The D. Van Nostrand Company intend this book to be sold to the Public at the advertised price, and supply it to the Trade on terms which will not allow of discount. Copper Aluminum- 4* v*J iTTTT TTtr' ib 3|l ||l $ ^t *?* 11 P if M 4 $ a Hi ^ C3>3 $ ^ ^ i >f * * -4l> * v s & ti ^^ " n ii 3 & c* o, u \\ ) pa for Flat ng cing of 3 60 Cy tf ^ if ^ i ^ jT "i Ii" i_ i t_ _i_ ^ rpTTT ^ I|'"I|IMI| -^ ...fe.....fe <0 CO T^ '"T" '"I T 1 " '"T 1 bo ^j ip in ,|,M,|,,MJ,,, ,M^,.,, M.JF. o4 K> b 1 ' I ' I ' CP CO Ohms Resistance c r t I i i 5 S s. FeetSpacing Copper Aluminum to i^~' FeetSpacing - FeetSpacing UHULlili Copper TTTTnTTTrr ^ lumlnurn fsflf C-SQ Q 3 C/i N&; - FeetSpacing 25 Cycles. 3) g O -Tl 3 *i*3 o z ' J ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' .1 " ' ' 1 ' " ' ) CO --J cy ui -f^ o4 rO I""!""!""!""!""!""!""!""!""!""!""!""!" "i""r"i""i Ml U iT. tO co -J O> vn -t ->J ro "I""!""!"" 1 ""! |....|....|..i.|....|.i..|i...|. "'""I"" 1 ""! 1 -J lO OO J en -f v>l ro -J 1 1 1 ' 1 > 1 1 ' 1 1 """1 "..,,,,,,,., ro T" 1 !" 1 ;! 11 "!"".!" 1 . 1 !" 1 ;! 1 " 1 '"".!""! 1 ";! "j" Cc oo *J cr* UT 4 C>4 o l l ^, l i ll ",i l 'V!" l .U"l' | ""i l " l i ii "i I " l i | " i r i "i""i 11 = Regulation Factor l|llll |""l""l '" lO 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 IJ 1 1 1 I | 1 1 M | I 1 1 . | 1 1 1 1 j I . I 1 | 1 1 1 1 j , | ,,,,,, M ,J ... CO ~4 i U\ dfc 5|t t\)^ W^, 2^ ^It % ^ & O <5" ^^*CN* V. CN. f^ ^""^ fN ^^ ll H |f ^ 85 ^ S ; / .^ ? .^ ? <>> TTT-I 1 " V "' '"' "J ' ' "J " "J 'J | """"T""" 1 ' o Conductor per Mile. TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND ENGINEERING STUDENTS BY HERBERT BRISTOL DWIGHT, B. Sc. ASSOCIATE OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 25 PARK PLACE 1913 Engineering Library V COPYRIGHT, 1913, BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Stanbopc jpress F. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. PREFACE. THE object of this book is to compile a set of instructions for engineers, which will enable them to make electrical calculations for transmission lines with the least possible amount of work. The chart and working formulas have for the most part been developed independently by the author. Where the same or similar methods have been previously published, the fact is generally stated in the footnotes, but it has not been found possible to make these references absolutely complete. The second part of the book is for reference and contains the derivation of the principal formulas used in connec- tion with transmission lines. As many recent articles on transmission lines make use of formulas which are only roughly approximate, or are even incorrect, a reliable col- lection of formulas, with the method of obtaining them, should be found valuable. It should not be presumed, because the second part of the book requires the use of the integral calculus, that the working formulas will require a knowledge of higher mathematics. The first five or six chapters are complete in themselves, and are planned for the use of those who have an ordinary acquaintance with alternating-current calculations. H. B. DWIGHT. HAMILTON, CANADA, August, i pi 2. in 266994 CONTENTS. PART I. WORKING FORMULAS. CHAPTER PAGE Frontispiece REGULATION CHART PREFACE iii I. INTRODUCTION i II. ELEMENTS or A TRANSMISSION LINE 4 III. REGULATION CHART 8 IV. FORMULAS FOR SHORT LINES 16 V. K FORMULAS 25 VI. CONVERGENT SERIES 41 PART II. THEORY. VII. CONDUCTORS 53 VIII. TRANSMISSION LINE PROBLEMS 57 IX. REACTANCE OF WIRE, SINGLE-PHASE 62 X. SKIN EFFECT 67 XI. REACTANCE OF CABLE, SINGLE-PHASE 76 XII. REACTANCE OF TWO-PHASE AND THREE-PHASE LINES 79 XIII. CAPACITY OF SINGLE-PHASE LINE 84 XIV. CAPACITY OF TWO-PHASE AND THREE-PHASE LINES 93 XV. THEORY OF CONVERGENT SERIES 98 PART III. TABLES. TABLE REGULATION CHART I. FORMULAS FOR SHORT LINES 104 Conditions given at Receiver End. II. FORMULAS FOR SHORT LINES 106 Conditions given at Supply End. III. K FORMULAS 108 Conditions given at Receiver End. IV. K FORMULAS 112 Conditions given at Supply End. V VI CONTENTS TABLE PAGE V. CONVERGENT SERIES 1 16 Conditions given at Receiver End. VI. CONVERGENT SERIES 117 Conditions given at Supply End. VII. RESISTANCE OF COPPER WIRE AND CABLE 118 VIII. RESISTANCE OF ALUMINUM CABLE 120 IX. REACTANCE OF WIRE, 25 CYCLES 121 X. REACTANCE OF CABLE, 25 CYCLES 122 XI. REACTANCE OF WIRE, 60 CYCLES 124 XII. REACTANCE OF CABLE, 60 CYCLES 125 XIII. CAPACITY SUSCEPTANCE OF WIRE, 25 CYCLES 127 XIV. CAPACITY SUSCEPTANCE OF CABLE, 25 CYCLES 128 XV. CAPACITY SUSCEPTANCE OF WIRE, 60 CYCLES 130 XVI. CAPACITY SUSCEPTANCE OF CABLE, 60 CYCLES 131 XVII. POWER FACTOR TABLE 133 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 135 Transmission Line Formulas PART I. WORKING FORMULAS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. THE determination of the electrical characteristics of transmission lines is a problem of considerable practical importance to engineers. It occurs frequently in electri- cal engineering work, and various methods have been pro- posed for carrying out the calculations with greater or less degrees of accuracy. Unfortunately, most of the methods so far presented have been such as to require special mathe- matical skill in using unfamiliar forms such as hyperbolic sines, etc. Even the approximate methods, whose results are not intended to be reliable for lines of considerable length, are often too cumbersome to be used by an engi- neer who has not time to make himself thoroughly familiar with them. The result has been that engineers have often been satisfied with calculations for practical cases which were not nearly as correct as they might easily have been. Working methods have been developed, and are presented in the following chapters, for solving problems in connec- tion with actual transmission lines. As these working methods involve comparatively simple operations in algebra 2 , TRANSMISSION .LINE FORMULAS .>\ .,,- -i {..*;/.\ and arithmetic only, they should be found useful by all electrical engineering students and engineers. Groups of problems with answers are added to provide practice in the use of the formulas. The working formulas can be imme- diately used by electrical engineers without the delay caused by working out the true meaning and correct oper- ation of long and intricate systems of calculation. They are also arranged to require the minimum amount of labor for routine work where many lines are to be calculated. The first method, which is described in Chapter III, is in the form of a chart which gives the regulation or voltage drop of a line, and which also shows directly the required size of conductor for given conditions. In Chapter IV are given formulas for distribution lines and transmission lines only a few miles long. These are extended in Chapter V by means of the constant K to apply to transmission lines of any length in ordinary practice. For purposes of checking different formulas, and for the calculation of extremely long and unusual lines, the fundamental formulas of transmission lines are expressed by rapidly converging series in Chapter VI. While these series require much more arithmetical work than the K formulas, they will give the exact results to any degree of accuracy desired. The method of convergent series in- volves the use of complex numbers, that is, numbers in which "j" terms appear. They are easier to handle, however, than logarithms, sines and cosines of angles, or hyperbolic functions, and therefore the use of these other mathematical functions has been avoided. Each of the above groups of working formulas is printed in a table, ready for practical use. The tables will be INTRODUCTION 3 found in the collection at the back of the book, as well as in the separate chapters describing them. When any formula is given which uses approximations, the limits of its accuracy should be clearly stated so that one can tell at a glance whether the method is sufficiently accurate for the purpose in hand, or whether a longer method giving greater accuracy is desirable. This is espe- cially necessary in the calculation of transmission lines, because approximate formulas are quite permissible for lines only a few miles long, but become very untrust- worthy when the length is increased to one hundred miles or more. For this reason, each table of formulas has its percentage and range of accuracy printed in a prominent position, so that the most suitable method for any case may be instantly chosen. CHAPTER II. ELEMENTS OF A TRANSMISSION LINE. THE essential elements of a transmission line have been described many times, but a short discussion of them, with an explanation of some of the terms used in connec- tion with the subject, may be useful before proceeding with the actual calculations. A transmission line consists of two or more conductors insulated from each other so that they can carry energy by electric currents to some more or less distant point. The conductors may be solid copper wires, copper cables, or aluminum cables. The diameters and resistances of various standard conductors are given in Tables VII and VIII, pages 118 to 120. It will be noted that the exact value of the resistance of a conductor differs slightly when a direct current, and an alternating current of 25 or 60 cycles, is flowing. This is due to the "skin effect," by which an alternating current tends to flow near the surface of a conductor, as explained in Chapter X. The drop in voltage due to resistance is proportional to the current and is in phase with it when the current is alternating. Only overhead lines, carrying alternating currents, will be considered in this book. Such lines are supported by poles or steel towers at a considerable height above the ground. The conductors are separated from each other by a distance which may be several inches or several feet. This distance is called the " spacing" of the conductors 4 ELEMENTS OF A TRANSMISSION LINE 5 and it has an important bearing on the electrical charac- teristics of the line. An alternating magnetic field is formed around, and in- side of, conductors carrying alternating currents. This field generates a voltage along the conductors which is proportional to the current, like the voltage drop due to resistance, but which is 90 out of phase with the current. This voltage is called the reactance drop. Tables of re- actance of transmission lines will be found in Part III. Since the voltage drop in a transmission line is due to resistance and reactance, a simple line may be considered to be made up of the elements shown in Fig. i. If R is Resistance Receiv- Suppty Eg E er0 r Resistance ^^Sr i Load. Fig. i. the total resistance, the voltage drop in phase with the current / will be IR, and if X is the total reactance, the voltage drop in quad- rature with the current will be IX. The vector diagram of the above quantities will be as in Fig. 2. The cur- rent is in general not in phase with the voltage Fig - 2- E, but lags behind it by an angle 6, according to the power factor, cos 6, of the load. The resistance drop IR will therefore not be added directly to E, but must be added vectorially, along with the reactance drop IX, as in 6 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Fig. 2. It is evident that the voltages E and E 8 , and the power factors cos 6 and cos 0, at the two ends of the line, are not the same in value. A long transmission line acts as a condenser and this fact also must be taken into account. A condenser con- sists of two electrical conductors placed close together but insulated from each other so that a direct current cannot pass between them. However, if an alternating voltage be applied between them, a charge of electricity propor- tional to the electrostatic capacity of the condenser will flow into and out of the conductors. The result is that an alternating current will appear to flow between them, pro- portional to the t capacity susceptance of the condenser. This current, called the charging current, will be 90 out of phase with the voltage, and, unlike most currents in ordinary practice, it will lead the voltage in phase, in- stead of lagging behind it. The amount of the charging current may be determined by means of the tables of capacity susceptance of transmission lines, in Part III. A current in phase with the voltage will flow between the conductors, but it is only noticeable at very high voltages. Part of it is a leakage current flowing over the insulators, and part is a discharge through the air, and produces the glow called corona, on high-voltage con- ductors. The elements of a transmission line accounting for the leakage current and charging current are shown in Fig. 3, in which resistances and condensers are shunted across the line all along its length. Considering for the present that the voltage of the line is the same at all parts and is equal to , the current in phase