GIFT OF Mars ton Campbell,, Jr Library THE STIRLING SAFETY BOILER. CATALOGUE OF- THE STIRLING WATER TUBE SAFETY BOILER MANUFACTURED BY THE STIRLING CO. GENERAL OFFICES: PULLMAN BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL SHOPS AND FOUNDRIES: BARBERTON, OHIO. 1895. 5 ' T Engineerittf THE STIRLING COMPANY. OFFIOEES: O. C. BARBER, President. J. K. ROBINSON, Vice-President. THOS. DEEGAN, Secretary. EDW. R. STETTINIUS, Treaswm^^vNS^PELL, Superintendent. SALES AGENTS F. A. SCHEFFLER, 126 Liberty Street, J. BRADFORD SARGENT, 8 Oliver Street, . JAMES MEILY, Betz Building, . . W. M. FABER, Conestoga Building, C. H. MORGAN, Cuyahoga Building, ARBUCKLE, RYAN & Co., . . JOHN COLLEY, Pullman Building, C. C. COYLE, W. H. WISSING, " " . . A. L. CROCKER, Lumber Exchange, C. S. BURT Co., Ltd., 22 Union Street, . F. D. WALLAKER, Cooper Building, J. T. MACCROSSON, 234 Montgomery Street, H. P. GREGORY & Co., . New York City. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio. Toledo, Ohio. Chicago, HI. Minneapolis, Minn. New Orleans, La. Denver, Colo. San Francisco, Gal. Portland, Ore. 834149 TABLE OF CONTENTS. The Stirling Safety Boiler : PAGE Construction 8 Accessibility 8 Safety 10 Complete Combustion 13 Handling Impure Water , 14 Dry Steam 16 Workmanship 16 Setting 17 Dimensions * 19 Efficiency and Capacity 19 The Circulation of Water in the Stirling Boiler 20-23 Incrustation or Scale , 25-26 Steam Tables and their Uses 27-33 Properties of Saturated Steam 28 Temperature Water Between 32 and 212 30 Factors of Evaporation 32-33 Horse Power of Boilers , 35-36 Heating of Feed Water 37-39 Efficiency of Coals 40 American Coals 41-45 Sizes of Chimneys 46 Chimneys 47 U. S. Inspection Laws 49-51 Rules for Care of Stirling Boilers 53-54 Boiler Tests 55-57 Tests on Stirling Boilers , 56 Test at Toledo Water Works 58 Test at Belle City Ry. Co., Racine, Wis 59 Test at Marshall-Kennedy & Co. , Allegheny City, Pa 60 Test at Portland Ry. Co., Portland, Me 61 Tests at Wilkes Barre Coal Co. , Wilkes Barre, Pa 63 Testimonials 65-84 Stirling Boilers in Operation 85-98 5 F. McCROSSON ONTGOMERY SIX I FRANCISCO, CAL C COAST AGENT. THE STIRLING WATER TUBE SAFETY BOILER. THE STIRLING SAFETY BOILER. IT WAS at the Atlantic City meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, in May, 1885, that Mr. Allan Stirling, a member of the Society, announced privately that he had designed a boiler, which he thought would make its mark in the world. He gave no description of its design, except to say that it would overcome all the objections which had been raised against boilers of the prevailing types, and that it had many advantages peculiar to itself. The incident was forgotten until a few years later, when the International Boiler Company, Limited, of New York, placed the Stirling Boiler on the market and offered it to the public. The first boilers of this type consisted merely of two upper drums and one lower or mud drum. They were crudely constructed, and in their erection little attention was paid to the minor details, which are of such great importance in the aggregate, in determining the character of a boiler plant. Crude, however, as these first boilers were, they demonstrated conclusively that the theory of the inventor was a good one, and indicated that great possibilities lay in the development of his principle. With these points established, the Stirling Company was formed, and its energies and attention were immediately concentrated upon the work of perfecting the Stirling Boiler. Its construction was elaborated, but the principle was, and always has been, the same; a third, or feed drum, was added ; the plan of setting was modified ; and one improve- ment after another was made, until finally it may be said, with truth, that everything that is known in the art, or that years of experience and thought can suggest, has been J *t* * C V < 8 J - adopted 'to enable the Stirling Boiler to meet every demand and fulfill every requirement. The success attending its introduction has been note- worthy, and if any evidence be needed to support the claims of the manufacturer, it will be found in the record of its sales. Novelty wears off after awhile, and any mechanical product, to obtain a permanent growth and position, must have merit as well as the charm of being a departure from old and estab- lished standards. The Stirling Boiler has not only retained the good- will of those who accorded it so warm a reception when it was first placed on the market, but it has also made hosts of friends, and is making more every day. During a period of about five years, the sales in horse power have aggregated 350,000 H. P., and, what is all the more signifi- cant, each year shows a healthy gain over the preceding. CONSTRUCTION. The boiler consists, briefly, of three upper or steam drums, and one lower or mud drum, all con- nected together by means of tubes, which are bent slightly, so as to allow them to enter the drums normal to their peri- phery. All of the upper or steam drums are connected by steam circulating tubes, but the front and middle drums only are connected by water circulating tubes. The tubes used are 3J inches in diameter, and are made of the best lap- welded mild steel, and are subjected to a cold water pressure test of 1,500 pounds per square inch. The material used in the manufacture of the drums is the very best quality of flange steel. These drums and tubes form the boiler proper, so it will be seen that no cast metal is used at all. This extreme simplicity of construction must be obvious to all. ACCESSIBILITY. No other water tube boiler possesses the feature of accessibility in so marked a degree as the Stirling. This statement applies not only to the interior surfaces, but to the exterior surfaces as well. In most of the water tube boilers, and noticeably in some of the nondescript productions that have made their appearance in recent years, the tubes are 9 arranged in clusters, and, as a rule, are staggered ; that is, one tube lies opposite the space between two in the next row. In the Stirling Boiler the tubes are in rows four deep only, and all tubes are laid out in parallel rows. It is possible to pass the hand, and, indeed, the whole arm, between two rows of tubes and reach those in the fourth or last tier a thing impossible to do in any of the prominent boilers of the hori- zontal water tube type, or in any boiler in which the tubes are staggered. This arrangement of the tubes enables the exterior surfaces to be thoroughly cleaned of soot and. kin- dred deposits. Such a result can be accomplished only with the greatest difficulty in the case of the staggered tubes common in many other boilers. As to the accessibility of the interior surfaces, the removal of four man-hole plates exposes to view the two ends of every tube in the boiler, and, for all practical purposes, the entire area of the interior heating surface. The boiler attendant, or cleaner, can then enter the drums, one by one, and remove the mud and other deposits, scraping the tubes from end to end if need be (using a chain or jointed scraper for that purpose), the whole operation being so simple and so easily accomplished that the most ignorant laborer, with a few instructions, can perform it acceptably. The time and labor necessary to open, examine and clean the Stirling Boiler, with but four man-hole plates to remove, is in striking contrast to that required by one of the hori- zontal water tube boilers, having, say, three hundred caps and gaskets (always a source of extreme annoyance, expense and leakage) to remove, the surfaces of their seats to clean, and the whole number to replace and make tight before the boiler can be again put under steam. Moreover, the tubes in the horizontal type are so slightly inclined that the ten- dency of sediment to precipitate in them is, obviously, very much greater than in the tubes of the Stirling, which are but slightly inclined from the vertical. 10 REPAIRS. Owing to its simplicity of construction, and to its great accessibility, it follows that the Stirling is readily and easily kept in repair. If a tube end leaks, it is but a few minutes work to open the drum, introduce an expander, and roll the tube. If a tube must be replaced, it can be quickly removed and a new one substituted, and, under the most adverse conditions, it is never necessary to destroy more than one perfect tube to reach a defective one. This simple method of removing tubes, without having to withdraw them through holes in the tube sheet, is a valuable advantage, and is in marked contrast to the troublesome methods of other types of boilers, where, in case of the rupture of a tube and its consequent distention, it can neither be withdrawn through the hole in the sheet or header, nor passed through the spaces of the surrounding tubes, and its removal can only be accomplished by cutting away the intervening tubes. Further, there are in the Stirling but four man -hole joints to keep tight, and but four gaskets to renew from time to time. Contrast this with the two hundred and fifty or three hundred hand-hole plates that must be kept tight, and the corresponding number of gaskets that are continually wear- ing out in a boiler of the horizontal type. SAFETY. Purchasers, as well as users, of boilers lose sight, too often, of the enormous energy contained in steam and water at a high temperature under pressure ; of the fact that a cubic foot of hot water, under a pressure of sixty to seventy pounds per square inch, has about the same energy as one pound of gunpowder ; and that the power contained by the mechanical energy in boilers is enough to project them enormous distances. Whilst mystery surrounds many boiler explosions, there is no doubt that all disruptive explosions occur only when the energy contained in the steam and water confined in the boiler is suddenly liberated. If a rupture occurs in the shell of a tubular, flue, or cylin- drical boiler, the entire energy of the steam and water within 11 is suddenly released, resulting in the destruction of the boiler itself, and frequently of its surroundings, with accom- panying loss of life. The same disastrous consequences attend a rupture in a water tube boiler when the part giving way contains a large quantity of steam and water. Thus, the bursting of headers in the horizontal type of water tube boilers is frequently accompanied by most destructive results, owing to the fact that, although they do not in themselves contain large volumes of water, they are connected with a number of tubes, which, in the aggregate, contain a very large quantity of water ; and, when the cast iron gives way, the rupture is not confined to a single spot, but generally extends throughout the entire length of the header, thus instantly lib- erating the water and steam of all the tubes expanded into it. A rupture in cast iron must, of necessity, extend throughout its entire length or breadth ; whilst a rupture in wrought iron, or soft steel, is mostly local, and can only be enlarged by a continued application of force. None of the so-called "safety boilers," then, in which cast iron is used, are worthy of the name ; the term can only be applied to boilers in which the only possible points of rupture are confined to portions con- taining small masses of water, and which are constructed of a material in which such rupture will remain local. The character of the materials used, the workmanship, and the design of the Stirling all tend to render it an absolutely safe boiler. As has been pointed out elsewhere, no cast metal whatever is used in its construction. Thus is eliminated an evil that has proven fruitful of most disastrous explosions in other types of water tube boilers, in which cast iron headers are used. There is, further, in the Stirling, an entire absence of flat surfaces under pressure ; no riveted joints exposed to the action of the fire ; no stay-bolts ; and, finally, the circu- lation is so rapid as to maintain a uniform temperature in all of its parts, thus doing away with the excessive strains due to unequal expansion and contraction. . T. McCROSSON MONTGOMERY ST. LN FRANCISCO, CAL COAST AGENT. SECTIONAL VIEW OF STIRLING BOILER.-SIUE ELEVATION. 