lac 9)8 37 UC-NRLF OF THE UNIVERSITY OF f, CALIFOI PHYSICS CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS FOURTH REPORT BY CARL BARUS Hazard Professor of Physics, Brown University WASHINGTON, D. C.: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington 2910 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS FOURTH REPORT BY CARL BARUS Hazard Professor of Physics, Brown University WASHINGTON, D. C.: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington 1910 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 96 (PART 2) PHYSICS LIBRARY PREFACE. In Chapter I of the present publication the investigations on the residual nuclei of pure water (compare Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton Publication No. 96, Chapter V, 1908) have been resumed with regard to the size and persistence of such nuclei. These are obtained by the precipitation of water on the nuclei of pure water vapor, in a dust-free fog chamber, by" sudden cooling. The fog particles so produced evaporate to water nuclei on compression, the number of the latter as compared with the former being greater as the evaporation of fog particles is more rapid and as their size is larger. In the extreme case nearly 50 per cent of the fog particles were represented by these residual water nuclei. It is a curious observation that whereas the relatively enormous fog particles of pure water evaporate at once beyond the range of visibility, such evaporation stops in cases of certain of the invisible water particles (0.5 to 50 per cent of the total number of fog particles) as the evaporation is more rapid in the manner specified. The remaining fog particles evaporate completely. It was impossible to detect any electrical effect due to rapid evaporation. The cause of these phenomena is difficult to ascertain, but it may be suspected that it is associated with the composite nature of the molecule of liquid water. The first part of Chapter II contains further studies of the optics of coronas. It was shown that the interference phenomenon superimposed upon the diffraction phenomenon in the case of coronas may be treated in a way similar to the lamellar grating, consisting of a uniform succession of alternate strips of thin and thicker transparent glass. Given types of coronas are reproduced in successively increasing size, when the respective fog-particle diameters are in the ratio of . . . . 5,4,3,2,1,0. The ratio of fog-particle diameters d and interference plate thickness D for the same color minimum in the interferences and a film of water is d/D = n (ni), where n is the index of refraction of water. The experimental value of d/D agrees well with this. It must therefore be possible to com- pute the nucleation corresponding to a given corona purely from optical considerations of diffraction and interference, as indicated. To further verify the theory suggested, special study was made of the axial or inter- ference colors of coronas by the aid of large drum-shaped chambers 2 meters long. The coronas obtained with electric light are almost too complicated for practice, for which reason a part of the mantle of a Welsbach burner in IV PREFACE. has usually been used as a source of light. Much better results are obtained, however, by the use of the virtually monochromatic mercury lamp as a source. This is sufficiently intense and admits a more definite optical interpretation. Experiments are therefore given in the second part of Chapter II, with a view to standardizing these simplified coronas by the method of successive exhaustions and phosphorus nuclei. The third part of the chapter gives an account of further progress made in increasing the efficiency of the fog chamber by reducing its size com- patibly with the use of a new type of goniometer. In an endeavor to standardize the coronas in terms of the nucleation involved, by the aid of separate small sealed aluminum tubes containing radium, used singly or in groups, very little progress was made, because the coronal diameter varies as the sixth root of the intensity of ionization. The experiments of Chapter III, however, lead to certain remarkable results on the distribution of ionization with reference to the position within the fog chamber of the sealed aluminum tubelets (beta and gamma rays being in question, largely the latter). If the parts of the fog chamber consist of different materials or not, the maximum ionization due to primary and secondary radiation rarely coincides with the position of the radium. In a horizontal cylindrical fog chamber, closed at one end and open for exhaustion at the other, the maximum ionization is found to move from the closed end to the exhaustion end as the radium moves from the closed end to the middle of the chamber. As the radium moves further the maximum remains near the exhaustion end, but the ionization diminishes in marked degree throughout the whole chamber. The ratios of ionization are frequently greater than 2 to i. To obtain maxima of ionization near the middle of the chamber the sealed radium tube must be near the closed end. In other adjustments even minimum ionization was produceable in the middle, as compared with the ends. It appears from the results that it is possible to appreciably displace the ions during the period of ex- haustion, the rate of reproduction being insufficiently rapid as compared with the displacement. In a final investigation, Chapter IV, the endeavor is made to stand- ardize the coronas in relation to the number of fog particles represented under given circumstances of exhaustion by aid of Thomson's electron and correlative constants. After a number of trials the first successful method consisted in making a closed aluminum tube, containing an even distribution of radium, the core of a cylindrical condenser, leaded to an inch or more in thickness without. This core was suspended axially from fine wire leading to Dolezalek's electrometer for the measurement of the small voltages and currents involved. The core in question was then removed from the electrical condenser and put into the axis of a dust- PREFACE. V free fog chamber, where the nucleation (ionization) was found from the constants of the coronas obtained upon exhaustion, or vice versa. Using the method which depends essentially on the known velocity of the ions in the unit electric field and my earlier values of the constants of coronas, a few rough tests of the charge of the electron gave consistent values. There was, however, an inherent difficulty of great importance, the nature of which has already been referred to the ionization differs in different parts of the fog chamber and the extreme ratios may exceed 2 to i. It does not follow, therefore, that the mean ionization observed in the fog chamber is the same as that obtaining within the heavy leaded electrical condenser. To secure this identity the fog chamber itself must be the condenser. The method was, therefore, varied by using the cylindrical fog chamber (glass wet within, put to earth) with its axial core of charged aluminum tube both as an electrical condenser for the measurement of current and as a fog chamber for the measurement of ionization. The end of the aluminum tube within the fog chamber is hermetically sealed ; the other is open without for the introduction of the sealed tubelets containing radium. By properly adjusting these along the axis an approximately uniform ionization within the fog chamber is obtainable. The trials made seemed promising enough to make it worth while to repeat the determi- nation of e by Thomson's method, using, however, the mercury lamp as a source of light and a purely optical method for the measurement of the nucleation as suggested above. Results will be given in a later report. The correlative method of determining e in terms of the decay con- stant of the ionization has also been tried. If N be the number of ions in the fog chamber due to the radium in the aluminum tube when the latter is not charged and n the number when it is charged the constant e may be written e = CV/(b(N 2 -n*)v) where C is the capacity and v the volume of the cylindrical condenser fog chamber and V the (constant) fall of potential of the core per second, due to the current passing through the ionized air within the chamber. In this case very large potentials (250 volts) may be used, and a graduated Exner electroscope suffices for the measurement of V. The experiments by the decay method in the second part of Chapter IV, made for the present merely to test the standardization of the fog chamber, as detailed in the earlier publications of the Carnegie Insti- tution of Washington, nevertheless lead to very acceptable values of e, even at the enormous ionizations (exceeding 500,000 nuclei per cubic centimeter) employed. The values for e in Chapter IV were too high, even with the admission that negative ions only are caught in the fog chamber employed. The VI PREFACE. method is, therefore, repeated in Chapter V with greater detail. Con- denser and fog chamber are now identical, and the data obtained are of reasonable value. In Chapter VI, finally, the effect of incidental voltaic contacts occur- ring in Chapter V is critically studied, with a view to using a condenser whose parts are of different metals separated by an ionized medium for the measurement of voltaic potentials. My thanks are due to Miss Laura C. Brant for efficient assistance throughout the course of this work. CARL BARUS. BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, R. /., August i, 1909. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Nuclei of Pure Water. Page. 1. Introductory i 2. Rapid evaporation of fog particles. Phosphorus nuclei. Table i ; fig. i i 3. Spontaneous evaporation of fog particles. Phosphorus nuclei. Table 2 3 4. Slow spontaneous evaporation of fog particles, yapor nuclei. Table 3 4 5. Rapid evaporation of fog particles. Vapor nuclei. Table 4 7 6. Evaporation retarded as the diameter of fog particles decreases 8 7. Time losses. Table 5 8 8. Effect of changes of the drop of pressure 10 9. Exceptionally rapid evaporation 1 1 10. Conclusion 1 1 1 1 . The same, continued 12 1 2. The same, continued , 13 13. The same, continued 13 14. Statistical hypothesis 14 CHAPTER II. Standardization and Efficiency of the Fog Chamber. AXIAL, COLORS AND INTERFERENCES. 15. Introductory 15 16. Causes of axial colors. Table 6 15 17. The lamellar grating 16 18. Disk colors of coronas 16 19. Experiments with long tubes. Table 7 ; fig. 2 17 20. Short tubes. Table 8 19 CORONAS WITH MERCURY LIGHT. 21. Preliminary survey 20 22. Apparatus 21 23. Equations 21 24. Data with white light. Table 9 ; fig. 3 22 25. Data with green mercury light. Tables 10 and 1 1 ; figs. 4 to 9 24 26. Inferences. Interference and diffraction. Table 12 31 EFFICIENCY OF LARGE AND SMALL FOG CHAMBERS ATTACHED TO THE SAME VACUUM CHAMBER. 27. Fog chambers 33 28. Data. Table 13; fig. 10 34 29. Data for apertures. Table 14; fig. 1 1 37 30. Results 39 31. Conclusion 39 CHAPTER III. Regions of Maximum lonization and Miscellaneous Experiments. REGIONS OF MAXIMUM IONIZATION DUE TO GAMMA RADIATION. 32. Introductory 41 33. Short fog chamber 41 34. Behavior after removal of radium 42 35. Long fog chamber 43 36. Data. Table 15; figs. 12 to 15 43 37. Inferences 47 VII Yin CONTENTS. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS. Page. 38. Experiments to detect the region of positive ions. Table 16; fig. 16 48 39. Radium within the fog chamber. Sealed tubes. Table 17 50 40! Distance effect. Table 18 5 1 41. Attempt to calibrate the fog chamber with five separate sealed tubelets of radium. Tables 18 and 19 , 51 CHAPTER IV. The Standardization of the Fog Chamber by Aid of Thomson's Electron. THE CONSTANT 6, EXPRESSED IN TERMS OF VELOCITIES OF THE IONS. 42. Advantages 54 43. Plate. Fig. 17 54 44. Cylinder. Fig. 18 55 45. The same. Preliminary data. Table 20 56 46. The same. Wires surrounded by earthed pipes 57 47. Conclusion 58 THOMSON'S CONSTANT e, EXPRESSED IN TERMS OF THE DECAY CONSTANT OF IONS WITHIN THE FOG CHAMBER. 48. Introductory 59 49. Electrical condenser fog chamber 59 50. Auxiliary condenser 60 5 1 . Methods 6 1 52. Data disregarding external gamma rays. Table 21 61 53. Further data. Table 22 63 CHAPTER V. The Electron Method of Standardizing the Coronas of Cloudy Condensation in Terms of the Velocities of the Ions. 54. Introductory 65 55. Apparatus. Fig. 19 65 56. Auxiliary electrical condensers 66 57. Methods pursued 67 58. Data. High ioriization currents. Table 23 , 69 59. The same. Coronas 70 60. The same. Summary. Figs. 20 and 21 71 61. Data. Moderate ionization. Electrical currents 72 62. The same. Coronas 72 63. The same. Summary. Figs. 22 and 23 72 64. Data. Small ionizations. Electric currents 74 65. The same. Coronas 74 66. The same. Summary. Figs. 24 and 25 74 67. Conclusion 75 CHAPTER VI. Electro metric Measurement of Voltaic Potential Difference between the Conductors of the Condenser Separated by an Ionized Medium. 68. Introductory. Fig. 26 76 69. Theory 78 70. Data. Origin of the electrometer current. Fig. 27 80 71. Aluminum core charged with radium tubelets. Table 24; fig. 28 82 72. Results. Ionization and voltaic contact potential difference 82 73. Voltaic contacts: aluminum-zinc, aluminum-copper, aluminum-aluminum. Table 25 ; fig. 29 82 74. Further experiments and conclusion 83 CHAPTER I. NUCLEI OF PURE WATER. 1. Introductory. In case of a fog chamber but 4 cm. high and broad and lined with wet cloth, I was surprised to find that if each of a succession of fogs precipitated on phosphorus nuclei is allowed to (appar- ently) subside, i. e., to be completely dissipated without influx of air before the next exhaustion is made, it nevertheless takes about 10 or 12 exhaustions before all the nuclei are precipitated. It follows, therefore, that for very small fog particles the dissipation by evaporation in origin- ally* saturated air is enormously more important than the dissipation by subsidence. The fog particles do not, however, vanish completely, but the evaporation terminates in persistent solutional water nuclei, large enough to keep the air bluish or hazy. If the same experiment is made with rigorously dust-free air and vapor nuclei, the fog particles vanish almost completely in a single slow evapor- ation, so that but one additional exhaustion is needed to quite clear the fog chamber. Very few water nuclei (several per cent) are left behind in this case. The number increases when the evaporation is more and more accelerated by the rapid influx of dust-free air. It is this feature of the experiment, the tendency of the water nuclei left after precipitation of dust-free wet air on the vapor nuclei of its own medium to persist in proportion as the evaporation is faster (more or less compression or rise of temperature) , that is the chief burden of the present paper. The fact that water nuclei may persist, while the enormously larger fog particles from which they have been obtained all but evaporate, is the interesting part of this result. Some restraining tendency! must therefore be evoked by which the accelerating effect of convexity is much more than canceled, for the nuclei here in question are produced in rigorously dust-free air by the precipitation of water vapor on water vapor. A solutional effect is therefore absent. To investigate the question it is expedient to begin with a medium of phosphorus or solutional nuclei, to subject the fogs thereupon to more or less rapid evaporation, and thereafter to compare these results with the corresponding case for vapor nuclei. 2. Rapid evaporation of fog particles. Phosphorus nuclei. In the following experiments I have endeavored to trace these results quantita- *Probably the rise of temperature is sufficiently rapid to render saturated air from which a fog has been precipitated temporarily unsaturated. fThe earlier work has been quoted in Part I of Publication No. 96, Carnegie Institution of Washington. 2 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. lively. For this purpose fog particles precipitated on phosphorus nuclei were successively evaporated as rapidly as possible by compression (influx of air), so as to make the loss by subsidence negligible except at the end of the series, when so few nuclei are present that the precipitate is rain-like. In such a case the only loss of nuclei is due to the exhaustion, as the normal time loss* is relatively small. In table i, taken from an earlier report,! I have given a typical case, the exhaustion ratio being ^ = 0.78, nearly. As dust-free air is introduced after each exhaustion the successive nucleations are clearly in geometric progression. As long as the nucleation is less than 100,000, subsidence may be disregarded, as the 0&4.68J0 FIG. i. Chart showing the survival ratio, n'/n, in successive exhaustions, for phosphorus nuclei (.4, 2, 3,) and water nuclei (4, 5, 6, 7). Scale of latter magni- fied ten times. curves A in fig. i show. The table also contains the angular diameters (=5/30 of the coronas and the nucleations n computed therefrom. Finally the ratios n f /n of the successive nucleations n and n' are given in each case. These should be equal to the exhaustion ratio if no other loss of nuclei occurs. In fact, if we take the data above n= 100,000 the mean ratio of the ten cases is n'/n = o.'j6, agreeing practically with ^ = 0.78. If we plot the successive ratios n' In in terms of n, the results show a jagged curve oscillating about n'/n = o.'jS, but descending rapidly below n = i o 5 as the result of subsidence. (Compare curve A , fig. i .) The irreg- ularity of the curve is inevitable, as it corresponds to a ratio between two large coronas whose outlines are no longer sharp ; but there is compen- sation in the successive values, as the curve, taken as a whole, indicates. *Compare chapter n. tCarnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 96, chap, in, table 17, 1908. NUCLEI OF PURE WATER. i. Quick evaporation. (Reproduced from Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 92, chap, in, table 17, 1908.) y o-779- SERIES A. Corona. s. wXio- 3 . Ratio n'/n. Corona. s. wXio- 3 . Ratio n'/n. w r 1500 0.67 g 7.8 100 0.69 w v . . IOOO 7i o 7-5 89 74 sb . . . 7i5 91 6.8 66.5 .65 bp . . . 650 .89 5-9 63.0 57 g 580 79 4-9 24.6 .66 gy 13 460 .70 4.2 16.3 53 w o . 7 320 .78 3-4 8.7 35 w r 10.5 250 .60 2.4 3-0 .40 w p 9-o 152 .67 1.8 1.2 3. Spontaneous evaporation of fog particles. Phosphorus nuclei. With the above data one may now compare the corresponding cases for very slow evaporation, in which the fog has disappeared spontaneously in the lapse of time, apparently by subsidence, but in greater measure by evaporation. Part i of table 2 shows the results obtained in a very long (2 meters) brass tube, lined with wet cloth but 4 cm. high and broad. Twelve exhaustions are needed for removing the nucleation, in spite of the spontaneous disappearance of each individual fog. The disappointing feature about these experiments with 2 -inch tubes is the total absence of disk or axial color throughout. They were made in the hope that such colors would appear. In parts 2 and 3 of the table these observations are continued, but now, with a glass fog chamber, where the line of vision passes through but 8 cm. of fog as compared with 200 cm. above. The exhaustion ratio is y = 0.78, as in table i . Besides the disk color of coronas, the successive nucleations n and the nucleation ratios n f /n are given. These ratios are also con- structed in fig. i in terms of. n, in the curves 2 and 3 of the chart. Not- withstanding the complete apparent subsidence, nine exhaustions are needed to clean the fog chamber of these solutional nuclei ; but the effect of subsidence is here unmistakable at least below n= io 6 nuclei per cubic centimeter. From a smooth curve, embodying series 2 and 3, the sub- sidence effect, together with other permanent loss, may be stated as follows (3^ = 0.78). The approximate diameter is d. Evapora- io 6 d io~ 3 n Exhaustion loss. n'/n. Subsidence loss. tion to water nuclei. cm. 164 1500 22 0.76 O.O2 0.98 189 IOOO 22 .68 .10 .90 203 800 22 63 15 .85- 225 600 22 56 . 22 .78 255 400 22 .48 30 .70 320 200 22 30 . 