GATHERED THISTLES OR A STORY OF TWO HOUSEHOLDS S. ELIZABETH SISSON HAMMOND BROTHERS FREMONT, NEB. QpO MY HUSBAND: Without whose kindly co-operation and larger faith this little u home story" had not ventured from the quiet of a parsonage closet shelf, this book is lovingly dedi- cated. S. E. S. 2047048 **&*&&* CCS &&: e ~ & *fr t &* S^fcfc t ** TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE. A DOUBLE WEDDING 9 CHAPTER II. A WESTWARD JOURNEY PETER CARTWRIGHT 18 CHAPTER III. GETTING SETTLED 29 CHAPTER IV. AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS 37 CHAPTER V. CHARACTER STUDY, 48 CHAPTER VI. THE WAR AN ACCIDENT LOUISE AND RICHARD 57 CHAPTER VII. ACADEMY LIFE AND HOME EVENINGS, 67 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. ASBURY'S DECISION 76 CHAPTER IX. A LOVE AFFAIR AND A MOTHER'S VIEW OF IT, 83 CHAPTER X. COLLEGE A STUDY OF HOMES, 97 CHAPTER XI. DEVELOPED CHARACTER, 105 CHAPTER XII. RICHARD AND LOUISE, 114 CHAPTER XIII. THE PREACHER A SOPRANO FLOSSIE, 126 CHAPTER XIV. THERESE BANKRUPTCY, 141 CHAPTER XV. JOHN, THE YOUNGER 151 CHAPTER XVI. A VISIT A RKSULT LEAVING THE FARM 163 CHAPTER XVII. GETTING SETTLED LIFE IN A COLLEGE CLUB, 175 CHAPTER XVIII. AN ORATORICAL CONTEST SAD ENDING, . . 185 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1 CHAPTER XIX. FAREWELL LIFE CHOICE, 195 CHAPTER XX. TEIERESE-ON BOTH SIDES OP AN OCEAN, 208 CHAPTER XXI. SOME GRADUATES A WEDDING 219 CHAPTER XXII. SEPTEMBER A LETTER 229 CHAPTER XXIII: A KANSAS PREACHER His WORK 237 CHAPTER XXIV. A RETROSPECT A WEDDING DEATH OP RICHARD NEWTON 248 CHAPTER XXV. A FAMILY REUNION GATHERED THISTLES 258 CHAPTER I. A DOUBLE WEDDING. HE TIME was away back in the forties, and the morning was one of the balmiest in blossom-crowned May when Lynton, a little New England village, was strangely astir. It was easy to see, upon ever so slight an inves- tigation, that this unusual activity centered in the rustic, ivy-covered village church, for the sound of merry young voices from within was borne out upon the fragrant air, through the doors which stood invitingly open. A glance through them shows a group of the village young people who with evergreens and flowers are making the plain, almost stern walls of the room radiant with beauty. This in preparation for a much anticipated event, a double wedding. As the wedding hour is rapidly nearing it may be well to have an introductory word concerning not only the happy couples who are to be the principals in the -event, but the quaint little village of Lynton as well. Picturesque Lyn- ton, its friends lovingly call it. 10 GATHERED THISTLES. The latter was situated, as has already been said, in one of the New England states; a portion of it appeared to half cling or perch upon the rocky hill upon which it was built, the remainder stretched on across Hazel Run, a tiny stream, losing itself in the fertile meadow beyond, the onlv bit of land really suitable for tillage. In a brown, weather-beaten cottage in the hill clinging part, lived Rachel Ewing, with her father and mother, she being the oldest of a large family. There is a bit of yard in front of the cottage, scrupulously clean, while a rocky walk, bordered on either side by beds of springing crocuses and gorgeous Easter flowers leads up to the open door, through which, on this same May morning, the breezes come in unhindered. How tidy and home-like is the little front room, though the furnishings are very plain. A bright rag carpet is upon the floor. There are some com- fortable looking wooden chairs, and in one corner a stand, upon which we notice a substantiallv bound family Bible, a book of Psalms set to music, and a few other volumes, mostly of the sterner religious kind of the day, for Jacob Ewing was a God-fearing man. Daily had his children seen him take down the Bible and heard him read, with an awesome voice, lessons for their guidance. At the rear of the house stood a great apple tree under whose spreading branches, during many a happy hour, the children of the home had found a A DOUBLE WEDDING. 11 delightful play ground. This to-day had yielded a part of its treasures for the room's adornment. On either side of the ancient clock, which stood in the exact center of a very tall wood mantel, was a bowl of fragrant apple blossoms, while in a little room just back of the one that has engrossed our attention, deft fingers are pinning sprays of the same sweet blossoms at the throat, and twining others in the hair of fair young Rachel, one of the brides for whom evergreens and flowers are gracing the village church. The stiff, yet relentlessly true finger of the old family clock points the hour at which the walk to the church shall begin, and John Stevenson walks in to claim his bride. Amid the hurry, yes, and heartaches, of this su- preme moment, we turn and speed down the rocky street, and on across the little wooden bridge. Here the houses are seen perhaps not cleaner nor yet more homelike than in the hilly part, but a more liberal use of paint, shutters at the windows, and here and there a pretentious two-story, tells of greater worldly prosperity. At the gateway leading up to one of the most comfortable of these homes stands an old family carryall, and just now, out from her mother's door- way (her father having lain in the church yard more than a year) Margaret Allen is coming, lean- ing upon the arm of William Newton, whose name she is so soon to bear. 12 GATHERED THISTLES. Now while the two bridal parties are on the way to the church, there will be time for a hasty glance at the home of Margaret, and to glean something of the history of the two girls. From the days when Rachel Ewing and Marga- ret Allen first trudged off together to the village school, a peculiar friendship had existed between the two. Though Margaret's father had owned much of the fertile meadow land beyond the village, while Rachel's could claim as his own but the weather-beaten cot that housed his bairns, yet so sturdy and common-sense was the New England atmosphere of that day, that because of the honesty of purpose and integrity of heart which Jacob Ewing was known to possess, he stood quite as high in the esteem of his neighbors as though broad acres had been his; hence there had not been a thought of anything incongruous in the abiding friendship be- tween the girls. Together they had sat at the low, wooden desks of the school; later on their voices had rung out together in song in the church in whose com- munion each had been raised. It w-as fitting, there- fore, that to-day they should stand together at its simple chancel while the mystic words were said that should change them, at a bound, from light- hearted girls into women, looking fearlessly into the face of the future. Great interest had centered in this event, for not only were the young couples well known, but A DOUBLE WEDDING. 13 it was further known, that on the morning fol- lowing the marriage they were to leave forever their village home, make the long journey west- ward, and that somewhere on those western prairies, of whose wildness, rumor had much to say, two new homes would arise. The two great covered wagons that were to bear them westward had stood for the last week back of the village smithy, objects of supreme interest; hence it was not strange that at an early hour the church had been filled, with an eager assemblage of friends. After this digression, we too will join the waiting assembly, and it will not be out of place if, as the wedded pairs slowly pass down the aisles, we turn with the audience for a passing glance. John Stevenson and his bride Rachel are in front. There is no mistaking the plain, rugged honesty of his face, while the browned hands, indeed the whole bearing, in some subtle manner tells of a life experience that has been largely a hand-to-hand struggle with a rocky New England farm. Unconsciously though, there is that in the face which speaks of a victory gained. The eyes rest lovingly upon his bride with an air of fond, trust- ful proprietorship. Large of build, rugged, kindly of disposition, the student of human nature sees at once that he will lean upon his wife, consult with her, be influenced by her as neither she nor he suspects. Thus far, 14 GATHERED THISTLES. life has held but few joys for him, for his mother had died many years ago, and with her all that might have made his life joyous. No wonder that he invites the future. And she? Beautiful? Well, they who know her best scarcely think of beauty, yet there is no plainness in the clear complexion, nor in the shapelv hands, though these are hard with toil; but not one in all that company of village folk is thinking of these, but rather of the loving, helpful spirit which shines in the large gray at times almost blue eyes. As she is passing, these acci- dentally rest for a moment upon the eager up- turned face of a neighbor's child, and in an instant the little heart is gladdened by a smile of recogni- tion and in the smile, and the self-forgetfulness that allowed it, is mutely revealed that innate, name- less "something" which causes dumb animals to instinctivelv turn to its possessor for protection, and little children to bring their childish trials. Though a smile so readily comes to the mouth, there is a firmness about the clearly cut lips; yes, a firmness that it is easy to believe might become akin to sternness. Somehow as Rachel passes out the rustic church we involuntarily recall grew- some stories of young girl martyrs, and we men- tally aver, this New England girl-wife will have abiding principles and maintain them. If John Stevenson and his bride have proven an interesting study, William Newton and his fair A DOUBLE WEDDING. 15 Margaret are not less so. The former had come to Lynton but a twelve-month ago as the manager of a large saw mill, which was fast changing the great forests about Lynton into acres of stumps, which later should give way to waving fields of ripening grain. So well had he deported himself that he not only became a strong factor in the village life, winning the esteem of all, and the love of beautiful Mar- garet Allen as well. It is easy to see that nature has cast him in an entirely different mold from that of rugged John Stevenson. There is a rest- less acuteness about the eyes which indicate greater business ability. There is about him an easy air in his smart new wedding suit, and a something which proclaims an acquaintance with the world. He is a communicant at the altars of the same church as are the others, but seeing him we can but speculate as to what would be his course should duty and worldly prosperity clash. But John Stevenson's eyes do not rest more lovingly upon his bride's than do William New- ton's upon the fair Margaret; however different otherwise they may be, they are one in love for their chosen companions. As has been said, Margaret's home had been one of comfort and plenty. Her parents were found each Sabbath among the worshipers, yet to serve God had not been with Richard Allen, as with Jacob Ewing, the supreme motive of life. 16 GATHERED THISTLES. Much dearer to him than thoughts of God had been his fertile acres with accompanying flocks and herds. Indeed in his heart he had fixed for himself a creed, the liberality of which, had they but known it, would have startled the staid people he worshiped with. Yet his family understood it well, and none better than Margaret. From the time she could toddle she had been his chosen companion. As she grew older, various traits peculiar to the father appeared in the child, until it came to be a saying with the other members of the family, "Margaret is father over again." We have already said she was beautiful. As she left the altar on her wedding day she looked the embodiment of loveliness. Added to rare reg- ularity of features, were a beautiful form, graceful carriage, and an almost faultless complexion. A wavy mass of brown hair was brushed back from the forehead and coiled about the shapely head. Seeing her we see a beautiful picture; yet, as with many another picture, there is a sense of dissatis- faction. Can it be that in the graceful curl of those lips, in the poise of that delicate chin, there is a hint of selfishness? Or do the eyes, dark hazel as they are, lack in gentleness? We can scarcely tell. Yet the face is not one we would care to go- to with a heartache, especially if to ease the ache self-denial would be required. Just now she is strong in the new love which has- A DOUBLE WEDDING. 17 stirred her heart, and she is bravely going to the hardships of pioneer life. Indeed if there are any hardships, they are lost in the strong glamour which love and distance have thrown about that strange new life beyond. But the last echo has died out from the church and each couple are now in separate homes. Many tears mingle with the wedding festivities, for the covered wagons stand now, one at Rachel's and one at Margaret's door, and with an agony the young people cannot suspect, each mother packs away in the roomy rear such articles as space will permit. There are chests of linens, of bedding, jars of home-made sweets, and provisions for the long journey. The next day, amid sobs and heartaches, the home nest is forever lefc. Groups of villagers gather at the brow of the hill from whence the road stretches on westward. They look long and earnestly, and finally turn each to their homes. They have seen disappear around the curve the last faint flutter of white. The village home of Rachel and Margaret would know them no more. The old, yet ever new miracle had been re- enacted. The stranger of yesterday becomes more than home, parents, or friends. Strange? No, for centuries before He foreshadowed this home-leav- ing when he said: "They twain shall become one flesh." CHAPTER II. A WESTWARD JOURNEY PETER CARTWRIGHT. HOWEVER great the sympathy that might bid us linger with those in the broken homes, our interest henceforth lies with those just out of sight, and to them we turn. Slowly the great wagons creaked on. Margaret in the agony of the parting had flung herself upon an improvised couch which loving hands had pro- vided for her comfort, and lay there bitterly sobbing. Rachel, with tear-stained face, kept fluttering a bit of white cambric as a last adieu, until a bend in the road shut out forever the little village. Presently the last familiar hill or farmhouse was passed; new roadside scenes claimed the attention, and it began to dawn upon those brave young people that the old life was gone. Yet a future, fascinating in its very strangeness, awaited them. One of the happiest qualities of youth is its elas- ticity. A wave of sorrow may sweep over it before which it bows as a sapling before a storm, but such is its natural spring that it speedilv rights itself, and A WESTWARD JOURNEY. 19 is erect again. So our young friends soon found much to interest them in this novel experience. There were meals to be cooked by the wayside. The woods abounded in game; squirrels "leaped among the branches of the trees and chattered noisily down. There were great flocks of quail and of wild turkeys. More than once as they came to ford a stream they would startle a herd of timid deer. There was a brace of trusty rifles in each wagon, so the meals were always supplied with the choicest meats. Then there was the novelty of going to sleep with the stars blinking down so familiarly. As has been said, the journey began in May. Many of the streams were still swollen from the spring rains, and were without bridges. The roads, in some places not more than a bridle path, were at times almost impassable. The plan was to reach Pittsburgh, there embark upon flatboats and journey down the Ohio River as far as Cincinnati, already a prosperous city. Once there, they expected to make the remainder of the journey in their wagons over the National Road, this being a kind of pike or "built road," under national supervision (as its name indicates), which before the era of railroads contributed in no small measure to the rapid settle- ment of the states as far west as Indiana. Wonderful stories of the rich prairies that formed so large a part of that great western country known as Illinois had reached their eastern home. These 20 GATHERED THISTLES. marvelous tales of the soil's fertility as well as the unusual business facilities, had made this their ob- jective point. So they jolted along, day after day, on this strange bridal journey. The modern young husband buys a ticket, and he and his bride whirl rapidly away. They " do ' r mountain or seaside resort, or "tip" waiters in European hotels, return at length to their homes,. weary, already disgusted with life happily if not with each other. Our old fashioned lovers proceeded more slowly. What if now and then the road -was rough, or there was an hour's excitement over a swollen stream, or, as happened one night, a great bear should poke his nose into the rear of one of the wagons. The greater part of the time the skies were blue. Birds in all the ecstacy of home-building sang -them their most joyous songs, and they had each other. And what with plans for the homes that were to be, the days were none too long; and Pittsburgh was at length reached. Good weather attended the travelers in their float down the Ohio. The flatboats in which they journeyed were constructed with a kind of sheltered room (cabin) for the travelers, and an enclosed outer deck for wagons and horses. Black Nell, one of the horses John had driven, rebelled at this new experience, and caused quite a commotion A WESTWARD JOURNEY. 21 one night by an attempt to jump overboard, but at length became reconciled to the inevitable. Perhaps in all Rachel's life she had not known so much leisure, and it was to her a never ceasing delight to watch the green shadowy outlines of the shore. At Cincinnati they disembarked, and certainly the world was going West, for there were many covered wagons like their own, and in company with some of these they began their journey over the comparatively smooth "National Road." They might have gone, as did many emigrants of that day, the entire journey down the Ohio and thence up the Mississippi, but the added cost was a barrier; besides, they wanted to judge for them- selves of the country, and the best place to locate. Indianapolis, then a thrifty young city, was reached; still the horses heads were turned west- ward, and the Wabash valley was reached. " Oh Dear," said Margaret, one morning after they had resumed their journey: " What kind of a road is this, why ;" but the sen- tence was lost, for just then the front wheels of the wagon gave a lurch downward. The horses gave a sudden pull or Margaret would certainly have been thrown to the ground. These plunges and jerks amid the slushiest and stickiest mud the trav- elers had ever known, continued throughout the day, causing more discomfort than they had yet known. The smooth National Road having ended, 22 GATHERED THISTLES. they were experiencing a stretch of "corduroy road," which for the benefit of the modern bicycler on asphalt it may be explained, was made by cutting lengths from trees of various sizes and laying them crosswise in the slush or mud. As these lengths vary in size from saplings to respectable trees the jolting can be imagined. It was little wonder that Margaret exclaimed in agony, nor that all rejoiced when, after a weary length, the smart young city of Springfield, Illinois was reached, where they had decided to stop for a short period of rest, or until they could fix upon a permanent location. Among the travelers the}* had fallen in with dur- ing their journey were several who w'ere loud in their praises of the wonderful advantages held out to settlers by Burton, a mere stripling of a town on the Illinois River. These agreed that this must shortly become a manufacturing center, citing as arguments Ms superior water power and the enterprise of its citizens, manifested already by the building of a railroad connecting it with the growing interior towns of the State, and promising to push on farther westward. As both Rachel and Margaret needed rest, it was decided that they should remain where they were, and their husbands should join a party of men who would visit Burton and other points if necessary. Once there, it did not take the keen business eye of William Newton long to discover the advantages of the young town. Moreover, a chance of steady A WESTWARD JOURNEY. 25 employment offered. Upon the banks of the river stood a newly completed flouring mill, which being the only one in all that section would be kept busy grinding meal and flour. By a happy chance he secured a position not greatly inferior to that of manager, and so considered himself fortunate. The rich, black soil of the gently undulating prai- ries that crept up to the river's edge, and upon which the town was built, charmed John Stevenson, used as he had been to the rocky hills about Lynton, and'he counted himself fortunate when he had bar- gained for one hundred and sixty acres not two miles from the town. Fortunate, though years of hard work, and, as farmers phrase it, of good luck^ must be his portion, before he could call those acres his own; fortunate, though upon the land there was not a roof to shelter either man or beast. The question of homes being settled they lost no time in joining the waiting ones at Springfield. Perhaps it has been hardly fair, in that we have left these young girls alone so long, yet they have not been unhappy. They had each grown so weary of the last one hundred miles that they welcomed the rest of their quiet lodging house. Besides, if they cared to go out there was much to interest them in the strange new western life. Their curiosity and interest was greatly aroused by what they heard concerning a " gathering," in the neighborhood; new to them, but certainly from the conversation a feature of the new life. It was- ^>4 GATHERED THISTLES. called a CY/w/^-meeting, as they learned, because many would come, either from a distance or from the neighborhood, camp out, and spend the time in religious service, but such strange stories as were told, not only of the services but of the minister in charge indeed, his original sayings were a fruitful theme among the lodgers at every meal. " Well, one thing sure," both Rachel and Marga- ret agreed, " We will visit the grounds and see for ourselves before we go further." To this, their husbands upon their return readily .assented, and the next day set out to attend an evening service. The camp ground, as the place of meeting was called, was simply a piece of woods in which an at- tempt had been made to clear out the underbrush. As the party drove into the deep shade of the woods, a weird scene presented itself. Great flaring tallow dips nailed here and there to the trees lent an uncanny air to the whole. The tenters had for shelter the rudest kind of board tents; indeed such were fortunate, the ma- jority sleeping under their wagons. The platform upon which the preacher stood had been made by felling two trees of about the same size, cutting away the tops, and nailing upon the larger ends a floor of unplaned boards. But the preaching: "Surely there had never before been heard any so forceful, or so peculiar in PETER CARTWKIGHT. 25 its immediate effects." So, at any rate, thought our little group of New Englanders. Pathos, sublimity, caustic wit, scathing rebuke of sin, of sinners, .even of individuals, jostled each other from the speaker's lips, who was none other than Peter Cartwright, one of the most unique per- sonalities of the Illinois of that day. Tall, and of rugged build, with hair brushed back in a kind of shock from his forehead, he towered a very giant come to announce the destruction of the wicked. His eyes seemed to flash fire, especially when a miscalculating band of rowdies thought to intimi- date the preacher and the congregation. Rachel had heard sermons all her life, but for personal -directness nothing to equal this. The preacher taught and urged a distinct work of grace in the heart and a consecration of one's life, whatever be their calling, to the Lord. The sermon was followed by the altar service, and such a service! How they crowded the rude wooden bench, young and old. Presently a sister "got" religion. "JLook, look at her face!" Rachel excitedly pulled the sleeve of John for him to see. It seemed actually transformed, for the woman was plain in appearance and evidently a daughter of toil. " Hear her shout! " Now another takes up the strain. Back in the audience a little knot has gathered about a prostrate form. It is that of a man who has been "seeking" for several days. He lies rigid, motionless, to all appearances dead. The 26 GATHERED THISTLES. friends, nothing alarmed, sing and pray and wait for him to "come through," which he does after a time, with shouts of joy. Strange, blessed history of the pioneer church. The so-called refinement of a later day may smile, and with delicately pursed lips may whisper "eccen- tricities!" but after all it is borne in upon us, that these fathers and mothers "got" a something that lifted them above the hardships of a frontier life, a something that in many instances transformed the wickedest into the most devout, something that im- planted that farseeing self-denial which founded the colleges and built the churches that together have made to-day's boasted civilization possible. In short, they "came through" to such a high type of Christian life that we may well withhold our criti- cism and be proud to do them homage. When John and Rachel Stevenson found them- selves alone, that night, there was a quiet talk between them and as a result of the evening's strange service, a consecration of their lives in a sense different from any they had ever known took place. In another room William and Margaret too discussed what they had seen and heard, but with them the grotesque and eccentric held chief place. The hospitality and welcome accorded to stran- gers was a strong feature of the day, and the little party made many acquaintances before leaving the grounds, among whom was Mr. Cartwright himself. PETER CARTWRIGHT. 27 Though his eyes may have flashed as he rebuked an offender, there was no mistaking their kindly spirit as he questioned them concerning their plans. As a father might, he urged the immediate duty of identifying themselves with Christian people, point- ing out that the habits formed in the first years would shape the whole life. While talking he drew from the cavernous depths of a pair of saddle bags close at hand, some books and what appeared to be copies of a newspaper. For a moment he paused, while from under the shaggy brows a look at once both keen and critical darted from one to another. He continued "you will want in the new home not only religion as a corner stone, but intelligence, and whether you read, and what you read will come to mean everything; therefore however small your income, I entreat you, spend a part of it for good books. Further, if your homes are to be in- telligent in the best sense, you will need a kind of literature that even books do not supply. Here are a few copies of a periodical devoted to the home; indeed it is called The Christian Home. Perhaps its reading may not only make the last miles of your journey pleasanter, but show you your need of such a friend." Then telling them that he should see them again, as Burton was one of his preaching points, he bade them God speed. The following morning the last stage of the journey was resumed. William had much to tell Margaret of the new home and business, and neither 28 GATHERED THISTLES. gave a thought to the kindly preacher except to laugh together at certain eccentricities and oddities of manner; but in the rear John and Rachel jolted on, and at times their conversation was as serious as even the zealous Mr. Cartwright could have desired. TcIc^JelcIcIc^I^^ I |;j ^ ^ | IcMcIcIcJcIcIcIc^^^ CHAPTER III. GETTING SETTLED. NOTHER day and night found these emi- grants in what was to he their new home, Burton. When each had grown to be old, thev never forgot the strange newness, and unfin- ished appearance of the town. The streets were, yet grassy, and such little houses! Nearly all of logs. Still there was an air of bustling activity. People went about as if there was a world to build, and but a little time to build it in, and none caught the contagion quicker than William Newton. He at once began work in the mill, and in a little cot- tage, conveniently near, Margaret began her house- keeping. This little home was very plain on the outside, but warm and cozy within, and soon under the deft touches of Margaret's hands the home air began to grow. As for the Stevensons, the season was so far ad- vanced the staple crop of corn could not be raised on the farm, so a few vegetables for use were planted, and preparations were made for sowing 30 GATHERED THISTLES. wheat later on. There being no house, John's first care was to build one, in the meanwhile renting a room in Burton till it should be completed. Very soon a log house of two rooms was ready for occu- pancy, into which they at once moved. This may not have looked inviting from the outside, for the log? were rough-hewn, the spaces between the logs or " chinks " were mortar-tilled, and the great out- side chimney hinted at comfort rather than beauty. But inside! Ah, when the great fire began to crackle in the capacious fireplace, as it did in the early Autumn; when John, weary of his day's work of digging, of plowing, came home late in the evening to find a savory supper awaiting him, and an earnest, strong face that lighted at his coming, you would then have forgotten the rough outside had YOU seen this, and would have exclaimed, " I have found a home." A rude stable was built for the faithful animals that had journeyed with them, a well dug, and pro- vided with a great "sweep" which lent a pictur- esqueness to the scene. With these preparations they considered themselves ready for the first win- ter in the West. Just two miles distant was the growing, spread- ing town of Burton, constantly calling for workers; here, when the weather prevented further work on the farm, he worked that he might have something "ahead" when the Spring should call him back to the farm. GETTING SETTLED. 31 While the young husbands were busy, each at their chosen work, time might have seemed long and wearisome to the girl wives had it not been for the old sweet friendship which wonderfully bright- ened these first months of exile from friends. Often when John was driving out Margaret would accompany him. Rachel would meet them both at the lane, and proudly escort Margaret to the cozy sitting room, where perhaps with laughter they would recall some incident of the long journey, or with tender regret talk of the dear old homes at Lynton. Before such a visit had ended, Margaret, with the air of a connoisseur, would inspect Rachel's great brood of hens, interesting because they were duty doing, as was evidenced by the goodly sum of "egg money" that came weekly into their owners' purse; or pay her respects to the family cow that furnished these farmer folks with butter and milk. Then again Rachel, with a bit of sewing, would spend a delightful day with Margaret, when much ihe same program would be enacted. But there were stormy winter days and long evenings when each must stay by her own fireside. These hours of enforced idleness might have been productive of what members of a later generation, when thrown upon their own resources, wearily designate as ennui. Not so at the farm. To them the earnest preacher had not preached in vain. Already they had begun to find a new world awaiting them in the few books which they owned; 32 GATHERED THISTLES. besides they had come to find, as he had suggested, a welcome friend in their home paper. In it were helpful suggestions for farm and home, discussions touching upon every question of church or state, stories of travel and of biography, besides the weekly bulletin of the great onward march of the Church of Christ. After an evening spent around his fire side, reading aloud to interested Rachel and talking over with her the subjects discussed, this young farmer went about his tasks in a different spirit. He was no longer the plain individual John Stevenson, working out his own little problem of existence, but a unit of a great whole who by doing the duties of the hour, was unconsciously keeping step with the onward march of that great army which was ushering in a better civilization and bringing the world into harmony with ideals of its Creator. More than once Rachel tried to tell her friend Margaret something of this pleasure, but the latter would laughingly say, " Oh Rachel, you are Jacob Ewing's own daughter, thinking more of a creed than of aught else," for like some others she refused to believe that a Christian literature could be other than a creed exponent. Perhaps of all the old sweet associations at Lynton nothing was so greatly missed as the little village church. Upon coming to Burton our friends found that the settlers before them had taken pains at once to see that a place for worship was pro- GETTING SETTLED. 