13 COMPLETE COMBUSTION. By reference to the sectional view of the Stirling Boiler, it will be seen that there is a fire- brick arch sprung over the grates, and immediately in front of the first section of tubes. The advantage arising from this arch cannot be overestimated. It absorbs heat generated by the fire on the grates, and becomes an incandescent radi- ating surface precisely after the fashion of the roof of a reverberatory furnace with the advantages that: First. It heats to a high temperature the air which is admitted when the furnace doors are opened for charging or cleaning. This greatly prolongs the life of the boiler, as it prevents the contact of cold air with the tubes, which in other designs produces sudden contractions and expansions, and ultimate crystalization. Second. It ignites by radiation the upper surfaces of the new fuel, as it is fed upon the incandescent coal upon the grates, thus preventing the chilling of the fires, and main- taining a comparatively uniform temperature of the gases as they pass from the furnace to the tubes. For this reason alone, a given quantity of grate surface is more effective in the Stirling than in boilers of other designs. Third. It insures an even distribution of the gases, owing to the fact that the falling away of the arch from the center to the sides, obviates the possibility of the concentration of the gases at any one point, and results in a uniform contact of the gases, at their highest initial temperature, with the tubes. By further reference to the views of the boiler, it will be seen that, in addition to having, by the use of an incandes- cent arch, provided for the thorough combustion of the fuel, provision has been made for the absorption of the greatest possible proportion of the heat contained in the gases, by compelling them to make three passes in their course through the furnace ; first, up the front bank of tubes, then down the middle bank of tubes, and, finally, up the rear bank of tubes, 14 after which, they escape to the smoke-stack at a greatly reduced temperature. Again referring to the sectional views of the boiler, it will be seen that this construction admits of a more thorough adjustment of grate service to heating surface than any other boiler on the market. This feature is one that will commend itself at once to those who have made the question of com- bustion a study; for, just as the constituent elements of different coals differ, so, in like manner, is it necessary to adjust the conditions under which they are to be consumed. The Stirling Boiler admits of the greatest possible elasticity in this direction, as its grate surface can be either increased in depth and width, as may be required; or, on the other hand, may be reduced in one direction or the other, without in any way affecting the construction of the boiler. Attention should also be directed to the fact that, as the Stirling Boiler is increased in size, the water and steam space increases in the same ratio. This can be said of no other boiler on the market. HANDLING IMPURE WATER. The feature which above all others characterizes the Stirling Boiler is the ability it pos- sesses of separating the mineral and other ingredients of impure water, thus preventing the formation of scale on the interior surfaces. As a practical example, we refer to an investigation that was made some time since of a boiler plant consisting of Stirling and water tube boilers of the horizontal type. We quote from the expert's report, as follows : "The boilers were installed side by side ; both were fed from the same water supply, and operating under the same conditions. The Stirling contained no visible scale and little deposit of any kind after one year' s work and one cleaning ; whilst the other boiler contained scale varying in thickness from i to f inches after two months' use since last cleaning. The labor of cleaning the Stirling Boiler during the year required only six minutes time for each horse power, while the cleaning of 15 the horizontal water tube boiler required one hour and thirty minutes for each horse power per year. No less, then, than fifteen times as mucJi labor was required upon the horizon- tal water tube boiler as was required upon the Stirling. The water contains carbonate of lime in considerable quantity and traces of sulphate of lime." The marked adaptability of the Stirling Boiler to the use of impure feed water is due to an arrangement whereby the feed water enters the rear upper drum, the coolest part of the boiler, and its temperature is gradually raised to the steaming point, by the escaping gases, in its descent through the rear bank of tubes to the mud drum below. The mud drum is protected from the fierce heat of the furnace by an ample bridge wall, and acts as a most excellent settling chamber, the circulation in that portion of the boiler being comparatively slight. Reaching the mud drum, the chem- ical impurities, which have become insoluble under the action of the high temperature, descend to the bottom in the form of sludge or mud, and can be blown out as frequently as may be found necessary. Should any of the precipitate collect in the rear bank of tubes, the heat of the gases is so reduced by the time they reach that part of the boiler, that the deposit is not baked hard, as it would be in the front bank of tubes, but remains in a soft, plastic condition, and may be readily washed off with a hose or easily removed with a scraper. The front and middle banks of tubes, therefore, through which rapid circulation takes place, are filled with water which has been purified. This rapid circulation and the purification of the water reduces the danger of scale formation to a minimum, so that the interior of the tubes remaining clean, heat is trans- mitted more rapidly and efficiently, thus adding greatly to the economy of the boiler. The Stirling Boiler is the only steam generator in which this feature of being particularly adapted to the use of impure feed water is so well carried out. DRY STEAM. The circulation of the Stirling Boiler is rapid and thorough ; not choked nor intermittent as in other types. It naturally follows that the steam liberated at the surface of the water in the drums is unmixed with entrained water, and is "dry." Any contraction of area at the point where the steam leaves the tubes and enters the drums, must result in a squirting, or geyser-like action, which projects a mixture of spray and steam into the steam space above the water. Most water tube boilers contain headers, entering into which are a number of tubes, and each header is connected to a main steam drum by an opening having an area of but ten to fifteen per cent of the combined area of the tubes, and through which all the circulating water and steam must pass. The geyser-like action, above referred to, is the unavoidable result in such boilers, and to so great an extent in some designs, that an effort is made to modify this action by the insertion of baffle plates, steam dryers, or similar devices. The Stirling, on the other hand, has an unrestricted circulation ; there is a free passage of water from one bank of tubes to another ; each tube has a separate outlet equal to its area, and the tubes are but slightly inclined from the vertical; all of which conduces to the free liberation of steam at the surface of the water in the drums, and insures its being dry. WORKMANSHIP. It is not generally known that there are but two or three concerns engaged in the water tube boiler business that manufacture their own boilers, and that all the others are virtually mere sales agents, as the boilers sold by them are either manufactured entirely under contract, by boiler makers in different parts of the country, or else they have the various parts of the boilers, namely, drums, tubes and castings, manufactured by different concerns, and they merely assemble the parts and prepare them for ship- ment. The disadvantage arising from this method of doing- business will be readily appreciated, for, no matter how earnest and anxious the dealer may be to guarantee the work- 17 manship and material of his boiler, he is dependent for his guarantee entirely upon others who have not the same interest in the operation of the boiler that he has, but whose interest, on the contrary, ceases the moment their portion of the work is completed and their bill paid. The Stirling Company, on the other hand, owns and operates its own shops and foundry; every part of the boiler is designed by its own engineers and manufactured under their supervision ; all the material used is carefully tested by its own men ; and every precaution that years of experience can suggest is taken to insure that the ma- terial, as well as workmanship, of the boiler is of the highest grade obtainable. Every boiler before being shipped is tested at 200 Ibs. cold water pressure, and, after erection and all parts are in place, it is again submitted to a 200 Ibs. cold water pressure. It will, therefore, be seen that the Stirling Com- pany is in a most excellent position to make good its guar- antee on the workmanship and material of the boilers manu- factured by it. SETTING. In the setting every care that years of experience and observation have suggested is taken. The boiler is sustained entirely independent of the brickwork, so that the brickwork may be removed or replaced without disturbing the boiler or its connections. The three upper or steam drums are supported by wrought iron beams, resting on wrought iron columns, with cast iron bases properly secured, whilst the mud drum is suspended and left free to allow for contraction and expansion.* In no other boiler is this feature so prominent. Owing to this arrangement, the varying tem- peratures, extending from about 500 F. at the out-take of the stack to 2,000 F. or more at the furnace, produce no such strains and consequent leakages in the Stirling as they do in * As an evidence of the direct advantages resulting from this manner of supporting the Stirling Boiler, we refer to a recent explosion of natural gas in the furnace of a Stirling Boiler at the American Tin Plate Company's plant at Elwood, Ind. Although the force of the explo- sion was sufficient to entirely demolish the brickwork, the boiler was uninjured in any way whatever. The brickwork was replaced, and the boiler placed in commission, without it having been necessary to make any repairs whatever to the boiler proper. 19 the horizontal type, in which the absolutely straight tubes are expanded into rigid headers, and no provision whatever is made for the expansion and contraction incident to these great differences of temperature. DIMENSIONS. The Stirling is built to meet the varying requirements of height, width and depth, so that a 200 horse- power boiler can be built to occupy from 12 to 20 feet in height, 10 to 15 feet in width, and 14 to 17 feet in depth. It is, therefore, equally well adapted to boiler rooms having low ceilings and ample width, as well as to those having little width and ample height. EFFICIENCY AND CAPACITY. In the point of evaporative efficiency and capacity the Stirling is unexcelled, as numerous evaporative trials have proven. Attention is respectfully called to the table of tests on page 56. It will be seen that the boiler in tests for economy has evaporated as high as 12.49 Ibs. of water, from and at 212, per pound of combus- tible, whilst in capacity tests it has been forced as high as 133 per cent above its rating, and the steam under these con- ditions has contained but one-half of one per cent moisture. THE CIRCULATION OF WATER IN THE STIRLING BOILER. "TTTHEN water is heated in a vessel or chamber of consid- V V erable size, by fire placed underneath, the water which is warmed by the transfer of heat through the bottom of the vessel, becomes specifically lighter than the remainder of the water, and in consequence rises to the surface. Its place is taken by cooler fluid which is heated in turn and rises in like manner. Thus a gentle circulation is set up, which results in keeping the coolest water always in contact with the heating surface. This operation is favorable to the transfer of heat from the fire to the water, by reason of the fact that the greater the difference of temperature between the fire and the fluid to which heat is being communicated, the more rapid will be the transfer of heat. When the temperature of the water reaches the boiling point, the heat of the fire no longer raises its temperature, but, instead, it vaporizes a portion of the water. In conse- quence, there is no difference in the specific gravity of the water in different parts of the vessel available for producing a circulation. The steam which is formed rises through the water and escapes at the surface, but there is little or no movement of the water as a whole. If, however, as Mr. Geo. W. Babcock has written, we "take a U shaped tube, depending from a vessel of water (Figure A), and apply a lamp to one leg, a circulation is at once set up within it." This circulation not only continues after steam begins forming, but becomes more rapid in proportion as the rapidity of evaporation increases. The explanation of this 20 21 action is a follows : When steam is formed rapidly in a long vertical tube, it does not rise independently of the water as in the case of a large vessel, but it carries along with it the water with which it is intermingled. The effect is the same as if the mingled water and steam were replaced by a single fluid of uniform density, equal to the average density of the mixture of steam and water. It follows that the density of the fluid in the vertical tubes will be less as the proportion of steam to water is greater. If one leg of the tube is exposed to hotter furnace gases than the other, then a greater relative amount of steam will be generated in it, and the average density of the mixture of steam and water will be correspondingly less. Consequently, a vigorous circulation will be produced by the difference in density between the two columns. In accordance with a well known law, the force which produces the circulation increases with the height of the balancing columns of fluid. Con- sequently, a water tube boiler, with ver- FIGURE A. tical or nearly vertical tubes, other things being equal, will have a stronger circulation than a boiler with slightly inclined tubes ; while a water tube boiler with perfectly horizontal tubes, with a diameter relatively small as compared to their length, would have no circulation at all, as the steam formed would simply drive the water in both directions away from the heated portion. Another requisite for a vigorous circulation is that there be a free passage for the water from one bank of tubes to the other. If the water be throttled in any part of its course, the strength of the circulation will be diminished to that extent, especially should there be a free passage from the upper ends of the tubes to the surface of the water, because here the volume of the steam is much greater by reason of the presence Delivery of the escaping steam bubbles, which occupy a much greater volume than they did previously as water. These conditions are admirably fulfilled in the Stirling Boiler, as can be observed by consulting Figure B. Here we have the identical arrangement illustrated in Figure A. The tubes D D' correspond to the legs of the U shaped tube, while the drums A B, being connected by the tubes E, correspond to the chamber above. Hotter furnace gases are applied to the tubes D' than to the tubes D ; the tubes are nearly vertical ; the flow of water in com- pleting the cycle from C to B to A to C is unrestricted. All the theoretical conditions for a vig- orous and rapid circulation are therefore present in the Stirling Boiler. Rankine, in his Treatise on the Steam Engine, Chapter I, Section 3, Article 220, says : "When heat is to be transferred by convexion from one fluid to another, through an intervening layer of metal, the motion of the