4 8 .52 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. From these data it appears that above n= 200,000 nuclei dissipation is due more and more largely to evaporation; below n = 2 X io 5 more and more largely to subsidence. Above w=io 5 or ^ = 0.003 cm., moreover, the tube in part i remains permanently hazy and the fogs (if seen through some thickness) quite black. TABLE 2. Persistence of solutional water nuclei. Shows number of exhaustions to clean with complete (apparent) subsidence. Exhaus- tion No. Corona. wXio~ 3 -D , . 1 Exhaus- Rat10 ' tionNo. Corona. wXio- 3 Ratio. Part i. Phosphorus emanation. Long brass tube; length 200 cm.; diameter 5 cm.; cloth lined. Barometer 77.15 at 20. d/> 3 = 17 cm., about. Each fog appar- ently falls out. Time consumed, about 30 minutes. 2 3 4 6 black black black translucent fawn fog 7 8 9 10 ii 12 corona corona corona faint cor. very faint very faint Part 2, series 2. Glass fog chamber (observations transverse); length 45 cm.; diameter 1 2 cm. ; height of cloth 8 cm. Each fog allowed to fall out or dissipate. Two sources. Barometer 77.75 at 20. /> 3 =i7; dp 3 /p = o.2os. Time consumed, 27 minutes. Fogs dissipate into blue haze. i 2 3 4 6 Fogr' Fogr' Fog c' Fog v g s= 12; o 1700 1400 IOOO 600 400 0.82 .72 .60 .67 37 7 8 9 10 ii 12 J = 9I g s = s; cor. ,$=15; cor. 150 46 2 0.31 .04 Part 3, series 3. Repeated. Same glass fog chamber. Same time, about. No. 4 still evaporates to blue haze. i 2 3 4 5 Fog .9=163; r .r=i47; c ^=143; gb ^=130; gy 1700 1400 800 500 0.83 57 63 50 6 8 9 s=io5; c ^=70; cor. .$=27; cor. s=io; cor. 250 125 7 2 0.50 .06 03 4. Slow spontaneous evaporation of fog particles. Vapor nuclei. We may now contrast with the preceding the evaporation of fog particles precipitated on the vapor nuclei of dust-free air. Table 3 contains the results arranged on a plan similar to the above. A slight difference of pro- cedure is necessary, because the vapor nuclei are not caught in sufficient quantity except at very high exhaustion. Moreover, these exhaustions have no effect in removing vapor nuclei, as these are instantly reproduced by the kinetic mechanism. The water nuclei, however, should be pre- cipitated at an exhaustion less than the fog limit of dust-free air. Beyond this the exact value of the exhaustion ratio ^ = 0.71 to o. 7 7 is of no import- ance, because the ratio of successive nucleations, n'/n is usually less than NUCLEI OF PURE WATER. i per cent, showing that almost all nuclei have vanished in the first evaporation of the corresponding fog particles. The curves Nos. 4 and 5 , fig. i , give these results on a scale ten times larger than the preceding, to bring out the small values n' /n, which would vanish on the scale adopted for the solutional nuclei. For reasons which do not clearly appear, the data in series 4 are larger than corresponding results in series 5 , possibly 3. Persistence of water nuclei when fogs are precipitated on vapor nuclei. Glass fog chamber. d/> 3 =32 for vapor nuclei; dp*= 22 or 23 for water nuclei. Lower dp = 22 or 23 is above fog limit, but vapor nuclei are inactive. to Corona. wXio- 3 Ratio. #i Corona. wXio- 3 Ratio. Part i, series 4. Barometer 77.75 at 20. 32 22 ^=108; o ^ 2 = 3o 720 12.4 0.017 4 2 23 ^1=150; g J a = 25 2170 6.9 0.003 36 ^=120; y *-3 1080 13-3 0,012 Part 2, series 5. Repeated in glass fog chamber. Barometer 75.77 at 22. 39 17 ^1=130; g ^2=20 1370 3-0 O.OO2 27 17 *i = 45 S 2 =I2 47 5 O.OOI 36 17 *i=i2o; g *2 =2 4 *iO9O 5-i .005 28 17 ^ = 84; p S 2 =I2 320 5 .002 32 17 ^1=122; g *2 =I 9 ti030 2.6 .002 28 17 ^1=85; p *2=25 326 5-5 .007 29 17 s l = 1 1 1 ; r o -5 > 2 =2 5 780 5-5 .007 *Long waiting (3o m ) for s 2 . fNo waiting ( i m ) for *2- because the exhaustion in the former case was above the fog limit of dust- free air and would therefore catch the smaller order of water nuclei than occur in series 5. These water nuclei, in fact, are reduced appreciably in number in the lapse of time, as will be seen by comparing the two experi- ments for n = 320, ooo nuclei in series 5. The following exhibit may be regarded as a smoothed curve for about the same period of dissipation. The curves rise for smaller nucleation; the exhaustion loss is 0.23. Number I0d io~ 3 n n' /n Complete evaporation. completely evaporating Subsidence loss above. per cm 3 . cm. 1 60 1500 0.003 0-75 1050 0.02 190 IOOO .006 .66 660 . IO 200 800 .007 .61 490 .15 220 600 .008 54 320 .22 250 400 .009 .46 185 30 320 200 .010 .28 56 .48 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. This accentuates the effect of subsidence, which with the exhaustion evaporation must account for the total number of nuclei removed. At first sight it would appear that the number of residual nuclei is inde- pendent of the number of vapor nuclei present, as if some other nuclei which may accompany the vapor nuclei were responsible for residual water nuclei. 4. Case of rapid evaporation by compression (influx of dust-free air). dp Corona. s Corona dissipated by dp/p wXio- 3 Ratio. Part i, series 6. Barometer 76.86 at 23.5. Time between exhaustions, 5 min- utes, usually. Curve No. 6, fig. i. 35-7 18.5 28.7 18.5 28.7 18.5 28.7 18.5 30-5 18.5 30.5 18.5 32.2 18.5 32.2 18.5 *Time r o corona w b p corona wb p corona y corona P corona P corona r corona r corona interval b u. 8 6.0 9.0 2.8 8.5 5-3 8.0 4-5 ii .0 5-6 IO.O 3-5 10.5 5-5 10.7 5-2 etween ot \ Compression . . r 0.465 \ .240 ( -373 \ .240 [' -373 I -240 / -373 \ .240 / -397 \ .240 / -397 \ .240 r .420 \ .240 .420 .240 ;. y=o.75 600 49 220 5 190 33 1 60 21 355 39 *27O *IO *320 *37 340 3i | 0.082 1 .023 } ., } -130 > .110 } -037 } ., } -091 > Slow evaporation. > Compression ) ....Do... I \ Do r \ Evaporation* > Compression* servations 3 minutes Part 2, series 7. Green coronas. No subsidence. Barometer 76.70 at 22. Time between exhaustions, 3 to 5 minutes. Temperature 25. Curve No. 7, fig. i. dp Corona. j Fog dissipated by dp/p nX io- 3 Ratio. 36 18 36 18 36 18 36 18 36 18 g br b p gbp gbp g corona g corona 16.0 5-6 16.0 5-6 16.0 5-6 16.5 1.8 16.0 4-5 1 Compression or / influx I 0.470 \ .240 r .470 \ .240 r .470 \ .240 r .470 i -240 .470 .240 1000 39 1000 39 IOOO 39 IOOO i IOOO 21 } 0.039 } -039 } -039 > .001 > .021 | ....Do J....DO Slow evaporation; no influx NUCLEI OF PURE WATER. 5. Rapid evaporation of fog particles. Vapor nuclei. Finally, the fog particle precipitated on vapor nuclei may be rapidly evaporated by compression (influx of air). In order that all results may be comparable, it is necessary to allow the same time interval between the first ex- haustion (capture of vapor nuclei) and the second (capture of residual water nuclei). Since filtered air enters in the same way here as in the foregoing section 4, its effect (if any) is eliminated from the results. Sub- sidence, however, is essentially reduced by the present method, since the time for subsidence is but one-third to one-fifth as large as in section 4. The results are given in table 4 on the same plan as in table 3 . In part i two control experiments with gradual exhaustions are introduced to indicate the difference. The nucleations are as a rule low. In part 2 they are high and there is one control experiment. The curve is shown in Nos. 6 and 7 in fig. i. The data taken from smoothed curves will therefore be about as follows, d being the approximate diameter of fog particles, subsidence being ignored and the exhaustion loss 0.25. Number of Number of iod io~ 3 n n'/n Complete evaporation. nuclei evaporating residual nuclei (rcXio- 3 ). (wXio- 3 ). cm. 16 1500 .... .... .... .... 19 1000 0.039 0.71 710 39 20 800 .060 .69 550 48 22 600 .082 .67 400 49 25 400 .105 65 260 42 32 200 .126 .62 125 25 The apparently greater persistence of water nuclei on rapid evapor- ation is thus sustained. Subsidence is in excess in section 4 ; and though of the same order as the number of persistent nuclei, it always refers to the total charge of nuclei. As the number to be accounted for in the present instance can not well be estimated, it is safe to conclude that about 95 per cent of the fog particles precipitated on vapor nuclei evapo- rate without residue, when about io 6 fog particles are suspended in each cubic centimeter ; and that this percentage decreases with the number of fog particles or vapor nuclei caught, or as their size increases. Conversely the number of residual water nuclei persistent within 5 minutes increases as the number of fog particles decreases (i. e., as their size increases) from a persistence of about 0.054 at w=io 6 to over 0.17 at w=2Xio 5 . One would thus be tempted to conclude that larger fog particles take a longer time to evaporate completely ; but that the case is far more subtle will appear in the next paragraph. 8 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. 6. Evaporation retarded as the diameter of fog particles decreases. A suggestive inference may be drawn from the results obtained. The visible part of the fog vanishes within less than a minute after the com- pression, or the (necessarily slow) influx of dust-free air begins. Here, then, by far the greater bulk of the particle vanishes. In the ensuing 5 minutes or more, optically quite inappreciable water nuclei are still present, to the extent of 5 to 20 per cent of the original charge of vapor nuclei. In other words, whereas the tendency to evaporate increases rapidly with the diameter of the fog particle, there must be, in case of the fog particles in question, some counteracting tendency in action, by which this evaporation is retarded much in excess of the accelerating effect of convexity. All this occurs in rigorously dust-free air, in which water vapor and the ions (less than i ,000 per cubic centimeter, whereas there are from 25,000 to 50,000 water nuclei) inseparable from air and due to natural causes, are alone present. It therefore becomes interesting to endeavor to ascertain the reason of this complete inversion of the behavior usually characteristic of these exceptionally small droplets. 7. Time losses. The effect of lapse of time between the exhaustions has already been shown to be of minor importance within intervals like those of the above observations. It is important, however, to add quantitative work, and table 5 supplies relevant data, dp being the drop of pressure on exhaustion, n the nucleation, n f /n the ratio of successive nucleations. Table 5 shows that the nucleation is spontaneously reduced by diffusion to about one-half, in the interval between the second and tenth minutes, and so far as may be observed the decrease is fairly uniform. One may therefore estimate a time loss of about 6 per cent per minute. Consequently the coronas obtained in the second and third minutes (or even later) are liable to show no discernible difference comparable with the other possible complications involved. Thus, for instance, the loss of water nuclei proper can not begin before all the fog particles have evaporated, a process which must consume a minute at least if an influx of strictly dust-free air is to be assured. Table 5 also gives evidence to the effect that no nuclei come through the filter. If the partial vacuum is gradually raised to dp = 36 cm. without sudden exhaustion, i. e., without initial coronas, and filtered air is then passed in the identical way through the filter into the fog chamber, no water nuclei whatever are detected by the sudden exhaustion at dp = 1 8 cm. This is conclusive proof that the evaporation of fog particles is the sole cause of nucleation. Again, table 5 shows that by keeping the influx cock open, nearly 9 per cent of the fog particles may be represented by water nuclei even when M=io 6 . It is not safe to admit a more rapid influx at the filter, but the sudden introduction of previously filtered air suggests itself as a means to the same end, and will be tried in turn. NUCLEI OF PURE WATER. TABLE 5. Water nuclei from evaporation of fog particles precipitated on vapor nuclei in dust-free air. Effect of lapse of time and of drop of pressure. Time elapsed between exhaus- tions Corona. s Fog dissipated by dp/p J Ratio n'/n (minutes). Part i. Effect of lapse of time between exhaustions. Barometer 75.26 at 26. = 36 and dp=iS or dp/p = 0.475 and 0.245. 2 m / g rg 72 IOOO 86 \ 0.86 3 m { .... g rg 72 .... IOOO 86 } .86 _m J g .... IOOO 1 5 | 70 Slightly .... 79 J 79 10* I g 56" open influx cock. IOOO 40 | .40 2 m / :::: g 72 .... IOOO 86 } .86 5 m { .... g 66 .... IOOO 65 } * m / g IOOO \ { .... 55 37 1 ' 37 2 m | none f o | .... none o .... 1 .... o / .... Part 2. Effect of different drops of pressure dp. Barometer 75.26 at 26. 2 m | 36.0 g f 0.475 IOOO 19.9 72 .265 90 .... 2 m | 36.0 21.6 g 72 Slightly open influx cock. 475 .290 IOOO 98 :::: om J 36.0 g . . . .' 475 IOOO .... 27.0 60 I -360 66 .... Part 3. Very rapid evaporation (0.25 minute). Barometer 76.22 at 24. i-5 m { 36.0 20. o gbp 80 Rapid IOOO 123 J 0.123 i-5 m { 36.0 20.0 v b p 80 " influx from tank of dust-free .... IOOO 145 } .US m / 36.0 g .... air. IOOO I 1 20. o !gbp 80 123 / 10 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. TABLE 5. Water nuclei from evaporation of fog particles precipitated on vapor nuclei in dust-free air Continued. Time elapsed between exhaus- tions dp Corona. s Fog dissipated by- dp/p Ratio n'/n (minutes) . Part 4. Larger particles. Rapid evaporation (less than 0.25 minute). Baro- meter 76.69 at 23. i-5 m { 29.8 17-3 y r b p 8.0 0.388 .225 540 1 08 > 0.20 r 29.8 y o .388 540 \ x -5 m | 17.3 r b p 7-7 .225 97 J i-5 m ( 17-3 g !bp 7-7 reservoir. .225 97 J <37 r 26.2 corona 5-7 342 54 "I i.5 ( 17-3 4.2 .225 16 J ' 3 i ^ m < 27.0 corona 7.6 352 130 ) ^ 1 17-3 .... 5-4 .225 33 ! *A11 conditions identical to the above, except that there is no primary exhaustion or fog precipitation on vapor nuclei. The absence of all condensation at 18 shows that no nuclei come through the filter. 8. Effect of changes of the drop of pressure dp. The second part of table 5 contains results in which residual water nuclei are captured at drops of pressure from dp=iS to 27 cm. At first the coronas do not change ; eventually they decrease in a way to be referred to the increased amount of water precipitated. Vapor nuclei are inefficient in the presence of water nuclei. The constancy of coronas after all nuclei have been caught through a considerable range of values of dp, occurs here as elsewhere and has not yet been fully explained. As the nucleation n varies with the precipi- tation (m grams per cu. cm.), while n increases with dp, the computed values of n must also do so, thus conflicting with the observed fixed coronal aperture. It is difficult to conjecture where the excess of water precipitated goes to, even if we recall the slow change of 5 implied in dct^/m or s$/m = const. In some way, probably coincident with the rise of temperature after adiabatic cooling, the excess of precipitation is again removed before coronas can be observed. The efficiency of the fog chamber virtually breaks down, as no more water is deposited when dp increases. It follows in general that neither by the time loss nor by the effect of a varying drop of pressure is the tendency of rapid evaporation to produce persistent water nuclei materially influenced. It must, therefore, be an occurrence of its own kind. NUCLEI OF PURE WATER. II 9. Exceptionally rapid evaporation. In the third and fourth parts of table 5 the influx of dust-free air was increased in a marked degree, by withdrawing the influx of dust-free air from a large independent reservoir. In this way the time of evaporation was reduced to about 1 5 seconds. Nevertheless it required about 1.5 minutes to reduce the pres- sure from dp = 36 cm., to dp = 20 cm., so that some water nuclei vanished by decay. The yield of water nuclei has been materially increased. Thus even when w=io 8 or d = o. 00019 cm., rapid evaporation will convert at least 1 8 per cent of the fog particles of pure water into persistent water nuclei. The case is most pronounced for n = 300,000 to 400,000 nuclei per cubic centimeter, or d = 0.0002 7 cm., when 48 per cent of the nuclei (about one-half), persist. Beyond this, n = io 5 , the persistence decreases, a result doubtless referable to the increasing importance of subsidence. Within reasonable limits persistence increases as the original number of nuclei decreases, which result is identical with the character of the earlier series. Naturally all these data are lower limits. In appropriate apparatus the time of evaporation, the interval of observation, etc., might be made much shorter; but this would not change the general trend of the data. Again, many particles must be washed out by contact with the sides of the vessel or by coalescence, during the turbulent motion which accom- panies the influx of air. The following is a digest of the data found: Ratio Corrected dXio 8 wXio- 3 Exhaus- tion loss. Subsid- ence loss. Evapora- tion loss. Residual water nuclei. residual water nuclei to total water number of residual water nuclei nuclei. (nXio- 3 ). cm. 190 IOOO 0.23 0.64 0.13 0.17 170 240 500 23 o 58 .19 25 125 270 350 23 o .40 37 .48 168 410 100 23 49 .28 .36 36 10. Conclusion. For very small fog particles suspended in dust-free air saturated with water vapor and left without interference, the dis- sipation by evaporation is enormously more important than that by subsidence. In the above plug-cock fog chambers the transition occurs when the number of nuclei per cubic centimeter, n = 200,000, or the diameter of fog particles, d = 0.0003 cm -> when about half evaporate and half subside. Fog particles precipitated on solutional nuclei (phosphorus) , evaporate to persistent water nuclei without other loss than is attributable to sub- sidence and in a small degree to time losses (diffusion) . There is no loss by complete evaporation. 12 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. Fog particles precipitated on the nuclei of water vapor in dust-free air, in contrast with the preceding case, evaporate under the same circum- stances almost without residue, the yield of water nuclei (after allowing for subsidence and in the absence of all interference) being but 0.004 when d = 0.00016 cm., increasing to 0.0036 when d = 0.0003 2 cm - These fog particles evaporate into the wet air from which they were precipi- tated, and the experiment may be repeated indefinitely. Relatively more water nuclei persist as the fog particles evaporated are larger. 11. The same, continued. The persistence of water nuclei obtained in the last case from the nuclei of water vapor is much increased by accelerating the evaporation of the fog as soon as formed. Such forced evaporation is produced by the rise of temperature due to the com- pression accompanying the influx of dust-free air after the exhaustion which precipitated the fog. This result can not be associated with losses due to subsidence. When the rate of evaporation is increased by compression, moreover, the number of water nuclei (derived from the reasonably rapid evapor- ation of fog particles precipitated on vapor nuclei and persisting within 5 minutes after the evaporation) may be as large as 5 per cent to over 20 per cent, depending upon the size (d=igXio~ 5 to d = 32Xio~ 5 cm., respectively) of the fog particles evaporated. Again, relatively more water nuclei persist when the fog particles evaporated are larger within limits given. By keeping the influx cock for dust-free air slightly open on sudden exhaustion, 10 per cent of the fog particles evaporated may be represented by persistent water nuclei, even when d = 1 9 X i o~ 5 cm. or n = io 6 . If it were safe* to make use of more rapid evaporations, this limit could unquestionably be much increased. Thus on the rapid evaporation of fog particles by the influx of filtered air from a large independent reser- voir into the fog chamber, about 18 per cent of the fog particles were converted into residual water nuclei when n io 8 and actually 48 per cent when n=io 5 . All such values or lower limits, because the loss of fog particles at the walls of the vessel and by coalescence is not included, but tests under most rapid evaporation possible showed that a limit had been practically reached. The loss of nuclei by decay (diffusion) in the lapse of time (say 6 per cent per minute within the given interval of observation) and the effect of changes in the drop of pressure on sudden exhaustions have no causal bearing on the production of water nuclei by rapid evaporation. They merely modify the number. Similarly the effect of subsidence is second- ary. Hence the cause of the production of persistent water nuclei in rigorously dust-free air must be associated with the speed of evaporation or with the motion of the fog particles during evaporation. It is a curious * Naturally the efficiency of the filter must be tested before each experiment. NUCLEI OF PURE WATER. 