ex LIBRIS- 7)rtnr/t fhi/n Li/i /// From the Scarce Oiioinal ftint . o Ex Libria C. K. OGDEN HONE's INTERESTING HISTORY OF THE MEMORABLE BLOOD CONSPIRACY, CARRIED ON BY S. MAC DANIEL, J. BERRY, J. EG AN, and J. SALMON, AND THEIR TRIALS AND SENTENCES, IN 1755, FOR PROCURING TWO BOYS TO COMMIT A ROBBERY, IN ORDER TO GET THE REWARD FOR THEIR CONVICTION, AND OBTAINING AN INNOCENT LAD TO BE EXECUTED, HAVING SWORN AWAY THE LIVES OF SEVENTY POOR CREATURES, AND RECEIVED 1,720 FROM THE TREASURY FOR THEIR BLOOD-MONEY; ALSO THE REASONS FOR WHICH THEY WERE SUFFERED TO ESCAPE THE GALLOWS, AND ILLUSTRATIVE LEGAL AND CRITICAL APPLICABLE TO PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES. With a Portrait of Mac Daniel, after he icas Pilloried. Eonftm: PRINTED FOR WILLIAM HONE, 55, PLEET STREET. 1816. One Shilling, J. AMLA&D, i'riuter, siJ, Bartholomew Close. LIBRARY 4 UNIVEJ^T'-Y OF CALIFORNIA L? v SANTA BARBARA THE MEMORABLE BLOOD CONSPIRACY, &c. RIGHT Reverend Prelate once informed the good people of this country, that they had nothing to do with the laws but to obey them ; and many genteel persons are so favourable to the doctrine, that they are scandalised at every expression of honest indignation excited by some notable proof of their impolicy, partiality, or in- justice. The indulgence claimed for the laws, too, must be ex- tended to their administrators; and we are gravely called upon, not only to make the usual allowances for human infirmity, bnt abso- lutely to forego that vigilance and exposure of abuses, without which laws would soon become the mere discretion of the magistracy. Now, with ail due respect to the powers that be, it may be con- tended that almost every improvement, both in theory and practice^ has original ed in this country f torn EXTRA-OFFICIAL interference i and that public opinion, freely but decently expressed, is as essen- tial to the regulation of the magistrate as the criminal. All the world knows what implicit confidence engenders in this respect, and how round and voluble the exclamation of "All's well" is re- echoed from one worshipful quarter to another, until humane and public-spirited individuals penetrate into the painted sepulchre, and draw forth the rottenness and bones. Away, then, with this trust and this apathy, which cannot be afforded to any body of men. If an administrator of criminal law be seen presiding over a case of life and death with the spirit of a rat-catcher, acting as counsel, nay as a friend, to the prosecutors ; and if, disregarding the light and shade of circumstance, a human being should be hurried out of the world whose guilt is more than doubtful, let not " respectable persons" stifle their genuine feelings, and exclaim " It is a sad thing, to be sure ; but the individual is hanged now, and if we meddle it will only unsettle the minds of the lower orders." J.oirer orders ! it would be dim' cult to discover an order lower than that which contains minds to whom urh abuses are indif- ferent. The title of these sheets will naturally lead the intelligent reader to the immediate cause of the foregoing observations. He will perceive that they are suggested by the recent discovery of the ne- farious proceedings of certain retainers of the police; the publicity of which is another awkward particular for the philanthropists whose sympathy evaporates in " Dear me ! a sad thing, indeed !" &c. &c. If this abominable iniquity were new to the country, or one of those isolated instances of human depravity which now and then arise to disturb the settled conceptions of society, it would afford little room for observation ; but such is not the fact. Almost every one has heard of Jonathan Wild, and seen the Beggar's Opera : Jona- than, by polite people, is doubtless put upon the shelf with Nero, as an impossible repetition in these humane and civilised times, and the Beggar's Opera laughed at as a joke. Be it known, therefore, to the worthy souls who so pique themselves upon superior national morality, that English Jonathans exist in this said year 1816; and that the Beggar's Opera, which was only a slight caricature of the abuses of the day in which it was written, is not wholly pointless at present. Be it known, also, that in the year 1 756 a similar disco- very of conspiracy, murder, and perjury, for reward, was discovered among the attendants of justice, as at present; and hence the scandal of persevering in a system so calculated to confirm guilt and ensnare innocence as that of blood-money, which is