two fluid masses should, if possible, be in opposite directions, in order that the hottest particles of each fluid may be in communica- tion with the hottest particles of the other ; and that the min- imum difference of temperature between the adjacent particles of the two fluids may be the greatest possible ; * * * * in the steam boiler that is favorable to economy of fuel, the motion of the water and steam should, on the whole, be opposite to that of the flame and hot gas from the furnace ; * * * * the coolest portions of the water in the boiler should, if practi- cable and convenient, be contiguous to the coolest parts of the furnace and heating surfaces." These are the theoretical conditions governing the highest 23 economy obtainable in the steam boiler, and, here again, it will be seen that the Stirling fulfills all theoretical require- ments. The feed water enters the rear upper drum ; thence it passes down the rear bank of tubes to the mud drum ; during its passage from the rear upper drum to the mud drum, the water is heated within a few degrees of that in the front banks of tubes, and it moves in a direction opposite to that of tJie furnace gases, which pass into the stack at the point where the coolest water enters the boiler. Before the advent of the Stirling, the principle developed above had been employed in the so called Economizer ; but, by no designer, had it been successfully incorporated in the boiler itself. INCRUSTATION OR SCALE. MOST natural waters contain more or less scale-forming salts, and in many localities the problem of the preven- tion and removal of the deposit of scale in steam boilers is a very serious one. If the water which is being used contains salts of lime or magnesia, these salts, which are mostly insol- uble in water at 300 Fahr., will be deposited as solid matter upon the inner surfaces of the boiler, forming a coating which interferes seriously with the transmission of heat. It has been found that if feed water, in contact with the heating sur- faces where steam is being formed, be kept in rapid motion, scale will not be deposited, save to a limited extent. It is evident that opportunity must be afforded for the deposit of these precipitations somewhere. The best that can be done is to compel them to be deposited in some part of the boiler where they will be least objectionable, and where they can be readily removed. The parts of the boiler in which the formation of scale should be prevented, if possible, are those parts which are exposed to the hottest furnace gases, for the reason that these parts are the most efficient in transmitting heat, as well as because the scale matter becomes harder and more difficult to remove than when deposited in parts of the boiler subject to lower temperature. The evil effects of scale are due to the fact that it is rela- tively a non-conductor of heat, and its presence, consequently, will greatly diminish the amount of heat transferred from the furnace gases to the water. It has been demonstrated that scale one-sixteenth of an inch thick causes a loss of about fourteen per cent of fuel, while the loss resulting from a half inch thickness of scale has been estimated as high as sixty per cent ; the ratio increasing as the scale grows thicker. To illustrate : to raise steam to a pressure of ninety pounds, the 26 water must be heated to 320 Falir. ; if the boiler be clean, this may be done by heating the exterior surfaces to 325 Fahr., but, if one-half inch of scale intervene between the shell and the water, its non-conductivity is so great that it will be necessary to raise the heating surfaces to a temperature of nearly 700. At this high temperature the strength of the metal is greatly diminished, and consequently the boiler is liable to bulge and to give way under the pressure from within, resulting, in fire tubular boilers, in disastrous explo- sions, and, in the water tube types, in the rupture of tubes. The rupture or collapse of sheets or tubes from overheating or burning of the metal is more frequently caused by scale formation than by lack of water. The efficiency, as well as the life, of a boiler, then, demands that the formation of scale be prevented in those parts sub- ject to the highest temperature. The Stirling admirably ful- fills these conditions, in that the feed water, before being admitted to the main circulation, is, in its descent from the feed drum to the mud drum, heated to a point at which the scale-forming salts are rendered insoluble, and are, conse- quently, precipitated in the mud drum, and may be blown off as frequently as may be found necessary. Further, the nearly vertical tubes of the Stirling Boiler are of great advantage in allowing the precipitations an uninterrupted descent to the mud drum. Moreover, the current of the main circulation, in passing through the front and middle banks of tubes, moves with considerable velocity, tending to lessen, if not entirely prevent, the deposit of scale on heating surfaces exposed to the hotter furnace gases. This results in certain distinct advantages : First, the heating surfaces remain free from scale and transmit heat more rapidly and efficiently. Second, the surfaces, being free from scale, are not liable to be burned, and are, consequently, more durable. Third, the freedom from scale conduces to a more uniform and uninter- rupted circulation. STEAM TABLES AND THEIR USES. STEAM gauges are so designed tliat at the normal pres- sure of the atmosphere the needle points to zero. This normal is, approximately, 14.7 pounds per square inch, and at this pressure water boils at 212 F. The boiling point of water and all liquids varies with the pressure; thus, at 10 pounds below atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of water is 160, while at 10 pounds above it is 239 ; at 100 pounds above it is 338. Heat is measured by the change of temperature it produces in a given weight of any substance. A British Thermal Unit is that amount of heat which will raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree F., at its point of maximum density, 39 F. The amount of heat required to raise one pound of water through successive degrees is not constant. Thus, to raise the temperature of water 8 above freezing point* requires 8.06 thermal units; while to raise the tem- perature of water 108 above freezing point requires 108.22 thermal units ; from which it may be seen that the amount of heat absorbed increases somewhat more rapidly than the temperature. The quantity of heat contained in water at a given temperature, in excess of that contained in the water at 32 F., is called the "heat in liquid." If heat be applied to water already at the boiling point, no increase of tempera- ture will result, the heat absorbed being employed in trans- forming the water from liquid to steam. This is called the "heat of vaporization" The amount of heat thus absorbed, at various pressures and temperatures, has been determined experimentally, and it has been found that the "heat of *Water below 32 becomes ice, which follows another law. 27 TABLE I. TABLE OF THE PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. y o> a * f oS fj *s " S : p t--fi ' "* O "sO Oi CO T^ t- - i-l OS OS 05 O XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 00 TH ^ i> O i-l OJ 03 03 CO CHIMNEYS. THE chimney or stack plays a most important part in the performance of a steam plant, in that it furnishes the air or oxygen, without which the combustion of the fuel would be incomplete. Opinions differ as to what are the right proportions of a chimney for a given number of horse power, for the reason that local conditions and the character of the fuel to be used enter very largely into the consideration of the subject. A wise rule, however, is to err on the side of over-capacity, as the fault of too much draught can be cured at the damper, while that of too little has no remedy. The draught pressure is the difference in the weight of a column of outside air, and a column of the same area and height of the hot, and consequently lighter, air inside the chimney. By a simple method, this is measured in inches of water, shown by the difference of levels of water in the legs of a U shaped glass tube. A moderate draught will cause the levels to differ about a quarter of an inch; a fairly good draught, three-eighths to one-half inch ; and a powerful draught, about three-quarters to one inch. There are various rules and formulae published for the pro- portion of chimneys. The table published herewith is taken from a paper read before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and is in general use. ASF: 450 H. P. STIRLING BOILER AT THE JOHN F. BETZ BREWERY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. UNITED STATES INSPECTION LAWS GOVERNING STEAM BOILERS. A LAW regulating the strength and safety of steam boilers in the United States was passed by Congress in February, 1871, and went into force a year later, requiring all plates used in the construction of steam boilers to be stamped with the number of pounds equal to the breaking strength per square inch section of the iron ; one-sixth (-J-) of the stamped number taken as the safety or working strength of the iron in the boiler. The following quotations are copied from the rules pre- scribed for the boiler inspectors : "When flat surfaces exist, the inspector must satisfy him- self that the bracing, and also other parts of the boiler, are of equal strength with the shell, and he must also, after applying the hydrostatic test, thoroughly examine every part of the boiler to see that no weakness or fracture has been caused thereby. Inspectors must see that the flues are of proper thickness to avoid the danger of collapse. Flues of sixteen inches in diameter must not be less than one-quarter of an inch in thickness, and in proportion for flues of a greater or less diameter. "Every iron or steel plate intended for the construction of boilers to be used on steam vessels shall be stamped by the manufacturers in the following manner, viz.: At the diagonal corners, at a distance of about four inches from the edges, and also at or near the center of each plate, with the name of the manufacturer, the place where manufactured, and the number of pounds tensile strain it will bear to the sectional square inch. 49 50 4 4 The rule for proportioning the strength of boilers to the steam pressure is as follows: "Rule. Multiply one-sixth (-J-) of the lowest tensile strength found stamped on any plate in the cylindrical shell by the thickness expressed in parts of an inch of the thinnest plate in the same cylindrical shell, and divide the product by the radius or half the diameter of the shell expressed in inches, and the quotient will be the steam pressure in pounds per square inch, allowable in single-riveted boilers, to which add twenty per centum for double-riveting." Example. What pressure should a boiler be allowed to carry that is sixty inches in diameter, and made of plates f inches thick, having a tensile strength of 60,000 pounds? |x60,000xf -*-30=125 Ibs. pressure if single-riveted, or 125+|x 125=150 Ibs. pressure if double-riveted. From the foregoing the following rules are deduced : First. Given the tensile strength, thickness of plate, and safety pressure to be carried, to lind the diameter of boiler. Rule. Multiply one-sixth of the tensile strength by the thickness of plate expressed in parts of an inch, and divide the product by the safety steam pressure ; the quotient will be the radius or half the diameter of boiler, to which add one-fifth for double-riveting. Example. What will be the diameter of a boiler con- structed of plate having a tensile strength of 60,000 pounds, -f or .375 inches thick, to carry a safety steam pressure of 150 pounds ? x 60, OOOx. 375-150x2=50 inches, the proper diameter of the boiler single-riveted, or 50+10=60 inches diameter if double-riveted. Second. Given the diameter of boiler, safety steam pres- sure and tensile strength, to find the proper thickness of iron. Rule. Multiply the radius by safety steam pressure, and divide the product by one-sixth of the tensile strength ; the 51 quotient will be the proper thickness of plate expressed in decimal parts of an inch, if to be single-riveted, less one-sixth thereof if double-riveted. Example. What thickness of plate, having a tensile strength of 60,000 pounds, should be used in a boiler 60 inches in diameter? 30x150-16x60,000=. 45 inches thick if single-riveted, or .45 ^x. 45=. 375 inches thick if double- riveted. Third. Given the diameter, safety pressure and thickness of plate, to find the proper tensile strength. Rule. Multiply the radius by safety steam pressure, and divide the product by the thickness ; six times the quotient will be the proper tensile strength if single-riveted, or one- sixth less if double-riveted. Example. What tensile strength should .45 inch iron have in a boiler 60 inches in diameter to carry a safety pressure of 150 pounds? 