Catalogue of tJlorfcs on i6itcb at <>fje (trotter 29 Jan. I6t|) to Jan. 26tfj, 1891. IBRARY CALIFORNIA DA Catalogue of Qtorfes on ana at 29 ai 32ti t 3ait iet|) to 3an 1891. PREFACE. pseudo-science of Alchemy, with its attrac- tive goals, its mystical associations, unprin- cipled charlatanism, and its honest self-deception, forms a fascinating chapter in the history of in- tellectual aberrations. Regarded as a phase of chemical science, to which it made prodigious contributions, students of chemical history find it an attractive field of research, and not a few chemical bibliophiles treasure the extraordinary literature born of a search for the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life. This literature, once so voluminous (a trade catalogiie of 1868 contains 2500 numbers), is rapidly becoming scarcer, especially in the more desirable works. The volumes exhibited have been selected by their owner from his private collection, numbering about two hundred and fifty volumes on Alchemy and seven hundred volumes on Chemistry (not compris- ing periodicals). To Grolierites they will look rather unattractive in the original and inferior bindings, but many are curiously illustrated, and some are interesting for their very poverty. The Catalogtie has been very carefully prepared with technical accitracy, but economic reasons compelled short titles. Bibliographical and explanatory notes have been appended to the titles, in hopes of making the list more serviceable to non-professional readers. The editor alone is responsible for the data and the comments. T* Hlcbem^ anb Chemistry 1 A B C VOM STEIN DER WEISEN. r\ 4 Th. in i vol. [xi]- 7 - 3 i8-[i]; 348, 100 ; 299; 325-64-[iii] pp. PI. 12. Berlin, 1782 Dedication signed by C. U. Ringmacher. Contains seventy-three alchemical treatises, some in brief abstracts or extracts. 2 A GRICOLA, GEORGE. DE RE METAL- -^~i- LICA libri xii. . . EIUSDEM DE ANI- MANTIBUS SUBTERRANEIS liber. [x] - 502 - [Ixxiv] pp. II. Sm. fo. Basileae, 1556 The first edition was published at Basel in 1546 ; others followed in 1556, 1558, 1561, 1571, etc. Noted for its nu- merous interesting engravings of mining operations. 3 ALBERTUS MAGNUS. PHILOSOPHIE -^ NATURALIS ISAGOGE. . . Ixxvi ff, PL Sm. 4- [Colophon:] Vienne, 1514 Albert de Bollstadt, Bishop of Ratisbon, was the first German author on alchemy. His " Opera omnia," edited by Petrus Jammy, Leyden, 1651, occupy no less than 21 folio volumes, chiefly theological. IA 5 6 THE GROLIER CLUB. 4 [ A NDREA, JOHANN VALENTIN.] -Tx CHYMISCHE HOCHZEIT CHRISTIANI ROSENCREUTZ, anno 1459 *43 PP- l8 Strassburg, 1616 For bibliographical notes and an English translation see A. E. Waite's "Real History of the Rosicrucians," London, 1887. The whole Rosicrucian controversy is said to center in this work. RTIS AURIFER^E QUAM CHEMI- AM VOCANT. Vols. I-II. 2 vols. 631 ; 525 pp. 16. Basileae, 1593 Contains 35 treatises. The first edition was published 1572. A German translation by Phillip Morgenstern was published at Basel in 1613, under the title : " Turba Philosophorum, das ist das Buch von der guldinen Kunst." 6 ASHMOLE, ELIAS. THE WAY TO ~JL BLISS, in Three Books. [vi]-22o pp. Sm. 4. London, 1658 The author says that " Motion is the father of heat and doth beget and purchase it of nothing," theoretically anticipating modern doctrines. Book III, Chap. II, treats of the Philosopher's Stone. 7 A SHMOLE, ELIAS. THEATRUM CHEMI- -TX CUM BRITANNICUM; containing poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers who have written the Hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language; with annotations. The first part, [xvi] - 486 - [viii] pp. PL Sm. 4. London, 1652 Contains inserted portrait of Ashmole. Part II was never issued. Lenglet Du Fresnoy says of Ashmole : 11 II avoit cette folie en tete sans peut-etre la pratiquer, ou du moins sans y rdussir." Ashmole was the well-known English antiquary who founded the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 7 8 T3ARCHUSEN, JOHANN CONRAD. JD PYROSOPHIA, SUCCINCTE IATROCHEMIAM, REM METALLICAM ET CHRYSOPCEIAM PER- VESTIGANS . . . [xvi]-4yopp. PI. Sm. 4. Lugduni Batavorum, 1698 Barchusen, b. 1666, d. 1732, was professor of medi- cine and chemistry at Utrecht. " Pyrosophia " has been supposed to be the first work in which the word affinity occurs, but Kopp shows it was used by Albertus Magnus. Lenglet Du Fresnoy says of this work: "La seconde et la troisieme partie de cet ouvrage . . . sont tres curieuses et meritent d'etre lues. L'auteur qui dtoit habile ne disconvient pas de la transmu- tation des me'taux." 9 [T3ARRETT, FRANCIS.] THE LIVES OF -D ALCHEMYSTICAL PHILOSOPHERS, with a . . . Catalogue of Books in Occult Chemistry and a Selection of ... Celebrated Treatises ... of the Hermetic Art. 384 - [ii] pp. 8. London, 1815 Rare and much sought. The first part, revised and ex- tended, was reprinted in 1888, by A. E. Waite, London. The bibliography is unsatisfactory, giving only one-line titles. 10 T3ASILIUS VALENTINUS. CHYMISCHE -D SCHRIFTEN ... in drey Theile; samt . . . dem Leben des Basilii von B. N. Petraeo. 6. ed. [clviii] - 1133 - [civ] pp. Portrait. 