a premium for the cultivation of petty criminality into the high or rewardable. The extreme licence given to the men whose interest it is to con- vict, cannot be too much decried; and the preference with which their bare unsupported testimony is frequently received, is a perfect anomaly to the doctrine laid down in other cases. What may be we learn by what is discovered; but how frequently innocence has suffered, dishonesty been tempted, and justice deluded, we know not. Of this we are certain, that in 1756 a system of horrible treachery, conspiracy, and murder, took place, which is repeated in 18 16, with permission, and with such a nicety of resemblance that, as far as the examinations have hitherto proceeded, the one may be considered an echo to the other. It is this resemblance which suggests the present account of the thief-takers, MACDANIEL, BERRY, SALMON, and EGAN. To display the results of a like discovery many years ago, may tend to enlighten the public on the subject of such crying evils. It may do more it may shew that a system, which from time to time has produced such monstrous iniquity, is radically defective, and, in this sense, assist a noble- minded individual (Sir Samuel Romilly) in his ill-repaid labours. There is also a Police Committee of the House of Commons exist- ing, to whom the account, accompanied with a little brief annota- tion, suggested by the striking coincidences of the present day, may be welcome. An account published at that period, from which several of the ensuing facts have been extracted, opens with coarse, but honest and even eloquent, simplicity, as follows: HISTORY of the THIEF-TAKERS, STEPHEN MACDANIEL, JOHN BERRY, JAMES GAHA- GAN, OTHERWISE EGAN, AND JAMES SALMON. NEVER was wjckedness carried to so monstrous a height, or so long escaped with impunity, as the horrible villainies of these miscreants, whose history we here offer to the public view. Nor can the records of any nation upon earth, how barbarous and sa- vage soever they may be represented, furnish such a continued series of inhuman and unprovoked cruelties and murders, executed by any set of men, as have been perpetrated by these incarnate demons, under the mask of doing public justice : nay, it may be truly af- firmed, that, were we to search the journals of the OLD BAILEY for an hundred years past, we shall not mid their equals in relentless cruelty.* They made no scruple of sacrificing the lives of a great number of innocent persons, with no other view than to get money; and, as an aggravation of their crimes, they always added perjury to murder. They laid snares for the unwary, forged robberies for those who were never guilty of them, and fixed them in open court, by the most solemn appeal to God, when, at the same moment, their consciences told them that every fact they swore to was abso- lutely false. And so artfully were their iniquitous schemes con- trived, that it was almost impossible for the person whom they doomed to the slaughter to escape the snare. They had their ter- riers to start the game, while tins pack of bloodhounds were watch- ing to devour it. They always had their under-agents to seek out the object for a victim, which they themselves undertook to butcher at the altar. Nor was London the only stage on which they exhibited their barbarous practices ; for they were frequently seen at assizes in se- veral parts of the country, pursuing the same hellish designs of swearing innocent people out of their lives for the reward. For twenty years and upwards had these blood-suckers been preying upon the lives of poor heedless creatures, who had beert griped to death by their merciless talons. Scarce a sessions was held at the Old Bailey for many years before, but some unhappy wretch liad been sacrificed to their cruel avarice. And so hardened, so lost to all sense of humanity, compassion, and remorse, were these * Is this an anti-climax? if so, it is excusable while contemplating a ease like that which it introduces. It is pleasant to read the observations of certain high-toned journalists upon the demoralization of a neighbouring country let them look at home. If a conspiracy resembling the recent discovery had transpired in France, with what remarks should we not have been edified. The mischief would instantly be traced in a right line to Rousseau and Voltaire, whose horrible volumes, some sapient private letter-writer would assure us, held a conspicuous station on the book-shelyes flf the Parisian Mr, Vaughan. 