MEMCAL tSCMOOL ^^^ (ju-iCf^^ CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY H IB 1907 PEEFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION I HAVE again subjected the book to a thorough revision, and the changes which are now introduced into the practical exercises are those which experience has shown to be advisable. In the large text it has been necessary to rewrite a good many parts, mainly on account of our increased knowledge of the proteins and of the way they are utilised in the body. The sections relating to blood coagula- tion and to respiration have been much amplified in order to include many facts which are the result of recent research. In my endeavour to bring the work abreast of advances in science, and at the same time to keep it within moderate limits, I have to acknowledge help and valuable suggestions from Mr. J. Barcroft, M.A. (especially in connection with Eespiration), from Professor T. G. Brodie, F.E.S., and from my two colleagues at King's College, Dr. Lyle and Dr. O. Eosenheim ; both of these have been of great assistance to me in reading the proof-sheets, and Dr. Lyle is again responsible for the Index. W. D. Hallibubton. King's College, 1907. J 1089 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 1 ELEMENTARY COURSE Lessox I. The Elements contained in Physiological Compounds ... 9 II. The Carbohydrates . . .13 III. The Fats - 22 IV. The Proteins 27 V. The Proteins (continued) 29 VI. Foods 49 VII. The Digestive Juices — Saliva and Gastric Digestion ... 62 VIII. The Digestive Juices (continued) — Pancreatic Digestion and Bile 78 IX. The Blood and Eespiration 101 X. Urine 141 XI. Urine (continued) 156 XII. Pathological Urine . . . . ^ 166 Scheme for Detecting Physiological Proximate Principles . .171 ADVANCED COURSE Introduction 175 Lesson XIII. Carbohydrates 176 XIV. Action of Malt upon Starch 179 XV. Crystallisation of Egg Albumin 180 XVI. Milk 181 XVII. The Proteoses ...... ... 182 VIU ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Lesson page XVIII. Digestion 184 XIX. HAEMOGLOBIN AND ITS DERIVATIVES 188 XX. Serum 192 XXI. Coagulation of Blood 194 XXII. Muscle and Nebvous Tissue 197 XXIII. Urea and Chlorides in Urine 204 XXIV. Phosphates and Sulphates in Urine 207 XXV. Uric Acid and Creatinine ........ 210 XXVI. The Pigments of the Urine 213 APPENDIX HiEMACYTOMETERS * .* 217 h.ajmoglobinometebb . . . . . . * . .219 Polarisation of Light 222 polarimeters 226 The Spectro-polarimeter '.'.'. . . 220 Eelation between Circular Polarisation and Chemical Constitution . 230 Mercurial Air-pumps 231 Analysis of Gases 234 Kjeldahl's Method of Estimating Nitrogen . ." . . . . 235 Solutions, Diffusion, Dialysis, Osmosis 236 INDEX 245 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG- - PAGE 1. Dextrose Crystals . Frey 17 2. Inosite Crystals . . . . . . . Frey 18 3. Milk-sugar Crystals Frey 19 4. Section of Pea, showing Starch Grains . , Yeo, after Sachs 20 5. Fat Cells Schdfer 23 6. Simple Warm Bath 29 7. Dialyser 37 8. Dialyser 37 9. Diagram of a Cell Schafer 45 10. Milk Yeo 5S 11. Colostrum Corpuscles HeidenJiain 53 12. Yeast Cells Yeo' s Physiology 63 13. Schizomycetes After Zopf 64 14. Bacillus Anthracis Koch 65 15. Alveoli of Serous Gland Langley 69 16. Mucous Cells Langley 69 17. Submaxillary Gland Heidenhain 69 18. Fundus Gland Klein 71 19. Pyloric Gland Ehstein 71 20. Fundus Gland Langley 72 21. Alveolus of Pancreas Kuhne and Lea 80 22. Leucine Crystals KUhne 86 23. Tyrosine Crystals ^rey 86 24. H^MATOiDiN Crystals . , Frey 89 25. Cholesterin Crystals Frey 93 X ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY FIG. PAGR 26. Villus of Eat Killed during Fat Absorption . . . Schafer 98 27. Mucous Membrane of Frog's Intestine during Fat Absorption ScJuifer 99 28. Fibrin Filaments and Blood Platelets .... Schafer 103 29. Action of Reagents on Blood Corpuscles .... Schafer 111 30. Oxyh.i:moglobin Crystals Quairi's Anatomy 112 31. H;emin Crystals ... Preyer 113 32. Diagram of Spectroscope . . . 116 33. Figure of Spectroscope and Accessories . . . McKendrick 116 34. Arrangement of Prisms in Direct-vision Spectroscope GscJieidlen 117 35. Stand for Direct- vision Spectroscope 118 36. Absorption Spectra . " Rollett 118 37. Absorption Spectra 119 38. Loewy's Aerotonometer 132 39. Dissociation Curves of Blood and Hemoglobin . . Bohr 133 40. Barcroft's Blood Gas Apparatus 135 41. Dupre's Urea Apparatus Gamgee 142 42. XJrinometer McKendrick 144 43. Urea Crystals Fi-ey 144 44. Urea Nitrate and Oxalate Frey 146 45. Triple Phosphate Crystals ....... Frey 155 46. Uric Acid Crystals Frey 157 47. Acid Sodium Urate Frey 163 48. Acid Ammonium Urate Frey 163 49. Envelope Crystals of Calcium Oxalate .... Frey 164 50. Cystin Crystals Frey 164 51. Triple Phosphate Crystals Bryant's Surgery 164 52. Calcium Phosphate Crystals .... Bryant's Surgery 164 63. Albuminometeb of Esbach 166 f)4. Two Burettes on Stand . . . . ; . . Sutton 167 55. Hot-air Oven with Gas Regulator .... Gscheidlen 176 56. OsAzoNE Crystals Coloured x>lcde to face 177 57. Absorption Spectra op Hemoglobin, &c 189 58. Photographic Spectrum of Hemoglobin and Oxyhemoglobin Gamgee 190 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XI FIG. PAGB 59. Photographic Spectrum of Oxyhjemoglobin and Methjemo- GLOBiN Oamgee 190 60. Centrifugal Machine 195 61. Absorption Spectra of Mtoh-ematin 199 62. A Desiccator Gscheidlen 199 63. Absorption Spectra of Urinary Pigments . . . After Hopkins 215 64. Gowers' Hemacytometer 217 65. Oliver's H.ismacytometer 218 66. Gowers' Hemoglobinometer 219 67. Von Fleischl's Hemometer 220 68. Oliver's Hjemoglobinometer 221 69. Model to Illustrate Polarised Light 223 70. Model to Illustrate Polarised Light 223 71. Model to Illustrate Polarised Light 224 72. Diagram to Explain Polarisation of Light 225 73. Diagram to Explain Polarisation of Light 226 74. Soleil's Saccharimeter 227 75. Diagram of Optical Arrangements in Soleil's Saccharimeter . 227 76. Laurent's Polarimeter 228 77. Spectro-polarimeter of von Fleischl 229 78. Diagram of Asymmetric Carbon Atoms 231 79. Diagram of Pfluger's Pump 232 80. L. Hill's Air-pump 233 81. Waller's Apparatus for Gas Analysis .... Wall^ 234 82. Kjeldahl's Method, Distilling Apparatus 235 83. Diagram to Illustrate Osmosis 239 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY INTEODUCTION Chemical Physiology or Physiological Chemistry deals with the chemical composition of the body and with the chemical changes it undergoes ; it also deals with the composition of the food which enters, and the excretions which leave, the body. When a chemist examines living things he is placed at a dis- advantage when compared with an anatomist; for the latter can with the microscope examine cells, organisms, and structures in the living condition. The chemist, on the other hand, cannot at present state anything positive about the chemical structure of living matter, because the reagents he uses will destroy the life of the tissue he is examining. There is, however, no such disadvantage when he examines non-living matter, like food and urine, and it is therefore in the analysis of such substances that chemical physiology has made very important advances, and the knowledge so obtained is of the greatest practical interest to the student and practitioner of medicine. The animal organism is in its earliest embryonic state a single cell; as development progresses it becomes an adherent mass of simple cells. In the later stages various tissues become differen- tiated from each other by the cells becoming grouped in different ways by alteration in the shape of the cells, by deposition of inter- cellular matter between the cells, and by chemical changes in the living matter of the cells themselves. Thus in some situations the cells are grouped into the various epithehal linings; in others the n B 2 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY cells become elongated, and form muscular fibres ; in the connective tissues we have a preponderating amount of intercellular material, which may become permeated with fibres, or be the seat of the deposi- tion of calcareous salts, as in bone. Instances of chemical changes in the cells themselves are seen on the surface of the body, where the superficial layers of the epidermis become horny {i.e. filled with the chemical substance called keratin) ; in the mucous salivary glands, where the cells become filled with mucin, which they subsequently extrude; and in adipose tissue, where they become filled with fat. In spite of these changes, the variety of which produces the great complexity of the adult organism, there are many cells which still retain their primitive structure : notable among these are the white corpuscles of the blood. A cell may be defined as a mass of living material containing in its interior a more solid structure called the nucleus. The nucleus exercises a controlling influence over the nutrition and subdivision of the cell. The living substance is usually pervaded with granules : one of these minute particles called the centrosome exercises an attractive influence on the granules and fibrils of the protoplasm in its neighbour- hood, and the appearance so produced is called the attraction sphere. The attraction sphere becomes specially prominent, and divides into two when the cell is about to divide ; this usually precedes the division of the nucleus. Living material is called protoplasm, and protoplasm is charac- terised by (1) irritability — that is, the property of responding by some change when subjected to the influence of an external agent or stimulus : the most obvious of these changes is movement (amoeboid movement, ciliary movement, muscular movement, &c.); (2) its power of assimilation — that is, it is able to convert into protoplasm the nutrient material or food which is ingested ; (3) its power of growth — this is a natural consequence of its power of assimilation ; (4) its power of reproduction — this is a variety of growth ; and (5) its power to excrete, to give out waste materials, the products of its other activities. Of all the signs of life, those numbered 2 and 5 in the foregoing list are the most essential. Living material is in a continual state of unstable chemical equilibrium, building itself up on the one hand, breaking down on the other ; the term used for the sum total of these intra-molecular rearrangements is metabolism. The chemical sub- stances in the protoplasm which are the most important from this INTRODUCTION 3 point of view are the complex nitrogenous compounds called Proteins,^ So far as is at present known, protein material is never absent from living substance, and is never present in anything else thaii that which is alive or has been formed by the agency of living cells. It may therefore be stated that Protein Metabolism is the most essential characteristic of vitality. The chemical structure of protoplasm can only be investigated after the protoplasm has been killed. The substances it yields are (1) Water ; protoplasm is semi-iluid, and at least three-quarters of its weight, often more, are due to water. (2) Proteins. These are the most constant and abundant of the solids. A protein or albu- minous substance consists of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, with sulphur and phosphorus in small quantities only. In nuclein, a protein-like substance obtained from the nuclei of cells, phosphorus is more abundant. The protein obtained in greatest abundance from the cell-protoplasm is nucleo -protein : that is, a compound of protein with varying amounts of nucleiji. White of egg is a familiar instance of an albuminous substance or protein, and the fact (which is also familiar) that this sets into a solid on boiling will serve as a reminder that the greater number of the proteins found in nature have a similar tendency to coagulate under the influence of heat and other agencies. (3) Various other substances occur in smaller proportions, the most constant of which are lecithin, a phosphorised fat ; chole- sterin, a monatomic alcohol : and inorganic salts, especially phos- phaucs and chlorides of calcium, sodium, and potassium. It will be seen from this rapid survey of the composition of the body how many are the substances which it is necessary we should study ; the food from which it is built up is also complex, for animals do not possess, to such an extent as plants do, the power of building up complex from simple materials. The substances out of which the body is built consist of chemical elements and of chemical compounds, or unions of these elements. The elements found in the body are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine, iodine, silicon, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, iron, and occa- sionally manganese, copper, and lead. Of these very few occur in the free state. Oxygen and nitrogen (to a small extent) are found dissolved in the blood-plasma ; hydrogen is ' In most English text-books these substances have hitherto been called Proteids. The change to Protein brings English, American, and German usage into harmony. b2 4 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY formed by putrefaction in the alimentary canaL With some few ex- ceptions such as these, the elements enumerated above are found combined with one another to form compounds. The compounds, or, as they are often termed in physiology, the proximate prhiciples, found in the body are divided into — (1) Mineral or inorganic compounds. (2) Organic compounds, or compounds of carbon. A convenient practical method of grouping these proximate principles of the body and of food is the following : — ( Water. Inorganic . . . . j Salts — e.,<7.chlorides and phosphates of sodium ( and calcium. / j Proteins — e.g. albumin, myosin, gelatin. Nitrogenous \ Simpler nitrogenous bodies — e.g. lecithin, i creatine, urea. Organic ■< ( Fats — e.g. butter, fats of adipose tissue. ^, ., J Carbohydrates — e.g sugar, starch. JNon-mtrogenous j simple organic bodies— e.g. alcohol, chole- V V sterin, vegetable acids and salts, lactic acid. Many of the substances enumerated above only occur in small quantities. The most important are the inorganic substances, water and salts ; and the organic substances, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. It is necessary in our subsequent study of the principles of chemical physiology that we should always keep in mind this simple classification ; the subdivision of organic substances into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates forms the starting point, the A B C, as one might say, of chemical physiology. I shall conclude this introductory chapter by giving a list of the apparatus and reagents necessary for a practical study of the subject, and some tables to which it will be often found convenient to refer. The following set of reagents conveniently contained in 4 to 6 oz. glass stoppered bottles should be provided for each two students : — Sulphuric acid, concentrated. „ „ 25 per cent. „ „ 01 per cent. Nitric acid, concentrated. Fuming nitric acid. Hydrochloric acid, concentrated. „ „ 0-2 per cent.^ Acetic acid, glacial. „ „ 20 per cent. ?> " . ^ " Glyoxylic acid. Formaldehyde. ' Made by adding 994 c.c. of water to C c.c. of the concentrated hydrochloric acid of the British Pharmacopoeia. INTRODUCTION 5 Caustic potash, 20 per cent. » 0-1 Ammonia. Sodimn carbonate, 1 per cent. Ammonium sulphide solution. Ammonium sulphate, saturated solution. Silver nitrate, 1 per cent. Barium chloride, saturated solution. Ammonium molybdate solution. Millon's reagent ^ • Solution of ferrocyanide of potassium. „ litmus. „ sodium phosphate. „ iodine in potassium iodide. „ ferrous sulphate. „ ferric chloride. „ sodium nitroprusside. Alcohol. Ether. Esbach's reagent.^ Solution of copper sulphate, 1 per cent. Fehling's solution. Lime water. The following additional reagents will be required by those taking the advanced course : — Solution of mercuric chloride. „ potassium ferricyanide. Sodium carbonate, saturated solution. „ chloride, saturated solution. „ „ 10-per-cent. solution. Magnesium sulphate, saturated solution. Baryta mixture.^ Sodium acetate solution.'* Phosphoric acid, 0'5 per cent. In addition to these, there should be kept in stock in the laboratory, to be given out for the lessons in which they are used, the following : — Solid sodium chloride. „ magnesium sulphate. „ ammonium sulphate- „ sodio-magnesium sulphate. Standard solution of uranium acetate or nitrate for estimating phosphates.^ ' Mercury is dissolved in its own weight of strong nitric acid. The solution so obtained is diluted with twice its volume of water. The decanted clear liquid is Millon's reagent. 2 Ten grammes of picric acid and 20 grammes of citric acid are dissolved in 800 to 900 c.c. of boiling water, and then sufficient water added to make up a litre. ^ Made by mixing 1 volume of barium-nitrate solution with 2 of barium- hydrate solution, both saturated in the cold. * Prepared as follows : — Sodium acetate, 100 grammes ; water, 900 c.c. ; glacial acetic acid, 100 c.c. ^ Instructions how to make standard solutions will be given in the lessons where they are used. 6 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Standard solution of mercuric nitrate for estimating urea. „ „ silver „ „ chlorides. Caustic soda, 40 per cent. Bromine. Solution of potassium bichromate. Phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride. Solid sodium acetate. Phospho-tungstic acid. Glacial phosphoric acid. Dry cupric oxide. Soda-Ume. Each student should be provided with — A Bunsen burner. 1 dozen test-tubes in test-tube stand. 2 or 3 4-oz. flasks. 2 flat porcelain dishes. 2 or 4 4-oz. beakers. 2 small glass funnels and a funnel stand. A glass stirring rod and a small pipette. 1 burette. An iron tripod with wire gauze. Filter papers and litmus papers. A 100-c.c. cylindrical measuring glass. A thermometer marked in degrees Centigrade. A urinometer. A tin can on a stand to be used as a water-bath. Apparatus which is not so frequently used, such as that employed in generating carbonic anhydride, carbonic oxide, or sulphuretted hydrogen, may be given out as required. The laboratory should also possess a good balance, with its accessories, water and air baths, kept at various temperatures, retorts, and analytical apparatus generally. The microscope, polarimeter, spectroscope, dialyser, are also frequently employed in chemico-physiological investigations. Apparatus and reagents for carrying out the Kjeldahl process are also necessary. WEIGHTS AND MEASUKES The weights and measures usually employed in science are those of the metric system ; but as in this country the practical physician still largely uses English grains and ounces, we may compare the two systems in the following way : — Weights (English System) 1 grain = 0*0648 gramme 1 ounce = 437'5 grains = 28*3595 grammes 1 lb. = 16 oz. = 7,000 grains = 453*5925 The scruple = 20 grains = 1*296 gramme, and the drachm = 60 grains = 3*888 grammes, are retained in use, but neither is an aliquot part of the ounce ; though for practical purposes an ounce is considered to consist of 8 drachms. 1 milligramme - 1 centigramme = 1 decigramme = 1 gramme 1 decagramme = 10 1 hectogramme = 100 1 kilogramme = 1,000 INTEODUCTION (Metric System) 0*001 gramme 0-01 „ 0-1 grammes 0-015432 grain 0-154323 „ 1-543235 ,; 15-43235 grains 154-3235 1543-235 = 15432-35 = 2 lb. 3 oz. 119-8 „ Measures of Length (English System) 1 inch = 25-4 millimetres 1 foot = 12 inches = 304-8 millimetres (Metric System) The standard of length is the metre ; subdivisions and multiples of which with the prefixes milli-, centi-, and deci-, on the one hand, and deca-, hecto- and kilo-, on the other, have the same relation to the metre as the subdivi- sions and multiples of the gramme, in the table just given, have to the gramme, thus : 1 millimetre = 0-001 metre 1 centimetre = 0-01 „ 1 decimetre = 0-1 „ 1 metre 0-03937 inch 0-3937 „ 3-93707 inches 39-37079 „ 1 minim 1 fluid drachm = 60 minims 1 fluid ounce = 8 fluid drachms 1 pint = 20 fluid ounces 1 gallon = 8 pints Measures of Capacity (English System) = 0*59 cubic centimetre 3-549 cubic centimetres 28-398 567-936 4-54837 litres (Metric System) In the metric system the measures of capacity are intimately connected with the measures of length ; we thus have cubic millimetres, cubic centi- metres, and so forth. The standard of capacity is the litre, which is equal to 1,000 cubic centimetres ; and each cubic centimetre is the volume of 1 gramme of distilled water at 4° C.i 1 cubic centimetre (generally written c.c.) = 16-931 minims. 1 litre = 1,000 c.c. - 1 pint 15 oz. 2 drs. 11 m. - 35-2154 fluid ounces. 1 cubic inch = 16-365 c.c. THEKMOMETEIC SCALES The scale most frequently used in this country is the Fahrenheit scale ; in this the freezing-point of water is 32°, and the boiling point 212°. On the Continent the Reaumur scale is largely employed, in which the freezing- point is 0°, and the boiling-point 80°. In scientific work the Centigrade ' 4° C. is the temperature at which water has the greatest density. For prac- tical purposes measures are more often constructed so that a cubic centimetre holds a gramme of water at 16° C, which is about the average temperature of rooms. The true cubic centimetre contains only 0-999 gramme at 16° C 8 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY scale has almost completely taken the place of these ; in this system the freezing-point is 0° and the boiUng-point 100°. To convert degrees Fahrenheit into degrees Centigrade, subtract 32 and multiply by f , or C = (F — 32) f . Conversely, degrees Centigrade may be converted into degrees Fahrenheit by the following formula : F = §C + 32. TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOUE IN MILLIMETRES OF MERCURY FROM 10^ TO 25° C. 10°. 9-126 11°. 9-751 12°. 10-421 13^ 11-130 14°. 11-882 15°. 12-677 16°. 13-519 17". 14-409 18°. 15-351 19^ 16-345 20°. 17-396 21°. 18-505 22°. 19-675 23^ 20-909 24°. 22-211 25°. 23-582 TABLE OF THE DENSITY OF WATER AT TEMPERATURES BETWEEN 0° AND 30° C. 0°. 0-99988 1°. 0-99993 2°. 0-99997 3°. 0-99999 4°. 1-00000 6°. 0-99999 6°. 0-99997 7°. 0-99994 8°- 0-99988 9°. 0-99982 10°. 0-99974 11°. 0-99965 12°. 0-99955 13°. 0-99942 14°. 0-99930 15°. 0-99915 16°. 0-99900 17°. 0-99884 18°. 0-99866 19°. 0-99847 20°. 0-99827 21°. 0-99806 22°. 0-99785 23°. 0-99762 24°. 0-99738 25°. 0-99714 26°. 0-99689 27 \ 0-99662 28°. 0-99635 29^ 0-99607 30°. 0-99579 SYMBOLS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS ' Aluminiun 1 Al 27-1 Fluorine F 19-0 Oxygen 16-0 Antimony Sb 120-2 Gold Au 197-2 Phosphorus i P 31-0 Arsenic As 75-0 Hydrogen H 1-0 Platinum Pt 194-8 Barium Ba 137-4 Iodine I 126-97 Potassium K 39-15 Bismuth Bi 208-5 Iron Fe 55-9 Silver Ag 107-93 Boron B 11-0 Lead Pb 206-9 Silicon Si 28-4 Bromine Br 79-96 Magnesium Mg 24-36 Sodium Na 23-05 Cadmium Cd 112-4 Manganese Mn 55-0 Strontium Sr 87-6 Calcium Ca 40-1 Mercury Hg 200-0 Sulphur S 32-06 Carbon C 12-0 Nickel Ni 58-7 Tin Sn 119-0 Chlorine CI 35-45 Nitrogen N 1404 Tungsten W 184-0 Copper Cu 63-6 Osmium Os 191-0 Zinc Zn 65-4 ' The above atomic weights are taken on the basis that = 16; that of hydrogen will then be 1-008. ELEMENTAEY COUESE LESSON I THE ELEMENTS CONTAINED IN PHYSIOLOGICAL COMPOUNDS 1. Take a fragment of meat about the size of a pea and place it in a porcelain crucible over a Bunsen flame. Note that it chars, showing the presence of carbon, and that it gives off the unpleasant odour of burning flesh, which is due to the fact that it contains the nitrogenous substances called proteins. In course of time the organic material is completely burnt up, and a small amount of white ash or inorganic material is left behind. 2. Kepeat the experiment with a pure organic substance like sugar. Note that no ash is left. Charring, as before, indicates the presence of carbon, but there is no characteristic smell of burning nitrogenous substances (absence of nitrogen). _ 3. The tests for carbon depend on the fact that when this element is oxidised it gives rise to carbon dioxide ; the test for hydrogen depends on the fact that when this element is oxidised it gives rise to water. If all the carbon dioxide and water formed by oxidation from a weighed amount of any organic substance under examination are collected and estimated, the amount of carbon and hydrogen respectively which it contains can be easily calculated. The following exercises, however, deal only with the qualitative detection of these elements. 4. Tests for Carbon. — The following tests can be carried out with sugar. (a) When burnt in the air it chars and subsequently the carbon entirely disappears, passing off in combination with oxygen as carbon dioxide (carbonic acid gas). (h) Mix some of the powdered sugar in a dry mortar with about ten times the quantity of cupric oxide (which has been freed from water by previous heating) ; place the mixture in a dry test-tube provided with a rubber cork perforated by a bent glass tube which dips into either lime water or baryta water. Heat the tube over a Bunsen flame, and as the carbon of the sugar becomes oxidised carbon dioxide comes off and causes a white precipitate of calcium or barium carbonate, as the case may be. 5. Test for Hydrogen. — In the experiment just described (4 h) note that drops of water due to oxidation of hydrogen condense in the colder parts of the test-tube. 6. Tests for Nitrogen. — The greater number of tests for this element are due to the circumstance that on the breaking up of organic substances which contain it, it is given off as ammonia. If the ammonia is all collected and estimated, the amount of nitrogen can be easily calculated. Kjeldahl's method for carrying out this quantitative analysis is described in the Appendix. The following exercises, however, are qualitative only. 10 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY (a) The characteristic odour of burning flesh, horn, hair, feathers, &c., has been already noted, and, though only a rough test, is very trustworthy. (6) Take a little dried albumin and mix it thoroughly in a mortar with about twenty times the amount of soda-lime and heat in a test-tube over a Bunsen flame. Ammonia comes off in the vapours produced, and may be recognised by (i.) its odour ; (ii.) it turns moistened red litmus paper (held over the mouth of the tube) blue ; (iii.) it gives off white fumes with a glass rod (held over the mouth of the tube) which has been dipped in hydrochloric acid. (c) Mix some dried albumin with about ten times its weight of a mixture of equal parts of magnesium powder and anhydrous sodium carbonate. A small quantity of the mixture — such as would lie on the end of a penknife — is then carefully heated in a dry test-tube and finally heated more strongly for about half a minute to red heat. Dip the tube while still glowing into a beaker containing a few c.c. of distilled water ; the tube will break and its contents mix with the water. Filter and label the filtrate A ; add to this filtrate a little strong solution of potash, one or two drops of cold saturated solution of ferrous sulphate and a drop of ferric chloride solution. Bring the mixture to boiling point, then cool and acidify with hydrochloric acid. The fluid becomes bluish green, and gradually a precipitate of Prussian blue separates out. This test is due to the fact that some of the nitrogen is fixed as sodium cyanide, and this gives the Prussian blue reaction with the reagents added. 7. Tests for SuljjJmr. — (a) In the foregoing test (6 c) the sulphur of the albumin combines with the sodium to form sodium sulphide. This may be detected by taking some of the filtrate A and adding freshly prepared solution of sodium nitro-prusside ; a reddish violet colour forms. (6) Test for loosely combined Sulphur. — Add two drops of a neutral lead acetate solution to a few c.c. of caustic soda solution. The precipitate of lead hydroxide which is first formed soon dissolves. Heat a small portion of the albumin with this alkaline solution. The mixture turns black in con- sequence of the formation of lead sulphide, part of the sulphur present in albumin in the unoxidised form having been split oft" from it by the caustic soda as sodium sulphide. (c) Take some dried albumin and fase with a mixture of potash and potassium nitrate. Cool ; dissolve in water and filter. The filtrate will give the following tests for sulphates : — Acidulate with hydrochloric acid and add barium chloride ; a white precipitate of barium sulphate is produced. {d) Take some solution of albumin and heat in an open dish in a fume cupboard for at least an hour with large excess of fuming nitric acid, renewing the acid from time to time as necessary. The resulting fluid will give the test for sulphate as in c. 8. Test for Phospliorus. — The two tests just described (7 c and d) maybe repeated with some substance (such as caseinogen, nucleoprotein, or lecithin) which contains phosphorus in organic combination ; or the organic matter may be more conveniently destroyed by Neumann's method, which consists in heating it with a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids. The resulting fluid in each case gives the following test for phosphates : — Mix it with half its volume of nitric acid ; add ammonium molybdate in excess and boil ; a yellow crystalline precipitate falls. The reactions described in the foregoing exercises show how the processes of pure chemistry may be employed for the detection of some of the most important elements that occur in substances of physiological importance, and thus form a fitting introduction to a study of physiological chemistry. ELEMENTS CONTAINED IN PHYSIOLOGICAL COMPOUNDS H They show, in the first instance, how the substances with which we have to deal fall under the two main categories of organic and inorganic. In some of the tissues of the body, like bone and tooth, the inorganic or mineral material is in excess, but in the softer portions of the organism the organic compounds are in great pre- ponderance. Organic chemistry is sometimes defined as the chemistry of the carbon compounds ; carbon is in all cases present, and is usually the most abundant element. The most important of the nitrogenous substances are the proteins, as already explained in the introductory chapter, and the detection and estimation of nitrogen are thus exercises of the highest interest. All the proteins contain a small amount of sulphur ; keratin, or horny material, contains more than most of them do. Phosphorus is another element of considerable importance, being present in nuclein and nucleo-proteins, and also in certain complex fats, of which lecithin may be taken as a type. Iodine occurs united to protein material in the colloid substance of the thyroid gland ; iron in the pigment of the blood called haemoglobin ; sodium, calcium, potassium, and other metals in the inorganic substances of the body. It would, however, lead us too far into the regions of pure chemistry to undertake exercises for the detection of these and other elements which might be mentioned, and have been already commented upon. The teacher of physiological chemistry is bound to assume that the students who come before him have already passed through a course of ordinary chemistry. The main interest of the exercises selected as types lies in their physiological application. As a rule an element is detected by breaking up or oxidising the more or less complex molecule in which it occurs into substances of simpler nature, and then performing tests for these simpler products. Thus carbon is identified by the forma- tion of carbon dioxide, nitrogen by the formation of ammonia, and so forth. A great many reactions which can be performed in the test-tube imitate those which are performed in the body. Eeactions in vitro and in vivo, to use the technical phrases, often, though not always, run parallel. Life, from one point of view, is a process of com- bustion or oxidation ; the fuel is supplied by the food ; this becomes assimilated, and so forms an integral part of the living substance of the body ; it is then burnt up by the oxygen brought to it by the blood-stream, giving rise to animal heat and other manifestations of 12 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY energy ; and finally the simple products of oxidation or chemical breakdown are carried to the organs of excretion (lung, skin, kidney, &c.), where they are discharged from the body. A candle consists principally of carbon and hydrogen ; when it is burnt the products are carbonic acid gas and water ; the former may be detected by means of lime water, the latter, by holding a dry beaker upside down for a few moments over the burning candle, when the moisture will condense on the cold glass. The body is more complex than a candle, but so far as its carbon and hydrogen are concerned the main products of combustion are the same. The carbon dioxide is discharged by the expired air, as may be proved by blowing it into lime water. The water finds an outlet by several channels, lungs, skin, and kidneys. The presence of nitrogen in the body is perhaps the most striking chemical distinction between it and a candle, and here again the process of metabolism runs a course analogous in some degree to our experiments in vitro. Here again the most important and abundant substance which contains the waste nitrogen is the simple material ammonia, but ammonia is only discharged as such to a very small extent in health. It unites with carbon and oxygen to form the body called urea (CON2H4), which finds its way out of the body via the urine. The urine also contains the sulphates, due to the oxidation of the sulphur of the proteins, and the phosphates due to the similar oxidation of the phosphorus of such substances as lecithin and nuclein. Some of the salts of the urine, however, in particular the chlorides, come directly from the food. This we shall discuss at the proper place when we come to the study of the urine. LESSON II THE CARBOHYDRATES 1. Note the general appearance of the specimens of grape sugar or dextrose, cane sugar, dextrin, and starch which are given round. 2. Put some of each into cold water. Starch is insoluble ; dextrose, cane sugar, and dextrin dissolve after a time, but more readily in hot water. 3. Trommer's test. — Put a few drops of copper sulphate solution into a test-tube, then solution of dextrose, and then strong caustic potash. On adding the caustic potash a precipitate is first formed, which, owing to the presence of the sugar, rapidly redissolves, forming a blue solution. On boil- ing this a yellow or red precipitate (cuprous hydrate or oxide) forms. 4. Fehling's test. — Fehling's solution is a mixture of copper sulphate, caustic soda, and Rochelle salt of a certain strength. It is used for esti- mating dextrose quantitatively (see Lesson XXL). It may be used as a qualita- tive test also. Boil some Fehling's solution ; if it remains clear it is in good condition ; add to it an equal volume of solution of dextrose and boil again. Reduction, resulting in the formation of cuprous hydrate or oxide, takes place as in Trommer's test. 5. Moore's test. — Add to the dextrose solution about half its volume of 20-per-cent. potash and heat. The solution becomes yellowish brown. Add to this some sulphuric acid (25 per cent.) and the odour of caramel becomes apparent. 6. Fermentation test. — Add a fragment of dried yeast to the dextrose solution in a test-tube ; fill the test-tui)e up with mercury, and invert it over mercury in a trough. Place it in an incubator at body temperature for 24 hours. The sugar is broken up into alcohol and carbon dioxide ; the latter gas collects in the upper part of the test-tube. 7. Ca7ie Sugar. — (a) The solution of cane sugar when mixed with copper sulphate and caustic potash gives a blue solution. But on boiling no reduc- tion occurs. (6) Take some of the cane-sugar solution and boil it with a few drops of 25-per-cent. sulphuric acid. This converts it into equal parts of dextrose and levulose. It then gives Trommer's or Fehling's test in the typical way. (c) Boil some of the cane-sugar solution with an equal volume of con- centrated hydrochloric acid. A deep red solutionis formed. Dex- trose, lactose, and maltose do not give this test. 8. Starch. — (a) Examine microscopically the scrapings from the surface of a freshly cut potato. Note the appearance of the starch grains with their concentric markings. (6) On boiling starch with water an opalescent solution is formed, which, if strong, gelatinises on cooling. (c) Add iodine solution. An intense blue colour is produced, which dis- appears on heating, and if not heated too long reappears on cooling. N.B. — Prolonged heating drives off the iodine, and consequently no blue colour returns after cooling. 14 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY {(J) Conversion into dextrin and dextrose. To some starch solution in a flask add a few drops of 25-per-cent. sulphuric acid, and boil for 15 minutes. Take some of the liquid, which is now clear, and show the presence of dextrin and dextrose. 9. Dextrin. —Add iodine solution to solution of dextrin ; a reddish-brown colour is produced. The colour disappears on heating and reappears on coohng. 10. Glycogen. — Solution of glycogen is given round : (a) it is opalescent like that of starch. (6) With iodine solution it gives a brown colour very like that given by dextrin. The colour disappears on heating and reappears on cooling. (c) By boiling with 25-per-cent. sulphuric acid for 15 to 20 minutes it is converted into grape sugar. The carbohydrates are found chiefly in vegetable tissues, and many of them form important foods. Some carbohydrates are, however, found in or formed by the animal organism. The most important of these are glycogen, or animal starch ; dextrose ; and lactose, or milk sugar. The carbohydrates may be conveniently defined as compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the two last named elements being in the proportion in which they occur in water. But this definition is only a rough one, and if pushed too far would include many substances, like acetic acid, lactic acid, and inosite, which are not carbohydrates. Kesearch has shown that the chemical constitution of the simplest carbohydrates is that of an aldehyde, or a ketone, and that the more complex carbohydrates are condensation products of the simple ones. In order, therefore, that we may understand the constitution of these substances, it is first necessary that we should understand what is meant by the terms aldehyde and ketone. A primary alcohol is one in which the hydroxyl (OH) is attached to the last carbon atom of the chain ; its end group is CH2OH. Thus the formula for common alcohol (primary ethyl alcohol) is CH3.CH2OH. The formula for the next alcohol of the same series (primary propyl alcohol) is 0H3.CH,.CH2OH. If a primary alcohol is oxidised, the first oxidation product is called an aldehyde ; thus ethyl alcohol yields acetic aldehyde : — CH3.CH2OH -f 0=CH3.CH0 + H2O. [ethj'l alcohol] [acetic aldehyde] The typical end-group CHO of the aldehyde is not stable, but is easily oxidisable to form the group COOH, and the compound so formed is called an acid ; in this way acetic aldehyde forms acetic acid : — THE CARBOHYDEATES 15 CH3.CHO + 0=CH3.C00H. [acetic aldehyde] [acetic acid] The majority of the simple sugars are aldehydes of more complex alcohols than this : they are spoken of as aldoses. The readiness with which aldehydes are oxidisable renders them powerful reducing agents, and this furnishes us with some of the tests for the sugars. Let us now turn to the case of the ketones. A secondary alcohol is one in which the OH group is attached to a central carbon atom ; thus secondary propyl alcohol has the formula CH3.CHOH.GH3. Its typical group is therefore CHOH. When this is oxidised, the first oxidation product is called a ketone, thus : — CH3.CHOH.CH3 + 0=CH3.CO.CH3 + H2O. [secondary propyl alcohol] [propyl ketone] It therefore contains the group CO in the middle of the chain. Some of the sugars are ketones of more complex alcohols : these are called ketoses. The only one of these which is of physiological interest is levulose. The alcohols of which we have already spoken are called monatomic, because they contain only one OH group. Those which contain two OH groups (like glycol) are called diatomic ; those which contain three OH groups (like glycerin) are called triatomic ; and so on. The hexatomic alcohols are those which contain six OH groups. Three of these hexatomic alcohols with the formula C6H8(OH)(j are of physiological interest ; they are isomerides, and their names are sorbite, mannite, and dulcite. By careful oxidation their aldehydes and ketones can be obtained ; these are the simple sugars ; thus, dextrose is the aldehyde of sorbite ; mannose is the aldehyde of mannite ; levulose is the ketone of mannite ; and galactose is the aldehyde of dulcite. The sugars all have the empirical formula C^HigOe. The constitutional formula for dextrose is : — H H H H H H I I I I I I H C C C C C C I I I II I OH OH OH OH OH O By further oxidation, the sugars yield acids with various names. If we take such a sugar as a typical specimen, we see that their general formula is C„H2,hO„i 16 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY and as a general rule n—m\ that is, the number of oxygen and carbon atoms is equal. This number in the case of the sugars already mentioned is six. Hence they are called hexoses. Sugars are known to chemists, in which this number is 3, 4, 5, 7, &c., and these are called trioses, tetroses, pentoses, heptoses, &c. The majority of these have no physiological interest. It should, however, be mentioned that a pentose has been obtained from the nucleoprotein of the pancreas, of the liver, and of yeast. If the pentoses that are found in various plants are given to an animal, they are excreted in great measure unchanged in the urine. The hexoses are of great physiological importance. The prin- cipal ones are dextrose, levulose, and galactose. These are called monosaccharides. Another important group of sugars is that of the disaccharides : these are formed by the combination of two molecules of monosac- charide together with the loss of a molecule of water, thus : — C5Hi20o + C6Hi206 = Ci2H220ii-f-H20. The principal members of the disaccharide group are cane sugar, lactose, and maltose. If more than two molecules of the monosaccharide group undergo a corresponding condensation, we get what are called polysaccharides. The polysaccharides are starch, glycogen, various dextrins, cellu- lose, gums, &c. We may therefore arrange the important carbo- hydrates of the hexose family in a tabular form as follows : — 1. Monosaccharides or Glucoses, 2. Disaccharides, Sueroses, or Saccharoses, CiaHjaO,, 3. Polysaccharides or Amyloses + Dextrose. — Levulose. + Galactose. + Cane sugar. + Lactose. + Maltose. + Starch. + Glycogen. + Dextrin. Cellulose. The signs + and — in the above list indicate that the substances to which they are prefixed are dextro- and levo-rotatory respectively as regards polarised light. ^ The formulae given above are merely empirical; the quantity w in the starch gi'oup is variable and often large. The following are the chief facts in relation to each of the principal carbohydrates. ' For a description of polarised light and polarimeters see Appendix. This and the other matter in the Appendix are placed there for convenience, not because they are unimportant. Students are therefore urged to refer to and carefully study these subjects. THE CAKBOHYDRATES 17 MONOSACCHARIDES Dextrose or Grape Sugar. — This carbohydrate is found in fruits, honey, and in minute quantities in the blood (0'12 per cent.) and numerous tissues, organs, and fluids of the body. It is the form of sugar found in large quantities in the blood and urine in the disease known as diabetes. Dextrose is soluble in hot and cold water and in alcohol. It is crystalline (see fig. 1), but not so sweet as'cane sugar. When heated with strong potash certain complex acids are formed which have a yellow or brown colour. This constitutes Moore's test ior SUgSiT. In alkaline SOlu- Fig. l. -Dextrose crystals. tions dextrose reduces salts of silver, bismuth, mercury, and copper. The reduction of cupric hydrate to cuprous hydrate or oxide constitutes Trommer's test, which has been already described at the head of the lesson. On boiling it with an alkaline solution of picric acid, a dark red opaque solution due to reduc- tion of the picric to picramic acid is produced. Another important property of grape sugar is that under the influence of yeast it is con- verted into alcohol and carbonic acid (C6Hi206=2C2H60 + 2C02). Dextrose may be estimated by the fermentation test, by the polarimeter, and by the use of Fehling's solution. The last method is the most important : it rests on the same principles as Trommer's test, and we shall study it and other methods of estimating sugar in connection with diabetic urine (see Lesson XII.). Levulose. — When cane sugar is treated with dilute mineral acids it undergoes a process known as inversion — i.e. it takes up water and is converted into equal parts of dextrose and levulose. The pre- viously dextro-rotatory solution of cane sugar then becomes levo- rotator}^ the levo -rotatory power of the levulose being greater than the dextro-rotatory power of the dextrose formed. Hence the term inversio7i. The same hydrolytic change is produced by certain ferments, such as the invert ferment of the intestinal juice, and of yeast. Pure levulose can be crystallised, but so great is the difiSculty of obtaining crystals of it that one of its names was ' uncrystallisable sugar.' Small quantities of levulose have been found in blood, urine, and muscle. It has been recommended as an article of diet in diabetes in place of ordinary sugar; in this disease it does not c 18 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY appear to have the harmful effect that other sugars produce. Levu- lose gives the same general reactions as dextrose. Galactose is formed by the action of dilute mineral acids or inverting ferments on lactose or milk sugar. It resembles dextrose in being dextro-rotatory, in reducing cupric hydrate in Trommer's test, and in being directly fermentable with yeast. When oxidised by means of nitric acid it, however, yields an acid called mucic acid (CgHioOg), which is only sparingly soluble in water. Dextrose when treated in this way yields an isomeric acid — i.e. an acid with the same empirical formula, called saccharic acid, which is readily 2.-inosite crystals. soluble in Water. Inosite, formerly called muscle sugar, is found in muscle, kidney, liver, and other parts of the body in small quantities. It is also largely found in the vegetable kingdom. It is a crystallisable substance (see fig. 2) and has the same formula (C,.Hj.^O,;) as the glucoses. It is, however, not a sugar. It gives none of the sugar tests, and careful analysis has shown it has quite a different chemical constitution from the true sugars. It belongs to the aromatic series, and is only included here for convenience. DISACCHAEIDES Cane Sugar. — This sugar is generally distributed throughout the vegetable kingdom in the juices of plants and fruits, especially the sugar cane, beetroot, mallow, and sugar maple. It is a substance of great importance as a food. After abundant ingestion of cane sugar traces may appear in the urine, but the greater part undergoes inversion in the alimentary canal. Pure cane sugar is crystalline and dextro-rotatory. It holds cupric hydrate in solution in an alkaline liquid — tlcfkt is, with Trommer's test it gives a blue solution. But no reduction occurs on boiling. After inversion it is strongly reducing. Inversion may be brought about readily by boiling with dilute mineral acids, or by means of an inverting ferment, such as that occurring in the succus entericus or intestinal juice. It then takes up water and is split into equal parts of dextrose and levulose : — Cj2H220ii+H20 = C6H,206 + C(,H,206 [caoe sugar] [dextrose] [levulose] THE CARBOHYDRATES 19 With yeast, cane sugar is first inverted by means of a special soluble ferment produced by the yeast cells, and then there is an alcoholic fermentation of the glucoses so formed. Lactose, or milk sugar, occurs in milk. It has also been described as occurring in the urine of women in the early days of lactation or after weaning. It crystallises in rhombic prisms (see fig. 3). It is much less soluble in water than cane sugar or dextrose, and has only a slightly sweet taste. It is insoluble in alcohol and ether; aqueous solutions are dextro-rotatory. Solutions of lactose give Trommer's test, but when the reducing power is tested quantitatively by Fehling's solution it is found to be a less powerful reducing agent ^ / than dextrose. If it required seven parts fig. 3.— Miik-sugar crystals. of a solution of dextrose to reduce a given quantity of Fehling's solution, it would require ten parts of a solution of lactose of the same strength to reduce the same quantity of Fehling's solution. Lactose, like cane sugar, can be hydrolysed by the same agencies as those already enumerated in connection with cane sugar. The glucoses formed are dextrose and galactose, C,2H2,OH + H2O=C6Hi2Oe + 0eH,A [lactose] [dextrose] [galactose] With yeast it is first inverted, and then alcohol is formed. Thi^, however, occurs slowly. With the lactic-acid organisms which bring about the souring of milk the lactic-acid fermentation is produced. This may also occur as the result of the action of putrefactive bacteria in the alimentary canal. The two stages of the lactic -acid fermentation are represented by the following equations : — (1) C,,B.,,0,,-\-IL,0=:iG,R,0, [lactose] [lactic acid] (2) 4C3He03=2C4H802-H4C02 + 4H2 [lactic acid] [butyric acid] Maltose is the chief end product of the action of malt diastase on starch, and is also formed as an intermediate product in the action of dilute sulphuric acid on the same substance. It is also the chief sugar formed from starch by the diastatic ferments contained in the saliva (ptyalin) and pancreatic juice (atnylopsin). It can be obtained c3 20 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY in form of acicular crystals ; it is strongly dextro-rotatory. It gives Trommer's test ; but its reducing power, as measured by Fehling's solution, is one-third less than that of dextrose. By prolonged boiling with water, or, more readily, by boiling with a dilute mineral acid, or by means of an inverting ferment, such as occurs in the intestinal juice, it is converted into dextrose. 0i2H22Oh+H2O = C6H.2O6 + C6Hp,O6 [maltose] [dextrose] [dextrose] It undergoes readily the alcoholic fermentation. The three important physiological sugars (dextrose, lactose, and maltose) may be distinguished from one another by their relative reducing action on Fehling's solution (I'0 : 071 : 0-63), by their rotatory power, or by the phenyl-hydrazine test described in Lesson XIII. POLYSACCHARIDES Starch, is widely diffused through the vegetable kingdom. It occurs in nature in the form of microscopic grains, varying in size and appearance, according to their source. Each consists of a central spot (hilum) round which more or less concentric envelopes of starch proper or granulose alternate with layers of cellulose. Cellulose has very little digestive value, but starch is a most important food. Starch is insoluble in cold water : it forms an opalescent solution in boiling water, which if concentrated gelatinises on cooling. Its most characteristic re- ^\mmmsr^smB^^mmm^<^ action is the blue colour it gives with i^^BSPf^P^H^ iodine solution. •'^^^^^^^^^^^ On heating starch with dilute mineral acids dextrose is formed. By the action of diastatic ferments, maltose is the chief end product. In both cases dextrin is an intermediate stage in the process. Before the formation of dextrin the starch solution loses its opal- escence, a substance called soluble starch or amidulin being formed. This, like native starch, gives a blue colour with iodine solution. Although the molecular weight of starch is unknown, the formula for soluble starch is probably (CgH, 005)200- Equations that repre- sent the formation of sugars and dextrin s from this are very complex, and are at present hypothetical. Fig. 4.- Section of pea showing starch aud aleurone grains embedded in the protoplasm of the cells : a, aleurone grains ; s(, starch grains ; i, inter- cellular spaces. (Yeo, after Sachs.) THE CAKBOHYDRATES 21 Dextrin is the name given to the intermediate products in the hydrolysis of starch, and two chief varieties are distinguished — erythro-dextrin, v^hich gives a reddish-brown colour with iodine solu- tion ; and achroo-dextrin, which does not. v It is readily soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol and ether. It is gummy and amorphous. It does not give Trommer's test, nor does it ferment with yeast. It is dextro-rotatory. By hydrating agencies it is converted into glucose. Glycogen, or animal starch, is found in liver, muscle, colourless blood corpuscles and other tissues. Glycogen is a white tasteless powder, soluble in water, but it forms, like starch, an opalescent solution. It is insoluble in alcohol and ether. It is dextro-rotatory. With Trommer's test it gives a blue solution, but no reduction occurs on boiling. With iodine solution it gives a reddish or port-wine colour, very similar to that given by erythro-dextrin. Dextrin may be distin- guished from glycogen by (1) the fact that it gives a clear, not an opalescent, solution with water ; and (2) it is not precipitated by basic lead acetate as glycogen is. It is, however, precipitated by basic lead acetate and ammonia. (3) Glycogen is precipitated by 55 per cent. of alcohol ; the dextrins require 85 per cent, or more. Cellulose. — This is the colourless material of which the cell-walls and woody fibres of plants are composed. By treatment with strong mineral acids, it is like starch, converted into glucose, but with much greater difficulty. The various digestive ferments have little or no action on cellulose ; hence the necessity of boiling starch before it is taken as food. Boiling bursts the cellulose envelope of the starch grains, and so allows the digestive juice to get at the starch proper. Cellulose is found in a few animals, as in the test or outer investment of the Tunicates. Salting out of the Colloid Carbohydrates. — By saturating solutions of the colloid carbohydrates (starch, soluble starch, glycogen, and some varieties of dextrin) with such neutral salts as magnesium sulphate or ammonium sulphate the carbohydrate is thrown out of solution in the form of a white precipitate. The remaining carbohydrates (sugars and some of the smaller moleculed dextrins like achroo-dextrin) are not precipitated by this means. We shall find in connection with the proteins that this method, known as * salting out,' is one largely employed there for precipitating and distinguish- ing between classes of proteins. The student is therefore warned that a precipitate obtained under such circumstances will not necessarily indicate the presence of protein. Further information regarding the carbohydrates is given in I^esson XIII, LESSON III THE FATS Lard and olive oil are given round as examples of fats. 1. They are insoluble in water. 2. They dissolve readily in ether. On pouring some of the ethereal solu- tion on to a piece of blotting paper, a greasy stain is left after the ether has evaporated. 3. Saponification. — By boiling with potash, fat yields a solution of soap. On adding some sulphuric acid to this and heating, the fatty acid collects in a layer on the surface of the fluid. This experiment may conveniently be performed in the following way : —Melt some lard in an evaporating basin and pour it into a solution of potash in alcohol - contained in a small flask and heated carefully on a water-hath nearly to boiling-point. Continue to boil and saponification is soon completed. When the process is completed drop some of the solution into a test-tube containing about 10 c.c. of water ; the solution of soap will be clear, and no oil globules should separate out. If there is any separation of oil globules continue the boiling. Then drop the soap solution into some 25-per-cent. sulphuric acid con- tained in a small beaker and heated nearly to boiling ; the fatty acid soon separates out and floats on the surface. 4. Beaction of Fatty Acids. — (a) They produce a greasy stain on paper. (b) Wash the fatty acid obtained in experiment 3 repeatedly with water, rmtil the wash water is no longer acid, and divide it into two portions. Dissolve one portion in ether ; this solution reacts acid to phenolphthalein ; to show this, place a few drops of phenolphthalein in 5 c.c. of water contain- ing a drop of 20-per-cent. potash. If this red solution is dropped into the solution of fatty acid, the colour is discharged. Place the second portion of fatty acid in some half-saturated solution of sodium carbonate and warm ; a solution of sodium soap is obtained and carbon dioxide comes ofl". 5. Separation of Neutral Fats from Fatty Acids. — In most fats some free fatty acid is present. They may be separated by the fact that the latter only dissolves in a solution of sodium carbonate to form soap. The resulting mass is shaken with water and then with ether ; the two fluids separate on standing ; the ether contains the neutral fat and the water the soap. 6. Test for Glycerin. — The most important reaction for glycerin, the other constituent of a fat, is the acrolein test, which is performed in the following way : — Place some lard in a dry test-tube, add a crystal of potassium sulphate and heat. Acrolein is given off, which is recognised by its charac- teristic unpleasant odour, and by the fact that it blackens a piece of filter paper previously moistened with ammoniacal silver nitrate solution. 7. Osmic Acid Test. — Fat, if it contains olein or oleic acid, is blackened by osmic acid. Try this with both the lard and the olive oil. ' 30 grammes of potash are dissolved in 20 c.c. of water, and 200 c.c. of 90-per- cent, alcohol added. THE FATS 23 8. To determine melting-point of a fat or fatty acid, place a small quantity in a very narrow test-tube strapped on to a thermometer with an india-rubber band. Place this in a water-bath which is gradually heated, and note the temperature at which it melts. 9. Emulsijication. — (a) Take two test-tubes and label them A and B. Place water in A and soap solution in B. To each add a few drops of olive oil and shake. In B an emulsion is formed, but not in A. (6) Shake a few drops of rancid oil with a dilute solution of potash ; an emulsion is formed because the potash and free fatty acid unite to form a soap. Divide this into two parts, and to one of them add a little solution of gum or egg albumin ; the emulsion is much more permanent in this specimen. These experiments illustrate the favourable action of soap and of a suspend- ing medium like mucilage upon the formation of an emulsion. Fat is found in small quantities in many animal tissues. It is, hov^ever, found in large quantities in three situations, viz. bone Fia. 5.— A few cells from the margin of a fat lobule ; /. g., fat globule distending fat cell ; ??, nucleus ; m, membranous envelope of tlie cell ; cr., bunch of crystals within a fat cell ; c, capillary vessel V, venule ; c. t., connective tissue cell. The fibres of the connective tissue are not represented. marrow, adipose tissue, and milk. The consideration of the fat in milk is postponed to Lesson VI. The contents of the fat cells of adipose tissue are fluid during life, the normal temperature of the body (37° C, or 99° F.) being con- siderably above the melting-point (25° C.) of the mixture of the fats found there. These fats are three in number, and are called palmitin, stearin, and olein. They differ from one another in chemical com- position and in certain physical characters, such as melting-point and solubilities. Olein melts at —5° C, palmitin at 45° C, and stearin at 53-65° C. Thus, it is olein v^hich holds the other tv^o dissolved at 24 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY the body temperature. Fats are all soluble in hot alcohol, ether, and chloroform, but insoluble in water. Chemical Constitution of the Fats. — The fats are compounds of fatty acids with glycerin, and may be termed glycerides or glyceric ethers. The fatty acids form a series of acids derived from the mona- tomic alcohols by oxidation. Thus, to take ordinary ethyl alcohol, C2H5HO, the first stage in oxidation is the removal of two atoms of hydrogen to form aldehyde, CH3.COH : on further oxidation an atom of oxygen is added to form acetic acid, CH3.COOH (see also p.U). A similar acid can be obtained from all the other alcohols, thus: From methyl alcohol CH3.HO, formic acid H.COOH is obtained ethyl CH3.HO, formic acid H.COOH is C2H5.HO, acetic „ CH3.COOH C3H7.HO, propionic,, C^H^.COOH butyl „ C4H.J.HO, butyric „ C3H7.COOH amyl „ CsHn-HO, valeric „ C4Hc).C00H hexyl „ C6H,3.HO,caproic „ GsHn-COOH propyl butyl and so on. Or in general terms : — From the alcohol with formula C,iH2„+i.H0 the acid with formula C„_iH2„_i.C0.0H is obtained. The sixteenth term of this series has the formula Ci5H3,.C0.0H, and is called palmitic acid; the eighteenth has the formula Ci;H35.CO.OH, and is called stearic acid. Each acid, as will be seen, consists of a radical, C„_,H2„_iC0, united to hydroxyl (HO). Oleic acid, however, is not a member of the fatty acid series proper, but belongs to a somewhat similar series of acids known as the acrylic series, of which the general formula is C„_]H2„__3COOH. It is the eighteenth term of the series, and its formula is C17H33.CO.OH. The first member of the group of alcohols from which this acrylic series of acids is obtained is called allyl alcohol (CH2 : CH.CHoOH) ; the aldehyde of this is acrolein (CH2 : CH.CHO), and the formula for the acid (acrylic acid) is CH2 : CH.COOH. It will be noticed that two of the carbon atoms are united by two valencies, and these bodies are therefore unsaturated ; they are un- stable and are prone to undergo by uniting with another element a conversion into bodies in which the carbon atoms are united by one bond only. This accounts for their reducing action, and it is owing to this construction that the colour reactions with osmic acid and Sudan III. are due. Fat which contains any member of the acrylic series like oleic acid blackens osmic acid, by reducing it to a lower (black) oxide. Fats like palmitin and stearin do not give this reaction. THE FATS 25 Glycerin or Glycerol is a triatomic alcohol, C3H.5(OH)3 — i.e. three atoms of hydroxyl united to a radical glyceryl (C3H5). The hydrogen in the hydroxyl atoms is replaceable by other organic radicals. As an example take the radical of acetic acid called acetyl (CH3.CO). The following formulae represent the derivatives that can be obtained by replacing one, two, or all three hydroxyl hydrogen atoms in this way :— (OH (OH (OH (O.CH3.CO C3H5 OH C3H5 -I OH C3H5 O.CH3.CO C3H5 O.CH3.CO tOH iO.CH3.CO lO.CH3.CO lo.CH3.CO [glycerin] [monoacetin] [cliacetin] [triacetin] Triacetin is a type of a neutral fat ; stearin, palmitin, and olein ought more properly to be called tristearin, tripalmitin, and triolein respectively. Each consists of glycerin in which the three atoms of hydrogen in the hydroxyls are replaced by radicals of the fatty acid. This is represented in the following formulae : — Acid Radical Fat Palmitic acid Ci^Hgi.COOH Palmityl Ci,H3,.C0 Palmitin CgH^COCi^Hgi.CO)., Stearic acid Ci^Hg^.COOH Stearyl Ci.Hgg.CO Stearin C3H,(OCi,H3,.CO)3 Oleic acid Ci.Hgg.COOH Oleyl Cj-Hgg.CO Olein C^B..^{OC,^'R^^.CO)^ Decomposition Products of the Fats. — The fats split up into the substances out of which they are built up. Under the influence of superheated steam, mineral acids, and in the body by means of certain ferments (for instance, the fat-splitting ferment steapsin of the pancreatic juice), a fat combines with water and splits into glycerin and the fatty acid. The following equation represents what occurs in a fat, taking tripalmitin as an example : — C3H5(O.C,5H3iCO)3 + 3H20=C3H5(OH)3 + 3C,5H3iCO.OH [palmitin— a fat] [glycerin] [palmitic acid— a fatty acid] In the process of saponification, much the same sort of reaction occurs, the final products being glycerin and a compound of the base with the fatty acid, which is called a soap. Suppose, for instance, that potassium hydrate is used ; we get — C3H5(O.Ci5H3iCO)3 + 3KHO=C3H5(OH)3 + 3C,5H3iCO.OK [palmitin— a fat] [glycerin] [potassium palmitate— a soap] Emulsification. — Another change that fats undergo in the body is very different from saponification. Ifc is a physical rather than a chemical change ; the fat is broken up into very small globules, such as are seen in the natural emulsion — milk. Lecithin (C42H84NPO9).— This is a very complex fat, which 26 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY yields on decomposition not only glycerin and a fatty acid, but phosphoric acid, and an alkaloid [N.(CH3)3C2H602] called choline in addition. Lecithin is found to a great extent in the nervous system,^ and to a small extent in bile. Together with cholesterin, a crystallisable, monatomic alcohol (C27H45.HO) which we shall consider more at length in connection with the bile, it is found in small quantities in the protoplasm of all cells. ' See further under Nervous Tissues, Lesson XXII. LESSON IV THE PROTEINS 1. Tests for Proteins. — The following tests are to be tried with a mixture of one part of white of egg to ten of water. (Egg-white contains a mixture of albumin and globulin.) (a) Heat Coagulation. — Faintly acidulate with a few drops of 2-per-cent. acetic acid and boil. The protein is rendered insoluble (coagulated protein). (6) Precipitation ivitJi Nitric Acid. — The addition of strong nitric acid to the original solution also produces a white precipitate. (c) XantJioproteic Reaction. — On boiling the white precipitate produced by nitric acid it turns yellow ; after cooling add ammonia ; the yellow becomes orange. [d) Millon's Test. — Millon's reagent (which is a mixture of the nitrates of mercury containing excess of nitric acid ; see p. 5) gives a white precipitate, which turns brick-red on boiling. {e) After the addition of a few drops of 20-per-cent. acetic acid, potassium ferrocyanide gives a white precipitate. (/) Rose's or PiotroiusM's Test. — Add one drop of a 1-per-cent. solution of cupric sulphate to the original solution and then caustic potash, and a violet solution is obtained. Eepeat experiment (/) with a solution of commercial peptone, and note that a rose-red solution is obtained. This is called the biuret reaction. (g) Rosenheim's Formaldehyde Reactio?!. — Add to the solution of com- mercial peptone a very dilute solution of formaldehyde (1 : 2,500), and then aboiit one third of the volume of strong sulphuric acid containing (as most commercial specimens of the acid do) a trace of an oxidising agent such as ferric chloride or nitrous acid. A purple ring develops at the surface of contact. This reaction probably plays a part in the original (h) Adamliiewicz Reaction^ in which glacial acetic acid was used instead of the formaldehyde. Most commercial specimens of glacial acetic acid con- tain hydrogen peroxide as an impurity ; the oxidising action of this on the acetic acid leads to the formation of traces of glyoxylic acid and formalde- hyde ; the necessary factors for the occurrence of the formaldehyde reaction are thus present. (According to Hopkins glyoxylic acid itself with pure sulphuric acid gives the test with proteins.) The same reactions {g and h) are given by the solution of egg-white, but not so markedly. 2. Action of Neutral Salts. — {a) Saturate the solution of egg-white with magnesium sulphate by adding crystals of the salt and grinding it up thoroughly in a mortar. A white precipitate of egg-globulin is produced. Filter. The filtrate contains egg-albumin. The precipitate of the globulin is very small. (6) Half saturate the solution of egg-white with ammonium sulphate. This may be done by adding to the solution an equal volume of a saturated 28 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY solution of ammonium sulphate. The precipitate produced consists of the globulin ; the albumin remains in solution. (c) Completely saturate another portion with ammonium sulphate by adding crystals of the salt and grinding in a mortar — a precipitate is pro- duced of both the globulin and albumin. Filter. The filtrate contains no protein. (d) Repeat the last experiment (c) with a solution of commercial peptone. A precipitate is produced of the proteoses it contains. Filter. The filtrate contains the true peptone. This gives the biuret reaction (see above), but large excess of strong potash must be added on account of the presence of ammonium sulphate. Ammonium sulphate added to saturation preci;pitates all proteins except peptone. LESSON V THE PROTEINS {continued) 1. — Action of Acids and Alkalis 07i Albumin. — Take three test-tubes and label them A, B, and C. In each place an equal amount of diluted egg-white, similar to that used in the last lesson. To A add a few drops of 0*l-per-cent. solution of caustic potash. To B add the same amount of 0'1-per-cent. solution of caustic potash. To C add a rather large amount of 0*l-per-cent. sulphuric acid. Put all three into the warm bath ^ at about the temperature of the body (36-40° C). After five minutes remove test-tube A, and boil. The protein is no longer coagulated by heat, having been converted into alkali- albumin. After Fig. 6.— Simple warm batli, as described iu footnote. cooling, colour with litmus solution and neutralise with 0-1-per-cent. acid. At the neutral point a precipitate is formed which is soluble in excess of either acid or alkali. Next remove B. This also now contains alkali- albumin. Add to it a few drops of sodium phosphate, colour with litmus, and neutralise as before. ' A convenient form of warm bath suitable for class purposes may be made by placing an ordinary tin pot half full of water over a bent piece of iron which acts as a warm stage as in the figure. The stage is kept warm by a small gas flame. Such a warm bath may be placed between every two or three students. 30 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Note that the alkali-albumin now requires more acid for its precipitation than in A, the acid which is first added converting the sodium phosphate into acid sodium phosphate. Now remove C from the bath. Boil it. Again there is no coagulation, the proteins having been converted into acid-alhumin, or syntonin. After cooling, colour with litmus and neutralise with O'l-per-cent. alkali. At the neutral point a precipitate is formed, soluble in excess of acid or alkali. (Acid-albumin is formed more slowly than alkali-albumin, so it is best to leave this experiment to the last.) 2. Take some gelatin and dissolve it in hot water. On cooling, the solu- tion sets into a jelly (gelatinisation). Take a dilute solution of gelatin, and try all the protein tests with it enumerated on p. 27. Carefully note down your results. 3. Add a few drops of acetic acid to some saliva. A stringy precipitate of mucin is formed. 