!M35| MANUAL BOSTON: CROSBY AND NICHOLS", 117 WASHINGTON STKEET. NEW YORK: OLIVER S. FELT. GYMNASTIC EXEECISES FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. BY SAMUEL W. MASON, MASTER OF THE EL OT rtCHuOj ... BOSTON. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANUAL OP GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. BY SAMUEL W. MASON, MASTER OP THE ELIOT SCHOOL, BOSTON. "As to the practicability of making these physical exercises a part of our system of public instruction, I entertain no doubt." JOHN D. PHILBBICK. FOURTH EDITION. BOSTON: CROSBY AND NICHOLS. NEW YORK: O. S. FELT. 1863. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by CROSBY AND NICHOLS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. EDDCATIOH LIBS* UNIVERSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGKLOW, AND COMPANY, CAMBRIDGE. N( 55 AT the solicitation of many teachers who have desired to introduce into their schools a symmetrical and systematic series of Gymnastic exercises, this Manual, consisting merely of practical exercises, has been prepared. The utility and practicability of physical exer- cises in our schools are becoming more and more evident. No attempt has been made to describe the physi- ological effect of the different positions ; the book being merely what it purports to be, a Manual of Exercises, so arranged that pupils can perform them, changing from one position to another in exact time, without dictation from the teacher. The exercises are such as have been practised in this school, with much pleasure and profit, the past two years. They are arranged in the order in which they have been performed; one position fol- M5770S8 IV PREFACE. lowing another easily and naturally. The first series can be practised as a whole, including both sitting and standing positions, or any part of them taken consecutively, as the teacher may choose. Pupils take much more interest and delight in physical exercises, when they know how many times each position is to be taken, when to change to an- other position, and what that position is to be ; and it is certainly easier and more pleasant for the teacher. Music will add much to the interest and utility of the exercises. The first series can be taken to such tunes as Glory Hallelujah," " Hail Columbia," " Yankee Doodle," or any tune of marked measure. Keep pupils cheerful ; let, or even make, them laugh, and enjoy the exercises as much as possible. The exercises are taken uniformly three times each ; viz. right member, three times ; left, three times ; both, three times ; alternate, three times each. They can be extended by increasing the number of times each position is taken. I have been induced to write out the exercises used in this school solely from the desire to hasten if possible the introduction of gymnastic, or calis- thenic training into our public schools, feeling that PREFACE. V i* t it was not from the want of positions or works on gymnastics that physical exercises are not generally introduced into our schools, but because teachers have not the time or inclination to select, from the detached illustrations and explanations in books al- ready published, a symmetrical series of positions which should be interesting and profitable. Having selected from various sources positions as they have appeared in detached illustrations, and added new ones, I have arranged them so that one position naturally follows another, both pleasant to the eye of the spectator, and agreeable, easy, and profitable to the pupil. I submit these exercises to the judgment of teachers, as they have borne the best of all tests, actual trial in the school-room; hoping that, if these exercises are not adopted, other and more varied ones will be, and that physical exercises will be practised in all our schools, and that we may be able " to turn out " from our schools better specimens of a noble race. S. W. M. ELIOT SCHOOL, BOSTON, Oct. 11, 1862. MAN UAL. SITTING POSITIONS. 