with E flowing across from one conductor to tjie ELEMENTS OF A TRANSMISSION LINE other will be EG, where G is the total conductance between the wires. So also, if B is the capacity susceptance of the Supply P Receiv- E er. Fig. 3. line considered as a condenser, EB will be the value of the shunted current in quadrature with E. The vector diagram for the line indicated in Fig. 3 (neg- lecting the voltage drop in the conductors) is shown in Fig. 4. It is seen that the current I 8 at the supply end is different in magnitude and phase from the current / at the receiver. In order to calculate the combined effect of the above phenomena, formulas must be used which will take into account the fact that the resistance, capacity, etc., are uniformly distributed along the line, and that the line cur- rent and voltage are different at all parts of the line. Fig. 4. CHAPTER III. REGULATION CHART. THE characteristic of a transmission line which limits the load it may carry is its regulation, or the variation in voltage which occurs when the load is thrown on and off. This is especially true when the load has a low power factor, which is the case in most instances at the present time. For estimating the regulation of a line, or the size of conductor required, the regulation chart which forms the frontispiece of the book may be used, and it will give the required result much quicker than any method of calcula- tion. An extra copy of the chart is inserted at the back of the book; it may be found useful for cutting out and mounting on cardboard. The chart is accurate within approximately \ of i% of full line voltage, when the regulation is less than 10% and the line is not more than 100 miles long. In using the chart,* one places a straightedge across it from the point on the left corresponding to the spacing of the transmission line, to the point on the right, correspond- ing to the resistance of the conductor per mile. The reg- ulation voltage, V, per total ampere per mile of line, is then read directly from the chart for the power factor of load considered. The regulation is taken as the change in * The process of using the chart is similar to that used with the trans- former regulation and efficiency charts published by J. F. Peters, Electric Journal, December, 1911. 8 REGULATION CHART 9 load voltage when the load is thrown on or off, assuming constant supply voltage. The total regulation is quickly figured on the slide rule from the following formula for two-phase (four wire) or three-phase lines: i . w u looo K.V.A. X IV Regulation Volts = - where K.V.A. = Kilovolt-amperes of load, at the receiver end. E = Line voltage at the load, or receiver end. / = Length of line in miles. For single-phase lines use 2V instead of F, making the formula as follows: _> . . _, u looo K.V.A. X I X 2 F Regulation Volts = - The regulation volts may be expressed as a percentage of E to give the per cent regulation, and a formula is given on the chart for obtaining this result directly. The line drop, or difference in voltage between the supply end and the receiver end of the line, is the same as the regulation for lines less than about 20 miles long, but for longer lines the effect of the charging current must be taken into account by the formula Line Drop = Regulation Volts aooo/ where K = 2.16 for 60 cycles, and K = .375 for 25 cycles. It is seen that the voltage due to the charging current is proportional to the line voltage E, and to the square of the number of miles, but is independent of the size or spacing of the conductors, within the assigned limit of ac- curacy. The constant K does not need to be used in the 10 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS v formula for regulation, since the charging current is present at both no load and full load. In selecting the spacing point on the chart, one notes whether the frequency is 25 or 60 cycles, and whether the conductor is of copper or aluminum. The spacing points are the same for both solid wire and cable. When the wires of a three-phase line are not spaced at the corners of an equilateral triangle, but are at irregular distances a, b, and c from each other, as in Figs. 5 and 6, the equivalent spacing _ 5 = v abc should be used. ........... c ......... ~ Fig. 6. Irregular Flat Spacing. K -- a ..... -><- ...... a ----->j I ............ 2a ............ j Fig. 5~ Irregular Triangular Spacing. Fig. 7. Regular Flat Spacing. With regular flat spacing, as in Figs. 7 and 8, the equa- tion for the equivalent spacing becomes simply s = i. 26 a. It makes no difference whether the plane of the wires with flat spacing is horizontal, vertical or inclined. The spacing of a two-phase line is the average distance between wires of the same phase. The distance between wires of different phases is not considered. The points marked on the resistance scale at the right of the chart are for cables at 20 C., assuming hard-drawn copper of a conductivity equal to 97.3% of the Annealed REGULATION CHART II Copper Standard, and hard-drawn aluminum of 60.86% conductivity, and allowing an increase of i% in resistance for the effect of spiralling of the wires in the cable. However, these resistance points are placed on the chart for convenience only, and are not essential. If other assump- tions are made, or if other sizes of conductor are used, all that is needed is to find the re- sistance of the conductor per mile, and use the corresponding resistance point on the chart Fi s- 8 - Regular to find "V." FtatSpactag - One of the most common problems in estimating new projects is to determine the size of wire needed for any given value of regulation, and the chart will be found especially applicable to this work. "V" is first found from the equation, v = % Reg'n X E 2 ~ 100,000 K.V.A. X I ' Then lay a straightedge through "V" and the point for the spacing to be used, and the nearest size of conductor can be seen, at a glance, on the resistance scale at the right. The chart is quite as useful for finding the voltage drop, or required size of conductor, for distribution lines a few hundred feet long as it is for transmission lines many miles long. PROBLEM A. Find, by means of the chart, the regulation and line drop for the following set of conditions: Length of line 100 miles. Spacing 8 feet. Conductor No. 3 copper cable. Load (measured at receiver end) , 3000 K. V. A., 66,000 volts, 90% P.F., three phase, 60 cycles. 12 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Lay a straightedge from the 8-foot spacing point (60 cycles, copper conductor) to the point on the resistance scale for No. 3 copper cable. It is found to cross the 90% P.F. line at the reading 1.344. Then, by the formula on the chart, ^ T. , ,. 100,000 X 3000 x 100 x 1.344 Per cent Regulation = z 223 66,000 X 66,000 = 9.26%, or approximately 9.3%. The calculated value of the regulation of this line is 9.40% (Chap. VI, Prob. 2), so that the error involved in using the chart is less than I of i% of line voltage. The per cent line drop, according to the chart, is 9.26 100 x 2.16 x Tl6 for 60 cycles. K = 0.375 for 25 cycles. 10,000 Conditions given: K.V.A. = K.V.A. at receiver end. E = Full load voltage at receiver end. cos 6 = Power factor at receiver end. K.W. =K.V.A. cos0. r = Resistance of conductor per mile. (From Tables VII-VIII.) x = Reactance of conductor per mile. (From Tables IX-XII.) I = Length of transmission line in miles. Then P = ^- . . . cos _ ^ j^gg curren t a t receiver end (in total amps.) . Q = 1000 K.V.A. sing = Reactiye current afc rece i ve r end (in total amps.), when current is lagging. 1000 K.V.A. sin & . L . , ,. = -- = - , when current is leading. K FORMULAS 29 Find the following quantities: Full Load. . 3 Load. i-*(J-Vi. \ioooj . The above are for two- and three-phase lines. For single-phase lines use 2 r and 2 x in place of r and #. 30 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE III. (Continued.} CONDITIONS GIVEN AT RECEIVER END. Formulas: Full Load. No Load. Voltage at receiver end. :* (,)&--_ (for constant supply voltage). Regulation at receiver end in volts, for constant supply voltage. N.B. The regulation at receiver end may be expressed as a percentage of E. Voltage at supply end. (for constant receiver voltage) . Regulation at supply end in volts, for constant receiver voltage. f*\ L. B * B * (6) A H -- j AQ -- j- 2 A 2 Ao N.B. The regulation at supply end may be expressed as a percentage K FORMULAS 31 Current at supply end in total amperes* (7) VC 2 + D 2 . (8) Co 2 + A 2 . K. V.A . at supply end. ( 9 ) - 1000 2A .JF". a/ supply end. (n) (4C + 3D). (12) ^ . (10) -^-(^o+^j- )VCo 2 +A> 2 . Power factor at supply end, in decimals. AC + BD A Q C +B D (13) 7 - A + In- phase current at supply end in total amperes.* AC+BD , ,, A C +B D Reactive current at supply end in total amperes* , . BC-AD , Q x ^o (I7) "' When this quantity is positive, the current is lagging. When this quantity is negative, the current is leading. K.W. loss in line. (19) (AC + BD -EP). (20) (A C + B D ) IOOO IOOO [same as No. 12] Per cent efficiency of line. , . 100 EP AC+BD Total amps. * Amperes per wire, three-phase, = -p Total amps. Amperes per wire, two phase, = 32 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS 'TABLE IV. K FORMULAS FOR TRANSMISSION LINES. CONDITIONS GIVEN AT SUPPLY END. Accurate within approximately T V of i% of line voltage up to 100 miles and \ of i% up to 200 miles, for lines with regulation up to 20%. T ^ 6 (cycles) 2 , , , .. K = . K 2.16 for 60 cycles. K 0.375 for 25 cycles. 10,000 Conditions given: K.V.A. = K.V.A. at supply end. E 8 = Full load voltage at supply end. cos 9 = Power factor at supply end. K.W. = K.V.A. cos0. r = Resistance of conductor per mile. (From Tables VII-VIII.) x = Reactance of conductor per mile. (From Tables IX-XII.) / = Length of transmission line in miles. Then P 8 = -^~~ = In-phase current at supply end (in c-s total amps.). Q 8 = ' ' = Reactive current at supply end (in c-s total amps.), when current is lagging 1000 K.V.A. sin 9 . . , ,. = = , when current is leading. K FORMULAS 33 Find the following quantities: Full Load. / Vh-i, _LY. 3 \ioooy = ES ' - I - I * X \IOOOj . The above are for two- and three-phase lines. For single- phase lines use 2 r and 2 x in place of r and #. 34 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE IV. (Continued.) CONDITIONS GIVEN AT SUPPLY END. Formulas: Full Load. No Load. Voltage at receiver end. (for constant supply voltage). Regulation at receiver end in volts, for constant supply voltage. N.B. The regulation at receiver end may be expressed as a percentage of E. Voltage at supply end. F+ (4) E.. (5) E 08 = 2 ^E a F +^L 2F (for constant receiver voltage). Regulation at supply end, in volts, for constant receiver voltage. N.B. The regulation at supply end may be expressed as a percentage ofE a . ' K FORMULAS 35 Current in total amperes.* _ ( 7 ) VM* + N* at receiver end. (8) Vjjf 2 + N Q 2 at supply end. K.V.A. ( ) __L_ {p+**.} VM* + N* at receiver end. w ' 1000 \ 2 Fj (10) - E 8 Vlf 2 + No 2 at supply end. tf.TF. (ll ) _J_(FM + Gtf) at receiver end. (12) -^- E 8 M at supply end. 7 1000 Power factor, in decimals. FM + GN - at receiver end. * *' / fT 2 \ f F + ^ ) 2V 2 In-phase current in total amperes* ( IS ) FM + ^ N at receiver end. (16) Jfo at supply end. ^ + 5 Reactive current in total amperes* ( I7 ) GM ~ - V at receiver end. (18) ]V at supply end. When this quantity is positive, the current is lagging. When this quantity is negative, the current is leading. K.W. loss in line. ( IQ ) _I_ ( Es p 8 - FM - ON). (20) Per cent efficiency of line. ( 2I ) f J?p P er cent - Total amps. * Amperes per wire, three phase, = Total amps. Amperes per wire, two phase, = - - 36 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS PROBLEM A. Find by the K formulas, the line drop in the following case: Length of line 100 miles. Spacing 8 feet. Conductor No. 3 copper cable. Load (at receiver end), 3000 K.V.A., 66,000 volts, 90% P.F., three phase, 60 cycles. (Prob. A, Chap. III.) From the tables, r = 1.078, x = 0.840. 1000 X 3000 X 0.90 P = -f *= = 40.91. 66,000 O = looo X 3000 X Q.4359 = o 66,000 2 l6 A = 66,000 66,000 X : 100 +40.91 X 107.8(1 --X ) \ 3 loo/ + 19.81 X8 4 (i-^X \ 6 100 = 70,580 volts. . 1.078 .. 2.16 B = 66,000 X e- X 0.840 100 + 40.91 X 84(1 -\ X^-J 19-81 X 107.8 ( i- - X ) \ 6 100 / V 3 I00 / = 3150 volts. Supply voltage = 70,580 + = 7o,6 5 o. Line drop = 4650 volts = 7.05%. By the fundamental formulas, using the same line constants, the line drop is 7.08% (Prob. 2, Chap. VI). The discrepancy is 0.03% of line voltage. PROBLEM B. Find by the K formulas the voltage at the supply end of the following line: Total length of line ......................... 300 miles. Spacing ................................... 