3S vided. So on a grassy knoll stood a little meeting house which like most of its associates, was built of logs. This differed in denomination from that in which our friends had been raised, but was one with it in the doctrine of right living. Here every two weeks came a young and zeal- ous "circuit rider," and on more state occasions "the Elder" of camp ground fame, who preached as was his wont of free salvation, and the necessity for immediate repentance. On the very first Sabbath after their arrival in Burton, four church letters were handed the voung minister and the little congregation almost startled them by the warmth of their western welcome. "Yes, there are some things different," Rachel was saying to John that night and her eyes had a far- away look as the vision of the home church arose "but these people are kind, and this is to be our home, so we cannot afford to be critical; perhaps we can make ourselves of use." "Such a queer little church, and such odd people," was Margaret's comment as she and her husband together discussed the hearty hand-shakes and loud "Amens" of the morning. " Still it is a type of this sincere western life of which we are now a part," rejoined her husband. "And," continued he, "as we cannot have our staid old pastor, nor be a part of his well ordered flock; neither is it right for us to live out of the church. 34 GATHERED THISTLES. Therefore let us hope after awhile, things will not seem so strange." Margaret made no audible reply, but there came echoing through her mind remembrances of many sayings of her father, as they had tramped about the farm, and in her heart she said, " It amounts to but little, after all." By this first public step, both the Newtons and Stevensons became well known. As Rachel had said, kind hearts beat beneath the rough exteriors, and much interest was manifested in the welfare of the strangers, and on many an occasion a helping hand was held out. The Newtons really knew nothing of the priva- tions of frontier life, for William had a good position, while Margaret's patrimony had at once secured to them a comfortable home, but the Stevensons knew by experience every phase of homebuilding. Still they were young, strong and happy, each worked with a will, and by the time Spring had come bring- ing the ploughing and sowing, the humble log house had blossomed into a home. Much of the furniture was of the young husband's making. There was a stand very like the one in Rachel's old home, and on it was a family Bible very like its New England counterpart. Besides there was a steadily growing pile of carefully read books and papers. One feature of the room, purely ornamental, must not be overlooked. Among the treasures Rachel GETTING SETTLED. 35 had brought from her home had been an ivy root from the glossy green, which had crept and clung to the walls of the village church. This she planted in a rude earthen pot. Certainly western soil did not disagree with it, for it grew and guided over the little narrow window, spread itself, and growing covered the rough logs with a living beauty. We will now leave our young friends for a time. It will be theirs to fight their own battles with the privations and experiences incident to pioneer life. We shall not look in on them again until many years have come and ^fone. We must not fail to chronicle the fact however, that by the time the old apple tree back in Rachel's girlhood home, had again scattered its sweet blossoms to the air, the Angel of Life had knocked at the door of each humble home. At the Newton's there was rejoic- ing over a son which the happy young father pro- nounced as handsome as his mother. In this he was not alone, for the numerous visitors, competent witnesses all, said "What a wonderful likeness; just his mother over again," but his appearance mattered little to the young mother who in a happiness of content of which she had not dreamed cuddled close to her heart sweet baby Richard. In the little log farm house, Rachel, too, could be found crooning a lullaby to a dear little morsel of humanity, a boy, who had John's own honest eyes, which even in its very young babyhood looked about quite as gravely as if life had already proven quite a serious matter. 36 GATHERED THISTLES. But the mouth that Rachel kissed was very like her own, and it was not unlikely that something of her own nature lay hidden there. "What shall we call the baby?" This question remained unan- swered, even until baby Richard began to look knowingly when his name was called. Finally it came the "Elder's" time for his quarterly visit. He had already gotten to call the hospitable farm house home, so of course he must admire the sturdy boy. Taking him gently in his arms he said, "And this is Francis Asbury is it? " And that night John wrote in the leather bound family Bible the chosen, name, Francis Asbury Stevenson. CHAPTER IV. AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS. JJ^IFTEEN YEARS; how much may happen, what changes occur in fifteen years, even when the conditions are settled; but in a new western town that length of time may stand for a half century in an older community. Burton had moved forward like a young giant, and the summer of 1858 looked down upon a smart lit- tle city that was already fulfilling the expectations of its early friends. Great rows of really good buildings lined the business streets. Comfortable homes, many al- most luxurious, had largely taken the place of the log cabins of the past. On the knoll, still green and grassy, stood a neat frame church with slender spire, and rich-toned bell. The little log meeting house, itself the strongest factor in to-day's prosper- ity, has given way to its more dignified successor. As a business center Burton was attracting the attention of many. The Illinois River upon which it was built not only furnished a sufficient water power for the mills upon its banks, and opened up 38 GATHERED THISTLES. communications with the rapidly growing interior towns of the State, but through its outlet into the broad Mississippi brought the markets of the great cities to the doors of the business men of Burton. Besides this two railroads, with their snorting en- gines, now connected it with the East and North, and were pushing on to the great western beyond. For these reasons, and because of having been first in the field with its mill, Burton had become a center of supply for grain and flour. The little flouring mill into which fifteen years ago, William Newton entered as an employee, had trebled its capacity. Let us, for a moment look in upon its counting room. There at the desk is the proprietor, a keen- ly alert business man, upon whom his forty years sit lightly. We recognize the employee of other days, William Newton, now everywhere spoken of as one of Burton's most enterprising citizens. Shortly after his arrival he had grasped the finan- cial possibilities of real estate, and making some for- tunate investments was able to make the first pay- ment upon the mill, which was offered for sale. Once in his hands he managed its business so successfully that he became its sole owner, and soon became known as a rich man to whom the little world of Burton took off its hat in honor, after the manner of the greater world outside. About a year before the reopening of our story r on one of the best streets his new home had been AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS. 39- built. It was large and roomy, of brick, and stood in the center of beautiful, well-kept grounds. While a dweller in a modern house might miss some of to-day's luxuries and conveniences, yet comfort was evidenced on every side. Through the center ran a great hall, on one side of which doors opened into the large double parlors, whose side and folding doors were suggestive of merry companies of young people, or statelier an'd more dignified ones of older. From the other side of the hall one entered the "living room," and the large dining room beyond,, and a great oaken stairway led on to roomy and sunny chambers above. Over all this rules Margaret, the presiding genius of it all, the girl wife of long ago. In every grace- ful poise of the well-rounded form, as well as in the still regular features, is seen the maturing of the old girlish beauty. Richard, the first born, is now a bright, handsome lad of fourteen, while a sister Marie has been his playmate for twelve years. Therese, the house- hold pet is a petite little maiden of eight summers. If fate has dealt thus kindly with those of the city, we turn with eager expectancy to the farm. Though Burton had stretched itself out in nearly every direction, it had not seen fit to encroach up- on the farm, so no fortuitious chance circumstance had come to the help of the inmates, yet by patient plodding, and self denying hard work on the part of both John and Rachel, every foot of the farm. 40 GATHERED THISTLES. was now their own and unencumbered by debt or mortgage. Anyone who has had an experience in laying out a home, or making habitable a wild piece of land, knows that ordinarily it is the work of years. Yet our farmer friends had been patient and willing to persistently plod, so necessary outlays were met as thev came, and now, as we have said, the farm is theirs. Necessary improvements have been made, sleek cows graze in the pastures, and a great or- chard back of the house is a source of enjoyment as well as of profit. The improvement of the farm itself was more easily visible than that of the house, for the family still occupied the two original rooms of the log house, with two others which their growing needs had made imperative. A new home had been planned, but the one with farm experience knows that the comfortable home must come last. Yet though the house was of logs, it was often said there was not a more homelike spot to be found. It is hard to analyze the something that makes a home. Yet it is a verity the stranger recognizes as he crosses its threshold, a something that alike draws those with a heart ache to its fire- side, and the romping children of a neighbor as well. But whatever it might be, this farm home was certainly rich in its possession. It may be the happy group of boys and girls it now sheltered contributed not a little to this home AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS. 41 feeling as they romped over the rag carpet by the great open fire with its "backlog" and curious net- work of " firelog," and sputtering boughs of hickory. Yes, the years had been fraught with changes, and among those apparent to even the most casual observer was the remarkable development of char- acter, especially noticeable in the Stevensons. Not only for rugged, unflinching honesty was John known among his neighbors, but they had come to know that as he turned a furrow or sowed his grain, he did it intelligently, and many a one in per- plexitv learned to find a wise counselor in the quiet man, who betrayed by his conversation an unusual familiarity with matters outside his daily life. But it was in the little church which had so long ago heartily welcomed the strangers that John and Rachel Stevenson had grown to be most loved, most depended upon, for during all the years with a regularity equal to the coming of the Sabbath it- self, the faithful team and light wagon bore the family to church. One of the recent innovations had been the organization of a Sunday school, and none could be found so capable for leader as the erstwhile timid John. And Rachel, with her years of quiet home reading was fitted to become a valued teacher, indeed, had she lived in these later years of woman's organizations she would have been seized upon at once as a "worker." It was curious to note the growing oneness of these twain. With 42 GATHERED THISTLES. them the scriptural prophecy was being rapidly ful- filled. Perhaps the cause of this lay in their quiet farm life, every detail of which was planned to- gether, but we are inclined to think it began in the long winter evenings, when after the roaring, crack- ling hickory fire had begun to throw out its richest glow the plain walnut stand was drawn out from its corner, the candle lighted and the reading begun. At first when the children were little they were each tucked snugly away in their trundle bed. (Years afterward they loved to recall how they would lie awake as long as possible listening to the rich cadence of their mother's voice, or to the fuller, deeper, yet not less kindly one of their father). When they became old enough it became their pride, indeed a coveted honor, to take their turn as "reader" for the evening. Through these years a determination for the higher education of their children had been grow- ing, and had taken deeper root than even they guessed. Together the parents often talked over the means of attaining this end, and were finally helped in the solution of the perplexing question by a casual written suggestion. Acting upon this they decided that on each child's tenth birthday to present it with a cow, the sole profits from which, as well as the increase, should form a "college fund." This the parents hoped would not only give the children themselves an interest in the AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS. 43 matter, but by the time they needed it, furnish means for an education. They and the Newtons were still friends, but the growing- dissimilar tastes of the two families were evident. From the first, William Newton had been con- sumed by a desire to get on in the world; to this he bent all his energies. At first he liked to talk over with his young wife the affairs of the mill, but she laughingly informed him, "It was too dreadfully prosy," besides, she had no "head" for business, but would he not admire this delicate bit of her own embroidery she was fashioning for Therese or Marie? Left to himself he grew to live in a rest- less, rushing manner, borne down by the pressure of increasing business. He came hurriedly to his meals, and when he came home at night often the family had retired, unconsciously he grew away from them, and they from him. Margaret too had begun to find life a hurried matter, for the social honor and homage paid to the wife of a wealthy and rapidly growing more so business man grew very sweet, and society thrust upon her a hundred new duties. The great parlors became the social center of Burton, and many gay companies gathered there, for as a hostess she had rare charms. Besides she was really a loving mother with great pride in her beautiful children, and no hands could fashion so well the dainty apparel as her own. What of their church relationship during all these 44 GATHERED THISTLES. years? From the first each, and especially Marga- ret, had been critical of the fervid western style, and this feeling had grown with the years. Had they but kept themselves in touch and sympathy, as did the Stevensons, with the great religious world out- side, they would have recognized this with which they were connected as but a unit in the givat whole, and so had patience with local peculiarities and failings, but this they failed to do, and so dur- ing the years gave less and less of their sympathy and drew more and more within themselves. Yet each Sabbath found them sitting decorously in their pew. They gave of their means for the support of the church, but as to a self-denying sacrifice, to carry forward the work, not one in all the company of worshipers would have expected it. So had they found their place. But we have tarried too long with the elders; let us turn to the children, for with these our interest centers. Richard Newton was singularly like his mother in appearance, with the same beautiful eyes and mobile mouth, and a sunny, happy disposition that made him the joy of the home. From the time he could barely toddle, his greatest delight had been to visit at the hospitable home of "Aunt Rachel." As he grew older, on such visits every nook and corner of the farm would be explored, to say noth- ing of the great roomy cupboard with its possibili- AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS. 45 ties, or the cool milk house with its jars of rich cream. Asbury Stevenson was of his own age, supple, strong and well built, and shy upon the surface. Between the boys there was that indescribable dif- ference that marks the boy reared in the country from him familiar with town or city. Was there no other difference? Time will tell. These boys were good friends, but it was Louise, Asbury's sis- ter and junior by two years, who was Richard's born comrade, and who accompanied him upon every exploring expedition, no matter how perilous. She was a plump little maiden with brown hair that rippled back from her forehead, good eyes, and a sunny, cheery face. Yet if she, in her plain ging- ham slip in which her busy mother dressed her, had stood for a moment by the side of dainty Marie Newton in her garniture of frills and embroidery, not many would have called her beautiful. But her mother knew a strong soul was locked up in the little breast. From the first Louise became the constant play- mate of her brothers. Did they climb the loft to search for the hidden nest of Old Speckle, Louise could spring as nimbly up the ladder as they. Did they play marbles? Louise soon mastered the mys- teries of " mumblepeg," and her shot was as unerr- ing as theirs. A tomboy? Well, perhaps she was. Yet mother was beginning to depend more and more upon the s\vift feet that almost flew upon her er- 46 GATHERED THISTLES. rands, and her marvelously sweet, low lullaby often soothed the younger ones, thus bringing relief to her mother. As has been said, she and Richard were born comrades. When he was but six and she four they played at housekeeping with all the dignity of elders: In childish disputes as whether the "house" should be under the old apple tree, or the great elm, Louise's strong will usually won. Sometimes this capricious little girl was well pleased at the result. Again she would say, " What did you give up for.'"' "Because I had to," retorted Richard. "Maybe if I was a boy I'd give up, every time," Louise would rejoin contemptuously. Asbury was from the first a quiet, studious boy, and loved nothing so well as to hear his mother read, or as he grew older read for himself. Besides he and Louise, four other children had come to bless the home. Ruth, a quiet little girl of ten, and Ed- ward and John, two sturdy, strong, sinewy little fellows still younger, and baby Rose, not yet a year old who, accepting the logic of events as any healthy baby in a large family soon learns to do, lay in her Crib crowing at a fleck of sunshine that filtered in through the little window, or with a strangely serious air studied a set of pink toes which insisted upon discarding socks, a happy, healthy baby, re- quiring and receiving no care beyond its natural wants. Rachel had begun to show the effects of these years of toil and anxious motherhood, yet such AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS. 47 was her executive ability that the domestic machin- ery moved with less jar than in many less well or- dered homes of smaller family, for each child had its appointed tasks which were performed without question. By means of this method there was time not only for church, but for the evening with books as well. ***** Having now noted the changes wrought by the years, and the influences that are at work to mold the children that gather about each hearthstone, we again leave them for a little space, knowing that the harvest of seed-sowing is rapidly ripening, and the inevitable reaping must quickly begin. CHAPTER V. CHARACTER STUDY. f'T WAS a bright sunshiny morning in May, 1861, eighteen years from that other Max- day when the two brides had gone out from the village church when the two families met at the hospitable farmhouse in honor of the anniversary of the event. How the great long table groaned under its steaming and tempting burdens! How the children, the younger ones at least, raced and romped over the farm! The two older ones of each family Were at school in the "Academy," but they were out to-day ostensi- bly to do, honor to the event of long ago, but in reality to have a jolly day together on the farm which continued to be to the Newton young folks the greatest pleasure imaginable. We may as well pause here to explain that the Academy was an in- stitution of which the people of Burton were be- ginning to take a just pride, and which they owed to the far-seeing intelligence of the very early settlers. It had grown with the growth of the CHARACTER STUDY, 1'J town until now it had begun to attract the young people of the country and neighboring towns. Asbury and Richard at seventeen, and Louise and Marie at fifteen, have outgrown the old-time scramble down the straw stacks and up into the roomy mow, but there was the great swing, and just far enough for a delightful tramp was the shady piece of woodland, rich just now in its wealth of spring violets, buttercups and sweet williams. " Oh let us go to the woods," exclaim the young people, and a little later are searching among the outlying roots of the trees for the flowers that nestle there. And we who are watching them ob- serve that as Richard gathers the choicest of these,, he shyly gives them to the cheery-faced, light- hearted girl whose voice, as she has walked by his side on the tramp, has gaily carolled snatches of song as sweet as that of the thrush on the bough overhead. After the bounteous dinner John and William the latter having snatched a few hours from his business took a stroll over the farm, for what seems more like a creation fresh from the hand of God than does well-kept meadows and hillsides after spring breezes have blown over them? So thought at least the hurried man of business, as he drank in the quiet rural scene, and something like regret crossed his mind at the contrast between this and his own hurried rush for gain. But no; he could never be content with the slow, plodding life 50 GATHERED THISTLES. of the farm. Rachel and Margaret lingered in the cozy sitting room for reminiscences of other days. But each in her way was too busy a woman to dwell long in the past. The growing interests of their homes and children had pushed the past f arther -and farther back. Just now they are discussing a question of evi- dent interest, about which there is evidently a disagreement. "No I cannot consent to such a thing." It is the clear, firm voice of Rachel that speaks. "And why not? What possible harm?" And there is a shade of annoyance in Margaret's tones. They are discussing a dancing school which has lately been opened, at which Margaret Newton has placed not only Richard and Marie, but little Therese as well, and she is urging Rachel to do the same with at least her older children. " Much harm every way," Rachel rejoined, "As I see it; but, Margaret, we have gone over this question in some shape so many times, it is hardly worth while to reopen it." Yet Margaret continued, "You know 1 do not favor no more than you the public ball, but for your children and mine, with perhaps a few other neighbors' children, to dance together in my home or yours, is no more harm than than to swing together," she concluded as her eyes fell upon the creaking swing just outside. "If children went no further than their parents expected or intended, vour argument would be CHARACTER STUDY. . 51 good," said Rachel. " But do you remember Hazel Run, at Lynton, which began in a clump of hazels in your father's farm, but became a noisy cataract in Rocky Hollow a few miles distant? How can you know but that when your children are older^ and the world bids for them remembering that dancing and card-playing I believe you give it the more genteel name of eucher received the stamp of home approval, they may leave your marked-out home restraints as surely as Hazel Run left its quiet beginning. Besides," she continued, "if there were no other reasons, the Church has labeled such questionable " "The Church!" Margaret broke in vehemently, "such restrictions are obsolete, behind the times. Are you the only right interpreter of the Church? Dr. Heron's children will attend this school, so will Judge Gibson's, and what would the Church do without them when it came to meets its financial obligations? " " Deny " but Rachel's rejoinder was cut short by the return of her husband with Mr. Newton. These had lingered to discuss the site of the new house, the stone for whose foundation already hav- ing been hauled, and which "was to be begun as soon as the summer's work was lain by. As they lingered, too, they had talked earnestly of the gathering war cloud now about bursting over the land. Like an electric shock but a few weeks before, pale lips had passed on from one to the 52. GATHERED THISTLES. other the sentence, " Sumpter has been fired upon! rr And even now as these two old friends talked, came the awakening martial strains of drum and fife, and close behind the hurried tramp of an army which had sprung as if by magic from the work- shop and the farm. The very first tocsin had been strangely thrilling to John Stevenson. But yester- day at a mammoth "pole raising," he had been one to float to the breeze at Burton a bright new flag, and not one in the crowd would have guessed that the still, quiet man who so steadily adjusted the fluttering ensign, was longing to snatch it and rush to the front of the battle. "I must buy up all the grain I can," said William Newton. " There are going to be heavy demands." Through such different glasses did these two men view their country's needs! Then, after a moment's thought, William Newton bent over and asked the other a quesiion, and that other answering a little confusedly, said, "after Rachel and I have talked it over." Then turning they entered the house, inter- rupting, as we have seen, the discussion between Rachel and Margaret. Once there the all-absorb- ing " war talk " became general, and continued till the departure of the guests. " Mother, I want to join that dancing class," was the announcement Louise startled her mother with as they were busy about the evening's work. "What do you know of the dancing class?" asked her mother, in order to gain a little time. CHARACTER STUDY. 53 Then it came out that both Marie and Richard had painted in plowing colors the pleasures and advan- tages of the school. "And mother, Mildred Gibson and Will Herron are going and I want " " to do something because ^ome one else does?" queried her mother. Then tenderlv, lovingly she went over with her daughter the reasons why she did not wish her to do this. But it was not easy for Louise to give up that upon which she had set her heart, and only on account of the habit of obedience that she at length became willing to yield her will and trust to the judgment of her mother. The conversations of the dav show in what different directions the children of the two families are started. Both in the same church, yet with what different feelings are they taught to regard its obligation. In one its restrictions are considered irksome, which are to be ignored or condemned as foolish; in the other, these are shown by the tender voice of the mother and the no less kindly counsel of the father, to be at least safe and in the end helpful. In the one - self gratification had been eschewed from the cradle, and the happiness of living for others enforced by precept and example; in the other usually, a want was but to be made known to be gratified. But outside of the parents there was yet another molding force at work. In the Newton home stood an elegant book case filled with well-bound books, 54 GATHERED THISTLES. really a good selection, too. There were books of travel, most of the poets, handbooks on some of the sciences, and a few cumbrous volumes of history, yet they stood so prim and methodical one knew at a glance they had been read but a little. It was true, the Nevvtons had never been a "reading fam- ily;" that is, there was no regularity in their literary habits. There were the books, perhaps first one member of the family and then another would take down a volume and browse as fancy might dictate, but it remains a fact that to arouse an interest in a book it must become a family affair, be read aloud at least its choicest passages and discussed. Yet this implies a certain amount of leisure, an unknown factor in the city home, for business claimed the father, and on most evenings, society the mother. Indeed wilh the years each child came to have its "engagements," so that few even- ings found the entire family home. Yet, they read! Ask Marie and Therese! Under their pillows, stored away in their drawers, were novels of the most sensational type which they had learned to devour. Alas for the hurry ;-alas that at this form- ative period of their lives, there had not been one with leisure and inclination, whose pleasure it might have been to open to them the great field of thought which would have broadened and deepened them, and perhaps bound them with silken fetters to the Church of God. Had there been one such what sorrow might have been averted. CHARACTER STUDY. 