Standardized 'manic} Shorthand [University of California Southern Regional Library Facility [HE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THIS SPECIAL AUTOGRAPHED COPY OF Standardized Reporting Shorthand IS PREPARED FOR WHOSE HELPFUL CO-OPERATION, TOGETHER WITH TH/E GOOD-WILL AND ASSISTANCE OF OTHER MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL SHORTHAND REPORTERS' ASSOCIATION HAS MADE THIS PUBLICATION POSSIBLE. STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND (Pitmanic) PRINCIPLES COMMONEST ENGLISH WORDS WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS Prepared by the Standardization Committee of the National Shorthand Reporters' Association Published by the Association 1921 Copyright, 1921, by the National Shorthand Reporters' Association. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 5 STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES '11 Consonants and Vowels . . . . . . 11-12 Circles and Loops ....... 13-14 jjj Initial Appendages . . . . . . 14 BE Final Appendages ....... 18 [5 Lengthening ........ 21 Halving ......... 23 Past Tense . . 22, 25 General Principles ....... 25 5? Prefixes 27 tt Suffixes 29 ^ Systematic Contractions ...... 33 COMMONEST ENGLISH WORDS 35 !HU 100 Commonest Words . . ... . . 36 E 1000 Commonest Words 37 WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 45 448411 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION This Handbook is the culmination of twelve years' intermittent work by the Standardization Committee of the National Shorthand Reporters' Association. This Committee was appointed by the Association at its annual convention held at Lake George, N.Y., in August, 1909, following a paper read by Mr. Thomas Bengough of Toronto, Canada, outlining plans and methods for making the National Associa- tion a clearing house for the best practice of the Pitmanic verbatim reporters of the United States and Canada, and the selection of the most approved shorthand outlines and contractions from the various modifications of Pitmanic systems, thus putting the whole on a thoroughly systematic and scientific basis. The high ideal set before the Committee was two- fold : 1. That each shorthand character selected for a word or phrase, standing by itself, should be emi- nently facile, free from confusion or conflict with any other character, and when properly written, absolutely legible without dependence on context. 2. That the notes of any reporter using Standard- ized Shorthand should be read and transcribed cor- rectly by any other reporter or trained assistant. The Committee was instructed and empowered to collect from members of the National Association their reporting notes, with transcripts, lists of abbre- 6 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND viations used, suggestions for new outlines, and re- ports as to difficulties, clashings, etc., these to be arranged in three classes : A. Suggested abbreviations ; B. Tentative forms ; C. Adopted outlines. Lists in Class B were to be issued to members for personal test and report ; lists in Class C were to be published as early as possible. This was done in 1916, and t,he present list of word signs and contrac- tions is the result of the actual testing of that crude collection, and the reaction thereon by practical reporters in the United States and Canada. The problem set before the Committee was to find the " common factor " in the Pitmanic systems as these had been modified or developed by thousands of verbatim reporters, no two of whom were abso- lutely alike in tempera'ment. training, or actual at- tainment. This was the ideal phase of the problem, sometimes looked upon as Utopian. But the over- mastering desire of reporters for devices that would save time and labor, and secure ease of execution and accuracy of outline, gave to the whole project such a practical appeal that during the long period through which the Committee has been working and investigating, a keen interest in standardization of shorthand on the part of the entire reporting profes- sion has been manifested. The Committee has utilized the columns of the National Sliortliand Reporter and T/ie Shorthand Writer, organs of the National Association, The INTRODUCTION 7 Stenographer and Phonographic World and other short- hand journals, for correspondence, interim reports, discussions, bulletins, specimen pages of Standard- ized Shorthand and contributed abbreviations, "Side- Study on Standardization, "and various other methods of publicity, in order to keep up the interest in a work which to many seemed to drag on without much to show in the way of actual results. The Committee members have personally experienced the tedium of their task, but notwithstanding the numerous delays occasioned by illness, stress of work, and unavoidable occurrences, they feel a great satisfaction in having partly accomplished the work outlined. The personnel of the Committee has remained constant to a remarkable degree during these twelve years. The original five members appointed in 1909 were : Thomas Bengough, Canadian Senate Reporter, Toronto, Ontario; Robert S. Taylor, Court Reporter, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Dr. William VVhitford, Medical Reporter, Chicago, Illinois; Edward H. Eldridge, Ph.D., Simmons College, Boston, Mass.; F. Berryman, Court Reporter, Toronto, Ontario. In 1911 the Committee was enlarged by the addi- tion of the following members : J. Forclyce Wood, Court Reporter and Handwriting Expert, Portland, Oregon (now of Chicago, Illinois); William M. Higgins, Court Reporter, Minneapolis, Minnesota; James E. Fuller, Principal Shorthand Department, Goldey College, Wilmington, Delaware; Henry S. Sanders, Court Reporter, New York City, New York ; STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND D. A. Brown,* General Reporter, Cincinnati, Ohio; Charles H. Magee, Court Reporter, Birmingham, Alabama. In 1920 Godfrey Dewey of Lake Placid, New York, was appointed a member. The Standardization Committee as it now stands is composed of Mr. Taylor, Mr. Bengough, Dr. Whitford, Dr. Eldridge, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Wood, Mr. Higgins, and Mr. Dewey. The Committee has represented every phase of Pitmanic practice in reporting, and has had the unusual advan- tage of the teaching experience of Messrs. Eldridge and Fuller, both of whom have been active reporters. During the past year the Committee has also had the benefit of the studies of Mr. Dewey upon the frequency of English words and sounds, and has employed to advantage in determining some ques- tions of outline formation, the data compiled by him from the facility tests held in Detroit and New York in 1919. While all the members of the Standardization Committee have unselfishly and without compensa- tion devoted a great deal of their valuable time to Standardization work, we feel that special mention should be made of Robert S. Taylor, who was for many years the Chairman of the Committee. Upon him devolved the heavy task of directing and map- ping out the work of the Committee, the preparation of lengthy lists of words in illustration of the various principles, and the revision of the work. This was no light task, and in the midst of Mr. Taylor's *Deccascd. INTRODUCTION onerous court work he devoted whole days and long evenings to this work even at the expense of his health. He has worked with an enthusiasm that has inspired all the members of the Committee to renewed efforts, and the Committee feels that it is largely to him that it is indebted for the progress it has made. It must not be inferred from this that other mem- bers of the Committee have not also worked hard and untiringly on this task. Notwithstanding the daily grind of official duties in court and school, they have all cheerfully spent innumerable hours on the work that has been allotted to them, actuated solely by the desire to see perfected a system of short- hand that should comprise the best features of all the Pitmanic systems, standardized as far as it is humanly possible ; safe, legible and facile. It may be asked, What is Standardized Shorthand? As to the principles thereof, it is a composite of the best features of various Pitmanic systems, as determined by a most searching analysis and com- parison of the good features of each system, after- wards tested in the crucible of actual work by practical shorthand reporters. A great many lists of words, some sixty pages or more in length, involving each principle under consideration, were compiled, and by a system of comparative analysis it was settled in each case which principle afforded the greatest ad- vantages in facility of execution, legibility, and avoidance of conflicts. The Committee devoted several years to this work before it finally recommended to the Association the 10 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND principles which were later adopted by the Associa- tion, and which are set forth in detail in this book. After the adoption of the principles, the Committee began work on the word signs and contractions. Lists of these were compiled, and gone over again and again in an endeavor to find the very best outline for each word. The result of this investigation is now published, and the Committee feels that this list presents a more reliable and authoritative com- pilation of word signs and contractions than has yet appeared in any Pitmanic textbook. The present book is intended primarily for the use of reporters, giving them the tested results of actual experience by hundreds of their colleagues in the use of standardization principles, word signs, and contractions. As such, it should be of imme- diate service to every working reporter. The state- ment of principles will enable any writer of Pitmanic shorthand to understand the basis on which the list of word signs and contractions has been constructed. While the Committee has not intended that the statement of principles should serve as a textbook, it has endeavored to express the rules with sufficient clearness to illustrate them amply, and make them readily understood by any one familiar with Pitmanic shorthand. It is the plan of the Committee to follow up the present publication with others, notably a shorthand dictionary and phrase book, and a textbook. STATKMKXT OK PRINCIPLES 11 STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES 1. Basis and Derivation. STANDARDIZED REPORT- ING SHORTHAND is a purely phonetic system, the fundamental principles of which have been selected from various Pitmanic systems. 2. Consonant Strokes. The following strokes rep- resent the consonant sounds of English. \ as in and p pop pin \ as in and / s cease seal >i b b\b bin ) z ^ehra, zeal t lot /en J i shrewish assure d did den ) 3 leisure azure / g church choke r i Ail/ /ap f j judge joke / \ r roar rap k clock come ' * m HIUl/1 map g cr\cr S '& gum ^_x n nine sin ^ f /i/e fi\\\ ' sinking *W s_ V valve van / h hay head h /hinketh ///igh ^ w way wet ^ d mp mb bathe dump or t&y C y yam nailer jet ambush ( lr 12 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND NOTE. The strokes for mp-mb and /rare irregular in that they represent combinations of two elementary consonant sounds. They are listed here for convenience. Lr is used only as a final stroke. 3. Vowels. Vowels are represented by light and heavy dots and dashes placed at the beginning, mid- dle, and end of strokes, as follows : as in and I S^at tree fright ache part tar & naught saw j o boat old Q tool ooze as in and i sit in iret pat not bwt iu\\ tack odd tub loot 4. Diphthongs. The diphthongs and two of the coalescents are represented thus : Diphthongs Coalescents VI as in and aisle by boy as in and unit few- wife A out NOTE. The phonetic print letters used to key the sounds of the alphabet are a simplification of the Revised Scientific Alphabet or NEA Key Alphabet, used as Key 1 of the Now Standard Dictionary and its abridgments, by God- frey Dewcy, in harmony with shorthand practice. They provide a single explicit letter for each sound and observe the true phonetic relations between the long and short vowel sounds, in harmony with international usage and the long standing practice of Pitmanic shorthand. STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES 13 5. Coalescents. The coalescence of w and y with vowels may be shown by writing a small semicircle in the position of the proper vowel. The ^-semicircle opens to the right for the dot vowels, to the left for the clash vowels. The jf-semicircle opens to the top for the dot vowels and to the bottom for the dash vowels. NOTE. From these characters are derived the secondary characters representing w and y described and illustrated in paragraph 17. 