B 14 501 137 TE 'Y, * rs - U.S.A. ^ J SAWS: THE HISTOKY, DEVELOPMENT, ACTION, CLASSIFICATION AND COMPARISON OF SAWS OF ALL KINDS. WITH APPENDICES CONCERNING THE DETAILS OP MANUFACTURE, SETTING, SWAGING GUMMING, FILING, ETC. ; CARE AND USE OF SAWS; TABLES OF GAUGES; LOG MEASUREMENTS; LISTS OF SAW PATENTS, AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. BY ROBERT ,GRIMSHAW, Pn.D. Member of tin- Franklin Institute; of the Socit-te dcs Ingenieurs Civils (Tin-is;; ..f tlin Anicrii an Society of M'cclianic-Hl E '{jineei-s, cti-. or THE UNIVERSITY OF PHILADELPHIA: CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFIX(JKR, G24, ()2(i AND 028 MARKET HTKKKT, LONDON : E. & V. N. Si-ox, 4S ( 1 jiAi;iX(i Cuoss. 1880. I5Y ROBERT GRIMSHAW IN THE YEAR l88o. INTRODUCTION. The literature of the saw considered as a tool is very meager, al- though there are a few not altogether impartial treatises on wood- working machinery, by leading manufacturers and others. Since Hol- xappfel, in 1846, there has been nothing of importance written on the subject.* .But in this work, and at that date, the band saw is dis- missed with a few lines; the mulay was uninvented, or unknown; inserted tooth circular saws not dreamed of; the M-tooth shown as a curiosity, and the dimensions and working capacity of the circular and other saws, correct as they were for that date, would make the present reader smile. Saws are now much thinner, have better teeth, are of better steel, and run at double the speeds there laid down. Mr. Joshua Rose, in a lengthy article in the Polytechnic Review, IW.. 1876, went quite thoroughly into the action of certain kinds of saw teeth ; and his intelligent articles on straightening plates were the first accu- rate and complete published matter on that subject. From these sources the author has drawn liberally and in some cases literally. The writer has tried to be thorough and impartial. Naturally his personal knowledge of some makes of saws (notably in the lines of cross-cuts, hand-saws and circulars) is greater than others ; some makers and users were much more liberal and detailed in giving data than others, and if their saws receive greater prominence than the others, it is not the writer's fault nor intention, and can be remedied in case a second edition be called for. There are many cases in which informa- tion was refused after repeated requests. * Since writing the above, and after this work was partly printed, the author's col- league upon the Wood Working Machinery Jury of the Paris Exposition of 1878, Prof. Exuer, of the Vienna Practical High School, has issued, in the German lan- guage, a very exhaustive treatise on Saws and Sawing Machinery (Hand Page mul yii je INTRODUCTION. The collection of material for such a work is at once amusing and annoying. The most contradictory opinions and most impossible data are met with. In the matter of horse power, as engineers differ so largely as to the rating of boilers and engines, it is not remarkable that steam users should differ or err in their calculations. It is not com- mon to apply dynamometers to sawing machinery ; and as this book is not on sawing machinery, and as the power required differs so with the condition of the lumber and the form and sharpness of the saw teeth, etc., we may let that go for a time, and say to users of machines, " A little too much belt power is about enough." Unless specially stated otherwise, the figures and statements in this work refer to American practice. The author begs to acknowledge his indebtedness to the following gentlemen and firms for friendly aid in furnishing data, granting inter- views and answering detailed questions in person or by letter. Those marked with an asterisk furnished engravings : American Saw Co.* E. Andrews.* Anoka Lumber Mills. Henry L. Beach. E. M. Boynton.* Chapin & Barber. Curtis & Co.* Henry Disston & Sons.* Eau Claire Lumber Co. W. T. Ellis. Emerson, Smith & Co.* J. A. Fay & Co.* Frey, Schechler & Hoover, Eberhard Faber. W. W. Giles.* R. Hoe & Co. J. R. Hoffman. Lane & Bodley.* London, Berry & Orton.* W. C. Margedant. A. G. McCoy.* F. McDonough. Wm. McNiece.* D. B. McRae. N. Y. Belting and Packing Co. Nicholson File Co.* P. Pryibil. Richardson Bros. Joshua Rose.* E. Roth. Snyder Bros. X. W. Spatilding & Co.* Stearns Manufacturing Co.* Geo. Tiemann & Co.* Trump Bros.* Waterous Engine Works. Wyman, Buswell & Co. Some engravings and information arrived too late for use here, but will be used and dulv acknowledged should another edition be called for. TO MY GOOD FKIEND, CONSULTING ENGINEER; ANCIEN LEVE DE L'^COLE POLYTECHNIQUE ; SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, PARIS, &c.; MY COLLEAGUE ON THE INTERNATIONAL JURY OF AWARDS, AT THE UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION OF 1878 : IN FRIENDLY RECOLLECTION OF OUR HARMONIOUS WORK TOGETHER, AND IN APPRECIATION OF HIS VARIED ATTAINMENTS, HIS ADMIRABLE SOCIAL QUALITIES, AND HIS WELCOME HOSPITALITY, THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED. INDEX. [Illustrations marked (*). " Saw " abbreviated .] Adaptability of teeth to various work *12, 18 Adjustable backed B *34 Anglo of teeth, generic 11 Air pump s 34, *39 Albion mill, chisel bit saw in 72 Alphabetical list of U.S. saw patent* 154 AMERICAN SAW Co. circular a. 72, *75,*76, *87, 153, inserted teeth.cutting action of 72,*75 perforated circ. 8. *87, perforated inserted tooth circ. s 72, *76 American gang sash machine face *22 Ancient Greek carpenters' s It Anvil, sawmakers' *103 Ancient set *126 ANDREWS, E. climax cross-cut *40, feather edge jig *48, gang sash *23, increment tooth mill saw *20, increment circular 59, *61, tests of his circular saw 153 Angles of circular s. teeth *58, 59, of tooth 11 Architecture, American, influenced by jig saw.. 48 Arctic saw . 43 Armstrong's spiral s 10 Asiatic g 11 Attachment of inserted teeth 78 Atwist *106 Axes, waste in cutting with 10 Back guide for band s , 89 Backed saws *33, lengths, gauges, fineness 30 Baldridge, J. W. & Co., their circular B 153 Baltic country, saws for 82 BAND SAW 10, 83, back guide for 89, brazing of blades 141, *142 blades, strength of, 158, cutting action 87, date of first 83, economy of 86, feed 88, feeding up hill *88, files for 115, 118, for hard wood 90, for soft wood 90, friction of blades 88, gang 90, gauges of 92, guidance of 85, 88, gullets 90, heat- ing of 85, joining blades 141,*142, kerf of 85, 92, packing of 88, rake of 90, set of 88, scroll s. *89, scroll sawing 85, scroll re- saw *90, *91, superseding jig 43, tension of 85, 88, throat room 86, tires for pulleys 84 'Barber" tooth 58 Barrel-shaped s 10 Barrel-head s. (see concave *.) Bartlett cross-cut *47 Bath-stone, teeth for *12 Bauer, C. A., circular saw tests by 153 Belt saw (see band *.) Bevel (see cross angle.) Blacksmiths' s *112 BLADES, buck saw *49, scroll s. *48, feather edge *48 Blocking hammer *103 Blocking saws *104, 105 Blunt end file 120, *122 Bolter, Stearns' eight saw lath *72 BONE, circular s. for *65, saw for 34. *35, proper teeth for 18 Bostwick's emery gummer 135, *139 Borax water for brazing 141 Brass, circular s. for 65 Brazing band s. blades 141 BRAZING, tongs for *142, borax water for 142 Briar teeth 31 Britannia metal, circ. 8. for 65 Brooke movable tooth circular s 72, *74 Bronze s 9 Brown's inserted tooth *77 Boynton Brothers fast cutting 159 BOYNTON M-tooth saws, *17, *36, *42, sawset *127 Brunei inv. circ. s 63 Buckled saws 102 BUCK SAW *50, American *51, *52, Andrews' steel spring *60, blades *49 Butting saw 24,26 Button s 8!i " Buzz " gaw (see circular s.) California, sawing in. 56 Carcase s 33 Care and use of circ. s 105, 106, 107 Carib s 9 CAPACITY of gang sash 22, of saw-ru ills and pow- er to run them 150, of single sash 21 Centre-bound circular 102 CHAIN SAWS 10, Stohlmann's novel *94, Tie- mann's concave cutting *92, Tiemann's convex cutting *93 Chamber, dust 14, 78 Chambering (see gumming). Champion cross-cut *45 Chapin & Barber's remarkable sawing 77 Chatter, prevention of 16 Chest s 30 CHISEL-BIT circ. s. *73, duty of at the Albion Mill on West Coast 72 Chloride of zinc, to make 141 Cincinnati, tests of circ. s. in 1874 17, 153 CIRCULAR SAWS, 10, 12, 53, Am. tendency to thin 59, angle at which they meet the mate- rial 57, *58, in California 56, care and use of *108, centre-bound 102, concave *67, cooling 81, for cross-cutting 57, cutting action *87, date of first 53, diameter and gauges 66, 107, mandrel holes 66, dished (see concave,), dishing *107, double *56, dust chamber 78, economy 86, eight- toothed *53, filing and care of 59, *118, in Southern States 66, for gas burner slits 62, for general work *64, grinding 67, for gold pen slits *62, 64, guidance 54, guide lines on *70, for hard wood *64, heating of 61, for hemlock 58, in Holland 53, hor- izontal for shingle 54, kerf 54, largest 62, making *56, lath 57, mandrel holes 158, Millers' 53, ingot for 97, right and left handed 67, *68, for ripping *64, for screw heads 62, mode of toothing 64, for teles- cope makers 62, three high for redwood logs 56, throat 68, 78, for various mate- rials 65, velocity of 55, 56, for veneers 61, *63, for weather boards *53, rim-bound 102, rim tapering 61, for pine 58, seg- mental *62, size of work for 56, smallest in world *62, speed of taper 61, surgical *65, side-cutting shingle 157, .side guide *54, solid toothed 53, for screws 58, speed of 55, 56, wabbling of 54 (see also manufac- ture of saws ; ca <-e andltse of circulars). INDEX. CIRCULAR SAW TEETH *12, action of top and bot- tom *58, angles of *58, 59, choice of 56, fewest numberof 66, for cross-cutting *64, filing 118, gauge for 119, gumming 118, inclination 53, 57, number for wood 65, rake 57, spacing 53, set 53, varieties of *64, Andrews' increment 59, *61, Barber's 58, Gridley's 59, *60, Knowles' 69, *61 (see also inserted teeth) cracks in 79,81, expan- sion of 79 81, perforated 87 Clamps for saw filing Ill, *117 Classification of s. 10, of straight s 20 Cleaner teeth 37, *38, gauge tor *114 Clearer teeth (see cleaners) 37 Clemson's inserted tooth *77 Climax cross-cut, Andrews' *40, Disston's *41 Clogging 20 Close teeth 14 Contest, sawing at Cincinnati in 1874 17 Cooling circular s 81 Combination s 30, *31 Comb cutters' s 33,*34 Colsen's ius. tooth circ. s *77 COMPASS s. 30, *34, McNiece's *31, lengths, gauges and fineness of. 30 Cone bushing, adjustable, for circ. 8 82 "Conqueror" swage ..*129 Continuous acting s 10 Continuous s. (see band, chain, circular, rotary) Corundum, sawing into blocks 167 Cost of running inserted teeth 69 Cracks, preventing 79, *80, 81 Cross angle 12, *16, *112, *113 Cross-cutting, Boyntou's rapid 159 Cross-cutting teeth for circ. s 57 Cross-cut teeth *12 CROSS-CUTS *12, *32,*36, 37, *39, *40, 41, *42, *43, *44, *45, *46, *47, *64, 114, 159, blanks for 98, for wood 13, file 114, *115, gullets of 37, gumming 38, iugot for98, object of 36, for one man *32, perforated 40,*43,44 Crown s 82 CUTTING ACTION of circ. s. *87, of band s. *87, of inserted tooth circ. s *75 Cutting, greatest economy in 57 Cut, push 18 Curtis & Co., their circ. s 153 Curvilinear s. (see band, circ., chain, cylinder). Cylindrical (see cylinder). Cylinders 10, *82, *83 " Deal frame " 22 Detachable back s 33; *34 Diamond tool, Emerson's *14 tooth cross-cut *39 DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING circ. s. 145, shingle s. 145, concave s 145 Dished circulnrs 67 (see concave). Dishing saws *102 Doghead hammer *102, 103 Dom Pedro, tests before 159 Double cutting s 20 cutting circ. s 55 edged s 36, 49 circular mill, Lane & Bodley's *56 DISSTON'S cleaner gauge *114, cross-cuts*39,*40, *41,*42, enlarging circulars 81, filing ma- chine "120. files 120, *122, inserted teeth *77, kinds of circ. s. teeth *64, saw set....*m Double-ended files *121, *122, 119, 120 Dovetail s 10, 33 Drag sawing machine, Giles *29, Stearns *24 Drags 24, 26, *28 Dry lumber, causes heating 61 Dust chamber 14 78 Duty of Hoe's chisel bit 72 ECONOMY of band r. 86, of circular s. 86, of mu- lay B 86 Egyptian 8 9 Eight-toothed circ _ *63 EMERSON, inserted tooth circ. 58, *77,*71, swage *130, diamond tool *140 Emerson, Ford & Co's circular 153 EMERSON, SMITH < | S. 60 10 f 33 j 45 5 |-3*j it ; circular. Pit ; circular. Soft wood ; rip- ping. * Sometimes each alternate tooth is cut out; then it is "skip-tooth." GRIMSIIAW ON SAWS. 13 The peg tooth, Fig. 2, has rather more throat room than a V tooth (Fig. 3) of ths same width and height, and less than if it were cut deeper, as by the dotted lines, Fig. 4. Being generally more acute than 60 it could not be dressed with either a three-square or a flat file if in V shap3 ; as it is, a flat or " mill " file dresses it admirably. Fig. 2. Peg Tooth. Fig. 3. V Tooth. Fig. 4. Peg Tooth. A saw tooth has two functions paring and shaping. A slitting or ripping saw for wood has the cutting edge about at a right angle to the fiber of the wood, severing it in one place ; the " throat " of the tooth wedging out the piece. In a " cross-cut" wood-saw, also, the cutting edge strikes the fibre at right angles to its length, but severs it on each side from the main body, before dislodging it. In the slitting saw, 1ST, Fig. 1, the " rake " is all in front, where the cutting duty is. In the cross cut, as D, the rake is on the side, for the same reason. The length of tooth depends largely upon the duty required. A long tooth has the demerit of being weak and liable to spring ; the merit of giving greater clearance to the sawdust a specially valuable feature 14 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. in soft, wet or fibrous woods. It is certain that the throat space in front of each tooth must be sufficient to contain the dust of that tooth from one stroke. If (as in a short tooth) the space be not high enough, that quality can be gained by distance between the teeth. For hard Fly. !>. Great Front Rake. woods, where long teeth are inadmissible, it is best to have short teeth, wide spaced. The deeper the tooth the quicker the saw wears out. The greater the feed the deeper the dust chamber required, or else the more teeth needed. Fig. ft. Showing Various Makes of Teeth. Equal length of teeth is of great importance ; as inequality gives the longest teeth the most work and lessens the duty of the saw ; giving fewer cutting teeth and dulling them quicker. Where the teeth are close, the shape of the throat is of special influence. G-R1MSHAW ON SAWS. 15 As regards the tendency of teeth to spring into the work : A form such as Fig. 5, having great front rake, is keen but liable to spring in and break, especially if long and in hard wood. In Fig. 6, tooth 1 has maximum front and minimum back rake. 2 has less hook but more back rake, tending to spring the point down into the wood. 3 has no front rake but considerable back ; in 4 the front rake is less than nothing and the keenness is largely dependent on the back edge. Fig. 7 is recommended for heavy saws for general purposes. This has a rake to the front of the point, and yet the tendency to spring in is compensated by the backward inclination of the whole tooth ; and the cutting edge is well supported. There is ample dust Fig. 8. Spread Set. room ; the rounding corners give strength and immunity from crack- ing and prevent dust lodging. The backward inclination (as in a planer tool) prevents spring or chatter. We may now consider briefly the question of Setting, or bending the teeth laterally, alternately to the right and left ; partly with a view to decreasing friction and increasing clearance, and partly to increase 16 (iimrsHAw ON SAWS. the cutting action of the teeth, and make them cut rather than abrade. (The earlier nations bent the points of a dozen or so of adjacent teeth to one side, and those of the next group to the other.) " Swaging" is another operation having the same objects giving clearance, preventing binding and heating, and giving increased keen- ness to the teeth. In this operation each tooth is npset or widened at its point so as to project beyond the blade at each side ; differing in this respect from spring setting. See Fig. 8. Swaging or upsetting is especially beneficial for soft steels and for saws used in soft wood, as it condenses and hardens the metal. In connection with spring set must be mentioned side or cross angle; a bevel or " fleam " given the edges and materially affecting Fig. 9. Spring Set and Side Angle. their sharpness and the angle at which they receive the strain of work ; as also their retaining their keenness and set. Fig. 9 represents the magnified teeth of a common hand saw with spring set. The front edges have a bevel which throws the strain at right angles to the plane of that face (as shown by the arrows). The tendency is to throw the tooth in the direction of its set ; and any one tooth hav- ing more spring set than the others will take undue work; will dull sooner and then spring away from its duty, lessening the set and caus- ing friction and heating. A tooth without fleam or side angle, Fig. 7, has no side strain, other than that due to the spring set. This fleam or cross angle decreases with the thickness of the blade ; hence while not fit .for heavy saws is proper for hand saws, which, also, have a slow duty. It is better GfctMSHAW ON SAWS. 17 for soft woods, which are free from knots, than for hemlock or spruce, the hard knots of which would 'break fleamed teeth. Referring to Fig. 6, tooth 1 would buckle and bend if given any spring set j 3, even if excessively long, would admit of ample. Itd/tC \S&>ws. Fiys. 1O and 11. KeyJiole Saivs. While the teeth remain sharp, spring set tends to increase ; when dull, to -decrease. Even setting cannot be over-rated in importance. The. tendency of set is to come back. Hence it is sometimes best to first overset, then Fig. 12 and 13. Japanese Saws. spring back. The setting should not be at a sharp angle but on a curve. Even Swaging is as important as even spring set. A saw with the teeth spread the full width of the kerf will stand more feed than if Fig. 14. Boynton's M Tooth. each alternate tooth be bent for the set. Of the fifteen saws tested at the National Sawing Contest at Cincinnati, 1874, we believe that not one was " spring set." 18 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. The smaller the saw the greater the advantage of spread over spring set. The operations of sharpening, setting, and swaging are described in detail in appendices to the present work. Metals, bone, and hard fine-grained woods, require small teeth with Fig. 15. Front Edge View, allowing two Points of M Tooth dressed to cut in line on one side and two the other little or no set ; ice, and soft coarse-grained woods require them large, widely spaced, acute angled, and much set. Wet wood is softer and more easily cut than dry, but requires a keener and coarser set saw, giving greater waste. Gummy and resinous mate- rials and ivory require very keen teeth and slow speed, to avoid the Fig. 16. Shotting Space occupied by M Tooth. dust being softened and made adhesive which tendency is lessened by greasing the blade. Table 1 shows the adaptability of various shapes and sizes of teeth to different work. As regards the question of pulling or pushing cut, those of us who Fig. 17. Double Cutting Action o/M Tooth Hand Saw. have smiled perhaps audibly at the Japanese with their backward working saws, should bear one thing in mind before condemning in toto the pulling cut that for keyhole or any other flcxible-bladed saws, the backward or pulling cut is the best ; and our own usage with that exasperating implement the keyhole saw, is much more ludicrous and unphilosophical than the pulling out of the Niphonese. GEIMSHAW ON SAWS. 19 Figs. 10 and 11* show the common or incorrect, and also the correct mode of placing the teeth of keyhole saws. The Japanese saws are shown in Figs. 12 and 13. The M tooth may be classed among those having no front rake ; but ingeniously arranged so as to cut upon both strokes. Upon the same base as the ordinary V tooth are erected, in the same line, two teeth, or a double tooth ; an M, in fact, with cutting edges fore and aft ; its adjacent neighbor being alike M-shaped and sharpened on all edges, but generally both beveled and set oppositely. It may be said to do the Fig. 18. "Lightning " Teeth. same work, and have the same strength, as a tooth with no front rake ; but in the same space arranges for a cut precisely as though the saw had been reversed. The M tooth is sometimes expressed as in Fig. 14. As the A angle in the ordinary M would be difficult to keep sharp, and ruinous to file-corners, it is now furnished by Boynton with a gullet, making it very economical of files and ensuring keen edges. The M teeth, which are veritable cutting edges, are edged on an oil- stone, after filing. A variation of the M tooth has its front edges raking backward, while it is still a double tooth ; and we may style this the " W tooth." * From Polytechnic Review. 20 URIMSHAW ON SAWS. One important feature in the construction of sonic hand rip saws and mill saws is that they have coarser teeth at the heel than at the point, so that fine teeth commence and coarse ones finish the cut. Fine teeth cut at the outset more smoothly than coarse ones, but as soon as they become clogged with sawdust they lose their efficiency to a great degree. As this partial clogging becomes more troublesome at the latter end of the stroke this " increment tooth " arrangement (simi- lar in principle to the increment-toothed file so favorably known) brings the larger teeth into play just where they are needed, and while obviating the rank tearing of coarse teeth at the commencement of the cut, reduces the amount of splintering at the bottom of the kerf. This arrangement also makes the saw strongest at the heel and lightest at the point. See Fig. 19. Fig. 19. Andrews 9 Increment Toothed Mill Saw. The KECIPEOCATING RECTILINEAR saw has many varieties. It maybe (1) strained in a frame or sash, and guided on both strokes, while cutting on one only ; (2) guided at both ends but not strained ; pull cut ; (3) free at one end, with pull cut ; (4) free at one end, push cut ; (5) free at one end, cutting on both strokes ; (6) strained in a sash, guided on both strokes, and cutting on both ; (7) unguided at either end ; handle at each end, and cutting on one stroke ; (8) unguided at either end ; handle at each end, cutting on both strokes ; (9) strained by a weight at one end, cutting on one stroke ; (10) strained by a spring at one end ; (11) strained by a spring frame. The Single Sash Saw is now out of date in this country ; being rap- idly superseded by the mulay and circular. A mtilay with the same Reciprocating Resawing Machine, GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 21 power applied will do nearly double the quantity of work, owing to its greater lightness and speed. A single sash saw will make 150 to 200 strokes per minute and cut Fig. 2O. Mill-Saw Toot?). about f inch in hard and 1 inch in soft wood, at each stroke* It is generally 5 to 9 gauge. Fig. 20 is a form of mill-saw tooth (Hoe & Co*) 22 GUIMSIIAW ON SAWS. But while the single sash saw cannot compete with the circular in speed of cut or quantity of lumber turned out, the gang sash, having several blades strained in one frame, has a greater collective speed and capacity ; and in the form of the " deal-frame " used in England to resaw squared logs, is one of the most effective of all saws ; making little kerf, having a high speed, and cutting many boards simultane- ously ; while gang-sawed lumber brings a higher price than that from circulars. Fig. 21 shows one of the most improved American gang sash machines. The sash is 38 inches wide and contains 26 saws each 4| feet long and 9 inches wide, No. 14 gauge; teeth 1J inches from point to point and the same depth, swaged to cut a kerf but -^ inch wide. The "cant" is from 10 to 25 inches deep, the stroke 19 inches and the speed 225 revolutions (and consequently full cuts) per minute, at a feed varying from f to 1 inch each cut, according to the kind of timber. The machine is run by a double belt 20 inches wide over a driving pulley 4| feet diameter, requiring an engine of 16 inches bore, 20 inches stroke, making 175 revolutions per minute at 60 Ibs. pressure. The average capacity is 70 M feet of one inch lumber per day of ten hours although it may be worked up to 90 M in the same time. Fig. 22 shows a gang of Andrews increment toothed saws and the mode of hanging them so as to give proper " overhang." The gang sash requires less labor to produce 1000 feet of lumber than the circular does. It works best in connection with a large cir- cular which slabs the large logs into cants for it. The small logs had best be left to a small circular to saw into boards, scantling or other small timber. This gives the gang continuous work on timber worthy of it. A gang making 240 strokes per minute will take about J to f inch feed per stroke in 12 inch cants, i. e. from 1 to 3 inches per second, according to the timber. The blades are, as a rule, made narrower at the ends than in the center. They are generally 8, 9 and 10 inches wide, from 10 to 16 gauge. The thinnest saws possible with a fast gang are fifteen gauge. The principal advantage of the gang is the extreme regularity in thickness of the boards it makes. The Mulay or Muley Saw (probably named from the German Muhl- stlge, mill-saw) comes under the head of blades guided at both ends but unstrained. It has a pull cut and very rapid cutting speed, exceeding Fig. 21. Wickes* Gang Smth. Fig. 22. Gang of Increment Toothed Satvs. 