12 feet. K FORMULAS 37 Conductor, 266,800 c.m. aluminum cable. Load at receiver end of line, 9000 K.V.A., 80% P.F. (lagging), 100,000 volts, three phase, 60 cycles. Load taken by a substation at the middle of the line, 150 miles from either end, 2000 K.V.A. at the line voltage and at 70% P.F. (lagging). Solution of first section of line. r = 0.3410 x = 0.791 / = 150, P = 72 Q = 54. From the K formulas, A = 100,000 4860 + 3560 + 6360 = 105,060 volts. B = 2100 -f 8470 2670 = 7900 volts. C= 72 -3-50+ 1.13 -0.57 = 69.06 amperes. D = 1.51 - 54 + 2.63 -f 80.59 = 30.73 amperes. A H = Ei = 105,360 volts. AC + BD In-phase current = - 4 I -^ Reactive current = 71.15 amps BC - AD ' 2A = 25.46 amps Solution of second section of line. Conditions at middle of line : Ei = 105,360. In-phase current of substation load looo X 2000 X 0.70 = = 13.29 amps. 105,360 Reactive current of substation load looo X 2000 X 0.7 141 L - a - = 13.56 amps. 105,360 38 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS s PI = 71.15 -|- 13.29 = 84.44 amps. Qi = 25.46 + 13.56 = 11.90 amps. Then by the K formulas, Ai = 105,360 5120 + 4180 1410 = 103,010 volts. BI = 2200 + 9940 + 590 = 12,730 volts. T? 2 AI -\ j- = 103,800 volts 2 AI = voltage at the supply end of the line. [By the fundamental formulas, supply voltage = 103,900 volts (Prob. B, Chap. VI).] PROBLEMS, CHAP. V. (K FORMULAS.) 1. Find, by means of the K formulas, the voltage drop from the supply end to the receiver end (the line drop) of the following line: Length of line 200 miles. Spacing 9 feet. Conductor No. ooo aluminum cable. Load (at receiver end), 4500 K.V.A., 66,000 volts, 80% P.F., three phase, 60 cycles. Ans. 6650 volts. [By the fundamental formulas, 6700 volts. (Chap. VI, Prob. A).] 2. Find the regulation of the line in Prob. A, Chap. V. [See Prob. A, Chap. III.] Ans. 9.37%. [By the fundamental formulas 9.40%. (Chap. VI, Prob. 2.) Error 0.03% of line voltage.] 3. Find the per cent regulation and voltage drop of the following line: Length of line 75 miles. Spacing, 8 feet, regular flat spacing. Conductor No. oo aluminum cable. Load (at receiver end), 10,000 K.V.A., 88,000 volts, 85% P.F., three phase, 25 cycles. (Prob. 7, Chap. III.) Ans. 7-35% reg'n, 7.13% drop. 'K FORMULAS 39 4. Find, by the K formulas, the per cent voltage drop, the per cent loss, and the power factor at the supply end of the following line: Length of line 100 miles. Spacing 6 feet. Conductor No. oooo copper wire. Take r = 0.267, * -7 2 7> & = 6.03 X lo" 6 . Load (at receiver end), 100 amperes per wire, 60,000 volts, 95% P.P., three phase, 60 cycles. [Problem of Pender and Thomson, Proc. A. /..., July, 1911.] Ans. 13-09% drop, 7.61% loss, 96.58% P.F. [Calc. by series, 13.03% drop, 7.60% loss, 96.66% P.F. (Prob. 4, Chap. VI).] 5. Find, by the K formulas, the K.V.A. and voltage at the supply end, and the efficiency of the following line: Length of line 250 Km. = 155.34 miles. Spacing 6 feet. Conductor No. ooo copper wire. Total resistance of one conductor .... 51.5 ohms. Total reactance of one conductor .... 48 . o ohms. Load (at receiver end), 15,000 K.V.A., 86,600 volts, 80% P.F., three phase, 25 cycles. [See page 91, "Application of Hyperbolic Functions," by A. E. Kennelly, University of London Press, 1912.] Ans. 15,130 K.V.A., 97,920 volts, 89.68%. [By series, 15,153 K.V.A., 97,934 volts, 89.71%.] 6. Find (a) star voltage at supply end at full load, (6) star voltage at supply end at no load, (c) regulation volts (star) at the supply end, (d) amperes per wire at supply end at full load, (e) power factor at supply end at full load, (/) loss in line at full load, (g) efficiency of the transmission line, (h) amperes per wire at supply end at no load (i.e., the "charging current"), (i) power factor at supply end at no load, (7) loss in line at no load, 40 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS for the following line: Length of line 300 miles. Spacing 10 feet. Conductor, No. ooo copper cable of 0.330 ohms per mile. Load (at receiver end), 18,000 K.V.A., 104,000 line volts, 90% P.F., three phase, 60 cycles. [Prob. A, page 2, G. E. Review Supplement, May, 1910.] Answers: By K Formulas. (a) 69,820 (b) 48,610 (c) 21,210 (d) 97.0 (e) 92.2 (/) 2530 (2) 86.5 ( 91-3 W 7.1 0') 940 7. Find, by the K formulas, the voltage at the supply end of the following line: Total length of line 400 miles. Spacing 15 feet. Conductor No. oooo copper cable. Load at receiver end of line, 5000 K.V.A., 85% P.F. (lagging) 110,000 volts, three phase, 60 cycles. Load taken by a substation at the middle of the line, 200 miles from either end, 2500 K.V.A., at the line voltage and at 90% P.F. (lagging). Ans. 89,720 volts. [By the convergent series, 90,190 volts (Prob. 6, Chap. VI). Error 0.5%.] A method of operation of transmission lines is coming into prominence, by which the voltage of the line is kept constant at all points, and the inconveniences due to poor By Fundamental Formulas. Error in per cent of full voltage or current. 69,670 volts 0-3% 48,950 volts 0.6% 20,720 volts o.9% 96 . 59 amps. o.5% 92.35% 0-2% 2440 Kw. 0.6% 86.90% o.5% 90.97 amps. o-5% 6-47% o.7% 860 Kw. 0.5% K FORMULAS 4OA regulation are obviated. Synchronous machinery, con- sisting of either synchronous motors or generators, is installed in the stations throughout the transmission system in sufficient quantity to hold the voltage at a constant value by controlling the amount of leading or lagging current supplied to the line. This method will probably come into considerable favor, for there seems to be practically no limit to the extent of a transmission system operated at constant voltage. The following problem outlines the method of calcula- tion for such cases. A line 400 miles long has a substation at the middle, 200 miles from either end. A load of 10,000 Kw. is taken at the receiver end of the line, and 8000 Kw. at the substation. Find the power factor which is required for these loads, in order that the voltage at the generator, substation, and receiver end may be 110,000 volts, the following data being given: Conductor, 250,000 c.m. copper cable, 1 4-foot spacing, 3-phase, 60 cycles, r = 0.2284, x = 0.813. ist section of line, / = 200 miles. By the K formulas, n 1000 X 10.000 P = - -=90.91; Q is unknown; A = 110,000 9500 + 3910 + 160.3 Q = 104,410 + 160.3 Qj 40B TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS B = 2670 + 14,570 - 43-o Q = 17.240 - 43-o Q- Now the voltage at the substation end of the ist section of the line is 110,000; that is, . +-^ = no,ooo; squaring both sides, A 2 + B 2 = 121 X io 8 . This gives a quadratic equation in Q, 2.754 Q 2 + 3198 Q - 90,150 = o, from which ()= 27.53 total amps.; Power factor = = 95.7%, 94.99 and, as Q is positive, this is a lagging power factor. The power factor obtained by the hyperbolic formulas is 95-9%- Using the above value of Q, we obtain C = +82.78, D = + 90.59. In-phase current at substation end of ist section = + 95- 11 '- Reactive current at substation end of ist section = ~ 77-53- 2nd section of line, / = 200 miles. K FORMULAS 400 In-phase current in ist section = +95.11, In-phase current of substation load 1000 X 8000 - = + 72.73 110,000 In-phase current at substation end of 2nd section = 167.84. Reactive current at substation end of 2nd section = Q*- 77-53> where Q x is the unknown reactive current of the sub- station load. By the K formulas, as before, A I = 95>3 + J 6o.3 Q x , B l = 32,910 - 43.0 Q x , and voltage at generator end of line AI-\ l = 110,000. 24l From the above we obtain as before a quadratic equa- tion in Q x , which gives &=+ 65.59. 40D TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Power factor of substation load = 74.3%, lagging. The power factor obtained by the hyperbolic formulas is 74.6%, CHAPTER VI. CONVERGENT SERIES. THE mathematical expression for finding the operating characteristics of a transmission line, in which exact ac- count is taken of all the electrical properties of the line, has been published many times. It involves the use of hyperbolic sines and cosines, as well as of complex quan- tities,* and, without some special arrangement, cannot be directly applied to the calculation of a particular case. For this reason, most of the systems so far published for calculating transmission lines have used approximate for- mulas which have been based on the hyperbolic formulas. In a few cases, an attempt has been made to devise a system pi working which would give the exact results of the fundamental hyperbolic formulas, but generally the labor required in using the systems is so great as almost to pro- hibit obtaining the exact result, or else the accuracy of the work is seriously impaired by the necessity of inter- polating values, from tables of hyperbolic functions which have been recently prepared for this purpose and are not as large and complete as they should be for good working. The original hyperbolic formulas can be expressed in the form of convergent series.f In this form they do not * The hyperbolic formulas are given in Chap. XV. f Prof. T. R. Rosebrugh, Applied Science Magazine, University of To- ronto, March, 1909; Prof. T. R. Rosebrugh, Proc. A. I.E. E., Nov., 1909, p. 1460; J. F. H. Douglas, Electrical World, April 28, 1910; Dr. C. P. Steinmetz, Electrical World, June 23, 1910; Dr. C. P. Steinmetz, "Engi- neering Mathematics," Chap. V, 1911. 41 42 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS involve hyperbolic or trigonometrical functions, and so do not require any mathematical tables, the only operations being multiplication and addition. The series can be car- ried to any accuracy desired by merely using enough of the terms, which diminish very rapidly when commercial fre- quencies are involved. The fundamental formulas as expressed by convergent series have been rearranged, and some new convergent series have been added, to make the formulas as tabulated in this chapter directly applicable to the exact solution of all the problems treated by the K formulas. Exactly the same final formulas in A, B, C, D, etc., are used with the convergent series as with the K formulas. Unlike the K formulas, which are expressed in .the simplest algebraical form, the convergent series involve the use of complex numbers, that is, numbers containing the well-known "j" terms. No difficulty should be expe- rienced on this account, however, as the rules for using complex quantities are quite straightforward, and even one who has never worked with them should be able to make use of the formulas described in this chapter by closely following the instructions. Each of the complex quantities, (A +JB), (P JQ), Z = (r + jx) I* Y = (g +jb) lj etc., is composed of two parts, the first, a so-called "real" term, and the second, a j term. In adding complex numbers, the j terms must be kept separate from the others. Thus 4 +j 5 added to 7 +73 = n +78. In multiplying two complex quantities, the simple rules * The notation Z = (r + jx) I, etc., is used in accordance with the resolution adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission in Turin, Sept., 191 1. CONVERGENT SERIES 43 of ordinary algebra are followed, and it must be remem- bered that j-xj-'f = -i, and, therefore, -jXJ=+i j* =+J, etc. Thus (4 +j 5) X (7 +y 3) is worked out as follows: 4+75 7+73 + 28+jf35 - 15 +y 12 + 13+747- In using the convergent series, E, P, and Q are the same as used with the K formulas, E being expressed as a real number without any j term. Z is equal to (r -\-jx) I, where r and x are taken from Tables VII to XII, Part III, for resistance and reactance per mile. F is equal to (g -\-jb) I. The leakage conductance, g, per mile, should be estimated from the most suitable test data available, giving insulator leakage and corona loss under conditions similar to those of the line considered. The capacity sus- ceptance, 6, per mile, will be found in Tables XIII to XVI, Part III. After F and Z have been written down in the form of complex numbers, the product FZ should be found, as described above for the multiplication of complex quan- tities. From this is obtained FZ FZ FZ - , - , and , 24 6 44 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS each expressed as a complex number of a single real term and a single j term. Multiplying the last two together F 2 Z 2 F 2 Z 2 gives -, from which may be written 2-3-4 down. In most cases no more terms need to be calcu- lated, even for very accurate work, but this is to be de- termined while doing the work, as one usually figures out the terms of these series until they become too small to be FZ considered when added to 2 By addition of terms obtained above, the values of FZ , F 2 Z 2 FZ F 2 Z 2 1 h etc. and 1 + etc. 2-3-4 2-3 2-3.4.5 are obtained, each as a complex number of two terms. /FZ \ Multiply E by the value found for ( + etc.) and add it to E. Multiply (P - jQ) by Z, or (r +jx) /, and by the /Y7 \ value of I + etc.) and add it to (P - jQ) Z. The above quantities are added together to give A -\-jB, the sum of all the real parts being equal to A , and the sum of all the j terms being equal to B. Similarly, C +JD is found by adding (P -y, (P -JQ) (^ + etc.), EY, and EY (~ + etc.). These values of A, B, etc., are inserted in equations i to 21 given with the K formulas, in exactly the same way as the values of A, B, etc., found according to the second page of Table III. Each step of the above procedure is shown in the examples in this chapter. The use of Table VI is the same as that of Table V de- scribed above. CONVERGENT SERIES 45 TABLE V. CONVERGENT SERIES FOR TRANSMISSION LINES. CONDITIONS GIVEN AT RECEIVER END. The convergent series give the results of the fundamental formulas as accurately as desired, if a sufficient number of terms is used. When conditions are given at the receiver end, the same as with the K formulas, find the quantities: Full Load. 1 ( P if)} 7\^ 2-3-4 2- } YZ Y 2 Z 2 Y 3 Z 3 ^ ~T \f JV) ^ 1 I i n ( P iD"> ( T ' 2 3 ' 2-3.4.5 ' 2.3.4-5-6-7' -r JMJ \Jr JV) \ i - I 1 1 ..