THE DOG BOOK THE DOG BOOK A Popular History of the Dog, with Practical Information as to Care and Management of House, Kennel and Exhibition Dogs ; and Descriptions of All the Important Breeds. In Ten Parts BY PART VI Illustrated from Photographs NEW YORK DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY 1905 Copyright, 1905, by Doubleday, Page & Company Published, November, 1905 All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian. CONTENTS PART VI CHAPTER XXV PAGE 387 THE BULLDOG: One of the outcomes of the common dog of England, which went by the name of mastiff Akin to the Alaunt of Spain which assisted at bullfights Mr. Arthur Merritt's recollection of an English bull baiting The bulldog of 1800 Bill George at Canine Castle Bulldogs of 1855-60 Turton's Crib and the new type dating from the appearance of his son, Monarch Early bulldogs at New York shows Mr. John E. Thayer's importations Later supporters of the breed Good work of the bulldog club Mr. Joseph B. Vandergrift's short but brilliant career The Chibiados incident Difficulties attending breeding Condensed standard and scale of points. CHAPTER XXVI PAGE 401 THE TERRIER: An English production, the result of selection for specific purposes Ranked with hounds by Caius Description of French Bassets doing duty, when translated, for English terriers from 1560 to 1800 Blome's suggestion for breeding terriers Taplin divides the varieties by colour and coat Barlow's illustration of rabbiting Varieties depicted from 1790 to 1850 A very early use of "terrier" by a French writer Sporting versus non-sporting breeds. CHAPTER XXVII PAGE 415 THE SMOOTH Fox TERRIER: The white dog began with Colonel Thorn- ton's Pitch "Peeping Tom's" reminiscences regarding early showdogs The first class of fox terriers shown in England in 1862 Copy of the catalogue entry English exhibitors at Boston in 1878 Mr. Rutherford's early connection with the breed Mr. CONTENTS Continued CHAPTER XXVII Continued Thayer's liberal importations followed by Mr. Belmont's Description of the then prominent dogs Large entries of good dogs made twenty years ago compared with the present time Mr. Gooderham takes the field and entries decline Mr. Farwell's strong Sabine combination The Warren kennels success with American-bred dogs Standard and scale of points. CHAPTER XXVIII PAGE 435 THE WIRE-HAIRED Fox TERRIER An older breed than the smooth terrier Prominent as a leading variety in paintings by well-known artists Kept back by the popularity of the smooth dog First recognised at New York show in 1883, but made slow progress What Meers- brook Bristles did for the breed Major Carnochan's prominent importations The success of Hands Up Mr. Knowles' Selwonk, and Mr. Harley's Wandee, Kennels. CHAPTER XXIX PAGE 441 THE AIREDALE : Origin of the breed Not generally known in England till 1880 Hardly recognised in America until 1898 Exhibitors who established the breed and their judicious importations Rapid growth in popular esteem and in breeding The Airedale described Scale of points. CHAPTER XXX PAGE 449 THE BULL TERRIER: Recognised by name in England about 1820 Pierce Egan's introduction of the new breed Sir Walter Scott's tribute to Camp Mr. Dole's start in the breed Those who came to his support The present prominent exhibitors The true bull ter- riers described Scale of Points. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Ch. Norfolk True Blue Fox Terrier Cover Airedale Terrier Ch. York Sceptre Frontispiece FACING PAGE Bulldogs, 1625 to 1880 . . 390 Ch. Sweet Briar . 393 Ch. Britomartis . . .... . 393 "The Bull Broke Loose" 393 Rodney Monarch 395 Ch. Thackeray Soda, Ch. La Roche, Ch. Fashion . . . 395 Ch. Rodney Smasher ... . . 395 Ch. Ivel Doctor .... 395 Ch. Prince Albert . . 397 Duke of Albemarle .... 397 Pressgang Chief . 397 Dathan ... 397 Boomerang and Katerfelto . . . . . . . 397 Ch. Glenwood Queen 398 Ch. Broadlea Squire 398 Berners 398 Rolyat ... 398 Ch. Portland ... .398 Diamond Lass . 398 Bewick's "Terrier" ... 403 A Howitt Etching, 1809 403 "Cony Catching" ... 403 Two of A. Cooper's paintings . 403 Terriers in "Stonehenge" 1868-1872 . 404 Terriers of a Century Ago ... . 404 Terriers by Alken .... 406 Terriers from 1830 to 1860 . . ... 408 Terriers by Reinagle, "Sportsman's Cabinet," 1803 .... 408 Three Old-time English Winners . ... 415 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Continued FACING PAGE Colonel Thornton's Pitch 415 Cleek 415 Blizzard 418 Hunton Bridegroom 418 Ch. Warren Sentence, Ch. Warren Safeguard, Warren Victor . 418 Ch. Norfolk Handicraft, Ch. Norfolk Clorita, Norfolk Huntsman . 418 Six Sabine Champions ......... 424 The Tug of War 427 A Half-Dozen " Redmond " Terriers 428 Ch. Go Bang, Ch. Thornfield Knockout 437 The Great Meersbrook Bristles 437 Six Champion Wire-Haired Fox Terriers 438 The First Airedale Illustration (1879) 44 1 Broadlands Brushwood ......... 441 Ch. Clonmel Monarch 441 Ch. The New King 441 Airedales at Work 443 A Swimming Match at the Burnley Kennels, Plainfield, N. J. . . 445 Clonmel Royal Ruler and Colne Lucky Miss 445 The Growth of an Airedale 447 York Masterpiece 447 Farleigh Mikado 447 President and Victoria 450 Sir Wm. Verner's Tarquin 450 Old Dutch 450 Cooper's "Brutus" 450 Ch. Maggie May 450 Venom ............ 450 Dick Burge 452 Ch. Carney 452 Modesty 452 Edgewood Penn 452 Wentworth Brant 452 Ch. Princeton Monarch 452 Ch. Faultless of the Point, Ch. Ajax of the Point, Ch. Edgewood Crystal, Rancocas Ginger, Edgewood J. P. II., Ch. Blooms- bury Burge 454 THE DOG BOOK CHAPTER XXV THE BULLDOG T is quite appropriate that the bulldog and the smooth sheep dog should be close neighbours in a book treating upon dogs, as illustrations of how demand and then the fads of fancy will separate animals originally of the closest relationship and appearance. We have a few pages back shown that the smooth sheep dog was first of all a division of the mastiff family, coming from the watch or ban dog, which, although the house mastiff, was also capable of driving sheep and cattle. We now repeat what we said in that chapter, that the mastiffs were that group of general-purpose dogs other than hounds, spaniels or toys. Terriers were also eliminated and given a name on account of their being used in the chase. Everything else was a mastiff, a word now conceded to mean akin to mongrel, though that is perhaps not the word which, to our mind, clearly specifies their position. Caius gives a very appropriate name for the group when he classifies them as "Canes rustici," dogs of the country country dogs. According to what these were capable of accomplishing, they were accordingly grouped, and eventually became recognisable as distinct breeds. They were what might be well called working dogs, the large, heavy dogs being used for bear baiting and such sports; the more active of the large dogs used as watch dogs going by the name of bandogs, while the still lighter and more active of these bandogs were sheep dogs. In addition to these there was the "Tinker's Cur," a dog that assisted the travelling tinker by acting as a beast of burden, or pack-horse, carrying his implements and tools; another was a water drawer, turning a wheel, as we now see horses and mules used for many purposes as a substitute for steam power; and still another was the butcher's dog. Here is how Caius put this group on record in his book: 387 388 A DIALL PERTAINING TO THE FOURTH SECTION Dogs com f The shep prehended herds dogge in ye fourth < The Mas secion are tine or these t Bandogge f which hath sundry names derived fro sun dry cir cunstan The keeper or watchman The butchers dogge The messinger or carrier The Mooner The water drawer The Tinkers curr ces as I. The fencer called in La- tine Canes T^ustici We can readily understand how with us the term terrier is a group name, and that we have minor distinctions specifying variety, all the way from the Airedale of sixty pounds to the toy of ounces. We divide terriers mainly by location of their production, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Airedale, Boston, while fox terrier is a name indicative of what the dog is used for. We must apply the same idea to the dogs of olden times, when there was first the group title and then the use name. As we find Caius divided his spaniels for the falcon, for the pheasant and for the hawk, while "the common sort of people call them by one generall word, namely Spaniells," so in this case, while the general group or sectional name for what Caius in another place calls "a homely kind, apt for sundry necessary uses," was mastiffs, they had individual use names according to the purpose for which they were kept; and a better definition of mastiff would really be a low-caste dog, for the sporting dogs were said to be of a "gentle kind," in the sense of gentle in gentleman. From this mastiff group the dog for the bull was developed and became the bulldog of England. "Of all dogs it stands confessed Your English bulldogs are the best. I say it, and will set my hand to't, Camden records it, and I'll stand to't." There is no question that there was also a similar dog in Spain as an assistant in bull fights, attacking and holding the bull by the ear, and this was the original method of attack in England, for Caius in describing the dog, which was simply mastiff and had no particular assigned vocation, says: "They are serviceable against the Foxe and the Badger, to drive The Bulldog 389 wilde and tame swyne out of medowes, pastures, glebelands and places planted with fruite, to bayte and take the bull by the eare, when occasion so requireth. One dogge or two at the uttermoste, sufficient for that purpose, be the bull never so monsterous, never so fearce, never so furious, never so stearne, never so untamable." As it is unnecessary to repeat with every dog which has branched from the mastiff group the ancient history of the parent stock, that will be given in connection with the mastiff as being the most appropriate place, and as in the case of the smooth sheep dog, we will now only give what is essential to the history of the bulldog, or the dog that was used to bait the bull. In the "Master of Game," by Edward, the second Duke of York, which is almost entirely a translation of Gaston de Foix's "Livre de Chasse," and was written about 1406-1413, he introduces an interpolation of his own in the description of the dogs called " alauntes," which were the progenitors of the mastiffs of England; the statement being that the alaunt of the butcher was good for baiting the bull. And this is repeated with regard to the alauntes in general. The Duke of York also inserts in the description of the kind that butchers kept "that bin called greet bochers houndis." That the name of "alauntz," as the noble writer more frequently spelled the word, was on the change is seen by his using the new name of mastiff: "And when men lat soche mestifis renne at the boor." In one of Gaston de Foix's illustrations of wild-boar hunting the alaunt is shown catching the boar by the ear, and that is the way Caius says the bull was caught by the ear when baited. As bull baiting is claimed to have been instituted in the twelfth century, it was purely an English sport, for the bulldog of Spain, which is given under the title of alano in the standard Spanish dictionary of two hundred years ago, is, upon the authority of an old author, described as a large, high-couraged dog, used in bull rights to pull the bulls down by hanging to their ears. When the later mode of attack by the nose hold came into vogue is not susceptible of proof, but Jesse quotes a description, written in 1694, which shows it was the custom at that period. Only a very large dog could hold a bull by the ear, and these alauntes look more like our Danes than anything else, sq that they could manage to reach and to hold the bull in that way. Doubtless some smaller, courageous dog pinned a bull by the nose; and when it was seen that the small dog could do what it took the large ones to accomplish by the ear hold, the new hold was taught to 39O The Dog Book the dogs and became the custom. It is generally understood that the dog had to pull the bull backward once around the ring in order to win, but this was not universal, and there were doubtless local rules for various parts of the Kingdom. Mr. Arthur Merritt, the well-known Airedale terrier exhibitor of Boston, has told us of his being taken when a boy to see a bull fight in Yorkshire. He said that special permission had been given by some person in authority to give this as an exhibition of what the sport had been, for it was not allowed by law after 1835. The rules at this bull fight were that the dog had to pin and throw the bull, and some of the dogs did so. The dogs, according to Mr. Merritt's recollection, were the ordinary run of fighting dogs, white and patched, that were universal throughout the mill and quarry districts of that part of Yorkshire. The bulldog of the present day lacks the activity that was called for in the bull-ring dog, and is purely an exaggeration of fancy. Not for a moment do we say that there are no active dogs. Ivel Doctor, for instance, could jump on a table with ease, but that is not one of the "properties" of the show ring that decides prizes. A powerfully built dog, not too long on the legs, so that he could have good command of his movements and be able to spring from his position in the event of a sudden charge of the bull, as he crept forward on his chest with head down to spring at the vulnerable soft-fleshed nose. Loose, widely placed shoulders permitted of this creep, and the cut-up loin allowed the dog to use his hind legs to advantage. The broad jaw, massive and with a bunch of cheek muscles to keep it closed, is another piece of progression along the line of the essential, when it comes to consideration of what the dog had to do. It will be seen, therefore, that selection by man soon separated very widely the sheep dog, or shepherd's mastiff, and the mastiff that was specially bred for the bull ring. By 1800 type seems to have been very well established; not that it was the present-day dog by any means, but a dog with decided peculiarities not shown by any other dog. Bull baiting was stopped in 1835, and few bulldogs were kept by any person at that time except the very lowest char- acters. The breed was in bad repute, but after the stigma of the sport had died out it began to be taken up again. When much younger than of an age possible to understand the requirements of a breed, we visited more than once the then well-known establishment of "Bill" George at Kensal New Town, from which place to our residence green fields intervened where now it is all bricks and mortar, A SPANISH PLACQUE (1625) BEWICK'S BULLDOG (1790) p- ._ MR. STOCKD ALE'S TOP (1850) From Stonehenge's first dog book REINAGLE'S BULLDOG (1803) DONALD Shown by Sir William Verner at New York in The Bulldog and for miles further west, in London's insatiable devouring of the adjacent country. The father of a schoolboy companion, a retired officer, frequently walked over to George's, taking us with him at times, and it was with fear and trembling we crept along between the rows of furiously barking and chain-tugging dogs. Bill George's Tiger, one of the old pillars of the stud book, was probably one we then saw and knew it not, but we still remember that they were mainly white with patches of colour. We know that when we went on another occasion, with the same gentleman, to see some dogs at Shepherds Bush, also a walk across farms and fields, to what must have been Mr. Stockdale's kennels, we then saw dogs with much less white on them; more brindle and white than white and brindle. These were about the two best kennels of bulldogs in London, and Stonehenge took one of Mr. Stockdale's dogs to illustrate his first book on dogs. Not only is it our own recollection, but the illustrations of dogs of that period are all to the effect that the bulldog of 1855-60 was totally unlike the dog of to-day. He was only moderately low on the leg, and stood closer in front than our exaggerations do. His tail more frequently than not was a plain whip tail, and he lacked the massiveness of head of the later dog. In thus speaking of past dogs we are not confining it to our schoolboy-day visits to " Canine Castle," as Bill George called his place. After that, when we got our first terrier, we struck up an acquaintance with Alfred George, the son, and our homes being but a short walk apart often called on him, and of course saw many of the dogs. This period was up to 1868. We were again in England from 1877 to 1880, and then dabbled in dogs as a hobby. Meeting Alfred George at the Alexandra Palace Show, when looking at the bulldogs, we said something about the alteration in them, and we can recall almost word for word his reply: "Oh, there has been a great change since you went away. You will see some of the old sort at father's, but they don't do for showing." The good dogs of the period from 1877 to 1880 were Sir Anthony, Gam- bler, Doon Brae, Slenderman, Smasher, King Cole, Sancho Panza, Venom (Layton's), Rosy Cross (George Raper's best bitch, for he was then a prominent bulldog man), Hartley's Venom, Roselle, Faust, Lord Nelson, Richard Coeur de Lion (Raper's), and then, best of all and last of all, came Monarch. Some of the very old timers hold that Sheffield Crib was the best bulldog of his day. He is also known as Turton's Crib, and they have always told the story of Mr. J. W. Berrie's visits to Sheffield. When 392 The Dog Book he had nothing else on hand he would go all the way from London, and then sit down and study Crib till it was time to catch the train for home again. We saw both of these dogs shortly before we returned to America, and we can best convey the idea of our recollection of them by saying that Crib was a Thackeray Soda style of dog, while Monarch was more on the lines of Rodney Stone. Vero Shaw was then one of the prominent bulldog and bull terrier men, and we discussed this very point, coming to an agreement on the decided superiority of the son, for Monarch was by Crib. Monarch's fault was a pinched muzzle, but otherwise he was a wonderful dog, and it may be truthfully said that our show bulldog dates from Monarch. We did not see Monarch till he was shown at Birmingham in December, 1879, but we knew of him when he came out at Bristol as a puppy, for we were calling on Mr. George R. Krehl in London when Mr. Alfred Benjamin came in and showed a telegram from Mr. Vero Shaw, advising him of the coming out of a puppy that could beat anything in the fancy, and strongly urging Mr. Benjamin to let him buy the dog, if he could, and go as high as two hundred pounds, but the dog was not for sale at any price at that time. He failed to get any progeny for some time, but at last they came and good ones at that. It is useless for fanciers either here or in England to argue that the present-day dog is the same as the old sort; those who say so cannot have any personal knowledge of what bulldogs were before Monarch came out. The old ones were good dogs, undoubtedly. Strong, active bulldogs, pos- sessed of character, and from conformation and strength fully fitted to show that their name was not misapplied. Not one of them, however, would get beyond the V.H.C. stage at any show of the present day where the breed was respectably represented, and then more than likely it would take an all-round judge devoid of specialty fads to recognise his merits. Monarch was such a step in advance in many ways that he moved the ideal mark quite a distance ahead and made the breed more than ever a fancy variety. The first presentable bulldog shown in this country was the light- weight Donald, sent over in company with some bull and black-and-tan terriers by the Irish exhibitor, Sir William Verner, for the New York show of 1880. This dog was about the best lightweight in England at that time, and the illustration we give is from a photograph by Mora when the dog was here. We do not think the dog was so leggy as the photograph shows SOME OF THE VANCROFT KENNELS WINNERS CH. SWEET BRIAR An early American winner COL. JOHN E. THAYER'S CH. BRITOM. Undefeated in the American show ring "THE BULL BROKE LOOSE" An undated sketch, probably about 1820 The Bulldog 393 him to be, but he could not have been a low dog, though we do not remember him as any way out of the ordinary. Mr. Mason brought out with his kennel of dogs the winner in 1881, a dog called Noble, quite a large winner in England; and he was also a little long on the leg, but very good in head better than Donald a good deal. At that time Mr. John P. Barnard was showing a good many dogs in the bulldog classes, from which some Boston- terrier stock subsequently came, but they were very poor bulldogs. He got a second to Noble in 1881, with Bonnie Boy, a son of the English dog Slenderman. This was a long-faced dog, plain in skull. Mr. Mortimer was an exhibitor that year, showing a dog called Doctor, after which he had a white dog called Blister. The Livingston Brothers, of New York, then imported one or two moderate dogs, but no dogs of class were brought over by any Americans till Colonel John E. Thayer, then at Harvard, took hold of the breed. He bought Blister and two or three that had been shown here, but these were not good enough, and we got Robinson Crusoe for him from George Raper, and Britomartis from Ronald S. Barlow; the former a fallow smut and the latter a brindle and decidedly the best bulldog seen here up to that time, though she was rather long in the back. She had won a number of prizes in England and did well here, winning first at New York from 1885 until 1890, when she was retired and Mr. Thayer severed his connection with the breed, she being his best and last living imported bulldog. The formation of the Bulldog Club in 1890 was a great help to the breed, which had already received many additions in the way of new ex- hibitors and new dogs. Mr. John H. Matthews, of New York; the late E. Sheffield Porter, of New Haven; Mr. R. B. Sawyer, of Milwaukee; the Retnor Kennels of New York, and Mr. C. D. Cugle, of Hartford, bought dogs, and four of them gave cups to the club, which were competed for at New York show in 1891. Mr. Sawyer had meanwhile gone abroad, and his grand dog, Harper, was now shown by Mr. F. W. Sackett and won the Parke Challenge Cup from Merry Monarch. Handsome Dan, the Yale bulldog, was here a winner in the novice class, and in 1892 he won third in the open class. This year the Bulldog Club obtained a much fuller classification and a division by weight, and forty dogs were entered, dupli- cates being very few. Mr. Woodward's kennel at Chicago, which had been a prominent winner at Canadian shows in 1892 with Bo'swain, won the challenge class prize, but was beaten by the bitch Saleni for the Parke Cup, 394 The Dog Book and also by King Lud for the Porter Cup for the best of the opposite sex to the Parke Cup winner. King Lud was a worthy successor to Harper, who had gone out West again to Mr. Woodward's kennels. An increase of 50 per cent, was recorded in the entries for 1893 over the total for the previous year at New York, and there was then no longer any doubt as to the future of the bulldog in this country. Harper returned to his old place at the head of the challenge class, but could not beat Leonidas for the cup, the latter winning in the open class over forty-five pounds; indeed, King Lud was also put over Harper for one of the specials, and that by George Raper. For the first time there was an encouraging entry of puppies, but class was lacking and none were heard of again. Additions continued to be made to the list of prominent exhibitors, and Colonel Hilton's Woodlawn Kennels, Messrs. E. K. Austin, R. L. McCreery, H. C. Beadleston and C. G. Hopton soon became familiar names to show goers. These were followed by Messrs. J. H. Mullen, of Brooklyn; Tyler Morse, of Boston, and W. C. Codman, and they are nearly all still interested in the breed, while of course there were others who were connected with the breed for a brief period. The New York display of 1898 showed quite a radical change from the entry of three years before. The present classification of the American Kennel Club had come into operation, and the duplication of entries made well-filled classes. There were forty-seven entries in five dog classes, and fifty-one bitches in the corresponding classes for that sex, besides four in a mixed sex class for under twenty-five pounds. Mr. Woodward, of Chicago, judged on this occasion and put Mr. Russell A. Alger's Rensal Dandy Vena over everything, for he beat Orient Don in the novice and junior classes, and, Mr. Alger not being a member of the Bulldog Club, Orient Don won the Challenge Cup and defeated the best bitch, Glenwood Queen. Pleasant, also a very good dog in many ways, was third. This placing did not give entire satisfaction. When Pleasant and Dandy Venn met on three other occasions that year positions were reversed, and Pleasant was first in winner's classes. Glenwood Queen fully deserved her position, and she was always a hard one to beat, even when Mr. Codman was showing her when she deserved being on the retired list. There was nothing flashy about the Queen, but she had properties of merit which always commanded attention from experts. 1899 was the Ivel Rustic year, Mr. Raper bringing his crack bulldog with him when he came over to judge at New York The Bulldog 395 He won first in winner's class at every show he was at, but outside of him there was nothing new of any account. The Bulldog Club held a show soon after the New York show, and only once since then has the club had a show of its own, concentrating its efforts upon the New York show, the east end of the Garden having for several years now been given over to and specially decorated by the Bulldog Club. With 1900 we entered a new regime. Mr. Joseph B. Vandergrift, of Pittsburg, who had been interested with some friends, started on his own account, and within a very brief space of time got together a grand collection of bulldogs of both sexes. At the same time Mr. Richard Croker, Jr., also entered the fancy, and these two set a pace that made it hard for competitors to keep up with. Mr. Vandergrift had as his crack dog Katerfelto, who somewhat resembled his sire King Orry, but was a very much better dog, and Mr. Croker had Persimmon, who was unfortunately a sick dog and could not be shown at New York the year of his arrival; but there was a good bitch from this kennel in Petramosse, who won the heavy-weight class, but was beaten in winners by Mr. Vandergrift's Housewife. This bitch did not live long, which was much to be regretted, for we have always considered her about the best of her sex we have ever had in this country. She had no exaggeration such as we see in some bulldogs when the excess of some property approaches the line which marks the monstrosity, and was a bitch with the strength and character of a dog. We have had that said of other bull bitches, but Housewife was the only one that has ever appealed to us as having this very exceptional characteristic. Mr. Vandergrift's connection with bulldogs was unfortunately very short, and hardly had he accumulated what was probably the grandest collection ever brought together in one kennel, than it was announced that he had given up exhibiting. His last important purchase was Portland, a dog that had had a very successful career in England. We cannot say that we altogether liked Portland, for we had been tuned up to look upon quite a different type as the correct thing, and Portland was different from Katerfelto, Housewife, Persimmon, Petramosse, Glendale Queen, Mersham Jock or others we had recognised as correct, nor did he have the same look as those we have had from England since then, and these latter have been in keeping with the dogs we have just named. He was owned in a very successful English kennel, and we think was either extremely fortunate 396 The Dog Book in his prominent wins or happened out when his most dangerous rivals were not in evidence. Mr. Croker's Rodney Stone followed him to this country, and when they met at Philadelphia in 1901 the order they were placed in was Rodney Stone, Katerfelto, Portland and Mersham Jock, the latter not having rilled out in body at that time. Mr. Codman was judge at Philadelphia, and he is a very sound man in the ring, going for good type, while at the same time he does not care for anything like an excessive exaggeration. It is very strange that with all these good dogs which had been in the country, more improvement was not seen in the young crop than was the case. The young ones were naturally very much better than what had been shown some years before, but they were not very high class, and the only American breeder who has had marked success has been Mr. Hopton. Mr. Codman bred Glen Monarch, but he was practically an English dog, for Glendale Queen was bred to Ivel Rustic before being sent out. Following closely upon the withdrawing of the Vandergrift dogs, over- lapping their later appearances, in fact, came the entry of Mr. T. W. Law- son, of Boston, and the Earlington Kennels, of New York, into the bulldog fancy. The former got together by far the larger number of show dogs, and has been very successful. The best dog in the kennel is Fashion, a fawn dog with a good amount of character and no very grievous fault, if we except his long and badly carried tail. In 1902 a dog was shown at New York which later on caused a great deal of controversy. This was Chibiados, a white-and-brindle dog, shown by Mr. E. K. Austin. Mr. Codman was the judge, and put him first in a novice class of twenty-three entries, Fashion coming second. Our catalogue comments on the winner were exceedingly favourable, much more so than with regard to Fashion, which had been boomed by his former owner with the view of a good sale in America, and he was not all that fancy painted him when it came to a look at the dog. He has much improved since then, and we are speaking of him as he was in 1902. Chibiados then beat the flat-under-jawed Rodney Grabber in both limit and open lightweight bull- dogs, and finally got the reserve to Portland in winners, thus defeating Mersham Jock, a heavy-weight he had not met in his classes. Katerfelto died just before the show, and Rodney Stone and Persimmon were entered but not shown. The classes, though large, did not have so many good dogs at the top as we had seen at a few previous shows, but Chibiados CH. PRINCE ALBERT Photo by Hedges. Lytha DUKE OF ALBEMARLE Photo by Thos. Pall, Lento BOOMERANG AND KATERFELTO Mr. Luke Crabtree of Manchester at one time owned both, and sold Katerfelto to Mr. J. B. Vandergrift of Pittsburg The Bulldog 397 nevertheless did all that could be expected of anything but a phenomenal lightweight. Mr. Austin subsequently sold Chibiados and was appointed to judge the breed the next year. Chibiados was entered, and he defeated Rodney Stone and Ivel Doctor, two he had not met before, the latter getting the reserve in winners. Mr. Austin was hit at pretty hard, but the grumblers had little reason for all they said. Rodney Stone was a very sick dog, and Mr. Austin was judging the dog as he saw him in the ring and not upon his past record. Rodney Stone was also defeated by Ivel Doctor at the following show held at Orange, N. J., but he did beat Chibiados in the lightweight class. Mr. LeCato was judge, and his reversal of the New York positions was in accordance with much of the ringside criticism. When it came to New York once more, in 1904, a well-known and thoroughly competent English exhibitor and judge was engaged specially for bulldogs and bull terriers. This was Mr. W. J. Pegg, whose kennel name of Woodcote is widely known owing to the high class of the dogs he has shown with that prefix. Under Mr. Pegg Chibiados won in his class and defeated every dog he had been placed over by Mr. Austin, except Ivel Doctor, who got first in winners, with a new dog, Sir Lancelot, as reserve. Fashion, under Mr. Pegg, went back to V.H.C., and he has seldom got high honours except under American judges. Among other high-class dogs that Chibiados beat on this occasion was Rolyat, one of the very best- headed dogs we have ever had; and Rodney Smasher, now unfortunately added to the number of bulldogs suffocated when travelling in the closed boxes fancy says shall alone be provided for bulldogs. At a very early age Rodney Smasher won his championship, and at this show won the Waldorf-Astoria Cup for the best American-bred dog. Another defeated dog was Persimmon, and Chibiados beat him for the Club Specials. Bearing in mind that this is a lightweight dog, and as "a good big 'un will always beat a good little 'un," it must be admitted that Chibiados is not only a good dog, but that Mr. Austin was amply justified in considering him a dog of class and placing him where he did on the occasion when he was so much criticised. There is no question as to the assured future of the bulldog in this country, for there are more individual exhibitors in the fancy than in most breeds, and bulldog fanciers are not so ephemeral as are many others, but last, unless there is some urgent necessity for their giving them up. Those who once take to the breed seem to imbibe something of the holding-on 398 The Dog Book power of the dogs themselves, and it is noticeable in America, perhaps more so than in England, that our staunchest bulldog men have good square jaws and a look displaying strength of character and resolution. It really takes men of that character to hope for success in the disappointments of breed- ing a good dog when the requirements are so many. As a prominent fancier of the breed aptly put it: "Breeding bulldogs is not a weak man's game." The difficulties in breeding bulldogs are many. There is first the getting a bitch that will breed, for many are incapable and others are extremely shy. Then the demands of fancy for a waspish waist and pinched loin often renders the birth of puppies very hazardous. Finally, if the puppies are born alive and the dam survives, will she suckle her puppies ? A bull bitch that will rear her own puppies and is a sure breeder is the most expensive thing in the way of a brood bitch that is on the market. For the reasons stated we find that a large number of the best bulldogs are from unknown dams, so far as show records are concerned. These dams are well bred and close relatives to the very best dogs, but individually they are more of the kind that a dog man will style "a rare good one to breed from.'* While not up to show form these are, if breeders, capable of giving birth to their puppies without any more than the normal amount of risk, and will rear them without assistance. For such a one a breeder of bulldogs will willingly give up in the hundreds of dollars. The difficulty of describing what a bulldog should be is happily in our case evaded by the many illustrations we give of good dogs, and with these and the elaborate descriptive points of the standard as a guide to the study of a bulldog's properties the novice will get a clear idea of what is required. It is a case resembling an attempt to convey to someone who has never seen lower Broadway what that wonderful architectural canyon looks like, merely by a written description and without an accompanying photograph. We give the pictures and the key thereto. SCALE OF POINTS Mouth. Width and squareness of jaw (2); projection and upward turn of the lower jaw (2); size and condition of teeth (i) 5. Chop. Breadth (2); depth (2); complete covering of front teeth (i) 5. Face. Shortness (i); breadth (i); depth (i); shape and upward turn of muzzle (i); wrinkles (i) 5. The Bulldog 399 S to p .Depth (2); breadth (2); extent (i)~ 5- Skull. Size (5); height (i); breadth and squareness (3); shape (2); wrinkles (4) 15. Eyes. Position (2); size (i); shape (i); colour (i) 5. jEarr. Position (i); shape (i); size (i); thinness (i) 5. Chest and Neck. Length (i); thickness (i); arch (i); dewlap (i); width, depth, and roundness of chest (i) 5. Shoulders. Size (2); breadth (2); muscle (i) 5. Body. Depth and thickness of brisket (2); capacity and roundness of ribs (3) 5. Back, Roach. Shortness (2); width of shoulders (i); shape, strength and arch at loin (2) 5. Fore Legs. Stoutness (ifc); shortness (ij); development (i); feet (i) Hind Legs. Stoutness (i); length (i); shape and development (2); feet (i) 5. Size, 5- T a *l> 5- Coat, 5. General Appearance, IO. Total, 100. CHAPTER XXVI THE TERRIER T WILL be necessary to treat the terrier family much as we did the spaniels, by giving a general introduction, which will, cover the ground from our first information regarding them up to quite a recent date, considering what is known of quite a number of breeds. The most singular thing with regard to this group of dogs is that while writer after writer on dogs of England has been so keen to prove that the mastiff and the bulldog were purely productions of the British Isles, they have entirely ignored the one breed group about which there could be no dispute. It is easy to find European dogs with a decidedly family resemblance to mastiffs even of the present time and to the bulldog of thirty to fifty years ago, but we have failed to find anything like a terrier outside of the German pintscher, which has a terrier resemblance. Whereas in the British Isles there is not only one but a group of breeds only differing in type, but all with the same gen- eral character of game, vermin dogs and useful companions. Our readers will by this time have had every evidence that we have no belief in spontaneous origin of breeds, but that lack of care in breeding and the crossing of various dogs of different sizes and characters produced others that differed and were found useful for certain sports or certain pur- poses. In the old books terriers are occasionally mentioned with what to our present-day notions are ridiculous associations. Mongrel mastiffs, or mongrel greyhounds are some of the terms used, and we thereupon laugh at the terrier being kin to our huge mastiff. The old writer, however, never thought of saying that he was a half-bred bear-fighting mastiff, but was from one of the smaller specimens of the common dogs then grouped as mastiffs, Caius's table of which will be found in the preceding chapter. So with the greyhound there were what were called greyhounds for many different sports. Caius mentions greyhounds as used for deer, fox "and other beastes of semblable kinde ordained for the game of hunting Some are of a greater sorte and some of a lesser, some are smooth skynned 401 4O2 The Dog Book and some are curled, the bigger therfor are appoynted to hunt the bigger beastes, and the smaller serve to hunt the smaller accordingly." Caius places the terrier in the same section as the hounds, following what he called the harrier, but which was his group name for all scenting hounds outside of bloodhounds, and preceding the latter in his description order, which is a decidedly honourable position for the terrier to occupy, ranking him with dogs "of a gentle kind." That the terrier was really entitled to rank with hounds is not to be readily disputed, for, taking a broad view of the groups of terriers, there is more or less resemblance to the hounds that were kept in various districts. Thus in England the oldest mention of the colour of terriers shows the black and tan of the hound to be then the prevailing terrier colour. In Scotland the colours have always been those of the Scotch deerhounds fawns and brindles where the deerhound prevailed, while along the Border, where the sleuth hounds were kept, we have a heavier eared terrier. In Ireland the terrier favours the wolfhound in colour and contour. It seems reason- able therefore to conclude that terriers were small mongrels in which hound blood formed considerable part, and that the rough coats and sprightliness came from greyhound infusions, so there was nothing at all incongruous in calling them half-bred greyhounds or recommending a cross of bastard mastiffs and beagles. The dog-show visitor of the present sees an array of terriers, each variety thoroughly distinct in type one from the other, and can with difficulty, if at all, realise that this has been accomplished in considerable less than a century; not but what there were varieties longer ago than that, but they were few, and the great majority were simply terriers except when it came to the black-and-tan smooth terrier, which was so called, and the universal sandy, rough-coated dog which went by the name of Scotch terrier. To modern terrier men who can hardly appreciate what the conditions were in England even as late as 1860, it is still more difficult to understand that while dogs that went to .earth after foxes and badgers were called terriers, they might be anything in the way of breeding. The first description from Caius, 1565, is devoid of all particulars as to the dogs themselves being simply confined to what they did : "Of the Dogge called Terrar, in Latine Terrarius, "Another sorte of hunting dog there is which hunteth the Foxe and the Badger or Greye onely, whom we call Terrars, because they (after the THE TERRIER By Bewick, 1790 A HOW ITT ETCHING, 1809 "CONY CATCHING By Barlow (1626-1702) Showing small dogs of greyhound terrier type THE WARREN "RABBIT SHOOTING Two uf A. Cooper's paintings. About 1830 The Terrier 403 manner and custome of ferrets in searching for Connyes), creepe into the grounde, and by that meanes make afrayde, nyppe, and byte the Fox and the Badger in such sort, that eyther they teare them in pieces with theyr teeth beyng in the bosome of the earth or else hayle and pull them per- force out of their lurking angles, darke dongeons, and close caves, or at the least through coceved feare drive them out of their hollow harbours, in so much that they are compelled to prepare speedy flight, and being desirous of the next (albeit not the safest) refuge, are otherwise taken and intrapped with snares and nettes layde over holes to the same purpose. But these be the least in that kind of Sagax." To say that they were small was hardly necessary, the guide to their size being well established by the work they did. That description of the terrier did duty for many long years, and as late as 1735 it was reproduced, as it had been by nearly all the interim writers, in the "Sportsman's Dic- tionary," as follows: "Terrier, a kind of hound, used only, or chiefly for hunting the fox or badger. So called because he creeps into the ground as the ferrets do into the coney-burrows, and there nips and bites the fox and badger, either by tearing them in pieces with his teeth, or else hailing and pulling them by force out of their lurking holes; or at least driving them out of their hollow harbours, to be taken by a net, or otherwise." There is another quotation which was handed down from one to another of the old writers, and has proved a great stumbling block against which recent writers have stubbed their toes. Jacques du Fouilloux wrote a French book which he called "La Venerie," and in it he described fox and badger hunting underground, as it was practised in France. We have not seen this book in the original, or any French quotation or direct transla- tion, but we do know that he was cribbed from right along the line. Tur- berville's "Noble Art of Venerie or Hunting" is simply a translation. Dr. Stevens compiled the "Maison Rustique," published in Paris in 1572, eleven years after du Fouilloux published his book, and copied from the latter. Stevens was apparently translated by Surflet, for he and Turberville do not quite agree, but it is very plain that all have the one origin in Du Fouilloux. Stevens's French quotation begins as follows: "Deux sortes de Bassets pour courier les regnards et tessons: Q Vant a la chasse des regnards et tessons, elle se fait avec cbiens de terre, autrement dits Bassets, lequel sont de deux especes" The English version in its complete state, as given by Surflet, is this: 404 The Dog Book "Two sorts of Earth dogs: The hunting of the fox and brocke, to bee performed with Earth dogs, which are of two sorts: the one hath crooked legs and commonly short haired: the other hath straight legs and shagd hair like Water spaniels, those which have the crooked legs creep more easilie into the earth than the others, and they are best for the brocks, bicause they stay long there, and keepe better without coming forth. Those which have straight legs serve for two uses, bicause they run as coursing dogs above ground, and also take the earth more boldly than the other, but they tarrie not in so long, bicause they vexe themselves in fighting with the foxes and brocks, whereby they are forced to come forth to take the aire." Turberville's translation was from Du Fouilloux and is as follows: "Now to speak of the foxhounds and terriers, and how you are to enter them to take the foxe, the badgerd, and such like vermin; you must under- stand that there are two sorts of terriers, whereof wee hold opinion that one sort came out of Flanders or the low countries, as Artoyes and thereabouts and they have crooked legges and are short heared moste commonly. Another sorte there is which are shagged and straight legged: those with the crooked legges will take earth better than the other and are better for the badgerd, bycause they will lye longer at a vermin: but the others with straight legges do serve for twoo purposes, for they wyll hunte above the grounde as well as other houndes, and enter the earth with more furie than the others: but they will not abide so long, bycause they are too eager to fight, and therefore are constreyned to come out to take the ayre: there are both good and badde of both [sortes." Turberville, in place of giving it "dogs for the earth, otherwise called Bassets," gives them the English name only. Mutilated more or less, this description of French bassets did duty as the description of English terriers as late as the eighteenth century. In our 1721 edition of Cox's "Gentleman's Recreation" it is given thus: "Of terriers there are two sorts. The one is crooked-legg'd and commonly short haired : And these will take Earth well, and will lie very long at Fox and Badger. The other sort is shagged and straight legged: And these will not only hunt above ground as others, but also enter the Earth with much more fury than the former; but cannot stay in so long by reason of their great eagerness." Blome is the only one who broke away from the French description of bassets for terriers, although he cribbed wholesale from Du Fouilloux ORIGINAL YORKSHIRE TERRIER THE BROKEN-HAIRED TERRIER Latar the wire-haired fox terrier THE SMOOTH BLACK-AND-TAN TERRIER TERRIERS IN " STONEHENGE ' Representing te.riers ' other tnan Slcye, Dandie and (ox " o( 1868-1873 TERRIERS OF A CENTURY AGO Thi , nictures referred to in the text as erroneously attributed to J. M. Roos. The two dogs immediately behind the white are red The one in the background and that to the right climbing over the wheelbarrow are black-and-t m The Terrier 405 in almost everything else. What he says of terriers is this: "As- concen^ing Terriers, every one that is a fox hunter is of opinion that he hath' a peculiar species of itself. I shall not say anything as to the affirmative or negative point. Only give me leave to say that such terriers as are bred out of a Beagle and mongrel mastiff generally prove good, for he hath courage and a thick skin as participating of the cur and is mouthed from the beagle." Describing the terrier more fully, he goes on to say: "This is a very small dog and used for hunting the fox and badger, his business being to go into the earths, and to bay them that is to keep them in an angle (a fox's earth having divers) whilst they are dug out; for by their baying or barking 'tis known whereabouts the fox is, that he may be the better dug out; and for this use the terrier is very serviceable, being of an admirable scent to find out. They commonly keep a couple of terriers to the end they may put in a fresh one to relieve the first." In a series of four fox-hunting plates from Blome's book there is one of digging the fox out. The hounds are waiting about outside the earth, by the side of which a huntsman is holding a leggy, lightly built dog, not differing essentially from many of the hounds, but the drawing and engrav- ing are not of the best even for that period. What is apparent from Blome is that there was no definite breed, but only dogs bred to go to earth, every person breeding for that purpose alone and not for definiteness of type. Mr. J. A. Doyle, in his article on the fox terrier in "The Book of the Dog," finds this beagle and mongrel mastiff mixture very amusing. But those who have read what we had to say regarding the cur, bandog and mastiff in the chapters on the smooth sheep dog and the bulldog, will not think it at all out of the way. The term mastiff included the whole family of useful dogs other than hounds, spaniels, terriers and toys. The name covered the large bear-baiting dog, the smaller bull-baiting dog, the watchdog or bandog, and the still lighter shepherd's mastiff or cur, which name was not then a term of reproach. We have not said anything with regard to the beagle, but so far as we have gone into the subject of the name we incline to the opinion, though we are not pledged to the statement, that it was a term akin to our use of the word toy. There was an old English word beagle that meant a man that was not of much account a useless sort of fellow and one can readily understand that when the beagles were reduced to the "glove" size hunting men would ridicule the idea of their being of any use; and as we would now say, "They 4p6 : . ^ ; The Dog Book io good, they are toys," they would have said that they were beagles, quite Useless for genuine hunting. With those explanations there is nothing so very strange in recommend- ing a cross between a common, game, knockabout dog and another small dog that would give tongue in the earth. It was probably in this way that the white colour was introduced in the terriers. Daniel, in 1802, says: "There are two kinds, the one is rough, short legged, long backed, very strong, and most commonly of a black or yellowish colour, mixt with white; the other is smooth haired, and beautifully formed, having a shorter body and more sprightly appearance, is generally of a reddish brown colour or black with tanned legs; both these sorts are the determined foe of all the vermin kind, and in their encounter with the badger very frequently meet with severe treatment, which they sustain with great courage, and a well-trained terrier often proves more than a match for that animal." The first really good description of variety in terriers is that given by Taplin, who issued a "Sportsman's Dictionary" in 1803. Under the head of terriers he says: "Terriers of even the best blood are bred ot all colours: red, black (with tan faces, flanks, feet and legs) brindled sandy; some few brown pied, white pied and pure white; as well as one sort of each colour, rough and wire-haired; the other soft and smooth, and what is rather ex- traordinary, the latter not much deficient in courage with the former; but the rough breed must be acknowledged the most severe and invincible biter of the two. Since fox hunting is so deservedly and universally popular in every county where it can be enjoyed, these faithful little animals have become so exceedingly fashionable that few stables of the independent are seen without them. Four or five guineas is no great price for a hand- some, well bred terrier, and a very short time since seven puppies were sold at the Running Horse livery stable in Piccadilly for one and twenty guineas [the dam of these puppies is the white bitch in the Reinagle picture], and these at this time are as true a breed of the small sort as any in England." Another book of the same class issued ten years later mentioned the coming popularity of the harlequin variety, the white with black-and-tan markings, which variety was promoted by Colonel Thornton through his celebrated terrier Pitch. Daniel Lambert also had a famed strain of terriers, but we have not been able to ascertain what they were in regard to colour. TERRIERS BY ALKEN These are reproductions of sketches hy Henry Alken, the lower one being entitled Scraps From the Sketch Book of Henry Alken." Roth were eneraved hy him and published in i8ao. Although mainly bull terriers these are preferably inserted here with the other illustra- tions of early terriers. The Terrier 407 The first of our illustrations of early terriers is that of rabbit hunting with ferrets and nets, the work of Francis Barlow, the dogs shown being of the light greyhound type, and of small size. Barlow lived from 1630 to 1702, and we have not so far come across anything distinctly terrier in his engravings. One of the Strada engravings, of which we gave an example in the chapter on the pointer, is very similar to this one by Barlow, but the dogs are even less like our terriers than these by Barlow, Strada making his dogs fat and podgy as a usual thing. If we did find terriers in the Strada collection or in the engravings by Galla or his family, that would upset our theory that the terrier is entirely English in its development. On this subject we received rather a shock when we came across two paintings, said to be by Jan Melchoir Roos, whose name of course suggested dogs of Continental origin. There was no question whatever as to the dogs being terriers, and that they were painted by some one who had a cleverness or ability to depict character. The dogs speak for themselves, and we think all dog men will concede that the man who put them on canvas knew a dog. The art side of the question is another thing, but how many of the great artists could have thrown so much type and character into such drawings. We found that the father of this Roos had been in England after completing his studies in Amsterdam, and as the initials were an R, preceded by what was probably meant for J, with a middle letter which might be H or M or any one of several letters, it was not a thing to pass without investigation, indifferent as the paintings were. We had in mind that Mr. J. A. Doyle, an eminent fox-terrier authority had stated in the " Book of the Dog" that there was great difficulty in getting information from old paintings suitable for help in compiling a history of the breed, but that he had found at Vienna a picture by a Dutch painter named Hamilton in which there was a white wire-haired terrier, quite char- acteristic of the modern show terrier, but with a pink nose. The dog had drop ears and what looked like a hard wiry coat, and the shape of the head and its expression together with the attitude and outline were thoroughly terrier- like. Hamilton he said was a painter of the early part of the eighteenth century. That was about the Roos period and called for investigation. Hamilton we found was the son of a Scotchman who left his country toward the close of the seventeenth century and settled in Brussels as a painter. Two of his sons studied under him and both went to Vienna. There is nothing in the record to show that either of the sons went to England, so 408 The Dog Book whether the one who painted this white terrier supplied something from his own studies under his father or drew from some dog he happened to come across is an open question. What we know to be facts regarding the two "Roos" paintings is that the gentleman who has them has knowledge of them for forty years, they having been the property of a gentleman who married into the present owner's family. The elder gentleman had at that time been a widower for ten years and during that period his effects had been stored away, these paintings with them. The old gentleman was an American, and no one has any idea where or when he got them or how long he had them before they were stored, but our informant says that when he first knew them they were in wide partly carved frames, and for some reason were thought a good deal of. These frames gradually went to pieces, and the present owner took the canvases out of what was left of them about twelve years ago. When he first knew them the frames and the paintings both looked very old. The Roos story came recently from a friend of his and was not family history. We found some difficulty in getting any competent person to interest himself sufficiently to give a sound opinion as to the probable age and the possibility of their being the work of a foreign artist. We have seen what we call "guessing" in the judges' ring at dog shows, but nothing to the guessing of experts in the opinions we were favoured with. One eminent authority informed us that it was impossible for them to be over twenty-five years old, and that they were "copies of a well-known painting by Landseer or somebody." Finally we had the good fortune to meet Mr. Royal Cortis- soz, of New York, to whom we told our tale of inability to get an opinion that would hold water. A kind invitation to submit the canvases to him at once followed. Everybody had treated our inquiries as if we wanted to boom some worthless daubs, but our new friend got our idea, which was merely to get an approximate date of the painter's work. His opinion was that they were English, and probably early nineteenth century, that they were not the work of any good man, but some clever fellow in that particular line of dog delineation not otherwise an artist. We only use one of the paintings, that showing a white dog facing the right, with two red dogs immediately behind it; a black-and-tan dog, head on, is running toward the white dog and another black-and-tan is climbing over the overturned wheelbarrow to the right, below which the rat is seeking to escape. TERRTER AND BADGER By G. Hobday TO BE DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY " By D. Armfield. Published 1859 "KEEP QUIET" "WILD BOAR AND SAUFINDER " By G. B. Spalding Etching by Lieut.-Col. Batty. No date TERRIERS FROM 1830 TO 1860 The Saufiuder was a German dog of terrier character, the name of which Col. Hamilton Smith attributes to Ridinger (1735) Terriers, by Reinagle, " Sportsman's Cabinet," 1803. (See page 406;. The Terrier 409 The other painting is less distinct so we have not reproduced it. It shows but three dogs, one of each colour. That is quite sufficient for our purpose, our contention being that terriers were not and are not a Continental breed, and that rough dogs were almost invariably drawn and painted by artists of one hundred years ago. What we have been endeavouring for some time to get hold of is some illustration of badger drawing or going to earth for badger, from about 1600 up to 1750, showing how it was conducted in England. We have Strada's illustration of badger hunting from a Dutch point of view, but according to the latin verse descriptive of the sport they were snared or were smoked or dug out for the dogs to kill. We think there is a great field for original search in such a place as the print room of the British Museum in the direc- tion we have indicated. Barlow was quite a prolific delineator of sporting scenes about 1670, but we have seen nothing from him in the badger line, so whether the dogs used in his day were what he shows in the rabbiting scene or were stronger and coarser is an open question. We next come to the Bewick terrier, a short-legged, strong customer, certainly not a black-and-tan, probably a sandy dog. Following close upon Bewick we have Howitt, and we have selected from a number of his etchings one showing terriers of two colours, one being a white with markings. The black-and-tan terrier is more frequently etched by Howitt than the white, and he shows him in some of the etchings of otter hunting and kindred subjects. Of the same period we have Reinagle, but we have only found one of his, that in the "Sportsman's Cabinet," also used in the "Sportsman's Repository." Captain Brown gives in his "Anecdotes" an illustration of a Scotch terrier, which is more akin to the old semi-pricked- ear Aberdeen terrier, later the Scottish terrier, than anything shown up to that date. He also says that there were three breeds in Scotland, the one illustrated, the Skye terrier, and a third that was leggier, fifteen to eighteen inches in height and with a short wire-haired coat. This latter was the dog known throughout England as the Scotch terrier, and is the one which has been a stumbling-block to modem writers on the Scottish terrier, because they could not make the description of that dog fit the modern animal. Covering the subsequent indefinite period up to the time of dog shows, and steering clear of illustrations belonging distinctly to one or other of the varieties then established and recognised, we give a sample of the terriers in common use throughout England. Cooper yields the most diversified 4io The Dog Book series, and we therefore give two of his, not including the black-and-tan he owned, of whose head he made a beautiful study to illustrate the terrier in the "Sporting Portfolio." Of Hobday we know nothing, and do not recall having seen anything by him other than this wire-haired terrier with the badger. Spalding painted many terriers, all very similar in character, and gave them good heads rather too good, in fact. The Armfield type of terrier was what we called Scotch, rather an elastic title, for it included everything that looked like a ratter and was sandy or partly that colour. We have also a French print dated 1821, but this was a reproduction of a painting by an Englishman, showing foxhounds running, accompanied by a black-and-tan, smooth-coated terrier. The Alken sketches are introduced here to round out the illustrations of terriers of that period, though they are really bull terriers. Lieut. Col. Hamilton Smith also illustrated dogs in colour for the Naturalists' Library, but these we will use later on. The summing up of the situation is that the terrier was developed from the common material of England. A hard-biting, game dog, small enough to go to earth after the fox and badger. The type seems then to have settled into a rough-coated black-and-tan dog, with varieties of colour from that by the introduction of greyhound blood and that of small hounds. From the greyhound cross in all probability also came the short-coated dog. We must note an exception to the latter conclusion with regard to the Manchester terrier type of dog, for his short tail was noticed by Captain Brown, and his short back at a still earlier period by Daniel. At that time this smooth terrier must have been of thoroughly established type. The dog Daniel describes as of a reddish-brown colour with tanned legs is one seldom seen now. In fact we cannot recall the last occasion of seeing one, but they were not uncommon forty years ago. Our first dog was a black-and-tan bred terrier, but all black; so with a view of obtaining better colour in her puppies we bred her to a liver-and-tan as he would be called now owned at a nearby stable. This was a very smart well-built little dog, and was black- and-tan bred according to the information given us, though pedigrees were little thought of then, or at least quite beyond our boyish knowledge. At the stable where this dog was kept one of the men had a few terriers the like of which we have never seen since. They were just about the size of the Griffon Bruxellois, and very much like them. Where they differed was in a more terrier-like face, devoid of the monkey look of the griffon. The Terrier 411 The facial look, the expression and the coat were those of Landseer's little terrier in "Dignity and Impudence." Short-coated dogs must have been in the minority a hundred years ago, or we would have more illustrations of them by the artists of that period and later years, and it is not until 1825 tnat we begin to find repre- sentations of the smooth dog to any appreciable extent. The Skye terrier or rough-coated dog of the Highlands, quite a medium-coated dog compared with what are now shown as Skyes, was probably the third best-known terrier about London during 1855-60. Queen Victoria was known to have some, and the loyal Londoners procured specimens in sufficient numbers to have them very generally known. The bull terrier was the third of the three terriers, the black-and-tan being the leader in popularity. It would hardly do to elevate the Scotch terrier to the dignity of being a breed, for he was merely a ratting dog, and mainly sandy in colour, while the only family resemblance was a rough coat. The other three were distinct as breeds. It would be going too far to say that there were no fox terriers in London at that time, but they were not conspicuous as a breed, nor were the rough black-and-tan terriers. Bedlingtons, Airedales, Scottish and Irish terriers had not been heard of, and all that was known about Dandies was what Sir Walter Scott had written. When we consider that the spaniels and setters were all divided and well known by their breed names at that time, the backward state of information regarding the terriers is remarkably strange. The record will bear us out in what we have stated, as we shall now prove. Youatt in 1845 mentions the bull terrier, and how little that had progressed may be imagined when he merely says that: "A second cross lessens the underhanging of the lower jaw, and a third entirely removes it." Under the heading of "The Terrier" he describes what was undoubtedly the fox terrier as we know it, presumably white in body colour, for he says: "The ears of moderate size, half erect, and usually of a deep black colour, with a yellow spot over the eyes. . . . The coat of the terrier may be either smooth or rough. . . . The rough terrier possibly obtained his shaggy coat from the cur, and the smooth terrier may derive his from the hound." Under the title of "Scotch Terrier" he repeats the informa- tion given by Brown as to the three varieties, and that is all he says. Stonehenge, in his 1867 edition of "Dogs of the British Islands," writes a chapter on the fox terrier, another on Skyes and Dandies and a third on 412 The Dog Book terriers other than the three named, or toys. In this chapter he includes the black-and-tan, the smooth white, the wire-haired fox terrier and the original Yorkshire. Still another chapter is devoted to the bull terrier. In the same authority's second edition of "The Dog," 1872, he divides terriers as follows: The old English terrier (the smooth black-and-tan), the Scotch (the leggy rough dog), the Dandie Dinmont, the Skye, the fox terrier, the Bedlington, the Halifax blue-tan (which became the Yorkshire), and the modern toy terrier. "Idstone" published his book, "The Dog," in 1872, and limits his descriptions to the fox, bull, Skye, Dandie, broken-haired fox, smooth black- and-tan and smooths of other colours. Stonehenge's third edition of his main work, published in 1878, includes "by request" the Irish terrier. His objection to a distinct name for this dog was that it was only a variety of the Scotch terrier. Not only did he so state in a footnote to the admitted chapter, but when we had the well-known bitch Banshee at the Field office one day he held to his opinion that it was just a little better dog than the usual run of Scotch terriers of twenty years previous. He admitted the improvement but stuck to the Scotch. Other changes in this edition were the incorporating of the broken-haired terrier with the fox terrier as the "rough fox terrier"; the acceptance of the prick-eared Skye, which he would have nothing to do with in 1867; the acceptance of Yorkshire as the name for the blue-and-tan Halifax terrier; a partial acceptance of Manches- ter in connection with the name of the large black-and-tan; and a chapter on the white English terrier. He declined in this edition to accept the terrier we now call the Scottish, which Mr. J. Gordon Murray had described under the various names of mogstads, drynocks and camusennaries, adding that if the portrait published of one that Mr. Murray had lately brought to London was at all like the dog then he was a very ugly brute. In 1880 the Airedale was brought forth, and then came the lengthy dis- cussion anent the little fellow from Scotland, who had been barking at the door for a long time and was finally admitted under the compromise name of Scottish terrier. Then we had the revival of the rough black-and-tan terrier under the good name of "Old English wire-haired black-and-tan terrier," but ''Taffy was a Welshman Taffy was a thief, Taffy came to my house And stole " The Terrier 413 The first attempt to take what was not Welsh was the bobtailed sheep dog. That was claimed for Wales because Mr. Lloyd Price, of North Wales, had two of the breed therefore it must be a Welsh breed; but that claim was dropped when it was clearly proved that the dogs had come from Devon- shire. The next claim of the Welshmen was for this good old English dog, the rough black-and-tan terrier, that all the old writers had described and that Howitt and others etched and drew as the terrier of England. There must have been powerful influence or great ignorance at work when it was decided to change the name to Welsh terrier. Still another claim on the part of a few Welsh fanciers to a title for a genuine English variety is the case of the Welsh springer, or large spaniel, but no one will begrudge them that dog. The Old English terrier is quite another story, and should never have been recognised as anything but what it is, the oldest known and described variety of English terrier. A few other varieties have been put forward as breeds, but have never been fully recognised. At one time there was a blue-and-tan variety of the black-and-tan, just as there was the already mentioned liver-and-tan of Daniel's time. The Clydesdale and Paisley terriers have had stronger claims, but they do not seem to have been anything but a fancy variety of Skye terrier, smaller and bred for a silky coat. The Roseneath variety of the Scottish terrier is another of the same sort of claims, a lighter colour being the difference in this case. None of these has, however, been sufficiently recognised in its own country to warrant consideration as a distinct variety at the present time. The etching of the Sau-fmder we picked up in one of our print-shop researches and bought because of the striking terrier character of this Ger- man dog, though at that time we had never seen any mention of the dog. Recently we came across a reference to Ridinger having given the dog the name of Sau-finder in one of his paintings. That would be about 1735. There is no clue as to date on the etching we copy, nor to what, if any, use it was put as an illustration. Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton, who wrote the section on the dogs and allied species in Jardine's 1 Naturalists' Library, classifies the Sau-finder as a terrier, the only terrier mentioned by him as continental, and it was from him we got the information as to Ridinger's painting and nomenclature. A quotation which includes the Sau-finder reference will be found in the chapter on the Skye terrier. We are indebted to Wm. A. and F. Baillie-Grohman's reproduction 414 The Dog Book of " The Master of Game " for evidence of a very early use of the name "terrier." Gace de la Buigne, a sport-loving priest who was in the retinue of King John of France, when taken prisoner to England wrote after his return to France a book on sports for the use of Philip, the King's fourth son. This was finished after 1373, exact date unknown. The brief instructions for taking the fox may be English so far as the use of the first word " terriers" is concerned. The Messrs. Baillie-Grohman italicise this word, but neither give reason for doing so nor say whether it is so in the text copied from. " On le va querir de dans terre Avec ses bons chiens terriers Que on meet dans les terriers." "They are brought from the holes in the earth with good terrier dogs that are sent into the burrows." Some discussion has recently taken place over the decision of the American Kennel Club to put all terriers in a division by themselves. In England some terriers are classed as sporting and others as non-sporting, the dividing line being absurd and erratic. The question of sporting versus non-sporting was taken up by the American Kennel Club and referred to the stud-book committee, presumably because a good many years ago there had been some such division in the stud book. It is easy enough to divide all the breeds till you come to terriers, and then we are brought face to face with such questions as whether a dog that was once used for going to earth for foxes in England but is never so used here is a sporting dog, whether a dog originally used for rats and foxes in the Highlands but now kept in seclusior in order to grow an extremely long coat is still a sporting dog, if he ever was such a thing. We took the opportunity of suggesting to Mr. Viti, the chairman of the committee, that in place of endeavouring to divide terriers in such an anomalous manner that they simply be put in a class or division by themselves, and that sporting dogs should consist of what we call bird dogs, dogs used with the gun, and dogs used in the chase. The committee drew up two schedules, one on the English plan and the other based upon our suggestion, and we are glad to say the latter was unanimously adopted with but little discussion. Since then it has received the cordial indorse- ment of such a paper as the London Field, which recommended its adoption by the English Kennel Club. ' S 5 a j CHAPTER XXVII THE SMOOTH Fox TERRIER Y REASON of popularity and early recognition as a breed, both here and in England, the smooth fox terrier is given the right of way. As we have demonstrated in the preceding chapter, neither in colour nor in coat is he the oldest of the terrier family. No reference to any such terrier can be found until close to 1800, and then to but one dog and one breeder. As near as we can get at the date, Colonel Thornton owned his dog Pitch about 1785-90, and this is the only terrier of his that we have any definite knowl- edge of. In the sketch of Colonel Thornton's life, published a hundred years ago it is copied into a book of sporting anecdotes issued as a second edition in 1807 we have in the list of the many horses and dogs owned by that sportsman this paragraph regarding his terriers : " It would be necessary to notice Colonel Thornton's terriers, if it were only on account of his justly celebrated Pitch, from whom are descended most of the white terriers in this kingdom. This dog was in the Colonel's possession about twenty years ago, since which epoch he has assidiously attended to this breed of sporting dogs." The picture of " Pitch, a Terrier" is by Colonel Thornton's favourite artist, Gilpin, and is dated 1790. The engraving is by Scott, so that we know it was a faithful reproduction of the artist's work and of the dog. The ears do not seem to be cut, but are pricked and very small and neat. The expression is very keen, but as the head is slightly turned away it makes the dog look as if he was small and weak in head. Certainly he was not a coarse dog, and was decidedly high and "whippetty" all over. The mark- ings are tan on the head, a black spot at the root of the tail, with tan showing along the upper edge. Pitch was bred by Colonel Thornton, according to the statement on the engraving, but how he was bred is another thing. We know that the Colonel was a good deal of an experimenter and bred fox- hounds and pointers together, and we should say that this dog was the result of a very close-up cross of the greyhound. If we take Bewick and Howitt as showing what the general run of terriers were from 1790 to 1800, with Rein- 415 416 The Dog Book agle adding his contemporary testimony to the same end that the terrier was a dog of moderate length of leg, if not short on the leg, possessed of sufficient substance to look a sturdy little fellow, and with a hard, rough, wiry coat we cannot accept Pitch as pure terrier. A cross with the hound would not produce such a dog, nor would the beagle and terrier result in that lightness of build, for Thornton's beagles were of the small, sturdy kind. We know that, for we have pictures of them by Reinagle and Chalon. We fancy that, as he used the foxhound to get more speed in his pointers, he used a small greyhound to effect the same in his terriers, for it must be borne in mind that the custom was to have a couple of terriers run with the hounds, and Thornton was just the kind of man to breed a dog that would do what was needed if the hounds were becoming too fast for the ordinary run of terriers. If what he wanted was speed, he doubtless went to the dog that would give it and produced a whippet. It was called a terrier because it did a terrier's work, and, being fast and game, became as well known to fox hunters as were the Thornville foxhound-pointers to shooting men of that time. Hence it was used extensively as a stud dog, and was credited within fifteen years of the date that Gilpin painted him with being the progenitor of "most of the white terriers in this kingdom." It was a strain to which the Colonel continued to give attention and bred with care, for we find that he took one with him on his tour in France one he calls a parlour terrier, but thoroughly game, notwithstanding that appellation. This tour of Colonel Thornton's had as one of its objects the selection of an estate which he desired to purchase in France, and he took with him twelve foxhounds, a pointer, and "Vixen, a beautiful parlour ter- rier." Writing from Les Orme on August 26, 1802, the Colonel tells of a wolf hunt in which some of his hounds participated in company with the local hounds. Vixen took part in the hunt also, and after remarking upon two of his hounds that "seemed the most vermin." he adds that they were immediately followed by Vixen, "who appeared full as vicious." The hunt was in a wood, with gentlemen posted about in the roads to shoot the wolf, which doubled about at sound of the shots and the horns. As the chase progressed the wolf was more seriously wounded and more often seen. "He crossed an avenue tolerably clear, when Vixen, who had joined us, saw him, and although just before jaded, the little devil got the scent and gave tongue. When she seemed to be near, and teasing him, my hounds came up all in a sheet. ... At this moment the wolf turned to us, when The Smooth Fox Terrier 417 the terrier, having a decided advantage from the thickness of the cover, continued catching at his haunches. . . . After he had been tormented for some time by Vixen, he came to an opening in the woods, but in crossing some deep ruts he fell in and could not recover himself. The Norman hound and three others rushed in and threw him on his back. He snatched, but they seized him by the throat and back, while Vixen had good hold of his haunch/' The wolf proved to be a four-year-old, with a splendid mouth of teeth, and while one of the English hounds had lost nearly the whole of one ear and another was cut about the face, Vixen got off with a bloody nose, "but she did not seem to mind it." No description is given of Vixen, but the presumption is that she was one of the smooth terriers of his own breeding and a descendant of Pitch. The best contribution on the fox terrier of the first half of the last century is what the late T. H. Scott wrote under the name of "Peeping Tom" in The Country, a London paper that was given up twenty years ago. Mr. Scott was conceded to be the best-informed man of the many writers on early terriers of history, having a vast amount of personal information on the subject. We quote from what he wrote in 1880, and the dates he gives should be calculated from that time: "Some of us will, I daresay, remember the old black-and-tan English terrier not in any way resembling the whip-tailed, smooth-coated and pencil-toed black-and-tan of the present day, but a dog of very similar ap- pearance to the Old Jock and Old Trap type of fox terrier. My father has in his possession a painting of a noted terrier that belonged to his grand- father. This dog was a black-and-tan, that is to say, black, with a consider- able quantity of light tan, and white breast. This dog had drop ears, and in all other respects except colour would have held his own on a show bench at the present day. I believe there is no doubt that there was an equally old breed of white English terriers of the same character, and it was by cross- ing these two sorts that the colour of our modern kennel terriers was pro- duced. The black-and-tan was, from its colour, difficult to keep in view, and mixed colours looked more uniform with the hounds. Till very re- cently the Duke of Beaufort has kept up a breed of black-and-tan fox terriers, and excellent dogs they are. "Treadwell, the huntsman of the Old Berkshire, has had several good terriers, notably Tip, and they were descended from a black-and-tan dog he had with the Cottesmore, twenty-five years ago, called Charley. This 418 The Dog Book dog was bred by Mr. Cauverley, of Greetham, whose family had kept the breed for a century. Old Trap was descended from a black and tan breed, and I believe Old Jock was also." It is not worth while giving Mr. Scott's communication in full, for the dogs he speaks of are so far back in pedigrees and we have bred so entirely different from their types that it is doubtful if our readers would retain interest in the recital. We will therefore run through it and give the features as they appear to us. Grove Nettle was a bitch of such claims that Mr. Scott doubted whether there was anything in 1880 she could not have beaten. Trimmer he speaks highly of, and he was the sire of Belvoir Joe. Lord Middleton's terriers were of the same strain as the Grove, and his kennel's Nettle was the grandam of Belvoir Joe. Mr. Bower's strain, extensively used in North of England kennels, had bull-terrier blood in the line. That there were plenty of impurely bred terriers thirty years ago masquerading as fox terriers is seen from this sentence on the dogs of that day: "I would much sooner breed from a dog with an unauthenticated pedigree that gets good stock than from such animals as Diver, Draco, Brick, Bitters or Trimmer. Diver was by a bull terrier; Draco was by a carriage dog, so I have heard; Brick was nearly related to a beagle; Bitter's dam has no pedigree, and he has got no good stock; Trimmer's sire was undershot and his dam had prick ears." When there was so much bad blood about, it is no wonder that the few lines of soundly bred terriers became very prominent, and at one time the strain that outranked all others was the Belvoir terriers. We will, therefore, quote more fully as to them : "As Belvoir Joe is the best known to breeders of the present day, I will give his pedigree, which can be traced back for upward of forty years. Bel- voir Joe was bred by W. Cooper, late huntsman to the Belvoir, and was by his Trimmer out of Trinket a grand-looking bitch and one that would take a lot of getting over by the best of the present time; Trinket was by the Belvoir earth-stopper's Trap out of Ben Morgan's Nettle; Trimmer, from the Grove, was by a favourite dog of Sir Richard Sutton's out of a bitch belong- ing to Tom Day, late huntsman to the Quorn. Ben Morgan got Nettle from his brother at the Grove. I have seen her, and she was a very good- looking terrier, rather heavily marked with black and tan. She got a prize or two at the Yorkshire shows. The Belvoir earth-stopper's Trap was by the late Will Goodall's Doc, bred by a huntsman named Rose, and Goodall Photo by Hedges, Lytha BLIZZARD Photo by Salmon, London HUNTON BRIDEGROOM WARREN VICTOR CH NORFOLK HANDICRAFT CH. NORFOLK CLORITA NORFOLK HUNTSMAN The Smooth Fox Terrier 419 always declared he was the only dog he ever had or knew that could draw the main earths near Belvoir Castle. "Cooper took great pains in keeping the breed pure during his time and got several of the old black-and-tan sort, mentioned before, from Mr. William Singleton of Caythorpe, near Grantham, a noted breeder of them, and he kept them free from bull for forty years. This strengthens my belief that the white, black-and-tan terrier of the present day is, or should be, descended from the old black-and-tan. I cannot trace the present breed of Belvoir terriers further back than Tom Goosey's day, over forty years ago. His Tyrant was a noted dog, and he afterward became the property of Sir Thomas Whichcote, who has kept the breed pure. "Jack Morgan has been, I believe, chiefly instrumental in bringing the Grove terriers to the perfection they attained, for it is beyond dispute that the Grove has turned out two as good, or better, than anything of the present day. These are Old Jock and Grove Nettle. Jock was out of the Grove Pepper, by a black-and-tan dog, Captain Percy William's Jock; but I do not quite know the correct pedigree of Nettle. I believe she was by a dog belonging to Mr. J. B. Hodgson, M. F. H., and out of Gimlet, by old Grove Tartar out of Rose, by Grove Trickster out of Nettle, by a Grove dog out of Mr. Foljambe's old Cambridge Vic. There was a Nettle bred in that way, and she was either Grove Nettle or Ben Morgan's Nettle, but I see the Kennel Club gives Grove Nettle as by Grove Tartar out of Sting." Those who trace pedigrees through the English stud book should note in the volume which has a registration of Belvoir Joe that that is not the celebrity which sired Belgrave Joe. The pedigree of the proper Belvoir Joe is as given above by Mr. Scott. We only reach him nowadays through his son, Belgrave Joe, who was out of Branson's White Vic, and her pedi- gree is seldom given correctly, there being several Vies, all owned by Bran- son. White Vic was sired by Branson's Tartar, who was by a dog called Ruler out of Fairy, belonging to Head, the huntsman at Donnington Park; Ruler belonged to Mr. Moore, who got him from his breeder, Mr. Hedges. The dam of White Vic was a white bitch with black markings named Vic, owned by Branson, and she was by his Twister out of his white bitch Vic, which he got from the keeper to Sir Gilbert Heathcote. Twister was a white dog with a tan head that Branson sold to the Quorn. Belgrave Joe sired a very large number of excellent terriers, and we remember seeing him at his owner's, Mr. Luke Turner, Richmond House, 42O The Dog Book Leicester, when the dog was quite old. He was a shade larger than the usual run of terriers, but was wonderfully true in shape considering that he was then sixteen years of age he lived to be twenty. He was a white dog with a tan head, and had a pretty good length of coat at the time we speak of. How much of a celebrity he had been and still was through his progeny, at least in our estimation, may be judged by our going fifty miles purposely to see the dog when in England in 1884. He sired Spice, a very successful show dog, but soft coated, and from Spice came a little dog called Mixture that Mr. Thayer imported. This was probably the smallest show dog ever imported, yet he came over as an English champion. He had a good deal more coat than 90 per cent, of the wire-haired terriers of the present day. From the great difference in winning dogs imported at that time from England, it was very evident that type across the Atlantic at that period of terrier history was a matter of personal opinion, and that there was no following a standard which would create anything like uniformity. One object in giving this information regarding the breeding of the old fox terriers is to show that they were not the result of breeding for type as we now understand it, but that these were the beginnings of the scientific type breeding. There was no end of close-up old black-and-tan blood as well as bull terrier, and to claim that the smooth white terrier with hound markings, or any of the markings we now know, was the universal dog of 1825 to 1850 is entirely contradicted by the facts. It is doubtful whether Colonel Thornton's terriers were bred on, for he went to France and re- mained there, giving up his English breeding, and there is no knowledge of any connecting links with any of his terriers. The terriers were bred for work, and while some had ideals, as they had in the case of hounds or pointers, they were exceptional cases. The mistake many have made is to conclude that because terriers were used for going to earth in fox hunting they were fox terriers and called by that name, and as we have fox terriers, the old and the present were therefore one and the same dog. We have never come across the name fox terrier in any of the old sporting books, nor seen any quotation of the name except the single instance of the rough black-and-tan terrier which Mr. Lee uses as an illustration in his book on the fox terrier. The illustration is from a mezzotint of a painting by De Wilde, published in 1806. The name is too exceptional to permit us to accept it as evidence of nomenclature of that period. The Smooth Fox Terrier 421 The exhibition of fox terriers as a distinct breed dates from the second exhibition of the North of England Club which, singular to say, was held in London, and took place in June, 1862. As a matter of record we give a verbatim copy of this portion of the catalogue of that show: CLASS 2 Fox TERRIERS 2. Exhibitor: Thomas Wootton, Esq., Daybrook Cottage, Nottinghamshire, "Pincher." Age, 4 years. By Pincher Old Nettle. 50. 3. Exhibitor: Thomas Wootton, Esq., Daybrook Cottage, Nottinghamshire, "Fan." Age, 3 years. Breeder, Jack Morgan. Twenty guineas. 4. Exhibitor: Thomas Wootton, Esq., Daybrook Cottage, Nottinghamshire, "Jerry." Age, 3 years, 4 months. Breeder, Jack Morgan. By Captain William's Jack Old Pep- per. Twenty guineas. 5. Exhibitor and breeder: W. Chowler, Esq., Harlston Park, Northampton, "Trusty." Age, I year, 4 months. By Turk Crafty. 1,000. 6. Exhibitor and breeder: W. Chowler, Esq., Harlston Park, Northampton, "Vic." Age, 4 years. By Jack Nettle. 1,000. 7. Exhibitor and breeder: J. H. D. Bayly, Esq., Ickwell House, near Biggleswade, Beds. "Trimmer." 50. 8. Exhibitor and breeder: The Rev. W. M. Honyman, United University Club, London, "Rake." Age, 9 months. By Mr. Poole's (of Marbury) Gamester Vixen. 500, 9. Exhibitor and breeder: The Rev. W. M. Honyman, United University Club, London. "Viper." Age, 9 months. By Mr. Poole's (of Marbury) Gamester Vixen. 500. 10. Exhibitor: Henry Hartshorn, Esq., Nottingham, "Fly." Age, I year 6 months. 1,000, 11. Exhibitor: Henry Hartshorn, Esq., Nottingham, "Luce." Age, I year, 2 months. ;i,ooo. 12. Exhibitor: Matthew Hedley, Esq., 2 Star Court, Bread Street, Cheapside. Breeder, Mr. W. Long, late huntsman to the Duke of Beaufort. "Jack." Age, I year 2 months. By Mr. Long's Venture Kate. Five guineas. OMfTTED FROM CLASSIFICATION 797. Exhibitor: W. MacDonald, Esq., 27 Long Acre, "Dick." Age, I year, 6 months. 10 This was a small beginning, but it was not long before good-looking terriers for showing were found in various parts of England, and their appearance gave rise to no end of correspondence in the press as to their pedigrees, which of course only added to the interest in the new breed. Birmingham and other important shows soon opened classes, and the history of the fox terrier in England is on a par with what, years afterward, was done with Boston terriers in this country. Ten years after the show at Islington, which gave the first class for fox terriers, there was a show at Nottingham at which 273 fox terriers were benched. Fancy the judges' task with seventy-three puppies in one class, seventy-four in the open dog class and 109 in the bitch class. The Hon. T. W. Fitzwilliam was the 422 The Dog Book judge, and he is entitled to be named in connection with this best on record in the way of a class entry. As in the case of the early large entries of Boston terriers, there was a good deal of rubbish in the English shows of that time, for it is the belief of every Englishman that he knows a fox terrier, if he knows anything in this wide world, and at that time the inherent belief was stronger than now, hence all sorts of dogs were sent to the shows. But class became more apparent after a time, and the large sum a good terrier has always com- manded was an incentive to owners to continue breeding and exhibiting. Anything like a history of the breed in England would be an impossibility in the space at our disposal, and those seeking for that information are referred to Mr. Lee's most thorough work on the breed. His knowledge of a good terrier is fully recognised, hence we cannot do better than give his draughting of the ten best smooth fox terriers in England up to 1890. At the head he put Result, followed by Old Jock, Chance, Tyrant, Dorcas, Buffet, Olive, Venture, Richmond Olive and Vesuvienne. Of these Rich- mond Olive was the only one that came to America, we being instrumental in purchasing her for Mr. John E. Thayer, then our leading fox-terrier exhibitor. The actual price paid Mr. Raper for the bitch was 180, the asking price being 200, and Mr. Thayer declined to receive the check for what balance was left of his $1,000 after paying the expenses. That was the largest price paid for a fox-terrier bitch and the largest for any dog imported up to that time. From the very first of the dog shows in this country the fox terrier has been well represented, not of course to the same relative extent as were the sporting dogs for many years, but they always have been a factor in forming the show total of entries. At the first show in Boston, held in 1878, there were nine entries in the one class for the breed, and two of these were from England. Mr. T. H. Scott, whose sketch of early show terriers in England we have quoted from, sent over his bitch Vic, by Vandal, with which he had won a first and four seconds at North of England shows; and Mr. J. A. Doyle, still a leading authority on the breed, was represented by his dog Lottery, late Tricard, with which he won second, but the only record we have at hand does not name the winner. Lottery was successful at one or two Western shows, but at that time we were in England, so that our first personal knowledge of fox terriers here dates from New York in 1880. The Smooth Fox Terrier 423 On that occasion there were two classes for the breed, with seventeen dogs and an equal number of bitches, totals which compare very well with what we have had of late of this breed. The winner was a white, black- and-tan dog named Shot, owned by Mr. James Mortimer, who then had opportunities of picking up dogs brought over from England, and had a few terriers and one or two bulldogs with which he won quite a number of prizes Now we know him as the equal of any all-around judge that ever stepped into a ring, one whom no owner willing to accord the right of personal opinion declines to show under, and in no position is he more acceptable than when judging terriers. Mr. F. R. Hitchcock, who was afterward well known as a pointer and setter owner, but is all for racehorses now, Was second with an imported dog called Bounce; and the brothers J. and Prescott Lawrence came third with Paulo. In the bitch class the late Lewis Rutherfurd took first and second with Active and Chance, the former winning the championship at New York in 1881. Mr. Winthrop Ruther- furd was not so successful as his brother, neither of his entries getting any mention. The classes contained nothing approaching class, but at the top there were some fair terriers, followed by a very scratch company. The judging could not have been very good on the whole, for we notice that a bitch entered as Tip, by Mr. R. Gibson, of Canada, only got commended. We judged this bitch a few months later, and gave her first and special for the best fox terrier at Toronto; at New York in 1881 she won in the cham- pion class, beating Active, but we find from our catalogue of the 1881 show that our fancy was for the third competitor, Tussle, who with Active was shown by L. and W. Rutherfurd, the fraternal partnership which lasted for so many years, until the death of the elder brother. Mr. Gibson's Tip, or Tipsey as she was by rights, was a neat, cobby bitch, smart and terrier-like, but she had bad feet and was too fine in coat. The winning dog in the champion class was the Rutherfurds' Bowstring, then six years old. He was quite a large dog for those days, when they ran to eighteen or nineteen pounds as the top weight. He stood high on the leg and was a stockily built dog. The winner in the open class was Moslem II., one of the large kennel of dogs Mr. C. H. Mason had just brought over from England. He was quite the best fox terrier in the show a small, smart dog, that would be turned out of the ring as out of place amid the big ones we have become accustomed to, yet this dog had won many prizes and was an English champion, or at least had won in champion classes there. Next 424 The Dog Book to Moslem was the Rutherfurd's Royal, a new dog, though six years old. In many ways he equalled the winner, but was not so good in feet or coat. The bitch class was quite below the average of the dog class, and in this Mr. Mason won with his English winner Twilight, a punchy little terrier. As only five were mentioned out of a class of twenty-six shown in the ring, little need be said as to the others. The first wire-haired terrier we know of in this country was here shown as a puppy by the late William R. Hill, of Albany, who got V. H. C. for his Trouble. [Mr. Hill was better known among oarsmen, and it was to him we owed the success of the Beaverwyck four-oared crew over the picked four sent over by the London Rowing Club to the Centennial regatta of 1876.] The best puppy was a very smart- looking black and tan marked dog named Joker, bred by the Messrs. Ruther- furd, and by Nailer out of their winning bitch Active. This was the first American-bred terrier that made a name, and, in addition to minor prizes, he won first in the open class at New York in 1882 and in the champion class in 1883. His sire was an imported son of BufF. It was not until 1886 that the breed was advanced to anything like the position it has since maintained. Mr. John E. Thayer, who had had one or two medium-class dogs, got over Raby Tyrant in 1884 and did very well with this dog. Mr. Belmont also took up the breed again and, they, with the new kennel of the late Edward Kelley and quite a number of other exhibi- tors, not only improved the appearance of the classes but added largely to their numbers. In 1886 Mr. Belmont was showing Bacchanal, Diadem, Marguerite, Safety and some good home-bred ones. Mr. Kelley had im- ported the great English dog Spice, but he was only a relic of what he had been, though he won two firsts before he died; he then got his son, Earl Leycester, and a few others, but it was a long way from being so strong a kennel as the other leaders. Mr. Thayer, having imported Richmond Olive and bought Belgrave Primrose from the Messrs. Rutherfurd, soon added to them Raby Mixer. At the same time the Messrs. Rutherfurd had Splauger, Diana, Cornwall Duchess, and, as always, as good as anyone in home-bred terriers. Not content with these good dogs, importations were being made continually, and in this Mr. Belmont took the lead. Of the dogs in the country at and about this time, the best dog was undoubtedly Mr. Belmont's Lucifer, an all-white dog, with a spot or two of black on his ears. He was about the right size for a fox terrier, weighing seventeen pounds in show condition. His eyes were off in colour and he {1 The Smooth Fox Terrier 425 was not quite full enough in muzzle slightly hollow a little way in front of the eyes but outside of those defects he was a beautiful terrier, teeming with character and quality. He had a great career in this country, and his defeat by Valet at New York in 1887 was very freely criticised. Valet, however, was a dog that it was no discredit to run second to, and under a judge who insisted upon perfect front and good feet Valet was almost a certain winner. In coat he was soft, his expression was hardly correct and he was narrow and lacked substance in loin and quarters. Mr. Redmond, of England, put him first at the Newport show of the Fox Terrier Club after he had been beaten at Hartford, where Splauger won and Bacchanal and Shovel were also placed over him. The class against him at Newport was better, and there he won the special for the best terrier in all the classes. Bacchanal was a dog that excelled in body, outline and hindquarters, and also in length of neck. He could have done with a better front and his feet were not of the best, while he failed slightly in expression, but he was all- over a grand terrier one of the good all-round dogs that might go down under a faddist, but if judged by points would score remarkably high. Raby Mixer was not a dog we fancied to any extent, for he lacked substance in body and had a leggy appearance, though he improved in those respects. His best points were his head and expression, and but for a fulness in cheek his head was about as good as anything then being shown. It had the right look for a terrier, being keen and full of the expression of gameness. Mr. Kelley's Earl Leycester failed, as did his sire Spice, through having a soft, spongy coat; he had a number of defects, but nevertheless always got recog- nition for all-around character. At the head of the bitches we place Richmond Olive, the only terrier imported to America that Mr. Lee included in his list of the ten best terriers of England up to twelve years ago. She was a lovely bitch, and we would have liked her even better than we did had she had a little more of the terrier snap and fire, for she always seemed to us to be more suited to fill the post of a "parlour terrier,'* as Colonel Thornton called his Vixen. In a terrier, especially a fox terrier, there should be snap, dash and go in every movement, and Olive lacked a little in that. Her coat could have been denser with advantage, and she was a shade long-cast. But she stood right out in front when it came to quality, while her quarters and finish behind were a picture in themselves. She was quite a large bitch as they ran then, being full eighteen pounds, while few were over sixteen and from 426 The Dog Book that down to below fourteen pounds. Cornwall Duchess was not over thirteen pounds and Mr. Belmont's Marguerite was no heavier, while Diadem was under fifteen pounds. Of quite a different type from these small toys, as we would now call them, and the stoutly built Olive was Richmond Dazzle, an imported puppy Mr. Thayer showed in 1887. This was a bitch bred by Mr. Raper, by Raby Mixture out of Richmond Puzzle, a medium bitch as to weight, and of the new type of what was form- erly called weedy terriers, but which became the correct thing in a short time. For several recent years it would have been possible to show the best imported dogs in one class and only call upon the judge to decide upon individual merit between a lot of dogs of close resemblance, but such was not the case at the time we are writing of, and still less before that. Every new crack dog that came over was different from the others, and we were all astray as to which of the several styles of English winners was proper, only to have any new opinion upset by the next wonder's different appear- ance. Here we had as competitors Mr. Belmont's thirteen-pounders Mar- guerite and Diadem, Mr. Thayer's eighteen-pound Olive and his light-built sixteen-pound Richmond Dazzle. Mr. Mason called the latter an exaggera- tion of a good type, but that was what we followed from that time on, led by the importations from England which ran that way. Then more sub- stance was added, and finally we got to the stage where fox terriers of about twenty-four pounds were winning. Happily we have returned to some- thing a little more reasonable, and now have a combination of character, shape and size that should last. The many importations that we had at that time only accentuated more strongly the failure on the part of home breeders to produce anything fit for comparison with the good English dogs. A dog called Luke, bred by Mr. Hoey, was the best American bred of 1886-7. He was a fair terrier, but plain and lacking quality from a present-time point of view; such a dog as would now get an H. C. card in good company. We can only recall one bitch of any class at about that time among American-breds, and that was Lady Warren Mixture, bred by the late W. T. McAlees of Philadelphia, and by Mr. Thayer's little dog Mixture out of the Rutherfurd bred bitch Warren Lady. The Messrs. Rutherfurd bought and did very well with her as a puppy. She had lots of style and was a gay shower, with a good length of head and racing outline. Another of the coming style of terrier was Mr. Belmont's Safety, a larger bitch than his other named ones. She was quite The Smooth Fox Terrier 427 too light for that day, but was a showy customer and did well as a filler for kennel prizes in combination with the cracks of the kennel. Exhibitors of recent years perhaps imagine that there never was such keen and heavy competition as during their days, but that is a great mistake. Duplicate entries make great padding in estimating competition, but do not add to the number of dogs at a show. We will take the 1888 New York show and compare it with that of 1905. Champion fox terriers equivalent to our open class had three in dogs and five in bitches; this year the total entry in open dogs was seven, of which four would not have been eligible under the old rules. The open class of 1888, now our limit class, had eigh- teen entries; this year's limit class had ten entries, of which only five could have shown under the old rules. The 1888 novice was for both sexes and had twenty-four entries, and under similar conditions this year there would have been twelve entries. The dog puppy classes show little difference, eleven in 1888 and twelve in 1905, but the bitches in 1888 numbered twenty- three and in 1905 but thirteen. The comparison in the other bitch classes shows still greater differences, and that of the totals is startling: in 1888 103 fox terriers were entered in the smooth division of the breed, whereas in 1905 there were actually but forty-nine dogs, and even the duplicate entries only increased the total entry to eighty-one. There were also thirty-one entries for the three stakes of 1888, and it is doubtful if there were ten at New York this year that were stake competitors. The cause for this decadence in fox terriers is not hard to find. The breed has for many years now been under the control of some one or two leading exhibitors, but that of itself has not killed off competition, for other breeds have been similarly situated and grown; but these kennels have toured the country from one end to the other and left nothing to the local men but the ribbons of the local classes or the equally unsatisfying cards of commendation. That some of the wiser heads in the American Kennel Club are aware of what is being done to the injury of dog showing is evident by the recent restriction of the novice classes to American-bred dogs. That, however, is plugging a large, round hole with a small, square peg. The foreigner can only win one or, at most, two novice classes, whereas the travel- ling kennels keep on winning in the good classes, and it is these kennels and not the imported dogs in the novice classes that have numbed the ambition of fox-terrier men throughout the country. Nothing but a rule placing the American dog owned beyond a certain distance from the place of the 428 The Dog Book show with the exception of a very limited number of such shows as New York and San Francisco, which command national support and are the battle-grounds for the fanciers of the country east and west of the Rocky Mountains in the same category as the imported dog, and extending the embargo to the limit classes, will fully answer the purpose sought to be attained by barring imported dogs from our novice classes. We have said more upon this subject than some perhaps may think warranted, but it had to be taken into consideration some time or other, and no place can be more appropriate that where it is shown that in smooth fox terriers there were 103 dogs at New York in 1888, as compared with but 49 in 1905. The next importations of importance were Dusky Trap, Rachel and New Forest Ethel to Mr. Belmont's kennels and Raffle to the Messrs. Ruther- furd's Warren Kennels. Rachel was by far the best of the Belmont three, and Dusky Trap was a dog we never fancied, although he won prizes enough. He was first in the challenge class at New York in 1890, when we thought Raby Mixer should have beaten him. Trap was light in bone, lacked substance, showed slackness of loin, and his feet were very poor. Mixer on that occasion was at his very best and had improved quite a good deal. Raffle was a far better dog, possessing bone and quality, and was a terrier of class, size being about the only objection to urge against him. The long looked for improvement in the puppy classes was very pronounced at this show, and the get of Raffle were quite prominent, as were those of Blemton Rubicon, a good dog bred by Mr. Belmont, though sired in England, being by Result and out of imported Rachel, so not American bred. Mr. Fred Hoey judged at New York in 1891 and put Raby Mixer over Dusky Trap and Rubicon, the two he had placed first and second the year before. There had been no importations of consequence for this show, and Raffle was again first in open class. Though not at New York in 1891, Mr. Belmont showed his home-bred Blemton Victor II. at various shows, taking three firsts. This was a dog by Dusky Trap out of Verdict and had a deservedly success- ful career, for he was the best American bred we had up to his day. At New York in 1892 he beat Raffle in the challenge class, and took the special for the best fox terrier in the show, defeating Mr. Thayer's new purchase, Starden's King, a large dog built on terrier lines that had made a name in England and won the open class special at this show. For the next few years there was a falling off in importations, but several good ones were brought over. Mr. Thayer's challenge-class winner The Smooth Fox Terrier 429 of 1893 and 1894 was the Redmond bitch Dona, and he also had Miss Dollar from Mr. Tinne's kennel, both very good bitches. To the Warren Kennels had come Warren Safeguard, a dog that did the Messrs. Ruther- furd a great deal of good and produced many winners. Another good one that they also advanced to the challenge class was Warren Captious, but Blemton Victor II. held all competitors safe. The New York show of 1895 was a red-letter one for the Warren Kennels, as Safeguard was second in his challenge class; Captious won in hers; Daybreak and Captor were second and fourth in open dogs; Capture and Sentence first and third in open bitches; and in puppy and novice classes four firsts, one second and a third all went to dogs with the prefix of Warren. Mr. Reginald Mayhew judged on that occasion. Mr. Thayer shortly after this retired from exhibiting and matters became rather quiet in the fox-terrier fancy until Mr. George H. Gooder- ham, of Toronto, got together the beginning of his eventually very strong Norfolk Kennels. The crack of his kennel was Norfolk Veracity, who, over-sized as he undoubtedly was, was such a thorough terrier that it was first or put-him-back-for-size when he came into the ring. As no one put him back we had as our best fox terrier a dog that we were told weighed twenty-one pounds, and was tall at that. Of quite a different stamp was Claudian, brother to Claude Duval who came over later quite a gentle- man's dog in style and manners, yet a terrier in every way. He won in the novice and open at New York in 1897, and in the limit in 1898, but was beaten by Veracity in the open class. As a companion to Veracity Mr. Gooderham had Handicraft, a rare quality bitch, particularly good in head but somewhat long in loin or in the couplings, but nevertheless the best bitch of her day till True Blue was bred at the same kennels and started on her great career. After a year of the Norfolk Kennels the struggle for first place was confined to the efforts of that and the Warren Kennels, but'there was no period in the history of the fox terrier in this country when there were more exhibitors. It was a time when there was a fair prospect of getting "some of the money" with a good dog, and we note that in the dog-puppy class at New York in 1899 sixteen owners were competing, fifteen in the novice class and nine in the limit class, which is in marked contrast to what has been seen recently. At this show Claude Duval was exhibited by George Raper. Exactly the counterpart of Claudian in his white body and black-and-tan 43 The Dog Book head, he was a sufficiently better dog to beat his older brother, and they were placed first and second by Mr. Mayhew at New York, Veracity not being shown. Handicraft was, however, and won the breed special, Mr. Mayhew remarking that she was a better bitch than when he saw her in England. During the next year or two the Norfolk Kennels added many show dogs to their muster rolls, some by purchase and others bred at the kennels, till they had a very formidable team on the road, and few show r s, from Boston to San Francisco, were missed by the Norfolk dogs in charge of Charley Lyndon. It was from this period that the decadence of the smooth fox terrier is to be noted, and in the brief space of two years the exhibiting owners in the puppy class at New York had dropped from sixteen to three, the novice from fifteen to seven, with the limit at nine in both cases. Major Carnochan was judge, hence it was not a question of capa- bility in the ring, but of hopelessness in attempting to beat the big kennel. At this 1901 show a single entry was made of a dog called Norfolk Victorious, owned by a newcomer named F. H. Farwell, of Orange, Texas. Victorious was a dog that had earned his right to the title of champion, and was then sold when in his prime. The result was that he failed to do so well for his new owner as might have been looked for, and even if he had been capable his chance was ended when he was smothered on the railroad. Mr. Farwell had bought his first show experience dearly, and very few would have had grit enough to begin again, but he had it and to spare and was back at New York in 1902 with four entries. One was Rowton Besom, who had had his share of luck in winning the year before, but only got V. H. C. this time, and the rest of the dogs from Texas did no better. Mr. Farwell wisely concluded that buying by letter was poor business and only resulted in spending money on dogs not good enough for his purpose. He therefore placed the matter of purchase in the hands of Mr. George Thomas, and all fox-terrier men know the result. It was now a fight between the Norfolk Kennels and this new Sabine Kennels, the name of the latter being taken from the Sabine River, near where the kennels are situated, at Orange, Texas. Mr. Belmont continued to show one or two dogs at New York; one or two came on from Chicago, where Mr. Ingwersen was the leader, and Major Camochan entered a few home-bred ones; but all the prizes that did not go to Toronto went to Texas when Mr. Rutherfurd judged at New York in 1903, and the Warren dogs were there- fore absent. The best dog at that show we considered to be Sabine Result, The Smooth Fox Terrier 431 but Norfolk Parader was put over him, a position he never again occupied, for he was never so good as he was then in his puppyhood, and Result we must say was very much over-coated and ruffy about the neck, making him look short there and wrong in shoulders. Norfolk True Blue was still in her prime, and both champion prizes thus went to Toronto, with the reserves to Sabine, whose best bitch was the extremely taking Sabine Laven- der. Last year another important kennel made its first entry at New York under Mr. E. Powell, Jr., one of the best-known English exhibitors. The new kennel was that of Mr. C. K. Harley, of San Francisco, who got some of Mr. Raper's best smooth and wire-haired terriers and entered ten. With the exception of one class not confined to American-bred dogs, Sabine and Wandee terriers won every first prize, the exception being a win by Norfolk All Blue. The high honours went to Sabine, with two firsts in the winners classes with Sabine Result and Sabine Victory, a new bitch. This year was but a repetition, the exceptions to the successes of the two Western kennels being the two puppy wins of Warren Radical and Warren Receipt. It is a show which will, however, be remembered as the last appearance of Mr. Gooderham's dogs, that gentleman having announced his retirement from competition and the dispersal of his kennels. Mr. Lyndon, who did so much for the success of the Norfolks, is now in San Francisco in charge of the Wandee Kennels, and the duel between California and Texas promises to be as interesting as ever, not only in the way of importations but in home- bred terriers, for Mr. Farwell is paying great attention to breeding at his home kennels, and Mr. Lyndon was the man really responsible for what was done at the Norfolk Kennels, Mr. Gooderham giving him full sway. The standard adopted by the American Fox Terrier Club is that of the English club, and is as follows: DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. The skull should be flat and moderately narrow, and gradually decreasing in width to the eyes. Not much "stop" should be apparent, but there should be more dip in the profile between the forehead and top jaw than is seen in the case of a greyhound. The cheeks must not be full. The ears should be V-shaped and small, of moderate thickness and drooping forward close to the cheek, not hanging by the side of the head like a fox- 432 The Dog Book hound. The jaw, upper and lower, should be strong and muscular; should be of fair punishing strength, but not so in any way to resemble the grey- hound or modern English terrier. There should not be much falling away below the eyes. This part of the head should, however, be moderately chiselled out, so as not to go down in a straight slope like a wedge. The nose, toward which the muzzle must gradually taper, should be black. The eyes and the rims should be dark in colour, small and rather deep set, full of fire, life and intelligence; as nearly as possible circular shape. The teeth should be as nearly as possible together, i. e., the upper teeth on the outside of the lower teeth. Neck. Should be clean and muscular, without throatiness, of fair length, and gradually widening to the shoulders. Shoulders. Should be long and sloping, well laid back, fine at the points and clearly cut at the withers. Chest. Deep and not broad. Back. Should be short, straight and strong, with no appearance of slackness. Loin. Should be very powerful and very slightly arched. The fore ribs should be moderately arched, the back ribs deep and the dog should be well ribbed up. Hind Quarters. Should be strong and muscular, quite free frorh'droop or crouch; the thighs long and powerful; hocks near the ground, the dog standing well up on them like a foxhound, and not straight in the stifle. Stern. Should be set on rather high, and carried gayly, but not over the back or curled. It should be of good strength, anything approaching a "pipe-stopper" tail being especially objectionable. Legs. Viewed in any direction must be straight, showing little or no appearance of ankle, in front. They should be strong in bone throughout, short and straight in pastern. Both fore and hind legs should be carried straight in travelling, the stifles not turned outward. The elbows should hang perpendicularly to the body, working free of the sides. Feet. Should be round, compact and not large; the soles hard and tough; the toes moderately arched and turned neither in nor out. Coat. Should be smooth, flat, but hard, dense and abundant. The belly and under side of the thighs should not be bare. Colour. White should predominate; brindle, red or liver markings are objectionable. Otherwise this point is of little or no importance. The Smooth Fox Terrier 433 Symmetry, Size and Character. The dog must present a generally gay, lively and active appearance; bone and strength in a small compass are essentials; but this must not be taken to mean that a fox terrier should be cloggy or in any way coarse speed and endurance must be looked to as well as power, and the symmetry of the foxhound taken as a model. The terrier, like the hound, must on no account be leggy, nor must he be too short in the leg. He should stand like a cleverly made hunter, covering a lot of ground, yet with a short back, as before stated. He will then attain the highest degree of propelling power, together with the greatest length of stride that is compatible with the length of his body. Weight is not a certain criterion of a terrier's fitness for his work general shape, size and contour are the main points; and if a dog can gallop and stay and follow his fox up a drain, it matters little what his weight is to a pound or so, though, roughly speaking, it may be said that he should not score over twenty pounds in show condition. SCALE OF POINTS Head and ears 15 Legs and feet 20 Neck 5 Coat 10 Shoulders and chest 15 Symmetry and character.. . . 15 Back and loin 10 Hind quarters 5 Total 100 Stern 5 DISQUALIFYING POINTS Nose. White, cherry or spotted to a considerable extent with either of these colours. Ears. Prick, tulip or rose. Mouth. Much undershot or much overshot. CHAPTER XXVIII THE WIRE-HAIRED Fox TERRIER HOSE who have based their knowledge of the wire-haired variety of fox terrier upon what other writers have had to say as to its origin had better dismiss from their thoughts all they have read regarding its being a variety of the smooth and of much more recent date as to its origin. It is quite the other way about; the wire-haired terrier being the original terrier, whether called terrier or fox terrier, and the smooth dog the later variety. Fashion, however, made the smooth the popular dog when they began to find favour as companions, and they are likely always to be so with the 90 per cent, of dog owners who like what they decide is a pretty dog and know nothing of what a good dog is or what terrier character means. This was the state of affairs at the early dog shows in England, and was so here up to within a very few years. We will acknowledge that the smooth dogs were the first to become universally known as the fox terrier, and that more attention was paid for many years to their being bred for show points than was the case with the wire-haired dog, and it is for this reason that when the latter were taken up in a definite manner they were looked upon as a variety of an older recog- nised breed; but they were the original dog, otherwise we would not have had all the terrier delineations of a century since showing dogs of a rough coat, whether black-and-tan or white-pied. To those who hold to the contrary, we say show us another picture of a smooth terrier with fox- terrier characteristics painted, or drawn, or etched prior to even as late as 1825, other than the one of Sprite, painted in 1790, and which latter has never been reproduced in England by any writer on the breed that we have any knowledge of. It does not do to write dog history and say that such and such things were the case, simply because one thinks so or wishes it to be so, or because somebody else said it. Still another thing is that to know the past history of any one breed a very large outside field has to be covered, and with a perfectly unbiased mind, sifting all evidence having 435 436 The Dog Book any bearing upon the subject and basing one's opinion upon the facts adduced. We have already completed more than half of the present book and will frankly acknowledge that we have had to change our ideas upon something like half the breeds treated upon, for the reason that in quite unexpected quarters some reliable facts has cropped out when reading up an entirely different subject, and these would not have been found if the investigation had been confined to a few breeds. When the wire-haired terrier was first provided with classes he was not recognised as a fox terrier. We* have an old Birmingham catalogue of 1879 before us, and find that fox terriers followed hounds and preceded setters in the sporting dogs' division; and away back in the catalogue, just preceding Yorkshires, there are two classes for wire-haired terriers. At small shows they were permitted to be entered in the classes then in vogue for broken- haired terriers, which by some peculiar stretch of the imagination included Yorkshire terriers. By this name of wire-haired terriers they were regis- tered until 1882, when the English Kennel Club stud book for that year changed the classification title to "Wire-Haired Fox Terriers." So that as a matter of fact fox terrier up to that time was a name applicable only to the smooth dog, the wire-haired dog still retaining its old title of terrier, with the division title specifying coat. In America the wire-haired dog was first recognised at the New York show of 1883, when three were shown in the one class for dogs and bitches- Mr. Jack Grainger's Tyke, from the Carrick Kennels, was the winner, and was first in this class for four years. Two years later the breed was given one champion class and a dog and a bitch class, the first and last being added classes, the original schedule providing but one class for the breed. This was again changed the following year and only the dog and bitch classes were provided, all novices being entered in the same classes as the smooths. At this time Mr. Mortimer was the principal exhibitor, and, as he was also the superintendent, the absence of any champion class may be attributed to his not desiring to be seemingly pushing the breed for his own advantage. Certainly the entries by this time fully warranted enlargement, there being ten dogs and five bitches entered in the two open classes at the New York show of 1892. Finally, in 1894, the breed was promoted to a first-class classification of challenge, open and novice for each sex, and a puppy class. This was none too much, for Messrs. H. H. Hunnewell, G. W. Ritchie, R. H. Mayhew, the Hempstead Farm and H. W. Smith were now in the CHAMPION GO BANG CHAMPION THORN FIELD KNOCKOUT Two good terriers formerly owned by Major G. M. Caroochan Photo by H'atso THE GREAT MEERSBROOK BRISTLES The most famous of all terrier sires. Imported and exhibited in America by Mr. C. W. Keyes, East Pepperell, Mass. The Wire-Haired Fox Terrier 437 breed and the classes had much improved. Mr. Hunnewell had Oakleigh Bruiser; Mr. Smith had Cribbage, Janet and Pattern; Mr. Mayhew had Brittle; and Mr. Ritchie and the Hempstead Farm had some very good American-bred dogs, mainly the get of Brittle and Suffold Trimmer, the Hempstead Farm dogs being the ones Mr. Mortimer had bought and bred. The great improvement in the breed came with the advent of the get of that wonderful dog, Meersbrook Bristles, the first of whose progeny to reach this country were Endcliffe Banker and Endcliffe Brisk. The former won in the open dog class at New York in 1895 and Brisk won in the dog puppy class. Banker was a very good dog, and, passing into the kennel of Mr. Lynn, then of Port Huron, Mich., he quite made that kennel by the excellence of his puppies. He then went to Toronto and sired, among others, Bank Note, a great winner in his year. Considering the limited opportunities Banker had he did great work as a sire, and it is no credit to wire-haired breeders that a dog which showed himself such an excellent sire was so completely ignored by all but his owners. Not only did Meersbrook Bristles change the type of the wire-haired terrier, but he had quite an influence upon such breeds as the Irish and even the Welsh terriers. Since the days of the Irish setter Elcho we have known no dog to so thoroughly stamp type and quality on a breed as did Meersbrook Bristles. They came with more length and better carried-out muzzles and showed more than the ordinary cleanness in cheeks, giving as a whole a long, moderately wide head, the skull showing only a slight widening at the ears. Added to this was a keen, typical expression, and, as there was a strong family resemblance, type was more thoroughly estab- lished than at any time in either section of the fox terriers. How this dog's influence came to extend to other terriers was owing to a very large amount of the all-round judging being done in England by some three or four judges, all terrier men in the main. This Meersbrook Bristles type of head was undoubtedly most taking, and it became the type more or less for all terriers judged by these all-round judges. Some of the Welsh terriers sent over a few years ago were an approach to the wire- haired terrier, and the Irish terrier was in danger of being ruined by the craze for a long, narrow head. Fortunately the customary ebb in dog fads set in again and we are getting back to correct variety type. Thornfield Knockout was one of the early good ones of this line, and was one of the first importations to Major Carnochan's very successful 43 8 The Dog Book kennel of this breed. He was a nice size and a thorough terrier, and so far as we know was sound in coat, while he did good service as a sire. Another that came later was Go-Bang, which, after a most brilliant career in England, was bought at a record figure for the very strong Cairnsmuir Kennels. Go-Bang was a show dog, and, while he got some good terriers, among them Hands Up, yet, considering his demand as a sire, he was a failure when compared with such a dog as Barkby Ben, who was a later purchase for the Cairnsmuir Ken- nels. It falls to the lot of very few dogs to be a successful, even a passably successful, sire, and it is the exceptional phenomenon who is really successful. Mr. Charles W. Keyes had in 1899 imported Meersbrook Bristles, and the puppy classes at New York the following year had some good ones by him at the head of the lists. Mr. Hunnewell had entries from two litters by him, Mr. Keyes had a brace, and that sterling good Canadian fancier, Mr. A. A. Macdonald, of Toronto, made his annual southern trip with the best of the previous year's breeding, which included the Bristles puppy Aldon Bristles, second to the Go-Bang puppy Cairnsmuir Growler. It was at this show that Hands Up came out and made such a sensational series of wins. It was currently reported that Mr. Astley, the English judge who put him so high, offered $1,500 for the dog, then seventeen months old. The dog was both lauded and decried, and was then sent to England, where he was moderately successful. Our opinion of the dog is that he was put about right at the English shows, for we always considered him light in bone, and most certainly when placed so high by Mr. Astley he was leggy and light, but that was the type at that time. Another thing he has been very fortunate in doing is the taking of so many prizes as an American-bred dog, whereas he has no claim to that distinction, being only born in this country and his dam not being here before she was bred, which is the one exception in the case of the sire being a foreign dog. Mr. Knowles, of Magnolia, Mass., took up the breed three years ago and got together a winning kennel, but he was compelled to give up his interests in dogs after going to great expense for them and also for his kennels. His place has been well taken by the Wandee dogs of Mr. Harley, which Sydney Loomis showed so successfully up to this spring, but which, with the smooths of the same kennel, are now in charge of Charley Lyndon, while Mr. Loomis has now got the Cairnsmuir dogs to look after, and it is sincerely to be hoped that good luck will put the only New York kennel of this breed in its place of a few years ago. . The Wire-Haired Fox Terrier 439 No standard is issued for this variety, though there certainly should be one, for it no longer bears that close resemblance to the smooth terrier in head that was the case when the standard was adopted in England and the following was decided upon regarding the wire-haired dog: "This variety of the breed should resemble the smooth sort in every respect except the coat, which should be broken. The harder and more wiry the texture of the coat is the better. On no account should the dog look or feel woolly, and there should be no silky hair about the poll or else- where. The coat should not be too long, so as to give the dog a shaggy appearance, but at the same time it should show a marked and distinct difference all over from the smooth species." THE FIRST AIREDALE ILLUSTRATION (18791 This appeared in The Book of the Dog (Shaw) in connection with the first information regarding the breed given in any book BROADLANDS BRUSHWOOD One of the first winners in America CH. CLONMEL MONARCH A grand dog individually and a good producer CHAMPION THE NEW KING Property of Mr. Edward Merritt, Mattapan, Mass. CHAPTER XXIX THE AIREDALE TERRIER T WILL probably be amusing to the Airedale fancy, here as well as in England, to leam that our opinion is that the Airedale and the Yorkshire terriers are from the same parent stock, and that was a medium-sized grizzle-and-tan terrier common in Yorkshire within the memory of "the oldest inhabitant," and perhaps of some considerably younger. It does seem a ridiculous statement to make when we look at the dogs known by those names at the present time, but look at the picture of Bounce in the Stonehenge illustration, given in the introductory chapter to terriers. This appeared in the first edition of "Dogs of the British Islands" in illustration of dogs "not being Skyes, Dandies, fox or toys." It also appeared as the frontispiece in the second edition of 1872. Bounce was the Halifax terrier, the blue-tan terrier that the late Peter Eden of Manchester also had at that time, and within less than ten years we had from this strain dogs with perfect blue-tan coats nearly to the ground much better in colour as a rule than those we see now when colour is sacrificed for length. If Bounce was an improved terrier from the common run, what could his progenitors have been like, say in 1840 ? Does it seem such "absurd non- sense" now as when the above statement was first read ? Here we have Bounce a dog as large as the white terrier, which became the wire-haired terrier and then the wire-haired fox terrier, and as large as the Manchester black-and-tan; in fact rather larger than either, if anything, and a dog of fifteen pounds at least. Now take the Airedale. To-day he is a dog run- ning up to nearly sixty pounds, as seen in some recent winners. In 1880 the standard was published describing the breed, and it provided for dogs of forty to fifty-five pounds and for bitches from thirty-five to fifty pounds. It was got up by Mr. Reginald Knight, who was booming the breed and had dogs which ran over the generally accepted size. Mr. C. H. Mason was at that time the most prominent Yorkshire man in the show world, and he declined to sign Mr. Knight's description because in his opinion no Airedale 441 442 The Dog Book should be over forty-five pounds. Mr. Mason lived near Bradford, knew Airedales well and exhibited them, and the bulk of the fancy were of his opinion as to weight. We very well remember the occasion when we first heard of this breed. We were sitting at Verrey's, in Regent Street, in com- pany with Mr. Krehl, Mr. Alfred Benjamin and one or two others, when Vero Shaw dropped in fresh from a trip to some Yorkshire show, and told us as the latest news in dogdom that they had a terrier in the north that weighed forty pounds. Every person present expressed the opinion that no dog of anything like that weight should be considered or called a terrier. That was some time in 1879 or the early months of 1880. In Vero Shaw's "Book of the Dog" the illustration shows a dog with long hair on the skull, and he was a leading prize winner. Finally, as showing consanguinity, we have the Airedale and Yorkshire puppies born black and tan, and not coming to their colour till they change their coats so that it is not anything so much out of the way to say that these two extremes of the terrier family came from the small grizzle-and-tan rough terrier of the Bradford district of Yorkshire. How the Airedale was made is well known to old-timers. Starting with this game little fellow, kept as a vermin and fighting dog by the quarry- men and mill hands, a cross was made with the bull terrier, great accounts having reached Yorkshire as to the smooth-coated dog's fighting ability. This gave more size to the home dogs, and some of them were then crossed with the otter hounds kept in the adjoining Wharfedale, which was not a manufacturing district, so that otters were found in the Wharfe but not in the factory-lined Aire. From this mixture of blood came a game dog fit for fighting or poaching, two of the recreations of the tough element of that section of Yorkshire. The bull terrier, being at that time little more than half bull and half game terrier of indefinite breeding, did not seem to affect the stronger bred blue grizzle-and-tan in the way of colour, and as the otter hounds were little more than a cross between the same kind of terrier and a foxhound or harrier, this infusion assisted in opposing any white influence from the bull terrier. From the otter hound, however, came heavier ears, and these were conspicuous faults in the Airedales of twenty and even ten years ago. In Yorkshire-bred Irish terriers there is far more inclination to heavy ears than in those of pure Irish strains, and this we have attributed to some illicit mixing of the varieties, as it is an Airedale attribute and never was Irish. The Airedale Terrier 443 Having been kept and fostered as fighting dogs, it can be readily under- stood that when first introduced to the dog-showing public Airedales did not have the best of credentials as to temper. They would fight at the drop of the hat before it if they got the chance so it was with the utmost surprise that we saw on one of our visits to England 1897, if we mistake not that the Airedale was quite the fashion as a ladies' companion about London. On our return we mentioned this to Mr. Mason, who was equally surprised, and said that they could not have done that with the sort they had when he kept them. It was Mr. Mason who brought over the first Airedale shown in this country, a dog named Bruce, with which he won first in the rough-haired terrier class at New York in 1881. The last time we saw Bruce was at a dog auction at the American Horse Exchange. Mr. Easton was stuck at a bid of $5, so to help him out we chimed in, and by the time the price was up to $15 there were two rival bidders; between them the price rose to $21. We told his former owner of this the next time we met, and he said we might be thankful we did not get him, for he was the worst-tempered dog of all he brought over. Mr. Lacy also brought two Airedales over, which were on exhibition at New York in 1881, and these he entered as blue-and-fawn, which we may take it was a customary descrip- tion of that time. Airedales were dormant for a very long time after Bruce's single appear- ance in 1 88 1, and it was not until 1898 that classes were opened for them at New York. Messrs J. Lorillard Arden, A. De Witt Cochrane, P. Mal- lorie, J. Hopkinson and J. Carver were the early supporters of the breed; the latter showing in the miscellaneous class at Brooklyn in 1897 and Mr. Hopkinson joining in the following spring, as did Mr. Mallorie. Mr. Hopkinson won in the dog class with Broadlands Brushwood, while Mr. Mallorie won in the bitch class with Rustic Jill. After that there was no stopping the advance of the Airedales, and all named above were exhibiting before the year was out. Once in the fancy, Mr. Arden meant to be leader, so when he found that a prominent English exhibitor was sending dogs to the New York show he entered into communication with him by cable, with the result that Clonmel Marvel, Clonmel Sensation and Clonmel Veracity were shown in his name, and with the first two named he won all he competed for throughout the year. They were a long way ahead of anything we had previously had here, and were prominent winners before being sent from England. Another very nice dog at that show was Rock- 444 The Dog Book ferry Pounder, brought over by Mr. Raper for Mr. Kershaw, his owner, and this dog also joined the Arden Kennel. Mr. Cochrane added some new ones to his kennel, including Barkerend Lillian, a good one; but there was nothing the equal of Clonmel Marvel till Mr. Clement Newbold, of Philadelphia, imported Clonmel Monarch. Not only was this the best dog of his day, but as a sire we owe much to him, for his descendants have been important factors in the wonderful progress we have made in breeding Aire- dales during the last year or two. Philadelphia then took up the breed and set the pace; Mr. Buckley, Mr. Russell H. Johnson, Jr., Mr. Whittem and Mr. Barclay all entering with spirit into the friendly rivalry. New York had then to depend upon Mr. Foxhall Keene, but he was soon joined by Mr. Theodore Offerman, who, showing as the York Kennels, has been the leader since the withdrawal of Clonmel Marvel. Mr. E. A. Woodward was also very prominent for a year or two, while Mr. Matthew Morgan is always to be depended upon for an entry or two at New York since he bought Accrington Crack from Mr. Perry Tiffany. Crack was a dog that should not have been so neglected by breeders as was the case. Down East has to depend upon Mr. Arthur Merritt to uphold the Airedales, and he is a whole company in himself, for not only does he know them from intimate knowledge of the breed since boyhood, but he is a true fancier, and while the ephemerals flash into the limelight and then drop out of the scene as suddenly, such an exhibitor as Mr. Merritt keeps on the even tenor of his way and is always somewhere near the front at the biggest of the shows. Among the good dogs he has shown the best is The New King, a sterling good Airedale that takes the very highest type to beat him. Her Majesty is another who has not only been a good winner but stands near the head of the list as a brood bitch, while as American-breds from this kennel we have Prince Hal, Manxman, Mona's Queen and many others. At Montreal Mr. Joseph Laurin has for some years supported the breed liberally, and there are probably more Airedales in the country with the prefix of Colne than that of any other breeder. His best dog up to date has been Lucky Baldwin, to which the prefix of Colne was added. Still New York is not to be denied as the leader, with Mr. OfFerman's dogs in evidence, even now that Mr. Woodward's strong Sandown collection has been retired from competition. We cannot help thinking that Tone Master- piece was injudiciously changed in name to York Masterpiece, but it is a mis- A SWIMMING MATCH AT THE BURNLEY KENNELS. NETHERWOOD, PLAINFIELD, N. CLONMEL ROYAL RULER COLNE LUCKY MISS Owned by the Burnley Kennels, Netherwood, Plainfield, N. J. The Airedale Terrier 445 take many of our breeders make. We consider that a dog which has made a great reputation should never have his name changed. What is to connect York Masterpiece with York Sceptre, formerly the far better known Dum- barton Sceptre ? Tone Masterpiece was her sire, and is so given by Mr. Offerman, although the dog is York Masterpiece now. Sceptre and Master- piece have proved strong individually, and as a team have been very hard to beat in the new variety classes when it comes to a brace prize. How wonderfully the breed has progressed is shown by the very large entries which have been made this year. At New York there were 17 dog puppies, 13 novices, 9 limit and 7 open dogs, besides 9 in an American-bred class and 8 in a class for dogs bred by the exhibitor. In the bitch division the totals were 12 puppies, 10 novices, n limit and 8 open, beside 8 in the extra classes. That this was not a one-show effort is demonstrated by what was done at Wissahickon in June last. A total entry of 73 dogs and bitches was made, and with duplicate entries this was increased to 144 for the sixteen classes. Very few breeds increase as Airedale terriers have done in the seven years of their recognition in this country. The fancy is strong and healthy, and is still growing and spreading throughout the country, for the reputation of the dog as willing, obedient and a deadly foe to vermin, with the ability to "lick anything its weight/* has gone abroad, and there are plenty of people who want just that kind of dog. Another surprise in this breed is the marked progress made in breeding good ones here. We can only account for this exception to the general rule which calls for years of building up of the breeding stock by the suppo- sition that a much better class of dogs and bitches was imported than was the case in many other breeds. We started with high class from the Clon- mell Marvel importation, and have kept it up. In addition to that, we were undoubtedly fortunate in getting dogs of influence as sires, and, what was of still more importance, breeders bred to the best dogs and took the best chance to breed up. To sum it up, we started level with the English- men, barring numbers, in 1900, and we have bred upon their principle of breeding to the best dogs. The Airedale differs from other terriers- in head and expression more than in anything else. The skull shows only moderate diminution of width from ear to eye, and, while the standard says it should be flat, it is neverthe- less a little rounder at the sides than in the fox terrier. In front of the eye the greatest difference is apparent, owing to the decided strength of the 446 The Dog Book muzzle and jaws. The depth of the muzzle as well as its width is well car- ried out to the nose. The eye has a more sedate expression than in any of the other terriers. Then the ears must not look small, while of course they should not be heavy a good-sized ear and carried more to the side of the head, showing the full width of the skull. The ears should also be somewhat wide across the top and devoid of anything suggestive of the hanging hound ear. A good reach to the neck adds materially to the appearance of the dog, and of course he should have good shoulders and a good "front," as well as firm, thick-padded feet. We do not consider that the work of the Airedale terrier calls for small feet, for a "waterside terrier," as this was and is yet, is in need of pretty good sized feet, and so long as they are firm and sound in pad they will do. The length of the legs should be enough to prevent any suggestion of shortness, yet a leggy dog is an abomination in any terrier when it is carried too far. A leggy terrier is either prone to be light in middle piece or long in the back, and thus loses character. With well-placed shoulders, the Airedale's back should not look long and should be carried out to the tail without any droop in quarters. The quarters must be muscular, with good length to the hocks. In move- ment the action should show strength and freedom. The latest standards say that the colour may be black or dark grizzle, with tan head and ears, and legs up to the elbows and thighs. The grizzle is by far the preferable colour, and we think that as a rule the harsh and wiry feel of the coat is better in those of that shade than in others that show a denser black and a redder tan. What is perhaps of more importance is that the coat should show no softness or be thin and devoid of filling. It should be weather resisting. The Airedale should be provided with a sound mouth, teeth strong and large and meeting evenly in front. The following is the descriptive points and standard which meet with our .views better than some which have been published, though this is far from perfect, even if it is that of the Airedale Club of England : DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Long, with flat skull, not too broad between the ears and nar- rowing slightly to the eyes, free from wrinkle. Stop hardly visible and cheeks free from fulness. Jaw deep and powerful, well filled up before the eyes, lips tight. Ears V-shaped with a side carriage, small but not out of JLF&Et fiLACii-AND-TAN PUPPIES INGAFLORA AT 3 MONTHS INGAFLORA AT 6 MONTHS INGAFLORA AT 10 MONTHS Reserve winnsrs class, New York, 1905 THE GROWTH OF AN AIREDALE YORK MASTERPIECE (Formerly Tone Masterpiece) Property of Mr. Theodore Offerman, New York FARLEIGH MIKADO Special for bes* American bred, Wissahickon, 1905 The Airedale Terrier 447 proportion to the size of the dog. The nose black, the eyes small and dark in colour, not prominent but full of terrier expression. The teeth strong and level. Neck. Should be of moderate length and thickness, gradually widening toward the shoulders, and free from throatiness. Shoulders and Chest. Shoulders long and sloping well into the back, shoulder blade flat. Chest deep but not broad. Body. Back short, strong and straight. Ribs well sprung. Hind Quarters. Strong and muscular, with no droop. Hocks well let down. The tail set on high and carried gayly, but not curled over the back. Legs and Feet. Legs perfectly straight, with plenty of bone. Feet small and round, with a good depth of pad. Coat. Hard and wiry, and not so long as to appear ragged; it should also be straight and close, covering the dog well all over the body and legs. Colour. The head and ears, with the exception of dark markings on each side of the skull, should be tan, the ears being of a darker shade than the rest; the legs up to the thighs and elbows being also tan, the body black or dark grizzle. Size. Dogs, 40 to 45 pounds weight. Bitches slightly less. It is the unanimous opinion of the club that the size of the Airedale terrier as given in the above standard is one of, if not the most important, characteristics of the breed; all judges who shall henceforth adjudicate on the merits of the Airedale terrier shall consider under-sized specimens of the breed severely handicapped when competing with dogs of the standard weight. [The difficulty is with regard to oversized specimens, not the undersized. ED.] SCALE OF POINTS Head, ears, eyes, mouth ... 