6 abandoned villains, that, upon sharing the reward on the conviction of any criminal, whom their perjuries had made so, they always had an entertainment, which they very justly called the Blood- Feast ; at the conclusion of which they concerted measures for their next enterprise, and consulted for pitching upon the unfortunate wretch who was to be the new object of their sanguinary prosecu- tion, and accordingly gave directions to their indefatigable agents, who never failed to bring in the prey they were ordered to hunt for. So frolicsome were they on these occasions, that, if any one of them happened to miscarry in the prosecution, he was sure to be the jest and banter of the whole company. In 1740, John Berry enticed LYON ALEXANDER, a poor Jew boy, into a house, where were Currant, Deadman, and Unwin, all thief-takers, under pretence of giving him a shilling to carry a bundle. They spirited him off to Greenwich as a runaway seaman; they beat him with their sticks, and broke his fingers ; they then gave him in charge to a constable as a footpad, carried him before a magistrate, and Berry and Deadman swore to being robbed by him, and Unwin and Currant that he had been an evidence at the Old Bailey, and hanged five or six people. The unfortunate Jew lad was committed to Maidstone gaol for trial, about a week before the assizes ; but, having friends who employed a lawyer in his de- fence, Berry and his gang never appeared to support the indictment they preferred against him, and one PRITCHARD (whom they had previously got committed, but ran away) ; and Alexander and Prit- chard, an equally innocent lad, entrapped by the wretches in the same way, were cleared. Alexander's friends happening to say in a tavern at Rochester that they would give 501. to have the villains apprehended, a kinsman of Un win's undertook to effect it, and Berry was actually taken, arraigned, pleaded guilty, fined, and im- prisoned. Unwiu's friends compromised for 201. ; Currant was taken, but escaped out of a coach, and was never afterwards heard of; and Deadman was never taken, though often attempted, always going armed : he once shot at his pursuers, afterwards commuted a highway robbery, was taken for that at Oxford, lodged in gaol there, and, attempting to escape by murdering the keeper, was himself killed. In 1744, STOCKDALE and JOHNSON robbed and murdered the penny-postman at Enfield, and were tried for it, and hung in chains near the spot ; shortly afterwards two letters were written to the Earl of Leicester, one of the postmasters general, threatening him with fire and sword if the bodies were not taken down. The Earl offered 5001. to any person discovering the writer of the letters, copies of which were published in the advertisement. John Berry, one of the gang, afterwards detected, wrote copies of the letters with a design of slipping them into the pocket of some person of bad character, and then, by having a constable ready to search him, and I he letters being found upon him, witnesses were to be produced to swear they were his hand-writing ; and thus Berry was to become Entitled to the 5001. reward. The plan, however, was not executed; but it was believed at the time that Berry was the author of the original letters, in expectation of a large reward being oftered, to give him an opportunity of convicting an innocent person. Some years afterwards, James Gahagan, otherwise Egan, another of the conspirators, prosecuted a young fellow for robbing him in the fields. At the trial, he first swore he was asleep under a hay- cock ; but, being furtlier examined by the court, he declared he was walking in the fields. On so manifest a contradiction, the prisoner was acquitted. This was a large field for Stephen Mac- daniel, another blood-money man, to play upon Egan, and he did not spare to rally him sufficiently for his awkward and ridiculous management; telling him lhat, when he himself prosecuted, he al- ways made, sure woi'fc of it* It were easy to fill a large volume with accounts of the horrid schemes and diabolical practices of these monsters of human na- ture ; but we choose to confine our history to the time \vhen thief- taking was followed as a trade, and when these execrable wretches 4>egan to be supported and encouraged by some magistrates, who, it may reasonably be presumed, profited by their labours ; since, in public advertisements, they had not been ashamed to call them -very honest fcltotvs, and men who hazarded their lives for the sake of their country. f Macdaniel