- t~ CtC. 1 \ II 1 1 etc 1 1 YZ 2-3 2-3.4-5 2.3.4-5-6.7 No Load. V%72 V373 \ 1 1 r+r 1 r u I ]DV> -c-l I | 1 / y ,_l_ in n F.V T 4- 2.3.4 y' Z Y^Z 2 Y Z Z 3 \ f . V 2-3 2-3.4.5 2. 3. 4'5'6. T I* where Z = (r +y) /. r = resistance of conductor per mile. x = reactance of conductor per mile. I = length of transmission line in miles. Y=(g+jb)l. g = leakage conductance of conductor per mile. b = capacity susceptance of conductor per mile. Use A, B, C, D, etc., with the equations in the third and fourth pages of Table HI to solve transmission line problems. j2 Note i. In the formulas, A -\ r is used instead of VA 2 + B 2 . 2 A This approximation may be used for very accurate work, as it is correct within approximately T ^ of i% when the regulation is not more than 20%. Note 2. The above are for two- and three-phase lines. For single- phase lines use 2 r and 2 * in place of r and x, and use | g and | b in place of g and b. 46 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE VI. CONVERGENT SERIES FOR TRANSMISSION LINES. CONDITIONS GIVEN AT THE SUPPLY END. The convergent series give the results of the fundamental formulas as accurately as desired, if a sufficient number of terms is used. When conditions are given at the supply end, the same as with the K formulas, find the quantities: Full Load. ( 2-3 2-3.4.5 2.3-4-S No Load. + JG, = E. (i - h YZ + Y>Z* - g Y'Z* + ^ YW - etc.), , +jlf, = E,Y(I -$YZ + Y*2?-^- YW + -,- Y - etc.), \ -"-5 o-'S 2035 / where Z = (r +jx) I. r = resistance of conductor per mile. x = reactance of conductor per mile. I = length of transmission line in miles. Y=(g+jb)l. g = leakage conductance of conductor per mrle. b = capacity susceptance of conductor per mile. Use F, G, M, N, etc., with the equations in the third and fourth pages of Table IV to solve transmission line problems. Note i. In the formulas, F H -- - is used instead of Vp* + G 2 . This 2 F approximation may be used for very accurate work, as it is correct within approximately yf ^ of i% when the regulation is not more than 20%. Note 2. The above are for two- and three-phase lines. For single- phase lines use 2 r and 2 x in place of r and x, and use \ g and \ b in place of g and b. CONVERGENT SERIES 47 PROBLEM A. Find the line drop, by means of the convergent series, for the following line: Length of line 200 miles. Spacing 9 f ee t- Conductor No. ooo aluminum cable. Load (at receiver end), 4500 K.V.A., 66,000 volts, 80% P.F., three phase, 60 cycles. From the tables, r = 0.5412, * = 0.784, 6=549Xio- 6 . Then p = looo X 4500 X 0.8 ^^^ 06,000 looo X 45QO X 0.6 = 66,000 Z = 108.24+.; 156.8. Y = -j-j 0.001098. YZ = -0.17216 +j 0.11885. YZ = 0.08608 +j 0.05942. YZ = - 0.04304 +y 0.02971. 4 YZ = 0.02869 +.70.01981. 6 0.00059 .70.00085. + 0.00124 j 0.00085. F 2 Z 2 = + 0.00065 j 0.00170. 2-3.4 YZ = 0.08608 +j 0.05942. IY7 \ h etc. = - 0.08543 +^'0.05772. \ 2 / F 2 Z 2 = + 0.00013 j 0.00034. 2.3.4-5 YZ = 0.02869 +y 0.01981. 2 '3 ( +etc.)= 0.02856+70.01947. \2 3 / 48 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Now E = 66,000. (YZ \ -- h etc. J = 0.08543 +.;' 0.05772. ~ + etc.) = -5640 +.7-3810. P-JQ= 54-55 -3 40.91- 708.24 +y 156.8. + 5900 -j 4430. + 6420+^8550, (P - JQ) Z= + 12320 + j 4120. YZ \ etc. ] = 0.02856 + 7*0.01947. * \23 80+^*240. -350 -./i 20. (V7 \ + etc. ) = - 430 +j 120. 2*3 / E = 66,000. E( h etc.J = 5640+^3810. ( p -jQ)Z= 12320+^4120. (P - JQ) Z>(^- + etc.) = - 430 +j 120. A+jB= 78,320 - 6070+^*8050 = 72,250+^8050. B z A H = 72,700 volts. 2 ^1 Line drop = 6700 volts. PROBLEM B. Find, by the convergent series, the voltage at the supply end of the following line : Total length of line 300 miles. Spacing 12 feet. Conductor, 266,800 c.m. aluminum cable. Load at receiver end of line, 9000 K.V.A., 80% P.F. (lag- ging), 100,000 volts, three phase, 60 cycles. CONVERGENT SERIES 49 Load taken by a substation at the middle of the line, 1 50 miles from either end, 2000 K.V.A., at the line voltage and at 70% P.F. (lagging). (Prob. B, Chap. V.) Solution of first section of line: r = 0.3410, x = 0.791, b = 5.44 X io~ 6 , / = 150. Z= 51.15-!-.; 118.65. y = +j 0.000816. YZ = 0.09682 +,70.04174. ( + -^- + etc. ) = - 0.04809 +j 0.02053. \ 2 2 3 '4 I F__, -- F 2 Z 2 -I- etc.) = - 0.01607 +j 0.00689. 2-3 2-3.4-5 / E = + 100,000. E ~ + etc = - 4810 +j 2050. (P-jQ)Z= 10,090 +./5780. (P - jQ) Z ( + etc. - 200 - 20. A+jB= 105,080 +77810. B z A + = 1 = 105,370 volts. In a similar manner, it is found that C+jD = 69.08 + j 30.36 amps. In-phase current, - = 71.15 amps. A + JL ; 2 A Reactive current, - - = 25.15 amps. A+- 2 A Solution of second section of line: Conditions at middle of line, Ei = 105,370 volts. In-phase current of substation load 1000 X 2000 X 0.70 = - - L - = 13.29 amps. 105,370 Reactive current of substation load 1000 X 2000 X 0.7141 _ - i * . = I3>55 amps< 105,370 50 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Current of substation load = 13.29 j 13. 55. Current of first section = 71.15 -\-j 25.15. Pi JQi = 84.44 +j 1 1. 60. 1 = 4- 105,370. (YZ \ 4- etc. J - 5070 4- J 2, 160. (Pi ~~ JQi) Z = 2 >94 4- J 1 0,6 10. (Pi JQi) Z i- '- 4- etc.] = - 120 -y 150. * * 3 / ^i -}-jBi = 103,120 4~J 12,620 volts, yli -!> j- = 103,900 volts = voltage at the supply end of the line. PROBLEMS, CHAP. VI. (CONVERGENT SERIES.) 1. Find, by the convergent series, the voltage drop of the follow- ing line: Length of line 80 miles. Spacing 10 feet. Conductor No. oo aluminum cable. Load (at receiver end), 15,000 K.V.A., 100,000 volts, 95% P.F., two phase, 25 cycles. (Prob. C, Chap. III.) Ans. 8810 volts. 2. Find, by the convergent series, the per cent line drop and the per cent regulation of the following line: Length of line 100 miles. Spacing 8 feet. Conductor No. 3 copper cable. Load (at receiver end), 3000 K.V.A., 66,000 volts, 90% P.F., three phase, 60 cycles. (See'Prob. A., Chap. Ill, and Prob. A, Chap. V.) Ans. 7.08% drop, 9.40% reg'n. 3. Find, by the convergent series, the K.V.A. and voltage at the supply end, and the efficiency of the following line: CONVERGENT SERIES 51 Length of line 250 Km. = 155.34 miles. Spacing 6 feet. Conductor No. ooo copper wire. Total resistance of one conductor, 51.5 ohms. Total reactance of one conductor, 48.0 ohms. Total susceptance of one conductor, 3.724 X icf 4 mhos. Load (at receiver end), 15,000 K.V.A., 86,600 volts, 80% P.F., three phase, 25 cycles. (Prob. 5, Chap. V.) Ans. 15,153 K.V.A., 97,934 volts, line; 56,542 volts, star; 89.71%- 4. Find, by the convergent series, the per cent voltage drop, the per cent loss, and the power factor at the supply end of the following line: Length of line 100 miles. Spacing 6 feet. Conductor No. oooo copper wire. Take r 0.267, x -7 2 7> ^ = 6.03 X io~ 6 . Load (at receiver end), 100 amperes per wire, 60,000 volts, 95% P.F., three phase, 60 cycles. [Prob. 4, Chap. V.] Ans. 13.03% drop, 7.60% loss, 96.66% P.F. 5. Find, by the convergent series, (a) star voltage at supply end at full load, (b) star voltage at supply end at no load, (c~) regulation volts (star), at the supply end, . (d) amperes per wire at supply end at full load, (e) power factor at supply end at full load, (/) loss in line at full load, (g) efficiency of the transmission line, (ti) amperes per wire at supply end at no load (i.e., the "charging current"), ({) power factor at supply end at no load, (/) loss in line at no load, for the following line: Length of line 300 miles. Spacing 10 feet. Conductor, No. ooo copper cable of 0.330 ohm per mile. Load (at receiver end), 18,000 K.V.A., 104,000 volts, 90% P.F., three phase, 60 cycles. (Prob. 6, Chap. V.) 52 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Ans. (a) 69,670 volts, (b) 48,950 volts, (c) 20,720 volts, (d) 96.59 amps., (g) 92.35%, (/) 2440 Kw., (g) 86.90%, (A) 90.97 amps., (i) 6.47%, (;) 860 Kw. 6. Find, by the convergent series, the voltage at the supply end of the following line: Total length of line 400 miles. Spacing 15 feet. Conductor No. oooo copper cable. Load at receiver end of line, 5000 K.V.A., 85% P.P. (lagging), 110,000 volts, three phase, 60 cycles. Load taken by a substation at the middle of the line, 200 miles from either end, 2500 K.V.A. at the line voltage and at 90% P.F. (lagging). (Prob. 7, Chap. V.) Ans. 90,190 volts. PART II. THEORY. CHAPTER VII. CONDUCTORS. THREE main classes of conductors are used for overhead lines for the transmission of electric power; namely, copper wires, copper cables and aluminum cables. The cables used are generally strands of seven wires; that is, they consist of a central straight wire with six wires wound spirally around it, as indicated by the cross section in Fig. 9. From this figure it is seen that .. the maximum diameter of a y-wire strand is equal to 3 times the di- ameter of one of the wires. The outside wires do not follow a straight path parallel to the central wire and the axis of the cable, but lie in a spiral around it, as mentioned above. As there is always a slight insulating film of oxide on any wire, the current flowing in the cable tends to stay in the individual wires, and so follows the longer path. Thus, the resistance of a cable is greater than that of a solid wire of the same area of cross section. The amount of the difference depends on the number of wires in the cable and the pitch of the 53 2s Fig. 9. 7-Wire Strand. 54 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS spiralling, but an average value of i% is assumed in mak- ing up the tables in Part III. The cross section of the cable is assumed to be equal to the sum of the cross sections of the individual wires. The weight per unit length of the cable calculated from this cross section must be increased by the same percentage as the above increase in resistance, due to the extra length of the outside wires. Since the cross section in Fig. 9 does not cut the outside wires ex- actly at right angles, their sections as shown in the figure are really ellipses, and the di- ameter of the cable is slightly greater than 6 pi. However, this difference is small and has been neglected in the figures for diameter of cable tabulated in Part III. The number of wires in a strand varies in practice ac- j<_ 2$ J cording to the degree of flexi- bility and mechanical strength Fig. 10. 19- Wire Strand. J desired by the user. The num- ber of wires per strand in the tables represents average practice for overhead lines. The larger cables often have 19 or even 37 wires. The section of a i9-wire strand is shown in Fig. 10, and it is seen that the maximum diameter is 5 times the diam- eter of one of the individual wires. The same increase of i% in resistance is allowed as with a 7-wire strand. There is only a very slight difference in the reactance and capacity of a 7-wire and a i9-wire strand of the same sectional area, so that values listed for 7 wires may be used for 19 wires, and vice versa, without very much error. CONDUCTORS 55 The resistances for direct current tabulated in Part III have been calculated in accordance with the recommenda- tions of the Bureau of Standards for the preparation of wire tables.* The Standardization Rules of the* American In- stitute of Electrical Engineers are in agreement with these recommendations. According to the Bureau of Standards and the A. I. E. E., the "Annealed Copper Standard," which is of 100% conductivity, is represented by a resis- tivity of 0.153022 ohm per meter-gram at 20 C. This is equivalent to 1.72128 micro-ohms per centimeter cube at 20 C., assuming a density of 8.89. This is the same as the resistivity of Matthiessen's Standard at 20 C., for- merly used by the A. I. E. E. The conductivity of hard drawn copper recommended for wire tables by the Bureau of Standards is 97.3%, this value representing an average for good commercial copper. The average conductivity given by the Bureau of Standards for hard drawn alu- minum on the centimeter cube basis, assuming a density of 2.699, is 60.86%. The above values have been used in preparing the tables in Part III, i% being added to the resistance for the effect of spiralling, as already noted. If it is desired to calculate the resistance of copper con- ductors for other temperatures than 20 C., the tem- perature coefficient, a 2 o, for hard drawn copper of 97.3% conductivity should be used in connection with the formula R t = RW { i + 2o (t - 20) } where / is the temperature in degrees Centigrade lor which the resistance R t is desired and where 2o = 0.00383. * Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, Vol. VII, pp. 71-126, Washington, 1911; Proc. A. I. E. ., Dec., 1910. 