55- The reader already knows that in the other home with which we have to do, humble though it was, books and papers had from its founding been a strong factor. The impress of these has been seen in the father and mother. It is becoming quite as visible in the children. Louise would not have so readily yielded in the matter of the dancing school had not her young heart been loyal to the church r made so, largely, by the books, magazines and papers which had recorded its triumphs, as well as the devotion of its servants* Indeed, even the par- ents did not suspect the depth of this silent, con- stant influence. ***** Night had fallen upon the sunshiny anniversary. The children of the farmhouse, worn out by a day of unusual pleasure slept soundly, but the parents lingered to talk over the events of the day, a sur- prising one of which Rachel now learned, was the confidential request of William Newton that inas- much as he desired a sum of money to invest in the immediate purchase of grain to meet the extraordi- nary demand sure to be made, John should become surety for the same. The idea was not relished by either, as anything savoring of debt was peculiarly distasteful, but there could be no danger, both agreed, for Newton's far-seeing business instinct had become almost a proverb. Rachel regretted the growing estrangement which the day's conversation had indicated. Might 56 GATHERED THISTLES. not this be an opportunity to bridge over the grow- ing chasm? " Yes, it had better be done," was the decision. This settled, the conversation drifted back to the threatened war; its probable length and extent was discussed. Suddenly there flashed upon Rachel a realization of the heartache all this meant. In her mental vision she saw the sad farewells of husbands and wives, the going cut of brave young boys who had been the joy of home. Was it strange a wave of thankfulness that her eldest was so young? Arising, she went softly to the bed where Asbury lay sleeping and gently kissed his forehead. " No my treasures are not demanded," she softly said. Oh, blind Rachel! Was there nothing to whisper aught to you of the battle waging in the faithful heart so near you? Can you not read the dumb agony written in the eyes, that just now are so -curiously watching you. CHAPTER VI. THE WAR AN ACCIDENT LOUISE AND RICHARD. HE next few months slipped by with startling rapidity. On the farm heavy crops had been harvested, and lumber was ready for the new house, which John seemed strangely loth to begin. At the mill, William's prophecy had been fulfilled. The business had certainly quadrupled. Instead of the war cloud blowing over, as many had hoped, it gathered in intensity. And in these first few months the Nation seemed in the throes of dissolu- tion, as news of continued defeats flew northward. This became the absorbing topic all else dropped into insignificance. One evening in the early Autumn, John SteA'en- son sat reading the " Daily " which, in these troub- lous times had suddenly grown to be a household necessity. Suddenly he threw it aside, with the remark, "Another call for volunteers." Something in his voice caught his wife's ear. In a moment she was by his side, her arms about him. "You you surely you don't think " but she could not 5 58 GATHERED THISTLES. finish only to gasp, "Oh! the children!" Gently he told of his long struggle, how duty seemed urg- ing, nay driving him to the front. "And what a coward! How the children, and even yourself, would have a right to hlush for me if I failed my country in this supreme hour of need." As he talked, his face lighted and glowed with the thrill of patriotism, and with breaking heart, and ready intuition, Rachel perceived how useless would be a protest against his heart convictions. For answer, she silently bowed her head upon his breast. With a lightning-like flash she saw the weary years ahead. No more sweet counsel to- gether. Upon her alone must rest that burden. Somehow, she must take upon herself the manage- ment of the farm. And then Oh, dreadful thought so many had marched off never to come back. They had died in battle, on the wearisome march r or of wasting disease in hospitals. Could she stand it? Ought she to? Ah, but there was the bleeding Nation and its strong, iron willed President calling for brave men. Other women's hearts were breaking; why not hers? She lifted her head, and her husband knew her heart had said "Aye." A few days later at the supper table William Newton announced "John has enlisted." He and his wife talked much of the unwisdom of the act r but in the heart of each, there was a respect for the brave soldier which neither cared to acknowledge THE WAK. 59 to the other. " His regiment is about full and he will go to the front in another week," Newton added as he left the room. How readily we adjust ourselves to the inevitable! A week ago the sun had shown so brightly and as Rachel remembered, in a dazed kind of way, she had been so happy when Asbury had come home from the Academy but a little while ago, and an- nounced his promotion, as a reward for some extra study he had been doing. Could such a small thing ever make her happy again? With hardly a sigh the plans for the new house were given up. So does a greater grief absorb our lesser ones. The last few days were given to the hurried preparation of some articles necessary for the com- fort of the dear one. At first the grief of the chil- dren knew no bounds. Asbury, proud in his seventeen years, begged to accompany his father; but no the mother was firm that sacrifice had not been demanded of her. Louise went to bed dreaming of hospitals, band- ages and of broken limbs. Could the mother have looked into that warm impulsive heart, she would have been surprised at the ambitious plans brood- ing there. As for Ruth, it was touching to watch her as she silently followed her father about the house, watching an opportunity to slip her hand in his, or cuddle in his lap. They had always been peculiarly knit together, and for them the parting promised to be hard. 60 GATHERED THISTLES. On the da}* following his decision, he was sur- prised while at the barn to hear childish sobs above him. With a swift, silent step he reached the mow: there prone on the hay lay little Ruth. " Father, Oh, father! we will die without you!" he heard her sob. In a moment he had gathered her to his arms and tenderly, as though she had been older, he ex- plained the grave needs of the hour, then added, "And my little girl may help by praying each day and night for my return." After this there were no tears, but the faithful little body followed him like a shadow. The last week slipped bv surely never had a week hurried so. The last morning dawned, clear, bright, beautiful. As Rachel mechanically opened the blinds she noticed as much, and that the earlv frosts were scattering the leaves from the great elm. Already there seemed a pathos in the tossing of the bare limbs. "It is as well," she murmured to herself, " Let them toss and moan if they will as Winter's blasts fall upon them." " 'Tis but a type of life's emptiness." John was to leave before noon, and before the home adieus were said he went mechanically to the barn, ostensibly for a last word with the hired man, but in reality to take leave of the animals that for so long had been a part of his life. Black Nell that had faithfully helped to draw the great wagon westward so long ago was no more, but Princess, her daughter and counterpart, stood contentedly in AN ACCIDENT. 61 her stall, and gave a low whinny of recognition and rubbed her nose against the arm of her master. But time was passing, and voices on the outside were calling. John paused a moment at the stall of " Superb," a great stallion noted alike for his strength and at times for his viciousness. Why does he chafe so? What is that about his hoof? Ah, in his pawing he has loosed a board, and see, a nail has been thrust in the hoof. To see anything wrong, with John Stevenson, was but to try to remedy it, so with a " Stand still, there, Superb," he entered the stall and stooped to adjust . It was well that the man who was to help on the farm opened the barn door just then, for a sharp moan went up, then all was still. A few minutes later Rachel saw them bearing a still burden straight to her door. Five minutes later Black Princess was galloping rapidly to Burton for medical help. Rachel's husband was seriously injured if not killed, and as he lay back upon the pillows it looked the latter. Outside the door were grouped the fright- ened children. Asbury had flown to Burton for the doctor. Louise had grasped little Rose, and not knowing what she did, began humming a nursery ditty. Poor Rachel, utterly stunned, with a heart that seemd suddenly to have become lead, walked first to the bed, then to the door to look anxiously down the highway towards Burton. The jaunty blue soldier's cap lay on the floor where it had dropped from the improvised litter. 62 GATHERED THISTLES. Mechanically she picked it up, and there rushed in upon her a realization of what was to have been, and what was. But it was left for Ruth timid yet practical Ruth to go softly to the bed, rub the cold hands and bathe the brow till a low moan told that he yet lived. The physician gravely shook his head. One cruel stroke of the great hoofs had broken a limb, while another had injured the spine, it could not be told how seriously. For a week the father lay between life and death, and while he so lay, the "Company" that was to have been his marched away. Two days before their departure Rachel went to William Newton and handing him a roll of bills said, "If my husband lives he cannot go. To do so was his heart's desire. Take this money we had saved it for a new house get two "substitutes" in his place; the Country needs them, and the log house will do." Brave, patriotic Rachel ! There were thousands like her. Can we of a younger genera- tion ever appreciate the sacrifices of those terrible days? ***** It was found that John Stevenson would not die. He would live, for a time at best, a semi-invalid. While he is being nursed back to health we must again look in upon the young people, and another visit to the Newton home becomes necessary. It has been seen that the older ones of each fam- LOUISE AND RICHARD. 63 ily were in the Academy. But teachers and pa- rents found it hard to hold the young mind down to study. Outside was the roll of drums, and "news from the front" was the all absorbing topic. In all this as a matter of course, the boys became intensely in- terested. In every village, town and hamlet, "Com- panies" were formed, a captain chosen, and the "common" became a drill ground where youthful patriotism huzzaed itself hoarse. Burton had its Company, and after its marches and countermarches, usually its young Captain would be led to a goods box from which with youthful fervor he would orate upon the day's struggle. This, was Richard Newton, who seemed born for leadership. Hearing the huzza even the busy William Newton would smile, for his "dream " lay in his handsome boyish faced Richard. The late investments of this man of business had surprised even himself by their quick returns, but he found fortune a stern mistress. He must make no reservations if he would serve her. When his soul rebelled at the bonds he would comfort himself saying, " The strain will soon be over. I shall have amassed a great fortune and then ." His wife, always a doting mother, as she perceived Richard and Marie slipping into manhood and womanhood, determined that they should have every advantage that money and social position could procure. The young people of Burton had learned to love the great roomy parlor and spacious dining room 64 GATHERED THISTLES. beyond, for in them, charming evenings had been spent, now in the " harmless " parlor dance, no\v at the low whist tables; both Richard and Marie had become skillful players at the last. When the proper hour would arrive, Margaret, the gracious hostess, and Marie, daintily gowned, would serve the refreshments. The Newton grounds boasted many trellises of the choicest grapes, and under the supervision of the mistress herself, each year casks of home-made wines were stored in the cellar, which were drawn upon for these same refreshments, and usually it was Marie's own hand that poured the rich liquid. Yes, what with music, dancing, cards and wine, the evenings did pass gaily. It is true some parents shook their heads, but then " the Newtons were so eminently respectable.'* Besides, Mrs. Newton was a known society leader and as such was often heard to express her strong disapproval of public dances, only could they be allowed in the parlors of home or friends. When one suggested that "cards" belonged by right to the saloon or brothel, her reply was, "boys had better learn at home, so there would be no tempta- tion to assail them when they were out in the world." "As for wine," here her lip would curl comtemptu- ously, "as if one could not control their appetite! It would be a weak person indeed who could not sip a glass of home-made wine without becoming a drunkard." Yet even now, could she have caught LOUISE AND RICHARD. 6t> the whisper, it was beginning to be said outside the home that the handsome son of this woman who felt so sure of the correctness of her views, was already becoming too fond of his cups. Margaret Newton prided herself upon the fact that she was " progressive." It was a favorite say- ing of hers that "we ought not to try to hold our young people down to the notions of half a century ago, and as for the church'! well, if the church would hold its young people, let // modernize." It was strange that among the molding influences that shaped this family, the contents of the hand- somely carved bookcase did not exert a greater in- fluence. Strange, too, that among all the elegantly bound books there was such an utter absence of any specifically religious. No, not strange, if we recall the elder Richard Allen and his seed-sowing,, and the truth that the harvest is greater than the sowing. But among the young people of Burton there was- one family whose young people had no part in these social evenings at the Newtons. We say "young people of Burton," for though the Stevenson farm lay two miles distant, yet so closely were the inmates associated with the church and school, indeed with all the interests of the town, that for all practical pur- poses they were a part of it. From the anniversary day, when Rachel Steven- son had so clearly expressed her convictions, it had been understood that while at other times the 66 GATHERED THISTLES. Stevenson boys and girls were glad to be at "Aunt Margaret's," on these social evenings they would be absent. With Asbury and Louise, who were but wide-awake, fun loving young people, there was at times not a little dissatisfaction over this decision, but from babyhood they had been taught to obey, so in this they yielded to the judgment of father and mother. But upon Richard, accustomed to have his own way, this decision fell the hardest, for from the days when he and Louise had played at house- keeping beneath the elms she had been his com- rade, his boyish ideal, nor had dawning manhood changed this, and to be thus preemptorily deprived of his. old-time playmate was unendurable. But Mrs. Stevenson remained firm, so while the New- ton's danced in their lovely parlors, making the evenings gay with laughter and song, Louise, As- bury and Ruth took turns in reading aloud to their invalid father, or studied the lessons for the morrow. CHAPTER VII. ACADEMY LIFE AND HOME EVENINGS. 'HESE were months of anxiety and care to the Stevensons. Going back to the day when the father was carried in so nearly dead, the broken limb easily healed, but continued excruci- ating pain revealed the fact that a serious injury to the back had occurred, and it was months before it was known that he would ever again walk. Twice came the sowing, and twice the reaping, before he was able to creep forth, leaning upon his staff, seem- ingly an old man. During these months of his invalidism Rachel suddenly found herself face to face with several problems, which unlike all others which had arisen could not be settled by mutual counsel. One the question of the farm management, another involved in that one was, should Asbury and Louise remain in the Academy? Each was strong and well built. Would it not be wise to have their help at home during this emergency? For the first few weeks after the accident, while the others slept, she, wide 68 GATHERED THISTLES. awake, turned over each side of this question, which she felt must be settled for the future rather than for the present. "No" she finally said, "they must remain in school at all hazards." So the trusty farm hand who was to have staid during her husbands absence at the front, was retained. The younger boys were now sturdy lads, and these with Ruth became more than ever their mother's helpers, remaining at home during the first winter, reserving though, certain hours for study and recitation to either Asbury or Louise. This seemed a necessity, for the invalid required the almost constant care of his wife. Out- side of school hours Asbury and Louise lent willing hands, but they were nearing the final years of the academical course, and their studies required much time; besides, it was her father's earnest wish that Louise should devote as much of her time as possi- ble to music. Her voice, a rich mezzo soprano, had about it an indescribable touch of pathos which s:rangely touched the hearts of all who heard her sing. Richard Newton, it may be said, sang too a deep, musical tenor and sometimes as these well chorded voices rang out together from the plain sitting room a curious fear stnote Rachel's heart and unconsciously she found herself paraphrasing Rebekah's old lament, "What sorrow to my soul, if my daughter take a husband of the sons of Heth." But she brushed it aside. " They are but children and have played together from the cradle." ACADEMY LIFE AND HOME E VENINQS. 69 So with work, with planning and with some anxieties the days of John Stevenson's invalidism went by. " Rachel," said he one day, while he was still in the bed, "has Newton ever said whether or no the note for which I became security has been paid? " "No; but I must go in to Burton this afternoon. I will see him." An hour later she was interview- ing the rich owner of perhaps the most prosperous mills in all western Illinois. Now, while the investment for which Newton had borrowed the money had proven successful, still there had been so many wonderful "openings," the sum had been reinvested again and again. Just now it was out, but next week it would lie in the bank and a stroke of his pen would cancel the note. This much he explained to Rachel. " But I would rather it was paid," said her husband when the message was given him, " go to him again, and tell him I cannot allow my name to remain longer." His long confinement was telling on his nerves, Rachel thought, still this message was taken and William Newton bowed in acquiescence and John felt a relief, as did Rachel, that it was "settled." During the last winter of the convalescence, an event occurred which on account of its bearing up- on the two families must not fail of being chronicled. A great religious awakening occurred. Beginning in the church where our friends worshipped, it spread throughout the city. Its effects were won- 70 GATHERED THISTLES. clerful in the Academy, nearly the entire school be- ing converted. With the Stevensons, each child had in their infancy been presented for baptism, and later on, after careful instructions in church doctrines and usages, had been received into full membership in accordance with the plan of their church. To neither of these children had it occurred that any- thing further was necessary. Yet again and again came the reiterated message from the lips of the earnest preacher, "Ye must be born again," follow- ed by the strange altar scenes, where amid tears, prayers and songs, a face would suddenly brighten and glowing with a strange light, would exclaim, " It is finished! " Louise had never doubted but that she was a child of God, as indeed she was, yet she was the first among her brothers and sisters to feel the need of something which as yet she had not possessed, and in her own impulsive way, without a word to the home folks, she knelt at the altar where she poured out her young soul in prayer. Presently a strange peace stole into her heart. She remained yet a little while upon her knees, then arose with the joy born of the conciousness of Christ Spirit within illuminating her face. Oh, young, impulsive, warm hearted Louise! could you have seen the weary years and heartaches ahead, the heavy trials that await you, the work He has for you, you might perhaps have lingered longer . ACADEMY LIFE AND HOME EVENINGS. 71 to pray that through it all this new found joy and peace might always be yours. It was a matter of comment between the father and mother during these meetings that Asbury took little or no interest in them. For awhile he had been regular in his attendance, but finally contrived to stay away upon one pretext or another. One night, after the family had come home from church and had fallen asleep, Rachel was awakened by a noise in the little bed room where Asbury slept, and a voice calling, " Father, mother, come here! " Each hastened with a fear of sudden illness. What was their surprise to find Asbury up and dressed, and in tear S, and to be met with the exclamation, "I must have this question of Salvation settled now." With tender and tactful inquiries both parents sought to find the difficulty. Born, and baptized,, and brought up in the Church, taking a delight in her worship, well read in her literature, grounded in her doctrines, still there was a hungering in the soul, a burden on the heart. The hortatory style of the preacher had aroused a conviction of personal un- worthiness. For weeks the burden had grown heavier, till now it was unbearable. Fortunately, from earliest childhood religious talks between chil- dren and parents had been common, so there was none of that shrinking timidity which at such times frequently drives the seeker to some other than the family. Grasping the situation at once, the father got his Bible, and both he and the mother began to- 72 GATHERED THISTLES. point out the Scriptures, making plain the wondrous plan of salvation, showing that there must always be an individual surrender, a giving up of self, an acceptance of Christ as a personal Savior. Suddenly there came an illumination of the mind. The wondrous simplicity of it all dawned upon the struggling youth, and while his mother's voice was going up to the throne, he exclaimed, " I see it all ! " "The great transaction done, I am the Lord's, and he is mine.'' And now it was John and Rachel Stevenson's turn to be surprised. Could this be their quiet and reticent boy, who with beaming face was shouting aloud, praising God till the brown old rafters fairly shook with the echo? Old-fashioned? Yes, perhaps; but it was that blessed old-fashion that throughout the ages has made the church strong and stalwart, that has im- planted and nourished such clear convictions of right and wrong, that at a word armies have sprung into existence to do battle for the right. The old- fashion that has sent pioneer preachers and teachers to the western desert till it has blossomed as the rose, has sent out missionaries till from heathen lands news is wafted of a nation being born in a day. And quite as necessary as any of these seemingly greater results, has planted in every church, no matter how humble, those who uncomplainingly ACADEMY LIFE AND HOME EVENINGS. T.\ become the burden-bearers, and in their daily lives are l.ving witnesses of their Master's power to save. During the remaining weeks of the meeting none were so earnest and none more successful than Asbury Stevenson. Nor were the Newtons left unmoved. Indeed it could not have been otherwise with the religious feeling so intense. Asbury's conversion was hardly less a source of joy to the Stevensons than was that of Richard Newton. Indeed, Rachel seemed to rejoice even more than his mother, who said care- lessly, "Of course I knew the children would identify themselves with the church. Religion is right and proper, but should not be carried to ex- tremes." It is one of the strange things which we meet with in life, that a mother frequently allows herself to become absolutely blinded as to her children's morals and habits. Now that Richard was nearing manhood his mother did not seem to notice that for her son the old home evenings had lost their charm and more and more, upon one pretext and another, he was coming to spend these away from home. He usually made a feint of going to his father's office, but there there was but little to interest him, for he knew really nothing of the business. Besides his father in these last few months was growing really nervous and irascible, and to wear a haggard and worn look, and seemed ready to find fault, with little or no provocation, with his pleasure-loving son. 6 74 GATHERED THISTLES. Yet if the office atmosphere was not pleasant,, there was no need to seek far for hearty goodfellow- ship. Burton had changed rapidly since the old clays of log houses and stumpy streets. It had al- ready begun to ape metropolitan airs in many ways,, and alas! to reproduce city vices with startling ex- actness. So in brilliantly lighted rooms where the clink of glasses 'was often heard, together with coarse laugh and jest, and steady click of the billiard balls, Richard occasionally dropped in for an "even- ing." More than once Marie, whose room adjoined his, with a pale, startled face had seen him come home, staggering, maudlin. Did she tell his mother? No, for one of the gifts of the years to Mrs. Newton had been a set of " nerves " that absolutely forbade her being bothered with anything disagreeable, so Marie kept her grewsome secret. Did Mrs. New- ton know nothing of the state of affairs? No one could tell. Perhaps pride kept her silent, but more likely faith in the Devil's choicest saying, " Let him alone; he must sow his wild oats." Yet if his mother kept sealed lips, Dame Rumor did not, and it became current among his acquaint- ances that " Young Newton was going to the bad." Bits of this rumor could not fail to reach the Stev- enson home. Here Louise, with the old imperious stamp of her foot, declared it all false, every word of it. So Rachel carried a double burden real sorrow over the misdeeds of one who had grown up as one of her own flock, and misgivings about ACADEMY LIFE AND HOME EVENINGS. 75 the future of that one of hers who so ably de- fended the sinner. Therefore it was with extreme satisfaction the Stevensons heard of Richard's con- version. They had yet to learn, as do we all, that while grace does much for a soul, it cannot take the place of careful training, and that the modern Christian sower finds, as did the one in Galilee, that not a little of the results of his work withers away in the burning heat of every day temptation. CHAPTER VIII. ASBURY S DECISION. fIGHTEEN hundred and sixty-five! What memories are evoked in the hearts of many by the bare mention of this date! During all these months and years since John Stevenson's Company had marched away without him, the great bloodv conflict had been waging. The Nation had lived at fever heat, the ordinary affairs of life were forgotten in the excitement of "news from the front." Slowly, though, within the last few months the war cloud had been lifting. Rumors of peace were afloat, finally came the news of Lee's surren- der, and soon the steady tramp of thousands of re- turning brave men shook the streets of cities and aroused country hamlets. How the lusty cheers went up from some of these last, as little groups of bronzed veterans came marching down the streets. Usually the fleet telegraph had announced their coming and then they were welcomed by the citizens with the wildest enthusiasm. Alas! that in the midst of this joy there should have ASBURY'S DECISION. 77 been so many black robed figures, who wept be- cause not all who had as bravely marched away, came back. At such times Rachel Stevenson's heart ached for her husband, for the pallor of his face and the tightening of the lips told how great the trial of invalidism instead of active service had been. Patriotic as we have seen the Stevensons to have been, and therefore interested in the close of the war, still the year was to be fraught with events of direst moment to the family. In June Asbury was to be graduated from the Academy. It had' been hard during the closing years to hold him down to study. Once when a specially urgent "call" for troops had come, he had in- sisted upon going. To this his mother emphatically said no. " You are too young for efficient service" she would say; adding "There are just as truly battle fields ahead. God would have you prepare yourself that he may use you where He will." As the event of his graduation drew near, both he and his parents, each in their way were consid- ering his immediate future. It soon became evident to the "home folks" that Asbury was carrying a burden. Like many an- other mother Mrs. Stevenson had found that there is an age when it is not wise to follow a boy, or question him too closely; besides this son of hers had inherited from his father a trait which made him more difficult of access concerning that which he felt most, he said least. So daily she prayed for 78 GATHERED THISTLES. him, but felt he would be stronger if some questions were settled without word of hers. One thing she rejoiced in was that already, as the result of the " college fund," dating back to the gift of the cows when he and Louise were each ten years old, there was now on deposit a sum sufficient to insure each two or three years at a University. With that much secured, somehow the rest would come. So, if he chose, a higher education both her own and her husband's ambition for their children awaited him. But to return to Asbury. One day about a month before his graduation he surprised his mother by coming home during school hours. "Why, what is the matter; are you sick?" queried his mother. " No," and he passed into his room. That evening at family prayer, he said, " While we are all together I may as well tell you I have settled it." "Settled what?" came in chorus from his brothers and sisters. But his mother, who with an anxiety all unknown to her child, had watched the struggle from the beginning, arose and walked across the room, and putting her arms about him said, " That you are to preach the Gospel, is it not?" For answer there was a tightening of the hand clasp, tears fell from his eyes and his head bowed assent. Yes since the memorable night of his conversion he had carried about with him the constantly increasing burden. "Woe is me if I preach not the gospel." Now he had rolled it off in unquestioning obedience. ASBURYS DECISION. 79 How quickly affairs adjust themselves to suit new conditions! Within a week after Asbury's an- nouncement, it had been decided that after a sum- mer spent in helping on the farm he should enroll as a student at a University in another state. This University, in addition to its excellent theo- logical course, had a comprehensive course, open alike to girls as well as boys, and after much con- sultation it was further decided that Louise should forego her last year in the Academy and accom- pany him, but none could tell whether or not Louise was happy over the arrangement. This being an interwoven history, we must now return to Richard Newton. For a while after his conversion, already three years in the past, his life had been exemplary, but who can estimate the force of habit, or thwart the power of molding influences in childhood? Although in a sense he had been brought up in the church, and had now voluntarily united with it, still he was almost entirely without reverence for it. He had heard criticisms concerning it, its require- ments scoffed at, disregarded. Besides he, and his sisters not less, while boastful of intelligence on other matters and proud of the cultured surround- ings of their home, were really ignorant in regard to it. Its glorious past with its splendid line of achievements was utterly unknown. As for its current history, indeed this family knew less than of the most trivial political affairs in Europe. How 80 GATHERED THISTLES. could it be otherwise when the books upon the library shelves were of art, science, poetry and fiction, but not religion. The magazines that monthly loaded their center table were rich in serials portraying society well, with its loves and hates. They often contained beautiful gems of thought, instructive articles, but of the church they were silent except as some question was discussed philosophically. Mrs. Newton was an enthusiast over flowers: her windows glowed with green and crimson, even on the chilliest day. How carefully she read her horticultural magazine that gave her needed infor- mation. Mr. Newton could not have lived, so he thought, without his favorite political paper, but in all their family life a paper devoted to the church, giving its current events and general progress, dis- cussing its questions of interest, had not been con- sidered a necessity. So with the father engrossed in other matters, the mother with prejudiced notions concerning culture and society, it was not strange that these young people in their efforts to become Christians should find great difficulties. Knowing nothing of anything more, the church at Burton was to them The Church. If Deacon B. deviated from the correct path; if his wife were shrewish, or took an undue interest in her neigh- bor's affairs, this became an argument against the church. If the little company was more zealous than cultured, these aesthetic young people smiled in a ASBURY'S DECISION. 