6. Secondary Consonantal Representation. Certain of the frequently recurring sounds are, subject to definite rules, represented by briefer forms than those given in paragraph 2. These abbreviated forms, which consist of circles, loops, hooks, ticks, double-lengths, etc., are employed according to rules set out in paragraphs 7 to 51 inclusive. 7. Small Circles. Initial s and medial or final s or z are represented by a small circle written with left motion on straight detached stems, on the inside of curves, and on the outside of angles between straight strokes, as in practically all Pitmanic sys- tems. Initial z requires the stroke form. NOTE. Left motion is counter-clockwise. Right motion is clockwise. Mnemonic : The clock is right. Illustrative words : Key : space, sorrows, desk, dusty, saves, zigzags, desires, sar- casm, felicitous. 14 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 8. Large Circles. Ses, sez, ses, and other similar syllables, are represented by a large circle, as shown below. Key: spaces, discusses, molasses, caresses, system, indices, suspicious, season, italicize, exhaust, Susan. 9. The St-Loop. A small loop attached initially, medially, or finally expresses the combined sounds of st. Attached finally, the loop may be used to represent zd. but the principle must be used with caution in monosyllables. Illustrative words : Key : steep, stab, store, steam, stillest, destiny, mystify, roast, mast, zest, disposed, excused, revised, caused, mused, dozed, raised. 10. The Str-Loop. A larger loop is used to repre- sent final str, as in most Pitmanic systems. In rare in- stances this loop is attached medially. Illustrations : xi Jr. Key : poster, dusters, master, bolster, district, moisture, pas- ture, texture, admixture, fixture. 11. The L-Hook. A series of double-consonant stems consisting of a stroke initially hooked is used to express the following combinations : STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES 15 f f /...../ L....L C C J* PI, Bl, Tl, Dl, Chi, Jl, Kl, Gl, Fl, VI, Thl, Dhl, Shi (upward). Rl, Ml, Nl, LI. NOTE. These hooks are all small except the last four. Ob- serve that all except ml and // are written with left motion. Illustrative words : Key : play, idle, buckle, oval, carol, tunnel, glacial, camel, illogical, illegible, illegal. 12. The R-Hook. A similar series of double- consonant stems is used to represent the combina- tion of the consonant strokes with the sound of r< as follows : \ ...... \ ...... i ........ \ ........ ; ....... ; _^\ ..... ^ ..... 3 ....... ) ..... j? ..... i ..... :. Pr, Br, Tr, Dr, Chr, Jr, Kr, Gr, Fr, Vr, Thr, Dhr, Shr, Zhr, Mr, Nr. NOTE. Observe that all of these hooks except nr are writ- ten with right motion, and that mr and nr are shaded. Illustrative words: Key: pray, robber, throb, leisure, crop, rumor, honor, bother, joker, Kramer, digger, picker. 13. Special Vocalization. To avoid awkward or inconvenient outlines resulting from the use of the strokes / or r, special vocalization may be used to indicate the presence of a vowel between sounds 16 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND represented by double consonants, as in the follow- ing words : Key : normal, roll, Calvin, circulation, qualify, cardinal. 14. Triple Consonants. The circles is attached initially to double consonants in the way common to most Pitmanic systems, thus : Key : splice, civil, psychological, spray, cedar, sacrifice. 15. Quadruple Consonants. The ses-c'\rc\e or the ^/-loop may precede a straight double consonant of the r series in a similar way. Illustrations : 1 .......... j. ........... / ....... C3" 4 Key : sister, stoker, stager, stagger. 16. Initial In, En, Un. These syllables, when fol- lowed by a circle written with right motion, or by a triple consonant of the / series, may be expressed by a backward initial hook, as shown below. (See paragraphs 11 and 14.) Key : insulation, enslave, insomnia, unseemly, unceremoni- ous, incise, uncivilized, unexplored, unexplained. NOTE. The principle must be used with care in negative words. 17. Brief W. A semicircle opening either to the left or to the right (whichever gives the better join- STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES 17 ing) may be attached initially (and sometimes me- dially) to represent w. Illustrative words: A -i h.J 5s...../ , 3 Key : web, wait, weak, wing, waif, wedge, outwit, Glenwood. NOTE. For the derivation of these forms see paragraph 5. 18. Brief Y. Similarly, a semicircle opening either up or down represents y. Illustrations : Key: yacht, yoke, yawn, yell, unyoke. 19. S Before Brief W. The small circle-.? com- bines initially with brief iv as in the following words : j, / ^ 1 Key: sweat, switch, swag, swap, .Sweden. 20. The Small W-Hook. Brief w before lay, ray, m and n takes the form of a small hook, as shown below. NOTE. Lay is the distinctive name given to the stroke / when written upward ; the same stroke written downward is called el. Similarly the name ray signifies the upward form of r. .'... ........ is/. ................ ^ ....... *^.... C i Key : wail, wore, woman, wine. 21. The Circle-S Before the W-Hook. The circle-^ may precede this small w-hook, as shown in the fol- lowing words : ....... | ........... I .................................................... Key: April, liberal, mackerel, girl, trail, mineral. 25. The N-Hook. A small final hook written with right motion on straight strokes and on the inside of curves represents n; thus : , ..Y.<" | . ' < ^ Key : shines, lanes, mains, zones, ransom, lonesome; evince, evinces, evinced. 27. Final Ns, Nses, Nst, Nstr, on Straight Strokes. A final circle or loop following the #-hook on a final straight stroke is written with right motion, as shown in the following illustrations : XX,,, y .......... V_ ......... *v ..................................... ........................ V ^ Key : motions, depositions, dispensations, repetitions, divisions. 35. Differentiated Shun. When the syllable shun is immediately preceded by consecutive vowels, it is often wise to use the stroke ish and the ^-hook in- stead of the s/iun-hook, especially in cases of con- flicting outlines, as : _ p /> ...IXj> -L- Key: Contention, continuation, attention, attenuation, exten- sion, extenuation. ....L-. .. 36. The Tive-Hook. A large final hook written with right motion on straight strokes represents the syllable tive, as in the following words : Key: active, sedative, abortiveness, fugitives, adjectives. 37. Lengthening Curves. Any curved stroke may be written twice its normal length to express the added syllables ter, der, ther, ture. Illustrations : Key : flatter, slaughter, center, wander, smother. NOTE. A few exceptions to this practice must be noted be- cause of possible conflicts. Illustrations : Key : letter-leather, motor-mother. 22 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 38. Lengthening Final Straight Strokes. A final straight stroke that joins the preceding stroke at an angle may be lengthened similarly, thus : Key: projector, debater, picture, tractor, strictures. 39. Lengthening Single Straight Strokes. A few single straight strokes may be so lengthened, but this should be done with caution. Illustrations : F Key : writer, better, brothers, daughter. 40. Lengthening to Express Past Tense. Length- ening may, with very few exceptions, be safely employed to express the past tense of a verb if the present tense requires more than one stroke and ends with a half-length stroke, hooked or unhooked. One conspicuous exception is the word elevated, which conflicts badly with elevator. Illustrations : Key: result, resulted; accent, accented; delegate, dele- gated ; erect, erected ; debate, debated ; retreat, retreated ; elevated, elevator ; respond,- responded ; remind, reminded. 41. Final Hooks on Lengthened Strokes. A final hook attached to a lengthened stroke is read before STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES 23 the syllable expressed by lengthening. (This princi- ple is used mostly with the n-hook.) Illustrations: Key: painters, binder, slender, tenderness, flounder, sur- renders. 42. Exceptional Treatment of Final Hook. In order to retain certain desirable outlines, it is allow- able to make an exception in the case of such words as the following, in which the final hook is read after the syllable expressed by lengthening. Illustrations: ) Key : modern, northern, eastern, alteration (a special form), alderman, and in such phrases as " another-one." 43. Lengthened Ing. The stroke ing is lengthened to express added ker or ger as follows : Key : sinker, linger, hunker, hunger, anchor, anger. 44. Lengthened MP-MB. The stroke mp-mb may be lengthened to express added er as shown below. Key : chamber, timbers, lumber, jumper, plumper. 45. Halving. Any stroke except w, y, Ir, ing, mp-mb, lay, ray, and h may (subject to certain restric- tions to provide for vowel placement or indication) be written half its usual length to express a following 24 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND t or d. Lay, ray, and h may be halved to add /, but not to add d, when they stand alone. Illustrations: Key : pate-paid, bite-bide, coat-code, got-God, great-grade, pedagogue, carrot, hate, write, invite, light, coordinate, reed, laid, heed. 46. Shading to Express D. The strokes /, r, ;;/, n maybe shaded and halved to express ?. Illustrations: Key : old, hired, sounds, consumed, toiled, seemed, sealed. 47. Initial Appendages to Halved Strokes. Initial circles, hooks, and loops may be attached to halved strokes the same as to full-length strokes. Illustra- tive words : * ....... *.-i ..... <+^'^\4 ...... * ..... a ...... ^ ...... ....... !*L Key : stopped, spread, bottled, colt-cold, prodigious, invert, generate, slate, stared, stamped, swelled, sward. 48. Final Circles and Loops Read Last. A final circle or loop attached to a halved stroke is read after the indicated t or d, thus : C, b* A ^ ....... ._,'""" "^ Key : Condescend, controller, compelled, commander, cog- nomen", cognizance. NOTE. The prefix should be written first not after the stein word has been written. 56. Medial Con. When con-com-cog occur medi- ally, the dot is omitted and the syllable it represents is indicated by disjoining, as shown : l\ S*- 9 ^> 9 Key: decomposition, recognize, inconvenience. 57. Inter-Enter-Intro. These prefixes are repre- sented by a double-length n, thus : [\J Key : intercourse, entertain, introduced, intercepted, enter- prising. 58. Magna-Magni. These prefixes are written with a disjoined stroke m, as follows: Key : magnanimity, magnify, magnanimous, magnificent. 28 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 59. Unre-Unri. These initial syllables are writ- ten with the double consonant nr, as illustrated: Key : unrestricted, unrivaled, unrighteous, unreprovable. 60. Ante-Anti. These prefixes are represented by a half-length , joined or disjoined, according to convenience, thus : Key: antemundane, antediluvian, antipathy, antiseptic. 61. Self. A small circle, joined or disjoined, rep- resents this prefix, as illustrated : J Key: selfish, self-respect, self-evident, self-denial. 62. Self-con. When self is followed by con the circle is written disconnected in the place of the dot-con, thus : ^ 1 f L Key : self-confident, self-control, self-conceit, self-condemned. 63. Counter-Contra-Contro. These are expressed by a disjoined tick preceding the outline, as shown : 'P Key: counteraction, contradistinction, controversy, counter- claim. STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES 29 64. For-Fore. These prefixes are represented by the stroke/. Illustrations: Key: foreclose, forefront, foremost, foretold, forbid, fore- bode, forfeit, forswear, forward. SUFFIXES 65. Ing. Whenever, for any reason, the use of the stroke ng is undesirable, the syllable may be represented by a dot at the end of the outline, as illustrated : Key: doing, saying, laying, decaying, pitying, displaying. 66. Ings, Ing-his, Ing-us. These suffixes are rep- resented by the disjoined circle, thus: Key: doings, sayings, meetings, takings, buildings, paintings, giving his (us), asking his (us), protecting his (us). 67. Ingly. This double suffix may be represented by a shaded tick, disjoined and generally slanted, thus : Key: obligingly, aggravatingly, tantalizingly, hesitatingly. 