13 fact that whereas the relatively enormous fog particle evaporates at once beyond the range of visibility, this process stops in case of certain of the invisible particles making about 0.5 to 50 per cent of the total number as the evaporation is more rapid in the manner specified. The remaining fog particles evaporate completely. 12. The same, continued. J. J. Thomson, Langevin and Bloch, and others* have referred the persistence of pure water nuclei of about io~ 6 cm. in diameter, to the minimum of surface tension discovered by Reinold and Riickerf for thicknesses of films of about the same value. Since all fog particles are so much larger than this order of values, it is difficult to see why, under quiet evaporation without any interference, they do not all terminate in water nuclei, allowance being made for subsidence. Yet under these circumstances the yield of water nuclei is least, being usually within i per cent. Whatever losses may be due to coalescence should be increased when the rate of evaporation is increased, because there is more motion of the air relatively to the fog particles. Again, precisely the reverse occurs, inasmuch as an increased rate of evaporation enor- mously increases the yield of water nuclei. Moreover, the residual water nuclei may, on rapid evaporation, exceed the order of io~ 6 cm. in diameter two or three times; or on slow evapor- ation they may fall below 5Xio~ 7 cm. and yet persist for half an hour or more. Under any circumstances they are graded. They appear to diminish in size with extreme slowness in the lapse of time, so that an appropriate interval of waiting will yield any size. 13. The same, continued. Since the fog particles are absolutely pure water (water condensed on water vapor) , it is tempting to suggest electri- cal charge as the cause of the observed persistence, such charge being acquired either by friction during the motion of particles undergoing rapid evaporation (influx of air) or by the mere act of evaporation. The latter, like the minimum of surface tension, would require the same persistence of all fog particles under conditions of quiet evaporation. As has frequently been shown, this is not the case. A frictional mechanism, suggested in view of the occurrence of convection during the period of evaporation and influx of air, if in action, would account for the discrimi- nation between fog particles as to survival. Thus drops of larger size are stirred about for a longer time before complete evaporation, and they are therefore more favorably circumstanced to persist, as they have been found to do ; water nuclei should not be of the same size and they are not ; etc. But all my experiments have failed to detect the amount of charge commensurate with the persistence of nuclei. *J. J. Thomson: Conduction of Electricity through Gases, p. 152, 1903; C. T. R. Wilson, Trans. St. Louis Electrical Congress, vol. i, pp. 364-378, 1904. fReinold and Riicker: Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. 40, p. 441, 1886. 14 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. If the radius of residual water nuclei be taken as io~ 6 cm., the charge needed would be roughly e = 6.3 X io~ 8 electro-static units per particle and its potential would be about 18 volts. If about 200,000 of these droplets or residual water nuclei are present per cubic centimeter (as were found above), the charge would be about 4 coulombs for a cube each side of which is 100 meters. If all the particles of the cubic centimeter were brought to coalescence the size of the drop would be 58 X io~ 6 cm. at its potential of about 63,000 volts. Finally, the electric contents of my fog chamber should be about 30 electro-static units of quantity, and ought thus, in spite of the moisture present, to be easily determinable. The experiments showed only about o.5oX io~ 6 electro-static units per cubic centimeter, less than the contents (o.88X io~ 6 ) in the room air without, at the time; that is, the average charge per nucleus was about 5X io~ 12 electro-static units, or less than i electron. Hence the electrical hypoth- esis must be abandoned. It would in any case be improbable for the charge to show so small a coefficient of decay as do the water nuclei. 14. Statistical hypothesis. Under the circumstances it seems per- missible to suggest an hypothesis of a statistical character; namely, that the molecule of liquid water is composite, consisting of virtually more volatile and less volatile constituents. Such a view is quite compatible with the composite molecule observed in water vapor, where millions of nuclei may be captured long before the molecule proper is reached, the evidences of which are now beyond question. In case of fog particles, when the evaporation is reduced to extreme slowness, we may conceive that all groups of molecules evaporate together at about the same rate, and that therefore the residue, i. e. , the persistent water nuclei, are present in least amount. On the other hand, when the evaporation is forced, or accelerated by the heat due to compression, the more volatile constituents of the fog particles evaporate faster than the less volatile, and there is a correspondingly greater residue of persistent water nuclei, because of this concentration of the less volatile molecular aggregates of water in each fog particle. It follows also that relatively more persistent nuclei are obtained by the evaporation of large fog particles than by the evaporation of small particles, because a greater relative number of these droplets would contain a sufficient number of the less volatile groups to persist; i. e., the opportunities for concentrating the less volatile aggregates are enhanced. Finally, it should never be possible to replace all fog particles by the water nuclei derived from them. All of these deductions are in keeping with the experimental evidence, as pointed out. CHAPTER II. STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. AXIAL COLORS AND INTERFERENCES. 15. Introductory. The axial colors of the steam jet and of coronas overlie the source of light when looked at through a long column of wet air in which uniform cloud particles are suspended. It makes no differ- ence whether the source is a point simply or a disk (say) 4 inches in diameter; it appears uniformly colored, as if seen through colored glass, so long as the cloud lasts. The order of colors, beginning with particles of extreme smallness, is the same as that of Newton's interferences seen by transmitted light. In case of the steam jet, however, on passing the transition from crimson to violet in the first order, the field becomes opaque, while the steady flow of the jet usually breaks down and becomes turbulent. In the case of coronas I have thus far failed to reach this transition, the medium showing mere fogs of uncertain character. To produce the actual colors vividly, and especially the tints of the second and third orders for relatively large particles, the columns of fog must be long and very uniform. The steam jet soon fails in this respect, but a wide drum i to 2 meters long used as a fog chamber shows saturated colors surrounded by coronas. In the case of hydrocarbon vapors the columns may be shorter, because the particles throughout are larger for like numbers per cubic centimeter than is the case with water vapor. 16. Causes of axial color. In my earlier work* I was inclined to regard these colors as interferences superimposed on the coronas, regard- ing the small field of refraction possible with small particles as in keeping with the long columns needed for observation. The explanation at best is purely tentative. Later in my work, when the size of particles was esti- mated from data given by successive exhaustions, f it appeared that the sizes of the fog particles were of an order about ten times larger than would be needed to produce interferences of the same kind. The interference hypothesis was therefore abandoned. In my more recent results the diameter of fog particles d and the ratio in question are somewhat reduced but remain of the same order. Thus if n be the number of fog particles per cubic centimeter, D the thickness of an air plate giving like inter- ference colors, the results given in table 6 may be selected at random. They show that the strong axial blues of the first order must belong to particles even larger than o.oooi cm. in diameter, and that all particles are more than six times larger than would be demanded for interferences. *Phil. Mag. (5), xxxv, p. 315, 1893; Bull. U. S. Weather Bureau No. 12, 1895. fPhil. Mag. (6), iv, p. 26, 1902; Smiths. Contrib. No. 1373, 1903; No. 1651, 1905. l6 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AHD IONS. 6. Data for axial colors, m = 3.6 X io~ 6 grams ; V ^ = i .90 X io~ 2 . DXio 6 Corona. Axial. s dXio 5 (fXio 5 wXio- 3 computed. Ratio d/D. 14 V 36 I 7 b 27 gy 46 29 2-7 bg y 14-5 22 47 650 22 7-7 2 41 gy p 13.0 25 55 460 25 6.1 42 y V 12. 27 60 360 26 6.4 45 b II .O 29 65 280 29 6-5 55 p g 10. 32 67 213 32 5-8 57 y 9.0 36 70 152 36 6-3 69 gy V 8.0 4 79 1 08 4 5-8 17. The lamellar grating. Recently I have considered the case of coronas in relation to the lamellar grating, in which diffractions are obtained from a uniform succession of alternately different thicknesses of clear glass. Experiments with such gratings were originally made by Quincke and there is a full theoretical treatment by Verdet. The behavior of this grating differs from that of the usual kind in the occur- rence of an additional factor cos 2 (nd(n i) -f na sin $)/A where n is the index of refraction, d the difference in thickness between thin strips of width a and thick strips of width b, d the angle of dif- fraction. Hence since for axial color, d = o, minima occur at (ni)d = (2m + i) .A/2, whereas for Newton's interferences, the mimima occur for a thickness D in the case of transmitted light where 2fiD = (2W+ i) . A/2 ; whence n i In case of water n = 0.133, or d/D = &.o. This result applied to a grating of transparent strips is so near the above datum d/D > 6 for a medium of transparent particles (for which there is no theory), that it seems reasonable to conclude that the actual colors are referable to the same type of phenomenon in both cases. The need of observations through long columns in case of fog particles suspended in air is additionally con- firmative, since the contribution of color due to one particle must be exceedingly small. 18. Disk colors of coronas. One might be tempted to explain the disk colors in the same way, for in case of deviation d from the axial ray D/d= (ni)/2H-\-a sin d/2 dn But here there are several insuperable difficulties which refer the disk color to a different origin. In the first place, they are much more intense STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. 17 than the axial colors and are seen distinctly through very small thick- nesses of fog; disk colors are apparently abruptly complementary to the axial colors and there is certainly no continuous transition; finally, there is no incident light of the requisite obliquity. The appearance is, therefore, as if, corresponding to the interferences by transmission, there were complementary interference by reflection toward the source of light. This phenomenon could then be reversed in direction at any fog particle in its path, and thus turned again toward the observer. But apart from the complementary nature of disk and axial color, no other evidence bears on this explanation. Moreover, any such theory must account for the intensity of disk colors in general, and in particular for the vividness of the greens. 19. Experiments with long tubes. In a long chamber and intense illumination the axial colors may be extended over a considerable area and intensified by strong illumination. It did not seem improbable that they might then be serviceable for spectroscopic investigation, in which case the mean wave-length of the interference bands would serve for their identification. Thus they might afford a means of further investi- gating the fog phenomenon at a degree of fineness beyond which the coronas cease to be available. Unexpected difficulties were, however, encountered, as will presently appear, and the endeavor to remove them has not been successful. aoocm.- FIG. 2. Section of brass tube for observing axial color. Experiments of this kind were begun by using long brass tubes (fig. 2) with plate glass ends, carefully put together. Sometimes wet cloth linings were introduced; but they had no other effect than to dispel the hori- zontal columnar vortices seen on each side of the axis after exhaustion. With a naked tube the fog observed rises on the outside and falls in the center of the field, so that the axes of the two vortical columns are eccen- trically placed parallel to the axis of the tube. Phosphorus nuclei, ions, and vapor nuclei were tried, and incidentally some fog and rain limits determined. The following summary of results with vapor nuclei or with ions (dp being the drop in pressure) , shows that in no case was there any color obtainable. In these narrow tubes the only manifestation is a more or less densely black fog. l8 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. TABLE 7. Observations for axial color. Dust-free air, vapor nuclei, and ions. Long brass tube, 5 cm. diameter, 200 cm. long. dp Precipitate. dp Precipitate. dp Precipitate. Part i . B arometer 77.28 at 18. Part 3 . B arometer 77.34 at 1 8. Part 7. Barometer 77.65 at 20 21 .O 22.6 24.6 26.3 28.0 Fog Fog Fog Fog Fog *i9.8 19.4 20.4 20.9 21 .O Just seen None None Just dim. Faint fog *i8.o 18.0 19.4 20.3 21.3 22.4 Darkness Darkness ! Darkness ! Darkness ! Rain Corona Part 2. Barometer 77.37 at 19. Part 4. Small round hole ; sharper seeing ; barom- eter 77.34. Part 8. Barometer 77.65 at 20. 15-4 16.2 * 17 ' 6 *i9-4 21.3 20.4 23.0 24-5 26.4 28.0 29.9 31-6 33- 1 35-o None None None None Light fog None Fog Fogf Fogf Fogf Fogf Fogf Fogf Fogf at. i 20.4 Rain Rain, faint 21.4 20. 6 19.4 18.5 Corona Corona (?) Darkness Part 5. Radium on tube, outside; barometer 77.34. Part 9. Radium on tube. *20-4 19.4 19-3 20.3 21 . I Fog dense Rain ! Rain ! Dense Fog 18.0 18.9 19-5 20.4 24-3 25-0 (?) Rain ? Corona ! Corona ! Dense Dense Part 6. -Cloth hung in brass tubes; barometer 76.24 at 21. Part i o Dust-free air again. J 17.6 19.2 21.0 23 24 26 28 30 None Fog? Fog? Fog! Fog ! Fog! Fog ! Fog! J 24-5 26.4 28.0 No coloi Corona Corona Corona " appears. *Fog limits. fDense but no color. JDense fog but no color. The same is true of phosphorus nuclei put into the identical (now cloth- lined) apparatus. Thus in case of long brass tubes 200 cm. in length and 5 cm. in diameter with the barometer at 77.15 cm. at 20, thirteen succes- sive exhaustions of air charged with phosphorus nuclei showed no color effects, but merely fogs gradually decreasing in density. The drop of pressure lay between 10 and 16 cm. Again, four exhaustions with fresh charges of phosphorus nuclei be- haved similarly. The nucleated air was usually fawn-colored by trans- mitted light and bluish by reflected light. Finally, when many successive charges of phosphorus nuclei were introduced, densely black fogs appeared without color, gradually lifting. STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. The endeavor to clean the fog chamber by successive exhaustion and apparently complete subsidence failed utterly. Fog particles evaporate before subsidence to persistent water nuclei, so that for small particles (above the middle green corona), subsidence is negligible as compared with evaporation, even in a long brass channel lined with a square tube of wet cloth 4 cm. high and 4 cm. wide. 20. Short tubes. Believing that any irregularity in the size of the fog particles might be particularly harmful in the case of tubes 2 meters long, short tubes of the same diameter were next tried in the endeavor to obtain axial color effects with vapor nuclei. The results are given in table 8. TABLE 8. Observations for axial color. Dust-free air. Vapor nuclei. Short brass tube, 5 cm. diameter, 75 cm. long. Tube not cloth-lined. Part 15. Barometer 77.00 at 21. * Precipitate. ** Precipitate. dp Precipitate. *i8. 5 Rain *2O.Q Corona 35-7 Dense *i8.o Rain 21.6 Corona 40.6 Dense *i?-5 None 23-4 Corona 43-i Dense *i7.o None 25-3 Corona 46.6 Dense *i8.o None f28.7 Dense *i9.9 None 32 Dense "The difference of fog limit or rain limit for descending and ascending dp is noteworthy. fNo colors seen. Subsidence with a horizontal plane on top. The attempt again failed. No colors were observed, merely an evenly subsiding, gradually (increasing dp) more intensely black fog. These results are disappointing. To obtain axial colors (coronas are not observable longitudinally in tubes) ; it therefore seems essential that drums of considerable equatorial diameter be used. In other words, the vessel must not only be long but voluminous to obviate the radiation effect from the walls after exhaustion, as much as possible. In fact, the external layers of foggy air seem effectually to screen the interior from the radiation. Incidentally a number of fog limits and rain limits were obtained, which, however, present nothing new, except that on diminishing pressure differences dp, the rain limit falls at a lower dp than on ascending differ- ences. The appearance is as if the fine droplets generated nuclei. But more probably very fine nuclei escape capture in the presence of coarse. Summarizing the above results, we may therefore conclude that the fog particles producing the axial colors of coronas are of such a size as to recall the interference phenomena of the lamellar grating, with which their constants agree. The disk colors of coronas can not be similarly explained. The observation of axial color fails unless long, capacious fog chambers are used. Tubes show opaque fields only. 20 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. CORONAS WITH MERCURY LIGHT. 21. Preliminary survey. The inferences of the preceding papers* gave the promise that on judiciously using monochromatic light as the source of illumination the optical nature of the coronas might be fully brought out. Such light must be strictly homogeneous and at the same time very intense. Hence the usual methods of obtaining it are unsatis- factory. The strong green line of a mercury lamp, however, fulfills the requirements admirably, and this was therefore used. The results show that the green disk and the first green ring alternately vanish as the result of the interference phenomenon superimposed on the diffraction phe- nomenon. If, therefore, the nucleation of a highly charged medium is sys- tematically reduced, a series of angular diameters may be obtained, both for the green disk and the inner or outer edge of the first green ring. From the loci of these values the position of the first diffraction mini- mum for green light may be inferred, and the size of droplets computed from the usual equation for small opaque particles. If the reduction of the nucleation is accomplished by successive partial exhaustions, all of them identical, while filtered air is allowed to enter the receiver systematically between the exhaustions, the nucleations of any two consecutive exhaustions should show a constant ratio. Allow- ance must, however, be made for the subsidence during the later fogs and for time losses, if any. This is the method used hitherto in my work and the results seem to have been trustworthy. In the case of mercury light, however, it is now possible to compare the latter with the former (diffraction) method of obtaining the diameter of particles, with a view to throwing definite light on the optical phenome- non. Subsidence methods are out of the question for large coronas, as these are invariably fleeting in character and pass at once into smaller coarse coronas. The results of the two methods may be regarded as coincident as long as not more than 300,000 nuclei per cubic centimeter, or diameters of particles not smaller than 0.0003 cm. are in question. For larger numbers and smaller diameters the divergence rapidly increases. Indeed, for particles larger than the size given, the optically measured loss per exhaustion exceeds the exhaustion ratio, a result which is satisfactorily explained by the contemporaneous subsidence of these relatively large particles. For particles smaller than the limit in question, however, the loss computed by the optic method is larger than the exhaustion loss, as if fresh nuclei were produced or rather made available at each exhaustion. It is this result which the present paper purposes to bring out in detail and to consider in its bearings on the optical phenomenon. *Amer. Journ. Sci., xxv, 1908, p. 224; xxvi, 1908, p. 87; xxvi, 1908, p. 324. STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. 