81 patronizing way and gave "the church " a discredit mark. The well read young people of the farm well knew that back of all these was a long line of illustrious scholars, poets, statesmen and orators who had been proud to give their allegiance to this same church. Then there were the habits of these young people. Their feet were nimble in the dance, their hands skillful with cards, they loved the taste of their mother's rich home wines, and had been trained to think all this right. It was little wonder that ere- long Marie and Therese, though retaining a nom- inal membership, relapsed largely into the old life. What of Richard? handsome Richard. His was really a noble nature, and his heart full of lofty- ideals; his ready wit and genial ways made him a popular comrade. We have seen him as a boyish orator, firing the hearts of an improvised military company. His chosen literature were the great speeches of Webster, and of Patrick Henry. One of the great events of his early boyhood had been a debate which had been held in his native town between Illinois' two great sons, Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. His father had smiled at his boyish enthusiasm, for he had followed the speakers' every movement, had edged his way among the great crowd quite up to where Lincoln stood, (it \vas on the stump of a great tree in a neighbor's yard), and no gray head drank in the 82 GATHERED THISTLES. keen cut, irresistible logic more eagerly than he. "Ah, well," thought the proud father, "who knows but he too may win honor and fame some day?" Yes; he made a noble effort to rid himself of the habits he had formed. The last two years of his academic life were given to hard study. Such was his brilliancy that he soon seemed to have made up for lost time, and his teachers said "what a reforma- tion!" They did not know, nor did even keen-eyed Rachel suspect the secret that, stronger even than his love to God, was the growing, deepening love between himself and Louise, and that by this slender, silken cord this young girl was drawing him away from the evil into a sincere desire for the good. Iclclclclcjcltlclc^^^^ < CHAPTER IX. A LOVE AFFAIR AND A MOTHER'S VIEW OF IT. the old brick walls of Burton Academy loomed up that June evening in the dusky shadow of the moon. The trees in the cam- pus were laden with their heaviest foliage, and the drooping branches cast shadowy outlines upon the winding walks over which little groups of students, mostly in twos, sauntered in the moonlight. It was commencement week, and the evening of the col- lege social. The walk led up quite near to the building, where it divided, leading up to the two entrances, leaving a triangular bit of ground, filled with the choicest flowers. Just now the air was heavy with the rich wealth and fragrance of masses of June roses. Among the shadows on the great stone steps, sat a young girl and her companion. In her lap lay a cluster of roses she had gathered in passing, the petals of which she aimlessly scattered as the low, earnest tones of her companion fell in sweet cadence upon her ears. It is the old, yet ever new sweet story, which 84 GATHERED THISTLES. shall never lose its freshness till the last son and daughter of Adam has quitted this earth. "Listen, Louise " Ah, it is Richard, eloquent, love stirred Richard, who is speaking. "You must hear me, for this may be our last opportunity together, for I am sure your going to college is but a plan to separate us. I know too well I am not a favorite in your home. How can I be, when our family notions of life are so differ- ent?" And then with all the hot, impassioned fer- vor of youth he pleaded his love, and for the sweet promise that should indissolubly link their lives to- gether. Little need, Richard, had you but known it, for all this eloquence. The treasure you seek is yours. The link you ask for has been forging through the long happy hours of childhood. The opening years of young manhood and young womanhood have strengthened it. Indeed, who shall say that in the great councils of your creation and hers it was not said, " What God hath joined together let not man put asunder." As his words died away a litile hand crept shyly into his. The June breezes murmured softly around the stern old walls. The flowers but a step awav lightly touched their heads together as if in knowl- edge of the sweet secret, but the young pair were silent, for vain are words to voice the tumult of a soul. They could linger but a little while, for during A LOVE AFFAIR. 85 the evening Louise was to sing. Poor Louise! How could she face the audience? Surely her precious secret must be read by everyone, and it was in a strange, bewildering maze of happiness with which presently she joined with Richard in the long promenade of the hall. And Richard, happy, audacious Richard; more than once he looked down into the bright face at his side, and boldly whispered " My Darling !" Once on this promenade they passed Rachel, who sat chatting with some friends. Something in the air of the couple suddenly arrested her attention and sent a momentary pang to her heart. "They are but children," she said to herself. " Louise will forget all this in the coming year at school." Pres- ently the rich voice of her daughter rang out in song. The selection was a light, joyous one, and surely never did lark or linnet on swaying bough warble so joyously, nor did ever an upturned feathered throat anywhere so surely sing of joy and peace. Rachel listened in wonder as did the audience, but no voice whispered to her soul of the new ex- perience of her daughter. How strange that often we are so slow to read the hearts of our own. This mother had watched this young girl grow from her own arms, first into the toddling, willful, vivacious child; afterwards into the loving lightener of her own cares, and later into the peculiar sun- shine of their home. She had grieved at times over the imperious will 86 GATHERED THISTLES. and had rejoiced when she had deemed it laid low at the Cross. Yes, she knew her so well, even- trend of her mind, yet had one hinted to her that this child might carry a woman's heart in her breasb she would have resented the idea. Slill more would she have been appalled could she have guessed that this same heart had awakened and responded to that strong, strange emotion whose coming is but nature's signal that the gates of child- hood are forever closed. As for Richard, "boyish Richard!" she had said to herself more than once lately as his fondness for Louise's company became more marked. Had it not been his delight all his life to rummage her cupboards in search of cookies and toothsome sweets; had not he and Louise led in mad pranks all over the old farm? No; it was but the veriest nonsense to think of him as her daughter's lover. Yet following uncomfortably close upon this conclu- sion came the remembrance of the lover-like looks which had startled her, and against her will she found herself, surrounded though she was by music, flowers and a gay crowd, calming her newly aroused fears with arguments why Richard Newton should not be her daughter's lover. Not only the half hushed whispers of his own personal shortcomings swept in upon her, but the worldly, irreligious life of the family. It had been to her a source of real regret that the old sweet ties of friendship had been gradually yet so surely loos- A LOVE AFFAIR. 81 ened, that now each family had come to be well content to "gang their ain gait;" that which one family held most dear and sacred, the other consid- ered not at all worth the while of people of culture. Indeed, it had often seemed of late that Mrs. New- ton took special pains to flaunt or parade her own easy notions of home life in contradistinction to the sterner code of the farm. " There can be but one end for all this," Rachel had more than once said to herself, "and that is complete shipwreck of the Christian faith and the complete engulfment in the vortex of a purely worldly life." " No, it must not be!" and her lips closed; and they who knew her best would have known an appeal from that decision would have been useless. During the homeward drive John Stevenson and his wife talked of the music of Louise's song, of the heavy growing crops on either side of the highway, but never once did Rachel think it worth while to- mention her newborn fears. Besides, if there was any growing feeling between the two, happily she had decided how it could be best managed. That very evening she would await Louise's coming, would calmly, lovingly point out the possible dan- gers and insist upon a halt in the boy and girl friendship. "How glad I am I thought of the danger in time," was her satisfied comment to her- self, as with book in hand she sat down alone to= await Louise's coming. 88 GATHERED THISTLES. Meanwhile the two lovers were loitering on the homeward drive. We shall not obtrude let the soft sheen of that same old moon which has lent its witchery to so many such scenes, and the wafted perfume of June roses and leafy verdure be the only setting to this old yet ever new story which ardent youth pours into willing ears. Lofty plans are made for the future, for hides there in all the world an obstacle which does not vanish on the approach of that old magician Love? So says all the fairy lore of the past, so believes the vouthful pair who so slowly ride on. It is well that the illusion is so complete, for in the coming years one weary heart at least will pause in its tireless work for others' weal and in remembrance whisper, "surely Heaven can be no sweeter." But there is a patient watcher whose strained ear just now catches the rumble of wheels, then the sound of a low good night at the door, and Louise has entered the room. As her feet crossed the doorway, involuntarily the watcher's lips quivered slightly, then tightened. She was firm. "Why mother, are you still up?" the musical voice called out. How beautiful she was that moment! even her mother, burdened though her heart was just now with a perhaps unpleasant duty to perform, could not but let her eyes dwell on the dainty picture. The soft folds of her simple evening dress fell about A LOVE AFFAIR. 89 her. In stature she was undersized, but her form was perfect and had a willowy suppleness that lent a peculiar charm. But it was in the mobile earnest- ness of the face which portrayed every passing emotion, and in the liquid softness of the eyes wherein lay the greatest charm. As she stood looking down at her mother she caught her wistful, tender look which unawares had stolen into the upturned, questioning face. Ah ! how many times she had been cuddled in those faithful arms, how many times that work-seamed hand had smoothed away her troubles! Why should she not now tell of her new happiness? Dropping suddenly upon her knees in her old im- pulsive, childish fashion, she laid the soft white hand in that of her mother's, exclaiming brokenly, " Oh ? mother! Richard! I am so happy!" and the brown head nestled in her mother's lap. Had a thunderbolt fallen at her feet, Rachel could not have been more surprised. A half hour ago she had sat waiting to kindly, yet firmly point out a future possible undesirable result, and now that dreaded result was a fact. What should she say? Should she call up her motherly prerogative of reproof and forbid the affair entirely? Ah, she knew the strong, unyielding will too well for that. Swifter than did ever a modern telegraph ring out an alarm, the cry for help went straight to the Throne, and with the cry was borne in the message, take time." Yes, she must have 7 90 GATHERED THISTLES. time. Time to think it all over, to use all the tact- ful resources of her nature. For answer she kissed the sweet young face, saying, "Another time we will talk it over; just now I cannot take in your evident meaning. Surely 'tis but a boy and girl fancy." "Mother!" The young girl catching the unfriendly tone, had arisen. In that one word Rachel, in weariness of heart, recognized that the child was forever gone, and a woman with whom she must battle was in her stead. " You must sleep now," she said, "another time we will talk it over," and putting her arms gently about her, led her to the little plain room she shared with Ruth. It was long before either slept. With Louise her mind dwelt first on her newfound happiness, and again on her mother's strang reception of it. " She thinks us children! Oh, mother!" and the very tone of the thought implied a constancy that boded ill for Rachel's plans. And Rachel; for hours she tossed upon the bed, and feverishly asked herself the question, " How can this foolish boy and girl affair be stopped?" for that it must be stopped was as clear to her as noon- day. But how? And until the early morning hour she still asked herself, "how?" The next day bade fair to be an uneventful one. The mother still felt herself unequal to the task of A LOVE AFFAIR. 91 discussing the matter. She had not even yet told her husband. Louise, in the shyness of young girl- hood, avoided all mention of it. The shadows of the afternoon had already begun to slant when Rose still the baby pet who liked nothing better than a romp with Richard came in and triumph- antly announced that " Richard had come, and was talking to father." The hot crimson blood surged up to the very roots of Louise's hair, for on the evening before Richard had told her that before another day closed he meant to stand before her family as her accepted lover. " It will be so much better," he had said, " to have the matter clearly understood." The plans for the future of the young pair were yet misty. Richard had already in a desultory manner begun the study of law, his chosen profession, but lately he had thought much of a position with his father in the mill, and a cozy home for his young bride. But even if the future was not settled, in his frank way he was determined his new relation- ship to Louise should be known. Hearing he had come, Louise sought refuge in her own little room, and Rachel nerved herself for she felt that a crisis was at hand. The door opened, admitting her husband and Richard. On the first face was written perplexed surprise, with not a little alarm. On the other, oh, what a metamorphosis! Strong, manly resolution had succeeded the boyish 92 GATHERED THISTLES. smile. It dawned on Rachel that the " fancy " had taken deep root. "Mother," her husband always spoke thus when a matter of importance was being discussed, "Can you guess what Richard has asked of us?" Rachel cast a swift, searching, almost pitying glance upon the eager bright face. There was no fear of her in Richard's heart. All his life she had been to him a kind of second mother. He had gone to her with a want as readily as to his own. True, he had said to Louise that on account of different family views of life he was not a favorite, yet love had made him bold. Surely there could be no real opposition from her who had known him all his life. So in an instant he had gone to her side. ' You know I have always loved Louise. I thought it only right to tell you that we have pledged our mutual love, and we shall be happy with your blessing and good will." An oppressive silence followed, broken at length by Rachel, whose voice sounded strange and husky. You know, Richard, that we would willingly make any sacrifice for Louise's good, but I am sur- prised that you should seriously ask this; you must know that you are each far too young." Richard made a gesture of impatience. " Your education is incomplete; so is hers; you have made no plans for the future; it would be a positive unkindness to you A LOVE AFFAIR. 93 both for us to consent to what you ask. In a few years you will each laugh at this passing folly." A flood of anger rose to the young man's face at these words. Just then he caught the flutter of a dress in the room beyond. In a moment he was by Louise's side. "Come, my darling, we must settle this to- gether," and impetuously he led her into the room where sat her parents. What was it that caused her to seek her father's side? Mayhap in that swift instant she read a growing heart tenderness. Cer- tain it is, from her mother she expected no pity. "Passing fancy!" It was Richard who spoke. " I tell you I verily believe this love was born in me. I could give up life easier than I could give up this. As for further education, Louise's love will be an inspiration. As for life's plans, we will be willing to wait, if we must, but such men as have had a loving heart by their side are those who have made the greatest success of life." How well he pleaded his cause, Rachel could but think. "Can /ever be happy? Can my daughter ever be happy, if she takes a husband from a careless worldly family? Aye, if reports be true, a husband who has already learned to love sin; the first flush of love's young dream over, would he not grow weary of her sterner morals? Ah, might not these morals tone themselves down to the lower plane?" 94 GATHERED THISTLES. No, this alliance must never be. She must speak plainly. " Richard, your notions of life are different from ours, as are your ideals. What to us is the most sacred, to you is a subject for jest. When Louise is older she will see this for herself. Until then I must think for her." This young man in all his life had known but lit- tle opposition, and now to have this supreme wish disregarded was unbearable; besides Rachel's last words had touched him as the others had not. "And for such a cause you would part us! And yet I am to admire such religion!" " Louise," and he turned to the young girl, "have you not a word to say?" For answer, without looking at her mother, Louise arose and walked to her lover's side and calmly put her hand in his, turning such a look' of unutterable love upon him that a wave of happi- ness swallowed up his anger. Rachel bowed her head while a very storm swept over her. Was this the reward of motherhood . J Was it for this she had known no other law than that of uncomplaining self denial? And she knew that in this clash of wills she was right. Thus far the father had said nothing, though keenly alive to every phase of the disputed question. Turning to his daughter he asked, " How old are you Louise?" "Eighteen, my last birthday." " Mother," said he, " time has been cheating you; A LOVE AFFAIR. 95 Louise is no longer a child. Just so old were you when you left your father's roof to share this hum- ble home with me." His wife could scarcely believe what she heard. Certainly he did not approve what to her seemed unendurable. Louise quickly appealed, "Father, we are willing to wait if you think best, but help us to settle this that there be no estrangement." " It seems to me, mother," added he gently, "this need not be settled definitely now. The young people have said they were willing to wait. Let Louise go with Asbury as we have planned. Let Richard prepare himself for life, and then and then, mother, after all, this is something each heart must settle for itself." These words seemed so reasonable that even Rachel, as well as Louise and Richard, felt it was best to acquiesce. It was hard for matters to drop back into the old groove, indeed Rachel feared more than once the old sweet intercourse between herself and Louise was forever gone. Richard, with lover-like boldness, did not make his visits to the farm fewer, but in- sisted on coming and going with his old freedom. Meanwhile there was a growing good comradeship between Louise and her father. But to be fully employed has been a cure for many a heartache. So the busy days at the farm- house served to tide over what might have been an embarrassing time. Asbury was doubly busy, for 96 GATHERED THISTLES. his father depended largely upon him and the younger boys for harvesting the crops. Besides he was studying that he might enter an advanced class at college. Louise, too, had her full share of work, so the Summer went by. Richard had had yet another experience after his first interview with Louise's parents, the details of which he could not unbosom even to Louise, but which had given him much food for private reflec- tion. Straight from the farm he had gone to his father's office. He had gone with a vague expecta- tion of asking for a partnership in the business, or for a position with a salary. Entering the office to which he had grown more and more a stranger, he caught sight of his father at a desk. How weary and care-worn he looked! How hot and stifling the air! Some how, after a sight of the bowed figure, it was not so easy to begin. Yet after a few common- place remarks he began his story. Rachel Steven- son's surprise did not exceed William Newton's. But yesterday he might have answered him gruffly, but to-day, with that handsome, glowing face be- fore him, how could he? But a partnership? No r alas! A position with a salary? No. Father and son talked long and earnestly over the ledgers, and at the close of the conversation the father went back to his accounts with a sigh. The son passed into the sunshine with a preoccupied air. When he next saw Louise he told her he believed his fathers advice best, and that he would enter a school of law that coming Autumn. CHAPTER X. COLLEGE A STUDY OF HOMES. fAZILY the first hint of September breezes played in and out of the open door of the ^ farmhouse. Within there was far more hurry and bustle than was common to this well ordered home. Rapidly the mother moved about, placing now and then a forgotten package in one or the other of two trunks which stood almost ready for the final straps. Out- side by the gate, champing their bits impatiently, stood Princess and Nell with the familiar light wagon which was to bear Asbury and Louise to the train which in turn was to whirl them to that world of new experiences, the University. As their father drove up, an involuntary pain clutched at their mother's heart. How often this selfsame team had driven up in their childhood to carry them to church, to school, and now they were going. Was it forever? The morning prayer had been full of pathos at the parting, and rich in pleading for Divine care. Yet this mother could not see them go without a per- 98 GATHERED THISTLES. sonal prayer for each. So alone in the little cham- ber she knelt, first with Asbury and then with Louise. With trembling voice she prayed first that life and health might be spared, and that each should make the most of the opportunity that was to be theirs to fit themselves for wherever duty might call. Then followed a hurried parting, and soon the footsteps died down the gravel walk, and the two had gone out from the home. How strangely silent the house seemed to Rachel, who was left alone. While their going was the frui- tion of her hopes, still it was borne in upon her as she listlessly went about setting things to rights, that her children, as children, were gone forever. If their lives were spared they would return only to go out again, finally to take their places among life's toilers. She recalled their childhood, their peculiar dispo- sitions and their probable future. How her heart thrilled as Asbury's exemplary life arose. How clear his brain; how studious his habits; how un- flinchingly he had walked in the path of duty. And Louise; she had been a good daughter. Throughout her whole life her willing hands and feet had lightened her own cares, while her cheery, bright ways and sweet voice had made much of the home music. As for Richard, with her husband she had come to think that had best be left to time, and that surely time would settle it aright. He had left COLLEGE A STUDY OF HOMES. 99 the week before for a college farther east, and she trusted that new faces and new associations would break the tie. A few hours and the family had returned, and the routine of work and study was resumed. Ruth and Edward wtre each in the Academy, while John, a sturdy lad of thirteen, with little Rose attended the school nearer home. So the house much of the time was strangely quiet, and very unlike the old patter and bustle of busy feet. On the farm matters were assuming a more cheerful financial outlook. The rich pastures were flecked with cattle. The dark prairie soil harvested good crops. Long ago good barns had been built, which now in the Autumn fruitage, were rilled to overflowing. One of the maxims of this family had been the scriptural injunction, "Owe no man anything." So now, as the father had gotten much stronger and the younger boys were old enough to relieve him not a little, the Stevensons rightfully looked forward to a greater leisure, for the farm, while not a means of rapid wealth, is surer than most others. Since the abandonment of the new house at the opening of the war, the subject had not again been broached, only as something in the indefinite future. But now it was planned that when Asbury and Louise should come home for the summer vacation they would be welcomed to the new home, nothing 100 GATHERED THISTLES. elegant or pretentious, but added room which would make household cares less burdensome. So much time has of late been given to the farm- house that it is high time that we were turning to the more pretentious home of the Newtons. We have already seen the old friendship wavering un- der the strain of growing uncongenial tastes, in ad- dition but perhaps they fancied it both John and Rachel thought since the refusal to remain longer on the note as security Mr. Newton had been strangely reserved even to the point of avoidance. Moreover, Rachel's known hostility to the affair between Richard and Louise touched Margaret as perhaps nothing else had, for in Richard's love for this sweet, blithe girl her mother heart perceived his strongest safeguard, and her selfishness could see nothing amiss in the sacrifice of innocent young girlhood upon the altar of a hoped-for reformation. Yet, if a growing fear lurked about her heart, the years saw no change in her home life. Home wines were still found in the cellar. She refused to see danger lurking in the amber- colored, quivering jelly which bore the pungent flavor of choice old Burgundy, nor in the brandit-d peaches upon her cellar shelves. Nor did she think it worth while, now that there were young Christians in the family to attempt new reading habits. Another might have argued that these should be supplied with a literature which in itself would foster and develop the new COLLEGE A STUDY OF HOMES. 101 experience and bind them irrevocably to the new life; not she. She had lived a life of moral recti- tude, why not her children? She did not ask more than a moral life for them, so she knew no regret when Marie and Therese lapsed into the old worldly life, nor but little uneasiness when Richard at long intervals came down to the morning meal with aching head and dull eyes. Had not even .some great men been a little wild in their youth? She received with extreme satisfaction his ready acquiescence in his father's wishes for a college and law course. She was sure he would come home crowned with honor. Marie had yet another year in the Academy. She had always been a beautiful child, and was growing into a lovely young womanhood. Her heart and impulses were good. In an humbler or Christian home she might have developed into a strong womanhood; as it was, she became a type of thousands who sacrifice everything to the de- mands of dress and society. She could "play" a little on the pianoforte, but of music as an art, a life study, she had not dreamed. Had she known the first elements of hard work and patience, she might, in time, have done something as an artist; as it was she was content to paint what her young friends styled "perfectly lovely pictures," and then smiled. Like her type, she would probably marry early. Indeed in the home circle her "engagement" to Charlie Hudson, "a good fellow," and what was 102 GATHERED THISTLES. better the son of Banker Hudson, was already ac- knowledged, but the marriage was not to occur for a year. Once married she would become, in all likelihood, a conventional society woman not unlike her mother. Therese was something of the same pattern, yet there was a certain dash about her that gave one a sense of uneasiness akin to that which a restless team imparts, not knowing exactly what turn it may take. She was a winsome girl, about the same age as Ruth Stevenson, and between these two a warm friendship existed. From earliest childhood she had been inordinately fond of reading. She it was who eagerly cut the magazine pages to devour its monthly dish of "serials." She had a keen literary perception, and had she had a faithful guide into the sweets of poetry or the wealth of history, or had she been directed even to the better class of fiction, how much of sorrow would have been averted. As it was she was left largely to follow her own inclinations. To do her mother justice, when she perceived this growing and absorbing taste, she did try to check it. As well try to dam a stream and leave the fountain untouched. So Therese grew to live more and more in the realms of fancy, often imagining herself the heroine of whose woes she was reading. No wonder she found the church irksome, the home dull, and the plodding studies of school life unendurable. Standing in life "Where the Brook and River COLLEGE A STUDY OF HOMES. 103 Meet," unconsciously to herself she was beginning to long for an exciting experience akin to that of the heroines whose exploits she found so thrilling. Before we leave the Newton's to look after the students whom we left rapidly whirling college- ward, we must look in upon Mr. Newton himself. To do this, it will be necessary to seek the office,, for he is scarcely at home, except to hurried meals, and at late hours for slumber. Though scarcely fifty years of age, his hair is rapidly whitening, the old-time sprightliness of step is gone, yet the eyes maintain the old alertness with the addition of certainly a trace of feverish anxiety. Since the days of his first speculation in Burton real estate he had lived a restless life. Through the troublous days of the war he had so success- fully managed his large interests that his fortune had doubled and trebled. He had always been a loving husband and indul- gent father. Nothing that money could devise to- make the home happier was lacking, hence there never was a thought but that the family purse was- unlimited. Within the last year Mrs. Newton noticed with anxiety that he was becoming more and more ab- sorbed in his business, and taking on a haggard and preoccupied air. She had never been lacking in wifely devotion, and it was with forebodings she began to expect a breaking down of his health,. 104 GATHERED THISTLES. and to urge him to take time for recuperation, but instead he seemed to apply himself even more closely. Mrs. Newton and her daughters were still punc- tilious in their attendance upon the morning services at the church, but it had come to pass that Mr. Newton scarcely ever accompanied them. Indeed he found no day so free from interruptions, conse- quently none so well adapted for work on his ledger. So Sabbath after Sabbath this overworked man of multiplied cares sought to untangle the chaotic threads of the past week's work. But were they chaotic? Not once did Mrs. Newton suspect this, but such ugly rumors were rapidly gaining credence. As a drowning man rapidly divests himself of any burden which hin- ders his life struggle, so it was apparent that Wil- liam Newton was drawing his business affairs into a narrower circle. Still the ponderous wheels of the great mill swung around with lightning rapidity. The fur- nace tires glowed brightly, and the huge chimneys were black with the cloud which overhung them night and day. There was certainly no signs of decay about that busy hive, and if aught of the rumors were true, it was compelled to remain a rumor, for the lips of the proprietor were closely sealed, and his bearing as self-cofident as ever. CHAPTER XL DEVELOPED CHARACTERS. fT WAS with mingled feelings that Asbury and Louise found themselves at the last mo- ment hurried from the quiet of the home, up- on the journey which was to open to them the cov- eted new life. Keen regrtt was felt as the reflection obtruded itself upon even their young minds, as it had upon their mother's, that the old home life was forever gone. But just ahead lay that wonderful future called " Life," whose successes and failures so surely awaited them, and before which intervened a few coveted years of college life. And as each recalled the self denial of the family life, the hard-working father and mother, it seemed marvelous that the dream of years was being realized. So it might be forgiven them if with the natural regret was min- gled not a little proud exhileration and joyous ex- pectancy for the life ahead. This was particuliarly true of Asbury. All his life he had been naturally studious. The quiet 8 106 GATHERED THISTLES. home evenings had been rich in their implanting in- his mind of broad plans for the future, for during these had been developed an intimate acquaintance with men and women whose lives had shaped church and state, and as the acquaintance grew, his young heart had beaten in unison with their struggles and triumphs, and unconsciously had grown up the desire to also live for a purpose, making some little corner of the world better for his having lived in it. Then had come his conver- sion. Again, the still, solemn promptings of the Spirit, which knew no rest till he had given his life to the service of his King. And now he was about realizing his desires. Little wonder that the past rapidly melted into the glorious future. Louise, though in a different way, shared his en- thusiasm. The parting between herself and Rich- ard had been full of mutual hopes and pledges for the future, and though years should intervene be- fore the fruition of their hopes, still they were young and strong in each other's love, so the part- ing was without bitterness. And though she began her collegiate course with a tumult of heart of which staid Asbury knew nothing, yet it was with real girlish enthusiasm that she too found herself journeying collegeward. The journey occupied a day and a night, and after a few hours the dainty lunch was gotten out. How welcome the flaky bread, how delicious the home butter, and what motherly remembrances DEVELOPED CHARACTERS. 