56 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS For other initial temperatures and other conductivities, temperature coefficients should be used as given in the table of temperature coefficients in Part III, which is taken from Appendix E of the Standardization Rules of the A. I. E. E. For the temperature coefficient of hard drawn aluminum, a value of 2o = 0.0039, which is recommended by the Bureau of Standards, may be used. CHAPTER VIII. TRANSMISSION LINE PROBLEMS. WHEN conditions are given at the receiver, or load, end of a transmission line, the convergent series of Table V give at once the voltage, A +JB, and the current, C +JD, at the other end of the line. By putting the load current equal to zero, we obtain the following expression for the no-load voltage at the supply end: CV7 17272 \ i+ + JL ^ L - + etc.) 2 2-3.4 / Thus the ratio of the voltages at the two ends of the line at no load is E \ 22-3-4 which is independent of the voltage E, and depends only on the constants of the line. The absolute value of a complex quantity like the volt- age AQ -\-jBo, is its total numerical value independent of its phase relation. This is the same, in the case of the voltage A Q +JB , as its measured value, and is equal to or + - 2 AQ to a very close approximation when BQ is smaller than A . Since the two complex quantities making up equation (i) are equal in all respects, their absolute values are eaual, and hence CV7 V%7 2 \ i + + J - jL - + etc.) (2) 2 2-3-4 / 57 58 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS When the line is carrying full load, the measured value of the receiver voltage is E, and of the supply voltage, B 2 A H -- j- If the load be thrown off and the supply volt- 2 A. B 2 age be kept constant at A -\ -- - > then the receiver voltage 2 A. will rise to a value E Q . The line is now at no load, and the ratio of the voltages at the two ends is, by equation (2), I YZ Y 2 Z 2 \ = absolute value off i + H ---- (- etc. I V 2 2 3 4 / A + Thus Eo = (equation 2, Table III). We are now in a position to obtain the regulation of the line, since by the definition in the A. I. E. E. Standardiza- tion Rules, En E Per cent regulation = *-= X 100. rL Thus, the regulation volts at the receiver end which are to be expressed as a percentage of E, are as in equation 3, Table III. TRANSMISSION LINE PROBLEMS 59 It is often desirable to find the regulation of a line at the supply end, that is, the per cent change in supply voltage from full-load conditions to no-load conditions, when the receiver voltage is kept constant. If the receiver voltage is E, we have seen in the preceding paragraph that the full- load supply voltage is equal to 2 A and the no-load supply voltage is E 0a =A + - The per cent regulation at the supply end is E s E 0a E 8 Xioo, and the regulation volts at the supply end are, thus 77 E a 2 A A AQ 2A as in equation 6, Table III. In the expression C +JD for current at the supply end, the quantity C denotes the component of current which is in phase with the voltage E at the other end of the line. We can, however, find the com- ponent of supply current which is in phase with the supply voltage, by first finding the k watts at the supply end. Let the supply voltage be E 9 = A +JB Fig. n. 60 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS and let its phase be denoted by the angle 0, Fig. n, where 7? tan = > r> and, therefore, sin = ^4 and cos = Similarly, let the current at the supply end be C + JD, at a phase angle 0, where and, therefore and VC 2 + D 2 The watts at the supply end are equal to the current, multiplied by the voltage, multiplied by the power factor; that is, Watts = absolute value of I a X absolute value of E s X cos (0 - 0) = \/C 2 + D 2 X VA 2 + B 2 X (cos cos 0+sin sin 0) = VC 2 + > 2 X BD as in equation n, Table III. The quadrature volt-amperes, or reactive power, are given by the following equation : TRANSMISSION LINE PROBLEMS 6l Reactive power = absolute value of I 8 X absolute value of 8 Xsin (0 0). = VC 2 + D 2 X VA 2 + B 2 (sin 6 cos - cos 6 sin 0) j x c__ ^ x z> . ) = C - ylZ). When the expression BC AD has a positive value, the current at the supply end is lagging behind the supply voltage, and when the expression has a negative value, the current leads the voltage in phase. We can now obtain the in-phase component of current, which is equal to watts divided by voltage (equations 15 and 1 6), and in the same way the quadrature component of current, which is equal to reactive power divided by voltage (equations 17 and 18). The power factor at the supply end is equal to watts divided by volt-amperes (equations 13 and 14). Since the power supplied is known, being AC + BD, and the power delivered at the receiver is also known, being equal to EP, their difference represents the loss of power in the line due to resistance of the con- ductors, leakage over the insulators and corona loss. The equations in F, G, M and N are quite similar to the above equations in their derivation, and they give the solu- tions of similar problems when conditions are given at the supply end of the line. CHAPTER IX. REACTANCE OF WIRE, SINGLE-PHASE. Effect of Flux in Air. Let there be an alternating current, /, in the transmission line wire, A, indicated in Fig. 12. The magnetic field set up by the current at P, a dis- tance x away from the wire, will be at right angles to the wire. The intensity of the field will be equal to the force on a unit magnetic pole at P due to the current in the wire. The force due to the current in a short length, dl, of the wire will be cos 6 = - cos 6 d8, r 2 x since dl cos = r dd , x and cos0 The total force at P due to the current in the wire A is equal to 1C C~ 2 I cosOdd , , . .v (where re is a constant) J <* ^ TT I sin 0"P 2/ X 62 REACTANCE OF WIRE, SINGLE-PHASE 63 where / is measured in absolute electromagnetic units. When I is in amperes, the field at distance x is - lines per sq. cm. (i) 10 x r s-AV ---! _A 41 $5. _ r-r -J~. ^^ Fig. 13. In Fig. 13 is shown the cross section of a single-phase transmission line. The lines of force in the path of thick- ness dx surrounding the wire A are 21 j dx IOX per centimeter of the transmission line. These lines cut the wire A and produce an alternating voltage in it which is 90 out of phase with the current and is equal to 2/ ju dx X icr 9 volts, x where co = 2 TT X number of cycles per second, and where / is in amperes. The voltage drop between the wires A and B, due to flux in the air produced by the current in A, is obtained by integrating the above expression from x = p to x = s. The integration is not carried beyond x = s, since flux which cuts both A and the return wire B does not produce any voltage between them. The voltage drop is equal to * 2 7 s jw dx X io~ 9 = y 2 / loge - X io~ 9 . TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS There will be an equal drop due to the flux produced by the current in the wire B, so that the total drop due to flux in air is jco4/log e - X lo- 9 p volts per centimeter of line, 2jw X 741-1 logio- X p (2) volts per ampere per mile of single-phase line. Effect of Flux in the Conductor. Let i be the current per unit area of section at any point in the wire shown in Fig. 14. (For the present assume that i is the same at all points of the section.) The total area of section of the wire is irp 2 and therefore the total current in the wire is / = Trip 2 . Fig. 14. Section of Wire. The total current inside the circle of radius x is /l = irix 2 . This is the only current forcing flux around the circular path of width dx t since currents flowing nearer the surface of the wire do not tend to produce magnetic lines in a path which does not surround them. Thus the flux density at the radius x is n I _ /> /w/f/v*'" 10 X IOX 2irix IO REACTANCE OF WIRE, SINGLE-PHASE 65 The total flux in the outer ring of the section is dx _ TTJ (p 2 x 2 ) 10 10 This cuts the element dx of the wire and produces a voltage along it equal to juTri (p 2 x 2 ) io~ 9 volts per cm. (3) This voltage leads the current by 90 in phase at all sec- tions. It is greatest at the center and zero at the surface and so is an unbalanced voltage; it therefore causes a local quadrature current to flow along the center of the wire and return near the surface. Let the local current at the element dx be i( X ) per unit area of section. Then the average voltage drop along the wire due to the flux inside it and the resulting local bal- ancing current, is equal to juILi = juiri (p 2 - x 2 ) io~ 9 + i (x ) r, where L\ is the self -inductance of the wire due to the above-mentioned flux inside it, and where r is the specific resistance of the metal in centimeter units, that is, the re- sistance of a centimeter cube of the metal. The current i (X ) adjusts itself so that the drop is the same at all parts of the section. From the last equation, we have jwrip^Li juiri (p 2 - X 2 ) 9 , , *(*) = j j ~ X 10 y , (4) since / = Trip 2 . As i( X ) is a local current in the wire, and does not in- crease or decrease the main current /, its sum when added up all over the section must be zero, and thus r. _ 2 1^x^( X ) ax = o, . 66 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS that is, j ^^ fVLi* - P 2 x icr 9 + x 3 icT 9 ) dx = o r Jo Now LI is a constant, independent of x, and so P 4 Z,! - p 4 io~ 9 + - io~ 9 = o. 2 Therefore Li = \ X icr 9 (5) The voltage drop between the wires A and B due to the flux inside both wires is 2JuILi = 2/w/ X | X lo" 9 volts per cm. = 270) X 80.47 X icT 6 volts per ampere per mile. The total reactive drop be- tween the wires is thus 2./ (80.47 + 741.1 logio-) X io~ 6 (6) volts per ampere per mile of single phase line. This may be written in the following form which is more convenient for computation by means of logarithm tables: Reactance drop = 2Ju X 741.1 Iogi X io~ 5 (7) 0.779 p volts per ampere per mile of single-phase line. The above is the usual formula for reactance of a single- phase line. The proof is longer than that generally given, but it has the advantage of giving a correct idea of the distribution of current and magnetic flux inside the wire. As the irregular distribution of current produces the "skin effect" described in the next chapter, and necessi- tates slight corrections in the above formula for reactance and in the resistance, the importance of calculating the correct current distribution is evident. The above formula is sufficiently accurate, however, for calculating the tables of reactance of wire in Part III. CHAPTER X. SKIN EFFECT. IN the last chapter a local quadrature current i( X ) was assumed, whose resistance drop balances up the unequal voltages produced at the center and near the surface by the flux inside the wire. This local current, i (X ), when added up over all parts of the section of the' wire, amounts to zero, and so cannot produce magnetic lines in the air outside the wire. But it can produce lines inside the wire, and the effect of these will now be calculated. The reactive drop in one wire due to the flux inside it produced by the main current i is juirip 2 Li = j(mif^ X \ X io~ 9 volts, where i is in amperes. Then at a distance x from the center we have, from equa- tion (4), Chap. IX, X X TO-' - - p _ * x 2 r 10" This is a lagging current at the center and a leading current at the surface, and it equals zero when integrated over the entire section. The current i( X ) , integrated over the circle of radius x } is 68 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS The flux density at the element dx, due to the above cur- rent, is 2 Ii x \ jwirH _ Q / 9 ~x - ^ = * - X 10 9 (- p 2 X + X s ). iox 10 r The flux in the ring outside of the circle of radius x, due to I (x) , is ( x) - ^ x 10-9 r (-^4. *s) ^ ior J x jW^io- 9 / P 4 . p 2 * 2 . p 4 * 4 \ = - r- H --- 1 ---- J ior \ 2 2 4 47 /COTT 2 ^' IO~ 9 / 9 9 4\ = < - (- p 4 + 2 p 2 X 2 - ^ 4 ). 