68. Ing-the. The word the following a word end- ing with ing may be phrased with the preceding word by means of a slanting disjoined tick, as shown: 30 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND L 2 U ^ L. Key : doing the, meeting the, taking the, printing the, acting the. 69. Ing-a. When a word ends with ing followed by a, the ing-a may be expressed by a vertical or horizontal tick; but this tick must be written with perfect accuracy to avoid conflicts with ing-the. Illustrations : I U 2' I Key : doing a, taking a, meeting a, treating a, giving a. 70. Ble-Bly. These syllables are represented systematically by the stroke b whenever the hooked or double-consonant form bl will not join conven- iently. Illustrations : Key : dependable, surmountable, patentable, actionable, ad- justable, defensible, transmissible, inclinable. 71. Ility-Ality-Arity-Erity. These suffixes are regularly represented by disjoining the stroke repre- senting the consonant immediately preceding the suffix, as illustrated : Key : dependability, plurality, popularity, prosperity, duc- tility, cordiality, disparity, dexterity. 72. Self-Selves. These suffixes are represented by a small and a large circle, respectively, usually STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES 31 joined, but sometimes disjoined for greater legibility or suggestiveness, thus : Key : myself, yourself, yourselves, themselves, oneself. 73. Ology. This suffix is represented by % a dis- joined/, thus : Key: theology-theological, dermatology-dermatological, zoology-zoological . 74.. Ment. This suffix is often abbreviated by the omission of either the m or the n, as shown : Key: refinement, assignment, discernment, commandment, regimental, experimental, fundamental, enrollment, announce- ment. 75. Double Suffixes. Many words terminate in what may be called a double suffix, the final syllable being ness. Systematic representation of such ter- minations is provided for as follows : To represent the first suffix, disjoin its most suggestive consonant stroke and attach to it the final circle-.* 1 to repre- sent ness. NOTE. When the preceding suffix is less, the final circle must, of course, be enlarged. Illustrations : 32 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND Key: agreeableness, serviceableness, wickedness, graceful- ness, passiveness, fearlessness, affectionateness, bashfulness, manliness, wholesomeness, deliberateness, childishness, care- lessness, mischievousness. 76. Omission of K. Words terminating with the syllables action, ection, iction, uction are generally con- tracted by the omission of the k, thus : Key: putrefaction, disinfection, classification, affliction, con- struction, mystification, confection, refraction, introduction. 77. Ful-Fully. The /-hook may be omitted for a more convenient joining. On straight strokes the /"-hook may be used, thus : / Key : disgraceful-ly, banef ul-ly, spoonful, glassful, wonderful- ly, bountiful-ly, careful-ly, cheerful-ly, helpful-ly, heedful-ly, joyful-ly. 78. Ship. The stroke ish, joined or disjoined, expresses the suffix ship, thus : y Key : hardship, judgeship, statesmanship, generalship, horse- manship, township, steamship, partnership. 79. Ficient-ly-cy. These terminations are abbre- viated as shown in the following illustrations : Key: efficient-ly-cy, deficient-ly-cy, sufficient-ly-cy. STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES 33 80. Tial-ly. These syllables are generally omitted following the ;z-hook, thus: jo c i J J..... Key: circumstantial-ly, credential, differential, potential-ly, presidential, residential. SYSTEMATIC CONTRACTIONS Certain classes of words not heretofore listed are regularly abbreviated according to definite rules of ellipsis, as follows : 81. N. Omit n regularly in the prefix trans, and elsewhere in outlines where it does not join conven- iently, thus : Key : transfer, transplant, transpire, transmissible, transfusion, transmogrification, abandonment, attainment, counsel, chancery, contentment, enchantment, frantic, harbinger, husbandman. 82. T. When t follows s it may be omitted for convenience in such words as the following: Key : accustom, breastbone, broomstick, domestic, earnest- ness, expostulation, justify, lastly, mostly. 34 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 83. Ing. This syllable may be omitted in many compound words or phrases, such as are shown below: Key: boarding house, clearing house, gambling house, knit- ting machine, looking-glass, magnifying glass, meeting-house, sleeping-car, stepping-stone. 84. Room. The r may be omitted from this word and the m written detached below the preceding stroke, as shown : X x .v, L ^ )(. ^-^ / ^ Key : back room, baggage room, bedroom, dining-room, engine-room. COMMONEST ENGLISH WORDS 35 COMMONEST ENGLISH WORDS The two lists of commonest words following are taken from the shorthand investigations of Godfrey Dewey. Previously published lists have been proved to be not fully representative due to insufficient diversity of the material counted. The lists following are based on an investigation which countedandanalyzed every word, syllable, and sound of 100,000 words of connected matter, chosen in twenty well diversified groups representative of good English as used written, spoken, and printed today. The largest count previously published, that of Cooke & O'Shea, found only 2500 different words in 200,000 ; whereas this count found 10,200 different words in 100,000. In view of this strikingly superior diversity the fol- lowing conclusions seem warranted. The ten commonest words the, of, and, to, a, in, that, it, is, I will be found to form over 25% of all written, spoken, or printed matter. The 100 commonest words, here listed in order of frequency, will form over 50% of all matter. The 1000 commonest words, here listed in alpha- betic order, will be found to form over 75% of any connected matter sufficiently long to be fairly repre- sentative, and comprise all words which occur more than once in 10,000 words. Beyond this point no statement as to the commonest words of I^nglish can have general significance ; for the nature of the words found is no longer common to all grammatic dis- course, but varies more and more widely with the subject matter of the material analyzed. Outlines for these commonest words will accord- ingly repay particularly careful study. 36 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 100 COMMONEST WORDS IN ORDER OF FREQUENCY 7310 the 390 has 170 made 3998 of 368 one 169 other 3280 and 331 our 166 into 2924 to 330 an 164 men 2120 a 328 been 163 must 2116 in 1345 that 321 no 315 their 163 people 161 said 1216 it 1213 is 306 there 305 were 160 may 156 man 1155 I 300 so 153 about 1035 for 846 be 296 my 263 if 153 over 152 some 839 was 257 me 152 these 782 as 253 what 146 two 775 you 727 with 252 would 248 who 145 very 139 before 680 he 643 on 237 when 234 him 134 great 133 could 617 have 228 them 132 such 600 by 589 not 585 at 572 this 542 are 222 her 214 war 214 your 210 any 210 more 131 first 129 upon 124 every 124 how 123 come 529 we 210 now 123 us 517 his 208 its 120 shall 504 but 205 time 118 should 478 they 466 all 204 up 203 do 115 then 113 like 458 or 203 out 113 well 454 which 197 can 111 little 445 will 433 from 411 had. 194 than 189 only 188 she 111 say Total, 54,303 1000 COMMONEST WO-RDS 37 1000 COMMONEST WORDS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER A 35 amount 1 1 bear 2120 a 330 an 14 beautiful 30 able 3280 and 1 1 became , 153 about 17 announced 108 because 25 above 15 announcement 30 become 1 1 abroad 58 another 328 been 1 7 according 18 answer 139 before 20 account 210 any 23 began 14 across 30 anything 27 beginning 15 act 12 apparently 24 behind 28 action 11 appeared 108 being . 11 acts 11 approximately 40 believe 1 2 addition 542 are 52 best 15 address 13 armies 32 better 24 administration 43 army 60 between 12 advance 22 around 19 beyond 14 advantage 13 arrived 50 big 16 affairs 14 art 15 bill 11 afraid 18 artillery 13 black 107 after 782 as 11 blue 31 afternoon 30 ask 15 board 62 again 36 asked 18 body 73 against 585 at 19 bombardment 19 age 18 attack 18 bonds 11 agents 12 attacks 11 book 36 ago 19 attention 34 books 13 aid 15 attitude 1 1 bore 23 air 17 authority 45 both 466 all 15 available 1 1 bought 15 allies 16 avenue 13 boy 37 almost 14 average 28 boys 21 alone 58 away 11 bread 28 along 16 awfully 13 break 27 already 19 bring 69 also B 13 broken 18 although 75 back 33 brought 13 altogether 15 bad 25 building 62 always 14 basis 24 built 75 am 38 battle 91 business 46 among 846 be 11 busy 38 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 504 but 23 coming. 22 department 27 buy 14 command 13 desire 600 by 29 committee 11 developed - 29 common 100 did C . 17 community 23 didn't 40 call - 23 company 12 difference 32 called ,28 complete 25 different 71 came 13 condition 30 dinner 11 campaign 38 conditions 12 direct 197 can 12 confidence 14 distance 58 cannot 15 consider 203 do 21 can't 12 considerable 53 does 33 capital 13 considered 36 doing 17 car 11 construction 22 dollars 12 carbon 20 continue 40 done 23 care 16 contract 67 don't 21 carried 17 control 18 doubt 23 carry 12 cooperation 95 down 18 cars 11 corn 13 drawn 52 case 12 correspondent 24 drive 19 cases 21 cost 12 driven 1 1 caught 11 costs 15 due 32 cause 133 could 41 during 12 causes 14 couldn't 18 duty 39 cent 92 country 30 cents 16 county E 34 certain 37 course 63 each 14 certainly 22 court 34 early 13 chair 11 credit 11 earth 21 change . 12 cream 14 easily 12 changed 18 cut 19 easy 17 character 17 effect 23 charge D 15 efficiency 19 check 11 daily 21 effort 14 chief 14 danger 23 eight 24 child 14 date 36 either 35 children 101 day 11 election 14 citizens 70 days 24 electric 44 city 48 dear 16 else 12 claim 12 declared 11 enclosed 14 class 11 deep 33 end 23 clear 14 defender 31 enemy 13 close 14 defense 17 enforced 33 coal 16 delay 11 engaged 17 cold 11 delivered 11 engine 123 come / 16 demand 44 enough 23 comes 12 demanded 14 entire 1000 COMMONEST WORDS 39 15 entirely 21 fight 89 get 14 equipment 40 fighting 12 gets 14 established 17 figures 16 getting 94 even 11 filled 32 girl 21 evening 15 final 18 girls 51 ever 11 finally 57 give 124 every 49 find 46 given 17 everything 17 fine 13 gives 14 everywhere 15 fire 11 giving 12 excellent 131 first 21 glad 23 except 12 fish 73 go 11 executive 49 five 11 goes 15 existence 25 flour 60 going 11 existing 12 follow 12 gold 12 expect 14 followed 20 gone 11 expected 21 following 106 good 17 experience 11 follows 17 goods 12 experts 53 food 50 got 11 express 13 foot 57 government 1 1 expressed 1035 for 134 great 18 eye 23 force 16 greater 33 eyes 13 forces 11 greatest 18 foreign 15 greatly F 12 forget 23 ground 30 face . 18 form 12 grown 58 fact 11 forth 44 gun 13 facts 33 forty 23 guns 13 fail 17 forward 15 failure 55 found H 11 fair 35 four 411 had 11 fall 32 free 58 half 22 family 11 freedom 46 hand 63 far 18 fresh 32 hands 13 farm 17 friend 11 happen 11 fast 17 friends 19 happy 17 father 433 from 21 hard 12 favor 46 front 390 has 13 fear 35 full 617 have 32 feel 11 fund 31 having 16 feeling 29 further 680 he 30 feet 29 future 27 head 14 fell 25 hear 15 fellow G 23 heard 15 felt ll gained 18 heart 54 few 36 gave 21 heavy 20 field 37 general 29 held 18 fifty 16 generally 25 help 40 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 222 her 19 interesting 107 here 166 into 11 herself 11 involved 46 high 1213 is 17 higher 11 isn't 234 him 16 issue 51 himself 1216 it 517 his 208 its 18 history 38 it's 22 hold 26 itself 1 1 holding 20 I've . 63 home 16 honor J 30 hope 13 job 12 horse 11 judgment 17 horses 86 just 26 hour 20 justice 26 hours 53 house K 124 how 32 keep 22 however 22 kept 19 human 31 kind 21 hundred 13 kindly 30 knew I 102 know 1155 I 24 knowledge 11 I'd 33 known 29 idea 30 knows 13 ideas 263 if L 20 I'll 39 labor 30 I'm 11 lack 14 immediate 13 laid 12 immediately 25 land 1 1 immense 39 large 24 important 12 largely 26 impossible 15 larger 2116 in 18 largest 15 increased 77 last 24 indeed 12 late 15 industrial 12 later 15 industry 11 latter 11 influence 34 law 24 information 16 laws 1 1 instance 13 learn 17 instead 15 learned 48 interest 19 least 18 leave 48 left 53 less 51 let 36 letter 20 letters 12 liberty 89 life 18 light 113 like 52 line 27 lines 21 list 111 little 20 live 22 living 25 loan 94 long 1 1 longer 30 look 13 looked 23 looking 20 loss 15 losses 28 lost 32 love 16 low M 18 machine 170 made 16 main 12 majority '105 make 26 makes 32 making 156 man 104 many 13 market 12 married 19 material 71 matter 160 may 257 me 23 mean 46 means 12 measure 1000 COMMONEST WORDS 41 1 7 meat 12 native 643 on 19 meet 12 natural 59 once 20 meeting 20 nature 368 one 16 members 23 near 14 ones 19 memory 15 nearly 189 only 164 men 35 necessary 31 open 1 1 mental 15 necessity 14 operation 12 mere 32 need 24 opinion 18 merely 12 needed 16 opportunity 20 met 21 needs 458 or 20 method 13 neither 48 order 12 middle 13 neutral 13 orders 77 might 101 never 12 ordinary 12 mile 99 new 12 organization 20 miles 18 news 169 other 51 military 44 next 25 others 19 milk 46 night 16 ought 11 mill 321 no 331 our 22 million 12 nobody 20 ourselves 16 millions 13 non 203 out 39 mind 17 none 153 over 13 minute 28 nor 75 own 16 minutes ,,12 normal 15 miss 11 north P 23 modern 589 not 16 paid 27 moment 24 note 13 paper 60 money 61 nothing 79 part 24 month 210 now 19 particular 32 months . 