107 had been exercised in preparing some specially liked delicacy. About dusk the following day the travelers found themselves at the end of their journey. They experienced a momentary shade of disap- pointment as they stepped into the fitful, weird light of the platform. How small the town; but each remembered it was the University they had come to seek, and the great noisy crowds of young men and women proclaimed it a University town. Trunks came tumbling off by the dozen ; old friends, jolly comrades of the past, called out to each other in noisy and exuberant greeting. Yet if the many were thus at home in their surroundings, not a few stood hesitatingly, not knowing just which way to turn. Among these last were Asbury and Louise, but not long. They soon found temporary lodging for the night, and the next day found them settled. Asbury to room near the college, and Louise in a home farther away. Acquaintances were rapidly made, the college course was studied, each was classified and student life began. It was indeed a delightful experience to awaken in the morning, absolutely free from care. No waiting, insisting breakfast to be gotten, no hurry- ing that the burdensome dishwashing might be gotten rid of before school, no lowing stock to be fed and watered, no horses to be curried; in short, perfect freedom from the old exacting cares, with time to study, time for exercise, with the environ' 108 GATHERED THISTLES. ments constantly tending to bring out the best there was in one. Here was an entire community of young people, all, with hardly an exception, earnestly at work. At home, in the Academy, both Asbury and Louise had been known as the "best students," but here they soon found that if the old order of su- premacy was to be maintained, hard study was before each. Perhaps in no place in which one finds himself, is the aristocracy of intellect so apparent as in a college. Wealth, social position, even the cut and material of one's clothes, matters but little, but the essential question is, "are they good students?" It took but little time for our young friends to demon- strate this question to the satisfaction alike of fac- ulty and students, and they were soon received into the inner sanctum of good favor and fellowship. So well had Asbury improved his time at home, that after his examination he found he would have but three years in the college. He hoped for an additional year or two for special preparation for his life work. Louise, it will be remembered, had yet another year in the Academy, so she felt well satisfied upon being admitted to the freshman class, where she soon became known as a hard-working student. Her sunny disposition that had made sunshine in the old farmhouse, as well as her ready helpful- ness, soon made her deservedly popular. Added to these traits was her clear, rich voice, which soon DEVELOPED CHARACTERS. 109 made her presence at social gatherings much sought after. No, Louise Stevenson did not go to college as a recluse, to dream of nothing but her absent lover, but rather as a clear-brained, wide-awake girl, who meant to get as much as possible out of life. Yet soon her most intimate friends came to feel that with them all there was a reservation which out- siders did not penetrate, for Louise was faithful to her absent lover. Though her mother was building much on the new scenes that were to break the fatal spell of early love; with Louise such scenes could come. She could even grow to be a strong factor in these associations, yet even as the needle points irresist- ibly towards the North star, quite as surely did the soul of this earnest and sincere girl cleave to the absent. Poor anxious mother heart! You may as well know now that there is nothing which will sever this tie. Nothing? Hold; there is a pure brave heart in that girlish breast, there is clear knowledge of right and wrong, more, a hatred of wrong, and there is a ivitt strong enough to lay down a life or a love if right should so demand. Closely should the absent lover watch his actions lest they be the power that breaks the sweet tie. Among the new friends Louise had made, her room mate, Emma Ward, grew to be one of the most valued. Her home was in a distant eastern 110 GATHERED THISTLES. city. She had been born into an atmosphere of Christian culture and wealth. She had seen this wealth held simply as a means providentially given to help in the problem of the world's betterment, and one of her earliest lessons had been that the possession or non-possesssion of wealth by the in- dividual might be a mere incident of circumstances, but that back of this in determining friendships should be the solid rock of personal worth and character, and hence although in the Ward mansion the petty economies and hard work with which the Stevenson young people were so familiar, were unknown. Yet the ideals were the same. In the mansion, quite as truly as in the farm house was God loved and served, so it was not strange that a warm personal friendship sprang into existence, a friendship that came to be far-reaching in its effects upon Louise. Emma had been in the college the previous year, so had not about her the shyness of the newcomer. She was known as a good student, yet not particu- larly brilliant. Moreover she was of a bright, fun- loving disposition. From the first hour of meeting she was strongly attached to the shy country girl, and when one Sunday evening in the privacy of their room, Louise began with her marvelously sweet voice to sing some of the church hymns so familiar in both homes, the work was done, Emma's homage was complete from that hour. As for Louise she began to be drawn out of her- DEVELOPED CHARACTERS. Ill self and to really enjoy the social side of college life. But there is yet another student in whom we are interested. Richard Newton had left for college with emotions far different from any he had before known, emotions little guessed by any of his home cir- cle, save his father. To understand these it is neces- sary to go back to that morning when, angry at the unexpected opposition of Louise's mother, he strode out from the farm house determined to lay his plans before his father. It will be remembered that after this interview he had gone out silent and oppressed, and strangely willing, considering his natural impet- uosity, to abide by his father's suggestions. Let us .go back to that interview. As this prematurely old, care-engrossed man who like many another had lost his family in a sea of business, looked into the handsome glowing face, there swept into his heart a vision of the old days at Lynton when he had wooed and won the beautiful Margaret. Patiently he heard the story to the end, but the remorselessly keen eyes gave no trace of tenderness as he sternly said: " You are barely twenty-one, not yet out of school. You have no profession, nor no notions of business that I have ever been able to discover." Richard winced. Yes, he had often declaimed against the irksome confinement of the office. " Do you think it wise to take a wife to poverty?" 112 GATHERED THISTLES. "But father, I see my folly; give me a % small humble place in your business." "My business!" bitterly interrupted the elder. "Come with me;" and there in the curtained alcove, the place where Mr. Newton spent so much time with his books, Richard caught his first glimpse of the bankruptcy which like a threatening sword hung over the entire Newton interests. "We may avert it for a year," continued the father, " but if you are wise you will go to college while you can, get a profession and be feady for life." " Yes, it is the inevitable," thought the stunned Richard, " I will go." The college selected was one of the oldest and carried the proud prestige of being one of the most influential in all America. Long lists of its alumni were holding positions of honor and trust through- out the country. While this remained true, yet some other matters were not so satisfactory. While there was a class of hardworking, pains- taking students who were making the most of their opportunities, there was a large " crowd," or sev- eral "crowds," who spent their evenings in bacchanalian revelry, and among the unsatisfactory results was the fact well known and widely com- mented upon, that many students went out from this proud institution utterly wrecked in morals. Richard upon his entrance was soon a favorite. He entered with energy upon his studies. His fine physique and manly appearance won for him many DEVELOPED CHARACTERS. 113 favorable comments, for even at that day athletics were coming into prominence. Then he had a certain boyish artlessness or frankness which strongly appealed to the heart. His natural orator- ical powers soon came out in the society meetings* so it was not long till it was decided that he would be an addition to any " set." He had gone to college with such manly resolu- tions. Perhaps these latter might have been helped had he chosen a college, or rather if his parents had chosen for him one which had cared less for pres- tige and more for the morals of its students, one that did not fear to stand before the world as a distinctively Christian institution. But of this we shall see. CHAPTER XII. RICHARD AND LOUISE. is a fact that in every college, however small or great, there are at least two "crowds" or "sets," oftener more, and much of a student's success depends upon the set with which they be- come identified. So wrote a wise editor, and so one morning shortly after her arrival read Louise, and reading it she laid the paper down to specu- late upon the truth of the statement. Yes, it was true; even her short experience told her as much. There was even here, she recognized, though held in check by the high moral character of the institu- tion, a set bound by ties of congeniality, whose watchword was "fun and a good time." If they could only have fun, no price was too dear to pay fur it. Yet there was another, and these made up the majority, who were hard-working and pains- taking, reaching results not attempted by the gayer crowd. Into which had these young friends of ours fallen? They had been hard-working at home, they were not likely to choose idleness now. Their RICHARD AND LOUISE. 115 sweetest associations outside of their home life had been found in the church. They naturally turned to it now, and ere long these two became known not only as careful students, but consistent Chris- tians as well. Louise in the meanwhile helped and broadened, as it is not hard for us to guess, by the companionship of that refined, cultured young Christian, Emma Ward. Asbury naturally took his place among the young theologues. His roommate, Earnest Warren,was like himself a divinity student, yet from his predilections it seemed not unlikely that he might eventually find his niche as a teacher of the sciences he loved so well. His home was in the State of Ohio, and his family of the "plain people," who had econo- mized that their son might have that lever denied to them, an education. After this glance at the as- sociates of Asbury and Louise, with whom it is safe to leave them, we turn to ask what of those of Richard Newton. Among the great body of students was one Will Braceton, a fellow of rugged, robust build, and withal of a good mind. He might have easily led his class in any study, had he chosen, but he chose to be the leader of a set which was itself a leader in most of the mischief which a wild, fun-loving crowd of unrestrained young fellows could devise. Had they been contented with mere mischief it might not have seemed so bad, for that can be forgiven, but it was no uncommon thing 116 GATHERED THISTLES. for them to gather in Braceton's room, or some place of his appointment, drink wine, and sing senseless bacchanalian ditties. Yet much of this was not known outside of the company, and with many Braceton stood for much that was good. A few weeks after the opening of the school year, at one of these "evenings" in Will's room, he suddenly said, "I tell you what, boys, that Richard Newton is all right. We must show him every possible attention and win him for our crowd." From that hour Richard had no need of home- sickness, for there were patronizing friends at every turn, and very soon the character of the new friendships became too evident. Richard's past experiences instantly warned him of the danger lurking in the proffered friendship, and he was brave and firm in his determination that he would allow nothing to interfere with the steady course of hard work he had marked out for himself. Ah, had it not been for that caged demon of appetite, which having been fed and pampered into existence, angry at its whilom confinement, revenged itself now by wild periods when it clamored to reassert itself. Yet without special incident the months of the college year sped by with astonishing swiftness and the summer vacation began to look entrancingly near, not only to Richard, but to Louise and As- bury as well. RICHARD AND LOUISE. 117 One day, perhaps a month before commence- ment, Louise and Emma had gone to their room from a rehearsal of some music for commence- ment, when Emma, who had been balancing her- self upon the edge of the bed, said, " Louise, I tell vou you have a fortune in your voice." " A fortune!" and Louise's lips curled a bit at the thought. " And so, Miss Thrifty, I suppose I had better go on the stage." "Oh, you need not be so uppish about the matter," Emma replied, with schoolgirl freedom. " There might be a fortune and still no stage. Our church pays Mrs. Stanton twenty-five dollars each Sabbath, which is a fortune not to be sneered at, with no stage to bother a conscientious little Puritan." " Twenty -five dollars for a few songs," mused Louise when alone. " Twenty-five dollars Sab- bath after Sabbath, even for a few months. How many comforts such a sum would buy for the home folks. Yes, how far such a sum would go towards defraying the heavy college expenses." Louise resolved in her heart to study even harder to bring out every possible quality of her voice, and if yes, if the future should ever bring such an opportunity she might be prepared to grasp it. How strangely are the mingled threads of our destiny interwoven. On the day following this conversation Emma broke Oie seal of a letter from home. Among other items of home news was the casual one that Mrs. Stanton, the soprano, was in 118 GATHERED THISTLES. rapidly failing health and had been ordered to the mountains. The next mail home, unknown to Louise, carried a letter extolling Louise's singing, citing references if desired, and urging her father to secure the position during the summer for Louise. And strange to say (no not strange either, for Emma's father was the one person in the church who had this matter almost solely in charge, besides he not only had great faith in his daughter's judg- ment but had grown to feel a great interest in the sweet-voiced girl of whom she wrote so enthusias- tically), a letter came offering the vacant place to Louise for the summer, with the same salary as that paid to Mrs. Stanton, with the added assurance that if desired, a class of music pupils could be secured. This seemed almost like an offer from a fairyland to Louise. She wanted to accept it, but then how hungry she had grown for the expected visit home, and this would mean another year's absence. With realistic vividness the loved farmhouse arose to view. There was father and mother, worn and becoming bent with toil; then there were the boys, pretty soon they ought to be knocking at a college door; and there was Ruth and little Rose. Yes, the family needs were imperative and certainly this was a providential duty, and she must write the home folks and get their sanction. And we too will follow the letter bearing this question to its destina- tion, the farm. RICHARD AND LOUISE. 119- June with its rare wealth of beauty had come. The great rose climber which yearly changed the whole south side of the Stevenson home into a bewildering maze of beauty, hung full of great clusters of lovely roses. Within the home Ruth and her mother were busy about the morning tasks. The great fireplace seems a bank of coolness, for Ruth with an artistic touch has filled it full of tall, fringe-like boughs of fullgrovvn asparagus, and upon the red bricks of the hearth stands a great old-fashioned bowl of roses. Just now she is placing another in the win- dow ledge. As she does so she is saying to her mother, "I can hardly realize that within a very few weeks Asbury and Louise will be here. Dear me, how we will welcome them!" A tender smile played over the mother's lips as she replied, "and we must try not to think how few the weeks of the vacation will be." Just then the sound of brisk hoofs echoed from the shady lane, and Edward soon came in, saying, "a letter from Louise!" Mrs. Stevenson sat down to read, and read with growing wonder the offer of the distant church. Father soon came in, and together the wonderful news was discussed. "No, they could not consider the offer." Give up Louise for another year! But an hour ago life had seemed richer, fuller, as the memory of the sweet girl had brightened the little room. So said Rachel, so thought the father,. 120 GATHERED THISTLES. really do without something I wanted in order to get money to give. Now here is my opportunity. I will go with you to the club, and every dollar so saved (and I will keep an exact account) shall go- LIFE IN A COLLEGE CLUB. 181 to that new mission in the interior of China. Now it is settled." And so it was. A few days later found the friends unpacking their "penates," as in schoolgirl fashion they styled their trunks, and few other belongings, in one of the grim, bare rooms belonging to Mrs. Hoyson. A square of rag carpet ornamented the floor of this room, while a bed, a washstand, a plain table and two chairs comprised the furniture. The win- dows were small and nearer the ceiling. than the floor. The views from neither were enspiriting. In front some busy men in a cooper shop kept up a a rat-tat-tat on some barrels the whole day long, while from the rear the view was excellent of a cemetery about a block away. Far from this being an occasion of worrying, however, it became the subject of many an odd remark from Emma, and notwithstanding the dreariness of the place not a day passed without the sound of happy girlish laughter. Looking back upon their college lives in after years, two sober women, each seriously intent upon performing the duties with which their lives became singularly full, were wont to smile as epi- sode after episode of this happy supremely funny dub life was recalled. If Mrs. Hoyson, had one feature predomi- nant above another that feature was neatness, her white aprons were always smooth and glossy in their stiffness, and woe to the unlucky roomer who 182 GATHERED THISTLES. left things " lying around." Emma and Louise took turns in " straightening." One morning, it being Emma's turn (Louise was at her practice), that young lady concluded she would hurry up her tire and took some oil from the lamp to do so. Great was her dismay to find a great oil spot on the floor. What would Mrs. Hoyson say? Now Emma really knew nothing of housework and as she stood con- templating the spot, "Why not burn it off," some- thing seemed to suggest. Well, in the next minute she learned a thing or two about how not to remove a grease spot. The " fire " was promptly put out, but not until the girls had gathered from the different rooms with Mrs. Hoyson, grim and severe, at their lead. Poor Emma, she hardly knew which was most to be dreaded, the " oh mys" of the girls or the stony displeasure of Mrs. Hoyson. The plan of the present campaign of economics was that there should be one of their number who in their turn should do the purchasing of supplies, and it became a matter of rivalry to see which could bring their expenses down to the lowest pos- sible figure and yet maintain a good bill of fare. However, it became tacitly understood, if either of these points were to be sacrificed, the uncom- plaining latter should be the victim. That year, as if to get ready for such emergencies nature had sent a bountiful crop of potatoes, and never before had either Louise or Emma dreamed of the possi- bilities of this one mealy jacketed tuber. LIFE IN A COLLEGE CLUB. 183 It became quite an experience with Emma to go with pencil and note book in hand, and with an air of importance make the acquaintance of grocers and butchers, and exchange animated remarks upon the lowest possible price of vegetables or meat, and none learned quicker than she the possi- bilities of a soup bone or the satisfying qualities of a breakfast of batter cakes. This last knowledge came from a remark of Mrs. Hoyson herself, with whom Emma was arrang- ing the breakfasts for her week, and discussing the merits of the various breakfast dishes proposed, always of course with an e}*e to economy. Mrs. Hoyson, to help matters along, ventured the remark with her peculiar nasal drawl and without much regard to grammar or pronunciation, "You'd better try pancakes; pancakes is mighty fillin'." This Emma, with her inimitable sense of humor, related for the benefit of the club, and pancakes became the order of the day. Having tasted the sweets of economy, Emma began to carry it into her private expenses, as the following will show: They were all seated at the table w hen Louise happened to remark, "I wish we had a barrel of apples, say of Belleflower, or of Winesaps from the home orchard." " Oh, dear," returned Emma, "Apples are dread- ful dear. I priced some on the way to school this morning, and they were three for a dime." I wanted some so badly though I told the boy I 184 GATHERED THISTLES. would take five cents -worth" A peal of laughter followed this announcement, and it took Emma a whole minute to discover that there was anything funny in the proposed purchase of half an apple. "No wonder the boy looked perplexed and busied himself with another customer," she admitted to herself. A full account of all these exploits Emma "wrote up" in her weekly letter home. At first these let- ters were a source of great amusement, and much interest was felt in "Emma's latest freak." After awhile, however, the fear came that perhaps for the sake of health the girls were carrying the matter too far, and so upon the receipt of the apple episode done up in Emma's most melo-dramatic manner, Mrs. Ward said emphatically, "Well, I have wanted to visit Emma for a long time. I am going at once." A few days after, as the girls were sitting down to one of their plainest dinners, they were greatly surprised by seeing a cab drive up, and in another moment Emma was in her mother's arms. It did not take that lady long to decide that both Emma and Louise would be better off back in their old cosy home. Mr. Ward sent a message to the effect that he would see that Mrs. Millionaire and the mission did not suffer in this decision. Louise con- curred, with a bit of exultation in her heart, it must be confessed. Besides, had she not had an "exper- ience" as well as the home folks? CHAPTER XVIII. AN ORATORICAL CONTEST SAD ENDING. N pleasanter quarters the year passed, and never perhaps had more genuine hard work been done. Commencement week was hasten- ing, but preceding this by a fortnight an event was to occur in which the interest of all centered. Their university was a member of an inter- collegiate oratorical association, and had been chosen as the place where representatives of the different colleges should meet and contest for the honor of supremacy. With a thrill of pride Louise received from Richard the message that he had been chosen to rep- resent his college. Ah if he should win! and her blood hasted and her cheeks glowed as she imagined him the hero of the occasion. Little else than the contest was talked of. At length the day came. As the representatives from the different colleges began to gather, it was easy to see that they were all picked men, the pride of their institutions. Many 13 186 GATHERED THISTLES. were accompanied by some of their particular friends who desired to witness the success, as each one hoped, of their "man." Among them came Richard Newton, who lost no time in calling upon her for whose sake he was most anxious to succeed. From him Louise learned that a company of his friends, among whom was a Mr. Braceton, had accompanied him. The next few hours seemed like a dream, they were so full of feverish anxiety. At length came the packed hall, the flutter of college colors, the din of college yells, and then the genuine eloquence of each contestant. Presently a clear, rich, well modulated voice began. Ah! how well Louise knew each tone. See, the audience is growing still, is bending to listen. The chosen theme is one that touches the heart, and the great heart of the audience responds as the earnest, impassioned sentences fall from the speaker's lips. The orator at length sits down amid, a storm of applause. There were others yet to speak, but Louise felt that her lover had won, and it was true. Later the prize was given to him, a lovelv sil- vered head of the great Demosthenes, crowned with a golden crown of laurel, the latter of such fine and beautiful workmanship that the delicate leaves seemed to quiver before the slightest breeze. ,-LV ORATORICAL CONTEST. 187 Louise could not trust herself to offer the custom- arv congratulations, before many curious eves. Leaving a message with Asbury to the effect that she and her roommate, Miss Ward, would call in the morning, she quickly sought the privacy of her room. In the after years of her life she was wont to look back upon the delirious jov of that evening as of an experience in the life of another, one of whom perhaps she had read, so far awav and unreal did it come to seem. Her first thought on awakening the next morn- ing was, "Richard has won !" How proud she felt of him. What might she not expect from the future in which the world must recognize his ability? In front of her window stood a great tree, always a favorite trysting place for robins and the other birds of the locality. As she threw open the sash she noticed a robin swaying to and fro on one of the topmost boughs. As she looked she saw him throw back his head, and in an ecstacy of delight burst into such a flood of melody that the quiet stillness of the morning seemed suddenly to become one great anthem of praise. This accorded well with her own present emotions, and she said softly to herself, " The bird is not happier than I." The song finished, the happy songster flew up yet a little higher and perched upon another limb, not yet leaving the shady tree. Suddenly there was 183 GATHERED THISTLES. a whirr from a bow and arrow in the hands of a neighbor's boy, and his sweet song was hushed for- ever. Shocked, and with her heart filled with pity at the tragedy, she hastened to where he lay gasping, bin as she stroked the ruffled plumage, there was no voice to whisper that her own happiness might be wrecked as quickly. As she knew that in all probability many would call at the victor's rooms during the morning, she arranged that hers should be as early as possible, and so as the silvery chimes of ten o'clock rang out, she with Asbury and Emma started for the hotel where he was stopping. Let us for a moment go back to the victor. Flushed with ex'citement, congratulated on all sides, the idol for the time of the college friends who had accompanied him, Richard Newton went to his rooms happier, having lately known such sorrow, than he could have dreamed possible. Students from the different colleges began to gather in his room and offer congratulations. Later when the number had narrowed down to per- haps a half dozen, Braceton suggested that they should celebrate the victory in some sort of style. Richard demurred. More than once in Brace- ton's own room he had gone beyond the bounds, and none knew as well as he the danger that menaced him. But Braceton insisted and finally a bottle of champagne was brought. SAD ENDING. 180 " No, no, not here," Richard said as the spark- ling glass was handed him. At this arose a laugh which was decisive it is easier for some souls to stand before a bullet than before a laugh so the glass was drained, then 'another. Other bottles were brought, and soon the walls echoed with foolish laughter and jest. With the second draught all control of himself passed from young Newton. Gone were the memories of a mother's death, a father's trouble, gone even the memory of Louise; and not until the early dawn did he fall into a drunken stupor, dressed as he had come from the hall, and so he was lying when Louise crossed the threshold. The parlors of this hotel were on the second floor, and the room Richard and Braceton occupied was only a door distant. On the arrival of the visitors the porter knocked at the door, handed the card to Braceton who had answered. ( It was a peculiarity that the drink that would affect the quick, nervous brain of Newton, Braceton would hardly feel.) As he took the card he read aloud the name. Was it the magic of the name that broke the drunken stupor? At any rate, Richard slowly arose, looked wildly around saying, " Where am I?" " Pull yourself together, old fellow," said Brace- ton. "You have callers that I think vou would 190 GATHERED THISTLES. like to see, though you had better say you're out till you're in better shape." "What do you say?" and as he seized the delicate card in his hand, somehow, through the befogged brain was borne the fact that Louise was waiting, and without a moment's hesitation he started to go to her. Perceiving this, Braceton took hold of him to hold him back. Then came the sound of a thick, incoherrent, angry voice, echoes of which floated over the open transom into the parlors. Emma started, and Louise grew pale with apprehension. Suddenly the door opened, and in walked Rich- ard, with hair wildly dishevelled, eyes bloodshot, his whole attire bespeaking a night's carousal. Muttering something in an incoherent, unsteady manner, he essayed to walk across the room to where Louise sat, the strong odor of wine preced- ing him. Like a flash upon the startled girl came the memory of that dreadful night when Baby Flossie lay dying, and a drunken husband had ended his own miserable life; and with this flash came a real- izing sense of Richard's condition. With a low moan and a startled, appealing glance toward Asbury and Emma, she fled through the open door. Oh! to be home, to be in her own room, to be anywhere that she might hide her shame and dis- grace. SAD ENDING. 191 A few minutes later, returning homeward, she entered the gateway, and just by the door the body of the dead robin still lay. Mechanically she stop- ped as she said, "Oh ! little bird, I am brought as low as you; your happiness is not more surely ended than is mine." Passing to her room, the disgrace of the scene she had so recently witnessed well nigh over- whelmed her. With it came the conviction, slow but sure, that the various whispered rumors which had reached her during the years, and to which she had so vehemently refused credence were true. Then came the pain and the heart agony as the idol came to be torn out, for '"torn from her heart he should be," she said to herself. An hour ago she had been so proud of him; but now? yes, the dream was over. Little Flossie had not died in vain. The next day the great panting engine rapidly bore Louise on her homeward journey, yet it could not go fast enough to suit the wild tumult in her heart. After what seemed an age the familiar home depot was reached. She had half expected that her father or one of the boys would meet her, else how would she get out to the farm? , A sudden remembrance of the change swept over her. Ordering a carriage she was soon being driven rapidly to the new home. Rachel had been unusually busy that morning, and had just sat down in an easy chair for a few 192 GATHERED THISTLES. minutes talk with her husband who had entered when hearing the noise of wheels at the gate, and glancing out she caught sight of the carriage which she recognized as one that carried passengers to and from the trains. "Why! who can it be? "and she looked curiously at the strangely familiar figure now coming up the walk. As Louise stepped upon the porch she raised her veil as if in search of something familiar. As Rachel looked on the face, and recognized it as her daughter's, a sudden fear swept over her. " Louise, Louise! my child, speak, tell me, are you ill?" for Louise was now sobbing the first tears since that dreadful morning. " Yes, mother, sick of life, sick at heart." Gently Rachel unloosed her wraps and removed her hat, and with motherly tact soothed her while she told the dreadful story. " Mother," said Louise, after the storm had spent itself and she had been soothed by the sympathy of both father and mother, * it is all over. Hence- forth he is to me as if he had never been. I can never forget poor little Flossie." At this, though her face betokened naught but true sympathy with the grief of her daughter, a song of thanksgiving arose in the mother's heart. Curiously enough, even as she held her in her arms and comforted her, the night of her own agony in the farm house came vividly back. How, torn SAD ENDING. 