21 22. Apparatus. The fog chamber was of the usual pattern, cylin- drical in form, with its axis horizontal. The clear walls, being of blown glass, showed some refraction disturbances, not, however, of a serious character. The fog chamber was connected with a large vacuum chamber by a short, wide passageway, though width is of little consequence here. The cylinder was lined with wet cloth, closely adhering, except at the narrow horizontal windows for observation. For exhaustion the stopcock was suddenly opened at the beginning of the first second, closed after 5 seconds, and the corona quickly measured. Filtered air was then at once introduced and the next exhaustion made at the beginning of the sixtieth second. This rhythm is essential. The isothermal value of a drop of pressure [dp 2 ] was carefully predetermined. It fixes the ratio y of the geometric progression of nucleations, since where p is the barometric pressure and n the vapor pressure at the given temperature. If the cock were left open for a longer time than 5 seconds [dp z ] would increase to the limit dp 3 . The goniometer was of the usual type, the eye being at the center or apex, while two needles on radii 30 cm. long registered the angular diameter of the coronal disks or annuli. Formerly the whole instrument was placed on the near side of a fog chamber, the eye being about 30 cm. from the nearest wall. It conduces to much greater sharpness of vision, however, and admits of a measurement of larger coronas, caet. par., if the eye is placed all but in contact with the nearer wall and the needles (or in this case preferably the inner edges of round rods) beyond the further wall. In such a case the refraction errors are also diminished. In addition to these advantages I may mention the decidedly increased (about 25 per cent) value of the aperture obtained. These excessive apertures show, however, that the ordinary diffraction equation for coronas is not fully applicable ; for aperture varies with the position- of the eye along the line of sight. It is often surprising how large a corona can be measured by the second method, in a small fog chamber scarcely 6 inches long. The distance between lamp and chamber is kept about 17=250 cm. 23. Equations. The equations needed in the present work are derived in my last report* and need merely be summarized here. If y is the exhaustion ratio, the nucleation n z of the 0th exhaustion in terms of the original nucleation n Q will be where 5 is a subsidence constant and 5 the chord of angular diameter of the coronal disk on a radius of 30 cm. *Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 96, 1908, chapters I, in (equat. i to 12). . '. . "- " . ,. ,. ... 22 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. To find 5, two consecutive values of 5 suffice, or approximately. The diameter of particles d is, in terms of n If ^ = 54.6X io~ 6 cm. is the wave-length of green mercury light and 6 the angular radius of the first green minimum of the coronas, sin = o.6i A/(d'/2). Since sin 6 = s/2R, R being the radius of the goniometer of which 5 is the chord, d' the diameter of fog particle (the primes referring to optic measurements), d' = 0.004/5 for mercury light. Hence optically the nucleation is where m grams of water are precipitated per cubic centimeter on ex- haustion, and found in the exhausted fog chamber. 24. Data with white light. The results in the following tables are reported in accordance with the same plan throughout. The fog chamber is initially at atmospheric pressure p, the vacuum chamber exhausted to p dp f . When the exhaustion cock is closed 5 seconds after exhaustion, the pressure in the fog chamber, after the original temperature is rees- tablished, will be p [dp 2 ]- The common isothermal pressure in vacuum and fog chambers when communicating after the exhaustion is eventually P dp& K * is the vapor pressure at the given (isothermal) temperature, the exhaustion ratio is The amount of water precipitated per cubic centimeter is m at the temperature and pressure given. TABLE 9. Standardization of the fog chamber. Welsbach burner and phosphorus. Cock open 5 sec. Observation interval 60 sec. Bar. 75.9 cm. at 22. Temp. 26. cm.; ^3=17.4 cm.; dp'=i&.6 cm.; y=(p 11 [#/> 2 ])/(/ > ~ 7r ) ==o -775; p =0.229; grams at 20; 4.22 grams at 26 7r = cm. Gonio- meter in front. Distances of eye and lamp 30 cm. and 250 cm., on opposite sides of fog chamber. Radius of s, R = 30 cm. z Corona. j Z Corona. s z Corona. s I Fog 25 9 g 14 17 Cor. 6.8 2 Fog 22 10 gy 13-5 18 Cor. 5-8 3 Fog 18 ii y 12.5 19 Cor. 5-1 4 r' 17 12 o "5 20 Cor. 4.0 5 r 16 *I3 r 10.5 21 Cor. 3-0 6 V 15 14 P 9-5 22 Cor. 2.0 7 g' 15 g 7 7-5 23 Cor. I .O 8 g H 16 g' 7-0 *Two identical series beyond this. STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. To facilitate comparison with the later work, where mercury light is used, a series of coronas in geometric sequence is given in table 9, in which the Welsh ach mantle still furnishes the light. Here 5 denotes the chord of the angular diameter of the coronal disk on a radius of R = 30 cm., when 20 .IB FIG. 3. Charts for white light (Welsbach burner), 5/30, of the reddish edge of the disk of coronas, in terms of a number, z, of the successive identical partial exhaustions in the series. FIG. 4. Charts for green mercury light, showing the coronal apertures, of the edges of trie greenish disks of coronas, in terms of the series number z of the partial exhaustions. Series I for 2-minute intervals between exhaustions, series II for i -minute intervals. 24 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. eye and lamp are at distances 30 and 250 cm. on opposite sides of the fog chamber. The colors of the edge of the disk are denoted by r red, v violet, g green, etc. The number of identical exhaustions made is equal to z = 23. Beyond 2=13 the series was obtained twice with identical data. No attempt at computing nucleations from these data need be made, as they are practically identical with the earlier series given in the pre- ceding report. In fact, in fig. 3 the s values or apertures have been con- structed in the curve a in terms of the number of the exhaustion z in the geometric series. At b corresponding data (Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington Publication No. 96, table 35, series i) are taken from the report in question and represented in the same manner. The feature of these results which I wish to accentuate is this, that after the tenth exhaustion, i. e. t for small and moderately large coronas, the 5-data lie nearly on a straight line. In curve a this is the case almost throughout, or at least until the coronas become so large as to be vague and filmy, while the ends of the fog chamber interfere with the measure- ments. The slopes of these lines are: In case a, ds/dz = 0.95 In case fr, ds/dz =0.95 or about the same in both cases. 25. Data with green mercury light, 10^ = 54.6 cm. Table 10 and figs. 4, 5, contain corresponding results obtained with a mercury arc lamp as the source of light. Different annuli are measured and the chords 5, on a radius of 30 cm. are distinguished by accents as follows : s' is the chord of the green disk, s" is the chord of the inner edge of the first green ring, s"' is the chord of the outer edge of the first green ring. The edges are fairly sharp. Hence may be taken as the chord of the first green minimum. Optically the diameter of the particle is then d f = 0.004/5. The water precipitated per cubic centimeter, m, differs with the drop of pressure dp 3 / p and the temperature. Putting n f as the optical value of the number of nuclei per cubic centimeter in the successive seven parts of the tables the data are : I0 6 W n' Table 10: Grams. Parts I and II 4.1 122 S 9 Parts III and IV ... 4.12 123 s 9 Table n: Parts V to VIII 4.02 120 S* STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. TABLE 10. Standardization of fog chamber. Coronal disks. Mercury lamp. Phos- phorus nuclei. Cock open 5 sec. Temperature 24. [dp'^\ = 17.0 cm. ; 3 = 17.6 cm. ; dp'=i8.g cm.; y=(p 7t [dp 2 ])/(p 7:) =0.770; <5/>.,/|>= 0.231 ; ^ = 2.2 cm. m = 4.iXio- 6 g. Inter- Ob- Inter- Ob- No. Corona. polated served S No. Corona. polated served s s' s' s' s' Part I. Interval between observations Part III. Goniometer beyond fog 2 min. Barometer 76.17 cm. at 26. chamber, eye at wall. Barometer Eye and lamp distances 30 cm. and 75.82 cm. at 25. ^=0.769; 8pa/p 250 cm. Goniometer in front. =0.233; w = 4.i Xio~ 6 g. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 Vague Vague g 1 13-0 12. II .O 10. 9.0 8.0 7 .0 12 ? ii ? 10.8 9-9 9.0 8.0 7 .0 ii. 5 10.6 9.8 8-9 8.1 7.2 6.4 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 g g g Vague Vague Vague Vague 23.0 21.8 20.7 19-5 18.4 17.2 16.1 23 22 21 2O 19 16 15 25 24 22.6 21.4 20.1 18.9 17.7 / g K 6.0 / * ^ S-4 V . tf 5. S 8 g 14.9 14 16.5 9 IO 5-0 4.0 O T^ 3-4 2.2 O J 4-7 3-8 9 10 g 13-8 12.6 13-5 13-0 15.2 14.0 ii g n-5 H.7 12.8 12 Vague 10.3 10.5 ii. 6 Part II. The same. Interval between 13 Vague 9-2 9-4 10.3 observations i min. More rapid filter. 14 g 8.0 8. 4 I c Vague 6.Q 7 - ^ 7 o o 16 t*5i*>~ w . *y / o 6.3 / -7 6.7 i Vague g I6. 4 I6. 5 14.2 17 4.6 o 5.2 / 5-4 2 Vague v 15-6 15? 13-5 18 3-5 4.0 4-2 3 Vague v I 4 .8 14 ? 12.8 19 2.3 2.3 3.0 4 Vague v 14.0 14? 12. I 6 Vague v Vague v 13-2 12.4 13-9 12.5 ii. 5 10.8 Part IV. The same, repeated. 8 r ii. 6 10.8 ii. 6 II .2 IO.I 9.5 i g 21.7 24 23.6 9 10 ii 12 13 g Dull g jr IO.O 9-2 8.4 7-6 6.8 6.0 10.8 9-5 8.9 7-9 7.0 6.2 8.8 8.1 7-5 6.8 6.1 c . c 2 3 4 6 7 g Vague Vague Vague Vague g 20.6 19.5 18.3 17.2 16.1 14.9 19 1 6 15 22.4 21 . 2 2O. O 18.8 17.6 16.4 15 16 18 1. 5.2 4.4 3-6 2.8 5-5 4-7 4.0 2.8 o * o 4.8 4.1 3-5 2.8 8 9 IO ii g g Vague Vague 13-8 12.7 n-5 10.4 14-5 13-3 12 10 15-2 14.0 12.8 ii. 6 19 2.O 2 .O 2 . I 12 g 9.3 9.0 10.4 y 13 g 8.1 8.0 9.2 14 & 7-0 7.0 8.0 15 g 5-9 6.0 6.8 16 g 4-8 5-0 5-6 17 3-6 4.0 4.4 18 2-5 2-5 3-2 In parts I to IV of table 10 the angular diameter s' of the green disks only was measured. The diameter 5 of the corresponding first minima may, however, be obtained by using the method of reduction found in parts V and VI, where 5 = 0.44 + 0.85 s'. In parts V and VI the data for s' and s", the angular diameter of the inner edge of the first ring are both observed, while in parts VII and VIII data for s' and s'", the outer diameter of the first ring, appear. 26 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. Turning specifically to parts I and II, in which the goniometer is in front of the fog chamber, it will be noticed that in series I a two-minute interval between exhaustions has been (exceptionally) introduced. The result is not good; for, as fig. 4 shows, there is a sudden break of the curve after the seventh exhaustion, probably due to time losses in the extra minutes. The reason, however, is by no means obvious. In series II, for i -minute intervals, there is no break and the locus passing through the points for green disks (the others, not marked g, are to be disregarded) is persistently straight throughout. The curves show for series I, ds/dz = i. oo, green points only, and for series II, ds/dz = 0.80, suggesting a time loss in the first case. Compared with table 9, the values of ds/dz should be in the ratio of red and green minima, or ds r /dz: ds g /dz = o.<)$ : 0.80 correspond to ^7^ = 63.0/54.6 The last ratio, 1.15, is somewhat short of the former, 1.19. In series III and IV the pins of the goniometer are behind the fog chamber, the eye being at the front wall. In series III the relation 5' = 2. 30+1. 15(19-0) is remarkably well sustained throughout, and in series IV 5' = 2. 50+1. 13(18-0) gives a good account of the green coronas, if the dull cases are ignored. The most interesting results are given in parts V and VI of table 1 1 and fig. 6, and the computations have been fully carried out. In these cases the chords on a radius of 30 cm. of the edge of the green disk 5', and the inner edge of the first green ring 5", were successively observed. Fig. 6 contains both pairs of curves and their linear character is again astonishing. We may write PartV: 5' = 2.o + 1.10(19-0) $" = 3.4+ 1.21(19-2) 5 = 0.59+1.065'= 0.56 + 0. 965" Part VI: $' = 2.0+ 1.13(18-2) $" = 3. 3+ 1.30(18-2) 5 = 0.50+1.075'= -0.44 + 0.935" where the minimum is located midway between 5' and 5", both of which are fairly well demarcated. From both series the mean value $ = 0.55+1.06 s' = -0.50+0.93 5" may be derived for the general reductions in this and other cases where 5' is observed. With the given value for 5, the optical data for the diameters of the particles, d' = 0.004/3, and for the nucleation, n' = 120 5 3 were computed. The subsidence constant S-*.'(l-W/yV) was obtained from the observations between 2=13 and = 19 and a mean datum, 5=i2, accepted as most satisfactory. It is, then, possible to compute n , the original nucleation, as STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. from each of the groups of values specified. The mean results are: in part V, n = 4,540,000 ; in part VI, = 3,430,000. Knowing n , the series of datafornucleation given under nX io~ 3 , table ii follow. From these the diameter io 4 d= iggn~ 1{3 of fog particles and the apertures s = o.oo4/d are finally computed. In other words, n and d are the data obtained in view of the occurrence of geometric series of nucleations with allowance for subsidence. $0,60 to, so 10,40 0,30 FIGS. 5, 6, 7. Charts for mercury light, including measurements of the aperture of the disks s', of the aperture of the inner edge s", and of the aperture of the outer edge s"', of the first green ring, in terms of the number z of the partial exhaustion. Vivid greens marked g, greenish g'; dull not marked. Apertures s/$o often displaced vertically for clearness. 28 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. TABLE 1 1 . Standardization of fog chamber. Mercury lamp. Phosphorus nuclei. Cock open 5 sec. ; 60 sec. between observations. Barometer 76.4 cm. at 25. Temperature 23. Distance to lamp 250 cm. Goniometer behind, it = 2. i cm. 5 = 1 2. [dp z ] =- 1 7.0 cm.; ^3=17.6 cm.; ^' = 18.9 cm.; ^=0.771; dp 3 /p =0.231; w=*4.oXio- 6 g. Part V. Coronal green disks and inner green edge of first rings. No. z Obs. s' Interp. Obs. f Interp. s" s ,0-X,' io~ 3 Xw' .o-'X, i 9 9n-3 0.2 %/n com- puted from n. i gi 23 21.8 25-2 23-6 1-7 1580 4540 .20 33 2 gl 21 20.7 .... 24.0 22.4 i!s 1350 3420 32 30 3 .... 19.6 g 2 5 22.8 21.3 1.9 1160 2580 45 28 4 .... 18.5 g22 21.5 20. i 2.0 974 1940 .60 25 5 .... 17.4 g20 20.3 18.9 2. I 810 1450 76 22.8 6 .... 16.3 g 7 I 9 19.1 17.8 2.25 677 1080 93 20.8 7 g' 15 15.2 .... 17.9 16.6 2-4 549 800 2.14 18.8 8 gH 14.1 .... 16.7 15-5 2.6 447 589 2-37 16.9 9 13-0 .... 15-5 14-3 2.8 350 432 2.62 15.3 10 gy 11.9 g J 5-5 14.3 13. i 3.05 270 313 2-93 13-7 ii 10.8 g *3 13.1 12.0 3-3 208 225 3-27 12.2 12 g' 9-7 g'12 11.9 10.8 3-7 151 3-67 10.9 13 g8. 5 8.6 10.7 9-7 4.1 no no 4. 16 9.6 14 y' 7-5 g9-5 9.4 8.5 4-7 73-7 73-8 4-74 8.4 15 6.0 6.4 g' 8.2 7-3 5-5 46.7 47-4 5-50 7-3 16 y' 5-3 g6.8 7.0 6.2 6.4 28.6 28.3 6.52 6.1 17 gy4-s 4.2 5.8 5-o 8.0 15-0 14.9 8.10 5.0 18 y 3.0 T. . i 4.6 T .Q 10. 3 7 I 10 2.O o 2 .O *T o y 2 . 7 14.8 / * 2 4. ./ ' / 1 *t Part VI. The same, repeated. No. z Obs. s' Obs. s" s t*X* IO -'X' io- 8 Xtt ,' computed. i g / 2 7 23-3 1-7 1520 3430 32 30.2 2 g22 .... 22.1 i.S 1300 2580 .46 27.4 3 .... g 2 4 20-9 1.9 1 100 1940 .60 25.0 4 g22 19.7 2.0 9l8 1460 .76 22.7 5 g 20 I8. 5 2.2 7 60 1090 94 20.6 6 15. E 17-3 2-3 622 811 2.14 18.7 7 g 14.5 .... 16.0 2-5 492 600 2-37 16.9 8 13 .... 14.8 2.7 389 441 2.62 15.2 9 gy i g 7 15-5 13-6 2.9 301 321 2.92 13.7 10 .... g I 3-5 12.3 3-3 226 232 3-25 12.3 n g' g'12 II .2 3-6 168 164 3-66 10.9 12 g8.2 9-9 4.0 118 "5 4.12 9-7 13 y g 10 8.7 4.6 79 77-7 4.68 8.5 14 8-5 7-5 5-4 50 50.4 5-42 7-4 15 .... 7-2 6-3 6.4 30 30-5 6.56 6.3 16 y'4-9 g' 5-i 7-9 16 16.5 7.84 17 3-o 3-8 10.5 6.8 6-9 10.5 4.0 18 2.0 2.7 14.8 2.4 I.O STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. TABLE 1 1 . Standardization of fog chamber Continued. 29 Part VII. The same. Coronal green disks and outer green edge of first ring. No. z Obs. I* Interp. s' Obs. s m Interp. s m s d' = o.oo^/s io~ 3 Xn' i 18.6 g33 35-6 20.3 1.97 1000 2 .... 17-5 g29 33-5 19.1 2.09 836 3 16.3 ?28 3i-3 17.9 2.23 688 4 g'i6 15-2 .... 29. 2 16.7 2.40 559 5 gi4 14.1 .... 27.1 15-5 2.58 446 6 g 13-5 12.9 .... 24.9 14-3 2.80 350 7 g 7 ii. i n. 8 .... 22.8 i3-i 3-05 270 8 .... 10.7 g2I 20.7 11.9 3.36 202 9 g' 9-5 ?I 9 I8. 5 10.7 3-74 147 10 g8. 5 8.4 16.4 9-5 4.21 103 ii gg7-6 7-3 .... 14-3 8-3 4.82 68.6 12 g 7 6.2 12.5 12.2 7-i 5-63 43-o 13 g5-5 5-0 IO.O 5-9 6.78 24.6 H g* 3-9 g8.o 7-9 4-7 8.51 12.5 15 2.8 6.0 5-8 3-5 11.4 5-i 16 .... 1.6 4-5 3-6 2.3 17.4 i-5 17 .... 5 3-o i-5 i.i 36.4 .2 Part VIII. -The same repeated. j S22 ^ IQ 2 8 21 .O I QO 1 1 IO 2 ' J A V * 18.1 g35 jo u 33-9 19.8 A * y-' 2.02 930 3 .... 17.1 g32 32.0 I8. 7 2.13 785 4 16.0 29 30.0 I 7 .6 2.27 654 5 g'lS 14.9 28.1 I6. 4 2-43 529 6 gi3-8 13-8 26.2 15-3 2.6l 430 7 g 12.5 12.8 24.2 I4.I 2.84 336 8 gy 11.7 g22 22.3 13-0 3-08 264 9 10.6 g2I 20.4 ii. 9 3-35 202 10 9.6 18.4 10.7 3-74 147 ii g' 8-5 g'ifi'-S 16.5 9-6 4.17 1 06 12 g7-5 7-4 14.6 8.4 4.76 71.2 13 g 7 6.4 g 12. I 12.7 7-3 5.48 46.7 H gy 5-3 g 10 10.7 6.2 6-45 28.6 15 4-2 g8. 7 8.8 5-o 8.00 15-0 16 .... 3-i 6.8 6-9 3-9 10.3 7-i i? .... 2. I 5-0 4-9 2.7 14.8 2.4 18 .... I .0 3-5 3-0 1.6 23-5 5 All the results shown in table 1 1 have been constructed graphically in figs. 8 and 9 for parts V and VI of the tables, respectively. The observed and computed apertures 5 are first given; then the observed or optically computed d' ', and the computed d from sequences appear, and finally the observed or optic n' and the computed nucleation n from sequences. The corresponding data coincide very closely after nine or eleven ex- haustions, i. e., for moderately small and small coronas; but in the case of large coronas and nucleations there is marked systematic divergence. A discussion of these results will be given presently. 30 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. is zo FIGS. 8, 9. Nucleations w, n', coronal apertures s/^o, and diameters d, d', of fog parti- cles observed and computed for the successive partial exhaustion, number z. Finally, parts VII and VIII of table n contain measurements of the chord of the angular diameter (radius of 30 cm.) of the outer edge of the green disk s f and the outer edge of the first ring 5'". The minimum may be deduced from s f ', since 5 = 0.54+ 1.065' has been accepted. From s the optic value of diameter of fog particle d' and the nucleation n' has been computed. The apertures are very fully given in fig. 7, in relation to the STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. 31 number z of the exhaustion. The curves are again linear in character, but in case of the outer edge 5'", the insufficient size of my fog chambers and the greater vagueness of definition interferes with close measurement. The results are Part VIII: s' = i.oo-f 1.07 (18-2) $'" = 3.004- 1.93 (18-2) 5 = 1.614-1-14 (18 z) Part VII: $' = 0.50+1.13 (17-2) s" f = 1.50+ 2.13 (17-2) 5 = 1.08+ 1.20 (170) As a rule s'" is less than twice s'. The data for 5' and 5 are obtained alternately, as the table shows, the green color passing from the disk of the first ring and returning again in succession. 26. Inferences. Interference and diffraction. The tables and charts show, in the first place, that the disk and first ring of the coronas are alternately vivid green, other colors being dull because the remaining lines of the mercury spectrum are faint. At intervals neither disk nor ring are quite green. Hence there is a periodic term impressed on the diffractions, which may be identified as an interference similar to the case of the lamellar grating referred to in another paper.