32 number 17 parts 210 more , 18 numbers 27 party 45 morning 20 pass 105 most 17 passed 20 mother 29 past 13 motor 17 object 14 patriotism 1 1 move 21 o'clock 43 pay 14 moved 3998 of 59 peace 104 much 43 off 163 people 163 must 22 offensive 12 peoples 296 my 27 office 60 per 33 myself 23 officers 21 perfect 1 1 offices 26 perhaps N 22 official 14 period 40 name 12 officials 17 permit 14 names 27 often 19 permitted 37 nation 53 oh 14 person 21 national 19 oil 15 personal 16 nations 75 old 13 persons 42 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 16 picture Q 161 said 11 pictures li quality 67 same 52 place 23 question 14 sat 12 placed 16 questions 13 satisfactory 18 places 12 quickly 33 save 16 plain 27 quite 17 saved 22 plan R 14 saving 19 plans 11 railroads 41 saw 18 play 20 range 111 say 15 please- 18 rate 27 saying 16 pleased 32 rather 52 says 16 pleasure 17 reach 23 school 32 point 13 reached 25 sea 11 police 24 read 24 second 23 political 14 read (p) 12 section 23 poor 19 ready 13 secure 23 position 31 real 103 see 12 possibility 33 really 11 seeing 54 possible 23 reason 19 seem 22 pound 16 reasons 26 seemed 26 pounds 23 received 30 seems 57 power IS recent 36 seen 15 practical 16 recently 17 self 61 present 13 red 28 send 17 president 20 regard 19 sense 13 press 14 region 28 sent 13 pressure 22 remember 13 serious 23 pretty 19 report 11 served 12 prevent 12 reported 48 service 30 price 22 reports 48 set 11 prices 12 principle 11 private 18 probably 18 required 15 respectfully 11 responsible 18 rest 13 seven 37 several 120 shall 11 shape 18 problem 28 result 188 she 21 products 17 return 15 shells 15 progress 91 right 18 ship 21 proper 12 ring 12 shipment 16 property 21 road 11 shipping 16 proposed ' 21 room 20 ships 13 provide 14 round 118 should 13 provided 18 run 31 show 68 public 11 running 13 showing 11 pure 12 shown 42 purpose S 43 side 16 purposes 13 sacrifice 16 sight 63 put 15 safe 19 similar 43 18 simple 14 strike 44 thing 13 simply 11 striking 82 things 52 since 14 strong 73 think 13 single 14 study 19 thinking 14 sit 32 subject 22 third 12 sitting 19 success 24 thirty 40 situation 11 successful 572 this 37 six 132 such 104 those 13 size 12 suit 38 though 46 small 11 sum 67 thought 300 so 16 summer 27 thousand 16 social 18 support 13 thousands 15 sold 14 supplies 75 three 27 soldiers 19 supply 78 through 152 some 17 suppose 14 throughout 40 something 21 sure 17 thus 14 sometimes 11 surely 19 till 42 soon 11 sweet - 205 time 20 sort 19 system 27 times 16 south 2924 to 17 speak 68 today 12 speaking 17 to-day 26 special 13 table 25 together 12 spent 86 take 33 told 14 spirit 46 taken 11 tomorrow 11 spring 22 taking 12 tonight 11 staff 20 talk 16 tons 12 stage 16 task . 57 too 43 stand 12 taught 40 took 14 standard 22 tea 17 total 1 1 started 51 tell 13 touch 36 state 12 telling 19 toward 38 statement 24 ten 18 town 12 station 17 terms 11 trade 11 stay 194 than 19 train 48 steel 21 thank 17 training 14 step 1345 that 13 trains 58 still 21 that's 15 transportation 11 stone 7310 the 26 troops 16 stood 315 their 21 trouble 19 stooped . 228 them 30 true 12 stop , 34 themselves 30 truly 20 story 115 then 17 trust 11 straight 306 there 21 truth 17 strange 16 therefore 14 try 21 street 152 these 11 trying 19 strength 478 they 17 turn 44 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND 30 turned 12 wants 13 wise 13 twelve 214 war 28 wish 30 twenty 839 was 727 with 146 two 11 wasn't 20 within 12 type 39 water 70 without 104 way 59 woman U 15 ways 47 women 108 under 529 we 15 won 19 understand 13 weather 14 wonder 12 unknown 25 week 17 won't 21 unless 15 weeks 19 word 50 until 113 well 18 words 16 unto 50 went 83 work 204 up 305 were 13 working 129 upon 15 west 12 works 123 us 253 what 103 world 28 use 16 whatever 22 worth 36 use (v) 32 wheat 1 1 worse 45 used 237 when 252 would 12 using 83 where 15 wouldn't 12 usual 31 whether 21 write 454 which 14 written V 78 while 32 wrong 26 value , 16 white 14 various 248 who Y 145 very 45 whole 59 year 15 vessels 28 whom 93 years 20 victory 42 whose 23 yes 29 view 51 why 33 yesterday 13 village 11 wide 68 yet 12 voice 1 1 wife 775 you 11 wild 41 young W 445 will 214 your 14 wait 13 willing 16 you're 44 want 17 win 56 yours 24 wanted 1 1 \vinter 12 yourself Number of words counted ...... 100,000 Words in this list (which includes all used more than once in 10,000 words) 1,027 Total occurrences of words listed .... 78,633 WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 45 INTRODUCTION TO WORD SIGN AND CONTRACTION LIST On the following pages will be found an alphabeti- cal list of all the word signs and contractions recom- mended by the Committee. This list is not intended in any way as a general vocabulary or phrase list, although many words have been included which are not strictly word signs or contractions. Such words have been inserted either because many writers use contractions for them and the long form is inserted to show the Committee's preference, or they have been added for illustrative purposes. The few phrases which have been included are given to show their relation to one of the word signs or contractions. Word signs (outlines composed of single strokes and appendages) are printed in bold-face type. Words which are derived directly from word signs are indented. Words which are inserted because of danger of conflict or for comparison and which are not necessarily in their alphabetical order are in- dented and placed in parentheses. In Pitmanic shorthand, several methods are em- ployed for indicating the past tense. In the list of words following, four such methods are indicated and when one of these four methods may be em- ployed, the fact is indicated by a superior letter or character as shown in the key on the following page. 46 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND KEY TO WORD SIGN AND CONTRACTION LIST adjudge d the past tense should be expressed by a joined dm /. abOlish-ed d .... the outline given is usually safe for all forms indicated, but when necessary, the past tense may be expressed by a joined d or /. accept"* 1 the past tense should be expressed by a disjoined d or /. acquiesce-d~ d . . . the outline given is usually safe for all forms indicated, but when necessary, the past tense may be expressed by a dis- joined d or t. engage -ment . . . the past tense should be expressed by halving the final stroke. accompany-ied -ment the outline given is usually safe for all forms indicated, but when necessary, the past tense may be expressed by halving the final stroke. abstract" the past tense should be expressed by making the final stroke double length. acquaint-ed 2 -ance . the outline given is usually safe for all forms indicated, but when necessary, the past tense may be expressed by making the final stroke double length. accomplisn-ed 1 ... the hyphens indicate that the outline -ment given is used for all three forms. acceptable- .... the hyphen indicates that the outline is for ness acceptableness and not for acceptable. (voc.) indicates that the outline should be vocalized. (V) indicates that the word is a verb. (n) indicates that the word is a noun. Woun SIGNS AMD CONTRACTIONS WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 47 A a . accident > accommodative u (edition) \j tioned ^-o abstract 2 X^ (obstruct) ^y accompanist _ accompany additional-ly ..1 7 abstractedly .v.. -ied'-ment ^- accomplice ^^ (voc) f adjutant-gen- .. / y abstractor \ (common- . \o eral 7 admeasurement \ -ment according 1 J (destroy) .. T u abstractive v according to administerial I 1 abstractly v accordingly i/' administrable 1 T accept" 1 * _ accurate 5 administra- ^ 1 . (except) \ accuracy c ) tion 1 * (decision) * (expect) .\. accurately .. . /^" (demonstra- ...VT- .. acceptability acceptable \ acceptable- acknowledge-d 1 '.. -ment acquaint-ed 2 ..^r^^,... -ance acquaintance- ^_^ tion) U (destruction) ..\ administrative ...1. administrator I ness ^N^ acceptance Ij? acceptation p ship -=s acquiesce-d" d 1. acquiescence 2^_p 1 administratrix .r.l admittedly ~T~^~*.. 48 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND admonish-ed~ d I .. adviser ^\ agriculturBt -tion f"^ (diminish) .\^t > .. advisory ^^.. ah advancement .1^ (officer) ^S . alcohol f advantage ./ (official) S^ falkali) s s~ (age) ./ advised . alcoholic /" advantages ./ advisedly ^"* alcoholism s -ous advantage- .J,. affect-ed 2 1^. alderman ' ously ( . (justly) ./^T advantage- .(^ (effect) .^> affection-ate ..V^J . (aldermen) ./.... aldermanic ousness . (justness) .a~~ y (fashion) i all adventure-d d 1 affectionate- ..Ss^~TT.. all right advertise 1 ness o afflict .^ all-round b advertiser ..I. (conflict) ^~ all-sufficient \^J. *s advertised affliction ^5 allegation Y~ b (distributed) advertisement 1 aforementioned .JL aforesaid i Lf (election) !"o v~ allopath-y ' (ad) ..I... . Vo (for said) SJ allopathic-ally .XT ... .1 (due) ..I. . after A . allopathist .... .: advice ]Sfc. afternoon . y almighty (device) ,J\ . (forenoon) ^~^_y almost advisable -^v. agency / along -ility .. ^ (feasible) .^. agent _, alongshore (visible) \P (gentleman) alongside advisableness . ^^o- aggregate-d 2 (inside) advise ..S ago i along there advisement .!*? agriculture-al already WOR altogether D SIGNS AND CONTRA antagonize-d" d ACTIONS 4^ (none) s_j? am Antarctic -i^y\ anyway amalgamate-d' d antedate-d 2 apart *\ -tion C7^ America c - North Amer- ....^?!.... ica South Amer- . antenuptial ^^.J .. apoplectic ^. anthropologist .^Ss^.. apoplexy x anthropology ]*x... appear ica *"* Americanism ^r^-Tfnv Americaniza- ^-^ c tion amount .< -ical ^5 antichristian appearance ... . anxiety .> P (honesty) ' (principles) .^\ appearances O (account) anxious .!7rr1 applicable-y ^ amount to ^ anxiously .rr^U.... anxiousness . ^7- 6 .... any -ility application *\ , anything an (obligation) .Xi apply 1 ^.. and angel /. angelic / angina pectoris !^r> anybody ..^ .. (nobody) .v.^^...... anyhow (follow) yC. .. appliance Siy o^ (plans) ^ apportion-ed" d \/ .. Anglo-Saxon anything anguish ""^ anything (in (unusual-ly) ..TI2. annual-ly annual report phrases) (nothing) .^ (enough) .?T?Sr,.. anywhere -ment appreciation 9S^ C 5 (persuasion) ..^c (precision) .....v! another s s... another one ^ <-? antagonism .... antagonist any other (procession) ...^ apprehend"* 1 . o apprehensible ."V. apprehension .'V apprehensive-ly .!\. any other one (neither one) * anyone antagonistic ^ (no one) .^G.^^.. STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND approximate"" 1 ..>. (irrigation) astonishingly TTT N .... (proximate) . . .V~ T . argumentative ~N astronomical .1 (presumed) .rv.. aristocracy \ astronomy-ic .).. approximately ...ft!\. ^ aristocrat-ic \ at I approximation .JO... (presump- .^r~> around o arrangement ^> 1 at some time ..L at the same ..I.. . tion) arbitrarily \> ^, arrive 1 time at all .P arbitrary .~X ... arbitrate-d z .~\ artistic artistical-ly /^.. Atlantic ocean .^ v ..- y . attitude arbitration y\ a as \ attorney-gen- v^^/ ^U arbitrative ji as it eral ^7 attraction *\ ^ w arbitrator V (first) .O. aught archbishop ...L.\^.. jrcheologist 7 as it is _ as thr auspicious .*L auspiciously \ -\ archeology-ical ....V~yT . 0' as to auspiciousness .C architect ~-v <7 ascendency \^ . ( authenticity j architecture-al ~N ask (in phrases) automobile s! -ally VZ Arctic ' aspect \ (table) .1 arduously .^sC. arduousness . are ^\./L. asphyxia-te-ted" d :N,. asphyxiation ."S^ assemble-d" d .i^~. avenue (in .\^_ phrases) average ..^.. (verge) Ssl are not ~i assemblyman ) * ^ (voyage) ^"7 . you are not .r/.. .^\ you will not <-/ (assembly- .Irrr^^r^. men) ^ assist-ed-ance aware ....^s. i awe-d argument "x (assistant) awesome argumentation ~"\ ~^ astonish-ed d ' awful-ly -ment WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 51 awfulness ^~ s> (bushel) \\ baptism \ behind .^ aye (always) aye (yes) baptismal \ belief .\> B backstairs v Baptist V believe-* .\ baotistrv V believable .!V. believer Arv (bluffer) .S^ bacteriology .^r-rrr/.. -ical v bacteriologist ....? L baggage x (badge) (voc.).-^ (object) (n.) 