsin, returning to Essex county about four years before his death. Died 1871. ♦David McWhorter. (?) A. B., Dartmouth College, 1805. Died 1809. *Mati'HEw Phelps, New Haven, Vt. Representative in the Legislature, 181 1. Judge of Addison County Court, 1810-1812. Major U. S. service in the war of 1812. A. M. Died 1813. ♦William Douglass Smith, Rutland, Vt. Lawyer. Clerk of the Vermont House of Representatives, 1809-1822. Died 1822. *JuBA Storks, Mansfield, Conn. Lawyer. Commenced practice in Buffalo, N. Y., 1808. Clerk Niag- ara County, igio. Engaged in commercial pursuits in Buffalo and Canandaigua, N. Y., and in 1826 removed to Mansfield. Died 1861. 1805 ♦Amos Bingham, Philadelphia, Pa. Presbyterian clergyman. Licensed to preach, 1812. Ordained by the Pawlet Association, 1817. City missionary, Albany, N. Y., 1818- 1819; Boston, 1819-1828. Became a member of the Third Presby- tery of Philadelphia, 1838. A. M. Died 1861. ♦Luther Palmer Blodgeit, Exeter, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Rochester, Vt., twelve years; Jericho, 1819-1827 ; in Little Falls, N. Y., Sherburne, N. Y., and Ex- eter. A. M. Died 1862. William H. Cooley, Rupert, Vt. He became a lawyer and settled in western New York. (?) ♦Joel Davis, Croydon, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Pastor in Barnard, Vt., 1808-1822 ; Wil- liamstown, Vt., 1824-1834; Washington, N. H., 1837-1840; Williams- town, 1840-1842. After 1842 lived in Croydon. A. M. Died 1853. ♦Jesse Gove, Rutland, Vt. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar, 1808. Clerk U. S. Circuit and Dis- trict Courts, 1809-1842. Died 1842. 28 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1805 *Daniel Gray, Bridport, Vt. A. M. Died 1823. ♦Daniel Hall, Troy, N. Y. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar in Troy, i8og. Secretary of the Rensse- laer and Saratoga Insurance Company and director of various banks. At the time of his death his was the oldest name borne on the rolls of the Rensselaer County bar. A. B,, Dartmouth College, 1805. Died 1868. ♦Timothy Harris, Granville, Ohio. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Granville, Ohio, 1808-1822. A. M. Died 1822. ♦John Lawton, Newport, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Windham, Vt., 1809-1819 ; Hills- boro, N, H., 1819-1834. Was then a home missionary in Illinois a few years. A. M. Died 1842. Joseph D. Learned, Davenport, la. ( ?) lawyer. Began practice in Portland, Me., 1810. Entered the mili- tary service of the U. S., 1812; became colonel and was appointed to the command of the Eastern Military Division of the United States. In i8t6 he resumed the practice of the law in Baltimore, where he re- maijiedJiiLlSs?*^ In 1844 he was living in. Davenport, Iowa. A. M. ♦RoLLiiTc. Mallar^^^^C{^/>J^ ■ ^r^::^ ^""" Poultney, Vt. Lawyer. Principal Castleton Seminary, 1806. Practiced law in Castleton, 1807-1818; in Poultney, 1818-1831. Secretary of the Gov- ernor and Council of Vermont 1807. 1809-1812, and 1815-1819. State's Attorney, Rutland county, 1810-1813 and 1815-1816. Member of Con- gress, 1820-1831. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1825-1831. Died 1831. ♦Calvin Noble, Chelsea, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Chelsea, 1807-1834. A. M. Died 1834. ♦Justus Post, Caledonia, 111. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 1806-1807. Second Lieut. Reg. of Artillerists, 1807; First Lieut, 1811. Military Agent, 1812 and Agent of Fortifications, 1812-1815. Colonel, Staff Quartermaster- General, 1814. Disbanded, 1815. Farmer, Bonhomme Bottom, St. Louis county. Miss., 1816-1830. Judge of the County Court of St. Louis, Mo., 1822-1826. Engineer of the survey of the Illinois and Michigan canal, 1823-1824. Member of the Missouri Senate. 1826- 1830. Farmer and Merchant, Alexander (now Pulaski) county, Illinois, 1830-1846. Died 1846. ♦Julius A. Preston, Orwell, Vt. Graduated at seventeen years of age and died a few months after. ♦Salem Town, Greencastle, Ind. Teacher. Conducted Teachers' Institute as early as 1843. Forty years a teacher in the State of New York and served one term as a member of the New York Senate. Author of many school books. A. M. LL.D., Regents University, 1849. Died 1864. ♦Chester Wright, Montpelier, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 1805-1807. Pastor, Montpelier, 1809-1830; Hardwick, 1837- 1840. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1819-1840. A. M. Died 1840. 1806-1807 ALUMNI. 29 1806 *WiLLiAM Andrews, Cornwall, Conn. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Windham, Conn., 1808-1813; Danbury. 1813-1827; Cornwall, 1827-1838. A.M. Died 1838. *Caleb Burge, Warsaw, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Physician. Author. A. M. M. t)., Castleton Medical College, 1828. Died 1838. *AsAHEL Clark, Glens Falls, N. Y. Lawyer. A. M. Died 1822. *SoLOMON G. CoNKLiN, Albany, N. Y. Graduated at West Point, 1809, Died in the military service, i3io. (?) *Chauncey Cook, Ottawa, III. Congregational clergyman. A. M. Died i860. *Eli Eddy, Bath, N. Y. Clergyman. Teacher. Author. Died 1832. *JoHN Frost, Waterville, N. Y. Presbyterian Clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1810. Agent A. B. C. F. M. in New England and New York, 1811-1812. Ordained 1813. Pastor, Whitesborough, N. Y., 1813-1833. Agent Oneida In- stitute, 1833-1834. Pastor. Elmira, N. Y., 1835-1839; Waterville, N. Y., 1841-1842. A. M. Died 1842. *Daniel Hascall, Hamilton, N. Y. Baptist clergyman. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Sacred Rhetoric, Hamilton Theological Seminary. Author. A. M. Died 1852. *Oliver Hulburd, WaynesboroughjGa. Presbyterian clergyman. Tutor, 1808-1811. Professor of Languages, 1811-1812. A. M. Died 1814. *Daniel Hunter, Amsterdam, N. Y. Lawyer. A. B., Dartmouth, 1806. Died 1820. *Oliver Leavitt, Palermo, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Died 1837. * Luther Leland, Derby, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Derby, 1810-1822. A. M. Died 1822. *Stephen Martindale, Wallingford, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Teacher, West Dorset, 1807-1814. Pas- tor, Tinmouth, Vt., 1818-1832 ; Wallingford, 1832-1847. A. M. Died 1847. *Calvin Sheldon, Oswego, N. Y. Lawyer. Represented Manchester in Vermont Legislature, 1820. State's Attorney, Bennington County, 1815-1821, and procured con- viction in the causa celebre State vs. Boorne. Died 1834. 1807 *Ira Bascom, Orwell, Vt. Tutor, 1810-1811. Physician. A. M. Died 1820. 30 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1807-1808 * Nathan Sidney Smith Beman, Troy, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Author. Trustee, 1824-1871. For more than twentv-five years he was pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Troy. A. M. D. D., Williams, 1824. LL. D., Middlebury, 1852. Died 1871. *Daniel Azro Ashley Buck, Chelsea, Vt. Graduated at West Point, 1808. Representative in Legislature four- teen years. Speaker six years. State's Attorney six years. Member of Congress 1823-1829. A. M., and Dartmouth, 1823, Died 1841. *MiLLS PuRDY, Malone, N. Y. Lawyer. A. B., Williams, 1807. A. M. Died 1813. ♦Stephen Royce, East Berkshire, Vt. Lawyer. Member of General Assembly, 1815-1817 and 1822-1825. Member Constitutional Convention, 1822. Judge Supreme Court, 1825-1827 and 1829-1846. Chief Justice, i84'6-i852. Governor 1854 and 1856. LL. D., University of Vermont, 1837. Died 1868. *William Slade, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Secretary of State, 1815-1823. Judge of Addison County Court, 1816-1822. Clerk of Supreme Court, 1820-1824. States At- torney, 1830-1831. Member of Congress, 1831-1843. Reporter of Supreme Court, 1843-1844. Governor, 1844-1846. Editor Vermont State Papers, 1823 and Laws^of Vermont, 1825. A. M. Died 1859. Oliver C. Stewart, Shore ham, Vt. Teacher. Principal of Brandon Academy for a while and then went to Pennsylvania. (?) 1808 *AsA AiKENS, Westport, N. Y. Lawyer. Represented Windsor in the Legislature of Vermont, 1818- 1820. Judge of Vermont Supreme Court, 1823-1825. President Council ot Censors of Vermont, 1827. Editor Vermont Supreme Court Reports, 1827-1828. A. M. Died 1863. *Samuel Champlain, New Orleans, La. Major U. S. A., 1812. Died (?) *Peres Chapin, Pownal, Me. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Pownal, 1811-1839. Died 1839. * Fitch Chipman, Sheldon, N. Y. He was from Pittstown, N. Y., and in 1850 was residing in Sheldon, N.Y. (?) Died 1858. (?) GusTAVUS D. Chipman, . Middleburg, N. Y. Merchant. He was from Rutland. He was once a merchant in West Bloomfield, N.Y. (?) * Joseph Ward Clary, Cornish, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1809- 1811. Pastor, Dover, N. H., 1812-1828; Cornish, 1828-1835. Died 1835. *John Dickson, West Bloomfield, N.Y. i^awyer. Member of New York Legislature, 1829-1830. Member ot Congress, 1831-1835. A. M. Died 1852. 1808 ALUMNI. 31 *Udney- Hay Everest, Shoreham, Vt. Lawyer. A. M. Died 1845. *RiCHARD Hall, New Ipswich, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Tutor, 1809-1810; Andover Theologi- cal Seminary, 1811. Pastor, New Ipswich, 1812-1824. A.M. Died 1824. *JoHN Prentiss Kewley Henshaw, Providence, R. I. Episcopal clergyman. Author. Bishop of the diocese of Rhode Island, 1843-1852. A. B., Harvard, 1808 ; A. M., iMiddlebury ; D. D., 1830. Died 1852. * Solomon S. Miller, Norfolk, Va. Lawyer. A. M. Died 1830. *NoADiAH Moore, Champlain, N. Y. Manufacturer of iron. A. B., Williams, 1808. A. M. Died 1859. *JosiAH Peet, Norridgewock, Me. Congregational clergyman. Principal Castleton Seminary, 1808-1809. Andover Theological Seminary, 1809-1811. Pastor Norridgewock, 1814-1852. A. M. Died 1852. *Ralph Robinson, New Haven, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Pastor, Granville and Hartford, N. Y., i8io- 1822; Marshall, N. Y., 1822-1828 ; Pulaski, N. Y., 1828-1846; New Haven, 1846-. A. M. Died 1863. ♦Cephas L. Rockwood, Prairie Village,Wis.( ?) Lawyer. He was from Chester. A. M. Died 1843-1847. (?) * Hippocrates Rowe, Palmyra, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Hewasfrom Pawlet. Ordained at Palmyra, 1813. Died before 1820. (?) *James N. Seaman, Hampden, Me, Baptist clergyman. Pastor Second Baptist church, Providence, R. I., 1825-1831. Published a volume of poems, 1816. Died 1831. *LuTHER Sheldon, Easton, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Easton, 18 10-1853. A. M. ;D. D., 1851. Died 1866. *JosEPH Sill, Chillicothe, O. Lawyer. Member of Ohio Legislature, 1818-1819. District Attorney of Ross county, O., eleven years. Died 1875. *Ebenezer Peck Sperry, Lyme, O. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1809- 181 1. Pastor Dunstable, N. H., 1813-1819; Wenham, Mass., 1820. Went to Ohio about 1844. A. M. Died, 1853. * William Swetland, Plattsburgh, N. Y. Lawyer. A. M. Died 1864. *Joshua Youngs Vail, Montpelier, Vt. Lawyer. Clerk of Washington county, 1818-1839. Member and Secretary, Council of Censors, 1820. A. M., University of Vermont, 1812. Died 1854. ♦Edward Warren, Marlborough, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1812. Missionary of A. B. C. F. M.. Ceylon, 1815. A. M. Died at Cape Town, Africa, 1818. 32 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1809-1810 1809 * Harvey Bell, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Member Governor's Council, 1835. State Senator, 1836. Secretary, Board of Trustees, 1826-1843. Editor ot the Northern Galaxy, 1841-1848. A. M. Died 1848, *Bela Edgerton, Hicksville, O. Lawyer. Farmer. Member New York Legislature, 1826-1830. Died 1874. *MiCAiAH Fairfield, Hillsdale, Mich. Baptist clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1811-1812. Died 1858. *Benjamin Foster, Kingfield, Me. I^awyer. Died i860. *MuNNis M. Kinney, Webster, Mich. Lawyer. Represented Townshend in the Legislature of Vermont, i8i6- 1818 and 1821. A. B., Williams, 1809. Died 1863. *Thomas Leland, Claremont, N. H. Lawyer. Represented Windsor in the Legislature of Vermont, 1828- 1831. Died 1849. *Benjamin Brearley Stockton, Williamsburg, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman, Andover Theological Seminary, 1813. A. M., and Hamilton, 1815. Died 1861. *Jonathan David Winchester, Madison, O. Presbyterian clergyman. A. M. Died 1835. 1810 * Horatio Conant, Maumee City, O. Physician. Tutor, 1811 1813. Judge Court of Common Pleas. Clerk of the Common Pleas and Supreme Courts. Collector of Customs. A. M. M. D., elsewhere. Died 1879. * William Goodell, Cayuga, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Tutor, 1811-1813. Pastor, Grafton, Vt., 1814-1822. A. M. Died 1865. *FiFiELD Holt, Bloomfield, Me. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1813. Pastor, Bloomfield, 1814-1830. Died 1830. * Justus Shailer Hough, • Syracuse, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Addison, Vt., 1815-1825; Livo- nia, 1850. A. M. Died 1872. *ZiMRi Howe, Castleton, Vt. Lawyer. Member Governor's Council, 1831-1835. State Senator, 1836-1838. Judge Rutland County Court, 1838-1844. Trustee, 1840- 1863. A. M. Died 1863. *Ephraim Holland Newton, Cambridge, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1813. Pastor, Marlboro, Vt., 1813-1833; Glens Falls, N.Y., 1833-1836; Cam- bridge, N. v., 1837-1843. Teacher there, 1843-1848. A. M.,'and Wil- liams, 1828. D. D., 1862. Died 1864. lSlO-1811 ALUMNI. 33 *Joh:n S. Pettibone, Manchester, Vt. Farmer. Representative in Legislature seven years. Judge of Pro- bate Court seven years. Member Governor's Council tour years. Died 1872. *Stephen C. Pitkin, Dumfries, Va. Teacher. Died 1811. *Daniel Smith, Louisville, Ky. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1813. Exploring agent and home missionary, 1814-1823, A. M. Died 1823. 1811 * Nathan Godfrey Babbitt, Beloit, Wis. Lawyer. Judge Cheshire County Court, 1842. Postmaster Walpole, N. H., 1847-1849. Alderman, Beloit. A. M. Died 1866. *Eleazer Storks Barrows, Utica, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1814-1815. Tutor, Middlebury College, 1815 ; Hamilton College, 1817 1819. Pro- fesssor ot Latin, Hamilton College, 1819-1821. Editor Christian Jour- nal, 1828-1833, A, M., and College of New Jersey, 1817. Died 1847. *TiTus Brown, Francestown, N. H. Lawyer. Representative in New Hampshire Legislature six years. President State Senate. Member of Congress, 1825-1829. A. M. Died 1849- *Carlos Coolidge, Windsor, Vt. Lawyer. State's Attorney. 1831-1836. Representative in Legislature, 1834-1837, 1839-1842. Speaker, 1836, 1839-1842, Governor, 1848-1850. A. M., University of Vermont, 1835. LL. D., Middlebury College, 1849. Died 1866. *Enoch Corser, Plymouth, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Loudon, N. H., 1817-1834. A. M., Dartmouth, 1818. Died 1868. * Charles Davis, Danville, Vt. Lawyer. State's Attorney, 1828-1835, 1838-1839. Clerk House of Representatives, 1831. Representative, 1851. U. S. District Attor- ney, 1841-1845. Judge of Probate, 1845-1846. Judge Supreme Co'urt, 1846-1848. A. M. Died 1863. *Jeremiah Flint, Eden, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1814, Died 1843. *Calvin Hitchcock, Wrentham, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1814. Pastor, Newport, R. I., 1815-1820; Randolph, Mass., 1821-1851. D. D., 1841. Died 1867. ♦Joseph Labaree, .Liberty, O. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Principal Addison County Grammar School. 1811-1813. Pastor in Vermont and New York, 1814-1825; North Carolina, 1825-1829; Ohio, 1829— . A.M. Died(?) ♦Jacob Lansing, Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. Judge Albany County Court, 1828. A. M. Died 1858. 34 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 2811-1812 *Archy B. Lawrence, Liberty, Miss. Lawyer. Clergyman. Teacher. Editor. In 1850 he was principal of a Seminary in Liberty. A. M. Died (?) *JoEL Harvey Linsley, Greenwich, Conn. Congregational clergyman. Tutor, 1813-1815. Practiced law in Mid- dlebury till 1821. Andover Theological Seminary, 1821-1822. Presi- dent Marietta College, 1836-1846. Pastor, Greenwich, 1847-1868. A. M.; D. D., 1837. Died 1868. *Thomas Porter Matthews, Redford, Mich. Physician. Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Chemistry, Castle- ton Medical College, 1818-1820. Represented Cornwall in Vermont Legislature, 1820. A. M. ; M. D. elsewhere. Died i86g. Benton Pixley, Independence, Mo. Congregational clergyman. He was from Great Barrington, Mass. Principal Montpelier Academy. Pastor, Williamstown, Vt. In 1821 • he was sent among the Osage Indians by the United Foreign Mission- ary Society. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M.in the West, 1826-1829. Com- missioned by the A. H. M. Society at Independence, Mo., 1832. (?) *JoHN Sargeant, Fort Ann, N. Y. Physician. M. D, elsewhere. Died 1854. *Calvin Solace, Bridport, Vt. Lawyer. Representative in Legislature, 1826-1828. Member Consti- tutional Convention, i8c;o. Judge County Court, 1835-1838 and 1842- 1844. A. M. Died 1865. *MiLES Powell Squier, Geneva, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 18 14. Financial agent Auburn Theological Seminary, 1824-1826. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Beloit College, 1849-1863. A. M. ; D. D., 1852. Died 1866. ♦Heman Swift, Bennington, Vt. Physician. Andover Theological Seminary, 1813-1814. State Sena- tor, 1837. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1856. ♦Jonathan Taylor, Danbury, N. H.( ?) Episcopal clergyman. Died 1852. 1812 ♦Jonathan Adams. New Sharon, Me. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1815. Pastor, Woolwich, Me., 1817-1832; Deer Isle, Me., 1832-1852; Booth- bay, Me., 1852-1858. A. M. Died 1861. ♦Joseph Raphael Andrus, Sierra Leone, Africa. Episcopal clergyman. Yale, 1812-1813. Andover Theological Semi- nai'y, 1815-1816. First agent of American Colonization Society. A. M. Died 1821. *Seth Shaler Arnold, Ascutneyville, Vt. Congregational clergyman. First Sergeant war 1812. Pastor, Alstead, N. H., 1815-1834. Supplied other churches in New Hampshire, 1834- 1838; Westminster, Vt., 1838-1840; and other churches in Vermont until 1858. A. M. Died 1871. 2812 ALUMNI. 35 *GusTAVus Adolphus Bird, St. Louis, Mo, A. M. Died (?) *Stephen Bliss, Linn, III. Presbyterian clergyman. He was the first Presbyterian preacher set- tled in Illinois. State Senator Illinois, 1824-1828. Died 1847. *IsAAC Newton Cushman, Hartland, Vt. Lawyer, Representative in Legislature, 1823-1825, 1832. State's At- torney, 1824-1827. Member Council of Censors, 1820. Died 1843. *Samuel S. Davis, - Surnmerville, Ga. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1815. Tu- tor in Middlebury College, 1813-1814 and in Union College, 1815- 1817, Pastor of churches in Georgia and South Carolina many years. Professor Oglethorpe University, 1841-1842. A. M, and Union Col- lege. ; D. D., Franklin College, Ga., 1845. Died 1877. * Martin C, Deming, Arlington, Vt, Merchant. Representative in Legislature, 1830-1832. Judge of Pro- bate, 1836-1838. Member Council of Censors, 1841, and Constitu- tional Convention, 1850. A. M, Died 1851. * Martin Fitch, Salem, N. Y. Physician. Died 1816. *Henry Fuller, North Stamford, Conn. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Smithtown, N. Y., 1816-1821 ; North Stamford, 1821-1844. Died 1867. * Allen Graves, Malcom Peth, India. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1815. Missionary, A. B. C, F. M., 1817-1843. A. M. Died 1843. *Friend Mabel Hall, Berkshire, Vt. Physician. Farmer. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1868. * George S. Henshaw, Montreal, Canada. Lawyer. Died before 1853. (?) *Oren Hyde, Fayetteville, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1822-1823. A. M.'and Yale college, 1820. Died 1873. * Hiram Sumner Johnson, Canton, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Died 1853. * Chester Long, Salem, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Pastor Westernville, White Plains and Mel- ville, N. Y. New York City Missions, 1833-1836. Died 1877. ^Daniel Oliver Morton, Bristol, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Shoreham, 1814-1831 ; Spring- field, 1831-1836 ; Winchendon. Mass., some years ; Bristol, N. H., un- til his death. Author Life of Levi Parsons and other works. Trus- tee, 1830-1846. A. M. Died 1852. ♦Matthew Perkins, Sanbornton, N, H. Lawyer, Representative in New Hampshire Legislature, 1825, A. M. Died 1826. ♦William Perrin, Berlin, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1815- 18 16. Published three volumes of poetry. Died 1824. 36 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1812-1813 ♦Benjamin Pettengill, (?) A. B., Dartmouth, 1812. Died 1873. * J AMES Kent Platt, Plattsburgh, N. Y. Physician. Studied in Yale one year ; Philadelphia and New York three years ; London two years ; Paris six months. Professor of Sur- gery in University of Vermont, 1823. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1824. *ISAAC Reed, Maysville, Ky. Clergyman. In 1851 he was principal of a Seminary in Maysville. Died 1858, ♦Ashley Sampson, Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. Judge Monroe County Court, 1823-1826, 1837-1844. Mem- ber New York Legislature, 1844. A. M. Died 1857. ♦Horatio Shumway, Buffalo, N. Y. Lawyer. Died 1871. ♦Job Sedgwick Swift, Dalton, Ga. Planter. Andover Theological Seminary, 1815. Died 1859. ♦JosiAH Town, (?) Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Hanover Centre, N. H., 1814- 1833; Warren, O., 1834; Hudson, O. ; Illinois or Wisconsin. A. M., Dartmouth, 1815. Died 1855. 1813 ♦Solomon Metcalf Allen, Middlebury, Vt. Teacher. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1814-1816. Andover Theo- logical Seminary, 18 16. Professor of Languages in Middlebury Col- lege, 1816-1817, A. M. and Williams, 1817. Died 1817. ♦Seneca G. Bragg, Kingston, N. Y. Episcopal clergyman. Studied at the Episcopal Seminary, Alexan- dria, Va. Ordained 1831. Was in active service in Georgia as a preacher and teacher till 1859. Died 1861. ♦Thomas P. Chapin, Weathersfield, Vt. Not long after graduation he went to the Southern States and thence JO South America, where he enlisted as a soldier and is thought to have been executed with several others as a rebel. ♦Henry Conant, Monroe, Mich. Physician. M. D. elsewhere. Died 185 1. ♦Franceway Ranna Cossitt, Lebanon, Tenn. Presbyterian clergyman. President Cumberland College, Ky., and Cumberland University, Tenn., 1843-1860. Editor Banner of Peace. D. D.. 1839. Died 1863. ♦Nathan Douglas, Bangor, Me. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1815- . 1816. Died 1866. ♦Junius H. Hatch, Buffalo, N. Y. LaA^yer. Member New York Legislature. Died 1869. ♦Thomas Hopkins, Middlebury, Vl. His name was starred in the Triennial of 1822. (?) 1813 ALUMNI. 37 *Otto Smith Hoyt, New Haven, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1814- 1815. Tutor, 1815-1816. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1817. Pas- tor at Hinesburgh thirty years. Trustee, 1841-1869. A. M. Died 1869. Luther Humphrey, Edwardsburg, Mich. Presbyterian clergyman. Pastor, Burton, O., 1815-1828; Conneaut, O., 1829-1831 ; Edwardsburg, Mich. (?) Hall Jackson Kelly, Boston, Mass. Teacher. A. M. and Harvard, 1820. (?) *George W. Kirtland, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. Practiced in Waterford, N. Y., for about 35 years. At one time he was Assistant Vice Chancellor of the State of New York. Re- moved to Brooklyn, 1856. Died 1872. *Sylvester Larned, New Orleans, La. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover and Princeton Theological Semi- naries, 1815-1816. First pastor First Presbyterian church, New Or- leans. A. M. Died 1820. *Abiel Pettibone Mead, Maiden, Mass. Physician. A. M. ; M. D., elsewhere, 1830. Died 1857. *Selah Higley Merrill, Castleton, Vt. Lawyer. Register of Probate, 1814-1823, 1829-1837. Representative in Legislature, 1831-1833. State's Attorney, 1829-1835. Died 1839. *Samuel Nelson, Washington, D. C. Lawyer. Member Constitutional Convention New York, 1821. Judge New York Circuit Court, 1823-1831. Judge New York Supreme Court, 1831-1845. Justice United States Supreme Court, 1845-1872. Member Joint High Commission negotiating Treaty of \A/ashington, 1872. LL. D., 1841, and Geneva 1837, and Columbia and Hamilton, 1870. Died 1873. ♦Benjamin Nixon, Pitisford, Vt. Died 1883. * Henry G. Palmer, Stonington, Conn. Teacher. Died in New Jersey before 1853. (?) *Otis Rock wood, Cambridge, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1817. Pastor, Lynn, Mass., 1818-1832; Woodstock, Conn., 1834-1843. A. M. Died 1861. *John Ross, Tipton, Ind. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1813- 1814. Pastor, Somerset, Pa., Ripley, O., Richmond. Ind., 1817-1829. Home missionary, Ohio and Indiana, 1829-1850. Died 1876. ♦Dudley D. Rosseter, Marietta, O. Congregational clergyman. Ordained, 1816. City missionary, Bos- ton, several years. In business for some years in Boston and New York. Settled in Marietta, 1839. Died 1870. *Reuben Smith, Beaver Dam, Wis. Presbyterian clergyman and author. Princeton Theological Semina- ry, 1813-1814. Pastor, Ballston Centre, N. Y., 1816-1825 ; Burlington, Vt., 1825-1831; Waterford, N. Y., 1831-1848; Ballston Centre, 1848- 1853, A. M. and Union, i8i6. Died i860. 38 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1813-1814 ♦Noble D. Strong, Auburn, N. Y. Editor and teacher. A. M. Died 1833. * Humphrey Webster, Jeffersonville, Ind. Lawyer. Lieutenant war of 1812. Died 18 19. *LuKE Whitcomb, Townshend, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Townshend, 1815-1820. A. M. Died in Savannah, Ga., 1821. *JosEPH Whiteley, Caldwell, N. Y. Lawyer. Died 1869. * Carlos Wilcox, Dan bury, Conn. Congregational clergyman and author. Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1817. Pastor, New Haven, Conn., 1823-1824; Hartford, Conn., 1824- 1826. Died 1827. *JoHN Willard, Salem, N. Y. Lawyer. Judge County Courts, 1824-1836. Judge Supreme Court of New York, 1836-1862'. A. M. ; LL. D., 1850. Died 1862. * Hubbard Willson, Lancaster, N. H. Law student. Taught two terms in High School. Died 1819. 1814 *Samuel Clark Aiken, Cleveland, O. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1817. Pas- tor First Presbyterian church, Utica, N. Y., 1818-1835; Cleveland, O., 1835-1858. A. M. ; D. D., 1842. Died 1879. * David Bailey, Weare, N. H. Lawyer. In Unity, N. H., two years; Rochester, N. Y., two years; Oswego, N. Y., eleven years — in the latter place, for a time, clerk of the County Court. Returned to Weare 1838 and engaged in agriculture. Died 1875. ♦Remembrance Chamberlain, Milledgeville, Ga. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1816. Pastor in Georgia, 1825-1834. Agent Oglethorpe University, 1850. A. M. Died 1855. ♦Benjamin Chase, Natchez, Miss. Presbyterian clergyman. Was Bible agent and missionary in the South and Southwest, 1824-1840. A. M. and Dartmouth, 1817. D. D., Washington College, Pa., 1857. Died 1870. *Ira Chase, Newton Center, Mass. Baptist clergyman, teacher and author. Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1817. Professor of Languages and Biblical Literature, Colum- bia'College, 1819-1825, and of Theology and Ecclesiastical History in Newton Theological Seminary, of which he was one ot the origina- tors, 1825-1845. A. M. ; D. D., Waterville, 1830. Died 1864. ♦Caleb Clark, Truxton, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Pastor, Truxton, 1820 until a few years be- fore his death, except two years at Pompey, N. Y. Died 1863. ♦Nehemiah Cutter, Pepperell, Mass. Physician. For many years at the head of a large private insane asy- lum. M. D., Yale, 1817. Died 1859. 1814 ALUMNI. 39 * Orson Douglass, Philadelphia, Pa. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1818. La- bored among seamen in connection with the Eastburn Mariner's Chapel in Philadelphia, 1839-1852. A. M. Died 1852. ♦Benjamin Durkee, Lebanon, N. H. Died 1816. *NoAH Emerson, Shinnecock Reservation, N.Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1817. Pastor, Baldwin, Me., 1825-1850. Missionary, Shinnecock Reserva- tion, i860. Died i860. *Pliny Fisk, Beirut, Syria. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1818. Missionary A. B. C. F. M., 1819-1825. A. M. Died 1825. *Calvin Foot, Brooklyn, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Ordained 1820. Pastor, Southwick, Mass., twenty-six years. Agent American Tract Society in Southern New York the last twenty years of his life. Died 1868. ♦Benjamin Gildersleeve, Richmond, Va. Presbyterian clergyman and editor. Princeton Theological Semina- ry, 1816-1817. Editor Christian Observer, Charleston. S. C, 1826- 1845; Watchman and Observer, Richmond, Va.. 1845-1856; Central Presbyterian, 1856-1860. A.M.; D. D. elsewhere. Died 1875. *Thomas Charlton Henry, Charleston, S. C. Presbyterian clergyman and author. Princeton Theological Semina- rv, 1814-1815. Pastor, Columbia, S. C, 1818-1823; Charleston, 1823- 1827. D. D., Yale, 1824. Died 1827. * Edward William Hooker, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Congregational clergyman and author. Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1817. Pastor, Bennington, Vt., 1832-1844. Professor Rhetoric and Ecclesiastical History Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1844- 1848. Pastor, South Windsor, Conn., 1849-1856 ; Fair Haven, Vt., 1856-1862. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1834-1844. A. M. ; D. D., Williams, 1840. Died 1875. *Reuel Keith, Sheldon, Vt. Episcopal clergyman, teacher and author. Tutor in Middlebury Col- lege, 1816-1817. Professor of Humanities and History William and Mary College. Professor Pastoral Theology, Virginia Theological Seminary. A. M. ; D. D., 1827. Died 1842. ♦George May, Rochester, N. Y. Died 1822. (?) ♦George R. Minot, Boston, Mass. Was from West Haven, Vt. Died 1827. * Pliny Moody, South Had ley, Mass. Farmer. Died 1868. *WiLLARD J. Parker, Brandon, Vt. Lawyer. A. M. Died 1830. *Ezekiel C. Parks, Washington, Ga. Physician. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1824. *Levi Parsons, Alexandria, Egypt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1817. Missionary A. B. C. F. M., 1817-1822. A. M, Died 1822. 40 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1814-1815 * Richard Pearse, Avransas Bay, Tex. Teacher and merchant. Was murdered, 1842. *Philanthropos Perry, Andover, Mass. Died while a member of Andover Theological Seminary, 1815. * Reuben Post, Charleston, S. C. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1818. Pastor First Presbyterian church, Washington, D. C, 1819- 1836. Pastor Charleston, S. C, 1836-1858. D. D. College of South Carolina, 1837. Died 1858. *NoAH Smith, Natchez, Miss. Teacher. Was from Middlebury ; became a teacher in Natchez and died in early life. (?) *Spencer Wall, Lafourche, La. Episcopal clergyman. Died 1879. *Moses E. Wilson, St. Louis, Mo. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1817. Home missionary, 1817-1822. A. M. Died 1822. 1815 * Edward Aiken, Tallahassee, Fla. Physician. A. M. Hamilton, 1821. ; M. D, elsewhere. Died 1831. *Salmon Bennetf, Sherman, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Winchester. N. H., 1817-1823 ; Marlboro, N. H., 1823-1832; Boscawen, N. H., 1832—. Died 1882. *Dana Clayes, Wakefield, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1820. Pastor, Meriden, N. H., 1821-1837 ; Portland, Me., 1839-1 841. Home missionary, 1841 — . A. M. Died 1877. *Silas Smith Chipman, Shoreham, Vt. Teacher. Andover Theological Seminary, a short time. Died 1817. *Edward Salmon Cone, Middletown, Conn. Physician. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1831. *Oliver Dudley Cooke, East Windsor, Conn. Merchant. Some time in New York city. Died 1829. * Henry Crawford, Buffalo, N. Y. Lawyer. Practiced in Walpole, N. H., until 1822. Died 1835. *Lucius Chitpenden FooTE, Nunda, N. Y. Lawyer. Practiced in Cayuga some years ; was then land agent in Nunda. A. M. Died 1828. * Alfred Gillet, Steuben, N. Y. Physician. M. D., New Haven School of Medicine. Located in Steuben, 1818. Died 1874. *David Gould, Chelsea, Mass. Lawyer. Practiced in Vermont until 1825; afterwards in Boston. Died i860. 1813 ALUMNI. 41 *George Hamilton Green, Argyle, N. Y. A. M., Hamilton, 1821. Died (?) *David a. Hall, Washington, D. C. Lawyer. Practiced in Washington after 1819. Died 1870, * Daniel Hemenway, Suffield, Conn. Congreeiational clergyman and teacher. Tutor in Middlebury Col- lege, 1817 1818. Andover Theological Seminarv, 1819. Pastor, Ware- ham, Mass., 1821-1828. Principal Norwich. Conn., Female Seminary, 1828-1831. Pastor, East Granby, Conn., 1832-1842. Teacher, Suffield, Conn., 1842-1861. A. M. Died 1871. *Ira Ingraham, Geneva, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Pastor, Orwell, Vt., 1820 1823 ; Bradford, Mass., 1824-1830; Brandon, Vt , 1830-1835. Secretary Vermont Do- mestic Missionary Society, 1835 1839. Pastor, Lyons, N. Y., 1835- 1848. Educational agent in the West, 1848—. A. M. Died 1864. ♦Leonard Elijah Lathrop, Sharon. Conn. Presbyterian clergyman. Read law, 1815-1817; theology, 1817-1819. Taught and preached in Wilmington, N. C, 1819-1823. Pastor Salis- bury. Conn., 1824-1836; Auburn, N. y., 1836-1851. Agent of Ham- ilton College, 1851-1853. Pastor, Sharon.Conn., 1853-1857. D. D., Hobart College, 1840. Died 1857. ♦Andrew Van Tuyl Leavitt, Wallingford, Vt. Merchant. In Rochester, N. Y., until 1850. Died 1878. *IsAAC Parker, Coventry, Vt. Farmer. Representative in the Legislature 1831-1833 and 1847-1849. Member Constitutional Convention, 1850. Judge County Court, 1833- 1834 and 1839-1843. Died 1882. ♦Alonzo Phillips, Newburyport, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1818. Pastor, Princeton, Mass., 1820-1835. Died 1838. ♦HoLDEN Rhodes, Manchester, Va. Lawyer. Tutor in Middlebury college, 1817. Attorney for the Com- monwealth tor the Circuit Court of Powhatan County, Va., for many years. He attained prominence at the bar of Virginia particularly as a chancery lawyer. He was a Whig and often received the nomin- ation of his party to office. Died 1857. ♦Ludovicus Robbins, Alganse, Mich. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Farmington, now Avon, Conn., 1820- 1822. Afterwards Home Missionary in the South and West. Died 1850. *SiLAS S. Safford, Sweedsboro, N. J. Episcopal clergyman. Pastor, St. Stephen's church, Middlebury, 1814-1816. Died 1817. Charles Smith, Lunenburgh C. H.,Va. Lawyer. He was from Addison, Vt., and went to Virginia soon after graduation. For many years he was Commonwealth Attorney for his county and attained eminence at the bar. Died in 1857. ♦Constant Southworth, WiUiams Centre, O. Presbyterian clergyman. Andoyer and Princeton Theological Sem- inaries, 1816-1817. Agent Bangor Theological Seminary, 1818-1819. Pastor, Canton, N. Y., 1820-1836. Agent American Bible Society. A. M., and University of Vermont, 1818. Died 1870. 42 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1815-1816 *LuKE AiNSWORTH Spofford, Rockport, Ind. Congregational clergyman. Pastor.Gilmanton, N. H., 1819-X825 ; Brent- wood, N, H., 1826-1829; Lancaster, N. H., 1829-1831 ; Atkinson, N. H., 1832-1835; in Mass., 1835-1845; Newburgh, N. Y., 1845 — . Died 1855. *Jesse Strickland, (?) Westchester Co., Pa. Physician. M. D. elsewhere. Died (?) *Ebenezer Washburn, Blendon, O. Congregational clergyman, Andover Theological Seminary, 1815- 1816. Pastor, Blendon, 1817-1859, Professor of Mathematics in Cen- tral College, 1842-1857 ; Emeritus, 1857. Died 1873. ♦Daniel E. Watrous, Austin, Texas. Lawyer. Taught in " the old college," Knoxville, Tenn. Practiced law in Montevallo, Ala,, many years. Member Alabama Legislature. Ran for Congress against William L. Yancey. Removed to Texas, Died 1862. *MiRON WiNSLOW, Madras, India. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1818. Missionary, A. B, C. F, M., 1819-1864. A. M., Yale, i8t8; D. D., Harvard, 1858 ; LL. D., Middlebury, 1864. Died at Cape of Good Hope, 1864. *Samuel Wolcott, Shoreham, Vt. Lawyer. Litchfield Law School. Died 1828. * Silas Wright, Canton, N. Y. Lawyer. Member New York Senate, 1823-1827. Member of Con- gress, 1827-1829. Comptroller of the State of Nca^ York, 1829-1832. United States Senator, 1832-1844. Governor of New York, 1845-1847. A. M,, LL.D., University of Vermont, 1838. Died 1847, 1816 *Benson C. Baldwin, Medina, O. Congregational clergyman. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 1816-1817. Andover Theological Seminary, 1822. Pastor, Norwich, Conn., 1828-1830; Ohio, 1830-1844. Pied 1844. ♦Horace Belknap, Ellington, Conn. Congregational clergyman and physician. Andover Theological Sem- inary, 1820. Went South. Died (?) *HiRAM Bingham, New Haven, Conn. Congregational clergyman and author. Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1819. Missionary A. R. C. F. M. Sandwich Islands, 1819-1846. Acting pastor, 1848-1860. A. M., Yale, 1819. Died 1869. *LuKE BowEN, Putney, Vt. (?) Clergyman. Died (?) ♦Ambrose Lincoln Brown, Rutland, Vt. Lawyer. Judge of Probate, 1832-1835 and 1838-1839. Representative in Legislature, 1834-1835. Editor Rutland Herald, 1837-1841. Judge of County Court, 1844-1847. A. M. Died 1865. ♦Alonzo Church, Athens, Ga. Presbyterian clergyman. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in Franklin College, Ga., 18 19 1829. President of same, 1829-1862. A. M., D. D., 1830. Died 1862. 1816 ALUMNI. 43 * Charles Glidden Haines, New York, N. Y. Lawyer and publicist. Studied law in New York and edited the first law journal published in this country. Secretary Board of Canal Commissioners. Author of many treatises upon legal and political subjects — " notably 'A Complete System of Republican Government,' drawn up for the republics of South America by the request of their representatives and at the instance of Mr. Webster." Practiced in the United States Supreme Court, contending successfully for the free navigation ot the Hudson river, and was engaged in other causes in- volving the most important constitutional questions. Appointed Ad- jutant General of the State o( New York by Governor Clinton in 1825. Died 1825 at the age of thirty-two. Declared by Mr. Webster to be the most brilliant man in the country. ♦Edward Hollister, Alton, 111. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1820. Pastor in V^ermont, Virginia. Illinois and Tennessee, 1823-1850. Agent American Bible Society, 1851 — . Died 1870. *Edwin James, Burlington, la. Physician and author. Attached to Maj. Long's expedition to the Rocky Mountains, and compiled and published journal of same. Sur- geon and Indian Agent 1826-1832 and 1834-1840. Published nine works — five of them in the Indian language, among which is a trans- lation of the whole Bible, M. D. elsewhere. Died 1862. *AsA Messer, • Geneva, N. Y. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Ordained 1818. Pastor, Pittsford, Vt., 1818-1822; Essex, N. Y., 1822-1826, Teacher, 1827- 1833. Bookseller, Geneva, N. Y,, 1833- 1845, A. M. Died 1876. *Nahum Nixon, Marlborough, Mass. Farmer. Died (?) *David Root, Chicago, 111. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Cincinnati, 1819 1832; Dover, N. H., 1832-1839; Waterbury, Conn., 1841-1844; Guilford, Conn., 1844- 1851 ; acting pastor, 1851-1862. Was a prominent anti-slavery agitator, A, M., Dartmouth, 1825. Died 1873. *Amherst D. Scovell, Colchester, Conn. Lawyer, Died 1837, * Daniel H, Skinner, Royalton, Vt. Physician, A. M,, Dartmouth, 1820. M. D. elsewhere. Practiced in Bahimore, M. D., till 1863. Died 1875. * Henry Stowell, Cambridge, Vt. Lawyer. Member Constitutional Convention, 1836, and Council of Censors, 1848. Judge County Court 1849-1851. A. M. Died 1872. *JoEL TuRRiLL, Osvvego, N. Y. Lawyer, District Attorney three years, fudge County Court five years. Surrogate several years. Member New York Legislature one year. Member of Congress, 1833-1837. United States Consul at the Sandwich Islands, 1845- 1850. Died 1859. *David Wilson, Hebron, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1819. Pastor, Rupert, Vt., 1826-1844; Hebron, N. Y., 1844-1846. A.M. Died 1864. 44 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1817 1817 * Ethan Allen, Newport, Ky. Episcopal clergyman. In Dayton, Ohio, many years, afterwards in Baltimore. D. D., Protestant University of Baltimore, 1858, Died 1879. * Joseph Brown, New York, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1820. Agent and Secretary Seaman's Friends' Society, 1829-1833. A. M. Died 1833. *JoNAS CoLBURN, Chicopee, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1820. Pastor, Leverett, Mass.. 1824-1832; Stoneham, Mass., 1832-1837 ; Wells, Me., 1837-1844; New Salem, Mass., and elsewhere, 1845-1862. He spelled his name Coburn when in college. Died 1862. *Palmer C. Dorr, Albany, N. Y. Physician. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1838. * Justus Warner French, Brooklyn, N. Y. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1818-1820. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1820-1821. Pastor, Barre, Vt., 1821-1832, Teacher, Geneva, N. Y., 18^3-1842; Albion, N. Y., 1842 1849; Palmvra, N. Y., 1849-1855; Albany^ 1855-1856. A. M. Died 1862. *Uriel Fuller, Brooklyn, Conn. lawyer. Died 1880. *Samuel Hitchcock, Piqua, Ohio. Physician. Taught in Maryland after graduating. Practiced in Ham- ilton and Piqua, O , many years. Died 1870. * Henry Howe, Canandaigua, N. Y. Teacher. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1818-1820. Principal Can- andaigua Academy nearly twenty-four years. A. M. Died 1865. *Enos B. M. Hughes, - New Haven, Conn. Merchant. Died 1834. *Thomas Huntington, Brooklyn, Conn. Physician and Baptist clergyman. Died 1867. *Chauncey Graham Lee, New Haven, Conn. Congregational clergyman. Ordained 1821. Pastor, Monroe, Conn., 1821-1826: East Windsor, Conn., 1832-1838; Naugatuck, Conn., 1838—. Died 1871. *Jacob Noble J^oomis, Craftsbury, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1820. Pastor, • Hardwick, Vt., 1822-1830 and 1835-1836; Plainfield, N, H., 1830-1832; Greensboro, Vt., 1832-1834. A.M. Died 1864. *Charles Nicoll, New Haven, Conn. Merchant. Died 1871. *JoHN Russell, Bluffdale, 111. Teacher and author. Taught in Georgia and Missouri several years ; two years in Alton Seminary, now Shurtleff College. In 1828 he set- tled in Bluffdale, which he founded and named. Licensed to preach by the Baptist church, 1833. A. M., and Brown University, 1841. LL. D., University of Chicago, 1862. Died 1863. 1817-1S18 ALUMNI. 45 *Franklin Gillet SiMiTH, Columbia, Tenn. Episcopal clergyman. Rector, Lynchburg, Va., 1824- 1838 ; Colum- bia, Tenn., 1838—. A. M., Hampden Sidney College, 1823. Died 1867. *JoNATHAN Coleman Southmayd, Rutland, Vt. Teacher. Andoyer Theological Seminary, 1819-1820. Tutor in Mid- dleburv College, 1820-1823. Teacher Montpelier Academy, 1823- 1835; Burlington, 1835-1836; Rutland, 1836-1838. A.M. Died 1838. * Charles VVatrous, Montpelier, Vt. Printer. Went South (?) and. died 1836. *Lyman Whitney, Asheville, N. C. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1821. Home Missionary in the South and West, 1821-1825. Agent Presby- terian College, Kentucky, 1825-1826. A. M. Died 1826. 1818 *Charles Eldredge Avery, Weedsport, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Was settled in Scipio and afterwards in Weedsport. Died 1854. *Hervey Ball, Cedar Lake, Ind. Lawyer and Farmer. Practiced in Georgia, 1820-1834. Settled in Cedar Lake, 1837. County Surveyor some years. Judge of Probate and Justice of the Peace, Trustee Franklin College. A. M. Died 1868. ♦Carlisle Pollock Beman, Milledgeville, Ga. Presbyterian clergyman. President of Oglethorpe University. A. M. D. D., Oglethorpe'University, 1853. Died 1875. ♦Samuel Center, Albany, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Died 1859. ♦Elisha W. Chester, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Practiced some years in Georgia and afterwards in New York city. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1847-1863. A. M. Died 1873. *John Clancy, Schenectady, N. Y. ' Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1822. In Virginia, 1822-1823. Pastor, Freehold, N. Y., 1825-1841^ ; Belchertown, Mass., 1846-1849; Princetown, Hamilton, Florida, Little Falls and Schenectady, N.Y., 1849-1862. A.M. Died 1876. *Philetus Clark, Memphis, Tenn. Congregational clergyman. Ordained, 1821. Pastor, Townshend, Weston, Londonderry. Windsor. Mass., Clarendon, West Town- shend, Sharon and Wardsboro, Vt. Died 1875. ♦Jonathan Clement, Norwich, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Toeological Seminary, 1818- 1820. Teacher at Phillips' Academy, Andover, Mass., 1820-1830. Pastor Congregational church, Chester, N. H.. 1830-1845 ; Topsham, Me., 1845-1852 ; Woodstock, Vt., 1852-1867 ; Quechee, Vt., 1869-1874. A. M., D. D., 1847. Died 1881. ♦Dexter Hitchcock, Granville, N. Y. Clergyman. A. M. Died 1864. 46 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1818-1819 ♦Samuel Mosely, Mayhew, Miss. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1821. Missionary among the Choctaw Indians, 1823-1824. A. M.. Dart- mouth, 1823. Died 1824. ♦William Page, Three Rivers, Mich. Presbyterian clergyman. He was from Middlebury. Andover The- ological Seminary, 1820-1 821. Ordained, 1823. For many years in the service of the Home Missionary Society East and West. Died 1856. ♦Willuuvi Patton, New Haven, Conn. Congregational clergyman, author and editor. Princeton Theologi- cal Seminary, 1818-1819. Pastor of churches in New York city, 1821- 1852. Secretary American Educational Society, 1834- 1837. A. M. D. D., New York University, 1836, Died 1879. *Marcus Aurelius Perry, Utica, N. Y. Episcopal clergyman. Ordained deacon 1820 and priest 1821. He organized several churches; was pastor in Rome, N. Y., nine years; fourteen years at Holland Patent; many years in Utica. A. M., Ho- bart College. Died 1874. ♦Henry Sheldon, Rupert, Vt. Physician. Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace. Postmaster twenty- -five years. State Senator, 1841-1842. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1872. ♦Marcus Smith, Collamer, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1821. Pas- tor, Collamer, 1856-1871. A. M., Union, 1825. Died at Dunkirk, 1871. ♦John B. Steele, Canajoharie, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Associate Reformed Seminary, New York, 1822. In active service as pastor for fifty-two years. A. M., Union, 1826. Died 1884. ♦Dan Stone, Cincinnati, O. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar in Cincinnati, O., 1825. Aide-de-camp to the Governor of Ohio, 1825. Went to Illinois, 1832. Member Illi- nois Legislature, 1836, and was known as one of the '• Long Nine." Judge of the Circuit Court of Illinois, 1836-1842. Returned to Cincin- nati, 1843. A. M. Died in Westfield, N. J., i860. ♦Samuel Tuttle, Albion, Mich. Physician. Judge County Court, Indiana, tour years. A. M., Ham- ilton, 1822. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1879. 1819 ♦Isaac Richmond Barbour, Galesburg, 111. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1819-1821. Ordained 1823. Home missionarv South Carolina, 1823-1825. Pas- tor, Bvfield, Mass., 1827-1833 ; Charlton, Mass., 1836-1839. A. M. Died 1869. ♦Joseph Bryan, Sparta, Ga. Planter. Died 1861. ♦John L. Burnap, Windham, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Principal Castleton Seminary, 1819-1820. Andover Theological" Seminary, 1823. Never ordained. Home Mis- sionary, 1823-1825. A. M. Died at West Townshend, Vt., 1876. 1819 ALUMNI. 47 Galen C. Carter, Bethel, Me. (?) A. M. (?) ♦Stephen Coburn, Ipswich, Mass. Merchant. Andover Theological Seminary, 1819-1820. Teacher, 1820-1827. Postmaster, 1823-1860. Died 1881. *Amzi Francis, Bridgehampton, N.Y. Presbyte'ian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1819-1820. Pastor, Bridgehampton, N. Y., 1825-1846. A. M. Died 1846. *Ralph Gowdy, Middlebury, Vt. Physician. Professor in Castleton Medical College. Represented Middlebury in Legislature, 1838-1840. A. M„ M. D,, 1825. Died 1840. *Beriah Green, Whitesboro, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1819- 1820. Teacher, Phillips Andover Academy, 1820-1821. Pastor, E^st Lyme, Conn., Brandon, Vt., and Kennebunk, Me., 1821-1830. Pro- fessor Sacred Literature, Western Reserve College. 1830-1833. Presi- dent Oneida Literary and Theological Institute, Whitesboro, N. Y., 1833 1843. Pastor, same place, 1843-67. A. M. Died 1874. ♦Jonathan Lee Hale, Windham, Me. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1822. Pastor, Campton, N. H., 1824-1832; Windham, Me., 1832-1835. A. M. Died 1835. *Caleb Hemenway, Bridport, Vt. Never engaged in any profession. Died 1828. ♦David Metcalf, Auburn, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Studied at Andover and New Haven Theological Seminaries. Ordained, 1829. Pastor, North Madison, Conn., 1829 1831 ; in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire and Ohio, 1831-1840. Resided at Worcester, Mass., 1840—. Died 1884. ♦RoswELL Mills, Johnstown, N. Y. Died in 1821 while a member of Andover Theological Seminary. ♦MosES G. Noyes, Stillwater, N. Y. Lawyer. Practiced at Poultney, Vt., Salem and Easton, N. Y. Died 1834. ♦Joel Rice, Bridport, Vt. Physician. Representative in Legislature, 1843-1845. State Senator, 1849-18151. A. M. M. D. elsewhere, 1821. Died in Blooming Grove, Wis., i860. ♦Hem AN Rood, Hanover, N. H. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Andover Theological Sem- inary, 1825. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1821-1822. Pastor, Gil- manton, N. H., 1826-1830; New Milford. Conn.. 1830-1835. Profes- sor of Biblical Literature, Gilmanton Theological Seminary, 1835- 1843. Teacher, Haverhill, N. H., 1843-1853. Pastor, Quechee, Vt., 1853-1858; Hartland, Vt., 1858-1864. Lived in Hanover, N. H., 1864- 1880. A. M. D. D., 1873. Died in Westfield, N. ]., 1884. ♦Seth Paddock Storrs, Wetumka, Ala. lawyer. Practiced in Irwinton, Ga., 1821-1823; Covington, Ga., 1823-1835. A. M. and Franklin College, Ga., 1837. Died 1854. 48 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1819-1820 Daniel Washburn, Springfield, Vt. He was from Springfield. A gentleman writes from there : " Mr. Washburn preached in this town a few times, but I think he went away soon after graduation." (?) *PuTNAM Tarrant Williams, Fayette, Miss. Lawyer. Taught and read law in Edenton, Ga. Pracliced in Mobile, Ala., one year ; afterwards in Mississippi. Was State's Attorney for Jefferson County four years and at the time of his death was a mem- ber of the Mississippi Legislature. Died 1834. 1820 *Ira M. Allen, New York, N. Y. Baptist clergyman. General agent Baptist General Tract Society, 1831- 1839; of the American and Foreign Bible Society, 1838-1848. Pear- son's catalogue says that he died on the Rio Gila, Cal., 1849. (?) *Isaac Orr Barnes, Boston, Mass. Lawyer. United States Naval Officer for the port of Boston and Charlestown, 1835-1841. United States Commissioner in Bankrupt- cy, 1841, United States Marshal, 1845-1849. Clerk United States Circuit Court, 1849-1853. United States Naval Pension Agent, 1853- 1865. Died 1865. *Albert Bingham, Newtonville, Mass. Lawyer. Many years a government clerk at Boston, Port Roval and Portsmouth. Died 1878. Samuel Andrews Bumstead, Decatur, 111. Presbyterian clergyman (Dutch Reformed). Princeton Theological Serninary, 1821-1822. Ordained 1828. Missionary, Boston, Mass., 1828-1830. Pastor, Manayunk, Pa., 1830 — ; Roxborough, 1836-1842. Evangelist, 1842 1849. Pastor, Roxborough, 1849-1853 ; Sprmglake, 111., 1853-1861 ; Raritan, 1861-1874; Norris, 1874-1889. Resides at Decatur, Macon county. III., in his ninety-first year, and sends saluta- tion in his own handwriting as our oldest living graduate. A. M. *Abijah Crane, *- Westmoreland, N.Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Pastor. Westmoreland. Agent American Home Missionary Society for Central New York, 1833-1847. Died 1847. *Edmund Frost, Bombay, India. Congregational clergyman, Andover Theological Seminary, 1823. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., 1823-1825. A. M. Died 1825. *Thomas Gildersleeve, New York, N. Y. Physician. A. M. M. D. elsewhere, 1824. Died 1874. * William Frederick Hall, Washington, D. C. Lawyer. Practiced in Wallingford and in Bellows Falls. In the Post Office Department, after 1850. A. M.. University of Vermont, 1823. Died 1883. *James Kimball, St. Louis, Mo. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1823. Pastor, Oakham, Mass., 1832-1860. A.M. Died 1861. 1820 ALUMNI. 49 * Myron Lawrence, Belchertown, Mass. Lawyer. Representative in Massachusetts Legislature, 1827-1828, 1849-1850. State Senator, 1834-1840, 1843 1844 and 1852. President of the Senate, 1837-1840. Commissioner on boundary line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1844. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1851-1852. A. M. Died 1852. *Stephen Olin, Mifidletown, Conn. Methodist clergyman. Professor of Ethics and Rhetoric. Franklin College, Ga., 1826-1833. President Randolph-Macon College, Vir- ginia, 1834-1837. President Wesleyan University, 1839-1841 and 1842- 1851. Delegate to Evangelical Alliance, London, 1846. He published " Travels in the East" and numerous smaller works. Since his death two volumes of his miscellaneous works have been published. A. M., D. D,, 1832, and Wesleyan and Alabama Universities, 1834. LL. D. Yale, 1845. Died 1851. * Moses Ordway, Beaver Dam, Wis. Clergyman and home missionary for many years. Died 1870. (?) *Alvin Hellet Parker, Media, Pa. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Princeton Theological Semina- ry, 1820-1822. Ordained, 1826. Pastor, Cape May, N. J.. 1826-1829; Salem, N. J ; Middletown and Ridley, Pa., 1833-1839. " Taught, Me- dia. A. M. Died 1864. *Ora Pearson, Peacham, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1824. Pastor in New Hampshire, New York and Vermont, 1824-1844. Agent American Tract Society, 1845 1851. A, M. Died 1858. *RoswELL Pettibone, Canton, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 1820-1821. Pastor, Hopkinton, Evans Mills and Canton, N. Y. Died 1863. *OziAS Seymour, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Litchfield Law School. State's Attorney, 1839 1845. Mem- ber Constitutional Convention, 1850. A. M. Died 1861. *Cyrus D. Sheldon, Troy, N. Y. Lawyer. Practiced in Lansingburgh, N. Y., 1824-1830; Troy, 1830- 1856. For many years a magistrate. Died 1856. *Daniel Pierce Thompson, Montpelier, Vt. Lawyer and author. Clerk Vermont Legislature, 1830-1833 and 1834- 1836. Judge of Probate, 1837-1840 and 1841-1842. Clerk of the County Court. 1843-1845. Secretary of State, Vermont, 1853. Published "A Compilation of the Laws of Vermont," and was author of "The Green Mountain Boys." " The Rangers, or the Tory's Daughter," " May Martin," " Locke Amsden," " History of Vermont" and other works. Editor " Green Mountain Freeman." Died 1868. *Joseph Needham Wales, Cheshire, Mass. While in college was a licensed Baptist preacher. Died a few months after graduating. * William Elnathan Whitman, Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. A. B., Yale, 1821. Died 1875. 50 MroDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1820-1821 * J AMES Wilson, Keene, N. H. Lawyer. Surveyor General of Public Lands, Wisconsin and Iowa, 1845. Was a general of militia. Member of the New Hampshire Leg- islature several years and Sp>eaker of the House. Member of Con- gress, 1848-1850. Resigned his seat in Congress, 1850, and went to California, where he resided several years. He afterwards returned to New Hampshire and lived at Keene the rest of his life. A. M., 1825, Died 1881. *Mark Tully Cicero Wing, Gambier, O. Episcopal clergyman and teacher. Studied at the Alexandria, Va., Episcopal Theological Seminary. Tutor, Kenyon College, 1826-1829. Professor of Latin in same many years. Professor of Ecclesiastical History. Episcopal Theological Seminary of Ohio, at time of his death. A. M., Kenyon, 1833. D. D., William and Mary, 1851. Died 1863. 1821 * Henry Locke Aiken, Townshend, Vt. Farmer. Representative in Legislature, 1844-1846. Died 1873. *SiLAS Baldwin, Canton, N. Y. Lawyer. Entered the law ofifice of Silas Wright in Canton, 1824, and was admitted to the bar, 1828. Supervisor, 1831-1833. Member of the Assembly, 1854-1855, Justice of the Sessions for twenty years. Postmaster, 1826-1833. A. M. Died 1884. *Luther Goodyear Bingham, Middlebush, N. J. Congregational clergyman and author. Tutor in Middlebury Col- lege, 1824. Andover Theological Seminary, 1825. Pastor, Marietta, O., 1825-1838. Agent Western Educational Societv, 1838-1843. Pas- tor, Williston, Vt., 1843-1851. A. M. Died 1878. ♦UzziAH Cicero Burnap, Lowell, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 182I-1823; Chester Academy, 1824-1826. Pastor Congrega- tional church, Chester, Vt., 1 8 24-1 837 ; Ixjwell, 1837-1854. A. M. Died 1854. ♦Washington Hall Elmore, Peru, N. Y. Lawyer, Died 1830. ♦Nathan Bucknam Felton, Haverhill, N. H. Lawyer. Clerk of Courts for Grafton countv, 1835-1847. Register of Probate, 1852-1857. Member of the Legislature two years. Died 1876. *JOHN FooTE, Franklinville, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Preached in Orwell a few months ; in North Beverly, Mass., 1834. and several years thereafter. Then a farmer in Franklinville. A. M. Died 1887 in his ninety-third year. *Henry Norton Fullerton, Chester, Vt. Business. Resided in Boston till 1834. Woolen manufacturer in Cav- endish till 1849. Farmer, 1851—. Died 1883. *JosL\.H Fletcher Goodhue, Whitewater, Wis. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1821- 1822. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1822-1823. Pastor, Williston, Vt., 1823-1833 ; Shoreham. Vt., 1833-1857. Trustee Middlebury Col- lege, 1847-1858. A. M. Died 1863. 1821 ALUMNI. *RoswELL Harris, West Brattleboro, Vt. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Principal West Brattleboro Academy, 1821-1823 Andover Theological Seminary, 1826. Pastor, Salisbury, Mass.. 1826-1828. Principal Hampton, N. H., Academy, 1828-1833; West Brattleboro Academy, 1833-1837 and 1845-1853. A. M. Died 1871. *SiLAS Henry Hodges, Rutland, Vt. Lawyer and clergyman. Admitted to the bar 1832. Auburn Theo- logical Seminary, 1833. Pastor Congregational churches I^udlow, Perkinsville and Chester, Vt., till 1841, Practiced law in Rutland, • 1841-1861. State Auditor, 1845-1850. U. S. Commissioner of Patents, 1852-1853. Examiner-in- chief, U. S. Patent Office, 1861-1875- Trus- tee of Middlebury College, 1840-1860. A. M. Died in Washington, D. C. 1875, ♦Henry Brown Hooker, Boston, Mass. Congregational clergyman, Andover Theological Seminary. 1825. Pastor, Lanesboro, Mass.. 1827-1837 ; Falmouth. Mass.. 1837-1857. Secretary Massachusetts Horfte Missionary Society, 1858-1873. A. M., D. D., 1857. Died 1881. * Hiram Brownson Hopkins, Pittsford, Vt. Commenced the study oi theology. Died 1824. *OvA Phelps Hoyt, Kalamazoo, Mich. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1824. Pas- tor, Potsdam, N. Y.. 1825 1830; Cambridge, N. Y., 1835-1838 ; Detroit, Mich., 1839 1840; Kalamazoo, Mich.. 1840-1852. Secretary, A. B. C. F. M., 1852-1860. Pastor, Elkhart. la., 18601863. A. M., D. D., 1856. Died 1866. *JOHN Ingersoll, Canton, N. Y. Congregational cJergyman. Pastor, Pittsford, Vt., 1823-1826; New York city, 1833; Belleville, N. Y., 1841. In 1850 resided in Ohio. Died 1859. *Samuel Cram Jackson, Andover, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Studied at Yale College Law School. Andover Theological Seminary, 1826. Pastor West Church, Ando- ver. 1827-1849. Assistant Secretary Massachusetts Board of Educa- tion. 1849-1877. A. M., D. D., 1849. Died 1878, *Ezra June, Brandon, Vt. Lawyer. Judge of County Court, 1 843-1847. State Senator, 1848- 1849. State's Attorney, 1849-1850. Admitted to the bar in Rutland County, 1825, and attended every term of court for over fifty years. A. M, Died 1876. .* - Jonathan Bacon Kidder, / '/ J Huntingdon, Pa. Teacher. In Erasmus Hall, 'Flatbush, N. Y., now included in the city of Brooklyn, 1822-1830. In 1830 opened a private school in New York city and taught there for more than 20 years. Principal Female Seminary, Shirleysburg. Pa., 1853 — . His last employment in a school wras as Professor of Languages in the Normal College at Huntinefdon, where he is living in his 86th year. A. M. ♦Charles Daniel Mallary, Albany, Ga. Baptist clergyman and author. D. D., Columbian, 1850. Died 1864. 52 JIIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1821-1822 *Samuel Buckley Mattocks, Danville, Vt. Lawyer. Register of Probate, 1826-1832, 1835-1836. Cashier, 1833- 1837. Clerk of Court, 1835-1849. Judge of Probate, 1836-1838, 1839- 1845, 1847-1848. Representative in Legislature, 1838-1841. Member Constitutional Convention, 1843. State Senator 1847-1849. Cashier 1853. Died 1887. *Amasa Corbin Moore, Plattsburgh, N. Y. Lawyer. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1846-1865. A. M, Died 1865. *JoHN Stevens^ Granville, O. Baptist clergyman and teacher. Studied at Andover Theological Seminary, Tutor in Middlebury College, 1825-1827. Editor "Baptist Journal," Cincinnati, 1831-1838. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Granville Coljege, 1838-1843, and of Latin and Greek, Denison University, 1859-1877. A. M. and Brown, 1829, D. D., Rochester, 1873. Died 1877. * Avery L. Ware, ' Otsego, Mich. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Montgomery, Vt., 1825- 1830. Home Missionary in Vermont, 1830-1836; in Ohio, 1836-1838. A. M. Died 1838. 1822 *George Cone Beckwith, Boston, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1826. Professor Sacred Literature, Lane Theological Seminary, 1829-1830. Instructor Sacred Rhetoric, Andover Theological Seminary, 1830- 1832, Pastor, Portland, Me., 1832-1835 Agent and Secretary Amer- ican Peace Society, 1835-1870 D. D., 1850. Died 1870. * Hiram Chamberlain, Brownsville, Texas. Presbyterian clergyman. Studied at Princeton and graduated at An- dover Theological Seminary, 1825. Preached in Missouri twenty years. Editor " Herald of Religious Liberty," St. Louis, two years. Pastor Presbyterian church, Brownsville, Texas, 1850-1866, A. M. Died 1866. *Aaron Billings Church, Princeton, 111. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1825. Pas- tor, Calais, Me., 1828-1834; Princeton, 111,, 1849-1853. He was twin brother of Moses Billings Church. Died 1857. *MosES Billings Church, Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1825. Home missionary, Madbury, N. H., 1825 ; Robinson, Me., 1827. Pastor, East Stafford, Conn., 1831-1836. In 1837 he removed to Iowa and be- came a farmer. He was twin brother of Aaron Billings Church. Died 1871. *Bicknell Carlton Cole, Macon, Ga. Lawyer. Taught and studied law in North Carolina. Admitted to the bar 1826, and in 1827 removed to Macon. Judge of the South- ern Circuit Court of Georgia, 1833-1847. Professor of Law, Ogle- thorpe University, near Milledgeville, Ga., 1847-1854. Then resumed his law practice in Macon. Delegate to the State Constitutional Con- stitutional Convention, 1865. judge of the Macon Circuit Court, 1865-1873. Then resumed his law practice. Died 1876. 1822 ALUMNI. 53 *Charles Kellogg Field, Brattleboro, Vt. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar, 1825, and settled in Wilmington, Vt. Representative in the Legislature, 1835-1838. Then removed to New- fane, Vt. Represented that town in the Legislature, 1853- 1855 and i860. Member Constitutional Convention, 1843, 1850, 1857 and 1870. Removed to Brattleboro, 1861. Died 1880. *Roswell Martin Field, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. State's Attorney, Windham county, Vt., 1831-1832 and 1833- 1836. Represented Newfane in the Legislature, 1835 and 1836. Set- tled in St. Louis, 1837. Died 1869. * Hamilton Goode, Atlanta, Ga. Lawyer and teacher. Practiced law for a time in Washington, Ga., and afterwards taught private select schools, the last one being in At- lanta, where he lived after 1861. Died 1869. * Horatio Nelson Gray, Arlington, Vt. Episcopal clergyman. Rector Christ's Church, Georgetown, D. C. Missionary in Florida (?) until his death. Died 1829. * Richard Charles Hand, Brooklyn, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1825. Pas- tor, Gouverneur, N. Y., 1825-1834. Agent and Secretary A. B. C. F. M. for northern New England, 1834-1839. Pastor, Danville, Vt., 1839- 1846; Bennington, 1847-1853. Without charge, Brooklyn, 1853. A. M, Died 1870. *Chester HiNxMan, Johnstown, N. Y. Lawyer and clergyman. Practiced law in New York city a short time ; then entered the ministry. A. B., Yale, 1827. Died 1830. ♦George Howe, Columbia, S. C. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1825. Pro- fessor of Theology, Dartmouth College, 1827-1830. Professor Sacred Literature, Southern Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1831— . President of same at the time of his death. A. M. and Dartmouth. 1827. D. D., University of North Carolina, 1833. LL. D., Oglethorpe University, 1871. Died 1883. *John Gray Huletf, Galena, 111. Lawyer. Died 1848. ♦Joseph Hurlbut, Wancoma, la. Presbyterian clergyman. Pastor, Madrid, N. Y., 1824-1833 ; Willis- ton, Vt., 1833-1836. In the service of the Anti-Slavery Society in Berk- shire, Mass. Pastor, Nassau, N. Y., 1843-1851. Then went West and spent his last years in the service of the A. H. M. Society. Died 1874. ♦Henry Lewis, Mobile, Ala. Lawyer. County Clerk eight years. Died 1874. ♦Lyman Matthews, Cornwall, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Taught in the South, 1822-1825. Ando- ver Theological Seminary, 1828. Pastor, Braintree, Mass., 1830-1844. Then farmer in Cornwall. Trustee Middlebury College, 1847 1866. A. M. Died 1866. ♦Samuel Miller, New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. Practiced law many years in Rochester, N. Y. Judge County Court. Member New York Legislature. A. M. Died at Santa Barbara, Cal., 1888. •> 54 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1822-1823 ♦Stephen Goodwin Peck, Panama, N. Y. Physician and farmer. M. D. elsewhere. Died 1882. ♦Erie Prince, Oakland Co., Mich. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Rush, N. Y., 1833. Was several years in Michigan in the service of the A. H. M. Society. Died 1862. ♦William Sargeant, Plainfield, N. J. Business. Died 1885. ♦John Wells Satterlee, Sparta, Ga. Lawyer. Taught, read law and practiced in Sparta till 1836. Re- sided in Natchez, Miss., till 1840; in New Orleans till 1842; again in Sparta. A. M., Franklin College, 1830. Died 1843. ♦Amos Savage, Hartford, Conn. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1825. Pastor, Granville, N. Y., 1825-1832. Home Missionary in Florida, 1832-1834. Pastor, Utica, N. Y., 1834-1839; Williamstown, Mass., 1839-1843. Agent American Tract Society, 1843 — . A. M. Died 1858. ♦Ezra Scovell, Triangle, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Pittsfield, N, H., 1827-1829; Groton, N. Y.; Mexico, N. Y. ; Triangle, N. Y. A. M. Died 1876. ♦Daniel Starr Southmayd, Fort Bend, Texas. Congregational clergyman and editor. Studied at Andover Theolog- ical Seminary. Pastor, Concord, Mass., 1827-1832. Editor " Lowell Observer," 1833-1834. A. M. Died 1837. Isaac Newton Sprague, Poultney, Vt. Presbyterian clergyman. Licensed, Pawlet, 1823. Pastor, Sherburne, N. Y., 1825-1834; New York city, 1 834-1 837 ; Hartford, Conn., 1837- 1845; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1845-1850 ; Caldwell, N. J., 1850-1869 ; Gen- eseo, N. Y., 1 869-1 877 ; Wyandotte, Mich. 1877-1883. Honorably re- tired by presbytery, 1883. D. D., 1865. i^U ^•— I f(flr John Livingston Van Doren, Caldwell, N. J. Teacher. Was several years principal of a Seminary in Brooklyn, N.Y. A.M. (?) 1823 ♦Joseph Battell, Brooklyn, N. Y. Merchant. In Norfolk, Conn., till 1831. Then in the iron trade in New York for nearly thirty years. Director Bank of America. A. B., Yale, 1823 ; A. M., and Yale, 1871. Died 1874. ♦Julian Griswold Buel, Castleton, Vt. Lawyer. Principal St. Albans Academy. Practiced law in Whitehall, N. Y., 1828-1833 ; in Castleton, 1833-1835. Died at Spring Hill, Ga., 1836. ♦Harvey Button, Wallingford, Vt. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar and settled in Wallingford, 1826. Rep- resentative in the Legislature, 1844-1846. Member Constitutional Convention, 1850. Judge of Probate, 1848-1861. A. M. Died 1887. ♦John Smith Chipman, Niles, Mich. Lawyer. Member of Congress, 1845-1847. He removed to California about 1857 and died there about 1869. (?) 1823 ALUMNI. 55 Merritt Clark, • Poultney, Vt. Business. Merchant in Middletown, Vt., 1825-1841. Cashier Rank of Poultney, 1841-1866. President Rutland and Washington Railroad Company, 1847—. He represented MiddIetov\n in the Legislature, 1832, 1833 and 1839 ; Poultney, 1865 and 1866. State Senator, 1863, 1864 and 1868-1869. In 1850 he was the Democratic candidate for Member of Congress and was twice candidate for governor. Member of last Constitutional Conventiorl of Vermont. Postmaster many years and Pension Agent in President Polk's administration. In 1852 was delegate to the National Democratic Convention in Baltimore. Member State Board of Education. Has been Trustee of Rutland County Grammar School for more than fifty years. A. M. Thomas Jefferson Conant, Brooklyn, N. Y. Baptist clergyman and teacher. Tutor, Columbian College (now Columbian University), Washington, D. C, 1828-1830. Professor of Languages, Waterville College (now Colby University), 1830-1833. Then resided near Boston, pursuing his studies in the Oriental lan- guages. Professor of Biblical I>iterature and Criticism in the Baptist Theological Seminary (afterwards Madison University and now Col- gate University), Hamilton, N. Y., 1835-1850. Studying in Halle and Berlin, 1850-1852 Professor of Biblical Literature, University of Rochester, 1850-1857. While at Hamilton he translated the Hebrew Grammar of Gesenius, with the additions of Roediger. In 1857 he removed to Brooklyn to devote himself exclusively to the service of the American Bible Union. His work in this department consists of revised versions, with notes, of The Book of job, 1857 ; The Gospel of Matthew, i860; The Book of Genesis, 1868; The Book of Psalms, 1868 (also published in the American Edition of Lange's Commentary, 1872) ; The Book of Proverbs, 1871. In 1873 he became a member of the American Committee co-operating with the Old Testament Company of the Convocation of Canterbury, England, in the revision of the authorized English version of the Bible. In 1884 he published a translation, and notes, of the Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I. and II. Samuel, Land II. Kings. A.M. D. D., 1844 and Waterville. His address is 187 Washington St., Brooklyn. *Alvah Day. Manchester, la. Presbyterian clergyman. Died (?). * David Laurens Farnham, Fayetteville, N. Y. Lawyer. A. M. Died i860. ♦Benjamin Hagar, Washington, D. C. Teacher in Alexandria, Va., 1824-1825. Principal High School, Wash- ington, 1825-1827. A. M. Died 1827. Lewis McDonald, Brattleboro, Vt. Episcopal clergyman. Preached in Rutland, Shelburn, Sheldon and Berkshire, and in Granville, N. Y. A. M., University of Vermont, 1828. ♦Francis Markoe, Baltimore, Md. . Lawyer. Chief United States Consular Bureau several years, then transferred to Diplomatic Bureau. Died 1872. * Edgar Leonard Ormsbee, Rutland, Vt. I^awyer. Litchfield Law School, 1826. State's Attorney, 1845-1847. A. M. pied 1862. ♦Addison Parker, Agawam, Mass. Baptist clergyman. Tutor, Waterville College, 1824- 1826. Pastor, Southbridge, Mass., 1827-1832 ; Sturbridge, 1832-1836; Methuen, 1836- 1839; Danbury and other churches in Connecticut, 1839-1848; Palm- er and Fishdale, Mass., 1848-1855 ; Agawam, 1855-1864. A. M., Brown, 1846. Died 1864. 56 MroDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1823-1824 * Miner Giles PRATr, Rochester, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1826. ' Pastor, Auburn, Mass., 1828-1848. Agent American Colonization So- ciety, 1848-1870. A. M. Died 1884. *JoHN Bliss Shaw, Stephen town, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. A. M. Died 1865. *Eli Burnham Smith, Colchester, Vt. Baptist clergyman. Studied at Andover Theological Seminary, 1823- 1825. Newton Theological Seminary, 1826. Pastor, Buffalo, N. Y., and Poultney, Vt., 1826-1833. President and Professor, New Hamp- ton Academical and Theological Seminary, 1833 1861. A.M., Brown, 1833. D. D., Waterville, 1849. Died 1861. *Lucius LiNSLEY TiLDEN, Nashua, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 1824-1825. Studied at Andover Theological Seminary. Pas- tor, West Rutland, 1830-1840. Principal Middlebury Female Semina- ry. 1840-1845. Superintendent Schools for Addison County, 1846-1848. Banking in Bethel, Vt., 1851-1857. Government service, Washington, 1861-1874. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1841-1875. Secretary, 1843-1851. A. M. Died 1886. *Alexander Lucius Twilight, Brownington, Vt. Congiegational clergyman and teacher. Pastor, Brownington, 1829- 1834. Principal Orleans County Grammar School, Brownington, about twenty years. He also taught in Canada a few years. Died 1857. 1824 *Mervin Allen, • Benson, Vt. Episcopal clergyman. Died in (?) Maryland, 1834. *Calvin Butler, Marine, 111. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1827. Home missionary in Indiana, 1827-1831. Pastor, Evansville, Ind., 1831- 1835 ; Washington, 1835-1838 ; Boonville, 1838-1849; Marine, 1849-1854. Died 1854. *Joseph Titus Clark, Skaneateles, N. Y. Episcopal clergyman. Ordained, 1825. Rector, Woodbridge, Conn., 1825-1830; Plymouth, 1830; Skaneateles, 1831-1845. A. M., Trinitv, 1832. Died on the Island of Jamaica, where he was temporarily offi- ciating, 1845. *Charles Cleveland, Brooklyn, N. Y. Episcopal clergyman. Studied at Andover Theological Seminary, • and graduated at the Episcopal Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., 1829. Ordained deacon. 1829, and priest. 1837. He devoted much time and strength to the amelioration and elevation of the African race. Spent some time in England. Rector, Shelburne, Vt , 1840- 1848; Canton, Miss., 1848-1851 ; Ashfield, Mass., 1852-1859; East New York (now a part of Brooklyn), 1859-1865. He was the inventor of the fountain pen. A. M. Died 1865. *IsAAC CuMMiNGS, Dover, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Dover, 1827-1831. Died 1831. *Alexander Nathaniel Fullerton, Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Died 1880. 1824 ALUMNI. 57 *Lyman Gilbert, Brooklyn, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1827. Pastor, Danbury, Conn., 1827-1828; Newton, Mass., 1828-1855. Teacher there, 1855 1859, Pastor. Maiden, N. Y., 1859-1863. Govern- ment service, Brooklyn, 18^3-1875. A. M. D. D., 1850. Died 1885. *Harley Goodwin, New Canaan, Conn. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, New Marlboro, Mass., 1826—. A. M. Died 1855. *SoLOMON Hardy, Eastham, Mass. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1827. Home Missionary in the West till 1838. Pastor, Wellfleet, Mass., 1838-1840; Eastham, 1840-1842. Died 1842. *AzEL Hayward, Fort Covington, N.Y. Lawyer. Died 1834. * Frederick Augustus Hubbell, Champlain, N. Y. Lawyer. A. M. Died 1853. *Cyrus Hudson, Springfield, III. Presbyterian clergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1828. Pas- tor, Locke and Groton, N. Y., 1828-1830 ; Canaan, N. ¥., 1830-1833; Curtisville, Mass., 1833-1837 ; Mt. Morris, N. Y., 1839- 1847 ; Dorset, Vt., 1847-1854. Resided in Belvidere, III., and Springfield atter 1868. Died 1875. * Cephas Henry Kent, New Haven, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1827. Pastor, Barrington, N. H., 1828-1830; Kennebunkport, Me., 1830- 1832; Freeport, 1832-1836; Bradford, Vt., 1837-1842. Secretary and General Agent Vermont Domestic Missionary Society, 1842-1846; Vermont Bible Society, 1846 1848. Pastor, East Poultney, 1848-1851; Enosburg, i852-i86o;Ripton, 1860-1879. A.M. Died 1885. *RiAL Lake, Howell, Mich. Taught in Philadelphia a few years and then went to Michigan and became a farmer. Died 1850. ♦Arthur LathaiM, White River Junction,Vt. Merchant. For many years was in business in Lyme, N. H. Was postmaster several years and served repeatedly in the New Hamp- shire Legislature. From 1856-1871 he lived in Missouri; after 1871 in White River Junction. A. M. Died 1889. * Elijah VVhiton Plumb, East Bloomfield, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Principal Brattleboro Academy, 1824- , 1826; teacher in Hampton Academy, N. H., 1826-1828. Pastor, Paw- let, 1831-1844; Potsdam, N. Y., 1844-1851. Principal St. Lawrence Academy, 1851-1864. In 1865 he removed to Sterling, 111,, where he preached two vears. In 1869 he removed to East Bloomfield. A. M., D. D., 1858. "Died 1879. ^Frye Bailey Reed, ' Prescott, Wis. Presbyterian cclergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1827. Home Missionary in Western New York, 1828-1830. Pastor, Clinton- ville, N. v., 1830-1833; Barnard, Vt., 1834-1838; Clintonville. N. ¥., 1838-1841 ; Moiraand other churches in Franklin County, N. Y., 1841- 1854. Removed to Omro, Wis., 1855 ; to Prescott, 1873. Died 1877, *Jared Rice, Petersville, Md. Episcopal clergyman. He was from Middlebury. A. M. Died 1833. 58 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1824-1825 *Alvah Sanford, Granville, O. Episcopal clergyman. Alexandria Theological Seminary, 1827. Rec- tor, Medina, Ohio, 1828-1835 ; Portsmouth, 1835-1838. Then became Rector of the Episcopal Female Seminary in Granville and so contin- ued till 1854, when he retired to a farm in Granville, where he spent the remainder of his life. Died 1873, *Ons Smith, La Grange, Ga. Baptist clergyman. Taught in Granville, N. Y., one year. President Mercer University some years. Principal Brownwood Institute, La Grange, 1842—. Died 1864. *Amasa Stewart, Pittsford, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1828. Pastor, Essex, Vt., 1829-1832; Hampden, O., 1 834-1 835 ; Berlin, Vt. Teacher in Alabama, 1837-1844. Pastor, Ohio, 1844-1854; South Granville, N. Y., 1861-1862. Died 1884. *JoHN Storrs, Winchendon, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Preached in Plamfield, N. Y., 1826-1827, Yale Theological Seminary, 1827-1828. Pastor, Barre, Mass., 1828- 1832; Norwich, Conn., 1834-1835. Teacher there, 1835-1836. Pastor, Holliston, Mass., 1836-1843. Agent American Bible Society. Pastor, Winchendon, Mass., 1849 — . A. M. Died 1854. Bradford L. Wales, Randolph, Mass. Physician. State Senator, Massachusetts, 1840. Representative in Legislature, 1853-1854. Member Constitutional Convention, 1853. Deputy Collector Port of Boston, 1857-1861. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1850-1881. A. M. M. D., Harvard, 1828. *Ralden Alexander Watkins, Turner Junction, 111. Congregational clergyman. Ordained 1826. Pastor, Stowe, Vt, 1826-1830; Coventry, 1 830- 1 836; West Hartford, 1836-1845; Rupert, 1845-1855. Farmer, Turner junction, 1855 — . Died 1868. 1825 •Horace Eaton, Middlebury, Vt. Physician. Practiced medicine in Enosburgh, 1828-1848. Represen- tative in Legislature, 1829-1831 and 1835-1837. State Senator, 1837- 1838 and 1839-1843. Member Constitutional Convention, 1843. Lieu- tenant Governor, 1844-1846. Governor, 1846-1848. State Superinten- dent of Schools, 1848-1850. Professor of Chemistry and Natural History in Middlebury College, 1848-1854. A. M., M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1828. Died 1855. 70EL FiSK, Plainfield, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Monkton, 1826-1830; New Ha- ven, 1830-1832; Essex, 1832-1844; Phillipsburg, Canada, 1845-1850; Irasburg, Vt., 1850-1855. A. M. Died 1856. ^Chauncey Wheaton Fitch, Detroit, Mich. Episcopal clergyman. Studied at Castleton Medical College, 1825. Professor of Languages, Georgetown, D. C, 1826-1828. Alexandria Theological Seminary, 1829. Professor of Languages, Kenyon College, 1829-1838. First President Michigan University, 1838-1841, Rector in Jackson, Mich., Piqua, O., Terre Haute, Ind.. and Dearborn, Mich. Post Chaplain, U. S. A., 1863-T878. A. M. D. D., Kenyon, 1858. Died at Jeffersonville, Ind., 1878. 182 5 ALUMNI. 59 ^Walter Folletit, Hannibal, Mo. Congregational clergyman. Principal Castleton Seminary. 1825 1826. Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. Secretary American Tract Society, 1829-1831. Pastor, Southboro. Mass., 1831-1837 : Dudley, 1837-1841 ; Temple, N. H., 1845-1854. Died 1874. *George Dixon Gordon, Walpole, N. H. Merchant. Died 1882. * Israel Hamilton, Columbus, O. Lawyer. U. S. District Attorney. Died about 1845. (?) Merit Harmon, Hopkinton, la. Presbyterian clergyman. Ordained 1828. Pastor, Addison, 1828- 1829; Big Flats, N.'Y,, 1^29-1833; Geneseo, N. Y., 1833-1843 ; Tiffin, Ohio, 1843-1850. Home Missionary in Michigan, 1850-1857. Pastor, Cascade and Hopkinton, Iowa, 1857- 1861. In the service of the American Sunday School Board, 1861-1865. Then for three years in charge of a church neai Hopkinton, where he is still living in good health in his 94th year. A. M. *Hervey Owen Higley, Castleton, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. Pastor, Georgetown and Hartford, Ohio, 1829-1836. Compelled by ill health to relinquish his profession, he was, from 1840 until his death, a resident of Castleton, his native town, where he was held in great re- spect. Died 1878. * Herman Hooker, Philadelphia, Pa. Episcopal clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1825-1827 and Alexandria Theological Seminary. Was a publisher in Philadel- phia several years, and the author of many religious books. A. M., and College of New Jersey, 1830. D. D., Union, 1848. Died 1865. *EzRA Denison Kinney, Darien, Conn. Presbyterian clergyman. Ordained 1827. Evangelist in New York City and Troy with brief pastorates at Ticonderoga, Champlain, Nas- sau, N. Y., and Bennington, 1827-1838. Pastor, Darien, 1838-1859; churches in Eastern Connecticut and Sayville, Long Island, 1859-1871. When in college his name was spelled Kinne. A. M. Died 1873. *JoB Henry Martin, Utica, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1825-1826. Pastor, Edgartown, Mass., 1828—. New York City, 1836-1846. Was afterwards a publisher there. Died 1868. ♦Anson Rood, Philadelphia, Pa. Congregational clergyman. Studied at Andover, Princeton and New Haven Theological Seminaries, 1825-1828. Pastor, Danbury, Conn., 1829-1837; Philadelphia, 1837-1849. Assistant Editor Philadelphia " North American." 1849-1851. A. M. Died 1857. ♦Stephen Smith Sheldon, Greensville, Mich. Business. Taught in Brattleboro two years and in Camden. In busi- ness in Camden, New York Mills and Buckport, N. Y., and Milwau- kee, Wis. Removed to Greensville 1864. Died 1873. ^ ♦John Spaulding, New York, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1828. Pas- tor, Athens, Ohio, 1828-1833. Secretary Western Educational Society, 1833-1837. Pastor, Peoria, 111., 1837-1841. Secretary American Sea- man's Friend Society, New York, 1841-1857. D. D., 1869 and Olivet, 1865. Died 1889. 6o MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1825-1826 *JOB Sidney Swift, Manchester, Vt. Studied at Alexandria Theological Seminary. (?) Died 1879. *AsAHEL Cornwall Washburn, Syracuse, K. Y. Congregational clergyman. Teacher in Washington, D. C, 1825-1826. Pastor in Royal ton nine years and in Suffield, Conn., seventeen years. Died 1883. *James Bishop Wilcox, Shortsville, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Princip>al Academy, Simsbury, Conn., 1825-1826. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1827-1828. Preached in Western New York nearly thirty years. From i860, for several years, Principal Seminary, Darien Center, N. Y. Died 1886. 1826 ♦Joseph Ayers Avery, Syracuse, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Pastor, Plvmouth, Bridgewater and West Haven, 18281835; Middletown, 1835-1841; Onondaga Hill, N. Y., 1841-1843; Marathon, 1843-1847. Editor " Religious Recorder," Syra- cuse, 1847, Died 1863. Philip Battell, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Studied at Yale College Law School. Resided in Connecti- cut till 1833 ; in Cleveland, Ohio, till 1838 ; since then at Middlebury. A. B., Yale, 1826. A. M. *Ebenezer C. Beach, ' Lysander, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1829. Pas- tor, Baldwinsville,'N. Y., 1829-1830; Lysander, 1830-1858. Died 1868. *Jedidiah Smith Bushnell, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Register of Probate, 1841 — . Member Constitutional Con- vention, 1843. A. M, Died 1871. ♦Edmund Chamberlain, Plainfield, Vt. " He commenced public religious labors when about seventeen years old— when about nineteen he labored with the Baptist church in Marshfield with such success that they wished him to become their pastor." Died 1826. ♦John White Chickering, Brooklyn, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. Pastor, Bolton, Mass., 1830-1835 ; Portland, Me., 1835-1865. Secretary Massachusetts Temperance Society, 1865-1870. Secretary Congres- sional Temperance Society, Washington, D, C, 1870 — . S. T. D., Bowdoin, 1855. Died 1888. ♦Ferris Fitch, Brownhelm, O. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1830. Pastor in Maine, 1830-1834; Painesville, Richmond, Huron, Sandusky and Avon, Ohio, 1834-1844. Died 1846. ♦Solomon Foot, Rutland, Vt. Lawyer. Principal Castleton Seminary, 1826-1827 and 1828-1831. Tu- tor, University of Vermont, 1827-1828. Professor of Natural Philoso- phy, Castleton Medical College, 1828-1831. A lawyer in Rutland from 1831. Representative in Legislature, 1833, 1836, 1837, 1838 and 1847. Speaker, 1837, 1838 and 1847. Member Constitutional Convention, 1836. State's Attorney, 1836-1842. Representative in Congress, 1843- 1847. United States Senator, 1851-1866, Trustee of Middlebury Col- lege, 1859-1866. A. M. LL. D., 1857. Died i866. 1826 ALUMNI. 6 1 * Edwin Hall, Auburn, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Principal Franklin County Grammar School, St. Albans, 1826-1827. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1827-1828. Prin- cipal Addison County Grammar School, Middlebury, 1828-1830. Principal Bloomfield Academy, New Jersey, 1831-1832. Pastor, Nor- walk, Conn., 1832-1854. Professor of Christian Theology, Auburn Theological Seminary, 1854-1877. A. M. D. D., 1846. Died 1877. *iN[ELSON HiGLEY, Castlcton, Vt. " Was licensed to preach and supplied destitute churches for short terms as his health permitted." Died 1832. *Seth Harrison Keeler, Somerville, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. Pastor, South Berwick, Me., 1829-1836; Amesbury, Mass., 1836-1839; Calais, Me., 1839-1867 ; Mt. Vernon, N. H., 1867-1875. A. M. D. D., 1864. Died 1886. *JoHN Alexander Murray, Detroit, Mich. Congregational clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1826- 1827. Missionary and pastor in New York City, 1827-1834. Secreta- ry Home Missionary Society, Geneva, N. Y., 1834-1868. A. M. Died 1876. *Martin Mercilian Post, Logansport, Ind. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. Pas- tor, Logansport, 18291864. " He continued to reside in Logansport, preaching almost every Sabbath, and having for a number of years three different churches which he had organized almost wholly un- der his care." A. M. D. D., 1863. Died 1876. *Luther Shaw, Tallmadge, O. Presbyterian clergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1830. For more than thirty years a Home Missionary in Michigan. Removed to Tallmadge, 1863. Agent of the American Bible Society nine years. Died 1888. Adams Shepherd, Wabash Co., 111. Farmer. Was from Canterbury, N. H. Has been a teacher. (?) *Erdix Tenny, Norwich, Conn. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. Pastor, Lvme, N. H., 1830-1867. Resided in Westboro, Mass., 1867- 1880. A.'M. D. D., 1863. Died 1882. ♦Joseph Thacher, Tunbridge, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Principal Peacham Academy, 1826-1828. Pastor, Plainfield; Barre; Tunbridge, 1838-1844. A.M. Died 1844. *JoHN Thompson, Winchester, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1826- 1828. Missionary to the Cherokees. 1828-1832. Home Missionary in Ohio, 1832-1834. Pastor, Sudbury, 1834-1837 ; Granville, N. Y., 1837- 1840; Winchester, N. H., 1840-1846. Died 1846. ♦William Young Warren, Middlebury, Vt. Merchant. In Middlebury and in Augusta, Ga. A. B., Yale, 1826. A. M. Died 1833. 62 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1827 1827 *JosEPH Stedman Clarke, Augusta, Ga. •Lawyer. Albany Law School. Practiced in New York city till 1836. Then located in Augusta and engaged in mercantile pursuits. Died 1875- * Robert Latimer Cooke, New York, N. Y. Teacher and civil engineer. Read law 1827-1828. Teacher in Chazy, N. Y., and Middlebury, 1828-1829 ; Princeton, N. J., 1829-1832 ; Staun ton, Va., 1832-1837; Bloomfield, N. J., 1837-1857. Civil Engineer, Mauch Chunk, Pa.. 1862. Superintendent construction Lake Cham- plain and Moriah Railroad, 1868. Engineer, Department of Public Works, New York City, 1872-1877. A. M. Died 1877. *JosEPH Fuller, Vershire, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1830. Pastor, Kennebunk, Me., 1830-1834 ; Brimfield, Mass., 1835-1837 ; Ridgefield, Conn., 1838-1842 ; Vershire, Vt., 1843-1860. A.M. Died 1886. *Jedidiah Clark Parmelee, Tallmadge, O. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary. 1830. Agent A. B. C. F. M. Pastor, Westfield, N. Y., 1832-1833; Tallmadge, 1833- 1840. Died at Sandy Hill, N, Y., where he had stopped for the night, 1841. Royal Whitman Peake, Bristol, Vt. Farmer. Member of the Legislature, 1842. *JoHN Bower Preston, Chicago. 111. Presbyterian clergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary. 1830. Pas- tor, Fredonia, N. Y., 1830-1835 ; Gowanda, 1835-1841 ; Attica, 1841- 1848; Byron, 1848-1850; Berlin, Wis., 1850 i860; Omro, 1860-1865 ; Cape Vincent, 1865-1871 ; Woodville, 1871-1874; Manlius, 1874-1876, Died 1877. *Lucius Maro Purdy, St. Martinsville, La. Episcopal clergyman. He was for a time Tutor in Trinity College. Ordained priest, 1832; deacon, 1834, at Plymouth, Conn. Rector, Sharon and Salisbury, Conn,, 1834-1837 ; Hampton, N. Y., 1840-1845 ; St. Martinsville, La., 1846 — . Trustee of Middlebury College, 1841- 1853. A. M., Trinity, 1832. Died at St. Mary's, Georgia, 1853. *Thomas Sawyer. Calais, Me. Merchant. He was fi-om Phillipston, Mass., and went to Calais, 1828. Died 1862. *Henry Smith, Cincinnati, O. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Tutor in Middlehury College, 1828-1830. Andover Theological Seminary, 1833. Professor of Lan- guages in Marietta College, 1833-1846. President of the same, 1846- 1855. Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Church History, Lane The- ological Seminary, 1855-1861. Pastor, Buffalo, N. Y., 1861-1865. In 1865 he returned to his professorship in Lane, which he held till his death. Published a translation of Crusius' Homeric Lexicon. A. M. D. D., 1847. LL. D., Marietta, 1874. Died 1879. *Amos C. Tuttle, Kalamazoo, Mich. Presbyterian clergyman. Teacher in Philadelphia, 1828-1829. Or- dained 1829. Pastor, Ticonderoga, N. Y., 1829-1830; Whitehall. 1830- 1832; Hartford, 1832-1836. Agent Auburn Theological Seminary, 1836-1837. Pastor, Fayetteville, N. Y., 1837-1841 ; Liverpool, 1841- 184^; Sherburn, 1 844-1 853 ; Deansville, 1853-1855 ; Paw Paw, Mich., 1855-1858 ; Lapeer, 1858—. A. M. Died 1862. 1827-1828 ALUMNI. 6^ Charles Whipple, Oakham, Mass. He was from Oakham and went to Wisconsin. (?) *JoHN Wilde, Alexandria, Va. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1831. Pastor, Grafton, Mass., 1832-1838 ; Conway, N. H., 1839 1845 ; Fal- mouth, Me., 1845-1852; Topsham, 1 853-1 855 ; Brunswick, 1856-1857. Teacher, Deposit, N. Y., 1858-1860; Stamford, 1861-1864. In the col- lege catalogues his name is spelled Wild. *Enoch Cobb Wines, Philadelphia, Pa. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Principal St. Albans Acad- emy and teacher in Alexandria, Va., 1827-1830. Professor of Mathe- matics, United States Navy, assigned to the ship ' Constellation, 1830- 1833. Principal Edge Hil'l School, Princeton, N. J., 1833-1838. Pro- fessor of Languages, Central High School, Philadelphia, 1838-1844. Principal Burlington, N. J., 1844-1848. Licensed to preach, 1849, and was pastor in Cornwall, Vt„ and Easthampton, Long Island. Professor of Ancient Languages, Washington College, Pa., 1853-1859. President City University of St. Louis, 1859-1862, Secretary New Jersey Prison Association, 1862-1870. In 1870 he brought about the formation of the National Prison Association and became its Secretary. In 1872 the International Prison Association, convoked by his efforts, held its first meeting in London. Chairman Permanent International Commission, Brussels, 1874; at Bruchsal, 1875; at Stockholm, 1877. His published works comprise twelve volumes. A. M. D. D., 1853. LL. D., Wash- ington College. Pa., 1859. Died 1879. Pliny R. Wright, Canton, N. Y. Farmer. Read law with his brother, Silas Wright, class of '15. 1828 ♦Samuel Allen, (?) Baptist clergyman. He was from Panton. At one time he preached in Peoria, 111. Then went to Leon, La., and died in the Parish of Plaquemines about the year 1870. (?) ♦Stephen R. Burrowes, Franklin, O. r?) Died 1841. ♦Joseph Nathan Chipman, Niles, Mich. Lawyer. State Senator, Michigan, 1844. County Judge, 1846. First Mayor of Nevada City, 1853. Returned to Niles, 1854. A. M. Died 1870. ♦Nathaniel Catlin Clark, Elgin, 111. Presbyterian clergyman. Teacher in Herkimer and Brutus, N. Y. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1832. Pastor, Shoreham. 1832-1833 ; Napierville, 111., and other churches, 1833-1836; St. Charles and Elgin, 1837-1839; Elgin, 1839— . Died 1872. ♦Samuel Wood worth Cozzens, Med field, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1831. Pastor, Marblehead, Mass., 1832-1837 ; Milton, 1837-1851 ; Kingsboro, N. Y., 1852-1853; Mount Vernon, 1853-1859 ; Weybridge, Vt., 1859- 1868; South Plymouth, Mass., 1868-1872. A. M, D. D., Ingham, 1862. Died 1875. ♦Edward C. Eells, Middlebury, Vt. Became a member of Andover Theological Seminary and died 1830. 64 MroDLEBURY COLLEGE. 2828 Samuel Everts, Cornwall, Vt. Business. Justice of the Peace. Town Clerk. Postmaster over for- ty years. A. M. *JoHN Goodrich, Pontiac, Mich. Lawyer. Located at Pontiac, 1832. A. M. Died 1839. * Frederick William Hopkins, Rutland, Vt. Lawyer. Register of Probate, 1832-1836 and 1838-1839. Adjutant and Inspector General, Vermont. 1838-1852. Clerk of Courts, 1839 — . A. M. Died 1874. *Amzi Jones, Indianola, Neb. Baptist clergyman. Principal Shoreham Academy six years. In min- isterial labors in Greenfield, X. H., and vicinity about thirty years. Re- moved West 1873. Preached regularly until his death. A. M. Died 1880. ♦Freeman Lane, Huntingdon, Pa. Episcopal clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1833. Rector, Manchester; Springville, Pa., 1836-1840; Troy, 1844-1850; Hunting- don, 1851 — . Died 1852. *Sendol Barnes Munger, Bombay, India. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1833. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., 1834-1868. Died 1868. *JoHN Jason Owen, New York, N. Y. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Andover Theological Semi- dary, 1831. Secretary Presbyterian Education Society, 1832-1835. Principal Cornelius Institute, New York City, 1835-1848. Professor of Ancient Languages and Vice President, College of the City of New York, 1848-1869. Author of many classical text-books. Trustee of Middleburv College, 1863 1869. A. M. D. D., New York University, 1848. LL.' D., Ingham, 1850. LL. D., i'{64. Died 1869. *JoHN Mason Parker, Owego, N. Y. Lawyer. Principal Peacham Academy, 1828-1830. Located in Owego, 1838. Member of Congress, 1857- 1859. Judge of the Supreme Court of xNew York, 1859-1873. LL. D., 1865. Died 1873. *Ira Pettibone, Winchester, Conn. Presbyterian clergyman. Ordained 1834. Pastor, Whitesboro, N. Y., 1834-1836; New York Mills, 1 836-1 845 ; Winsted, South Cornwall, and Winchester Center, Conn., 1846-1866. Missionary among the Freedmen, 1866-1867. Pastor, West Stafford, Conn., 1867-1870. A. M. D. D., 1885. Died 1889. *Ephraim* Spaulding, • Westboro, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1831. Missionary A. B. C. F. M., Hawaiian Islands,'i83i-i836. A. M. Died 1840. ♦Benjamin Perkins Stone, Concord, N. H. Congregational clergyman and editor. Andover Theological Semin- ary, 1831. Pastor, Franklin and Campton, N. H., 1831-1837. Secre- tary New Hampshire Missionary Society, 1837-1859. Treasurer New Hampshire Missionary and Bible Societies, 1853-1854. Editor " Con- gregational Journal," i8t;4-i862; "Christian Reporter," 1865-1866. A. M. D. D., 1854. Died 1870. ♦Wheelock S. Stone, Mobile, Ala. (?) clergyman. He was from Bridport. A. M. Died 1837. 1828-1829 ALUMNI. 65 David Bates Tower, Cambridge, Mass. Teacher and author. Studied law for a while in Daniel Webster's office. Teacher in the Adams School and Principal of the Eliot School, Boston, until 1840. Superintendent Philadelphia Institute for the Blind. 1841-1846. Principal Park Latin School, Boston, 1846-1859 and 1861-1867. Professor of Mathematics and Regent, University of St. Louis, 1859-1861. Author of many school books, A. M. Died 1868. r 1829 ♦Edward Downing Barber, Salisbury, Vt. Lawyer. Read law and practiced in Middlebury, 1829 — . Editor "Anti-Masonic Republican," 1829-1832; "Middlebury Free Press," 1832-1836. Secretary of the Governor and Council, 1831. Repre- sented Middlebury in the Legislature, 1832 and 1833. Clerk of the House of Representatives, 1834. A. M. Died 1855. * Richard Bolton, Pontotoc, Miss. Civil Engineer Went South 1835 as agent of the New York and Mis- sissippi i^and Company at Pontotoc and held that position till his death. Surveyed a railroad line from Pontotoc to Columbus, 1840, Was a colonel of militia. President Board of Trustees of Chickasaw Female College many years, A. M, Died 1889, * Paschal Carter, Centralia, 111. Teacher, Tutor, Columbian College, Washington, D. C, 1829-1830. Principal Keeseville Academy, N. Y., 1830-1831 ; South Reading, Mass.. 1831-1832. Professor of Mathematics in Denison University, Granville, O., 1832-1854. For many years Treasurer and Financial Secretary of same. Professor in Georgetown College, Ky., 1858-1861. President of Central Collegiate Institute of Alabama, 1861-1881. A. M. Died 1881. George Clinton Vanvaughton Eastman, Benton Harbor, Mich. Episcopal clergyman. Rector, Saybrook, Conn.; Litchfield; Roch- ester, N, H.; Bangor, Me.; Guilford, Vt; Benton Harbor, A. M,, Trinity, 1834. D. D„ Middlebury, 1880. \%^^ *Cyrus Farwell, Albion, N. Y. Lawyer. Practiced in Albion, 1833-1845 ; in Dorset, Vt., 1845-1848, Superintendent of Schools for Bennington county, 1847-1850. Judge of Countv Court, 1849-1851. Resumed practice in Albion, 1848. A. M. Died i88i. ♦Sheridan Guitteau, Baltimore, Md. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1829-1831 ; Princeton, 1832. In New York and Baltimore, 1832-1834, Pastor, Montgomery, N. Y., 1834 1835. Baltimore and vicinity, 1836-1844, Secretary Maryland Tract Society and Sunday School Union, 1844- 1872. Died £872. ♦Edwin Francis Hatfield, New York, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1829-1831. Pastor, St. Louis, Mo., 1832-1835 ; New York city, 1835-1863. Agent Union Theological Seminary, 1864-1866 and 1870 — . Secretary Pres- byterian H. M. Com., 1868-1870. For thirty-seven years stated Clerk of the Presbyterian General Assembly. A. M. D,'D., Marietta, 1850. Died 1883, ^ 66 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1829 *Samuel Storks Howe, Iowa City, la. Presbyterian clergyman. Principal Castleton Seminary, 1830-183 1. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1831-1832. Teacher, Princeton, 1832- 1833. Andover Theological Seminary, 1834. Tutor, Middlebury Col- lege, 1835-1836. Teacher, Canandaigua, N. Y., 1836-1838. Pastor in the State of New York. 1838 1849; in Iowa, 1849-1851. Secretary of various church societies, 1851-1868. A. M. Died 1888. Calvin TiLDEN Hulburd, Brasher Falls, N.Y. I^awyer. Yale College Law School, 1831-1832. Member of the New York Assembly several years Member of Congress, 1863-1869. Su- perintendent of Construction New York Post Office. Corporate mem- ber of the A. B. C. F. M. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1850 — . LL. D., Hamilton, 1867. /3^tH^ Oof X^ I ijf '^ ^-? ♦David Tenney Klmball, Lowell, Mass. Teacher. Andover Theological Seminary, 1834. Never ordained, but preached occasionally, and for two years ministered to a colored church in Hartford, Conn. Was proof-reader for a while in Cam- bridge, Mass. Taught in Atkinson, N. H., and Ipswich, Mass. The last twenty years of his life were passed in Lowell. He was one of the sixty-two original members of the National Anti-Slavery Society. Died 1886. *Edwin Lawrence, Ann Arbor, Mich. Lawyer. Teacher in Geoigia. Began practice in Middlebury, 1834. Removed to Ann Arbor, Mich., 1836. Member Michigan Legislature several years. Judge of the County Court. A. M. and Franklin Col- lege, Georgia, 1832. Died 1885. ♦Henry Bliss Northup, Sandy Hill, N. Y. Lawyer. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Washington county, 1837- 1843. District Attorney, 1847-1850. Member of Assembly, 1855-1856. A. M. Died 1877. ♦William Todd Page, Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer and banker. Practiced law in Carmi, 111., 1831-1836. Cashier Mt. Carmel, 111, 1836-1851; Evansville, Ind., 1851-1865. Removed to Vicksburg, Miss., 1865. Judge of Probate there one year. Removed to Philadelphia, 1872. A. M. Died 1877. ♦Truman Marcellus Post, St. Louis, Mo. Congregational clergyman. Principal Castleton Seminary, 1829 1830. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1830-1832. Admitted to the Illinois bar. Tutor in Illinois College, Jacksonville, 1833-1834. Professor of Lan- guages and History in same, 1834-1848. Pastor, Jacksonville, 111., 1841-1848; Third Presbyterian church, St. Louis, 1848-1851 ; First Congregational church, St. Louis, 1851-1882; Emeritus, 1882 — . Pro- fessor of History in Washington University, St. Louis. Lecturer m Chicago Theological Seminary and at Andover. A. M. D. D., 1855. Died 1886. Died I88b. . /• ff//- ^^^ Daniel Roberts, Xa^ l^J^ Burlington, Vt. f Lawyer. Practiced in Jacksonville, III., 1833-1835; Wallingford, Vt., 1835-1836; Manchester, 1836-1853 ; Burlington, 1853—. Bank Com- missioner, 1853-1854. Special Agent U. S. Treasury Department, 1865-1866. State's Attorney, 1868-1869. Orator Bennington Centen- nial Celebration, 1877. Author of "Roberts' Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Vermont." A.M. LL. D., 1879. ♦Washington Roosevelt, Pelham, N.Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1829-1830. Pastor, Sandy Hill, N. Y., 1831-1833 ; Nassau, 1833-1835 ; Valatie, 1835- 1837 ; Lockport, 1838-1840 ; New York city, 1846-1856 ; Bronxville, 1857-1872. Died 1884. 1829-1830 ALUMNI. 67 Thomas Jefferson Sawyer. c^JV^' jv^ ^/Vff College Hill, Mass. Universalist clergyman and teacher. Pastor, Second Universalist church. New York city, 1830-1845 and 1852-1861. Principal Clinton, N- Y,, Liberal Institute, 1845-1852. Editor " Christian Embassador," New York, 1863-1866. Professor of Systematic Theology in Tufts' College Divinity School, 1869 — . One of the original Trustees of Tufts College and of St. Lawrence University. Author of many books upon theological subjects. A. M. S. T. T)., Harvard, 1850. *RoLLiN Field Strong, Middleport, N. Y. Lawyer. Died 1835. 1830 *Alexander Woodruff Buel, Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Teacher in West Rutland, 1830-1831 ; Fort Covington, N. Y., 1831-1832; Castleton, 1833-1834. Began practice in Detroit. 1834. Deputy Register of Probate, 1834-1836. City Attorney, 1836-1837. Member of the Legislature, 1837. Prosecuting Attorney, 1843-1847. Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives, 1847. Member of Congress, 1849-1851. Member Michigan Legislature, 1858-1859. A. M. Died 1868. *Romeo Houghton Hoyt, St. Albans, Vt. Lawyer. Yale College Law School. Admitted to the bar, 1833. Reg- ister of Probate, 1836-1842. State Senator, 1853 1854. County Com- missioner, 1858-1861. Judge of County Court, 1862-1865. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1859-1874. A. M. Died 1888. *George Baker Ide, Springfield, Mass. Baptist clergyman. Pastor, Brandon. 1832 ; then in Derby ; Boston, Mass., 1836-1838; Philadelphia, Pa., 1838-1852; Springfield, Mass., 1852-1872. Two volumes of his sermons have been published. A. M. D. D., Madison, 1848. Died 1872. Hiram Jones, Whitehall, N. Y. His history since graduating is unknown. (?). *Nehemiah Homand Losey, Galesburg, 111. Teacher. In Potsdam and Whitesboro, N. Y. One of the incorpo- rators of Knox College and Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science in the same until 1861 ; Treasurer in same till 1872. Died 1872, *Samuel Newbury, Dubuque, la. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Ordained 1831. Pastor, Rut- land, Ohio. 1831-1832. Agent American S. S. Union and Education Societies, 1832-1838. Principal, White Pigeon Branch, University of Michigan, 1838-1842. Pastor, Allegan, Mich., 1842-1846. Principal Jackson High School, 1846—. President of the Michigan State Board of Education. Established a Normal School at Ypsilanti. Removed to Dubuque, 1853. Agent American Tract Society (Boston), 1865. A. M. Died 1868. *William Henry Parker, Middlebury, Vt. Teacher. Principal Bennington Academy, 1830-1832. Tutor in Mid- dlebury College, 1832-1834. Andover Theological Seminary, 1834- 1836. Teacher of Languages in St. Lawrence Academy, Potsdam, N. Y., 1836-1846; Principal of the same, 1846-1848. Professor -of .Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Middlebury College, 1848- 1881 ; Emeritus 1881 — ; Treasurer of same, 1855-1884 and Trustee, 1855 until his death. A. M. Died 1889. 6S MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 18 30-1831 *James Randles, St. Joseph's, Mich. Pearson says : " He was from Hebron, N. Y. Read law in Troy, N. Y., and died in St. Joseph's, Mich." (?j John Stewart, (?) He was from Pittsford, Vt. Pearson says : " He read theology some- what at Princeton ; was for some time Secretary of the New Jersey Prison Discipline Society; in 1843 ^^'^s practicing law in Philadel- phia." He went west from Philadelphia. He was a brother of Amasa Stewart, class of '24, and of P. P. Stewart, the stove manufacturer. (?) ♦John Stocker, Muscatine, la. Presbyterian clergyman. Teacher, Long Island, 1830-1831. Prince- ton Theological Seminary, 1831-1832. Pastor, Miller's Place and West Hampton, N. Y., 1833-1835 ; Monticello, Ind., 1836-1837; Blooming- ton (now Muscatine), Iowa, 1839-1848. A. M. Died 1848. ♦Gilbert Timothy Thompson, Northampton, Mass. Teacher and lawyer. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 1830-1833. Tutor and Professor of Languages in Hobart College. Resided in Cornwall till 1850 ; then in Northampton. A. M. Died 1852. ♦Francis Putnam Whipple, Hardwick, Vt. Teacher. Principal Granville Academy, N. Y., 1830. Died 1830. ♦Horace Wilcox, St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. Principal. Ogdensburg Academy, N. Y. ; Columbus Acad- emy, Ohio. Teacher in St. Louis till 1839. A. M., University of Ver- mont, 1833. Died 1839. 1831 ♦Edwin Munson Barbour, Benson, Vt. Studied law in New York City and started West, intending to begin practice in Cincinnati. Died on the journey, at Portsmouth, Ohio, 1833- ♦Nelson Barbour, Georgia, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1834. Pastor, Saxton's River, 1835-1839; Dummerston, 1840-1846; Lang- don, N. H., 1849-1852; Wolfboro. 1852-1854; Cummington, Mass., 1857-1858; Jamaica, Vt., 1859 i860; Sullivan, N. H., 1861-1863: West Fairlee, Vt., 1864-1867 ; Georgia, 1867. Died 1867. ♦Harvey Curtis, Galesburg, 111. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Princeton Theological Semi- nary, 1831-1832. Principal Norwalk Academy, Conn., 1833 1834. Tu- tor in Middiebury College, 1834-1835. Pastor, Brandon, 1835-1840. Agent A. B. C. F. M. in the West, 1841-1843. Pastor, Madison, Ind., 1843-1850; Chicago, 111., 1850-1858. President Knox College, 1858- 1862. A. M. D. D., 1857. Died 1862. ♦Daniel Hancock Deacon, Henderson, Ky. Episcopal clergyman and teacher. Rector and teacher in Henderson several years ; then in Natchez, Miss. ; again in Henderson. Died 1882. 1831 ALUMNI. 69 Bela Fancher, Homer, Mich. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary. 1831-1833. Principal Sheldon Academy, Southampton, Mass., 1833-1834. Ando- ver Theological Seminary, 1835. Pastor, Troy, Ohio, 1836-1842; North Bergen, N. Y., 18421848 ; Oakfield, 1848 1852, and Principal Gary Seminary, 1850 1852; Barre Center, 1852 1855 ; Homer, 1855-1864, and Principal Homer Academy, 18551858; Concord, 1866-1869. County Superintendent of Schools, 1^69-1873. Pastor, Eckford, since 1873, with residence at Homer continually since 1855. Ephraim H. Farrar, (?) Business. Taught a while and was in the service of the American Tract Society, 1832-1833. Resided chiefly in Fairfax, engaged in agri- culture till 1846, when he commenced the manufacture of fire bricks in Vergennes. A. M. (?) *JoHN Metcalf Hooker, Middlebury, Vt. Physician. Teacher in Bloomfield, N. J., 1831-1832. M. D., Yale, 1835. Died in New Haven, Conn., 1835. *Daniel Howard, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher. Principal Jericho Academy, 1831 — . " In 1836 he removed to Philadelphia, where he was a successful and highly respected teach- er until his death." A. M. Died 1869. * George Cleveland Hyde, Lake Charles, La. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1835. Pas- tor, Readfield. Me., 1836-1838; Castleton, N. Y., 1843. Teacher, El- mira, N. Y., 1846. Pastor, Onondaga Hollow, N. Y., 1851. Home Missionary, New York, 1851-1855. Pastor, Atchafalaya, La.. 1855- 1869 ; Lake Charles, 1870 — . Died at his home on English Bayou, near Lake Charles, 1883. *EzRA Jones, Phelps, N. Y. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1834. Pastor, Greenfield, N. H., 1834-1838 ; Dorset, Johnson and Claren- don, Vt., 1838-1850. In active service as pastor in western and central New York, 1850-1878. In Phelps, 1882—. A. M. Died 1888. Samuel Adams Kirby, Emory (?) Texas. Lawyer. Was from Middlebury. Resided in Brownville, N. Y., 1833- 1834. (?) *Nathaniel Ogden Preston, Manhattan, Kan. Episcopal clergyman. Principal Royalton Academy, 1831-1832. Or- dained deacon. 1834, and priest, 1835. Rector, Bennington, 1834-1844; New Orleans. La., 1844-1856; Philadelphia, Pa., 1856-1858 ; Manhat- tan, Kan., 1858-1862 ; Topeka, 1862-1864 ; and Principal of the Topeka Female Seminary, reorganized as the College of the Sisters of Beth- any. Professor of English Literature, State Agricultural College, Manhattan, 1864-1866. Delegate to the (triennial) General Conven- tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States in 1844, 1847, 1850, 1853 and 1859. A. M. Died 1866. ♦David Sylvester Sheldon, Davenport, la. Teacher. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1831-1832. Principal Bennington Academy, 1832-1834. Andover Theological Seminary, 1834-1835. Teacher of Mathematics in Potsdam Academy, 1835-1840; in Northampton, Mass., 1840 — , Farmer in Rupert, Vt., and repre- sented that town in the Legislature of 1849. Teacher, Preparatory Department, Iowa College, Davenport, 1853. Professor of Chemistry and. Natural Sciences, Iowa College, then at Davenport, 1853-1858 ; same in Griswold College, 1858—. A. M. Died 1886. 70 MroDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1831-1832 *Albert Smith, Monticello, 111. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Teacher in Hartford and Medford, Conn., 1831-1832. Andover Theological Seminary, 1835. Pastor, Williamstown, Mass., 1836-1838. Professor of Languages and Belles Lettres, Marshall College, 1838-1840 ; of Rhetoric and English Literature in Middlebury College, 1840-1844. Pastor, Vernon, Conn., 1845-1854; Peru, Ind., 1854-1855 ; Duquoine, 111., 1855; Monticello, 1855-1863. A. M. D. D., Shurtleff, i860. Died 1863. *BuEL WiLLOUGHBY Smith, Ishpemiiig, Mich. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Andover Theological Sem- inary, 1834. Pastor, Ferrisburg, Irasburg, Montpelier and Plainfield, Vt., 1834- 1841. Principal Keeseville, N. Y., Academy and acting pas- tor at Port Kent, 1841-1848. Principal Burlington Female Seminary, 1848-1865 and acting pastor for neighboring churches. Resided at Newton, Mass., 1865-1876; then at Ishpeming. Died 1882. 1832 William M. Bass, Dedham, Mass. Physician. Practiced in Grand Detour, 111., 1837-1846; Middlebury, 1846-1877. M. D., Berkshire Medical College, 1835, * Joshua Bates, . Boston, Mass. Teacher. In Charlestown, Mass., several years, then Head Master of the Brimmer School, Boston. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1850- 1888. A. M. LL. D., 1880. Died 1888. Jonathan Blanchard, Chicago, 111. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Principal Plattsburg Academy, 1832-1834. Andover Theological Seminary, 1834-1836. Lane Theo- logical Seminary, 1838. Pastor, Cincinnati, O., 1838-1846. President of Knox College, Galesburg, ill., 1846-1860. President of Wheaton College, 111., i860—. A. M. Edward Carrington, Providence, R. I. Merchant (retired). Harvard Law School, 1834-1835. * J ESSE Caswell, Bangkok, Siam. Congregational clergyman. Teacher, Potsdam, N. Y., 1832-1834. Andover Theological Seminary, 1834-1835. Lane Theological Sem- inary, 1837. City Missionary, Cincinnati, O., 1837-1838. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M. in Siam, 1839-1848. Died 1848. ♦William Dewey Cooke, Staunton, Va. Teacher. Went to Virginia soon after graduating and in 1840 became connected with the Virginia Institution for Deaf Mutes and the Blind at Staunton. In 1845 he became the first Principal of the North Car- olina Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind at Raleigh and held that position until i860. Principal State Deaf and Dumb Institution, Cave Spring, Ga., i860—. Publishing Agent, Southern Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va. Principal Maryland Deaf and Dumb institu- tion, Frederick City, till 1871. Then at Staunton until his death. A. M. Died 1885. *John Titus Doolittle, Painesville, Ohio. Lawyer. Practiced in Middlebury, 1835-1837 ; Huron, O., 1838-1841 ; Painesville, 1841-1871. A. M. Died 1871. 1832 ALUMNI. 71 Caleb Blanchard Harrington, Burlington, la. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar in Bennington County, Vt., 1835. Prac- ticed in Middletovvn, 1835-1850; Rutland, 1850-1857 ; Burlington, la., 1857 — . Represented Middletovvn in the I>egislature, 1842, 1843 ^"d 1846. Commissioner of the Vermont Insane Asylum, 1846-1847. State's Attorney tor Rutland County, 1851-1857. Has now retired from practice. A. M. ^p-WILLIAM Jones Hoppin, Providence, R. I. •^ Lawyer. Secretary of the United States Legation at London, 1876- 1886. Address, 99 George street. LL. B., Harvard, 1835. 1^^) A. M. * Nathan Smith Boynton, Canton, N. Y. Taught in Malone, N. Y.,one year, and died in Canton soon after. (?) James Davie Butler, Madison, Wis. Congregational clergyman and teacher. New Haven Theological Seminary, 1836-1837. Tutor in Middlebury College. 1837- 1838. An- dover Theological Seminary, 1840. Professor Languages and Litera- ture, Norwich University, 1845-1847. Pastor, Wells River, 1847-1850; Peabody, Mass., 1851-1852; Cincinnati. O., 18521855. Professor Ancient Languages, Wabash College, 1855-1858 ; Wisconsin Univer- sity. 1858-1867. A. M. LL. D., 1862. *Calvin Brainard Cady, Alburgh Springs, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Licensed to preach by the Essex, N- Y., Association, 1838, and ordained. Pastor, Ausable Forks, N. Y., 1842- 1845; St. Albans Bay, 1845-1852; Alburgh Springs, 1852 1873; Geor- gia, Vt., 1873-1877. A. M. Died 1889. *John Eleazer Claghorn, Castleton, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1840, and post-graduate course, 1840-1841. A. M, Died 1847. * Louis A. Doolittle, Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Admitted to practice in Chicago in 1838 and lived there until his death with the exception of two years in California. Died 1879. 1SS6 ALUMNI. * J AMES Thomas Foster, Greensboro, N. C. Geologist and mining engineer. Curator Geological Department State of New York, Albany, 1849 — , Gold mining in North Carolina, 1851. Resided in Missouri, 1860-1883, and was a member of the Legislature of Missouri, 1865. Removed to Greensboro, 1883. Died 1886. William Dickinson Griswold, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer and business man. He has a summer home in Castleton. f(*!y^S *Zebulon Jones, Hubbardton, Vt. Baptist clergyman. Pastor in Hancock, N. H., 1837-1839; Peterboro, N. H., 1839-1843 ; Hampton Falls, N. H., 1843-1852. Commissioner of Schools for Rockingham County, 1850, and President New Hamp- shire Board of Education. Afterwards he resided in Cornwall and for several years immediately preceding his death was pastor of the Bap- tist church in Hubbardton. A. M. Died 1883. Louis Shafter Lovell, Ionia, Mich. Lawyer. Register of the U. S. Land Office under the Taylor-Fillmore administration. Has been Circuit Judge of the 8th Judicial Circuit of Michigan for twenty-five years. *VVilliam Schuyler Martin, Granville, Ohio. Teacher. Studied theology in Oberlin. Teacher in Granville, 1838- 1842. A. M,, Marietta, 1841. Died 1842, Merritt Maitison, (?) Methodist clergyman. He was from Sudbury, Vt. At one time was principal of an academy in New York. (?) *David Mower, Rockford, 111. Presbyterian clergyman. Lane Theological Seminary, 1839. Sup- plied churches in Kentucky until 1855. Then a farmer near Rockford. Died 1879. JosiAH Wheelock Peet, Monticello, Iowa. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1840. Pastor, Gardiner, Me., 1841-1848. Principal Mt. Hope Seminary, Fall River, Mass., 1849-1859. Teacher, Easthampton, 1859-1862 ; Oshkosh, Wis., 1862-1864. Pastor and Professor in Yellow Spring (now Par- sons) College, Iowa, 1864-1867. Home Missionary, Fontanelle, Iowa, 1867-1880. A. M. ♦Ashley Samson, Fayette, Mo. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1839. Agent of the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, 1839—. A. M. Died 1840. Calvin Selden, Chicago, 111. Congregational clergyman. Teacher a few years. Pastor of churches in Waitsfield, Barnard and West Randolph, Vt. Superintendent of Public Schools. Address, 542 West Van Buren St. A. M. William Slade, Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar 1838 and practiced in Lancaster, Ohio, till 1848. Cashier there 1848-1850. Lawyer in Cleveland, 1850 — . State Senator, 1857-1858, 1858-1859. U. S. Consul at Nice, 1862-1865 ; at Brussels, 1885-1889, A. M., Marietta College, 1841. ♦George Sedgwick Swirr, St. Albans, Vt. Business. Died 1840. *Samuel Clark Swift, Raymond, Miss. Teacher. Died 1838. ^ 82 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1836-1837 AsAHEL Brown Watrous, (?) Teacher. In Milledgeville, Ga., and afterwards in Columbus. He was from Middlebury. (>) ♦Robert Ransom Wells, San Francisco, Cal. Presbyterian clerg^'man and teacher. Taught in Jefferson, N. Y., 1836- 1838. Andover Theological Seminary, 1838-1839. Teacher in Balti- more, Md., Western Theological Seminary. Pastor, South Bend, Ind., 1846 — . Teacher in Pennsylvania and Maryland till 1866. Pas- tor in California with residence San Francisco, 1866 — . A. M. Died 1882. John Henry Whiteside, Champlain.. N. Y. Business. Has been engaged in business in Champlain since gradu- ation. I G^ $' *Samuel Milungton Wood, Omro, Wis. Congregational clergyman. New Haven Theological Seminary, 1838- 1839. Pastor, Madrid, N. Y., 1839-1848 ; Brownville, N. Y., 1848-1851. Teacher in Castleton Seminary, 1852-1854. In Brunswick, N. Y., i860—. A. M. Died 1883. 1837 ♦Chauncey Abbott, Madison, Wis. Lawyer. Private tutor in Virginia, 1837-1838. Began practice in Fort Winnebago, Wis , in 1841 and permanently settled in Madison in 1845. Was District Attorney in his County. Represented the Madi- son district in the Assembly, 1850. Postmaster, 1850-1853, About four years before his death he removed to Vermont and died suddenly in Nebraska. Died 1872. *John Adams, Hillsboro Centre, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Pastor in Sharon, Vt., and East Hanover, x\. H., 1843-1861; Hillsboro Center, 1861-1879. Died 1879. *Sheridan Franklin Bates, Belfast, Me. Teacher and law student. He was from Fort Covington, N. Y. Taught in Potsdam and Lockport, N. Y., 1837-1839. Principal Bel- last Academy, 1839-1841. Died off the coast of North Carolina, 1841. *Sylvanus Bates, Mason, Ga. Teacher. Andover Theological Seminary, 1837-1838. Principal of Royalton Academy for six years. He was for many years a teacher in Georgia. Died 1883. ♦William Bates. Falmouth, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1840. Pastor, Northbridge, Mass., 1845-1858; Falmouth, 1858-1859. A.M. Died 1859. William J. Brown, Easton, Pa. Lawyer. (?) Elias Black Burton, Manchester, Vt. Lawyer. Teacher in Alabama, 1837-1838. Admitted to the bar and began practice in Manchester, 1842. State's Attorney, Bennington County. Representative in the Legislature. State Senator. Judge of Probate. Delegate from Vermont to the Republican National Con- vention, i860. 1837 ALUMNI. ^7, *WiLUAM Hunter Conkey, New Haven, Vt. Congregational clergyman, Andover Theological Seminary, 1841. Died 1847. *RuFUS Spaulding Cushman, Manchester, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Teacher in the South, 1837-1840. Lane Theological Seminary, 1840-1841 ; Auburn Theological Seminary, 1841-1843. Pastor, Orwell, Vt., 1843-1862; Manchester, 1862-1877. D. D., 1872, Died 1877. *Ei)SOn Fobes, Washington, D. C. Teacher. Taught several years in Palmyra, N. Y. Assistant teacher. Glens Falls Academy, 1851-1853 and Principal in same, 1857-1862; Shoreham, Vt, 1853-1857. Appointed to a clerkship in Washington, 1862, and lived there till his death. A. M. Died 1879. ♦Joseph Huntington, Braintree, Vt. Baptist clergyman. Died 1843. *Henry Page, Chicago, 111. Merchant. Died 1885. *John Ramsdell, Lake City, Minn. Lawyer. Practiced in Racine, Wis., several years. Died 1877. Amos Jeweit Samson, Minneapolis, Minn. Congregational clergyman. Principal Hinesburgh Academy, 1837- 1839. Pastor in Underbill, Fairfield and Swanton, Vt., several years. Judge of Probate for Franklin County, Vt., 1856-1867. A. M. Henry Aaron Sheldon, (?) Was a teacher in the South ten years. Became a lumber merchant in New York City. In 1849 he went to California. He was from Rut- land. A. M. (?) ♦George Washington Strong, " Rutland, Vt. Lawyer and farmer. Died 1858. ♦Lucius Ascanius Swift, Fayetteville, N. Y. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Auburn Theological Semi- nary, 1839-1842, Teacher in the South. Died 1849. ♦William Warner, Detroit, Mich. Business man. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 1837- 1838. Andover Theological Seminary, 1838-1840. Treasurer of the University of Vermont, 1843-1849. Deputy Treasurer of the Vermont Central Railroad, 1845-1855. Removed to" Detroitin 1855. Member of the Michigan Legislature, i860, 1862 and 1866. President Detroit Bridge and Iron Works. A. M. Died at Quincy, 111., where he was superintending the construction of a bridge over the Mississippi river, 1868. ♦Leonard Hemenway Wheeler, Beloit, Wis. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1840. Missionary A. B. C. F. M. to the Ojibwa Indians, LaPointe, Wis., 1841-1844 ; Odanah, Wis., 1844-1866. Died 1872. William Wines, Washington, D. C. Government service. Teacher in the South a number of years. Post- master, Clarksville, Tenn., 1862-1865. Member of the Tennessee Leg- islature of 1865, which reorganized the State government. Removed to Michigan, 1866. Professor of Languages, Stewart College. Editor " Michigan Courier and Visitant," Ann Arbor, In the Government service in Washington, 1880 — . A. M, Address, 1324 nth St., N. W. 84 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1837-1838 John Treat Wolcott, Alleghany City, Pa. Presbyterian clergyman (?). He read law. Prof. Parker interlined in Pearson's catalogue, " Presbyterian clergyman, Alleghany City, Pa." * Julius Lorenzo Wyman, West Haven, Vt. Lawyer. He settled in Circleville, Ohio, where he practiced several years. Returned to Vermont about 1870. Died 1888. 1838 * Nathan Barton, New Haven, Vt. Farmer. He had lived in Fort Wayne, Ind., and Champlain, N. Y. New Haven, Vt., 1871— . Died 1881. William Franklin Bascom, Washington, D. C. Teacher. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1839-1845. Principal of Yates Academy, N. Y., 1845-1846. Teacher, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1846-1848. Principal St. Lawrence Academy, 1848-1852; Middlebury Female Seminary, 1852 — . General Agent of the " Army and Navy Claims Agency" of the United Slates Sanitary Commission, 1865-1868. Pro- fessor of Greek and Latin in Howard University, 1868-1877. A. M. Address, 926 17th St., N. W. *OsMAN Roger Castle, Jericho, Vt. Died 1838. ♦William Fairman Dibble, Bridgeport, Conn. Cabinet maker. Aftei graduation he entered the Theological Institute at East Windsor, Conn, ; was licensed to preach, and did tor a time, but was compelled by ill health to relinquish the ministry. Died 1888. ♦James Marsh Douglas, Brunswick, Mo. Lawyer. Was also engaged in mercantile pursuits. Taught in South Carolina and Kentucky several years. Died 1881. *AsA Farwell, Ludlow, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1842. Principal of Abbot Academy, Andover, Mass., 1842-1853. Pastor, West Haverhill, Mass., 1853-1866; in Iowa and Nebraska, 1866-1876. Connected with Doane College, 1876-1878. Resided in Ludlow 1882—. A. M. Died 1888. ♦Andrew Seymour Flower, Mansfield, La. Lawyer. Andover Theological Seminary, 1838-1839. Taught in Ala- bama, 1839-1844. Died of yellow fever at the mouth of the Red River, 1855- ♦David Foote, La Grange, N. Y. Baptist clergyman. Principal of Moriah Academy, 1838-1839. Pastor, Nassau, N. Y., 1 840-1 843 ; Hannibal, 1 843-1 848 ; LaGrange, 1848. Died 1848. ♦Stillman Foote, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Lawyer. Practiced in Waddington, N. Y., 1842-1845 ; Ogdensburg, 1845 until his death. For some years he was editor of the "Ogdensburg Sentinel." Surrogate, 1863-1877. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 1861-1883. Professor of Law in St. Lawrence University. A. M. Died 1883. 1838 ALUMNI. 85 Solomon Paine Giddings, Washington, D. C. Congregational clergyman. New Haven Theological Seminary, 1839- 1841. Lane Theological Seminary, 1842. Pastor, Clarendon, Vt., and Curtisville, Mass., 1843 — ; Fair Haven, Vt., 1852; Springfield. 1852- 1859; Illinois. In Washington, 1863— . For the past five years has labored most of the time in the ministry. Storrs Hall, Rosendale, Wis. Physician. Received his degree of M. D. from the Connecticut State ^ Medical Society, 1851. Postmaster during Gen Grant's administra- tion. Trustee of Ripon College since 1857 and Secretary of the Board since 1865. President of many educational and professional associa- tions. A. M. ; and honorary M. D., 1888. *John Hough, Fort Wayne, Ind. Lawyer. Taught in the South, 1838-1841. Read law in Cleveland, Ohio, 1841-1843, and then established himself in practice in Fort Wayne. Died 1875. *Clark Brigham Hubbard, Steubenville, Ind. After graduation he went to Niles, Michigan ; subsequently to Steuben- ville, Ind. Died 1842. AzARiAH Hyde, Galesburg, 111. Congregational clergyman. Principal of Randolph Academy, 1838- 1841; Middlebury, 1841-1842; Champlain, N. Y., 1842 — ; Castleton Seminary, 1857-1860, Pastor, Benson, Vt., eleven years ; Pawlet, Vt., six years; also preached in Hubbardton, Vt., Whitehall, N. Y., Galesburg, and elsewhere in Illinois. Agent Vermont Bible Society, 1845, and for Middlebury College building fund, 1859 i860. Financial Agent of Knox College, Galesburg. At present is supplying vacant churches as called upon. * Daniel Kelsey, Atlanta, Ga. Methodist clergyman. He was from Danville and went to Georgia in 1840 as a teacher. Admitted to the Georgia Conference of the M. E. Church, 1844, and ordained an elder, 1846. In the itinerancy constant- ly, 1844-1876. Superannuated, 1876, but continued preaching occa- sionally till his death. Professor in Carsville Female College, 1858 and President of same, 1859-1860. A. M. Died 1884. Henry Kingsley, Middlebury, Vt. Farmer. Andover Theological Seminary, 1841. Acting pastor until 1845. Bookseller in Brandon, 1846-1856. Dentist, Middlebury, 1856- 1876. A. M. John Jordan Latting. New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Read law in New York City, 1838-1842, and has practiced there since. A. M. Address, 45 West 38th St. ♦Nathaniel Clarke Locke, Hempstead, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Teacher in Alabama, 1838-1841. Union Theological Seminary, 1841-1844. Pastor in Brooklyn, N. Y., some years and then in Hempstead. A. M. D. D., University of Alabama, 1858. Died 1862. Gad Lyman, Chicago, 111. Teacher. Principal LeRoy, N. Y., Academy, 1838-1841 ; Ajnes, N. Y., Academy, 1841-1846 ; Cottage Hall Boarding School, East Greenbush, N. Y., 1846—. Neill Alexander McMillan, Prairie Bluff, Ala. Lawyer. Teacher in Alabama, 1S39-1840. (?) A. M. S6 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 2838 ♦Jonathan Fiske Moore, Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Editor of the Dedham, Mass., " Gazette," 1842-1844. Began , practice in Boston. 1844. ^^^^^'^v^-. > I /} a/ ^4^i.> ' . ^i Sylvester Larned Nevins, -Sx^ w^-^vy / ^ ^fLaCrosse, Wi^. Lumberman. Engaged in business in Wall Street, New York City, until 1859, when he removed to LaCrosse. Served several years as Alderman of LaCrosse. State Senator, Wisconsin, 1876-1877. Franklin White Olmsted, Burlington, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Was a teacher in LeRoy, N. Y., two years; Mendon, N. Y., six years; in Riga, N. Y., two years. Pastor, Bridport, Vt., 1848-1863. Chaplain in Hospital, Philadelphia, 1863- 1865. Principal Burr and Burton Seminary, 1865-1867. Pastor, East Dorset, 1867-1870; Townshend, 1870-1877; Williston, 1877-1882. County and Town Superintendent of Schools fifteen years. Member of the Vermont Legislature five years. Member of the Constitutional Convention of Vermont, 1870. A. M. *RuFus Burnett Olmsted, Cambria, Cal. Teacher. In Lockport, 111., 1840; Plainfield, 1841-1845 ; Iowa, 185 — ; San Jose, Cal., 1858. Died in San Luis Obispo County, Cal., 1867. *James Wells Ransom, Townshend, Vt. He died in Michigan in 1840. George Fitch Ruggles, Aurora, 111. Business. A. M. Jonathan Avery Shepherd, Santa Rosa, Cal. Episcopal clergyman. Studied at the Episcopal Theological Semin- ary, New York City. Rector in the South many years. Acted as Chaplain to open the first session of the Rebel Congress at Mont- gomery, Ala. Rector of St. Andrews College, Mississippi. Is Presi- dent of the Standing Committee, Episcopal Church in Northern Cali- fornia and Examining Chaplain for the ministry. A. M. D. D., 1868. Samuel Sterling Sherman, Chicago, 111. Merchant. Tutor in the University of Alabama, 1838-1841. Profes- sor of Languages and President Howard College, Marion, Alabama. President of Judson Institute, Marion, Alabama. A.M. LL. D., William Jewell College. 1876, and Middlebury College, 1888. Ad- dress, 22 and 24 S. Water St. Horatio Austin Smith, Columbiana, Ala. Presbyterian clergyman. A. M. *John Curtis Smith, Hartford, Conn. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1841. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., at Ceylon, 1841-1874. A. M. Died 1884. *Ebenezer Harvey Squier, Scipio, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1843. Pas- tor, Hartland, Vt., 1844-1852; Lewis, N. Y., 1852-1854; Weybridge, Vt., 1854-1858; Highgate, Vt., 1858-1864; Scipio, 1866-1870. A. M. Died 1870. *Enos Stevens, Barnet, Vt. Teacher. In Paradise, Pa., 1838-1845. Resided in Barnet, 1848-1858 ; in New York City, 1858-1865 ; Barnet, 1865—. Died 1877. 1838-1S39 ALUMNI. 87 Byron Sunderland, Washington, D. C. Presbyterian clergyman. Pastor in Batavia, N. Y. ; Syracuse, N. Y. ; Washington, D. C. Chaplain of the United States Senate. In charge of the American Chapel, Paris, France. President for a time of the Board of Trustees of Howard University, Washington, and has held many church offices, A. M. D. D., 1855. Jesse Eugene Tenney, Lansing, Mich. Has been U. S. Commercial Agent in Italy; Mayor of the city of Lansing; Police Judge; U. S. Circuit Court Commissioner. Edgar Prindle Wadhams, Ogdensburgh, N.Y. Roman Catholic clergyman. Studied at the Episcopal Seminary, New York City. Preached to the Episcopal Church, Ticonderoga, N. Y., two years. Became a Roman Catholic priest and was connected with a Seminary in Baltimore. Was Rector of the Cathedral and Vi- car General of the Diocese of Albany and is now Bishop of the Dio- cese of Ogdensburgh. George Stovaul Walden, (?) Lawyer. Tutor in the University of Alabama two years. U. S. Dis- trict Attorney for the Northern district of Alabama. *John Henry Weir, Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Died 1858. John Gregory Wellington, Middlebury, Vt. Cashier. Studied medicine and took lectures at Harvard, but never practiced. Teller, Middlebury Bank, 1848-1865 ; Cashier, 1865-1885. A.M. ♦Philander Wilder, Brattleboro, Vt. Teacher. Died in Cuba, 1841. Emerson Ransom Wright, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Teacher in Alabama, 1839-1840. Admitted to the bar, 1841, and has since practiced in Middlebury. 1839 V-HiRAM Bingham, Windham, Ohio. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1839-1840. Lane Theological Seminary, 1842. Pastor, Portsmouth, Watertown and Windham, Ohio. Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, Ma- rietta College, 1846-1849. Then resumed his pastorate at Windham. A. M. ♦Charles Carlos Bisbee, Sioux City, Iowa. Teacher. Principal Brandon Academy, 1839-1842 ; Middlebury, 1842- 1844 ; then for several years associate principal of Bakersfield Acade- my. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy and Vi/ce Presi- dent Ixjuisiana College. A. M. Died 1871. OHN Bradshaw, Ann Arbor, Mich. Congregational clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1850. Prin- cipal Addison County Grammar School, Middlebury, 1839-1841 ; Fort Covington Academy, 1841-1843; Ogdensburgh Academy, 1843-1848. Pastor, Elizabethtown, N. Y. ; Rochester, Minn. A. M. H ♦Gorham B. Clark, Grenada, Miss. Teacher. In Ashby, Mass., 1839-1841 ; Pleasant Grove, Miss., 1841- 1843 ; Grenada, 1 843-1844. He was from Westminster, Vt. Died 1844. S8 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1839 *David S. Tennant Douglass, Thomasville, Ga. Teacher. Superintendent Common Schools, Clinton Co., N. Y., two years. Teacher, Dallas Male and Female Academy, Selma, Ala., 1844- 1846; Centenary Institute, 1846-1848. Principal Tuskegee Female Seminary, 1848-1851. President Glenville (Ala.) Female College, 1851- 1868; Lumpkin Masonic P'emale College, Georgia, 1868-187 1 ; Fene- lon Masonic Female College, Americus, Ga., 1871-1874. Died 1884. *^^DWiN Everts, Virden, III. Farmer. Teacher in North Carolina ten years. Read law, then be- came a farmer in Waltham, Vt. Has been town clerk and held other town offices. Representative in the Vermont Legislature. Judge of Addison County Court. Member of Constitutional Convention of Vermont, 1870. A. M. Aw-tt >Ia^ •*V{ ^''M />r* /oM *Bethuel Farrand, Deckertown, N. J. Clergyman. Teacher in New York and New Jersey, 1839-1842. Preached in Augusta, N. J., 1842-1847 ; in Deckertown, 1847— . (?) Died 1866. Melvin Lamond Gray, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Has practiced in St. Louis since 1844. Trustee Drury College. *Zera Hamilton, Shiloh, N. C. Lawyer. In Elizabeth City, N. C, 1839-1843. County Solicitor, Cam- den County. Died 1868. James Harran, Louisville, Ky. Teacher. In Moriah, N. Y., about a year. In 1850 he became prin- cipal of a Classical School in Newbern, Ala., and taught in that State for years. In 1857 he was teaching in Bladon Springs or Citronelle, twenty-five or thirty miles north of Mobile. He is reported to have died in Louisville about i860. (?) ^ David Leavitt Hough, Chicago, III. Lawver. Teacher in Alabama, 1839-1842. Began practice in Quincy, 111., i843. /Jvw4,/^^(M? ♦William Alanson Howard, Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Member of Congress, 1855- 1861. Alexander H. Stephens says : " Being a man of a high order of talents, strong convictions and unquestioned integrity, he had not only the respect but the esteem of his most decided opponents." Postmaster, Detroit, 1861 — . Governor of Dakota Territory, 1878-1880. Died 1880. *Samuel Hurlbut, New Haven, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Teacher in Castleton Seminary, 1839-1842. Union Theological Seminary, 1845. Pastor, New Haven, 1847-1856. A. M. Died 1856. *Woodbridge Little James, Kingston, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Teacher, 1839-1841. Missionary to the In- dians, 1841. Bangor Theological Seminary, 1843-1846. Preached to Congregational church in Litchfield, N. Y., 1848-1849; then became pastor of a Dutch Reformed Church in West Day, N. Y., and after- wards at Columbia and Woodstock, N. Y. Died 1887. * William Fayette Kent, (?) Principal Bennington Academy, 1839-1840. Read law, 1840-1841. Mercantile Agent in the West and South. In 185 1 he resided in Zanesville, Ohio. (?) Died 1856. *Daniel Mason Knapen, Castleton, Vt. Universalist clergyman. Died 1887. y?^ 1S39 ALUMNI. 89 *Stephen Pearl Lathrop, Beloit, Wis. Physician and teacher. Practiced medicine in Middlebury, 1843-1846. Principal Middlebury Female Seminary, 1846 1849. Professor of Chemistry and Natural History in Beloit College and Wisconsin Uni- versity, 1849- 1854. A. M. M. D., Vermont Medical College, 1843. Died 1854. *Alexander McLean, (?) Presbyterian clergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1839-1840. Ordained at Pictou, Can., 1843. Pastor there, 1843- 1847 ; Wellington Square, 1847 ; Nelson. His last charge was Flamboro West. A. M. Died 1877. *George Augustus Miller, San Francisco, Cal. Physician. In Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1844 1848. Physician and Surgeon of Clinton State Prison, 1848-1850; then went to San Francisco. M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1844. Died 1867. Anson Hall Parivielee, Phelps, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1842. Gen- eral Agent American Tract Society, 1842-1845. Pastor, Addison, N. Y., 1845-1855 ; Livonia, N. Y., 1855-1869 ; Seneca Castle, 1869-1873. *KiNNE Prescott, Rupert, Vt. Merchant. Studied for a time at Andover Theological Seminary. Died 1846. ^ Joseph Addison Ranney, Kalamazoo, Mich. Presbyterian clergyman. Teacher, 1839-1843. Pastor, Carlinville, 111., 18431847; Belleville, 1847-1854 ; Allegan, Mich., 1854-1859 ; Three Rivers, Mich., 1859-1872; Delphi, Ind., 1873-1878. Trustee of Mich- igan Female Seminary at Kalamazoo tor twenty years or more. D. D., *TiMOTHY Emerson Ranney, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1842- Missionary, A, B. C. F. M. to the Indians, 1842-1860. Supplying churches in Vermont, 1860-1880. Died 1884. -^VVerden Reynolds, At^ljlO.^ Green Bay, Wis. Has been a licenciate of the Baptist church and President of the Worcester Female Collegiate Institute. A. M. *MosES Robinson, Steam Boat Rock, la. Congregational clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1842. Home Missionary, 1842 1846. Pastor in Enosburgh, Vt., 1847-1851 ; Newport and Brighton, 1851-1857. A. M. Died 1865. * Myron Webb Safford, Morganfield, Ky. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Andover and Lane Theological Seminaries, 1839 1842. Teacher and acting pastor, Morganfield, Ky., 1843-1849; Evansville, Ind., 1850-1856; Tennessee, 1856-1860. A. M. Died 1862. *John Godfrey Saxe, Albany, N. Y. lawyer and author. Admitted to the bar in St. Albans, 1843. Prac- ticed law in Franklin County, Vt., 1843-1850. Superintendent of Schools for Franklin County, 1847-1848. State's Attorney for Chitten- den County, 1850- 185 1. Editor " Burlington Sentinel," 1850-1856. Democratic candidate for Governor of Vermont, 1859 and i860. P'rom i860 he devoted himself to literature. More than lorty editions of his collected poems have been issued m the United States and England. A. M. LL. D., i860. Died 1887. go MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1839-1840 -^Luther Harris Sheldon, Andover, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1842. Pastor, Townsend, Mass., 1844-1856; Westborough, Mass., i8'56-i867. Superintendent State Reform School. Jamesburg, 2^. ]., 1867-1874; ^ State Reform School, Westboro, Mass., 1878-1880. i)W.^^^>>vj^>i^ a^ Ezra Wright Sherman, ' Abercorn, P. Q. Farmer. Taught some years in the South. Represented the town of Montgomery in the Vermont legislature of 1852. *RoYAL Gould Wilder, Princeton, N. J. Presbyterian clergyman. Teacher, Preston, Mass., 1841-1843. Ando- ver Theological Seminary. 1845. Missionary in India, 1846 1875. Editor of " Missionary Review," 1878. A. M. Died 1887. 1841 Rollin Diarca Hemenway Allen, Pequabuck, Conn. Manufacturer. Andover Theological Seminary, 1841-1842. Teacher, Cromwell, Conn., 1843-1844. Yale Divinity School. 1845. Teacher, Tolland, Conn., Geneseo, N. Y., Riga, N. Y., and Terryville, Conn., till 1851, In business in Terryville, 1851 — . Representative in Connecti- cut Legislature. 1854 and 1878. 1841-1842 ALUMNI. 93 Luke Dorland, Hot Springs, N. C. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Studied at Princeton and Union Theological Seminaries. Ordained 1846. Pastor of churches in Ohio and Iowa, 1846-1866. Founder of Scotia Seminary, Concord, N. C, 1867 ; Superintendent and President of the same sixteen years. Still engaged in educational woik. A. M. D. D., Lafayette College, 1884. Darius Matthews Linsley, Millville, N. Y. Farmer. Principal Monroe Academy N. Y., 1846-1848 ; Jefferson County Institute, Watertown, N. Y., 1848-1852; Onondaga Academy, 1854 1856. Financial Agent Michigan Female Seminary, Kalamazoo, 1858-1862. A. M, ♦Julian Merrill Loveland, Castleton, Vt. He was a native of Castleton and after teaching a few years returned there, where he passed most of his life. Died 1883. *Adam Knox Miller, New Orleans, La. - Physician. Was a teacher in Mississippi and Louisiana for several years. Then became a physician in New Orleans. A. M. Died 1853 James Simmons, Lake Geneva, Wis. Lawyer. Has been Court Commissioner, Clerk of the Circuit Court and held other local ofifices. 1842 Charles Linn^us Allen, Rutland, Vt. Physician. Graduated at Castleton Medical College, 1846. Professor of Chemistry, Castleton Medical College, 1855. President Vermont Medical Society, 1858. Professor of Practice of Medicine, Castleton Medical College, i860. Member ot State Board for examining candi- dates for regimental surgeons, 1861. U. S. Surgeon of Volunteers, 1862. Medical Purveyor Department of the South, 1864. President of State Board for examination of candidates for regimental surgeons, 1865. President U. S. Board of Pension Surgeons, 1880. Secretary of Vermont Board of Health, 1886. Member American Public Health Association, 1888. Member American Medical Association and Fel- low of the American Academy of Medicine. A. M. M. D., Castle- ton Medical College, 1845, and honorary, Rush Medical College, 1873. Carlos Boardman, Linneus, Mo. Lawyer. Taught in Ohio and Missouri. Has been County Attorney, Public Administrator, Probate Judge, Presiding Justice of County Court and Prosecuting Attorney. *NoRMAN Clark, Chelsea, Vt. Baptist clergyman. Pastor in Swanton, Ira, Jamaica and Fair Ha- ven, Vt., and in Marlboro. N. H., and Wendell, Mass. Did not grad- uate with his class, but in i86o the Trustees voted to give him the de- ree of A. B., and add his name to the class. Died 1882. *MiL0 Dewey Cooke, Galesburg, 111. Lawyer. Teacher in Moriah, N. Y., Liberty Corners, N. J., and Hen- derson, 111. Member of the Board of Education of the city of Gales- burg. Member of the Board of Supervisors of Knox County. Judge of the Municipal Court of the city of Galesburg, 1857-1889. Died 1889. *Champlin Miner Fletcher, Orwell, Vt. Farmer. Representative in the Legislature of Vermont, 1851 1852. A. M. Died 1857. 94 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1842-1S43 *JoHN JiLSON Gardner, Utica, N. Y. Unitarian clergyman. Studied at the Western Reserve College and graduated at Auburn Theological Seminary, 1845 Preached in Ohio and Michigan until 1849. Died 1850. ♦Henry Merrill, New Orleans, La. He was born in Middlebury. Teacher in Kentucky, 1842-1843. Then a teacher and law student in New Orleans. Died 1847. *Eber Douglass Munger, West Rutland, Vt. Teacher. In Shoreham and Castleton, 1842-1846. Tutor in Middle- bury College, 1847. A. M. Died 1847. Osborn Myrick, Middletown Springs,Vt. Congregati6nal clergyman. Pastor, Provincetown, Mass., 1846-1866 ; Middletown Springs. 1866—. Columbus Smith, West Salisbury, Vt. Lawyer. Has made a specialty of obtaining inheritances in England for heirs in this country. Timothy Clark Smith, Odessa, Russia. Physician. Clerk in the Treasury Department. Washington, 1849- 1853. Staff surgeon in the Russian army, 1855-1856. U.S. Consul at Odessa, 1861-1875 ; at Galatz, Russia, 1878-1883. M. D., University of New York, 1855. *Dugald Stewart, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Accountant and Paymaster of the Rutland and Burlington Railroad Company, 1848-1855. Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts for the County of Addison, 1855-1870. Auditor of Accounts, 1864 1870. Representative of the town of Middlebury in the Legisla- ture, i860, 1861 and 1862. Died 1870. John W. Tyson, (?) (^) He was from Plattsburgh, N. Y. In 1846 he was residing in New York City. (?) Henry Watkins, Potsdam, N. Y. Lumberman. Teacher in St. Lawrence Academy, 1842-1845. Read law. President of the Board of Trustees of the Potsdam Normal School, 1880 — . 1843 Calvin C. Adams, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Congregational clergyman. Taught in Alabama and Tennessee, 1844- 1849. Pastor, Fairfield, Vt., and in Iowa, 1850 — . *Samuel Worcester Bates, Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Principal Nichols Academy, Dudley, Mass. ; Adams Grammar School, Boston. Studied at the Harvard Law School. Counsel for the Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company for several years. Compiled many volumes of the English Law and Equity Reports. He was the youngest son of President Bates. A. M. Died 1882. Joel Storrs Byington, New York, N. Y. Business. Was from Alabama and after graduation went into business there. Afterwards located in New York City. Address, 63 Temple Court. 1843-1844 ALUMNI. 