1 6. Leipzig, 1769 Notwithstanding the many works ascribed to this famous German alchemist, doubts are expressed as to his existence. The first edition of this collection by Petraeus was pub- lished at Hamburg in 1717. The earliest Latin collected works bear date 1700, also at Hamburg. For numerous German editions, see Schmieder. 8 THE GROLIER CLUB. ii T3ASILIUS VALENTINUS. TRIUMPHANT -M CHARIOT OF ANTIMONY, with annotations of Theodore Kirkringius. With the true book of Synesius, concerning the Philosopher's Stone, [xvi]- 176 pp. 12. London, 1678 The Latin version was published at Amsterdam in 1671, in 12?. 12 DECKER, JOHANN JOACHIM. CHY- D MISCHER GLUCKS-HAFEN oder, Grosse chymische Concordantz und Collection von 1500 chymischen Processen. [viii] - 810 - [xxxv] pp. Sm. 4. Franckfurt, 1682 A large collection of chemical recipes by a noted Ger- man physician and alchemist. Becher and Stahl intro- duced the theory of phlogiston into chemical science. 13 T3ERNARDUS TREVISANUS. CHY- -D MISCHE SCHRIFFTEN VON DEM GEBENEDEY- TEN STEIN DER WEISEN ; aus dem Lateinischen ins Teutsche iibersetzet mit des Herrn Joachim Tanckens Anmerckungen, ans Liecht gestellet durch Caspar Horn. Contains also : DICTA ALANI ; and METAL- LURGIA, VON EINEM PHILOSOPHO HERMETICO, beschrieben und publiciret durch J. Tanckium. [Ixxxxviii] - 390 - [iv] pp. PL 12. Niirnberg, 1747 Bernardo, Count of Treviso, b. 1406, d. 1490, is also called Trevirensis, but erroneously. The first edition of his " Opera" appeared at Antwerp in 1565, in French. The first in German was issued at Strassburg, 1574. ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 9 14 TTERTHELOT, M., AND RUELLE, C. E. -D COLLECTION DES ANCIENS ALCHIMISTES GRECS. [Greek and French.] 2 vols. xxviii -268, 1-429; 1-459 pp. I] - 4- Paris, 1887-88 The very earliest chemical treatises in the original (and in French) are here reproduced for the first time, by the distinguished editors. An invaluable contribution to the history and bibliography of chemistry. Only 150 copies printed, of which this is No. 31. 15 T>EUTHER, DAVID. UNIVERSAL UND -D PARTICULARIA, worin die Verwandelung geringer Metalle in Gold und Silber klahr gelehret wird . . . nebst einer Vorrede J. C. Sprogels. [xxx] - 140 - [iv] pp. PI. 12. Hamburg, 1718 Beuther was alchemist to Elector Augustus of Saxony, 1575 to 1582. His adventures, imprisonment, and suicide are graphically told by Kunkel and by Wiegleb. 16 T>OERHAAVE, HERMANN. A NEW ME- JD THOD OF CHEMISTRY . . . translated by P. SHAW and E. CHAMBERS, xvi-383 - 335 - [xliii] pp. PI. 4. London, 1727 Translated from the Latin edition of 1724, issued surrep- titiously, and repudiated by Boerhaave, who published an authentic work in 1732, in two volumes. i6A T>OERHAAVE, HERMANN. A NEW -L) METHOD OF CHEMISTRY . . . translated from the original Latin of Dr. Boerhaave's ELEMENTA CHEMLE as published by himself. By Peter Shaw. 2 vols.,- xxx -593; [i]- 4io-[xxxvii] pp. PI. 4. Third edition. London, 1753 A translation of the authentic edition. I A* 10 THE GROLIER CLUB. 17 T)OLTON, HENRY CARRINGTON. JJ CONTRIBUTIONS OF ALCHEMY TO NUMIS- MATICS. 44 pp. PL 4. New- York, 1890 Read before the N. Y. Numismatic and Archaeological Society, Dec. 5, 1889. 175 copies printed. 18 T30LTON, HENRY CARRINGTON. JJ PRIESTLEY MEMORIAL SCRAPBOOK. New- York, 1875 This contains historical records of the Centennial cele- bration of Priestley's discovery of oxygen, held at North- umberland, Pa., Aug. i, 1874. It comprises newspaper cuttings, autograph letters of chemists, broadsides, auto- graphs of chemists attending the meeting, printed pro- ceedings from the American Chemist, photographs of scenes in Northumberland, of the assembled chemists, of Priest- ley's house, apparatus, portrait, etc. 19 [T3ONUS,PETRUS.] PRETIOSA MARGARITA -U NOVELLA DE THESAURO, AC PRETIOSIS- SIMO PHILOSOPHORUM LAPIDE . . . Collecta- nea ex Arnaldo, Rhaymundo . . . per lanum Lacinium nunc primum edita. [xx] - 202 - [xv] ff. II. 120. [Apud Aldi filios, Venetiis,] 1546 The " Pretiosa Margarita novella," was written about 1330 by Petrus Bonus of Ferrara. Cf. LACINIUS, JANUS. 20 T>OREL, PIERRE. BIBLIOTHECA CHI- -LJ MICA; seu, Catalogus librorum philo- sophicorum hermeticorum . . . [xii]-276 pp. 32. Parisiis, 1654 The first extensive catalogue of chemical books, contain- ing, as Borel claims, the names of 4000 authors, but very incomplete and unsatisfactory. ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. II 21 "DOULTON, SAMUEL. MEDICINA MAGICA JD TAMEN PHYSICA: Magical, but natural Physick . . [viii] - 195 pp. 12. London, 1656 The preface is signed Samuel Bolton. The work treats of cures by sympathy, rather than of alchemy. 22 [T3OYLE, ROBERT.] THE SCEPTICAL -D CHYMIST; OR, CHYMICO-PHYSICAL DOUBTS AND PARADOXES . . . Subjoyn'd Experiments and Notes about the Pro< ucibleness of Chymi- cal Principles, [xxi] - 44 :> [xxvii] - 268 pp. 1 6. Oxford, 1680 First edition was published in 1661. This is the first clear statement of the molecular or atomic idea in chemical ' philosophy, and is by the distinguished Irish experimental philosopher. 