30x150^.45x6-60,000, the tensile strength single-riveted, or 60,000 Jx 60, 000 =50, 000 tensile strength, double-riveted. The rivet holes in all boiler plates should be punched to line true one with another. Where holes are out of true they should be reamed instead of forced by drifting. In caulking seams care should be taken to prevent groov- ing the plates. <: u - * 5 < GL RULES FOR THE CARE OF STIRLING BOILERS. THE steam gauge should stand at zero when the pressure is off, and it should show same pressure as the safety valve when that is blowing off. If not, one is wrong, and the gauge should be tested by one known to be correct. Do not rely on glass gauges, floats or water alarms, but try gauge cocks. If they do not agree with water gauge, learn the cause and correct it. The Stirling Boiler works best on two gauges of water. Gauge cocks and water gauges should be kept clean. The water gauge should be blown out frequently and passage to gauge kept clean. In case of low water, immediately cover fire with ashes- wet if possible or any earth that may be at hand. If nothing else is handy, use fresh coal ; draw fire as soon as it can be done without increasing the heat. Do not turn on the feed, start or stop the engine or lift safety valves until the fires are out and the boiler cooled down. Fire evenly and regularly, a little at a time. Moderately thick fires are most economical, but thick firing must be used where the draught is poor. Take care to keep the grates evenly covered and allow no air holes in the fire. Do not clean fires oftener than necessary. All heating surfaces must be kept clean inside and out, or there will be a serious waste of fuel. The frequency of clean- ing will depend on the nature of the fuel and water. As a rule, never allow over one-sixteenth of an inch of scale or soot to collect on the surfaces between cleanings. Man-holes should be removed every two or three weeks and surfaces examined, particularly in case of a new boiler, until proper 53 54 intervals have been established by experience. The exterior of tubes can be kept clean by use of blowing pipe and hose through openings provided for that purpose. In using smoky fuel, it is best to occasionally brush surfaces when steam is off. When foaming occurs in a boiler, checking the outflow of steam will usually stop it. If caused by dirty water, blowing down and pumping will generally cure it. In cases of violent foaming, check the draught and fires. The Stirling Boiler never foams with good water, unless the water is carried too high. If found to prime, lower the water line. It should not be carried higher than two gauges. Be sure that all openings for admission of air to the setting of boilers or flues, except through fire, are carefully closed. This is frequently an unsuspected cause of serious waste. If feed water is muddy or salty, blow off a portion fre- quently, according to condition of water. Empty the boiler every week or two and fill up afresh. Never empty the boiler while the bricft is hot. Never pump cold water into a hot boiler. Do not start to operate a new boiler until the brick- work has been thoroughly dried out under a slow fire. If a boiler is not required for some time, empty and dry it thoroughly. If this is impracticable, then fill it quite full of water and put in a quantity of common washing soda. External parts exposed to dampness should receive a coating of linseed oil. If, after starting boiler, there should be a formation of scale in rear tubes where feed water enters, use tube scraper furnished with boiler. It is important that no accumulation of ashes on mud drum, between the tubes, should be allowed to form. The mud drum should not be bricked in solid, but should be sus- pended entirely independent of the brickwork, thus allowing for the play of the drum due to the contraction and expan- sion of the tubes. BOILER TESTS. THE object of boiler tests is to determine the number of pounds of water evaporated into steam by a given quan- tity of fuel, the quality of the steam furnished, and the possi- bilities of the boiler in the direction of forcing it in excess of its rated capacity. Their value, then, must be apparent, in that they show absolutely what a boiler is capable of doing, and, further, in that they enable the careful user to discover any sources of wasteful expenditure of fuel that may exist, and show him under what conditions the best results can be realized from his boiler. For a long time tests were regarded as sort of dress parade affairs, where the boiler was made to do special work, on special occasions, and under special conditions, troublesome or impossible in every-day practice. This impression is a false one, and is being rapidly removed. Whilst it may be admitted that most tests are conducted under conditions that are intended to make the best showing for the boiler, there is no reason why these same conditions should not exist in the every-day operation of the plant. If a high evaporative effi- ciency in a test is due, as it frequently is, to greater care in cleaning the exterior and interior surfaces of the boiler prop- erly, and to more intelligence on the part of the fireman in the care of his fires and regulation of his damper, then there is no reason why equally as good results may not be obtained, day in and day out, by an equal amount of care and an equal amount of intelligence on the part of the attendants. In conducting a test it is usual to measure the amount of water evaporated per pound of fuel used, and to reduce the results to a fixed standard for the sake of comparing one test with another. This standard is technically known as ' ' from 55 ^, . 8 | Si . e .. , . - - g cbT:^* Tl 5:^ c"S PQOPQ^O^PQPHQPQ^ O OPLnOS >H CQ Q }0 J9d ui 9anisioj\[ '-O->^ COtC.^OOi-H O -^HiC _j_ T-I C- T-H O5 OS coco^oo -OIOOT-I o o co o T-H o io r> oo oo -* 10 ^ OSOOO5rHi?3COO^OCOTHOO OSCOlOOOiO-^COCO o6osodoscoooososTHOo'oososi>oo6c>i>odT^oso p89 JO 02 02 g E n M fed o's :Pk PH PH 57 and at 212 per pound of combustible ;" that is, computations are made under the assumption that the temperature of the feed water was 212, that the steam was delivered at atmos- pheric pressure, and the coal was without ash. The Stirling has been submitted to innumerable tests, under different conditions, and employing different kinds of coal. The tables and reports published herewith will prove of inter- est in this connection ; the names of the engineers who have personally supervised the tests being a sufficient guarantee of their reliability. 58 TEST ON 300 H. P. STIRLING BOILER. The following test was made by Professor M. E. Cooley, University of Michigan, upon a 300 Horse Power Stirling Boiler, at the Toledo (Ohio) Water Works : DATE OF TEST, DECEMBER 8, 1894. 1. Heating surface 3222 square feet. 2. Grate surface 48.94 square feet. 3. Ratio of grate to heating surface 1 to 60.58 4. Duration of test 16.33 hours. 5. Kind of fuel used Georgels Creek, Cumberland. 6. Barometric pressure 14.26 inches. 7. Steam pressure per gauge 121.11 pounds. 8. Chimney draught in inches of water 455 9. Temperature of feed water , 116 58 10. Temperature of escaping gases 503.88 11. Temperature of boiler room 76.60 degrees. 12. Pounds of coal burned 17,373 pounds. 13. Pounds of refuse 1549 pounds. 14. Pounds of combustible 15,828 pounds. 15. Per cent of refuse 8.91 per cent. 16. Coal burned per hour 1063.9 pounds. 17. Coal burned per square foot of grate per hour 21.74 pounds. 18. Total water evaporated (apparent) 158,302 pounds. 19. Per cent of entrained moisture. 0.416 per cent. 20. Quality of steam 99.584 per cent. 21. Total water actually evaporated 157,819 pounds. 22. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal 9.082 pounds. 23. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible. . 9.971 pounds. 24. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal from and at 212 degrees , 10.383 pounds. 25. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible from and at 212 degrees 11.4 pounds. 26. Rated horse power 300 horse power. 27. Horse power developed during test 319.7 horse power. 28. Total heat B. T. U. per pound of combustible 14,345 29. Heat utilized by boiler B. T. U 11,009 30. Per cent of efficiency 76.75 per cent. 59 TEST ON 200 H. P. STIRLING BOILER. The following test was made by D. P. Jones, M. E. (Chief Engineer U. S. Navy, retired), upon a 200 Horse Power Stir- ling Boiler at the Belle City Electric Street Railway Company, Racine, Wis. : DATE OF TEST, JANUARY 24, 1895. 1. Heating surface 2300 square feet. 2. Grate surface 52 square feet. 3. Ratio of grate to heating surface 1 to 44.1 4. Duration of test 8 hours. 5. Kind of fuel used Youghiogheny, Pittsburgh Lump. 6. Barometer 29.85 7. Steam pressure per gauge 129 pounds. 8. Chimney draught in inches of water 0.28 9. Temperature of feed water 168 degrees. 10. Temperature of escaping gases 480 degrees. 11. Temperature of boiler room 50 degrees. 12. Pounds of coal burned 5543 pounds. 13. Pounds of refuse 504 pounds. 14. Pounds of combustible 5239 pounds. 15. Per cent of refuse 5-J per cent. 16. Coal burned per hour 692.9 pounds. 17. Coal burned per square foot of grate per hour 13.32 pounds. 18. Total water evaporated (apparent) 57,990 pounds. 19. Per cent of entrained moisture 0.91 per cent. 20. Quality of steam 99.09 per cent. 21. Total water actually evaporated 57,462 pounds. 22. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal 10.36 pounds. 23. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible 10.96 pounds. 24. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal from and at 212 degrees 11.34 pounds. 25. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible from and at 212 degrees 12.00 pounds. 26. Rated horse power 200 horse power. 27. Horse power developed during test 229 horse power. 28. Total heat B. T. U. per pound of combustible 14,581 29. Heat utilized by boiler B. T. U 11,592 30. Per cent of efficiency 79.5 per cent. 60 TEST ON 600 H. P. STIRLING BOILERS. The following evaporative test was made on 600 Horse Power Stirling Boilers at the ' Marshall Kennedy Milling Company Mills, Allegheny City, Pa., by D. Ash worth, M. E., of Pittsburg, Pa.: ^ DATE OF TEST, SEPTEMBER 20, 1894. 1. Heating surface 6900 square feet. 2. Grate surface 90 square feet. 3. Ratio of grate to heating surface : 76.6 square feet. 4. Duration of test 8 hours. 5. Kind of fuel used Bituminous slack. 6. Barometer 29. 7. Steam pressure per gauge 95. 8. Chimney draught in inches of water 54. 9. Temperature of feed water 71 degrees. 10. Temperature of escaping gases 421 degrees. 11. Temperature boiler room 76 degrees. 12. Pounds of coal burned 13,988.6 pounds. 13. Pounds of refuse 1827.5 pounds. 14. Pounds of combustible 12,161.1 pounds. 15. Per cent of refuse 13 per cent. 16. Coal burned per hour 1748.6 pounds. 17. Coal burned per square foot grate 17.2 pounds. 18. Total water evaporated (apparent) 114,190 pounds. 19. Per cent of entrained moisture 1 per cent. 20. Quality of steam 99 per cent. 21. Total water actually evaporated 114.076 pounds. 22. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal 8.16 pounds. 23. Water actually evaporated per pound combustible 9.39 pounds. 24. Water actually evaporated per pound coal from and at 212 degrees 9.67 pounds. 25. TV ate r actually evaporated per pound combustible from and at 212 degrees 11.1 pounds. 26. Rated horse power 600 27. Horse power developed during test 490.7 28. Total heat B. T. U. per pound of combustible 14,575 29. Heat utilized by boiler B. T. U 10,712 30. Per cent of efficiency 73.6 TEST ON 250 H. P. STIRLING BOILER. The following test was made by Mr. Geo. H. Barrus, M. E., upon the 250 Horse Power Boiler of the Portland Railroad Company Power Station, Portland, Maine : DATE OF TEST, JANUARY 23, 1894. 1. Heating surface 2552 square feet. 2. Grate surface 57 square feet. 3. Ratio of grate to heating surface 1 to 44.7 4. Duration of test 8.57 hours. 5. Kind of fuel used George's Creek, Cumberland. 6. Barometer 7. Steam pressure per gauge 123.3 pounds. 8. Chimney draught in inches of water 0.11 9. Temperature of feed water 210 degrees. 10. Temperature of escaping gases 478 degrees. 11. Temperature of boiler room 12. Pounds of coal burned 5713 pounds. 13. Pounds of refuse 490 pounds. 14. Pounds of combustible 5223 pounds. 15. Per cent of refuse 8.6 per cent. 16. Coal burned per hour 666.6 pounds. 17. Coal burned per square foot of grate 11.69 pounds. 18. Total water evaporated ( apparent) 60,217 pounds. 19. Per cent of entrained moisture , 0.06 per cent. 20. Quality of steam 99.94 per cent. 21. Total water actually evaporated 60,181 pounds. 22. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal 10. 54 pounds. 23. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible 11.5 pounds. 24. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal from and at 212 degrees 11.025 pounds. 25. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible from and at 212 degrees 12.06 pounds. 26. Rated horse power 250 27. Horse power developed during test 213 28. Total heat B. T. U. per pound of combustible 14,992 29. Heat utilized by boiler B. T. U 11,650 30. Per cent, of efficiency 77 per cent. 62 TESTS ON 125 H. P. STIRLING BOILER. The following tests were made by Mr. Geo. H. Barrus, to determine the economy and capacity of a 125 Horse Power Stirling Boiler, using No. 2 Buckwheat coal, with forced draught, at the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Company's No. 5 Shaft, Wilkesbarre, Pa. No allowance was made for steam used by the blower for forced draught. Date of test December 2, 1894. December 3, 1894. Heating surface 1437 square feet. 1437 square feet. Grate surface . 38 square feet. 38 square feet. Ratio of grate to heating surface 1 to 37.8 1 to 37 .8 Duration of test 9.24 hours. 7.88 hours. Kind of fuel used No. 2 Buckwheat. No. 2 Buckwheat. Chimney draught in inches of water 0. 16 0. 16 Temperature of feed water 42 degrees. 41 degrees. Temperature of escaping gases 485 degrees. 654 degrees. Pounds of coal burned 5020 pounds. 8468 pounds. Pounds of refuse 603 pounds. 1068 pounds. Pounds of combustible 4417 pounds. 7400 pounds. Per cent of refuse 12 per cent. 12.6 per cent. Coal burned per hour 564.9 pounds. 1074.6 pounds. Coal burned per square foot of grate 14.84 pounds. 28 28 pounds. Total water evaporated (apparent) 41,966 pounds. 64,989 pounds. Total water actually evaporated 41,966 pounds. 64,664 pounds. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal 8.32 pounds. 7.67 pounds. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible 9.5 pounds. 8.73 pounds. Water actually evaporated per pound coal from and at 212 10 . 07 pounds. 9 . 31 pounds. Water actually evaporated per pound . combustible from and at 212 11.45 pounds. 10.65 pounds. Rated horse power 125 125 Horse power developed during test 159 .6 290 Total heat B. T. U., per pound com- bustible 13,887 13,687 Heat utilized by boiler B. T. U 11,060 10,289 Per cent of efficiency 79.6 per cent. 74 per cent. 63 TESTS ON 125 H. P. STIRLING BOILER. The following tests to determine the economy and capacity of a- 125 Horse Power Stirling Boiler, using culm as fuel, with forced draught, were made by Mr. Geo. H. Barrus, at the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre No. 5 Shaft, Wilkesbarre, Pa. No allowance was made for the steam used for forced draught. Date of test December 11, 1894. December 12, 1894. Heating surface 1437 square feet. 1437 square feet. Grate surface 45 square feet. 45 square feet. Ratio of grate to heating surface 1 to 31.9 1 to 31.9 Duration of test 7.22 hours. 