20 Legs and feet 15 Neck, shoulders and chest . 10 Coat 15 Body 10 Colour 10 Hind quarters and stern. . 5 General character, ex- pression 15 Total. . 100 CHAPTER XXX THE BULL TERRIER P THE beginning of the nineteenth century we have the first information regarding the cross of the bulldog on the terrier, though there is no reference to the outcome as being anything but simply terriers until about 1820. In the first volume of "Annals of Sporting," published in 1822, there is an article accompanying a picture of a black-and-tan smooth terrier bitch and a patched bull terrier. Pierce Egan, a celebrity as a sporting writer, and whose command of new sporting words and phrases would make our entire army of baseball reporters turn green with envy, was the first to draw attention to the breed. It is too long an article to quote in its entirety, so we condense as follows: "The Tike most prominent in our view is of that variety, now an established one, which a few years since passed under the denomination of the Bull-Terrier; the bitch [the smooth black and tan] is intended for a full-bred terrier. . . . We are not aware of any new dub for the half- bred bulldog, our present theme, or any substitute as yet, for the term Bull-Terrier. This deficiency, if such it be, is preferable to a congress of the Fancy, or, perchance, to chance medley, another notable instance of ton. The new breed is, beyond question, admirably well adapted to the purpose of a companion and follower to the Swell of either description, whether a walking jockey, or one mounted. . . . To return to " elenchi" or rather, the Bull-Terrier, back again, he is a more sprightly and showy animal than either of the individuals from which he was bred, and equally apt for, and much more active in any kind of mischief, as it has been well expressed. . . The true bred bulldog is but a dull companion and the terrier does not flash much size, nor is sufficiently smart or cocking, the modem mixed dog includes all of these qualities, and is of a pleasant airy temper, without losing any of the fierceness, when needed, of his prototypes; his colours, too, are gay and sightly. . . . Much depends, with respect to the flash appearance of the dog under notice, on the management of his 449 45O The Dog Book head and stern during his early puppyhood. By this we shall readily be understood to refer to his ears, which must, at all events, in order to his coming to a good place, have the true, upright, pricked, kiddy crop, and in the next place he must be nicked in that workmanlike style, which shall produce an alternative elevation and depression of his stern, in exact agree- ment with the model we have exhibited. "We have been, however, performing a work of supererogation, not at all necessary to our sporting salvation or flash repute, in varnishing the new breed, which has become so truly the go, that no rum or queer kiddy, or man of cash) from Tothill Street in the West to North-Eastern Holloway, far less any swell rising sixteen, with a black, purple or green Indiaman, round his squeeze, the corner of his variegated dab hanging from his pocket, and his pantaloons well creased and puckered, but must have a tike of the new cut at the heels of himself or prad" The first book pertaining to dogs to refer to the bull terrier by a name and give it a chapter is Captain Brown's "Anecdotes of Dogs," published in 1829. His description is of the early crosses. "He has rather a large, square head, short neck, deep chest and very strong legs. He possesses great strength of jaw and draws a badger with much ease. He is of all colours, and often white, with large black or brown patches on different parts of his body. His hair is short and stiff." It is very evident that Captain Brown got most of the rest of his chapter from Egan's sketch, but in Brown's chapter on the Scotch terriers he says that the cross between the leggy fifteen-inch Scotch terrier and the bulldog made the best bull terrier. Stonehenge also mentions this cross in his first edition, but said they were not so game as the smooths. To Captain Brown we are also indebted for the following original anecdote which Sir Walter Scott sent to him: "The wisest dog I ever had was what is called the Bull-dog Terrier. I taught him to understand a great many words, insomuch that I am positive that the communication betwixt the canine species and ourselves might be greatly enlarged. Camp once bit the baker, who was bringing bread to the family. I beat him and explained the enormity of his offence, after which to the last moment of his life, he never heard the least allusion to the story, in whatever voice or tone it was mentioned, without getting up and retiring into the darkest corner of the room with great appearance of distress. Then if you said 'The baker was well paid,' or 'The baker was not hurt at all,' Camp came forth from The Bull Terrier 451 his hiding place, capered and barked and rejoiced. When he was unable, towards the end of his life, to attend me when on horseback, he used to watch for my return, and the servant used to tell him his master was coming down the hill or through the moor, and although he did not use any gesture or explain his meaning, Camp was never known to mistake him, but either went out at the front to go up the hill, or at the back to get down to the moor side. He certainly had a singular knowledge of spoken language." What the bull terrier of that period resembled we show by reproduc- tions of some prints, published from 1820 to 1830. The badger drawing by Alken is a fancy sketch, but he was a first-class reproducer of sporting scenes of this character, and in all probability the participants are portraits of well-known sporting men of the day, so we may accept the dogs as being typical. The black markings near the tails on both dogs suggest fox ter- riers as much as bull terriers, but they are of the same type as the illustration Pierce Egan wrote the description for, that drawing being also by Alken. For that reason we place this with the bull terriers. Of the other two engravings there is no doubt whatever, and that of Venom is surprisingly good. Her short tail indicates the bulldog cross, which is much more apparent in the portrait of Brutus, from a painting by Edwin Cooper. Birmingham was the city where the show bull terrier was brought to perfection. The most of the good imported dogs have been from that district, and the largest exporter to this country is Fred Hinks of that city, whose father was also a bull-terrier breeder for many years. Bull terriers in England got a hard set-back when the anti-cropping rule of the English Kennel Club went into effect a few years ago, and to the eye of any person accustomed to the cropped dog those with natural ears look soft, cheeky and anything but the smart bull terrier of the old days. Old fanciers gave the breed up, and although there are some signs of revival, it is uphill work, with ears of all sorts as to shape, size and carriage. Bloomsbury Burge is claimed to be about the best dog in England now, and our readers can see what a good uncropped bull terrier looks like from his photograph. Even if the Englishmen still had their dogs cropped they could not show classes at any show the equal of our annual New York display. We do not claim that our best dog will always be a better one than the best English dog, but we can show more good American-bred bull terriers at New York than are shown throughout the whole of England in the entire year. It is the old story of breeding more, and therefore having more to select from. 452 The Dog Book The first bull terriers of class shown in America were the pair Sir William Verner sent over in 1880 for exhibition at New York. These were Tarquin and his son Superbus. Tarquin was the best dog in England at that time, or one of the best, and had won more prizes than any dog then being shown. He was a large-sized all-white dog, and it was a long time before we saw his equal in this country. Mr. Mortimer had two or three that he was showing at that time, and he was the most successful of our exhibitors till Mr. Frank Dole took up the breed, for whom we bought his first bull terrier when in England in the winter of 1884. This dog he called The Earl, and he won in New York the next year and was sold to Mr. C. A. Stevens. Mr. Dole then went in for quite a series of purchases, his first good dog being Count, with which he won a number of prizes; then came Jubilee and White Violet, followed by the prominent English winning bitch Maggie May, the dam of that wonderful bitch Starlight, who was able to win even when she had hardly a front tooth left, taking first in winners at New York, in 1899, when nearly twelve years old. A good many of the imported dogs of this period were by a dog called Dutch, usually spoken of as Old Dutch. He was never shown, as he was all Wrong in front, but he was a remarkable good-headed dog, as is shown in the photograph we reproduce. One of his best sons was Grand Duke, imported by the Livingston Brothers, and this dog was the sire of Starlight. There was no lack of competition at the time these dogs were being shown, for Mr. W. F. Hobbie and the Retnor Kennels had some good ones, the former showing Spotless Prince and Enterprise with success, the latter having Diamond King and Dusty Miller. Diamond King was the first of the get of the great sire Gully the Great to come to this country, and later on Gully himself was imported by Mr. Dole. Mr. John Moorhead, Jr., of Pittsburg, was the next new exhibitor to make a stir, as he won in the open class and also took the breed special with Streatham Monarch in 1892, but he failed to do anything with the puppies of his own breeding. Gully the Great made his first appearance at the New York show of 1893, and was placed second to the American-bred Young Marquis, which was a Dole-bred dog, being by Bendigo out of Edgewood Fancy, who was out of Starlight. Edgewood Fancy is the first with the prefix which Mr. Dole has rendered very much akin to a hallmark, and the Edgewoods have had a long and honourable record of wins since that time. Carney and Cardona were the next two important arrivals from England, and both The Bull Terrier 453 were by Gully the Great. Dr. Rush S. Huidekoper bought Cardona soon after he came out and showed him successfully for several years. He was a very good dog and lasted well. The next dog of eminence was Princeton Monarch, shown by W. & L. Gartner. Although not always successful, he had a long list of wins to his credit, and even when seven years old he was able to take first in winners at New York in 1904 under the English judge, Mr. W. J. Pegg. His great rival was Woodcote Wonder, which Mr. Dole imported, and for some time it was nip and tuck between them, but Wonder finally seemed to get settled in first place and held it until he went to California, where he remained for a year or two, only to be purchased by the Bonnybred Kennels of Brooklyn for stud purposes. Among other former exhibitors the late Frank H. Croker was one of the leaders about five years ago. Fire Chief was one of his best dogs, but he had a better terrier in the bitch Yorkville Belle. Mr. H. F. Church is another who has been prominent, more particularly with lightweight terriers, his Little Flyer being almost invincible at his weight, and from him came a number of good dogs. Mr. Church is still exhibiting. Mr. James Conway was another who showed some terriers that were winners, but he went in for bulldogs and sold out his terriers to Mr. Arden. Dick Burge, Modesty and Southboro Lady were three he owned. James Whelan, of New York, is another of the old fanciers, and he had much to do with Mr. Croker's success. Guy Standing, William Faversham, Mark O'Rourke and James Parker have had some prize winners that made good records, and Tommy Holden is getting to be one of our "oldest exhibitors," though he does not look the part by any means. Nor must the Bay View Kennels of Canada be omitted, Mr. Miller having owned and bred many winners shown with that prefix. Time of course makes changes in the list of exhibitors, and at the present date we have to add to those already named who are still exhibit- ing Mr. Clair Foster, J. W. Britton, ad, Elm Court Kennels and Isaac H. Clothier, of Philadelphia. The bull terrier is one of the breeds in which America holds its own, and one of the most surprised persons at the New York show in 1904 was the English judge, Mr. Pegg. He told us when we got through his judging of bull terriers and bulldogs that the former gave him the hardest task he had ever had in the judging ring. Not only were the classes large, but they exceeded anything he had ever seen for the number of sound, good 454 The Dog Book dogs. We noticed in Mr. Pegg's judging that he did not favour length of head or muzzle, but dogs that showed strength; went for the type that Vero Shaw used to show when he was the leading exhibitor in England years ago. There has been an inclination on the part of many judges to select a dog too high on the leg for the proper type of bull terrier. The correct thing is a dog showing substance and strength, with a punishing jaw. The standard says that the skull should be widest "between the ears," which is ridiculous, for the ears are well up on the skull. The formation of the head is slightly oval, or looks so owing to the muscle on the cheek, but as little of cheekiness should appear as possible. The set of the eyes is peculiar, as they are or should be rather close together and set obliquely, black and small. The fore face shows no drop below the eyes nor the muzzle any snipyness. The latter should be carried well out to the nose, and in profile the under jaw should show strength. Teeth strong, devoid of canker and meeting evenly in front. Lips showing no hang, other than sufficient to cover the teeth. The bull terrier is the widest dog in front of any of the terriers, not out at elbows but wide because of the width of brisket. A short back is imperative in this breed, with plenty of chest room and short, strong loin. The hind quarters should show great strength and power, with the second thighs well developed. The standard we give is that in Vero Shaw's "Book of the Dog," and our reason for selecting that some- what out-of-date publication is because Mr. Shaw was, as we have already stated, a leading bull-terrier exhibitor and had a better knowledge of the breed than any person of his day or any writer since then. A word is per- haps necessary to explain the term "moderately high" with reference to the fore legs. Fox terriers and all, with the exception of the Irish terrier, were decidedly cobby compared with our terriers. We know the type of terrier he had and wanted. Some of our readers may recall Mr. Mason's Young Bill; if they do, then they will know the type of dog Mr. Shaw meant when he wrote his description. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Should be flat, wide between the ears and wedge shaped; that is, tapering from the sides of the head to the nose; no stop or indentation between the eyes is permissible, and the cheek bones should not be visible. RANCOCAS GINGER Property of Mr. H. Tatnall Brown CH. FAULTLESS OF THE POINT Property of Mr. Clair Foster EDGEWOOD j! K II. Property of Mr/ W. f/ri'eWrxr' "iefld-kk, CH. BLOOMSBURY BURGE A specimen uncropped English dog CH. EDGEWOOD CRYSTAL Formerly the property of Mr. F. F. Dole CH. AJAX OF THE POINT Property of Mr. Clair Foster The Bull Terrier 455 Teeth. Should be powerful and perfectly regular an undershot or overhung mouth being very objectionable and the lips thin and tight; that is, only just sufficient to cover the teeth, and not pendulous as in the bulldog. Nose. Large, quite black, and damp, with the nostrils well developed. Eyes. Must be small and very black. As regards shape, the oblong is preferable to the round eye. Ears. Are almost invariably cropped and should stand perfectly upright. Neck. Should be moderately long and arched, free from all trace of dewlap and strongly set upon the shoulders. Shoulders. Slanting and very muscular, set firmly on the chest, which should be wide. Fore Legs. Should be moderately high and perfectly straight, and the dog must stand well on them, for they do not, as in the case of the bulldog, turn outward at the shoulders. Feet. Moderately long and compact, with toes well arched. Body. Deep at chest and well ribbed up. Hind Legs. Long and very muscular, with hocks straight and near the ground. Coat. Short and rather harsh to the touch. Colour. White. [Mr. Shaw was strongly opposed to any marked dogs, and we agree with him on this point. The practice of giving prominent places at shows to marked dogs is increasing and should be stamped out. To our mind a patch is as much a disfigurement on a bull terrier as a white breast spot on a black-and-tan terrier. ED.] Tail. Fine, set low, and not carried up, but as straight from the back as possible. In general appearance the bull terrier is a symmetrical dog, apparently gifted with great strength and activity, and of a lively and determined dis- position. SCALE OF POINTS Head 30 Colour 20 Body and chest 20 General appearance 10 Feet and legs 15 Stern 5 Total 100 THE DOG BOOK THE DOG BOOK A Popular History of the Dog, with Practical Information as to Care and Management of House, Kennel and Exhibition Dogs ; and Descriptions of All the Important Breeds. In Ten Parts BY JAMES WATSON PART VII Illustrated from Photographs NEW YORK DOUBLED AY, PAGE & COMPANY 1906 Copyright, 1906, by Doubleday, Page & Company Published, April, 1906 All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian. CONTENTS PART VII CHAPTER XXXI PAGE 457 BLACK AND TAN TERRIER: Early descriptions of its exclusive characteristics The large or Manchester variety First American and Canadian importations Mr. Lever the first systematic supporter of the breed Dr. Foote's long connection with the Rochelle dogs Now an almost exclusively Canadian dog. CHAPTER XXXII PAGE 465 BEDLINGTON TERRIER: A close relative of the Dandie Din- mont Never popular in America Their reputation for gameness A breed of extended pedigrees. CHAPTER XXXIII PAGE 469 IRISH TERRIER : Probable connection with the wolfhound Thirty years ago they were a mixed lot The old-time dogs of Mr. Jamison Erin, and Graham's famed winners The "Taneous" head and the whiskers craze Fooling the moneyed Americans Faking and trimming discussed Milton Droleen, the "American Erin" Mr. Pirn's recol- lections of dogs up to 1891 Changes in type The tendency to increase in weight Present-day sires in Eng- land The breed in America and the early exhibits The roll of merit in later years Debut of Masterpiece Mr. Brooks and Mr. Martin lead as American breeders Mr. Adams' meteoric connection The standard discussed. CHAPTER XXXIV PAGE 495 DANDIE DINMONT TERRIER: A breed we owe to Sir Walter Scott James Davidson's connection with the variety Poor support from exhibitors in America. CHAPTER XXXV PAGE SOI SKYE TERRIER : Probably the oldest variety of terrier Referred to by Oppian as the Agasseus Early show dogs mainly drop-eared " American Skyes " usually poor Yorkshires A dog not well-suited for a hot-weather country. CHAPTER XXXVI PAGE 507 SCOTTISH TERRIER: Not the Scotch terrier of the dog books before 1880 First known as a variety of Skye terrier and claimed to be the genuine type Stonehenge's curt opinion of the new terrier The Aberdeen terrier and the fight for a name Ups and downs in America till Dr. Ewing started the Scottish Terrier Club Mr. Naylor the pioneer Success of the Wankie Kennels Present lead of the Craigdarroch Kennels. CHAPTER XXXVII PAGE 515 WELSH TERRIER : The Old English rough terrier under a new name Mr. Prescott Lawrence imports the first pair in 1888 Very poor support till 1901 when a club was organ- ized and the breed was started properly What the Welshman looks like. CHAPTER XXXVIII-PAGE 521 BOSTON TERRIER: An American-made breed and how it was started First known as the Round-headed Bull and Terrier How the name was changed to Boston Terrier- Rose ears and straight tail correct in 1894 ; cropped ears and screw tail the proper thing in 1895 Bulldog versus terrier type The screw or broken tail a deformity- Weight is now the prominent question Mr. H. Tatnall Brown on the four prominent sires A standard for present-day type. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Maxine's Boy, Boston terrier Frontispiece FACING PAGE Ch. Broomfield Sultan, Ch. Daisy, Walkden Duke, Topsy, Ch. Razzle, Peggie, Ch. Perfecto, Ch. Meersbrook Maiden, black and tan terriers 460 Afton Wallace, Blyth Bob, Ch. Afton Jessie, Bedlington terriers 465 IRISH TERRIERS Ch. Erin, Ch. Sport, Ch. Playboy, Ch. Bachelor, Kathleen, Iroquois Bencher, Full o' Fight, Royal Bandmaster 469 Ch. Straight Tip, Leeds Ambassador, Blackbrook Banker, Ch. End- cliffe Muddler, Sarah Kidd, Ch. Brickbat 472 Ch. Breda Muddler 476 Ch. Breda Mixer 476 Ch. Historian, Fiscal Fighter, Red Irex 478 Bogie- Rattler, Biddy III, Benedict, Bachelor, Bronze 478 Ch. Lorton Belle, Ch. Red Gem, Ch. Inverness Shamrock, Meadows Bridget, Lady Hermit, English Nell 478 Ch. Mile End Muddler, Ch. Charwoman, Ch. Red Hills Doctor, Celtic Demon, Garryford, Gaily, Ch. Moya Doolan 485 Red Hills Kennels Irish terriers at work 488 DANDIE DINMONT TERRIERS Milverton King, Milverton Lady, Ch. Blacket, Jr 494 SKYE TERRIERS Moorland Lass, Queen, Kelpie 497 Wolverley Wallie, Ch. Wolverley Jock 497 Mrs. Ripley's drop-eared Skyes, Sweetie 497 Isle of Skye terriers (1840), Sanderson's Jim, Ch. Dalmeny 497 Perfection 498 White Skye terriers; Puppies by Piper Grey 501 SCOTTISH TERRIERS "Highland Music," by Sir E. Landseer 488 Lady Caroline Montague, by Sir Joshua Reynolds 504 "The Scotch Terrier, 1829," Stonehenge's "Ugly Brute" 504 Ch. The Laird 507 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Continued FACING PAGE "The Skye Terrier" by A. Cooper, W. B. Smith's "Scotch Ter- riers," Scotch terriers from Jardine's Natural History 507 Newcastle Model, Ch. Heworth Merlin, Ch. Silverdale Queen, Betsy Ross, Ch. Loyne Ruffian 5^ Ch. Ems Cosmetic, Ems Chevalier, Group of Ems Scotties 508 OLD ENGLISH OR WELSH TERRIERS The Old English Terrier by Cooper 513 " Terrier and Rabbit," by G. Armfield 513 Senny Starlight, Ch. Senny Dragon, Brynafon Mab, Cymro o' Gymry 513 BOSTON TERRIERS Barnard's Tom, Wells's Eph, Hook's Punch, Hall's Max, Weiner's Bessie, O'Brien's Rossie, Hollander's Pete, Atkinson's Tobey 515 Kimberly 516 Barry . 516 Oarsman, Ch. Col. Monte, Barry Boy 521 Ch. Princess, Sullivan's Punch, Moorhay's Kennel Group 521 Ch. Monte, Ch. Lord Derby, Ch. Eastover Lancelot 522 Dabster, Timothy, Fussie Dee 522 Ch. Boylston Reina 524 Bobs ; 524 Goode's Buster, Ch. Surprise, Puck, His Nibs, Shawmut, Jewel, Sherlock Holmes, Finn's Topsy 529 Ch. Lady Dainty, Ch. Whisper, Ch. Kinsman, Lady Dimple 532 Sunlight, Viking, Gordon Boy, Junior II 532 THE DOG BOOK CHAPTER XXXI THE BLACK AND TAN TERRIER HE large size smooth black and tan terrier is entitled to rank as a breed with the old rough dog of the same colour. He was thoroughly established and described over one hundred years ago, and the description showed that just as he differs to-day from other terriers he then had the same particular characteristics which mark his individuality. Daniel in 1803 wrote that " no species of dog will fight the badger so resolutely and fairly as terriers, of which there are two kinds; the one is rough, short-legged, long- backed, very strong, and most commonly of a black or yellowish colour, mixed with white; the other is smooth-haired, and beautifully formed, having a shorter body and more sprightly appearance, is generally of a reddish brown colour, or black with tanned legs." Twenty years later we have this more definite description in Captain Brown's "Anecdotes," under the chapter head of "The English Terrier." "This is a handsome, sprightly dog, and generally black on the back, sides, upper part of the head, neck and tail; the belly and the throat are of a very bright reddish brown, with a spot of the same colour over each eye. The hair is short and somewhat glossy, the tail rather truncated, and carried slightly upwards, the ears are small, somewhat erect, and reflected at the tips, the head is little in proportion to the size of the body, and the snout is moderately elongated. This dog, though but small, is very resolute, and is a determined enemy to all kinds of game and vermin, in the pursuit and destruction of which he evinces an extraordinary and untaught alacrity. Some of the larger English terriers will even draw a badger from his hole. He varies considerably in size and strength, and is met with from ten to eighteen inches in height. "This dog, or the wire-haired Scotch terrier, is indispensably neces- sary to a pack of foxhounds, for the purpose of unearthing the game. From the greater length of leg, from his general lightness, and the elegant construction of his body, he is more adapted for running, 457 458 The Dog Book and, of course, better enabled to keep up with the pack than the Scotch terrier." We have already mentioned in the introduction to the terriers that we have seen some Parisian reproductions of hunting scenes by an English artist, in one of which there is a very nice black and tan terrier, of quite the correct shape of body and a nice length of head, running with the pack in full cry. This dates from about the time Captain Brown was writing. Of the same period is Pierce Egan's description of the new bull terrier, the illustration showing a bull terrier and a smallish black and tan bitch, which he refers to as " a full-bred terrier," as if it was one of the recognised type with which his readers were thoroughly acquainted. Although there was some cavil a few years ago at the distinctive name of Manchester for the large show black and tan terrier it was not such a very far-fetched distinction. The London fancy was more for the toy, it being bred by the same class of fanciers that went in for toy spaniels, and held their occasional displays or club shows at various public houses where they met for social purposes. Through Lancashire and eastern Yorkshire the fancy ran to the larger dog, and head and colour, with markings, took the place of smallness. Manchester had by far the largest number of the fanciers, and it was by no means out of the way to give it the variety name of the place where it was specially fostered and encouraged. It is a pity that some of those who have written regarding the " unwarranted assump- tion" of Manchester claiming the large black and tan, did not first look up their own stud book it is only Englishmen who have so written and noted what Manchester did for the breed. The first English stud book contains the entry of one hundred and twenty-four black and tan terriers, other than toys, and of this number we can without any reference for further information, but solely from our recol- lection of where many of the exhibitors and breeders resided, pick out no less than fifty-two hailing from Manchester or its immediate neighbourhood, or bred there. Of the remaining seventy odd entries fully half of them have no pedigrees, and of the rest there is a sprinkling of London dogs, a few in the Birmingham district, and as far north as Durham, while Sam Lang, the pointer man, had some at Bristol. The leading breeder and exhibitor at that time was the late Mr. Harry Lacy, and the last occasion of our meeting him was at Justice's well-known house in Salford, at the close of 1894. We heard nothing but black and tan talk that evening, The Black and Tan Terrier 459 for Justice's was headquarters for the fancy. Others we recall as being present were Peter Eden and John Douglas; in fact it was the latter who took us there because Mr. Lacy had told him he wanted specially to meet us, because we had just come from America. Handley and Ribchester were Manchester men, and Fitter, who led in the Birmingham fancy, got his stock from Cottonopolis, mainly from Mr. Lacy. Most of the Rev. J. W. Mellor's dogs came from the same source. Roocroft of nearby Bolton also had them as well as white terriers. Jem Hinks of Birmingham had his from Manchester, and Henshall of Manchester had black and tans as well as bulldogs. It was little wonder that as a hall-mark of good breeding the name Manchester became associated with the breed. Nowadays when there is a wide, unfilled margin between the black and tan proper and the toy of under seven pounds, the name of the breed is sufficient to specify a large-sized terrier, but it was not so thirty years ago, when they went from the top end of the scale down to seven pounds, with plenty shown under ten pounds. These middle weights are not seen nowadays and the name Manchester is not needed, but what the men of that city did for the black and tan should not be forgotten. We do not know of any black and tan terrier proper being shown here prior to 1880, when we brought over the bitch Nettle, bought from Alf. George of Kensal New Town. She had no extended pedigree, but was undoubtedly a highly bred bitch and she certainly was a very nice one. Sir William Verner sent over some dogs to New York that year, and among them was the black and tan Salford, quite a winner on the other side, Sir William sending his dogs all over the country. Salford was a very nice coloured dog but had an abominable front, and Nettle might well have won. Dr. Gordon Stables, who was judging, thought otherwise and that settled it. The late Hugh Dalziel was also brought over to judge at that show, and the only thing that induced the club to have Dr. Stables as well was the latter's offer to judge in Highland costume. This Secretary Tileston thought would be an immense advertising card, and the cost of importing the doctor was incurred for that purpose alone. When he arrived minus the promised costume there was a good deal of disappointment. Nettle was bred to Salford at the show and sold to Mr. W. R. H. Martin of New York, and to this litter some of the good dogs of subsequent years go back. One was the bitch Squaw, that went to Mr. John F. Camp- bell of Montreal, and we mention her because of a very peculiar circum- 460 The Dog Book stance. She was a very good bitch except for being a little "smutty" in colour, the thumb-marks on her fetlocks not being sharply outlined, but running; into the tan too much. Some six months or more after we had sent o this bitch to Mr. Campbell we had a letter asking about the former owner, because Squaw had coated out again without any thumb-marks at all. In reply we assured him that Mr. Martin would never for a moment think or permit of tampering with any of his dogs; that we had seen Squaw repeatedly and that she had always had the smutty forelegs we had told him of, and no one would think of putting on thumb-marks such as she had if any faking was to be done. That satisfied Mr. Campbell, but the mystery regarding the thumb-marks became more puzzling when the following year they came back again much as they had been originally. Mr. Campbell was then the leading terrier exhibitor of Montreal, and up to three years ago was showing some of his old stock and winning. We never saw Squaw after she went to him, but no one who knows him would think for a moment of doubting his word, and we had more than one letter from him on the subject. In the fall of 1880, the year Nettle was shown, the first of the now very important Toronto Exhibition shows was held, and there was a very nice medium-sized terrier named Needle, shown there by Jimmy Heasley, and by Wheel of Fortune II. out of Queen III., so there was nothing lacking in the way of breeding to add to the good looks. " Jimmy" was Ned Hanlan's trusted assistant when the Canadian champion went to England in 1879 to demonstrate that he could beat the best scullers there, and Heasley had but one wish in the world next to seeing Hanlon win his races to take back to Toronto a good black and tan terrier. This desire he told to every- one, so that Jimmy and his terrier became quite a joke. Finally one of the visitors from this side of the Atlantic inserted an advertisement in a Newcastle paper that Mr. James T. Heasley wanted to purchase a good terrier, and dogs were to be shown to him at the Ords Arms, Scotswood Suspension Bridge, Hanlan's headquarters at the upper end of the course. We had come over from Manchester by night train to see how things were going, and driving up the river road became more and more puzzled by the number of men we passed accompanied by dogs terriers of every description. Finally at the Ords Arms there was quite a gathering of men and terriers, but Jimmy had long since disappeared, having made his escape over the back wall and up the hill to the rear of the hotel. He got a dog eventually, and Needle was one well worth bringing over. The Black and Tan Terrier 461 The first exhibitor in the States to take up the breed systematically was Mr. Edward Lever, of Philadelphia, whose Vortigern and Reveller were well-known winners. These were terriers of rather more substance than black and tans of later days. Mr. Lever then went in for bull terriers and Irish, and it was not until Dr. H. T. Foote of New Rochelle took up the breed that we got a fancier with the necessary persistence for this breed, for it is one of the hardest to breed to perfection, and calls for unwearying patience and disregard of disappointments. Dr. Foote stuck to the breed for twenty years, and even he gave it up when Mrs. Foote took to Scottish terriers and he fell a victim to their enticing qualities. With his withdrawal the death knell of the black and tan in the United States seems to have been sounded. Canada, particularly the Ottawa district, is the stronghold of the fancy, and at Chicago good turn-outs of black and tan terriers may be seen, but if it was not for the support of the Canadians New York shows would have meagre displays of this undoubtedly handsome dog, as can be understood when we state that out of seventeen dogs shown at New York this year, 1905, nine were from Canada, while another Canadian bred was owned at Erie, and these took the lion's share of the money. These Canadian dogs are of better type than those bred in the Chicago district, for there they are getting too much substance for their size, and with that comes width of front and lack of the symmetry which is essential in this breed. It is this call for symmetry and also the imperative demand for correct colour and markings, that makes the black and tan such a difficult dog to turn out with any claim to merit. It is a breed that finds its best support from the class of fanciers one finds in England almost exclusively, the working man or mill operative who has it bred in him for many genera- tions, and to whose stick-at-it-iveness we are indebted for nearly all the fancy breeds of England, to which we have become heir by purchase. In addition to this drawback in the way of breeding the black and tan has suffered from two causes, though this is more applicable to England than America. Dyeing is resorted to by unscrupulous exhibitors to over- come nature's colour errors, and erratic tan hairs on the hind legs and else- where are plucked. This we are pleased to say is practically unknown here, though we doubt not but that the most honest exhibitor, who would spurn the suggestion of altering colour, would not hesitate to get rid of a tan hair or two which had got beyond the line of demarkation. Still the pure and deliberate faking that was much too prevalent in England had its 462 The Dog Book effect in preventing many from taking up the breed, and with lack of good buyers prices fell and fewer were bred. Then came the stopping of cropping by enactment of the English Kennel Club and plenty of the old-timers threw the breed up in disgust, for there is no gainsaying the radical difference it makes in a dog, even taking one with nicely held natural ears, when one has been used to the smartly cropped dog. Besides which, with a breed which has been bred regardless of ear carriage, and when naturally stiff- leathered ears will stand better when cropped and must therefore have been developed by a process of selection, it could not be expected that the un- cropped ears of dogs so bred would hang properly. We have not got the dyer or the faker here, but we still have the cropper. To the credit of the black and tan terrier men be it said that none of them opposed Dr. Foote's vigorous support of the effort made a few years ago to suppress cropping by rule of the American Kennel Club, and in addition to that he had classes and specials offered for uncropped dogs, but all to no purpose. We were with Dr. Foote in that fight and our side was disastrously defeated. We regretted at the time that what then seemed to us an inevitable action had been foolishly delayed, but when we saw the uncropped dogs of the English shows a year ago, long enough after the rule had been passed for the necessary improvement to have been made, we found it was not there in such breeds as bull terriers, black and tan terriers and Great Danes, all of which looked sadly deficient in character as compared with what we see in America. On the other hand the Irish terrier, in the old days a cropped dog, with an occasional uncropped one when the ears happened to be neat and small and were left on for those reasons, has in no way suffered in expression, nor has the fox terrier. We should perhaps say the wire-haired fox terrier, for while we do not remember ever seeing a cropped smooth, unless cropped through ignorance, we have seen a good many wire-haired so treated. The last we recall was at one of the Agricultural Hall shows in London, about 1877. We had made up our mind to give the catalogue price of ten pounds for this dog, though he was of course passed by the judge, and on going to take another look at him found two gentlemen discussing his points, one of whom had already claimed and paid for the dog. We would much like to see a revival of interest in the black and tan terrier, for he is a .handsome dog, in addition to being a very nice house dog and companion. He may not be so robust as most of the terriers, for his The Black and Tan Terrier 463 coat is not long and it is decidedly short on the legs and under parts of the body. Still, they have pretty hard winters up Ottawa way, where they have more and better specimens of the breed than anywhere else in the country, and if they thrive there they should do so at any place on the con- tinent where show dogs are kept. Head, symmetry and colour are the essential properties in this breed, hence they dominate the points when it comes to the distributing of values in the standard. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head, Long, flat and narrow, level and wedge-shaped, without show- ing cheek muscles; well filled up under the eyes, with tapering, tightly lipped jaws and level teeth. Eyes. Very small, sparkling and dark, set fairly close together, and oblong in shape. Nose. Black. Ears. [The English description necessarily deals with uncropped ears, but there has never been any official change from that of the original black and tan terrier club standard. As we still have these terriers cropped in this country, it is only necessary to say that the fashion is to have as long a crop and carried up to as fine a point as possible. ED.] Neck and shoulders. The neck should be fairly long and tapering from the shoulders to the head, with sloping shoulders, the neck being free from throatiness and slightly arched at the occiput. Chest. Narrow, but deep. Body. Moderately short, but curving upwards at the loin; ribs well sprung; back slightly arched at the loin, and falling again at the joining of the tail to the same height as at the shoulder. Legs. Must be quite straight, set on well under the dog, and of fair length. Feet. More inclined to be cat- than hare-footed. Tall. Moderate length, and set on where the arch of the back ends; thick where it joins the body, tapering to a point and not carried higher than the back. Coat. Close, smooth, short and glossy. Colour. Jet black and rich mahogany tan, distributed over the body 464 The Dog Book as follows : On the head the muzzle is tanned to the nose, which, with the nasal bone (sic), is jet black; there is also a bright spot on each cheek and above each eye; the under jaw and throat are tanned, and the hair on the inside of the ear is of the same colour; the forelegs are tanned up to the knee, with black lines (pencil-marks) up each toe, and a black mark (thumb- mark) above the foot; inside the hind legs are tanned, but divided with black at the hock joints; under the tail is also tanned, and so is the vent, but only sufficiently to be easily covered by the tail; also tanned on each side of the chest [this should be brisket. ED.]. Tan outside of hind legs, commonly called "breeching," is a serious defect. In all cases the black should not run into the tan, or vice versa, but the division between the two colours should be well defined. General appearance. A terrier calculated to take his part in the rat pit, and not of the whippet type. Weight. From sixteen to twenty pounds is most desirable. Head . . POINTS . 20 Body . 10 Eyes . . 10 Tail c Ears ! .... 5 Colour and markings . . . j 1C .... 10 General appearance and Feet , , . . . . 10 terrier character 1C Total . IOO 466 The Dog Book dog's body, but that is what is aimed at in the Bedlington, hence the faking and the attending disrepute into which the breed has fallen abroad. We rather doubt whether the fault should not be laid at the doors of unqualified judges who took it for granted that the Bedlington is a wire- haired dog, whereas he is not, but a dog of mixed coat of soft or woolly feel, thickly shot with a wiry coat not any longer than the soft coat which in many breeds would have been a thick pily undercoat. The extremely clever judges of Yorkshire and the South, who evolve from their inner conscious- ness requirements of dogs they know little about, decided that this double coat must be all wrong, they had never seen it before, and as it was not right in other terriers it could not be right in this breed. The result was that to win under these wearers of the doggy ermine half the coat had to be taken out. Finally this became the custom to such an extent that no dog could be shown with a chance of winning unless his coat was more or less tampered with. One very natural result of such a condition of affairs must have been that it mattered very little what kind of coat a dog might have that one thought of breeding to, for the progeny would have to be prepared for the ring anyway; also it was impossible to tell what kind of coat a dog had naturally, and even if he had a really good coat it would be supposed that it had been improved. We think that of late there has been some improve- ment with regard to showing dogs more naturally, but as we have said with respect to some other breeds, a dog that is not popular in his own country or in England is not likely to succeed here, especially when there are so many kinds possessing attractions already before the public. That the Bedlington has claims we readily admit, for in the way of gameness none ranks higher. We sent a commission to England some years ago for a fox terrier, thoroughly game, and one from Mr. Carrick's kennel was sent, a son of Tom Firr, with the message that if he was not game enough no fox terrier would do, and the buyer would have to get a bull terrier or a Bedlington. That is their strongest claim, for while they have decided symmetry in body and legs, yet the topknot and the peculiar ears make them somewhat of an oddity. They are also rather quiet dogs except when roused, and need knowing well before they can be appreciated. Pedigrees have been traced farther back in the Bedlingtons than in any breed of terriers, in fact than in any breed of dogs except greyhounds The Bedlington Terrier 467 and perhaps the records of a few packs of English fox hounds, for there are plenty of Bedlingtons that can be traced back to dogs of W. Clark's breeding, and he traced his dog Scamp back to Squire Trevelyan's Old Flint, a dog whelped in 1782. There are no end of broken lines in such a pedigree as that, besides which we know absolutely nothing as to what Old Flint looked like, and simply to suppose that Flint was a Bedlington such as we have to-day because Bedlingtons can be traced back to him is absurd. Further than that, we know as a matter of fact that some of the dogs of about 1820 named in this old pedigree were not Bedlingtons at all. At least one famous bitch was brought from Staffordshire with a company of nail makers who settled in the neighbourhood of Rothbury, by which name the breed was known until quite recently. A pack of fox hounds was kept there, and as a matter of fact these were simply the local terriers used to go to earth. As late as 1875 Mr. Pickett, to whom more than any other person was due the elevation of the variety into the station of a recognised breed, wrote to the Live Stock Journal of London, and gave the dog no other name than a northern counties fox terrier. He wrote as follows in introducing a description of the breed : " I have in my possession the original copy of Tyneside's pedigree, dated 1839, signed by the late Mr. Joseph Aynsley, who was one of the first breeders of this class of dog, and who also acted as judge at the first Bedlington show, and quote the following as a description of what a northern counties fox terrier should be, viz.: 'Colour: Liver, sandy, blue-black, or tan. Shape: The jaw rather long and small, but muscular; the head high and narrow, with a silky tuft on top; the hair rather wiry on the back; the eyes small and rather sunk; the ears long and hanging close to the cheeks, and slightly feathered at the tips; the neck long and muscular, rising well from the shoulder; the chest deep, but narrow, the body well proportioned and the ribs flat; the legs must be long in proportion to the body, the thinner the hips are the better; the tail small and tapering, and slightly feathered. Altogether he is a lathy made dog/' 1 From the manner in which this description is introduced the supposition is that it is copied from the pedigree referred to, and it is within quotation marks in the original letter in the Live Stock Journal, showing that it is not Pickett's own. The standard of the Bedlington Terrier Club, adopted thirty years ago, has been more recently condensed as follows: 468 The Dog Book DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Long. Skull narrow, but deep and rounded, high at the occiput and covered with a nice silky tuft or topknot. Muzzle long, tapering, sharp and muscular; as little stop as possible between the eyes, so as to form nearly a line from the nose end along the joint of the skull to the occiput. Eyes. Small and well sunk in the head, placed obliquely and close to- gether, but not round in shape. The blues should have a dark eye, the blue and tan ditto, with amber shade; livers, sandies, etc., a light brown eye. Nose. Large and well angled. Blues and blue and tans should have black noses; livers have flesh coloured noses; sandies, flesh coloured preferable, but black admissable. Lips close fitting and without flews. Jaws. Long,tapering, sharp and muscular. Teeth level or pincer-jawed. Ears. Moderately large, placed low, flat to the cheek, thinly covered and tipped with fine silky hair. They should be filbert-shaped. Neck. Long, deep at the base, rising well from the shoulders, which should be flat and placed we!' hack. Body. Chest deep, not w >; back slightly arched; body well flat- ribbed up; hind quarters light. Legs and feet. Legs of moderate length, not wide apart, straight and flat boned. Feet rather long, toes close and well arched. Tail. Thick at the root, tapering to a point, slightly feathered on lower side, nine to eleven inches long and scimitar shaped. Coat. A mixture of hard and soft hair, not lying flat to the sides, crisp to the feel. Colour. Blue, blue and tan, liver, liver and tan, sandy and sandy and tan. Topknots and ear tippings as light as possible. General appearance. A light made up lathy dog, but not shelly. Not exceeding sixteen inches at the shoulder. Weight. Dogs about twenty-four pounds, bitches about twenty-two. Disqualifying points. Overshot and undershot jaws and white patches. POINTS Head 20 Legs and feet 15 Eyes and nose 10 Coat 15 Neck and shoulders 5 Colour . 10 Body 15 General appearance .... 10 Total 100 CH. ERIN From a drawing of the general type of Ideal illustrations about 1880 '. IROQUOIS BENCHER wiMier c aha >.good sire. Property of Mr. L. Loring Brooks, '. i i 1 i ' '. 1 1 ' Boston, Mass. FULL O' FIGHT Illustrative of modern ideas as to the Irish terrier in the "tinkering" of the photo. The old-time ideal is shown by the drawing of Ch. Erin on this page CH. PLAYBOY CH. SPORT One of the first Irish terriers shown KATHLEEN The first Irish terrier shown in America, entered in Miscellaneous class, New York, 1880. ROYAL BANDMASTER CHAPTER XXXIII THE IRISH TERRIER T IS little use trying to grope back for any history of the Irish terrier. In 1879, wnen tne breed was being taken hold of and pushed to the front, Mr. Ridgway wrote that there were references to it in old Irish manuscripts, but the only way to make that evidence tell is to produce or quote from these alleged old manuscripts, and that has never been done. Billy Graham's quizzical explanation of why this most ancient of dogs was not mentioned in the manifest of Noah's ark was that there was no need for him to have inside accommodations, owing to the ease with which he could swim alongside. Another piece of excellent evidence for those who believe in jumping at every straw is the red dog with green head in an Egyptian funeral cortege, painted sundry thousands of years ago. Dismissing untenable conjecture, we find that from the time the terrier of the North of Ireland became in any way known, he was a dog which, from his being the rangiest of the terrier family of that time and the general resemblance in outline of the best specimens to a rough, coarse greyhound, indicated his descent from the hound dog of Ireland, the Irish wolfhound, brother-in-blood to the Scotch deerhound. The wolfhound, whether short or rough coated, for they seem to have been of both varieties, was red or fawn in colour, and the terrier ran to that colour also, though of course as he was of mongrel breeding there were variations of colour. At the early Irish exhibition of terriers they were, to quote the words of Dr. Carey, the Irish Terrier Club secretary, "of all sorts, sizes and colours." The first really good one was Spuds, shown in 1876. The illustration in Dalziel's book is a good one, and shows what was considered in those days to be the correct form of this terrier. She was cropped, as were most of the Irish terriers of her time, though Mr. Jamison's Sport was not, nor was Mr. Graham's Sporter, afterward Mr. George Krehl's. These terriers were soon followed by Erin, the best terrier of the early days, and while there ma have been a better one since, we can only say that never until we set 469 470 The Dog Book eyes on Mr. O. W. Dormer's American bred Milton Droleen did we see any- thing that in any way reminded us of the great Erin. We so told Mr. Donner the first time we saw her on the occasion of our judging at Providence, and when she was taken to England Mr. Krehl wrote of her as the "American Erin." Droleen was a cropped bitch and showed the typical head of Erin and the same outline of body, which is that shown in Spuds. We first saw Erin when we ran down to Barrow from Manchester to meet "Billy'* Graham, who was going to stop there over Sunday on his way from Belfast to the Palace Show. That was in 1879, and Erin beat all comers at that show, and deservedly. As we propose quoting from an article on the early Irish terriers written by Mr. J. J. Pirn, who had a far more thorough ac- quaintance with her and all the early terriers than we had, as well as of those shown after we left England in 1880, we will not go into particulars regarding Erin. We do not dispute for a moment that Mr. Pirn, who knew her so well, is correct in saying that she had a dark red coat, but if we had been asked from recollection to give her colour we should have said red wheaten. In the old days what we now call red wheaten was then called red, and the wheaten was a much lighter shade. Others ran into a sort of grey, resembling the colour of Mrs. Murray Bohlen's Pinscher dog. In size they ran from Spuds and our Banshee down to terriers of the size of Breda Tiny, the typical little terrier imported by Mr. Mitchell Harrison, and from whom came Widow Bedott. At the head of the old breeders of Irish terriers, as well as exhibitors,. Mr. George Jamison of Belfast is entitled to the first rank, and he still has some pretty good ones, though his fancy has turned to trumpeter pigeons, as we found on visiting him a year ago. Mr. Jamison owned Sport, Spuds, and a whole lot of good ones of the early days, and bred many good ones. Still, there is no gainsaying that Mr. William Graham, the great "Billy" known to all dog men interested in Irish terriers, and the original "Irish Ambassador" so styled from his constant visits to all the important shows in England was the man above all others who did most for the advance- ment of the Irish terrier. In addition to dogs of his own he had charge of Mr. J. R. N. Pirn's dogs, and all the get of Erin we owe to Graham. After them came his great record of the Bredas, culminating in Breda Mixer and Breda Muddler. Graham liked the dog of medium size, but was shrewd enough to show what would win, and when the judges began to display their preference for the larger dogs and bitches he had that kind to put in front The Irish Terrier 471 of them. To mark their appreciation of what the late Mr. Graham had done for the breed the Irish Terrier Club members subscribed for a cup, known as the Graham Challenge Cup, which is competed for by all comers at certain prominent selected shows in Ireland and England, and is con- sidered the blue ribbon trophy of the breed. Starting as he did with the foundation stock, from which we have the present day terrier, Graham had an undoubted advantage over the English breeders, who were without intimate knowledge of the characteristics of some of the early and unshown dogs which appear in old pedigrees, and we find in the pedigrees of his latest and best dogs that he practically relied on dogs bred either by himself, or whose parents were of his stock. Graham was not a stickler for pedigree, but stood for knowledge of what the parents looked like and what their ancestors were. At times he would breed from an inferior-looking dog, such as in the case of Benedict, whose brother Bachelor was the crack dog. One of the valuable photo- graphs we got from Mr. Jamison shows what Benedict looked like, and it would take some persuasion for any person to breed to such a dog. The story was that Graham visited the owner of the two brothers with the real intention of buying Benedict, but only took him at a gift price when his overtures for Bachelor were declined. We have been told by a close friend that such is not the case, and that he only took Benedict because he could not get the other and did not want to go home without doing business. Something that can easily be learned from these old illustrations is the change of type. The old original standard was framed at the time the breed was started as a show breed, and was drawn up by those who were best qualified to know the correct type. These old dogs we illustrate were considered typical specimens under that standard, but they in no way resemble our winners of two years ago. Garryford and Gaily are good instances of what the cropped Irish terriers looked like, but there is not one of them that shows what has been called the "coffin" muzzle, which began in the Meersbrook Bristles era in wire-haired fox terriers. Selection of this style of foreface could to some extent affect the type, but we are convinced that in many of the English-bred dogs, particularly those of Yorkshire breeding, the Airedale has been introduced. How are we otherwise to account for the heavy ears, placed Airedale style, and the gawky hind legs, together with the tendency to overgrowth ? We have never found this in the Irish strains, nor in the kennels of thoroughly reputable Yorkshire 472 The Dog Book breeders of Irish terriers, but among those of shady reputation or when it comes to a dog bred by a man totally unknown, with the probability that the name is only a stop gap. It is very risky breeding from any such dog, or his or her descendants. In our show going, which has extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific and through Canada, we have met with large red dogs, frequently smooth-coated, all possessing the heavy side-placed ears and the comparatively sluggish look of the Airedale, and invariably we have found that they have been bred from dogs of Yorkshire origin. It was to Yorkshire we owed that monstrosity, the "Taneous" head, the narrow round skull with sunken temples, sometimes with an exaggera- tion of length of foreface, the narrowness of which was covered up with a wealth of fluffy hair, not Irish at all. None of the old dogs we illustrate show any of this exaggeration of whiskers. "Oh," says the new beginner who has learned Irish terriers thoroughly in a few weeks, "that is the beard, the standard says it has to have a beard; it is the beard." Not at all; the beard is a tuft or two of hair growing on the under jaw, and the old Irish terrier was about as clean muzzled as an Airedale. We do not object to a little bristly growth along the jaws, so long as it is free from lintyness or fluff, for that most assuredly indicates that the body coat is not sound, no matter if it looks so for the time being. Dogs of this kind are seen now and again throughout the year, but have periods of retirement during which the all - the - year - round, sound-coated dog is being shown. Americans are not so much to blame for getting astray, as they did a year or so ago, on the question of type. Dogs sent from the other side were represented to them as being the correct type. We saw one communication from an importer to the effect that the dog he was then trying to sell was "the new type that is doing all the winning on the other side." Relying upon the representations regarding these dogs, good prices were paid for them, the purchasers not realising that they had not the correct thing until the next importation of the only genuine, correct type was received, when they realised that "type" meant only the dog that was for sale, and varied as the dogs did. This could not last for ever, and the importation of a large number of good dogs that were winning on the other side, where also there had been a radical return to something nearer the old type, settled the question, and the day of the dog with the "Taneous" head was at an end. The name The Irish Terrier 473 Taneous came from a dog which had a very narrow, long head, and anything approaching his style of head still goes by his name. Another change of a desirable nature has been the return to something more like the right thing in the condition of coat on the exhibition dog. The Irish terrier is a rough dog and should look as if he was rough, without it being necessary to rumple up the coat to see if it is any length. We have seen Irish terriers win, and that under judges whose names appear on the list as approved by our Irish Terrier Club, when they had no more coat than that of a smooth fox terrier. That is, however, dying out with the Taneous head and the equally erroneous idea that the Irish terrier should have a long, square muzzle, or what Mr. Fred Breakell of Manchester calls the "coffin" muzzle. What we want to preserve in the Irish terrier is the expression. This is different from that seen in the fox terrier, the Scotch, the Airedale or the bull terrier, just as each of them differ from all others. At one time our judges went solely for length of head, but that has met with a timely death, and we are really closer to the correct thing in our judging than for some years now. In place of balking at everything but a narrow head and long foreface the same men are now going to the opposite extreme, and we have short, square-headed dogs winning, for no reason than that they have good legs and feet. There is moderation in everything and in our opinion the first thing a judge should look for is the Irish ex- pression, the one thing especially indicative of the breed. If you get that the head is pretty sure to be not far from right. Then comes the racing outline of the breed, which calls for not too much width of chest, though the fox terrier front is equally wrong, the pasterns springing a little. He should show sufficient length of leg to look as if he could extend himself a bit, and to do so the back ribs do not want to be let down as in a cobby dog. A modified greyhound cut-up in the loin, and good length from hip to hock, while a gay carriage of tail assists materially in setting off the "Daredevil." In the old days we showed our Irish terriers in what would now be called the rough. They were brushed with a dandy brush, and the only thing we learned from Graham in this line was that the hair which was apt to overrun the edge of the foot and make it look large and flat, should be "shingled" ofF with a poor cutting knife edge, so as not to make jagged cuts. That was done a month or six weeks before an important show. We do not say that even at that date there was not a trimmed or plucked 474 The Dog Book dog; in fact, we know one that was. That was Gaelic, a dog Graham had, and as at that time there was little love between Graham and the club secretary, Dr. Carey, we were surprised to hear that Graham had sold Gaelic to him, for the dog had done quite a bit of winning. Next time we met Billy we asked the reason for the sale. "Well, Gaelic is not the best- coated dog in the world and I'm a busy man. Now the Doctor isn't. He ives away down there at Borris, with hardly a thing to do, and he is in a fair way to go to the bad if his idle hands are not occupied, so out of real friendliness and a desire for his salvation I sold him Gaelic, and he'll keep him busy." We do not remember the dog being shown much, if at all, after that. Anyway that was the only dog that we ever heard of that was presumably tampered with or prepared. We never used the terrier combs that are a necessity nowadays and tend to tear out the under coat, as well as the old coat that may be removed. That style of showing we are never likely to return to, but we most certainly are exhibiting our dogs more naturally than was the case a year or two ago, when trimming was carried to an unwarranted extent. We have only seen one case of extreme trimming this season, when the head of a well-known bitch was outrageously barbered. That was bad enough, but we regret to say that for the first time we saw during the present year the pernicious filling of the coat with a preparation of rosin. We saw two dogs so treated, and as we were exhibiting against them we told the persons interested in them to brush them out at once and never let it be done aeain o at any show we attended. This was at once complied with. One of the dogs was owned by an amateur and he expressed surprise that we objected, saying that every person did it. We responded that such was not the case, and only once before had we seen such a thing. It is perhaps a little difficult to say exactly where preparation by trimming ceases to be legitimate. Still, the line of deception as to a dog's demerit is not altogether undistinguishable, and anyway rosin in the coat is fraud, pure and simple. The question is solely that of deception practiced on the judge, or sought to be practiced on that official, and not that of the preparation of the dog in a legitimate way. It is not deception to clean up a dog's feet so that they are of good shape, round and well knuckled up, for that is not deceiving the judge, but to clip, singe, or pluck a naturally woolly headed dog is deception, for with his woolly topknot he would soon be turned out of the ring. That is the vital point of the question of trimming. The Irish Terrier 475 As may be surmised from our introductory remarks there is no ancient history of this breed. We go back to about 1870 in the longest extended pedigree that can be made up out of the English stud book, or from any other source that we have knowledge of. Some years ago Mr. O. W. Donner asked us to undertake the extending of the pedigree of a son and daughter of his Milton Droleen, and by Breda Muddler. We did so as far as the stud book data would carry the pedigree and then sent the result across the Atlantic to a friend, who had instructions as to every line of investigation to be followed and who to see or write to. Every person lent the readiest assistance and Messrs. Jamison and Graham pored over the pedigree, adding links here and there from their old recollections, but there was no getting any further back than we had already done in the longest extended lines, and they came to an end with dogs that did not go back to 1870. It was only in the extension of the same dog's pedigree, as it reoccurred, that we reached that link. It is not an old breed so far as pedigree making goes, and they did not always come true to colour in the litters either. Others besides ourselves ended the career of what might have turned out to be pretty good "Welsh terriers" had there been such a breed in existence then, but all black and tans went into the water bucket. Mr. Barnett attributes this colour to Killiney Boy, who he says was out of a black and tan dam, but we drowned black and tans before Killiney Boy was known as a sire. The good dogs of those days were picked up here and there by good judges, and when it was known that a man would give a good price for a dog he would have dogs offered him from many parts of the country. There was no pedigree behind them, and it was only the judicious mating by such men as Graham, though he was almost an exception in the