24 GKIMSHAW ON SAWS. in this respect the sash saw, which by reason of the inertia of tin; frame is more limited in speed. Its use is mainly in the Western States of America ; and it is in its inception essentially bold and Amer- ican. There being but little of the blade exposed unguided, its use at high speed is, however, quite safe. (See Addenda.) The mulay saw for logs is generally 10 to 12 inches wide and J inch thick, and making strokes of 20 to 24 inches at the rate of from 300 to 400 revolutions per minute, giving a cutting speed of about 600 feet per minute. Mulay saws, when first introduced, were full ^ inch thick. Now they are in use only ^ inch thick but generally are No. 7 gauge or ^ inch thick. The length of stroke for some log-cutting nmlays 7 feet long is 28 inches ; number of strokes 200 to 225 per minute. The mulay jig (Fig. 23) is perhaps the best for soft wood. A " smart mulay saw " making 350 to 400 strokes per minute will cut ordinarily f inch hard ancf" f inch soft wood at each stroke. Mulays are almost always the same width heel and point. A cor- respondent writes : " Son^e years ago, a party in Auburn, N. Y., took out a patent for a mulay mill that used a tapered saw wider at the top than it was at the bottom, but it was a failure." Mulay gang and mill saws were formerly made thicker on the front edge than on the back ; but for some years past they have been given the same thickness on both edges. The mulay scroll saw shown in Fig. 23 has a 3 inch stroke, and makes 1000 to 1500 revolutions per minute, receiving its power through a 3 inch belt on a pulley 6 inches diameter. The Drag Saw, as its name implies, cuts on the pulling stroke. It is unstrained and unguided at the free end ; and is, in fact, the Japanese hand saw, power driven and guided at the butt. Its stiffness is of course greater than that of a mulay of the same thickness ; and it may be made thinner for the same duty. Its use is mostly limited to cross cutting felled logs and ship timbers ; though more recently there has been brought out by A. Ransome & Co., London, England, an admirable horizontal adaptation of it to felling trees. (Figs. K and L.) Fig. 24 shows the attachment of a large drag saw for butting. The butting or drag saw is 7 to 8 inches wide at butt, 5 to 6 inches at point, and 10 gauge< Steams' Drny Sawing Machine. Fin, 2,'i. 7 / , ( Tenon, Baeke(L I Miter, 6" to 18" 20" to ,30" Gauge. 19 18 22 to 20 16 21 22 to 20 20 to 19 Points to Inch. 5 to 12 f Heel, 3 to 5 \ Point, 6 to 8 8 to 12 11 to 15 10 to 11 The rip, half rip, hand, broken space, panel and fine panel are alike in general appearance. Chest saws are merely diminutives thereof. Fiffs. 28 and 29. The blade is "taper" in order that it may be nearly equally stiff throughout; for ease in attachment of the handle, and to lighten it. This taper is either straight or curved (see Figs. 30 and 31). The curved toper (Fig. 31) is claimed by the makers to somewhat lighten the saw, while lessening its liability to vibrate when drawn from a cut. The "increment" tooth of the rip saw is clearly shown in the figure. The straight edge of Fig. 30 is graduated, as a rule ; and the imple- ment also has a level, scratch awl, etc. Figs. 28 and 29 show a mode of strengthening the handle. The table saw and the compass, or lock saws, differing only in size, and all used for curved line cutting, have narrow blades to permit their turning sharp corners. * For curved sawing. GRTMSHAW ON SAWS. 31 A convenient compass saw, made by McNiece, of Philadelphia, has the blade clamped in its slotted handle by means of a screw clamping ferule (see Fig. 32). The keyhole or lock saw is still narrower. It should be made with a pull cut for the reasons stated, page 17. Pruning saws are coarser, thicker and keener saws than those for dry wood. They are sometimes made with half moon or briar teeth for rapid execution. 32 G-RIMSHAAV OK SAWS. Figs. 33 and 34 show a pruning hook attachment to a -pruning saw. The pond ice saw, generally supplied with a "tiller handle," is 7 to 8 inches wide at butt, 5 to 6 inches at point, and 9 to 10 gauge. E 8 Hand saws for ice are about 24 inches long, gauges 16 and 18; teeth regular cross-cut pattern, J inch to 1 inch apart and deep, and with enormous set as this material clogs greatly. GRIM8HAW ON SAWS. The various backed parallel bladed saws, known as tenon, sash, car- case and dovetail, according to their uses, have thin and carefully ham- mered blades stiffened with a piece of metal sprung on. They are much employed for accurate work. Care should be taken not to spring the back bv knocks. Fig. 38 shows a hand-saw with detachable back. The Smith's screw head saw has a handle like a file and is used for cutting the slot in screw heads. It has a thick and hard blade. The comb cutter's saw, sometimes called a " stadda," is double, the two blades being separated by packing, at any desired distance ; one GRIMSHAW OK SAWS. edge being slightly in advance of the other so as to enter a new cut, which the other finishes. Thus spacing and depth arc preserved equal. See Fig. 39. Similar saws, on a larger scale, have been used for cut- ting microscope and air pump racks. Fly. 37. Fig. 42 shows an instrument designed to bare and roughen the edge of bone fragments without injuring the soft parts. The tube carries and partly exposes a stem, one side of which is a knife edge and the other a sa\v, and either of which can be worked at will. Fig. 38. The increment tooth (see page 20) has these advantages for hand- saws : the fine teeth being used to start the cut and coarse ones to finish, a saw will work freely and easily. In hand-sawing the least Fig. 39. Corn ft Cutting Haw. Fly. 4O. Adjustable- Sacked Saw. Fig. 4:1. Rack Cutting with Saws. amount of power is employed at the beginning of the cut, but as the arm straightens at the elbow more force is used, and the coarser teeth allow it to be utilized because the space between the teeth GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 35 do not clog as readily as the tine teeth do, and the fine teeth do not catch at the beginning of a cut as do coarse teeth. The teeth of a hand saw should be so truly filed that on holding it Fig. 42. Protected Hasping Saw. up to the eye and looking along its edge lengthwise it should show a central groove down which a needle should slide freely. See Fig. A. The cutting action should be such that the bottom of the kerf should present the appearance of Fig. B, and not that shown in Fig. C. Fig. 43. Fig. D shows the proper cutting action of the teeth. Saws free at one end and cutting on both strokes are comparatively rare. The M teeth hand saws and some butting saws mounted as \ A X RI&HT. WRONGr. D drags, are all that we call to mind. We give cute of both herewith, Figs. 43 and 24. 36 CJRIMSHAW OX SAWS. Fig. 44 shows a larger saw of tin's type, to be used with two hands, and which may also be converted into a "two-man" saw. Fig. Gr, page 32, shows a large two-handed cross cut for one man. A double-edged " universal" hand saw (Fig. 45) has one side with M teeth for ripping and cross-cutting and fine V teeth on the other side, for mitering. This saw can be used where a wide blade cannot - and the handle is less liable to strain the operator's wrist than in the HEW PATENT ;-X -S.uifM ATII..,,; ' NEW YORK E.fo.BOYNTON'S PTD.MCH.28,1876. JFVf/. 44. case of a wide hand saw of the ordinary pattern having its handle at the upper corner of the blade. The same double-edged saw, with sheath, has a pole attachable to its handle for use as a tree primer; the lengths being 16, 18, and 20 inches. (See Fig. 46). Class 6, strained in a sash, guided at both ends and cutting on both strokes, is a peculiar one. We call to mind but one representative- Robinson's horizontal veneer saw, shown at the Paris Exposition of " Salt 1878. Very peculiar inclined guides give the blade what would cor- respond to overhang on each stroke, so a.s to give lead both ways. Class 7 is the pit saw, practically the single sash, nngnided and worked by hand. The blade is from 5 to 8 feet long. Class 8 includes the "cross-cut " frequently written " X cut." They vary largely in general appearance and in disposition, but have always for their object the severing each fibre in two places. They are made double as wide in the centre as at the ends to stiffen the blade and to allow for the greater amount of Avear in the centre. (JltlMSHAW OX SAWS. 37 The " gains " or gullets in the centre are often made twice as deep us those at the ends, to save frequent " gumming." In general there is one set of teeth termed "scorers" which sever the fibres at the sides, and others called " cleaners," which remove the central core or ridge, and plow out the dust made by the others. Cross cutting is like scoring a " gain " in a plank with the edges of a chisel, and then with the flat edge removing the severed portions. 4(>. " Cleaner teeth/' " clearers," or " plows," are made slightly shorter than the cutters with which they alternate. In the " Twin Clipper " (see cuts) there are two M's, or four teeth to a section ; one M, or two teeth, set each way. The maker claims that where there are but two teeth (or one M) in a section, both teeth set the same way, their tendency is to draw towards the point and first take to the side of the kerf and draw or spring the section over until 38 GRIMSHAW OX SAWS. it lets go when it reacts, cutting the sides of the kerf wavy, in this manner. In this cross cut one pair of teeth is designed to counteract the Fig. 49. spring of the other, keeping the section straight and unsprung. It is also claimed that when a section has but two teeth it cannot be as stiff as with four. The cleaner teeth of the " Twin Clipper " (see Fig. 50) are made by simply cutting out the inside section of two teeth, as shown by the dot- Fiff. SO. Twin Clipper, showing Cleaners. ted lines in the cut leaving two sets of cutting teeth or scorers between each pair of clearers, which are about ^ inch below these last. The teeth of solid cross cuts are difficult to keep of proper length and shape. The saw requires frequent gumming, and in this process is frequently broken or sprung and kinked, and then, unless ham- GRIMSHAW OX SAWS. 39 F r B Cross- Cuts. 40 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. mered and straightened by a skilled hand, will be sure to give trouble by running hard and sticking in the log. The perforated cross cut avoids gumming, and the teeth are easily kept just right. Fig. 51 is Andrews' " Climax" ; Fig. 52, Disston's " Great Amer- Fig. 53 is the well known " Tuttle " tooth. Fig. 54 shows a ican. cross cut, in which the notch of each M is followed by perforations, as also are the larger gullets between the Ms and the Ws. Various styles of cross cuts are shown. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 41 Cross-Cuts. 42 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. Cross-Cuts. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 43 The Weight Strained Saw has only one application to ice cut- ting. The blade is mounted vertically in a frame on a sled and is kept taut by a weight suspended in the water to the lower end. Arc- tic explorers use this saw for cutting their ships out of ice floes ; and it has been used for heavy ice-cutting for commercial purposes. Fig. 53. " Tuttle" Cross Cut. Fig. 34. Perforated Cross Cut. The Spring Strained Saw, commonly known as the Gig, Jig, Fret or Scroll Saw, has a pull cut only ; the return being effected by the same means that keeps it strained. It is light running and gene- rally used for cutting out fine curved or scroll work ; although of late years the band saw is superseding it for outside work. 44 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 45 46 GElMSHAW OK SAWS. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 47 48 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. Jig sawing really divides itself into two branches sawing in irregu- lar shapes on the outside of a piece of material, and the same process on the inside, known as fret-work. The short and readily detachable blades of the strained jig saw can be so quickly withdrawn from one cut and inserted in another starling hole that the band saw has no chance to enter the field of fret work. Fig, 66'. Feather Edged Back. It may be said to have influenced American architecture, which seems largely to have been arranged so as to give every opportunity possible, from crest and barge board to porch and railing, for the dis- play of scroll sawing. Fig. 67. " Fleetwood " Fret Saw. Scroll-sawing blades are from 8 to 24 inches long and 13 to 16 gauge. We may only notice that most makers grind their jig saw blades at the back, to avoid all error of setting, while Andrews grinds to a feather edge (Fig. 66). GEIMSHAW ON SAWS. 49 The larger sizes necessitate a blower to keep the kerf free from dust and enable the workmen to see the lines of the pattern. Fig. 67 and 68 show small fret saws of a familiar type.* Fig. 68. " Victor " Fret Saw. Buck Saw Blades. The " Fleetwood No. 3 " fret saw runs about 700 to 800 cutting strokes per minute. Faster speed is apt to heat the saw and burn the wood. Routers sometimes use a double-edged blade. *Trump Bros., Wilmington, Del. 50 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. We hear of round saws for scroll work, but have not yet seen them. The Buck Saw, or Wood Saw, is a familiar implement. It is made with the ordinary inclined V or hand saw tooth, and also with the double cutting M ; the latter far superior. Straining Rods for Buck Saw Frames. Several American styles of the implement complete, of the blades and of the "straining rods." are shown herewith. American use has discarded the stick and twisted cord strainer. Fig. 69. Andreivs' Steel Spring Bucksaw. Fig. 7O. Andrews' Bucksaw Wood Frame, Steel Spring. In frames, recent improvements enable a much larger log to be taken in. Figs. 69 and 70 show Andrews' frames, where the straining is accomplished by a steel spring comprising a part or the whole frame. Web saws inch and narrower have wide ends, in order to give strength at the holes. GftlMSHAW ON SAWS. 51 52 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 53 THE CIRCULAR SAW. During all the centuries which witnessed the birth and rise, the haughty supremacy and the fall of nations in successive turns, no important change was made for the better in the manufacture of saws, until, in 1790, a device was brought out by Brunei, by which cutting should be continuous. In other words, the application of the rotary principle to power-driven saws was given practically to the world.* While the circular saw was first practically used in Holland, its development is due to England and America especially the latter. The circular or " buzz " saw, not having inertia to overcome in revolving, has a higher cutting speed of teeth than the reciprocating, besides this advantage of continuous cutting. It is made with solid and with removable teeth. We shall consider the solid-toothed variety first. Fig. 75. Eight-toothed Weatherboard Saw. (From Holzapffel, 1*46.) It consists, in its application to wood cutting, of a circular disk of steel, rolled to even gage, and then generally ground thinner either in the center or at the rim, after the teeth are cut.f As a general thing, the teeth of circular saws are more distant, more inclined, and more set, than those of rectilinear. But their action may be referred to the tangent of the circle at each tooth, just as in straight saws to the line of the blade. The teeth are more distant, because their great velocity makes their effect almost continuous. In one variety used for cutting feather-edged or weather boards and taking a very deep, wide cut, this is carried to an extreme there being but eight sectional teeth (see Fig. 75). Few- ness of teeth gives the necessary increased throat room for sawdust. Their teeth are more inclined because they have additional power by reason of their great velocity, and hence can stand the extra front rake. * The circular saw appears in a British patent of Miller, Mo. 1152 of 1771. The full text may be found in Bichards' work on Wood Working Machines, page 6. f See Appendix I for Manufacture of Circular Saws. 54 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. They are more set to make a wider kerf, required by reason of the waving and wabbling at high speeds of the disk, which cannot of course, even if perfectly homogeneous and true, and unaltered by heat, be kept as rigid as a strained straight blade.* The circular saw is easily run, and at a high speed. But it requires continuous attendance, the work being so rapidly done as to be in the operator's hands nearly all the time. Fig. 76. Lane & Bodley's Side Guide. * Something partly answering the purpose of straining is gained by the "side guides" of large circular saws. See Fig. 76. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 55 Circular saws ordinarily run 9000 to 10,000 feet per minute, or 200 times as fast as a push cut hand saw, which makes about 100 1 feet per minute, cutting only half the time. We may say for saws 12 inches diameter, 3000 revolutions per minute; 2 feet diameter, 1500 revolutions; 3 feet, 1000 revolutions; 4 feet, 750 revolutions ; 5 feet, 600 revolutions. Shingle and some other saws, either riveted to a cast iron collar or very thick at centre and thin at rim, may be run with safety at a greater speed. Shingle saws are tapered to 14 or 15 gauge, and run from 30 to 48 inches in diameter. We give herewith a TABLE OF SPEED FOR CIRCULAR SAWS. Size of Saw. Rev. per Min. Size, of Saw. Rev. per Mirv 8 in. - . . 4500 42 in. ; .' '. -. 870 10 in. . . . . 3600 44 in. . V . 840 12 in. . . 3000 46 in. -,j . , 800 14 in. . . . 2585 48 in. ' YV . V ' . 750 16 in. ' ., . 2222 50 in. . '^ 725 18 in. . '. . 2000 52 in. . . .700 20 in. . . 1800 54 in. . '.-, 3 675 22 in. . . . 1636 56 in. ; . -^ '-; 650 24 in. . . 1500 58 in. '-.*., X>. 625 26 in. . . . 1384 60 in. -. . . .,. 600 28 in. -11 . 1285 62 in. . : / . '. 575 30 in. ;.. . .. 1200 64 in. '";.>; . ."'" 550 32 in. . * V, 1125 66 in. : Y . . : 545 34 in. . . . . 1058 68 in. . ' , . 529 36 in. . , . 1000 70 in. -7. . 514 38 in. . ,:. : '-.. 950 72 in. * . " ; . . 500 40 in. . . 900 Richards, in his " Operator's Handbook," gives the following speeds for circulars : Diam. K. P. M. Peripheral Velocity. Feet per inin. 36 inches, '. . 1500 14,100 30 " . . ' . 1800 14,100 25 " . .. 2100 13,700 20 " . . - . 2400 12,500 15 . . 2700 10,600 10 . 3000 7,000 56 GEIMSHAW ON SAWS. For shingle making the circular saw is sometimes run horizontally, as illustrated in Fig. 78, which shows the largest shingle machine in the world. A shingle saw should be re-ground as soon as it wears down to 14 gauge, as the thinner the saw used the more profit. It does not pay to cut timber into sawdust instead of shingles. Simonds 36-inch shingle saws (said to be not hammered) make from 1925 turns per minute, and 116 clips, to 2200 revolutions. The circular saw should not be used on work thicker than one-third the saw diameter. A 20-inch square " cant " or log would necessitate a 60-inch circular saw, which may be -^ inch thick and make a kerf of -^ inch. But some economy of kerf and hence of time, power and material is gained by the " double circular" mill, having two smaller circulars rotating in the same direction, one cutting from the top, the -other from the bottom of the log, in the same plane one slightly in advance of the other (see Figs. 79 and 80). i Fig. 79. "Double" Circular Saws. Thus the 20-inch log cited above could be worked by two 30-inch circulars -^ inch thick, and cutting only ^f inch kerf. In general, the top saw is smaller than the bottom one, the lower one, after successive reductions of diameter by sharpening, being moved to the top mandrel. In California, redwood logs ten feet in diameter are sawed with three 62" vertical circulars, one above the other, in connection with a small horizontal circular which divides the board in the line of the arbor of the middle saw. The two lower ones cut 58 inches between them, and the upper one takes 29 inches. In the choice of velocity and teeth of circular saws, there must be taken into consideration the hardness and grain of the material to be cut ; its greater or less freedom from moisture, from gummy or resin- ous matters, and from spikes ; also its size and the degree of smooth- ness required in the surfaces left. The harder the wood the smaller and more upright should be the teeth, and the less their velocity and the rate of sawing. "uj. "US. Largest Shingle Machine in the World. (JIM MSI I AW UN SAWS. 57 Fig. 81 shows the circular saw solid tooth for soft wood; Fig. 82 for hard wood.. In cutting lengthwise with the fibres (slitting, ripping), the teeth should be coarse and inclined, and the speed moderate, so as to cut rather than abrade ; as fine sawdust takas more power to make it than coarse. Cutting across grain (cross-cutting, crossing) requires finer and more upright teeth and greater velocity than in the last case, so that each fibre may be rather cut by successive teeth than torn by only one. They should be as hooking as they will bear, except for lath saws, where the stuff is fed by the saw under the arbor, and for side cutting shingle saws, where this would cause too fast speed. **?- g& Fig. 81. For Soft Wood. PfPIPHfHY LIHE 82. For Hard Wood. The more inclined a circular-saw tooth is the easier it cuts. With less rake, however, the cut is smoother. The teeth of the " circular " meet the fibres at varying angles. The fibres at the top of the " cant " are met at a very acute angle ; those at the bottom at almost a right angle. (Fig. K.) It follows that the first are cut to the best advantage, and that narrow cuts that is, those of medium height of cut are sawed less economically than thick ones, the position of the table being the same. Theoretically speaking, to effect the greatest economy in cutting, the table or carriage should be kept high up, so that the cant should be as nearly as possible tangential to the disk. Figs. N, O, P show teeth made to various tangents. 