1. Sit erect with arms folded. 2. Body thrown forward with folded arms on desk. 3. Arms extended on desk in front parallel. 4. Sit erect, shoulders thrown back with arms hanging by side. 5. Head resting on right hand with right elbow on desk. 6. Head resting on left hand with left elbow on desk. 7. Head resting on both hands with both elbows on desk. 8. Head resting on both hands with hands on desk. 9. Sit erect, shoulders down, elbows thrown back as far as possible, with forearm horizontal, hands tightly closed. 10. Right arm thrown horizontally in front and back to position 9 three times. 11. Left arm thrown horizontally in front and back to position 9 three times. 8 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. 12. Both arms thrown horizontally and parallel in front and back to position 9 three times. 13. Hands thrown forward in front, alternately, and back to position 9, three times each. 14. Both arms extended horizontally and parallel in front. 15. Twist arms as in boring with gimlet, hands tightly closed, three times. 16. Open and close hands three times. 17. Strike hands together three times. 18. Arms in front, forearm perpendicular, upper arm horizontal. 19. Right arm perpendicular and back to position 18 three times. 20. Left arm perpendicular and back to position 18 three times. 21. Both arms perpendicular and back to position 18 three times. 22. Arms alternately perpendicular and back to position 18 three times. 23. Both arms perpendicular. 24. Twist arms as in 15, arms perpendicular. 25. Hands together over head three times. 26. Hands upon each other on top of head. 27. Right arm up sidewise at an angle of 45 and back to position 26 three times. 28. Left arm up sidewise at an angle of 45 and back to position 26 three times. 29. Both arms up sidewise at an angle of 45 and back to position 26 three times. SITTING POSITIONS. 9 30. Arms up alternately sidewise at an angle of 45 and back to position 26 three times. 31. Both arms extended up at an angle of 45. 32. Snap fingers. 33. Strike hands together over head three times. 34. Sit erect, arms folded, as in No. 1. 35. Sit erect, arms folded, right face. 36. Stand. 37. Stand erect, arms folded, left face. The pupil is now ready to commence the standing positions without interruption, or the standing posi- tions may be taken as a separate exercise, as they must be, unless pupils are in the school-room with desks. 10 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. STANDING POSITIONS. 1. At the command, Position, the pupil will stand with heels on the same line, feet .turned out equally, forming with each other an angle of 45 ; the knees straight ; body erect ; shoul- ders square and falling equally ; arms hang- ing naturally by side ; elbows near the body ; the palm of the hands turned a little to the front ; head erect ; eyes looking directly for- ward ; thus bringing the ear, shoulders, hip, knee, and ankle into a straight line. Pig. 1. The head, body, and feet should be kept in this position throughout the exercises unless otherwise ordered. 2. Strike chest with closed hands. Fig. 2 (d). 3. Arms extended horizontally sidewise. Fig. 2 (c). 4. Same as in No. 2. Fig. 2 (d). 5. Arms extended perpendicularly. Fig. 2 (6). 6. Same as in No. 2. Fig. 2 (d). 7. Arms extended horizontally and parallel in front. Fig. 8 (b). 8. Same as in No. 2. Fig. 2 (d). Repeat the preceding positions three times. STANDING POSITIONS. 11 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. These positions will serve to unite many other positions ; hence they will often be referred to and repeated. Always perform them with full lungs. 9. Position as in No. 1. Pig. 1. 10. Right arm up and back to No. 9 three times in four motions, viz. : first, elbow at hip with closed hand at shoulder, back of hand in front, Fig. 3 (a) ; second, arm thrown up perpendicularly, Fig. 3 (b) ; third, hand brought to shoulder, same as first, Fig. 3 (a) ; fourth, by turning thumb towards the body, throw the hand down close to the body, as 12 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. far as possible without lowering the shoulder. Fig. 3 (c). 