had been a highwayman, and was taken with his com- panion, whom he became King's evidence against, and hanged. He was afterwards a Marshalsea-court officer and professed thief- taker. In 1?50, he prosecuted THOMAS DUNKIN and EDWARD BRUSBY, at the Old Bailey, for robbing him in Pancras Fields of 2s. 2d. in money, and shooting at him ; but a man who was with Macdaniel at the time swore that the prisoners were not the men, but that, coming by shortly after the robbery, Macdaniel seized them. They were acquitted, aud Macdaniel lost the blood-money. The first enterprise we shall detail, in which Macdaniel, Berry, James Salmon, and Egan, were engaged, was in the year 1/51. It was the prosecution of NEWMAN and MARCH, two unfortunate young lads, whom they had singled out as very proper objects for their purpose. William Newman and James March were indicted for that they, in a certain passage or open place near the King's highway, ou James Daniel did make an assault, and steal from his person oue haf, value 1. 6'd. one silk handkerchief, one pair of leather shoes, one penknife, and Is. 6d. in money, on September 2d, 1750. This was * The same elegant raillery appears to have mingled in the conversation /of the conspirators of 1816. t Times are not materially altered in this respect ; we may all recollect instances of magisterial protection quite as disinterested and judicious. We know that, in spite of notorious fact, an important prison was long left under the suprimeridaace of an individual who merited one of its cells, Whj? the crime charged in the indictment, but had no foundation i truth or fact. The scheme was artfully contrived by Macdaniel, Berry, Salmon, and Egan, in order to take away the lives of these two silly youths, whose follies and bad conduct they knew had ren- dered them fit for their purpose : however, as they did not think proper to appear themselves as witnesses, it was judged necessary to list some others into the service, to do the dirty work for them, for which they were promised an equal share in the reward. Pursuant to this plan of operation, they procured one James Daniel to be the person who was to be robbed ; Timothy Brads was to corrqbcv rate Daniel's evidence, by swearing he was in the prisoners' company when the robbery was committed ; and Woodward Harlow, a thief-' taker , was to be the person to seize them. Accordingly, when the trial came on, James Daniel swore posi- tively that, on the day laid in the indictment, he had been witli a young fellow part of the way to Coventry, and on his return home called at the Two Brewers ait Hockley-in-lhe-Hole, where he drank a pint of beer. Coming out into -the street, he saw three men standing by a lamp, two of them had hats and the other a cap. They crossed over to them, and one of them laid hold of his collar, and swore he would knock his brains out if he stirred ; and the other took off his hat, and put it on March's head. Then Newman put his hand in his pocket, and took out one shilling and sixpence. They took from him likewise a penknife and a handkerchief, in which was tied up a pair of shoes. They then ran away, and he went on. Timothy Brads, who was the instrument which the gang made use of to decoy Newman and March into a robbery, did for that end make himself a party with them ; but, to prevent his being involved in the same fate, these demons we are treating of took care to have him admitted an evidence. Accordingly, he swore on the trial that he and the two prisoners went out together with the fuU intent to rob ; and, coming up with the prosecutor on Saffron-hill, he followed them into George-yard, and with the help of the two prisoners robbed him of the things above-mentioned, which they divided among them. A robbery being thus plainly proved by positive evidence, the falsity of which it was impossible either for the prisoners to make appear or the court and jury to detect, they were both found Guilty Death. Newman, in the confession he made a little before his execution, said he was near twenty-one years of age, and born in St. Giles's in the Fields; and that, as to the fact for which he suffered, it was a scheme laid to take away his life for the sake of the reward : that indeed he and Brads did go out together, and wandered they scarce knew where, but happened to stumble into George-yard, where they saw a man sleeping in a cart, from whom he owned the things were taken ; but they went off, and left the man as fast asleep as they found him. From hence he concluded that it was the desigu of Brads to ensnare him and March, because, as soon as they left the man, Brads went away, and he saw him no more till he was apprehended by the thief-taker, who was directed by Brads where to rind him.* March was but 1 7 years old, had no education, and was apprenticed to a waterman, whose service he quitted to associate with all the idle vagabond boys he could meet with ; which at length proved his ruin. He was ignorant almost to stupidity, and there- fore it was no wonder he said nothing. Nor is it at all surprising that these two poor unhappy creatures should fall into the snare so artfully prepared for them by the villainous intrigues of this rapa- cious and bloody gang. Harlow, who had been let into a share in the blood-monev, refused to allow Mac Daniel any part of it, because he tlid not mount that is, appear on the trial as an evidence ; but Mac Daniel arrested Harlow, who, afraid of the story coming out, gave Mac Daniel forty pounds to compromise the matter.f James Daniel died soon after, and, with great anguish of mind, confessed that the boys were innocent. The gang now took into their service Thomas Blee, the future evidence against themselves, and consulted with him to find out a fit man for their purpose, who was poor and destitute ;| accord- ingly he met one CHRISTOPHER WOODLAND, to whom he gave a dram, and soon got acquainted with him. The scheme laid to entrap him was contrived in this manner : Egan was to take the lower part of Berry's house on Saffron-hill, which he did, and some goods were to be borrowed of Mrs. Jones the broker; Tom Blee was to engage Woodland to assist him in breaking open the house and taking the goods; Woodland was to be seized, and Blee escape. Blee and Woodland went together ; Blee took off the padlock, vvhicli he had been concerned in putting on, and brought out the things in a bag left there on purpose, and gave them to Woodland to carry off: it was concerted that the goods should be carried to * Brads was a tailor's apprentice, inveigled by a promise of an equal share in the reward, which amounted to 2801.! and which the gang received. They gave him only nine shillings; and he, with a most rational appre- hension of becoming a victim to his own companions when ihey might be at a loss, sold himself to the American plantations. r Macdaniel was more successful than his companion Harlow; for John Simmons, alias Spanish Jack, who was executed at Maidstone in April 1756, there confessed that he had had dealings with the thief-takers then in Newgate, as well as with those at liberty ; and declared that, in Sep. tember 1751, at the instigation of Macdaniel and others, he enticed WM. HOLMES, JOHN NEWTON, and FRANCIS MANDEVILLE, to commit a rob- bery in Whitechapel, who were apprehended by ihe gang, tried, and exe- cuted at Tyburn, he being admitted an evidence; and further, that they had 4201. reward, but that they got only 101., Macdaniel cheating him of the rest of his share ! % Poor and destitute ! Go to Newgate, reader; or, if now happily too late, enquire after the poverty and destitution of the three unfortunate Irishmen thus ensnared and couvioted of coining. 10 Mrs. Jones's, from whence they came, which was done that night; end, after bargaining for them, she gave them a shilling in part, and they were to call the next day for the rest. This scheme was pursued in every particular, and Woodland was seized the next day, and brought to his trial, and indicted for that lie, on the 3d of December, about the hour of nine at night, the dwelling-house of James Egan did break and enter, three linen Bhirts, value 4s. one pair of blankets, value 5s. one linen counter* pane, two smoothing-irons, four candlesticks, four plates, and a pair of metal shoe-buckles, the goods of the said James, in the said dwelling-house, did steal, take, and carry away. In order to prove the fact charged in the indictment, Egan swore that about eight o'clock at night of the day above-mentioned he went out, and, coming in a little before ten, he found the padlock taken from off from the door, and the stock-lock broke ; that his .house was fast before he went out ; that he found a strong chissel in the house, with which he supposed it was broke open. Upon his missing the things, and talking of it publicly, one Mrs. Jones, who keeps a broker's shop in Broker's-alley, sent to him the next day to acquaint him that she had the things. Accordingly, he went and received them. The prisoner was taken, and carried before Justice St. Lawrence, who asked him how he came by the things? he said, he was at the house with some other company, and that he held the bag while they put them in ; and that it was the first fact. Then Egan, upon searching him, found the buckles wrapt up in his 'apron. Mary Jones, who had lent these goods to Egan on purpose that he might be robbed of them, deposed that she lived in Broker's- alley, by Drury-Iane; that the prisoner and another person (meaning Tom Blee) came on the day laid in the indictment, about four o'clock in the afternoon, to her house, and asked her if she would buy some things. She desired to know what they were ? They said they would bring them presently, went away, and came again about nine o'clock, and brought the things. She told them she would not look at them that night, because it was too late. They came to her again the next day for the money for the goods. She bid them go to some place, and stay a little. Accordingly they \vent to a public-house in Long Acre, where she followed them, in order to have them secured. She stopt the prisoner, but the other ran away ; and the prisoner then said he brought the things from a house on Little Saffron-hill. She said, How did you get into the house ? he replied, There was a fellow who broke open the door, who went in, and he after him, and he put the things in the bag, aud brought them away. She then sent a man to Saffron-hill, to enquire what house \vas broke open, who found the prosecutor dis- coursing about it, and brought him back with him, and they took the prisoner to Justice St. Lawrence, who, after examination, com- mitted him. The prisoner, in his defence, said, It was the first fact he wa% II ver guilty of in his life, and did this for want. Guilty of Felony only. But, however dexterously this fine scheme was contrived, the projectors missed their aim; for, the jury finding the prisoner guilty of felony only, he was transported, and consequently they lost their expected reward ; which so enraged them, that they all swore that somebody should pay for it severely. Blee was ordered to look out sharp, and Mrs. Jones and Berry were to be prosecutors in their next adventure. Their resolution was fatal to poor JOSHUA KID DEN, as will be proved by the ensuing trial, which we give nearly at large, that the reader may see to what horrible lengths these execrable and blood-thirsty villains carried their cruel and inhuman prosecutions. JOSHUA KIDDEN was indicted for that he, on the King's highway, on Mary Jones, widow, did make an assault, putting her in corporal fear and danger of her life, and stealing from her person one guinea and four shillings and sixpence in money numbered, January 7, 1754. Mary Jones. I live in Broker's-alley, Drury-lane. Last Monday was se'nnight, in the morning, I went to Mr. Berry, and asked him to go along with me to Edmonton. We set out in a chaise about twelve or one o'clock from Hatton Garden, and going to the Bell at Edmonton, staid there very near three hours. We went to en- quire for a man I wanted to see, and set out between five and six to come home. I got out at the Plough at Tottenham, by reason the horse kicked very much ; and we had two pints of hot ale and rum. Mr. Berry desired me to walk a little, to see how the horse would go, and 1 believe I did walk about a quarter of a mile : he then called to me, and said the horse went very well, and he be- lieved I might get in. As I was going to get into the chaise, two fellows came round me, and said, You shall not get in; we must have what you have. One of them held my arms, and, taking a great knife out of his pocket, said he would stick me, and that fellow in the chaise, if 1 spoke a word. The other took my pocket, in which was a guinea, half a crown, two shillings, and a trifle more. They then run away, and I stood by a post, not being able to stand for some time, John Berry. Last Monday was se'nnight Mrs. Jones came to me, and desired me to go with her to Edmonton, lo see for a man who owed her about 9!. .We set out from thence about six o'clock ; and coming back, the buckle of the strap had got through, and the horse fell a kicking up much ; upon which I desired her to get out This was near the Plough at Tottenham, where we drank two pints of rum and ale. There was another man with us. I desired her to walk a little till I saw how the horse would go. She walked about a quarter of a mile, and then I said to her, you may get in ; but as she was getting in two men caught hold of her. The prisoner was one of them ; his stockings were tied below knee, and he had a white waistcoat ou. I believe it was the prisoner who held a kniffe 12 to her, and said, You old bitch, if you make a noise I'll stfck yoq, and the man in the chnise too. They took her aside, and the othef person took her money. This was just facing the seven trees called the Seven Sisters. I being lame, could not get out of the chaise. They then ran as fast as they could. Q. Did you see them take her money ? Berry. I s,ayv them put a hand to her pocket, and I know she had that money about her, \yhen she came out of the house. I got ^ man to help her into the chaise, and we called at the first house pn the left hand, where we had a quartern of rum. I drove along, enquiring of every body ; and at Newington called at a house, and told them how we had been served. A man came out along with me; I asked the patroleif they saw such persons, and about twenty yards distance I saw them both running. This was before we came to Kiiigsland turnpike; the other man got over a ditch, and the prisoner was taken. We carried him to a house on this side the turnpike. I said, how could you take the money from this poor woman ? He said, he did not take the money, but only stood by. \Ve then had him before Justice Withers ; and he then said his name was Joshua Kidden, and that he lived in Blackboy-alley : h$ bad on two waistcoats and a cap. Cross- fixamined. Q. How many persons have you prosecuted here ? Berry. I believe I prosecuted a man about eighteen yenrs ago : he stole horses, and I stopped him. That is the only person I have been concerned in the prosecution of in my life.* Prisoner's Defence. I know nothing of robbing the woman. Several creditable persons deposed to their belief in the honesty pf Kidden. Guilty Death. Thus fell pp r Kidden a. sacrifice to the avarice of these wretches, whom neither the sacredness of oaths, nor the consideration of shedding innocent blood, could restrain from committing the most detestable of all crimes, perjury and murder. That he was inno- cent of the fact for which he was prosecuted, tried, condeirned, and executed, was afterwards rendered manifest, as well as the strict truth of the following account. The Case of Joshua Kidden, written by himself. " I by chance got acquainted with a person (Blee) at the Castle in Chick-lane, the bottom of Saffron-hill ; and being just come out of the country from my relations, near Lambourn in Berkshire, I was complaining for want of business. I was bred to the sea, and was willing to do any servile business as a porter. This person I got acquainted with, told me, he had got a job to do at Tottenham, to * Only a few sessions before, Berry had prosecuted a rnan to couvictioa in the same court. 13 remove some goods for a gentleman, who was afraid they would be 1 seized on for rent. Accordingly we went on the appointed day, and going from one ale-house to another till evening came on, was at last told by my companion, who pretended to see for the gentleman, that he had seen him, and it was too late to remove to-night, but he had given him eighteen-pence for my trouble, and that we must come another day. Going home, we met with a chaise, with a man and woman in it, at a place called the Seven Sisters, on this side Tottenham, where the woman was set down from the chaise, and walked up the road, and I, as I past by her, said, are you going to London : It was now about seven o'clock at night : She answered, Yes, and I passed on. This companion of mine, unknown by name, behind, called out, what do you walk so fast for ? my answer was. To get to London: but, turning about, saw him robbing the woman. He then ran after me, and said, here I have got sonie money, and would have forced half-a-crown into my hand, but I refused it. Then he said, Joshua, don't leave me; I must step into the ditch and ease myself. And, walking gently on to wait for my companion, up starts one Mac Daniel, a thief-catcher, and collars me, and said, you are my prisoner. He carried me directly to a justice, before whom the woman swore, that I, with a person unknown, robbed her of five-and-L<\KI>, Printer, 23, Bartholomew-Close. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY 0? S/- HV 6665 Qfl THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara Goleta, California THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. AVAILABLE TOR CIRCULATIO: DISPLAY PERIOD HUG 25' 111 - 30ft-8,'60(B2594s4)476 ,,^SL H . ?_ E IONA L L'BRARY FACILITY