40 r This flux produces a voltage at the element dx, equal to U>Vi IO~ 18 / 4 , 9 o 4 \ / \ - (- p 4 + 2 p 2 * 2 - ^ 4 ). (i) 4 P A local current, f (2x ), will flow in order to keep the volt- age drop uniform over the section. Let the average drop due to 4>( X ) be then " Vilo ~ 18 ( P 4 - 2 p Integrate ^ (2 x) over the entire surface and as it is a local current 2irxi(2x)dx = o r Jo 2 SKIN EFFECT 69 18 / 6 6 " Therefore, /Z^P 4 = - ( - - - + 2 T \2 2 , . I COTTp 2 I0~ 18 f N and 2 = j (3) Thus i ( 2x) = - C 7r * I (2 p 4 - 6 p 2 * 2 + 3 x 4 ) (4) This current is in phase with the main current and, as it is negative at the center and positive at the surface, it produces a stronger resultant current near the surface of the wire. This is the well-known "skin effect." The effect of the quadrature current i^ is to increase the re- sultant current both at the center and near the surface, but its effect is not as large as that of the in-phase current i (2x ) and so the net result is a crowding of current toward the surface. The above process may be continued indefinitely, each step adding a smaller correction than the one before to the current at radius x and to the average drop in the wire. Thus the expression for i($ x) , equation (4) , may be inte- grated over the circle of radius #, and will give the value of 1(2 x )' This current produces a flux density at the radius x, and by integrating this over the outer ring of the section, the value of 0@ X ) is obtained. The flux ( 2 X ) produces an unbalanced voltage which must be corrected by a local current i(3 X ), so as to give a uniform drop over the section, due to the inductance Z, 3 . Equating the total local current to zero, as before, gives i coVV io~ 27 LZ = - In the same way it is found that . i coVp 6 io~ 36 70 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS 1 C0 4 7T 48 IO- 45 and 8640 r 4 Let the resistance of the wire per centimeter be R, where R = - ohms per cm., COTTp 2 IO~ 9 and let m = - - - r - ^ IO ~ 9 R Then the total drop in the wire is IR ( 2 Iog 6 - H --- j \ p 2 J 12 = IR + ;W io~ 9 2 Io 6 - H --- m - * + - i2 - ^ 4 ---- ^ (5) 48 180 8640 / volts per centimeter. The total drop in phase with the current is -Y (6) / 12 180 The total copper loss due to all the currents in the wire is therefore equal to PR(I+ -Lm 2 --Lm 4 + ...V V 12 180 / This can be checked by integrating the losses due to the total in-phase and quadrature currents in all parts of the section of the wire, the above result being obtained by this method also. Thus, in every respect, both as to volt- age drop and watts loss, the resistance of the wire to the alternating current is 12 SKIN EFFECT 71 Values of R' for both 25 and 60 cycles are tabulated in Part III. When taking the resistance of a conductor from the tables, R' should always be used for alternating current, and R should be used only when the conductor carries direct current. The total drop in quadrature with the current is = /co/io" 9 ) 2log - + -(i -- m 2 -\ -- 3-m* - ) (7) ( p 2\ 24 4320 I) The series i - m 2 + -^-w 4 - 24 4320 is thus a correction factor for the term J or 80.47 in the ordinary formula for reactance. Its effect is too small, however, to make any appreciable change in the tabulated values of reactance. Proof by Infinite Series. The above formulas for the resistance and inductance of a wire carrying alternating current are sufficiently accurate for transmission line calcu- lations with ordinary frequencies. They may .also be ex- tended to include more terms without undue labor. How- ever, as skin effect formulas are generally obtained and expressed by means of infinite series which can be carried out to any degree of accuracy for high-frequency work, a short outline of the derivation of the infinite series will be given. It will prove a check upon the correctness of the formulas given above, but it will probably not give as clear an idea as they do of the actual distribution of current in the wire. Let an alternating current, 7, of sine wave form and of steady value, flow in a round wire of radius p. (See Fig. 14, 72 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Chap. IX.) Let it take up such a distribution that the drop at all parts of the section of the wire, due to re- sistance and to magnetic flux, is the same. Then if i' be the current density at radius x, we may assume *' = flo + <*i* 2 + 2* 4 + + a n x 2n +:.-- (8) where OQ, a\, . . . a nj etc., are constants, independent of x. (As the same value of i f would be obtained for both +x and x, only even powers of x need be assumed for the series.) The total current in the part of the section inside a circle of radius x will be / Jo = / 2irxi f dx i . n ..i ,. = 2 TT [ -- 1 --- r H ---- r r (9; \ 2 4 2n / The flux density at the radius x is iox io \ 2 n and the total flux in the outer ring of the section, outside the circle of radius x, is 2 I f r = I J x , dx iox io 2 3 n The drop at radius x due to the flux 0' is jot' X io~ 8 and the resistance drop due to the current at the same SKIN EFFECT 73 part is i'r. Thus the total drop per centimeter of wire, which is the same at all parts of the section, is V = jwtf icr 8 + i'r 2' 3 * / + r (oo + aix 2 + a*x* + - - + a n # 2n +)" (n) The above expression for V is the same for all values of x, and we may therefore equate each coefficient of x 2 , # 4 , etc., to zero. Thus, putting corrp 2 ICT 9 = m, r we have a\ = 2p np ... ... etc. and V = fl^+WTo Substituting the values of ai, 02, etc., we obtain V OQT -\-jwu lo" 9 (jm) 2 a p 2 (jm} n ~ l a^ . + ' (12) 74 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Now by putting x = p in the expression for /', equation (9), we obtain the value of the total current in the wire, 2 3 fgi + ^ n Therefore, ^ n(jm} n ~ l Substituting this value of OQ in equation (12), and putting the resistance per centimeter of the wire, we obtain (J m Y i , (J m Y i + ... + _ + ... r j. j.v . " i 6 \J'"'l i (W + _ V*Oy + This expression can evidently be carried to any accuracy desired. It will give the same results as were previously obtained in equation (5), by expanding the denominator as a binomial of the form (i + x)~ l and multiplying by the numerator. This gives V = or, io ~ 9 - This is the voltage drop, omitting the effect of the flux SKIN EFFECT 75 outside the wire, and is the same as the value previously obtained. (See equations 6 and 7.) REFERENCES. Maxwell, Elec. and Magn., Vol. II, Para. 689-690. Rayleigh, Phil. Mag., 1886, Vol. 21, page 381. Kelvin, Math. Papers, 1889, Vol. 3, page 491- * Rosa and Grover, Bulletin of Bureau of Standards, Washington, 1911, Vol. 8, No. i, pages 173-181. CHAPTER XL REACTANCE OF CABLE, SINGLE-PHASE. As stranded cables are very commonly used for trans- mission lines, it is desirable to have a special formula for the reactance of cables. An outline will be given of the method of obtaining the formula for a seven-wire cable. This formula was used in preparing the reactance tables in Part III. A seven-wire strand consists of a central straight wire, with six wires of the same size laid around it in a spiral. The spiralling of the wires increases the resistance of the cable by an amount which is taken as i%. The spiralling also increases the outside diameter of the cable by about T V of i%. (See Chapter VII.) In calculating the reactance of the cable, the first step is to plot the flux density at various distances from the center of the cable. (See Fig. 15.) For points entirely outside the cable, the flux density obeys the law 27 where x is the distance from the center. The total voltage due to these lines which cut the entire cable is 2log e - X io~ 9 p volts per ampere per centimeter. When x is less than the radius of the cable, the flux at the distance x is ' 76 REACTANCE OF CABLE, SINGLE-PHASE 77 I (X ) is proportional to the area of conductor inside the circle of radius x, and this must be measured from the diagram of the section of the conductor (Fig. 15)., /' ~ x ^^ ^ "-* -, s' '^ * ^^ -^ / /- x ^ X x~ ' -* ^ ^> -^ ^ ^ ^x ^ .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 I.I X p Fig. 15. Plot a curve of flux density, / (x) , for various values of #. Let (x) be the area of the curve of / (x) between the values # and p, where p is the outside radius of the cable. Also, let C( X ) be the length of that part of the circle 2 TX which lies in the section of the wires of the cable. As shown in Chapter IX, page 65, the voltage drop along different parts of the cable is not uniform, and must be balanced by a local quadrature current. Thus we have the conditions io ~ 8 at any section, 78 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS and 2X'z)(z) dx = o. o Substituting the value of i( X ) from the first equation, we have dx ->zCz dx io~ 8 = o. ( X )C (X ) dx for each successive value of x is found. Adding these together, a close estimate of the value of dx is obtained. This, divided by I A gives the value Li = 0.633 X icr 9 . If the conductor were a solid wire of radius p, with a straight line curve of / (x) , 1 would be J X lo" 9 , which would become 80.5 X io~ 6 when reduced to the ordinary formula for reactance per mile. Thus the reactance per mile of cable is x = (80.5 X ^3 + 74I .! lo glo -) io- X 2 irf \ 0.500 p/ = ( 102 + 74I.I logio-j I0~ 6 X 2 7T/ ohms per mile. The same process applied to a ig-wire strand gives the formula x = ($9 + 741.1 logio-j icr 6 X2irJ ohms per mile. CHAPTER XII. REACTANCE OF TWO-PHASE AND THREE-PHASE LINES. Reactance, Two-phase. The reactive drop in a single- phase line, in which round wire is used, is 2JI X 2 7r/f 80.5 -f 741.1 log-) io~ 9 volts per mile of line. In a two-phase four-wire line, the drop will be the same as the above, when / is the current in one phase. AT T K.V.A. Now 2 / = - = the total amperes. hi Therefore the reactive drop per mile of line, in absolute value, is ^|^ X 2 T/(8o.s + 741.1 log-) io-' \ p/ K.V.A., ~E~~ Xx > wnere x is the tabulated value of reactance. Reactance, Three-phase, Irregular Spacing. When the conductors of a three-phase line are spaced so that they are not exactly equidistant, the voltage drop due to reactance is not the same in the different phases. It is the practice with such lines tp interchange, or transpose, the conductors at intervals along the line, so that the different reactive voltages are applied to an equal extent to all three con- ductors. Such a line, when carrying a balanced load (equal currents in each conductor, at 120 in phase from each 79 8o TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS other), will have the voltages of the three phases equal at the end of the line. The average reactance of an irregularly spaced three- phase line, in which the conductors are transposed at regu- lar intervals, may be calculated as follows: Fig. i 6. 17. Let Fig. 1 6 represent the spacing of the conductors A, B, and C of a transmission line. Let the currents in the con- ductors be represented by the vectors OP, OQ, and OR (Fig. 17). If the power factor is 100%, these vectors may also represent the star voltages, and the line voltages will be represented by the vectors PQ, QR, and RP. Let the current in conductor A be and let and I A = OP = i .00 / amperes, IB = OQ = ( 0.50 + o.S66j) I amperes, In = OR = ( 0.50 0.866 j) /amperes. Let also Voltage from neutral to A = i.oo V. Voltage from neutral to B = (- 0.50 + 0.866.7) V. And voltage from neutral to C = ( 0.50 0.866.7") V. Then the measured, or absolute, value of voltage between B and C is 1.732 V, where V is the star voltage of the line. REACTANCE OF TWO-PHASE AND THREE-PHASE LINES 8 1 The reactive voltage on conductor A per mile is 1,00/80.5 + 74I.I log \Ij 2 7T/ X IQ- 6 (due to flux from 7^) + (-0.50 +0.8667) (741-1 logyJ//27r/X io~ 6 (due to flux from IB) + (- 0.50 - 0.866 j) (741.1 logy JIj 2 TT/ X io~ 6 (due to flux from I c )j where p is the radius of the wire. The reactive voltage on conductor B per mile is 1.00(741.1 log J7; 2 irf X io~ 6 (due to flux from I A) (due to flux from IB) + ( 0.50 0.866 j) (741.1 log J Ij 2 irf X I (due to flux from / -, ( (Fig. 24) and the capacity of the entire system of four wires is then calculated as follows: Let h be the distance of the wires from the ground and 5 their distance apart from center to center. Let A carry a charge of + q units per centimeter; A', 7 q units; B, q units; and B' , + q units. Let a unit charge be carried from the surface of A to that of B. Assuming that Fig 24 the charges are concentrated at the centers of the wires, the total work done is equal to / J p -I 2 q (s - x) dx. The sum of the first two integrals has been shown to be approximately The sum of the last two integrals is approximately 4/r>-f s 2 2 * log iT7- Therefore, the total work is equal to , , zh P 92 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Therefore, C is approximately ! S . 2 k 4log e - + P Taking as an average case, h = 360 inches (30 feet), s = 120 inches (10 feet), p = 0.25 inch, we have - = 480, p 2 h . and = 6. s Therefore, - = \/4 h 2 + s 2 Now, Iogio48o = 2.681, while logio r^ = 0.006. 6 Thus the capacity is changed by the nearness of the ground by less than } of i%, even with the comparatively wide spacing of 10 feet. Tests have shown that the effect of the ground in increas- ing the capacity is even less than the above amount, due partly to the fact that the ground is a poor conductor. As the effect of the ground is so slight, it has been neglected entirely in the calculations in this book. REFERENCE. For an alternative proof, see "A Treatise on the Theory of Alternating Currents," by Alexander Russell, 1904, Vol. I. See also " The Calculation of Capacity Coefficients for Parallel Suspended Wires," by Frank F. Fowle, Elec. World, Aug. 19, 1911. CHAPTER XIV. CAPACITY OF TWO-PHASE AND THREE-PHASE LINES. Capacity, Two-phase. The charging current of a single- phase line was shown in Chapter XIII to be *HH) amperes per mile of line -i* where b is the tabulated value of capacity susceptance per mile. In a two-phase, four-wire line, each phase is quite similar to a single-phase line, and so the charging current per wire is \Eb. As this amount of charging current flows in each phase, the total amperes of charging current are Eb, for a two-phase, four-wire line. Capacity, Three-phase, Irregular Spacing. When the wires of a three-phase transmission line are not spaced at the corners of an equilateral triangle, but the transposi- tion of the conductors is carried out at regular intervals, the charging current in the wires will be a balanced, three- phase current, since each wire will have passed through the same average conditions. This is shown in an approxi- mate manner as follows: 93 94 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS As when calculating the self-induction of an irregularly spaced line, consider a line three miles long which is transposed at the end of each mile. The work in carrying a unit charge from C to B (Fig. 25) assuming the charges concen- trated at the centers of the wires, is approximately Fig . 25 . E a = q B 2 loge- - q c 2 loge- + q A 2 loge-- p p Now q B is a periodic quantity, which alternates in value at the same frequency as the voltage or current. We have q B = CiE = _,-v 27T/ where IB' is the charging current flowing into the capacity Ci of the wire B. Thus / 2 loge - - /.*66fl. ^ 2 loge ~ P The vectors for IA, IB and /c' may now be plotted as in Fig. 27, and it is seen that the vectors are the same , length and are at 120 to each other. Thus the charging current is a bal- . anced three-phase current. The power factor of the charging current is zero, since the current in any wire I A (Fig. 27) is at right angles to the direction OP (Fig. 26) of the Fig. 27. corresponding star voltage or in-phase current. The total amperes of charging current are T / 27T/E I A - per centimeter 2 loge- P CAPACITY OF TWO-PHASE AND THREE-PHASE LINES 97 , 5 logio - P = Eb, where b is the tabulated value of capacity susceptance per mile. Capacity, Three-phase, Regular Spacing. When the conductors are placed an equal distance, s, from each other, the formula for b is , 38.83 X 27T/ Vy ., _ o o j_ x 10 a mhos per mile. logio ~ P Capacity, Three-phase, Flat Spacing. When the wires lie in one plane (either horizontal or vertical), the certer one being at a distance a from the other two (see Fig. 18), and the wires being transposed at regular intervals, the formula for susceptance is b= 38.83 X 2 rf _ yjn _. , . logio P mhos per mile of transmission line. CHAPTER XV. THEORY OF CONVERGENT SERIES. THE well-known fundamental formulas for a transmis- sion line without branches, in which the load is delivered only at the end of the line, are as follows: E 8 = E cosh VYZ + 7/b| / sinh VYZ, and i a = / cosh VYZ + ~^ sinh VYZ~ where E 8 and I 8 are the voltage and current at the supply end, E and I are the voltage and current at the re- ceiver end, Y is the line admittance and Z is the line impedance. The above .equations have been published at various times. They are obtained as follows: Let r = resistance of conductor per unit length, and x = reactance of conductor per unit length. Then z = r +jx = impedance of conductor per unit length. Let g = leakage conductance from conductor per unit length, and b = capacity susceptance of conductor per unit length. Then y = g +jb = admittance of conductor per unit length. 98 THEORY OF CONVERGENT SERIES 99 Let EI = voltage of line at a distance / from the re- ceiver end, and let I l = P l -jQ l = current in the line at a distance / from the receiver end. (Since Ii is usually not in phase with the voltage, it must be expressed as a complex quantity.) Now in an element of length, dl, of the line, the voltage consumed by impedance is dE l = zl t dl. The current consumed by admittance is dl t = yE t dl. Thus 1f' = Z/ " (l) and ' ^ = yEl : (2) Differentiating (i) d 2 Et _ dlj dl 2 Z dl ' Substituting (2) in this gives This is a differential equation of the second order and may be expressed in the form (D* - yz) E, = o, and we have and from (i), II = z~dT (5) 100 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS Now at the supply end, yl = Y, and zl = Z Therefore, E a = A l v + A 2 e ~ ^ (6) (7) At the receiver end, |o and E = A 1 +A 2 (8) and /=Vf E ~ E , YZ , F 2 Z 2 H 1 hetc 2 2.3.4 This ratio is independent of the voltage E, and depends only on the constants of the line. Thus, if E s , the voltage at the supply end at no load, is given, we can obtain the no-load voltage at the receiver end from the equation, etc 2 2.3-4 V7 V 2 7 2 X- 1 or 2 2-3-4 which, when expanded by the binomial theorem, gives E Q = - etc] / 2 24 720 8064 (16.) as in Table VI. The no-load current at the supply end is CV7 1727-2 \ i+ +- -+etcl 2-3 2-3.4.5 / as in the equation for C Q +JD . r ' ' . THEORY OF CONVERGENT SERIES 103 Substituting the value of E from equation (16), we have -YZ+^-Y 2 Z 2 - Y*Z 3 +-m-Y*Z*-e 2 24 720 8064 2.3 2-3.4.5 F 4 7 4 \ + - ~ - 5 + etc. ). / Multiplying the two series together by the ordinary algebraical method, we obtain F 4 Z 4 - 3 i5 3i5 2835 as given in Table VI of convergent series. PART III TABLES. TABLE I. FORMULAS FOR SHORT LINES. CONDITIONS GIVEN AT RECEIVER END. These formulas are exact when the line is short. When the line is 20 miles long, they are correct within approximately ^ of i% of line voltage. Conditions given: K.V.A. = K.V.A. at receiver end. E = Full load voltage at receiver end. cos 6 = Power factor at receiver end. K.W. = K.V.A. cos 0. r = Resistance of conductor per mile. (From Tables VII- VIII.) x = Reactance of conductor per mile. (From Tables IX-XII.) / = Length of line in miles. 1000 K.V.A. cos 8 , ,. Then P= - =; - = In-phase current at receiver end (in c, total amps.). _ 1000 K.V.A. sin _, . , ,. Q = - - = Reactive current at receiver end (in total amps.) when current is lagging. 1000 K.V.A. sin , = -- - when current is leading. hi Find the following quantities: Three phase or two phase. Single phase. A = E + Prl+QxL A = E + 2 Prl + 2 Qxl. B = Pxl- Qrl. B = 2 Pxl- 2Qrl. Formulas (capacity neglected) : B* * (1) Voltage at supply end = A -\ -\ R2 (2) Regulation of line = A + - E. (Same as line drop.) (3) Per cent regulation of line = - - - -^ - '- per cent. (Same as per cent line drop.) ,. r 104 : ' ' r"" r ' r ' "' rrrrffr ,,,M,|,,,,,,,,",M, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in > i* _ T"T" '"J""!"* 1 ! 1 4k M M T-JL,^ M1 i/ P ]i' , , . i . i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? Uj ,,,.,, ,,, ,..., j, . .. i ro ., 1 ,,.. | ... .j ... i ,,., .j .,-,.,,. cd Ohms Resistano r ro j- T L L I I .ro les. FeetSpacing Copper Aluminum ro wNoaxnot^oj K 5J FeetSpacing - FeetSpacing Ml I MM I I i r^^r T^rnTTTTTT^ Alumlnum Swo 03 ^ 01 -^ 04 ^oi ~" FeetSpacing 25 Cycles. Q - (in total amperes) when current is lagging. 1000 K.V.A. sin 9 = -- = - when current is leading. -c-a Find the following quantities: Three Phase or Two Phase. Single Phase. F = E 8 - P 8 rl - Q 8 xl F = E 8 -2 P 8 rl - 2 Q a xl G = Q a rl - P 8 xl G = 2 Q a rl - 2 P a xl. Formulas (capacity neglected): (1) Voltage at receiver end = F -\ ^ (2) Regulation of line = E 8 F -- . (Same as line drop.) (3) Per cent regulation of line = - -^ - - per cent. (Same as per cent line drop.) (4) K.V.A. at receiver end = ^ X K.V.A. TABLES 107 TABLE II. (Continued.) (5) K.W. at receiver end ^^ (FP S GQ a ). i (FP 8 - GQ 8 ) E a _ (6) Power factor at receiver end : (in decimals). (7) In-phase current at receiver end = - -^- - in total amperes.* GPs + FQ (8) Reactive or quadrature current at receiver end = ^ F +TF in total amperes.* When this quantity is positive, the current is lagging. When this quantity is negative, the current is leading. (9) K.W. loss in line = (E S P S - FP S + GQ 8 ). (10) Per cent efficiency of line = - ^ per cent. Total amps. * Amperes per wire, three phase, = ?=- Total amps. Amperes per wire, two phase, = 108 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE in. K FORMULAS FOR TRANSMISSION LINES. CONDITIONS GIVEN AT RECEIVER END. Accurate within approximately T V of i% of line voltage up to 100 miles, and \ of i% up to 200 miles, for lines with regulation up to 20%. (cycles) 2 K = 6 '- . K= 2.16 for 60 cycles. K = 0.375 for 25 cycles. Conditions given: K.V.A. = K.V.A. at receiver end. E = Full load voltage at receiver end. cos 6 = Power factor at receiver end. K.W. = K.V.A. cos 8. r = Resistance of conductor per mile. (From Tables VII-VIII.) x = Reactance of conductor per mile. (From Tables IX-XII.) / = Length of transmission line in miles. ,, 1000 K.V.A. cos 6 I hen P = - = In-phase current at receiver end Hi (in total amps.). -. 1000 K.V.A. sin ^ Q = p; = Reactive current at receiver end rL (in total amps.), when current is lagging. 1000 K.V.A. sin . = -= when current is leading. TABLES 109 TABLE III. (Continued.} Find the following quantities: Full Load. _ The above are for two- and three-phase lines. For single-phase lines use 2 r and 2 x in place of r and #. 110 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE in. (Continued.) CONDITIONS GIVEN AT RECEIVER END. Formulas: Full Load. No Load. Voltage at receiver end. d) (for constant supply voltage) Regulation at receiver end in volts, for constant supply voltage. A +TA (3) - ng.X-A N.B. The regulation at receiver end may be expressed as a percentage ofE. Voltage at supply end. UE.-A + Z.- (5)*.-*+*! (for constant receiver voltage). Regulation at supply end in volts, for constant receiver voltage. ,,. * , & A B). (12) Power factor at supply end, in decimals. AC + BD , , A C +B D (13) In-phase current at supply end in total amperes* AC+BD , , Reactive current at supply end in total amperes* , . BC-AD , O s B (I7) "' ( 2 When this quantity is positive, the current is lagging. When this quantity is negative, the current is leading. K.W. loss in line. (19) (AC + BD -EP). (20) IOOO IOOO [same as No. 12]. Per cent efficiency of line. . 100 EP percent ' Total amps. * Amperes per wire, three-phase, = - -= - ^3 Total amps. Amperes per wire, two phase, = - p 112 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE IV. K FORMULAS FOR TRANSMISSION LINES. CONDITIONS GIVEN AT SUPPLY END. Accurate within approximately fa of i% of line voltage up to 100 miles and | of i% up to 200 miles, for lines with regulation up to 20%. K = - . K = 2.16 for 60 cycles. K = 0.375 for 25 cycles. 10,000 Conditions given: K.V.A. = K.V.A. at supply end. E s = Full load voltage at supply end. cos 6 = Power factor at supply end. K.W. = K.V.A. cos0. r = Resistance of conductor per mile. (From Tables VII-VIII.) x = Reactance of conductor per mile. (From Tables IX-XII.) I = Length of transmission line in miles. Then P 8 = I0 K 'Y' A ' C S = In-phase current at supply end (in &8 total amps.). t supply end (in total amps.), when current is lagging. looo K.V.A. sin 9 , , . . ,. = - when current is leading. TABLES TABLE IV. (Continued.) Find the following quantities: Full Load. iooo Kf I No Load. ( Ti Viooo/ ) Note. The above are for two- and three-phase lines. For single- phase lines use 2 r and 2 * in place of r and . 114 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE IV. (Continued.} CONDITIONS GIVEN AT SUPPLY END. Formulas: Full Load. No Load. Voltage at receiver end. (for constant supply voltage). Regulation at receiver end in volts, for constant supply voltage. Go 2 G 2 N.B. The regulation at receiver end may be expressed as a percentage of E. Voltage at supply end. (for constant receiver voltage). Regulation at supply end, in volts, for constant receiver voltage. F + 1 21 (6) E s - - - if- E.. N.B. The regulation at supply end may be expressed as a percentage of E,. TABLES TABLE IV. (Continued.) Current in total amperes* ( 7 ) VM 2 + N* at receiver end. (8) ^M ( l6 ) MQ at supply end. Reactive current in total amperes* ( I7 ) GM-FN at recdver end ( Ig ) jv at supply end. When this quantity is positive, the current is lagging. When this quantity is negative, the current is leading. K.W. loss in line. ( IQ ) --(E 8 P 8 -FM-GN). (20) ^ s M (sameasNo.i2). Per cent efficiency of line. (21) =r-p per cent. Total amps. * Amperes per wire, three phase, = - O Total amps. Amperes per wire, two phase, = - Il6 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE V. CONVERGENT SERIES FOR TRANSMISSION LINES. CONDITIONS GIVEN AT RECEIVER END. The convergent series give the results of the fundamental formulas as accurately as desired, if a sufficient number of terms is used. When conditions are given at the receiver end, the same as with the K formulas, find the quantities: Full Load. 2-3-4-S 2- 2.3 where Z = (r +./*)* r = resistance of conductor per mile. x = reactance of conductor per mile. I = length of transmission line in miles. + etc. g = leakage conductance of conductor per mile. b = capacity susceptance of conductor per mile. Use A, B, C, D, etc., with the equations in the third and fourth pages of Table III to solve transmission line problems. 