11. Left arm up three times in four motions, like right arm in No. 10. Fig. 3. 12. Both arms together, up three times in four mo- tions, like right arm in No. 10. Fig. 3. 13. Arms up alternately three times each, as in No. 10. Fig. 3. 14. Position No. 1. Fig. 1. 15. Right shoulder up three times. Fig. 4. 16. Left shoulder up three times. Fig. 4. 17. Both shoulders up three times. Fig. 4. 18. Shoulders up alternately, three times each. Fig. 4. STANDING POSITIONS. 13 19. Same as No. 1. Pig. 1. 20. Hands on chest, as in No. 2. Fig. 2 (d). 21. Arms extended horizontally sidewise, as in No. 3. Fig. 2 (c). 22. Twist arms three times, as in boring with a gimlet. Fig. 5. 26. 27. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. 23. Open and close hands three times. 24. Same as No. 1. Fig. ].. 25. With closed hands strike chest, as in No. 2. Fig. 2 (d). Arms extended horizontally sidewise, as in No. 3. Fig. 2 (c). Hands on chest, as in No. 25. Fig. 2 (d). 28. Arms extended perpendicularly. Fig. 2 (b). 14 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. Fig 7 STANDING POSITIONS. 15 29. Twist arms three times. 30. Open and close hands three times. 31. Strike hands together over head three times. 32. Fingers on top of shoulders, arms sidewise. Fig. 7 (a). 33. Right arm perpendicular, and back to No. 32, three times. Fig. 7 (b). 34. Left arm perpendicular, and back to No. 32, three times. Fig. 7 (c). 35. Both arms together perpendicular, and back to No. 32, three times. Fig. 7 (b and c). 36. Arms alternately perpendicular, and back to No. 32, three times each. 37. Fingers on shoulders, same as in No. 32. Fig. 7 (a). 38. Right arm horizontally sidewise, and back to No. 37, three times. Fig. 7 (e). 39. Left arm horizontally sidewise, and back to No. 37, three times. Fig. 7 (/). 40. Both arms together horizontally sidewise, and back to No. 37, three times. Figs. 7 (e and/). 41. Arms alternately horizontally sidewise, and back to No. 37, three times each. Fig. 7. 42. Same as No. 1. 43. Same as No. 2. Fig. 2 (d). 44. Same as No. 3. Fig. 2 (c). 45. Same as No. 4. Fig. 2 (d). 46. Sams as No. 5. Fig. 2 (b). 47. Same as No. 6. Fig. 2 (d). 16 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. 48. Right arm horizontal in front, and back to No. 47, three times. Fig. 8. Fig. 8. Kg. 9. 49. Left arm horizontal in front, and back to No. 47, three times. Fig. 8. 50. Both arms horizontal in front, and back to No. 47, three times. Fig. 8. 51. Arms alternately in front, and back to No. 47, three times each. Fig. 8. 52. Same as No. 1. Fig. 1. 53. Hands in arm-pits. Fig. 10. 54. Right hand thrown down as far as possible without lowering the shoulder, and back to No. 53, three times. Fig. 10 (a). 65. Left hand thrown down as far as possible with- STANDING POSITIONS. 17 out lowering the shoulder, and back to No. 53, three times. Fig. 10 (b). Fig. 10. 56. Both hands thrown down as far as possible with- out lowering the shoulder, and back to No. 53, three times. 57. Hands thrown down alternately as far as pos- sible, and back to No. 53, three times each. 58. Same as in No. 1. Fig. 1. Repeat the following three times. 59. Eight hand closed at shoulder, as in No. 10. Fig. 3 (a). 60. Right arm in front horizontally. Fig. 8 (b). 61. Same as in 59. 62. Right arm perpendicular. 63. Same as in 59. 64. Right arm horizontally sidewise. Fig. 3 (b). Fig. 2 (c). 18 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. 65. Same as in 59. 66. Right hand down. Fig. 3 (c). Repeat the following three times. 67. Left hand same as right, in 59. 68. " " " 60. 69. " " " 61. 70. " " " 62. 71. " " " 63. 72. " " " 64. 73. " " " 65. 74. " " " 66. Repeat the following three times. 75. Both hands together, same as right in 59. 76. " " " " 60. 77. " " " " 61. 