95 *Enoch Haskin Caswell, Bennington, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1845-1846. Andover Theological Seminary, 1847. Pastor, Salisbury, N. H,, Stockbridge and Barnet, Vt., Loudon, Hookset and Bennington, N. H. Was a teacher a few years in Bristol, N. H. A. M. Died 1861. John Charles Churchill, Oswego, N. Y. Lawyer. Teacher in Castleton Seminary, 1843-1845. Tutor in Mid- dlebury College, 1845-1846. Studied at Harvard Law School and elsewhere. Performed the duties of the Professor of Languages in Middlebury College, the fall term of 1847. Member of Congress, 1867- 1871. Presidential Elector at Large for the State of New York, 1880. justice of the Supreme Court of New York since 1881. Trustee of Middlebury College, i869-i'875. A. M. LL. D., 1874, and Hamilton College, 1882. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Clarke, Oswego, N. Y. Physician. Practiced in Middlebury, 1847-1851. Since then in Oswe- go. Has been U. S. Collector of Customs. A. M. M. D., New York College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1847. Jonathan Wright Nash, Janesville, Wis. Farmer. Thomas Spencer Scales, Woburn, Mass. Physician. M. D., Vermont Medical College at Woodstock, 1848. 1844 ♦Jacob Edgerton Blakely, Pawlet, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1848-1849. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1851. Pastor, East Pouitney, 1851-1854. Died 1854. ♦Samuel Mills Conant, Brandon, Vt. Lawyer. Union Thelogical Seminary, 1844 1846. Teacher in Brook- lyn, N. Y., 1846-1848. Read law and settled in Brandon. Editor "Ver- mont Union Whig." Assistant Clerk of the House of Representa- tives, 1849. Assistant Secretary of the Senate, 1850, and afterwards Secretary ot the same. A. M., University of Vermont, 1848. Died 1855. Joseph Green Stevens Hitchcock, Foxborough, Mass. Physician. Principal Union Seminary, Fairhaven, Mass., 1844-1845 ; Royalton Academy, 1845-1846. Examining Surgeon, U. S. Pension Office. Medical Examiner for Norfolk Co., Mass. Counsellor Mas- sachusetts Medical Society. M. D., Harvard Medical College, 1850. ♦TowNSEND Elijah Taylor, , Nordhoff, Cal. Congregational clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1847. Missionary. Lahaina, Sandwich Islands, until 1855. Home Mission- ary in California, 1855 until his death. Resided in Nordhoff, 1877 — . Died 1883. Thomas Beale Wales, Boston, Mass. Physician. M. D., Harvard Medical College, 1847. Orlando Wooster, Rutland, Vt. Accountant. Teacher in Windsor, Middlebury, Moriah, N. Y., and West Randolph, Mass. Read law and practiced in Moriah about a year. Has been connected with the Rutland and Burlington R. R. for several years. 96 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1844-184o ♦Charles Kent Wright, Portland, Ore. Lawyer. Assistant clerk of the House of Representatives, 1851 and 1852. Died 188— (?) 1845 *Charles Clarke Abbey, San Francisco, Cal. Physician. Principal Bethany Academy, South Carolina. 1845-1846 ; Oak Grove Academy, Alabama, 1846-1848. Began practice in Little- ton, N. H. M. D., Jefferson Medical College, 1848. Died 1853. Jonathan Adams Allen, Chicago, 111. Physician. Castleton Medical College, 1846. Began practice in Kal- amazoo, Mich. Professor in the Indiana Medical College. 1848-1850, and in the Medical Department of the University of Michigan, 1850 - . Is now President of Rush Medical College, and Professor of Princi- ples and Practice of Medicine in the same. Surgeon-in-chief of the C. B. & Q. R. R. for twenty-four years. A. M. M. D., Castleton and elsewhere. LL. D., Masonic University, LaGrange, Ky. Joseph Hartwell Barrett, Loveland, Ohio. Editor and writer. Taught in New York City, Walpole, N. H., and Chester, Vt. Editor of the " Middlebury Galaxy," 1848. Read law and was admitted to the bar. Assistant Clerk of the House of Rep- resentatives, 1849 and 1850. Representative from Middlebury in the Vermont Legislature, 1851 and 1852. U. S. Commissioner of Pen- sions, 1861 1868. A. M. Joseph Avery Bent, Wheaton, 111. Congregational clergyman. Principal Union County Academy, Ind., 1845-1847 ; Preparatory Department Knox College, 1847-1849. Tutor, Middlebury College, 1849-1850. Studied at Union Theological Sem- inary, 185CH1851, and graduated at Andover, 1853. Pastor, Stowe, Vt., 1854; Cornwall, Vt.. 1855-1856. Principal Hoyleton Seminary, 111.. 1858 1865. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Wheat- on College, 1866-1871. A. M. *Lavius Fillmore Chapman, Victoria, Texas. Merchant. Was principal of an Academy in Victoria, Texas, 1845- 1848 ; then became a merchant in the same place. Died 1859. Cleveland Keith, Oakwood, Va. Episcopal clergyman. He graduated at the Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal church in the Diocese of Virginia, 1850; preached in Salem, Va., one year ; then became a Missionary of the Episcopal Board to China. He was lost with the " Golden Gate" which was burned July 27th, 1862, on its passage from San Francisco. A. M., and Trinity College, 1852. Reuel Keith, Washington, D. C. Professor of Mathematics in the U.S. Navy. Astronomical Observer at the U. S. Naval Observatory. Principal of Trinity Female College, Pass Christian, Miss. Surveyor of boundary hne between Virginia and Tennessee. He was from Oakwood, Va. A. M., and Trinity College, 1852. Address, 226 A St., S. E. Luther Franklin Locke, Nashua, N. H. Physician. Teacher, 1845-1846. A. M. M. D., Harvard, 1849. 1845-1846 ALUMNI. 97 * Edward Merrill, Waco, Texas. Physician. Taught in the South 1845 — . Studied two years at Louis- iana Medical College, New Orleans, and one year at Castleton Medical College. Was Assistant Surgeon in the Hospital at Natchez, Miss. Practiced in Trinity, La., and then settled in Waco. A. M. M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1855. Died 1869. Charles Henry Phelps, Burlington, Iowa. Lawyer. Prosecuting Attorney for Des Moines County, 1853. Circuit Judge and Judge of the First District Court of Iowa. Silas Goodyear Randall, ( ?) Providence, R. I. Presbyterian clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1845-1846 and graduated at Andover, 1848. Pastor, Roscoe, 111., Essex, N. Y., Rock- ford and Chicago, 111., and Providence. *Carlos Herman Samson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Business. Teacher in Allentown, Pa., 1845 1847. In the hardware business, 1852 1862. Agent of the Indiana Railway Company and of the Great Western Despatch Line, 1862- 1874. Died 1877. Claudius Buchanan Smith, Anacostia, D. C. Government service. Principal Black River Academv, Ludlow, Vt., 1845-1852; Leiand and Gray Seminary, Townshend, Vt., 1852 — . Chaplain U. S. Army. Now in the U. S. Treasury Department. A. M. 1846 ♦Daniel Aretas Bowe, Lancaster, N. H. Editor. Principal Adddison County Grammar School. 1846-1849. and read law. Teacher in Williston, Vt., and Colebrook and Lancaster, N. H., 1849-1855. Editor of the " Coos Republican," 1855—. A. M. Died 1857. Robert Willlvm Duncan, Grand Haven, Mich. Lawyer. Has resided in Grand Haven nearly forty years. Varney a. Gaskill, Rutland, Vt. Lawyer. Graduated at Mercer, Ga., Theological Seminary, 1849. Ad- mitted to practice in the Courts of Georgia and the Federal Courts, 1853. Visitor to the University of Georgia, 1854. Codified the laws of Geor- gia by appointment of the Governor. Commissioned Quartermaster by the Governor of Georgia, 1861 ; Paymaster of the Fourth Brigade Georgia Volunteers with rank of Major, 1861. Assistant Secretary of the National Democratic Convention and alternate Presidential Elect- or in Georgia, i868. ChieC Clerk of the Reconstruction Bureau of Georgia under Gens. Pope and Meade. After the war he held many important positions in private and public life in Georgia, Samuel Newell Grout, Franklin, Neb. Presbyterian clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1849. Home Missionary in Missouri, 18501855. Pastor, Fulton, III., 1855; Big Rock, Iowa, 1856-1867; Munroe, 1867-1869 ; Elmore, Neb., 1869-1870; Macon, 1872— ; Franklin. Trustee Franklin Academy. Henry Leonard Hodges, Washington, D. C. Government service. He was a teacher in LaGrange, Ga., for several years after graduation and read law in the same place. Is now con- nected with the Treasury Department at Washington. 9^ MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 2846-1847 William Smith Hopkins, Vergennes, Vt. Physician. Mayor of the city of Vergennes four years. Member of the House of Representatives of Vermont four years. A.M. M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1849. ♦Cephas Augustus Leach, Sedalia, Mo. Presbyterian clergyman. Teacher, Nashua, N. H., and elsewhere. Andover Theological Seminary, 1852. Pastor, Granby, Mass., 1853; Detroit, Mich., 1854. Ordained 1855. Pastor, Carlinville, 111., 1854- 1856 ; Pason, 1856-1866 ; Brimfield, 1866-1868. Resided at Andover, Mass., 1871-1872; Rockford, III., 1872. Editor and publisher "Seda- lia Daily Times," 1873—. Died 1887. Patrick Henry Sanford, Knoxville, III. Lawyer. Principal Newton Academy, Shoreham, 1846-1847 ; Willis- ton Academy, 1847-1849. Read law and in 1853 taught in Vergennes. *Levi Parsons Sawyer, Nashua, N. H. Physician. Principal Royalton Academy, 1846-1847, and of Nashua Academy for several years. Member New Hampshire Legislature two years, A. M. M. D., Dartmouth, 1854. Died 1868. yl<^ Peter Starr. New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Yale College Law School, 1849. | ^^j V^ John Wolcott Stewart, Middlebury, Vl. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar, 1849. State's Attorney, 1851-1854. County Clerk, 1855. Member of the Vermont House of Representa- tives, 1856, 1857, 1864. 1865, 1866, 1867, 1876; and Speaker, 1865, 1866, 1867 and 1876, State Senator, 1861-1862. Governor of Ver- mont, 1870-1872, Member of Congress, 1882 — . Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Middlebury College, 1851-1858. Trustee, 1858—. A. M. LL. D., 1876. 1847 Charles C. Bixby, Brockton, Mass. Druggist (retired). Has lived in Brockton since graduation. Direc- tor Brockton Gas Light Company and Home National Bank. Has held various municipal offices and represented Brockton in the Massa- chusetts Legislature, 188—, 1888 and 1889. George Nye Boardman, Chicago, 111. Presbyterian clergyman and teacher. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1847-1849. Andover Theological Seminary, 1852, Professor of Rhet- oric and English Literature in Middlebury College, 1853-1859. Pastor, Presbyterian church, Binghamton, N. Y., 1859 1872. Professor of Systematic Theology in Chicago Theological Seminary, 1872—. Trus- tee of Middlebury College, 1868^. A. M. D, D., University of Ver- mont, 1867. Ira Doit Burwell, Saxton's River, Vt. Baptist clergyman. Teacher in New York City, 1847-1849, Tutor in , Middlebury College, 1850. Teacher in Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, 1850; Brandon Academy, 1851; Crown Point, N. Y., 1851- 1852. Pastor, Crown Point, 1852; Moriah. 1852-1867 ; Hinesburg, Vt., 1867-1878, Residence, Saxton's River, 1878—. Superintendent of Schools and Chairman School Board, 1870-1878, A. M, ♦Francis Dake, Washington, D. C. Taught a short time and then went to Washington, where he was em- ployed as a mechanic. Died 1888. (?) 1847 ALUMNI. 99 *Velie Haynes Deane, Randolph, Mass. Teacher. Principal Stetson High School, Randolph, Mass., 1847- 1856; Newton High School, 1856-1860; Tilden Female Seminary, 1860-1863; Stetson High School, 1863-1880. A. M., Dartmouth, 1864. Died 1880. Asa Elmore Everest, Grinnell, Iowa. Congregational clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1850. Home Missionary in Brooklyn, 1850-1852. Teacher and Superinten- dent of Schools, 1852-18^6. Pastor, Mooers, N. Y., 1856-1864. Del- egate U. S. Christian Commission in Virginia and West Virginia, 1864. Chaplain ii8th Regiment U. S. C. T., 1865. Pastor in Illinois and Iowa, 1866-1879. Delegate to the General Assembly of Presbyte- rian Churches at St. Louis, 1866. Agent American Bible Society, 1879- 1890. Delegate to the National Council of Congregational Churches at New Hayen, Conn., 1875. Residence, Grinnell, 1882—. A. M. Daniel Dunks Gorham, Northampton, Mass. Teacher. Principal of Champlain Academy, N. Y., 1847-1850; Ma- lone Academy, 1850—. Was principal of the Northampton High School seventeen years and is now Associate Principal and Professor of Ancient Languages in the same. A. M. John William Hunt, Washington, D. C. Teacher. Principal Plymouth, Mass., High School, 1848-1852; New- ton, Mass., High School, 1852-1856. Established Crystal Lake Sem- inary, Newton Center, Mass., 1856, and was principal of the same until 1865. Teacher in the Public Schools, Washington, D. C, 1866- 1868. Has been principal and proprietor of a private English and Classical School in Washington since 1868. A. M., and Marietta Col- lege, 1889. ♦David John Lyon, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Taught in Petersburgh, Va., 1847-1848; Jackson, N. C, 1848-1850. Read law in New York City, 1850-1851, and practiced there. Died 1865. Stephen Martindale, LaCrosse, Wis. Loan, land and insurance agent. Read law with Hon. Harvey Button of Wallingford, Vt., and at the National Law School, Ballston Spa., N. Y., 1847-1849. Resided in Racine, Wis., 1849-1854, Lacrosse, 1854 — . Peter J. H. Myers, Chazy, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1850. Pas- tor, ''Clintonville and Ausable Forks, N. Y., 1850-1852; Middlebury, 1852-1853; Luzerne, N. Y., 1853-1854; Haverstraw, 1854-1860. City Missionary, Brooklyn, 1865. Home Missionary in Tennessee till 1867. City Missionary in New York and Brooklyn till 1872. In secular work, 1872-1878. Pastor, Chazy, 1878—. Guy Chandler Strong, Highland, Col. Presbyterian clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1850. Pas- tor, Moira, N. Y. ; Grandville, Mich. ; South Barton, Mich., and Lo- da, 111. *James Hewett Trowbridge, Riverside, 111. Presbyterian clergyman. Union Theological Seminary, 1847-1849; New Haven Theological Seminary, 1850. Pastor, Haverstraw, N. Y., 1850-1854; Marshall. Mich., 1854-1856; Dubuque, la., 1856-1862; Chicago, 1862-1865 ; Riverside, 1873-1885. Editor, and in large meas- ure founder, of the " Interior." previous to his last pastorate. Died 1887. lOO MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1847-1848 *Warren Weaver Winchester, Williamstown. Mass. Congregational clergyman. Teacher in Castleton Seminary, 1847- 1849. Andover Theological Seminary, 1852. Pastor, Wilton N. H., 1852-1853; Clinton, Mass., 1854-1862. Hospital Chaplain, U.S.A., 1862-1865. Pastor, Bridport, Vt., 1867- 1881. The day before his death he accepted an appointment to take charge of a Home Missionary church in Alaska. Died 1889. 1848 Sumner Albee, Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Teacher in Brattleboro, 1848-1849, then in Boston. Read law and began practice in Boston, 185 — . Alderman of Cambridge, 1865. Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, i88i and 1882. Address, 30 Court St. A. M. Edmund Harvey Blanchard, Bloom ington, III. Congregational clergyman. Principal Lyndon Academy, 1848-1849. Andover Theological Seminary, 1852. Pastor, Epsom, N. H., and elsewhere; Warwick. Mass., 1860-1869; Bloomington. George Dana, (?) Cal. Mercantile business. He was from Brandon and spends his summers there. Wit^on x'\mos Farnsworth, Cesarea, Turkey. Congregational clergyman. Principal, West Boylston Academy, Mass., 184.8- 1849. AndoverTheoiogical Seminary, 1852. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M. in Turkey since 1853. A. M. D. D., 1877. Mark W. Folsom, Des Moines, la. Lawyer. Read law in Moriah and practiced several years in Wells- ville, N. Y. Went West in 1859. Was Justice of the Peace in Des Moines. Robert Emmett Maranville, Milford, Del. Teacher. Was for some years Principal of Furlow Masonic Female College, Americus, Ga. Has also taught in Poultney and Castleton. Is now Principal of Milford Seminary, Del. A. M. Jeremiah Eames Rankin, Washington, D. C. Congregational clergyman and teacher. Teacher, Bartlett Grammar School, New London, Conn., 1848-1849; in Warren County. Ky., 1849- 1850. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1850-1851. AndoverTheoiogical Seminary, 1854. Pastor, St. Albans, 1855-1862; Lowell, Mass.. 1862- 1864 ; Boston, Mass., 1864-1869 ; Washington, D. C, 1869 ; Orange, N. J. Has been chaplain of the U, S. House of Representatives ; Professor of Homeletics and Pastoral Theology in Howard University aud Trustee of the same. Has also held many important offices in church and missionary associations. President of Howard University, 1889—. A. M. D. D., 1869. LL. D., 1889. Stephen West Remele, East Poultney, Vt. P'armer. Was a teacher in Kentucky, 1848-1850. 1848-1849-1850 ALUMNI. /.lO^ * Davis John Rich, , ( ?X Pi.tt County,,',"}^ A^, ', Lawyer. Practiced in Champlain, N. Y., until '1861 /,^Jr^ ^^^i' he* en-' listed and was commissioned captain. Appointed Assfs?ant Adjutant General and served through the war. Assistant U. S. Marshal at Richmond, 1865, and same year settled in North Carolina. Sheriff, Pitt County. Member of the State Constitutional Convention, 1868. State Senator, 1869. Died 1869. GusTAVus Blinn Wright, Portland, Oregon. Merchant. 1849 Martin Henry Freeman, (?) Teacher. Junior Professor in the Alleghany Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1850 — ." Professor of Mathematics Liberia College, Africa. (?) A. M. *AsA Stowell Jones, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Principal of Newton Academy, Shoreham, 1849-1850. Ed- itor " Whitehall Chronicle." Practiced taw in Whitehall, N. Y., until 1853 ; then went to St. Louis. Died 1863. Baxter Edward Perry, Medford, Mass. Lawyer. Teacher of a Government School, Bedford, Canada, 1849- 1850. Principal Chester Academv, 1850-1855. Has lived in Medford for thirty years and practiced in Boston since 1855. Member Massa- chusetts Legislature. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1873^. Office address, i Beacon St. A. M. Sewall Sergeant, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, Teacher, Elizabethtown, N. Y., 1849-1850. Studied law and began practice there 185 1. Major Fifteenth Regiment N. Y. Volun- teer Engineers. Honorably discharged. 1865. Office address, 186 Remsen St., Brooklyn ; residence. Fort Hamilton. Eleazer Sherman, ( ?) Contra Casta, Cal. Lawyer. Principal Addison Countv Grammar School, 1849-1850. In the South, 1850-1851. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1851-1852. Prac- ticed law in Racine, Wis. ; St. Louis, Mo. ; San Francisco. A. M. * David Goodrich Simmons, Hanover, N. H. He taught in Melrose, Mass., a short time. Died 1852. Oliver Westcote Winchester, Cambria, Wis. Congregational clergyman. Teacher, Madrid and Potsdam, N. V,, 1849-1850; Raleigh, Tenn., 1850-1851. Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1856. Missionary A. B. C. F. M. in Turkey, 1857-1865. Pastor, Wadham's Mills, N. Y,. 1866-1867 ; Beekmantown', 1867-1869; Manistee, Mich, 1869-1871; Jefferson, Wis., 1872- 1874; Fergus Falls, Minn., 1875-1880; Reedsburgh, Wis., 1881 — ; Cambria. 1850 *JameS Harwood Barter, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Lawyer. Died 1853. ♦Edward Martin Dewey, Chicago, 111. lawyer. Teacher in Lisbon, 111., 1850-1851. Began the practice of law in Crown Point, N. Y., 1853. Died i86i. 102, MroDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1850-1851 f(5fiAi^BB. Egbert Everest, Cham plain, N. Y. ' •' '" -L3'\'}''er J^ Began practice in Keeseville, but removed to Champlain in 1853 ancl \::Ontinued i,rt active practice there until his death. District Attorney, Clinton County, 1856-1859. For twenty-six years he was a Justice of the Peace and held many other local offices. For many years he was a Trustee of Champlain Academy. Died 1888. Albert Hurd, Galesburg, 111. Teacher, Principal Vermont Literary and Scientific Institute at Brandon, 1850-1851. Tutor and Lecturer on Natural Science, Knox College, 1851-1854. Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science in the same since 1854. Acting Professor of Latin in the same since 1872. A. M., Knox College, 1854. Ph. D., 188 1. Daniel Webster Mandell, Greenwich, N. Y. Justice of the Peace. Police Justice. Insurance Agent. Surveyor. Commissioner of Town Bonds. *HiRAM Mead, Oberlin, Ohio. Congregational clergyman. Teacher, Flushing, L. I., 1850-1852. Tu- tor in Middlebury College, 1852-1854. Andover Theological Semin- ary, 1857. Pastor, South Hadley, Mass., 1858-1867 ; Nashua, N. H., 1867-1899. Professor of Sacred Rhetoric, Theological Department, Oberlin College, 1869-1881. A. M. D. D., 1870. Died 1881. *Henry Martyn Slade, Washington, D. C. Government Service, Tutor in University, Cleveland, 1851. Princi- pal Lisbon Academy, 111., 1851-1852. Read law ip Cleveland. Clerk in U. S. Treasury Department, 1859-1868 ; Pension Bureau. 1868-1870. Board of Public Works, 1870. Special Pension Agent for Vermont, 1875. A. M. Died 1875. Edward Young Swift, Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. In Detroit since 1854. Simeon Sylvester Willard, Malone, N. Y. Lawyer. First Lieutenant and Captain Ninety-eighth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers. School Commissioner. Inspector of Elections. Clerk of Board of Supervisors. Clerk of Ways and Means Committee N. Y. Assembly. Trustee and Clerk of Malone. Secretary Franklin County Agricultural Society. 1851 Solon Albee, Langdon, N. H. Teacher. In Montreal. Canada, and Mt. Holley, N. ]., 1851-1852. Tutor, Lafayette College, 1852-1854 ; Middlebury College, 1854-1855. Andover Theological Seminary, 1859. Teacher, Burr and Burton Seminary, 1860-1862; Dummer Academy, Byfield, Mass., 1863-1864; Burr and Burton Seminary, 1864-1866. Professor of Latin, Middlebury College, 1866-1880. A. M. *Allen Cainipbell Baker, Oswego, Kan. Teacher. County Surveyor, Pickens Couuty, Ala. Principal People's Academy, Morrisville, Vt., 1851-1853. Professor of Mathematics. La- Grange, Ga., 1853-1855. Principal Spring Hill Academy, Ala., 1855- 1867. Principal of Oswego College, 1868-1873. Principal of the High School and connected with the Oswego Public Schools, 1873-1876 and 1879-1881. A. M. Died 1881. ^ 1851 ALUMNI. 103 * Warren Bigelow, Mazeppa, Minn. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1854, Pastor, Black River Falls, Wis., 1854-1862; Mazeppa, 1862-1866. Died i866. Samuel Ward Boardman, Maryville, Tenn. Congregational clergyman. Teacher in Castleton Seminary and else- where. Andover Theological Seminary, 1855. Pastor, Norwich. Vt., 1857-1859. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Middle- bury College, 1859-1861. Pastor, Auburn, N. Y., 1 862-1 877 ; Sterling, 111., 1879-1883 ; Stanhope, N. J., 1883-1889. President Maryville Col- lege, 1889—. A. M. and Dartmouth, 1859. D. D., Hamilton Col- lege, 1870. *Gaylord Pinney Chapin, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Lawyer. Died 1856. * Pliny Fisk Churchill, Mooers, N. Y. Lawyer. Professor in LaGrange Institute, Georgia, and elsewhere in the South. Died 1857. George Dunsmore, St. Albans, Vt. Physician. Has been President of the Vermont Medical Society. Trustee and Superintendent St. Albans Hospital. Trustee Franklin County Grammar School. A. M. M. D.. Castleton Medical College, 1855, and Ohio Medical College, 1871. *Philo Spencer Keep, New Haven, Ky. Teacher. In Maysville, Ky., till 1855; Springfield, 1855-1856; New Haven, 1856-1877. Died 1877. Alfred Jerome Long, Whitehall, N. Y. Physician. M. D., University of the City of New York, 1853. /(fOS^ Luther Lowell, Sycamore, 111. lawyer. He was principal of Ellicottville Academy, N. Y., 1851-1852, and afterwards of Rutland Academy. Has practiced law in Syca- more since 1857. County Judge, 1869-1877 and 1883-1886. A, M. Allen Parkhill Northrop, Flushing, N. Y. Teacher. He went to Flushing in 1851 and has been a successful teacher there ever since. A. M. ♦Thomas Scorr Pearson, Peacham, Vt. Teacher. Principal Addison County Grammar School, 1851-1852; Caledonia County Grammar School at Peacham, 1852-1855. Com- piler of Pearson's Catalogue of the Alumni of Middlebury College, 1853. Assistant teacher Kimball Union Academy, 1855. His last literary work was editing the Triennial of 1856. A. M. Died at In- dianapolis, Ind., 1856. ♦Simeon Dana Post, Rutland, Vt. Physician. After graduation he taught in Alabama a year or two. A. M. M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1855. Died 1855. James Edwin Ross, Rome, Mich. Physician. Has practiced at Rome for the last twenty-five years. ♦Nathan Allan Smfih, Americus, Ga. Lawyer. Teacher, Brownwood University, 1855. Principal -Buena Vista Academy, 1853. Judge of Inferior Court, Sumpter County, Ga. Mayor, Americus, Ga. Died 1888. [04 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1852-1853 1852 Penfield Bull Goodsell, Boston, Mass. Physician. Has been treasurer of several financial corporations, John Ormsbee Haven, Big Lake, Minn. Mei chant. Principal Ellicottville Union School, N. Y., 1851 ; Monti- cello Academy, Minn., i860—. Clerk of the County Court. County Surveyor. County Superintendent of Schools. State Senator, Min- nesota, 1872 and 1873. A. M. John Howe, Castleton, Vt. Lawyer. First Lieutenant Co. B. Second Regiment Vermont Volun- teers. Mayor of Apalachicola, Florida. 