5 GRJMSHAW ON SAWS. OQ Fig. K. Action of Top and Bottom Teeth of Circular Saws Compared. For pine, spruce and hemlock the teetli should be cut to a tangent to a circle half the saw diameter. Fit/. N. Fiff. O. The old " Barber " patent tooth had the under side concaved out, and cut very sweetly. The Emerson inserted tooth of the present day has this same feature. <;KIMSH.\\V ON SAWS. The Knowles tooth tor circulars (Fig. 86) had its back slightly re- lieved which really amounted to having the point slightly upturned. riff. r. The Gridtey tooth for circular saws, shown in Fig. 83, as in order for work, has both spring and spread set. By use it becomes worn and rounded, as in Fig. 84. For light power and tough sawing it is said to do well. Its cutting point must be kept up square and full, as when rounded and dull (Fig. 84) it takes more power and turns out poorer lumber. It should be filed almost exclusively on the under side (as should any other tooth.) An arrangement of circular saw teeth, which is a development of the increment tooth referred to under the head of teeth, has sections of the periphery arranged with increasing spaced teeth the inventor claim- ing smoother cutting with less consumption of power. He states that at Cincinnati a 7 gauge, 56 inch, variable spaced circular used from 7 to 20 HP less than any other of the same thickness. (See Fig. 85.) The points only of circular saw teeth should touch the lumber. They should be kept sharp, by constant filing, and set by springing and swaging, so as to clear the blades. The American tendency is towards extra thin saws, as lumber becomes more and more valuable. They are now made to 54 inches diameter, as thin as No. 12 gauge at rim and 11 at centre ; 66 to 72 inches diameter, No. 10 at rim and 9 at centre. In extra thin saws it is necessary to use a larger number of teeth than in thicker ones. Every ^g- inch saved in the width of saw kerf saves 1000 feet of lum- ber in every 16 M sawed. A circular saw has a great amount of difficult work to do, rapidly. It is something more than a hard steel disk. It must keep its position and work well when in rapid rotation and doing hard duty. (50 GJUM8HAW ON SAWS. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 61 There is little real difficulty in making a "circular" with almost any kind of tooth, that will run well when new ; but the steady use and constant changing of the teeth for months are sure to point out all their defects. Fig. 85. Andreivs' Increment Toothed Circular. Hard circular plates heat easier than soft, and dry lumber causes greater heating than wet. A taper circular will stand a higher speed than an even gauge or one ground thinnest in the centre, as there is less weight at the rim and consequently less centrifugal force. Fig. 86. Knowles' Tooth. As a slight offset to the advantage that rim tapering gives a circular, there is this : that as the saw gets smaller it gets proportionately thicker, when it does not need as great a thickness to keep it stiff. Vencer-euttinff circular saws are employed for making veneers or QRIM8HAW <>X sA\Vs. very thin plates, generally of valuable woods.* They are designedly thinner at the edge than in the center, as the sheet removed readily bends aside. They are either solid or segmented. The edge must run exceedingly true, and the teeth be sharp and very faintly set. The seg- Fiff. 87. Small Segmented Circular. ments are from 5 to 10 gauge, and are 12 inches in diameter. A smaller segrnental saw is shown in Fig. 87 ; a segment for larger saws is shown in Fig. 88 ; and a veneer sawing machine in Fig. 89. While circular saws for wood can be made up to 80 and 100 inches diameter, there are also 'smaller "circulars" used for such work as Fig. 88. Cutting Segment of Circular Saw. Fig. 9O. Saw for Gold Pen Slits. cutting notches in telescopes and in screw heads, slits of bat's-wing gas burners, etc. The teeth of these last are sometimes serrated with a \ * Knife or splitting machines for this purpose answer well enough for straight grained and pliant woods, as Honduras mahogany, but not for irregular, harsh and brittle grain, such as rosewood as in the last case the veneer curls up considerably on removal, and has a disposition to split and become pervious to glue. ORTMSHAW ON SAWS. (13 64 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. screw cutter or tap, as in making the teeth of a worm-wheel. Perhaps the finest circular saws made are those for slitting the nibs of gold pens. The exact size of one is shown in Fig. 90. It is -j^" thick, and makes 4000 revolutions per minute. The cut is engraved by using as a transfer the saw itself, kindly loaned by Mr. Eberhard Faber, of New York. Fig. 91. Fig. 91 shows various forms of solid and inserted circular-saw teeth, arranged thus by the Disstons for the convenience of customers in ordering. Referring to the numbers on this figure, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5 are for cross cutting; Nos. 6, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 14 for ripping; No. 4 for either. No. 8 is used for hard wood. Nos. 11 and 14 are the most commonly used in America. GEIMSHAW ON SAWS. 65 A tiny saw, difficult to classify, is Fig. 95, which has two cutting edges, one of which is a reciprocating circular saw. Fig. 96 shows a surgical circular saw worked by a thumb lever. For sawing loaf sugar, the teeth are V-shaped, one-half inch apart, gauge No. 10, with great set. A 36 inch sugar saw runs only about 800 revolutions and under. For ivory the teeth are V-shaped, 12 points to the inch, with no set. These circulars are 2 to 10 inches diameter, and of from 19 to 22 gauge. Fig. 95. Bone Saw. Fig. 96. Surgical Cirettlar. Driven by Thumb. For bone a 9| inch saw has 100 teeth, " handsaw " style in outline. The plate is 22 gauge, and and an additional -fa inch set is given. For iron the handsaw tooth is used, with no set; space, 12 points ; a 4 inch saw of 14 to 22 gauge runs 150 revolutions. For cutting off wrought iron and steel beams Disstons recommend a circular 44" diameter and about J" thick, having peg teeth f " apart, with no set, and running slowly where neat cutting is required say only 150 to 180 feet per minute peripheral speed. Richardson Bros, say that circulars for wrought iron should have a speed of about 150 linear feet per minute; for cast or malleable iron, one-fourth faster, or say 190 feet per minute. For white or Britannia metal, one-fifth the revolutions for wood (say 1800 feet per minute), but a larger tooth than for iron. For brass, as fast again as for iron say 300 to 375 feet per minute. As regards the question of few or many teeth for wood cutting, opin- ORIMSHAW ON RAWS. ions differ, and yet perhaps without cause. The writer inclines to the belief that while the fewer the teeth the higher the feed capable per tooth, and the more chisel-like the action of the teeth, yet there are cases where by reason of light power and hard cut more teeth are neces- sary. Certainly thin saws require the most teeth ; or, to put it the other way, increasing the number of teeth enables the use of a thinner saw and less power. Fineness of teeth also gives smoothness of lumber, as the teeth are stiffer and less likely to lead into the wood, and the saw marks are closer together than with many teeth. In some parts of our Southern States where formerly a 56 inch cir- cular had but 26 to 28 teeth, now there may be found a very large proportion of 56 inch disks with 56 teeth. The fewest number of teeth we know of in a rotating saw is two ; these being simply two long arms with a central hub, revolving on an arbor, and chiseling their way quietly and slowly through a log. This could hardly be termed a "circular saw," being rather a rotating chisel, and just as much like the Daniels planer used in car shops. The following table gives the average diameters and thicknesses of circular saws, with size of mandrel holes : Diameter. 4 inch, 5 " 6 " 7 " 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Average Thickness. 19 gauge, 19 18 " 18 " 18 " 17 " 16 " 15 " 14 " 14 " 13 " 13 " 12 " 11 " 11 " 10 " 10 " 10 " 9 " TABLE II. Size of Man- drel Hole. Diameter. 1 36 ind 1 38 tt 1 40 it I 42 tt 1 44 tt 46 tt 1 48 tt 1 50 tt 11 52 it 1* 54 tt li 56 it ITS 58 tt ITS 60 tt If 62 tt If 64 tt 1* 66 tt ^ 68 tt If 70 tt 11 72 tt Average Size of Man- Thickness, drel Hole. If 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' 2 2 2 2 2 9 gauge, 8 tt 8 tt 8 It 7 tt 6 tt 6 tt (i tt 5 tt 5 tt 5 tt 5 tl 5 tt 4 tt 4 tt 4 tt 4 tt 3 tt OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GBIM8HAW ON SAWS. (In Appendix X, the gauges are given translated into decimals and also into thirty-seconds of an inch.) In times past the grinding process was so difficult and expensive that the flat " circular" was finished on the log side only. Xowadavs Fif/. .97. Dirtied Circular. many makers give the same accurate fmlsh on botli sides, and the saws can consequently be used either right or left "handed.." A variety of the circular saw is the dislied circular, used not for dividing material in a right line, but for cutting out beveled-edged disks, as barrel heads. Its action thus comes in between that of the circular and that of the cylinder saw. Concave saws run about the following diameters and gauges : 6 inch, 7 " 8 " 9 " 10 " 18 gauge. 18 " 12 inch, 14 " 18 " 16 " 17 " 18 " 16 " 20 " 15 gauge. 15 " 14 " 13 " 13 " Figs. 98 and 99 show " right- " and " left-handed" saws sufficiently clearly to require no other explanation. Inserted-toothed circular saws, the use of which is already large and rapidly extending, have the following advantages over solid : GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. The teeth being drop-forged, from bar steel, are regular in size and shape, and of better material than is possible to use for the whole saw. The teeth are capable of having more and better shaped throat a Fig. 98. "Right Handed." Fig. 99. "Left Handed. 9 ' special advantage for coarse feeds, and for soft, wet and fibrous woods. They cut so much smoother lumber that they are frequently spoken of as " planer-bits." CIUMSHAW ON SAWS. 60 They effect a great saving in time and files and blades, over gum- ming and sharpening ; they also avoid lessening the capacity of the saw by the reduction in diameter consequent on filing the solid saw.* The widely-operating and successful use of emery wheels is, however, lessening this advantage. The time of the mill lost while the solid tooth saw is being re-gul- leted is important in new countries and in locations far from the saw factory as New Zealand. With a few thousand little " bits," costing three cents each, a New Zealand or far Canadian sawyer is independent of mishaps, even with the knottiest wood. There is an avoidance of the necessity of readjusting and aligning *COST OF RUNNING PLANER-TOOTHED SAWS, AS COMPARED WITH SOLID-TOOTHED SAWS. Messrs. Emerson Smith & Co. give the following calculations : "The average size of board circular saws is about 56 inches in diameter, so that we will base our calculations on that size. "Circular saw mills vary in capacity from 5000 to 40,000 feet of lumber per.day, 10,000 feet being about the average. "Starting with a new 56 incli saw, at 10,000 feet per day, we will base our calcula- tions on sawing 1,000,000 feet in 100 working days, or about four months. Cost of 56 inch solid saw, present price list $117 00 One hour per day for filer, 100 days, thirty cents per hour 30 00 "In order to reduce the size of a 56 to a 54 inch saw, a strip of tempered steel, 14 feet in length, 1 inch in width, and the thickness of the saw, must be filed into fine dust. Beside*, time is spent in spreading and setting the teeth and in rounding the saw. 1 dozen 14 in. mill files, per month, at $9 per doz $36 00 drumming and straightening once in 2 months, say 15 00 Average cost of transporting to saw maker, say 6 00 Reduction in size of saw, say 2 inches, leaving the saw at the end of 4 months 54 inches in diameter, present price list, $96, reduction in value 21 00 " The above calculation only estimates the reduction in the size of the saw at one- fiftieth of an inch per day. If the saw is kept gummed down with a file, the cost of tiles and filing will be much greater than this estimate. If a gummer of any kind be used, add cost of the machine, wear of tools, wheels, etc., and the owner will find the cost more than the estimate of sending it to a saw maker. Cost of mill standing idle, say half hour per day, in filing and putting saw in order so that the owner has lost the sawing of 500 feet of lumber per day, at $2 per 1000 cost of sawing for 100 days $100 00 Total cost $325 00 Cost of planer, saw and 1000 bits 200 00 Difference inlfavor of Planer Saw 125 00 70 (MMMSIIAW <>N SAWS. the saw on the mandrel in the case where a" spare saw enables the saw- yer to save the otherwise inevitable stoppage of the mill in the ease of a tooth breaking. The spacing, set, and shape of the inserted teeth is better than the average sawyer would maintain even with the "guide lines" marked in the disk by some enterprising maker's. (See Fig. 100.) Fig. 10O. SJioirhtf/ Guide Lines. Men capable of putting solid saws in order are very scarce. But in many mills are to be found men who are good, valuable sawyers, and understand turning out lumber to the best advantage, but who are poor filers. The inserted tooth makes their skill available. The plate of a saw is nothing but a handle carrying the teeth, and is strained by the use of dull teeth. The inserted teeth can be kept sharp and hence strain the plate less. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 71 Tlie cutting points or saw bits being shaped and sharpened while out of the saw, can, if it be the sawyer's fancy, be made slightly concaved on the under side, thus presenting full prominent corners a little in advance of the cutting centre ; and in consequence of the corners of all teeth wearing faster than the centres the separate teeth will do more work with one dressing, than solid teeth, which are filed or dressed square. Fig. 106 shows their first state and mode of Fig. 10(>. B C D K Various Conditions of Teeth. wear. They represent a top view of the points of teeth in vari- ous shapes. If the point of a tooth' get into the shape of A or any other irregular shape, it ' should first be squared and filed up into a regular shape, so that' there will be an equal amount of metal on each corner. If a tooth loses a corner like that of B, the opposite corner Fig. Hit. Emerson's "Planer Sit. should be filed off so as to have the appearance of C; swage it into shape like D, then bring it into a proper shape like E. A is also a bad tooth, having too much metal in one corner, and must l>e filed into the shape of before it will spread .properly. One file will go as far in keeping a good inserted tooth saw in order as ten with a solid saw. 72 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. All inscrted-toothed saw can have hard or soft teeth at will, lor varying kinds of lumber. The Emerson bits are tempered to scratch glass, and weigh one- sixth ounce each. The various items of power-saving by reason of keenness of cut and narrowness of kerf, are the same as are fully laid down on another page. Inserted saw teeth came into use about 1840, the teeth being placed in rectangular sockets and held in place by a V tongue and groove. The rectangular sockets have been largely discarded for curved, as giving less liability to crack. The following figures from the Albion Mill on our West Coast, show the performance of the Hoe chisel bit saw : See Fig. 107. No. days. Feet Board Measure. November, 26, . . . 859,407 December, 23, . . . . 798,274 January, 26, .... 866,992 February, 25, . . . . 852,818 March, 25, , . . . 962,537 m April, 26, . . . . 934,337 May, 10, .... 387,019 162, . . . . 5,661,385 Number of bits used in the work, 4000 in all. The bits are run in the Albion Mill as follows : Starting in the morning, with new teeth, on 4 inch feed, in hard pine or red-wood until noon. Then a set of new teeth run until night. At night the watchman puts in the next set. The dulled teeth are sharpened twice for the bottom saw and are then worked in the top saw. The "Brooke" tooth saw is shown so clearly in Fig. 108 as to require no special explanation. Fig. 109 shows the cutting action of an inserted toothed saw. The type shown is one of those made by the American Saw Company. Fig. 110 shows the "movable tooth" of the American Saw Company. Fig. Ill shows a "perforated" inserted tooth made by the last- named makers. Inserted toothed saws are made from 13 to 6 gauge and from 12 to 72 inches in diameter, the smaller sizes being used for edgers and gangs. Eight-Saw Lath Boltei- (Circular Mesawing Machine., G1UMSIIAW ON SAWS. 74 GIUMSHAW ON SAWS. (HMM.SJIAW ON .SAWK. 75 76 GKIMHHAW ON SAWS. fitllMSHAW ON SAWS. 77 the From " Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary "* we take annexed concise representation of various insertable teetli : a. Krauser. b. Colsen. c. Emerson. d. Clemson. e. Lippincott. /. Spaulding. g. Emerson. It. Nealc. 1. Emerson. j. Brown. k. Clemson. /. Woodruff. m. Emerson. n. Disston. o. Shoemaker. p. Emerson. q. Emerson. r. Emerson. s. Disston. t. Disston. u. Hoe. v. Strange. w. Humphrey. x. Miller. y. Disston. 2. Miller. The most remarkable sawing of which we have any record was done in September, 1879, in the mill of Messrs. Chapin & Barber, Bay City, Mich., with a "Lumberman's Clipper" (inserted teeth) saw made by Emerson, Smith & Co., of Beaver Falls, Pa., and run by A. G. McCoy. There were made nineteen cuts, each 16 feet long * Honghtnn, Osgood & Co. 78 GlUMSHAW ON SAW'S. and 23 inches wide or deep, in one minute of time. Material, white pine. The saw was 72 Indies diameter ; No. 6 gauge at centre, 7 at rim, and containing 72 cutting teeth. It ran at the rate of 650 revo- lutions, or about 12,250 feet per minute (over two miles !) and cut 12 inches at each revolution. This extraordinary rate of feed was effected by steam ; i. e., a steam cylinder, 38 feet long, and 1\ inches diameter, has its piston attached to the carriage so that a log 16 feet long was forced through its entire length in a trifle over one second instantly the stroke being reversed, the carriage returns in about a second ; one jerk with a lever by the "setter" or man who rides on the carriage, and the log is " set" for an inch board, and the saw is entering it again.* " What becomes of the sawdust ? " may be asked by some as no saw would have throat room sufficient to contain one-tenth of it. It Fig. 116. Lumberman's Clipper. crowds back past the edge of the saw, mostly on the board side the board yielding or deflecting, and thus opening a large space for its reception and discharge. If the lumber sawed be say 2 inches thick or over, and too rigid to yield to the pressure of the sawdust, no such feed can possibly be maintained ; nor if the saw be cutting through the centre of a log, where no deflection can take place. In these cases the feed of the carriage or log must be graduated to the capacity of the dust chamber or throat room of the saw. The teeth or attachments of an inserted teethed " circular" should be made perfectly secure, so as to obviate any danger of their flying out while the saw is in rapid motion, and endangering life and doing dam- age to saw or machinery. If the attachments are not secure the tooth *This is familiarly known as the "shot-gun" feed. Steams' Kossiny Machine. GRtMSHAW ON SAWS. 79 is liable to fly out, without a moment's warning, like, a bullet (see Sci- entific American, Oct. 11, page 279). A curiosity in the way of a circular saw is shown in Fig. 117 ; there l)eing two planer bits inserted (projecting sidewise, of course), to clear off the roughness left by the cutting teeth. We have at hand no record of its actual performance. To lessen the heating of circular blades, and to prevent wabbling being caused by expansion, a patent circular saw has radial slots termi- nating in round holes the office of these being to prevent cracks from extending. See Fig. 118. Fig. Lockwood's idea is that if a radially slotted saw be heated at or near the eye, the slots close up as much as the metal expands, thus leaving the edge of the saw entirely unaffected. Or, if the edge of the saw be heated and consequently expanded, the slots, by opening, neu- tralize the expansion, and both the eye and the edge remain true. A saw never or very rarely becomes heated enough to injure the metal or the cutting capacity of the saw ; and the makers claim that with this 80 GRIMSIIAW ON SAWS. improvement, a saw will run equally true and make lumber equally well, whether the saw is hot or cold, and will never require straighten- ing. The makers also claim that the lumber, with the improved saw, is truer and smoother than has heretofore been made with circular saws. They explain its action as follows : When it runs out of the log, the log, in passing, presses hard upon the outside of the saw near the eye or within the range of the slots, and by the friction thus produced, the saw becomes heated in that part, and consequently expands, where- upon the sections close up the slots and project inwards, and thus release the saw from the great strain on the edge, which a solid saw must endure before it dishes. When, on the other hand, the saw runs into the log, there is great strain thrown upon the edge of the saw by Fig. 118. cramping it in the guides, and hence the heating on the outer edge and consequent expanding of that part, which renders the saw loose and flabby and uncertain in its operation. They claim that a slotted saw may be heated ever so much or often, and never be thereby thrown out of its true surface; the external and internal vent allowed by the slots causing the saw always to operate easily and freely, and conse- quently be less liable to heat ; and if it does heat, no bad effect is pro- duced, nor any uncertain operation caused thereby. They say : " A slotted saw will invariably run where the filer desires, every time in the same track, unless violently restrained. If the saw does not run where you want it, correct it by filing. In consequence of their being no effect produced on the accurate operation of the saw by heating or ON SAWS. 81 changing the temperature, a saw can be run with equal certainty and as effectually as a solid saw, with a gauge less set. A slotted saw will therefore save fully one-third of the saw scarf, and ten per cent, of the lumber when sawed into boards. A slotted saw will never spot, because, however much it may be heated, it will resume its original shape when cooled." One device for cooling the saw and preventing cracks from extend- ing far, is a number of round holes drilled obliquely through the plate, and intended to cause an air current through the disk. It is estimated that three times re-gumming a non-perforated circu- lar costs nearly the price of a new saw. Perforations in the line of the gullet lessen this cost. The metal in the track of the perforations is softer than the teeth, because of the sawdust left in them when the plate is scoured after tempering burns when the plate is flattened and draws the temper of the holes. Spaulding states that the bevel on the under side of his inserted teeth should range down on an angle to one-fifth the diameter of the saw. In cutting 32-inch stuff, with a feed of ^ inch to each tooth, it is evident that there must be a throat area of at least 32 x -fa = two square inches. Spaulding computes the necessary throat room thus : A 72-inch saw with 46 teeth, cutting 4 inches per revolution, removes 128 square inches on a full cut of a 32-inch board. This solid wood cut into dust will require twice the space, or 256 square inches ; hence each tooth should have 5| square inches throat room, to work freely and easily and clear freely. With leas throat it will clog or force the sawdust into the space between the saw and the log, and cause it to heat on the rim. In cutting thin boards which