19& with doubts and fears, she had tossed upon her bed, saying over and over to herself, " It must be broken off ; but how?" Alas that in the answer- ing there should be so many ruined hopes and so much of sorrow. To do her justice, it must be said that she was grieved to hear Richard's fall. She had not expected it to come in so gross a manner. She had yielded at last a tacit consent to the marriage which peemed inevitable, but with all her intuitions on the alert she could see nothing but unhappiness. Better a thousand heartaches at present, she said to- herself as she noted Louise's grief, than that the entire life should be wrecked, and trusting tc the elasticity of youth, she hoped that all would yet be well. After the first greetings, and the first pangs of shame and grief over, Louise quickly detected the changes time had brought about. Her father looked old and careworn, and there came a real- izing sense in her heart of all the dear ones had suffered, and the hope was born and grew that though her own happiness was as she believed wrecked forever, still there might remain the joy of lightening their burdens. The greatest change was in her brothers and sisters. She could hardly connect the old quiet playmate Ruth with the tall, slender, girlish woman* who ruled with a sway of gentleness in the little schoolhouse just back of the farm. 194 GATHERED THISTLES. Edward and John seemed suddenly grown up, the latter a counterpart of his father. Indeed, some- times as he walked down the yard there was that in his carnage that brought back strangely to Rachel the old days at Lynton when a shy, rugged farmer had become all in all to her. He had his father's strict notions of honesty and his mother's unquestioning faith, and with the advantage of a modern education he bade fair to make him a widely useful man. But it was a matter of regret that he seemed less inclined to study than the others. There had been so much hard work on the farm, always something for which he seemed -especially fitted; so it was not strange that he was not the student that either of the older ones were. A letter soon followed Louise from Asbury, in which he stated that he had received an offer to take charge of a congregation in the State where the University was situated. So with his parents' leave he would not be home during the vacation, ^ind Louise was the more readily reconciled to this because, while he sympathized with her in the mor- tification which she had endured, yet with his strict notions of right and wrong, he had always agreed with his mother that there could be nothing but unhappiness from the marriage, and really he felt that no price was too dear to pay for release from such a bondage. The father and mother began though to wonder if their children would ever be at home toether CHAPTER XIX. " FAREWELL, LIFE CHOICE." fOUISE soon found her niche in the house- hold. She had lost none of her old helpful- ness, and as Ruth's school was just closing, the mother would say jesting that with two grown daughters her occupation was gone. She found the family still sore over the loss of their home, yet bravely trying to make the best of life. As for herself she did not dare let them know how much she missed the dear old home and the farm, with the many associations of her child- hood, nor how much of a stranger she felt herself to be in the smart new cottage they were beginning to call home. In those days she did not look far into the future. The past had been so bitter, perhaps it might be given her in the every day life of the present to be of some practical use to her brothers and sisters. So with as much zeal as though her livelihood depended upon it she began giving Ruth instruc- tion in music. Edward's rapid development had startled her, and it was with genuine pride that she 196 GATHERED THISTLES. noted his well defined literary taste. She often said to her parents as she noted his unerring judg- ment of the literature -which came into the home, that certainly somewhere and somehow he would find his life-work among books, but how should she interest John, rugged, plain-spoken, practical John, upon whom the family were coming to lean more ind more, for that he must be interested in books and in study she felt very sure. Now fortune favored her; quite a bit of local interest was manifest just now in the application of certain phosphates to a stretch of alkaline lands which ran up to one side of the city, and none were more interested than John in the outcome. This gave her an idea. Might he not become interested in chemistry itself ? She approached the question with tact, and ere long it came to be the usual thing to have an " experiment " on hands. One victory won she planned another. She had manv interesting episodes of her class studies in geologv with which she regaled him as they took tramp after tramp, of her planning together. Yes, thev really littered up the house, and brought home much that was worthless, but a nature hitherto deaf to the persuasive voice of study was surely awaken- ing, and Louise, fresh from a realm where learning and culture were sovereign, felt no trouble too great if that goal could be reached. It was not strange that occasionally on these tramps their feet should turn toward the old farm. "FAREWELL, LIFE CHOICE." 197 One dav as the}- sat together on the edge of iht woodland Louise remembered so well, John recounted for his sister's benefit the whole history of those dreadful weeks. So vivid was his por- trayal that she seemed to live over the scene, and could almost hear the creak of the wagons that bore the family and belongings away. " But I tell you sister mine, I '11 have every acre back," and as he spoke his glowing face and flash- ing eye showed that this promise which he had made to himself and his mother in the midst of their trouble had taken deep root in his heart. Louise watched the strong face, and began to question him as to his plans. These she found were as yet very vague, but here was her opportunity, and in a kindly way she showed that in order to cope with the world an education was necessary. " But I '11 never go to college," insisted he. " Well, you need not if you so choose, but a cer- tain amount of education you must have. Take mathematics for instance " " Don't mention that study ; it is the prince of all evils," interposed John. " By no means, rather this science is mankind's best friend," and she went on to tell him among other things, of the wonderful array of facts that would be absolutely unknowable without this science. His interest was aroused, and before another week had passed he had gotten the key to successful study he -was interested and in after 198 GATHERED THISTLES. years when an ocean came to roll between these two, this sweet companionship became a blessed memory. Nor did this gifted sister with all the later work that she was permitted to do in after years, ever value aught of that so highly as she did these few weeks spent with her brother. A few weeks after Louise's return an event occurred which, in order to properly chronicle, we shall have to return to the university so suddenly and unceremoniously left. Never did Esau of old sorrow more over the loss of his birthright than did Richard Newton when lie came to himself and realized what had occurred. Shame, mortification, self condemnation and anger at the false friends raged in his breast. With intellectual, laurel-crowned brow his " Demos- thenes " gazed solemnly at him from the mantle. How he hated the unoffending silver. What were a thousand prizes if disgrace ruled supreme and Louise were lost. Braceton flippantly bade him " cheer up." To Richard's credit be it said, he angrily turned on him and bade him begone; he wished never to see him again. Was all lost ? Gradually the hope grew upon him that it was not. He knew that Louise's great love had stood firm in the other great trials. Might he not hope it would yet stand ? He turned this over, and at last resolved to go- and throw himself upon her mercy. He knew of "FAREWELL, LIFE CHOICE" 199- her sudden flight home, he could guess her morti- fication, hut there was hut one hope in life left him. He would see her, would plead his case, and give her his solemn pledge that he would never again touch wine in any form. How clearly he now saw, with her, that this was for him the only safe course. One day in the early summer, Louise was startled by the appearance of her lover. She dared not look at him lest the sight of his abject sorrow might turn her. "Never again would he fall so low," came the promise straight from the heart, for the pleader knew that for him it was a matter of life or death. With her by his side, he was sure he could stand; without her he was lost. But no; she could not listen. She had to bid him go, for a dead baby face looked out from a bank of flowers bidding her remember that " a drunkard is a slave." So these two parted, the one to go to her room to throw herself upon the hard floor in agony, to- moan, to pray, and finally from her knees to go out bravely into life to take up such duties as He might give. The other? as Adam left Paradise, to that may this other going be likened. Behind were love and happiness, and he told himself, success. Beyond? but he could get no further, for despair lay at his heart. He knew he was lost. Did she do right? Was not her place at his side, if in happiness? Well, if in suffering still the 200 GATHERED THISTLES. s;ime? Ought she not to have thrown her pure, strong self in the breach, in an effort to save this erring, brilliant young man? Ask the -drunkard's child who begs at your doorway, half clad, hungry, often diseased in body, an imbecile in mind; ask the drunkard's wife as hungry, beaten, bruised, she pitifully stoops on the common to gather a few sticks to warm her babes, while she goes to beg charity that they may be fed. Ask, if you still doubt, the murdered Flossies (and they are many), and in one strong chorus the answer comes, "She did right!" After Richard's departure, until near the close of the Summer, the days went by without incident. L,ouise, with the old imperiousness all gone, anxious for a work that might help her to forget her sor- row, entered heartily into the duties of the home. She often contrasted this Summer with the last; that so full of the world, and this of home quiet. -One day, toward the end of August, a letter came to her from Emma's home, but the superscription was not Emma's. She broke the seal and read with growing interest and surprise, then handed it in silence to her father. It proved to be from Mrs. Millionaire, who wrote not only in loving remembrance, but in referring to the pleasant acquaintance of a year ago said: "You will remember my brother William, who was in theological school when you were here. He and "FAREWELL, LIFE CHOICE:' 201 his wife have been accepted as missionaries to a province in China. The Woman's Union Mis- sionary society is earnestly calling for a consecrated young woman logo with them to teach in a school. Indeed, I shall have to say plainly, to build up from nothing a girl's college. I have had you in my mind as a suitable person. Will you go? Shall I present your name as a candidate?" The letter dropped from John Stevenson's hands of New York, returning to France after an absence of years." Therese was free. A few weeks later a little grave was made by THERESE. 213 ihe side of Mrs. Newton's, and the young mother grieved anew for a little life gone out. ****** Daring all these weeks of intense feeling in their own home circle, the Stevensons had also been keenly alive to an event of great importance about occurring in what they were pleased to call "their home church" in Burton. This event appealed most strongly to all such who had worshiped years ago in the little log house. Not only had that been outgrown as we have seen, but also the "frame" structure which superseded it, and now a really elegant "stone," with all the modern conveniences of lecture, Sunday school and class rooms stood ready for dedication. And more, Dr. Blank, an editor who was well known to this people by the tempting dish of mental viands which he weekly served, was to preach the dedicatory sermon. There were many homes in Burton that would gladly have opened to the honored guest, but as it happened, this editor knew of the brave young girl who but so lately had gone from the Stevenson home, and had met and talked with the son who was preparing himself for his chosen life work. What more natural than that he should desire to know the father and mother. He proved an eloquent preacher in the pulpit, and a sharp student of human nature in the home. Indeed he had really entered this home as a searcher after a cause. He had seen the effect in the two young lives just 214 GATHERED THISTLES. mentioned. "Did some unsuspected talent", he asked himself, "exist in this plain father and mother, which perhaps being smothered by the meagre educational facilities of their early life had reappeared in their children?'' but he had not been in the home a day, till he thought he had discov- ered the secret. The book shelves between the flower-filled windows had gently whispered in his ear, calling his attention to the well selected vol- umes with which they were rilled. Glancing the titles over he found they had been culled from every realm, and touched upon every topic vital to the interest of a soul, and each book bore the marks of careful reading. From his first entrance into the home he had been strongly attracted toward Edward, and think- ing to push the acquaintance with the shy, reticent lad, he suggested a drive over the prairie. Under such circumstances the acquaintance progressed rapidly, for as the shyness wore off Edward proved himself so well informed, and withal such a good conversationalist, that the genial editor began to feel as though he was in company with one of his compeers rather than a country lad. Just as they were nearing the edge of a bit of woodland Edward suddenly drew rein and unceremoniously handing the lines to his companion, sprang out and began at once to carefully remove from the soil a plant growing by the roadside. Lovingly he brought his treasure back. "It is," said he in THERESE. 215- explanation, "a- good specimen of the Lymegrass. I needed just this to make my collection of grasses complete for this -locality. " Now if Dr. Blank had one hobby above another, it was the study of plant life, and these two, under the influence of this new bond, soon became fast friends, the Doctor waxing eloquent in the discus- sion of his favorite theme, aud the boy listening as under a spell, and when the next day the guest was leaving he quietly wrote in his private reference book the name of his young friend, Edward Stevenson. Thanks to Louise's tact and influence John at the opening of the year was ready and glad to join Ruth and Edward in the Academy, but practical as of old, he insisted on "picking" his studies and laughed to scorn the suggestion of such studies as he deemed of little use in the actual battles of life. " Baby Rose " was a baby no longer, but was fast becoming her mother's chief helper. She was a quiet home loving child, very like her brother John in appearance. When people saw her they were apt to say, "She will make a sensible, prac- tical woman," and noticing her deft movements would be inclined to say that some day in a home of her own she would find her sweetest joy. She is not destined to thrill the world with her music, but like her sister Ruth, her voice and touch chord wonderfully well with the simple home tunes, and hearing her, her father vaguely recalls his -216 GATHERED THISTLES. o\vn mother who is but a shadow of memory. So strangely are voice and form, yes, and mind and soul characteristics handed down from one genera- tion to another. Perhaps of all the family none grieved so much as she for Louise. She was not old enough as were the others to comfort herself with the nobleness of the action, nor yet to realize how much good she would do across the sea. She had been so proud of her when she had come home from the college, and listened won- deringly at the rare sweet music of her voice, her private opinion being that the angels made no such music. And now she was gone, gone out of her life forever, and the loyal little heart refused to be comforted. Before her going Louise had taken her in her arms and told her of the many homeless little girls whom she was going to work for, but no matter how dark she painted the picture the result was the same. Rose clung almost wildly to the sweet sister who was going. Indeed the home hearts all ached. They were happy in the thought of her usefulness, but that illy took the place of the sunny living presence. As soon as it had time to reach them a letter came which depicted the life so plainly, and was so rich in expressions of love, that with its reading the absent one seemed nearer. Perhaps we cannot do better than to look in on the writer. The long, wearisome ocean journey was at last ON BOTH SIDES OF AN OCEAN. 217 ended. The missionary party consisted of Mr. Winters and his bride and the English stranger. 4 It was a good thing," Louise wrote, " that these last were of the party, for the Winters were so dreadfully absorbed in each other she might as well have been sailing in another ocean." A mission was alreadv started in the city of Foochow and they were to go there, stay awhile, get an inkling of the language, and then push on to the interior province which was to be their work. Had it not been for that wonderful "something" that years ago at the plain altar of the little home church, had come in and wondrously filled this young heart, her soul must have fainted within her as she first looked upon the unspeakable degrad- ation of those she had come to help. As she went through the narrow, reeking streets hunting for days for a lodging place, and for weeks for a room however small to begin the school, she began to experience the trial of her faith, but there is One who has promised " He will never leave nor forsake His children," and in those dark early days of her missionary life she wonderfully verified the promise. After a time she learned the language sufficiently to be able to tell the simple " old story," but it was not always possible to get listeners. One day a miserable creature, a woman, had pushed her out of the room where she had gone to talk with her. About the door swarmed a crowd of dirty children. Suddenly* the misery and 15 218 GATHERED THISTLES. wretchedness of it all swept through her mind, and yet, Christ died for these ; and His gospel if allowed to come into these lives would uplift them,, cleanse not only their souls but their polluted bodies as well. With a yearning perhaps akin to that of the Master when He wept over Jerusalem, this brave young girl longed to help these wretched ones into a better life. As she paused, suddenly the words and music of a home Sunday school hymn came into her mind, and scarcely conscious of what she did that sweet, rich voice that had in other days held entranced the most cultured audi- ences, rang out on the stifling hot air. The little children stopped their play, wretched women peered out from the doorway of what they called home, laborers stopped in the narrow, dirty street and many followed the " foreign lady " to hear her sing. No need afterwards to hunt an audience, for the audiences sought the singer. And yet in the home land there had been those who had grieved over this buried talent. About the time that commencement roses had again begun to bloom in the college campus, rich in associations to both Asbury and Louise, a little room in the most crowded part of that great Chinese city had been obtained, and Louise as the teacher of five little Chinese girls felt her life work had begun. The Girls' College of Interior China had been founded. CHAPTER XXI. SOME GRADUATES A WEDDING. HE same June that witnessed the planting of the "Mustard Seed" across the ocean was unusually fraught with interest to the Stev- enson home. In the very first weeks Edward and Ruth went out from the halls of the home Academy, and it was conceded that among all the long list of honorable alumni which this growing institution was beginning to boast, there had not gone out more thorough students than this brother and sister. The future plan was that these both should both in the Fall attend the college. Asbury was just leaving. While their graduation was of great interest to the home, yet it was overshadowed by something that had lately been whispered about in connection with the closing days of Asbury's school life. About the last of June he would receive the bit of parchment, the visible sign of that for which he had been striving. Then instead of coming at once westward, he was to make the journey East, 220 GATHERED THISTLES. and in the same rich old church where perhaps the echoes of his sister's voice still lingered, Louise's dearest friend Emma was to become his wife. These were busy days for both Rachel and Ruth. There were so many tidying touches to be given here and there before the sweet young bride should arrive, and it was little wonder that as they worked, often the tears would fall as they thought of the absent one who far away, amid surroundings they felt sure their home eyes could not picture, had in a manner died to the joys of the home. " Oh yes," thought Rachel, "if Louise were only here, she in her own peculiar way would lend a charm to the humble home." It must not be thought this mother gave her eldest daughter grudg- ingly to the Lord's service. No, she would not have uttered the words that would have held her back, but the mother heart ached, and sometimes the mother arms seemed unconsciouslv to again clasp this loved one to her breast, and perhaps after all, He who planted the mother love did not think less of the sacrifice because it was offered amid the throes of an aching heart. The morning of their expected arrival at last dawned clear and bright. The little cottage really wore quite a holiday air. Surveying her finished work, practical Ruth gave the keynote to the family feeling when she said, "We may do what we will, and our home never be anything like the home Emma is leaving, and the most we can do is A WEDDING. 221 to be our own true selves and give her a hearty welcome." And they did, and Emma, child of the city as she was, thought in all her life she had seen nothing so beautiful as the cheery home room with its flutter of white curtains and odor of home-grown flowers. Emma was her old sprightly self. Not a few of her city friends had drawn sombre shaded pictures of the privations that would be hers as the wife of a western itinerant. To all this banter she replied in the same vein, adding she had nothing to fear. Had she not run the entire gamut of economy dur- ing the days of her club life, and if everything else failed, she had understood that the West was noted for \\.sjine -potatoes. Yes, she was going willingly to share, as the future might prove, the joys or sorrows, triumphs or failures of this young student. After all we opine that there will be but few failures. Asbury is a close student. He has strong con- victions of right and wrong. Aside from his colleg- iate education, his whole home life has been one long school, in which the lessons of loyalty and devotion to the church, as well as intelligence con- cerning her history and scope, have been well learned. Moreover, the "fathers" say, he can "preach." His chosen companion has both graces of mind and of person, besides, too, her natural sprightliness of disposition offsets well the sterner gravity of his nature. 222 GATHERED THISTLES. One tiling time can never touch or efface, and that is the deep, invincible hatred which she has in her heart towards that great evil which in our modern times is like the fabled gorgon living by devouring our young men. Along with this hatred born as we know of a bitter experience, is a tender, pitying love for the victims. It will not be surpris- ing if the future holds some special work along this line for her. They are to go at once to a far western state and amid scenes new to each are to begin the solv- ing of their own life problem. How happy they are! How many lofty dreams for the future! The college orations have been so full of such flowery terms as " whitened fields," " awaiting the sickle," and such like, that thev imagine the future as a smiling goddess coming more than half way to meet them, her arms full of bundles lahled "Success." Well, they are young! We who are older may smile, knowing well that time will brush away many of these illusions, yet we would not have youth one whit less hopeful. Among the guests who came to do honor to the wedding occasion was Earnest Warren, Asbury's dearest friend during all his collegiate years. He found the sweet home life of the cottage very attractive. He has yet another year in college, and Ruth, too, expects to begin in September. We should not be a bit surprised if . On the morning of the departure of Asbury and A WEDDING. 223 his young wife, Edward was surprised to receive a communication which showed his honored friend, the editor, had not forgotten him. There was an expedition which an association of scientists were sending out, made up of two or three professors from so many colleges, whose object was to classify and study the flora of certain parts of the North- west. He had asked for and obtained a place on the expedition for Edward. He well knew how much this would mean to the boy, not only the association with the learned men, but an opportu- nity to push his studies in plant life. Indeed, nothing would have pleased this staid, gray haired man himself, better than to have joined the expedition and taken the tramp with the party, but how could he, with his great, .clamorous, ' read- ing family " who would never have consented that their mental purveyor should have gone off junket- ing and left them to fare as best they might, but he felt a real boyish thrill as he sent the welcome news to Edward. And Edward ; if he had suddenly stumbled upon the pot of gold which tradition has assigned to the end of the rainbow, he could not have been more surprised and delighted. Being the " boy " of the party, he was assigned certain chores, which if done paid all expenses, and allowed him time for the prosecution of his favorite study. Within a week after the receipt of the letter he had com- pleted his arrangements and was off. 224 GATHERED THISTLES. How strangely still the house was during all that summer ; only three children left of the old romp- ing noisy half dozen, and of these three John and Rachel could not hope that Time would spare them much longer, for like a hurrying stream it was bearing them rapidly to the responsibilities of life. During this Summer Ruth and Rose greatly relieved the mother of the cares of the house, while John the younger became almost the sole manager of the " store." There had never been a regret over this last venture. It provided an income suffi- cient for the needs of the family. The home was not yet their own but the future seemed hopeful. Relieved of care, the father and mother began to find time for a renewal of the old companionship which during the busy days of the last few years had been largely lost in mutal anxiety for the wel- fare of their children. It came to be a very usual sight for them to be seen sitting either in the shadow of the vine-covered porch, or under the heavy boughs of the maple in the back yard. Once as William Newton went by hurriedly he saw them thus. A bitter wave of feeling swept over him. Why was his home so desolate, his beautiful wife gone, and his son, the idol of his heart, a wanderer? He knew that as this con- tented pair talked together more than likely their conversation was of their children who bid fair to be the crown of their old age. But his heart answered his question. The Creator of each could A WEDDING. 225 not be charged with partiality. Centuries before the warning had been sounded, " Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." " Yes," he bitterly acknowledged to himself, "We were wrong, all wrong, from beginning to end; and they of the farm were right. Life should mean more than a struggle for riches, and there are pleas- ures more real, more .lasting than are those which appeal to the senses or upon which "Society" stamps her approval. The quiet Summer afforded an opportunity, too r for Ruth and Therese to get their friendship back upon the grounds of loving comradeship. Poor Therese; it took many loving words from Ruth to convince her that her life was not irretriev- ably ruined. She could readily see her coming had been a blessing to her father, for though the home could never again take on its own cheery air, yet it was growing brighter. The human heart hungers for its own, and William Newton found his life hap- pier as the strangely quiet woman who had come back to him in place of the old gay, romping Therese, went about the rooms, giving them here and there a home touch. Thus far as she recog- nized her usefulness to her father she was glad, otherwise she was wont to say she better never have lived. Her sister Marie, conscious of her own upright life, the honored wife of one of Burton's wealthiest young men, happy in her own home^ proud of her two sweet little children, had not met 1226 GATHERED THISTLES. this young sister with outstretched arms; indeed there was that in her haughty manner which always reminded Therese of her disgrace. She had put on the heaviest mourning for "poor mamma," had felt shocked over " papa's failure," and now to have Therese come straggling in and bring the matter back fresh into the minds of all seemed too much. Better, much better would it have been, she thought, if Therese had born her troubles in silence. Let us not judge of her harshly, she was only a selfish society woman, eager for the praise of her little world, as vapid as herself. "No, no, Ruth," Therese was saying as she and Ruth talked together "You know all about it. I cannot undo the past, my life is ruined. I am really rit for nothing. I have no education; I have learned a little smattering of several things,but I know noth- ing thoroughly. I never learned even to do house- work as did you. For such a person I see now all too clearly there is no place in all this busy world. Even if it were not for my miserable marriage, I should have to write " failure " over my life." And the hopeless manner in which she folded her arms and looked over toward the gleaming stones in the not far distant cemetery spoke more eloquently than could words of the despair she felt in her heart. Ruth had no words for reply, but she gently kissed her and said as she was leaving, " You may feel thus now, but nevertheless I am sure there is a A WEDDING. 