'y (object) (v.) ,\.. ^ baptize \. >e baptized V be \S belong"" 1 ..S because belongings .._o become v becomingly X ; becomingness \... before \s benediction ...!j?. benefactor .v. (package) V. balance ^ ' benefactress v_>^-. benevolent-ly %..,_. ^.., -ence v ^*- benignant-ly ^~r^~~.. (plans) .. balanceable *y beforehand \>^ befo re-men- \O. tioned began \ besoeak \. balance-sheet .V;. . . bespoke ^V... % ' bespoken ID balanced S... ^ bank x bank-bill V begin beginner "> P between beginning beyond bank-stock \ begins billion (after ^ bankable .V banked V^ banker N. begun . ., behave-d^-ior -v beheld behold x. figures) v bishop ..J. bishopric ^ blacksmith ^ bankrupt .\J bankruptcy .\ barrel ...... <\. blacksmith shop ,?y^....l bloodguilty .^ bloodthirstiness .S<\ beholden ^ beholder .s: 52 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND boarding school ^ boxcar ..r .. can't changeless / brakeman \. ..^ capable .N ... changeless- J/G CV capital stock \ .. ness changer ../ (foreman) ^^~^.. chapter / captaincy ^i> brethren *\ carpenter r1iarartpri<;tir r, brother ^V carpentry y rharartpristiral brother-in- . \ cash-register "TT-^.. -ly law ^C-^ brotherhood N. cashbook 777 tion build-t ^ Catholic r charge" 4 / building . Catholicism ~i chargeable / building con- | catholicity T charity tractor _ buildings c celestial-ly o. chattel mort- No business certain a/. gage ^ rViprk-hnolc /v (boss) .^ (boys) ^ certainly o^. certainty .cxi chief justice ...* child (office) S* \ certificate NV_ childhood \ V- businesslike Q challenge-d' d /* childlike busybody ^^ .... challengeable ..I*. children u but i r/ challenger ^-/ C cabinet .X.... chandelier ..**.. chaniie' d ../.. chose in action ...^.. Christian WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS Christianity 1 collect-ed c (compete) c e collectible \ competitive ^ tion c ^ Christianize ) collector . 1 competence Christianlike (rWlr) C -ent \ competency Christlike Color d C comprehend .^ combination ^ -ed d Vv comprehensi- ^J5 -ty / chunk / (combine) ^ ble-ity V ^N comprehension ^S n church-mem- . ./ come *c\ comprehensive ..A ber X. p circumference Sw:. commander-in- >. \ comprehensively. . . A . . . . .* P X 7 circumferential \^/. chief ' 1 rnmmerrial-ly f- ^ comprehensive- ..\ circumnavi- rnmmprriali<;m '""S ness >~v_P computation gate-d" d -tion ~S^ y circumstance d common c 3 concentration *9^,_-^?. circumstances a. . common carrier concern-ed 1 ,!T^ circumstan- J common coun- { (surround) ...._ tial P di .^JT c/ 7 conclusion tial evidence p circumstan- A '-~_O_P common sense conclusive-ly C^ tiate o circumstan- J commoner condition tiation <^p circumstan- .J/ tiality ^ P citizen r. commonest (addition) ..I r (adhesion) f citizenship .K commonness (edition) ..u . consideration u convenient v>-' (form) ...^\ (formal-ly) .....j. conformity ...^1 (in conform- . . i .. constitution ..p. constitution- P conveniently ^^ converge ..>s- convergence ^-^ al-ally Y constitution- P ality n M construct 2 .L_ construction ..Jj. .. convergent So* (in conform- A. ity with the) confoundedly conversation .Vg, conversational . . .S^ any conversaOs^, tion -___v^i entire conver- \^ sation in their con- .X^ versation no conversa- .> \--" tion . ^ convict-ed' d constructive u constructively. . . u. contemplate 2 .U^ contemplation ..Ur^.. contemplative 1 x. .. connectedly ,_x: conscience ..5r~? conscientious ^ ... > ' conscientious- -^_^ '. -O contentedly .As. contentedness . . . \Lp .... contingency ..Srrf i contract (n.) ...' (conveyed) V,.. ness o tiveness S 1 contradiction ^ /. contradistinc- ...."N^.... tive 1, contradistin- ...H guish-ed^ / ' controversy ....^ controvert-ed 2 . /c ^\ convenience .J^TTT... could consider'-able countenance . ..... -ably considerate ^ countenanced countryman y.... considerately .'\S. considerate- .^.p ness (countrymen) ..r&C..,,. WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 55 county curious deformity !>, covenant-ed ^"~ p curiosity I 1 ' degeneration 1 cover ,....:? curiously s~ . ^ c degree (covered) .. (govpm) i c 6 curiousness -a a c ^ " nistomer-ary ..-.g .. dejectedly 1 //r dejectedness 1 covetous ^o nistomari'v // pA.JP delinquent ... covetously ^> f delinquents covetousness ^ denominator ^ * ^vl_ despicableness cL 1^ \o despondency S \S > > differentia- .Y.. tion 1 differently "( department .1. dependency )i destitute .....b destitution .1 difficult-y c. dignify-ied deputy ..'.I deputy clerk I destructible .. J 1 X destruction q .? dignitary .~\^C. dilapidate-d 2 P deputy sheriff L. derange-d'-menr^r-.l/Ty (drainage) J u, destructive ...A destructively J If destructiveness d \l diplomatist ....J Lv-o direct examin- a~~~\ (trench) '...L... 1 ' derive 1 .V ..... \*~9 detain-ed d ...1 (deaden) \ _, ation A direct testi- .cjr>v mony rv directly I/' derivable ...\V. \ derivation ..._ detention .. ..1 i J determinable n directness .\Q director . .1 derivative ...^ Sil .... determinate .n. director of the j describe-d 1 n determinative ' n company -|- directorate n describable !\., describer ^ r I determine-d d ....u...ri.... -ation . J determinedly K directorial ..r\ directorship ...1 description J/, detestation j directory n descriptive . . ft detraction I direction ..\j (secretive) n . develop 1 Is . disaccommo- V....I descriptive- ^? ness . x deserve-d^ g development .by. 1 devolve 1 ^k date-d 2 1 disaccommoda- ...... 1 . .... tion . disadvantage ...Jb deservedly c dictionary ..V\ disadvantages ...h -ous f WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 57 disaffecf d t disagreement disentangle-d d T -ment j 2 " disenthrall-ed 1 .\j__f\.... distention ..b distinct disarrangement d-^ -ment , / disestablish-ed" d J ... distinction disbelief ..._&... A disbelieve ,.S^ -ment C disinf ect-ed 2 -ant^2_? < * disinterested . P. (destination) ..uTT^ (discretion) b (disable) .A (dispel) Ox s~ disinterested- ;?r^-^rPp ness . dislocate-d Q (dissension) \i_~) disbeliever -\>: discharge-d" d ...1 discolor-ed' d /.L dismember J~^cv^ -ment ^ (disremember) . (Jv ] \ disorganization " . distinctive- ."S?..... ness I distinctly . v (. distinctness -ation lj disconf ormity .P. . . Y . . . disorganize "^ distinguish-ed d discontentedly .RJ disorganized y Tir distinguishable \ . y ,r discontinuance bl.... L disorganizer rrT^S. distingufsher . rl/ .. LUC_P discontinuation . bl.. ... discontinue-d d disparagement .J dispense-able civ. distractedly J distraction .../ j ... U L_ discountenance .1 -ability Ij) dispiritedly .PV^ ... ^ distractive rfisrover-pd J -> \ distribute^ u V discoverable J v discoverer J -K. . . discrepancy C | T ^ TN .^.... discriminate-d" d Y~~. disproportion" 11 .cL , disproportion- o^ able 1 \\ disproportional JL..^^. disproportionateA -tion (advertised) ,...L distributable .. ..l^.. .... distributive . L ~ ^w distributor -ation J ^- discriminatory *}......(...... disproportion- A . T| .. r^ district discriminative V^ ateness 0x^3 1 disrespect at\ district attorney. . discriminator i disrespectful-ly if \J district attor- .V _.. discriminatory ~ ....l/ / .. disengage-d 1 v_// dissatisfaction 1... dissimilar-ity ney's office K^~ district court b7 L district judge 7!otl..J?. -ment if 58 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND District Of Col- 4rrr: drunkard J... (alcohol) /-" umbia i disturb-ed d D f drunken J . ^. .. -ance disturber .U\ divergency .u^7...... diversiform .Lc.. ...;,. drunkenness A^ during ..']....^ > . dwelling house \L.. electrification / electrify ( f iS ^^ eleemosynary ^~z> do I dwelling place V >0 elegantly doing 1 dynamite (eloquently) / x^~ doings .1 dynamiter .... element-al-ly ^-~>. 1 doctor ' dynamo-electric ' '~f > eliminate-d'' . ^ doctrine ..r i dyspepsia-tic dl -ation (illuminate /^ doctrinal ...v/7. document .~r earmark ..^"Ttrrr:. -d d -ation) ^ elongation ..(^-p elsewhere k/^ (docket)(voc.) eastward j embank -ment .' \ .. documentary ^, ecrentric-ity o .* (bank) ..V .. evidence I dollar-s (fol- ' edition .U. embezzlement ./ "(? .. lowing figures) downhearted I pffprt 2 V^ emergency downstairs 1> (affect) I s . emphasis-ize-d'' vO "if"" draftsman effectual-ly \.. ,.,,,.. employment . drank c ' effectuate V .,. (implement) ^^-^ \ C7" efficiency .. encyclopedia-ic .S.. chine 7" 1 drink efficient-ly ^~^^ .. Encyclopedia TT!?V. 1 drinkable X. a election .^..0 Britannica ^_gi^.s^ encyclopedia ot^...^. .... law ^^ (druggist) ..Lea.... t \ (dry goods ^>] electric ..L electric current < c~^> endangerment ....^K. *~^ endeavor-ed* d . .^~* store) a ' drunk \j "^"""l V (indifferent V -ence) WORD engage'-ment .^!>T. (enlarge- ^1 ment) ^JL- England ._ English ,.^\. Englishman ....<*7?.... enhancement ^~^^L/.. (announce- SIGNS AND CONTRA esophagus .'. . CTIONS 59 everywhere . !%.. evidence V_ (vote) \1 especial-Iy 1 v esquire .1 essential-ly 1. ... evidentiary ^cj (evident) .s*^ evidential -^J- evidently . ^y^. .... evil-mind edness ^rr?. evil-speaking . _"~ L . . . exact exactitude exactly ./^~.... exactness essentials )^/..... (essence) j^p establish-ed^ ^ -ment X establisher ) ment) ^-2-x enlarge-d" d -ment."Ty?. (indulge-d ."J. -ence-ent) ' enough !?TT\_.. (never) , ^ (nothing) > * ensanguine-d" d entangle-d* estrange-ment .Z?..\ ^-i evangel .P. '.. (angel) / evangelical .P. -ly d evangelist .P. evangelization .J). evangelize ..P. evangelized .f. even -ing ^^ .. O n exactor I.... exaction Q (execution) _. exaggerate-d"" 1 .. exaggerator . exaggeratory ....^.^.. -ment ~~^^f] enthrall-ed 1 . -ment enthusiasm ^^ enthusiastic ~~~^t^. -ally J^, entire entirely '...... entireness ever ^^" Cf everlasting exaggeration ..9 exaggerative ..?./... L (~r examine 1 (summon) <$. ^> entirety everlastingly evermore 1 entitled epilepsy- tic /V.> Episcopal ..V Episcopalian .^ y .. Episcopalian- .^ ^^. ism ever been .Jt? every ^"~ examiner everybody ^~\ examination example everything .^"T^Tr^. 60 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND exasperate-d" 4 ?\ -tion excavate v. executor a executory V . (extensive-ly) ....cT expensive- . cX- excavation ^O / ness Q. experience ^^> f excavator V -ary) (inexperience) .7\ except"* \ PTPrr,'>. (inexperienced) ^^ 9 exceptionable ...S^V.. -y Q (~ exceptional \J .... C exhibitor ..^N defendant's JL \ experiment 2 ...V--, . ex / experimental-ly . ..V> .... -ly _p exchange-d" / exhibit plaintiff's ex- ^. experimentation .!JS*p . exchangeability /\ .. hibit ^ exhibition ..^r. experimenter \^-~^~^ exchangeable r/ exhibitive ^ expert Y? exchanger . .A exorbitant-ance \ (separate) N. exclaim 1 < s- > expansion .^77^.... (spread) ^V i expect 2 \ 1 (support) ...X expert wit- . ness e expertly <- (skilled) <2 -.. expectation \ (separately) 9^/.. (scaled) _ (schooled) Q U (exception) .\J expectedly \^ ~ expertness explain'-ation ^ exclusion < ") o expedience explanatory /^V ... (seclusion) _ o expediency ) licable f } exrJusivp-ly 10 _o expedient-ly 5 , .. ., excuse \ ) expense X explicit f Q 6 excusable-v . Q exoensive-lv ..X..... WOKD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 6 explicitness ./?P. (suppression) \ family explode 1 !>x ^... (voc.) o> explore-d ..\ -ation o> explorable ..\ O o v ^ (expensive-ly) . . .^V. extensiveness ....dL . , "U favorable-y ..^v ^ favorableness ...^ ... i ^ exploratory ,^v~\ extinguish-ed ^~*^ feature -ment t explorer X^. extinguishable .S "\. _n ^ feel explosion A3 extinguisher STT^) (fall) y- tt explosive ... extrahazardous (j^.D (follow) explosiveness ..^XD^.. extraordinary . fell ex post facto ^.... extraordinari- felt o. extravagant- ^ man . z~ fellow creature \J. ov ' expressible ....^ ness V extreme ...TT!^. fellow feeling .S/..S>. expressive-ly .^v> (\^^- extremely ..^7^ fellowship Ss/^f..,. t expressly .. jj. extremity kr^... fill' ._ u. expressman -^$~~~^s eye-witness (flow) .'sC. t\ (express ^ .... F fireman ,N-s. wagon) ex J expressed >i fact .^ (foreman) .S>*rrr^.. (suppressed) 9\^. fail 1 ^ first .O. expression .../SO failure \ first-class 0- . (separation) . .\3 fall ,>.. . first-rate .(f... 62 STANDAR firstly ^ follow" .S/. fool ^ (foul) ..V. footstep for .Ss- foreman ,:svrr^.. (fireman) ..^x. forlorn .Y form-ed ...^ (offer) '.J former ,.!\~..., formerly .....Y7T... DIZED REPORTING S foundation foundryman ./"..... (f oundrymen) . .../-I 1 ..... HORTHAND generalized .(/ generation .^ gentleman free-hearted- ...;>\_p... ness ^\ frequency ....J T\ frequent"* 1 J gentleman- like *_ fortune .Sv^ godlike .. goes ..b good .____ good-man-' nered "^^ AYoKD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 63 good-natured H (ordinary) good-natur- ^... habeas corpus <^ ^j hard-headed edly c-=^f gorgeous ... had .1 hard-hearted (courageous) . . . 1 half Vc. hard-hearted- govern 5> ness >, harden ^ (cover) ^ (rnvprpd) , ^ half-breed \..^ half-hearted ^ harder hardest government _ .$?>.... governmental _ S~f... governor a half-hearted- .