* When monochromatic light is used it is necessary, therefore, to observe both the edge of the disk and the inner edge of the first ring, for neither appear vividly at the same time. The chord 5 on a radius of 30 cm., for the minimum in terms of the corresponding chords, s' and 5", of the first and second edges specified, may then be written 5 = 0.55+1065' 5= 0.50+935' Probably the ratio 5/5' and 5/5" should be constant and the absolute term in these equations is an error of observation; but as it is small little depends upon it, millimeters only being significant. If we summarize all the observations for ds/dt, the agreement as a whole is in keeping with the nature of the observations and reasonably satisfactory. Thus in Series I, II, ds'/dz=*o.go 5 = 0.44 + 0.855' (goniometer in front) HI, 1.15 IV, 1.13 V, 1. 10 VI, 1.13 VII, 1.13 VIII, 1.07 s = 0.55 + 1.065' (goniometer behind) mean ds' /dz=i.i2 *Amer. Jour. Sci., xxv, p. 224, 1908. 32 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. The astonishing feature of these data is the occurrence of linear loci for 5 and z nearly throughout the extent of the curves. It is as difficult to even conjecture a reason for this as it is easy to find reasons against it. The presumptive equation for 5 is s = o.oo4(7T/6m) 1 / 3 w 1 / 3 oc-i/n and for n z if TT denotes the product Hence If we disregard the subsidence correction / / for large coronas ds/dz oc/ /3 in which there is no suggestion of a sustained constancy of the coefficient ds/dz such as the experiments show. To come to some conclusion as to the cause of the discrepancy between the optic value of the nucleation n f and the presumable value n (geo- metric progression), we may, as in table 12, compare the successive value n 'z+i/ n 'z s z+i S / s z 3 m their relation to y = 0.771, the exhaustion applied. The table shows that for very large coronas n' z+l ln' z >y, whereas for very small coronas n' z+1 /n' z y calls for some apparent production of nuclei at each exhaustion, which is naturally altogether improbable. In table 12 I have therefore additionally inserted n' and n n', the latter showing the number of nuclei not registered by condensation. For, no matter whether condensation on a given group of nuclei occurs or not, no matter how many nuclei have failed of catching a charge of water, the removal of nuclei by partial exhaustion must take place in the same way. Such removal is independent of condensation and would occur in a dry atmosphere under similar treatment. Consequently y can not be too large. It may be too small not only from subsidence, but from time losses (decay) or as the result of the purification of air due to turbu- lent motion across a solid or liquid surface. Consequently n may be regarded as an inferior limit of the nucleation with a probably close STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. 33 approximation to the true value. A comparison of n and n n' would in such a case show the percentage of nuclei of irregular size which have failed of capture, the number being n n' . At the same time it must always be recalled that no adequate theory of coronas exists and that therefore the meaning of n' is obscure. We must in any case place a part, if not all, the discrepancy between n and n 1 within the province of such a theory. The need of it is particularly manifest for the large coronas, in which there is accentuated superposition of interference and diffraction. Small coronas may be tested by coinci- dent results obtained from subsidence, and the agreement is then well within the errors of observation. 12. Comparison of nucleations. Part V. Part VI. z **+,'/ sz*y Sn+Js, lo-V io~ 3 (n-n') z W/ s, 3 y SM+I/S, io-V io- 8 O-o j 0.90 0.86 1580 2960 i . n 0.86 1520 1910 2 .89 .86 1350 2070 2 .10 .84 1300 1280 3 .92 .84 1160 1420 3 .09 84 1000 940 4 93 83 974 966 4 .08 83 918 542 5 .92 .84 810 640 5 .06 .82 760 330 6 95 .81 677 403 6 03 79 622 189 7 95 .81 549 251 7 03 79 492 108 8 .98 79 447 142 8 .01 77 389 52 9 .00 77 350 82 9 97 75 301 20 10 .00 77 270 43 10 .96 74 226 6 ii .06 73 208 17 n .91 .70 168 -4 12 .06 .72 151 8 12 .87 67 118 -3 13 .14 .67 no 13 83 .64 79 i H .22 63 74 14 77 59 50 15 .26 .61 47 15 .68 53 30 16 .46 53 29 I 16 56 43 16 i? 63 .48 15 17 45 34 7 18 2.32 . 33 7 18 2 I IQ OO / -2 A In the first eight exhaustions there is an In both cases V and VI there is accession apparent production of nuclei. of nuclei at first and withdrawal finally. EFFICIENCY OF LARGE AND SMALL FOG CHAMBERS, ATTACHED TO THE SAME VACUUM CHAMBER. 27. Fog chambers. The large apparatus used in the experiments* for the displacements of ions showed relatively low degree of conden- sational efficiency. It was therefore thought worth while to compare fog chambers both larger and smaller than the normal size (No. i) with regard to their powers in catching nuclei. In addition to the large re- ceiver (No. 2) specified, an exceptionally small fog chamber (No. 3) was specially constructed. Experiments were made with each in turn, both for the case of the vapor nuclei of dust-free air and of ions. *See chapter III, fig. 12. 34 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. The dimensions of the three fog chambers were: Number. Apparatus. Length. Diameter. i Old cylindrical cm. 4.5 cm. 12 2 3 Large conical Small cylindrical .... no 16 14 tO 22 II The axes were in all cases horizontal and care was taken to insure the occurrence of saturated air. It is interesting to note that immediately after the small fog chamber was put together, there was an internal source of high nucleation active throughout 10 or 20 exhaustions, a result frequently obtained in other similar cases. It is none the less difficult to detect the reason for its occurrence. It vanishes completely in the course of time. It is probably identical with the emanation obtained by Russel* from metals and resins; at all events its eventual evanescence renders it harmless. 28. Data. The preliminary data are given in table 13, where in the case of small apparatus the color of the corona was chiefly used to deter- mine the nucleation. The ordinary form of goniometer would have been useless, as most of the larger coronas transcend the limits of the appar- atus. The barometer is as usual denoted by p and the sudden drop of pressure after the return of isothermal conditions with both chambers in communication, by dp] n is the estimated nucleation per cubic centi- meter. These results are given with sufficient detail graphically in fig. i , and are compared with the curves holding for the normal apparatus, No. i, taken from a preceding report for identical exhaustions. In case of the large vessel, No. 2, it was impracticable to carry the exhaustions very high because of the danger of breaking the vessel. The results show that fog and rain limits are not materially changed, no matter whether large or small apparatus is used. But few experi- ments were made. The efficiencies of the apparatus, however, differ in marked degree. In case of the large apparatus, No. 2, less than 150,000 vapor nuclei respond, even at the highest exhaustions. The number of nuclei caught increases pretty uniformly with dp/p, even beyond the limits tested, but the efficiency is enormously lower than obtained for No. i , where 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 is the maximum number caught. The small apparatus, No. 3, is even in excess of this value, inasmuch as over 3,000,000 nuclei per cubic centimeter are precipitated, while for equal *Russel: Proc. Roy. Soc. London, LXI, 424, 1897; ivXin, 102, 1898. STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. 35 values of dp/p, it is nearly twice as efficient as No. i. What is particu- larly interesting is the definite occurrence of coronas of the first order, viz: the crimson c lf and the red r lf above the green g 2 . The observer is left in doubt as to this, unless correlative measurements of aperture are made, which in case of table 1 3 was not feasible for so small apparatus. Such results are given, however, in table 14. 13. Comparison of large and small fog chambers. Dust-free air. Fog chamber , length 1 10 cm., diameter 14 to 22 cm. ; fog chamber No. 3, length 16 cm., diam- No. 2 eter ii cm. dp/p s io~ 3 n dp/P $ io~ 8 n Fog chamber No. 2* Barometer 76.35 at 25. Fog chamber No. 3. Barometer 76.69 at 27. 0.202 .248 .287 .296 .340 .360 .405 .440 T 2.6 2.7 4.0 4.6 6.2 gbp7.o r 4-5 5-i 19.2 30.2 80.6 120.0 0-334 348 .360 370 .385 396 .364 4 g' 5-2 g 7-2 9-7 g 10.2 b 10.5 c 9.0 19 40 157 440 910 1070 310 Fog chamber No. 3, with wet cloth lining. Fog chamber No. 3.f Barometer 76.43 at 25. 0.335 .362 .385 .410 433 .600 i-9 7.0 10.8 12.0 r r 2 144 9IO 22OO 2900 3470 0.241 .262 .288 313 338 .360 .388 .410 .420 .460 .481 .501 .528 o I I 2 4 c g vp c r o-r o-r o-r O. 2 . 2 3 19 106 912 1560 2 2OO 3000 3000 3130 3220 *Not quite free from leak, f Freshly put together, shows an internal source of nucleation throughout 10 or 20 succes- sive exhaustions. All fog chambers which have aged are free from internal sources of nuclei, whereas when freshly installed they may generate them through- out many successive exhaustions. Even after this, production of nuclei is still appreciable if long intervals of time elapse between the exhaustions. An endeavor was made to detect the nature of this phenomenon, but a satisfactory answer has not yet been reached beyond the surmise given above. The production is observed both in large and in small chambers and the nuclei are dust-like in size. 36 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. 34 36 38 3* -34 FIG. 10. Condensational efficiency of large (i), intermediate (2), and small (3) fog chambers, as appearing in the number n of vapor nuclei of dust-free wet air caught on exhausting as far as 8p/p. STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. 37 29. Data for apertures. To identify the coronas in case of the small vessel, No. 3, as to the order to which they belong, a special goniometer was constructed. In using this the eye is placed at the nearer wall of the fog chamber, while the two round vertical rods for defining the angular aperture are placed beyond the further wall, on a radius of 30 cm., the eye being the center. The inner edges of the rods determine the aperture by aid of a sliding scale passing across them. In this way very large coronas may be measured in relatively small apparatus. The angular 50 54 58 FIG. xx. The same as fig. 10, obtained by goniometer measurement, including Wil- son's colors and the effect of weak radium. 38 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. diameters are increased (caet. par.) and vision is at an advantage as to clearness. Test experiments made with definite coronas showed that the aperture s of the old goniometer was about equal to 0.9 5 of the new, and with this number the reductions needed were made with the results given in table 14. The apparatus showed the same corona for the same dp/p on a number of successive days, so that fixed conditions had been reached. TABLE 14. Efficiency of the small fog chamber, No. 3, with special goniometer. Length 16 cm., diameter n cm., 2-inch exhaustion pipe. Dust-free air and ionized air. Radium I .... V, axially placed. Dust-free air. Ionized air. dp/p s io~*n dp/p .y io~ 3 n I. Barometer 76.54 at 25. III. Barometer 76.54 at 25. 0.249 o o 0.242 o .261 .8 .06 .249 .6 .06 273 I.O 23 251 i.i .27 .285 i . i 30 255 i-5 50 .300 1.4 50 .268 6.5 48 314 2.0 i-5 .282 12.5 360 327 2-5 3-3 .288 13-5 436 340 2.8 4-5 318 14 537 II. Barometer 76.85 at 23. IV. Barometer 76.85 at 23. 0.340 3-o 5-6 0.277 9-7 159 350 r 6.5 57-4 .308 gy 14.0 584 .361 c 10.8 278 378 fro 13.0 507 .366 *c 11.4 335 .472 fr 12.0 454 372 o l y 16.0 599 540 fc 11.5 416 .382 bx g 17-0 1070 394 .408 433 453 .500 573 v V r 18.5 r O 21 O 1530 1870 2250 2790 3390 4320 V. Radium II at 75 cm., observed at 50 cm. from ex- haustion end in large fog chamber, No. 2, length no cm.; diameter 14 to 22 cm. Barometer 76.85 at 26. 0.194 .217 .... .... 238 i 0.2 .260 3-5 10.6 .281 gbp 7.2 97.2 326 br7.8 133 .427 7-7 160 VI. Barometer 76.35 at 25. .319 p8-5 169 367 P85 187 434 p8.4 208 *Note different apertures'for the same color. tCoronasjdecreasing withlincreasing precipitation. STANDARDIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF THE FOG CHAMBER. 39 30. Results. The results are constructed in fig. 1 1 in comparison with typical results for apparatus No. i. The same high efficiency already recognized in case of this apparatus in table 13 is again exhibited, the nucleation caught actually reaching over 4,000,000 per cubic centimeter or invading the region of orange coronas, o lf of the first order. It is now probable that with green monochromatic light the green corona, g t , of the first order may actually be detected. With white light, however, the initial effect is a mere fog. A number of trials with radium (I to V, within the chamber) exhibited the same terminal coronas as in the fog chamber No. i . Ions are caught with the same facility in both chambers and about at the same dp I p. In other words, whereas vapor nuclei are caught in greater number by the more efficient small fog chamber, this is not the case with ions, as comparisons of the earlier records for No. i show, nor with the positions of the fog limit and rain limit. Moreover, in series 5 and 6, obtained with the excessively large apparatus, the ions are appreciably displaced after condensation has begun, showing that the supersaturation is excessive. In series IV there is a pronounced decrease of the nucleation with increasing dp I p. From the maximum n = 584,000 at dp/p = o.$i, the nucleation drops uniformly to n 416,000 at dp/p = o.$4. Inasmuch as the correction for increased precipitation has been applied (smaller coronas at high pressure-differences, because more water is precipitated), this result is to be associated with the greater removal of nuclei at high exhaustion. The coronas show the number of nuclei in the exhausted fog chamber. The smaller nucleations in series V and VI are referable in part to the weaker radium used and in part to the exceptionally large vessel employed. 31. Conclusion. The final question of interest is a revised comparison of these results with C. T. R. Wilson's disk colors, if his two extreme greens are interpreted as g 2 and g t instead of g 3 and g 2 , as preferred in the preceding report.* In such a case the nucleations may be estimated as follows: dp/p Color. nXio- 3 dXio cm. 0.360 Fog limit .... 384 g 800 230 .418 g 7,000 1 20 *Am. Jour. Sci., xxiv, 1907, p. 309; Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 96, 1908, sec. 35. 40 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. As far as w= 1,500,000 nuclei per cubic centimeter, this curve would still lie below the curve for the small apparatus. It then crosses and passes beyond it to a limit of over 7,000,000 nuclei, instead of 4,000,000 nuclei per cubic centimeter, estimated for the small fog chamber, No. 3. It is difficult, of course, without an actual measurement of aperture, to come to a conclusion as to the order of mere colors, but the possibility of reaching 10,000,000 nuclei per cubic centimeter does not now seem out of the question. The probability that the initial white fogs seen with ordinary light may be resolved with sufficient clearness for measurement when monochromatic light is used, has already been suggested. One may notice, however, in conclusion, that even in case of the extreme green, the diameter of particle would still be over twice the wave-length of light. CHAPTER III. REGIONS OF MAXIMUM IONIZATION, AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS. REGIONS OF MAXIMUM IONIZATION DUE TO GAMMA RADIATION. 32. Introductory. I have recently* standardized the fog chamber by the aid of Thomson's electron. The method (as will be shown in the following chapters) is not only expeditious, but leads by inversion, when my old values of the nucleations of the coronas are inserted, to values of e which agree with Thomson's and other estimates. This affords an incidental check on the broader bearings of the work. Before describing these experiments it will be expedient to refer to a number of incidental results bearing on the work, among which the displacement of ioniza- tion on rapid exhaustion is most important. This has been studied both in long and in short fog chambers. 33. Short fog chamber (see fig. 18, below). The experiments them- selves run smoothly and take but a few minutes each; but there is an inherent difficulty involved in the interpretation of the distributions of ionization observed in the fog chamber. The radium (10 mg., ioo,oooX , contained in a small, thin, sealed glass tube), is introduced into the inside of a cylindrical fog chamber, 45 cm. long, by aid of an aluminum tube (walls i mm. thick and about 0.25 inch in diameter), thrust axially from one end to the other of the horizontal chamber. The inner end of the aluminum tube is thoroughly sealed ; the other end lies quite outside the fog chamber, is open, and serves for the introduction of the radium tube. In this way the latter may be moved axially from the glass end of the fog chamber on the right of the observer to the metal cap which closes the fog chamber on the left. When the radium is placed successively at distances of about n cm. apart, within the available 45 cm. of the length of the fog chamber, the maximum nucleation (ionization) coincides with the position of the radium when both are near the glass end of the chamber (i 2 cm. in diameter). The nucleation then falls off rapidly and at first uniformly from the glass end to the metal end, where the coronas are strikingly smaller and the nucleation less than one-half of that observed at the glass end. Considered alone this would appear like the natural effect of an increasing distance from the source, except that the coronas near the distant end approach a constant diameter. *Am. Jour. Sci., xxvi, pp. 87-90, 1908. 42 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. When the radium is moved about 1 2 cm. (one-quarter of the length of the fog chamber) from the glass end toward the metal end, the maximum nucleation, moving at a greater rate toward the brass end, has already outstripped the position of the radium and now lies near the middle of the chamber. The coronas and the corresponding nucleations, therefore, fall off rapidly toward both ends. In other words, the maximum nucle- ation is seen where there is no radium. On moving the radium to the middle of the chamber, the position of the maximum nucleation coincides with the brass end, over 20 cm. beyond the radium. The coronas now fall off from left to right, to a uniform size near the glass end of the chamber, the ratio of the extreme nucleations being at least 200,000 to 100,000 per cubic centimeter in the cases examined. Finally, when the radium is placed in the brass cap of the chamber, the maximum still lies there and the nucleation falls off toward the glass end, but all nucleations are reduced throughout about one-half. It is clear that the two ends of the chamber behave differently, but no simple hypothesis of the known properties of the rays, at least, will account for the occurrence and location of regions of maximum nuclea- tion, nor for the high nucleation ratios specified. Moreover, plates of lead placed outside over the glass end of the chamber to modify the secondary radiation are quite without effect. Covering the aluminum tube with a thick lead pipe the phenomenon is slightly reduced in magni- tude, but not in character. It follows that the gamma rays are chiefly concerned. 34. Behavior after removal of radium. A final element of interest is the behavior of the axial aluminum tube after the radium (in small sealed glass or aluminum tubes) has been removed. The internally- sealed aluminum tube is distinctly radioactive for several hours, even though gamma rays alone have passed through it. The activity vanishes gradually, and more quickly if the ions are continually precipitated by exhaustion. The behavior of this residual nucleation is very peculiar; if the aluminum tube is pushed into the fog chamber, axially, from the glass end as far as the middle, the part of the chamber around the tube shows strong coronas on exhaustion, while the other half (toward the brass cap) is blank. Something, consisting of very slow-moving particles, gradually diffuses radially out of the aluminum tube. Of course it is difficult to deny with assurance that merest traces of emanation decaying within the aluminum tube may not possibly account for the activity; but what is remarkable in any case is the existence side by side of a region with nucleation and a region without it, in the absence of anything like a partition. The fog chamber itself must at all times be scrupulously free REGIONS OF MAXIMUM IONIZATION. 