7.36 hours. Kind of fuel used Culm, No. 5 Shaft. Culm, No. 4 Shaft. Chimney draught in inches of water 0.16 0.16 Temperature of feed water 42 degrees. 0.43 degrees. Temperature of escaping gases 462 degrees. 543 degrees. Pounds of coal burned 3462 pounds. 5839 pounds. Pounds of refuse 522 pounds. 1207 pounds. Pounds of combustible 2940 pounds. 4632 pounds. Per cent of refuse 15 per cent. 20 per cent. Coal burned per hour 479.5 pounds. 793.3 pounds. Coal burned per square foot of grate 10.66 pounds. 17.63 pounds. Total water evaporated (apparent ) 26,080 pounds. 38,071 pounds. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal 7.53 pounds. 6.52 pounds. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible 8.87 pounds. 8.21 pounds. Water actually evaporated per pound of coal from and at 212 9.12 pounds. 7.89 pounds. Water actually evaporated per pound of combustible from and at 212 10.75 pounds. 9.95 pounds. Rated horse power 125 125 Horse power developed during test 134.8 181.0 Total heat B. T. U. per pound of com- bustible 13,985 14,044 Heat utilized by boiler B. T. U 10,380 9,611 Per cent efficiency 74.2 per cent. 68.4 per cent. pa K C O I (3 EH <1 05 P K H^ TESTIMONIALS. We submit herewith a few of the many letters that have from time to time been written by the users of the Stirling, in relation to its merits, superiority, etc. CINCINNATI, COVINGTON & NEWPORT STREET RY. CLEVELAND, 0., May 21, 1894. MR. F. M. FABER, Esq., Agent "Stirling Boiler," Pittsburgh, Pa. Dear Sir: In response to your favor of the 19th, would say that I have used the Stirling boilers at Cleveland, O., Newport, Ky., and Evansville, Ind., for Street R. R. work with great satisfaction for the past two or three years. Be assured if I were in need of a plant for my own use I should order a Stirling in preference to any water tube boiler in the market. Yours very truly, JOHN J. SHIPHERD. LEWIS A. RILEY & CO. PHILADELPHIA, April 7, 1894. JAMES MEILY, Esq., Philadelphia. Dear Sir : I take pleasure in stating that we have in operation for the last six months two plants of your Stirling boilers of 250 H. P. each, and are pleased with the results up to this time. They seem to be well built and on correct principles, are economical of fuel and labor, and rapid steam raisers. Yours truly, LEWIS A. RILEY & Co. JAMESTOWN STREET RAILWAY CO. JAMESTOWN, N. Y., May 17, '94. GENTLEMEN : We are in receipt of your communication under date of May 15, requesting our experience with the "Stirling Water Tube Safety Boilers" and in reply would say that we have had remarkable success with the same. We started June 11, 1890, with one battery of two boilers, each 150 H. P. Stirling boilers, which furnished steam for three 150 H. P. Compound Con- densing Engines, manufactured by the Phoanix Iron Works of Meadville, Pa. We found that it was utterly impossible for us to prevent the steam blowing off nearly all the time, and finally discontinued the use of one of the 150 65 66 H. P. boilers, and for a long time ran the three engines with the other, and without seemingly any additional labor. Of course, we do not believe that it is advisable to follow up the practice of this kind with any boiler, as in time it would necessarily be very dis- astrous, but they are certainly great steamers and very economical. The battery of boilers has not cost us $1.00 for repairs on the tubes since we purchased them. They are certainly very easy to clean and handy to take care of. You certainly can make no mistake in purchasing the Stirling boilers. Yours most respectfully, JAMESTOWN STREET RAILWAY Co. PHILIP D. ARMOUR, 205 LA SALLE ST. CHICAGO, June 2, 1894. THE STIRLING COMPANY, Pullman Building, Chicago. Gentlemen : We have in use at our packing house and glue factory, and also at the Armour Institute, considerably over $100,000 worth of your boilers, and they have given us entire satisfaction; in fact, we consider them much more preferable to any boiler we have ever used. They are a little expensive to start with, but in the end we consider them very econom- ical, and our engineers are after us daily to replace what old ones we have with yours. Owing to the hard times and the curtailment of expenses, however, we are going a little slow in making improvements. Ultimately we expect to use your boiler only, as we consider there are none better. Respectfully yours, PHILIP D. ARMOUR. THE AMERICAN GLUCOSE COMPANY. PEORIA, ILL., April 14, 1894. THE STIRLING COMPANY, Chicago, m. Gentlemen : Referring to your favor of late date, we are pleased to state that the boiler you installed in our plant is giving excellent satisfaction. Yours very truly, THE AMERICAN GLUCOSE COMPANY, G. W. Powers. TOLEDO CONSOL'D STREET RY. CO. ALBION E. LANG, PRES., Toledo, O. TOLEDO, O., April 27, 1894. ARBUCKLE, RYAN & Co., City. Gentlemen : In reply to your inquiry would say that we purchased 600 67 H. P. of Stirling boilers about four years ago, and two years later duplicated our order, so that we are now using 1,200 H. P. daily. We have always used oil or gas as fuel. The fact that we duplicated our order for a second battery is the best recommendation we can give the Stirling boiler. Respectfully yours, THE TOLEDO CONSOL'D STREET RY. Co., By Albion E. Lang. J. G. MATTINGLY CO. DISTILLERS. LOUISVILLE, KY., April 17, 1894. GENTLEMEN: We are in receipt of yours of the 6th inst., making inquiry about the Stirling boilers. Replying to same will say that in the spring of '93 we bought one boiler from them and it gave such good general satisfaction that we, in the fall, ordered two more, giving us a total of 1,200 H. P. We are very well pleased with them, being the greatest steamers we ever saw, and besides they save coal. Yours truly, J. G. MATTINGLY Co., By S. P. Jones, Sec. and Treas. ARMOUR PACKING CO. OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. KANSAS CITY, U. S. A., May 26, 1894. MESSRS. STIRLING Co., Chicago, HI. Gentlemen: In answer to your favor of the 17th inst., beg to state that the Stirling boilers have given good satisfaction ever since we overhauled the first battery that was put in. We never had any trouble with the last batteries that are in our new beef house, they having given good satisfaction from the time we started the house up, and are doing good work yet. We are perfectly satisfied with the boilers and think they have some merits as to scaling that make them preferable to any other water tube boiler we have used. Truly yours, G. W. TOURTELLOT, Supt. THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. DENVER, COLO., June 8, 1894. MR. F. D. WALLAKER, Western Agent Stirling Company, Denver, Colo. Dear Sir: Replying to your request of even date herewith, I take pleasure in saying that the two 100 H. P. Stirling boilers installed by your company in the Cooper Building, Denver, Colo., which have been in active operation since October last, have to date given entire satisfaction. All the claims made for the boilers have been sustained, and I am free to express my entire satisfaction in the choice of the Stirling in preference to other types of boilers. I shall be glad at any time to have parties contemplating buying call at my building and see the boilers in operation. With the best wishes for your continued success, I beg to remain, Yours very truly, J. A. COOPER. GOEBEL BREWING CO. DETROIT, MICH., April 19, 1894. DEAR SIRS: In reply to yours of the 18th inst., would say that we have used the " Stirling Boiler" for the last year and a half, and have found same to give perfect satisfaction both as regards "well steaming" and "econom- ical consumption of fuel and repairs." Yours respectfully. GOEBEL BREWING Co., F. W. Brede, Sec. THE AMERICAN CEREAL COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO, Nov. 10th, 1893. THE STIRLING COMPANY, Barberton, Ohio. Dear Sirs: It gives me pleasure to advise you that we have been success- fully using the battery of two boilers placed by you for us since their instal- lation in June, 1892. They have given us very good service, steaming freely, and their consumption of coal has been satisfactory to us. We recommend them highly as we can find no fault in them after using them for about a year and a half. Would be pleased to answer any inquiries from other manufacturers in regard to them. We remain, Yours truly, THE AMERICAN CEREAL Co. J. H. Andrews. THE F. GRAY COMPANY. PAPER MAKERS, FELTS AND JACKETS, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS. PIQUA, OHIO, April 16, 1894. DEAR SIRS: Replying to your favor of the 14th inst., inquiring about the Stirling Water Tube Boiler, will say that we have had in use one 200 H. P. for two years, having displaced one Babcock & Wilcox. We find it to be an 69 excellent steamer and very economical to run. After due examination of various boilers, we feel that it is the most economical boiler and easiest to handle of any now in use. Yours truly, THE F. GRAY Co., W. C. Gray, Treas. CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. ST. Louis, March 7, 1894. MR. Louis ARNOLD, Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: Yours of the 5th duly received and carefully noted. We have had the Stirling boiler in use in our works since January, 1892, and we con- sider it one of the most reliable and satisfactory boilers we have ever had in our plant. It is economical and easy to keep clean. Yours truly, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE Co. James O'Brien, Sup't. W. J. Drain, Eng'r. CINCINNATI, NEWPORT & COVINGTON ST. RY. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, Dec. 11, 1893. C. C. COYLE, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dear Sir: Our 500 H. P. Stirling boilers were opened last Saturday, December 9, for the first time after a run, night and day, for over three months. I must say that the result has been a complete surprise to us, as not a particle of scale or deposit was found in either boiler, both being as clean as they were the day they were installed, and could have been fired again immediately after the examination was made. Our Babcock boilers, while running under precisely the same conditions, found scale and required seven days of active labor to clean. A large pro- portion of the water used was from the city supply and also direct from the Licking River. Yours truly, CINCINNATI, NEWPORT & COVINGTON ST. RY. Co., W. Kelly, Chief Eng'r. NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANY. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., Jan. 17th, 1894. THE STIRLING COMPANY, Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: For some months past we have been using two of your 150 H. P. boilers here in our works, which are giving good service and good MONTGOMERY ST. N FRANCISCO, CAL. ic COAST AGENT. ' THE MILLS BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, IN WHICH 450 H. P. STIRLING BOILERS ARE INSTALLED. 71 satisfaction. Something over two years ago, we put in two 200 H. P. boilers in a large milling plant that has used these boilers continuously since then. We have watched their operation quite closely and are glad to be able to say that they have given excellent satisfaction. Our experience with your boilers, together with our observation of and acquaintance with other water tube boilers, still confirms us in the belief that you have decidedly the best water tube boiler that is now made. Yours truly, NORDYKE & MARMON Co. D. W. Marmon, Sec'y. AKRON IRON COMPANY. AKRON, O., February 3, 1894. THE STIRLING COMPANY, Chicago, HI. Gentlemen: Replying to your favor of the 1st inst., beg to say that the Stirling boiler which was placed in our mill to utilize the waste heat of a heating furnace, now, after two years of almost constant use, we find it is an excellent steamer, and, upon a careful examination on Monday of this week, was found to be in excellent condition. Your truly, J. A. LONG, Receiver. A. P. Baldwin, Genl. Sup't. THE SPRINGFIELD RY. CO. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, May 16, 1894. THE STIRLING COMPANY, Chicago, 111. Gentlemen : Acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favor of the 15th, we beg to say in reply that we installed one 125 H. P. Stirling boiler in a plant in 'Defiance, O., in 1891, two 250 H. P. boilers in Springfield, in 1892, and two 250 H. P. in Bay City, Mich., in 1893. We have not incurred a single dollar's expense in the maintenance of any of these boilers, although the water at all of the above named places is very bad. These boilers, used in connection with Hoppes Live Steam Purifier, are to-day in excellent condition. I will say further that the Springfield boilers have not been cool for the past 12 months, except for a long enough time to make internal inspection. We shall be in the market very soon for additional boilers, and will con- sider the installation of no boiler other than the Stirling. Very respectfully, S. L. NELSON, General Manager. EMERSON, TALCOTT & CO. ROCKFORD, ILL., May 4, 1894 GENTLEMEN: Yours of the 3d received, inquiring about the Stirling boiler. We have used a Stirling boiler now for about four years and find it very satisfactory; very quick maker of steam, and we would not know how to get along without it if we could not replace it with another of the same kind. Yours truly, EMERSON, TALCOTT & Co. ERNST & COMPANY. NEW ORLEANS, May 5, 1894. GENTLEMEN: Your favor of the 3d inst. to hand. We have been using in our new mill 200 H. P. Stirling boilers, and are pleased with them. They are easily handled and great steam makers. We have since added 125 H. P. to our old plant, and should we want more power we should certainly put in the " Stirling." Very respectfully yours, ERNST & COMPANY. ARMOUR GLUE WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL. CHICAGO, ILL., February 15, 1894. STIRLING BOILER COMPANY, Pullman Building, City. Dear Sirs : In reply to your inquiry as to your boilers, of which we have 1,050 H. P., we are very much pleased with them indeed, as the results we get are very gratifying. We have three of your boilers of 350 H. P. each, which have been in constant service for the past eighteen months, night and day, and have been worked from 50 to 75 H. P. above their rated capacity, and the matter of repairs is about one-quarter that of any of the boilers we have in our plant, and as fast as the tubular boilers give out I shall recommend your boilers. I have been a little slow in expressing myself over your boilers, as I do not get enthusiastic over anything new. I believe there is only one way of testing a boiler, and that is in a practical test, such as we have made and are willing to abide by. Our boilers can be seen in operation at any time by any one who is interested in boilers, and I will be pleased to answer any in- quiry concerning them. Yours very truly, C. W. BROWN, Chief Engineer. 