^ ness Ti_9 half-price \<^. half-witted V hardly .^/^. (ordinarily) hardness governor-gen- __fu t ^.. eral .^ governorship ? halfway \^. handkerchief ~^- -J.. hardship ._.. hardware ._,... ..,..*.. gravity i/ handwriting hardwood Great Britain (grocerymen) c ^' . groundwork ....,T~~.. (ground wire) . happening .'V. happenings .\.. happy \ O has it has thr have .....v gubernatorial "X"' hapless \ /^ he / gullt-y (hopeless) \ /^ hoadi'iartprs \ r> guiltily (. (haply) \/^ hear .... guiltiness rT^TrrrT... (aptly) ^T. hearer ....Vx hearsay gymnastic /_ happiest \_ heard .^ A-^j- (domestic) Urr^__. gymnastic exer- /......_ cise ^~?r~^ happiness V hard ^ heaven .So heavenliness So^n? 64 STANDARD heavenly Ss>/?... heavenward .>o^ held IZED REPORTING Si hereupon . V V herewith ...s /\S" hereditarily .. /I heredity . herein ...,r heritage .-~P henceforth V ~-R henceforward >^J^ her ^ here hereabout ...S. hereafter ...^. hereby ...v^ hereinafter ...X hereinbefore . ,.\ ..... V hereof ....: hereon his ... O his has his is hold f (held) holden ^/^ holder f.. stockholder @. holiest .^. holy ,.../f.... .. Holy Ghost /~^ Holy Scrip- ..J?. ture ' Holy Spirit /^ hereto heretofore ./L.. hereunder .S-rr-r-<.. hereunto ... .>-i . howsoever ,g however .V^ hundred ^ WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 65 hundredth .**>.(. hundred thou-.^. sand V hundred thou-..>-* sandth \ ignorantly ^.. imperfection . \jJ illegitimacy j. imperfectly ....\3S.. imperfectness ^Ajr^.. imperturbability "TT^Vv. . imperturbable-yT^S/A. importance-t illiberal-ly-ity (elaborate) f weight 1 hundredfold >-<^ husband and ^^....... wife y hypnotic (labored) . {, illuminate-d d ./. -ation ^ s imagination ./. imaginative .../. imap^native- ../ (immediate) Xo * hypnotism impossible-y hypnotist ..f5 -ility ^^J impoverish-ed 1 \ ness v- ^" > imagine'-ary ..I...., imaginable / -ment impracticable ^TTTv.... -y-bility rmpracticable^ c \. ness -^"^^ impregnability ....\_i^. impregnable-y .\__.... impregnate-d"* 1 ...A__.. -tion ^^Vs imprisonment . .. hypochondria-c .&. hypodermic-ally c* hypodermic .<^U injection /' hypothecate-d d ...r -tion Js hypothecator ..^">\... yf hypothetic-al-ly r!. (material-ly) x .. immateriality .^ immeasurable-y J (measurable) .!}.,.. immediate (impress- ^r^-- ment) / _ v ^ improbable-y ...\... hypothetical .s!.... question I -ility ^~*\ improper s*i improperly immediate- ...Trrr..... impropriety T\. improve-d" 1 srr* -ment improvable .^r^.. ... identical-ly .j ness s~~^ immodest - ^t> ignominiously .7.7.. inaccurate inaccurately ....(... impassable-ility "^^V- inactive-ity ignorant imperfect -Si inadvisable-y ^.. -ility 66 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND (invisible) .^ inconsidera- indeterminate . n tion 'P inapplicable *r~^. inconsistency Y i r indeterminately .. U 1 -ility inapplication ^~\^ ... ~l\ (inconstancy) X.... , Y- indetermination R J i inasmuch ?-. inconsistent indifference-t "... ) inauspicious-ly . ,\..... s ^ p (inconstant) ~. (endeavor) ~~1 -ness incalculable-y !*7?TTV.... (insistent) ..Y. i indifferently V/T.. incapability '.... ..X... (unsustained) sp indignant-na- incapable X.. inconsistently /$ .. tion ^ / indignantly ' . incendiarism i.... (insistently) ./? indirect 1 -ility > income ( incontrovertible .^. . . indirection \j incompatibility \... incorporation indirectly I/.. incompetence-t _ incorrect .^. n indirectness ....J._p ... incompetency ' incorrectly indiscriminate - ^ p -ation incomprehensi- ,.. incorrectness (insignificant) .... ble-ility v_x incomprehen- .... ^>.... incredibility X.. indiscriminately . . ( sion ^_p inconsequence _....". incriminate-d 2 indispensable-y ^\ o -ation ^? (indiscrimi- indefatigable-y .^ indispensable- .^,V . nate) ._p \ ness - i ^ (insignifi- indefatigable- ^ v^v- indistinct . cance-t) p ness X> inconsequent independent ."**^ (induced) .I inconsequen- independently ^^^-... (introduced) -rr\.. tial-ly < 9 t inconsiderable-y ..." indescribable-y ...X. (noticed) ^ inconsiderate f (inscribable) .v... \ ^ indistinctly ,f. (unconsider- .... \ ed) inconsiderately %^~ indestructibility ._.* -A indestructible-y ...A (unjust) *-~4 (unjustly) -^.. Inconsiderate- J_p ness ^-ix. indeterminable \\ \ \-9 ( indistinctness . WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 67 indistinguish- X inexplicable-y information able ^ individual-ly inexplorable 7^ (inflamma- inexplosive \p informer \^ individualistic d5 ^~ inexpressible-y 7\ ^N A infrequence *\_ inexpressive Np (unfurnished) -^i indivisibility ^"^ N inextinguish- TITTT^ ... infrequency , J . indoctrinate r able-y ^5* infantrymau infrequent indulge-d-ence-t >^ . (infantry- infrequently .(... y 7 (indigence) men) . infprt > (unfriendly) ^ . *w (indigent) ..~. (intelligence) .J. infer- red" d -ence .>*... (inform) 1 inglorious >rri__o . ingloriously <....^.... (intelligent) ..t? (involve) ^~ indulgently ..+j inferential-ly Ss^, inhabit-ed indulger .. \^ . infinitesimal-ly \5 v inefficiently-cy .. . A inflammation inhabitant inevitable-y SH, .. (information) inhabitation -ility . 1 (unavoidable si -y) ~, x inevitableness v.. .. inflppf \ *~t injustice o K inexact inflict (unj'ust) . 4 inexactly .ST. influence ^9 V inkstand " inexactness influenced ^.^^v /^^ inexcusable-v influential inobservance {$ inexpansible ' ~?. \.. (initial) inobservant ^S inexpensive ..TT.V... inform-ed J... inorganic inexperience " informal-ly !;.. inorganization inexperienced ^ informality .1 . inorganized 68 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND (unorganized) ^__^^_, . inquire-y .^... inquirer insitutional T institutive '."!7TT....... . instruct 2 1 . intemperate 7~i-rx.... interchange-d' d ^~~^/ .. interchange- /C inscribe-d 1 9-D inscription inscriptive instruction . ]j instructive ..L...U.... instructively I//' AJ ability X interchangeable ~~~^ ... interchangeable-"^ . . . .T/v. ness interest insecure-d 1 a, I instructive- U-P \J_p interfere-d (unsecure) ^T^TT-N. insecurely X" ness n, instructor I... insubordinate -ence interjection ^~~^~t>. intermediate insecurity a 1 -ation ^^v / insubordinately { . intermediately insignificance e ; insufficient-ly-cy ^"^ internal-ly -ant p (inconse- insurance internal im- quence) ^p (indiscrimin- insurance provement -/V internal rev- ate) ^~- Si ~3 insignificancy /.. company i fire insurance . ^~~x ^, enue ^^ international-ly insignificantly I. life insurance ....J!!^r? (national-ly) /^~ insolvency inspect-ed 2 -tion A,.... " R (inception) \J.. inspector ..-~~_v intangible-y ..."^rf... intellect-ual intellectuality ^^ s intellectually interrelated */:... interrelation ^- rr^L/.. .. interrogate -- ~<^..... interrogation ^ .^ install ... installment ...^* intelligence . intoxicant irreparable-y \x oC^ jury (in phrases) "1 intoxicate 2 irreprehensible . x\ iurv-box /X" intoxication introduce ~ 1 irrespective .JX NO irrespectively d^ ., juryman ..L^?..... (jurymen) //^ introduction U 1 mtroductive vj S ^ irresponsibility .^V. irresponsible-y ....rv. ... tell the jury .U court and j" r y n introductory . I/ V\ irresponsive . Ny gentlemen of . / fj/ . . invertedly ^r^/^... i investigation v^> irreverent-ly !^V\_. -ence is~hls the jury ll/f justice of the . . . .^ Ni . peace juvenile / involuntarily . is as is his J juxtaposition .. \-.. involuntary is it involve-d" d is there kalcidoscope-ic . (in evidence) .^^V.... (novel) It J item kindhearted- ..T^LS.. ness kingdom involvement . ^^"^ A-^ itemized (common) Q^' in writing its L. knowledge / (unwritten) a~~~-/ ... IOU ^ itself .v.J^L. L laboratory /^ .. J January / (library) (.. ^W^ irreconcilable-y ?....> irrecoverable-y .J v.. irrcgular-ity ' C_^ jeopardize /^ jeopardy ./. joint-stock landlord ..-. landmark ^^^ language irregularly ..A/'. joint-stock com- ~^~... pany (thing) ^.. 70 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND large / leaseholder . . . .. life insurance ...^7!r^ largely l/~~ left-hand (., lifelong ^^""-* / . largeness ../ ... (right-hand) . v light-hearted- ...>^ larger 9 left-handed <] ness / ^ liken-ed" 4 largest / left-handedness (.. ~- -^ Ukewise larynx S~\ legislation / (j linguist ^ f ~')QjfV last-mentioned /6~?> legislative C.. L ( -rrr^. gineer J< - locomotive fire- (..... .^x. learned f lengthen ~*j man ~ t- locomotor a- t. (loan) ( \> lengthily ***r ^. taxia long .> * (loaned) /A. lengthiness **_* long-distance ^_p, (learnt) C lengthways ^^,' long-headed .-^^.. Cent) (^ lengthwise . *^^N long-suffering ^_P learned coun- L.. .. liability f....^. long time .>- < (loanable) ^ N \ x liberty of ..? . .. time) longhand >~**'.... learnedly f.. speech c\ \ liberty of the ^\ longingly >^x s . . . (lonely) fc... lieutenancy <<. WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 71 longest magnanimity manufacturer TS^. longevity i magnanimous manufacturing ...^ .... c~* longitude-inal ^~^~^ magnanimously s- company manuscript -ly ^ Lord "*^*ft major-general / mark Lord's day | (/, j majority marked lorded ~^\ maladminis- . ^~\ marked price lordliness tration _ c~~s\ malconstruction U ^\ market lordly malevolent-ly-ce .Si^. market-house .yj!... lordship ^J malform-ed" 1 ^ . \ market-place low-water /" malformation market price low-water mark (^ s malignant-ly-cy market value lukewarm x ^"1 malignity ' ... market value of lumberman /_ numbermen) (.., malpractice .^-ri^N^ manager .^7^1. the property ^~^TV marketable ^\ marketableness -.... lumberyard I ... . ' " ~9 (major) / '-NO marksman lymphatic s^^. lymphatic glands/^^xl the company ~* manhood married lynx T (humanity) . T 1 .s-v married man S*~f lynx-eyed ' manifestation S^o. Massachusetts 7 manlike master in chan- O machine manner 1 K._J... .. try .^^-s_ materia medica o_ machine gun . . ... . .- 1 . mannpri<;m <^_p ^ material-ly machine shop mnnnerlinpss c ^-/ x (immaterial "y machinery ,..... L_s> mannerly CL^^ <**" */ materialistic *D machinist . ' s manufactory ..^(. materiality magistrate .^t. <^N manufacture-d ^.... mathematical-ly '"J. . . 72 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND mathematics ."T77! million (after Vo (methods) ."TT^ menstrual JK figures) s^->~^ minimum maximum menstruate ^7 .... minister-ed \ (maxim) ^-3> menstruation U (monster) (minimum) mental-ly s^> (monstrous) " meantime mental condi- ^p ministerial-ly \ (in the mean- TTT?T?77!Tt tion \j mentality ^rr^jl.... ministration ' time) '""C-x meanwhile mention 1 /rrr^j ministry . measure 1 ...0 (motion) ^^~f>> minstrel .... .. ... measurable-y 9 mentionable * -x minstrelsy measureless . ^-o mercenarily misapplication *\ ^ . . . ^ mechanic-al-ly mercenary <^~~Jx^ misapprehend mechanics merchandise 'f^ -ed-" ^^ misapprehen- ^\ mechanics lien .^?.. (stock of mer- '.. sion 5 misarrange /frrrtfT/... mechanism s - j< v chandise) * merchantlike ^ -~y^ -d^-ment misbehave-d"'' .' f^... medulla, oblon- x"/* mercy (s~~& -ior miscalculate-d 4 gata cv member \ merciful-ly <^" "x . (miscall) merciless-ly ^_P mercilessness ^~5)/O mischievous- rTTrr?.. memorable-y \ metropolitan ness ^-^ miscomprehend .....^ microscope -ed 2 - e^ (misprint) microscopic TNB miscomprehen- .cj..... milkman sion '~~*\ misdemeanor memorize *r^>/..... (milkmen) (homicide) WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 73 misdirect 2 1 - 6] misdirection Jj..... misform-ed~ d .\.. ' "P misfortune Xy... (/ misgiving ^~ "... misgovernment-r^ST?? misinform-ed~ d misinformation ^~&~y\ mismformer l^,. - ?) . gage) j-Z " mortgage deed I mortgagee . c ^ mortgagor :.. motion-picture ^rr-^ movement neglectfulness rrrr\ negligence - < o .. negligent-ly - . (guilty of neg-.?!Tr Y moving picture .....^....... mountebank ollection) s> misrepresent /rT3^...\ -ed' d /, misrepresenta- ,g^ mistranscrip- ..STT^X... tion misunderstood.^^ a modest -ed-ment) negotiator .**-js. neighborhood ^\ . (in the neigh- borhood of) neutral-ity ../.... never .> *. nevermore v^^. ^ modestly ( modesty ....! multitudinous .^r^-^ municipal-ly Mohammedan- ism '-^r~ x 74 STANDARD nevertheless ^^ (unfortunate) ,:!!!js_,.. -ly) 7 new > < (now) . .. IZED REPORTING SH non-discovery J -> non-efficient ;^f... non-essential \^ non-member \ non-performance \x non-production A non-productive \. -f\ A non-proficiency non-resem- d^>. blance ^ nondescript 7T^ . N . nonentity ^, )(.. northwestern "^*&.... northwestward ^^^^. newspape r ^~_& next .>-*=? nextday .^-_c nextdoor ....^o ... next question ^9 _^ next time p^jy^^ next week - _p . . . no one *<../.. nobody .s-^.... (anybody) north west ward-^"^X/'. . ly notary public > \ nothing ....>... (enough) !TTV_... nothing else > ,. nothing less ,.b*^..~ nothingness ,.... notwithstand- .^ notwithstand- ,Ji ing the fact November .^^T^V.... now > \ nowadays . nowhere .