way of ability in this direction, that laid the foundation for the present good displays of Irish terriers. Belfast was then the headquarters for the breed and it has ever remained so in respect to. Ireland, though as may be supposed, there have been and are many other breeders there. In England it was taken hold of by Mr. George R. Krehl, who, upon the advice of Mr. Vero Shaw, then kennel editor of the Live Stock Journal, kept the name of the breed before the public by means of discussions and letters contributed by himself and friends till the time was ripe for starting a specialty club. This was done in 1879, and in May of that year Dr. Carey, who is still the secretary of the club, issued his first circular giving the names of twenty-five Irish 476 The Dog Book and twenty-seven English members. Of the entire number we believe we are the only one on the list who is showing Irish terriers at the present time. A good many of the English members were merely friends of Mr. Krehl and never owned one of the breed, but they started the club at any rate and others took their places. One of the important steps early taken by the club was in the direction of natural ears, the credit of which is due Mr. Krehl, who pushed the original movement and made it easy for those who ultimately got the Kennel Club to accede to the request to prohibit cropping after a specified date, a step which eventually led to the prohibition being extended to all breeds. At that early date there were a good many uncropped dogs. Mr. Jamison's old dog Sport had natural ears, so had Mr. Krehl's Sporter and his Moya Doolan, but these were mainly dogs picked up here and there that had not been bred in kennels where show dogs were raised. The regulars held out for cropping, in the main, Graham being very much against any change as spoiling the look of the dogs. When the rule was passed all had to obey it, and the rule was followed in this country when the Irish Terrier Club of America was organised. In those old days we made a fuss about immaterials, as all novices do. We had it in other breeds and while St. Bernard men thought everything about dew claws we discussed the question of disqualifying dogs with anything but black toe nails, how much white might be permitted on a dog's breast and trivial points of that kind, just as new beginners do to this day. After English exhibitors learned more they went for real terriers and the once burning question of the colour of toe nails was buried, though it still survives in the standard as a relic of the past. We will now give the "recollections" of Mr. J. J. Pim, which must have appeared originally at the close of 1891, seemingly, for he apparently wrote on dogs shown a few months before. We extract the communication from the Irish Terrier Review of July, 1905, which fails to give the original source of publication, though stating that it is republished by Mr. Pirn's permission: IRISH TERRIERS PAST AND PRESENT "Having been asked to give 'my recollections' on the above, I have tried to do so from memory, and must ask my readers to excuse any mistakes. "I always considered the Irish terrier of the North of Ireland the truer breed, as with few exceptions those from the South were neither Photo byj. Exley, Bradford, Eng. CH. BREDA MIXER The Irish Terrier 477 high enough on the leg nor hard in coat. I am now speaking of those at our first shows in 1874 and 1875. "The first show in England that made a class for our breed was Brigh- ton, 1876. Mr. Jamison of Belfast, and Mr. Mawdsley of Liverpool, won, the only exhibitors, the former winning both prizes. Glasgow in 1875 was the first Scottish Show to help us. Mr. A. T. Arrol, who had several goodish ones, was probably the first Scottish exhibitor. "The first good specimens I remember were Mr. George Jamison's Sport (5,761), first Glasgow, 1875, and illustrated in your paper the same year, with drop-ears (several of our present winners' pedigrees go back to him), and Mr. Norton's Fly (3,524), first Newtownards, 1874, dam of several winners in 1875 an d 1876. Mr. Smith's Spuds (6,846), cropped, the best we had yet seen, came out at Cork, 1876, and then found her way into Mr. Jamison's kennels; he won with her and another bitch, Banshee (too thick in head), at Brighton, 1876, and 1877 at the Kennel Club, who had also given the breed a class for the first time. I well remember leading Spuds, and telling Colonel Owen, the judge, that I thought she should have beaten Banshee. I then bought her, and she was my first show Irish terrier, and won first at the Kennel Club Show, beating Banshee, and first Bristol, 1877, etc.; she was rather large, but fit to be in it even now. A nice-sized dog, Mr. Graham's Sporter (7,844), drop-ears, was also shown in 1877. Afterwards Mr. Krehl's well-known winner, and just what we want to-day, with good, bright, red, hard coat; it may here be mentioned that Mr. Graham still sticks to small-sized ones; my idea is the happy medium. "1878. We first saw Dr. Carey's Champion Sting (cropped), a bitch who lasted marvellously; I judged her at Armagh, 1882; her legs and feet were as good as ever, although twelve years old; she was wheaten in colour. Mr. Waterhouse's Killiney Boy, a rare good little cropped one, rather low on the leg; I gave him his first prize at Belfast, 1879; he afterwards proved himself a very valuable sire. "1879. I think everyone will agree that the mother and star of the breed (Erin, 9,704) was found by Mr. Graham in her hamper before being benched at Dublin Show; she had come from Ballymena, County Antrim; he bought her out at the Alexandra Palace, 1879, winning first and Irish Terrier Club Challenge Cup the first time competed for, which trophy she afterwards won outright for my brother, and was, I think, never beaten. Most of my readers have seen her, but for those who have not I think her 478 The Dog Book worth describing: Beautiful long lean head, cropped, with that game- looking eye and expression peculiar to the breed that we are fast losing; nice neck, with perfectly placed shoulders, good legs and feet, wonderfully perfect body, stern, and hard dark red coat, not heavy in bone or forelegs, which were not low, but forming a perfect symmetry. As she was when I bought her in 1880 she could have beaten any terrier now showing. She- poor Vic! died last year in my brother J. R. N. Pirn's possession. He bought her from me, and became for some years a very successful exhibitor and breeder. Her first and famous litter to Killiney Boy produced the Champions Playboy, Pagan II., and Poppy; also Pretty Lass, etc., the best of their day from 1882 to 1887 (I consider Playboy the best dog we have ever seen); and afterwards Droleen (first Challenge Darlington, 1891), and several other good ones. "The club was now started (1879) by Dr. Carey, Mr. George Krehi, and others; it still stands as one of the largest and best of to-day, and may it long remain to do good service to the breed ! I still think it made a mistake in stopping cropping too quickly, but I hope in a few years to see as good ears on Irish as on fox terriers. "1883. Mr. Waterhouse had a grand terrier, Peter Bolger (13,548), cropped, who won at the Kennel Club and other shows. "1884. Mr. Lamb's Gaily, a good bitch with a white chest; Mr. Krehl's Kitty, very nice, with also too much white; Mr. Graves' Phaudry, with his queer expression; and Mr. Waterhouse's Killiney Boxer (16,711), a rare nice terrier, with good drop-ears and perfect front, but hardly an Irish terrier; can a light tan and black coat be the thing ? Mr. Graham's Garryford (14,578), a good dog bar his wide chest, and his Gilford (16,058), correct in type, but too large. "1885. Mr. Barnett's Bachelor was a big winner, a dog a little too much of the fox terrier in build, who has, I am afraid, given us (with his brother Benedict) that dark expression in their progeny; he had many good points, viz., ears, legs, feet and texture of coat; Mr. Backhouse's Buster (16,057), a ^ r dog of good type; Mr. Kerrigan's Fiddle (first Dublin), a good red bitch, but wanting in character; Mr. Graham's Extreme Care- lessness, a grand one, bar her black hairs (Mr. Graves was now buying at big prices); and Mr. Nicholson's Poppy II., a lovely terrier, light of bone were the pick of this year. " 1886. Another good buyer in Mr. Hoare turned up, who afterwards The Irish Terrier 479 won many prizes with Poppy II. and Gaily; Mr. Cotton's Cruisk (first Dublin), a good, large, drop-eared, nice coloured dog; he ought to be still a good sire, as he has already made a name in that line; Mr. Summer's Michael (18,651), famous as the sire of Mr. Wiener's cracks, but not in my opinion a high-class show dog; Mr. Wiener's No rah Tatters (18,089), first Crystal Palace, etc., great quality, but not true in type. " 1887. A very large entry at the best shows, but nothing Ai came out. Mr. Summer's B.A. (21,567), good head (cropped) and colour, but I think the kennel owned a far better in Pedlar (brother to Playboy), one of the best I ever saw, but when I was at Liverpool he was getting old and broad in skull; if he is still alive he ought to be the best stud dog about; Mr. Wiener's Ballyhooley (23,646), a great winner, but although good in body, coat, legs and feet, I think him a very lucky dog; Mr. Graham's Breda Rattle (23,652), wonderfully good legs and feet, very hard in coat, but never a good sort; Mr. Backhouse's Bumptious Biddy (23,686), a good type, a bit short in muzzle, but the best of this year. " 1888. Mr. Wiener made this year to be remembered by the bringing out of the brothers Brickbat and Bencher; the latter is perhaps on the large side, but a grand-headed, typical terrier, and ought to be a good sire for small-sized, lightly coated bitches; Champion Brickbat, when he came out, was a bit weak in face, but he has wonderfully improved, and is to-day the best living. Mr. Graves brought old Playboy again to the front, after retiring for a time; he improved with age; Mr. Charley's Mars (25,938), by Benedict, a grand terrier but for his large eyes and dark expression; Mr. McRae's Irish Ambassador (25,932), a good dog as a sire, and the right type. I had the honour of judging the largest entry the Kennel Club have ever had (at Olympia), and Dr. Carey, at Liverpool, the largest entry at any show up to this date. "1889. Messrs. Carey came to the fore with a good dog in Pilgrim (28,110), drop-ears, good colour, rare bone, legs and feet; he is now the property of the Earl of Shannon, who paid a big price for him; Mr. Taylor's Breadenhill (28,o87),|cropped, a dog with one of the very best heads we have ever seen; he has good bone, but few other good points; he is a favourite with some; Mr.Barnett's Bouquet (28, 130), drop-ears, a grand bitch, spoiled rather by that dark expression I do not like; Mr. Norton's Miss Peggotty (28,157), a lovely large-sized bitch, with a bull terrier sort of head; Mr. Charley's Dunmurry (28,143), a very typical terrier, with one fault weak ankles. 480 The Dog Book "1890. This year we had very strong classes, and a very level lot. Mr. Breakell's Bonnet (30,308), a very good one, just a little broad in skull, and too much muscle outside her front, perfect legs and feet, colour, coat, and type; Mr. Graham's Breda Mixer (30,269), one of the best puppies I ever saw; he combines character and quality, with good head and nice front; he may some day beat the lot; he is now the property of the plucky Mr. Mayall. Mr. Backhouse's Bumptious Blue Stocking (30,013), a good typical bitch, rare head and expression; it was well she was not put in bucket in her early youth, as she was sold to Mr. Krehl for 100, 1 am told, and he again sold her to the Earl of Shannon. Mr. Backhouse's Bumptious Blazer (cropped when stolen), a very good little dog; I like him very much when fit, but for his muzzle, which is too weak; he brought in another 100 for his lucky breeder; Mr. Wiener's Merle Grady (30,292), a rare terrier, just the size and type; he is a bit loose in elbows; Mr. Barnett's Beautiful Star (30,262), a wonderfully well-made terrier, wrong in type and expression; Mr. Krehl's Dan'l II. (30,277), a good little sort, not straight; Belfast Show had the record entry; Mr. Vicary the judge. "1891. The Earl of Shannon is buying right and left, and we all wish him good luck; but he has two very good kennels to beat Messrs. Wiener's and Graham's. Mr. S. Pratt's Boddy (first Darlington), a very good puppy, with nice drop-ears, good bone, front, and body, matured- looking for her age when we judged her in July, and too profuse in "coat. I only hope she will last and improve; a real good stamp. Mr. Wiener's Bucket, a nice youngster, with bad ears, and a little wanting in expression, but one like improving much, and I expect to see her a high-class bitch, perfect body, front, and coat; Mr. Graham's Breda Ida, a very grand bitch, and very nearly the best going; her ears and eyes might be smaller; bar this she is good everywhere; Mr. Boyle's Churchtown Chippie (first Armagh), a good typical bitch, a rare mover, and I think will grow into a champion; she is now the property of Mr. Graham, who paid a goodish price for her. Belfast again held the record for the largest entry I believe ever obtained; Mr. Barnett judged. "I must end now, and ask you to pardon the length of my letter. I have only mentioned the best specimens I could recollect, and I am sure I have missed many I ought to have written of." In this same issue of the Irish Terrier Review the editor, Mr. T. R. Ramsey, has this to say under the head of "Progress": The Irish Terrier 481 "Have we, as many say, lost the type, character, and expression that distinguished the breed ? That is to say, have we now produced a terrier without the keen, varrninty and (in profile) sinister appearance and racy outline that we associate with an Irishman ? No, I don't think we have. Put one of the best terriers we have beside a photo of Brickbat or Ted Malone, and see what is the difference. It is not a difference in type, character, or expression; it is this, and this only Brickbat lacked ears and face (we would call him bitchy to-day) and Ted Malone lacked face (re- sembling his sire) in comparison with our present best. The varmintyness is still there, but the absence of the 'crop* detracts from it. If any croaking is required, it appears to be that we must keep our eyes* on the coats, and beware of insufficiently bent stifles and hocks that are not low enough a prevalent fault. No doubt fresh faults crop up (unless it be that old faults become more noticeable), but they are quickly observed and wonderfully quickly eradicated. Think how very prevalent the exaggerated and soft whisker was a few years since, and see how comparatively rare it is to-day; likewise the contracted skull. Both are practically dead with the disap- pearance from the ring of the 'pioneers' of these faults, whose other many excellencies caused the faults to be overlooked. The great difficulty now is to find a first-class and well-bred stud terrier who is not inbred to one particular strain. Undoubtedly this strain has done wonders for the breed, but one can have too much inbreeding, and Irish terriers are bound soon to 'progress backwards' unless a good and well-bred outcross to remedy this state of things be quickly found and freely bred to. There is another thing most of us do not give sufficient attention to, and that is regularly using our terriers to some form of sport. Nothing gives a terrier life and character, hardness and self-reliance to such an extent as hunting, whether it be rats, rabbits, or cats." To that we reply as follows : The Irish terrier of to-day is not what the old ones were like and what the standard was made for, more particu- larly in outline and in foreface, together with expression. We do not mean to say that there is not a single terrier that shows any one of the character- istics named, but that they are not so typical of the breed. Another thing is that we are getting the Irish terriers too large, and we would like to see our Irish Terrier Club adopt a rule to the effect that no club prize could be won by any terrier over a specified weight; just as the Spaniel Club restricts cockers to eighteen pounds and under twenty-four pounds. The 482 The Dog Book Irish Terrier Club of England and that of this country have the same standard description, and the weight given " as most desirable " is twenty-four pounds for dogs and twenty-two for bitches. We think it would be almost impos- sible to get a first-class show dog of the present day under twenty-four pounds, and that many of them weigh from twenty-six to twenty-seven pounds. We have made the same mistake the fox terrier men did some years ago and gone in for dogs that are over size. We recently placed a bitch that weighed close to twenty-two pounds over quite a number of terriers that had been winning at various shows, and some of the ring side critics wanted to know why we placed such a little thing in first place. When told that she was the only terrier in the whole of the classes that was within two pounds of the club standard weight they could not believe it possible and wanted to know what the standard weight was. We will admit that many of the old-time terriers were also over the suggested weight. Spuds most certainly was and so was Banshee, they weighing twenty-six or twenty- seven pounds. Erin was nearer the right thing than the most of those shown in her time. Next to present day size the great difference is ^in foreface. Mr. Ramsay says we would now call the old dogs "bitchy" in face. That is because the Englishmen have gone in for the wrong sort of forefaces in their dogs, beginning with the days when Meersbrook Bristles and his type swept the judges ofF their feet and whiskers and an exaggerated face were called for in other varieties of terriers besides the wire-haired fox. There was no loss of "varminty" expression when cropping was stopped, until the sleepy, tired look came in with the "Taneous" head and the fluffy foreface. Our exhibitors have had opportunities of seeing Borthwick Lass, formerly the English champion Winsome Lass, also Borthwick Rascal, formerly Ulidia Rascal. The latter, if cropping made the difference, would be out of it entirely, for his fault is largish ears, yet these two terriers are the two that would probably be picked as showing the Irish lookout, better than any we now have. Neither is in any way exaggerated in fore- face, in fact Lass is quite medium in that regard, and she is more typical than Rascal. The little Raynham Olivette is another of the same kind. Right size, racing outline and keen Irish expression. Mr. Ramsay is unfortunate in picking the photograph of Brickbat as representative of the old type. We have seen that photograph, and while Brickbat may have been a good dog his photograph does not show that The Irish Terrier 483 he was anything remarkable, and to take him as a type of the days when the standard was framed is certainly erroneous. We cover the old times more fully than has ever been done with the many photographs we reproduce of old dogs, celebrities in their days. For most of which we have to express our indebtedness to Mr. George Jamison. The picture of Erin which is from a drawing made when she was at her best is given not as actualy representing her so much as representing what was to the eyes of Irish terrier men of that time the type of dog they wanted in other words their ideal. Compare this with the tampered photo of Full o' Fight and some others, "improved" to suit the modern ideas of what an Irish terrier should be in head. Perhaps we ought hardly to say modern as applying to to-day, for we believe there is a disposition to let the "coffin" foreface follow the whiskers and Taneous head into oblivion. With regard to Mr. Ramsay's remarks as to too much inbreeding to Breda Mixer, through Muddler and Bolton Woods Mixer, where is he going to get the out-cross ? What dog is there that has not Bolton Woods Mixer blood in his veins, or Breda Muddler's ? But that is nothing to worry about, for we are getting away from them and are already finding them as far back as the third and fourth remove in the pedigrees of the youngsters of to-day. It has been good blood and physically there has been no deterioration, otherwise we would not now be complaining of our dogs getting too large. In another portion of the same article Mr. Ramsay says: "Is it true that we have lost the old Irish terrier and replaced him with something different ? Well, in a sense it is so. Undoubtedly, we have a different terrier to-day. It would speak badly for the success of our attempts at breeding up to an ideal standard if we remained where we were all improvement must entail differences between the dog of to-day and his forebear. But I don't for a moment think that the difference is retro- gressive; on the contrary, it is progressive; we are much nearer our Club standard than ever we were." Mr. Ramsay is best answered by the photographs. If the drawing of Erin, and we have several others of that period drawn on similar lines, and the other photographs represent the type of dog that the framers knew and described in the club standard, how can the head of dogs fashioned on the Full o' Fight model be nearer the standard. Such an alteration as that is not getting nearer the standard, for the standard was never made for such a dog and if one of that kind had been led into the 484 The Dog Book ring in the days of Erin and Sporter, he would have got the gate as a mon- strosity. It must be understood that the Full o' Fight photograph is not the dog as he actually was, for it is cut out below the jaw, trimmed down the legs, along the back and down the quarters, and we only use it to show the supposed typical dog of three years ago as compared with the supposed typical dog when the standard was framed, as shown in the drawings of the Erin type. Another thing not to be overlooked in connection with the old photographs we reproduce is that they were taken when animal photography was in its infancy, instantaneous work was then unknown, and it is doubtful if a single photographer in England or Ireland knew the first principles of posing a dog. It is not necessary to go into details regarding the growth of the Irish terrier in England, so we will condense matters by saying that Breda Mixer, the puppy mentioned by Mr. Pim as coming out in 1890 and as likely "some day to beat the lot," fulfilled his estimate. Mixer did beat all comers, was chosen to represent the typical Irish terrier when the Irish Terrier Club wanted a sketch of the correct type, and proved himself the great stud dog of the breed. His two sons, Bolton Woods Mixer and Breda Muddler, are still living, and Muddler is not yet past his days of usefulness as a sire, even at his advanced age. What descendants they have left from which their successors are to be produced is very uncertain, for at present there is no predominating sire in England. Bolton Woods Mixer's best show son was undoubtedly Straight Tip, now in this country, but though he was as much used at stud as was his sire, his get did not cut such a swathe as did the Bolton Woods Mixer's in the high day of their successes. It is likely that but for the government prohibition against the shipping of dogs from Ireland to Eng- land, the merits of Champion Colin would have received proper recognition. It was to countermine the government order that clever Mr. Graham at once shipped Breda Muddler to England, nearly all of his stud patronage coming from there. With regard to Colin we recall that when the late Mr. Rodman, our Irish Terrier Club secretary, returned from a trip to England and Ireland he told us that he considered Colin the best dog he had seen. When we visited Ireland in 1904 we saw so many good dogs by Colin that, bearing in mind Mr. Rodman's report, we specially visited this dog and although he had not the freshness of youth we do not know of a dog that impressed us more than he did, and but for the positive statement of his owner that The Irish Terrier 485 money could not induce him to part with the dog we would have made every effort to buy him. He was thoroughly Irish in type, well-built and eminently sound in coat. His line is as much of an outcross as one can get from Bolton Woods Mixer and Breda Muddler at the present time and get a winning strain, for he is three removes from Muddler, reaching him through his sire's dam, that excellent bitch, Champion Blue Nettle. Colin's dam is a daughter of Bolton Woods Mixer, but her dam and also the line of Colin's grandsire are outcrosses. Mile End Muddler is another good dog of the Breda Muddler line, but he does not seem to have been at all phenom- enally successful as a sire, in fact there has not been a dog in England since Bolton Woods Mixer's day that has filled his place. We note, however, that Mr. Jowett's Crow Gill Mike seems to be making himself conspicuous. It is now time to turn attention to the Irish terrier in America, the history beginning with the advent of Kathleen, the bitch we brought over in 1880 and showed in the miscellaneous class at New York that year. Kathleen came from the middle counties of Ireland, and her pedigree did not extend beyond her sire and dam. She had won a third at Dublin before we bought her from Mr. Graham, and for us she won two firsts and a second- She was bred to Mr. Krehl's Sporter, and when lying off Staten Island she gave birth to the first Irish terrier puppies born in this country, one of which won a second at New York in 1881 and when sent to England with his dam a few months later had his name changed and won a prize or two there. Dr. J. S. Niven, of London, Ont., was the next to import a few of the breed, and his Norah and Aileen were winners in their day. Mr. Lawrence Timpson had one or two during the eighties, including the dog Garryowen, by Paddy II. out of Erin, but there was nothing here of any account to produce good results from this dog. Mr. J. Coleman Drayton also imported Spuds when she was eight years old and showed her so fat that she had not the slightest resemblance to the flyer we had seen five or six years before. Mr. Mitchell Harrison, who was king-pin among collie exhibitors, bought, when in Ireland in 1887, a brace of Mr. Graham's terriers, a fairly good dog named Breda Jim, and a nice quality, rather small bitch named Breda Tiney. Mr. Charles Thompson, also of Philadelphia, at the same time got the bitch Geesela and had her bred to Benedict before bringing her home with him. From this line came the various Geeselas that have appeared at Philadelphia shows. Breda Tiney won at New York in 1888, but Breda Jim was beaten by another Graham dog named Greymount, a 4 86 The Dog Book son of Gilford. Breda Tiney won at all the leading shows in 1889 and took first in the challenge class at New York in 1890. Mr. Harrison had by this time got a few more of the breed and his Roslyn Dennis and Roslyn Eileen each took a second at New York in 1890, while their son, Roslyn the Mickey, which had beensold to Mr.E. Wetmore,wasfirst in the open dog class. It was at this show that Mr. Walter Comstock showed Breda Florence, a beautiful bitch of Mr. George Jamison's breeding, but sold by him to Mr. Cinnamond, who named her Red Isis and showed her at Glasgow where she was claimed by Graham, who renamed her, showed her successfully, and then sold her to Mr. Comstock. Before Mr. Comstock got her she had been bred to Bachelor and one of her litter was the bitch called Iris, sometimes Breda Iris and so registered in England, also Red Iris, and she is a litter sister to Red Inez. This bitch Breda Iris, as she was then, was bred to Graham's Breda Mixer, and from this mating came Breda Muddler. Mr. Jamison, as late as 1900, wrote us that Breda Florence was "the best bitch we ever had of the breed.'* It was Mr. Comstock's misfortune to lose her by death before she had been here over a year. With the year 1891 Irish terriers evidently got a grip hold, for thirteen dogs and seventeen bitches were entered in the two open classes at New York that year, when Breda Tiney again did duty by herself in the challenge class. First in dogs came Breda Bill, a full brother to Breda Star, the sire of the dam of Breda Mixer and many others. Second to this dog came Mr. Comstock's Mars, a brother to Sauce, who was the dam of the dam of Breda Mixer. This shows that at that time we had some good material in this country, but unfortunately did not make the use of it that we might. Mr. Comstock had Dunmurry to take the place of Breda Florence at the head of the open bitch class. There was a dog entered at this show named Bellman, by the North Fields Yorkshire kennels, a combination of Mr. Symonds of Salem, Mass., and Mr. Toon of Sheffield, England. This Bellman we think was the sire of the dam of Champion Merle Grady's dam, but he does not appear to have been shown. As he was entered at $1,000, while the same kennel's winner, Breda Bill, was only priced at $250, it is evident that, although entered as of unknown breeding, he must have been highly thought of. The Bellman we mean had won well in England in 1888 and 1889. Breda Bill was then bought by Mr. Harrison and won for him at a number of shows. The Irish Terrier 487 At New York in 1892 Dunmurry beat Breda Bill in the challenge class, and Mr. Comstock took first and second in open dogs with Boxer IV. and Hanover Boy. Third to them came Toon and Symonds Jack Briggs, a brother to Banty Norah, dam of Mr. Donner's future champion, Milton Droleen. By this time the breed had become so established that in 1893 it was advanced to the first-class rating of two challenge and two open classes, with one for puppies, and for these a total of thirty-eight entries was made, with no duplicates. There were many good ones in evidence, Jackanapes, owned by Colonel Hilton, taking first in dogs from Merle Grady. Jackanapes is a dog that had very few stud opportunities, but his name is found in many pedigrees and through various lines. Merle Grady later on won his championship and earned fame as the sire of Milton Droleen. Mr. Harrison had a new and good bitch in Candour that won first in her class and was afterwards shown by Dr. Jarrett. A novice class was added to the schedule for New York in 1895, prior to which, however, we should mention that among the prominent winners in 1894 were Jack Briggs, Merle Grady, Jackanapes and Brickbat, Jr., in dogs, and Dunmurry, Candor and Hill Top Surprise, a daughter of Jack- anapes, who won first at New York and other shows. At this show of 1895 the entry in challenge classes was excellent, Jackanapes winning in dogs and Dunmurry in bitches. In open dogs Brian O'K won in some mysterious way from Brigg's Best, but that was not the only peculiar decision, for Milton Droleen was put back to V.H.C. in the novice class. Mr. Taylor of England judged, and was quite out of his element with the Irish terriers. The next event of importance was the addition of Mr. Oliver Ames to the list of exhibitors, together with Mr. W. W. Caswell, the former showing two good ones in Tory and Rum, and Mr. Caswell securing the renamed Willmount Highwayman, Endcliffe Matchbox and a few others. Leeds Muddler was also sent over by Mr. Ashton in 1898 and after being shown at Boston and New York was bought by Messrs Rodwell and Van Schaick, who a year later disposed of the dog to Mr. Howard Willetts and he was retired from public service. Milton Droleen, who had had a successful career in 1896 and 1897, was not in her usual good condition this spring and after being defeated at Boston was not shown at New York, permitting Rum and Mr. CaswelFs Endcliffe Fusee to contest the honours in the Free for All at Madison Square Garden. In 1899 the roll of exhibitors was added to by the appearance of Mr. John I. Taylor of Boston, who purchased 488 The Dog Book 9 ^J EndclifFe Muddle from Toon and Thomas, and won three firsts at New York show. Mrs. Kernochan also showed as the Hempstead Kennel's, her best being Red Gem, which had a very successful career for many years, and after this show she purchased Lorton Belle, which Mr. Raper brought over and got second with her to Rum in the winners' class. Lorton Belle did not hold her own for long, as at the next New York show she was beaten by both Red Gem and another new one of Mrs. Kernochan's, renamed Meadows Bridget. Inverness Shamrock, shown on this occasion by Mr. Raper and placed second to a dog called Ardle Topper, was then added to the Hempstead Kennels, which could now show an excellent kennel of four and won many specials with them. During this year Mr. George Thomas sold his Irish terriers to the Rushford Kennels and imported some new ones to add thereto, with the result that it soon became the most conspicuous contestant, and Mr. Bruckheimer's Master- piece was the only terrier able to contend successfully against the Rush- ford's in 1902. Masterpiece came out at the show of the Pet Dog Club, held at the Metropolitan Opera House in November, 1900, and carried all before him, indeed, the dog was never beaten till he met Celtic Badger at New York in 1903. This was beyond doubt the best American bred dog of his day, or up to the present time. Indeed, not a few excellent terrier judges considered that on that occasion Celtic Badger was fortunate. We take no sides in the matter, but we are fully of the opinion that Badger improved quite a good deal during the following year, for he was slow in developing and when first shown at New York he was not so good in pasterns as he became later on. Mr. Jowett after judging Badger at the Boston show of 1905, told us that he was a greatly improved dog since he last saw him, adding that had they had any idea he would be the dog he then was it is extremely doubtful if he would ever have been allowed to come to this country. His criticism of Badger as nearly as we can recall his words were: "His head is not altogether what I want, for it is a little on the Taneous order in its straightness of the side lines. He has a good eye and carries his ears well. His neck is first-class and his back is good. His hind quarters could not be improved upon and he has just the kind of coat I like." At the Philadelphia show of November, 1902, Mr. L. Loring Brooks of Boston showed a very nice puppy named Iroquois Muddle, which Mrs. Harding Davis bought later on, and won third to Badger and Masterpiece ". RED HILLS KENNEL IRISH TERRIERS AT WORK m "HIGHLAND MUSIC" By Sir Edwin Landseer, R. A Painted probably about 1835. Showing the ordinary run of Highland Terriers from which the Scottish was produced The Irish Terrier 489 at New York. Outside of these three the quality was not high. Drogheda should perhaps be excepted from that remark, for he was a very useful dog, with a keen expression somewhat lacking in Mrs. Kernochan's Inverness Shamrock, who was not a good shower. The new comers of 1904 included Selwonk Kudos and Red Hill's Doctor in dogs and a nice collection of bitches shown by Mr. E. S. Woodward in the name of the Raynham Kennels. His best bitches were better, we consider, than the dogs named, and he won many prizes with them wherever shown. They included Olivette, Radium, Surprise, all with the prefix of Raynham, and of these Olivette was the best, for though smaller than we usually see, she has excellent expression and for her inches shows much of the desirable racing outline. In addition to Mr. L. Loring Brooks, who has been very prominent as a breeder for many years, Mr. S. P. Martin of Philadelphia has for some time been showing terriers of his own breeding, many of them very good in outline but rather too pointed in face, a fault which he is breeding out in a judicious manner, and as his entries show improvement he is and will continue to be a dangerous factor in home-bred and American-bred classes. In the fall of 1904 a much needed impetus was given to this breed by the importation of a number of terriers by Mr. R. B. Adam of Buffalo, but at that time our judges' ideas were very much astray as to the right type of the Irish terrier and were of the opinion that the narrow Taneous head with heavy fluffy whiskers were the proper thing. The result was that as the new importations were flatter and wider in skull they were hardly done justice to, and Celtic Bella, a bitch that had for the previous six months defeated the pick of the dogs and bitches in England at every show she was exhibited at in England and Ireland, and twice won the Graham Cup, was roughly treated. To be sure of defeating the new comers other exhibitors also imported at very heavy expense, and as the only dogs that they could purchase as winners in England were similar in head to Mr. Adam's dogs, he at least had the satisfaction of thus demonstrating that his dogs were correct as to type of head. Mr. Adam also strengthened his kennel for the New York show, with the result that when Mr. Jowett saw the turnout at Madison Square Garden last February he made no hesitation in saying that it was the best all-round exhibition of the breed he had seen anywhere for many years. On this occasion the new Rowsley Kennels won with the recently imported dog The Irish Terrier 489 at New York. Outside of these three the quality was not high. Drogheda should perhaps be excepted from that remark, for he was a very useful dog, with a keen expression somewhat lacking in Mrs. Kernochan's Inverness Shamrock, who was not a good shower. The new comers of 1904 included Seiwonk Kudos and Red Hill's Doctor in dogs and a nice collection of bitches shown by Mr. E. S. Woodward in the name of the Raynham Kennels. His best bitches were better, we consider, than the dogs named, and he won many prizes with them wherever shown. They included Olivette, Radium, Surprise, all with the prefix of Raynham, and of these Olivette was the best, for though smaller than we usually see, she has excellent expression and for her inches shows much of the desirable racing outline. In addition to Mr. L. Loring Brooks, who has been very prominent as a breeder for many years, Mr. S. P. Martin of Philadelphia has for some time been showing terriers of his own breeding, many of them very good in outline but rather too pointed in face, a fault which he is breeding out in a judicious manner, and as his entries show improvement he is and will continue to be a dangerous factor in home-bred and American-bred classes. In the fall of 1904 a much needed impetus was given to this breed by the importation of a number of terriers by Mr. R. B. Adam of Buffalo, but at that time our judges' ideas were very much astray as to the right type of the Irish terrier and were of the opinion that the narrow Taneous head with heavy fluffy whiskers were the proper thing. The result was that as the new importations were flatter and wider in skull they were hardly done justice to, and Celtic Bella, a bitch that had for the previous six months defeated the pick of the dogs and bitches in England at every show she was exhibited at in England and Ireland, and twice won the Graham Cup, was roughly treated. To be sure of defeating the new comers other exhibitors also imported at very heavy expense, and as the only dogs that they could purchase as winners in England were similar in head to Mr. Adam's dogs, he at least had the satisfaction of thus demonstrating that his dogs were correct as to type of head. Mr. Adam also strengthened his kennel for the New York show, with the result that when Mr. Jowett saw the turnout at Madison Square Garden last February he made no hesitation in saying that it was the best all-round exhibition of the breed he had seen anywhere for many years. On this occasion the new Rowsley Kennels won with the recently imported dog 4QO The Dog Book Historian, next to him coming Mr. Adam's new puppy, Borthwick Benedict. High honours in the bitch division went to Mr. Munson Morris's new im- portation, Courtlandt Kate Kearney, who excels in front and body. Since the New York show England's best known dog, Straight Tip, has been imported by Mr. Giffbrd A. Cochrane, and only on one occasion has he been defeated since his arrival, and that by Historian, when Mr. Van Schaick judged at Brooklyn. Of this decision we are not justified in speaking, as we were at the Chicago show that week. Straight Tip is not always equally good. We know that horses sulk and decline to put forth their best efforts, and sometimes it may be that this dog does not care about doing his best to win, or to impress the judge. When he does show himself we know of no dog that can beat him for a certainty, and no person would be justified in saying off-hand that Badger could do so, for he has not met a dog of the calibre of Straight Tip at his best. Both are, however, getting on in years, and it is full time that some good new dog made his appearance. There is every indication that we have got very near to an equal footing with English breeders in producing promising stock, for of late we have seen quite a number that show distinct advance in type and character from what has been the case previously. There is in this breed, as in some others where advance has been made, evidence that breeders have given up the idea of producing good ones from sires and dams from good parents and not themselves good, and when we reach that stage it is presumptive evidence that we may look for improvement. We have already expressed some opinions regarding the desirable points in this breed and now repeat in condensed form what they were. We consider that the essentials to be regarded by the judge are : Type in body, meaning the racing outline characteristic of this breed; expression and shape of head, and given the former the latter can hardly be wrong, providing it is not narrow and round skulled; coat of correct texture is another essential, and that implies no fluffy whiskers on the lips; a closer approach to the standard weight should also be seen to by all judges, so that we may place the Irish terrier in his proper place as a red wire-haired dog somewhat larger than the fox terrier, and not a small Airedale. The standard by which dogs are supposed to be judged is very old and was the work of a committee many being amateurs more or less ignorant of the breed from practical experience. A very much clearer and more easily understood text is the original description drawn up by The Irish Terrier 491 Mr. R. G. Ridgway and endorsed by twenty-four of the best known Irish breeders. It was this combination of breeders which induced Stonehenge to recognise the breed, though it was done reluctantly: "Head long and rather narrow across the skull [This is a comparative term suitable for that period, and the illustrations of the old winning terriers show what rather narrow then meant. ED.]; flat, and perfectly free from stop or wrinkle. Muzzle long and rather pointed, but strong in make, with good black nose and free from loose flesh and chop. Teeth perfectly level and evenly set in good strong jaws. Ears, when uncut, small and filbert- shaped, and lying close to the head, colour of which is somewhat darker than rest of body; hair on ears short and free from fringe. Neck tolerably long and well arched. Legs moderately long, well set from shoulders, with plenty of bone and muscle; must be perfectly straight, and covered, like the ears and head, with the same texture of coat as the body, but not quite so long. Eyes small, keen and hazel colour. Feet strong, tolerably round, with toes well split up; most pure specimens have black toe nails. Chest muscular and rather deep, but should not be either full or wide. Body moderately long, with ribs well sprung; loin and back should show great strength and all well knit together. Coat must be hard, rough and wiry, in decided contradistinction to softness, shagginess, silkiness, and all parts perfectly free from lock or curl. Hair on head and legs not quite so long as rest of body. Colour most desired is red, and the brighter the colour the better. Next in order wheaten or yellow, and grey, but brindle is to be objected to, thereby showing intermixture of the bull breed." In the standard founded upon the foregoing by the club of England and Ireland when it was organised, there are many indications of the fussy faddiness of the beginner in expounding inconsequential details, such as a negative penalty for white toe nails and for anything over a speck of white on chest. We were one of the aforesaid beginners, and of the entire ten committeemen in the English section probably one, possibly two, had bred a litter of Irish terriers, and two, George R. Krehl and James Watson, had exhibited. Of the Irish ten, four were well-known exhibitors. The English section particularly did a lot of amateurish things also in getting up stake conditions, which, with the conservatism of Englishmen, remain unaltered to this day and were adopted without thought or investigation by our Irish Terrier Club. The standard of both clubs is the same, and is as follows: 492 The Dog Book DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Long; skull flat and rather narrow between ears, getting slightly narrower towards the eye; free from wrinkle; stop hardly visible, except in profile. The jaw must be strong and muscular, but not too full in the cheek, and of a good punishing length. There should be a slight falling away below the eye, so as not to have a greyhound appearance. Hair on face of same description as on body, but short (about a quarter of an inch long), in appearance almost smooth and straight; a slight beard is the only longish hair (and it is long only in comparison with the rest) that is permissible, and that is characteristic. Teeth. Should be strong and level. Lips. Not so tight as a bull terrier's, but well-fitting, showing through the hair their black lining. Nose. Must be black. Eyes. A dark hazel colour, small, not prominent, and full of life, fire and intelligence. Ears. Small and V-shaped, of moderate thickness, set wejl on the head, and dropping forward closely to the cheek. The ear must be free of fringe, and the hair thereon shorter and darker in colour than the body. Neck. Should be of a fair length, and gradually widening towards the shoulders, well carried, and free of throatiness. There is generally a slight sort of frill visible at each side of the neck, running nearly to the corner of the ear. Shoulders and chest. Shoulders must be fine, long and sloping well into the back; the chest deep and muscular, but neither full nor wide. Back and loin. Body moderately long; back should be strong and straight, with no appearance of slackness behind the shoulders; the loin broad and powerful and slightly arched; ribs fairly sprung, rather deep than round, and well-ribbed back. Hindquarters. Should be strong and muscular, the thighs powerful, hocks near the ground, stifles moderately bent. Stern -Generally docked; should be free of fringe or feather, but well covered with rough hair, set on pretty high, carried gaily, but not over the back or curled. The Irish Terrier 493 Feet and legs. Feet should be strong, tolerably round, and moderately small; toes arched and neither turned out nor in; black toe nails are most desirable. Legs moderately long, well set from the shoulders, perfectly straight with plenty of bone and muscle; the elbows working freely clear of the sides; pasterns short and straight, hardly noticeable. Both fore and hind legs should be moved straight forward when travelling, the stifles not turned outward, the legs free of feather and covered, like the head, with as hard a texture of coat as body, but not so long. Coat. Hard and wiry, free of softness or silkiness, not so long as to hide the outlines of the body, particularly in the hindquarters, straight and flat, no shagginess, and free of lock or curl. Colour. Should be "whole coloured," the most preferable being bright red, red, wheaten or yellow red. White sometimes appears on chest and feet; it is more objectionable on the latter than on the chest, as a speck of white on chest is frequently to be seen in all self-coloured breeds. Size and symmetry. The most desirable weight in show condition is, for a dog twenty-four pounds, and for a bitch twenty-two pounds. The dog must present an active, lively, lithe and wiry appearance; lots of sub- stance, at the same time free of clumsiness, as speed and endurance, as well as power, are very essential. They must be neither "cloddy nor cobby," but should be framed on the " lines of speed," showing a graceful "racing outline." Temperament. Dogs that are very game are usually surly or snappish. The Irish terrier, as a breed, is an exception, being remarkably good tem- pered, notably so with mankind, it being admitted, however, that he is perhaps a little too ready to resent interference on the part of other dogs. There is a heedless, reckless pluck about the Irish terrier which is character- istic, and, coupled with the headlong dash, blind to all consequences, with which he rushes at his adversary, has earned for the breed the proud epithet of "The Dare Devils." When "off duty" they are characterised by a quiet, caress-inviting appearance, and when one sees them endearingly, timidly pushing their heads into their master's hands, it is difficult to realise that on occasion, at the "set-on," they can prove they have the courage of a lion, and will fight on to the last breath in their bodies. They develop an extraordinary devotion to, and have been known to track their masters almost incredible distances. 494 The Dog Book SCALE OF POINTS POSITIVE POINTS NEGATIVE POINTS Head, ear and expression 20 White nails, toes and feet, .minus IO Legs and feet 15 Much white on chest " 10 Neck 5 Dark shadings on face " 10 Shoulders and chest 10 Mouth undershot or cank- Back and loin 5 ered " 10 Hind quarters and stern 10 Coat shaggy, curly or soft " IO Coat 15 Uneven in colour " Colour IO Size and symmetry IO Total IOO Total 50 Photo by E*E, Lippiatt, Leamtngton.'Eng'. MILVERTON KING Photo by E. E, Lifpiatt, Learning-ton, Enf. MILVERTON LADY CH. BLACKET, JR. CHAPTER XXXIV THE DANDIE DINMONT TERRIER UT for Sir Walter Scott there is reasonable doubt as to whether the Dandie Dinmont terrier would ever have reached the dignity of being considered a breed. The hound origin of this terrier is most decided and his re- semblance to the Bedlington in ears, coat and linty topknot points to a close relationship between them. The low legs of the Dandie are of course in decided contrast to the Bedlington's legs, but it only needs a glance at the Dandie to show that he is a dog reduced on the leg, for his head and other proportions are those of a taller dog. James Davidson, the Dandie Dinmont of Sir Walter Scott, is claimed to have written on a slip of paper, dated 1800, that from a reddish bitch named Tarr and a light shaggy dog named Pepper which he obtained from a Mr. Brown of Bonjed- ward, he bred the race of dogs called Dandie Dinmont. This slip of paper is alleged to have been sent by Davidson to the Hon. George D. Bailie of Monteith and was brought to light by Mr. J. C. Macdona. A correspondent of the London Field of January 30, 1869, writing as "A Breeder Sportsman," stated that Tarr and Pepper were small dogs, members of a well-known variety which ran from thirteen to eighteen pounds. He also states that Davidson got another of the same variety from Rothbury on the Coquet, where the breed was found in the greatest perfection, and this dog was also used by Davidson in producing his Peppers and Mustards. Rothbury on the Coquet was where the Bedlingtons came from originally and they were first called Rothbury terriers. Doubtless these were thoroughly game little dogs, but we venture to think that we owe the Dandie Dinmont to the care of the clever breeders of the Kelso and Hawick districts, who from the game dog possessing only some general characteristics developed the dog of type and character which we know as the Dandie Dinmont. Davidson's connection with the breed was not that of an originator, for he merely bred on from a few dogs of a well-known variety. Beyond desiring to get a small, thoroughly game dog 495 496 The Dog Book for vermin there is nothing known of Davidson's ideas or whether he had anything like a fixed type in his breeding. That we imagine came when the variety was taken up by a later generation. We must also take into consideration that Davidson was only one of many who undoubtedly had these terriers, and it is well known that he did not keep what he bred to himself. Hence about all we owe to Davidson is the fact that Sir Walter Scott's mention of him as Dandie Dinmont gave the name to this variety. Mr. E. Bradshaw Smith seems to have been the gentleman to whom we owe the placing of the breed upon a firm footing, for he got hold of a number of dogs from various owners who had descendants of the Hindlee dogs and bred up to a standard. Mr. Locke was another who did much for the breed some years ago. At present the Dandie seems very strong in England and Scotland, and at the recent show at Altrincham, where Mrs. Lloyd Rayner judged, there were no less than fifty-five entries. In America the Dandie has never achieved popularity. Now and again we come across a specimen, but how few there are and have been is well shown by the fact that for ten years the total registrations of the breed with the Kennel Club has been but five, and for the past five years only two have been shown throughout the entire country. It looks as if we meet once more with the evidence that Americans are not prone to take hold of curiosities when there are other breeds which possess more taking qual- ities. There is nothing the Dandie can do that other varieties of terrier cannot also accomplish, and others possess attractions the Dandie does not. You can lead the American to the dog show easily enough, but he is not going to be cajoled into buying what he does not fancy. The result is therefore that the Dandie has no history in this country and the little we have said regarding the breed is all that is necessary, coupled with the extravagantly long descriptive particulars of the Dandie Dinmont Club standard. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Strongly made and large, not out of proportion to the dog's size; the muscles showing extraordinary development, more especially the maxillary. Skull. Broad between the ears, getting gradually less towards the eyes and measuring about the same from the inner corner of the eye to back of skull as it does from ear to ear; forehead well domed. The head 498 The Dog Book drop from top of loins to root of tail; both sides of backbone well supplied with muscle. Belly. Slightly drawn up. Body. Long, strong and flexible; ribs well sprung and round. Length from top of shoulder to root of tail should not be more than twice the dog's height, but preferably one or two inches less. Fore legs. Straight and short, with immense muscular development and bone; set wide apart, the chest coming well down between them. Bandy legs are objectionable. The hair on the fore legs and feet of a blue dog should be tan, varying according to the body colour from a rich tan to a pale fawn; of a mustard dog they are of a shade darker than its head, which is creamy white. In both colours there is a nice feather, about two inches long, rather lighter in colour than the hair on the fore part of the leg. Hind legs. A little longer than the fore ones, and are set rather wide apart, but not spread out in an unnatural manner. Thighs well developed, the hair of the same colour and texture as the fore legs, but having no feather nor dew claws. Feet. Fore feet well formed and not flat, with very strong brown or dark coloured claws. Flat feet are objectionable. The hair on the fore feet of a blue dog should be tan, varying according to the body colour from a rich tan to pale fawn. Of a mustard dog, they are of a shade darker than its head, which is creamy white. Hind feet much smaller; the whole claws should be dark, but the claws vary in shade according to the colour of the dog's body. Tail. Rather short, say from eight to ten inches and covered with wiry hair of darker colour than that of the body. The hair on the under side being lighter in colour and not so wiry, with a nice feather two inches long, getting shorter as it nears the tip; rather thick at the root, getting thicker for about four inches, then tapering off to a point. It should not be curved or twisted but should come up with a regular curve like a scimitar, the tip when excited being in a perpendicular line with the root of the tail. It should be set on neither too high nor too low. When not excited it is carried gaily a little above the level of the body. Coat. Two inches long, that from skull to root of tail a mixture of hardish and soft hair, which gives a sort of crisp feel to the hand. The hard hair should not be wiry; the coat is what is termed pily or pencilled. Photo bp W, Davey f Soni, Harrawgate, En Photo hy W. Davey & Sons, Harrowgate, Eng f MARKINGTON SUNSHINE'S PUPPIES BY CH. PIPER GRAY Property of Mrs. Hugh Ripley, Markington, Leeds, Eng. CHAPTER XXXV THE SKYE TERRIER HE terriers of the North of Scotland are so similar in their bodily appearance as to admit of little doubt that they are well established varieties of the same family. We refer to the Skye terrier and what is now known as the Scottish terrier. There can be no question that the family is a very old one, probably the oldest of all the terriers. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Hamilton Smith, who wrote the two volumes on the dogs, wolves and foxes, for the Naturalists' Library, published in 1840, draws attention to the fact that the Agasseus of Oppian is not the gazehound mentioned by early English writers. Agasseus was a rendering of the old Celtic word agass, which simply meant dog, and Oppian describes them as "Crooked, slender, rugged and full eyed." Oppian's description has been quoted as being a reference to the beagle, but Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton Smith decides that on the whole the above description, together with what follows concerning the powers of scent, is more applicable to the native terrier. That authority also held that the agassei were what were called in old English Teasers, and says: "Although the Celtic agass denotes simply a dog, it may be observed that the modern French agacer, to tease, to provoke, is neither of Latin or Prankish origin, and therefore most likely is derived from an original Gallic root. The meaning of the verb is perfectly applica- ble to this ancient lurcher, and to the large terriers still used in the German hunting packs for the purpose of rousing or provoking the wild boar from his lair and make him break cover. Ridinger figured this ancient dog under the name of sau-finder, and our diminutive terrier, particularly the Scottish rough-haired breed, is therefore the race we look upon as the most ancient dog of Britain, though the opinion that would make it in- digenous is very questionable. These lurcher terriers, or agassei, were originally all more or less buff or sandy coloured, with rugged and coarse hair, pointed ears, hairy tail, short legged, but of very high courage, grappling 5O2 The Dog Book with any animal, bull, bear, wolf, or badger, and displaying extraor- dinary dexterity in the destruction of vermin, qualities which they still retain in the utmost perfection." Colonel Hamilton Smith gives no further details of the terriers, but gives four illustrations, one of an Isle of Skye terrier and three terriers he specifies as Scottish, of which the latter do not concern us at present. At that time the Skye terrier was thoroughly well known throughout the United Kingdom, Queen Victoria having specimens of the breed, an ex- ample which was followed by many of her faithful "people." To account for the length of coat on the Skye terrier we have the usual statement as to introduced crosses, some alleging that poodles from wrecked ships of the Spanish Armada were crossed on the native dogs and thus produced the longer coats. It must not be supposed that the length of coat mentioned by Stonehenge and those who wrote at that period was anything like what we are now accustomed to see, and a little common sense in appreciating what modern fanciers have accomplished within thirty years will also enable the reader to understand that the many years of the breed's existence before it became known would permit of the added length of coat by a very limited amount of selection and following of fancy in developing a dog with a moderate length of coat from such a dog as we now have in the Scottish terrier. One has only to go back some twenty years to find in the English kennel papers letters of protest against the length of coat of show specimens of that date as being altogether wrong in the Skye terrier, yet they would be considered out of coat nowadays. What is really of more importance than coat in the way of change is the ear carriage. Twenty-five years ago the drop-eared Skye was the correct thing, and a Mr. Pratt of Paddington had a splendid kennel of this variety. The erect-eared dogs were then unfashionable, and Stonehenge repudiated them, but the tide turned and so far as this country is concerned we cannot recall when we saw a drop-eared Skye. They still have them in England, but they are now in as much of a minority as the pricked-eared ones were in Mr. Pratt's time, thirty years ago. The term Skye, as applied by the American public not conversant with details of breeds, covers a larger field than any other name in the dog world, and although this is not so much the case as it was a few years ago, yet it is necessary to say that the small long-coated terriers are not Skyes, but are mainly of Yorkshire extraction. The Skye is a dog weighing The Skye Terrier 503 over twenty pounds in modern specimens Mr. Pratt's terriers ran from fourteen up to eighteen pounds, but they would now be considered far too small and it is not unlikely that some of the large English dogs run well over twenty pounds. The predominating colour is a dark blue, though some show greyish, the coat being a mixture of white hairs running through the black. Whatever the colour is, however, it should be uniform over the head and body, and not show lighter on the head than it is elsewhere. The shape of the body is long, and he is low on the leg, with plenty of substance for his size. The improperly called Skyes are small pets, with silver body colour, flaxen heads and tan legs, and the body is squarer on the legs. This information is not published for dog experts, but to correct a widely held but erroneous idea in this country that these little imperfect specimens of Yorkshire terriers are Skyes. The Skye terrier has never been taken to kindly by fanciers in the United States, and those who have gone in for them have never kept them for any length of lime. This we attribute to the difficulty in keeping them in coat in our warm climate and the amount of attention called for to keep show specimens in proper condition.. The one American exception is in the case of Mr. Caverhill of Montreal, who for several years has shown many excellent Skye terriers, some of them imported and others of his own breeding. The Swiss Mountain Kennels also had one or two very good Skyes a few years ago, but gave up the breed after a brief trial. Going back to earlier times we can only recall one exhibitor who was at all prominent for any length of time, and that was Mr. Sanderson of West Philadelphia, who was very successful at shows held twenty years ago, and Sanderson's Jim and his kennel mates had things their own way wherever shown. At the last New York show there was not a Skye on exhibition; in 1904 there was but one and in 1903 there were six. Mrs. Robert H. McCurdy's Wolverley Wallie was the winner in dogs from Mr. Caverhill's home-bred Moorland Lad and in third place we had the patriarch Arden II., who then made his last annual appearance at the advanced age of eleven years. In the bitch class Mr. Caverhill took first and second with sisters to Moorland Lad, named Queen and Silver Ray. All of these were prick-eared Skyes, as indeed have been all exhibited here, to the best of our recollection, though we do not state this as a positive fact. 504 The Dog Book \ The points of the Skye terrier are not very elaborately described in the standard, and are not very much in evidence in the dog, which to the eye is all hair upon a long and low body. The standard adopted by the Skye Terrier Club of England is as follows: DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Long, with powerful jaws and incisive teeth, closing level, or upper just fitting over under. Skull wide at front of brow, narrowing between ears and tapering gradually towards muzzle, with little falling in between or behind the eyes. Eyes hazel, medium size, close set. Muzzle [nose] always black. Ears. When pricked, not large, erect at outer edges and slanting toward each other at inner from peak to skull. When pendent, larger, hanging straight, lying flat and close at front. Body. Pre-eminently long and low, shoulders broad, chest deep, ribs well sprung and oval shaped, giving flattish appearance to sides. Hind- quarters and flank full and well developed. Back level and slightly declining from top of hip joint to shoulders. Neck long and gentlv crested. Tail. When hanging, upper half perpendicular, under half thrown backward in a curve. When raised, a prolongation of the incline of the back, and not rising higher nor curling up. Legs. Short, straight and muscular. No dew claws. Feet large and pointing forward. Coat. Undercoat short, close, soft and woolly. Overcoat long, aver- aging five and one-half inches, hard, straight, flat and free from crisp or curl. Hair on head shorter, softer and veiling forehead and eyes; on ears, overhanging inside, falling down and mingling with the side locks, not heavily, but surrounding the ear like a fringe and allowing its shape to ap- pear. Tail also gracefully feathered. Colour. Dark or light blue or grey, or fawn with black points. Shade of head and legs approximating that of body. Weight. Average, dog eighteen pounds; bitch sixteen pounds. No dog should be over twenty pounds, nor under sixteen pounds; no bitch should be over eighteen pounds nor under fourteen pounds. The Skye Terrier 505 SCALE OF POINTS Size : Height with length and propor- tions, 10 inches high, 5 points ; 9 inches high, 10 points; 8 inches high, 15 points 15 Head: Skull and eyes 10 Jaws and teeth 5 15 Ears: Carriage, with shape, size and feather 10 Body: Back and neck 10 Chest and ribs 5 15 Tail: Carriage and feather 10 Legs: Straightness and shortness. . . .5 Strength 5 10 Coat: Hardness 10 Lankness 5 Length 5 20 Colour and Condition 5 Total . . 100 Penalties. Over extreme weight to be handicapped five points per pound of excess. Over or under shot mouth to disqualify. Doctored ears or tails to disqualify. No extra value for greater length of coat than five and one-half inches. Not to be commended under a total of sixty points, highly commended under sixty-five points or very highly commended under seventy points, and to receive no specials under seventy-five points. TERRIER" "A WHITE TERRIER" "A SCOTCH TERRIER' These two illustration* are from Sir William Jardine's " Natural History," 1840, thVdog volumes IX. and X. being contributed by Lieut.