43 from infection such as an emanation would produce, and anything of this kind is at once detected. 35. Long fog chamber. After obtaining these results, the work was resumed with the aid of a larger fog chamber, F F, fig. 12, conical in shape, no cm. long, 22 cm. in diameter at the broad end, tapering down to 14 cm. at the small end, E, whence the exhaustion took place. It was so mounted as to place the axis slightly inclined above the horizontal, in order that an even depth of water, w, from end to end, might be stored. In the first experiments the large end was of glass, in the later of metal, but this difference is without appreciable effect upon the present results. In each case a hole H, 2 or 3 cm. in diameter, was available near the center of the large end for the introduction of an axial aluminum tube AR (walls o.i i cm. thick), running from end to end of the chamber and closed at R within it. In the inside of this tube the sealed radium tube- lets could be moved from place to place, in a way similar to the method followed in the preceding experiments. No wet-cloth lining was intro- duced, because the experiments had to be performed so slowly that saturation in case of a clean fog chamber, to which water adheres in an even film, was assured. The best method of cleaning is vigorous rubbing with a soft rubber probang, as for instance, a thick piece of rubber tubing at the end of a metal rod. Every part of the glass must be scoured. FIG. 12. Section of long fog chamber with hollow aluminum core. The chamber was too large to admit of the capture of as many ions for like conditions of exhaustion as was the case with the preceding smaller apparatus, but this difnciency is of no importance here. Filtered air is admitted through /. 36. Data. Table 15 gives an example of typical results as obtained both with the glass and the metal capped fog chamber, the opposite (exhaustion) end being always of brass. In the first two parts of the table the chamber was not quite tight, but the leak was sufficiently insig- nificant to virtually filter the inflowing air, as was proved by the direct experiments and by the third part of the table, where the adjustment remained quite free from leak throughout. In the fourth part some miscellaneous experiments are added. Naturally the greatest care was taken to remove water nuclei. 44 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. TABLE 15. Distribution of ionization. Fog chamber no cm. long, 12 to 20 cm. in diameter. dp/p = 25/76 = 0.33. Distance D from brass or exhaust end turned toward glass or closed end. Radium at d. D = 80 cm. D = 50 cm. D = 2o cm. ft s io~*n s io~ 3 n j- io~ 3 n I. 100 gbp 8.0 140 7.2 108 6.3 74 80 gbpy-9 138 7-9 138 7.0 99 50 6.1 66 7.2 108 7-o 99 20 4-9 33 5-4 44 5-i 37 35 5-3 4i 5-6 50 6.1 66 65 7-5 119 7-5 119 6.8 90 no 7-5 119 6.6 82 5-i 37 II. Both ends of fog chamber of metal waxed. 100 8.0 140 7-i 104 5-2 39 80 gbpy-8 134 P8.5 174 6.0 62 50 5-8 55 7.2 109 gbp7-5 119 20 4-7 29 4-9 33 5-4 44 80 7-7 130 8.0 140 7.0 94 III. The same; fog chamber quite free from leak. 80 7-5 119 p 8.2 161 6-5 87 80 gbp7-5 119 P8.4 175 6.2 70 50 5-5 47 6.0 62 7-5 119 20 5-9 58 5-6 50 5-9 58 IV. Miscellaneous experiments. *8o 5-0 35 4-7 29 4.1 20 t8o 8.0 140 9.0 200 7-8 135 tSo 8.2 155 9.0 200 7-5 119 * Core charged to 250 volts. t Core uncharged. t Influx at large end. The results are also shown in the charts figs. 13, 14 and 15, the two latter being the more typical. The abscissas indicate the position of the axial radium tubelets measured in centimeters from the exhaustion end of the fog chamber, the ordinates the observed nucleation. The three curves correspond to three goniometers, placed at 20, 50, and 80 cm. from the exhaustion end, respectively. The results are seen to be of the same nature as those discussed above. Fig. 14 shows particularly that the maximum always lies on the exhaust side of the position of the radium. Moreover, the ionization when the radium is near the exhaustion end is always small and nearly uniform throughout. The maxima are largest when seen in the middle (D= 50 cm.) and smallest when seen at the exhaustion end (D = 2o cm.). REGIONS OF MAXIMUM IONIZATION. 45 10 30 40 50 60 TO 80 90 iOOCTH. FIG. 13. lonization at different points along the axis of the fog chamber for different positions of the sealed radium tubelets within the aluminum core. Position of lines of sight shown on the curves. too cm. FIG. 14. lonization at different points along the axis of the fog chamber for different positions of the sealed radium tubelets within the aluminum core. Position of lines of sight shown on the curves. 46 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. In the third part of the table the occurrence of the maximum at 50 cm., for radium placed at 80 cm. from the exhaustion end, is again brought out. Furthermore, the destructive effects of electric charge on the insu- lated aluminum core extending from end to end of the fog chamber are clearly manifest, the number of ions being everywhere relatively very small. Specially favorable conditions obtaining in some of these experi- ments are accompanied by comparatively large ionizations with the uncharged core. This part of the table also contains an observation proving that if filtered air enters at either end of the fog chamber, the result is the same. Identical displacements were observed. In other words, there is no deficiency of saturation involved in the occurrence in the results in question, nor any difference between the freshly filtered air and the stagnant residue in the fog chamber, nor any effect attribut- able to parts of different material. 200 9000. FIG. 15. lonization at different points along the axis of the fog chamber for different positions of the sealed radium tubelets within the aluminum core. Position of lines of sight shown on the curves. REGIONS OF MAXIMUM IONIZATION. 47 37. Inferences. At first sight one would conclude that in a region of maximum ionization there must either be a larger rate of production or a smaller coefficient of decay. The latter might be expected if in the given region the ions had largely the same sign. The frequent occurrence of the ionization ratio 2 to i in the earlier work lent some plausibility to this view, but the later experiments with a much longer fog chamber, and where much greater ratios occur in the ionizations of different parts of the chamber, quite disprove this surmise. The correlative view that the maximum might be referred to the superposition of primary and second- ary radiations from different parts of the fog chamber is negatived by changing the character of these parts from glass to metal, or the reverse. Hence the maximum of ionization obtained must be associated with the exhaustion itself for in each case the displacement of the maximum is from the radium, wherever placed, to the exhaustion end of the fog chamber. And, in fact, since the exhaustion amounts to a volume ratio, v l /v, if vapor pressures be neglected, and where p / = 46 cm. at the vacuum chamber, p = j6 cm. at the fog chamber, 2=51 cm., the final common isothermal pressure when both chambers are in communication, and where the volume ratio of the chambers [v/V] = 0.3 nearly, the exhaustion is about v 1 /v=i.^^. Hence the bodily displacement of air at the exhaust end would be 36 cm., and at the middle 1 8 cm. if the fog chamber were cylindrical. The conical form with the small end at the exhaust pipe would considerably enhance this bodily transfer of air from the closed to the exhaustion end of the chamber. Thus we infer, if the radium is at the closed end, that is, at the extreme distance from the exhaustion end, the maximum should lie there also, since there is no appreciable displacement of air. In proportion as the radium lies nearer the exhaustion end of the fog chamber, the displace- ment of maxima of ionization will be greater, compatibly with the greater bodily displacement of air, until in the case of the conical chamber, no cm. long, like the above, the displacement may exceed 40 cm. Further- more, at the exhaustion end there will never be a proportionately large maximum, because the ionization has been removed into the vacuum chamber, and the whole series of coronas is of exceptionally small size throughout, due to increasing distance from the radium. In fact, it can hardly be said that any specific evidence of the occurrence of an appre- ciable secondary radiation has been adduced by the experiments. In this way the above phenomena are at least qualitatively accounted for, as it must be acknowledged the displacement is often larger than the data here estimated, the reason for which is not sharply determinable 48 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. and may be due to turbulent motion immediately after the exhaustion. At higher exhaustions the distribution is often more uniform and other exceptional conditions supervene. For instance, with radium at d = So cm. from the exhaustion end and dp/p = o.4$, nXio~ 3 =i2o, 150, 140 at Z7 = 2o, 50, 80 cm., respectively; with a tube containing six radium tube- lets evenly distributed and extending from ^ = 65 to no cm., the corre- sponding data at dp/p = o.$3, were nXio~ 3 =i55, 185, 240. In no case was more than a single maximum encountered. Finally, the assumption has been made tacitly that the ions may be removed faster during the exhaustion and displacement than they can be reproduced by the presence of the radium, and that they may be caught before they appreciably decay. To take the example of the above cases: if the nucleation is equal to N = 500,000 per cubic centimeter, the production would bea = 67V 2 =io~ 6 X25Xio 10 =25Xio 4 or 250,000 nuclei per second per cubic centimeter, nearly. If the interval of displacement is between o.oi second and o.i second, 2,500 to 25,000 nuclei should be produced to replace the 250,000 removed, which would at once imply a striking difference in the size of the coronas near the radium, such as has actually been observed. In conclusion, therefore, the feature of great interest in these experi- ments is the definite proof contained that the ions may be displaced during the exhaustion at a rate much faster than they can be reproduced and that the maximum of ionization is therefore rarely found where it was generated. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS. 38. Experiments to detect the region of positive ions. In table 16 a series of detailed experiments is recorded to determine the character of the relation between the drop of pressure and the number of ions captured in the fog chamber of the usual shape (No. i, section 27). It was partic- ularly desirable to locate the rather sudden flexure of the curve of dis- tribution between its oblique and its horizontal branches and to see if any evidence could be found of a second region of flexure corresponding to the positive ions, by aid of a fog chamber like the one in question. The method of two independent sources was employed, the coronas being put in contact, S denoting the chord on radius of R = 250 cm., or if 2 Q is the angular diameter of the coronas, 5=2 R tan 6. It was not thought necessary to reduce 5 to the number of nuclei per cubic centimeter, as the former is in some respects a more convenient datum. There are two independent series (see fig. 16), in the first of which the sealed radium tubelet is on the outside of the chamber, in the other on the inside in the axial aluminum tube. In both cases the flexure of the curve lies at about dp Ip = 0.285, notwithstanding the decidedly greater nucleation in series 2. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS. 49 The region of positive ions should begin at about dp/ p = 0.31 cm., but neither curve shows the slightest suggestion of any increase in nucleation, though the drop in pressure has been intensified to an extreme case. Fog chambers of the above type thus refuse to admit the separate occurrence of positive ions. To this extent, therefore, the statement that negative ions only are captured would be justified. m 25 *6 <& -E8 -29 -30 -51 -3 -38 -M -35 FIG. 1 6. Absence of evidence for the region of positive ions beyond dp/p=o.^i, in case of a plug-cock fog chamber. Aperture 5 in terms of the exhaustion ratio dp/p. TABLE 16. Endeavor to find the region of positive ions in radium curve. dp dp/P S Corona. dp dp/P 5 Corona. I. Barometer 75.9 cm.; temperature 26.0. Radium I to V on top. D = 7 cm. II. Radium I, inside of fog chamber. D=o. Barometer 76.3 cm.; temper- ature 24. 26.6 0-350 78 gy 19-5 0.254 10 24.8 327 80 gy 20.6 .268 67 o 23-5 .310 82 gy 21.0 .274 82 g 23.0 .302 79 gy 22.3 .292 102 21.9 .287 79 gy 22.8 .298 105 o 21-5 .282 76 o 2 4 .8 .324 no o 20.4 .26 7 5i 19.2 .252 13 .... 20.6 .270 50 o 21 .2 .2 7 8 68 r 21-5 .282 69 r 22.3 .292 78 gy 21.7 .285 76 o 50 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. 39. Radium within the fog chamber. Sealed tubes. An early series of experiments on the observed distribution of ionization within the chamber due to the presence of radium in different parts is given under special treatment in table 1 7 . Coronas from two sources of light were put in contact, giving S. The radium was placed alternatively 1 2 cm. from the two ends of the fog chamber, 45 cm. apart. The lines of sight, I near the brass and II near the glass end, were 20 cm. apart in the middle of the available length. TABLE 17. Radium within chamber. Tubes I-V. Barometer 75.9; temperature 25.7; airS=i.o; dp 3 =2$.o. dp/p =0.303. 5 Corona. nXio- 3 a X io~ 3 = bn? (i + b/cn) I. Radium* near brass-cap end. Observation lines 20 cm. apart. Observed nea Observed at < Observed at j r middle r 8 4 82 1 83 92 7i wp wp w p w r o g 268 243 258 334 159 79 68 76 124 3i "ap end . jlass end . II. Radium near glass end. Observed nea Observed at ( Observed at j r middle 1 06 no 9i wy wy wr 5i7 580 334 286 356 124 >ap end rlass end III. Fog limits. ty,- 18.4 4fc*i7.7 0.9 .0 i .0 .0 d P/P = 0.2424 dp Q /P = 0.240 .2332 .231 Vj/vi.215 1.205 * Fog chamber cleaned with 3 exhaustions. There was no vertical distribution of the ionizations, but the horizontal distribution was as usual very evident. Assuming that the number of ions produced per second, a, is given by a = bn 2 -\-cn where b = io~ 6 is the decay constant and c = 0.036 an absorption constant. The values of a are thus as follows: IO~ 3 W io- 3 a Radium at I (within fog chamber) : Observed at I 7-14 124 Observed at II I 5Q 7J Radium at II (within) : Observed at I 7 'I A 124 Observed at II . . ceo ^2O Radium on top (outside) 175 -J7 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS. A few rain limits were incidentally tested, as the opportunities were exceptionally good. These data are given in part III of the table. They have the usual values in my work, dp/p = o.2$ orv 1 /v=i.2i, and lie below Wilson's values. 40. Distance effect. A few experiments were incidentally made to determine the effects of the distance D of the radium from the fog chamber in terms of the numbers of ions produced per second, a, where a = bn 2 +cn, as above explained. The method of two sources (chord S) with the coronas in contact was used. Table 18 shows the chief results. TABLE 18. Distance effect. Radium I to V. D from axis of fog chamber. Air, .9=1.0. c=o.0356. Barometer 76.4; temperature 21.6. dp s =22.8; 8p/p s = 0.298; 6 = io~; D 5 io~ 3 Xn io~ 8 X n 2 D*(i + c/bn) D S io~ 3 Xn io-X w 2 L> 2 (i + c/6w) * 7 .o 4 174 1784 IOO 30 13 4630 73 167 1656 30 13 4630 73 167 1656 200 22 4.6 7200 20 59 92 4720 22 4.6 7200 61 104 5800 7 72 165 1612 50 45 4i 7800 44 38 6975 *Radium tube lies on the glass vessel, 7 cm. from the axis. Inferring that n 2 D 2 (i + c/bn) should be constant, the following com- parison results: D 7 20 50 TOO 200 cm. io- 1J n 2 > 3 (i + c/6w) - 1.7 5.2 7.4 4.6 7.2 At D = 7 cm. the radium is too close for any law. The agreement there- after is an attempt at constancy in so far as the small coronas beyond D < TOO cm. admit. 41. Attempt to calibrate the fog chamber with 5 separate sealed tubelets (I, II, III, IV, V) of radium. These results are given in table 19. The tubes were placed in a gutter on the outside of the chamber at a dis- tance D, or in a sealed aluminum tube within the chamber. The table gives the aperture 5 (two sources of light), the nucleation n com- puted therefrom and the number of ions a generated per second, where a = bn 2 +cn as in the preceding instance. 52 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. TABLE 19. -Calibration with radium I to V. Radium. 5 Corona. nXio- 3 io~ 3 a Computed aXio- 3 Part I. Barometer 75.9; temperature 25.7; air, S = i.o; ^ = 23.0; dp/p = o.^o^. Radium I on top, each in its niche. D=i cm. 200000X0 oio g ..II 6s 122 IQ 2 20 000 X V 56 78 8 8 10 oooX I 61 IO2 14. O (Mean) I + II + V 74. w r 176 77 2 4.2 O 10 ooo X Ill c? 71 7 5 looooX IV cc 74. 8 i I + . . . +V 74 g I 7 6 37-2 57-6 Part II. Repeated. D = j cm. Barometer 75.3; temperature 26.4; dp = 23.0; dp/p = 0.306. II + V + I 68 gg 149 27.5 72 g I6 9 34-6 .... 72 gy 169 34-6 .... Part III. Larger distance. D=* 2 2 cm. from axis. #/>/ =0.306. II 49 55 5-oo V .... 32 2.16 .... I 47 .... 50 4.27 .... III 37 .... 25 1.52 .... IV 35 .... 21 1.19 .... 1+ . . . +V 60 .... 103 14.2 14.1 1+ . . . +V 60 103 14-3 Part IV. Higher dp. D j cm. Air, 5=4.6. Barometer 75.9; temperature 26.6; dp a 26.6; dp/p = 0.350. II 61 "3 16.8 V 56 87 10.7 I 63 125 20.0 .... III 54 78 8.9 .... IV 54 78 8.9 .... I ... V 79 gy 238 65.1 65-3 Part V. Barometer 76.3; temperature 24; dp 3 =>23.o; dp/p*=o.$oi. II H5 o 400 174 V 99 ro 260 77 .... I 105 300 100 .... III 93 r 210 52 .... IV 95 r 225 59 .... I ... V 130 y 570 344 461 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS. 53 The results in parts I and II are not satisfactory. Thus the separate determination of a for each tube added together are much larger than the corresponding datum for the tubes abreast: I, II, V: Separately ......................... a = 42,000 ions per second. Together ........................... 37,ooo I, II, III, IV, V: Separately ......................... 57,600 Together ........................... 37,ooo With the tubes together, a certain number of ions apparently failed of capture, but this is not the case, as is shown in table 16, where all ions are caught for dp/p = o.2%, much below the present datum. The third part of the table, however, shows accordant results, giving 14,000 ions per second separately and 14,300 when the tubes are acting together, but the ionization is lower (D = 22 cm.). In part IV the drop in pressure is larger. The agreement is satis- factory, a =65, ooo ions per second when the tubes act together and a = 65, ooo when their separate effects are added, but in other similar cases the results were not so good. Thus in the last series V, the separate and joint effects are 460,000 and 340,000; here, however, the high nucle- ation is due to the presence of radium within the chamber in sealed aluminum tubelets, and the diffuse coronas are hard to measure. The method of graduation depending on the use of sealed batches of radium, together and separately, has not, therefore, given trustworthy results. The chief reason for this is that the rate of production a is as the sixth power of the aperture 5 If the tubelets were equally strong their sum would be which is about the relation of aperture for contiguous crimson and green- yellow coronas. Hence small subjective differences play a large part in such experiments. CHAPTER IV. THE STANDARDIZATION OF THE FOG CHAMBER BY THE AID OF THOMSON'S ELECTRON. THE CONSTANT e, EXPRESSED IN TERMS OF VELOCITIES OF THE IONS. 42. Advantages. Of all the methods which I have tried to evaluate the coronas in terms of the number of nuclei which they represent under given conditions of exhaustion, the above method is the most expeditious and promising. A single experiment need take but a few minutes. Inci- dentally the observer learns whether negative and positive ions have been captured, for on using the table of coronas which I developed here- tofore, the value of e may be computed and the result must coincide with Thomson's datum. a JBC k j FIG. 17. Fog chamber with plate electrical condenser. 