> t/.... (anywhere) nomination .. (incensed) ^~Si-tf... (innocence) (nuisance) ....^ SLJ> . (animation) nominator .! non-acceptance ~~^s> (north) northeast non-acquaint- ~ jxrs^r. ance ~ *\ non-appearance noncommission- ^^ (nearest) . . . northeaster ) northeasterly 1 ed officer -_^_s\ non-conformity l number-ed"* .^ (brother) .*V (member) ..\ numberless . c> wr?.... non-contribut- . .. .rk... northeastern 1 non-delivery V?.. non-develop- \\ i/o^ northeastward .7) O objectionable .\V objective ..o objectively .^/! objectiveness .^- objectivity ..!S < ' objector .X obligation . So (application) .^ obnoxious " i x3 obnoxiously ..^rri_. \_f; obnoxiousness .-..^77..... 0 operate"* 1 ^ organization organize organizer : .. operation (customer) /^.... 76 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND organized original (regional) ... (rich) over <>. overbalance ... c\o overburden ....^\... -ed 1 ^x } overburden- . y^s owe (owed) ~l owing to the fact s^. owes b own owned originality ...-J-s. omament-al-ly ornamentation orthodox-y .1 some ^ ^_^ overcame ^N -. overcareful ....* -ly ^x overcharge / -ed" 1 V overcome ....rrr.... overhang ^^ owner ownership other .!N otherwise / *) overlook-ed d overproduc- .^\... tion c ^v \j overproduc- ^\.. tive ^^ overstock-ed d or otherwise ought cific , "\ > pacification Xp ourselves ."^N out 1 overtake palpable-y-ility ..\. palpableness ....X^ paper-hanger .'.Nv-"" parallel-ed" d ( X overtaken ...'... .^.... outbalance .\ outbalanced \ overtax overtook s outgeneral 1.... outnumber ..1. N overvalua- ....E.^... tion <^O^^ overvalue 1 ....\ i; _... overwhehn 1 parallelism .?\....... x parallelogramOy . . . .^. unparalleled >w\. paraphernalia .\^S.... parcel post .^X/T\v.. (parcels) *\<7?..... N outspoken \ "S outspoken- ...\ ness *>v outward ...\..!Sr?.. outwardly ..\ ./^ overwhebn- ...... \_ ing evidence >^v / overwork 1 rf...... Ov overrule^ WORD V (price list) SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 77 pecuniarv \ nemetual-lv \/ part" 1 t \. pedestrian ^ .. (perpetuate) .\ /I 'f...|.. (apart) .\ participant .^ pedestrianism ^ Pennsylvania \V^>>-. people-d \ persecution \/ (prosecution) ^\ .. 7^. participate 2 ^\o o person ..Sq.^.... (prisoner) ^ * participation ^Vi per annum ,**g?. V) participative "Vi (per cent per .\jjv^ annum) o, ^ perfect \j (personal) ..^o. > .... personal estate ..^. ) ... personnel ..Xj^..,.. personification .^^.j,,.., perspective ^o ... participator ..r^x particular-ly .\... (proper) (perfect) (v) \3 perfectible .\rx.... V (properly) perfectly j&/Z C\i particularity 1 perfection \P (prospective) .....>o.... perspicuity .^. persuasible-y . . No -ility \ persuasion ...(a particularize . c\ perform-ed-ance . . . . Vv . . . . c\ ' performable \~\ particularized (V particulariza- .... <\ \ performer \N . . tion parties \ perhaps \J- (propose) ^k .. c\ persuasive \5 party \ persuasory ....3^.... perturbability party of the \ first part <\ party of the \^. . second part\ "~^ pathologist ../. /\ pathology-ic-al ( (purpose) ....\^. . permanency . .Xrrr^ . . c\ / permanent-ence ...Xrr7>> (prominent) perturbable .^X^ ..X petticoat .N pettifog-ged d \ -ly v / patrol-led 1 V].'... patrol wagon .^NT\ peculiar-ity \. peculiarly !S f.. pecuniarily .V. petty (petit) ...No jury _ ^yt> (preeminent) ..XrTr;^^ permanently .X-^-- permit-ted 2 ..\~v .. perpendicular -ly phenomenon -menal V^y-~v_^ (phenomena) philanthropy ..^. 78 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND philanthropic .f! -ally philanthro- ..^. . pist v photo-electric ...y. photo-engraving ^^-r 1 .' pickpocket .. .^~\. populate-d j ..^v^. ... portion .A3 position ,? preconcertedly ,.^. C Y^.. predetermine-d 1 \ -ation ^T predominance ...^^.. predominancy ).... predominant-ly "^.. rs v- ;, predominate 1 \... predomination (opposition) . * possession .^> possible-y possibility ...^S..... postdate-d .\p post-mortem ^V^^^ post-mortem ^v-rr-^.. examination poverty .._ practicability . rs v^ ... practicable-y *\ (pocketbook) ...,^~r\ plaintiff *$> plaintiff's case ^ a. plaintiff's ^ /*~ counsel plaintiff's ex- ."^ preeminence Xrr~^_p (permanence) . .A^r-^. preeminent ;S*m^,.. (permanent) .^V >y preeminently >VT-^... (permanent- .\^-r^/f ly) cv ( preestablish-ed-" 1 ^. . . -ment <. \ pregnancy . .\__i ^ . pregnant ..\_... prejudice-d"* 1 S X. f\ preliminary ...._ preliminary ~^ hibit plank \ platform _. pleasure . ./ pleasurable-y . s. T pleasurable- .^\^...... ness plenipotentiary \ pocketbook ...^r:\... (pickpocket) . . . \ .. practicableness .^V^. ... practical-ly .^ (practicable) *\ (practicality) \ \AS police officer practicalness .^ practice .V practise practices . r V^. practised .?v practitioner *\ police station examination _ premeditate .....^V>.. -ed' d premeditatedly ..\-^. preparatory .....\^. .. prepare ..\.....^ preponderance \^... preponderance .....\_... of the evidence ^ (a fair pre. of !Sst\. .... the ev.) V policyholder ..JJ . politest ._ polytechnic-al ^*t^ popular-ity .. \v . \ sf~^\ prearrange-d l popularization \. -ment c \ precinct ..*!... preconcert-ed 2 .... ). popularly ...^v . WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 79 preponderancy . preponderant preponderate-d 2 . preponderating- . iy preponderation . < Presbyterian Presbyterian- ism prescribe ....VTT7 prescription .~77\ (prosecution) ... \ 6 principles (appearance) privilege 1 ....y! probable-y-ility .....N probable or im- probable (proper or improper) probate-d 2 probate court problem (trouble) problematic problematical-ly. proclivity . producer / . , (appraiser) .. (purchaser) production ,. (predication) . c\ _ 3 ..._ V) .... (prediction) (protection) productive productively productiveness productivity professor professorship proficient-ly proficience-cy profit" 1 profitable-y ..^\... ^\A profitableness .\> profitless profiteer profligate prohibit-ed 2 (probate-d) prohibition (probation) (approbation) prohibitionist prohibitive (probative) prohibitory prolong-ed d \\. .^X. 80 STANDARDIZED REPORTING prolongation prominency prominent-encc (permanent) (preeminent) prominently promissory note promote 2 (permit) promotion (permission) (preemption) promptest proof proper properly (particular property (propriety) prophet prophetic proportion' 11 (appropria- tion) (preparation) proportionable -y proportional-ly .\L ....... V proportionate proportionate- less proportionately propriety prospect 2 prospective . X. prospectively prospectiveness prospector Protestant Protestantism protraction (protrusion) protractive protractor prove approve proximity psychological-ly public-ly publication publicity publish published publisher punctuate-d 2 SHORTHAND punctuation punish-ment purport-ed 2 (prepared) purported to be purporting to be purports to be purpose (for the p. of) .\ ** ..\ Y (forthep. of .. v^. determining) h (forthep. of ..x^. ... having) (for the p. of making) (for the p. of showing) purposed WORD quarrelsome . . SIGNS AND CONTRA quickness CTIONS 81 realized ,.V^ y .. (released) reappear reappearance reapportion-ed 1 -Xw2 -ment . ^ (reparation) /\.\/ . quarrelsome- quiet ly , quarrelsome- < ^~^. quietly ness / quarter *s c quietness Sss?. quietude . ... (three-quar- ters) (headquar- <2\ p ters) C quarterly c quit quitclaim reargument ../\ rearrange-d l ^fT, (quickly) quartermaster quitclaim ' . deed _ quite -ment 5L reasonable-y ' quowarranto (unreason- (cross-section) . . . .":... S. . . question 11 3 ... myquestion your question ....(6 inhisques- tion ~ what is the quorum .<- *rr* quote d quotation Q.... R railroad CxtT able-y) A,, reasonable cer- ?..]... tainty reasonable doubt . . (beyond a reas. doubt) ^\_ reasonable mar- ^~\. ket value t? reasonable value ^ . railroad com- lS\ pany , railway .LS.. read (present reasonableness question questionable _.... questionable- Js^ ness questioner .^.... questionnaire .j.... J> reasonably cer- ... . .. tain ^^\ reasonably nee- ... w tense) / (write) essary /\A reasonably . ?..:.... reader worth .. reassemble-d d <^..ln?K.. reading room ..../^ ... readjustment x% .... realization (reassume) ...S\ f t . recharge ...^7...... recollect"* 1 / .. Quick quicken quickened quicker 9 realize ^ (recall) quickest >o (release) recollection . .. /\. . auicklv realizable .^.. (reformation) S?,..\^ 82 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND reconsider 1 X s ) reconsideration V... /^ reconstruct 2 . 1_ .. refer-red d -ence . x^V-. referable ./ // \^... /^\ referendum / relate-d 2 -ation ...L/.. .... relationship ..6/ relative L/ s\ reconstruction U... . x^ reconstructive u. /^C refinedly reflect-ed d /^~ relatively (/ relator C/ recover-ed~ d ../.. ry reflection xO relevancy t/ Vi recoverable /.. .V reflects .^>P.... /o reliance recovery ./. recriminate-d 1 -ation 9 6~2> rccross-examin- reflexes ...Xo... reform-ed" d ..x^.l.. reformatory /^ V\ {/> reliant ... L/ .. religion / religious ' ation redeliver-ed"" 1 .x^l . .. reformer ..X\ religiously . 7 redelivery ./"I/ 7 ref resh-ed (in / religiousness SWR redetermine-d l X^ri phrases) -^ - ref. your (my) 's~i relinquish-ed 1 . . ~., -ation ^ J redirect examin- /cr~> memory / ref. your (my) / -ment (/^) relinquisher ation - redisrowr-ed 1 /J. , > recollection ^-^V refrigerative . !? reluctancy L/ ) .. reduction ...//]j... regeneration ... reexamine ./ < '~" 5 .. regular-ity ../^. remotest ....A^.... reexamination ./^ .. regularly /^.... renownedly .y^f.. (resumption) o "^ regulate-d z / /~* reorganization J3 reexchange / ' j*J> reinspect-ed 2 / ^\ /~ reorganize -ion WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 83 reorganized repeatedly (rapidly) replenish'-ment reprehend 2 reprehender reprehensible-y -ity (reappear- ance) reprehensible- ness reprehension reprehensive reprchensory represent" 11 representation representative representer reproduction reproductive republic republican Republican party Democratic party republicanism , republication republish republished repudiate-d 2 repugnance-t-ly repugnancy require 1 (reward) requirement resemble-d d -ance reserve-d 1 reservedly reserver resignation respect-ed" 11 respectability respectable-y respcctableness respecter respectful-ly respectfulness respective (reception) (receptive) respectively respond-ed 2 -ent responsibility responsible responsiblencss responsive-ly responsive to the x ^ , .\. . . . question in response to the question restaurant (restrained) .. // restraining order/ restriction (illustration) restrictive (illustrative) . . (.. \j ... . resurrect-ed" d . . X_ (reserve) resurrection (reservation) retraction reverend (reverent) (reverently) 84 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND reverential-ly /.\*/.... S search-warrant .o/7/}.. 7 (referential) ../.. *M sanctification 5O., secretary o _ revolution ../O. A. f) sanctify 1 ..^r^.. secretary of a -P state T (revulsion) S\J. .... sanguine secretary of ..--y/.... / <<_p war revolutionary /'"X .... sanguinary ...-..../... secretaryof . Q ( 1~? the company revolutionist ,.../9 sanguinely .S~.. secretary of f\s. the treasury Q revolutionize .... /?..... sanguineness p secretaryship ...^l.. revolutions ....^?... satisfaction secure 1 per minute x\j^= rb o rcvolve-d"'' sadsfactorily Cr^"... self i o revolver ^-\ satisfactoriness .L/^" self -advance- ol^ s ment <" (rifle) .^. satisfactory ... p/... self-ad ver- ,.o.l revolving satisfy tisement n self-control 1 right-hand v (suit) ...f. self-destruc- ...d .n tion | U right-hand .... v .^| satisfied r self-develop- ..l\ side /^\ (wrong side) .. e ^ savings bank xo ment ). s self-esteem right-handed v saviour .X^ self -evident cN-^ . /c right of way say (in phrases) o seU-explana- P\ S K-> > tory (right away) hearsay self-govern- .. "^. ment -^y ( d "1 /I how do you self-know- /*"** rolling-stock L/.. say J h> shedidnot j ledge self-neglect -&s-~~... say QJ Roman Catholic^Vr-^ .. shesays . Roman CatholiX-^ ~, .. ... willyousay ./.. tion self-reliance cism ^5 ^ ) o room (in . ...^^ .... scientific-al-ly M^^ self-respect . s!^\ . phrases) \ ,/t roundhouse .._ scientist ...^?. self-righteous ..... ' rupture-d" d . sS^\, scripture self-sacrifice- . c "~\ . NO scriptural-ly self-satisfied ..of b WORD self-sufficient selflsh-ly ....J.. selfishness ... < /j>.... xiT^ sentimentalism ^-^ SIGNS AND CONTRA significance (consequence) CTIONS 85 6^7 solicitor-general ....!/. somebody .._^. sometime . (same time) .rr^... somewhat somewhere (T^s/. . somewhere or <$ / significancy ' significant separate ....9s. (spread) ....A ; several ....V severally ..^-^.. (safely) ...\jfTT severally ...>. ... shall shipment .....