-Col. Chas. Hamilton Smith "THE SKYE TERRIER" From a painting by A. Cooper, R. A., probably 1830; may have been earlier. Cooper lived 1787-1868 W. B. SMITH'S " SCOTCH TERRIERS CH. THE LAIRD Property of the Craigdarroch Kennels, and doubtless the best Scottish terrier shown in this country CHAPTER XXXVI THE SCOTTISH TERRIER HOUGH undoubtedly a very old breed, the Scottish terrier is quite modern so far as knowledge of the variety outside of restricted sections of northern Scotland is concerned. Before taking up the history of the Scottish terrier we must first ask our readers to thoroughly understand that not a word was ever written regarding this breed till about 1880. One can find no end of information about the Scotch terrier, but that was a different dog altogether. Dalziel in "British Dogs," 1880, expressed regret that such a useful dog as the Scotch terrier had not been taken up and made something of, and he described it as a rough-haired sandy dog, though they came darker. Dalziel was a Dumfrieshire man, if we are not mistaken, and described the dog just as we remember it from our boyhood. He stood fairly well upon his legs and ran about fifteen pounds as a usual thing. He was rough-coated all over, body and head, a somewhat bristly coat that stood out and was dense as well. That was the dog that was everywhere known as the Scotch terrier. The brace of terriers drawn by Smith gives a good idea of the dog, and so does Spink's Bounce in Stone- henge's group illustration, shown in the introduction to the terrier family, Chapter XXVI., only that there is a little too much lay down about his coat. There is no doubt, however, that the term Scotch was decidedly an elastic one and Lieut. Colonel Hamilton Smith gives no less than three Scotch terriers, all differing, and not one the present-day Scottish terrier. One looks like a drop-eared Skye, another like the low, rough black and tan of England, while the head of Fury is more like the little rat killer that Dalziel wrote about and we also knew. Landseer introduced small, short-haired terriers in some of his High- land paintings, a mongrelly lot, such as St. John mentions in his " Wild Sports of the Highlands," written about 1844, as accompanying the high- land fox, or tod hunter " a miscellaneous tail of terriers of every degree." St. John does not discriminate in his use of Skye and Highland in his 507 The Scottish Terrier 509 illustration of a Scottish terrier, labeled "Mr. J. Gordon Murray's Skye terrier Otter." Then ensued a war fought with all the stubborn determination of the Scotchman when he is sure his cause is just. "This west country dog is only an Aberdeen terrier and must be known as such." "Not at all, the Aberdeen terrier is merely a stray from the western highlands and must be called Highland terrier." Thus they argued and wrote till someone suggested that as it was all Scotland anyway, why not call them Scottish terriers ? This not being a victory for the opposition each side agreed, and thereby came the name of Scottish for the game little "Die hard." There was also a discussion as to the ears being erect or tipping like a collie's, but that was settled in favour of the straight ear, although the old standard says they may be pricked or half pricked. After which all parties settled down to the business of breeding and improving the Scottish terrier and pushing it into a prominent position worthy of its national name. That they have succeeded in so doing the records attest, and the Scottish terrier is one of the most popular in England at the present time. In the early days of the fancy across the Atlantic the late Captain Mackie was very prominent in its support, and another who did much good work in the same direction was Mr. H. J. Ludlow, to whom is due the credit of breeding no less than twelve English champions. The Scottish terrier's career in this country has not been a bed of roses, but rather on the order of the national "flower" of its own country. It was taken up with a vim by Mr. Brooks and Mr. Ames of Boston, and one or two others some years ago, but there was no getting the public to take to it. It did not attract, hence there was no popularity and we can recall the time when Mr. Brooks could not even give some of his young stock away. After that the ebb tide ran out so far that it looked as if it would never turn to flood again, but along came a Westerner with a reserve stock of enthusiasm, and back came the Scottie with a rush that carried it to a well earned high-water mark. A club was established and the breed put on a substantial foundation, thanks to the energy of Dr. C. Fayette Ewing of St. Louis. To go back to the beginning of the Scottie in America means the recording of the importations of Mr. John H. Naylor of Chicago, the pioneer exhibitor of the breed, who was showing Tarn Glen and Bonnie Belle in 1883. His next importation was Heather, and at New York in 1884 Heather 5io The Dog Book beat Tarn Glen in the class for rough-haired terriers. This brace did good service for Mr. Naylor, but of course they were not quite up to modern show form, though good little dogs and typical. From a class for rough-haired terriers, the New York classification advanced to Scotch and hard-haired terriers, and in that class as late as 1886 Mr. Prescott Lawrence showed two Airedales, the only entries. In 1888 a class for Scotch failed to secure an entry. In 1890 three entries were made, "Scotch" Bailey showing the winner in Meadowthorpe Donald, with Mr. Naylor's latest importation, Rosie, in second place. So far the fancy had dragged along, but now the Toon and Symonds com- bination took up the importation of terriers and Kilstor was shown by them in 1891, taking first at New York and five other shows. For 1892 the same firm had Scotch Hot for first at New York, defeating Kilstor, next to whom came Glenelg, shown by Mr. T. H. Garlick, of Philadelphia, who still keeps in touch with the breed and frequently officiates in the distribu- tion of awards, though he is more of a wire-haired terrier man now. With 1892 came the boom in the breed, and the Wankie Kennels, which was the exhibiting name of the Messrs. Brooks and Ames, began a most successful career. In the kennel were such good dogs as Kilroy, Kilcree, Culbleau and others, and at New York in 1893 all three first prizes went to the Wankie Kennels, the classification being a mixed challenge class and two open classes. Toon and Symonds then got Tiree and Rhudu- man and it was not long before the Wankie Kennels concluded to purchase the pair. Tiree was a grand little dog, and we are under the impression that he won a special for the best in the show at Philadelphia in 1893, though the catalogue has no mention of such a special. The year 1895 at New York marked a high record for the breed, when no fewer than thirty-nine Scottish terriers were shown. Two American bred classes, the first for any breed, if we mistake not, since the old times of "native" setters. In these classes fourteen of the fifteen were duplicate entries and two puppies were also duplicates, raising the total entry to fifty-five. Of the thirty-nine dogs, sixteen were from the Brooks-Ames kennel and seven from the Newcastle Kennels of Mr. J. L. Little, and these exhibitors took fifteen of the nineteen prizes awarded, Mr. Little's modest share being a first and a third in open dogs, his first prize winner being Bellingham Bailiff, quite a successful dog in his day. The natural result followed this one-sided distribution of the prize The Scottish Terrier 511 money and three years later we find the entry reduced to nine dogs and bitches. Mr. Brooks had retired by this time, but Mr. Ames took all three firsts that were awarded, that in the novice class being withheld, in which he however took second and third. He left only two second prizes to his opponents. This was Mr. Ames's last entry at New York. In 1899 Dr. Ewing made his first exhibit at New York, sending on entries of Loyne Ginger and Romany Ringlet, both English winners, although Loyne Ginger was then decidedly past his prime. The following year saw the importation of two very good terriers which found their way to the Newcastle Kennels; Newcastle Model and Newcastle Rosie, both of which won firsts at New York and did well elsewhere. There was not much life in the breed however, though those interested soon woke up or were aroused to the advisability of doing something. Dr. Ewing in the most energetic manner took hold of the formation of a club to look after the interests of the breed, and what can be done by concentrated effort was well shown by the entry at New York for 1901, when thirty-one dogs were entered, duplicates raising the entry to about fifty. Dr. Ewing won high honours with a puppy of his own breeding, Nosegay Sweet William, the prefix being his adopted kennel name. Another prominent winner on this occasion was Mrs. Brazier, who now shows as the Craigdarroch Kennels, and has ever since that year played a leading part as the prominent exhibitor of the breed. Other exhibitors during the past few years have been Mrs. G. S. Thomas, the Brandywine Kennels, A. J. Maskrey, the Sandown Kennels of Mrs. E. S. Woodward, Mrs. George Hunter and Mrs. H. T. Foote, while there are quite a number of exhibitors who have but one or two dogs that they enter at many shows in the East. It is surprising to note how exceed- ingly popular the Scottie is with exhibitors who are prominent in other breeds, but take to the perky little customer as a house dog. Of course these exhibitors want good dogs, and these they also show and thus help to swell the entries. The result is that the Scottish terrier is vastly more popular than many imagine, and at New York this year the 1895 individual entry of thirty-nine was beaten by two, while the total entry with duplicates was forty dogs and twenty-one bitches. As illustrative of the success of the Craigdarroch Kennels it is only necessary to state that in the open dog class Mrs. Brazier had three dogs with the prefix of champion and two in the open bitch class had also the same title. Some of them are getting on in years and were then exhibited in all likelihood for the last time, but that grand 512 The Dog Book dog The Laird is still not only able to win in his breed, but is a factor when it comes to a special for the best in the show. Enough has been said to show that the Scottish terrier has made his way by his own merits to a warm corner in the hearts of his admirers, and that he is gradually growing in the estimation of the public and this not on account of any special attractiveness, but his smartness and cleverness as a companion and house dog. Guid gear goes in mickle bundles, is a Scotch proverb which applies most appropriately to this excellent little terrier. We ought to emphasise the word little by way of warning against any increase of size in this dog, for he is the smallest of the working terriers and must be kept so. The illustrations we give of dogs here and abroad, together with the descriptive particulars in the standard, render it unnecessary to go into details as to the points of the Scottish terrier. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Skull. Proportionately long, slightly domed, and covered with short hard hair about three-quarters of an inch long or less. It should not be quite flat, as there should be a sort of stop or drop between the eyes. Muzzle. Very powerful and gradually tapering toward the nose, which should always be black and of a good size. The jaws should be perfectly level and the teeth square, though the nose projects somewhat over the mouth, which gives the impression of the upper jaw being longer than the under one. Eyes. Set wide apart, of a dark hazel colour; small, piercing, very bright and rather sunken. Ears. Very small, prick or half prick, but never drop. They should also be sharp pointed; the hair on them should not be long, but velvety, and they should not be cut. The ears should be free from any fringe at the top. Neck. Short, thick and muscular; strongly set on sloping shoulders. Chest. Broad in comparison to the size of the dog, and proportionately deep. Body. Of moderate length, not so long as a Skye's, and rather flat sided, but well ribbed up and exceedingly strong in hindquarters. Legs and feet. Both fore and hind legs should be short and very heavy in bone, the former being straight or slightly bent and well set on W w^ The Scottish Terrier 513 under the body, as the Scottish terrier should not be out at elbows. The hocks should be bent and the thighs very muscular; the feet strong and thickly covered with short hair, the fore feet being larger than the hind ones, and well let down on the ground. The tail. Which is never cut, should be about seven inches long, carried with a slight bend and often gaily. The coat. Should be rather short, about two inches, immensely hard and wiry in texture and very dense all over the body. Size. About sixteen to eighteen pounds for a bitch and eighteen to twenty pounds for a dog. Colours. Steel or iron grey, brindled or grizzled, black, sandy and wheaten. White markings are objectionable and can only be allowed on the chest, and that to a small extent. General appearance. The face should wear a very sharp, bright, active expression and the head should be carried up. The dog (owing to the shortness of his coat) should appear to be higher on the legs than he really is, but at the same me he should look compact and possessed of great muscle in the hindquarters. In fact, a Scottish terrier, though essentially a terrier, cannot be too powerfully put together. He should be from nine inches to twelve inches in height. Faults. Muzzle either under or over hung; eyes large or light coloured; ears large, round at the points, or drop; it is also a fault if they are too heavily covered with hair. Coat: Any silkiness, wave or tendencies to curl are a serious blemish, as is also an open coat. Size: Any specimens over twenty pounds should not be encouraged. It should be the spirit and purpose of the judge in deciding the relative merits of two or more dogs to consider the approximation of nature to the standard rather than the effect of artificiality. SCALE OF POINTS Skull 5 Leg 8 an d feet 10 Muzzle 5 Tail 2^ Eyes 5 Coat 15 Ears 10 Size 10 Neck 5 Colour 2$- Chest 5 General appearance 10 Body 15 Total . .100 CHAPTER XXXVII THE WELSH TERRIER HE rough black and tan terrier which in the introduction to the terrier family we have shown to have been the oldest and best known of all the English terriers has most inap- propriately received the name of Welsh terrier. When the first effort was made to revive this terrier and save it from oblivion it was called the Old English wire-haired black and tan terrier, a most cumbrous title. Under that name classes were made at var- ious English shows and very shortly claims were made on behalf of Wales as the home of the variety, and at some shows the classification was made for Welsh in place of using the longer title. It was several years before the Kennel Club decided to admit the terrier to the stud book, and as there was still this diversity of nomenclature the club in the stud book covering 1885 added Class LIIL, for "Welsh (or old English, wire-haired black and tan)" terriers, and of the six terriers then admitted five were English owned and one hailed from the Principality. In the following year the same title was given, with the omission of the parentheses. In 1887 the title was changed to Welsh terrier, and we find, by reference to the old classification for "Broken-haired and Scottish terriers," that for a year or two such owners as did not enter their dogs as Welsh had them put in that class. That this was not altogether satisfactory is shown by the stud book for 1889, in which there is an independant classification for old English terriers. Finally that was given up and Welsh became the sole title. That a good deal of diversity of opinion existed is further shown by there being twenty-one entries of old English terriers in the 1889 volume. At the time that there were classes for Old English and also for Welsh terriers one dog was shown in both classes at a Darlington show and won first in each! That Wales has no special claim to this variety is beyond question, for there are far too many descriptions of the dog written between 1500 and 1800 by men who did not know anything about the dogs of Wales, but were well acquainted with the dogs of the eastern part of England to admit of 515 516 The Dog Book giving the dog a sectional name indicative of its being exclusively Welsh. There is, however, no means of changing the name now, except by action of the English Kennel Club, and that it is not likely to undertake at this late day, so that it will have to be accepted as the Welsh terrier in this country. Mr. Prescott Lawrence, who seemed to have a penchant for acting as one of the pioneers of introduced terrier breeds, was the first exhibitor of Welsh terriers in this country, and to accommodate him the committee of the New York show of 1888 put on an added class for Welsh terriers and he entered T'other and Which. At that early day for Welsh terriers "all coons looked alike" to most of us and it was only by seeing them together that you could tell one from the other of this aptly named brace, for Which was the better of the two by a small margin. The Hornell-Harmony Kennels got a few before the New York show of 1891 and the entry that year numbered five, with Which leading the best of the Hornell entry. In two years the breed died out entirely and although one or two were shown in 1900 it was not until 1901 that there was any sign of reviving interest, and then came an entry of fifteen in two classes. A little local rivalry seems to have taken hold of two or three exhibitors and the late Mr. Denton and Mr. B. S. Smith, together with the Misses De Coppet, Mr. R. W. C. Ellison of Phila- delphia, and Mr. E. S. Woodward, became interested in Welsh terriers. The opportunity was taken, mainly through the efforts of Mr. Smith, to start a club to foster the breed, and five classes being put on at New York in 1902 there was quite a respectable entry. This was added to in 1903, when a total of twenty-five entries was made, and that has been approximately the result at the two succeeding shows. A difficulty in the way of progress in this breed was the very erratic judging exhibitors had to put up with, each judge that handled the breed in turn having an opinion that did not harmonise with what had been done by his predecessors. One man wanted a Welsh terrier with a long foreface, while the next one went in for what he called the Welsh expression, and a short head suited him better if he got the right look about it. Another thing was that there was not a great deal of uniformity of type about the dogs, and altogether the work done was not very satisfactory. This is always apt to be the case with a comparatively new breed, especially when dogs are picked up as most of the Welsh importations were. We think that at that time there was also a lack of uniformity in the judging abroad, and this KIMBERLY Property of Strafford Kennels, Strafford, Pa. BARRY Property of Foley & Brown, Philadelphia, Pa. The Welsh Terrier 517 added to variety in the importations. However, we seem to have reached a stage where there is concentration along better defined lines, where judges have not to pick and choose between a widely different lot of dogs, but devote their attention to selection from classes showing more uniformity. This makes a great deal of difference in considering the prospects of a compara- tively new breed. The advent of Major Carnochan as a competitor was a very welcome addition to the list of exhibitors, particularly as he got most of his importa- tions from Mr. Walter S. Glynn, who, if anyone, was the leading exhibitor in England until he sold out his kennel a short time ago. Mr. Glynn had bred Welsh terriers for a number of years and they naturally came truer to a uniform type and bred truer. Another English breeder from whom a good many dogs have come is Mr. T. H. Harris, whose prefix of Senny is very well known here now. The Misses de Coppet having Senny Dragon and Dr. Benson, a new recruit in 1905, has been very successful with Senny King. We do not anticipate any meteoric advance in the Welsh terrier, for he fails somewhat in the attraction of colour, such as is to be found in some other breeds of terriers, his black and tan coat being a little sombre, but he will grow in favour, for those who have the breed are staunch fanciers and their numbers are being added to all the time. He is not a quarrelsome dog, but sensible and intelligent, and possessed of all the game or "varmint** qualities one wants in a companion or house dog. We remember being struck when visiting Mr. George S. Thomas at his extensive kennels at Hamilton, Mass., by seeing him return from a short trip afield with his gun and two braces of terriers, wire-haired fox and Welsh, the proceeds of the absence being a brace of grouse. With so many terriers to select from for this purpose of grouse shooting we asked why he took these, and he said he preferred them to any of the others, as they adapted themselves to the sport better and stuck to it. The Welsh terrier is a medium-sized dog, smaller than the Irish terrier and more approaching the size of the fox terrier. He should have all the make-up of a sound terrier in front, feet, back and body, but he should be preserved from any exaggeration in head. That is where the Welsh comes in. He should not have a square or long foreface and the right expression should be the main object sought for, and that of this terrier is intelligence, with a dash of keenness as becomes a terrier. Although he is commonly 518 The Dog Book black and tan he is not a colour breed in the sense that the smooth black and tan is, and he varies to grizzle in back, while the tan varies in depth of colour. In other words, colour is a secondary consideration to character and conformation, though the standard bears evidence of novice handiwork in laying too much stress on some very minor colour points, such for instance as black below the hocks disqualifying, while white on the feet does not. Of late we have seen an inclination to admit rather large dogs to high honours and this we think a mistake. The size of this terrier should be carefully looked after as an important feature of the breed. Large dogs have their use and place as producers of good constitution, but that does not necessarily include blue ribbons in the show ring. The standard we quote gives the average weight at twenty-two pounds, and that is decidedly too high, in fact it should be the top limit of weight for this breed. The following standard is that of the Welsh Terrier Club of America which has been altered from that of the English club, strange to say, at the suggestion of a prominent Englishman, who presumably having been unable to get his own club to adopt his ideas secured the allegiance of a foreign club through one or two friends. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. The skull should be flat and rather wider between the ears than the wire-haired fox terrier, and gradually decreasing in width to the eyes. Not much stop should be apparent. The cheeks must not be full. The ears should be V-shaped, small and of moderate thickness and dropping forward close to the cheek, not hanging by the side of the head like a foxhound's. The jaw, upper and under, should be strong and muscular, rather deeper and more punishing than that of the fox terrier. The nose, toward which the muzzle must gradually taper, should be black, and the distance from the nose to the eye should be at least equal to the distance from the eye to the bone at the top of the forehead. The eyes should be dark in colour, small and rather deep set, full of fire, life and intelligence, and, as nearly as possible, circular in shape. The teeth should be, as nearly as possible, level, i. e., the upper teeth on the outside of the lower teeth. The teeth not level, either undershot or overshot, should be considered a disqualification. The Welsh Terrier 519 Neck. The neck should be clean and muscular, without throatiness, of fair length and gradually widening to the shoulders. Shoulders. The shoulders should be long and sloping, well laid back, fine at the points and clearly cut at the withers. The chest should not be broad, but should show good depth of brisket. Back. The back should be short, straight and strong, with no appear- ance of slackness. The loin should be powerful and slightly arched. The fore ribs should be moderately arched, the back ribs deep and the dog should be well ribbed up. Hind-quarters. Should be strong and muscular, quite free from droop or crouch; the thighs long and powerful; hocks near the ground, the dog standing well upon them and not straight in the stifle. Stern. Should be set on moderately high, but no too gayly carried. Legs. Viewed in any direction, the legs must be straight, showing little or no appearance of an ankle in front. They should be strong in bone throughout, shorthand straight to the pastern. Both fore and hind legs should be carried straight forward in travelling, the stifles not turned outward. The feet should be round, compact and not large. The soles should be hard and tough, with toes moderately arched and turned neither in nor out. Coat. The harder and more wiry the texture of the coat the better. On no account should the dog look or feel wooly, and there should be no silky hair about the poll or elsewhere. The coat should not be too long, so as to give the dog a shaggy appearance. Colour. The colour should be black and tan, or black, grizzle and tan. The best colour is all tan head, all tan legs and jet black body. The light, washed-out tan is objectionable and should handicap. White, in small quantities on the chest or on the tips of the toes of the hind feet, does not handicap. A large white spot on the chest, white on the front feet or white on the hind feet or elsewhere should severely handicap. Black below the hocks must disqualify. Black pencilling on the toes should severely handicap. Size. The height at the shoulders should be about sixteen inches. The dog must on no account be leggy nor must he be too short in the leg. Weight must not be taken too much into account. Twenty-two pounds should be considered a fair average weight in working condition, but this may vary a pound or two either way, although dogs over twenty-four pounds weight are not desirable. 52O The Dog Book SCALE OF POINTS Head, ears, eyes, jaws 20 Colour 10 Neck and shoulders 10 General appearance and Body 10 character 10 Loins and hindquarters . . . 10 Coat 15 Legs and feet 15 Total 100 DISQUALIFYING POINTS i. Nose white, cherry or spotted to a considerable extent with either of these colours. 2. Ears. Prick, tulip or rose. 3. Mouth. Undershot or overshot. 4. Black colour below the hocks. CHAPTER XXXVIII THE BOSTON TERRIER LTHOUGH the raw material was imported from England the Boston terrier was "made in America," and that within the memory of men who are a far way from being in their dotage. A little over thirty years ago Mr. Robert C. Hooper of Boston purchased a dog from William O'Brien, of that city, which became known in pedigrees as Hooper's Judge. It is supposed that this dog was imported, but nothing is known as to his breeding, though he was undoubtedly of the half-bred bull and terrier type used for fighting. He has been described as a dog well up on his legs, dark brindle, with a blazed face and weighing a little over thirty pounds. From this dog and a bitch of equally unknown pedigree, but showing more bulldog in her formation, owned by Mr. Edward Burnett of Southboro, Mass., and named Gyp, came the dog always known as Wells's Eph. This dog is described as weighing about twenty-eight pounds, dark brindle, evenly marked with white on face. In type he favoured his dam, being low on the legs. Wells's Eph was bred to a bitch named Tobin's Kate, of unknown breeding, smaller than any of those already mentioned, her weight being given as twenty pounds. Like the others she was a brindle, the shade being a rich yellow or golden. One of the results of this mating was Barnard's Tom, who stands as the first pillar of the stud book in connection with Boston terriers. These dogs were not called Boston terriers, but were first of all lumped in with the bull terriers. We have before us a copy of the first catalogue of a Boston show, that of the Massachusetts Kennel Club of 1878, and in it Class 31 was for bull terriers. There were eighteen entries, and among them appear Barnard's Nellie, white and brindle, three years, imported stock, price $75. Mr. Barnard also entered his Kate, and another entry is that of Atkinson's Tobey, a brother of Barnard's Tom. Tobey was then ten months old and he was not the brilliant success at stud which his brother Tom was. Of course Mr. Prescott Lawrence had to dabble in this breed 52* 522 The Dog Book as well as every other variety of terriers in their pioneer days, and he and James Lawrence each had an entry of unknown parentage. James G. Lathrop, the Harvard professor of athletics, had three entries, one of which was by the Reed dog, as a dog owned by a man named Reed became known. Mr. Lathrop also had a white bitch of Mr. James Lawrence's breeding, being by his Crab out of his Kate, a white bitch. At the third show of the Massachusetts Kennel Club it was pretty certain that white bull terriers of the English type would win, hence the entry of the short-faced ones was light. Four entries of the local sort were made, including Sandy, by Barnard's Tom out of Higginson's Belle, a bit of breed- ing that after a few years was a desirable foundation to trace back to. The next show at Boston was that of the present New England Kennel Club, with Mr. J. A. Nickerson as a hard-working, enthusiastic secretary. He was the first to follow the example set by the National Breeders' show at Philadelphia in November, 1884, of which we were manager, of a catalogue with the printed awards. After that all shows of any prominence had to do likewise. Mr. Nickerson had little use for cross-bred dogs and as the show bull terrier was then well represented the local brindle dogs were crowded out almost entirely. Finally, as the numbers increased and the wished-for opportunity to exhibit became more frequently expressed the Bos- ton show committee opened classes for "Round-headed bull and terriers, any colour," and the response was so good that the classes became fixtures. In keeping with the name there was a kennel at Providence called the Round Head Kennels, and the proprietors, Messrs. Boutelle and Bicknell, were very successful. Starting with a third prize record in 1888, they managed by good judgment to buy and breed Mike II., Sir Vera and two bitches named Topsy, and win with them four firsts at Boston in 1890, and two seconds with Jack and Gladstone. Very shortly after this the Bostonians got together and formed a club, the idea being to get recognition of the dog they were developing. Early in 1891 an application was received from the "American Bull Terrier Club'* of Boston for membership in the American Kennel Club and recognition of the breed they represented. At that time we filled the position of active working member of the Stud Book Committee and had a good deal of correspondence with the club at Boston. We suggested that as their dog was not a bull terrier at all and was only bred at Boston that it would be better for the club to take the name of Boston Terrier Club. The result The Boston Terrier 523 was that although the application had been made in the name of the American Bull Terrier Club, Mr. Power, who had come on from Boston to state personally what he could in favour of the application when it came before the American Kennel Club, said, in conformity with our suggestions, that on behalf of his club he desired to avoid all conflict with the Bull Terrier Club or any other club and his fellow members were desirious of changing the name to Boston Terrier Club, and in that name he made application for admission. The club, however, did not admit the Boston applicants until 1893. There is nothing of any great moment in this in- formation, but as we have seen it stated that another person made the suggestion of the name Boston, the facts might as well go on record. Mr. Dwight Baldwin in his early history of the breed published in the Boston Terrier Club book mentions some other importations which assisted in forming the breed. Among them was the Reed dog already mentioned, a dog of about twelve pounds, reddish brindle and white, rather rough in coat. Another was the Perry dog, which was blue and white and came from Scotland. This was possibly one of the Blue Paul terriers bred down the Clyde, which were great fighting dogs. This one, however, was said to have been but six pounds weight, so that rather knocks the Blue Paul theory. Another dog from England was Brick, known as Kellem's Brick, a black spotted dog of eighteen pounds and a most determined fighter. Another of the same sort was O'Brien's Ben, a short-backed white dog with brindle markings. These later importations were smaller than the Hooper's Judge style of dog and tended to lower the size, so that in the 1890 Boston classification there was a division by weight of under and over twenty pounds for dogs and eighteen pounds for bitches. As can be readily understood, there was no great regularity in the type of these early dogs. Some favoured the bulldog, while others were more on the terrier order. It was this lack of uniformity which led us to oppose the admission of the club in 1893, and thereby recognise the breed. The official report of our position is thus recorded in the American Kennel Gazette when reporting the fact that the three members of the Stud Book Committee each held a different view: "For my own part I cannot bring myself to favour admitting the dog. I would like to admit the club, but it appears we have to take the dog too. The question for this club is, is it a proper breed to admit to the stud book, and I cannot say I am in favour of admitting it." 524 The Dog Book That that position was not altogether wrong we quote from the Gazette of December, 1894, the case being the cancelling of a registration of a Boston terrier which had a bulldog as a sire. The breeder of this com- bination was Mr. W. C. Hook, who was also the person who passed upon and approved pedigrees of the breed for acceptance in the stud book. He was asked to explain, and in his answer said : " It is a well-known fact that on account of inbreeding certain very important points of the Boston terrier have become almost obsolete, namely, the broad, flat skull, rose ears and short tapering tail, all bulldog characteristics, and to my mind the only way to again bring them into prominence is to infuse the original bulldog blood into our stock, which is now too strongly terrier. ... At the next Boston show we shall offer a premium for the best rose ears on a Boston terrier, to encourage the breeding of the same. Very few indeed have any approach to a rose ear, and as it is a bulldog characteristic I do not see any other way to get it than to breed to the bulldog." As chairman of the Stud Book Committee we thus commented upon Mr. Hook's letter, first referring to the fact that the committee had not previously endorsed the admission application: "The gentlemen representing the Boston Terrier Club assisted their arguments most materially by producing photographs of two or three generations of breeding, and other photographs to prove the thorough establishment of type in the breed, and were most positive in asserting that the Boston terrier could not be produced as a first cross. Within a year we have Mr. Hook, so much of an authority on the breed as to be chosen by his club to act as pedigree supervisor, informing us that 'certain very important points of the Boston terrier have become almost obsolete by inbreeding/ In contradiction to that peculiarity breeders will be more apt to claim or admit that only by inbreeding can points be established, and that if this has already become necessary in the case of the Boston terrier it is not an 'established breed* in the sense used by the American Kennel Club." The result was that the Stud Book Committee was put in charge of the matter and they arranged with the Boston Terrier Club that only one cross should be permitted to a bulldog or terrier and that only in the third generation. We can very well recall that at the meeting at which this solution of the difficulty was accepted, February, 1895, we unconditionally surrendered and stated that in no breed then being shown at Madison Square Garden was there more uniformity of type or such an advance in that direction within two years, and that the Boston terrier BOBS Property of Mr. Walter E. Stone, Boston, Mass, CHAMPION BOYLSTON REINA Exhibited by several owners, now the property of the Strafford Kennels, Strafford, Pa. The Boston Terrier 525 deserved all the encouragement the American Kennel Club could give it. We have introduced the foregoing for present-day exhibitors, who imagine that the cropped-eared, screw-tailed terrier they now show is the original type of the Boston terrier. Remember that it is little more than ten years since all that we have now recounted took place. Mr. Hook was one of the oldest exhibitors of the round-headed bull and terrier and person- ally knew the characteristics of all the old dogs. Following up this line we give a copy of an undated letter of Mr. John P. Barnard's which we have had in our possession for many years. It was, we think, written about the time of the Hook episode, and is addressed to Mr. William Wade of Pitts- burg, who sent it to us at the time: "Dear Mr. Wade: There have been no bulldogs or bull terriers used in breeding the Boston terrier for the last twenty-five years. The original dog, Hooper's Judge, was a small dog, about thirty pounds weight, and was very similar to my dog Mike. Wells's Eph was a son of Judge, and was bred to a bitch of a kind very common here twenty years ago. They were brought out from England by men employed on English steamers. Theii weights ran from ten to twenty pounds, and they were round-headed with short, pointed noses. Dr. Watts of Boston has several old paintings of this breed of dogs that are surely forty years old. "My old dog Tom was bred from Eph out of one of these bitches and he was the first dog to be put to stud. I bred him to a number of his daughters, and by so doing established a breed that would breed to a type. "Hooper's Judge was the only dog that could possibly have had any bulldog blood in him and none since will be found in the Boston terrier. " I exhibited Tom in a show given by John Stetson before the Massa- chusetts Kennel Club shows were held, and before a bulldog or a bull terrier had ever been in Boston. "The Boston terrier in my mind should be very close in appearance to a small bulldog, with the exception of the lay-back of the bull. I differ in this with the Boston Terrier Club, and claim that in trying to make the breed fine they will lose skull and bone and the characteristics of the breed. "Very respectfully yours, JOHN P. BARNARD." Mr. Barnard was not quite correct in saying that at the time he wrote 526 The Dog Book there had been no introduction of bulldog blood. That there was no genuine bull terrier blood introduced we readily admit, for that would have ruined the muzzle entirely, but quite a number of the dogs registered up to 1898 showed bulldog lines. These we have got rid of so far as any- thing in the record of registering with the Kennel Club is concerned. We have, however, two of the best informed of the old breeders and exhibitors, men who assisted most materially in the formation of the breed, both asserting that it is a dog of bulldog type as opposed to that of the terrier, yet the dog has been changed altogether from what they said it should be. Mr. Hook was using the reversion to the bulldog to get back the rose ear, and was advocating it in September, 1894. In May of the following year the American Kennel Club Committee on Constitution and Rules proposed the abolition of cropping dogs, yet no club more bitterly opposed that than the Boston Terrier Club, because of interference with the practices of its members, and that club and its members assisted materially in defeating the measure. We are not giving this information with the idea of taking sides as to whether the Boston terrier should be of bulldog type or more terrier-like. That is for those interested in the breed to decide. Our object is to state facts of history, and in this case to show that as late as twelve years ago old members were regretting the change that was being made in the breed. How good a dog would have been turned out if the effort for improvement had been along the lines of bulldog front and body, with rose ears and level mouth no one can say, but all will admit that if the dog was not to belie its name it should not be a bulldog in general character but a terrier, and that it is to-day in the main, with a lingering touch of the bulldog here and there. There yet remain some missing terrier attributes to which attention should be directed. More regard should be paid to perfecting the legs and feet. The fore legs should not only be straight in bone but look straight. There is a tendency to too much spring in fetlocks and with that the usual attendant flatness and openness of feet. These are decided objections in a terrier. It is almost heretical, perhaps, to say anything against the twisted and deformed apology for a tail which is considered such an absolute essen- tial in this dog, but we cannot stand that in any terrier, when it comes to a personal opinion. Mr. Hook in 1894 bred back to the bulldog to get some disappearing properties, one being the " short tapering tail" see his letter previously quoted. As a deformity we will always regard it, though The Boston Terrier 527 judges have to bow to the ruling power of the Boston Terrier Club. The members will permit us to recall the fact that it is not more than ten or twelve years ago since double dewclaws were as much an essential in St. Bernards, but a few then took up the cry that they were deformities and not the essential which had been held by their advocates. It was actually claimed that these loose, dangling claws on the hind legs assisted the dog in walking on snow. Common sense prevailed and we hear no more of them, so that perhaps when a new generation of Boston terrier breeders realise that screw tails are a deformity they will also be bred out, and the short, straight tail substituted. Even if the gnarled tail was not a deformity it is not a terrier tail by any means. Lead in a long-tailed terrier with the tail that is being bred for in the Boston terrier and how long would the judge keep it in the ring ? We thus have ears changed from the rose ear of the bulldog to the cropped ear of the terrier and the short, straight tail of the early specimens to the gnarled tail of the extreme flat button type of the bulldog. In the matter of colour there have also been some changes, and punctuation has played a conspicuous part in published standards. We have books in which it reads, "Any colour, brindle, or brindle and white, etc." The late Dr. Varnum Mott's brochure on the breed renders it thus: "Any colour; brindle, evenly marked with white strongly preferred." The official standard reading is, "Any colour brindle, evenly marked with white, strongly preferred." Finally Mr. Dwight Baldwin wrote to the American Stockkeeper that he was the member of the standard committee who drew up the colour clause and that the committee agreed that a Boston terrier might be any colour and that the standard should read, "Any colour; brindle, evenly marked with white, strongly preferred." By and by some mighty man of Boston will arise in his strength and we will have this sentence correctly punctuated. On the subject of size the tendency of late has been to a decrease until we have got far too close to the regulation toy size of other terriers. At first the club bitterly opposed this innovation, and it cannot be beyond the memory of the youngest member of the club that the case of a club having provided classes under fifteen pounds was carried before the American Kennel Club, with a view towards having such classes prohibited. That was done so recently that it is difficult to account for the club having already changed the standard weight so as to admit of the very dogs the American 528 The Dog Book Kennel Club was so urgently requested to prohibit from all shows. Of course the American Kennel Club took no such action, basing the decision on the ground that it did not recognise standards, that being a matter with the show-giving club to do in its published schedule and conditions. Recently we wrote somewhat in support of this reduction of weight on account of the adaptability of the small size for pets, for which we were taken to task by some breeders of influence on the ground that the Boston terrier is a man's dog and not a ladies' pet. Most readily do we admit that it originally was so, but the trend in this breed has been altogether a mer- cenary one. Entirely fictitious values were created for these terriers some years ago, and it will be remembered what a mixture of type was the result of the rush of the Boston fancy to New York shows to reap the golden har- vest. Very naturally buyers picked out attractive and pretty dogs and the smaller Bostons have always been the ones that sold best, so that those who were in the fancy only for what they could make out of it bred selling dogs. Some came too small to show at the fifteen-pound limit and these breeders were the ones who got the low-weight classes complained of as above stated. Other shows put them on as well and finally the wish to legitimatise these good-selling dogs and render them eligible for Boston Terrier Club prizes became so strong that the low limit was put at twelve pounds. That these changes were made with any idea of benefiting the breed no one will attempt to maintain, the object being purely mercenary. That we will admit to the advocates of the Boston being a man's dog. On the other hand, however, the very advocates of this claim make no use of the dog in any way except as a house pet. To come down to the hard-pan truth the dog was originally a pit terrier. That was his only vocation as a man's dog, and it would be impossible to find one man in the club who would now make use of him in that way. That day is past entirely, and the only thing to consider is the future of the dog. The present limit is not likely to be the final one unless some very decided action is taken, for the same causes which brought about the extra classes outside the former limit will be likely to develop again, and dogs as low as ten pounds will soon be plentiful enough to permit of guaranteeing classes and, unless restricted, shows will give them. Those opposed to any further reduction in standard weights should now take action looking to that end, while they can get sufficient support in their own club, otherwise a gradual change of opinion will put The Boston Terrier 529 them in a position similar to what they were in when they were outvoted at the recent change. It is somewhat singular that just as we had concluded the foregoing paragraph the mail brought us a letter from one of the sound members of the Boston Terrier Club, a gentleman for whom we entertain the highest opinion, not only for his knowledge of the breed, his prominent connection with it as an exhibitor, but the excellence of his judgment. He writes as follows: "Upon the horizon of the Boston terrier world the cloud no larger than a man's hand has appeared and surely it is increasing in size. More and more clearly are we beginning to feel the pressure of the popular demand for a smaller Boston terrier. The judges in the ring, the show classifications, the very standard itself are each and all gradually yielding to the demand. Can it be possible that at no distant day the market value of a specimen may be inversely in proportion to its size ? Let us trust not, and yet we are beginning to hear of abnormally small specimens selling for fabulous prices. "This matter of size is in my opinion the pitfall which awaits the Boston terrier unless there is a change in the direction of our progress. Surely we ought to keep the division wide enough between the dog as we have known him for ten years or more, and the tiny, shivering, bloodless creatures we occasionally come across in other toys. Great reduction in size means injudicious inbreeding, with the loss of intelligence, loss of stamina, loss of reproductive powers which follow that course; in fine, the loss of all that we most value in the breed." This question of size seems to be the burning one at the present time, but it is a matter in the hands of the club members, and if the majority are breeders for the market and the purchasers want small dogs the reduction will not stop where it is at present. If the majority as it now exists insist upon no further reduction in the future it will be perfectly feasible for legis- lation to that effect to be enacted by the club whereby the weight scale can only be altered by such a large majority, say three-fourths of the members, and only after due notice of such proposed change. Then the heavyweight members should get up special prizes sufficient to induce breeding for a larger dog. Club specials can also be withheld from shows giving classes for dogs outside of the limits of weight laid down by the club. In view of the close competition which has existed in this breed and the continual changes, in placing the dogs to suit the individual judgment of the adjudicators we will devote the space which we have usually filled 530 The Dog Book with a resume of show doings to a communication from Mr. H. Tatnall Brown regarding the breeding lines which have exercised an influence in developing the Boston terrier to its present high standard. " When after many applications the breed had been acknowledged as established by the American Kennel Club the opinion of many of the leaders differed, and these individual tastes and ideals naturally resulted in the production of dogs dissimilar in characteristics, but the differences were never carried to the length of anything approaching families or strains. That calls for years of breeding with certain objects as of paramount im- portance till they were established. But in all breeding, even where the foundation does not seem secure for any dog, there will always be found one or more gifted by a prepotency which lifts his progeny above the average, and in scanning the history of the Boston terrier we find that four dogs stand out pre-eminently in this respect. These are Buster, Tony Boy, Sullivan's Punch and Cracksman. If compelled to make a selection of one we should feel inclined to say that the greatest of all was Buster, that grand old dog which will ever be associated with the name of Mr. Alexander L. Goode of Boston. " Buster, from a show standpoint, had many faults, being by no means a typical Boston terrier, but the list of winners produced by him and his progeny is phenomenal. Champion Monte, winner of seventy first and special prizes and perhaps the greatest show dog of this breed that ever lived, was a son of Buster, and he in turn demonstrated his ability to pass on the blue blood of his sire by producing a long list of good ones, including Champion Butte and Champion Colonel Monte, the former a sire of wonder- ful prepotency and the latter one of, if not the greatest of present-day win- ners. Among the many other splendid dogs sired by Buster we may mention Champion Stephens' Rex, Spotswood Banker, Maxine's Boy, Broker, Squantum Criterion, Dazzler, Pat G. and Rattler II. The last named two are both sires of champions, Pat G. having produced Champion Patson, while Rattler II. was the father of Champion Boylston Reina, considered by many sound judges to be the best Boston terrier bitch of to-day. Follow- ing in this line we might go further and show that a remarkable number of typical dogs have Buster's name in their family tree. Cracksman, the present-day sire of champions, is himself a grandson of Champion Monte, hence a descendant of old Buster. "Almost contemporaneous with Buster was Tony Boy, owned by Mr. Franklin G. Bixby of Boston. This dog stands at the head of what perhaps The Boston Terrier 531 came nearer than any other to being a distinct strain. Tony Boy sired Tony Boy, Jr., Tony Girl, Benny Boy, and Dandy Boy, and after them in the next generation came Champion Miss Phyllis, Tony Boy IV., Benny Boy, Jr., Teddy Boy, Dandy B., The Duke, The Monk and Bobs. While not so prominent in the show ring as the offspring of Buster, yet this group of dogs laid the foundation for a stock excelling in colour, rather small in size, and with the much desired tail properties; qualities that had a marked and beneficial influence upon the breed. " No remarks concerning Boston terrier sires would be complete without mention of that grand dog, Sullivan's Punch. In spite of the handicap of his colour white with brindle head markings he has proved himself truly a marvel as a sire. From him we have had Champion Opal, Champion Lord Derby and that popular favourite, Champion Lady Dainty, besides a host of lesser lights, such as Sherlock Holmes, General Cronje, Spike, Dude S. and Remlik Roi D'or. And now let us speak the magic name of Cracks- man, the last of this great quartet of sires. " What are the achievements that entitle him to place in the Boston Terrier Hall of Fame ? Like Buster his laurels have not been gained in the ring, but by his remarkable ability to produce descendants of the sound, clean terrier type now so eagerly sought after. His early honours came to him through the phenomenal success of his deservedly renowned daughter Champion Remlik Bonnie, in her day and generation the queen of her sex. Since then he has produced Champion Sportsman, Champion Oarsman and Champion Eastover Lancelot, all top notchers. Another of his sons, Kinsman, has made a reputation for the Cracksman blood by siring Kins- man's Belle and Champion Miss Kinsman; the last named gaining her championship in record time by gaining first in her winners class at two successive New York shows. "A comparison of the immediate descendants of Buster with those of Cracksman show some marked differences in the characteristics of the two groups. The offspring of Buster were noted for their richness of colour, their markings, their good tails and general style. They were all of good courage and possessed the ability of showing well under the judge's eye. The Cracksman dogs, on the other hand are mostly lighter in colour, running more into the golden brindles, but they excel in softness and size of eye and in general expression. They are clean headed and clean limbed dogs of great quality, but usually seem to lack the fire and vim that belong 532 The Dog Book to the Buster stock and form so attractive a part of Boston terrier character. The legacy left breeders is the crossing of these four great producing lines of blood to produce a resultant race of Boston terriers possessing the best qualities of each and superior to all." The description of the Boston terrier in the club standard is so mis- leading that its publication as indicative of what a present-day good dog is would be inexcusable on our part. We have therefore ventured upon the troubled waters, and in conjunction with a few of the best votaries of the breed have drawn up a description and scale of points, as follows: DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Skull. The old description of "broad and flat" is entirely misleading, and is in no sense applicable to anything but the bulldog formation of skull, whereas the Boston terrier was originally a " round-headed bull and terrier," neither flat-skulled, apple-headed nor domed. The main feature in the skull is its squareness. The width from outside of eyes should be the same as the width from outside edge of ears, and the depth from back edge of ear to corner of eye. The flatness should only be on top of the skull, which should be nicely rounded to meet the clean sides of the cheeks. The skull should be carried back to the occiput without any sinking or dropping. Faults: Domed or apple-headed, or furrowed by a medial line. When too long for the width or vice versa. Stop. The brow should be of a height sufficient to place the eyes squarely in front of it, the stop or indenture well marked, but not too deep or carried up too far. Eyes. Round, dark; of good size and with a pleasing, confident expression; set well apart and square across the brow, the outside corner extending to the line of the cheeks. Faults: Small or sunken; too bold or prominent; showing white or haw. Ears. Cropped and cut clean to the side, well set up, the crop being of good length, but not to the height of the longer headed black-and-tan and bull terriers. The ears when carried well up at attention should show a perpendicular inner edge and stand directly behind the eyes, showing as nearly as possible the same width between the ears as between the eyes. Thinness of leather adds to the neatness of the ears. CH. LADY DAINTY LADY DIMPLE SUNLIGHT VIKING GORDON BOY JUNIOR II. CH KINSMAN The Boston Terrier 533 Muzzle. Nearly cubical, showing as closely as possible equal length, depth and width. Of good bulk, coming out squarely from the stop and carried out well to the nose, with plenty of "front"; sharply truncated. Nose black, with well-developed nostrils and medial lines. Lip of fair length, not so tight as the bull terrier's, nor thick and pendulous like the bull- dog's; covering the teeth well. Jaws square and strong, the teeth sound, preferably level; if undershot, not to the extent of showing any profusion of under jaw when the mouth is shut. Faults: Muzzle pointed or lacking depth; down-faced, or too much cut out below the eyes; pinched nostrils; protruding teeth; weak lower jaw. Neck. Of medium length, slightly arched and carrying the head gracefully. In substance it should not show small as compared with the size of the head, nor too heavy so as to dwarf the head. Faults: Ewe-necked; throatiness. Shoulders. Not too heavy, but showing strength and well placed. Brisket moderately wide, with elbows in line with point of shoulder. Body. Moderately short, with well-sprung ribs carried well back, showing a cobby body but not chunky. Level back, only drooping slightly to meet the low set-on of tail. Faults: Flat ribs or narrow chest; long or slack loin; roach or wheel back. Hindquarters. Well muscled and of good width, with not much bend at stifles, neither so straight as the bulldog nor so bent as a good terrier, and hocks not too low down. The feet should be straight in front of the hocks. Faults: Cow-hocked; hind legs too straight or upright. Legs and Feet. The forelegs should drop perfectly straight from the point of shoulder. They should be well muscled; this showing on the out- side of the leg prevents the parallel straightness of the fox-terrier leg. A slight spring is permissible in the pastern. The feet should be round and well knit. Faults: Out at elbows; weak pasterns; feet turned out; splay feet. (Although the Boston terrier may not be reared upon the same principle as terriers required to show a good front, that is no reason why weak (almost flat) pasterns and flat, thin feet should not be penalised. If breeders have to produce good forelegs and feet they will do so, but so long as judges disregard faults which would "gate" any ordinary terrier, breeders will be careless in this respect.) The Boston Terrier 533 Muzzle. Nearly cubical, showing as closely as possible equal length, depth and width. Of good bulk, coming out squarely from the stop and carried out well to the nose, with plenty of "front"; sharply truncated. Nose black, with well-developed nostrils and medial lines. Lip of fair length, not so tight as the bull terrier's, nor thick and pendulous like the bull- dog's; covering the teeth well. Jaws square and strong, the teeth sound, preferably level; if undershot, not to the extent of showing any profusion of under jaw when the mouth is shut. Faults: Muzzle pointed or lacking depth; down-faced, or too much cut out below the eyes; pinched nostrils; protruding teeth; weak lower jaw. Neck. Of medium length, slightly arched and carrying the head gracefully. In substance it should not show small as compared with the size of the head, nor too heavy so as to dwarf the head. Faults: Ewe-necked; throatiness. Shoulders. Not too heavy, but showing strength and well placed. Brisket moderately wide, with elbows in line with point of shoulder. Body. Moderately short, with well-sprung ribs carried well back, showing a cobby body but not chunky. Level back, only drooping slightly to meet the low set-on of tail. Faults: Flat ribs or narrow chest; long or slack loin; roach or wheel back. Hindquarters. Well muscled and of good width, with not much bend at stifles, neither so straight as the bulldog nor so bent as a good terrier, and hocks not too low down. The feet should be straight in front of the hocks. Faults: Cow-hocked; hind legs too straight or upright. Legs and Feet. The forelegs should drop perfectly straight from the point of shoulder. They should be well muscled; this showing on the out- side of the leg prevents the parallel straightness of the fox-terrier leg. A slight spring is permissible in the pastern. The feet should be round and well knit. Faults: Out at elbows; weak pasterns; feet turned out; splay feet. (Although the Boston terrier may not be reared upon the same principle as terriers required to show a good front, that is no reason why weak (almost flat) pasterns and flat, thin feet should not be penalised. If breeders have to produce good forelegs and feet they will do so, but so long as judges disregard faults which would "gate" any ordinary terrier, breeders will be careless in this respect.) 534 The Dog Book Tail. The tail best adapted to the style of dog here described is a short, straight tail, thick at the set-on and tapering quickly to a point. Car- ried straight and never above the level of its setting on. The tail may have a kink in it, but is better without. The short, button or gnarled screw tail is a deformity and should not be encouraged. The screw tail became a bulldog "property" when it was found that with this deformity the tail could not be raised. Faults: A long or gaily carried tail. A shortened or docked tail, or in any way tampered with is a disqualification. Colour. The ideal colour is a brindle of attractive shade, with white muzzle, blaze, collar, chest, lower half of forelegs and hindfeet. A dog with a preponderance of white on body, or lacking brindle or white on head, should possess very great merit otherwise to counteract his failing in colour. The same applies to fawn dogs. Faults: Black, mouse or liver colour in place of brindle. Coat. Short, fine in texture, but not soft; glossy, with a polish in- dicative of perfect health and condition. Weight. Light weight, 12 to 17 pounds; middleweight, 17 to 22 pounds; heavy weight, 22 to 28 pounds. General Appearance. A neat, compactly built, well-balanced dog with an expression of intelligence, and indicating great strength and activity by his conformation and easy movement SCALE OF POINTS Skull: Squareness, 6; cheeks, 3; fin- ish, 3 12 Ears: Position and carriage 2 Eyes: Position, 2; expression, 4; size and colour, 2 8 Stop: Elevation of brow and inden- ture 2 Muzzle: Size, 4; jaws and teeth, 3; nose, 2; finish, 3 12 Neck: Carriage and shape 3 Shoulders: Position, 2; flatness, 2.. 4 Back: Length, 2j; flatness, 2|. . . . 5 Loin : Turn of loin 3 Ribs: Spring and depth 3 Hindquarters: Strength 2 Legs and Feet: Forelegs, 4; hind- legs, 4; pasterns, 2; feet, 3 13 Tail: Length, 2; carriage, 2; free- dom from kink or screw, 2 6 Colour: Beauty and attractiveness. 4 Markings: Evenness of white on muzzle and blaze, 6; collar and chest, 2 8 Coat: Texture and condition 3 General appearance 10 Total 100 THE DOG BOOK 534 The Dog Book Tail. The tail best adapted to the style of dog here described is a short, straight tail, thick at the set-on and tapering quickly to a point. Car- ried straight and never above the level of its setting on. The tail may have a kink in it, but is better without. The short, button or gnarled screw tail is a deformity and should not be encouraged. The screw tail became a bulldog "property" when it was found that with this deformity the tail could not be raised. Faults: A long or gaily carried tail. A shortened or docked tail, or in any way tampered with is a disqualification. Colour. The ideal colour is a brindle of attractive shade, with white muzzle, blaze, collar, chest, lower half of forelegs and hindfeet. A dog with a preponderance of white on body, or lacking brindle or white on head, should possess very great merit otherwise to counteract his failing in colour. The same applies to fawn dogs. Faults: Black, mouse or liver colour in place of brindle. Coat. Short, fine in texture, but not soft; glossy, with a polish in- dicative of perfect health and condition. Weight. Light weight, 12 to 17 pounds; middleweight, 17 to 22 pounds; heavy weight, 22 to 28 pounds. General Appearance. A neat, compactly built, well-balanced dog with an expression of intelligence, and indicating great strength and activity by his conformation and easy movement SCALE OF POINTS Skull: Squareness, 6; cheeks, 3; fin- ish, 3 12 Ears: Position and carriage 2 Eyes: Position, 2; expression, 4; size and colour, 2 8 Stop: Elevation of brow and inden- ture 2 Muzzle: Size, 4; jaws and teeth, 3; nose, 2; finish, 3 12 Neck: Carriage and shape 3 Shoulders: Position, 2; flatness, 2.. 4 Back: Length, 2j; flatness, 2$. ... 5 Loin : Turn of loin 3 Ribs: Spring and depth 3 Hindquarters : Strength 2 Legs and Feet: Forelegs, 4; hind- legs, 4; pasterns, 2; feet, 3 13 Tail: Length, 2; carriage, 2; free- dom from kink or screw, 2 6 Colour: Beauty and attractiveness. 4 Markings: Evenness of white on muzzle and blaze, 6; collar and chest, 2 8 Coat: Texture and condition 3 General appearance 10 Total 100 THE DOG BOOK THE DOG BOOK A Popular History of the Dog, with Practical Information as to Care and Management of House, Kennel and Exhibition Dogs ; and Descriptions of All the Important Breeds. In Ten Parts BY JAMES WATSON P4RT Fill Illustrated from Photographs NEW YORK DOUBLED AY, PAGE & COMPANY 1906 Copyright, 1906, by Doubleday, Page & Company Published, May, 1906. All right/ rtservtd, including that of translation into fortign lan- guages, including the Scandinavian. CONTENTS PART VIII CHAPTER XXXIX PAGE 535 THE GREAT DANE: Buffon's description The true descendant of the Molossian dog and the Alaunts Illustrations from 1450 to 1750 Height of the early Danes, and opinions of Gustav Lang and Rawdon B. Lee Francis Butler and Prince shown to Queen Victoria Germans introduce the breed in America Prominent show dogs from 1880 to date The leading large dog of the country Desir- able points of conformation Descriptive particulars. CHAPTER XL PAGE 549 THE MASTIFF: Meaning and origin of the name French Mastins not connected except by name and its application Van- dyck's large dogs not Mastiffs Caius's description and grouping of Mastiffs Bewick's Mastiff and its copies The baiting and fighting Mastiffs by Howitt Landseer's Alpine Mastiff Buffon's dogue de forte race All Mastiff pedigrees trace back to Danes, Alpine and Thibet Mas- tiffs, and a few unknown of the Howitt type Pedigree of Wallace's Turk and what it leads back to The Lynne Hall Mastiff Luckey's start, a Thibet Mastiff The Thompson line equally vague Crown Prince and his descendants The breed in America, its popularity twenty years ago and present low status Standard and scale of points. CHAPTER XLI PAGE 573 THE ST. BERNARD: What the dog's real duties are in the Al- pine passes A much mixed race at the Hospice Im- provement first due to Swiss breeders and then to English cultivation The Leasome Castle Mastiff or St. Bernard Landseer's dogs of St. Gothard Queen Vic- toria's St. Bernards The breed in England General Lafayette's present of dogs to J. F. Skinner The high- water mark of the Sir Bedivere period Present status of the breed Standard and Scale of Points. CHAPTER XLII PAGE 589 THE NEWFOUNDLAND: A modern English development from a mixed lot of common dogs of various colours, coats and sizes. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Count Frederick, property of J. C. Weess, Arlington Kennels, Iowa ......... Cover Design Ch. Minting (Mastiff) ....... GREAT DANES FACING PAGE Gaston Phoebus and his dogs ....... 538 The Alauntz. The Mastins ....... 538 Hunting Scene by Antonius Tempesta ..... 540 The Boar Hunt by Snyders ....... 542 The Wolf Hunt by Desportes ....... 544 The Wolf at Bay by Oudry ....... 544 Boar Hunt by Ridinger ........ 544 Pyrenean Sheep Dog ........ 544 Buffon's Matin and grand Danois ...... 546 Study of a Dog by Vittore Pisano . . . . . . 546 Bronze Dog by Benvenuto Cellini ...... 546 The Danish Dog by Sydenham Edwards ..... 546 Wurtemberg Great Danes of the '8o's . . . . 551 Major McKinley II., Thor. H., Senta, Ch. Portia Melac, Butler and Prince, Earl of Wurtemberg ..... 553 Present day Danes in England ....... 555 Ch. Sandor vom Inn ........ 557 Signa . ......... 557 Ch. Guido of Broughton ........ 558 Ch. Dagobert .......... 558 MASTIFFS Van Dyck's "Mastiff" ........ 560 Velasquez Mastiff ......... 560 Vll viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Continue Hewitt's Mastiffs ; 562 Bewick's Mastiff ......... 567 Le dogue de forte race ........ 567 Reinagle's Mastiff ......... 567 Type in heads 1870 to 1885 ....... 569 Russian Mastiff ......... 569 Lord Waldegrave's Couchez 569 Ch. Crown Prince, Champion Beaufort, Holland Queen . . 571 Champion Salisbury, Lady Phyllis, Lady Coleus, Lady Beatrice, Prince of Wales, Paula ....... 573 ST. BERNARDS Barry, Alpine Mastiff, Alpine or St. Bernard dog . . . 575 Landseer's Dogs of St. Gothard 575 Queen Victoria's St. Bernard ....... 577 Merchant Prince, Marse Jeems, Prince Sylvia, Ch. Baby Beauti- ful, Willowmere Judge . . . . . . 577 Champion Viola, Champion Hector . . . . . 579 Champion Sir Waldorf 582 Watch 582 Alta Watch, Doctor Lucas, Lyndhurst Coquette and Beauty, Ch. Sylvia Kenmore ........ 584 NEWFOUNDLANDS Bewick's Newfoundland 586 Reinagle's Newfoundland 586 "Original Breed," "Naturalist's Library" . . . .586 Cooper's Newfoundland head ....... 586 Landseer's Newfoundland 586 Ch. Gypsy Princess 588 Ch. Shelton Viking, Shelton Madge 588 Black Boy 588 Mill Boy, a Landseer Newfoundland ..... 