23 T3OYLE, ROBERT. THE WORKS OF ROB- D E RT BOYLE, epitomized by Richard Boul- ton. 4 vols., 12: I, [xxviii] -482- [xii] pp. Portrait and 8 PL; II, [x]~523- [ixj pp. 7 PL; m,[xiv]-552-[viii]pp. 5 Pl.; IV, [xii] -365 - [vii]- 122 pp. London, 1699-1700 The importance of Boyle's discoveries and the diffuse- ness of his style led to the issue of two abridged editions of his collected works, the above, and a subsequent one by Peter Shaw, in 3 vols. 4*0., London, 1725. Boyle's complete works, edited by Birch, were published in 5 vols. folio, London, 1744. 24 13RUNSCHWICK, IHERONIMUS. Li- -D BER DE ARTE DISTILLANDI DE COMPO- SITIS ... [i] - 344 - [vi] fT. Plates. Folio. [Colophon:] Strassburg, 1512 The first edition was published in 1500; an English translation by Laurence Andrew was published at London in 1527, in folio. IB 12 THE GROLIER CLUB. 25 pLAVIER DU PLESSIS. MYTHO-HER- ^ METISCHES ARCHIV. Ein periodisches Werk. Aus dem Franzosischen. Erster Band. 160-32 pp. 18. Gotha, 1780 This periodical devoted to alchemy died with the first number. 26 pAMBRIEL, L. P. F. COURS DE PHILO- V-/ SOPHIE HERMETIQUE OU D'ALCHIMIE . . * 215 pp. PL 12. Paris, 1843 The author claims to teach the secrets of transmutation in nineteen lessons, and offers a premium of 25,000 francs for each loop francs loaned him toward completing his dis- covery. His address in Paris is Judas street ! 27 ... CHYMICA VANNUS . . . INVENTA . . . PER MYSTERIARCHAM MERCURIUM VELUT VIOCURIUM, SEU MEDICURIUM . . . 292 -'[ii] 76 -[i] pp. Sm. 4. Amstelodami, 1666 The 76 pages at the end contain, by the same author, COMMENTATIO DE PHARMACO CATHOLICO ... a SCF- monismo in Latinismum trajecta. 28 pOHAUSEN, JOHANN HEINRICH. ^s LUMEN NOVUM PHOSPHORIS ACCENSUM; sive, Exercitatio physico-chymica de causa lucis in Phosphoris. . . . [xxvi]-3o6-[xviii] pp. PL 24. Engraved title-page. Amstelodami, 1717 An early work on phosphorescence, with several inter- esting plates, by a physician of Minister, b. 1665, d. 1750. 29 COLLECTANEA CHYMICA; A COLLEC- ^ TION OF TEN TREATISES IN CHYMISTRY, concerning the Liquor Alkahest, the Mercury of Philosophers. . . . 193-32-16 pp. 12. London, 1684 Contains essays by Eir. Philaletha, Anony- mus, J. B. Van Helmont, Fr. Antonie, Bern- ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 13 hard, Earl of Trevisan, Sir Geo. Ripley, Rog. Bacon, Geo. Starkey, and Sir Hugh Platt; also the Tomb of Semiramis. Appended is George Starkey's " Pill Vindicated." See WILSON, GEORGE. 30 COOPER, WILLIAM. THE PHILOSOPHI- v-' CAL EPITAPH OF WILLIAM COOPER. Also, A BRIEF OF THE GOLDEN CALF (The World's Idol), by J. F. Helvetius. And the GOLDEN ASS WELL MANAGED, and MlDAS RESTORED TO REASON, by J. R. Glauber. With JEHIOR, OR THE DAY-DAWNING, OR LIGHT OF WIS- DOM. With a Catalogue of Chymical Books. [xvii]-i6-[vi] [x]-4i [xi] -36-56 [xviii] -78-[v] [Ixxxviijpp. PL 18. London, 1673 Engraved title. The date of the catalogue is 1675. Helvetius's " Vitulus Aureus " was published at Amster- dam in 1667. The story of the conversion of this Dutch physician to a belief in transmutation is very entertaining. Cooper's bibliography is not without value. 31 /^ROLL, OSWALD. HERMETISCHER PRO- ^ BIER STEIN. . . . von Johann Hartmann. Neben angehengten Crollischen Tractatlein von den innerlichen Signaturen oder Zeichen aller Dinge und dem Hermetischen Wunder- baum ins Teutsche versetzet. [viii]-392 [xvi] - 6 1 [x] - 83 pp. II. PL Sm. 4. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1647 The engraved title-page reads : Basilica chymica, oder Alchymistisch koniglich Kleynod . . . The half-title: Chymisch Kleynod . . . First edition was published in 1608. 14 THE GROLIER CLUB. 32 /^ROLL, OSWALD. BAZILICA CHYMICA V/ ET PRAXIS CHYMIATRIOE ; or Royal and Practical Chemistry. In three Treatises. . . . being a translation of OSWALD CROLLIUS HIS ROYAL CHYMISTRY ... by John Hartman. . . . Signatures of Internal Things. . . . The Practice of Chymistry by John Hartman. [vi] -i8o-[xvi]-37-[xi]-i86-[xix] pp. Sm. folio. London, 1670 Croll was a follower of Paracelsus, and introduced several medicines useful to the physician. 33 T^ALTON, JOHN. A NEW SYSTEM OF -L' CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. 2 parts : vi, [i] - 220; viii, from 221-560 pp. PL 8. Manchester [and] London, 1 808-10 An epoch-making work in which the immortal author established the atomic theory of chemistry. 34 T^E ALCHEMIA DIALOGI DUO . . . -LJ 147 pp. 12. Lugduni, 1548 One dialogue gives the opinions of Geber, and the other gives those of Raymondus Lullius. 35 T^ONATO D'EREMITA (FRA). DELL' -L' ELIXIR VIT^:. Libri quattro. [xii]-i82 pp. 19 pi. Sm. folio. Napoli, 1624 Two copies ; with one is bound: DONATO D'EREMITA (ERA). ANTI- DOTARIO. Diviso in libri tre. [vi]-i42 pp. II. Sm. folio. Napoli, 1639 Very little seems to be known of this author. He is not mentioned by Schmieder, Borel, Kopp's Geschichte, Kopp's Alchemie, Hoefer, Gmelin, Roth-Schpltz, or Fuchs. Lenglet Du Fresnoy catalogues only the Elixir Vitae, and adds: "On voit que jusques a ces derniers temps, les Religieux ne sont pas difficulte de se meler de la science ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. Herme'tique. Et il vaut mieux qu'ils s'y appliquent que de faire d'autres choses, qui ne leur conviennent pas." Vol. Ill, p. 147. Of the Antidotario only one Book was published. 36 T^REBBEL, CORNELIUS. GRONDIGE *J OPLOSSINGE VAN DE NATUUR EN EYGEN- SCHAPPEN DER ELEMENTEN . . . ; als mede een klare beschryving van de quinta essentia . . . 