^ JL_ shortcoming should (up) ../. shrink . < T X shrinkage ^^^ . . other son-in-law ^-^_^/.. South America . . .... southeast .. \ southeaster 1 \ southeasterly ....LfT. \ southeastern .1... southerly ..v^ (safely) ..Tsr. southern ....ii southerner^.... southernmost ..vT^ 3 .... southward '..../? southwardly ./?...... southwest .... south wester M.... southwesterly cr>v/^ southwestern Q. southwest- . /X ward single singly singular-ity singularly sinking-fund ..^^... sister-in-law ..<~_^/ situate-d -d situation skillful-ly (2 V skillfulness slacken-ed d ../rTTTT?. smooth-spoken .?~t sidewalk ~r signature 86 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND C-v southwest- ^V^~ stenographer j (subtract) Vi wardly R apeak ...... (son) s ... D L_ subcontractor \1 9 (spoke) *.\ special-ly ...\. speciality ....\^. ... specialty \ /\ stenographic SS^TT-T . . stenography ..1S*. stepbrother ..\o^.... ^A\ stock-certificate * subdivide ...J.S^... subdivision .. ..Sv 0^3 subject (n) . ...\ (subject) (v) \ specific y c*_0 stock exchange / subjected \1 specifical-ly ..Jf. stockholder . " subjection . \) ... specification ...JP. (supposition) ...^ (plansand "s^... specifications) ^ spiritedly .../^. x^ c ~^ spirituous li- ..? quors o spoken ^ (soldier) .6~J. street-railroad ,ff^\..-.. street-railway . . \ subordinate x -d- d -tion \ (specific) . ^P 9 V? (subornation) .V... statesmanlike j~-> I statistician . n strongly ...Trf. ... stronger subpoena-ed d . ^^-^ .. subpoena statute .[ statute of limi- ^ tations 1 stumhling-hlork N. duces tecum ? subscribe-d 1 ..S> subscriber " ... \ . D subscription . " v subscriptive " snh<;pniipnrp \. steamshin 'f..... subcontract .NT) subsenuent . \-^ WORE subsequently .\ f^ .. -ient o x subservience ... ^K subserviency ....V--- substantial-ly .....Sp.... substantially Np correct r^ substantially .../Nfi.... SIGNS AND CONTRA (sudden) ...J suggestively (fr suggestive- ./P.../*... ness ^- ^-^ superficial-ly v superficiality . V ..<.. superficial- \ _ ness ^~^ superhuman ^V- (superman) 5\ . CTIONS 8 7 (expression) ,...\5 (separation) . /X) (voc.) <\ supreme (in phrases) c \_ supreme court supremest ..^^^ .. sure Jf, (assure) ...../) surely /^~... sureness ...^s_... surgeon-general .o^if.... surprise ?. the same o 0"^ substantials ...No od substantiate-d 1 ...Np -tion <, u substitute 2 ...No substitution . N>p o U substructure Nj> subtraction ..No \ U subtractive Nn.\n... '03-0 succinct succinctly (..... suddenly "<~^/ sufficiency v-^ superincumbent .f\ V-' superintend . ^ -ent superintend- '"^.p... ence superintend- ?S.... ency J supernatural ...f\. .. -ly CX ^ superscribe 1 ...9.. . \.. (express) .../\>... (suppress) "^V surprisingly .... ?>' .... surprised superscription <\ superstruction .51 CK U superstructural ;ta -ly v superstructure ...>s\. suppress \, (express) .....\5 suppress! ve ...V^. ... (expressive) .....>o suppressor ...?\^.. ... suppressed ...?V..... (expressed) ^>... suppression v . (expressed) .N> .... (suppressed) .. .S^ .... surveyor-gen- c/V_ .. eral o J suspect 2 . !\ O suspension . ^ suspensive ,:\ G^y suspensory ....NX... 9 suspicion R suspicious ...... O suspiciously .... .. ... suspiciousness .^LP .. O sufficicnt-ly suffrage ... S^ (savage) ^_ . ? / suffragette ;>> suffragist . ..S^ suggest-ed" d f -ion *p (said) 1 suggestive ,7 s V. STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND (soft) (voc.) . e swifter . \^.... swiftest switch switch engine f switchman .......... P system temperature U-r v.. tempest .. .Ur^ ... tempestuous .....W>.. temporarily ...jurat.... temporary ....U-rv/T temporary ali- U>xv_, mony tendency J C 3 that the the other ( them C themselves . x3 . (this is) thenceforth (a (city) tending to show J/ thenceforward G PHE svstematiza- ^1 territorial r l/( thereafter *i D rt> tion systemization territory .... 1^ .. therefore . ) .. T tangible- y-ility I testatrix ...,t> (admuiistra- 1 therefrom .)>.. thereinafter 2_. tangibleness ...I tank ....1 taxicab ^ , tincture-d rt rr-rrr... transfer (n) 'V though r to \ n ^ transferability ,.K._..... thousand f to a transferable .. b i thousandfold / to the transference . U -^ thousandth ( together ...__ .... transf orm-ed . trx. cv H -ation A ' threshold Jk. tomorrow . . vrrv/ . transf orma- ...\TV__... threshing-ma- . is. tonight tive n ^~^ transformer . irx. chine throughout ..^ too N 1 ^ transgress ....brr... thunderstorm ...JL topography-ic . N^^ transgressed .... b.'~~ > . . thus to toward 1 transgression .... o~~"^. . thyself towards Is transgressor . D a ... tighten town hall 1 r tranship-ed 1 . 1 -ment 3?n (deaden) . V^, .... town clerk 1 transport 2 ... transatlantic ..(1L, transcontinental jfTTT. .. transversely b.... 1 ( treasure K time of day i. transcontinental .fT. treasurer g.. k.. timecatd 1 line V transcribe 1 ~\.. n treasury .%.. K/ (ticker) ..! transcriber . ~ ^v trial i , L *t\' * *\ timekeeper ...\. > transcript ...^ d \ trunk . .. \^.,... (for the first W~^ \ ~> transcription .". trunkful ...L^, .. time) VN 90 STANDARDIZED REPORTING Si truth . unbusinesslike O 1ORTHAND uncorrupted- .^5r~^Sp ness . uncovered +~-*rr-r... unctuous ....^ undamaged ."^"T.^^.. undemocratic lr-s. under -^ <.. undeserved . ^)f .... undigested ....k.... tWO ....N typewrite ....!\ typewriter ,..^\^... typewriting ....!\ .... typewritten . ...l^V, ... U unacceptable ... ^_o (unspeakable) ... V unaccepted ^^Q. (inspected) . s ~~\, . unaccompany . . uncertain .>/.... uncertainty .r> 9u.. unchallenged ..^~~f..... *" ~f unchangeable-y ^/.. unchange ..^~J ..... uncollected < uncommon x . (unique) uncommonly *?...,. (uniquely) ( ' 1 (indignity) undiscernedly \.fL..... undischarged ^71 .. undiscoverable~j ^ . undiscovered ,^J_ o . undiscriminat- -^P. ing .j, (indiscrimi- nating) undistributed ^\\ (indistinct) ....ZlL undisturbed !^D j . . unengaged .^- /-r. unenthusiastic .; ^_^ unequivocal^^TT unexaggerated n. unconcerned ....^ unconcernedly . "v^. unconcerned- ...^_p--. ness "|-1 unconditional . .. . Y .. -ly unconnertpd x , -ied' i. unaccomplish ... -ed 1 unaccountable-y (uncountable) unconscious 9: (anxious) ^~^ unconsciously . unadvisable ,^Z\..., (inadvisable) .^^ ~~\* (invisible) ,1^.. (unfeasible) ^L unconsciousness c *^^. unconstitutional P -ly _ Y (institution) . ^~T .... unconstitution- 0..... ality M uncorrected ' ... unexaminable * 'N. (incorrect) unexamined Cneiehborlv) .Nr. uncorruotedlv STTTTN/' unexampled WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 91 unexcepted unexception- ableness unexpected (inspected) unexpectedly unexplainable unexplained unexploded unexpressed unfairness unfamiliar-ity unfamiliarly unforgiven unforgiving unforsaken "~~ unforeseen unfortunate-ly . unfurnished (unvarnished) . ungentleman- like ungentlemanli- . ness ungentlemanly (ungently) unholiness unhopeful-ly uniform uniformity uniformly (inform) \ unimaginable-y unimaginative unimportance-t . (unimproved) unimportantly . unimprovable unimproved (unimpor- tant) uninfluenced uninfluential uninformed uninhabited uninstructed uninstructive unintoxicating union (communion) United States universal-ly Universalism Univcrsalist universality v> rxi ...Jj 1 . universalness universe .....^ university (anniversary) unlearned unlearnedly ,^ r ... unless unmannerly unnatural-ly unnaturalized unnegotiable unnumbered (encumbered) unobjected unobserved unobstructed unobstructedly unorganized unpopular-ly unpractised unprecedented \j. unpremedi- tatedly unprescrvcd unprincipled unprobatcd 92 STANDARDIZED REPORTING SHORTHAND unproductive . \. . . . \ AJb J unprohibited ...\. unprophetic unspoken ./T^ .... unsportsman- *^prr~> like unstatesman- tr ^ untruthfulness ?~r / \_^p unusual-ly / unwarlike unproportionate .....\y. unproportioned ....\..... \J| unpublished ^T^X..... unquestion- ^__ able-y \ unreasonable-y ...<^j^.. unreasonable- . ^i^. e . . like unsteadfast ^~rfi unsteadfastly ^~ft^~. unsteadfastness . .^ 61 ... unsub jected .^.N 1 . . unsub jugated ^S unsubordinated | ^- unwelcome-d - 6 unwilling - C.. unworkmanlike >*/ unworldliness ..r^rfV>... unwritten .<^^^.. (in writing) ness 5^^ unreformed ^_/^ ) C unsubstantial-ly Na upheld \ unrelated ' '/ - ' unsubstantial- ^o (pulled) unrepresented ^_,/^... ed |T . O ~*~-> unsuggestive j~^ uphold \ unresponsible ^-S. unsuspected N. unner \ .. unrewarded t^t/4.. unsanctified ...._ unsatisfactorily . ~~~y^~-- unsuspectedly ^\s-... ^0 unsuspectingly A^.... unsuspicious . . upstairs ...^\) ... usual-ly / utilitarian f^x? unsatisfactory .' T/ unsuspiciously {~- utility unsatisfied ^~P >Jb unsuspicious- ^ utilization n .. unscriptural ness unthankful-ly s f m utilize S~ unsecure ^-W . f unthinkable A f utilized f (insecure) "^ unthinking ....L V * unsecured V_Q. until ' \ vacant V ^ .... unselfish ...-/.. un timbered ....r"^^ vaccinate 2 . L. unselfishly .... .. untinctured ^ L - < 1 (fascinate) ..1. unselfishness . ^_g> . untoward v 1 . ^Qs vaccination ..V. -~\ unsneakable-v v... untruthful-lv ...rrrfl... vaccine .\. ... WORD SIGNS AND CONTRACTIONS 93 vainglorious V, n . . vcngefulness >^ (feasibility) .S\ .. vainglory S^*- verge ..S- visibleness ^^ >o. U v valid . Vy ^1 (average) ...y.... (advisable- ..>No. ness) ^ v (valued) (voyage) ^ (feasibleness) ^v>.. validity ../""I vermiform ...\rrro. visitor ^^^ validly . . ../'... vice versa ^^ .. vitriform .Nv. validness vice-president .....^J viva voce .^\ ^D value 1 ^^ . ... ^ii_^ vicinity ...TTrTT. ... vivisection ^V valuable . \^__. (available) ^J N . . vigilance "...^J~. vigilant t/~... ^ voluntary voluntary ac- valuableness . Vv vigilantly ...y ... -ary r\ ^ voluptuousness .S^. valuator .. ^ Virginia .><_ W / valueless . .^y'?. Virginian ...S>y .... warehouse L/..Q vanquish 1 . ^._..... J| .. virginity ..^7 (work house) c/. . . . _^ /^ vanquishable s - virtue ^ warehouseman (S vanquisher W_^-jN virtueless ...."^v..... warm 1 vanquishment . L__ by virtue of ^T^... warmer vegetable ...S^ virtuous .....T!& warmly vegetable king- . .V^ dom virtuously ...fX. warmness vegetarianism ,V__..... virtuousness . .'^^p warmth S .. .0 vegetate-d 2 ...S^ visible-y .....^ warranty deed ' vegetative . X- ... vengeance ..SL vengeful-ly ..S* (advisable) . ..^V.. -biiity) r (feasible) ....^\... visibility .>.. was ) watchword ^> water .\ (weather) watermark ^ what were whereas t/ what would o whereof . 6/ whereon ...iS.. whether c whetheror not (as to whether or not) whether we C whether you-r o, which /... whichsoever ..../ whichever ...u while way (in phrases). .c ..a /<. (railway) ./. wayward TX.-'tX. waywardly \jtis... waywardness \ . fc/^rr? ^c we *-) what year . ....... o what you-r whatever u wheelbarrow . when whenever ^_P whensoever ^"~ we are . wholesaler X? ;.... SIGNS AND CONTRA withheld (. / < withhold \ < ( within V. CTIONS 95 workmanship ...iSJ ... world wholesome /'^ worldliness wholesomely .y^~^.. . . wholesome- .../Jtt> ness whom without (. worldly . worship ...Cs4. .... would -3 withstand ....a" withstood .T- ... c I witness would we D would what D would you-r ^7 X x-ray ..77-^.... x-ray picture . .TTTXX^. . Y yard yardstick . u ye whose 6 whosesoever . fc why ....:. width > will ..../C.-. willing ..L. willingly ...L.. wish 1 ^.. ... wisher wishing . * f witness stand ..., u . witnessed womanhood "T womanlike work (/ work-farm c/^...^ra workhouse L/......Q. (warehouse) ..^/ working-day . c/. . . . .| . . (work day) c/.. 1 . . workingman it., year C- with Y yearling . Sr' Y yearly ....V WJ year to year yes ..( ...P yes, your ...f Honor (j/ yes, sir ...D..Q.. yesterday ...| yet > u withal with what with you-r withdraw ... V| (rl withdrawal ....Y| younger v-*. s.. in your office . youngest ...v^0.... in your shop . your .. -..(.. for your reply . W\ yours yourself yourselves youth youthful-ly youthfulness ERRATA AND ADDENDA Page 49 Antarctic, the N should be half length. Page 57 Discriminate, notice possible danger of conflict with designate, which should have been inserted at this point. Page 64 Hire should not be printed in heavy-face type. Page 65 Inactive, outline omitted. Should be N 3 -Ktiv Page 66 Inconsideration, line omitted. Should be second position. Page 67 Inexperience, line omitted. Should be second posi- tion. Page 71 Marketable, outline omitted. Should be M 3 -Kt-Bl Page 88 Temperature, danger of conflict with temper in cases like "the temperature of the metal." Vocalize temper. , Page 92 Unquestionable should be in second position. Page 92 Unusual, the words anguish and English should be inserted in parentheses after this to call attention to possible conflicts. PRESS OF J. C. MILLER, JR. MKDFORD, MASS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA TTRPAPV University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. NOV041B4 AT s ANGELES LIBRARY Z56 National short- N21s hand principles- - S bandar dined - reporting shorthand.., 000 573 575 8 N21s