43. Plate. These experiments were of a tentative character and the condenser used was a plate of brass P, of area .4 = 5X15 sq. cm. sus- pended at a distance of i cm. above the water W, and parallel to it. It was supposed under these circumstances the discharge current in the presence of radium in sealed aluminum tubes placed at R in fig. 17 would be largely confined to the narrow space between plate P and water W, which was earthed, but this proved not at all to be the case, as will be seen presently. In the absence of radium, the leakage was throughout negligible, the conductor a being sheathed by the hard rubber tube 6, kept dry except during use. The fall of potential was measured by a graduated galvanoscope, whose capacity was in parallel with P. The number of ions n was found from the aperture of the coronas on condensation. We may therefore write for the charge per ion, if i is the distance of P above the water-surface W, and V the potential difference in volts Cl V 300 A Un V 54 STANDARDIZATION OF FOG CHAMBER. 55 where C is the total capacity and U the appropriate velocity of the ions in the field of i volt per centimeter, each ion carrying the charge e, in electrostatic units, positive or negative, depending on the charge on the plate. While the apparatus as a whole apparently functioned very well, it was found that the removal of the plate made no difference whatever. Thus if D is the distance of the radium from the fog chamber: Condenser plate P in place. Condenser plate P removed. D Leak. v/v D Leak. V/V cm. Volt/cm. cm. Volt/cm. 40 O.OOOI2 0.00286 40 0.00028 0.00242 .... 287 30 277 .... 289 29 260* 15 .00040 475 15 635 21 547 808 M 544 720 435 o -OTOISf .00021 635 .00975 .... 703 995 .... 685 *With two lead plates each i mm. thick covering the radium, V/V= .00298. fWith two lead plates each i mm. thick covering the radium, V/V= .00800. The results (due to incidental reasons) are thus even larger in the absence of the plate P than when it is present, although the conduction-leaks are throughout negligible. It is therefore impossible to interpret the results obtained or to compute the e from them. When D was 15 cm., or larger, the effect of one or more thin lead plates over the radium was no apparent deduction. In the adjustment given, therefore, the whole region of the radium conducts and the fog chamber is merely effective as a part of the region. 44. Cylinder. If the sealed radium tubelets rr are inserted by aid of a wider aluminum tube AR (closed at one end) into the axis of the cylin- drical fog chamber FF, the closed end A projecting within as in fig. 18, the difficulties referred to are in a measure obviated. Nevertheless, in the present experiment it was thought preferable to use the fog chamber for measuring the number of ions only, while an independent condenser was installed for electrical measurements. The cylindrical electrical condenser is employed as follows: A closed aluminum tube 0.62 cm. in diameter, 18 cm. long, containing weak radium in sealed tubelets equally distributed along its inside, is made the core of the condenser, the outer surface being 2.1 cm. in diameter and leaded to an inch or more in thickness beyond. The aluminum core in question is suspended axially from a fine wire leading to a sensitive 56 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. electrometer. The voltages here to be measured must of course be small, and hence all connecting wires are to be inclosed in earthed metal pipes. The core in question is then removed from the electrical condenser and put into the axis of a dust-free fog chamber (fig. 1 8), where the nucleation (ionization) is found on condensation from the constants of the coronas, or vice versa. Here there are some outstanding difficulties, for the coronas are not the same throughout the length of the fog chamber, as discussed in Chapter III. Even immediately around the radium core a single corona may be green on one side and red on the other. In a fog chamber 45 cm. long, the coronas may vary from the glass end to the metal end of the chamber in a way to correspond to from 100,000 to 200,000 nuclei, respectively, while the radium core is fixed in the middle. Inferring secondary radiation, one might naturally expect to obtain still larger coronas near the metal end if the radium core, thoroughly sealed, is placed there instead of in the middle of the chamber. But this is not the case, the coronas being markedly smaller than before, decreasing uniformly in size toward the glass end. As the sealed aluminum tube is within the chamber, this behavior is clearly of great importance. FIG. 1 8. Fog chamber used as a cylindrical electrical condenser. AR, aluminum core. These difficulties are inherent in the phenomenon and merely exhibited by the fog chamber. The latter has the great advantage that enormous nucleations, like millions per cubic centimeter, are not excluded. Under these circumstances the coronas alone are available for finding the nucleation, inasmuch as all the fog particles evaporate before subsidence. Finally, the occurrence of maxima of nucleation may in a large measure be obviated by distributing the radium along the axial tube. 45. The same. Preliminary data. To test the efficiency of the fog chamber it is sufficient to make a preliminary measurement of Thom- son's e. Let the radii of the electrical condenser be R and R 2 , its length STANDARDIZATION OF FOG CHAMBER. 57 7; let C (electrostatic units) be the capacity of the electric system, con- denser, and electrometer, together with such auxiliary capacity as may be inserted to get a leakage of proper value. Let U be the efficient* velocity of the ions, positive or negative as the case may be, in a field of i volt per centimeter, V the voltage and V the change of voltage per second. Finally, let TV be the nucleation caught when the identical condenser core is placed in the fog chamber. Then for the cylindrical condenser (if natural logarithms be taken) , ClnRJR 9 V ~ 6oonlUN V If V is small enough to keep V/V constant, the curves show this at once. Rough tests, using the old data of my fog chamber, led to values about as shown in table 20, where the irregularities are in the electro- meter, due it was supposed to the connecting wires, which were not at the time surrounded by earthed pipes. It has been assumed that relative ions only are caught in the fog chamber and that a negative current only is observed. The e so found is too large. TABLE 20. Preliminary values of e. Wires not surrounded by pipes. c _ClnR l /R 2 V/V C=i3o; 7=1.87 cm. /sec. (neg. ions); V FIG. 19. Electrical condenser and fog chamber combined, showing the dis- position of the auxiliary condensers C r and C", the Clarke cell S, and the electrometer K, diagrammatically. Earthed wires are shown at e. The end F is perforated at h to receive the aluminum tube #', closed at t' and open at t, 40 cm. long and 0.64 cm. external diameter. Sealed tubelets of radium rr may be placed at intervals within this tube to ionize the surrounding wet air. The walls being about o.i cm. thick, ft and y *Amer. Journ. Sci., xxvi, 1908, p. 87; idem., p. 324. 66 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. rays are wholly in question. Neither emanation nor a rays escaped the double thickness of aluminum. The tube it' is grasped at t by a sheath of hard rubber with an annular air-space and fixed in place by a rubber cork. If care be taken to keep the tube in dry air except when in use, there is no conduction leakage of consequence. The end t, moreover, is placed in connection with a Dolezalek electro- meter, by aid of a thin wire running axially within an earthed tin drain pipe and away from the fog chamber, to escape the action of y rays as much as possible. In fact, their combined effect does not exceed 2 per cent and is determined in special measurements. The keys to the electrometer were all placed on pillars of hard rubber and actuated by long wooden rods from a distance. So far as possible the electrical wires of the room were surrounded by earthed pipes, but it was not practicable to carry this out completely, so that a method of correction appears in the tables below. Even when the electric-lighting circuit was completely cut out the electrostatic drift in question, supposed to be due to this cause, remained. It was afterwards found that the source of drift was due to an imperfection in the electrometer, but that it could be eliminated by commutation, as was done. The measurements were standardized and the electric system charged by a Carhart-Clarke cell. The radium tubelets used were as follows: I, loomg., strength 1 0,000 X ; II, iomg., strength 2 00,000 X ; III, 100 mg., strength io,oooX; IV, 100 mg., strength 7,000X1 V, 100 mg., strength 20,000 X- 56. Auxiliary electrical condensers. To give the fall of potential a suitably small value relatively to the period of the damped drop of the needle a number of auxiliary condensers (fig. 19), are needed. It suffices, however, to measure three capacities, viz: (i) that of the cored fog chamber alone, c\ (2) that of a relatively large auxiliary condenser, including the electrometer, the piped wires, and the fog chamber, C" + c\ (3) that of a standard condenser C f for reference. In the present paper C r was computed by the equation A r> C = ,T \/nA d 2 d d + d '\ m 1 where A is the area, d the distance apart, and d' the thickness of the brass plates. Since A is equal 315 sq. cm., d = 0.082 cm., ^' = 0.67 cm., C' = 305.6(1 + 0.0784) = 330 cm. This value will suffice for the present purposes, though it needs further correction by comparison with a standard condenser not now at hand. ELECTRON METHOD OF STANDARDIZING CORONAS. 67 A special key was provided whereby C' could be switched into the electrometer system or out of it and put to earth. Hence in a series of successive discharges (C" + c)V= (C" + C' + c) V (C" + c)V' = (C" + C' + c) V", etc. , so that for n discharges, if the residual potential is V n from which the total capacity C C" + C' + c is determinable in terms of C. The results were Positive charge ........ C"+ C'+ c= 1445 1443 1422 Negative charge ....... C"+ C'+ c= 1482 1480 Mean ................ . ....... C= 1459 the experiments alternating from positive to negative charge, because of the marked drift by the electrometer system when isolated from the cell, as already specified. To measure the small capacities c of the fog chamber, the same method with ten discharges suffices, if C" is excluded and C' retained. Thus the data were successively found, -f Charge ............ c=n.8 12.4 12.2 12.9 Charge ............ c=io.8 10.4 n.i 11.5 Mean ............. c=n.3 11.4 n.6 11.2 eliminating the drift in the final mean =11.4. Since the capacity c in terms of the effective internal radius R % and external radius R l and lengths / of the cylindrical condenser may be written i ' R, i 7 log - 2X2. the constant c furnishes a mean value for the factor on the left. The ratio of 4.6^ to the measured value of (log R/RJ/l was 0.568, a reduction factor used throughout the tables below. 57. Method pursued. If C is equal to C"-f C' + c we may write the equation for the negative ionization N (positive charge) ClnRJR, d(lnV) d(\nV) 600 TT he dt dt where R lt R z , and / are the effective radii and length of the condenser, io 10 = 3.4, #=1.51 cm. /sec., and 11=1.37 cm. /sec., the velocity of the negative and positive ions in the unit field, volt/cm., and in case of moist air. The factor (InR^/R^/l is replaced by C/2, as specified in section 56, 68 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. which must here be regarded as an adequate correction for the ends and the imperfect cylindricity of the condenser fog chamber. Similarly the equation for the positive ionization is (negative charge) ClnRJR, d(lnV) ,d(lnV) l\ = ~ ; : = K 600 nine dt dt and the total ionization is therefore N+N'. The experiments below will show that even if the fog chamber is put to earth there is a drift towards negative potential sufficiently steady as to be eliminated in the mean results. The drift is due to a high permanent voltage which has its seat in the electrometer and is not due to the lighting circuit of the building, for, even when this circuit is cut out, the effect remains with undiminished intensity. It will appear in Chapter VI that in the absence of radium and of initial charge in the condenser the equation I a = CV , where V a for any given ionization is a constant quantity, of the same sign as the voltage of the needle, applies very closely within the limits of measureable I^ values. Hence in the presence of radium in the core of the cylindrical fog chamber and a positive charge / +6oo TT IVNev/lnRJR^C V Thus in this case 'VN = d(V - V a ) /dt - V'N' = K 'd(-V- V a ) /dt and for the same V = V , to a first degree of approximation, numerically, as before. If the equation for N is integrated, and N/* = K, since I a = CV a , V a being intrinsically negative for a negative needle, V = e- Kt (V Q -VJK) + V a K V = 6 -(V' Q + VJK'} - VJK' where V and V' are the initial positive and negative potentials. Both of these are of the form where k is a constant, considered in the next chapter. If k o, as in the y present case, and V = V, the correction would be (it - K ) , which shows that large values of V only are admissible. ELECTRON METHOD OF STANDARDIZING CORONAS. 6 9 58. Data. High ionization. Currents. The following tables con- tain the mean potentials V, the positive and negative logarithmic cur- rents d(log V)/dt (apart from the constant), the apparent nucleation N positive and N' negative, computed from these data and the additional information at the head of the tables. In most of the cases the corre- sponding logarithmic currents due to rays outside the fog chamber was carefully measured in the same units by placing a short hard rubber rod between the end / of the aluminum tube (fig. 1 9) and the wire leading to the electrometer. This cuts out the fog chamber, but leaves the whole remaining circuit undisturbed. Similarly the leak value of d (log V) /dt in the absence of radium and due to mere conduction of moist parts is always quite negligible. Thus in the first part of table 23, for relative logarithmic currents in the order of 0.035, the y ra Y effect is o.ooio, the conduction leakage smaller than o.oooi. The other extreme, i. e., the value of d(\og V)/dt for the freely falling needle is about o.i in the same units. Hence it follows that in the first part of table 23 the needle falls faster than would be quite trust- worthy, therefore the auxiliary capacity selected is too small. Moreover, the negative current only is here measured, as the indis- pensable need of measuring both currents was not then apparent. Hence in the second part of table 23 the measurement of both currents is under- taken. At the same time the capacity of the condenser has been increased to give the needle the necessary slow descent. The time interval between observations for V is 4 seconds in both parts. TABLE 23. Number of ions per cm 3 . Cylindrical condenser fog chamber. Capacity of system: small auxiliary condenser, 330 cm.; electrometer and wire, 69 cm.; fog chamber, 11.400.; total, 410 cm. Fog chamber: glass 2^ = 13. 4 cm.; aluminum core, 2^2 = 0.635 cm. ; = 39. 5 cm. Velocity of ions: u= 1.37 cm./sec. ; ^ = 1.51 cm. /sec. in field of volt/sec; e = 3.4Xio~ 10 . Current due to prays without: d (log V)/dt o.ooi ; current due to conduction leakage d (log V)/dt = 0.000081. Accelerated free fall of needle, d (log V)/dt = o.o6 to o. 16 for corresponding deflections. Time interval 4 sec. Radium I + II + III + IV + IV' + V. * = 76Xio 6 . Cm. of scale equivalent to 0.0585 volt. V d (log V)/dt Xio 4 NXio- 3 corrected. V d(\ogV)/dt Xio 4 AT Xio- 3 corrected. I Charge +. I Charge H Continued. 1.32 I . IO 83 -58 H5 262 355 445 621 1130 1530 1910 0-37 .19 .06 5i8 1360 1118 2230 5870 4850 70 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. TABLE 23 Continued. The same, with larger auxiliary condensers: Capacity of fog chamber, 11.4 cm.; C", 1049 cm.; C', 330 cm. ; wires and electrometer, 69 cm. ; total, 1459 cm. Current due to gamma-rays without d (log V)/dt = o.ooo2i (pos. ch.) to 0.00022 (neg. ch.). Time interval 4 sec. Radium I-V. Charges positive and negative. Positive charge K = 289X10"; cm. of scale equivalent to 0.0608 volt. Negative charge *'=* 319X10; cm. of scale equivalent to 0.0613 volt. V d (log V)/dt Xio 4 ATXio- 8 corrected. V d (log V)/dt Xio* NXio- 8 corrected. II. Charge-. III. Charge -K 43 4 74 42 9 138 .42 19 323 39 33 503 39 3i 525 34 54 827 35 37 625 .26 68 1040 3 4i 694 .18 86 i3H 25 37 625 .10 72 IIO2 .21 35 599 03 7i 1092 17 39 678 97 75 1150 13 35 594 .91 66 IOI2 .09 36 610 85 78 1192 .06 34 583 79 84 1288 03 32 54i 73 72 1 102 .00 30 509 .68 88 1346 97 3i 525 63 84 1293 94 28 472 58 9i 1399 .92 32 54i 53 87 1330 .89 33 567 49 94 1447 87 27 456 .84 3i 530 .... .82 32 54i .... .80 21 355 37 107 1643 78 34 578 34 98 1505 .76 26 440 30 !3 J 2OI4 74 27 456 -27 122 1876 .72 18 302 24 37 2IO4 7i 28 472 .19 158 2427 .69 26 440 .18 145 2230 59. The same. Coronas. Table 23 contains the data for the maxima obtainable with the radium tubelets I, II, III, IV, V, at my disposal. The corresponding corona was a large orange-yellow type, corresponding in my former reductions to 506,000 nuclei in the exhausted fog chamber. I have supposed this to be equivalent to 653,000 when the fog chamber is at atmospheric pressure, seeing that the coronas are actually displaced during exhaustion ; i. e. , at the maximum ionization does not coincide in the position with the largest corona on exhaustion,* but is displaced in the direction of the exhaust currents. This would seem to mean that exhaustion is more rapid than the reproduction of ions to restock the region of dilatation. In general this inherent discrepancy of a marked *See Chapter III; also Science, xxvm, p. 26, 1908. ELECTRON METHOD OF STANDARDIZING CORONAS. 7 1 distribution of ionization increasing from end to end of the fog chamber is still outstanding. It is partially allowed for, since the observations are made near the middle of the chamber, where the average conditions supervene. FIGS. 20, 22, 24. Deflection at the electrometer in successive observations 4 seconds apart, for successive negative and positive charges in the orders of the numbers on the curves. 60. The same. Summary. The data of table 23 are given in figs. 20 and 21 ; fig. 20 merely shows the fall of potential in scale readings in the successive observations 4 seconds apart, for positive and negative charges. Fig. 2 1 gives the corresponding positive and negative apparent 72 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. ionizations. If the two curves between 0.8 and 1.2 volts be considered, the mean ionization of each is Apparent positive ions, negative charge N 540,000 Apparent negative ions, positive charge A" = 1,164,000 Total true ionization N + N'= 1,704,000 Total nuclei caught 650,000 It will be seen that N+N' is the true total ionization positive and nega- tive, if io 1 V = 3-4. Only 65/170, or about 38 per cent, of this is actually caught in the given fog chamber on exhaustion, provided the old coronal values are correct. If, however, it is assumed that negative ions only are caught during exhaustion in the fog chamber in question, then the value of the electron would be io 10 = 3.4X2.62X- = 4-4 electrostatic units. 61. Data. Moderate ionization. Electrical currents. These results were obtained by placing but one radium tubelet, No. IV, in the alumi- num tube it' of the condenser fog chamber (fig. 19). The data were assembled in the same way as the above, N = Kd(log V)/dt, as usual, but they are here withdrawn, as they are sufficiently reproduced in the curves (figs. 22 and 23). In the first and second parts of the table positive charges only are treated and the results show the apparent negative ionization. In the third part of table 23, however, both currents are observed in succession and the true total ionization is N + N' as before. Moreover, in parts i and 2 the capacity of the condensers is widely varied, 410 to 1459 cm., without showing serious divergence; though to bring this effect out fully both positive and negative currents should have been averaged. 62. The same. Coronas. At a fall of pressure of 2 1 cm. or dp/p = o. 2 7 , the nucleation was stationary and equal to N= 113,000 in the exhausted fog chamber. At atmospheric pressure, therefore, 113 ,000 X i -3 7 = 1 54,000 nuclei should have been present. The effect of a charge on the core of the condenser did not appreciably diminish the nucleation or at least the estimate could not be pushed below about 140,000. 63. The same. Summary. For the case of the third and fourth parts of table in question the successive observations at intervals of 30 seconds apart are shown in fig. 22, the slopes only being of interest. The appar- ent values of N are given (fig. 23). Though the positive and negative currents are both taken in one section only, parts 3 and 4, all the four series show about the same drift, even though taken many days apart. The condenser effect (excessive rapidity of needle) may be considered eliminated for capacities greater than 500 cm. ELECTRON METHOD OF STANDARDIZING CORONAS. 73 *4 -6 '8 FIGS. 21, 23, 25. Apparent ionization, N per cu. cm. corresponding to the different voltages, V. 74 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. By averaging the ionizations between F = o.6 and F = i.24 in both parts 3 and 4 of the experiments made, the data found are as follows : Apparent negative ions N=* 278,000 Apparent positive ions N' 107,000 True total ions N + N' = 385,000 Total nuclei 180,000 Hence about 47 per cent of all the ions were caught on exhaustion if the values of u, v, e, N, inserted, are correct. Supposing that negative ions only are caught in the above fog chamber the value of the electron would be io 10 = 3.4X2.i4X- = 3.6 els. units. 2 64. Data. Small ionizations. Electric currents. In the next series the aluminum if, fig. 19, was surrounded by a lead tube with walls 0.117 cm. thick, leaving the y rays only effective and these much reduced in intensity. The data are given in figs. 24 and 25. 65. The same. Coronas. The coronas found at a drop of pressure similar to the above, dp/p = o.^oo, corresponded in my reductions to 46,200 nuclei in the exhausted fog chamber. Hence at atmospheric pressure there should have been 64,000. The effect of charging the core was not clear; the reduction could be estimated at 51 ,000 at the uttermost. 66. The same. Summary. The drop of potential in scale parts in successive intervals 30 cm. apart is given in fig. 24, showing how much more slowly the negative charges are lost than the positive charges. The apparent values of N are given in fig. 25, to which remarks similar to those already made are applicable. There is the usual drift and the usual temporary fluctuation. If the mean data be taken between V = i .1 and 1.4 volts the results are Apparent positive ions W 37,000 Apparent negative ions AT= 98,000 True total ionization AT + AT'- 135,000 Total nuclei caught 60,000 It follows, then, that about 44 per cent of the total ionization computed from io 10 e = 3.4, u and v, is caught on condensation. If we suppose the negative ions only are caught in the above fog cham- ber, the electron value is i *Xio l -3.4Xa.3X 3.9 els. units. ELECTRON METHOD OF STANDARDIZING CORONAS. 7$ 67. Conclusion. Supposing the electron value to be io lo e = 3.4 electro- static units as before, the normal velocities of the ions in wet air to be # = 1.37, ^=1.51 cm./sec. in the volt/cm, field, the coronal value of the ions caught in the above fog chamber is in the several cases Total ions, 1,700,000 Total nuclei, 38 per cent. 385,000 47 per cent. 135,000 44 per cent. When N is 1,700,000 the coronas are too diffuse for sharp specification. If it is assumed that negative ions only are caught, and if the nucleations corresponding to the coronas seen in the given fog chamber be taken as developed in my earlier work, then for N+N' = 1,700,000, 385,000, and 135,000, the electron values are io 1 V = 4 > 4, 3.6, and 3.9 electrostatic units. With regard to the two parts of this paper that need revision the first, the comparison of the computed condenser capacity C' with a standard, is a minor matter, but the other, i. e., the marked distribution of ioni- zation along the axis of the fog chamber, will need further inquiry. In the direction of the exhaustion the amount of ionization may vary in the ratio of more than i to 2, in a fog chamber of about 0.5 meter of length, and this under conditions where there should apparently be no variations and irrespective of the production of radiation from within or from out- side of the fog chamber. The final question relating to the drift, and the asymmetry of the curves will be considered in all its bearings in the next chapter. CHAPTER VI. THE ELECTROMETRIC MEASUREMENT OF THE VOLTAIC POTENTIAL DIFFER. ENCE BETWEEN THE TWO CONDUCTORS OF A CONDENSER, SEPARATED BY AN IONIZED MEDIUM. 68. Introductory. The difficulties encountered in the preceding paper (Chapter V, section 57), were made the subject of direct investigation by replacing the fog chamber with a metallic cylindrical condenser, the core of which was an aluminum tube 50 cm. long and 0.63 cm. in diameter, the shell a brass tube 50 cm. long and 2.1 cm. in diameter, coaxial with the former. Sealed radium tubelets could be placed within the aluminum tube or withdrawn from it. Moreover, either the outer coat or the core of the condenser could be joined in turn with the Dolezalek electrometer, the other being put to earth. The conducting system now appears as shown in fig. 26, C being the outer coat or brass shell, A the aluminum core, and r the radium tubes in the cylindrical core. Conductors are earthed at e. BB show the metallic connections with the auxiliary con- densers C f C" , E is one of the insulated quadrants of the electrometer with the highly charged needle N, E being virtually also a condenser. A Clark standard cell 5 may be inserted for standardization, but it is otherwise withdrawn. T \\ r 3 r^~,r A ( \ y \> \ f- C' = 1 JZ? C V*, FIG. 26. Disposition of cylindrical condenser C, auxiliary condensers C' C", key to earth K, electrometer E, standard cell 5. All earthed at e Diagram. Direct experiment showed the self-charging tendencies to come appar- ently from the highly charged needle N, or at least to arise in the electro- meter E. Positive ions are lodged into the conductor EBB A for a positive needle, negative ions for a negative needle. In addition to this, how- ever, there is a voltaic difference, aluminum-brass, at AC when radium is in place and the medium therefore highly ionized. The latter potentials are usually negligible. These are the chief electromotive forces, the first VOLTAIC POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONDUCTORS. 77 very high (150 volts) and in a weakly ionized medium, the other low (0.2 volt), but in an intensely ionized medium, but they may eventually produce equal currents. Effectively this is the case. Other voltages such as the room potential may be operative, but their effect proved to be secondary. If the capacities C'C", are successively removed, the electro- meter current increases proportionately, showing its origin to be directed from the needle or the electrometer case toward the insulated or non- earthed pair of quadrants. 60 FIG. 27. Increment of potential (cm. of scale), in the lapse of time (seconds), when the auxiliary condensers are successively removed. FIG. 28. Variation of potential V (cm. of scale), in the lapse of time (seconds) , when the aluminum core or the brass shell of the electrical condenser are alternately put to earth. Subscript zeros indicate the earthed metal. If the electrometer metals are reversed (see fig. 26), the voltaic couple is reversed. This makes it possible to obtain both the voltaic contact potential and the ionization in the cylindrical condenser C, from a pair of commutated measurements. If the sign of the charge of the electro- meter needle is reversed, the deflection of the needle is not reversed, but 78 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. continues to grow indefinitely in the lapse of time in an invariable direction. Hence there must be a source of current in the electrometer, as intimated. 69. Theory. Let V n be the potential of the needle, V c the voltaic potential difference of the two metals of the condenser, the shell being put to earth, V the potential of the insulated conductor BB, measured by the electrometer. Let n be the apparent ionization in the electro- meter, N the (radium) ionization in the condenser (length 7, radii Let C be the total capacity of the systems CBBE. Then where A is a constant, u and v the normal velocities of the positive and negative ions, e the charge of the electron. The needle is supposed to be positively charged. This may be written V=V a -K(V-V c ) where for N = o, K = o, or i. e., the current in the electrometer, observed in the absence of radium, from needle to quadrants. This is directly measurable with accuracy. It is nearly proportional to V n since V is much within i per cent of V n . The integral of this equation is, t being the time, V- (VJK)(i -KVJV a )(i -e- K >) the sign of V is negative if V a < KV C , which is the case below. If there is an initial potential V imparted by the standard cell, which is then removed, If, now, the needle is left positively charged, but the condenser metals exchanged (commutated) , so that the aluminum core is earthed and the shell now put in contact with the electrometer (see figure) , the equation becomes V = (VJK) (i + KV e /Vj(i- e~ Kt ) Here K refers to the negative current or normal velocity of negative ions v. Similarly let K' refer to the normal velocity of positive ions u. Also let = N/K and = NIK'. Then if k = V e /*V a , and k' = V c /'V a = V a (i -kN)e~ Kt V' = V a (i+kN)e~ Kt VOLTAIC POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONDUCTORS. 79 If the potential V= V^ at * = oo, V two equations from which both N and V c may be found, if the limiting potentials V^, V ^ and the electrometer current V a are severally observed. If V x is not obtainable, it may be computed from observations at t and t l = 2t as V^(2V- V,) I V 2 and V' = (2 V - V\) / V>* Here, however, there is a difficulty, as the curves begin with a double inflection not yet explained. The times t i = 2t must therefore be esti- mated from the observations beyond the double inflections, or the rear- ward prolongation of the curve for those observations, to meet the time axis. The initial tangents may be found in the same way, but this is not necessary, since their values are, respectively, V Q =V a (i-kN) and V a (i while >~ Kt A few other relations are often useful, as, for instance, y \r V V d V IV K v a-t T> v c ^ooV 1 v a/ V o all of which, however, have limited application because of the initial double inflection of the curves. To solve the transcendental equations the times of two observations may be chosen, so that if V and t, V and t f correspond, if = 2t. Thus, V from which N = K follows. Similarly, i 2 V-V' V 2 00 If t' = 2t and f l = 2t l , the initial double inflection may in a measure be ignored in ,-*(.->_ V-V V, Vi-V\ V 8o CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. 70. Data. Origin of the electrometer current. The seat of the chief electromotive force or charging current in the electrometer follows from the following data, summarized in fig. 27, in which the capacities C, C 1 ', C" ', fig. 26, are successively removed. The currents increase in the same ratio as the reduction of capacities, E being that of the electro- meter. The data are, potentials in scale parts (where i cm. is equivalent to 0.0595 volt), V a being the fall per second: Capacities. Va in cm. Va in volts per sec. C+C' + C+E 0.14 0.0083 C' + C + E 15 .0089 C' + E 58 0345 E 4-3 .256 Time o V a o 12 3-7 16 6.1 20 8.7 24 II. O 28 13-4 32 60 sec. 15-5 3!-o cm. The change of voltage throughout the main contours of the curves is almost a linear variation with the lapse of time, except that at the beginning the motion is accelerated from rest as usual; for instance: 4 8 3 1.5 It is the linear character of these curves that greatly simplifies the following measurements. 24. Measurement of ionization N, and voltaic contact difference V c . Time intervals 4 sec. Aluminum-brass condenser. / = so cm., 2^ = 2.01 cm., 2/? 2 = 0.634 cm. Scale part cm. =0.0588 volt. Radium I, II, III, IV, V in aluminum tube. N =1,750,000; Fc = 6.37 cm. or 0.375 volt. Deflection. (i) Aluminum to electrometer, brass to earth. (2) Aluminum to earth, brass to electrometer. (3) Aluminum to earth, brass to electrometer. (4) Aluminum to electrometer, brass to earth. 0.0 + 0.0 0.0 o.o . i 3 3 . i - -4 I . 2 1.4 - -4 - -9 2-5 2.7 - -9 -1.4 4.0 4-i -1.4 -1.9 5-0 5-3 -1.9 2.2 5-9 6-3 -2.3 -2.5 6.6 6.9 -2.6 2.7 7-i 7-4 -2.8 -2.9 7-5 7-8 -2.9 -3.0 7.8 8.0 -3.0 -3- 1 8.1 8.2 -3-1 -3-2 8.3 8.4 -3-2 -3-2 8-5 8-5 -3-3 -3-3 8-7 8.6 -3-3 3-3 8.8 8.7 *-3.5 *-3-4 8-9 * 9 .2 *-3-6 9.0 *9-4 *9.o * 9 .2 * After additional 60 sec. VOLTAIC POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONDUCTORS. 8l TABLE 25. Voltaic contacts, Al-Zn, Al-Cu, A1-A1. Four-sec, intervals (usually) between observations for V. Scale part cm. =0.092 volt. V a = 0.0454 cm. Positive needle. Radium I to V. K = 36.1X10 + . V for Al-Zn. V for Al-Cu. V for A1-A1. Zn to earth. Alto earth. Zn to earth. Cu to earth. Alto earth. Cu to earth. Shell to earth. Core to earth. Shell to earth. o.o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 .0 .0 .0 . i . i . i .0 .0 .0 . 2 4 . i - -5 7 - -5 .0 . i .0 - -3 .8 - -3 1.2 1.6 -i-3 .0 3 . i - -5 i-3 - -3 2.0 2.6 -1.9 . i .6 . 2 - -7 i-7 - -5 -2.7 3-5 -2.6 .2 .8 3 - -9 2.0 - .6 -3-2 4.2 -3-i 3 9 4 .0 2 . 2 . 7 -3-7 4-7 -3-5 3 . i 4 .0 2-4 - -7 -4.0 5-1 -3-8 4 .2 5 . i 2-5 - .8 -4.2 5-4 -4.1 4 3 5 . i 2.7 - .8 -4.4 5-7 -4-3 5 5 5 . i 2.8 - -9 -4.6 5-9 -4.4 5 .6 .6 .2 2.8 - -9 -4-7 6.1 -4-5 .6 7 .6 .2 2.8 - -9 -4.8 6-3 -4-7 .6 .8 .6 . 2 2.9 - -9 -4.9 6-5 -4-8 .6 9 .6 - -3 2.9 - -9 -5-0 6.6 -4.8 *.6 9 .6 *- -3 *3-o i.o *5-3 *6. 9 *-5-2 .9 *.8 *i.i *5-3 *6. 9 *-5-2 *2.I .8 * After further 60 sec. FIG. 29. Variation of potential (cm. of scale) in the lapse of seconds for aluminum-copper, aluminum-zinc, and aluminum-aluminum condensers. Subscript zeros show the earthed metal. 82 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. 71. Aluminum core charged with radium tubelets I-V. Data. The air in the condenser C is now highly ionized and its voltage becomes appreciable. The data obtained are given in table 24 and fig. 28. The needle is positively charged thus (virtually) impelling positive ions to- ward the quadrants of the condenser. In the four series of data observed the aluminum core of the condenser is twice joined to the electrometer, the brass shell being put to earth (series i and 4) and twice commutated (aluminum to earth series 2 and 3). The results are identical, except that in series 3 the insulation was perhaps better. The accelerated march of the- needle from rest is obvious in both curves and is thus independent of the sign of the limiting voltage V^. It may be mere inertia, but it is of less consequence here because the initial data are not needed in the computation of table 25. 72. Results. lonization N. Voltaic contact potential difference V c . The equations rf 00 may now be used to compute N and V c . The constants are numerically (all in scale parts, i cm. equivalent to 0.0595 volt) K = 3 6.iXio e ^=-3.45 F a = o.i 4 2 K' = 39 . 7 Xio 6 V' w =+9.3 Hence N =* 1,750,000 ions, either positive or negative. ^ = 6.37 cm., or 0.38 volt. 73. Voltaic contacts: aluminum-zinc, aluminum-copper, aluminum- aluminum. The results obtained for aluminum-brass made it desirable to investigate similar cases for other metals and zinc ; copper and alumi- num suggested themselves. These were used in form of thin sheets of the metal, bent into cylindrical shells about as large as the above brass shell. No special care was here taken to secure accurate diameters, nor to prepare the metal surfaces. The aluminum core with the radium tubelets (I to V) within, was the same as heretofore. The data are shown in table 25 and in fig. 29. All potentials are given in scale parts where i cm. is equivalent to 0.092 volt. The charging current for the electro- meter, found in the absence of radium before and after these experiments, was V a = 0.0454 cm. Since we may write algebraically tf -?../ (V'.+ f,) and VOLTAIC POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONDUCTORS. remembering that V^is negative, while V ^ is positive, the following data appear: Couple. N v c v x v* Al-Cu s,o 50,000 Volt. o. 5 58 cm. 5-25 cm. + 6.00 Al-Zn I 7QO OOO IQI I 17 300 A1-A1 i 140 ooo 06 ? + O T\ 2 I 5 The large nucleation obtained here for copper remains unexplained. It was somewhat reduced in other similar experiments, but remained high. Since V'^-f V ^ = 1.65, slight differences in contact would produce a serious effect. From these data it follows, finally, that the voltaic contact zinc-copper is 0.367 volt. After cleansing with acids data like Al-Cu = o.58 volt, Al-Zn = o.o6 volt, or Zn-Cu = o-52 volt were obtained, which varied again after other treatment. 74. Further experiments. Conclusion. In addition to the above experiments, a great variety were made, as, for instance, with weaker radium (single tubelets) in the core of the condenser; with radium inside and outside of the condenser; with the metal surfaces cleansed with acids, or polished, or aged, etc. A few data may be referred to here. The highest nucleation for an aluminum core charged with radium tubelets occurs in case of a copper envelope for the condenser. Some- what smaller values occur for zinc and brass, and the smallest for alumi- num shells. The agreement is usually unsatisfactory. The voltaic con- tacts are such as to place zinc-copper at 0.4 to 0.6 volt. The data for groups of radium tubes are larger than the values computed from indi- vidual tubes, N = \/N 1 2 +AV+ . . . ., probably from the effect of secondary radiation and non-uniform ionization. We may also ascribe the high ionization in a copper shell as compared with a low ionization in an aluminum shell to the same cause. If the radium is placed without the condenser the voltaic contacts do not appreciably differ from the values found when the radium tubelets lie in the core. One may note that even in the aluminum-aluminum condenser the voltaic contact is not zero but about 0.05 volt. In other instances non-commutated electro- motive forces often appear. The contact Al-Zn is peculiarly variable even as to sign. As a whole these experiments lead to no general conclusion of relevancy here and they have therefore been withheld from detailed consideration. Finally, to detect the source of the electromotive force in the electro- meter, this was replaced by another instrument, No. 2, of the same kind, 84 CONDENSATION OF VAPOR AS INDUCED BY NUCLEI AND IONS. as soon as it could be obtained. The absence of electric current V a = o in the new instrument and its presence in the old electrometer made it necessary to overhaul the latter. It was eventually found that the brass case had been insufficiently earthed,* so that a current from the Zamboni cell, breaking through the hard rubber insulation at the top of the quartz- fiber suspension kept the case charged to a high-constant potential. This charge thereupon gradually leaked into the insulated quadrant through the amber insulators, producing the current V a corresponding to the sign of the electrode of the Zamboni pile and of the electrometer needle. On providing the case of the old electrometer with a well-earthed clamp, the current V a vanished. The new electrometer did not show this defect even when the case was not specially earthed, whereas any insu- lation of the old electrometer immediately restored V a . Fortunately, however, V a is so remarkably constant that it can actually be used in the measurements with advantage, as was done in the present chapter, or eliminated by commutation, as was done in Chapter V. *Probably owing to a thin film of varnish which had escaped detection. The room was so dry that no discharge occurred through the feet of the instrument. 7 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWE1 PHYSICS LIBRARY This publication is due on the LAST DATE stamped below. RB 17-60m-8,'60 (B3395slO)4188 General Library . University of California Berkeley 37