24-108 pp. PL 24. Amsteldam, 1732 The engraved title-page is dated 1709. Contains a woodcut and description of an experiment that has caused the author to be erroneously credited with the invention of the thermometer. The first edition in Latin was published in 1621. 37 TWVAL, ROBERT [ROBERTUS VAL- -LJ LENSIS]. DE VERITATE ET ANTIQVI- TATE ARTIS CHEMISE ET PULVERIS. ... 46 pp. 1 6. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1593 The FIRST history of chemistry. The first edition was published at Paris in 1561. Professor John Ferguson, of Glasgow, published in 1886 a critical bibliography of Duval, noted for accurate and profound scholarship. This copy of Duval s work has bound with it : DE TRANSFIGURATIONE METAL. LORVM . . . Libellus, MORIENO Ro' MANO . . . Accessit . . . XPTHOPPHMHIV, sive de arte chymica dialogus. 79 pp. 16. Hanoviae ad Moenum, 1593 This edition of Morienus is unknown to Professor Fer- guson. 38 l^DELGEBORNE (DIE) JUNGFER AL- JL/ CHYMIA . . . [xxiv]-42 4 pp. 12. Two copies. Tubingen, 1730 An anecdotal history of transmutations. The author con- ceals his name in the motto : Victrix Fortunae SaPientia. IB* 1 6 THE GROLIER CLUB. 39 T^LEAZAR, ABRAHAM. URALTES CHYMI- JLy SCHES WERK . . . nebst zugehorigen Kupffern, Figuren, Gefassen, Oefen . . . wie auch beygefugten Schliissel. In II Theilen. [xxx]-i22 [xvi]-87-[xxvii] pp. 12. PI. Erfurt, 1735 Hermann Kopp, the eminent historian of alchemy, states he has never seen this (first) edition. Part II. has the title : Donum Dei Samuelis Baruch. 40 pICTULD, HERMANN. DER LANGST -T GEWUNSCHTE UND VERSPROCHENE CHY- MISCH-PHILOSOPHISCHE PROBIER-STEIN, auf welchem sowohl der wahrhafften hermetischen Adeptorum als der verfuhrischen und be- triigerischen Sophisten Schrifften sind probirt . . . und beschrieben in zweyen Classen. . . . 2 pts. in i vol. 170, 171 pp. 12. Franckfort und Leipzig, 1753 The author divides all chemical writers into adepts (who know the secrets of transmutation) and sophisters (who only pretend to this art) ; alphabetizing under each head. 41 pLAMEL, NICOLAS. HISTOIRE CRITIQUE A DE FLAMEL, ET DE PERNELLE SA FEMME ; par M. L. V. . . . [Villain.] [xii] - 403 - [iv] pp. PL 12. Paris, 1761 Portrait inserted. The author makes a critical examina- tion of original documents, and shows the baselessness of the claims made by alchemists regarding Flamel. 42 [TRUCKS, G. F. C.] REPERTORIUM DER CHE- -F MISCHEN LITTERATUR von 494 vor Christi Geburt bis 1806 in chronologischer Ordnung. 2 Bd. : viii-648 pp.; vi-694 pp. 12. Jena und Leipzig, 1806-11. Was completed only to 1799 inclusive. Vol. II. contains no Index. ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 17 43 /^EBER. WORKS, faithfully Englished by vJ R[ichard] Rfussell]. [xvi]~302pp. 12. London, 1678 Geber, properly Abu-Mussa-Djafar al Spfi, was an Ara- bian physician of the eighth century. His Arabic manu- scripts are preserved in Leyden, Paris, and Rome. The first Latin versions were published at Strassburg, 1529, in folio ; Bern, 1545, 4to, etc. His small treatises are found in many modern languages and numerous editions. 44 PLAUBER, JOHANN RUDOLPH. vJT WORKS, CONTAINING GREAT VARIETY OF CHOICE SECRETS IN MEDICINE AND ALCHYMY. . . . translated into English by C. PACKE. [xii] - 440 [iv] -220-92- [xi] pp. Plates. Folio. London, 1689 The distinguished discoverer of Glauber's salts left more than forty treatises, some of which were collected and pub- lished in German in 1656 and 1661. 45 [pRASSHOF, JOHANN.] DYAS CHYMICA vT TRIPARTITA; das ist, Sechs herrliche teutsche philosophische Tractatlein, durch H. C. D. [D. Hermannus Condeesyanus.] 87 -150 pp. PL 12. Franckfurtam Mayn, 1625 The 6 tracts are: l An anonymous work, " Vom philoso- phischen Steine " ; 2 Henr. Madathanus " Aureum Seculum redivivum " ; 3 Vier Tractatlein, Bas. Valentini ; * Lampert Spring's " Lambspring" ; 5 An anonymous tract of 1423; 6 The anonymous " Liber Alze." The publisher, L. Jennis, issues with this : " Hermetico- Spagyrisches Lustgartlein," containing 6 pp. of text, and 14 folded plates, on 10 of which are about 160 chemical emblems, first published in J. D. Mylius's " Opus Medico- chymicum." Two copies of the latter. 46 /^UERICKE, OTTO VON. EXPERIMENTA vJ" NOVA (ut vocantur) MAGDEBURGICA DE VACUO SPATIO . . . nunc perfectius edita . . . [xiv]-244-[v] pp. Portrait and Plates. Folio. Amstelodami, 1672 This well-known work contains cuts of the air-pump and of the friction electrical machine invented by the author, a burgomaster of Magdeburg. 1 8 THE GROLIER CLUB. 47 pUYTON DE MORVEAU, LOUIS BER- vJ NARD. METHODE DE NOMENCLATURE CHIMIQUE, propos6e par MM. de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, et de Fourcroy; on y a joint un nouveau systeme de caracteres chimiques, par MM. Hassenfratz et Adet. [iii] -314 pp. PI. 8. Paris, 1787 The corner-stone of modern chemical terminology. 48 TT ALES, (REV.) STEPHEN. VEGETABLE J-l STATICKS; or, an Account of Statical Ex- periments on the Sap in Vegetables . . . Also, a Specimen of an Attempt to Analyze the Air. [ vii ]~[ ix ]-37 6 PP- PL I2 - London, 1727 A remarkable contribution to the chemistry of the atmo- sphere before the days of Black, Priestley, and their con- temporaries, by a divine and botanist. 