227 future for you, and in it you will find your work and your happiness ; and in the years to come you will look upon these unhappy years as a dream." That evening Ruth gave the substance of the conversation to her mother. Rachel was lost in thought for a time. Finally she said, " Therese is right in one thing. She has not sufficient educa- tion for a successful life. I do ^not mean the mere knowledge one gains from text books, for there are those whom circumstances have kept from the schools who by perseverance have largely made up for this lack and have given themselves a broader and truer outlook of life. Something of this kind is what Therese needs, something that will lift her out of herself. Do you remember the strategy Louise used to interest John, and how thankful we all are of the result ? " We cannot stop to detail the steps with which Ruth began at once to bring about this result. She carefully selected the books she hoped would interest Therese, and read her paragraphs from them. All this judiciously that she might not sus- pect her design. Finally, when she thought the time ripe, she suggested a home course of study, this under cover of a desire to review some of her own studies, and before Therese realized it the horror of the old life was slipping away and her active young brain was awakening to the interests of the great throbbing world, which from the days of Adam has ever found a place for each earnest 228 GATHERED THISTLES. worker that has knocked at its portals. Aside from the educational need, Ruth felt sure Therese would never fully drop her burdens till they were lost in a living Christian faith. Here again if she would be successful she dared not be obtrusive, but before the summer ended a slight, shrinking little figure, heavily clad in black, was found each Sabbath by Ruth's side in the Stevenson pew, and to ihe gentle ministry of this young Christian who years ago, in the little log church, had found how sweet it was to lose her life in His, we may safely leave for a time this childhood friend, trusting her to impart something of her own simple faith. CHAPTER XXII. SEPTEMBER A LETTER. EPTEMBER is always a busy month. Dur- ing its days the summer idlers, as well as the CY^> summer resters return, the one to listen again to the alluring yet wearying calls of society, the other to take up the burdens of life afresh in the office, the pulpit or at the desk. The schoolhouses that during the hot, dusty months have stood with their doors closed now have them flung wide open, and from all over the land in country, town and city, a long procession of little feet take up the march and in a twinkling these empty, gaunt, sentinel-like buildings wear- ing an hour ago an air of complete desertion, are teeming with life. The quickening life blood, too, pulsates through the great halis of the colleges, and homes are yield- ing to them their choicest treasures. If it were possible they would gladly retain them longer; -but no, there is nothing so necessary as that they be prepared for the inevitable future. So they bid them Godspeed, sending as a charge to the college 230 GATHERED THISTLES. that receives them this message from the poet king : "See to it that our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the similitude of a palace." Edward Stevenson returned from his summer jaunt of work and pleasure as rugged and brown as though he had been harvesting on the old farm acres. These weeks had meant much to him, much in the everyday association with men of education and culture. He had also been a careful student, and had often surprised the other members of the party by his accurate knowledge of plant habits. During the summer he was of great use in classifying and arranging the flora of the localities they studied, and in addition brought home a really excellent collection of his own. Some- thing else happened, which because of its bearing upon his future deserves mention. This was the publication of his first article. His editor friend had said to him, "now if this jaunt has any interest- ing incidents that you think would read well, write them up and send them to me. I won't promise to publish, but you know," with that twinkle of the eye Edward had come to know, "we are always after the best.'" To Edward the whole seemed full of interest, so he wrote up a modest little account of a few days' work, naming his brain child "After some Flowers," and in course of time it was published. He SEPTEMBER. 231 managed to live through the sensation of first seeing it in print, and (though he would never have supposed it) life went on quite as usual. Of course Mother Rachel read it, and like another mother as she thought of his future, "she kept these things and pondered them in her heart." But now he was home; yes, and his belongings, as were Ruth's, were packed, and as Asbury and Louise had gone years ago, so these were going to the same college. How vividly that other Septem- ber came back, as with a liurried benediction and prayer these two left the home. Rachel had been called to the gate by the depart- ing party to answer a question. As she started to return to the house a sharp gust of wind rattled the great tree by the path and blew from its branches a nest which in the Spring had been a perpetual source of delight, with its wealth of young bird life. " Ah, well; perhaps it is only natural," thought Rachel through her tears, "that young birds should fly, but how desolate they leave the nest." And desolate indeed seemed the home. It was useless to put on a mask and feign a cheerfulness neither parent felt. Yes, the young birds were flying, and with them much of the cheer of the home life. Edward and Ruth had left in the morn- ing, and as they gathered about the small table for the noon meal the mother broke down, and gave up trying to hide her sense of loss. As she lay on the couch in the living room her youngest son said, 232 GATHERED THISTLES. " Mother, don't grieve. You have at least one child who will remain at home. I never intend to leave." " Nor I," chimed in Rose, and they kept their word. John had yet another year in the academy. The last few months had witnessed a wonderful change in the sun-browned boy of the farm. He was not the same pattern with his ministerial brother Asbury, nor yet of the closer student Edward, but in his own practical way was likelv to be as useful is either. The boys and girls of this family were all of good physique, well formed and with suppleness of grace that indicates the sensibly reared family of young people. This was particularlv true of John. He was a great tall, broad-shouldered fellow with dark eyes and hair to match. The latter with its soft wavy, curl would have been the envy of a modern belle. His voice was very like his father's, with a gentle cadence that made it peculiarly acceptable either in sickness or anxiety, and his touch was as gentle as a woman's. Like Louise, he had always been particularly helpful, indoors as well as out. About every home there are always numberless little "turns" by which, if willing to do them, a man can wonderfully lighten the household cares. Those in the Stevenson home came natur- ally to be left for John. It was understood when this last academic year was finished he would .assume the entire management of the "store." A LETTER. 233 He was fast becoming of great use in the church^ though naturally shy. As the result of a conversa- tion with Louise before her going he had begun using his talents, and was developing as only young Christians can who do this, yet his practical views of life were shown here as elsewhere. About a year before this he had heard a sermon on "giv- ing" which greatly impressed him. As a result he resolved to keep a careful account of his expenses and "pay over," as he termed it, the tenth. When the question of finances came up in the church his A'lews were always so correct that unconsciously these matters came to be left more and more to him, and though the problem of church finances was often perplexing, yet he came nearer its solu- tion than any one else. While we have been lingering thus long, taking a final peep at the home that has so interested us } the students have been adjusting themselves to the year's work. They did not enter the college as strangers, for their elder brother and sister had left a fragrant memory, and they were not long in finding their own niche in this busy hive of workers. Edward's tastes inclined him to pay special heed to the sciences. As for Ruth, she continued the same thorough, painstaking student the home academy had known. This year, with its routine of study, proved une- 16 234 GATHERED THISTLES. ^entful, but was none the less successful on that account. The latter part of the winter was remarkable for a religious awakening, which spread until nearly all of the several hundred students who were not already professing Christians were converted. None who went through these strange weeks could ever forget them. The "Fathers" might tell of the old-time campmeeting, with its rapturous shouts, and fervent amens, yet this more modern movement, having its birth and carried on amid those who were nothing if not cultured, was not vastly different. There was the old-time conviction of sin, and if one might judge from the radiant faces, there was the old-time realization of one's own personal acceptance. During all these weeks Edwa/d Stevenson was strangely wrought upon. For years he had never questioned his personal relationship to his Saviour, but his tastes and inclinations were quiet, and he had never taken an active part in the church, but now perhaps it was the result of the wonderful prayer meetings among the young men, perhaps it was the influence of his favorite professor who made it a point to bring out and interest every young man within his reach (alas that in his col- lege days Richard Newton had not known such a friend) but whatever the cause, he suddenly devel- oped genuine leadership, and until the close of the meetings his voice was constantly heard in prayer A LETTER. 235 and exhortation, so much so that a short time after their close he was given a license to preach. When this news was carried home his father and mother could scarcely credit it. " No, I cannot take it in," was his mother's comment, "yet I should be glad if this should prove his life work." But John said, "The idea! if Edward should happen to have a book on hands he was interested in, he would certainly for- get any appointment to preach which he might have."" Thus fraught with duties the weeks went by, until the coming of June, when the home at Burton again smiled a welcome to its student inmates. Edward came home only for a brief visit, as he had been offered work in an editorial office. This did not promise to be nearly so interesting as his last summer's jaunt, but though he little thought it, this became the ground-work upon which his future largely rested. Before Ruth's return she wrote her parents that she had something to tell them which she r.ould not write. They easily guessed her sweet secret, and it took only a glance at the plain gold band which she wore upon her return to confirm their sus- picion. This had been Earnest Warren's last year in college. It was little wonder that he desired to win for himself this young girl whose gentle, gracious ways, as he had seen, had made her presence in her father's home a benediction. He had expected to enter the ministry, but he had been offered a posi- 236 GATHERED THISTLES. tion as teacher in a young college. This seemed to suit his present inclination and it was arranged that in a year or two he would claim his bride. The memory of Ruth's successful school term still lingered in the home neighborhood, so much so that she was offered a position as one of the teach- ers in the home academy. She finally reluctantly concluded to forego another collegiate year, yet she did not mean her education to cease, for she began a course of home study and pursued it unwear- iedly. Very often at this time the thoughts of both Ruth and her mother turned with a new tenderness to that brave one so many miles away. Until now Ruth had not realized what the anguish of Louise must have been when she had seen her happiness shipwrecked, but this realization began to dawn upon her, when in answer to a letter telling of her new-found happiness and plans there had at once come one from Louise breathing earnest wishes for the continuance of her happiness. Although she spoke hopefully of her work, and wrote touchingly of the degradation about her, yel amid it all there was an undertone of sadness, as if the writer had looked into the coffin of a dead joy, and this the mother recognizing and yearned afresh for the blithe "singing bird" of the home, but she said in her heart, "She did right; yes she did right." But alas ! for the pity of it ! CHAPTER XXIII. A KANSAS PREACHER HIS WORK. ONE who happened to be of a speculative turn of mind had chanced to find himself on a certain western-bound passenger train one day two summers before the events of the last chapters he would have looked with considerable interest upon a young pair who seemed very much at home amid their surroundings. There was about each a quiet, well bred air, and a something that proclaimed them fresh from their books. In addition to this there was also an air of well, if not exactly self-complacency, at least of self-satis- faction. Further, if the onlooker, bearing the prop- er credentials in his face, had with the freedom of travelers engaged the young man in conversation he would have learned that the pair in whom he was interested was the Rev. Asbury Stevenson and wife, late of an eastern college, that during the last weeks of the college year a presiding elder of one of the frontier districts in Kansas had written the faculty to name a young man who could take 238 GATHERED THISTLES. charge of a small "station" (considerable emphasis on that word) on his district, " where the principal work would be to build up the charge, even to the church building itself," and from that correspondence had come this journey. Their destination was Falls City which city the young divine explained took its name from being built upon a river by that name. "Ahem, and have you ever built a church? Know anything about it?" the interrogator might have asked. "No, but " Here the Rev. Mr. Stevenson would have paused, and in some inexplicable wax- one would have gotten the impression that half a dozen such undertakings would be a matter of small importance to this brave youth. We too will watch these young travelers awhile. In a little while their train has reached that young stripling of a city which to the traveler seems only the place where all the inhabitants of the nation are all -at once engaged in the frantic effort to change cars and make no mistake, but which the native res- idents tell us is really one of the finest cities in the world, hence call it Kansas City. Here two alterna- tives were offered: they might continue their jour- ney westward at once, on a freight car, or they might remain until morning and take a passenger. Life thus far had held no freight car experiences so they continued their journey at once, and as a result of their decision continued it for many long A KANSAS PREACHER. 239 wearisome hours, even until they of the later passen- ger had jauntily passed them by. They were to go to a young city (they had left the towns all east of the Mississippi) west of Topeka, and thence south fifty miles in a stage. " The whole country looks as if it were not fin- ished," was Mrs. Asbury's comment as she peered out of the car window. And so it did. There were miles and miles of green prairie', with not a single trace of a living being. The sun beat down remorselessly, without a tree in sight. Occasionally there would be a little cluster of unpainted box like houses that stood upon the prairie, with the tall grass growing, quite up to the doors. At last the railway part of the journey came to an nd, and as the Rev. Asbury was leaving the freight he looked rather lugubrious as he did some careful brushing of his lovely "silk tile." But the real pleasure began .with the stage ride. Such beauty! The grass was so green! and was as soft as any of Mrs. Ward's elegant carpets. One novel feature was the undulating swells of the prairies, which were not unlike the waves of the ocean. Here and there great herds of cattle pastured, and oh, the flowers! They were of every form and hue, and before the journey was half completed both of the young people were in love with their adopted state. " It seems to me it is rather a windy day," remarked Emma as she drew her wrap about her. The driver smiled and murmured something about 240 GATHERED THISTLES. "Kansas zephyrs;" which phrase she grew to know more about later on. A little purple cloud lay very innocently in the western sky, upon perceiving which Asbury noticed that the driver whipped up his- ponies and kept them at a break-neck pace, eyeing the cloud in the meanwhile. At last in a relieved tone he exclaimed, "We'll make it!" Half an hour later they were clattering up the stree'ts of what seemed a very tiny village that had lost itself in immeasurable distances. The wind was blowing quite a gale, but the driver man- aged to say, "There is our new court house; and there our school house." There was something in the very tone which implied expected admiration,, but it was now growing dark rapidly. As the travelers started to go from the stage to the hotel a great wind lifted the elegant "tile" from the head of the Rev. Asbury and sent it whirling down the street. It was useless to follow it, though he half started to do so. Afterwards he called this his first "Concession," for the next morning he purchased a regulation broad-brimmed "slouch," and it was many a day before he owned a counterpart of the first. They were barely housed when the rain was falling in torrents, and the thunder nothing like it had ever been heard before. They afterwards learned this was a peculiarity of the climate. Nature was wont to act as if she had an extra amount of work which must be accomplished on. A KANSAS PREACHER. 2il schedule time. The rain would fall in torrents, thunder's crash, and lightning play in a most terrific manner, but in an hour the earth would be bright and smiling after her bath, and the roads as hard as a floor. Early the next morning the young minister hunted up the "brethren," and preliminaries were arranged for getting to living. He and his young wife received a hearty greeting, and with each new presentation, before the conversation closed the invariable question was asked, "You have of course seen our new court house and school building.'"' and the tone implied that not to have done so and be able to admire was unpardonable. One of the first acts of the baby city had been to vote bonds, and utilizing the fine building stone that abounded in every hill, had built a really fine court house and school building which stood on the actual prairie, the pride of every man in the city, who looked upon them as the forerun- ners of the great city that was to be. They also- served other purposes than those planned in the original. Done in lithographs, they tickled the fancy and unloosened the purses of eastern capi- talists. Besides these, the town consisted of a business street and a few of the box-like houses they had noticed along the railway. During the forenoon the Rev. Asbury with a volunteer guide, a member of his church, started with considerable expectanc^jj^b the site of the new 242 GATHERED THISTLES. church. The letter describing the enterprise had read something like this: "We are not strong numerically, but the imperative need is a church building. This we must have to hold our share of the incoming population. Such an enterprise has been begun, but abandoned. We have the finest site in the city. The foundation is laid, a part of the building material is on the ground, and we must haye an active young man to push the work." It all sounded so well, and this ministerial fledgling started out fully expecting to find the workmen hammering away upon a building that would match the court house and school. As the walk progressed, and house after house was left behind his anxiety increased. Finallv he struck what seemed the open prairie, but had he been familiar with the map of the city he would have known that he still was in its very heart. At last his companion stopped, exclaiming "Here we are." "Here is what?" Asbury asked. "The church building." Involuntarily he rubbed his eyes. In front of him was a tall, rank mass of what seemed bushy weeds, which he had already learned was the native sunflower. Peering through these, he saw that an excavation had been made and a few foundation stones placed in position. From appear- ances it perhaps had been begun, and most cer- tainly abandoned. The "building material on hand" was represented by a pile of native stone, also sunflower over-grown. HIS WORK. 243 "You have your subscriptions all right?" Asbury asked in a voice that sounded strange even to him- self. " Umph, that's what we sent for you for." " Now, young man, do you think you can build this church?" and his interlocutor turned a critical look upon him, "because if you can't you had bet- ter take the first stage east." Asbury did not answer, but on the walk back he did some hard thinking. Strangely enough, this was something even his young wife could not help him to decide. To sum it all up, he saw clearly what was expected of him. He was to preach twice each Sabbath, a formidable undertaking in itself, take a subscription of strangers, many of them not connected with any church, and personally superintend every detail of a work he knew noth- ing about. As his chronicler I am glad to write that at this point what in the home neighborhood was known as the " sturdy common sense of the Stevensons'' asserted itself. Things were not as he had ex- pected, "but God helping him he would not fail." Sweeping through his mind came innumerable in- stances of which he had read, of the heroic efforts of others to plant the church elsewhere. Indeed was not his own sister meeting every day discour- agements far greater than any that could confront him? He remembered how as he had sat about the glowing fire in the comfortable farm home, he had 244 GATHERED THISTLES. been thrilled as he had read of the heroic endur- ance of those who had braved Indian dangers on the frontier. It had all seemed so grand then, should he yield till every known means had been tried? "7Vi?," and though the little handful who called themselves the "Church" little guessed it, their coveted new church was as truly built in that hour of introspection on the part of the young pastor as it was a year later when a delighted audience gathered to hear the dedicatory sermon. At length a little house, very much of a pattern with the rest, was procured, and the home life begun. There were a few elegant "touches" from the old luxurious home of Emma, but after the last piece of the plain furniture was in place Emma exclaimed, " Now if Louise and I had only known it, Mrs. Hoyson's home was elegance itself." But what if it was plain? They were rich in love for each other, rich in hope for the future and in con- secration of their young lives to the work. Emma never forgot her first Sabbath, A kind of hall above one of the business houses was being used as a place of worship. By the side of it stood a one-story building which had been covered with a tin roof (lumber was a luxury to be used as sparingly as possible). She had never heard her young husband attempt to preach, and felt a wifely anxiety that he should favorably impress his hearers. The wind was sweeping down the street with a HIS WORK. 245 momentum that carried everything not securely fastened before it. During the service the tin roof beneath kept up a monotonous rise and fall with a harsh grating noise not unlike the wail of impris- oned spirits. As for the preacher himself he had gone to this service feeling entirely unable to meet it. He had never so realized his insufficiency before. As he arose to announce the hymn, and he beheld the questioning, critical, yet not unfriendly faces before him, a wild desire to flee through the door which stood invitingly open, seized him. But no, he half argued with himself, he could not be mistaken. That conversion of his, years before in the little room of the log house, had been a very real occurrence, yet none the less so than the sub- sequent still but persistent voice which had led him into the ministry. Clearly as though a voice had spoken came the promise, " Lo, I am with you." A sudden agonized prayer for help went up, and the sermon began. An hour afterwards he could not have told what he preached, whether the words were lame or otherwise, but certainly the Spirit inspired them. A strange awe fell upon the little assembly. Many had come in curiously for a glimpse of the " new preacher," but melted before his earnestness. At the close no less than five came forward to unite with the church. The next morning he promptly began the work of obtaining subscriptions. Finally he had a suffi- cient amount to begin. The details of the various 246 GATHERED THISTLES. steps of this undertaking need not be recounted, but he soon found he must personally superintend each one. Besides, funds were scarce, and every dollar must be made to count, and so, though Emma remembering the stately and dignified Dr. Eloquent of the h6me church, winced a little as she saw her husband in working attire making a "hand," she at length grew reconciled to the new order of things. There was one unexpected feature of the new life which charmed each, and that was the remarkable general intelligence of the people. It was no unusual thing to find rolled up and laid away upon one of the "general utility shelves" of the box houses a diploma bearing the seal of some good college, while its owner busied herself with the humbler duties of homekeeping. Men above the average stood behind the counters, or edited the "hustling" newspapers, or doctored one when the native malaria got too deep a hold. The cosmopolitan character of the new home was shown in the fact that in a single after- noon there were callers whose homes from which none had been long away, had been in New York, Virginia, Ohio, and indeed nearly every state in the Union, was represented in the Sunday congrega- tion. The new church was to be of stone. Ten miles distant was a ridge of hills which took their name from a beautiful stone found there in great quan- HIS WORK. 247 titles. This was to be used for the front and finish- ing, and hither the young preacher took many a trip where he lent a hand in the quarrying. At last, after more than a year of hard work, the building was completed, and a lovely Sabbath saw its dedication. The deep "Italian" sky, in the lan- guage of the local poets, was never bluer than now. The gentle "zephyrs" toned themselves down to suit the occasion as they left the green sward of the prairie, and perhaps there never was a happier con- gregation than that which gathered that day. The young pastor, to whom all acknowledge is due the present success of the enterprise, has lost the "student air" and now would be known any- where as the keenly alive, western "preacher." He does not consider his work done with the com- pletion of the building; he is now as keenly alive to the spiritual upbuilding of his congregation. Xor will this last prove a less easy task. Indeed, no pastor either East or West will say that it ever is, yet on the frontier it is especially hard. There is the rush to become established in business, and the temptation to forget God in the hurry is always present. Besides vice takes on certain more em- phatic forms, and happy the leader of a flock that successfully copes with all these, yet in this last work Asbury Stevenson will not stand alone, for in the heart of his young wife is as strong a hatred of sin as in his. So leaving them for a time, we bid them God speed, and adieu. CHAPTER XXIV. A RETROSPECT A WEDDING DEATH OF RICHARD NEWTON. T HAS been many years, some wearisome, some joyous, since the group of watchers stood upon the brow of the hill at quaint, picturesque Lynton, and waved us a last adieu, as with the two happy pairs in the great canvas covered wagons we left its winding, shady street forever. We have since seen the terminus of that long journey, the then western wilds, develop and come to teem with life and a marvelous civilization. It has been ours to see and note the struggles in the founding and guidance of the homes which were established, that May day in the village church at Lynton, and the working out of the individuals' problem of worldly prosperity. In these two homes, as in every home, there has been constant sowing of seed, either good or bad. The harvest of some has already been garnered, but all seed does not ripen in a year, nor yet in a decade, and as the patient husbandman having seen to it that his seed possesses the true germinal A WEDDING. 249 principles of life, having planted them, leaves them in perfect faith to the sure offices of nature to effect the growth, and in its season with unerring sure- ness gather the harvest, so we, having watched this daily home sowing, sometimes with joy, as often with dread, must leave to the years the final gathering. It will be ours therefore to drop the curtain, nor will it be raised until such a number of years has passed that the fruits of the home growing will be easily recognizable. We hold it yet a moment to note one or two events of interest to us. The cottage home at Burton again wears a holi- day appearance, and we find that Earnest Warren has come to claim his bride, and gentle Ruth Stevenson is to go out from the home forever. Her loss is going to fall heavilv upon both father and mother, and as the preparation for the wedding festivities progress their hearts grow heavier, for from the time that her father had held her in his great strong arms, she a wee winsome babe, she had nestled verv near his heart, indeed in manv ways she was his own counter part. She had always been so unselfish in her life, an offset .in many instances to the more impetuous nature of Louise and of her brothers. It was hard to imagine the home without her. Yet there was much comfort in knowing that he who was to be her husband was so worthy. He had already won for himself an enviable name as a 17 250 GATHERED THISTLES. teacher in the college to which he had gone when his own school days had ceased. But lie desired to still further pursue certain branches of study. An opportunity had offered itself for him to go abroad for a year or two, and he desired that Ruth should accompany him. Ruth had been, as we know, loth to give up the final years of her college course, but the home needs had seemed to make imperative the accept- ance of the position offered her in the Academy, so it was with genuine pleasure she looked forward to a year or two of further study with her husband, in one of the cities of Germany. The wedding day at length dawned. Asbury and his young wife honored it by making it the occasion of their first visit home. Their coming has been her- alded for weeks, and there is an undertone of excite- ment which strikes us as very strange. John the younger, proud of his commission, has driven to fetch them from the train, and see, they are at the gate! Ah, now the mystery is plain. Grandmother Rachel is herself at the carriage, and her great bearded boy has held her in his arms for an instant as he gives her the greeting kiss, but she hardly notices it, she is so eager and enwrapt with the strange dainty bundle of white cambric and flannel motherly Emma is handing out. Now they are in the house, and oh, strange sight! When the little face is uncovered and she bends to kiss it she sud- denly breaks down, and as her own tears fall fast A WEDDING. 251 no eye of all in the room is dry. Clasping the won- dering babe to her breast she has sobbed aloud, " Sweet, sweet baby Louise!" So has the absent one been remembered. The student Edward has also come from his books. The hours fly swiftly, and soon the event which has summoned them is a thing of the past. And Ruth is gone. Asbury lingered for a few days' visit of course. The pulpit of the new home church was offered him, and old neighbors and interested friends who had known him all his life gathered to hear him preach. Among them, hardly daring to look up, sat father and mother Stevenson. There are some things which can only be imagined, among such is the quiet thrilling happiness which filled these faith, ful hearts as they heard their first born " expound unto them the things of God." But could this strangely earnest, free, and at all times really elo- quent young speaker be their own quiet, shy child? Ah, brave hearts, it was yours in the years you had not only him but his brothers and sisters as well with you in the little plain log home, to lay tlie foundations of the character each is developing. You indeed builded better than you knew with your own simple faith but there came a day when your last moulding touch was given and you yielded them to others. In your own humble lives you lit- J.YJ GATHERED THISTLES. tie guessed the breadth of soul, the enlargement of vision that should come to each through the study and associations of their college life. And in the case of this your first born, within the last years God has been his teacher in the school of experi- ence, and as you hear his burning words you may well say humbly, " What hath God wrought?" A few days and the visitors are gone. Of the many that once gathered about the table but John and Rose are left, and the father says, "We must all love each other the more." * * * * * We hold the curtain yet a little longer, this time to catch a glimpse of a procession that with a sable hearse and nodding plumes slowly winds its way to the city of the dead. Before we join in its measured tread we shall have to take a glance westward. Following the marriage of Ruth, Asbury had been back in his western pastorate perhaps about two years. These had been spent in hard work. Falls City was not a very promising field for a teacher of morality. It is true his beautiful church was a standing invitation to all who would to enter and worship, yet it took all the efforts of the watch- ful and alert young pastor to withstand the steady attacks of sin and vice which in the first years of every western town contended for mastery. That plague spot of civilization, the open drink shop, flourished unrestrained by law. There would DEATH OF RICHARD NEWTON. 