588 THE DOG BOOK CHAPTER XXXIX THE GREAT DANE N SPITE of various efforts to give a -German name to the Great Dane, both in England and in this country they have met with but little success, and although it is beyond question that we owe the dog of the show-ring to its having been bred for many years in Germany in a systematic manner, he still retains, outside of that country, his original name of Great Dane. Original is perhaps not the correct word to use in this connection, and if we say previous name it is historically more in keeping with the facts. Why it should ever have been entitled the Danish dog we have failed to find any reason. Buffon names it the grand Danois, the "grand" being prefixed to distinguish it from a small terrier-like dog to which was given the name of petit Danois. It has been generally accepted and quoted that the Dalmatian had the name of the lesser Dane, and if we mistake not Buffon is the quoted authority, but that is not correct. Buffon's Dalmatian he called the braque de Bengale, and the mistake in attributing to him the mixing of the Dalmatian with the lesser Dane is probably due to what he said with regard to their colour. Buffon as well as M. Daubenton, who wrote the fuller description of the dogs in the "Histoire Naturelle" Buffon only writing the general introduction both distinctly state that the name of petit Danois for this small dog was incor- rect, but it had become so established that they felt compelled to follow the erroneous nomenclature. Buffon in his introduction says it had no other connection with the grand Danois than having the short coat of that dog. M. Daubenton gives the colours of the lesser Dane as follows: "The most of them are black and white spotted, and when they are mottled with black on a white ground we give them the name of harlequin. " This reference to the black markings may have been the reason for assuming, from some quotation probably without context, that it was the Dalmatian that was meant. The illustration with the text shows a small, somewhat apple- headed dog of toy-terrier character, but dark-coloured in body, with a nar- 535 536 The Dog Book row blaze, white chest and probably white feet. The shoulder height of the petit Danois is given by Buffon as 9 inches. Buffon's illustration of the grand Danois we give, so that it need not be described. Buffon held that it was of the same family as the dog that we know as the Molossian, also that the dog of Ireland was similar, but much larger; he says he saw one that, when sitting, was five feet in height; the only one he ever saw. The latter statement may be correct, but the former cannot be. M. Daubenton gives a very brief description of the grand Danois. He says it was larger than the largest of the French matins, that the most common colour was fawn, but that others were grey (blue), black and white with grey, black and fawn; that they were given the name of the carriage Dane because they accompanied equipages. Also that the name of grand Danois was to distinquish it from the dog called the small Dane, le petit Danois. It is very evident from what we have taken from Buffon that the name of Danish dog was thoroughly established, otherwise he would not have hesitated in changing the name of the smaller dog; but how the name be- came so established or when it originated we are at a loss to determine. As to the origin of the dog there is not the slightest doubt whatever that it is the true descendant of the Molossian dog, much as the late Reverend M. B. Wynn and other English writers would have us believe that the mastiff and the Molossian are the same dog. To accept written descriptions, which are usually comparative in their statements, when we have ocular proof from statuary of undoubted authenticity to the contrary, is not the way to prove a claim. Not only do we find the Molossian to have been of the Great Dane type in head, but Roman and Grecian bas-reliefs show us the same dog, and when we come to the earliest illustrations we still find this distinct type dog. To show the high standing of the dog he is given precedence in being placed near the nobleman as being the ranking member of the dog world. The illustrations of the Gaston Phoebus book, for which we acknowledge in- debtedness to the Messrs. Baillie-Grohman's sumptuous edition of "The Master of Game," show us that the alaunt was the Great Dane of that time. There is another illuminated book in the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts showing an even more acceptable dog in head properties. This is also white and is really a finer miniature than the Gaston Phoebus illustrations. We also have Chaucer's reference to the white alaunts that were about the The Great Dane 537 chair of the "great king of Trace" in the "Knight's Tale." Chaucer was an extensive traveller and went on his king's errands as far as Italy, and the fact that he was an English poet has no bearing upon the question of the dog being known in England, but there is evidence to that effect, we imagine, in the crude illustrations from Bodleian library manuscripts. Here we find the same muzzled dog with the erect ears, and from the earliest date until 1800, when Sydenham Edwardes gave us his triple illustration of the Dan- ish dog, we find him the long-headed, clean-cut, muzzled dog. So highly valued were these good alaunts that they were not always per- mitted to take part in the more dangerous sports of boar hunting and the wolf chase. The rough work, in which the death of a dog would not matter so much was undertaken by high-couraged dogs called mastins, from which we got the name of matin in French a dog which has no connection with the English mastiff, except that both dogs were of mongrel or cross-breeding and full of courage. Undoubtedly the alaunts were largely used, when not too highly valued individually, in these sports, and we give a selection of illus- trations by some of the leading European artists, showing the types of dogs associated with boar and wolf hunting. As in some of these illustrations there is more than one type of dog, it will not be possible to distribute them as has been the case hitherto with illustrations from paintings where but one breed has been shown. They nearly all appertain to what we have to say regarding Great Danes and mastiffs; and as the chapter on the latter breed follows this one, all the illustrations in both chapters should be looked over, as they demonstrate clearly the precedence due the Great Dane. The earliest illustration we give is the study of a dog by Vittore Pisano, who was born in 1390, and we have dated this study at 1425. "The Master of Game" illustrations, or more correctly the Gaston Phoebus illustrations, date from about 1450, being recognised as represen- tative of the art of the middle of the fifteenth century. The boar-hunting scenes of Strada, about 1560, are not clear enough as to type to merit re- production. He did not shine as a dog delineator, making all of them fat and lusty. His attempts to foreshorten a short-headed dog were complete failures, the head becoming flat and humanlike. In one boar-hunt, with matchlocks, there is a short-faced dog with fringed hanging ears, but all the others are long-headed, tapering, muzzled dogs of the mastin type, with feathered ears and tail. Of almost the same period we have a most truthful hunting picture by Antonius Tempesta, of Florence, which we date as about 538 The Dog Book 1580. It will be noted that the horses are all of the broad Flemish type, and this being his type of animal portraiture it is not specially indicative of heav- iness in Italian dogs of his day, even if we find them animals of great sub- stance, his mastins being quite as heavy comparatively as his alaunts. The latter are distinctly Molossian in type, while the two mastins in the fore- ground are somewhat similar to the dogs attacking the two wild boars in the centre of the picture, one having the nearer boar by the ear; though this is by no means positive. Our next illustration is an exquisite etching by Unger of one of Snyders' most spirited hunting pictures. This can be approximately dated 1620, for he was born in 1579 and died in 1657. There is nothing in the way of a Great Dane in this, but as it is the keynote to some of those which follow it is better to put it here. These are pure mastins; and allowing for the advance of art from the time of the French miniatures in the Gaston Phoebus book, there is no room for question as to the identity of these dogs. We draw particular at- tention to the extended dog in the foreground, because we will make refer- ence to that in the chapter pertaining to the Irish wolfhound. A hundred years later than the Snyders' painting there was no lack of artists who did excellent work as sport illustrators. From this group we take three pictures. The one by Desportes is doubtless the oldest one, for he was born in 1661, while Oudry was twenty-five years his junior. We therefore say 1700 for the Desportes, 1720 for the Oudry; and, as we have previously said 1740 for Ridinger's work, we leave it at that. In giving a date in this manner it is not a positive statement, but a guide as to the probable date. When a date is positively known it is so stated. Desportes affected the hound type in his dogs; knowing which we can only say that that was his conception of what we must now call the French matin. Oudry gives us another dog altogether, and it takes quite a stretch of the imagination to accept the rough dogs in his "Wolf at Bay" as of the mastin type or breed. The one that has the throat grip is more like the Snyders dog, while the farther dog on the wolPs back is what was then called the Danish dog, the grand Danois of Buffon. The Ridinger boar-hunt gives us that artist's conception of the dog which Snyders painted; for it must be borne in mind that these are not dog portraits, but the type of dog as it ap- peared to the artist. We have the same thing in modern animal painters, and one can tell at a glance a Tracy or an Osthaus setter, or a Muss-Arnolt pointer. GASTON PHOEBUS AND HIS HUNTSMEN AND DOGS LLUSTRAT.IONS FROM THE FRENCH MANUSCRIPT OF GASTON PHOEBUS (Taken from "The Master of Game," \V. A. and F. Baillie-Grohman, 1904) The Great Dane 539 More to the point, however, we have a Dane in the Ridinger, with ears cropped round as in the Tempesta picture. This is a good type of dog, and is in marked contrast to that in Buffon, whose "Histoire Naturelle" was illustrated throughout by De Seve, a poor hand at dogs. His matin, grand Danois, and levrier (a small greyhound) are all very much alike in outline, and the latter two more particularly in the badly formed hind- legs. The Great Dane is very deficient in squareness of muzzle compared with what we see in most representations of the breed, although the Syd- enham Edwardes drawing does not show much of this feature. Buffon gives us a table of dimensions of the dogs he considers the principal varieties, and this may either be an average in the way of measurements or of a selected specimen. M. Daubenton, in whose section of the chapter this appears, gives no clue as to that in his introductory remarks. The measurements are recorded in the old style of the French pied, which was 13! inches of our measurements. Altered to our scale the Great Dane is given as 28 inches at the forequarters and i inches less at the hindquarters, length of head nj inches and girth of muzzle at midway to the eyes 13 inches. These figures exceed those given for the matin by only about an inch. The only notice- able differences in their comparative measurements is in the circumference of the body which seems to show an extremely light-bodied dog. Behind the forelegs the matin is given as 2 feet, and the Great Dane as 2 feet 8 inches, and the greatest circumference of the body is an inch larger in the matin, and an inch and a half in the Great Dane. To give an idea what those figures represent we have measured our Irish terrier Borthwick Lass close behind the forelegs and find her girth, tight, 23 inches. She has with increasing years more girth than most terriers of her height, but not excessively so; yet she is practically the same as the matin record. Another point not given in the measurements is the weight, and this we find in a paragraph referring to a matin between three and four years old. The measurements are slightly larger than in the table: 2 feet 2 inches at the withers, and 2 feet 2j inches greatest girth, and weighing but 73 pounds. That would make a Great Dane, such as he describes as typical of the breed, weighing about 85 pounds. We leave the reader to draw his own conclusions from the presentation of these facts which show what the largest dog of Eastern Europe one hundred and fifty years ago was when measured and put on the scales. It is probably true that at this period the breed was larger and heavier 540 The Dog Book where it was fostered in Germany, but in that direction we have been unable to prosecute any research. In England the first information is found in Sydenham Edwardes's work. Here he is described very much as Buffon has it. The height, he says, is usually about 28 inches, but some run up to 31 inches. He refers to the harlequins, and gives the same information regarding their use as carriage dogs for the noble or wealthy, mentioning also the necessity of keeping them muzzled to prevent them fighting. Richardson in 1848 writes of their being gigantic and from 30 to 32 inches in height. In all prob- ability the disappearance of the Great Dane from England was the result of this acknowledged aptitude for fighting, and in the first days of dog shows he was only known of by hearsay as the boarhound, the name by which Wynn always refers to him in his "History of the Mastiff" (1886). Mr. F. Adcock, who went in for Spanish bulldogs and other European breeds, had a brute of a dog, well named Satan, a perfect terror in temper, which he used to show about 1880. This exhibitor did his best to have Stonehenge include the breed in his "Dogs of the British Islands," but he did not like the dog to begin with, and got out of accepting him by holding that he was not one entitled to be included in a book with such a title. It was not until 1883 that the breed was given a class, and that as a boarhound, this privilege being granted both at the Palace and at Bir- mingham, Mr. Adcock having influence as a resident in the nearby town of Leamington. The same year the Kennel Club admitted the breed to the studbook, and in 1884 it appeared as the Great Dane. The breed "caught on" fast in England, for in the late fall of 1884 when on a brief visit there we saw some splendid dogs, including that grand specimen, Cedric the Saxon, and another almost his equal, the Earl of War- wick. We recall how wonderfully we were impressed with the size, sym- metry and quality of these dogs. All of the English winners of that time were imported from Germany, where there seems to have been some trouble in agreeing upon a name for the breed. Ulmer dog and Deutsche dogge as well as German mastiff were names in more prominence than any others. It seems to have been decided about 1874 to give them the name of Deutsche dogge, but according to a letter written to Vero Shaw and published in his "Book of the Dog," Herr Gustav Lang, conveyed the information that the breeders of the dog in Germany had agreed to abolish all the names which had been in use and called the breed German mastiffs. This seems never to have been taken up by the general public, and the case The Great Dane 541 is very similar to the Kennel Club deciding that black and tan toy spaniels shall not be called King Charles spaniels, but be known by their colour. No one thinks of calling them anything but King Charles spaniels; so in Ger- many, the name of Deutsche dogge has prevailed for the Great Dane. Herr Lang, who stands in the front rank as an authority on matters canine in Germany, stated in the letter referred to that the old dogs were no larger than those of the time at which he was writing, and added, "the as- sumed size of 36 inches only being given in untrustworthy pictures." Herr Lang does not say anything further regarding the height of the German dogs, but there must have been many very large dogs in Germany. Rawdon B. Lee in his "Modern Dogs" tells of having measured all the largest dogs at the Great Dane show at Ranelagh Club Grounds in 1885, Captain Graham the Irish wolfhound exhibitor, assisting; and the tallest was Cedric the Saxon, at 33^ inches; and he adds, " t was extraordinary how the 35 and 36-inch animals dwindled down, some of them nearly half a foot at a time." The subject of size is one that crops up from time to time, and it not in- frequently happens that some old and perfectly unreliable statement is re- surrected and passes for truth. One of this character refers to the dog, Prince, owned at one time by Francis Butler of New York. Butler was a man of education, an author of several books on dogs and two educational, "The Spanish Speaker" and "The French Teacher." He seems to have finally taken up the business of dog dealing exclusively, and one dog with which he will always be associated was the Great Dane, Prince. This was before our time in this country, but we had many talks about the dog with the old coloured dog dealer "Dr." Gardner, who was Butler's factotum and went with him to England when Prince was taken there for exhibition. We believe Butler called Prince a Cuban bloodhound, but in his "Management and Diseases of Dogs" (second edition, 1860) the illustration is given as that of a Siberian bloodhound. Old Gardner's memory was very clear as to the dog and its history. Butler met a young German with the dog outside the Astor House, and bought the giant. He was exhibited here, and Butler then decided to take the dog abroad and Gardner went with him. Prince seems to have created quite a furore in England, and Harrison Weir drew him for the Illustrated London News, with Butler sitting behind the dog. Butler was a large, handsome man according to old Gardner, and Weir did him justice. The dog was taken to Windsor Castle to be shown to the Queen. Gardner said that the Queen and a gentleman came out to see 542 The Dog Book the dog, and that Butler talked some foreign language to the gentleman; and when the lady had looked at the dog for some time she spoke to one of the persons attending her, and he came to Gardner and gave him a sovereign. In the account of this dog in the News y the height is put at 37 inches, and it may have been not far out, measured to the top of the withers, for Gardner assured us more than once that he had measured to the height of the withers, that is, standard measure, and that he was a good 34 inches. The old "doctor" was singularly careful in his statements, and we never doubted the accuracy of his measurements nor his memory. Now we have this dog quoted by an English kennel paper as having been 37 inches in height. The dog was shown at Windsor in November, 1857; and, undoubtedly upon the authority of Butler, the News stated that Prince was barely a year old and was born in Pennsylvania. Be that as it may, Gardner said the young man was a recent immigrant, and Gardner was mixed up in the buying of the dog or at least personally knew all that was done at the time. We therefore con- sider that Prince was a German importation, and have every confidence in saying that he was a 34-inch dog. His size put him in a class by himself, and is excellent proof that the ordinary run of large dogs was nowhere near his height, at least in England as well as in this country. Doubtless his height has been exceeded, but we prefer outside or thoroughly reliable measurement when it comes to a record height, for dogs do shrink wonderfully when home measurements are tested by an outsider of experience. We shall therefore give no endorsement to any present day claims, some of which are far in ex- cess of Prince's height. Nothing proves more clearly the German fostering of this breed than the number of Great Danes in this country before they were known as a show dog in England and their being kept exclusively by Germans. Under various names these dogs were entered in the miscellaneous class until 1 886, when an added class was put on for them at New York and eleven dogs were entered. Two of these were owned, and one had been bred, by Mr. J. Black- burn Miller, who is still one of the popular judges of the breed, and always draws a large entry when he officiates at New York. One reason for no class having been put on before this was that at one of the shows held at the American Institute building, either in 1881 or 1882, the Great Danes had been such a bad-tempered lot that Mr. Lincoln, who then acted as super- intendent of the New York shows, barred them as much as he possibly could, and it was not until his death, when Mr. Mortimer had taken the office, that The Great Dane 543 the breed got a class. In 1887 the class appeared in the regular premium list and not as a late addition, and a good entry was the result. The breed then got two classes, and at the 1890 show in New York the entry was 25 dogs and 9 bitches. This good entry led to an increase in 1891 to two chal- lenge classes, two open classes and a puppy class. Welz and Zerweck, who had been very prominent so far, did not show anything, but a number of their dogs were entered by new owners at this show. In 1892 we first find mention of a specialty club in connection with the breed, there being a club trophy offered at New York by "The German Mastiff or Great Dane Club of America." This was won by Melac, a dog that had taken nine firsts during the preceding year. The name of the club was soon altered, and as The Great Dane Club we find it donating $80 in special prizes to the New York show of 1893, in addition to offering the president's $100 cup, and 43 dogs were entered at this show. The best dog on this occasion was Wen- zel, who beat Melac for special; but the great winner of the year was Major McKinley, owned at South Bend, Indiana. This dog was very prominent for several years, but few of the Great Dane exhibitors seemed to last, so that with each prominent new man going in for importations of his own, the native dogs were not very successful. The enthusiasm of the club members also died out, and it was not until 1898 that the full revival set in. This was really a wonderful year for the breed at New York, where Mr. J. Black- burn Miller drew a remarkable entry of 29 puppies, 35 dogs and 15 bitches, duplicate entries increasing the grand total very much. This was the occasion of the first appearance of Sandor vom Inn, en- tered in the name of the late Charles E. Tilford. This grand dog won all he was shown for, from novice to special for best of the breed, and during his lengthy career he stood in the premier position at all times. As a combination of size, symmetry, character and quality we have never had his equal in this country and it is possible he could not have been beaten by any dog living when in his prime. When, after Mr. Tilford's death, he became an inmate of the Montebello Kennels two trips were made to Europe by the kennel manager, who on one occasion had the assistance of Mr. Muss-Arnolt in securing the best to be found in the sections where the best were raised and owned; and, good as the dogs purchased were, they yet fell short of Sandor vom Inn, by a very perceptible difference. Mr. Tilford, in addition to Sandor vom Inn, had quite a number of very good bitches and had much the strongest kennel in the East. Through- 544 The Dog Book out the West there was keener competition, such dogs as Osceola Bey, Leo G., Earl's Olivia and other good Danes being constantly in rivalry at the western shows. One feature at this period deserves attention, and that was the very notable success of the sons and daughters of Earl of Wurtemberg. He was not a high-class dog individually, being decidedly coarse, but he got good puppies, as was demonstrated at New York in 1895 when his progeny won third in novice dogs, second in junior dogs, first in novice bitches, second in junior bitches and third in open bitches. In 1899 the Montebello Kennels were started, with Mr. T. D. M. Cardeza as owner and headquarters at Germantown. Before the New York show of 1900 the death of Mr. Tilford caused the dispersal of his kennels and Sandor vom Inn joined the Cardeza combination, which, with a number of excellent imported Danes, became the prominent kennel of the breed in this country. Though it is true that this kennel won the majority of the prizes it competed for, taking all the shows the dogs were at, it is nevertheless a fact that at the leading shows where the best dogs met the prizes were widely distributed. This was the result of the many good purchases of the preceding decade, which so improved the breeding stock of the country at large that good dogs were being produced here capable of holding their own against all but the very best of the importations. On reference to the New York catalogue for 1901, we find that two of the three placed dogs in the novice class were American bred, two of the placed dogs in the limit class, second and third in the other than brindled, third in the harlequin, and two of the three in the open dog class, while in bitches there was an equal number in evidence. The higher prizes in winners' classes continued to be mainly captured by the Montebello dogs, though Sandor was held up quite a good deal to let the younger members of the kennel earn fame, such as Meteor vom Inn, and his alleged son, Apollo, whose breeder and dam were alike unknown. Mr. Cardeza decided to give up Great Danes before the close of the year, and we think all but Sandor were disposed of in one way or another, the old dog being retained as the home dog, but he died about a year later. Quite a number of the Montebello dogs were never shown again, but sev- eral were seen at New York in 1904 and 1905. The best dog in 1904 was a newcomer, a very handsome black dog named Dagobert. The beautiful condition this dog is always shown in assists very much in his ranking so high as he has always done, for his coat shines like satin. Apart from that The Great Dane 545 he is a very true-made dog, with a good head and foreface. Another very good dog shown in 1904 was Arfman's Caesar, a fawn dog of a very attrac- tive shade. This dog also was shown in the pink of condition at all times. Among the bitches Miss C. Whitney's Portia was a standing dish at shows within reasonable distance of New York and was very successful, con- sidering the great difficulty in showing her in anything like condition. Her place as metropolitan traveller has been well filled by Champion Guido of Broughton who with age has filled out in body, her weak point a year or more ago, and when fit is a hard bitch to beat. Last spring we noticed a very large, symmetrical bitch at the Buffalo show, owned by Dr. Johnson of that city. Signa is her name, and in mixed sex classes she won two firsts. She is a light fawn and showed symmetry and character of a high order. The same owner also has a dog fully as large as any dog we know of in the East, and we are assured he measures 34 inches. This is Marco II. But large as he is we believe that Duke of Wurtemberg now owned by the Marco Polo Kennels of Cincinnati, is larger. This dog won at the St. Louis Exposition, where he was shown by Mr. Bardes, and we formed the opinion that he was the largest Great Dane we had ever seen. The same owner had a bitch which we preferred to the dog, but she was out of shape on that occasion. The fact is we have more good Great Danes in this country than almost any other breed, but they cannot be transported like terriers and it is only by visiting shows in the West as well as in the East that one realizes the hold the breed has in the United States. Take the New York show of 1905, and the catalogue shows not a single mastiff, but 47 St. Bernards and 77 Great Danes placing the breed far ahead of all other large dogs. This position is likely to be maintained because it is an open competition between a large number of owners instead of being dominated by one kennel. As the breed is to-day, it is doubtful whether any person could attain the position the Monte- bello kennels held for a short time and still more doubtful whether any per- son would care about going to the necessary expense of buying half a dozen or more dogs capable of winning and paying the heavy expenses of their transportation. The Great Dane seems a safe breed in that respect, and, taking him as a dog, he has few equals in the way of size and symmetry. The combination which tells in this breed is as large a dog as possible combined with symmetry. Not the heavy, bulky body of the mastiff, but with an approach to the greyhound in depth of chest and cut up of loin. He 546 The Dog Book must show speed lines, but with weight and strength. Well-placed should- ers are as much a necessity in this breed as in the greyhound, for ease of movement at the gallop tells in a dog of the weight of the Dane. The back should be very strong with no suggestion of slackness of loin, and the hind- quarters muscular with great length from hip to hock, and no suspicion of cow-hocks. The feet should be well knit and knuckled up, and the pads thick and horny. The forelegs should closely approach the highest terrier formation, the bone being large, but not to the extent of looking clumsy. The Great Dane Club of America has a standard and description, but we cannot commend it as sound and it leaves so much room for improvement in giving the necessary details in a thorough manner that we prefer the stan- dard of the English club, both of which seem to have had a similar founda- tion. The American standard calls for refinement which is inapplicable in a dog of this description. Symmetry would be a more suitable term. It calls for the head to be "pressed in on the sides" and with no cheek develop- ment. The brow is also to be well developed and the neck long. None of these points are correct, but it is preferable to the standard we give in calling for the line of muzzle to be only slightly arched, a moderate Roman nose. The even jaw (or teeth) of the American standard is also to be pre- ferred; though with the permission to be very slightly undershot, a squarer termination to the muzzle is better assured. The preferred standard is as follows: DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General Appearance. The Great Dane is not so heavy or massive as the mastiff, nor should he too nearly approach the greyhound in type. Re- markable in size, and very muscular, strongly though elegantly built, move- ments easy and graceful; head and neck carried high; the tail carried hori- zontally with the back, or slightly upward with a slight curl at the extremity. The minimum height and weight of dogs should be 30 inches and 1 20 pounds, of bitches 28 inches and 100 pounds. Head. Long, the frontal bones of the forehead very slightly raised and very little indentation between the eyes. Skull not too broad. Muzzle broad and strong, and blunt at the point. Cheek muscles well developed. Nose large, bridge well arched. Lips in front perpendicularly blunted, not hanging too much over the sides, though with well-defined folds at the angle of the mouth. The lower jaw slightly projecting about a sixteenth of an The Great Dane 547 inch. Eyes small, round, with sharp expression and deeply set, but the wall or china-eye is quite correct in harlequins. Cropping being prohibited in England, the standard calls for small ears carried greyhound fashion, which they seldom are, being commonly held like a terrier's. Here the ears are cropped and not too closely at the butt. The crop is carried pretty high but not attenuated and the ears should be held well up to give smartness to the appearance of the dog. Neck. Rather long, very strong and muscular, well arched, without dewlap or loose skin about the throat. The junction of head and neck strongly pronounced. Chest. Not too broad and very deep in the brisket. Back. Not too long or short; loin arched and falling in a beautiful line to the insertion of the tail. Tail. Reaching to or just below the hock, strong at the root, and end- ing fine with a slight curve. When excited it becomes more curved, but in no case should it curve over the back. Belly. Well drawn up. Forequarters. Shoulders set sloping; elbows well under, turned neither inwards nor outwards. Leg: Forearm muscular, and with great develop- ment of bone, the whole leg strong and quite straight. Hindquarters. Muscular thighs ; second thighs long and strong, as in the greyhound. Hocks well let down and turning neither in nor out. Feet. Large and round, neither turned inward nor outward. Toes well arched and closed. Nails strong and curved. Coat. Very short, hard and dense, and not much longer on the under part of the tail. Colour and markings. The recognized colours are the various shades of grey (commonly termed blue), red, black, pure white, or white with patches of the above-mentioned colours. These colours are sometimes ac- companied by markings of a darker tint about the eyes and muzzle, and with a line of the same tint (called a trace) along the spine. The above ground colours also appear in the brindles and are also the ground-colours of the mottled specimens. In the whole-coloured specimens the china or wall eye but rarely appears, and the nose more or less approaches black, according to the prevailing tint of the dog, and the eyes vary in colour also. The mot- tled specimens have irregular patches or "clouds" upon the above-named ground colours; in some instances the clouds or markings being of two or 548 The Dog Book more tints. With the mottled specimens the wall or china eye is not uncom- mon and the nose is often part coloured or wholly flesh coloured. On the continent the most fashionable and correct colour is considered to be pure white, with black patches; and leading judges and admirers there con- sider the slate-coloured, or blue patches intermixed with the black, as most undesirable. Faults. Too heavy a head, too slightly arched frontal bone, and deep stop or indentation between the eyes; short neck; full dewlap; too narrow or too broad a chest; sunken or hollow, or quite straight back; bent fore- legs; overbent fetlocks (knuckling over); twisted feet; spreading toes; too heavy and much bent or too highly carried tail, or with a brush underneath ; weak hindquarters, cow-hocks and a general want of muscle. SCALE OF POINTS General appearance .... 3 Tail 4 Condition 3 Forequarters 10 Activity 5 Hindquarters IO Head 15 Feet 8 Neck 5 Coat 4 Chest 8 Height and weight 13 Back 8 Belly 4 Total, 100 SCALE OF POINTS FOR HEIGHT Dogs Bitches Points Dogs Bitches Points 30 in. 28 in. o 33 in. 31 in. 6 31 in. 29 in. 2 34 in. 32m. 9 32 in. 30 in. 4 35 in. 33 in. 13 CHAPTER XL THE MASTIFF ORE has been written about the mastiff than almost any other breed of dogs; and, we are sorry to add, more mis- information. Even up to the time of penning this chapter the work of distributing erroneous statements and perfectly indefensible conclusions goes on in England; and one of the leading kennel papers gravely informs a correspondent that the name of mastiff comes from a word said to be masethefe, "because they do mase and feere away theeves. " Also that there was a Roman official appointed in Britain to take care of the Roman war-dogs. This is an entirely new version of the oft-repeated absurdity that there was at Winchester an official, known as Procurator Cynegii, whose duty it was to select fighting dogs to ship to Rome. Twenty years ago the late Rev. M. B. Wynn exposed this stupid blunder. The official was "Procurator cynoecii" and his duty was to attend to the shipping of goods manufactured at the royal weavery there. Mr. Wynn held that, had the office been in connection with what the Romans called the dogs of England, the title of any official whose duty it was to select and ship fighting dogs to Rome, would have been Procurator Pugnacium Vel Molossorum. Mr. Wynn's " History of the Mastiff" is the best work on the breed, but it should be read with caution by persons who have not made a thorough investigation and read up for themselves. The reason is that while he has brought together a most valuable collection of data and gives many valuable references to olden-time books, manuscripts and illustrations, he was so rabidly impressed by the conviction that the mastiff was a very old breed and yet thoroughly English that he twisted every available fact or stringing to- gether of two or three words to bear out his line of argument. Unfortunately for Mr. Wynn and those who have published similar suppositions, the foundation upon which they built was a quicksand. Their whole structure is based upon the mastiff of the earliest writings being the mastiff of our day, and there they are wrong. It is singular that no person has at any time 549 550 The Dog Book questioned or contradicted the statement that the French mastin and the English mastiff were similar dogs. They were neither similar in character nor type, but dogs of the same description as to use and position in the ranks of dogs. The mastiff is also called the Molossian dog, and because the names were synonymous with many writers we again find that modern inter- preters assume that the Mollossus was the counterpart of our mastiff. The question that has first to be settled is as to the Molossus, and then comes that as to the mastin. In Chapter I., facing page 20, will be found a photograph of the plaster reproduction of the Molossian dog at Athens; and it does not need a second's contemplation to decide that the dog is a Great Dane in type, and is thor- oughly devoid of what we call mastiff type in head. This is the dog that is continually mentioned as the broad-mouthed animal, and because our mas- tiffs are broad-mouthed, hence many writers have assumed that they must be the same dog. That illustration disposes of the fact that the Molossian was what we call a mastiff. Before showing what the mastin was five hundred years ago, it will be well to consider what the meaning or derivation of the word mastiff is. Among the various claims is that given above as to "Masethefe";and Mar- wood, who perhaps originated this, is copied by Jesse in his "Anecdotes of Dogs." Wynn believed it was a Gallic form of massivus, the "t" being in- terchanged for the "s," the word being derived from massa, a mass. Mastinus was also a common Latin manner of spelling the word. Some held that mastiff was a contraction of mansatinus, a dog that stays as a house dog. Our etymologists are in a much better position to give the correct inter- pretation of old words than their predecessors, and the up-to-date meaning of mastiff is a mongrel or cross-bred dog. The mastins were used in wild-boar hunting, as we find in Gaston de Phoebus, but not because they were so much more courageous than other dogs, such as the alaunt, which was the high-class dog; but in order to avoid the risk of losing the more valuable dogs, these keen-fighting, half-bred dogs were also used to run in at the boar at bay and at the wolf. What these early mastins were like is seen by the illustration from the Gaston de Phoe- bus reproductions which we copy from "The Master of Game." There is little doubt that they were dogs very similar to the Pyrenean sheep dogs of the present. In Johnson's "Costumes of the Pyrenees" (1832) there is an illustration of a woman of the Valley of Ariege with one of these dogs, and the fc. ' E o s . c o -s Si c The Mastiff 551 author says of it, "The dog is a young Pyrennean sheep dog; they vary much in size, some being very powerful, and almost singly a match for a wolf; others again are placed on an equality in combating these destructive animals by being armed by spiked collars. They are very fierce and it is dangerous to meet them in the mountains unaccompanied by their masters." To connect these dogs with our mastiff is out of the question, yet the Duke of York translates the word into mestifis, mastif and mastiues. That his was not an exceptional type of dog used in wild-boar hunting is demonstrated by later artists, beginning with Snyders, a celebrity in depicting hunting scenes. He painted several such for Philip III. of Spain, and it is said "his bear, wolf, and boar fights are scarcely surpassable." Snyders was born in 1579 and died in 1657, and the etching by Wm. Unger is therefore of an early seventeenth century painting. That there was a dog something like a mastiff in Spain at that time the Velasquez painting of Philip IV. indicates, but the Velasquez dogs we have seen have not been at all creditable to that great artist. In addition to having the choice of two Snyders, when we purchased the etching we reproduce, we saw another on the same day. Either of the two others would have made an excellent illustration, but the one given is by far the best in many ways. Of the same period as Snyders we have the Tempesta picture represent- ing a combination of hunting scenes, wild boar, wolf and fox being represen- ted. Antonius Tempesta was born in 1580, one year after Snyders, and we thus have Italian as well as French hunting methods of the same date. In the Tempesta picture the Molossian or Great Dane type predominates, and with it a lighter, sharper nosed dog which more resembles the French mastin except in the matter of ears. The dog to the left of the wolf bears a wonderful resemblance to the dog Hogarth painted in his picture of the ' ' Good Samaritan. " The head of Hogarth's dog is in a similar position, with the mouth shut. It has a similar length of foreface, equally strong, and is cropped; in fact, so closely does Hogarth's dog resemble this one, that we must either conclude that in Hogarth's day, about 1735, there was a dog of similar type or he took such a painting as this of Tempesta as representing a dog that might be found in Palestine. We must remember that Hogarth was not painting an English scene, and it is quite conjectural as to the dog being English. The similarity of the dogs makes it unnecessary to give the Ho- garth picture. 552 The Dog Book There is also the Vandyck dog in the picture of the children of Charles I. which means a dog of about 1640. This is the "stock cut" illustration re- ferred to by all English writers as the absolute proof of the ancient lineage of the mastiff. Wynn was right, however, when in comparing several pictures of this dog, first by Vandyck and by Greenhill, who made several copies of Vandyck's picture of Killegrew and this same dog. What Wynn says is that he had "some doubt of its being really an English mastiff, thinking it very probable to have been an importation, having too much of the boarhound character about it for mastiff purity. It is therefore very empirical assum- ing this dog to be a reliable representation of the type of the English mas- tiff of that date." Of course Wynn wanted to see a heavy-lipped, short- faced dog, because that is what he had made up his mind was what the mas- tiff always had been. Mr. Wynn was no different from many other special- ist writers whose style of argument and conclusions always remind us of "The Marchioness" and her wine of orange peel and water. "If you make believe very much it is very nice, but if you don't, you know, it seems as if it would bear a little more seasoning." We want a whole lot of seasoning to bring us to the point of any other belief than that the mastiff was the com- mon dog, bred anyhow, and not recognised as a fit companion for the higher classes. The dog which apparently better represented our mastiff at the time of Gaston de Phoebus was what he calls the alanz veautres. The Duke of York's translation, given in modern English, is as follows: "They are al- most shaped as a greyhound of full shape, they have a great head, great lips and great ears, and with such men help themselves well at the baiting of the bull and at hunting of the wild boar, for it is natural to them to hold fast, but they are so heavy and ugly, that if they be slain by the wild boar it is no great loss. " " Baiting of the bull " is an interpolation of the Duke of York's. The alaunt of the butcher was also used in wild-boar hunting. There is a dog in the illustration we reproduce from "The Master of Game," showing the characteristics of the alauntz ventreres, as it is written in " The Master of Game" and the alaunts of the superior class are also shown. The latter are the two dogs on Gaston's left, the white one and the muzzled one. The dog in the foreground to the right is the one we take to be the alauntz ventreres, as it is the only dog which appears to fill the description of having a large head, great lips and great ears, a description which naturally suggests our mastiff but it is impossible to trace any connection between the two. If Buffon did THOR H. SENTA CH. PORTIA MELAC BUTLER AND PRINCE EARL OF WURTEMBERG The Mastiff 553 not so distinctly state that the dog to which he gives the name of "dogue de forte race" was a cross-bred animal between the dogue (the English bulldog), and the largest of the French dogs called the matin, it would be open to sur- mise that it was the lineal descendant of the alauntz ventreres, but that door is closed by Buffon's statement and by his declining to recognize it as any- thing but a cross-bred dog. Another point in the same line is that there does not appear to be any dog illustrated by artists of the seventeenth century which bears out the des- cription given by Gaston de Phoebus, and that of three hundred years later by Buffon. It might be held that the variety had been given up in France and survived in England, but the evidence as to the mastiff in England is quite to the contrary, and if there had been any dog there so much larger than the bulldog, as Buffon describes that dog, he would surely have been aware of it. The evidence we shall present regarding the dog called the mastiff be- fore and up to 1800 does not conclusively show any great dissimilarity be- tween the mastiff and the bulldog of that time. We mean by that that the dividing line was not specially marked by a great dissimilarity of size or of type. The bulldogs differed in size and the mastiffs also, making them closely allied when it came to the larger bulldog and the smaller mastiff. The first illustration which is undoubtedly that of a mastiff from a present- day standpoint is the Buffon drawing, and that was not a dog which that authority would recognize as an original breed, or an established breed as we now use that term. Yet it was sufficiently numerous in France to find a place in his division of the canine race. When the name of mastiff or any of its equivalents was used in England in the early days there is nothing to show that the dogs held very high rank. Some dogs that did so were called mastiffs, that we admit, but these were in- dividual dogs and not indicative of the breed, which filled many useful posi- tions, but nearly all inferior to those of the dogs of the chase, kept by English nobility. Chaucer knew the difference between the alaunt and the mastiff, and describes the king of Trace as being surrounded by the former. "Aboute his char ther wenten whyte alaunts, Twenty and mo, as grete as any steer, To hunten at the leoun or the deer And folwed him, with mosel faste ybounde, Colers of gold, and torets fyled rounde." 554 The Dog Book Certainly if mastiffs had been the master dog, they would have been the choice of the nobility. Hence the deductions to be made are that the mas- tiffs were inferior in size to the alaunts, as well as in breeding, so that the now accepted definition of the name as applying to a cross-bred or mongrel dog is undoubtedly correct. We have already quoted Caius with regard to mastiffs of his day, and shown in connection with the smooth sheep dog and the bulldog that they were members of the family of common country dog, dogs of undoubted cour- age, differing in size and adaptation for the many uses to which they were put. The section of the family which we are now discussing was the largest, and Caius places it second to the shepherd's dog in the family group. As Caius tells us nothing of the alauntes and describes no dog that at all resembles what we know it to have been, we may assume that they had died out, but we must also assume that their blood had become incorporated in that of the common dog, for men in want of a large fighting dog would naturally turn to this dog to get what they wanted. At the period covered by Caius, 1550, the mastiff was undoubtedly the largest of the English dogs, or at least some of them were, but in considering his description we should not fail to note that he had a habit of piling up his adjectives; and when he says that the "mastyne or Bandogge is vaste, huge, stubborne, ougly, and eager, of a heuy and burthenous body" it is not very different from what he writes with regard to English curiosity regarding foreign dogs, "gasping and gaping, staring and standing to see them." In another place he says of the mastiff that he is usually tied and is mighty, gross and fat-fed. It is not necessary to imagine that they were anything like the size of our mastiffs. Indeed, from illustrations which appeared during the next hundred years, in representations of attacks on bears, they were apparently not much larger than a setter. Of course much heavier and stronger but no taller. Active, powerful dogs with square-shaped heads. Men who breed bull terriers for the pit pay no attention whatever to colour or points, breeding only from dogs of proved courage, and it would be ridiculous to imagine that Englishmen of four or five hundred years ago adopted any other course in breeding for a dog that would bait the bear and the bull. We can see the result of this system of breeding in the colour of the mastiff of a hundred years ago, all of the illustrations of that period showing more or less white about the head and body, and that was not bred out even when dog-shows were started. HANNIBAL ^OF^RQSEIMLE, at 16 months is yfoff Js L ^pif'^lj*im^d tb l j)e the tallest dog in Englan &sdiiMaickay 'Scott, Erith on Thames CH. LORD RONALD OF REDGRAVE Property of Mr. A. Sparks, Stroud Green, London PRINCE FLORIZEL Property of Miss E. Mackay Scott, Erith on Thames HANNIBAL OF ROSKDALE Taken when one month of age CHANCE OF ROSEDALE, 8 months Property of Miss E. Mackay Scott, Erith on Thames HATTO BOMMELIA Property of Mr. J W. Marsden, Leeds PRESENT DAY DANES IN ENGLAND The Mastiff 555 It is probable that in the case of the larger mastiffs which were kept as watch-dogs, and were bred here and there by noblemen, that there was a far more definite attempt to gain size and establish type, and to this we owe the development of the dog into the mastiff of 1800. There is no reason to doubt that at the close of the eighteenth century there was in England a large square-headed dog, frequently marked with white and varying in body colour from fawn to black, with brindles of various shades. But the name mastiff ranged down to dogs of large bulldog size; in fact, the line of division be- tween them was more that of use than anything else. At the head of the bulldog chapter will be seen Bewick's bulldog; and comparing it with the mastiff by him, it will be seen that there is extremely little difference between them. That this mastiff of Bewick's was typical of all the mastiffs of his day is quite out of the question; but that it was accepted as an excellent illus- tration of quite a number of mastiffs is undoubtedly correct, for it was copied for many years as the type, and, although Mr. Wynn detected some of the copies, he yet did not notice all the plagiarisms, and passed some that owed their origin to that past-master of wood engraving. We thought we had se- cured a great find when we picked up a sheet illustration, evidently from some natural history book, and published in 1800. A splendid mastiff, coloured very dark sepia, almost black, with white markings, and a close inspection showed ten stripes down the sides at wide intervals. When we got it home we turned to the Bewick to see how closely they resembled each other, and found it was a copy even to the peculiarly scolloped edge of the mark- ings; but the dog being drawn to face the left made it at first appear a dif- ferent animal. This same cut was used in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1792 edition) and will be found doing duty, as late as 1858, in Jesse's "An- ecdotes of Dogs," where it is claimed as the work of W. R. Smith, a well- known delineator of dogs. It is our old friend Bewick, however, unless there were many mastiffs with identical markings on the flanks and hind- quarters. To support Bewick we have a good mastiff in a Reinagle painting dating from 1803. This dog shows a great deal more quality and breeding than the rather common though well-proportioned dog of Bewick. From their surroundings both of these dogs were watch dogs, and came of that section bred for size; though from the comparative size of the mastiff in the group behind the Bewick mastiff it does not appear that he considered it 556 The Dog Book such a very large dog there is nothing immense about it. Following closely upon the heels of the Bewick productions we have the numerous etchings by Howitt; and, while giving due credit to Bewick for what he ac- complished as an illustrator, there is no question but that Howitt far sur- passed the wood-engraver in his ability to catch the spirit of his dog. Howitt seems to have taken cognisance of two varieties of mastiff, the house dog and the sporting dog. From Bingley's "Quadrupeds" (1809) we give Howitt's house or farm mastiff. Wynn repudiated this representation altogether, and in opposition to it sent us for publication in the American Kennel Register a sketch which he made of a church grotesque and an etching of a cropped and docked dog of strong boarhound indications. This Howitt mastiff and Bewick's, while dissimilar, are yet very similar. Both are sizeable, well built dogs, indicating great strength, each skull is flat and of good length; good strong foreface, and this mastiff of Howitt's has un- cropped ears much smaller than those of the Bewick mastiff. Howitt had another mastiff, the righting or baiting dog, and he made it sufficiently different from some of his bulldogs to permit of making a shrewd guess as to which is the mastiff. From a collection of about a dozen of Howitt's etchings we select enough to make a page of illustra- tions showing more divergence in size, perhaps, than in type. These baiting mastiffs are all cropped, and when we take up the mastiffs which date from 1800 to 1830 it will be found that quite a number were cropped and docked. It should be said that he also etched cropped bull- dogs very similar to his mastiffs. Etchings and engravings of Alpine mastiffs are by no means uncom- mon and we give one that was drawn by Edwin Landseer and etched by his brother Thomas, also a smooth St. Bernard dog from Sir William Jardine's "Naturalist's Library" (1840), this smooth being a dog named Bass owned by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Edinburgh, who got it from the Hospice in 1837. These two illustrations are given in connection with the St. Bernard chapter, which follows. Wynn draws attention to this picture of Bass, and says that but for the difference in colour of the markings it was exactly like a Spanish mastiff that Bill George offered him for twenty pounds, about the year 1863. George's mastiff was black about the head, while Bass is shown with bright tawney, without any darker shadings. In view of the many references about to be made to Alpine mastiffs it will be well to turn to the illustrations referred to, and to note the type of these dogs. That these for- Courtesy of the American Ke SANDOR VOM INN il-is exce'lek't dlav. : in^ 'by 'Mr. Muss Amolt was made when the dog had yet to fill out. The dog was shown by the .itte Charles E. Tilford, and later by the Montebello Kennels SIGNA The Mastiff 557 eign dogs and also what were called boarhounds were taller than the English dogs seems to be conceded by Wynn; and he emphasises time and again that Thompson's breeding for a moderate-sized dog with a heavy body and short head was correct, and that Lukey's ideas of size were wrong. Another illustration which is rather a shock to believers in the "exclus- ively English" of the mastiff is Buffon's "dogue de forte race. " At first sight it looks like our friend the Bewick mastiff but it was published in Paris nearly fifty years before the Bewick engraving. Buffon says that this "dog of the strong race ' ' was a cross between the dogue and the matin. The dogue was the bulldog, and he mentions it as the dog of England which had been im- ported into France. But he says that it did not thrive there well, and that the cross between the matin and the imported English dogue and between it and the petit Danois, which respectively were the "dog of the strong race" and the pug, succeeded better, adding that the "dog of the strong race" was also much larger than the dogue of England. The contribution of M. Daubenton is to the effect that the "dog of the strong race" much resembled the pure dogue but was much larger and that was the reason for its name. This increase in size being due to the cross with the matin and with the Great Dane. It was of the same proportions as the dogue y but was longer and larger in muzzle, and its lips were thicker and more pendulous. Thus far there has been considerable groping along a very indistinct path, but we can now make use of a broad thoroughfare of knowledge. Mr. Wynn was a man of indefatigable research, and when it comes to facts he could obtain first-hand he let nothing interfere in getting them from the parent source. In respect to the record of what he names the re- suscitation of the mastiff his history of the breed is invaluable, but we cannot give all we would like to extract from it, for it teems with historical facts for the last seventy pages. The extraordinary thing, which he clearly proves, although he does not know it, is that we owe our mastiff to a few obscurely picked up dogs of un- known origin and from others that were either half-bred Great Danes or dogs known as Alpine mastiffs, that being the name for the St. Bernard about 1820, though Captain Brown called it the Alpine spaniel. If the dogs Mr. Wynn found out anything about were Alpine mastiffs or half-bred-Danes, what are we to suppose that the strays and stolen dogs were ? Are we to accept them as all absolutely bred from old stock for type and character, or are we to say: "If these dogs that are traceable either from knowledge of breeding SS8 The Dog Book or from appearance were not mastiffs at all, we can only believe the same of. such dogs as were entirely unknown so far as breeding was concerned, and were only tolerably good-looking dogs." Perhaps the best way we can elucidate the slim foundation there is for the claim that the British mastiff is the outgrowth of the old dog that went by that name in the first books appertaining to dogs, or even the mastiff of Bewick and Howitt, is to copy the pedigree of Wallace's Turk as it is given in the first volume of the English studbook, and to tell what is known of the terminals. In this pedigree is embodied all traced connections with the past, and it may be said that the ancestors of dogs from 1870 to date are almost invariably to be found in this pedigree. PBDIGRBX OP Miss AGLIONBY'S TURK, BORN 1867. TURK. r*td' Rio*. MUkAfUonbySUa^ irA'A Rufl-, ruu'sfMt Ktcoof QJM. Kichol. Venu* Governor. Horn's) Jenny. Cs'y Quaker. GarretVs or (Seo beJaw.) Cuppy' NII (Sea pert, of Raymond'*? Prince) Cu ' Raymond's. Raymond's) Prinm. Ouches*. fiir.C. Domville'* Duches* Oscai. "Son.* Lukl/s Cbuntes* nicy's Garrett'j George's aket N.U. Leo. Aatdeir* Jju Lao. Gamier's. Lukey's Lukey's Ducfies* Tnompson'* Thompsoh's Lord Darnleyk Eve. Bmce IL, (Sij t , to Thompson** SaUdin. DucheM. |>W* L>ik'e/ uc*L JTeZ Akroyd's Thompson** SifG. A Dan, Venus. I Lukey't Bti (This is the pedigree from "The Book of the Dog," and differs slightly from that of the Stud Book, the only thing of any consequence, however, is the ommission of the dam of Lukey's Bell which the Stud Book gives as Lukey's Countess. J,ulccy' Lukey's Lukey's Thompson's Thompson^ Lion. UruceL NeiL Nero. Bruce. Bess. I I I I I I 1 Juno was a bitch owned by Mr. Edward Nichols of London, who seems to have picked up dogs without pedigree to a great extent. When we visited his kennel at Knightsbridge in 1877, when he had several winning dogs, we found the run of his kennel was towards decidedly weak-faced dogs com- pared with what we should now call good mastiffs. If Juno had had any H = '~ u ,_ o | o I 8 * 5 = o g 1 1 The Mastiff 559 pedigree he would undoubtedly have given it. Ansdell's Leo was a reputed Lyme Hall dog. The Lyme Hall strain was undoubtedly of alaunt descent, and it was claimed that the original of the strain was a bitch which defended Sir Peers Leigh when he lay wounded on the battlefield of Agincourt, Oc- tober 25, 1415. Sir Peers was removed to Paris, where he died, and there the bitch had whelps which must have been from a foreign service. The body of the knight was brought to Lyme Hall, Stockport, for burial, and the bitch and puppies were brought to the hall at the same time and are said to have founded the Lyme Hall strain. Such of the Lyme Hall strain as we have seen lacked very much the short face of the mastiff, and were light in body, being altogether too much of the Dane in type. Nothing is known of the dam of Raymond's Duchess nor of George's Leo. Bill George was a dealer living at Kensal New Town, on the road from Paddington to Harrow, and at that time dealt largely in mastiffs and bull- dogs. He had a prominent dog named Tiger (always named as Bill George's Tiger) which he got as a present from Mr. J. W. Thompson, to whom we shall shortly refer. Tiger was a particularly good-headed dog, but de- fective in legs and hindquarters owing to an accident as a puppy. The next line, Garrett's Nell, is also short, and this brings us to the first extended pedigree, that of Cautley's Quaker, not Cantley's as it is spelled all through the studbook. Cautley's Quaker runs out to terminals owned by Lukey and Thompson, and we will take them in that order, although Thompson was the older breeder. Mr. Lukey began his breeding as follows: He saw a large black mastiff in Hyde Park, in charge of a footman, and on inquiry found it was the prop- erty of the Marquis of Hertford. He called on that nobleman and received permission to breed to the dog provided the marquis was satisfied with the bitch. Mr. Lukey thereupon commissioned George White, a dealer, to get him the best mastiff bitch he could put his hands on. He got a cropped and docked brindle bitch, which Wynn states was one of an Alpine mastiff line. Lukey wrote some time afterward that it was of the Duke of Devonshire's Chatsworth strain, and Wynn says that they were Alpines. Pluto was un- doubtedly in whole or in part Thibet mastiff. He was black and in his des- cendants the coats would at times come rough and black. He was not Eng- lish anyway, nor was the cropped bitch, Countess by name. Now those two were the starters of the Lukey strain and from this union came two bitch puppies, one of which was named Yarrow; the other died. 560 The Dog Book Yarrow was bred to Couchez, a dog brought from Italy, and reputed to be Alpine. He was a dark brindle with black head and a narrow blaze, and had the reputation of being unbeatable as a righting dog. He was 31 inches at the shoulders (probably taped to the withers) and weighed 130 pounds. From Couchez came Lukey's Bruce I. Yarrow was also bred to a pedigreeless brindle dog of George White's, and from that mating came Lukey's Nell. The rest of Lukey's stock he got from Thompson, but be- fore moving on to his strain we ask what foundation there is for considering Lukey's dogs English mastiffs ? Yet Stonehenge always wrote that it was to Mr. Lukey's the breeders of 1870 owed the English mastiff. The first Thompson connected with the breed was Commissioner Thompson of St. Ann's, near Halifax, who about 1800 had three bitches; a black named Sail, 27 inches tall, and a black and white named Trusty, from which came a dog called Lion (sent to Nostal Priory) to which we shall refer a little later. Another of his bitches was named Rose, a fawn and white standing 27 inches, according to old timers who described her to Mr. Wynn. Mating Rose to Robinson's Bold, a fawn dog, of the Bold Hall strain, he got Holdsworth's Lion. Another old breeder of mastiffs for use by keepers was John Crabtree, who, while making his rounds as gamekeeper, found a long and low brindle mas- tiff bitch in a trap. The presumption is she came from Lancashire, and Crabtree always said she had bulldog blood in her. He named her Duchess and bred her to Holdsworth's Lion. A bitch puppy of hers he gave to a Mrs. Brewer and he afterwards bred this puppy, Bet, to a dog that is some- what frequently named in old pedigrees Waterton's Tiger, owned by Water- ton the naturalist. This dog came from Ireland and was a cropped and short-tailed red-fawn Great Dane, said to have been 34 inches at the shoul- der. One of the bitches from this litter was Mrs. Scott's Tiny, which was bred to Gibson's Nero, a brother to Mrs. Brewer's Bet; and John Crabtree kept one of the dog puppies which afterwards became known as Sir George Armitage's Old Tiger (he afterwards had another Tiger see tabulated ped- igree of Turk). Another of this Waterton's Tiger litter was a bitch called Venus which was owned by Henry Crabtree, brother of John, and she was bred to the Nostal Priory dog, Lion, out of Commissioner Thompson's Trusty. From this mating came Sir George Armitage's Duchess, also called Venus, who was bred to his Old Tiger, and one of her puppies, named Dorah was the prime factor in forming the J. W. Thompson strain, he getting The Mastiff 561 her from Crabtree about 1830. In tabulated form the pedigree is as follows : Robinson's Bold [Nero ! Hold (worth's Lion . . . / Rne 'Sir G. Armitages Old Tiger Tiny . . Duchess ( Waterton's Tiger v. KOSC (Bet ( Holds worth's Lion Dorah x (1826) ( Duchess Sir G. Armitage's Duchess or Venus {Nostal Priory Lion. . . Crabtree 's Venui . . . Trusty J Waterton's Tiger Bet .. ( Holds-worth's Lion ( Duchess The inbreeding in this pedigree is very noticeable, and also that in the third generation there are two crosses of the Great Dane, Waterton's Tiger. Mr. J.W.Thompson had previously got a bitch from Bill George, which was named Juno and was a rough-coated brindle. She was bred to a dog called Fenton's Tiger, of which nothing is known. Dorah was also bred to this same Tiger, who according to Mr. Thompson was one of the largest mastiffs he ever saw, and was very good in coat. From the second mating came the Athrington Hall Lion, and to this dog Mr. Thompson bred a bitch he had bought from a gentleman in Surrey. Her name was Cymba, and she was a smooth fawn of 26 inches height. One of the results from this mating was a bitch known as Thornton's Juno. Dorah was also mated with a dog of Sir E. Willmott's called Lion. His pedigree is unknown, but some one was authority for the statement that he was "the finest mastiff he had ever seen." There is some doubt as to the Bess from the litter. In the Turk pedigree Bess is put down as the dam of Dr. Ellis's Lion, whereas Wynn says Bess went to John Crabtree as a puppy, and he says that this Lion was out of Thompson's Juno. It is not a material point, as all we desire to show is where the "back numbers" came from. Now that was J. W. Thomp- son's start. One bitch, one quarter Great Dane, bred to dogs not one of which had a known pedigree. When he had got thus far in his breeding, he began to get stock from Lukey and we know what that was. There does not seem to be any doubt, however, that Mr. Thompson had type in his mind other than mere size, such as Mr. Lukey went in for more strongly. Thompson's ideal was a heavy dog of medium size, and if he got his type he seemed per- fectly willing to consider dogs of 27 inches tall enough. 