49 TTELVETIUS, J. F. [Ger. SCHWEITZER.] JL! THEATRIDIUM HERCULIS TRIUMPHANTIS; ofte kleyn Schouwtoonel van den triumphe- renden Hercules. . * . [xvi]-i99 pp. Por- trait. 12. 's Graven-Hage, 1663 A work by the Dutch physician who afterwards became a zealous alchemist and author of "Vitulus aureus." Cf. COOPER, WILLIAM. 50 UOFFMANN JOHANN MORITZ. ACTA il LABORATORII CHEMICI ALTDORFINI. . . . [iv]- 288-54 -[xiv] pp. Portrait. Sm. 4. Norimbergae et Altdorfii, 1719 The two appendices are entitled : Auctuarium and Laboratorium novum chemicum. Probably the first work issued from a chemical labora- tory and dealing with experiments conducted therein. ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 19 51 TTOLLAND, JOHANN ISAAK. SAMM- -d LUNG CHYMISCHER SCHRIFTEN . . . NeUC Auflage. . . . [xvi] - 762 pp. Plates. 12. Wien, 1773 Schmieder says Johann and Isaac were father and son. They lived in the fifteenth century, and are accounted suc- cessful adepts in transmutation. 52 TOHNSON, WILLIAM. LEXICON CHYMI- J CUM ; cum obscuriorum verborum et rerum hermeticarum . . . planam explicationem con- tinens. [xvi] -250 pp. 16. London, 1652 The first edition. Reprinted in Manget's "Bibliotheca chemica curiosa," 1702. Not so full as Martin Ruland's lexicon, q. v. 53 T^RIEGSMANN, WILHELM CHRIS- -** TOPH. TAAUT, ODER AUSSLEGUNG DER CHYMISCHEN ZEICHEN . . . [iv] - 75 - [iv] pp. Plates. 1 8. Franckfurt, 1665 Bound with Andrea's " Chymische Hochzeit." 54 T ACINIUS, JANUS [OF CALABRIA]. PRE- JL' TIOSA MARGARITA, ODER NEU-ERFUNDENE KOSTLICHE PERLE, VON DEM . . . STEIN DER WEISEN. ... in das Teutsche iibersetzet von Wollfgang Georg Stollen. [xxiv]-468- [xxxvi] pp. Sm. 4. II. Leipzig, 1714 A German version of No. 19. 55 T AVOISIER, ANTOINE LAURENT. J-" OPUSCULES PHYSIQUES ET CHYMIQUES. 2 pts. in i vol. [i] -xxx - [i] -436 pp. Plates. 8. Paris, 1774 Published in the year that Priestley discovered oxygen, and gives a historical summary of the chemical knowledge of gases to that date by a master-hand. 20 THE GROLIER CLUB. 56 T AVOISIER, ANTOINE LAURENT. JL' TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE DE CHIMIE. 2 vols. xliv-322; viii-from 323 10653- [ii] pp. Fold- ing plates. 8. Paris, 1789 [Le me'me.] 2 e edition. 2 vols. : xliv-322; vih-33i pp. Folding plates. 8. Paris, 1793 The first text-book presenting the French systematic nomenclature, and abandoning the phlogistic tneory. 57 T EFEBVRE, NICOLAS. TRAICTE DE LA A-' CHYMIE ... 2 vols. i [lxvi]~556; [i] - from 557 to I2i6-[xxi] pp. 24. Leyde, 1669 Also with engraved title-pages. The first edition was issued in 1660. Lefebvre was demonstrator of chemistry at the Jardin des Plantes. His work is logical, systematic, and free from affectation of mystery. 58 T EMERY, NICOLAS. A COURSE OF -L/ CHYMISTRY . . . ; with APPENDIX. Trans- lated by Walter Harris, [xxxiv] - 323 - [xv] [xv]- 140 -[xii] pp. 12. London, 1680. The title-page to "A Course of Chymistry " is dated 1677. A translation of the first edition of Lemery's " Cours de Chymie," 1675. This work went through fourteen editions in French, and was] translated into German, Italian, and Spanish. 59 [T ENGLET DU FRESNOY, NICOLE.] -L' HlSTOIRE DE LA PHILOSOPHIE HERME- TIQUE, accompagne'e d'un catalogue raisonne des crivains de cette science ... 3 vols. xxiii-5o6; xxxii- 120-360 ; xxii-432 pp. 12. Paris, 1742 Portrait inserted. This credulous author includes among the alchemists, the sons of Noah, Moses, Cleopatra, and Caligula. The ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 21 bibliography is nevertheless useful, comprising one thou- sand authors ; his notes are often amusing. For his life and writings, see Michault, J. B. 60 T ERMINA, JULES [EDITOR]. COLLEC- *-' TION D'OUVRAGES RELATIFS AUX SCIENCES HERMTIQUES : L'or et la transmutation des Metaux, par G. T. Tiffereau. Memoires et conferences precedes de Paracelse et Talchi- mie au i6 e siecle, par M. Franck. ix- 182 [i] pp. 12. Paris, 1889 Tiffereau's extraordinary claim to transmutation first appeared at Paris in 1855. 6 1 T IBAVIUS [Ger. LIBAU], ANDREAS. J-/ ALCHYMIA, RECOGNITA, EMENDATA, ET AUCTA . . . [xx] - 196- [xii] - [x] - 402 - 192 - [x] pp. II. Folio. ' Francofurti, 1606 The first edition was dated 1595. This has been called the First Text-book of Chemistry. It contains, however, a chapter on the philosopher's stone. 62 T IBER MUTUS. [i]-43PP- *7 Plates. JLrf Sm. 4. N. p. n. d. Manuscript. The fifteen engraved plates of the " Liber Mutus,"m this French manuscript colored by hand, were first published by Denis Tolls', of Rochelle,i677, and were the work of Jacob Saulat De'marets, who anagrammatized his name as Altus. The fifteen plates pretend to portray the secrets of trans- mutation, but are intelligible only to adepts. Pages 7-43 contain: ''Description du fourneau ou Athanor philosophique, " with two plates. This neatly written manuscript dates probably about the close of last century. 63 T ULLIUS, RAYMONDUS. ARBOR SCIEN- lv TDE. [iv]-68i-[xix] pp. PL Sm. 4. [Lugdunum,] 1515 Lully is credited with five hundred writings, of which only a small number treat of alchemy. Schmieder cata- logues twenty-five regarded by him as genuine. 