253 be days and nights when from the adjoining ranches, "cowboys" as those having charge of the great herds of cattle there were called, would gather in, drink, gamble, and hold a carnival of sin. A.t such times the terrified inhabitants could only close their doors and windows and listen in dread to the crack of the pistol which told of the summary settlement of some fancied insult. Because of all this it was not with a great deal of surprise that on a morning following a "cowboy raid" Asbury received a hasty summons to visit a man who had been shot in some kind of a melee during the night and was said to be dyings Yet if the message gave him no surprise, a bit of infor- mation volunteered on the way did. It was to the effect that the wounded man had particularly asked for him by name. Who among all the wild men gathered there knew him? Soon he was shown into a little, narrow, low room where lying upon a bed lay could he believe his eyes his once brilliant playmate and friend, Richard Newton. Asbury Stevenson had learned something of his Master's tenderness during these years of trial. His old rigid notions had insensibly softened; he had been growing in these latter days to look beyond the sinner to the causes that made him such, and now Louise could not herself have knelt more tenderly than did he, nor could her touch have been gentler than was that of this elder 254 GATHERED THISTLES. brother of hers who was filled with ineffable pity as he beheld his old-time comrade. The wounded man was still conscious. " No, he cannot live,'' said the physician, "nor will it hasten his end if he is carefully removed." This in answer to an anxious question of Asbury. In an hour Richard was lying in the cool little spare room of the parsonage, and Emma was ministering to his needs. After intervals of pain, fragments of his story were gleaned, and piecing them together the Stev- ensons guessed the last few months had been full of dissipation, spent somewhere further West. There he had learned of Asbury's residence here, and a longing desire to look on them seized him. He had not yet fully decided whether or no he would make himself known, and had gone to the hotel. He had but lately lost his all at the gambling table, and that night he thought he saw his opportuity to win back a part of his loss. Somehow at the cards, he could not tell how, trouble had arisen, and he knew no more. After he had told this much he sank into a stupor, from which nothing could arouse him. Sometime during the next day as Emma was per- forming some little office at the bedside, Baby Louise toddled up, and stooping to take her in her arms Emma called her bv name. Suddenly the great dark eyes of the stranger opened, and lighted up with something of their old-lime beauty, DEATH OF RICHARD NEWTON. 255 and bent a questioning look, first upon the child and then upon the mother. Divining his thought Emma bent and whispered: " Yes, we named her for Louise." A wistful look grew in the eyes, which Emma thought she understood, and bending she smoothed a place and laid the little Louise beside him. To her surprise the child did not shrink, but with her baby hands gently stroked his face. And thus* he died. Ah, little Louise, was it some subtle influence of whose laws we as yet know nothing, that coming from the great heart of her whose name you bear, caused this baby act that comforted the dying man? Who can tell? "No, he must not lie in a western grave. With our going there will be none to bear him in remem- brance. His body must lie by his mother's, at home." It was Emma who had spoken, as she with her husband stood over the lifeless clay which lay, with the old-time beauty restored in every feature. ''And she,'' 1 and Asbury's voice grew very tender, and his eyes instinctively turned toward the Orient, ^would not want him to go to his grave unattended.' In a few hours all that was mortal of Richard Newton was being carried eastward, and a solitary saddened man accompanied it. Very content was he in his humbleness to leave the spirit with the Great Judge who knovveth the soul environments of 256 GATHERED THISTLES. us all, and in his judgment has promised to remem- ber that we are dust. And it is this body we have seen borne to the grave. It had lain in the old home over night; but once was the covering removed. The watchers in the adjacent room were startled by the sound of footfalls. Quietly looking, they saw an old man,, bent, yet not with the weight of years, go slowly to* the bier, lift the lid and place therein a silver head. No, they could not be mistaken, for the delicate golden leaves of laurel glistened even in that dim light. Having placed it, he bent a moment over the still rarely beautiful face, and with a groan turned away. A few weeks later another grave was made, and William Newton was no more. Poor Therese must have died under all these cruel blows had it not been for the Christian faith she had learned. But her future seemed indeed without a ray of promise. So at least it seemed to her, as in her sister's elegant room it was impossible for her to- remain alone in the great house she sat rocking Marie's baby, William. Was there any use, after all, for her to try? She had tried, oh, so hard, and just when her own and her father's heart seemed knitting in the closest sympathy, these last trials had come, and now he, her last friend, was gone. No, it was no use to try. Just then the door opened and the housemaid entered and handed her a letter. "It is from- DEATH OF RICHARD NEWTON. 257 Ruth," said she, as she broke the seal. Yes, it was from Ruth, who wrote such gracious, tender words of sympathy, that poor Therese wept as she had not during all these dreadful days. Then fol- lowed words of comfort. Who has not realized that there are times when the most comforting thought that can come is that " there is somebody else who cares." Finally came the glad news that they were to return shortly, and the half playful,, half in earnest injunction to keep up her studies, and that Earnest was very sure he could find a place for her as teacher. " And, mind, you are to live with us." Wise Ruth; she knew Therese's surest means of happiness lay, as does every one's in work. A grief that folds its hands is soon well named des- pair, hence she sought, and did arouse her to action, for as she finished the letter she said with an air of decision, No, I will not give up." But our curtain refuses to remain longer, so we leave not only Therese, but all the others in whom we have grown interested, to the tender mercies of the years. CHAPTER XXV. A FAMILY REUNION GATHERED THISTLES. fIGHTEEN hundred and ninety-three! How much may happen in a decade; yet if we add to that, one, yet another, as we must since we last looked in upon our friends, the changes may be startling. If this is true of a family, it is none the less so of a nation. With the rapid march of the years, almost the last trace, except in the hearts that still ache, ot the dreadful war which threatened at one time to de- vastate both North and South, has been wiped out. During these years cities have been planted, or already existing as little more than villages, have grown with a rapidity that would startle even Aladdin himself. The new forces of steam and electricity have revolutionized the commonest affairs of life. One can now whiz bv on a car drawn as the ancients would have said, by magic or by a trick of the same conjurer, talk with a friend a thousand miles away* recognizing the very intonations and peculiar inflec- A FAMILY REUNION. 259 tions of the voice; and yet staid history assures us that this wonderful land which has show*n such a marvelous capacity for development was but four short centuries ago unknown to civilization, but at that lime an intrepid mariner sailed out from safety into the unknown, and after a journey of which every detail is now hunted and made much of, he was able to lay at the feet of the old civilization this new world, brimming over as he himself little guessed with possibilities for the future. Of course its great rivers were then as yet un known, its great inland seas unsuspected, and its cities unbuilt. Still its mere finding was a great event, and therefore it is little wonder that the na- tions of the earth, looking back through the centuries, resolved to celebrate the anniversary of its finding, and to do so, had arranged to bring the choicest pro- ducts of their civilization and exhibit them on a scale of magnificence hitherto unattempted. The winds caught up the story of this coming splendor and wafted it across meadow and hill, heather and steppes. The current carried it beneath the waves and whispered it to the dwellers in the region beyond, and the eyes and thoughts of the world turned America-ward. Among the many little knots or groups, who under their own sky and in their own tongue dis- cussed the wonders that were to be seen by a journey across the ocean, there is but one that interests us. 260 GATHERED THISTLES. In a well built mission house in one of the interior cities of China a little group of missionaries has lingered, evidently to talk over "something." A large company of comfortably and neatly clad girls have just marched out of the chapel, for the "mustard seed" has taken deep root, grown ;md spread itself not unlike its scriptural ancestor. Instead of the erstwhile narrow, dirty little room in a wretched part of the city, now on one of the choicest knolls, with grounds enough about them to give the inmates a breath of God's pure air, stands a cluster of buildings upon which they who planted in tears,. look with genuine pride. Besides the comfoi table home for the missionaries there is a roomy school building, in which is the chapel we have just seen. The dream of a "girls' college" is a reality. Let us glance for a moment at the missionary group. Most of them are reinforcements from the home land, hence strangers to us, but we are at once attracted to a bright, happy yes, happy,, though it seems a happiness born of pain face of a woman whose brown wavy hair is beginning to be thickly sprinkled with silver. She has left the organ over whose keys her lingers have been idly straying, and is joining the little group who are eagerly discussing some question. As she comes up one speaks, evidently for all, " No, we cannot all go, much as would like to, but one can be spared from the work, and that one must be our brave,, cheery worker Louise, who in all these years has A FAMILY REUNION. . 261 never been to the home land." " Yes, so say we all." Louise Stevenson, for it is she, stands for a moment strangely disconcerted. For months they of the mission house have been reading of the won- derful happenings at home but better to each, than sight of sculptor's dream in marble, or of artists' sublimest conception, would be to look again into the dear faces at home, or to sit at the ingleside where mother was wont to hum a lullabv, and for weeks as the world's procession of travelers America-ward grew, this thought has taken root and grown at the mission house, "cannot at least one of us go?" And it was this they had lingered to dis- cuss, and their decision we have heard. At length Louise spoke, and her voice trembled. " Well, I don't want to seem selfish" at this, they knowing her peculiarly unselfish life smiled "but it seems strange that father and mother should still live. Sometimes it seems that I must see them again, and then I can contentedly return and ." But she did not finish the sentence with her voice, but involuntarily her eyes sought a ^little sacred spot visible from the chapel win- dow, where during the years workers had one by one lain down to rest. So it was settled. Louise, the hard-working missionary, was going home, and an outgoing steamer carried the news homeward the very next day. Again and again during all these long years she 262 GATHERED THISTLES. had expected to go, but the needs had been so- urgent, and she had seemed so well adapted to the work: besides her health had been good, while that of other missionaries had failed and when they had been ordered home for rest, she had always been able to fill up the breach. And none knew better than the group of missionaries in the chapel, indeed the whole board of missions as well, who proudly pointed to "Our college;" that its inception and its steadv march towards success was due to the clear brain and indomitable perseverance of her who w as now to take her first vacation. From that hour when she had held entranced with her voice her first unclean, half-clothed audience, she had known no rest. She had used her pen vigor- ously, and in response welcome donations came in for the proposed college. The fame of her voice grew until it reached and captured the ear of many of the better class. Nor was that her sole secret. Her cheery face won friends, and her complete self abnegation indeed she seemed to have lost all thought of self, and to be lost in her work with her instinctive svmpathy and helpfulness won the hearts of all who came in contact with her. The peculiar rescue work of the mission some- times uncovered such loathsome cases of misery that occasionally one less brave than she would shrink. Sometimes the girls who came to them were little tiny tots who had come into the world only to suffer at the hands of parents or friends. GATHERED THISTLES. 26$ Such Louise would take into her own arms, bathe and clothe. And now she was going home! The news flew, and when the day came for her to sail she passed through long dusky ranks that had gathered to do- her honor, but alas for overstrained nature, in the .stress some of these forgot their studied parts and could only wail aloud in true oriental style. * * * # # As the ship bears Louise homeward we pause to- gather up a few broken threads of the past. "Louise is coming home!" With strangely blurred eyes an old man had sat down to read aloud the letter, bearing the strange foreign post- mark they had come to know so well, and the first few lines he read told the story. Grandmother Rachel was sitting in her eay chair by the windows of the "new rooms" she had planned so long ago. Her joy at hearing the glad announcement must be imagined. Later as she wiped her glasses she said, "and the other children must come too, and we will see them all together again before we go hence." But before that joyful gathering we shall have to ask why we find them sitting so contentedly in the old home. Their youngest son had made good his boyish vow, registered over the glossy mane of his- favorite "Beauty." Perhaps a rapid sketch of his life would not be amiss. William Newton in his brightest days had not Jt!4 GATHERED THISTLES. possessed a greater desire to "get on in the world" than did this country boy, but there was this dif- ference: The lad was God serving and God fear- ing, and as we have seen, in his earliest years began by rendering back unto God a part of all his gains, yet withal he possessed true business acute- ness. He was greatly fascinated by Asbury's stories of western life, and resolved to visit that marvelous country at the earliest opportunity. He ihad a reason for this, he was not yet ready to share with anyone. That Arizona land haunted him like a nightmare. He had read and studied with inter- est everything that came in his way since he had had the "worthless deed" in his possession. Once he had read that copper had been found, yet not in quantities that would make its "reduc- tion" profitable. " What if," and this was his own little dream that lightened many a homely task these days, "what if this particular bit of land should possess the valued metal." Therefore he could scarcely conceal his satisfaction when one July morning found him journeying west, with a whole month at his disposal. Once in Asbury's .home he was not long in making his plans known, and a week later he had started on a tour of per- sonal inspection. The land was easily located. Instead of being a part of a continuous plain as he had supposed, he found it broken, with here and there great rocky fissures, and not greatly distant from the mountains. GATHERED THISTLES. 265 He did not fail to feel the pulse of local opinion concerning its value. "Arid," "worthless," the precise terms u^ed by the lawyer years ago, and his own observations as he wearily tramped over it, confirmed the verdict. The old scene in the lawyer's office came back to him, and though he could not have explained why, he experienced a new sense of loss. Until now he had not guessed how much he had builded upon these acres. In his tramp he had neared a gulch, and being wearied in body lie sat down upon a ledge of rock, and sitting there gave vent to the disappointment he could not but feel. "How useless this part of creation, anyway." That mountain over there he had been told con- tained not only copper, as he had read, but metals even more precious, but worthless, all because that homely necessitv, coal, had to be brought from such a distance. ' But what is that?" As he half lay, half sat, he had been mechanically kicking at an unoffending stone that lay a little looser than its fellows. In- stantlv his old lessons in geology with Louise flashed upon him. " I believe that is a surface indi- cation of coal!" What if it were? His heart bounded, for that very morning he had been told how profitable copper mining would be, if there were only coal. He examined more closely, then returned to his slopping place, and later returned with pick and 18 266 GATHERED THISTLES. shovel, and soon became convinced of the proxim- ity of coal. How much he did not know, this he left for those of more experience. He anxiously watched the workers for the next two days, and heard almost as an echo of one of his dreams, " It is a good paying vein!" The news spread. With characteristic western push a company was formed and within a week he had received an offer that equaled in value the old home farm. John suddenly lost all interest in a further western trip, and hastened home with the surpris- ing news. We shall make no attempt to depict the surprise of the home folk. The offer was too gladly accepted and was used at once in the re- purchase of the old farm, and with characteristic honesty the few hundreds in excess of what was needed for this was given to Therese for her father's sake. This was the beginning of solid wealth for John junior, for his parents rightly said the farm ought to be his. In this his brothers and sisters con- curred, so the transfer papers were made out. He thought so well of the coal mining company that had been formed that he persuaded his father to loan him a few hundred dollars to buy stock. In less than two years it had paid for itself and more, but this was his last "speculation." He decided the business too fraught with anxieties. The log house had gone the wav of the earth, GATHERED THISTLES. 267 but the added rooms in which the younger Rachel had taken such a pride were still, good, and after being remodeled would make a cheery "evening place" for the father and mother, and it was here \ve saw them at the reopening of this story. In the course of time John had built his own great roomy house by the side of these, indeed connected by a door, and here at the reopening he lives with his wife and growing family of boys and girls. A swift successor to Beauty carries him back and forth to his business, for the old mills, remod- eled and rebuilt, have been his for many a day. A steady business man is he, recognized in the home church as one of its thorough-going, truest friends' " Louise is coming home!" The news flew. All agreed in the wish of their mother that they should celebrate her coming by a family gathering. She would arrive about the first of May. Happy thought, why not celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding that occurred in Lynton in 'forty- three? The broad acres of the old farm had never looked more beautiful than they did that bright May morning when the great farm house seemed liter- ally alive with guests and children. Rose had not far to come; she was the wife of the prosperous farmer who owned the acres adjoining. Her own and her brother John's young people had been jealously watching the great orchard that for more than a week had been a snovvv mass of bloom. 26S GATHERED THISTLE* Grandmother had told of the old sweet wedding decorations and it had been their wish to reproduce them. Would the blossoms fade too soon? was the absorbing question. A row of Winter Greenings answered by delaying their bloom two whole weeks after the others, and when the anniversary dawned were radiant in their beauty. Great bowlfuls stood in every nook and corner, and Rose's eldest, a sweet lass of twelve named Rachel, capped the cli- max when she pinned a spray at her grandmother's breast, and arranged a smart modern boutonniere for her grandfather's lapel. The Rev. Asburv and family had arrived. His hair is whitening rapidly. It is yet an interesting question in psychology whether or not one grows to be so affected bv his profession or calling that it becomes in a sort of a way a kind of badge. At any rate you would have taken this man for a preacher anywhere, and a western one at that. Perhaps the unconventional style of his dress and demeanor suggested the latter, or it may have been his ready utterance and earnestness in regard to sins both private and national. There is not really a hint of conservatism in his whole make up. God has been very gracious in his dealings with this our erstwhile young minister, and lie has be- come a strong factor in both church and state- The word "state" is used advisedly, for during these "last twenty years a great moral triumph has been won, and when the tocsin of war sounded he GATHERED THISTLES. 269 and his brethren to a man girt on their swords of ready argument, convincing logic, and prayer of faith. They spoke while standing on goods boxes on the open streets on week days, and within pulpits on the Sabbath. Every school house became an ora- tor's platform from which this new movement was heralded. There could be but one result. To-day ? in all that state there is not a legalized place like that in which Richard Newton received his death wound. Those were heroic days! The younger children, even now, love to gather while Aunt Emma tells of burning churches, of threatened lynchings, and sometimes of blood shed. Edward, the quiet scholar, the ready writer and apt scientist, is also here. 1 1 is "maiden article" was followed by manv others. To-dav he is a valuable contributor to many of the current periodicals. Contrary to his mother's expectations, he too en- tered the ministry, but under circumstances very different from those of his brother Asbury, for his first charge was a city mission. He did most excel- lent service here for two years and it was here he found his bride. She had grown up in a parsonage. His ministerial prospects seemed unusually bright, but just at this juncture his alma mater give him an urgent call to teach in its halls, offering him what he most loved, the Sciences. Finally he yielded. It was as well, for time has proven him a rare educator. To-dav he is a recognized authority 270 GATHERED THISTLES. upon botany. Go into your high school, and more than likely the authorized text book on that science will bear his name. Ruth Warren and her husband, with their child- ren, have come from the far West. For years he has been president of a western college that is tak- ing front rank among its more pretentious eastern sister. It would take a great deal of time and space to tell the half of Ruth's life successes. She has been the companion, fellow student and inspira- tion of her husband. She is an intelligent factor in the church, and a sweet and gracious mother; in short her womanhood is but the fruitage of the promise of her girlhood. But the centre of attraction to all, even to the elders as well as the younger ones, was a sweet- faced elderly woman with frost sprinkled hair, of whom at first the younger ones stood a little in awe. How could they think a missionary whom they had never seen a bit of common flesh and blood like themselves. But a few cheery laughs from the missionary and that vanished. And how proud they were of their own Aunt Louise, of whom each has heard all their lives. Is it true, or do we imag- ine it that sometimes her gaze rests most lovingly upon that other sweet young Louise Stevenson, the babe of twenty years age, who has just completed the course at her "Uncle Earnest's college," or that with a peculiar fondness she caresses the soft white h;md that lies in her lap. Perhaps, though, GATHERED THISTLES. 271 it is all our fancy, for she is the life of the gather- ing. What marvelous stories she tells of far away China, and of the mission life. It all sounds so grand that half the younger ones are secretly resolving -to become missionaries. We had not noticed that in this group there are two strange faces; not strange, either, for we have seen them before. One of them is sitting near Ruth Warren. It is the quiet, happy face of Therese, with the heartache all gone. All of Ruth's written promises were fulfilled. After she and her husband had returned and he was settled in his work, he did interest himself in her behalf and secured for her a position as teacher. So it came about that she made her home with Ruth, as was suggested. Ruth greatly encour- aged her to active Christian work, and in her heart grew up the peaceable fruits of righteousness, and the dreadful past slipped away. Finally when one of the best and most prosperous business men of the city asked the really handsome Mrs. Les Page to share his name and home, she consented. There was little romantic fervor about this second marriage, but Therese was as well satisfied. Since that day her life has been a constant joy, and a happy circle of boys and girls is growing up around her hearthstone. That remarkably handsome lad over there, who with a careless grace has just thrown his arm about Aunt Louise, somewhat to the discomfiture 272 GATHERED THISTLES. of the latter's own neices and nephews is Therese's eldest. She calls him Richard. Marie, too, is here to honor the day. She and her daughters are resplendent in elegant clothes. She is quite as daintv and pretty as ever. Her husband is a careful business man, and there is no reason to think that life will ever be otherwise than what it is, a succession of luxuries, but she feels strangely out of place among those to whom, though neat and well dressed, clothes are only a necessary adjunct, and whose conversation runs entirely upon questions and topics of which she has scarcely heard. Poor Marie; she has lived and is living her nar- row little life. The prevailing styles and petty local society triumphs have been her horizon. She reads a little of the daily papers, especially that part which describes society's doings, indulges in a novel occasionally, but of the great world of thought and of the day's moral battles she is ignor- ant. Pity for poor Marie and her kind. Her daughters have neither her beauty nor her dainty ways. Indeed, as we catch the startling slang that falls from their lips we fear they border on rudeness. Margaret, the eldest, is older than Asbury's Louise. She is already a blase young lady who has quaffed every cup of pleasure society has to offer. She with her younger sisters finds this gathering very "stupid," although the young folks have planned bicycle races up and down the GATHERED THISTLES. 273 shady, gravelled lane, and are performing miracles of grace with Indian clubs and dumb bells, and have even after a great deal of trouble, erected a tennis court in the grassy meadow beyond. " But such things are so childish." We have spent so much time in noting the guests we can hardly look in at the groaning table, nor pause to offer our congratulations and well wishes to the aged pair whose hearts are so happy to-day. Nor can we stop to listen to the fun of the younger ones, nor even study the characteristics of any this younger generation, except to say that all bear the im- print of health. The mother of each set of children, whether in college town, Kansas parsonage, or of the free life of the farm, has made physical culture a specialty. Their clothes are made for a purpose, rather than for an end. Though one or two of the group have reached and passed the twentieth year, yet the talk is still of study, so we infer they are all walking closely in the paths of their elders. But the day is waning, Marie has gone to her home, Therese and her children have accom- panied them. The brothers and sisters gather in the dusk in the great parlors, and much of the family history is recounted. Reminiscence follows reminiscence, and it is not strange that often the hearty laugh rings out. But the reflections are not all thus cheerful, for that other happy couple who began life also fifty years before is remembered, and all grow hushed in 19 274 GATHERED THISTLES. genuine pity as the name is mentioned. Nor can much be said, for that sorrow lies too close to the heart of one of their own. This aged couple has indeed reason for thanks- giving. As their children gather about them each comes as a servant of the King, and what matters it whether the world ever bestows its plaudits, the consciousness of an honest, upright life is sufficient reward. "To have acted well our little part, There all the honor lies.'' ***** In the dusk of that same evening a solitary figure, that of a woman, might have been seen picking her way among the older graves of the city cemetery. Presently she paused beside a sunken one, and leaning upon the plain shaft which marked it, she murmured the one word, " Richard !" During this day of rejoicing brave Louise Ste- venson had gone about with such an ache tugging at her heart, as her family little guessed. When the tall and well formed lads and lasses had gathered about her and begged for a song, or the younger ones with greater freedom had clamb- ered upon her knee, she had realized anew the depth of her loss, in that woman's richest crown of wifehood and motherhood had been denied her. Further it had been borne in upon her that she was a stranger in her own land, and though her family held her dear, yet they had learned to do without GATHERED THISTLES. 275 her. She had lost her place among them; plainly her "niche" was no longer here, but across the sea. In a short time she must turn her face east- ward; a few more years of work, and then her body would rest, not here as might have been its right, but there in a mission " God's Acre." Abandoning herself to her grief, she knelt by the grave of her youthful lover. The past came back so plainly. How beautiful he had been ; how generous; how warm the impulses of his heart; how gifted; to whit heights might he have climbed. But kneeling there as with light- ning flash she saw the fatal web that had been woven about him from his very boyhood. She heard again the mazy tread of the home dance, caught the sparkle of the home wines, and listened to the cynical sneer concerning things holy. She beheld the web tighten as the temptations of college life assailed him, and recalled the proud boast of his chosen college, that it was " broad, liberal, and unhampered by the narrowness of creed." "My Darling Richard!" she moaned in her agony. "It is indeed true, men cannot gather grapes from planted thistles, and your wrecked life was after all but natural fruitage." But alas, that the harvest should be so bitter! THE END. A 000 031 626 5