562 The Dog Book We now come to lines outside of Lukey and Thompson. Ackroyd's Dan was partly bulldog, and was kept at Trentham, the Duke of Suther- land's estate. He was a big-headed dog and was considered useful in giving heads. Garret's or Guppy's Nell was out of Lord Darnley's Nell of unknown pedigree and this takes us to Captain Gamier 's Adam and Eve. We are told by Captain Gamier himself that he got them from Bill George, and that Adam was said to be a Lyme Hall. Captain Gamier says he always suspected him of being part boarhound, as they then called the Danes. Eve was got by George from a Leadenhall Market dealer, and she was certainly a good bitch by all accounts; good in type, according to ideals of that day, and stood 29 inches. Captain Gamier took them with him to America, and when he returned the only mastiff he had was one of their puppies named Lion. Wynn several times slurs at this dog Lion as if it had been picked up in America, but Wynn was all for Thompson and even went the length of saying that he was the man who produced Cautley's Qua- ker. He certainly bred him, but how ? The sire was by the big-headed Ackroyd's Dan out of a bitch which Thompson got from Lukey, so there was no Thompson breeding on that side. The dam was out of a bitch he got from Lukey and by Sir G. Armitage's Tiger, a dog that was three-fourths his breeding. That is the way Wynn is misleading. He is a very sound man as to any facts he could find out by persistent effort but when it came to opinions he would twist to suit his views, so that one must form his own conclusions on Wynn's facts. It will be seen what very slight support there is for the claim that the mastiff is descended in all its purity from a magnificent lot of dogs of the highest breeding for many generations and through several centuries. The patent facts are that from a number of dogs of various types of English watch-dogs and baiting dogs, running from 26 inches to 29 or perhaps 30 inches in height, crossed with continental dogs of Great Dane and of old fashioned St. Bernard type, the mastiff has been elevated through the efforts of English breeders to the dog he became about twenty years ago. It was a creditable piece of work to accomplish all in the short space of forty years, or at most fifty years, for Lukey began in 1835 and Thompson in 1832; and such dogs as The Emperor, The Shah, Rajah, Colonel and Salisbury were shown before 1880 and were all of high type, strides in advance of the pro- duction of ten years before, notwithstanding the talk of old timers about dogs of their youth. Still greater improvement quickly followed in the ffl* c The Mastiff 563 Crown Prince era, culminating in the production of that grand dog Minting, which came to this country before the Englishmen realized what they were losing. By way of demonstrating the improvement in mastiffs during the show period and up to 1885 we give reproductions of some heads which were illus- trated in the American Kennel Register in November, 1885. The head of King was then incorrectly stated to be that of Governor, the correction com- ing from Mr. Wynn, who also advised us that the head of Duchess was not that of Hanbury's Duchess as we had been led to believe. We certainly did not invent the name, and it was probably an error on the part of some person who wrote the name on the photograph. In all likelihood we got the photo- graphs from Mr. William Wade, of Pittsburg, a gentleman who took a deep interest in mastiffs and knew more regarding the breed than any person in this country and who could only have been excelled by Mr. Wynn, owing to the latter's personal knowledge of dogs of his day. Mr. Wynn also wrote that he thought the head of Turk did not do the dog justice and sent a small photographic reproduction from Webb's book on dogs; but while Webb's likeness shows a somewhat flatter skull, the Kennel Register picture shows more filling-up of muzzle before the eyes. There were a number of Duchesses, and which this one was which we then reproduced Wynn could not say and of course we could not. He sent a drawing of Hanbury's Duchess which was a copy of an illustration made by Harrison Weir in 1862, which shows a far shorter and thicker head, and Mr. Weir was then considered the best illustrator of dogs. How Mr. Wynn was able to accept that illustration as representing a mastiff, which he states in his book weighed only 102 pounds at 15 months, we are at a loss to imagine; for the Weir drawing, as he copied it, seemingly by a tracing, represents what looks like one of at least 140 pounds and might be more. In the same letter Mr. Wynn sent us a photograph of the Russian mas- tiff he mentions on page 22 of his book, with this description: "He was a low-standing animal, being not more than 29 inches at the shoulder with round barrel, short stout limbs, and one of the most typical mastiff heads I have ever seen; eyes remarkably small, and grey in colour; the muzzle short, blunt and very deep; lips extremely pendulous; ears very small; coat short, very dense and somewhat woolly; colour a deep red chestnut, with blue or slate coloured points and a white streak up the face, white on 564 The Dog Book breast and paws; stern somewhat thick and brush-like. He had a split nose, and the skin, instead of being black, was a bluish colour. That this was a true mastiff colour I was aware from having seen an English mastiff bitch of exactly the same colour and markings at Lord Stanley's of Alderley." How Mr. Wynn could conclude that was a true mastiff colour from seeing but one specimen is rather strange. The natural conclusion would have been that she had some foreign ancestry. Another curiosity with this same letter was a blueprint of a sketch from the picture of Lord Waldegrave's Couchez, taken, as he says on page 164 of his book, from a drawing made from an old oil painting, and it is surprising that Mr. Wynn did not notice the marked resemblance it bore to the Reinagle mastiff. We have shown very clearly, we think, that the mastiff of 1885 was a very different animal in the accentuation of head type from the early show dogs, and that the latter were considered remarkable can be shown by the fact that Turk was sold for $2,500. In the Elaine and Pontiff period there were a memorable number of mastiffs in England. In fact, it was the high- water mark of the breed, for there never was a time when there were so many high-class dogs on the English show benches. We cannot give the space that really should be devoted to even a mention by names, and will content ourselves with a reference to Crown Prince whose career was phenomenal. The photograph of Crown Prince which we reproduce is unique as being so far as we know the only one ever published of this historical dog. It was undoubtedly taken when he was past his prime, and likely about the time we saw him, December, 1883. He was then a physical wreck and Dr. Forbes Winslow only permitted us to see him because we were from America. The dog tottered out and as he turned his head towards us our companion turned with a shudder and the exclamation " Oh, what horrible eyes. ''' Crown Prince's eyes were a very decided yellow and were anything but pleasing in expression, being then sunk in his head. He also had a flesh- coloured nose. Yet such was the craze for the short, square head at that time that he had an almost unbeaten record, and his progeny were also very successful; for of course he was bred from very largely. His pedigree was recorded as by Young Prince out of Merlin, but there is not the shadow of a doubt that The Emperor, kept at the same kennel as Young Prince, was the dog that sired Crown Prince. The Emperor was by The Shah, a very successful dog, but long in The Mastiff 565 face and with a peaked skull, but a grand-bodied dog and one we knew well. Our first acquaintance with mastiffs in America was in connection with the New York show of 1880 when Turk won in dogs and Rab in the open bitch class. Turk was a good-bodied dog, but poor in head and expression. He was bred from a pair that Mr. Delafield Smith got from Bill George, and there was no pedigree with them. Leah was a pedigreeless bitch of which we have no memorandum in our catalogue. She turned up in the champion class next year as "imported." Boston was quite strong in mas- tiffs even before that date; and at the Boston show of 1878, 21 mastiffs were entered in the one class. We have no record of the awards, but probably a dog called Austin's Jack was pretty high on the list as he was bred to con- siderably in that neighbourhood. He was by Kelley's imported Dash, out of Austin's Juno, also imported. Austin's Jack was the sire of a little dog called Grim, just fair in head for that time, owned by Mr. C. W. Fraleigh of New York. In 1881 at New York this Grim won from Gurth, a big coarse dog, straight behind, and in third place came Salisbury, Mr. C. H. Mason's big English winner. Salisbury was worth more than all the rest of the mas- tiffs at the show. It was generally understood that the judge explained his decision by saying he had never seen such a dog before. Grim should have been third, behind Salisbury and Gurth. Creole, even more pronounced in type than Salisbury, took the bitch prize, showing that the judge was an apt pupil. In 1882 we judged mastiffs at New York and put Gurth over Grim in the champion class. In the absence of a marked catalogue we presume that an imported son of Alston's Colonel, named Zulu, won in the open dog class. Some good puppies came from this dog. Mr. J. W. Alsop of Middletown, Conn., was the leading importer at that time and got over some well-bred stock, including the Rajah bitch Boadicea. Mr. Charles E. Wallack was another who took great interest in the breed and was quite prominent as a breeder for a year or two. Interest in mastiffs grew rapidly, and when we again had the duty of judging at New York, the following year, there was great improvement in all the classes. Nevison, a dog brought over by the late William Graham of Belfast, had won at Pittsburg and thus got into the champion class at New York, where he won. Creole, a complete wreck, was beaten by a far inferior mastiff, Lioness, owned by W. H. Lee of Boston who also had a Turk, by Rajah out of Brenda. Turk was one of the popular names at that time and it is now 566 The Dog Book very difficult to distinguish one from the other. This Turk was the best-bred dog of all of that name. The New York catalogue of 1883 shows a number of well-bred im- portations among the mastiff entries. Stevenson's Cato, third in open dogs, was by Crown Prince, and his Queen II., also in third place, was by The Emperor out of Hanbury's Queen. The Scarborough Kennels had a litter sister to Crown Prince in Dolly Varden, which afterwards went to the Ash- mont Kennels of Dr. Frank H. Perry. In the puppy class were a nice pair by Stevenson's Cato out of his Queen II., named Homer and Dido II. that promised well, but at four months old it was hard to place them. Dido II. was, however, given third ribbon. She took third two years later at New York, Hugh Dalziel judging, and Homer was second in his class. There was a lack of size about both of these but they were the best thing in American-breds for many years. The Ashmont Kennels took up the breed in 1884, the best of the early purchases being Dolly Varden, and by judicious selections Dr. Perry got together an excellent kennel, mainly of bitches at first. He then purchased a dog called Hero II. that we had picked up in a New York dealer's store and which turned out to be Mr. R. Exley's, formerly of Bradford, but later a resident of Philadelphia and then of Providence. Hero II. was by Salis- bury out of Venus by Green's Monarch, and had won second in the puppy class at the Crystal Palace. He was a tall well-built dog, somewhat plain in face. We sold him to Mr. John Burgess, the collie exhibitor, and when Dr. Perry wanted a stud dog we suggested Hero II., telling him he could win, which he did at New Haven immediately afterward; and Dr. Perry then bought him and won wherever he showed him for two years. He was, however, beaten for the breed special at New York in 1885 by Mr. Steven- son's or the Winlawn Kennels' Moses. The latter was an uncommonly good dog, but we are very sure he died soon after the show as we cannot find anything further about him, and no puppies of his appeared the follow- ing year, the kennel depending upon Homer as its best show dog. Mr. Stevenson was also strong in bitches, having among others two good daugh- ters of Crown Prince in Russian Princess and Rosalind, with which he won innumerable prizes, including many specials for the best mastiff at a number of shows. Mr. E. H. Moore of Melrose, Mass., who had been showing St. Ber- nards, now took up mastiffs and imported Ilford Caution, a son of Crown BEWICK'S MASTIFF, 1790 DOGUE DE FORTE RACE From Buff on 's "Histoire Naturelle," 1750 REINAGLF/S MASTIFF From the "Sportsman's Cabinet," 1805 The Mastiff 567 Prince, bred by Mr. R. Cook, the secretary of the Mastiff Club .of England. Mr. Cook had much to do with the sending of good dogs to us at that time, all the Ilfords coming from his kennel, including the brindle Ilford Crom- well which was a strong addition to the Ashmont Kennels. Mr. Winchell, of Fair Haven, who afterwards became prominent in bloodhounds, began a successful career in mastiffs with the progeny of Monmouth Meg and Zulu, from which he showed Boss and Bess at New York in 1876. At the same show Mr. Reginald J. Aston showed some mastiffs sent up from Florida: Baby, Ilford Cambria and Maidstone Nellie. His return to England caused his early retirement. Much of the interest in mastiffs at this time was due to the untiring efforts of Mr. William Wade of Pittsburg, who never let an opportunity pass for booming the breed, and of all the large breeds the mastiff was then the most popular. At the New York show of 1888 the entry was three dogs in the champion class and an equal number of bitches in their class; while in open dogs there were 19, in open bitches 14, and in pup- pies 6, a total of 45. How the mighty have fallen! when at New York in 1905 not a single mastiff was entered. The Ashmont Kennels had by this time ceased to exist, Dr. Perry having sold his dogs to Mr. A. Gerald Hull of Saratoga. Among them was a bitch named Bal Gal, about which there is a little history. At the time Dr. Forbes Winslow sold out his kennels, which was a few days after we saw Crown Prince as already mentioned, he owned Bal Gal and she was one of the early lots for disposal. Mr. Graham found it convenient to make a trip from Belfast to London to see what was sold at what he used to call butcher's price, and on looking over the kennels saw some excellent puppies out of Bal Gal; so he concluded that the dam was worth purchasing. He got her for S and later on the puppies fetched extravagant prices. Graham then sold Bal Gal to the Ashmont Kennels at a good profit. The year 1888 stands out prominently as the banner one in the history of the mastiff in America. In the champion class Ilford Caution, Ilford Cromwell and Homer were shown; and in the bitch class, The Lady Clare, Prussian Princess and Bal Gal. The open dog class included Winchell's Mo- ses and Boss, Imperial Chancellor and the great Minting, while among the bitches were Mayflower, Bess, Idalia, Hebe, Daphne, Moore's Duchess and old Queen II. It was now Mr. Stevenson's turn to retire, which he did after having made a good record for many years. Homer became the property 568 The Dog Book of F. C. Phoebus, who was one of our earliest professional dog showers, and for him he again won in the champion class at New York in 1891. To re- place Mr. Stevenson we had the combination of Mr. Taunton of England and Mr. Winchell of Vermont, Mr. Taunton sending over his good dog Beau- fort as the star of the partnership kennel. Beaufort won in the open class at New York in 1890, beating Ilford Chancellor, who was a greatly im- proved dog from what he had been when at the Winlawn Kennels. Mr. C. C. Marshall in a report to the Kennel Gazette stated that Beaufort was a much better mastiff than Minting had been, for he was dead then: in fact, he made him out to be the grandest mastiff he had ever seen. Strange to say, however, when the two dogs came under the same judge a year later Chancellor won, and Beaufort was put back to third place, Mrs. Wallack's Merlin splitting the pair. Judges' official reports had then been given up so we have not the opportunity of knowing the wherefore of this change of opinion. Ilford Chancellor had by this time been purchased by the Flour City Kennels of Rochester, which also won first in the bitch class with Lady Dorothy. Some more of Mr. Moore's dogs were also in this kennel, the Melrose exhibitor having given up the hard work of dog showing soon after he lost Minting. Beaufort was sent back to England and in his place Mr. Winchell had his son, Beaufort's Black Prince, the best mastiff we had so far bred in this country, take him all in all. With him he won first in the open class in 1892, and the following year took first in the challenge class. Mr. Wade, whose fancy for mastiffs leant more to the longer-faced dogs than to the fashion- able type, somewhat astonished the fancy by getting hold of that extra good bitch, Lady Coleus, who had been an extensive winner, and with her he took first in challenge class. We think he had only once before been an exhibitor at New York, when in 1883 Tiny, a far different type from Lady Coleus, won first in the open class. In 1893 we find for the first time the name of Dr. Lougest of Boston as an exhibitor of mastiffs, and although he had little success that year it fell on his shoulders only a few years later to bear the load of upholding the Eng- lish mastiff, which had been deserted by all its old supporters and had gained no new and staunch friends. It was the beginning of the end when Dr. Lougest took up the breed, for although Mr. Winchell held on while he had Beaufort's Black Prince, that was not for long, and in 1898 he had but one entry while ten of the total of the nineteen dogs entered in 1898 were from w <= l! 8 i si The Mastiff 569 the Lougest kennels. The dog with which Dr. Lougest had expected to sweep the decks at this show was Black Peter, but unfortunately he did not reach New York in time to compete, being only benched on the last day. The proverbial Irishman might have said that if he had come any sooner he would not have come at all, for the dog was booked to leave on the steamer which sank in the English Channel after a collision; but Peter's departure was delayed, from some cause, for a later boat. This was a truly grand dog, a black brindle, with a great deal of wrinkle and a well-shaped head. He also possessed size and substance, and must be placed on record as one of the very best, if not actually the best, mastiff we have had here. He possessed every property of the mastiff developed to a notable degree, and stopped short in every way of any objectionable exaggeration. In 1898 Mr. F. J. Skinner, then of Baltimore, entered a very strong four in Champion Prince Cola, Rossington, Victoria III., and Thistle, but not quite good enough to beat the Lougest combination. Mr. Skinner had been a consistent supporter of the mastiff for some years, and may be said to have been the last of the old brigade to leave the field for Dr. Lougest to fill. From Black Peter came some excellent brindles, the black Holland's Queen being a very symmetrical bitch, possibly the best American-bred bitch we have had. The best dog that Black Peter got was The Emperor, but he was not the equal of the last dog Dr. Lougest imported, Prince of Wales, which took the Dutch dog's place when he was retired. When things get so bad that they cannot be worse the only movement is in the line of improvement, and there are signs of a revival of interest in the mastiff in England as well as America. Mr. Cooke, of Bangor, Me., has lately become interested in the mastiff and tells us that he has had quite a large correspondence forced upon him by persons who have learned of his importations. What these gentlemen should do is to join the Mastiff Club, if there is anything left to join, get hold of the challenge cups and what is still left of the moribund organization and put money and vim into the resuscitation of the breed. Although the mastiff has become one of the large dogs in the way of height, this property is not the feature that we find in the Dane. In this dog substance and massiveness take precedence. Very naturally in a thick- set, massive dog we are more likely to get the head to correspond, while in the more racing-built Dane we have the narrower and longer head which corresponds therewith. Hence height, unless accompanied by bulk sufficient 57O The Dog Book to still preserve that feature, must be ignored. The mastiff should be a free and easy mover, but fast work is not an essential, hence speed lines are not called for; but to support the weight of the dog we must have good legs and the soundest of feet: weakness there means a useless dog. No written de- scription of the head of the mastiff will equal good illustrations as showing what is wanted, hence we refer the reader to these, and to the standard which is as follows : DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General Character and Symmetry. Large, massive, powerful, symmet- rical and well-built frame. A combination of grandeur and good nature, courage and docility. Head. In general outline giving a square appearance when viewed from any point. Breadth greatly to be desired, and should be in ratio to length of the whole head and face as 2 to 3. Body. Massive, broad, deep, long, powerfully built on legs wide apart and squarely set. Muscles sharply defined. Size is a great desideratum, if combined with quality. Height and substance important if both points are proportionately combined. Skull. Broad between the ears, forehead flat, but wrinkled when at- tention is excited. Brows (superciliary ridges) slightly raised. Muscles of the temples and cheeks (temporal and masseter) well developed. Arch across the skull of a rounded, flattened curve, with a depression up the cen- tre of the skull from the median line between the eyes to halfway up the sag- gital suture. Face or muzzle. Short, broad under the eyes and keeping nearly par- allel in width to the end of the nose ; truncated, i. e., blunt and cut off square, thus forming a right angle with the upper-jaw line of the face, of great depth from the point of the nose to the under jaw. Under jaw broad to the end: canine teeth healthy, powerful and wide apart; incisors level or the lower projecting beyond the upper, but never sufficiently so as to become visible when the mouth is shut. Nose broad, with widely spreading nostrils when viewed from the front, flat not pointed or turned up in profile. Lips diverg- ing at obtuse angles from the septum and slightly pendulous, so as to show a square profile. Length of muzzle to whole head and face as I to 3. Cir- cumference of muzzle (measured half way between the eyes and nose) to that of head (measured before the ears) as 3 to 5. CHAMPION BEAUFORT This English dog was for some time in the kennels of Mr. Winchell. of Fair Haven, Vt. Propei ty of Dr. Louge, Bostpn CHAMPION CROWN PRINCE Photo by H. DUcon & Son, London. The dog that introduced the exceedingly square head. A great winner in England. The photograph was taken after his show career The Mastiff 571 Ears. Small, thin to the touch, wide apart, set on at the highest points of the sides of the skull, so as to continue the outline across the summit and lying flat and close to the cheeks when in repose. Eyes. Small, wide apart, divided by at least the space of two eyes. The stop between the eyes well marked, but not too abrupt. Colour, hazel brown, the larger the better, showing no haw. Neck. Slightly arched, moderately long, very muscular, and measur- ing in circumference about one or two inches less than the skull before the ears. Chest. Wide, deep and well let down between the forelegs. Ribs arched and well rounded. False ribs deep, and well set back to the hips. Girth should be one third more than the height at the shoulder. Shoulders and arms. Slightly sloping, strong and muscular. Forelegs and feet. Legs straight, strong, and set wide apart, bones very large. Elbow square, pasterns upright. Feet large and round. Toes well arched up. Nails black. Back, loins and flanks. Back and loins wide and muscular; flat and very wide in a bitch, slightly arched in a dog. Great depth of flanks. Hind legs and feet. Hindquarters broad, wide and muscular, with well developed second thighs; hocks bent, wide apart, and quite squarely set when standing or walking. Feet round. Tail. Put on high up, and reaching to the hocks or a little below them, wide at its root and tapering to the end, hanging straight in repose, but form- ing a curve with the end pointed upwards, but not over the back, when the dog is excited. Coat and Colour. Coat short and close-lying, but not too fine over the shoulders, neck and back. Colour apricot or silver fawn, or dark fawn- brindle. In any case muzzle, ears and nose should be black, with black round the orbits and extending upward between them. SCALE of POINTS General character and symmetry 10 Neck, shoulders and ribs 8 Height and substance 10 Forelegs and feet 6 Skull 12 Back, loins and Banks 8 Face or muzzle 18 Hind legs and feet 10 Ears 4 Tail 3 Eyes 6 Coat and colour 5 Total . . . 100 l SALISBURY Jmportad 6y Mr. C. H. 'Mason in 1881 LADY COLEUS A leading mastiff in 18 Photo 6) Schreibcr LADY PHYLLIS Property of the Flour City Kennels LADY BEATRICE Property of the Flour City Kennels PRINCE OF WALES Property of Dr. Lougest, of Boston PAULA Property of Mr. Forest J. Martin, of Bangor, Me. CHAPTER XLI THE ST. BERNARD DOG HE first thing that should be done in writing a history of the St. Bernard dog is to remove as much as possible of the romance that has become attached to the breed and become almost as much a fixture as the standard. Ever since Land- seer's picture of the two St. Bernards digging a traveller out of the snow in an Alpine pass all Christendom has figured the dogs of the Hospice as patrolling the passes of the Alps, provided with blankets and a small cask of brandy for the use of travellers. They seldom do anything approaching that, the use they are put to being altogether different. Writing from the Hospice on August 27, 1887, to the English Stock- keeper, Mr. W. O. Hughes-Hughes, who was at that time one of the leading lights of the St. Bernard fancy in England, gives the following in- formation: "As to the rescue of perishing travellers, this is a rare and occasional incident of a Hospice dog's life, but the service which he renders to humanity is quite as real and far more frequent and arduous. His regular duty is rather to prevent the traveller from falling into danger than to save him from its consequences. To explain : for the last five miles the path to the Hos- pice on the Swiss side leads up a deep, narrow and rugged valley, through which it winds from side to side, crossing and recrossing the torrent at several places. In winter vast quantities of snow accumulate in this valley, com- pletely obliterating the path, the stream, and in fact every landmark. These drifts are often of immense depth, covering chasms between rocks, the deep bed of the stream, precipices and other dangers. The position of the drifts is also so often altered by furious gales of wind which remove them from one spot and heap them up in another, that the most experienced of the monks cannot tell where it is safe to tread. In this emergency the in- stinct of the dog is infallible. On every winter morning one dog and one monk go down each side of the pass to escort to the Hospice the travellers who have been passing the night at the refuge below. The dog goes in front and the monk follows in its steps and is never led astray." 573 574 The Dog Book Mr. Hughes does not say so but we can infer that any travellers going from the Hospice also accompany the dog and the monk. The only chance, therefore, of any rescue work would be in the case of some foolhardy person not content to await the arrival of the convoy, and that would of course be very exceptional; while the finding of any snow-entombed man would not be done in the manner so many of us have believed, but simply while the dogs were doing their work of leading the monk to the refuge or back to the Hospice. It is a pity to knock the very pretty tale on the head, but the dog as we know him is good enough without any untruthful trappings. Another point which it is well to bring out is that the Hospice dog is a very different animal from what we see at our shows of any high rank. A Hospice dog would get "the gate" in quick order at New York while the monks would not want an Alta nor a Willowmere. The two strains are now totally distinct in many ways, and have been divergently bred until all that connects our show dogs with those from which they originated is the name. That the monks had any fixed ideas of breeding to a type or confining themselves to a particular strain is also not to be conceded, for they bred to Newfoundlands and outside dogs and only kept such dogs as were fitted, by size and coat, for their use. Only the males are used at the Hospice, and when a bitch is about to whelp she is sent down to the valley as they have never had success in rearing puppies at the Hospice. What was wanted at the Hospice was a dog of about 29 inches, with a short, dense coat. What the monks sold or gave away were the large puppies and those with long coats, which were just the kind to give most satisfaction, so that both parties were pleased in this division of the dogs bred at the Hospice. Reference is made in some books to a painting of the founder of the Hospice, who is shown with a dog; but that is not at all conclusive as to its being one of the dogs of the original establishment. It would have to be proved that it was painted during St. Bernard's life or by some one who knew him and his dog or dogs. For instance, we have a very early example of a mezzotint by Baumgartnerof a painting representing Counts Hartman and Otho of Kirch- berg kneeling in armour at each side of a cross, but facing the front so as to show each full-face. Lying at the feet of one of the knights is a dog of a type that Wynn would have dwelt upon as surely showing the large head, square muzzle and deep flews of the English mastiff could he have made out the picture to have represented anything English. To us it is a very human face, the artist very evidently not being up in dog's faces. On the a s / 4J . O in "*"_ O U^ 4> S j " o u S The St. Bernard Dog 575 scroll at the top it states that the counts founded the monastery of Wibling- ensis in 1099, but that tells nothing as to when the painting was done; and Baumgartner did not engrave it till five hundred years later, hence it is of no value as a representation of a dog of 1099. Wynn, in his "History of the Mastiff/' says that the first dogs at the Hospice were of bloodhound type and that after that the monks got dogs "more nearly resembling the spaniel type, probably 1 identical with the Italian wolfdog, used to defend their flocks in the mountains of Abruzzo." Where Wynn got that idea from he fails to say, and immediately proceeds to show that it could not have been so, for to this cross he attributes the long- coated variety, whereas we have very positive evidence that the dogs at the Hospice were smooth-coated and that the roughs were got rid of as not suited for the work. The first positive proof we have of the St. Bernard type is the stuffed skin of Barry in the Museum at Berne. Barry was of the old breed before the ken- nels were brought so low by accidents and sickness in the winter of 1815. We need not describe Barry, for we show what the stuffed figure looks like, that of a medium-sized, smooth-coated dog. Herr Schumaker in his sketch of the breed from 1815 to 1 880 says that about 1830 the kennel was so much reduced once more that the monks had recourse to Newfoundland and Great Dane bitches to get healthier and stronger dogs, but he does not say what was done at the 1815 emergency. Doubtless the same course was followed. Barry is the dog that Idstone stated had saved forty-two lives. Stonehenge copied him, and then the number was raised to seventy-five by Mr. Mac- dona, then the Reverend Macdona, whose importations were the first boom the breed got in England, though they were not the first St. Bernards in that country by a long way. Idstone also started the erroneous tale that Barry was killed by a traveller he was seeking to resuscitate, whereas he was sent to Berne because of his growing incapacity for the arduous work the dogs had to do, and there he lived till his death. That there was another variety of dog, in Switzerland at that time is absolutely certain; but whether they were cast-offs from the monastery, as not being what was wanted there, and were the results of some necessary outcrossing, there is no means of knowing. We cannot quite understand, however, why with this large dog at hand the monks went to the trouble of getting Newfoundlands, which could not have been very common there at that time. This other Swiss dog became known in England as the Alpine 576 The Dog Book mastiff, occasionally called the Alpine spaniel, and we think he was much like a Leonberg, the result of cross-breeding between large dogs of no de- cided breed. One of these Alpine mastiffs was brought to England in 1815 and is always referred to as the Leasome Castle mastiff. Wynn has it the Lea- sowe Castle, but his writing was hard to decipher and he seemed to ignore proofreading. The Twentieth Century Dog is far from free from errors of a similar nature, but as we must make a choice we say the Leasome Castle dog. Wynn gives us information of an etching of this dog by Thomas Landseer from a drawing in the possession of Mr. J. S. Morgan, made in 1815, artist not named. In 1825 he credits Thomas Landseer with an- other "Alpine Mastiff" from a drawing by his brother Edwin. This is the illustration which we give. Between 1835 and 1845 he credits Edwin Land- seer with another smooth-coated Alpine mastiff, tawney red, 31 inches at the shoulder and measuring 68 inches from tip to tip. The Twentieth Century Dog gives a line drawing of the "Leasome Castle St. Bernard, " for it has been claimed as that by St. Bernard fanciers, including Mr. Kostin, the Secretary of the National St. Bernard Club of England, and it is identified as a smooth dog. We are very strongly of the opinion that all of these mastiffs, or Alpine dogs, are one and the same animal. No one will dispute the assertion that Landseer never copied any person, but drew his dogs from life in his own way. This is important because when we came to compare the Leasome Castle reproduction with our copy of the 1825 etching we found them to be of the same dog and from the same drawing, the only difference being a bush- ier tail with a side twist at the end in the 1825 etching. Otherwise the dogs are absolutely the same to a hair. That brings us therefore to the possi- bility that the drawing which Mr. J. S. Morgan had and the painting said to be in the possession of the Cust family, must have been done by Land- seer. It must be borne in mind that he was sketching from life in a mar- vellous manner at the age of five or six years, and was exhibiting paintings in 1819, when but seventeen years of age. The Leasome Castle dog picture was also photographed, so Dalziel says, and the following statement was printed on the card: " The dog was about a year old when he was received at Leasome Castle in May, 1815. His length was 6 ft. 4 in., and height in middle of back 2ft. 7 in., and he is now larger and is still growing." This is followed by some general information. That statement must have been The St. Bernard Dog 577 written soon after the dog's arrival, for him to be still growing, and the photo- graph may have been of some copy of the painting which had that legend with it. As to the 1835 engraving of a Landseer we cannot say what it is, not having been able to find a copy in New York; but it would not surprise us to find that it was our Leasome friend once more, only reduced slightly in length, but not in height. In a portfolio of Thomas Landseer's animal etchings the 1825 dog is given in an addition to what seems to have been a first edition. This portfolio was issued in 1853, by Bohn of London, and as both the Landseers were then alive we may accept the printed comments as correct. This dog is Plate 30 and this is the statement regarding it: "The drawing from which the present plate was engraved was made from a very noble Alpine mastiff", which at that time, although not full-grown, was the largest dog in England." The remark about not being full-grown makes it sound very like the foregoing statement about the dog still growing. If we are correct in our surmise, then we have a considerable reduction, in representations of the Alpine mastiff. If the supposition that Landseer drew the Leasome Castle mastiff is correct, then it is absolutely certain, precocious as he was as an animal de- lineator, that he did not paint it at that time. He was only thirteen years old, and to satisfy ourselves regarding his abilities at that age we made re- search. In a very large volume devoted to Landseer and his work there are many reproductions of his very earliest drawings, and one dated 1815 is a mastiff type of dog, with the ears thrown slightly back, and is named "Sus- picion." It is referred to in the text as showing an advancement in his work. The dog is standing very much in the attitude of the dog in the Thomas Landseer etching, but the face is turned more to the front. There is one very noticeable fault in this drawing, and that is the putting the far side forefoot on a level with and immediately behind the near one. The boy had yet something to learn in posing, and could not at that time have drawn the Leasome Castle dog as shown nor made the drawing which his brother Thomas etched in 1825. Basing the argument on the authen- ticity of the Twentieth Century Dog reproduction as being the Leasome Castle dog, (and this is supported by Mr. Kostin) it must have been painted either by Landseer or copied by some one from his drawing of which Thomas made an etching. Of course if the Leasome Castle dog is an erroneous claim of Mr. Kostin's this argument falls to the ground; but all must admit that Landseer cannot be accused of plagiarism in his work, 578 The Dog Book and secondly that there is no possibility of two men ten years apart drawing from life two dogs and making their work so absolutely similar as are these two illustrations. The solution is to be found in England and is not within our present possibilities, so we must leave the matter where it is. Mr. Wynn names Landseer's picture representing St. Bernards rescuing a traveller from the snow, (which by the way was painted in 1819, when he was seventeen years old,) as "Alpine Mastiffs Reanimating a Traveller." We find that the original title, or the title by which it is recorded in "Cham- bers's Encyclopaedia," was "Dogs of St. Gothard." He also painted a good many dogs which were named St. Bernards and it is very clear that to him the Alpine mastiff was a different dog; and it remains to be shown that he ever saw of the latter more than the one dog, or drew more than the one dog from life. Another reputed Alpine mastiff was L'Ami, exhibited in England in 1829, and said to have been brought from the Hospice; but that cannot have been so, for the dog was cropped, something of which the monks were never guilty. This dog was a light brindle, the ground colour being a light fawn, and was smooth-coated. The very great probability is that L'Ami was simply a Great Dane, and the name St. Bernard was used for catchpenny purposes, for the dog was shown in several English cities as the largest dog in England. Landseer must have seen dogs similar to those he painted as dogs of St. Gothard, but there is no evidence that we know of to show where they were. He had not been away from his father's London home at that time, so far as there is any record. The dogs he drew a little later for the illustrations of Rogers's Italy were St. Bernards, and it is likely that W. R. Smith, the en- graver, made use of these when he drew the St. Bernard used to illustrate Jesse's "Anecdotes," 1846 edition. A much more reliable illustration is that of the St. Bernard, Bass, from Colonel Hamilton Smith's two volumes on the dog families, which form part of Sir Wm. Jardine's "Natural History" (1839). Sir Thomas Dick Lauder got this dog when a puppy direct from the Hospice, and it was a true St. Bernard of the type the monks had been breeding for, as shown by old Barry. An early illustration of the two types of St. Bernard is that of the pair owned by Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort, and it is singular that there is no reference to this early introduction of the breed by such promi- nent owners. We seem to have "wiped the eye" of English writers in this instance at least. We place the painting at 1840 for want of a more exact CHAMPION VIOLA Copyright, by F. C. Hignett LORD BUTTE An American Waterloo Cup winner, and a first prize winner at Denver, igo-j Property of L. F. Bartel, Denver, Col. The Greyhound 621 in Yorkshire a meeting was early established at Malton and the formation of clubs spread rapidly throughout England, extending to Scotland through the encouragement given to the sport by the Duke of Gordon, the Earl of Eglinton and other influential gentlemen. The custom of greyhound owners to give their dogs names with the same initial letter had its origin in the Swaffham Club. The members were restricted to twenty-six, the number of letters in the alphabet, and each had to give his dogs names beginning with the letter he represented as a member. The members had also to name their colours, but what they were for does not appear. Probably the dogs' clothing was made up in the claimed col- ours. Some of the club rules were very peculiar, such as the right of a mem- ber to put up at auction the dog of any other member and the owner was only allowed one bid on his dog. Another rule was that no rough-haired dog should be considered a greyhound, a provision which would have barred a number of north country dogs, for many of the best greyhounds of Scotland were rough in coat; not to the extent shown in the deerhound, but what might be looked for in a dog one-quarter deerhound. Among the famous greyhounds of England before public coursing was established Major Topham's Snowball is perhaps the best known. Mr. Lee, misled by the name states that it was a white dog, whereas he was jet black, two others of the litter being brindle. These were named Major and Sylvia and the three were considered the most remarkable trio of grey- hounds ever produced in one litter. Snowball was bred by Major Topham and was by Claret, a dog got from Lord Orford's kennel by Colonel Thorn- ton. Sir Walter Scott was an ardent patron of the leash and had this to say about the famed Snowball: 'Twas when fleet Snowball's head was grey, A luckless lev' ret met him on his way: Who knows not Snowball ? He whose race renowned Is still victorious on each coursing ground: Swaffham, Newmarket and the Roman Camp Have seen them victors o'er each meaner stamp" Of the growth and progress of coursing in England it is not necessary to go into details, for it is well known that it is the great winter sport, taking the 622 The Dog Book place of racing when that is not permitted. In this country greyhounds were kept as companions long before there was any coursing and at some of the early New York shows the classes were surprisingly large. We recall one occasion when there were no fewer than 27 competitors in one class. What made us particularly remember that class was that the best dog in the entire number was sent out of the ring without a mention. To the onlookers, not to the owners of the good dogs, it was a very amusing illustration of a judge out of his element being finally shown what to look at to base a decision upon. Until the time the judge finally looked at the ultimate winner he had the dogs all head on and if he did not like the head out the dog went. When he came to the one that got first the owner slung her around stern on, passed his hand down her neck to show its length, drew attention in the same way to her clean shoulders, then along her back and stuck his fingers in her well-muscled quarters by way of a wind up. The judge was not slow to take the hint and back he went to the head of the long line, had all the dogs reversed in posi- tion and eventually placed them pretty well, at least what were then left, for the best one of all and some fair ones had got out on the head inspection. That incident occurred over twenty years ago and so many new breeds have been introduced since then which have proved more attractive that very few greyhounds are now seen at even the most important shows. With the exception of Ben Lewis, who usually has a brace of good winners, there is but one exhibitor who pays any attention to the breed in the East; that is Mrs. Kelley, with the Ticonderoga Kennels' dogs. As we have already said the coursing men pay little attention to shows in England and they are not any better patrons of exhibitions here. We see the same thing in the thor- oughbred classes at our horse shows, two or three, often very ordinary speci- mens, competing for valuable prizes. There are many hundreds of coursing greyhounds kept within a short distance of San Francisco yet the show there only attracts two or three entries, so that as a dog kept for show purposes he is pretty much of a failure both in England and America. A very erratic popular sentiment classes coursing as cruelty to animals and in many of the Western states, where coursing might be followed with advantage to the farmers whose crops suffer from the depredations of hares, there are prohibitory laws in force. It is now a prohibited sport in Colorado and owners of greyhounds have to try them surreptitiously if at all. It is still permitted in California and some other states and coursing within large enclosures is a great attraction for San Francisco sportsmen. This style of The Greyhound 623 sport was tried in England but it did not take, the feeling being that the hares did not have a fair chance and that it too much resembled rabbit racing by whippets. The San Francisco enclosures are, we believe, much larger than the English ones and sufficient escapes are provided for the hares so that the sport is a very close imitation of what would be seen in the field, without the hard work of following the beat. To pass laws prohibiting coursing in the interests of the prohibition of cruelty to animals and permit of the unmitigated brutality of " rabbit hunts " where thousands of them are clubbed to death in the centre of a human enclosure, so massed as to prevent the escape of a single animal, is the straining-at-a-gnat and swallowing-a- camel principle carried to the extreme. Coursing is infinitely to be pre- ferred to shooting as it is less liable to give unnecessary pain, for a hare cap- tured by greyhounds is instantly killed and if it escapes it is uninjured, whereas a wounded hare may escape capture and die a lingering death or only recover, after his broken leg has healed, to remain a life cripple. The inflexibility of sporting custom is well illustrated in the very small amount of change made in the coursing rules since the original code was drawn up at the request of Queen Elizabeth. Such rules as the Duke of Norfolk then put on record were undoubtedly based upon the custom in force among the better class of sportsmen of that period and were no new de- parture, though local usage doubtless had occasionally to be changed to fit the new code. The principle of deciding merit between two dogs upon clev- erness and ability to overcome the wiles of the hare and not merely upon the kill of the quarry, must then have been fully recognized and shows the em- inently sportsmanlike stage which had been arrived at in England at that time. Since then there have been a few additions to the code making it more specific. According to the degree of speed shown in the run up the faster dog scores one, two or three points. The run-up ends when the hare turns, and if a full turn is caused by one of the dogs that dog gains one point, a wrench being half a point. Passing another dog is called a go-by and scores two points, and if done by the dog running on the outer circle he gets three points. One point is scored by a dog tripping or flecking the hare, but not holding it fast. The actual kill may count two points if of merit, but all de- pends upon how it is done and it may count nothing if the other dog turned the hare so that the dog that made the kill could not help getting the hare and did nothing on his part towards that end except to lay hold of what was 624 The Dog Book put in front of his mouth. There are other points in the rules such as dis- qualification if a dog stops and declines to continue the course or refuses to fence or jump, but these are seldom applied with the class of dogs which are now put in slips. The form of the greyhound is so well known that it has become custom- ary to give but little description, the one exception being Stonehenge, who was the authority of his day upon the greyhound and published a most elab- orate description full of explanations and references, which we do not need. Condensed it may be made to read as follows: DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Fairly wide between the ears, no stop, or brow, good length of muzzle, which should be fine provided it still shows strength. Eyes bright and indicative of a dog of spirit. Ears small, thrown back and folded, ex- cept when excited, when they are carried semi-erect. Teeth very strong and of good length and even in front so as to hold a hare well. Neck. Long, slightly arched and widening gradually into the shoul- ders. Shoulders and Forelegs. Shoulders cannot be placed too obliquely. Fore-arm of good length, held in line with the shoulder and the elbow neither turning in nor out but moving freely in line with the point of the shoulder. Fore-legs perfectly straight, neither looking light nor too heavy in bone, but in keeping with the build of the dog. The leg should be twice as long from elbow to fetlock joint, or knee, as from the latter to the ground. Chest. Neither too wide nor narrow, "neither too small for wind, nor too wide for speed, nor too deep to keep free from the irregularities of the ground when racing" but a happy medium. Loins and Back Ribs. Good length from shoulders to the back rib, with these ribs well sprung and deep to afford good attachment for the broad mass of muscles of the loins, on which depend the movement of the hind- quarters. These muscles should also show great depth. A slight arch in the back is permissible, but not to the extent of losing length or being a wheel-back. Hindquarters. Powerful and muscular and showing great length by reason of well bent stifles. The hindquarters should spread somewhat, and appear wide at the hocks, but they should be perfectly straight fore and aft, t OQH.LBAY VIEW PRIXCK CH. PiAY VIEW PRIDE IMPORTED BAY VIEW MAY Formerly Hunt's May winner of thiee Higginshaw handicaps before being 18 months of age. Now 12 years of age CH. BAY VIEW BEAUTY The best American bred whippet yet shown Property of the Bay View Kennels, East Providence, R. I CHAMPION NORTHERN FLYER A most successful show dog. Property of Mr. E. M. Oldham, New York The Greyhound 625 the width at hocks being to permit the hind legs to pass the forelegs when the dog is galloping. The hocks should show strength of bone and sinew and the haunches and thighs should be extremely muscular. Feet. Stonehenge admitted both cat and hare foot, as each had its ad- vocates; personally he believed the round cat foot was more liable to "break down" than the hare foot, but what is of more importance than the form is that the feet should not be flat or open. They should be well knuckled up with good strong claws. Tail. Fine, free from fringe, long and nicely curved toward the end. Colour and Coat. Colour having no effect upon a dog's speed, this is immaterial. The coat should be short, smooth and firm in texture. SCALE OF POINTS Head 10 Hindquarters 20 Neck 10 Feet 15 Chest and Fore quarters . . 20 Tail 5 Loins and Back ribs .... 15 Colour and Coat 5 Total 100 CHAPTER XL VII THE WHIPPET HE ever-present desire of Englishmen to be either competing personally or owning birds or animals which could take his place as a competitor was the reason for the development of the whippet or snap dog. The ban upon dog fighting, bull baiting and, finally, upon prize fighting turned the attention of the mill operatives, miners and the workmen of Lancashire, Yorkshire and the North of England generally to more legitimate forms of sport in which they could participate, and resulted in the introduction of the world- famed Sheffield handicaps for the fast sprinters of all nations and other per- sonal contests. Many of these were purely local sports, such as the bowling on Newcastle Town Moor and the knur and spell of Yorkshire. In the way of animal contests they took up racing dogs against each other and coursed rabbits with the larger of these fast dogs. Then sport promoters introduced open handicaps and as every man could keep a running dog in his house, and the cost of racing was small, while the winning of a handicap meant a great deal, whippet racing became the home lottery of Lancashire. Whippet racing is an exaggerated development of the inclination of puppies to pull at anything that is held out to them. When very young the puppies are induced to play at pulling a rag and, little by little, they are let run at the rag across the room. When they have progressed so far as to run from the liberator to the shaking rag and pull at it they are then taken out of doors, to some convenient alleyway for choice, and at gradually increasing distances held and then let loose to run to the enticing piece of rag or towel, which their owner shakes so vigorously while he calls them with encouraging shouts. Finally the training progresses until the whippet can run the full course of 200 yards, the handicap distance. Handicaps are based mainly upon the weight of each competitor and although the system might seem very complicated it is plain and simple to those who are experts, and who can hardly perhaps read or write. In pro- portion to weight a dog of 15 pounds is faster than either larger or smaller 627 628 The Dog Book dogs. That is to say the average of performers show that, for individuals naturally differ. With nothing known as to ability shown by previous wins a 15-pound dog is asked to give 3 yards start to one of 14 pounds and will get 3 yards start, from one of 16 pounds. Then the allowance to smaller dogs increases, while that from larger dogs decreases on the pound basis. For instance a 13-pound dog will get 7 yards from one of 15 pounds and the latter will get less than 6 yards from one of 17 pounds. Then there is a sex allowance of 3 pounds and penalties for wins, with allowances for novices and beaten dogs, all tending to make it very muddled to the out- sider, while the "Lancashire lad" or "Yorkshire tyke" can reel it off a good deal easier than his multiplication table. Efforts have been made by well-meaning people to popularise whippet racing here and bring it to the attention of the general public, but it is a sport which had better be left alone. The dogs are all right, but it seems abso- lutely essential to have a class of persons connected with them and the sport which will always be an insurmountable drawback to whippet racing. The dogs have to be trained and this is done by men walking the dogs along country roads. No American will do this sort of thing, so recourse must be had to those who have done it in England and such men as we have here who will do this are drawn from the class who are failures at legitimate occupa- tions. An attempt was made to elevate whippet racing in England and it was introduced at the Ranelagh club, but they could not stand the surroundings and neither can we here. It will have a lingering existence in localities where imported mill hands are found, such as at Fall River. At one time Philadelphia was"an important centre, but high license and the suppression of sporting resorts killed Pastime Park games and now there are only a few places in the East where it is seen, with the exceptions of occasional exhibi- tions at fair grounds. The dogs are judged entirely on the lines of the greyhound, but it is usual to have more or less feathering on the tails. Too much evidence of a cross with the Italian greyhound is very objectionable, for there is nothing toyish about the whippet, except his size, and he should be a clean-cut little fellow. CHAPTER XL VIII THE RUSSIAN WOLFHOUND HE marked family resemblance between the long-coated grey- hounds of Eastern Russia, Persia and that section of Europe and Asia, demonstrates very clearly that there must have been for many ages a well defined type of greyhound or racing hound such as we have known for nearly twenty years as the Russian wolfhound. Being a fast racing hound it naturally is of greyhound formation, but it differs somewhat in general appearance, being leaner as well as taller. It is also apt to be more reached in back and straighter in hind legs. Stonehenge in speaking of the sweep of the hind legs of the greyhound said that without that formation speed would be impossi- ble, yet the wolfhound shows speed. We acknowledge that we have never seen racing between greyhounds and wolfhounds and are quite open to cor- rection as to what we say on this subject. The greyhound is much quicker in action than the wolfhound, the wolfhound's stride being longer and in those we have seen racing the action is higher, possibly from so many being more upright in shoulder than we see in the majority of greyhounds. Quick action is often deceiving when it is not in actual competition with a slower but longer stride, but it will rather surprise us to have it demonstrated that the wolfhound can beat a greyhound, both being good ones. Certainly the better shouldered dog is much the cleverer and quicker in turning and can travel down hill without propping himself, but as the accounts of Russian wolf hunting are to the effect that wolves race straightaway, and do not turn or twist like a hare, and the hunting ground is on level plains, there is not so much necessity for good shoulders in the borzoi as in the hare courser. The type of the wolfhound or borzoi has been thoroughly established for centuries, undoubtedly. When we go away back as far as we can and yet not be shrouded in "the mists of antiquity" we find representations of racing hounds which may or may not have been meant for illustrations of dogs which were of the family now under discussion. For instance that very 629 630 The Dog Book old drawing reproduced from the Bronze Dog and to be found in the Great Dane chapter, page 535. That has quite a borzoi look about it and at the same time comes somewhat near to the mastin type. This illustration was placed in the position it occupies with some mental reservation as to whether it was not more entitled to be put with something of the greyhound order. It bears every look of being a portrait, or modelled from life and not merely a study, but as many of the illustrations of French mastins of about the same date were not unlike this dog in many ways it was put with them, the intention being to draw attention to it as we do now. The first positive representation of the borzoi we have seen was in a volume of illustrations made of engravings from some French work. There was no title page nor any description of the engravings other than their titles in French. A memorandum in pencil on a front blank page stated they were from a natural history work and many of them bore marked resemblance to many of the Buffbn engravings. In our edition of Buffbn there is not, how- ever, any particular reference to this dog, although mention is made of the matin being connected with the Russian dog. No engraving of it appears in our edition nor is there any mention of one as in the case of all other dogs illustrated. The fact remains, however, that it was known about 1750 and the illustration is perfect enough to stand duty as representing the breed as seen at our shows. Colonel Hamilton Smith mentions them as part of the greyhounds of the Persian type. What the latter looked like is shown in Jessie's "Anecdotes," 1858 edition. The author stated that several of these hounds had been brought to England from time to time and the one given as an illustration was a bitch bred in England, painted by Hamilton. It is only within the last twenty years or so that the Russian hound has become known to any extent in England or America, and his career has been a diversified one in this country. In England the borzoi had the advantage of being taken up by royalty and we recall seeing one at Mr. Macdona's kennels when he was rector of Cheadle, near Manchester, in 1879, the dog having been a present from the Prince of Wales, now King Edward. It was not a large dog as we now remember it. When they were introduced in this country there was a very animated dis- cussion as to their correct name, the late Mr. Huntington leading on the side for the name psovoi, while others held for borzoi, the name accepted in Eng- land. As the disputants did not seem able to come to an agreement we sug- gested using the name Russian wolfhound, as fully descriptive of what they BORZOIS AT SANDRINGHAM Puppies bred by Her Majesty, Queen Alexandra Photograph by Baker, Birmingham AN AMERICAN PRODUCTION Litter bred by Dr. De Mund, of Bensonhurst, L. T. FUTURITY PROSPECTS AT VALLEY FARM The Russian Wolfhound 631 were, pending some settlement. The name was made use of in that way and has never been changed. Being a dog of striking character and typical of high breeding it is sur- prising that it has not been followed up more systematically since its intro- duction, but the records show that its support has been very spasmodic. Mr. Huntington was very enthusiastic for a year or two and then took more to greyhounds. Mr. Stedman Hanks, of Boston, was the next prominent supporter and he secured some good hounds when on one occasion he visited Russia. He kept them for a few years and then stopped exhibiting, his dogs being taken over by his kennel manager, Tom Turner, who was about the only exhibitor for several years, his kennel being at the last made up of dogs bred from Mr. Hanks's dogs. Mr. Turner was still an occasional exhibitor when Mr. J. B. Thomas, Jr., took hold in a very stirring manner. He first bought all the good dogs he could get here, those of the Turner kennel and some from Mr. J. G. Kent, of Toronto, who had the only collection of the breed in the Dominion. Not content with these dogs, Mr. Thomas con- cluded to visit Europe for something better and after inspecting the English kennels went on to Russia, where he purchased some very good ones, in- cluding Bistri and Sorva. His strongest competitor was Mr. E. L. Kraus of Slatington, Pa., who was his predecessor as an exhibitor and had a very good kennel at that time, but with the advent of Mr. Thomas his increasing business demands made it impossible for Mr. Kraus to devote the atten- tion to exhibiting dogs which he had done and he retired. With the view of putting the breed on a substantial footing Mr. Thomas, with the co-operation of Dr. De Mund, Mr. Kent and others who took more or less interest in the breed, organised the Russian Wolfhound Club and marked improvement was at once apparent in the support given the principal shows. Two years ago at New York the entry was an excellent one and the quality very good throughout. Mr. Thomas's Valley Farm entry won the lion's share of the prizes as it had done the previous year and has done at all shows where he has been a competitor, and we rather fear that there is a likelihood of the breed falling back, as is almost invariably the case where there is one dominating kennel taking the bulk of the prize money. We seem, however, to have got to an end of importations and if exhibitors confine themselves to home or American bred dogs and so put all on a more equitable footing there is no reason to look for decline in the breed, now that we have so much breeding material in the country. 632 The Dog Book As most wild animals are fought and killed by the dogs which hunt them it is well to state that the Russian wolfhound is not supposed to kill the wolf. When a wolf is driven into the open it is the custom to slip a brace of wolfhounds, unless the dog is a large and powerful one. The dogs slipped are always well matched in speed so as to reach the wolf together if possible. They range up on either side of the fleeing wolf and pin him back of the ears, holding him till the mounted huntsman, who follows, can reach them. The huntsman then muzzles the wolf, which is taken to the kennels for use in teaching the younger dogs their business. Many wolves are killed when not so wanted, but the object of the hunt may be said not to be that of the fox hunt or hare coursing, which is the kill, but the capture of the wolf. The Russian wolfhound has been styled the aristocrat of the canine family, which is a well-earned name and a very excellent one in illustrating his distinguishing feature, as compared with other breeds. It will be seen that the descriptive particulars of the standard call for a dog on greyhound lines, the differences being a narrower skull, with an indication of angle at the brow, up to which the nasal line is carried without any indication of drop in the outline, in fact it is more often Roman nosed. From the angle at the brow the outline is fairly straight to the occiput; the other differences are the longer coat, sometimes with a curl, and the somewhat straighter hindquart- ers when the dog is standing. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Skull slightly domed, long and narrow, with scarcely any perceptible stop, rather inclined to the Roman-nosed; jaws long, powerful and deep; teeth strong, clean and even; neither pig- jawed nor undershot; nose large and black. Ears. Small and fine in quality, lying back on the neck when in repose with the tips when thrown back almost touching behind occiput; raised when at attention. Eyes. Set somewhat obliquely, dark in colour, intelligent, but rather soft in expression, never full nor stary, light in colour, eyelids dark. Neck. Clean, free from throatiness, somewhat shorter than in the grey- hound, slightly arched, very powerful, and well set on. Shoulders. Sloping, should be fine at the withers and free from coarse- ness or lumber. Chest. Rather narrow, with great depth of brisket. The Russian Wolfhound 633 Ribs. Only slightly sprung, but very deep, giving room for heart and lung play. Back. Rising a little at the loins in a graceful curve. Loins. Extremely muscular, but rather tucked up, owing to the great depth of chest and comparative shortness of back and ribs. Forelegs. Bone flat, straight, giving free play for the elbows, which should be neither turned in nor out; pasterns strong. Feet. Hare-shaped, with well-arched knuckles, toes close and well padded. Hindquarters. Long, very muscular and powerful, with wellbent stifles and strong second thighs, hocks broad, clean and well let down. Tail. Long, set on and carried low in a graceful curve. Coat. Long, silky (not woolly), either flat, wavy or rather curly. On the head, ears, and front ot legs it should be short and smooth; on the neck the frill should be profuse and rather curly. Feather of hindquarters and tail, long and profuse, less so on chest and back of forelegs. Colour. Any colour; white usually predominating, more or less mark- ed with lemon, tan, brindle or grey. Whole-coloured specimens of these tints occasionally appear; black to be discouraged. General Appearance. Should be that of an elegant, graceful aristocrat among dogs, possessing courage and combining great muscular power with extreme speed. Size. Dogs, average height at shoulder from 28 to 31 inches; average weight from 75 to 105 Ibs. Larger dogs are often seen, extra size being no disadvantage when it is not acquired at the expense of symmetry, speed and staying quality. Bitches invariably smaller than dogs, and two inches less in height and from 15 to 20 Ibs. less weight is a fair average. SCALE OF POINTS Head 15 Hindquarter, Stifles and Ears 5 Hocks 15 Eyes 5 Legs and Feet 10 Neck 5 Coat and Feather 10 Shoulders and Chest .... 15 Tail 5 Ribs, Back and Loins .. 15 Total . 100 t ' c l t " iKtONpANTO (5 months) Ttopevt) wf Dk/KnW, Danbury, Conn. SULTAN Property of Mrs. C. Chapman MAGICIAN (10 months) Property of Dr. Knox, Danbury, Conn. CH. DAINTY BLOODHOUND HEAD From a painting by Sir E. Landseer PRINCE LEO Property of Dr. Knox, Danbury, Conn. CHAPTER XLIX THE BLOODHOUND HE dog to which we usually give the name of English blood- hound, to distinguish it from various dogs called blood- hounds, is a very different animal from what was called originally by the same name in England. Like the mastiff and a good many other dogs he has been improved beyond recognition from the dog of even fifty years ago. It is not necessary to go over the ground that we already have done in the introductory chapter re- garding hounds. Poetical descriptions are not essentially facts and to say that a dog had heavy flews and long ears does not mean that he had the ex- cess of loose skin about the head we see in our show dogs, nor their length of ears. Illustrations of bloodhounds and Southern hounds, which are generally held to have been the main progenitors of our bloodhounds, do not differ essentially from drawings by the same artists or contemporary artists, when one goes back to 1800-30, of other dogs that were called blood- hounds and were found in other countries. All of these hounds showed more flew and dewlap than the foxhound, and had natural ears, while the foxhound has had his ears rounded or trimmed for many years. At the time we speak of the efforts of foxhound breeders was to get a small-headed dog, and they were then drawn with some exaggeration in that respect, for the heads on portrait dogs are usually out of proportion to the style of dog, so as to suit the fancy for small heads then prevailing. The bloodhounds at the Tower Menagerie, as shown in the volume issued in 1829 descriptive of the animals then on exhibition the drawings being from life by Harvey are strikingly like some of Landseer's. These dogs were brought from Africa by Colonel Denman, who had gone there on a hunting expedition and had been so impressed with the work of the hounds he got there that he brought back three and presented them to the mena- gerie. Cuban bloodhounds were also taken to England and they are seen to be the same type of dog. Youatt used a study by Landseer on the title page of "The Dog" and described the bloodhound as broad skulled, with long 635 636 The Dog Book ears. Hancock drew what must have been considered a typical head for the "Sportsman's Annual" of 1829 an ^ tnat ls not in any way noticeable for bloodhound type as we know it. He afterwards painted a portrait of a dog called Marmion, given in Jesse's 1858 edition. This dog shows a very wide rounded skull, with a weak foreface, but is a strong, large, well-built dog so far as can be judged. The hound in Landseer's "Dignity and Impudence" is a more modern type of dog than any he shows in his many Highland sketches, or in the study head used by Youatt. Notwithstanding this lack of some essentials in bloodhound character we are fully convinced that bloodhound characteristics did exist in some English hounds of quite a long time ago. We do not think the narrow skull and prominent peak and bloodhound type could develop themselves naturally, as can be seen in some black and tan hounds of the old Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania type. About twenty years ago the opportunity to see this bloodhound type in these dogs was better than it is now, and so struck were we with a small black and tan foxhound bitch we saw at a Philadelphia show that we secured the promise of her from Mr. Howard Ireland, her owner, for the purpose of sending her to the Crystal Palace show, not for competition, but to show English men that there was a connection be- tween our old black and tan foxhound and their bloodhound, which must have had its origin in the hounds of two hundred years ago, for these Amer- ican dogs were undoubtedly descendants from importations made in the days of the Lords Baltimore. The bitch unfortunately died soon after the show, where she was in poor condition. She was far too small and weedy for show- ing as a bloodhound in England but she was all bloodhound in type. It was owing to the knowledge we got as to these old hounds at that time that when Mr. Strong of Cooperstown wrote to the American Kennel Club for advice as to a cross for better constitution, and the question was re- ferred to us, we advised him to have nothing to do with the suggestion of the great English authority on the breed, Mr. Edwin Brough, who recommended a Great Dane cross, but get what he wanted from these Southern Pennsyl- vania black and tan hounds. This he did with success, as he lost but little character even in the first cross and breeding back to the bloodhound again secured good type and an improved dog in constitution. This weakness in constitution and inability to stand the attacks of dis- temper, to which they seem to be particularly susceptible, is the great difficulty bloodhound breeders have to contend against. When at Danbury The Bloodhound 637 Dog Show in October, 1905, we saw at Dr. Knox's kennels twenty as fine young dogs as one could imagine, from twelve to fifteen months old; large, big-boned, strong dogs, every one of them. Three months later Dr. Knox wrote us that he had been busy burying puppies for the past month and had hardly one left of all the lot we saw. Mr. L. L. Winchell, of Fair Haven, Vt., was the first American to take up the bloodhound of England, and after he had been exhibiting for a year or two Mr. Brough sent over some dogs which were shown in partnership. Dr. Lougest of Boston was the next to show bloodhounds and he has had by far the largest number of show winners of anyone in this country. Some of his dogs and some from Mr. Winchell were bought by Dr. Knox of Danbury and, as the Fair Haven kennels have long been given up, there are only the two doctors in the field, with an occasional outside entry. A number of per- sons advertise bloodhounds but those who want to get the genuine article of English bloodhound should be exceedingly cautious in buying dogs from any person other than exhibitors. If a dog to trail a scent is all that is wanted that is a matter of education and many of these old foxhounds can be taught a good deal in that direction, but these are not bloodhounds any more than a spaniel is a setter merely because the setter once was a spaniel. In appearance the bloodhound is a strong, thickset hound with stout, rather short legs. He must not look low on the leg at all, but there is no excess of daylight under him. He had better be a little low than be leggy and light of bone. A weedy bloodhound is out of the question, speed not being wanted in this dog, for he must be followed on foot when tracking, held on a lead like the old hound that was called the limer. The distinguishing difference in this breed from all other hounds is in the depth of his hanging lips, his heavy dewlap, and the loose skin on his skull, which rolls in heavy wrinkles when the head is lowered. The hanging lips and dewlap pull down the lower eyelid and shows the haw more than in any other breed. By reference to the scale of points in the standard it will be seen that over one-third of the 100 points goes for head properties. The standard of the Bloodhound Club is as follows :- DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head and wrinkle (value 20) is the peculiar feature of this breed, and it is accordingly estimated at a very high rate. In the male it is large in all 638 The Dog Book its dimensions but width, in which there is a remarkable deficiency. The upper surface is domed, ending in a blunt point at the occiput; but the brain case is not developed to the same extent as the jaws, which are very long and wide at the nostrils, hollow and very lean in the cheek and notably under the eyes. The muzzle should be deep and square. The brows are moder- ately prominent, and the general expression of the whole head is very grand and majestic. The skin covering the forehead and cheeks is wrink- led in a remarkable manner, unlike any other dog. These points are not nearly so developed in the bitch; but still they are to be demanded in the same proportionate degree. Ears and Eyes (value 10). The ears, which should be set on low, are long enough to overlap one another considerably when drawn together in front of the nose; the leather should be very thin, pendulous, and should hang very forward and close to the cheeks, never showing the slightest ten- dency to "prick"; they should be covered with very soft, short, silky hair. The eyes are generally hazel, rather small, and deeply sunk, with triangular- shaped lids showing the third eyelid, or "haw," which is frequently, but not always, of a deep red colour. Flews (value 5) are remarkably long and pendant, sometimes falling fully two inches below the angle of the mouth. Neck (value 5) is long, so as to enable this hound to drop his nose to the ground without altering his pace. In the front of the throat there is a considerable dewlap. Chest and Shoulders (value 10) . The chest is rather wide and deep, but in all cases there should be a good girth; shoulders sloping and muscular. Back and Back Ribs (value 10) should be wide and deep, the size of the dog necessitating great power in this department. The hips or couples, should be especially attended to, and they should be wide, or almost ragged. Legs and Feet (value 15). The legs must be straight and muscular, and the ankles full size. The feet should be round and catlike. Colour and coat (value 10). In colour the bloodhound is either black- and-tan or tan only, as is the case with all black-and-tan breeds. The black should extend to the back and sides, top of neck and top of head. It is seldom a pure black, but more or less mixed with the tan, which should be a deep rich red. There should be little or no white. A deep tawny, or lion colour, is also coveted, but seldom found. The coat should be short and hard on the body, but silky on the ears and top of the head. The Bloodhound 639 Stern (value 5) is like that of all hounds, carried gaily in a gentle curve, but should not be raised beyond a right angle with the back. Symmetry (value 10) of the bloodhound, as regarded from an artistic point of view, should be examined carefully and valued in proportion to the degree in which it is developed. The height should be from 25 to 27 inches at the shoulder for dogs, and a little less for bitches. The weight of dogs should be about 90 pounds and upward, bitches somewhat less. SCALE OF POINTS Head, including wrinkle .. 20 Back and Back Ribs 10 Ears and Eyes 10 Legs and Feet 15 Flews 5 Colour and Coat 10 Neck 5 Stern 5 Shoulder and Chest 10 Symmetry IO Total . 