2 _ Note i. In the formulas, A + 7- is used instead of V A 2 -f- .B 2 . zA This approximation may be used for very accurate work, as it is correct within approximately T ^ of i% when the regulation is not more than 20%. Note 2. The above are for two- and three-phase lines. For single- phase lines use 2 r and 2 x in place of r and x, and use \ g and % b in place of g and b. TABLES 117 TABLE VI. CONVERGENT SERIES FOR TRANSMISSION LINES. CONDITIONS GIVEN AT SUPPLY END. The convergent series give the results of the fundamental formulas as accurately as desired, if a sufficient number of terms is used. When conditions are given at the supply end, the same as with the K formulas, find the quantities: Full Load. Z3 etc 2-3-4 2-3- 4-5- + F2Z2 + - F3Z3 A + etc 2- 3^2- 3- 4. 5 { , FZ , F 2 Z 2 PZ 3 u \ E 3 Y i 4 --- --- -- - -- r- etc. I . V - 2-3 2-3.4.5 2-3-4-S-6-7 / No Load. iYZ+ ^-Y*Z*- F 3 Z 3 + ^ F 4 Z 4 - etc.Y 24 720 _ 8004 y - I FZ -h F2Z 2 - -- F 3 Z 3 + 15 3 j s 2835 where Z = (r +jx) I. r = resistance of conductor per mile. x = reactance of conductor per mile. I = length of transmission line in miles. Y=(g+jb)l. g = leakage conductance of conductor per mile. b = capacity susceptance of conductor per mile. Use F, G, M, N, etc., with the equations in the third and fourth pages of Table IV to solve transmission line problems. G 2 / - Note i. In the formulas, F -\ -- - is used instead of V F 2 + G 3 . This 2r approximation may be used for very accurate work, as it is correct within approximately T f^ of *% when the regulation is not more than 20%. Note 2. The above are for two- and three-phase lines. For single- phase lines use 2 r and 2 x in place of r and x, and use | g and 6 in place of g and b. n8 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS TABLE VII. RESISTANCE OF COPPER WIRE AND CABLE. Data assumed: Temperature, 20 C. (68 F.). Conductivity of hard drawn copper, 97.3% of the annealed copper standard. Increase of resistance of cables due to spiralling, i%. Copper Wire. Diam- Resistance, ohms per mile. B. & S. Circular ctcr gauge. mils. (2P) inches. Direct current. 25 cycles. In- crease. 60 cycles. In- crease. Per cent Per cent 0000 2ll,6oo .4600 . . . .2655 .2657 .08 .2667 44 000 167,800 .4096 3348 3350 05 .3358 .27 00 133,100 .3648 .4221 .4223 03 .4229 I? o 105,500 3249 5326 .5327 .02 5331 . II I 83,690 .2893 ... .6714 .6714 .OI .6718 .07 2 66,370 .2576 .8466 .8466 .OI .8469 .04 3 52,630 .2294 1.068 1.068 1. 068 03 4 41,740 .2043 1.346 1.346 I.346 .02 5 33,ioo .1819 1.697 1.697 1.698 .01 6 26,250 .1620 2. I4O 2. I4O 2.140 .OI 7 20,820 1443 2.699 2.699 2.699 8 16,510 .1285 3-403 3-403 3.403 TABLES 119 TABLE VII. (Continued.) Copper Cable. Diam- No. of Resistance, ohms per mile. B. & S. gauge. Circular mils. eter (2p) inches. wires as- sumed. Direct current. 25 cycles. In- crease. 60 cycles. In- crease. 500,000 .8lII 19 1135 .1140 Per cent 41 .1162 Per cent 2-34 .... 450,000 .7695 19 .1261 .1265 33 .1285 1.90 .... 400,000 .7255 19 .1419 .1422 .26 .1440 1.50 350,000 .6786 J 9 .1621 .1625 .20 .1640 1.16 300,000 .6211 7 .1892 .1894 15 .1908 85 250,000 .5669 7 .2270 .2272 .10 .2284 .60 oooo 211,600 .5216 7 .2682 .2684 .07 .2693 43 ooo 167,800 4645 7 .3382 .3384 05 3391 27 oo 133,100 4137 7 .4264 4265 03 .4271 17 105,500 3683 7 5379 .5380 .02 5385 .11 I 83,690 .3280 7 .6781 .6782 .01 .6785 .07 2 66,370 .2921 7 8550 8551 .01 .8554 .04 3 52,630 .2601 7 1.078 1.078 1.078 -.03 4 41,740 .2317 7 1.360 1.360 1.360 . .02 TABLE VII. (Continued.} TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS OF COPPER. For different initial temperatures and different conductivities. Ohms per meter-gram at 20 deg. cent. Per cent conduc- tivity. 15 "20 25 "30 50 .16108 95 .00405 .00381 .00374 .00367 .00361 .00336 15940 96 . 00409 .00386 .00378 .00371 .00364 .00340 15776 97 .00414 .00390 .00382 00375 00368 00343 .15727 97-3 .00415 .00391 .00383 .00376 .00369 .00344 .15614 98 .00418 .00394 .00386 .00379 .00372 .00346 15457 99 .00423 .00398 .00390 .00383 00375 .00349 .153022 TOO .00428 .OO4O2 00394 .00386 00379 00352 I5I5I IOI .00432 .OO4O6 .00398 .00390 .00383 00355 where Rt is the resistance at any temperature t deg. cent. and Rti is the resistance at any "initial temperature" ti deg. cent. From Appendix E, Standardization Rules of the A.I. E. E., June 27, 1911. L20 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS j* O^O t* I/) fO W H M w H M q o o o q o *' ' O M S3< ^O fO gsggtfsas TABLES 121 H 2 ' V ii. III t^ao e fOfOO t^rooooo ir> (too t~ Ov M vQiiHi-iMPOTi-Tf vo ico vo r^ r- t ftrOf3rorOrOrOrOrO ro ro ro rO -00 Oi O M M PO 't 1/50 00 MMMHH.MMM 122 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS i 1^ 1 o 1 'o jj^'3 S"rt & (H^ 4 -'MMNNr<5t5^r' - WO t^-00 O* O M PI ro * irtO I TABLES I2 3 21 g J N SS-a U WG w> IO to-t MM^MMMM M 00 o 2 5 f to * OO OOt-rOt-Q t> l>00 00000000 0\OvOvO,OsO 00. 5 M MM t^ 1 1 8 i H Jg O (TJO 00 O M ro rto CO O M rO * >OsO t-oo OO O M ^ *T *7 *7 ^7. oooooooooo oooo o o o\ o o o O M M O A 1 J>;> MOO o OOO r~-ob n vO t- t- t- t-00 0000000000 OOOOsO 00 0.0 5 C* If) 6 ro ro o 00 fj -*\o i^ M 1000 O omoN *-*-*roM o f.O ssj:Raa4^' Illsisisw a- 6 | I %<$> S 8 S5 f: a ^ So 12g 8 2 S ^ S; %& $. & NO o i> r- t- r- t-oo oooooooooo ooooo o- o o * t-00 00000000000000 0000 ei p Ri & oo rOsO o M ro TJ-O t o M ro ^ro t~-oo o O o M ro *? IO\O O >O t- t- t- I- t- t-oO OO OO 00 OO 00 OO O O O O. O. 1 53 1 t-O MOO O OiriON ^-roo <^vO OOOOOO t-iont-O O M 10 t- O M ro ^l-O OO O M ro ^f 10-0 t-oo O O M f*> IO>O o r-oo O r iOO IO O CM wcM^-io oo oo oo oo Mt^N TtvO O O 10 Tf M <> vM CM Tt IO\O I^OO O\ O *-f fN ( t^c^t~i^-i^t~t- t-oo oo oo fsOOfOOf^ 1 -*^ 1 - 1 ^tO tOt-iiooO ^ O O Ovf^V5^< JO ^rt^ovM N Tfr \r> r- ^ w in to ino o NO o o o i>r*r*t^r*t--i>r* i>cx5 o O M O M O\O O fO IO ^ O "^ t^-OO < g sfiSSSpfSffSriSli. s 5SSSSIISf51^SSS&u o\ *r r~Q ^CM Ti-o ^og w N "^o t^-oo o> O w N ri F-c >o to 10 10 < a)MHCMNfOrO^t' - lOO t^OO ^ O M CM CO Tf lOO 00 CO ^2- 126 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS w .r u ^2 ?.?'? eo~ MMMMMMMMC, A g i R*B3S&a&SSS3SSC?3ftSRS t X ^ a 1 6 ! - 1 OO t"~ PI ON W ONO O POIO^O ^tt^OO O^O^OOO ^tOO M 00 f) t~- O\ t=-00 Q M ^f OO t^oo ON Q M N rO 10 100 o o r~ t- r^ t- t^oo oooooooooooooo cSo\OvC\ov f conductors oi ', (N 1 - i r* M 1000 O P< ^t 100 o* M cs ^i- 100 t^oo Ox O M CN ro "1O O O C~ t- t~- r~ t- t-OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO O\OvOvOv i 1 8 1 d 4 .. t mtSSHSEUIBISIiHg S -1 "S ^ oo .g ^ 1 4ilJ ii li* 2 i o 6 105,500 - 10100000 t-"r*t^-t^-t^-r-oooooooooooooooooo o 10 * rt * tf) g R 4> 3l 5 **~> t- I? POO? i? ^o'oo' Ov 2" S" 5o"l' l O'. 2 CA CO ^ 10v8 00 H a H o u 1 < r s* I "^ I 00 -3 X II II 8 .ll .s ;, ss IA to in p c e cs cs p p p p p p w H i- i- t- w w M M L NOOfOPI^J'OOfOOO^t'bOfOOvlOP^Ovt^lOfOt-' O O t->0 lOTfrorOpi M M w O O aoOvOsO \x ro pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi i-i M w H i-i ro ro p PI p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p ci H M V < f* p N p p p p PI p p p p M p p pi pi pi pi pi i-i \x f ro ro p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pi pi cs pi pi 128 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS V! i.r is 9 ? "? ? ? CO- o 5 t- 00 1 1 ' ^ POPOfOroPiPipipipiPipipiPipipiPiPiPiPipiPiPi 1 ^ T t* a t t^ 10 O OMOPI M 0<8vOO t^RvO 10 5 " * PO S* P?P? M> 2 M* 3 s vv POPOPOPOPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIOIPIPIPIPIP1PIPIPI 1 13 y & g 1 ^^00^^5^00^^-^0,0.00 1 Jl M x .rOPOrOrOPIP.NPIPINPIPlC.MP.MPiPiPiMM i i g T 1 VX ^fOfOfOrOPOC'lCSC.2 i I 9 1 CO O O^ lO CO M O O\00 r* t^"O lOrt^fOfOrOW C4 CN W M M \x lOfOCQ^fOCtfifitiCVCf w M ci M ci N ci ci ci ci ci 111 k 8 1 0> 1 I S*!W*!WBOT8*BafMiitS ill * X g 1 Ov T "o.'a?' 1 *. sx "^POPOPOPOPIPIPIPIPIPINPJPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPI :Srt 8 *f q M O M ?* .M M o o\o^ oo t^o loio^f.POPOPOPOPi PI PI 000 00 \X "S-POPOPOPOPONPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPI 1 || 1 jg.s M-g 10 10 10 O^MHPIPipOPO^rl- 100 t-00 OOWNPJ^IOOOOO 3 ^ 1 g'a |3 63 Q^ TABLES 129 I* 3 W 5 W 5^5 co-S J , - "* ** c? o . 1 * x I I fC ft _ , -0 t^ ^o O MOOOiOiO'^rOcOCI W M M OO O O O\O\O\ONOOOO N 1/5 N . y/ rOWWWWWWC^WWWCSCJWMCIMMIHMWW 7 .S j H J 1 55 1 1 T LO fl N 8 'X 2 L! S ^ H 8 T r~ NOM^t^N HioOOroo^^rOMC,-Oro 5 M 00 * CO x LiSi2S2?L-L*4 s- M 5 32 1 S? 8 'l . 5 ^ i ti'-3 ^ H |-VO U U * S -7 V <*5 r6 i IN ei M N N N N N N N N N N N N N - " Q ** ** d v^ 8 8 R t-i^uMM XMa ^attn98 ^ .g R * X H gl'O M ! '0 &' J O-+J D. 2 ^*^ 5 &! ^ IP i I - I j^H?5fS22!?5!51125!!S i|| * o.'o. 9 1 1 i i 8 VO T j *j *j d 8 P* O ro M Sao r-O u^ W * re fO N N 1 N 8 M" H? J? 8"^ q ooo o N 4 - 81 J9 j i S ^^ ^-g 10 1^ to 1/5 t- & s 2* ^ O^MMNNrOrOtft ivO t^OO O\ O H N ro -t t/5vO 00 O OT =8 g o ^ IS &"2 CO -2- CQ O ^ 5 130 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS I "O ; f il I PQ - II II S S meter p) inc O> O M (S CO * O 00 t^vovo in in in m in \ 00 t^OOvOOO " " "? "? - 100 t^oo o\ O H .w) m us MM^CS*fOfO^4 100 t^OO O w W ro ^t lOO 00 O 1 1 1 - 1 O o M *O CS O t^"O "O ^ *o b fi5SI?BS^^S:SEi55!J^8a C/5 W 1 JJ5 x 1 "] 4) (J | 13 & Ov s T u jg i r^ X I_J CO 477,000 o 1 T X u -g S i 1 0> 1 T N/ O O^OO t* l> I"- t^O >O *5NONO"O lOlOlOlOlOlO 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ I i 1 - CO W a ^ tt 300,000 - M vO \/ ONOO t^- 1> r^->o ooooo ioioiovoioioioi/>ioioio H ill PH & **> JJ, J JD 8 3So,ooo H 1 vx ooo r* r* t*- t*>o oooo i/;i/^ioioi/iioioioioio*o I-H 'o * "SJS'S s for coppe 400,000 a vo to t^ O sOOOOfOOO^ t*-<5 r<5 M O O-QO I--NO' iO rt Tf rO C* M X I >r s 1 \x ONOO oo t-* i> r^o sONONOOO 10101010^x010101010 H !? lllirt 8 s 00 T V* OvOO 00 t 1 ^ t^ t* l^-O ^O^OOOO \f)if)\f)\f)if)lf)\f)lfi\f) A 1 H J ^** v> 10 m 10 J^w i-J M cifOfO^t'^i' lOO t^OO O\ O M r< PO *t IOO oo O o dl 3~ g^ 132 TRANSMISSION LINE FORMULAS "fi o 8 3 1 S SI d.2 CO U 8* ta g- g ^aJ ^ s ^ 5 200 miles 38, 47 300 miles 39*5! 300 miles, with substation 36, 48 400 miles, with substation 4. 5 2 Quadrature volt-amperes, derivation of formula 60 INDEX 137 .PAGE Reactance of cable, 25 cycles, Table X 122 of cable, 60 cycles, Table XII 12$ of wire, 25 cycles, Table IX 121 of wire, 60 cycles, Table XI 124 Reactance, derivation of formulas: single-phase, wire, effect of flux in air 62 single-phase, wire, effect of flux in the conductor 64 single-phase, cable 76 two-phase 79 three-phase, irregular spacing 79 three-phase, regular flat spacing 83 three-phase, regular spacing 83 Reactance drop $ Reactive power, derivation of formula 60 Regulation -. 8, 58 Regulation chart, description of 8 Resistance of aluminum cable, Table VIII 120 of copper wire and cable, Table VII 118 Resistance drop 4 Series, convergent 45, 116 derivation of 98 description of 41 Short line formulas 18, 104 description of 16 Skin effect . 4 Skin effect, derivation of formula 67 Skin effect formula, proof by infinite series 71 Spacing 4, 10 equivalent 10 flat 10 two-phase 10 Substation loads 26 Susceptance (see also " Capacity ") 6 Temperature coefficients 119, 120 description of 55 Watts, derivation of formula 59 Wire and cable tables n LIST OF WORKS ON ELECTRICAL SCIENCE PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, 23 Murray and 27 "Warren Streets, New York. ABBOTT, A. V. The Electrical Transmission of Energy. A Manual for the Design of Electrical Circuits. Fifth Edition, enlarged and rewritten. With many Diagrams, Engravings and Folding Plates. 8vo., cloth, 675 pp Net, $5 . 00 ADDYMAN, F. T. Practical X-Ray Work. Illustrated. 8vo., cloth, 200 pp Net, $4.00 ALEXANDER, J. H. Elementary Electrical Engineering in Theory and Practice. A class-book for junior and senior students and working electricians. Illustrated. 12mo., cloth, 208 pp $2 .00 ANDERSON, GEO. L., A.M. (Capt. U.S.A.). Handbook for the Use of Electricians in the operation and care of Electrical Machinery and Apparatus of the United States Seacoast Defenses. Prepared under the direction of Lieut.-General Commanding the Army. Illustrated. 8vo., cloth, 161 pp $3.00 ARNOLD, E. Armature Windings of Direct-Current Dynamos. Exten- sion and Application of a general Winding Rule. 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