73 CENTENNIAL EUREKA MINING CO. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, March 20, 1893. ARBUCKLE, RYAN & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Gentlemen: Answering yours of the 1st inst., I would say, the Stirling boilers put up by the Centennial Eureka Mining Co., at their mine, Eureka, Utah, have exceeded our expectations. We had an excellent opportunity to test the Stirling as compared with the Horizontal Tubular Boilers, as we were running both at the same time, drawing water from the same tank and using coal from the same bin. The result of our observation was: 1st. The Stirling boilers required 30$ less coal. 2d. The Stirling boilers, after a run of 60 days, had but a light sandy deposit of lime in the rear steam drum, and a short distance down the tubes entering that drum, while the Tubular boilers, running only 30 days, had a scale of lime inch thick on the flues and shell. In fact, we feel we cannot say enough in the praise of the Stirling boiler. Respectfully yours, J. D. KENDALL, Sup't. THE B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY. AKRON RUBBER WORKS. J. H. DAY & Co., AKRON, OHIO, April 17, 1894. Cincinnati, O. Dear Sirs: We have your inquiry of the 14th inst., regarding satisfac- tion of the Stirling boiler in our factory. We have had this boiler in opera- tion for a period of 2^ years, and are pleased to say that it has given entire satisfaction, both as to steaming qualities and economy, and the cost of repairs on the boiler has been very small. We have not as yet been com- pelled to replace a tube, which fact we consider remarkable inasmuch as our water is especially bad, and the extreme length of time it has been in constant operation. The last test made of the Stirling showed an evapora- tion of 11.3 fts. of water to 1 ft>. of combustible, which you will admit is a magnificent result. We cannot say too much in favor of the " Stirling," as we have found it even more than represented. Trusting this will enable you to make your choice, we are, Yours truly, B. F. GOODRICH Co. AMERICAN STEEL CASTING COMPANY. STEEL CASTINGS. ALLIANCE, OHIO, April 20, 1894. GENTLEMEN : Answering yours of the 18th, we are pleased to state that 74 the Stirling boilers are giving us first-rate service in every way. The economy in the use of coal is very marked and the handling simple and economical. We are using stokers in connection with these boilers, and slack coal, and we find the arrangement to be entirely satisfactory. We have had no experience with water tube boilers of other makes, but have no hesitancy in recommending this style. Yours truly, AMERICAN STEEL CASTING Co., Edw. Yeomans, Sup't. F. E. EDBROOKE & CO. ARCHITECTS. MR. F. D. WALLAKER, DENVER, COLO., June 6, 1894. Western Agent, The Stirling Co., Denver, Colo. Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry in reference to the two 100 H. P. Stirling boilers placed in the Cooper Building, of this city, by your company, under our supervision about one year ago, will say that they have been used constantly since that time and are giving the best of satisfaction. They are all that you claim them to be, and we believe are in every particular accord- ing to your guarantee. Yours respectfully, F. E. EDBROOKE & Co., Architects. HEFFNER & COMPANY, SAGANORE MEAL MILLS. CIRCLEVILLE, OHIO, April 6, 1893. THE CRANE & BREED MANF'G Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gentlemen: In reply to yours of March 31st, we have been using a Stirling Water Tube Boiler for about two years. We clean out every three months and find it always in good shape. Our water is very limy but we have no trouble with scaling in boiler since we have been using the Stirling boiler, and we run six days in the week. We use the very lowest price fuel, such as slack, or nut and slack, and have reduced our fuel expense fully one- half since using the Stirling boiler. Yours, etc., HEFFNER & Co. P. S. We think the Stirling boiler is the best boiler in use to-day, as well as the safest. THE CLEVELAND CITY RAILWAY. CLEVELAND, OHIO, January 24, 1894. MR. F. E. BRUCE, AGT., The Stirling Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that the battery of two boilers, aggregating 750 H. P., of your Company's manufacture, which we started up 75 the latter part of last August in our cable power house, have given entire satisfaction in every way. During the recent heavy snow storms they ran both the St. Clair street electric and the cable lines without assistance, developing over 900 H. P., as shown by diagrams taken from the engines. This without forcing. After running for eight weeks night and day, they were opened and found absolutely free from scale, with the exception of a slight deposit in the upper portion of the tubes connecting with the rear upper drum. Two laborers were put to work cleaning them and in less than six hours from the time they went to work opening up, they had them cleaned, washed out, and sealed ready for steaming. Ten days ago one of the boilers was opened a second time, and as before a very slight deposit was found near the top of the rear tubes, while the middle and front banks were as clean as when first started. So far the boilers have not cost a dollar for maintenance nor repairs. The workmanship is first-class in every particular, and is, in fact, as good as I have ever seen in a boiler. They are as good steaming boilers as I have ever used. Altogether I am more than satisfied, and am glad to add my praises to those of your many patrons. ^ You have my permission to use or publish this letter, if you so desire. Very truly yours, THOMAS SHEHAN, Engineer. MALTASE MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., 221 North 15th St., above Susquehanna Ave. MR. JAMES MEILY, Manager, PHILADELPHIA, June 15, 1894. The Stirling Company, 418 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir : The 100 H. P. Stirling boiler you installed at our manufactory early in 1892 has been in constant operation for more than two years. The results are all we expected, and more than fulfill the claims made for the Stirling system as to economy and efficiency, and in the matter of repairs we are glad to say the boiler has cost us nothing. We unhesitatingly recommend in writing (as we have frequently done to inquirers) your Stirling boiler, and if we were to put in additional steam plant, it would surely be of the Stirling system. Yours truly, MALTASE MFG. Co., LTD. Per Hermann. HULL ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO. 42 Court Street. J. BRADFORD SARGENT, Esq., BOSTON, MASS., June 11, 1894. Stirling Boiler Co., Boston, Mass. Dear Sir : We have been running two of your Water Tube Safety Boilers, 150 H. P. each, at our station at Nantasket, since December, 1892, and are O O < a c se 1 S3 II O ;J fc- 77 pleased to say that they have given us entire satisfaction. Outside of some unimportant repairs on brickwork the cost of keeping them in order has been very trifling. They are subject to frequent inspection, both internal and ex- ternal, and in no case has any fault been found with them. Very truly yours, HULL ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER Co. Geo. F. McKay, Manager. THE NATIONAL SEWER PIPE CO. BARBERTON, OHIO, June 25, 1894. MR. E. R. STETTINIUS, Treasurer Stirling Co. , Chicago, 111. Dear Sir : The battery of five 212 horse power boilers which we bought of your Company and have had in operation night and day since May 27, 1891, have given perfect satisfaction, and we believe them to be by far the best boilers of any with which we have had any experience. Very truly yours, H. A. ROBINSON, Gen'l Mgr. TOLEDO WATER WORKS. TOLEDO, OHIO, December 26, 1894. THE STIRLING COMPANY, Chicago, 111., Messrs : In reply to yours of the 25th inst. , asking for information as to the Stirling Boilers put in by your Company at the Water Works Pumping Station at this place (being 1,200 horse power in four 300 horse power units), we have this to say : We can most cordially and unhesitatingly recommend your boilers. They are giving us most excellent service. We had an official test of the boilers a short time ago and they developed an evaporation of 11.33 pounds. We think this is a very good showing, as by the terms of your contract with us you only guaranteed 10 pounds, and what makes us especially pleased with your boilers is that the work and the duty which they developed at the time of the official test is only a fair average of what they are doing right along. The real merit of a boiler is not the high duty which a boiler may develop under certain favorable conditions, but the work which it will perform right along day after day, and in this respect your boilers are giving us great satisfaction, exceeding our anticipations. The Chief Engineer at the Pumping Station has been making from time to time a number of tests on his own account, and he has found that the duty developed at the official test was about the same as the duty we are developing every day in actual work. And besides we keep an accurate account each day of the number of gallons of water pumped and the number 78 of pounds of coal used. We have a stand pipe system and use high pressure, and our average lift is 200 feet. We have been using what is called coarse slack, or pea and slack mixed, which costs us $1.20 per ton of 2,000 pounds. Using this coal at the price named it is costing us on an average ( it will of course vary a little on different days) about $1.79 to pump a million gallons of water. In this computation we include the coal used for running the dynamo which furnishes the plant with electric lights, and also for heating the buildings and old engines. So that after deducting coal used for these purposes, and we have made a careful estimate in this respect, we pump on an average (of course, when we are pumping full capacity of the engine, we pump cheaper than when we are pumping a small amount ; in the winter it costs a little more ) a million gallons of water 200 feet high for $1.62 worth of fuel. We may be mistaken, but we think, taking into consideration the extent of our lift, we are pumping water cheaper than any plant in the country. And while we cannot attribute our success in this respect entirely to your boilers, we do think that they should come in for a large share of the credit. In addition we will say further, that the water which we have been using until very lately was quite roily and dirty, and the arrangement of your boilers is such that we find the rear bank of tubes in connection with the lower drum causes the sediment to settle in the lower drum, thus enabling us to use dirty and roily water without any trouble or causing the tubes to scale. In conclusion we can unhesitatingly say that your boilers have given us great satisfaction, and that were we to purchase again we should certainly purchase the Stirling Boiler in preference to any other that we know of. Very truly yours, L. K. PARKS, ] Water Works DANIEL C. SHAW, J- Trustees WILLIAM JONES, J Toledo, Ohio. We fully concur in the above. T. R. COOK, Sup't. O. F. CONOVER, Chief Engineer. ADRIANCE, PLATT & CO. HARVESTING MACHINERY. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., March 19, 1895. MR. E. B. GALLAHER, 253 Broadway, New York. Dear Sir: We have two Stirling Boilers in use of 125 horse power each. We have also two Tubular Boilers each 16 feet by 48 inches, having 49 three- inch tubes in each boiler, with return flue over the top of boilers. After 79 using the Stirling over a year, I can say that I would use no other. I studied the matter most thoroughly before purchasing, and feel somewhat proud that my judgment led me into no mistake. They are economical in fuel, easily kept clean and have needed no repairs. They have had steam on day and night since we have had them. Our water is none too good, but, by the introduction of about H pounds of soda ash in solution once a week, they are kept perfectly clean. If there is any other information you require in regard to them, let me know. I would mention that we carry 115 pounds of steam. Yours truly, THOS. S. BROWN, Sup't A. P. & Co. THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, OF LONDON, ENGLAND. PREVOST & HERRING, Agents, PHILADELPHIA OFFICE : Imperial Building, 411 and 413 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA, September 3, 1894. JAMES MEILY, ESQ. 418 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Dear Sir: We have in use two boilers, one Stirling and one Return Tubu- lar (the latter built by I. P. Morris Co.). The Return Tubular Boiler has been running eleven years, and has cost in the neighborhood of $600 for repairs. The Stirling Boiler has been running for five years at no cost for repairs. Since putting in the Stirling Boiler, five years ago, it has been running constantly, while the Return Tubular Boiler has been running during the winter season only, as an auxiliary. The Stirling Boiler has given entire satisfaction in every respect. Yours truly, JAMES K. McDoNOUGH, Chief Engineer. THE JOSEPH KOHNLE BREWING CO.'S MONTANA MALT BEER. 1715-1723 Buttonwood Street. PHILADELPHIA, August 23, 1894. MR. JAMES MEILY, Dear Sir: We have carefully noted the expense of running and keeping in order our Stirling and Return Tubular Boilers, and find the difference is decidedly in favor of the Stirling. In fact, we have found the Stirling the most economical to run and less expensive to clean and keep in order than any boiler we have ever used. Yours respectfully, Jos. KOHNLE. 