22 THE GROLIER CLUB. 64 T ULLIUS, RAYMONDUS. CODICILLUS -L' SEU VADE MECUM quo fontes alchimicae artis ac philosophiae reconditions traduntur. 2d ed. 248 pp. 12. Colonise, 1572 Lully's Last Testament was greatly valued by the al- chemists for centuries. It passed through many editions. 65 T ULLIUS, RAIMONDUS. LA CLAVI- -L' CULE, ou LA SCIENCE DE LULLI; avec toutes les figures de rh6torique, par le Sieur Jacob ; et la vie [de] Lulli par M. Colletet. [xxix] - 252-[iv] pp. 12. Paris, [1646] 66 TV TAIER, MICHAEL. EXAMEN FUCORUM 1V1 PSEUDO-CHYMICORUM. 47 pp. Vignette. Sm. 4. Francofurti, 1617 Bound with ' ' Atalanta fugiens. " The author was physi- cian to Rudolph II. of Germany. His mystical and well illustrated works are sought by bibliophiles. He gave an alchemical interpretation to Greek and Roman mythology. 67 TV TAIER, MICHAEL. ATALANTA FUGIENS ; iVl hoc est, Emblemata nova de secretis na- turae chymica . . . figuris cupro incisis, adjec- tisque sententiis . . . plus minus 50 fugis mu- sicalibus trium vocum . . . 211 -[in] pp. Sm. 4. Oppenheimii, 1 6 1 8 Republished in 1687, but without the music, under the title " Scrutinium chymicum." 68 TV /TAIER, MICHAEL. SCRUTINIUM CHY- 1VJL MICUM . . . iterata vice . . . deprom- tum. [vi]-i5opp. II. Sm. 4. Francofurti, 1687 A reissue of "Atalanta fugiens," but omitting the music. "M ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 23 AIER, MICHAEL. CHYMISCHES CAB- INET DERER GROSSEN GEHEIMNUSSEN DER NATUR durch Kupfferstiche und Emble- mata ... in das Hochteutsche iibersetzet von G. A. K. . . . [iv] - 153 pp. II. Sm. 40. Franckfurt, 1708 A German version of ' ' Scrutinium Chymicum " (No. 68). 70 A /TAIER, MICHAEL. ARCANA ARCANIS- 1V1 SIMA; hoc est, Hieroglyphica ^Egyptio- Graeca ... ad demonstrandam falsorum apud antiques deonim . . . originem . . . [xii] - 285 - [xiv] pp. Sm. 40. S. 1. [1614 ?] Lenglet Du Fresnoy says of this: "Tres rare, tres curieux, et recherche' des amateurs." 71 IV TAIER, MICHAEL. SYMBOLA AURE.E IVl MENS.E DUODECIM NATIONUM ; hoc CSt, Hermaea, seu Mercurii festa ab heroibus duo- denis selectis artis chymicae usu, sapientia et authoritate paribus celebrata . . . [xx]-62i- [xlii]pp. II. Portrait. Sm.4. Francofurti,i6i7 72 ly/TAIER, MICHAEL. TRIPUS AUREUS; IVl hoc est, Tres tractatus chymici, nempe, I. Basilii Valentini Practica ... ex Germanico; II. Thomae Nortoni Crede mihi seu Ordinale in Latinum translatum; III. Cremeri Testa- mentum . . . 196 pp. Portrait. II. Sm. 4. Francofurti, 1618 Norton's "Ordinall" in English is found in Ashmole's "Theatrum," q. v. 73 IVyfAIER, MICHAEL. VIATORIUM; hoc iVJ. est, De montibus planetarum septem seu metallorum ... 136 pp. II. Sm. 4. Oppenheimii, 1618 Two copies, one bound with " Tripus aureus." 24 THE GROLIER CLUB. 74 TV/TANGET, J. J. BIBLIOTHECA CHEMICA 1V1 CURIOSA; seu, Rerum ad alchemiam pertinentium thesaurus ... 2 vols. 938; 904 pp. Portrait and plates. Folio. Genevse, 1702 A collection of 133 treatises on alchemy. The biblio- graphical notes are not without value. 75 TV/fANUSCRIPT. Transcription of Work by -LV- JOANNES DE PADUA, composed in 1212. 148 pp. N. d. n. p. Neatly written in German script. 76 IVTARAT, JEAN PAUL. RECHERCHES PHY- -LV1 SIQUES SURLE FEU. [Hi] - 2O2 - [H] pp. Plates. 80. Paris, 1780 One of the several treatises by this physician published before he entered on his career as a bloodthirsty dema- gogue of the Reign of Terror. 77 TV/TATHEW, RICHARD. THE UNLEARNED iVJL ALCHYMIST HIS ANTIDOTE ; or, A more full . . . Explanation of the Use, Virtue and Benefit of my Pill. . . . [xv]-204 pp. 12. London, 1662 See note to WILSON, GEORGE. 78 TV/TEDICINISCH-CHYMISCH UND AL- 1V1 CHEMISTISCHES ORACULUM . . . [vi]- 71 pp. PL 8. Ulm, 1772 A collection of over 2000 signs, symbols, and secret characters used by alchemists to designate substances, apparatus and processes. Cf. SOMMERHOFF. 79 [TVTICHAULT, JEAN BERNARD.] ME- -LV1. MOIRES POUR SERVIR A I/HISTOIRE de la vie et des ouvrages de M. L'ABBE LENGLET Du FRESNOY. Pp. 225. 18. Londres, 1761 Contains a full bibliography, with annotations. "JY/TORIENUS. See under DUVAL. ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 25 80 IVTUS^UM HERMETICUM REFORMA- 1V1 TUM ET AMPLIFICATUM . . . continens Tractatus chimicos XXI . . . [viii]-863 pp. PL Sm. 4 Francofurti, apud Herm. a Sande, 1678 Also with engraved title-page. The first edition, dated 1625, Frankfurt, contained only nine treatises. The present one contains twenty-one; a serviceable collection. 81 STEN, HANS VON. EINE GROSSE HERZ- STARKUNG FUR DIE CHYMISTEN . . . im Kloster zu Oderberg seit 1426 aufbehalten durch Von Osten. . . [xv]-io8pp. PL 12. Berlin, 1771 82 PARACELSUS. [AUREOLUS PHILLI- 1 PUS THEOPHRASTUS BOMBAST VON HOHENHEIM.] OPERA OMN^MEDICO- CHEMICO-CHIRURGICA. 3 VOls. : 34-828-39 ; 22-718-32; 12-212-37 pp. Portrait. Folio. Genevae, 1658 The editions of Paracelsus are numbered by scores, and would form a library by themselves. They have been catalogued by Dr. Friedrich Mook (Wiirzburg, 1876), who is, however, justly criticized by Prof. John Ferguson, of Glasgow (1877 and 1885). The collection of Paracelsus's works formed by Dr. Constantine Hering of Philadelphia > is preserved in the library of the Homceopathic Medical College in that city. 83 PARACELSUS. [AUREOLUS PHILLI- 1 PUS THEOPHRASTUS BOMBAST VON HOHENHEIM.] OF THE NATURE OF THINGS, nine books. (In SENDIVOGIUS, M. New Light of Alchymie. 