4. A tendon has been soaked for a few daj'S in lime water. The fibres are not dissolved, but they are loosened from one another owing to the solu- tion of the interstitial or ground substance by the lime water. Take some of the lime-water extract and add acetic acid. A precipitate of mucoid is obtained. The fibres themselves consist of collagen, which yields gelatin on boiling. Vitreous humour or the Whartonian jelly of the umbilical cord is much richer in ground substance than tendon, and, if treated in the same way, a much larger yield of mucoid is obtained. The Proteins are the most important substances that occur in animal and vegetable organisms, and protein metabolism is, as already noted, the most characteristic sign of life. They are highly complex compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur occurring in a solid viscous condition, or in solution in nearly all parts of the body. The different members of the group present, how^ever, great differences in their chemical and physical properties. The proteins in the food form the source of the proteins in the body tissues, but the latter are usually different in composition from the former. The food proteins are in the process of digestion broken up into simpler substances, usually called cleavage products, and it is from these that the body cells reconstruct the proteins peculiar to themselves. As a result of katabolic processes in the body, the proteins are finally again broken down, carbonic acid, water, sulphuric acid (combined as sulphates), urea, and creatinine being the principal final products which are discharged in the urine and other excretions. The intermediate substances between the proteins and such final katabolites as urea will be discussed under Urine. The following figures will convince the student how different the proteins are in elementary composition ; Hoppe-Seyler many years ago gave the variations in percentage composition as follows : — a H N 3 From 51-5 69 15-2 0-3 20-9 To 5i'5 7-3 17-0 2-0 23*5 THE PROTEINS 31 and recent research has since shown that the variations are even greater than those just stated. The same fact is brought home more vividly when the cleavage products are separated and estimated. These differ both in kind and in amount, but nearly all of them are substances which are termed amino-acids. Emil Fischer, to whom we owe so much of our knowledge in this direction, considers that the proteins are linkages of a greater or lesser number of these amino-acids, and there is great hope that in the future his work will result in an actual synthesis of the protein molecule, and with that will come an accurate knowledge of its constitution. When the protein molecule is broken down in the laboratory by processes similar to those brought about by the digestive ferments which occur in the alimentary canal, the essential change is due to what is called hydrolysis : that is, the molecule unites with water and then breaks up into smaller molecules. The first cleavage products, which are called proteoses, retain many of the characters of the original protein ; and the same is true, though to a less degree, of the peptones, which come next in order of for- mation. The peptones in their turn are decomposed into short link- ages of amino-acids which are called polypeptides, and finally the individual amino-acids are obtained separated from each other. What we have already learnt about the fatty acids will help us in understanding what is meant by an amino-acid. If we take acetic acid, which is one of the simplest of the fatty acids, we see that its formula is CH3.COOH. If one of the three hydrogen atoms in the CH3 group is replaced by NH2 we get a substance which has the formula CH2.NH2.COOH. The combination NH2 which has stepped in is called the amino- group, and the new substance now formed is called amino-acetic acid ; it is also termed glycine or glycocoll. We may take another example from another fatty acid. Propionic acid is C2H5.COOH ; if we replace an atom of hydrogen by the amino-group as before, we obtain C2H4.NH2.COOH, which is amino- propionic acid or alanine. Going a little higher in the scale, and taking caproic acid, OsHn^COOH, we obtain from it, in an exactly similar way, CsHio.NHg.COOH, which is amino-caproic acid or leucine. All the three amino-acids mentioned— glycine, alanine, and leucine 32 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY — are found among the final cleavage products of most proteins; but there are a good many more in addition, for instance : — Serine (aminO-oxypropionic acid, CHaOH.CHNHo.COOH) ; Amino-valeric acid ; Amino-succinamic acid (asparagine) ; Amino-succinic acid (aspartic acid) ; Amino-pyrotartaric acid (glutamic acid), some of which are derived from fatty acids of a different series from those first enumerated. But in all these cases there is only one replacement of an atom of hydrogen by NH2 ; hence they are called monoamino-acids. Passing to the next stage in complexity, we come to another group of amino-acids which are called diamino-acids : that is, fatty acids in which two hydrogen atoms are replaced by NH^ groups. Of these we may mention lysine, ornithine, arginine, and histidine. Lysine is diamino-caproic acid. Caproic acid is C5H11.GOOH. Mono-amino-caproic acid, or leucine, we have already learnt is C5H10.NH2.COOH. Lysine or diamino-caproic acid is C5H,j(NH2)2COOH. OrnitMne is di-amino-valeric acid, and the following formulae will show its relationship to its parent fatty acid : — C4H9.COOH is valeric acid. C4H7(NH2)2.COOH is diamino-valeric acid or ornithine. Arginine is a somewhat more complex substance, which contains the ornithine radical. It belongs to the same group of substances as creatine, another important cleavage product of the protein molecule. Creatine is methyl-guanidine acetic acid, and has the formula HN\ ; C ; -N(CH3)0H2.COOH On boiling it with baryta water, it takes up water (H2O) and splits at the dotted line into urea [CO (NH)2] and sarcosine, as shown below. H,N\ C=0 NH.CH3.CH2.COOH H.N/ [urea] [surcosiiie or inethyl-glyciue] Arginine decomposes in a similar way, urea being split off on the left, and ornithine instead of sarcosine on the right. Arginine is therefore a compound of ornithine with a urea group. Histidine, the last member of this class, has the formula I THE PEOTEINS 33 CfjHgNsOs is probably also a diamino-acid, but its exact constitution has not yet been made out with certainty. These substances we have hitherto described as acids, but they may also play the part of bases, the introduction of a second amino- group into the fatty-acid molecules conferring upon them basic pro- perties. The three substances Lysine (CeHnNsOs) Arginine (C6H14N4O2) Histidine (OeHgNgOs) are in fact often called the hexone bases because each of them contains six atoms of carbon, as the above empirical formulae show. But there is still an important group of amino-acids to be con- sidered, and these are termed the aromatic amino-acids : that is, amino- acids united to the benzene ring ; and of these we shall mention three : namely, phenyl-alanine, tyrosine, and a nearly related sub- stance called tryptophane. Phenyl-alanine is alanine or amino-propionic acid in which an atom of hydrogen is replaced by phenyl (C6H5). Propionic a.cid has the formula C2H5.COOH. Alanine (amino-propionic acid) is C2H4.NH2.COOH. Phenyl-alanine is C2H3.GGH5.NH2.COOH. The formula of phenyl-alanine may also be written another way. The graphic formula of benzene (C^H^) is : H I C ^ \ H— C C— H I '^^ t II . H— C "^i C— H If the H placed lowermost in the above formula is replaced by CH2.CH.NH2.COOH we obtain the formula of phenyl-alanine : — CH2.CHNH0COOH the remainder of the benzene ring which is unaltered being repre- sented, as usual, by a simple hexagon. D 34 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Tyrosine is a little more complicated : it is oxyphenyl-alanine : that is, instead of phenyl (CeH.^) in the formula of phenyl-alanine we have now oxyphenyl (CgHj.OH). This gives us C2H3.(OoH4.0H) NH2.COOH as the formula for tyrosine written one way, or OH CH2.CH.NH2.COOH when written in the other way. Tryptophane is more complex still ; it is indole-amino-propionic acid : that is, amino-propionic acid united to another ringed derivative called indole. Tryptophane is the portion of the protein molecule which is the parent substance of two evil-smelling products of protein decomposition called indole CGHiZ-^r-rr" and scatole or methyl indole. Tryptophane is also the radical in the protein molecule which is responsible for the colour test called the Adamkiewicz reaction. We may sum up what we have learnt up to this point by enume- rating the principal members of these three groups of amino- acids : — 1. The mono-amino-acids : glycine, alanine, leucine, amino- valeric acid, asparagine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid. 2. The di-amino -acids : lysine, ornithine, arginine, and histidine. 3. The ringed amino -acids : phenyl-alanine, tyrosine, and tryptophane. But this does not bring us to the end of the list of the cleavage products of proteins, for we have still left several other groups most of which are still more complex, and which we will therefore be content with merely mentioning : namely — 4. Pyrimidine bases such as uracil, thymine and cytosine. 5. Pyrrolidine derivatives. 6. Cystine, a complex amino- acid in which sulphur is present, and in which the greater part of the sulphur of the protein molecule is combined. 7. Ammonia. Our list now represents the principal groups of chemical nuclei united together in the protein molecule, and its length makes one THE PROTEINS 35 realise the complicated nature of that molecule and the difficulties which beset its investigation. The workers in Fischer's laboratory are steadily working through the various known proteins, taking them to pieces, and identifying and estimating the fragments. I do not intend to burden the readers of this book with anything more than a sample of their results, and will therefore only give in a brief table the results obtained with some of the cleavage products of a few proteins. The numbers given are percentages. Edes. irl Egg-al- bumin Serum globu- lin Casei- nogen Gelatin Keratin from horse- hair tin, a globu- lin from hemp Zein from maize Glia. din from wheat 1 Glycine . 8-5 16-5 seed 0-9 0-8 3.8 + ' Leucine . 20-0 6-1 18-7 10-5 2-1 7-1 15-5 11-2 6-0 Glutamic acid . 7-7 8-0 8-5 11-0 0-8 3-7 17-2 11-8 31-5 Tyrosine . 2-1 1-1 2-5 4-5 3-2 2-1 10-1 2-4 Arginine . 4-8 7-6 11.7 1-8 2-75 Tryptophane . + -f + 1-5 more -f ! Cystine . 2-3 0-2 0*7 0-06 than 10 0-2 Such numbers of course are not to be committed to memory, but they are sufficient to convey to the reader the differences between the proteins. There are several blanks left on account of no accurate estimations having yet been made. Where the sign -f occurs, the substance in question has been proved to be present, but not yet determined quantitatively. Among the more striking points brought out are : — 1. The absence of- glycine from albumins. 2. The high percentage of glycine in gelatin. 3. The absence of tyrosine and tryptophane in gelatin. 4. The high percentage of the sulphur containing substance (cystin) in keratin. 5. The high percentage of glutamic acid in vegetable proteins. Emil Fischer in his work has sought to make such a list complete, and month by month the details are being filled in. He has next tried to discover the way in which the amino-acids are linked to- gether into groups ; and the culmination of his work will be the discovery of the way in which such groups are linked together to form the protein molecule. The last stage he has not yet reached, but it will be interesting to see what progress he has -made in ascertaining how the amino-acids are linked together into groups. D 2 36 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY These groups he terms peptides or polypeptides : many of these have been made synthetically in his laboratory, and so the synthesis of the protein molecule is foreshadowed. We may take as our examples of these peptides some of the simplest, and may write the formulae of a few amino-acids as follows : — NH2.CH2.COOH glycine NH2.CH4.COOH alanine NH2.C5H10.COOH leucine or in general terms HNH.E.COOH Two amino-acids are linked together as shown in the following formula : — HNH.K.CO OH.H NH.R.COOH What happens is that thehydroxyl (OH) of the carboxyl (COOH) group of one acid unites with one atom of the hydrogen of the next amino (HNH) group, and water is thus formed, as shown within the dotted lines : this is eliminated and the rest of the chain closes up. In this way we get a dipeptide. The names glycyl, alanyl, leucyl, &c. are given by Fischer to the NH2.R.CO groups which replace the hydrogen of the next NH2 group. Thus glycyl-glycine, glycyl-leucine, leucyl-alanine, alanyl-leucine, and numerous other combinations and permutations are obtained. If the same operation is repeated we obtain tripeptides (leucyl- glycyl-alanine. alanyl-leucyl-tyrosine &c.) ; then come the tetrapeptides and so on. In the end, by coupling the chains sufficiently often and in appro- priate order, Fischer has already obtained substances which give some of the reactions of peptones. TESTS FOR PROTEINS Solubilities. — The proteins as a class are insoluble in alcohol and in ether. Some are soluble in water, others insoluble. Many of the latter are soluble in weak saline solutions. Some are soluble, others insoluble in concentrated saUne solutions. It is very largely on these varying solubilities that proteins are separated into classes, and from each other. When, however, one speaks of the solution of a protein, the kind of solution obtained is usually what physical chemists call colloidal solution : the condition here is something intermediate between true solution and a suspension. Many of the properties of proteins, such THE PEOTEINS 37 as the tendency to coagulate or solidify and the readiness with which they are ' salted out,' are shared in common with other colloids some of which aie of inorganic nature. All proteins are soluble with the aid of heat in concentrated mineral acids and alkalis. Such treatment, however, decomposes as well as dissolves the protein. Proteins are also soluble in gastric and pancreatic juices ; but there, again, they undergo a change, being converted by hydrolysis into proteins of smaller molecular weight called peptones. The intermediate substances formed in this process are called proteoses. Commercial peptone contains a mixture of proteoses and true peptone. Heat Coagulation. — Many of the proteins which are soluble in water or saline solution are rendered insoluble when those solutions Fig. 7.--Dialyser. The lower opening of the bell jar suspended in water is tightly covered with parchment paper. The fluid to be dialysed is placed within this vessel; the crystalloids pass out into the distilled water outside through the parchment paper. Fig, 8. — In this form of dialyser the substance to be dialysed is placed within the piece of tubing suspended in the larger vessel of water. The tubing is made of parchment paper. are heated. This is true for most of the proteins that occur in nature. The solidifying of white of egg when heated is a familiar instance of this. The temperature of heat coagulation differs in different pro- teins : thus myosinogen and fibrinogen coagulate at about 56° C. ; serum albumin and serum globulin at about 75° C. The proteins which are coagulated by heating their solution come for the most part into two classes — the alhimiins and the globulins. The full distinction between these we shall see immediately. We may, however, state here that the albumins are soluble in distilled 38 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY water : the true globulins are not, but require salts to hold them in solution. Indiffusibility. — The proteins (peptones excepted) belong to the class of substances called colloids by Thomas Graham : they pass with difficulty, or not at all, through animal membranes. In the construction of dialysers, vegetable parchment is very largely used (see figs. 7 and 8). Proteins may thus be separated from diffusible (crystalloid) sub- stances like salts, but the process is a somewhat tedious one. If some serum or white of egg is placed in a dialyser, and distilled water outside, the greater amount of the salts passes into the water through the membrane ; the two proteins, albumin and globulin, remain inside. The globulin is, however, precipitated, as the salts which previously kept it in solution have been removed. The terms ' diffusion ' and ' dialysis ' should be distinguished from each other. If water is carefully poured on the surface of a solution of any substance, this substance gradually spreads through the water, and the composition of the mixture becomes uniform in time. The time occupied is short for substances like sodium chloride, and long for substances like albimiin. The phenomenon is called diffusion. If the solutions are separated by a mem- brane the term ' dialysis ' is employed. The word osmosis is properly restricted to the passage of water through membranes, and can be best studied when semi-permeable membranes are employed. See more fully article Osmosis in Appendix. Crystallisation. — Haemoglobin, the red pigment of the blood, is a protein substance, and is crystallisable (for further details, see The Blood). Like other proteins, it has an enormously large molecule ; though crystalline, it is not crystalloid in Graham's sense of that term, although it probably forms a true solution with water. Blood pigment is not the only crystallisable protein. Long ago crystals of protein (globulin or vitellin) were observed in the aleurone grains of many seeds, and in the similar protein occurring in the egg-yolk of some fishes and amphibians. By appropriate methods these have been separated and recrystallised. Further, egg-albumin itself has been crystallised. If a solution of white of egg is diluted with half its volume of saturated solution of ammonium sulphate, the globulin present is precipitated and is removed by filtration. The filtrate is now allowed to remain some days at the temperature of the air, and as it becomes more concentrated from evaporation, minute spheroidal globules and finally minute needles, either aggregated or separate, make their appearance (Hofmeister). Crystallisation is much more rapid and perfect if a little acetic or THE PROTEINS 39 sulphuric acid is added (Hopkins). Serum albumin (from come animals) has also been similarly crystallised (Giirber). Action on Polarised Light. — All the proteins are levo-rotatory, but the amount of rotation the} produce varies with the kind of protein. See Appendix. Several of the compound proteins (for instance, haemoglobin and nucleo-proteins) are dextro-rotatory, though their protein components are levo-rotatory (Gam gee). Colour Reactions. — The principal colour reactions have been already described in the heading of this lesson. (1) The xantho-proteic reaction depends on the conversion of the aromatic group of the protein molecule into nitro-derivatives. (2) Millon's reaction is due to the presence of the tyrosine group, and is given by all benzene derivatives which contain a hydroxyl group (OH) replacing hydrogen. (3) The formaldehyde reaction (and the Adamkiewicz reaction, which is probably the same thing) is due to the presence of the trypto- phan radical (indole-amino-propionic acid). The presence, absence, or intensity of these colour tests in various proteins depends respectively on the presence, absence, or amount of the groups to which they are due. (4) In the copper sulphate test the proteoses and peptones behave differently from the native proteins ; the latter give a violet and the former a rose-red colour, which is called the biuret reaction, because the same tint is also given by the substance called biuret.^ The name does not imply that biuret is present in protein, but both biuret and protein give the reaction because they possess the same group or groups which are probably two GONH2 groups linked either to a carbon atom, or to a nitrogen a,tom, or directly to one another (Schiff). Precipitants of Proteids. — Proteids are precipitated by a large number of reagents ; the peptones and proteoses are exceptions in many cases, and will be considered separately afterwards (see Lesson VH.). Solutions of the proteins are precipitated by — 1. Strong acids, like nitric acid. 2. Picric acid. 3. Acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide. 4. Acetic acid and excess of neutral salts like sodium sulphate. ' Biuret is obtained by heating solid urea ; ammonia is given off and leaves biuret thus : — 2C0N,H,= CANgHs +NH3 [urea] [biuret] [ammouia] 40 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY 5. Salts of the heavy metals, like copper sulphate, mercuric chloride, lead acetate, silver nitrate, &c. 6. Tannin. 7. Alcohol. 8. Saturation with certain neutral salts, such as ammonium sulphate. It is necessary that the words coagulation and precipitation should, in connection with the proteins, be carefully distinguished. The term coagulation is used when an insoluble protein (coagulated protein) is formed from a soluble one. This may occur — 1. When the protein is heated — heat coagulation. 2. Under the influence of a ferment ; for instance, when a curd is formed in milk by rennet or a clot in shed blood by the fibrin ferment — ferment coagulation. 3. When an insoluble precipitate is produced by an addition of certain reagents (nitric acid, picric acid, tannin, &c.). There are, however, other precipitants of proteins in which the precipitate formed is readily soluble in suitable reagents, like saline solution, and the protein continues to show its typical reactions. This precipitation is not coagulation. Such a precipitate is produced by saturation with ammonium sulphate. Certain proteins, called globulins, are more readily precipitated by such means than others. Thus, serum globulin is precipitated by half-saturation with ammonium sulphate. Full saturation with ammoniun sulphate precipitates all proteins but peptone. The globulins are precipitated by certain salts like sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate, which do not precipi- tate the albumins. The precipitation of proteins by salts in this way is conveniently termed ' salting out.' The precipitate produced by alcohol is peculiar in that after a time it becomes a coagulum. Protein freshly precipitated by alcohol is readily soluble in water or saline media ; but after it has been allowed to stand some weeks under alcohol it becomes more and more insoluble. Albumins and globulins are most readily ren- dered insoluble by this method ; proteoses and peptones are appa- rently never rendered insoluble by the action of alcohol. This fact is of value in the separation of these proteins from others. THE PROTEINS 41 CLASSIFICATION OF PROTEINS The knowledge of the chemistry of the proteins which is slowly progressing under Emil Fischer's leadership will no doubt in time enable us to give a classification of the substances on a strictly chemical basis. But until that time arrives we must be content very largely with the artificial classification (on the basis of solubility and so forth) which has hitherto prevailed. The following classification must therefore be regarded as a provisional one, which, while it retains the old familiar names as far as possible, yet attempts also to incorporate some of the new ideas. The classes of proteins, then, beginning with the simplest, are as follow : — 1. Protamines. 2. Histones. 3. Albumins. 4. Globulins. 5. Sclero-proteins. 6. Phospho-proteins. 7. Conjugated proteins. (a) Gluco-proteins. (b) Nucleo-proteins. (c) Chromo-proteins. We shall take these classes one by one. 1. The Protamines These substances are obtainable from the heads of the spermatozoa of certain fishes, where they occur in combination with nuclein. Kossel's view that they are the simplest proteins in nature has met with general acceptance, and they give such typical protein reactions as the copper sulphate test (Eose's or Piotrowski's reaction). On hydrolytic decomposition they first yield substances of smaller molecular weight analogous to the peptones which are called protones, and then they split up into amino-acids. The number of resulting amino-acids is small as compared with other proteins ; hence the hypothesis that they are simple proteins is confirmed. Notable among their decomposition products are the diamino-acids or hexone bases, which have the following names and formulae : — Lysine (OeHnNaOa) Arginine (C6H.,N402) Histidine (CgHgNaOs) The protamines differ in their composition according to their source, and yield these products in different proportions. 42 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Salmine (from the salmon roe) and clupeine (from the herring roe) appear to be identical, and have the empirical formula C30H57N17O6 : its principal decomposition products are arginine, amino- valeric acid, and a small quantity of an unknown residue. Sturinc (from the sturgeon) yields the same products v^rith lysine and histidine in addition. With one exception, the protamines yield .no aromatic amino-acids, of w^hich tyrosine is a familiar instance ; the exception is cyclopterine (from Cycloptertos lumpus) ; this substance is thus an important chemical link between the other protamines, and the more complex members of the protein family. 2. The Histones These are substances which have been separated from blood corpuscles ; glohin, the protein constituent of heemoglobin, is a well- marked instance. They yield a larger number of amino-compounds than do the protamines. They are coagulable by heat, soluble in dilute acids, and precipitable from such solutions by ammonia. The precipitability by ammonia is a property possessed by no other protein group. 3. The Albumins These are typical proteins, and yield the majority of the cleavage products enumerated on pp. 31-35. They enter into colloidal solution in water in dilute saline solutions, and in saturated solutions of sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate. They are, however, precipitated by saturating their solutions with ammonium sulphate. Their solutions are coagulated by heat usually at 70°-73° C. Serum albumin, egg-albumin, and lact-albumin are instances. 4. The Globulins The globulins give the same general tests as the albumins : they are coagulated by heat, but differ from the albumins mainly in their solubiHties. This difference in solubility may be stated in tabular form as follows : — Reagent Albumin Globulin Water I soluble insoluble Dilute saline solution . . . soluble | soluble Saturated solution of magnesium sulphate or sodium chloride . ^ soluble insoluble Half- saturated solution of ammo- nium sulphate .... Saturated solution of ammonium sulphate i insoluble insoluble soluble insoluble THE PROTEINS 43 In general terms globulins are more readily salted out than albumins ; they may therefore be precipitated and thus separated from the albumins by saturation with such salts as sodium chloride, or, better, magnesium sulphate, or by half saturation with ammo- nium sulphate. The typical globulins are also insoluble in water, and so may be precipitated by removing the salt which keeps them in solution. This may be accomplished by dialysis (see p. 38). Their temperature of heat coagulation varies considerably. The following are the commoner globulins : — fibrinogen and serum globulin in blood ; egg-globulin in white of egg, myosinogen in muscle, and crystallin in the crystalline lens. We must also include under the same heading certain proteins which are the result of ferment coagulation on globulins, such as fibrin (see Blood) and myosin (see Muscle). The most striking and real distinction between globulins and albumins is that the latter on hydrolysis yield no glycine, whereas the globulins do. 5. The Sclero-proteins These substances form a heterogeneous group of substances, which are frequently termed albu7ninoids. The prefix sclero- indicates the skeletal origin and often insoluble nature of the members of the group. The principal proteins under this head are the following : — 1. Collagen, the substance of which the white fibres of connective tissue are composed. Some observers regard it as the anhydride of gelatin. 2. Ossein. — This is the same substance derived from bone.^ 3. Gelatin. — This substance is produced by boiling collagen with water. It possesses the peculiar property of setting into a jelly when a solution made with hot water cools. On digestion it is like ordinary proteins converted into peptone-like substances and is readily ' In round numbers the solid matter in bone contains two thirds inorganic or earthy matter, and one third organic or animal matter. The inorganic constituents are calcium phosphate (84 per cent, of the ash), calcium carbonate (13 per cent.), and smaller quantities of calcium chloride, calcium fluoride, and magnesium phosphate. The organic constituents are ossein (this is the most abundant , elastin from the membranes lining the Haversian canals, lacunae, and canaliculi, and other proteins and nuclein from the bone corpuscles. There is also a small quantity of fat even after removal of all the marrow. Dentine is like bone chemi- cally, but the proportion of earthy matter is rather greater. E?iamel is the hardest tissue in the body ; the mineral matter is like that found in bone and dentine ; but the organic matter is so small in quantity as to be practically non-existent (Tomes). Enamel is epiblastic, not mesoblastic, like bone and dentine. 44 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY absorbed. Though it will replace in diet a certain quantity of such proteins and thus acts as a * protein-sparing ' food, it cannot altogether take their place as a food. Animals whose sole nitro- genous food is gelatin waste rapidly. The reason for this is that gelatin contains neither the tyrosine nor the tryptophane radicals, and so it gives neither Millon's nor the Adamkiewicz reaction. Animals which receive in their food gelatin to which tyrosine and tryptophane are added thrive well.i 4. Chondrin. — This is the name given to the mixture of gelatin and mucoid which is obtained by boiling cartilage. 5. Elastin. — This is the substance of which the yellow or elastic fibres of connective tissue are composed. It is a very insoluble material. The sarcolemma of muscular fibres and certain basement membranes are very similar. 6. Keratin, or horny material, is the substance found in the surface layers of the epidermis, in hairs, nails, hoofs, and horns. It is very insoluble, and chiefly differs from most proteins in its high percentage of sulphur. A similar substance, called neurokeratin, is found in neuroglia and nerve fibres. In this connection it is interesting to note that the epidermis and the nervous system are both formed from the same layer of the embryo — the epiblast. 6. The Phospho-proteins Vitellin (from egg-yolk), caseinogen, the principal protein of milk and casein, the result of the action of the rennet-ferment on caseinogen (see Milk), are the principal members of this group. Among their decomposition products is a considerable quantity of phosphoric acid. They have been frequently confused with the nucleo-proteins we shall be studying immediately, and the prefix nucleo- so often applied to them is entirely misleading, since they do not yield the products (purine bases) which are characteristic of nucleo-compounds. 7. The Conjugated Proteins These very complex substances are compounds in which the protein molecule is united to other organic materials, which are, as a rule, also of complex nature. This second constituent of the compound is usually termed a prosthetic group. They may be divided into the following sub-classes. i. Chromo-proteins. — These are compounds of proteins with a pigment, which usually contains iron. They are typified by haemoglobin and its allies, which will be fully considered under Blood THE PKOTEINS 45 ii. Gluco-proteins. — These are compounds of protein with a carbo- hydrate group. This class includes the mucins and the mucoids. The mucins are widely distributed and may occur in epithelial cells, or be shed out by these cells (mucus, mucous glands, goblet cells). The mucin obtained from different sources varies in com- position and reactions, but they all agree in the following points : — (a) Physical character. Viscid and tenacious. (b) They are soluble in dilute alkalis, such as lime water, and are precipitable from solution by acetic acid. The mucoids generally resemble the mucins, but differ from them in minor details. The term is applied to the mucin-like substances which form the chief constituent of the ground substance of con- nective tissues (tendo-mucoid, chondro-mucoid, &c.). Another, ovo- mucoid is found in white of egg, and others (pseudo- mucin and para-mucin) are occasionally found in dropsical effusions, and in the fluid of ovarian cysts. It is probable that the differences between the mucins and the mucoids are due either to the nature of the carbohydrate group or, more probably, to the nature of the protein to which it is united. The carbohydrate substance in the majority of cases is not sugar, but a nitrogenous substance which has a similar reducing power to sugar, and which is called glucosamine (CgH, 1O5NH2) .' that is, glucose in which HO is replaced by NHg. Pavy and others have shown that a small quantity of the same carbohydrate derivative can be split off from various other proteins which we have already placed among the albumins and globulins. It is, however, probable that this must not be considered a prosthetic group, but irS more intimately united within the protein molecule. iii. Nucleo-proteins. These are com- pounds of protein with a complex organic acid called nucleic acid which contains phosphorus. They are found both in the nuclei and cell-protoplasm of cells. piasm iompSed of%on|i'op]iasm In physical characters they often simu- fatraSff n'?t^vvork'o?X^l^- lofn mnm'n *^° °'' ^"cleiu ; and «', nucleolus late mucin. (ScMfer.) Nuclein is the name given to the chief constituent of cell-nuclei. It is identical with the chromatin of histologists (see fig. 9). On decomposition it 'yields an organic acid called nucleic acid together with a variable but usually small amount of- protein. It 46 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY contains a high percentage (10-11) of phosphorus. The nuclein obtained from the nuclei or heads of the spermatozoa consists of nucleic acid without any protein admixture. In fishes' spermatozoa, however, there is an exception to this rule, for there it is, as we have ah'eady seen, united to protamine. The nucleo-proteins of cell protoplasm are compounds of nucleic acid with a much larger quantity of protein, so that they usually contain only 1 per cent, or less of phosphorus. Some also contain iron, and it is probable that the normal supply of iron to the body is contained in the nucleo-proteins or hcematogens (Bunge) of plant or animal cells. Nucleo-proteins may be prepared from cellular structures like thymus, testis, kidney, &c., by two principal methods : — 1. Wooldridges method. The organ is minced and soaked in water for twenty-four hours. Dilute acetic acid added to the aqueous extract precipitates the nucleo-protein. 2. Sodimn chloride method. The minced organ is ground up in a mortar with solid sodium chloride; the resulting viscous mass is poured into excess of water, and the nucleo-protein rises in strings to the top of the water. The solvent usually employed for a nucleo-protein, by whichever method it is prepared, is a 1-per-cent. solution of sodium carbonate. The relationship of nucleo-proteins to the coagulation of the blood is described under that heading. Nucleic acid on decomposition yields phosphoric acid, various bases of the xanthine group, and bases also of the pyrimidine group (cytosine, uracil, &c.). In some cases a carbohydrate radical is also obtained ; thus a pentose is obtained from the nucleic acid of the pancreas, the liver, and yeast cells. There appear to be several nucleic acids, which vary in the relative amount they yield of their decomposition products, especially of the members of the xanthine family, which are sometimes called alloxuric, or, more usually, _2?2mw-e bases. The purine bases are closely allied chemically to uric acid, and we shall have to study them again in relation to that substance. The following diagrammatic way of representing the decomposition of nucleo-protein will assist the student in remembering the relation- ships of these substances : — THE PROTEINS 47 NUCLEO-PROTEIN subjected to gastric digestion yields Protein converted into peptone, which goes into solution. Protein converted into acid albumin in solu- tion. Nuclein, which remains as an insoluble residue. If this is dissolved in alkali and then hydrochloric acid added it yields I I. . A precipitate consisting of nucleic acid. If this is heated in a sealed tube with hydrochloric acid, it yields a number of substances. But the best known and constant products of its decom- position are Phosphoric acid. I Purine bases, viz. Adenine Hypoxanthine Guanine Xanthine. I Pyrimidine Uracil Cytosine Thymine. , VIZ. Protein-hydrolysis When protein material is subjected to hydrolysis, as it is when heated with mineral acid, or superheated steam, or to the action of such ferments as pepsin or trypsin in the alimentary canal, it is finally resolved into the numerous amino-acids of which it is built. But before this ultimate stage is reached, it is split into substances of progressively diminishing molecular size, which still retain many of the protein characters. These may be classified in order of formation as follows : — 1. Infra-proteins. 2. Proteoses. 3. Peptones. 4. Polypeptides. The polypeptides are linkages of two or more amino-acids as already explained. They do not give the biuret reaction. Although most of the polypeptides at present known are products of laboratory synthesis, some have been definitely separated from the digestion of 48 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY proteins, and so they must appear in our classification. The proteoses and peptones give the biuret reaction ; the peptones, however, cannot be salted out of solution like the proteoses ; their molecules are smaller than those of the proteoses. We shall study them more fully under digestion. Tt is, however, necessary to add here a brief description of the infra-proteins, since some of the practical exercises at the head of this lesson deal. with them. They are obtained as the first stage of hydrolysis, and also by the action of dilute acids or alkalis on either albumins or globulins. The general properties of the acid-albumin or syntonin and the alkali- alhumin, which are thereby respectively formed are as follows : — they are insoluble in pure water, but are soluble in either acid or alkali, and are precipitated by neutralisation unless certain disturbing influences like sodium phosphate are present. They are precipitated as globulins are by saturation with such neutral salts as sodium chloride or magnesium sulphate. They are not coagulated by heat if in solution. In alkali-albumin some of the sulphur in the original protein is removed. The name albuminate used to be applied to these substances ; but this is an objectionable term, for these first degradation products of protein hydro- lysis are not salts, as the termination -ate would imply. Moreover, they are obtainable from both albumins and globulins. The prefix ' infra- " (or pos- sibly ' meta-, which some prefer) may be taken as an indication of compara- tively slight chemical alteration. A variety of alkali- albumin (probably a compound containing a large quantity of alkali) may be formed by adding strong potash to undiluted white of egg. The resulting jelly is called Lieberhiihn'' s jelly. A similar • jelly is obtainable by adding strong acetic acid to undiluted egg-white. The word ' albuminate ' is also used for compounds of protein with mineral substances. Thus if a solution of copper sulphate is added to a solution of albumin a precipitate of copper albuminate is formed. Similarly, by the addition of other salts of the heavy metals, other metallic albuminates are obtainable. The halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine) also form albuminates in this sense, and may be used for the precipitation of proteins. It should be noted, in conclusion, that the foregoing classification of proteins is mainly applicable to those of animal origin. The vegetable pro- teins may roughly be arranged under the same main headings, although it is doubtful if a real and complete analogy exists in all cases. The cleavage products of the vegetable proteins are in the main the same as those of the animal proteins, but the quantity of each yielded is usually different. Vegetable proteins, for instance, as a rule give a very much higher yield of glutamic acid than do those of animal origin. Further, there are certain vegetable proteins which have hitherto been regarded as peptones, but which do not give the biuret reaction. It seems impossible at present to bring exceptional substances of this kind into any general classification, and the same is true for those curious vegetable pro- teins, such as gliadin from the gluten of wheat, and zein from maize, which stand apart from all other members of the group in being soluble in alcohol. LESSON VI FOODS A. Milk. 1. Examine a drop of milk with the microscope. 2. Note the specific gravity of fresh milk with the lactometer ; compare this with the specific gravity of milk from which the cream has been removed (skimmed milk). The specific gravity of skimmed milk is higher owing to the removal of the lightest constituent — the cream. 3. The reaction of fresh milk is neutral or slightly alkaline to litmus. 4. Warm some milk in a test-tube to the temperature of the body, and add a few drops of rennet. After standing, a curd is formed from the con- version of caseinogen, the chief protein in milk, into casein. The casein entangles the fat globules. The liquid residue is iexmediwhey. No curdling is produced if the rennet solution is previously • boiled, because heat kilfs ferments. 5. Take some milk to which 0*2 per cent, of potassium oxalate has been added ; warm to 40° C. and add rennet. No curdling takes place because the oxalate has precipitated the calcium salts which are necessary in the coagulation process. Take a second specimen of oxalated milk and add a few drops of 2-per- cent, solution of calcium chloride, and then rennet ; curdling or coagulation takes place if the mixture is kept warm in the usual way. 6. To another portion of warm milk diluted with water add a few drops of 20-per-cent. acetic acid. A lumpy precipitate of caseinogen entanghng the fat is formed. 7. Filter off this precipitate, and in the filtrate test for lactose or milh sugar by Trommer's test (see Lesson II.) ; for lact-albumin by boiling, or by Millon's reagent (see Lesson IV.) ; and for earthy (that is, calcium and magnesium) ;pliosphates by ammonia, which precipitates these phosphates. Phosphates may also be detected by adding nitric acid and ammonium molybdate and boiling ; a yellow crystalline precipitate is formed. 8. Fat {butter) may be extracted from the precipitate by shaking it with ether ; on evaporation of the ethereal extract the fat is left behind, forming a greasy stain on paper. The presence of fat may also be demonstrated by the black colour produced by the addition of osmic acid to the milk. 9. Shake up a little milk with twice its volume of ether ; the opacity of the milk remains nearly as great as before. Repeat this, but first add to the milk a few drops of caustic potash before adding the ether and then shake. The milk which lies beneath the ethereal solution of fat becomes trans- lucent. As a matter of fact ether dissolves the fat without the addition of alkali, and the opacity of milk is therefore not due to the fat globules alone, but largely to their caseinogen envelope. The clearing which takes place when ether and alkali are added is due to an action of the reagents on the caseinogen. 10. Caseinogen, like globulins, is precipitated by saturating milk with sodium chloride or magnesium sulphate, and by half saturation with ammonium sulphate, but differs from the globulins in not being coagulated 60 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY by heat. The precipitate produced by saturation with salt floats to the surface with the entangled fat, and the clear salted whey is seen below after an hour or two. B. Flour. — Mix some wheat flour with a little water into a stiff dough. Wrap this up in a piece of muslin and knead it under a tap or in a capsule of water. The starch grains come through the holes in the muslin (identify by iodine test), and an elastic sticky mass remains behind. This is a protein called gluten. Suspend a fragment of gluten in water ; add nitric acid and boil ; it turns yellow ; cool and add ammonia ; it turns orange (xanthoproteic reaction). Boil another fragment with Millon's reagent ; it turns a brick-red colour. C. Bread contains the same constituents as flour, except that some of the starch has been converted into dextrin and dextrose during baking (most flours, however, contain a small quantity of sugar). Extract breadcruat with cold water, and test the extract for dextrin (iodine test) and for dextrose (Trommer's test). If hot water is used, starch also passes into solution. D. Meat. — This is our main source of protein food. Cut up some lean meat into fine shreds and grind these up with salt solution. Filter and test for proteins. THE PRINCIPAL FOOD-STUFFS We can nov^ proceed to apply the knowledge we have obtained of the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to the investigation of some important foods. The chief proximate principles in food are : — 1. Proteins \ 2. Carbohydrates h organic. 3. Fats j 4. Water ). 5. Salts [inorgamc. In milk and in eggs, which form the exclusive foods of young animals, all varieties of these proximate principles are present in suitable proportions. Hence they are spoken of as perfect foods. Eggs, though a perfect food for the developing bird, contain too little carbohydrate for a mammal. In most vegetable foods carbo- hydrates are in excess, while in animal food, like meat, the proteins. Are predominant. In a suitable diet these should be mixed in proper proportions, which must vary for herbivorous and carnivorous animals. We must, however, limit ourselves to the omnivorous animal, man. A healthy and suitable diet must possess the following cha- racters : — 1. It must contain the proper amount and proportion of the various proximate principles. 2. It must be adapted to the climate, to the age of the individual, and to the amount of work done by him. FOODS 51 3. The food must contain, not only the necessary amount of proxi- mate principles, but these must be present in a digestible form. As an instance of this, many vegetables (peas, beans, lentils) contain even more protein than beef and mutton, but are not so nutritious, as they are less digestible, much passing off in the faeces unused. The nutritive value of a diet depends mainly on the amount of carbon and nitrogen it contains in a readily digestible form. A man doing a moderate amount of work, and taking an ordinary diet, will eliminate, chiefly from the lungs in the form of carbonic acid, from 250 to 280 grammes of carbon per diem. During the same time he will eliminate, chiefly in the form of urea in the urine, about 15 to 18 grammes of nitrogen. These substances are derived from the food, and from the metabolism of the tissues ; various forms of energy, work and heat being the chief, are simul- taneously liberated. During muscular exercise the output of carbon greatly increases ; the increased excretion of nitrogen is not nearly so marked. Taking, then, the state of moderate exercise, it is necessary that the waste of the tissues should be replaced by fresh material in the form of food ; and the proportion of carbon to nitrogen should be the same as in the excretions : 250 to 15, or 16*6 to 1. The proportion of carbon to nitrogen in protein is, however, 53 to 15, or 3*5 to 1. The extra supply of carbon comes from non-nitrogenous foods — viz. fat and carbohydrate. Voit gives the following daily diet : — Protein 118 grammes. Fat 100 Carbohydrate 333 Ranke's diet closely resembles Voit's ; it is — Protein 100 grammes. Fat 100 Carbohydrate 250 „ In preparing diet tables, such adequate diets as those just given should be borne in mind. The following dietary (from G. N. Stewart) will be seen to be rather more liberal, but may be taken as fairly typical of what is usually consumed by an adult man in the twenty- four hours, doing an ordinary amount of work. e2 52 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Food-staflE Quantity Grammes of Nitro- gen Car- bon Pro- teins Fat. Carbo- hydrates Salts 1 Metric Englisli 1 1 system weiglits Lean meat 250 grammes . 9 oz. 8 33 55 8-5 4 Bread . 600 18 „ 6 112 40 7-5 245 6-5 Milk 500 f pint 3 35 20 20 25 3-5 Butter . 30 1 oz. 20 27 0-5 Fat with meat . 30 1 „ 22 30 Potatoes . 450 16 „ 1-5 47 10 95 4-5 Oatmeal . 75 „ 3 „ 1-7 30 10 4 48 413 2 21 20-2 299 135 97 Eecent research has shown that, for a certain time at any rate, a man will maintain his w^eight and health on diets even scantier than those of Voit and Ranke. The most convincing of these experiments have been performed by Chittenden upon himself and others. Chittenden m^ges that the normal diet should contain only about half the customary quantity of protein. The body certainly does not assimilate the larger amount usually taken, for the greater part of the nitrogenous constituents is converted into amino-acids, which are rapidly transformed by the liver into urea and cast out of the body, leaving the non-nitrogenous remainder to be utilised as fats and carbohydrates are, for the production of heat and energy. "Whether Chittenden's views will meet with general acceptance is at present doubtful, although his work will bring home to many people that temperance is necessary in food as well as in drink. The majority of well-to-do people cerbainly eat an excess of meat, and so throw an unnecessary strain upon their digestive and excretory organs. One should hesitate, however, in accepting Chittenden's conclusions to the full, for it is doubtful if the ^ninimum is also the optimum diet. It may be that there is a real need for an excess of protein beyond the apparent minimum. In diamond mining a large quantity of earth must be crushed to obtain the precious stones. It may be that among the many cleavage products of protein the majority may be compared to this waste earth, and we get rid of them as quickly as possible in the excretions, but some few may be unusually precious for protein synthesis in the body, and that, in order to get an adequate supply of these, a comparatively large amount of protein must be ingested. FOODS 53 MILK Milk is often spoken of as a * perfect food,' and it is so for infants. For those who are older it is so voluminous that unpleasantly large quantities of it would have to be taken in the course of the day to insure the proper supply of nitrogen and carbon. Moreover, for adults it is relatively too rich in protein and fat. It also contains too little iron (Bunge) ; lience children weaned late become anaemic. The microscope reveals that it consists of two parts : a clear fluid and a number of minute particles that float in it. These consist of minute oil globules, varymg in diameter from 00015 to 0*005 milli- metre. The milk secreted during the first few days of lactation is called colostrum. It contains very little caseinogen, but large quantities o OoO O " AOqO OAT" oP^if^ o'O 9^o V o^Qn » Uo "qoco 00 ^ ^o o -O Fm. 10. — Microscopic appearance of milk in the early stage of lactation, showing colostrum corpuscles (a) in addition to fat globules. (Yeo.) Pig. 11. — a, b, colostrum corpuscles with fine and coarse fat globules respectively ; c, d, e, pale cells devoid of fat. (Heidenhain.) of globuhn instead. Microscopically, cells from the acini of the mammary gland are seen, which contain fat globules in their interior : they are called colostrum corpuscles. Reaction and Specific Gravity. — The reaction of fresh cow's milk and of human milk is amphoteric. This is due to the presence of both acid and alkaline salts ; the latter are usually in excess. Milk readily turns acid or sour as the result of fermentative change, part of its lactose being transformed into lactic acid (see p. 19). The specific gravity of milk is usually ascertained with the hydrometer. That of normal cow's milk varies from 1,028 to 1,034. When the milk is skimmed the specific gravity rises, owing to the removal of the Hght constituent, the fat, to 1,033 to 1,037. In all cases the specific 54 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY gravity of water, with which other substances are compared, is taken as 1,000. Composition. — Bunge gives the following table, contrasting the milk of woman and cow ; — - Woman Cow Proteins (chiefly caseinogen) . Butter (fat) Lactose Salts Per cent. 1-7 3-4 6-2 0-2 ■ Per cent. 3-5 3-7 4-9 0-7 Hence, in feeding infants on cow's milk, it will be necessary to dilute it, and add sugar to make it approximately equal to natural human milk. The Proteins of Milk. — The principal protein in milk is called caseinoge7i : this is the one which is coagulated by rennet to form casein. Cheese consists of casein with the entangled fat. The other protein in milk is an albumin. It is present in small quantities only ; it differs in some of its properties (specific rotation, coagulation, temperature, and solubilities) from serum-albumin ; it is called lact- alhumin. The Coagulation of Milk. — Eennet is the agent usually employed for this purpose : it is a ferment secreted by the stomach, especially by sucking animals, and is generally obtained from the calf. The curd consists of the casein and entangled fat : the liquid residue called whey contains the sugar, salts, and albumin of the milk. There is also a small quantity of a new protein called whey- inotein, which differs from caseinogen by not being convertible into casein. It is produced by the decomposition of the caseinogen molecule during the process of curdling. The curd formed in human milk is more finely divided than that in cow's milk : hence it is more digestible. In feeding children and invalids on cow's milk, the lumpy condition of the curd may be obviated by the addition of lime water or barley water to the milk. Considerable discussion has taken place as to whether the caseinogen of human milk may not be a different protein from that of cow's milk, especially in relation to the amount and manner of combination of its phosphorus. The differences, however, appear to be explicable on the hypothesis that they are due to variations in the amounts of calcium salts and of citric acid which are present. Caseinogen itself may be precipitated by acids such as acetic acid, FOODS 55 or by saturation with neutral salts like sodium chloride. This, how- ever, is not coagulation, but precipitation. The precipitate may be collected and dissolved in lime water; the addition of rennet then produces coagulation in this solution, provided that a sufficient amount of calcium salts is present. In milk also, rennet produces coagulation, provided that a sufficient amount of calcium salts is present. If the calcium salts are precipitated by the addition of potassium oxalate, rennet causes no formation of casein. The process of curdling in milk is a double one ; the first action due to rennet is to produce a change in caseino- gen ; the second action is that of the calcium salt, which precipitates the altered caseinogen as casein. In blood also calcium salts are necessary for coagulation ; but there they act in a different w^ay, namely, in the production of fibrin-ferment (see Coagulation of Blood). Caseinogen is not coagulable by heat. We have already classed it with vitellin as a phospho-protein (see p. 44). Caseinogen, as was originally pointed out by Hammarsten, is a protein with acid properties : it is quite insoluble in water, but it forms soluble salts with such metallic bases as potassivim, sodium, and calcium. The caseinogen as it exists in ^milk is combined with calcium as calcium caseino- genate. When acetic acid is added to milk,- we therefore get calcium acetate, and a precipitate of free caseinogen. On ' dissolving ' this caseinogen in an alkali like soda or potash, we have the formation of sodium caseinogenate or potassium caseinogenate, as the case may be. The precipitate obtained in milk by the addition of alcohol, or by ' salting out,' is not free caseinogen, but calcium caseinogenate. When we add potassium oxalate to milk, we get the reaction represented in the following equation : — Calcium caseino- genate + potassium oxalate = calcium oxalate + potassium caseinogenate. When we add calcium chloride to oxalated milk, the following equation represents what occurs : — Potassium caseinogenate + calcium chloride = cal- cium caseinogenate -^ potassium chloride. Calcium caseinogenate forms an opalescent solution in water, and reacts with the rennin ferment. The caseinogenates of magnesium, barium, and strontium have similar characters. The caseinogenates of potassium, sodium, and ammonium differ from the above by forming a nearly clear solution in water, and they do not react with the rennin ferment. (W. A. Osborne.) The Fats of Milk. — The chemical composition of the fat of milk (butter) is very like that of adipose tissue. It consists chiefly of palmitin, stearin, and olein. There are, however, smaller quantities of fats derived from fatty acids lower in the series, especially butyrin and caproin. The old statement that each fat globule is surrounded by a membrane of caseinogen is, according to Eamsden's recent work, correct. Milk also contains small quantities of lecithin, a phosphorised fat ; of cholesterin, an alcohol which resembles fat in its solubilities (see Bile) ; and a yellow fatty pigment or lipochrome. 56 ESSENTIALS OF CHEiMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Milk Sugar or Lactose. — This is a saccharose (CisHaaOn). Its properties have already been described in Lesson II., p. 19. Souring of Milk. — When milk is allowed to stand, the chief change which it is apt to undergo is a conversion of a part of its lactose into lactic acid. This is due to the action of micro-organisms, and would not occur if the milk were contained in closed sterilised vessels. Equations showing the change produced are given on p. 19. When souring occurs, the acid which is formed precipitates a portion of the caseinogen. This must not be confounded with the formation of casein from caseinogen which is produced by rennet. There are, however, some bacterial growths which produce true coagulation like rennet. Alcoholic Fermentation in Milk.— When yeast is added to milk, the sugar does not readily undergo the alcoholic fermentation. Other somewhat similar fungoid growths are, however, able to produce the change, as in the preparation of koumiss ; the milk sugar is first inverted, that is, dextrose and galactose are formed from it (see p. 19), and it is from these sugars that alcohol and carbonic acid originate. The Salts of Milk. — The chief salt present is calcium phosphate : a small quantity of magnesium phosphate is also present. The other salts are chiefly chlorides of sodium and potassium. EGGS In this country the eggs of hens and ducks are those particularly selected as foods. The shell is made of calcareous matter, especially calcium carbonate. The lohite is composed of a richly albuminous fluid enclosed in a network of firmer and more fibrous material. The amount of solids is 13"3 per cent. : of this 12-2 is protein in nature. The proteins are albumin, with smaller quantities of egg-globulin and ovo-mucoid (p. 45). The remainder is made up of sugar (0*5 per cent.), traces of fats, lecithin and cholesterin, and 0*6 per cent, of inorganic salts. The yolk is rich in food materials for the development of the future embryo. In it there are two varieties of yolk-spherules, one kind yellow and opaque (due to admixture with fat and a yellow lipochrome), and the other smaller, transparent and almost colourless : these are protein in nature, consisting of the phospho-protein called vitellin (p. 44). Small quantities of sugar, lecithin, cholesterin, and inorganic salts are also present. The nutritive value of eggs is high, as they are so readily diges- tible ; but the more an egg is cooked the more insoluble do its protein constituents become. FOODS 57 MEAT This is composed of the muscular and connective (including adipose) tissues of certain animals. The flesh of some animals is not eaten ; in some cases this is a matter of fashion ; some flesh, like that of the carnivora, is stated to have an unpleasant taste ; and in other cases {e.g. the horse) it is more lucrative to use the animal as a beast of burden. Meat is the most concentrated and most easily assimilable of nitrogenous foods. It is our chief source of nitrogen. Its chief solid constituent is protein, and the principal protein is myosin. In addi- tion to the extractives and salts contained in muscle, there is always a certain percentage of fat, even though all visible adipose tissue is dissected off. The fat-cells are placed between the muscular fibres, and the amount of fat so situated varies in different animals. It is particularly abundant in pork ; hence the indigestibility of this form of flesh ; the fat prevents the gastric juice from obtaining ready access to the muscular fibres. The following table gives the chief substances in some of the principal meats used as food : — Constituents Water Ox Calf Pig Horse Fowl Pike 76-7 75-6 72-6 74-3 70-8 79-3 Sclids 23-3 24-4 27-4 25-7 29-2 20-7 Proteins, includ- ing gelatin . . 20-0 19-4 19-9 21-6 22-7 18-8 Fat . 1-5 2-9 6-2 2-5 4-1 0-7 Carbohydrate . 0-6 0-8 0-6 0-6 1-3 0-9 Salts . 1-2 1-3 1-1 1-0 1-1 0-8 The large percentage of water in meat should be particularly noted ; if a man wished to take his daily quantity of 100 grammes of protein entirely in the form of meat, it would be necessary for him to consume about 500 grammes {i.e. a little more than 1 lb.) of meat per diem. FLOUR The best wheat flour is made from the interior of wheat grains, and contains the greater proportion of the starch of the grain and most of the protein. Whole flour is made from the whole grain minus the husk, and thus contains, not only the white interior, but also the harder and browner outer portion of the grain. This outer region contains a somewhat larger proportion of the proteins of the 58 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY grain. Whole flour contains 1 to 2 per cent, more protein than the best white flour, but it has the disadvantage of being less readily digested. Brown flour contains a certain amount of bran in addi- tion ; it is still less digestible, but is useful as a mild laxative, the insoluble cellulose mechanically irritating the intestinal canal as it passes along. The best flour contains very little sugar. The presence of sugar indicates that germination has commenced in the grains. In the manufacture of malt from barley this is purposely allowed to go on. When mixed with water, wheat flour forms a sticky adhesive mass called dough. This is due to the formation of gluten, and the forms of grain poor in gluten cannot be made into dough (oats, rice, &c.). Gluten does not exist in the flour as such, but is formed on the addition of water from the pre-existing soluble proteins {e.g. globulins) in the flour. It is a mixture of several proteins (gliadin, mucedin, gluten -fibrin, &c.). The following table contrasts the composition of some of the more important vegetable foods : — Constituents Wheat Barley Oats Rice Lentils Peas Potatoes Water 13-6 13-8 12-4 13-1 12-5 14-8 76-0 Protein 12-4 11-1 10-4 7-9 24-8 23-7 2-0 Fat ... . 1-4 2-2 5-2 0-9 1-9 1-G 0-2 Starch 67-9 64-9 57-8 76-5 54-8 49-3 20-6 Cellulose . 2-5 5-3 11-2 0-6 3-6 7-5 0-7 Mineral salts . 1-8 2-7 3-0 1-0 24 3-1 1-0 We see from this table — 1. The great quantity of starch always present. 2. The small quantity of fat ; that bread is generally eaten with butter is a popular recognition of this fact. Protein, except in potatoes, is pretty abundant, and especially so in the pulses (lentils, peas, &c.). The protein in the pulses is not gluten, but consists of vitellin and globulin-like substances. In the mineral matters in vegetables, salts of potassium and magnesium are, as a rule, more abundant than those of sodium and calcium. BREAD Bread is made by cooking the dough of w^heat flour mixed with yeast, salt, and flavouring materials. A ferment in the flour acts at the commencement of the process when the temperature is kept a little over that of the body, and forms dextrin and sugar from the FOODS 59 starch, and then the alcoholic fermentation, due to the action of the yeast, begins. The bubbles of carbonic acid, burrowing passages through the bread, make it light and spongy. This enables the digestive juices subsequently to soak into it readily and affect all parts of it. During baking the gas and alcohol are expelled from the bread, the yeast is killed, and a crust forms from the drying of the outer portions of the dough. White bread contains, in 100 parts, 7 to 10 of protein, 55 of carbo- hydrate, 1 of fat, 2 of salts, and the rest water. COOKING OF FOOD The cooking of foods is a development of civilisation, and much relating to this subject is a matter of education and taste rather than of physiological necessity. Cooking, however, serves many useful ends :-- 1. It destroys all parasites and danger of infection. This relates, not only to bacterial growths, but also to larger parasites, such as tapeworms and trichinae. 2. In the case of vegetable foods it breaks up the starch grains, bursting the cellulose and allowing the digestive juices to come into contact with granulose. 3. In the case of animal foods it converts the insoluble collagen of the universally distributed connective tissues into the soluble gelatin. The loosening of the fibres is assisted by the formation of steam between them. By thus loosening the binding material, the more important elements of the food, such as muscular fibres, are rendered accessible to the gastric and other juices. Meat before it is cooked is generally kept a certain length of time to allow 7'igor mortis to pass off. Of the two chief methods of cooking, roasting and boiling, the former is the more economical, as by its means the meat is first surrounded with a coat of coagulated protein on its exterior, which keeps in the juices to a great extent, letting little else escape than the dripping (fat). Whereas in boiling, unless bouillon and bouilli are used, there is considerable waste. Cooking, especially boiling, renders the proteins more insoluble than they are in the raw state, but this is counterbalanced by the other advantages that cooking possesses. Beef Tea. — In making beef tea and similar extracts of meat it is necessary that the meat should be placed in cold water, and this is gradually and carefully warmed. In cooking a joint it is usual to 60 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY put the meat into boiling water at once, so that the outer part is coagulated, and the loss of material minimised. An extremely important point in this connection is that beef tea and similar meat extracts should not be regarded as foods. They are valuable as pleasant stimulating drinks for invalids, but they contain very little of the nutritive material of the meat, their chief constituents, next to water, being the salts and extractives (creatine, hypoxanthine, lactic acid, &c.) of flesh. Many invalids restricted to a liquid diet get tired of milk, and imagine that they get sufficient nutriment by taking beef tea instead. It is very important that this erroneous idea should be corrected. One of the greatest difficulties that a physician has to deal with in these cases is the distaste which many adults evince for milk. It is essential that this should be obviated as far as possible by preparing the milk in different ways to avoid monotony. Some can take koumiss; but a less expensive variation may be introduced in the shape of junkets, which, although well known in the West of England, are comparatively unknown in other parts. The preparation of a junket consists of adding to warm milk in a bowl or dish a small quantity of rennet (Clark's essence is very good for this purpose) and flavouring material according to taste. The mixture is then put aside, and in a short time the milk sets into a jelly (coagulation of casein), which may then be served with or without cream. Soup contains the extractives of meat, a small proportion of the proteins, and the principal part of the gelatin. The gelatin is usually increased by adding bones and fibrous tissue to the stock. It is the presence of this substance which causes the soup when cold to gelatinise. ACCESSORIES TO FOOD Among these must be placed alcohol, the value of which within moderate limits is not as a food, but as a stimulant ; condiments (mustard, pepper, ginger, curry powder, &c.), which are stomachic stimulants, the abuse of which is followed by dyspeptic troubles ; and tea, cojfee, cocoa, and similar drinks. These are stimulants chiefly to the nervous system ; tea, coffee, mat6 (Paraguay), guarana (Brazil), cola nut (Central Africa), bush tea (South Africa), and a few other plants used in various countries all owe their chief pro- perty to an alkaloid called theine or caffeine (C8H,oN402) ; cocoa to the closely related alkaloid, theobromine (C7H8N4O2) ; coca to cocaine. These alkaloids are all poisonous, and used in excess, even in the form of infusions of tea and coffee, produce over-excitment, FOODS 61 loss of digestive power, and other disorders well known to physicians. Coffee differs from tea in being rich in aromatic matters ; tea contains a bitter principle, tannin. To avoid the injurious solution of too much tannin, tea should only be allowed to infuse (draw) for a few minutes. Cocoa is not only a stimulant, but a food as well : it con- tains about 50 per cent, of fat and 12 per cent, of protein. In cocoa, as manufactured for the market, the amount of fat is reduced to 30 per cent., and the amount of protein rises proportionally to about 20 per cent. Green vegetables are taken as a palatable adjunct to other foods rather than for their nutritive properties. Their potassium salts are, however, abundant. Cabbage, turnips, and asparagus contain 80 to 92 water, 1 to 2 protein, 2 to 4 carbohydrates, and 1 to 1*5 cellulose per cent. The small amount of nutriment in most green foods accounts for the large meals made by and the vast capacity of the alimentary canal of herbivorous animals. LESSON VII THE DIGESTIVE JUICES SALIVA 1. To a little saliva in a test-tube add acetic acid. Mucin is precipitated in stringy flakes. 2. Filter some fresh saliva to separate ceils and mucus, and apply the xanthoproteic or Millon's test to the filtrate ; the presence of protein is shown. 3. Put some 0*5-per-cent. starch solution into two test-tubes. Add some filtered saliva to one of them, and put both in the water-bath at 40° C. After five minutes remove them and test both fluids with iodine and Trommer's test. The saliva will be found to have converted the starch into dextrin and sugar (maltose). 4. The presence of potassium sulphocyanide (KCNS) in saliva may be shown by the reJl colour given by a drop of ferric chloride. This colour is discharged by mercuric chloride. 5. The reaction of saliva is alkaline to litmus paper. GASTRIC DIGESTION 1. Half fill four test-tubes— A with water. B with 0-2-per-cent. hydrochloric acid. C with 0'2- per-cent. hydrochloric acid. D with solution of white of egg (1 to 10 of water). 2. To A add a few drops of glycerin extract of stomach ^ (this contains pepsin) and a piece of a solid protein like fibrin. To B also add pepsin solution and a piece of fibrin. To C add only a piece of fibrin. To D add a few drops of pepsin solution and fill up the tube with 0-2-per- cent, hydrochloric acid. 3. Put the tubes into the water-bath at 40° C. and observe them care- fully. In A the fibrin remains unaltered. In B it becomes swollen, and gradually dissolves. In C it becomes swollen, but does not dissolve. 4. After half an hour examine the solution in test-tube B. (a) Colour some of the liquid with litmus and neutralise with dilute alkali. Acid- albumin or syntonin is precipitated. (b) Take another test-tube, and put into it a drop of 1-per-cent. solution of copper sulphate ; empty it out so that the merest trace of copper sulphate remains adherent to the wall of the tube ; then add the solution from test- tube B and a few drops of strong caustic potash. A pink colour (biuret ' Benger's liquor pepticus may be used instead of the glycerin extract of stomach. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 63 reaction) is produced. This should be carefully compared with the violet tint given by unaltered albumin. (c) To a third portion of the fluid in test-tube B add a drop of nitric acid proteoses or propeptones are precipitated. This precipitate dissolves on heating and reappears on cooling. 5. Repeat these three tests with the digested white of egg in test-tube D. 6. Examine an artificial gastric digestion which has been kept a week. Note the absence of putrefactive odour ; in this it contrasts very forcibly with an artificial pancreatic digestion under similar circumstances. FERMENTS The word fermentation was first applied to the change of sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid by means of yeast. The evolution of carbonic acid causes frothing and bubbling ; hence the term * fermentation.' The agent yeast which produces this is called the ferment. Microscopic investigation shows that yeast is composed of minute rapidly growing unicellular organisms (torulse) belonging to the fungus group of plants. The souring of milk, the transformation of ,, ,„ ^„ ,,, " ' Pig. 12.— Cells of the yeast urea into ammonium carbonate in decomposing plant in process of bud- . . -IS fluig> between which urine, and the formation of vinegar (acetic acid) are some bacteria. from alcohol are produced by the growth of very similar organisms. The complex series of changes known as putre- faction, which are accompanied by the formation of malodorous gases, and which are produced by the growth of various forms of bacteria, also come into the same category. That the change or fermentation is produced by these organisms is shown by the fact- that it occurs only when the organisms are present, and stops when they are removed or killed by a high tem- perature or by certain substances (carbolic acid, mercuric chloride, &c.) called antiseptics. The organisms produce fermentative effects by shedding out soluble ferments or enzymes. The * germ theory ' of disease explains the infectious diseases by considering that the change in the system is of the nature of fermen- tation, and, like the others we have mentioned, produced by microbes ; the transference of the bacteria or their spores from one person to another constitutes infection. The poisons produced by the growing bacteria appear to be either alkaloidal (ptomaines) or protein in nature. The existence of poisonous proteins is a very remarkable thing, as no profound chemical differences have yet been shown to exist between them and those which are not poisonous, but which are 64 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY useful as foods. Snake venom is an instance of a very virulent poison of protein nature. There is another class of chemical transformations which at first sight differ very considerably from all of these. They, however, resemble these fermentations in the fact that they occur indepen- dently of any apparent change in the agents that produce them. The agents that produce them are not living organisms, but chemical Fig. 13.— Typical forms of Scbizomycetes (after Zopf ) : a, micrococcus; terium ; d, bacillus ; e, Clostridium ; /, monas Okeuii ; ff, leptotlirix ; h, I, spiruliua ; m, spiromonas ; n, spirochsete ; o, cladothrix. macrococcus ; c, bac- vibrio ; /fc, spirillum ; substances, the result of the activity of living cells. The change of starch into sugar by the ptyalin of the saliva is an instance. Ferments may therefore be divided into two classes : — 1. The organised ferments — torulaB, bacteria, &c. 2. The unorganised ferments or enzymes — like ptyalin. Each may be again subdivided according to the nature of the chemical change produced. In digestion, the study of which we are just commencing, it is the THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 65 unorganised ferments with the action of which we have chiefly to deal. The unorganised ferments may be classified as follows : — (a) Amylolytic — those which change amyloses (starch, glycogen) into sugars. Examples : ptyalin, diastase, amylopsin. (b) Proteolytic — those which change native proteins into proteoses and peptones. Examples : pepsin, trypsin. (c) Steatolytic or lipolytic — those which split fats into fatty acids and glycerin. An example, steapsin, is found in pancreatic juice. (d) Inversive — those which convert saccharoses (cane sugar, maltose, lactose) into glucose. Examples : invertin of intestinal juice and of yeast cells. A Fig. 14. — Bacillus anthracis, the agent that produces anthrax or splenic fever (iloch) : A, bacilli mingled with blood corpuscles from the blood of guinea-pig, some of the bacilli dividing ; B, the same after three hours' culture in a drop of aqueous humour. They grow out into long leptothrix- ]ike filaments, which subsequently divide up, and spores are developed in the segments. (e) Coagulative — those which convert soluble into insoluble proteins. Examples : rennet, fibrin ferment. Most ferment actions are hydrolytic — i.e. water is added to the material acted on, which then splits into new materials. This is seen by the following examples : — 1. Conversion of cellulose into carbonic acid and marsh gas (methane) by putrefactive organisms. (C6Hio05)7i+?iH20=3nC02 + 3wCH4 [cellulose] [water] [carbonic acid] [methane] 2. Inversion of cane sugar by the unorganised ferment invertin : — Ci2H220]i,+H20 = G6H,206 + C6Hi206 [cane sugar] [water] [dextrose] [levulose] 66 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY It appears also that some enzymes are oxygen carriers and pro- duce oxidation : they are termed oxidases. A remarkable fact concerning the ferments is, that the substances they produce, in time put a stop to their activity ; thus in the case of the organised ferments the alcohol produced by yeast, the phenol, cresol, &c., produced by putrefactive organisms from proteins, first stop the growth of, and ultimately kill, the organisms which produce them. In the case of the unorganised ferments the products of their activity hinder and finally stop their action, but on the removal of these products the ferments resume work. This fact suggested to Croft Hill the question whether ferments will act in the reverse manner to their usual action ; and in the case of one ferment, at any rate, he found this to be the case. Inverting ferments, as we have just seen, usually convert a disaccharide into monosaccharides. One of these inverting ferments, called maltase, converts maltose into dextrose. If, however, the ferment is allowed to act on strong solutions of dextrose, it converts a small proportion of that sugar back into maltose. ' Eeversible action' has since this been shown to occur in the case of other enzymes. Ferments act best at a temperature of about 40° C. Their activity is stopped, but the ferments are not destroyed, by cold ; it is stopped and the ferments killed by great heat. A certain amount of moisture and oxygen is also necessary ; there are, however, certain micro-organisms that act without free oxygen : these are called anaerobic, in contradistinction to those that require oxygen, and which are therefore called aerobic. The chemical nature of the enzymes is very difficult to investigate ; they are substances that to a great extent elude the grasp of the chemist. So far research has taught us that they are either protein in nature or are substances closely allied to the proteins. The distinction between organised ferments and enzymes is, how- ever, more apparent than real ; for the micro-organisms exert their action by enzymes that they secrete. This has long been known in connection with the invertin of yeast and with the enzyme secreted by the micrococcus ureae which converts urea into ammonium carbonate. In recent years Buchner by crushing yeast cells succeeded in obtaining from them an enzyme which produces the alcoholic fermentation, and there is now no doubt that what is true for yeast is true for all the organised ferments ; in several cases this has already been proved experimentally. The view at present current regarding ferment action is that they THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 67 are catalysing agents. That is to say, their presence induces a chemical reaction to occur rapidly which in their absence also occurs, but so slowly that any action at all is difficult to discover. To use the technical phrase, their action is to increase the velocity of chemical reactions. The enzymes are catalysts of a colloidal nature, and certain properties, in which they differ from most inorganic catalysts are due to this circumstance. THE SALIVA The secretion of saliva is a reflex action ; the taste or smell of food excites the nerve-endings of the afferent nerves (glossopharyngeal and olfactory) ; the efferent or secretory nerves are contained in the chorda tympani (a branch of the seventh cranial nerve) which supplies the submaxillary and sublingual, and in a branch of the glossopharyngeal which suppHes the parotid. The sympathetic branches which supply the blood-vessels with constrictor nerves contain in some animals secretory fibres also. The parotid gland is called a serous or albuminous gland ; before secretion the cells of the acini are swollen out with granules ; after secretion has occurred the cells shrink, owing to the granules having been shed out to contribute to the secretion (see fig. 15). The submaxillary and sublingual glands are called mucous glands: their secretion contains mucin. Mucin is absent from parotid saliva. The granules in the cells are larger than those of the parotid gland : they are composed of mucinogen, the precursor of mucin (see fig. 16). In a section of a mucous gland prepared in the ordinary way the mucinogen granules are swollen out, and give a highly refracting appearance to the mucous acini (see fig. 17). COMPOSITION OF SALIVA On microscopic examination of mixed saliva a few epithelial scales from the mouth and salivary corpuscles from the tonsils are seen. The liquid is transparent, slightly opalescent, of slimy consistency, and may contain lumps of nearly pure mucin. On standing it becomes cloudy owing to the precipitation of calcium carbonate, the carbonic acid which held it in solution as bicarbonate escaping. Of the three forms of saliva which contribute to the mixture found in the mouth, the sublingual is richest in soHds (2*75 per cent.). f2 68 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY The submaxillary saliva comes next (2*1 to 2*5 per cent.). When artificially obtained by stimulation of nerves in the dog the saliva obtained by stimulation of the sympathetic is richer in sohds than that obtained by stimulation of the chorda tympani. The parotid saliva is poorest in total solids (0*3 to 0*5 per cent.), and contains no mucin. Mixed saliva contains in man an average of about 0*5 per cent, of solids : it is alkaline in reaction, due to the salts in it ; and has a specific gravity of 1002 to 1006. The solid constituents dissolved in saliva may be classified thus : — a. Mucin : this may be precipitated by acetic acid. h. Ptyalin : an amylolytic ferment. c. Protein : of the nature of a globulin. d. Potassium sulphocyanide. e. Sodium chloride : the most abundant salt. /. Other salts : sodium carbonate ; calcium phosphate and carbonate ; magnesium phosphate ; potassium chloride. Organic Inorganic THE ACTION OF SALIVA The action of saliva is twofold, physical and chemical. The physical use of saliva consists in moistening the mucous membrane of the mouth, assisting the solution of soluble substances in the food, and in virtue of its mucin lubricating the bolus of food to facilitate swallowing. The chemical action of saliva is due to its active principle, ptyalin. This substance belongs to the class of unorganised ferments or e7izymes, and to that special class of unorganised ferments which are called amylolytic (starch-splitting) or diastatic (resembling diastase, the similar ferment in germinating barley and other grains). The starch is first split into dextrin and maltose ; the dextrin is subsequently converted into maltose also : this occurs more quickly with erythro-dextrin, which gives a red colour with iodine, than with the other variety of dextrin called achroo-dextrin, which gives no colour with iodine. Brown and Morris give the following equa- tion > 10(C6H,o05). + ^nB.,0 [starch] . [water] =47iCi2H220n + {Ce^ioO,)n + (CeH.oOs),, [maltose] [achroo-dextriil] [erythro-dextrin] Ptyalin acts in a similar way, but more slowly on glycogen : it THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 69 has no action on cellulose ; hence it is inoperative on uncooked starch grains, for in these the cellulose layers are intact. Fig. 15. — Alveoli of serous gland ; A, loaded befoi'e secretion ; B, after a short period of active secretion ; C, after a prolonged period. (Laugley.) Fig. 16.— Mucous cells from a fresli submaxillary gland of dog : a, loaded with muciuogen granules before secretion ; 6, after secretion : the granules are fewer, especially at the attached border of the cell ; a' and 5' represent cells in a loaded and discharged condition respectively which have been irrigated with water or dilute acid. The mucous granules are swollen into a transparent mass of mucin traversed by a network of protoplasmic cell-substance. (Foster, after Langley.) Fig. 17. — Section of part of the human submaxillary gland. (Heidenhain.) To the right is a group of mucous alveoli, to the left a group of serous alveoli. Ptyalin acts best about the temperature of the body (35-40°), and in a neutral medium ; a small amount of alkali makes but 70 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY little difference ; a very small amount of acid stops its activity. The conversion of starch into sugar by saliva in the stomach continues for a considerable time, for the swallowed masses which fall into the fundus of the stomach are not subjected to peristalsis and admixture with gastric juice until a later stage in digestion ; the hydrochloric acid which is poured out by the gastric glands j5rst neutralises the saliva and combines with the proteins in the food ; but immediately free hydrochloric acid appears the ptyalin is destroyed, so that it does not resume work even when the semi-digested food once more becomes alkaline in the duodenum. f THE SECRETION OF GASTRIC JUICE The nice secreted by the glands in the mucous membrane of the stomach varies in composition in the different regions, but the mixed juice is a solution of a proteolytic ferment called pepsin in a saline solution, which also contains a little free hydrochloric acid. The gastric juice can be obtained during the life of an animal by means of a gastric fistula. Gastric fistulas have also been made in human beings, either by accidental injury or by surgical operations. The most celebrated case is that of Alexis St. Martin, a young Canadian who received a musket v^ound in the abdomen in 1822. Observations made on him by Dr. Beaumont formed the startmg- point for our correct knowledge of the physiology of the stomach and its secretion. We now make artificial gastric juice by mixing weak hydrochloric acid (0*2 to 0*4 per cent.) with a glycerin or aqueous extract of the stomach of a recently killed animal. This acts like the normal juice. Three kinds of glands are distinguished in the stomach, w^hich differ from each other in their position, in the character of their epithelium, and in their secretion. The cardiac glands are simple tubular glands quite close to the cardiac orifice. The fundus glands are those situated in the remainder of the cardiac half of the stomach : their ducts are short, their tubules long in proportion. The latter are filled with polyhedral cells, only a small lumen being left : they are more closely granular than the corresponding cells in the pyloric glands. They are called i)rinciijal or central cells. Between them and the basement membrane of the tubule are other cells which stain readily with aniline dyes. They are called imrietal or oxyntic {i.e. acid-forming) cells. The pyloric glands, in the pyloric half of the stomach, have long ducts and short tubules lined with cubical cells. There are no parietal cells. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 71 Fig. 19. — A pyloric glaud from a section of the dog's stomach (Ebstein) : m, month ; n, neck ; tr, a deep portion of tubule cut transversely. Fig. 18.— a fundus glund from the dog's stomach (Klein) : d, duct or mouth of the gland ; b, base of one of its tubules ; on tlie right the base of a tubule is more highly magnified ; c, central cell ; p, parietal cell. 72 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY The central cells of the fundus glands and the cells of the pyloric glands are loaded with granules. During secretion they discharge their granules, those that remain being chiefly situated near the lumen, leaving in each cell a clear outer zone (see fig. 20). These are the cells that secrete the pepsin. Like secreting cells generally, they select certain materials from the lymph that bathes them : these materials are worked up by the protoplasmic activity of the cells into the secretion, which is then dis- charged into the lumen of the gland. The most important substance in a digestive secretion is the ferment. In the case of a gastric juice this is pepsin. We can trace an intermediate step in this process by the presence of the granules. The granules are not, however, composed of pepsin, but of a mother-substance, which is readily converted into pepsin. We shall find a similar ferment precursor in the cells of the pancreas, and the term zymogen is applied to these ferment precursors. The zymogen in the gastric cells is called pep- sinogen. The rennet-ferment or rennin that causes the curdling of milk is distinct from pepsin,* and is preceded by another zymo- gen ; it is, however, formed by the same cells. The parietal cells are also called oxyntic cells, because they secrete the hydrochloric acid of the juice. Heidenhain succeeded in making in one dog a cul-de-sac of the fundus, in another of the pyloric region of the stomach; the former secreted a juice containing both acid and pepsin ; the latter, parietal cells being absent, secreted a viscid alkaline juice containing pepsin. The for- mation of a free acid from the alkaline blood and lymph is an important but puzzling problem. There is no doubt that it is formed from the chlorides of. the blood and lymph, and of the chemical theories advanced as to how this is done, Maly's is the most satisfactory. He considers that the ' The individuality of rennin has been questioned by Pawlow, who regards its action as a phase of pepsin activity. Fig. 20.— a fundus gland of simple form from the bat's stomach. Osmic acid preparation (Lang- ley) : c, columnar epithelium of the surface ; n, neck of the gland, with central and parietal cells ; /, base occupied only by principal or central cells, which exhibit the granules accumulated towards the lumen of the gland. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 73 acid originates by the interaction of sodium chloride and sodium dihydrogen phosphate, as is shown in the following equation : — NaH2P04 + NaCl=Na2HP04 + HCl [sodium di- [sodium [disodium [hydro- hydrogeu chloride] hydrogen chloric phosphate] phosphate] acid] The sodium dihydrogen phosphate in the above equation is prob- ably derived from the interaction of the disodium hydrogen phos- phate and the carbonic acid of the blood, thus : — NasHPO^ + CO2 + H20=NaHC03 + NaH2P04. Other theories have tried to explain the formation of such a strong acid as hydrochloric by the law of * mass action.' We know that by the action of large quantities of carbonic acid on salts of the mineral acids the latter may be liberated in small quantities. We know, further, that small quantities of acid ions may be continually formed in the organism by ionisation. But in every case we can only make use of these explanations if we assume that the small quantities of acid are carried away as soon as they are formed, and thus give room for the formation of fresh acid. Even then it is impossible to explain the whole process. A specific action of the cells is no doubt exerted, for these reactions can hardly be considered to occur in the blood generally, but rather in the oxyntic cells, which possess the necessary selective powers in reference to the constituents of the blood, and the hydrochloric acid, as soon as it is formed, passes into the secretion of the gland in consequence of its high power of diffusion. COMPOSITION OF GASTRIC JUICE The following table gives the percentage composition of the gastric juice of man and dog : — Constituents Human Dog Water .... 99-44 97-30 Organic sul ^pepsin) stanc es (chiefly 0-32 0-20 1-71 0-50 CaCL. . 0-006 0-06 NaCl . 0-14 0-25 KCl . 0-05 0-11 NH.Cl Ca3(P0,), Mg3(P0,), FePO, 0-01 0-05 0-17 0-02 0-008 1 1 74 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY One sees from this how much richer in all constituents the gastric juice of the dog is than that of man. Carnivorous animals have always a more powerful gastric juice than other animals : they have more work for it to do ; but the great contrast seen in the table is, no doubt, partly due to the fact that the persons from whom it has been possible to collect gastric juice have been invalids. In the foregoing table one also sees the great preponderance- of chlorides over other salts : apportioning the total chlorine to the various metals present, that which remains over must be combined with hydrogen to form the free hydrochloric acid of the juice. Pepsin stands apart from nearly all other ferments by requiring an acid medium in order that it may act. A compound of the two substances called pepsin-hydrochloric acid is the really active agent. Other acids may take the place of hydrochloric acid, but none act so well. Lactic acid is often found in gastric juice ; this, however, is derived by fermentative processes from the food. Pawlow has shown that in dogs the secretory fibres for the gastric glands are contained in the vagus nerves. By an ingenious surgical operation he succeeded in separating off from the stomach a diverticulum which pours its secretion through an opening in the abdominal wall. This small stomach was found to act in every way like the main stomach of the animal. The pure juice so obtained is clear and colourless : it has a specific gravity of 1003 to 1006. It is feebly dextro -rotary, and gives some of the protein reactions. It contains from 0*4 to 0'6 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. It is strongly proteolytic, and inverts cane sugar. When cooled to 0° C. it deposits a fine precipitate of pepsin : this settles in layers, and the layers first deposited contain most of the acid, which is loosely combined with and carried down by the pepsin. Pepsin is also precipitable by saturation with ammonium sulphate (Kiihne). Elementary analysis gave the following results : — Pepsin precipitated by cold — Precipitated by (NHJ2SO4 Carbon . . . 50-73 per cent, j 50*37 Hydrogen . . 7'23 „ ! 6-88 Chlorine. . I'Ol to 1-17 „ ' 0*89 Sulphur . . . 0-98 „ 1-34 Nitrogen . . . not estimated 14*55 to 15*0 Oxygen . . . the remainder I the remainder. The juice is most abundant in the early periods of digestion, but it continues to be secreted in declining quantity as long as any food remains to be dealt with. When there is no food given there is no juice. But sham feeding with meat will cause it to flow. The larger the proportion of protein in the diet, the more abundant THE DiaESTIVE JUICES 75 and active is the juice secreted, provided the animal is hungry : the psychical element is of great importance. THE ACTION OF GASTRIC JUICE The principal actions of the gastric juice have been already prac- tically studied : the action of pepsin in converting the proteins of the food into the diffusible peptones is its chief action. The curdling of milk by rennet will be found described in Lesson VI. There is still further action — that is, the gastric juice is anti- septic ; putrefactive processes do not normally occur in the stomach, and the organisms that produce such processes, many of which are swallowed with the food, are in great measure destroyed, and thus the body is protected from them. The acid is the agent in the juice that possesses this power. The formation of peptones is a process of hydrolysis ; peptones may be formed by other hydrating agencies like superheated steam and heating with dilute mineral acids. There are certain inter- mediate steps in this process ; the intermediate substances are called propeptones or proteoses. The word * proteose ' is the best to employ : it includes the albumoses (from albumin), globuloses (from globulin), vitelloses (from vitellin), &c. Similar substances are also formed from gelatin (gelatoses) and elastin (elastoises). Another intermediate step in gastric digestion is .acid-albumin or syntonin. In classifying the products of digestion it will be con- venient to take albumin as our example, but we must remember that globulin, myosin, and all the other proteins form corresponding products. The products of digestion may be classified according to the order in which they are formed as follows : — 1. Acid-albumin. {(a) Proto-albumose f ^^^ P^^^^^-^ albumoses, i.e 2. Proteoses (6) Hetero-albumose those which are formed 1 ^ ^ I first. \{c) Deutero-albumose 3. Peptone. 1. Acid albumin. — The properties of the infra-proteins which are the first degradation products in the cleavage of the proteins which occurs during digestion have been described in Lesson V. (see pp. 29 and 48). We shall find later that, in pancreatic digestion, alkali- albumin is formed instead of acid-albumin. The theory has been put forward that a protein is capable of playing the part of a base in 76 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY virtue of its NHg groups, and also of an acid in virtue of its COOH groups. 2. Proteoses. — These are the intermediate products in the hydrolysis of native proteins into peptones. They are not coagulated by heat ; they are precipitated but not coagulated by alcohol ; like peptone they give the biuret reaction. They are precipitated by nitric acid, the precipitate being soluble on heating, and reappearing when the liquid cools. The last is a distinctive property of proteoses. They are slightly diffusible. The difference between the different proteoses is mainly one of solubihty. The primary proteoses (proto- and hetero-) are precipitated by saturation with magnesium sulphate or sodium chloride. Deutero- proteose is not ; it is, however, precipitated by saturation with ammonium sulphate. Proto- and deutero- proteoses are soluble in water : hetero-proteose is not : it requires a salt to hold it in solution. 3. Peptones. — These are the final products of the action of gastric juice on native proteins. If the action is very prolonged, polypeptides and amino-acids are split off from the peptones, but in the usual short stay of food in the stomach very little of these ultimate cleavage products is found there. They are soluble in water, are not coagulated by heat, and are not precipitated by nitric a^cid, copper sulphate, ammonium sulphate, and a number of other precipitants of proteins. They are precipi- tated but not coagulated by alcohol. They are also precipitated by tannin, picric acid, potassio-mercuric iodide, phospho-molybdic acid, and phospho-tungstic acid. They give the biuret reaction (rose-red, with a trace of copper sulphate and caustic potash or soda) and are readily diffusible through animal membranes. To sum up : the main action of the gastric juice is upon the pro- teins of the food, converting them into more soluble and diffusible products. The protein envelopes of the fat globules are dissolved, and the solid fats are melted. According to some, gastric juice contains a fat-spliting ferment in small quantities which acts like the steapsin of pancreatic juice ; but this action if present is very slight. Starch is unaffected ; but cane sugar is inverted. The inversion of cane sugar is due to the hydrochloric acid of the juice, and is frequently assisted by inverting ferments contained in the vegetable food swallowed. The stomach does not digest itself, because it forms an antipepsin ; similarly in the intestine an antitrypsin is formed. The formation of anti-bodies will be treated under the heading Immunity. (See Blood.) THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 77 The following table gives us at a glance the chief characters of proteoses and peptones in contrast with those of such native proteins as albumin and globulin. Variety of protein Action of heat Action of alcohol Action of nitric acid Action of ammonium sulphate Action of copper sulphate and caustic potash ! DiflEusi- bility Ditto 1 Slight Great 1 Albumin Globulin Proteoses Peptones Coagulated Ditto Not coagu- lated Not coagu- lated Precipitated, then coagu- lated Ditto - Precipitated but not co- agulated Precipitated but not co- agulated Precipitated in the cold ; not readily soluble on heating Ditto Precipitated in the cold ; readily so- luble on heating ; the precipi- tate reap- pears on cooling ^ Not precipi- tated Precipitated by complete saturation Precipitated by half satu- ration; also precipitated by satura- tion with MgSO, Precipitated by saturation Not precipi- tated Violet colour Ditto Rose-red colour (biuret reaction) Rose-red colour (biuret reaction) ' In the case of deutero-albumose this reaction only occurs in the presence of excess of salt. LESSON VIII THE DIGESTIVE JUICES [continued) Pancreatic Digestion 1. A 1-per-cent. solution of sodium carbonate, to which a little glycerin extract of pancreas ^ has been added, forms a good artificial pancreatic fluid. 2. Half fill three test-tubes with this solution. A. To this add half its bulk of diluted egg-white (1 in 10). B. To this add a piece of fibrin. C. Boil this ; cool ; then add fibrin. 3. Put all into the water-bath at 40° C. After half an hour, test A and B for alkali-albumin by neutralisation, for proteoses by nitric acid, and for proteoses and peptone by the biuret reaction. 4. Note in B that the fibrin does not swell up and dissolve, as in gastric digestion, but that it is eaten away from the edges to the interior. 5. In C no digestion occurs, as the ferments have been destroyed by boiling, 6. Take a solution of starch, equal quantities in three test-tubes. D. To this add a few drops of glycerin extract of pancreas (without the sodium carbonate), E. To this add a few drops of bile. F. To this add both bile and pancreatic extract. 7. Put these into the water bath, and test small portions of each every half-minute by the iodine reaction. It disappears first in F ; then in D ; while E undergoes no change. Test D and F for maltose by Fehling's solution. 8. Shake up a few drops of olive oil with artificial pancreatic juice (extract of pancreas and sodium carbonate). A milky fluid (emulsion) is formed, from which the oil does not readily separate on standing. 9. The foregoing experiments illustrate the action that pancreatic juice has on all three classes of organic food. i. On Proteins. — Fibrin, albumin, &c. are converted into proteoses and peptone by the ferment trypsin in an alkaline medium. ii. On Carholiydrates. — Starch is converted into sugar (maltose) by the ferment amylopsin, especially in presence of bile. iii. On Fats. — These are emulsified. In the body they are also split into fatty acid and glycerin by the ferment steapsin ; but this cannot be shown with the artificial juice, as steapsin is not soluble in glycerin. Bile 1. Ox bile is given round. Observe its colour, taste, smell, and reaction to litmus paper. 2. Acidulate a little bile with 20-per-cent. acetic acid. A stringy precipitate ' Benger's liquor pancreaticus diluted with two or three times its volume of 1-per-cent. sodium carbonate may be used instead. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 79 of a mucinoid substance is obtained. Filter this off and boil the filtrate ; no protein coagiilable by heat is present. 3. Add a few drops of bile to (a) acid-albumin prepared as described in Lesson V., and (6) solution of proteoses to which half its volume of 0'2.per. cent, hydrochloric acid has been added. A precipitate occurs in each case. Bile salts precipitate the unpeptonised protein which leaves the stomach. 4. Petteiiliofer'8 Test for Bile Salts. — To a thin film, of bile in a capsule add a drop of solution of cane sugar and a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid. A purple colour is produced. This occurs more quickly on the application of heat. The test may also be performed as follows : — Shake up some bile and cane sugar solution in a test-tube until a froth is formed. Pour concentrated sulphuric acid gently down the side of the tube : it produces a purple colour in the froth. 5. Gmelin's Test for Bile Pigments. — On to a little fuming nitric acid {i.e. nitric acid containing nitrous acid in solution) in a test-tube pour gently a little bile. Notice the succession of colours — green, blue, red, and yellow — at the junction of the two liquids. This test may also be performed in a capsule. Place a drop of fuming nitric acid in the middle of a thin film of bile : it becomes surrounded by rings of the above-mentioned colours. 6. Hay's Test for Bile Salts. — Take two beakers full of water ; to one add a few drops of bile, or solution of bile salts. Sprinkle a little flowers of sulphur on the surface of each. It remains floating on the pure water ; but where bile is present the surface tension of the water is reduced, and the sulphur consequently rapidly sinks. This test is very sensitive. 7. Preparation of Glycocholic Acid. — The preparation of the bile acids is usually a task of some difficulty ; the following exercise is a simple one, though unfortunately, for reasons which are not explicable, it does not always succeed. Take a stoppered cylinder, place in it 200 c.c. of ox bile, 10 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, and 25 c.c. of ether, and shake vigorously. Add a crystal of glycocholic acid, and allow the mixture to stand in a cool place. In a time varying from a few minutes to some hours, a mass of crystals of glycocholic acid separates out. This may be filtered off, washed, and dissolved in a little boiling water, and filtered hot. On cooling, needle-like crystals of the acid again separate out. 8. Cholesterin. — (a) Examine crystals of this substance with the micro- scope. Heat these on a slide with a drop of sulphuric acid and water (5:1); the edges of the crystals turn red. (6) Salkowski's reaction. Dissolve some cholesterin in chloroform in a dry test-tube, and gently shake with an equal amount of concentrated sulphuric acid ; the solution turns red, and the subjacent acid acquires a green fluorescence. The chloroformic solution of cholesterin is rendered colourless by pouring it into a wet test-tube, and the colour is restored by the addition of sulphuric acid. (c) Liebermann's reaction. Two or three drops of acetic anhydride are added to a chloroformic solution of cholesterin and then sulphuric acid drop by drop. A rose-red colour first develops ; this becomes blue and finally bluish-green. THE PANCREAS The Pancreas is a compound tubulo-racemose gland ; between the secreting acini are situated little masses of epithelial cells without ducts called * islets of Langerhans.' Examination of the secreting cells in different stages of activity reveals changes comparable to those already described in the case of salivary and gastric cells. 80 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Granules indicating the presence of a zymogen which is called trypsinogen (that is, the precursor of trypsin, the most important ferment of the pancreatic juice) crowd the cells before secretion : these are discharged during secretion, so that in an animal whose pancreas has been powerfully stimulated to secrete, as by the ad- ministration of pilocarpine, the granules are seen only at the free border of the cells (see fig. 21). As in the case of gastric juice, experiments on the pancreatic secretion are usually performed with an artificial juice, made by mixing a weak alkaline solution (1-per-cent. sodium carbonate) with an extract of pancreas. The pancreas should be kept some time before the extract is made, so as to ensure that the transformation of trypsinogen into trypsin has taken place. Fig. 21.— Part of an alveolus of the rabbit's pancreas : A, before discharge; B, after, (From Foster, after KUhne and Lea.) Quantitative analysis of human pancreatic juice gives the following results : — Water .... 97'6 per cent. Organic solids ... 1*8 „ Inorganic salts ... 0*6 „ Dog's pancreatic juice is considerably richer in solids. The organic substances in pancreatic juice are : — (a) Ferments. These are the most important both quantitatively and functionally. They are four in number : — i. Trypsin, a proteolytic ferment. ii. Amylopsin or pancreatic diastase, an amylolytic ferment. iii. Steapsin, a fat-splitting ferment. iv. A milk-curdling ferment. (b) A small amount of protein matter, coagulable by heat. (c) Traces of leucine, tyrosine, xanthine, and soaps. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 81 The inorganic substances in pancreatic juice are : — Sodium chloride, which is the most abundant, and smaller quanti- ties of potassium chloride, and phosphates of sodium, calcium, and magnesium. The alkalinity of the juice is due to phosphates and carbonates, especially of sodium. ACTION OF PANCREATIC JUICE The action of pancreatic juice, which is the most powerful and important of all the digestive juices, may be described under the headings of its four ferments. 1. Action of Trypsin. — Trypsin acts like pepsin, but with certain differences, which are as follows : — (a) It acts in an alkaline, pepsin in an acid medium. (b) It acts more rapidly than pepsin ; deutero -proteoses can be detected as intermediate products in the formation of peptone. Primary (i.e. proto- and hetero-) proteoses have not been found ; the action is apparently too rapid to admit of their detection. (c) The first degradation product is alkali-albumin in place of the acid-albumin of gastric digestion. (d) It acts more powerfully on certain proteins (such as elastin) which are difficult of digestion in gastric juice. Collagen, however, is not digested. (e) Acting on solid proteins like fibrin, it eats them away from the surface to the interior ; there is no preliminary swelling as in gastric digestion. (/) Trypsin acts further than pepsin, decomposing peptone into simpler products, of which the most familiar are leucine and tyrosine. Besides leucine and tyrosine, other amino-acids such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, arginine, and tryptophan and ammonia are also formed. A more complete list of the cleavage products with their chemical constitution is given on pp. 31-35. We know that the action of proteolytic enzymes is, by the process of hydrolysis, to spHt the heavy protein molecule into smaller and smaller molecules ; first we get proteoses, then peptones, and finally after prolonged action simple substances like leucine and tyrosine. This cleavage is more easily performed by the more powerful tryptic enzyme than by the comparatively feeble agent, pepsin- hydrochloric acid. Still we have already seen that by the very pro- longed action of the latter, leucine, tyrosine, and other amino-acids G 82 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY are formed, although the quantity of these in an ordinary gastric digest is negUgible. The essential difference between the two enzymes is one of degree only ; trypsin is by far the more powerful catalytic agent, and increases the velocity of the reaction much more markedly than does pepsin-hydrochloric acid. 2. Action of Amylopsin. — The conversion of starch into maltose is the most powerful and rapid of all the actions of the pancreatic juice. It is much more powerful than saliva, and will act even on unboiled starch. The absence of this ferment in the pancreatic juice of infants is an indication that milk, and not starch, is their natural diet. 3. Action on Fats. — The action of pancreatic juice on fats is a double one : it forms an emulsion, and it decomposes the fats into fatty acids and glycerin by means of its fat-splitting ferment steapsin. The fatty acids unite with the alkaline bases to form soaps {saponifica- tio7i). The chemistry of this is described on p. 25. With regard to the formation of emulsions the following are the principal facts. If olive oil and water are shaken up together and the mixture is then allowed to stand, the finely divided oil globules soon separate from and float on the surface of the water ; but if the oil is shaken up with a solution of soap, the conditions of surface tension are such that the oil globules remain as such in the mixture, and a milky fluid or emulsion is the result. This emulsion is rendered still more permanent by the presence of colloid or viscous materials, especially when a small amount of free fatty acid is being continually liberated. The acid combines with the alkali to form a soap ; the soap probably forms a thin layer on the outside of each oil globule, which prevents them running together again. Pancreatic fluid possesses all the necessary qualifications for forming an emulsion. It is alkaline, and it liberates fatty acids from the fat : these acids form soap with the alkali present ; moreover, it is viscous from the presence of protein. 4. Milk-curdling Ferment. — The addition of pancreatic extracts to milk causes clotting, which differs in some of its details from the curdling produced by rennin ; but this action can hardly ever be called into play, as the milk upon which the juice has to act has been already curdled by the rennin of the stomach. THE DiaESTlVE JUICES 83 THE SECRETION OF PANCREATIC JUICE One of the most effective ways of producing a flow of the juice is to introduce acid into the duodenum, and no doubt the acid of the gastric juice is the normal stimulus for the pancreatic flow. This flow still occurs when all the nerves supplying the duodenum and pancreas are cut, and it was held by Popielski and by Wertheimer and Le Page that it must be due to a local reflex, the centres being situated in the scattered ganglia of the pancreas and of the solar plexus. Starling and Bayliss, however, pointed out that it cannot be a nervous reflex, since it occurs after extirpation of the solar plexus, and destruction of all nerves passing to an isolated loop of intestine. Moreover, atropine does not paralyse the secretory action. It must therefore be due to direct excitation of the pancreatic cells by a substance or substances conveyed to the gland from the bowel by the blood-stream. The exciting substance is not acid ; injection of 0*4 per cent, of hydrochloric acid into the blood-stream has no influence on the pancreas. The substance in question must be produced in the intestinal mucous membrane under the influence of the acid. This conclusion was confirmed by experiment. If the mucous membrane of the duodenum or jejunum is exposed to the action of 04 per cent, hydrochloric acid, a body is produced which, when injected into the blood-stream in minimal doses, produces a copious secretion of pan- creatic juice. This substance is termed secretm. It is associated with another substance which lowers arterial blood-pressure. The two substances are not identical, since acid extracts of the lower end of the ileum produce a lowering of blood-pressure, but have no excitatory influence on the pancreas. Secretin is split off from a precursor, prosecretin, which is present in relatively large amounts in the duodenal mucous membrane, and gradually diminishes in amount throughout the intestine until it entirely disappears in the ileum. Pro-secretin can be dissolved out of the mucous membrane by normal saline solution. It has no influence on the pancreatic secretion. Secretin can be split off from it by boiling or by treatment with acid. What secretin is chemically, we do not yet know. It is soluble in alcohol and ether. It is not a protein, but probably is an organic substance of low molecular weight. It is, moreover, the same sub- stance in all animals, and not specific to different kinds of animals. Whether there are any secretory nerves for the pancreas is at present doubtful. Pawlow thought he had discovered them in the g2 84 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY vagus ; but as he did not exclude in his experiments the passage of the acid chyme from the stomach into the duodenum, it is probable that the pancreatic secretion he obtained was due to that circum- stance and the consequent formation of secretin. Injection of secretin also stimulates the flow of bile. Secretin is an instance of the chemical messengers or hormones (Starling) of the body. Evidence is accumulating to show that hormones are extremely important. It has already, for instance, been shown that one called gastrin is formed as the result of salivary digestion, and stimulates the flow of gastric juice. Another is formed from the foetal tissues, which, passing into the mother's circulation, stimulates the mammae to enlarge and secrete milk. INTESTINAL DIGESTION The pancreatic juice does not act alone on the food in the intes- tines. There are, in addition, the bile, the succus entericus (secreted by the crypts of Lieberkiihn), and bacterial action to be considered. The succus entericus or intestinal juice has no action on fats or native proteins, but it appears to have to some extent the power of converting starch into sugar ; its best known action is due to a ferment it contains called invertin, which inverts saccharoses — that is, con- verts cane sugar and maltose into glucose. The original use of the term ' inversion ' has been explained on p. 17. It may be extended to include the similar hydrolysis of other saccharoses, although there may be no formation of levo-rotatory substances. There are probably several inverting ferments in the succus entericus, one of which acts on cane suger, one on maltose, and one on milk sugar. A few years ago, however, Pawlow showed that succus entericus has a still more important action, which is to intensify the proteo- lytic power of the pancreatic juice. Fresh pancreatic juice has very little power on proteins, for what it contains is not trypsin, but its precursor, trypsinogen. If fresh pancreatic and intestinal juices are mixed together, the result is a very powerful proteolytic mixture, though neither juice by itself has any proteolytic activity. The substance in the intestinal juice that activates trypsinogen or, in other words, liberates trypsin from trypsinogen has been called by Pawlow a ' ferment of the ferments,' or enter o-kinase. Intestinal juice contains another ferment called ercpsin (Otto Cohnheim), which is capable of breaking up proteoses and peptone into simple substances (leucine, tyrosine, hexone bases, ammonia, &c.), and so assisting the action of trypsin. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 85 Bacterial Action. — The gastric juice is an antiseptic ; the pan- creatic juice is not. An alkahne fluid like pancreatic juice is just the most suitable medium for bacteria to flourish in. Even in an artificial digestion the fluid is very soon putrid, unless special precautions to exclude or kill bacteria are taken. It is often difficult to say where pancreatic action ends and bacterial action begins, as many of the bacteria that grow in the intestinal contents, having reached that situation in spite of the gastric juice, act in the same way as the pancreatic juice. Some form sugar from starch, others peptone, leucine, and tyrosine from proteins, while others again break up fats. There are, however, certain actions that are entirely or mainly due to these putrefactive organisms. i. On carbohydrates. The most frequent fermentation they set up is the lactic acid fermentation : this may go further and result in the formation of carbonic acid, hydrogen, and butyric acid (see p. 19). Cellulose is broken up into carbonic acid and methane. This is the chief cause of the gases in the intestine, the amount of which is increased by vegetable food. ii. On fats. In addition to acting like steapsin, lower acids (valeric, butyric, &c.) are produced. The formation of acid products from fats and carbohydrates gives to the intestinal contents an acid reaction. Eecent researches show that the contents become acid much higher up in the small intestine than was formerly considered to be the case. These organic acids do not hinder pancreatic diges- tion to any appreciable extent. iii. On proteins. Fatty acids and amino-acids are produced, but these putrefactive organisms are specially efficacious in liberating the protein cleavage products which have an evil odour like indole, skatole, and phenol. There are also gaseous products in some cases. If excessive, putrefactive processes are harmful ; if within normal limits, they are useful, helping the pancreatic juice and, further, pre- venting the entrance into the body of poisonous products. It is possible that, in digestion, poisonous alkaloids are formed. Certainly this is so in one well-known case. Lecithin, a material contained in small quantities in many foods, and in large quantities in egg-yolk and brain, is broken up by the pancreatic juice into glycerin, phos- phoric acid, fattj^ acids, and an alkaloid called choline. We are, however, protected from the poisonous action of choline by the bacteria, which break it up into carbonic acid, methane, and ammonia. 86 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHySIGLOGY LEUCINE AND TYROSINE These two substances have been frequently mentioned in the preceding pages, and they are the final cleavage products of proteins which have been longest known. Leuciiie is usually the most abundant of all the cleavage products (see table on p. 35). We have already learnt that they are amino-acids, and that leucine is amino-caproic acid (see p. 31). There are, however, several isomeric amino-caproic acids. It was thought until quite recently Fig. 22. — Leucine crystals. Fig. 23.— Tyrosine crystals that leucine was the amino-acid of normal caproic acid, but it has been shown to be a-amino-iso-butyl-acetic acid. The difference in the structure of these two compounds may be represented by the following graphic formulae : — /CH3 CH., CH2 Iso-butyl CH, Normal a-amino-caproic acid CH3CH3 2 a-ammo- CH.NH2 acetic acid ICOOH CH CH, CH.NH2 COOH Tyrosine is a little more complicated, as it is not only an amino-acid, but also contains an aromatic radical (see p. 34). Figs. 22 and 23 represent the crystalline forms of leucine and tyrosine. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 87 EXTIRPATION OF THE PANCREAS Complete removal of the pancreas in animals and diseases of the pancreas in man produce a condition of diabetes, in addition to the loss of pancreatic action in the intestines. Grafting the pancreas from another animal into the abdomen of the animal from which the pancreas has been previously removed relieves the diabetic condition. How the pancreas acts otherwise than in producing the pancreatic juice is not known. It must, however, have other functions related to the general metabolic phenomena of the body, which are disturbed by removal or disease of the gland. This is an illustration of a universal truth — viz. that each part of the body does not merely do its own special work, but is concerned in the great cycle of changes which is called general metabolism. Interference with any organ upsets, not only its specific function, but causes disturbances through the body generally. The interdependence of the circulatory and respiratory systems is a well-known instance. Eemoval of the thyroid gland upsets the whole body, producing widespread changes known as myxoedema. Eemoval of the testes produces, not only a loss of the spermatic secretion, but changes the whole growth and appearance of the animal. Eemoval of the greater part of the kidneys produces rapid wasting and the breaking down of the tissues to form an increased quantity of urea. The precise way in which these glands are related to the general body processes is, however, a subject of which we know as yet very little. The theory at present most in favour is that certain glands produce an internal secretion, which leaves the gland via the lymph or venous blood, and is then distributed to minister to parts elsewhere. Eemoval of such glands as the thyroid or suprarenal produces disease or death because this internal secretion can no longer be formed. In the case of the pancreas, the external secretion of the pancreas (that is, pancreatic juice) is formed by the cells lining the acini, and the internal secre- tion, stoppage of which in some way leads to diabetes, has been attributed by some to the islets of Langerhans ; but if these islets are only stages in the formation of acini, as they have been shown to be, it is difficult to fully accept this view. In diabetes the oxidative powers of the body cells are lessened, and the capability of these cells to prepare sugar for oxidation is impaired. In this process the sugar or its derivative glycuronic acid is split into smaller molecules, and ultimately into water and carbon dioxide. The 88 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY close relationship of sugar and glycuronic acid is shown by the following formulae : — COH COH (CHOH), (CHOH)^ CH^OH COOH [dextrose] [glycuronic acid] That is, two hydrogen atoms in the CH2OH group are replaced by one of oxygen. This oxidation is readily brought about in the body, and glycuronic acid is usually found in diabetic urine ; but the further oxidation into water and carbon dioxide is a more difficult task, because it involves the disruption of the linkage of the carbon atoms. Perhaps it is here that the internal secretion of the pancreas is effective. This, however, is at present a mere theory, and certainly Lepine's idea that the ferment of the pancreatic internal secretion is one which initiates glycolysis or sugar-splitting in the blood, has been abundantly disproved. It may be that the active principle of the pancreatic internal secretion stimulates the glycolytic action of the tissue-cells. It is conceivable that in the other great cause of experimental glycosuria, namely, injury to nervous structures, as in Bernard's puncture experiment, the derangement of the nervous system exerts some unknown influence on the pancreas as well as on the liver. Many poisons produce temporary glycosuria, but the most interesting and powerful of these is phloridzin. The diabetes produced is very intense. Phloridzin is a glucoside, but the sugar passed in the urine is too great to be accounted for by the small amount of sugar derivable from the drug. Besides that, phloretin, a derivative of phloridzin, free from sugar, produces the same results. Phloridzin produces diabetes in starved animals, or in those in which any carbohydrate store must have been got rid of by the previous administration of the same drug. Phloridzin-diabetes is therefore analogous to those intense forms of diabetes in man in which the sugar must be derived from proto- plasmic metabolism. A puzzling feature is the absence of an increase of sugar in the blood ; if the phloridzin is directly injected into one renal artery, sugar rapidly appears in the secretion of that kidney ; the sugar is formed within the kidney cells from some substance in the blood, but whether that substance is protein or not is uncertain. The action of the kidney cells in forming sugar has been compared to that of the mammary cells in forming lactose. Death in diabetic patients is usually preceded by deep coma, or uncon- sciousness. Some poison must be produced that acts soporifically upon the brain. The breath and urine of these patients smell strongly of acetone ; hence the term acetoncBmia. This apple-like smell should always suggest the possible onset of coma and death, but it is quite certain that acetone (which can certainly be detected in the urine) is not the true poison ; ethyl-diacetic acid, which accompanies and is the source of the acetone, was regarded by some as the actual poison ; but these substances, when intro- duced into the circulation artificially, do not cause serious symptoms. The principal poison is /S-hydroxybutyric acid or its amino derivative. The alkalinity and carbonic acid of the blood are decreased, and the ammonia of the urine is increased : this indicates an attempt of the body to neutralise the poisonous acid. The acid is the source of the ethyl-diacetic acid and of the acetone. Research has shown that /3-hydroxybutyric acid originates in the body from fat. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 89 THE BILE Bile is the secretion of the liver which is poured into the duo- denum : it has been collected in living animals by means of a biliary fistula ; the same operation has occasionally been performed in human beings. At death the gall bladder yields a good supply of bile which is more concentrated than that obtained from a fistula. Bile is being continuously poured into the intestine, but there is an increased discharge immediately on the arrival of food in the duodenum ; there i-s a second increase in secretion a few hours later. Though the chief blood supply of the liver is by a vein (the portal vein), the amount of blood in the liver varies with its needs, being increased during the periods of digestion. This is due to the fact that in the area from which the portal vein collects blood — stomach, intestine, # v ^f spleen, and pancreas — the arterioles are ^ i^ ^? ^^ ^A all dilated, and the capillaries are thus M ^m "^ \'' ♦ [^ gorged with blood. Further, the active ^^ ^ 9 ^K ^"J^ peristalsis of the intestine and the , ' M ^ ^^ pumping action of the spleen are ad- ^ ^ ^ K^^' ditional factors in driving more blood j;^,^^M? onwards to the hver. ^^HH^^^*^''" The bile is secreted from the portal ^ _ ^ Fig. 24.— HaBoiatoidin crystals. blood at a much lower pressure than one finds in glands, such as the salivary glands, the blood supply of which is arterial. Heidenhain found that the pressure in the bile duct of a dog averaged 15 mm. of mercury, which is about double that in the portal vein. The second increase in the flow of bile — that which occurs some hours after the arrival of the semi-digested food (chyme) in the intestine — was at one time attributed to the effect of the digestive products carried by the blood to the liver stimulating the hepatic cells to activity: this was supported by the fact that protein food increases the quantity of bile secreted, whereas fatty food, which is absorbed, not by the portal vein, but by the lacteals, has no such effect. The facts are now more readily explained by the circumstance that secretin is a stimulant of the liver as well as of the pancreas. The chemical processes by which the constituents of the bile are formed are obscure. We, however, know that the biliary pigment is 90 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY produced by the decomposition of haBmoglobin. Bilirubin is, in fact, identical with the iron-free derivative of haemoglobin called haemat- oidin, which is found in the form of crystals in old blood-clots such as occur in the brain after cerebral haemorrhage (see fig. 24). An injection of haemoglobin into the portal vein, or of substances such as water which liberate haemoglobin from the red blood corpuscles, produces an increase of bile pigment. If the spleen takes any part in the elaboration of bile pigment, it does not proceed so far as to hberate haemoglobin from the corpuscles. No free haemoglobin is discoverable in the blood plasma in the splenic vein. The amount of bile secreted is differently estimated by different observers ; the amount secreted daily in man appears to vary from 500 c.c. to 1 litre (1,000 c.c). THE CONSTITUENTS OF BILE The constituents of the bile are the bile salts proper (taurocholate and glycocholate of soda), the bile pigments (bilirubin, biliverdin), a mucinoid substance, small quantities of fats, soaps, cholesterin, lecithin, urea, and mineral salts, of which sodium chloride and the phosphates of iron, calcium, and magnesium are the most im- portant. Bile is a yellowish, reddish-brown or green fluid, according to to the relative preponderance of its two chief pigments. It has a musk-like odour, a bitter-sweet taste, and a neutral or faintly alkaline reaction. The specific gravity of human bile from the gall bladder is 1026 to 1032; that from a fistula, 1010 to 1011. The greater con- centration of gall-bladder bile is partly but not wholly explained by the addition to it from the walls of that cavity of the mucinoid material. The amount of solids in gall-bladder bile varies from 9 to 14 per cent., in fistula bile from 1-5 to 3 per cent. The following table shows that this low percentage of solids is almost entirely due to want of bile salts. This can be accounted for in the way first suggested by Schiff — that there is normally a bile circulation going on in the body ; a large quantity of the bile salts that passes into the intestine is first split up, then reabsorbed and again secreted. Such a circulation would obviously be impossible in cases where all the bile is discharged to the exterior. The following table gives some important analyses of human bile :— THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 91 Constituents Fistula bile (healtliy woman. Copeman and Winston) Fistula bile (case of cancer. Yeo and Herroun) Normal bile (Prerichs) I 9-14 ' .1-18 2-98 0-78 14-08 85-92 Sodium g^lycocholate Sodium taurocholate Cholesterin, lecithin, fat Mucinoid material . Pigment .... Inorganic salts Total solids . Water (by difference) 0-6280 1 0-0990 0-1725 0-0725 0-4510 0-165 0-055 0-038 1 0-148 0-878 1-284 98-716 1-4230 98-5570 100-0000 100-000 100-00 , Bile Mucin. — There has been considerable diversity of opinion as to whether bile mucin is really mucin. The most recent work in Hammarsten's laboratory shows that differences occur in different animals. Thus in the ox there is very little true mucin, but a great amount of nucleo-protein ; in human bile, on the other hand, there is very little if any nucleo-protein ; the mucinoid material present there is really mucin. (On the general characters of Mucin and Nucleo- PROTEiNS see pp. 45 to 47.) The Bile Salts. — The bile contains the sodium salts of complex amino-acids called the bile acids. The acids most frequently found are glycocholic and taurocholic acids. The former is more abundant in the bile of man and herbivora ; the latter in carnivora like the dog. The most important difference between the two acids is that taurocholic acid contains sulphur, and glycocholic acid does not. Glycocholic acid (C26H43NO6) is by the action of dilute acids and alkalis, and also in the intestine, hydrolysed and split into glycine or amino-acetic acid and cholalic acid. Cor.Hj '2G 3NO6 + H2O: :CH2.NH2.COOH+C24H4o05 [glycocholic acid] [glycine] [cholalic acid] The glycocholate of soda has the formula C26H42NaN06. Taurocholic acid (O2GH45NO7S) similarly splits into taurine or amino-ethyl-sulphonic acid and cholalic acid, C26H45NO7S + H,0=C2H4.NH2.HS03 4- C24H40O5 [taurocholic acid] [taurine] [cholalic acid] The taurocholate of soda has the formula C26H44NaN07S. Glycocholic and taurocholic acids have lately been prepared synthetically from cholalic acid and glycine and taurine respectively. The colour reaction called Pettenkofer's reaction, described in the 92 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY practical exercises at the head of this lesson, is due to the presence of cholalic acid. The sulphuric acid acting on sugar forms a small quantity of furfuraldehyde, in addition to other products. It is the furfuraldehyde which gives the purple colour with cholalic acid. The Bile Pigments.— The two chief bile pigments are bilirubin and biliverdin. Bile which contains chiefly the former (such as dog's bile) is of a golden or orange-yellow colour, while the bile of many herbivora, which contains chiefly biliverdin, is either green or bluish green. Human bile is generally described as containing chiefly bili- rubin, but there have been some cases described in which biliverdin was in excess. The bile pigments show no absorption bands with the spectroscope ; their origin from the blood pigment has already been stated (p. 90). Bilirubin has the formula CigHigNgOa: it is thus an iron-free derivative of haemoglobin. The iron is apparently stored up in the liver cells, perhaps for future use in the manufacture of new hasmo- globin. The bile contains only a trace of iron. Biliverdin has the formula Ci6H,gN204 {i.e. one atom of oxygen more than in bilirubin) : it may occur as such in bile ; it may be formed by simply exposing red bile to the oxidising action of the atmosphere ; or it may be formed, as in Gmelin's test, by the more vigorous oxidation produced by fuming nitric acid. Gmelin's test consists of a play of colours — green, blue, red, and finally yellow — produced by the oxidising action of fuming nitric acid (that is, nitric acid containing nitrous acid in solution). The end or yellow product is called choletelin, CigHigNsOe. Hydrobilirubin. — If a solution of bilirubin or biliverdin in dilute alkali is treated with sodium amalgam or allowed to putrefy, a brown- ish pigment is formed called hydrobilirubin, C32H44N4O7. With the spectroscope it shows a dark absorption band between b and F, and a fainter band in the region of the D line. Urobilin. — Hydrobilirubin is interesting because a similar substance is formed from the bile pigment by reduction processes in the intestine, and constitutes stercohilin, the pigment of the faeces. Some of this is absorbed and ultimately leaves the body in the urine as one of its pigments called urobilin. A small quantity of urobilin is sometimes found preformed in the bile. The identity of urobilin and stercohilin has been frequently disputed, but the recent work of Garrod and Hopkins has confirmed the old statement that they are the same substance with different names. Urobilin has a well-marked absorption band in the region of the F line, and when partially precipitated from an alkaline solution by acidification, it also shows an absorption band THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 93 in the region of the E line. Hydrobilirubin differs from urobilin in containing much more nitrogen in its molecule (9*2 instead of 4*1 per cent.), and is probably a product of less complete reduction than urobilin. (See further Lesson XXVI.) Urobilin is also formed, by the oxidation of hsemopyrrol (see Haemoglobin, p. 114). Cholesterin. — This substance is contained, not only in bile, but very largely in nervous tissues. Like lecithin, it is an abundant constituent of the white substance of Schwann. It is found also in blood cor- puscles, and in blood plasma as an ester of oleic and palmitic acids. The cholesterin of nervous tissues is, however, free. In bile it is normally present in small quanti- ties only, but it may occur in excess, and so form the concretions known as gallstones, which are generally more or less tinged with bilirubin. Though its solubilities remind one of a fat, cholesterin is not a fat, but a monatomic alcohol, probably of the terpene series. Its formula is C27H45.HO. From alcohol or ether containing water it crystallises in the form of rhombic tables, which contain a molecule of water of crystallisation : these are easily recognised under the microscope (fig. 25). It gives the tests described under the practical exercises on p. 79. What the physiological uses of cholesterin are is entirely unknown. A substance called iso-cholesterin, isomeric with ordinary chole- sterin, is found in the fatty secretion of the skin (sebum) : it is largely contained in the preparation called lanoline made from sheep's-wool fat. It does not give Salkowski's reaction. Fl(i. 25.— Cholesterin crystals. THE USES OF BILE Bile is doubtless, to a certain extent, excretory. In some animals it has a slight action on fats and starch, but it appears to be rather a coadjutor to the pancreatic juice (especially in the digestion of fat) than to have any independent digestive activity. Its auxiliary action in starch digestion has been shown in one of our practical exercises (p. 78). It has a similar assisting power in the digestion of proteins. Bile is said to be a natural antiseptic, lessening the putrefactive processes in the intestine. This is very doubtful. Though the bile salts are weak antiseptics, the bile itself is readily putrescible, and the power it has of diminishing putrescence in the intestine is due 94 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY chiefly to the fact that by increasing absorption it lessens the amount of putrescible matter in the bowel. When the bile meets the chyme the turbidity of the latter is increased, owing to the precipitation of unpeptonised protein. This is an action due to the bile salts, and it has been surmised that this con- version of the chyme into a more viscid mass is to hinder somewhat its progress through the intestines : it clings to the intestinal wall, thus allowing absorption to take place. The neutralisation of the acid gastric juice by the bile also allows the alkalinity of the pancreatic juice to have full play. Bile is a solvent of fatty acids, and assists the absorption of fat. THE FATE OF THE BILIARY CONSTITUENTS We have seen that fistula bile is poor in solids as compared with normal bile, and that this is explained on the supposition that the normal bile circulation is not occurring — the liver cannot excrete what it does not receive back from the intestine. Schiff was the first to show that if the bile is led back into the duodenum, or even if the animal is fed on bile, the percentage of solids in the bile excreted is at once raised. It is on these experiments that the theory of a bile circulation^ is mainly founded. The bile circulation relates, however, chiefly, if not entirely, to the bile salts : they are found but sparingly in the faeces ; they are only represented to a slight extent in the urine ; hence it is calculated that seven-eighths of them are reabsorbed from the intestine. Small quantities of cholalic acid, taurine, and glycine are found in the faeces ; the greater part of these products of the decomposition of the bile salts is taken by the portal vein to the liver, where they are once more synthesised into the bile salts. Some of the taurine is absorbed and excreted as tauro-carbamic acid (C2H4NHCO.NH2HSO3) in the urine. Some of the absorbed glycine may be excreted as urea. The cholesterin and mucus are found in the faeces ; the pigment is changed into stercobilin, a sub- stance like hydrobilirubin. Some of the stercobilin is absorbed, and leaves the body as the urinary pigment, urobilin. THE FiECES The faeces are alkaline in reaction, and contain the following sub- stances : — 1. Water : in health from 68 to 82 per cent. ; in diarrhoea it is more abundant still. 2. Undigested food : that is, if food is taken in excess, some escapes THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 96 the action of the digestive juices. On a moderate diet unaltered protein is never found. 3. Indigestible constituents of the food : cellulose, keratin, mucin, chlorophyll, gums, resins, cholesterin. 4. Constituents digestible with difficulty : uncooked starch, ten- dons, elastin, various phosphates, and other salts of the alkaline earths. 5. Products of decomposition of the food : indole, skatole, phenol, acids such as fatty acids, lactic acid, &c. ; haematin from haemoglobin ; insoluble soaps like those of calcium and magnesium. 6. Bacteria of all sorts and debris from the intestinal wall ; cells, nuclei, mucus, &c. This forms a very large contribution. 7. Bile residues : mucus, cholesterin, traces of bile acids and their products of decomposition, stercobilin from the bile pigment.^ MECONIUM Meconium is the name given to the greenish-black contents of the intestine of new-born children. It is chiefly concentrated bile, with debris from the intestinal wall. The pigment is a mixture of bilirubin and biliverdin ; it is not stercobilin. ABSORPTION Food is digested in order that it may be absorbed. It is absorbed in order that it may be assimilated — that is, become an integral part of the living material of the body. Having now considered the action of digestive juices, we can study the absorption which follows. In the mouth and oesophagus the thickness of the epithelium and the quick passage of the food through these parts reduce absorption to a minimum. Absorption takes place to a small extent in the stomach ; the small intestine, with its folds and villi to increase its surface, is, however, the great place for absorp- tion ; and, although the villi are absent from the large intestine, absorption occurs there also, but to a less extent. Foods such as water and soluble salts like sodium chloride are absorbed unchanged. The organic foods, however, are considerably changed, colloid materials like starch and protein being converted re- spectively into the diffusible materials sugar and amino-acids. There are two channels of absorption, the blood vessels (portal capillaries) and the lymphatic vessels or lacteals. Absorption, however, is no mere physical process of diffusion and filtration. We must also take into account the fact that the cells ' Stercobilin may originate also from the heematin of the food. (MacMunn.) 96 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY through which the absorbed subtances pass are living, and in virtue of their vital activity not only select materials for absorption, but also change those substances while in contact with them. These cells are of two kinds : (1) the columnar epithelium that covers the surface ; and (2) the lymph cells in the lymphoid tissue beneath. It is now generally accepted that of the two the former, the columnar epithelium, is the more important. When these cells are removed, or rendered inactive by sodium fluoride, absorption practically ceases, though the opportunities for simple filtration or diffusion would be by such means increased. Absorption of Carbohydrates. — Though the sugar formed from starch by ptyalin and amylopsin is maltose, that found in the blood is glucose. Under normal circumstances little if any is absorbed by the lacteals. The glucose is formed from the maltose by the succus entericus, and perhaps also by the vital action of the epithelial cells. Cane sugar and milk sugar are also converted into glucose before absorption. The carbohydrate food which enters the blood as glucose is taken to the liver, and there stored up in the form of glycogen — a reserve store of carbohydrate material for the future needs of the body. Glycogen, however, is found in animals which take no carbohydrate food. It must then be formed by the protoplasmic activity of the liver cells from their protein constituents. The carbohydrate store leaves the liver in the blood of the hepatic vein as glucose (dextrose) once more. The above is a brief statement of the glycogenic functions of the liver as taught by Claude Bernard, and accepted by the majority of physiologists. It has always been strongly contested by Pavy, who holds that the glycogen formed in the liver from the sugar of the portal blood is never during life reconverted into sugar, but is used in the formation of other substances like fat and protein ; in support of this he has shown that proteins contain a carbohydrate radical. He denies that the post-mortem formation of sugar from glycogen that occurs in an excised liver is a true picture of what occurs during hfe. Absorption of Proteins. — It is possible that under abnormal con- ditions a certain amount of soluble protein is absorbed unchanged. Thus, after eating a large number of eggs, egg-albumin has been stated to be discoverable in the urine. Patients fed per rectum derive nourishment from protein food, although proteolytic ferments are not present in this part of the intestine. Under normal conditions, however, the food-proteins are broken THE DIGESTIVE JIHCES 97 up into substances with smaller molecules, and the ready diffusibility of peptones led most physiologists to consider that protein was usually absorbed as peptone, or as proteose and peptone. But proteose and peptone are absent from the blood and lymph under all circum- stances, even from the portal blood during the most active digestion. It is fortunate that this is so, for proteose and peptone when intro- duced into the blood produce poisonous effects ; the coagulability of the blood is lessened, blood pressure falls, secretion ceases, and in the dog 0"3 gramme of commercial peptone per kilogramme of body- weight is often sufficient to produce death. This absence of ' peptone ' (using the word to include the prote- oses) did not, however, absolutely negative the idea that ' peptone ' is the form in which proteins are absorbed, and the difficulty was met by supposing that during absorption the products of proteolysis were reconverted into native proteins (albumins and globulins). This synthesis was further considered to be accomplished by the epithelial cells that line the intestine. This view has now had its day, and the change of opinion that has relegated it to the past is due (1) to our increased knowledge of the power of trypsin and erepsin ; (2) to a more careful examination of the intestinal contents, and of the blood during absorption. We now know that in the intestine the proteins are, by the two enzymes trypsin and erepsin, broken down beyond the peptone stage into their final cleavage products, the amino-acids, and that these pro- bably pass into the blood as such, for the amount of non-protein nitrogen in that fluid is increased during absorption. These amino- acids are partly utilised by the cells of the body to repair their waste, but partly and to a still greater extent converted by the liver into the waste substance urea, which is finally excreted by the kidneys. The view that the absorptive epithelium of the alimentary tract has any special power in building up proteins from these simple cleavage products has not been confirmed. If an animal is fed on the cleavage products obtained from a pancreatic digest nitrogenous equilibrium is still maintained. We thus see that the cells of the body possess the power of rebuilding the proteins peculiar to themselves from the fragments of the molecules of the food proteins. This accounts for the fact that the animal tissues retain their chemical individuality in spite of the great variations in the composition of the diet the animal takes. If a man wishes to build a new house, and to employ for the purpose the bricks previously used in the building of another house, he takes the old house to pieces and uses the bricks and stones most H 98 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY appropriate for his purpose, rearranges them in such a way that the new house has its own special architectural features, and discards as waste the bricks and stones which are not suitable. This idea under- lies the term so often used by German writers, who speak of the cleavage products of protein as Bausteine (building stones). Each tissue has special architectural features in its protein molecules, and these molecules are reconstructed by using the Bausteine that pre- viously had been used in the building of other protein molecules, either in another animal or in vegetable structures. The Bausteine which are in excess or are unsuitable are simply got rid of as waste substance. A large number of the Bausteine are never actually built into protoplasm, but are converted by the liver into urea, and this is dis- charged from the body via the urine (see Urea formation, p. 148). Fig. 26.— Section of the villus of a rat killed during fat-absorption (PI A. Schafer) : ep, epithelium ; str, striated border ; c, lympb cells ; c', lymph cells in the epithelium ; Z, central lacteal containing disintegrating lymph cells. One can only conjecture at present which are the ones that on p. 52 we compared to diamonds, because they are unusually precious for the synthesis of protein by tissue cells ; but probably phenyl- alanine and its near relation tyrosine come into this category, for if they are injected into the blood-stream they do not give rise to any increase in the urea formed. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES 99 Absorption of fats. — The fats undergo in the intestine two changes : one a physical change (emulsification), the other a chemical change (saponification). The lymphatic vessels are the great channels for fat-absorption, and their name, lacteals, is derived from the milk-like appearance of their contents (chyle) during the absorption of fat. The way in which the minute fat globules pass from the intestine into the lacteals has been studied by killing animals at varying periods after a meal of fat and making osmic acid microscopic preparations of the villi. Figs. 26 and 27 illustrate the appearances observed. The columnar epithelium cells become first filled with fatty globules of varying size, which are generally larger near the free border. The globules pass down the cells, the larger ones breaking up into smaller ones during the journey ; they are then transferred to the amoeboid cells of the lymphoid tissue beneath : these ultimately pene- trate into the central lacteal, where they either disintegrate or discharge their cargo into the lymph stream. The globules are by this time divided into immeasurably small ones, the molecular basis of chyle. The chyle enters the blood stream by the thoracic duct, and after an abundant fatty meal ,11111 • •, -ii ,1 Fm.27. — Mucous membrane of frog's intestiue the blood plasma is quite milky ; the during fat-absorption (E. a. Scliafer) : ep, fat droplets are so small that they t^^^^A:!'"'''^'^'''''''''' '''''^^'' circulate without hindrance through the capillaries. The fat in the blood after a meal is eventually stored up in connective tissue cells of adipose tissue. It must, however, be borne in mind that the fat of the body is not exclusively derived from the fat of the food, but it may originate also from carbo- hydrates, and possibly, in the opinion of some physiologists, from protein as well. As the fat globules were never seen penetrating the striated border of the epithelial cells, there was a difficulty in understanding how they reached the interior of these cells ; the cells will not take up other particles, and it is certain that they do not in the higher animals protrude pseudopodia from their borders (this, however, does occur in the endoderm of some of the lower invertebrates) ._ Eecent research has solved this difficulty;, ,Li ilhe ^rst-. place particles may be present in the epithelium" arnd lymphoid cells while no fat is being absorbed. These parti-g^°i«. • ■ • • 303-88 „ (inorganic . . . 8*12 „ 100 parts of dried corpuscles contain — Protein . ~ . . . . . 5 to 12 parts Haemoglobin . . . . 86 ,, 94 ,, Lecithin . . . . .1*8 part Cholesterin . . . . .0*1 ,, The protein present a,ppears to be identical with the nucleo- protein of white corpuscles. The mineral matter consists chiefly of chlorides of potassium and sodium, and phosphates of calcium and magnesium. In man potassium chloride is more abundant than sodium chloride ; this, however, does not hold good for all animals. Oxygen is contained in combination with the haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin. The corpuscles also contain a certain amount of carbonic acid (see Eespieation, at the end of this lesson). The pigment of the red corpuscles. — The pigment is by far the 112 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY most abundant and important of the constituents of the red cor- puscles. It differs from most other proteins in containing the element iron ; it is also readily crystallisable. It exists in the blood in two conditions : in arterial blood it is combined loosely with oxygen, is of a bright red colour, and is called oxyhgemoglobin ; the other condition is the deoxygenated or reduced haemoglobin (better called simply haemoglobin). This is found in the blood after asphyxia. It also occurs in all venous blood — that is, blood which is returning to the heart after it* has supplied the tissues with oxygen. Venous blood, however, always contains a considerable quantity of oxyhaemoglobin also. Haemoglobin is the oxygen-carrier of the body, and it may be called a respiratory pigment. Crystals of oxyhaemoglobin may be obtained with readiness from the blood of such animals as the rat, guinea-pig, or dog; with diffi- culty from other animals, such as man, ape, and most of the common mam- mals. The following methods are the best : — 1. Mix a drop of defibrinated blood of the rat on a slide with a drop of water ; put on a cover glass ; in a few minutes the corpuscles are rendered colourless, and then the oxyhaemoglobin crystallises out from the solution so formed. 2. Microscopical preparations may also be made by Stein's method, which consists in using Canada balsam in- stead of water in the above experi- ment. 3. On a larger scale the crystals may be obtained by shaking the blood with one-sixteenth of its volume of ether ; the corpuscles dissolve and the blood assumes a laky appear- ance. After a period, varying from a few minutes to days, abundant crystals are deposited. The accompanying figures represent the form of the crystals so obtained. In nearly all animals the crystals are rhombic prisms ; but in the guinea-pig they are rhombic tetrahedra (four-sided pyramids) ; in the squirrel, hexagonal plates ; and in the hamster, rhombohedra and hexagonal plates. Fig. 30.— Oxyhaemoglobiu crystals magni- fied : 1, from human blood ; 2, from the guinea-pig ; 3, squirrel ; 4, hamster. THE BLOOD 113 The crystals also contain a varying amount of water of crystallisa- tion : this may in part explain their different crystalline forms and solubilities. Different observers have analysed haemoglobin. They find carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, and iron. The percentage of iron is 0'4. Oxyhaemoglobin may be estimated in the blood (1) by the amount of iron in the ash, or (2) by certain colori- metric methods w^hich are described in the Appendix. Haemoglobin is a conjugated protein (see p. 44), and on the addi- tion of an acid or alkali it is broken up into two parts, a protein called (jlobin, and a brown pigment called hcematin, which contains all the iron of the original substance. Globin is coagulable by heat, soluble in dilute acids, and preci- pitable from such solutions* by ammonia. It is a member of the group of proteins called histories (see p. 42). Haematin is not crytallisable : according to Nencki and Sieber its formula is C.32H32N404Fe. It presents different spectroscopic appearances in acid and alkaline solutions, and yields several products under the influence of certain reagents, which we shall consider in the advanced course. For the present, we shall mention only three of these, hsemin, hgematoporphyrin, and hgemopyrrol. Hsemin is of great importance, as the obtaining of this substance in a crystalline form is the best chemical test for blood. Haemin crystals, sometimes called Teich- mann's crystals, are prepared for SLT^' ^^ ^. microscopic examination by boiling y^'J^-^/r v, ,^ \ a fragment of dried blood with a f^ ^ ^"^ j ^=<^ drop of glacial acetic acid on a ^ ^^ *'' \c^ ^ \j ^>^ sHde ; on coohng, dark - brown v ^^^ | X " ^ ^ plates and prisms belonging to the S"! ^^^ > /:;l triclinic system, often in star- , ^'^ ^ r '^w ^ , ]^ji^ shaped clusters and with rounded *^' CiJ "^ /^^ "** angles (fig. 31), separate out. "^ ^ ^ '^ % In the case of an old blood- -rlr -| /■ -^^ '' stain it is necessary to add a Fig. 31.— Hajmiu crystals magulfied. (Preyer.) crystal of sodium chloride. Fresh blood contains sufiftcient sodium chloride in itself. The action of the acetic acid is (1) to split the haemoglobin into haematin and globin ; and (2) to evolve hydrochloric " acid from the sodium chloride. The haematin unites with the hydrochloric acid, and thus haemin is formed. Nencki has further shown that, when prepared in this way, haemin also contains the acetyl gi'oup. Haematoporphyrin is iron-free haematin : it may be prepared by I 114 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY mixing blood with strong sulphuric acid ; the iron is taken out as ferrous sulphate. This substance is also found sometimes in nature ; it occurs in certain invertebrate pigments, and may also be found in certain forms of pathological urine. It shows well-marked spectro- scopic bands, and so is not identical with the iron-free derivative of haemoglobin called haematoidin which is formed in extravasations of blood in the body (see p. 90). The two substances are possibly isomeric. Haemopyrrol is methyl-propyl-pyrrol, with the formula H.C-C — CH,.C,H5 II II H.C G — CH3 N.H and is obtained by reduction from haematoporphyrin. Ifc is also similarly obtained from the derivative of chlorophyll called phyllo- porphyrin, a fact which illustrates the near relationship of the principal animal and vegetable pigments. COMPOUNDS OF H.ffiMOGLOBIN WITH GASES Haemoglobin forms at least four compounds with gases : — ^T-,, ( 1. Oxyhaemoglobin. With oxygen i r. ^r .^ -. , • •^^ 12. Methaemoglobm. With carbonic oxide 3. Carbonic oxide haemoglobin. With nitric acid 4. Nitric oxide haemoglobin. These compounds have similar crystalline forms : each probably consists of a molecule of haemoglobin combined with one of the gas- They part with the combined gas somewhat readily, and are arranged in order of stability in the above list, the least stable first. Oxyhaemoglobiii is the compound that exists in arterial blood. The oxygen linked to the haemoglobin, which is removed by the tissues through which the blood circulates, may be called the resjnratory oxygen of hcevwglobin. The processes that occur in the lungs and tissues, resulting in the oxygenation and deoxygenation respectively of the haemoglobin, may be imitated outside the body, using either blood or pure solutions of haemoglobin. The respiratory oxygen can be removed, for example, in the Torricellian vacuum of a mercurial air-pump, or by passing a neutral gas like hydrogen through the blood or by the use of reducing agents such as ammonium sulphide or THE BLOOD 115 Stokes's reagent.^ One gramme of haemoglobin will combine with 1-34: c.c. of oxygen. If any of these methods for reducing oxyhaemoglobin is used, the bright red (arterial) colour of oxyhaemoglobin changes to the purpHsh (venous) tint of haemoglobin. On once more allowing oxygen to come into contact with the haemoglobin, as by shaking the solution with the air the bright arterial colour returns. These colour-changes may be more accurately studied with the spectroscope, and the constant position of the absorption bands seen constitutes an important test for blood pigment. The Spectroscope. — "When a ray of white Hght is passed through a prism, it is refracted or bent at each surface of the prism ; the whole ray is, however, not equally bent, but it is spht into its con- stituent colours, which may be allowed to fall on a screen. The band of colours beginning with the red, passing through orange, yellow, green, blue, and ending with violet, is called a spectrum : this is seen in nature in the rainbow. The spectrum of sunlight is interrupted by numerous dark lines crossing it vertically called Fraunhofer's lines. These are perfectly constant in position, and serve as landmarks in the spectrum. The more prominent are A, B, and 0, in the red ; D, in the yellow ; E, b, and F, in the green ; G and H, in the violet. These lines are due to certain volatile substances in the solar atmosphere. If the light from burning sodium or its compounds is examined spectro- scopically, it will be found to give a bright yellow line, or rather two bright yellow lines very close together. Potassium gives two bright red Hues and one violet line ; and the other elements, when incandescent, give characteristic lines, but none so simple as sodium. If now the flame of a lainp be examined, it will be found to give a continuous spectrum like that of sunlight in the arrangement of its colours, but unlike it in the absence of dark lines ; but if the light from the lamp be made to pass through sodium vapour before it reaches the spectroscope, the brighb yellow light will be found absent, and in its place a dark line, or rather two dark lines very close together, occupying the same position as the two bright hues of the sodium spectrum. The sodium vapour thus absorbs the same rays as those which it itself produces at a higher temperature. Thus the D line, as we term it, in the solar spectrum is due to the presence of sodium vapour in the solar atmosphere. The other dark lines are similarly accounted for by other elements. * Stokes's reagent must always be freshly prepared : it is a solution of ferrous sulphate to which a little tartaric acid has been added, and then ammonia till the reaction is alkaline. I 2 116 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY The large form of spectroscope (fig. 32) consists of a tube A, called the collimator, with a slit at the end S, and a convex lens at the end L. The latter makes the rays of light passing through the slit from the source of light parallel : they fall on the prism P, and then the spectrum so formed is focussed by the telescope T. Fig. 32. — Diagniin of aptctroscope. The third tube, D, seen in the next figure (fig. 33) carries a small transparent scale of wave-lengths, so that the position of any point in the spectrum may be given in terms of the corresponding wave-lengths. Fig. 33. — Spectroscope: A, collimator with adinstablc slit at one (left) end and collimating lens at the other (right) end ; B, telei-c(Ji)e moving on graduated arc divided into degrees ; C, prism or combination of prisms ; D, tube for scale ; E, miiTor for illuminating scale ; F, vessel with parallel glass sides for holding lluid, shown with the flat ?ide towards the reader ; I, long spectroscope bottle for examining a deep layer of fluid ; H, Argaud burner ; G, condenser for concentrating the light from H on the slit, (From a photograph taken by Dr.MacMunii for McKendrick's ' Physiologj'.') If we now interpose between the source of light and the slit S a piece of coloured glass (H in fig. 32), or a solution of a coloured THE BLOOD 117 substance contained in a vessel with parallel sides (the haematoscope of Hermann, F in fig. 33), the spectrum is found to be no longer continuous, but is interrupted by a number of dark shadows, or absoyytion hands, corresponding to the light absorbed by the coloured medium. Thus a solution of oxyhaemoglobin of a certain strength gives two bands between the D and E lines ; haemoglobin gives only one ; and other red solutions, though to the naked eye similar to oxyhaemoglobin, will give characteristic bands in other positions. A convenient form of small spectroscope is the direct-vision sioectroscoye, in which, by an arrangement of alternating prisms of crown and flint glass (see fig. 34), the spectrum is observed by the eye in the same line as the tube furnished with the slit. Such small spectroscopes may be used for class purposes, and may for convenience be mounted on a stand provided with a gas- burner and a receptacle for the test-tube (see fig. 35). In the examination of the spectrum of small coloured objects, a combina- tion of the microscope and direct-vision spectroscope, called the micro- spectroscope, is used. Fig. 36 illustrates a method of representing absorption spectra Fig. 34.— Arrangrement of prisms in direct-vision spectroscope. diagrammatically. The' solution' was examined in a layer 1 cen- timetre thick. The base line has on it at the proper distances the chief Fraunhofer lines, and along the right-hand edges are the percentage amounts of oxyhaemoglobin present in I, of haemo- globin in II. The width of the shadings at each level represents the position and amount of absorption corresponding to the percentages. The characteristic spectrum of oxyhaemoglobin, as it actually appears through the spectroscope, is seen in the next figure (fig. 37^ spectrum 2). There are two distinct absorption bands between the D and E lines ; the one nearest to D (the a band) is narrower, darker, and has better defined edges than the other (the /3 band). As will be seen on looking at fig. 36, a solution of oxyhaemoglobin of concentration greater than 0-65 per cent, and less than 0-85 per cent., (examined in a cell of the usual thickness of 1 centimetre) gives one 118 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY thick band overlapping both D and E, and a stronger solution only lets the red light through between C and D. A solution which gives Fig. 35.— Stand for direct-vision spectroscope : S, spectroscope ; T, test-tnbe for coloured substance under investigation. the two characteristic bands must therefore be a very dilute one. The one band (y band) of haemoglobin (fig. 37, spectrum 3) is not so Fig. 36.— Graphic representations of the amount of absorption of light by solution (I) of oxyhaemo- globin, (IT) of haemoglobin, of different strengtlis. The shading indicates the amount of absorption of the spectrum ; the figures on the right border express percentages. (Rollett.) well defined as the a and p bands. On dilution it fades rapidly, so that in a solution of such strength that both bands of oxyhaemoglobin THE ELOOD 119 would be quite distinct the single band of haemoglobin has dis- appeared from view. The oxyhaemoglobin bands can be distinguished in a solution which contains only one part of the pigment to 10,000 of water, and even in more dilute solutions which seem to be colourless the a band is still visible. Methaemoglobm. — This may be produced artificially by adding such reagents as potassium ferricyanide or amyl nitrite to a solution of oxyhaemoglobin ; it may also occur in certain diseased conditions in the urine ; it is therefore of considerable practical importance. It can be crystallised, and is found to contain the same amount of oxygen as oxyhaemoglobin, only combined differently. The oxygen is not removable by the air-pump, nor by a stream of a neutral gas C D E& F G Fig. 37,-1, Solar spectrum : '2. ^p. Mrrum of oxyhaemoglobin (0-37 per cent, solution) ; 3, spectrum of hasmoglobin ; 4, spectrum of CO-h«moglobin ; 5, spectrum of methfemoglobin (concentrated solution). like hydrogen. It can, however, by reducing agents like ammonium sulphide, be made to yield haemoglobin. Methaemoglobin is of a brownish-red colour, and gives a characteristic absorption band in the red between the C and D lines (fig. 37, spectrum 5). Tho ferricyanide of potassium or sodium not only causes the conversion of oxyhaemoglobin into methaemoglobin, but if the reagent is added to blood which has been previously laked by the addition of twice its volume of water there is an evolution of oxygen. If a small amount of sodium carbonate or ammonia is added as well to prevent the evolution of any carbonic acid, and the oxygen is collected and measured, it is found that all the oxygen previously combined in oxyhaemoglobin is discharged. This is at first sight puzzling, because, 120 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOOY as just stated, methacmoglobin contains the same amount of oxygen that is present in oxyhaBmoglobin. What occurs is that, after the oxygen is discharged from oxyhaemoglobin, an equal quantity of oxygen takes its place from the reagents added. The oxygen atoms of the methsemoglobin must be attached to a different part of the haematin group from the oxygen atoms of the oxyhaemoglobin, so that the haematin group when thus altered loses its power of com- bining with oxygen and carbonic oxide to form compounds which are dissociable in a vacuum. Haldane, to whom we owe these interesting results, gives the following provisional equation to represent what occurs : — Hb02 + 4Na3CycFe + 4NaHCO,=Hb02 + 4Na4Cy,Fe [oxyhaemo- [sodium ferri- [sodium bicar- [metlifemo- [sodium ferro- globin] cyanide] bnnate] globin] cyanide] + 4CO2 + P.H2O + O2. [carbonic [water] [oxygen] acid] Carbonic Oxide Haemoglobin may be readily prepared by passing a stream of carbonic oxide or coal gas through blood or through a solution of oxyhaemoglobin. It has a peculiar cherry-red colour. Its absorption spectrum is very like that of oxyhaemoglobin, but the two bands are slightly nearer the violet end of the spectrum (fig. 37, spectrum 4). Keducing agents, such as ammonium sulphide, do not change it ; the gas is more firmly combined than the oxygen in oxyhaemoglobin. CO-haemoglobin forms crystals like those of oxy- haemoglobin : it resists putrefaction for a very long time. Carbonic oxide is given off during the imperfect combustion of carbon such as occurs in charcoal stoves ; it is a powerful poison combining with the haemoglobin of the blood, and thus interfering with normal respiratory processes. The colour of the ])lood and its resistance to reducing agents are in such cases characteristic. . Nitric Oxide Haemoglobin. — When ammonia is added to blood, and then a stream of nitric oxide is passed through it, this compound is formed. It may be obtained in crystals isomorphous with oxy- and CO-haemoglobin. It also has a similar spectrum. It is even more stable than CO-haemoglobin ; it has little practical interest, but is of theoretical importance as completing the series. TESTS FOR BLOOD These may be gathered from preceding descriptions. Briefly, they are microscopic, spectroscopic, and chemical. The best chemical test is the formation of haemin crystals. The old test with tincture THE BLOOD 121 of guaiacum and hydrogen peroxide, the blood causing the red tincture to become green, is not very trustworthy, as it is also given by many other organic substances ; it is, however, with certain precautions, used by some. In medico-legal cases it is often necessary to ascertain whether a red fluid or stain upon clothing is or is not blood. In any such case it is advisable not to rely upon one test only, but to try every means of detection at one's disposal. To discover whether it is blood or not, is by no means a difficult problem, but to distinguish human blood from that of the common mammals is possible only by the * biological ' test described at the end of the next section. IMMUNITY The chemical defences of the body against injury and disease are numerous. The property that the blood possesses of coagu- lating is a defence against haemorrhage ; the acid of the gastric juice is a protection against harmful bticteria introduced with food. Bacterial activity in urine is inhibited by the acidity of that secretion. Far more important and widespread in its effects than any of the foregoing is the bactericidal {i.e. bacteria-killing) action of the blood and lymph ; a study of this question has led to many interesting results, especially in connection with the important problem of immunity. It is a familiar fact that one attack of many of the infective maladies protects us against another attack of the same disease. The person is said to be immune, either partially or completely, against that disease. Vaccination produces in a patient an attack of cowpox or vaccinia. This disease is either closely related to smallpox, or may be it is smallpox modified and rendered less malignant by passing through the body of a calf. At any rate, an attack of vaccinia renders a person immune to smallpox for a certain number of years. Vac- cination is an instance of what is called 'protective inoculation, which is now practised with more or less success in reference to other diseases, such as plague and typhoid fever. The study of immunity has also rendered possible what may be called curative hwculation, or the injection of antitoxic material as a cure for diphtheria, tetanus, snake poisoning, &c. The power the blood possesses of slaying bacteria is not limited to the colourless corpuscles ox phagocytes, but is also a property of the fluid part of the blood, at any rate in the case of some micro- organisms. The chemical characters of the substances which kill the bacteria are not fully known ; but they appear to be protein 122 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY in nature. The bactericidal powers of blood are destroyed by heating it for an hour to 55° C. The balance of evidence appears to be in favour of the view that the substances in question originate from the leucocytes, and phagocytosis becomes more intelligible if this is accepted. The substances, whatever be their source or their chemical nature, are called hacterio-lysins. Closely allied to the bactericidal power of blood, or blood-serum, is its globulicidal power. By this one means that the blood-serum of one animal has the power of dissolving the red blood-corpuscles of another species. If the serum of one animal is injected into the blood-stream of an animal of another species, the result is a destruction of its red corpuscles, which may be so excessive as to lead to the passing of the liberated haemoglobin into the urine (haemoglobinuria). The substances in the serum that possess this property are called hcemolysins, and though there is some doubt whether bacterio- lysins and haemolysins are absolutely identical, there is no doubt that they are closely related substances. Normal blood thus possesses not only j^hagocytes, which eat up bacteria, but also a certain amount of chemical substances which are inimical to the life of our bacterial foes. But suppose a person gets ' run down ' ; everyone knows he is then more liable to ' catch any- thing.' This coincides with a diminution in the bactericidal power of his blood. But even a perfectly healthy person has not an unlimited supply of bacterio-lysins, and if the bacteria are sufficiently numerous he will fall a victim to the disease they produce. Here, however, comes in the remarkable part of the defence. In the struggle he will produce more and more bacterio-lysin, and if he gets well it means that the bacteria are finally vanquished, and his blood remains rich in the particular bacterio-lysin he has produced, and so will render him immune to further attacks from that particular species of bacterium. Every bacterium seems to cause the development of a specific anti -substance. Immunity can more conveniently be produced gradually in animals, and this applies, not only to the bacteria, but also to the toxins they form. If, for instance, the bacilli which produce diphtheria are grown in a suitable medium, they produce the diphtheria poison, or toxin, much in the same way that yeast-cells will produce alcohol when grown in a solution of sugar. Diphtheria toxin is associated with a proteose, as is also the case with the poison of snake venom. If a certain small dose called a ' lethal dose ' is injected into a guinea- pig the result is death. But if the guinea-pig receives a smaller dose it will recover ; a few days after it will stand a rather larger THE BLOOD 123 dose ; and this maj^ be continued until, after many successive gradually increasing doses, it will finally stand an amount equal to many lethal doses without any ill effects. The gradual introduction of the toxin has called forth the production of an antitoxin. If this is done in the horse instead of the guinea-pig the production of antitoxin is still more marked, and the serum obtained from the blood of an immunised horse maybe used for injecting into human beings suffering from diphtheria, and it rapidly cures the disease. The two actions of the blood, antitoxic and antibacterial, are frequently associated, but may be entirely distinct. The antitoxin is also a protein probably of the nature of a globulin ; at any rate it is a protein of larger molecular weight than a proteose. This suggests a practical point. In the case of snake-poisoning the poison gets into the blood rapidly owing to the comparative ease with which it diffuses, and so it is quickly carried all over the body. In treatment with the antitoxin or antivenin, speed is everything if life is to be saved ; injection of this material under the skin is not much good, for the diffusion into the blood is too slow. It should be injected straight away into a blood-vessel. There is no doubt that in these cases the antitoxin neutralises the toxin much in the same way that an acid neutralises an alkali. If the toxin and antitoxin are mixed in a test-tube, and time allowed for the interaction to occur, the result is an innocuous mixture. The toxin, however, is merely neutralised, not destroyed ; for if the mix- ture in the test-tube is heated to 68° C. the antitoxin is coagulated and destroyed, and the toxin remains as poisonous as ever. Immunity is distinguished into active and passive. Active immunity is produced by the development of protective substances in the body ; passive immunity by the injection of a protective serum. Of the two the former is the more permanent. Bicin, the poisonous protein of castor-oil seeds, and ahriv, that of the Jequirity bean, also produce when gradually given to animals an immunity, due to the production of antiricin and antiabrin respectively. Ehrlich's hypothesis to . explain such facts is usually spoken of as the Hide-chain theory of imnmnity. He considers that the toxins are capable of uniting with the protoplasm of the living cells by possessing groups of atoms like those by which nutritive proteins are united to cells during nonnal assimilation. He terms these haptoj^hor groups, and the groups to which these are attached in the cells he terms receptor groups. The introduction of a toxin stimulates an excessive production of receptors, which are finally thrown out into the circulation, and the free circulating receptors constitute the antitoxin. The comparison of the process to assimilation is justified by the fact that non-toxic substances like milkor egg-white introduced gradually by successive doses into the blood-stream cause the formation of anti-sub- stances capable of coagulating them. Up to this point I have spoken only of the blood, but m.onth by month workers are bringing forward evidence to show that other cells of the body 124 ESSENTIALS OV CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaV may by similar measures be rendered capable of producing a corresponding protective mechanism. One further development of the theory I must mention. At least two different substances are necessary to render a serum bactericidal or globulicidal. The bacterio-lysin or haemolysin consists of these two substances. One of these is called the immune body, the other the comjjlement. We may illustrate the use of these terms by an example. The repeated injection of the blood of one anhnal {e.g. the goat) into the blood of another animal {e.g. a sheep) after a time renders the latter animal immune to farther injections, and at the same time causes the production of a serum which dissolves readily the red blood-corpuscles of the first animal. The sheep's serum is thus hemolytic towards goat's blood-corpuscles. This power is destroyed by heating to 56° C. for half an hour, but returns when fresh serum of any animal is added. The specific immunising substance formed in the sheep is called the immune body ; the ferment-like substance destroyed by heat is the complement. The latter is not specific, since it is furnished by the blood of non-immunised animals, but it is nevertheless essential for haemo- lysis. Ehrlich believes that the immune body has two side groups — one which connects with the receptor of the red corpuscles, and one which unites with the haptophor group of the complement, and thus renders possible the ferment-like action of the complement on the red corpuscles. Various antibacterial serums, which have not been the success in treating disease they were expected to be. are probably too poor in complement, though they may contain plenty of the immune bodj'. To put it another way : the cell-dissolving substances cannot act on their objects of attack without an intermediate substance to anchor them on the substance in question. This intermediary substance, known as the immune body or amboceptor, is specific, and varies with the substance to be attacked (red corpuscles, bacterium, toxin, &c.). The complement may be compared to a person who wants to unlock a door ; to do this effectively he must be provided with the proper key (amboceptor or immune body). Quite distinct from the bactericidal, globulicidal, and antitoxic properties of blood is its agglutinating action. This is another result of infection with many kinds of bacteria or their toxins. The blood acquires the property of rendering immobile and clumping together the specific bacteria used in the infection. The test applied to the blood in cases of typhoid fever, and generally called Widal's reaction, depends on this fact. The substances that produce this effect are called agglutinins. They also are probably protein-like in nature, but are more resistant to heat than the lysins. Prolonged heating to over 60° C. is necessary to destroy their activity. We thus see that the means the body possesses of combating bacterial invasion are numerous. In some cases the bacteria are killed by bacterio-lysins, and in other cases they are directly attacked and devoured by the phagocytes. Bacteria which are destroyed in this way produce no evil results, whereas those which are not destroyed are called pathogenic, or disease-producing organisms. There is still another means of defence, for if the bacteria are not THE 13L00D 126 'destroyed the poisons or toxins they produce are in certain other cases ueutrahsed by antitoxins. Metschnikoff's view, which is very widely accepted by bacterio- logists, is that the most stress should be laid upon phagocytosis as the principal factor in tha resistance of the body to bacteria ; and the recent discovery of opsonins by Sir A. E. Wright not only emphasises this opinion, but shows how the body fluids co-operate with the phagocytes in the process. The word * opsonin ' is derived from a Greek word which means 'to prepare the feast.' Washed bacteria from a culture are distasteful to leucocytes, and would therefore, other things being equal, be pathogenic if injected into an animal's body. But if the bacteria have been previously soaked in serum, especially if that serum has been obtained from the blood of an animal previously immunised against that special bacterium, then the leucocytes devour them eagerly. It was at first supposed that something had been added to the bacterium to make it tasty, and that each kind of bacterium requires its own special sauce or opsonin. It is, however, equally possible that the serum has not added anything to the bacterium, but removed from it something that previously made it distasteful. At any rate the ultimate effect is the same, and the bacterium is rendered non-pathogenic. When a person is attacked with some invading organism, say the tubercle bacillus, if that person's blood is naturally rich in the proper kind of opsonin he will not be troubled with tuberculosis ; but if the opsonic power of his blood is low the organism will produce the disease. The modern treatment of tuberculosis aims at increasing the opsonic power of the blood by improving the general condition of the patient by good food and pure air, and also by the injection of the appro- priate opsonin into his -blood. Lastly, we come to a question which more directly appeals to the physiologist than the preceding, because experiments in relation to immunity have furnished us with what has hitherto been lacking, a means of distinguishing human blood from the blood of other animals. The discovery was made by Tchistovitch (1899), and his original experiment was as follows : — Eabbits, dogs, goats, and guinea-pigs were inoculated with eel-serum, which is toxic ; he thereby obtained from these animals an antitoxic serum. But the serum was not only antitoxic ; it also produced a precipitate when added to eel-serum, though not when added to the serum of any other animal. In other w^ords, not only has a specific antitoxin been produced, but also a specific precipitin. Numerous observers have since found that this is 126 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY a general rule throughout the animal kingdom, including man. If, for instance, a rabbit is treated with human blood, the serum ultimately obtained from the rabbit contains a specific precipitin for human blood ; that is to say, a precipitate is formed on adding such a rabbit's serum to human blood, but not when added to the blood of any other animal.^ The great value of the test is its delicacy: it will detect the specific blood when it is greatly diluted, after it has been dried for weeks, or even when it is mixed with the blcod of other animals. CHEMISTRY OF RESPIRATION The consideration of the blood, and especially of its pigment, is so closely associated with respiration that a brief account of that process follows conveniently here. The air in the alveoli of the lungs, and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries are only separated by the thin capillary and alveolar walls. The blood parts with its excess of carbonic acid and watery vapour to the alveolar air ; the blood at the same time receives from the alveolar air the oxygen which renders it arterial. The intake of oxygen is the commencement, and the output of carbonic acid the end, of the series of changes known as respiration. The intermediate steps take place all over the body, and constitute what is known as internal or tissue respiration. The exchange of gases which occurs in the lungs is sometimes called in contradistinc- tion exterjial respiration. We have already seen that the oxyhaemo- globin is only a loose compound, and in the tissues it parts with its oxygen. The oxygen does not necessarily undergo immediate union with carbon to form carbonic acid, and with hydrogen to form water, but in most cases, as in muscle, is held in reserve by the tissue itself. Ultimately, however, these substances pass into the venous blood, and the carbonic acid and a portion of the water find an outlet by the lungs. Inspired and Expired Air. — The composition of the inspired and expired air may be compared in the following table : — - Inspired or atmospheric Air Expired Air 16-03 vols, per cent. 79 4-4 „ saturated that of body (37° C.) ' Oxygen . Nitrogen . Carbonic acid . "Watery vapour . Temperature 20-96 vols, per cent. 79 0-04 „ variable ' There may be a slight reaction with the blood of allied animals ; for instance with monkey's blood in the case of man. RESPIEATION 127 The nitrogen remains unchanged. The recently discovered gases, argon, crypton, &c., are in the above table reckoned in with the nitrogen. They are, however, only present in minute quantities. The chief change is in the proportion of oxygen and carbonic acid. The loss of oxygen is about 5, the gain in carbonic acid 4^. If the inspired and expired airs are carefully measured at the same tempera- ture and barometric pressure, the volume of expired air is thus rather less than that of the inspired. The conversion of oxygen into carbonic acid would not cause any change in the volume of the gas, for a molecule of oxygen (0^) would give rise to a molecule of carbonic acid (CO2) which would occupy the same volume (Avogadro's law). It must, however, be remembered that carbon is not the only element which is oxidised. Fats contain a number of atoms of hydrogen which during metabolism are oxidised to form water ; a certain small amount of oxygen is also used in the formation of urea. Carbo- hydrates contain sufficient oxygen in their own molecules to oxidise their hydrogen ; hence the apparent loss of oxygen is least when a vegetable diet (that is, one consisting largely of starch and other carbohydrates) is taken, and greatest when much fat and protein are eaten. The quotient ^—v^-^T^-, is called the respiratory quotient. O2 absorbed Normally it is =0*9, but this varies considerably with diet, as o just stated. Gases of the Blood. — From 100 volumes of blood about 60 volumes of gas can be removed by the mercurial air-pump (see Appendix). The average composition of this gas from dog's blood is — - Arterial Blood 20 lto2 40 Venous Blood Oxygen Nitrogen . Carbonic acid . 8 to 12 lto2 46 The nitrogen in the blood is simply dissolved from the air just as water would dissolve it : it has no physiological importance. The other two gases are present in much greater amount than can be explained by simple solution ; they are, in fact, chiefly present in loose chemical combinations. Less than one volume of the oxygen and about two of carbonic acid are present in simple solution in the plasma. Oxygen in the Blood. — The amount of gas dissolved in a liquid varies with the pressure of the gas ; double the pressure and the 128 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY amount of gas dissolved is doubled. The oxygen in the blood does not vary directly with oxygen pressure, for the amount of that gas in simple solution forms only a small fraction of the total present. This small amount is of coarse doubled by doubling the pressure, but such an increase is insignificant, the bulk of the gas being in chemical union w^ith haemoglobin. The oxygen of oxyhtemoglobin can be replaced by equivalent quantities of other gases, such as carbonic oxide. The tension or partial pressure of oxygen in the air of the alveoli is less than that in the atmosphere, but greater than that in venous blood; hence oxygen passes from the alveolar air into the blood ; the oxygen immediately combines with the haemoglobin, and thus leaves the plasma free to absorb more oxygen ; and this goes on until the haemoglobin is entirely, or almost entirely, saturated with oxygen. The reverse change occurs in the tissues where the partial pressure of oxygen is lower than in the plasma, or the lymph that bathes the tissue elements ; the plasma parts with its oxygen to the lymph, the lymph to the tissues ; the oxyhaemoglobin then undergoes dissociation to supply more oxygen to the plasma and lymph, and this in turn to the tissues once more. This goes on until the oxyhaemo- globin loses a great portion of its store of oxygen, but even in asphyxia it does not lose all. The following values are given for the tension of oxygen in per- centages of an atmosphere : — External air 20-96 Alveolar air 13-16 ^ Arterial blood ..... 14 | Tissues . The arrow shows the direction in which the gas passes. The methods of obtaining the gases of the blood and analysing them are described in the Appendix. When the gases are being pumped off from the blood, very little oxygen comes off until the pressure is greatly reduced, and then, at a certain point, it is suddenly disengaged. This shows it is not in simple solution, but is united chemically to the haemoglobin as oxyhaemoglobin, which is dissociated when the pressure is extremely low. The ability of the tissues to form reduction products is shown by Ehrlich's experiments with methylene blue and similar pigments. Methylene blue is more stable than oxyhaemoglobin ; but if it is injected into the circulation of a living animal, and the animal killed a few minutes later, the blood is found dark blue, but the organs colourless. On exposure to oxygen the organs become blue. In other words the tissues have formed a colourless reduction product from the RESPIRATION 129 methylene blue ; on exposure to the air this is oxidised, and the blue pigment is thus regenerated. Carbonic Acid in the Blood. — What has been said for oxygen holds good in the reverse direction for carbonic acid. Compounds are formed in the tissues where the tension of the gas is high : these pass into the lymph, then into the blood, and in the lungs the compounds undergo dissociation, carbonic acid passing into the alveolar air where the tension of the gas is comparatively low, though it is greater here than in the expired air. The relations of this gas and the compounds it forms are more complex than in the case of oxygen. If blood is divided into plasma and corpuscles it will be found that both yield carbonic acid, but the yield from the plasma is the greater. If we place blood in a vacuum it bubbles, and gives out all its gases ; addition of a weak acid causes no further liberation of carbonic acid. If plasma or serum is similarly treated the gas comes off, but from 10 to 18 per cent, of the carbonic acid is fixed — that is, the addition of some stronger acid, such as phosphoric acid, is necessary to displace it. Fresh red cor- puscles will, however, take the place of the phosphoric acid, and thus it has been surmised that oxyhaemoglobin has the properties of an acid. One hundred volumes of venous blood contain forty- six volumes of carbonic acid. Whether this is in solution or in chemical com- bination is determined by ascertaining the tension of the gas in the blood. One hundred volumes of blood plasma would ^ dissolve more than an equal volume of the gas at atmospheric pressure[if its solu- bility in plasma were equal to that in water. ^ If, then, the 'carbonic acid were in a state of solution, its tension would be very high, but it proves to be only equal to about 5 per cent, of an atmosphere. This means that when venous blood is brought into an atmosphere containing 5 per cent, of carbonic acid, the blood neither gives off any carbonic acid nor takes up any. Hence the remainder of the gas, 95 per cent., is in a condition of chemical combination. The chief compound appears to be sodium bicarbonate. The carbonic acid and phosphoric acid of the blood are in a state of constant struggle for the possession of the sodium. The salts formed by these two acids depend on their relative masses. If carbonic acid is in excess we get sodium carbonate (NagCOa), and mono-sodium phosphate (NaH2P04) ; but if the carbonic acid is diminished, the phosphoric acid obtains the greater share of sodium ' To be exact, the solubility of carbon dioxide in plasma is a little less than in pure water. 130 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY to form disodium phosphate (Nti2HP04). In this way, as soon as the amount of free carbonic acid diminishes, as in the lungs, the amount of carbonic acid in combination also decreases ; whereas in the tissues, where the tension of the gas is highest, a large amount is taken up into the blood, where it forms sodium bicarbonate. The tension of the carbonic acid in the tissues is high, but one cannot give exact figures ; we can measure the tension of the gas in certain secretions ; in the urine it is 9, in the bile 7 per cent. The tension in the cells themselves must be higher still. The following figures (from Fredericq) give the tension of carbonic dioxide in percentages of an atmosphere : — Tissues . Venous blood Alveolar air External air 5 to 9 ) 3-8 to 5-4 in dog 2-8 j 0-04 The arrow indicates the direction in which the gas passes : namely, in the direction of pressure from the tissues to the atmosphere. In some other experiments, also on dogs, the following are the figures given : — Arterial blood . . . . . . 2 '8 Venous blood . . ". . . . 5*4 ^ Alveolar air ..... . 3"56 | Expired air . . . . . . 2*8 It will be seen from these figures that the tension of carbonic acid in the venous blood (5-4) is higher than in the alveolar air (3-56) ; its passage into the alveolar air is therefore intelligible by the laws of diffusion. Diffusion, however, should cease when the tension of the gas in the blood and in the alveolar air are equal. But the transference goes beyond the establishment of such an equilibrium, for the tension of the gas in the blood continues to sink until it is, when the blood is arterial, ultimately less (2'8) than in the alveolar air. The whole question is beset with great difficulties and contradic- tions. Analyses by different observers have given very different results, but if such figures as those just quoted are ultimately found to be correct, we can only explain tliis apparent reversal of a law of nature by supposing with Bohr, that the alveolar epithelium possesses the power of excreting carbonic acid, just as the cells of secreting glands are able to select certain materials from the blood and reject others. Eecent work by Bohr and Haldane has also shown that in all probability the same explanation — epithelial activity — must be called in to account for the absorption of oxygen. Haldane, in fact, states that the tension of oxygen in the blood is EESPIRATION 131 greater than iu the atraosphere. In the swim-bladder of fishes (which is analogous to the lung of mammals) the oxygen is certainly far in excess of anything that can be explained by mere diffusion. The storage of oxygen, moreover, ceases when the vagus nerves which supply the swim-bladder are divided. Some Continental observers have stated that certain noxious substances are ordinarily contained in expired air, which are much more poisonous than carbonic acid, but researches in this country have entirely failed to substantiate this. If precautions be taken by absolute cleanliness to prevent admixture of the air with exhalations from skin, teeth, and clothes, the expired air only contains one noxious substance, and that is carbonic acid. Tension of Gases in Fluids. — It is necessary to understand thoroughly the expression * tension of gases in fluids ' ; we will therefore go into the matter a little more fully. The first question which arises is, In what circumstances will a gas, dissolved in a fluid, diffuse out of the fluid into the air in contact with it ? or vice versa, in what circumstances will a gas diffuse out of the air into the fluid, and at what rate will it do so ? The answer depends upon the physical constants of the fluid and of the atmosphere ; and these must be determined experimentally. As an example the following instance may be taken : — 100 c.c. of water charged with 80 c.c. of carbonic acid are shaken with pure air in a closed bottle of 500 c.c. capacity. The carbonic acid will come out of the water at first, but as the shaking continues the carbonic acid will come out more and more slowly until it entirely ceases to do so. Analysis of the air and of the water in the bottle would show that the water had not parted with all its carbonic acid. It would be found that the water contained 16 c.c. of carbonic acid dissolved in it, while 64 c.c. have diffused out into the air. At the end of this experiment, then, there will be in the atmosphere 64 c.c. of carbonic acid in a space of 400 c.c. If the whole space (400 c.c.) were filled with carbonic acid its pressure would be 760 mm. The partial pressure of carbonic acid in the atmosphere of the bottle is therefore 760 x /q^o mm- of mercury =122 mm. Water, therefore, containing 16 volumes per cent, of carbonic acid is in equilibrium with an atmosphere in which the carbonic acid exerts a pressure of 122 mm. This fact is stated shortly by the phrase * when water has a carbonic acid tension of 122 mm. it contains 16 per cent, of carbonic acid.' The amount of carbonic acid which would be contained in any other fluid when it was in equilibrium with an atmosphere having a k2 132 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY 122 mm. pressure of carbonic acid would be different from that contained in water. For instance, alcohol would contain 50 per cent, of the gas. In both fluids the tension of carbonic acid is the same but the quantity of carbonic acid would be as stated, and therefore different. The tension of a gas in a liquid, therefore, is the pressure of that gas in an atmosphere of such a composition, that the liquid would neither acquire that gas from the atmosphere nor impart that gas to it, if the liquid and the atmosphere were brought into intimate contact, as by shaking. Measurement of Tension in Fluids — Aerotonometer.— The measure- ment of the tension of gases in fluids is conducted upon the principles of the example given above. The instrument for the purpose is called an aerotonometer. The form used by Loewy consists simply of a closed bottle, into which the blood and the air can be put, and from which they can be withdrawn by suitable means. Through the stopper of the bottle three tubes pass — A, B, and c— each of which is provided with a piece of rubber tubing and a clip. The tube A is used for introducing or expelling the blood (e). c is used for introducing or expelling the air ; b is con- nected with a rubber bag containing water inside Loewy's Agrotouometer. the bottlc, while outside a connection can be made with a syringe. A little mercury should be put into the bottle to defibrinate the blood. To determine the carbonic acid tension in blood several bottles should be filled with gases of known composition from gasometers before the experiment. Into each bottle some blood is drawn from the animal. This is done by attaching a to a cannula in one of its vessels, and then, when water is withdrawn from the bag d by the syringe, a corresponding amount of blood enters the aerotonometer. Each bottle is shaken violently for some time. When equilibrium has been estabhshed the air can be taken from the air space f by attaching c to an air-analysis apparatus, and forcing water into the bag d from the syringe attached to b. An example may illustrate the result which might be obtained. Determination of carbonic acid tenaion of blood. Bottle .... Initial percentage of the gas Final percentage of gas present From the above figures it will be seen that the blood has acquired Fig. 38. I II III IV V 6-0 5-5 5-0 4-5 4 5-8 5-4 5-1 4-7 4-8 RESPIRATION 133 carbonic acid from the air in bottles I and II, while the reverse has taken place in bottles III, IV, and V. The carbonic acid tension of the blood is therefore between 5'4: and 5*1 per cent. Relation of Tension to Composition. — The aerotonometer may be used to determine the relation of the tension of a gas in the blood (oxygen or carbonic acid) to the quantity contained in that fluid. The example given above might be extended for this purpose in the following way. After the air has been w^ithdrawn for analysis, it is only necessary to attach a to the blood-bulb of a mercurial gas pump, and, by forcing more water into b, expel a sufficient quantity of blood for analysis. If an analysis was made for each of the bottles, the quantity of carbonic acid would be determined corresponding to the tensions, 5'8, 5"4, 5*1, 4'7, and 4-3 per cent, respectively. The comparision of the quantity of carbonic acid in the blood with its tension is not of importance, but the corresponding measure- ments for oxygen have been carried out with great care by a number of observers, both for blood and for solutions of haemoglobin. It is found that the two sets of observations agree very closely, and this fact forms the most substantial evidence for our belief that the oxygen in the blood is almost entirely associated with the haemo- globin. The relation of the quantity of oxygen in the blood to the tension which it exerts may be conveniently set forth in a curve, which is called the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin. An example may illustrate the use to which the informa- tion, given in this curve, may be put. The amount of blood which comes, say, from the pancreas is too small to allow^ of a direct determination of the tension of the oxygen which it contains. We can, however, calculate it from the following data. (1) The amount of oxygen which the blood would contain if saturated (this can be arrived at by saturating arterial blood and analysing it). (2) The amount of "oxygen in the venous blood. In an actual experiment (1 ) was 22*0 c.c, ^ ^-^ — r"t"1 i ! / H^ ^-" U M M / . /" / / '\f> \\\ ,.l /■ "\l ll- _.JJ _i n^ 20 to 43 so £} 70 tO DO 100 ItJ 120 133 MO i;. 3!).— Dissociation of oxygen curves for Wood (n) and Li«;moglobin solution (h) at 38° C. The figures along the base line are pressures in milli- metres of mercury, aud those along the ordinate are percentages of oxygen. (Bohr.) (2) was 10-7 c.c By referring to the dissociation 10-7 The saturation then was 100 x ^^ = 49 per cent, curve w^e see that 49 per cent. 184 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL rHYSTOLOGY saturation corresponds with an oxygen tension of about 14 mm. of mercm'y, or 1*8 per cent, of an atmosphere. The Carbonic Oxide Method of Estimating the Oxygen Tension of Arterial Blood. — This method was devised by Haldane, and is considered by him and Lorrain Smith to give more trustworthy results than those obtained by the aerotonometer. If blood is exposed to a mixture of carbonic oxide and oxygen, the haemoglobin will become saturated by these gases according to their relative tensions. If a number of experiments are performed using different percentages of carbonic oxide, the results may be expressed graphically as the curve of dissociation of carboxyhaemoglobin in air. When, in place of such experiments in vitro, an animal is made to breathe air contain- ing a known percentage of carbonic oxide, the comparison of the saturation of its blood with the saturation of its blood in vitro, exposed to the same percentage of carbonic oxide in air (which has an oxygen tension of 20*9 per cent.) gives us the means of discovering the oxygen tension in the arterial blood of the lung capillaries : this will be higher or lower than that of the air according as the saturation by carbonic oxide is correspondingly lower or higher. A small animal like a mouse is made to breathe air containing a known per- centage of carbonic oxide. After a sufficient time the animal is killed and the amount of carboxyhaemoglobin is determined colorimetrically in a drop of its blood. The data thus obtained are compared with the data previously expressed in the curve of dissociation of carboxyhaemoglobin in air ; it is then easy to calculate whether the oxygen tension in the blood is higher or lower than that of air. The results of the method show generally that the tension of oxygen in the arterial blood as it leaves the lungs is liigher than could result from simple diffusion of the oxygen through the alveolar epithelium ; in other words, the epithelial cells are capable of secreting oxygen into the blood until an oxygen pressure is reached considerably above that in the alveolar air. The results expressed in percentages of an atmosphere are as follows : — Oxygen tension of arterial blood in man, 38-5; in mouse, 22*6; in dog. 21 ; in cat, 35-3 ; in rabbit, 27*6, and in birds 30 to 50 per cent. The results in the case of man and larger animals probably require revision, as it is not certain that the time allowed for the establishment of the balance of carbonic oxide and oxygen has been sufficient in any of the experiments. Tissue-Respiration. — Before the processes of respiration were fully understood the lungs were looked upon as the seat of combustion ; they were regarded as the stove for the rest of the body where effete material was brought by the venous blood to be burnt up. When it was shown that the venous blood going to the lungs already contained carbonic acid, and that the temperature of the lungs is not greater than that of the rest of the body, this explanation had of necessity to be dropped. Physiologists next transferred the seat of the combustion to the blood ; but since then innumerable facts and experiments have shown that it is in the tissues themselves, and not in the blood, that combustion occurs. The methylene-blue experiment already described (p. 128) shows this ; and the following experiment is also quite con- clusive. A frog can be kept alive for some time after salt solution is IlESPI RATIO X 135 is necessary (1) to analyse the blood #0^ substituted for its blood. The metabolism goes on actively if the animal is kept in pure oxygen. The taking up of oxygen and giving out of carbonic acid must therefore occur in the tissues, as the animal has no blood. The following are the amounts of oxygen used up per minute by one gramme of certain epithelial and muscular organs respectively : — Submaxillary gland 004 c.c, pancreas 0-05 c.c, kidney O'OS c.c, heart (contracting very feebly and slowly) 0-007 c.c, muscles of leg (with spinal cord destroyed) 0*003 c.c. In order to obtain data, such as the above, it analyse the blood going to the organ ; (2) to emerging from the organ ; (3) to determine the amount of blood passing through the organ in one minute. Analysis of the blood may be performed by either of two methods, the mercurial air- pump (see Appendix) or the chemical method of expelling the oxygen and carbonic acid from the blood by means of potassium ferricyanide and phosphoric acid respectively. Chemical Method of Blood Gas Analysis. — When a solution of hsemoglobin is treated W'ith potassium ferricyanide it yields all its oxygen to the air on shaking, just as urea yields its nitrogen when treated with sodium hypobromite. The apparatus used for determining the oxygen in blood is very similar to a Dupre's urea apparatus (see p. 142). The blood (5 c.c.) is placed in the large bottle (f) (fig. 40) underneath a layer of dilute ammonia solution. The blood is thus pro- tected from the air, while the apparatus becomes equal in temperature to the bath in which it is placed. The blood is shaken with the ammonia solution which lakes it thoroughly; the ferri- cyanide solution is then spilt into the laked blood from the tube g, and the oxj^gen is shaken out of the solution. When the oxygen has been determined the bottle is opened and phosphoric acid is placed in the small tube g : this is subsequently spilt into the mixture of blood, ammonia, and ferricyanide ; it liberates the carbonic acid, w^hich is also shaken out of the fluid. The carbonic acid does not come completely out, however, and a con-ection has to be introduced for the quantity w^hich remains in solution. The gas w^hich Fio. 40.— Barcroft's appa- ratus for obtaining tJie blood gases. 136 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY comes off passes into the tube c, which was originally filled up to the zero mark with water in continuity with that in the reservoir a. This would depress the column of fluid in c and raise that in the open tube D, which is graduated in millimetres. In practice, however, it is convenient to keep the gas always at the same volume : this may be done by raising the pressure in the open tube (d) by squeezing some of the water with which the gauge is filled out of a rubber reservoir b, which forms the base of the gauge ; thus the level of the water in c is kept at the zero, while that in d rises from h to i. The actual measurement then is the increase of pressure {i.e. the height of the column of water hi) which is necessary to keep the gases in the tube c at the same volume as that which was previously occupied by the air in that tube. From this the quantity coming off can be calculated. The chemical method is not quite so accurate as the vacuum pump, but it is much more convenient for the study of many problems, as it requires less blood, and, owing to its simplicity, a great number of observations can be made upon a single animal. Changes in Tissue Respiration caused by Activity.— In all organs, so far as is known, increased activity is associated with increased tissue respiration. The increase is commonly three- to six-fold. It is Organ 1 1 '■ Oxygen i Condition of rest used per Condition of activity 1 minute , Oxygen used per minute Muscle . Nerves cut 1 1 0-003 c.c. i Tonic (nerves nncut) 0-006 c.c. 0-020 c.c. Heart . Very slow and feeble contrac- tions 0-007 c.c. ! Normal contrac- tions Very active 1 0-014 0-054 Submaxillary gland Nerves cut ' 0*04 c.c. ' Chorda tympani stimulated 1 0-12 c.c. 0-20 1 1 Pancreas i Not secreting 0-05 c.c. Secretion after in- jection of secre- tin 1 Kidney . Scanty secretion 0-03 c.c. After injection of a diuretic i 007 c.c. KESPIRATION 137 often more easy to demonstrate the augmented oxygen consumption than the augmented output of carbonic acid. This is due to several causes : (1) carbonic acid is soluble in the tissues in which it is pro- duced; (2) any change in the chemical reaction of the tissues alters the amount of carbonic acid which they give out to the blood ; if, for instance, it becomes more alkaline it retains a portion of its carbonic acid. The preceding table shows the variations which take place in the oxygen intake of several organs as the result of activity produced by widely different forms of stimulus (Barcroft). The relation of the oxygen taken in to the carbonic acid given out is well shown in the following experiment performed by Zuntz on the leg of the dog : — Blood-vessel Gases in blood per cent. Remarks Femoral vein 1 Carotid artery 1 Oxygeu 1-2 14-4 (Jarbon dioxide 36-32 4-92 Muscles tonic, nerves being intact 1 j Exchange i 1 Femoral vein Carotid artery 18-20 14-4 2-85 13-30 33-16 23-06 10-1 After section of sciatic and crural Exchange 10-45 Two points must be noted in considering the above table : — (1) That the exchange of gases was decreased on cutting the nerves. The decrease in metabolism was greater even than the figures show, for the blood flow through the leg was decreased. (2) That the oxygen exchange and the carbonic acid exchange changed in about the same proportions. The ratio of the carbonic 14-4 acid given out to the oxygen taken in was -^-^ with the nerves intact ±o'2 and lO'l 10-45 with the nerves cut. Effect of reduced Oxygen Tension on Tissue Respiration. — When the oxygen tension in the blood is reduced, the tissues still take up the same quantity of oxygen as before and give out as much, or slightly 138 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY more, carbonic acid ; thus, in the case of a dog, when the oxygen tension in the blood is approximately 18 millimetres of mercury or one fortieth of an atmosphere, 163 c.c. of oxygen per minute were used up by the animal, and 172 c.c. of carbonic acid were given out ; normally by the same animal the oxj^gen consumption was 157 c.c. and the carbonic acid output 158 c.c. The reason why the tissues extract oxygen with such readiness from the blood, even when the oxygen exists in the blood at a low tension, is that there is no free oxygen in the tissues themselves (and they always thirst for it). This fact can be demonstrated in more than one way. (1) No oxygen can be extracted from the tissues by exposing them to the vacuum of an air-pump. (2) The tissues possess the power of reducing such substances as methylene blue (see p. 128). Respiration in excised Tissues.— Excised frog's muscle retains its power of contraction for a considerable time. During this time it gives out carbonic acid. These facts are true whether the muscle be in air or in nitrogen. In either case the muscle must be regarded as partially or entirely asphyxiated, for the individual elements of the muscle are cut off from that ready supply of oxygen which normally reaches them. During life (and the living condition can be imitated by placing an excised muscle in an atmosphere of pure oxygen) the muscular substance breaks down into a number of somewhat simpler substances : one of these is carbonic acid. The others, however, or some of them, are at once built up again with the inclusion of oxygen and some carbon-containing substance, perhaps sugar, into living material. The muscle, therefore, does not contain any of the by- products of its own metabolism. In excised muscle, when the oxygen supply is deficient the by-products accumulate, as a result of which very striking alterations take place. (1) The reaction of the muscle becomes acid and the phenomena of fatigue and functional death set in. (2) The proteins become coagulated, and this is the phj^sical basis of rigor mortis. The Chemical Stimulus to Respiration. — Haldane and Priestley have introduced a new and simple method of obtaining the com- position of the air in the alveoli. It consists in collecting one sample of air expelled by a deep expiration at the end of a quiet inspiration, and another of the air expelled by a deep expiration at the end of a quiet expiration ; the mean of the two gives the com- position of alveolar air. This is much simpler than the method formerly employed by Pfliiger, which consisted in pumping off the air from an occluded portion of a dog's lung by the means of a fine RESPIRATION 189 elastic catheter introduced via the trachea and bronchus. It has the further advantage that it can be appHed to the human subject. They found that under constant atmospheric pressure in man, the alveolar air contains a nearly constant percentage of carbon dioxide in the same person. In different individuals this percentage varies somewhat, but averages in men o'lG, in women and children 4-77 per cent, of an atmosphere. With varying atmospheric pressures the percentage varies inversely as the atmospheric pressure, so that the pressure or tension of the carbon dioxide remains constant. The oxygen pressure, however, varies widely under the same con- ditions. These observations and the next to be immediately described furnish the chemical key to the cause of the amount of pulmonary ventilation, and play an important part ill conjunction with the respiratory nervous system in the regulation of breathing. For the respiratory centre is not only affected by the impulses reaching it by the vagi and other afferent nerves, but it is also very sensitive to any rise in the tension of carbon dioxide in the blood that supplies it. The changes in the tension of this gas in the arterial blood are normally proportional to the changes in the carbon-dioxide pressure in the alveoli, and thus the changes in the lung alveoli are trans- mitted to the respiratory centre. They found that a rise of 0"2 per cent, in the alveolar carbon-dioxide pressure is sufficient to double the amount of alveolar ventilation during rest. During work the alveolar carbon-dioxide pressure increases slightly, and the pulmonary ventilation is consequently increased. Changes in the oxygen pressure within wide limits have no such influence ; the normal chemical stimulus to respiration is therefore the presence of an increase of carbon dioxide, and not diminution of oxygen. If these limits are exceeded, as when the oxygen pressure falls below 13 per cent, of an atmosphere, the respiratory centre begins to be excited by want of oxygen, for the alveolar carbon -dioxide pressure is lower than normal under such circumstances. ' Apnoea 'is the name given to the cessation of breathing which temporarily follows excessive ventilation of the lungs, as when one takes a number of deep breaths in rapid succession. The deep and rapid breathing clears out the carbon dioxide in the alveoli until it is so small in quantity that it is insufficient to excite the respiratory centre via the blood to action, the oxygen pressure at the same time remaining sufficiently high not to excite the centre either. Hence breathing ceases. The old idea that apnoea is due to over-oxygena- tion of the blood has been abundantly disproved, but Head and others have gone to an extreme in assuming that apncea is purely nervous 140 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY in origin. Haldane considers it is unnecessary to assume the existence of a vagus apncea in man at all under normal circum- stances. It is, however, probable that in normal breathing the nervous reflex and the chemical stimulus have both to be reckoned with, though the relative importance of these two factors is a question for the future. LESSON X URINE 1. Test the reaction of urine on litmus paper. 2. Determine its specific gravity by the urinometer. 3. Test for the following inorganic salts : {a) Chlorides. — ^ Acidulate with nitric acid and add silver nitrate; a white precipitate of silver chloride, soluble in ammonia, is produced. The object of acidulating with nitric acid is to prevent phosphates being precipitated by the nitrate of silver. {h) Suljjhates. — Acidulate with hydrochloric acid and add barium chloride. x\ white precipitate of barium sulphate is produced. Hydrochloric acid is again added first, to prevent precipitation of phosphates. (c) Phospliates. — i. Add ammonia ; a white crystalline precipitate of earthy (that is, calcium and magnesium) phosphates is produced. This becomes more apparent on standing. The alJfaline (that is, sodium and potassium) phosphates remain in solution. ii. Mix another portion of urine with half its volume of nitric acid ; add ammonium molybdate, and boil. A yellow crystalline precipitate falls. This test is given by both kinds of phosphates. 4. Urea. — Take some urea crystals. Observe that they are readily soluble in water, and that effervescence occurs when fuming nitric acid {i.e. nitric acid containing nitrous acid in solution) is added to the solution. The effervescence is due to the breaking up of the urea. Carbonic acid and nitrogen come oft'. A similar bubbling, due to evolution of nitrogen, occurs when an alkaline solution of sodium hypobromite is added to another portion of the solution. 5. Heat some urea crystals in a dry test-tube. Biuret is formed, and ammonia comes off. Add a drop of copper-sulphate solution and a few drops of 20-per-cent. potash. A rose-red colour is produced. 6. Quantitative estimation of urea. For this purpose Dupre's apparatus (fig. 41) is the most convenient. It consists of a bottle united to a measuring tube by indiarubber tubing. The measuring tube {an inverted burette will do very well) is placed within a cylinder of water, and can be raised and lowered at will. Measure 25 c.c. of alkaline solution of sodium hypobromite (made by mixing 2 c.c. of bromine witli 23 c.c. of a 40-per-cent. solution of caustic soda) into the bottle. Measure 5 c.c. of urine into a small tube, and lower it carefully, so that no urine spills, into the bottle. Close the bottle securely with a stopper per- forated by a glass tube : this glass tube ^ is connected to the measuring tube by * The efficiency of the apparatus is increased by having a glass bulb blown on this tube to prevent froth passing into the rest of the apparatus. This is not shown in the figure. 142 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY indiarubber tubing and a T-piece. The third limb of the T-piece is closed by a piece of indiarubber tubing and a pinch-cock, seen at the top of the tigure. Open the pinch-cock and lower the measuring tube until tlie surface of the water with which the outer cylin- der is filled is at the zero point of the graduation. Close the pinch- cock, and raise the measuring tube to ascertain whether the apparatus is air-tight. Then lower it again. Tilt the bottle so as to upset the urine, and shake well for a minute or so. During this time there is an evolution of gas. Then immerse the bottle in a large beaker containing water of the same tempera- ture as that in the cylinder. After two or three minutes raise the measiu-- ing tube until the surfaces of the water inside and outside it are at the same level. Head off the amount of gas evolved. This is nitrogen. The carbonic acid resulting from the de- composition of urea has been absorbed by the excess of soda in the bottle. 35*4 c.c. of nitrogen are yielded by 0*1 gramme of urea. From this the (juantity of urea in the 5 c.c. of urine and the percentage of urea can be calculated. If the total urea passed in the twenty-four hours is to be ascertained, the twenty-four hours' urine must be carefully measured and thoroughly mixed. A sample is then taken from the total for analysis ; and then, by a simple 'sum in proportion, the total amount of urea is ascertained. 7. Creatinine, — This substance may be detected by adding a little sodium nitro-prusside and caustic soda to the urine. A red colour develops, which FIG. 41.-Dnpre"s urea apparatus. ^^^^^ on boiling. The kidney is a compound tubular gland, the tubules of which it is composed differing much in the character of the epithelium that lines them in various parts of their course. The true secreting part of the kidney is the glandular epithelium that lines the convoluted portion of the tubules ; there is in addition to this what is usually termed the filtering apparatus : tufts of capillary blood-vessels called the Malpighian glomeruli are supplied with afferent vessels from the renal artery; the efferent vessels that leave these have a smaller calibre, and thus there is high pressure in the Malpighian capillaries. Certain constituents of the blood, especially water and salts, pass URINE 143 through the thin walls of these vessels into the surrounding Bow- man's capsule, which forms the commencement of each renal tubule. Bowman's capsule is lined by a flattened epithelium, which is reflected over the capillary tuft. Though the process which occurs here is generally spoken of as a filtration, yet it is no purely mechanical process, but the cells undoubtedly exercise a selective influence, and, among other things, prevent the albuminous constituents of the blood from escaping. During the passage of this dilute urine through the rest of the renal tubule it gains the constituents, urea, urates, &c., which are poured into it by the secreting cells of the convoluted tubules. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF URINE Quantity. — A man of average weight and height passes from 1,400 to 1,600 c.c, or about 50 oz., daily. This contains about 50 grammes (1^ oz.) of solids. The urine should be collected in a tall graduated glass vessel capable of holding 3,000 c.c, which should have a smooth-edged neck accurately covered by a ground-glass plate to exclude dust and avoid evaporation. From the total quantity thus collected in the twenty-four hours samples should be drawn off for examination. Colour. — This is some shade of yellow which varies considerably in health with the concentration of the urine. It appears to be due to a mixture of pigments : of these urobilin is the one of which we have the most accurate knowledge. Urobilin has a reddish tint and is ultimately derived from the blood pigment, and, like bile pigment, is an iron-free derivative of haemoglobin. The bile pigment (and possibly also the hsematin of the food) is in the intestines converted into stercobilin ; most of the stercobilin leaves the body with the faeces ; but some is reabsorbed and is excreted with the urine as urobilin. Urobilin is very like the artificial reduction product of bilirubin called hydrobilirubin (see p. 92). Normal urine, however, contains very little urobilin. The actual body present is a chromogen or mother substance called urobilinogen, which by oxidation (such as occurs when the urine stands exposed to the air) is converted into the pigment proper. In certain diseased conditions the amount of urobilin is considerably increased. The most abundant urinary pigment is a yellow one called urochrome. It shows no absorption bands. It is probably an oxidation product of urobilin (Eiva, A. E. Garrod). (See Lesson XXVI.) Reaction. — The reaction of normal urine is acid. This is not due 144 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY to free acid, as the uric and hippuric acids in the urine are combined as urates and hippurates respectively. The acidity is due to acid salts, especially acid sodium phosphate. In certain circumstances the urine becomes less acid and even alkahne ; the most important of these are as follov^s : — 1. During digestion. Here there is a formation of free acid in the stomach, and a corresponding liberation of bases in the blood which passing into the urine diminish its acidity, or even render it alkaline. This is called the alkaline tide ; the opposite condition, the acid tide, occurs after a fast — for instance, before breakfast. 2. In herbivorous animals and vegetarians. The food here con- tains excess of alkahne salts of acids such as tartaric, citric, malic, &c. Fici. 42. — Urinometer floating iii urine in a testing glass. Fig. 43.— Crystals of urea : a, four-sidai prisms ; fc, indefinite crystals, such as are usually formed from alcohol solutions. These acids are oxidised into carbonates, which passing into the urine give it an alkaline reaction. Specific Gravity. — This should be taken in a sample of the twenty- four hours' urine with a good urinometer (see fig. 42). The specific gravity varies inversely as the quantity of urine passed under normal conditions from 1015 to 1025. A specific gravity below 1010 should excite suspicion of hydruria; one over 1030 of a febrile condition, or diabetes, a disease in which it may rise to 1050. The specific gravity has, however, been known to sink as low as 1002 (after large potations, urina potus), or to rise as high as 1035 (after great sweating) in perfectly healthy persons. Composition. — The following table gives the average amounts of the urinary constituents passed by a man (taking an ordinary IFliINK 145 diet containing about 100 grammes of protein) in the twenty-four hours : — Water Total solids . Urea . Uric acid Hippuric acid Creatinine Pigment and other organic substances Sulphuric acid Phosphoric acid Chlorine Ammonia Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium . 1500'00 grammes 72-00 33-18 0-55 0-40 0-91 10-00 201 3-16 7-50 0-77 2-50 11-09 0-26 0-21 The most abundant constituents of the urine are water, urea, and sodium chloride. In the foregoing table the student must not be misled by seeing the names of the acids and metals separated. The acids and the bases are combined to form salts : — urates, chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, &c. UREA Urea or Carbamide, CO(NH.2)2, is isomeric (that is, has the same empirical, but not the same structural formula) with ammonium cyanate (NH,)CNO, from which it was first prepared synthetically by Wohler in 1828. Since then it has been prepared synthetically in other ways. Wohler's observation derives interest from the fact that this was the first organic substance which was prepared syntheti- cally by chemists. When separated from the urine, it is found to be readily soluble both in water and in alcohol : it has a saltish taste, and is neutral to litmus paper. The form of its crystals is shown in fig. 43. When treated with nitric acid, nitrate of urea (CON2H4.HNO3) is formed ; this crystallises in octahedra, lozenge-shaped tablets, or hexagons (fig. 44, a). . When treated with oxalic acid, prismatic crystals of urea oxalate (CON2H4.H2C2O4 + H2O) are formed (fig. 44, b). These crystals may be readily obtained in an impure form by adding excess of the respective acids to urine which has been con- centrated to a third or a quarter of its bulk.^ Under the influence of certain organised ferments, such as the micrococcus ureae, which grows readily in stale urine, urea takes up ' The preparation of urea nitrate and urea oxalate is postponed to the next lesson, when other microscopic crystals will also be under examination. 146 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PIIYSIOLOCrY water, and is converted into ammonium carbonate [CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2C03]. Hence the ammoniacal odour of putrid urine. By means of nitrous acid, urea is broken up into carbonic acid, water, and nitrogen, CON2H4 + 2HN02=C02 + 3H20 + 2N2. This may be used as a test for urea. Add fuming nitric acid {i.e. nitric acid containing nitrous acid in solution) to a solution of urea, or to urine ; an abundant evolution of gas bubbles takes place. Hypobromite of soda decomposes urea in the following way : — CON2H4 + 3NaBrO = CO2 + N2 + 2H2O + 3NaBr [urea] [sodium liypobromLte] [carbouic acid] [nitro- gen] [water] [sodium bromide] This reaction is important, for on it one of the readiest methods for estimating urea depends. There have been various pieces of appa- ratus invented for rendering the analysis easy ; but the one described Fig. 44.— a, nitrate ; 5, oxalate of urea. in the practical exercise at the head of this lesson is the best. If the experiment is performed as directed, nitrogen is the only gas that comes off, the carbonic acid being absorbed by excess of soda. The amount of nitrogen is a measure of the amount of urea. The quantity of urea excreted is somewhat variable, the chief cause of variation being the amount of protein food ingested. In a man taking the usual Voit diet containing about 100 grammes of protein (which will contain about 16 grammes of nitrogen) the quantity of urea excreted daily averages 33 grammes (500 grains). The per- centage in human urine would then be 2 per cent. ; but this also varies, because the concentration of the urine varies considerably in health. The excretion of urea is usually at a maximum three hours after a meal, especially after a meal rich in protein. Muscular exercise has but little effect on the amount of nitrogen URINE 147 discharged. This is strikingly different from what occurs in the case of carbonic acid ; the more the muscles work, the more carbonic acid do they send into venous blood, which is rapidly discharged by the expired air. Muscular energy is derived normally from the combus- tion of non-nitrogenous material ; this is very largely carbohydrate. If the muscles, however, are not supplied with the proper amount of carbohydrate and fat, or if the work done is very excessive, then they consume some of their more precious protein material. Where is Urea formed ?— -The older authors considered that it was formed in the kidneys, just as they also erroneously thought that carbonic acid was formed in the lungs. Prevost and Dumas were the first to show that after complete extirpation of the kidney the forma- tion of urea and other waste products goes on, and these accumulate in the blood and tissues. Similarly, in those cases of disease in w^hich the kidneys cease work, urea is still formed and accumulates. This condition is called urcemia (or urea in the blood), and unless the waste substances are discharged from the body the patient dies. UrcBmia. — This term was originally applied on the erroneous supposition that it is urea or some antecedent of urea which acts as the poison. There is no doubt that the poison is not any constituent of normal urine ; if the kidneys of an animal are extirpated the animal dies in a few days, but there are no uraemic convulsions. In man also, if the kidneys are healthy or approximately so, and suppression of urine occurs from the simultaneous blocking of both renal arteries by clot, or of both ureters by stones, again uraimia does not follow. On the other hand, uraemia may occur even while a patient with diseased kidneys is passing a considerable amount of urine. What the poison is that is responsible for the convulsions and coma is unknown. It is doubtless some abnormal katabolic product, but whether this is produced by the diseased kidney cells, or in some other part of the body, is also unknown. Where, then, is the seat of urea formation ? The facts of experi- ment and of pathology point very strongly in support of the theory that urea is formed in the liver. The principal are the following : — 1. After removal of the liver in such animals as frogs, urea forma- tion almost ceases, and ammonia is found in the urine instead. 2. In mammals, the extirpation of the liver is such a serious operation that the animals die. But the liver of mammals can be very largely thrown out of gear by the operation known as Eck's fistula, which consists in connecting the portal vein directly to the inferior vena cava. In these circumstances the liver receives blood only by the hepatic artery. The amount of urea is lessened, and its place is taken by ammonia. 3. When degenerative changes occur in the liver, as in cirrhosis of that organ, the urea formed is much lessened, and its place is taken by ammonia. In ac2ite yelloiv atrophy, urea is almost absent from the L 2 1 48 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSTO^,OGY urine, and, again, there is considerable increase in the ammonia. In this disease amino-acids such as leucine and tyrosine are also found in the urine ;. these originate in the intestine, and, escaping further decomposition in the degenerated liver, pass as such into the urine. We have to consider next the intermediate stages between protein and urea. In order that the student may grasp the meaning of urea formation it would be advisable for him to turn again to p. 52 and read the paragraph there relating to Chittenden's views on diet, and to pp. 96 to 98, which treat of protein absorption, for the question, What is a normal diet ? is intimately bound up with the question, What is a normal urine ? If, for instance, the diet of the future is to contain only half as much protein as in the past, the urine of the future will naturally show a nitrogenous output of half of that which has hitherto been regarded as normal. In people on such a reduced diet, Folin has shown that the decrease in urinary nitrogen falls mainly on the urea, but certain other nitrogenous katabolites, parti- cularly one called creatinine, remain remarkably constant in absolute amount in spite of the great reduction in the protein ingested. The laws governing the composition of urine are obviously the effect of the laws that govern protein katabolism. Many years ago Voit supposed that the protein ingested was utilised partly in tissue formation, and partly remained in the circulating fluids as ' circulating protein ' ; he further considered that the breakdown of the protein in the tissues was accomplished with much greater difficulty than that in blood and lymph, and that the small amount of ' tissue-protein ' which disintegrates as the result of the wear and tear of the tissues was dissolved and added to the ' circulating protein,' in which alone the formation of final katabolic products such as urea was supposed to occur. As time went on, it was shown that many facts were incompatible with this theory, and so it was largely displaced by Pfliiger's view, in which it was held that the food protein must first be assimilated, and become part and parcel of living cells, before katabolism occurs. We now know that neither of these views is correct, and that nitrogenous katabolism is of two kinds : one kind varies with the food ; it is therefore variable in amount, and occurs almost immediately or within a few hours after the food is absorbed ; the amino-acids absorbed from the intestine are in great measure never built into living protoplasm at all, and are simply taken to the liver, where they are converted into urea. This variety of katabolism is called exogenous. The other kind of metabolism is constant in quantity and smaller in amount, and is due to the actual breakdown of protein matter in the body cells and tissues, which had been built into them URINE 149 previously. This form of metabolism is called endogenous or tissue metabolism, and the final product is not urea to any great extent, but the waste nitrogen finds its way out of the body in other substances, of which creatinine appears to be the most important. This form of metabolism sets a limit to the lowest level of nitrogenous requirement attainable ; the protein sufficient to maintain it is indispensable- Whether the amount of protein which is exogenously metabolised can be entirely dispensed with is at present questionable, and those who seek to replace it entirely by non-nitrogenous food are living dangerously near the margin. A point of considerable importance in this connection is, that the nitrogen of the protein is split off from it by hydrolysis without oxidation. There is thus very little loss of potential energy, the energy of the products being nearly equal to that of the original protein ; it is, however, the non-nitrogenous residue which is mainly available for oxidation, and thus for calorific processes. The fact that muscular work does not normally increase nitrogenous metabolism becomes intelligible in the light of the con- sideration that protein katabolism, in so far as its nitrogen is concerned, is independent of the oxidations which give rise to heat, or to the energy which is converted into work. Those who in the past have endeavoured to study the relation of muscular work to nitrogen excretion have usually estimated the urea. Now that we know urea is the chief end product of exogenous and not of tissue katabolism, we see that estimations of urea can give us but little real information on this point. The substance which ought to be estimated is creatinine, and it has been found recently that even this is not notably increased in the urine, provided the muscles receive their normal supply of fat and carbohydrate. The body is very economical in so far as protein is concerned, and tissue or endogenous katabolism is kept at a low^ level. What is the proportion between exogenous and endogenous nitrogen katabolism ? It is very difficult to give any exact estimate. We do know that in ordinary diets, the former is far in excess, and probably in a man excreting 16 grammes of nitrogen daily (that is, the amount corresponding to an intake of 100 grammes of protein), only a quarter of this or even less represents tissue breakdown. The view we have advanced concerning urea formation, then, is, that it is mainly the result of the conversion, by the liver, of amino- acids absorbed from the intestine into that substance. This view receives confirmation from experiments in which certain amino-acids, such as glycine, leucine, and arginine, have been injected direct into the blood-stream. The result is an increased formation of urea. In 150 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY the case of arginine the exact chemical decomposition which takes place is known. We have already seen that arginine is a compound of a urea radical and a substance called ornithine (di-amino-valeric acid, see p. 32) ; the liver is able to hydrolyse arginine, and so urea is liberated. This power is due to the action of a special ferment called arginase, which, although it is also found in other organs, is specially abundant in the liver. It is, however, possible that the ornithine itself may be further broken up, and so an extra quantity of urea formed. On the other hand there are some amino-acids {e.g. tyrosine) which on injection do not lead to any increase in urea formation. If, however, we glance at the formula of ornithine, we see that it has one point in common with other amino-acids, such as glycine and leucine, to take simple examples : — Ornithine 05lI,2N2O2 Glycine C2H5NO2 Leucine C6H13NO2 This is, that in all cases the carbon atoms are more numerous than the nitrogen atoms. In urea, CON2H4, the reverse is the case. The amino-acids must therefore be split into simpler compounds, which unite with one another to form urea. Urea formation is thus in part synthetic. These simpler compounds are ammonium salts. Schroder's work proves that ammonium carbonate is one of the urea precursors, if not the principal one. The equation which represents the reaction is as follows : — (NH4)2C03=CON2H4 + 2H2O [ammouiam [urea] [water] carbonate] Schroder's principal experiment was this : a mixture of defibrinated blood and ammonium carbonate was injected into the liver by the portal vein ; the blood leaving the liver by the hepatic vein was found to contain urea in great abundance. This does not occur when the same experiment is performed with any other organ of the body, so that Schroder's experiments also prove the great importance of the liver in urea formation. Similar results were obtained by Nencki with ammonium carbamate. We must further remember that ammonia itself is one of the products of digestion of protein in the intestine, and it may possibly, to a small extent, be a result of tissue katabolism. This ammonia passes into the blood, where it unites with carbonic acid to form either the carbamate or carbonate of ammonium. Thus ammonia, whether UKINE 151 formed directly or by the breakdown of amino-acids, is the principal immediate precursor of urea. The following structural formulae show the relationship between ammonium carbonate, ammonium carbamate, and urea : — o-r/ONH4 o-r/NH2 o-r/NH2 "-'^XO.NH^ ^-^XO.NH^ "-^\NH, [auimoniuin carbonate] [ammouium carbamate] [urea or carbamide] The loss of one molecule of water from ammonium carbonate pro- duces ammonium carbamate ; the loss of a second molecule of water produces urea. AMMONIA The urine of man and carnivora contains small quantities of ammonium salts. The reason that some ammonia always slips through into the urine is that a part of the ammonia-containing blood passes through the kidney before reaching organs, such as the liver, which are capable of synthesising urea. In man the daily amount of ammonia excreted varies between 0*3 and 1*2 gramme : the average is 0*7 gramme. The ingestion of ammonium carbonate does not increase the amount of ammonia in the urine, but increases the amount of urea, into which substance the ammonium carbonate is easily converted. But if a more stable salt, like ammonium chloride, is given, it appears as such in the urine. Under normal circumstances the amount of ammonia depends on the adjustment between the production of acid substances in meta- bolism and the supply of bases in the food. Ammonia formation is the physiological remedy for deficiency of bases. When the production of acids is excessive (as in diabetes), or when mineral acids are given by the mouth or injected into the blood-stream, the result is an increase of the physiological remedy, and excess of the ammonia passes over into the urine. Under normal conditions ammonia is kept at a minimum, being finally converted into the less toxic substance urea, which the kidneys easily excrete. The defence of the organism against acids which are very toxic is an increase of ammonia formation, or, to put it more correctly, less of the ammonia formed is converted into urea. Under the opposite conditions — namely, excess of alkali, either in food or given as such — the ammonia disappears from the urine, all being converted into urea. Hence the diminution of ammonia in the urine of man on a vegetable diet, and its absence in the urine of herbivorous animals. Not only is this the case but if ammonium chloride is given to a 152 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY herbivorous animal like a rabbit, the urinary ammonia is but little increased. It reacts with sodium carbonate in the tissues, forming ammonium carbonate (which is excreted as urea) and sodium chloride. Herbivora also suffer much more from, and are more easily killed by, acids than carnivora, their organisation not permitting a ready supply of ammonia to neutralise excess of acids. CREATININE Creatinine is one of the substances in the urine which represents the end-stage of the tissue or endogenous katabolism of protein. It is the most abundant of such katabolites, and the one concerning which we know most. The most abundant of our active tissues is muscle, and the amount of nitrogenous waste in this tissue which leaves it as urea is insignificant. The place of urea is taken by another substance called creatine. As already explained on p. 32, creatine is a com-' pound of a urea radical with another group, and when it is boiled with baryta water it takes up water and splits into two substances — namely, urea and sarcosine or methyl-glycine ; this is shown in the following equation : — ^'"^ N(CH3)CH2.COOH + H20=H2N/^^ [creatiue] [water] [urea] + NH.CH3.CH2.COOH [sarcosine] It is, however, extremely doubtful whether this decomposition occurs in the body, and therefore whether creatine is to any important degree a precursor of urea. For, when creatine is introduced directly into the blood-stream, the amount of urea is not increased in the urine. What is increased is another substance called creatinine, which is creatine minus wdter, as shown in the following equation : — C4H9N3O2 =C4H7N30 +U,0 [creatine] [creatinine] [water] Creatinine, therefore, comes from nitrogenous katabolism in the tissues, especially muscular tissues, and creatine is an intermediate stage in its formation. Some of the creatinine, however, has a different origin — namely, an exogenous one ; that is, from the food instead of from tissue metabolism ; and the substance in the food which gives rise to it is the creatine contained in the flesh eaten. The best method for estimating creatinine and creatine is given in Lesson XXV. URINE 168 THE INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF URINE The inorganic or mineral constituents of urine are chiefly chlorides, phosphates, sulphates, and carbonates ; the metals with which these are in combination are sodium, potassium, ammonium, calcium, and magnesium. The total amount of these salts excreted varies from 19 to 25 grammes daily. The most abundant is sodium chloride, which averages in amount 10 to 13 grammes per diem. These substances are derived from two sources — first from the food, and secondly as the result of metabolic processes. The chlorides and most of the phos- phates come from the food ; the sulphates and some of the phosphates are a result of metabolism. The sulphates are derived from the changes that occur in the proteins ; the nitrogen of proteins leaves the body chiefly as urea ; the sulphur of the proteins is oxidised to form sulphuric acid, which passes into the urine in the form of sulphates. The excretion of sulphates, moreover, runs parallel to that of urea. Sulphates, like urea, are the result of exogenous protein metabolism ; endogenous metabolism so far as sulphur is concerned is represented in the urine partly as ethereal sulphates, but chiefly by less fully oxidised compounds of sulphur. The chief tests for the various salts have been given in the practical exercises at the head of this lesson. Chlorides. — The chief chloride is that of sodium. The ingestion of sodium chloride is followed by its appearance in the urine, some on the same day, some on the next day. Some is decomposed to form the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice. The salt, in passing through the body, fulfils the useful office of stimulating metabolism and excretion. Sulphates. — The sulphates in the ludne are principally those of potassium and sodium. They are derived from the metabolism of proteins in the body. Only the smallest trace enters the body with the food. Sulphates have an unpleasant bitter taste (for instance, Epsom salts) ; hence we do not take food that contains them. The sulphates vary in amount from 1*^5 to 3 grammes daily. In addition to these sulphates there is a small quantity of sulphuric acid comprising about one-tenth of the total which is combined with organic radicals ; the compounds are known as ethereal sulphates, and they originate mainly from putrefactive processes occurring in the intestine. The most important of these ethereal sulphates are phenyl sulphate of potassium and indoxyl sulphate of potassium. The latter originates from the indole formed ill the intestine, and as it yields indigo when treated with certain 154 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY reagents it is sometimes called indican. It is very important to remember that the indican of urine is not the same thing as the indican of plants. Both yield indigo, but there the resemblance ceases. The equation representing the formation of potassium phenyl- sulphate is as follows : — CH^OH + SO^/Of = SO,/0^«H,^jj^O [phenol] [potassium [potassium [water] hydrogen sulphate] phenyl-sulphate] The formation of potassium indoxyl-sulphate may be represented CH as follows : — Indole, C6H4/ ^CH on absorption is converted NH O.OH intoindoxyl: CgH/^CH NH Indoxyl then interacts with potassium hydrogen sulphate as follows : — [indoxyl] [potassium [potassium [water] hydrogen sulphate] iudoxyl-sulphate] The formation of such sulphates is important ; the aromatic sub- stances liberated by putrefactive processes in the intestine are poisonous, but their conversion into ethereal sulphates renders them innocuous. (For tests for indoxyl in urine see Advanced Course, Lesson XXVI.) Carbonates. — Carbonates and bicarbonates of sodium, calcium, magnesium, and ammonium are present in alkaline urine only. They arise from the carbonates of the food, or from vegetable acids (malic, tartaric, &c.) in the food. They are, therefore, found in the urine of herbivora and vegetarians, whose urine is thus rendered alkaline. Urine containing carbonates becomes, like saliva, cloudy on stand- ing, the precipitate consisting of calcium carbonate, and also phos- phates. Phosphates. — Two classes of phosphates occur in normal urine : — (1) Alkaline phosphates — that is, phosphates of sodium (abundant) and potassium (scanty). URINE 165 (2) Earthy phosphates — that is, phosphates of calcium (abundant) and magnesium (scanty). The composition of the phosphates in urine is hable to variation. In acid urine the acidity is due to the acid salts. These are chiefly sodium dihydrogen phosphate, NaH2P04, and calcium dihydrogen phosphate, Ca(H2P04)2. In neutral urine, in addition, disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HP04), calcium hydrogen phosphate, CaHP04, and magnesium hydrogen phosphate, MgHP04, are found. In alkahne urine there may be instead of, or in addition to the above, the normal phosphates of sodium, calcium, and magnesium [Na3P04, Ca3(P04)2, Mg3(P04)2]. The earthy phosphates are precipitated by rendering the urine alkaline by ammonia. In decomposing urine, ammonia is formed from the urea : this also precipitates the earthy phosphates. The phosphates most frequently found in the white creamy precipitate which occurs in decomposing urine are — (1) Triple phosphate or ammonio-magnesium phosphate (NH4MgP04 + 6H20). This crystallises in ' coffin-lid ' crystals (see fig. 45) or feathery stars. (2) Stellar phosphate, or calcium phosphate, which crystallises in star-like clusters of prisms. As a rule, normal urine gives no precipitate when it is boiled ; but sometimes neutral, alkaline, and occasionally faintly acid urines give a precipitate of calcium phosphate when boiled ; this precipitate is amorphous, and is liable to be mistaken for albumin. It may be distinguished readily from albumin, as it is soluble in a few drops of acetic acid, whereas coagulated protein does not dissolve. The phosphoric acid in the urine chiefly originates from the phos- phates of the food, but is partly a decomposition product of thephos- phorised organic materials in the body, such as lecithin and nuclein. The amount of P2O5 in the twenty-four hours' urine varies from 2"5 to 3*5 grammes, of which the earthy phosphates contain about half (1 to 1-5 gr.). Fig. 45. — Ammouio- magnesium or triple phosphate. LESSON XI UBINE {contmued) 1. Urea Nitrate. —Evaporate some urine in a capsule to a quarter of its bulk. Pour the concentrated urine into a watch-glass ; let it cool, and add a few drops of strong, but not fuming, nitric acid. Crystals of urea nitrate separate out. Examine these microscopically. 2. Urea Oxalate. — Concentrate the m-ine as in the last exercise, and add oxalic acid. Crystals of urea oxalate separate out. Examine these micro- scopically. 3. Uric Acid. — Examine microscopically the crystals of uric acid in some urine, to which 5 per cent, of hydrochloric acid has been added twenty-four hours previously. Note that they are deeply tinged with pigment, and to the naked eye look like granules of cayenne pepper. When microscopically examined, the crystals are seen to be large bundles, principally in the shape of barrels, with spicules projecting from the ends, and whetstones. If oxalic acid is used instead of hydrochloric acid in this experiment, the crystals are smaller, and more closely resemble those observed in pathological urine in cases of uric acid gravel (see fig. 46). Dissolve the crystals in caustic potash and then carefully- add excess of hydrochloric acid. Small crystals of uric acid again form. Murexide Test. — Place a little uric acid, or a urate (for instance, serpent's urine), in a capsule ; add a little dilute nitric acid and evaporate to dryness. A yellowish-red residue is left. Add a little ammonia carefully. The residue turns to violet. This is due to the formation of nuirexide or purpurate of ammonia. On the addition of potash the colour becomes bluer. Schiff's Test. — Dissolve some uric acid in sodium carbonate solution. Put a drop of this on blotting pax)er, add a drop of silver nitrate, and warm gently ; the black colour of reduced silver is seen on the paper. 4. Deposits of Urates or Lithates (Lateritious Deposit). — The specimen of urine from the hospital contains excess of urates, which have become deposited on the urine becoming cool. They are tinged with pigment (uroerythrin), and have a pinkish colour, like brickdust ; hence the term ' lateritious.' Examine microscopically. The deposit is usually amorphous — that is, non- crystalline. Sometimes crystals of calcium oxalate (envelope crystals — octahedra) are seen also ; these are colourless. The deposit of urates dissolves on heating the urine. 5. Deposit of Phosphates. — Another specimen of pathological urine contains excess of phosphates, which have formed a white deposit on the urine be- coming alkaline. This precipitate does not dissolve on heating ; it may be increased. It is, however, soluble in acetic acid. Examine microscopically for cofiin-lid crystals of triple phosphate (ammonio-magnesium phosphate), for crystals of stellar (calcium) phosphate, and for mucus. Mucus is flocculent to the naked eye, amorphous to the microscope. N.B. — On boiling neutral, alkaline, or even faintly acid urine it may be- come turbid from deposition of phosphates. The solubility of this deposit in URINE 157 a few drops of acetic acid distinguishes it from albumin, for which it is liable to be mistaken. Some of the facts described in the foregoing exercises have been already- dwelt upon in the preceding lesson. They are, however, conveniently grouped together here, as all involve the use of the microscope. URIC ACID Uric Acid (C5N4H403)is in mammals the medium by which only a small quantity of nitrogen is excreted from the body. It is, however, in birds and reptiles the principal nitrogenous constituent of their urine. It is not present in the free state, but is combined with bases to form urates. It may be obtained from human urine by adding 5 c.c. of hydro- chloric acid to 100 c.c. of the urine, and allowing the mixture to stand for twelve to twenty-four hours. The crystals which form are deeply tinged with urinary pigment, and though by repeated solution in caustic soda or potash, and reprecipitation ,,^^^ y^^^^ l)y hydrochloric acid, they may be obtained ^^^^^^^^^^^ / — \^^ fairly free from pigment, pure uric acid is /^^ ^ more readily obtained from the solid urine of /^ ^^^^^ rj a serpent or bird, which consists principally ^ ^ 5^^ of the acid ammonium urate. This is dis- ^-^^ solved in soda, and then the addition of ^^ fl % ^ hydrochloric acid produces as before the % ^ ^p a crystallisation of uric acid from the solution, f ^ ^ I — . The pure acid crystallises in colourless w rectangular plates or prisms. In striking contrast to urea it is a most insoluble sub- stance, requiring for its solution 1,900 parts of hot and 15,000 parts of cold water. The '''''• *'-''''" ''^"' "'"'"^'• forms which uric acid assumes when precipitated from human urine, either by the addition of hydrochloric acid or in certain pathological processes, are very various, the most frequent being the whetstone shape ; there are also bundles of crystals resembling sheaves, barrels, and dumb-bells (see fig. 46). The murexide test which has just been described among the practical exercises is the principal test for uric acid. The test has received the name on account of the resemblance of the colour to the purple of the ancients, which was obtained from certain snails of the genus Murex. Another reaction that uric acid undergoes (though it is not appli- cable as a test) is that on treatment w4th certain oxidising reagents 158 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY urea aud oxalic acid can be obtained from it. It is, however, doubtful whether a similar oxidation occurs in the normal metabolic processes of the body. Uric acid is dibasic, and thus there are two classes of urates — the normal urates and the acid urates. A normal urate is one in which two atoms of the hydrogen are replaced by two of a monad metal like sodium; an acid urate is one in which only one atom of thus replaced. The formulae would be — C5H4N40;j =uric acid C.5H3NaN403=acid sodium urate 05H2Na9N4O3=normal sodium urate The acid sodium urate is the chief constituent of the pinkish deposit of grates, which, as w^e have already stated, is called the lateritious deposit. If uric acid is represesented by H^U, the normal urates may be represented by MoU and the acid urates by MHU. Bence Jones, and later Sir W. Roberts, considered that the urates which actually occur in urine are quadriurates, MHU.H^U. There is much doubt whether such compounds actually exist ; if they do they are readily decomposed into acid urates MHU and free uric acid, HoU. The quantity of uric acid excreted by an adult varies from 7 to 10 grains (0*5 to 0-75 gramme) daily. The best method for determining the quantity of uric acid in the urine is that of Hopkins. Ammonium chloride in crystals is added to the urine until no more will dissolve. This saturation completely precipitates all the uric acid in the form of ammonium urate. After standing for two hours the precipitate is collected on a filter, washed with saturated solution of ammonium chloride, and then dissolved in weak alkali. From this solution the uric acid is precipitated by neutralising with hydrochloric acid. The precipitate of uric acid is collected on a weighed filter, dried and weighed, or titration may be performed with potassium permanganate (see Advanced Course). Origin of Uric Acid. — Uric acid is not made by the kidneys. When the kidneys are removed uric acid continues to be formed and accumulates in the organs, especially in the liver and spleen. The liver has been removed from birds, and uric acid is then hardly formed at all, its place being taken by ammonia and lactic acid. It is there- fore probable that in these animals ammonia and lactic acid are normally synthesised in the liver to form uric acid. This synthetic origin of uric acid, which is so important in birds and snakes, does not, however, occur in mammals. In mammals uric acid is the chief end-product of the katabolism of cell nuclei or UHINK 159 of imclein, the principal constituent of the nuclei. This therefore leads us next to study : — Purine Substances. — Emil Fischer has shown that the decom- position products of nuclein are derivatives of a substance he has named purine. The empirical formulae for purine, the purine bases, and uric acid are as follows : — Purine . . C5H4N4 Hypoxanthine . C5H4N4O Monoxypurine \ Xanthine . . C5H4N4O2 Dioxypurine | Purine Adenine . . C5H3N4.NH2 Amino-purine I bases. Guanine . . C5H3N4O.NH2 Amino-oxypurine/ Uric acid . . C-,H4N403 Trioxypurine There are a vast number of purine derivatives, but only a few of them have at present any physiological importance. Others in addition to those already enumerated are theophylline (dimethyl- xanthine), theobromine (also a dimethy] -xanthine), caffeine (trimethyl- xanthine) ; these are of interest, as they occur in tea, cocoa, and coffee. A few words more may be added in respect to those in our list. Purine itself has never been discovered in the body. It has the following structural formula : N=C-H I I H - C C - NH. II !l ^C-H N -C-N ^ The purine nucleus is depicted in the next formula, and its atoms have been empirically numbered as shown for convenience of description : — IN -«C I i 3N _ 4C - 9N / Hypoxanthine or Sarcine is found in the body tissues and fluids, and in the urine. It is derived from some nucleins, especially those from fishes' spermatozoa. It may be termed 6-oxypurine, as the oxygen is attached to the atom number 6 in the purine nucleus. Xanthine is found with hypoxanthine in the body, and has been obtained from a number of nucleins (from spermatozoa, thymus. 1C)0 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY pancreas, &c.). It is 2, 6-dioxypurine, its oxygen atoms being attached to the atoms numbered 2 and 6 in the purine nucleus. NH--C=0 NH-C = II II H-C C-NH. = C-NH. II II >C~H I II >C-H [hypoxanthiue] [xftnthine] Adenine is found in the tissues, blood, and urine. It is obtained from several nucleins, but especially from the nuclein derived from the thymus. It is 6-amino-purine. Guanine is also a decomposition product of nucleins, especially of that obtained from the pancreas. Combined with calcium it gives the brilliancy to the scales of fishes, and is also found in the bright tapetum of the eyes in these animals. It is a constituent of guano, and here is probably derived from the fish eaten by marine birds. It is 2-amino-6-oxypurine. H N = C - NH., 1 1 NH- 1 -C = H-C C - NH. H2N - II II >C-H N - C - W/ 1 -C II N - C- NH. II >c - C - N'^ [adenine] [guanine] Uric acid is 2, 6, 8-trioxypurine. NH - C = 1 1 = C C - NH. 1 II >co NH-C - NH/ [nric acid] The close chemical relationship of uric acid to the purine bases is obvious from a study of the formulae just given. Just as in the case of urea, uric acid, however, may be exogenously or endogenously formed. Certain kinds of food increase uric acid because they con- tain nuclein (for instance, sweetbreads) in abundance, or purine bases (for instance, hypoxanthiue in meat) ; the uric acid which originates in this way is termed exogenous. Certain diets, on the other hand, increase uric acid formation by leading to an increase of leucocytes, and consequently increase in the metabolism of their nuclei ; in other cases the leucocytes may increase from other causes, as in the disease named leucocythaemia. The uric acid that arises from nuclear kata- bolism is termed e^idogenous. Although special attention has been URINE 161 directed to the nuclei of leucocytes because they can be readily examined during life, it must be remembered that nuclein meta- bolism of all cells may contribute to uric acid formation. A study of uric acid formation forms a useful occasion on which to allude to ferment actions in metabolism generally. Ferments of a digestive kind are not confined to the interior of the alimentary canal ; but most of the body cells are provided with ferments to assist them either in utilising the nutrient materials brought to them by the blood-stream, or in breaking them down previously to expel- ling them as waste substances. The ferment which enables the liver cells to turn glycogen into sugar is the one which has been known longest. The ferment called arginase (see p. 150), which leads to the hydrolysis of arginine into urea and ornithine, is one of the most recently discovered. Other examples which may be mentioned are proteolytic enzymes (tissue erepsin, &c.) found in many organs. The formation of uric acid from nuclein is perhaps the best instance of all, for here we have to deal with numerous ferments acting one after another. The first to come into play is called nuclease ; this liberates purine bases such as adenine and gua- nine from the nuclein ; the next ferments that act remove the amino-group from the purine bases just mentioned ; in this way adenine (G5H3N4.NH0) is converted into hypoxanthine C5H4N4O ; and guanine (C5H3N4O.NH2) into xanthine C5H4N4O2. These two ferments are respectively called adenase and guanase. Finally, oxi- dising ferments, or oxidases, step in and oxidise hypoxanthine into xanthine, and xanthine into uric acid. By examining extracts of various organs, the distribution of these numerous ferments has been determined, and in general terms the spleen and liver are the organs where they are most abundant. But the examination of such extracts has shown in addition that the list of ferments is not yet complete ; for some extracts in part break up the uric acid, which is formed into simpler substances ; the uric acid destroying ferment is called the uricolytic ferment. We therefore learn that the uric acid discharged in the urine is only the balance left over when the amount destroyed is deducted from the amount originally formed. In other words, the body possesses to some extent the power of protecting itself from an excessive formation of uric acid, and so from the evils which would result from an accumulation of this substance. 162 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY HIPPURIC ACID Hippuric acid (C9H9NO3), combined with bases to form hip- purates, is present in small quantities in human urine, but in large quantities in that of herbivora. This is due to the food of herbivora containing substances belonging to the aromatic group — the benzoic acid series. If benzoic acid is given to a man, it unites with glycine with the elimination of a molecule of water, and is excreted as hippuric acid — CH2NH2 CH2NH.CO.C6H5 CeHsCOOH + | = | +H2O COOH COOH [benzoic acid] [glycine] [hippuric acid] [water] This is a well-marked instance of synthesis carried out in the animal body, and experimental investigation shows that it is accom- plished by the living cells of the kidney itself ; for if a mixture of glycine, benzoic acid, and defibrinated blood is injected through the kidney (or mixed with a minced kidney just removed from the body of an animal), their place is found to have been taken by hippuric acid. It may be crystallised from horse's urine by evaporating to a syriip and saturating with HCl. The crystals are dissolved in boiling water, filtered, and on cooling the acid again crystallises out. It melts at 186° C, and on further heating gives rise to the odour of bitter almond oil. URINARY DEPOSITS The different substances that may occur in urinary deposits are formed elements and chemical substances. The formed or histological elements may consist of blood corpuscles, pus, mucus, epithelium cells, spermatozoa, casts of the urinary tubules, fungi, and entozoa. All of these, with the exception of a small quantity of mucus, which forms a flocculent cloud in the urine, are pathological, and the microscope is chiefly employed in their detection. The chemical substances are uric acid, urates, calcium oxalate, calcium carbonate, and phosphates. Earer forms are leucine, tyro- sine, xanthine, and cystin. We shall, however, here only consider the commoner deposits, and for their identification the microscope and chemical tests must both be employed. Deposit of Uric Acid. — This is a sandy reddish deposit resembling cayenne pepper. It may be recognised by its crystalline form (fig. 46, p. 157) and by the murexide reaction. The presence of these crystals generally indicates an increased formation of uric acid, and, URINE 163 if excessive, may lead to the formation of stones or calculi in the bladder. Deposit of Urates. — This is much commoner, and may, if the urine is concentrated, occur in normal urine when it cools. It is generally found in the concentrated urine of fevers ; and there appears to be a kind of fermentation, called the acid fermentation, which occurs in the urine after it has been passed, and which leads to the same result. The chief constituent of the deposit is the acid sodium urate, the formation of which from the normal sodium urate of the urine may be represented by the equation — 205H2Na,N4O3 + H2O + C02=2C5H3NaN403 + NagCOa [normal sodium [water] [carbonic [acid sodium [sodium urate] acid] urate] carbonate] This deposit may be recognised as follows : — 1. It has a pinkish colour ; the pigment called uro-erythrin is one Fig. 47. — Acid sodium urate. FiG. 48. — Acid ammonium urate. of the pigments of the urine, but its relationship to the other urinary pigments is not known (see further Lesson XXVI.). 2. It dissolves upon warming the urine. Microscopically it is usually amorphous, but crystalline forms similar to those depicted in figs. 47 and 48 may occur. Crystals of calcium oxalate may be mixed with this deposit (see fig. 49). Deposit of Calcium Oxalate. — This occurs in envelope crystals (octahedra) or dumb-bells. It is insoluble in ammonia, and in acetic acid. It is soluble with difficulty in hydrochloric acid. Deposit of Cystin.—Gystin (OgHisNiSaOi) is recognised by its colourless six-sided crystals (fig. 50). These are rare : they occur only in acid urine, and they may form concretions or calculi. Cystin- uria (cystin in the urine) is hereditary. Deposit of Phosphates. — These occur in alkaline urine. The M 2 164 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY urine may be alkaline when passed, due to fermentative changes occurring in the bladder. All urine, however, if exposed to the air (unless the air is perfectly pure, as on the top of a snow mountain), will in time become alkaline owing to the growth of the micrococciis itrecB. This forms ammonium carbonate from the urea. [urea] [water] [ammonium carbonate] The ammonia renders the urine alkaline, and precipitates the ^ o Fiu. 49.— Envelope crjstiils of calcium oxalate. Fig. 50.— Oystin crystals. earthy phosphates. The chief forms of phosphates that occur in urinary deposits are — 1. Calcium phosphate, Ca3(P04)2 ; amorphous. 2. Triple or ammonio-magnesium phosphate, MgNH4P04 + 6H2O ; coffin-hds and feathery stars (fig. 51). Fio. 51.— Triple phosphate crystals. Fjg. 52.— Crystals of phosphate of lime (stellar phosphate). 3. Crystalline phosphate of calcium, CaHPO}, in rosettes of prisms, in spherules, or in dumb-bells (fig. 52). 4. Magnesium phosphate, Mg;3(P04).2 i 2H2O, occurs occasionally, and crystallises in long plates. UEINE 165 All these phosphates are dissolved by acids, such as acetic acid, without effervescence. They do not dissolve on heating the urine; in fact, the amount of precipitate may be increased by heating. A solution of ammonium carbonate (l-in-5) eats magnesium phosphate away from the edges ; it has no effect on the triple phos- phate. A phosphate of calcium (CaHP04 + 2H20) may occasionally be deposited in acid urine. Pus in urine is apt to be mistaken for phosphates, but can be distinguished by the microscope. Deposit of calcium carbonate, CaCOa, appears but rarely as whitish balls or biscuit-shaped bodies. It is commoner in the urine of herbivora (see p. 154). It dissolves in acetic or hydrochloric acid, with effervescence. The following is a summary of the chemical sediments that may occur in urine : — CHEMICAL SEDIMENTS IN UEINE In Acid Urine Uric Acid. — Whetstone, dumb- bell, or sheaf-like aggregations of crystals deeply tinged by pigment (fig. 46). Urates. — Generally amorphous. The acid urate of sodium (fig. 47) and of ammonium (fig. 48) may some- times occur in star-shaped chisters of needles or spheroidal clumps with projecting spines. Tinged brick-red. Soluble on warming. Calcmm Oxalate. — Octahedra, so-called envelope crystals (fig. 49). Insoluble in acetic acid. Cystin. — Hexagonal "plates (fig. 50). Bare. Leucine and Tyrosine. — Kare. Calcium Phosphate. CaHP04-f2H,0.— Rare. In Alkaline Urine Phosphates. — Calcium phosphate, Ca3(P04)2. Amorphous. Triple phosphate, MgNH,P0, + 6H,0. Coffin-lids or feathery stars (figs. 45 and 51). Calcium hydrogen phosphate, CaHPO^. Rosettes, spherules, or dumb-bells (fig. 52). Magnesium phosphate, Mg3(P04).;j + 2H.,0. Long plates. All soluble in acetic acid without effervescence. Calciinn Carbonate, CaCO^. — Biscuit-shaped crystals. Soluble in acetic acid with effervescence. Ammonium Urate, C,H,(NH,)o.N,03. — ' Thorn-apple ' spherules. Leucine and Tyrosine. — Very rare. LESSON XII PATHOLOGICAL UBINE 1. Urine A is pathological urine containing albumin. It gives the usual protein tests. The following two are most frequently used in practice. (rt) Boil the top of a long column of urine in a test-tube. If the urine is acid, the albumin is coagulated. If the quantity of albumin is small, the cloudiness produced is readily seen, as the unboiled urine below it is clear. This is insoluble in a few drops of acetic acid, and so may be distinguished from phosphates. If the urine is alkaline, it should be first rendered acid with a little dilute acetic acid. (b) Heller's Nitric-Acid Test. — Pour some of the urine gently on to the surface of some nitric acid in a test-tube. A ring of white precipitate occurs at the junction of the two liquids. This test is used for small quantities of albumin. If the urine is cloudy, it should be filtered before applying these tests. 2. Estimation of Albumin by Esbach's Albuminometer. — Esbach's reagent for precipitating the albumin is made by dissolving 10 grammes of picric acid and 20 grammes of citric acid in 800 or 900 c.c. of boiling water, and then adding sufficient water to make up to a litre (1,000 c.c). :ir«i:?'ifc FfG. 53. — Albuminometer of Esbach. Pour the urine into the tube up to the mark U ; then the reagent up to the mark R. Close the tube with a cork, and to ensure complete mixture tilt it to and fro a dozen times without shaking. Allow the corked tube to stand upright twenty-four hours ; then read off on the scale the height of the precipitate. The figures indicate grammes of dried albumin in a litre of urine. The percentage is obtained by dividing by 10. Thus, if the sediment stands at 3, the amount of albumin is 3 grammes per litre, or 0-3 gr. in 100 c.c. If the sediment falls between any two figures, the distance }, i, or ^ from the upper or lower figure can be read off with sufficient accuracy. Thus the surface of the sediment, being midway between 3 and 4, would be read as 3*5. When the albumin is so abundant that the sediment is above 4, a more accurate result is obtained by first diluting the urine with one or two volumes of water, and then multiplying the resulting figure by 2 or 3, as the case may be. If the amount of albumin is less than 0*05 per cent., it cannot be accu- rately estimated by this method. 3. Urine B is diabetic urine. It has a high specific gravity. The presence of sugar is shown by the reduction (yellow precipitate of cuprous oxide) that occurs on boiling with Fehling's solution. Fehling's solution is an alkaline solution of copper sulphate to which Rochelle salt has been added. The Rochelle salt (double tartrate of potash and soda) holds the cupric hydrate in PATHOLOGICAL URINE 167 solution. Fehling's solution should always be freshly prepared, as, on stand- ing, an isomeride is formed from the tartaric acid, and this substance itself reduces the cupric to cuprous oxide. Fehling's solution should, therefore, always be tested by boiling before it is used. If it remains unaltered by boiling, it is in good condition. 4. Quantitative Determination of Sugar in Urine. — Fehling's solution is pre- pared as follows : — 34*639 grammes of copper sulphate are dissolved in about 200 c.c. of distilled water ; 173 grammes of Eochelle salt are dissolved in 600 c.c. of a 14-per-cent. solution of caustic soda. The two solutions are mixed and diluted to a litre. Ten c.c. of this solution are equivalent to 0*05 gramme of dextrose. Dilute 10 c.c. of this solution with about 40 c.c. of water, and boil it ■in a white porcelain dish. Run into this from the burette (see fig. 54) the virine (which should be previously diluted with nine times its volume of distilled water) until the blue colour of the copper solution disappears — that is, till all the cupric hj^drate is reduced. The mixture in the basin should be boiled after every addition.^ The quantity of diluted urine used from the burette contains O'Oo gramme of sugar. Calculate the percentage from this, remembering that the urine has been diluted to ten times its original volume. Example.— Su-pTpose that 20 c.c. of the diluted urine are found necessary to reduce the 10 c.c. of Fehling's solution. This wiU be equivalent to 2 c.c. of the undiluted urine ; 2 c.c. of the original urine will therefore contain 0*05 gramme of sugar ; 1 c.c. will contain ^^ and 100 c.c. will contain ^^ x 100 2 2 = 2'5 grammes of sugar. Pavy's modification of Fehling's solution is some- times used. Here ammonia holds the cuprous oxide in solution, so that no precipitate forms on boiling Pavy's solution with a reducing sugar. The reduc- tion is complete when the blue colour disappears : 10 c.c. of Pavy' tion = 1 c.c. of Fehling's solution = 0*005 gramme of dextrose. In some cases of diabetic urine where there is excess of ammonio- magnesic phosphate, the' full reduction is not obtained with Fehling's solu- tion, and when the quantity of sugar is small it may be missed. In such a case excess of soda or potash should be first added ; the precipitated phosphates filtered off; and the filtrate, after it has been well boiled, may then be titrated with Fehling's or Pavy's solution. 5. Picric Acid Test.— The work of Sir George Johnson and G. S. Johnson has shown the value of this reagent in detecting both albumin and sugar in the urine. The same reagent may be employed for the detection of both substances. The method of testing for albumin has been already studied with Esbach's tubes. To test for sugar perform the following experiment. Take a drachm (about 4 c.c.) of diabetic urine ; add to it an equal volume of saturated aqueous solution of picric acid, and half the volume {i.e. 2 c.c.) of the liquor potassae of the British Pharmacopoeia. Boil the mixture for about a minute, and it becomes so intensely dark red as to be opaque. Now do the same experiment with normal urine. An orange-red colour appears even in the cold, and is deepened by boiling, but it never becomes opaque, I'Ki. 54. — Two burettes on stand. (Sutton.) solu- On cooling the blue colour reappears, owing to re-oxidation. 168 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY and so the urine for clinical purposes may be considered free from sugar. This reduction of picric acid by normal urine is due to creatinine. 6. Test for Acetone. — Acetone is often found in diabetic urine. Add to the urine a dilute solution of sodium nitro-prusside and a little 20-per-cent. caustic potash. A red colour is produced. Acidify with strong acetic acid. The colour disappears at once in the absence of acetone, but re- mains or is intensified in its presence. The full significance and causes of pathological urine cannot be appreciated until a theoretical and practical acquaintance with disease is obtained, and we shall briefly consider only those abnormal con- stituents which are most frequently met with. PROTEINS IN THE URINE There is no protein matter in normal urine, and the most common cause of the appearance of albumin in the urine is disease of the kidney (Bright's disease). The best methods of testing for and esti- mating the albumin are given in the practical heading to this lesson. The term * albumin ' is the one used by clinical observers. Properly speaking, it is a mixture of serum albumin and serum globulin. A condition called 'peptonuria,' or peptone in the urine, is ob- served in certain pathological states, especially in diseases where there is a formation of pus, and particularly if the pus is decomposing owing to the action of a bacterial growth called staphylococcus ; one of the products of disintegration of pus cells appears to be peptone ; and this leaves the body by the urine. The term ' peptone,' however, is in the strict sense incorrect ; the protein present is deutero- proteose. In the disease called * osteomalacia ' a proteose is usually found in the urine, which more nearly resembles hetero-proteose in its characters. SUGAR IN THE URINE Normal urine contains no sugar, or so little that for clinical pur- poses it may be considered absent. It occurs in the disease called diabetes mellitus, which can be artificially produced by the methods described on pp. 87, 88. The methods usually adopted for detecting and estimating the sugar are given at the head of this lesson. The sugar present is dextrose. Lactose may occur in the urine of nursing mothers. Diabetic urine also contains hydroxybutyric acid, and may contain or yield on distillation acetone and ethyl diacetic acid. Fehling's test is not absolutely trustworthy. Often a normal urine will decolorise Fehling's solution, though seldom a red precipitate is formed. This is due to excess of urates and creatinine. Another substance, called PATHOLOGICAL UEINE 169 glycuronic acid (C^HjqO-) is, however, very likely to be confused with sugar by Fehling's test ; the cause of its appearance is sometimes the administration of drugs (chloral, camphor, &c.) ; but sometimes it appears independently of drug treatment (see p. 88). Then, too, in the rare condition called alcaptonuria, confusion may similarly arise. Alcapton is a substance which probably originates, from tyrosine by an unusual form of metabolism. It gives the urine a brown tint, which darkens on exposure to the air. It is an aromatic substance, and the researches of Baumann and Wolkow have identified it with homogentisinic acid [C,H3.(0H),CH,.C00H]. The best confirmatory tests for sugar are the phenyl-hydrazine test (see Lesson XIII.), and i\\Q fermentation test (Lesson IL). Sir W. Eoberts introduced a method for estimating sugar in urine, by the diminution in specific gravity which it undergoes on fermentation with yeast. Ever}- degree lost in the specific gravity corresponds to one grain of sugar per fluid ounce. Suppose that the specific gravity of the unfermented urine is 1040, and that of the urine which has undergone fermentation is 1030 : the number of degrees lost is ten ; i.e. the urine contained 10 grains of sugar per ounce. The percentage of sugar may be ascertained by multiplying the degrees of specific gravity lost by 0*22 ; thus the percentage in the example just given will be 0*22 x 10 = 2*2. The method, however, is rough and has dropped out of use. BILE IN THE URINE This occurs in jaundice. The urine is dark-brown, greenish, or in extreme cases almost black in colour. The most readily applied test is Gmelin's test for the bile pigments. Pettenkofer's test for the bile acids seldom succeeds in urine if the test is done in the ordinary way. The best method is to warm a thin film of urine and cane- sugar solution in a flat porcelain dish. Then dip a glass rod in strong sulphuric acid, and draw it across the film. Its track is marked by a purplish line. Hay's sulphur test (p. 79) is very trust- worthy. Excess of urobilin should not be mistaken for bile pigment. BLOOD AND BLOOD PIGMENT IN THE URINE When haemorrhage occurs in any part of the urinary tract, blood appears in the urine. It is found in the acute stage of Bright's disease. If a large quantity is present, the urine is deep red. Microscopic examination then reveals the presence of blood cor- puscles, and on spectroscopic examination the bands of oxyhaemo- globin are seen. If only a small quantity of blood is present, the secretion — especially if acid — has a characteristic reddish-brown colour, which physicians term * smoky.' The blood pigment may, under certain circumstances, appear in 170 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY the urine without the presence of any blood corpuscles at all. This is produced by a disintegration of the corpuscles occurring in the circulation. The condition so produced is called hcBmoglobiiiuria, and it occurs in several pathological states, as, for instance, in the tropical disease known as ' Black-water fever.' The pigment is in the condition of methaemoglobin mixed with more or less oxyhaemo- globin, and the spectroscope is the means used for identifying these substances (see p. 119). PUS IN THE URINE Pus occurs in the urine as the result of suppuration in any part of the urinary tract. It forms a white sediment resembling that of phosphates, and, indeed, is always mixed with phosphates. The pus corpuscles may, however, be seen with the microscope ; their nuclei are rendered evident by treatment with 1-per-cent. acetic acid, and the pus corpuscles are seen to resemble white blood corpuscles, which, in fact, they are in origin. Some of the protein constituents of the pus cells — and the same is true for blood — pass into solution, so that the urine pipetted off from the surface of the deposit gives the tests for albumin. On the addition of liquor potassae to the deposit of pus cells a ropy gelatinous mass is obtained. This is distinctive. Mucus treated in the same way is dissolved. DETECTION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES Subsequent lessons may be very usefully employed by the class in testing for the various substances the properties of which have been previously studied. The following scheme will form a rough guide to the tests to be employed for the most important of the proximate principles : — 1. Note reaction, colour, clearness or opalescence, taste, smell. Coloured liquids suggest blood, bile, urine, &c. Opalescent liquids suggest starch, glycogen, or certain proteins, 2. Add iodine. A colour is produced : If blue : Starch. Confirm by converting into a reducing sugar by saHva at 40° C, or by boiling with dilute sulphuric acid. If reddish brown : Glycogen or dextrin. Glycogen forms an opalescent solution in water, and is readily precipitated by alcohol. It is precipitated by basic lead acetate. Dextrin forms a clear solution : it is not precipitated by basic lead acetate unless ammonia is added also. It is not precipitated by alcohol unless a large excess is added. Both dextrin and glj'cogen are, like starch, convertible into a reducing sugar. 3. Add copper sulphate and caustic potash. («) Blue solution : boil ; yellow or red precipitate. Dextrose, levulose, maltose, lactose, and other reducing sugars (for distinguishing tests see Lesson XIII.). (b) Blue solution : no reduction on boiling ; boil some of the original solution with 25-per-cent. sulphuric acid, and then boil with copper sulphate and caustic potash ; abundant yellow or red precipitate : Cane sugar. Confinn by HCl test (see p. 13). (c) Violet solution : Proteins (albumins, globulins, infra-proteins). In presence of magnesium sulphate the potash causes also a white precipitate of magnesia. (d) Pink solution ; biuret reaction. Peptones or proteoses. In presence of ammonium sulphate very large excess of potash is necessary for this test. Only a trace of copper sulphate must be used. 4. "When proteins are present proceed as follows : Boil the original solution (after adding a trace of 2-per-cent. acetic acid). (a) Precipitate produced : Albumins or globulins. (b) No precipitate : Infra-proteins,^ proteoses, or peptones. 5. If albumin, or globulin, or both are present, saturate a fresli portion with magnesium sulphate or half saturate with ammonium sulphate; filter; the precipitate contains the globulin, the filtrate the albumin. Test tempera- ture of heat coagulation. ' The infra-proteins (see pp. 47 and 75) are by some called ' meta-proteins.' 172 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY 6. If proteins are present, but albumin or globulin absent : (a) Neutralisation causes a precipitate soluble in excess of weak acid or alkali. Acid albumin or alkali albumin, according as the reaction of the original liquid is acid or alkaline respectively. If the original liquid is neutral, acid albumin and alkali albumin must be both absent. (6) Neutralisation produces no such precipitate : Proteose or peptone. 7. If proteose, or peptone, or both are present, saturate a fresh portion with ammonium sulphate : (rt) Precipitate : Proteose. (&) No precipitate : Peptone. If both are present, the precipitate contains the proteose, and the filtrate the peptone. 8. To a fresh portion add nitric acid (proteins having been proved to be present). (a) No precipitate, even though excess of sodium chloride be also added : Peptone. (6) No precipitate, until excess of sodium chloride is added : Deutero- proteose. (c) Precipitate which disappears on heating and reappears on cooling : Proteoses. This is the distinctive test of all the proteoses or albumoses, and is given by all of them. For one of them, however (deutero-proteose), excess of sodium chloride must be added also. (d) Precipitate little altered by heating: Albumin or globulin. In all four cases nitric acid^jZi^s heat causes a yellow colour, tinned orange by ammonia (xantho-proteic reaction). 9. Confirmatory tests for proteins : — {a) Millon's test (see p. 27). (6) Adamkiewicz's reaction (see p. 27). (c) Ferrocyanide of potassium and acetic acid cause a precipitate (except in the case of peptones and some proteoses). (d) To test for fibrinogen : — i. It coagulates by heat at 56° C. ii. It is changed into fibrin by fibrin ferment and calcium chloride. (e) To test for caseinogen : — 1. It is not coagulated by heat. ii. It is changed into casein by rennet and calcium chloride. 10. If blood is suspected : (a) Examine spectroscopically, diluting if necessary. i. Oxyhaemoglobin shows two bands between D and E. ii. Add ammonium sulphide ; one band only appears. iii. Carbonic oxide haemoglobin shows two bands also, but will not reduce with ammonium sulphide. iv. Methsemoglobin gives a typical band in the red between C and D. v. Haematin, &c., show special spectra (see Advanced Course, Lesson XIX.). (6) Dry : boil with glacial acetic acid and a crystal of sodium chloride on a glass slide under a cover glass. When cold, haemin crystals are seen. DETECTION OF PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES 173 (c) If the blood is old and dry, and its haemoglobin converted into hsematin : i. Try haemin test. ii. Dissolve it in potash ; add ammonium sulphide, and examine for spectrum of haemochromogen. 11. If bile is suspected : (a) Try Gmelin's test for bile pigments (see p. 79). (6) Try Pettenkofer's test for bile salts (see p. 79). (c) Try Hay's sulphur test (see p. 79). 12. Miscellaneous substances. (a) Mucin. Precipitated by acetic acid or by alcohol. The precipitate is soluble in lime water. By collecting the precipitate and boiling it with 25- per-cent. sulphuric acid, a reducing sugar-like substance is obtained. Mucin gives the protein colour tests. (b) Nucleo-protein. — Precipitated by acetic acid or by alcohol. The pre- cipitate is often viscous. It is soluble in dilute alkalis such as 1-per-cent. sodium carbonate. This solution causes intravascular clotting. If the pre- cipitate is collected and subjected to gastric digestion, an insoluble deposit of nuclein is left, which is rich in phosphorus. Nucleo-protein gives the protein colour tests. (c) Gelatin. This also gives some of the proteid colour tests, but not those of Millon or Adamkiewicz. It is not coagulated, but dissolved in hot water. The solution gelatinises when cold. (d) Urea. Very soluble in water. The solution effervesces when sodium hypobromite or fuming nitric acid is added. Concentrate a fresh portion, add nitric acid, and examine for crystals of urea nitrate. Solid urea heated in a dry test-tube gives off ammonia, and the residue is called biuret. This gives a rose-red colour with copper sulphate and caustic potash. (e) Uric acid. Very insoluble in water ; soluble in potash, and precipitated from this solution in crystals by hydrochloric acid. Uric acid crystals from human urine are deeply pigmented red. Try murexide test (see p. 156). (/) Cholesterin. Characteristic flat crystalline plates. For various colour tests see p. 79. 13. Urine. Normal constituents (a) Chlorides. Acidulate with nitric acid ; add silver nitrate ; white precipitate. (6) Sulphates. Acidulate with nitric or hj'drochloric acid : add barium chloride ; white precipitate. (c) Phosphates. Acidulate with nitric acid ; add ammonium molybdate ; boil; and a yellow crystalline precipitate forms. To another portion add ammonia ; earthy {i.e. calcium and magnesium) phosphates are precipitated. (d) Urea (see above). (e) Uric acid. To 100 c.c. of urine add 5 c.c. of hydrochloric acid ; leave for twenty-four hours, and pigmented crystals of uric acid are formed. For tests see above. (/) Hippuric acid. Evaporate the urine with nitric acid, and heat the residue in a dry test-tube. A smell of oil of bitter almonds is given off. 174 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY (g) Creatinine. Take 100 c.c. of urine : add 5 c.c. of a saturated solution of sodium acetate and 20 c.c. of a saturated solution of mercuric chloride- Filter. Set the filtrate aside for twenty-four hours, and a spherical mercury compound of creatinine crystallises out. Examine this with a microscope. For colour test with sodium nitro-prusside see p. 142. 14. TTrine. Abnormal constituents. {a) Blood. Microscope (blood corpuscles). Spectroscope (for oxyhaemo- globin or methaemoglobin). Haemin test. (6) Blood pigment may be present without blood corpuscles. Spectro- scope. (c) Bile. Gmelin's test. Hay's sulphur test. (d) Pus. White deposit. Microscope (pus cells). Add potash ; it becomes stringy. {e) Albumin, (i.) Precipitated, if acid, by boiling ; precipitate insoluble in acetic acid, so distinguishing it from phosphates, (ii.) Precipitated by nitric acid in the cold, (iii.) Precipitated by picric acid. (/) Sugar, (i.) Brown colour with potash and heat (Moore's test), (ii.) Ferments with yeast, (iii.) Keduces Fehling's solution, (iv.) Urine has a high specific gravity, (v.) Add picric acid, potash, and boil ; the urine becomes a dark opaque red ; the similar slight coloration in normal urine is due to creatinine. (jjl) Acetone. For colour test see p. 168. (7i) Mucus. Flocculent cloud ; may be increased by acetic acid ; soluble in alkalis. A little mucus in urine is not abnormal. (i) Deposits. i. Examine microscopically for blood corpuscles, pus cells, crj^stals, &c. ii. Phosphates, White deposit often mixed with nmcus or pus. Insoluble on heating ; soluble in acetic acid. Urine generally alkaline. Examine microscopically for coffin-lids of triple phosphate and star-like clusters of stellar (calcium) phosphate. iii. Urates. Pink deposit, usually amorphous; may be mixed with envelope crystals of calcium oxalate. Deposit soluble on heating urine. Murexide test. iv. Uric acid. Deposit like cayenne pepper. Microscope. Tests as above. ADVANCED COUESE INTKODUCTION It will be presupposed that students who take the following lessons have already been through the elementary course. The order in which the subjects are treated is the same as that already adopted. The instructions given will be mainly practical ; theoretical matter on which they depend, or to which they lead, is, as a rule, too lengthy to be discussed in a short manual like the present volume. The Appendix contains a description of various instruments which are not generally contained in sufficient numbers in a physiological laboratory to admit of each student being able to use them in a class. It also contains a description of certain methods of research which should always be shown in demonstrations, though there may be practical difficulties in allowing each member of the class to perform the experiments. The few experiments in which living animals are employed will also necessarily be of the nature of demonstrations. LESSON XIII CARBOHYDRATES 1. Glycogen. — A rabbit which has been fed five or six hours previously on carrots is killed by bleeding. The chest and abdomen are opened quickly and a cannula inserted into the portal vein, and another into the vena cava inferior. A stream of salt solution is then allowed to pass through the liver until it is uniformly pale. The washings are collected in three beakers labelled a, b, and c. The liver is cut out quickly, chopped into small pieces, and thrown into boiling water acidulated with acetic acid. The acidulated water extracts a small quantity of glyco- gen. The pieces of scalded liver are then ground up in a mortar with hot water, and thoroughly extracted with boiling water. Filter. A strong solution of glycogen is thus obtained. Test the solution when cold with iodine. To separate the glyco- gen evaporate the solu- tion to a small bulk on the water-bath and then add excess of alcohol ; the glycogen is precipitated as a flocculent powder, which is collected on a filter and dried in an oven at the temperature of 100° (see fig. 55). If the experiment is to be a quantitative one^ the piece of liver taken and the glycogen obtained must be weighed.^ 2. Examine the washings of the liver in the beakers a, b, and c for sugar. This may be done in a rough quantitative manner as follows : — Take equal ' This method of preparation of glycogen has the advantage that only traces of protein are mixed with it. In Kiilz's method (extraction with dilute potash) there is more protein. This is precipitated by the alternate addition of hydro- chloric acid and potassio-mercuric iodide. Pavy and also Pfliiger recommend extraction with strong potash, and subsequent precipitation with a certain per- centage of alcohol ; this method extracts all the glycogen easily. Fig. 55. — Hut-air oven with gas reguUitor (<;). (Gscheidlen.) Fig. 56.— Plate of osazone crystals highly magnified. A, phmyl-glucosazone. B, phenyl-maUosazone. C\ phenyl-lactosazone. CARBOHYDRATES 177 quantities of a, b, and c in three test-tubes ; to each add an equal amount of FehHng's sohition, and boil : a will give a heavy precipitate of cuprous oxide, b one not so heavy, and c least of all, or none at all. 3. Micro-chemical detection of Glycogen. — A thin piece of the same liver is hardened in 90 per cent, alcohol. Sections are cut by the free hand, or after embedding in paraffin. If paraffin is used, this is got rid of by means of turpentine; and the sections prepared by either method are treated with chloroform m which iodine is dissolved, and mounted in chloroform balsam containing some iodine. The glycogen is stained brown, and is most abundant in the cells around the radicals of the hepatic vein. 4. Phenyl-Hydrazine Test for Sugars. — To 5 c.c. of the suspected fluid {e.g. diabetic urine) add 1 decigramme of phenyl-hydrazine hydrochloride, 2 deci- grammes of sodium acetate, and heat on the water-bath at 100*" C. for 30 to 60 minutes. On cooling, if not before, a crystalline or amorphous precipitate separates out. If amorphous, dissolve it in hot alcohol ; dilute the solution with water, and boil to expel the alcohol, whereupon the osazone separates out in yellow crystals. Examine the crystals with the microscope (see accompanying plate). Dextrose gives a precipitate of phenyl-glucosazone C,3Hio04(N2H.CgH3)2, which crystallises in yellow needles (melting-point 205° C). Levulose yields an osazone identical with this. Galactose yields a very similar osazone (phenyl-galactosazone). It differs from phenyl-glucosazone by melting at 190-198°, and in being optically in- active when dissolved in glacial acetic acid. Cane sugar does not form a compound with phenyl-hydrazine. Lactose yields phenyl-lactosazone 0,2H.3oOj)(NoH.CyIl5).^. It crystallises in needles, usually in clusters (melting-point 200° C). It is soluble in 80-90 parts of boiling water. Lactose in urine does not give this test readily. Maltose yields phenyl-maltosazone (C2|H32N40y). It crystallises in yellow needles much wider than those yielded by ghicose or lactose (melting-point 206^ C). Unlike phenyl-glucosazone, it dissolves in 75 parts of boiling water and is still more soluble in hot alcohol. The chemistry of the- phenyl-hydrazine reaction is represented in the following equations, dextrose being taken as an example of the sugar used :- I. CH20H[CH(0H)] 3CH(0H)C0H -f H,N.NH(C6H5) [dextrose] [phenyl-hydrazine] CH.0H[CH(0H)]3CH(0H)CH II + H,0 N-NH(C6H,) [hydrazone] . [water] II. CH20H[CH(OH)]3CH(OH)CH N - NH(CoH,) [hydrazone] [phenyl-hydrazine] CH.OH [CH(OH)] 3C - CH II II + H2 -f H2O CeH^.NH-N N-NH.C,H, [osazone] [hydrogen] [water] N 178 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY 5. Barfoed's Reagent. — Dissolve 1 part of cupric acetate in 15 parts of water ; to 200 c.c. of this solution add 5 c.c. of acetic acid containing 38 per cent, of glacial acetic acid. Dextrose reduces this reagent on boiling ; maltose and lactose do not. This test is not very delicate, and the reagent must be freshly prepared. 6. The Polarimeter. — Estimate the strength of a solution of dextrose by means of the polarimeter (see Appendix). 7. Formation of Mucic Acid. — Take 1 gramme of lactose and heat it in a porcelain capsule with 12 c.c. of nitric acid on a water-bath until the fluid is reduced to one-third of its original volume. A precipitate of mucic acid separates out. Cane sugar, maltose, dextrose, dextrin, and starch treated in the same way, yield an isomeric acid called saccharic acid, which, being soluble, does not separate out. Lactose yields both acids ; galactose mucic acid only. 8. Pentoses give the ordinary reduction tests for sugar and yield osazones, but do not ferment with yeast. They give the two following characteristic tests ; they may be performed with gum arable (which contains arabinose) or pine- wood shavings (which contain xylose). (a) Phloroglucin reaction. Warm some distilled water with an equal vohime of concentrated hydrochloric acid in a test-tube and add phloroglucin until a little remains undissolved. Add a small quantity of gum arable, and keep the mixture warm in the water-bath at 100° C. The solution becomes cherry-red, and a precipitate settles out, which is soluble in amyl alcohol. This solution gives an absorption band between the D and E lines. (b) Orcin reaction. Substitute orcin for phloroglucin in the foregoing experiment. The solution becomes violet on warming, then blue, red, and finally green. A bluish green precipitate settles out, soluble in amyl alcohol. This solution gives an absorption band between C and D. 9. Glycuronic acid gives all the above reactions ; it may be distinguished as follows : — Take 50 c.c. of glycuronic acid solution in a capsule ; add 1 gramme of p-bromphenyl-hydrazine and rather more than the same amount of sodium acetate. Keep the mixture in the water-bath at 100° C. for a quarter of an hour, when yellow crystals of ^;-bromphenyl-hydrazone separate out. After cooling filter off the crystals and wash them with absolute alcohol, in which they are insoluble. Under the same conditions carbohydrates yield ^j-brom- phenyl-osazones, but these ^re soluble in absolute alcohol. The j)-brom- phenyl-hydrazone is soluble in absolute alcohol to which pyridine has been added ; the rotatory power of this solution is greater than that of any of the osazones. LESSON XIV CARBOHYDRATES : ACTION OF MALT UPON STARCH 1. Prepare a 0'5-per-cent. solution of starch. 2. Prepare some malt extract by digesting 10 grammes of powdered malt with 50 CO. of water at 50° C. for three hours, and subsequently straining. This extract contains the diastatic or malting ferment. Solutions 1 and 2 may be conveniently prepared beforehand by the demonstrator. 3. To the starch solution add one-tenth of its volume of malt extract, and place the mixture in a water-bath at 40° C. From time to time test portions of the liquid by mixing a drop with a drop of iodine solution on a testing slab. The blue colour at first seen is soon replaced by a violet (mixture of blue and red), and then by a red reaction (due to erythrodextrin), which gradually vanishes. Alcohol added to the liquid when all starch and erythro- dextrin have gone still causes a precipitate of a dextrin, which, as it gives no colour with iodine, is called achron -dextrin. The liquid also contains a reducing sugar, maltose. 4. Take 50 c.c. of a solution of maltose and determine how much of it is necessary to reduce 10 c.c. of Fehling's solution. 5. Take another 50 c.c. and boil it with 1 c.c. of strong sulphuric acid fo half an hour in a flask. This converts it into dextrose. After cooling bring the liquid to its original volume (50 c.c.) by adding water, and again determine its increased reducing power with Fehling's solution. If j? = c.c. of maltose 2x solution necessary to reduce 10 c.c. of Fehling's solution, then ^ - c.c. of o dextrose solution necessary for the same purpose. The strength of the maltose solution can be calculated from the fact that 10 c.c. of Fehling's solution correspond to 0*05 gramme of dextrose. N 2 LESSON XV CBYSTALLISATION OF EGG ALBUMIN Fresh egg-^white is mixed with an equal bulk of fully saturated, filtered neutral ammonium sulphate solution. 100 c.c. of the former are measured into a porcelain basin or strong beaker, and 100 c.c. of ammonium sulphate solution are added in successive quantities of 10 or 15 c.c, the mixture being thoroughly churned with an egg whisk after each addition. The whole should be finally so thoroughly beaten up as to form a large proportion of light froth. After the greater part of the froth has broken down, the mixture is thrown on a folded filter-paper, moderately rapid filtration being obtained without the use of a filter-pump. The filtrate is strongly alkaline to litmus, and smells of ammonia. To the filtrate in a flask, or to as much of it as can be obtained in a convenient time of filtration, further ammonium sulphate solution is very cautiously added (best, drop by drop from a burette) until a slight permanent precipitate remains, and this precipitate is afterwards just redissolved by the equally cautious addition of water. Dilute acetic acid (10 per cent.) from a burette is now added drop by drop until such a stage of reaction is reached that a precipitate forms and only just redissolves. Finally one or two drops (not more) of acid are added in excess of this, whereupon a bulky white precipitate falls. The flask is now corked and allowed to stand. In 24 hours or less the precipitate, which will have increased in quantity, will be found to consist entirely of acicular crystals. Small portions should be examined under a ^th objective, avoiding pressure on the cover slip. (F. G. Hopkins.) LESSON XVI MILK 1. Caseinogen in milk exists in the form of a salt (calcium caseinogenate). Add acetic acid to milk, and this salt is decomposed, and free caseinogen (with entangled fat) is precipitated. Collect the precipitate so produced from a pint of milk on a filter, and wash thoroughly with distilled water : grind it up with calcium carbonate in a mortar, and add about a pint of distilled water ; allow the mixture to stand for about an hour. The fat rises to the top : the excess of calcium carbonate falls to the bottom. The intermediate fluid contains the caseinogen in solution ; it is usually very opalescent. Take some of this solution and divide it into three parts, A, B, and C. To A add rennet. To B add a few drops of 2-per-cent. solution of calcium chloride. To C add both rennet and calcium chloride. Put all three in the water-bath at 40^ C. A clot of casein forms in C, but not in A if all calcium salts have been successfully washed away, nor in B. 2. The formation of casein from caseinogen is a double process ; the first action is that of the ferment, which converts the caseinogen into what may be called soluble casein ; the second action is that of the calcium salt, which precipitates the casein in an insoluble form, or curd. This may be shown by taking some of the caseinogen solution and adding rennet. Warm to 40° C. ; no visible change occurs, but nevertheless soluble casein and not caseinogen is now present. Then boil this mixture to destroy the rennet, cool, and add calcium chloride. A formation of insoluble curd now occurs. 3. Caseinogen may be precipitated as a salt from milk by the addition of alcohol. This reagent also precipitates the other milk proteins. 4. The method of salting out described in Lesson VI., Exercise 10 (p. 41), may also be used. Add to some milk an equal volume of saturated solution of ammonium sulphate.. Caseinogen as a salt is thus precipitated, and entangles the fat; with it. Filter off the precipitate and examine the filtrate as follows : — Saturate it with sodium chloride ; a small amount of precipitate comes down. This is the so-called lacto-globulin. This contains only a trace of true globulin ; it is mostly caseinogen previously left in solution together with calcium sulphate. Filter it off; acidify the filtrate with a few drops of 2-per-cent. acetic acid and heat it in a water-bath gradually. About 77° C. the remaining protein (lactalbumin) is coagulated. LESSON XVII THE PROTEOSES 1. Witte's peptone contains very little true peptone, but consists chiefly of proteoses, which are soluble like peptone, in neutral saline solutions. 2. Make a solution of this substance in 10-per-cent. sodium chloride solution, and filter. Very little residue is left on the filter. This consists of dysalbumose, an insoluble form of hetero-albumose, formed during the pro- cess of preparing the substance. If hot saline solution is used instead of cold as a solvent, this amount of insoluble residue is increased, hetero-albumose being to a slight extent precipitated by heat. 3. The solution gives the following tests : — (a) It does not coagulate on heating. (b) Biuret reaction (due both to peptone and proteoses). (c) A drop of nitric acid, best added hj a glass rod, gives a precipitate which dissolves upon heating and reappears on cooling. (This is due to the proteoses present.) (d) The precipitate produced by the addition of acetic acid and a drop of potassium ferrocyanide is also soluble on heating, and reappears on cooling. 4. For the separation of the proteoses and peptone proceed as follows : — (a) Saturate the solution with ammonium sulphate, and filter. The filtrate contains the peptone, and the precipitate the proteoses. The peptone is not precipitated by nitric acid, nor by most of the reagents that precipitate other proteins. It is precipitated completely by alcohol, tannin, and potassio- mercuric iodide ; imperfectly by phospho-tungstic and phospho-molybdic acid. It gives the biuret reaction, bid in the jJresence of aminoniiim sulphate a large excess of caustic potash is necessary. (b) Dialyse another portion of the solution ; hetero-proteose is pre- cipitated. (c) Saturate another portion of the solution with sodium chloride (or half saturate with ammonium sulphate) after faintly acidulating with acetic acid. Proto-proteose and hetero-proteose are precipitated. Filter. The filtrate contains the deutero-proteose and peptone. The proto- and hetero-proteose may be redissolved by adding distilled water, and may be separated from each other by dialysis (see b). Deutero-proteose may be separated from the peptone by saturation with ammonium sulphate, or by the addition of a crystal of phosphoric acid. These reagents precipitate the deutero-proteose, but not the peptone. Deutero-proteose gives the nitric acid reaction (see 3, c) characteristic of the proteoses only in the presence of excess of salt. If the salt is removed by dialysis, nitric acid then causes no precipitate. THE PROTEOSES 183 5. Among the important reactions of proteins is Rose's or Piotrowski's reaction — that is, the coloration produced by copper sulphate and a caustic alkali ; the term ' biuret reaction ' is applied to the rose-red colour which proteoses and peptones give with these reagents, because biuret (a derivative of urea) gives a similar colour (see p. 39). Gnezda found that if a dilute solution of nickel sulphate is used instead of copper sulphate, the native pro- teins give different colours from the peptones and proteoses, and Pickering has found the same with cobalt. Their results may be given in the following table : — Proteiu Copper sul- Copper sul- phate and phate and ammonia potash Nickel sul- phate and ammonia Nil Nickel sul- phate and potash Cobalt sul- phate and ammonia Cobalt sul- phate and potash Albumins and\ globulins / Blue ': Violet Yellow Orange Nil Heliotrope- purple 1 Proteoses and \ peptones / Rose-red Rose-red i Yellow Nil Red browu 6. Another delicate test introduced by McWilliam may here be mentioned. Salicyl-sulphonic acid precipitates albumins and globulins : on heating, the precipitate is coagulated. The same reagent precipitates proteoses. On heating, the precipitate dissolves and reappears on cooling. It does not precipitate peptones. 7. The use of trichloracetic acid for the separation of various proteins may be illustrated by the following experiment. Take some blood and add to it some solution of Witte's peptone {i.e. proteoses and peptone). Add to this mixture an equal volume of a 10-per-cent. solution of trichloracetic acid. There is an abundant precipitate. Boil rapidly and filter hot. The filtrate contains the proteoses and peptone, all the other proteins being contained in the precipitate. On cooling, the filtrate deposits some of the proteose. The proteose and peptone may be detected in the usual way. LESSON XVIII DIGESTION 1. Activity of Pepsin Solutions (Griitzner's Method). — Examine the com- parative digestive power of the glycerin extracts of two stomachs. Take, in two test-tubes, an equal small weighed quantity of fibrin stained with carmine. Add to each 10 c.c. of 0'2-per-cent. hydrochloric acid. Add to one a measured quantity of one glycerin extract, and to the other an equal quantity of the other glycerin extract. As the fibrin is digested the carmine is set free, and colours the liquid ; that which is more deeply stained is that which contains the more active preparation of pepsin. • In the original method the amount of carmine set free is estimated by an artificial scale consisting of ten solutions of carmine of different known strengths. The carmine solution for staining the fibrin is prepared by dissolving 1 gramme of carmine in about 1 c.c. of ammonia ; to this 400 c.c. of water are added, and the mixture is kept in a loosely stoppered bottle till the smell of ammonia has become faint. The fibrin is stained by taking it perfectly fresh and clean. It is chopped finely and placed in the carmine solution for twenty-four hours. The fluid is strained off and the fibrin washed in water till the washings are colourless. It is kept in a stoppered bottle with just enough ether to cover it. 2. Mett's Tubes.— A method which is now more generally employed for estimating the proteolytic activity of a digestive juice is one originally introduced by Mett. Pieces of capillary glass tubing of known length are filled with white of egg. This is set into a solid by heating to 95° C. They are then placed in the digestive fluid at 36° C, and the coagulated egg-white is digested. After a given time the tubes are removed ; and if the digestive process has not gone too far, onh' a part of the little column of coagulated protein will have disappeared ; the length of the remaining column is easily measured, and the length that has been digested is a measure of the digestive strength of the fluid.' This forms a very convenient method to use in experi- ments on velocity of reaction. Schiitz's Law states that the amount of action is proportional to the square root of the amount of ferment. If this rule applies (which is doubtful) it applies only to the action of pepsin hydrochloric ' Hamburger has used the same method in investigating the digestive action of juices on gelatin. The tubes are filled with warm gelatin solution, and this jellies on cooling. They are placed as before in the digestive mixture, and the length of the column that disappears can be easily measured. These experiments must, how- ever, be performed at room temperature, for the usual temperature (.36°-40° C.) at which artificial digestion is usually carried out would melt the gelatin. He has also used the same method for estimating araylolytie activity, by filling the tubes with thick starch paste. DIGESTION 186 acid. In most cases the rapidity of action »is directly proportional to the amount of ferment present. 3. The Acid of Gastric Juice. — The digestive powers of the acids are pro- portional to their dissociation and the number of H ions liberated. The anions, however, modify this by having different powers of retarding the action. The greater suitability of hydrochloric over lactic acid, for instance, in gastric digestion is due to the fact that the former acid more readily undergoes dissociation. Hydrochloric acid is absent or diminished in some diseases of the stomach, especially in cancer ; this is true for cancer in general even when the stomach is not involved ; the best colour tests for it are the following : — (a) Gunsberg's reagent consists of 2 parts of phloroglucinol, 1 part of vanillin, and 30 parts of rectified spirit. A drop of filtered gastric juice is evaporated with an equal quantity of the reagent. Ked crystals form, or, if much peptone is present, there will be a red paste. The reaction takes place with one part of hydrochloric acid in 10,000. The organic acids do not give the reaction. (6) Tropaeolin test. Drops of a saturated solution of tropseolin-00 in 94 per cent, methylated spirit are allowed to dry on a porcelain slab at 40° C. A drop of the fluid to be tested is placed on the tropaeolin drop, still at 40° C. ; and if hydrochloric acid is present a violet spot is left when the fluid has evaporated. A di'op of 0'006-per-cent. hydrochloric acid leaves a distinct mark. , (c) Topfer's test. A drop of dimethyl-amino-azo-benzol is spread in a thin film on a white plate. A drop of dilute hydrochloric acid (up to 1 in 10,000) strikes with this in the cold a bright red colour. Lactic acid is sometimes present in the gastric contents, being derived by fermentative processes from the food. It is soluble in ether, and is generally detected by making an ethereal extract of the stomach contents, and evapo- rating the ether. If lactic acid is present in the residue it may be identified by Uffelmann's reaction in the following way : — A solution of dilute ferric chloride and carbolic acid is made as follows : - 10 c.c. of a 4-per-ceut. solution of carbolic acid. 20 c.c. of distilled water. 1 drop of the liquor ferri perchloridi of the British Pharmacopoeia. On mixing a solution containing a mere trace (up to 1 part in 10,000) of lactic acid with this violet solution, it is instantly turned yellow. Larger percentages of other acids— for instance, more than 0*2 per cent, of hydro- chloric acid — are necessary to decolorise the test solution. The reaction is not absolutely convincing, since other acids (though in larger percentages) decolorise the solution, but the characteristic yellow colour given even by dilute lactic acid is not developed. Note the decolorisation which occurs when 0*2 hydrochloric acid is added to Uffelmann's reagent. Hopkins's reaction for Lactic Acid. — Place 3 drops of a 1-per-cent. alco- holic solution of lactic acid in a clean, dry test-tube, add 5 c.c. of concen- trated sulphuric acid and 3 drops of a saturated solution of copper sulphate. Mix thoroughly and place the test-tube in a beaker of boiling water for five minutes. Then cool thoroughly under the tap, and add 2 drops of a 0*2-per- 186 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAI. PHYSIOLOGY cent, alcoholic solution of thiophene and shake. Replace the tube in the boiling water ; as the mixture gets warm a cherry-red colour develops. 4. Demonstration of Pancreatic Secretion. — In an anaesthetised dog insert a cannula into the main pancreatic duct, and collect the juice in a suitable vessel. Inject some 0-4-per-cent. hydrochloric acid into the duodenum, and note after some minutes the abundant flow of pancreatic juice. Next ligature off and remove two or three feet of the upper part of the small intestine, wash out the contents and slit it open ; scrape off the mucous membrane with the back of a scalpel ; preserve a small quantity of the scrapings for future use and label this A. Grind up the remainder in a mortar with clean sand or powdered glass, and add 0*4 per cent, hydrochloric acid. Transfer the mixture to a flask, boil thoroughly, and when cool neutralise with a little caustic soda solution. Filter ; the filtrate contains secretin, which has been formed by the acid from the ^jro-secretin of the intestinal epithelium. Inject some of this solution through a cannula into the external jugular vein of the dog, and an abundant flow of pancreatic juice is an almjst immediate result. 5. Characters of the juice so obtained : — {a) It is a clear, colourless fluid, and very strongly alkaline. (6) Mixed with starch solution and kept at 40° C. dextrin and maltose are rapidly formed. (c) Mixed with milk there may be some curdling produced, but the most marked effect is that the milk rapidly becomes acid, and a smell of fatty acids is noticeable. {d) Added to fibrin and kept at 40° protein digestion occurs very slowly; next day, however, the fibrin will be in large measure digested. {e) Mix some of the pancreatic juice with the scraping of the intestine which was preserved and labelled A. Then add fibrin. The fluid is now strongly proteolytic, and at 40° C. the fibrin rapidly dissolves ; trypsin has been liberated from the trypsinogen of the juice by the intestinal entero- Tiinase. 6. Products of Pancreatic Digestion of Proteins. — A pancreatic digest should be prepared beforehand by the demonstrator. This may be done by digesting a quantity of protein with artificial pancreatic juice, if the natural juice prepared by the action of secretin is not available ; in the latter case the addition of intestinal epithelium (entero-kinase) should not be forgotten. Unless an antiseptic has been added putrefaction will also occur, and its odour will be very perceptible after the mixture has been placed in the warm chamber for some time. A very good mixture for the purpose will be found to be the following :— 100 grammes of plasmon (caseinogen). 10 grammes of sodium carbonate. 1 litre of water. 25 c.c. of Benger's liquor pancreaticus. 0*5 gramme sodium fluoride. 3 c.c. chloroform. The last two items on the list are added to prevent putrefaction. i)iaESTioN 187 After digestion has progressed for one to two days another 10 c.c. of Hquor pancreaticus may be added. The products of digestion in one case should be examined, say, after six hours' digestion, and in another case after thirty-six hours' digestion or more. The digestive products should then be searched for ; the early products of digestion (alkali-albumin, deutero-proteose, &c.) will become less abundant with the length of time that digestion has been allowed to progress, and the later products (peptone, leucine, tyrosine, tryptophane, &c.) will become more abundant. The methods for testing most of these substances have been already given. The following are the tests for tryptophane, leucine, and tyrosine : — (a) Try2}to;plian6. — Add a few drops of bromine water ; a violet colour is produced. (6) Leucine and Ty7'osine. — i. Examine microscopical specimens of these. The deposit generally found in rather old specimens of Banger's liquor pan- creaticus will be a convenient source of these crystals. ii. To some of the pancreatic digest add Millon's reagent and filter ofi' the precipitated protein. Boil the filtrate, and the presence of tyrosine is indicated by a red colour. If tyrosine is abundant the red colour appears without boiling. Leucine does not give this test. iii. Faintly acidify another portion of the filtered digest with acetic acid and boil ; if any protein matter is still undigested it will be thus coagulated and can be filtered off. Eeduce the filtrate to a small bulk until it begins to become syrupy. Leave overnight in a cool place, and crystals mainly of tyrosine will separate out. Filter these off through fine muslin, and evaporate down the filtrate to the consistency of a thick syrup ; leave this overnight again, and a second crop of crystals, forming a skin on the surface and consisting mainly of leucine, will have separated out. 7. Zymogen Granules. — Examine microscopically, mounting in aqueous humour or serum (or in glycerin after treatment with osmic acid vapour), small pieces of the pancreas, parotid, and submaxillary glands in a normal guinea-pig,^ and also in one in which profuse secretion had been produced by the administration of pilocarpine. Note that zymogen granules are abundant in the former, and scarce in the latter, being situated chiefly at the free border of the cells. Extremely good, though not permanent, microscopic specimens may be obtained by teasing in a 33-per-cent. solution of caustic potash. ' The guinea-pigs should be killed by bleeding, and the blood collected and defibrinated, and utilised for the preparation of oxyheemoglobin crystals. This will give students an opportunity of seeing the exceptional form (tetrahedra) in which the blood-pigment of this animal crystallises. The three methods of obtaining crystals described on p. 112 all give good results. If amyl nitrite is used instead of ether in the third method, crystals of methasmo- globin are obtained. LESSON XIX HEMOGLOBIN AND ITS DERIVATIVES Defibrinated ox-blood suitably diluted may be used in the following experiments as in those described in Lesson IX. 1. Place some in a haematoscope (see fig. 33, p. 116) in front of the large spectroscope. Note the position of the two characteristic bands of oxyhaemo- globin ; these are replaced by the single band of hsemoglobin after reduction by the addition of Stokes's reagent (see footnote, p. 115) or ammonium sulphide. By means of a small rectangular prism a comparison spectrum showing the bright sodium line (in the position of the dark line named D in the solar spectrum) may be obtained, and focussed with the absorption spectrum. 2. Obtain similar comparison spectra by the use of the microspectroscope. For this purpose a cell containing a small quantity of oxyhaemoglobin solution may be placed on the microscope stage, and a test-tube containing carbonic oxide hgemoglobin in front of the slit in the side of the instrument. Notice that the two bands of carbonic oxide hsemoglobin are very like those of oxyhaemoglobin, but are a little nearer to the violet end of the spectrum. Carbonic oxide haemoglobin may be readily prepared by passing a stream of coal gas through the diluted blood. It has a cherry-red colour and is not reduced by the addition of ammonium sulphide (fig. 57, spectrum 4). 3. Methsemoglobin. — Add a few drops of ferricyanide of potassium to dilute blood and warm gently. The colour changes to mahogany-brown. •Place the test-tube in front of the small direct-vision spectroscope. Note the characteristic band in the red (fig. 57, spectrum 5). On dilution other bands appear (fig. 57, spectrum 6). Treat with ammonium sulphide and the band of haemoglobin appears. 4. Acid Haematin. — (a) Prepare the following mixture : — 150 c.c. of 90-per- cent, alcohol and 6 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid ; take about 5 c.c. of this mixture and boil it in a test-tube. While still hot drop into it a few drops of undiluted defibrinated blood, and filter. Note the brown colour of the filtrate. Compare the position of the absorption band in the red with that of methaemoglobin ; that of acid haematin is further from the D line (fig. 57, spectrum 7). (b) Add some glacial acetic acid to undiluted defibrinated blood. Extract this with ether by gently agitating it with that fluid. The ethereal extract should then be poured off and examined spectroscopically. The band in the red is seen, and on further diluting with ether three additional bands appear. 5. Alkaline Haematin. — {a) Add to diluted blood a small quantity of strong HEMOGLOBIN 189 Fio. 57.— 1, Solar spectrum. 2, Spectrum of oxyhEemoglobin (0*37 p.c. solution). First band, A 589- 564 : second band, A 555-517. 3, Spectrum of haemoglobin. Band, A 597-535. 4. Spect-um of CO- haemoglobin. First band, A 583-56 i ; second band. A 547-521. 5, Spectrum of methsemoglobin (concentrated solution). 6, Speatrum of methaemoglobin (dilute solution). First band, A 647- 622: second band, A 587-571; tliird band, A 552-532; fourth band, A 514-490. 7, Spectrum of acid lisematin (ethereal solution). First band, A 656-615 ; second band, A 597-577 ; third band, A 557-529; fourth band, A 517-488. 8, Spectrum of alkaline haematin. Band from A 630-581. 9, Spectrum of hfemochromogen (reduced haBmatin). First band, A 569-542 ; second band, A 535-504. 10, Spectriim of acid htematoporphyrin. First band, A 607-593 ; second band, A 585- 536. 11, Spectrum of alkaline hajmatoporphyrin. First baud, A 633-612 ; second band, A 589-564 ; third band, A 549-529 ; fourth band, A 518-488. The above measurements (after MacMunu) are in millionths of a millimetre. The 1 quid was examined in a layer 1 centimetre thick. The edges of ill-defined bands vary a good deal with Dhe concentration of the solutions. 190 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY caustic potash and boil. The colour changes to brown, and with the spectroscope a faint shading on the left side of the D line is seen (fig. 57, spectrum 8). (6) The band is much better seen in an alcoholic solution. Prepare the following mixture : — 150 c.c. of 90-per-cent. alcohol, and 18 c.c. of 50-per- cent, potash. Take about 5 c.c. of this mixture in a test-tube and boil it. Fig. 58.— The photographic spectrum of haemoglobin oxyhaemoglobin. (Gamgee.) G «K LM N O Fig. 59.— The photographic spectrum of oxyhaemoglobin and methaemoglobin. (Gamgee.) While still hot drop into it a few drops of undiluted defibrinated blood. The fluid then shows the spectrum of alkaline hsematin. This may then be used for the next experiment. 6. Haeinochromogen. — Add ammonium sulphide to the solution of alkaline hgematin ; the colour changes to red, and two bands are seen, one between D HiEMOGLOBIN 191 andE, and the other nearly coinciding with E and b (fig. 57, spectrum 9). The spectrum of alkaline haematin reappears for a short time after vigorous shaking witli air. 7. Haematoporphyrin. — To some strong sulphuric acid in a test-tube add a few drops of undiluted blood, and observe the spectrum of acid haemato- porphyrin (iron-free haematin) (fig. 57, spectrum 10). Map out all the spectra you see on a chart. 8. The photographic Spectrum. — Haemoglobin and its compounds also show absorption bands in the ultra-violet portion of the spectrum. This portion of the spectrum is not visible to the eye, but can be rendered visible by allowing the spectrum to fall on a fluorescent screen, or on a sensitive photographic plate. In order to show absorption bands in this part of the spectrum very dilute solutions of the pigment must be used. In order to demonstrate these bands, the telescope of a large spectroscope is removed, and a beam of sunlight or of light from the positive pole of an arc lamp is allowed to fall on the slit of the collimator. The spectrum is focussed on a fluorescent screen.^ The slit is then opened very widely, and the coloured solution is interposed on the path of the beam falling on the slit. Oxyhaemoglobin shows a band (Soret's band) between the lines G and H. In haemoglobin, carbonic oxide haemoglobin, and nitric oxide haemoglobin, this band is rather nearer G. Methaemoglobin and haematoporphyrin show similar bands. The two preceding figures show the ' photographic spectra ' of haemo- globin, oxyhaemoglobin, and methaemoglobin, and will serve as examples of the results obtained. I am greatly indebted to Prof. Gamgee, to whom we owe most of our knowledge on this subject, for permission to reproduce these two specimens of his numerous photographs. 0. Preparation of Pure Oxyhaemoglobin. — The following method is described in Stirling's ' Practical Physiology.' Centrifugalise dog's defibrinated blood and pour off the serum. Centrifugalise again with physiological saline solution repeatedly until the supernatant fluid contains only traces of protein. Mix the magma of corpuscles with two or three volumes of water saturated with acid-free ether ; the solution becomes clear. Then add a few drops of 1-per-cent. solution of acid sodium sulphate till the mixture looks tinted like fresh blood, owing to the precipitation of the stromata. These can be separated by filtration. Pour off the clear red fluid : cool it to 0° C, add one-fourth of its volmne of absolute alcohol previously cooled to 0° C. Shake • well, and then let the mixture stand at 5°-15° C. for 24 hours. As a rule the whole passes into a glittering crystalline mass. Filter at 0° C. and wash with ice-cold 25-per-cent. alcohol. Eedissolve the crystals in a small quantity of water, and recrystallise as before. The crystals may then be spread on plates of porous porcelain, and dried in a vacuum over sulphuric acid. ' Fluorescent screens, similar to those in common use in observations made with Eontgen rays, may be made by coating white cardboard with barium platino- cyanide. LESSON XX SERUM 1. The following methods of precipitating serum globulin should be per- formed : — (a) Panum's Method. — Dilute serum with fifteen times its bulk of water. It becomes cloudy owing to partial precipitation of the serum globulin. Add a few drops of 2-per-cent. acetic acid ; the precipitate becomes more abundant and it dissolves in excess of the acid. It was formerly called ' serum casein.' (6) Alexander Schmidt's Method. — Dilute serum with twenty times its bulk of water and pass a stream of carbonic acid through it. A fairly abundant precipitate of serum globulin falls. Let it settle and an additional precipitate can be obtained from the decanted liquid by treating it with a trace of acetic acid (the ' serum casein ' mentioned above). Repeat the carbonic acid method without dilution ; no precipitate forms. (c) By Dialysis. - Put some serum in a dialyser with distilled water in the outer vessel. The water must be frequently changed. In order to prevent decomposition a few crystals of thymol are added. In a day or two the salts have passed out ; the proteins remain behind : of these the serum albumin is still in solution ; the serum globulin is in part precipitated, as it requires a small quantity of salt to hold it in solution. (See also bottom of p. 193.) (d) By addition of Salts : — (i.) Schmidt's method. Saturate some serum with sodium chloride. A precipitate of serum globulin is produced. (ii.) Hammarsten's method. Use magnesium sulphate instead of sodium chloride. A more abundant precipitate is produced, because this salt is a more perfect precipitant of serum globulin than sodium chloride. In order to obtain complete saturation with these salts it is necessary to shake the mixture of salt and serum for some hours.^ (iii.) Kauder's method. Half saturate serum with ammonium sulphate. This is done by adding to the serum an equal volume of saturated solution of ammonium sulphate. This precipitates the globulin. Complete satura- ■ tion with the salt precipitates the albumin also. 2. Heat Coagulation. — Saturate serum with magnesium sulphate and filter off the precipitate ; preserve the filtrate and label it ' B:' Wash the precipitate on the filter with saturated solution of magnesium sulphate until the washings do not give the tests for albumin,'^ then dissolve the precipitate by adding distilled water. It readily dissolves, owing to the salt adherent to it. The solution is opalescent. Label it 'A.' ' This may be conveniently done by a shaking machine before the class meets. 2 On account of the prolonged nature of these operations, they must necessarily be performed by the demonstrator beforehand. SERUM 193 Render A faintly acid with a drop of 2-per-cent. acetic acid, and heat in a test-tube. The temperature of the test-tube may be raised by placing it in a flask of water gradually heated over a flame. A thermometer is placed in the test-tube, and should be kept moving so as to ensure that all parts of the ^ liquid are at the same temperature. The quantity of liquid in the test-tube should be just sufi&cient to cover the bulb of the thermometer. A flocculent precipitate of coagulated serum globulin separates out at about 75°. Now take the filtrate B. This contains the serum albumin. Dilute it with an equal volume of water ; render it faintly acid as before, testing the reaction with litmus paper. Heat. A flocculent precipitate (a) falls at about 73° C. ; filter this off; note that the filtrate is less acid than that from which the precipitate has separated, or it may even be alkaline. If so, make it faintly acid again^ and heat; a precipitate falls at 77-79° C. (/3). A third precipitate is similarly obtained at 84-86° C. (y). In the serum of the ox, sheep, and horse the a precipitate is absent : in cold-blooded animals, the (3 and y varieties are absent. 3. Take a fresh portion of B, and saturate it with sodium sulphate. The serum albumin is precipitated (completely after a long shaking). This is due to the formation of sodio-magnesium sulphate. B was already saturated with magnesium sulphate (MgSO,^ + 7H2O) ; on adding sodium sulphate a double salt (MgSO^.Na.^SO^ + 6H0O) is formed. Shake some serum with sodium sulphate alone. A small precipitate of globulin is produced.' Saturate another portion of the serum with sodio-magnesium sulphate ; both globulin and albumin are precipitated. Of the methods used for precipitating serum globulin practically only two are used now. There are Hammarsten's and Kauder's. The other methods only precipitate the globulin incompletely. Kauder's method is rapid and efficacious : if the globulin is filtered off, the albumin may be precipitated in the nitrate by complete saturation with the same salt, ammonium sulphate. This method avoids the trouble of using two salts as described under 3. This last method is instructive, but not nearly so quick as Kauder's. With regard to the separation of serum albumin into a, jS, and y varieties by the use of the method of fractional heat coagulation, it must be men- tioned that at present no further difference has been shown to exist between them, and the opinion has been very freely expressed that the results obtained are not trustworthy. I am convinced that the method is a good one, especially as in other cases (see Muscle) the proteins so separated can be shown to possess other differences. In the case of serum, however — and the same is true for egg albumin — the matter must still be considered subjudice. Recent research has shown that sermn globulin is not a single protein. We have already seen that the precipitation which occurs by means of dialysis is incomplete. It has now been shown that serum globulm as ' salted out ' by means of the sulphate of magnesium or ammonium really consists of two proteins ; one of these (eu-globulin) is precipitable by dialysis : the other (pseudo-globulin) is not. * That is at room temperature ; if the temperature is raised to 36° C. sodium sulphate acts like ammonium sulphate and precipitates all the proteins, except peptone. LESSON XXT COAGULATION OF BLOOD 1. Effect of decalcifying Agents in hindering Coagulation. — From an anaesthetised dog collect samples of blood from the carotid artery, into which a suitable cannula should have been previously inserted. (a) Collect the first sample in an equal volume of 0*4 per cent, solution of potassium oxalate made with physiological salt solution. (6) Collect the second sample in an equal volume of 0-4 solution of sodium fluoride. (c) Collect the third sample in a quarter of its volume of 10 per cent, solution of sodium citrate. In all three cases mix thoroughly, and coagulation is hindered owing to decalcification, as explained on page 106. The separation of the plasma from the corpuscles may be most readily carried out by a centrifugal machine, one form of which is shown in the next figure; the corpuscles settle and the supernatant plasma can be then pipetted off. Sedimentation is specially rapid in the case of citrate blood, and a well-marked layer of colourless corpuscles and platelets may usually be seen on the top of the mass of red corpuscles. Oxalate plasma and citrate plasma coagulate on the restoration of the calcium by adding a few drops of calcium chloride solution, as we have already seen in the elementary course (p. 101). Fluoride plasma does not coagulate unless fibrin ferment (or some fluid such as serum which contains fibrin ferment or thrombin) is added as well as the calcium salt. Fluoride plasma thus forms a convenient test -fluid for fibrin ferment. If in either case the plasma is previously heated to 60° C. and filtered, coagulation — that is to say, fibrin formation — can never be produced, because its mother-substance, fibrinogen, which is coagulated by heat at 56° C, has been destroyed and removed. 2. Influence of Leech Extract on Coagulation. — The same dog still under the anaesthetic may be next used for the following experiments : — (a) Draw off a sample of blood into a clean test-tube, and note the time it takes to clot. (6) Draw off a second sample into about half its volume of leech extract, made by grinding up the heads of about twenty leeches in 20 c.c. of salt solution, and filtering. This remains unclotted for hours or days. (c) Inject 10 c.c. of the extract into the jugular vein of the animal, and draw off samples of blood from time to time, comparing the coagulation time (which gradually lengthens) with that of specimen a. {d) Having obtained a specimen which does not clot at all, dilute it with COAGULATION OF BLOOD 195 salt solution and pass a stream of carbon dioxide through it. Clotting is not produced as it is in ' peptone ' blood (which see). In order to produce clot- ting, excess of serum, or some fluid containing thrombin must be added. The action of leech extract is mainly due to the fact that it contains anti- thrombin. (e) The experiments described under d may be repeated with leech extract plasma, obtained from the blood by centrifugalising. (/) Instead of leech extract, a solution of its active principle (hirudin) may be used. This produces no fall of blood pressure, and so contrasts Fiu. tJO.— Centrifugal machiue as made by Kumie. Glass vessels containing the substances t«j be centrlfugalised a:e placed within the six metallic tubes whicli hang vertically while the disc is at rest ; when tlie machinery is set going they fly out into the horizontal position. with what occurs in ' peptone ' injection. Leech extract produces a very small fall of arterial pressure. 3. Influence of Commercial Peptones (Proteoses) on Coagulation.— For the purpose of the following experiments another dog must be employed. The animal having been anaesthetised a cannula is placed in the external jugular vein for the injection of the * peptone.' The carotid artery is connected to a mercurial manometer for the registration of arterial pressure. Another convenient artery must be exposed and a cannula inserted into it for the collection of samples of blood. {a) First draw off a sample of blood and note its coagulation time. (5) Draw a second sample into a strong solution of commercial peptone. The coagulation time is somewhat longer than in a. (c) Then inject the peptone quickly, so that the animal receives 0*3 gramme per kilo, of body-weight. Note during and for some time after the injection a great fall in arterial blood pressure. This has been shown by the oncometer to be due to vascular dilatation. o 2 196 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY (d) After the injection draw off successive samples, and note the great prolongation of the coagulation time which is soon produced. (e) Dilute some of the blood which does not clot with twice its volume of salt solution, and pass a stream of carbonic acid through the mixture ; co- agulation soon occurs. (/) The same experiment may be repeated with the same result, if ' peptone ' plasma obtained by centrifugalising is used instead of the whole blood. {g) Finally bleed the animal to death, collecting the blood in three successive glass cylinders. Place them in the ice chest, and examine them a few days or a week later. The first lot of blood collected will show sedimentation of corpuscles, and a slight clot at the junction of the corpuscles and supernatant plasma — that is, at the place where the white corpuscles and platelets lie. The last lot of blood collected shows less sedimentation, and will probably have clotted throughout. This is because the blood removed last has been diluted by tissue lymph, which has passed into the blood -stream in an attempt to increase the volume of the blood, which has been lessened by the previous bleeding ; the clot produced is probably due to the action of thrombokinase. The middle sample will show something intermediate between the two extremes, the usual state of things being clot through the sediment, and the plasma above it still fluid.. 4. Intravascular Coagulation. — A solution of nucleo-protein from the thymus, testis, lymphatic glands, or kidney has been prepared beforehand by the demonstrator. It may be prepared in one or two ways. (a) Wooldridge's Method. — The gland is cut up small and extracted with water for twenty-four hours. Weak acetic acid (0*5 c.c. of the acetic acid of the ' Pharmacopoeia ' diluted with twice its volume of water for every 100 c.c. of extract) is then added to the decanted liquid. After some hours the pre- cipitated nucleo-protem (called tissue-fibrinogen by Wooldridge) falls to the bottom of the vessel. This is collected and dissolved in 1 -per- cent, sodium carbonate solution. (6) The Sodiuin Chloride Method. — The finely divided gland is ground up in a mortar with about an equal volume of sodium chloride. The re- sulting viscous mass is poured into excess of distilled water. The nucleo- protein rises to the surface of the water, where it may be collected and dissolved as before. A rabbit is angesthetised, and a cannula inserted into the external jugular vein. The solutionis injected into the circulation through this. The animal soon dies from cessation of respiration ; the eyeballs protrude and the pupils are widely dilated. On opening the animal the heart will be found still beating, and its cavities (especially on the right side) distended with clotted blood. The vessels, especially the veins, also are full of clot. The blood of the portal vein is usually clotted most. If a dog is employed instead of a rabbit in this experiment, coagulation is usually confined to the portal area. This is related to the greater venosity of the blood in this situation. If venosity is increased in any other area, as by tetanising the muscles of one leg, clot- ting will be found also in the veins of this region. LESSON XXII MUSCLE AND NERVOUS TISSUE 1. Hopkins's Lactic Acid Test (see p. 185) may be applied as follows. Eemove one hind limb of a pithed frog. Stimulate the sacral plexus of the other side for ten minutes with a strong Faradic current. Then amputate the other hind limb. Skin both legs, and chop up the muscles of the two sides separately. Pound each in a mortar with clean sand and then with 15 c.c. of 95-per-cent. alcohol. Transfer the mixture to a beaker, and warm in the water-bath for a few minutes. Filter, and evaporate the filtrate to dryness in a water-bath. Extract the residue with about 5 c.c. of cold water, rubbing it up thoroughly with a glass rod. Filter and boil the filtrate in a test-tube for about a minute with as much animal charcoal as will lie on a threepenny- piece. Filter again and evaporate the filtrate to dryness in a water-bath. Allow the residue to cool, and dissolve it by shaking in 5 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid. Transfer this to a dry test-tube ; add three drops of saturated solution of copper sulphate, and place the tube in boiling water for five minutes. Cool and add 2 drops of 0*2-per-cent. solution of thiophene in alcohol ; replace the tube in the boiling water. A cherry-red colour develops in the tube containing the extract from tetanised muscle, but not in the other. 2 A rabbit has been killed and its muscles washed free from blood by a stream of salt solution injected through the aorta. The muscles have been quickly removed, chopped up small, and extracted with 5-per-cent. solution of magnesium sulphate. This extract is given out. It will probably be faintly acid. The acid is sarco-lactic acid. It may be identified by Ufifelmann's (p. 185) or Hopkins's reaction. 3. The coagulation of musele is very like that of blood. This ma3' be shown with the salted muscle plasma (the extract given out) as follows : Dilute some of it with four times its volume of water ; divide it into two parts ; keep one at 40^ C. and the other at the ordinary temperature. Co- agulation — that is, formation of a clot of myosin — occurs in both, but earliest in that at 40° C. 4. Kemove the clot of myosin from 3 ; observe it is soluble in 10-per- cent, sodium chloride, and also in 0-2-per-cent. hydrochloric acid, forming syntonin. 5. Make an extract of muscle in the same way, using a small quantity of physiological salt solution instead of the strong solution of magnesium sulphate employed in the foregoing experiments. Such an extract contains the two principal muscular proteins, viz. paramyosinogen (v. Fiirth's myosin) 198 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY and myosinogen (v. Fiirth's myogen), the two precursors of the musele-clot or myosin (v. Fiirth's muscle-fibrin). Small quantities of other proteins also present are mainly due to unavoidable mixture with small amounts of blood and lymph. These two proteins diflFer in temperature of heat coagulation. Take the extract and heat it in a test-tube within a water-bath ; at 4V C. para- myosinogen is coagulated ; filter this off and heat the filtrate ; at 56° C. flocculi of the coagulated myosinogen separate out. 6. Paramyosinogen is precipitable by dialysis and is a true globulin. Myosinogen is what is called an atypical globulin, and corresponds to the pseudo-globulin of blood serum and egg-white. Though readily salted out of solution like paramyosinogen it is not precipitable by dialysis. 7. In the process of clotting, such as occurs in rigor mortis, paramyosino- gen is directly converted into myosin ; whereas myosinogen first passes into a soluble modification (coagulable by heat at the remarkably low temperature of 40° C.) before myosin is formed. This is shown in a diagrammatic way in the following scheme : — Proteins of the living muscle Paramyosinogen Myosinogen "^\ Soluble myosin Myosin (the protein of the muscle-clot). 8. When a muscle is gradually heated, at a certain temperature it con- tracts permanently and loses its irritability. This phenomenon is known as heat-rigor, and is due to the coagulation of the proteins in the muscle. If a tracing is taken of the shortening, it is found that the first shortening occurs at the coagulation temperature of paramyosinogen (47°-50° C), and if the heating is continued a second shortening occurs at 56° C, the coagulation temperature of myosinogen. If frog's muscles are used there are three shortenings — namely, at 40°, 47°, and 56' C; frog's muscle thus contains an additional protein which coagulates at 40° C. This additional protein is the soluble myosin alluded to above, some of which, in the muscle of cold- blooded animals, is present before rigor mortis occurs. In addition to the proteins mentioned, there is a small quantity of nuclco- protein. 9. Involuntary Muscle. — The main facts just described for voluntary are true also for involuntary muscle. The chief distinction lies in the quantity of nucleo-protein, which is more abundant in those forms of muscle the fibres of which are least different from the mesoblastic cells from which all ultimately originate. This may be readily shown by the following simple experiment. MUSCLE AND NERVOUS TISSUE 199 Take equal parts of voluntary muscle, heart muscle, and plain muscle (say from the stomach wall), and extract each for the same time with equal amounts of 0'15 per-cent. solution of sodium carbonate. Filter and add to each filtrate acetic acid, drop by drop. The extract of voluntary muscle Vy D E F Fig. 61. — 1, Absorption spectrum of myohEematin, as seen in ninscle rendered transparent by glycerin. 2, Absorption spectrnni of modified myohaematin. gives an opalescence only ; in the case of the plain muscle there is an abundant precipitate ; the heart muscle gives a result intermediate between the other two. 10. Pigments of Muscle : — {a) Notice the difference between the red and pale muscles of the rabbit. Fig. 62.— a desiccator. (Gscheidlen.) a, glass plate ; b, belljar ; c, dish of sulphuric add ; d, stand for capsules. (IS) Examine a piece of red muscle {e.g. the diaphragm) spectroscopically for oxyhaemoglobin (or it may be more convenient to make an aqueous extract of the muscle and examine that). {c) A piece of the pectoral muscle of a pigeon has been soaked in glycerin. 200 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Press a small piece between two glass slides and place it in fi'ont of the spec- troscope. Observe and map out the bands of myohsematin. This pigment is doubtless a derivative of haemoglobin. (d) Pieces of the same muscles have been placed in ether for twenty-four hours. The ether dissolves out a yellow lipochrome from the adherent fat. A watery fluid below contains modified myohaematin. Filter it ; compare its spectrum with that of hEemochromogen. The myohaematin bands are rather nearer the violet end of the spectrum (fig. 61, spectrum 2) than those of haemochromogen (fig. 57, spectrum 9). 11. Creatine : — (a) Take some of the red fluid described in 10, d, and let it evaporate to dryness in a, desiccator over sulphuric acid (fig. 62). In a day or two crystals of creatine tinged with myohaematin separate out. (b) Take an aqueous extract of muscle, like Ijiebig's extract or beef-tea ; add baryta water to precipitate the phosphates, and filter. Eemove excess of baryta by a stream of carbonic acid ; filter off the barium carbonate and evaporate the filtrate on the water-bath to a thick syrup. Set it aside to cool, and in a few days crystalline deposits of creatine will be found at the bottom of the vessel. These are washed with alcohol and dissolved in hot water. On concentrating the aqueous solution crystals once more separate out. which may be still further purified by recrystallisation. NERVOUS TISSUES The chemical investigation of nervous tissues is not well adapted to class exercises ; still it may not be uninteresting to state briefly the princi- pal known facts in relation to this subject. The most important points which any table of analysis will show are : (1) the large percentage of water, especially in the grey matter ; (2) the large percentage of protein. In grey matter, where the cells are prominent structures, this is most marked, and of the solids, protein material here comprises more than half of the total. The following are some analyses which give the mean of a number or observations on the nervous tissues of human beings, monkeys, dogs, and cats : — Percentage of Water Solids Proteins in SoUds Cerebral grey matter . 83-5 16-5 51 „ white „ . . . 69-9 30-1 33 Cerebellum 79-8 20-2 42 Spinal cord as a whole . 71-6 28-4 31 Cervical cord .... 72-5 27-5 31 Dorsal cord 69-8 30-2 28 Lumbar cord .... 72-6 27-4 33 Sciatic nerves .... 65-1 34-9 29 The most important protein is nude o -protein ; there is also a certain amount of glohvlin, which, like the paramyosinogen of muscle, is coagulated by heat at the low temperature of 47° C. A certain small amount of neuro- MUSCLE AND NEKVOUS TISSUE 201 keratin (especially abundant in white matter) is included in the above table with the proteins. The granules in nerve cells (Nissl's bodies), which stain readily with methylene blue, are nucleo-protein in nature. The next most abundant substances are of a fatty nature ; the most prominent of these is the phosphorised fat called lecithin (see p. 25). A complex substance called protagon, which crystallises out on cooling a hot alcoholic extract of brain or other nervous structures is of uncertain composition. Cerebrin is a term which probably includes several substances, which are nitro- genous glucosides ; they yield on hydrolysis the sugar called galactose (see p. 18). They are sometimes called cerebrosides. There are other phosphorised fats as well, of which Tiejphalin is the best known. The crystal- line monatomic alcohol cliolestcr'm (see p. 93) is also a fairly abundant con- stituent of nervous structures, especially of the white substance of Schwann. Finally there are smaller quantities of other extractives, and a small pro- portion of mineral salts (about 1 per cent, of the solids). Fresh nervous tissues are alkaline, but like most other living structures, they turn acid after death. The change is particularly rapid in grey matter. The acidity is due to lactic acid. Very little is known of the chemical changes nervous tissues under- go during activity. We know that ox^^gen is very essential, especially for the activity of grey matter ; cerebral anaemia is rapidly followed by loss of consciousness and death. Waller has suggested that small quantities of carbonic acid are produced during activity, because the increase in the action current (detected by the galvanometer) which occurs after a nerve has been repeatedly excited is very like the increase also noted on the application of small quantities of this gas. Waller's suggestion has recently been confirmed by direct experiments in which the amount of carbon dioxide formed has been estimated. Large quantities of carbonic acid act like an anaesthetic, abolishing nervous activity. Of all parts of the nervous system, the cells in the grey matter are those which most readily manifest fatigue ; the next most sensitive region is the termination of nerves in such endings as the end-plates. Fatigue in a meduUated nerve-trunk has never yet been experimentally demonstrated ; Waller's view that this is due to inter-nutritional changes between the axis cylinder and the investing medullary sheath can hardly be considered proved, for it is just as difficult to demonstrate fatigue in non-medullated nerves. Chemistry of Nerve-degeneration. — Mott and I have shown that, in the disease General Paralysis of the Insane, the marked degeneration that occurs in the brain is accompanied by the passing of the products of degeneration into the cerebro-spinal fluid. Of these, nucleo-protein and choline— a decom- position product of the lecithin (see p. 26) — are those which can be most readily detected. Choline can also be found in the blood. But this is not peculiar to the disease just mentioned, for in various other degenerative nervous diseases (combined sclerosis, disseminated sclerosis, meningitis, alcoholic neuritis, beri-bei-i, &c.) choline can also be detected in these situations. The tests employed to detect choline are mainly three : (1) The fluid is diluted with about five times its volume of alcohol and the precipitated proteins are filtered off. The filtrate is evaporated to dryness at 40° C. and the residue 202 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY dissolved in absolute alcohol and filtered ; the filtrate from this is again evaporated to dryness, and again dissolved in absolute alcohol, and this should be again repeated. To the final alcoholic solution, an alcohohc solution of platinum chloride is added, and the precipitate so formed is allowed to settle and is washed with absolute alcohol by decantation ; the precipitate is then dissolved in 15-per-cent. alcohol, filtered, and the filtrate is allowed to slowly evaporate in a watch-glass at 40° C. The crystals can then be seen with the microscope. They are recognised not only by their yellow colour and octahedral form, and by their solubility in water and 15-per cent, alcohol, but also by the fact that on incineration they yield 31 per-cent. of platinum and give off the odour of trimethylamine. There is a danger of mistaking such cr^fstals for those obtained from the chlorides of potassium and am- monium ; but the presence of such contaminations may be minimised by the use of alcohol as water-free as possible. (2) The following test, however, is entirely distinctive of choline and leads to no risk of confusion with other substances. The final alcoholic solution prepared as above is evaporated to dryness, and the residue taken up with water, to this is added a strong solution of iodine (2 grammes of iodine and G grammes of potassium iodide in 100 c.c. of water). In a few minutes dark-brown prisms of choline periodide are formed. These look very like haemin crystals. If the slide is allowed to stand so that the liquid gradually evaporates, the crystals slowly disappear, and their place is taken by brown oily droplets^ but if a fresh drop of the iodine solution is added the crystals slowly form once more. (3) A physiological test, namely the lowering of arterial blood- pressure (partly cardiac in origin, and partly due to dilatation of peripheral vessels) which a saline solution of the residue of the alcoholic extract pro- duces : this fall is abolished, or even replaced by a rise of arterial pressure, if the animal has been atropinised. Such tests have already been shown to be of diagnostic value in the distinction between organic and so-called functional diseases of the nervous system. A similar condition can be produced artificiall}^ in animals by a division of large nerve-trunks ; and is most marked in those animals in which the degenerative process is at its height as tested histologically by the Marchi reaction.^ A chemical analysis of the nerves themselves was also made. A series of cats was taken, both sciatic nerves divided, and the animals subse- quently killed at intervals varying from 1 to 106 days. The nerves remain practically normal as long as they remain irritable : that is, up to about three days after the operation. They then show a progressive increase in the per- centage of water, and a progressive decrease in the percentage of phosphorus until degeneration is complete. When regeneration occurs, the nerves return approximately to their previous chemical condition. ■ One chemical feature of degeneration is the replacement of phosphorised by non-phosphorised fat. When the Marchi reaction disappears in the later stages of degeneration, the ' The Marchi reaction is the black staining that the medullary sheath of degenerated nerve fibres shows when, after being hardened in Miiller's fluid, they are treated with Marchi's reagent, a mixture of Miiller's fluid and osmic acid. Healthy nerve fibres are but little affected by the reagent, but degenerated myelin is blackened like the fat of normal adipose tissue. MUSCLE AND NERVOUS TISSUE 203 non-phosphoriscd fat has been absorbed. This absorption occurs earUer in tlie peripheral nerves than in the central nervous system. The non-phos- phorised fat of degenerated myelin is also either richer in olein, or the olein is more loosely combined than in the healthy medullary sheath; hence the deeper reaction with osmic acid even in the presence of chromic acid as in the Marchi test. The following table gives details of these experi- ments : — Cat's sciatic nerves Condition of blood ( Minimal i traces of cho- { line present j Choline more ( abundant f Choline abun- 1 dant j Choline much jless ( Choline al- J most disap- ( peared Condition of nerves ■ — Water Normal 65-1 ^ 1 to 3 days after section 64-5 4 to G „ 69-3 8 „ 68-2 10 „ 70-7 13 „ 71-3 25-27 „ 72-1 29 „ 72-5 44 „ 72-6 100 to 106 „ G6-2 1 Solids 34-9 35-5 30-7 31-8 29-3 28-7 27-9 27-5 27-4 33-8 Percentage of phosphoras in solids 1-1 0-9 0-9 0-5 0-3 U-2 traces 0-9 ( Nerves irritable J and histologically i healthy Irritability lost : degeneration be- , ginning Degeneration well ■ shown by Marchi ( reaction Marchi reaction still seen, but ab- ■ sorption of de- generated fat has set in Absorption of fat ■ practically com- (plete j Keturn of function, t nerves regenerated The foregoing figures relate to the peripheral portions of the nerves. Noll has also shown that the phosphorised fat diminishes somewhat in the central ends of cut nerves due to ' disuse atroph3^' Further, it has been found that in human spinal cords in which a unilateral degeneration of the pyramidal tract has been produced by a lesion in the opposite hemisphere, and which gives the Marchi reaction, there is a similar increase of water and diminution of phosphorus on the degenerated side. Cerebro-spinal Fluid. — This plays the part of the lymph of the central nervous system, but differs considerably from all other forms of lymph. It is a very watery fluid, containing, besides some inorganic salts similar to those of the blood, a trace of protein matter (globulin) and a small amount of a reducing substance, the nature of which was for a long time uncertain but which seems now to have been proved to be sugar. It contains the merest trace of choline ; but this is not devoid of significance, for this fact taken in conjunction with another — namely, that physiological saline solution will extract from perfectly fresh nervous matter a small quantity of choline — shows us that lecithin is not a stable substance, but is constantly breaking down and building itself up afresh; in fact, undergoing the process called metabolism. This is most marked in the most active region of the brain — vi7.. the grey matter. LESSON XXIII UREA AND CHLORIDES IN URINE ESTIMATION OF UREA If albumin is present it must be first separated by boiling after acidulation with acetic acid if necessary, and filtering off the flakes of coagulated protein. The hypobromite method of estimation (see p. 141) holds its own, as it is easy and sufficiently exact for clinical purposes. It has entirely replaced the older method of Liebig (titration with mercuric nitrate), which is now of purely historical interest. When absolute accuracy is necessary, one or other of many recently introduced methods must be employed. We shall be content with describing two of these. (a) Folin's Method. — This depends on the fact that urea is decomposed quantitatively into ammonia and carbonic acid by boiling with magnesium chloride solution. The ammonia is estimated by distillation into standard acid and subsequent titration. Analysis. — Three c.c. of urine, 20 grammes of magnesium chloride and2c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid are boiled in a flask, closed by a cork through which a glass tube 20 centimetres in height passes. This acts as a reflux condenser. The boiling is continued for 25 to 30 minutes. After diluting with water the mixture is then transferred to a litre flask, 7 c.c. of 20-per- cent, caustic soda are added, and the ammonia is distilled off and estimated as described in the final operation in Kjeldahl's method (see Appendix, p. 235). Every c.c. of decinormal ammonia in the distillate corresponds to 3 milli- grammes of urea. A small correction has to be made for the ammonia present as such in the original urine. (h) Method of Mbrner and Sjbqvist. — The following reagents are necessary: i. A saturated solution of barium chloride containing 5 per cent, of barium hydrate. ii. A mixture of ether and alcohol in proportion 1 : 2. iii. The apparatus, &c., necessary for carrying out Kjeldahl's method of estimating nitrogen (see p. 235). Analysis. — Five c.c, of urine are mixed with 5 c.c. of the barium mixture and 100 c.c. of the mixture of ether and alcohol. By this means all nitrogenous substances except urea are precipitated. Twenty-four hours later this is filtered off, and the precipitate is washed with 50 c.c. of the ether-alcohol mixture, the filter-pump being used to accelerate the process. The washings are added to the filtrate ; a little magnesia is added to this to drive off ammonia. UKEA AND CHLORIDES IN URINE 205 The alcohol and ether are then driven off at a temperature of 55° C; and evaporation is continued at this temperature until the volume of the residue is 10-15 c.c. The nitrogen in this is estimated by Kjeldahl's method. The nitrogen found is multiplied by 2*143, and the result is the amount of urea. PKEPARATION OF UREA FROM URINE (1) Evaporate the urine to a small bulk. Add strong pure nitric acid in excess, keeping the mixture cool during the addition of the acid. Pour off the excess of fluid from the crystals of urea nitrate which are formed ; strain through muslin and press between filter paper. Add to the dry product barium carbonate in large excess. This forms barium nitrate and sets the urea free. Mix thoroughly with sufficient methylated spirit to form a paste. Dry on a water-bath and extract with alcohol ; filter ; evaporate the filtrate on a water-bath and set aside. The urea crystallises out, and may be de- colourised by animal charcoal and purified by recrystallisation. (2) The following method is well adapted for the preparation of micro- scopic specimens of urea and urea nitrate : Take 20 c.c. of lu-ine ; add baryta mixture (see footnote 3, p. 5) until no further precipitate is produced ; filter, evaporate the filtrate to a thick syrup on the water-bath, and extract with alcohol ; pour off and filter the alcoholic extract ; evaporate it to dry- ness on the water-bath and take up the residue with water. Place a drop of the aqueous solution on a slide and allow it to crystallise ; crystals of urea separate out. Place another drop on another slide and add a drop of nitric acid ; crystals of urea nitrate separate out. ESTIMATION OF CHLORIDES The chlorides in the urine consist of those of sodium and potassium, the latter only in small quantities. The method adopted for the determination of the total chlorides consists in their precipitation by a standard solution of silver nitrate (Mohr's method). The following solutions must be prepared : — Standard silver nitrate solution. Dissolve 29*075 grammes of fused nitrate of silver in a litre (1,000 c.c.) of distilled water : 1 c.c. =-0'01 gramme of sodium chloride. (a) Saturated solution of neutral potassium chromate. Analysis. — Take 10 c.c. of urine ; dilute with 100 c.c. of distilled water. Add to this a few drops of the potassium chromate solution. Drop into this mixture from a burette the standard silver nitrate solu- tion ; the chlorine combines with the silver to form silver chloride, a white precipitate. AVhen all the chlorides are so precipitated, silver chromate (red in colour) goes down, but not while any chloride remains in solution. The silver nitrate must therefore be added until the precipitate has a pink tinge. From the amount of standard solution used, the quantity of sodium chloride in 10 c.c. of urine, and thence the percentage, may be calculated. Sources of Error and Correctio7is. — A high-coloured urine may give rise to difficulty in seeing the pink tinge of the silver chromate : this is overcome by diluting the urine more than stated in the preceding paragraph. One c.c. should always be subtracted from the total number of c.c. of the 206 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOaY silver nitrate solution used, as the urine contains small quantities of certain compounds more easily precipitable than the chromate. To obviate such sources of error the following modification of the test, as described by Sutton, may be used : 10 c.c. of urine are measured into a thin porcelain capsule and 1 gramme of pure ammonium nitrate added ; the whole is then evaporated to dryness, and gradually heated over a small spirit lamp to low redness till all vapours are dissipated and the residue becomes white. It is then dissolved in a small quantity of water, and the carbonates produced by the combustion of the organic matter neutralised by dilute acetic acid ; a few grains of pure calcium carbonate to remove all free acid are then added, and one or two drops of potassium chromate. The mixture is then titrated with decinornial silver solution (16*966 gr. of silver nitrate per litre) until the end reaction, a pink colour, appears. Each c.c. of silver solution represents 0'005837 gr. of salt ; consequently, if 12*5 c.c. have been used, the weight of salt in the 10 c.c. of urine is 0-07296 gr., or 0'7296 per cent. If 5*9 c.c. of urine are taken for titration, the number of c.c. of silver solution used will represent the number of parts of salt per 1,000 parts of urine. LESSON XXIV ESTIMATION OF PHOSPHATES AND SULPHATES IN URINE ESTIMATION OF PHOSPHATES The phosphoric acid in the urine is combined with soda, potash, hine, and magnesia. (a) Estimation of the total pliosphates. For this purpose the following reagents are necessary : — i. A standard solution of uranium nitrate. The uranium nitrate solution contains 85*5 grammes in a litre of water ; 1 c.c. corresponds to 0*005 gramme of phosphoric acid (P^O^). ii. Acid solution of sodium acetate. Dissolve 100 grammes of sodium acetate in 900 c.c. of water ; add to this 100 c.c. of glacial acetic acid. iii. Solution of potassium ferrocyanide. Method. — Take 50 c.c. of urine. Add 5 c.c, of the acid solution of sodium acetate.^ Heat the mixture to 80° C. Run into it while hot the standard uranium nitrate solution from a burette until a drop of the mixture gives a distinct brown colour with a drop of potassium ferrocyanide placed on a porcelain slab. Read off the quantity of solution used and calculate therefrom the percentage amount of phosphoric acid in the urine. Another indicator which may be used is cochineal tincture, a few drops of which may be added to the mixture. A change of colour from red to green is the sign of the end of the reaction. (6) Estimation of the 'phosphor ic acid combined with lime and magnesia (alkaline earths). Take 200 c.c. of urine. Render it alkaline with ammonia. Lay the mixtm-e aside for twelve hours. Collect the precipitated earthy phosphates on a filter ; wash with dilute ammonia (1 in 3). Wash the precipitate off the filter with water acidified by a few drops of acetic acid. Dissolve with the aid of heat, adding a little more acetic acid if necessary. Add 5 c.c. of the acid solution of sodium acetate. Bring the volume up to 50 c.c, and estimate the phos- phates in this volumetrically by the standard uranium nitrate as before. Subtract the phosphoric acid combined with the alkaline earths thus obtained from the total quantity of phosphoric acid, and the difference is the amount of acid combined with the alkalis, soda and potash. ' In using uranium nitrate it is imperative that sodium acetate should accompany the titration in order to avoid the possible occurrence of free nitric acid in the solution. If uranium acetate is used, it may ha omitted. 208 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY (c) Instead of uranmm nitrate, a standard solution of uranium acetate may be used. The directions for the making of these standard solutions will be found in Sutton's * Volumetric Analysis.' As a rule, it is less troublesome, and not much more expensive, to purchase standard solutions ready made. ESTIMATION OF SULPHATES The sulphates in the urine are of two kinds : the pre-formed sulphates — viz. those of soda and potash — and the combined or ethereal sulphates. (a) For the determination of the total amount of sulphuric acid (SO^) (i.e. pre-formed and combined sulphuric acid together) in the urine, one of two methods is adopted : — 1. Volumetric method. 2. Gravimetric method. Both methods will be given here : the former is, however, better suited for class experiments. 1. Volu7netric Determination. — This process consists in adding to a given volume of the urine a standard solution of chloride of barium so long as a precipitate of barium sulphate is formed. The following solutions are necessary : — i. Standard barium chloride solution : 30*5 grammes of crystallised chloride of barium in a litre of distilled water ; 1 c.c. of this solution corre- sponds to O'Ol gramme of sulphuric acid (SOg). ii. Solution of sulphate of potash : 20 per cent. iii. Pure hydrochloric acid. Method. — 100 c.c. of urine are taken in a flask. This is rendered acid by 5 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, and boiled. The combined sulphates are thus converted into ordinary sulphates, and give a precipitate like them with barium chloride. The chloride of barium solution is allowed to drop into this mixture as long as any precipitate occurs, the mixture being heated before every addition of barium chloride to it. After adding 5 to 8 c.c. of the standard solution, allow the precipitate to settle ; pipette off a few drops of the clear supernatant fluid into a watch-glass ; add to it a few drops of the standard barium chloride solution. If any precipitate occurs, return the whole to the flask and add more barium chloride ; again allow the precipitate to settle, and test as before ; go on in this waj^ until no more barium sulphate is formed on the addition of barium chloride. Excess of barium chloride must also be avoided ; when only a trace of excess is present a drop of the clear fluid removed from the precipitate gives a cloudiness with a drop of the potassium sulphate solution placed on a glass plate over a black ground. If more than a cloudiness appears, too large a quantity of bariinn chloride has been added and the operation must be repeated. From the quantity of barium chloride solution used, the per- centage of sulphuric acid in the urine is calculated. 2. Oravimetric Determination {i.e. by weight). — This method consists in weighing the precipitate of barium sulphate obtained by adding barium chloride to a known volume of urine ; 100 parts of sulphate of barium correspond to 34-33 parts of sulphuric acid (SO3). ESTIMATION OF PHOSPHATES AND SULPHATES IN URINE 209 Method (Salkowski). — 100 c.c. of urine are taken in a beaker. This is boiled with 5 c.c. of hydrochloric acid as before. Chloride of barium is added till no more precipitate occurs. The precipitate is collected on a small filter of known ash, and washed with hot distilled water till no more barium chloride occurs in the filtrate — i.e. until the filtrate remains clear after the addition of a few drops of sulphuric acid. Then wash with hot alcohol, and afterwards with ether. Remove the filter, and place it with its contents in a platinum crucible. Heat to redness. Cool over sulphuric acid in a desiccator ; weigh, and deduct the weight of the crucible and filter ash ; the remainder is the weight of barium sulphate formed. Error. — When the experiment is carried out as above there is a slight error from the formation of a small quantity of sulphide of barium. This may be corrected as follows: — After the platinum crucible has become cool add a few drops of pure sulphuric acid (H2SO4). The sulphide is converted into sulphate. Heat again to redness to drive off excess of sulphuric acid. (b) The following is Salkowski's method of estimating the coinhined suljyliuric acid — that is, the amount of SO., in ethereal sulphates : — 100 c.c. of urine are mixed with 100 c.c. of alkaline barium chloride solution, which is a mixture of two volumes of solution of barium hydrate with one of barium chloride, both saturated in the cold. The mixture is stirred, and after a few minutes filtered : 100 c.c. of the filtrate ( = 50 c.c. of urine) are acidified with 10 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, boiled, kept at 100° C. on the water-bath for an hour, and then allowed to stand till the precipitate has completely settled ; if possible, it should be left in this way for twenty-four hours. The further treatment of this precipitate ( = combined sulphates) is then carried out as in the last case. Calculation. — 233 parts of barium sulphate correspond to 98 parts of HoSO^, or 80 parts of SO3 or 32 parts of S. To calculate the H.^SO^, multiply 98 the weight of barium sulphate by --^ = 0*421 ; to calculate the SO3, multiply Zoo on Qo by ry^= 0-343; to calculate the S multiply bvJ;" =0-137. This method 233 " 233 of calculation applies to the gravimetric estimation both of total sulphates and of combined sulphates. (c) To obtain the amount of pre-formed sulphuric acid, subtract the amount of combined SO., from the total amount of S0.(. The difference is the pre-formed SO3. Example : 100 c.c. of urine gave 0-5 gramme of total barium sulphate. 80 This multiplied by ^^" = 0-171 gr. = total SO.,. Another 100 c.c. of the same 2oo urine gave 0*05 gr. of barium sulphate from ethereal sulphates ; this multi- plied by ^^ = 0-017 gr. of combined SO3. =-.0-171-0-017 = 0-154 gr. of pre-formed SO,. plied by ^^ = 0-017 gr. of combined SO3. Total SO, -combined SO, 2oo LESSON XXV URIC ACID AND CREATININE 1. Preparation of Pure Uric Acid. — If one wishes to prepare pure uric acid, the solid urine of a reptile or bird, which consists principally of the acid amnionmni salt, should be selected ; one has not then to separate any pig- ment. It is boiled with 10-per-cent. caustic soda or ammonia, diluted, and then allowed to stand. The clear fluid is decanted and poured into a large excess of water to which 10 per cent, of hydrochloric acid has been added ; after twenty-four hours crystals of uric acid are deposited. These may be purified by washing, re-solution in soda, and re-precipitation by acid. 2. Estimation of Uric Acid (Hopkins's method). — The following reagents are required : Pure chloride of ammonium, finely powdered. A wash-bottle containing a filtered saturated solution of the same salt. A twentieth normal solution of potassium permanganate made by dis- solving 1-581 grammes of permanganate in a litre of water. Measure 100 c.c. of urine into a beaker of about 150 c.c. capacity. Add to this 25 grammes (approximately weighed) of ammonium chloride, stirring briskly till all the salt is dissolved. Now add 2 c.c. of strong ammonia, and allow the mixture to stand until the precipitate of ammonium urate, which rapidly forms, has wholly settled to the bottom of the beaker its subsidence is promoted by occasional brisk stirring. Adjust a small filter paper (7 cm. diam.) in a funnel of such size that only a small margin of glass projects above the edge of the folded paper, and transfer to this the ammonium urate precipitate. Filtration should not be commenced until the precipitate has settled satisfactorily. The precipitate should be as far as possible retained in the beaker until the greater part of the clear liquid has filtered through ; finally transfer the whole to the filter with the help of a wash -bottle containing saturated ammonium chloride solution. After the filter has thoroughly drained, wash the precipitate twice again with the same solution. While the last washings are running through the paper, distiUed water should be heated to boiling in a wash-bottle provided with a fine jet. The funnel containing the filter is now held horizontally over a small porcelain basin (of about 50 c.c. capacity) and the precipitate washed into the latter with a jet of hot water, the filter itself being afterwards opened out over the basin in order that any urate adhering to its folds may be washed off. Not more than 20-30 c.c. of water need be emploj^ed in this transference : if much more has been used the liquid should be concentrated over the water-bath at URIC ACID AND CREATININE 211 this stage. A little strong HCl (1 c.c.) is next added to the contents of the basin, and the whole is then heated over a burner until it just reaches the boiling point. It is then set aside for the uric acid to crj'stallise out. If the mixture is artificially cooled all the uric acid will separate out in two hours, otherwise it is best allowed to stand overnight or longer. The crystals are filtered off through a very small filter paper (4 cm. diam.) ; the filtrate is received into a graduated cylinder so that the amount of mother liquid may be noted (see below). The uric acid is next washed with cold distilled water until free from chlorides. It is unnecessary to transfer the whole to the filter ; the greater part may be washed by decanta- tion. Such of the crystals as are upon the filter are now washed back into the basin (best by the aid of hot water) and the whole quantity is dissolved by heating to boiling with 1 c.c. of 10-per-cent. sodium carbonate solution and as much distilled water as the basin will safely hold. The solution is transferred to a {-litre Erlenmeyer flask, which should be marked roughly at 100 c.c. The solution is made up to this mark with dis- tilled water, and cooled to the temperature of the room. Twenty c.c. of strong sulphuric acid are added to the contents of the flask, and the mixture shaken and titrated with the standard permanganate solution. During the addition of the standard solution the liquid in the flask should be kept in vigorous movement. It will be found that at first the disappear- ance of the pink colour is so rapid that each drop as it is added is decolorised before it has time to diffuse through the whole liquid. The first instan- taneous appearance of a diffused flush throughout the solution indicates the end point of the reaction. This colour rapidly disappears, but it will be found that the effect of adding further quantities of permanganate after the end point has been passed is quite different from the effect before the end point was reached ; each drop is now able to diffuse throughout the fluid. For each c.c. of the solution necessary to produce the end point just described 0'00375 gramme of uric acid is present. To the value so obtained 1 mgm. must be added for each 15 c.c. of the mother liquor from which the crystals separated. Thus the uric acid from 100 c.c. of a sample of urine used up 18-5 c.c. of the 'standard permanganate solution. The mother liquor filtered from crystals measured 25 c.c. 18-5 X -00375 = -0694 gr. •001 X ^^ = -0017 15 Total = -OTli The urine contained 71 mgms. uric acid per 100 c.c. 3. Estimation of Creatinine. — The following colorimetric method (Folin's) is now generally employed for the estimation of creatinine ; and with a slight modification it may also be used for the estimation of creatine. It is based on the red colour which Jaffe showed develops when an alkaline solu- tion of picric acid is added to a solution of creatinine ; this is coiiipared wdth the colour of a standard solution of potassium bichromate, the tint of the two fluids being almost identical. If creatine has to be estimated, this is p3 212 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY first transformed into creatinine by boiling with hydrochloric acid. Tlie apparatus and reagents necessary- are : — 1. A colorimeter consisting of two tubes, the height of the column in which can be read by graduations in tenths of a millimetre. 2. A half normal solution of potassium bichromate (24*5 grammes per Htre). 3. A saturated solution of picric acid. 4. 10 per cent, caustic soda. To perform the analysis one tube of the colorimeter is filled with the bichromate solution up to the height of 8 mm. Ten c.c. of urine are measured into a half-litre flask, 15 c.c. of the picric acid solution and 5 c.c. of the caustic soda solution added, and then water until the total volume of the mixture is 500 c.c. This solution is poured into the second tube of the colori- meter to such a height (which is read off) that, on looking down through it the intensity of the colour is the same as that in the standard tube by its side. The amount necessary for this corresponds exactly to 8'1 milligi-ammes of creatinine. From this the total in the sample of urine can be easily calculated. LESSON XXVI THE PIGMENTS OF THE URINE The urinary pigments are numerous, and have from tnne to time been described under different names by various observers. 1. Urochrome. — This is the essential yellow pigment of the urine. The word was originally introduced by Thudichum, and the substance he obtained is now recognised to have been a mixture of several pigments, of v/hich, however, the essential yellow pigment formed a large proportion. Garrod's method of separating it from the urine is as follows : — The urine is saturated with ammonium sulphate and filtered. The filtrate contains the pigment ; this is shaken with alcohol. The alcohol separates readily from the saline mixture, and as it does so dissolves out much of the urochrome. By repeated extraction all the pigment passes into solution in the alcohol. The alcoholic solution is diluted with water, and the mixture again saturated with ammonium sulphate. The alcohol con- taining the pigment in solution again separates out. The second alcoholic solution is made faintly alkaline with ammonia and evaporated to dryness. The residue is extracted once or twice with acetic ether, and then again dissolved in strong alcohol. Finally the alcohol is concentrated till it is deep orange in tint, and poured into an equal volume of ether. The pure pigment is by this means precipitated as an amorphous brown powder. Urochrome shows no absorption bands. As already stated (p. 143), it is probably an oxidation product of urobilin. 2. Urobilin.— Urobilin is a derivative of the blood-pigment, and is identical with stercobilin (see pp. 92, 143). Probably both reduction aud hydration occur in its formation. It is very like the substance named hydrobilirubin by Maly, which he obtained by the action of sodium amalgam on bilirubin. The following formulae show the relationship between these allied pig- ments : — Haematin . . .... Cg^Hg^N^O^Fe Bilirubin C32H3,N,0,' Hydrobilirubin C-jaH^oNiO^ Urobilin is probably a further stage in reduction. Normal urine contains but little urobilin ; what is present is chiefly in the form of a colourless chromogen, which by oxidation is converted into urobilin. In numerous pathological conditions urobilin is abundant. The following are the two methods introduced by Garrod and Hopkins for its separation from the urine : — (a) The urine is first saturated with ammonium chloride, and the urate 214 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY so precipitated is filtered off. The filtrate is then acidified with sulphuric acid and saturated with ammonium sulphate. This causes a precipitate of urobilin, which maj- be collected and dissolved in water. The aqueous solution is again saturated with ammonium sulphate, and the pigment is thus precipitated in a state of purity. (b) The urates are first removed, then the urine is acidified and saturated with ammonium sulphate as before. The urobilin is then extracted from the mixture by shaking it with a mixture of chloroform and ether (1 : 2) in a lai'ge separating funnel. The ether-chloroform extract is then rendered faintly alkaline and shaken with distilled water, and the urobilin passes into solution in the water. The aqueous solution is now once more saturated with ammonium sulphate and slightly acidified ; it then once more yields its pigment to ether-chloroform. By means of either of these methods urobilin is obtained in a pure con- dition ; even normal urine will give some, for the chromogen is partly con- verted into the pigment by the acid employed. Urobilin dissolved in alcohol exhibits a green fluorescence, which is greatly increased by the addition of zinc chloride and ammonia. It shows a well-marked absorption band between b and F, slightly overlapping the latter (fig. 63, spectrum 4). Urobilin, like most animal pigments, shows acidic tendencies and forms compounds with bases ; it is liberated from such combinations by the addition of an acid. If urobilin is dissolved in caustic potash or soda, and sufficient sulphuric or hydrochloric acid is added to render the liquid faintly acid, a turbidity is produced. This turbid liquid shows an additional band in the region of the E line (fig. 63, spectrum 6), which is probably due to the special light absorp- tion exercised by fine particles of urobilin in suspension. It whoUy dis- appears when the precipitate is filtered off, and when it is re-dissolved the ordinary band alone is visible. 3. Uroerythrin. — This is the colouring matter of j)ink urate sediments. It may be separated from the sediment as follows : — The deposit is washed with ice-cold water, dried, and placed in absolute alcohol. The alcohol, though a solvent for uroerythrin, does not extract it from the urates. The alcohol is poured off, and the deposit dissolved in warm water. From this solution the pigment is easily extracted by amy lie alcohol. Uroerythrin has a great affinity for urates, with which it appears to form a loose compound. Its solutions are rapidly decolorised by light. Bpectro- scopically it shows two rather ill -defined bands (fig, 63, spectrmii 7). It gives a green colour with caustic potash, and red or pink with mineral acids. Uroerythrin appears to be a small but constant constituent of urine. Its origin and relationship to other pigments are unknown. 4. Haematoporphyrin. — This also occurs in small quantities in normal urine. In some pathological conditions, especially after the administration of certain drugs (e.g. sulphonal), its amount is increased. Its amount is stated to increase when the urine stands ; this points to the existence of a colourless chromogen. It may be separated from the urine as follows : — Caustic alkali is added to the urine ; this causes a precipitate of phos- THE PIGMENTS OF THE URINE 215 phates, which carries down the pigment with it : the pigment may be dis- solved out with chloroform. The chloroform is evaporated, the residue washed with alcohol, and finally dissolved in acidified alcohol. Urines rich in the pigment yield it easily to acetic ether or to amylic alcohol. i cEg I Fig. 63.— Chart of absorption spectra : 1, acid liaematoporphyriii ; 2, alkaline haBUiatoporphyrin ; 3, haematoporpbyrin as found sometimes in urate sediments ; 4, acid urobilin, concentrated ; 5, acid urobilin," dilute ; 6, the E band spectrum of urobilin ; 7, uroerythrin ; 8, urorosein con- centrated—on dilution the band shrinks rapidly from redward end. (After F. G. Hopkins.) When the urine is sufficiently rich in the pigment, the bands shown are those of alkaline htematoporphyrin (fig. 63, spectrum 2). On adding sulphuric acid the spectrum of acid hyematoporphyrin is seen (fig. 63, spectrum 1). Occasionally urate sediments are pigmented with a form of the pigment which shows a two-banded spectrum, very like that of oxyhgemoglobin (fig. 63, 216 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY spectrum 3) ; by treatment with dilute mineral acids this changes immedi- ately to the spectrum of acid haematoporphyrin. 5. Chromogens in Urine. — In addition to the chromogens of urobilin and haematoporphyrin alluded to in the foregoing paragraphs there are others, of which the following may be mentioned : — (a) Indoxyl.—The origin of this substance from indole is mentioned on p. 154. It is easily oxidised to indigo-blue or indigo-red. 2C,H,<^2^>CH f 0, = C,3H, <^,^>C:C<^^>C,H, + 2H,0. [indoxyl] [indigo-blue] Indigo-red is isomeric with indigo-blue, its structural formula being CO C OTT C(,H^<^-g->C:CN. It is very rare for the urine to be actually pigmented with indigo, for the urinary indoxyl is excreted as a conjugated sulphate which resists oxidation. When the urine is mixed with an equal volume of hydrochloric acid, indoxyl is liberated from the sulphate. A solution of a hypochlorite is then added drop by drop, when indigo-blue is formed, and on shaking the mixture with chloroform the indigo-blue passes into the chloroform. (Jaffe.) This test, however, is not a very good one, for the hypochlorite solution has always to be freshly prepared, and even then a small excess will cause the colour to disappear owing to' oxidation of the indigo, and it is difficult to hit off the exact amount to give the reaction. A better test for indoxyl-sulphuric acid (indican) consists in adding 10 c.c. of a 20-per-cent. solution of lead acetate to 50 c.c. of urine, and filtering the mixture. The filtrate is shaken with an equal volume of hydrochloric acid (containing 0*2 to 0*4 per cent, of ferric chloride) and a few c.c. of chloroform. The indigo-blue passes into the chloroform (Obermayer.) (6) Shatoxyl. — When skatoxyl is given by the mouth it passes into the urine, and yields skatoxyl-red on oxidation, (c) Urorosein is distinct from indigo -red. It is produced from its chromogen by the action of mineral acids. It frequently appears when urine is treated with strong hydrochloric acid and allowed to stand, but it appears more readily when an oxidising agent is added as well. It is readily soluble in amylic alcohol, but not in ether. The chromogen is precipitated by saturation with ammonium sulphate. The colour is de- stroyed by alkalis. It shows an absorption band between the D and E lines (fig. 63, spectrum 8). 6. Pathological Pigments. — The most frequently appearing of abnormal pigments are those of blood and bile. The urine may contain accidental pigments due to the use of drugs (rhubarb, senna, logwood, santonin) ; in carbolic acid poisoning pyrocatechin and hydrochinon are chiefly responsible for the greenish-brown colour of the urine, which increases on exposure to the air. The black or dark-brown pigment called melanin may pass into the urine in cases of melanotic sarcoma. For alcaptonuria see p. 169. APPENDIX HEMACYTOMETERS Gowers's Haemacytometer. — The enumeration of the blood corpuscles is readily effected bj^ the haemacytometer of Gowers. This instrument consists of a glass slide (fig. 64, C), the centre of which is ruled into ^ millimetre squares and surrounded by a glass rim i millimetre thick. It is provided with measuring pipettes (A and B), a vessel (D) for mixing the blood with a saline solution (sulphate of soda of specific gravity 1015), a glass stirrer (E), and a guarded needle (F). Fig. 64.— Ha?macvtometer of Sir W. Gowers. Nine hundred and ninety-five cubic millimetres of the saline solution are measured out by means of A, and then placed in the mixing jar; 5 cubic millimetres of blood are then drawn from a puncture in the finger by means of the pipette B, and blown into the solution. The two fluids are well mixed by the stirrer, and a small drop of this diluted mixture placed in the 218 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY centre of the slide C, a cover glass is gently laid on (so as to touch the drop, which thus forms a layer 4 millimetre thick between the slide and cover glass), and pressed down by two brass springs. In a few minutes the corpuscles have sunk to the bottom of the layer of fluid, and rest on the squares. The number on ten squares is then counted, and this multiplied by 10,000 gives the number in a cubic millimetre of blood. The average number of red corpuscles in each square ought therefore in normal human blood to be 45-50. Differential counts to show the relative proportions of the varieties of leucocytes are made in appropriately stained specimens. Oliver's Haeniacytoiiieter. — The following method, devised by Dr. George FiO. G5.— Uliver'.s liiumacytouieter. APPENDIX 219 Oliver, is a ready way of determining the total number of corpuscles. It is, however, not possible to determine the relative proportion of red and white corpuscles by this means. The linger is pricked, and the blood allowed to flow into the small capillary pipette (fig. 65, a) until it is full. This is washed out by the dropping tube b into a graduated flattened test-tube, c, with Haycm's fluid.' The graduations of the tube are so adjusted that with normal blood con- taining 5,000,000 coloured corpuscles per cubic millimetre, the light of a small wax candle placed at a distance of 9 feet from the eye in a dark room is just transmitted as a fine bright line when looked at through the tube held edgeways between the fingers (d) and filled up to the 100 mark of the gradua- tion. If the number of corpuscles is less than normal, less of the diluting solution is required for the light to be transmitted ; if above the normal, more of the Hayem's fluid must be added. The tube is graduated, so as to indicate in percentages the decrease or increase of corpuscles per cubic millimetre as compared with the normal standard of 100 per cent. H^MOGLOBINOMETERS Gowers's Haemoglobinoineter. — ^The apparatus consists of two glass tubes, C and D, of the same size. D contains glycerin jelly tinted with carmine to a standard colour — viz., that of normal blood diluted 100 times with distilled water. The finger is pricked and 20 cubic millimetres of blood are measured Fig. 66.— HaRmoglohinometer of Sir W. Gowers. out by the capillary pipette, B. This is blown out into the tube C, and diluted with distilled water, added drop by drop from the pipette stopper of the bottle. A, until the tint of the diluted blood reaches the standard colour. The tube C is graduated into 100 parts. If the tint of the diluted blood is the ' Sodium sulphate 5 grammes, sodium chloride 1 0-5 grm., distilled water 200 c.c. ':rm., mercuric chloride 220 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSlOLOaY same as the standard when the tube is filled up to the graduation 100, the quantity of oxyhsemoglobin in the blood is normal. If it has to be diluted more largely, the oxyhsemoglobin is in excess ; if to a smaller extent, it is less than normal. If the blood has, for instance, to be diluted up to the graduation 50, the amount of haemoglobin is only half what it ought to be — 50 per cent, of the normal — and so for other percentages. Haldane's Haemoglobinometer is more frequently used. Instead of tinted gelatin, the standard of comparison is a sealed tube filled with a solution of carbonic oxide haemoglobin of known strength. This keeps unchanged for years. A stream of coal gas is passed through the blood to be examined. This converts all the haemoglobin present into carboxyhaemoglobin ; this is then diluted with water to match the standard. Von Fleischl's Haemometer. — The apparatus (fig. 67) consists of a stand bearing a white reflecting surface (S) and a platform. Under the platform is Fig. 67. — Von Fleischl's liiemomete a slot carrying a glass wedge stained red (K) and moved by a wheel (R). On the platform is a small cylindrical vessel divided vertically into two com- partments, a and a' . Fill with a pipette the compartment a' over the wedge with distilled water. Fill about a quarter of the other compartment {a) with water. Prick the finger and fill the short capillary pipette provided with the instrument with blood. Dissolve this in the water in compartment a, and fill it up with distilled water. Having arranged the reflector (S) to throw artificial light vertically through both compartments, look down through them, and move the wedge of glass by the milled head (T) until the colour in the two is identical. Read off the scale, which is so constructed as to give the percentage of hyemoglobin. Oliver's Haemoglobinometer. — This method consists in compaiing a speci- APPENDIX 221 men of blood, suitably diluted with water in a shallow white palette, with a number of standard tests very carefully prepared by the use of riG.68.-01iver;sh^moglobiuometer: a, standard gradations ; &, lancet ; <• capillary measuring pipette ; d, mixing pipette ; e, blood cell and cover glass. Lovibond's coloured glasses. The capillary pipette c (fig. 68) is first filled with Dlood obtained by .pricking the finger. This is washed with water 222 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY by the mixing pipette d into the blood cell e ; the cell is then just filled with water, and the blood and water thoroughly mixed by the handle of c being used as a stirrer. The cover glass is then adjusted, when a small bubble should form, a clear sign that the cell has not been overfilled. The cell is then placed by the side of the standard gradations, and the eye quickly recognises its approximate position on the scale. The camera tube provided with the instrument will more accurately define it. Artificial light should be used. If it is proved that the blood solution is matched in depth of colour by one of the standard grades, the observation is at an end ; but if the tint is higher than one grade, but lower than another, the blood cell is placed opposite to the former, and riders (not shown in the illustration) are added to complete the observation. The standard gr&dations are marked in per- centages, 100 per cent, being taken as normal. * "Worth ' of the Corpuscles. — If the percentage of haemoglobin is 100, and the 100 percentage number of corpuscles is 100 also, then the quotient ^ = 1 is 100 taken as the normal. This varies in health from 0*95 to 1'05 in men, and from 09 to 1 in women. This quotient has been termed the ' worth ' of the corpuscle. Specific Gravity of Blood.— Of the numerous methods introduced for taking the specific gravity of fresh blood, that of Hammerschlag is the simplest. A drop of blood from the finger is placed in a mixture of chloroform and benzene. If the drop falls, add chloroform till it just begins to rise ; if the drop rises, add benzene till it just begins to fall. The fluid will then be of the same specific gravity as the blood. Take the specific gravity of the mixture in the usual waj' with an accurate hydrometer. Schmalz's capillary pycnometer is more accurate. POLARISATION OF LIGHT If an object, such as a black dot on a piece of white paper, be looked at through a crystal of Iceland spar, two black dots will be seen ; and if the crystal be rotated, one black dot will move round the other, which remains stationary. That is, each ray of light entering such a crystal is split into two rays, which travel through the crystal with different velocities, and conse- quently one is more refracted than the other. One ray travels just as it would through glass ; this is the ordinary ray, the ray which gives the stationary image ; the other ray gives the movable image when the crystal is rotated ; the ordinary laws of refraction do not apply to it, and it is called the extraordinary ray. Both rays are of equal brilliancj'. In one direction, however, that of the optic axis of the crystal, a ray of light is transmitted without double refraction. Ordinary light, according to the wave theory, is due to vibrations occur- ring in all planes transversely to the direction of the propagation of the wave. Light is said to be plane polarised when the vibrations take place all in one plane. The two rays produced by double refraction are both polarised, one in one plane, the other in a plane at right angles to this one. Doubly refract- APPENDIX 223 ing bodies are called anisotropoiis ; singly refracting bodies, isotrojJOiifi. The effect of polarisation may be very roughly illustrated by a model. If a string be stretched as in the figure, and then touched with the finger, it can be made to vibrate, and the vibrations will be free to occur from above down, or from side to side, or in any intermediate position. If, however, a disc with a vertical slit be placed on the course of the string, the vibrations will all be obliged to take place in a vertical plane, any side to side movement being stopped by the edges of the slit ^ (fig. 69). Light can be polarised not only by the action of crystals, but by reflection from a surface at an angle which varies for different substances (glass 54° 35', water 52° 45', diamond 68°, quartz 57° 32', &c.). It is also found that certain non-crystalline substances, like muscle, cilia, &c., are doubly refracting. Nicol's Prism is the polariser usually employed in polariscopes ; it con- sists of a rhombohedron of Iceland spar divided into two by a section through its obtuse angles. The cut surfaces are polished and cemented together in their former position with Canada balsam. By this means the Fig. 70. ordinary ray is totally reflected through the Canada balsam ; the extra- ordinary ray passes on and emerges in a direction parallel to the entering ray. In this polarised ray there is nothing to render its peculiar condition visible to the naked eye ; but if the eye is aided by a second Nicol's prism, which is called the analyser, it is possible to detect the fact that it is polarised. This may be again illustrated by reference to our model (fig. 70). Suppose that the string is made to vibrate, and that the waves travel in the direction of the arrow. From the fixed point c to the disc a, the string ' Such a model is, of course, imperfect ; it does not, for instance, represent the splitting of the ray into two, and moreover the polarisation takes place on each side of the slit ; whereas, in regard to light, it is only the rays on one side of a polariser, viz. those that have passed through it, which are polarised. 224 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY. is theoretically free to vibrate in any plane ; ^ but after passing through the vertical slit in a, the vibrations must all be vertical also ; if a second similar disc h be placed further on, the vibrations will also pass on freely to the other extremity of the string d, if as in the figure (fig. 70) the slit in b be also placed vertically. If, however, b is so placed that its slit is horizontal (fig. 71) the vibrations will be extinguished on reaching b, and the string between b and d will be motionless. I Fig. 71. c here represents a source of light ; the vibrations of the string represent the undulations which by the Nicol's prism a are polarised so as to occur in one plane only ; if the second Nicol's prism or the analyser b is parallel to the first, the vibrations will pass on to the ej^e, which is represented by d ; but if the planes of the two nicols are at right angles, the vibrations allowed to pass through the first are extinguished by the second, and so no light reaches the eye. In intermediate positions, b will allow only some of the light to pass through it. It must be clearly understood that a Nicol's prism contains no actual slits, but the arrangement of its molecules is such that their action on the particles of aether may be compared to the action of slits in a diaphragm to vibratiojis of more tangible materials than aether. The Polarising Microscope consists of an ordinary microscope with certain additions; below the stage is the polarising nicol ; in the eye-piece is the analysing nicol ; the eye-piece is so arranged that it can be rotated ; thus the directions of the two nicols can be made parallel, and then the field is bright ; or crossed, and then the field is dark. The stage of the microscope is arranged so that it can also be rotated. The polarising microscope is used to detect doubly-refracting substances. Let the two nicols be crossed, so that the field is dark ; interpose between the two, that is, place upon the stage of the microscope a doubly-refracting plate of which the principal plane is parallel to the first prism or polariser ; the ray from the first prism is unaffected by the plate, but will be extinguished by the second ; the field therefore still remains dark. If the plate is parallel to the second nicol the field is also dark ; but in any intermediate position the light will be transmitted by the second nicol. In other words, if between two crossed nicols, which consequently appear dark, a substance be interposed which in certain positions causes the darkness to give place to illumination, that substance is doubly refractive. How this takes place may be explained as follows : — Let N^Nj (fig. 72} represent the direction of the principal plane of the first nicol, and N0N2 that of the second. They are at right angles, and so » The imperfection of the model has been explained in the preceding footnote. APPENDIX 225 the ray transmitted by the first will be extinguished by the second. Let PP represent the principal plane of the interposed doubly -refractive plate. The extraordinary ray transmitted by NjNj vibrates in the plane NjN,, and falls obliquely on the plate PP ; it is by this plate itself split into two rays, an ordinary and an extraordinary one, at right angles to one another, one vibrating in the plane PP, the other in the plane P^P^ These two rays meet the second nicol, which can only transmit vibrations in the plane NgNg. The vibrations in PP can be resolved into a vibration in NjNi and a vibration in N.^N., ; the former is extinguished, the latter transmitted. Similarly the vibration in P^P^ can be resolved into two sub-rays in NjNj and N2N.J respectively, the latter only being transmitted. The illumination is thus due to two sub-rays, one of the vibrations in PP, the other of those in P^P^ which have been made to vibrate in N^N^. Now, although these two sub- rays vibrate in the same plane, they are of different velocities ; hence the phases of the vibrations do not coincide, and thus the phenomena of interference are obtained. If we have two sets of vibrations fused, the crest of one wave may coincide with the crest of the other, in this case the wave will be higher; or the crest of one may coincide with the hollow of the other, that is, the undulation would be extinguished ; in ether intermediate cases, the movement would be interfered with, either helped or hindered, more or less. Interference in the case of many kinds of doubly-refracting substances (Iceland spar is in this an exception) shows itself in the extinction of certain rays of the white light, and the light seen through the second nicol is white light minus the extinguished rays ; those extinguished and those -transmitted will together form white light, and are thus complementary. Moreover, the rays extinguished in one position of the plate will be transmitted in one at right angles and vice versa ; thus a crystal showing these phenomena of pleochromatism, as it is termed, will transmit one colour in one position, and the complementary colour in a position at right angles to the first ; blue and yellow, and red and green, are the pairs of colours most frequently seen in this way. Rotation of the Plane of Polarisation. — Certain crystals such as those of quartz, and certain fluids such as the essence of turpentine, aniseed, &c., and solutions of certain substances like sugar and albumin, have the power of rotating the plane of polarised light to the right or left. The polarisation of light that is produced by a quartz crystal is different from that produced by a rhombohedron of Iceland spar. The light that passes through the latter is plane polarised ; the light that passes through the former (quartz) is circularly polarised, i.e. the two sub -rays are made up of vibrations 226 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY which occur not in a plane, but are curved. The two rays are circularly polarised in opposite directions, one describing circles to the left, the other to the right ; these unite on issuing from the quartz plate ; and the net result is a plane polarised ray with the plane rotated to right or left according as the right circularly polarised ray or the left proceeded through the quartz with the greater velocity. There are two kinds of quartz, one which rotates the plane to the right (dextro-rotatory), the other to the left (IsBvo-rotatory). Gordon explains this by the following mechanical illustration. Ordinary light may be represented by a wheel travelling in the direction of its axle, and the vibrations composing it executed along any or all of its spokes (a). If the vibrations all take place in the same direction, i.e. along one spoke, and the spoke opposite to it (b), the light is said to be plane polarised. The two spokes as they travel along in the direction of the arrow will trace out a plane (see fig. 73) between b and b'. If this polarised beam be made to travel now through a solution of sugar, the net result is that the plane so traced out is twisted or rotated ; the two spokes, as in bb', do not trace out a plane, but we must consider that they rotate as they travel along, as though guided by a spiral or screw thread cut on the axis, so that after a certain distance the vibrations take place as in b" ; later in b'", and so on. This effect on polarised light is due to the molecules in solution, and the amount of rotation will depend on the strength of the solution, and on the length of the column of the solution through which the light passes, or, in the case of a quartz plate, on its thickness. If a plate of quartz be interposed between two nicols, the light will not be extinguished in any position of the prisms, but will pass through various colours as rotation is continued. The rotation produced for different kinds of Ught being different, white hght is split into its various constituent colours ; and the angle of rotation that causes each colour to disappear is constant for a given thickness of quartz plate, being least for the red and greatest for the violet. These facts are made use of in the construction of polarimeters. Polarimeters are instruments for determining the strength of solutions of sugar, albumin, &c., by the direction and amount of rotation they produce on the plane of polarised light. They are often called saccharimeters, as they are specially useful in the estimation of sugar. POLARIMETERS Soleil's Saccbarimeter. — This instrument (see fig. 74) consists of a Nicol's prism, d, called the polariser : this polarises the light entering it, and the polarised beam then passes through a quartz plate {b in fig. 74), 3-75 mm. APPENDIX 227 thick, one half of which {d in fig. 75) is made out of dextro-rotatory, the other half {g in fig. 75) of laBVO-rotatory quartz. The light then passes through the tube containing the solution in the position of the dotted line in fig. 74, then through a quartz plate cut per- pendicularly to its axis {q in fig. 75), then through an arrangement called a compensator (r in fig. 75), then through a second nicol called the analyser, and lastly through a telescope (L in fig. 75). The compensator consists of two quartz prisms (KR', fig. 75) cut perpen- dicularly to the axis, but of contrary rotation to the plate just in front of Fig. 74. — Soleil's saccharimeter. them. These are wedge-shaped, and slide over each other, the sharp end of one being over the blunt end of the other. By a screw the wedges may be moved from each other, and this diminishes the thickness of quartz inter- posed ; if moved towards each other the amount of quartz interposed is increased. The effect of the quartz plate {d, g) next to the polariser {i in fig. 75) is to give the polarised light a violet tint when the two nicols are parallel to each other. But if the nicols are not parallel, or if the plane of the polarised light has been rotated by a solution in the tube, one half the field will change f 7^ HBO - - B- E EiiliiiY^^^ r 11' Fig. 75.— Diagram of optical arrangements in Soleil's saceharimeter. in colour to the red end, the other to the violet end of the spectrum, because the two halves of the quartz act in the opposite way. The instrument is first adjusted with the compensator at zero, and the nicols parallel, so that the whole field is of one colour. The tube containing the solution is then interposed ; and if the solution is optically inactive the field is still uniformly violet. But if the solution is dextro-rotatory the two halves will have different tints ; a certain thickness of the compensating quartz plate which is Isevo-rotatory must be interposed to make the tint of the two halves of the field equal again ; the thickness so interposed can be read off in amounts corresponding to degrees of a circle by means of a vernier q2 228 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY and scale (E in fig. 76) worked by the screw which moves the compensator. If the solution is Isevo-rotatory, the screw must be turned in the opposite direction. Zeiss' s polarimeter is in principle much the same as Soleil's ; the chief difference is that the rotation produced by the solution is corrected, not by a quartz compensator, but by actually rotating the analyser in the same direction, the amount of rotation being directly read off in degrees of a circle. Laurent's polarimeter is a more valuable instrument. Instead of using daylight, or the light of a lamp, monochromatic light (a sodium flame pro- FiG. 76. — Laurent's polarimeter. duced by volatilising common salt in a colourless gas flame) is employed ; the amount of rotation varies for different colours ; and observations are recorded as having been taken with light corresponding to the 1) or sodium line of the spectrum. The essentials of the instrument are, as before, a polariser, a tube for the solution, and an analyser. The polarised light before passing into the solution traverses a quartz plate, which, however, covers only half the field, and retards the rays passing through it by half a wave-length. In the 0° position the two halves of the field appear equally APPENDIX 2^9 illuminated : in any other position, or if rotation has been produced by the solution when the nicols have been set at zero, the two halves appear un- equally illuminated. This is corrected by means of a rotation of the analyser that can be measured in degrees by a scale attached to it. The specific rotatory power of any substance is the amount of rotation in degrees of a circle of the plane of polarised light produced by 1 gramme of the substance dissolved in 1 c.c. of liquid examined in a column 1 deci- metre long. If a = rotation observed. w = weight in grammes of the substance per cubic centimetre. I = length of tube in decimetres. [a]n = specific rotation for light with wave-length corresponding to the D line (sodium flame). Then[u]i> a In this formula + indicates that the substance is dextro-rotatory, - that it is laevo-rotatory. If, on the other hand, [a]^ is known, and we wish to find the value of w, then " I a Id X Z THE SPECTRO-POLARIMETER This instrument is one in which a spectroscope and polarising apparatus are combined for the purpose of determining the concentration of substances Fig. 77.— Spectro-polarimeter of v. Fleischl. which rotate the plane of polarised light, It was invented by E. v. Fleischl for the estimation of sugar in diabetic urine. Its chief advantage is that no difficulty arises in forming a judgment as to the identity of two coloured 230 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY surfaces, as in Soleil's saccharimeter, or of two shades of the same colour, as in Laurent's instrument. The light enters at the right-hand end of the instrument, is polarised by the Nicol's prism b, and then passes through two quartz plates, cc, placed horizontally over each other. One of these plates is dextro-, the other laevo-rotatory, and they are of such a thickness (7*75 mm.) that the green rays between the E and b lines of the spectrum are circularly polarised through an angle of 90°, the one set passing off through the upper quartz to the left, the other through the lower to the right. The light then continues through a long tube,//, which contains 15 c.c. of the solution under examination. It then passes through an analysing nicol d, and finally through a direct-vision spectroscope, e. On looking through the instrument, the tube // being empty or filled with water or some other optically inert substance, two spectra are seen, one over the other, but each shows a dark band between E and b owing to the extinction of these rays by the circular polarisation, produced by the quartz. The analyser can be rotated : a vernier, g, is attached to, and moves with it, round a circular disc (seen in section at h) graduated in degrees. The two bands in the spectra coincide when the zeros of vernier and scale correspond. If now the tube / is filled with an optically active substance like sugar, the bands are shifted, one to the right, the other to the left, according to the direction of rotation of the sub- stance in /. The rotation is corrected by rotating the analyser into such a position that the two bands exactly coincide once more as to vertical position. The number of degrees through which it is thus necessary to move the analyser measures the amount of rotation produced by the substance in /, and is a measure of the concentration of the solution. The degrees marked on the circular scale are not degrees of a circle, but an arbitrary degree of such a length that each corresponds to 1 per cent, of sugar in the given length of the column of fluid in // (177'2 mm.). RELATION BETWEEN CIRCULAR POLARISATION AND CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION The first work in this direction was performed by Pasteur, and it was his publications on this subject that brought him into prominence. He foimd that racemic acid, which is optically inactive, can be decomposed into two isomerides, one of which is common tartaric acid which is dextro-rotatory, and the other tartaric acid differing from the common variety in being laevo- rotatory. The salts of tartaric acid usually exhibit hemihedral faces, while those of racemic acid are holohedral. Pasteur found that, although all the tartrate crystals were hemihedral, the hemihedral faces were situated on some crystals to the right, and on others to the left hand of the observer, so that one formed, as it were, the reflected image of the other. These crystals were separated, purified by recrystallisation, and those which exhibited dextro-hemihedry possessed dextro-rotatory power, while the others were lavo-rotatory. Pasteur further showed that if the mould Pe7iicillium glaucum is grown in a solution of racemic acid, dextro-tartaric acid first disappears, and the laevo-acid alone remains. The subject remained in this condition for many years ; it was, however, conjectured that proba.bly there is some mole- cular condition corresponding to the naked-eye crystalline appearances which APPENDIX 231 produces the opposite optical effects of various substances. What this mole- cular structure is, was pointed out independently by two observers — Le Bel in Paris, and Van 't HofT in Holland — who published their researches within a few days of each other. They pointed out that all optically active bodies contain one or more asymmetric carbon atoms, i.e. one or more atoms of carbon connected with four dissimilar groups of atoms, as in the following examples : — C.Ha CO.OH ^ I H-(<^)— CH3 H— ©_0H CH^.OH CH— CO.OH [Amyl alcohol] [Malic acid] The question, however, remained — do all substances containing such atoms rotate the plane of polarised light ? It was found that they do not ; this is explained by Le Bel by supposing that these, like racemic acid, are compounds of two molecules — one dextro-,the other laevo-rotatory ; that this /4 Fig. 78. was the case was demonstrated by growing moulds, the fermenting action of which is to separate the two molecules in question. Then the other question — how is it that two isomerides, which in chemical characteristics, in graphic as well as empirical formulae, are precisely alike, differ in optical properties? — is explained ingeniously by Van 't Hoff. He compares the carbon atom to a tetrahedron with its four dissimilar groups. A, B, C, D, at the four corners. The two tetrahedra represented in fig. 78 appear at first sight precisely alike ; but if one be superimposed on the other, C in one and D in the other could never be made to coincide. This difference cannot be represented in any other graphic manner, and probably represents the difference in the way the atoms are grouped in the molecule of right- and left-handed substances respectively. MERCURIAL AIR-PUMPS Pfluger's Pump. — I is a large glass bulb filled with mercury ; from its lower end a straight glass tube, 7n, about 3 feet long, extends, which is connected by an india-rubber tube, n, with a reservoir of mercury, o, which can be raised or lowered as required, by a simple mechanical arrangement. From the upper end of the bulb, Z, a vertical tube passes ; above the stopcock, 7c, this has a horizontal branch, which can be closed by the stopcock, /. The vertical part is continued into the bent tube, which dips under mercury in the trough, h. A stopcock, j, is placed on the course of this tube. Beyond/ the horizontal tube leads into a large double glass bulb, a 6 ; a mercurial gauge, e, and a drying-tube, d, filled with pieces of pumice-stone moistened with sulphuric acid, are interposed, a is called the blood-bulb, and the 232 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY blood is brought into it by the tube c ; the gases, as they come ofif, cause the blood to froth, and the bulb, 6, is called the froth-chamber, as it intercepts the froth, preventing it from passing into the rest of the apparatus. The pump is used in the following way : I is filled with mercury, the level in I and o being the same ; k is closed ; o is then lowered, and when it Fio. 79.— Diagram of PflUger's pump. is 30 inches lower than the stopcock, li, the mercury in I falls also, leaving that bulb empty : j being closed and / open, Ti is then opened, and the air in a, 6, d, &c., rushes into the Torricellianvacuum in Z ; / is closed and j opened ; the reservoir, o, is raised ; the mercury in I rises also, pushing the air before it, and it bubbles out into the atmosphere through the mercury (the tube, h, is not at this stage in position). When I is full of mercury, h andy are once APPENDIX 233 more closed and o is again lowered ; when I is thus rendered once more a vacuum, h and / are opened and more of the air remaining in a, 6, d, &c. rushes into the vacuum ; / is closed, j is opened, and this air is expelled as before. The process is repeated as often as is necessary to make a, 6, d, &c. as complete a vacuum, as indicated by the mercury in the gauge, e, as is obtainable. a being now empty, and the stopcock, /, closed, blood is introduced by the tube c ; it froths and gives forth all its gases, especially if heated to 40-45° C. In the case of serum, acid has to be added to disengage the more firmly combined carbonic acid.^ The bulb, I, is once more rendered a vacuum, and k and / are opened, j being closed. The gas from a and h rushes into the bulb Z, being dried as it passes through d; f'm then closed and j opened ; the reservoir o is raised, and as the mercury in I rises simultaneously, it pushes the gases into the cylinder, 7i, which is filled with mercury and inverted over the end of the bent tube. This gas can be subsequently analysed. By alternately raising and lowering o, and regulating the stopcocks in the manner already described, all the gas from the quantity of blood used can be ultimately expelled into h. A good grease for the stopcocks is a mixture of two parts of vaseline to one of white wax. Alvergniat's pump has the advantage over Pfliiger's of fewer connections, and all of these are surrounded by mercury, which effectually prevents leakage ; it has the disadvantage of a rather small bulb in place of I, and thus it is more labour to obtain a vacuum. Leonard Hill's pump.— This is a simpler instrument, and is sufiicient for most purposes. It consists of three glass bulbs (B.B. in fig. 80), which we will call the blood bulb ; this is closed above by a piece of tubing and a clip, a ; this is connected by good india-rubber tubing to another bulb, d. Above d^ however, there is a stopcock with two ways cut through it : one by means of which B.B. and d may be connected, as in the figure ; and another seen in section, which unites d to the tube e, when the stopcock is turned through a right angle. In intermediate positions the stopcock cuts off all communi- cation from d to all parts of the apparatus above it ; d is connected by tubing to a receiver, E, which can be raised or lowered at will. At first the whole apparatus is filled with mercury, E being raised. Then, a being closed, E is lowered, and when it is more than the height of the barometer (30 inches) below the top of B.B. the mercury falls and leaves the blood bulb empty ; by lowering E still further, d can also be rendered a vacuum. A few drops of ' Phosphoric acid is usually employed. ^^3^ B.B Fig. 80. — L. Hill's air-pump. 234 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY mercury should be left behind in B.B. B.B. is then detached from the rest of the apparatus and weighed, the clips, a and 6, being tightly closed. Blood is then introduced into it by connecting the tube with the clip a on it to ^ cannula filled with blood inserted in an artery or vein of a living animal. Enough blood is withdrawn to fill about half of one of the bulbs. This is defibrinated by |^ shaking it with a few drops of mercury left in the bulb. It is then weighed again ; the increase of weight gives the amount of blood which is being investigated. B.B. is then once more attached to the rest of the apparatus, hanging downwards, as in the side drawing in fig. 80, and the blood gases boiled off; these pass into d, which has been made a vacuum ; and then, by raising K again, the mercury rises in d, pushing the gases in front of it through the tube e (the stopcock being turned in the proper direction) into the eudiometer E, which has been filled with, and placed over, mercury. The gas can then be measured and analysed. ANALYSIS OF GASES ' Waller's -modification of Zuntz's more complete apparatus will be found very useful in performing gas analysis, say of the expired air or blood gases : a 100 c.c. measuring tube graduated in tenths of a cubic centimetre between 75 and 100, a filling bulb and two gas pipettes are con- nected up as in the diagram. It is first charged with acidulated water up to the zero mark by raising the filling bulb A, tap 1 being open. It is then filled with 100 c.c. of expired air, the filling bulb being lowered till the fluid in the tube has fallen to the 100 mark. Tap 1 is now closed. The amount of carbonic acid in the expired air is next ascertained ; tap 2 is opened, and the air is expelled into the gas pipette B, containing strong caustic potash solution, by raising the filHng bulb until the fluid has risen to the zero mark of the measuring tube. Tap 2 is closed, and the air left in the gas pipette for a few minutes, during which the carbonic acid is absorbed by the potash. Tap 2 is then opened and the air drawn back into the measuring tube by lowering the filling bulb. The volume of air {minus the carbonic acid) is read, the filling bulb being adjusted so that its contents are at the same level as the fluid in the measuring tube. The amount of oxygen is next ascertained in a precisely similar manner by sending the air into the other gas pipette, which contains sticks of phosphorus in water, and measuring the loss of volume (due to Fig. 81.— Waller's apparatus for gas analysis. APPENDIX 235 absorption of oxygen) in the air when drawn back into the tube. The remaining gas is nitrogen. KJELDAHL'S METHOD OF ESTIMATING NITROGEN This simple method can be used in connection with most substances of physiological importance. Briefly, it consists in converting all the nitrogen present into ammonia by means of sulphuric acid ; then rendering alkaline with soda, and distilling over the ammonia into standard acid, the diminu- tion in acidity of which measures the amount of ammonia present. The following modification of the original method is used in this laboratory. About 1 gramme of the substance under investigation (or in the case of urine when one wishes to make an estimation of total nitrogen, 5 or 10 c.c. of that fluid) is placed in a round bottomed Jena flask of about 250 c.c. capacity, and 20 c.c. of pure sulphuric acid added. Six grammes of potassium sulphate and about half a gramme of copper sulphate are also added. The flask should be provided with a loose balloon stopper, and arranged in a sloping direction over a small flame. The mixture is heated slowly until it boils. In about twenty minutes the fluid becomes nearly colourless ; boiling is continued for another forty-five minutes. By this time all the nitrogen will be in combination as ammonia. After cooling, the fluid is washed into a litre flask of Jena glass (fig. 82, A) and water added until the total volume of the fluid is about 400 c.c. Add then an excess of 40 per cent, caustic soda solution, a few pieces of granulated zinc to avoid bumping in the subsequent distillation, and immediately fit the glass tube B into the neck of the flask by means of a well- fitting rubber stopper. The other end of B leads into the flask C which contains a measured amount (50 or 100 c.c.) of standard sulphuric acid ; ^ normal acid is a convenient strength to use. The bulb D shown in the figure guards against regurgitation, and the end of the tube should dip just below the surface of the acid in C. fig. 82. — Kjeidabi's The mixture in the flask is now boiled for about half an ^ppamtus*^''*'"'"^ hour when all the anmionia will have distilled over ; the use of a condenser around the tube B is unnecessary. The acidity of the standard acid is then determined by titrating with standard alkali, a few drops of methyl orange being added to act as the indicator of the end of the reaction (this gives a pink colour with acid, yellow with alkali). Example. — Suppose 1 gramme of a nitrogenous substance is taken, and the ammonia distilled over into 100 c.c. of ^ normal sulphuric acid ( = 20 c.c. normal acid). This is then titrated with a corresponding solution of soda, and it is found that the neutral point is reached when 60 c.c. of the soda solution have been added. The other 40 c.c. must therefore have been neutralised by the ammonia derived from the substance under investigation. This 40 c.c. of acid = 8 c.c. of normal acid = 8 c.c. of normal ammonia = 8 X 0'017 = 0*136 gramme of ammonia. One gramme of the substance ana- lysed, therefore, yields 0-136 gramme of ammonia, and this contains 0"112 236 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY gramme of nitrogen ; 100 grammes will therefore contain 11-2 grammes of nitrogen. If the strength of the acid is that just recommended, each c.c. corresponds to 0'0028092 of nitrogen. SOLUTIONS. DIFFUSION. DIALYSIS. OSMOSIS. The investigations of physical chemists dming recent years have given us new conceptions of the meaning of the words that stand at the head of this article. I propose to state what these new conceptions are, and briefly to indicate the bearing they have on the elucidation of physiological problems. Solutions. — Water is the fluid in which soluble materials are usually dissolved, and at ordinary temperatures it is a fluid, the molecules of which are in constant movement ; the hotter the water the more active are the movements of its molecules, until, when at last it is converted into steam, the molecular movements become much more energetic. Perfectly pure water consists of molecules with the formula H2O, and these molecules undergo practically no dissociation into their constituent atoms, and it is for this reason that pure water is not a conductor of electricity. If a substance like sugar is dissolved in the water, the solution still remains incapable of conducting an electrical current. The sugar molecules in solution are still sugar molecules ; they do not undergo dissociation. But if a substance like salt is dissolved in the water, the solution is then capable of conducting electrical currents, and the same is true for most acids, bases, and salts. These substances do undergo dissociation, and the simpler materials into which they are broken up in the water are called ions. Thus if sodium chloride is dissolved in water, a certain number of its molecules become dissociated into sodium ions, which are charged with positive elec- tricity, and chlorine ions, which are charged with negative electricity. Similarly a solution of hydrochloric acid in water contains free hydrogen ions and free chlorine ions. Sulphuric acid is decomposed into hydrogen ions and ions of SOj^. The term ion is thus not equivalent to atom, for an ion may be a group of atoms, like SO4, in the example just given. Further, in the case of hydrochloric acid, the negative charge of the chlorine ion is equal to the positive charge of the hydrogen ion ; but in the case of the sulphuric acid, the negative charge of the SO^ ion is equal to the positive charge of tv/o hydrogen ions. We can thus speak of monovalent, divalent, trivalent, &c. ions. Ions charged with positive electricity are called Teat-ions because they move towards the kathode or negative pole ; those which are charged with negative electricity are called an-ions because they move towards the anode or positive pole. The following are some examples of each class : — Kat-ions. Monovalent: — H, Na, K, NH„ &c. Divalent : Ca, Ba, Fe (in ferrous salts), &c. Trivalent: Al, Bi, Sb, Fe (in ferric salts), &c. An-ions. Monovalent : CI, Br, I, OH, NO3, &c. Divalent : — S, Se, So^, &c. Roughly speaking, the greater the dilution the more nearly complete is the dissociation, and in a very dilute solution of such a substance as sodium APPENDIX 237 chloride we may consider that the number of ions is double the number of molecules of the salt present. The ions liberated by the act of dissociation are, as we have seen, charged with electricity, and when an electrical current is led into such a solution it is conducted through the solution by the movement of the ions. Sub- stances which exhibit the property of dissociation are known as electrolytes. The conception of electrolytes, which we owe to Arrhenius, is extremely important in view of the question of osmotic pressure which we shall be con- sidering immediately ; because the act of dissociation increases the number of particles moving in the solution and so increases the osmotic pressure, for in this relation the ion plays the same part as a molecule. The liquids of the body contain electrolytes in solution, and it is owing to this fact that they are able to conduct electrical currents. Another physiological aspect of the subject is seen in a study of the action of mineral salts in solution on living organisms and parts of organisms. Many years ago Einger showed that contractile tissues (heart, cilia, &c.) continue to manifest their activity in certain saline solutions. Indeed, as Howell puts it, the cause of such rhythmical action is the presence of these inorganic substances in the blood or lymph which usually bathes them. In the case of the heart, the sinus, or venous end of the heart, is peculiarly susceptible to the stimulus of the inorganic salts, and the rhythmical peristaltic waves so started travel thence over the rest of the heart muscle. Loeb and his fellow workers have confirmed these statements, but interpret them now as ionic action. Contractile tissues will not contract in piu-e solutions of non-electrolytes (like sugar, urea, albumen). But different con- tractile tissues differ in the nature of the ions which are most favourable stimuli. Thus cardiac muscle, cilia, amoeboid movement, karyokinesis, cell division are all alike in requiring a proper adjustment of ions in their sur- roundings if they are to continue to act, but the proportions must be different in individual cases. Ions affecting the rhythmical contractions may be divided into three classes : (1) Those which produce such contractions ; of these the most efficacious is Na. (2) Those which retard rhythmical con- tractions ; for instance, Ca and K. (3) Those which act catalytically, that is, they accelerate the action of Na, though they do not themselves produce rhythmical contractions directly : for instance, H and OH. In spite of the antagonistic effect of Ca, a certain amount of it must be present if con- tractions are to continue for any length of time. Ions produce rhythmical contraction only because they affect either the physical condition of the colloidal substances (protein, &c.) in protoplasm, or the rapidity of chemical processes. Loeb has even gone so far as to consider that the process of fertilisation is mainly ionic action. He denies that the nuclein in the head of the sperma- tozoon is essential, but asserts that all the spermatozoon does is to act as the stimulus in the due adjustment of the proportions of the surrounding ions. He supports this view by numerous experiments on ova, in which, without the presence of spermatozoa, he has produced larvae (generally imperfect ones, it is true) by merely altering the saline constituents of the fluid that bathes them. Whether such a notion will stand the test of further verifica- 238 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY tion must be left to the future. So also must the equally important idea that the basis of a nervous impulse is electrolytic action, though it receives support from Macdonald's recent investigations. Gramme-molecular Solutions. — From the point of view of osmotic pressure a convenient unit is the gramme-molecule. A gramme-molecule of any substance is the quantity in grammes of that substance equal to its molecular weight. A gramme -molecular solution is one which contains a gramme - molecule of the substance per litre. Thus a gramme-molecular solution of sodium chloride is one which contains 58*5 grammes of sodium chloride (Na = 23*05 ; CI = 35"45) in a litre. A gramme-molecular solution of grape sugar (C^jHioO^j) is one which contains 180 grammes of grape sugar in a litre. A gramme-molecule of hydrogen (H^) is 2 grammes by weight of hydrogen, and if this were compressed to the volume of a litre it would be comparable to a gramme -molecular solution. It therefore follows that a litre containing 2 grammes of hydrogen contains the same number of molecules of hydrogen in it, as a litre of a solution containing 58*5 grammes of sodium chloride, or one containing 180 grammes of grape sugar has in it of salt or sugar molecules respectively. To put it another way, the heavier the weight of a molecule of any substance the more of that substance must be dissolved in the litre to obtain its gramme -molecular solution. Or still another way : if solutions of various substances are made all of the same strength per cent., the solutions of the materials of small molecular weight will contain more molecules of those materials, than the solutions of the materials which have heavy molecules. We shall see that the calculation of osmotic pressure depends on these facts. Diifusion, Dialysis, Osmosis. — If two gases are brought together within a closed space, a homogeneous mixture of the two is soon obtained. This is due to the movements of the gaseous molecules within the confining space and the process is called diffusion. In a similar way diffusion will effect in time a homogeneous mixture of two liquids or solutions. If v/ater is carefully poured on to the surface of a solution of salt, the salt or its ions will soon be equally distributed throughout the whole. If a solution of albumin or any other colloidal substance is used instead of salt in the experiment, diffusion will be found to occur much more slowly. If, instead of pouring the water on to the surface of a solution of salt or sugar, the two are separated by a membrane made of such a material as parchment paper, a similar diffusion will occur, though more slowly than in cases where the membrane is absent. In time, the water on each side of the membrane will contain the same quantity of sugar or salt. Substances which pass through such membranes are called crystalloids. Substances which have such heavy molecules (starch, protein, &c.) that they will not pass through such membranes are called colloids. Diffusion of substances in solution in which we have to deal with an intervening membrane is usually called dialysis. The process of filtration {i.e. the passage of materials through the pores of a membrane under the influence of mechanical pressure) may be excluded in such experi- ments by placing the membrane (M) vertically as shown in the diagram (fig. 83), and the two fluids A and B on each side of it. Diffusion through a membrane is not limited to the molecules of water, but it may occur also in APPENDIX 239 H A B :=rz^- Fig. 83. the molecules of certain substances dissolved in the water. But very few or no membranes are equally permeable to water and to molecules of the substances dissolved in the water. If in the accompany- ing diagram the compartment A is filled with pure water, and B with a sodium chloride solution, the liquids in the two compartments will ultimately be found to be equal in bulk as they were at the start, and each will be a solution of salt of half the original strength of that in the compartment jB, But at first the volume of the liquid in compartment B increases, because more water molecules pass into it from A than salt mole- cules pass from B into^. The term osmosis is generally limited to the stream of water molecules passing through a membrane, while the term dialysis is applied to the passage of the molecules in solution in the water. The osmotic stream of water is especially important, and in connection with this it is necessary to explain the term osmotic pressure. At first, then, osmosis (the diffusion of water) is more rapid than the dialysis (the diffusion of the salt molecules or ions). The older explanation of this was that salt attracted the water, but we now express the fact differently by saying that the salt in solution exerts a certain osmotic pressure : the result of the osmotic pressure is that more water flows from the water side to the side of the solution than in the contrary direction. The osmotic pressure varies with the amount of substance in solution, and is also altered by variations of temperature, occurring more rapidly at high than at low temperatures. If we imagine two masses of water separated by a permeable membrane, as many water molecules will pass through from one side as from the other, and so the volumes of the two masses of water will remain unchanged. If now we imagine the membrane M is not permeable except to water, and the compartment A contains water, and the compartment B contains a solution of salt or sugar; in these circumstances water will pass through into B, and the volume of B will increase in proportion to the osmotic pressure of the sugar or salt in solution in 5, but no molecules of sugar or salt can get through into A from B, so the volume of fluid in A will continue to decrease, until at last a limit is reached. The determination of this limit, as measured by the height of a column of fluid or mercury which it will support, will give us a measurement of the osmotic pressure. Membranes of this nature are called semi-permeable. One of the best kinds of semi-permeable membrane is ferrocyanide of copper. This may be made by taking a cell of porous earthenware and washing it out first with copper sulphate and then with potassium ferrocyanide. An insoluble precipitate of copper ferrocyanide is thus deposited in the pores of the earthenware. If such a cell is fiUed with a 1-per-cent. solution of sodium chloride, water diffuses in till the pressure registered by a manometer connected to it registers the enormous height of 5,000 millimetres of mercury. Theoretically it is possible to measure osmotic pressure by a manometer in this way, but practically it is seldom done, and some of the indirect methods of measurement described later are used 240 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY instead. The reason for this is that it has been found difficult to construct a membrane which is absohitely semi-permeable. Many explanations of the nature of osmotic pressure have been brought forward, but none is perfectly satisfactory. The following simple explanation is perhaps the best, and may be rendered most intelligible by an illustration. Suppose we have a solution of sugar separated by a semi-permeable mem- brane from water : that is, the membrane is permeable to water molecules, but not to sugar molecules. The streams of water from the two sides will then be unequal ; on one side we have water molecules striking against the membrane in what we may call normal numbers, while on the other side both water molecules and sugar molecules are striking against it. On this side, therefore, the sugar molecules take up a certain amount of room, and do not allow the water molecules to get to the membrane ; the membrane is, as it were, screened against the water by the sugar, therefore fewer water molecules will get through from the screened to the unscreened side than vice versa. This comes to the same thing as saying that the osmotic stream of water is greater from the unscreened water side to the screened sugar side than it is in the reverse direction. The more sugar molecules that are present, the greater will be their screening action, and thus we see that the osmotic pressure is proportional to the number of sugar molecules in the solution : that is, to the concentration of the solution. Osmotic pressure is, in fact, equal to that which the dissolved substance would exert if it occupied the same space in the form of a gas (Van 't Hofif's hypothesis). The nature of the substance makes no difference ; it is only the number of molecules which causes osmotic pressure to vary. The osmotic pressure, however, of substances like sodium chloride, which are electrolytes, is greater than what one would expect from the number of molecules present. This is because the molecules in solution are split into their constituent ions, and an ion plays the same part as a molecule, in questions of osmotic pressure. In dilute solutions of sodium chloride ionisation is more complete, and as the total number of ions is then nearly double the number of original molecules, the osmotic pressure is nearly double what would have been calculated from the number of molecules. The analogy between osmotic pressure and the partial pressure of gases is complete, as may be seen from the following statements : — 1. At a constant temperature osmotic pressure is proportional to the concentration of the solution (Boyle-Mariotte's law for gases). 2. With constant concentration, the osmotic pressure rises with and is proportional to the temperature (Gay-Lussac's law for gases). 3. The osmotic pressure of a solution of different substances is equal to the sum of the pressures which the individual substances would exert if they were alone in the solution (Henry-Dalton's law for partial pressure of gases). 4. The osmotic pressure is independent of the nature of the substance in solution, and depends only on the number of molecules or ions in solution (Avogadro's law for gases). Calculation of Osmotic Pressure. —We may best illustrate this by an example and to simplify matters we will take an example in the case of a non-electro- lyte like sugar. We shall then not have to take into account any electrolytic APPENDIX 241 dissociation of the molecules into ions. We will suppose we want to calcu- late the osmotic pressure of a 1 -par-cent, solution of cane sugar. One gramme of hydrogen at atmospheric pressure and 0" C. occupies a volume of 11'2 litres; two grammes of hydrogen will therefore occupy a volume of 22*4 litres. A gramme-molecule of hydrogen — that is, 2 grammes of hydrogen — when brought to the volume of 1 litre will exert a gas pressure equal to that of 22*4 litres compressed to 1 litre — that is, a pressure of 22*4 atmospheres. A gramme-molecular solution of cane sugar, since it contains the same number of molecules in a litre, must therefore exert an osmotic pres- sure of 22*4 atmospheres also. A gramme-molecular solution of cane sugar (CiaH^.jOn) contains 342 grammes of cane sugar in a litre. A 1-per-cent. solution of cane sugar contains only 10 grammes of cane sugar in a litre of water ; hence the osmotic pressure of a 1-per-cent. solution of cane sugar is - X 22*4 atmospheres, or 0*65 of an atmosphere, which in terms of a column of mercury = 760 x 0-65 = 494 mm. It would not be possible to make such a calculation in the case of an electrolyte, because we should not know how many molecules had been ionised. In the liquids of the body, both electrolytes and non-electrolytes are present, and so a calculation is here also impossible. We have seen the difficulty of directly measuring osmotic pressure by a manometer ; we now see that mere arithmetic often fails us ; and so we come to the question to which we have been leading up, viz. how osmotic pressure is actually determined. Determination of Osmotic Pressure by means of the Freezing-point. — This is the method which is almost universally employed. A very simple apparatus (Beckmann's differential thermometer) is all that is necessary. The principle on which the method depends is the following : — The freezing-point of any substance in solution in water is lower than that of water ; the lowering of the freezing-point is proportional to the molecular concentration of the dis- solved substance, and that, as we have seen, is proportional to the osmotic pressure. When a gramme-molecule of any substance is dissolved in a litre of water, the freezing-point is lowered by 1*87° C, and the osmotic pressure is, as we have seen, equal to 22*4 atmospheres : that is, 22*4 x 760 = 17,024 mm. of mercury. We can therefore calculate the osmotic pressure of any solution if we know the lowering of its freezing-point in degrees Centigrade ; the lowering of the freezing-point is usually expressed by the Greek letter A. Osmotic pressure = ,~- x 17,024. 1-87 For example, a 1-per-cent. solution of sugar would freeze at -0-052° C. ; . ,, o -052x17,024 .^o , its osmotic pressure is therefore t'-^^ — =473 mm., a number approxi- 1'87 mately equal to that we obtained by calculation. Mammalian blood serum gives A = 0*56° C. A 0'9-per-cent. solution of sodium chloride has the same A ; hence serum and a 0-9-per-cent. solution of common salt have the same osmotic pressure, or are isotonic. The osmotic 242 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY '56 X 17 024 pressure of blood serum is - _' — =5,000 mm. of mercury approxi- 1*87 mately, or a pressure of nearly 7 atmospheres. The osmotic pressure of solutions may also be compared by observing their effect on red corpuscles, or on vegetable cells such as those in Trades- cantia. If the solution is hypertonic^ i.e. has a greater osmotic pressure than the cell contents, the protoplasm shrinks and loses water, or, if red corpuscles are used", they become crenated. If the solution is hypotonic, e.g. has a smaller osmotic pressure than the material within the cell-wall, no shrinking of the protoplasm in the vegetable cell occurs, and if red corpuscles are used they swell and liberate their pigment. Isotonic solutions produce neither of these effects, because they have the same molecular concentration and osmotic pressure as the material within the cell- wall. Physiological Applications. — It will at once be seen how important all these considerations are from the physiological standpoint. In the body we have aqueous solutions of various substances separated from one another by membranes. Thus we have the endothelial walls of the capillaries separating the blood from the lymph ; we have the epithelial waUs of the kidney tubules separating the blood and lymph from the urine ; we have similar epithelium in all secreting glands ; and we have the wall of the alimentary canal separating the digested food from the blood-vessels and lacteals. In such important problems, then, as lymph-formation, the formation of urine and other excretions and secretions, and absorption of food, we have to take into account the laws which regulate the movements both of water and of sub- stances which are held in solution by the water. In the body osmosis is not the only force at work, but we have also to consider filtration : that is, the forcible passage of materials through membranes, due to differences of mechanical pressure. Further complicating these two processes we have to take into account another force : namely, the secretory or selective activity of the living cells of which the membranes in question are composed. This is sometimes called by the name vital action, which is an unsatisfactory and unscientific expression. The laws which regulate filtration, imbibition, and osmosis are fairly well known and can be experimentally verified. But we have undoubtedly some other force, or some other manifestation of force, in the case of Uving membranes. It probably is some physical or chemical property of living matter which has not yet been brought into line with the known chemical and physical forces which operate in the inorganic world. We cannot deny its existence, for it sometimes operates so as to neutralise the known forces of osmosis and filtration. The more one studies the question of lymph-formation, the more con- vinced one becomes that mere osmosis and filtration will not explain it entirely. The basis of the action is no doubt physical, but the living cells do not behave like the dead membranes of a dialyser ; they have a selective action, picking out some substances and passing them through to the lymph, while they reject others. The question of gaseous interchanges in the lungs has been another battlefield of a similar kind. Some maintain that all can be explained by the laws of diffusion of gases ; others assert that the action is wholly APPENDIX 248 vital. Probably those are most correct who admit a certain amount of truth in both views ; the main facts are explicable on a physical basis, but there are also some puzzling data which show that the pulmonary epithelium is able to exercise some other force as well, which interferes to some extent with the known physical process. Take again the case of absorption. The object of digestion is to render the food soluble and diffusible ; it can hardly be sup- posed that this is useless ; the readily diffusible substances will pass more easily through into the blood and lymph : but still, as Waymouth Keid has shown, if the living epithelium of the intestine is removed, absorption comes very nearly to a standstill, although from the purely physical standpoint removal of the thick columnar epithelium would increase the faciUties for osmosis and filtration. The osmotic pressure exerted by crystalloids is very considerable, but their ready diffusibility limits their influence on the flow of water in the body. Thus, if a strong solution of salt is injected into the blood, the first effect will be the setting up of an osmotic stream from the tissues to the blood. The salt, however, would soon diffuse out into the tissues, and would now exert osmotic pressure in the opposite direction. Moreover, both effects will be but temporary, because excess of salt is soon got rid of by the excretions. Osmotic Pressure of Proteins. — It has been generally assumed that proteins, the most abundant and important constituents of the blood, exert little or no osmotic pressure. Starling, however, has claimed that they have a small osmotic pressure ; if this is so, it is of importance, for proteins, unlike salt, do not diffuse readily, and their effect therefore remains as an almost permanent factor in the blood. Starling gives the osmotic pressure of the proteins of the blood-plasma as equal to 30 mm. of mercury. By others this is attributed to the inorganic salts with which proteins are always closely associated. Moore, for instance, finds that the purer a protein is, the less is its osmotic pressure ; the same is true for other colloidal substances. It really does not matter much, if the osmotic force exists, whether it is due to the protein itself, or to the saline constituents which are almost an integral part of a protein. It is merely interesting from the theoretical point of view. We should from the theoretical standpoint find it difficult to imagine that a pure protein can exert more than a minimal osmotic pressure. It is made up of such huge molecules that, even when the proteins are present to the extent of 7 or 8 per cent., as they are in blood-plasma, there are comparatively few protein molecules in solution, and probably none in true solution. Still, by means of this weak but constant pressure it is possible to explain the fact that an isotonic or even a hypertonic solution of a diffusible crystalloid may be completely absorbed from the peritoneal cavity into the blood. The functional activity of the tissue elements is accompanied by the breaking down of their protein constituents into such simple materials as uvea (and its precursors), sulphates, and phosphates. These materials pass into the lymph, and increase its molecular concentration and its osmotic pressure ; thus water is attra.cted (to use the older way of putting it) from the blood to the lymph, and so the volume of the lymph rises and its flow increases. On the other hand, as these substances accumulate in the lymph they will in r2 244 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY time attain there a greater concentration than in the blood, and so they will diffuse towards the blood, by which they are carried to the organs of excretion. But, again, we have a difficulty with the proteins ; they are most important for the nutrition of the tissues, but they are practically indiffusible. We must provisionally assume that their presence in the lymph is due to filtration from the blood. The plasma in the capillaries is under a somewhat higher pressure than the lymph in the tissues, and this tends to squeeze the constituents of the blood, including the proteins, through the capillary walls. I have, however, already indicated that the question of lymph-formation is one of the many physiological problems which await solution by the physiologists of the future. INDEX In cases where several references are made to any subject, the figure in heavy type indicates where the principal matter in relation to the subject is to be found. A Abkin, 123 Absorption, 95, 243 ; of carbohydrates, 96 ; of fats, 99 ; of proteins, 96 Absorption bands, 117, 118, 119 Absorption spectra of haemoglobin and its derivatives, 119, 189 ; of myohae- matin, 199 ; of urinary pigments, 215 Accessories of food, 60 Acetic acid, 24, 25, 63 Acetompmia, 88 Acetone, 88, 168 ; test for, 168 Acetyl, 25 Achroo-dextrin, 21, 68, 179 Acid-albumin, 29, 30, 48, 62, 75, 79, 81, 172 Acid haematin, 188 Acid haematoporphyrin, 189, 215 ; ab- sorption bands of, 189, 215 Acid, lactic, see Lactic acid Acid sodium phosphate, 144 Acid tide, 144 Acids, vegetable, 4, 144 Acrolein, 22, 24 Acute yellow atrophy of liver, 147 Adamkiewicz's reaction, 27^ 34, 39 Adenase, 161 Adenine, 46, 159, 160, 161 Adipose tissue, 2, 23 Aerobic micro-organisms, 66 Aerotonometer, 132 Agglutinating action, 124 ; agglutinins, 124 Air, expired and inspired, 126 ; pumps, mercurial, 231 Alanine, 31, 33 Alanyl, 36 Albumin, 4, 237 ; action of acids and alkalis on, 29, 30 Albumin, acid-, 29, 30 ; alkali-, 29 Albumin in urine, 166 ; estimation of, 166 ; tests for, 156 Albuminate, 48 Albuminoids, 43 Albuminometer of Esbach, 166 Albumins, 37, 41, 42, 77, 171 Albumose, 75 Albumoses and peptone, separation of, 182 ; tests for, 182 Alcapton, 169 Alcaptonuria, 169 Alcohol, action of, on proteins, 182 Alcoholic fermentation, 56 ; of milk, 56 Alcohols, 4, 14, 24, 25 Aldehyde, 14, 24 Aldoses, 15 Aleurone grains, 38 AlkaU-albumin, 29, 30, 48, 81, 172, 187 Alkaline hiematin, 188 Alkaline haematoporphyrin, 215 ; ab- sorption bands of, 189, 215 Alkaline tide, 144 Alkaloids, 60 AUoxuric bases, 46 Allyl alcohol, 24, 231 Aluminium, 8 Alvergniat's pump, 233 Amboceptor, 124 Amidulin, 20 Amino-acetic acid, see Glycine Amino-acids, 31, 81, 85, 86, 97 Amino-caproic acid, 31, 86 Amino- ethyl-sulphonic acid, 91 Amino-iso-butyl-acetic acid, 86 Amino-oxy-purine, 159 Amino-propionic acid, 31 Amino-purine, 159 Amino-pyrotartaric acid, 32 Amino-succinamic acid, 32 Amino-succinic acid, 32 246 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Ammo- valeric acid, 32 Ammonia, 34, 151 Ammoniacal odour of putrid urine, 146 Ammonio-magnesium phosphate, 156 Ammonium carbonate and carbamate as urea precursors, 150 Ammonium cyanate, 145 Ammonium sulphate, action of, on proteins, 27, 28, 40, 165, 182 Ammonium urate, 165 Amoeboid movements, 237 Amylolytic ferments, 65, 68, 184 Amylopsin, 19, 65, 78, 80 ; action of, 82 Amyloses, 16, 65 Anaerobic micro-organisms, 66 Analyses of gases, 234 Animal starch, 21 Anions, 236 Anisotropous bodies, 223 Anti-bodies, 77 Antimony, 8 Antipepsin, 77, 105 Antiseptics, 63 Antithrombin, 105, 107 Antitoxic material, 121 Antitoxin, 123 Antitrypsin, 77, 105 Antivenin, 123 Apparatus necessary for practical work, 4, 5, 6 Appendix, 217 Aqueous vapour, tension of, 8 Arabinose, 178 Arginase, 150, 161 Arginine, 32, 33, 35, 41, 81, 150, 161 Aromatic amino-acids, 33 Aromatic series, 18 Arsenic, 8 Arterial blood, gases of, 127 Artificial gastric juice, 62 Asparagine, 32 Aspartic acid, 32, 81 Asphyxia, 128 Atmosphere, 126 Atomic weights, 8 Attraction sphere, 2 Atypical globulin, 198 Avogadro's law, 127, 240 B Bacilli, 65 Bacteria, 65 Bacterial action, 85 Bacterio-lysin, 122 Barcroft's apparatus for obtaining blood gases, 135 Barfoed's reagent, 178 Barium, 8 Bath, warm, 29 Baumann and Wolkow on alcapton, 169 Bausteine, 98 Beaumont, Dr., on gastric secretion, 70 Beef, 57 ; beef-tea, 59, 200 Beetroot, 18 Benger's liquor pancreaticus, 78, 186 ; liquor pepticus, 62 Benzene, 33 Benzoic acid, 162 Bernard, Claude, on glycogen of liver, 96 ; diabetic puncture, 88 Bile, 78, 89, 100 ; amount secreted, 90 secretion of, 89 ; circulation, 90 characters of, 90 ; constituents, 90 mucin of, 91 ; pigments, 79, 90, 95 salts of, 79, 91, 94 ; uses of, 93 actions of, 94 ; in urine, 169 Biliary fistula, 89 Bilirubin, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 213; of meconium, 95 Biliverdin, 91, 92, 95 Bismuth, 8 Biuret, 39, 77, 141; reaction, 27, 39, 183 Blood, 3, 101-126 ; coagulation of, 102, 104, 194 ; corpuscles, 103 ; detection of, 120, 121; gases of, 127; specific gravity of, 222 ; tests for, 120, 121 ; pigment. 111 ; biological test for, 121 ; plasma and serum of, 101, 108; in urine, 169; platelets, 103, 104, 108, 196 Blood bulb, 234 Blood clot, 103 Bohr on absorption of oxygen, 130 ; on tension of carbonic dioxide, 130 Bone, composition of, 43 ; marrow, 23 Boron, 8 Bowman's capsule, 143 Boyle-Mariotte's law for gases, 240 Bran, 58 Bread, 50, 52, 58; composition of, 59 Bright 's disease, 168 Bromine, 8 Brown and Morris on digestion of starch, 68 Buchner on ferments, 66 Buffy coat, 103 Bunge on hsematogens, 46 ; on milk, 53 Bush tea, 60 Butter, 49, 52 Butyric acid, 19, 24, 85 Butyrin, 55 Cadmium, 8 Caffeine, 60, 159 Calcium, 5, 8 ; phosphate, 49 INDEX 247 Calcium caseinogenate, 55, 181 Calcium oxalate in urine, 156, 162, 165 ; crystals, 164 Calcium salts, 3, 105 ; importance of, in coagulation of blood, 104, 105, 194 ; of milk, 55, 181 Cane sugar, 13, 16, 18, 74, 96, 171, 177, 178 ; urine, 18 ; tests for, 13, 18 Caproic acid, 24, 32 Caproin, 55 Carbamate, 150 Carbamide, 151. See also Urea Carbohydrates, 4, 13-21, 176-179; ab- sorption of, 96 ; classification of, 16 ; definition of, 14 ; tests for, 13-21, 171, 176, 177, 178, 179 Carbolic acid poisoning and urine, 216 Carbon, 3, 8 ; tests for, 3, 9 Carbonates in blood, 129, 130 ; in urine, 154 Carbonic acid in air, 126 ; in blood, 129, 130 Carbonic oxide hssmoglobin, 114, 120, 172, 188 Cardiac glands, 70 ; muscle, 237 Carmine-stained fibrin, 184 Cartilage, 44 Casein, 49, 54, 60, 172 Caseinogen, 10, 35, 49, 64, 65, 172, 181, 186 Caseinogenate of calcium, of sodium, of potassium, 55 Catalysing agents, 67, 82 Catalysts, 67 Cell, definition of, 2 ; diagram of, 45 Cells, differentiation of, 1 Cellulose, 16, 21, 85, 95 Centigrade scale, 7 Central cells of fundus glands, 70, 71, 72 Centrifugal machine, 195 - Centrosome, 2 Cerebrin, 201 Cerebrosides, 20] Cerebrospinal fluid, 203 ; functions of, 203 Chemical physiology, 1 Chemical sediments of urine, 165 Chemical structure of protoplasm, 3 Chemistry of respiration, 126; of nerve degeneration, 201 Chittenden's views on diet, 52, 148 Chlorides of urine, 141, 153 ; estimation of, 205 ; tests for, 141 Chlorine, 3, 8 Chlorophyll, 95 Cholalic acid, 91, 94 Cholesterin, 3, 26, 56, 79, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 111, 201 ; crystals of, 93, 173 ; tests for, 93 Choletelin, 92 ChoHne, 26, 85, 201 ; tests for, 201, 202 Chondrin, 44 Chorda tympani, 68 Chromatin, 45 Chromogens in urine, 216 Chromo-proteins, 41, 44 Chyle, 99 Chyme, 89, 94 Cilia, 237 Ciliary movement, 237 Circular polarisation and chemical con- stitution, 230 ' Circulating protein,' 148 Circulation of bile, 90 Cirrhosis of liver, 147 Citric acid, 54, 144 Clark's essence of rennet, 60 Cleavage, 30 ; products of digestion, 81, 97,98 Clotting of blood, 102-108, 194-196 Clupeine, 42 Coagulated proteins, 43 Coagulation, 40 Coagulation of blood, 102-108, 194-196 ; of milk, 49, 54, 181 ; of muscle, 197- 198 ; of proteins, 27 Coagulative ferments, 65 Cobalt sulphate, actions on proteins, 183 Cocaine, 60 Cocoa, 60, 159 Coffee, 60, 159 Coffin-lid crystals, 155, 157 Cola nut, 60 Collagen, 43, 81 Collimator, 116 Colloid carbohydrates, salting out of, 21 Colloidal solution, 36 ; substances, 237, 238 Colloids, 37, 38, 243 Colostrum, 4, 53 Colostrum corpuscles, 53 Commercial peptone, 37, 107 Complement, 124 Compounds found in the body, 4 Condiments, 60 Conjugated proteins, 41, 44 Cooking of food, 59 Copper, 3, 8 Cream, 49, 53 Creatine, 32, 60, 110, 152, 200; in muscle, 200 Creatinine, 30, 110, 142, 145, 148, 149, 152, 168, 174, 210 ; detection of, 142 ; estimation of, 211 Cresol, 66 Croft Hill on ferments, 66 Crypts of Lieberkiihn, 84 Crystallin, 43 248 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Crystalline lens, 43 Crystallisable proteins, 38, 112, 113, 187, 191 Crystallisation of egg albumin, 38, 180 Crystalloids, 38, 238 Crystals from blood, 112, 113, 187, 191 Curative inoculation, 121 Curd, 54, 181 Curds and whey, 54 Cyclopterine, 42 Cystin, 34, 35, 162, 163, 165 ; crystals of, 164 Cystinuria, 164 Cytosine, 34, 46 Decalcified blood, 101, 104, 194 Decalcified milk, 49, 181 Decomposition products of fats, 25 Density of water, 8 Dentine, composition of, 43 Deposits in urine, 162-165 Desiccator, 199 Deutero-albumose, 75, 77 Deutero-proteose, 81, 168, 172, 187 Dextrin, 13, 16, 21, 68, 171, 178; tests for, 21 Dextro-rotatory, 17 ; quartz, 226 Dextrose, 13, 16, 17, 88, 110, 168, 171, 177,178; crystals, 17; in blood, 17, 110 ; in urine, 166, 168 Diabetes mellitus, 17, 87 Diabetic coma, 88 Diabetic urine, 88, 166, 168 Diacetin, 25 Dialyser, 37 Dialysis, 37, 38, 192, 236, 238, 239; of proteoses, 182 ; of serum, 192 Di-amino acids, 32, 34 Di-amino-caproic acid, 32 Di-amino-valeric acid, 32, 150 Diastase, 65 Diastatic ferments, 19, 68, 179 Diet, 51 Diet tables, 51 Dietary, 51 Diffusion, 130, 236, 238 Digestion, 184; gastric, 62, 70-77; in- testinal, 84-86 ; pancreatic, 78-84 ; salivary, 62-70 Diraethylxanthine, 159 Dioxy-purine, 159 Dipeptide, 36 Diphtheria-toxin, 122 Direct-vision spectroscope, 117 Disaccharides, 16, 18, 66 Dissociation, 236, 237 ; of oxygen, 133 Disuse atrophy, 203 Divalent elements, 236 Dough, 58 Dripping, 59 Dropsical effusions, 45 Dulcite, 15 Dumb-bell crystals, 157 Dupr6's urea apparatus, 141 Dysalbumose, 182 E 149 Eck's fistula, Edestin, 35 Egg-albumin, 35, 43, 96 ; crystallisation of, 180 Egg-globulin, 27, 28 Eggs, 50, 56 Egg-white, 27, 28, 62, 78 Egg yolk, 44 Ehrlich's experiments with methylene blue, 128 ; hypothesis, 123 Elastic fibres, 44 Elastin, 44, 75, 81, 95 Elastoses, 75 Electrolytes, 237 Electrolytic action, 238 Elements found in the body, 3 ; sym- bols and atomic weights of, 8 Emulsification, 23, 25, 99 Emulsion, 82 Enamel, composition of, 43 Endogenous metabolism, 149 ; uric acid, 160 English system of weights and measures, 6,7 Entero-kinase, 84, 105, 186 Envelope crystals, 156 Enzymes, 63, 66, 67, 68 Epidermis, 2 Epithelium of intestine, 98, 99 Epsom salts, 153 Erepsin, 97, 161 Erlenraeyer flask, 2] 1 Erythro-dextrin, 21, 68, 179 Esbach's albuminometer, 5, 166 : re- agent, 5 ; tube, 166 Estimation of chlorides, 205 ; of crea- tinine, 211 ; of dextrose, 166, 167 ; of lactose, 19, 179 ; of maltose, 20, 179 ; of nitrogen, 235 ; of phosphates, 207 ; of sulphates, 208 ; of urea, 204 ; of uric acid, 210 Ethereal sulphates in urine, 153, 154 ; estimation of, 208 Ethyl alcohol, 24 Ethyl-diacetic acid, 88, 168 Eu-globulin, 193 Exogenous katabohsm, 148 Exogenous uric acid, 160 INDEX 249 Expired air, 126 External respiration, 126 Extirpation of pancreas, 87 Extractives of blood, 110; of muscle, 60 Extraordinary ray, 222 F^CES, 94 Fahrenheit scale, 7 Fatigue, 201 Fat, 2, 96 ; absorption of, 99 ; constitu- tion, 24 ; decomposition products of, 25 ; melting point of, 23 ; tests for, 22 ; digestion of, 100 Fat-splitting ferment, 80 Fats, 4, 22-26, 78, 93 ; of milk, 55 Fatty acids, 22, 94, 100 Fehling's test, 33, 17, 19, 168 ; solution, 166 Ferment coagulation, 40 Ferment, invert, 84 Ferment of ferments, 84 Fermentation, 63 Fermentation test, 13, 169 Ferments, 63-67 ; of gastric juice, 65 ; of pancreatic juice, 65 ; of saliva, 65 ; of succus entericus, 65 ; organised, 64 ; unorganised, 65 Ferments, classification of, 64 ; dias- tatic, 19, 68, 179 Fertilisation, 237 Fibres, elastic, 44 Fibrin, 78, 101, 103, 106, 108, 184 Fibrin ferment, 40, 65, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110 ; preparation of, 101 Fibrin filaments, 103 Fibrinogen, 43, 104, 106, 108, 109, 172 Fibrino-globulin, 104 Filtration, 23B, 237 Fischer on proteins, 31 Fistula, gastric, 70 Fleischl's haBmometer, 220 ; spectro- polariraeter, 229 Flour, 50, 57, 58 Fluorescent screens, 191 Fluorine, 3 Folin's method of estimating urea, 204 Foods, 49 ; cooking of, 59 ; accessories of, 60 Formaldehyde, 4 ; reaction, 27, 39 Formic acid, 24 Fractional heat coagulation of muscle proteins, 198 ; of serum proteins, 192, 193 Fraunhofer's lines, 102, 115, 119 Fredericq on tension of carbon dioxide, 130 Free hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, tests for, 185 Fundus glands, 70, 71, 72 Fiirth on muscle plasma, 195 Galactose, 15, 16, 18, 178, 201 Gallstones, 93 Gamgee on photographic spectra, 190 Garrod and Hopkins on urobilin and stercobihn, 213, 214 Garrod on urochrome, 213 Garrod's method of separating pigments from urine, 213 Gas, analysis of, 234 Gaseous interchange in lungs, 128, 129, 130 Gases in blood, 109, 127 Gastric digestion, 62 Gastric fistula, 70 Gastric juice, 70, 85, 185 ; action of, 75; composition of, 73 ; glands, 70, 71 ; properties of, 74 ; secretion of, 70 Gastrin, 84 Gay-Lussac's law, 240 Gelatin, 30, 35, 48, 44, 75, 173; tests for, 30 Gelatinisation, 30 Gelatoses, 75 Germ theory of disease, 63 Gliadin, 35, 48, 58 Globin, 42, 113 Globulicidal power, 122 Globulin, 37, 41, 42, 75, 77, 123, 171, 200 Globulose, 75 Glossopharyngeal nerve, 67 Gluco-proteins, 41, 45 Glucosamine, 45 Gluccse, 16, 65, 96, 177, 178 Glutamic-acid, 32, 35, 81 Gluten, 48, 50, 58 Gluten- fibrin, 58 Glyceric ethers, 24 Glycerides, 24 Glycerin, 25, 85, 100 ; tests for, 22 Glycerol, 25 Glycine, 31, 35, 41, 91, 94, 150 Glycocholate of soda, 90, 91 Glycocholic acid, 91 ; preparation of, 79 Glycocine, see Glycine Glycogen, 14, 21, 65, 96, 161, 171, 176, 177 ; microscopical detection of, 177 ; preparation of, 176 ; tests for, 14, 21 Glycol, 15 Glycolysis, 88 Glycosuria, 88 Glycuronic acid, 4, 87, 88, 169, 178 Glycyl, 36 250 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Glyoxylic acid, 4. 27 Gmelin's test, 79, 92, 169 Gnezda on biuret reaction, 183 Goblet cells, 45 Gold, 8 Gowers, Sir William, his hgemacyto- meter, 217 ; hsemoglobinometer, 219 Graham, Thomas, on colloids and crys- talloids, 38 Gram-molecular solutions, 238 Granulose, 20 Grape-sugar, see Dextrose Green vegetables, 61 Ground substance, 30 Griitzner's method of comparing diges- tive power of solutions of pepsin, 184 Guanase, 161 Guanine, 47, 159, 160, 161 Guarana, 60 Gums, 95 Gunsberg's reagent, 185 Giirber on serum albumin crystals, 39 H Ha:macytometer of Sir William Gowers, 217 ; of Oliver, 218 Heematin, 95, 113, 213; acid, 188; alkaline, 188 ; iron free, 191 ; of food, 143 Haematogen, 46 Haematoidin, 114 ; crystals, 89 Haematoporphyrin, 113, 191, 214, 215, 216 ; absorption bands of, 189, 215 Haematoscope of Hermann, 117 Haemin, 101, 113 ; crystals, 113 ; pre- parations of. 102, 113 Haemochromogen, 190, 200 Haemoglobin, 11, 38, 92, 95, 102, 112, 114, 188 ; composition of, 113 ; deri- vatives of, 188 Haemoglobinometer of Sir William Gowers, 219 ; Haldane, 220 ; of Oliver, 220 Haemoglobinuria, 122, 170 Haemopyrrol, 93, 113, 114 Hasmolysins, 122 Haemometer of von Fleischl, 220 Haldane on metheemoglobin, 120 ; on absorption of oxygen, 130 ; on oxygen tension, 134 Haldane's haemoglobinometer, 220 Hamburger on digestive action of juices, 184 Hammarsten's method of precipitating serum globulin, 192 Hammerschlag's method of estimating the specific gravity of blood, 222 Haptophor group, 123 Hayem's fluid, 219 Hay's test for bile salts, 79, 169 Heart muscle, 199 Heat coagulation of proteins, 37, 192, 193, 198 ; of serum globulin and serum albumin, 192, 198 Heat rigor, 198 Heidenhain on secretion of gastric juice, 72 ; on pressure in bile duct, 89 Heller's nitric acid test, 166 Henry-Dalton Law, 240 Heptoses, 16 Hermann, haematoscope of, 117 Hetero-albumose, 75, 76, 182 ; proteose, 81 Hexone bases, 33, 84, 150 Hexoses, 16 Hill's air-pump, 233 Hill, Croft, on ferments, 66 Hippuric acid, 162, 173 ; tests for, 162 Hirudin, 107, 195 Histidine, 32, 33, 41 Histone of Kossel, 41, 42, 113 Hofmeister on crystallisation of egg albumin, 38 Homogentisinic acid, 169 Hopkins's method of estimating uric acid, 158, 210 ; on Adamkiewicz reaction, 27 ; on crystallisation of egg albumin, 39, 180 ; reaction for lactic acid, 185 Hoppe-Seyler on proteins, 30 Hot-air oven, 176 Howell on rhythmical action, 237 Htifner's method of estimating urea, 141 Hyaline cartilage, 44 Hydrazone, 177 Hydrobilirubin, 92, 93, 94, 143 Hydrocele fluid, 108 Hydrochinon, 216 Hydrochloric acid, 70 of gastric juice, 72, 73 tests for cane sugar, 13 Hydrogen, 3, 8 ; tests for, Hydrolysis, 19, 75 Hydrolytic ferments, 65 Hydrometer, 49, 53, 141 Hydroxybutyric acid, 88, Hydroxyl, 24 Hypertonic solutions, 242 Hypobromite of soda, action of, on urea, 141, 146 Hypotonic solutions, 242 Hypoxanthine, 47, 60, 159, 160, 161 Immune body, 124 Immunity, 121, 123 ; side chain, theory of, 123 formation of, 71 tests for, 185 9 168 INDEX 251 Indican, 154, 216 Indiffusibility of proteins, 38, 244 Indigo, 154 ; blue, 216 ; red, 216 Indole, 85, 95, 154 Indole-amino-propionic acid, 39 Indoxyl, 154, 216 Indoxyl sulphate of potassium, 154, 216 Infection, 122, 123 Infra-proteins, 47, 48, 171 Inoculation, curative, and protective, 121-126 Inorganic compounds, 4 ; salts, 4 Inosite, 14. 18 ; crystals, 18 Inspired air, 126 Internal respn-ation, 126 Internal secretion of pancreas, 88 Interstitial substance, 30, 45 Intestinal juice, 18, 84 ; digestion, 84 Intravascular coagulation, 103, 105, 196 Inversion, 17, 18, 84 Inversion of cane sugar, 18, 65 Inversive ferments, 65, 66 Invertin, 65, 84 Involuntary muscle, 198 Iodine, 3, 8, 11 . Iodine test, 13, 14, 176, 179 Ionic action, 237 lonisation, 73 Ions, 73, 236, 240 Iron, 3, 8, 112, 113 ; in milk, 53 Iron-free hsematin, 191 Islets of Langerhans, 79, 87 Iso-cholesterin, 93 Isotonic solutions, 241 Isotropous bodies, 223 Jaffe on test for indoxyl, 216 Jaundice, 169 Jelly, Whartonian, 30 Johnson, G. S., on creatinine, 152 ; on sugar in urine, 167 Juice, intestinal, 18, 84 Junkets, 60 Karyokinesis, 237 Katabolites, 30, 148 Rations, 236 Kauder's method of precipitating serum globulin, 192 Kephalin, 201 Keratin, 2, 11, 35, 44, 95 Ketone, 14 Ketoses, 15 Kidney, 142 Kidneys removal of part of, 87 ; removal of both, 147 Kjeldahl's method of estimating nitro- gen, 235 Kossel on protamines, 41 ; on histone, 113 Koumiss, 56, 60 Kiihue on precipitation of pepsin, 74 Kiilz's method of extracting glycogen, 176 Lactalbumin, 42, 64, 181 ; properties of, 54 Lacteals, 95, 99 Lactic acid, 4, 53, 56, 60, 95, 158, 185 ; Hopkins's reaction for, 185, 197 ; tests for, 185 Lactic acid fermentation, 19 ; in milk, 56 ; in muscle, 197 ; organisms, 19 Lacto-globulin, 181 Lactometer, 49 Lactose, 13, 16, 19, 49, 56, 65, 171, 177, 178; in urine, 168; tests for, 19, 177 Laky blood, 112 Lanoline, 93 Lard, 22 Lateritious deposit, 156 Laurent's polarimeter, 228 Lead, 3, 8 Lecithin, 3, 4, 10, 25, 26, 56, 85, 91, 93, 111, 155, 201 Leech extract, 107, 194 Lethal dose, 122 Leucine, 31, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 148, 165, 187 ; as a urea precursor, 150 ; tests for, 187 Leucine crystals, 86, 150 ; preparation of, 187 Leucocytes, 160, 161 Leucocythoemia, 160 Leucyl, 36 Levo-rotatory, 17 ; quartz, 226 Levulose, 16, 17, 171, 177 ; in blood, 17 ; in muscle, 17 ; in urine, 17 ; reactions of, 17 Lieberkiihn's crypts, 84 ; jelly, 48 Liebermann's reaction, 79 Liebig's extract, 200 Lime water, 30 Lipochrome, 55, 56, 200 ; in muscle, 200 Lipolytic ferments, 65 Liquor pancreaticus, 78, 187 ; pepticus, 62 Lithates, see Urates, 156 Lithium, 3, 8 Litre, standard of capacity, 7 Liver, function of, in relation to urea, 147 ; uric acid, 158 Living test-tube experiment, 109 252 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Loeb on ionic action, 237 ; on fertilisa- tion, 237 Loewy's aerotonometer, 132 Lungs, 126 Lymph formation, 242 Lysine, 32, 33, 81 M McMuNN on stercobilin, 95 McWilliam's test for proteins, 183 Magnesium, 3, 8 Magnesium phosphate, 165 Magnesium sulphate, action of, on pro- teins, 27, 40, 49 Malic acid, 231 Mallow, 18 Malpighian capillaries, 142 Malt upon starch, action of, 179 ; dias- tase, 179 Maltase, 65 Malting ferment, 179 Maltose, 13, 16, 19, 65, 66, 68, 78, 171, 177, 178, 179 Maly on the formation of hydrochloric acid, 72, 73 Mammary glands, 84, 88 Manganese, 3, 8 Mannite, 15 Mannose, 15 Marchi reaction, 202 Marsh gas, 65 ' Mass Action,' 73 Measures of capacity, 7 ; of length, 7 Meat, 50, 52, 67 ; constituents of, 57 Meconium, 95 Melanin, 216 Mercurial air-pumps, 231 Mercury, 8 Metabolism, 2 Meta-proteins, see Infra-proteins Methffimoglobin, 114, 119, 170, 172, 191 ; in urine, 170 Methane, 65, 85 Methyl-indole, 34 Methyl-glycine, 32 Methylene blue experiments, 128 Methyl-guanidine acetic acid, 32 Methyl-orange, 235 Metric system, 7 Mett's tubes, 184 Microchemical detection of glycogen, 177 Micrococcus urea, 66 Microspectroscope, 117 Milk, 23, 49, 50, 52, 53, 181 ; alcoholic fermentation of, 56 ; coagulation of, 54, 181 ; composition of, 54 ; fats of. 54 ; proteins of, 54 ; salts of, 56 ; souring of, 56 ; sugar, 56 Milk-curdling, ferment of pancreas, 80, 82 ; of stomach, 49, 54, 55 Milk-sugar, 19, 49, 56 ; crystals, 19, 96 Millon's reagent, 5, 27 ; test, 27 ; re- action, 39 Mineral compounds, 3 Mohr's method of estimating chlorides, 205 Monatomic alcohols, 24 Monoacetin, 25 Monoamino-acids, 32, 34 Monoamino-caproic acid, 32 Monochromatic light, 228 Monosaccharides, 16, 17, 66 Monovalent, 236 Monoxypurine, 159 Moore and Rockwood on fat absorption, 100 Moore on osmotic pressure of proteins, 243 Moore's test for sugar, 13, 17 Morner and Sjoqvist's method of esti- mating urea, 204 Morris and Brown on starch digestion, 68 Mucedin, 58 Mucic acid, 18, 178 Mucin, 2, 30, 45, 67, 68, 91, 94, 95, 173 ; in bile, 91 ; in saliva, 62, 67 ; in urine, 162 ; tests for, 62 Mucinogen, 67 Mucoids, 45 Mucous glands, structm-e of, 45, 69 Mucous membrane of frog's intestine, 99 Mucous salivary glands, 69 Mucus, 170 Munk on fat absorption, 100 Murex, 157 Murexide test, 156 Muscle, 199 ; clot, 198 ; pigments of, 199 ; plasma of, 197 ; extractives of, 200 Muscle, cardiac, 237 Muscle fibrin, 198 Muscle sugar, 18 Muscle tissue, 197 Muscles, pale and red, 199 ; involuntary, 198 Muscular movement, 2 ; exercise and carbonic acid, 136 Mutton, 57 Myogen, 198 ; myogen fibrin, 198 Myo-haematin, 199, 200 ; absorption spectrum of, 200 Myosin, 4, 57, 75, 197, 198; fibrin, 198 Myosinogen, 37, 198 Myxoedema, 87 INDEX 253 N Negative effect, 104 Nencki and Sieber on pigments, 113 Nencki's experiment on urea, 150 Nerve degeneration, chemistry of, 201 Nervous impulse, 238 Nervous tissue, 197, 200; composition of, 200 Neurokeratin, 44 Neutral fats, 23 Neutral salts, action of, on carbo- hydrates, 21 ; on proteins, 27, 28, 37, 43, 49, 77, 101, 102, 182, 192, 193 Nickel, 8 Nickel sulphate, action of, on proteins, 183 Nicol's prism, 223 Nissl's bodies, 201 Nitrate of urea, 146, 156 Nitric oxide haemoglobin, 114, 120 Nitrogen, 3, 8 ; estimation of, 235 ; tests for, 9, 10 Nitrogenous food, 50, 51 ; glucosides, 201 Nitrous acid, action of, on urea, 146 Non-electrolytes, 237 Nuclease, 161 Nucleic acid, 45, 46 ; decomposition of, 47 Nuclein, 3, 45, 155, 160, 161 Nucleo-protein, 3, 10, 41, 45, 46, 91, 103, 105, 109, 173, 196, 200; in bile, 79, 91 ; decomposition of, 47 ; in muscle, 198 ; tests for, 79, 173 Nucleus, functions of, 2 Oatmeal, 52 Oleic acid, 24 Olein, 23, 55, 203 Olfactory nerve, 67 Oliver's hamacytometer, 218 ; ha?mo- globinometer, 220 Opsonins, 125 Orcin reaction, 178 Ordinary ray, 222 Organic compounds, 4 Organised ferments, 64 Ornithine, 32, 150, 161 Osazones, 177 Osborne, W. A., on coagulation of milk, 55 Osmic acid test, 22, 24 Osmium, 8 Osmosis, 38, 236, 239 Osmotic pressure, 238, 239, 243 ; cal- culation of, 240 ; of proteins, 243 ; determination of, by freezing point, 241 ; physiological application, 242 Ossein, 43 Osteomalacia, 168 Ovarian cyst fluid, 45 Ovo-mucoid, 56 Oxalate of calcium, in milk, 47, 55; plasma, 106 ; in urine, 156, 164 Oxalate of urea, 146, 156 Oxidases, 66, 161 Oxygen, 3, 8 ; in blood, 128 ; tension, 137 Oxyhsemoglobin, 101, 102, 112, 113, 114, 169, 170, 172, 188, 191 ; crystals, 102, 112, 187; in muscle, 200; pre- paration of, 191 Oxyhtemoglobin pure, preparation of, 191 Oxyntic cells of fundus glands, 70, 72, 73 Oxyphenyl-alanine, 34 Pale muscle, 199 Palmitic acid, 24 Palmitin, 23, 55 Pancreas, extirpation of, 87 ; grafting the, 87 ; structure of, 79, 80 Pancreatic digestion, 78, 186, 187 ; se- cretion, 186 Pancreatic juice, 81, 85 ; action of, 78, 81 ; composition of, 80 ; secretion of, . 83 Panum's method of precipitating serum globulin, 192 Paraglobulin, see Serum globulin Para-mucin, 45 Paramyosinogen, 43, 197, 198 Parietal cells of fundus glands, 70, 71 Parotid gland, 67 Partial pressure of gases, 126-140 Pasteur on circular polarisation, 230 Pathological urine, 166 ; pigments of, 216 ; pigments, 216 Pavy on glycogenic function of liver 96, 176 ; an estimation of sugar, 167 Pavy's solution, 167 Pawlow on secretory nerve-fibres to the gastric glands, 74 ; to the pancreas, 83 Peas, 58 Pentoses, 16, 178 Pepsin, 65, 70, 72, 74, 81 ; solutions, activity of, 184 ; hydrochloric acid, 70, 74, 82 Pepsinogen, 72 Peptic digestion, 75, 185 Peptides, 36 Peptone, 28, 31, 37, 47, 65, 75, 76, 77, 85, 96, 107, 171, 187, 195 ; precipita- tion of, 76 ; in urine, 168 ; tests lor, 27, 76 254 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Peptone blood, 195 Peptonuria, 168 Perfect foods, 50, 53 Pericardial fluids, 108 Pettenkofer's test for bile salts, 79, 91, 92, 169 Pfliiger's mercurial air-pump, 231, 232 Phagocytes, 121, 122 Phenol, 66, 85, 95 Phenolphthalein, 22 ; phenyl-alanine, 33, 34, 98 Phenyl sulphate of potassium, 154 Phenyl-hydrazine test for sugar, 177 Phloretin, 88 Phloridzin, 88 ; diabetes, 88 Phloroglucin reaction, 178 Phosphates of urine, 141, 154, 156, 163 ; estimation of, 207 ; tests for, 141, 156, 163, 165 Phosphates, stellar, 155, 156, 164, 165 Phosphates, triple, 155, 156, 164, 165 Phospho-molybdic acid, 182 Phospho-proteins, 41, 44 Phosphorised fat, 201 Phosphorus, 3, 8, 11 ; tests for, 10 Phospho-tungstic acid, 182 Photographic spectra, 191 Physiological chemistry, 1 Physiological proximate principles, de- tection of, 171 Pickering on colour reactions of proteins, 183 Picramic acid, 17 Picric acid, 17 ; tests for sugar, 17, 167 Pigment of red corpuscles, 110-114 ; of muscle, 199 ; of urine, 213, 215 Pigments, pathological, 215 Pilocarpine, administration of, 80, 187 Piotrowski's reaction, 27, 41, 183 Plain muscle, 198, 199 Plasma, constituents of, 109 ; gases of, 109 ; proteins of, 109 Plasma of blood, 101, 103, 108, 109, 194 ; of muscle, 197 Plasmon, 186 Platinum, 8 Pleochromatism, 225 Poisonous alkaloids, 85 Polarimeters, 178, 226 ; of Laurent, 228 ; of Soleil, 227 ; of Zeiss, 228 Polarisation, circular, and chemical con- stitution, 230 Polarisation of light, 222 Polariscopes, 226 Polarised light, 222 ; action of carbo- hydrates on, 16, 17, 18, 19 ; of pro- teins, 39 Polarising microscope, 224 Polypeptides, 31, 36, 47 Polysaccharides, 16, 20 Pork, 57 Portal vein, 89 Positive phase, 104 Potash, method of extracting glycogen, 176 ; of showing zymogen granules, 187 Potassio-mercuric iodide, 182 Potassium, 3, 8 Patassium caseinogenate, 55 Potassium ferricyanide in preparation of methaemoglobin, 188 Potassium ferrocyanide in the estimation of phosphate, 207 Potassium permanganate in estimation of uric acid, 210, 211 Potassium sulphocyanide in saliva, 62, 68 Potatoes, 52 Precipitants of proteins, 39, 40, 182, 183 Precipitation, 40 Precipitin, 125 Prevost and Dumas on formation of urea, 147 Primary albumoses, 75; proteoses, 75 Principal cells of stomach, 70, 71 Prisms in direct-vision spectroscope, 117 Propionic acid, 24, 31, 33 Prosecretin, 83, 186 Prosthetic group, 44 Protagon, 201 Protamines, 41, 42 Protective inoculation, 121 Protein-hydrolysis, 47 Protein metabolism, 3 Proteins, 3, 9, 11, 27-48, 57, 68-, 81, 85, 93, 96, 98, 123, 171, 238, 244; absorp- tion of, 96, 97 ; classification of, 41 ; coagulated, 37 ; coagulation of, 37 ; colour reactions of, 27, 39 ; composi- tion of, 3, 30 ; conjugated, 44 ; crys- tallisation of, 38 ; definition of, 30 ; digestion of, by gastric juice, 75 ; diges- tion of, by pancreatic juice, 81 ; heat coagulation of, 37 ; of blood plasma, 109; of milk, 54 ; of muscle, 197, 198 ; of serum, 109 ; osmotic pressure of, 243 ; in urine, 168 ; precipitants of, 27, 39, 40 ; sclero-, 43 ; simple solu- bilities of, 36 ; tests for, 14, 36, 182, 183 Protein-sparing food, 44 Proteolytic ferments, 74j enzymes, 74, 81, 161 Proteoses, 31, 37, 47, 65, 75, 76, 77, 79, 97, 107, 171, 172, 182, 195 ; in urine, 168 Prothrombin, 105 Proto-albumoses, 75, 76, 182 Protones, 41 Protoplasm, chemical structure of, 3 ; properties of, 2 INDEX 255 Proximate principles, classification of, 4 ; of food, 50 ; scheme for detecting, 171-174 Pseudo-globulin, 193, 198 Pseudo-mucin, 45 Ptomaines, 63 Ptyalin, 19, 05, 68, 69 Pulses, 58 Pumps, mercurial air-, 231-234 Purine bases, 44, 46, 47, 159, 161 Purpurate of ammonia, 156 Pus in urine, 170; tests for, 170 Putrefaction, 19, 66, 85 Pyloric glands, 70, 71 Pyrimidine bases, 34 Pyrocatechin, 216 Pyrrolidine derivatives, 34 Q QUADRIURATES, 158 Quantitative estimation of albumin, 166 ; of chlorides, 205 ; of creatinine, 211 ; of dextrose, 167 ; of glycogen, 176, 177 ; of lactose, 19, 179 ; of maltose, 20, 179; of nitrogen, 235; of phos- phates, 209 ; of sulphates, 210 ; of sugar, 167 ; of urea, 205 ; of uric acid, 210 R Kanke's diet, 51 Reagents necessary for practical work, 4, 5, 6 Reaumur's scale, 7 Receptor group, 123 Red blood corpuscles, 110 ; composition of, 110 ; pigment of, 110 Red muscle, 199 Reflex action, 67 Reid, Wavmouth, on absorption, 243 Rennet, 40, 60, 65, 72 Rennin, 60, 72, 82 Reproduction, 2 Resins, 95 Respiration, chemical stimulus to, 138 ; chemistry of, 126 ; in excised tissues, 138 Respiratory oxygen of haemoglobin, 114 Respiratory pigments, 112 Respiratory quotient, 127 Reversible action, 66 Rhythmical contraction, 237 Ricin, 123 Rigor mortis, 198 Ringed amino acids, 34 Ringer on contractile tissue, 237 Riva on urochroiij^ 143 Roberts, Sir William, on estimation of sugar in urine, 169 Rock wood and Moore on fat absorption, 100 Rose's test for protein, 27, 41, 183 Rosenheim's formaldehyde reaction, 27 Saccharic acid, 18 Saccharimeters, 230 Saccharoses, 16, 65, 84 St. Martin, Alexis, case of, 70 Salicyl-sulphonic Acid, action of, on proteins, 183 Saliva, 30, 62, 67 ; action of, 68, 70 ; composition of, 67 ; secretion of, 67 Salivary corpuscles, 67 ; glands, 2, 67, 69, 107 Salkowski's reaction for cholesterin, 79, 93 ; method of estimating sulphates, 209 Salmine, 42 Salted plasma, 101 Salted whey, 54 Salting-out of colloid carbohydrates, 21 of proteins, 40, 55, 193 Salts of milk, 56 Saponification, 22, 82, 99 Sarcine, 159 Sarcolemma, 44 Sarco-lactic acid, 197 Sarcosine, 32 Schafer on fat absorption, 98, C9 Schili on bile circulation, 90, 94 test for uric acid, 156 Schizomycetes, forms of, 64 Schmalz's capillary picnometer, 222 Schmidt, Alexander, on precipitating serum globulin, 192 ; on salts of plasma, 110 ; on preparation of fibrin- ferment, 110 Schroder's work on urea, 150 Schiitz's law, 184 Schwann, white substance of, 93 Sclero-proteins, 41, 43 Sebum, 93 Secretion, 83, 84, 89, 186 Secretion, internal, 87 Sediments in urine, 165 Semipermeable membranes, 239 Serine, 32 Serous glands, 69 Serum, 101, 103, 108, 192; albumin, 35, 37, 42, 101, 109, 168 ; crystallisa- tion of, 38 ; gases of, 109 ; heat coagulation, 37, 42, 193 Serum, bactericidal, globulicidal, 124 Serum casein, 192 256 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Serum globulin, 35, 37, 42, 43, 101, 102, 109, 168 ; heat coagulation, 192, 193 Serum lutein, 101 Serum of blood, 101, 102 ; proteins of, 101, 102 Serum proteins, 109 ; separation of, 101 Sheep's wool-fat, 93 Shell of eggs, 56 Side-chain theory, 123 Silicon, 3, 8 Silver, 8 Silver nitrate method of estimating chlorides, 205 Skatole, 34, 85, 95 Skatoxyl, 216 ; red, 216 Skimmed milk, 49, 53 Smoky urine, 169 Snake venom, 64, 121, 122 Soap, 22, 25, 82, 90, 100 Sodium, 3, 8 Sodium bicarbonate in blood, 129, 130 Sodium chloride, 3 ; action on proteins, 109, 182 ; on nucleo-proteins, 46, 196 Sodium hypobromite, method of esti- mating urea, 141, 142 Sodium phosphate, 29, 30 ; acid, 144 Sodium sulphate plasma, 101, 104 Solar spectrum, 119, 189 Soleil's saccharimeter, 227 Soluble starch, 20 Solutions, 286 Sorbite, 15 Soret's band, 191 Soup, 60 Souring of milk, 56, 63 Specific gravity of blood, 222 ; of milk, 49, 53 ; of urine, 141, 144 Specific rotatory power, 229 Spectra, 189 ; of haemoglobin and its derivatives, 189; photographic, of metheemoglobin, 190, 191 ; oxyheemo- globin, and haemoglobin, 190, 191 ; of urinary pigments, 215 Spectro-polarimeter, 229 Spectroscope, 115, 116, 117 Spectrum, 119, 189, 215 Spermatozoa, 41 Starch, 4, 13, 20, 65, 93, 95, 238; soluble, 21 ; action of malt on, 179 ; digestion of, 68, 70; test for, 20, 171 Starling and Bayliss on pancreatic secretion, 83 Starling on osmotic pressure of proteins, 243 Steapsin, 25, 65, 78, 80, 82, 85 ; action of, 78, 82 Stearic acid, 24 Stearin, 23, 55 Steatolytic ferments, 65 Stein's method of making oxyheemo- globin crystals, 112 Stellar phosphates, 156 Stercobihn, 92, 94, 95, 143 Stewart, G. N., dietary, 51, 52 Stirling on preparation of pure oxyhsemo- globin, 191 Stokes's fluid, 115, 188 Stomach, glands of, 71, 72 Strontium, 8 Sturine, 42 Sublingual gland, 67 Submaxillary gland, 67, 68, 69 Succus entericus, 84 Sucroses, 16 Sudan III. stain, 24 Sugar, 4, 9, 13, 17-20, 87, 237; cane, 13, 18, 79 ; in blood, 110 ; in urine, 167, 168 ; in muscle, 18 ; tests for, 166, 174 Sugar-maple, 18 Sulphates of urine, 141, 153 ; estimation of, 208 ; tests for, 141 Sulphonal poisoning, 214 Sulphur, 3, 8 ; tests for, 10 Suprarenal gland, removal of, 87 Suspending medium, 23 Sweetbreads, 160 Swim-bladder of fishes, 131 Symbols and atomic weights, 8 Syntonin, 30, 48, 62, 75 Tannin, 61, 182 Tapetum, 160 Tartaric acid, 144 Taurine, 91, 94 Tauro-carbamic acid, 94 Taurocholate of soda, 90, 91 Taurocholic acid, 91 Tchistovitch's experiment, 125 Tea, 60, 61, 159 Teichmann's crystals, 113 Tendo-mucoid, 45 Tendon, 30 Tension in fluids, measurement of, 132 Tension of aqueous vapour, 8 ; of gases, 128, 130, 131 Tension, relation of, to composition, 132 Testis, 196 ; removal of, 87 Tetrapeptides, 36 Tetroses, 16 Theine, 60 Theobromine, 60, 159 ' TheophyUine, 159 Thermometric scales, 7 Thrombin, 104, 105, 106, 108 Thrombogen, 105, 1^, 107, 108 INDEX 257 Thrombo-kinase, 105, 106, 107, 108, 196 Thrombosis, 105 Thudichum on urochrome, 213 Thymine, 34 Thymus, 159, 196 Thyroid gland, 87 ; removal of, 87 Tin, 8 Tissue-fibrinogens, 196 Tissue metabolism, 149 Tissue respiration, 126, 134, 136 Tomes on enamel, 43 Tooth, 43 Topfer's test, 185 Torricellian vacuum, 114 Torula ureae, 145 Torulffi, 63, 145 Toxins, 122, 123 Transitory giucosuria, 167 Triacetin, 25 Triatomic alcohol, 25 Trichloracetic acid as a precipitant of proteins, 183 Trimethyl-xanthine, 159 Triolein, 25 Trioses, 16 Trioxy-purine, 159 Tripalmitin, 25 Tripeptides, 36 Triple phosphate, 156, 165 Tristearin, 25 Trivalent elements, 236 Trommer's test, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20 Tropffiolin test, 185 Trypsin, 65, 80, 81, 82, 84, 97 ; action of, 81 Trypsinogen, 80, 84, 186 Tryptophan, 33, 34, 35, 81, 187; test for, 187 Tungsten, 8 Tunicates, 21 Tyrosine, 33, 34, 35, 42, 80, 81, 84, 86, 165, 187 ; crystals,-86 ; in urine, 165 : tests for, 187 D"»f, tu XJffelmann's reaction, 185 Umbilical cord, 30 Uncrystallisable sugar, 17 Unorganised ferments, 64, 66, 68 Uracil, 46 Uraemia, 147 Uranium acetate in estimation of phos- phates, 207 Uranium nitrate in estimation of phos- phates, 207 Urate, acid ammonium, deposit of, 163 ; acid sodium, deposit of, 163 Urates, 156, 163, 165, 168, 214 Urea, 4, 12, 30, 32, 87, 94, 97, 98, 110, 141, 145-151, 161, 173, 237; com- position and compounds, 146 ; crystals of, 145 : decomposition of, 66 ; estimation of, 204 ; mode and site of formation, 147 ; preparation of, 205 ; quantity excreted, 143 ; tests for, 141, 145 ; where formed, 147 Urea nitrate, 146, 156 ; preparation of, 156 Urea oxalate, 146, 156 ; preparation of, 156 Uric acid, 110, 145, 156, 157-161, 159, 160, 165, 173 ; crystals of, 157 ; esti- mation of, 158, 210 ; origin of, 158 ; preparation of, 157, 210 ; tests for, 156, 157 Uricolytic ferment, 161 Urina potus, 144 Urinary deposits, 162 Urine, 141 ; composition of, 144, 145, 173 ; inorganic constituents of, 153, 173 ; pigments of, 143, 213 ; tests for abnormal constituents of, 174 ; tests for constituents, 142, 156 Urinometer, 141, 144 Urobilin, 92, 93, 143, 169, 213, 214, 216 ; absorption bands of, 215 Urobilinogen, 143, 213 Urochrome, 143, 213 ; uro-erythrin, 156, 214 ; absorption bands of, 215 j Urorosein, 216 ; absorption bands of, i 215 Valeric acid, 24, 32, 85 Van 't Hoff on polarisation of light, 231 ; hypothesis, 240 Vegetable acids, 4, 144 ; food, composi- tion of, 58 ; parchment, 37 Vegetables, composition of, 58 ; green, 61 Velocity of chemical reactions, 67, 82 Venous blood, gases of, 127 Villus, section of, 98, 99 Vinegar, 63 Vital action, 242 Vitellin, 38, 44, 56, 58, 75 Vitellose, 75 Vitreous humour, 30 Voit's diet, 51, 146 Voluntary muscle, 199 W Waller's modification of Zuntz's gas apparatus, 234 Warm bath, 29 Water in protoplasm, 3, 4 ; density of, 8 S 258 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Wave theory of light, 222 Weights and measures, 6, 7 Whartonian jelly, 30 Whetstones, 156 Whey, 49, 54 ; salted, 49 Whey protein, 54 White blood corpuscles, 110, 196 White of egg, 3, 27, 29, 37, 38, 43, 45, 62, 78, 180 Whole flour, 57, 58 Widal's reaction, 124 Witte's peptone, 182 Wohler, preparation of urea, 145 Wooldridge on tissue-fibrinogen, 46, 196 ' Worth' of corpuscles, 222 Xanthine, 47, 80, 110, 169-161 Xanthine group, 46, 159 Xanthoproteic test, 27, 39 Xylose, 178 Yeast, action of, 17, 19, 66 ; cells, 63 ; in bread-making, 58 ; in testing for sugar, 169 Yellow lipochrome, 200 Yolk of eggs, 56 Zein, 35, 48 Zeiss's polarimeter, 228 Zinc, 8 Zuntz's gas apparatus, 234 Zymogen, 70, 72, 80, 105, 187 ; granules, 187 PIIINTKD BY SPOrnSWOODK and CO, ltd., .\I:\V STIlliKT SQUAllK LUXDON A LIST OF WORKS ON MEDICINE, SURGERY AND GENERAL SCIENCE CONTENTS PAGE BACTERIOLOGY 12 BIOLOGY 8 CHEMISTRY 14 HEALTH AND HYGIENE 11 MEDICINE 2 MISCELLANEOUS 13 OPTICS 13 PHOTOGRAPHY 13 PHYSIOLOGY 8 SURGERY 2 TEXT-BOOKS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 16 VETERINARY MEDICINE ... ... 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