80 \-X V 19 William Street, Room 50 to 52. NEW YORK, January 9, 1895. THE STIRLING BOILER COMPANY. Dear Sirs : I have pleasure in stating that since the remodelling of the "Cutting Building," some six years ago, where your boilers were placed here, I have found them the best steaming boiler, needing no repairs of any kind thus far, and above all lead anything I have seen in my thirty years' experience as an engineer. Yours truly,' THOS. F. HYNES. HAMILTON, OHIO, May 8, 1895. E. R. STETTINIUS, Treas. Stirling Co., Pullman Bldg., Chicago, HI. Dear Sir : Your favor of the 3d was duly received. The Stirling boilers in our plant are doing well. They are economical, self -cleansing and work satisfactorily. Yours truly, THE NILES TOOL WORKS Co., R. C. McKinney, Treas. & Gen. Mgr. MUTUAL WHEEL CO. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGE WHEELS. MOLINE, ILL., May 14, 1895. MR. JOHN COLLEY, Care of Stirling Company, Chicago. Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry as to how we like the Stirling boilers, will say we have two 80 H. P. Stirling boilers, which have been in use three and a half years, and we have found them satisfactory in every respect. They are good steamers and are easily cleaned, and we take pleas- ure in recommending them to any one wanting to put in a modern plant. Yours truly, MUTUAL WHEEL Co. Geo. McMaster, Mgr. THE CLEVELAND FAUCET COMPANY. CLEVELAND, OHIO, September 6, 1894. MESSRS. LEWIS & ANDREWS, City. Gentlemen : At the request of Mr. Bruce to give you our experience with the Stirling boiler, would say that we have used a 100 H. P. Stirling nearly 81 three years, and during this time the boiler has been in constant use, no repairs been needed. We use Lake Erie water through a heater, and with- out boiler compounds have no trouble with the tubes scaling. We have the boiler opened once in six or seven weeks, and within one hour the boiler is again ready for firing. The Stirling Company have made a number of improvements to rectify the liability for scaling in the rear bank of tubes, and while we have heard of a number of cases where the boiler has scaled badly, we are sure that the trouble arises from neglect. The Stirling Boiler has given us the best of satisfaction, and as compared with the Return Tubular Boilers, we consider it more economical in fuel. There is also economy and safety at high pressure. We had a Return Tubular Boiler before we bought the Stirling, but we are so well pleased with the Stirling that we would not use any other kind, simply on account of its great economy. We should be pleased to give you any further informa- tion you may desire, and remain Yours very truly, THE CLEVELAND FAUCET Co., E. J. Weatherhead, Sup't. PATTERSON, LA., February 15, 1895. C. S. BURT Co., LIMITED, New Orleans, La. Gentlemen : The 200 horse power Stirling boiler erected for us last year was used as a coal burner for our steam train. It originates steam rapidly, saving at least forty barrels of coal over the old boilers in eighteen hours, only one fireman firing the boilers with ease for eighteen hours. We do not hesitate to recommend them to any one requiring boilers. Yours very truly, BOURDIER & BELLISSEIN. LOREAUVILLE, LA., March 2, 1895. MESSRS. C. S. BURT Co., LIMITED, New Orleans, La. Gentlemen: I am glad to inform you that the two sets of 125 horse power each Stirling Boilers, bought from you last year and put in with bagasse burner, have given me first-class satisfaction. Had our sugar industry not received such a blow from last Congress, I would have taken out two sets of my two flue boilers which I fire with coal, and replaced them with Stirling Boilers, as I am more than satisfied it would have saved me a good deal on my coal bill. Yours truly, A. GONSONLIN. i 5*' If- - YfTi-* Ul: a i> if.' % v\fei^^18 1'J "jjjf X '* .T* iiC"^^ w ^'"^ '\^r4\ ''*^B\s '" I xjj|p j ^*w 1 "?' - " " \^r- ;;> - -* }* -fM^fiP- : \>v-- ? - -!^^if :; ^ fi } .Jt : P.- ^ * ..JJ5..-|/'.-.:^ flj^i '' THE CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY, LIMITED. LOWER UNION MILLS. MR. W. M. FABER, JR., PITTSBURG, PA., June 12, 1895. Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Sir : We have in our 29th Street Mill 1200 horse power of Stirling Boilers which we installed over four years ago. They have been in almost constant use double turn and have given entire satisfaction, and we can and do cheerfully recommend them on account of their construction as being very economical in the use of fuel and as being remarkably rapid steamers. We wish also to call attention to the facility with which tubes can be cleaned and repairs made when necessary. The total cost of repairs on these boilers since first started up has not exceeded $15.00. In regard to their capacity we can state they are frequently run 80 per cent beyond rating and give steam of a good quality. Altogether we find the Stirling Boilers satisfactory in every respect and the largest part of our work is done by these boilers without forcing them to their highest capacity. Yours truly, Louis C. WEYDEMEYER, Chief Engineer. THE SAFETY INSULATED WIRE AND CABLE CO. Manufacturers SEAMLESS INSULATED WIRES AND CABLES. NEW YORK, June 4, 1895. THE STIRLING COMPANY, 126 Liberty Street, New York City. Gentlemen : Answering your inquiry as to how we are satisfied with the 400 horse power Stirling Boilers, now that we have had same in use over a year, we take much pleasure in stating that these boilers have proved to be so excellent in all respects that we are free to say that when we are in the market for boilers again we shall consider no other. Besides having fulfilled all the claims you made for them in all respects, especially as to the facility for cleaning, we have saved fuel since we aban- doned our horizontal return tubular boilers, to the extent of 68 tons of coal per month. We find they will respond very quickly to any increase in power, and that the steam is very dry. We operate the boilers under a continuous load of over 500 horse power for 10 hours per day, and at times have obtained 268 horse power from one boiler, and could obtain more power if we required same. 84 You are at liberty to use this letter either for publication or otherwise. Yours very truly, THE SAFETY INSULATED WIRE AND CABLE Co. Per L. F. Requa, Treasurer. OFFICE OF BLACKSTONE MANUFACTURING CO BLACKSTONE, MASS., June 15, 1895. MESSRS. STIRLING COMPANY, Gentlemen : It gives me great pleasure at this time to be able to say that the 250 Horse Power Water Tube Boiler which your Company placed in our yard about one year ago, is doing its work most satisfactorily. We have not, since starting this boiler, had to stop it for any cause at all, or had any repairs whatever. I am Yours truly, E. A. MoNGEON,-Supt. STIRLING BOILERS IN OPERATION. Your attention is respectfully drawn to the large number of second orders we have received. They speak for them- selves. GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS. Akron Electric Co Akron, Ohio 600 H. P. " " " 2d order, 200 " Barberton Electric Co Barberton, Ohio 200 " Jones Bros. Electric Co Cincinnati, Ohio 300 " Conneaut Electric Light Co Conneaut, Ohio 160 " Brush Electric Co Cleveland, Ohio 500 " Troy Gas Co Troy, N. Y 125 " Crookston L. & P. Co Crookston, Minn 150 " Hughes & Gawthorp Pittsburg, Pa 60 " Bell Telephone Co Philadelphia, Pa , 142 " Edison Electric Ilium. Co Altoona, Pa 200 " " " " 2d order, 200 " " Martinsburg, W. Va 400 " Indiana Electric Co Indiana, Pa 100 " Citizens' Electric Co Braddock, Pa 250 " Monongahela Electric Light Co. .Homestead, Pa 150 " " 2d order, 150 " Wilkinsburg Electric Co Wilkinsburg, Pa 150 " " " " " " 2d order, 450 " Grand Rapids Electric Co Grand Rapids, Mich 400 " Grand Rapids Gas Co " " " 100 " Escanaba Light Co Escanaba, Mich 175 " Auburn Mining Co Auburn, Ind 125 " Indianapolis L. & P. Co Indianapolis, Ind 1500 " Gray Electric Co Highland Park, 111 75 " Pennsylvania R. R. Co Chicago, 111 250 " " " " " 2d order, 125 " Hyde Park E. L. & P. Co " " 300 " " " " " " 2d order, 300 " O. V. Bachelle " " 100 " Co-operative Electric Light Co... " " 500 " 86 Grand Forks Gas & Electric Co. .Grand Forks. N. D Menomonie E. L. & P. Co Menomonie, Wis Madison Electric Co Madison, Wis Defiance Light & Power Co Defiance, Ohio Bucyrus Electric Light Co Bucyrus, Ohio Cleveland Gen. Electric Co Cleveland, Ohio Hull Electric Light & Power Co. .Hull, Mass Hot Springs E. L. & P. Co Hot Springs, Ark Gladstone E. L. & P. Co Gladstone, Mich . Excelsior Electric Co Port Huron, Mich Circleville Light & Power Co Circleville, Ohio J. C. Hubinger Keokuk, Iowa Princeton Electric Light Co Princeton, N. J " " " "... 2d order, Marion E. L. & P. Co Marion, Ohio " " < " " " 2d order, Trinidad E. L., H. & P. Co Trinidad, Colo Bellefonte Gas Co Bellefonte, Pa Royal Electric Co Montreal, Que Hyde Park Electric Light Co. . . .Hyde Park, Mass " " " " " " " " 2d order, Minneapolis Gen. Electric Co. . . Minneapolis, Minn "... " " 2d order, Edison Light Co Grand Rapids, Mich ' ; " " " " " ....2dorder, " " " " " " ....3d order, City of Kalamazoo Kalamazoo, Mich North River Electric Light Co. . . .New York, N. Y Edison Electric Ilium. Co Bellefonte, Pa " " " " " 2d order, " Paterson, N. J Plainfield Gas & Elec. Light Co. .Plainfield, N. J Wilkesbarre Electric Light Co. . . Wilkesbarre, Pa PUBLIC BUILDINGS, SCHOOLS, ETC. Cutting Estate New York Presbyterian Hospital " " 2d order, " " " 2d order, Lancashire Insurance Co " " Mail and Express Building " " John Pettit " " Imperial Fire Insurance Co Philadelphia, Pa 34 James Callery & Co New York 150 82 H. P. 200' " 200 " 100 " 125 " 400 " 300 " 250 " 75 " 250 " 150 " 287 " 100 " 175 " 150 " 150 " 200 " 200 " 500 " 200 " 200 " 750 " 1500 " 400 " 200 " 1000 " 250 " 300 " 125 " 150 " 2634 " 400 " 900 " 60 H. p. 150 " 300 300 " 84 " 450 " 100 " 87 Despatch Publishing Co Pittsburg, Pa 300 H. P. Times Building " " 412 " Mills Building San Francisco, Cal 450 " The Olympic Club " " " 100 " The Donahue Building " " " 100 " Y. W. C. Ass'n Building Brooklyn, N. Y 100 " Hartman Building. Grand Rapids, Mich 125 " Cooper Building Denver, Colo 200 " Midland Hotel Kansas City, Mo 250 " Knight Building Ashland, Wis 132 " National Home, D. V. S Leavenworth, Kan 600 " Shea Smith Chicago, 111 75 " Armour Institute " " 400 " " " " " 2d order, 400 " University of Illinois Champaign, 111 50 " "Nebraska Lincoln, Neb 150 " " " Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich 40 " Michigan Mining School Houghton, Mich 58 " Tulane University New Orleans, La 150 " Reed's College San Francisco, Cal 374- " Parkersburg High School Parkersburg, W. Va 75 " Ashland High School Denver, Colo 150 " Woman's Hospital San Francisco, Cal 41 " Hennen Building New Orleans, La 250 " AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND WOOD WORKING. Bodley Wagon Works Staunton, Va 200 H. p. Milburn Wagon Works Toledo, Ohio 300 " Galion Lumber Co Galion, Ohio 100 " Defiance Box Co Defiance, Ohio 66 " Taylor Chair Co Bedford, Ohio 150 " Whitman & Barnes Mfg. Co Akron, Ohio 100 " " " " " " " 3d order, 1000 " Diamond Match Co " " 600 " " Oswego, N. Y 600 " " " " Detroit, Mich 400 " W. Michigan Furniture Co Holland, Mich 200 " Belknap Wagon Co Grand Rapids, Mich 75 " Capital Wagon Works Ionia, Mich 160 " Walter A. Wood Har. Co St. Paul, Minn 600 " " " " " " " " 2d order, 500 " Beebe Mfg. Co Racine, Wis 80 " J. I. Case Thr. Mach. Co. . . " 300 " UJ h CO < O o O LL O < Q. 89 T. H. Grigg Philadelphia Pa 50 H. p. Adriance, Platt & Co Poughkeepsie, N. Y 250 " Illinois Chair Co Rockford, 111 100 " Emerson, Talcott & Co " " 200 " Mutual Wheel Co Moline, 111 160 " Brose & Baumgartner New Washington, Ohio 66 " Perkins & Co Grand Rapids, Mich 62| " CABLE AND ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. Peoples Elec. Ry. Co Nanticoke, Pa 150 H. p. Second Av. Electric Ry. Co Pittsburg, Pa 200 " Pittsburg & W. End Elec. Ry. ... " " 620 " Braddock & Turtle C. Ry Braddock, Pa 200 " Beaver Val. Traction Co Beaver Valley, Pa 200 " Lehigh Valley T. Co Allentown, Pa 900 " Jamestown St. Ry. Co Jamestown, N. Y 300 " Yonkers Railroad Co Yonkers, N. Y 240 " " " " 2dorder, 200 " " " " ....:.... 3d order, 300 " San F. & S. M. Ry. Co San Francisco, Cal 1250 " Los Angeles Ry. Co Los Angeles. Cal 1500 " Waco Elec. Ry. & L. Co Waco, Texas 300 " " " " 2d order, 150 " " " " 3d order, 150 " San Antonio Ry. Co San Antonio, Texas 200 " Minneapolis St. Ry Minneapolis, Minn 575 " " " " " ... 2d order, 2000 " Evansville St. Ry Evansville, Ind 750 " St. Joe & B. H. Electric Ry St. Joseph, Mich 400 " Bay City Electric Ry Bay City, Mich 400 " South Chicago City Ry South Chicago, 111 1000 " Springfield Railway. Springfield, Ohio 500 " Toledo Con. St. Ry Toledo, Ohio 600 " " " " " " 2dorder, 600 " Cleveland City Cable Co Cleveland, Ohio 750 " Piqua Street Railway Co Piqua, Ohio 100 " " " " " " 2d order 100 " Cincinnati, Cov. & Newport Ry . .Cincinnati, Ohio 500 " "... " " 2d order, 500 " Union Railway Company New York City 500 " " " " " " 2d order, 500 " Lafayette St. Ry. Co Lafayette, Ind 250 " " " " " " 2d order, 250 " Lindell Av. St. Ry St. Louis, Mo 2700 H. P. " " " " " 2d order, 675 " Mobile Light & Power Co Mobile, Ala 400 " " " " " " " " 2d order, 300 ' Rockville & Ell'gton St. Ry Rockville, Conn 200 " Union Railway Co Providence, R. 1 500 " P. & W. F. Electric Ry. Co Poughkeepsie, N. Y 400 *-,". Belle City Electric Ry. Co Racine, Wis 400 " Portland Ry. Co Portland, Me 250 ' k Columbus Cent. Ry. Co Columbus. Ohio 800 " Homestead & Highland Ry. Co. .Homestead, Pa .' 