1650.) Inserted portrait. 26 THE GROLIER CLUB. 84 pASCAL, BLAISE. TRAITEZ DE L'EQUI- -L LIBRE DES LIQUEURS, ET DE LA PESANTEUR DE LA MASSE DE L'AIR . . . [xxvi]-238 pp. PI. 1 60. Paris, 1698 The author first applied the barometer to measurement of heights on the Tour St. Jacques (still one of the beauti- ful towers of Paris), and on the Puy de Dome in 1648. His name is indelibly associated with the Port Royalists. 85 pERNETY, A. J. DICTIONNAIRE MYTHO 1 HERMETIQUE . . . xxiv~546 pp. 12. Paris, 1787 86 pERNETY, A. J. LES FABLES GYPTIENNES -t ET GRECQUES, devoile'es et reduites au meme principe; avec une explication des hiroglyphes, et de la guerre de Troye. 2 vols. xvi - 580 - [iv] ; [iii]-627-[v]pp. 12. Paris, 1758 In both these works the author amplifies ideas advanced by Michael Maier, a century earlier. 87 pETTUS, (SIR) JOHN. FLETA MINOR. A THE LAWS OF ART AND NATURE in Knowing, Judging, Assaying . . . and Inlarg- ing the Bodies of Confin'd Metals; in two parts . . . [xlii]-34S; [viii]-i3O pp. Por- trait. 44 pi. Folio. London, 1686 Part i contains "Assays of Lazarus Erckern, in five books, originally written in the Teutonick language, and now translated into English." Part 2 contains " Essays on Metallick Words . . 1683." 88 PRIESTLEY, (REV.) JOSEPH. DIREC- JT TIONS FOR IMPREGNATING WATER WITH FIXED AIR, to communicate to it the pecu- ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 27 liar Spirit and Virtues of Pyrmont Water. [i]-iii-22pp. PI. 12. London, 1772 Portrait inserted. The origin of modern soda-water, so-called. Priestley's first chemical publication, ante- dating by two years his discovery of oxygen. 8 9 PRIESTLEY, (REV.) JOSEPH. EXPERT- A MENTS AND OBSERVATIONS ON DIFFERENT KINDS OF AIR. 3 vols. : I. xxiii-[iv]324- }iv]-84; II. xliv - 399 - [xv] ; III. xxxiv- vi]-4ii-[xii]pp. PL 80. London, 1781-84, 1777 Vol. I is 3d edition ; Vol. II is 2d edition. The first edi- tion of Vol. I is 1774 1 Vol. II, 1775 ; Vol. Ill, 1777. 8 9 A PRIESTLEY, (REV.) JOSEPH. EXPERI- A MENTS AND OBSERVATIONS RELATING TO VARIOUS BRANCHES OF NATURAL PHILO- SOPHY ; with a continuation of the Observations on Air. 3 vols. : I. xxxii-490-[iv]; II. xx- [x]-4o8; III. xxxii-454pp. PL 8. London [Vols. II.-III. Birmingham], 1779-86 The most important works by the divine and philosopher who discovered nine gases and laid the foundations of pneu- matic chemistry. 9 "D [ICHEBOURG], J. M. D. BIBLIO- IN. THEQUE DES PHILOSOPHES CHIMIQUES . . . Nouvelle Edition. Par Mons. J. M. D. R. 4 vols. : cxliv - 384 - [40] ; 5 64 ; 522- [4] ; viii- 590 pp. 120. Paris, 1740-54 Title of Vol. IV is : Bibliotheque des Philosophes alchimiques ou herm6tiques . . ." The four volumes are rarely found together, fourteen years having elapsed between Vols. Ill and IV. The work contains thirty-three treatises. 28 THE GROLIER CLUB. 91 T1IPLEY, GEORGE. RIPLEY REVIV'D; J^- OR, AN EXPOSITION UPON SIR GEORGE RIPLEY'S HERMETICO-POETICAL WORKS . . . , written by Eirenaeus Philalethes. [xvi] - 47 - 18. London, 1678 The engraved title reads : " Domus naturae." Ripley's " Compound of Alchymie," dated 1471, is found in Ashmole's " Theatrum," q. v. 92 p IPLEY, GEORGE. CHYMISCHE SCHRIFF- -LV TEN . . .ins Teutsche iibersetzet durch B. Roth-Scholtzen. [i] - 233 - [iii] pp. PL 12. Wienn, 1756 Bound with Sendivogius's " Chymische SchrifFten," 1749. Contains also : "Artephii Geheimer Haupt-Schliissel zu d. verborgenen Stein der Weisen "; " Das eroffnete philosophische Vatter-Hertz an seinen Sohn ..." 93 'DIOTS (THE), AT BIRMINGHAM, JULY 1791. -^ xvi -[33] pp. Long 8. ^ Birmingham, 1863 Text in English and French. Contains eight lithogra- phic views of the principal houses destroyed during the riots, including that of Priestley. A reprint of the edition of 1791. 94 T} OTH-SCHOLTZ, FRIEDRICH. BIB- iA. LIOTHECA CHEMICA. HOC CSt Collectio auctorum fere omnium qui de naturae arcanis, re metallica et minerali, item de melioratione corporum artificiali, etc., hermetice scripserunt ... 5 parts in i vol. 80, 49 -[328] pp. 8. Norimbergae et Altdorfii, 1735, '27-29 [33] Fascic. I is Ed. 2 a [Ed. i a 1727]. Titles of Stuck. II. V. in Latin and German. Contains Portrait of Roth-Scholtz, N. Flamelle, J. F. ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 29 Helvetius, and O. Borrich. Continuous paging. Wretchedly edited and printed, this bibliographical curiosity is of no practical value. It extends only through G. 95 pULAND, MARTIN. LEXICON ALCHE- J&- MLE S1VE DICTIONARIUM ALCHEMISTICUM . . , [viii]-487 pp. Sm. 4. Frankfurt, 1612 An early chemical dictionary by one of the court physi- cians of Rudolph II. of Germany. Of value in explaining early terminology. 96 OCHEELE, CARL WILHELM. MEMOIRES ^ DE CHYMIE, traduits du sue"dois et de Pallemand. 2 parts : [iii] - vi - 269 ; [iii] - vi - 246 pp. PL 1 6. Dijon et Paris, 1785 Translated by M de - P*** and two others; and revised and annotated by M. deMorveau. Scheele, a poor Swedish apothecary, with limited re- sources made many and valuable chemical discoveries. 97 OCHMIEDER, KARL CHRISTOPH. O GESCHICHTE DER ALCHEMIE. x- 613 pp. 8. Halle, 1832 Written by a professor of Cassel to establish by historic proofs the verity of the transmutation of metals. Abounds in bibliographical notes of value. 