1874 and 1875. Representa- tive in the Vermont Legislature, 1878. State's Attorney, Rutland County, 1879-1883. Assistant Judge of the Rutland County Court, 1888—. A.M. George Gushing Knapp, Bitlis, Turkey. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1855. Missionary A. B. B. C. F. M. in Turkey since his ordination in 1855. Matthew Henry Maynard, Marquette, Mich. Lawyer. Lucretius Dewey Ross, Poultney, Vt. Physician. Assistant Surgeon Fourteenth Regiment Vermont Volun- teers. Acting Surgeon U. S. A. Hospital. President Rutland County Medical Society. Superintendent of Schools. M. D., Castleton Med- ical College, 1857. Royal Daniels Ross, Gooperstown, N. D- Farmer. Has been a teacher. Justice of the Peace for Steele Coun- ty. A. M. Rufus Wainwright, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. County Clerk since 1870. Secretary of the Board of Trus- tees of Middlebury College, 1862-1881, and a Trustee since 1874. A.M. RoLLiN Wilcox, Norwich, Kan. Business. 1853 *Bernice Darwin Ames, Mechanicsville, N. Y. Methodist clergyman and teacher. Professor of Latin and Greek, Fort Plain and Fort Edward Institutes, several years. Pastor, East Dorset, Charlotte and Brandon. President Providence Conference Seminary, 1861 1864. Secretary of the Christian Commission, Phila- delphia, 1864-1865. Principal Mechanicsville Academy, N. Y., 1867- 1876. A. M.,and Wesleyan University. Died 1876. William Nathaniel Bacon, Bridport, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Principal Granville Academy, N. Y., one year; Weedsport Graded School, one year. Auburn Theological Seminary, 1859. Pastor. Pomfret, 1859-1863 ; Shoreham, 1864-1883 ; Coventry, 1883-1889. A. M. *Lyman Sanders Gheney, Wing River, Minn. Teacher. In Georgia two years. He then assisted in founding a Seminary in Galesville, Wis., and was Professor of Mathematics there for several years. He then became a farmer and resided at Wing River. A. M. Died 1885. 1853 ALUMNI. 105 *Deodatus Dutton Haskell, Greenwich, N. Y. Business. Dealer in musical instruments in Troy, N. Y., 18531855. Manufacturer of boots and shoes, Greenwich, 1855 — . Cotton planter near Tarboro, N. C, 1865-1867. Returned to Greenwich, 1867 A. M. Died 1867. * David Griswold Hooker, Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer. City Attorney, 1867-1870. Mayor, 1872-1873. Counsel for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company after 1878. A. M. Died at Jacksonville, Fla., 1888. John Alonzo Howe, Albany, N. Y. Teacher. Principal successively of the Poestenkill, N. Y., Union Acad- emy and Grammar School No. 6, No. 3 and No. 5 in Albany. A. M. * Henry James, Omaha, Neb. A. M. He was from Weybridge. pied i860. *WiLLiAM Keyes, Highgate, Vt. Lawyer. He served three years in the War of the Rebellion. Died 1884. *Gilbert Cooke Lane, Weybridge, Vt. Teacher. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1855-1856. A. M. Died 1858. Charles Mills May, Mayslick, Ky. Teacher. Has lived in Mayslick for nearly 35 years. Joel Turrill Rice, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Edward Payson Stone, Lapeer, Mich. Congregational clergyman. Teacher, 1853-1860. Ordained, 1861. Chaplain 6th Reg. Vt. Vols., 1861-1863. P.istor, Centerville. Mass., 1863-1865; Wellesley, 1865. Agent A. H. M. S. at Boston, 1865-1869. Pastor, Wallingford, Vt., 1869-1871 ; Underbill and Essex, 1871-1875 ; Pembroke and Centre Harbor, N. H., 1875-1879. General Mission- ary of the A. H. M. Society with residence at Lapeer, 1880 — . A. M. George Warren Thomas, Montgomery, Ala. Teacher. Professor of Ancient Languages in East Alabama Female College, 1855- 1860. President Central Female College, Tuskaloosa, Ala., 1885-1886. Is now principal of Boys' High School, Montgom- ery. Has been Alderman of that city. A. M. LL. D., Howard Col- lege, Ala., 1885. WiLLL^^M Wirt Walker, Burlington, Vt. Merchant. Teacher in South Carolina. Studied law. Served in Co. C, i2th Reg. Vt. Vols. Has been m the wholesale grocery business the last twenty-five years. A. M. ♦George Augustus Weeks, Paris, Ky. Episcopal clergyman. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1855-1856. General Theological Seminary, New York, 1862. Rector, Hoosac Falls, N. Y., 1862-1865 ; Paris, Ky., 1865—. Was Examining Chaplain and member of the Ecclesiastical Court of the Diocese of Kentucky at the time of his death. A. M. Died 1890. *John Eliakim Weeks, West Constable, N. Y. Physician. Began practice in Cazenovia, N. Y., 1857. In Brandon, Vt., 1858-1861; West Constable, N. Y., 1862—. M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1855. Died 1886. I06 MroDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1854-18 35 1854 German Hammond Chatterton, Peru, N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary, i866. Pas- tor, j'anesville, Wis., 1866-1867 ; Ackley, 1 867-1 869 ; Dubuque, la., 1869-1871; Northwood, la., 1873-1875; Charles City, 1876; Des Moines, 1877, A. M. Royal Corbin, Plattsburgh, N. Y. Lawyer. *Alonzo Taylor Deming, Glyndon, Minn. Congregational clergyman. Principal Royallon Academy, 1854-1855; Underhill Academy, 1855-1857 ; Essex Academy, 1857. Andover The- ological Seminary, i860. Pastor, Bridgewater, 1860-1863; Bridport, 1863-1864; Franklin, 1864-1866; Swanton, 1 866-1 868 ; Post Mills, 1868- 1870; Newbury, 1870-1871. The winter of 1871-1872 he taught in Carlton College, Minn. Acting pastor, Glyndon, 1872. A. M. Died 1872. -^JoHN Cleveland Fenton, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Lawyer. Teacher, Mt. Washington Collegiate Institute, New York City, 1855-1860. Studied and practiced law in New York, 1860-1865, U. S. Internal Revenue officer, 1865-1868. Lawyer in Ticonderoga, 1868-. l<^$< Benjamin Labaree, Oroomiah, Persia. Congregational clergyman. Andoyer Theological Seminary, 1859. Missionary A. B. C. F. M. in Persia since i860. A. M. D. D , 1887. Thomas Henry McLeod, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Has been Justice of the Peace since 1861. Register of Pro- bate Court, 1874-1878. Is Notary Public and Master in Chancery. A.M. *JoHN MosELY Potter, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. He was a native of Middlebury. He practiced law in Syra- cuse, N. v., many years, and more recently in New York City. Died 1887. *i\NDREW EvARTS Rankin, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Lawyer. Harvard' Law School, 1861. Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs, 1867. Secretary of the Vermont Board of Education, 1867- 1870. Trustee and Librarian St. Johnsbury Athenaeum. Director First National Bank. Trustee Passumpsic Savings Bank. He was Clerk of the Caledonia County Court at the time of his death and had held that office for many years. A. M. LL. B., Harvard, 1861. Died 1888. Elijah Marble Torrey, East Dorset, Vt. Lumberman and farmer. Representative from Jamaica in the Legis- lature, 1862, 1863 and 1864. Has been Superintendent of Schools for years and held many other local offices. A. M. Edward Wilcox, Rocky Mount, N.C. Business. Superintendent Rocky Mount Graded School. Manager Rocky Mount Iron Works. 1855 Simeon Gilbert Boardman, Clarksburg, W. Va. Presbyterian clergyman. Read and practiced law. Licensed to preach, 1870, and ordained, 1872, Pastor, Port Penn, Del., 1871-1884 ; Cham- plain, N. Y., 1885-1888; Clarksburg, 1889—. 1855-1856 ALUMNI. 107 *RoTus Oramel Graves, Fair Haven, Vt. Teacher. Principal Bristol, Jonesville, N. Y., Groton and Lyndon Academies until 1859. Visited England, 1859. Principal Fair Haven School, i860 — . Licensed to preach by the Methodist Church, 1861, and supplied neighboring churches. A. M. Died 1865. Edward Payson Hooker, Winter Park, Fla. Congregational clergyman. Principal Brattleboro Academy, 1855- 1856. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1856-1857. Professor in Fort Plain Institute, N. Y., 1857-1858. Andover Theological Seminary, 1861. Pastor, Medford, Mass., 1861-1869 ; Fair Haven, Vt„ 1869 1870'; Mid- dlebury, 1870-1880; Lawrence, Mass., 1880-1883 ; Winter Park, 1883—. President Rollins College, Winter Park. 1885—. Trustee Middlebury College, 1876— A. M. D. D., 1881. *Edwin Charles Johnson, Chicago, III. Teacher. Principal Union High School, Rutland, 1855-1858 ; High and Graded School, Fon du Lac, Wis., 1858-1859. Professor of Latin, University of Chicago, 1859-1863. A. M. Die'd 1863. Martin Luther Mead, Highland Lake,Col. Physician. Professor of Chemistry, Medical Department Wooster University, Cleveland, Ohio. A. M. M. D., Albany Medical Col- lege, 1859. * J AMES TuFTS, Niobrara, Neb. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar in Burlington, Iowa, 1857. Probate Judge in Nebraska, 1857-1861. Member Nebraska Legislature, 1859- 1860. Secretary Council, Dakota Territory, 1861-1862, U. S. Com- missioner to adjust military claims, 1862. Member and Speaker first Legislature of Idaho, 1863-1864. Secretary Montana Territory, 1867- 1868. Acting Governor of Montana, 1868 1869. Superintendent In- dian Affairs, Montana, 1868-1870. Died 1884. 1856 Solomon Theophilus Allen, Bassett, Neb. Teacher. Superintendent of Public Schools. Professor of Mathe- matics. President of Bourbon College. A. M. Lewis Augustin Ausi'in, Winter Park, Fla. Congregational clergyman. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1857-1859. Principal jonesville Academy, N. Y., 1859-1861. Pastor, Orwell, Vt.. 1862-1868.' Principal Burr and Burton Seminary, 1868-1872; Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., 1872-1875. Teacher of Greek in same, 1876-1880.' Professor of Latin in Middlebury College, i88o- 1885 ; Rollins College, Winter Park, 1886—. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1880. A. M. *George Daniel Davenport, Brandon, Vt. Lawyer. Private Co. H, 5th Reg. Vt. Vols., Sept 2, 1861 ; ist Sergt., 1861 ; ist Lieut. Co. G., Nov. 22, 1861. Killed in the battle of the Wilderness, 1864. * David Brownson Dewey, Whitehall. N. Y. Physician and Surgeon. M. D., elsewhere. Died 1864. * Henry Dwight Foster, Grafton, Vt. Journalist. County Register, Sullivan County, N. H., for about five years. Trial Justice for the same a number of years. Editor " Lud- low Gazette. Principal of Black River Academy. A. M. Died 1869. I08 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1856-1857 John Codman Labaree, Randolph, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1861. Pastor, Sterling, Mass., 1861-1865; Randolph, 1865—. A. M." D. D,, 1889. *MosES Marston, Minneapolis, Minn. Teacher. Professor of Ancient Languages in St. Lawrence Univer- sity, 1868-1872; of English Literature in the University of Minnesota, 1874- 1883. A, M. Ph. D., St. Lawrence University, 1878. Died 1883. Charles Marsh Mead, Boston, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Teacher, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1856-1858. Tutor, Middlebury College, 1859-1860. Andover Theological Seminary, 1862. Studied at the University of Halle, Ger- many, 1863-1864; Berlin, 1864-1866; Tuebingen, 1866. Professor of Hebrew, Andover Theological Seminary, 1866-1882. In Germany, 1882- 1888. Lecturer at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1889. Is now in Europe. A. M. Ph. D., Tuebingen University, 1866. D. D., Middlebury College, 1881. William Henry Nichols, AVest Randolph, Vt. Judge of Probate. Representative in the Legislature, 1870, Member Council Censors, 1870. Assistant Judge of the County Court, 1872- 1874. Judge of Probate, 1874—, Allen Tenny, Norwich, Conn. Lawyer. Teacher in Lyndon, Vt., and Concord, N. H., 1856-1858. Deputy Secretary of State, New Hampshire, 1859-1861. Secretary of State, 1861-1865. Albany Law School, 1866. Admitted to the bar in Connecticut, 1868, and has practiced law in Norwich since. State Senator, Connecticut, 1873. Member Connecticut House of Repre- sentatives, 1874. Corporation counsel for City of Norwich, 1874-1883. U. S. Commissioner several years. ♦Charles Wetherby, Nashua, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Taught in Ohio. Studied at Union The- ological Seminary. Pastor, North Cornwall, Conn., 1859-1865; West Winsted, Conn., 1865-1871; Nashua. N.H., 1871-1879; Chnton, Mass., 1879-1884 ; Milford, 1884-1887. Died 1887. Ozi William Whitaker, Philadelphia, Pa. Episcopal clergyman. Princip>al High School, North Broolcfield, Mass., 1856-1860. General Theological Seminary, New York, 1863. Ordained deacon and priest, 1863. Rector, Gold Hill. Nevada, 1863- 1865; Englewood, N. J., 1865-1867 ; Virginia City, Nev., 1867-1868. Missionary Bishop of Nevada, 1868. Assistant Bishop of Pennsylva- nia 1886. Bishop of Pennsylvania, 1887 — . D. D., Kenyon, 1869. 1857 ♦Alanson Saltmarsh Barton, Colchester, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1861. Pastor, Georgia, Vt., 1864-1866 ; Saxton's River, 1866-1867 ; Towns- hend, 1867-1870; Colchester, 1877-1882. Resided at Middlebury, 1870- 1876. A. M. Died at sea, 1882. ♦Horace Elijah Boardman, Sun Prairie, Wis. Physician. Andover Theological Seminary, 1862. Pastor. Fort Dodge, Iowa, 1863-1864; Earlville, 1864-1865. Studied medicine, 1865-1867. Practiced, Appleton, Monroe and Sun Prairie, Wis., 1867 — . A. M. M. D., Hahnemann Medical College, 1867. Died i888. 1S57 ALUMNI. 109 Thomas Herbert Davis, (?) He was from Henrico County, Virginia. Was a soldier in the Confed- erate army ; was captured by the U. S. troops and his classmate, Foote, savs that Judge Dunton saw him while a prisoner. Nothing more is known ofhim, though it is said that he died in Texas. (?) ♦Jeremiah Nixon Diament, Wealaka, I. T. Congregational clergyman. Auburn Theological Seminary, i860. Pastor, PVanklin, Pa., 1860-1865 ; Redfield and Osceola, N. Y., 1865- 1868; Santon, Mich., and other places, 1868-1874; Cherrytree, Pa., 1875-1877. Missionary, Wealaka, Indian Territory, 1882—. Died 1888. *Walter Chipman Dunton, Rutland, Vt. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar, 1858, and began practice in Kansas. Member of the last Territorial Legislature of Kansas. In 1861 he settled in Rutland. Captain Company H, Fourteenth Reg. Vt. Vols. Judge of Probate for the District of Rutland, 1865-1877. Judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont, 1877-1879 Member State Constitutional Convention, 1870. State Senator, 1880-1882. President State Bar Association. Professor of Law in the Iowa State Univer- sity, 1888-1889. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1870—. A. M. Died 1890. Loyal Dorus Eldredge, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Taught and studied law in Randolph and Johnson, 1857- 1859. Admitted to the bar at Hydepark, 1859, and began practice in Alburgh the same year. State's Attorney for Grand Isle County, 1861- 1862. Located in Middlebury, 1862. Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue, 1864-1870. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, 1870- 1874. State Senator, 1876-1878. Representative in the Legislature, 1888-1890. Trustee of Middlebury College since 1881. Treasurer of the same since 1884. A. M. Henry Smith Foote, Middlebury, Vt. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar, i860. State's Attorney for Addison County, 1863-1866. Practiced in Middlebury till 1867'; in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1867-1882; since then in Middlebury. A. M. Henry Benjamin Furness, Cincinnati, Ohio. Teacher. Connected with the Hughes High School, Cincinnati, as teacher of Natural Sciences for many years. Residence, Walnut Hills. Edmund Goodrich Hunt, Brooksville, Vt. Farmer. Admitted to the bar in Jackson, California, 1862, and resided there eleven years. Notary Public and U. S. Commissioner. In 1870 removed to Vicksburg, Miss., and resided there seven years. Prac- ticed law and edited the " Vicksburg Times and Republican." Special Commissioner for Southern claims. Clerk of Chancery Court. Act- ing District Attorney. Justice of the Peace and U. S. Commissioner. Became a farmer in New Haven, Vt., and has held various local offices there. Americus Vespucius Jewett, (?) He came to Middlebury from Bowdoin and his residence appears from the catalogue as at Alna, Me. (?) Stephen Knowlton, Greensboro, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Teacher in Castleton Seminary, 1857- 1862. Andover Theological Seminary, 1865. Pastor, West Medway, Mass., 1865-1872; New Haven, Vt., 1873-1881; Greensboro, 1881 — . A.M. ♦Henry Miner, Washington, D. C. Lawyer. State's Attorney, Bennington County, Vt., 1862. Editor " Manchester Journal " one year. A. M. Died 1863. no MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1857-1858 Henry Martyn Porter, New York, N. Y. Business. He is connected with the American Bank Note Company, having had charge of one of its Departments for twenty-two years. Private, yth Reg. N. Y. National Guard. Captain, Major, Lieut.-Col- onel and Colonel 7th Reg. Vt. Vols. Provost Marshal, City and Parish of New Orleans, 1863-1864. Address, 86 Trinity Place. A. M. Lauren Redfield, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Address, 34 Nassau St. *Charles Williams Seaton, Williston, Vt. First Lieut. Co. F, ist Reg. U. S. Sharpshooters, Aug. 15, 1861 ; Cap- tain, Aug. 2. 1862; Wounded at Malvern Hill; Resigned Mav 15, 1863. For several years he was in the Census office at Washington and from 1883 to 1885 held the office of Superintendent. Died 1885. Henry Franklin Severens, Kalamazoo, Mich. Lawyer. State's Attorney, St. Joseph County, Mich., 1862-1865. Ap- pointed U. S. Judge for the West District of Michigan, 1886, and still holds that office. Horace Holmes Thomas, Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar and began practice in Chicago, 1859. Enlisted 1861. Captain and Ass't. Adj't General 3d Div, 2d Army Corps. Brigadier General and Quartermaster General of Tennessee and Private Secretary to Gov. Brownlow until 1869. Then resumed practice in Chicago. Member of Illinois House of Representatives, 1878, and Speaker, 1880-1882. State Senator, Illinois, 1888-1892. A. M. Nehemiah White, Galesburg, 111. Universalist clergyman and teacher. Associate Principal Perkins In- stitute. South Woodstock, 1857-1858 ; Principal Clinton Liberal Insti- tute, 1859-1860. Professor of Mathematics, St. Lawrence University, 1865-1871; of Ancient Lauguages and Comparative Philology, Buch- tel College, 1872-1875. President Lombard University, 1875 — . A. M. AzEL Washburn Wild, Charlotte, Vt. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1862. Pastor, Pittsfield, 1862-1864 ; Greensboro, 1864-1873 ; Peacham, 1873- 1881 ; Charlotte, 1882—, A. M. 1858 *Charles Frederick Abbott, Bristol, N. H. Congregational clergyman. Andover Theological Seminary, 1861. Pastor, Bristol, 1861-1866. Died 1866. Henry Martyn Barnum, Freeport, 111. Lawyer. Teacher, Little Falls, N. Y., 1858-1859. Then located in Freeport. Superintendent Public Schools, 1861-1864. Practiced law since 1864. Citv Attorney, 1868. Member Board of Education, 1868- 1871. Samuel Emmons Burnham, Rutland, Vt. Fire Insurance Agent. 2d Lieut. Co. E. 5th Reg. Vt. Vols., Aug. 30, 1861 ; ist Lieut., July 24, 1862 ; Capt., Oct. 6, 1862 ; resigned Feb. 17, 1863. Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs, 1867-1868. A. M. Charles Shepherd Colburn, Pittsford, Vt. Lawyer. Judge of Probate, Rutland District, 1877-1878. State Sena- tor, Rutland County, 1882-1884. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1889—. A. M. LL. B., Harvard University, 1862. 1858 ALUMNI. Ill Elias Dewey, Des Moines, Iowa. Teacher. Private aud Sergeant, Co. G, 20th Reg. Wisconsin Vols. Principal Delavan High School, 1883. Has been Mayor of his city. Albert Ira Button, South Framingham, Mass. Congregational clergyman. Hartford Theological Seminary, two years. Andover Theological Seminary, 1863. Pastor, Shirley, Mass., 1863-1869 ; East Longmeadow, 1869-1885 ; Royalton, Vt , 1885-1887. George Fisher, Cairo, 111. Lawyer. Taught at Randolph, Vt., 1858- 1861 ; Ahon, 111., 1862-1865. Surveyor of Customs, Port of Cairo, 1869 — . A. M. ♦Calvin Hubbard Flower, Springfield, III. Insurance Agent. Principal Island Grove Academy, 111., 1858-1860 ; Graded School, Springfteld, 1860-1862. A. M. Died 1871. ♦Dan Meeker Howard, Benson, Vt. Farmer. Town Superintendent of Schools, 1864. Died 1866. Brainerd Kellogg, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher. Tutor in Middlebury College, 1860-1861. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Middlebury College, i86i-i868 ; in the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, 1868 — . Trustee of Middlebury College, 1885 — . Author of several text books* A. M. ♦James Harvey Leavitt, Middlebury, Vt. Teacher. A. M. Died 1862. John Edmund Parker, Washington, D. C. Government service. Corporal Co. A, Sixth Reg. Vt. Vols., Oct. 2, 1861 ; promoted Sergeant ; mustered out Oct, 28, 1864, Has been in the Government service in the Pension office since the war. A. M. George Arden Rockwood, Willsburg, Oregon. Congregational clergyman. Principal Batavia Institute, 111., 1858- 1860. Studied at Chicago Theological Seminary and graduated at Andover, 1863. In the service of the U. S. Christian Commission, 1863. Chaplain Eighth Regiment U. S. C. T., 1863-1865. Pastor, Deer River and Carthage, N. Y., i866-i86g ; Rensselaer Falls, 1869- 1883; Oregon City, Oregon, 1883-1888. Superintendent Congrega- tional S. S. and Publishing Society, 1888—. A. M. ♦George Washington Squier, Grand Rapids, Mich. Teacher. Principal Grand Rapids Graded School. Had studied law and was soon to have been admitted fo the bar. Died 1864. Lyman Walker, Peru, Ind. Lawyer. Is Judge of the 27th Judicial Circuit of Indiana. A. M. Stephen Ambrose Walker, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. President of the Board of Education, New York City, 1879- 1886. Trustee of the " Tilden Trust." United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, 1886-1889. Trustee of Middlebury College, 1870—. A. M. LL.D., 1882. ^ 112 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1858-1859 William Harris Walker, Ludlow, Vt. Lawyer. Assistant Secretary Vermont Senate, 1857, Principal Lit- tle Falls, N. Y., Academy, 1858-1860. Located in Ludlow, i860. Ad- mitted to the bar, 1861. Representative in the Legislature, 1865, 1866 and 1884-1885. State Senator, Windsor County, 1867 and 1868. State's Attorney, 1874-1876. Special Commissioner on the Insane. 1878. Supervisor of the Insane, 1878-1880. Judge of Probate, District of Windsor, 1878-1884. Judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont, 1884 until resignation, 1887. Trustee and President of the Boaid, Black River Academy, for many years. Trustee of Middleburv College, 1873—- JuLius Wilcox, New York, N. Y. Journalist. Has been engaged in newspaper work in New York City since graduation. Address, 33 Murray St. 1859 John Graves Bailey, Rogers, Arkansas. Congregational clergyman. Bangor Theological Seminary, 1862. Pastor, Hydepark, Vt.", Windsor, Mo., and Rogers, Ark. Has been Superintendent of Public Schools. Silas Leroy Blake, New London, Conn. Congregational clergyman. Taught at Randolph, Vt., I^ancaster, Mass., and Pembroke, N. H., 1859-1862. Andover Theological Sem- inary, 1864. Pastor, Pepperell, Mass., 1864-1869; Concord, N. H., 1869-1877; Cleveland, Ohio, 1877-1880; Fitchburg, Mass., 1880-1887 ; New London, 1887—. A. M. D. D., Iowa College, 1883. *Miles Powell Squier Cadwell, New Haven, Vt. Teaching and studying law at Port Henrv, N. Y., till enlistment. Cap- tain, Co. K, 22d Reg. N. Y. Vols. Killed at the battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. William Henry Knight, Boston, Mass. Lawyer. A. M. LL.B., Boston University, 1878. George Erastus Lane, Ludlow, Vt. Physician. Principal Leland and Gray Seminary, 1859 1862. Prac- ticed medicine, Williamstown, Vt., 1864-1877 ; Ludlow, 1877 — . A. M. M. D., University of Vermont, 1864. f