300 " Philadelphia & Reading Ry. Co. .Philadelphia, Pa 1250 " Dundee Rapid Transit Co Elgin, 111 200 " West Chicago St. Ry. Co Chicago 111 8000 " Ottumwa Electric Railway Ottumwa, Iowa 750 " " " " " " ..2d order, 250 '* Springfield Railway Co Springfield, Ohio , . . . 200 " Pasadena & Los A. El. Ry. Co. . . .Los Angeles, Cal 600 " Elwood Electric St. Ry. Co Elwood, Ind 400 " Los Angeles Traction Co Los Angeles, Cal 500 " Detroit Railway Co Detroit, Mich 2000 " Akron & C. Falls Rap. Tr. Co .... Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 350 " Akron, Bedford & Cleve'dRy. Co. . Cleveland, Ohio 900 " Cleveland & Elyria Ry. Co " " 450 " People's Traction Co Nanticoke, Pa 150 " Shore Electric Ry. Co Red Bank, N. J 300 " SUGAR PLANTATIONS. Leonce Soniat Dorceyville, La 300 H. p Bourdier & Bellissein Patterson, La 200 " Lemann & Lum Geary Sta., La 400 " D. Thompson Patterson, La 200 " A. Gonsonlin Maria Plantation, La 250 " John Hill Port Allen, La 200 " J. H. Putnam Abbeville, La 200 " Caffrey Cent. Sugar Ref. Co. ..... Franklin, La 600 " Phoenix Plntg. & Mfg. Co New Orleans, La 125 " Sugar Estate Cristobal Colon Macoris, San Domingo 300 " Evergreen Plantation Iberville Parish, La 200 ". John N. Pharr Berwick, La 100 li " " " " " 2d order, 400 " " " " " " 3d " 400 " Greenwood Plantation Bayou Lafourche, La 150 " Geo. M. Murrell Pltg. Mfg. Co .... Bayou Goula, La 500 " 91 MINES AND SMELTERS. Deadwood & Delaware S. Co ..Deadwood, S. D 200 H. P. Canadian Copper Co . .Cleveland, Ohio 100 Grand Rapids Brass Co . .Grand Rapids, Mich. 100 it Aurora Iron Mining Co . .Ironwood, Mich 250 it Ashland Iron Mining Co tt tt 150 ti ' " " tt tt . .2d order, 150 it Newport Mining Co " " 150 n Compania Metal urg. Mex . .San Luis Potosi, Mex, 450 it Con. K. C. Sm'g & Ref. Co ..Argentine, Kan 250 ti Centennial Eureka Mining Co. . . .Eureka, Utah 300 ti it it n tt tt ..2d order. 150 ti International Nickel Mining Co . . . Riddles, Oregon 300 n Taylor Placer Mining Co . . Grant's Pass, Oregon . 150 ti The Wyant Coal Co ..Eagle, W. Va 100 it Acadia Coal Co . .Stellarton, N. S 150 it it ti a (4 tt . 2d order. 150 n tt tt a tt tt .3d " 550 n ti a tt tl tt .4th " 200 it tt t. tt tt tt .5th " 200 it Springside Coal Mining Co ..Pana, 111 75 n Simpson & Watkins . .Scranton, Pa . . 450 it " " " it a .2d order, 200 tt tt tt tt " " .3d " 100 n tt tt tt tt .4th " 225 it it a a a it .5th " 650 it n it tt ' t a .6th " 400 n tt tt t t n tt .7th " 450 it tt tt tt tt tt .8th " 450 it a tt tt n ti .9th " 450 it tt it a it it 10th " 400 it Lentz, Lilly & Co ..Park Place, Pa 250 n L. A. Riley & Co . . Centralia, Pa 250 n " " " " " .2d order, 150 it Intercolonial Coal Co . . Westville, N. S 300 1 1 Lehigh Valley Coal Co ..Wilkesbarre, Pa 150 a Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co . . . .Lansford, Pa 400 11 tt tt tt tt tt _ " " .2d order, 500 it tt tt tt a tt " " .3d " 500 it Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Co. . .Wilkesbarre, Pa 250 it tt tt tt tt n n ti .2d order, 250 ti tt n tt tt tt n it .3d " 300 it it tt tt n tt a ti .4th " 500 n Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Co. . . Wilkesbarre, Pa 5th order, 500 H. p. " " ... " 6th " 500 " Cross Creek Coal Co Drifton, Pa 300 " ' " " " " " 2d order, 250 " Silver Brook Coal Co Mauch Chunk, Pa 250 " " " " " " 2d order, 250 " Algonquin Coal Co Wilkesbarre, Pa 400 " " " " 2d order, 250 " Pueblo Smelt. & Ref. Co Pueblo, Colo 250 " " " " " " " 2d order, 250 " " " " " " " " 3d " 250 " Penn Iron & Coal Co Canal Dover, Ohio 900 " Berwind-White Coal Mining Co ... Philadelphia, Pa 200 " "... " " 2d order, 200 ." "... " " 3d " 250 " "... " " 4th " 200 " Akron Mng. & Mfg. Co Custer, S. Dak 200 " Midvalley Coal Co Wilburton, Pa 250 " Chamberlain Coal Co Port Carbon, Pa 600 " " " " " 2d order, 600 " Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co Cleveland, Ohio 500 " Pioneer Iron Co Ely, Minn 600 " MACHINERY AND IRON AND STEEL WORKS. jEtna Iron & Steel Co Bridgeport, Ohio 850 H. P. " " " " " ..2d order, 650 " Ohio Iron & Steel Co Zanesville, Ohio 300 " Paige Tube Co Warren, Ohio 200 " It It a it . .2d order, 400 " Toledo Bolt & Nut Co Toledo, Ohio 150 " Maumee Rolling Mill Co. . . a a 550 " H. B. Milmine & Co tt it 75 " Akron Iron Co Akron, Ohio 125 " Mahoning Valley Iron Co. . Youngstown, Ohio. . 100 " Lloyd Booth Co tt a 100 " Solid Steel Co Alliance, Ohio 250 " " " tt tt . .2d order, 250 " tt It tt tt ..3d order, 250 " Falcon Iron & Nail Co Niles, Ohio 250 " Eagle Iron & Steel Co Ironton, Ohio 400 " Otis Steel Co., Ltd Cleveland, Ohio 1500 ' Standard Iron Co Bridgeport, Ohio 450 " Niles Tool Works Hamilton, Ohio 300 " 93 Houston, Hay & Sons Coshocton, Ohio 150 H. P. American Alumina Co Barberton, Ohio 200 " Cleveland Faucet Co Cleveland, Ohio . 100 " Akron Heating & Ventilat'g Co. .Akron, Ohio 75 " Montgomery Blast Furnace Port Kennedy, Pa 425 " " " 2d order, 400 " Duquesne Forge Co Rankin Station, Pa 300 " Pennsylvania Bolt & Nut Co Lebanon, Pa 50 " G. W. Johnson New Castle, Pa 250 " Shenandoah Furnace Co Shenandoah, Pa 500 ' ' Phoenix Iron Co Phoenixville, Pa 300 " Aliquippa Steel Works Aliquippa, Pa 550 " Union Iron & Steel Co Youngstown, Ohio 600 " Taylor Tin Plate Works Philadelphia, Pa 150 " Bissell & Co Allegheny, Pa 75 " Carnegie, Phipps & Co Pittsburgh, Pa 1200 " A. M. Byers & Co " " 300 ' Shook- Anderson Mfg Co " " 75 " Clinton Iron & Steel Co " " 125 " James Irwin & Co " " 100 " Spang Steel & Iron Co " " 500 " Consol. Steel & Wire Co " " 600 " " " 2d order, 500 " Allentown, Pa 500 - ; St. Louis, Mo 225 " Hamilton Ore Co Iron Mountain, Mich 200 %i Shaw Electric Crane Co Muskegon, Mich. 100 " Benwood Iron Works Benwood, W. Va 450 " Longdale Iron Co Longdale, Va 200 " Joliet Enterprise Co Joliet, 111 300 " " " 2d order, 300 " Clark &' Windsor " " 200 " Ashley Wire Co " " 700 " Bellaire Stamping Co Harvey, HI 150 " Corning Steel Co Hammond, Ind 1000 " M. C. Bullock Mfg. Co Chicago, 111 100 " American Tin Plate Co Elwood, Ind 600 " " " .- 2d order, 500 " " " " " 3d order, 350 " Nordyke & Marmon . . , Indianapolis, Ind 300 " John McVoy Muncie, Ind 75 *' Midland Steel Co " ' ; 550 " " " 2d order, 400 " Indiana Iron Co. . . " 300 " 2 LU -n o < o 95 West Superior S. & I. Co West Superior, Wis 450 H. p. ; - " " ...2d order, 500 " Minneapolis & St. Louis Sm. Co. .Minneapolis, Minn 200 " Troy Malleable Iron Co Troy, N. Y 100 " Poughkeepsie Iron Co Poughkeepsie, N. Y 1200 " Gilbert Car Co Troy, N. Y 150 " North Carolina I. & S. Co Greensboro, N. C 500 " Sioux City Engine Works Sioux City, Iowa 224 " Glazier Stove Co Chelsea, Mich 66 " FLOUR, RICE AND CEREAL MILLS. Lyon, Clement & Greenleaf Wauseon, Ohio 150 H. P. National Milling Co Toledo, Ohio 400 " " " 2d order, 200 ' Bechtol, Carney & Co " " 100 k ' Heffner & Co Circleville, Ohio 125 " American Cereal Co Akron, Ohio 400 " Sioux Falls Milling Co Sioux Falls, S. D 80 " Eureka Milling Co ~ " " 75 " Eldred Mill Co. Jackson, Mich 150 " Walsh DeRoo Milling Co Holland, Mich 175 " J. H. Hertsche Hamburg, Iowa 150 " Thompson & Johnson Fisher, Minn 125 " Barclay Mfg. Co West Superior, Wis 100 " Ernst & Co New Orleans, La 200 " Planters Rice Mills " " 125 " Sparks Milling Co Alton, El 150 " Yaeger Bros Waverly, 111 225 " Marshall-Kennedy & Co Pittsburgh, Pa 600 " D. W. Marmon Noblesville, Ind 100 li " 2d order, 100 " J. Johnson & Co New Richmond, Wis 125 " Cleveland Milling Co Cleveland, Ohio 200 " North Dakota Milling Co Grand Forks, N. D 125 " C. W. McDaniel Franklin, Ind 66 " Wm. Cadick & Son Grand View, Ind 100 " MISCELLANEOUS. Land & River Imp. Co West Superior, Wis 60 H. p. ' " ....2d order, 100 " " "... .3d order, 100 " ' ' " . ..4th order, 70 " Story Bros.. .. Milwaukee, Wis .. 100 " Buena Vista Fire Clay Co. Buena Vista, Va 100 H. p. Creedmore Cartridge Co Barberton, Ohio. 75 " The Frasch Soda Co Cleveland, Ohio 800 " Cincinnati Water Works Cincinnati, Ohio 1200 " Myer Packing Co " " 400 " The Watt Car Wheel Co Barnesville, Ohio 125 " Toledo Water Works Toledo, Ohio 1200 " Woolson Spice Mills " " 125 " United Salt Co Cleveland, Ohio. . .' 400 " " " " 3d order, 200 '.. " " " 3d order, 600 " Crystal Ice Co Youngstown, Ohio 100 " Robinson Bros. & Co Akron, Ohio 400 " United States Baking Co Mansfield, Ohio 50 " Vindicator Printing Co Youngstown, Ohio 50 " Akron Water Works Akron, Ohio , 87| " American Strawboard Co Lima, Ohio 975 " City Water Works Evansville, Ind 300 " The Toledo Bee Toledo, Ohio 87 ; ' The Buckeye Electric Co Cleveland, Ohio 100 " Produce Cold Storage Ex Chicago, 111 500 " Wabash Paper Co Wabash, Ind 300 " J. G. Mattingly Co Louisville, Ky 350 " " " " 3d order, 750 " J. B. Wathen Bros. Co " " 350 " Goebel Brewing Co Detroit, Mich 250 " Barrett Brewing Co Cleveland, Ohio 150 " Maltase Mfg. Co Philadelphia, Pa 100 " Camp & Thompson Greentown, Ohio 200 " " " 2d order, 250 " Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio . . 3d order, 250 " Merchants Cold Storage Co New York 600 " New York Carbon Co " 75 ." Knickerbocker Press " 100 " Safety Ins. Wire Co " 400 " L. S. & J. H. Lawless .Brooklyn, N. Y 62^ " Oakes Mfg. Co Steinway, L. I., N. Y 350 " Palmetto Fibre Co Frederick, Md 75 " Wm. C. Hamilton & Sons Philadelphia, Pa 300 " " " 2d order, 375 " Griffin Enam. Brick Co Perkiomen, Pa 75 " Ferrous Chemical Co Pittsburgh, Pa 75 " Coplay Cement Co Coplay, Pa 600 " 97 John Heald & Co Lynchburg, Va . Poor Bros Salem, Mass National Sewer Pipe Co Akron, Ohio Havemeyer Sugar Refinery New York Salina Paper Co Salina, Kan .2d order, John Morrell & Co Ottumwa, Iowa. Clinton Steam Laundry Clinton, Iowa Armour Packing Co Kansas City, Mo. Armour Glue Works Chicago, 111 Armour Packing Co " " American Glucose Co Peoria, 111 Town of Nappanee Nappanee, Ind Jno. F. Betz Brewing Co Philadelphia, Pa. Beckman & Co Cleveland, Ohio F. Gray & Co Piqua, Ohio Columbus Woolen Mfg. Co Columbus, Ohio Chas. Heap Williamstown, Mass Blackstone Mfg. Co. . . Blackstone, Mass Lister Mfg. Co Jamestown, N. Y Elmira Knitting Mills. Elmira, N. Y Hope Company Hope, R. I Bethlehem Silk Co Bethlehem, Pa Geo. Singleton Scranton, Pa E. B. Eddy Co Hull, Canada Ohio & Pittsburgh Milk Co Pittsburgh, Pa. Ohio Strawboard Co Urbana, Ohio James J. Regan Rockville, Conn B. F. Goodrich Co Akron, Ohio " " " " " 2d order, City of Norfolk Norfolk, Va Western Elec. Supply Co St. Louis, Mo C. F. Foote Ipava, 111 McCahan Sugar Refining Co Philadelphia, Pa Grand Rapids Felt Boot Co Grand Rapids, Mich. General Fire Extinguisher Co Providence, R. I , Edward Butts City of Mexico, Mexico. Standard Radiator Co Buffalo, N. Y F. W. Cook Brewing Co Evansville, Ind Joseph L. Ebner Vincennes, Ind .3d order, 3d order, 360 H. P. 100 " 1065 " 45 " 320 " 250 " 200 " 50 " 1000 " 1666 " 1050 " 700 " 250 " 100 " 425 " 300 " 200 " 75 " 300 " 250 " 300 " 50 " 100 " 125 " 60 " 200 " 250 " 800 " 250 " 300 " 300 " 150 " 100 " 75 " 1500 " 500 " 900 " 150 " 100 " 100 " 300 " 250 " 200 " 98 Waltham Bleachery & Dye Wks. . Waltham, Mass 1500 H. p. Standard Oil Co Cleveland, Ohio 400 " " " " " 2d order, 1000 " G. H. Hammond Co South Omaha, Neb 400 " " " " " ....2d order, 400 " " Hammond, Ind 3d order, 500 " Baldwin Piano Co Cincinnati, Ohio 100 " Greenpoint Chemical Works Greenpoint, L. I., N. Y 125 " Croxton, Kinney & Pilliod Angola, Ind 150 " Krippendorf, Ditman & Co Cincinnati, Ohio 600 " Deering Harvester Co Chicago, 111 225 " Republic Milling Co Republic, Mo 175 " J. H. Tangeman Co Lockland, 160 " UNITED STATES. Department F- JVTachinery. 1647 c o - Address ..... Chicago > 111., .... CrroMp .69. Exhibit .,,..Haler.....$ub.e AWARD Furnishing steam for uae of Exhibition. One of the chief characteristics lies in the simplicity and consequent low cost of construction. Boilers consist merely of four cylindrical shells or drums, connected by tubes which form major portion of heating surface. Tubes are expanded into drum, and practically the only machine work required, upon entire structure is that employed upon the manhole frame in the head of each drum, which is of the simplest character. Tubes are located in a position slight- ly inclined from a vertical and the tendency of sediment to col- lect on either the exterior or interior surfaces is thereby reduced to a minimum. The^ large mud-drum, located below the current produced by circulation, insures quiet water in which mud, scale and other impurities may settle. DrTim favorably locat-> ed at bottom of rear bank of tubes for. receiving depositc which require high temperature to be precipitated* Examination of these boilers in operation where water used contained large quantities of lime salts, demonstrated that a small amount of labor was required to maintain them in a clean condition, and that they operated with the highest efficiency in this most important feature and possessed marked advantage. Arrangement of division plates Is such that exit for waste gases is over surfaces where the cold- "feed water is just entering, insuring low flue tempera- ture. Use of a fire-brick arch covering grate- enables high furnace temperature to be maintained. These boilers are proportioned so that the ratio of horse power to grate is about fifty to one, ample for economical resu3 t ^Boilers exhibited show that they gave practically dry steam, inner and outer rowsof tubes slightly curved. A chain scraper is passed through when deposits form on surfaces* The tubes are accessible from outside. A single work- man disconnected the four manhole plates and exposed every tube in the boiler within a period of five minutes. Extreme simplicity and low cost of construction. of water tube boilers. Excellence of design in features pertaining to fuel economy, and singular adaptability to situations requiring the use of impure feed water. '(Sighed) ............., ..................... . ........... Individual Judge. Approved: ........ J.Qhn..A... ..Roclie., ............................. ir'(7i* chairman Executive Committee on Awards. Date ....Eebruary.,.26 . - 183 4 . Subject to change of grammatical and typewritten inaccuracies. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book iDItH& owitheJast date stamped below. APR 1 2 1948 LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 Bngineerfeg Library THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY