JJUSB AUTOGRAPHS OP THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. AUTOGRAPHS OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. THE > NEW AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BASED OX THE LABORS AND PRINCIPLES OF WEBSTER, AND OTHER LEADING AUTHORITIES. CONTAINING UPWARDS OF FIFTY THOUSAND WORDS, BVESY WORD RESPELLED PHONETICALLY EXACTLY AS PRONOUNCED, WITH CAREFUL AND CORRECT ACCENTUATION AND SYLLABICATION, TO WHICH 18 AFFIXED ACCURATE AND CONCISE DEFINITIONS. TO WHICH IS ADDED A VAST AMOUNT OP VALUABLE AND USEFUL INFORMATION UPON AMERICAN' HISTORY, CONSTITUTIONS, LAWS, ARMY AND NAVY, INDIANS LAND-TITLES, DEBTS, CITIES, COLLEGES, GROWTH OF CITIES, RATE OF MORTALITY, RATES OF INTEREST, SCIENCE, MYTHOLOGY, BIOGRAPHY, INSOLVENT AND iS-SIGNMES X LAWS, Sid. NEW YORK: WORLD MANUFACTURING CO., PUBLISHERS, NO. 122 NASSAU STIIEET. THI METBIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AJTD KXASTTUl In the Hrtri* Syitem of weight* acd measures, the Hettr li the hue of all them* W The B'UP'WS Intended to be, and it very nearly, one ten-millionth prt of tt dlitaaM measured on a mndia of the earth from the equator to the pole, and equal* about S9.J7 lache*. The BfUrit the primarr oilt of length; and upon the meter are ba*ed the following primary unit*- the Square Beter.'the An, the Cubic Hetrr or SUre, the LlUr, aid the Gram. The Bonare Beter ii the unit of meaiore for wnall turfacet, ai the furface of a floor, table, etc. The Are ii the unit of land meuure. This ii a iqnar* whole ide li ten metert in length, The Cubit Beter, or Stere, is the unit of TOlums. Thii li a cube whe *df e li one atT la length. The Liter Ii the unit of capacity. Thli it the capacity f a cube whoM edge It eni-te&th of * The'eram't'/the unit of weight. Thli ii the weight of diitilled water eontalntd In a cube whote edge ! the one-hundredth part of a meter. From theme primary uniu the higher and lower orderi of unit* art derived decimally , ai abcwn In the following tablei. CHEME'OF THE WEiaHTS AND MEASURES OF THE METRIC SYSTEM. KATICM. LKXOTU. CRriCll. VOLUMES. W,, aB T.. 1,000,000 Milller, or Tonntam. 100 000 10.000 1,000 Kfl'omeur. Kil'oliter. Kil'cf ram, or Kll*. 100 Bec'tometer. Beef are. Bec'toliter. Hec'togram. 10 Dek'amtter. . . . . Dec'aliter. Dek'agram. 1 Utrn. AM. Ll'T. Otum, J Dee'lmetcr. . ; . . Dec'iliter. Dee'igram. .01 Cen'timeter. Cent'ar*. Cen'tiliur. Cen'tifram. .001 Millimeter. ... Mil liliter. Milligram. It will be leen, from thii table, that Ua aiUimeteri equal one centimeter, U centimet qua! ant decimeter, and to oa. COMMON MEASURES AND WEIGHTS, WITH THEIR METRIC EQUIVALENTS. The following art tome of the meareret ia common UK, with their equivalent* In meainrei of tot Metric Syitcm. n Inch . . . S.54 eentinuUra. A cubic yard . . .7644 *. meter. foot .... .5048 mecer. A cord .... I.6J4 lUrti. yard .... rod .... .91U meter. 5.029 meters. A liquid quart . A gallon ... .9465 IfUr. 3.7M lluri. mile .... 1.609S kilomeurt. A dry quart . . 1.101 liuri. tqnare inch . .4i2 sq. centlmeUrs. A peck. . . (.811 liwrs. A iquarefoot. . .0929 q. meter. A buihel. U.24 Uun. A tquirt yard . A aqaare rod. . .8361 tq. meter. J5.29 tq. meters. Anos.aToirdupoli A pound " 28.35 grami. .4536 kilogram. .4047 hectare. A square mile . Aanblcinch. . A ovblo foot . . 259 hectares. lt.S9 cu. eentimeUrt. .02831 cu. meter. A grain Troy . An ounce Troy . A pound Troy . .0(48 gram. 31.104 grams. .1731 kilogram. Copyright U7t by HUROI v,u. Cupyrlght lK2 by HBJMT * Co. P REPACK. vVe have endeavored, in this work, to press into the smallest compass the greatest amount of information. The Dictionary proper will be found reliable in every point. Equal care has been bestowed upon the Spelling, the Denning, and the Pro- nouncing. This book will be found worthy of comparison with the most extensive and expensive Dictionaries in the language. In addition to this, it will be seen, by a glance at the con- tents, that this volume contains concise, but thorough, article^ giving explanations of many other useful branches of human knowledge, besides the science of language. KEY TO THE PRONUNCIATION. The consonants used in the Phonetic Spelling retain their name or ordi- nary unvarying sounds, with the exception of G. The same sounds are al- ways represented by the same letters, no matter hew varied their actual spelling in the language. Vowels, unless marked, retain their short sounds as in lad, led, lid, lot, but, book. The diphthong au or aw represents the sound of a as heard in all; and au or ow as in now, The syllabic soiind oi ble, whether terminal or incidental, is represented by bl, and the the termi- nation bly by ble. The marked vowels are shown in the following line : Fate, Far, Me, Mine, Mote, Mflte, MOOn. When more than one pronunciation of a word is given, that which is placed irst ia the moat accepted. LIST OF ABREVIATIONS. a. Btandi for adjective. pp. stands for past participle ad. " " adverb ppr. " " present participle con;. " " conjunction pret. " " preterit, intery. " " interjection prep. " " preposition n. " " noun pron. " " pronoun, pi. ' " plural v, ' verb. aujrcjojB3i|pSS -!s^i?55 : 5i : ^ : : : d ::::::: > .a . .^ .. " "S.irb :-:, u .1 ^4-^ u T? = -e 5O, a o fc'o _ iCLe4 I fig'lil ^ t IHlfl 1 ^2 s: } fiSIllH .^ .^ = .- w s a - i.2>i^5jfrf^8 >-=-5 O J 1 - 1 J- -^5 W 2Efr a &2?5if a ^ -~ Z ="" "^anH^S ^ = "5*^ " ^M"-"^ 2? *~"H'S ~* * -i^'^-S 5? i|!ijlil=i'| t- C != IT A. SICTIOSAET OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN WRITING AND PRINTING. .;.A. S. (Academic Amer-;C., Cap. (Caput ) Chapter. Ep. Epistle. CIHCC i'ociio.) Fellow oi i_.il. CaiUbnua; Calends. K. S. K. East South-east. tlie American Acadei.ir. Cajit. Captain. E-IJ., K>qr. Esquire. A. .!. (ArtiimBaeettiauraa.) I'ath. Catholic. [Pleas. Etal. (Ktnlii.) Andothers. Bachelor ot C (' P Court, of Common El !.( alill.) And elsewhere. A. It. S. American Bible So- rtl Engineer. Ele^ *c. (Kt cetera.) And ciety, [for" L'onl^ tt. (Centum). A hund- others ; and 60 forth. A. (. ' (.Ante ChrUtuin.) Bc- red. Aoct. Account. C. II. Court-House. Fshr. Fahrenheit, [of Arts. A. D. (A/no J)om?ni.) In f. J. Chief Justice. K. A. S. Fellow of the Society the year of cur Lord. Co. County ; Company. F. II. 8. Fellow of the Histor- A'ijt. A.;. C. 0. D. Collect on Delivery. ical Society. AJjl.-Gen. Aoyatant-General. Col. Colonel; Colossians. H., Flor., Fa. Florida. /Et, E. (.: iti-t. i Of a;e; aged. ton. (Contra.) Against, or Vo., Fol. Folio. A. & F. H. S. A :::: jan and iu opposition. F. K. G. 8. Feilow of the Royal Foreign liibl Coa. tr., C. f. Contra, Credit. Geographical Sociery. A. II. M. S. A!:..T:..IU Home (.o.'iu-., 1: Congress. F. K. S. Fellow of the Royal Missionary S^cietv. Confi., (1. Co:iuf.".:cat. Society. Al., Ala. Alibama. Cr. Credit; Creditor. A. M. (Artiiin Mnistcr.) Ct. Cent; Court. fia. Georgia. Mister of Art?. (Ante Me- Cor. Current, or t'iismonth. . B. Great Britain. , ridiem.) B::fjrc oooa. Cwt. (Centum and weight.) Oen. General; Genesis. (Ail -10 MunJ.:.) la tue year Hundred-weight. GOT. Governor. of the world. D., d. (Denarius.) Penny. Am., Amer. American. D. C. District oi Columbia. II., h., hr. Hour. An. (Anno.) lu tne year. I), r. L. Doctor of Ciyil Law. iia ? . Haggal. Ark. Arkansas. Doctor of Divinity. ll'hrt! ilo?Ihead* nn A.-S. Au^lo-Saxon. Del. Delaware; Delegate. H. ill. His or Her Majestr. A. S. S. U. American Sunday Del. (Z>e!meirrt.)I!edrcwit. II. M. S. His or Her Majesty's School Union. A. T. S. American Tract So- Dep., Dept. Depurtment. :>ep. DI/JJU:.-. Ship or Service. Hon. Honorable. ciety ; American Temper- ance Society. D.-pt., Dpt. Deponent. Dft., Urtl. Defendant. H. R. House of Representatives H. K. H. His or Her Royal Alt., AUv. Attorney. D. 0. (ilei Gratia,.) By the Highness. Alir.-Cien. Attorney-General. Grace of God. A.i-'.L'. (Anno Urttis Condit'C. i Diet. Dictator; Dictionary. la. Iowa. ' [place. la the year f""oni the build- liUl.-Attr. Uistrict-Attorn'ey. Ib., Ibid.r/&i(2ein.)luthe same ins of tae ci;y [ : D. H. Doctor of Music. Id. (Idem.) The same. (isii America. Do. (Ditto.) The same. I. e., 1. r. (Id eat.) That is. H. A. Bachelor of Arts ; Drit- i>oN., $. Dollars. LII.S. ( Jesus Hominum Sulva- U. 0. Kffore Christ. D. P. Doctor o f Philosophy. tor.) Jesu* the Saviour of Men B.I'. L. Bachelor of Civil Law. Br. Doctor: Deb'.jr; Dram. III. Illinois. . B. D. Bachelor of Diyinity. D. V. (Deo roiei(e.|God will- In. Inch; Inches. Bd. Bound. ing. Ind. Indiana. Bd*. Bound in boards. Divl. (Denirius uni. weight.) Ind. Ter. Indian Territory. Bk. Bank; Book. Pennyweight. lust. Of the present month. B. L. (Buccalatireus Ltgum.t Int. Interest. [passage. Bachelor of Laws. E. East; Earl; Earle. In trans. (In transits.) On the cm Bachelor of Medicine. Ed. Edition; Editor. J. 0. D. (Juris CMlis Doctor.) Brl^. Brigade; Brigadier. E. ()., e. g. (Exempli Gratia.) Doctor of Civil Law. Brit. Britain; British. For example. J. D. (Jiirum Doctor.) Doc- K. I/on. East Longitude. tor of Laws. C. (Centum.) A hundred; E. .\. K. East North-east. J. P. Justice of the Peace, Cent; Congress. Eng. England; English. Jr., Jan. Junior. PIOTIONAHY Or THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. fe ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED. 1. f. D. (Juris Vtriusjve Doe- X. S. E. North-North-east, for.) Doctor of both Laws; ;: X. N. W. North-North-west. R. R. Railroad. lit. Hon. Right Honorable. <- .. Canon and Civil Law. Nonpros. (Xoiiprosequitur.) lit. Her. Right Reverend. lijr. Kentucky. lie does not prosecute. S. P. Notary Public; New S. South ; Shilling ; Sunday. L, IK (iiirn.) Pound weight. L., {., . Pound Sterling. Providence. N. S. New Style; Nova Scotia. S., St. Saint. S. A. South America. L*. Louisiana. S. T. New Testament. 8. C. South Carolina, Lat. Latitu.i.- : Latin. X. W. North-west. St., Seulp. (Sculpsit.) He, or L. I. Long Inland. S. Y. New York. she, engraved it; Sculpture. Lib. Librarian. (Liber.) Book. S. E. South-east. LiruU. 1.U Lieutenant. O. Ohio ; Oxvgen. Sec., St-et. Secretary; Section. LU'ut.Col.Lieutenant-Colonel. Ob. ob., (Olii'it.) Died. Sere., Serjt. Sergeant. LL.B. (Lcgum Baccalaureus.) Out. Ontario. , S.J.C. Supreme JudicialCourt. Bachelor of Laws, [of Laws. Or. Oregon. .Sol.-Gen. Solicitor-Gercral. LL.D. (Lcgum Doctor.) Doctor ton.. Long. Loneuude. 0.8. Old Style (before 1752). O. T. Old Testament. S. P. A. 8. (SocieJatis Philo- sophicat Americana Socms.) L. 8. (Locus Sigtlli.) Place Ox., 07.. Ounce, or ounces. 'Member of the American of the Seal. Philosophical Societv. L. 8. D., 1. s. d. Pounds, shil- P. E. Protestant Episcopal. c|.. Sqr. Square, [namely. lings, pence. P.E.I. Prince Edward Island. S., ss. (Scilicet.) To wit; Per an. (Per annum.) By the S. S, E. South-South-east. Jl., Hon. Monday. [Academy. Year. s. S. W. South-South-west. 31. A. Master of Arts: Military Percent., per el. (Per cen- S. T. D. (Sacra Theologia 3to., Us. Massachusetts. tum.) By the hundred. Doctor.) Doctorof Divinity. 31. 11. (iledicituf Haccalaure- Ph. D., P.O. (Philosophies Ster., Sic. Sterling. us.) Bachelor of Medicine. .Doc(or)Doctorof Philosophy S. T. F.(Sacra Theologice Pro- M.I1. (MuficcfSaccala-Jreus.) EMhelorofMufic. Pin x., Pit. (Pinxit.) lie or she painted it. /essor.)Professor'of Theology SnpU Superintendent. JL 0. Member of Congress; P. . (PostMcridiem.) After- S. Vt. South-west. r < 'ommandant. noon ; Postmaster. H. D. (Jfedicinoj Doctor.) P. H. G. Postmaster-General. Tonn, Tennessee. Doctor of Medicine. P. P. C. (Pourprendre conge.) Tex. Texas. d. Maryland. To take leave. He. Mume. P. <{. Province of Quebec. Clt. (Ultimo.) Last month. H. E. Methodist Episcopal. Prof. Professor. [ibo time. C. S. United States. Mem. (Memento.) Remember. Pro tem. (Pro temporc.) Vor C. 8. A. United States Army ; Hem. Memorandum. Prox. (Proximo. )Next month. United States of America. run., UK. (Messieurs.) P. S. Privy Seal. (Post scrip- C. S. II. United States Mail ; Gentlemen; Sirs. turn.) Postscript. United States Marine. Jlelh. Methodist. ' Pt. Psalm, or Psalms. V. 8. S. United States Nary. Hex. Mexico, or Mexican. t. S.S. United States Ship. Mich. Michigan; Michaelmas. . to retract; drawing or. r - ^IIl5Bl5? 1 i^^ fc abandouingof an office, right to renounce upon oath. reckoning Wgs^^^^jjjjp^ft or trust ; a surrendering. Abjuration (ab-joo-ra'shun),n. on ; crown ^rr^^^^ "" Abdlcatire (ab'de-ka-tiv), a. a renouncing upon oath. of a column. causing or implying abdica- Ablactation(ab-lak-ta'shun)n. Abaft (a-bafO, ad- in or at the tion. weaning from the breast. hinderpartofaship; behind. Abdomen (ab-do'men), n. the Ablative (ab'la-tiv), a., carrying Aballenate (ab-al'yen-at), >. to lower part of the belly. awav or taken from. transfer the title of property. Abdominal (ab-dom'e-nal), a. Ablaze (a-blaz'), ad. on flre. Abandon (a-ban'dun), r. to give pertaining to the abdomen. Able (abl),a. having power, up ; to desert ; to forsake. Abdouiiaous(ab-dora'c-nus;,u. knowledge, or skill. Abandoned (a-ban'duud ) . a.de- havin? n Inrge belly. Abie-bodied (a'bl-bod-id), a. scrted ; given up ; corrupt. Abducc (ab-dus'), v. to draw or strong of bortv ; robust. Abandonment (a-ban'dun- conduct away; to withdraw. Ablution (ab-lu'shuu), n. the ment), it. state of being given Abducent (ab-du'scnt), a. sep- act of washing or cleansing. up ; total desertion ; lost. arating ; drawing back. Ably (a'ble), ad. in an able Abase (a-bas'J, v. to lower ; to Abduct (ab-dukt'), v. to take manner; with great ability. humble ; to degrade. awav by stealth or force. Al)n t 'gatc(ab'ue-gat),.todeiiy Abasement (a-bas mentj.n. act Abduction (ab-duk'shun), n. Alim",Mlion (ub-ne-ga shuu),n. of humbling; humiliation. actofcarryiugawayby fraud denial ; renunciation. Abash (a-bash'),r. toconfuse or or force. Abnormal (ab-nor'mal), a. ir- confound ; to make ashamed. Abececiarian(a-be-ee-di're-an) regular; against rule. Abatable (a-bafa-bl), a. that n. one who tc-aches or learns Abnormity (ab-nor'me-te), n. Abate (a-bat 1 ), v. to moderate; tbed(a-bed'),arf. on or in bed. Aboard (a-bord'), ad. on board to lessen ; to remit. Iborrancc (ab-er'rans),n.ade- a ship, vessel, or boat. Abatement (a-bat'ment),n. act viation from truth or rieht. Abode (a-bod '), n. habitation ; of abating; deduction. Aberrant (ab-cr'rant),a. difl'er- stav ; place of residence. Abatis (ab'a-tis).n. trees felled ing widely. Abolish (a-bol ish), v. to annul; with branches outward. Aberration (ab-r-ra'shnn), n. to abrogate ; to make void. Abattoir (a-bat-wor'), n.a pub- a wandering from the ri^ht. Abolisliable(a-bol'ish-a-bl),ii. lic slaughter-house. Abet (a-bcf), D. to aid ; to help. capable of being abolished. Abba (ab'ba). n. fattier ; a re- Abi'ttor (a-bet'tor), n. one who Abolition (ab-o-Iisb'un), n.an ligious superior. abets, aids, or incites another annulling; utterdestructiou. Abbacy (ab'ba-se),n. office and tboy.inrc (a-ba'ansj, n. a slate AbolitionUt(nb-o-lish'un-ist), privileges of an abbot. of suspension or expectancy. u. one who seeks to abolish. Abbe (ab'ba), n. an abbot. Abhor (ab-hor'), v. to h:it, de- Abominable (.i-bora'in-a-bl),o. Abbru (ab'bes), n. th>; female tsst, loathe, or abominate. baleful; detestable; unclean. superior of a nunnery. Abhorrence (ab-hor'rcns), n. Ahnmlnnt** (a-boni'i-nat), v. to Abbey (ab'be), n. a monastery extreme hatred; detestation. abhor : to detest extremely. presided over by an abbot. Abhorrent(ab-hor'rent),o. de Abomination (a-bom-i-nV- A DICTIONARY OF TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ABORIGINAL 8 ACACMHJS shun), n. extreme hatred; Absent (ab'sent), o. not pres- Ablractlve(ab-strak'tiv),a,tha detestation ; disgust. ent; away from; inattentive. quality of abstraction. Aboriginal (ab-o-rij'i nal), a. Absent (ab-senf), t'. to retire Abktricted (ab-strikt'ed) a. first; original; primitive. or withdraw: to keep away. unbound. Aknrizinn (ab-o-rij'i-nez), n. Absentee (ab-sen-te'), n. one Abs(rini;c (ab-strinj'), v. to nn- pi. the first Inhabitants. who is absent from his dutv. bind. Abort (a-bort'), v. to bring Absinthe (ab'sinth), n. a spirit Abstruse(ab-stroos'), a. hidden; forth prematurely. flavored with wormwood. obscure ; difficult to conceive Abortion (a-bor'shun), n. an Absolute (ab'so-lut), a. com- Absurd (ab-surd'J, a. contrary untimely birth ; failure. Slete ; uncontrolled ; uncon- to reason : irrational. Abortive (a-bor'tiv), a.brought forth prematurely; untimely. itional ; certain. Absolutely (ab'so-lut-le), ad. Absunlity(ab-surd'e-te) n.tliat which is absurd ; folly. Abound (a-bownd"), r. to be or positively ; peremptorily. Abnndanoe(a-bun'dans) n. am- have in grent plenty. Absoluteness (ab'so-lut-nes).n. ple sufficiency ; plenty. About (a-bowt'),prep. around; completeness; independence. Abundant (a-bun'dant),a.fully near to ; engaged in ; ad. Absolution (ab-so-lu'shun), n. sufficient; ample. nearly ; here and there. acquittal; remission of sins. Abuse (a-buz').f. to pervert; to Above (a-l)uv'), prep, higher; Almolutism (ab'so-lut-izm), n. impose upon ; to maltreat. more than ; ad. overhead ; the state of being absolute. Abnse (a-bus'J, n. ill use ; mis- in a higher place. Absolutory (ab-sol'u-to-re), a. application ; unjustcensnre. Abracaiiabra(ab-ra-ka-dab'ra) absolving, or that absolves. Abusive (a-bus'iv). a. insolent; n. a cabalistic word among Absolve (ab-solv').f . to acquit ; insulting; reproachful. the ancients, used as a charm to pardon ; to remit. Abut (a-but'), v. to border up- against diseases. Absonant (ab'so-nant), a. con- on ; to meet; to adjoin. Abrade (a-brad'), . to rub off; trary to reason ; absurd. Abutment (a-but'ment), n. the to wear away ; to grate. Absorb (ab-sorb'), v. to swal- solid support of a bridge. &c. Abrabamle (a-bra-ham'ik), a. low up ; to engage wholly. Abuttal (a-but'tal), n.a bound- pertaining to Abraham, the Abtorbable (ab-sorb'a-bl), a. ary of land at the end. patriarch. capable of being absorbed. Ali vim (a-bizm'), n. a gulf: an Abrasion (a-bra'zhun), n. act Absorbent (ab-sorb'ent), a. abyss. of rubbing or wearing off. imbibing; swallowing; n. Abysmnl(a-bis'mal),. to cutoff. fraining from indulgence. Acarea (a-ka're-a), J a term Ali-ciss'ioii (ab-sizh'un), n. the Abstract(ab'strakt)a.separate; applied to certain insects, as act or process of cutting off. distinct; difficult ; n.a sum- the mite, Ac. Aburond (ab-skond'), v. to ab- mary, or epitome. Acalalectle(a-kat'a-lek-tik),(i. sent or secrete one's self. Abktraet(ab-strakt'),P. to draw nothaltingshort; withoutde- Abteondt!r(ab-skond'er),n.one away ; to separate ; to reduce fect ; n. a verso having the who absconds. Abstrartlon(ab-strak'shun),. complete number of syllables Absence (ab'sens), n. state of act of abstracting or separat- Acauloui (a-kaw'lus), a. with- being absent ; deficiency. ing; absence of mind. out a stalk ; stemless. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ACCEDE 9 ACCUSATIVE Accede (ak-sed'), v. to agree to ; Acclaim (ak-klam'J, t>. to ap- give an account; to give a to assent to; to comply. plaud ; . a shout of jov. reason; n. statement; val- Accelerate (ak-sel er-at), . to Acclamation (ak-kla-mu'sliun) ue; sake. hasteu ; to move faster. n. a shout et applause. Accountability (ak-kount-a- Aceeierat!on(ak-sel-er a'shun) Aeclanialor.v(ak-klimi'a-to-re) bil'e-te), n. liability to give n, act of increasing speed. Accelerative (ak-sel'er-a-tiv), a. expressiugjoy or applause. Acclimate (ak-kli'mat), v. > account; responsibility. Accountable (ak-kouut'a-bl), quickening ; hastening. Acrliniatize (ak-kli'rua-tiz), J a. liable to be called to ac- Accemllble (ak-send'i-bi), a. to inure to a foreign climate. count. caoable of being inflamed. Acclivity (ak-kliv'e-te), n. an Arcoimtablencss (ak-kount'a- Ar.-i-nt (ak'seut), n. modula- upward inclination of earth ; bl-ues), n. the state of being tion of the voice ; stress on rising ground ; ascent. accountable. a syllable or wonl; a mark Acclivous (ak-kli'vus), a. ris- Accountant (ak-kouut'ant), n. isc-d to direct this stress. ing as a hill, or with a slope. one who keeps or is skilled Accent (ak-senf), . to note or Accommodate (ak-kom mo- in accounts. mark the accent. dat), v. to fit or adapt to; Acconple (ak-kup'pl), e. to join Accentual* (uk-scn'tu-at), f. to make suitable ; tosupi'ly. or link together: to couple. to mark or pronounce with Accommodating (ak-kom ino- Accouter (ak-koo'ter), v. to accent. dat-iuK), a. obliging ; kind. equip for military service; Accent nation (ak-sen-tu-5'- Arccinmodation (ak-kom'mo- to dress. shun). n. sounding or mark- Uii "lain), ?i. convenience. Accoutrrments (ak-koo'ter- ins; with proper accents. Accompaniment (ak-kum'pa- mentsj, n. military dress. Accept(ak-sept'), v. to receive ; ne-mentj, 7t. that which at- Accredit (ak-kred'it),. to give to admit ; to regard with fa- t'j;ifii or is added for orna- credit, authority, or honor to. vor; to promise u> pay. ment. Accrescent (ak-kres'seut), a. Acceptable (ak-sept'a-bl), a. Accompanist (ak-kum'pa-nist) - increasing ; growing. agreeable ; pleasing ; wel- n. in music, the person who Accretion (ak-kre'shun), n. a come. accompanies. growing to ; an increase. Acceptability (ak-sept-a-bil'e- Accompany (ak-kum'pa-ne),*. to attend or escort ; to keep Accretive (ak-kre'tiv).n. grow- ing by external additions. Aeriptancc (ak-sept'ans), . company with. Accrue (ak-kroo'), v. to grow reception; agreeing to terms; Accomplice (ak-kom'plis), n. to ; to arise from ; to come to. an accepted bill or note. an associato in crime. Aci-ruvnient(ak-kroo'nient), 7). Acceplalion (ak-sep-ta'shun). Accomplish (ak-kom 'plish), t>. addition ; increase. n. acceptance; the usual to complete ; to bring to pass; Accubation (ak-ku-ba'shun), meaning or sense of a word. to fulfil. n. a lying or reclining. Acceptor (ak-sept'or), u. the Accomplished (ak-kom'plisht), Accumbent (ak-kum'bciit), a. person who accepts. o. completed; elegant; re- lying down, or reclining. Access (ak-ses' ( ak'ses), n. ap- flned. Accumulate (ak-ku'mu-Iat), v. proach ; admission to. Accomplishment (ak-kom'- to heap together ; to pile up. Accessible (ak-ses'e-bll. a.easj plish-meut),n. a completion; Accumulation (ak-ku-mu-la'- to be approached ; affable. ornament of body or mind ; shun), n. a heap, muss, or Aeeeil>i'lltj (ak-ses-e-bile-tc) embellishment. pile. n. quality of being approach- Accord (ak-kord r ), v. to agree ; Accumulative (ak-ku'mu-la- Accession (ak-se*h'>;n), n. an reuce of opinion ; union. Accumuiator (ak-ku'mu-la- increase; an addition. Accordance (ak-kord'ans), n. tur),n. one who accumulates, Accessory (ak-ses'o-re), or ac- conformity ; harmony. gathers, or amasses. cessary, a. additional ; con- Accordant (ak-kord ant), a. Accuracy (ak'ku-ra-se), n. cor- tributing to; aiding; 71. one corresponding ; consonant. rectness; exactness ; nicetv. whohelps to commit a crime: Accordingly (ak-kord'ing-le), Accurate(ak'ku-rat),a.without an accomplice ; an abettor. ad. agreeably; conformably. error or delect; exact. Acce-xorlnl (ak-ses-so're-al), a. Accordion (ak-kor'de-un), n. a Accurately (ak'ku-rat-le), ad. relating to an accessory. musical instrument with with precision; exactly. Accidence (ak'se-dens), n. ru- small keys and a bellows. Accurst- (ak-kurs').ti. te impre- diments of grammar. Accost (ak-kost'), v. to speak cate misery or evil upon. Accident (ak'se-dent), n. an first to; to address; to salute. Acrurtetl (ak-kurs'ed), a. sub- event proceeding from an un- Acco-.tal.le (ak-kost'a-W), a. jected to a curse ; execrable. foreseen cause ; chance. easy of access; familiar. Acrueant (ak-ku'iant), . one Accidental (ak-se-den'tal), a. Accouchement (ali-koosh'- who accuses ; an accuser. \ial. bed. the act of accusing ; charge Accl.iHrlnc (ak-sip'e-triu), a. Account (ak-kount'), . to brought against any one. hawk-like ; rapacious. reckon; to judge; to value; to Accusative (ak-ku'za-tiv), . A DIOTIONAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ACCTSATORT 1 ACTU1TB censuring; accusing. acid; tooonvertintoan acid. a. abounding with acrimony. AeeusatDi-T (ak-ku'za-to-re),. Acidily (a-sid'e-te), n. sharp- bitter; severe; sarcastic. containing an accusation. ness; sourness. Acrimony (ak're-mo-ne), n. a Accuse (aK-kus ).. U> charge Acidulate (a-sid'u-lat), v. to biting sharpness ; bitterness with wrong ; to censure. make slightly acid. of feeling or Ian5uagc. Accus'-r (ak-kuz'er),n.one who Acidulous (a-sid'u-lus), a. Acrilnde (ak're-tud), n. an accuses or bliimcs. slightly sour; sourish. acrid quality ; a biting;heat. Accustom (ak-k-is'tnm), v. to Acinaceous (as-e-na'shus), a. Acrobat (ak'ro-bat), n. a rope- make familiar by use ; to form full of kernels. dancer ; a vaulter. a habit by practice. Lcinnclform (as-in-as'c-form), Acromntle (ak-ro-mat'ik), a. Accustonn-d (ak-kus'tumd), a. a. shaped like a scimeter. pertaining to the more ob- often practiced ; usual. Acknowledge (ak-nol'ej), e. to scure parts of learning ; ab- ACT (is), n. a single point on own the knowledge of; to struse. cards or dice ; a unit. admit ; to confess. Acronycal (a-kron'ik-al), a. 'Aceldama (a-sel'da-maj, n. in Acknowledgment (ak-nol'ej- rising at sunset, and setting Hebrew, the field of blood. mcut), n. act Of owning; at sunrise, as stars. Acephalous (a-sct'a-lus), a. confession; thanks; a receipt Acropolis (a-krop'o-lis), n. the headless; without a bead. Acme (ak'me), n. the highest Athenian citadel. Acerbity (a-scrb-e'te). n. sour- point; utmost excellence. Across ( a-kros') , prep. athwart; ness ; harshness ; severity. Acorn (i'korn), n. the seed or from side to side; quite over. Acfrval (a-ser'val),a.in heaps. fruit f the oak. Acrostic (a-kros'tlk).n. a poem AeerTate (a-ser'vat), v. to heap Acoustic (a-kow'stik). a. per- of which the first, letters of Up. taiuing to the sense of hear- the lines spell words. Aef*cent(a-ses'sent),a.tnrning ing. Act (akt), n. a deed or exploit; sour: slightly sour. Acoustics (a-kow'atiks), n. pi. a law ; a part of a play ; v. Acetarious(us-e-ta'rc-us) o.sp- the science of sourds. to perform ; to move ; to imi- plied to plants used as salads Acquaint (ak-kwant'), v. to tate ; to conduct or behave. Acetic (a-scrtk). a. sour. make known ; to inform. Acting (akt'ing), n. action; Ace tI(v(a-sct'e-B),.<|^ura in- Acquaintance (ak-kwant ans), performing atdramatic part. to acid or vinegar" n. familiar knowledge; a Actinic (ak-tin'ik), a. pertain- Aeetlmeter (as-e-ti .n'e-tcr), n. person whom we know. ing to actinism. an instrument Co.- measuring Acquiesce (ak-kwe-cs'), t>. to Actinism (af tin-urn), n. the the strength of acirts. be satisfied with; to consent. chemical power of light, as Atetlmetry (as-e-tim'e-tre,),n. Acquiescence (ak-kwe-es'sens) the suii's rays In photogra- the art of testing acids. n, quiet assent ; compliance. phy. Aeetous(a-se';us), > a. having a Acquiescent (ak-kwe-es'sent), Action (ak'sbun), ti. a deed'; Acetose (as-e-tos'j J sour taste a. resting satisfied; easy. operation ; gesture ; agency; Aehe (ak) v. to be in pain ; to Acquire (ak-kwir'), v. to gain a battle ; a lawsuit. be distressed ; n. continued to attain ; to realize. Actionable (ak'.-huu-a-bl), a. pain. Acquiraljle (ak-kwir'a-bl), a. liable to a lawsuit. Acuieval>lp(3-chev'a-bl), a. pos- that may be acquired. Active (ak'tiv), a. busy; nim- sible to be done. Acquirement (ak-kwir'mcnt) ble; lively; quick; indui- Aehlcve(a-cbev'),i>.to 7rform n. the actofacqnirineorttiS trious. to accomplish ; to obtain. which la acquired. Activity (ak-tiv'c-te).n. quick- Aehii-Trment ( a-cbev'rcen t) , n Acquisition (ak-kwe-zish'un) ness of motion ; diligence ; agreator heroic deed: an ac- n. the act of acquiring ; the industry. tion; an exploit; a feat. thing acquired or gained. Actor (akt'or). n. one who acts; Aching (ik'ing), n. pain; dis A,equislli><>ness(ak-kwiz'e-tiv a stage-player: tress ; uneasiness. Des), n. desire of possession Actre&s (akt'rcs), . a female Achromatic (ak-ro-mat'ik), a Acquit (ak-kwit'), to set free stage-player. destitute of color. to release ; to exonerate. Actual (akt'u-al), a. certain ; Achromatism (a-kro'ma-tizm) Aeqnitmenl (ak-kwit'meut),n real; effective; positive. AcbromaUclty (a-kro-ma-tis' the act of acquitting. Actualize (ukt'u-al-iz), v. to e-te),n. state of being achro Acquittal (ak-kwit'al), n. dis realize ; to make actual. matic. charge from an accusation. Actually (akt'u-al-le), ad. in Acicular (a-sik'u-lar), a. form Acquittance (ak-kwit'aus), n act ; iu effect ; really ; in ed like a needle, as minerals discharge from a dbt. truth. Aciform (as'e-form), a. needle Acre (a'kcr), n. a piece ofland Actuality v akt-u-al'e-tc), n. shaped. containing 160 square rods. state of being actual ; reality Aeld (as id), a. sharp; sour ; Acrcage(a'ker-aj), n. thenum Actuary (akt'u-ar-e), n the n. a sour substance. bor of acres in apiece of land manager of a life insurano* Aciilifi-rutu (at-id-ifer-us), a Acrid (ak'rid), a. sharp ; bit company. Acidity (a-sid'e-ti), t>. to mak Acrimonious (ak-rc-m6'ne-us Actuate (akt'u-at), v, to incite to action ; to influence. A DIOTIOHAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ACULEATE 11 AUMliMSTUATOltSllIP Vrnlente (a-ku'le-at), a. prick- Addle (ad'dl), v. to make cor- AdjprtlvelT (ad'jck-tiv-le), ad. l} 1 ; sharp-pointed. rupt; a. barren. like an adjective. Iriinirn (a-ku'meu) n. quick- Addled (ad'dld), a. morbid; cor- Adjoin (ad-join'), i>. to be near; ness of intellect. rupt; barren. to join. Acuminate (a-ku'mi-nat), n. Address (ad-dres'), v. to speak Ailjoinlng (ad-joining), o. ad- sharp-pointed; v. to rise to or write to ; to prepare for ; to ft point. direct to ; to make love ; n. Adjourn (ad-jurn'),f . to put off; Arumlnatlon (a-ki-mi-na'- a speech ; application; court- to postpone. shun), n. a sharp point; ship; direction of a letter; Adjournment (ad-jurn'ment), quickness ; actof sharpening. manners ; dexterity. H. putting off tillanotherday. Acupuncture (ak-u-punk'tur), Adduce(ad-dus'),u.to bring for- Adjudge (adjuj 1 ), v. to sen- nT the pricking a diseased ward; to cite. tence; to judge. part with a needle. Addncrnt(ad-du'sent), a. bring- Adjudicate (ad-joo'de-kat), . Acute (a-kuf). . sharp; in- ing together. to try judicially. genious; highly sensitive ; Adducible (ad-du'se-bl),a. that Adjudication (ad-j66-de-ka'- keen ; an angle less than 90 may be adduced. shun), n. the judgment ol a degrees, or less than a right Adduction (ad-duk'shun), . court. angle. the act of bringing forward Adjunct (ad'junkt), n. some- A<-iitcness(n-kut'ncs),7i. quick- or together. thing united to another ; a. ness of intellect. Adenology (ad-e-nol'o-je), n. added to. Ada;e (ad'aj), n. a proverb ; an old saving. the doctrine of thu glands. Adcnobe (ad'e-noz), a. gland- Adjunction (ad-junk'shun), n. the act of joining. Adagio (a-dah'jo), n. a mark of like. Adjunctlve (ad-junk'tiv), n. slow time in music. Adept (a-depf), n. a person that which is joined. Adamant) ad'a-mant), n.ahard skilled ia auy art; a. skill- Adjnration(iad-j66-ra'shun),n. stone ; a diamond. ful. actofadjuHng; form of oath. Adamnntpan (ad-a-man-te'an), Adequacy (ad'e-kwa-se).n. the Adjure (ad-bpr'), . to charge being equal to. Adamantine (ad-a-man'ttn), a. Adequate (ad'e-kwat), a. fully Adj0B(a(ad-min-is- that which Is acHtod. stance. tra'ter-atipS . the office of A DIOnONAEY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ADJIIMSTRATRrX 12 ADVERBIAL an administrator. growing to manhood. Adulterous (a-lul'ter-ns). a. Administratrix (ad-min-is- Adopt (a-dopf), r. to take (he guiltv of adultrrv ; spurious. tra'triks), n. a woman that childofanotherasone'sown; Adultery (a-dul'ter-c), n. a administers. to choose or select. violation of the marriage bed. Admirable (ad'me-ra-bl), a. Adopter f being adult. Admirably (ad'me-ra-blc), ad. Adoption (a-dop'shun), n. the Adumbrant (ad-um'brant), a. wonderfully. act of adopting. giving a slight shadow. Admiral (ad'nie-ral). n. princi- Adoptive (a-dopt'iv), o. that Adumbrate (ad-um brat), v. to pal officer of a fleet. adopts or is adopted. shadow out faintly. AdmlraKhlp (ad'me-ral-ship), Adorable (a-d&r'a-bl), a. wor- Adumbration (ad-um-bra'- n. office of an admiral. thy of being adored. shun), n. shade; the act of Admiralty (ad'me-ral-te), n. Adoration (ad-6-ra'shun), making a shadow or faint the court for administering reverence for God. resemblance. naval affairs. Adore(a-dor'),ti. to worship ;tQJJnneity (a-dun'se-te), n. Admlration(ad-me-ra'8hnn),n. lote inteiwlv. [crookedness in the form of a astonishment; wonder; es- Adorer (a-dor'er), n. one who book. teem. adores; a lover. Ai!nt ia-dust'), a. scorched. Admire (ad-mirO, ". to regard Adopt (a-doru'), r. to deck; to Adustion (a-dustyuu), n. the with love or wonder. embellish. act of burning up. Admirer (ad-mir'er), n. one Adornment (a-dorn'ment), n Advance (ad-vans ). 71. agoing that admires ; a lover. embellishment. forward ; improvement ; a Aduiissibility (ad-mis-se-bil'e- Adwn(a-down'),pr.towardthe rise in price; payment be- te), n. state of being admis- cround ; ad. at the bottom. forehand ; v. to bring high- sible. Adrift (a-drift').a. or ad. float- er ; to raise ; to promote; to Admiiblc (ad-mis'se-bl), a. ingaS, random. improve ; to rise in rank or that ma}- be allowed. Aclr*lt 'ra-droif), a. skillful price. AdmiIon(a !-mi*h'n), n. en- do.erous{ Inpenions. Advanced (ad-vansf),pr. or a. trance ; power or peduission AdroWy (a-droit'lc), ad. skill- moved forward ; improved ; to enter. fully. beforehand ; old. Admit (ad-mit"), t>. to let in; to Adroitness (a-droit'nes), n. Advancement (ad-vans'ment), suffer ; to grant. dexterity ; activitv. M. act of moving forward ; Admittable (ad-mifa-bl), a. Adry (a-dri'J, a. thifstv. promotion. that may be admitted. Ad-oitilloiis (ad-se-tish'us), a. Aiivar.tage Jad-van'taj), n. su- Admit taucetad-mit'ans), n. act additional ; supplemental. jiexiry'in any state or con- of entering. Ad-lrirlil-mon'ish), v. to Ilatttring excessively. AiHcnt (ad'rent), n. acdlning; warn ; to reprove. Adult (a-dulf), n. a person coming of Christ; the four AdmonUhcr(ad-mon'ish-er),n. grown up; a. grown to ma- weeks before Cl-'istmas. one who reproves. turity. Adventitious (ad-veu-tish'us). Adinomtlon(ad-m6-nish'un),n. Adulterant (a-dul'ter-ant), a. a. accidental ; not natural ; gentle reproof; counsel ; ad- that which adulterates. casual. _ vice. Adulterate (a-dul'ter-at), c. to Adtci.tiial (aS-ven'tu-al), a. Aclm mitivp (ad-mon'e-tiv), . corrupt by mixture ; o. de- relating to Advent. containing admonition. based. Adventure (d-ven'tur), n. a Admonltor (ad-mon'e-ter), n. Adulterated fa-dul'ter-at-ed), chance: risk ; an enterprise; one who admonishes. a. debased; mixed; cor- -u.to risk on chance ; to dare Ad monitor j (ad-mon e-tor-e) ,. M give confidence; to btreth. Alllaneer (uf-ii aii-ier), n. who affiances. Affiant (af-fi'ant), n. a maker of as aftidavit. attention to ; heed. Advertent (ad-ver'tent). a. at- tentive. AdTertUe (ad-ver-tizV- to in- form ; to give notice. Advertisement (ad-ver'tiz- Aerify (ar'e-fi), v. to fill with Aerolite (ar'o-lit), . a mete- oric stone. Aerology (ar-ol'6-jc), n. the science of the air. Acromnncy (ar-6-tr.an'se), n. Adtertlser (ad-ver-tiz'er), n. one that advertises. Advertising (ad-ver-tiz'-ing), pr. or a. furnishing or having advertisements. AdTlce(ad-vis').n. Instruction: notice; advice. [be done. Advisable (ad-viz'a-bl), a. fit to Adrisablenrss (ad-viz'a-bl- nes), n. fitness ; propriety. Advise (ad-viz'), v. to give ad- slder. Advisedly (ad-viz'ed-le), ad. with deliberation or advice ; thoughtfully. Advisement (ad-viz'ment), n. caution ; advice. Adviser (ad-viz'er), n. one who gives advice. Advisory (ad-vi'z6-re), a. hav- ing power to advise. Advocacy (ad'vo-!:a-se), n. act of pleading ; intercession ; Advocate (ad'vi-kat), n. one who pleads for another ; v. to plead in favor of; to sup- ciort. Advocatlon (ad-v&-ka'shun), n. a pleading for ; a plea. Advowee (ad-vow-e'), n. he that has power to present a priest to a benefice. Advowson (ad-vow'sun), n. the right of presenting a priest to a beneflee. Advnumie (a-de-nam'ik), a. weak; wanting strength. Advtuin (a-di'tum), n. asecret place. Aerometry (ar-om'e-tre), n. science of the air. Aeronaut !ar'6-nawt), n. an ae- rial sailor. Aeronautic (ar-6-nawt'ikl, a. Aeronautics (ar-o-nawt'iks), n. pi. the art or science of sail- In? in the air. Aeropnytes (Sr'-6-fites), -a. **T>lant3 -n hich live exclusive! * in the air. Aerostatic (ar-6-Rtat'ik), a. suspending in air. Aerostatics (dr-6-.-,tat'i!;=). n. written declaration upon Affiliate (af-fll'e-at), . to adopt; to associate with. Affilotion (af-Sl-e-a'shun), n. act of r.fflliaiing. ABlnage (affl-nij), n. act of refining metals. Affljiity (af-fin-e-te), n. rela- tionship by marriage; chem- ical attraction. Affirm (af-ferm'), v. t asiert positively. Afflrmable (af-ferm'a-bl), o. that may be aff.rmed. the pressure or equilibrium of the air. AeroRtatlo!>(ar-6-sta'shun), n. aerial navigation. .Esthetics (es-thetlks), n. the ""science which treats of the tastes of the beautiful in per- ception ; the science of taste ; confirmation. Aflirmant(af-fcrm'anU n. one who affirms. AtUrmation (af-fcrm-i'lhun), . a solemn declaration ; act of atfirminz. AfHrmatlve (af-fcrm'a-tlv), . that affirms ; confirmative. ; Afar (a- far'), ad. at agreatdis- AfrablHty (af-fa-bil'e-te). n. easily spoken to ; civilitv. Affable (affa-bl), a. of easy Affably (af'fa-ble), ad. in an easy manner ; courteously. Affair faf-far'), n. a business matter. Affect (af-fekf), v. to move the passions; to aim at; to make a show of. Affectation (nf-fek-ta'shun),n. false show ; insincerity ; pre- tense. opposed to a negative. Aflii (af-fikt'), v. to attach to ; to fasten to the end. Aflli (afflks), n. a n.vllable or letter added to the end of a word. Affixture (af-flks'tur), n. that which is affixed. AKation (af-fia'shum), n. th act of breathing upon. V Wains (af-fla'tui), n. iniplra- Affllct(af-flikt'),t). to give pain ; to distress. Afflicted (af-flikt'ed), a. troub- led; suffering pain. A DICTIONARY OP TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. AFFLICTING 14 ACOG Anictlng(af-mkt'ing),a. pain- ful; distressing. After-crop (after-crop), 11. a second crop. Aggrandizement (ag'gran-dlz- meut), n. the state of being ACllction (af-fliU'shun), n. the Aftermath (after-math), n. aggrandized. state of being afflicted or dis- second crop of grass. Aggramlizer (ag'gran-di-ier), t_-essed. Aftermost (after-most), a. n. one who asgrandizea. Afflictive (af-flik'tiv), a. dis- nearest to the stern. Aggravate (as'gra-vat), . to tressing. Afternoon (after-noon),n. the make worse ; to exasperate ; Affluence (afflu-ens), n. time from noon to evening. to provoke. wealth; riches. After-palns(after-panz), n.pl. Aggravation (ag-gra-va'shum), Affluent(arilu-ent), . to yield; to Again (-gen')> ad. by repeti- Aggress (ag-gres'), v. to en- be able to sell, exchange, or tion ; a second time. croach with violence. expend; to supply; to produce Afforest (af-for'est), tj. to turn Against (a-genst'), prep, in op- position to; In provision for. Aggression (ag-gresh'un), n. the first act of injury. Into forest. Agamtst (ag'a-mist),n. one who Assressive (ag-gres r iv), . Affranchise (af-fran'chiz), v. to is unmarried. making the first attack. make free. Agape (a-gap'), ad. with star- Aggressor (ag-gres'er), n. one Affray (af-fraO, n. a quarrel iug eagerness ; with surprise. who begins to injure. with violence ; tumult. A;ntc (ag'at), n. a kind of Aprrioance (ag-grev'ans), n. Affright (af-frif), r. to fri'ht- quartz; a size of type. injury; wrong. en; to terrify; n. sudden Ajratiieil (ag'a-tizd), a. marked Acgrieve (ag-grevO, t. to im- terror. I like an a^ate. jure; to vex. Affront (af-frnnf). n. open In- Agave(a-ga've),n.the American Aggroup (ag-gr6op'),f.to bring sult or ill treatment ; r. to aloe. together. insult. [sive. Agaze fa-gaze'),!', to strike with Aghast (a-gast'), ad. amazed ; A (fuse (af-fuz'),r. to pour upon. Age (5j), n. any period of time ; Agile (aj'ii), a. nimble. Affusion (af-fu'zhun), n. act of decline of life ; maturity ; a Agility (a-jil'e-te). n. activity ; pouring upon. generation; a century. quickness of action. Afield (a-teld'), oo!. to the field. Aged (a'jcd), o. advanced in Agio (a'je-6), n. the difference Afloat (a-flot'J, ad. or a. in a years. in value of different kinds of floating state ; at sea. Agency (4'jen-se) , n. quality or money ; rate of exchange. Afoot (a-foot'), ad. borne bv state of action ; business done Aglst (a-jist') p v. to take in the feet. by an, agent. cattle to graze. Afore (a-for 7 ), ad. or prep, in Agenda (a-jen'da), n. trans- Agitable (aj'i-ta-bl), a. that Afure-ald (a-for'sed), a. said Agent (i'jent), n. a depnty; any may be agitated. Agitate (aj 'i-tat), . to disturb ; before. active cause or power. to discuss. Aforetime (a-for'tim), ad. in Agglomerate (ag-glom'er-at). Agitatlon(aj-I-ta'shuB), n. dis- time past. v. to gather np into a bail or turbance; perturbation. Afonl (i-foul'), a. or ad. entan- mass. AgJlatlre (aj'c-ta-tiv), a. ten- gled. Afraid (a-frad'), a. struck with Agglomeration (ag-glom-er-4'- ehun) , n. act of gathering in- dency to agitate. Agitator (aj'i-ta-ter), n. a dis- fear. to a mass. turber. Afresk (a- fresh'), ad. anew; Agglntinant (ag-glM'tl-nant). Aglet (aglet), n. a tag, or the again. a. uniting, as glue; n. any point of a fringe. Aft (aft), ad. or a. astern, or viscous substance. Agnail(ag / nal),n.infiammation toward the stern. After (after), ad. subsequent- Aggltlnatc(ag-gl66'ti-natc),r. to cause to adhere. round the finger-nail. Agnate (ag'nat), a. related by ly ; afterward ;prcp. later, Agglntination (ag-gl&o-tt-na'- the father's side. behind ; a. subsequent. shun), n. act of uniting. Agnltlon (ag-nlih'un), n. ac- After-ages (after-a'jez), n. pi. ArgluilnatlTe (ag-gloo'ti-na- knowledgment. later ages. tiv), a. that tends to unite. Agnomen (ag-nu men), n. an After-clap (after-klap), n. Airirranfliie (ag'gran-diz), . additional name. something coming after all to maka great or grand; to Ago fa-go ), ad. in time past. seemed to be over. exalt. Agog vi gog' ), ad. in a state of A DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. AGOIKG 15 ALKXAMDUINE desire or curiosity. n. help ; support. AIarming(a-larm'ing),pr. or o. Agoing, (a-go'ing), pr. in mo- Aid-dc-camp (ad'de-kong), n. exciting apprehension. tion. an officer who conveys the Alarmist (a-larm'ist), n. one Agone (a-gon'), ad. ago; past. general's orders ;pl. aides- who excites alarm. Agonlsni(ag'6-nizm),;i. couten- de-camp. Alas (a-las'), interj. expressive tion for a prize. All (al), H. disorder ; indisposi- of sorrow. Agonistic (ag-6-uis'tik), a. re- tion ; v. to iiUect with un- Alb (alb), n. a vestment of lating to athlutic combats. easiness. white linen. Agonize (ag'6-niz), r. to writhe Ailment (al'ment), n. illness ; Albatross (alT>a-tros), n. a with pain ; to put in severe disease ; pain. large south-sea bird. pain. Aim (am),n. endeavor; design ; Albeit (awl-be'it), ad. al- Agonlzing(ag'6-niz-ing),o. suf- direction ; v. to take sight ; though ; be it so. fering severe pain. to direct a weapon. Albescent (al-bes'ent), a. be- Ajony(ag'6-nc),>i. violent pain AImles(,(am'les), a. without aim coming white. of body or mind. Air(ar).?i. the fluid we breathe; Albino (al-bi'no), n. a white Agrarian (a-gra're-an), a. re- the atmosphere; a tune; man- negro ; a person unnaturally lating to fields or grounds. ner or gesture : v. to give or white. Ajrarianim(a-gra'rc-an-izm), take air ; to dry by air and Album (alT>um),n. a book used n. the equal division of lands warmth. for photographs or auto- or property. Air-cells (ar'selz), n. pi. cells graphs. Agree (a-gre'J, E. to be of one containing air. Albumen (al-bu'men), n. the mind. Air-gun (ar'gun), n. a gun dis- white of an egg. Agre*able{a-gre'a-b!),a. pleas- charged bv air. Albuminous (al-bu'me-nus),o. ing to the mi?id or senses; Air-hole (ar ? hol),n. an opening like albumen. suitable ; in conformity with. to admit or discharge air. Alburnum (al-bur'nnm), n. the Agreeableness (a-gre'a-bl-nes), Airiness (ar'e-ncs).n. openness white or soft part of wood ; n. pleasing or grateful to the to the air ; gaiety ; liveliness. sap-wood. mind or taste. Uring(ar'ing),. an excursion Alchemic (al-kem'ik), ) Agreeably (a-gre'a-ble), ad. to enjoy the air. Alchemical (al-kem'ik-al), J ' pleasingly; suitably. Airless (ir'les), . lack of fresh relating to alchemy. Agreement (a-gre'mcnt), n. air; close. AlchemUt (al'ke-mist), . a state of agreeing ; harmony; ilr-pump(ar'pump),n. apump practiccr of alchemy. bargain. or machine constructed for Alihcmy (al'ke-me), n. occult Agrestic (a-gres'tik), o. relat- exhausting the air from a chemistry; art aiming at ing to the country; rustic; vessel. changing rr.etp.ls into gold. rural ; unpolished. liry (are), a. open to the air; Alcohol (al'to-hol), n. pure Agricultural (ag-re-kult'vur- gay ; without reality. spirit. al), a. pertaining to the till- Alle (il), n. a passage-way in Alcoholic (al-k6-hol'ik), a. per- age of the ground. a church. taining to alcohol. Agrlculture(ag-re-kult'yur).n. Ajar (a-jar').aii. partly open. Alcoholize (al'ko-hol-iz), v. to the art of cultivating the VMmbo (a-tlm'bo), ad. with, a convert into alcohol. ground; farming. crook ; arched ; the hand on Alcoran (al'ko-ran), n. the Agriculturist (ag-re-kult'yur- the hip and the elbow turned book of Mohammedan faith. 1st), n. a farmer. outward. Alcove (al'kov), n. a recess of Agrimony (ag're-mo-ne), n. a Akin (a-kin'), a. related by a room. medicinal plant. blood ; allied by nature. Alder (awl'der), n. a variety of Aground(a-ground'),a _ rate. Already (awl-red'c), ad. before Alumlne (al-u'miu), J* Alma Hater (al'ma ma'ter), n. this time ; now. of the earths ; the character- fostering mother, ft name Also (awl'so), ad. in like man- istic ingredient of clay given to a college by those ner ; likewise ; in addition to. Aluminium (al-u-min'i-um), J who have studied in it. AH (alt), a. or n. the higher Aluminum (a-lu'mi-num), j Almanac (awl'ma-nak),7i.acal- part of the scale in music. n. the metallic base of alu- endar or register of months, Altar (awl'ter), n. place for of- mina. weeks, days, &c. ferings ; communion-table. Aluminous (a-lu'ml-nus), a. Almlghtlnrss (awl-mH'i-nes)n. boundless power. Altarage (awl'ter-aj), n. profits or oblations from the altar. ' containing alum. Alumnus (a-lum'nus), n. a pu- Almighty (awl-mit'e), a. all- powerful; n.thc omnipotent Alter (awl'ter), . to make a change in ; to change or vary pil; pi. alumni. Alveolatetal'vc-o-lat), a. divid- Ood. Alterability(awl-ter-a-bil'e-tc) ed into cells or pits. Almond (a'mund), n. the fruit n. bein^ able to be changed Alveolus (al-ve'o-lus), n. a hal- of the almond-tree. Alterable (awl'ter-a-bl), a. that low channel. Almondi (i'numdz), 71. ji!. two may be changed or varied. Alvino (al'vin), a. belonging to Almoner (nl'muu-er), n. a dis- ducing a change ; n. an al- Always (awl'waz),ocl. rorevxr; , tributer of alms. ternative. continually. Almonry (al'uiun-re), n. place Alteration (awl-ter-a'shun), n Am (am), first person, prc.ent where alms are distributed. act of altering ; change ; vari- tense, of the verb to be. Almost (awl'most), ad. nearly ; ation. Amain (a-man'J, ad. with ener- well nigh ; mostly. Alterative (awl'ter-a-tiv), o gy or force. Alms (amz) ,n. a gift to the poor. causing alteration ; n. Amalgam (a-mal'gam), n. n Alma-house (amz'house), n. a medicine that gradually pro- compound of quicksilver and bouse for the poor who sub- duces achange lor the better another metal. sist on charity. Altercate (al'tcr-kat),w. to con Amalgamate (a-mal'ga-mat), D. Aloe (al'o), n. tree of several tend in words. to mix metuls with quicksil- species; a resinous cathartic Altercation (al-ter-ki'shun).n ver ; to blend or unite. " T U, angry debate ; contention ; Amuiuamation (a-Eial-ga-ma'- Aloetie (al-o-et'ik), a. pertain- wrangling. sliun), n. tile act of amalga- ing to aloes. Alternate (al-ter'nat), o. being mating. Aloft (a-loft'), ad. ou high; by turns ; v. to perform by Amanuensis (a-man-u-en'sis), above; in the air. turns ; to act by turns. n. a writer of what a person Alone (a-16n'), a. single; soli- Alternation(al-tcr-na'shun),n dictates; pi. amanuenses. tary ; without company ; reciprocal succession ; inter Amaranth (am'a-rantli), ? ad. separately. change. Amaranthua(am-a-ran'thus) J Along (a-long'), ad. onward ; Alternative (al-ter'na-tiv), n n. an unfading flower. prep, throughout ; by the that which may bo chosen or Amaranthine (am-a-ranth'in), ide of; by the length of. rejected ; the choice of one o a. unfading. Aloof (a-166f), ad. at a dis- two things. Amass fa-mas'), . to collect tance; apart. Alternatlvcly(al-tr'na-tiv-le) into aheap; to accumulate; Alopeey (al'o-pe-sc), it. scurf ad. reciprocally. to heap up. or baldness. AHlicii (: '--the'a), n. a plant Amassment (a-mas'mcnt), n. a Alond (a-loud'), ad. loudly; Althoiig ;awl-tho'),co/i.grant heap ; a collection. with a loud voice. allow all that; notwith Amatthenlc (am-as-then'ik), a. Alpaca (al-pak'a), n. an ani- standing ; however. uniting the rays of light. mal of Peru; a thin kind of Altimeter (al-tim'e-ter), n Amateur (um-a-tur'), n. a per- cloth made of the wool of the an instrument for taking BOH devoted to a particular alpaca. heights. study or science, without Alpha (al'fa).n. the first letter AHimetry (al-tim'e-tre), n. art pursuing It as a profession. in the Greek alphabet; the of measuring heights. Amatlvrnrts (am'a-tiv-ues), n. first or beci nning. Altitude (al'te-tud), n. per a propensity to IOVP. Alphabet (al'fa-bet), n. thelet- pendicular elcvatiom ; height Amatory (am'a-to-rc). a . influ- A DICTIONAEY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. AHACROSIS 18 A31I'J11THEATRICAL cnced bv love. plant. v. to render American ,- to Aqiauru>i (am-aw-ro sis), n. Ambrosial (am-bro'rhc-al), a. naturalize in America. decay or loss of sight.without having the qualities of am- Amethyst (am'e-thist), n. a apparent defect in the eye. brosia; fragrant. precious stone of a deep vio- Amaze (a-maz'),0. to confound; Alnba*ace 1 >- * let color. to confuse ; to astonish. Amcu-ace \ (* mz **>, n. a dou- Amethystine(am-e-thist'in) ,a. Amazement (a-maz'ment), n. ble ace. like an amethyst. astonishment; sudden fear. Ambulance (am'bu-lans), 11. a Amiable (a'me-a-bl), a. worthy Amazing (a-maz'ing), a. very i wonderful. movable hospital in battle* Ambulant(am'bQ.lant), a. mov- of love; lovely. Amlabieness(a'me-a-bl-neE),n. 1 Vm.ixon(am'a-znn),n. a female soldier ; a virago. ing from place to place. Ambulation (am-bu-la'shun). loveliness ; agreeablenesa. Amiably (a me-a-ble), ad. in a Amazonian (am-a-zo'nc-au), a. n. walking about. friendly manner. resembling an Amazon ; war- Ambulatory (am'bn-la-to-re). Amianth (am e-anth), \ like. a. walking; moving froui Amianlhus(am-e-an'thus), 5 * Ambages (am-ba'jez), n. a cir- place to place. earth-flax, an incombusti- cumlocution. Ambuscade (am'bus-kad), n. a ble mineral substance. Ambassador (am-bas'a-dcr), n. place of surprise. Amicable(am'c-ka-bl),a.pc ace- the representative of a sov- Ambush (am'bush), n. the act able; harmonious; kind. ereign or state at a foreign oflying in wait. Amid (a-mid'j, prep, in the court. Ameliorate (a-rnU'yer-at), r. to middle ; among. Amber (am'ber), n. a fossil gum make better ; to improve ; to Amiss (a-rniss'), a. or ad. im- or gum-resin. grow better. properly ; in error. Ambergris (am'ber-gres), n. a Amelioration (a-mel-yer-a'- Amity (am'e-te), n. friendship ; fra;rant drug. shun), n. the act of making agreement ; good will ; har- Ambidexter (am-be-deks'ter), better. mony. n. one who uses both hands Amen(a-men'), so be it; verily ; Ammonia (am-md'ne-a), n. a with equal skill. n. truth. volatile alkali. Ambidexterity (am-be-deks- Amenable (a-me'na-bl), o. li- Ammoniac (am-md'ne-ak), a. ter'e-te), . ability to use able to give account ; respon- pertaining to ammonia ; n. both hands witii equal case ; sible; accountable. a gum resin. double-dealing. Amenability (a-me-na-bil'e- Ammunition (am-ntu-nish'un), Ambient (am'be-ent), a. en- te), n. liability to answer. n. military stores. compassing ; surrounding. Amend (a-mend'), v. to make Amnesty (am'ucs-te), n. a gen- Ambiguity (aru-bc-gu'c-te), . better ; to supply a defect ; to eral pardon. doubtfulness ; uncertainty of reform. Among (a-mung'j, prep, min- meaning. Amendable (a-meud'a-bl), a. gled with ; amidst. Ambiguous (am-big'u-us), a. that may be amended. Amoroso (am-o-roso), n. an having more meanings than Amendatory (a-mend'a-to-re), ardent lover. one; obscure. a. corrective. Amorous(am'o-rus),a. Inclined Ambiguously (am-btg'u-ns-le), Amende (a-mongd'), FT. n. a to love ; passionate. ad. equivocally ; ia a doubt- fine ; reparation ; retraction ; Amorphous (a-mor'fus), a. of ful manner. a forfeit. irregular shape. Ambilogy (am-bil'o-je), n. am- Amendment (a- mcnd'ment), n. Amount (a-mount'), v. to rise biguous discourse. a change for the better; im- in value ; to result in ; 11. Amblloqny (am-bil'o-kwc), n. provement ; reformation. the sum total : the result. ambiguity of expression. Amends(a-mendz'),?t. a recom- Amour (a-nioor'). n. a love in- Ambit (am'bit), it. the circuit pense; satisfaction. trigue; gallantry. of anytning. Amentia (a-men'she-a), n. idi- Amphibian (am-fib e-an), n. an Ambition (am-bish'un), n. ea- otism ; imbecility. animal that cau live on land ger desire of fame, honor, or Amenity (a-men'e-te),n. pleas- or in water. superiority. antness. Amphibious (am-fib'e-us), a. Ambitious (am-bish'us), a. de- Amerce (a-mers'j, v. to punish able to live oa land or in sirous to excel ; showy. with a fine. water. Amble (am'bl), v. to move with Amerceable (a-mers'a-bl), o. Amphibrach (am'S-brak),n. in an amble; n. peculiar pace liable to amercement. poetry, a foot of three syl- of a horse, when both legs on Amercement (a-mcrs'ment), n. lables a short, a long, and a one side move together. a fine ; a penalty. short. Ambler (am'bler), n. a horse Amercer (a-mer'ser), n. one Amphitheatre (am-fe-the'a- which ambles. who sets a fine. t'-r). n. a theatre of a round Ambrelne (am'hre-in), n. the Americanism (a-mer'e-kan- or oval form. active principle of ambergris izm), n. American idiom, Amphitheatrleal (zm-fe-the- Ambrvla(am bro'/lie-a),n.the phrase, or word. at'rik-al), a. relating to a:i fabled food of tue god*; a \merlcanlze (a-mcr'e-kan-iz), amphitheatre. A DIOTIONABY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Ample (am'pl), o. large ; ex- tended; liberal; diffusive; Analogous (a-nM'o-gus), o. having resemblance. Anrliovy (an-cho've), n. a dried u>-h used in seasoning. wide ; spacious. Analogue (an'a-log), >i. a word Ancient (in'shcnt), o. belong- Amplification (am-plc-fc-ka'- or thing bearing analogy to ing to former times not shun), n. enlargement; dif- another. modern ; old. fuse discourse. Analogy (a-nal'o-je), n. an a- Anciently (au'shent-lc), ad. in Amplifier (am'ple-fi-er), n. one greement or correspondence times past. who enlarges. in certain respects between Ancients tan'shents),n.^Z. per- Amplify (arn'ple-fi), v. to en- things otherwise different; sons of former times. large copiously; to be diffuse likeness; proportion. Ancillary (an'sil-a-rc), a. u!*- in argument. Analysis (a-nal'e-sis), . sepa- servicnt; subordinate; re- Amplitude (am'plc-tud), n. ration of a body or of r. Bub- lating to an handmaid. largeness ; abundance. ject into its parts. Ancipltal (an-sip'e-tal), o. Amply (am'ple), ad. largely; Analyst (an'a-list), n. one who doubly formed. spaciously. analvzes. And (and), con. signifies ad- Amputate (am'pu-tat),v. to cut Analytic (an-a-lit'ik), a. per- dition, and used to join sen- off a limb. taining to analysis ; resolv- tences. Amputation (am-pu-ta'shun). ing into parts. Andante (an-dan'te), n. in n. the operation of cutting oil Analytics (an-a-lit'iks), n. the music, a word requiring a a limb. science of analysis. slow movement. Amulet (am'u-let), n. a charm Analyze (an'a-liz), r. to resolve Andiron (aud'i-urn), . an iron Amuse (a-muz'), v. to entertain p\es. e in a fireplace. agreeably. Analyzer (an-a-liz'er), n. one Anecdote (an'ek-d6t), n. ashort Amusement (a-muz'ment), n. who analyzes. story. that which amuses j pas- Anapest (an'a-pest), n. a poetic Anecdotal (an'ek-do-tal), a. re- time; entertainment. foot of three syllables. lating to anecdotes. Amusing (a-muz'ing),a. afford- Anarchic (an-ark'ik), a. being Anemone (a-nem'o-ne), n. the ing entertainment. without government; lawless wind-flower. Amnsive (a-mu'siv), a. having Anarchist (an'ar-kist), n. one Aneroid (an'c-roid), a. the power to please. who promotes anarchy. wind barometer. Amylaceous (am-e-la'shus), a. Anarchy (an'ar-ke), n. want of Aneurism (an'u-rizm), n. a pertaining to starch. government. rupture of an artery. An (an), the indefinite article ; Anathema (a-n athV-ma), n. an Anew (a-nu), ad. over 'again ; one; any. ecclesiastical curse. afresh; newly. Anabaptist (an-a-tap'tist), n. Anathematize (a-nath'e-ma- Angel (an'jel),n. a celestial one who rejects infant bap- tiz), . to excommunicate. messenger ; a spirit ; a beau- tism. Anatomical (au-a-tom'ik-al),a. tiful person. Anachronism (an-ak'ro-nizm). pertaining to anatomv. Angeli* (an-jcl'ik), / n. an error iu the account ol Anatomist (a-nat'6-mist), n. Angelical (an-jcl'ik-al), $ " events in times past. one skilled in dissecting. belonging to or like angels. Anaconda (an-a-kou'da), n. a Anatomize (a-nat'6-miz), v. to Angelology (an-jcl-ol'o-je), n. large serpent. dissect an animal. doctrine treating of angels. Anacreontic (a-nak-re-on'tik). Anatomy (a-nat'6-me), n. art Anger (ang'cr).n. a passion ex- a. after Anacreon, a Greek of dissection; a skeleton. cited by injury; v. to pro- poet ; joyous. Ancestor (an'ses-ter), n. one voke ; to enrage. Anesthetic (an-es-thet'ik), a. from whom we descend; a Angina (an-ji'ua), n. Inflam- depriving of feeling. forefather. mation of the throat. Anaglyph (an'a-glif),n. an or- Ancestral (an-scs'tral), a. Anglography (an-jc-og'ra-fc). Anagram (an'a-gram), n. a Ancestry (an'ses-tre), n. line- sels of the human body. new word formed from the age. Angle (ang'l), n. a point or cr- letters of another word. Anchor (ank'cr), 71. /fc?>-i Iier where two lines meet ; a Analeptle (au-a-lep'tik), a. re- an iron instru- //"j|_ju corner ;- v. to fish for any storative. nient for fasten -^B^MniVV thing. Analogical (an-a-loj'ik-al), a. ing ships at rust '^MfT 1 Angler (angler), n. one who according to analogy. iu water ; v. to //'i IM// A fishes with hook and line. Analoglsm (a-nal'o-jizm), n. cast anchor. '''H/AW Anglican (an'glc-kan), a. per- reasoning from cause to ef- Anchorage(ank'er- n i>' Jf taining to Kngland. fect. aj), n. ground for "Cag^r Anglicism (an'cle-sizm),,n. at. Analog!. t (a-nal'o-jist), n. one anchoring; dut? ^J^ Knglish idiom. who adheres to analogy. paid for liberty to anchor. Anglicize (angla-siz), . to Analogize (a-nal'o-jiz), i>. to Anchorite (ank'o-rit), n. a her- make English. explain by analogy. mit; a religious recluse. Angling (an'gling)i n. fishing A DIOTIONAEY OF THE EKGLISH LANGUAGE. ANGRILY 20 ANSWER with a rod and line. violent malignity; hatred yearly ; year br year. Angrily (an'gre-le), acl. In an malevolence. Annuitant (an-nu'i-tant), n. augry manner. Animus (an'e-mus), n. the feel- oiie who receives an annuity. Angry (au'gre), a. moved with in; that prompts; temper. Annully(an-nu'e-te), n. ayear- anger; indignant. Anion (an'e-un), n. an electro- ly allowance. Ansuilllforin (an-gwil'e- negative body. Annul (an-nul'), v. to make fawrm), a. formed like an eel Anise (an 'is), n. an aromatic void; to abolish; to Invali- or serpent. plant. date. Anguineal (an-gwin'e-al), a. Ankle (ankl), n. the joint that Annular (an'uu-lar), a. having pertaining to a snake. connects the foot and the leg. the form of a ring ; round. AngiiUh (au'gwish), n. extreme Ankli'l (ank'let), n. an orna- Annulet (an'nu-let), n. a little pain. ment for the ankle. ring; a fillet. Angular (an'gu-ler), a. having Annalil(an'nal-ist),n.awritr Annulment (an-nul'nient), n. corners. of annals. the act of making void. Angularity (an-gu-lar'e-te), n. Annal* (an'nalz), n. pi. histor- Annulose (an'nu-los), a. com- the quality of having angles. ies related in order of time posed of rings. Ansulaled "(an'gu-Ia-ted), a. chronicles. AnnunieraU- (an-nu'mer-at), t>. Anhdat ion (an-be-li'shun), n. come of a spiritual living. Annuneiate^a'n-'nun'se'at^t'. being outof breath ; panting. Anneal (an-nel'), . to temper to bring tidings ; to an- Anhydrou* (an-hi'drus), a. glass or metals by heat. nounce. without water ; dry. Annex (an-neks'), v. to unite Annunciation (an-nun-se-a'- Anile (an'il), a. old-womanish ; to subjoin ; to affix. shun),n. act of announcing ; imbecile. Annexation (an-neks-a'shun) an announcing. Aniline (an'e-lin), n. a sub- 11. the act of joining or unit- Anode (an'od), n. the positive stance used in dyeing. ing; addition; union. pole of an electric battery. Anility (a-nil'e-te). n. the old inflexible (an-neks'e-bl), a. Anodyne (an'6-din), n. medi- age of woman - dotage. that mar be annexed. cine to soothe pain and dis- Anlmadiersion(an-e-mad-ver'- Annihilate (an-ni hi-la-hl), a. pose to sleep ; a. mitigating shun), n. remarks in the way that may be annihilated. pain. of censure or criticism ; re- Annihilate (an-ni'hi-lat), v. to Anoint (a-nolnf), v. to rub or proof; comment. reduce to nothing; todestroy. smear with oil; to conse- Animadvert (an-e-mad-vcrt'). Annihilation (an-ni-hi-la'- crate. v. to turn the mind to ; to cen- shun), n. act of reducing to Anointed (a-noint'ed), n. the sure ; to criticise. nothing. Messiah. Animal (an'e-mal), n. a living Anniversary (an-ne-ver'sa-re), Anointing (a-noint'ing), n. an corporeal being, endowed a. returning with the year ; unction ; a consecration. with sensation and motion ; n. the annual day on which Anointment (a-noint'mcnt), n. a. gross ; pertaining to an- an event is celebrated. act of anointing. imals. Innotate (an'no-tat), V. to Anmn:t!Um (a-nom'a-lizm), n. AHlmalciilar(an-e-mal'ku-ler), make comments or notes ; to a deviation from rule; irreg- a. relating to animalcules. Animalcule (an-e-mal'kul), n. remark. innotatlon(an-n8-ta'shun),n. ularity. Anomalistic (a-nom-a-Ust'lk), a ver}' small animal, nearlv remark ; comment. a. irregular. or quite invisible to the nak- Innotator (an'no-ta-ter), n. A iiomalou*(a-nom'a-lus) , a. de- ed eve. one who writes comments on viating from a common rule AninialiMU (an'e-mal-izm), n. a book. or analogy. animal nature; sensual in- Vnnolalory (an-no'ta-to-re), a. Anomaly (a-nom'a-le), n. a de- dulgence. containing annotations. viation from rule. Anlmnilty (an-e-mal'e-t), n. Announce (an-nouns ), v. to Anon(a-nou'), ad. soon ; quick- animal existence. give notice of; to proclaim. ly ; immediately. endue with animal life. ment), n. a declaration ; pub- lumng""' name." *" " ' Animal* (an'c-mat), v. to give lication. Anonymously (a-non'e-mus- lift to: to enliven. innoy (an-noy'), . to Incom- le), ad. without real name. Animating (an'e-ma-ting), a. mode ; to trouble. Another (an-uth'er), a. one enlivening; giving life. Annoyance (an-noy'ans), n. more ; not the same. full of life, spirit and vigor. something that teases. to the goose kind. AnlmaliTe(an e-ma-tiv), a. ca- Annual ran'iu-al),a. yearly; Answer (an'ser). v. to speak in pable of giving life. n. a plant tbat grows anddies reply ; to satisfy or solve ; to Animator (an'e-ma-ter),n. oae within a year; a book pub- comply with ; to suit ; n. a who elves life. lished yearly. reply ; return ; a response ; a Anlinolty (an-e-MOi'e-tt), n. Annually (an'nu-al-le), *d. solution. A DIOTIONAKY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ANSWERABLE 21 AKTIQUEKE8S Answerable (an'ser-a-bl), a Antepast (an'tc-past), n. afore Antieliniax(an-te-kli'maks),n. able to be answered ; ac taste; anticipation. the opposite of climax ; a countable; suitable. Antepenult (aii-t<;-pc-muU'), n sentence in which the ideas Answerer (an'ser-er), n. one the last syllable of a word become less important at the who answers. but two. close. Ant (ant), n. a small insect. Antepenultimate (an-te-pe Antidotal (au'te-d6-tal), a. ex- Antacid (ant-as'id), n. that D.ult'e-mat), a. of the last ajl pelling the effects of poison. which neutralizes acidity. lable but two. Antidote (an'te-dot), n. a rem- Antagonhm(an-tag'6-nizm),n. Anterior (an-te're-er), a. be edy against poison. active opposition ; contest. fore ; previous. Antifebrile (an-te-feb'ril), a. Antagonist (an-tag'6-nist), n. Anteriorily(an-te-re-or'e-te)n good against fevers. an opponent; a. counter- state 01 being before in time Antilogy (an-til'o-je), n. con- acting; opposing. Anteroom (an-te-room), n. a tradiction between the words Anlajronlstle(an-tag-6-nist'ik), room leailiug to aui.cher. or passaacs of an author. a. opposing. Anthellon (ant-he ie-on), n. a Antiiuonnrchical (an-te-mft- Antagonize (an-tag'6-nis),t;. to bright spot opposite the sun nark'ik-al),a. hostile to mon- contend against. Antuelmliitic (ar.-the!-min' archy. AnlalgMan-tal'jik), a. allevi- tik),a. destructive to worms Aiitlmonial (an-te-mo'ne-al),a. ating pain. ?i. the medicine. composed of antimony. Antarctic (ant-ark'tik), a. op- Anthem (au'them), n. a sacred Antimony (an'te-mun-e), n. a posite to the arctic ; relating song or music. metal of a tin-white color; a to the south polp. Ante (an'te), before, in place or Anther (an'ther), . the tip of the stamen in a flower. metallic or. Vntinoinhin (an-te-n6'me-a), time. Anthology (an-thol'o-je), n. a n. one who denies the obliga- An tract (an'tc-akt), n. a pre- discourse on or a collection tion of the moral law. ceding act. of flowers. Antinomy (au'te-no-mc), n. an Antcceilence(an-te-sed'ens),n. Anthracite (an'thra-sit), n. a opposition between two laws. the act of preceding in time. hard coal, burning without Vnlipapal (an-te-pa'piri),". op- Antecedent (an-te-sed'ent), n. flame or smoku. posin poperv. that which goes before; a. Anthracitic (an-thra-sit'ik), a. Intipntny (an-tip'a-the), n. going before in time; a man's relating to anthracite. natural aversion. previous history. Anthropography (an-thro- Intlpt-ftllential (an-te-pes-te- Anteccxsor (an-te-ses'sor), n. pog'ra-fe),n.thescienceofthe len'shal), a. counteracting one who lived keforeanother. distribution of the human contagion. Antechainber(an'te-charn-ber) species. Infiplum (an'te-f5n), > n. a room leading to another. Anthropology (an-thro-polo- intiphony (iiii-tifo-ue), 5 * Anfccians (an-te'shans), n. je), n. the natural history of alternate chanting or sing- those living in the same lat- the human species. ing. itude and longitude, but on tnthropomorphite (an-thro- IntiphonaKan-tifo-nal), a. re- different sides of the equa- po-mor'fit). n. one who at- lating to alternale singing. tor. tributes a human form to the IntluhnMls (an-tifra-sis), n. Antedate (an'te-dat), v. to date Deity. using words in a sense oppo- before the true time; n. a Anthropophagi (an-thro-pof- site to the true one. prior date. a-ji), n, pi. man-enters ; can- Latinorinl (.m-tip'o-dal), a. re- Antediluvial(an-te-de-lu've-al) nibals. lating to the antipodes. Antediluvian (an-te-de-.u've- Anthropophagy (an-thro-pof- Antipodes (an-tip'o-dez), n.pZ. an), a. existing before the a-je), n. the practice of eat- those who live on the oppo- flood. ing human fiesh. site side of the globe. Antelope(an'te-16p),ti.agenus Antibllious (an-te-bil'yus), a. Intiquarian(an-te-kwa're-an), of quadrupeds between the good for bilious complaints. a. relating to antiquity. goat and the deer. Antic (an'tik), a. odd ; fanci- intiquary (an'te-kwa-rc), n. Anlcliican (an-te-lu'kan), a. ful ; n. a merrv-andrew. one who studies or collects before daylight. Antichrist (an'te-krist), n. one ancient things. Antemeridian (an-te-me-rid'c- who opposes Christ. Inflquate (an'tc-kwat), r. to an), a. before noon. Antlchristlan (an-te-kris'yan). nmlce old ; to put out of use. Anteniumlane(an-te-mun'dan) a. opposing Christianity or Antiquated (un-tc-kv/a-ted), a. a. before the creation of the opposite it. out of fashion ; old. world. Anticipate (an-tis'e-pat), v. to Vntiqne (an-tuk'), a. anciect; Antcnne (an-ten'e), n. pi. the take before ; to foretaste. old ; n. a remnant of antiq- feelers of insects. Anticipation (an-tis-e-pa'- uity. Anlenupt!al(an-te-nup'shal)a. sbun), n. a foretaste. inliqiiifvfari-tik'wc-tej.n.old before marriage. Antlclpafivefan-tis'e-pd'tiv) ) times : a relic of old times. Anfepiueal (an-u-pai'kal), a. AntlclpnUry (an-tis'e-pa-lo re) ) ,ntiqiicnrs(:iu-tek'nes),n.an- before Euter. a. taking beforehand. cientness. A DIOTIOflAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A.NTISIIAVS 22 APPAREL AntUrlans (an-tish'e-anz), \ key; a mimic or imitator; Apoplectic (ap-6-plek'tik), a. Antlscil (au-lish'e-t), j" r. to imitate servilely ; to ac rotating to apoplexy. people who live ou difTeren like an ape. Apoplexy (ap 6-plek-se), n. a sides of the equator. Aperient (a-pe're-ent), a. gent disease which suddenly de- Antiscorbutic (an-tc-skor-bu' ly purgative ; n. a laxative prives of sense and motion. tik), a. counteracting scurvv or purgative. Apostacy (a-pos'ta-se), n. a de- Antiseriptural (an-tc-skrip'tu Aperture (ap'er-tur), n. an parture from professed prin- ; ral), a. not according to the opening ; an orifice. ciples or desertion from a Scriptures. Apetalous(a-pefa-lus), a. hav- party. Antiseptic (an-te-sep'tik). ing no petals. Apo>lftteta-pos tat), n. one who that prevemts putrefaction. Apex (a'peks), n. the summit forsakes his religion or party AnlUpasmodic (an-te-spaz- of a thing. Apostatize (a-pof'ta-tiz), v. to mod'ik), a. opposing spasm. Aphelion (a-fel'yun), n. the abandon one's religion or Antlstrophe (an-tis'tro-te). n point of a planet's orbit far- party. the stauza of a stanza or ode thest away from the sun. Apostemate(a-pos'te-mat),D.to succeeding the strophe. AphlugMie (aflo-jis'tik), a. form inu> an abscess full of Antithesis (an-tith'e-sis). n. Hameless. pus. opposition of words ; coutras. Aphorism (afo-rizm), n. a de- Apoleme(ap'os-tem),n. an ab- Antithetic (an-te-thet'ik), a. tached precept in a fen soess. placed in contrast. words; a maxim. Apostle (a-pos'tl), n. amessen- Antitype (an'te-tip), n. that I phorMlr (af-o-ris'tik), a. like ger sent to preach the gospel. which corresponds to the an aphorism. Apostlesliip (a-pos tl-ship), . tjpe. Iphlhong (afthong), n. silent the office of an apostle. Antitypleal(an-te-tip'e-kal),a. letter or letters. Apostolic (ap-os-tol'ik), { pertaining to an antitype. Vpiarv (a'pe-a-re), n. a place Apostolical (ap-os-tol'ik-a:-i. 5 Antler (ant'ler), n.a branch of for bees. a. relating to or like apos- a stag's horn. Ipiece (a-pes'), ad. to each tles ; agreeing with their doc- Aortic an'- _ ___ one's share ; for each. trines. Til), n. an V^g E5^ lpi>h (ap'ish), a. like an ape. Apostrophe (a-pos'tro-fc), n. a iron block ^^TMHBr tplshly (ap'ish-le), ad. in an mark (') used to denote the on which =aM^BH J-^Sw apish manner. omission of a letter or letters metals arc SSUmStS&m Ipncea (ap-ne'a) n. suflbca- in a word, and to denote the hammered. tiOD. possessive case of nouns. Anxirty(ank-zi'e-te),n.trouT>le Ipocalypse (a-pok'a-lips), n. IpiMrophlc (ap-os-trofik), a. of mind from doubt; solici- the book of the revelation. pertaining to an apo-'trophe. tude; concern. IpiKiiltptic (a-pok-a-lip'tik), Apostrophize (a-pos'tro-fiz),. Anxious (ank'shus). a. solici- a. pertaining to revelation. to address by apostrophe. tous ; much concerned. Apocope (a-pok'o-pe), n. the iputhecary (a-poth'e-ka-re).n. Anxiously (ank'shus-le), ad. omission of the last letter or a conipounder of medicines with anxiety. syllable of a word. from drugs. Aiijr (en'ne), o. one; every; \pocryplia (a-pok're-fa), n. Ipullirgm (ap'o-them), n. a re- whoever; whatever. books whose inspiration is markable saving ; a maxim. Aorta (a-or'ta), n. the great ar- doubted. tpothejrmatleOip-o-theij-mat'- tery of the heart. Ipocryphal (a-pok're-fal), a. ik), a. ufter themauucr of an Apace (a-pas'j, ad. quickly; not canonical ; doubtful. apothegm. hastily; fast; swiftly. Apodal (ap'o-dal), a. having Apotheosis (ap-o-the'6-sis). n. Apagog(ap-a-g6-je), n. an ar- no feet. placinz among the gods ; de- gument or proposition not \podl\ls (ap-o-dix'is), n. full ification. very evident; the step lead- demonstration. tpothcosiie (ap-o-the'6-slz),. Ing from one proposition to 4|>odlctle(ap-o-dik'tik), a. be- to deify. another. yond contradiction. Apotome (a-pot'o-me), n. the Apart (a-part'J, ad. separate- \peeee (ap'6-je), n. the point difference between two in- ly; aside. in the moon's orbit most re- commensurable quantities. Apartment (a-part'ment), n. a mote from the earth. Appall (ap-pawl'), v. to smite MB. Apologetic (a-pol-6-jet'ik), a. with terror ; to dismav. Apathetle(ap-a-thct'ik).a.void said in defence or excuse. 4ppnlling(ap-pawrin(),a. fill- of feeling; insensible; in- apologist (a-pol'6-jist) t n. one ing with terror. different. who makes an apology. kppttnage(ap'p.in-aj). n. lands ApathUt (ap'a-thixt), . one ipolnglte (a-pol'6-jiz), . to set apart by a prince for his destitute of feeling. uiake an excuse for. younger son. Apathy (ap'a-the), n. want of tpologue(ap'o-log), n. a moral Apparatus (ap-pa-ri'tus), n. feeling ; indifference ; stoi- tale ; a fable. tools; furniture; instru- cism. \pology (a-pol'6-je), B. a de- ments. Apr (ape), n. a kind of mon- fence; an excuse. Appai-el(ap-par'el),n.clothlng; A DICTIONABY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. APPARENT 23 APPROXIMATION raiment; v. to dress; to bation loudly expressed. Apprehend (ap-pre-head'), v. clothe ; to deck. Applausive (ap-plawz'iv), a to seize; to understand; to Apparent (ap-par'eut),o. with- containing applause. fear. in view ; obvious. Apparently(ap-par'ent-le), ad. Apple (ap'pl),n. fruit of the ap- ple-tree; pupil of the eye. Apprehensible (ap-pre-hcn'se- bl), a. that mav be appre- in appearance. Appliance(ap-pli'aus),n. thing hended or feared". Apparition (ap-pa-rish'un), n. applied. Apprehension (ap-pre-hcn'- au appearance ; a ghost. Applicability (ap-plc-ka-bil'e- shuu), n. faculty of conceiv- Apparitor (ap-par'i-ter), n. an te), n. fitness or quality of ing ideas ; fear. officer in the spiritual courts. being applicable. Apprehenslve(ap-pre-hen'siv), Appeal (ap-pel), n. removal ol Applicable (ap ple-ka-bl),a. fit a. quick to understand ; fear- ful r. to remove to a superior Applicant (ap'plc-kant), n.onc Apprentice (ap-pren'tis).n. one judge. who applies. bound by indenture ; v. to Appealable {ap-pel'a-bl), o. Application (ap-ple-ka'shun), bind aa an apprentice. that may be appealed. Appear (ap-per'), p. to be in industry. Apprenticeship (ap-pres'tis- ship), . the time au appren- sight; to seem. Apply (ap-pli'), v. to put to ; to tice has to serve. Appearance tap-per'ans), n. a coming in Bight; thingsseen; study ; to address ; to keep at work. Apprise (ap-priz'), v. to glveno- chow. Appoggtatnrn (ap-pod'ja-too- Approach (ap-proch'). p. to Appeasable (ap-pez'a-bl), a. raj, ?t. a small note in music come or draw near; to ad- that may be appeased. between other notes. vance to ; H. act of draw- Appease (ap-pez r ), to quiet; to Appoint tap-point'), ti. to set- ing near; access. calm : tc pacify. tic ; to name and commission Approachable (ap-proch'a-hl), Appeasement (ap-pez'meut), n. to au office. a. that may be approached ; act of appeasing. Appointable (ap-point'a-bl), a. accessible. Appeasive (ap-pez'iv), a. quiet- that may be appointed Approbatlon(ap-pr5-ba'shun), ing. Appointee (ap-point-e'), . one n. the act of approving ; a lik- Appellant (ap-pel'ant), n.- one who is appointed. ing. who appeals. Appointment (ap-point'ment). Approbatlve(ap'pr6-ba-tlv),a. Appellation(ap-pel-la'shun),7t. n. act of appointing ; an or- implying approbation. the word by which a thing der ; decree ; situation ; office. Ipproliativencsa (ap-prd-ba'- is called. Vpportion (ap-por'shuu), v. to tir-nes), . love of approba- Appellative (ap-pel'la-tiv), o. divide or share out. tion. common to many; geueral; Apportionment (ap-por'shun- Appropriable (ap-pr6'pre-a-bl) n. a mark to show a com- nient), n. a dividing in to just a. that may be appropriated. mon name. portions. Ipproprlnle (ap-pro'pre-at), v. Appellee (ap-pel-le'), n. the de- Apposlte(ap'po-zit), a. proper ; to set apart for a special use ; fendant in au appeal. suitable; fit. to assign ; a. set apart tor a Appellur (ap-pel'lor), n. the Appositely (ap'po-zit-le), ad. person. plaintiff in an appeal. properly ; suitabty ; fitly. Appropriated (ap-pro'pre-At- A p pc nd (ap-pend'), v. to attach Appositcness(appo-zit-nes),n. cdj, a. set apart to a particu- to; to annex. limess ; suitableness. lar use. Appendage (ap-pemdpj), n. an Apposition (ap-po-zish'un), n. Appropriately (ap-pro'pre-at- addition. addition ; of the same mean- Ic), ad. properly. Appi-mlaiit (ap-pcnd'ant), a. ing; placing two nouns in the Appropriateness (ap-pro'pre- hanging to ; annexed. same case. at-nes), n. a peculiar fit- Apppiulicle (ap-pen'de-kl), n. a AppraUal(ap-praz'al),n. a val- IK->S ; suitableness. small appendage. uation by authority. Appropriation (ap-pro-pre-a'- Appendix (ap-pen'diks), n. Appraise (ap-priz'), t>. to set* shun), n. application to a something annexed. price on ; to value. particular use. Appertain (ap-per-tan'), v. to Appraisement (ap-praz'ment), Approvahle (ap-pr56v'a-bl), a. belong to ; to relate. n. act of appraising. worthy of approbation. Appetence (ap'pe-Wns), n. sen- Appraise r(np-praz'er),n. a val- Approval (ap-proov'al), n. ap- sual desire ; appetite. uer of goods. probation ; commendation ; Appetite (ap'pe-tit), . desire Appreciable (ap-pre'she-a-bl), sanction. for food. a. that may be properly val- Approve (ap-proov 1 ), v. to like Appetizing (ap-pe-tiz'ing), o. ued. or allow of; to justify ; to promoting the appetite. Appreciate (ap-pre'she-at), e. commend. Applaud (ap-plawd'), f. to to value; to prize. Approximate (ap-proka'e-mat) praise by clapping of hands ; Appreciation (ap-pre-she-a'- v. to bring or draw near ; o. to commend. shun), w. act of valuing; a near to. Applaiibe(p-pHwz'),7i. appro- just estimate. Approximation (ap-proks'e- A DICTIONAEY Or THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. AITKOXIMATIVE 24 ARDEKT ma'shnn), n. approach to ; an taining to Arabia. Archbishop (arch-bish'up), n. advancing near. Arabic (ar'a-bik), n. the lan- a chief bishop. Approximative (ap-proks'e- guage of the Arabians. Archbishopric (arch-bish'up- uia-tiv). a. approachiag. Ar.ilile (ar'a-bl), a. fit for rlk), n. dioces* or otticc- of AjipuUe (ap-puls'), n. act of ploughing. an archbishop. striking against. Aranecms (a-ra'nc-us), a. re- Archdpacon (irch-de'kn), n. a AppuUlon (ap-pul'shun), . sembling a cobweb. bishop's deputy. striking against. A rbali-t (ar'ba-list), n. a cross- Archduchess (arch-duch'cs).n. Appnrtenance (ap-pur'te- bow. a princess of the house of naus), n. that which pertains Arbiter (ar'bc-tcr), n. an um- Austria. to something else; an ad- pire or judge. Archduke (arch-duk'), n. a junct. Arbitrable (ir'be-tra-bl), a. ar- chief duke of Austria. Appurtenant (ap-pnr'te-nant), bitrary ; deterniiuable. Arched (archt), a. bent in form a. pertaining to, of right. Arbitrament (ar-bit'ra-ment), of an arch. Apricot (i'pre-kot), n. a stone n. will ; decision of arbitra- Archer (arch'er), n. one who fruit. tors; award. shoots with a bow. April (a'pril), n. fourth month Arbitrary (ar'be-tra-re).a. dic- Archery (arch-er-e), n. art of of the year. tated by will ; despoticj ab- using the bow. Apron (a prun), n. a part of solute. Archetypal (ark'e-tlp-al), a. dress. Arbitrate (ir'be-trat), e. to original. Apropos (ap-ro-po'), ad. oppor- hear aud juJgsof. Archetype (ark'e-tip), n. the tunely ; seasonably. Arbitration(ar-bo-tra'shun),n. original ; a pattern. Apt (apt), a. liable to; fit; the hearing and deciding of ArchiepUcnpnl (ir-kc-e-pis'ko- ready; qualified. a disputed matter by one or pal), a. belonging to an arch- Aptrrom (ap'ter-us), a. desti- more persons. bishop. tute of wings. Arbitrator (ar'be-tra-ter), n. ArchipelBo(ar-ke>Del'a-g6),n. Apt itiii!o(apte-tud),n. fitness; an umpire ; an arbiter. a sea with many isles; the adaptation ; tendency. Arbor (ar'ber), n. a shady bow- ^Egean sea. Aptly (apt'le), ad. properly; er; a seat in a garden sur- Architect (ar'ke-tekt), n. one fitly. rounded by foliage. skilled in building. Aptness (apt'nes), n. fitness ; Ai-borator(ar'bo-ra-tor), n. one Architectivc (ir-kc-tekfiv), a. readiness in learning ; ten- who grows trees. relating to architecture. dency. Arboreous (dr-bo're-us), o. be- Architectural (ar-ke-tekt'ur- Apyrenus(a-pe're-nus),n. fruit longing to trees. al), a. according to the rulta which produces no seeds. lrbore*nce(ar-ho-res'ens),a. of building. Apyretlc (ap-e-ret'ik). o. with- growing like a tree. Architecture (ar'ke-tekt'nr),n. out fever. Irboret 2$is mor; tf ishly. ducting water. ^-n C . f 'portal h a' Hjy >W sage under an arch. Aquroif>(a'kwe-ns),a. watery ; circle; r. to^p* \^ Arctic (ark'tik), o. lying far to caused by water. form an arch. - northern regions. .\ii',;!ine(ak'we-lin),a. curved Vrchn-oloBy (ar-ke-oro-je), n. irritate (irk u-aij, a. bent; like the beak of an eagle. the science of antiquities. bow-like. Arab (ar'ab), n. a native or in- Vrrhair (ar-kaik), a. ancient; ircnatlon (4rk-fi-a'shun), n. habitant of Arabia. obsolete. the act of bending. Ai-:il>CM|ue (ar'a-besk), a. after irclial-.ni (arTia-izm), . an irdency (ar'den-se), n. zeal; the manner of Arabian oholete word or phrase. warmth of passion ; eager- .- --Ipture. Archaneol (irk-an'je!), n. an ness. Amman (a-raT>e-an), a. per- angel of the highest order. irdent (ir'dent), a. hot; fierce; A DICTIONARY Of THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. AHDOU :5 ARREST zealous. Aries (a're-ez), n. the ram, one Armlet (armletl. n. ahrncrlnt An!or (ur'der), n. warmth of the twelve signs of the zo or ornament worn on the ;v." -i. eagerness ; affection. diac. Armor (ar'mor), . aiilitary Arduous (ar'dii-us), a. high Aright (a-rif), ad. rightly. lofty; laborious. Arise (a-riz'), v. to rise; t( Armorer (ir'mor-er), n. a per- Area (a'r6-a), n. an open or in mount upward. son that makes or sells or has closed surface ; superficia Arlstwracy(ar-is-tok'ra-se), n contents. government by nobles; th< Armorial (ar-mo're-al), a. be- Arefactlon (ar-e-fak'shun), n peers. longing to the escntcheon of growing dry. Aristocrat (ar-is'to-krat), n a family. Arefy (ar'e-fi), v. to dry. one who favors or belongs u Armory (ar'mo-re), n. a reposi- Arena (a-re'na), n. an open the aristocracy. tory of arms. space of ground ; any plac f public contest. Aristocratic (ar-is-to-krat'ik) a. partaking of aristocracy. Armpit(arm-pit), n. the hollow place under the shoulJer. Arenaceous (ar-e-na'shus), a Arithmanfj (ar'ith-man-6e),n Arias (armz), n. pi. weapons; consisting of saud. divination by numbers. Arenose (ar'e-nds), ) . Arithmetic (a : rith'me-tik), n Army (ar'me), n. a bortv of Arenons (ar'e-nus), J "' san( v the science of computation. armed men. Areola (a-re'o-la).n. the col Arithmetical (ar-ith-met'ik-al Aroiii.i (a-ro'ma), n. the fra- ored circle round the nipple a. according to the rules o grance of plants. or a pustule. arithmetic. Aromatic (ar-6-mat'ik), a. Areolutt (a-re'o-lit), a. marked Arithmeliclnn(a-rith-me-tish' spicy; fragrant. by areolations. an), n. one skilled in aritb. Aromatlcs(ar-6-mat'iks), n.pl. Areoinetry (a-re-om'e-tre), n metic. spices or perfumes. art of measuring the specific irk (ark), n. a large vessel Aromatize (a-ro'ma-tiz), o. to gravity of liquids. chest. impregnate with fragrant Argal (ar'gal), n. unrefined or Arm (arm), n. a limb of the odors. crude tartar. body ; an inlet of water ; v Around (a-round'), prep, and Argent (ar'jent), a. silvery; to furnish with arms. ad. in a circle; on all sides ; white. Armada (ar-ma'da), n. a flee about. Argentine (ar'jen-tin), a. like of armed ships. Arouse (a-rouz 1 ), v. to awaken silver. trmadillo (ar-ma-dil'lo), n. a suddenly ; to animate; to stir Argil (ar'jil), n. potter's clay; small quadruped of South up. alurnine. America. Arpeggio (ar-pcd'j6), n. notes ArglllEceons(ar-jIl-li'shus), a. Armament (ar'ma-ment), n. of a chord struck quickly ; a clayey. forces equipped for war. harp accompaniment. chat ship. mor ; defence ; a piece of iron old-fashioned hr jd-gun. Argue (ir'gu), v. to debate or applied to the magnet. Arrach (ar'ak), n. spirituous diicuss; to persuade; lurca- Armentine (dr'men-tm), a. of liquor distilled from the co- sen. a herd of cattle. ooanut, rice, tc. Arguer(ar'gn-er),n.area3oner. Armful (arm'ful), n. what the trralgn (ar-ran'), v. to call to Argument (ar'gu-ment), n.rea- arms can bold. answer in court. son alleged to cause belief; Armlgerous (ar-mij'e-rus), a. irraigiiment (ar-ran'ment), n. debate ; plea. bearing arms. act of arraigning. Argumenlal (ar-gu-ment'al),a. Armil(ar'mil), n.akind of sun- Arrange (ar-ranj'), v. to pntln belonging to argument. dial. proper order. Arsuraentat!on(ar'gu-men-ta'- Armilla (ar-mll'la), . an iron Arrangement (ar-ranj'ment), ihun), n. actor artof reason- ring, hoop, or brace ; a liga- n. orderly disposition; put- ing. ment of the hand. ting in order. ArgimentatiTr (ir-gn-ment'a- .rmlllary(ar'mil-la-re), a. con- Arrant (ar'rant), a. Infamous ; UT), a. couiisting of argu- sisting of rings or circles. very bad. ment. Armlnian (ar-min'yan), n. one Arras (ar'ras), n. hangings of Argni (ar'gus), n. a fabulous who denies the dpctrine of tapestry. being of antiquity, said to predestination, and holds to \rray (ar-ra'), n. order of men have a hundred eyes. free will and universal re- for battle ; dress ; . to put Arlan (a're-an), n. one who de- demption. in order to envelop. nies the divinity of Christ. Armlniitnlsm (ar-minVan- Arrearage (ar-rer'aj), . port ArUni.m (a're-an-izm), n. the izm), . the doctrines of the of a debt unpaid. ^ doctrinal of the Arians. Arminians. \rrear (ar-rerz'), n.pl. aMmi Arid (ar'Id), a. dry; parched rmlpotent (ar-mlp'o-ta>t), a. of money past due. with heat. mighty in war. Irrest (ar-rest'), v. to seize by Arldlty(ar-id'e-te),n. dryneai; without moiitur*. rmiitlce (ar'mis-tis), n. aces- sationef hostilities. , warrant ; to detain ; n. a scizurebylegalwarraut; stay A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AKKESTJIEXT 26 ASLANT of judgment after verdict. speech ; r. to covenant ; to Asrenit (ns-send'J, v. to move Arret>lnient (ar-rest'ment), n bind by articles. upward ; to rise. an order from a judge to bin Articular (ar-tik'u-ler), a. be Ascendant (as-send'ant), a. tn- der or detain. longing to articles or joints pcrior ; n. superior innu* Arrival (ar-riv'al), n. act o Artteulata (ar-tik-u-la'ta), n ence; height. coming to a place. one of the divisions of the an Ascendency (:_s-sn-nsire (as-sec r siv), a. rising ness; overbearing conceit. jointed ; clear ; distinct ; ti or tending up. Arrogant (ar'ro-gant), a to pronounce distinctly. Ascent (as-scut'), n. an emi- haughty ; proud ; Insolent Articulation (ar-tik-u-la'shun' nence; rise ; acclivity. rerbcaring. n. distinct utterance; a join Ascertain (as-scr-tan'), r. to Arropantly (ar'ro-gant-le), ad ing of the bones. make certain; to establish; proudly; haughtily. Artillre (art'e-fis), n. artfn to determine. Arrogate (ar'ro-gat), t>. to claim contrivance ; a device; fraud AscortainaWc (as-scr-tan'a-bl) unjustly ; to assume from a trick. a. that may be certainly pride. Artineer (ar-tife-ser), n. a known. Arrogatlon (ar-r6-ga'shun), n. skillful workman in some art Ascertainment (as-ser-tan'- ass timing unj us tly or proudly. a mechanic. ment), n. a gaining of cer- Arrogatlre (ar'ro-gi-tiv), a. Artificiality (ar-te-fish-e-al'e- tainty. making unjust claims. te), n. appearance or result Ascetic (as-set'ik), n. a devout Arrow (ar'ro), n. a pointed of art. 'recluse; a hermit; a. au- weapon for a bow. Artificial (ar-te-flsh'al), a. stere. Arsenal (ir'se-nal), n. a maga- made by art; not natural Asceticism (as-set'e-sizm), n. zine for military or naval feigned. the state of ascetics. stores. Artificially (ar-te-fish'al-le), Ancitic (as-sit'ik), a. tendency Arsenic (ir'sen-ik), n. a min- ad. by art. to dropsy of the abdomen. eral poison. Artillerist (ar-tiller-ist), n. Ascltitions (as-se-tish'us), o. Arsenical (ar-sen'ik-al), a. per- one pro&cient in gunnery. additional; supplemental. taining to arsenic. Artillery (ir-til'lcr-e),n. weap- Aicrlbable (as-krib'a-bl), a. Artenlcate (ar-sen'e-kat), r. to ons for war ; troops who man- capable of being ascribed or combine with arsenic. age cannon. attributed. Anon (ar'sun), n. the ma- Artisan (ar'te-zan), n. a me- Ascrtbefas-krlbO.tJ.to attribute licious burning of buildings. chanic. to ; to impute. Art (art) n. anything done by Artit (art'ist), n. one skilled Ascription (as-krip'shnn), n. human skill; the opposite of in some art, especially the act of ascribing ; the nature ; profession or trade ; painters, sculptors, c. thing ascribed. cunning ; artifice ; dexterity. Arlikte (ir-test'), n. one skilled Aih (ash), n. a species of tree; Arterial (dr-te're-al), a. belong- in any art, a French word, wood of the ash-tree. ing to an artery. Asbamcd(a-shamd'j,a. affected Arleriallie (ir-te're-al-iz), v. with the English word artist: by shame. to communicate the qualities commonly but erroneously Ashes (aih'ez), n. pi. the re- of arterial blood to venous applied to female artists. mains of what is burnt. blood. Artlex(art'les),a. without art; Ashore (a-shur'J, ad. at or on Arterlotomy(ar-te-re-ot'o-ie), simple. shore. n. opening an artery. Artlesaness(irtles-nes), n. un- Ashy (ash'e), a. ash-aolored ; Artery (Ar'te-re), n. a tube skillful; natural. like ashes. which conveys blood from the Arundinaceou* (a-run-de-nS'- AiatIe(a-Ehc-at'ik),a. pertain- heart. shus), a. having the struct- ing to Asia. Arti-Ian (ar-te'zhan), a. ap- ure of reeds. Ailde (a-sid'), ad. on one side; ^1161 to wells made by bur- Arundineoui (ar-nn-din'e-us), in private. ig into the earth till water a. abounding with reeds. tsinire (as'e-nln), a. relating is found. As (az), ad. even ; in like man- to an ass ; stupid. Artful (art'ful), a. skillful; ner; for example; similar; Uk (ask), v. to make request cunning ; dexterous. iu respect of. to ; to solicit ; to beg ; to in- Arthritic (ar-thrit'ik), a. per- Uafcetida (as-a-fet'i-da), n. a vite; to demand. taining to the gout. Irtlcliok* (ar'tc-chok), n. a fetid gum-resin. Asbestine (as-bes'tin), a. of or Askance (a-skans'), ad. awry: sideways; toward one cor- garden vegetable. like asbestos. ner of the eye. Article (ar'te-kl), n. a particu- Aibetto* (as-bes'to=), n. a min- Askew (a-sku'), ad, obliquely; lar substance; a single item, eral fibrous substance, in- on one side. [side. clause, or term ; a part of combustible. Aslant (a-slant'), ad. on on* A DIOnOffABY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ASLEEP '.'7 ASSCASIYE Aslfi-p fa-slep'), ad. in a sleep-'Assnil.int (as-sal'ant), n. one to allot; to appropriate; to iug state ; dead. who attacks. make over. Avl:ipe(a-sl6p'),ad. in a slant- Assassin (us-sas'sin) ,n. one who Assignablc(as-sin'a-bl),o. that ing manner; with declivity kills by secret attack. may be transferred. AMiuintou" "(a-som'a-tus). o. n. appointment to meet; a without a material body ; or surprise. making over. purely spiritual. Assassination (as-sas-si-na'- Assignee (as-se-ne'), n. a per- Asp (asp), n. a small poisonous shun), n. the act of murder- son to whom something is as- serpent. ing by surprise. signed. Asparagus (as-par'a-gus), n. a Assassinator (as-sas'sin-a-tor), Asslgner(as-sin'er), n. one who culinary plant. ti. a murderer. assigns. Aspect (as'pekt), n. a look ; air ; Assault (as-sawlf), n. violent Assignment (as-sin'mcnt), n. a Atpcn (as'pcn), n. a species of the poplar-tree. attack with violence; to charge ; to storm. Assimilate (as-sim'i-lat), v. to make or become quite sim- Asperity(as-per'e-te),n. rough- AssanltaWe (as-sawlt'a-bl), a ilar. ness; harshness; morose- that may be assaulted. Assimilation (as-sim-i-la'shun) ness ; sourness. Assay (as-sa'), v. to try; to n. the act f making alike. Aspermous (a-sper'mus), o. prove, as metals. Asslmilat!ve(as-sim'i-la-tiv),a. without sead. Assay rr (as-sa'er), n. one who having power to become alike Asperse (as-pers^, v. to ca- tries metals. Assist (as-sisf). v. to help ; to lumniate ; to slander. Assemblage (as-semTjlaj), n. a succor; to sustain; te re- Asperser (as-pers'er), n. one collection of persons. lieve ; to aid. who vilifies or slanders. Assemble (as-sem'bl), v. to Assistance (as-sist'ans),n.help; sprinkling ; slander. meet. Assistant (as-sist'ant), n. one Aspersory (as-per'so-re), a. de- Assembly (as-sem'ble), n. a who helps; a. helping; famatory. company assembled ; a legis- lending aid. Asphalt (as-falf), n. a bitumi- lature ; a congregation ; a Assize (as-siz'), n. a court of nous substance. convention. justice; v. to fix measures Asphaltie (as-falt'ik), a. bitu- Assent (as-sent'), ti.to agree to or rates by authority. minous. as true ; n. the act of agree- Asslzer (as-siz'er).n. an officer Asphyxia (as-Bks'e-a), n. a fainting ; suspended life. ing. Assert (as-serf),. to affirm; to who inspects weights and A8phyilatpd(as-fiks'e-:i-tcd),a. maintain ; to claim ; to de- Assoriable (as-s5'sha-bl), a. suffocated, as by drowning. clare. that may be associated ; so- Ac. Asserter(as-sert'er),n. one who ciable. Aspiilinm (as-pid'i-um), n. a affirms or asserts. Associate (as-so'she-at), v. to genus of ferns. Assertion(as-ser'shun), n. pos- join In company; to unite Aspirant as-pir'ant), n. one itivedeclaration or averment with; a. joined in interest; who aspires. Assertive (as-sert'iv), a. that n. a companion ; partner ; Aspirate (as'pc-rat), n. a letter affirms positively. partaker; friend, or ally. which is aspiratcrl;. to Assess (as-ses'), v. to fix the Association (as-so-she-a'shun), pronounce ith full breath. amount of a tax; to value. n. union ; a society, or bedy Aspiration (as-pc-ra'shun), n. Assessable (as-ses'a-bl), a. that of persons. a breathing after ; an ardent may be assessed. Assoclatlonal (as-so-she-a'- wish. tssessment (as-ses'ment), n. a shun-al), a. belonging to an Aspiratory (as-pi'ra-to-re), o. valuation for taxation ; a tax. association. pertaining to breathing. Issessor (as-ses'er), n. one that Associative (as-s6'she-a-tiv), a. Aspire (as-pir'), . to desire apportions taxes. companionable. eagerly ; to aim at. Assets (as'sets) n. pi. property Assonance (as'so-nans), n. re- Aspiring (as-pir'ing), a. aim- available for the payment of semblance of sounds. iug at greatness. debts, ic. Assort (as-sorf), v. to put into Asportation (as-por-ta'shun), Asseverate (as-sev'er-at). v. to classes; to suit; to range or n. the act of carrying away. | declare positively. distribute into suit : to agree. Asquint (a-skwint'), ad. on Assevcration(as-seT-er-a'shun) Assortment (as-sortAment), n. squint; obliquely. ' n. a solemn affirmation. a mass or quantity of things Ass (ass), n. abeaatof burden As !dulty(as-se-du'e-te),n. ap- assorted. a dolt.' i plication ; diligence. Issuajsc (as-swaj'), v. to allay ; Assail (as-salO, v. to assault; Arduous (as-sid'u-us),. con to soothe ; to reduce, as pain. to attack. Btant in application; dili- tssungemcnt (as-swaj'ment), AssaUi-.Mc (as-sal'a-bl), a. that may be attacked or invaded. gent; persevering. Assign (as-sin'),. to mark out ; n. abatement; mitigation. AsMiisive (as-swa'siv), a. soft- A PIOTIOU AEY OF THE EHGLISH LANGUAGE. ASSLLTCDE 23 ATT.UIIAHLK ening: allaying: mitigating. Astral (as'tral), a. belonging to; Atheistical (a-the-ist'ik-.-.!). a. A-suHu.lc ( as we-tud), n. cus- the stars ; starry. denying a God; nnnodly. tom ; habit. Astray (a-stra'j, ad. out of the Alheneum > (ath-e-ne um"), n. Assume (as-sum'), v. to take ; right way or proper place. Atheueum J a place of public to arrogate ; to claim more than is due. Astrietion (as-trik'shua), n. act of binding close. instruction and literary and scientific resort. A-Miinins (as-sum'ing), a. ar- Astrletiye (as-lrikt'iv; ,a. bind- At hirst (a-therst'J, a. thirsty. rogant; haughty; a. pre- ing. Athlet(ath'let),n. a t sumptuous. Astride (a-strid'), ad. across; er for victory by f Assumption (as-sum'shunV n. with legs apart. strength. [vi-orou . a taking upon one's self; a Astrlnsc (as-iri..j'), r. to draw Athletic (ath-let'ik), a. supposition. together; to brace; to bind Athwart (a-thwart'), ad. and Assumptive (as-sum'tiv), a. fast. prep, across. that may be assumed. Astrimrency(as-trin'jcn-se),n. Atilt (a-iilt'K ad. likeone mak- Assurance (ash-shoir'ans), n. power of contracting or bind- ing a thrust ; raised up. certain expectation; freedom ing. Atlantran (at-'an-te'an). a. re- from doubt; want of modes- Astringent (as-trin'jent), a. sembling Atlas ; strong ; gi- ty ; security. binding; >. a medicine gantic. Assure (ash-shoor 1 ), v. to make which strengthens. Atlantic (at-lan'tik), a. of Hie certain ; to assert positively ; to insure. Astrographr (as-trog'ra-fe), n. a description of the stars. Atlantic ocean. Atlas (at'las), n. a number "f Assurer (ash-sh65r'cr), n. one Astrologer (as-trol'o-jer;, n. a maps. that assures. - professor of astrology. Atmology (at-mol'o-je), n. the Astatic (as-tatlk), a. bein? Astrological (as-tro-loj'ik-al), science of vapor. without polarity, as a mag- a. relating to astrology. Atmo*phere(at'nios-f5r), n. the netic needle, Asfrohiey (as-trol'o-jc), "n. the mass of air that surrounds Aster (as'terj, n. a genus of art of foretelling events by the earth. plants. the aspects of the stars. Atmospherif (at-mo3-fer'ik),a. Asleriated (as-te'rc-a-ted), a. Aitroaomer(as-tron'o-mer), n. belonging to the atnaospLcro.' radiated; star-:,.,c. one versed in astronomy. Atom (at'um), n. a very small Asterisk (as ter-isk), n. the Astronomic'il (as-tro-nom'ik- particle. figure *, in printing. al), ft. pertaining to astrou- Atomic (a-tom'ik), a. relating Astcrlsm (as'ter-iznt), n. a omv. to atoms. small cluster of fixed stars ; Astronomy (as-tron'o-mel, n. Atomism (at'um-izm), n. the three asterisks, %*, in print- the laws or science of the doctrine of atoms. ing. stars. Atomize (at'om-iz),v. toreducc Astern ra-stern"), ad. In or at Astute(as-tut'). a. shrewd ; sa- to atoms. the hinder part of a ship; be- gacious; penetrating. Atone (a-ton 1 ), r. to expiate ; hind a ship. Astuteness (as-tut'nes), n. to make satisfaction for; to Asteroid (as tr-oid), n.asmail shrewdness; cunning. agree ; to reconcile. planet. At*nder(a-sun'der),a(2. apart; Atonenient(a-t6u'ment), n. ex- Asthenlr (as-then'ik), a. weak separately. planation ; reconciliation. debilitated. Asylum (a-si'lum), n. arefuge : Atonic (a-ton'ik), a, lacking Asthma (ast'ma), n. difficult rcireat; an iustitution for tone; debilitated. breathing. the unfortunate. Atop (a-top'), ad. on the top. Asthmatic (ast-matU), a. af- l->inraetriral (as-im-met're- Atrabiliar (atra-bil'e-ar), 1 fected by asthma. kal), a. not agreeing; inhar- Atrabiliary(at-ra-bil'e-a-re). < Astomatons(a-s'.om'a-tus), > monious. a. melancholy; hypochon- Astomus (as'to-mus), J A.vmptote (as-iir/tot), n. aline driac. moutnless. which, continually approach- Alrociom (a-tro'shiK), a. hei- Astonish (as-ton'ish), r. to sur- ing a curve, never meets it. nous ; very wicked or cruul ; prise; to amaze ; to confound. Asyndeton (a-sin'de-tonl, n. a enormous. Astonl6hlng(as-tou'ish-ing), a. flgureinrhetoricwhicl keeps Atrociously (a-trt'shus-le), ad. wonderful. the parts of speech together cruelly wicked. Astonishment (as-tonlsh- without the conjunction. Atrocity (a-tros'e-te), n. horri- nient), n. emotion created by At (at), ptkp. in ; by ; nearby ; ble wickedness. a wonderful event. towards. Atrophy (at'ro-fe), n. a wast- Atound(as-tound),o. to strike Ataile (a-taVsilf), a. 'wanting ing of the body. with amazement. order; irregular. Attach (at-tach'), r. to seize Astraddle (a-strad'dl), ad. the Atheism (a'the-izm), n. disbe- by legal process; to win or legs on opposite sides. lief in a God. gain over. Astragal (as'tra-gal), n. the Atheist (a'the-ist), n. one who Attachable (at-tach'a-bl), a. moulding round the top and disbelieves the existence o!' a that may be taken by attach- bottom of a column. God. ment. A DICTIOtf AEY OF THE EJTGUSE LANGUAGE. ATTACHE 29 AURORA BGKEALIS Attache (ai-la-sha'), n. one at- Attitude ;at'te-tud), n. a post- Aui>:ence(aw'de-ens).n.ane'. tarhi-it to the .suite of an am- ure ; position. ing ; an assembly of hearers ; bassador. AttUudic'je(at-te-tu'di-nii),s. an interview. Atlachim-nt (at-tnch'nient), n. to assume affected attitudes. Audit (aw'dit), n. the settling the taking bv legal process AttollenKat-toleut), a. raising of accounts ; v. to examine affection ; lid'elitv. or lifting up. and adjust accounts. Attack (at-tak'), v. to assault; Attorney (at-tur'ne), it. one Auditor (aw'di-ter), n. a hear- to invade;/!, an assault; who acts for another in mat- er ; an examiner of accounts. onset. ters of law. An. to accom- a. that may be ascribed. Au S u.t (aw-gusf), o. grand ; pany ; to wait on ; to regard Attribute iat-t.rib'ut), i: to as- magnificent ; awful. attentive]!-. cribe; to Impute; to appor- Aulle (aw'lik), a. relating to a Attendance (at-tend'ans), n. tion to. roval court. the act of waiting on. Attribute (at'tre-but), n. in- Aunt (ant), n. a father or Attendant lat-tend'^t), a. ac- herent quality. mother's sister. companying ons that aUendf. AttriI)ution(at-tre-biVshun),n. Aura (aw'ra), n. a gentle or waits ou. the act of attributing ; com- breeze; an invisible vapor Attention ,at-ten'hun\n. act mendation. said to proceed from the ofbeeainr; civility; mental Attributive (at-trib'u-tiv), a. body. replication. expressing a;i attribute ; n. Aurated (uw'ra-ted), a. like Attenlive (at-tcnt'lv), a. heed a word which expresses qual- gold. fu\; regardful. ity. Anrella (aw-rele-a), n. the Attentively (at-tent'iv-le), ad. Ulrile (at-trif), a. worn by chrvsalis of an insect. with attention. rubbing ; grieved for sin. Aureiian (aw-re'le-au), n. an Attennant (at-ten'u-ant), a. riukiu? thin * diluting Attrition (at-trishuu). n. the amateur collection of insects. Attenuate (at-'ten'u-at), r. to Attune (at-tun'), v. to put In cle of gold-colored rays. make thin or lean. tune; to make musical. Auric (aw'rik), o. of or from Attenuation (at-tcn-ii-a'shun). Auburn (aw'burn), a. reddish gold. n. the act of making thiu or brown. Auricle (aw're-kl).n. theexter- slender. Auction (awk'shun).n. the sale nal ear; cavity of the heart. Attest (at-test').f.to bear wit- ofgoodstothehighcst bidder Auricular (aw-rik'u-ler), a. ness ; to certify. Auctioneer (awk-shun-er'), n. within hearing. Attestation (at-tes-ta'shun), n. one who sells by auction. iurlrulnte (aw-rik'u-lat), a. Audacious (aw-da'shus), a. ear-shaped. who attests. Attle (aftik), a. pertaining to luclaci'on.ly (aw-da'shus-le), aii. boldly ; impudently. containing or producing gold. *urlfrm (aw're-form), a. Attica; chaste; classical; Audaclty(aw-das'c-te), n. bold- shrined like an ear. n, an upper room ; a garret. ness ; daring spirit. lurl.t (aw'rist), n. one skilled Atticism (at'te-sizrn), n. ele- Audible (aw-de-bl), a. that may in ear diseases. gant Greek. be heard. tnrora (aw-ro'ra), n. th Attire (at-tir'), e. to dress; to Audibly (aw'de-blc), ad. so as dawn of day. adorn ;-n. clothes. to be heard. Aurora Itcrealls (aw-ro'ra bo- A DICTION ART OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. AtSCCLTATlOS 30 AWAKBKIN9 re-a'lis), n. the northern Antogeneal (aw-to-ge'ne-an, ) Avenue (av'e-nn), n. an en- lights. Autogenous (aw-tog'e-nns), ) trance ; way ; a passage. Au>>cultAtion(aws-kul-t.Vshun) a. self-begotten or self-gen Aver (a-ver'J, " to declare posi- n. the using of the ear to dis- erating. tively ; to assert. cover disease! of the lungs. Autograph (aw'to-graf), n Average (av'er-aj), n. a mean Ample* (aw'spis), n. omens one's own handwriting. proportion; medium; a. me- influence ; protection. Autographic (aw- t6-graf'ik),a -I'.al ; v. to reduce to a me- Auspicious (aw-spish'us), a comprising oue's own hand- dium. omens of success ; lucky. writing. Averment (a-ver'memt),n. posi- Auspiciously (aw-spish us-le), Autography (aw'tog-ra-fe), n tive declaration. ad. prosperously. a process of printing; origi- Averse (a-vers'), a. disinclined Austere (aw-ster J, a. severe nal of a treatise. to ; not favorable. rigid; harsh. Automath (aw'to-math), n. one Aversion (a-ver'shun), n. ha- Au>lcrely (aw-stirte), ad. self-taught. tred ; dislike. Austerity (aw-ster'e-te), n. se- of an automaton. or away. verity ; harsh discipline. Austral (aws'tral), a. southern. Automaton (aw-tom'a-ton), n a self-moved machine. Aviary (a've-a-re), n. an in- closure for keeping birds. Authentie(aw-then'tik), a. gen- Automatons (aw-tom'a-tus), a Avidiouc (a-vid'e-us), a. eager ; mine; original; true. power of self-motion. greed v. Authenticate (aw-then'te-kit), Autonomy (aw-ton'o-me}, n Avidity (-vid'e-te), n. greedi- r. to prove by authority. self-governraent. ness ; eagerness ; intense ap- Authentication (aw-then-te- AutonomonsCaw-ton'o-mus),a. petite. ki'shun), n. confirmation bv under self-government. Avocation (av-6-ka'shun), n. proof. Autopsy (aw'top-se), n. seeing the lawful business that calls Authenticity (aw-then-tls'e-te) a thing one's self; ocular ob- away. n. genuineness; reality; au- servation. Avoid (a-void 1 ), r. to keep at a thority. Autumn (aw'tum),n. third sea- distance from; to escape Author (aw'ther), n. the first son of the year. from. framer or inveator ; an origi- Autumnal (a'w-tum'nal), a, be- .1 voidable (a-void'a-bl), a. that nal writer. longing to autumn. mav be avoided. Authoress (aw'ther-es), n. a fe- Auxesii (awks-e'sis).n. a figure Avoluance (a-void'ans), n. the male author. in rhetoric by which any- act of shunning. Authoritative (aw-thor'i-ta- thing is magnified too much. Avoldej- (a-void er), n. one who tiv), a. having authority. Auxiliaries (awg-zil'ya-riz), n. avoids. Authority (aw-thor'e-tc), n. le- pi. soldiers helping another Avolrdnpolsfav-er-dn-poiz'),n. gal power or right : warrant ; nation. a weight of sixteen^ounces to rule. Auxiliary (awg-zil'ya-re), o. the pound. Authorization faw-thor-c-za'- helping; assisting; n. a Avouch (a-vonchOi c. to affirm ; shuo), n. the giving author- helping verb. to declare; to maintain. ity. Avail (a-vaV), v. to profit; to Avonehment(a-vouch'ment),n. Anther! ie(aw'thor-iz),?.to em- assist; to promote; n. ad- act of avouching. power: to make legal; to vantage; profit; benefit. Ivow (a-vow'), v. to declare justify. Available (a-val'a-bl), a. that openly; to own. Authorship (aw'ther-ship), n. can be turned to advantage. Avowable (a-vow'a-bl), o. that state of being an author. tvalanehe (av-a-lansb/), n. a may be justified. Antoblographer (aw-to-bi-og'- snow or ice slide. Avowal (a-vow'al), n. a frank ra-fer), n. one who writes his Ivarlee (av'a-ris), n. extreme declaration. own life. love of gain. Avowedly (a-vow'ed-le), ad. Autobiography (aw-t6-bi-og'- Avaricious (av-a-rish'us), a. in an open manner. ra-fe), n. a life written by a greedy of gain ; covetous. Avower (a-vow'erl, n. one who person himself. 4 vast (a-vast'J, inter), cease; avows. Autobiographical (aw-to-bl-o- hold ; stop. Avulsion (a-vul'shnn), n. act graf ik-al), a. pertaining to t vaunt (a-vawnf), inter}, get of tearing awav. autobiography. away; begone. iwalt (a-wat'), c. to wait or Autocracy (aw-tok'ra-se), n. Vve Mary (a've mi're), n. a look for ; to expect. unlimited power in one per- prayer to the Virgin Mary. Awake (a-wak"), a. not sleep- son, [solute monarch. iTcnaetous (av-e-na'shns), a. ing ; r. to rouse from sleep ; Autocrat (aw'to-krat),n. an ab- of or like oats. to cease to sleep ; to bestir. AutomUie (aw-to-krat'ik), a. Vvenge (a-venj"), t>. to take jast Awaken (a-wak'n), c. to rouse pertaining to autocracy. satisfaction; to punish; to from sleep. Auto-da-fe (aw-to-da-fa'), n. vindicate ; to defend. Awakening (a-wak'n-ing), n. the punishment of a heretic Irenger (a-ven jer), n.one who the act of rowing; rousing by burning. avenges. from sleep. A DICTIONAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. AWAUD 81 BAIL-BOXD Award (a-ward ), v. to adjudge Baa (bah), r. to cry or bleat as Backslide fbak-slid'), v. to fall n. a judgment; a sentence a sheep; n. the cry of a awuv; to apostatize. Aware (a-ware'), a. foreseeing sheep. Backslider (bak-slid'er), n. one watchful; vigilant. Babble (baVbl).r. to talk idly who recedes from his faith. Away (a-wa'), ad. at a dis or childishly ; n. senseless BackstaO* (bak'staf), n. an in- tance ; inter/, begone. talk. strument for taking altitudes Awe (aw), n. reverential fear Babbler (bab'bler), n. an idle Backward (bak'werd), a. uu- Aweary (a-we're), a. weary Babbling (bab'bling), a. loqua- Backwardly (bak'wcrd-le), ad. tired. [with awe. cious ; n.idle or foolish talk. unwillingly; slowly. Awful (aw'ful), a. that strikes Babe(bab),.an infant; acMld. Backwardness (back'werd-nes) Awfulness (aw'ful-nc>), n. the Baboon (bab-oon'), n. a large n. a want of Till; dullness; quality of being awful. monkey. slowness. Awkward (awk'wcrd). rt.clum- Baby (ba'be), n. an Infant ; a Backwoodsman fbak-woods'- >y ; unhandy ; bungling ; un- doll. man), n. ene living in out- skillful. Babyish (ba'be-ish), a. like a lying districts of a new Awkwardness (aw'werd-nes), babe; childish. country. n. inelegance ; clumsiness. Baccalaureate (bak-ka-law're- Bacon (ba"kn), n. hog's flesh Awl (awl), n. a tool for piercing at), n. the degree of bachelor salted and dried. holes. of arts. Baculometry(bak-u-lom'c-trc), Awning (awn'ing), n. a cover- Baccate (bakTiat), a. resem- n. art of measuring by staves ing to keep oil the sun or bling berries. or rods. weather. Baccated (bak'ka-ted), o. hav- Bad (bad), a. ill; not good; Awry (a-ri'), a. or ad. oblique- ing many berries. wicked; hurtful; evil. ly ; unevenly ; aside. Bacchanal (bak'ka-ual), . one Badge (baj), n. a token of dis- Axe > (aks), n. a sharp tool for who indulges in drunken rev- tinction. Ax ) cutting wood. els. Badger (baj'er), n. a wild Axial (aks'e-al), a. pertaining Bacchanalian (bak-ka-na'lc- an) quadruped; v, to tease; to to an axis. a. reveling in drunkenness. worry ; to annoy. Ax-form (aks'-form), a. the Bacchus (bak'kus), n. the god Badin.tfr (bad in-azh),n. play- shape of an axe. of wine. ful discourse. Aiillary (aks'il-le-re), a. be- Bacciferous (bak-sifer-us), a . Racily (bad'Ic), ad. not well. longing to the armpit. producing berries. liaWc (baf'll), r. to elude by Axiom (aks'e-um). . a self-ev- Baeclvorous (bak-siv'o-rus), a. artifice; to frustrate. ident truth. berry-eating. Hafiler (baffler), n. one who Axiomatic (aks-c o-mat'ik), a. Bachelor (bacii'c-ler) 1 n. an un- baCles of the nature of an axiom. married man ; an undergrad- Bag (bag), n. a sack ; pouch ; Axis (aks'is), n. the line on uate. purse; an udder; r. to put which a body revolves. Back (bak), n. the hinder part into a bag. Axlc(aks'l),n. a shafton which of the human body, or, the Bagasse (Ija-gasT, n. refuse f carriage-wheels turn. upper part of animals ; the sugar-cane, used as fuel. Axunge (ak'sunj), > th rear: v. to place upon the Bagatelle (bag-a-tel'), n. a AinnI (ak-sun'jc-a), 5 ' the back ; to cause to recede ; to thing of no importance; a hardest part of the fat of an support. trifle; a kind of game. imals. Backbite (bafbit), u. to revile Baggage (bag'faj), n. neces- Ay i(ae), ad. yes; yea; ex- an absent person. saries of an army ; clothing ; Aye > f ressing assent. Backbiter (bak'bit-cr), n. one luggage. Aye (a), ad. always ; ever. who slanders the ubsent. i:.i:-;ing (nag'glng), n. cloth Awle (a-zd'i!c). a. without life. Baekblting(bak'bit-ing),n. se- for making bags. Aiote(a-zot'), n. nitrogen gas. cret calumny. liagniu (ban'yo). n. a bathing- Aiure (a'zhur or azh'ur), a. Backbone (bak'bon), n. the house ; a Lrothcl. faint blue; sky-colored; n. spine. Raf pipe (bag'pip), n. a musical a light blue ; the sky. ' Backdoor (bak'dor),n. door be- instrument, consisting of a Azrgous (az'e-gus), a. without hind a house. leathern bag and pipes. a corresponding part. >acker(bak'cr),n. onewhosup- Bail (bul), n. surety lor anoth- ports another. er; tlio handle of a kettle, mented or unleavened. iackgammon (bak-gam'mun). c.;^p. to give security ; to n. a game played with box set free on security ; to free from water. . Background (bak'ground), n. Bailable (bal'a-W), a. that B Is the second letter and the ground behind ; a place o." ob- mav be bailed. first consonant in the Kn?- scurity or shade. Bail-bond (bul'bond), n. abend lish alphabet. It it mute Backside (bak'si,l),n. the hind- given by a prisoner and his and labial. er part of anything; the rear. surety. A DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BAILEE 32 BANTER Bk*lee (bal'e), n. one to whom Ballast (ballast), n. weight to Bandy (ban'de), n. a club for K'10,18 are delivered in trust. steady a ship; v. to load striking a ball ; o. to beat Bailiff (bal'if), n. an executive with ballast ; to steady. about; to exchange. otficer who serves writs; an Ballet (balla), n. a mimic Bandy-legged (ban'dc-legd), a. under steward. dance. having crooked legs. Bailiwick (bal'e-wik), n. the BaJloon(hal-166n'), >O^^ Bane (ban), n. pcison ; mis- jurisdiction of a bailiff. a large spherical EBB* chief; ruin. Bailment (bal'menl), n. deliv- bag, which, being ^^^^^f Baneful (ban'ful), a. poison- ery of goods iu trust. inflated with gas, ^Hf ous; hurtful; destructive. Bailer (bal'er), n. one who de- floats in the air. ^^JBre^^ Bang (bang), . to thump ;n. livers goods in trust. Ba41on (bal'lon), n. a ^SjJjJ^ a blow with a club ; a thump. Halt (bat), v. to put on a bait; globe on the top of a pillar ; a Banlan(ban'yan),n. tbe Indian to give or take refreshment; vessel used in distilling. fig-tree : a Hindoo of the trad- to set dogs upon ; n. refresh- Ballot(bal'lot),n. a ball or tick- ing caste; days on which meat; alsre for fishes. et used in voting ; act of vot- sailors get no meat. Baize (baz), n. a coarse woolen ing ; v. to choose or vote by Banish (ban'ish), r. to force to stuff. ballot. leave a country ; to expel or Bake (hak), v. to cook In an Ballot-box (ballot-box), n. a drive away. oven ; to heat or harden. box for holding ballots. Banishment (ban'ish-ment), n. Bakehounfl (bak'hous), n. a Balloting (bal'lot-iug), n. vot- expulsion from a country. place for baking bread, &o. ing by ballot. Bank (bank), n. amound, pile, Bitker (bak'er), n. a man Balm (bam),n.afragrantplant; or ridge, of earth ; side of a whose trade is to bake. a soothing ointment. stream; place where money Bakery (bak'er-e), n. a.place Balmy (bam'e), a. sweet; fra- is deposited ; i. to raise a lor baking bread, Ac. grant; mild; soothing. bank. Baking (bak'ing), n. drying by Balsarafhal'sam),?!. an aromat- Bankable (bank'a-bl), a. re- heat ,- quantity baked at one ic substance flowing from ceivable at a bank. time. trees. Bank-bill (bank'bil), ) Balance (bal'ans), n. a pair of Balsamic (bal-sam'ik), a. heal- Bank-note (bank'not), 5 scales; equality of weights. ing ; soft; nnctuous. promissory note issued by a power, or force; a constel- Baluster (bal'us-ter), n. a rail|; bank ; a bill of exchange. lation ; the difference of ac- a small pillar. Bank-book (bank'book), n. a counts ; D. to make equal ; Balustrade (bal'us-trad). n. a book for bank accounts. to settle, regulate, or adjust. row of balusters or rails. Banker (banker), n. one who Balanee-!,heet(barans-shet),n. Bamboo (barn-boo'), n. a plant deals in money. and balance of accounts. Bamboozle (bam-b66'zl), v. to ness of a banker ; a. per- Balcony (bal'ko-ne), n. a gal- impose upon ; to deceive. taining to a bank. lery before a house. Ban (ban), n. a public notice ; Bankrupt (bank'rupt), n. an Bald (ban-Id), a. without hair ; interdiction; curse. insolvent: one who cannot naked; flat: inelegant. Banana (ba-na'na), n. a tropi- pay hisdebts ;-*-a, insolvent ; Baldachin (bal'da-kin), n. a cal tree and its fruit. r. to render unable to pay structure within a building Banco (bank'ko), n. the differ- debts. in the form of a canopv. ence between bank and cur- Bankruptcy (bank'rupt-se), n. Balclrnla.il (bawl'der-dash), n. rent money ; a bank. state of a bankrupt ; failure idle or senselosi talk. Band (band), n. anythingjthat in trade; inability to pay all Baldness (bawld'nes), n. desti- binds; a company; a cord; debts. tute of hair. a fillet; u. to unite or tie Bank-ttock (bank'stok), n. Baldric (bawl'drik),n. a girdle; together. shares in a bank. a warrior's belt. Bandage (band'aj), n. a fillet, Banner (ban'ner), n. a mili- Bale (oil), n. a package of roller, or swath, for a wound. tary ensign. goods ; misery ; calamity ; Bandana (ban-dan'a), n. an Bannock (ban'nok), n. a cake v. to make up into bales. Indian silk ; a colored hand- made of meal. Baleful (bal'ful), a. sorrowful ; kerchief. Banqnet(ban'kwet),n.asumpt- sad ; pernicious. Bandbox (band'box), n. a light uous^fcast; v. to give a feast. Balk (bawk), . a ridge of nn- box for bands, ribbons, Ac. Bann,nettng(ba'kwet-ing), pr. plowed land ; a rafter ; beam : Bandit (ban'dit). n. an outlaw; feasting; n. act of feasting. failure ; p. todisappoint ; to a robber; a highwayman. Bans (bam), n. pi. public no- frustrate. Bandoleer (han-do-ler'), n. a tice of a proposed marriage. Ball (bawl), n. a round bodv; leathern belt. Bantam (ban 'tarn), n. a small a bullet ; a globe ; a dancing Bandor* (ban'dor),n.a stringed fowl. nartv. musical instrument. Banter (ban 'ter),. to rally ; to BaIlRd(banad),n. ashort nar- Bandcrle(banMe-r61), n. alit- ridicule; to joke, or jest at; rative, in song. n. raillery. A DIOTIONAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BANTLING 33 BASELESS Bantling (banning), n. an in- less ; impudent. Baroscope (bar'o-skfip), n. a fant, or young child. Han-foot (bar'foot), a. with the kiud of barometer. Baptism (bap'tizm;. n. a re It-et hire. Barouche (baroosh'i.n.afour- ligious ceremony of admis Bareness (bar'nes), n. naked- wheeled carriage. sion to cburcb membership ness : leanness ; poverty. Barrator (bar ra-ter), n. one CaiitiMiial ibap tiz mail, a. re- Bargain (bar'giu). . agree- who excites law-suits. lating to baptism. ment; a contract; v. to Barratrous (bar"ra-trus), o. holds to baptism by immer- Bargainee (bar -pen e ), n. one ratry. sion. who accepts a bargain. Barratry (bar ra-trc), n. the Baptbtery (bap tU-ter-e;,. a Barge (birj;,n. alarge flat-not- practice of encouraging law- I'Lu;'. 1 tor baptizing. Mme-i boat. suits. Baptizefbap tiz'>, v. tc admin Barilla ilm-ril'la: n. a plant Barrel (har'rel), n. a cask; a isii-r baptism from which alkali is made. cylinder^; v. to put in a bar- Bar (bar), n. a bolt; an ob Bark 'barki. . rind o' a tree ; rel. rher or harbor ; a tribunal; make the noise of dogs ; to Barreled (bar'reld). pr. put in a place where liquors are sold strip trees. or tube. Barb (barb;, n. that which re- Barking(hark'ing) n. the noise Barren (bar'ren) a unfruitful; sembles a beard ; the jag on made by a dog. dull; sterile. the point of an arrow fish Barley .bar le; n. grain ;that Barrenness (bar'ren-aes), n. hook, Ac.: horse- armor : a ma!' i< made of unfruitfulness. J'arbarv horse ; v. to arm Barleycorn (bar le-korn) n. a Barricade (bar re kadT, n. a with barbs. grai'u nf barley ; third part, of temporary fortification , a liar bar an tbar'ba kan), n. r. an inch. bar ; v. to fasten ; to fortify watch-tower; a fort. Barm (barm) n. yeast. Barrier (bar're er) . a de- Barbarian (bar bare an) n. a liarn (birnl, n. building for fence : obstruction : a line of sa\ age ; a brutal ni:m . a. storing farm produce. separation. savage: cruel; inhuman. Barnacle (bir'na-kl).n. a-shell- l!arrister(bar'ris-ter).n. alaw- Barbaric (bar bar'ik). a. un fish ; a goose peculiar to yer. civilized ; rudt. northern seas. Barrow (bar r&), n. a hand car Barbarism (har'ba rizmV n. Karii.teles ibar'na-klz).n. Irons riage ; a mound ; a castrated Barbarity tbar liar c te). l. a Barometer! barom e-ter),n.an Bar-snot(bar'shot),n. two balls savage state : inhumanity. instrument to measure the joined by a bar. Barbarize (bar'ba riz) v. to weight ot the atmosphere. Barter ( bar'ter). v. to traffic by make or render barbarous. and indicating the changes giving one thing for another ; Barbarous (bar ba n>' :> a. ot weather. traffic by exchange. rude : cruel ; uncivilized Barometrir.il (bar-6 met'rik- Bartererfbar'tcr-en.n.ouewho Barlcid-rt (bar'ba ted> o. al>. a relating to the barom traffics by exchange bearded. net Baryta (ba-ri ta). n. a mineral. Barbecue i bar be kill, n o so Baron (bar'un) n rank of no- Barytone (bar'e ton), n. a cia! gathering in the ouen biluv next, to a viscount. voice partaking of the com- air, at which an ox. &o.. is HaroniiL-e . n. the mon bass and tenor. roasted whole. whole borty of barons. Basal (ba'sal), a. forming the Barbed rbarbd'), a. bearded; Ilarunos (bar'un-es), n. the base. armed. wilt o' a baron. Basalt (ba-sawlf), n. a rock ot Brber ibir'ber). n. one who Barond ( bar'on et) , n. the title igneous origin. shaves beards and cuts and below a baron. Basaltic (ba-sawlt'ik), a. per- dresses hair. BiirniieirViur'on <"t se) n. the taining to basalt. Barberry ibarTjer re), n. a rank or dignitv of a baron. ^ Basaltine (basawlt'in),o. crys- thorny shrub and its fruit. Baronial (ba ro ne al). a. be- tallized hornblende. Barbel ibar'bet), . a species longing to a barony. Bas-bleu (bah bloo'). n. a lit- ol dog. Barony (bar'o neK n. lordship erary lady; a blue stocking. Barbule (bar'bul), n. a minute or fee of a baron. Base (bis), n. foundation ; kot barb or beard Barrjue j (bark), n. aship with torn ; support ; part in music ; Hard (bard), n. a Celtic poc* Bark $ three masts without o. mean ;^ He ; worthless ; and singer; a poet. a mizzen ^ v. to found, set, or lay, on a Bxrdir (hard'ik). a. pertaining topsail. i tv~T^^^. base. to bards or their poetry. Barrack ^W^3Ok Base-born (basTwrn), a. born poor ,- . to make naked ; to n.*a build lt\fiT\i^' of wedlock. lay open inKto lodne ^JK^^Qf^- lia-eless (bas'Ies), o. without Barefaced (bar'fast), a. shame- soldiers. a foundation. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, BASEMENT 34 BEAU llaxfment (bas'ment), n. the beating with a cudgel the parapet wall with embra- gr.niud floor. soles of the feet ; t;. to bea sures. Ha-eness (bas'nes), n. deep the soles of the feet with a Bauble (bawT>l), n. a gew- ness; vileness; meanness. stick. gaw; trifle. lia.hair ;ba-shaw'). n. a Turk Ba>llng (bast'ing). n. a beat Bawd (bawd), n. one who pro- ish official ; a pasha. ing ; f. moistening with fat. I motes debauchery. Bashful (bash'ful). a. lacking Haitian (bast'yun). n. an out- Rnwdiness (bawd'e-nes), n. ob- confidence ; shamefaced work of a fortress. scenitv ; ribaldry. sheepish ; modest ; shv. Bat (bat), n. a kind of a club Bawdy (bawd'e), a. filthy : ob- Bathfulntvi (bash Tnl-ncs), n used in plaving ball ; an ani scene ; unchaste. modesty in excess ; rustic mai like a bird. Bawl (bawl), i>. to speak loud ; shame. Batch (bach), n. a number or to proclaim, as a crier. Basle (bi'sik), a. acting as a quantity made at one time. Bay (ha), r. to bark, as a dog : base. Bate (bat), v. to lessen any- a. brown, inclining to Baslfy fba'se-fi), r. to convert thing chestnut : n. an arm of the into a base. Bateau (bat-o r ), n. a wide, flat- ft a : the laurel-tree. Basil (baz'il,) n. the slope of a bottomed river-boat. Bayonet (ba'o-net), n. a kind tool; sheepskin : an aromatic Bath (bath), n. a place to bathe of dagger fitted toa musket; plant. in ; a Hebrew i:. r. to stab with a bayonet. Rii'ilir* (ba-zil'e-ka). n. a roy- Bathe (bathe), v. to wa*h in a Bay. mm (ha'rum), n. a'spirit al hall where justice was ad- bath. made from the leaves of the ministered ; the middle vein Batiilnst (bath'ing), n. the act bay-tree. of the arm ; n grand church. of using a bath. Day-Valt (ba'sawlt), n. salt Hs>ilicon (bi-zile-Uuu), n. a Bathos (ba'thos), n. a ludi- evajioratLtl from sea-water. kind of salve. crous descent from the ele- Razaar tba-zar'), n. a market- BailUk (baz'e-li=k), n. a fabu- vated to the commonplace, in place for the sa!e of goods. lous serpent; a genus of rep- literature or oratory. Be (be), i . to exist. tiles. BathymetriraKbath-e-met'rik Beach (bech), n. the shore of Basin (ba'sn), n. a hollow ves- al), a. applied to the distri the sea. or of a lake or river; sel ; a dock ; a pond. bution of plants and animal the strand. Bals rba'sis). n. that on which along the sea bottom. Beached (becht), a. exposed to a thing rests ; the chief in- Baton (ba-tong'), n. a club the waves ; stranded. gredient. serving as an emblem of office Beacon (be'kn), n. a signal- Kx^Ut (ba'sist), n. a singer of Bntrachian (ba-tra'ki-sn), a light ; a guide to seamen. bass. relating to the frog tribe. Bead (bed), n. a little globule lU-k (bask), n. to lie in the Battalia (bat-tal'va), n. order strung on thread for neck- i n armth or sunshine. of battle ; an armv in array. laces. : iia.tet (bas'ketrn. a domestic Battalion (bat-talvun). n. a Beadle (be'dl), n. a crier or vessel made of flexible twigs body of infantry of from two messenger of a court. er splinters. to ten companies. Bead-roll (bed'rol), n. a list of Bass (bass), ?i. a species of fish: Battcn(bat'tn), r. to make fat; persons prayed for ; a cata- the lowest part in music ; a n. a narrow piece of board. logue. tree ; a mat. Bat tor(bat'ter) , t-.to beat down; Beadsman (bedz'man). n. a Ba-lnet(basse-Bet),n. a wick- n. a mixture of flour, water, man w hn prays for others. er basket used as a cradle. &c. Beagle (be'gl), n. a small Ba-soon (ba soon'), "- a mu- Batterinff-ram (bat'ter-ing- hound. sical wind-instrument. ram), n. an engine for beat- Beak (bek), n. the bill of a Kass-rell<-r (bas're-lef), n. ing down walls. bird ; anything like a beak. sculptured figures which do Battery (bat'ter-e), n.araised Beaked (bekt, a. having a not stand out far from the work for cannons ; a number beak; hooked. ground. of cannons ; a line of electric Beaker (bek'er), n. adrinking- Bas-ylol (bas'vi-ul), n. a jars; an assault by beating. cup or glass. stringed instrument for play- Battiner(bat'ting), n. cotton or Ban, (be m ), n. a main timber: in? the bass in music, wool in sheets. pnrt of a balance; ray of Bas.tard (bas'terd), n. a child Battle (bat'tl), n. acombatbe- light; the horn of a stag:' born out of wedlock. t een armies ; a fight : v. to t;. to emit rays ; to glitter or Bastardy (bas'ter-fte), n. state fieht against ; to struggle. shine. of being a bastard. 'Battle-array (bat'tl-ar-ra'), n. learning fbem'ing), pr. or a. Ba.-te (bast), r. to beat with a' order of battle. emitting rays or beams. Mick; to sew slightly: to Battle-axe (bat'tl-aks), n. an hearnr (bem'e), a. shining drip gravv on roasting meat. ancient weapon of war. bright; radiant. Bastlle (bas-tel'), n. a castle Battledoor(bat'tl-dor),n. aflat Bean (ben), n. a species of le- used as a prison in Paris. board to strike shuttlecocks. funvnous plaxitj a kind of Bastinado (bas-ti-na'do), n. Battlement (bat'tl-meut), H. a pules. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BEAU 35 BEFIT Bear (bar),*^^ ^ beautiful ; to adorn. Bedim (be-dim'J, v. to make f. to bring jjX^IBSg ^t^'i Bcaulili-s (bu'te-les), a. with- dim ; to obscure. forth, ast^l^Hlj^^^B out beauty. Bedizen (be-diz'n), v. to dress young; to Kw^VilBg Bcauty(bu'te),n. gracefulness : gaudily. be frirte. -Jivl whatever pleases the eye or Bedlam (bed'lam), n. an asy- f u 1 ; t o ^gS-ii^u""*' mind. lum for lunatics. carry ; to sulier ; to support : Beauty.spot (bu'te-ipot), . a Bedlamite (bed'lam-ite), n. a to endure; to sustain: M. a spot or patch on the face. madman. wild animal ; a stock-jobber Beaver(be - ./"^SJ'IBSHWS 1 IJedquilt (bed'kwilt), n. a cov- who depresses stocks ; a mo- ver),/i. an ^fliflll^^llHi ering for a bed. rose person. a n i m a ) ^f^^HKS^^K Bedragi-le (be-drag'gl), r. to Bearable (bar'a-bl), a. that and it s iH|H ^Hfll soil ; to drag in mud. mav be borne. fur* a h v: '\^f^^Bf^^Kp Bedrciich (be-drensh'). v. to Beard (berd), n. hair on the a kind of ft ?%- ""f^f 'i'^vS soali * drench. face ; the barb of an arrow ; cloth. IUUHJ^ .V-'AjEk^M Bi on; a, plat of, ground in a len of flowers. Beatific (be-a-tifik), a. having garden ; the bottom of a body Beech (bech), n. a species of power to make happv. of water; a layer or seam, as tree, bearing a nut of trian- Beatification (be-at-e-fe-ka'- in a mine; v, to plant; to gular shape. shun). 71. admission to heav- lay in order. Beerlien (bech'n), a. belonging enlv bliss. Bedabble (be-dabT)!), t*. to wet ; to the beech. Beatify (be-at'e-fi), . to make to sprinkle. Beef (bef), n. the flesh of an happy. Beda-rgle (be-dag'gl),t). to soil ox, bull, or cow. Beating (bet'ing), n. act of by dragging in the mud. Beef -eater (befet-er),.alarge striking; correction. Bedash (be-dash'), f. to bespat- well-fed person. Beatitude (be-at'e-tud), n. ter with liquid ; to spatter. Bee-hive (be'hiv), n. a box or blessedness; perfect felicity; Bcdanb (be-dawb'), v. to daub; case for keeping bees. heavenly bliss. to besmear. Bee-lir.c (be'lin), n. a direct Bean (bo), n. an attendant on Bedazzle (be-daz'zl), v. to daz- line from oneplaceto another a ladv; a fop. | zle ; to confound the sight. Beelzebub (be-el'ze-bub), n. Bean Ideal (bo 1-de'al), n. a Bed-chamber (bcd'cham-ber), the prince of devils. model of beauty. n. a chamber for a bed. Been (ben), past participle of Beauish (Wish), o. gay ; fop- Bed-clothes (bed'klothz), n. the verb to be. pish ; gallant. sheets, blankets, &c. Beer (ber), n. fermented liquor Beau-mondc(bo-mond'),7i.the Bedding (bcd'diug), n. mate- made of malt and bops. fashionable world. rials of a bed. Beeswax (bez'waks), 71. the Beauteous (bu'te-us), . to make a at the back of; inferior to , clined to war ; contentious. fool of; to deceive; to delude. In the rear.. Belligerent (bel-lij'er-ent), . Before (be- for"), prep, in front Behindhand (be-hind'hand), carrying on war; n. a na- f ; previous to ; in presence ad. in arrears. tion engaged in war. of; ad. in front. Behold (be-hold') . to see ; to Bellman (bel man), n. one who Beforehand (be-for'hand), ad. view. rings a bell ; a public crier. previously; hitherto; at first. Beholden (be-h61d'n), a. in- Bell-metal (bel'met-al), n. a Beforetime (be-for'tim), ad. debted ; obliged. metal composed of copper, formerly ; of old. Beholder (be-hold'er), ,n. a tin, zinc, and antimony. Befoul (be-foul') v. to make spectator. Bellow (bel'16), v. to roar"; n. foal; to make dirt v. Behoof (be-ho6f), . profit; a loud outcry. Befriend (be-frend'), v. to as- advantage ; necessitv. Bellowing (bel'16-ing), n. a sist ; to favor. Behoove (be-hoov'). v. to be fit, loud outcry, or roaring. Befringe (be-frinj 1 ), v. 'to dec- right, or necessarv for. Bellow* .^T \ orate with fringe* Being (be'ing), n. existence ; (bell 6 z), ^^^r"^^ 1 i* Beg (beg), n. to ask earnestly ; that which exists. n. an in ^^B^H*^-iiM_L_jtT_ to entreat. Belabor (be-la'ber), r. to beat strumem. ~ m *^^^^^* Beget (be-get'), p. to procreate; soundly: to thump. to blow with. to generate, or produce. Belate (be-laf), v. to retard. Bell-ringer (bel'ring-er) n. one Bejretter (be-get'er), n. one Belated ibe-lat'ed), a. too late. who rings a bell. who procreates. Belay (be-la'J, v. to lie in wait Bell-wether (bel'weth-cr). n. a Beggar (beg'ger), n. one who for; to block up; to fasten, wether sheep, with a bell to begs, or lives by begging ; as a rope ; to wavlav. lead a HOCK. v. to bring to want ; to im- Belch (belsh), v. to eject wind Belly (bel'le), n. the part of the poverish. from the stomach ; u. act of body containing the bowels ; Beggarliness (beg'ger-le-nes), belching. I), to swell out; to fill. n. the state of being beg- Beldam (bel'dara), n. a hag. l!el'. band (bel'le-band), n. a garly; poverty. Beleaguer (be-le'ger), v. to be- girth for a hors< Beggarly (beg'ger-le), a. very siege. Belong (be-long'), r. to be the poor ; mean ; ad. meanly. Bel-esprit (bel-es-pre'), n. a property of; to be a part of ; Beggary (beg'ger-e), n. pov- man of wit. to pertain to. erty; extreme want. Belfry (bel'fre), n. a tower Beloved (pr. be-luvd', a. be- Begging (beg ing), pr. asking where bells are bung. Belial (be'le al), n. an evil luv'ed), pr. or a. greatly loved or esteemed. Begin(be-gin'),t>. to commence ; spirit; the devil. Below (be-16'J, prep, and ad. to enter on something new ; Belibel(be-li'bl), f. to traduce ; in a lower place or state ; on to take the first step. to libel. earth, as opposed to heaven. Beginner (be-gin'er), n. one Belie (be-li'), v. to speak false- Belt (belO, n. a girdle; sash; who begins. ly of; to slander. p_ [0 encircle. Beginning (be-gin'ing), n. the Belief (bc-lef ), n. credit given Belted (belt'ed), . having a first part of time , first cause ; to evidence; the thing be- belt. commencement. lieved; credence; faith. Belvedere (bel-ve-der'), n. a Begird(be-gerd') v. tobindwith Believable (be-lev'a-bl), a. able turret or cupola on the top a band ; to surround. to be believed. of a house. Begone (be-gon'), inter/, go Believe (be-lev').r.to credit; to Bema (be'ma), n. a bishop's away ; depart. Begrime (be-grim'), v. to soil deeply with dirt. to think, or suppose. Believer(be-lev'er), n.one who Beniire (be-mir'), r. to drag in the mire. Bgrudg (bc-gruj'), v. to envy believes. _. Bemoan (be-m6n'), v. to la- the possession of. Bell (bel), n. a vessel, a ment ; to bewail. Beguile (be-gil'), v. to impose or hollow body of K Bench (bensh), n. a longseat ; upon by craft ; to deceive ; to metal, expanded at^^!e=^k a judge's seat ; the judicial amuse. one end, used for^Ql^^^ body. Behalf (be-haf), n. favor; making sounds; anything in Beneherfbensh'er),n. a senior cause ; defense. the form of a bell. in an English inn of court. Behave (be-hav'), v. to bear, or Belladonna (bel-la-don'na), n. Bend (bend), v. to crook; to carry ; to conduct ; to act. a poisonous plant. submit; n, a curve or Behavior (be-hav'yer). n. con- Belle (bel), n. a handsome, crook. duct ; demeanor of life. gay young lady. Bendable fbend'a-bl), a. that Behead (be-hed'), v. to cut off Belles.letters (bel-let'ter), n. may be bended. the head. f I. polite literature. Bender (beud'er), n. one who Behest(be-hest'), n. an order; a Bellfounder (bel'found-er), n. bends. DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BENDLET 37 BETTY BrndM (bend'let), n, a little Bnioln (bsn"ioln')T n> a fra manner. bend. grant, resineus juice. Bestial (best'yal), a. like a Beneath (be-neth'), prep, and Sequent h(be-kweth'),i;. to give beast ; filthy ; sensual. ad. under ; below. by will. Bestiality (best-yal'e-te),n.tne Bnediot (ben'e-dikt), n. a Bequest (be-kwest'), n. some quality of a beast; an un- newly married mau. thing left by will. natural crime. Benediction (ben-e-dik'shun) Iterate (be-rat'), v. to scold. Bestir (be-ster'), v. to movo n. the act of blessing ; iuvo Bereave (bc-rc-v'j, t>. to deprive quickly. cation of happiness. of; to take away from; to Bestow (be-sto'), c. to gfve ; to Benedictory (ben-e-dikt'o-rc) render destitute. confer ; to dispose of; to iia- a. expressing wishes for Bereavement (be-rev'ment), 71 part. good. loss by death. Bestowal (bc-sto'al), n. act of Benefaction (ben-e-fak'shun) Bergamot (ber'ga-mot), n. a bestowing ; disposal. n. a benefit ; a gift. perfume ; a species of pear. Bestowment (be-sto'mentj, n. Benefactor (ben-e-fak'tcr), n. Berhyme (be-rim'), . to mctf act of giving or conferring. one who confers a benefit. tion in rhyme. Bestrew (be-stru'), v. to scat- Benefactress (bcn-e-fak'tres), Berry (ber'rc), n. a pulpy fruit ter, or sprinkle over- n. a woman who confers a Berth (berth), . a sink's sta- Bestride (be-strid'), e. to stride benefit. tion at anchor ; a sleeping- over ; to stand or sit with the Benefice (ben'e-fis), n. a class place in a ship. legs extended across. ofchurch-living. Beryl (ber'il), n. a precious Brstud (be-stud'J, v. to adorn, Benefieedfljen'e-list) a.having stone of green color. or set with studs. a benefice. Beseech (be-sech'), e. to solicit ; Cet(bet), n. a wager ; a stake ; Beneficence (be-nefe-sens), n. to pray ; to beg. v. to lay or stake a wager. the practice of doing good. Beseem (be-sem'), o. to be- IletaLc fbe-tak'), v. to apply.or Beneficent (be-nefe-sent), a. come ; to befit. have recourse to. doing good ; kind ; charitable Beseeming; Cbe-sem'ing), o be- Bethink (be-think'), v. to re- BencCcial (ben-e-fish'al), a. coming. flect; to recollect; to recall useful : advantageous. Beseemly (be-sem'lc), ad. be- to mind. Beneficially (ben-e-fish'al-le;, coming; fit; decent. Betide t,be-tid'), v. to happen ad. advantageously ; usefully Jeset (be-set), v. to surround ; to ; to befall. Bencnciary!l>en-e-fish'a-rc),n. to harass. Belime (be-tim'), / , - one who holds a benefice or Besetting(bc-set'ing), a. habit- Betimes (be-timz'), \ a ~ m confers a benefit. ually harassing. good time; seasonably; soon; Benefit (ben'u-Ct),n. profit; a Jeshrcw (be-shroo'), . to wish early. favor conferred; v. to do a curse to. Betoken (be-toTm), v. to sig- good to. Beside (be-sid'), prep, at the nify ; to foreshow. Benerolenee (be-nev'o-lens),n. side of; near. Betray (be-tra'),t;. toifccerre; charity ; generosity. Besides (be-sidz'), ad. over and to disclose treacherously ; to Benevolent (be-nev'o-lent). a. above ; more than that. entrap. kind ; charitable. Besiege (be-sej'), t>. to lay siege Betrayal (be-tra'al). n. Breach Benight (he-nit'), u. to involve to ; to beset closely. of trust. in darkness; to overtake Besieger(bc-sej'er), n. the par- Betrayer (be-tra'er), n. one with night ; to involve in ig- ty besieging. who betrays ; a traitor. norance. Besmear(be-smer'). v. to daub; Betroth(be-troth'),t>. to pledge Benighted (be-nit'ed), a. in- to soil ; to sully. in marriage. volved in darkness, igno- Besom (be'zum), n. a brush betrothal (be-troth'al), ) rance, or superstition. made of twigs. lletrotUment(be-troth'ment; J Benign (be-iim'), a. of a kind Besot (be-sof), v. to make stu- n. contract of marriage. and gentle disposition. pid, dull, or senseless. Better (bet'ter), a. more gooil; Benignant (he-nig'caut), a. Besottedneu (be-sot'ed-ncs). preferable ; ad. with great- kind; gracious. it. stupidity; Infatuation. er excellence ; more correct- Benignity (be-nig'ne-te), n. Bespangle (bc-spang'gl), v. to ly ; p. to improve ; to bene- goodness of heart. adorn with spangles. fit ; to repair ; . a person Benlson (ben'e-zn), n. a bless- Bespatter (be-spat'ter), r. to who bets. ing ; reward. spatter over with water and Betterment (bet'ter-ment), it. Bent (bent), n. a curre ; ten- dirt. improvement. dency ; purpose. Bespeak (be-spek'), v. to speak Betters (bct'terz), n. pi. supe- Benumb (be-mim'), t>. to de- for beforehand. riors in age and qualities. prive of feeling ; to make tor- Bespread (be-spred'), v. to letting (bct'iug), n. the lay- pid. spread over ; to cover. ing a wager ; a. in the habii BenilneCben'zin), )n. a fluid Best i !>':.'!, tt. most good : , of making bets. Benzole (ben'zol), ) obtained highest; n. one's utmu.-t JBcity (uet'te;, n. an instru- from coal tar. endeavor ; d. in the bosti went to br*aK oneu <2oor^. A DIOTIONAKY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BETWEEN 38 BILBOES Between (be-twen'), Iprep. if Bias (bi'as), n. leaning on one Bide (bid), , to remain ; to Betwixt (be-twixf), ( the in side; partiality; propensity; dwell; to endure; to wait for. termediate space of ; belong . to incline to one side ; to Bidental (bi-deu tal) a. having ing to two. prejudice; ad. in a slant- two teeth. Bevel (bev'el), n. a kind of in ing direction ; diagonally. Bidet (be-def), n. a amall struncnt used by masons Biased (bi'ast),.pr. or a. warped horse or nag. beveled at one end ; a. an to one side. Biennial (bi-en'ne-al), i. oc- gular ; slanting ; r. to cut fc Bib (bib), n. a cloth under the curring everv two years. a bevel angle. chin of an infant; f. to Bier (ber). n. a frame for bear- Beveling (bev'el-ing), a. cnrr drink ; to tipple. ing the dead. ingorbendingfromastraigh Blbacioua (bi-ba shus), a. ad- Bie>tine (best'inKzl, n. pi. line. dicted to drinking. first milk of a cow after calv- Bevel-wheels(bev'el-wh61z) ,n Bibber (bib'ber), n. adrinker; ing. wheels fgf tippler; drankard. Bifacial (bi-fa'shal), a. having working Bible (bib'l), n. the book ; the two like faces. in dif- divinely inspired scriptures. Btfarious (bi-fa re-us) a. point- ferent J2: Biblical "(bib li-kal), a. per- ing two wavs. TV bee Is, tG~~ : -~ taining to the bible. Biferous (Wfer-us), a. bearing having j^ ^ Bibliographer (bib-le og'ra- fruit twice a year. their l^ ^ fer), n. one who is skilled in Bifid (bi'fld), a. two-cleft. teeth cut ft {sffc the knowledge of books. Wfioroiis (bi-flo'rus), a. hav- j^g^^l^pSlir Bibllofraphte(bib-le-o-grarik) a. pertaining to the historj ing two flowersof twokincls. Blfold (bi'fold), a. of two Beverage (bev'er-aj), n. liquo of books. kinds; double. for drinking. Bibliography (bib-le-og'ra-fe) Bifollate(bl-f6'le.at),.having Bevy(bev'e),n. a flock of birds n. a historv of books. two leaves. a company. Bibliology (bib-le-olo-je), n. a Biform (bi'form), a. having Bewail (be-wal'), f. to lament treatise on books ; biblica! two forms or bodies. to grieve for. literature. Bifurcated (bi-fer ka-ted), > Bewnllable (be-wal'a-bl), a Bibllomanla(bib-le-o-ma'ne-a) Bifurcous (bi-fer'kus), 5 * that mav be sorrowed for. n. a rage for possessing rare forked; separated into two Bewallment (be-wal'ment), n books. heads. lamentation ; act of mouru Bibliomaniac (bib-le-o-ma'ne- Blqr (big), a. large; sirelled: ing for. ak), ii. one who has a rage bulky ; pregnant. Beware (be-war 1 ), v. to be can for books. BigamUt (big'a-mist), n. one tious : to take care. Bibliopole (bib-le-o-pol'). ) who has two wives or two Bewilder(be-wil'der),t>. to pnz- Blbliopolist(bib-le-op'o-list) 5 husbands at the same time. zle ; to lead into perplexity. n. a bookseller. Bigamy (big'a-me), n. the Bewildering (be-wil'der-ing) BiblirUt (bib'le-sist), \ n. one crime of having two wives pr. or a. involving in per- Bibllst (bib'list), 5 con- plexity. versant with the bible. Biggin (bij'ein), n. a' child's Bewilderment (be-wil'der- Bibulous (bib'u-lus), a. drink- cap ; a wooden vessel. ment), n. confusion ; perplex- ing in ; spongy. Blglit (bit), n. a small bay; ity. Blee (bis), n. a pale .blue or part of a rope folded. Bewlteh(be-wich') ,t-.to charm ; green paint. Bigness(big'nes), n. size: bulk; to enchant. Bicephalous (bi-sefa-lus), a. greatness of quantity. Bewitchcry (be-wlch'e-re), ) having two heads. nij-ot (big'ut), n. one unduly Bewitchment (be-wich'ment), J Bicker (bik'er), r. to dispute devoted to a party or creed. n. irresistible power over; about trifles. Bigoted (big'ut-ed),"a. unduly fascination. Bickering (bik'er-ing), n. devoted; prejudiced. Bewitching (be-wieh'ing), a. wrangling; contention. Bigotry (big'ut-re), n. blind having power to charm. Blcorn (bi'korn), a. having zeal for a creed, party, or Bey (ba), n. a Turkish gov- two horns. opinion ; superstition. ernor ; a prince. Bid (bid), v. to tell to do; to Bijou (t'C-zhoo '), n. a jewel. Beyond (be-yond'), prep, on request ; to offer ; to com- Bilateral (bi-lat'er-al), a. ar- the farthest side ; ad. at a mand; n. an offer at an ranged on opposite sides. distance : yonder. auction. Bilberry (bil'ber-re), i. a Bezel (bez'l), n. the upper part Bidder (bid'er), n. one that shrub, bearing a berry of a of a ring, in which the stone offers a price. blue color. is set. Ridding (biding), n. an offer Blllio (bil'bo), n. a rapier; a Betonlan(be-zo'ne-an),n.a low of price, or terms ; invita- fine sword. fellow ; a beggar. tion ; direction. Bilboes (bin>oz), n. }>!. stocks Blanscnlar (bi-ang'gu-ler), a. Biddy (bid'de), n. a chicken; for the feet of offenders on baring two angles. a servant-girl. board ships. A DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BILK 39 BlTtJIIMHS Bil 'Ml), n. a yellow bitter Bind (bind), v. to tie ; to con- a great height, as by a bird ; liquor secreted by the liver fine ; to gird ; to restrain ; to n. a genus of plants. ill-humor. oblige by kindness ; to con- Birostrate (bi-ros'trat), a. hav- Bilso (bilj), n. the bulging firm ; to form a border round ; ing two beaks. part of a cnk ; the breadth to constipate. Birth (berth), H. the act of of a ship's bottom; v. la Binder (bind'er), n. one who coming into life ; origin ; be- leak from fracture. binds books, sheaves, &c. ing born ; descent. BUfte-watcr (bilj'waw-ter), n Bindery (bind'er-e), n. aplacc Birthday (berth'da), n. the water Iving in a ship's bold. for binding books. day a person is born ; anni- Biliary (bil'ya-re), a. belong- Binding (bind'iug), a. obliga- versary of one's birth. ing to the bile. Bilingual (bi-Hng'Ewal). a. in tory: n. a bandage; cover and sewing of a book. Birthplace (berth'plas), n. place where one is born. two languages. Binnacle . Birthright (berth'rit), n. the Bilingnous (hi-ling'gwus), a. (biu'na-kl), ,^u^ rights to which one is born. speaking two languages. n a box for KC^MA Biscuit (bis'kit), n. hard dry Bilifius (bil'yus), the flat part of an oar ; v. to Blast (blast), n. agnst of wind; Blvalvular (bi-valv'u-lar), 5 " furnish with a bl*de. blight ; explosion of powder; having two valves or shells. Bladed (blad'ed), a. furnished the smelting of one supply of Bivouac (biv'wak), . to pass with a blade; laminated. ore; v. to cause to wither; the night without tents ; n. Blain (blan), n. a blister; to blight ; to split with pow- the encampment of an army. blotch; sore; boil. der; to destroy. Bizarre (be-zir'), a. fantastic; Blamable (blam'a-bl), a. de- Blastemal (blas-te'mal;, a. ru- odd; whimsical. serving of blame or censure . dimentary. Blab (olab), i: to tell a secret; Blame (blam), v. to censure ; Blasting (blasting), n. the act to tattle ; n. a tell-tale. to find faultwith ; n. fault; of blasting ; explosion. Blabber (Mab'cr),n.atell-tale. that which deserves censure; Blastoderm (blas'to-derm), n. Black (blak), a. that which is reproach. the germinal disc on an egg. destitute of light; dark; Blameful (blam'ful), a. faulty ; Blatant (bla'tant), a. bellow- cloudy ; dismal ; horrible ; culpable. ing, as a beast; noisy. n. a negro ; the dark color ; Blameless (blamles), a. with- Blatherskite (blath'er-skit), n. v. to make black ; to grow out fault ; guiltless. a conceited, blustering fellow black. Blameworthy (blam'wur-the), Blaie (blaz), v. to flame; to be Blackamoor (blak'a-m66r),n. a a. deserving of blame or re- conspicuous ; n. a flame ; a negro ; a black man. proach; censurable. stream of light; a white Black-art (blak^art, 1 , ?. magic, Blanch (blansh), v. to make mark. or conjuration. white ; to whiten. Blazing (blaz'ing), . naming; Blackball (blak'bawl), . to re- Blanc-mange (blo-monj'), n. a publishing; making con- ject bv black ballot-balls. confected white jelly. spicuous. Bluckbi'rd(blak'berd), ?i.a spe- Bland (bland), a. distin- Blazon (bla'zn), t>. to display cies of thrush, singing a fine. guished by mildness or cour- J conspicuously ; n. the art of clear not*. tesy ; gentle. heraldry. Blackboard (blak'bord), n. a Blandadon (blan-di'shun), n. Blazonry (bla'zn-re), n. the board used for writing on gross flattery. artof explaining, or deline- with chalk. Blandlloquenee (blan-dil'o- ating coats of arms. Black-browed (blak'broud), a. qwens), n. courteous or flat- Bleach (blech), t . to'makc pale gloomy;threatcning; dismal. tering language. or white ; to grow white. Blacken (hlak'u), v. to make Blandish (bland'ish), c. to Blcachery (blech'cr-e), n. a black ; to defame ; to soil. smooth ; to wheedle ; to flat- pluce lor bleaching. Blackguard (blag'gird), n. a ter; to fondle. Bleaclilr.g (blech'ing), n. art low, vil fellow ;v. to de- Blandishment (bland'ish- of making anything white. fame ; to revit. nicnt), n. kind words; flat- Bleak (blek), a. open; cold; Blackguardism (blag'gard- tery. cheerless ; dreary ; solitary. izm), n. the conduct or lan- BlandnessCbland'nes), n. state Bleakly (blek'le), ad. coldly. guage of a blackguard. of being bland. Bleakness (blek'nes), n. state Blacking (tlak'ing), n. a sub- Blank (blank), a. white ; dull ; of being bleak; coldness. stance used for polishing unwritten; without rhyme; Blear (bier), a. dim with shoes, &c. n. void space; disappoint- rheum ; v. to make the eyes Blackish (blak'ish), a. rather ment; a worthless ticket. watery, or sore. black. Blanket (blank'et), n. a wool- l!lear-eyed(blerid),o. having Black-lead(blak'led),n. adark en covering. watery or red ej'es. mineral ; plumbago. Blank Terse (blank'vers), n. Blearness (bler'nes), n. sore- Blackleg (blak'leg), n. a. com- verse without, or void of, ness of the eyes. mon gambler ; a cheat. rhyme. Bloat (Wet), v. to cry like a Black-letter (blak'let-ter), n. Blare (blar), v. to roar; tobcl- sheep ; n. the cry of a the old English letter. low ; ji t a roar. sheep. BlackmalKblak'mal), n. extor- Blarney (blar'ne), n. persua- Bleb (bleb), n. a little tumor, tion o'monev by threats. sive, smooth, deceitful talk. vesicle, or blister. Blackness (blak'ues), n. black Blaspheme (bias-fern'), r. to bleed (bled), v. to lose, or let, color ; enormous wickedness. speak wickedly of God ; to blood. Blacksm!tli(blak'smith),n.one curse or swear. Illeedlng (bled'ing), n. opera- that works in iron. Blasphemer (blas-fem'er), n. tion of letting blood ; a flow Bladder (blad'der), n. a sac or a person who reviles God. ofblood. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BLKHISII 41 BLUFFY Blemish (blem'ish), r. to de- Bloated (blot'cd), a. puffed up ; yield blossoms. form ; to mark with de- swelled ; grown turgid. Blooming (bloom'ing), a. formity ; to tarnish ; n. a Bloater (blot'er), n. a herring healthful ; fresh-colored. deformity; disgrace. dried in smoke Bloomy (bloom'e), a. full of BInirh (bleush), v. to shrink ; Block (blok), flV^S- (8) bloom; flowery. to start back. n. any mass ^By JBy Blossom (blos'um), n. the Blend (blend), c. to mix inti- of matter; /g&i^- lS\\ flower of trees, or plants ; mately ; to confound in a an hinder- fig \m H 111 v. to put forth blossoms. mass. ance or ob- |I| j]l| \~L i I UloBsomy (blos'um-e), a. full Blende (blend), n. a mineral. Btruction ; a 111 ll|l ^^Q^ J of blossoms. Bless (bles), v. to wish or make frame, with ^^x Blot (blot), . to stain with happy ; to praise. one or more wheels for ropes, ink ; to efface ; n. blur ; Blessed (blcs'ed), a. happy; used to increase the lifting spot; disgrace. joyous ; glad. power ; a heavy piece of Blotch (blotch), n. an in- Blessedness (bles'ed-nes), n. wood ; a row of buildings ; flamed spot on the skin. happiness ; bliss ; joy. v. to shut or stop up. Blotter (blot'er), n. that which Blessing (bles'ing), n. divine Blockade (blok'ad), n. a close blots ; a waste-book. favor ; any means of happi- siege ; v. to block up with Blotty (blot'c), a. full of blots. ness. troops or ships ; to shut up. Blouse (blowz), n. a light, Blest (blest), pr. made happy. Blockhead (blok'hed), n. a stu- loose coat. Blight (Wit), n. a disease; mil- pid or dull fellow. Blow (b!6), n. a stroke; dew; v. to aflect with blight; Block-house (blok'hous), n. a calamity ; egg of a fly ; v. to wither. small fortress of timber. to make a current of air ; to Blind (blind), a. destitute of Blockish (blok'ish), a. dull; pant; to blossom; to puff; sight ; dark ; weak ; v. to de- deficient in understanding. to deposit eggs in. prive of sight; to darken ; to Blonde (blond), n. a person ef Blower (blo'er), n. that which deceive ; n. anything that a light complexion ; a kind increases a current of air. darkens or obscures; acover of lace; a. of a fair color; Blow-plpc (blo'pip), n. a tube or screen. flaxen. for bio-wing a current of air Blindfold (bllnd'fold), a. hav- Blood (blud), n. the red fluid through flame upon any ing the eyes covered ; v. to in animals; kindred; race; substance. [general. cover the eyes ; to mislead. life ; a rake ; v. to stain Blowih (bloth), n. blossoms in Blindness(blind'nes),n.a want with, or let, blood. Blowze (blouz), n. a ruddy, of sight; wantof intellectual Blood-guiltiness (blud'gilt-e- fat-faeed woman. discernment. nes), n. the crime of shed- Blowzy (blouz'c), a. ruddy; Blind-slde(blind'sld), n. weak- ding blood unlawfully. fat and ruddy-faced. ness; the side most assail- Blood-heat (blud'het), n. the Blubber (blub'er), n. fat of able ; a foible. natural temperature of the whales; v. to weep in a Blink (blink), r. to wink ; to blood, 98 degrees Fan. noisy manner. see darkly; n. a wink a Bloodhound (blml'hownd), n. Blubbering (blub'er-ing), a. glance ; a look. a fierce kind of dog. slavering and childish weep- Blinkard (blink'erd}, n. one Bloodily (blud'e-lc), ad. in a tnj. with weak eyes. cruel or bloody manner. Bludgeon (blud'jun), n. a short Blinkers (blink'crs), n. pi. cov- Bloodless (blud'les), a. with- stick, with one nd thicker erings for theeyesofahorse. out blood; lifeless. and heavier than the other. Bliss (blis), n. the highest hap- Bloodshed (blud'shed), n. the Blue (blu),n. color reicmhlin; piness ; blessedness ; joy. shedding of blood. the clear sky ; a. of a blue Blissful (blis'ful), a. very hap- Bloodshot (blud'shot), a. red; color; low in spirits ; gloomy; py ; blessed ; joyful. filled with blood. K. to dve, or stain blue. Blissfulness (blis'ful-nes), n. Blood-sucker (blud'suk-er), n. Bluebell (blu'bel), n. a plant exalted happwess ; felicity. a leech ; a cruel man. which bears blue bell-shaped Blite.-(blia ter),n.athinswell- Blood-thirsty (blud'therst-e), flowers. ing on the skin ; v. to raise a. desirous to shed blood ; Blneness(blu'nes), n. thequal- blisters; to rise in blisters; cruel. ity of being blue. to swell. [blisters. Blood-vessel (blud'ves-el), n. Blues (bluz), n. pi. lowness of Blistery (blis'ter-e), a. full of a vein or artery. spirits ; melancholy. Blithe (blith), a. gay; airy; Bloody(blud'e),a. stained with Blue-stocking; (blu's'tok-ing), joyous ; merry. Blithely (blith'le), ad. In a joy- blood; murderous; cruel. Bloom (bloom), n. blossom of n. a literary lady. Bluff (bluf), a. swcllod ; blus- ful manner. a tree, or plant; beginning tering; n.astcepbank over- Bl!tnesorae(bllth'sum),a.gay; of youth; the opening of hanging the sea ; an abrupt joyous ; mirthful. flowers ; iron that has had manner. Bloat (blot), v. to rwell ; to pud the first hammering; the Bluffy (blufe), a. having bold, up; to dilate. flush OB the cheek ; v. to projecting points. A DIOTIONAKY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE BLUISH 42 BOMBARDMENT Bluish (blu'ish), a. Inclined Boasting (bdst'ing), n. act of Boggy (bog'ge), a. marshy ; to blue ; rather blue. boasting. swampy ; fenny. blunder (bluu'der), v. to mis- Boatingly (b6st'ing-le), ad. Bohea (bo-he'), N. coarse black take grossly ; to Stumble ; iu a boasting manner. tea. n. a gross mistake. Boat . Boll (boil), n. an inflamed Blunderl>uss(blun'der-bus),. (hot). iSSSftCSBfi^^^ swelling; 1>. to bubble up a short guu. ** & g^felg^lB^^yBBlS^a from heat ; to cause to boil. Blunderer (blun'dcr-cr), n. a small ^^^==Ss^HiP Boiler (boil'er), n. that in stupid person open vessel ; . to convey in which anything is boiled. Blundering (blun'der-ing), n a boat. BoUterons (bois'tcr-us), a. a mistaking grossly ; stum- Boatable (bot'a-bl), a. naviga- violent; noisv. bling. ble with boats. Bolary (bo'la-re), a. relating Itlunt (blunt), a. Dot sharp; Boating (bot'ing), n. the act to clay. having a thick edge ; rude ; of sailingiu boats; yachting. Bold (bold), a. dauntless ; dar- abrupt ; v. to make dull ; to Boatman (but'man), n. a man- ing; brave. depress ; to weaken. ager of a boat. Bold.fared (bold'fast), a. im- Bluntly (blunt'le), ad. in an Boatswain (bot'swan or bft'sn) pudent ; impertinent. awkward manner. n. an officer of a ship who Boldly (bold'lc), ad. inabold, lilunlness (bluntnes), n. a has charge of all the mova- daring manner ; impudent. want of edge ; rudeness. ble appendages of the vessel, Boldness (bold'nes), n. cour- Blur (blur), n. a blot; spot on summons the crew, ic. age ; confidence ; assurance ; the check ; v. to obscure, Bob (bob), n. anything that impudence. blot, or stain. plays loosely ; a blow ; a Bole (bol), n. the body of a Blurt (blurt), t). to utter words short wig ; i. to move with tree; friable, clayey earths. rudely or hastily. a jerk; to beat: to play Bolero (bo- la ro), n. a Spanish ISIu \ one who enters a ship by person ; main part ; spirit, filled with |ll||HgfBR%A force. in liquor ; a system. powder to be KjP Bonrish (bdr'ish), a. swinish ; Bodyguard (bod'e-gard), n. a thrown from fsSt^Pl|l< like a boar. guard of the person. a mortar ; A ^KJjwz&r2%Hir Boast (host), v. to speak in Body-politic (bod'e-pol'e-tik), loud noise. ^S^^^^ praise of one's self ; to brag ; n. a state in its national or Bombard (bum-bard ), v. to to glory in ; n. a proud political capacity. attack with bombs, shells, or speech ; self-praise. Bog (bog), n. a morass. shot. Boaster (bost'er), n. one who Boggle (bog'gl), . to doubt ; to Bonibard!*r(bum-bar-deV), n. boasts ; a braggart. hesitate from fear ; to waver. an artillervman. Boastful (bost'ful), a. given to Boggier (bog'gler), n.one that Bombardment (bum-bHrd'- boasting; vain. hesitates or doubts. nient), n. an attack witk A DIOTIONAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ISOXIIAST 43 BOTCH Y h,>>,:bs, shells, ic. Book-rasp (book'kas), n. a case Border (bor'der), n. an edge ; Kuiuhiict (bum'bast), '. high- for holding books. boundary;i;. to touch, or M'unding words; a. con- Booking (book'ing),n. an entry be adjacent to ; to adorn Kistiug of swelling words. in a register. with a border. Bombastic (bum-bist'ik), a. Bookish (book'ish), a. loving Borderer (bor'der-er), n. one big and putting, without books or study. who lives near a border. much meaning. Book-keeper (book'kep-er), n. Bore (bor), r. to make a hole Bombazine (huui-ba-zen'), 71. a keeper of accounts. with an auger ; to weary ; a twilled cloth. Book-keeping (book'kep-ing), n. a holo made by boring ; liombie (bom'bik), a. relating n. the art of keeping ac- one that annoys. to silk. counts. Boreal (bo're-al), a. northern. Bomb-ketch (bum'kech), n. a Bookworm (book'wurm), n. a Boreas (bo're-as), n. the north ship to carry bombs. person closely devoted to wind. Bombycenou (bom-ljis'e-nus) , books. Borecole (bor'kol), n. a species a. like the silk-worm; silkeu. Boom (boom) , n. a spar or pole of cabbage. Bonn Ode (bo'na fi'de), a. with to extend the bottom of a Boredom (bor'dum),n. realm good faith ; real. sail ; a chain or other ob- or domain of bores. Bonbon (bong'bong), n. a stacle across a river ; v. to Boree (bo-re'), . an Irish sweetmeat ; a candy. rush and roar. dance. Bond (bond), n. anything that Booming (booui'ing), pr. or a. Borer (bor'er), n. the person binds ; r. to secure by bond; rushing with violence ; roar- or thing that bores. a. in a state of slavery ; ing, like waves. Born (born ) , pr. brought forth . captive. Boon (boon), a. gay ; merry ; Borne (born), pr. carried ; sup- Bondage (bond'aj), n. slavery; n. a gift; present; a favor. ported. captivity. Boor (boor), n. a clown ; a Boron (bo'ron), n. one of the Bondmaid (Ijond'mad), n. a countryman ; a rustic. elementary substances. female slave. Boorish(boor ish),a.clownish; Borough (bur'o), n. a corporate Bondman (bond 'man), n. a rustic ; rude in manners. town. man slave. Boorishness (boor'ish-ues), n. Borrow (bor'rt), v. to obtain Bondservant (bond'serv-ant), coarseness of manners. the use of for a time. n. a slave. Boose (hooz), v. to drink to Borrower (bor'ro-er), n. one Bondsman (bondz'man), n. one excess ; to fuddle. who borrows. bound for another ; asurety. Boosy (boo'ze), a. intoxicated ; merry with liquor. iioscac-e (bosk'aj), n. under- wood; a representation of a female slave. Boot (boot), . to profit; to woods. Bone (bon), n. the firm, hard put on bootsj n. a covering Bosh (bosh), n. silly talk ; nos- substance, which composes for the legs. sense. the frame of animal bodies. Bootes (bo-6 tez), n. the con- Bosky fbosk'e), a. wooded ; Bone-setter (bon'set-ter), n. stcllationfollowiiig the Great shaded. one thrfl sets broken bones. Bear. Bosom(boo'zum),n. the breast; BonHre(bou'fir), n. a rejoicing Booth (booth), n. aslight tem- heart; a. dear; intimate; tire. porary shelter; -a stall in a cherished ; v. to conceal ; to Bon-mot (bong'mo), n. a witty fair. keep with care. saying, or reply ; a jest. Bootjack (boot jak), n. an Im- Boss (bos), i. a raised orna- Bonnet (bon'net), n. a head- plement for pulling off boots. ment; a stud ; Luob; u fore- dress ; a cap. Bootless (boot'lcs), a. unprofit- man. Bonny (bon'ne), a. handsome ; able; useless. Bossed (host), a. havingbosses; beautiful ; gay. Bool-tree (boot'tre),n. a wood- studied. Bonus (bo'nus), n. a premium. en mold to stretch bootson. Botanic (bo-tan'ik), a. per- Bon ton (bong' tong), n. the Booty (boot'e), n. plunder; taining to plants. height of fashion. spoil ; pillage. I'.otanist (bot'an-ist), n. one Bony (bo'ne), a. full ef bones. Bo-peep (bo-pdp'), n. a play skilled in plants. Bonze (bonz), n. a name given among children. Botanize (bot'a-niz), v. to col- by foreigners to the native Borachio (bo-rat'cho), n. a lect and study plants. priests of China or Japan. bottle, or cask ; a drunkard. Botany (bot'a-ne), n. the sci- Booby (boo'be), n. a dunce; a Boracle (ho-ras'ik), a. of or ence that treats of plants. dull fellow ; a bird. from borax. Botch (botch), n. swelling; Book (book), n. a volume to Borage (bur'rej), n. a garden work badly done ; 1>. to read or write in ; v. to cuter plant. patch clumsily. or write in a book. Borax(bo'raks), n. boracic acid Botcher (botch'er), n. one who Book-account (book'ak-kount) aud soda, used as a styptic. Borborygmus (bor-bo-ris'mus) botches. Botchpry(botch'er-e), n. elum- Bookbinder (book'biud-er), n. n. a gurgling noise in the in- sy addition ; patchwork. one who binds books. testines. Ilutchy (botch'e), a. marked A DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BOTH 44 BKAKEHiS with botches. Bourse (boors), n. a French Bracelet (bras'let), n. an orna- Roth (bulb), a. two taken to exchange. ment for the wrist. gether. Bouse (booz), v. to drink in- Brarhial (brak'y-al), a. per- Bother (both/or), v. to tease, or toxicants deeply ; to guzzle taining to the arm. perplex. Bout (bout), n. a turn ; trial Brachiate(brak'e-at), (bots), n, pi. small worms Bow (bow), v. to bend down 1 Brachy cephalic (brak-e-e- iu the entrails of horses. to yield ; n. an act of rev- fal'ik),a. short-headed. Bottle (bot'tl), n. a vessel o erence or respect; the for- Braehygraphy (bra-kig'ra-fe), glai- or other material, will ward part of a ship or boat. n. art of writing in short a narrow mouth, for holding Bow (bo), n. an instrument to compass. liquors ; v. to put into bot- shoot arrows ; a fiddlestick Brachylogy (bra-kil'o-je), n. tles. anything arched or curved. conciseness of expression. Bottom (bot'um), n. the low- Bowel (bow'el), v. to take out Brachypterous (bra-kip'ter- est part; foundation; the the entrails. us), a. short-winged. ground under water ; a val Bowelless (bow'el-les), a. with- Bracbyurous (brak-e-yu'rus), ley ; dregs ; v. to found, or out tenderness or pity. a. short-tailed. build upon ; to rest upon, as Bowels (bow'elz), n. pi. the Bracket (brak'et), n. a small a support. intestines of animals. support of wood ; pi. marks Bottomless (bot'um-les), a. Bower (bow'er), n. an arbor. t ] for inclosing words. baring DO bottom. Bowery (bow'er-e), a. shady ; Brackish (brak'ish), a. same- Wottoiury (bot'um-rc), n. the having bowers. what salt; saltish. act of borrowing money on Bowle-kiiife(b6'e-mf),n. along Brad (brad), n. a slender nail. the pledge of a ship. knife or dagger. Brag (brag), v. to boast; to Boudoir (boo'dwor), n. a small Bowl (bol), n. a deep vessel ; a bluster; to swagger; n. a private room. large wooden ball used in a boast ; a card-game. Hough (bow). H. a branch. game. Braggadocio(brag-a-d6'she-o), Bought (bawt), pr. purchased. Bowlder (boTder), n. a large, n. aboastingignorant fellow. Bougie (boo-zhe'), n. a surgi- roundish rock. BrnggardUm(brag'gard-lzm), cal instrument. Bowler (bol'er), n. one who n. boastfulness. Bounce (bouns), . tojump ; to plays at bowls. Braggwt (brag'gart). n. a spring; n. a leap, or spring; Bowline (bo'lin), n. a rope to boaster. sudden noise ; a boast. hold a sail to the wind. Bragger (brag'ger), n. one who Bouncer ibouu'ser), n. a boast- Bowling-green (bol'ing-gren), boasts. er ; a bully; a liar. . a green for bowlers. Brahmin (brah'min), n. a Hin- Rounelng(boun'sing), a. large, Rowman(bo'inan),n.anarchcr. doo priest. heavy, stout, and active. Bowsprit (bo'sprit), n. the fore' Brahmlnical (brah-min'ik-al), Bound" (bound), v. to limit; spar of a ship's head. | o. pertaining to Brahmins. to restrain ; to spring ; a. Bowstring (bo'string), n. a Braid (brad), t;. to weave to- destined; going to. string used for a bow. gether ; n. a texture; a sort Boundary (bound'a-re), n. a Bow-window (bo'win-do), n. a of lace. limit ; bound ; barrier. projecting window. Braided (brad'ed), a. edged Bonnden (bound'en), a. re- Box (boks), n. a tree; a wood- with plaits, or knots. quired; obligatory. en case ; blow on the ear ; Brails (bralz), n. pi. ropes Bounding (bouad'les), a. un- v. to pat in a box ; to strike. .e), n. a house Brigadier (brig-a-der'), n. the taining to Great Britain. where beer is brewed. commander of a brigade. British (brit'ish). a. pertain- Bribable (brib'a-bl), a. capable Brigand (brig'and), n. a rob- ing to Great Britain. of being bribed. ber ; a freebooter. Briton (brit'un), n. a native Bribe (brib), . gift to corrupt ; Brigandage (brig an-daj), n. of Great Britain. r.togainor corruptby gifts. theft; robbcrv. Brittle(brit'tl),a. apt to break; Briber (brib'er), K. a person Briirantlne (briVan-tin), n. a short ; weak ; frail. who gives bribes. light, swift vessel. Brittleness(brit tl-nes),n. apt- Bribery (brib'er-e),n.thecrime Brlght(bru;,a.shiuing; clear; ness to break ; fragility ; not of giving or receiving bribes. evident. tough. Brick(brik),n. a moulded mass Brighten (brit'n), e. to make Britzska (brisTfa), n. an open of burnt clay ; c. to lay with bright ; to polish. carriage that can be closed bricks ; a. built of brick. Brightness(brit'nes), n.luster; at pleasure. Brickhat(brik'bat),rt. a broken splendor; acuteness. Broach (broch), n. a spit; a. part of a brick. Brill (brilj, n. a flsh. to tap ; to utter. Brick-kiln (brik'-kil), n. a kiln Brilliancy (brilyan-se), n. Broacher (brocb'er), n. one where bricks are burned. sparkling luster ; splendor. who opens or utters ; a spit. Bricklayer (brik'ia-er), n. a Brilliant (bril'yant), a. shin- Broad (brawd), a. wide; ex- mason ; a worker in bricks. ing ; n. a diamond cut into tended in breadth ; indeli- Brlckmaker (brik'mak-er). >. angles. cate ; extensive ; coarse. one who makes bri. ks. Brills (brilzX n. pi. 'the hair Broad-axe (fcrawd'aks), n. an Bridal (brid'al), a. t^longUg on the eyelids of a horse. axe used for hewing timber. to Marriage. Brim (brim), . the edge ; side ; Broadcast (brawd'kast), n. a Bride (brid), n. atnminnewly bank. sowing of seed widelv. married or about to be mar- Brimful (brim'ful), a. full to Broadcloth (brawd'kloth), n. ried. the brim. a broad woolen cloth. Bride-cake (brid'-kak),n. cake Brimming (brim'ming), a. full Broaden (brawd'n), v. to make given at a wedding. to the top. broad. Bridegroom (brid'groom), n. a Brimstone (brim'ston), n. yel- Broadside (brawd'sid), n. a man newlv married or about low mineral ; sulphur volley of shot from all the to be married. Brinded (brin'ded), >o- hay- guns on one side of a ship. Bridesmaid (brids'mad), n. a Brindled (brin'dld),S ing Broadsword (brawrf >rd), n. woman who attends the bride variegated spots ; streaked. a sword with a broad blade at her marriage. Brine (brin), n water impreg- and a cutting edge. Bridewell(brid wel),n. a house nated with salt. Brocadr (bro-kad'), n. silk fa- of correction. Brine-pan (briu'pan), n. a pit bric variegated with gold Bridge (brij), n. a structure of salt water. and silver. Brocaded (bro-kad'ed) a. theopposite siae.;; a support- carry to; to fetch from; to worked like, or dressed in, er ; v. to form abridge over. conduct, or load. brocade. Bridle (bri'dl), n. an instru- Brinish (brin'ish), a. salt. Brocard (brok'ard), n. an ele- ment to restrain a horse ; Brink (brink), n. the edge; mentary principle ormaxim. . to put on a bridle ; to re- side ; verge ; border. Brocatelfo (brok-a-tel la), n. a strain ; to curb. Briny (brin'e), a. consisting species of marble ; a coarse Bridle-way (bri'dl-way), n. a of brine ; like brine. figured fabric. horse-track. Brisk (brisk), a. quick; fullof Broccoli (brok'ko-Ie), n. a va- Brief (href), a. short ; concise; life ; jovial ; bright. riety of cauliflower. 71. short writing; a writ. Brisket (briak'ct), n. part of Brochure (bro-shur'), n. a Briefly (brefle), ad. concisely ; the breast, next the ribs. pamphlet. in a few words. Briskness (brisk'nes), n. act- Brocket (brok'et), n. a rwo- Brler(bri'er),.aprickly shrub. iveness ; quickness. vear old red deer. Briery (brier-e), a. full of Bristle (bris'sl), n. a part of Brogan (bro'gan), n. a thick, briers ; rough ; prickly. swine's hair ; f . to raise up coarse shoe. Brig (brig), the bristles. Brogue (brog), n. corrupt n. a vessel * fc/ [j^~2k Bristly (bris'le), ad. to set sneech or pronunciation. With tWO ^3'^aJVS. with bristles ; rough. Broil (broil), n . a tumult; quar- masts, ^/*~yo~lyv Bristol-board (bris'tol-bSrd), rel : v. to dress or cook over g q u a r fl - / < "}' .Zj >j^* n. a kind of fine pasteboard. coals ; to be in a heat. rigged. like "SsSSS^Sj^JT Brit (brit), n. a small fish of Broiler (broil'er), n. one who a ship's -^^f&^3F~^~*^ the herring kind. broils. mainmast and foremast. Britannia-metal (bre-tan'ne- Broken(brO'kn),pr.ora. parted Brigade (bre-gad'), n. troops a-met'tl), n. a metallic com- by violence ; rent asunder ; A DIOTIONAKY OP TEETENGLlsH LANGUAGE BROKEN-HEARTED 47 BUFF made bankrupt. Broken-hearted (bro'kn-hart- the edge of a precipice. beast; ferocious; stupid. Browbeat (brow'bet).tf. to bear Brvony (brl'o-ne), n. plants eJ), a. depressed or crushed down with a stern brow; to of diflferent genera. by grief or despair. bully into submission. Bubble (bub'bl), n. a small Brdkenncss (bro'ku-nes), n. a Browbeating (brow'bel-ing), bladder of water ; an empty state of being broken. i. overbearing by effrontery, project; a false show ; v. to Broken-winded (bro'kn-wind- Brown (brown), a. dusky, in- rise in bubbles ; to run with ed), a. disordered respiration. cliuing to red ; n. name of a gurgling noise ; to cheat. Broker (bro'ker), . one who a reddish color; v. to make Bubbler (bub'bler), ?. one who transacts business on com- brown. cheats ; a knave. mission. Brownie (brown'e), n. a sup- Babbling (bub'bling), a. run- Brokerase (hro'ker-aj), n. bus- posed good-natu-ed spirit. ning with a gurgling sound. iness of a broker ; the pay or Brownish (brown ish), a. In- Bubbly (bub'ble), o. consisting gain of a broker. clined to a brown color. of bubbles. Bronchial (bron'ke-al), a. be- Brown-study (brown 'stud-e), Buecal (buk !:al), a. belonging longing to the throat. n. gloomy study ; dull to the cheek. Bronchitis (bron-ki tis), n. in- thoughtfulness. Buccaneer (buk-ka-ner'), >. a flammation of the air-tubes. Browse (browz), v. to feed on pirate ; a freebooter. Bronc hophonv(bron-kofo-ne), shrubs. Buccaneerlng(buk'ka-ner-ing) ji. thick speech of one labor- Browse (brows), n. the twigs n. the practice of a bucca- ing under a bronchial affec- of shrubs and trees. neer. tion. Bruin(br66'iu), n. the familiar Bucclnal (buk'si-nal), a. trum- Bronchotomy (bron-kot'o-me), name of a bear. pet-like. n. an incision into the wind- BruUe (brooz), r. to hurt with Buccinator (buk-si-na'tor), n. pipe or larynx. blows; n. a contusion, or a a muscle of the cheek. Bronze fbrouz), n. acomponnd hurt from a blow. Buck (buk), n. the male ofrab- of copper and tin, or other Bruiser (brooz'er), n. a boxer ; bits, deer, Ac. ; a fop. metals : r. to give the ap- a prize-fighter. Bucket (buk'et), n. a vessel to pearanccof bronze; to harden. Bruit (hrodi), . report ;v. hold water, Ac. Bronzed (bronzd), a. colored to report. Buckeye(buk'i), u.atreeofthe like bronze; tanned; sun- Brumal (broo'mal), o. pertain- Western. States; an inhabi- burnt. ing to winter. tant of Ohio. Brooch (broch), n. a jewel. Brunette (broo-nef), 11. a worn - Buckish (buk'ish), a. pertain- Bn.nd (brood), . an offspring: an of a dark complexion. ing to a buck ; foppish. a hatch ; r. to sit, as on Brunt (brunt), it. a shock; Buckle (buck'l), n. a contriv- eggs ; to cover chickens ; to stroke; attack; onset; ance for fastening straps ; think anx'ouslv. Brush (brush), n. a hairy in- v. to fasten with a buckle ; to Brook (brook), n . a little river ; strument ; a brisk attack ; a apply : to prepare for battle. v. to bear; to endure; to thicket: r. to rub or sweep Buckler (buk'ler), n. a defen- submit to. with a brush ; to move over sive military shield. Brooklet (brosk'let), n. a little lightly. Buckram (buk'ram), n. a cloth brook. Brushwood (brush'wood), n. stiffened with glue. Broom (broom), n. a shrub ; a low wood ; underwood. Buckskinfbuk'skin),n.the skin besom to sweep with. Brushy (brush'e), a. rough, of a buck. Broomstick (broom'stik), n. like a brush ; shaggy. Buckwheat (buk'whet), n. a the handle of a broom. Bruslle(brus'sl), i: to crackle ; plant with three-cornered Broomj (brooni'e), o. full of to rustle ; to bully. seeds. broom; like broom. Brusque (brusk), a. rude, Bucolic (bu-kol'ik), a. pertain- Brutli (broth), n. liquor in rough, or blunt, in manners. ing to cattle ; pastoral ; n. a which Hc-h is boiled. Srusqueness (brusk'nes), n. a pastoral poem. Brothel (broth 'el), n. a house blunt, rough manner. Bud (bud), n. first shoot of a of ill-fame. Brutal (broo'tal), a. savage; tree ;r. to put forth buds ; Brother (bruth'er), n. a son cruel; inhuman. to sprout. born of the same parents; Brutality (brSo-tal'e-te), n. Buddie (bud'dl), n. a vat for an associate. savaceness ; inhumanity. washing ore ; v. to wash ore. Brotherhood (bruth'er-hood), Brutalize (broo'tal-iz), v. to Budge (buj), v. to stir ; to go ; . state of being a brother; make like a brute; to be- to move. an association. come like a brute. Budget (buj'et),u.a bag; pouch; Brotherly (bruth'er-le), a. like Brute (broot), n. an irrational papers respecting finances. brothers; kind. animal; a brutal person; a Bucllet (bud'lct), n. a little bud. Brougham (broo'am), n. a savage. KxntifV /hr^rt'tj>.fil fnmnW. or shoot. rif.'e. U1 j"brutfshT""' from the skin of the buffalo ; Brow (brow),n. the forehead; Brutish (broot'ish), a. like a a light yellow color. A DICTIONAEY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BUFFALO 48 BURGOCT Buffalo (bnffa-lo), n. aspecies and ferocitv. on the toe. of wild ox. Bullet (bul'lct),n. asmallbal Bunk (bunk), . a wooden case Buffer (buffer), n. an appara of lead for a gun. for a bed. tu> with strong springs to Bulletin (bul'lc-tin), n. officia Bunker (bunk'er), n. a box deaden the concussion be- report ; public announce for coals, ic. ; a bin. tween railway carriages. menu. Bunkum(buuk'um), n. speech- Buffet (buffet), f. to box; to Bull-fight (bul'fit), n. a com making for mere show. beat : to slap; n. a Mow with bat with a bull. Bnnt (bunt), n. the bagging the fist. Bull-flneli (bul'nnsh), n. a part of a sail. Bn ffeted(buffet-ed) pr.struck beaten. Bong-bird. Bull-frog (bul'fros), n. a large Bunting (hunting), n. a thin cloth used for flags ; the Buffoon (buf-foon 1 ), n. an arch kind of frog. name of a bird. fellow ; a merry-andrew. Bullion (bul'yun), n. silver or Itunlline (bunt liu), n. a line Buffoonery (buf-f66n'er-e), n. gold in bulk. on the bottom of u sail. low jests ; drollery. Bullork (bul'lok), n. an ox; a Buoy (boy), j?z\ Bug (bug), n. the name of va- joung bull. n, a piece f '~'~^~~~ J ^r rious insects. Bullrush (bul'rush), n. a large of wood, or j^i-r^fl^^ f - Bugbear(bug'bar),n. an object rush growing in water. cork, float- 5|spjp^^fc^r of false dread. Bull's-eye (bulz'i), n. a small ing on the ss HE^i5 Buggy (bug'e), a. havingbugs; window or lantern of pro- water for a s^lKxS^^^*'* n. a light carriage. jected glass; the center of direction, ^S5SI Bugle (bu'gl), n. a musical in- a target. ortobear a cable -,e. 10 keep strument; a genus of plants; Bull T(bul1e),n. aquarrelsome afloat; to sustain, or bearup. a kind of bead. blustering fellow ; 1>. ' Buoyancy (bov'an-se), n. the Bnhl(bul)n.unburnished froM . threaten with ncisymenaees quality of floating. Ac., used for inlayingiadark Bulwark (bul'werk), n. for- Buoyant (bov'ant), a. that will wood, Ac. tification; a rampart; the not sink; floating; light. Buhrstone (bur'ston), n. akind railboards of a ship. Buoyantly (boy'ant-le), ad. in of quartz, used for mill- Bum (bum), r. to make a hum- a light, floating manner. stones. ming sound. Bur (bur), n. the rough or Bnlld (bild), v. to raise a struct- Bumbailift* (bum-bal'lff), n. an prickly envelope of the seeds ure; to construct abuilding. under-bailiff. of plants; the rough edge Builder (bilrt'tjr), n. one who Bumblebee (bum'bl-be), n. the left by a tool in cutting, &c. erects buildings. humble bee. Burden (bur'dn), n. that which Building (bild'ing), n. an edi- Bumboat (Imm'bot), n. a boat is borne; load: weight; cargo; fice ; a fixed structure. used for conveying provis- tJ. to load ; to oppress. Bnlb (bulb), n. around root of ions, i-c., to vessels in port. Burdensome (bur'dn-sum), a. a plant. Bump (bump), n. a thump, or grievous ; troublesome. Bulbiferous (bnl-bifer-ns), a. heavy blow ; a swelling ; v. Burdock (bur'dok), n. a wild producing bulbs. to make a loud noisa; to plant. Bulbous (bulb'ns), a. like a strike against. Bureau (bu'ro), n. a chest of bulb, or containing bulbs. Bumper (bump'er), n. a glass drawers. Bulge (oulj), n. the broadest filled to tbe brim. Bureaucracy (bu-ro'kra-se), n. part of acask ; aswelling out ; Bumpkin (bum'kin), n. an a government administered v. to swell in the middle. awkward person ; a rustic. by departments. Bulimia (bu-lim'e-a), ) n.avo- Bun (bun), n. a small sweet- Burette (bu-ref), n. a glass Bulimy (bu'li-me), J racious cake. for delivering measured anpetite. Bunch (bunsh),n. a cluster; a quantities of liquids. Bulk (bulk), n. size; quantity; knob, or lump; r. to grow in Surg (burg), :i. a borough. chief part. knobs ; to form into bunches. Burgess(bur'jes), n. a freeman; Bulk-head (bulkTied), . a par- Bunchy (buush'e), a. growing a citizen. tition in a ship. in, or full of, bunches. Burgher (burg'er), n. a free- Bnlkiness (bulk'e-nes), n. Bundle (bnn'dl), n. a parcel of largeness of size. things bound together; v. Burglar (l)urg'lar), n. one who Bulky (bulk'e),a. large; gross; to tie up together. breaks into a house by night heavy. Bung (bung), n. a stopper for to rob. Bull (bul), n. the male of any a barrel ; v. to stop up. Burglarious (bnr-gla're-ns), a. large quadruped ; the pope's Bungle (bung'gl), r. to do in a relating to burglary. edict; a blunder. clumsy manner. turglary(burg'la-re),n. house- Bnllate (bul'laO, n. garnished Bnnsler (buug'gler), n. a bad breaking by night to steal. with studs; like bubbles or workman. Burgomaster (burg'o-mas-tcr), blisters. Bundling (bung'gling), a. per- n. a magistiate. Bull-dog (bul'dog), n. a heavy, forming awkwardly. iuRinut (bur-goo'), n. a thick etrong dog, of great courage Bunion (bun'yun), n. a lump gruel used by seamen. A DICTIONAEY OP TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Ill Ki.l MiY 49 BYS80ID Burgnndy(bur'gun-de),n.wm made in Burgundy. Bushel (boosh'cl), n. a drj measure of eight gallons. bright yellow wild-flower. Butterfly (but'ter-fli), n. a Burial (ber'e-al), n. the act o Gushet (boosh'et), n. a smal genus of insects. burying ; a funeral. bush. Buttermilk (butter-milk), n. Buried (ber'rid), pr. or a. cov Bushranger (boosh-ran'jer), n the milk left after the butttr ered with earth ; concealed. a robber : an escaped crimi is separated. Burin (bu'rin),. a tool for en nal. But tcrprint (but'ter-print), n. graving. Bushy (boosh'e), a. full of thick a stamp for butter. Burinist(bu'rin-ist),n. an en branches. Buttertonth (bufter-t66th),. graver. Busily (biz'e-le), ad. actively a broad fore-tooth. Burl (burl), . to pick burs, Ac. earnestly. Buttery (buf ter-e), n. a place from cloth. Business (biz'nes), n. employ- for provisions. Burlesque (bur-lesk'), tead ment ; occupation. Buttock (buttuk), n. upper ing to raise laughter ; comic Busk (busk), n. a piece ol part of the thigh. n. a ludicrous representa whalebone worn in stavs. Button (but'n), n. a ball or tion ; v. to turn to ridicule Buskin (busk'in).n.a half boot knob for fastening;!;, to Burletta (bur-let'ta), n. a com or high shoes. fi'Jiten with buttons. ic opera ; a musical farce. Bu-Llncil (busk'ind), a. wear- BuHonholf (but'n-hol), n. the Burline-K (bur'lc-nes), n. grea ing buskins. slit in which the button is bulk: bluster. Buss (bus), n. a kiss; v. to caught. Burlyfbur'l:; , a. great; bolster kiss: to salute with the lips. Buttress jti AJH ous ; stout, and jolly. Bust (bust), n. a statue of a (but'tres), JEmVrTrTJJMM; Burn (burn), v. to consume or person, representing the n.aproiec- iR K wi llljlu injure by fire ;tobe inflamed head, shoulders, and breast. tion from Hifl SlMl 1 to be on fire ; glowing ; n. a Bustle (bus'sl), v. to be busy : a wall 1 Hkl]y |H^i hurt caused by fire. n. a tumult; hurry; com- to give JcHTP^ |i Burner (burn'er), n. one who motion. strength EgSjb-f ^s burns ; appendage to a lamp Bustler (bus'ler), n. aa active, and sup- ^Sa_L - saB: or gas-fixture. stirring person. port ; v. to prop, or support. Burning (burn ing), n. the act Busy (biz'e), a. employed with Butyraceons(bu te-ra'shus),o. of burning; heat ;. vehe- earnestness: meddling ; v. having the properties of, or ment ; very hot. to employ. containing, butter. Burning- trlass (burn'mg-glas), Busybody (biz'e-bod-e), u. a Butyrlnr (bu'te-rin), n. oily n. a glass for collecting the meddling person. matter in butter. rays of the sun. But (but), prep, except; be- Buxeous (buks'e-us), a. relat- Burnish(bur'nish),D. to polish; sides ; only ; yet ; con/. ing to the box-tree. to brighten : n. a polish. more ; further ; n. end ; Buxom (buks'um), a. gay; Burnisher (bur'uish-cr), n. a limit; bound; B. to be lively; brisk; wanton. person that burnishes. bounded ; to touch with the Buxoaily (buk:'um-le), ad. Burr (bur), n. see Bur. end, used for Abut, brisklv ; healthfully ; vigor- Burrow (bur'ro), n. an under- Butcher (butsh'er), n. one who ously." ground lodge for rabbits. Ac.; kills animals to sell ; v. to Buy (bi), o. to purchase ; to v. to make holes under- slay ; to murder. bribe ; to obtain for a price. ground; toliveinacoucealed Butchery (butsh'er-e), n. Buyer (bi'er), n. a purchaser. place. great destruction of human Buzz (buz), n. a humming Bursar (hur'sar), n. the treas- life ; massacre ; slaughter. sound; v. to make a low urer of a college. Rut-end (but'end), n. the blunt sound; to whisper. Burse (burs), n. an exchange. end of a thing. Buzzard (buz'erd), n. a species Burst (burst), v. to break or i-.itlcr (but'ler), n. a servant of hawk ; a blockhead. fly open : n. a suddeu rent who has charge of liquors, Buzzlne(buz'ing),u.alownoise or disruption. wines, &c. or talk. ! Burthen (burthen), n. or v. Butlershlp (butler-ship), n. By(bi), prep. near; in presence. see Burden. the office of a butler. By-and-by '(bi-and-bi), ad. Burton (bur'tn), n. a small Butment (but'ment), n. a but- presently; soon ; before long. ship- tackle. tress ; support of an arch. By-end (bi'end), ?(. private ad- Bury (ber'e), v. to inter in a tiitt (but), n. a mark to shoot vantage ; interest. grave ; to conceal. at ; the thick end ; one who By-law (bi'law), n. a law of a Burying-(ber'e-ine),pr. depos- is ridiculed; a cask contain- town or society. iting in the grave. ing 1'26 wine gallons ; n. to By-path (bi'path), n. a private Buh iboosh), . a shrub ; a strike with the head or horns. path. bough; the metal lining of a Butter (buffer), n. an oily By Ine (bis'sin), a. of, or like, cylinder in which an axle substance from cream ; v. silk. works ; v. to grow thick, or to spread with butter. Byssoid(bis'soyd),o.very slen- bushy. Buttercup (but'ter-kup), n. a der, like a cobweb. A DIOTICUAEY OP TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BY-STASDEK 50 CAIKXDS Dy-ftanderCbi'sland-er), j. Cacoethes (kak-o-e'th6z), n. a Calabash (kal'a-bash), n. a looker-on. bad habit or custom. vessel like a gourd-ihell. By- word (bi'werd),n. a saying Cacograpliy (ka-kog'ra-fe) n Calaboose (kal-a boose') n. a a proverb. bad spelling. prison; a jail. Cacology (ka-kol'o-je), n. bad Calamifcrous(kal-a-mifer-us), Cacophonic (kak-o-fon'ik), > Calamitous (ka-lam'i-tus), a. c. Cacophonous (ka-kofo-nusj, J distressing ; afflictive. a. harsh sounding Calamity (ka-lam'i-te), !. mis- Is the third letter of the al Cacophony (ka-kofo-ne), n. a fortune; disaster; loss. phabet. It has two sounds disagreeable sound. Calamus (kal'a-mus), n. a kind one hard, like it; the other Cactus (kak'tus), n. a genus ol of reed or fia^. soft, like s. tropical plants. Calash (ka-lash'), n. a lieht Cab (kab), n. a Hebrew meas Cad (kad), . a messenger, or carriage, havins atop that ore of three pints ; a kind o errand-boy. can be raised or lowered ; an carriage. Cadaverous (ka-dav'i-r-us), u. alternate. Cabal (lia-bal'), n. a few men pale, like a dead body. Calathiforra (ka-lath'e-fawrm) united secretly for someparty Caddy (kad'de), n. a small box a. hemispherical, or concave. purpose ; v. to plot ; to in- to hold tea. Calcareous (kal-ka're-us), a. trigue ; to conspire. Cade (kad) . n. a barrel or cask ; having the nature and prop- fabalist (kab'a-list), n. one HI. gentle ; soft. erties of lime. skilled in the traditions of Cadence (ka'dens), n. a fall of Calcarifrrmis (kal-ka-rifer- the Jews. voiceioreadingor speaking ; us),a. lime-yielding. Cabalistic (kab-a-list'ik), a. modulation. Calcimine (kaVse-min), n. a having a secret meaning. Cadenza (ka-den'za), n. a fall superior kind of whitewash faballer (ka-bal'er), n. an in- of the voice in singing. f.T walls ;v. to wash with triguer. Cadet (ka-def), n. a volunteer calcimine. Cabbage (taVaj), . to steal in the army ; a pupil in a Calcination (kal-si-na'shun), cloth in cutting garments militarv school. . operation of calcining. from cloths ; n. a plant. Cadi(ka'ue), n. Turkish magis- 'alcinc (kal-sin), v. to reduce Jibln(kab'iu),n. part of a ship; trate or judje. to powder by means of heat. a cottage : a hut ; >. to live Cndnrran (ka-du'shan), a. re- Calcium (cal'se-um), n. the in a cabin; to confine in a. lating to Mercury's wand. metallic base of calx or lime. cabin. Caducous (ka-du'kas), a. fall- Calcograph) (cal-kog'ra-fe), n. Cabinet (kab'in-et), n. a set of ing early, as leaves. the art of engraving in the '; drawers ; closet ; executiveof ,'a'cal (sekal), a. having a style of a chalk-drawing. ' a state. closed end. Calculable (kal'ku-la-bl), a. Cabinet-Hi aker(kab'in-et-mak- Ctcsora (se-zu'ra), n. the rest- that may be reckoned. er), n. a maker of line wood- ing of the voice on a syllable. Calculate (kal'ku-lat), v. to en furniture. 'afe (kafa), n. a coffee-house. compute; to reckon; to make Cable (ka'bl), n. a strong rope Cag (kag), n. a small cask, or a computation ; to estimate. or chain to hold a vessel at barrel : usually written keg. Calculation (kal-ku-la'shun), anchor. !age (kaj), . a box jgSltL ?i. a computation. Cabict(ka'blet), n.asmallcable to confine birds nr JftsEHHU Calculator (kal'ku-la-ter), n. Caboose (ka-booseO, n. kitchen fowls ; v. to shut ?PrWffiM a person who computes. or cooking-place of a ship. up in a caee. JpSjuW ;alculous(kal'ku-lus),u.3tonv; Cccao (ka-ka'o), n. the clioco- Cahoot (ka-h"66t'),n. J-^Sa gravelly; gritty. late tree. a partnership. *^-=iJ^ Calculus (kal'ku-lus), n. ) Cachalot (kash'a-lot), n. the aim (karn),it.amonumcutal alculi (kal'ku-li), n. pi. \ a sperm or spermaceti whale. heap of stones. method of computation; a Cache(kash), n. ho'.e for hiding ai-M>n (kas'son), n. an ammu- lumpy formation in the or- provisions in the northern nition-wagon; aframe used in gans of the body. regions. layin? foundations in water. Caldron (kawl'druii),n. a large CaiLnf '"sa-keks'e), n. a de- Caitiff (ka'tif). n. a base, des- kettle or boiler. ranged state t( the body. picable fellow ; a villain. Calefy (kal'e-fi), v. to make Cachinnalion(kak.in-na'shun) ajole (ka-jol'), u. to natter; warm. n. loud orexcessive laughter. to coax. ['alendar(kal'en-der),n. anal- Cacholong (kash'o-lone), >-,, a ajoler (ka-jol'er), n. one who manacor register of the vear. milk-white variety of opal. Batten; Calender(kal'en-der), v. togive Cacique (ka-sek') n. an ancient Cajolery (ka-jol'er-e), n. flat- gloss to cloth or paper ; n. a Mexican petty king. tery ; wheedling to delude. press with hot rollers. Cackle (kak'l), v. to make a akc (ftak), n. a small mass of falfnds (kal'endz), n. pi. the noise like a hen ; the noise bread, Ac. ; v. to harden firstdayofeachmonth among of a hen ; idle talk. into a lump. the Romans. A DICTIOMBY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CALESCEXCE 51 CANDLESTICK t'alrsrenee (ka-les'seus), n. A pared paper. time during which an army growiug warm. Calumet (kal'u-met), n. an In keeps the field. Calf (kaf),ii. theyoung of acow dian pipe, for smoking to Campanology (kam-pa-nol'o- a stupid person ; thick parto bacco; used either as a je), . the art of ringing the leg. symbol of peace or war. bells. Caliber 7 (kal'e-ber),n.the bore Calumniate (ka-lum'ne-at), v Cauipnnnlaie (kam-pan-u'lat), Calibre ) of tire-arms ; men to accuse falsely. a. bell-shaped. tal capacity. Calumniation (ka-lum-ue-a.' Canmmtral (kam-pes'tral), a. Calico(kal'e-ko),n. printedcot shun), n. slander. relating to lii'lds. ton cloth, so called because Calumniator (ka-lnm'iM-a-ter, hfiie (kam'len), n. spirit the Kust ladies. Calumnious (ka-luui'ue-usj, a Camphor (kam'fer), n. a solid Calidlty (ka-lid'e-te), n. burn defamatory. white gum. ing hot ; ardent. t'nliiwn.r (kal'um-ne), n. slan- Camphnrntpil (kam'fer-a-tei!), Caliope (kal-li'o-pe), n. a mu- der ; false accusation. a. impregnated with cam- sical instrumentinwhich the Calvary (kal'va-re), it. a hil phor. tones are produced by stam near Jerusalem.whuru Christ Camphoric (kam-for'ik),ncer (kun'ser). n. a sign of mons; a whis'le. Cambric (kam'brik), n. a sort Ihe zodiac ; a virulent ulcer: Calligraphy (kal-lig'ra-fe), n. of fine linen. a crab. beautiful writing. Camel (kam'cl), n. a large Cancerate(kan'ser-dt), f. lobe- billing (kawl'ing). n. employ- quadrupedof A siaand Africa come a cancer. ment ; occupation. used for carrying burdens Cancerous (kan'ser-us), a. re- Callosit)-(kal-los'e-te) m.ahard and for riding. lating to a cancer. corneous tumor. 1'ameleopard (ka-mel'o-pard), Caurrtform (kan'kre-form), a. Callous (kal'lus), a. hard ; in- n. the giraffe. crab-like; cancerous. durated ; corneous. ^amen (kam'e-o), n. a stone oil Candelabrum (kan-de-U'- Callow (kal'16), a. unfledged ; which figures are sculptured bnuc), n. a branched and without feathers; naked. in relief. ornamented candlestick. Culm (kam), a. still ; quiet ; un- Camera (kam'e-ra), n. an" ap- Candid(kan'did),a. fair; open; disturbed ; n. serenity ; v. paratus used in taking pic- frank. to quiet. tures by photography. Candidate (kan'de-dat}, it. one Calmness (kam'nes), n. seren- .'amcrated (kam'e-ra-ted), a. who solicits or is proposed ity; a state of rest or quiet. divided Into cnsmbers ; for an ufiice. Calomel (kal'o-mel), n. a prep- arched. Candidature fkan'doda-tur), aration of mercury. Camlet (kam'let), n. a fluff of n. a canvass, position of a Calorie (ka-lor'ik),n. the prin- wool and silk, r- hair. candidate. ciple of heat. ?amp (kamp)i n. the ground Candidly (kao'did-'c), ad. in- Calorific (kal-o-rifik), a.cuus occupied by an army at rest ; genuously ; fairly; frankly. Ing heat. v. to encamp, or pitch t'anclle (kan'dl). ti. a light Calotj-pe (kal'o-tip), n. tha art tents. made of ullpw or wax. of photographing on pre- 'ampait.'!! (kam'pan), n. the Candlestick (kn'dl-stik), n. A DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CANDOR 52 CAPITATIO.V the Instrument, that holds pi. the official dress of the' head; the top; a cover. candles. clergy. Capability (ka-pa-bil'e-t*), n. Candor(kan'dur),n. openness; Canonicity (kan-on-is'e-t), n. capaity ; fitness. fairness; frankness. agreement with the canon. Capable (ka'pa-bl), a. having Candy (kan'de), 71. a confection Canonist (kan'un-ist),)i. a pro- ability, power, or skill to do. of sugar ; v. to preserve or fk'ssor of canon law. Capableness (ka'pa-bl-nes). n. dress with sugar. Canonlsllr (kan-un-ist'ik), a. the quality of being capable. Cane (kan), n. a reed ; the su- relating to canon law. Capably (ka'pa-ble), ad. with gar plant; a walking-stick; Canonization (kan-on-i-za'- ! sufficient ability. u.tobeatorflo^withacane. shun), n. the actcf making Capacious (ka-pa'shns), a. Canebrake (kan brak), n. a a saint. wide; large; extensive ; am- thicket of canes. Canonize (kan'nn-iz), v. to en- ple. Canccnt(ka-nes'ent),a. near- roll among saints. Capacitate (ka-pas'e-tat), v. to Iv vhitc. Canopy (kan'o-pe), n. a cover- make capable. Canine (ka-nin'), a. likeor per- ing over a couch, bed, or the Capacity (ka-pas'e-te), n. pow- taining to a dog. hcad; v. to cover with a er of holding or grasping a Canister(kan'is-ter), n. a small canopy. thing; power of mind; room; box for tea. Canorous (ka-nS'rns), a. mus- character. Canker(kank'er),n.acorroding ical; harmonious. Cp-a-ple(kap-a-pe'),ad'. from ulcer ; a disease in plants ; Cant (kaut), r. to incline for- head to foot; all over. . to become corrupt ; to in- ward; to turn; to tilt; n. CaparUon (ka-par'e-sun), n. fect ; to pollute. religious hypocrisy ; peculi- ornamental covering of a Cankered (kank'erd), pr. or a. arities of speech : slang; Be- horse. corrodecj: morose. cret language of thieves, Ac. Cape (kap), n. a headland; Canierous(kank'er-us), a. cor- Cantaloupe (kan'ta-loop), n. a neck-piece of a coat. roding like a canker. small musk-melon* Caper (ka'per), n: bud of the Canler-worm(kank'er-wurm), Cantata (kan-ta'ta), n. a song caperbush ; a leap ; v. to n.aworinthatdes troys plants set to music. skip or jump; to frisk about. and fruit. Canto (kan-ten'), n. a. flask Capias (ka'pe-as), n. a writ of Cannibal(kan'ne-bl),n.a man- used by soldiers lor currying arrest. eater. liquors. Capiilaceons (kap-il-U'shus), Cannibalism (kan'ne-bel-izmV Canter (kan'ter), r. to move at a. having long filaments. n. thecatingofhuman-flesff; an easy gallop ; n. a mod- Cnpillament (ka-pil'la-ment), barbarity. erate gallop. 71. filament of a flower. Cannon (kan'un). n.apreatpun Canthariiles (kan-thar'e-dez), Capillary (kap'il-la-re or ka- forthrowingballsoroihtr in- . Spanish blister flics. pil'la-re), a. resembling a struments of destruction. Canticle (kan'te-kl), 71. a little hair. _s*z^^. son jr. Cap! inform (ka-pine-form),a. 4Ei^40UR^^5^fe Canticles (kan'te-klz), n. pi. hair-shaped. ^9iawS^E^^^ the Song of Solomon. Capital \ \ \->*of / t ^ *v>\l ^fi?iiQ J&* Canlo (kan'to), it. achief divi- (kap'e- ^^^^y/ ,t^^^j^ Kft^^^^&iV^^^^^^^ sion of a poem. tal), n. @( (^itWyV\-Vjfe 'H Vv LB- ^**^^^^^^ Canton (kan'tun), n. a district the top ^S -jy^ ^-^ ^-^jfc "yf Cannonade(kan'un-ad'),7..the of a country ; r. to divide of a "^BLN *^Vi firing of cannon with ball; into small districts. column or pillar ; money or Cannoneer (kan-un-er'), n. n. a district assigned to a ernmentof a stateorcountry; one who manages cannon. body of troops. influence or power ; a. CannoB-shot (kan'uu-shot),n. Canty (kan'te), a. cheerful; chief; principal ; excellent. a cannon-ball. sprightful ; merry. Capitalist (kap'e-tal-ist), n. Cannat (kan'not), can andnof, Canvas (kan'ras), n. a coarse one who has money invested an auxiliary verbmeaniug cloth for sails; the sails of a or to invest in business. to be unable. ship. Capitalize (kap'e-tal-iz), v. to Canoe (ka-n66'), n. boat made Canvas-back (kan'vas-bk), n. convert in tocapital,asmoney from the trunk of a tree, or of species of duck found in the Capitalization (kap-e-tal-i-za'- bark. vicinity of Chesapeake Bay. shun), 7i. act by which any- Canon (kan-ynn'), n. a deep Canvass (kan'vas), r. todiscuss; thing is converted into capi- gorge or ravine. to examine ; to solicit votes ; tal. Canon (kan'un), n. a rule; adig- n. close examination. Capitate (kap'e-tit), a. grow- nitary of a church. Canvasser (kan'vas-er), n. one ing in a head, applied to a Canonical (ka-non'jk-ai), a. ac- who solicits. flower. cording to the canon ; eccle- Caoutchouc (koo'chook), n. Capitation fkart-e-ta'shunl, n. siastical. India-rubber ; elastic gum. numeration by heads: a poll- Canonical! (ka-non'ik-alz), n. 'Cap (kap), n. a covering for the tax. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CAPITOL 53 CARMINATIVE Capital (kap'e-tol),n. the tem- make captive ; to charm ; to comb with a card. ple of Jupiter, in Home ; the fascinate. Cardauion (kar'da-mon), n. a edifice in which Congress Captivating (kap'te-vat-ing) plant of the East Indies with meets ; a state house. a. charming ; fascinating. seeds of an aromatic flavor. Capitular (ka-pit'u-ler), n Captive (kap'tiv), n. a prisoner Cardiac (kar'de-ak), o. belong- a chapter. Captivity (kap-tiv e-te), n. im- Cardinal (kar'rti-nal), a. prin- Capitulate (ka-pit'u-lat), v. to prisonment ; subjection ; con cipal ; chief ; n. adignitary surrender on specified terms. finement. in the Roman Catholic Capitulation(ka-pit-u-la'shun) Captor (kap'ter), n. one who church ; a short cloak. n. act of surrendering on takes a prisoner or a prize. Care (kar), n. uneasiness of treaty. Capture (kap'tur) , n. act of tak- mind ; regard caution ' man- Capituiator (ka-pit'u-la-ter), ing ; an arrest ; a prize ; v. agement; v' to be solici- 71. one who capitulates. to take as a prize. tous ; to heed. Capnomanc.v (kap'no-man-se), Car (kir), )i. acart ; a railway Careen (ka-reu'), v. to incline n. divination by smoke. carriage ; a chariot. to one side. Capon (ka'pun or ka'pn), n. a Caracole (kar'a-kol), n. a half Career (ka-rerO, n. course of male fowl castrated. turn made by a horse in action ; procedure. Cnponlze (ka'pon-iz), v. to cas- wheeling; a spiral staircase. Careful (kar'ful), a. full of con- trate as a male fowl. Carafe (kii.raf), n. a water- cern ; cautions ; watchful ; Caprice (ka-pres'), n. sudden bottle, or decanter. saving. change of mind ; a whim ; a Carat (kar'at), n. a weight ofiCarefnlness (kar'ful-nes), n. fancy ; a freak. four grains. great care ; solicitude. Capricious (ka-prish'us). a. Caravan (kar'a-van), n. acom- Careless (kar'les), a. haviug no whimsical ; fanciful ; tiakle. pany of travelers or mer- care; negligent; thoughtless; Capriciousness (ka-prishNis- chants proceeding in a body unconcerned. pose or opinion ; changeable- carriage for conveying wild out care ; heedlessly. ness. beasts, Ac. Carelessness (kar'les^nes), n. Capricorn (kap're korn), n. the Caravansary (kar-a-van'sa-re), absence ofcare; inattention ; tenth sign of the zodiac ; the n. a kind of inn for travelers hecdlessness. winter solstice. in Asia. Caress (ka-res'), n. act or ex- Capriil (kap'rid), a. relating to Caraway (kar'a-wa), n. a plant pression of endearment ; v. the goat tribe. having aromatic sec'ls. to embrace ; to fondle. Capsize (kap-siz'), r. to over- Carbine (kar'bin), n. a short, Caret (ki'ret), n. a mark [A] turn i to upset. IK'ht gun. noting an omission in writ- Capstan cy Carbinler(kar-bin-er'),n. asol- ing. (kap'stan) - rr -^L dier armed with a carbine ; Cargo (kar'go), n. the lading n, a ma- BLJir . ji 'rAiBl a light horseman. or freight of a ship. chine to TrJ : * P*T Carbon (kar'bon), n.pure char- Caricature (kar'e-ka-tur), n. a raise great ^jl Vi coal. ludicrous representation ; weights, flfttjtt \ ,'arbonaceous(kar-bo-na'shus) v. to represent very ugly or principal- *5*CEE5, \L ' pertaining to or contain- ludicrously. ly used in Sg}5a\L V\ in:; caruon - Caricaturist (kar-e-ka-tur'ist), ships. ^^^I^M JMuAl Carbonic (kar-bon'ik), a. per- n. one who caricatures. Capsular (kap'su-ler), a. hol- taining to or obtained from Caries (ka're-ez), n. decay of a low like a chest. carbon. bone. Capsulate (kap'su-lat), a. in- Carbonize (kir'bon-ii), v. to Carinated (kar'e-na-ted), a. closed in a capsule; change into carbon. formed like a ship's keel. Capsule (kap'sul), n. the seed Carboy (kar'boy), n. a large Carlole (kar'e-61), n. a small, vessel of a plant. bottle protected by basket- open carriage. Captain (kap'titi), n. a com- work for convey ing spirits, Ac Carious (ka're-us), a. decayed mander of a company of sol- Carbuncle (kar'bunk-1), . an or ulcerated, as a bone, ic. diers or of a ship, &c. inflamed ulcer; a precious Carman (kar'man), . one wh Captainship (kap'tiu-ship), n. stone of red color. drives a car or cart. rank of a captain. Carcass (kar'kas), n. a dead Carmelite (kar'mel-it), . a Caption (kap'shun), n. a pre- body ; an old frame. monk of an order established amble to a legal instrument. Card (kard), n. apiece of paste- on Mount Carmel, in Syria ; Captious (kap'shus), a. apt to board or thick paper for print- a. belonging to the order find fault; difficult to suit; ingpurposes; aprinted state- of Carmelites. troublesome. ment, address, &c., also cov- Cariuine(Kar'mm), n. a bright Captlousness (kap'shus-nes), ered with various designs for crimson color. n. a disposition to cavil. playing games; a kind of!Crniinative(kar-min'a-tlv),o. Captivate (kap'te-vat), v. to comb, for wool, 4c. v. to expelling wind ; warming. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CARV4GE M CASTE Carnage (kar'naj), tt. great de Cart (kart), a window. struction of live* n. a two* ^^tf^& Caseous (ka'ae-us), o. resem- Carnal (karnal), a. fleshly wheeled ^5ro^* bling cheese. sensual : lewd. carriage ; ^^9S3&R Casern (ka'zern), n. a lodge for CarnalUUkar nal 1st ) ,n.a lust f. to convey ^^^9^H^^Ev soldiers. ful person. in a can. Case-shot (kas shot), n. balls or Carnality (kar'nal'e le). n Cartage (kart aj), n. act or cos old iron inclosed in cases. grossness of mind or desire of carting. Cash (kash), n. readv monev; Carnally (kar nal-lc), ad. in a Carte (kart), n. a card; a bil cash or coin ; . to convert lustful manner; sensually. of fare. into or exchange for money. Carnation(kar-na shun >.i. the Cartt-hlanrhe Cvtrt-blansh'), Cash-book (kash'-book), n. a color of lish; a Bower o ti. a paper signed but noi book in which an account of flesh color. filled up : unconditional money paid out and received Carnelian (kar-neTyan), n. a terms ; unlimited power. Is kept. precious stone of a Uesh Carte-de-rlslte (karfde-vi-rgt) Cashier (kash-er') n. a cash- color. n.a photographic portralton keeper ; an officer of a bank ; Carnival (kar'ne-vali. n.a fes a small card. r. to dismiss from office ; tiva! in Roman Catholic Cartel (kar'tel), n. an agree- to reject or discard. countries before Lent. ment between hostile states Cashmere (kash'-mer), n. a Csrnivoroa(kar-niv'o-rus),a. for the exchange of prisoners rich and costly fabric, made ties'u eating. Carter (karter). n. one who of the wool of the Thibet goat. Carol (karoll.n. a son? of j9y drives a cart. la>ine (kas'ing) n. the act of or praise ; v. to sing ur war- Cartilage (kar'te-laj), n. a covering, -a covering; a case. ble. tough, elastic substance ; !'ask (kask), n. a small case or Carotid (ka-rofid). n. a larse gristle. close wooden vessel for con- artery, on each side of the Cartilaginon* (kar-te-laj'e- taining liquors, as a hogs- neck, conveying the blood to uus). o. having gristle in- head, barrel, ic. the head. stead of bones. Casket (kas'ket), n. a small Carousal fka-rouz'al), n. a :arlography(kar-togra-fe),n. case or box for jewels. noisy drinking-bout. the art of constructing charts 'asqne (kask), n. a uelmet. Carouse (ka rouz'), r. to drink or maps. Cassia (kash'ya), n. a sweet freely and noisily ; n. a Cartoon Jsar-toonl.n. apaint- spice. drinking match ; a revel. ing on large paper. Ca>ation (kas-sa'-shnn), n. Carp (karp).n. a pond-fish ; c. Cartouch (kar-tootch'J, n. a act of repeating, or annuling. to find fault. case for holding cartridges. 'avMiui're (kas'se-rner), n. a Carpal (kar'pal), a. belonging Cartridge (kar'trij), n. a case twilled woolen cloth. to the wrist. of paper, or other material. Cassino (kas-se'no) n. the name Carpenter (kar'pen-ter). n. a holding the charge for a fire- of a game at cards. man who works in timber. arm. 'assork (kas'uk), n. a close Carpentry fkar'pen-tre),n.the Cartridge-box rkir'trij-boks), vestment for clergymen. artof constructing buildings. n. a case for cartridges. Cast (kast), v. to throw; to Carpet (kar'pet), n.a covering t'artwright (karfrit), n. one fling; to thrust, or drive; to for a floor ; v. to cover with who constructs caru. Tound, or form; to calculate; a carpet. arunrle(kar uuk-l),u. afleshy n. throw; motion; turn; Carpeting! k4r'pet ing), n.car excrescence. appearance; the form re- pets in general. Carve (karv). v. to cut into ceived from a mould. Carping (kirp ing), a. finding forms and devices; to cut Castanet (kas'ta-net), n. an in- censure : abuse. Carter (karv'er). n. one who fingers, and rattled as an ac- Carpology (kar-pol'o-je), n. the cuts meat at tables ; a sculp- companiment, in music or study of fruits. tor ; a large table-knife. dancing. Carriage (kar'aj), n.a vehicle; 'arade (kas-kad'J. n. a water- Castaway (kast'a-wa), n. one conveyance; behavior; the fall : a small cataract. abandoned todestruction; an cost of carriage. 'ase (kas), n. a covering, box. outcast. ^^^^ Carrier (kar're-er). n. one who or sheath;etatementoffacts; 'aster (kast'er), WS^S carries ; a porter. inflection of nouns; v. U> n. one who \J~ Carrion (kar're-un), n. dead or put in a case. casts; asmall ji putrid flesh. '.fee-harden fkas'hard-n), n. to bottteorcruet; ^JBLs^v Carronade (kar-run ad"), n. a make hard on the outside. a small wheel JHJ^^Bw short piece of ordnance. Case-knife (kas'nitj, n. a table- attached tothe 1!=BSPM Carrot fkar rut),n. an esculent knife. legs of furni- c= ^ ^^ root of an-eddish-yellow color. 'a^emate (kas'mat), n. a cov- ture, by which it may bt: Carry (kar'e), v. to bear ; to, tn; ered arch work. ea,-iiy moved. have ; to convey. 'atemenUkas'nient) n. a partof Caste (kast), n. an order or A DICTIONARY OF TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CASTELLATED 55 CATHOLICISM class; a distinct order in words. ewers. society. Cataehrestlc(kat-a-kres'tik) > Catechu (kat'e-ku), n. an as- Castellated (kas'tel-la-ted), a Catachretioal (kat-a-kres'- ( tringent extract. formed like a castle. tik-al), a. forced; far- fetched CaU-rhumrn (kat-e-ku'mcn). Cuter (kast'er), . a smal Catalectic (kat-a-lek'tik), a. a . one in the rudiments of bottleforholdingcoudiment verse wanting a syllable. Christianity. at taV.v ; a stand to contain Catalepsy(kat'a-lep-se),n. sud Categorical (kat-e-gor'ik-al), such bottles. den suppression of motion. a. pertaining to category; Castigate (kas'te-gat), v. to Catalogue (kat'a-log), n. a lis absolute; positive. chastise ; to punisii. ofnamea iu regular order; Category (kat'e-gor-cl, n. a Cattlgation (kas-te-ga'shun) v. to make a list. class ororderof ideas; apre- rt. punishment by stripes ; : Cutamfiiia (kat-a-rue'ne-a), n dicament. whipping ; chastisement. the menses, or menstrua Catenate (kat'e-nit), v. to con- Castlgator (kas te-ga-ter), n discharges. nect as by links. one who castigates. Catamount (kat'a-mount), n Catenation (kat-e-na'shun), n. ^cor?ceth J e. ** W " a ' ~'' c '' a wii'd-cat. links of a chain. Casting (kast'ing) n.actofcast Cataplasm (kat'a-plazm), n. a Cater (ka'ter), v. to provide ing ; that which is kind of so ft pouhice. food or entertainment. Cavting-vote (kast'ing-vut), n Catarart (kat'a-ralzt), n. a Caterer (ka'tcr-er), . one who the vote of the presiding olli waterfall; a disease of the provides food. cer of a meeting when both eye. Cateress(ka'tcr-es),n. a female sides are equally divided. Catarrh (ka-tarO,n. inflamma- provider of food. Castle (kas'sl), n. a fortified tion of the mucous membrane Caterpillar (kafer-pfl-Ur), . building ; a fortress. producing increased dcllux- a colored and often hairy Castled (kas'sld), a. furnished iou of mucus from the nose. larva, or grub. with castles. Catarrhal (ka-tar'al), a. per. Caterwaul (kat'cr-wawl), r. to Castor (kas'ter), n. a genus of taining to a catarrh. make a noise like a cat in animals, in which the beaver Catastrophe (ka-tas'tro-fe), n. rutting time. is included ; a hat. final event; an unfortunate Catgnl (kat'gut), n. intestines Castrate (kas'trat), v. toeraas- calamity ; disaster. of sheep and other animals culate or geld ; to make im- Catcall (kat'kav.-!), n. nttcr- dried and twisted for violin- perfect. ancesin theatres, &c.; to con- strings. Castrametation (kas-tra-me- demn. c'athr.rlic (ka-thar'tik), a. pur- ta'shun), n. the art or act of Catch (katsh), v. to seize ; to gative ; 71. a purge. encamping. trap or ensnare; to take an Cathedral(ka-the'dral), n. the Castration (kas-tr.Vshun), n. infection ; n. act of seizing ; principal churchofadiocese. the act of gelding. a snatch ; a song. 'i A n Casual (kazh'u-al), a. happen- Catchablc (katsh'a-bl), a. that AAjfl ijyy ing by chance ; accidental. may be caught. In U 1 [ifis? Casualty (kazh'u-al-te), . an Catcher (katsh 'er), n. one who ] 'r j|fH) accident ; chance. catches. ^R l^kHB Casuist (kazh'u-ist), n. one who Catching (katsh'ing), a. apt to t. jijijp^ fc~W resolves cases of conscience. catch ; contagious. A^iijf|f]' *i -'^\--- 3 Casuistic (kazh-u-ist'ik), 1 .'atchpeni.y (katsh'pen-ne),n. PfYuf/f/, I j.0 frrBlia CasuMical(kazh-u-ist'ik-al), 5 any worthless taiug offered rf*-" I|(J W K r avK a. relating to cases of con- for sale. Jj U-^*;|i ' |l L^SS: -^ science. >tchup (katsh'up).n. a sauce ^^^^^MIJ^M|TI^P,J^NIIJ Casulslry0tazh-u-ist-re).ii.the prepared from mushrooms, r^^^^g^^^^^*' skill or practice of a casuist. tomatoes. &c. Catheter (kath'e-ter), n. atube Cat (k at), n. a domes tic animal; Catch-word (katsh'wurd), n. for drawing water from the a whip. the last word, by which we bladder. Ctacauaics(kat-a-kVws'tiks), catch what follo'ws ; a word Cathode (kath'od), n. the sur- n.pl. curves formed by reflec- reiterated for effect. face at which electricity tion of the rays of light. Catechetical (kat-e-ket'lk-al), passes out of a body. Cataclysm (kat'a-klizrn), n. a a. consistingofquestionsanu Cafholic (kath'o-li 1 :), n. uni- Hood of water ; a deluge. answers. versal, or general; liberal; ',::!:ir(>ml>(kat'a-ku-.u),ji.acave Cateehke (kat'e-kiz), v. to not narrow-minded ; n. an for the burial of the dead. question ; to teach by ques- adherent of the Church of Catacon*tics(kat-a-kows'tiks), tions and answers. Rome. n. pi. science of reflected Catechiser (kat'e-kiz-er), n. fatholiclsm(ka-thol'e-sizm),n. sounds or echoes. one who- catechises. liberality, orbrea:lthof view; CatachresU (kat-a-kre'sis), n. Catechism (kafe-kizm), n. a adherence to the Roman an abuse of a trope, or of book of questions and an- Catholic church. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CATHOLICITY 56 CEKOBITK Catholicity (kath-o-lis e-te), n shun), n. the act of cauter to cedars. the quality of being univer izing. Cell (sel), v. to line the inner sal ; the religion of the Cauterize (kaw'ter-iz), v. to root of a building. Church of Rome. burn or sear with caustic o Ceiling (sel'ing), n. the upper Catholicize (ka-thol'c-slz), v a hot iron. surface of an apartment. to become catholic. Cautery (kaw'ter-e), n. a burn Celature (sel'a-tur), . an en- Catholicon (ka-thol e-kon), n ingwithciiusticsoruhotiron graving ; the artofengraving a universal medicine. Caution (kaw'shun), n. pru Celebrant (sele-brant), n. one Catkin (kal'kin), n. a kind of dence ; care ; v. to warn ; to who officiates in a church. flower. admonish. Celebrate (scl'e-brat), r. to Cat-o'-nine-talls (kat-o-nin'- Cautionary (kaw'shun-a-re), o praise; to extol; to distin- talz),n. niuepieces of leather containing caution. guish by marks of honor. or cord, used to flogolTendcrs. Cautious (kaw'shus), a. watch Celebration (sel-e-bra'shun), Catoptron (ka-^op'trou), n. an lul against danger; wary n. a commemorating with optical glass, or instrument. careful ; prudent. praise or solemnities. Cat's-paw (kats'paw), n. the Cautiously (kaw'shus-le), ad Celebrator (sel'e-bra-tor), n. dupe of an artful person. prudently; warily. one who celebrates. Cattle (kat'tl).n.pj. domestic Cautlousness(kaw'shus-nes),n Celebrity (se-leb're-te), n. quadrupeds in general, es- prudence. fame ; distinction. pecially bulls, oxen, cows. Cavalcade (kav'al-kad), n. a Celerity (se-ler'e-te), n. swift- Caucasian (kaw-ka shan), a. train of persons on horseback ness ; speed ; velocity ; rapid- pertaining to Mount Cau- Cavalier(kav-a-ler'),n. ahorse ity of motion. casus in Europe;)!, any man; a. brave; haughty Celery (sel'er-e), n. a culinary one belonging to the white warlike; gay. plant. races originating near Mount Cavalierly (kav-a-lcr'le), ad Celestial (se-lest'yal), a. heav- Caucasus. arrogantly; disdainfully. enly; ethereal;)!, an in- Caucus (kaw'kus), n. a prelim- Cavalry (kav'al-re), n. horse habitant of heaven. purposes. Cave (kav), n. a den ; ahollow to the intestines. Caudal (kaw'dalj, a. pertain- place in the earth ; ?.to hol- Celibacy (sel'e-ba-sc), n. tingle ing to the tail. low, or scoop out ; to fall in. life; unmarried condition. Caudle (kaw'dl) n. a warm Caveat (ka'vc-at), n. a warn- Cell (sel), n. a small room ; any drink for the sick. ing ; acaution ; an intimation small cavity or hollow place. Caul (kawl), n. a net, or cover- to stop proceedings. Cellar (sel'lar, 1 , n. a room or ing for tb head ; a mem- Cavern (kav'ern), n. a large place under a house. brane covering the bowels. Caullflower(kaw'le-flow er), n. cave. Caverned (kav'ernd), ) a. Cellarage (sel'lar-aj),n. charge for cellars ; space for cellars. a variety of cabbage. Cavernous (kav'cru-us), $ hol- Ccllifetx.j (sel-lifer-us), a. Causal (kaw'zal), a. relating to low ; full of caverns. producing cells. a cause or causes. Caviare (kav'e-ar), n. the roes Cellular (sel'u-lar), a. consist- Causality (kaw zal e-te), n. of a fish, salted. ing of cavities or cells. the working of a cause. Cavil (kav'il), t'. to find fault; Cellnlatcd (sel'lu-Ii-ted), a. Causation (kaw-za'shun), n. to wrangle ; n. false objec- formed with cells. the act or power of causing. tions. Cellule (sel'iil), n. a little cell. Causative (kawz a-tm, a. that Cavller (kav'il-er), n. one who Celtic (selt'ik), o. relating to aflects asa cause. raises faults or frivolous ob- the Celts or to their lan- Cause (kawz) n. that which jections. guage;)!, the language of produces an effect ; a suit in Cavity (kav'e-te), n. a hollow the Celts. t). to make; to exist; to Caw (kaw), . to cry as a crow ; parent stock of southern and bring about. n. the cry of a crow. western Europe. Causeless (kawz'lcs), a. having Cayenne (ka-cn'), . a very Cement (se-mcut'), n. a sub- no cause or occasion. pungent pepper. stance which unites bodies ; Causeway (kawz'wa), n. a Caziqu* (ka-zek ), n. the title v. to join closely; to unite raised path paved with of a Mexican chief. or become solid ; to cohere. Caiwtte (kaws'tik), o. acting off; to abstain. n. the act of cementing. like fire; burning; n.aburn- Ceaseless (ses'les), a. without lementilions (sem-en-tish'us) , ing application. ceasing; incessant. a. having the quality of Causticity (kaws-tis'e-tc). n. Cedar (se'der), n. a genus of cementing. 'enietery (sem'e-ter-c) n. a Canterlsm(k"aw'ter-izm),)i. the Cede (sed), t>. to yield or give place for burial of the dead. application of cautery. up to another. enobite (sen'o-bil), n. a monk Cauterization (kaw-ter-i-za'- Cedrlne (se'drin), a. belonging who lives in a convent. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CENOBITICAL 5T CETACEOUS Cenobltlcal(9en-o-bit'ik-al), a Centlmefson-teemOn. aFrench n. outward form. living in community. coin, being the hundredth Ceremonloiu (scr-e-mo'ne-us), Cenotaph (sen o-taf), n. amon part of a franc. a. formal ; exact. ument erected to one buriud Ceniipcl (sen'te-pedl, n. a Ceremonlounes(ser-e-mo'ne- elsewhere. poisonous insect, supposec us-nes), n. to much formal- I>nser (sens'er), n. an incense to have a hundred feet. ity. vase or pan. Central (sen'tral), a. middle; Ceremony (ser'e-mo-ne), n. Censor (sen'sor), n. an ancient near the center. outwardrite; stateetiquette. Roman magistrate ; one who Centrality (sen-tral'e-te), n Ceres (se'rez), n. the goddess revises manuscripts for the the state of being central. of oorn and tillage. press ; on who censures or Centralization (sen'tral-e-za'. Cerlferons (se-rif er-us), a. pro- blames. shun), n. actof centralizing, ducing wax. Censorial (sen-so're-al), a. be- or bringing to a center. Cernuous(ser'nu-ns), a. pendu- longing to a censor. Centralize (sen'tral-iz), v. to lous ; nodding. Censorious (sen-so're-ua), o. severe; blaming. draw or bring to a center. Centrie (sen'trik), ) a. Cerography (se-rog'ra-fc), n. the art of engraving on wax. Censoriousness (sen-su're-ns- Centrical (sen'trik-al), 5 placed Ceroplastle (.soro-plas'tik), n. ness), n. disposition to liuj in the center ; central. the art of modeling in wax; fault. Centrifugal (sen-trif'u-gal), a. ntuplicate(sen-tu'ple-kat)i>. written testimony. worthy of censure. to make a hundred fold. Certification (ser-te-fe-ka'- Cemsure (sen'shur), n. blame ; Centurlal(sen-tu're-al), o. per- Bhun),n. theactof certifying reproof; v, to find fault taining to a century. Certlflcr (scr'te-fi-er), n. one with; to condemn as wrong. .Vntiirion (sen-tu're-un), n. a who certifies or assures. Census (sen'sus), n. enumera- Roman officer over 100 men. Certify (ser'te-fi), v. to give tion of inhabitants. Century (sen'tu-re), n. the certain notice ; to inform ; to Cent (sent), n. a hundred ; a period of a hundred years. declare in wilting. coin of the United States, Cephalic (se-fal'ik), a. relating Certitude (ser'tc-tud), n. cer- being the hundred thpartof a to the head. tainty ; assurance. dollar. Ceraccou8(se-ra'shus),. wax- Cerulean (se-ru'le-an), a. sky Centaur (sen'tawr), n. a fabu- lika. blue ; sea green. lous being, half man, half Ceramle (se-ram'ik), a. per- Cerumen (se-ru'men), n. the horse. taining to pottery, or the art wax of the ear. Centenary (sen-tcn-a-re), a. of pottery. Ceruse (se'r65s), n. a paint like pertaining to a hundred; Derate (se'rat), . anointment wax ; white lead. n. the number of one hun- of wax and oil. Cervlcal(ser've-kal), a. belong- dred. Ccrated (se-ra'ted), a. covered ing to the neck. Centenarian (sen-tc-na're-an), with wax. Cervlno (ser'vin), a. relating n. a person a hundred y,ars 'cratose (ser'a-toz), a. horny. to deer. old. Cerberus (ser'be-rus), n. a Cessation (ses-sa'shau), n. Centennial (sen-ten'ne-al), a. monster in the shape of a stop; pause; respite. pertaining to a hundred dog, with three heads, guard- Session (scsh'un), n. a giving years happeningevery hun- ing the infernal regions. up; surrendering. dred years. Center (sen'ter), n. the middle 'ere(ser),t>. tocoverwith wax. Cereal (se're-al), a. relating to Cesslonary (sesh'un-a-re), o. giving up ; yielding. point;. to meet or collect at the middle point. Center-bit (sen ter-bit), n. a all kinds of grain used as food. Cerebellum (scr-e-bellum), n. Cesspol(ses'pool),n.arccepta- cle for liquid filth. tool for boring round ho'ies. the lower part of the brain. Centering (sen ter-ingl, n. a Cerebral (scr'c-bral), a. relat- Venus or yjjij*t ^KLfiR temporary frame on whici ing to the brain. marriage ^SJJI^cMi^ffS vaulted masonry is built. 'erebric (ser'e-brik), a. of or girdle; a ^^"^ggg[j Centesimal (sen-tes'e-mal),n. from the brain. kind of boxing glove used the hundredth part. Cmtlgrade (6en'te-grad),o.di- Tided into a hundred parts ; Jerebriform (se-reb're-form), . shaped like the brain. Cerement (ser'raent), n. a by the ancients. Cesura (sc-zu'ra), n. a pause in a verse. n, a thermometer, divided waxed cloth for dead bodies. Cesura! (se-zur'al), a. relating between the freezing and Ceremonial (ser-e-mo'ne-al), to a cesura. boiling points into 100 parts. a. relating to rites; ritual; ,'etacous (au-ta'shus), a. the A DIOTIONAEY OP TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CHAFE 58 CHARACTERIZE whale kind. Chalybeate (ka-lib'e-at), a. Changeful (chanj'ful), a. full Chafe (chat), v. to fret ; togall; impregnated with iron. of change ; changeable. to rage ; n. a heat ; passion. Chamber (chain'ber), n. an up- Changeless (chanj'les), a. con- Chafery (chif er-e), n. a forge per room ; a hollow or cavity ; stant : without change. in iron works. c- to lodge. Channeling (chanj'llng), n. a Chaff (chaf), n. the husks of Chambered (cham'berd), a. di- fickle person : a fool. grain; worthless matter; vided into cavities. Channel (chan'nrl).n. a water- B. to talk litrhtly. Chamberliig(cham'bcr-infr),Ti. course ; a furrow ; strait ; Chaffer (chaffer), v. to bar- immodestbehavior: wanton. v. to cut into channels ; to gain; to buy. Chamberlain (cham'bcr-lin),i. groove. Chafferer (chaf'fer-er), n. one an officer connected with the Channc-leit (chan'neld), a. who chaffers. roval household. grooved lengthwise. Chaffy (chaffe), a. full of, or Chaiubermald(cham'bcr-mSd), Chant (v-hant), t). to sing; n. like, chaff. n. a female who has care or a .- .,ij ; singing. Chaflng-dish(chafiug-dish);n. a grate for coals. bed-chambers. Chanter (chant'er),n. a singer Chauieleon(ka-mel'le.un),i.a in a cathedral. Chagrin (sha-grn'), n. ill- species of lizard. vlianticleer (chanfe-klef), n. humor; vexation; p.tovex; Chamfer (cham'fcir), w. t* cat the male fovrl: a cock. to annoy. into a sloping edge. lh;i:iirsss (chant'res), n. a fe- Chagrined (sha-grend'), pr. Chamois (sha'moi), n. a kind male singer. vexed; displeased. of antelope, or goat. ( haos (ka'os), n. a. confused, Chain (chan), n. a line of links; Chamomlle (kam'o-ruil), n. a shapeless mass ; disorder. e. to fasten with a chain ; bitter medicinal plant. Chaotic (ka-ot'ik),o. likechaos; to make fast ; to enslave. Champ (champ), v. to bite, or con'used. Chain-pump (chan'pump), n. chew. a pump used in vessels, ic. Champagne (sham'pan), n. a Chain-shot (chan'shot), n. pi. lixht, sparkling wine. Chap ^hop), n. a crack in the flesh ; a boy ; the jaw ; r. to open ; to'crack. two jf^L ^9ti Champaign (sham'pan'}, n. a Chapel (chap'el). n. a place of mE^^&^^^&^&f^S^ flat, open country ; a. level. religious worship. balls ^E^p^^^^^^^fylp Champion (cham'pc-un), . a Chapelry (chap'el-re), n. the con- ^8^^ ^Bir combatant for another. district of a chapel. nected by a chain. Championship (eham'pe-un- Chaperon (shap'er-on), r. to Chair (char), n. a movable ship), n. state of being a attend on a lady in publie ; seat; the seat or office of one , r " . n. a lady's attendant, or in authority. Chancel (chan'sel).n. a part of protector. Chairman (char'man), n. a a church where the commu- Chaperon age (shap'er-on-igc). presiding officer. nion-table is placed. n. protection afforded by a t !::i!rmansh!p(char'man-ship) Chance (Chans), n. an unfore- chaperon. . tae oGice of a chairman. seen occurrence ; a. casual; Choprallen(chop'fawln), ". de- Chalsc(shaz), n. atwo-whecled i'. to tappen. jected; dispirited; silenced. carriage. Chaneellor;chan'sel-ler),n.an Chapiter (chap'it-er), K. the Chalcedony (kal-sed'o-ne), n. officer of state ; judge of a upper part of a pillar. a white precious stone. Court of Chancery. Chaplain (ch.np'lan), ti. a cler- Chalcography (kal-kog'ra-fe), Chancellorship (ehan'scl-ler- gyman of an organization, n. engraving oa brass. ship), n. office of a chancel- ic. Chaldron (chawl'drun), n. a, lor. Chaplaincy (chaplan-se), n. coal measure of 36 bushels. Chancery (chan'ser-e), n. a cttice of a chaplain. Chalice (chal'is), n. a cup or court of equity. Chapl.a (chap'let), n. a car- bowl ; a communion-cup. Chancrous (shang'krns), a. ul- land or v.*reath; a rosary. Chaliced (chal'ist), a. having a cerous. Chapman (chap'man), n. a cell or cup. Chandelier (chan-de-ler'), n. travelling dealer. Chalk (chawk), n. carbonate branches for lights. Chapter (chap'ter), n. a divi- '" of lime ; r. to mark or rub Chandler(chand'ler)u. adealer eionofabook; an organized with chalk. Chalky (chawk'e) , a. partaking in candles; a general dealer. Chandlery (chand'ler-e), n. branch of some society. Char (char), r. to reduce to of chalk. things sold by a chandler. coal by burning. Challenge (challenj), t>. to claim; to call to fight; to Change (chanj), v. to alter ; to exchange ; n. alteration ; Character (kar'ak-ter), n. a mark or letter ; peculiar object to a juror ; n. a sum- small monev ' variation of qualities; reputation. mons to a contest. any kind Characteristic (kar-ak-ter-iV- Challeneeable (chal'lenj-a-bl), thanL-.. : ,!.l-.-(chanj'a-bl),o.nck- tik), n. constituting charac- a. that may be challenged. le; inconstant. ter ; that which denotes the Challenger (chaHenj-er), n. Changeableness (chanj'a-bl- character. one who challenges. nes), n. mutability. Characterize (kar'ak-ter-iz),o. A DIOTIOU AET OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHARACTERLESS 59 C1IKRCR to describe by qualities; to|Chartlst (chart'ist), n.auEng- n. restraint; a ticket: ^n Characterless (kar'ak-ter-les), Chartographer (char-tog'ra- ( hecker (check'er), v. to diver- a. without any character. fer>, K. a constructor ofcharts sify ; to vary ; to mix ; n. Charade e(chas).f. tchunt; to pur- Checkers (chek'erz), n. pi. g load ; to make an onset ; to sue ; to drive away ; to em- game; draughts. impute ; to exhort ; 1\. care ; !ni-- : ii. pursuit; aprinter's Checkmate (check'mat), n. a expense; a quantity of pow- frame ; art of embossing on movement that ends a game der and ball ; command ; cost ; metal*. of chess ; v. to overthrow; a trust. ChasaUe (chas'a-bl), a. that to defeat. Chargeable (charj'a-bl), a. in- may be chased. Cheek (chek), n. the side of curring expense; accusable; Chaoer (chas'er), n. a pursuer ; the face. blamable. one who chases. liieer (cher), n. mirth : a state CharRed'iilTalrestshar-zha'fl.if- Chasm (kazm), n. a cleft ; gap; of joy ; f. to salute with far 1 ), n. a foreign mini-ter opening ; & void b'pace. jov ; to enliven. of an inferior class. Charmed (kazmd), a. having Cheerful (cher'ful), a. lively ; Charger (chjr'jer), n. a large dish ; a soldier's horse. gaps or deep openings. Chasmy (kazm'e), a. full of gay: sprightly. Cheerfulness (cher ful-nes), n. Chariness (char'e-nes), n. cau- chasms. paietv ; liveliness. tion ; nicety. Chaste (chast), a. nndeflle* ; Cheerily (chgr'e-le), ad. -with Charily (char'e-le), ad. warily : pure; true; refined. spirit. frugally. Chasten (cha'sn), . to punish ; Cheering (cher'ing), a. ani- Chariot (char'e-ut), n. a carri- to correct in order to im- mating ; encouraging. age of pleasure or state. provement. Cheerless (cher'les), a. com- Charioteer (char-e-ut-er'), n. Chastenlng(cha'sn-ing), n. cor- fortless; dreary; gloomy. one that drives a chariot. rection ; chastisement. Cheery (cher'e), a. g'ny; Charitable (char'e-ta-bl), o. Chaslise(chas-tiz'),f. tocorrect sprightly ; animated. liberal in gifts: kind. or punish wiih the rod. Cheese (chez), n. the curd of Charity (char'e-te), n. liberal- Chastisement (chas'tiz-ment), milk pressedinto ahard mass itv: alms; candor. n. correction ; punishment. Chee-e-monger (chez'mung- Charivari (sha-re-var-e'), n. a Chastiser (chas-tiz'er), n. one ger), n. one who sells cheese. mock serenade. who punishes or corrects. Cheese-press (chez'prcs), n. a Charlatan (shar'la-tan), n. a quack; a pretender. Chastity (chas'te-te), n. purity of body or language. machine for pressing the whey from curds. Charlatanieal (shar'la-tan-e- Chat (chat), v. tot in harmony; to jingle. Chlorodyne (klo'ro-din), n. Chicanery (she-kan'er-o), $ n Chimera (ki-me'ra), ). a Tain medicine possessing seda- shift ; trickerv ; evasion. fancy. tive aud otliur remedial prop- Chick (chick), > th . Chimerical (ki-mer'ik-al), a erties. Chicken (chick't-n), j n ' the fanciful; wild. Chloroform (klo'ro-form), n. m young of fowls; a child. Chimney (chim'ne), n. a pas- colorless volatile liquid. Chickcn.hearted(chik'eu-hart- sage for the escape of smoke Chlorometer (klo-rom'e-ter), ed), o. timid; cowardly; 'hin (chin), n. the lower part 71. an instrument for testing fearful. of the face. the strength of chloride of Chicken-pox (chik'en-pox), 74. China (chi'na),n. a kindof fine lime. an eruptive disease. Chicory (chik'o-re), n. aplant, earthenware. Chln-coogh (chin'kof), the Chlorophyl (klo'ro-fll) , n. the coloring matter in plants. the root of which is used iu hooping-cough. Chlorosis (klo-ro'sis), n. green coffee. Chine (chin), 71. back-bone or sickness; etiolation. Chide (chid), t>. to scold; to spine ; the edge of a cask. Chock (chok),n. kind of wedg reprove ; to blame mildly ; .'hlnk(chiugk;,it.asmall open- to confine a cask. to rebuke. ing or cleft ; v. to crack ; to Chocltful (chok ful), o. full to Chief (chef), a. highest ; first ; sound ; to cause to sound. overflowing. principal ; n. a commander Chintz (chin ts), n. cotton cloth Chocolate (chok'o-lat), n. a or leader ; the head of a tribe. of many colors. preparation of the cocoanut ; Chiefly (chefle), ad. princi- Chip (chip), n. a piece cut off; a beverage made from th pally; especially; mainly. a fragment ; v. to cut into cocoanut. Chieftain (cheftan), n. a lead- small pieces. Choice (chois), n. act of choos- er or commander. Chirographer(ki-rog'ra-fer),7i. ing ; the thing chosen ; op- Chieftainship (cheftan-ship), a writer. tion ; a. select ; precious ; n. office of a chieftain. Chirographle(ki-ro-grafik),a. very good. Chignon (shc-nong'), n. amass pertaining to chirography. ;hoir(kwir),n.partofachurch of false hair attached to the back of the head. Chirography (ki-rog'ra-fe), n. one's hand-writing. forsingers;abandof singers, .'lioke (chok), v. to stop or ob- Chilblain (chil'blan), n. sore Chirology(ki-rol'o-je),n. artof struct ; to suffocate , to caused by cold. discoursing with the hands. throttle. Child (child), n. a son or daughter ; an infant. Chiromancy (ki'ro-man-se), n. the art of foretelling by in- Choke-damp (chok 'damp), n. a noxious vapor. Childbed (child'bed), n. the specting the hand. Choler (kol'er), n. bile; wrath ; state of a woman in labor. Chiropodist (ki-rop'o-dist), n. Irascibility ; irritation. Childbirth (child'berth), n. a corn or wart doctor. Cholera (kol'er-a), n. a bilioui A DIOTIONAET OF TEfc ENGLISH LANGUAGE, CHOLERIC 61 CICATRIZE spasmodic disease. crated oil. n. an instrument for meas- Choleric (kol'cr-ik), a. passion- CfarUmatory (kriz'ma-to-re), uring time a watch. ate; full of choler. n. a vessel for chrUiii. Chronoiuetry (kro-nom'c-tre), Cholesterine (ko-les'ter-in), n. Christ (krist), u. the Anoint- 7i. the art of measuring time. a fitly substance found in ed ; the Messiah. Chrysanthemum (kre-sau'the- bile. Christen (kris'n), u. to baptize; mum}, 71. a genus of plants. Chondrlne(koH'drin),7i. asub- to name. Chryselephantine (kris-el-e- stance resembling gelatibe. Christendom (kris'n-dum), n. fan'tiu), o. made ot gold and Chondrodite (koii'dro-dit), n. that part of the world under ivory. one of the gems. Christian rule; the body of Chrysolltc(kris'o-lit),n.amin- Chondrology(k j-drol'o-je), n. Christians. cral of a greenish color. a treatise on cartilages. Christening (kris'ning), n. act Chub (chub), . a river fish. Choose (chooz), v. to take by of baptism and naming. Chubby (ehub'e), a. plump; preference; to select; to will, Christian (krist'yan), n. a be- short; thick. or determine. liever in the religion of Chuck (ehuk), v. to make a Chooser (chooz'er), n. one who Christ ; a good person ; a. noise like a hen; to strike chooses ; an elector. pertaining to Christ. gently ; n. the call of a heu ; Chop (chop), v. to cut quick ; Cliristianitj(krist-yan'c-te),n. a slig'ht blow. to mince ; to barter, or ex- the religion of Christ. Chuckle (chuk'l), v. to laugh in change ; to shi ft, as the wind ; Christianize (krist'yau-iz), v. the throat; to call as a hep-. n. a piece of meat. to make Christian. Chuff (chuf), 71. aclowni.ih ;K i- Chop-house (chop'hous), n. & Christian!? (krist'yan-lc), a. son. dining-house. like a Christian. Chuffy (chuf'e), o. fat; surly. Chopping (chop'ing), a. large, Christmas (kris'mas), n. the Chun (chum), n. one wh.i ih : or well grown. festival of Christ's nativity. in the same room ; an inti- Chops (chops), n.pl. the jaws, Christmas-box (kris'mas-boks) mate companion. or mouth. 71. a Christmas present. Champ(chump)n.aheavy thick Choral (ko'ral), a. pertaining Chromatic (kro-mat'ik), a. re- piece of wood ; a lump. to a choir. lating to color or to music. Church (church), n. a place of Chord (kord), n. string of a Chromatlcs(kr6-mat'iks),n.p! worship; abodyot'i;:* ' musical instrument ; notes the science of colors. Christians ; t 1 . to give In harmony; a line ingeom- Curomatography(kr6-ina-tog'- thanks in church. circle. the art of printing In colors. an episcopalian ; an ecclesi- Chore (chor), v. to work by the Chrome (krom), ) astic. day. Chromium (cro'me-um), J " Church-wnrden (church'wor- Chorea (ko're-a), n. St. Yitus 1 a metal remarkable for the dn), n. one who has charge dance. colors of its compounds. of the church. Churls t (ko'rist), n. a choir- Chromosphere (kro'mos-fer). Chnrch-yard (ehurch'yard), n. singer. n. the outer cloudy envelope aburial ground near achurch Chorister (kor'is-tcr), n. a around the sun. Chnrl (churl) n. a rustic; a singer ; a leader of a choir. Chronic (kron'ik), a. of long clown; a nir=rard. Chorographer (ko-rog'ra-fer). continuance. Churlish (churlish), a. surly; n, one who describes a re- Chronicle (kron'e-kl).n. a his- rude; niggardly. gion or coutry. torical register of events ; a Churlishness (churl'ish-nes), Chorography (ko-rog'ra-fe). . history ; v. to record or reg- n. rudeness of manner or the description of a region ister. temper ; morosencss. or couatrv. Chronogram (kron'6-gram), n. Churn (churn), n. a vessel in Chorus (ko'rus), n. a number an inscription which in- which cream is agitated to of singers ; part of music in cludes the date of an event. make butter ;K. to agitate which all join. Chronological (kron-o-loj ik- cream for making butter. Chouse (chous), e. to cheat ; to al), o. relating tochronology. Churning (churn'ing), n. the trick; to defraud; 71. a Chronologlsl(kro-nolo-jist),n. operation of making butter. trick, or sham. one versed in chronology. Chyle (kil), n. a while fluid Chow-chow (chow-chow), n. Chronology (kro-nol'o-je), 'n. drawn from the food while in a kind of mixed pickle. the science of computing and the intestines. Chowder (ffhow'der), n. fresh adjusting dates of ;/ast events Chyme (kirn), t!. digested food. flsh boiled with biscuit, Ac. Chrysalis (krjs'a-lis), n. the Cicatrice (sik'a-tris), ) n. the Chrism (krizm).n. unction, or form as- >93tt^^^^ Cieatrii (sik'a-trix), $ scar consecrated oil. Burned bv f"^^^fjfj^f over a wound when healed. Chrlsmal (kriz'mal), a. relat- some in- ^^|^B^^P- Cicatrization (sik-a-tri-za'- ing to chrism. fleets before^^JPH^^^ shun). n. the processor heal- Chrismation (kriz-ma'shun) n. they become winged. ing ; the being skinned over. act of applying the conse- Chronometer (kro-nom'e-ter), Cicatrize (sik'a-triz), v. to heal A DICTION AEY OF TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CICERONE 62 CIRRIGEKOIS a wound ; to skin over. Circlet (ser'klet),,n. alittle cir- ku'shun), n. a compass of C$eerne(che-che-r6'ne)./i. one cle. words ; a circuitous speech who explains curiosities and Circuit (ser'kifl, n. the act of or expression. antiquities to strangers ; a moving or passing round ; ( ir.-unil<,cutorT (ser-kum-lok'. guide. circular space ; a district. u-to-re), a. consisting in a Cider (si'der), n. a liquor Circuitous, (ser-ku'e-tus), a. compass of words. jiade from apples. round about. Cirruninavia.ite (ser-kum Cigar (se-garO, . a roll of .--ku'e-to),n. agoing nav'e-gat), f. to sail round. tobacco for smoking. roun-i. Circumnavigation (,-er-kum- Cigrette(sig'a-rct). n. tobacco Circular r?cr'ku-ler), a. round; nav-e-gashuu), n. the act of rolled in thin paper. | like a circle. sailing round. Ciliary (sil'e-er-e), a. belong- Circular!!} (ser-ku-Iar'e-te),. Circumnavigator (ser-kum- ing to the evelids. a circular form. n nv o-ga-ter), n . one who has "iliclous (se-lish'us), a. made Circularly (iet ku-ler-le), ad. sailed round the globe. of hair. | iu the form of a circle. Circumpolar (ser-kurn-po'lar), fimeter (sim'e-ter), n. a sword Circulate (ser'ku-lat), v. to a. near the poles. with convex edge. move round ; to make go Circumrotary (ser-kum-ro'ta- Cimmerian (sim-me're-an), a. round ; to spread. re). a. turning round. dark and gloouiy. CIrculation(ser-ku-la'shun),i. Circumscribe (ser'kum-scrib), Cinchona (sin-ko'na), n. the state of being circulated; r. to irck'?e ; to linyt. tree and bark of a tree grow- currency. Circumscription (ser-kum- ing in Peru. Circulator} (serlU-la-to-re),o. skrip'shun), n. limitation. (in.-ture (sinkt'yur),n. a belt, moving round. Circumscriptive (ser-kum- or girdle. Circuniambiency (ser-kum- skrip'tiv), a. limiting; de- Cinder (sin'der), n. the residue am'he-an-se), n. the act of fining external form. of coal when burning. surrounding. Circumspect (scr'kum-spekt), Cinerary(sin'er-a-re), a. relat- Ci.-cumnmltient (scr-kum-am'- a. wary ; prudent ; cautious. ing to ashes, or the contents be-ent), a. surrounding. Circumspection (ser-kum- of sepulchral urns. Circumambulate (.-er-kum- spek'shun), n. great caution. Clneritious (sin-er-ish'us), a. ain'bn-lat), v. to walk round Qronneettra (ser-kum- resembling ashes in color. about. spek'tiv), a. cautious : vigi- Cinnabar (sin'na-bar), n. na- Circumcise (ser"knm-siz), r. to lant. tive red, sulphuret of mer- cury; vermillion. cut oft" the foreskin. ClrcumcMna (for-kum-sizh'- CircnmspectlvtserTsum-spekt- I. watchfully; warily. Cinnamon (sin'na-mun), n. the un), . act of circumcisiucr. Circumstance (ser'k'um-stans) inner bark of a tree growing Circumference (ser-kum'fcr- . something attending or in Cevlon. ens). n. the line that bounds relative toa fact; an accident Cinque "(sink), n. five. a circle. or event. Cinquefoll (sink'foil), n. a Circumferential (ser-knm- fer- Circumstances (ser'kum-stans- plant ; an ornament in archi- en'sbaO.a. pertaining to the es). n. state as to propertv. tecture. circumference. Circnmstanti.-.l(ser-kum-stan'- Cipher (si'fer), n. the charac- Circumferentor (ser-knm-fer- ehali, a. particular ; minute ; ter"; the initials of a name en'ter), n. an instrument for incidental. intertwined ; anv person or measuring angles. Circumstantiate (ser-kum- thing ofllttle value ; a secret Circumflex (ser'kum-flex), n. 6tan'she-at), v. to describe writing; a. to use figures; to a mark over a vowel, or syl- exactlv ; to verifv. to write in secret characters. lable ; v. to mark or pro- (ircumrallation (scr-kum-val- Ciphering (si fer-ing), n. the nounce with the circumflex. la'shun), n. a wall or fortifi- art or act of computing Circnmflurnec (scr-kunvTm- cation surrounding a place. numbers. ens), n. inclosing with wa- Circumvent (scr-kum-venf), Clreean(ser-se'an), a. bewitch- ters. t>. to deceive; to overreach; ing ; pertaining to Circe. Circumfluent (cir-kum'flu-ent) to cheat. Circinal (ser'se-nal), a. resem- o. flowing around. Circumvention (ser-kum-ven'- Ving a circle. Circumfuse(ser-kum-fuz'),r.to shun), n. fraud; imposture. Circle (ser'kl), n. a figure con- pour around. Circumvolation (ser-kum-vo- tained by a single curved Circumfuslle (cer-kum-fu'zel). lu'shun), . a turning round. line called its circumference, a. capable of being spread Circumvolve(ser-kum-volv')tJ. every part of which is equal- around. to roll round about. ly distant from a point with- Cirrtmifuslon (ser-kum-fu'- Circus (>er'kus), n. an inclosed in it called the centre; a zhun),fi. act of pouring round place for feats of horseman- ring; an orb; circuit; sur- Circumjacent (ser-kam-ja'- shin. rounding company; v. to sent), a. lying round any- Clrriferons (ser-rifer-us), o. move round ; to encompass ; thing. producing tendrils. to move circularly. Circumlocution (ser-kum-lo- 'Clrrigcrow (ser-rij'cr-us), o. A DIOTIONAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, CIltKOl'S 63 CLEAN having curled locks. shcll-fish. eition ; conflict. Cirrous (ser'rus), a. terminat- Clamber (klam'ber), v. to climb .[,),. a hook; a. catch; Ci*alpinc (sis-alpin), a. on the Clamminess (klam'c-nes), n brace; to holdfast; toinclose. south of the Alps. stickiuess ; tenacity. I'la per (klaap'cr),n.newhoor Cistern (sis'tern), n. a recepta- Clammy (klam'e), a. viscous that which clasps ; a tendril. cle for water; a tank. ropv ; glutinous. Class (klas), n. a ranker order Citadel (sit'a-del), n. a fortress; Clamor(klam'er),u.greatnoise of persons or tliim.-*; B. to a castle. of voices ; p. to be noisy. arrange methodically. Citation (si-ta'shun), n. a sum- Clamorous (klam'er-us), n Classic (klas'ik). n. an author mons ; a quotation. noisy with words ; importu of the fir-t raj,'-. ; i. r. -lut- Ci tatory (si'ta-to- re), a. having nate: boisterous. ing to authors of high order ; power of citation ; calling. Clamp(klamp), _ chaste; refined. Cite (sit), v. to summon ; to n. an iron for 3^ Classicism (klas'se-sizm), n. call upon officially ; to quote. fastening:-,.^., M pretentious affectation of the itant of a city ;' a freeman. by a clamp. H CU10ble (klas sc-fi-a-bl), a. Citizenship (sit'c-zn-ship), n. the rights of a citizen. Clan (klan), n WL^ _. a family: race. ^^3 fill that may be classified. Classification (klas-se-fe ka'- Citric (sit'nk), a. belonging to sect; tribe. & shun), n. act of arranging in lemons, or limes. Clandestine (klan-des'tin), a. classes or ranks. Citrine (sit'rin). a. like a cit- secret ; private ; fraudulent. Classidcatory (klas-se-fc-ki'- ron ; lemon-colored. Clandestinely(klan-des'tiu-lt). to-rc), a. forming the basis Citron (sit'ruti), n. the fruit of ad. secretly. of classification. the citron-tree. Clans (klang"), r. to strike to- Classifier (k!as':.c-fi-er), n. one City (sit'c). n. a large incorpo- gether with a ringing sound; who arranges in a class. rated town. n. a sharp, shrill sound. Classify (klaVse-fi), v. to form fives (sivz), n. pi. a species of Clansor(!;lang'ger),n. a sharp, into a class. leek. shrill, harsh sound. Gator-ate (klath'rat), a. lat- Clvet(siv'et),n. aperfumefroin Clangorous (klung'ger-us), a. ticed ; like a grating. the civet cat. harsh or sharp sounds. Clattir(klafter), n. aconfused fit lc(siv'ik), a. relating tocivil Clank (klank), n. asharp, shrill rattling nois; v. to make life, or to a city. sound ; v. to strike v.-itU u coises. liill (sir ilj, a. "pertaining to sharp sound. Clattering (klat'ter-ing), n. a . kind ; polite. Clannish(klan'ish), a. disposed clatter ; confusion of sounds. Civilian' (sc-vil'yan), n, 'one to adhere closely. Clause (ktawz), n. a sentence, versed in civil law; one en- Clanship {kian'ship), n. state or part of a sentence ; an ar- gaged in the ordinary pur- of union in a tribe. ticle: a stipulation. suits of life. Clap (klap), v. to strike togeth- Ciaustral(klaws'tral), a. relat- Civility (se-vil'e-te), n. polite- er with a quick motion ; n. ing to a cloister. ness; kind treatment. a striking of bauds, for ap- Clausular (clawz'u-Iar), a. con- Civilization (siv-il-e-za'shun), plauding: an explosion. sisting of or having clauses. n. act of civilizing. Clap'lrap (klap'trap), n. any Clavated (kla'va-ted), a. set Ciiilize (siv'il-iz), n. to reclaim trick to gain applause. with knobs; knobbed from savage life. Clare-obscure (klar'ob-skur). Claviary (kla've-a-re), n.an in- Utilized (siv'il-izd), a. polite ; C'laro-obscuro(klaro-ob-skoo'ro dex of keys in music. polished; cultivated. n.lightand shadeinpainting. Clavichord "(klav'e-kord), n. a Clack (klak), B. to make sharp Claret (klar'et), n. a French musical instrument. noises ; n. a sharp noUe. wine of a pale red color. Clavicle (klav'e-kl), n. the col- Claim (klara), v. to demand as Clarification (klar-c-fe-ka'- lar-bone of right ; n. right or title to shun), n. the act of purify- Clavier (kla've-er), n. the key- anything; the thing claimed. ing or refining. Ciano. Claimable (klam'a-bl), a. that Clarify (klar'e-fi), r. to clear; ooked may be demanded. to purify, or brighten. nail ;e. to scratch", or tear, Claimant (klam'ant), n. one Clarion (klar'e-un), n. a mar- with claws. who demands. tial wind-instrument. Clay (kia), n. a kind of earth. Clairvoyance (klar-voy'ans),n. Clarionet (klar-e-o-net'J, n. a tlaver (kla'e), a. abounding discernment of concealed musical wi. id-instrument. iii clav : like clay. things through mesmeric in- Clash (klash), v. to strike Claymore fk la'mor) , n. a Scotch fluence. against; to interfere; to meet broadnrord. Clairvoyant (klar-voy'ant), n. in opposition; . a very Clean (klen), a. free from dirt ; one who has the power oft noisy collision. not foul; pure:!, to free clairvoyance. Clashing (klashlng), a. con- from dirt or foulness ; ad. CUm (klam), n. a bivalvular trary; interfering; n.oppo- fully ; entirely ; perfectly. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLEANLINESS 64 CLOTH* Cleanliness (klen'le-nes), n. Clergyman (klcr'je-man), n. a Clinker(klink'er),n.slag which neatness of dress; purity. minister of the Christian forms in furnaces. Cleanl) (klenle), a. pure; ut; church. Clinometer fkli-nom'e-ter), n. ad. in a clean manner. Clerical (If ler'ik-al), a. pertain- an instrument for measuring Cleansaule(klenz'a-bl), a. that ing to the clergy. the dip of strata. may be cleansed. Clerk (klerk), n. a writer or Clip (klip), v. to cutshortwith Cleanse (klenz), v. to cleanse accountant ; an assistant ; a scissors; to curtail. from impurities. church officer. Clipper (klip'er), n. one who Cleanser (kleuz'er), 71. he who Clerk-hip (klerk'shipj, n. the clips : !a fast-sailing vessel. or that which purifies. business of a clerk. Clique (klek), n. aparty; aco- Clear (kler), a. free from mix- Clever (klev'er), a. dexterous; terie; agang; a set or partv. ture or obstruction ; pure ; talented; intellectual abil- Cloak (klok), t>. to cover with transparent: indisputable; ity. a cloak; to disguise; n. a v. to free from obscurity, Cleverness (klev'er-nes), n. loose outer garment. obstruction, or guilt; to ac- skill; ingenuity. Clock (klok), n. a timepiece; quit, free, or vindicate; to Clcw(klu), (n. a hall of thread: a species of beetle. become bright or transpar- Clue(klu), 5 anything that Clotkmaker (klok'rnak-er), n. ent; ad. eompletely. guides or directs ; a corner one who makes clocks. Clearage (kler'aj), n. the re- of a Bail ; 1>. to truss up the Clockwork (klok'wcrkt.n. the moving of anything. sails to the yard. machinery of a clock. Clearance (klef'ans), n. act of Click (klik), v. to make'a light, Clod (klod), n. a hard lump of clearing; permit of the cus- sharp sound ; n. a short, earth ; v. to harden into a tom-house for a vessel to sail. sharp noise* thick mass. Clearer (kler'er), n. he who or Client(kli'cnt), n.onewho em- Cloddy(klod'e), a. full of clods ; that which clears. ploys a lawyer. rough ; hard. Clearing (liler'ing), n. a justi- Cliff (klif), n. a steep bank; a Clodhopper (klodTiop per), n. fication or defence ; a tract of high and steep rock. a countryman ; a rustic. land prepared for cultiva- Climactcrlc(kli-mak'ter-ik),n. Clod pole (klod'pol),n. a stupid tion. a critical year or period in fellow. Clearly (kler'lc), ad. plainly; human life. Clog (klogl.c.tobinder in mo- evidently; brightly. Climate(kli'ma0.n. a region or tion ; n. obstruction ; a shoe Clearness (kler'ues), n. plain- zone of the earth ; condition with a wooden sole. ness ; fairness ; freedom from of the atmosphere as regards Cloggy (clog'e), a. apt to clog; everything that obscures. heat and cold; temperature. heavy; obstructing. Cleat (klet), n. a piece of wood Climatic (kli-mat'ik), a. relat- Cloister (klois'ter) n. a place used in*ashipto fasten ropes ing, or limited, to climate. of religious retirement ; u. on; a narrow strip of wood to Climatize (kli'ma-tiz), v. to ac- to confine in a cloister. nail to ; athin metallic plate. custom to a climate. Cloisteral (klois'ter al), a. re Cleavable (klev'a-bl), a. that Climatology(kli-nw-toro-je)n. tired from the world; solitary may be split or parted. the science of climates. Clonle (klon'ik), a. shaking, Cleavage (klev'aj), n. act or Climax (kli'maks), n. grada- convulsive"; irregular. manner of cleaving or split- tion; ascent ; afigurc in rhet- Cloe ( k I6z) , v. to shut ; to end ; ting. oric by which the sentence to finish: to join; n. con- Cleave (klev), t). to stick to; rises gradually. clusion , termination ; end ; to hold ; to split ; to crack. Climb (klim),t>. tomountwith a. (klos) shut fast : tight ; Cleaver (klev'er), n. a butcher's the hands and feet ; to asccud confined ; secret ; ad. close- chopper. with labor. ly; early. Clef (kief), n. a character to Clime (klira), n. a climate ; a Closely (klos'le). ad. inaclose show the key, in music. region of the earth. manner; secretlp. Cleft (kleft), pr. or a. split; Clinch (klinshl, v. to gripe: to Closeness (klos'nes), n. com divided; n. a crack; a gap. holdfast; torivet; n.ahold- pactness ; narrowness. Clematis (klein'a-tis), n. a fast. Closet (kloz'et), n. a private creeping flowering plant. Clincher (klinsh'erl, n. ahold apartment ; r. to shut up ; Clemency (klem'en-se), n. a fast ; acramp , a decisive ar to conceal. disposition to forgive ; kind- gument. Closing (kloz'ing).n. end; con- ness ; gentleness. Cling (kling), v. to adhere, or clusion ; a. that concludes. Clement (klem'ent), a. mild; stick close to ; to hang upon. Closure(klo'zhur), n. a closing; gentle; merciful. Clingy (kling'e), a. adhesive. an inclosure. Clepsydra (klep'se-dra), n. a Clinic (klinik), / a. per- Clot (klot). 11. a concretion; water clock used by the an- Clinlcal (klin'ik-al). 5 taining v. to coagulate. cients. to a sick-bed: H. one con- Cloth (kloth). n. a stuff formed Clergy (kler'je), n. the minis- fined to bed. bv weaving. ters of religion in the Chris- Cllnk(klink),u. to make a ring Clothe (kloth), v. to furnish , tian church. ing sound. with clothes; to dress. A DICTIONARY 01 THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CLOTHES 65 COCKSWAIN Clothes (klftthz), n. pi. gar- gether in confusion. Coating (kot'ing), n. a cover- ments, or articles of dress. Clypcate (klip'e-at), a. having ing ; covering with a coat. Clothirr(ktdth'yer), n. one whe the shape of a shield. Coax (koks), v. to wheedle; to makes or sells clothing. CIytcr (klis'ter), n. n injec- natter; to entice. Clothing (kloth'ing), ?i. gar- tion for the bowels. Coaxrr (koks'er), . one who ments ; dress ; covering. Coach (koch), n. a four-wheeled entices. Cloud (klouu), >i. amass of va- carriage for traveling ; v. to Cob(kob), n. spike ofmaize; a to overspread with cloudi; Coachman (koch'man), n. the Cobalt (Id baw'lt),n. araineral. to obscure, or darken. driver of a coach. Gctaltbra (to bait-in), n. ar- ClondlneH (kloud'e-nes), n. fraction (ko-ak'shun), n. com- senical ore of cobalt. state of being cloudy. pulsion ; force. Cobble (kob'bl), n. a stone ; a Cloudy (kloud'e), a. full of Coitciive (ko-akt'iv), a. acting boulder ; v. to mend clum- clouds ; obscure. jointly. sily ; to botck. Cloush (kluf), n. a cleft; a Coadjulaat (ko-ad'ju-tant), a. Cobbler(kob'bler), n. a mender raviue in a bill. co-operating; helping. of boots and shoes. Clout(klout), n. apatch ; clotU Csadjutor (ko-ad-ju'ter), n. an Cobni (lit capello (koTjra de for any mean use; a fiat- beaded nail ; v. to patch. assistant ; a helper, (.'oailjutrix (ko-ad-ju'trix), n. ka-pel'lo), n. the hooded snake. Clove (lilov), n. an aromatic a female assistant. Cobweb (kob'web), n. aspider'a Indian spice Coadunate (ko-ad'u-nat), a. web ; a trap. Cloven (kld'rn), a. dlvldid In united at the base ; cohering. Cocclferoni (kok-stf'cr-us), a. twn p:irn ; cleft ; split. CoajulabU (ko-ag'u-la-bl), a. producing berries. Clovcn-footeil va- a. having the hoof in two Coagulate (ko-ag'u-lat), v. to riety of augite. parts. curdle; to congeal. Coebineal (koch'e-nel), n. in- Clover (klo'ver), n. a genus of Coagulation (ko-ag-u-la'shun), sects for dyeing scarlet. plants called trefoil. n. the process of curdling or Coehleariform (kok-le-ar'o- Clown (klowu), n. a rustic; a congealing. furin), a. thaped like aspoon. fool, or buffoon. CoagnlatlTefko-ag'u-la-tlv), a. Cochleary (kos'le-a-re), a. like Clownish (klowa'ish), a. rude; having power to coagulate. a screw ; spiral. rustic; ill-bred. Coagulum (ko-ag'u-lum), n. a Coehlratt.il (kok'le-a-ted), a. donnishness . to joiu in Coalescence (ko-a-les'ens), n. of parrot. common expense ; to beat the act of growing together; Cockatrlce(kok'a-tris),n. afab- with a club. union. nlous serpent. CluhMst (klub'bist), n. ont .' -descent (kS-a-les'ent), a. Cock-bat (kot/bSOt n. a who belongs to a club or a;. rfrowingor unitingitogether. small boat. association. i'uailUon (ko-a-lish'un), n. Cockct (kok'et), n. a certificate Club-law (klublaw), n. gov- uiiijn of person:) or states; a from the custom-houie. ernment by force. confederacy ; a league. Coekflght (kok'fit), n. a battle Cluck (kluk), n. the call of a Coal-mine (kdl'min), n. a pit between cocks. hen j; t to call as a hen. whence coal is dug. Cockle (kok'l), n. a weed ; a Clue(k'lu), n. a ball of thread: Coaly (kol'e), a. full of coal ; shell-flub ; v. to contract one of the lower corners of a like coal. into wrinkles ; to shrink. sail; a direction. Coarse (kors), a. gross; rude; Cock-loft (kok'loft), n. the top Clump (klump), >i. a cluster of rough ; indelicate. loft or room. trees. Coarsc.ne*s(k6rs'ncs), n. gross- Cork:ir (kok'ne), n. a native Clumsy (klum'ze), a. awk- ness ; rudeness ; roughness. of London. ward ; unhandy ; unskilful. Coast (kost), n. land next the Cockpit (kok'pit), n. a place Cluster (klus'er), n. abunch ; sea ; . to sail near land. where game-cocks fight; a v. to unite lu a bunch or Coaster (kost'er), n. a vessel hospital -room in a war-vessel cluster. emplovedin hometradeonlv. Cekr<>nrh (kok'roch), n. an Clustery (klus'ter-e), a. grow- Coiutlng (kost'ing), . sailing in.-1'i.t infesting kitchens, ing in clusters. near the laud. pantries &c. Clutch (klutch), n. a gripe; Coat(kot),n. a man's garment; C'or!i>.rom>> (koks'kom), n. the grasp; . to grasp; to gripe. an external covering ; v. to couib of a cock ; a plant. Clutter (klut'er), n. a noise ; cover with a coat ; to smear ; Cockswain, (kok'sn), n. the confusion ; v. to crowd to- to cover, or spread. steerer, or one who pulls the A DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. COCOA 6S COKE after oar. of a boat. Co-sternal (kc-e-ter'nal), a. judicial notice ; knowledge; Cocoa (ko'koj, n. the cocoaBut equally eternal witauo*( r. o'n.-trv iitiuH ; perception. tree ; a beverage made from i-i-lern"Hy^*d-e-ter'ne-t), n. Cognizant (kog'ne-zai tj, a. the nuts of tbe chocolate tree. Coeoauut (ko'k-nut), n. tbe equal eternity. Coeval (k-e'val), a. of tbe same having knowledge of Cognomen (kog-D'mcul, l. a fruit of the cocoa tree. age; contemporaneous; /i. surname ; the family name. Cocoon (ko-koou'), n. tbe case one of the same age. Cogn(>ininal(kog-nom'e-oali,a. in which silk-wornn envel- Co-exi>t.(k6-egz-ist ), v. to ex- relating to thu surname. ope themselves. ist at the same time. (u.ncufihlc (kog-nos'se bl),a. Cocoonery (ko-k6n'er-e), n. a Co-exUteure. to restrain Cognac (kon'vaXj. n. a kind of vention. by force ; to compel. French brandy ,~so called Coincide (ko'in-sld),r. to agree; Coerrible (ko-er'se-bl), a. that from ths tcwa. where made. to concur ; to cor-r^ -rand. may be coerced. Cognate (kognat). a. related Coineidenrefk^-iu -is'-s",. n. Coercion (ki-er'shnn), n. com- in origin ; of the same kind agreement, .-."..-urremoi. pulsion j check. or nature ; alike. Coincident (ko-in'se-dent), a. CoereiTe (ko-er'siv), a. having Cognation Okog-na'shun), n. concurrent; agreeable to. power to coerce; compulsive. kindred; relationship. Coindiratlon (ko-in-de-ka'- Co-s*ntlal(k6-es-sen'shal),a. Cognition (kog-nish'un), n. shun), n. aconcnrrent piu-n. of the same essence. certain knowledge. Coiner (koln'er), n. a maker of Co-estate (ko-es-taf), n. state Cosrnlzable (kog'ne-ia-bl), a. coin; air-Inter. of equal rank. liable to be examined or Coition (ko-ish'un), n. a meet- Oo-rtaneons (ko-e-ta'ne-us). a. trie*. ing ; copulation. f the same age witb another. Cognizant* (fcog'ne-ians), n. Coke (kok), n. coal chaired. A DICTIOffAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. COLANDER v C7 COLOSSAL Colander (kol'an-dcr). ( n. a ered; uotdiscoucerted; calm; Collop (kol'-ip), n. a cut or Cullender (kul'en-dcr), J per- cool. ' slice; a fat lump. forated vessel for straining. Collectible (kol-lekt'e-bl), a. Colloquial (kol-16'kwe-al), o. Colehieum (kol'ke-kuin), . a that laity be gathered. usedincomuionconversation medicinal ulaut; meadow Collection (kol-lek'shun), . Colloquialism (kol-10'kwe-al- saffron. actof gathering; that which 1 izm;, n. a conversational Cold(kolJ), a. lacking warmth; is collected; a contribution. . form of ex jression. frigid, indifferent ;r,crvcil: Collective(kol-lekt'iv),a. gath- Colloquiali/e(kol-l6'kwe-al-iz) n. sensation produced by eredinto a mass, sum or body; v. to render colloquial. loss of heat ; u shivering, or aggregated ; congregated. ColloquUt (kol'lo-kwi-t), B . a ciilliness; indisposition Colleclivrly(kol-lekt iv-le), ad. speaker in a dialogue. caused bv cold; a catarrh. in a body ; together. Colloquy (kol'lo-kwe), n. mu- Coldly (keld le), ad. in a cold Collector (kol-!ekt'cr), n. one tual discourse ; a dialogue. manner; wiih indifference. w!io collects, as money, Collude (kol-lud'J, v. to act ill Cold-hearted (koldTiart-ed), a. taxes, A-c. concert ; to conspire. wautingfeeliug ; iudiSeruut ; Coll?ch!p(kb1-lekt'er-ship) Collusion (kol-lu'zhun), n. a unconcerned. Coldness (kold'nes), n. want of College (kol'ej), . an assembly or deceive. heat; reserve; unconcern. or community engaged in a Collusive (kol-lu'siv), a. deceit- Coli'optei'ai(ko-la-op'ter-al),a. commonpursuit; aseminary ful; fraudulent. having wings with a ca^e. of learning; a university. Collusory (kol-lu'so-re), a. con- Colt-wort (kol'wurt), n. a Borl C'ollesian (kol-le'je-an), n. a taining collusion; collusive. of cabbage. member of, or student in, a Colon (ko'lon), n. a mark [:] Colic (kol'ilt), n. a severe pain colleja. of punctuation indicating the in the bowels or stoma:h. Colli'u-iate (kol-le'je-at), a. re- next greatest pause to that Collciiy (kol'ik-e). to compare act of binding together. to the parent state; the and examine, as books, &c. ; Colllinntlon (kol-lc-nia'shun). country inhabited by suck. to gather and place in order. n. the line of sight in the di- Color (kul'er), n. the appear- Collatrral(kol-lat'cr-al),a.side rection of any object. ance that a body presents to by side ; running parallel ; Collimator (kol-le-ma'tor). n. taeeye; apaint; false show; n. additional security. :"4 instrument for determin- v. to dye ; to stain ; to ex- Collation (kol-la'shun), n. act ing the zenith-point. aggerate ; to blush. of bringing together and com- CollNinn (kol-lizli'uu), n. a Colorable (kul'er-a-bl). a. spe- paring; an. unceremonious clashing together. | cious ; plausible. luich. Collocate (kol'lo-kat), v. to set Colorific (kul-er-ifik), a. able Collator(kol-la'ter), n. one who in order;- to place. to give color. collates, or compares. Colloeatlon(kol-lo-ka'shun),n. Coloring (kul'er-ing), n. act of CoJIeaguc (kol'K-g), n. a part- ner, or associate in office. a placing together ; arrange- ment. dyeing; specious appearance Colorleu (kul'er-ies), a. desti- Cllcct(kol-lekt'),r. to gather; Collodion (kol-16'de-on)i. aso- tute of color. tobringtogethcr; to assemble lution of gun-cotton in ether. Colon (kul'erz), n. pi. a ban- Cnllutt (kol'lekt), n. a short Colloid (kol'loyd), n. an inor- ner; flag; ensign. prayer of the church service. ganic compound ;^A. resem- (il'.-nl (ko-los'sal), a. very ColletUd (kol-lekt'ed), a. gath- bling jelly. targe ; gigantic. A DICTIONAEY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. COLOSSEAS 63 COJOESSrRATIOS Colotsean (kol-os-se'an), a. gi- that will take fire and burn. to-re), o. having the force of gantic. Combustion (kom-bust'yun),n a command. Coloxus (ko-los'sus), n. a. gi- a burning. Command.".;! t Ckom-man-dant') gantic statue. Come (kum), r. to draw nar ; ti. one in command of a fort Colportage (kol'port-aj), n. the to move towards ; to arrive, or troops. distribution ot religious or reach. Cocimander Ckom-mand'cr) ?i. books, tracts, ie. Comedian (ko-m6'de-an),n. an one who commands. Colportcr (kol'port-er), !:. one actor, "or player in comedy. Commander)- (kom-mand'cr-c) who distributes religious Comedy (kom'e-de) n. a dra- ti. estates belonging to an books, Ac. matic representation of aii order of knights : a body of Colt (knit), n. a young horse. amusing character. knights. Colter > (kolt'cr), n. the fore Comeliness (kum'le-ncs), n. Commanding (kom-mand'inj), Coulter) cutting iron of a grace; beauty; dignity. a. controlling by Influence plough. Colubrine (kol'u-brln), a. re- Comely (kum'le), c. becoming; handsome ; graceful. or dignity. Commandment (kom-mand'- lating to serpents; cunning. Comet (kom'et), n. a hear. rnent), n. a law; a precept; Columbine (kol'um-bin), a. C 1 V B^BjmlBfln^^HSfip^B^Bt one of the ten moral law*. pertaining to a pigeon or body |H.ConnEp9sura!)le (kom-mezh'- dove ; dove-color ; u. name t h a t ^^H^^H ur-a-bt), . having a com- of a plant; heroine in a pan- emits H mon measure. tomime. a long ^9 Cociuirmorable (kom-mem'o- Column (kol'nm), n. round pil- train 9BflsisHHKi9flK ra-bl), a. worthy of remem- lar or shaft ; a perpendicular of luminous matter. brance. section of a printed page ; a Cometary (kom'et-a-re), a. re- Commemorate (kom-mem'o- body of troops in subdivi- lating to comets. rat)c. to celebrate with honor sions. Columnar (ko-lnm'nar), a. in Cometoeraphy (kom-et-ot/ra fe), n treatise about comets. ra'shun), n. act of calling to Colure* (k&-uirz'), u. pi. the served dry with sugar. celebration ; tke act of hon- two circles which pass Comfort (kum'fert), c. to con- oring the memory of some through the solstitial or sole ; to strengthen ; to cheer; person or evtnt. equinoctial points. n ease or rest to body or Commemorative (kom-mem'o- Coma(ko'ma), n. nebuloascor- mind. ra-tiv), a. tending or serving cring of a comet ; propensity Comfortable (kum'fert-a-bl),..i. to commemorate. to sleep ; lethargy. imparting or enjoying com- Commence (kom-mensT, r. to Comate (ko'mat), a. hairy. fort. begin; to take rise; to origi- Comatose (k6'ma-t6s), > a. Comforter (knm'fert-er),n. one nate to enter upon. Comatous (kd'ma-tus), J dr.iw- who gives comfort ; the Holy Spirit Commencement (kom-mens'- (leep; lethargic. Comforting (knm'fert-les), a. thing begun ; origin. Comb (Voni), n. an instrument having no comfort. Commend (Rom-mend"), o. to foradjustinghair, wool, llax, Comic (kom'ik), a relating to praise ; to intrust. Ac. ; the crest on a cock's comedy ; humorous. Commendable (kom-mend'a- head; the honey ce!!s of Comical (kom'ik-al), a. raising bl), a. laudable; worthy of bees; c. to adjust, clean, mirth diverting droll. praise. or dress, with a comb. ComicalaMs(kom'ik-al-nei), t Commendaa (kom-men'dam), Combat (kom'bat), . a battle ; Comicality (kom-e-kal'e-te), $ n. a vacant church-living a fight ; a duel ; r. to light. n. that which excites mirth. temporarily Dlled. Combatant (kom'bat-ant), . Coming (kum'ing), a. drawing Commendation (kom-men-da'- one who fights. near; future. shun),n. praise ; approbation Combative (kom'bat-ir), a. dis- Comity (kom'e-te) n. courtesy; Commendatory (torn-mend a- posed to fight, or contend. mildness; civility. to-re), a. tending to com- Combalivrnest (kom'bat-i--- Comma (kom'ma), . the marl; mend. nes), n. disposition to fight. [,] in punctuation denoting Commensarnbility (kom-men. Comblnable (ko -oin'a-bl), a. the shortest pause in reading sn-ra-bil'e-tu),ri.reducibU to tl.at may be joined Command (kom-mamO, r. to a common measure. Coiablnation(kom-bi-na'f'mn) bid, order, or charge, with Commensurable (kom-men'sn- n. close union or connection. authority; to direct; to gov- ra-bl), a. having a. common Combine {kom-bin'), v. to unite ern; n. right, power, or measure or extent. intimately; to coalesce. authority oTcr; a naval or Commensurate (kom-mer'sn- Combustibility (kom-bus-te- military forte under a par- rat), a. equal in measure or bil'e-te), n. the quality of ticular officer. extent; proportional. taking Ore and burning. Commandable(kom-mand'a-bl) ComnienbQralion (kom-men- Cosbastible(kom-bus'te-bl),a. Couraandatory (kom-mand'a- Eu-ra'shuu), n. proportion in A DICTIONAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COHJIEKT 69 COMPARATE8 measure. CoE-mpnt(kom'ment),B. to ex- pound or explain ; n. a re- mark or note ; to explain or illustrate. Commentary (Vom'men-ta-re), book of comments or notes. Commentate (kom'men-tat), v. to -write coinments or cotes upon. Cocmenlator (kom'men-ta- tcr), n. one who explains. Commentalorlal (kom-mcn-ta- to're-al), a. having or ex- hibiting the character of a commentator. (.'ommerce(kom'raers),n. inter- change of commodities; trade; traffic; intercourse. Commercial (kom-mer'sha)), a. rclatingto trade; mercantile. shun), n. a threi.tc,'yunisb.- jnent, or Tengeance. Comminaiory (kom-min'a-to- re), a. threatening. Commingle (komming'gl),t-.to mix together. reduce into small particles. Bhun), n. net of breaking Into small particles. Commiserate (kom-miz'er-at), r. to compassionate. Commiseration (kom-mlz-er- a'ahun) , n. compassion; pity. Commiseratire (kom-miz'er-a- tiv), a. piteous; compassion- ate. Commiserator (kom-miz'er-4- ter), n. one who pities. Commissar)' (kom'mis-sa-re)n. a delegate ; an officer who provides provisions, &c., for an army. Commission (kom-mish'un), n. a trust ; compensation for transacting business ; v. to thorize ; to empower ; to ap- point. Commissioner (kom-mish'nn- Committal (kom-mit'al), n. a pledge; commitment. Commit', ooi rom-mit'te) ,n. per- sons cho= a to consider and manaf 3 suy business. Commix(kom-miks') n u.;to min- gle together. Commixture (kom-niikst'ynr), n. state of being mingled; in- corporation. Conmode (kom-mod'), n. x sideboard ; an article of bed- room fjrEiture. Commodious(kom-m6'de-ns)a. Commodloutness (kom-mo'de- Communicate (kom-mu'ne- kat), v. to impart ; to partici- pate. Communication Ckom-mu-ne- ka'shun), n. act of impart- ing; correspondence. Comnnieat!r* (kom-mn'ne- ka-tiv), a. ready to impart. Communion (kom-mun'jun), n. mutual intercourse; fel- lowship; the celebration of the Lord's supper ; concord. Communism (k'om'mu-nizm), n. state of having all prop- erty in common ; socialism. Comtounitt (kom-mu'nist), n. Comniodity (kom-mod'c-te), H. interest; advantage; mer- chandise; goods. Commodore(koia(p-d5r), n.the detachment of ships. thaa one ; general ; vulgar ; n. a public ground. Commonage (kom'ciun-aj), n. therightofusingin common. ConnoBalty (kom'un-al-te), n. Commoner (kom'ua-er), n. a Commonly (kcnj'un-le), ad. usually; frequently. Commonplace (kom'un-plas), n. a common topic ; a. or- Conuioni (komtani), n.pl. the common people; the lower house pf the British parlia- ment ; food at a common table. Commonweal (kom'un-wel), n. public welfare. Commonwealth (kom'ua- welth), n. a free state; the whole body of people. Commotion (kcm-mo ilmn), n. tumult ; disturbance. Commune (kom'mun), n. a French territorial district; things should be common property. CommnnlitieOsom-rnu-nist'ik) a. pertainingtocommunism. Community (kom-mu'ne-te), n. society ; common possession. Commutabiiity (kom-mu-ta- bil'e-te), n. capacity of being interchanged. ?ommutable (koin-mu'ta-bl) t a. that may be changed ; in- terchangeable. Commutation (kom-mu-ta'- tion. CommutatlTo (kom-mu'ta-tiv), a. relating to exchange. Commute (kom-muf), . to ex- change one thing for another Ceraniutu.il (kom-mu'tu-al), a. mutual ; reciprocal. Comoee (ko'mos), a. hairy, as the seeds of the willow. Compact (kom-pakf), a. firm ; ene; brief; . to press together ; to consolidate. Compact (kom'pakt), n. an agreement uniting parties 4 , a league. CoBpactnem (kom-pakt'nei) . density; firmness. Cenpitctnre (kom-pakt'yur), a. close union of parts. Companion (kom-pan'yun), H. an associate, or partner. Compa-aionablc(kom-pan'ynn- a-bl), a. sociable; fit for good-fellowship. Conipanlonfchip(kom-pan'yun- ship),n. fellowship; associ- Company (kom'pa-ne), n. per- sons assembled together; . to associate with. Comparable (kom'pa-ra-bl), a. that may be compared. Cemparatei (kom'pa-rats), n. ConimlMnre (kom-mish'yur), n. a joint; aseam; the point of union between two parts. Commit (kom-mit'), v. to in- trust ; t consign ; to do ; to pledge. Commitment fkom-mit'ment), n.act of committing; sending to prison. converse together; to take Communicable (kom-mu'ne- ka-bl), a. that may be com- Communicant (kom-mn'nc- kant), . one who communes at the Lord's supper. A DICTIONAKI OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPARATIVE 70 COMPOSITIVE two things or ideas capable fit; .suitable; having power lomplt'iional (kom-plek'shun- of being compared. or right. al),a. relating to complexion Comparative (kom-par'a-tiv), Competition (kom-pe-tish'un), Complexity (kom-pleks'e-te), a. estimated by comparison. u. strife for superiority; ri- n. state of being intricate. Comparatively (kom-par'a-tiv- valry. Complexly (kom'pleks-le), ad. le), ad. by comparison. Competitor (kom-pet'e-ter), n. obscurely ; intricately. Compilable (kom-pli'-bl), a. amine together ; to be like. Comparison (kom-par'e-sun), in the way of competition ; Ciiiupiiiiure (koni-pli al'a), n. n. actof comparing: a simile. emulous. a vielding to a request. Compartmentlkoni-part'mcut) CompilaCion(kom-pe-la'sliun), l'utiiplinnt(kom-pli'ant) a. dis- n. a division. n. a selection from authors. posed to yield ; submitting. Compass (kom'pas), v. to sur- Compile (kom-pil'), r. to select Complicate (kom'ple-kat), v. trive; n, a circle; space; Compiler (kom-pil'er), n. one intricate; to entangle. a limit; a magnetic instru- who compiles. Complicated (kom'ple-kat-ed), ment. Complaeence(kom-p!a'sens)n. . intricate; entangled. Compasses (kom'- B Complacency(kom-plaVei!-se), Complication (kom-ple-ka'- pas-ez), n.pi.an J^ . pleasure; satisfaction; shuu), vi. involving different instrument with ff ^ civilitv. things ; entanglement. which circles are / \ drawn, figures / \ Complacent (kom-pla'sent), a. Complicative (kom plr-ka-tiv), measured, Ac. ' * Complacently (kom-pln sent- Complicity (kom-plis e-te). n. Compassion (kom-pash'un),n. le). nd. with satisfaction. state of being mi accomplice pity ; mercy. ; fellow-feeling. Complain (koin-phin'), v. to or sharer in guilt. Compassionate (kom-pash'un- murmur; to accuse. Compliment (kora'ple-ment), at),a.having a tender bean: Complainant (kom-plan'ant). 71. expression of civility, re- merciful ; v. to pity. n.one who complains; a pros- s]iect, or regard ; praise ; c. Compatibility (kom-pat-e-btl'- ecutor. to praise ; to flatter. e-te), n. consistency ; agree- Complinlng(:om-plan'ing)7i. ( ompliinentary (kom-ple- ment; suitableness. expression of grief or bad mtnt'a-re).o. civil; obliging; Compatible (kont-pat'e-bl), a. usage. expressive of praise. consistent; agreeable. Complaint (Horn-plant'), n. a Cumjilvt (kom'plot), n. joint Compatriot (kom-pa'tre-ot),n. murmuring; an accusation; plot: a conspiracy. a fellow-countryman ; a. of a bodily ailment. Complot(koin-plot'), v. to form the same country. Complaisance (kom'pla-zans), a plot; to conspire. Compeer (kom-per'), n. an n. obliging treatment. Comply (kom-pli }, v. to yield equal; companion; colleague* CoiuplaUant(kom'p1a-zant),a. to; to submit to. Compel (kom-pel'), t>. to force ; civil; polite; courteous; al- Component (kom-po'nent), a. to constrain. fable. constituent ; n: an element- Compellable (kom-pel'a-bl), a. Cornplement(kom'ple-ment) ji . ary part of a compound. that may be forced. the full numberorquantiiv. Comport (kom-port'), v. to Compend (kom'pend), Complement al(!com-plc-mont a^ree ; to suit; to accord. Compendium (kom-pen'dc-um) al), a. filling up the number. Comportmblc (kom-port'a-bl), n. am abridgment; a sum- Complete (kom-plet'), a. fin- a. consistent; suitable. mary ; an epitome. ished ; perfect; entire ; v. to Compose (korn-pdz'),t'. to place Compendions(kom-pe'dc-us ) , finish; to complete; to ac- in order ; to set at rest ; to a. short ; concise ; abridged. complish. soothe ; to set up types. Compensate (kom'pen-sat), v. Completely (kom-plet'le), ad. Composed (kom-pozd'), o. to make amends ; to recom- perfectly ; wholly. calm; tranquil; sedate. pense. Couiplcteness(kom-plet'ncs).n . Composedly (kom-poz'cd-le), Compensation (kom-pen-sa'- perfect state. ad. calmly ; seriously. Ehun), n. amends; recom- Completion (kom-ple'shun), n. Composer (kom-poz'er), n. one pense ; an equivalent given. state of being complete; per- who composes; a musical or Compensativc(kom-pen'sa-tiv) fect state ; fulfillment. literary author. a. that compensates. Complrtory (kom-pla'to-re), a. Composite (Uom-poz'it), a. Compensatory (kom-pen'sa-to- fulfilling; n.theclosinsscr- made up of parts ; com- re), a. making amends. vice of the day in tue Koman pounded. - Compete(kom-pet'),v. to strive Catholic Church. Cojnpo>ition(^om-po-7.isli'un), to rival; to claim to be equal. Comi>lei(kom'pleks)a. of many n. act of composing; the Competence (kom'pe-tens), n. parts : complicated. thing composed ; a mixture ; sufficiency; legal power or Complexlon(kom-pTek'shun) n. av.Titing; an agreement on Competent (kom'pe-tent), o. general appearance. Composilivc(Uom-poz'e-tiv),a. A DIOTIOffAES: OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. COMPOSITOR 71 CONCESSION able or tending to compound Compute! ve (kom-pul'siv), n. Conceit (ton-set'), n. fancy; Compositor (kem-poz'e-tur),7i having power v= compel ; vanity ; fantastic or affected one who arranges types in forcing. notions. order for printing. Compulsive!} (kom-pul'siv-le) Conceited (kon-set'ed), a. Tain; Compost (kom'fio.itj, n. mixed ad. by force. proud ; boastful. manure. Compulsory (kom-pul'so-re) Conceltedly(kon-set'ed-le),o-e(kon-dus'),v.to leader Coneiiuivrness ' fkon-klu'siv- tending to shake. Conduciuie (kon-du'se-bl), a. nes), n. quality of bciug de- Condemn (kon-dem'), v. to leading or tending to. cisive. judge to be wrong. ConduciTF(kon-du'iT),a.tend- Concoct (kon-kokf), v. to di- Condemnahle (kon-dem'na-bl) ing to some end. Concoc'tion (kon-ko'k'shun), n. blanable. n. tendency to promote auy- actof concocting ; digestion; Condoranatton (kon-dera-na'- thinf. ripening; preparation. shun), n. actof condemning; Conduct (kon'd.ukt), n.behav- Concoctive (kon-kok'tiv), a. ("entence ; punishment. ior; deportment; escort. having the powcrof digestion Con'iprnn*tory (kon-dem'na- Condnct(kon-dukt').r. to lead; Concomitance (kon-kom'e- to-re), a. passing condemna- to manage ; to behave. tans), n. the being conjoined tion. Conduetibility(kon-dukt-e-tir A DICTIONAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CONDUCTION 73 CONCEALMENT e-te), a. capacity of transmit- n. the confessor's seat. Conflict (kon-flikt'),. to strive ting and receiving. Confessor (kon-fes'cr), 71. one or struggle together; to fight. Conduction (kon-duk'shun).n. who confesses ; a priest who Conflict (kon'flikt), u. a con- transmission through & con- hears confession test; a struggle; a combat. ductor. Confidant (kon-fe-danf), n. a Connie-tire (kon-flik tir) o. leading; transmitting. Confidante (kon-fe-dant ;, n. a Confluence (kon'Du-ens), n. a Conductor (kon-dukt'cr), n. a female bosom friend. flowing together; the place leader- lirector; chief. Confide (kon-fid'), v. to trust of meeting ; a concourse. ConduHory (kon-dukt o-rc), a. fully ; to rely on. Contlu<>nl(kon'flu-ent), a. run- used in conducting. Confidence (kon'fe-dens), n. niug into each other; united. Conduit (kon'dit), n. a water- belief; truth; (.rust. Conflux (kon'fluks), n. a flow- pipe; a canal; a channel. Confident (kon'ie-dent), a. ing together ; a crowd. Cond iiplicate(kon-du'ple-kat), having full belief; trusting Conform (kon-form'),t).tomake o.doubled; folded uponitsell firmly; positive; bold. like; tdcomply with, or yield. Condyle(kon'dil), n. a rounded Confidential (kon-fe-den'sbalV Conformal.le(kon-form'a-bl)(i. projection at the endof a bone a. spoken or written in con- like; suitable; corresponding. Cone (kon), n. a sol- i fidence. Conformably (kon-form'a-ble), id pointed body, /I Confidently (kon'fe-dent-le), ad. suitably; compliantly. ' with ft circular JK\ ad. with full persuasion. Conformation (kon-for-ma'- base ; the fruit of J|a Configuration (kon-fig-u-ra'- slnm),n. actof conforming; the pine, &c. ,>--? : shuu), n. external form ; as- relative form ; structure. Confab (kon'fab), n. jflBM pect of planets. Conformist (koatform'ist), n. familiar talk. BaB*^ ^ft Configure (kon-fig'yur), v. to one who complies with es- Confabnlatlon (kon-^*BiJ!P form in a certain figure, or tablished rites. fab-u-la'shun), n. easy and shape. Conformity (kon-form'e-te),n. familiar conversation. Confinablo (kon-fin'n-bl), a. compliance with; consisten- Confect (kon'fckt), n. a prepa- that may be confined or cy; resemblance. ration of fruits, fee.! with limited. Confonnd (kon-found'J, v. to sugar. Confine (kon'fin), n. a limit; mix; to perplex; to dismay. Confection(kon-fek'shun),n. a border ; boundary. Confounded (kon-found'ed), swetmcat. Confine (kon-fin'), v. to re- pr. blended ; mixed ; a. as- Confectioner (kon-fck'shnn- strain ; to limit: to imprison. tonished. er), n. one who makes and Confinement (kon-fln'rncnt),n. Confraternity fkun-fra-ter'ne- sells sweetmeats. restrai nt j imprisonment ; tc), n. brotherhood. Confectionery (kon-fek'shun- seclusion ; childbirth. Confrlcatlon(kon-fre-ka'shun) ' er-e), n. sweetmeats in gen- Confirm (kon-ferm'), v. to n. rubbing against; friction. eral ; a place for making or make firm or certain. Confront (kon-frunf), . to selling sweetmeats. Confirmable(kon-fcrm/a-bl),a. bring face to face. Confederacy (kon-f. d'er-a-se), n. a league or union of per- that may be proved. Confirmation (kon-fer-ma'- Confrontation (kon-frun-ta'- shun)n. bringing face to face sons or states. shun), n. act of establishing. Confuse (kon-fuz'),. to throw Confederate (kon-fed'er-at),;-,. Confirmative (l;on-ferm'a-tiv), into disorder; to confound. one united in a league; an a. having the power of con- Confusedly (kon-fuz'ed-le),od. ally ; an accomplice ; a.uni- firming. in a confused manner. tcd in a common cause ; v.to Confirmatory (kon-ferm'a-to- Confusion (kon-fu'zhun), n. unite in alliance. re), o. adapted to confirm. disorder; tumult; ruin. Confederation (kon-fed-er-a'- Con firmer (kon-ferm'er), n. Cnnfutable (kon-fut'a-bl), . hun)n. an alliance; aleague one who confirms. that may be disproved Confer (kon-fer'), v. to talk or Conflseable (kon-fisTsa-bl), o. Confutant(kon-fut'ant),n.one consult together; to dis- liable to forfeiture. who undertakes to confute. course; to grant. Confiscate (kon-fis'kat), . to Confutation (kon-fu-ta'shun), Conference (kon'fer-ens), n. forfeit to the state. n. actof disproving. formal discourse ; a meeting Confiscation (kon-fis-ka'shun), Confute (kon-fuf), v. to prove for converse. n. the act of confiscating. to be wrong or false. Confess (kon-fes'), v. to own ; Conflscator (kou'fls-ka-tor), n. Conge (kon 'je),n. taking ieave; to acknowledge; toclisclose, one who confiscates to the a f arewel 1 ; v. to take leave ; oravow ; to hear confession. public use. to bow, or courtesy. Confesse, a. expressing joy Conjoin (kon-join'). r. to con- Ccngelation (kon-je-la'shun), for the good fortune of an- nect ; to join together. Conjoint (koa-joint'), a. uni- from a fluid to a solid state. Congregate (kong'gre-sat), t . Conirrnpr (kon'je-uer), n. one to assemble ; to collect to- Ci.iij..iiitlT(koif-joint'le;,a(i.in of the same nature or kind. gether. union together. Congeneric (Icon-je-ncr'ik), ) Congregation (kong-gre-ga'- Conjugal (kon'ju-gal), a. relat- Congpnerous (kon-jen'cr-us) ) Ehun), n. a collection of |>er- ing to marriage; connubial. a.of thesamekindrnature.l eons; an assembly of wor- CusijiigateCkon ju-gat),i-. to in- Congenlal (kon-je'ne-al), a. of shippers. '. crbs; to unite. the same feeling; suitable. Cougregational (kong-gre-ga'- Ciinjiiminn (kn-ju-ga'shun), Congeniality (kon-je-ne-al'e- shuu-alj, o. relating^to an n. form cf inflecting verbs. te), n. likeness of nature; suitableness. assembly of persons. Congregationalism (kong-gre- Conjunct (kon-junkt'), o. con- joined; concurrent. Congenital (kon-jen'e-tal). a. ga'shuu-al-izm), n. a relig- Conjunction (kon-junk'shun), of the same birth ; cognate. ious body, having govern- n. a meeting; a conmecting Conger (kong'ger), n. a large ment by" the members and word ; union. kind of sea-eel. congregation. Conjunctive (kon-jnnk'tiv), a. Congeries (kou-je're-ez), n. a Congregatimialtet (kong-ire- closely united : connecting. collection of particles or ga'shun-al-ist), n. a person Conjuncture (kon-junkt'yur), small bodies in one mass. in union witk the congrega- . a crisis; union. Congest (kon-jcsf), t). to heap tional body. Conjuration (kon-ju-ra'shan). np ; to gather in a mass. Congress (ko'ng'gres). n. the as- n. act of summoning in a Convertible (kon-jest'e-bl), a. sembly of senators and repre- sacred name ; enchantment. that may be congested. sentatives of the United Conjure(kun'jur),r.to practice Congestion ;kon-jest'yun), n. States; an assembly of en- charms : to plav tricks. a collection of matter or voys, commissioners, depu- Conjure (kon-jur ), r. to enjoin blood i n any partof the body ; ties, Ac. solemnly; to implore. fullness. Congressional (kon-gresh'un- Ccnjnrer(kun'jur-er),n. an en- Congestive (kon-jest'iv), a. al), a. relating to congress. chanter; a fortune-teller. tending to congestion. CongressiTe (kon-gres'iv), a. (Yntia-ri'nce (kon-nas'ens), n. Conslobate (kon-glo'bat), r. coming together. common birth or origin ; act to gather into aronnd mass ; Congres4^ Consecutively (kon-sek'u-tiv- Considerately (kon-sid'er-it- Conoidal (ko-coid'- Jrl*k Ic), ad. successively. le). ad. with thought. al), a. pertaining $ rok Censer, t (kon-sent'), n. agree- Consideration (ko;i-s,iil-cr-i'- to a cone; nearly j-y ..'-'^31 ment to what is proposed; hun), 11. mature thought; conical. concurrence; . to accord prudence ; deliberation; com- Conquer (konk'er), v. to over- in mind; to yield ;t permit. pensation. come ; to surmount. Consentaneous(Uon-sen-ta'ne- Considering (kon-sid'er-ing), Conquerable (konk'er-a-bl), a. ns), a. agreeable; consistent. jpr.regardiug ; having regard that may be subdued. Consentient (kon-sen'shent),o. to. Conqueror (konk'er-er), n. one agreeing in mind. Consign fkon-sin'), r. to send, who conquers. Conscqnence(kon'se-kwens\n. transfer, or deliver; to intrust Conquest (konk'west), n. vic- that which follows an act, Consignee (kon-se-ne'), n. the tory ; thing conquered. a cause, or scries of actions ; person to whom a tking is Consanguineous (kon-san- ciTtct; result. consigned. gwin'e-us), a. of the same Ccn*e<;nent (kon'se-kwent), a. Consigner (kon-sin'er,, n. one blood. following naturally. who consigns anything to Consanguinity(kon-san-gwin'- Consequential (kon-se-kwen'- another in trust. e-te), n. relation by blood. shal), a. conceited ; impor- Cons!gnmer.t(kon-sin'ment)?t. Conscience (!;on'shens), n. the tant. act of consigning j the thing faculty withia us that de- Con?rt]uent!ally(kon-se-kwcn' consigned. cides on the ri'ct or wrori- 'i.'. by consequence ; Consist (kon-sisf) , . to be cora- of our actions; justice ; truth; eventually. posedof ; to beCxed;to agree; candor; scruple. Consequently (kon'se-kwent- to stand together Conscientious (kon-shc-cn'- Ic), ad. by consequence. Consistence (koa-sis'tens), ? shus), a. governed by con- C.;nserTablc('.;on-serv'a-bl),. Consistency (kon-sis'ten-se), J science. that may be preserved. n. state of being consistent, Conscientiously (kon-she-en'- Conservant (kon-serv'ant",, a. fixed.orfirm; adegreeof den- shus-lc), cd. according to having the power to preserve. sity ; substance ; agreement. conscience. Conservation (kon-scr-va'- Consistent (kon-sis'tent), a. Conscientiousness (kon-she- shun), 11. the act of conserv- agreeing; firm; uniform. cu'ohus-nei), n. a strict re- ing; the keeping entire. Consistently (kon-sis'tent-le), gard to conscience. Conservatism (kon-scrv'a- ad. without contradiction. CooMteuUa (kou'i,hun-a-bl), tizm),ji.theprinciplesofcon- Consistorial (kon-sis-to're-al), a. reasonable; just. servatives. a. pertaining to aconsistery. Conscious (kon'shus), a. know- Conservative (Icon-serv'a-tiv), Consistorlan(l;on-sis-t6're-ar"), ing one's own thoughts. n. thatwliich preserves ; one o.relating to an order of Pres- Consciously (kon'shus-lc), ad. opposed to hasty changes in byterian assemblies. with inward persuasion. the state; a. able to pre- Consistory (kon-sis'to-rc), n. a Consciousness (kon'shus-nes). serve from loss, decay, or in- spiritual court ; an assembly n. the knowledge of what jury. of cardinals. passes in the mind. Consorvntor(kon-serv'a-tor) n. Consociate(kon-s6'she-at),n.an Conscript (kon'skript), n. one one who preserves from In- associate; v. to associate; enrolled for the army or navy; jury, ie. to coalesce. a. written ; enrolled. Conservatory (kon-serv'a-to- Consociation (kon-so-she-.V- Conscription (kou-skri;i'sl;un) rc), n. a place of preserva- Ehun), n. a meeting of the n. an enrolling; a forced en- tion ; a greenhouse for exotic clerpry and delegates. rollment for military or plants; a place of iustruc- Consolable (kon-sol'a-bl), a. naval service. lion, as in music, &e. admitting of comfort. Consecrate (kou'se-krat), v. to Conserve (kon'serv), n. a can- Consolation (kon-so-ld'shan). Consecration (kon-se-kri'- Conservo (koi)-serv'), v. to pre- Consolatory (kon-sol'a-to-rc), shuu), n. the aet of devoting serve, as fruits, &c., with a. toii'liug to sootheor impart to sacred uses. sugar. comftrt. Consecrator (kon'se-kra-ter)n. CoMldeKkon-Id'eT). to think Console (kon-ssn, v. to com- one who consecrates. ordeUberuteuponwiihcare.' fort; to cheer up under sor- ConM-eratory (kon-sc-kra'to- Considerable (kon-skl'cr-a-bl), 1 row and grief. t re), a. making sacred. a. worthy of regard; impor- Console (kon'aol), n. abrackct us), a. following of course. little. or>ament ; a small (ids-table A DIOTIONABY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. COSSOLIDAST 76 CO.NSDIAKI.K Coniolidant (kon-sol'e-daiu). n. a medicine that unites wounds nd heals ; a. hay- ing the quality of uniting wounds. Consolidate Ocon-sol'c-dat), *. to make solid ; to grow solid, or firm ; to unite. Consolidation (kon-sol-e-da'- shun), n. act of making firm or solid. CantolidatlTe (kon-sol'c-da- tiv), a. having the quality of healing, or rendering com- pact. Contois fkon'solz), n. pi. the 3 per cent, annuities of the British national debt. Contonane* (kon'so-nans) n. agreement or ucuon of Consonant (kon'so-nant), a. agreeable; consistent: suit- able;^ a letter which can Dot be sounded without a vowel. Conionantal (kon-so-nant'al). a. pertaining to a consonant. Consonantly (kon'so-nant-le), ad. consistently ; agreeably. Consonom (kon'so-nus), a. agreeing in sound. Contort (kon'sort), n. a hus- band or wife; a companion, Consort (kon'-sort'), . to asso- fast ; ii. that which remains unchanged. Contlantlr (kon'stant-le), ad. invariable ; firmly. Constellation (kon-stel-la'- chun), n. a cluster of fixed liars; an assemblage of beauties or excellencies. Consternation (kon-ster-na'- sbun), . a state of horror and amazement; excessive wonder and surprise. Constipate (hou'ste-pat), v. to condense; to make costive. Contipa(ion(kon-ste-pa'shun) n. costiveness. Constituenry(kon-stit'u-en-se) n. the whole body ofelectors. Conttitnent (kon-stit'u ent),a. composing; essential; n. he who, or that which, com- poses or appoints a repre sentative. Constitute (kon'ste-tatX, . to appoint ; to depute. contract ; to compress. Constringent (kon-strin'jent), a. binding; compressing. Construe! (kon-strukl'), v. to build; to compose; to devise; to make; to invent. Construction (kon-struk'shun) n. act of constructing; building; arrangement; Coi:>trurtionat (Von-struk'- shun-al), a. pencilling to Conbtructite (Iton-srrnk'tiT), a. tending to, or capable of, construction. Constructivenera (kon-struk'- tiv-nes), n. the faculty of the mind that produces a desire to construct. Construe (kon-strn'), v. to ex- plain ; to arrange the words of a sentence so that the meaning may be quite plain. Constupratc(kbn'stu-prat)!;. to n. natural condition of body or mind ; a system of law's or customs ; established form of government ; a particular law or usage. Constitutional (ion-ste-tu' shun-a'j), a. consistent with t'ae constitution; legal. Constitutionalist (kou-ste-tn'- shuu-al-ist). n. an adherent ConiubstantiaKkon-sub-atan'- shal), a. having the lamesub- Btance, essence, or nature. Consubstantlate (kon-sub- stan'she-at), v. to nnite in one common substance or nature. Consubstantlation (kon-sub- Btan-she-a'shun), it. doc- trine of the union of the bodv of Christ with the sacra- mental elements. Consuetude (kon'swc-tud), n. custom; habit. Consuetndlnaryfkon-swe-tnd'- e-na-re),a.customarr:usual. Consul (kon'sul), n. the chief magistrate in ancient Rome: in a foreign country as an agent of a government. Consular (kon'su-lcr), a. relat- ing to a consul. Consulate (kon'su-ldt), . the dence, of a consul. Consulship (kon'sul-shlp), n. Consult (kon-sult'J, r.' to ask advice of; to apply to. Con>nltation(kon-sul-ta shun) n. act of consulting ; delib- eration. Conspiruous (kon-spiU'u-uj), a. clearly seen : prominent ; eminent; celebrated; plain. Conspicuously (kon-spik'u-us- le),jad. plainly: evidently. Con>plciiouspes ,'kon-spik'u- us-nes), n. openness to view : extensively known, and dis- tinguished. Conspiracy (kon-spir'a-se), . a plot; combination for an unlawful or evil purpose. Consplrator(kon-spir'a-ter) ,n. Constitutionality (kon-ste-tu'- shun-al-e-tc), n. according to the constitution. Con-titntionally (kon-ste-tu'- shun-al-le), ad. according u> the constitution. Cor.-tHiilionist (kon-Rtc-tfl'- a constitution. CorstitutiTe(feon'ste-tu-tiT),a. that establish ?s. Constrain (kon stran'). "r. to impel with invincible or Con-plrc (kon-s[>ir'), v. to com- bine for an evil purpose. Consplrer (kon-spir'er), n. a plotter. Constable (Itun'sta-bl), n. a peace officer; a poi iceman. Constabulary (kon-siab'ii-la- re), a. pertalnin; to, or con- Containable (koa-stran'a-bl) a. that may be constrained. Constraint (kon-strant'), n. compulsion t force; urgency. Constrict (knn-strikf), v. to draw together; to bind; to cramp. Conslrirtion fkon-strik'shnn), Conuant (kon|stant),a. firm ; A DIOTIONAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CONSUME 7T CONTRACT waste; to spend; to exhaust. Consumer (kon-sum'er), n. a Consummate (kon'sum-it), v. to complete ; to perfect. Consummate (kon-sum'et), a. complete; perfect. Consummation (kon-sum-ma'- shun), n. completion; ter- mination ; end. Consumption (kon-sum'shuD), n. act of consuming ; ft dis- ease of the lungs. Consumptive (kon surn'tiv), a. Contact (kou'takt), a. touch; close union ; meeting. Contagion (kon-ta'jun), n. contact or touch. Contagious (kon-ta'jus), a. in- Contain (kon-tan'), v. to hold; Contempt(kon-temt'), n. act of despising: scorn ; disrespect; shame; disgrace. Contemptible (kon-tem'te-bl), a. mean ; base; despicable. Contempliblytkon-tem'te-blej, ad. meanly; basely. Contemptuous(kon-tcm'tu-us) a. disdainful; scornful. Contemptuously (kon-tem'tu- us le). ad in a disdainful or insolent manner. Contend (kon-tend'), r. to strive; to dispute; to quarrel. Contender (kou-tend'er), n. a dispuler. Content (kou-tenf), a. satis- fied ; easy ; n. satisfaction and ease of mind ; . to sat- isfy ; to make easy. Contented (kon-tent'ed), a. satisfied ; pleased. C'ontenteiine-s (kon-tent'ed- ness), n. state of being con- Contiguity (kon-te-gn'e-te), >. Contiguous (kon-tig'u-us), a. joining; touching; adjacent. Contiguously (kon-tig'u-us-le) Continenre (kon'te nens), ) Continenry(ion'te-nen-sel ] forbearance of sensual indul Continent (kon'te-nent), a. de- nying sensual pleasure; n. great extent of land. Continental (kon te-nent'al), a. relating to a continent. Continently (kon'te-nent-le), arf. in a continent manner. Contingence. to moderate bv mixture. Contemplate (kon-tem'plat), v. Contention (kon-teu'nhuu), n. discord ; strife ; a debate. Contentions (kon ten'shus), a. given to strife ; quarrelsome ; perverse. Contentiou'lrfkon-ten'shu!! le) Conlentiess Uoa-ti-ut'lus), a. dissatisfied. Contentment (kon-tent'ment) 71. satisfaction; graliucatlou: acquiescence. Contents (kon'tents), n. pi. that which is contained: the heads of a book ; an index. Conterminal (kon-ter'me-nal), Contingent Ijr (kon-tin'jent-le), ml. without design. I'onlinuaWe (kon-tin'n-a-blla capable of being continued. Continnr.l (kou-tin'u-al), a. uninterrupted: unceasing. Continually tkon-tin'u-al-le). ad. constant!}; perpetually. Continuance (kon-tin'u-ans)h. duration ; abode. ( ontinuaticn (kon-tin-u a 1 shun), ?i. constant succes- sion. (:ontinuative(kon-tin'u a-tiv), a. that continues; 7i that which continues or endures. Conlinuator (kon-tiu'u-a-ter), series, or succession. Continue (kon-lin'u), v. to en- dure ; to remain ; to stay ; to protract : to peraerere in. Continuity (kou-te-nu'e-tf ), n. Contemplation Ikon-tem-pli'- shun), n. meditation. Conteiupi.itite (kon-teni'pla- liv).a. studious; thoughtful. Conlemplalor (koi/tem-pla- Couterniinoii->(kou-tcr'me nus) a. bordering. Contottkon'testVn. a dispute; debate ; struggle; coullict. Contest (kon-test'), v. to dis- pute; to strive with. Contest.ibie (kon-test'a-bl), a. pn-ra ue-us), n. living, hap pening, or being, at the same Contemporaneousness (koD tern po-ra'ne us-nes), n. the state of being contempora- neous. Con tern poranelty'kon-tem-po- Contestation (kou-tcs-u'shun) n. joint testimony. Context (kon'tekst), n. the that precede and follow a sentence quoted. Contexture (kon-tekst'ur>. n. composition of the parts of joined together. Contort (kou-lorf), v. to twist together : to writhe. Contortion (kon-tor'ihun), n. a twisting ; a writhing. Contour (kon-toor'J, n. the out- line of a figure. Contraband (kou'tra-band), a. Contemporary (kon-tem'po-ra- re),a. beiug or existing at the Context iiral (kon-ttksl'ur-al), a. pertaining to the context- Contextured (kon-tekst'urd)o. hibited bv law. Contrabandist (kon-tra-band'- ist),n. a smuggler. Contract (kon'trakt), n. an agreement ; bargain. t me ithanot erl woieu. tOMUACT 78 COM'KNTlOVUi Contract (kon-trakt'), v. to opposed to; repurnant. ;ontroTert(kon'tro-vert), v. to draw closer together ; to iu- CoiHrariwbe (kou'tra-re-wiz), dispute ; to o; cur ; to Ihortea ; to shrink ; ad. on the contrary. .'imirortTiilile ( kou-tro-vert'- to bargain ; to lessen. Contrary (kon'tra-re), a. con- e-bl),a.thatmay bedisputcd. Contracted (kon-trakt'ed), a. tradictory; adverse; opposite Coniroverlisltkoii'tro-ven-ist) narrow; mean; selfish.' Contrast (knn trast), . exhi- ?i. a disputant. Contrautible (kon-trak'te-bl), bition of diflereiices. Contumacious (kou-tu-ma'- Contractile (kon-trak'til), a. or exhibit in opposition. ^ontumacioii-lv (kou-tu-ma'- capable of contracting. ContravaliaUun (kou-tra-ral- shus-le), ad. obstinately. Contractility (kon-trak-til'e- la'shuu), n. a paraptt raised Contumacy (kon't-u-ma-se"), n. te), n. the quality of con- bv besiegers. obstinate resistance to right- tracting. Contravene(kon-tra-ven'),.to ful authority; stubbornness. Contraction (kon-trak'shv.n) , oppose ; to defeat. Contumelious (kon-ta-me'le- n. ashriuking; ash ri veiling. Contravention (kon-tra-ven'- us),o. reproachful; insolent. Contractor (kon-trak'ter), n. shuu), ji. obstruciion. Contumely (kon'tu-me-le), n. one who contracts. Contravcn-ion (kon-tra-Ter'- contemptuous language ; re- leutra-ilance (kon'tra-dans), shun), n. a turning to the proach ; insolence. n. a dance with partners ar- opposite side. Contuse (kon-tuz').v. to bruisg; ranged in opposite lines. Cunlributary (kon-trib'u-ta- to beat; to injure, without Contradict (kon-tra-dikf), v. re), a. paying tribute to the breaking the skin. to oppose by words ; to gain- same power. Contn>ion (kon-tu zhuu), n. a say ; to deny. Contribute (kon-trib'ut), . to bruise. Contradiction (kon-tra dik'- give for a common purpose. L'onunflrHm (ko-nunMrum), n. shun), n. a denying. Contribution (kou-tre-bu'- a riddle: a point of resem- Contradictious (kou-tra dik'- shun),n. iictof contributing ; blance between things ap- fchus), o. Inclined to contra- a collection ; a levy. parently unlike. dict; inconsistent Contributive (kon-trib'u-tiv), Convalesce (kon-va-les'J, v. to Contradictive(kon-tra-dik'tiv) a. tending to contribute. recover health by degrees. o. containing contradiction; Contributor (Uou-trib'u-ter), Convalescenec (kou-va-les'ens) adverse. a. one who contributes. n. recovery from sickness ; a Contradictory ^on-tra-dik'to- Cor.tributory(kon-trib'u-to-re) return of health. re), a. inconsistent; disa- a. promoting the same end. Conv;i!oscenl(kon-va-Ies'ent)a. greeing; contrary. Co!:lritr(kou'trit), a. penitent; recovering health; n. ona Contrai!Utinction(kon-tra-dis- repentant; humble. recovering htaltli. tink'shun),n. distinction by Contrition (kon-trisli'un), n Convection (kon-vck'shun), n. opposite qualities. deep sorrow ; penitence. the process of transuiitting. ContradMinclivetkon-tra-dis- Contrivable (kon-triv'a-bl), a Connective (kon-vek'liv), a. tiuk'tiv), a. distinguished that may be contrived. caused by convection. by opposite qualities. Contrivance (kon-triv'ans), n Convene fkon-ven'), v. to call CondiulUiiii-uUh (kon-tra- the act of planning or devis together ; to assemble. dis-tmg'gwish), v. to distin- ing; thing contrived. Convener (kon-ven'er), n. the guish bv opposite qualities. Contrive (kon-trlv'J, r. to in- chairman of a committee ; Contra-in'dicnteCkon-tra-i&'de- vent ; to project ; to scheme one empowered to call others kit), v. to point out a pecu- Contriver (kou-triv'er), n. an together. to the usual treatment. Control (lion-trol'), n. govern- Lonvcniencj (kon-ven'yen-su $ Centra-indication (kon-tra-in- ing power ; v. to check ; to K. accommodation ; suitable- de-ka'shun), n. a svmptom restrain ; to govern. ness; Gommodiousncss. that forbids the usual treat- Controllable (kon-trol'a-bl), a. Convenient (kon-veu'yent), a. ment. subject to restraint. fit; suitable; handy. Contralto (kon-tral'to), n. the Controller (kon-trol'er), n. one Convenient! v(kon-veu'yent-le) counter-tenor. who controls or checks the ad. suitably; fitly. Contraposition (kon-tra-po- accountsof others by keeping Convent (konVent), n. a house rish'un), n. a placing over a register. for persons devoting their against, in logic ; conversion Controllershlp fkon-trol'er- lives to religious purposes ; a in particular propositions. ship), n. office of controller. bodvofmonksornunsjamo;.- Contrapuntai(kon-tra-pun'tal) Controversial (kon-tro-ver'- astery ; a nunnerv. a. pertaining to the counter- shal), a. relating lodisputes. ConventicI* (kon-ven'te-kl), n. point in music. Controversialist C;o-tro-ver'- a meeting ; an assembly for Contrar!e Convolution (kon-vo-lu'shun), Convoiilioner (kon-ven'shun- on the out- ^^^ 71. the act of rolling or state er),7i. a member of a conven- side. qfjp&t-.x r ^9i! f ^ of being rolled together. tion. Convexed (kou'veKai;, a. iiiaue Convolve (kon-volv'J, v. to roll Convcntionist (kon-ven'fhun- convex. or wind together. ist), ii. one who enters into a Convexity (kon-veks'e-te), n. Convolvulus (kon-vol'vn-lus), contract. roundness of form on the n. the fiossi-bind-weed. Conventual (kon-ven'tii-al), a. outside. Convoy fkon-voy'), r. to ac- belonging to a convent ; n. Convex!)- (kon'veks-le), ad. in company for defence. a monk ; a nun. a convex form. Con-oy (kon'voy), n. attend- Converge (kon-verj'), c. to in- Convey (kon-va'), v. tocarry; to ance for defence. cline or tend to one point. bear ; to impart. Convulse (kon-vuls'), v. to Convergence (kon-ver'jeu*), > t'onvryiiule (kon-va'a-bl), a. agitate or affect by violent Convergen<-y(kon-vcr'jen-se.) $ that, may be conveyed. action ; to affect by spasms. n. tending to one point or ob- Conveyance (kon-va'ans), n. Convulsion (kon-vul'shun), n. ject. act of conveying, or runo'. - a violent and involuntary Convergent (kon-ver'jent), o. ing ; that which conveys, or contraction of the muscles ; tending to one point. Conversable (kon-ver'sa-bl),. removes; act of trausierring property. ConvuUlve (kon-vul'siv), a. disposed toconverse; sociable Conveyancer (kon-va'an-ser). spasmodic ; producing or tt- Conversant (kon'ver-sant), a. . one whose business is the tended with convulsions. famiiliar with. transference of property. ConvuUlveness (kon-vul'siv- ConvrrMit!on,'kon-ver-sa'shun) Convcyaneingtkon-va'ans-ing) nes)n. the state of being con- 71. tnniiliar discourse. n. the busines'sof a convey- vulsed. Conversational (kon-ver-sa'- ancer. Cony (ko'ne), n. a rabbit. shun*al), a. relating to cou- Conveyer(kon-va'er)n.onewho too (koo), v. to make a noise Conversatio'nalSst (kon-ver-sa'- Convict (kon'vikt), n. a person Cook (kook), n. one who pre- shun-al-ist), it. one who ex- guilty of crime ; a felon. pares victuals ; v. to dress cels in conversation. Convict (kon-vikf), v. to prove food for the table. Conversatlve (kon-Ter'sa-tiv), guilty; to convince. Ceokery (kook'er-c), n. art of a. chatty ; sociable. Conviction (kon-vik'shun), n. preparing victuals; a. per- Con versazionc ( kon'ver-sat-se- the act of finding or proving taining to cooking. 6'na), n. a meeting for con- guilty; strong belief founded Cooky (kook'e), x. a small cake versation, particularly on lit- on evldenca. or bun. erary subjects. Convlctive , (kon-vik'tiv), a. Cool (kool), a. coldish; lacking Converse (kon-vcrsO, v. to dis- adapted to convict. warmth ; self-possessed ; im- course famillarlv. Convince) kon-vius'),ti. to satis- pudent; v. to make moder- Converse (kon'vcr"s),n. aprop- fv by evidence; to persuade. ately cold ; to grow cold. osition in which the subject Convificement(kon-vius'ment; Cooler (kool'er), . anything and predicate have changed 71. satisfaction by proof. that cools. places ; conversation ; a. Convincible (kou-vin'se-bl), a. Conlie (kool'e), n. an East India opposite; reciprocal. that mav be convinced. porter or carrier ; a Chinese Conversely (kon'vers-le), ad Convivial (kon-viv'c-al), a. re- laborer. in a contrary order. latingtoafeast; jovial ;gay. Coolly (kool'le), ad. witheut Conversion (kon-ver'shun), n Convivialist (kon-viv'eTal-ist), heat; without passion. change from one thing, state, 71. a person good humored and Coolness (kool nes), . a mod- or religion, to another; trans- social at an entertainment. erate degree of cold ; indif- Conviviality (kon-viv-e-al'c-te) ference. Convert (kon'vert), n. one who n. the pood humor or mirth Coinii (k66m), n. refuse matter; has changed in opinions or indulged in at an entertain- soot; coal-dust. religion. ment. Coomb (koorn), n. an English A DIOTICUAET OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. COOP fO CORKSCREW dry measure ; * valley or de- imitates. vitingly pretty; affecting the pression. Coping (kdp'ing), n. the upper manners of a coquette. Coop ( koop) , i. cage for fowls ; part of a wall. Coral (kor'al), n. a calcareous acask, or barrel ; v. to cage; C'oiiijiu (k6'pe-us), a. plenti- shell growing in the sea; to chut up. or confine. ful; abundant; in great o. resembling coral. Coopee (koo'pe), n. a motion in quantity. Corallareou!>(kor-al-la'shus) > danci:^. Copiously (ko'pe-ns-le), ad. Coralline (kor'al-lin), 5 Cooper (koop'cr), n. a maker abundantly; plentifully. a. like coral. of casks, barrels, &e. ('o;>i:ni^nfvi (ko'i" - Comlliferous (kor-al-lifer-us), Cooperage (kou,> er-ej), n. a full supplv; great plentr. a. containing coral. cooper's workshop; price for Copped (kept), o. ruing to a Coral lold (kor al-loyd), cooper's work. h ad or top. Coralloidal (kor-al-loyd'al), i C'o-operant (ko-op'er-ant), a. Copier (kop'er), n. a metal of a. branching like coral. working to the same end. a i irownish reel color ; a large Corbanlkor ban), n. a vessel to Co-operate (ko-op'er-at), . to tuji.r; a coin. receivegift. of charity; alms. work or act together. Copperas (kop'er-as), n. sul- Corln-il (kor'btl), n. a carved Co-operaUon(ko-p-er-a'shan) phate of iron ; green vitriol. basket, with sculptured n. joint operation. Copperplate (kop'er-plat), n. flowers and fruits. Co-operatire (ko-op'er-a-tiv), an engraved plate of copper, Corbel (kor'bel), n. an orna- a. promoting the same end. or its impression. mental architectural projec- Co-ope rtor(!to-op'cr-a-tcr),n. one who labors with others. Coppery (kop'er e), a. tasting of, or like, copper. tion, supporting a superin- cumbent weight. Co-ordinate (ko-or'de-nat), a. Coppiee (kop'pis), } ;t. a wood Cord (kord), n. a small rope ; a holding tho "ame rank. Cop*e (kops), ) of small quantity of wood ; v. to Co-or. deceit skin, King under the cutio'.e. Copernicus, who taught that in love. Cork (kbrk), n. a tre or its the earth revolves around Coquette (ko-kef), n. a vain. bark; a bottle-stopper ; o.to the son. deceitful, trifling woman. stop with a cork ; to stop up. Ccpirr (kop'e-er), n. one who Coijiu-ttish (ko-kt'ish), a. in- Corkxrew (kork'scru), n. an \ A DICTIOKAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (OKKT 81 CORRUPTIBILITY Corky (kork'e), . like cork. Cormorant (kor'mo-rant), n. a death. Correctness (kor-rekt'nes), n. sea-bird ; a glutton. Coronet (kor'o-net), n. an infe- accuracy ; exactness ; care. Corn (korn), n. grain of all rior crown worn bv noble- Correlate (kor're-lat), a. cor- kinds; maize; a hard ex- men ; an ornamental head- relative. crescence on the feet ; . to drots. Corr.'latiTe (kor-reVa-tir), a. cure meat with salt in grains Cot-uniform (ko-rou'e-form), a. having a reciprocal relation ; Corn-dodger (korn'doj-er), n. crown -shaped. n. that which stands in an a cake made of the meal of Coronule (kor'o-nul), n. the opposite relation. Indian corn. downy tuft on * Correspond (kor-re-spond"), . Cornra (kor'ne-a).n. the horny Corporal (kor'po-ral), n. the to suit ; to agree ; to write to. transparent membrane in lowest officer of a company Correspondence (kor-re-spon'- through which the light the body ; bodily. nieut; interchangeof letters. passes. Corporal!!}- (kor'-po-ral'e-tc), Correspondent (kor-re-spon'- Corneons(kor'ne-us),a. horny: n. state of being embodied. dent), a. suited ; proper ; n. of a substance resembling Corporally (kor'po-ral-le), ad. one who sends letters. horn. bodily; in the body. Corresponiive(kor-re-spon'siT) Corner (kor'ner).n. the point Corporate! kor'po-rat) a. united a. answerable. where two lines meet; a in a body or community. Corridor (kor're-d6r), n. a gal- secret place. Corporation (kor-po-ra'shun), lery or open passage in a Corner-stone (kor'ner-st6n),n. n. a body corporateor politic. house. the stone which unites two Corporeal(kor-po're-al)a. hav- Corrigible (kor're-je-bl), a. Cornet (kor'net), n. a musical terial ; not spiritual, or im- reeled, or punished. instrument; a kind of trum- material. Corrisend(kor-re-jcn'da).p{ pet: an organ-stop or register Cor]ion>:ilM (kor-po're-al-ist), things to be corrected. Cornice (kor'nis), n. the high- n. one who denies the exist- Corroborant(kor-rob'o-rant)a. est border of a wall or column. ence of spirit as separate strengthening ; confirming. Cornirle (kor'ne-kl), n. a little from the body. Corroborate (kor-rob'o-rat), w. horn. 'orporealily "(kor-po-re-al'e- to confirm : to strengthen. torniculate (kor-nik'u-lat), a. tej, n. state of being a body. Corrohoratlon (kor-rob-o-ra'- having horns. Corporeity (kor-po-re'e-te), n. shun). n. act of confirming. Cornlfie (kor-nifii). a. pro- bodily substance. Corroborative (kor-rob'o-ra- ducing horns. Corps (kor), n. a body of men; tiv), a. tending to confirm. ('iirniform (kor'ne-form,, a. a division of an arniv. Corrode (kor-rod'). v. to eat having the shape of a horn. Corp* d'arniee(k6r dar-ma'),n. away br degrees. Cornopean (kor-no'pe-an), . body of the army. Corro n. that waich eats away. Cornucopia (kor-nu-k6'pe-a). Corpulency(kor pu-leu-se) J Corrodible (kor-r6'de-bl), . 71. the born of plenty ; the excessive fatness. that may be eaten away. emblem of abundance. Corpulent (kor'pu-lent), a. very CorroMon (kor-ro'zhun), n. act Corniited(kor-uut'ed), a. horn- Heshv; bulky; fat. of eating or wearing away. shaped. Corpuscle (kor'pus-1), n. a Corrosle(kor-r6 siv),a. eating Corolla (ko-rol'a), a. the inner minute particle, or physical away; n. that which cor- covering of flowers. atom. rodes. Corollarroui (kor-ol-la'shus) Corpuscular (kor-pus'ku-ler)a. Corru:ant(kor'ru-gant)a. hav- a. pertaining to a corolla relating to atoms. ing the power of contracting protecting like a wreath. Corpucularian(kor.pus-ku-la into wrinkles. Corollary (kor'ol-la-re), n. an re-an),a. material; physical; Corrugate (kor'ru-gat), . to inference from a preceding atomic ; n. a nisitcria'liat. wrinkle ; to purse up or ridge proposition. Corrct(kor-rekt'),f.to punish; Corrugated (kor'ru-ga-tcd), a. Ci.ronix (ko-ro'na), n. the flat to make right; to amend;, covered with irregular folds. projecting part of a cornice a. exact; accurate; right. Corruption (kor-ru-ga'shun), a ilripr a halo round the Correction (kor-rck'shun), n. n.actof wrinkling; awrinkle. sun, moon, or stars. act of correcting; amend- Corrupt (kcr-rupt'). ti. to spoil; Coronal(kor'o-nal),n. acrown ment; discipline. t bribe T^o deprave ; a. de- a garland; a. pertaining to Correctional (kor-rek'shUB-al) cayed; debauched. the top of the head. a. designed to correct. Corrnpter (kor-rup'ter),. one Coronation (kor-o-ua'ahun), n Corrective (kor-rek'tiv), a. who or that which corrupts. act of crowning. having power to correct ; n. Corrnptibilitytkor-rup-te-bil'- Coroner (kor'o-ner), n. an offl- that which corrects. 1 e-te), n. possibility of being A DICTIONAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CORRUPTIBLE 82 COUNTERFEIT corrupted. of the world. | bling the socket of a joint. Corruptible (kor-rup'Wbl), a. Cosmography (koz-mog'ra-fe). Couch (koch),D. to lie or squat that may be corrupted. n. a description of the wori. to be had at the price ; to be bought for. iron of a plough which cuts the earth. Cortex (kor'teks), n. the bark Costal(kos'tal),a. pertainingto Council (koun'sil), n. an as- of a tree ; a cover. the sides or ribs. sembly for consulting. Cortical (kor'tik-al), a. belong- ('estate (kos'tat), la. hav- Councilor (kouu'sil-er), n. a ing to hark. to-staled (cos'ta-ted), J ing member of a council. Corticated (kor'te-ka-ted). n. ribs; ribbed. Counsel (koun'sel), n. advice; having, or resembling, bark. Costive (kos'tiv), a. bound in deliberation ; an advocate ; Cortieiferous (kor-te-sifer-us) body; constipated. r. to give advice ; to warn. a. producing bark. Costivenes*(kos'tiv-nes)n. con- Counselor fkoun'sel-er), n. Cortieose (kor'tc-koz). ) a. stipation. one who counsels; an ad- Cortic ons (kor'te-kus), j made Costliness (kost'ie-nes), n. ex- viser; a barrister. of bark; barky. ' pensivenes. Cuunt (kouot), c. to reckon ; Coruseae(kor'us-kat).to flash Costly (kostHe), a. expensive ; to number ; to compute ; to or sparkle suddenly. of great price ; dear. esteem ; n. a specific charge Coruscation (kor-us-ka'shun), Costume (kos-tum'),n. style or iu'an indictment; act of n. a flash of light. manner of dress. numbering; total amount. Corvette (kor-vef), n. a small Cot (kot), n. a small cottage; Countable (kount'a-bl), a. that ship of war. a little bed ; a cradle. may be numbered. Conine tkor'vin), a. relating Cote (kot). 71. a sbeepfold. Countenance (koun'te-nans). to the crow, or crow kind. totemporaneous (ko-tem-po- 11. the fce; look: support; Corymbiated (ko-r'm'be-a-ted) ra'ne-us), a. living at the i-. to lavor; to support; a. garnished wi'Ji berries or same time. to patronize ; to aid. blossoms, in clusters. Cotemporary (ko-tem'po-ra-re) Counter (kount'er). n. a shop- Cosey (ko'ze). a. snug ; com- n. one who lives at the same table; the counter-tenor in fortable ; wa-m ; chatty. time with another; a. living music ; ad. in opposition ; Cosmetic (koz-Jjet'ik), a. pro- at the same time. contrary. moting bea-Hy ; n. a prepa- Coterie (ko'ie-re), n. a fashion- Counteract dtoun-ter-akt"), . ration used to beautify the able or select party. to act contrary to ; to binder; complexion. Cottage(kot taj>,n. a small, de- to defeat; to frustrate. Cosmic (koz'mik), ) a. re- tached house. Counteraction 'koun-ler-ak'- Cotmleal (koz'mik-al). $ lating Cottager 'kut'tij-er), n. a per- shun; n. action in opposition. setting with the sun. Cotlllion 1 (ko-til'ynn)n.akind tiv), a. tending to counteract. Cosmogonist (koz-mog'o-nist), Cotillon )ofJance. Counterbal.nnrr!koun-ter-bar- n. one who treats of the Cotton (kot'tn).n. aplant; the ans), t. to balance by weight origin or formation of the soft substance of the cotton on tbe opposite side ; n. universe. plant ; cloth made of cotton. equal weight or power. Cosmogany (koz-mog'o-ne), n. Cotyl*don(kot-e-le'don), n. the CounlerbutT (k(,un'ter-buf), v. science of the origin of the perishable lobe of the seed of to repel ; to strike back ; n. universe. plants. a blow in opposite direction. Cosmographer(koi-mog'ra-fer) Cot v led on oils (kot-e-led'o-nns) Countereknrtn (konn'ter- n. a deacriber of the world. a. pertaining to, or oaviug, charm), n. that which op- a. relating to the description Icotylold (kot'e-loyd), a. rwem- Counterfeit (k..un'tj.fit), m. A DICTIONAKY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. COtNTERFElTEK 83 COWARDICE forged ; deceitful ; n. a cheat, orimpos tor :aforgery; v. to forge : to imitate ; to copy; to dissemble. Counterfeiter (koun'ter-fit-er), Countergange (koun'ter-gaj), n. a method of measuring joints. Conntergnardfkounler-guard) n. a small rampart. Counterroand(luu'ter-mand) v. to revoke a command ; n. Countermarch (koun'tcr- march), v. to march back again ; n. a marching back. Countermark (koun'tcr-mark) n. an opposite mark ; an ar- tificial mark made in horses' teeth ; v. to make a mark as a test of quality, &c.; to make an artificial cavity in a horse's tooth. Countermine(kown'ter-min))i. Irate that of the enemy ; a counterplot; e. to frustrate; to plot secretly. Countermolion (kown'ter-m6- shun), n. an opposite motion. Counterpane (kown'r-pan), n. a coverlet for a bed. Counterpart (kown'tcr-part), Conntervlew (kown'ter-vu), n. an opposite viw. Counterwork (kown'ter-wurk) . to counteract; to oppose, t'oun less kownt'es), n. the lady of a count. Counting- room (kownt'ing- room)~n. a place for the keep- Countless (kownt'les), a. num- berless; infinite. Country (kun'tre).n. rural dis- tricts ; any tract of land ; a kingdom, or state; native Countryman (kuu'tre-man), n. one of the same country ; a rustic. County (kown'te).n. a district or division of a state for pur- poses of local government. Coupe (koo-pa'), n. a close car- riage for two persons, with outside seat for the driver. Couple (kup'l), n. two of a kind joined together ; a pair ; Couplet (kup'let), n. two lines of verse that rhyme with each other. Coupling (kup'ling.), n. that which connects, as a hook, chain, or bar. Coupon (koo'pong), n. notes at- Courtesy (kurt'se), n. an act of respect by a woman. Courtier (kort'yer), n. one who frequents acourt. Cuurtlinei.* (kort'le-nes), n. elegance of manners. Cuurtly (kort'lc), a. polite; elegant; flattering; reilncd. Court martialOiort-mar'sha:), n. a court to try military or naval ofi'ences. Courtship (kort'ship), n. mak- ing love to a woman. Cousin (k\::'n), n. the son or daughter of an uncle or aunt. Cove (kov), n. a small inlet of a tody of water ; a recess of Covenant (!'.uV'e-nant), n. a mutual agreement; a written contract; ti. to contract, or bargain ; to stipulate. Covenanter (kuv'e-nant-er),n. one who makes a covenant ; ono who signed the Scottish National Covenant of 1638. Cover (kuv'cr), . to spread over ; to clothe; to shelter; to hide; n. a shelter; a protec- tion ; a pretence ; a disguise. Covering (kuv'er-inc), n. any- thing that covers. Coverlet (kuv'er-let).n. an up- Connterplea (kown'ter-ple), n. Courage (kur'ej), n. boldness; Covert(kuv'ert), a. hid ; secret; Counterplrail (kown'ter-pled), v. to plead the contrary of. Counterplot (kown'ter-plot), n. artifice opposed to artifice. Counterpoint (kown'ter-poynt) n. an opposite point; the placing of notes in music so as to indicate the harmony of and modulating .sounds. Cuunt.-rpois (kown'ter-poiz), n. equal weight : c. to bal- ance ; to equal in weight. Counterscarp (kown'ter-skarp) n. tke side of the ditch near- est the besiegers. Countersign (kown'ter-sin), v. tosign in addition to another; n. a military private sign, Counters!nii(kowu'ter-sink),. to drill a conical depression to receive the head of a screw CoaBttr-tenor (kown-ter-ten'- or), n. high tenor, in music. Countervail (kown-tef-val'), i . to balance ; to equal. Courageous(kur-a'jus), a. bold; brave; fearless ; daring. Courageously(kur-a'jus-le)ad. bravely; boldly. Courier (koo'rc-cr), n. a mes- senger; atravelingattendant Course (kors), n. road or track on which a race is run ; di- rection pursued ; method of lar series ; part of a meal thicket. Covertly (kuv'ert-le), ad. se- cretly; privatelv; closelv. Coverture(kuT'er^ur),n. shel- ter ; defence ; state of a mar- ried woman. Covet (kuv'et), v. to desire or wish for eajerlv. Covetable (kuv'ct-a-bl),o. that may be coveted. Covetcns(kuvet-us)o. greedily run, or move. Courser (kors'er), n. a swift horse ; a racer. Court (k&rt), n. residence of a prince; a hall of justice ; an inclosed space ; r. to woo; to seek ; to solicit. Court. to whip roughly. Cewl(kowl), n. a monk's hood. or habit. Cowp'ix(kow'poks), n. the vac- cine disease. Coxcomb (koks'kom), n. a fop ; a red Bower. Crombrr (koks'kfim-re), n. the manners of a fop. Coy (kov), a. reserved; modest: bashful. Cyi,h (koy'ish), a. somewhat shy: reserved. Coy ly(koy'le),. to crush with the teeth; to chew with a noise. Cravat (kra-vaf), n. a neck- cloth for men. Crave (krav), r. to ask earnest- ly; to long for; to beseech. Craven (kra'vn), n. a recreant; one cowardly base; a. spiritless ; faint-hearted. Craving (krav'ing), a. longing raising stones, Ac. Crant (kran), n. a large wading bird, with longlegs, neck, and bill ; a machine for raising and moving heavy goods ; a syphon. Cranlugnomy (kri-ne-og'nc- me), 11. practical phrenology. Cranlologist (kra-ne-ol'o-jist), 71. one skilled in craniology. Craw (kraw), . the crop, or f.r-t stomach, of fowls. (r:infi*h (kraw'fish), j n. a CniyAnh (kra'fish), 5 shell- fish of the same genus as the lobster. Crawl (krawl), c. to creep or move slowly. Crayon (kra'on), n. a colored pencil; a drawing; . to a treatise on the skull. CranUmetrv (kra-ne-om'e-tre) n .the art of measuring skulls Cranium (kra'ue-um), n. the skull. Crank (krank), n. the end of and used to B^i ceit in ipee^a ; . bold : stout ; easily overset. Crankness (krank'nes), n. lia- bility to be overset. Crannied (kran'id), a. full of chinks, er fissures. Cranny (k-an'e), n. a crevice ; a fissure; crack. Crape (krap), n. a thin woven stuff used in mournins. Crash (krash), r. to make clattering noise ; n. a loud noise, as of thingibreaking. Crashing (krash'ing), n. .1 vio- lent mixed sound. Crash (kra'sis), n. healthy constitution of the blood ; the union of two vowels in Craxe (krai), v. to impair or weaken the mind. Crazineti (krsz e-nes), n. de- rangement of mind; weax- ness of intellect. Craiy (kra'te), a. mentallv de- ran?cd;broken ;fcehlc;w(k Crrak(krek), t>. to make a grat- Crcaking(kr'eklng), n. a harsh sound. Cream (krem). n. the oily part of milk; the best partof any- thing; . to yield or take off cream. Creamy (krem'e), a. full of cream; luscious; rich. Crease (kres), n. a wrinkle ; a mark or fold; . t mark by folding. Create (kre-at 1 ), c. to bring into being : to form anew ; to bring forth ; to beget. Creation (kre-a'shun), n. th the world. Creative fkre-a'tiv), a. able or having the power tocrte. Creator (krc-a'ter), n. one who or that which create*, pro- duces, or causes to exist ; the CRF.ATl.IU: 85 CROCODILE Supreme Being. Creature (kret'yur), n. a being or thing created ; a depend- or crackle, aa salt in fire. Crepitation (krep-e-ta shun), ?i. a sharp crackling sound. Crimination (kriin-e-aa'*hun) n. accusation ; censure. Criminatory (krim'e-na-to-re), a. tending to accuse. Crimp (krimp), a. that easily crumbles; brittle; n. one who entraps sailors ; a. to catch ; to curl. Crlmple (krimp'l), v. to lay la plaits ; to curl. Crimson(krim'zn),n.deepred color ; a. having a deep red Credence (kre'dens), n.bellef. Credend (kre-den'da), n. pi. things to be believed /articles of faith. Credentials (kre-den'shalz), n. pi. testimonials. Credibility (kred-e-bil'e-te), n. claim to belief; probability. Creuane (kre'pau), J scratch Crepuscular (kre-pus'ku-ler) a. pertaining to twilight glimmering. Craceal (kres'ent), a. Increas- creasing moon; the symbol of belief. Credibly (kred'e-ble), ad. in a credible manner. Cress (kres), n. a salad plant. I re.et (kres'et), n. a light set to blush. Oln$e (krinj), n. a low bow ; o. to bow with servility; to tation ; v. to do honor to ; Crested (krest'tid), a. wearing appearance of a tuft of hair. Crinkle (krink'l), v. to bend la turns ; n. a fold. Crinoline (krin'o-lin), n. a hooped petticoat. Cripple (krip'l), n. a lame per- son ; v. to make lame. Crisis (kri'sis), n. a critical time ; the decisive moment. Crisp (krisp), v. to curl; to make brittle. Crispy (krijp'e), a. brittle; short; curled; brisk. Criterion (kri-te're-un), n. a standard of judgment. Critic (krit'ik), n. one skilled licve; to trust; toconfideiu. Creditable (kred'it-a-bl), a. trustworthy ; reputable. Cri-diiably (kred'it-a-ble), ad. without disgrace. Creditor (kred it-er), n. one to whom a debt is due. Credulity (kre-du'le-te), n. Credulous (kred u-lu), a. apt to believe; easily deceived. Creed (kred), n. belief; form or confession of belief. Creek (krek), n. a m:i!l inlet Crent-fallen (krest'fawl-n), o. dejected; spiritless. Cretace.us (kre-ta'shus), a. composed of chalk ; chalky. Cretin (kre'tin), n. a deformed idiot, common in the low v!ley of the Alps. Cretinism (kre'tin-itrn), n. a kind of idiocy. Crevasse (kre-vas'), n. a cleft by which aglacierHdivided; a breach in the embankment of a river. Crrvice (kiev'is), n. a small brook. Croeiiy (krek'e), a. containing creeks ; winding. Creel (krel), n. a fish-basket. Creep (krep),t>. to move sluivly, as a worm; to trail. Creepinjly (krep'iag-le), ad. by creeping. Cremate (kre-mat ), . to burn Creir (kroo), n. a ship's com- pany; a set. Creivcl (kroo'el), n. a ball of two-threaded worsted Tarn. Crib (krib), n. a aaatfet; a rack ; a stall ; fr^me for a child's bed; i'. to steal; to Cribliage (krib'aj),)i. the name Critical (krit'ik-al), a. relating to criticism ; momentous. Critically(krit'ik-al-le)od. like a critic; exactly. Oitiralncss (krit'ik-al-nes), n. Criticise (kr'it'e-siz), v. to ei- amine and judge. Criticism (krit'e-sizm), n. the act of judging well; critical remarks. Critiiiiie(kre-tek'), n. acritical examination of a work of lit- erature or art. Croak (krok), n. aery of a frog; v. to utter a rough sound ; to forebode evil. Croaker (krok'er), n. one who murmurs* Croccout f kro'shus) , a. like saf- fron ; yellow. Crnehct (kro-ha'J, n. fancy needlework or knitting ; v. to do fancy needlework. Cruck(krok), n. an earthen pot ; Crockery (krok'er-e), n. all kinds of earthenware. >ocouile (krok'o-dil),n.alarge possible quantity of ashes a dead human body. Cremation (krc-ma shun), n. the burning of dead bodies. 'Crenate (kre'nat), c. notched. Crcnature (kren'a-tur), . a notch in a leaf or style. Crenelated (kren-el-a'ted), a. ed moulding. Creole (kre'61), n. a native of the West Indies or Spanish America, but of European ancestors ; any one born near the tropics. Creosote (kre'o-sot), n. an oily colorless liquid, distilled from wood -tar. Crepitate(krep'e-tat),v.tosnap Crick (krik), n. a spasm or cramp of the back or neck. Crieket (krik'et), n. a small in- frieoid (kri'koyd), a. like' a Crier (kri'er), n. one who cries or proclaims. Crime (trim), n. a violation of law; iniquity. Criminal (krim"'e-nal),a. guilty a crime ; a felon. Crlminalitj (krim-e-nal'e-te)n. being criminal; guiltiness. Criminally (krim'e-nal-le), ad. Criminate (krim'e-nat), V. to charge with crime. A DIOTIOKAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. CROCODILIAN 86 CKl'STACEOUS amphibious animal. yun), v. to cross-examine. that of Christ. Crocodilian (krok-o-dil'e-an). Cross-road (kros'rdd), n. aroad Cruciform (kroo'se-form), o. in o. pertaining to crocodiles. that crosses snother. the form of a cross. Crocns (kro'kns), n. an early Cross wise(kros'wis) ad. across. Crucify (kroo'se-fi), . toputto spring flower ; saffron. Crotch (krotsh), n. a hook or death by nailing to a cross. Croft (kroft), n. a small field for*. Crude (krood), a. in a raw near a house. Crotrhct (kroteh'et), n. a mu- state ; ill-arranged. Cromlech (krom'lek), n. an sical note; a bracket; awhim. Crudely (krood 'le), ad. rawlv; ancient stone monument. Crotchelr (krotsh'et-e), a. roughly ; imperfectly. Cromorna (kro-inor'ua), . an whimsical. Crudity (krood'e-te), . raw. organ-stop. Croton-bug ( kro 'ton-bag), n. a unripeness. Crone (kron), n. an old woman. speciesof cockroach, so called Cruel (kroo'el), o. inhuman; Crony (kro'ne), n. an intimate from the Croton water of New uufeeling; merciless. companion or familiar friend York. Cruelly (kroo-el-le), ad. bar- Crook (krook), n. anything Crouch (krowch), v. to stop barously; inhumanly. bent ; a bend ; r. to bend ; low ; to bend ; to cringe. - Cruelty (kroo'el-te), n. inhu- to curve. Croup (kroop), n. a throat dis- manitv ; savagencss. Crooked (krook'ed), a. bent; ease ; buttocks of a horse. Cruet (kroo'et), n. a rial for curved; deceitful. Croupier (kroo'pe-er). w. vice- sauces or condiments. Crookedness (krook'ed-nes), n. chairman at a public dinner. Cruise (krooz), c. to rove on bending form ; perverseness. Cri.nt (krowt), n. a kind ol the sea; n. act "f voyaging Crop (krop), n. the produce of pickled cabbage. for pleasure, practice, or ob- a field ot grain, ic.; the craw Crow (kro), n. a bird ; an iron servation. close; to mow, reap, or gather. to cry as a cock; to boast; Cropper (krop'er),n. a pigeon. Cropping(krop'ing)n.actofcnt- to exult. Crowbar (kr&'bar), n. an iron Crumb (krum), n. a fragment or particle of bread. tingoff; the raising of crops. bar used as a lever. Crumble (krum bl), r. to break Croquet (kro-ka'J, n. an out- Crowd (krowd), i. a throng ; a or fall into small pieces ; to door game played with balls and mallets. mob ; . to press close ; to press together ; to fill to ex- fall to decay, (rummy (krum'e), a. full of Crosier (kro'zher),n. abishop's cess. A crumbs : soft. staff. 1C r o w n Crump (krump), a. crooked. Cross (kros), n. astraightbodrj (krown)n. .^fffjfl^^k^ Crumpet (krum'pet), n. a kind or mark crossing an- IjKrtiie top of ffQf*BLe^l of cake. other; the instrument faff anything, UlH BMP' Crumple (Itrnm'pl), r. to press on which Christ suffer- 'JT^ as of the ^BH 3!ff-15' in folds or wrinkles. ed, and thus the sym- 1 head, a ^BBHsv Crunch (krunsh), v. to crnsh bol of the Christian" re- |^L-hat, *c. ; the diadem, or between the teeth. ligion; anything thatcrosscs; state-cap of royalty; a gar- Crupper (krup'er), n. a leather misfortune ; adversity; a. land ; honor ; reward ; f. to to keep a saddle tight ; e. to oblique; peevish; i\tolay investwith acrown; to adorn: put a crupper on. athwart; to vex; to cancel. to dignify; to complete; to Crural (kroo'ral), a. belonging Crues-bill(kros'bil)n. adefend- perfect ; to reward. or relating to the leg. ant's bill agaiust the plain- Crown-glass (krown'glas), n. a Crusade (kroo-sad'J, n. a holy tiff; a kind of bird. fine glass for windows. war; romantic enterprise. Cross-bow(kros'bo), n. weapon Crowning (krown'ing), n. act Crusader (kroo-sa'der), n. one for shooting arrows. oT crowning; finishing. engaged in a crusade. Cross-examine (kros-egz-am'- CncM (kroo'shal), a. trans- Cruse (krooz), n. a small cup in), v. to question a witness verse ; like a cross ; severe. or bottle. brought forward by the op- Cruciation (kroo-she-a'shim). Cru*i>t (kroo'set), n. a gold- posite party. n. torture ; exquisite pain. smith's melting-pot. Crow-grained (kros'grand), a. Crucible (kroo'se bl), n. a pot Crush (krush), v. to bruise or having cross, or irregular, for melting metals, ores, c. break by pressure ; to ruin ; fibers; perverse: troublesome. Cruciferous (kroo-sifer-us), a. to subdue; n. a violent col- Crosslng(kros'ing),pr. passing bearing four petals in the lision and bruising; ruin. over; cancelling; ti. a place form of a cross. Crust (krust), n. a hard cover- for passing from one side to Crncifler (kroo'se-fi-er), ft. a ing ; v. to cover with a bard the other. person who crucifies. case. Crossness(kros'nes),n. peevish- Crnrifi\(krc'. 'L'uUiraior (kul'te-va-ter). n. Cryopliorons fkri-efer-us). n. Cucnll.iled (ku'kul a torti. \ ' formed like, orcoverl'j"witU 'Jnrru*fHo/l'yur), n.act of nul- an instrument for freezing a hood. tiratin?; v. to cultivate or water. Crypt (kript), n. a cell under a Cucumber (ku'kum bcr>, . i garden plant. . prove. ! iffrert (kul'vert), n. an arched church. Cucnrbit (ku-kurTMif, n. a t passage-wav. Cryptic (krip'tik), a. hidden; chemical vessel. tumber (kum'ber), v. to clog ; secret; unsren. Cucurbitaccous f^u^eF-U-;.i * to burden ; to embarrass. Cryplo;-amia?kri|>-to-g'me-) sh-us), a. resemalTag a a\> Cumliersomc(kum'ber-sum), a. n. a division of the vegetable cumber or gourd. troublesome ; burdensome. kingdom. Cnd(kud). n a portion of food, CumbranM'(kum'brans), n. a Cryptography (krip-tog'ra-fe), or a quid chewed. burden ; clog ; a load. n. art of writing in secret Cudbear (kud'bar), n. a plant Cumbrous (kum'brus), a. nn- characters. from which a purple or violet wieldy; heavy; oppressive. Crystal fkristal), n. a solid. dve ii obtained. Cumin (kum'in), n. a plant with transparent body; a. con Cuddle (kud'dl), i- '.o lie close aromatic bitter seed. sitting of crystal; clear, and snug ; to fondle. Cumulate (ku'mu-lat), v. to transparent. Cuddy (kud'de), n. a ship's heap together. Crystalline (kris'tal In), o.con- cabin. Cumulative (ku'mn-la-tiv), a. sistiog of crystal. Cudgel (kud'jel), n. a thick increasing by additions. Crvstalliz.itioii (kris-tal-e-za'- stick, c. to beat with a slick Cnneal (ku'ne-al), 1 a. bcing formed into crystals. a thing; a hint ; humor , rod luneated(ku'ne-a-ted),) ing Crystallize (kris'tal-iz), v. to used lor billiards. the form of a wedge. cause to form into crystals. Cuisinc(kwe-zen'), n. the cook- Cuneiform (ku'ne-c-form), a. Crystallography (krisi-tal-log'- ra-fe). n. the science of crys- ing department; the kitchen. CufflkuB), n. a blow; part of wedge-shaped. Cunning (kun'ing), a. artful ; tallization. a sleeve; v. to strike witb crafty; ikillful ; n. art ; Ctenoid (te'noid), a. comb- the fist. skill ; craft ; shrewdness. shaped. Cuira(kwc-ra.V).n. abreast- Cunningly (kun'ing-le), ad. Cull (kub). n. the young of the plate for defence. with art ; craftily. bear, lion. &c. Cuirassier (kwe-ras-ser'), n. a Cup (kup), n. , drinking ves- Cubadon (ku ba'shnn), n. a re- soldier in armor. sel ; f. to bleed by scarify- clining; act of lying down. Culinary (ku'lc-na-rc), a. be- ing and a cupping-glass. Ciiliaturv (ku'ba-tiir). n. the longing to the kitchen or Cupboard (kub'urd), n. a case finding of the cubic contents cookery. with shelves for dishes, Ac. nl R body. Cull (kul), v. to select from CupcKku'prl 1,11. small cup-like Cubc(kub).n. a \ \ solid body > - others. Cullender (kul'n-der), n. a vessel used in rafinins: metals Ciipellation(ku-pel-la'iihun) n. withsix equal sides; the third nowerof strainer. Cullhm (kul'yan), n. a mean Cupidity (ku pid'e-te). n. inor- UUJ u JJUWC1 Ul ^ I a root. \ \ Culm (kulm), n. the stem of power; greedineu. Cubeb(ku'beb)n. a small spicy berry. grasses; a kind of coal. Culminate (kul'me-nat), v. to Cupriferous (ku-prifer-us), a. yielding copper ; containing Cubic (kii'bik), a. formed like be ia the meridian. copper ore. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, CUPOLA 83 CCTTKE Cmpola A course or tendency. Curvilinear (kur-ve-lin'e-ar), (ku'po- ^frr^ Curr*ntlyfkur'ent-le),a, v. to wish eril to ; propertv; a keeper or guard- ian or trustee. to swear ; n. a bad wish ; ex- ian. Cnrb (kurb), v. to restrain; to check; n. part of a bridle: ecration ; torment. Cursed (kurst), pr. execrated ; Custody (tns'to-de), n. a keep, ing or guarding ; imprison- restraint; hinderance. abominable. ment; cor:f.nemect. Curl (kurd).n. the coagulated, Cursed (kurs'ed), a. under a Custom (lius'tum), n. habitual or thickened part of milk. curse; vexatious; hateful; practice: usage; traJe. Cnrdle(kur'dl).r. tocoagulate ; detestable. Customarily (kus'tum-a-re-le), to cause to thicken. Cnrsiie (kur'siv), a. flowing ad. babitua'.ly. Core (kur), n. remedy ; ahcal- easily; rapid. Customary (kus'tum-a-re), a. ing ; care of souls ; r. to re- Cursorily (kur'so-re-le), ad. according to custom. s tore to health; to salt, pickle, or dry. hastily; rapidlv. Cursory (kur'so-rcj, a. hasty ; Customer (kus'tum-er), n. a buyer of goods at a shop. fr*le(kurles),a. incurable. sligLt; superDcial. Cnstcm-honse 0:us'tum-hous), Curfew (kur'fu), n. a be'.l run? Curt (kurt), a. short; concise. n. thchousewheredutiesare atnight.asasignaltoputout CnrtalUKur-taD.v. to abridge; paid. all fires and lights, in feudal to cut short ; to diminish. Cn' terns (kus'tnmz), n. pi. times in England ; evening. Curtain (kur'iin), n. a part of duties on goods imported or Curiosity (ku-re-os'c-tc), n. in- a bed, window, or formica- exported. quisitiveness ; a rarity. tion ; r. to inclose by means Cut (tut), v. tOBever; to carve; Curloto (ku-re-6'zo), n. a col- of a curtain. to hew ; to chop ; to alTcct lector of rare and curious Curtate ( kcr'tit) , a. distance of deeply; n. a cleft, or gash ; articles. Cartons (ku're-ns), a. desirous Cnricsy ) (kcr: so) n.a female's a &4i^e, a carving, or engrav of information ; singular. Cnrty J act of reverence or Cntan-on(ku-ta'ne-ns),a. per- Cnrlonsly(ku're-us-!c),ad. in- respect. taining to the skin. fuisitivelv; attentively; art- Curtly (turtle), ad. shortly; Cute (kut), *. clever; sharp. fully; nea'tly. concisclv. Cuticle (ku'te-kl), n. the outer Cmrl (kurl) n. aringlet of hair ; Curratetl ("kurYa-ted), a. bent; skin; scarf-skin. . to bend into rinjlets. curved ; crooked. Cnticnlar (ku-tik'u-ler), o. BO Curliness (kurl'e-nes), n. state Curration(l:ur-va'shun),n. act deeper than the skin. of being curly. of bending. Cutlass (kut'las), n. a broad- Curly (kurl'e), a. curled. Cnrrature (kui-'ra-tur), n. a sword used by seamen. Cnrmud$eou(kur-mud'jun), n. curve, or bending. Cutler (kut'lcr), n. a maker of a miser ; a niggard. Curve (kurr), a. curved ; bent knives, 4c. Currant (kur'ant), n. thename round; n. anything bent: Cutlery fkut'ler-e), n. knives of a shrub and its fruit. an arch; v. to inflect; to and other edged instruments Currency (knr'en-se), n. circu- bend ; to make circular. in general. lation; current money; paper Curvet (ker'vct), n. the pran- Cutlet (kut'let).n. a mall slice passing for monev. cingsof a horse; r. to frisk ; of meat for cooking. Current (kur'ent), a. circulat- to leap or bound. Cutter (knfter), n. an Instru- ing ; common ; passable; gen- Curvirandate (ker-ve-kaw'dat) ment that cuts ; a small boat eral; n. a stream; genera] a. having a curved tail. used by ships of war ; a swift A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CUTTING 89 DAMN Bailing vessel with one mast man ; a misanthrope. the art of communicating and a straight running bow- Cynical (siu'ik-al), a. surly; ideas by the fingers. sprit; aone-horsa sleigh. snarling. Dad (dad), ? n. a term for Cutting (kut'ing) a. severe; Cv!iidsm(sin'e-sizm)n. luster- Drulily (dad'e), J father, used keen ; n. a, piece cut off. itv ; churlishness. bv children. Cut-water(kut'waw-ter),. the Cynosure (siu'o-shoorVn. the Daiidle (dad 1), v. to walk un- fore part of a ship's prow. pole star ; a guide ; a center steadily, asachild; to waddle Cyanic(si-an'ik), a. relating to of attraction. Dredalian (de-da'le-an), a. blue ; anplied to a series of Cypress (si'pres), n. aa ever- formed with art ; intricate. colors having blue as their green tree. Daft (daft), a. insane; stupid. type. Cyprian (sip're-an),u. relating Daffodil (dafo-dil), n. aflower Cyanite (si'a-nit), n. aa azure toCyprus ; n.alewd woman of the lily tribe. Cyriologie (sir-e o-loj'ik), a. Danger (dag'er), n. a mark [f] Cyanoinoter(si-a-nom'e-tcr)n. pertaining to capital letters. of reference in priming; a an instrument for ascertain- Cyst (sist), ia. a bag in animals short sword. ing the density of the blue- with morbific matter. Dapslc (dag'l), v. to trail In ness in the sky or ocean. Cystolomj'(.= is-tot'o-me),n. the dirt or mire. Cyanetype (si-an'o-tip), n. a actor ar't of opening encysted Daguerreotype (da-ger'o-tip), process of taking photo- graphs in Prussian blue. tumors. Cytherean(cith-e-r*'an),o.per- >i. a picture taken on metal by means of sunlight. Cyathiform (si-ath'e-form), a. shaped like a cup. tainingtothcgoddess Venus. Cvlcblait (si to-blast), n. the Dahlia (dal'ya),n.aplant bear- ing large beautiful flowers, Cycleisi kl),n. a circle; around nucleus of animal and vege- of various colors. Cyclic (s'ik'lik), ) (si-klo-pede-a), to slap ; n. a sudden blow ; Dalliance (dal'le-ans),n. aotof Cyclopedia ( n. a book of uni- a lump of something moist; fondness ; toying. versal knowledge. a fiat-fish. Daily (dal'le), t). to delay; to Cygnet (sig'net), n. a young Dabble (dab'bl), v. to play in trifle ; to fondle ; to play. swan. water; to splash ; to meddle. Dam (dam) ii.amother, applied Cylinder (sil'in-der), n. a long Dabbler (dab bier), n. a super- to animals ; a bank to con- circular body of uniform di- ficial meddler. fine water ; v. to confine or ameter j a roller. Dabster (dab'stcrl, n. one who restrain water by dams. Cylindrical (se-lin'drik-al), a. is dexterous ; an expert. DauiuL-c (dam'aj), n. Injury; like a cylinder. Dace (das), n. a small fresh- hurt; v. to injure; to hart. Cylindrlform (se-lin'dre-form) water fish. Damageable (dam'aj-a-bl), a. a. in the form of a cylinder. Dactyl (dak'til), n. a poetical liable to be damaged. Cyllndroid (sil'in-droyd), n. a foot of three syllables, the Damask (dam'ask), n. Bilk cylinder with elliptical ends. first long and the other two woven with flowers ; v. to Cymbal (sim'bal), n. a hollow short. weave into flowered work. brass musical instrument, DactylioglTpVdak-til'e-o-glif) Damasked (dam'askt), pr. or beaten together in pairs. -n. the name of the engraver a. woven into flowers. Cymbiform (sim'be-form), o. on a finger-ring or gem. Dame (dam), n. themistrtn of boat-shaped. Dactyliography (dak-ti)-e-og'- a family or school ; a matron. Cjraophanousfse-mors-nasta. ra-fe), n. the art of engraving Damn (dam), v. to sentence to baring a wavy floating light. gems. eternal misery; tocoadmn; Cynie(sin'ik),7t.amorose, surly Dactylology (dak-til-ol'o-je), n. to curse. A DIOTIONAET OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAMNABLE BO DEACOXSHIP Damnable (dam'na-bl), a. de- Dank (dank), a. very humid ; date-tree ; v. to note, fix, or serving damnation ; hateful ; close and damp. write, the time of any event. pernicious; odious. Dapper (dap'er), a. little; ac- Dateles(dat'les), a. having no Damnably (dam'na-hle), ad. tive ; brisk ; neat. date. deserving damnation. Dapple (dap'l), a. of various Dative (di'tiv), n. the third Damnation (dam-na'shuu), n. colors ; marked with spots ; case of Latin nouns. sentence to eternal punish- v. tomarkorvariegatewitu Datum-line(da'tum-lin), n.the ment. spots. base-line from which surface Damnatory (dam'na-to-re) . a. Dappled (dap'ld), a. spottedby levels are reckoned. tendin 1 ' to condemn. various colors. Daub (dawb), v. to smear; to Damnifl'~ "' " "*^; Damson (dam'zn), n. a small Darling(dar'ling), a. dearly be- j e c t - ftc\ black plum. loved ; n.a much loved one ; ^ n ^ "T^tri^v i&^^llr^ Dance (dans), v. to move with a favorite. iron iDftWk^v If ^**^/ measured steps to music ; to Darn (dim), . to mend rents beams lll'wfe^^v leap and frisk about ; n. a in clothes. on the side or stern of a ves- measured stepping to music. Darnel (dar'nel), n. a weed. sel, from which a boat is sus- Danrer (dans'er), n. cue who Dart (dart), n. a pointed weap- pended. dances. on ; v. to fly, as a dart; to Dawdle (daw'dl), v. to trifle a plant with a naked hollow Darter (dart'er), n. one who Dawn (dawn), v. to begin to stalk. darts ; a Brazilian bird. grow light ; n. breakof day; Dandle (dan'dl!, v. to shake on Dash (dash), v. to strike tud- first rise; beginning. the knee; to fondle; to amuse. denlvorviolentlyagainst; to Day (da), n. the time from sun- Dandruff (dan'druf),n. a scaly blot but ; it. a violent strik- rise to sunset; a period of scurf on the head. ing; a blow; a mark (] in twenty-four hours. Dandy (dan'de), n. a fop. Dandyism (dau'de-izm), n. pe- writing or printing. Dashing (dashing), a. bold; Day-kook (di'book), n. a jour- nal of accounts. culiarities of a dandy. showy ; spirited. Darbrpak (da'brak), n. dawn. Dane (dan), n. a native of Den- Dastard (das'tard), n. a cow- Darlisht (di'lit), n. the light mark. ardly fellow ; a poltroon. of the sun. Danger (dan'jer), n. exposure Dastardi/.c (das'tard-iz), v. to Daysman (diz'man), n. an um- to evil, or risk; peril. make cowardly. pire; a mediator. Dangerous (dan'jer-us), a. full Dastardoes* (das'tard nes), n. Day-spring (da spring), n. the of hazard; unsafe. mean fear; cowardliness. dawn of light. Dangerously (dan'jer-us-le), Data (da'ta). n. pi. facts given Day-star (da'stir), n. the nd. witk hazard. and admitted, from which morning star. Dangle (dang'gl), v. to hang other facts may be deduced. Daze (daz), v. to dazzle. loose and swinging. Date (dat), n. a stipulated */.! (daz'l), v. to overpowei Dangler(dang'gler), h. onewho time ; tlie time of an event; with light; to surprise witli hangs about women. an addition to a writing brilliancy or splendor. Danh,h(dan'ish), a. pertaining which specifies the year, Deacon de''kp), n. a church to the Danes; it. the laa month, and day, when it was officer ; an, overseer. gnage of the Danes. executed; the fruit of the Dencunbhip (de kn-ship), n. A DICTIONAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. DEAD 91 l)K< EXJVOVAKY the offine of a deacon. Debate (de-bat'), v. to dispute : Decanir"lar(dek-ang'gu-lcr),a. Dead (del), a. destitute oflife: to discuss; to deliberate ; having ten angles. useless ; dull ; cold and cheer- n. public discussion. Decant (. to. weaken ; Deb.iuch(dc-bawch'), n. excess n. act of decanting. tinnake lifeless; to blunt. in eating and drinking; v. Decanter (de-kan'ter), j Dead.lift (ded'lift), n. a heavy to corrupt; to vitiate. . a glass vessel ; au S weight or burden. Debauchee (deb-o-sbe'), n. a ornamental bottle. J^L Dead-li^hl (d.ed'lit),n. a wood- drunkard; arake; a libertine. Drcauilute (de-kap'e- XBfet en shutter for a cabin window Dcbauchery(de-bawcli'er-e),(i. tat), v. to cut oil the Snlni Deadly (ded'Ie), a. mortal. habitual lewdncss. head. VIM/ DoulBM* (ded'nes), n. state of Debenture (de-benl'ur}, 71. a Decapitatlontde-kap-e- J being destitute of life, rigor, writing as evidenceof adebt. ta'shun),t). act ol beheading. or activity. Debilitate (de-bil'e-tat), v. to Dccnpod (dek'a-pod), 11. an an- of hearing; inattentive. Debilitatioii(de-bil-e-ta'shun), il aving ten feet. Deafen (defn), . to make deaf; n. a weakening ; relaxation. Deirboni7.e(de-kar'bon-iz),e. to render impervious to Debility (ile-bil'e-te"), n. weak- to deprive of carbon. sound ; to stun. ness ; languor ; feebleness. Deca.-tich (dek'a-stik), n. a Deafness (defnes), n. inability Debit (deb'iR.n. an entry on poem consisting of ten lines. to bear. the debtor [Dr.] side of an Decastvle.(dek'a-stil),n.a por- Deal (del), n. apart ; quantity; account; v. to charge with tico with ten pillars iu front. actof diridingcards ; boards, debt. Decay (de-ka'), n. a falling off; Ac.; v. to distribute; to Debonair (deb-o-nar'), a. ele- a decline ; v. to decline ; to trade ; to transact. gant; well-bred; gay. ' wither. Dealer (defer), n. a trader. Debouch(dc-bo6:;h')u. to march Decease (de-ses'), n. departure Dean (den), n. the seconddig- out of a narrow place, a from life; death ; . to cease nitary of a diocese. wood, or a dofile, as troops. to live; to die. Deanery (den'er-e), n. office. Debouchure (de-boo skur), . Deceased (de-sest') ( a. ceasing residence, or revenue, of a the mou'.liof a rivcror strait to live; dead. dean. Oebris(da-l)re'), n. ruins ;rub- Deceit (de-set'), n. deception ; Dear (dert, a. costly; scarce; bish; fragments of rocks. fraud ; trick ; device. of high value; beloved ;n. Debt (del), n. what one owe? Deceitful (de-set'ful), a. tend- one beloved. [prico. another; obligation; li ability. ing to deceive or mislead; Dearly (der'le), ad. at a high Debtor(dct'er),n.onc whooweb fraudulent ; insincere. Dearnfss(der'nes),n. fondness; to another. Deceitfully (de-set'ful-lc), ad. scarcity; high price. Debut (di-boo'), n. entrance; fraudulently. Dearth (derth), n. scarcity: a first appearance. !)eceivnlile(rte'-sev'a-bl),o.that want; laniine; barrenness. Decade (dek'ad), n. the sum or may be deceived ; exposed to Death (. to hinder ;U, haying ten sides. Dccempcdal (dc-scm'pe-dal), cutoff; to exclude. Decaliler (dek-a-le'tr), n. a a. ten feet in length. Debark (de-bark'), v. to land French measure of capacity Decemvir (de-seui'vir), n. an from a ship or boat. often lifers. ancient Roman magistrate. Drtarkntion (rte-bar-ka'shun), Decalogue (dck'a-log), n. the Decency (do'sen-sc), n. pro- n. act of landing from a ship. ten commandments. priety; decorum ; modesty. Debase (de-bas'), v. to lessen ; Decameter (de-Uam'c-ter), n. a Decennary (dc-sen'na-re), n. a to adulterate ; to vitiate. French measure of length, period often yc.-.rs. Debasement (de-bas'ment), n. nearly eleven Knglisli yards. Decennial (de-sen'e-a!), o. last- degradation; act of debasing. Decamp (de-kamp'), ti. to re- ing for ten years ; happening ing to tower, or de-Trade? hastily; to walk or move off. Dprennor.il (dc-scn'no-val), \ Debatable (de-'bat'a-bl). a. dis- Decampment (dc-kamp'ment), Decciinovary (de-sen'no-va- J putable. n. departure from a camp. re), a. pertainingto the num.- A DICTION AKY OF TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, DECEST 92 DECUKRENT ber nineteen. Declamatory (iic-!:1.in:':i-to-re) Decumpound (de-kom-pound') Decent (de'seut), a. suitable; a. appealing to the passions; r. u" compound things al- becoming ; modest. bombastic. ready compounded. Decently (de'sent-!e), ad. in a Declaration (:lek-la-r:Vhi;;i). Decorate (dek-o-rat), t>. to Dceeptiblr (de-sep'U-bl), a affirmation ; proclamation. beilish. that may be deceived. Declarative (de-klar'a-liv), a. Decoration (dek-o-ra'shun) , n. Deci-ption (dc-sep'fhuu), n. that declarer ; explanatory. ornament ; embellishment. act of misleading ; clicat fraud. Declaratory ii'.e-Vl-ir'a-lo-n.'), Decorative (dek o-ra-tiv), a. Deceptive (de-sep'tiv), a. tend- !V. i.-.i-i- i ..-.. .: ), t. to make Decorous (dek'o-rus), a. be- ing to mislead; deoeittul; known; to tell explicitly ouu coming; decent; proper. filse. ['.:ii:ly; toaCirm; to assert. Decorously (dek o-rus-le), ad. DcccryUon (de-serp'shun), n. Dcelcn:.lon (de-klcn'shun), n. in a becoming manner. a plucking off. tendency to fail ; decay; de- Decorticate (de-kor'te-kit), . DecUristianize (de-krist'yan- 5 rent ; variation of nodus. to strip off bark ; to pcell iz), v. to turn from Christian DrKinaMc (.K--iIiTi'a-bl), a Decornm (de-ko'rum), n. pro- belief and practice. that may be declined. priety of conduct. Decidable (dc-sU'a-bl), a. that Dcclhiate (dci'lo-nit), n. di- Decoy (de-koy'J, v. to allure in- may be decided. rected downward /rom its to a snare or trap ; to entice ; Decide (de-sid'), t>. to deter- base. to entrap ; n. anything in- mine ; to finish ; to settle. D<-clinatlon(dck-lc-na'shun)j:. tended to lure into a snare. Decided (de-sid'ed), a. clear; deviation ; falling to a worse Decrease (de-kres'), v. to grow unequivocal ; resolute. state or condition; itiastron- or make less; n. abecoming Decidedly (de-sid'ed-lc),. to fail; tu Decrement (dek're-ment), n. ing in autumn. deviate; to bend down; to decrease; waste. Decimal (des'e-mal), a. num- avoid; to change the ter- Decrepit (de-krep'itj, a. infirm bered by tens ; n. a tenth. mination of a noun, Ac. ; tc by age ; wasted. Decimate (des'e-mat), t). to decay; to shun; to refute; Decrepitate (de-krep'e-tatl. v. Decimation (des-c-ma'shun),n. Declivitous (de-cliv'e-toui), a. a selection from every tenth. sloping. Decrepitude (de-krep'e-tud), Decipher (de-si'fer), . to read Declivity (de-kliv'e-tel. n. in- n. worn out with age. ciphers; to unfold; to un- clination downward. Dccri scent (de-kres'ent), a. be- ravel ; to explain. Dreoct (de-kokt'), v. to boil; coming gradually less. Decipherer (de-si'fer-er), n. to digest. Decretal (de-kre'tal), o. per- one who deciphers. Decoction (de-kok'shun), n. taining to, or containing a Decipherable (de-si'fer-a-bl), extract made by boiling. decree ; n. i decree or edict ; a. that nay have iu mean- Decocture (Je-kok'tur), n. an a book containing decrees of ing ascertained. extract obtained by boilinr. the Pope. Decision (de-sizh'nn), n. deter- Decollat(de-kol'ldt),*. to sev- Decretive (de-kre'tiv), a. hav- mination; final judgment or er the neck ; to behead. ing the force of a decree. opinion. Deeolor (de-kul'ur), ) r. Decretory(dek're-to-re), a.ju- Deci.ive (de-si'siv), a. final; Decolorize (dc-kul'ur-!z), I to dicial ; established by decree. conclusive; positive. deprive of color; to bleach. Decrial (de-kri'al), n. a crying Decisively (de-si'siv-le), ad. Decoloration (o>-kul-ur-a'- down ; clamorous censure. conclusively; positively. shun), n. loss or absence of Decry (de-kr i ') , v. to cry down ; Deci (dek), v. to dress; to color. [actofbehcading. to condemn ; to blame. adorn ; to embellish; n. the Decollation (dek-ol-li'shun) n. Drcumbence (de-kum'bens), ) floor of a ship; a pack of Deompose(de-koir-poz'),.to Decumbency (de-kum'ben- < playing cards. resolve into original ele- se), n. the act or posture of Decking (dck'ing), n. act of ments ; to rot or decay. lying down. adorning. Decomposite (de-kom-poz'it), Decumbent (de-kumTient), a. Declaim (de-klam'), c. to speak a. having a common base ; declined, or bending down. with force and zeal; to ha- n. anything decompounded. Dcrnnibitnre (de-kum he-tur). rangac ; t inveigh. Decomposition (de-kom-po- . confinement to a sick-bed. reclaimer (de-kliiu'er), n. one zish'un), n. act of reducing Decuple (dek'u-pl), n. a num- who declaims. a body into its original ele- ber ten times repeated ; a. Declamation (dek-la-ma'shun) ments ; putrescence ; decay ; tenfold ; r. to make tenfold. n. a harangue. analysis. Decurrent(de-kur'rent),o.run- A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. DECfSSATE *.! PEKLOUATE ningorextendingdownward. ally in fact ; in reality ; ex- who pwtects or vindicates. Decussate (de-kus at), T. to in- iting. Defensible (de-fen'sc-bl), a- tersect t acute angles. Defaleiitc-'f'.e-fal kat),r. totake that niav be defended. !>, , illation (de-kus-sa'shun), away ; to deduct. Defensive" (de-fen'siv), a. ii. the act of crossing in the Defalcation (de-faI-k:Vsluin)n. adapted to protect. form of an X. diminution; fraudulent de- Defer (dc-fer'). v. toputoff; to Oeeii-^alive (de-kus'sa-tiv), a. ficiency in money matters. delay; to sobmitin opinion. formed as a cross. Drfnlriitor (dc-fal ka-ter), 11. Deference (defer-ens), n. re- Dedreoroiii (de-dek'o-rus), a. one who embezzles money in spect to another. disgraceful; unbecoming. his care. Deferential idcf-cr-en'shal), o. Dcdentilioi; (de-den-tish'un), Defamation (U'f-a-ma'shun)n. expressing deference. n. the shedding of teeth. .^hinder ; calumny. Defiance (de-fi'ans), n. a chal- Dedicate (dcd c-kat), i: to con- I)cf.cniatorT;de-fam'a-to-re),a. lenge as to fight; contempt secrate ; to set apart. calumnious; slanderous. of danger, or opposition. Dedication (ded-e-ka'siun), n. Drfr.ui.-- (de-fam'), v. to speak Deficiency (de-fish'cu-se Jn.de- consecration ; an address to evil of; to slander. feet or failure : imperfection. a patron. Drfainvr (de-fani'er), n. one Deficient (de-fish'ent). a- de- Dedicator (ded'e-ka-ttr), n. that slanders. fective; wanting; imperfect. one who dedicates. Drf:nln$ (de-fam'ing), n. def- Deficiently (de-fish'ent-le), ad. Dedicatory (ded-e-kat'o-re), n. :iMiution; slander. in a defective manner. composing or const! tut in q :: Default (dc-fawlt'), n. neglect Deficit (defe-sit), n. trant; dedication: complimental. to d what law or dutr re- deficiency. Ileiliirc (de-dus'), v. to draw quires ; omission ; a failure ; Defile (de-til'), n. a narrow from ; to infer. U. to fail to appear i'l court passage; v. to pollute or Deducement (de-dua'ment). n. when called upon ; to fail corrupt; to make impure ; to the thing deduced; infer- through neglect of duty. march off. ence. Defaulter (de-fawlt'er).n. one Defil<'meiit(de-ni'ment)n.foul- Dednciblc(de-du'se-bl),a.lhat who fails to account for mon- ness; corruption; pollution. may he inferred; inferable. ey intrusted to his care. Definable (de-fin'a-bl), a. that Deduct (de-dukf), v. to take Defeasance (de-fe'zuns), n. the may be defined. from : to subtract. act of rendering null. Define (de-fin'), . to limit; to I)cii notion (de-duk'shun), n. Defeasible (dt -feze-bl), a. that explain; to determine. an abatement; subtraction. may be annulled. Definite (defe-nit), a. having Deductive (de-duk'tiv), a. that Defeat (de-fetO , v. t* frustrate ; distinct limits ; fixed ; exact. may be deduced. to overcome; to baffle; n. an Definitely (defe-nit-le), ad. Deed (ded), n. an action; ex- ovenhrow; frustration ; non- precisely; in a definite man- real estate ; v. to convey by Defecate (defe-kat) v. to puri- DeflitfencM (defe-nit-nes), n. deed. fv ; to refine; to clarify. certainty of extent or of sig- Heedless (ded'les), a. without Defecation (def-e-ka'shun), n. nification. action or exploits. purification from dregs. Definition (def-e-nish'un), n Deem (dem), v. to think ; to Defeet (de-fekt'), n. imperfec- adescription or explanation^ judge; to conclude. tion ; fault; blemish. Definitive (de-fin'e-tiv), a. de* Deep (dep), a. extending far Defection (ile-fek'sliun), n. a terminate; final. downward ; not easily fath- falling away from duty. Deflnifnely(de-liu'e-tiv-Ie)ad, omed ; profound ; artful ; in- Defective (de-'fek'tiv), a. full of with preci.-ion. _ which is profound or incom- Defectively (de-fek'tiv-lc), ad. combustible. prehensible; the seaorocean Imperfectly. Deflagrate (defla-grit), v. to Deepen (dep'n), v. to grow or Drfeme (tie-fens') n. protection burn rapidly; to consume. make morudecp; to darken. from Injury or danger; se- Deflagration(deMa-gra'shun), Deeply (dep'Ic), ad. at a great curity ; vindication. n. a consuming by flrc. depth ; profoundly. Defpinelcks (de-fens'lcs), a. Deflag rotor (def-la-gra'tor), n. Deer (der),n. ji without means of ward ing off a galvanic instrument for a ruminant ^K~^^^ danger, injury, or assault. producing combustion. quadruped Ef&^b Defend (de-fend'), v. to guard, Deflect (de-flekt'J, v. to turn of several x^^^^^ ^^ or protect; to resist; to op- aside ; to swerve. species, as i *" IL. ' ' '" ^=* pose. Defiection(dc-flek'shun),n.the the stas, reindeer, ic. Drfendable (dc-fend'a-bl), o. act of turning down or aside. Deface (de-fas), v. to disfigure; that may be defended. Deflexed (de-ttekst'), a. bent to erase ; to mar. Defendant (de-fend'ant), n. a downward in a continuous Defacement (de-fas'ment), n. defender; one who is accus- curve. injury to the surface. ed, or sued. I)efiorate(de-fl6'rat),o. having De facto (de fak'to), ad. actu- Defender (de-fend'er), n. one lost its blossoms, as a plant. A DICTIONAEY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE DISLOCATION 94 DELL Defioratlon(deMo-ra'shun), n. the act ofdeflouring. Deflour(de-nour'),jj. to ravish : to depriveofgraceand beauty Drflnxlon (de-fluk'shun), n. a Drfulintion (de-fo-'.e-a'shun)n. the falling of leaves. Deforce (de-fors'), v. to keep possession of an estate uu lawfully. Deform (de-form'), v. to mar ; to disfigure in form. Dcformatlon(def-or-ma'hun). n. act of disfiguring or defac- ing. Deformity fde-form'e-te), n. unnatural shape or form. Dcfriirt(de-frawd'),.tocheat; to withhold wrongfully. Dcfrauent(dc-lin'e-a-ment), n. a delineation. Delineate (de-lin'e-at), v. to sketch or design ; to portraj. Delineation (de-lin-e-a'shuu'fc n. drawing an outline. Delinquency (de-lin'kwen-ae), n. failure in duty; a crime. Delinquent (de-liri'kwent), n. one who fails in his duty. Dellquate (del'e-kwat), v. to melt ; to be dissolved. Dellquatlon (del-e-kwa'shun), n. theactor state of meliiag. Dellquetrc (del-e-kwes'), v. to melt, and become liquid. Deliquescence (del-c-kwcs 1 - Drjoetory ' (de-jek'to-rc), a. having power to cast down. Dejeuner / (da-zhn-ua), n. Dejeune J breakfast or lunch Dejnre(de ju're).o. by right; of right; bylaw. Delation (de-la'shun), n. act of charging with crime. Delay (de-la'), . to put off; to postpone ; to detain ; n. hinderance ; detention. Dele (de'le;. v. erase; blotout; Delectable (de-lek'ta-bl), a. delightful; pleasing. Delectation (de-lek-ta'shun), n. great pleasure or delight. Delegate (del'e-gat), v. to send Degeneration (de-jen-er-a'- trust ; n. a deputy; corn- or melting in the air. Dellquium (de-lik'we-um), n. a melting in the air ; failure of power ; a fainting. Deliriom (de-lir'e-us), a. dis- ordered in mind ; raving. Delirium (de-lir'e-uni), n. Delitescent (del-e-tes'ent), a. lying hid; concealed. Deliver (de-liv'er), v. to free ; to save ; to release ; to utter. Deliverable (de-liv'er-a-bl), a. that may be delivered. Deliverance (de-liv er-ans), n. act of freeint;; freedom. DIierer (de-liv'er-er), n. one who delivers. Delivery (de-liv'er-e), n. re- Deslulinate(de-gloo'te-nat), v. to ungiue. Deslutition(deg-lu-sh'un).n. act or power of swallowing. Degradation (deg-ra-di'shun). >>. a depriving of ra.nk or office ; baseness. Degrade (de-grad'), v. to de- prive of rank or office. Degree (de-gre 1 ), n. a step; position : rank; extent ; a markofdistinctionconferred by universities; the 360th part of a circle. Dehisce (de-his'), . to open, as the capsules of plants. Dehlseenee (de-his'sens), n. a gaping or opening, as of a pod containing seed. Dehiscent (de-his'sent), a. opening, like the pod of a plant. Deification (de-e-fe-ka'shun), Delegation (del-e-ga'shun), n. the act of delegating ; per- sons delegated. Delete (de-let'), v. to blot ont ; to efface ; to expunge. Deleterious (del-e-te 're-us), a. destructive; deadlv; baneful. Deletion (de-Ie'shun), n. the act of blotting out or erasing. Delf (dclfj, n. a kind of earth- Deliberate (de-lib'er-it), v. to consider, reflect, or examine ; a. slow in determining. Deliberately (dc-lib'cr-at-le), ad. slowly; cautiouslv. Dcllberatlon(de-lih-or-i shun) n. mature reflection. o. having the power to delib- erate. Delleaey(del'e-ka-se), n. nicety of form or texture; elegance; epeakiug in public; child- birth. Dell (del), n. a small, deep, narrow valley. A DICTIONAKY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. DELTA 95 DENOTATION Delta (del'ta), n. th Greek large bottle inclosed In Demolle (de-mot'ik), a. per- letter! A \ ; any tractof land wicker-work. taining to the people ; popu- be- L J tween thediverg- Demirep (dem'e-rep), n. a wo- lar. ing mouths of a river. man of doubtful character. Demulcent (de-mul'sent), a. Deltoid (del'toyd), n. resem- Demi-M'mi. quaver (dem'e- softening ; assuaging. bling a delta; triangular. em'e-kwa'ver), n. the short- Demur (de-mur'), v. to hesi- Deludable (de-lud'a-bi),.that est musical note. tate ; to object ; to scruple ; may be deceived. Drniiskion (de-mish'un), n. n. a pause ; a scruple ; hesi- Delude (de-lud'), v. to impose degradation ; humiliation. tation. upon; to deceive; to mislead. Drmiie (dc-rniz),n. death; de- Demure(de-mur'), a. affectedly Deluge (del'uj), n. a. great cease ; a lease ; v. to convey modest ; bashful. Hood ; an inundation ; v. to or lease; to bequeath by will. Demu rely(de-mur'le), ad. with inundate; to overflow; to Democracy (de-mok'ra-se), n. much reserve. drown. government by the people. DemnrenesB (de-mur'nes), n. of deluding ; deception ; false who adheres to democracy. Demurrage (de-mur'iij), . an belief; error. Democratic (dem-o-krat'ik) a. allowance for the detention Delulve(de-lu'siv), a. tending pertaining to democracy. of a vessel in port. to deceive, or mislead. Democratize (de-mok'ra-tiz), Demurrer (de-mur'er), n. one Delve (delv), . to dig with a v. to render democratic. whodemurs; an exception in spade. Demolish (de-mol'ish), v. to an action at law, for the de- Demagnelize(de-mag'ne-tiz) v. destroy; to raze; to ruin. cision of the court. to depriveof magnetic power. Demolition (dem-o-lish'un), n. Demy (de-mi') r n. a size of pa- Demagogi&m (dem'tt-gog-ism), actof overthrowing; destruc- per, about 22 by 18 inches. n. the acts or conduct of a tion ; ruin. Den (den), n. a cave ; th lair demagogue. Demon (de'mon), n. an evil of a wild beast. Demagogue (dem'a-gog), n. a spirit ; a bad genius. Denationalize (de-nash'nn-al- leader of the multitude; a Demonetize (de-mun'e-tiz). v. iz), . to deprive of national popular orator. to deprive of standard value, rights. Demain (de-man'), n. estate in as money. Dendriform (den'dre-form), o. lands ; a domain. Demonetization (de-mun-e-ti- resembling a tree or shrub. Demand (de-mandril, toclaim ; la'shun), n. the act of de- Dcmlrometcr(den-drom'c-tcr) to ask earnestly or authorita- priving money of standard . an instrument for measur- tively ; n. a claim ; an ask- value. ing trees. ing by authority ; earnest Demoniac (dc-mo'ne-ak) 7i. one Dendrology (den-drol'o-jc), n. Inquiry. possessed by an evil spirit. the natural history of trees. Dcniandaule(de-mand'a-bl), a. Demoniac (de-mo'ne-ak), ) Deniable (de-ni r a-bl), a. that that may be demanded. DcmoniacaKde-mo.ni'ak-al), 5 may be denied. Demandant (de-mand'ant), n. a. pertaining to or produced Denial de-ni'al), n. a refusal ; the plaintiff in an action. by demons. a contradiction ; a rebuff. Demarcation > (de-mar-ka'- Demonitm (de'mon-izmj, n. Denier (de-ni'er), n. one who Demarkalion ) shun), n. act belief in demons. denies. of retting a limit; a division; Demonolngy (de-mon-ol'o-jc), Denizalion (den-e-zi'shun), n. a fixed limit. act of making a denizen. Demean (de-men) v, to behave; Demons(rable(dc-mon'stra-bl) Denlion (dcn'e-zn), n. one ad- to conduct ; to debase. a. admitting of proof. mitted to rights of citizen- Demeanor(de-men-er), n. be- Demonstrate (dem'on-strat), v. ship ; an inhabitant. havior ; bearing ; .deport- to point out clearly ; to prove Denominate (dc-nom'e-nat), v. ment. with certainty. to name ; to designate. Dementate (de-men'tat), v. Demonstration (dcm-on-stra'- Denomination (de-nom-e-na'- to deprive of reason. Khun) 71. proof beyond doubt ; shun), n. a name or title ; a Demented (de-men'ted), a. expression by outward signs. sect. crazy; mad ; infatuated. Demonstrative (de-mon'stra- Denominational (de-nom-e- Dementia (de-mcn'she-a), n. a tiv), a. making evident; na'shun-al), a. pertaining to form of insanity. conclusive ; certain. a denomination. Demerit (de-merit), n. fault; Demonstrator (detn'on-stra- Denominative (de-nom'c-na- crime; guilt. ter), n. one who demon- tiv), a. giving a name. DemerMon (de-mer'shun), n. strates, or shows. Denominator (de-nom'e-na- act of drowning, or plunging. Demoralization (de-mor-al-i- tcr), n. the giver of a name; Demi (dcm'e), a prefix, signi- za'shun), n. corruption or the number placed below the fying half. subversion of morals. line in vulgar fractions. Demi~od (dem'e-god), n. a Demoralize (de-mcr'al-iz), v. Denotanle (de-no'ta-bl), a. ca- fabulous hero, half divine. to corrupt or lessen the mor- pable of being denoted. Demijohn (dem'e-jon), n. a al qualities. Denotation (den-o-ta'shun),n. A DIOTIONAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, DKSOTATIVE % DEPRESSION the act of denoting. a separate room or office ; a portation ; banishment. Denotative (de-no ta-tiv), a. branch of business; a divis- Deportment (de-port ment),n. having power to denote. ion of territory. niode of acting ; conduct. Den*teide-n6t'), v. to indicate ; Departure (de-part'ur), n. a Deposable (de-poz'a-bl) a. that to show ; te signify ; to mean. going away; decease. may be deprived of office. Denouement (de-n66-mong),n. Depasture (de-pai'tur), v. to Depose (de-poz')v. to degrade; events ; final seene. Depend (de-pend'), V. to hang en oath. Denounce (de-nouns'), v. to ac- from ; to rely on ; to trust. Deposit (de-poz'it), . to lay cuse ; to threaten. Dependence (de-pen 1'ens), n. up or past; to intrust; to roent), n. declaration of a Dependent (de-pend'ent), a. down or aside ; anything in- threat. relying on; subordinate; trusted. Dense(dens)a. crowded ; eloselj n. one sustained by another. Depositary (de-poz'e-ta-re), n. pressed together ; compaat. DephlegUtleate (de-flo-jis'te- one with whom anything is Density (aea'se-tc), n. a close- kat),v. to deprive of phlogis- intrusted. Dent (dent),n. amark madeby Bepict (de-pikf), v. to repre- act of deposing; evidence a blow ; & gap or notch ; v. sent; to paint; to describe given in court ; sediment. to make a mark by a blew. minutely. Depositor (de-poz'e-ter) n. one Dental (den'tal), a. pertaining Depilate (dep'e-lat), v. to strip who deposits. to the teeth. of hair. Depositary (de-poz'e-to-re), n. Denticle (dtn'U-kl),n. a snail Depllation (dep-e-la'shun), n. a place for depositing. tooth or projecting point. Dentiform (den'te-form), n. act of pulling hair off. Depilatory (de-pii a-to-rc), a. Depot (de-po'), n. a place 'ot deposit ; a railroad station ; shaped like a tooth. taking hair olf; n. an ap- a storehouse. Dentifrice (den'te-fris), n. a plication for taking hair off. Depravation (dep-ra-va'shun), powder for cleaning teeth. Deplete ( Je-plet ), v. to reduce n. act. of depraving. Dentist (den'tist), n. one who in quantity by taking away. Deprave (de-prav'), . to cor- cures diseases of the teeth. Depletion (de-ple'shun), n. a rupt; to vitiate; to distort. Dentistry (den'tis-trc), n. the blood-letting; an emptying. Depraved (de-pravd'), a. made profession of a dentist. Deplorable (de-plor'a-'ol), a. worse; vile. Dentition (den-tish'un),n. the sad; lamentable; grievous. Depravity (de-prav'e-te), n. cutting or growing of teeth. Deplombleness (de-plor'a-bl- corruption ; wickedness. Denude (de-nud'), v. to make nes), n. a miserable state ; Deprecate (dep're-kat), v. to naked ; to uncover ; to strip. wretchedness. pray deliverance from. Denndatien(den-u-da'shun)n. the laying bare by removal Deplorably (de-plSr'a-ble), ad. lamentably; miserably. Deprecation (dep-re-ki shun), n. act ef deprecating. Denunciation (de-nun-she-a'- Deplore (de-plor'), v.to bewail; Deprecative (deo're-ka-tiv), ) Bhun), n. declaration of a to lament ; to mourn. Depreeatory(dep're-ka-to-re J threat ; a public menace. Deploy (de-ploy') ,v. to extend a. tending to avert evil. Dennneiator (de-nun-she-i'- in line, as a body of troops. Depreciate (de-pre'ske-at), . ter), n. on* who threatens. Deployment (de-ploy'mert),n. to decline in value; 'a un- Denunciatory (de-nun'she-a- the opening cp of a body of dervalue ; to disparage. eusing. front. hun),n. actofdeprectating. Deny (de-nf),*. to contradict; Deplume (de-plum'), v. to de- Depreciative(de-pre'she-a-tiv) to diso-ra; tore-fuse; to with- prive of feathers. ypreciatcry(df-pr'tlie-m-to-r) hold. Depolarize (de-no ler-iz). v. to a. tending to depreciate ; un- Deobstret(de-b'stru.ent)a. deprive or poiamy. dervaluing. removing ebstruetions. Depone (de-pun'), t>. to testify Depredate (dep're-dat), r. to DeodorlzatUn (de-e-der-i-za'- in court; to depose. rob; to plunder; to pillage. shun), n. act of depriving of Depnaent (t!e-p6'net), n. one Depredatlon(dep-re-da'shnn), BTnell. who testifies on oati; a 7i. act of plundering or spoil- Deodorize (4e-6'der-iz), v. to witness. ing. free from bad smells. Depopulate (ie-pop'u-lat), v. Depredatory^dep-re-di'to-re), Deodoriwr (de-6'der-iz-er), n. to deprive of inhabitants. a. plundering; spoiling. a disinfectant. Depopulation (de-pop-u-Ia'- depredator (dep're-di-tcr), n. Deoxidate ( *. sliun), n. destruction or ex- a robber; a plunderer. Deoxidize (de-ofcs'e-diz), J to pulsion of inhabitants. Depress (de-pres'), v. to sink ; deprive of oxygen. Deport (de-perf), t>. to carry tohumble; tolowerinv .luc. Depart (de-part'), . to go from; away; to transport; to exile. Depression (de-presh'un), n. to forsake; to die. Deportation (de-por-ti'shun), dejection; low state; a fail- Department (de-pdrt'ment), n. u. act of dcnorting; trans- ing or sinking; a hollow. A DIOTIONAKY OF THE EMLISH LANGUAGE, DEPRESSIVE 97 DESOLATE Deprcnie(de-pres'iv), o. able Dermoid (dcr'rnoyd), ? of abandoning a person or or tending to depress. Drrmntold (der'ma-toyd), 5 ' country, &c. Deprivuble (de-priv'a-bl), a. resembling the skin. Deserre (de-zerv'), . to be that may be deprived. Dernier (dur'ne-er), a, the last ; worthy of; to merit. Deprivation (dep-re-va'shun), only one left. Deserted (de-zervd'), a. n. a taking away; loss; be- Derogate (der'o-gat), v. to dis- merited. reavement. parage ; to detract ; to take Deshabille (des-ha-bil), n. an Deprive (de-priv'), v. to dis- from. undress ; a careless toilet. possess ; to take from ; to be- Derogation (der-o-ga'shun), n. Desiccate (d.-s'iii-kat) v. to dry reave. a detracting ; depreciation. up ; to become dry. Depth (depth), n. deepness ; Derogatory (de-rog'a-to-re), a. Desiccnliwn (des-ik-ka'shun), below the surface. detracting ; injurious. 11. the act of making drv. Depulslon (dc-pul'shun), n. n Derrick (der'rik), n. a crane Desiecativo (de-sik'ka-tiv), a. driving away. for raising heavy weights. having the power to dry. Depurate (dep'u-rat), v. to Dcrvls (der'vis), ? n.aTurk- Desiderate- (de-sid'er-at), v. to purify; to cleanse. Denish (der'vish), J ish monk earnestly wisli for. Depuration (dep-u-ra'shun), Descant (des-kant'), t 1 . to sing Desiderativc (ile-sid'er-a-tiv), n. freeing from impurities. in jiarts ; to comment. a. expressing or denoting Deputation (dep-u-ti'shun), . Descant (des'kant), 11. a pong desire. persons authorized to act for or tune in parts ; a discourse- Desideratum (de-sid-c-ra'tum) others. [appointment. Descend (de-send'), v. to go . anything desired or Depute ( de-put'), v. to send by! down : to fall upon or invade wanted. Deputed Cde-pu'ted), a. author- Descendant (de-sen'dant), n. Design (de-zin'), v. to project; ized ; sent. an offspring ; an issue. to intend; to stamp; to Deputy (dep'u-te), n. a person Descendent (de-sen'dent), a. sketch; n. a purpose; in- appointed to act for another. falling ; proceeding from an tention ; a plan ; a scheme ; Derange (de-ranj'), t>. to disor- ancestor. a project. der; to confuse; to disturb. Descendible (de-sen'de-bl), a. Designraent (de-sin'ment), n. Deranged (de-ranjd'), a. de- that may be descended. sketch; delineation; purpose. lirious. De9ceru.lon(de-scn'shun),n.act Desijnativo Mi-able (de-zir'a-bl), a. that may be wished for. try; contempt; 'ridicule; Dcscription(de-skrip'shun),n. to obtain ; v. to wish for ; to scorn. | act of describing. ask; to entreat ; to request. Derisive (de-ri'siv), a. mnck- Descriptive) (dc-skrip'tiv), a. Desirous (de-iir'us), a. full of ing; ridiculing; scoffinir. that describes. desire ; loncing a^tcr. Derivable (dc-riv'a-bl), a. that Descry (de-skri').D. todetect at Desist (de-sist'), v. to forbear; may be derived. a distance ; to espy. to cease ; to stop ; to discon- act of deriving; deduction; vert from a sacred purpose. Deslstanee (de-sis'tans), n. act tracing a word to its root. [Desecration (des-e-kra'shun). of desisting ; cessation. DerivatiYc(de-riv'a-tiv), a. de- tt.the profaning of anything Desk (desk), n. an inclined ta- rived; not original; n. a sacred. ble for writing; a pulpit. word derived from its root ; Desert (de-zerf), n. merit ; re- Detmogrnphy (des-mor;'ra-fe), Ihat which is derived. ward ; v.to forsake; toaban- n. a description of the liga- Derive (i!e-riv'), f. to deduce don ; to run away ; to leave uiants of the body. from its root or source. entirelv. Desmoloyy (dcs-mol'o-jc), n. D.'rm (derm), ) n. the true Desert (dez'ert), a. solitarv ; anatoniv of the tendons and B*rmf found out. shun:, 11. the separation of Detrrtlnn (de-tek *hun).ti. act 1 of findiiiKou. : di.oonTV. UI ), 11. a >top ill .tk-a-bl), . De> " v. t lx>)i down upon viih to *oorn; to .'. IV-P>* (de-pil 1. M, TioV of Iruit. Ac., after IIHMI. nhich auv- ...IK.liitedj thceiui: l>eN|ine (,-'.. Uvm ; to appuint. K, unit void- l><->iltut<>(d>-> !e-tut),.i. want- V -i.tniion t.'.es te-tu ahun). Del, nl (vie toe*. ndle-ti'n'shunVn.the .-t of de: Deter (.!'. l.-r i. i. to fricHten IVlr?e(,!. by K rtfrjwnt . . IV.iidallon (\les-i\-dVshunV H. IV- liltrflil >de spitful). *- Dp*U idc-n- who drspoila. | H. a passing from one tali lK~>poliaiUi>,de-sjxVle-i'shn\ to another without order M. a stripping or robbin*. I method. In| (de-s)XMul ), r. to lose lVllry (des'i: ciHirai*, or hope. _ loose; un,vna*e;e.l: hasty. l*S>MHi*ra (de-spon'deBS) > " n'den-J i. r. to over- Drterioralli'n ... : of bacouiiafor : rut i inentl. fi. rath. I tl-.j: . : imlnaMe (de-ter'rae-na- , that may 1 lVlfr.loatM.1f-lcr'nir-nt),. ' ; 1> .-p..n,' tapkli ^ .i. - : : HMfcMMl c***tte*J (iMo-pot%Mtl -. NM i-.-. A. .::..:;:> n^wiut* (d<**|M-*<), , to fMik; to throw tttTfeun. huui, H. . having a : otahv Drtaeh (df'-t*eh \. r. to take (rom ; to trparan ; to disu Btte; to withdraw. | p. IWtarhe4 (d*-tachf). . *epa Del rated; wat .iving M\ : ::^;:;v7 . ,vo .'.:. .ah- DrtaU (de-til . r. to relat !- DeihrMo BIlMtTOT rVlai,.t^tJinl.r.K. to ierpln rv.- rowlnjoff. Drialver (de-Un'er), . one UK Drleel (de-i' i :.- . MM :-..u: :-.i: t - IVtnlalioa (J t >, " '.:-:;. T'.T'.Z.. ^r *:j:lm..: Detractor (de-trak'ter). n. ooc io detracts ; a slanderer. Detractory (le-trak'co-re), a. Detonation (iev-o- :^'iti an), B. I Satan : a wicked person; . I . to grill wiih pepper. Detort de-to" ,. T. to :TL5jor DerUhh !.'.". 1 . r . '. -j '.n :.:;. ' MM. ' Detractive (de-trak'tJT), . apt . -. i; -. Dennble if-rlz a-bi jf a. may be coa^iTed. (deire-iu). a. j DniM (dg-TizQ, j. tocoalrire; [foih; B. a (Jer-e-re'), - theper- f^- ^-. -r^.^i i :_.i^ ij _-*- ^ior~i"-v:;-r -.. -~ DeTcid (d . DeV :r ':':-:-- -'-.' Detriment (det^e-ment). n. Der . -T- ; hartroL DetritBt ' ie-tri'tus), n. acr a::^~:'i' ^ cf c .i-'.': * -^- ed by the weariac ai forks. DetHtal ri-tri'tal), a. posed of i-;t.-;:-i. Detrition (le-Uuh'on), B. tie ctorweuiagawaj. Delrmd* (de-trod'), r. to thnut or posh dawn with force. g down. 9e(rWAeate at), . to lop; to shorten by cuiun*- Dar (dui). m. a card or di* n. lie '.'-.i tflci^ri.::>i. Deimtate (der'ai tat) w. to lay e; hiToe; deatne- :ia; desolation, op (Je-Tel'ap), r. to m- *. to rail to fi.. :- :":. nr. tleactofdcToltia;. -it'), . to sei t; to doooj ; to execrate to appropriate by TOW. De'otea (de-To ted), a. an! DeT.v- . 41 ,,n. c-- '.- votea ; a fc irot. DeyoUon (de-TO'abm).*. re- - DT..i:.;nl! . .-T; siii-v .. <: ,. theeri (till and activity; expert . >extcmn fdeki'trr-us), a. ex- -.-:: - - Ir^trrmtly (deki Kr^s-te), -i. with skill or adroitness. . x!-^:rE=.- i. BS BjW|| :-.=. ::;-: :., Mrtttei (di-a-b't*i), a. a dl>- f urine. fdi-a-bet ik), . per- DUh>r. - -i r- -.. i.-. TJ nr InrinllrMiB (ai-a-boHi), t (dM-tank.^n.t*- : 1:1 -, . . . y ibederil. KaeaavUe (di^-kawz'tik), a. pertaiaia? to ewe* baaed HkicMM . - - - . - - Diachyau ' .:-a-!L:'cia), m. Oe circular ti>e of feaTec. U-..aii ;.--., -.. . ;. per- talniag UmdeaeoB. i^rinais (dtk'-pal), n. the - -:; ..' z i BBBB, :T-. 3 -ii . -i- -*:.; B, . . -:..:._. - r.. Bf I . . i. Diacritic :^-i- _- - * r. _:<. ' (diVieB),*.acrowB r'e-su), m. acpa- --. -- - - . ------- two; the mark [-] jrbeed --.;:- r -..' o show that they are u be Maced Kpantclr. i". ' . .-..-. . : ..-.-. .... -T---- ' . -.. *).- tyftii M. -.,; 1 i a e a e : - - - from anjle HB| -' ' fnVncVvM M .::--,:: - .:. -. : ; -^3, .. ,---- B^jnvnV '-''.-. 1 ' . " A DICTIONARY OF THE EEC-USE LANGUAGE. DIAGRAPHIC 100 DIFFUSE strument used in perspective Diarian (di-a're-au), a. per- Dictatorship (dik-ta'tcr-ship), drawing. taining to a diary ; daily. n. office of a dictator. Dlagraphle (di-a-grafik), ) Diarist (di'a-rist), n. one who Diction (dlk'shuu), n. manner Diagraphicalfdi-a-grafik-al) J keeps a diary. of speaking ; expressing ; a. descriptive. Diarrhoea (di-ar-re'a), n. un- style. Diasraphies(di-a-grariks)n.pZ usual evacuation hv stool. Dictionary (dik'shun-a-re). n. the art of designing or draw- Diarrhetie(di-ar-ret'ik), a. pro- a book of words explained in tag. ducing diarrhoea. alphabetical order. Dial (di'al), n. an instrument Diary (di'a-re), n. account of Dictum (dik'tum), n. a positive for measuring time by the daily events. or authoritative statement ; a sun's shadow. Diastole (di-as'to-le), n. dilata- dogmatic saying. Dialect (di'a-lekt), n. a peculiar tion of the heart: making a Didactic (di-dak'tik), a, giving form of speech. short syllable long. instruction. Dialectic (di-a-!ek'tik), ) Diutbermal (di-a-thcr'mal). n. Didactyl (di-dak'til), a. having Dialectical (di-a-lek'tik-al) \ " a'.lowiug ravs of heat to pass. two iocs. pertaining to dialect or dis- Diathesis (di-ath'e-sis), n. a Didaclvlous (di-dak'te-lus), a. course; logical. state of body predisposing to having two fingers o- toes. Dialectician (di-a-lec-tish'an). certain d. Dldelphoid (di-del'foyd), a. n. a reasoncr ; a logician. Dialhermanous (di-a-ther'ma- having two wombs. Dialectics (di-a-Iek'tiks), n.pl. nus), a. having th& property Didymous(did'e-mus) o^row- the art of reasoning. of transmitting radiant heat. ing in pairs or twins. Dialist (di'al-ist), n. a con- Diatonic (di-a-ton'ik), a. in the Die (di),t. to lose life; to ex- structor of dials. ordinary scale, by tones and pire ; to perish ; to wither ; to DIslage (di'al-Hj).n.amineral. semitones. languish. Dialage (di-sl'la-jc) n. a figure Diatribe (di'a-trib), n. a con- Die (di), n. a small cube; a of SDeecb. tinued discourse or disputa- stamp; hazard. Dialing (di'al-ing)n. art of con- tion ; an invective Laranguc. Diet (di'ct), n. food; an assem- structing dials. Dibble (dib'l), n. a tool for bly of princes; i: to supplv Dialoffist (di-al'o-jist), n. a planting seeds or roots. with food ; to eat by rule. speaker in or writer of a dia- Dibbler (diblcr), n. one who Dietary (di'et-a-re), n. course logue. makes holes in the ground. or order of diet. Dialogue (di'a-log).n. discourse Dice (dis), n. small cubes used Dietetic (di-e-tet'ik), a. rela- between two or more persons. DIalogistle (di-al-o-jis'tik), a. in play, [having two heads, Dicrpha'lons (de-scfa-lus), a. ting to diet. Dietetics (di-c-tct'iksl. n. pi. having the formof adialogue. Dichlamrdrous (dik-la-mid'e- thescience pertaini;.:; to food. Dialogiie (di-al'o-jiz), v. to dis- us), a. having two coverings. Differ (differ). . to he unlike; course in dialogue. DIchotomlte (di-kot'o-miz), . to vary; to disagree ; to con- Diameter (di-am'e-ter), n. n to cut or divide into two parts. tend. straight line passing through Dichotomy (di-kot'o-mc). n. Difference (iliffcr-cns), >;. dis- the center of a circle. division or distribution by| tinction : disagreement. DiametralCdi-am'e-trai;,o. per- pairs. DifTerpnl(dirfer-em),a.unlike; taining to diameter. Dichrokm (dik'ro-izm), n. the distinct; di.*s:nii!ar. Diametrir.il (di-a-met'rik-al), property of exhibiting two or DiffcrentiaKdif-fer-en'shal), a. a. straight ; direct. more colors when viewed in pertaining to a quantitv or Diamond (di'a-murd), n. a different directions. difference ; infinitely srntll. stone of the most precious Dichromatic (dik-ro-mat'ik). DifT<.rentiate(dif-fcr-cn'shc-dt) kind. a. exhibiting two or more c. to find the differential of. Diandrl* (di-an'dre-al, n. a colors. Dimcull(dirfe-kult)a.uoteasy; plant having two stems. Dickey ) (dik'c), n. a seat be- hard to be done. Diapason (di-a-pa'zon), n. an Dlcky $ hind n coach; a mov- Dlfflcolty(dirfe-kul-te), n. that octave in music ; concord. able shirt front- which is hard to be done. Diaper (di'a-per), n. figured Dicotyledon (di-kot-e-le'don), Dlfllilcncetdif fe-dens), n. want linen ; a napkin ; 1>. to varie- n. a plant having two seed of confidence; modest; rc- gate or figure cioth. lobes. cerve ; distrust of one's self. Diaphanous (di-afan-us), a. Dirtate (dik'tat). r. to tell what Diffident (diffc- sug- trustful; modest; timid; clear. gest: n. suggestion ; hint. bashful. Dlaphonlrs(di-a-fon'iks).r. pi. Dictation (dik-ta'shun), n. act Dimnitiie (dif-fin'c-tiv), a. the doctrine of refracted of dictating; an order. final; conclusive. sound. Dictator (dik-ta'ter). n. one in- DilTrnct (dif-frakf), r. to sepa- Diaphoretic (di-a-fb-ret'ik), a. vested with unlimited power.! rate into parts, as li^-ht. exciting perspiration. Dictatorial (dik-ta-to're-al), a. DlffiiKe(dif-fuz'),t>. topourout; Diaphragm (di a-fraui), n. the absolute ; unlimiMd; dogmat- to spread; to circulate. midriff. ical. DifTu>c (dif-fus';, a. copious; A DICTIOiTAKY OF TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. DIFFrsrLY 101 PIFETAlOrS liile ; ii:;l, n. ary(ilim'is--or-O,a.di*- DiffusiTe (dif-fu'ziv), a. that I shun), n. destru :. :.,mg to another jurisdit I)ig(dia).r. totpcaor tura up Dilataliilily (de-la t-a-bil'e-te),| tion. spado; to excavate; n. a thrust; a poke. Digest (di'jest), n. a conipila- ry of laws. Digest (de-jest i, r. to dissolv Di :ty (dim'e-te) n. a kind of :otton cloth, ribbed. Dimly (dim'le), ad. obscurely. Dilatation (dil-a-ta'shun), n. Dizanets (dim'nes), n. want of act of expanding. | brightness; duhiess. - ' Dilate (de-lat').v. to expand; to Dimorphism (di-mor'Usra), n. n. admittint; expaus:__. Dilatable (ii.j-lSt'a-bi;, a. that may be dilated. food in the stomach; to think; extend ; to en!; over; to arran.-f. [Dilatory (dil'a-tor-e), a. teud- Digestil)Ie(do-jest'c-bl), a. ca-l ing to delay ; slow; tardy. pableofbein; digested. ni!:itorily (dil'a-to-re-le;, ad. Dimorphous (di-n:or'fu.s). ) " Digestion (de-jest'yun), n. act! iu a slow or tardy manner. I havingthepropertyofdimor- ofdigesting; arrangement. iDilcmmn(de-lem'ma),u.aEt.-.te phism. Digestive (de-jes'tiv). a. tend-, of perplexity how to deeid?. Diai;,!e (dim'pl), n. a small ing to cause digestion. Dilettante (dil-et-tan'tc), n. an natural depression on the Digit (dij'it), n. three-fourths !_ admirer of the fine arts. j_ face ; t-. to form dimples. " in inch; the 12tU of t: the property of crystallizing Dimorphic (di-'mor'fik), J _ aumirtT 01 me line aris. j lut-e ; 1\ 10 lorin uimpies. Diligence (dil'e-jens), n. steady Dimply (dim'plc), a. full of diameter of the sun or moon ; application; industry. dimples orsmalldeprcssions. any number under ten. DilL-ent (dil'e-jent) Digraph (di'graf), n. two vow- els with only one sound. Bhao (dim), n. a U. S. coin, equal to one-t^nth of a dollar. Dioptrical (di-op'trik-a!l, J "' pertaining to dioptrics. Digress (de-gres'), v. to go from IHiiiention (de-meu'shun), n. Dli>ptr!o(di-op'triks),n.j>Z.the the main point or subject ; t.. size; extent; bulk. science of refracted light. introduce unnecessary matter Dimerous(dim'er-us) , a. having Diorama (di-o-ra'ma), n. ex- Dlgrfsslon(de-gresh'un), n. act parts arranged in twos. hibition of paintings, varied of digressing ; a deviation. Dimeter (dim'e-ter), a. having by a change of light. Di:rre*slTe(de-gres'iv), a. leav- two poetical measures, each Dloramic (di-o-ram'ik), a. per- ing the subject. of two feet. taining to diorama. Dihedral (di-htt'dral). a. hav- Diminish (de-min'ish) v. to les- Dip(dip),r. to plunge; to ladle; Dlhi-dron (di-he'dron), n. a to abate ; to subside. depression ; a sloping. figure having two sides or! Diminuendo (de-min-u-en'do). Dipe. to r. to disunite. Diplomatic (dip-16-mat'lk), a. alienate affection. Disaster (diz-as'ter), n. a sud- pertaining to diplomacy. Disaffected (dis-af-fckt'ed). a. den misfortune. Dlplomatlcs(dip-16mat-iks).n. having the affections alien- Disastrous (diz-as'trus), a. un- pi. the science of deciphering ated. Disaffection (dis-af-fek'shun), tiropltious ; calamitous. Disavow (d;s-a-vow'),t!. to dis- Diplomatist (de-plo'mat-ist),i. 11. want of affection. own ; to deny; to reject. one skilled in diplomacy. Disaffirm (dis-af-ferm 1 ), v. to Disavowal (Cis-a-vow'al), n. a Dipper (dip'per), n. one" who contradict; to deny. dciiial ; a disowning. dips; a ladle. Di-aClrmancc(dL ! -af-ferm'ans) Dif arowment (dis-a-vow'ment) Dipsomania (dip-s6-ma'ne-a), n. denial; negation; confu- 11. denial. n. a propensity to drunken- tation. Dlibnnd (dis-band'J, v. to dis- ness. Disagree (dis-a-cre'), r. not to miss, as from military ser- Dipteral (dip'ter-al), ) a. agree; to differ; to dis^ctt. vice ; to scatter or disperse. Dipterous (dip'ter-us), J hav- Disagreeable (dis-a-gre'a-bl), Dlsbandment (Cis-band'ment), ing two wings. a. unpleasant; offensive. n. act of breaking up or dis- Dire (dir), a. drcadfu ; sad. Disagreeably (Jis-a-gre'a-ble), missing. Direct (de-rekf), a. straight : ad. offensively. D!sbar(dis-barO, v . to deprive a right ; plain ; open ; r. toor- Disagreement (dis-a-gre'ment) lawyer of Ills ri-ht to j-lcad. der ; to guide ; to regulate. n. difference; dispute. Disbelief fdis-be-lef), n. denial Direction (de-rek'shun), n. Disallow (dis-al-low'), r. to dis- ofbelief; scepticism. guidance; order; aim; the prove ; to reject. Disbelieve (uis-be-lev'), v. to came, address, 4c., on alet- Dlsallowabie (dis-al-low'a-bl), refuse belief or cr tcr. [can direct- a. not allowable. Disbeliever (dis-be-K-'ver), n. Directive (de-rek'tiv), a. that Disallowance (dis-al-!ow'ans), one who does not believe. Directlv(de-rekt'!c), ad.imme- n. refusal to admit or permit ; Disbud (dis-bud'), r. to deprive diately; in a straight line. rejection. of buds or shoots. Directness (de-rekt'nes), n. Dlsanimatc (dis-an'e-mat), v. Disburden (dis-bur'dn), v. to straijhtness. to deprive of spirit. unburden ; to unload. Director (de-rek'ter), n. a su- Alsannex (dis-an-neksO, v. to Disburse (dis-burs'), . to ex- perintendent; a manager. separate or disunite. pend or lay out money. Directorial (dc-rek-to're-al),a. Disannul (dis-an-nul'), r. to Disbursement (dis-burs'ment) pertaining to direction. render null or voij. . act of disbursing; ex- Directory (de-rek'tor-e), n. a Dlsannulment (dis-an-nul'- penditure. rule to direct ; book contain- mentj.n. actof making void. DUburser (dis-bnrs'er), n. one ing directions; a guide-book ; Disappear (dis-ap-per"), t>. to a. guiding; instruct:-.',!. vanish from view ; to hide. Disc ? (disk), H. the face of & Direful (dir'ful), a. dreadful; Disappearance(dis-ap-per'ans) n. withdrawing from sight. Disk J round plate or body. Uiscifnrm (dis'i-form), > a. in Dirge (dcrj),n. a funeral hymn; Disappoint (dis-ap-poinf), v. Discoid (dis koyd), J t U c a song expressive of grief. to defeat expectation. form of a disc. DIrL(inecrporate Cdis-in-kor'r"- a. divested of body. a citizen. r. to deprive of corpo- Disembody (dis-em-bod'e), v. m-franchisement (dis-fran'- wer. to free from a body. chiz-ment), n. a deprivation :.:nt f.'.js-in-ff' Disemborne (dis-cm-bog'), . of privileges. 11. a:.vthins tliat di to discharge into an ocean or DisCTrnish (dis-gar'nish), r.to the cause or infoJtion. lake. strip of ornament. DKinft-ct (dis-in-fckt 1 ,, r. to Ilisemhognempntfdis-em-boir'- I>igorge (dis-gorj'), f . to vom- free from icfcctioc. ment), n.dischargeofwaters it"; to eject: to discharge; to Cisinfettion (di5-in-fek'shnn^. into an ocean or la'.;e. give np unwillingly. n.a cleansing from in: Disembowel (dis-em-bow'el), . Disgoreement (dis-gorj'ment), Di>in'.>ennous((lis-in-jen'\i-ii> . to take out the bowels. n. giviT." up unv. . a. illiberal; unfair; without Disembroil (dis-em-broyl'),t\to DlsgrareCdis-gras'), n. shame; free from confusion. disfavor; dishonor;!;, to DivlnscnnonslT (dis-in-jen'u- Disenable (dis-en-a'bl). v. to dishonor. deprive of ability. Dlssraceful (dis-gras'ful), a. Di>imrenultr(dis-in-je-nue-te) Disenrhant (dis-en-ehanf), r. shameful ; dishonorable. rky. to free from fascination or de- Disgracefully (p:imgMncnt (dis-par'fij- Displease (dis-ple:'), v. to of- Dislodgiuent (dis-loj'ment), n, ment), n. unjust conipurison fend ; to vex ; to disgust. act of dislodging. with something inferior. Displeasing (dis-plez'ing), a. Dlsloyal(dis-loy'al), a. not true Disparate (dis-por'at), a. un- giving offence. to allegiance ; treacherous. like; dissimilar. Displeasure (dis-p'iezh'ftr). n. DMojraltjr (dis-loy'al-te). n. Disparity (dis-par'e-te), n. nn- irritation of mind ; anger. pant of allegiance; incon- likeness; inequality. D'.splode (dis-plod'>, v. to burst; stancy. Dkpnrt (dis-pan ), v. to part "; to explode. Dlsmal(diz'rnal),a. dark ; dole- to divide. Di-pluioa (dis-plo'zhun/ ; . ful ; calamitous. D^pv-vii.n fdis-pash'un), n bursting with noise. Dismantle (dis-man'tl), 'v. tc coolness of temp r. Uisploslve (dis-plo'siv) a. no- strip of outworks. Dispassionate (dis-pash'un-at) ting displosion. Ul-ina-i Mis-mast'), v. to de- a. cool ; calm ; collected. Dlsport(dis-port'),n. piay ; di- prive of masts. Dispatch, dis-patsh ),r. to send vcr^ion; amusement; 0. to Dismay (dls-ma'), v. tofli'conr- awaT: n. speed ; haste. sport ; to play. age ; n. loss of courage and Uitpr.trhful (di3-pitsb.'ful), a. Disposable (dis-p6'za-bl), a. hope. bent on haste. that mav be disposed. Dismember (dis-mcm'bcr), . Dl.pel (dis-pel'), v. to drireoff Dl-pi) al (dis-po'zal), n. a set- or awav; to disperse. tling or arranging. Dlsmrmbi rment (ilis-mem'- DlsprnsaliK* (dis-pen'sa-bl), a. Dispose (dis-poz ), v. to place; ber-ment), n. separation of that may be dispensed. to incline; to sell. ft limb; a partition. Dlpnisnry (dis-;x>n'sa-re), n. Disposer (db-pu'zer), n. one Dismiss (dis-mis'), v. t* send a place where medicines are who disposes. away; to permit to depart. Dismissal (dis-niis'sal) n. adis- dispensed. Dlspcnsat ion (dis-pen-sa'sriun) Ch.posUioii(dis-po-zish'Bn), n. order; method; temper. Acrga. n. distribution ; exemption ; Disposltlonal (dis-po-zhh'un- Dismission (dls-alsh'un), n. a system of divine truths and al), a. pertaining to disposi- Bending off or away. rites. tion. Dlsmortzas-e (dis-mor'gaj), v. D!*ponMiro (dis-pen'sa-tiv), Dispossess (dis-po-zes'), v. to lo redeem from mortgage. a. gramiriGj rii)iermoiis (dis-per'mus), a. DisproporC&.mMe ,'dis-pro- D!:c!>!i'-!nc (.iis-o-blij'ing), a. having two seeds. fwr'shun-u-ol), a. not in pro- sictgratifri!];; unkind. DKjx-1-.e (dis-ptr-!'), r. to scat- portion. A DIOTIONAEY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE DISPEOPORTIOXAL 106 DISSOXANT Dlsproportlonal (dis-pro-por'- Disrupt (dls-rupf), t). to mud ; shun-al), a. pertaining to a shun-al), a. unequal. to tear asunder. dissertation. Disproportionate'dis-pro-por 1 - Disruption (dis-rup'shun/, n. Dissertator (dis-ser-ta'tor), n. shun-atj, a. not proportioned breaking asunder. one who writes a dissertation . DisproTal(dis-proo'val), n. act Dissatisfaction (dis-sat-is-fak'- Disserve (dis-serv'J, v. to in- of disproving. shun), . discontent : dislike. jure ; to hurt ; to harm. Disprovetdts-proov') r. to show Dissatisfactory(dis-sat-is-fak'- Disservice (dis-serv'is), n. in- to be false ; to confute. tor-e), o. causing discontent. jury : harm. Disputable (dis'pu-ta-bl), a. Dissatisfied (dis-sat'is-fid), a. Dis-erviceable (dis-serv'is-a- that mar be disputed. displeased ; discontented. hl), a. hurtful: injur: Disputant (dis pu-tant), n.one Dissatisfy (dis-satis-fi), r. to Dissever (dis-scv'er) p. to part who disputes. displease ; to make discon- in two ; to separate. Diputalion(dis-pu-ta'8hun)n. tented. I)issc.veranfe(dis-sev'er-ans) ? act of disputing ; argument ; Dissect (dis-sekf), r. t divide liisseveration (Jis-sev-er-a'- j debate; controversv. a bodv and examine minutelv shun), 71. act of separating. Disputatious (dis-pu-ti'shns) Dissectible (dis-sek te-bl), o. Dissident (dis'se-dcnt), a. not a. inclined to dispute. that can bear dissection. agreeing; discordant. Dispntatlve (dis-pu'ta-tiv), a. Dissection (dis-sek'shun), n. Dissidence (dis'se-dcns) n. dis- disposed to argue or dispute. the act of dissecting a bodv. cord ; disagreement. Di,pnte(dis-put'),t). to debate: Dissector (dis-sek'tor), n. one Dissilient (dis-sil'e-ent), a. to contend; to argue ; n. a who dissects ; an anatomist. starting asunder. debate. Disseize (dis-sez'), r. to dispos- Dissimilar (dis-sim'e-ler), a. Disqualification (dis-kwol-c- sess unjustly. unlike ; not similar. fe-ka'shun), n. anything Disseizee Mis-sez-e') n. a person Dissimilarity (dis-sim-e-lar'e- which disqualifies. dispossessed unlawfully. te), n. u:iiikencss; want of Disqualify (dis-kwol'e-fi), r. to Djss<-iiln(dis-sez'en), n. a'n un- semblance. make unfit; to disable. lawful dispossessing of lands Dissimilitude(dis-sc-mil'e-tud) Disquiet (dis-kwi'et), v. to or tenements. n. want of resemblance. make uneasy or restless ; n. Dissemblance (dis-sem'blans), Dissimulation (dis-sim-u-la'- Diqiiioling(dis-kwi'et-ing), a. Dissemble (dis-sem'bl), ti. to a feigning; hypocrisy. tending to disturb theniind. conceal real views. Dissipate (dis'se-pat), r. to Disquietude(dis-kwi'e-tud),n DUsembler (dU-sem'bler), n. scatter completely; to vani-V uneasiness ; want of peace. a hvpocrite. Dissipated (dis se-pa tea;, a. Disquisi|ion?dis-kwe-zish'un), Disseminate dis-sem'e-nat), p. loose in manners. 71. a formal discourse con- to spread ; to sow. Dissipation (dis-se-pa'shtrn) n . cerning matters ; disputa'.ive Dissemination (dis-sem-e-nS'- wasteofpropertviliceu:: i . -. inquiry. shun), n. act of spreading, Dissociable (di3-s6'she-a-l>l). a. Disqui-itional (dis-kwe-zisV- like the sowing of seed. not well united or assorted. uu-al).o. pertaining to a dis- Disseminatire (dis-sem'e-na- Dissocial (dis-so 'shall, a. con- quisition. tiv), a. tending to dissemi- tracted ; selfish. Disreiard (dis-re-gard'J, n. nate. Dissociate (dis-s&'she-St), r. to slight notice ; neglect ; r. to Disseminator (dls-sem'e-na- separate; to part; to disunite-. Blight; to omit; to regard. tor), n. a propagator. Dissociation (dis so - shc-a'- Disresrardful (dis-re-gard'ful), Dissension (dis-sen'shun), n. shun), n. actofdisui.: a. negligent; needless. discord; contention; dis- Dissolul,le(dis-soru-bU,a. that Disrelish (dis-rel'ish), n. dis- agreement. mav be dissolved. taste or dislike; r. to dis- Dissent (dis-sent'. r. to dis- Disso"lute(dis'so-lut)a. loose in like. agree in opinion : n. dis- morals ; profligate. Disrepair (dis're-pr), n. state agreement; difference in Dissolutely (dis so-lut-le), ad. of being out of repair. opinion. in a loose, immoral manner. Disreputable (dis-rep'u-ta-bl), Dissenter (dis-sen'ter), n. one Dissoluteness(dis'so-lut-nes;n. a. disgraceful ; shameful. who dissents. looseness of behavior. Dlsrepnte (dis- re-put'), n. want Dissepiment (dis-sep'e-ment). Dissolution(dis-so-lu'shun), n. of esteem; ill character. ti. a partition in an ovary or dissolving; death. Disrespect (dis-re-spekf), n. fruit. Dissolvable (diz-zolv'a-bl), a. want of reverence; rudeness. Dissentient (dis-sen'shent), a. that may be dissolved. Disrespectful (dis-re-spekt'ful) not agreeing. Dissolve (diz-zolv'), v. to melt ; a. uncivil ; rude. ' Dissentfous (dis-sen'shns), a. to separate. Di-respcctfully (dis-re-spekf- disposed to discord ; quarrel- is<-olvent(diz-zol'vent)t>..that ful-le), ad. with incivility; some. which di- irreverently. Dissertation (dis-ser-ta'shun), Dissnnanre(diss6-nans),n. dis- Disrobe (dis-roV), r. to nn- n. a discourse ; an essav. cord ; harshness. dress ; to strip ; to uncover. Dissertatiooal (dis-scr-ti'- Dissonant (dis'so-nant), a. dis- A DIOHOKABY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. DISSUADE " 107 DIVERGENT cordant; inharmonious. Distinctive (dis-tingk'tiv), a. Distrustful (dis-trust'ful), o. Dissuade (dis-swid 1 ), v. lo'aA- that marks distinction. suspicious ; doubting. vise against. Distinctly (dis-tingkt'le), ad. Disturb (dis-turb'), V. to stir; Dissuasion (dis-swa'zhun), n. in a plain manner. to perplex ; to disquiet. advice against something. Distinctness (dis-tingkt'nes), Disturbance (dis-tur'bans), n. Dissuasivc(dis-swa'siv)a. tend- n. clearness ; plainness. tumult; agitation; excite- ing to dissuade ; n. reason Distinguish (dis-ting'gwish),v. ment of feeling ; disorder. employed to deter. to note the difference ; to Disturber (dis-tur'ber), n. one Dissyllabic (dis-sil-lab'ik), a. signalize. who disturbs. consisting of two syllables. Distinguishable (dis-ting'- Disunion (dis-un'yun), n. want Dissyllable (dis-sil'la-bl), n. a gwish-a-bl), a. capable of be- of concord or agreement. word of two syllables. ing distinguished. Disunite (dis-u-nit'), v. to sepa- Distaff (dis'taf). n. , Dislinguishe to writhe. use. Distance (dis'tans), ||g9M|| Distortion (dis-tor'shun), n. Disuse (dis-QV), n. want or val^eTween^re-SBHHi Distract (dis-trakt), v. to draw Disvalue (dis-val'u), v. to un- serve ; p. to place remotely; different ways; to perplex; dervalue. to leave behind in a race. " to confound ; to confuse. Ditch (dich), n. a trench dug Dlstauced(dis'taust), a. left be- Distracted (dis-trak'ted), a. in the ground; a moat; v. hind. derail!- 1 '.!." furious ; n-.ad. to trench ; to dig a drain. Distant (dis'tant), a, remote in Distraction idis-trak'shnn), n. Ditheism (di'the-izm), n. tbe time or place; reserved. confusion ; perturbation ; doctrine of the existence of Distaste (dis-tasf), n. dislike; madness. two Gods, one good, the other disgust; i'. to dislike. DUtractive (dis-trak'tiv), a. evil. Distasteful(dis-tast'ftil) n.nau- causing perplexity. Ditlieist (di'the-ist), n. one who seous; offensive; unpleasant. Distrain (dis-tran'), v. to seize believes in ditheism. Distemper(dis-tem'per)n.mor- goods for debt. Dithyrambic (dith-e-ram'bik), bidstateof thebody or mind ; Distrainablc(dis-tran'a-bl), a. a. wild; enthusiastic ; n. a liable to be distrained. poem writ ten in a wild strain disorder; to derange body or Distraint (dis-trant'), n. a sei- Dilonc (di ton), n. in music zure for debt. an interval of two tones. Distcmperatnro (dis-tem'per- Distress (dis-tres'), n. act of Ditto (dit'to), . the same as coldorof other qualities ; con- fusion. paiu ; anguish ; adversity ; . to pain ; to afflict ; to Dittv (dit'te), n. a sonnet. Diuretic (di-u-ret'ik), a. tend- Distend(dis-tend'),t>. to stretch out; to swell. make miserable. Distressful (uis-tres'ful), n.. ing to excite the urine. Diurnal (di-er'nal), a. pirtnic- Distensible (dis-ten'se-bl), a. giving anguish ; full of dis- ing to or performed in a day: that may be distended. tress. daily. Distension (dis-ten'shun), n. Distressing (dis-tres'ing),pj>r. Diuturmty (d! u-tur'ne-te), n. act of swelling or enlargin ?. Distich (dis'tik), n. two poetic giving severe pain. Distributable (dis-trib'u-ta-bl) length o*f time. Divan (de'van), n. in Turkey, lines, makingconiplctc sense Distil (dis-til'), v. to drop gent- ly ; to extract spirit. Distribute (dis-trib'ut), v. to divide among several; totisal kind of sofa. Divaricate (de-var'e-kat), w.to Distillation (dis-til'la-shun), or allot. part in two ; to fork. n. the act of distilling. Distributer (dis-trib'u-tcr), n. Divarication (de-var c ka'- Distillatory (dis-til-I.Vter-e),a. one who distributes. shun),n. forking; separation pertaining to distillation. Distribution (dis-tre-bu'shun) Divo (div), v. to plunge into Distiller (dis-til'ler) n. one n. act of distributing. water ; to sink. who distils. Distributive (dis-trib'u-tiv), a. Divtr(di'ver),7i.onewhodives; Distillery (dis-tiller-e), n. a that distributes. a waterfowl. place where spirits are dis- District (dis'trikt).n. acircuit ; Diverge (de-verj'),f. to go from tilled. region ; a portion of country; one point. Distinct (dis-tingkt'), a. sepa- D. to divide into districts. Divergence(de-Ter'jens), n. de- rate ; different ; wclldefincd. Distrust (dis-trusf) ,11. 'odoubt parture from a point. Distinction (dis-tingk'shun), or suspect ; n. doubt or sus- Divergent (de-ver'jent), a. re- n. difference; superiority. picion; want of confidence. ceding from each other. A DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. PITERS 106 DOGSTAB Diver* (di'verz), a. various; mav be divi.ied. gree or rank of a doctor. sundry -nany; several. Division (de-rizh'nn), n. act of Dcctrest (dok'tres), n. a fmale Diici-ie (ui'vers, dj-vers'), a. dividing ; a partitioa ; a rule physician. different ; various ; unlike. in arithmetic. Doctrinal (dok'trin-al), a. re- Diversely (di'vers-lc), ad. dif- Divisional (rle-vizh'na-al), a. lating to or containing doc- ferentia; variously. pertaining to division. trine. MvmUaMe (de-ver-se-ff a-bl) Divisive (de-vi'ziv), a. causing Doctrine (dok'trin), n. what- a. that may be varied. division or discord. ever is taught; a principle Diversification (de-ver-se-fe- Divisor (de-vi'zor), n. a num- of belief; truth* of Ue gos- ka'shuu). -!. the act of mak- ber that divides. pel; tenet. ing various ; alteration ; Divorce (de-vors : ), n. dissolu- Document (dok'fl-ment), n. a change. tion of marriage : c. to sepa- paper containing informa- Divcrsifornirde-ver'se-form) a. rate married person!!. tion ortheproof of anything. of different forms. Divorcement (de-vors'ment), Dorumenial (dok-u-men'ta.1) ) Diversity (de-ver'se-fl), r. to n. divorce. Documentary (dok-u-men'- ) make different. Dlvnisa (ic-vnlj'), v. to make ta-re), a. consisting in, writ- Dl*erslon(de-ver'shnn).n.that public ; to disclose ; to make ten instructions. which diverts; a turning known ; to reveal. Dodecagon (do-dek'a-jon), n. aside ; sport ; recreation. Dlvnlger (de-vuljer), n. he a figure of twelve sides. Diversity (de-ver'se-te), n. dif- that reveals. Dodtrahedral (do-dek-a-he'- ference ; unlikeness ; variety Divclsinn (de-vnl'shun), n. act dral), a. having twelve sides. Divert (de-verf), v. to torn of plucking off. Dodecahedron (do-dek-a-he'- aside ; to amuse. DivnlMTc (d-vul's!v), a. that droa),n. a regular solid, hay- D!verting(de-vert'ing)a. pleas- rends or pulls asuuder. ing twelve equal sides. ing. Dizziness (di:'e-nes), n. state Do. to strip or fused ; . to make g'i J ly. Dodge (doj), v. to start aside ; deprive of anything. Do (doo), r. te act ; to perform : to evade ; to quibble. Divwtnre (de-ves'tur), n. the to practi;? ; to execute ; tc Doe (do), n. a female deer. act of depriving. achieve ; to flf i'h or end ; to Doer (doo'er), n. one who acts. Dividable (de-vi da-bl),o. that succeed; to tr DoIT(dof), t). to put off ; to di- may be divided. Do (do), n. the Lr.i or C note vest; to take off; to strip. Div-de (de-vid'), r. to reparate in music. [tog (dog), n. a domestic ani- rr part ; to distribute. Doclble (lo'sc-bl, dos'c-.M), a. mal ; a term of contempt; Dhidend(div'e-dend), n. .- y-r- tractable; easvto be tau.-'-t. v. to follow insidiously. tion designed to be divided ; Dctlle (da'sil. Aos ii), a. rci-ic),n. Doeacrel (dog'er-el), . a low nected with divination. a treatise on the art of assay- kind of poetry; worthless Divine (de-vin 1 ), a. pertaining ing metals, &a. verses ; a. irregular; niean. to God ; holy ; sacred ; >i. a Dcek(dok), n. a rlnre for bnild- Doggish (ilog'ish) a. snappish ; clergyman ; a theologian ; ing aud repui: churlish. r. to foretell ; to prt woe-l; o. to .t slion; to Dogma (dog'ma), n. an estab- m-rinely (de-vin'Ie). ad. in a curtail ; to clip. lished opinion or tenet. divine or godlike maiicer. Deckaze (dok aj), n. a charge Dogmatic (dog-mat'ik), > UhlneneM (de-vin ue=), n. for use of a duo!i. Dogmatical (dog-mat ik-al), J supreme excellence. Borkct (dok'ot), n. a direction a. positive; magisterial. : -a-ljell (div'ing-bel), n. a tied to^oods ; a list of c-iscs Dogmatlc-fdog-niat iks), n.pl. machine in which men can in court; r. to marie in a doctrinal thcologr. remain under water. list ; to : Dogmatism (dog'ma-tizm), n. P' . inity (de-vin'e-U-) n. divine Doit-yr!( '.>: T*rd)n.sr>aces a most positive opinion. i..jturc, or essence ; Dei:y ; and waixuous^J Ur li^va. Oagmaur (dog- star), n. the A DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. DOGWOOD 100 DOCCHSCT bright star called Sirius. a. pertaining to a private Dcrmer(tlor'mer), . a window Dogwood (dog-wood), n. a residence. in tlie roof of a house. shrubby species of Cornus. Domlclliate (dom-e-sil'e-at), v. Dormitory (dor'me-tor-e), n. Dog-trot (dog'trot), n. a gentle to domicile. a place to sleep in. easy trot. Domlciliation (dom-e-sil-e-a'- Dorsal (dor'sal), a. pertaining Doings (dooi'n:-;:), n. pi. ac- Dominant (ilom'c-nant), a. Dose (dos), n. portion of med- tions; thingsdcmc.; behavior. having the power or rule; icine taken at once; any- Dolt (doit), n. a small piece of prevailing; n. in music, tbc thing nauseous ; 1>. to give Dutch money ; a trifle. note which is fifth from the a dose. Dolabrlform (do-lab're-form), tonic. Dossil (dos'sil), n. a pledget or a. shaped like an ax. Dominate (dom'e-nat), v. to lump of lint. Dolce (dol'che), ad. in music, prevail ; to rule ; to govern. Dot (dot) , n. a small point used softly and sweetly. Dcicin:Uion(dom-e-ria'shunj7i. in wri:ing and printing ;w. Dole (dol), n. dealt out; v. to rule ; tyranny. to make dots. deal out a cilt sparingly. Domineer (dom-e-ner 7 ), v. to Dotage (do'tSj), n. weakness of Doleful (dol'ful), a. expressing rule ; to tyrannize over. mind in old age. grief; sad; dismal. Dominical (do-mia'ik-al), a. Dolal (do'tal), a. pertaining to Dolefulness (dol'ful-nes), n. a noting the Lord's day. dowrv or dower. dismal state. Dominican s(do-rnin ik-anz),n. Dctnrd (do'terd),n. one whose Dolesome (dol'sum), a. woeful; pi. an orjcr of monks. mind is weakened by a"e. gloomy; dismal. Dominion (do-min'yun),n. su- Dct:-.Con(d6-ta'shun),n. a'n en- Dolichocephalic (dol-e-ko-sef- preme authority; the coun- dowment ; a dowry or por- a-li'.;), a. long-headed. try or persons governed. tion. Doll (dol), n. a girl's tov babv. Domino (dom'e-no), n. a hoou Dote (dot), v. to be weakly af- Dollar (dol'ler), it. a silver coin or dress; pi. (dom'e-noz), fectionate. or note of the U. S., worth name of a game. DoCnjIy (do'ting-le), ad. with 100 cents. Don (doa), n. a Spanish title ; si';!y fondness. Dolor (do'lor), n. pain ; grief; v. to put on ; to assume. Dot'.od (dot'ted), pp. marked lamentation. Donate (do'nat), v. to give. with dots. Dolorlfcrons (dol-o-rifer-us), Donation (do-na'shun), n. a DouMe(dub'l). a. two-fold; in . to plunge or man ; a. of a dun color. board. fall suddenly into water. Drabble (drab'l), i: to muddv. Draughtsman (drafts'man), n. Dole (duv), n. a pigeon. Drachm (dram), n. one-eighth one who draws plans or de- Dove-cot (duv'kot), n. a shec of an ounce. signs. for pigeons. Draff (draf). n. lees ; refuse. Draw (draw), t>. to pnll ; to al- Dore-like (duv'llk), a. gentle; Draffy (drafe), a. worthless. lure ; to sketch ; to move ; innocent. j Draft (draft), n.a drawing to inhale. Dovetail (duv'tal), n. a mode or order for money; a rough Drawable (draw'a-bl), a, that fasten- /~~ . sketch ; adetachment; r. to may be drawn. ing .'t-/\v H-Wlty Jb \ draw ; to select ; to detach. Drawback (draw'bak),n.mon- inform *3^*J"J>^^ with force ; . auet; n har- Draw-brldtre (draw'brij), n. a of a ^iJ3QQ^i_ row ; any obstacle to prog- brM-'p that can be drawn up dove's Q -'Sv.'^u i^?\ ress. or down. tail ; " Draggle (drag*!), r. to be drawn Drawee tdraw-e'). n. the per- e. to fit one thing into an on the ground. son on whom a bill is drawn. other. Dragnet (drag'uet), n. a net to Drawer (draw'er), n, one who Dowable (dow'a-bl), a. that be drawn along the bottom of draws; a sliding box ia a may be endowed. a river, Ac. table ;//(. an under garment Dowager (dow'a-jer), n. a wid- Dragoman (drag'o-man), n. an for the legs. ow with a dowry. ' interpreter in the east. Drawing (draw'ins). n. a do- Dowdy (dow'de), n. an awk- Dragon (drag'un), n. a winged lineation ; sketch ; represen- ward, slovenlv woman. serpent; Satan. tation. Dowdyish (dow'de-ish), a. like Dragoon (dra-goon^.n. a hors Drawins-master (draw'lng- a dowdy. soldier ; . to persecute o mas-ter), n. one who teaches Dowel (dow'el), D. to fasten enslave ; to h arras 3. drawing. boards together bv pins. Drain (dranX, n. a channel for Drawing-room (draw'ing- Dower (dow'er), n. a wife's water; u. to empty; to ex room), n. a room for receiv- portion; a jointure. haust. ing company. Down (down), prep, along a Dralnable (dran'a-bl), a. tha Drawl (drawl), r. to lengthen descent; ad. below the hori- can be drained. words in speaking. zon; on the ground; from Drainage (dran'aj), n. a draw Dray (dra), n. a low, strong early to later times; n. a ing off. cart on wheels. bank of Band ; very soft fea- Drake (drak), n. a male duck Dray-horse (draTiors), ti. a thers. Dram (dram), - a glass of strong horse used in a ray. Downcast (down'kast), n. de- spirits ; eighth of an ounce. Drayman (dra'man), n. a man jected. Drama (drani'a), n. the action who attends a dray. Downfallfdown'fawl) n. a fall ; of a play; a play. Bread (dred), n. great fear ; ruin ; calamity. Dramatic (dra-mat'ik), ) awe; tenor; a. exciting Downulll(down~hil)n.de8cent ; Dramatical (dra-mat ik-al), J great fear or awe ; r. ta fear elope ; a. descending easy. a. belonging to the drama. greatly. Downright (down'rit) a. open ; Dramatist (dram'a-tistj, n. an Dreadful (dred'fnl), a. inspir- plain ; artless ; ad. plain- author of a dramatic piece. ing dread ; terrible. ly ; hcnestlv. Dramatize (dram'a-tiz), v. to Dreadfully (dred'ful-Ie), ad. Downsitt!ng("down'sit-ting),rt. compose, like a drama. terribly; friehtfullv. a sitting down; repose. Dramaturgy (dram-a-tur'je),n. Drearar (drer), > a. mournful; Dozen (duz'n), a. or u. twelve tity drank ; delineation. Dreary (drer-e), j dismal; things. [siness. Draught-hone (draft 'hors), n. gloomy ; sad. Dozlnest (d&'ze-nes), n. drew- a horse that draw* loads. IrearineM (drer'e-nes), n. . A DIOT10NAET OP TEE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. DREDGE 111 IIKI. \kF.NNKSS gloominess; dulness. Drive (driv),t>, tourge; tocom- dross ; Impure; foul. Dredge(drej),n. an oystcr-nst; pel; to press; to guide or Drought (drout), > n. dry v. it sprinkle flour ; to regulate; to rush on ; n. a Drouth (drouth),) weather; catch with a dredge. ride or excursion in a car- drviiess ; thirst. Dredger (drej'er), n. one who riage ; the road passed over. Droughty (drout'e), a. dry; or that which dredges. Drivel (driv'el), v. to slayer; wanting rain ; thirsty. Dredglng-box (drej'ing-boks), to speak like an idiot ; a. Drove (Ur&v), n. a number of 7i. a box for dredging meat. slaver; spittle. animals driven in a body. Dregs(dregz)n.j><. lees: refuse; Driveler i driv'el-er), n. a fool; Drovi-r (drov'er), n. one who sediment; dross. a dotard. drives cattle. Dreggine>.(dreg'ge-nes)n.foul- Driver (driv'er), n. one who or Drown (drown), v. to be suffo- ness ; fulness of dregs. that which drives. cated in water. Dreneh(drentsh), v. to soak; to Drizzle (driz'lj, v to raia in Drowning (drown'ing), a. per- wet thoroughly ; to purge vi- small drops. ishing in water ; n. act of olently ; n.adoseforabeast Drizzly (driz'le), a. shedding destroying life by immersion. Dress (dres), v. to clothe; to a lig^it or fine rain. Drowse (drowi), v. to grow deck ; to prepare food for the Droll i-Jrol), a. comical ; odd ; heavy with sleep. table ; to cleanse a sore ; n. merry; humorous. Drowsiness (drow'ze-nes), n. garments ; style of dress. Drollery (drtl'er-c), . buf- sleepiness ; duluess. Dresser (dres'er), n. a person foonery; mirth ; sportive Drowsy (drow'ze), a. sleepy; who dresses ; a kitchen table tricks. hca\y; dull; sluggish. Dres>lng (dres'ing), n. manure Drolllsh (droTish), a. some- Drub (drub), n. a thump; a given to land; an application what droll. knock; a blow ; v. to thrash. made to a wound ; seasoning Dromedary (drnm'e-der-e), n. Drubbing (drub'ing), n. a or stuffing for food. the one-hump camel of Ara- sound beating. Dressing. rac(rtres'ing-kas),n. bia. Drudge (druj), v. to labor in a box with toilet requisites. Drone (drfin), n. the male bee : mean offices; to toll; n. a Dressmaker (dres'ma-ker), n. an idler ; a humming sound ; slave ; a menial servant. one who makes ladies' dresses v. to emit a dull humming Drudgery (druj'er-e), n. hard Drc*in-roouirdres'in"-room) Bound ; to live idly. and continuous labor ; toil. n. ail apartment for dressing Dronlsh (dr6'uish), a. idle; Drug (drug), 71. any medicinal in. [fond of dress. lazy. substance; a thing of little Drrssv(dres'se), a. showy in or Qroop (droop), t>. to pine; to worth ; v. to administer Dribble (drib 1) , v. to slaver ; to languish ; to grow weak or drugs. drivel ; to let fall in drops. faint. Drut-'L-ct (drug'et), n. a coarse Dribblet (drib'let). n. a small Drooping (droop'ing), a. lan- kind of woolen stuff. quantity; a small sum. guishing. I)rneglst(drug'ist), n. one who Drift (drift), n. design ; aheap Drop (drop), n. a small por- sells drugs. of matter driven together ; tion of liquid; a globule of a Druid (droo'id), n. an ancient v. to drive into heaps. liquid ; a small quantity; an British or Celtic priest. Drill (dril), n. an instrument ear-ring ; part of a gallows ; Druldiral (droo-id'ik-al), a. of for boring holes ; v. to bore ; f. to fall in small particles; or relating to the Druids. to train soldiers. to let drops fall; to let fall. Druldism (droo'id-izm), n. the Drill-plough (dril'plow), n. a Droplet (drop'let), n. a little doctrine*, rites, &c., of the plough for sowing grains in drop. Druids. drills. Droppings (drop'ings), n. pi. Drum (dram), n. a military Drink (dringk), t). to swallow, that which falls in drops. instrument; a part of the as a drink ; n. a beverage ; Dropsiral (drop'se-kal), a. in- car ; v. to beat a drum. a draught; a potion. clined to dropsy. Drum-major (drum-ma'jer),n. Drinkable (dringk a-bl), a. Dropsy (drop'se), ji. an un- the first or chief drummer. that may be drunk. Datural collection of water Drummer (drum'mer), ii. one Drinker (dringk'er), n. one in some part of the body. who beats a drum. who drinks; a tippler. Drosky (dros'ke), n. a kind of Drum-stick (drum'stick), n. Drinking Mringk'iug), n. act carriage. a stick for beating a drum. of swallowing liquors ; the Drosometer (dro-som'e-ter),n. Drunk (drungk), a. iutoxiciu practice of using liquors to an instrument for determin- ej with alcohol. excess. ing the amount of dew de- Drunkard (drungk'erd), n. one Drip (drip), v. to fall in drops ; posited. given to excessive use of n. thatwhich falls in drops. Dro-, (dross), n. the scum of strong drink. Dripping (driping), n. fat metals; waste matter; refuse. Drunken (drungk'n) a. intoxi- from roasting meat. Dro>iiiess (dros'se-nes), n. cated; given to excessive Dripping-pan (drip'ing-pan). foulness ; impurity. drinking. n. a pan for the fat of roast Drosslesi (dros'les), a. pure. Drunkenness (drungk'n-nes). meat. Drossy (dros'e), a. full of n. habitual intemperance. A DICTIONAEY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. mars 112 DURESS Drupe (drdop) n. a fruit con- DneUing(duk'ling) n. a young hand when three person! taining a bard stony kernel, duck. play at whist. as the plum, cherry, &c. Duct (dukt), n. a tube or pipe Dumose (du-m6s f ), a. bushy ; Drnppl (droo'pel), n. a fruit for convevincafluid; acanal. having a shrubby aspect. containing many small stony Ductile (diik'til), a. easily led. Dum:ush(dtimp'ish),a. sullen ; seeds, as the blackberry, flexible; vieldins. dull ; depressed. raspberry, Ac. Durlilit) fduk-tilc-tc). n. the Dumpling (dumpling), n. a Drupaceous (droo-pa'shus), a. quality J being ductile. rouudpuddiug usually cook- producing or pertaining to Dudgeon (duj'un), . resent- ed by boiling. drupes. ment: malice; ill-will. Dumps (dumps), n. pi. sulki- Druse (drooz), n. a cavity in Duds (dud/), n. pi. old rags. nts.s ; gloominess; low spirits rocks lined with crystals. Due (du), n. owed ; owing to ; Dumpy (dump'e), a. short and Dry (dri), a. free from moist- exact; proper; n. that thick ; stunt. Dun (dun), a. of a dark brown sarcastic ; v. to free from Duel (du'el), n. a fight between color; n. a dark color; a moisture. two persons. clamorous creditor ; r. to Dryad (dri'ad), n. a wood Dueling (du'el-lng), n. the urge for debt ; to call and ask nymph. practice of fighting in single frequently. Dry-irooJs (dri'goods), n. pi. combat. Dance (duu's), n. a blockhead. woollen nnd cotton goods. Duell-sl (du'el-ist), n. a fighter Dune (dung), n. excrement of Dryly (Iri'le), ad. without iu duels. animals ; anything filthy ; moisture; coldly; sarcasti- Dnenna(au-en'na),n.an elderly v. to manure'with dung. cally. lady; a governess. Dunghill (dung'hil), n. aheap Drrncss (dri'ncs), n. aridity; Duet (du-et').n. apiece of mu- of dung ; a dirty, Tile abode. thirst: drought. sic Tor two. Dungeon (dun'jun), n. a close Drv-rot(dri'rot;,n. a decay in Dug (dug), n. the pap or nipple dark prisou ; a cell. wood. of a beast. Duo (du'6), n. the number?; Dry-slio which is earned ; wages. tality ; a mean condition ; Uyiuuticul (di-nas'tik-al), J * Ear-ring (er'ring), n. an orna- v. to free from dust ; to spriu pertaining to a dynasty. ment hanging from the er>r. klc with powder. Dynasty (dl'nas-te), n. a race Earth (erth), n. mouid ; the Dustiness (dus'te-nes),. state of kings of the same family ; world ; its inhabitants ; dry of being dusty. sovereignty. land ; soil ; country; v. to Dustr (dus'le), a. covered with Dysentery (dia'en-ter-e), n. a butrow; to cover with mould. dust. bloody fiux. Earthen (erth'n), a. made of Dutch (dutsh), a. pertaining te DysppIa(dis-pep'se-a),n. In- earth or clay ; frail. Holland. digestion. Earthenware (erth'en-wir),n. Duteous (du'te-u,s),a. obedient fulfilling duty. Dyspeptic (dis-pep'tik), a. af- flicted with indigestion. household utensils made of clay. Dutiable (du'te-a-bl), a. liable Dvsphacla (dis-fa'ge-a), n. dif- Earl iiline (erthling), n. an in- to duty or duties. ficulty of swallowing. habitant of the earth; a mor- Dutiful (du'te-ful),a.obcdient- Dyspnoea (disp-ne'a), n. dif- tal. respectful. ficulty of breathing. Earthly (erthle), a. pertain- Dutlfulness (du'te-ful-nes), n. Dymirla (dis-u're-a), n. a mor- ing to earth ; worldly. obedience ; HibuiLssiuii ; re- bid condition of the urine. Earthquake (erta'kwak), n. spect. Dysttsthesia (dis-es-thez'e-a), vibration of the ground. Duty (du'te), n. that which is n. impaired power of feeling. Earthwork (erth'worlj), n. a due ; military service ; obe- fortification made of earth. dience ; tax ; impost ; Ber. vice ; business. Ear-wai (er'waks), n. a sub- stance secreted in the ear. DuumTirate (du-um'ver-at), n. E, Ear-witness (er'wit-nes) n. one government by two men. who testi^es what he has. Dwarf (dwawrOi an animal Each (echV a. one of two ; heard. or plant under the usual size; every; every one separately. Easetez) , n. freedom from pain, a diminutive person ; v. to Eager (e'ger), a. ardently de- want, or anxiety; rest ; nat- hinder from growing. sirous ; vehement; earnest. uralness ;. o. to free from DwnrBsh (dwawrfish), a. very Eagerly (e'ger-le), ad. with pain. email ; despicable. ardor ; earnestly. Easel (e'zl), n. an artist's frame Dwell (dwel), v. to live in a Eagerness (e'ger-nes), n. ear- for his canvas. place; to inhabit; to abide. nestness; keenness. Easeful (ez'ful), a. quiet. Dweller (dwel'ler), n. an in- Eagle (e'gl), n. a rapacious Baseless (ez'les), a. wanting habitant. bird ; a military standard ; rest or quiet. Dwelling (dwelling) n. a place a gold coin of the U. S. worth Easement (ez'nnnt), n. ease; of residence; a habitation. $10. relief; assistance; support. Dwindle (dwin'dl), v. to grow less ; to shrink ; to degener- Eaglet (eglet), n. a young eagle. Easily (ez'e-le), ad. without difficulty; gently. ate ; to lose health. Ear (er), n. the organ of hear- Easiness (ez'e-nes), n. at ease j Dye (di), . to give a new col- in?; sense of hearing; the without pain or anxiety. or: to stain ; n. color; tinge; faculty of distinguishing East (est), n. the quarter whre stain; a coloring liquid. sounds ; attention ; a spike the sun rises ;a. toward tLo Dyeing (di'inBl. n. art of flxiag rising sun ; eastward. colors in fabrics. Eared (erd), a. having ears. Easter (es'ter), n. a {festival Dyer (di'er), n. one who colors Earl O'rt), n. anobleman, rank- commemorating Ckdst s re- cloths, Ac. ing between amarquis anda surrection. Dying (di'ing), ppr. expiring ; viscount. Easterly (est'er-Ie), a. pertain- yielding the last breath. Earldoci (erl'dnm), n. the pos- ing to the east;- ad. toward Dynamic (di-nam'ik), > sessions or dignitv of an earl. the east; coming from the Dynamlcal(dI-nam'ik- 1, J " Earless (er'lcs) a. w'ithoutears. east. pertaining to dynamic. EarSlncsi (cr'le-nes), n. state Eastern (Sst'ern), a. IMntr or Dynamic* (di-narn'iks), n. pi. of being beforehand. dwellingin the east; orienta,. 1 tiie science which treats of tarly (er'le), a. in good time Easy (ez'e), a. free from pair. ; bodies in motion. or season; ad. toon; be- tranquil; not difficult. Dynamite (din'a-mlt), n. an times. Eat (et), v. to chew and swal- A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LAMTTAGE. EATABLE 114 EFFERVESCES CE low ; to take food ; to corrode. Eatable (et'a-bl), a. that mav be eoten ; n. anything used as food. Eatinv-honsc (et'ing-hous), n. a place where ready dressed provisions are sold. Eaves (evz), n. pi. edges of a roof, overhanging the wall. I ave-dropperfevz'drop-perjn. a secret listener. I.bb (eb), v. to flow back ; to sink ; to decay; n. recess of the tide. Ebb-tiile (eb'tid). n the retir- ing tide. r.bnn ic-i/in), a. like ebony. Elionize (eb'o-niz), t>. to make black. Eiioii.r (eb'on-e), n. a hard, heavy black wood. F.bricty f.-l.ri'e-tc). n. drunk- enness ; intoxication. Ebullient (e-bul'yent), a. boil- Ebullition (eb ul -lish'nn), n. EclipseCe klipsOn. the obscura- body ; v. to darken. Ecliptic (e-klip'tik), n. the ap- parent path of the sun round the earth. Eclogue (eklog), n. a pastoral poem ; a rural poem. Economic (ek-o-nom'ik), ) Economieal(ek-o-nom'ik-al), J a. pertaining to economy ; saving; frugal. Economist (e-kon'o-mist), n. one who is economical. Economize (e-kon'o-miz), t>. to Economy (e-kon'o-me),ti. care- ful use of money; judicious management of a house or Ecstaej (ek'sta-se).n. rapture ; transport ; extreme delight. Ecstatic (ek-stat'ik), ? Ecstatical (ck-stafik-al), j " transporting; delightful. Eetropium (ek-tro'pe-um), n. Edify (ed'e-fi), v. to build up, to instruct; to improve the mind. Edile (e'dil),n. a Roman mag- istrate. Edit (ed'it), v. to superintend for publication. Edition (e-dish'un), n. the whole number of copies of a book printed at one time. Editor (ed'e-ter), n. one who prepares a work, Ac., for the press. Editorial (ed-e-to're-al), a. written by an editor. Editorship (ed'e-ter-ship), n. Educate (e'd'u-Uat), v. to brh,g up; to train; to instruct. Educator (ed'u-ka-ter), n. an instructor; a teacher. Education (ed-u-ka'shun), n. instruction; the cultivation of the moral, intellectual, and physical powers. Educational ;ed-u-ka'-shun-al) Eburnean (e-ber'ne-an), a. made of ivory. Eearte (a-kar'ta), n. a game of cards. Eccentric (ek-sen'trik), ) Eccrntrlrr.l (ek-scn'trik-al), J a. deviating from the centre; Irregular ; odd ; singular, Eccentricity (tk-sen-tris'e te). n. the bcingoddorsingular; Ectype (ek'tip), n. a copy or cast from an original. Ectvposraphy(ek-te-pog'ra-fc) n. a method of etchin", by which the lines are raised, instead of sunk. Ecumenic (ek-u-men'ik), ? Lcnmenical (ek-u-men'ik-al) $ Edaciousfe d'a'shus),a.eting ; greedy ; voracious. Edacity (e-das'e-te),n. greedi- ness ; rapacity. Eddy (ed'de), n. circular mo- Educe (e-dus'), v. to bring or draw out; to extract. Eduction (c-duk'shun), n. the act of drawing out. Edulcorate (e-dul'ko-rat), ti. to free from acids, &c. Eel (el), n. a genus of fish. Efface (ef-fas'), v. to deface; to blot out; to -wear away. Effaceable (ef.fis'a-bl), a. that may be effaced. Effacement (ef-fas'ment), n. act of effacing. Effect (ef-fekt'), n. a thing done; consequence; result; j)Z. goods ; property; v. to produce ; t-> bring to pass ; to accomplish. EflVrlible. to resound. Echomctry (tk-omvtrc), n. the art of measuring the length of sounds. Eclaircissemcrit (ek-lar'sis- mong), n. full explanation. Eclat (e-kla'), n. splendor ; ap- plause ; renown. Eclectic (ek-lek'tik), o. select- ing or choosing. Eclecticism (ek-lek'te-sizm) .n. the principles or doctrines of the eclectics. Edentated (e-den'ta-ted), a. without teeth; deprived of teeth. Edge (ej), n. sharp side ; brink ; v. to sharpen ; to place a border on ; to incite. Edcied (cjd), a. sharpened. Edging (cj'ing), n. a kind ol narrow lace ; a border. Edge-tool (ej'tool), n. a sharp or cutting instrument. Edse-wise (ej'wiz), ad. in di- rection of the edge; side- wavs. Edibi.) (ed'e-bl), a. fit to be eaten; eatable. Edict (e'dikt\ n. a law ; a roy- al order; r decree. Edification (ed-e-fe-ka'shun), Edifice (ed'e-fis), fa. a large building; a structure. Effectual (ef-fek'tu-al), a. pro- Effectually (ef-fek'tu-al-le), ad. with effect. Effectuate (ef-fek'tfl-at), v. to bring to pass ; to fulfil. Effeminacy (ef-fem'e-na-se), n. nnmanly delicacv. Effeminate (ef-fem'e-nat), a. Effervesce <'f-fer-ves r )', v. to boil gentlv; to froth up. Effervescence (ef-fer-ves'sens), A DIOTIOMEY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. EFFERVESCENT 115 ELECTHOPLATE n. nalnral ebullition, or gen tie boiling. Egoist (e'go-ist), n. onf who believes nothing certain but Elaterium (el-a-te're-um), n. a substance procured from Effervescent (ef-fer-ves'sent) ,o his own existence. the wild cucumber. gently boiling or bubbling. Egotism (e'co-tism), n. self- Elation (e-la'shun), i. haughti- Effcrvesclble (ef-fer-ves'se-bl) commendation. ness ; arrogance ; pride. o. capable of effervescence. Egotist (e'go-tist), n. magnify- Elbow (el'bo), n. the bend of Effete (ef-fef), a. barren ing one's self. the arm; B. to push with weak ; worn out ; exhauste'd Egotistic (e-go-tis'tik), > the elbow ; to encroach on. Efficacious (ef-fe-ka'shus), a Eg ( ,tist!cal(e-go-tis'ti- kal) 5 "" Elder (el'der), a. older ; n. producing the effect. often praising one's self. one advanced in life ; an ec- Efflcaciously(ef-fe-ka'shus-le) Egotize (e'go-tiz), v. to talk clesiastical office ; a tree. ad. effectually. much of one's self. Elderly (cl'der-le), a. rather Efficacy (effe-ka-se), . power Egregious (e-gre'je-us), a. old. Efficiency (ef-fish'en-se), n able. most advanced in years. act of producing effect. Egri'gli>nsly(e-gro'je-us-le)ad. ElecanipaiH'(el-e-kam-pan'),n. Efficient (ef-flsh'ent), a. able enormously; remurkablr. a medicinal plant. competent ; producing effect Egress (e'gres), n. going out. Elect (e-lekt'), v. to choose or n. that which produces ef- Egression (e-gresh'uu), n. the select for office ; a. chosen ; fects. act of going out. u. one chosen or set a[iart. Effigy (effe-je), n. a likeness Egyptian (e-jip'shan),i. a na- tive of Egypt. Election (e-lek'suun), n. the public choice of a person for Effloresce(ef-fl6-res'),t>.to form Elder (i'der), n. a species of office; preference. minute crystals. duck. Electioneer (e-Iek-shun-er'), v. Efflorescence (ef-flc-res'ens). Elder-down (i'der-down), n. to make interest for a candi- ti. the being in flower ; down from the eider duck. date. bloom ; redness of the skin. Eight (at), a. twice four. Eli'ctionper!np(e-Iek-shiin-er'- Efflorescent (ef-flo-res'ent), a. Eight-fold (at'fold), a. eisht iug), n. use of efforts to gai> forming white dust; shooting times in number orquanticv. an office. out in the form of flowers. Either (e'ther, i'ther,) a. one Elective (e-lek'tiv), a. depend- Efllnenee(efflu-ens), n. a flow- or the other ; one of two. ing on choice. ing out. Ejaculate (e-jak'u-lat), v. to Elector (e-lek'ter), *. one who Effluent (effln-ent), a. that throw or ehoot out ; to utter. has the right of voting. which flows from any body Ejaculation (e-jak-u-la'shun), Electoral (e-Iek'to-ral), a. per- or substance. n. a short sudden exclama- taining to elections or elec- Effluvium (ef-flu've-um), n. ex- tion. tors. halations from material bo- Ejaculatory (e-jak'u-la-tor-c), Electric (e-lek'trikj, > dies ; pi. Effluvia, a. briefly uttered. Electrical (e-lek'trik-al), { a- Efflux (effluks), ) Eject (e-jckf), . to cast out; pertaining to electricity ; n. Effluxlon (ef-fluk'shun), J n ' to discharge ; to expel. any substance capable of ex- a flowing out or from. Ejection (e-jek'shun), n. the hibiting electricity. Effort (effort), n. exertion ; act of casting out. Electrician (e-lek-tfiFh'an),n. endeavor ; strai n . Ejectment (e jckt'ment), n. a one skilled in electricity. Effrontery (cf-fron'ter-e), n. writ tocastout of possession. Electricity (e-lek-tris'e-te), n. excessive assurance. Eke (ek), r. to increase; to the operations of a very sub- Effnlge (ef-fulj'), v. to ehine add ; to protract ; ad. also. tile fluid. with splendor. Elaborate (e-lab'o-rat), v. to Electriflable(e-lek'tre-fi-a-bl), Effulgencc(ef-fal'jens),n. great produce with labor ; a. fin- a. capable of becoming elec- lustre or brightness. ished with exactness. tric. Effulsent (ef-fuljcnt), a. dif- Elaborated (e-lab'o-ra-ted), a. Electrify (e-lck'tre-fi), v. to fusing a flood of light. producedwithlabor or study. charge with electricity. Effuse (ef-fuz'), . to pour out ; Elaboration (e-lab-o-ra'shun), Electrize (c-lek'triz), t). to en- to spill or shed. n. the act of finishing with due with electricity. Effusive (cf-fQ'siv), a. flowing great care. Electrode(e-lek'tr6d),n. dire- abundantly. Elapse(e-laps'), r.topassaway tion of an electric current. Effusion (ef-f u'zhun) ,n. a pour- silently; toslipor glide away. Electrolysis (e-lck-trol'e-sis). ing out; spreading. Elastic (e-las'tik), a. springing n. analysis effected by elec- Egg (cs), n. a body formed in back ; springy. tricity. female birds, from which Elasticity (e-las-tis'e-te), n. Electrometer (e-lek-trom'e- their young is produced. quality of being elastic; ter), n. an instrument for in- Eglantine (cg'lan-tin), n. the springiness. dicating the presence of elec- sweet briar. Elate (c-laf), a. flushed with tricity. Egoism (e'go-izm), n. the doc- success; exalted; proud; Electroplate (-1ek'tr6-plat), trine of the egoists. . to puff up. 1 . to cover with a coating of 1 UICTIOE AEY OF TEE MGLKH LANGUAGE, ELECTROTYPE 116 EBB AT oeta] by elect : fitness to be chosen. one who explains. ^tirotvpe (e-lek'tfo-tip), n. Eligible (el'e-je bl>, a. fit to be Elude le-lud'), o. to escape by ' 4U impression obtained by chosen; suitable. artifice; to evade. jhe depoiition 9f a film o"l Btalnato (e-lim'e-Dat), . to Eliidihle (e-ln'de-bl), a. that iietal upon a mould. set at liberty ; to get rid of. may be escaped. l_A>ituary (e-lek'tu-ar-e), n. a Elimh::ition(e-lim--ua'sbun), Elusion (e-lu'zhun), n. escape medicine. n. act of expelling ; separa- bv artifice; evasion. Eiemosynary(el-8-mos'e-nar- tion. Tilu'-iie (e-la'siv), o. practicing e), a. living oa charily ; Ellqnatlon (el-e-kva'shun), n. elusion. charitable. separation of substances that Elusory f 6-lu'sor-e), a. tending Elrzance (el'e-gans), n. polish meltatditferenttemperature* to elude or deceive. in manners i beauty of dic- EJUion (e-lizb'un), n. tbe cut- E!v*i:m (e-liz'e-an). a. very tion : gracefulness. ting off of a vowel. delightful; blissful. Elegant (el'e-gant), a. polish- Elliir (e-lifcaer), w. refined Elysium (e-lizh e-um), n. a ed; polite; reflued. sii;rit. place of delight. Elegantly (ele-gant-le), ad. Elk (elk), n. an animal of the Emaciate (6-ma'she-at), v. to with elegance. deer kind- lose flesh ; to waste ; to pine. Elesiiie (el-e-ji'ak), > Ell (el) n. a measure of a yard Emaciation re-ma-she-a'shun), Klriiac.il (el-e-ji'ak-al), > "' and a quarter. n. becoming lean. used in elegy; mournful. Elezr (el'e-je)", n. a funereal poem ; a song, expressing sor~ow. Element (el'e-ment), n. one of Ellipse (el- -^ ~ \ lips'), n.an f \ or proceed from. Emanation (em-a-na'shun), n. act of flowing from. Emanclpnte (e-man'se-pat) f ti. ure bound- V J ed by a > ^ the essential parts of any- regular curve. to free from slavery. thing. Elllpiis Cel-'.ips is),n. the omis- Emancipation (e-man-se-pa'- Elemental (el-6-men'tal), a. sion of a word or phrase. stiun) n. actof emancipating. periaining to elements. EleinentAlity (el-e-men-tal'e- Elliptic (el-lip'tik), > Elliptical (el-lip'tik-al,) 5 - Emanflpator(e-man'se-pa-ter) n. one who frees from sla- te), n. composition; combi- having the form of an ellipse; very. nation of ingredients. defective; having apart un- Emasculate (e-raaslia-Ut), v. Elcmentnry (el-e-men'tar-e), derstood. to geld or castrate ; to weak- a. simple; primary. Elm(elm),n. a well-known tree. en. Elcnchus (e-lengk us), n. * Elocution (el-6-ku'shun), n. Emasculation (e-mas-ku-la'- vicious or fallacious argu- proper delivery of words. ebun), n. act of depriving of ment. K!o-u;;. to fill largest quadruped. Eloge (e-ldzh')rj n. eulogy; a with aromatics. **^^'^*^'\>>-t^s. panegyric. Embank (em-bangk 1 ),*. to de- Elongate (e-long'git), . to fend or protect by a mound. Ai^B^^^H^B ^SS draw out ; to lengthen. Embankment (cm-bangk'- Elongation (e-!ong ga'shun),n. ment), n. a mound. {^HiB^B3r^2^ act of lengthening. Emlmrco (em-bar'go), n. pro- *f~ \ ^^^m aj EInpe (e-16p'), v. to ran away hibition from sailing. ~tc*&'-' **l.y*-~r$'^j^r secretly; toescape privately. Embark (em-bark'), r. to enter } :; -f?5rrfrrpf^tf a ^* i ^^' Elopement (e-16p'men 4 .), n. an on board ; to engage in any : , Elrph.iiuiue (el-e-litu'tin), a. unallowed departure. business. very large. iEioquenco (el'c-kwensj.n.ele- Embarkntlon(em-bar-ka'shnn) Elevate (el'e-vit), p. toraisa to gaace and appropriateness ti. a going on board. higher position. of language. Embarrass (em-bar'ras), v. to Elevation (ei-e-va'shnn), n. Xl.iqnrat (el'6-kwent), a. perplex ; to involve. act of raising ; exaltation. | speaking with fluency. Embarrasinffem-bar'ras-sing) Elerator (ere-va-ter), n. a E>c (els), a. other ; besides; a. tending to perplex or con- lifter ap. [tban ten ad. Mherwise : except. found. Eletcn (e-lev'n), a. one more Elwwhere (els'whar), a*, fn Embarrassment (em-bar'ras- Elf (elf), n. an imaginary Fume other or a different ment), n. perplexity; pecu- spirit ;^-pl. elves. place. niary straits. Elltit (e-lis'it), v. todrawont; ElnrHate (e-16'sl-dit), v. to Embassy (em'bas-se), n. the to extract; to deduce. make clear; to exnlr.in. charge or function of an am- Eliritation (ff-lis-e-ta'shon), n. Elnciilation (e-lu-si-da'shun), bassador. act of drawing out. n. illustration. Emliattle (em-bat'tl), r. to ar- Elide (e-Ii. to meot), n. fraudulent appro- n. confusion ; strife. soften. priationofwhathas been in- Embryo (em'bre-o), * tflc rt- Emollient(6-mone-entt , a.soft- trusted to one. dimenta of aa nim', or ening, or making supple. Ember.zler(em-bez j zler},n.one plant; the beginning ,f any- Emollition (em-ol-lish'uu), n. who embezzles. thing; a. tainj"i.iarr. act of softening or relaxing. Emblazon (cm-hla'zn), v. to Enbryolo|tj r iem-b.e-or5-je),n. Emolument (e-mol'u-ment), . adorn with figjres of herald- the sudj of the formation of profit from office. ry; to adorn with glaring the tinbryo. En:olumentwl (e-mol-u-men'- colors. Enbryorle (em-br-on'ih), a. tal),o.nseful; Tieldiug profit Emblazonry (em-bla'm-re), pert^iaing to an embryo: Emotion (e-mo shun), n. ex- figures on shields. rudimentary, citement of the mind. Emblr in (em'blem), n. a flo- Kmbrrotomy (em-bre-ot'o-me) ! Empale (em-pal'), . to fence In ture imaging atruth; atype n. ex-traction of tte foetus by with stakes ; to put to death Emblematic (cm-ble mat ik) > cutting. on a stake. Emhlrmatiral (em-ble-mat'- S Emendable (e-inen'da-bl), a. EmpalemenUem-pal'meut), n. e-kal).n. consistingol or con- that may be amended. act of empaling. taining an emblem. Emendation (em-en-da'sbnn), Empark (em-park')i . to en- Embody (em-bod'e), v, to fora ti. correction. close in a park. in a body. Emend.ilor (em'en-da-ter), n. Emperor(em'per-er) 1 n.onc rul- Embodiment (era-bod'e-ment). one who corrects or improve;. ing an empire. . act of uniting in a whole. Emcnil.l cm'er-' ; '>, . a gem Emphasis (em'fa-sis), n. force Embolden (em-bold'n). *. to of a green color. orstressofutterance.;^ i. Em- give courage to. Emerge (e-merj'),f.torlseout phases. Embonpoint (ong-bong- of water, &c.; to reappear. Emphasize (em'fa-slz), v. to pwong), n. plumpness c: Emenenfy (e-mer'jen-se), n. utter with force. person. a rising out of; prcsiiug no- Emphatic (em-fat'ik\ > Embortler (em-borMer), t). to eeaitf. Kmpkatlcal (cm-fat'ik-al), $ * adoru with a border. Ementcnt (c-mer^ent), a. ris- forcible; uttered with or re- Embosom (em-boo'zum), f. to ing out of; pressing. quiring emphasis. caress; to enclose in the Emersion (e-mer'shun), n. a Em phat if ally(em-fat'ik-al-le), midst. rising out of; a fluid. ad. with emphasis. rnibnsi (em-bos'), v. to adore Emery (em'er-e), n. a bard Empire (cm'pir), n. dominions Tvith raised work. mineral used in polishing. of an emperor. Eiul>ir!e!a (ern-pir'e-slrm), Erobuwel (etn-bow'cl), . to who emigrates. n. Quackery. take out the bowels. Emicrato (em'e-grSt), p. to Employ (em-pIoyO, "- to use ; Embower (em-bow'er), v. to leave one country to settle In to exercise ; n. business. lodge In a bower. another. Employee (em-ploy -e'), n. one Embrace (em-bras'), t>. to en- Eniigralinnfem-e-trr-a'shnnj.n. who is employed. close in the arms; to admit removing to ftnothe'count'y. Employer (em-"ploy'er), 71. one or receive ; n. fond DrGSsu 1 "*; Cmlnenre (em'e-B;-t!'0, n. n who employs. with the arms; hug. rising group^i diiiuctio ; Employment (em-plor'ment), Embrasure (em-bra'zhur), t acaidins^.'i titl". n. business; occupation. an optninc inavsli through Eminent ( em'-:,enn. a. ecie- Empnrinm (envpo're-urn), n. which aunor"< are 8>CJ. br'ted or loaspttuous j high a place of trade; a mat.. Emb"tate 'in'br* Vat), . to la rap^t. Emnower (em-pow'er), c. to [ "uiate a dis*ied prc. r,Diinently (em'e-nent-le\ ad.l autborize; to enable. A DICTIOtfABY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ESPRES3 1 1 < ENERVATE Empress (em'pres), n. the con- Encave (en-kav'), c. to hide in sent to many places or per- sort or wife of an emperor. a cave or recess. sons, aa a letter. Emptiness (emp'te-nes), n. Enceinte (ang-sangf), . preg- Eneyelopedia(en-sl-klo-pe'de- vanity; vacuity. nant. a), n. a Bummary of every Empty (emp'te), a. void; on- Encephalic (en-se-fal'ik), fi branch of knowledge. furnished ; vacant ; . to ex- belonging to the head or brain Encysted (en-sist'ed), a. en- haust; todepriveof contents Znc-hain (en-chan'), . to fasten closed in a bag. sac, or cyst. Empurple (em-pur'pl), v. to with or bind in a. chain. End (endj, r.. extreme point ; tinge purple. Enchant (en-chant ), r. to rv-r.lt . ; purpose; close; Empyreal (em-pir'e-al), o charm; to bewitch; to de- d..a:h ; v. to finish; to close; pure; vital; ethereal. light. to destroy. Empyrean (em-pe-re'ac),a. the Enc'uantinely (cn-chant'ing- Endanger (cn-dan'jer), v. to highest heaven. le),o rufTcr with, patience; to substance on teeth; v. to ment), n. incitement ; sup- txnclergo coat or paint with enamel. port; hope; favor. Endwise (end'wiz), ad. on one Enameler (en-am'el-er),n. one Enconrnsring (en-tnr'aj-5ng), end ; with the end first. who enamels. n, inspiring with hope. Enrraa (e-ne'ma), n. an injec- Enameling (en-am'el-ing), n. Enronraginply (en-kur'.ij-ing- tion into the bowels. the art of laying on enamel. le\ ad. Eo'aa to give Lope of Enemy (sn'e-me), n. one who Enamor (en-am'er), r. to in- success. hates ; a foe ; an adversarv. fiaroe with love or desire. Encroach (en-troch'), v. to in- Enenretic (cn-er-jet'ik), '> Encamp (en-kamp'), c.to pitch trude; to trespass. Energetical (en-er-jefik-al), < tents ; to form into a camp. Encroachment (en-troch'- a. active; forcible [effective. Encampment (en-kamp 'me nt), raent),7i.ur:lawftil intrusion. Jncrgiie (en'er-jiz), e. to op- n. pitching tents where troops Encumber (en-kum r ber)i V to erate with vigor. lodge in a canon. burden with a load. Jnercy (cn'er-je), n. inherent Encaustic (en-kaws'tik), a Encnmbrance(en.kum'brans). power for wort; virar; ac- burnt in or done by heat ; n. a Ina4 j burden. tion; strength; spirit. n. painting in heated wax. Encyelica] (en-si^1ik>al), a. Enerr.ite (e-ner'Tat), v. to da- A. DICTIONAEY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ENERTATION 119 . KXSfK prive of strength or courage. the whole; to write in a ErfnoblL^niTen^O'bl ment act of weak i Engrosser (en-gr6s'er), n. a n. act of ennobling. Emfeeble (en-fi- i,;,i. i-. to weal- monopolizer; one who writes Ennui (ong-we), n. lassitude; en; to make f a fair copy. languor; mcutal depression. Enfeebiemcnt (cn-ft'bl-ment), Engrossment . to English (ing'glish),a.oforper- taiuin? to England ; n. peo- n. stateof being enlightened, j cover or envelop in a Ehroud. Enlist (en-lisf), v. to enter a Enslfcrm(en'se-form),a. in the ple or language of England. name on a list; to enrol. form of a sword. F:'grain fen-gran'), v. to dye in Enlistment (en-list'ment), n. Emisn (en'sin), n. a flag; an -rain. act of enlisting. officer tiiatcarries astandard Ergraie (en-prav'), v. to cut Enliven (en-liv'n), v. to ani- or flag. figures or letters on wood, mate : to make cheerful. Enfijnry (cn'sin-se), n. the metal, Ac. Enlivencr (en-liv'n-cr), n. one cemmission of an ensign. Engrater (en-grav'cr), n. one who enlivens. Fnr Inve (cn-slav), v. to deprive who en graves. Enmity (en'me-te), n. Ill-will ; of liberty. En:rravln~ (on-graving), n. hatred; hostility. Enslavement (en-slaVment), the art or act of cutting de- Ennpason fen'ne-a-on), n. a n. state of slavery. signs on wood, &c. ; that figure with nine sides and En-tnmp (cn-staliip'), r. to which is engraved ; a print. nine angles. mark as with a stamp. Engross (en-gros'), r. to buy Ennoble (cn-nplil), r. to make Ensne (en-su'), v. to .mult A DICTIONAKY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ENSUING 1:0 EPIIEHERIS from ; to succeed. EtUircr Kn-tij'er), n. one who Enunciation (e-nun-she-a'- Ensuing (cn-s\\'ing),ppr. next tempts to evil. shun), n. manner of pronun- following. Enticingly (eu-tis'ing-le), ad. ciation ; declaration. Entablature (en-tabla-tur), ) with instigation to evil. Ei'.unriatory (e-nun'shc-a-to- Entablemcnt(en-ta'bl-ment) 5 Entir*(en-tir'), a. whole ; com- re), a. containing utterance. n. the whole top parts of a plete; unminglcd. Envelop (en-vel'up),r. to cov- column or pillar. Entirely (en-tir'le),ad. wholly, er on all sides ; to enclose ; to Entail (en-tal'), n. an estate completely; fully. hide. entailed; . to settle an es Entireties (en-tir'nes), n. Envelope (en'vel-6p), n. an en- Entailment (en-tal'ment), n. Entitle (en-ti'tl), v. to give a Envelopment (en-vel'op-ment) act of scttliug an estate in- right or claim to. n. a covering on all sides. alienably on an heir. Entity (en'tc-te), n. being; ex- Envenom (en-ven'um), v. to Entangle (en-tang'gl), v. to istence ; a real substance. poison ; to taint with malice. twist and intermingle ; to Entomb (en-toom'), v. to pul Enviable (en've-a-bl), a. that perplex; to Involve in com- or place in a tomb. may excite envy. plications. Eniomoid (en'to-moyd), a, re- Envious (en've-us), a. feeling Entanglement (en-tang'gl- sembling an insect. envy; directed by envy. ment), n. a disordered state. Entomologist (cn-to-tnol'o- Environ (en-vi'run), . to hem Entasla (ca-ta'zhe-a),>. a ve- jist), n. one learned ia en- in ; to surround. hement straining or stretch- tomolocy. Environment; en-vi'rnn-nient) ing. Entomology (en-to-mol'o-je) n. surrounding. Euta^is (en'ta-sis), n. the grad- n. the science which treats o Environ* (en've-runz), n. pi. ual swelling of a shaft or insects. places that lie around a town column. Eniomophagons (en-to-niofa- or city; suburbs. Entastlc (en-tas'tik), a. rela- gus), a. insect eating. Envoy (en'voy), n. a minister ting to diseases c ii aracterized Entonie (en-ton'ik), o. havlne to a foreign court. by touio spasms. great tension or exaggerated Envoyshlp (en'voy-ship),n.the Enter (en'ter), v. to go or come action. office of an envoy. into ; to join or engage in. Entozoon (en-to-z&'on), n. an Envy (cn've), v. to grieve at Enteric (cn-ter'ik), a. belong- aniaiul which lives within another's good ; to grudge ; ing to the intestines. the bodies of other animals. n. vexation or pain excited Enterprise (eu'ter-prii), n. an Entrails (cn'tralz), n. pi. the by another's prosperity. undertaking ; an attempt. bowels or intestines. Eocene (e'6-sen), a. first In Enterprlsliig(en'ter-priz-ing), Entrance (en'trans), n. power timeof the three subdivisions a. bold or resolute to attempt. or right to enter the door ; of the tertiary formations. Entertain (cn-tcr-tan'), v. to the beginning. Eollan (e-o'le-an), a. pertain- provide with meat and lodg- Entrance (en-trans'), v. to put ing to jEolus, or the winds. ing ; to amuse. Entertaining (cn-ter-tan'ing), Entrap (en-trap'), v. to trap ; the solarmonthoryear above o. amusing ; pleasing. to ensnare. the lunar. Entertainment (cn-ter-tan'- Entreat (cn-tret'), v. to beg Epanlement (e-pawl'ment), n. mcnt), n. amusement; hos- earnestly ; to supplicate. a side- work to cover troops in pitable treatment Entreaty (en-tret'u), n. urgent flink. Enthrone (on-thron j, v. to prayer ; an earnest petition. Epaulet 'T'""' flm, , | ' place on a throne; to exalt. Entree (ong-tra), n. entry; cl), n. a shoul-^^^^aRl p] Enthronement (en-thron'- access ; a course of dishes. dcr-knot worn meut), . act of enthroning. Entrnpium (cn-tro'pe-um), n. by military of- I^SP it. heat of imagination ; in- Entry (cn'tre), n. an entrance ; of office. tense interest; passionate a passage into; the thing Epenthetic (ep-en-thet'ik), a. zeal. entered or written. inserted in. Enthusiast (en-thu'ze-ast), n. Entwine (en-twin'), t). to Epergnc (e-pern"), n. an orna- one who loves or admires in- wreathe round. [round. mental stand for a dish in the tensely. Entwlst (en-twist'),". to twist centre of a table. Enthusiastle(cn-thu-ze-as'tik) Enumerate (e-nu'me-rat), v. to Epha(e'fa), n. a Hebrew meas- a. full of ardor. number ; to count. ure, a little more than three Enthymeme (cu'the-taem), n. Enumeration (e-nu-me-ra'- pecks. an arjuiacnt consisting of shun), n. a numbering. Ephemera (e-fem'e-ra),i. that two propositions. Enumeratlve (e-nu'mc-ra-tlv), wliich last? but a day ; an in- Entice (en-tis'J, v. to lead a. counting singly. sect that lives only one day. astray; to incite ; to allure. Enunciate (e-nun'she-at), v. to Ephcmera!(c-fem'e-ra! ),a.last- Entlrci::ent (en-tis'ment), . declare; to pronounce dis- ing one day ; short-lived. the act of alluring. tinctly. Ephemerli (o-fem'e-ris), n. an A DIOTIONAKY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, EPHOD 121 EQUIPAGE astronomical almanac. Epiphany (e-pifa-ne), n. a quality ; uniform ; n. one Epiiod (cfod), n. a girdle worn church festival held on the of the same rank, age, quali- by Jewish priests. 6th of January. ty, &c. Epic (ep'ik), a. coutainingnar- Epiphora (c-pifo-ra), n. wa Equality (e-kwal'e-te), n. like- ra'Live ; heroic; H. an heroic tery eye. ness ; uniformity. or narrative poem. Epiphysii (c-pife-sis), n. that Equalization (e - kwal - e-za'- Eplearp(cp'e-karp),n.theouter which grows on something shun), n. state of equality. skin of fruits. else. Equalize (u'kwal-iz), v. to Epicene (ep'e-sen), n. common Episcopacy (e-pisTto-pa-sc),n make equal. to botn sexes. church government by bish- Equally (e'lswal-le), ad. in the Epicure (ep'e-kflr), n. one de- ops. same degree. voted to tlio luxuries of the Episcopal (e-pisTto-pal), a Equanimity (e-kwa-nim'e-te), Epicurean (ep-e-ku're-an), a. Episcopalian (e-pis-ko-pale Equangular (e-kwang'gu-ler), given to luxury. an), n, one belonging to the a. consistingof equal angles. Kplcnrlsm(ep'e-kur-izm),n.ae- votion to dainty living. Epicycle (ep-e-sl'kl), n. a little Episcopal church. Episcopate (e-pis'ko-pat), n the dignity of a bishop. Equation (e-kwa'shun), n. a bringing to equality. Equator (e-kwi'tor), n. a'great circle whose centre is on the Episode (cp'e-sod), n. a sepa circle, Equally distant from circumference of a greater rato story ; an incident. the poles, dividing the earth circle. Epispastic (ep-e-spas'tik), a into northern and southern Epidemic (ep-e-dem'ik), n. a drawing; blistering; n hemispheres. disease falling on great num- that which acts as a blister Equatorial (e-kwa-to're-al), a. bers. Eplspcrm (cp'e-sperml, n. tbx pertaining to the equator. Epilemical(ep-c-dem'e-kal),a. outer covering of a seed. Eqnerry.(ek'we-re, ek-wer'rc), general ; affecting numbers. EpKtaxIs (ep-e-stak'sis), n n. one who has the care of Eplrterm;i! (ep-e-der'mal), ) act or state of bleeding from horses. Epidermic (cp-e-der'mik), J " pertaining to the outer skin. the nose. Epistle (e-pisl), n. a letter. Equestrian (6-kwes'trc-an), a. pertaining to horses,or horse- Epidermis (ep-e-der'mis) n. the Epistolary (e-pi3't6-lar-e), a manship, on horseback. cuticle or outer skin. pertaining toor.conbistingo Equiangular (e-kwe-ang'gu- Epigteous (ep-e-je'us), o. grow- letters. lar), o. of equal angles. ing on land. Eplstomeus (ep-is-t6'me-us),a Equidiffercnl (c-kwc-diffcr- Eplgeal (ep-e-je'al), a. above spigot-shaped. ent), a. arithmetically pro- ground. Epitaph (cp'c-taf)i tt. an In- portional. Epigastric (cp-e-gas'trilc), n. scription on & tombstone. Equidistant (e-kwe-dis'tant), pertaining to tue upper part of the belly. Epithet (ep'e-thet), n. a word expressing.somereal quality a. of the same distance. Eqniform (e'kwc-form),a.hav- Epiglottis (ep-e-glot'tis), n. a a title. in? the same form. cartilage that covers the glot- Epitlietle (cp-e-thet'ik), o. Equilateral (e-kwe-lat'cr-al). tis. abounding in epithets. a.havingall A Epigram (ep'e-gram), n. a kind Epitome, (c-pito-mc), n. an the sides / \ of short pointed poem. abridgment ; an abstract. equal. / \ Epigrammatic (ep-e-gram- 1 Epitomize (c-plt'6-nilz), v. to Equillbrlty / \ mat'ik), . f abridge; to diminifh. (C'-Uwc- lib'- / \ Epignraiinatlcal(ep-e-gram. f Epitouiizcr (c-pit'6-miz-er), n. re-tc), n. e- ' \ mat'ik-al), one who abridges. quality of weight. a. like an epigram ; concise ; Epizootic (ep-e-zoot'ilt). a. ap. Equilibrlnm (6-kwc-lib'rc-um) pointed ; poignant. plied to diseased prevailing . equality of weight, power, Eplgrammatiiit (cp-e-grani'- among animals. cr force; level position. ma-tist), n. a writer of epi- Epoch (ep'ok), n. a remarka- Equine (c'kwin), a. pertaining gram. ble period of time. to horses. Epigraph (ep'e-graf), n. an in- Epodo (ep'&.-. eased condition of grain. scaling of walls. Equivalence (e-kwiv'a-lens), n. Ermine (er'min), n. a species Escallop (es-kal'Iop), n. a bi- equal north or value. of animal or its fur. valve shell; inequality of Equivalent (e-kwiv'a-lent), a. Erode (e-rod'), u. to eat in or margin. equnl in power, value, or ef- away; to corrode. Escapade (es-ka-pid'), n. a fect:)!, a thing equal iu Erosion (e-ro'zhun), n. act of !cty of value or worth. eating away. 'i . or slip ot the tongue ; Equivocal (e-kwiv'6-kal), a. Erosive (e-ro'siv), a. that eats gambols of a horse. of doubtful meaning ; am- awav ; corrosive. Escape (es-kap'), f. to avoid; biguous. Erotic (e-mt'ik). a. relating to to shun or evade ; to be* Equivocally (e-kwiv'6-kal-le), the passion of love. come free; n. flight; a get- ad. doubtfullv; ambianouslr. Err (er), v. to wander; to go ting free. Equivocate (e-kwi- 6-kat), v. astray: to sin ; to mistaie. EseapementCes-kap'- ^(jfcs-* to use words of doubtful Errand (er'rand), n. a Tnss- meat), n. that part X^^r meaning; to evade. eage. of a watch which J/pQ< Equivocation (e-kwiv-6-ka'- shun), n. act of u?ina doubt- Errant (er'rant), a. wandering ; roving: wild. regulates its move '5v--ft r Tf ful wo'ds to mislead. rranlry(er'rant-re),n. awan- Escarp (es-karp') > t . **> F.qiilvoeator (e-kwi r'6-ka-tor). dtrins to form a slope ; ;i.the side n. one who equivocates. Erratic (er-rat'ik), a. wander- of the ditch next the rampart Equivocatory fe-kwir'o-ka-to- ing ; strange ; irregular ; Escarpment (es-karp'ment), n. re), a. containing or savor- queer. the steep side of a hill or ing of equivocation. Erratum fer-ra'tnm), n. error rock. Equivoke (ek'we-vok), n. an in printing or writing; fl. Eschalot (esh'a-lot), n. a kind ambiguous expression. Errata. of small onion. Era (e'ra). n. a series of rears Errhlne (er'rin), a. affecting Escharotic (ts-ka-rot'ik), a. * reckoned from a particular the nose ; n.what is snuffed caustic:?:, a caustic appli- point; an epoch. up the nose. cation. Eradiate (e-ra'de-at), . to Erroneous (er-rfi'ne-us), a. not Escheat (cs-chef), n. property shoot rays. conformed to truth. which falls to the state for Eradicate (e-raiVe-kat). . to Erroneously (er-ro'ne-us-le), want of heirs; r. to be for- extirpate ; to destroy. ad. by mistake. feited for want of heirs. Eradication (e-rad-e-ka'shnn), Error(er'ror).n. deviation from Eschew (es-choo'), r. to shun H. act of rooting out. ErndicatiTe (e-rad'e-ka-tiv). a. En>t (erst), ad. at first ; long Escort (es'kort). n. a body of tiat cures or destroys thor- ago; once. men to protect. oughly. Erubescence (cr-u-beXsens),n. Escort (c-s-kort'),t>. to guard on Erasable fe-ras'a-bl), a. that a redness ; a blushing. the way. may be erased. Erubescent (er-u-bessentVo. Escritoire (es-kre-twor 1 ), n. a Erase (e-ras'), r. to rub or reddish ; flushing. boxwith writinginstrumer.rs scrape out; to efface. IEructale(e-ruk'tat),r.to belch. Esrnlapian (es-ku-la'pe-an),o. Em-Inn fe-ra'zhun), ) n. act of Ernrtation ( t-ruk-ta'shun), n. pertaining to the healingart. Era-lire (e-ra'zhur), J erasing. act of belching. Esculent (es'ku-lent), a. eata- Ere (ar), ad. before; soouur Erudite