will bend aside, perhaps less throat is required. See performance of A. G. McCoy with a 72-inch saw tak- ing 12 inches feed on a 23-inch log. It is stated that the Spaulding inserted teeth will stand ^ inch to | inch feed to the tooth and have room for the dust. Disstons have a patent on enlarging circulars which have been worn down to unavailable sizes, by means of segmental rims of teeth, the periphery of the old plate and the inner edges of the segments being halved together and secured with rivets. A four-foot plate may be pieced out to 5 or six feet. The expansion of the rim in running is S2 T.RIMSHAW ON SAWS. said to be checked at the joint and not to affect the main plate. The old plate is grooved on each side to a gauge less in the centre than at the rim. By the use of an "adjustable cone bushing," saws of varying-sized holes can be used on different arbors. THE CYLINDER SAW has many names, forms and applications, all having cylindrically curved edges cutting parallel to the axis of the cylinder. Perhaps its oldest form is the Trepan or Trephine saw (Fig. 125), of the surgeons ; also called a Crown saw, and used for removing circular pieces of bone from the skull. This is also misnamed the " spherical saw." The button saw has a similar shape, and is used to cut out the circular blanks of bone or pearl buttons. As the barrel or tub saw, it is used to saw barrel or tub staves on the curve ; in this case its functions being not to remove a circular disk, as in the trepan or button saws, but to produce a longitudinal segment of a hollow cyl- inder. A similar saw is used for sawing wooden water troughs and Fig. 125. Trephine. sections of wooden water pipes. Tube saw is another name for this class. Fig. 126 is a fair illustration. The cylinder saw comes into play nicely where the waste of a saw mill is to be sawed into staves, as in the Baltic country. The main barrel of the saws is not hardened ; the teeth are on a band a few inches wide, soldered on. The grinding and balancing has to be most exact, and it is generally necessary to finish the saw on the spindle on which it is to be run, and not to remove it afterwards. For cutting out staves for tight barrels and casks, cylinders 40 inches long and 24 inches diameter are used. The cylinder saw has also been made reciprocating in its action, to permit cutting very long segments. As the piece removed by a cylin- der saw passes inside the band, it is evident that there can be no arms to stiffen the cutting edge if the rotary action be continuous ; but by making the teeth double-acting and giving the cylinder only a quarter or a fifth rotation, and this reciprocating, a segment of considerable width and of unlimited length may be removed. OittMSHAW ON SAWS. 83 THE BAND, BELT, OR RIBBON SAW, although conceived as early as 1808, by Win. Newberry (for splitting skim and wood), is of compara- tively recent general introduction, having laid for forty years as a curiosity it being supposed impossible to join the blades properly and has not yet reached that wide application for heavy work to which its many merits entitle it. The machine of seventy-two years ago contained all the essential features of the modern machines. We illustrate it herewith, by kind per- mission of Messrs. London, Berry & Orton, of Philadelphia. As we now know the baud saw it is a thin, flexible, endless band of steel, serrated on one edge, and passing over two large straining pul- H4 ftRlMSHAW SAWS. leys, ill the same plane and with parallel axes, the rotation of which gives it motion through a supporting work table. The teeth are protected, and the blade given greater "grip" on the pulleys (lessening slip) by a rubber or leather tire. One maker obviates the destruction of tire and teeth, when the lower wheels are stopped by the brake, by having false over-tires of steel covered with leather, slipping on the main tire. Fig. 127. Original Band Saw of 18O8. tt The construction of the blades offers a paradoxical problem. They must be soft and flexible to pass readily around the pulleys at a light speed, without breaking ; and yet they must have hardness sufficient to receive and maintain a keen cutting edge, and stiffness enough to resist somewhat firmly the pushing and bending tendency of a high feed. As in many other branches of industry, the demand for a product at first deemed difficult or impossible to make, has been nobly met. The material for the blade has been produced and worked ; and the many disheartening difficulties and failures in the machine itself have been overcome. Experience and inventive genius have surmounted the GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 85 obstacles interposed, and to-day the band has almost entirely super- seded the reciprocating saw for scroll work and is fast encroaching upon the circular, single sash and mulay for resawing ; while strenuous efforts are being made to force its use for log-sawing. It offers for ship timber cutting the best advantages of the circular in smooth or continuous action in a right line; and that of the scroll or "jig" in capacity to saw at any angle, curve, or bevel. Like the circular saw, its continuous motion admits of very high speeds, and there is no non-cutting return stroke. One of its prin- cipal advantages, also, is its immunity from heating, there being but a proportionally small portion of its length (say two or three per cent.) in frictional contact, and this being cooled by rapid passage through the air. Fig. 128. Details of Newberry's Mnchinc. One good feature is that the sawdust is constantly carried down ; it requiring no blower as does the jig, to prevent clogging and enable the workman to see the line he is cutting to. A very simple adjusta- ble device enables it to be kept in line by slightly varying the position of one of the pulley axles. It should by its superior steadiness scratch less stuff than Jthe circular. No matter what the speed, the tension of the band remains about the same as is not the case with the circular. It is, too, easier guided than the latter, while having less necessity for guidance. These prop- erties tell in the market price of lumber, as well as in the quantity of planed lumber a given log will make. Perhaps its main advantage! is in its narrow kerf; saving time, material, and power and giving increased duty. No (JEilMSIIAW UN HAWS. As (lie office of a saw is in sever by removing or wasting material, the thinner it can be hail, the more economical of time, power and material. We may estimate that the kerf waste (outside the employment of the best gang saws in " deal frames") is as high as 20 per cent., or one- fifth. Indeed, if we consider the American mills, which turn out stuff principally as one-inch boards, the waste with careless sawing is as much as 25 per cent., or one-fourth. The circular and mulay often making -^ inch kerf, which is increased to f incli by scratches and by irregularity of line, we have only | lum- ber for f kerf; or 37| per cent, loss, in material alone. As every fa inch in kerf saves 1000 feet of liimber in each 16,000 feet sawed, any mill cutting on an average 16,000 per day, will save 26,000 feet of lumber per month, or more than the entire expense of running the mill. The loss of power is in most places directly important, and where not so by reason of cheapness or free cost of fuel or of water }K)wer, the lessened duty of the mill is an item. To this may be added labor of the sawyer who finds it necessary to dog more logs to produce a given amount of lumber, than if thinner and smoother kerfs were made ; and also takes more time to cut a given quantity with the thicker and slower-running blades. This figures up in the wages account per thousand feet of lumber made. The saving in power is not directly as the width of kerf, as the band has more of a scraping action than the circular and takes more power per given width of kerf. If we consider kerfs running from ^ inch to J inch, on inch boards, and see how many boards can be got out of a balk of a given size, with each kerf, this question of waste of material is very plainly brought to mind. The band saw is the straight blade, rolled in a hoop, and cutting continuously. The circular is the same blade developed in the other plane, into a disk. The band meets each fibre of a log at the same angle. The circular meets those on the top less at a right angle than those at the bottom. As the top segment of one-third the diameter of the circular has more than one-third the semi-periphery (see Fig. 130), it follows that, with a given size " cant " to bo cut, the circular has more tooth line to cut the same height of wood than the band has, and this is often an advantage, as the more teeth the less throat room required. Thus the circular, which has greater facility for having throat room GRIM8HAW ON SAWS. S7 than the bund has, requires it less for a given size of tooth ami height of cant. Fiy. K. Cutting action of Hand and Circular Saws Compared. Fly. 129. Perforated Circular Saws. Fig. 129 show these perforations in the line of future gullets, as made by the American Saw Company. All the teeth of the band meet the fibres of the wood at the same angle. Those of the circular meet them at a varying angle. Moreover the angle at which any tooth of the circular meets the log is much 88 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. more acute than that at which the band saw teeth strike it. This gives a greedier cut and more of a cutting than a scraping action. Mr. Pryibil, of New York, conceived the idea of giving the band saw a more acute angle with the wood (see Fig. 130) ; and with this aim, tilted thetable of a band saw about 23, and fed a board up hill to meet the blade. Testing the traction of the cutting at a right angle and at the 113, he found the feed about one-third easier in the latter case. The band saw must have spring set, as swaging would stretch and crook the blade. Spring set of course gives a blade less capacity than swaging does, as a swaged tooth cuts on both sides of the blade, and a spring tooth on but one. For small curves it requires more set than for large. It is better at cross-cutting than at ripping. Fig. ISO. Feeding a Batui Saiv Up Hill. It requires skill to dress and operate it. Although its fast feed and coarse cuttings call for comparatively large throat room, with ordinary tooth spacing, the teeth l)eing necessarily short, it is not capable of having sufficient throat room for coarse feed, and hence it packs. This may be obviated by increasing the distance between the teeth which lessens the duty of the saw. As the blade is so extremely thin, the tension is difficult to keep ; changing instantly with the temperature and requiring special elastic or weighted tension devices to prevent it breaking by cooling down after working. Too coarse a feed causes the back to be crowded and get longer, like the edge of a leather belt that runs rubbing against a shifter. The friction against the guides tends to crystallize and crack the Fig. 132. Band Resaiving Machine. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 89 back edge of the band, no matter how carefully the back guide is made, even with steel balls rolling at the slightest touch ; but by keep- Fig. 131. Band Scroll Saw. ing the proper pitch on a band-saw tooth it may be given a " lead " into the cut, thus lessening the friction on the stay-pin. 00 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. For soft wood the tooth space should be about one-half and their depth one-fifth the blade width. For hard wood, say space one-third and depth one-fifth the blade width. The gullet should be circular ; the rake not enough to give a back thrust. Fig. 133. Band Resaw Operating Side. As yet the band saw can cut but one kerf at a time, not being arranged in " gangs " as are the straight and the circular saws. We imagine that the principal difficulties to contend against in this direc- tion would be connected with the tension and alignment. GEIMSHAW ON SAWS. 91 Fig. 131 shows a band scroll sawing machine ; Fig. 132, a light band re-saw, for working up to 14 inches, with saws up to two inches wide. (This takes a 5 inch belt on a 14 inch pulley, making 450 revolutions per minute.) Fig. 134. Band ResawRear Side. Figs. 133 and 134 show respectively the operating and rear sides of a large band machine for resawing lumber into panel boards, or reducing deals to lumber. This takes up to 30 inches high and in the centre of 92 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 18 inches, the kerf being only -^ inch. This machine will produce two f inch panels planed on both sides from one inch lumber, instead of requiring 1 inch to produce the same stuff. The wheels are 60 inches diameter and take saws up to 4 inches wide, being placed close together to keep the blade as straight as possible. The pulleys of this machine are 30 inches diameter and 8 inch face, and should make 300 revolutions per minute, giving the blade over 4500 feet per minute lineal speed. Band-saw blades from i to f inch are 21 gauge; f to 1 inch, 20 gauge; 1J to 2 inches, 19 gauge; 2J to 2| inches, 18 gauge; 2| to 3| inches, 17 gauge; 4 to 6 inches, 16 gauge. Fig. 140. Chain Saw Concave Cutting. To Perin, of Paris, the world is indebted for making the band saw blades and machines practical. His government very justly awarded him, for his services in this connection, the decoration of the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. The nondescript CHAIN SAW merits passing mention. It conies in between the reciprocating rectilinear and the continuous curvilinear saws. Fig. 140 is the ordinary surgeon's chain saw, introduced by means of the curved needle shown, and then fitted with the handles A and B, and pulled back and forth around the bone to be cut off. In this case it cuts with its concave side. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. Fig. 141 shows a surgical chain saw, cutting with its convex edge. Messrs. George Tiemann & Co. have produced an entirely novel saw, the invention of Mr. F. A. Stohlmann. It is intended to replace the chain saw in common use, and is free from the tendency to bind, 94 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. kink, and break which characterizes the latter instrument. It consists, as will be seen in Fig. 142, of two handles connected by a wire of cast- steel, on which is strung a series of steel beads with sharp cutting edges. The instrument might indeed be called a file quite as appro- priately as a saw, and its action on a bone is said to be more like that of the first-mentioned tool, in the absence of such rough edges as are made by the saw in common use. No needle is required' to carry it through or around the bone, and its beads can be readily strung on a new wire in case of a break. Another advantage lies in the fact that the beads, by their free rotation, present fresh cutting edges ; and still another is the considerable difference in price between this instrument and the ordinary chain saw. Fig. 142. Novel Chain Satv. APPENDIX I. SAW MAKING. Inasmuch as this country possesses the largest saw manufactory in the world, and our needs as a new country, constructing so largely in wood, and exhausting forests for railroad ties and bridges, tend to develop the use of the saw it may be presumed that our systems of saw manufacture and our skill in their employment are in no whit behind the age, and are worthy of public notice. It is not many years since no American manufacturer dared to use American steel for saw making. The first successful attempt was made surreptitiously. Had it been publicly announced before succeed- ing, it would never have been the decided success it now is. Now we claim that the Old World may learn from us in saw making, and even buy from us the manufactured material. A recent prolonged inspection of an immense saw works,* where the proprietors and foremen, all practical men, fearing neither publicity nor competition, exerted themselves to answer in detail our every question, enables us to present the following outlines of the process : The steel, which is all " crucible," is made in the works, from Swedes iron, brands "hoop L. Gr." and "hoop F." The bars are cut small, and mixed with scrap steel from the manufacture of saws and files. Carbon is added in the proportion of 1 oz. to from 4 to 5J Ibs. of iron (say 1| to 1 per cent.) The thicker the saws desired to be made, the milder or less carbonized the steel. The material is melted in graph- ite pots holding from 65 to 85 Ibs. each, and run in iron moulds into ingots varying in weight, dimensions and shape according to the style and size of saws required to be made. Thus, an ingot for 1J dozen * The Keystone Saw Works of Messrs. Henry Disston & Sons, Front and Laurel Ste., Philadelphia. 96 GEIMSHAW ON SAWS. handsaws, 26 inches long, and tapering from 7J to 3 inches, weighs 48 Ibs., and is a flat block 6JX12X2 inches in size.* For a 50-inch circular saw three pots full are required, and the ingot weighs 200 Ibs. A 60-inch circular, rolled to No. 5 gauge and finished to No. 6 gauge, takes a 260-lb. ingot, hammered to the shape shown in Fig. 143, the pipe end or part which was uppermost in the mould being cut off, as shown by the V-shaped groove, because less solid than the rest. For a " cross-cut " saw (familiarly written " X -cut ") the ingot is cast of the form shown in Fig. 144, more convex on one edge than on the other. It rolls to the profile shown in Fig. 145, and is afterwards trimmed by shears to the shape shown in Fig. 146. A 6-foot cross-cut of 14 plate requires an 11-lb. ingot. Peculiar tongs are used to grip the sheet, and great skill is required to prevent their slipping. While being rolled to the proper gauge the plates are slapped vigorously on the smooth and level iron floor, to slam off the scale and dirt, which would otherwise be rolled into them. * " Some manufacturers or at least one has compiled from his practice a table of the weight of ingot required to roll out to a certain gauge and size of plate, so that, if an order is given to the rolling-mill to take an ingot of specified size and shape and roll it out to given dimensions, the result will be a certain gauge or thickness. By this means accuracy and simplicity are insured, since the skill of the workman in accu- rately measuring the gauge is not depended on. In point of fact, the workman need not be told anything about the gauge thickness. Fine measurements are not in his line, and, though he can measure the size of a sheet of steel, he is not at home measur- ing minutely to gauge. As an example of the use of the table referred to, suppose it is required to make two dozen handsaws 56 inches long and of 19 gauge ; a plate of 26xlO will just make two such saws. Then the manufacturer calculates thus : 10 J (the width of plate) x 26 (the length of plate) = 273 inches ; this will make two of the required saws. This, multiplied by 12, gives the area of plate required to make the two dozen saws. Then, turning to his table (which is a table of constant numbers) he finds against 19 gauge the constant number 72, and by dividing the area of plate required by this 72, he obtains the precise weight of ingot required to make the two dozen saws, and bring them out to correct size and gauge, allowing sufficient for trimming the edges of the plates. By this system (Joshua Oldham's) he is enabled to give to the rolling mill an order thus : " Eoll me an ingot weighing 45 J pounds ; cut it into 12 equal parts, and roll each piece to 26xlOj inches ;" with the result that he will not be required to pay for rolling any more metal than that just requisite to make the two dozen saws, and the saws will be the proper gauge. (The reader will observe that the workman is not required to use the gauge at all.) Plates so rolled will, for handsaws, be split diagonally lengthways, forming two saws from each sheet." [ JOSHUA ROSE, in Cincinnati ArtisanJ] GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 97 After rolling, the plates are cut to outline by powerful shears : then, if large, " gummed " or toothed by properly shaped dies in fly or cam presses. Jfammtred J/tgot for Circular 3 Fig. 143. For small hand saws the teeth are nicked out by a rapidly-revolving cutter in an automatic machine, cutting out 500 teeth per minute. A Sheffield operator, using a fly press, tooths a handsaw with 115 teeth in less than two minutes, and his regular task is two dozen 24" saws in eight hours. Circular saws have the eye driilled out before toothing. The forms of teeth are legion. Various grades of work naturally require special forms and dispositions of teeth ; added to which, cus- tomers have their own whims or ideas on the subject, and hold them very tenaciously. As sawyers are quite apt to file circular saw teeth very wastefully, the establishment we visited has devised an original tooth shape, which may be adhered to until the plate is too much worn away for further use, and which is economical of saws, time and files. The principle is intended to make the tooth outline as nearly peripheral and as little radial as possible. Referring to Fig. 148, the larger circle represents the saw outline, the inscribed circular arcs having their centres on the same circle, showing 98 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. the original tooth outline, which may be preserved throughout the life of the saw, at a minimum reduction of saw plate diameter. For woods I requiring shallower teeth the peripheral teeth lines are on larger circles, as shown in Fig. 148. The peripheral lines are left scribed on the plates, to keep the average sawyer from his natural tendency to dig in radi- ally. GfclMSHAW ON SAWS. Fig. 147. Cam Press. Fig. 148. Peripheral Lines. 