78. " " " " 62. 79. " " " " 63. 80. " " " " 64. 81. " " " " 65. 82. , " " " " 66. 83. Right hand as in 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, alternate with 84. Left hand as in 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, three times each. 85. Same as in No. 1, Fig. 1. 86. Place closed hands with backs against the shoulders. Fig. 11 (a). 87. Throw right hand directly in front, and back to No. 86, three times ; arm horizontal. STANDING POSITIONS. 19 Fig. 11. 88. Throw left hand directly in front, and back to No. 86, three times ; arm horizontal. 89. Throw both hands in front, and back to No. 86, three times ; arms horizontal. 90. Arms alternately thrown in front, and back to No. 86, three times each ; arms horizontal. 91. Same as in No 1. '92. Same as in No. 86. Pig. 11 (a). 93. Throw right hand sidewise, and back to 92, three times; arm horizontal. Fig. 11 (c). 94. Throw left hand sidewise, and back to 92, three times; arm horizontal. Pig. 11 (c). 95. Throw both arms together sidewise, and back to 92, three times ; arms horizontal. 20 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. 96. Hands thrown alternately sidewise, and back to 92, three times each. 97. Same as in No. 1, Fig. 1. 98. Same as 86. Fig. 11 (a). 99. Throw right hand down, and back to 86, three times; arm straight at elbow. Fig. 11 (b). 100. Throw left hand down, and back to 86, three times ; straighten arm at elbow. Fig. 11 (b). 101. Both hands thrown down, and back to 86, three times. Fig. 11 (b). 102. Hands thrown down alternately, and back to 86, three times. 103. Same as in No. 1, Fig. 1. 104. Same as 86. Fig. 11 (a). 105. Right arm perpendicular, and back to 104, three times. Fig 11 (d). 106. Left arm perpendicular, and back to 104, three times. Fig. 11 (d). 107. Both arms together perpendicular, and back to 104, three times. Fig. 11 (d). 108. Arms alternately perpendicular, and back to 104, three times each. Fig. 11 (d). 109. Same as No. 1, Fig. 1. 110. Same as No. 2. Fig. 2 (d). 111. " 3. Fig. 2 (c). 112. " " 4. Fig. 2 (d). 113. " " 5. Fig. 2(6). 114. 6. Fig. 2 (d). 115. " " 7. Fig. 8 (b). STANDING POSITIONS. 21 116. Twist arms three times as in boring with gim- let ; hands tightly closed. 117. Open and close hands. 118. Strike hands together in front three times. 119. Same as in No. 1, Fig. 1. Fig. 12. 120. Right arm horizontally sidewise, and back to 119, three times ; hand open and palm down : look at hand. Fig. 12 (a). 121. Left arm three times like the right in 120: look at hand. Fig. 12 (b). 122. Both arms three times like the right in 120. Fig. 12 (a and b). 123. Arms alternately sidewise like the right in 120, three times each : look at hands. 22 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. 124. Same as No. 1, Fig. 1. 125. Hands together over head, and back to 124, three times. Fig. 13. .-"' A-4 "*X // Fig. 13. Fig. 2 (d). Fig. 2 (c). Fig. 2 (d). Fig. 2 (6). Fig. 2 (d). Fig. 8 (b). 132. Strike hands together in front three times. 133. Right arm perpendicular; left, horizontal. Fig. 14. 134. Left arm perpendicular ; right, horizontal. Change from 134 to 133 and back, three times. 126. Same as 2. 127. " " 3. 128. ' 129. ' 130. ' 131. ' " 4. 5. " 6. " 7. STANDING POSITIONS. 23 135. Drop right arm, leaving left perpendicular. T?!*- 1 K Jbl2\ ID. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. 136. Left arm by side, right perpendicular. Change from 136 to 135 and back, three times. 137. Right hand six inches above head, left six inches before chest. Fig. 16. 138. Left hand six inches above head, right six inches before chest. Change from 138 to 137 and back, three times. 139. Right arm horizontally sidewise, left hand on chest. 140. Left arm horizontally sidewise, right hand on chest. Change from 140 to 139 and back, three times. 24 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. 141. Hands on hips ; fingers in front. Fig. 17. 