98 OENDIVOGIUS, MICHAEL. A NEW O LIGHT OF ALCHYMIE; added, A TREATISE OF SULPHUR. Also, nine books OF THE NATURE OF THINGS, by Paracelsus. Also, A CHYMICALL DICTIONARY. ... All translated out of Latin into English by J. F., M. D. [xvi]-i47- [iii] - [viii] - 145 - [2] pp. Sm. 4. London, 1650 30 THE GROLIER CLUB. 99 OENDIVOGIUS, MICHAEL. CHYMISCHE v3 SCHRIFFTEN . . . ans Liecht gestellet durch F. Roth-Scholtzen. 404 pp. PL 12. Wienn, 1749 Contains also Sendivogius's " Epistolae Iv"; Synesius' " Chymische Schrifften " ; Basil Valentine's "Via Verita- tis " ; Ripley's " Schrifften " ; Artephius' " Haupt-Schliis- sel" ; and " Philosophische Vatter-Herz." Cf. RIPLEY, GEORGE. 100 OOMMERHOFF, J. C. LEXICON PHARMA- O CEUTICO-CHYMICUM, Latino- Germanicum et Germanico-Latinum . . . 411 pp. Portrait. Folio. Norimbergae, 1701 An extensive synonymicon of much utility. 101 OPIELMANN, JAC. REINBOLD. INSTI- O TUTIONES CHEMLE. xiv - 309 - [Hx] pp. 8. Argentorati, 1763 A second edition was published in 1766. Contains a Syllabus Auctorum. 102 OTARKEY, GEORGE [OR STIRK]. PY- O ROTECHNV ASSERTED AND ILLUSTRATED to be the Surest . . . Means for Art's Triumph over Nature's Infirmities . . . [xviii]-i72 pp. 12. London, 1658 George Stirk was born in the Bermudas ; was graduated at Harvard College in 1646. He went to England, and became noted for his chemical medicines. For a list of ten treatises by him, see J. L. Sibley's 11 Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard," Vol. I, Cambridge, 1873. One of these treatises is found in "Collectanea Chymica, " q. v, Cf. WILSON, GEORGE. 103 OTOLZ VON STOLZENBERG, DANIEL. O VlRIDARIUM CHYMICUM, figUHS CUprO incisis adornatum . . . [cxi] ff. 107 pi. Oblong 1 6. Francofurti, 1624 One hundred and seven plates, each with a verse, from Michael Maier's works and other sources. ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY. 31 104 q^HEATRUM CHEMICUM PR^CIPUOS 1 SELECTORUM AUCTORUM TRACTATUS DE CHEMISE ET LAPIDIS PHILOSOPHICI antiqui- tate, veritate . . . et operationibus, con- tinens. . . . 6 vols. : I. [vi]~794-[xxx]; II. 549 -[vii]; III. 859 -[xmj; IV. [viii]-ioi4 -[xxxiii]; V. [viii] - 9 1 2 - [xxix] ; VI. [xviii]- 772-[xxv]pp. II. 8. Sumptibus Zetzneri, Argentorati, 1659-61 Vol. VI is edited by J. J. Heilmann and differs somewhat in title. An earlier edition was issued in five volumes by the same Zetzner, 1613-22, but is less highly valued. This collection of 209 treatises on alchemy is catalogued in full by Lenglet Du Fresnoy in his " Histoire de la Philoso- phic herme'tique." 105 nPROIS TRAICTEZ DE LA PHILOSO- 1 PHIE NATURELLE . . . Le Secret Livre [d'] Artephius; Les Figures Hiero- gliphiques de N. Flamel; Le Vray Livre [de] Synesius . . . Le tout traduict par P. Ar- nauld. 98 pp. PL Sm. 4. Paris, 1659 Artephius flourished about 1150; and Synesius about 380 to 440. Editions are numerous. 106 llfEBSTER, JOHN. METALLOGRAPHIA ; VV OR, AN HISTORY OF METALS . . . Wherein . . . also the Handling and Shewing of their Vegetability, and the Discussion of Ques- tions belonging to Mystical Chymistry . . . [xvi]-388pp. 12. London, 1671 A credulous author who discourses of the vegetability of metals ; a follower of Paracelsus and a believer in the doctrines of the hermetic philosophers. 32 THE GROLIER CLUB. 107 TI7ENZEL, CARL FRIEDRICH. LEHRE V VON DER VERWANDSCHAFT DER KOR- PER. [vii]-492pp. PL 16. Dressden, 1777 An important contribution to the theory of chemical af- finity. For its contents and great rarity see Dr. R. Angus Smith's Memoir of John Dalton, London, 1856, pp. 160- 166. 108 1THEGLEB, JOHANN CHRISTIAN. VV HlSTORISCH - KRITISCHE UNTERSUCH- UNG DER ALCHEMIE, oder der eingebildeten Goldmacherkunst . . . [xxii] - 437 - [ii] pp. 1 6. Weimar, 1777 109 T1[TILSON, GEORGE. A COMPLEAT COURSE VV OF CHYMISTRY, containing . . . the best Chymical Medicines. Fourth edition, [xxxi]- [xxiv] - 383 - [xii] pp. II. 1 2. London, 1721 Contains recipes for Mathew's pill, also for Starkey's pill ; and describes a series of alchemical operations which were interrupted by a mob, who took the author for a "conjurer, or something worse, and broke my glasses and Athanor, saying, I was preparing the Devil s Fire-works to burn the city. ' ' See ST ARKEY, GEORGE ; also M ATHE w, RICHARD. no yUCHOLD, ERNST AMANDUS. BIBLIO- ^ THECA CHEMICA. Verzeichniss ... in den Jahren 1840 bis Mitte 1858 . . . erschienenen Schriften. [vii] - 342 pp. 8. Gottingen, 1859 Bound with this is a continuation by Ruprecht, Rud. BlBLIOTHECA CHEMICA ET PHARMACEU- TICA. 1858 bis Ende 1870. 126 pp. 8. Gottingen, 1872 Invaluable bibliographies for the periods covered. Unfortunately discontinued. I ih. I Wl if-l I v^ n i ^, vsiiVsUIGUIWII VllDi9f\ VS1 GUiy University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 LL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS month loans may be renewed by calling > (446^642-6753 year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF enewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JAN 27 1992 Stockton, Calif. Grolier club, New York. Catalogue of works on alchemy and chemistry. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS