«c. fi,^M $s ^53 "^7? -^ i3 P E 536 S974 1891 MAIN rr\ O i CO /^hJj ht^^'ff.- Li:d''RARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received. |iaV-ld-48^f ' '^-- Accessions No.A^A~^.0-S~~ Shelf No.Q.tlt.^.... ^g. S7 7£/ 8 ^ f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Co rpo ratio ri http://www.archive.org/details/firstmiddleengliOOsweerich Cfaren^on (preee ^ertec FIRST MIDDLE ENGLISH PRIMER SWEET Xon&on HENRY FROWDE Oxford University Press Warehouse Amen Corner, E.G. Cfatrenion (preee Settee FIRST MIDDLE ENGLISH PRIMER EXTRACTS FROM THE ANCREN RIWLE AND ORMULUM WITH GRAMMAR, NOTES, AND GLOSSARY BY HENRY SWEET, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D. AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1891 \_All rights reserved'] PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY PREFACE. — HAtiJ The object of this work is not to afford a general survey of the Middle English dialects in their different periods, but rather to lay a firm foundation for such a survey by giving extracts from the two oldest texts which have been handed down in consistent, contemporary spellings representing pure and fixed dialects, one dialect being the direct descendant of the classical West Saxon of Alfred and ^Ifric, the other the nearly direct ancestor of Modern English. The spellings of the MSS. have been preserved unchanged, except in cases of necessary alteration, bu|; jliacritics have been added as guides to the quantity and quality of those sounds which are imperfectly distinguished in the MSS. The grammar and glossary are based entirely on the extracts, all comparison of the other M. E. dialects and periods being rigorously excluded, the two texts being also kept apart as much as possible. Although I think it a great mistake to begin the study of M. E. without a previous elementary knowledge of Old E., such as may easily be acquired with the help of my Anglo- Saxon Primer, I have nevertheless adapted this work to the requirements of those who may take it up without any such preparation. These students may perhaps find it advisable to begin with the Ormulum instead of the Ancren Riwle. VI PREFACE. The texts are based on the editions of Morton^ and White ^, together with the collations of Kolbing in the Jahrbiicher fur romanische und englische Sprache und Litteratur (xv. p. i8o foil.) and the Englische Studien (vol. i. p. I foil.). I have followed Morton in basing my text on the MS. Cott. Nero A. 14, as being the only one in a pure Southern dialect. The extracts have been carefully chosen not only from a linguistic, but also from a literary and social-historical point of view. The student who has carefully worked through them will hardly need to be told that the A. R. is one of the most perfect models of simple, natural, eloquent prose in our language; without it indeed, the history of English prose from the close of the Old E. period down to the beginning of the seventeenth century would be little more than a dreary blank. As a picture of contemporary life, manners, and feeling it cannot be over-estimated. The passage (p. 34) in which Christ is described as a Norman knight in homeliest English phrase is alone enough to give a vivid idea of that fusion of English and French traditions and sentiments which — in spite of Ivanhoe — was almost completely carried out by the beginning of the thirteenth century. The con- clusion (p. 39) of the allegory of Christ's wooing of the soul is, on the other hand, thoroughly Old English in its com- bined picturesqueness and grandeur. Thoroughly English, too, though in a totally different way, is the humorous description of the troubles of the nun with her cow (p. 41): how she curses when the cow is impounded, and yet ^ The Ancren Riwle, edited by James Morton. London : Camden Society, 1853. 2 The Ormulum, with the notes and glossary of Dr. R. M. White, edited by Rev. R. Holt. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1878. PREFACE, Vli has to pay the damages. Equally good is the description of the chattering nun (p. 19), and the comparison of her to a cackling hen. This, and many other passages, may be read with profit as well as amusement at the present day. Of the literary merits of the Ormulum little can be said, for it has none w^hatever. The author was, in fact, a spelling- reformer and philologist who mistook his vocation. The OldE. picturesqueness and power disappears entirely from his verse together with the traditional alliteration, and the only compensation is a dry, practical directness of style and metre which is anything but poetical. The only passage in our extracts that shows any trace of poetry is, perhaps, the description of the lamb (p. 70). HENRY SWEET. Heath Street, Hampstead, September 8, 1884. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. In the present edition I have made such alterations and additions as seemed likely to increase the utility of the book. In doing so I have been greatly aided by Mr. C. Stoffel, of Amsterdam, to whom I take this opportunity of ex- pressing my thanks. I also have to acknowledge some useful criticisms received from Dr. F. Holthausen. I have, on the other hand, omitted to give the MS. readings in cases of correction, as I now consider such details out of place in a primer. Reigate, November- 10, 1890. CONTENTS. Ancren Riwle : Grammar Extracts Notes . The Ormulum : Grammar Extracts Glossary . ANCREN RIWLE. (Southern Dialect.) GRAMMAR. The Early Middle English of the beginning of the thir- teenth century was spoken, like Old English, in four chief dialects, the Northumbrian^ Midland ( = 0. E. Mercian), Southern^ and Kentish. The Southern (strictly South-We^t- J ern) dialect of the Ancren Riwle, probably that of Dorsetshire, represents geographically the Old West- Saxon, and especially the Late West-Saxon of ^Ifric. In its sounds, however, it is a mixed dialect, showing strong Mi dlan d influence. The most important change that took place in M. E. was ""^ the levelling of the old inflectional vowels under ^, which led to a partial break-up of the O. E. inflectional system. These ^ changes were no doubt accelerated by the Danish and Norman conquests, which also introduced many Norse and French words into the language. SPELLING. The influence of French spelling begins to show itself almost before the Conquest. In the A. R. it is strongly marked. We find the sound of O. E. y expressed by the French^ag. the 'voice' sound of/ by z;, guttural and palatal c distinguished as k and ch — all French influence, which also % ANCREN RIWLE. caused the disuse of the O. E. cb. The general result of all this was, that M. E. spelling became more and more am- biguous and unphonetic, although the spelling of the A. R. is much less unphonetic than that of Chaucer. The following are the letters and digraphs (denoting simple sounds) used in the MS. of the A. R. : a, b, c, ch, d, d, e, ea, eo, /, g, 3, ^, 2* k, /, m, n, 0, oa, /, gu (rare), r, s, sc, sc/i, /, /?, u, m\ v, w, Xy y (rare) = i\ z (rare). In this book the spelling of the Nearly thirteenth-century MS. is kept unaltered, except that where v is used to denote a vowel it is written «, and where z and u are used to denote consonants they are written j and V respectively, and that/ is printed uniformly both for the/ and 9 of the MS., which employs both of them indis- ^ criminately. Diacritical marks have also been added to some of the letters to distinguish their sounds, giving the following additional letters : /, ^, ii^ g, long vowels being marked ( ~ ). The following table will show the probable pronunciation of the vowels and diphthongs : — a al (all) as in father {but short) a dame {lady) „ father ai dai (day) my {but broader) au drauh]? (draws) „ now {but broader) e men {men) „ men Short e was lengthened before certain consonant combinations (p. 6), as in ende * end * ; the resulting long vowel, which was distinct from ^ (being less broad) is denoted by italic e in the extracts and glossary. -e stille ^ {sttll) as in father ^ §fter {after) „ man e ded {deed) „ ^ee {German) f , ea Ifren, learen {teach) „ th^re ^ Unaccented. GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION. ei eie {/ear) as ' in v^ay {but broader) ^i m^i {may) ei eie {eye) » \fay fi ^i {^gg) ■ eo jeove {gt/t) >» p«zr {French, but short) eo veond {fiend) >> ipeu {French) ?ii un]?fu {vice) eou treou {tree) i sitten (^//) >> stt i win (ze;2«^) 3) "ween o hope {hope) J) hop o boc (3d7^^) >) sohn {German) 9, oa mpre, moare {more) 5J move oi noise («^2j noise ou wrouhte {wrought) J) no {but broader) ou wouh {perverse) J> no 9^ guh {ought) u sunne (^^^«) J) fdl u ut (o/^/) 33 fool ii siinne (j2>/) 53 plws {French) u, ui hiiren, huiren (^^r^) 33 lane {French) As regards the consonants, it is necessary to pronounce the double ones really double, as in E. * penknife,' dis- tinguished from * penny '= respectively /^««^2/J /^«/. So in M. E. sunne * sun ' must be distinguished from sune * son/ The O.E. distinction between double and single final consonants was lost in M. E., O. E. zn and znn being both written zn, and pronounced with long n, as in Mod. E. The following consonants require special notice. s, /, and / had the voiced sounds z, dh, v initially and finally, except, of course, in such combinations as st^ ft, etc., and in ss, ff {pp in wr^pe * wrath,' was probably voiced), v B 2 4 ANCREN RIWLE. is always written for voiced f medially, and often also initially, as in heovene ' heaven,' y^r;^, vorp * forth/ Finally and before consonants / is always written, as in iJf ^ life,' h§/de, 'had,' to prevent confusion with the vowel u. In words of French origin s and / probably had their present sounds, as in servise ' service,' pronounced servize, /§sie, 'feast.' z is Lonly>1vntten Hn French words, such as dvez *aves' (plur.), where it had the sound of z. In salilz ' salvation ' it probably had the sound of ts. sc was used for ss not only in French words, such as lescun * lesson,' but also in E. ones, such as blescien ' bless,' hliscien * gladden.' sch had the sound of sh, sche being written for it in scheort ' short,' scheomeful ' shameful.' h had the sound of Germ, c/i in ack everywhere except initially, as in drauhp, wduh\ after a palatal vowel (e, z) it probably had that of ch in G. z'c/i, as in /leih ' high.' cA had, no doubt, nearly if not quite the sound of E. ch in child ^=.tsh, double in cch, nearly = //j*^, as in strecchen 'stretch.' c had the sound of s in the French temptdciun ' temptation,' &c., and also in the E. spellings epcene, seldcene ' easily-seen,' ' rarely-seen.' k was generally written instead of c before e and z] but also in other cases, g and j in French words had the sound of dzh (or very near it), as in Mod. E. ; and gg had this sound doubled (comp. cch) in such E. words as siggen 'say.' g also occurred in E. words in the com- bination ng^ as in swenge ' stroke.' 5 (the O. E. form of g) had the sound of our cons.j/, as in "^ung 'young.' pk in the French prophete had, of course, the sound of /J and / was silent in psalm-wurhte ' psalm- wright, psalmist/ GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION, 5 PHONOLOGY. It has been shown that many of the changes from Old to Middle E. are changes of spelling only. VOWELS. ^ ' Of real sound-changes (besides the levelling of inflec- tional vowels, p. I, above), the most important are the following. The old diphthongs ea^ ea, eo, eo became monophthongic, ea being levelled under O. E. ^, written e in M. E., and ea under O. E. ^, so that such a pair as the O. E. heard and pcBt were both pronounced with the same vowel, and were accordingly both written with e (=/); and .such a pair as O. E. dead and l&ran were both pronounced with the corre- sponding long vowel, which was accordingly written in- differently ea or e (=/), so that these two words could be written either ded^ leren, or dead, learen, ea being generally restricted to the long sound, and not employed for the short §, eo and eo were simplified in a similar way; but the resulting labial vowels were soon delabialized into e and e. But new diphthongs were developed in M.E. (to some extent already in O. E.) (i) By weakening of O.E. g, which itself was an open consonant (= German g in sagen) medially and finally. O.E. g became t after the palatal vowels i\ e, as in wet (O. E. weg) 'way,' mp (mcBg) 'miay,' veien {/egan) *join,' being itself absorbed after i\ as in stien (stigati) ^ ascend,' istien {gesiigen) ' ascended.' After the guttural vowels a, o, u it became w, as in drawen {dragan) ' draw,' gwen (dgan) ^ owe,' dowe ibogd) *bow' sb., huwen (bugan) 'bow' vb., giving combinations which are scarcely distinguishable from diphthongs, being itself absorbed after «, as in vuel {/ugot) ' bird.' 6 ANCREN RIWLE. (2) By the development of i before palatal k, and of u before guttural -^ and z^; ( = 0.E. ^ and w): ^^7-^- (Mercian heh) ' high/ seiht {seht) ^ peace ' ; guh [ah) ' owes/ brouhte (hrohte) ^brought/ touward {toweard) ^towards/ scheauwen (sceawiari) ' show/ Before O. E. palatal nc in leinten (lenden) * spring/ acweinte (acwencie) * quenched/ Of the other vowel-changes the most important is that of O. E. a into the broad g, which was often written oa, as in moare, more [mare) * more/ woa, wo (wd) ^ woe/ The result was that a occurs only in French words, such as dd/ne, hldmen. Short vowels were lengthened before Id^ ng, nd, mh, rd, and in other more doubtful cases (the lengthening having begun in O.E.), as in tglde (Mercian tdlde) ' told/ child ' child/ Ipng (lang, long) ' long/ vinden ' find/ climben ^ climb/ word * word/ But shortness was often preserved before -er, -el, -en and some other endings, as in children plur. of child ' child/ Also before //, Ip, nt, etc. : cp. hglden ' to hold ' with pres. hall * holds/ Consonant influence showed itself in other ways, w changes / into a : waler {wcBter) ' water,' hwai (hwcet) ^ what,' ward (weard) 'guardian/ Palatal h changes e to z: drihl, (deorhl, hreht) 'bright,' vihten {MQvd2in /eh/an) ^ fight,' lien {leogan^ Mercian legan) 'tell lies,' drlen (Mercian dregan) ' suffer/ CONSONANTS. Original single consonants are sometimes doubled between vowels, especially m, as in summe (O. E. sumum) dat. of sum 'some, some one/ Also in wunnunge 'dwelling,' iwarre, plur. ' wary.' Original double consonants are, on the other hand, simplified in unaccented syllables, as in the plur. sufi/ule (synfulle) ' sinful,' the dat. wummone {wifmanne) ' woman/ O.E. consonants are sometimes dropped, as in hwilch, GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION, 7 swiich {hwylcj swylc) * which,' ^such/ ase-=alsg [ealswd) 'so, as/ The unaccented monosyllables tch (ic) *I,' on *on,' in ' in,' an ' on, an (indef. art.),' together with the un- shortened pn ' one,' often drop their consonants. So also in me (man) the unaccented form of mon * man,' which is used in the indefinite sense of * one,' * they.' When final /.or d is followed by Jf beginning another word (generally a pronominal word or a particle), the two consonants were regularly assimilated together, becoming //, and this change is often carried out in writing: an/ fe=and Jfe, mii te-=.mid pe ^ with the/ INFLECTIONS. SUBSTANTIVES. In the A. R. the threefold distinction of gender in the names of things as well as of living beings is still partially kept up, although the frequent dropping of the inflections of the articles and adjectives makes it difficult to distinguish them. The natural fem. gender of wummon and leofmon 'sweetheart,' begins to prevail over the grammatical masc, these words taking the pronoun heq_!: she.' The follov^dng are the inflections, those which are liable to be dropped being in ( ) : — Strong Masc. Strong Neut, Fem. Sing. Nom} wei ijjoay) word (word) chirche {church) Dat. wei(e) w6rd(e) chirche Gen, weies wordes chirche Plur. Nom.vfQits wordes, word chirchen Dat. weies wordes chirchen Gen. weies, weie(ne) wordes, worde(ne) chirchen(e) ^ and Ace. ANCREN RIWLE. Weak Masc, Weak Neut Sing. Norn. ivere {companion) eie (eye) DaL ivere eie Gen. ivere eie Plur, Norn. iveren eien Dat. iveren eien Gen. iveren(e ) eien(e) In vor sipen *four times' we have a remnant of the old dat. plur. in -urn. Many feminines, such as hgnd ' hand/ do not take e in the nom. sing. '^ Feminines rarely take -es in the gen. sing. The plur. neuters with a short root-syllable (short vowel + single cons.) generally take -en in the plural : 5// * gate/ pi. ^^^ten. So also the original neuters treo^ deovel have plur. ireony deoflen. bede (O. E. neuter gehed) ' prayer ' takes e in the nom. sing. French polysyllables take s instead of es : par/urs ' of a parlour/ def/urs * debtors/ passiuns * passions.' Such words as engel ' angel/ wunder * wonder/ throw out their unaccented vowel before an inflectional one: engle^ wundres. d§i (O. E. dceg) has plur. dawes {dag as). v§der, moder^ broper, suster are generally unaltered in the sing. The last two have their plurals brepren, silsiren. vreond 'friend' is unchanged in the nom. pi., as also niht ' night.' child * child/ // ^ ^%%! have plur. children, §iren, mon 'man/ wummon * woman/ vol ' foot/ have their plur. men, wUmmen, vet. ADJECTIVES. Adjectives retain the distinction between strong and weak, the latter form being used after the definite article, demon- GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION, 9 stratives, and defining words generally, but there is much confusion. Strong. Masc, Neut. Fern, Sing. Nom. god, gode {good) god god, gode Ace, god god gode Dat, god(e) god(e) god(e) Gen, g6d(e) god(e) god(e) ^^ - Plur, Nom, gode Dat, gode Gen, gode, aire. When an adj. stands without a subst. it sometimes has a gen. sing, in -es in the fem. as well as masc. and neut. Adjectives ending in h preceded by palatal vowels drop it in inflection, as in heih *high,' plur. heie\ when a labial vowel precedes the h, it becomes w in inflection, as in ruh ' rough,' plur. ruwe. Weak. Weak Masc '., Neut., Fem. Sing. Nom, gode Dat, gode Gen, gode Plur. Nom, gode Dat, Gen. gode gode The e of the weak form seems to be dropped only after an unaccented syllable, as in hgli(e) * holy,' hitter (for hittre). lO ANCREN RIWLE, The comparative and superlative are formed by adding '{e)rej -est, -lich becomes -Hikes t in the superl. : Igdlich ' hateful/ Ipd- liikest, grpest ' greatest/ is contracted to gr§st. hgt ^ hot/ shortens its vowel in the comp. hattre. PRONOUNS AND GENERAL ADJECTIVES. The personal pronouns have only two cases, nominative and oblique (which is mainly the O. E. dative, but is used as an ace. as well as a dat.), and are declined thus : — Sing, Nom. ich, i Ohl me (/) }.u }.e {thou) Plur, Nom, we Ohl. us ' 6u Masc, Neut, Fern, Sing, Nom, he {he) Obi, him, hine hit {it) him heo {she) hire Plur, Nom. Obi. heo heom, ham I pa is often shortened into fiu,{tu) when it follows its verb, as in wenes-tu ' thinkest thou ? ' The reflexive pronoun is often the simple pronoun, as in hglde hire stille / 'let her keep herself quiet/ Generally, however, j-^'^'self' is used. It is joined to the possessives of the first two persons and to the oblique (dative) case of the third person, the form sulven being also used in the nom. GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION, II as well as the obi. case : J?i-sul/, pi-sUlven, him-sulf, him- sillven, ham-sulven. The possess! ves are mi{n)^ /^(w), h^s (masc. and neut.), hire, (her) ; ure, ower, {our, our, inflected dure), hore. They are all (including his) declined like other adjectives, mm and pzn drop their n before a consonant. The interrogative and relative hwg ' who/ neut. hwat, has an oblique case hwam, and a genitive or possessive hwas. The definite article is declined thus : — li Masc. Neut, Fern. Sing. Nom. ].e W, l^e >eo, }?e Ace, f)ene, f)e f^t, l^e J?eo, J^e Dat, f>en, })e })en, >e >er, }5e Gen, }?es, f e l^es, }?e fer, l?e P/ar. iVi?;?^. f>eo, )?e 2?a/, f)eo, ]?e (f>en) G^^;z. f>eo, f>e (J?er) J)e (with long ^) is also used as a pers. pron. when followed by the relative pe ', pe pe * he who/ peo pe ' she who/ ' they who.' /2> ' this/ is declined thus : — Masc, Neut, Fern. Sing. Novi. J?es fis J>eos Ace, Jpesne }>is feos Z)^/. f>isse J^isse f>isse Gen, f>isses f)isses J?isse P///r. iVi?;;?. J>eos .Da/. }5eos, J)issen Gen, J5eos la A NCR EN RIWLE, The relatives are pe and p§t, both undeclined in gender, number, and case, hwat is also used as a relative, as in Mod. E. Indefinites are formed by adding se-^sg 'so' to the in- terrogatives hwg^ hwat, hw§per 'which of the two,' hwg-se ' whoever,' hw§p.er-se ' whoever of the two/ an^ a shorten- ing of gn 'one,' is used as an indefinite article, and is declined like an adjective. Both an and gn drop their n before a consonant, as also does ngn 'none,' which has an ace. sing. masc. n§nne. fni, fi ' any ' is also declined like an adjective, oper ' other ' keeps the strong form after pe : p§t oper^ etc. VERBS. There are two classes of verbs, strong and weak, the former being conjugated by means of vowel-change in the root, the latter by the addition of d (/). * ' ^^^ Ojl\y\ 4? The following are the general endings : — INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres, sing. i. binde'bind' bmde 2. bintst binde 3. bint binde plur. binde}? binden Pret, sing. i. bgnd bunde 2. bunde bundest 3. bgnd bunde plur. bunden bunden Imper, sing, bind; plur. bindef). Infin. binde(n). Part, pres. bindinde; pret. ibunde(n). Gerund to binden(e). The plur. drops its p and n when the pron. immediately follows its verb instead of preceding it: binde y, imper., GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION, 13 hunde ^e. The pret. partic. regularly prefixes i- (=0. E. ge-\ unless it already has a prefix of the same character. STRONG VERBS.. In these the 2nd sing. pret. indie, and the whole pret. subj. always have the vowel of the pret. plur. indie. The 3rd pers. sing, of the pres. indie, is sometimes full - com comen icumen slean {slay) sleaj> slouh slowen isleien hebben * lift/ which in O.E. belongs to this conjugation, has pret. h§/. . ^ Plur. indie, vop, vd(je) ; imper. sing, vo^ vgng. 14 ANCREN RIWLE, III. ' Drink '-conjugation. ivinden {find) ivint ivgnd ivunden ivunden biginnen (begin) .. .. bigon bigunnen bigunnen delven (dig) .* •• .. •• dulven dolven helpen {help) .. .. «. .. .. .. holpen ceorven (cut) .. .. k?rf kurven .. .* worpen (throw) w?rp wurpen worpen IV. *Bear '-conjugation. beren (hear) ber}) bfr beren boren breken {break) br^c breken broken V, * Give ' -conjugation. jiven {give) • • #• 5?f jeven i^iven cwej?en {say) • • «• CW§}J ^. . . .. .. bijeten {get) bijit . . .. .. .. .. .. speken {speak) spekef) sp§c .. .. .. .. liggen {lie) \l]> l§i leien .. •• sitten {sit) sit s§t seten iseon {see) isih)? is§ih iseien iseien VI. * Drive '-conjugation. schriven {con/ess) •• •• schrgf schriven ischriven striven (strive) strQf VII. * Choose '-conjugation. beoden {offer) b?d «« . . .. .. vorlesen {lose) .. .. vorlfs vorluren vorloren vlien {flee) .. •• .. .. vluwen .. .. lien {tell lies) .. .. .. .. .. .. ilowen wrien {cover) wreih .. •• iwrien buwen {bow) buh}> beih •. •• .. .. GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION, 15 WEAK VERBS. There are two conjugations of weak verbs: (i) those with inf. -en\ (2) those with inf. -len. Conjugation I. The pret. and partic. pret. are formed by adding -de a nd -{e)d^ 'lid- being written 4d-, and -ndd- becoming -nd-. After / and other voiceless consonants the d becomes /, and -lit- becomes -//-. Long vowels are often shortened in the pret. and pret. partic. The 2nd and 3rd sing. pres. indie, are con- tracted in the same way as in the strong verbs. (a) ^1^^2x' -class. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres, sing. i. here (hear) here 2. her(e)stv^ here 3. her(e)]5 ^" - here plur, herej? heren PreL sing. i. herde . "^ herde 2. herdest^ fi hardest 3. herde /. herde plur. herden herden Imper. sing, here : plur, herej>. Infin. heren. Part. pres. herinde; pret. ihered, iherd. Other examples are : — Ifren {teach) IfreJ? ileven {believe) ileve]? w^nden {turn, go) went setten {set) set sette iset Ifrde il^red, il^i ilefde ileved w })unchen (seem) .... wurchen (work) .... tglde itgld J50uhte ijjouht bouhte ibouht J)uhte ij)uht wrouhte iwrouht Conjugation II. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres. sing. i. luvie (love) luvie 2. Invest luvie 3. luvej? plur. luviej) Pret. sing. i. luvede luvie luvien luvede 2: luvedest luvedest 3. luvede luvede plur. luveden luveden Imper. sing, luve ; //. luvie}?. Infin. luvien. Part. pres. luvi(i)nde; pret. iluved. The / is often omitted in th ese verbs, luvie sometimes becomes luvi. habben 'have' (nabben 'have not') shows a mixture of forms of both conjugations. * Im-per. penc{h). GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION, t; INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. \ sing, I. habbe habbe 2. havest habbe 3. have]? habbe plur. habbe]? habben Pret, h^fde, hgvede. Imper. sing, have ; plur. habbe]?. Infin. habben. PRETERITE-PRESENT VERBS. These have for their present an old strong preterite, from which a new preterite is formed. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres. sing. i. con {can) cunne 2. const cunne 3. con cunne plur. cunnen cunnen Pret. cQJ?e Infin. cunnen. The others are : — wgt ' know/ ' guard/ pi. wilej?, wiiiep ; pret. wilste ; pret. panic, iwiisi. So also ngt ' knows not.' Quh '■ owes/ ' ought/ gwen ; guhie. mot ' may/ * must/ moten ; moste. mp ^ can/ ^ may/ J?u mihi, m§iht, muwen ; miihie. schal ' shall/ J?u schalt^ schulen, schullen ; schulde. A similar verb is wiillen * will/ niillen ' will not ' : INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres. sing. i. wiile, wiille, ichiille (niille) wiile 2. wiilt (ntilt) wiile 3. wiile wiile plur. wiille]? wiillen Pret. wolde ANCREN RIWLE. ANOMALOUS VERBS. I. beon, *be/ INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres, sing. i. am (nam) beo 2. §rt beo 3- is (nis) beo plur, ' beoj), b6f> beon Pret. sing, i. was were 2. were (nere) were 3. was were plur, weren weren Imper. sing, beo; plur, beof>. Infin, beon. 2. d5n, Mo/ INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres. sing. i. do do 2. dest do 3. de}. do />/«r. dof) don i'r^/. dude Imper, sing, do : //«r. do}?. Infin. don. Part. pres. donde ; pret. idon. 3. g9n, 'go. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres, sing. i. gg g9 2. g^st g9 3- g# g9 plur. g9f) g9n Pr^/. eode Imper. sing, gg ; plur. E9h Infin. ggn, ^^ EXTRACTS. SPEECH. On alre-f rest, hwon je schulen to oure parliires Jjurle, iwitef) §t ower maiden hwg hit beo f>^t is icumen, vor swiich hit m^i beon Ip^t je schulen aschunien ou ; & ^ hwon je alles moten vorf>, creoisef) ful jeorne our mulp, earen, & eien, & te breoste eke ; & ggp for]? mid Codes dr^de to preoste. On f rest 5 siggef) confiieor, &-]5er-§fter henedicite, p^t he guh to siggen, hercnef) his wordes; & sitte]? al stille, f>^t, hwon he partef) vrom ou, f>§t he ne cunne ower god, ne ower iivel nguj^er ; ne he ne cunne ou nguj^er blamen ne preisen. Sum is 59 wel il^red, 9f)er se wis-iworded, J^^t heo wolde f)§t he wiiste 10 hit; ]?e sit & spekej? touward him, & jelt him word ajein word, & bicumef) meister, J^e schulde beon ancre ; & learej? him \%\. is icumen to If ren hire : wolde bi hire tale sone beon mit te wise icud & icngwen. Icngwen heo is wel, vor f>urh ]?^t ilke J5§t heo wenef) to beon wis ihglden, he understont 15 \%\. heo is sot. Vor heo huntef> §fter pris, & k^cche}? lastunge. Vor §t te laste, hwon he is iw^nd a-wei, 'J^eos ancre,' he wiile siggen, ' is of miichele speche.' Eve heold ine parais Ignge tale mid te n^ddre, & tglde hire al j^^t lescun f)§t God hire h^fde ilf red & Adam of J^en ?pple ; & S9 f>e veond f>urh 20 hire word understod an-gn-riht hire wgcnesse, & ivgnd wei ^ = and, ant. C 2 20 ANCREN RIWLE, touward hire of hire vorlorenesse. iJre l^fdi, Seinte Marie, diide al an o)?er wise : ne tglde heo f>en engle none tale, auh askede him ]?ing scheortliche j^^t heo ne ku]?e. ge, mine leove siistren, volewej? ure l^fdi, & ngut ]:e kakele Eve. 5 Vor-f)i ancre, hwat-se heo beo, alse muchel ase heo f ver con & m^i, hglde hire stille : nabbe heo ngut henne kiinde. pe hen, hwon heo havej? ileid, ne con biiten kakelen. And hwat bi^it heo ]5er-of ? Kume)? f>e cgue angn-riht & r^ve]? hire hire f iren, & fret al f>^t of hwat heo schulde vorf)-bringen lo hire cwike briddes ; & riht alsg fie lu]?ere cgue, deovel, ber]? a-wei vrom \>e kakelinde ancren & vorswoluwej? al \>%i god j^^t heo istreoned habbe]?, f)^t schulden ase briddes beren ham up touward heovene, ^if hit nere icakeled. pe wr^cche peoddare mgre noise he make]? to jeien his sgpe, f)en a riche 15 mercer al his deorewurf>e ware. To summe ggstliche monne f>^t je beof) trllsti uppen, ase je muwen beon of liit, god is J)§t je asken rf d, & salve ]?§t he tf che ou to^eines fgndunges, & ine schrifte scheawe]? him, jif he wiile iheren, ower grf ste & ower Igdltikeste siinnen, vor-J)i-]?^t him areowe ou ; & j?urh 20 ]:>e bireounesse crie Crist inwardliche merci vor ou, & habbe ou ine munde & in his bonen. Sed multi veniunt ad vos in vestimeniis ovium ; intrinsecus autem sunt lupi rapaces. *Auh wite]? ou, & beo}? iwarre,' he sei]?, ure Lgverd, *vor monie cume]? to ou ischrud mid Igmbes fleose, & beof) wode wulves.' 25 Worldliche men ilevej? liit ; religiuse ^et l^sse. Ne wilnie je ngut to muchel hore kuf>l§chunge. Eve wifjute drfde sp^c mit te n^ddre. Ure l^fdi was ofdr^d of Gabrieles speche. Wijjiite witnesse of weopmon gj^er of wummon f)§t ou 30 muwe iheren, ne speke ^e mid ngne monne ofte ne Ignge ; & J^auh hit beo of schrifte, i f>en ilke huse, gf>er J>er he muwe iseon touward ou, sitte ]?e f>ridde, bute jif ):e ilke f>ridde o SPEECH, 21 per stunde trukie. pis nis ngut vor 6u, leove siistren, iseid, ne vor oj^er swtiche ; auh for-f>i pe treowe is misleved, & te sakelease ofte bilowen vor wone of witnesse. Me ileve]? f>§t iivel sone, & te unwrf ste blif)eliche Hep on J^e gode. Sum uniseli; hwon heo seide p^t heo schrgf hire, have]? ischriven 5 hire al to wundre. Vor-])i gwen pe gode fver to habben witnesse, vor twg ancheisuns: nomeliche, )5^t gn is f)§t te ontfule ne muwen Hen on heom sg f>^t pe witnesse ne preove heom valse ; J3^t oJ?er is, vor te ^iven pe 6f>re vorbisne, & binime pe iivele ancre f)§t ilke uniseli gile ]5§t ich of seide. 10 Ut of chirche f>urle ne hglde je ngne tale mid ngne monne, auh berej? wurf>schipe f>er-to, vor f>§t hgli sacrament f»^t je iseoJ> J^er-J^urh ; & nimef> of>erhwiiles ower wiimmen to pe buses pilile, ]3eo oJ?re men & wummen t5 pe parlurs f>urle: speken vor neode ne guwe %e buten ^t f>eos twg 15 piXvles. Silence §vere ^t te mete; vor jif oJ>re religiuse dof> hit, ase je wel wiite]?, ^e gwen bivoren alle. & jif f ni havej> deore gist, do hire maiden ase in hire stude te gl^dien hire vere, & heo schal habben leave to openen hire fiirl f nes gj^er 20 twies, & makien singnes touward hire of gne gl^de chere. Summes kurteisle is ng-f)e-leas itiirnd hire t5 iivele. Under semblaunt of god is ofte iheled stinne. Ancre & buses l^fdi guh miiche to beon bitweonen. Jveriche vrid^ie of pe jer hglde]? silence, bute jif hit beo duble ff ste ; & teonne hgldef) 25 hit sum o})er dai i pe wike; i }>en Advent, & i pe Umbri- dawes, wodnesdawes, & fridawes ; i pe leinten J^reo dawes, & al pe swiwike vort non of ^stereven. To owr maiden ^e muwen ]?auh siggen mid Itit wordes hwat-se je wiille]?; & ^if §ni god mon is feorrene ikumen, hercne]? his speche, 30 and onswerie)? mid liit wordes to his askunge. 22 ANCRElSr RIWLE, Miiche fol he were }?e miihte to his gwene bihove, hw^]per- se he wolde, grinden greot gj^er hwfte, jif he grunde ]5et greot, & Iffde ]?ene hw^te. 'Hwfte is hgli speche,' ase Seint Anselme seij). Heo grint greot ]:>e chf flef>. pe twg cheoken 5 beo]? J)e twQ grinstgnes. pe tiinge is f)e cl^ppe. LokeJ?, leove sustren, j?et ouwer cheoken ne grinden nfver bute SQule vode, ne our earen ne hercnen n^ver bute sgule heale ; & nput gne our earen, auh ower eiefjurles tiinef) ajein idel speche, ]5§t to ou ne cume ng tale ne tij^inge of )?e worlde. lo 3^ ^^ schulen vor ngne f>inge ne warien, ne swerien, bute ^if ^e siggen witterliche, 9f>er sikerliche, gj^er o summe swiiche wise ; ne ne prf che ^e to ngne mon ; ne 119 mon ne aski ou read ne cunsail, ne ne telle ou. Readef> wiimmen gne. Seinte Pgwel vorbead wiimmen to prfchen. Mulieres 15 non perinitto docere. N^nne weopmon ne chasti ^e, ne ne ^twitej? him of his unj^eau, biite jif he beo ouer kuf>re. Hglie glde ancren muwen don hit summes weis ; auh hit nis ngut siker f>ing, ne ne limpej? ngut to J^e ^unge. Hit is hore mester f>§t beo}? over 6f>re iset, & habbej? ham to witene. 2t> Ancre nave]? to witene buten hire & hire m^idenes. Hglde fverich his gwene mester, & ngut ne reavie o))res. Moni mon wenef) to don wel J^^t he def> al to cweade : vor, ase ich f r seide, under semblaunt of gode is ofte iheled siinne ; & ]9urh swiich chastiement have]? sum ancre ar^red bitweo- 25 nen hire & hire preost 9f>er a valsinde luve, 9]?er a miiche weorre. Seneca seide : Ad summam volo vos esse rariloquos, tuncque pauciloquos. 'p§t is J)e ^nde of f>e tale,' seif> Seneke )?e wise: *ichiille \%\ je speken seide, & f>eonne buten Idtel/ Auh moni 30 piint hire word vor te leten mp iit, as me de]? water §t ter miilne cliise ; & sg diiden Jobes freond, f>§t weren icumen to vrovren him : seten stille alle seove niht. Auh f)eo heo SPEECH, 2^ h^fden alles bigunne vor to spekene, J)eonne kuf)en heo nf vere astiinten hore cl^ppe. Greg. : Censura silencii nutri- tura est verbi, S9 hit is ine monie, ase seinte Gregorie seij) : ' Silence is wordes fostrild, & bringej? for]? cheafle/ An oJ>er haJf ase he seij>, Juge silencium cogit celestia meditari, 5 Lgng silence & wel iwiist nedej? f)e f)0uhtes up touward }>er heovene ; alsQ ase je muwen iseon )?§t water, hwon me piint hit & stoppef) bivoren wel, s§ f>§t hit ne muwe aduneward, J>eonne is hit ined ajein vor to climben upward; & je al Jjisses weis piinde]? 5wer wordes, & forstoppe]? ouwer f>ouhtes, 10 ase je wiillef) f>§t heo climben & hien touward heovene, & uQut ne vallen adiineward, & tovleoten jeond te world, ase dej? miichel cheafle. Auh hwon je nede moten speken, a liite wiht lesej? up ouwer muf>es flodj^ten, ase me def> ^t ter miilne, and letej> adun sone. 15 M9 sleaj) word f)ene sweord. Mors et vita in manibus lingue. ' Lif & deaj),' sei)? Salomon, * is ine tunge hgnden.' * Hwg-se wite]? wel his muf>, he witef>/ he seif>, * his sgule.' Sicut urhs patens ^* absque murorum ambitu : sicut, &c. Greg. Qui murum silencii non habet, patet inimici, &c. : ' Hwg-se ne 20 wi}?halt his wordes,' sei]5 Salomon J>e wise, * he is ase buruh wifuten wal, f>er ase v/rd m^i in over-al.' pe veond of helle mid his f^rd went J?urh ]?e tutel f>§t is §ver open into f>e heorte. In vitas patrum hit telle]? \>%\. gn hgli mon seide, ]?eo me preisede ane of J?e bre}?ren}5^t he hffde iherd J?ft weren 25 of miiche speche : Boni utique sunt^ sed habitatio eorum non habet januam : quicunque vult intrat, Sf" asinum solvit, ' Gode,' cw§f) he, ' heo bo]? ; auh hore wunnunge navej? nQ l^t : hore mu}? ma]?ele]? ^ver ; & hwQ-se f ver wiile m^i ggn in, & If den vor]? hore asse ; ' p^t is, hore unwise sgule. Vor- 30 ]?i, seij? sein Jame : Si quis putat se religiosum esse, non refre- nans linguain suam^ sed seducens cor suum, haec vana est religio. 24 ANCREN RIWLE, P§t is ' gif f ni wenef) \%t he beo religius, & ne bridle]? ngut his tunge, his religiun is fals : he gUe]? his heorte/ He seij? swfij>e wel, * ne bridle]? ngut his tunge/ vor bridel nis ngut gne i f)e horses mu]?e, auh sit sum upo J>en eien, & sum o 5 f>en earen. Vor alle ]?reo is miiche neod \%\. heo beon ibridled ; auh i }?e mu]?e sit t^t iren, & o )?e lihte tunge ; vor J)er is mf St neod hgld hwon f)e tunge is o rune, & ivollen on to eornen. Vor ofte we f>enchef>, hwon we vof> on to spekene, vor te speken Ifltel, & wel-isette wordes; auh }?e lo tunge is sliddri, vor heo wadej> ine wete, & slit lihtliche vor]? from Itit word into monie ; & teonne, ase Salomon seif>, in multiloquio non deest peccatum, Ne m^i ngut miichel speche, ne aginne hit nf ver sg wel, beon wi}?uten sunne ; vor vrom sof) hit slit te vals ; ut of god into tivel, & from mesiire into 15 unimete; & of a drope waxe]? a miiche flod, \%t adrenchej? J?e sgule. Vor mid te fleotinde word tofleote]? }?e heorte; sg }?§t Ignge f)er-^fter ne m^i heo beon a-riht ig^dered to- g^deres. Et os nostrum tanto longius est Deo, quanto mundo proximum ; tanto minus exauditur in prece quanto amplius in- 20 quinatur in locutione. pis beoj? sein Gregories wordes, in his dialgge. Ase neih ase ure muj> is to worldliche speche, ase veor he is vrom God, hwon we speke]? touward him, & bit him f ni bone. Vor-}?i is \%\. we ^eie]? upon him ofte, & he fiirse]? him awei vrommard ure stefne : ne ntile he ngut 25 iheren hire, vor heo stincke]? to him al of ]?e worldes ma}?e- lunge, & of hire chf fle. Hwg-se wiile wilnen \%\. Godes eare beo neih hire tunge, fursie hire vrom J>e worlde, elles heo m§i Ignge jeien f r God hire ihere ; auh he seif> ]?urh Isaie : Cum extenderitis manus vestras, avertam oculos meos a vobis ; Sf 30 cum multiplicaveritis orationes, non exaudiam vos ; p^t is, * J>auh ^e makien monivgld ouwer bonen touward me, je Ipqt pleie]? mit te worlde, niiF ich ou ngut iheren; auh icchiille tiirnen me awei, hwon je hebbe}? touward me eien g]?er hgnden/ SPEECH, 2,5 "Ore deorewurjje l^fdi, seinte Marie, f»§t guh to alle wurn- men beon vorbisne, was of sg lOte speche p^t nouhware ine hgli write ne ivinde we p^t heo sp^c bute vor sif>en ; auh for f)e seldspeche hire wordes weren hevie, & h^fden miiche mihte. Hire vorme wordes p^t we rf dej? of weren Ipg heo 5 onswerede pen engle Gabriel, & }>eo weren S9 mihtie f>§t mid- t^t-J)^t heo seide, J^cce ancilla Domini ; fiat mihi secundum verbum iuum, ^t tisse worde Codes sune & so)? God bicom mon ; & J)e Lgverd, f)§t al J^e world ne miihte ngut bivon, bittinde him wif>innen J>e m^idenes wgmbe Marie. Hire 10 6f)re wordes weren f>oa heo com & grette Elizabet hire mgwe ; & hwat mihte wenest-tu was ictid ine feos wordes ? Hwat! p^t a child bigon vor to pleien tojeines ham — f>^t was sein Job an — in his moder wgmbe. pe f>ridde time \>^i heo sp^c, f>§t was ^t te neoces, & f>er, ])urh hire bone, was 15 water iw^nd to wine, pe veoi;f>e time was f>oa heo h^fde imist hire sune, & eft hine ivgnd. & hu miichel wunder voluwede ]?eos wordes ! p§t God almihti beih him to gne monne, to gne smi)?e, & to ane wiimmone, & foluwude ham, ase hore, hwiider-sg heo ^ver wolden. Nimef> nu her ^eme, 20 & leornej? jeorne her-bi hu seldcene speche have]? muche strencj)e. Vir lingosus non dirigetur in terra: ' Veole-iwordede mon,' sei]? f>e psalmwurhte, ' ne schal nf ver If den riht lif on eor)?e.' Vor-f>I he seif> elleshwar : Dixi, custodiam vias meas^ 25 ut non delinquam in lingua mea ; & is as f)auh he seide, ' Ic- chulle witen mine weies mid mine tiinge warde.' Wite ich wel mine tunge, ich m^i wel hglden J^ene wei touward heo- vene ; vor ase Isaie seif>, Cultus justicie silencium : * j?e tilpe of rihtwisnesse, Jjf t is silence/ Silence tile]? hire ; & heo itiled 3° bringef) for]? sgule eche vode. Vor heo is undeaf>lich, ase Salomon witne}? : Justicia immor talis est. Vor-f>i veiej? Isaie 26 ANCREN RIWLE. hope & silence bpj^e tog^deres; & seij? \>^\. in ham schal stgnden ggsdiche strencj>e : In silencio Sf spe erit fortitudo vesira'j }>^t is, 'ine silence & ine hope schal beon ower strencj>e/ Nimef> jeme hu wel he seij?; vor hwg-se is 5 muche sdlle, & halt l^nge silence, heo m^i hopien sikerliche J>^t hwon heo spekej? touward Gode, J^^t he hire wiile iheren. Heo m§i ec hopien J^^t heo schal ec singen J?urh hire scilence sweteliche ine heovene. pis is nu f>e reisun of f>e veiunge, hwi Isaie veiej) hope & silence, & kuplej? bgj^e tog^deres. lo Teke-f)^t he seif) i J)en ilke autorite, f)^t ine silence & ine hope schal beon ure strenc]?e ine Godes servise a^ein J?es deofles turnes & his fgndunges. Auh loke]? J>urh hwat reisQn. Hope is a swete spice wi]?inne \>^i heorte, f)§t spetef) iit al ]>q bitter ))^t t^t bodi drinkej?. Auh hwg-se cheouwe]? spices, heo 15 schal tiinen hire miij^ f>^t te sw5te brf J? & te strenc]?e ]:>er-of astunte wif)innen : auh J>eo f)§t openej) hire muf) mid miiche maf>elunge, & brekej? silence, heo spet hope al ut, & te swot- nesse ]?er-of, mid worldllche wordes ; & heo leosef) ajein f>e veond gQstllche strencj^e. Vor hwat makej> us strgng vor te 20 drien derf ine Godes servise, & ine vgndunges to wrastlen stalewardliche ajein f)es deofles swenges ? Hwat, bute hope of heih mede ? Hope halt ]?e heorte ihgl, hwat-se j^^t vl^schs drie 9j>er ]?olie; ase me seif), jif hope nere, heorte tobreke. A, Jesu, J^in gre 1 Hu stont ham f)§t beo]? J>ere ase alle W9 25 & weane is, wif>uten hope of utcume, & heorte ne m^i ber- sten? Vor-]?!, ase je wiillef) hglden wi}>innen ou hope, & f>ene sw5te brf]? of hire ]>^i jivef) ]?e sgule mihte, mid mu]? itiined cheouwe]? hire wif)innen ouwer heorte : ne blgwe ^e hire ngut ut mid maf)elinde muj>e, ne mid jeoniinde tiiteles. 30 Non haheatis linguam vel aures prurientes ; ' Lokef>,^ sei J> sein Jerome, * f>§t ^e nabben jicchinde nguj^er tunge ne earen ' ; p^t is to siggen, J^^t ou ne luste nguj^er speken ne iheren worldllche speche. Hider-to is iseid of ouwer silence, & hu ANGER. 27 our speche schal beon seldcene. Contrariorum eadem est disciplina : of silence & of speche nis bute a \gvo ; & for-f>i ine writunge heo eorneJ> hglpe tog^deres. ANGER. Mine leove siistren, alsg ase je wel wite]? our wittes wif>- uten, alsQ over alle f'lng lokej? J^^t je beon softe wif)innen, & 5 milde, Sc fdmode, swete, & swote-iheorted, & J?olemode a^ein word, ^if me seij? on ou mis, ant were p^t me misdej? ou, l^ste je al vorleosen. A^ein bittre ancren David seij? f)is vers, Similis f actus sum pellicano solitudims, &c. ^ Ich am ase pellican,' he seif), * J)§t wunief) bl him gne.' Pellican is a 10 leane fuwel, sq weamod & sq wrff>ful f)^t hit sleaj? ofte vor grome his 9wune briddes, hwon heo teonef) him, ant J)eonne sone J)er-f fter hit bicumej) swiij^e sgri, & make)? swtlf)e miiche mgne, & smit him sulven mid his bile f)^t hit slouh fr his briddes mide, & drauhj> ut blod of his breoste, & mit t^t blod 15 acwikef) eft his isleine briddes. pis pellican is f>e weamode ancre. Hire briddes ]>^t beoj? hire gode werkes, f)§t heo sleaj) ofte mid bile of schearpe wr^J^j^e. Auh hwon heo sq have]? idon, do ase dej? f>e pellican: of]?unche hit swtij^e sone, & mid hire gwune bile bekie hire breoste ; f)§t is, mid 20 scbrifte of hire miij)e J^^t heo siinegede mide & slouh hire gode werkes, drawe ]>^i blod of siinne ut of hire breoste, f>^t is, of }>e heorte, ]?§t sgule iTf is inne, & S9 schulen eft a- cwikien hire isleiene briddes, J^^t beo]? hire werkes. Blod bitgcne}? siinne ; vor alsQ bledinde mon is grlslich & atelich 25 ine monnes eihsihj^e, alsQ is f>e siinfule bivore Godes eien. An of)er half, ng mon ne m§i jiiggen blod wel ^r hit beo cgld; alsg is of siinne. peo hwiile J^^t te heorte walle]? wij?innen of wr^J^J^e, nis J^er n9 riht dom, ne 119 riht giige- 0,8 ANCREN RIWLE. ment ; gj^er J)eo hwiile \%l te lust is hgt toward f ni sunne, ne miht-tu ngut f>eo hwiile demen wel hwat hit is, ne hwat ]5er wiile cumen of; auh let lust overggn, & hit te wiile liken. Let f>§t hgte acolen, ase dej? J^e \%i wiile jiiggen blod, & \Vi 5 schalt demen al riht f>e siinfule & te siinne Igdlich & fiil, \%\. te J?uhte v^ir; & sg miichel iivel cumen j?er-of \%\ jif }?u hit h^fdest idon f>eo hwiile f>ft te hf te ilf ste, \%\. tu schalt demen J>i siilven wod, \^ f>ii ]5er-touward f)Ouhtest. pis is of ^verich siinne soj). lo Inpedit ira animam ne possit cernere verum. ' Wr^J^J^e,' hit seij?, * J?e-hwfile-f>^t hit ilf st, abl^ndef) sg f>e heorte p^t heo ne m§i sof) ikngwen. Maga quedam est transformans naturam humanam. Wr§]?]?e is a vorschiippild, ase me telle]? ine spelles : vor heo bireavej? & binimef) mon his rihte wit, & 15 chaungej? al his chere, & forschiippej? him vrom mon into bf stes cflnde. Wiimmon wrg]? is wiilvene : & mon wrgj> is wulf, 9f)er leun, 9f>er iinicorne. pe hwiile }>§t fver wr^]?))e is ine wiimmone heorte, J»auh heo versalie, & sigge hire lires, & hire paternostres, & hire avez, al ne dej? heo bQte f>eoteJ? : 30 heo navej> biite, ase }?eo })§t is iw^nd te wiilvene i Godes eien, wiilvene stefne in his swete earen. Ira furor brevis est: wr§]?]?e is a wodschipe. Wrgj? mon nis he wod ? Hu lokef) he, hii spekej? he, hii varej? his heorte wif)innen him? Hwiiche beo]? wij?iiten alle his lates ? He ne icngwe)? n^nne 25 mon. Hii is he mon j^eonne ? Est enim homo animal man- suetum natura. Mon is kiindeliche mllde; auh sg sone sg he his mildheortnesse vorleosef), he vorleose]? monnes kiinde, and wr§f)]?e, f)e vorschiippild, vorschiippej? him into bfstes kiinde, ase ich f r seide. And hwat jif f ni ancre, Jesu Cristes 30 spiise, is forschiipped to wiilvene — nis \>^t miiche seoruwe .? Nis ]5er J^eonne biite vorworpen sone f>f t riiwe vel abiite ]?e heorte, & mid softe seihtnesse makien hire sme]?e & softe, ase ANGER. 29 is cfindeliche wiimmone htide. Vor mid te wiilvene velle 119 f>ing p^t heo dej? nis Gode licwurj?e ne icweme. Lo her ajeines wr^]:>]?e monie kiinnes remedies, & frovren a miiche vloc, & misliche boten. Jif me misseij) Ipe, ]?enc Ip^t tu §rt eorj^e ; ne todrauh}? me Ipe eor]?e ? ne totret me 5 f>e eorf>e ? ne bispet me J>e eovpe ? pauh me diide sg bi J?e, rae diide f>e eor]?e rihte. ^if pu berkest ajein J?u §rt hundes ktindes; ant ^if J)U stmgest a jean mid attri wordes, pn ^rt n^ddre kOndel, & ngut Cristes spuse. penc, diide he sg? Qui tanquam ovis ductus est ad occisionem^ ^' non aperuit os \o suum, 5fter 3.11e pe schendfule pinen ^p^t he Jjolede o J?e Ignge vriniht, me l§dde him a-morwen vor te hgngen o wari- treo, & driven puruh his four limes Irene n^iles ; ant ^ nan mgre f>en a schep/ ase J?e hgli writ seij>, ^ ne cw^J> he nf ver a word/ 15 pench jet an o)?er half, hwat is word biite wind? To wqc heo is istrenc]?ed J^^t a windes puf of a word m§i avellen, & aworpen into siinne ; & hwQ niile )?iinchen j^eonne wunder of an ancre f>^t a windes puf of a word avellejp ? get, an oj^er half, ne scheawej? heo J^^t heo is dust, & unstable f'lng, f>^t 20 mid a Ititel wind of a word is an-gn toblowen & tobollen ? pe ilke puf of his mu}?, jif pxi hit wurpe under J^Ine vet, hit schulde beren J^e upward toward pe blisse of heovene. Auh nu is miiche wunder of ure miichele unm^f>schipe. Under- stgndej? {jis word. Seint Andreu miihte if>olien p^t te h^rde 25 rode h^f him touward heovene, ant luveliche bicliipte hire. Seint Lgrens alsg ij^olede f>§t te gredil h^f him upwardes mid berninde gleden. Seinte Stefne if^olede J^e stgnes p^t me stf nede him mide, & underveng ham glfdlTche mid hommen ivglden, f)^t is, cneolinde ; & we ne muwe nout i}?olien f)§t 30 te wind of a word here us touward heovene, auh beoj? wode ajeines ham p^i we schulden poncken, ase f)eo ilke p^t 30 ANCREN RIWLE, . serve)? us of miiche servise, f)auh hit beo hore unj^onkes. Impius vivit pio, velit nolit wipius. Al f)§t J^e unwrf ste & te . iivele de]? for iivele, al is ]5e gode to gode, & al is to his biheve, & timbrunge touward his blisse. Let hine iwur)?en, 5 & t^t gl^dllche : breiden ]:>e ana criine. penc hu j^e gode hgli mon, in vitas pair um, custe & blescede j^e unwr^ste h9nd \%\. h^fde ihfrmed him, & seide 59 inwardliche ciissinde hire jeorne *Iblesced beo fver ]:>eos hgnd, vor heo have]? itim- bred me f)e bliscen of heovene ; ' & tu sigge alsg bi ]?e hgnd 10 J)^t misdef) )?e, & bi J^e muj? alsg \%\. gut misseij) f>e, 'Iblesced beo \\ muf>/ )5U seie, ' vor ]?u makest me lome J?er-of to tim- bren & to echen me mine crune. Wei is me vor mine gode, & \v9 is me f>auh for J>in iivel ; vor f)u dest me god, & h^r- mest f>i siilf/ gif ^i mon 9f>er f i wiimmon misseij? 9]?er mis- 15 dej? ou, mine leove siistren, S9 je schulen siggen. Auh nuis miiche wunder, ^if we wel bihgldef) hu Codes halewen fjoleden wunden in hore bodie, & we beo]? wode jif a wind blgwe)? a liitel touward us, & te like wind ne wunde)? ngut bute f)e eare gne. Vor nguj^er ne m§i f)e wind, \^\. is \%\, 20 word, ne wiinden ]?e i ]?ine vlf sche, ne flilen J)ine sgule, J>auh hit puffe on f)e, bUte jif \\ siilf hit makie. Bernardus : Quid irritaris ? quid inflammaris ad verbi Jlatum, qui nee carnem vulnerat, nee inquinat mentem, Wel J)ii m^iht understgnden ]?§t ter was liitel fUr of ch^rite J?§t leitej) al of ure Lgverdes 25 luve. Liitel fiir was ter ]?er-of, )?§t a puf acweinte. Vor f)er ase miichel fiir is, kiindeliche hit waxej? mid winde. Ajein missawe gj^er misdede, lo, her-anont remedie & salve. Alle cunne}? wel J?eos asaumple. A mon \%X. leie ine prisiine, & guhte miiche raunsiin, & o ngne wise ne schulde ne 30 ne miihte iit, bute ^if hit were vor te hgngen, f r he h^fde al his raunsiin fulliche ipaied, — nolde he cunnen god f)onc ane monne \%\. wurpe upon him a bigiirdel full of ponewes vor te ANGER, 31 acvviten & areimen him mide, & alesen him ut of pine, })auh he wurpe hit ful h^rde ajein his heorte ? Al f>§t hiirt & al ]5§t sgre were vorjiten & forgiven vor gl^dnesse. Al riht o fisse wise we beof> alle ine prisune her, & gwen God greate dettes of sunnen ; & for-f)i we jeie]? to him i }>e paternoster, 5 dimitte nobis debita nostra: 'Lgverd/ we siggef>, ^forjif us ure dettes, alsQ ase we vorjivej? to ure detturs.' Wouh \^\. me misdej) us, 9j?er of word 9f)er of were, \%\, is ure raunsun J>§t we schulen areimen us mide, & acwiten ure dettes tou- ward ure Lgverd, f>^t beo}? ure sunnen ; vor wij^ute cwitaunce to up of his prisune nis ngn inumen, J>§t he ne bi]^ anhgnged, 9j)er ine purgatorie, 9]?er 1 f)e pine of helle. Ant ure Lgverd siilf seif>, Dimitie, ^' dimittetur vobis : ' forjif, & ichiille forgive f>e/ & is as f>auh he seide, 'f)U ^rt andetted touward me swilf>e mid sunnen; auh wiiltu god foreward, al J>§t §ver fni 15 mon misseij? f>e 9f>er misde]? ]5e, ichiille nimen hit onward ]5e dette \%\. tu gwest me/ Nu f)eonne, ]?auh a word ciille j5e ful h^rde upo f>Ine heorte, & te f)unchef> a-vormest \%\, hit hiirtef) ))ine heorte, j^enc ase f>e prisun wolde )?^t were ihiirt sgre mit te bigiirdle, & undervgng hit gl^dliche vor te acwiten 20 f>e mide, & ]?onke him \%\. hit sende f>e, f>auh God ne kunne him nfver f)onc of his sgnde. He h^rmef> him- siilf & freomej? f>e, ^if ]?u const hit understgnden. Vor, ase David seij? swtlf>e wel mid alle, ' God de)? in his tresgr ]?eo unwr^ste & te iivele vor te hiiren mid ham, ase me dej? mid garsume f>eo 25 ]5§t wel vihte]:). Eft, an o}?er halve, f»e pellican is a fuel \%\. havef) an o]?er cilnde ; J^^t is, f>^t hit is ^ver leane. Vor-J>i ase ich f r seide, David efnede him f>er-to in ancre persone, & ine ancre stefne : Similis f actus sum pellicano solitudinis. * Ich am a pellican iliche, f»^t wunej? bi him gne ; ' & ancre guh j^us^so to siggen, & beon iliche J^e pellican anont f>§t hit is leane. Judit clausa in cubiculo jejunabat omnibus diebus vite sue, &c. liidit bitiind inne, ase hit tellef) in hire boc, ledde swiif>e h^rd 32 ANCREN RIWLE, lif, v^ste, & werede heare. ludit bitiind inne bitgcnej) ancr bitiind, f>§t guhte If den h^rd lif, ase diide f>e l^fdi ludit, gfte hire efne, & ngut ase swin ipiind ine sti vor te v^tten & fo te greaten ajein f>e ciil of f>er eax. LOVE. 5 Seinte Pgwel witnej) J^^t alle uttre h^rdschipes, & all vlgsshes pinunge, & alle licomes swinckes, al is ase ngu a^ean luve, J)^t schirej? & brihtej? J?e heorte. Exercitati corporis ad modicum valet ; pietas autem valet ad omnia : f)§t is * Licomliche bisischipe is to liitel wur]? ; auh swote & schi? lo heorte is god to alle jjinges/ Si tradidero corpus meum iti ut ardeam : si Unguis hominum loquar et angelorum ; et si dis trihuero omnes facultates meas in cihos pauperum^ caritate% autem non habeam, nichil mihi prodest, *pauh ich ku]?e,' hi^ seif>, ' alle monne l^dene & englene ; and f)auh ich diide r 15 mine bodie alle \^ pinen & alle f)e passiuns \%i bodi miihtt fiolien ; and J)auh ich ^eve p^vre men al \%\. ich h^fde ; bu jif ich h^fde luve per-mide to God & to alle men, in him §t wg & al \^\. h^rdschipe f>^t we fjolie]? of flf sche, 20 & al J?e god f)§t we f ver doj), alle swiiche f>inges ne beo]i buten ase lomen vor te tilien mide f)e heorte. gif eax n(| kurve, ne J^e spade ne dulve, ne |?e suluh ne erede, hw^l kepte ham vor te hglden?' Alsg ase ng mon ne luvej: lomen vor ham siilven, auh dej> for ]?e ]?inges f)§t me wiirche} 25 mid ham, riht alsg ng vl^sshes derf nis for te luvien bute vor-)?i-f>^t God J^e raj^er loke f)iderward mid his grace, and makie f>e heorte schir & of brihte sihj^e, f>§t ngn ne m^ habben mid monglunge of un]?eauwes, ne mid eorf>lich luve of worldliche f>inges ; vor J^is m9ng wore]? sq )?e eien of f>e LOVE, 33 heorte f>^t heo ne m^i ikngwen God, ne glfdien of his sihj^e. ' Schir heorte/ ase Seint Bernard seif>, * makej? twg j^inges : })^t tu, al f)§t ]3U dest, do hit gj^er vor luve gne of God, gj^er vor oj^res god, & for his biheve/ Have, in al \^\ tu dest, gn of ]5eos twg ententes, gj^er bg tog^deres : vor f>e latere valle]? into f>e 5 vorme. Have ever schir heorte f>us, & do al f>§t tu wtilt ; have wori heorte, & al f>e sit iivele. Omnia munda mundis, coinquinatis vero nichil est mundum ; Apostolus. St. Augus- tinus : Habe karitatem et fac quicquid vis : voluntaie^ videlicet, rationis. Vor-]?! mine leove siistren, over alle f>Ingbeo]5 bisie vor lo te habben schir heorte. Hwat is schir heorte ? Ich hit habbe iseid f r : Jj^t is, ]>^i je ng f>Ing ne wilnen, ne ne luvien bute God gne, and f>eo ilke finges, vor God, \>%\, helpe]? ou tou- ward him. Vor God, ich sigge, luvien ham, & ngut for ham siilven — ase mete, & clg]?, and mon gj)er wiimmon f>^t je 15 beo)5 of igoded. Vor, ase Seint Austin seij>, & spekej? f>us to ure Lgverd, Minus te amat qui preter te aliquid amat quod non propter te amat : \%\. is, ' Lgverd, If sse heo luviej? j^e \%\. luvie]? gut bute t>e, bute ^if heo luvien hit for J?e.' Schirnesse of heorte is Godes luve gne. I J?isse is al }>e strencf>e of 20 alle religiiins, and f>e , Seinte Pgwel. Quic- quid precipitur in sola caritate solidatur. ^ Alle Godes hasten,* ase Seint Gregorie sei]?, 'beo]? ine luve iroted.' Luve gne schal beon ileid ine Seinte Miheles weie. peo Ip^t mfst 25 luvie]?, f>eo schullen beon mfst iblisced, ngut f>eo p^t If dej? hardest lif ; vor luve overweij? hit. Luve is heovene stiward vor hire muchele vreoschipe, vor heo ne §thalt ng ]?ing, auh heo jive]? al Ip^t heo have]?, & ec hire siilven : elles God ne kepte ngut of al ]?§t hire were. 3o God havej) ofggn ure luve on alle ktinne wisen. He have)? muchel idon us, & mgre bihgten. Miichel jeove of- D 34 ANCREN RIWLE, drawej? luve ; me mtichel 5§f he us : al fjene world he %%i us in Adam ure v^der ; and al f)^t is i J?e worlde he w^rp under ure vet — bastes & fueles, ear we weren vorgiilte. Omnia subjecisti sub pedihus ejus, oves et boves universas, insuper et t^pecora campi, volucres celt et pise es maris, &c. And jet al f>§t is, ase is ]?er-uppe iseid, serve}? J>e gode, to J)e sgule biheve ; jete ]?e iivele serve]? eor]?e, seea, & sunne. get he diide mgre : he j^f us ngut gne of his, auh diide al him siilven. Sg heih jeove n^s nf ver ijiven to sg Iguwe wrecches. Apos- lo tolus : Christus dilexit ecclesiam et dedit semeiipsum pro ea : Seinte Pgwel seij>, ' Crist luvede sq his leofmon Ip^t he j^f for hire J>e pris of him siilven/ Nimef> gode jeme, mine leove siistren, vor-hwi me guh him to luvien. ^rest, ase a mon f>§t w6wef> — ase a king p^t luvede gne l^fdi of feorrene 15 Ignde, and smde hire his sgndesmen bivoren, ]>^t weren ]?e patriarkes & ]?e prophetes of f>e Qlde Testament, mid lettres isealed. A-last he com him siilven, and brouhte J?§t gospel ase lettres iopened, and wrgt mid his gwune blode saliiz to his leofmon of luve-gretunge, vor te wo wen hire mide, & for te 20 welden hire luve. Her-to vallej? a tale, and gn iwrien vorbisne. A l^fdi was \)^t was mid hire voan biset al abiiten, and hire Ignd al destriied, & heo al pgvre, wif>innen gne eor}?ene castle. Qn mihti kinges luve was f>auh bitiirnd upon hire, 89 unimete swii]?e f»§t he vor wouhlecchunge sihde hire his 25 sgnden, gn §fter o]?er, and ofte somed monie; & sing, ]>^t was sg h^rd-iheorted f>§t hire luve ne miihte he nfver beon j^e neorre. Hwat wult-tu mgre? 30 He com him siilf a-last, and scheawede hire his f^ire neb, ase f>e Ip^t was of alle men v^irest for to bihglden, and sp^c swtij^e sweteliche, & sg miirie wordes p^t heo miihten J^e LOVE, 35 deade arearen vrom dea]?e to live. And wrouhte veole wundres, and diide veole meistries bivoren hire eihsih)?e ; & scheawede hire his mihten ; tglde hire of his kiyfedome ; and bead for to makien hire cwene of al f>§t he guhte. Al ]3is ne h^lp nQut. N^s \\% wunderlich hoker ? Vor heo n^s n^ver 5 \vurf>e vor te beon his schelchine. Auh sg, J^uruh his debo- nerte, luve h^fde overkumen hine f>§t he seide on ^nde: ^Dame, j?u ^rt iweorred, & J^ine vgn beo)? sg strgnge ]?§t tu ne m§iht ngnes-weis wif>uten sukurs of me ^tfleon hore hgnden, \%\. heo ne don J>e to scheomefule dea]?e. Ichchiille 10 vor f)e luve of J)e nimen f)is fiht upon me, and aredden ]?e of ham J5^t seche]? ]?ine dea)?. Ich wgt ]:>auh for s^o)?e f)^t ich schal bitweonen ham undervgngen deaj?es wunde; and ich hit wuUe heortelTche vor to ofggn J^ine heorte. Nu, f>eonne, biseche ich f>e, vor f>e luve \%\. ich kii))e )?e, \%X. tu luvie me, 1 5 hure & hure, §fter f)en ilke dea))e dead, hwon f)u noldes lives/ pes king diide al f>us : aredde hire of alle hire vgn, and was himsulf to wundre ituked, and isleien on (fnde. puruh miracle, }?auh, he args from deaj?e to live. Nere )?eos ilke l^fdi of uvele kunnes kfinde, jif heo over alle f>ing ne 20 luve him her-§fter ? pes king is lesu Crist, Codes sune, \%\. al o J^isse wise wowude ure sgule, \%\. f>e deoflen h^veden biset. And he, ase ngble woware, §fter monie messagers, & feole goddeden, com vor to preoven his luve, and scheauwede J^uruh knihtschipe 25 J>§t he was luvewurf>e ; ase weren sumewhiile knihtes iwuned for to donne. He diide him ine turnement, & h^fde vor his leofmonnes luve his scheld ine vihte,ase kene kniht, on f veriche half if>iirled. pis scheld J>§t wreih his Codhed was his leove licome \%X was ispr§d o rode, brgd ase scheld buven in his 30 istreihte earmes, and n^ruh bineoj^en, ase J^e gn vot, ^fter-}?^t me wenef), sete upon }?e of>er vote, p^t f>is scheld navej? ngne D 2 36 ANCREN RIWLE. siden is for to bitgcnen \^\. his deciples, )^§t schulden stgnden bi him, and ibeon his sTden, vluwen alle vrom him, & bilefden him ase vreomede ; ase f>e gospel seij?, Relic to eo, omnes/uge- runt, pis scheld is i jiven us ajean alle temptaciuns, ase Jeremie 5 witne]^ : Dabi's scutum cordis , lahorem tuuvi ; & Psalmista : Scuto bone voluntatis tue coronasti nos, pis scheld ne schilt us ngut gne vrom alle uveles, auh de)> jet mgre : hit krune]? us in heovene. Scuto bone voluntatis tue, ' Lgverd,' he sei]?, Davif>, ' mid f)e schelde of ]?ine gode wille ]?u havest ikruned us/ 10 Scheld he sei]? of gode wille, vor willes he ]?olede al ]?^t he ]:)olede. Ysaias : Oblatus est quia voluit. Me, Lgverd, J?u seist, hwar-to ? Ne miihte he mid If sse gref habben ared us ? 5f siker, ful lihtllche ; auh he nolde. Hware-vore ? Vor te binimen us fverich bitellunge ajean him of ure luve, f>^t he 15 S9 deore bouhte. Me bii}? lihtllche a )5ing \%\. me luve]? Ititel. He bouhte us mid his heorte blode — deorre prls n^s nf ver — vor te ofdrawen of us ure luve touward him, J^^t kost- nede him sq deore. Ine schelde beof> ]?reo }?inges, J^^t treo, and \%i lej^er, & ]?e peintunge. Al sq was i )?isse schelde — 20 f>^t treo of f>e rode, & \^ lej>er of Godes licome, and f>e peintunge of ]?e reade blode \%l heowede hire sq v^ire. Eft, )?e J?ridde reisun. \{X.^x kene knihtes dea]?e me hgnge]? heie ine chirche his scheld on his munegunge. Al sg is J?is scheld, J^^t is, \%\, crticifix, iset ine chirche, ine swiiche stiide 25 )5^t me hit sonest iseo, vor to f)enchen J^er-bi o Jesu Cristes knihtschipe f)^t he diide o rode. His leofmon bihglde ]?er- on hwu he bouhte hire luve, and lette f)urlen his scheld : \^\. is, lette openen his side vor te scheawen hire his heorte, and for to scheawen hire openliche hwu inwardliche he luvede 30 hire, and for lo ofdrawen hire heorte. Vour heavedluven me ivint 1 J^isse world e : bitweonen gode iveren f>e vormeste is ; bitweonen mon & wummon f>e LOVE, 37 o)?er is ; bitweonen wif & hire child f>e f)ridde is ; bitweonen licome & sgule. peo luve ]:»§t Jesu Crist havej? to his deore leofmon overgf]? ham alle voure, & passef> ham alle. Ne telle}? me him god feolawe f»§t lei]? his wed ine Giwerie vor to acwiten ut his fere ? God Almihti leide him-siilf vor us 5 ine Giwerie, and diide his deorewur]?e bodi vor to acwiten ut his leofmon of Giwene hgnden. Nfver vere swiich for]?ede ne diide vor gwune vere. Muchel luve is ofte bitweonen mon & wiimmon. Auh ]?auh heo were iwedded him, heo miihte iwurf)en sg unwrf st, f)^t, tauh heo wolde kumen ajean, 10 he ne kepte hire ngut. And for-f>i Crist luvej? mgre : vor he sei]? al d^i, * pu p^t havest 59 unwrf stelTche idon, bitlirn J)e, and cum ajean ; wilkume schaltu beon me/ Imvio^ et oc- currit prodigo venienti, get he eornef>, hit sei)?, ajean hire ^eankume, and worpej? earmes an-gn abuten hire sweore. 15 Hwat is mgre milce ? Nu of f>e f>ridde luve. Child f>§t h§vede swiich iivel f>§t him bihovede b^J? of blode f r hit were ihf led, miichel luvede f>e moder hit \%\. wolde him ]?is b§]? makien. pis diide Qre Lgverd us, \%\. weren s§ sike of siinne, & sg isuled f)er-mide, \%l ng f>ing ne miihte hflen us ne 20 clensen us bute his blod gne ; vor sg he hit wolde ; his luve makede us b^f> f)er-of ; iblesced beo he f vere ! He luve]? us mgre }?en ^ni moder de]? hire child. He hit seij) him-siilf ]?uruh Isaie : Nunquid potest mater ohlivisci filii uteri sui ? ' M^i moder vorjiten hire child 1,' he sei]?, ' and tauh heo do, 25 ich ne m§i vorjiten n^ver : ' and seij? ]?e reisQn §fter, hware- vore : In manibus meis descripsi te, * Ich habbe,' he sei]?, * depeint ]?e i mine hgnden/ S9 he diide mid reade blode upo }?e rode. Mon kniit his giirdel vor te habben ]?ouht of gne ]?Tnge ; auh iire Lgverd, vor he nolde nf ver vorjiten us, 30 he diide merke of ]?iirlunge ine bgtwQ his hgnden. Nu of ]?e veor]?e luve. pe sgule luve]? ]?§t bodi swii]?e mid alle ; & ]?§t is e}?cene i ]?e twinnunge ; vor leove vreond beo]? sgrie hwon 38 ANCREN RIWLE, heo schulen twinnen. Auh ure Lgverd willeliche totwea- mede his sgule vrom his bodie vor to veien ure b9j>e tog?- deres, world a buten e cleane sgule, passe]? alle, & overkume]? f)e vour mgste luven f)§t me ivint on eorJ>e. Mid al j^isse luve jet he wowej? hire o J>isse wise. ' pi luve,' he sei}), ure Lgverd, ' gj^er heo is for to ^iven allunge, 9f>er heo is for to sullen, 9]:>er heo is for to reaven & 10 to nimen mid strencj^e. 3^^ ^^^ ^^ ^"^^ ^^ Siven, hwar m^iht-tu biteon hire betere f)en upon me? Nam ich f>inge v^irest? Nam ich kinge richest? Nam ich heixst ikiinned? Nam ich weore wisest? Nam ich monne h^'ndest? Nam ich monne vreoest ? Vor sq me sei]? bi large monne, \%\. he ne 15 con ngut ^thglden — J>^t he have]? f>e hgnden, ase mine beo]?, ifjurled. Nam ich aire f>inge swotest & swetest? pus, alle J^e reisuns hwui me guh for to jiven luve ]5U m§iht ivinden in me ; nomeliche, ^if ]?u Invest chaste cl^nnesse ; vor ngn ne m§i luvien me bute heo hglde hire, '^i \\ luve nis ngut for 20 to ^iven, auh wiilt allegate f>§t me biigge hire ; do, seie hwui : gf>er mid 6]?er luve gj^er mid sumhwat elles ? Me siille]? wel luve vor luve ; and sg me guh for to sullen luve, & for ngne J)inge elles. gif \m luve is sg to sullen, ich habbe ibouht hire mid luve over alle o^x(t. Vor of f>e vour mf ste luven 25 ich habbe ikiid toward J^e J^e mf ste of ham alle. And ^if ]5U seist \%i tu niilt ngut leten f>er-on sg liht cheap, auh wultu ^et mgre; nem hwat hit schule beon: sete feor o f>ine luve. pQ ne schalt siggen sg miichel f)§t ich niille jiven J^e, vor f)ine luve, miichele mgre. Wiiltu kastles and kinedomes? 30 Wiiltu welden al J^ene world ? Ichchiille don J>e betere : ich- chlille makien J?e, mid al ]?is, cwene of heovene. pu schalt beon seovenvgld brihtre f>en ]?e sunne; ngn iivel ne schal LOVE, 39 h^rmen ]?e ; 119 j?ing ne schal sweamen ]?e ; 119 wiinne ne schal wonten f>e ; al f>i wille schal beon iwrouht in heovene & in eorj^e; jf, and ^et ine helle. Ne schal nfver heorte f>enchen swiich seluhf>e, f>^t ich niille jiven vor ]?ine luve unimeteliche and un/ndeliche m9re : al Kresules weole ; 5 and Absalones schene wlite, f^t ase ofte ase me evesede him, me S9lde his evesunge — J^eo her f>^t me k^rf of — vor tw9 hundred sides of seolvre ; Asaeles swiftschipe, \%X str9f wif> heortes overurn; Samsones strenc]:'e, \%\. slouh a f>usund of his f9n al §t 9ne time, & 9ne, bute vere ; Cesares vreoschipe ; 10 Alisaundres hereword; Moiseses heale. Nolde a mon, vor 9n of J^eos, ^iven al f>§t he 9uhte? And alle f)eos J^inges somed, ajean mine bode, ne beo]? n9ut wur]? a nelde. And, ^if J5u ^rt S9 swtif)e 9nwil, «fe S9 Qt of }?ine witte J?§t tii, f)uruh n9ut to vorleosen, vorsakest swiich bijeate mid alle kiinnes 15 seluhjje, lo ! ich h^lde her hetel sweord over f>in heaved, vor to dealen lif & S9ule, and to bisenchen b9tw9 into J?e fiir of helle. Onswere nu, & were f)e, ^if f)u konst, a^ean me, 9f)er ^ftte me J?ine luve \%\. ich jirne 59 swti)?e, n9ut for mine, auh for f>in 9wune muchele biheve. 20 Lo ! f)us ure L9verd wowe}). Nis heo to hgrd-iheorted f>^t a swiich woware ne m§i tiirnen hire luve to him? and nomeliche jif heo }>enche]5 }?eos }>reo f)inges: hwat he is; and hwat heo is ; & hwu miichel is f>e luve of S9 heih ase he is touward S9 l9uh ase heo is. Vor-]?i sei]? f>e psalmwiiruhte : 25 Non est qui se ahscondat a calore ejus. Nis n9n f>?t muwe ^tlutien \%l heo ne mot him luvien. pe sof)e sunne i ]?e un- derntid was for-f)i istlen on heih o f>e heie rode vor to sprf den over al h9te luvegleames ; )?us neodful he was, & is vort tisse d^ie, to ontmden his luve in his leoves heorte, and 3° seij) i )5e gospelle : Ignem veni mitiere in terram^ et quid volo nisi ut ardeat ? ' Ich com/ he seij?, * vor to bringen fiir into 40 ANCREN RIWLE, eorJ)e, f>ft is, berninde luve into eorf>liche heorten, & hwat jirne ich elles bute f)§t hit blasie ? Wl§ch luve is him \q]>, ase he seij> J>uruh Sein Johan i ]?e Apocalipse : UHnam frigi- dus esses aut calidus ; sed quia iepidus es^ incipiam ie evomere 5 de ore meo, * Ich wolde/ he sei}> to his leofmon, ' ]?§t tu were i mine luve gfjcr allunge cgld, 9f>er hgt mid alle ; auh for-]?i-f>§t tu §rt ase wl^ch bitweonen twg, nguj^er cgld ne hgt, f>u makest me vor to wlatien; and ichchiille speouwen f>e ut, bute ^if }?u iwur]?e hattre/ lo Nu je habbej? iherd, mine leove siistren, hu, & for hwT, God is swtijje t5 luvien. And, for to onter-to, mid f>e pgvre wiimmon of Sarepte f)e buruh, f>§t spele]? ont^ndunge : En, inquid, colligo duo ligna, * Lgverd,' cw§f> heo to Elie, f)e hglie prophete, ' lo ! ich g$- ^5 dere twg treon/ peos twg treon bitgcne]? ]>^t g treou f>§t stod upriht, and t^t o}>er ek f>^t code )?wert-over of ]?e deore rode. Of .}?eos twg treon je schulen ont^nden fiir of luve wif)innen ower heorte. Biseo]? ofte touward ham. penchej? ^if je ne gwen eaf)e to luvien f)ene king of blisse f)f t tospret 20 sg touward ou his §rmes, and buh)?, ase vor to beoden cos, adiineward his heaved. Sikerliche ich sigge hit, f»§t ^if f>e s6f)e Elie, f)§t is, God Almihti, ivint ou f)eos twg treon bisi- liche g^derinde, he wule gistnen mid ou, and monivglden in ou his deorewurf>e grace, ase Elie dude }?e pgvre wiimmone 25 livenej>, and gistnede mid hire ]5^t he ivgnd f>e twg treon g^derinde i Sarepte. THE NUNS ARE TO KEEP NO BEAST BUT A CAT. ge, mine leove siistren, ne schulen habben ng bf st, bute kat gne. Ancre f)§t have]? fihte fiinchef) bet husewif, ase Marthe was, pen ancre ; ne ngne-weis ne m^i heo beon Marie THE NUNS ARE TO KEEP NO BEAST BUT A CAT. 4I mid grif>fulnesse of heorte. Vor f>eonne mot heo f)enchen of f>e kues foddre, and of heordemonne huire, oluhnen Jjene heiward, warien hwon me piint hire, & jelden, J)auh, f>e h§rmes. Wat Crist, j^is is Igdlich ]?mg hwon me makef) mgne in tune of ancre f ihte. pauh, jif ^ni mot nede habben 5 ku, loke \%\. heo ngne monne ne eilie, ne ne h^rmie ; ne ]?§t hire J^ouht ne beo ngut J?er-on iv^stned. Ancre ne guh ngut to habben ng J^ing \^i drawe utward hire heorte. Ngne ch^ffare ne drive ^e. Ancre f>^t is cheapild, heo cheape]? hire sgule f>e chepmon of helle. Ne wite ^e ngut in oure 10 huse of of)er monnes f>inges, ne f ihte, ne clgj^es ; ne ngut ne undervo je f>e chirche vestimenz, ne J?ene caliz, bute jif strencf)e hit makie, g]?er miichel eie • vor of swiiche witunge is ikumen miichel tivel ofte-si)?en. NOTES. rThe Ancren Riwle, * Rule of Nuns,' consists of rules of life and con- duct addressed to three nuns, sisters, by a learned ecclesiastic. It appears to be an original English composition, not a translation from French or Latin. 19. 2. schulen, 'have to go,' the verb of motion being omitted, as it frequently is after shall, will, must. Cp. 1. 3. hwon %e alles 7?idten vorp. 6. p§t he gull to siggen, herenep his wordes. * Listen to his words, v^hatever he has to say.' 8. ower god. ' What is good in you.' 20. II. schulden. The plur., instead of the sing, schulde, which we should expect after the sing. J)^t god, is due to the preceding plurals ^iren and briddes. 21. 23. ancre and hiises l§fdi guh miiche to been bitweonen. * There ought to be a great difference between the lady of a house and a nun.' 24. 16. slit from sltden, 24. bit, the sing, instead of the plur. biddej), is the result of the preceding we being confused with 7ne, ' one.' 27. 22. do, subj., * let her do.' 28. 7. liken. Mr. Stoffel proposes to read <5/^/^^;^ = Old-English bltcan, * appear,* * be manifest.' 10. cumen seems to be governed by the preceding schalt ; other- wise we must read cume}. 23. al ne de}) heo bute peotep. *She only howls;' literally, * entirely does she nothing except that she howls.' 29. 4. nis J>er peonne bute vorworpen. ' There is nothing to do in that case but to throw off.' 34. 14. seea^j-^^, s^. 39. I. do, seie hwui. * Do tell me why,' literally, * do something, viz. say why.' THE ORMULUM. (East Midland Dialect, about 1200.) GRAMMAR. Although the Ormulum is probably even older than the Ancren Riwle, the existing MS. being in the author's own hand, its grammar is much simpler, while the vocabulary shows hardly any French, but considerable Norse, influence. SPELLING AND SOUNDS. The most characteristic feature of Orm's spelling is the consistency with which he has introduced double con- sonants to show shortness of the preceding vowel. This he does regularly whenever the consonant is final, or followed by another consonant, as in patt^ crissienndom ; and he was able to do so because the O. E. distinction between double and single final consonants was lost (see p. 3); where the consonant is followed by a vowel, as in sune * son,' it was not possible to double the consonant, because in that position it would have been pronounced double, so that sune would have been confounded with sunne *sun.' But in such cases he often puts a short mark over the vowel, as in tdkenn ' to take,' chele ^ chill,' or an accent to show length, as in /are * lore,' which is often doubled, or even trebled, especially before /. 44 THE ORMULUM, We have a further guide to the quantity. Every second line of Orm's verse ends in an unaccented syllable, preceded by an accented one, which is always long, either by having two consonants, as in sette, wille, or, if there is but one con- sonant, a long vowel, as in wise, wriienn, moderr \ such words as writenn ' written,' faderr, never come at the end of the line in the Ormulum. The spelling of the Orm. shows hardly any French influence. But c sometimes = ts, as in millcenn ' pity.' The O. E. CB is kept to denote the long /, and, like the ea of the A. R., is never used for short e. The O. E. / is kept, though in this dialect it probably had, together with / (^ occurs very seldom, in the Orm.) and s, the present voiceless sound initially, sh is written for the sch of the A. R. The diphthongs are written with 3 and w instead of z and u. y is equivalent J;o z\ as in Cherubyn, The following are the main points in which the sounds of the Orm. differ from those of the A. R. O. E. a is kept unchanged, except that it is sometimes shortened, as in hdl * whole,' halh,}ienn ' hallow.' O.E. short CB, ea regularly become a, as in patt 'that,' affterr ' after,' harrd (O. E. heard) ' hard.' Also in the diph- thong ^55= (a;/, as in ^(233 (O. E. dcBg) ^ day.' O. E. J/, y become t, t as in sinne ' sin,' kipenn ' make known/ eo, eo are also written without the u ]5ohhtesst tatt itt mihhte wel till mikell frame turrnenn, jiff Ennglissh folic, forr lufe off Crist, itt wollde jerne lernenn, 3 folljhenn itt, ^ fillenn itt wipp J)ohht, wi]?f> word, mp]> dede. ^ = annd. DEDICATION. 49 3 forr-bi ^errndesst tu ]?att ice ]3iss werrc ]?e shollde wirrkenn ; J ice itt hafe forJ>edd te, 25 ace all ]?urrh Cristess hellpe; ^ unne birr]? baj^e ]?annkenn Crist f>att itt iss brohht till ^nde. ice hafe sammnedd o )?iss boe J>a Goddspelless neh alle, 30 J)att sinndenn 6 ))e messeboc inn all f>e jer att masse. ^ aj5 aflfterr )?e Goddspell stannt J)att tatt te Goddspell menef)f>, f>att mann birr}? spellenn to J?e folic 35 off J^ejjre sawle nede ; "3 jet tser tekenn mare inoh f>u shallt taeronne findenn, off f>att tatt Cristess halljhe f>ed birrj? trowwenn wel ^ folljhenn. 40 Ice hafe sett her o J^iss boc amang Goddspelless wordess, all Jjurrh me sellfenn, manij word J>e rime swa to fillenn; ace f)U shallt findenn f>att mm word, 45 ejjwhser f>aer itt iss ekedd, majj hellpenn f>a f>att redenn itt to sen 3 t'unnderrstanndenn all f>ess te bettre, hu J^e^^jm birr)? )?e Goddspell unnderrstanndenn ; 50 ;) forr-J?i trowwe ice )?at te birr]? wel fjolenn mine wordess, ejjwhaer ]?3er ]?u shallt findenn hemm amang Goddspelless wordess. 50 THE ORMULUM, forr wha-se mot to Isewedd folic 55 larspell off Goddspell tellenn, he m6t wel ekenn manij word amang Goddspelless wordess. 3 ice ne mihhte nbhht mm ferrs aj5 wif)]? Goddspelless wordess 60 wel fillenn all, "j all forr-))i shoUde ice well offte nede amang Goddspelless wordess don mm word, mm ferrs to fillenn. 3 te bitseche ice off ]?iss boc, 65 heh wikenn alls itt semef>}j, all to ]3urrhsekenn illc an ferrs, J to })urrhlokenn offte, f>att upponn all f)iss boc ne be nan word jaen Cristess lare, 70 nan word tatt swi}?e wel ne be t5 trowwenn j to folljhenn. Witt shulenn tredenn unnderr f6t J all f)werrt-ut forrwerrpenn f>e d5m off all J^att la]?e flocc, 75 Jjatt iss ]?urrh nif> forrbl^ndedd, J)att t9ele]?}> Jjatt t5 lofenn iss, Jjurrh nij^full modijnesse. pejj shulenn Isetenn haef»eli5 off unnkerr swinnc, lef broferr; 80 J all f>ejj shulenn takenn itt onn unnitt 3 onn idell; ace nohht J>urrh skill, ace all J?urrh ni)?, 3 all Jjurrh J^e^jre sinne. ^ unnc birr]? biddenn Godd tatt he 85 forrjife hemm here sinne; DEDICATION. 5I "3 unnc birr]? baj^e lofenn Godd off J)att itt wass bigunnenn, J f)annkenn Godd tatt itt iss brohht till a f)att blij^elike itt herenn, J lufenn itt, j foUjhenn itt wif)f> ]?ohht, wi]5f) word, wijjj) dede. ^ wha-se wilenn shall f)iss boc 95 EfFt oj^err si]?e writenn, himm bidde ice ]?att he't write rihht, swa-summ f>iss boe himm taeehef>f>, all f>werrt-ut aifterr-f>att itt iss uppo f>iss firrste bisne, 100 ■wif>f> all swille rime alls her iss sett, wi]?f> all se fele wordess ; J tatt he loke wel f>att he an -bocstafF write twij^ess, ejjwhaer f)aer itt uppo J)iss boc 105 iss writenn o f>att wise. Loke he wel f>att he't write swa, forr he ne majj nohht elless onn Ennglissh writenn rihht te word, f)att wite he wel to soj^e. no J jiff mann wile witenn whi ice hafe don J?iss dede, whi ice till Ennglissh hafe wennd Goddspelless halljhe lare; ice hafe itt don forr-f)i-f>att all 115 Crisstene foUkess berrhless iss lang uppo })att an, f>att tejj Goddspelless halljhe lare ^7, THE ORMULUM. wif>f> fulle mahhte folljhe rihht J>urrh })ohht, )?urrh word, f>urrh dede. 120 Forr all f>att aefre onn erj)e iss ned Crisstene folic to foll^henn i trowwf>e, i dede, all tseche]?]? hemm Goddspelless halljhe lare. •3 forr-f)i wha-se lernej?]? itt 125 -) folljhef>j5 itt wif>]5 dede, he shall onn ^nde wurrf>i ben f)urrh Godd to \vurr)?enn berrjhenn. •j taerfore hafe ice turrnedd itt inntill Ennglisshe spseche, 130 forr-]?att I wollde blij^elij J^att all Ennglisshe lede wi)5f> gere shoUde lisstenn itt, wiJ?J> herrte shollde itt trowwenn, wi)>]? tunge shollde spellenn itt, 135 wif>}> dede shollde itt foll^henn,, t5 winnenn unnderr Crisstenndom att Godd s6f> sawle berrhless. •3 jiff ]?e55 wilenn herenn itt, •^l folljhenn itt wij?]? dede, 140 ice hafe hemm hoUpenn unnderr Crist to winnenn f>ejjre berrhless. J i shall hafenn for mm swinnc. god Isen att Godd onn ^nde, jiff }?att 1, forr J?e lufe off Godd 145 *3 forr J?e mede off heffne, hemm hafe itt inntill Ennglissh wennd forr J^ejjre sawle nede. ^ jiff f>ejj all forrwerrpenn itt, itt turrnej))? hemm till sinne, 150 DEDICATION. 53 3 i shall hafenn addledd me J)e Laferrd Cristess are, f>urrh-f>att ice hafe hemm wrohht tiss boc to f»ej5re sawle nede, Jjohh f>att tej5 all forrwerrpenn itt 155 f>urrh f>e3^re modijnesse. Goddspell onn Ennglissh nemmnedd iss god word, J god tif>ennde, god errnde, forr-f)i-]3att itt wass Jjurrh halljhe Goddspellwrihhtess ' 160 all wrohht j writenn uppo boc off Cristess firrste come, off hu so}? Godd wass wurr]?enn mann forr all mannkinne nede, 3 ofF-f)att mannkinn ]?urrh hiss daej> 165 wass lesedd St off helle, ^ off-}5att he wisslike ras f)e f)ridde dajj off d3ef>e, 3 ofF-})att he wisslike stah Jja si)?]?enn upp till heffne, 170 J off-]?att he shall cumenn efft to demenn alle fjede, -^ forr to ^eldenn iwhillc mann affterr hiss ajhenn dede. Off all f>iss god uss brinngeJ^J? word 175 J errnde 3 god tifjennde Goddspell, j forr-]?i ma^j itt wel god errnde ben jehatenn. ^ Forr mann majj uppo Goddspellboc godnessess fmdenn seffne, 180 }?att ure Laferrd Jesu Crist uss hafe]?)? don onn erj?e, 54' THE ORMULUM, ]3urrh ]?att he comm to manne, j Jjurrh J?att he warr]? mann onn erj^e. Forr an godnesse uss hafef>)5 d5n 185 ]?e Laferrd Crist onn erf>e, ]?urrh-]?att he comm to wurrj^enn mann forr all mannkinne nede. 0}>err godnesse uss hafe}?]? don pe Laferrd Crist onn er]?e, 190 )?urrh-J>att he was 1 flumm Jorrdan fuUhtnedd forr ure nede; forr-f)att he woUde uss waterrkinn till ure fuUuhht halljhenn, ]3urrh-)?att he wollde ben himm-sellf 195 onn er]?e i waterr fullhtnedd. pe ]?ridde god uss hafef>]? don ]?e Laferrd Crist onn er]?e, )?urrh-)?att he jafF hiss ajhenn lif wi]?J? all hiss fulle wille, 200 to f>olenn dae]? o rodetre sacclaes wif>)?utenn wrihhte, t5 lesenn mannkinn J?urrh hiss daej? ut off ]?e defless walde. pe ferf>e god uss hafe]?]? don 205 J>e Laferrd Crist onn er]?e, ]?urrh-}?att hiss hall^he sawle stah fra rode dun till helle, t5 takenn fit off helle wa ]5a gode sawless alle, 210 )?att haffdenn cwemmd himm i f)iss lif ]3urrh soJ> unnshaj^ijnesse. DEDICATION, 55 pe fifte god uss hafef)f> don f>e Laferrd Crist onn erf>e, Jjurrh-f>att he ras forr ure god 215 f>e J?ridde dajj off d3ef>e, J let te posstless sen himm wel inn hiss mennisske kinde; forr-))att he woUde fesstnenn swa s5)? troww]?e i f>e5jre brestess 220 oflf-]?att he, wiss to fulle so}?, wass risenn upp off dae]?e, J i )?att illke flaesh f>att wass forr uss 6 rode najjledd ; forr-f>att he woUde fesstnenn wel 225 }?iss troww})e I f>ej5re brestess, he let te posstless sen himm wel well ofFte-sif>e onn erj^e, wi}>}?innenn dajjess fowwerrtij fra-]?att he ras off dsej^e. 230 pe sexte god uss hafef>]5 don ]?e Laferrd Crist onn erj?e, )?urrh-J?att he stah forr lire god upp inntill heffness blisse, ;) sennde si]?}>enn Halij Gast 235 till hise Lerninngcnihhtess, to frofrenn 3 to beldenn hemm to stanndenn jaen f>e defell, to gifenn hemm god witt inoh off all hiss halljhe lare, 240 to gifenn hemm god lusst, g5d mahht, to f)olenn alle wawenn, all forr }?e lufe oif Godd, j nohht forr er]?li5 loff to winnenn. $6 THE ORMULUM. pe seffnde god uss shall jet don 245 f)e Laferrd Crist onn /nde, })urrh-f)att he shall 5 Domess-dajj uss gifenn heffness blisse, giflf f>att we shulenn wurr]?i ben to findenn Godess are. 350 puss hafef)]? ure Laferrd Crist uss don godnessess seifne, Jjurrh-Jjatt-tatt he to manne comm, to wurr]?enn mann onn erf)e. 3 6 f>att halljhe b5c f>att iss 255 apokalypsis nemmnedd uss wrat ie posstell Sannt Johan, })urrh Halij Gastess lare, fatt he sahh upp inn hefFne an boc bisett wif)J> sefFne innsejjless, 260 3 sperrd swa swij?e wel )?att itt ne mihhte nan wihht oppnenn, wif>}?utenn Godess halljhe Lamb )3att he sahh ec inn hefFne. J Jjurrh }?a sefFne innsejjless wass 265 rihht swij?e wel bitacnedd })att sefennfald godlejjc f>att Crist uss dide J)urrh hiss come; 3 tatt nan wihht ne mihhte nohht oppnenn J^a sefFne innsejjless, 270 wijjjjutenn Godess Lamb, J>att comm, forr-]?att itt shollde tacnenn f)att nan wihht, nan enngell, nan mann, ne naness kinness schafFte, ne mihhte J>urrh himm sellfenn J^a 275 sefFne godnessess shsewenn DEDICATION, 57 6 mannkinn, swa f>att itt mannkinn off helle mihhte lesenn, ne gifenn mannkinn lusst, ne mahht, to winnenn heffness blisse. a8o 3 all allswa-se Godess Lamb, all f>urrh hiss ajhenn mahhte, lihhtlike mihhte j wel inoh f>a seffne innsejjless oppnenn, all swa f>e Laferrd Jesu Crist, 285 all Jjurrh hiss ajhenn mahhte, wij5f> Faderr 3 wif>J? Halij Gast an Godd j all an kinde, allswa rihht he lihhtlike inoh J wel wi]?]? alle mihhte 290 o mannkinn )3urrh himm sellfenn f)a seffne godnessess shaewenn, swa ]?att he mannkinn wel inoh off helle mihhte lesenn, 3 gifenn mannkinn lufe 3 lusst, 395 3 mahht 3 witt 3 wille, to stanndenn inn to cwemenri Godd, to winnenn heffness blisse. •3 forr fatt halij Goddspellboc all f>iss godnesse uss shaewe)?f>, 300 J^iss sefennfald godle^jc f>att Crist uss dide J^urrh hiss are, forr-f>i birrf) all Crisstene folic Goddspelless lare folljhenn. 3 taerfore hafe ice turrnedd itt 305 inntill Ennglisshe spaeche, 58 THE ORMULUM. forr {jat i wollde blij^elij }?att all Ennglisshe lede wif)]? sere shoUde lisstenn itt, wi)?f> herrte shollde itt trowwenn, 310 wif>)5 tunge shollde spellenn itt, wi]?]5 dede shollde itt folljhenn, to winnenn unnderr Crisstenndom att Crist so)? sawle berrhless. ^ Godd Allmahhtij jife uss mahht 315 3 lusst 3 witt "3 wille, t5 foUjhenn J?iss Ennglisshe boc )5att all iss halij lare, swa }?att we motenn wurr]?i ben to brukenn heffness blisse. 320 Amaen. Amsen. Amaen. Ice ]?att tiss Ennglissh hafe sett Ennglisshe menn to lare, ice was f>aer, Jjser I crisstnedd wass, Orrmin bi name nemmnedd. 3 ice Orrmin full inwarrdlij 325 wij?]? muf> ;j ec wij?]? herrte her bidde J?a Crisstene menn, \2Xl herenn o]?err redenn ]?iss boc, hemm bidde ice her f)att te^j forr me f>iss bede biddenn, 330 f>att bro)?err ]?att tiss Ennglissh writt allr-aeresst writ j wrohhte, )3att brof)err forr hiss swinnc to laen so)? blisse mote findenn. Amaen. HOMILIES, 59 HOMILIES. 3 nu ice wile shaewenn juw 962 summ del, wi]?]? Godess hellpe, off J?att Jijdisskenn follkess lac J)att Drihhtin wass full cweme, 965 ^ mikell hellpe to )?e folic, to Iseredd 3 to laewedd, biforenn J>att te Laferrd Crist wass borenn her to manne. Ace nu ne ge2:5nef)]? itt hemm nohht 970 to winnenn eche blisse Jjohh f>att tej5 stanndenn dajj j nihht to )?eowwtenn Godd ^ lakenn; forr all itt iss onnjseness Godd ])ohh f>att tej5 swa ne wenenn, 975 forr-})i-]?att tej^ ne kepenn nohht n'off Crist, n'off Cristess moderr. ^ tohh swaf>ehh nu wile ice juw off f>e55re lakess awwnenn, hu mikell god tejS tacnenn uss ' 980 off ure sawle nede ; forr all )?att lac wass sett f>urrh Godd, forr-f>att itt shoUde tacnenn, hu Cristess }?eoww birr]? lakenn Crist gastlike I gode jpgewess, 985 wi)?)> all ]?att tatt bitacnedd wass )5urrh alle f'ejjre lakess. patt follkes lac wass shep, ^ gat, J oxe, J cullfre, 3 turrtle, 6o THE ORMULUM. 3 tejjre lac wass bule, ^ lamb, 990 ^ buckess twa togeddre, ^ reclessmec, -3 buUtedd braed Jjatt bakenn wass inn ofne, •j smeredd wel wi]^]? elesaew J makedd fatt "] nesshe; 995 J o))err stund tatt lac wass braed all ]?eorrf wiJ)J?utenn berrme; ^ oJ)err stund itt bakenn wass full harrd j starrc ine ofne; J ojjerr stund tatt lac wass brennd 1000 3 turrnedd all till asskess. 3 agj wass sallt wi)?]? iwhillc lac biforenn Drihhtm offredd; J tatt wass don, f>att witt tu wel, forr mikell f)ing to tacnenn. 1005 All f>e55re lac wass swillc j swillc, forr of>err ]?ing to tacnenn. J?att uss iss swij^e mikell ned to foll^henn j to trowwenn; . forr uss birrj? nu biforenn Godd loio offrenn f)a lakess alle, rihht 6 )?att wise f>att uss iss bitacnedd f)urrh \>2. lakess;* ] witt tu J)att an wajherifft wass spredd fra wah to wajhe, 1015 biforenn an allterr J?att wass innresst i J^ejjre minnstre. patt wajherifft wass henngedd taer, forr f>att itt hidenn shollde all f>att tatt taer wi]?]?innenn wass 1020 fra laewedd folic j laeredd, HOMILIES, 6l wi]:>}?utenn J?att te bisscopp sellf, wif>]? blod J ec wij)]? recless, })8er shollde cumenn o J)e ^er ann sij?e, ^ all himm ane. 1025 J enngless comenn offte f>aer, ^ wi}? ]?e bisscopp spaekenn o Godess hallfe off mani^whatt, himm 3 hiss folic to frofrenn. J bi J)att allterr stodenn ajj 1030 ]?att follkess halijdomess, J^att wserenn inn an arrke J^aer wel ^ wurr)?like jemmde. 3 tser oferr )3att arrke wass an oferrwerrc wel timmbredd, 1035 J?att wass Propiiiatoriumm 6 Latin spaeche nemmnedd, off }?att word tatt o Latin iss nemmnedd Propitidri, ]5att majj onn Ennglissh nemmnedd ben 1040 millcenn, j shsewenn are, forr wha-se do}? hiss are 6 f>e tibi propitidtur^ affterr-f>att itt majj wel in5h ben sejjd o Latin spaeche. 1045 J tser uppo f>att oferrwerrc \t%% haffdenn liccness metedd off Cherubyn, 3 haflfdenn itt twe^jenn stokess metedd. All ennglej^eod todaeledd iss 1050 o nijhenn kinne f>eode; 3 Cherubyn ^ Seraphyn sinndenn f>a twejjenn }?eode, 62 THE ORMULUM, J?att sinndenn Drihhtin allre-nest, J heh^hesst upp inn heoffne. 1055 ]| off J?att an, off Cherubyn, J)ej5 haifdenn liccness metedd uppo })att oferrwerrc f>att wass abufenn f)'arrke timmbredd. ^ att te minnstredure wass 1060 an allterr f>aer wij?f>utenn ; J bi f>att allterr wass f>e lac fele wise jarrkedd Jjurrh preostess, alls uss sejj)? so)? boc, off Aaroness chilldre.- 1065 3 o }?att allterr haffdenn J)e^5 glowennde gledess jarrkedd. ;j off ]5att errfe ]?att taer wass Drihhtin to lake jarrkedd, himm toe f>e bisscopp off ]?e blod, 1070 swa-summ hiss boc himm tahhte, ■3 gledess inn hiss reclefatt he toe f>aer 6 f>att allterr, J dide recless inn inoh Drihhtin f)aerwif>]5 to J?eowtenn, 1075 a^j whann he shollde ganngenn inn upp to f)att o]?err allterr; J?att wass aj5 seness o f>e jer, ^ ajj himm sellf himm ane, forr mikell ]5ing to tacnenn uss 1080 }?att uss birr]) alle trowwenn. He toe )5e recless j te blod, ;) ^ede upp to f>att allterr, )>att wass wif>]5innenn wajherifft, swa-summ ice habbe shgewedd, 1085 HOMILIES. 63 •3 tanne brennde he recless Jjaer, to f>eowwtenn Godd to cweme, swa ]?att tser wass swa mikell smec off recless att tatt allterr, f>att all he wass himm sellf f>8er hidd 1090 J lokenn ]?aer wi)?]?innenn ; J toe himm ]?a ]?att illke blod )?att he )?aer hafFde gre^^}?edd, ))att blod tatt he f)3er hafFde brohht, J warrp itt tser wi]?]? strenncless, 1095 ej^whaer uppo J?att halljhe bord, ^ e^jwhaer o ]5att allterr. ;3 sif>f>enn jede he f)e)?enn ut to strennkenn i f>e kirrke wi}5]5Utenn J^ejjre wajherifft, 1100 swa-summ hiss boc himm tahhte. J si}?]5enn comm he till \t folic 3 wessh himm hise claf>ess, ace J?ohh swa]?ehh he wass all dajj unnclene an-an till efenn. 1105 Nu habbe ice shaewedd juw summ del off f>a Judisskenn lakess, ))att Drihhtm toe full aldmodlij biforenn Cristess come, ^ off )?att preost tatt tanne wass, 11 10 ■3 off )3att bisscopp ba])e. 3 ec ice habbe shaewedd juw summ del off J^ej^re wikenn. ;] nu ice wile shsewenn juw all Jjatt whatt itt bitacne}?)?, 11 15 64 THE ORMULUM. ^ hu itt majj juw turrnenn all till jure sawless hellpe, J hu je mujhenn lakenn Godd gastlike i gode j^aewess, wif>}) all \>2Xt Judewisshe lac 1120 ]?att ice juw habbe shgewedd; forr juw birr]? nu biforer\n Godd offrenn ]?a lakess alle/ all o f)att wise ]:)att juw iss bitacnedd ]5urrh j^a lakess. 1125 pa lakess mihhtenn clennsenn hemm off sakess j off sinness, •3 gladenn Godd, jiff J)att he wass hemm wraj> forr heore gillte. ■3 witt tu wel f>att Latin boc 1130 full witerrlike uss ki]?ej?f>, whillc lac wass offredd forr \>q preost, whillc forr )?e bisscopp offredd, •3 whillc wass offredd forr |?e folic, to clennsenn hemm off sinne. 11 35 pe ramm wass offredd forr f>e preost, t5 clennsenn him off sinne, 3 forr ]?e bisscopp was ]?e calif offredd o ]?ejjre wise, ^ forr J?e folic wass offredd bucc, 1140 Drihhtin to lofe j wurrj>e, )?att he f>ejjm f>urrh hiss mildherrtlejjc forrjaefe ]:>ejjre gilltess. Her habbe ice shaewedd f)rinne lac forr })rinne kinne leode, 1145 HOMILIES, 65 forr bisscopp j forr unnderrpreost, 3 forr ]:»e follkess nede. J ure Laferrd Jesu Crist badd hise bedess ]5rijess, biforenn j^att he takenn wass 1150 J najjledd uppo rode. •J tger he badd forr alle ]5a f>att onn himm sholldenn lefenn, forr biscopp j forr unnderrpreost, 3 ec forr laewedd leode; 1155 J mare wass hiss bede wurr]? f>ann alle J^e^jre lakess, to lesenn ^ to clennsenn menn off alle kinne gillte, J tohh swa]?ehh wass f>ej5re lac, ii6o biforenn Cristess come, Drihhtin full cweme inn alle ]?a J)att Godess la^hess heldenn. ^ nil ice wile shsewenn juw, wif>f) mm Drihhtmess hellpe, 1165 all hu je mujhenn lakenn Godd gastlike 1 gode f>aewess, wif>f) all ]?att Judewisshe lac J?att ^uw her-uppe iss shaewedd. giff f>att tu folljhesst so]? meoclejjc 11 70 J so}) unnshaf)ijnesse, f>a lakesst tu Drihhtin wi]?]? shep gastlike 1 J)Tne ]?aewess, swa })att itt ma^^ wel hellpenn f>e t5 winnenn Godess are; 11 75 forr shep iss all unnskaf>efull J stille der j lij^e, F 66 THE ORMULUM, J makef)f> itt nan mikell brace, jifF mann itt wile bindenn, ne forr]?enn f)3er mann cwellef)]:) itt, 1180 ne wif>]5re]:)]? itt nohht swi}?e. J forr-]?i sej^J? ]?att Latin hoc, fatt ]3werrt-3t nohht ne lejhe]?}?, patt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist inn ure mennisscnesse 1185 toe f>ildilij wifjj^utenn brace, fatt mann himm band wif>]? woghe, rihht all swa-summ J?e shep onnfoj? meoclij, f>att mann itt elippej)f>. ;] pfF ]5U cwennkesst 1 f>e sellf, 1190 3 Iseresst me to ewennkenn inn me galnessess fule stinnch J hire fule lusstess, J folljhesst ajj claennessess slof>, J Iseresst me to folljhenn, 11 95 f)a lakesst tu Drihhtin wif)]? gat gastlike i ])ine f)aewess, swa f)att itt majj wel hellpenn J)e to winnenn Godess are. for gat iss, f>att witt tu full wel, 1200 gal deor, ^ stinnkef»f> fule, J forr-f)i tacnej?)) itt full wel galnessess hate stinnchess. J forr-f)! sinndenn alle f>a ]?att shulenn inntill helle 1205 eifnedd wif>}? g^t, 3 nemmnedd gSt, o Goddspellbokess lare, forr-f)i-f)att sinness fule stinnch shall shaedenn hemm fra CrTste. HOMILIES, ' 67 ^ jiff f>u foUjhesst skill ^ shaed 1210 ^ witt i gode f>3ewess, ^ hafesst jet, tohh J?u be Jung, ellderrnemanness late, ;j hajherrlike ledesst te ^ dafFtelIke j fajjre, 121 5 •] ummbef>ennkesst ajj occ ajj hu J>u mihht Drihhtin cwemenn, ^ lufenn himm j dredenn himm ;3 hise lajhess haldenn, wif>}? oxe lakesst tu Drihhtin 1220 gastlike i )?ine f>aewess, swa Jjatt itt majj wel hellpenn f>e to winnenn Godess are. Forr oxe gaj? o clofenn f8t J shaede))]? hise clawwess, 1225 f)urrh whatt he tacne)?)? skill j shsed J witt 1 gode f>8ewess. 3 oxe ganngefjf) hajhelij ^ aldelike latef)]?, J jife]?]5 bisne off })att te birr}? 1230 all hajhelike j fajjre J dafftelike ledenn Jje, wif>f>utenn brace "j braf>f>e, J shsewenn jet, tohh J?u be Jung, ellderrnemanness late. 1235 ^ oxe chewwej)]? f)3er he gaj? hiss cude, j tser he stanndef>f>, ■] chewwej?]? forrf>enn f>3er he li)?, forr }?e to jifenn bisne, f>att te birr)? ummbe]?ennkenn ajj 1240 3 chewwenn i f>in heorrte F 2 68 THE ORMULUM. hu }?u mihht cwemenn \m Drihhtin, ^ winnenn eche blisse. puss f)u mihht lakenn Drihhtin Godd wi)?]:> oxe i gode J^sewess, 1245 ^iif ]5U f)e ledesst all wif))? skill, ^ ha^helike j fajS^^? 3 ummbef>ennkesst nihht "j daj^ hu ]?ii mihht Drihhtin cwemenn. ^ pff f>u firrf)resst fremmde menn 1250 a^j afFterr J^ine fere, J arrt te sellf ajj mllde •] meoc, ^ all wiJ)f)Utenn galle, wif>f> culifre lakesst tu Drihhtin gastlike i \m& J^sewess, 1255 swa f>att itt ma^j wel hellpenn f>e to winnenn Godess are. Forr culifre iss milde, j meoc, j swet, ^ all wi]5)?utenn galle, •^ fedef>]? o\txx cullfress bridd 1260 all alls itt waere hire ajhenn. •] ^iff f>u ledesst clene lif, ^ murrcnesst 1 f>in heorrte, J^att tu swa lannge dwellesst her swa ferr fra Godess riche, 1265 •3 geornesst tatt tu mote sket upp-cumenn inntill heofFne, upp till \\ Laferrd Jesu Crist, to lofenn himm j lutenn, wif>]? turrtle lakesst tu J^Tn Godd 1270 gastlike i \m& ]?3ewess, swa J?att itt majj wel hellpenn }?e to winnenn Godess are. HOMILIES. 69 Forr turrtle ledef>)? charij iTf, f>att witt tu wel to soj^e, 1275 forr fra-f»att hire make iss daed ne kepe]?]? ^ho nan of>err, ace serrjhej^}) a^^ forr-J^I-J^att jho ne ma^J himm nowwhar findenn. ^ jiff f)att tu forrlangedd arrt 1280 to cumenn upp till Criste, 3 nohht ne chesesst oj^er Godd to folljhenn ne to f>eowwtenn, wi]?]?utenn Crist tatt wass ;) iss J5in Drihhtin ^ tin hsefedd, 1285 f>a lakesst tu gastlike Godd wij?}) turrtle 1 J^ine ]?3ewess. J jiff ]?u cwennkesst i J^e sellf all f)werrt-ut modijnesse, 3 laeresst oj^re allswa to don 1290 ]?urrh lare j ec J^urrh bisne, wij?]? bule lakesst tu \vs\ Godd gastlike i ]?ine ]:>sewess, swa J^att itt majj wel hellpenn )?e to winnenn Godess are. 1295 Forr bule latej)]? modillj, "3 beref>]? upp hiss haefedd, J drifej?]? oJ?re nowwt himm fra J hallt himm all forr laferrd. •] jiff J>u cnawesst rihht tin Godd, 1300 •J herrcnesst hise spelless, "] lejjesst all J^in herrte onn himm, J folljhesst himm j bujhesst, •] forr f)e lufe off himm forrsest hae)?ene Goddess alle, 1305 70 THE ORMULUM, •J arrt te sellf aj^ milde ^ meoc, •J sofifte, J stille, -3 llf>e, wiJ?J> lamb )?u lakesst tin Drihhtin gastlike 1 ]5ine J^aewess, swa f>att itt majj wel hellpenn Jje 1310 t5 winnenn Godess are. Forr lamb iss sofFte 3 stille deor, ^ meoc, ^ milde, -3 lijpe; 3 itt cann cnawenn swij?e wel hiss moderr f>3er ^ho blaetef>)? 1315 bitwenenn an f>usennde shep, f>ohh f>att tejj blaetenn alle. 3 all-swa birr]? ]5e cnawenn wel ]5in Godd 3 all hiss lare, J all forrwerrpenn haef>enndom 1320 •] oJ?re Goddess alle, swa-summ f>e lamb flef> of>re shep, 3 foUjhe)?)? ajj hiss moderr. pe Judewisshe follkess boc hemm se^jde, f>att hemm birrde 1325 twa bukkess samenn to f)e preost att kirrkedure brinngenn ; 3 te^5 )?a didenn bllf>elij, ^ swa-summ }?e boo hemm tahhte, ■3 brohhtenn twejjenn bukkess f>3er 1330 Drihhtin J>3er-wif>}? to lakenn. 3 att te kirrkedure toe f>e preost ta twej^enn bukkess, 3 o f>att an he lejjde f>aer all j^ejjre sake 3 sinne, 1335 HOMILIES. 71 ^ let itt eornenn f6rf> wif>f)-all St inntill wilde wesste; ^ toe J snaj? ]?att oJ>err bucc Drihhtin f>aer-wi)?]5 to lakenn. All J)iss wass don forr heore ned, 1340 ^ ec forr ure nede; forr hemm itt hallp biforenn Godd to clennsenn hemm off sinne, ^ all-swa maj5 itt hellpenn }?e, jifF ]?att tu willt itt foll^henn. 1345 gifF )5att tu willt full innwarrdlij wif>]? fuUe troww]?e lefenn all f)att tatt wass bitacnedd taer, to lefenn j to trowwenn, J)a maj5 ]?att trowwf>e firrf)renn f>e 1350 to winnenn Godess are. pa twejjenn bukkess tacnenn uss Sn Godd off twinne kinde, )?att iss J?e Laferrd Jesu Crist, }?att iss off twinne kinde. 1355 Forr Jesu Crist iss ful-iwiss so)? Godd i Goddcunndnesse, J he iss ec to fulle so]? sof* mann 1 mennisscnesse ; forr Crist iss ba]?e Godd j mann, 1360 an had off twinne kinde, J tiss birr]? trowwenn iwhillc mann f>att jeorne]?]? Godess are. An bucc rann ]?aer a-wejj all cwicc wif>}) all ]?e follkess sinne, 1365 3 Cristess Goddcunndnesse wass all cwicc J all unnpinedd, i]% THE ORMULUM. f>aer Crist wass uppo rodetreo najjledd forr ure nede. J Cristess Goddcunndnesse all cwicc 1370 J all wif>]?utenn pine barr ure sinness J>ser a-wej^ \>ddx Cristess mennisscnesse drannc dsej^ess drinnch 6 rodetreo forr ure wojhe dedess. 1375 ; 3 all swa-summ f>att oj^err bucc toe f>aer wij?)? dsej^ess pine, to wurrjjenn })aer Drihhtin to lac forr all f)e follkess sinne, all swa toe Cristess mennissclejjc 1380 wif>)? daef>ess pine 6 rode, forr-})att he woUde wurrj^enn ]?aer ofFredd Drihhtin to lake, forr uss to clennsenn )?urrh hiss dae]? off sinness unnclaennesse. 1385 •J all swa-summ f>att cwike bucc comm inntill wilde wesste, all swa comm Cristess Goddcunndle^jc all cwicc upp inntill heoffne, ^p2Xi wass biforenn Cristess dae)? 1390 swa-summ itt wesste wsere, forr-})i-]?att baf>e enngless 3 menn itt haffdenn ser forrworrpenn. Forr enngless haffdenn heoffness serd forrlorenn all wif>J> rihhte; 1395 forr-f>att te^j wolldenn effnenn hemm jsen Godd f>urrh modi^nesse ; forr whatt te^j fellenn sone dun off heoffne unntill helle HOMILIES, 73 till eche wa, forr-J^i-J^att te^^ 1400 forrwurrpenn eche blisse. ;} alia ]?a f>att fellenn swa \^%% sinndenn laj^e deofless, ^ stannden inn ]:iurrh hete -3 nij? to scrennkenn menness sawless. 1405 Ace Jju mihht werenn ]:>e fra j^ejjm ])urrh rihhte Isefe 6 Criste, J })urrh ]5att weorrc f)att taer-to li]? wi|)f> Jesu Cristess hellpe. ■3 ure twejjenn forrme menn, 14 10 ])att Drihhtin shop off eorJ?e, forrlurenn ec forr heore gillt \vif>j5 rihht dom heoflfness blisse, J?urrh-]:>att te^j forr f)e deofless raj) Drihhtiness raj? forrwurrpenn; 141 5 ■] all forr-f)! wass heoffness aerd swa-summ itt wesste waere, forr-]?i-f>att baj?e enngless j menn itt haffdenn ser forrworrpenn. J Cristess Goddcunndnesse comm 1420 cwicc inntill heoffness wesste wi}?]? ure sinne, 1 ]:>att tatt Crist toe dsej) forr ure sinne, all all swa-summ f)att bucc attrann St inntill wilde wesste 1425 all cwicc J J barr awegj wi)?j5 himm )5e follkess sake •] sinne. J jiff ]?att iss f>att tu willt nu wi]?]? fulle trowwf>e lefenn, f)att Crist iss ba]:>e Godd ;] mann, 1430 an had off twinne kinde ; 74 THE ORMULUM, ^ jiff }?att iss f>att tu willt nu wi)?]? fulle trowwf>e lefenn, }?att Cristess Goddcunndnesse wass all cwicc 3 all unnpinedd, 1435 f>aer Crist wass dsed o rodetreo forr all mannkinne nede; J jiff }?att iss f)att tu willt nu wif>]? fulle troww]?e lefenn, f>att Crist, tser he wass 6 f>e treo 1440 najjledd forr ure nede, drah harrd ] hef 15 pine inoh f>urrh fife grimme wundess, f)a mihht tu lakenn f>in Drihhtin gastlike i so})fasst laefe, 1445 wi|?f) all j^att te to trowwenn wass Jjurrh ))a twa bukkess tacnedd. J jiff f>u cwemesst tin Drihhtin bi dajjess, ■] bi nihhtess, wijjj? fasstinng, •] wif)]? bedesang, 1450 wif>]? cnelinng, j wi]?]? wecche, )?a lakesst tu wif>]? recless swa f>in Godd i ]?ine f)aewess, swa f)att itt majj wel hellpenn ))e to winnenn Godess are. 1455 Forr all all-swa summ recless-smec iss swet biforenn manne, all all-se is swet biforenn Godd J)e gode manness bene. ;] jiff })in herrte is arefull, 1460 J milde, "j soffte, j nesshe, swa ]?att tu mihht wel arenn himm )?att iss jaen f)e forrgilltedd, HOMILIES, 75 ^ all forrjifenn himm full-neh }5e rihhte domess wrgeche, 1465 ajj whann-se )5u forrjifesst tuss f>in wra)?f>e 3 ec J?m wrseche, aj5 Jeanne lakesst tu \m Godd gastlike i f>Ine j^sewess, wi)?f> laf J>att iss wi)?]? eles3ew 1470 all smeredd wel j nesshedd. pe rihhte dom iss starrc ^ harrd ^ all )?e rihhte wrseche, swa-summ itt waere scorrcnedd laf f>att iss wif>]:)utenn crummess. 1475 J are "3 millce ^ mildherrtlejjc J rihht forrjifenesse, f>att iss f>att laf f>att smeredd iss wi)?)? elesaew 3 nesshedd. 31 ^iff )?att tu willt makenn laf, 1480 }?u l^resshesst tine shaefess, ;j sif>f>enn winndwesst tu \\xi corn, J fra j^e chaff itt shaedesst, ^ gaddresst swa f>e clene corn all fra f>e chaff togeddre, 1485 ■] grindesst itt, j cnedesst itt, 3 harrdnesst itt wif>f) hsete; 3 tanne mahht tu ]:in Drihhtin lakenn )?3er-wif>f> to cweme, jiff )?att tu ledesst halij lif 1490 i ]?ohht, i word, i dede. ^ tu mihht ec gastlike laf onn o]?err wise jarrkenn, J lakenn \m Drihhtin J^aer-wiJ?]? well swif>e wel to cweme. 1495 J 6 THE ORMULUM, 3iif f>att iss f>att tu J^urrh f>in spell till rihhte Isefe turrnesst )?att flocc f>att wass toske^jredd aer Jjurrh fele kinne dwilde, })a f)resshesst tu f>in corn wij^f) flej^l, i-f>att-tatt tu f>e^5m shsewesst, hu sinnfull llf \^%% leddenn aer, J hu f>ejj cwemmdenn deofell, J hu f)e^5 haffdenn addledd wel t5 drejhenn eche pine, ^ hu j^e^jm haffde Drihhtin all forr heore woh forrworrpenn ; wi)?]? svvillc ]5u f)resshesst wel ]?e folic, jifF f>att tu f>uss hemm tselesst; forr jifF f>u shaewesst me mm woh •] tselesst mine weorrkess, •] seggesst swillc j swillc wass f>u, ]5u J^resshesst me wif>}) wordess. •3 jifF )5U shaewesst hemm off Godd J off hiss seddmodnesse, hu wel he takef))) ajj wif>]5 J^a f>att sekenn Godess are, *] jifF ]?u shaewesst hemm whatt laen iss jarrkedd hemm inn heofFne, jiiF f>att te^^ takenn Crisstenndom •3 Crlstess lajhess haldenn, ;j spedesst wif>]:> ]:>in spell swa wel }?att tej5 itt unnderrfanngenn, •3 turrnenn till \t Crisstenndom J till J)e rihhte laefe, ^ shaedenn fra f>att haef»enn folic f>att Godd iss all unncweme, HOMILIES. 77 forr-f)att itt iss f)att illke chaff f)att helle fir shall bsernenn, f»a winndwesst tu ]?in J?rosshenn corn 1530 ^ fra l^e chaff itt shaedesst, J gaddresst swa j^e clene c5rn all fra J>e chaff togeddre. Forr ]?urrh-]:5att-tatt tu laeresst hemm to ben sammtale j sahhte 1535 to J>eowwtenn an Allmahhtij Godd \vif>)? anfald rihhte Isefe, 1 ajS to ben ummbenn f>att an t5 winnenn eche blisse, f>urrh-f>att tu sammnesst hemm i Godd, 1540 )?u gaddresst corn togeddre. Annd )?urrh-l?att tu primmse^jnesst hemm, J spellest hemm, j laeresst all to forrwerrpenn modl^le^jc, J harrd -j grammcund herrte, 1545 •5 aj5 to folljhenn so]? meoclej^c wif)f> luffsumm aeddmodnesse, }>ser-f>urrh \vi brekesst wel f>in corn, ^ grindesst itt 3 nesshesst ■] f>urrh-)?att-tatt tu fullhtnesst hemm 1550 J unnderr waterr dippesst, ]?u sammnesst all \\ mele inn-an •3 cnedesst itt togeddre, swa-]?att tejj shulenn alle ben an bodij J an sawle. i555 •3 Jesu Crist himm-sellf shall ben uppo ))att bodi^ haefedd, to fedenn 3 to fosstrenn hemm, to steorenn 3 to berrjhenn. 78 - THE ORMULUM, ^ f>urrh-f>att-tatt tu laeresst hemm 1560 to )5olenn illc unsellj^e wi})f> innwarrd heorrte j so]?fasst ]?ild, all forr J>e lufe off Criste, all forr f>att lufe ]?att iss hat i Cristess ]3eowwess heorrte, 1565 )?3er-]?urrh f>u bakesst Godess laf J harrdnesst itt f)urrh haete, Jjurrh-Jjatt tu harrdnesst hemm wi]?]? spell to f)olenn illc unnseollf>e wiJ?J? so]?fasst f>ild, all forr }?att fir 1570 ]?att sof)fasst lufe folljhe)?f>. Forr sof>fasst lufe baerne]:>f> ajj, loc jiff J>u't mihht ohht findenn, •] whoer-s' itt iss itt harrdne}?f> all f>e gode manness heorrte, 1575 to fjolenn wif>]? fullfremedd f>!ld all ]?att tatt iss unnsellf>e. 3 sone-summ \m. laf be]? wel all greJ?J?edd tuss j jarrkedd, )?a mahht tu lakenn Godd wi]?f) all 1580 gastlike wel to cweme. Forr Drihhtm take}?]? sedmodllj wif»f> f)a f>att till himm turrnenn, J jiff })u ledesst clene llf onn alle kinne wise, 1585 f>a lakesst tu \\Ti Drihhtin swa gasdike i ]5ine f»aewess, wif>]? )?errfiinng braed swa J?att tu mihht Drihhtiness are winnenn. Forr J^errflinng brsed iss clene braed, 1590 forr-f>att itt iss unnberrmedd, HOMILIES. 79 J itt bitacnef>f> clene lif, 3 alle clene f>3ewess, ;3 clene J^ohht, 3 clene word, J alle clene dedess. 1595 J jiff Jjin heorrte iss harrd ^ starrc, J stedefasst Criste, to f>olenn forr \q lufe off himm all f>att tatt iss to drejhenn, f>a lakesst tu }5in Drihhtin swa 1600 gastlike i ]?ine f>aewess, wij?}? fasst •] findij laf ^ harrd wij))?innenn "^ wif)]5utenn, swa f>att itt majj wel hellpenn ))e to winnenn Godess are. 1605 ;) jifF }5u mihht forrwerrpenn her \\ faderr, ^ ti moderr, J wif, 3 child, ■] hus, ;j ham, ■] freond, ^ land, j ahhte, 3 all forrwerrpenn her J)werrt-8t 1610 bitwenenn menn to biggenn, "* 3 ledenn harrd j halij lif all-ane 1 wilde wesste, •J pinenn f>3er \\ bodij a wi})f> chele j ]?risst j hunngerr, 161 5 wif>J? fasstinng, ^ wif>]? swinnc j swat, wij)]? bedess, j wi)?J) wecchess, f)a mihht tu lakenn swa J?in Godd gastlike 1 J^ine f)3ewess wif>}? lac, f>att all ]?werrt-ut beof> brennd 1620 Drihhtin to lofe ^ wurrj^e, swa f)att itt beo]? J)e rihht inoh to winnenn Godess are. 8o THE ORMULUM. Forr )?u ne mihht nohht ledenn her na bettre lif onn eor]?e, 1625 J>ann iss f>att tu ]?weorrt-ut forrse, "3 all [?werrt-ut forrwerrpe all weorelldlike lif 3 lusst, *3 lie fra menn till wesste, •3 t3er wi]5]5 hand ^ halij lif 1630 beo jeorrnfuU Crist to cwemenn. Forr swillc lif iss all ]?werrt-ut daed fra weorelldshipess lusstess, •3 itt iss turrnedd all f)urrh fir off sopfasst lufe o Criste 1635 till dusst, forr-Jji-tatt swillke menn so]?fasst meocnesse folljhenn. •3 aj5 wass sallt wij?)? iwhillc lac, forr-J?att itt shollde tacnenn J^att all ]?att tu willt offrenn Godd, 1640 ^iff J^att itt shall himm cwemenn, all birrf) itt off redd ben wif>l? skill, J all wi]?]? luffsumm heorrte, swa f>att itt be clennlike don, off rihhtbijetenn ahhte, 1645 swa })att te Laferrd Jesu Crist swetlike itt unnderrfannge. piss wass bitacnedd J^urrh f>e sallt Jjatt tire mete swdte]^, jiff })att iss f>att mann wile itt don 1650 wij?]? witt ^ skill J^aerinne. Forr witt -j skill iss wel inoh J?urrh salltess smacc bitacnedd, •3 tatt forr-)?I-f»att witt ^ skill iss god inn alle f>Inge, 1655 HOMILIES. 81 all swa-summ sallt iss swi]?e god )?8er f>3er itt to-bilimmpef>f) ; ^ all forr-]?i wass sefre sallt wif))? alle lakess offredd, forr-f>i-}?att nohht ne majj ben don 1660 Allmahhtij Godd to cweme, but iff itt be ^vif'}? witt 3 skill 3 lufFsummlike forj^edd. All f>uss f>u mahht nu lakenn Godd gastlike i f)ine f>3ewess, 1665 wif»J? all }?att lac f>att ofFredd wass biforenn Cristess come. GLOSSARY. The arrangement mainly follows the spellings and forms of the Ancren Riwle. X and ea are both arranged tinder g; k under c, v under/, 5 under ^, j under 2:*, and wh under hw. Words beginning with the prefix i must be sought under their root ; icwenie under cweme, &c. * denotes French words, f denotes words and forms of the Ormulum. sv. — strong verb. wv. = weak verb. A, indef. art. a = an/r/. a, av. for ever. a, interj. ah ! a-blmden, wv. blind. abbod, sm. abbot. a-buven, prp. above. a-buten, prp., av. around. f ac, see auh. a-c61en, wv. cool. a-cwenchen, wv. quench. a-cwikien, wv. quicken, come to life, bring to life. *acwiten, wv. free, release. fadlen, wv. earn. a-drenchen, wv. drown. a-dun, av. down. adiineward, av. downwards. a-vellen, wv. make to fall. *avez, spl. aves. a-vormest, av. at first. after, see §fter. tas, av. always. a-sean, asein, prp., av. against, towards (to meet) ; for ; in ex- change for ; back. aseines,/r^. against. t ashen, see gwen. a-ginnen, sv. begin. fah-te, see f iht. al (1), aj. all ; ' over al,' everywhere; ' mid alle,' * fwij) alle,' entirely, altogether ; ' alre-erest,' first of all. al, av. all, quite, entirely, utterly. al, J";/, everything. a-lesen, wv. release. alle-gate, av. by all means. alles, av. entirely, really. allunge, av. entirely, completely. al-niiliti,talniah.tis, aj. almighty. al-s9, ase, 'j'alswa, false, fals, av. so, also, as, like ; * ase neih . . ase veor,' the nearer . . the fur- ther ; '])er ase,' where, &c. falter, s. altar. am, see beon. f amaen, amen. a-morwen, av. on the morrow, next morning. an, indef. art. B.-D.,prp. on, in. *anch.eisiin, sn. reason. ancre, sf. anchoress, nun. and, ant, cj. and ; but. *andetted, prt. ptc. endebted. f an-fald, aj. simple, sincere. an-hgngen, iw* hang. GLOSSAR y. 83 an-gn, f anan, av. immediately ; continually. aii9n-rilit, av. immediately. an-ont, J>r/>. in regard to. ant, see and. *apocalipse, s. apocalypse. fare, s. mercy. farefnl, aj. merciful. faren, wv. be merciful to ; for- give. f arke, s. ark. a-redden, wv. rescue, deliver. a-reimen, 2e/v. redeem. a-reowen, sv. 'me areowej)/ I pky. a-r§ren, 7av. raise ; cause. a-riht, av. rightly, properly. a-risen, sv. arise. +art, see been. ♦asaumple, s/. example. 'I'askes, sJ>L ashes. askien, wv. ask. askung, s. asking. a-schunien, Tmf. rejl. shun, avoid. ase, see alsg. a-spillen, wv. destroy. asse, s. donkey. a-stiinten, wv. stop. atelicli, aj. repulsive, ugly. attri, aj. poisonous, venomous. auh, fac, av. but ; and. ♦autorite, s. authority. a-wei, av. away. fawnen, wv. show, declare. a-worpen, sv. throw, precipitate. Bacen, sv. bake. fbad, see bidden. i^bar, see beren. bead, see beoden. *beaubelez, spl. trinkets, baubles. bede, s. prayer. bede-sang, s. song of prayer. beih, see bu"wen. *bekien, wv. peck. tbelden, wv. encourage. fbene, s. request, prayer. beoden, sv. offer. beon, sv, be. ^beon, sv. be. beren, sv. carry, bear ; * beren up,* hold up. fberslien, sv. save, preserve. f berhles, s. salvation. berken, sv. bark. berme, s, leaven. bernen, fbrennen, wv. bum. bersten, sv. burst. bf st, s, beast, animal. bet, av, better, rather. betere, aj.^ sb. better. b§}), sn, bath. bi, prp., av. by, near ; by means of, through. bi-cliippen, wv. embrace. bi-cumen, sv. become. bidden, sv. ask, pray. bi-von, bivongen, sv. encompass, contain. bi-voren, bivore,/^^., az;., before. bi-geat, s. gain. bi-gilen, wv. beguile. fbiggen, tjuv. dwell. bi-ginnen, sv. begin. bi-siten, sv. get, obtain. bi-giirdel, sn. girdle, belt. bi-heve, s. profit, benefit. bi-hove, s. benefit. bi-hoven, wv. be necessary, be- hove. bi-hglden, sv. behold, consider. bi-hgten, sv. promise, vow. bile, s. beak, bill. bi-lf ven, wv. leave, forsake. bi-lien, sv. slander. bi-limpen, sv. belong. binden, sv. bind. bi-neopen, prp. beneath. bi-nimen, sv. deprive, take away. bi-rfvien, wv. bereave, deprive. bi-reounesse, s. compassion. fbirp, 7W., impers. becomes, befits. fbiscop, sm. bishop. bi-sechen, wv. beseech. bi-senchen, wv. sink. bi-seon, sv. look. bi-setten, wv. beset, surround, en- close, besiege. bisi, aj. busy, assiduous. bisiliche, av. busily. G 2 84 GLOSS AR Y, bisischipe, s. activity, bisne, s. example, specimen, bi-speten, wv. spit on. bi-tf Chen, wv. entrust. bi-tellunge, sf. excusing, excuse, bi-teon, sv. bestow. bi-t9cnen, wv. signify, denote, bitter, aj.^ sb, bitter. bi-tunen, wv. shut up, enclose, bi-turnen, wv. turn, bi-tweonen,/;^. between, among. *blanien, wv. blame, blasien, wv. blaze, bleden, wv. bleed, blescien, wv, bless. blf ten, sv. bleat. bliscien, wv. make happy. blisse, s. joy. blipeliche, fblipelike, fblipe- liS, av. gladly. blod, sn. blood. blgwen, sv. blow. b9, prn. both. boo, s. book. fboc-staf, 5". letter of the alphabet. bode, s. offer. bodi, sn. body, bone, s. prayer. bord, s. table, fborshen, see bersben. bote, s. mending, remedy, bop, see been, bgpe,/^?^., av, both, bg-twg, prn. both. bouhte, see biiggen. tbrac, s. noise, fbrappe, s. anger, brf d, s. bread, breiden, sv. braid, plait, breken, sv. break, fbrende, see bernen. breost, s. breast, brf J?, sni. vapour, odour, brepren, see broper. bridd, s. young bird. bridel, s. bridle. bridlen, wv. bridle, briht, aj. bright. brihten, wv. brighten, bringen, wv. bringen. brgd, aj. broad. broper, sm. brother. brouhte, see bringen. briicen, sv. enjoy. bucc, sm. he-goat. biiggen, wv. buy. biibp, see biiwen. fbule, sm. bull. fbulted, aj. {prt. ptc), boulted, passed through a sieve. buruh, fburh, s. city. biiten, biite, but, fhutt, prp., av. without ; except, only. ' biit(e) _5if,' unless. blip, see biiggen. buven, prp. above, buwen, sv. bow, bend. Cakel, aj. cackling. cakelen, wv. cackle. tcalf, s. calf. *caliz, S771. chalice. castel, s. castle. cat(t), s. cat. fcliaf, s. chaff. fkanunk, sm. canon. *k§cchen, wv. catch. kene, aj. brave. kepen, wv. heed, care for. kerven, sv. cut. fcbaris, aj. mourning, sad. *chast, aj. chaste. *chastienient, s. rebuking. *chastien, wv. rebuke. *cliaungement, s. change. cbeffare, s. traffic, bargaining. chf fie, s. chatter. cbf flen, wv. chatter. fcbele, s. chill, cold. cheoke, s. cheek. eheosen, sv. choose. cbeouwen, f chewwen, sv. chew. chfp, s. bargain; 'leten ch|p,' make a bargain. chfpien, tvv. traffic, sell. chf pild, sf. trafficker. chfpmon, sm. merchant, trades- man. *chere, s. face, countenance ; ap- pearance. GLOSSAR y. 85 *ch§rite, s. love, charity. child, sn. child. chirche, f kirke, s. church. kinedom, j. kingdom. king, sm. king. fkirke-dure, s. church-door. f clawwGs, sj}l. claws, hoofs. elf ne, aj. pure. fclenlike, av. purely. elf nnesse, sf. purity. clensien, 7W. purify. cl§ppe, s, clapper. climben, sv. climb, rise. clippen, wv. clip, shear. Glofen^ prt.ptc. cloven. elf]?, s, clothing, clothes. cluse, s. sluice. cneden, sv, knead. fcneling, s, kneeling. cneolen, wv. kneel. kniht, sm. knight. knihtschipe, sm. knighthood. kn9wen, sv. know. f kngwen, sv. know, discern. kniitten, wv. tie ; tie a knot in. cgld, aj, cold. com, fcom, see cumen. •j-come, s. coming. con, const, see cunnen. corn, s. com. cos(s), s. kiss. costnien, wv. cost. C9ve, s. chough, raven. *creoisen, wv. make the sign of the cross on, cross. *crien, wv. cry. Crist, sm. Christ, cristen, aj. christian. cristendom, s. Christianity, cristnen, wv. christen. ♦crucifix, sn. crucifix, f crummes, spl. crumbs. *criine, s. crown. *crTinien, wv. crown, kii, sf, cow. cude, s. cud. c\il(l), s. stroke, f culfre, s. pigeon, dove, ciillen, wv. strike. ciunen, sv, come ; happen, be. ctinde, s. nature, condition, kiindel, s. brood, progeny, kiindeliche, av. naturally, kiinne, s. kind. 2'kunned, aj. Kprt. ptc), belonging to a family, descended. cunnen, vb. know; know how, be able. *])onc cunnen,' be grateful for. *cunsail, s. counsel. *kuplen, wv. couple. *kurteisie, s. courtesy. kurve, see kerven. kussen, wv. kiss. "kXLp, aj. known, familiar. cupe, see cunnen. kupen, wv. made known, show, kuplf chunge, s. acquaintance. cwf d, s. evil ; * t5 cwfde ' badly. cwellen, wv. kill, cweme, aj. pleasing, agreeable. cweme, s, gratification. *td cweme,' agreeably. 2 cweme, aj. pleasing. ewemen, wv, please. ewene, sf. queen, f cwenkeuj^e/z;. quench,extinguish, cw§)?, see ewepen. ewepen, sv. speak. cwic, aj. alive, living. *cwitaunce, s. payment. f Daftelike, av. becomingly. dai, see d§i. *dame, sf. lady. dawes, see d§L *debonerte, s, kindness. df d, aj, dead. dede, s, deed. d§i, dai, fdas, s, day. dfl,5. part, share, 'sum dfl,' partly. df len, wv, divide, separate. delven, sv. dig. demen, wv, judge, deor, s, animal. deore, aj, dear, precious. deore-vrurjje, aj, dear, precious. deovel, s. devil. *depeinten, wv. paint. derf, s, hardship. 86 GLOSS AR V, dest, see don. *destruen5 zifv. destroy. dej>, see don. df ]?, s. death. *dettes, sj>/. debts. *dettur, sm. debtor. *dial9ge, s. dialogue. fdippen, tuv. dip. dgle, s. part, division. dom, s. judgment, opinion, 'domes dai,' doomsday, day of judgment. don, sv. do ; put. f drah, see drien. fdrano, see drincen. drauhj), see drawen. drawen, sv. draw. dr§d, s. dread. dr§den, s{'w)v. dread, drejghen, see drien. drien, fdreshen, sv. endure. drifen, sv. drive, f drihtin, sm. Lord, f drinnch, s. draught, drinken, sv. drink. drope, s. drop. *duble, aj. double. diide, see don. dulve, see delven. dust, s. dust. dwilde, s. error. Ec, eke, av. also. eche, aj. eternal. echen, f eken, wv. add. f d-mod, aj. humble. feedmodlis, av. humbly, gra- ciously. fsedmodnesse, sf. humility. §vere, f ver, f sefre, av. ever. §verich,/r;?. every, everyone, each one. evesien, wv. clip, cut hair. evesunge, spl. clippings. efne, s. power, ability. efnen, tw. compare. eft, av. again. f fter, f after, /;7^. after, according to. ' §fter-})gt,' as. fi, s. tgg. §i, see |ni. fes-h-wser, av. everywhere. eie, s. eye. eie, s. fear. eie-piirel, s. window. eih-sihj), s. eyesight. f ihte, tahte, s. property ; cattle. eilien, wv. annoy, trouble. f iren, see f i. f elderne-mann, sm. elderly per- son. +ele-s»-w, s. oil. elles, av. else, otherwise. elles-hwar, av. elsewhere. ^nde, s. end. fnes, av. once. engel, S77i. angel. fEnglish, aj.y sb. English, English language. eni, fi, prn. any, anyone. ^entente, s. intention. eode, see g9n. eornen, see lirnen. eorpe, s. earth. eorpen, aj. earthen. eorplich, f eorplis, aj. earthly. §pple, sm. apple. fr, av., cj. before, super I. frest, aj., av. first. * on frest,' first. fserd, s. country, region. fre, s. ear. f , ■f erfe, s. animal, beast. erien, wv. plough. f rm, s, arm. 'j'ernde, s. message. §rt, see been. §ster-even, s. Easter eve. §t, fat, prp. at, by ; from. §t-fleon, sv. escape. gt-h^lden, sv, withhold. §t-lutien, wv, crouch away, hide. §t-witen, vb, reproach. f p-cene, aj. easily seen, manifest, apparent. f ]?e, av. easily, without reluctance. §x, sf. axe. Fallen, vallen, sv. fall ; belong. vals, aj., sn. false ; falsehood, valsien, luv. prove treacherous. varen, sv. fare, go. GLOSSARY. 87 •[lasting, s, fasting. ffatt, aj. fat. feden, wv. feed, v§der, ffader, sm. father. veien, wv. join. f§ir, aJ, fair. fgire, ffaj^re , av. fairly, beautifully. veiung, s. joining. vel, sn. skin. feo-lawe, sm. companion, friend. veole, 'I'fele, aj, many. veole-iwordede, aj, of many words, loquacious, veond, sm. enemy ; fiend, devil. *feor, s, price. veor(r), ffer, av. far. feorrene, av., aj. from a distance ; distant. veorpe, f ferpe, aj. fourth, f^rd, s, army. (2)vere, sm. companion, Mend, ffere, s, means. *vers, ffers, sn. verse. *versalien, wv, repeat a verse. *ff ste, s. feast. v§sten, wv. fast. v§stnien, wz/.fix,establish,confirm. vet, see vot. v§tten, wv. fatten. f if, num, five, fifte, aj. fifth. jlht, sm. fight, war, contest, vihten, sv. fight. (/)vinden, sv. find, ff indis, aj. fruitful, good, tfirst, aj. first. tfirpren, wv, promote, help, fflesl, s. flail. fleose, s. fleece, fleoten, sv. float, flow, vlf sch, sn. flesh, vlien, 'l^fleon, f flen, sv. flee. vloc(c), J", flock, multitude, large number. flod, s. flood. flod-s§t, ^. flood-gate. i-fLuinm, s. river, vluwen, j^^ vlien. V9, sm. foe. fodder, s. fodder. vode, s. food. *fol, aj. foolish. vole, sn. folk, people. vglden, sv. fold. » volewen, ffolshen, wz;. follow, 2Vollen, see fallen. von, sv. seize, take. ' von on,' begin, ^vgnd, see vinden. vgndunge, s. temptation. fOTjprp.jCJ. for ; because. * for to, for te,' in order to, to. ' for-J)at,' because. vor-b§d, see vorbeoden. vor-beoden, sv. forbid, vor-bisne, s. example, parable, for-bl^den, wv. blind, fore-ward, s. agreement, for-siven, sv. forgive, forsifenesse, s. forgiveness, vor-giilten, wv. incur guilt. * vor- gtilt, f forgilted,' prt. ptc. guilty. ffor-langed, aj. {prt. ptc.) long- ing, vor-leosen, sv. lose ; perish, forloren, see vorleosen. vorlorenesse, s. perdition. vorme, aj. former, first, superl. vormest. *a vormest,' av. at first. vor-saken, sv. refuse, reject. for-schuppen, wv. transform. vorschuppild, sf. sorceress, for-seon, sv. despise, vor-stoppen, wv. stop up. vor-swoluwen, wv. swallow up, devour. ^rovtjprp. until, vorj), av. forth, forpen, av. also, vor-pi, av., cj. therefore, because. ' for-])i-])§t,' in order that. vorpien, m/z;. promote; accomplish, do; help. vor-worpen, tforwerpen, S7>, throw off, cast away, reject. fostren, wv. nourish, foster. fostrild, sf. nurse. vot, s. foot. vour, vor, ffowwer, nu7n. four. 88 GLOSSAR V. i^fow^B^ertis, num. forty. 't'fra, prj^. from, out of. ' fra-))at,' after, frame, s. profit. fremde, see vreomede. freond, sm. friend. vreomede, ffremde, aj. strange, freomien, wzj. benefit. freo, aj. free, vreoschipe, s. liberality, freten, sv. devour. vri-d§i, s. Friday. vri-niht, s. Good Friday eve. vrovre, s. consolation. vrovren, Tijv. console, vrom, j^rp. from, frommard, prp. away from, fuel, s. bird. ful, aJ. foul. ful(l), aj. full ; av. fully, very, fule, av. foully. fiilen, zuv. defile. ffulfremed, of. (//'/.//f.) perfect, tfulhtnen, wv. baptize. fuUen, 2av. fill, fill up ; fulfil, fulliche, av. fully. +fulluht, s. baptism, fur, s. fire. fursen, tw. remove. fGal, aJ. wanton. galle, s. gall. fgalnesse, s. wantonness. gangen, see g^n. tsarken, wv. prepare. garsume, s. treasure. tgastlike, av. spiritually. tgat, s. goat. %h^ prn. ye. Sf , av. yes. Sean-kiime, s. return. tsede, see ggn. g§deren, wv. gather. S§f, see siven. fgesnen, wv, profit. Seien, wv. cry, proclaim. Selden, sv. pay, repay ; make good ; requite, seme, sf. care, heed. Semien, wv. keep. •j-Ssen, prp. against, to. Seond,/r^. throughout, over. Seonien, wv. gape. georne, av. eagerly, carefully. Seove, s. gift. Ser, s. year. g®t, see gat. set, sete, tset, av. yet, besides, even ; already. S|t, s. gate. S§tten, wv. consent. "tsho, she. Sicclien, wv. itch. Sif, tiff) cj. if, whether. ' sif >at,* if. gile, s. guile, deceit, gilen, wv. deceive, tgilt, s. guilt. Sirnen, wv. desire. gist, s. guest, gistnen, wv. lodge. Siven, sv. give. Giwe, sm. Jew. Giwerie, s. Jewry, gladien, see glgdien. gl§d, aj. glad. gled, 5. red-hot coal. gl§dien,gladien,w2/.cheer,rejoice. gl§dliche, av. gladly. God, sm. God. god, aj.^ sn. good, godcundnesse, s. divinity. god-ded, s. good deed. Godhed, s. divinity. godien, wv. endow, f godlesc, s. benefit, tgodnesse, j. goodness. fgod-spell, gospel, sn. gospel, f godspell-b5c, s. gospel-book. tgodspell-WTihte, sm. evangelist, ggn, f gangen, vb. go. gospel, see godspell. g9st, s. ghost, spirit, ggstlich, aj. spiritual. *grace, s. grace, grameund, aj. angry, gredil, s. gridiron. *gref, s. trouble, f grespen, wv. prepare, greot, s. grit, gravel, sand. GLOSSAR Y, 89 grf t, aj. thick, coarse, great, super I . greast. greten, wv, greet. gr§ten, iw. grow large, get fat. tgreppen, wv. bake. griin(ni), aj. fierce, severe. grinden, sv, grind, grin-stgn, s, grindstone. grislich, aj. fearful, ghastly. gripfulnesse, s. peacefulness. grome, s. anger. grunde, see grinden. *gngenient, s. judgment, sung, aj. young. giirdel, s. girdle. Habben, wv. have. thad, s. rank. i-haslielike, hashelis, c^v. quietly. liastierlike, av. fitly, becomingly. halewe, S7n. saint. half, aj. half. half, s. side. ' an oJ)er h.' on the other hand, again, thalshen, wz/. consecrate, sanctify. fhalisdom, s. holy thing. fhalp, see helpen. halt, see h9lden. ham, see heom. i^hardnen, wv, harden, fs^haten, prt. pic. called, named. hattre, see hgt. have, see habben. lie,prn. he. hebben, sv. lift, raise up. h§f, see hebben. hfved, s. head. h§vede, see habben. hfved-luve, s, chief love, hevi, f hefis, aj. heavy, severe. heie, av. highly, high. heih, aj. high, exalted, august. *on h.' aloft, superl. heixt, fheshest. hei-ward, sm. heyward, town's herdsman. held, see hglden. hf le, s. health, salvation ; sanctity. hflen, wv. heal, helien, iw. hide, conceal. helle, s, hell. help, s. help. helpen, sv. help. fhem, see heom. hende, aj. skilful ; courteous. thengen, wv. hang, suspend. henne, sf. hen. "heo fprn. she, they. heovene, ^-heofne, fhefne, sf. heaven. heold, see hglden. heom, ham, 'I'hem, pr7t. them. heorde-mon(n), S7?i. herdsman. fheore, hore, -j-here, prn. their. heort, s. hart. heorte, sn. heart. heorteliche, av. heartily, cheer- fully. heowien, wv. colour. her, av. here. * her-bi,* &c. , hereby, by this. heron en, wv. hearken, attend to. h§rd, i-hard, aj. hard. h§rde, av. violently. h§rd-iheorted, aj. {prt.ptc.) hard- hearted. hf rdschipe, sn. hardship. there, see heore. h§re, s. haircloth. /heren, wv. hear. here-"w6rd, s. renown. h§rm, s. injury, damage. hfrmien, wv. injure. hf ste, s. command. thet = he it. fhete, s. hate. hf te, s. heat. hetel, aj. hostile, threatening. thf pelis, av. scornfully. hf pen, aj. heathen. thiden, wv. hide. hider-to, av. hitherto. hien, wv. hie, hasten. him, prn. him. hird, s. retinue, court. hirey prfz. her. his, prn. his. hit, fit, prn. it. hoker, s. contempt, disdain. hfl, aj. whole, sound. 90 GLOSSARY. fhgl, aj. entire, sound. hgld, s. restraint. h^lden, sv. hold, keep ; consider. hgli, aj. holy. holpen, see helpen. hom(m), s. ham. hgnd, sf. hand. hgngen, vb. hang. hope, s. hope. hopien, wv. hope. here, see heore. hors, s. horse. hgt, aj. hot. hu, hwu, av. how. hiide, s. hide. htLnd, S7n. dog. hundred, num. hundred. hunger, s. hunger. huntien, wv. hunt. hure, av. * h. & h.' at least, any- how. hure, huire, s. hire, wages. huren, wv. hire. *hurt, S7t. hurt. *hurten, wv. hurt. has, s. house. huse-wif, s. mistress of a house, housekeeper. fwhanne, see h"won. hwar, fwhser, av. where, 'whser se,' wherever. hware-vore, av. wherefore. hwar-to, av. to what purpose, wherefore. }iwa.t,J>rn.,aj., interj. what, which, lo! *what-se,' whatever. *for what,' wherefore. whser, see hwar. hwf te, S7?i. wheat. hwgper, prn. which (of two). * h. se,' whichever of the two. hwi, av. why. * vor h.' wherefore, why. while, see hwiich. •t'2whilc, pm. each. hw9, prn. who. * hwg se/ who- ever. hwon(n), f whanne, cj. when ; since. * whann se/ whenever. hwu, see hu. hwiich, f while, /;-«., aj. of what sort, of what kind, which. hwuder, av. whither, 'hw. s^,' wherever. hwiile, s. while, time. * sume hw.' sometimes. '])eo ())e) hw. J)gt,* while. I, see ieh. i, see in. ieh, i, 'I'ie, pm. I. iehiille = ieh wulle. idel, aj. vain, useless. * on idel,' in vain. •filkfprn. each. like, prn. same. in, i,prp., av. in. ine,prp. in. inne, av. in. jw/J^r/. finrest, in- nermost. f insesles, spl. seals. 'fin-til, prp. into, to. in-t6,/r^. into. inward, aj. inward. inwardliehe, inwardljke, in- wardlis, av. inwardly, sincerely. iren, sn. iron. iren, aj. iron. is, see been. fjudisk, aj. Jewish, juggen, wv. judge. fLae, s. gift, offering, sacrifice, flaf, s. loaf. flaken, wv. offer sacrifice to. flang, aj. dependent (on), owing (to). *large, aj. liberal. 'I'lar-spell, s. doctrine. last, aj.j superl. * a last,' finally. 'attelaste,' at last, lastunge, s. detraction, blame. ^late, s. manner, behaviour, 'j'laten, wv. bear oneself, latere, av. coinp. later, f latin, aj. Latm. lawe, s. law. lede, see leode. If den, s. language. GLOSSAK Y. 91 l§den, wv. lead ; rejl. conduct one- _self. l§ve, s. leave. i-lsefe, s. belief, faith. Ifven, wv. leave. zleven, zuv. believe. l§fdi, sf. lady. leggen, wv. lay, lay eggs. fleslieii, see lien. l§i, see liggen. leinten, s. spring, Lent. leiten, wv. flame. flsen, s. reward. Ifne, aj. lean. flenen, zw. entrust with. fleode, lede, sj)l. people. leof, aj, dear. leof-moii(n), smf. sweetheart, be- loved (applied only to women). leornien, wv. leam. leorning-cniht, sm. disciple. leosen, sv, lose. l§ren, wv. teach. ' il|red, fleered,' learned; *wel-il|red,' well-in- formed. *lescun, sn. lesson. lesen, f leosen, tw. loosen, release, redeem. * 1. up,' open. Ifsse, aJ. comp.j av, less. If ste, aj. lest. zlf sten, wv. last. leten, flseten, wv. let, permit; think, judge. le]?er, sn. leather. *lettres, spl. letters. leiin, s. lion. f Isewed, aj. lay. likien, wv. please. flicnes, s. likeness. ^lich, aj. like. licome, s. body. licomlich, aj. bodily. lic-WTirpe, aj. acceptable. lien, sv. lie, tell untruth. lif, J. life. ' lives,' in life, when alive. livenep, s. sustenance. liggen, sv. lie. liht, aj. light, easy. lihtliche, az^.easily ; foralowprice. lim, s. limb. limpen, sv. belong. f listen, zvv. listen. lip, see liggen. lipe, aj. gentle. 15, interj. lo ! behold ! l9verd, sm. lord. loken, see luken. lokien, wv. look ; take care. Igdlich, aj. hateful, superl. l^d- liikest. lof, s. praise. lofen, wv. praise. Igmb, s. lamb. lome, s. tool, instrument. Ignd, s. land, country. Ifng, aj. long. Ignge, av. long, for a long time. Igre, s. teaching ; doctrine. Igp, aj. hateful. Iguw, aj. low. flufsum, aj. loving, amiable. luken, sv. shut, enclose. luve, sf. love. luve-glf m, s. love-gleam. luveliche, av. lovingly. luvien, wv. love. luve-wurpe, aj. worthy of love. lust, s. desire. lusten, wv. impers. please ; desire. liit, av.^^ aj., sb. little, few. Intel, liite, flitel,^'.,«z'., j^. little, few. '■ a liite wiht,' a little, some- what. luten, sv. bow, bow to. liiper, aj. worthless, base, bad, wicked. Make, fmacclie, s. mate. makien, wv. make ; make neces- sary, cause. fmas, see mf i. fmaht, see miht. fmanis-hwat, prn. many a thing. 'i'nian-kin(n), s. mankind, mapelien, wv. talk, babble, mapelunge, s. idle talk. me, pm. indef. one, they. me, cj. but ; and. TD.e, prn. me. mede, s. reward. 92 GLOSS AR y. mf i, fmas, vb. can ; may. maiden, s. maid, servant. *ineister, sm. master, teacher. *meistrie, s. mastery, superiority ; great deed. mele, s. meal. men, see mon. fmf nen, wv. mean, signify, tmenmsclesc, s. human nature, fmenniscnesse, s. human nature, f meoc, aj. meek. •hneoclesc, s. meekness, f meoclike, meoclis, av. meekly. 'I'ineocnesse, s. meekness. *inercer, sm, merchant. *nierci, s. mercy, merke, s. mark. *niessager, sm. messenger, f messe, s. mass. f messe-boe, s. mass-book, mf st, aj. , av. most. *mester, s. office. *mesure, s, measure, moderation, mete, s, food, meals, fmeten, wv, paint, depict. mid, prp. with ; * mit-tet-))gt,' by the fact that, because, mide, av, with. milit, vb.y see mfi. miht, f maht, s. might. mihti, aj. mighty. milce, J. pity, mercy, milcen, wv. pity, have mercy. milde, aj. mild, gentle. mild-lieortiiesse, s. gentleness, mercy. fmild-hertlesc, s. mercy, min, prn. my, mine, fminstre, s. temple, fminstre-dure, .$". temple-door. *miracle, s. miracle. mis-dede, s. injury. miis-don, sv. injure, mis-leven, wv. disbelieve. mislich, aj. various. m.is-sawe, s. slander, missen, wv. miss, lose, mis-siggen, wv. slander. mit, see mid. mg, aj.f sb. more plural. moder, sf. mother. fmLOdislesc, s, pride. f modislike, mddiliSj^z'. proudly, fmodisnesse, s. pride. mon(n), sm. man, person. mgne, s. complaint. mgng, sn. iningling. mtonglunge, s. mingling. moni, aj. many, many a one. moni-vgld, aj. manifold, monivglden, wv. multiply. mgre, aj. , av. more sg. * na m.' no more av. mot, vb. may, must, mgwe, sf. kinswoman. muchel, miiche, miich, 'j'm.ikel, aj., av., sb. great, much, very, miihte, see m§i. m.ulne, sf. mill. miind, protection, miinegunge, s, commemoration, remembrance, murcnen, wv. murmur, miiri, aj. merry, cheerful. mii)>, sm. mouth, muwe, see mfi, Iirabben = ne habben. nave J) = ne have)). f naslen, wv. nail. nam = ne am. ne, av. , cj. not ; nor. neb(b), s. face. nf ddre, sf. serpent. nede, av. needs. neden, wv. compel, drive. neih, f neh, aj.y av. near, nearly. cp. neorre. superl. 'j'nest. n§il, s. nail. nelde, s. needle ; pin. nemnen, wv. name. n§nne, see n9n. *neoces, spl. wedding. neod, s. need. neodful, aj. zealous. neorre, see neih. nere = ne were. n^ruh, aj. narrow. n§s = ne wgs. 't'nesshe, aj. soft. GLOSSAR Y. 93 tnesshen, wv. soften, nest, see neih. nfvere, nfver, av. never, tnishen, num. nine, niht, s. night. nimen, sv. take. nij>, s. malice, hatred, nipful, aj. malicious. 119, see ngn. *n9ble, aj. noble, noht, see ngut. *iioise, s. noise. nolde = ne wolde. nome, s. name. nomeliche, av. namely. 11911, 119, pm. none, no j no one. n9-pe-l§s, av. ^g/ertheless. n9U-hware, fnowwhar, av. no- where. ii9ut, f noht, av. not. n9uj>er, av. neither, fnowt, s. cattle. nule = ne wiile. mumen, see nimen. y, see 9n. o, see on. of, prp. from, of; abont, con- cerning ; of-J>at, coizj. that. of-drawen, sv. attract. of-dr§d, prt. ptc. afraid. over, prp. over, above. ' o. al,' everywhere. over-cvunen, sv. overcome ; sur- pass. over-g9n, sv. pass away, pass over; surpass, over-iirn, s. course, speed. over-weien, vb. outweigh. fofer-werc, s. overwork. of-g9n, sv. seek ; win. foffren, wv. offer, sacrifice. ofte, av, often. ofte-sif>e(n\ av. often. of-punclien, wv. repent. 9ld, aj. old, oluhnen, wv. flatter. on, 6, an, f onne {av.^, prp. on ; in; against. 9n, aj., sb. one ; an, a. 'an 9n,* forth- with. * 9ne,' alone. 9ne, av. only. on-fon, sv. take, receive, suffer. on-swerien, wv. answer. on-t^nden, %vv. kindle. ontful, aj. envious. on-ward, /;;^. towards. gn-wil'vD, aj. obstinate. open, aj. open. openien, wv. open. openliche, av. openly. ore, fare, s. grace, mercy. *ordre, s. religious order. oper, aj., pj-n. second ; other. 9]>er, av., cj. or. ' 9))er . . 9>er,' either ._. or. oper-hwiiles, av. at other times, sometimes. o\3i,prn. you. 9uh, see 9V5ren. 9ut,/r;?. anything. 9 wen, aj. own. 9wen, vb. owe ; ought, have to. 6weT,pm. your. oxe, s. ox. *Paien, wv. pay. *parais, s. paradise. *parlur, s. parlour. *parten, wv. part, depart. *passen, wv. pass ; surpass. *passiiin, s. suffering, passion. *patriark, sm. patriarch. *peintunge, s. painting. *pellican, sn. pelican. *peoddare, sm. pedlar. *person, s, person, pine, s. pain, torment, pinen, wv. torment, mortify, pinunge, s. pain, tormenting, pleien, zw. play. *P9vre, aj. poor, ponewes, spl. pence, money, fpostel, sm. apostle. *prf Chen, wv. preach. *preisen, wv. praise. *preoven, tuv. prove. preost, sm. priest. 94 GLOSSAR Y, fprimsesnen, wv. make a cate- chumen. *pris, s. price ; praise, estimation. *prisun, s. prison ; prisoner. *prophete, sm. prophet. psalm - wiirhte, sm. (psalm - Wright), psalmist. puf(f j, s. puff. puffen, wv. puff, blow. piinden, wv. shut up, impound. *purgat6rie, s. purgatory. tRan, see urnen. fras, see risen. rap, see r|d, raper, av. comp. quicker, more readily. *raunsun, s. ransom. f recle-fat, s. censer. -JTecles, s, incense. 'jrecles-sniec, s. incense-smoke. r§d, i*rap, s. advice, counsel. r§d, aj. red. rf den, wv. advise. rf den, freden, wv. read. *^rf vien, wv. bereave, rob. f reshel-boc, s, rule-book, book of canons. *reisun, s. reason. *religiun, s. religion. *religius, aj, , sb. religious ; member of religious order, monk, nun. *reniedie, s. remedy. riclie, s. kingdom. , riche, aj. rich. riht, aj.j av. right; rightly, cor- rectly ; just, quite. riht, s. right, justice, friht-biseten, aj. {prt.ptc.) rightly acquired. rihtwisnesse, sf. righteousness. rim, s. number ; metre. frisen, sv. rise. *riwle, s. rule, direction. rod, sf. cross. rode-treo, s. cross. zroted, aj. {prt.ptc.) rooted. riih, aj. rough. riine, s. running, flow. ruwe, see riih. Sake, s. dispute ; guilt. sakelf s, sakl§s, aj. innocent. *sacrarQent, s. sacrament. 'I'sah, see seon. +saht, aj. at peace, reconciled. *salve, s. remedy. salt^j-. salt. *saliiz, s. salvation. tsamen, av. together. tsamnen, wv. gather, collect. fsam-tale, aj. agreed. f sket, aj., av. quick, soon. fskil, s. understanding, discern- ment. schal, vb. shall. schelchine, sf. slave. scheld, sn, shield. schendful, aj. ignominious. schene, aj. beautiful. scheomeful, aj. shameful. scheortliche, av. briefly. schep, s. sheep. schgrp, aj. sharp. schfwen, wv. show. schilden, wv. shield, defend. scMr^ aj. clear, pure. schiren, wv. clear, purify. schirnesse, s, clearness, purity. schriven, sv. confess. schrift, s, confession. schriiden, wv. clothe. schiile, schulde, see schal. i'scorcnen, wv. scorch. fscrenken, wv. supplant. se, see sw^. sf, seea, s. sea. sechen, *|-seken, uuv. seek. seggen, see siggen. sgiht, s. peace. sgihtnesse, s. peace. *seint, *sein, aj. saint. seld-cene, aj. seldom seen, rare. selde, av. seldom. seld-speche, s. taciturnity. seluhpe, s. happiness. *semblaunt, s. appearance. semen, wv. seem. s^nden, wv. send. §seofen, fsefen, seove, num. seven. GLOSSARY. 95 seovepe, fsefende, aj. seventh. seove-vold, fsefenfald,^/. seven- fold. seolver, s. silver. /seon, 'j'seon, f sen, sv. see. *serven, wv. serve. *servise, s. service. tsershen, wv, sorrow. s§t, seten, see sitten. setten,tt/z;.set,put; appoint; com- pose. fsextis, num. sixty. fshi^d, s. discernment. tsliseden, S2^. separate. fshsef, s, sheaf. f shaft, s. creature, thing. tshapen, sv. create, form. fshop, see shapen. sik, aj. sick, ill. *sikel, s. shekel. siker, a/, secure. sikerliclie, av. surely. side, s. side. siggen, 'j-seggen, ivv. say, speak, recite. "^ *silence, s. silence. fsinden, vd. are. singen, sv. sing. *singnes, sp/. signs. sitten, sv. sit. sip, s, time. sippen, av. afterwards, since. slf n, sv, slay, kill. sliddri, of. slippery. sliden, sv, slide. slit, see sliden. f slop, s. track. slouli, see slfn. tsraac, s. taste. smec, s. smoke. fsmeren, tozj. besmear. smepe, aj. smooth. smiten, sv. smite. smip, sm. smith, carpenter. fsnap, see snipen. snipen, sv. kill. sg, se, 't'swa, av. so, as. * swa sum,' as. softe, a/, gentle, soft. somed, av. together. sgnd, s. a thing sent, message; messenger. sgndes-mon(n), sm. messenger, ambassador. sone, av. forthwith ; quickly, soon. S9pe, s. soap. sgr, s. pain. sgri, aJ. sorry, sot, of. foolish. sop, a/., sb. true ; truth. ' for sope,* for a certainty. * to fulle sop,' in full truth. fsopfast, aj. true. sgule, fsawle, s. soul. spade, s. spade. sp§c, see speken. speken, sv. speak. 't'sp^ken, see speken. speche, f spfficlie, s, speech ; lan- guage. speden, wv. succeed. spel(l), s. story. spelien, wv. stand for, repre- sent. spellen, tuv. tell, proclaim, preach. speowen, sv. vomit. sperren, wv. shut, close. speten, wv. spit. *spice, s. spice. sprf den, wv. spread. *spuse, s. spouse, bride. i-stah, see stien. stalewardliche, av. resolutely. ^j-starc, «/'. stiff, firm, severe. stede, see stiide. fstedefast, aj. steadfast. stefne, sf. voice. stf nen, wv. stone. steoren, wv, steer, direct, sti, s. stye. stien, tstishen, sv. ascend; de- scend. stille, aj. still, quiet, silent. stinken, sv. stink. 'f stincli, s. stench, stingen, sv. sting. sti-ward, sm. steward. stok, s. place. stgn, s. stone. st^nden, f standen, sv. stand, sub- 96 GLOSSAR K sist, be. 'standen in/ persevere, continue. stoppen, wv. stop, strecchen, tw. stretch, 'i'strenken, wv. sprinkle, i'strenoles, s. sprinkling. strencpe, s. strengtli,force, violence; compulsion, strencpen, wv. strengthen, streonen, wv, beget. *striven, sv. strive, vie. *str9f, see striven. str9ng, aj. strong, stiide, fstede, s, place, stunde, sf. time. *sukiirs, s. help. siilien, wv, soil, defile. sulf, fself, prn. self. sullen, wv. sell. suluh, s. plough. suni,/r;^., av. some, some one, a certain one, many a (one), i'sum, av. as. sum-hwat, prn. somewhat, some- thing, sune, sm. son. sunegen, wv. sin. sunful, aj, sinful. sunne, s, sun. 811 Ti Tie, s. sin. Blister, sf. sister, i-swat, s. sweat. •fswa-pelili, av. however, swf men, wv. grieve, vex. swenge, s. stroke, blow, sweord, s, sword. sweore, s, neck. svtrerien, sv. swear, swete, aj. sweet. swe teliche ,t sv«retlike,fl;z;.sweetly, graciously, sweten, wv. sweeten, swiftschipe, s. swiftness. swilc, see swiich. swin, s, hog, swine. swine, s. labour, toil, swi-wike, s, week of silence, swote, aj, sweet. sw6te-ih.eorted, aj. {prt. ptc.) sweet-hearted. swotnesse, s, sweetness. swiich, -j-swilc, prn. such, such a one. swupe, av. strongly, very. ■fTaken, sv. take, receive, suffer. ttacnen, wv. signify. ftahte, see tf chen. tale, s. talk. tat, see pf t. te, see to. te, see pe. tf chen, wv. teach. teke(n), av. besides, moreover ; prp. in addition to, besides ; teke pat, conj, besides that. tflen, wv. blame. tellen, wv, tell, account, estimate. *teniptaciiin, s. temptation. teonen, wv, vex. teonne, see peonne. *testament, s. testament. t§t, see pf t. ttil, prp. to, till. tilien, tjuv. till. tilpe, s. cultivation. timbrien, wv. build,prepare,make. timbrunge, s. building. time, s. time. tisse, see pis. tipinge, ftipende, s. tidings. to, te,prp.j av, to. to, av. too. to-blgwen, sv. blow away. to-bollen,<2/. {prt.ptc.) displeased. to-breken, sv. break. toe, see taken, to-drawen, sv, tear apart. to-vleoten, sv. flow away. t6-g§deres, av. together. to-seines, av, towards. tglde, see tellen. i-to-skesren, wv. scatter, to-treden, sv. trample, to-twf men, wv. separate, tou-ward, /;7^. towards, to. treden, sv. tread. treo, treoii, S7i. tree ; wood, piece of wood. treowe, aj. faithful. GLOSSAR r. 97 *tresor, s. treasury. ttrowpe, s. faith. f trowwen, wv. believe. trukien, zav. fail. triisti, aj. trusting. tu, see pvL. tukien, wz;. ill-treat. tun, s. farm. tunen, tuv. shut, close. tunge, s. tongue. *tiim, s. trick. *tumemeiit, s. tournament. turnen, zuv. turn. turtle, s. turtle-dove. tiitel, s. mouth. ftwessen, see tw9. twie(s), twi^ses, av. twice. twinne, «;'., num, double, two. twinnen, zuv. divide, separate. twinnunge, s. separation. tw9, num. two. p>auh, tpoh, tpeh, av., cj. though, although, however. *as))auh,'as if. *])oh j)at,' though. * J)oh swa )7eh,' nevertheless. pe {pm.), def. art. the. ' vor pi,' therefore. * )7es te bettre,' all the better. pe, pe, /rw. r^/. who. ' ])e pgt,' he who. pe, av, with compar. the. pe, prn, thee. fpes, tpesm, fpesre, see he. pen, j^lich, of. immortal. un-^deliche, av. infinitely. *iinicorne, s. unicorn. un-imete, s, want of measure, ex- cess ; av. immeasurably. un-imeteliche, av. immeasurably. un-iseli, aj. unhappy. un-mf pschipe, s. want of modera- tion. fun-nitCt), aj. useless. * on u.' uselessly, to no purpose. un-pined, aj. (/r^./^r. )unpunished, uninjured. un-rech.elfs, aj. heedless, indif- ferent. f un-seolpe, unselpe, s. unhappi- ness. fun-skapeful, aj. innocent. fun-shapisnesse, s. innocence. *Tin-stable, aj. unstable. un-til,/;^., av. unto, until. un-pf u, s, vice, fault. un-ponkes, av. involuntarily. un-wis, aj. unwise. un--wT§st, aj. base, worthless, wicked. Tin-wrfsteliche, av. wickedly. up, av. up. up-on, upo, uppen, uppe, fup- pon, uppo,/r«., av. upon, on, in, above. up-riht, aj., av. upright. up-ward, upwardes, av. upwards. Vire,pru. our. *ures, sj>l. hours, times for prayer, urnen, f eornen, sv, run. \x&,prn. us. ut, av. out. comp. * uttre,' outer, ut-cume, s. coming out, exit, ut-ward, av. outwards. V, see under f. "Waden, sv. wade. twash.e-rift, s. wall-cloth, curtain. twah, f waslie, s. wall. wal(l), s. wall. fwald, s. power. wallen, sv. boil. zwar(r), aj. cautious. ward, s. guard. ware, s. wares. warien, wv. curse. wari-treo, s. gallows. warp, see wurpen. was, see been. fwasshen, sv. wash. water, s. water. f water-kin(n), s. nature of water. waxen, sv. grow, increase. twecche, s, watching. wed(d), s. pledge, security. ^wedded, aj, (^prt, ptc.) wedded. wei, sm. way. *])isses weis,*in this way. *summes weis,* to some extent. *n9ne(s) weis,' in no way. weie, s. balance. wel, i*wel, av. well; indeed, in truth. welden, wv. possess ; win. wel-iset(t), aj. {prt. ptc.) well- arranged, suitable. wf-mod, av. peevish. wv. resist. wi)>-ute(n), p7p., av., cj. outside ; without ; except. wlatien, wv. feel nausea, loathe. wl§ch, aj. lukewarm. wlite, s. beauty. wg, sn. woe. wgc, aj. weak, ■wgcnesse, s. weakness. wod, aj. mad, raging. w6dnes-d§i, s. Wednesday, wodschipe, s. madness. woh, see wouh. wolde, see wriillen. wgmbe, s. stomach ; womb, wone, s. want, wonten, wv. be wanting, word, s. word, wori, aj. turbid, impure, worien, wv. disturb. world, fweoreld, sm, world. worldlich, fweoreldlic, aj. worldly. worpen, fwerpen, sv. throw, wgt, see witen. wouh, 'I'woli, aj., sh. perverse, wrong; perversity. wouhlecchunge, s. courtship. woware, sm. wooer, w^owen, wv. woo. wrastlen, wv. wrestle. wrajjpe, see wr^pjje. wrecche, sm. wretch, wrecche, aj. wretched, wrf che, s. vengeance, punishment, wreih, see wrien. WT^pful, aj. wrathful. WT§}?]je, fwrappe, s, wrath, anger, wrien, sv. cover, hide, twrihte, s. crime, guilt, write, s. writing. Scripture, writen, sv. write, transcribe. * writunge, s. writing. WT^p, aj. angry. wTouhte, see wurchen. WTide, s. wood ; fuel. wiile, see wiillen. wnlf, sm. wolf, wiilvene, s. she-wolf, wiillen, -f wilen, vb. will, desire, wiimmon, sf. woman. lOO GLOSSAR Y, wunde, s, wound. wunden, wv. wound. wunder, s, wonder. ' to wundre,' cruelly, disastrously, wunienj^e/?:;. dwell; be accustomed. * iwuned,' accustomed, wiinne, s. joy. •wnnnunge, s. habitation, •wiirclieii, tw. work, do. wurpe, see worpen. WTirJ), aj., s. worth. ewurpen, wurpen, sv. become, happen. ' let hine iwurjjen,' let him do as he likes. fwurjjlike, av. worthily, rever- ently. "wurpscliipe, s. worship, honour. wiiste, wute)?, see witen. ^ ^^i^-A^ off THE UinVBKSITY] OS* ^XPO THE END. Cfaten^on (pteea ^txite. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE . . pp. i-6 HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY p. 6 MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE . . p. 7 MISCELLANEOUS p. 8 MODERN LANGUAGES ". , p. 9 LATIN SCHOOL BOOKS p. 13 GREEK SCHOOL BOOKS p. 17 The English Language and Literature. HELPS TO THE STUDY OF THE LANGUAGE. 1. DICTIONARIES. 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