142. Turn head to right three times, so that the chin shall be over right shoulder. Pig. 17 (a). 143. Turn head to left three times, so that chin shall come over left shoulder. Fig. 17 (b). 144. Bend head to right three times. Do not raise the shoulder. Fig. 18 (b). 145. Bend head to left three times. Do not raise shoulder. Fig. 18 (a). 146. Bend head back three times. Fig. 19 (a). 147. Bend head forward three times. Fig. 19 (b). 148. Bend and turn head to right three times, so that you can see your heels over the right shoulder. STANDING POSITIONS. 25 149. Bend and turn head to left three times, so that you can see your heels over left shoulder. 150. Turn body to right three times. Pig. 20. 151. Turn body to the left three times. Fig. 20. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. Fig. 21. 152. Bend body to right three times. Fig. 21 (a). 153. Bend body to left three times. Fig. 21 (b). 154. Bend body backward three times. Fig. 22 (a). 155. Bend body forward three times. Fig. 22 (b). 156. Stand on tip-toe and sink the body as far as possible, without touching heels, knees close together, rise without moving hands from hips, or touching heels, to floor. Fig. 23. The preceding exercises are supposed to be taken, 2 26 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Fig. 22. Fig. 23. the pupil standing by side of his desk in the school- room. Should the exercises be taken out of the school-room, arrange the pupils in lines, so that the pupil can lay his hand on the shoulders of the one before him ; shortest in front ; lines close together. Let every other line advance one half pace, so that the arms, when raised horizontally sidewise, shall not interfere with each other. The closer the pupils are together, the better the effect. The tendency of all the exercises should be to ex r pand the chest, and keep the shoulders down and back. AN EXERCISE IN TRIPLE MEASURE. 27 AN EXERCISE ADAPTED TO ANY TUNE IN TRIPLE MEASURE. 1. Position. Fig. 1. At the sound of the bell, snap of the finger, nod of the head, or any signal from the teacher, the pupil will advance right foot three paces, of a foot each, body resting on the left foot. 2. Fill lungs, and bring hands, closed, energeti- cally to chest. Fig. 24 (a). Fig. 24. 28 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. Repeat the following three times : 3. First, throw right hand directly in front, arm horizontal. Fig. 8 (b). 4. Second, swing arm to the right, horizontally, as far as possible, without moving the body. Fig. 24 (fr). 5. Third, right hand, closed, on chest. Fig. 24 (a). Repeat the following three times : 6. First, left hand thrown directly in front, arm horizontal. Fig. 8 (b). 7. Second, swing left arm horizontally to the left as far as possible, without moving body. Fig. 24 (c). 8. Third, left hand, closed, on chest. Fig. 24 (a). Repeat the following three times : 9. First, both hands directly in front, arms hori- zontal and parallel. Fig. 8 (b). 10. Second, swing both arms horizontally as far as possible without moving the body ; right arm to the right, left to the left. Fig. 24 (b and c). 11. Third, both hands, closed, on chest. Fig, 24 (a). Repeat, alternately, three times each : 12. Right hand and arm as in 3, 4, and 5. 13. Left hand and arm as in 6, 7, and 8. 14. Position. AN EXERCISE IN TRIPLE MEASURE. 29 The preceding exercise may be varied by ad- vancing left foot instead of right ; also by extend- ing arm up at an angle of 45 instead of horizon- tally. Pig. 24 (d and e). GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. AN EXERCISE FOR ANY TUNE IN DOUBLE MEASURE. 1. Position, except feet together and parallel. At any given signal the pupil will advance right foot four paces, of a foot each, or less if necessary, throwing the body on right foot ; face directly over the foot in advance. 2. Fill lungs, and throw elbows as far back as pos- sible, forearm horizontal, hands tightly closed. Fig. 25 (a). Fig. 25. AN EXERCISE IN DOUBLE MEASURE. 