100 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. After toothing comes hardening, the toothed plates being heated to a light cherry red, and then plunged in a bath composed of whale oil, tallow, rosin and beeswax. The plates, after hardening, should be as brittle as glass. They are covered with scale, grease and dirt, which is removed by scraping and scouring with sawdust. They come out buckled, and require to be flattened. This is done between heated dies brought together by hydraulic pressure. The dies are circular in form and horizontal in position, and about five to six feet in diameter. They are enclosed in a furnace with an adjustable blast, and are revolved to keep the temperature even. The proper color for handsaws is a blue, coresponding to spring temper. After removing from the tempering dies, handsaws are piled up and held down by a weight of the shape shown in Fig. 149, to keep them flat and straight. Fig. 149. Hand-Saw Weight. Each hand- saw blade is tested by a straight-edge and by bending in a circle. If it does not perfectly recover its original position it is rejected and rehardened. The teeth of this same spring-tempered blade are then laid on a " stake " and struck smartly with a light ham- mer, to see if they will take a permanent set ; unless they will, the saw is not up to standard. After being "smithed " the blades are ground. Wood- and handsaws are sprung into the inside of the rim of a large rotating iron wheel (say ten feet in diameter), and thus presented to the face of a rapidly revolving grindstone. Cross-cuts are ground between two huge stones (6 feet diameter, 8 inches face, and weighing 2638 Ibs. each), the distance of which apart is regulated by a screw. The blade is passed back and forth between the stones, working from the back of the saw towards the teeth, the feed being reversed at each pass and the stones brought nearer together as they wear away. This operation is repeated until the saw is of the required gauge, the back being made two to four gauges thinner than GBIMSHAW ON SAWS. 101 the edge by this process of inserting it first between the edges of the stone faces and passing the blade gradually inward toward the centre of the faces, so that all of it is exposed. The stones have a peripheral velocity of about 3000 feet per minute. Large circulars are ground by passing them through a special ma- chine having two large grindstones, the axles of which may be brought nearer together by a screw. The saw is on a temporary arm on a car- riage having a traversing motion, so that all parts of its surfaces, from rim to centre, are exposed to the action of the stones. The stones run 2500 to 3000 feet per minute. Circulars are ground even gauge throughout, or tapered at tJie rim, or thin at the edge, according to circumstances. Large saws are ta- pered at the rim, to make less kerf, take less power and lessen ex ntrifu- gal force. Fig. 150. Circular Saw Grinder. Small saws and grooving saws are thin at the centre, to avoid the need of spreading or bending the teeth to give their clearance. In the early days of saw manufacture all circulars were ground thin- nest at the eye, because they were held on a face plate by screws between the teeth, and left free at the centre ; the centre hence got the most grinding, as the screw heads must be cleared. Such saws, thin- nest at the eye, would not have stood the high speeds and feed of the present day, then unknown such, for instance as a 76" circular, 6 and 7 gauge, 56 teeth, running 750 revolutions (15,000 feet) per minute. Circular saws are polished and given the appearance of having been ground circularly, by revolving them on a face plate and pressing against them, successively, blocks of lead, cork and leather, supplied with emery and oil. XT OF THE UNIVERSITY ) or 102 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. No matter how flat a saw may be pressed between the tempering dies, the majority of leading saw makers claim that the tension will be uneven in spots, and that hammering is necessary to equalize it. A buckle or bend in a plate is known as a " tight " or a " loose " place. A circular which is flat and true and even in tension while at rest is, when running at a high speed, expanded more at the rim than near the eye, or is " centre bound," the rim waving and tending to cut out of line and run into or out of the log as influenced by a knot or any other inequality In the grain. This causes friction and heating and permanent " dishing." The rim expands proportionally more than the portions nearer the eye, because it runs faster, and perhaps because the tooth spaces weaken it. It is the saw-straightener's duty to compensate in advance for the expansion due to centrifugal motion, by giving a rim tension which, while insufficient to actually dish the saw while at rest, will neverthe- less be there when wanted, and will counteract the expansion of the rim at high speeds. If he give too much such tension, the plate, " rim-bound " when in motion, heats in the centre and dishes, as shown in Fig. 151. When we consider that the compensating tension required to be thus given depends upon the diameter, thickness, temper and tension of the plate, and also upon the number, shape and depth of the teeth, the quality of the lumber to be cut, and the speed at which the disk is to rotate, we may well imagine that novices are not intrusted with this work, which requires in the highest degree experience, judgment and skill. The deliberate, steady, well chosen hammer blows are not to buckle or dent the blade, but simply to create or to remove local tension. Fig. 151. Dishing Circular. Fig. 152. Doghead. GR1MSHAW ON SAWS. ID:; The "doghead" hammer (Fig. 152) weighs about 3 Ibs. Its length is about 5J" inches and its diameter If ". The handle is 14" long and stands at an angle of 85 to the head. The face is evenly round- ing. Fig. 153 is a blocking hammer, very slightly rounding at A. The block and anvil are shown herewith (Fig. 154). The doghead is used mainly for stretching, or removing a tension. The handle being at the angle shown with the head, the blow is a dead one, free from spring or rebound. The head being heavy, and with rounding face, and the speed being slow, it leaves no " hammer sinks " or dents on the plate or blade. Fly. 153. Blocking Hammer. Fig. 154. Anvil and Block. The parts of the plate under treatment must be perfectly flat on the anvil, else the blow would dent or distort the blade. Supposing the plate thus properly bedded on the anvil, a blow of the doghead may be given so as to stretch equally in all directions, as at A, Fig. 155, or by striking aslant, the effects are produced as shown at B, same figure. (Such slanting blows arc always given from the operator, even if it be necessary to turn the blade end for end to do this). 104 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. The blocking hammer, Fig. 153, produces, by lateral motion, an effect to one side of the line of contact. Thus, in Fig. 156, using one face and a leftwise motion, the effects are distributed as shown at E, while with the other face and an outward motion, they are as shown at C. The curve of the face tends to lift or curl the plate up, the results being as shown at A and B, Fig. 157. Fig. 155. Fig. 156. Coarser defects can be noticed by the expert as the plate lies on the block; lesser ones are found by "sighting" the plate, as in Fig. 158, the shadows denoting uneven places. Fig. 157. Reversing the plate, as in Fig. 159, and bending it back and forth, expanded portions move more easily than the average ; tight places are stiffer and must be stretched this equalizing the tension also. The GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 105 straight edge (Fig. 160) is frequently applied during the hammering process. Fig. 158. Fig. 159. Fig. 16O. The plate should be well bedded to the anvil while receiving the blows, otherwise the hammer will " drum " and the plate will be- come convex on the hammered side by reason of stretching its skin. Fig. 161 denotes a blade loose in the middle where the oval shadow is given. To remedy this, blows with the doghead must be shown, as GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. shown by the marks A and B, thus, stretching the parts struck and allowing the loose place to flatten, while slightly lengthening the blade. If, however, the blade were " tight " in the center it would be struck as at A y Fig. 162, to stretch the tight place. If it were atwist, as shown in Fig. 163, the blocking hammer would be used, as shown by the heavy line-marks, the plate being placed with drooping side down, and the hammer curling or lifting this. To remedy a kink or wave (Fig. 164) the plate is placed with the Fig. 161. Loose Centre. Fig. 162. Tight Centre. Fig. 163. Atwist. Fig. 164. Kink. hollow face of the kink downwards and struck as at A, lifting the part kinked. Turning the plate over, the blows B are then given, removing the kink. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 107 Fig. 165 shows a dished circular plate, which must be undished by putting the concave upwards and striking as shown, thus tending to stretch the top and straighten the plate. Fig. 165. Dished Circular Plate. APPENDIX II. CARE AND USE OF CIRCULAR SAWS. The shape of teeth is most important, as regards not only their cut- ting, but the economy of the plate. The dotted lines of Fig. 166 show circular saw teeth as they are when they leave the factory ; they some- times get down to the shape shown by B, C, D without sawdust room. Such filing also uses up files and saws, while cracks are liable to start in the sharp angles or the teeth break off as at A. Fig. 168 shows, in full size, what Disston calls the "Jones tooth," filed from the top instead of from below. Dotted line 1 shows the circumference on leaving the factory ; 2 shows where the periphery should have been brought by properly filing ; line 3 shows where the periphery comes to by bad filing. And yet from A to B is as far as from A to C! This tooth is also highest at the back, scraping instead of cutting, and it has no dust chamber. If the saw be dull, either at or under the points, as seen in Fig. 1 69, it will not do good work. Looking at points A and B of Fig. 169, (showing a cracked saw) it is easily seen that it is broken by over-work while dull. A tooth of a 24-inch circular saw strikes the wood at the rate of 9000 feet per minute, 2000 times per second, 1,200,000 times per day, and if not sharp the saw must eventually, even if once strong, get tender and break, as seen at D. If the tooth takes one-eighth inch hold of the wood at each revolu- tion it gets dull one-eighth inch below the point, and proportionally for other feeds. If the saw were a razor and the man who works it were obliged to shave with it, then the saw would be kept sharp. It is quite as essen- tial that a saw be sharp as as a razor,or plane, or any other cutting instrument; and when proud, or full and sharp, it does not require one-half the set or power on the same feed, GRIMSHAW ON SAWS, 109 While a tolerably good workman may run a mill, yet a good saw- yer's lumber always brings higher price than that of a less skilled man. A saw often improves in temper by use, as the extreme points of the teeth are often too soft at first. A saw improperly hung, unevenly set, filed untrue ; teeth lacking pitch, or having too much ; teeth with back higher than point, with scant dust room, or the plate unevenly balanced all cause trouble. I CJ A saw will not balance rightly unless absolutely round, having teeth of equal size and shape and gullets of equal depths. The guide or gauge of a bench saw should never pass the centre of the saw. A saw plate may be in perfect condition and yet not run true, on account of lack of truth in the collar. 110 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. It is best to take a full deep cut, rather than a light scraping one. With a buzz saw, having ^ inch feed, it takes thirty-two teeth to cut an inch of lumber ; with ^ inch feed, only eight, and you break the fibre only eight times instead of thirty-two. Of course the tooth gets dull further under with the higher feed, but requires very little more sharpening. APPENDIX III. SAW FILING. Hardly any two sawyers agree as to the exact " best mode " of filing. So many published and unpublished opinions directly contradict one another that we feel justified in adhering to Holzappfel's directions, modified somewhat by the changes in files and in saw teeth which have come about since then. We will consider straight blades first. They should be held teeth upwards, in a " clamp." Strips of wood or sheet lead between the clamp jaws absorb the vibrations and lessen the horrible screeching so annoying to nerves. If a saw be allowed to shake and jar while being filed, it is almost sure to break the teeth out of the edge of a good sharp file ; and the better and sharper the file, the more liable it will be to break by such filing. By holding the file firm and down close to the jaws of the clamps the files will last much longer, and a keener edge may be got on the saw. The best cut for saw files, except for very small teeth, is " float " or " single," made by a single row of chisel cuts. The five diagrams herewith given show, each, three views of the teeth. For metal-saws the file is held 90 in both vertical and hori- zontal angles ; for hard woods, 90 to 80 horizontally ; for soft woods, 70 to 60 and less, the vertical angle being half the horizontal, but less important. Filing teeth bent towards the operator causes great chattering and screeching and strips the file teeth. First, "top ' or "joint " teeth by passing the file lengthwise over them, to equalize their length, bearing harder on the ends (where there is least wear.) File O 7 O V ' the faces or fronts before the tops. When the teeth are to be square, file in regular succession 1, 2, 3, 4. When the file is inclined so as to give " fleam," file 1, 3, 5, 9 to right, 2, 4, 6, 8 to left. G-RIMSHAW ON SAWS. Fig. 169 shows teeth for metal frame saws (blacksmiths'). Small metal saws, made of watchsprings, are filed with a guide fitting in one notch and serving as a bearing for the side of the file in making the next tooth back. Fig. 169. Fig. 170 shows the "peg" tooth with plenty of fleam. M teeth and mill saw teeth are sharpened about the same as the peg. f'N i ^ >/ N ^N ''' \xis^_ iJL/ ZTT3 Ni-jLi' / ^r \ \^L / / ^r \ ^vJLJ7 ^N^~ ^*NX" ^^i'^"^ A' / Fig. 17O. \ h . File sides 1, 5, 9 (the left of alternate teeth), at horizontal angle h. Then opposite sides of same teeth, 2, 6, 10, with reverse angle h'. Then the other teeth, from the other side of the blade, that is, 12, 8, 4; then 11 7, 3. Fig. 171 shows teeth with 60 angles, as those of the hand-saw. The file generally cute a front and a back at once. After topping, file GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. I, 5, 9 (alternate teeth) back to the centre of each face produced by topping. Then take sides 2 and 3, 6 and 7, 10 and 11 of the nooks, and file them forward to meet the line a. This finishes faces 3, 7 and II. The saw is then changed end for end, and tops 4, 8 and 12 fin- ished. Thus the first course files a face only of odd teeth ; the second, the backs of odd teeth and faces of even ; the third, the tops of even teeth. Fig. 172 shows a pruning saw for green wood, ground very much thinner at the back and not set. Excessive bevel is given, and it cuts clean and sweet. \\ \\ / 7* ; \ A Fiff. 172. Fig. 173 is done with a pit-saw file smaller than the gullet. First, make gullets 3, 7, 1 1 very obliquely in the vertical plane ; first filing the face of one tooth and then the back of the other. Then file tops of teeth 4, 8, 12 with flat side of file, at angle from 5 to 40 with the edge, and 80 to 60 with the side of the blade (the 5 to 80 being for the hardest and 40 and 60 for the softest woods). Fig. 173. File the front of all teeth set from you, and the back of those set towards you. The most frequent custom seems to be to file from front to handle. From 6 to 8 inches at the point of the hand rip-saw may be filed 114 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. at a less angle than the rest ; that is, at the " cross-cut " pitch. This enables the sawyer to rip through knots without changing saws. Some advise making a swell in the center (say J inch in a 26-inch saw), to counteract the rocking tendency of the sawyer, whose hand tends to go down on the forward stroke. Some experienced men advocate going over the saw in three light filings to produce a keen regular result. The last teeth of cross-cuts may be rounded at the points to prevent tearing on entering and leaving the cut. Fig. 174 shows a hardened steel gauge for regulating clearer teeth ; the file should dress off projecting points to a level with the gauge. Fig. 174. Clearer Gauge. A cross-cut hand saw should cut a little more on the down than on the up stroke, as the arm is there strongest ; hence the teeth should pitch a little forwards. The " wire edge " should be taken off with a whetstone, after filing. In sharpening an under-cut or a parallel tooth there is danger lest the original shapes get perverted, as in Cand I), Figs. 175 and 176. Fig. Fig. 176. By the use of a special section, as the " Lumberman's " cross-cut file, an M tooth with slightly inclined sides is easily kept in condition. " As you pay for the edge of a file as well as the flat, why not use it?" GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 115 Figs. 179, 180 and 181 show the mode of applying a special section file to the " Great American " cross cut. Fig. 179 shows the manner of filing the long edge of the end tooth; Fig 180, the short or inside edge of the end tooth; Fig. 181, the gullet. The adjustable clamp shown in Fig. 182 enables a saw to be filed at any angle, or square, as desired. Band saw files have their edges rounded to make the notches less liable to start cracks. GRIMSHAW Ok SAWS. Fig. 18O. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 117 Fig. 181. Fig. 182. Saw Filing Clamp. 118 GRJMSHAW ON SAWS. We remember seeing at the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, a band sawfiling machine employing a spiral or screw file with a pitch equal to the tooth space, and hence self feeding. Rotation of the file sharpened the band evenly and fed it along automatically. The file, however, has the disadvantage of being difficult to forge, temper and cut, and of being uiilizable on one corner only. Shingle saws should be filed square across the teeth, and given just enough set to clear the blade. In filing circular saws, many men are in too great a hurry to get the teeth sharp, and file from the top rather than from the front or bottom. In Fig. 183, dotted line B shows where the point first wears; CCC } how it should be filed back ; but too often, on account of the long sur- face, and the sharp corner at /, the filing is done on the top. Filing back on line CCC the diameter is diminished only to F, while from the top you work it down to D. In Fig. 184 the same tooth is shown, gummed by a machine and leaving but little under filing. Fig. 184. Never file a circular saw to a " proud edge," but file on the under side near to an edge, striking lightly. Keep the teeth very hooking with a bevel of one-sixteenth, swaged, not filed, on the under side. Circular saw teeth, "out of round" should be marked with a piece of chalk while the saw revolves slowly. To ascertain whether a circular saw tooth is exactly to shape, a sheet steel gauge is applied as shown in Fig. 185. Exactly even setting is impossible ; some teeth will overhang more more than others ; this causes rough lumber. The adjustable side file GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 119 gauge (Fig. 186) enables absolute uniformity to be given, after setting, and by its use a saw may be enabled approximately to " plane lumber." The " side file " is to regulate the teeth after setting, and prevent unduly projecting teeth from making rough lumber. The set screws adjust the file to any set desired ; the jaw nuts hold them tight. Fig. 186. Side File. Fig. 187 shows an adjustable filing machine for filing circular or straight saws. It will file a tooth square top and bottom, or bevel point and square back, or square point and bevel back, filing from right to left or left to right. For ordinary hand saws a triangular file is employed, the con- tour being taper, as shown in Fig. 188, and the lengths 3, 3J, 4, 5, 6, 120 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 8 and 10 inches. An improvement is the "slim hand saw taper," Fig. 189, made from the same sized stock ; the lengths being 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12, inches, giving greater sweep or stroke. The ordinary three-square file (Fig. 190) is not intended for saw filing and utterly unfit therefor. They are generally as thin as pos- sible in the edges and corners, drawn and cut to a small point, and double cut to the point. All saw files, whether double cut or single cut, are cut on the edges or corners as well as on the flats or sides. Fig. 190 shows a three-square file for machinery ; Fig. 188, a saw file. A very valuable improvement is the "double ender" file, with accompanying handle, Figs. 191, 192 and 193. The file may be one end double cut and the other single, or one end coarse and the other fine, and is perfectly adapted to the split handles made to accompany it. Fig. 187. Saw Filing Machine. The " blunt end " file (Fig. 194) is by many preferred to those having sharp points. A step still further in this direction is the knob end (Fig. 195), giving better hold of the file by the finger and thumb of the left hand, and thereby enabling the filer to more easily control the use of the tool. It is even less liable than the plain blunt end to cause soreness to cause soreness to the ends of the finger and thumb by much filing. To use the reversible taper file in a regular handle, bore in the handle a hole about the size of the point of the file, and then counter bore, about halfway down, nearly the size of the full part of the file. One manufacturer makes the reversible taper with blunt points (Fig. 196). We have never yet been able to see why any taper should be given 122 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. ORIMSHAW ON SAWS. 123 to a saw file. If any part of a taper file be the right section for the notches in the saw, the other parts must be the wrong size. Further- more, either the wear must overlap from both sides, or an unworn stripe be left along the center line. A three-cornered saw file should be in width a trifle more than twice the depth of teeth to be tiled. If wider, the extra width is wasted, as it never gets any work. Fig. 197 shows Roth's saw tile guide applied to a small circular saw. Fig. 197. Roth's Saw Filiny There is a circle, divided and numbered from its centre each way, giving bevels for each side of the saw, or square across shown in the cut. The file is fitted into the handle, and is held by a set screw, and may be readily turned so as to use any corner of the file. The indi- cator shows the pitch at which the file is set. The rod passes through holes in the graduated ring and guides the file. The frame upon which the ring is held slides in grooves cut on each side of the clamp 124 GRIMSIIAW ON SAWS. in which the saw is held. A table connected with the guide is arranged and figured, so as to give the required bevel and pitch for the kind of saw to be filed; and it is only necessary to set the ring for the bevel and the indicator for the pitch, and the machine is ready for use. As the filing is proceeded with from tooth to tooth the frame follows, giving the same bevel, pitch and size to each tooth, and on one size of the saw the same as on the other, thus leaving the saw, when finished filing, with the teeth all of the same size, pitch and bevel ; and each tooth will do its share of cutting equally throughout the entire length of the saw, cut straight, smoothly, easily and rapidly. The operation of filing with a machine does not tire the eye ; may be readily filed with- out taking them from the arbor or shaft, and each size of saw will have its teeth all of an equal pitch and bevel, so as to do the greatest amount of work in the best manner, and with the least expenditure of power. APPENDIX IY. SPRING SETTING. There is perhaps little need for a lengthy appendix on setting. It must be premised that, by the term setting, springing or bending the teeth is understood, as distinguished from " spread set " or swaging. The operation of setting any kind of saw is an important one, as upon the judgment and accuracy displayed depend very largely the performance of the tool. The primary object, as before mentioned, is to give more clearance than can be given by grinding a straight blade thinner at the back than at the cutting edge, or by making a circular thinnest at the eye, which last, although practised in the early days of circular saw manufacture, when the disk was held on a face plate by screws at the edge, is disadvantageous for large saws and high speeds, as leaving the rim unduly heavy, and is used only for grooving saws and small disks. A 72-inch circular, running two miles a minute at the rim, must naturally be as light as possible towards the circumfer- ence. The principal advantage in giving clearance and thus lessening fric- tion and heating, diminishing the power required to drive the saw and keeping the blade straight, is partly offset by suppressing one cutting edge of each tooth ; and yet that cutting edge acts (if the set be good) at a better angle than if no set of any kind were given. Spring set enables the sawyer to adjust the saw to varying kinds of material, or to the operation to be performed, as ripping or crossing. In common with swaging, it aids in aifording clearance to the sawdust. There is the disadvantage that set springs the tooth into the work when sharp, and away from it when dull, and that the effort of overcoming this tendency to dig in, increases the power required to run the saw. For cutting hard and knotty wood, and for some other materials, much set 126 GRIM8HAW ON SAWS. is impracticable. For ice, all must be given that is safe, that is, just enough not to endanger the strength of the tooth. Figs. 198 and 199 give respectively the ancient and the modern mode of giving " set." Fig. 198. Ancient Set. Fiy. 199. Modern Set. The modern method of setting alternate teeth to right and left dimin- ishes clattering and makes 'a clean smoother cut. The ancient way of setting half a dozen adjacent points each way, was apt to produce a ridgy cut, like a washboard, thus; Whatever set be given, it must be regular, and must not extend beyond the base of the tooth ; that is, the set must be given the tooth, and not the plate. In manufacturing hand-saws, the temper of each is tried by setting a few teeth on a stake, with quick hammer .blows. One authority states that the plate itself would not stand this test. But Disstons claim that the back of a good hand-saw may be given a set all along; and it is certain that by constant filing, what was once the plate below the tooth line becomes in tune part of the teeth, and must be set. But so long as this metal is not in the tooth proper it should be left unstrained by local tensions. The two principal modes of setting are by sharp quick hammer blows and by bending. The former mode has the disadvantage of being less regular, except perhaps in the case of those machines used to set hand-saw blades, where the force of the blow is determined and kept uniform by a spring or weight. The simplest saw-set we know of is a notch in the side of a file tip having the advantage of being at hand when wanted and not necessi- tating a special tool. But with such a bending device the amount of bend must be regulated by the feeling of the operator ; and perhaps it is best to have a separate set, with a stop, enabling one to vary the amount of bend given to the teeth, and to keep it uniform throughout. The cuts show common forms of saw sets. They have the advantage of neither oversetting nor undersetting. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 127 If any one tooth projects beyond the others it will get undue work, and either dig in and break, or retard the cutting, or limit the capacity of the saw by " masking " those which follow it and are by it prevented from touching the wood. APPENDIX V. SWAGING. Swaging, swedging, or jumping, is the upsetting, widening or spread- ing of the teeth to give clearance, etc. It is best effected by a steel die having a /\ notch in it, to conform to which the tooth is smartly hammered. It hardens and condenses the metal. Extreme spread, as is our Southern usage, necessitates the sacrifice of temper in the tooth. In one form of die the sharpness of angle is obtained by sawing a kerf in the angle of the /\ and driving the parts together by a ring (see Fig. 202). The lower opening in this swage is rounding and spreads and shapes the teeth as seen at H. The upper one is for squaring up to the style G. The kerf in the notch enables a fine sharp angle to be made and maintained and permits the hardening composition to enter freely that portion of the die which does the most work. In another there is an adjustable wall to the notch, which can be set up by a screw to any desired acuteness of angle (see Fig. 203. Sometimes one or more teeth will strike gravel or some other hard substance, and take off the point. To obviate cutting down all the rest of the teeth, the short tooth may be lengthened, as shown in Fig. 204 (an inserted tooth). Mark the short tooth with a file on the under side, so that in filing it will be recognized. Raise the swage in the act of upsetting, and the point will be raised up as shown in Fig. 205. A light hammer should be used in swaging. Fig. 204. Fit/. 2OX. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 129 ISO Fig. 2O3. Emerson, Smith e removed from the arbor. The economy of saw plates GIUMSHAW ON resulting from its use can hardly be estimated, while the speed ana regularity of its action leave nothing to be desired. Fig. 210 shows a cutter grinder for holding the cutter of a chamber- ing machine in position during sharpening. Fig. 211 shows a most important and successful invention the " spiral line " mode of gulletiug. By making the back line of each tooth the continuation of the spiral lines Z, the sharpening is mainly done by gulleting the throat with the rotary gummer (Fig. 209). The GRIMSHAW OX SAWS. 133 cutter, in traversing the spiral line, reduces the front or throat of tooth D while prolonging the point line of C. The saw B is the saw as worn down. A reduction on radius from (f- to F, say 6 inches, corres- ponds to a distance G to Y, on the spiral line, 24 inches. The gullet is semicircular, whence an advantage, an inch and a half tooth keeping as clear as a two inch ordinary tooth. Wearing a 54 inch plate down to a 42 inch would give only six sets of two inch teeth, but eight sets F'iff. 2O7. Gumming Press. of one and a half inch. This method preserves the true round of the saw. The tooth remains the same shape throughout, instead of having a constantly lessening chamber. Fig. 212 shows part of a gullet tooth saw after cutting 300,000 feet of hemlock lumber. Line 7) and point A are the originals ; line E and point Cshow a reduction of only -fa inch in diameter. 134 GRIM8HAW ON SAW8. In Fig. 213, tooth B has been rechambered ; A shows, by the file applied flat to it, that it much needs that operation. One maker had teeth like Fig. 214 sent to him to be gummed. B is the actual chamber line ; it should have been C. 00 The emery or corundum wheel does quick work in the highest tem- pered steels. It can be obtained of any desired edge section and used to dress the bottom, edge, back, or top of a tooth. It requires such GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 135 a high speed of revolution as to necessitate to use of power to run it; but part of this inconvenience is done away with by swinging it to an arbor above the mandrel, in the case of circular saws. Fig. 215 shows Bostwick's machine for the purpose. Fiff. 2O9. Rotary There exists in the minds of many persons who are not fully acquain- ted with the principle upon which circular saws are made, an errone- ous opinion that a saw should work the same until worn out, if it is not accidentally sprung in use or strained in gumming. So far as any damage to the saw is concerned, there is no difference between the usy 136 IIMMSIIAW ON SAWS. of a burr gunimer and that of a file ; but if proper care be not exercised in the use of the emery wheel there is more danger from its use than from either the file or burr. If the condition of the saw be such that a considerable depth is required to be cut into the plate, the operation should be performed by going over the saw several times, allowing the wheel to grind away only so much as can be done without heating the saw to a blue. There is no excuse whatever in crowding the emery wheel so as to heat the Fig. 21O. Cutter Grinder. saw red hot, as this is sure to injure the saw, often glazing it where the wheel comes in contact, so hard that a file will make no impression whatever. From these hard spots on the outer surface small cracks commence, at first invisible to the eye, but gradually enlarging until they become dangerous fractures. Hacking the face of the wheel with a cold chisel or the corners of an old file, will often prevent its glazing, Of THE UNIVERSITY GRIM8HAW ON SAWS. 137 so that it is not as liable to heat the saw. After a few times gumming, however, the saw will enlarge on the rim so that the slightest warmth will cause it to buckle, and there is no remedy left but to send it to a saw maker and have it re-hammered. Some, ^however, entertain the wrong impression that a saw re-hammered will never run as well as when new. On the contrary, a saw re-hammered will generally run better than when new, because all the elasticity (or nearly all) is worked out of it by use, and it generally works stiffer than when new. Fig. 211. The cause of emery wheels hardening saw plates is stated by J. E. Emerson to be that the spaces between the particles of emery fill up with steel, creating a smooth instead of a rough surface. The friction quickly causes high heat, and sudden chilling takes place when the wheel leaves the spot. To remove it. hack the wheel with the corner 10 138 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. Fig. 212. Fig. 213. Fig. 214. Bad Gumming. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 130 Fig. 215. Boswick's Emery Gummer. 140 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. of a worn out file, and grind off the extreme outer surface which lias been hardened. It is better, and takes no longer to keep the emery wheel hacked and cut off only a little at a time and to go around the saw lightly several times in gumming. The wheel is generally turned up true with a diamond after wear. The great trouble in the use of the ordinary diamond tool is the danger of grinding out and losing the diamond. In the tool shown herewith the diamond C is held in copper, as shown at I). This copper is held between the two halves of the tool, which are firmly Fig. 216. Emerson's Diamond Tool for Tru'my Wheels. gripped together by the screws BB, the principle upon which the dia- mond is imbedded and held, holds it firmly and securely, being sub- stantially the same as used in securing the diamonds in the Emerson Diamond Stone Saw. A represents the diamond tool. BB, the screws for fastening the tool together with diamond C in the end. D represents a diamond in its casing, which is made of sheet copper on account of its toughness and pliability ; this is fitted around and incorporated into every irregu- larity of the diamond, then the casing and diamond are fitted into the steel holder, and the fold of the copper casing held below the diamond firmly between the two jaws of the diamond tool or holder. In many other processes the diamond is held merely by a grip upon its own size; when the holder becomes worn to the centre of the diamond it drops out and is lost. By this process the casing is held, to which the dia- mond clings and is saved, APPENDIX VII. JOINING BAND SAW BLADES. To MAKE MURIATE OF ZINC (CHLORIDE OF ZINC ; ZINC CHLO- RIDE), for Soldering or Brazing. Feed muriatic acid all the small pieces of zinc that it will eat ; dilute with an equal amount of rain or distilled water (condensed steam water) and it is ready for use. To MAKE BORAX WATER FOR SOLDERING OR BRAZING. Burn a sufficient quantity of borax on a hot shovel or piece of sheet iron, or in an iron dish, then pulverize and boil in rain or condensed water to the consistency of cream. To JOIN THE ENDS OF A BAND SAW. File the ends of the saw on opposite sides to form two wedge-shaped ends, having a lap of say from | to 1 J inch, according to width and thickness of plate ; a thin narrow plate for light work, like ordinary scroll sawing, f inch : a wide saw, say four or five inches in width, by No. 16, 17 and 18 gauge, 1J inch lap. When the two beveled sides are laid together they must form a good joint of the same thickness as the blade.- Now take two pairs of tongs with heavy jaws, long enough to cover the width of the blade ; have the jaws straight and shut closely. Cut a notch in a piece of about 6x6 joist for wide saws, and smaller for narrow saws ; have the notch large enough, and covered or plated inside, so that it will not be burned by the hot tongs. Next clamp the saw on the joists so that the laps will come over the notch ; the joists should be say four feet in length, and mounted on legs like a carpenter's saw horse. Now cover the lap with the muriate of zinc or borax water, placing a piece of very thin silver solder or fine spelter solder in the joint ; if spelter is used, it may be mixed with the borax water and spread between the joints (silver solder, however, is preferable to spelter). Now heat one pair 142 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. of the tongs to a bright cherry red and scrape off all the scale, etc., between the jaws ; clamp the joint to be brazed, using another pair of cold tongs to clamp the points of the hot tongs, hold them a sufficient length of time to melt the solder, and have the other pair of tongs warmed to about the heat of a sad iron. Now carefully draw the hot tongs off towards the back of the saws, having the back rest firmly against supports, so that the saw cannot move edgewise. Have an- other person follow up the hot tongs with those merely warmed ; hold the grip with the warm tongs until the joints are fairly set, when nothing remains to be done more than to file off the surplus solder. The above process will be found much better than cooling off the joints with water, which is liable to harden and crack the blade. The sol- dering and cooling tongs should be made heavy and strong. The cooling tongs should not be used entirely cold, as the sudden chilling will harden the plate. If the process is properly performed, the saw will be of the same temper at the splice as in other parts. Figs. 217 and 218 show a very convenient device made by J. A. Fay & Co., Cincinnati, to facilitate the brazing of band-saw blades. It is sufficiently explained by the illustrations. Fig. 217. Fif/. 218. APPENDIX VIII. GAUGES AND MEASUREMENTS. The gauge employed for measuring thickness of saw plates is the so-called "Stubs'/' or Birmingham Wire Gauge (an arbitrary and senseless scale, almost -matchless among trade stupidities), shown in part herewith in comparison with the inch and its divisions into six- teenths, and also given in part in decimal divisions of the inch in the annexed table : 144 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. Diam. Inch. Gauge. 134 12 109 095 083 072 065 058 049 BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAUGE, EXPRESSED IN " CARPENTER'S MEASURE." auge. 1 Diaiu. Inch. -3 Gauge. D ]0 2 -284 11 3 -259 12 4 -238 13 5 -22 14 6 -203 15 7 -18 16 8 -165 17 9.., . -148 18.. 3auge. 19 Diain. Inch. -042 20 -035 21 -032 22 -028 23 -025 24 -022 25 -02 26.. . -018 Gauge No. 4 inch scant. 7 32 3 <( IT ~3~2 full, scant. Gauge No. 9 -^ inch scant. "10, "11 "12 "13 1 full. scant. scant. Table giving the values of inches and fractions of an inch in milli- meteres.: Inches. Millimetres. 1 Indies. Millimetres. Fractions of an inch. Millimetres. Fractions of an inch. Millimetre*. 1 25-39977 19 482-59567 l 3 ~2 0-79374 H 13-49362 2 50-79954 20 507-99544 T 1-58748 A 14-28737 3 76-19932 21 533-39521 A 2-38123 H 15-08111 4 101-59909 22 558-79499 I 3-17497 15-87485 5 126-99886 23 584-19476 A 3-96871 H 16-66859 6 152-39863 24 609-59453 A 4-76245 s 17-46234 7 177-79840 25 634-99430 A 5-55620 18-25608 8 203-19818 26 660-39407 1 6-34994 19-04982 9 228-59795 27 685-79385 A 7-14368 i 19-84356 10 253-99772 28 711-19362 ft 7-93743 1 3 T<> 20-63731 11 | 279-39749 29 736-59339 H 8-73117 n 21-43105 12 304-79726 30 761-99316 1 9-52491 * 22-22479 13 330-19704 31 787-39293 tf 10-31865 ti 23-01853 14 355-59681 32 812-79271 x 11-11240 15 Tt> 23-81228 15 380-99658 33 838-19248 11-90614 If 24-60602 16 406-39635 34 863-59225 1 12-69988 1 25-39977 17 431-79612 35 888-99202 18 457-19590 36 914-39179 We annex a cut showing four inches graduated to centimetres : A. METRIC SYSTEM INCHES- ; 2 3 ' 1 APPENDIX IX. ORDERING CIRCULAR SAWS. In ordering circular saws for log sawing, it is always necessary, to avoid error or delays, to give the following data : 1. Whether inserted or solid toothed saws. 2. Diameter of saw in inches. 3. Kind and number of teeth (see Fig. 91.) 4. Gauge of saw at the hole. 5. Gauge of saw at the rim. 6. Size of centre hole. 7. Size of pin holes. 8. Diameter of circle pin holes* are on (distance from centre to centre). 9. Which is the log side as the saw runs towards you, right or left? 10. Speed the saw is to run per minute. 11. What kind of timber you wish to cut. 12. Largest feed to each revolution of the saw, in inches. 13. Number of extra teeth desired if inserted teeth be ordered. 14. How it is to be shipped, whether by freight or express. When ordering shingle saws, send correct draft holes, whether flange is on right or left side (saw cutting towards you), thickness at tooth, and about the number of teeth. When ordering concave saws, give circle to be dished to ; also, which side is to be dished or concaved, the right or left hand (saw running towards you). APPENDIX X. TABLES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF LOGS, FROM 12 TO 24 FEET LONG AND FROM 10 TO. 96 INCHES IN DlAMETER. [These tables are given here by special permission of the owners of the copyright, Messrs. N. W. SPAULDING & BROS., Chicago.] EXPLANATION. The length of any log in feet will be found in the left hand column of the table, and the diameter at the top of the page. To find the number of feet of square-edged boards which a log will produce when sawed : Take the length in feet in left hand column of table, and its diameter in inches at the top of the page ; trace the two columns of figures until they meet, and you have the required amount. EXAMPLE. A log which is 18 feet long and 21 inches in diameter gives, at the right of the length and directly under the diameter, 346 feet. And one 23 feet long and 18 inches in diameter gives 310 feet. Logs longer than is given in this table can be easily measured by doubling any given length ; for example, to find the number of feet, board measure, contained in a log 28 feet long by 19 inches in diameter, double the amount contained in a log 14 feet long, 19 inches diameter, and you have the answer 428 feet. For a log 42 feet long, 10 inches diameter, multiply the amount contained in the table in a log 14 feet long by three, and you have the amount; and so on to any length or size. REMARKS. In placing these tables before the Lumbermen, we wish to draw their attention to the fact that they have been computed from accurately drawn diagrams of every sized log from 10 to 96 inches in diameter. Each sized log has been scaled, so as to make all that can be practically sawed out of it, if economically sawed. Each log to be measured at the top or small end, inside of the bark, and, if not round, to l>e measured two ways at right angles and the difference taken for the ORIMBHAW ON SAWS. 147 diameter. Where there are any known defects, the amount to be deducted should be agreed upon by the buyer and seller, and no frac- tions of an inch to be taken into the measurement. In this table we have varied the size of the slab in proportion to the size of the log, and have arranged it more particularly for large logs, by taking them in sections of 12 feet and carrying the table up to 96 inches in diameter. As there has never been any in use for scaling over 44 inches, it has been our purpose to furnish a table for the mea- suring of logs that can be implicitly relied upon for correctness by both buyer and seller ; and to do so, we have spared no pains nor ex- pense to render it perfect. Length in Feet. Diam. 10 Diam. 11 Diam. 12 Diam. 13 Diam. 14 Diam. 15 Diam. 16 Diam. 17 Diam. 18 Diam. Diam. 19 20 12 38 47 58 71 86 103 121 141 162 184 207 13 41 51 62 76 93 111 131 152 175 199 224 14 44 55 67 82 100 120 141 164 189 214 241 15 47 59 72 88 107 128 151 176 202 230 258 16 50 63 77 94 114 137 161 188 216 245i 276 17 53 67 82 100 121 145 171 199 229 260 293 18 57 70 87 106 129 154 181 211 243 276 310 19 60 74 91 112 136 163 191 223 256 291 327 20 63 78 96 118 143 171 201 235 270 306 345 21 66 82 101 124 150 180 211 246 283 3221 362 22 69 86 106 130 157 188 221 258 297 337 379 23 72 90 111 136 164 197 231 270 310 352 396 24 76 94 116 142 172 206 242 282 324 368 414 j Length in Feet. Diam. 21 Diam. 22 Diam. 23 Diam. 24 Diam. 25 Diam. 26 Diam. 27 Diam. 28 Diam. 29 Diam. 30 Diam. 31 12... 231 256 282 309 337 366 396 427 459 492 526 13 250 277 305 334 365 396 429 462 497 533 569 14 269 298 329 360 393 427 462 498 535 574 613 15 288 320 352 387 421 457 495 533 573 615 657 16 308 341 376 412 449 488 528 569 612 656 701 17 327 362 399 437 477 518 561 604 650 697 745 18 346 384 423 463 505 549 594 640 688 738 789 19 365 405 446 489 533 579 627 676 726 779 832 20 385 426 470 515 561 610 660 711 765 820 876 21 404 448 493 540 589 640 693 747 803 861 920 22 423 469 517 566 617 671 726 782 841 902 964 23 442 490 540 592 645 701 759 818 879 943 1008 24 462 512 564 618 674 732 792 854 918 984 1052 148 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. Length in Feet. 12, 13 14, 15, 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Diam. Diam. ' Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. 32 33 34 35 36 3/ 38 Diam. Diam. Diam. 39 40 41 561 607 654 701 748 794 841 935 981 1028 1075 1122 597 646 696 746 796 845 895 945 995 1044 1094 1144 1194 634 686 739 792 845 898 673 729 785 841 897 953 9511009 1003 1065 10561121 11091177 11621233 12151289 12681346 713 1 755 772 817 831 880 891 943 9501006 1010 1069 10691132 11281195 1188 1258 12471321 1307 1384 13661447 1426 1510 798' 843 864 913 931 983 9971053 10641124 11301194 11971264 12631334 13301405 13971475 14631545 15291615 15961686 936 9631014 1037 1092 11111170 11851248 1259 1326 1333 1404 14071482 14811560 15551638 16291716 1703 1794 17781872 Length in Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Feet. 42 43. 44 45 46 47 48 49 , 50 ' 51 12 13 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 98410331086 '106611191176 114812051267 123012911357 131213771448 1394 1463 1538 147615491629 156816351719 16401721 1810 172218071900 180418931991 188619792081 196820662172 11341186 12281284 13231383 1417 1482 15121681 16061680 1701 1779 17051877 1890 1976 1984 2075 2079 2174 2173 2273 2268 2372 1239 1293 13421400 14451508 15481616 16521724 17551831 18581939 1961 2047 2065 2155 21682262 22712370 2374 ; 2478 24782586 134814041461 146015211582 157216381704 168517551826 1797 1872 1948 1909 1989 2069 2022^2106 2191 213422232313 224623402435 2385>2457 2556 247025742678 25822691:2800 2696i2808|2922 Length in Feet, Diam. Diam. Diam. 52 53 54 Diam. Diam. 55 56 Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. I Diam. 57 58 59 i 60 , 61 12, 13, 14 15, 16 17, 18. 19 20. 21, 22 23, 24. 1519 1645 ! 1772 1898 2025 2151 2278 2405 2531 2657 2784 2911 3038 1578 1638 1709,1774 18411911 19722047 2104 2184 2235 2320 23672457 2498 2593 2630 2730 27612866 28933003 3024 ! 3139 3156 3276 17001763 13411909 19832056 2125|2203 22662350 24082497 25502644 2691j2791 2833 2938 29743085 31163232 3258 3400 3379 3526 18271893 1979 ! 2050 21312208 22832366 2436 2524 2588 2681 27402839 2892'2997 30453155 3197 3312 33493470 3501,3628 3654i3786 1960i20282098 2123;2197 2272 228623662447 2450125352622 2613 2704 2797 2776 2873 2972 2940 3042 3147 3103 3211 3321 326633803496 342936493671 35923718 37563887 39204056 3846 4021 4196 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 149 Length in Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. Plain. Diam. Diam. ! Diam. Diam. I Diam. Diam. Feet. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ! 70 ' 71 72 12.... 13.... 14.... 15.... 16.... 17.... 18.... 19.... 20.... 21.... 22.... 23.... 24.. 2169 2349 2530 2711 2892 3072 3253 3434 361: r, 3795 3976 4157 |4338 22412315 24272507 2614 2700 28012893 2988:3086 31743279 33613472 3548 3665 3735 3853 3921 4108 4051 2390 2467 2589 2672 2788 2878 2987 3083 31863289 3385 3494 35853700 3784 3906 3983 4111 4182 4316 4381 4522 45804728 47804934 2545 2625 27572843 2969 3062 3181 3281 3393 3500 3605 3718 3817 3937 4029 4156 4241 4375 4453 4593 46654812 4877 5031 5090 5250 2706;2789 2931'3021 3157:3253 33823486 3608 3718 3833 3951 4059 4183 42844415 4510 4648 47354880 4961 5118 5186 5345 54125578 2874 2960 31133206 3353:3453 3592 3700 3832 ( 3946 4071 4193 43114440 4550J4686 4790J4933 5029i5180 5269 ; 5426 55085673 57485920 l.l-MU'tll in Foot. Diiim. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diimi. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Diam. Diam. 82 83 Diam. 84 12 3047 3135 3224 3314 3405 3497 3590 3684 3779 3874 3970 4067 1?. 3301 3396 3492 3590 368813788 3889 399114094 41964301 4406 14 3555 3657 3761 3866 3972 4080 4188 4298 4408 45194631 4745 15 3809 3919 4030 4142 4256 4371 4487 4605 4723 4842 4962 5084 16 4062 4180 4298 4418^4540 4663 4786 4912 5038 5165 5293 5423 17 4316 4441 4567 4694 4823 49H 5085 5219 5353 5488 5624 5762 18 4570 4702 4836 4970 5107 5245 5385^5526 5668 5811 5955 6101 19 4824496451045246539115537568458335983 6133 6285 6440 20 5078 5225 5372 5522 5675 5829 5983 6140 6298 6456 6616 6778 l.rnutll ill Feet, Diam. 85 . . Liam. 86 Diam. 87 Diain. 88 Diam. Diam. 89 90 Diam 91 Diam. 92 Diam. 93 Diam. 94 Diam. 95 Diam. 96 12 4165 4264 4364 4465 4566 4668 4771 4875 4980 5085 5192 5300 13 4512 4619 4727 4837 4946 5057 51635281 539555085624 5741 14 4859 4974 5091 5209 5327 5446 5566 5687 5810 5932 6057 6183 15 5206 5330 5455 5581 5707 5835 5964 6094 6225 6356 6490 6625 16 5553 5685 5818 5953 6088 6224 6361 6500 6640 6780 6922 7066 17 5900 6040 6182 6325 6468 6613 6759 6906 7055 7203 7355 7508 18 6247 6396 6546 6697 6849 7002 7156 7312 7470 7627 7788 7950 19 6594 6751 6909 7069 72297391 7554 7719 7885 8051 8220 8391 20 6941 7106 7273 7441 76107780 7951 8125 8300 8475 8653 8833 APPENDIX XL DATA CONCERNING CAPACITY OF SAW MILLS AND POWER EEQUIRED TO RUN THEM. [Unless otherwise stated, widths of straight saws and diameters of circulars, thickness of log or height of cant, belt widths and pulley diameters, tooth height and distance, and kerf width, are stated in inches.] DATA SINGLE SASH 8AW. 4 g 9 9 a a 1 3 1 b g \ 1 I | t- 1 = i J j ri S * s | |! .j 1 1 5 I s j o Informant. Jj 1 1 S | '-*- | '3 i I 5 *s I ^ i ^ 7 1 | i <_ c - g" t-. g s o = t ~ -r 33 0> & 1 | o 1 i I R o 2 | "S "3 1 1 J O 5 2 1 ri 3 s S S 5 ! S i M 3 2 "8 J ,*{ o M . T" t T M) 1 1 "s O 1 o w o a e "s 1 | >. ' 9 "i jj 5 X. PH B JO ^ ^r f- 5 a 3 : f % s 5 H A K 1 w a is 3 r, 8 13 I-:. Pine y 75 to 100 M Emerson, Smith & Co' 4 1.-. 20 240 Pine 12 %s 80 1 iVi T-K M 100 M Stearns & Co. nil $ 9 7 10 Ilorl2 12&13 13 12 24 20 20 12 180 200 :ioo 150 Pine Maple Pine 28 M J 24 Doub. 50 Doub. 70 j Doub Doub 14 26 24 20 :si; 42 48 :!i; 180 2(W IJilx i!4i^ 1 25 M* 60M 80 M E Andrews. D. B. McRae F. McDonough. C. D Hale. ->y* 8 11 24 2.5 Doub. 20 :',6 200 1'i A 60M Anoka Lumber Mills. 5 711tol2 22 200 12 % 15 Doub. ir, 12 200 i^li^ 1 ?r 35M Snyder Bros. * Inch boards. GKIMSHAW ON SAWS. DATA MULAY SAW. 151 | i - a a .= ?> k A 00 i S I g 1 = I _o g S 1 5 Informant. i 2 | & S ** t. '3 | 2 '- s e 1 7 T a! 1 P. s o a * 3 & i - 1 * o - X *J I - 3 s - i "a :/. i * *2 s u i 5 s tf J h- - a '. .2 A a i j c5 12 7 28 225 8! 6 & 7 :18 180 10J 7 24| 325 Pine 25 '%, 80 l 1 ^ 14 Doub. Doub. Doub. 14 30 1 3-32 14 36 IV 14 30; l| 2V 5 M* E. Andrews. 2 % 12tol5M D. B. McRae. 2 J4! Snyder Bros. * Inch boards DATA-JIG SAW-SPRING STRAINED. a 9 G s s 33 W "C s. 5 i Informant. u *o 00 3 S o 1 Tt T "^ . a> 22 1 cS o 3 i i 1 02 1 M M '3 W *s cd 8 1 ^ 14&16 3-32 5 1100 Bl'k Walnut 2^ ^ % J. A. Fay A Co. DATA DRAG OR BUTTING SAW. | 9 i 3 a 1 S If a & ffi >> .S a -i I rn 00 E ~ n - = s ^ ^-- Jj^ ~ ^ I 1 9 1 - 1 Informant. 2 g. a g 5.8 i 1 *o S S s 1 J> i ID 1 M *S a o S '-3 0> o S -3 i 1 U fc'i | I 2 a 1 d ~3o EH w ? P a A m 10f 6 9&10 6 413&16 10 6 9 24 3I> 2S 120 40 100 36 5 * 5 Single. Double. s 6 24 20 120 40 i 1 ^ 1% Xe i^i K Double. Double. Double. K. Andrews. W. W. Giles. Snyder Bros. * "Riding" Drag Saw Man Power. DATA BAND SCROLL SAW. IB ^ ! T 3 a S a B _a H a T jj 1 s 1 8 5 V 1 Inforniant. 1 | "s S b | E S i * 1 u K w M "o 1 M A is i 1 i S Revolu "3 a a a 1 W is -M s K g 5 20 S 20 40 350 3665 2 3-64 3-32 J. A. Fay & Co. Anoka Lum. M. 152 GEIMSHAW ON SAWS. DATA BAXI) KESAW. S 4 - - 1 5 a x. rf a 1 $ I i 3 S3 a S f '* - I 5 S* ^ u ;_ ~ 1 7 s g - - T | g 2 1 Informant. **" ^^ *^i s s - jj ^X r *^ t-" o t i f / B J 5 _o "3 is o ^ | 3 . 1 -*, o -c '"= 3 'c >-. i 11 1 1 i ]3i _| h -S **i ?"* S .S ^- ~- "*' "an "^ ^ it o o |3 ( w w PH B as 5 5 <5 28^ 4 1860 400 6283 Popiar 20 25 12 Single 8 30 400 J^ 1V^ % 10 M J. A. Fay & Co. 40 s 1672 350 24to48 30 15 or 1030 :;:,( i 1 9 !,.; 20 M* J. H. Hoffman. | Single! * Inch Ixiards. DATA SIXGLK CCRCULAK SAW. 3 8 "5 .- ri g S e = i a = - . : | 5 = . ^ ^- = Inforumiit. I | o 2 = S * 8 (B c ^0 = I * o . " "7; ^* ^4 "S , ^J * .s w * ns I 1 !fi 1 o S La B * lie "S S 7 K .2 1 *j " -^ = 3 to &o s S 4 -= "tb = ^ -3 IS S , .3 S : - 2 S .So * 3 a o o M fc, X S ^ S J4 < K O Solid Solid 56 5 7 48 600 60 7 8 60 850 3% 4 30 Single 14 24 600 12 M* E. Andrews. t Pine '% Single 16 50 M \Vvman, Buswell & Co. Inserted 72 6 872680 12 Pine 1(1 y. 80 Doub. 18 23 265 50 M 1) B. McKae Solid 60 4 8 64 850 6 Pine % 80 Doub. 20 :) 850 55 M F. McDonongh. Solid or Inserted GO 5 7 5(i 500 G Pine % Doub. It'. Inserted 60 6 7 400 34 to 450 2 Pine and . U( . + - Hemlock ' Hto 13 M Waterous Engine Wks. Solid or Inserted H ft 44650 4 Pine ^ 20 Doub. 1 8 50 M Anoka Lumber Mills. * Inch boards. f Unlimited ; " Shot-gun " steam feed. J Running direct action every revolution of engine being one of saw. Disston states that for 10,000 feet per day 20 HP are required ; for 20,000 feet, 30 HP ; for 30,000 feet, 40 HP. To run a 60-inch circular through a 24-inch hemlock or oak log requires ordinarily, according to Emerson, about 10 HP to every one inch of feed in the revolution of the saw. Years ago 48-inch circular saws were used in our Western States, driven by four horses walking around; these sawed 500 to 1200 feet of lumber a day, according to kind and quality of logs. H H M W P pq ^' w o fe " M o n Pj J S <*Q O O WO : O^l*a !llfeS111'S3 - - - i|||^^^^|2aaalljo APPENDIX XIII. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF U. S. SAW PATENTS FROM 1790 TO Nov. 15, 1879. Saw .S. Anderson Mav 5 1868 77 43 Saw. ( E. Andrews,' Dec. 79,' 1868,' 85,41 < " Jan. 24, 1871,111,164 ' J. E. Atwood, Dec. 11, 1866, 60,32 Nov. 12, 1867, 70,68 J J. G. Baker, June 23, 1868, 79,185 I S.Barry, June 23, 1868, 79,09 1 A. Bee, Jan. 1, 1867, 69,82 1 A. Boynton, Nov. 27, 1866, 59,95 1 E. M. Boynton, Jan. 14, 1868, 73,22 W. E. Brooks, Sep. 20, 1870, 107,29 1 J 1 C. N. Brown, ' Dec. 10, 1872, 133,82 I.S &C.N.Brown, Oct 24, 1865, 50,553 J C " " " Jan. 29, 1867, 61,513 " " Mar. 12, 1867, 62,813 J " Apr. 7, 1868, 76,39o "V " " " Nov. 2,1869, 96,305 p B. F. Burgess, Sep. 22, 1868, 82,289 T E. Clark, Apr. 3, 1849, 6,258 A W. Clemson, Aug, 14, 1866, 57,088 J Mar. 24, 1868, 75,733 I " " Mar. 16, 1869, 87,910 G S. Cook, July 22, 1873, 141,036 H. Cramer, Oct. 19, 1869, 95,884 E K. Cromelien, Mar. 28, 1865, 46,996 V S Crookes, July 22, 1873, 141,122 P. Crosby, Apr. 10, 1860, 27,779 J. Davis, Jan. 7, 1868, 72,983 V A. Dawes, June 27, 1865, 48,376 C H.P.Dillingham, Dec. 5, 1865, 51,385 G C. Disston, Mar. 19, 1867, 63,024 J Apr. 2, 1867, 63,486 J May 21, 1867, 64,953 D Aug, 11, 1868, 80,929 E H Disston, Oct. 4,1870,108,011 D Feb. 28, 1871, 112,227 "i^Hill* } Feb ' 7 > 1871 > 1H.619 S S. E S. Drake', Apr. 11, 1865, 47,255 C W. L. Earing, Nov. 7, 1871, 120,633 J. J.E. Emerson, Mar. 20, 1800, 27,537 J. " July 3,1866, 56,142 E " Aug. 28, 1866, 57,627 N " Feb. 12, 1867, 62,020 A " Mar. 26, 1867, 63,232 W " July 16, 1867, 66,692 L Feb. 18, 1863, 74,521 D " May 3,1870,102,520 P. Mar. 14, 1871, 112,569 E Apr. 25, 1871, 113,992 J. " June 27, 1871, 116,421 ^V Feb. 6,1872,123,466 J. E. Emerson ) v . , 18fi8 7 . , 99 & W. S. Winsor / * eb -! 8 . 1868 > 74 > 522 J. G. " " " 74,523 J. W. L. Gage, J au. 17, 1871, 110,966 T. G. B.Goodnow, Mar. 29,1870, 101,258 G. B. Green, Sep. 12, 1871, 118,800 J. Holden, Mar. 5, 1872, 124,268 E. Humphrey, Feb 18, 1868, 74,541 J. lluther, Jan. 2,1872,122.32(1 M.W.Geflords, Aug. 22, 1871, 118,370 N. Jenkins, Feb. 2, 1869, 86,407 M. Jincks Mar. 19, 1872, 124,825 N. Johnson, Nov. 12, 1872, 133,036 II. Knowles, Aug. 27, 1850, 7,603 J. L. Kranser, Dec. 3, 1867, 71,625 H. A. Lanman, July 20, 1869, 92,846 J.Lippincott, Mar. 13, 1866, 53,157 June 5, 1866, 55,423 C.V.Littlepage,Apr. 26, 1870, 102,286 Dec. 19, 1871, 121,950 J.K.Lockwood, Nov. 12, 1867, 70,728 re!} Aug. 19, 1873, 144,939 T. P.Marshall, May 7, 1872, 126,407 A.C.Martin& ) , B lar _ R1 n - . J.Woodrough } Jan. 8, 1867, 61,014 E. Marx, Nov. 4, 1873, 144,341 G. Maulick, Feb. 9, 1869, 86,850 July 12, 1870, 105,349 E. Miall.jr., June 29, 1869, 92,080 W. P. Miller, Oct. 9, 1866, 58,664 Sep. 1,1868, 81,811 " " 81,812 W.F.Milliman, Oct. 4, 1870, 108,040 C.Mitzelfield, Aug. 9, 1870, 106,187 G.B.Montgom'y,Aug.25,1868, 81,525 J. Neal, June 11, 1867, 65,687 J. Phillips, Sep. 27, 1870, 107,808 D. Kicker, Oct. 17, 1871, 119,998 E.J.Robinson, Sep. 25, 1866, 58,297 D. Sattler, Aug. 25, 1868, 81,413 Nov. 14, 1871, 121,007 S. Schofield, May 27, 1873, 139,426 S. W. Shailer, July 12, 1870, 105,261 C.T.Shoemaker,June 5,1866, 55,375 J. Smith, Oct. 4, 1870, 107,059 J. H. Smith & l Spn21 187q OKAKO E. G. Peckham, / Sep ' 21 ' 1879 > 95 ' 2 N.W. Spaulding, Sep.10. 1861, 33,270 A. P. Sproul, Dec. 10, 1872, 133,810 W.R.Stephenson, Jul. 30,1867, 67,369 L.Stewart, May 16, 1854, 10,932 D. Talbot, Oct. 2, 1860, 30,265 P. Thompson, Aug. 8, 1871, 117,944 E. W. Tilton, Apr. 2, 1867, 63,581 J. H. Tuttle, Jun.21,1853, 9,807 W. G. Tuttle, Jan. 6, 1863, 37,312 " Mar. 3, 1863, 37,835 J. P. Tyler, Juy. 20, 1869, 92,909 G. Walker, Jan. 7, 1868, 73,210 J. L. Warren, Dec. 8, 1868, 84,722 T. Welham, Jan. 3,1871,110,705 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 155 Saw .................. J. Woodrough, May 15, 1866, Saw & SawTeeth, J.M.Jolinston, May 25, 1869, Back, W. Cleinson, Oct. 17, 1871, Band, C. A. Young, Jim. 3, 187:*, Belt, D.A.Cameron, Mar. 21, 1854, W. Carey, Feb. 17, 1836, . G. Thompson, Aug. 25, 1868, or Band, A. Stewart, July 5, 1817, Timber, B. Barker, Jan. 6, 1830, Buhl T. Leavitt, Dec. 13, 1870, Chain, D. Kennedy, Feb. 4, 1868, Circular, S. Bonnel, Sep. 26, 1823, H. Disston, Jan. 14, 1808, J. E. Emerson, Apr. 13, 1869, J. F. Folniar, Aug. 18, 1808, J. Glove, Oct. 16, 1839, W. F. Hill, July 11, 1818, L. Hitchcock, Jim. 29, 1833, W.Kendall, jr., May 18, 1826, J. Weille & 1 MorlfilBRQ H.S.Robinson,j Mat.10,1869, Circ.orCyln'l,L. It Bump, Aug. 29, 1828, Reacting, W. Avery, Dec. 8, 1826, Itevolv'g, T. Howe, Feb. 19, 1829, Stone, R. Deering, sr., Oct. 3,1854, Cross-cut, W. Clemson, Aug. 22, 1871, S. S. Disston, Jan. 21, 1868, P. Longwell, July 26, 1870, A.M.Leabury, Nov. 19, 1867, Circ A. H. Foote, July 14, 1830, Comp.Rotary, A. Stewart, Sep. 29, 1825, Cr'-cut Steam, L. Keirk, Mar. 27, 1847, Cylindrical, C. Murdock, Dec. 25, 1868, Drag, J. Bailey, Jun. 30, 1863, W. A. Purves, Apr. 21, 1863, Hand, J. F. Allen, Dec. 24, 1807, R. M. Brecken- ridge, Jan. 23, I860, T. S. Disston, Sep. 23, 1873, A.W.Elmer, July 16, 1807, J. E. Emerson, Sep. 22, 1868, J. Gorham, May 13, 1856. J. Jennings, Apr. 17, 1809, O. H. Langdon, May 30. 1871, W.H.Liviugston,Apr.23,1867, T. D, Roberts, Apr. 28, 1863, E. R. Rae, June 25, 1867, D. Welch & W. I n . ,, 1efif . W. Armington Oct24 1865 ' Wood, C. M. Day, Ice, J. Barker, S. Scotton, Jack, A. Whitlock, Jig, I.B.Arthur, 54,82' 90,3(>. r 119.96 139,044 10,078 81,434 73,238 88,949 81,267 1,372 0-7001 87,891 11,740 118,198 73,510 105,704 71,227 5,040 85,021 39,028 38,264 72,582 52,131 143.128 60,690 82,29' 14,863 115,328 64,118 38,338 60,174 50,667 Oct. 9, 1866, 58,010 Feb. 3, 1838, 590 Dec. 2, 1856, 16,152 Aug. 16, 1870, 106,438 Mar. 23, 1869, 88,114 T. Blandin, June 21, 1870, 104,410 J.E.Chamberlin, Oct.27, 1868, 83,362 B. Merritt, Jan. 14, 1873. 134,760 C. D. Moore, Aug. 15, 1871, 118,041 A. F. Shaw, Feb. 9, 1864, 41,539 M. E. Weller, Oct. 14, 1873, 143,650 A. H. Whitney, Aug. 15, 1871, 118,087 , Planing, W. S. Winsor, Reciprocating, C. Germann, R. II. Osgood, Mill, S. Taner, Rotary, R. S. Thomas, Round, Z. Cox, Scroll, J. Atkinson, J. Atkinson & W.H. Kimball, G. L. Baar, C. M. Baxter, H. L. Beach, A. Beekman, H. Bickford, 15. J. Camp, A. D.Campbell, 33,673 29,688 25,214 18,474 Nov. 5, 1861, Aug. 21, 1870, Aug. 23, 1859, Oct. 20, 1857, July 1. 1836, Mar. 14, 1794, Nov. 4, 1873, 144,181 c fin17 , e P-", Nov. 19, 1861, Sep. 29, 1868, Dec. 2, 1873, Sep. 8, 1863, Feb. 25, 1873, Feb. 18, 1868, Nov. 21, 1865, 33,732 82,585 145,084 39,790 136,207 74,497 51,105 Saw, Scroll, T L. Cornell! . .., ,_, m087 AS.Whitlock } Aug 15 > 1871 ' 117 ' J87 W. H. Doane, Jan. 24, 1865, 45,981 Jan. 7, 1873, 134,650 W.II.Dobson} Jan - 21 ' m 3, 135,099 W. Dobson, Sep. 29, 1863, 82,501 W. H. Dobson, Jan. 31 1871, 111,328 W. Gardner, Mar. 28, 1871, 113,042 A. Girandat, July 8, 1862, 35,817 I C. A^Fenne" } Feb.13,1872, 123,561 N. B. Hadley, Aug. 9, 1870, 106,153 F. H. Harden- bergh, Jan. 14, 1873, 134,882 S. Harrington, Dec 5, 1865, 51,312 I. Hird, Oct. 3, 1871, 119,517 H. H. Humphrey I Mav23 71 115 210 &H. Bickford, f "Ji"*in R. McChesney Apr. 12, 1870, 101,897 " Nov. 1, 1870, 108,921 L. Miller, Apr. 18, 1871, 113,907 G.M.Nickerson,Mar. 8, 1870, 100,551 M. G. Ogden, July 5, 1870, 105,120 I. R Ritter. Oct. 24, 1871, 120,326 J. W. Rowling- son, July 22, 1873, 141,080 A.M. Schilling, Nov. 8, 1870, 109,060 H. B. Smith, Apr. 22, 1863, 138,103 W. A. Sweet, Jan. 7, 1862, 34,078 E. A. Walker, May 27, 1873, 139,284 B, D. Wallace, Aug. 29, 1871. 118,498 J. B. Wright, Dec. 30, 1873, 146,118 Whip, S. Barber 4 N. > T , 18f)S W. Tompkins, } June 1,1808, with Detach- able Teeth, T. P. Marshall, Mar. 21, 1871, 112,943 Wood, R.AA.F.Andrews, Jan.24,1854, 10,439 R. Blake, Jaly26, 1859, 24,903 J.Hamilton, July 31, 1809, June 10, 1830, A. Pruyn, Sep. 11, 1860, 29,991 Stone, G. W. Cherry, Aug. 1, 1854, 11,410 P. Sweeney, Aug. 30, 1859, 25 287 S.Chapman jr., Nov. 29, 1853, 10,281 4 Marb., J. T. Bruen, May 8,1855, 12,813 W. Watson, Aug. 1, 1854, 11,432 H.H. White* l A o 018V ) .- E. A. Gray, J Aug ' do> 185a> ^'^' Stone Cutting & Dressing, I. E. Newton, June 8, 1869, 91,155 Endless, G. Kammerl, Dec 1, 1863, 40,757 for cut'g hedge for plashing, D Gore, July 13, 1869, 92,602 for cut'g round ti-nons. rot'y, C. Whitsmith, Sep. 25, 1839, 1,337 for cut'g timb. J. Ruthren, Nov. 30, 1835, for fell'g trees, W. Hunt, Jan. 6, 1830, S. Warner, Mar. 22, 1864, 42,034 making clap- 1 R.Eastman A I M , fi , a9n boards, circ., } J. Jaqnith, / Mar - 16 . 18 - J0 . making stuff's forupholst'g.G W. Marble, July 19, 1870, 105,469 prepar'g blocks for matrices, c. J. Morgan, June 27, 1839, 1,203 sawing and smooth'g b'ds, G.F.Woolston, Sep. 30, 1851, 8,393 saw'g boards or timber, d'blet. S. Dauley, Jan. 14, 1831, sawing fellies, G. Steck, June 7, 1870, 104,074 saw'g fret holes in fan sticks, J. W. White, Oct. 3, 1871, 119.678 saw'g mach'y, self-setting, A. Arnold, June 24, 1856, 15,163 sawing stone, A. Eames, July 27, 1852, 9,147 J. E. Emerson, Apr. 25, 1871, 113,993 June 4, 1872, 127,585 sawing timber annular; R Grant, Oct. 8, 1838, 973 sawing timber, wood, etc.; ch, P.P.Quimby, June 3, 1834, 156 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. For saw 'g water w., 0. Willis, horiz'tal. or vertical; rad'l, A. Stewart Saw, Sep. 20, 1853, 10,042 Saw, Pile, Scroll, July 5, 1817, Circular, Diamond, Hand, Jig, Scroll, Stone, Wabble, Mood, Band, Buhl. Butcher's, Cross-cut, Cylinder, Drag, Hand, Jig, Scroll, Saw, Band, Circular, Cotton-gin, Hand, Jig, W. ll.Bentley, Apr. 14, 1874, 149,562 J. W. Branch, Mar. 3, 1874, 148,027 M. Chase, July 14, 1874, 152,970 W. Clemson, Feb. 17, 1874, 147,' H. Disston, May 26, 1874. 151,363 C. D. Lothrop, Feb. 10, 1874, 147,335 W. P. Miller, May 19, 1874, 151 ,043 J. T. Tunis, June 23, 1874, 152,437 S H.Vosburgh, Aug. 11, 1874, 154,104 E. Andrews, Nov. 10, 1874, 156,748 W. P. Hale, Apr. 14, 1874, 149 748 I. Hogeland, Apr. 21, 1874, 149,932 J.D.llusbands jr. Jan.20,1874, 146,681 June 23, 1874, 152,378 G. Abrame, June 9, 1874, 151,818 II. Disston, June 23, 1874, 152,347 H. Howsou, Oct. 13, 1874, 155,950 C. A. Fenner, Nov. 3, 1874, 156,417 W. H. Dobson, Feb. 24, 1874, 147,913 C. T. Ford, Mar. 17, 1874, 148,684 J.T.Husbandsjr. Jan 20,1874,146,680 S. G. Morrison, Sep. 22, 1874, 155,165 Saw D. F. Smith, Nov. 10, 1874, 156,823 P. Painter, Mar. 3, 1874, 148,239 , W. P. Miller, Oct. 5,1875,168,338 A. Newliall, Mar. 23, 1875, 161,263 G. F. Wood, Sep. 14, 1875, 167,721 E. Brown, May 18, 1875, 163,296 W.Millspaugh, Nov. 23, 1875, 170,181 J. E. Emerson, Dec. 7, 1875, 170,833 J - M. Pierce A I Aug 17 . 1875,166,718 F.M. Kinsman J H. H. Miller, July 20, 1875, 165,749 Saw H. Disston, Jan. 19, 1875, 158,921 ' Sep. 21, 1875, 167,996 S. B. Fuller, July 6, 1875, 165,162 C. M. ilayden, Feb. 2, 1875, 159,412 E. J. Westcott, Feb. 23, 1875, 160 943 G. S. Williams, Mar. 30, 1875, 161,583 J. M. Benger Feb. 23, 1875, 160,144 W. H. Briggs, Nov. 16, 1875, 170 048 C. Albertson, July 4, 1876, 179,390 K.M.Boynton Mar. 28, 1876, 175,330 J. E. Emerson, Feb. 29, 1876, 174,216 P. H. Edge, Jan. 11, 1876, 172.003 11. Disston, Sep. 12, 1876, 182,178 F. F. Taylor, Dec. 12, 1876, 185,363 C.F Scattergood. Aug. 8, 1876, 180,793 H.Disston C. l' Aug 22,1876,181,422 T. Shoemaker, | E.H. Benedict, Feb .29, 1876, 174,105 P. Hughes, Mar. 21, 1876, 175,101 W. I. Winne, May 30. 1876, 177,039 D. Bean, Aug. 1, 1876, 180,523 J.&W.F.Barnes, Feb. 1.1876, 172,951 11. L. Beach, Oct. 3, 1876, 182,743 H.J.Coi desman jr. May23, '76,177,621 P. G. Giroud, July 18, 1876, 179,907 E C.Watterman, Mar. 7, 1876, 174,395 W.D.Westman, June 13, 1876, 178,821 J. T. James, Sep. 25, 1877, 195,610 Sep. 25,1877,190,062 July 31, 1877,193,740 Nov. 6, 1877, 196,850 June 19, 1877,192,240 D. B. McRae, Aug. 7, 1877, 193,985 S. N. Poole, jr., June 26, 1877, 192,526 E. W. Tilton, May 22, 1877, 191,198 " Nov. 27, 1877, 197,688 C. Disston, Jan. 30, 1877, 186,814 L. Share & > M 15 1877 J90 914 S. Y. Reams, J W. P. Miller, C. J. Wilson, Circular, H. Disston, Hand, Jig, L.T.T. Stanley, May 22, 1877, 191,189 Planing, I.S.&C.N.Brown, Nov 20,1877,197,325 Scroll, J. A. House, Apr. 10, 1877, 189,461 Shingle, J. Morreau, Dec. 11, 1877, 198,142 Tub'l'rGang, J. A. Balch, Jan. 16, 1877, 186,293 C.W.Hubbard, Nov. 12, 1878, 209,810 R.E.Poindexter, May28, 1878, 204,369 Band, J. Kraus, July 9, 1878, 205,876 Circular, J.F.Milligan, Jan. 29, 1878, 199,851 " " 199,852 G.F.&D.Simonds ) Aug.27,'78,207450 &A.A. Marshall, f Drag, W. W. Giles, Oct. 1, 1878, 208,472 F. Mayrhofer, June 25, 1878, 205,197 Hand, W. Berney, Aug. 20, 1878, 207,159 J.R.Woodrough. Apr.16.1878. 202,500 Scroll, G. W. Griffin, Dec. 3, 1878, 210,421 Planing, J. A. Robbins, Jan. 7, 1879, 211,259 J V A - K bbinS & I Jan. 14,1879, 211,346 J. E. Bumpus, \ Drag, W.H.Smyth, Feb. 11, 1879, 212,278 Circular, G. Schleicher, Feb. 18, 1879, 212,516 Jig, G. W. Cary, " " 212.355 Circular, J. A. Miller, Mar. 4, 1 879, 212,813 Cotton-gin, J. E. Carver, Mar. 11, 1879, 213,169 Circular, W. P. Miller, Mar. 18, 1879. 213,439 W. S. Hill, Apr. 16, 1879, 214,389 214,390 Fire-w'dDrag,F.B,Haga. &1 May c 1879 . M. W. Henry J Drag, W. S Brewer, June 10, 1879, 216.374 T. B. Fagan, June 17, 1879, 216.663 J. Showalter, July 8, 1879, 217,416 Circular, T. Tripp, " 217;305 D. W. Weaver, Sep. 23, 1879, 220,008 Drag, J.Angspurger I Oct- 14 , 879< 20 2,565 ocJ.Keimeyer, J Scroll, C.A.Dearborn, Oct. 21, 1879, 220,705 The above comprises all SAWS patented in the United States from 1790 to November 15th, 1879. Compiled by JOHN A. WIEDERSHEIM, Solicitor of Patents, No. 110 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Through whom copies of specifications, drawings and claims may be ordered and obtained. ADDENDA. For soft wood, teeth such as A, in the figure, answer well, the cut- ting edge being perpendicular. For hard and knotty wood, the shape should be that of B (angle of 60, equally divided front and back). For miscellaneous sawing, sometimes hard, sometimes soft, C is the good form ; an angle of say only 40, equally divided front and back. The American system of cutting to dimension in the forest is a great waste of timber; as one-quarter of the stuff, after squaring, is wasted in kerf, and by irregularities of seasoning, warping and scratching, one- tenth more is lost, making in all three-tenths. When taken to the mill to be planed it is so covered with grit, and sometimes with a " crust " hard to remove, that an English planer is too light to work American stuff. In addition to this, lumber yards have to keep on hand an excessive assortment of various dimensions, which a Euro- pean yard would saw to order. CORUNDUM, the hardest of Nature's products, next to the diamond, is sawed into blocks by the use of Tilghman's cast iron shot. (See Polytechnic Review, vol iv, p. 149). Horace Greeley, in his account of a brief tour in Europe taken by him in 1851, speaks of an Italian wood-sawyer, whose performance attracted his particular attention, from the fact that, instead of apply- ing the saw to the wood, he took a stick of wood in his hands and rubbed it on the saw. Mr. Greeley estimated that a sharp American would saw as much in an hour as the Italian laborer in a week. 158 GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. Strength of Band Saw Blades. From "Polytechnic Review" Phila. " Test of the strength of eight specimens of Perrin's Band Saw Blades, with brazed joints, by Richards, London & Kelly, made on Riehle' Bros. Testing Machine, July 19, 1876 : Width nearest Breaking Strength per No. Thickness. Width. T V inch. Weight. square inch. 1 0346 1-05 i* 7000 209,193 Ibs. 2 0353 62 :i 4000 182,765 " 3 0365 745 i| 6000 220,649 " 4 0337 1-062 3000 83,823* " 5 0310 625 "T 2230 115'090t" 6 0310 490 A 2000 131'060f " 7 0335 280 T& 20 213,210 " 8 0310 094 A 485 16,430 " * Broke at end of joint. f Broke across centre of joint. " The average strength of the unjoined pieces was 446 Ibs. for each ^ inch in width, and the strength of the weakest (which were the narrowest also) , 323 Ibs. ; while the average strength through the joints for each y 1 ^ inch in width was 206 Ibs. per -^ inch ; in the weakest, 176 Ibs. All the blades for the ordinary saws are made of No. 19 B. W. G. steel, and vary only by the inequalities caused by grinding or filing the joints. The knowledge that when a band saw is being strained to the amount of 175 Ibs. for each ^ inch in width it is strained to nearly its limit of endurance, may be of some value to the makers and users of band saws." John E. Sweet. "Wyman, Buswell & Co., of Grand Haven, Mich., write of a steam feed of 18 \ inches per revolution in a 12-inch cut, with a Simonds' " unhammered " saw of 58 inches diameter and 60 teeth, with spring set. Kellogg, Sawyer & Co , Leroy, Mich., cut 50,000 feet per day with a 72" solid saw, and have made 85,310 feet of inch lumber in 11 hours. For " trying the backbone of a saw," Norway pine affords an excel- lent opportunity. When circular saws were first made the mandrel hole was square. This was the case as late as 1846 or 1847 with gin-saws. GRIMSHAW ON SAWS. 159 A HANDY TABLE. A thousand feet of flooring or ceiling will lay 800 feet of solid superficial measure ; 1000 feet of siding, 750 feet 1000 feet of rustic siding, 10 inches wide, 900 feet. Nearly $144,000,000 is invested in the United States in the sawn lumber industry alone, that is, in making laths, shingles and boards. Wood forms the fuel of two-thirds of our population, and the partial fuel of of nine-tenths of the remaining third. All lumber is measured before planing, and is so calculated in all bills. Average green fir lumber weighs four and a half pounds to the foot ; seasoned, four pounds. Green cedar about the same as fir sea- soned, three pounds ; 500 feet of either green fir or cedar is equal to one ton. Green cedar shingles weigh about 400 pounds to the thou- sand ; dry, 250 to 300. Shingles baled in what are called half bunches should overrun, or, in other words, contain 504 shingles ; quarter bunches fall short four to the bale, or 16 to the 1000. " By their circular, we see that two Boynton brothers, by hand, cut off a twelve-inch sycamore (buttonwood) log in eight seconds, before Major General Meade and other distinguished men, at Independence Square, Philadelphia, September 1, 1869. We also note, as a proof of the ease that permits sustained effort, the sawing, by hand, of twenty- six cords of hard beech, maple, elm, ash and hickory wood in eight hours (ten hours, including lost time) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Such work, by two men, with one saw once filed, is wonderful." Iron Age, April 7, 1870. At Philadelphia, July 6, 1876, an ash log, 11 inches in diameter, was sawed off with a 4| foot two-man Lightning Cross-cut, in six seconds, which would be at the rate of a cord of wood in four minutes if it could be prolonged. June 28th, before Dom Pedro, a 12-inch gum log was sawed in seven seconds. " As it costs five hundred or more dollars for the labor that wears out the cross-cut saw, a saving of one fifth by speed and ease of an improved saw saves the cost of a dozen." Cfl CROSS-tUT SftW, WITH. NEW IMPROVED PATENT HANDLE AND FILE INSIDE Off HANDLE. . 3 Z 4, 4', o, b and C feet. ; iHfcV/ PATENT NEW YORK E.M.BOYNTON'S PTD.MCH.aa.i876. NE MAN CROSS (88c. per foot. Price at store, 75c. E.M. Boynton's Lightning One-Man Cross-Cut Saw, with new Patent Handle attached, for cutting Wood,. Joist, Logs and Timbers, aud sawing down Trees. Complete, read3 - for use. Millions of Axes are in use, where, by using this Saw, half the time would be saved and no waste of fuel occur. The above cut represents my One-Man Saw with the new Patent Handle attached, and I invite used to be appreciated. N. B. Saw fits in iron-grasp socket and can never loosen except when turned; it is INSTANTLY RE- MOVABI.E With file in each handle, which is safely concealed by the Nickel-Plated Spring in bottom of handle. The Patent File sharpens two points of tooth at once, the edge of the file being used to gum the tooth. "BoYXTOJi's SAWS were effectually tested before the judges at the Philadelphia Fair, July 6 and 7. An asli log. 11 inches in diameter, was sawed off with a 4V^-foot lightning cross-cut, by two men, in precisely 6 seconds, as timed by the Chairman of the Centennial Judges of Class Fifteen. The speed is unprecedented, and would cut a cord of wood in 4 minutes. The representatives of Russia, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, England and several other countries, were present, and expressed their high appreciation." Received Medal, Highest Award of Centennial World's Fair, 187C. $1,000 challenge was prominently displayed for six months, and the numerous saw manufacturers of the world dared not accept it or test in a competition so hopeless. c E. M. BOYNTON'S CELEBRATED PATENTED Double - Edged Universal -Sheathed Sawi F03 PEUNIN& OR HOUSE USE. For use with or without pole. The handle is provided with holes to permit of attaching it to the pole with the use of bolts. The lightning-edge teeth are for cutting the limbs, and the back teeth for cutting off the twigs. Sent by express. Price at store, N. Y., 81. SAW SET. Boynton's Patent Saw Set. No prying, wrenching or hammering. Ad- justed by a single thumb-screw. Draw gauge backward for more set. MADE OF SOLID STEEL. Price SI. Small size, for hand-saws, 8oc. "A blind man can use them." Sent by mail, post-paid. Send for circular. E. M. BOYNTON, itole Proprietor and. Manufacturer, 80 Beekman St., NJW York. JNO. GREENWOOD & CO., , 1ST. "5T. MANUFACTURERS OF VERTICAL, PENDULOUS, BOLT, CARRIAGE AND HORI- ZONTAL SHINGLE AND HEADING SAWING MACHINES. Stave and Heading Machinery OB 1 AIjU. KINDS. CROZING AND TRUSSING MACHINES For both Tight and Slack Barrels. Also setting up Forms, Power Windlasses, &e., for all kinds of work. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. ROCHESTER BARREL MACHINE WORKS, 13S2, 124, and ISO Mill Street. ". 4T. MANUFACTURERS OF MOVABLE TOOTHED CIRCULAR SAWS. ALSO, PERFORATED CROSS CUT SAWS AND SOLID SAWS OF ALL KINDS. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. RICHARDSON BROS: CELEBRATED PATENT TEMPER AND PATENT GROUND SAWS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. WORKS AND WAREROOMS, 19 to 29 River St., Newark, N. J. OPP. CENTEE ST. DEPOT, PENNSYLVANIA E. E. S A W S A W CIRCULAR, MILL, GANG, CROSS-CUT AND VENEER SAWS. HAND, PANEL, RIP, BUTCHER, COMPASS, KEY-HOLE, BACK, AND SAWS OF EVERY KIND. Our goods are universally u?ed throughout the United States and several foreign countries. Persons not having used our Saws should give them a trial. JAFAM ITEO B U.FAY&CO.SOLEA(jT$ UNITED STATE. PERIN BAND SAW BLADES. "KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 2^tff W, Perin, PanhttTCi & CO. f of Paris, France, have this day ivithdraivn the agency for the sale of our Band 8(IW Blades from Messrs. London, Or ton & Berry, successors to Messrs. Richards, London fif Kelley, Phila., and appoint Messers. ]. A. FAY & CO. of Cincinnati, Ohio, TJ* S* A,, to be our sole and exclusive agents for the entire States and territories of the United States of America, 'with full poiuer to prosecute all infringements and illegal abuse of our trade mark. Made in Paris, France, Jan. I, 1878." Witness : W. TARAZIN. PERIN, PANHARD & CO., Successors to Perin fif Co. x**)**'^V'l'VVWWVVVVVl^ TRADE figpEHlN' MAHK. ||J As will be seen from the above announcement, we have been appointed sole and exclusive agents, for the United States, of the celebrated PERIN BAND SAW BLADES, and can furnish any sizes and lengths that may be required, joined, filed and set, ready for use. Special sizes and lengths, not in stock, will be imported requiring about thirty days from receipt oiTorder. All blades will bear the trade mark : Perin & Co., on one side, and J. A. Fay & Co., on the other side. Genuine Perin Blades can only be procured from us or our authorized agents. CT. .A.. IF'.A.Y &c CO., MANUFACTURERS OP BAND SAWING MACHINERY, VIZ.: Band Log Sawing Machines for Logs. Band Re-sawing Machines for Lumber. Band Scroll Saws for all kinds of Straight and Curve- Cutting required in Car and Railroad Shops, Carriage, Wagon, Sash and Door, Cabinet and Agricultural Implement Works, etc,, etc. ILLUSTRATIONS AND PRICES SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION. W. H. DOANE, Pres't. D. L. LYON, Sec'y. J. & CO., Cor. John Ss Front Streets, CINCINNATI, OHIO. ALL LENGTHS AND WIDTHS A SPECIALTY. HARVEY W. PEACE, Patent Ground CIRCULARS, CROSS-CUTS, MILL IULAY, GANG, land, land and ifefter Km Mm, ffiMNG AND PUNINS KNIVES, : FACTORIES: BROOKLYN, E. D. r N. Y. i i SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE-LIST. SO EVEI^Y DESCRIPTION OF T ile VL^iltLfkdtttring Co., WEST, CHELMSFORD, MASS. ((See other* side.) J. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A. -MANUFACTURERS OF- PATENT IMPROVED WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, ATEZ. : PLANING, MATCHING AND BEADING MACHINES, SURFACE PLANING MACHINES, MORTISING AND BORING, MOULDING, TENONING, CARVING, PANELING AND SHAPING MACHINES, B.AND AND SCROLL SAWS, CIRCULAR, RIPPING AND CROSS-CUTTING SAWS, BAND AND CIR- CULAR RE-SAWING MACHINES, ETC., ETC. UNIVERSAL AND VARIETY WOOD WORKERS, DESIGNED FOR USE IN PLANING MILLS, SASH, DOOR and BLIND FACTORIES, CARRIAGE WHEEL and SPOKE FACTORIES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKS, CAR, RAILROAD and BRIDGE SHOPS. FURNITURE AND PABINET FACTORIES. pro,, TC. Our Machines have received HIGHEST AWARDS at all the International Expositions. GRAND COLD MEDAL OF HONOR AT PARIS, 1878. CIRCULARS AND QUOTATIONS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. 0". -A.. W. H. DOANE, Pres't. D. L. LYON, Sec y. & CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO 10 PUBLISHED AT CHICAGO, IS THE REPRESENTATIVE ORGAN OF THE LUMBER TRADE; INVALUABLE ALIKE TO MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS, RETAILERS AND CONSUMERS OF LUMBER, It gives quotations from all the leading Lumber Markets, corrected weekly, together with a condensed record of all the Lumber News of the country. TERMS. 3 a year, $1.50 for six months, in advance. Sample copies free. Best advertising medium through which to reach Lumbermen, Saw Mills, Shingle Mills or Planing Mills. Address THE LUMBERMAN PUBLISHING CO., dor. Lake and La Salle Sts., Chicago. The Lumberman's Hand-Book FOB THE INSPECTION AND MEASUREMENT OF LUMBER AND LOGS. Second and revised edition. Contains full description of Chicago Wholesale Inspection and Yard, Grading of Pine, Hard-wood Inspection and Grading, together with the Inspection Systems of Albany, Saginaw, St. Louis, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Boston, Williamsport, Quebec in short, a miniature cyclopedia of Lumber Inspection, written in a clear and concise style. It also contains a synopsis of Doyle's and Scribner's Log Kales, with an entirely new one called "The Northwestern Lum- berman Log Rule," which is acknowledged to be the only one that will yield the amount of lumber scaled. Every log buyer or seller wants it. Price only 50 cents. Bound in flexible covers, for the pocket ; neat and durable. For convenience, postage stamps will be taken if nineteen three-cent stamps are enclosed to cover discount. Address W. B. JUDSON, Editor Northwestern Lumberman, CHICAGO. 11 Successor to FIBST & PRYIBIL, MANUFACTURER OF WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, - 461 to 467 Vest 40th Street, NEW YORK. JIG SAWS, CIRCULAR SAWS, PLANERS, JOINTERS, BUSS PLANERS, fto, DOUBLE-SPINDLE BORING MACHINES, ' Piano-action Machinery and Turning Lathes for Wood or Brass. % O- El ^T IE For Furniture, Piano and Carriage Manufacturers. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, &,C. OF THE LATEST IMPROVED STYLES. 12 SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF HAVING THE INCREMENT CUT. ALSO, "Nicholson File Co/s" Files and Rasps, "Double Ender" Sawfiles, "Slim" Sawfiles, "Racer" Horse Rasps, Handled Rifflers, Machinists' Scrapers, File Brushes, File Cards, Surface File Holders, Vise File Holders, Stub Files and Holder, Improved Butchers' Steels. 7 aid Offices at Providaacs, E. L, I. S, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS : W, T, NICHOLSON, Pres't, GEO, NICHOLSON, Treas. Incorporated 1864. Capital Stock, $4OO,OOO. 13 sT ZPTJIBLISSIBID, A MANUAL OF POWER FOR MACHINES, SHAFTS, AND BELTS, With a History of Cotton Manufacture in the United States. By SAMUEL WEBBER, C.E. This work contains over 1200 tests, up to date, of the Power required by Cotton, Woollen, Worsted, and Flax Machinery, Shafting, and Tools, with Summaries of the Machines and Power used in a number of Cotton Mills on various fabrics. Bules and Tables for strength and speed of Shafting and Belting. Corrected Tables of the Centennial Turbine tests, at Philadelphia, 1S76. Breaking and Twist Tables for Yarn and Roving. Historical sketch of the growth of the Cotton manufacture in the U. S. The whole, with an explanatory preface, forming an octavo volume of 236 pages, neatly bound in cloth. - - - $3.50. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. Address CLAXTOtf, BEMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, 624, 626, 628 Market St., Philadelphia. AMERICAN MECHANICAL DICTHIUT. A Descriptive Word Book of Tools, Instruments, Machines, Chemical and Mechanical Processes; Civil, Mechanical, Railway, Hydraulic and Military Engi- neering. A History of Inventions; General Technological Vocabulary; and Digest of Mechanical Appliances in Science and the Industrial and Fine Arts. By EDWARD H. KNIGHT, A.M., Civil and Mechanical Engineer. 3 volumes, 8vo. Sold only by Subscription. Cloth, per set, $24.00; sheep, $27.00; half morocco, $30.00. " Invaluable to mechanics and engineers." K. M. HOE. "It is more an encyclopoedia than a dictionary ; it is, in fact, a mechanical and scientific library, carried up to the latest dates. Scientific American. HOUGHTON, OSGOOD & CO,, Publishers, Boston, 14 NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. COOPER. A Treatise on the Use of Belting for the Trans- mission of Power. With numerous illustrations of approved and actual methods of arranging Main Driving and Quarter Twist Belts, and of Bolt 1'astenings. Examples and Rules in great. number for exhibiting and calculating the size and driving power of Belts. Plain, Particular, and Practical Direc- tions for the Treatment, Care, and Management of Belts. Descriptions of many varieties of Beltings, together with chapters on the Transmission of Power by Ropes; by Iron and Wood Frictional Gearing; on the Strength of Belting Leather; and on the Experimental Investigations of Morin, Briggs, and others. By JOHN H. COOPER, M.E. 1 vol., demi octavo, cloth. $3.50. WEBBER. A Manual of Power for Machines, Shafts, and Belts. With the History of Cotton Manufacture in the United States. By SAMUEL WEBBER, C.E. This work contains over 1200 tests, up to date, of the Power required by Cotton, Woolen, Worsted, and Flax Machinery, Shafting, and Tools, with Summaries of the Machines and Power used in a number of Cotton Mills on various fabrics ; Kules and Tables for strength and speed of Shafting and Belting; Cor- rected Tables of the Centennial Turbine Tests, at Philadelphia, 1876 ; Breaking and Twist Tables for Yarn and Roving; Historical sketch of the growth of the Cotton manufacture in the U. S. The whole, with an explanatory preface, forming an octavo volume of 230 pages, neatly bound in cloth. $3.50 . ROPER. A Catechism of High Pressure, or Non-Conden- sing Steam Engines ; including the Modelling, Constructing, and Management of Steam Engines and Steam Boilers. With valuable illustrations. By STEPHEN ROPER, Engineer. Tenth edition, revised and enlarged. 18mo, tucks, gilt edge. $2.00. ROPER. Handbook of the Locomotive, including the Construction of Engines and Boilers, and the Construction, Management, and Running of Locomotives. By STEPHEN ROPER. Seventh edition. 18mo, tucks, gilt edge. $2.50. ROPER. Handbook of Land and Marine Engines; inclu- ding the Modelling, Construction, Running, and Management of Land and Marine Engines and Boilers. With illustrations. Ry STEPHEN ROPER, Engineer. Fourth edition. 12mo, tucks, gilt edge. $3.50. ROPER. Handbook of Modern Steam Fire-Engines. With illustrations. By STEPHEN ROPER. Engineer. 12mo, tucks, gilt edge. $3.50. ROPER. Use and'Abuse of the Steam Boiler, By STEPHEN ROPER, Engineer. With illustrations. 18mo, tucks, gilt edges. $2.00. ROPER'S Engineer's Handy Book. In press. BILGRAM. Slide-Valve Gears. A new graphical method for Analyzing the Action of Slide-Valves, moved by eccentrics, link-motion, and cut-off gears. By HUGO BILGRAM, M.E. 16mo, cloth. $1.00. MORTON, The System of Calculating Diameter, Circum- ference, Area, and Squaring the Circle. By JAMES MORTON. 12mo, cloth. $1.00. SPANG A Practical Treatise on Lightning Protection. By HENRY W. SPANO. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth. 81.50. DANBY. Practical Guide ,to the Determination of Minerals by the Blowpipe. By DR. C. W. C. FUCHS. Translated and edited by T. W. DANBY, M.A., F.G.S. $2.50. HOBSON. The Amateur Mechanic's Practical Hand-Book. Describing the different tools required in the workshop, the uses of them, and how to use them; also, examples of different kinds of work, etc., with descriptions and drawings. By ARTHUR H. G. HOBSOX. lOmo, cloth. $1.25. OVERMAN. Mechanics " for the Millwright, Engineer, Machinist, Civil Engineer, and Architect. By FREDERICK OVERMAN. 12mo, cloth. 150 illustrations. $1.50. WHITE. The Elements of Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy, for the use of Colleges and Academies. By CHARLES J. WHITE, A.M. Numerous illustra- tions. 1 vol., demi 8vo. Fourth edition, revised. $2.00. CLAXTON, REMSEN & . HAFFELFINGER, ZPTJIBILISIHIIEDEaS, 624, 626, 628 Market Street, Philadelphia. VD 04223 15 NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. GRIMSHAW OnSaws. History, Development and Action; Classification and Comparison ; Manufacture, Care and Use, of Saws of all kinds. By ROBERT GRIMSHAW. Large octavo. Over 180 illustrations. This thorough work, impartially written in a clear, simp'e and practical style, treats the Saw scientifically, analyzing its action and work, and describing, under the leading classes of Reciprocating and Continuous Acting Saws, the various kinds of large and small Hand, Sash, Mulay, Jig, Drag, Circular, Cylinder, and Band Saws, as now and formerly used for Cross-Cutting, Ripping, Scroll-Cutting, and all other sawing operations in Wood, Stone, and Metal, Ice, Ivorv, etc., in this country and abroad. With Appendices concerning the details of Manufacture, Setting, Swaging, Gumming, Filing, etc.; Tables of Gauges, Log Measurements from 10 to 24 feet, and from 12 to 96 inches, Lists of all U. S. Patents on Saws from 1790 to 1880, and other valuable information. Elegantly printed on extra heavy paper. Copiously indexed. Of immense practical value to every Saw user. $2.50. RIDDELL. The Carpenter and Joiner Modernized. Third edition, revised and' corrected, containing new matter of interest to the Carpenter, Stair-Builder, Carriage-Builder, Cabinet-Maker, Joiner, and Mason ; also explaining the utility of the Slide Rule, lucid examples of its accuracy in calculation, showing it to be indispensable to every workman in giving the mensuration of surfaces and solids, the division of lines into equal parts, circumferences of circles, length of rafters and braces, board measure, etc. The whole illustrated with numerous engravings. By ROB- ERT RIDDF.LL. 4to, cloth. $7.50. RIDDELL The New Elements of Hand Railing. Revised edition, containing forty-one plates, thirteen of which are now for the first time presented, together with the accompanying letter-press description. The whole giving a complete elucidation of the Art of Stair-Building. By ROBERT RIDDELL, author of " The Carpenter and Joiner Modernized," etc. One volume, folio. $7.00. RIDDELL. Mechanic's Geometry; plainly Teaching the Carpenter, Joiner, Mason, Metal-plate Worker in fact, the artisan in any and every branch of industry whatsoever the constructive principles of his calling. Illustrated by accurate explanatory card-board Models and Diagrams. By ROBERT RIDDELL. Quarto, cloth. Fully illustrated by 50 large plates. $5.00. RIDDELL. Lessons on Hand-Railing for Learners. By ROBERT RIDDELL, author of "New Elements of , Hand-Railing," "The Carpenter and Joiner Modernized," etc. 4to, cloth. Third edition. $. r >.00. g RIDDELL The Artisan. Illustrated by forty plates of Geometric drawings, showing the most practical methods that may be applied to works of building and other constructions. The whole is intended to advance the learner by teaching him in a plain and simple manner the utility of lines, and their application in producing results which are indispensable in all works of art. By ROBERT RIDDELL, late teacher of the artisan class in the Philadelphia High School, etc., etc. $5.00. TRAUTWINE'S Civil Engineer's Pocket Book of Mensu- ration, Trigonometry, Surveying, Hydraulics, Hydrostatics, Instruments and their Adjustments, Strength of Materials, Masonry, Principles of Wooden and Iron Roof and Bridge Trusses, Stone Bridges and Culverts, Trestles, Pillars, Suspension Bridges. Darns, Railroads, Turnouts, Turning Platforms, Water Stations, Cost of Earthwork, Foundations, Retaining Walls, etc., etc., etc. By JOHN C. TRAUTWINE, Civil Engineer. 12mo, 648 pages, mor., tucks, gilt edges. Fourth Edition. Tenth Thousand. Revised and corrected. $5.00. TRAUTWINE. A New Method of Calculating the Cubic Contents of Excavations and Embankments by the aid of Diagrams ; together with Directions for esti- mating the cost of Earthwork. By JOHN C. TRAUTWINE, C.E. 10 steel plates. Sixth edition, completely revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. $2.00. TRAUTWINE The Field Practice of Laying out Circular Curves for Railroads. By JOHN C. TRAUTWINE, Civil Engineer. Tenth edition, 1880, revised and enlarged. 12mo, tuck. $2.00. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, IFTJBXiISHCIEIEaS, 624, 626, 628 Market Street, Fhttadelphia. 16 "COOPER ON BELTING." A TREATISE ON THE USE OF BELTING FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. With numerous illustrations of approved and actual methods of arranging Main Driv- ing and Quarter Twist Belts, and of Belt Fastenings. Examples and Rules in great number for exhibiting and calculating the size and driving power of Belts. Plain, Particular, and Practical Directions for the Treatment, Care, and Manage- ment of Belts. Descriptions of many varieties of Beltings, together with chapters on the Transmission of Power by Ropes ; by Iron and Wood Frictional Gear- ing; on the Strength of Belting Leather; and on the Experimental Investiga- tions of Morin, Briggs, and others for determining the Friction of Belts under different tensions, which are presented clearly and fully, with the text and tables unabridged. By JOHN H. COOPER, M.E. One vol,, demi octavo. Cloth, $3.50. The Publishers will send copies by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price. WHAT THKY SAY OF IT. "It contains a great deal of much- needed information." BROWN & ALLEN, N. Y. "A useful and instructive volume, typographically creditable." JAS. CHRISTIE, Philadelphia. " It collects in the simplest manner the opinions of practical and theoretical men." R. BBIGGS, M.E., Philadelphia. "It contains everything that need be said on this important subject." II. HOWSON, M.E., Philadelphia. "We confidently welcome it as the standard treatise on belting." POLYTECHNIC REVIEW, Philadelphia. "You have studied clearness instead of mystification." J. C. TRAUTWIXE, C.E., Philadelphia. " More to be found in your book upon this subject than in all the world beside." PROF. J. E. SWEET, Cornell University. "A thorough and complete treatise on the subject of belting." SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, N. Y. "This work is exhaustive in character, and creditable to author and publishers." AM. R. R. JOURNAL, N. Y. " Fully illustrated in every respect, and a most valuable contribution to technical literature." LEFFEL'S MILLING NEWS, Springfield, 0. "A complete treatise, embracing every variety of transmitting power by belts and ropes." J. W. NYS- TROM, M.E., Philadelphia. " Written in the plainest language ; easiest book to understand I ever read." G. V. CRIPPS, Philadelphia. " An encyclopedia, eighty illustrations, and numerous tables of great value." N. AMERICAN, Philadelphia. "Comprehensive, practical work, the careful study of which would save millions of dollars annually." E. S. WICKLIN, Millwright, Wis. "This work has a good index; use of belting explained in clear language." PRESS, Philadelphia. "The mass of facts and figures presented cover every point of theory and practice. It includes infor- mation from every available source; a valuable assistant.'' N, W. LUMBERMAN, Chicago, 111. "I consider it a most valuable contribution to technical literature." PROF. A. BEARDSLEY, Swarthmore College, Pa. " A very admirable and exhaustive treatise." HON. ELLIS SPEAR. Commissioner of Patents, Washington, B.C. " ' Use of Belting ' supplies a want long felt by all mechanical engineers." TAWS & HARTMAN, Engineers, Philadelphia. " The need for such a book as this has long been manifest." VAN NOSTRAXD'S ECLECTIC MAG., N. Y. " The most complete collection of rules, tables, and statistics upon the use of belts now in print." JOUR- NAL OF FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Philadelphia. "No intelligfnt man can read your book carefully without informing himself pretty thoroughly as to what can actually be done with belting." SAMUEL WEBBKR, M.H., Manchester, N. H. CLAXTCOT, KEMSEK & HAFFELFINGEB, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS, 624, 626 and 628 Market Street, Philadelphia. )N DEPARTMENT RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to thf NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 Desk ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date _ DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ' ' , ^94720 MAY 1 R IQCK MAT 1 locJD APR u ft iaa& FV. 1 20,000 (4/94) o^i^a