31 Repeat the following three times : 3. First, throw right hand directly in front, arm horizontal. Fig. 25 (b). 4. Second, bring right hand by side, forearm hori- zontal. Fig. 25 (a). Repeat the following three times : 5. First, throw left hand directly in front, arm horizontal. Fig. 25 (b). 6. Second, bring left hand by side, forearm hori- zontal. Fig. 25 (a). Repeat the following three times : 7. First, hands together in front, arms horizontal and parallel. Fig. 25 (b). 8. Second, hands by side, forearm horizontal. Fig. 25 (a). Repeat alternately three times each : 9. First, throw right hand as in 3. Fig. 25 (b). 10. Second, bring right hand as in 4. Fig. 25 (a). 11. First, throw left hand as in 5. Fig. 25 (b). 12. Second, bring left hand as in 6. Fig. 25 (a). Vary the exercise by advancing left foot, throw hand perpendicular, Fig. 25 (d), or up at an angle of 45. Fig. 25 (c). 32 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. BREATHING EXERCISE. 1. Inhale and exhale the breath through the nose three times very slowly, without raising and lowering the shoulders. 2. Inhale and exhale the breath through the nose three times rapidly. 3. Inflate lungs through the nose, then strike right lung rapidly with both hands. 4. Inflate lungs through the nose, then strike left lung rapidly with both hands. 5. Hands on hips, inflate lungs as much as possi- ble ; emit the breath with the utmost slow- ness. 6. Draw in the breath as in No. 5, and expire it audibly through the mouth, as in the pro- longed sound of the letter K. 7. Inflate the lungs as in No. 5, then force the breath through the mouth in the manner of an abrupt and whispered cough. 8. Fill the lungs as in No. 5, then emit the breath as quickly as possible, as in giving the aspi- rated sound of the letter H. 9. Fill lungs through the mouth ; force the breath through the nose. BREATHING EXERCISE. 33 10. Breathe as rapidly as possible through the nose, mouth closed. 11. Breathe through the mouth as rapidly as possi- ble, like panting. 12. Inflate lungs to their utmost capacity, then, at a given signal, explode the sounds of the vowels. Fill lungs before each sound. 13. After fully inflating the lungs, give the radical, median, vanishing, compound, thorough, and tremulous stress of each vowel sound. Fill lungs before each sound. 2* 34 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. EIGHT POSITIONS FOR ANALYZING AND SPELLING WORDS. Stand erect, arms folded, the word to be distinctly pronounced by pupil before changing position. Let the pupil only mention the letters without pro- nouncing syllables. 1. Elbows thrown violently back as far as possible, forearm horizontal. Fig. 26 (a). 2. Throw arms horizontal and parallel in front. Pig. 26 (b). 3. Bend arms at elbow, forearm perpendicular, upper arm horizontal. Fig. 26 (c). 4. Arms thrown up perpendicular. Fig. 27 (a). 5. Hands together over head. Fig. 27. (5). 6. Same as No. 1. 7. Hands thrown down by side as far as possible without lowering shoulders. Fig. 2 (a). 8. Arms folded. These positions to be repeated to correspond to the number of letters or sounds required. The sounds of the vowels and alphabet, the analy- sis and spelling of long words, the musical scale with POSITIONS FOR SPELLING WORDS. 35 Fig. 26. Fig. 27. one, two, or more sounds to each position, may be given ; also, the humming and singing of tunes, repeating long lists of words, such as lists of prepo- sitions and conjunctions, battles of the Eevolution, Kings of England, rivers, capes, bays, &c., &c. In analyzing words, pronounce the syllables. 123456781234567 8 1. a, a, a, a, e, e, I, i, o, o, o, u, u, u, oi, ou. 12 34567812345 6 78 2. do, re, me, fa, sol, la, si, do, do, si, la, sol, fa, me, re, do. 12 3 4 5 678 3. do, do, re, re, me, me, fa, fa, sol, sol, la la, si, si, do, do. l 2 4. do do do, re re re, &c. 86 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. 12345678 12346678 Occasion. Monument. 1234567812346678 Perpendicularity. 1 234667812345678 Enthusiastically. Another very agreeable and useful exercise for the vocal organs is the repetition of the vowel sounds with positions, so that the first and each alternate sound shall be accented, and each accented sound dwelt upon as long as two unaccented, the positions made to conform to the time and accentuation of each vowel. 123 456 781 284 667 812345 678 1. a & a a a a a a &Saeeeee'eIizii'&c. 1234667812345678123 hard soft hard soft 2. a, a, a, a, b, c, c, d, e, g, f, f, g, g, h, I, i, j, k, 4567812345678123466 1, m, n, 6, 6, 6, p, q, r, s, t, u, fi, u, v, w, x, y, z. FEET POSITIONS. 37 FEET POSITIONS ADAPTED TO ANY TUNE OF EVEN MEASURE. Stand erect with hands on hips. 1. Advance right foot three feet and back, two, four, or any even number of times, left foot remaining unmoved. 2. Place right foot sidewise three feet, same num- ber of times as in No. 1. 3. Place right foot behind three feet, same number of times as in No. 1. 4. Place right foot behind and across the left leg as far as possible, same number of times as in No. 1. 5. Place right foot before and across the left leg as far as possible, same number of times as in No. 1. Do the same with left foot, then perform each position with right and left foot alternately. 38 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. AN EXERCISE ADAPTED TO TUNE "HAIL COLUMBIA." 1. Stand in position, except arms folded. 2. First measure, exhale the breath through the nose. 3. Second measure, inhale the breath through the nose. 4. First half of third measure, throw* elbows back as far as possible, forearms horizontal. Fig. 8 (a). 5. Last half of third measure, throw arms in front, horizontal and parallel. Fig. 8 (b). 6. Fourth measure, same positions as for third measure. Fig. 8 (a and b). 7. Fifth and sixth measures, same as first and second. 8. Seventh and eighth measures, same as third and fourth. 9. Ninth and tenth measures, same as first and second. 10. Eleventh and twelfth measures, strike left lung with right hand four times, swinging arm at shoulder. AN EXERCISE ADAPTED TO "HAIL COLUMBIA." 39 11. Thirteenth and fourteenth measures, same as first and second. 12. Fifteenth and sixteenth measures, strike right lung with left hand four times, swinging arm at shoulder. 13. Seventeenth and eighteenth measures, same as first and second. 14. Nineteenth and twentieth measures, strike both lungs with both hands four times, swinging arms at shoulders. 15. Twenty-first and twenty-second measures, same as first and second. 16. Twenty-third and twenty-fourth measures, strike lungs with hands alternately two times each, swinging arms at shoulders. 17. Twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth measures, same as first and second. 18. Twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth measures, strike chest rapidly, as indicated by the rhythm of the tune. GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. AN EXERCISE ADAPTED TO TUNE "MARCHING ALONG." 1. Stand in " Position." Fig. 1. 2. Strike hands together once, directly in. front, arms horizontal. 3. Bring closed hands to chest. Fig. 28 (d). Fig. 28. 4. Throw hands in front; arms horizontal and parallel. AN EXERCISE ADAPTED TO " MARCHING ALONG." 41 5. Strike hands together once. 6. Swing hands horizontally as far as possible; right hand to the right, left, to the left ; keep arms straight at elbows. Pig. 28 (c). 7. Strike hands together once, directly in front. 8. Bring closed hands to chest. Fig. 28 (d). 9. Throw arms perpendicularly. Fig. 28 (b). 10. Strike hands together over head once. 11. Bring closed hands to chest. Fig. 28 (d). 12. Throw hands in front; arms horizontal and parallel. 13. Strike hands together once. 14. Hands by side. Fig. 28 (a). 15. Strike hands together twice, directly in front ; arms horizontal. 16. Bring closed hands from No. 15 to chest, twice. Fig. 28 (d). 17. Throw hands directly in front from No. 16, twice ; arms horizontal and parallel. 18. Strike hands together twice. 19. Swing hands horizontally as far as possible, and back to No. 17, twice ; right hand to the right, left, to the left; keeping arm straight at elbow. Fig. 28 (c). 20. Bring closed hands from No. 19 to the chest, twice. 21. Throw arms from No. 20 perpendicularly, twice. Fig. 28 (b). 22. Strike hands together over head, twice. 42 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. 23. Bring closed hands to chest from No. 22, twice. Fig. 28 (d). 24. Throw hands directly in front from No. 23, twice. 25. Strike hands together, twice. 26. Bring closed hands to chest from No. 24, twice. Fig. 28 (d). 27. Hands by side. Fig. 28 (a). 28. Strike hands together in front three times ; arms horizontal. 29. Bring closed hands to the chest from No. 28, three times. Fig. 28 (d). 30. Throw hands directly in front from No. 29, three times ; arms horizontal and parallel. 31. Strike hands together, three times. 32. Swing hands horizontally as far as possible, and back to No. 30, three times ; right hand to the right, left, to the left ; keep arm straight at elbow. Fig. 28 (c). 33. Bring closed hands to the chest from No. 32, three times. Fig. 28 (d). 34. Throw arm perpendicularly from No. 33, three times. Fig. 28 (b). 35. Strike hands together over head, three times. 36. Bring closed hands to chest from No. 35, three times. Fig. 28 (d). 37. Throw hands directly in front from No. 36, three times ; arms horizontal and parallel. 38. Strike hands together, three times. AN EXERCISE ADAPTED TO " MARCHING ALONG-" 43 39. Bring closed hands to the chest from No. 37, three times. Pig. 28 (d). 40. Hands by side. Fig. 28 (a). This exercise may be extended indefinitely, as indicated in the description. 41 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. AN EXERCISE FOR FEET AND LEGS. 1. Stand erect with hands on hips. 2. Raise right leg as shown by Fig. 29 (a). Fig. 29. 3. Straighten right leg at knee. Fig. 29 (b). 4. Place right leg as in No. 2. Fig. 29 (a). 5. Place right foot and leg as in No. 1. Repeat the preceding three times. AN EXERCISE FOB FEET AND LEGS. 45 6. Same as in No. 1. 7. Eaise the left leg same as the right, in No. 2. Fig. 29 (a). 8. Straighten the left leg same as the right, in No. 3. Fig. 29 (b). 9. Place left leg as in No. 7. Fig. 29 (a). 10. Place left leg as in No. 6. Repeat the preceding three times. 11. Same as in No. 1. 12. Raise the right knee as high as the hip. Fig. 30 (a). Fig. 30. 13. Throw the right leg backwards. 14. Place the right leg as in No. 12. Fig. 30 (b). Fig. 30 (a). 46 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. 15. Place right foot as in No. 11. Repeat three times. 16. Same as in No. 11. 17. Raise left leg same as the right, in No. 12. Fig. 30 (a). 18. Throw left leg backwards same as the right, in No. 13. Fig. 30 (b). 19. Place left leg as in No. 17. Fig. 30 (a). 20. Place left foot same as in No. 16. 21. Raise the right leg three times as in Fig. 31. Fig. 31. Fig. 32. 22. Raise the left leg three times same as the right, in No. 21. Fig. 31. 23. Raise the right leg three times, as in Fig. 32. AN EXERCISE FOR FEET AND LEGS. 47 24. Eaise the left leg three times, same as the right, in No. 23. Fig. 32. In this exercise let the head be held erect and the body as immovable as possible. THE END. Cambridge : Stereotyped and Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EDUCATION-PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. nrr. 9. 1 K.A? JUL IREC'D-HAM . Ml ' ^ 1968 GUT 23rHEC'D-f! rsi LD 21A-30w-6,'67 General Library University of California YA 04040 IMPORTANT SCHOOL-BOOKS NICHOLS,, 117 Washington Street, Boston. THE BEST SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP*- Payson, Dunfon, mid ibined System* Compris- ing the Common " .e authors. A New Idea peculiar to this Series : Pa\ on, I>nnton, and Scribner's Oblique Line*, for teaching the Th .y .... 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