100 CHAPTER L THE FOXHOUND T what period the foxhound got its distinctive title in England is not very clear for as late as 1 735 there is no such word in the Sportsman's Dictionary. Under the words "Fox hunt- ing" all that refers to the fox and his capture is given and here it is stated that "the fox is taken with hounds, grey- hounds, terriers, nets and gins." Greyhounds were used to "course him on the plain," and the two other methods used were fox hunting above ground and hunting the fox under ground, which was done with terriers. In the description of hunting above ground the dogs are simply called hounds and the custom then was to have them in couples and not to put the entire pack into the covert. "At first only cast off your sure finders and as the drag mends so add more as you dare trust them, avoid casting off too many hounds at once, because woods and coverts are full of sundry chases and so you may engage them in too many at one time. Let such as you cast off at first be old, staunch hounds which are sure, and if you hear such a hound call on merrily you may cast off some others to him, and when they run it on the full cry cast off the rest. " So also in hare hunting the word hounds is only employed and under the word "harriers" we find nothing but a hound, "some are for the hare, the fox, hart, polecat, weasel, coney, buck, badger, otter, etc., some for one, some for another. Nay, amongst the va- rious sorts of these dogs, there are some apt to hunt two different beasts, as the fox at sometimes and at other times the hare, but such as stick not to one sort of game, hunt not with that success and good disposition as the others do." It was soon after this book was published that the celebrated Mr. Meynell established the Quorn hunt and he made a practice of entering his hounds at the hare and when perfect in that sport put them to fox hunting. It is probable that some who kept packs of hounds had individual ideas as to using the entire pack in the covert even at that time, but it could hardly have been considered the best practice or it would have been referred to in the 641 642 The Dog Book dictionary as a method some employed. Beagles are referred to in this dictionary so that we may assume that the word hound was used much as we use setter, and that they had no distinctive title any more than we give one to a setter used for pinnated grouse shooting, or for quail, or for snipe. All are setters and at the time we refer to all were hounds. These were undoubtedly slow dogs and were followed in a leisurely manner, but with the advent of Mr. Meynell a different style of fox hunting was introduced. Emulation in the field and the danger of over-riding the hounds led him to breed for faster dogs. He used large packs of hounds, sometimes as many as a hundred couples at a time, and they must have been under excellent command for even he followed the custom of drawing the coverts with a small number of selected hounds, the others being held in check by the whipper-in until cheered to the cry by Jack Raven as Colonel Gore records in his "Observations on Hunting." Breeding to type had been in progress for some time at the beginning of the nineteenth century and packs kept entirely for fox hunting became num- erous throughout England, particularly in the districts where it could be and still is followed to the best advantage. Packs became famous for their ap- pearance and the sport they afforded and few of us but have at least heard of the influence Squire Osbaldeston had on fox hunting and sports in general, from the time he took the Quorn hunt in 1817. He bred uncommonly fast hounds and his desire was to get away fast after the fox and spread-eagle the field. Very large sums were given for good packs when they were placed on the market. Lord Suffield gave 3,000 guineas for Mr. Lambton's entire kennel. Individual dogs suitable for stud, or stallions as they are called in the case of hounds or beagles, were also eagerly sought for and the annual draft was sorted so as to preserve uniformity of size, speed and, in many cases, uniformity of markings was sought for as far as possible. In this way we have in the English hound that character and confor- mation which stamps it as a breed, for all hunts aim to secure some char- acteristics common to all. Type in head, perfection in legs and feet, good shoulders and good bodies are all points where but one standard governs. The differences between the packs so far as appearance goes is very little more than that of height, some masters preferring a larger dog, others a medium one and some being better suited with dogs an inch or so smaller. It is thus we have the radical difference between foxhounds of English breed- ing and what go by the name of American foxhounds. There is no type The Foxhound 643 that governs in this country, nor can there be so long as the hound are bred so indiscriminately as is the case. It has been well said that everything is an American foxhound that is not good enough to win in an English foxhound class. At a recent dog show in the Philadelphia district there was quite a collection of "American foxhounds" half of which had been bred from an English dog from what were said to be American bitches, and others were bred the reverse way and all were called by that elastic title, "American foxhounds. " What little breeding to type there is in foxhounds bred in this country is confined to a very few hunting clubs, clubs which hunt the hounds in Eng- lish fashion as a pack, and follow them on horseback. But the leaven of this is so small as not to affect the foxhound as a whole and it is purely individual fancy, some packs being black and tan and others white with black and tan markings. There is a National Foxhunters Association which is almost a purely Kentucky organization, nine out of the twelve officers named in the 1904 stud book being residents of that state, one in Pennsylvania, one in Alabama and one in Tennessee . It has a code of running rules and has a standard for American foxhounds. The object of this club and others like it, such as the Brunswick Fur Club of Maine, is to decide individual merit in hunting, trailing, speed, en- durance, giving tongue and for judgment and intelligence. There is no effort made, such as is followed in England or in a few instances in America, to secure uniformity by breeding and selection. If a dog is much faster than the others it is to his advantage, whereas in packs a hound must keep with the pack, neither racing in advance nor failing to keep up with the others. So also in appearance, what the American hound looks like matters not so that he works, and the result is as motley a lot of dogs as one can imagine at such gatherings. There is no such thing as type, or sorriness, bur fortun- ately there are not many which resemble too much the ideal hounds drawn for the second volume of the foxhound stud book. These are most remark- able dogs mainly on account of their lack of resemblance to what a foxhound should look like. They have good feet and that, singular to say, is where a great many of these dogs fail. We have seen some in the show ring with duck-feet, and one of the best known show dogs of recent times is the worst- footed sporting dog we think we have ever seen as a prize winner. It would please us very much indeed to say a good word for the fox- hunting dog of this country outside of his hunting ability and within the 644 The Dog Book scope of this book, which treats of dogs as breeds, (established breeds as the Kennel Club has it), but what we have here is not an established breed, show- ing the uniformity of shape, type and character requisite to distinguish a breed from plain, ordinary dogs. We felt that we could say nothing else and invited Colonel Roger Williams of Lexington, Ky., to contribute what might be considered the presentation of the other side, but the offer has not been accepted. If people do not breed for type they cannot blame any person stating that type is lacking. The standard adopted by this Kentucky club is quite good enough in itself, though far from perfect, to develop a breed dis- tinct in type, but having a standard and ignoring it altogether is not the way to get the desired uniformity. They might even do as the Boston-terrier men have done, breed a type entirely different from the standard and make the dogs show uniformity of type foreign to what is supposed to be the cor- rect thing. The same is seen in the English Newfoundland, the standard being entirely ignored, yet we have uniformity in the dogs shown and the type of dog shown is the standard which governs. In the present case we have a standard but no uniformity in type hence we have no breed of es- tablished character. What is supposed to be aimed at is shown in the des- cription and points adopted by the National club as follows: DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS The American hound should be smaller and lighter in muscle and bone than the English foxhound. Dogs should not be under 21 nor over 24 inches nor weigh more than 60 pounds. Bitches should not be under 20 nor over 23 inches, nor weigh more than 53 pounds. Head (value 15) should be of medium size with muzzle in harmonious proportions. The skull should be rounded crosswise with slight peak line of profile nearly straight with sufficient stop to give symmetry to head. Ears medium, not long, thin, soft in coat, low set and closely pendant. Eyes soft, medium size and varying shades of brown. Nostrils slightly expanded. The head as a whole should denote hound "character." Neck (value 5) must be clean and of good length, slightly arched, strong where it springs from the shoulder and gradually tapering to the head with- out trace of throatiness. Shoulders (value 10) should be of sufficient length to give leverage and power well sloped, muscular, but clean run and not too broad. The Foxhound 645 Chest and Back Ribs (value 10). The chest should be deep for lung space, narrower in proportion to depth than the English hound 28 inches in a 24-inch hound being good. Well-sprung ribs back ribs should extend well back a 3-inch flank allowing springiness. Back and Loin (value 10) should be broad, short and strong, slightly arched. Hindquarters and Lower Thighs (value 10) must be well muscled and very strong. Stifles should be low set, not much bent nor yet too straight a happy medium. Elbows (value 5) should be set straight, neither in nor out. Legs and Feet (value 20) are of great importance. Legs should be straight and placed squarely under shoulder, having plenty of bone without clumsiness; strong pasterns well stood upon. Feet round, cat-like, not too large, toes well knuckled, close and compact, strong nails, pad thick, tough and indurated by use. Colour and Coat (value 5). Black-white-and-tan are preferable, though the solids and various pies are permissible; coat should be rough and coarse without being wiry or shaggy. Symmetry (value 5). The form of the hound should be harmonious throughout. He should show his blood quality and hound character in every respect and movement. If he scores high in other properties, symmetry is bound to follow. Stern (value 5) must be strong in bone at the root, of medium length carried like a sabre on line with spine, and must have good brush a docked stern should not disqualify but simply handicap according to extent of dock- ing. SCALE OF POINTS Head 15 Elbows 5 Neck 5 Legs and Feet 20 Shoulders 10 Colour and Coat 5 Chest and Back Ribs 10 Stern 5 Hindquarters and Lower Back and Loin 10 Thighs 10 Symmetry 5 Total 100 AMERICAN FOXHOUND BITCH ENGLISH FOXHOUND DOG TYPICAL HEADS wr M 3 tfi CH. NEMESIS SARAH CH. NEMESIS WINNING FIVE COUPLES MIDDLESEX HUNT HOUNDS HARRIER From Daniel's "Rural Sports," 1802 CHARITY A prize harrier, the property of Capt. N. Barton, of Hasketon, Woodbridge. After a painting by E. Corbet HARRIERS OF HIS MAJESTY GEO. III. From a painting by B. Marsh j^J Photograph by Schreiber &> Sons, Philadelphia THE PENNBROOK HUNT The similarity benveen foxhounds and harriers is well shown in this photograph. The dog to the right in the foreground and the one to the left of the three front dogs, showing a side view, are foxhounds. All others distinguishable are harrier: and the one to the extreme left was the best in the pack which was imported by Mr. Mitchell Harrison, of Philadelphia CHAPTER LI THE HARRIER HE hunting hound of England, as distinguished from the coursing hound and the led bloodhound, went by the gen- eral name of harrier until special pains were taken to de- velop hounds solely for fox hunting, to which were given the name of foxhounds. What was left for hunting with hounds was the hare, and harriers then became solely hare hunters, the sport which at one time held precedence, now taking rank below that of fox- hunting. The name harrier has no connection with the word hare, but owes its origin to the use of the hounds in harrying or driving the game. We have no harriers in this country, but a few have been kept in Canada, near Newmarket mainly. In England they at one time were the medium hound between the foxhound and beagle, but of late years beagles have been bred larger and have been crossed with harriers, and the same desire for size has caused the harrier to be crossed with the foxhound till it is difficult to- get the pure harrier. There are a few packs which have not resorted to- foreign blood, among them being the Penistone hunt in Yorkshire, where a pack of black and tan harriers has been kept for a number of years, back, it is said, to nearly the seventeenth century. These are large hounds and are called harriers by reason of their not being used for foxhunting. If they had been they would have had their name changed and yet be the same hounds. According to the run of hare hunting packs the English harriers vary from 1 8 inches to as high as 24 inches, but we agree with Mr. Lee that from 16 to 19 inches is the proper harrier limits of height. They run lighter in shape than the foxhound, more on what the American foxhound lines are supposed to be, that is, less substance and bone. Cooper's head of the harrier which will be found in the introductory chapter to the hounds is a superb illustration of a quality head. No standard for the harrier has ever been published, reference being generally made to what is wanted in the foxhound, but a lighter dog, so here, where we have a standard for just such a foxhound, we can say that the American foxhound standard is well adapted to this breed. 647 CHAPTER LII THE BEAGLE HAT the terrier is to the Englishman the beagle may almost be said to be to the American, as nearly as we have a useful all-rounder in this country. There is too much genuine good about the beagle to make him a whim of fancy and as a show dog he has for long maintained a steady rating as one of the reliable breeds for an average good entry. Certainly he is far more popular here than in England and is kept within the limits of size of what a beagle should be, In England the word beagle has become a very elastic term and good-sized harriers are rated as beagles with some of the hare hunting packs. With us a proper limit of size has long been recognised both at shows and field trials, so that we have preserved at least that attribute of the beagle better than the English have. The origin of the word beagle is said to be obscure, the standard work on old English words, Murray's Dictionary, being copied in that remark by all its successors. The earliest use of the word is quoted as being in "The Squire of Lowe Degre," 1475, "With theyr beagles in that place and seven score raches in his rechase." The word is later met with as begeles and in the seventeenth century it became beagle. This variation of spelling means little, for these old writers varied spelling two or three times on a page, and sought for nothing but the sound of the word, or what would represent that. The majority of opinions hitherto expressed is that beagle came from the French word begle, but the boot is on the other leg and the best authorities hold that the French borrowed their word from the English. Murray sug- gests that it may have come from the French begeule, which meant a noisy, shouting person, from "beer, ' ' to gape or open wide, and "quelle," throat the old French word was beeguelle. Murray then suggests that "open throat in this sense might be applied to a dog," but admits that it was not so applied in France. That is a very far-fetched suggestion, for of all the hounds the beagle has the least voice or suggestion of the open throat. Murray is of the opinion that it cannot be Old English because of the 649 650 The Dog Book hard "g," which would have become palatalised, such as in the case of beadle in English and beagle in Scotland for somewhat similar officials. That is worth keeping in mind, but in addition there was an old West of England word beagle, which meant a loutish fellow, a ne'er-do-well, and in Jamieson's Scotch dictionary beagle is given as a Teviotdale expression for a man of odd appearance, such as in the case of one falling in the mire who would be said to be "a pretty beagle." Neither of these renderings could have been the one meant by James I. when he wrote an endearing letter to his wife and called her his "little beagle" and his "pretty beagle." At the same time we must not overlook the possibilities of a meaning which might be applied to the word in the West of England sense of useless. The small hound was certainly of little use for the game the mighty hunters affected, and to them the play dog of the children or pet of the ladies of the household might aptly be called a beagle in that sense. Still another possibility is the Gaelic word "beag." This is a diminutive and in " beag-luach " we have a compound word meaning "of little value." Practically the same meaning as the West of England appli- cation of the word beagle. " Beag" by itself meant a little, a small number, a small quantity. Only one authority mentions "beag" but he discards it as improbable. The objection to Gaelic origin is the lack of connection between where that was spoken and where beagle became definitely connected with the dog. But how about pony, for a small horse ? That is Gaelic and became in some way substituted for hobby, a small horse, a word still retained in the words hobby horse, hobby hawk and hobby itself. Who first intro- duced "toy" to cover the group of pets, little dogs, and how long was it at- taining its present acceptance as defining a group of many breeds ? If we take into consideration what the dogs were that got the name of beagles and really established the name as confined to the particular variety of hounds we will more readily arrive at where the name came from. The dog was first described as of most diminutive size, so small that it was called a glove beagle gauntletted gloves, of course its voice was so small compared with that of hounds that another name for them was "sing- ing beagles," a pack getting the name of "a cry," and effb its were made to get voices of different tones to chime melodiously. Good Queen Bess, who upheld bear baiting and took part in coursing deer, could hardly have treated her beagles seriously and we can well believe that these diminutive WINDHOLME'S FATE WINDHOLME'S ROBING II. CH. BANGLE NEKAYAH A former winning four of the Windholme Kennels "LAP BEAGLES" Reinagle's painting of Colonel Thornton's beagles, about 1800 THE BEAGLE From Daniel's "Rural Sports," 1802. From a painting by Gilpin The Beagle 651 playthings were the result of many years of breeding during which little account was taken of them and no mention made of them. Finally the queen took a fancy to them as an amusement and the name came into fre- quent usage. We believe that both the dogs and the name given to them, were very well known throughout England, and being little more than pets they got a name that suited such a dog, either on account of its insignificance in the matter of animals it was fit to chase, or on account of its size, or both, for "beagle" covered both ideas. The old name for a small hound was kennet and that name appears in very old English records of dogs pertaining to the royal kennels. The beagles, if they then existed, were either considered to be kennets or were not held to be dogs of the chase. The early name of the word in the "Squire of Lowe Degre" shows only the fact of the word being in existence and not its general usage in the strict sporting parlance of that time. The oft-quoted translation from Oppian regarding the agasses, has no connection with the beagle, for he was describing the rough Scottish terrier. This rendition of the Gaelic word has also been confused with the agasseus, the gazehound, which we hold was the coursing greyhound. The beagle is a good enough little dog without introducing into the history of the breed a lot of far-fetched nonsense based on the confusing of two somewhat similar names, one mean- ing merely "dog" and the other referring to vision. Outside of England this little hunting dog had attained reputation enough to attract the attention of the artist Strada, and one of his many illus- trations of sporting is unique in representing what he styled in the Latin title to the engraving "the swift little dogs of the English, which leaped upon the horses." Here we have one of these little dogs being carried on the broad buttocks of the palfrey ridden by a lady, and another is being assisted to a similar position by her companion. The dog has reached up to his stirrup and he is stooping to take hold of it. This is very good evidence of the knowledge of them being spread beyond the limits of England before the time of Queen Elizabeth, for Strada we place at about 1560, and Elizabeth did not begin her reign until 1558. One hundred years later we have in a painting by the Italian artist Castiglione, a little dog which cannot be any- thing but one of these diminutive beagles for we have seen no Italian dog of that character. If Castiglione visited England as some think in Charles II. reign and if this painting of Orpheus was not done till that time it is within the limits of conjecture that he represented a dog he had seen there. 652 The Dog Book A little more than a hundred years later we find the beagle still under royal patronage and being hunted by George III. The Prince of Wales also kept beagles at Brighton. It is said that the prince was painted on horseback with his beagles, but it is possible this may be a mistake owing to the fact of his being better known as hunting beagles than was his father. We are of the opinion that the illustration we give is the one referred to as of George IV, from references to the height of the hounds made in comments on the picture. This, however, is his father, as it appears in the volume of "Sporting Anecdotes," second edition, 1807, which leads off with a sketch entitled "His majesty, as a sportsman," and George III. was then "his maj- esty." Below this illustration and connected with it the page is filled out with a view of Windsor Park, with the castle in the distance, evidently added to show that it was at Windsor that the hunting was done. Of the Prince of Wales's beagles we have a brief description in Colonel Thornton's Sporting Tour through France, as he took passage from Brigh- ton and while there visited the kennels and described what he saw as follows: A "You are perfectly aware of my partiality for everything referring to the chase, and that predeliction naturally led me to inspect the Prince of Wales's dog kennels, but more particularly his dwarf beagles, which were originally of the same breed as my own. " Here I must observe that the beagle, in point of height, should be reg- ulated by the country he is to hunt in, but he ought, at any rate, to be very low. In a dry country, free from walls, the beagle cannot be too low, but where there are such impediments he should be larger, to prevent being stopped by fences, as also when the waters are out he is better calculated for swimming. In the country where my pack hunts, the turf is like velvet, a circumstance much in their favour. The prince's beagles are of a much larger growth than mine, and mixed, but it is a rule with me in the breed of all animals to get the most stuff in the least room, in consequence of which I naturally give the preference to my own pack." That unfortunately is all he says about the prince's beagles, and he then goes on to say more about speed in beagles. He held that the lower dog necessarily got the better scent, but in point of speed "they all go too fast." When they sheeted well and carried a good head in a hilly, open country, there was no chance for the horses to get eased and they became speedily distressed, more so than in foxhunting, where the manoeuvres of the fox and the necessity for frequent casts enabled the horses to get occasional rests. CHAMPION WAVELAND JEWEL A i2-inch show champion and field trials winner. Property of Mr. Lester C. Jones, Culpepper, Va. BLUE BELL Admitted to be one of the most tvpical beagles shown in England or America. Late the property of Mrs. R. F. Mayhew Stapleton, Staten Island The Beagle 653 Of course the horses used in his days were much slower than modern hunters which are nearly thoroughbreds. Colonel Thornton's own beagles were famous and in the sketch of his life, included in the same volume of "Sporting Anecdotes" there is a list of his best known horses and dogs, including under the head of beagles this mention: "Merryman This celebrated dog is sire of a pack, which ex- ceeds all others for symmetry, bottom, and pace. The beagles of Colonel Thornton will tire the strongest hunters and return to the kennel compara- tively fresh." What the Colonel's beagles look like is admirably shown in the painting by Reinagle. The title to this engraving is " Lap dog beagles " but the tell-tale "T" denotes who they belonged to. Chalon also painted a group with the "T," but they look like little pigs. Stubs also painted beagles, said to be Thornton's, but they are not hounds like Reinagle's lot. Sufficient has been said about the beagle when he was in the height of popularity in England, for after Colonel Thornton's day foxhunting became the supreme hound-sport and beagles were neglected as time went on. What further need be said in connection with English dogs will appear in speaking of importations to this country. Little is known of the beagle in America before 1876, which was about the time General Rowett of Illinois got some from England. This gentle- man had on his Carlinsville farm a collection of the highest bred horses and cattle in the United States and he took the same course in getting his dogs of the best stamp obtainable, so that Rowett beagle meant a dog of the very best type, and they were eagerly sought for by all beagle breeders. Southern Pennsylvania and Delaware with Maryland were the beagle countries best known at that time, and throughout that section there was a variety which went by the name of " bench-legged beagle " from its crooked forelegs. In some of these dogs there was a cross of the dachshund, quite a number of that breed having been imported by Dr. Twaddell and a few other sportsmen of Philadelphia for rabbit hunting. Whether all of these beagles got their crooked forelegs from this cross we cannot say, but there were plenty that did and some were said to trace to dogs from Prince Albert's dogs at Wind- sor. If these imported dogs were not English beagles then they were likely dachshunds. Classes for these dogs were given at early Philadelphia and Baltimore shows, but with the establishment of the first beagle club by the Philadelphia breeders attention was directed in the proper direction and we began breeding the right sort exclusively. 654 The Dog Book In addition to the Rowett beagles in Illinois there was a strain kept by Captain Assheton in Virginia, imported from the kennels of Sir William Ashburnham. These were a rangier type than the Rowetts and quite a number of them were pied and mottled. One well known beagle of this strain was Blue Cap and the name of "bluecaps" was not infrequently given to dogs tracing to the Assheton dogs. These kennels had little to do with the breeding of the large number of dogs called beagles, for these varied greatly in size, some being little toys while others ran to the height of 16 inches. Mrs. White of Cleveland showed the toy kind very successfully while Dan O'Shea was always to be depended upon to bring some good ones of the hound type from London, Ont. About the first dog to make his mark outside of O'Shea's Rattler was imported Bannerman; which came from the pack of small beagles bred by Mr. J. Crane who hunted foot beagles as near to nine inches as he could breed them. Bannerman was, however, a good sized dog and his success on the bench made him very popular as a sire, so that he had much influence on the breed in the way of shorter backs, but he also did away in a great meas- ure with markings, many of his get being nearly all white. Another prom- inent dog which followed him was Frank Forrest, bred by Mr. George F. Reed, of Barton, Vt., but brought out by Mr. Arthur Parry, of Linden, Mass. The great success of this dog had more to do than anything we know of in making Massachusetts a beagle state and improving the breed throughout New England. In the early nineties beagles were bred in great numbers, but they were not of the kind we are now accustomed to see; lacking the miniature hound type of head and body, with the good legs and feet we associate with the hound. To no one more than the late Mr. James L. Kernochan is due the change which set in about ten years ago. Mr. Kernochan rode with the hounds and wanted beagles that looked like hounds. To get what he wanted he imported several very good dogs and their success set the fashion in his direction. His Hempstead beagles on more than one occasion proved al- most invincible at New York and from that time we have seen no change and only improvement in the type of American beagle. Not only are beagles of this stamp good to look at, but they are success- ful in the field at the many field trials held annually throughout the country, a state of affairs we do not find in the field trials for setters and pointers, the winners at these being in very few instances capable of taking honours at IMPORTED LEADER III. Prominent from 1896 to 1900 ^BE.NEJMOT t>F RADNAGE .by. M>-s. (:h?.s,.Chauman, of Worthing, Eng FORWARD Bred and owned by G. A. Johnson, So. Manchester, Conn. YANKEE BEN WINDHOLME'S DALESMAN CH. CORBETT'S EVANGELINE CH. ROYAL KREUGER This dog antedated any prominence attained by the Boer president The Beagle 655 shows. The breed is noticeable in another respect and that is the number of individual fanciers who breed good dogs, so that we have advanced to the position where importations have become very scarce. The result is better values for home-bred dogs, as will always be the case when an end is put to the sending of money to England for dogs to beat the American-breds. When Mr. Kernochan gave up his beagles some of the best of them were secured by Mr. Higginson of the Middlesex Hunt, near Boston and Mr. Cas- well of the Round Plains hunt, also a Boston institution, but it cannot be said that they had much influence in the improvement of the breed and dogs now winning have little of their blood. The most successful dogs now being shown are bred from later impor- tations, mainly from those of Mr. H. T. Peters and Mr. Rockefeller. The former with his Windholmes and the latter with his Rock Ridges have raised the standard very much over even what was accomplished by Mr. Kernochan, and these gentlemen are now showing dogs of their own breeding which equal anything they have imported. In addition we have many who breed on a much less extensive scale and yet manage to get a share of the prizes at even our best shows. Mr. Ernest Lester Jones, of Madison, N. J., Mr. Saxby, Mr. Shallcross and many others that might be named are always to be reckoned with as formidable opponents in the show ring as well as at the beagle trials where they compete. Mr. Barnard of Bryn Mawr is another whose entries are frequent and whose success must be gratifying when the severity of the competition is considered. Upon his shoulders now depends the upholding of interest in the beagle in the Philadelphia district, which was at one time the centre of the fancy. Perhaps it would be better if the Windholme and Rock Ridge kennels were not so strong and so divide up the winning a little more than has been the case of late years, but so long as all rely upon American-bred dogs there is an element of equality which does not exist in breeds where the winners are purchased abroad at prices beyond the means of all but the wealthiest fanciers. No true fancier objects to being beaten by a fellow breeder, for that is very different from having one's efforts discounted by the expenditure of several thousands of dollars in the purchase of a foreign-bred dog. The National Beagle Club of America, which took the place of the or- iginal American English-beagle Club is the one which takes care of the show section of the fancy as well as the holding of the most important of the many 656 The Dog Book field trial meetings, and the standard which the old club drew up has been slightly altered by the present club to read as follows; DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. The skull should be fairly long, slightly domed at occiput, with cranium broad and full. Ears. Ears set on moderately low, long, reaching when drawn out if nearly, not quite, to the end of the nose; fine texture, fairly broad with almost entire absence of erectile power setting close to the head with the forward edge slightly inturning to the cheek rounded at tip. Eyes. Eyes large, set well apart soft and houndlike expression gen- tle and pleading; of a brown or hazel colour. Muzzle. Muzzle of medium length straight and square cut the top moderately defined. Jaws. Level. Lips free from flews; nostrils large and open. Defects. A very flat skull, narrow across the top; excess of dome; eyes small, sharp and terrier-like, or prominent and protruding; muzzle long, snipey or cut away decidedly below the eyes, or very short. Roman-nosed, or upturned, giving a dishface expression. Ears short, set on high or with a tendency to rise above the point of origin. Body, Neck and Throat. Neck rising free and light from the shoulders, strong in substance yet not loaded, of medium length. The throat clean and free from folds of skin, a slight wrinkle below the angle of the jaw, however, may be allowable. Dejects. A thick, short, cloddy neck carried on a line with the top of the shoulders. Throat showing dewlap and folds of skin to a degree termed "throatiness." Shoulders and Chest. Shoulders sloping clean, muscular, not heavy or loaded conveying the idea of freedom of action with activity and strength Chest deep and broad, but not broad enough to interfere with the free play of the shoulders. Defects. Straight, upright shoulders. Chest disproportionately wide or with lack of depth. Back, Loin and Ribs. Back short, muscular and strong. Loin broad and slightly arched, and the ribs well sprung, giving abundance of lung room. The Beagle 657 Dejects. Very long or swayed or reached back. Flat narrow loin. Flat ribs. Forelegs. Straight, with plenty of bone in proportion to size of the dog. Pasterns short and straight. Feet. Close, round and firm. Pad full and hard. Defects. Out at elbows. Knees knuckled over forward or bent back- ward. Forelegs crooked or dachshund-like. Feet long, open or spreading. Hips and Thighs. Strong and well muscled, giving abundance of propelling power. Stifles strong and well let down. Hocks firm, symmet- rical and moderately bent. Feet close and firm. Defects. Cow hocks, or straight hocks. Lack of muscle and propel- ling power. Open feet. Tail. Set moderately high; carried gaily, but not turned forward over the back; with slight curve; short as compared with size of the dog; with brush. Defects. A long tail. Tea pot curve or inclined forward from the root. Rat tail with absence of brush. Coat. A close, hard, hound coat of medium length. Defect. A short thin coat, or of a soft quality. Height. Height not to exceed 15 inches; measured across the back at the point of the withers, the dog standing in a natural position with his feet well under him. Color. Any true hound colour. General Appearance. A miniature fox-hound, solid and big for his in- ches, with the wear-and-tear look of the dog that can last in the chase and follow his quarry to the death. SCALE OF POINTS Skull 5 Back, Loins and Ribs ... 15 Ears 10 Forelegs 10 Eyes 5 Hips, Thighs and Hindlegs 10 Muzzle 5 Feet 10 Neck 5 Coat 5 Chest and Shoulders 15 Stern 5 Total . 100 . SCENES AT THE WINDHOLME KENNELS, ISLIP, LONG ISLAND CHAPTER LIII THE BASSET HE French short-legged hound which in England has the compound name basset-hound has never been popular in America. Why there should be the addition of " hound " to the name is not easy to understand for in its native country it has always been simply the basset. The late Everett Millais was the first to introduce the dog in England and wrote the descrip- tion of the breed for Shaw's " Book of the Dog. " So far as it went his de- scription was good enough, but he made no attempt to go into old history. Buffbn describes it and names two varieties, which were the crooked and the straight-legged types. But Millais makes the mistake of saying that the latter were the petit cbiens courant, or small running hound. The proba- bility is that these dogs were descendants from the old breed of greffiers, the dogs bred from the white St. Hubert hounds and the hound from Italy, or else from the St. Hubert hounds direct. These were dogs used on the Ham and it is easy to understand that a dog which held its nose low to the ground by reason of its short legs would be preferred to one which had to make an effort to get his nose as low. We are very much of the opinion that the basset is the dog most entitled to be considered a direct descendant of the dogs which the Abbots of St. Hubert had to contribute annually to the king's kennels and which were used mainly for tracking on the Ham. Buffon and other old French authorities held that the crooked legs were the result of rickets. In the "Dictionairre d'Historie Naturelle" it was stated that the crooked-legged variety were esteemed the best and that this originated in a malady similar to "rachitis" which was transmitted as a deformity to their descendants. It was finally held to be indicative of purity as we find in "La Chasse au Tir," Paris, 1827: " Deux Bassets bien dresses, Medor avec Brissant Leur baroque structure Vous announce dejk qu'ils sont de race pure." 659 660 The Dog Book As all abnormally long-bodied and short-legged dogs have a tendency to crooked forelegs in order to get balance, there is no reason to believe that the basset got his crooked legs from rickets any more than neglected short- legged dogs, where selection of straight legs is made essential, become bad fronted when selection is not attended to. Colonel Thornton on his visit to France at the close of the eighteenth century saw these bassets and called them bloodhounds, described how they were led in tracking game to their resting places, and the one illustrated in his book he bought at the St. Germains kennels and took to England with him. Mr. Millais introduced the basset to English dog shows in 1875, but it was not until Wolverhampton show of 1880 that they got their real start there. At that show Mr. Millais made a large entry and they attracted great attention. The late George R. Krehl then took up the breed and it became slightly popular, on account of its quaintness, and "There is such a lot to breed for," Mr. Krehl explained. This difficulty in breeding good dogs caused many to give them up in England, and except at the large shows the basset is relegated to the variety classes. In America very few have been shown. Occasionally a new hand gets a brace or two and secures classes at New York show and then drops out after a brief trial. Mr. Higginson was the last to try them and got two couples of the rough variety to see whether they would not do as well as the beagles used by the Middlesex Hunt of Massachusetts, but they did not give satisfaction and the hunt graduated to English foxhounds. The simplest way to describe the basset is to say he is a large dachshund with a head much like a bloodhound. The illustrations we give are suffi- cient to show what the dog was and now is without any descriptive particulars. CH. QUEEN OF THE GEISHA Owned by Mr. J. W. Proctor, England iv \ \i \v 4 H BASSETS From a French publication of about 1840 Photograph by Baker, Birmingham LOCKLY Property of H. M. King Edward VII. ROUGH BASSETS Property of Mr. A. H. Higginson, So. Lincoln, Mass. FRENCH HOUND Purchased by Colonel Thornton during his tour in France in 1802 and called by him a " limier or blood- hound," but in French a briquet. See page 597 CHAPTER LIV THE DACHSHUND HE dachshund is the only dog classified as a sporting dog by the American Kennel Club which is neither a hound nor a dog exclusively used with the gun. That it is used occasion- ally as a hound in the sense that it follows rabbits and hares by scent as does a beagle, does not alter the fact that it is essentially a dog that goes to earth and is therefore a terrier. Its name of badger dog is all the evidence needed on that point, and that it can be made use of as a beagle does not alter the fact that it is properly an earth dog, any more than the occasional use of fox terriers for rabbit cours- ing makes them whippets. They are now recognized as essentially a dog of Germany, although there can be no doubt that they were found throughout Western Europe at an early date. The description of the French dogs, given in the old French sporting books copied by early English writers as apply- ing to English terriers, leaves no doubt as to the dachshund being then a dog known and used in France. It is very true that they were called bassets, but what we know as bassets could not have gone to earth, and the name was at that time merely indicative of their being low dogs,, though it must be ad- mitted that the name was also applied to the taller, rough dog. Appar- ently the French gave up the small, smooth, crooked-legged dog, and it remained for the Germans to continue his use and develop him into the teckel, or dachshund, whose peculiar formation has turned many a penny for the comic newspaper illustrator. f- Notwithstanding the distinctly German origin of the modern dachshund, it is due to the English fanciers to state that they were the pioneers in giving the dog the distinction of a specialty club, for as early as 1881 there was a dachshund club in England, and that was not established until the breed had been recognised for eight years as entitled to individual classification. The Crystal Palace show of 1873, not Birmingham in 1872, as given by Mr. Marples in "Show dogs," was the first to give a class for the breed which, from 1866 up to that time, had been included in the class for foreign sporting 66 1 662 The Dog Book dogs. Later, in 1873, Birmingham followed the Kennel Club lead and gave its first class for dachshunds. The meaning of the German word "hund" not being so well known as it should have been in England, led to the breed being given a class in the stud book of 1874, under the title of "Dachshunds (or German Badger Hounds)," in place of badger dogs, and this led to their being considered hounds and bred for hound heads in place of the correct terrier type. Indeed, it was not until the winter of 1883-84 that Mr. George Krehl, returning from a visit to Germany, took up the question of type and led the change to that of the German dog. We were in England in Decem- ber and well recollect his talk on the subject and his saying that they had been all wrong in England, but he doubted whether it would be possible to affect the change which he intended advocating in The Stockkeeper y which he then edited. Doubtless the dachshund had been brought to America in the early '70*5, but we think the first systematic importation of the dog for use in the field was made by Dr. Twadell, of Philadelphia, who got them for rabbiting, and there was a good deal of discussion as to their merits as compared with the longer legged beagles. Dr. Downey, of Newmarket, Md., and Mr. Seitner, of Dayton, O., then took them up, and we have always been of the opinion that the "bench-legged beagles" of Delaware and Maryland had their origin in crosses with these early importations of beagles. There use as field dogs soon died out in favour of the beagle, and after that they must be regarded as show dogs, even admitting that they are favourite dogs with many Germans who go afield after rabbits with their Waldmans and Gretchens. Whether it is that Dr. Motschenbacker, of New York, has such a very strong kennel that he has but one opponent of any consequence, we cannot say, but on his shoulders, and those of Mr. and Mrs. Kellar. has fallen the duty of upholding the breed, so far as the Eastern shows are concerned, and it is seldom that any other exhibitor gets in ahead of these exhibitors, who have done wonders in breeding and showing winners from their own kennels. The one exception in the East is Mr. R. Murray Bohlen, who has kept dachshunds for a good many years and the puppies he recently showed at the Atlantic City exhibition proved that he had some good breeding material. The dachshund is such an exaggeration that it is much easier to show CHAMPION HOLLYBERRY , J Property of Mr. Arthur Bradbury, New Brighton, Cheshire, England " DELVES LADY Winner of thirty-three firsts and specials and two firsts in championship cla Bred and owned by Mrs. Gerald Spencer, Lewes, England CHAMPION WIRRAL HOLLYBRANCH Property of Mr. Arthur Bradbury, New Brighton, Cheshire, Eng'and The Dachshund 663 by reproductions of photographs what the best dogs look like, than to convey a clear impression to any person who has never seen one. His one distinct peculiarity is also that of the basset, the crooked forelegs, which is nothing but a deformity now scientifically bred. That this deformed foreleg is of any practical use in digging underground, we cannot believe. Perhaps we should say that its being better than the short, straight leg of the terriers which go to ground is not our opinion, and we put that idea away with the old-time belief that the loose dewclaw of the St. Bernard helped the dog to walk in, or on, the snow. At the present day, it appears from some recent remarks of Mr. Marples, that there is an attempt at doing away, in a great measure, with the dachshund front by English breeders. He writes as follows : " In these later days, there has been a tendency in England to moderate the crook of the dachshund ... I cannot, however, go so far in the craze for sound fronts as to accept a straight-legged dachshund, as some judges do." In this, Mr. Marples is quite correct, for it is purely a fancy breed, and whether these fronts are deformities, or not, does not matter, usage and standards have made them properties of the dachshund, and it is just as easy to breed sound fronts as straight fronts; that is, legs that are properly crooked, so that the dog stands true on his feet and does not "run over," as a man does who fails to put his foot down squarely as he walks. We recognise it as a part of the breed, while we dissent from the claim that it is essentially useful in digging underground. The German standard goes to great length in describing the dachs- hund, indulging in technicalities and minuteness of detail such as we find in no English standard. There seems also to be considerable difficulty in getting a good translation into language common to dog standards. The combination of a dog man who thoroughly understands German and has an equally good English education, does not seem to have been secured for the translation of this standard. The English long have had a short, clearly written standard, but it differs in several points from the German code, and, as the latter is the one in use here, that alone will be of service. We have seen three translations, and the one which seems clearest to the English reader is the one we give. It is better in its divisions into paragraphs, and clearer in its phraseology. The best part of the German standard is the illustrations, which show the ideal, and the faulty, con- formation. 664 The Dog Book DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General Appearance. Dwarfed, short-legged, elongated, but stiff figure, muscular. Notwithstanding the short limbs and long body, neither appearing stunted, awkward, incapable of movement, nor yet lean and weasel-like; with pert, saucy pose of the head and intelligent expression. Head. Elongated, and, as seen from above and from the side, tapering toward the point of the nose, sharply outlined and finely modelled, particu- larly in profile. Skull. Neither too wide nor too narrow, only slightly arched, and run- ning gradually without break (stop) (the less the break (stop) the better the type), into a well-defined and slightly arched nasal bone. Eyes. Medium sized, oval, set obliquely, clear and energetical ex- pression. Except the silver colour of the grey and spotted dogs and the yellow eyes of the brown dogs, the colour is a transparent brown. Nose. Point and root long and slender, very finely formed. Lips. Tightly stretched, well covering the lower jaw, neither deep nor snipy, with corner of mouth slightly marked. Jaws. Capable of opening wide, extending to behind the eyes. Teeth. Well-developed, particularly the corner teeth; these latter fit- ting exactly. Incisors fitting each other, or the inner side of the upper incisors touching the outer side of the lower. Ears. Relatively well back, high, and well set on, with forward edge lying close to the cheeks; very broad and long, beautifully rounded (not narrow, pointed, or folded), very mobile, as in all intelligent dogs; when at attention, the back of the ear directed forward and upward. Neck. Sufficiently long, muscular, lean, no dewlap, slightly arched in the nape, running in graceful lines between the shoulders, usually carried high and forward. Shoulders. Long, broad, and set sloping, lying firmly on fully de- veloped thorax; muscles hard and plastic. Chest. Corresponding with his work underground, muscular, compact; the region of chest and shoulders deep, long, and wide; breast bone, strong and so prominent as to show a hollow on each side. . Back. In the case of sloping shoulders and hind quarters, short and firm; if steep (straight) shoulders and hind quarters, long and weak; line of fc -o O 5 S-l a-S < w The Dachshund 665 back behind shoulders only slightly sunk and only slightly arched near the loins. Trunk. Ribs full, oval, with ample width for heart and lungs, deep and hanging low between forelegs, well sprung out toward loins, loins short and tight and broad, line of belly moderately drawn up, and joined to hind quarters with loosely stretched skin. Hind Quarters. Rump round, full, broad, muscles hard and plastic; pelvis bone not too short, broad and strongly developed, set moderately sloping. Fore Legs. Upper arm of equal length with, and at right angles to, shoulders, strong-boned and well muscled, lying close to ribs, but moving freely up to shoulder blade. Lower arm short, as compared with other animals, slightly inclined inward; strongly muscled and plastic toward front and outside, inside and back parts stretched by hard tendons. Hind Legs. Thigh bone strong, of good length, and joined to pelvis at right angles; thighs strong and with hard muscles; buttocks well rounded out; knee joint developed in length; lower leg short in comparison with other animals, at right angles to thigh bone, and firmly muscled; ankle bones well apart, with strong, well-sprung heel and broad Achilles tendons. Feet. Fore feet broad and sloping outward; hind feet smaller and nar- rower; toes always close together, with distinct bend in each toe; nails strong and regularly pointed outward; thick soles. Tail. Set on at medium height and firmly; not too long, tapering with- out too great curvature, not carried too high, well (but not too much) haired. (A brush tail is, however, better than one without, or with too little, hair; for to breed a weather-proof coat must always be the aim.) Coat. Short, thick as possible, glossy, greasy (not harsh and dry), equall ycovering entire body (never showing bare spots). Colour. (a) Single-coloured : Red, yellowish-red, yellow or red or yellow with black points; but one colour only is preferable, and red is better than yellowish red, and yellow. White is also allowed. Nose and nails black, red also permitted, but not desirable. (b) Two-coloured : Deep black, or brown, or grey, each with yellow or reddish brown spots over the eyes, on the sides of the jaws and lower lips, on the inner rim of ear, on the breast, on the inside and back of legs, under the tail, and from there down one third to one half of the under side of the tail. 666 The Dog Book Nose and nails black in black dogs, brown in brown dogs, grey in grey dogs, and also flesh colour. In one and two-coloured dogs, white is permissible, but only to the smallest possible extent, as spot or small streaks on breast. (c) Spotted: Ground is a shining silver grey, or even white with dark, irregular spots (large spots are undesirable), of dark grey, brown, yellowish red, or black. Neither the light nor the dark colours should predominate. The main factor is such a general appearance that, at some distance, the dog shall show an indefinite and varied colour which renders him particularly useful as a hunting dog. The russet-brown marks are darker in darker-spotted dogs, and yellower in the lighter ones, and there may be an indication of these in the case of a white foundation. Light eyes are permitted; when the ground colour is white, a flesh-coloured or spotted nose is not a fault. White marks are not desirable in dark dogs, but are not to be regarded as faults which disqualify. Height at Shoulder. 7^ to 8f inches. Weight. Divided into three classes: Light-weight: Dog under i6 Ibs.; bitches under 15^ Ibs. Medium-weight: Dogs from i6 to 22 Ibs.; bitches, 15^ to 22 Ibs. Heavy-weight: Dogs and bitches over 22 Ibs. Defects. Too weak or crippled, too high or too low on legs; skull too wide, too narrow, or too much arched; ears set on too high, too heavy, or too short; also set on too low and narrow, or long or slack; stop too pro- nounced and goggle-eyes; nasal bone too short or pressed in; lips too pointed or too deep; over-shot; short, developed neck; fore legs badly de- veloped, twisted, or poorly muscled, hare-footed or flat-spread toes; too deeply sunk behind shoulders, i.e., hollow-backed; loins too much arched and weak; ribs too flat or too short; rump higher than shoulders; chest too short or too flat; loins arched like a greyhound; hind quarters too narrow and poor in muscle; cow-hocked; tail set on high, and carried too high or too much curled; too thin, long, or hairless (rat-tailed); coat too thick, too coarse, too fine, or too thin; colour dead, dull, or too much mixed. In black dogs with russet-brown marks (tan), these latter should not extend too far, particularly on the ears. CHAMPION PARSIFAL Property of Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Keller, Wellesley, Mass. CH. YOUNG PHCENqMXN,,. Ji Property of Dr/C,^ttSj:ljenb^c"rt2r,'JSr6w CH. SMARTY WALDINE Property of Mr. S. K. Gibson, Lowell, Mass. HANNAH M. Property of Dr. C. Motschenbacher, New York HANSEL VON LICHTENSTEIN German Champion bred and owned by F. M. Widmann, Nuremberg. Mr. Muss Arnolt, to whom we are indebted for he loan of these photographs, thus describes Hansel : '' He is the soundest, lowest and longest dog I know of. He has lone, true shoulders, perfect feet and a non-faddist head. Money has never been able to buy him. DIABUTSU AND DIMBOOLA Property of Mrs. Amy C. Gillig THE DOG BOOK A Popular History of the Dog, with Practical Information as to Care and Management of House, Kennel and Exhibition Dogs ; and Descriptions of All the Important Breeds. In Ten Parts PART x Illustrated from Photographs NEW YORK DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY 1906 Copyright, 1906, by Doubleday, Page & Company Published July, 1906. All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign lan- guages, including the Scandinavian. CONTENTS PART X CHAPTER LV PAGE 667 THE POODLE: A branch of the spaniel family Trimming of all poodles an early custom The Russian Corded and the Caniche Mr. Hunnewell's and Mr. Trevor's connection with the breed The Red Brook Kennels era Standard and scale of points. CHAPTER LVI PAGE 671 THE CHOW: Described in Rural Sports in 1801 Long known but only lately accorded separate dog show classification Mrs. Jarrett introduces it to the Atlantic Coast shows The smooth not fully recognised as a distinct variety Straightness of hind legs a breed peculiarity. CHAPTER LVII PAGE 675 THE ITALIAN GREYHOUND: Early illustrations show its popularity in the sixteenth century Essential individual points of the breed Taint of the terrier cross. CHAPTER LVIII PAGE 679 THE POMERANIAN: The large dog first given the name A pure white colour then most valued The modern toy Pomeranian or Spitz A fancy of Queen Victoria Rapid growth of popularity in Eng- land The breed in America. CHAPTER LIX PAGE 685 THE SCHIPPERKE: A common Belgium Spitz renamed for foreign ex- ploitation The question of the tail Three Belgian varieties, but the Antwerp type prevails Fairly popular in England but not in this country CONTENTS Continued CHAPTER LX PAGE 691 THE MALTESE DOG: No affinity with the terrier family The shock-dog of a century ago, also called Bichon, Bouffe and Maltese Caius named it the Comforter in error Lady Gifford's famous show dogs. CHAPTER LXI PAGE 695 THE PUG: An introduction from China into Europe Mr. Mayhew's early recollections of English pugs and Lamb and Moss from Pekin Lord Willoughby bred from pugs from Russia The Morrison strain The pug's great popularity in America Dr. Cryer's prominence as a breeder and exhibitor Fashion leaves the pug for more modern toys The black pug the popu- lar variety in England Standard and points. CHAPTER LXII PAGE 707 THE FRENCH BULLDOG: Properly the Boule-dogue Francais and not a bulldog Unwarranted changes in the French text of the stand- ard Its great popularity in America The French standard. CHAPTER LXIII PAGE 711 THE YORKSHIRE TERRIER: A development of the Yorkshire mill hands from the common rough haired terrier Huddersfield Ben the maker of the breed Visiting a Yorkshire breeder How the dogs are kept Length of coat versus colour Description and scale of points. CHAPTER LXIV PAGE 717 THE GRIFFONS BRUXELLOIS: A mixed breed evidently closely related to the Smoushond of Holland, a dog resembling the old Scotch terrier Introduced to England in 1895 and to America a few years ago Descriptive particulars. CHAPTER LXV PAGE 719 THE KING CHARLES SPANIEL: The black and tan dog not traced to King Charles The Duke of Norfolk a breeder of small black and tans Buffbn's description of English toys or gredins, the pyrame being the "fire marked" or black and tan variety The short faced dog a production of the London "fancy" "King Charles" a general name for all but the Blenheims Tricolour or Prince Charles, and ruby varieties. CONTENTS Continue CHAPTER LXVI PAGE 729 THE BLENHEIM SPANIEL: Originally known as the Marlborough and used as a covert shooting spaniel Idstone's description of the Blenheims bred on the Duke's estate about 1840 The effect of the London fancy for short faces in spaniels alters the Blenheim as it did the King Charles The popular variety of the English spaniels in America. CHAPTER LXVII PAGE 733 THE JAPANESE SPANIEL: Commodore Perry's description of the toy spaniels of Japan Presents to President Buchanan Mr. Speiden's recollections of dogs presented to members of Commodore Perry's expedition Mr. Belmont's description of the pair sent by the Commodore to his daughter, Mrs. August Belmont The breed a favourite in America Description and scale of points. CHAPTER LXVIII PAGE 739 THE PEKINESE DOG: Ancient carvings of dogs and decorated plates in the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts Sleeve dogs and smooth "pugs" taken to England from the Pekin loot of 1860 The Goodwood strain Mrs. Guyer's importations and the breed in America A quaint dog of distinct appearance and type. CHAPTER LXIX PAGE 74S LHASSA TERRIER AND TIBET SPANIEL: The two latest claimants for recognition as toys described by the Hon. Mrs. McLaren Morrison. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Diabutsu and Dimboola (French Bulldogs) Frontispiece POODLES FACING PAGE Ch. Orchard Minstrel, clipped to fashion in 1817 668 Beppo of Thrandeston, Sowdon Ruby, Jack Frost, Ch. Sinbad the Sailor, A ten weeks' old trio, Ch. Milo 670 The Dancing Dog, " Le chien lion " 693 CHOWS Four of a Kind, Ch. Shylock, Whole-coloured Chow, Ch. Kioli, A Group of Mrs. Moore's Chows, Ch. Chinese Chum 672 ITALIAN GREYHOUND Italian Greyhound Tee-Dee 677 SCHIPPERKE Togo R 677 POMERANIANS Blue Bertie and Blue Jacket, Ch. Boy Blue, Brown Fly, The Sable Mite 680 Groups of Pomeranians at Miss Ives' kennels 685 Group at Swiss Mountain Kennels, Lakewood Prim, Lakewood Ladas, Lakewood Feather, Redcroft Darkie 687 Mrs. Robinson and Pomeranian, by Gainsborough 691 MALTESE AND TOY POODLES Baby B., Queen, Group of Toy Poodles 677 Mrs. Fitzherbert and her Toy Poodle 691 Le Bichon, Ch. Prince Lilywhite II., Ch. Maj. Gen. Baden-Powell, Thackeray's Rob Roy 693 PUGS Mrs. Mayhew's Click, Morrison's Punch and Tetty, La Doguin, Rei- nagle's Pug, Royal Duke, Ch. Little Countess 696 Ch. George, Ch. Joe, Ch. Bessie, Ch. Bob Ivy, Ding Dong, Othello ... 698 Ch. Pouf Pouf, Law's Delita, Bon Bon, Pekinese Pug Kreuger, Pair of Miss Deady Keane's (Shanghai) Pekinese Pugs 704 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Continued FRENCH BULLDOGS FACING PAGE Ch. Sarah, Ch. Richelieu, Gamin, Little Miss Muffitt, a miniature English Bulldog, M. Babot and Ninette, Moka 709 Ch. Maurice, Eugenie, Ch. Rico, Paulus II., Ange Pitou, Grisette, Ch. Dick de la Mere II., Petit Fee 712 YORKSHIRE TERRIERS Ch. Queen of the Fairies, Ch. Ashton Premier 717 Huddersfield Ben and Lady Giffard's Katie 717 GRIFFONS BRUXELLOIS Group of Griffons owned by Mrs Whaley 717 TOY SPANIELS Children of Charles I., by Van Dyck 719 Children of George III, by Copley 719 Teasing the Pet, by T. Mieris 719 The Cavalier's Pets 719 King Charles Spaniel and Pyrame of 1880 720 The Pet of the Duchess 720 Miss Fan and pups 720 Ch. Madame Patti (Ruby), Ch. Senn-Senn Marcus, Royal Queen 720 Ch. Square Face, Ch. Romeo, Rococo, Perseverance 724 Rose Willow 729 BLENHEIM SPANIELS Ch. Rollo, Toby Beck, King Victor, Unique Teddy, Windfall, Duke of Marlborough 729 JAPANESE SPANIELS Ch. Senn-Sation, Ch. O'Kassan, Ch. Senn-Senn, Ch. Koma, Yukie Senn 733 PEKINESE DOGS Group of Mrs. Guyer's rough and smooth dogs, Chaon Ching We, Li Hung Chang, Miss Keane's Pekinese, Ting Hou, Chang Hi Mow. . 734 Ong Mott of Radnage, Ong-li of Radnage, Ch. Goodwood Chun, Ch. Goodwood Lo 74 LHASSA AND TIBET DOGS Lhassa Terriers, lerru and Taschi, India Tibet Spaniel Karpo 745 THE DOG BOOK CHAPTER LV THE POODLE HE POODLE undoubtedly originated from the spaniel and has quite a presentable number of varieties in its own family. The closeness of resemblance between the Maltese dog and the small white poodle, usually called the Toy French poodle is too strong to admit of any question as to their being the same dog. Buffon states this as a fact, the toy poodle then going by the name of lion dog on account of his being clipped so as to show a mane and a tuft at the end of the tail. The smaller water spaniel was the poodle and the old fashioned large water spaniel was a selection from the same water- loving family of dogs. The resemblance between the Irish Water spaniel and the poodle is something no person can fail to recognise. When the custom of trimming the poodle came into use is not easily determined. Markham shows his "Water Dogge" with the poodle trim- med coat, half of the body being clipped and says it was done to make it easier for the dog to swim. Clipping the dog in winter was deprecated as cruel. About the same time as the Markham woodcut, which is shown in the introduction to the Spaniel family, facing page 90, we have the similarly trimmed dog in a number of paintings an example of which is shown in the dancing dog by Stein, 1636-1678. Stein is the man seated at the table with the violin on his knee. The poodle is fancifully clipped with a ring of hair at half length of the tail and a tuft on the thigh. Buffon's lion dog is a black dog, but as he says that this dog and the Maltese or shock dog were the same and illustrates the latter as a white dog it shows that there was variety in colour then as now. Hogarth has a clipped poodle in one of his paintings, but as already stated this dog was the water spaniel of England and was well known in his trimmed condition more than one hundred years before Hogarth was born. It is probable that his being taken up as a house dog and companion was an introduced fashion from France, where he may also have been fancifully trimmed and with no idea such as Markham advises. In the reproduction 667 668 The Dog Book of the painting of Captain Fleming and his hawks, facing page 289, a good black poodle is shown at the left hand, trimmed to fashion and we rather fancy that this was a favourite house dog, with this good old sportsman whose pointer, spaniels and horse showed that only the best would please his critical eye. A very fanciful sketch of 1817 shows a clipped poodle in ad- dition to some curiosities in the way of fashion exaggerations of that period. The only approach to the Russian or corded poodle is the old large rough water dog of England, which by care might be considered as capable of producing the length of ringlets seen in the corded dog. We are told by poodle authorities that conspicuously distinct as the curly and corded vari- eties seem to be they are nevertheless the same and if the floor dragging ropes of the corded dog are untwisted and combed out the dog becomes a curly, but if left to his own devices again will proceed to develop cords. Our personal experience with this dog is confined to seeing him benched and kenneled, but there seems no doubt when such an authority as Mrs. Crouch writes to the "Twentieth Century Dog Book" that her champion Pilot had cords that touched the ground and she combed him out and showed him as curly. Whether there is a distinct variety or the coats have become mixed by introduction of foreign strains we are not in a position to say as it was of continental manufacture if not English. There is no question however that what was shown here as the Caniche or French poodle about twenty years ago, were decidedly smaller than the curly dogs of to-day. They were thicker set with more width of head than the fine headed poodles we now see. That these Caniche poodles were of high class we are not pre- pared to say, but they were clever-looking dogs and were imported or brought over by persons who were of the class that want only the best. Mr. H. H. Hunnewell was the last successful exhibitor of this style of dog, and even after the advent of Mr. Trevor's Milo and his kennel com- panions Mr. Hunnewell still won in the classes for reds, but his blacks were outstyled by the dogs shown by Mr. Trevor. The latter had several years of almost uninterrupted success and unfortunately decided to discontinue exhibiting just at the time when competition promised to become keen owing to the getting together of a strong kennel by Miss Lucille Alger, who shows as the Red Brook Kennels and who now has Miss Grace as her asso- ciate in ownership. The Red Brook kennels has not confined its aim to any colour in curly poodle, but has taken the lead in all varieties, black, white red, blue, amber and silver grey, the latter two colours not being included CH. ORCHARD MINSTREL Property of the Red Brook Kennels, Great Neck, L. ^. CLIPPED TO FASHION IN 1817 The height of style in the swells of that period The Poodle 669 in the list given in the standard published by the Poodle Club of England nor in that of the Curly Poodle Club, which makes a few changes from the standard of the club which fosters both curly and corded. In America we have had -few specimens of the corded poodle, but the small toy poodle is one that has many friends. Most of these small speci- mens are shown in natural coat but of late many are being exhibited clipped in the fashion of the larger dogs. These small poodles are frequently seen in paintings of fashionable ladies of a century ago and earlier, as is shown in the exquisite likeness of Mrs. Fitzherbert, wife of George IV. Many are seen with the longer flossy coat of the Maltese dog, which emphasises the close affinity between the breeds. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General appearance. That of a very active, intelligent and elegant looking dog, well built and carrying himself very proudly. Head. Long straight and fine, the skull not broad, with a slight peak at the back. Muzzle. Long (but not snipy) and strong, not full in the cheek; teeth white, strong and level; gums black; not showing lippyness. Eyes. Almond shaped, very dark, full of fire and intelligence. Nose. Black and sharp. Ears. The leather long and wide, set on low, hanging close to the face. Neck. Well proportioned and strong, to admit of the head being carried high and with dignity. Shoulders. Strong and muscular, sloping well to the back. Chest. Deep and moderately wide. Back. Short and strong, and slightly hollowed, the loins broad and muscular, the ribs well sprung and braced up. Feet. Rather small and of good shape, the toes well arched, pads thick and hard. Legs. Forelegs set straight from the shoulders, with plenty of bone and muscle; hind legs very muscular and well bent, with the hocks well let down. fail. Set on rather high and well carried; never curled over the back. Coat. Very profuse and of good hard texture; if corded, hanging in tight, even curls; if non-corded, very thick and strong, of even length, the curls close and thick, without knots or cords. 670 The Dog Book Colours. All black, all white, all red, all blue.* The white poodle should have dark eyes, black or very dark liver nose, lips and toe-nails. The red poodle should have dark amber eyes, dark liver nose, and toe-nails. The blue poodle should be of even colour, and have dark eyes, lips and toe-nails. All other points of white, red and blue poodles should be the same as the perfect black poodle. It is strongly recommended that only one-third of the body be clipped or shaved, and that the hair on the forehead be left on. SCALE OF POINTS General appearance and Shape of body, loin, back movement 15 and carriage of tail ... 15 Head and ears 15 Legs and feet 10 Eyes and expression 10 Coat, colour and texture of coat 15 Neck and shoulders . . .10 Bone muscle and condition 10 Total . 100 *[In addition to the other colours mentioned we have recently seen a very pretty well-divided- up black and white, which was a very attractive colour. There seems to be no valid reason why colour should be restricted in any way, but each colour should be sound and good of itself, the white clear, the black dense and free from rust; the blue of a good shade and even, and so with the amber and cream. J. W.] BEPPO OF THRANDESTON (BLUE) CHAMPION MILO (BLACK) JACK FROST (WHITE) CH. SINBAD THE SAILOR Champion Milo was owned by the Meadowirere Kennels, of Southampton, L. I., the others bv the Red Brook Kennels, of Great Neck, L. I. 672 The Dog Book their origin. That is only natural when we recognise that breeding for points is an unknown quantity in the far East. In America the history of the chow as a show dog may be said to date from the time Dr. Jarrett went to San Francisco to judge the show there and took Mrs. Jarrett with him. That good fancier had to have some chows and it is to her we owe the promotion of the breed. Then Mrs. Proctor took a hand in exhibiting them and she was for a year or two alone as an exhibitor and having drawn her dogs from England she has had the advantage of securing better bred chows and more variety of colour than is easy to get from China direct. Mrs. Van Heusen has now joined the fancy, having bred from Mrs. Proctor's stock and added importations thereto. In addition to variety in colour there is also a difference in coat, which is classified as rough and smooth. There seems to be some question as to this division being thoroughly sound, and from the few smooths we have seen we do not consider our opinion as of any value. In a letter from Dr. Ivy of Shanghai, he writes of the roughs and smooths as being apparently distinct. Dr. Ivy has good dog knowledge and his mention of the varieties in this manner is entitled to every consideration. At the same time what we have seen looked more like a half-bred in the way of coat, or a dog with a coat just coming in after having lost his old coat entirely. We leave the question open as chow breeders are not at all unanimous, and when author- ities are arguing it is as well for outsiders to let them settle the matter. The chow is a medium sized dog and is very stoutly built. It should not have the slightest appearance of being leggy, indeed with its outstanding body coat coming below the elbows there is a suggestion of being the least bit short on the leg. We have noticed in some of these English dogs a sus- picion of legginess which is certainly not correct. Forelegs straight as a terrier's and somewhat heavy in bone, adding thereby to the appearance of stoutness, or sturdiness of frame. The head is short and this is made to appear still more so by the width of skull, the thickness and bluntness of muzzle, the forward pitch of the ears and the frill or mane encroaching on the cheeks and skull. The same straightness of hind legs, even to the extent of being double jointed is as evident now as it was in the case of the pair whose description was penned in 1800. Nearly all the contributors of views on the chow in "The Twentieth Century Dog" mention the pronenessof the chow to take to sheep killing, which is much more serious in England than in America, for with us sheep are FOUR OF A KIND Fired by Mrs. Henry Jarrett, Germantown, Pa. Photograph by F. M. Sutcliffe, Whiiby WHOLE COLOURED CHOW Property of Mrs. B. F. Moore, Hinderwell, Yorkshire A dog of old type, showing cream shadings. Owned by Mrs. B. F. Moore, Hinderwell, Yorkshire A GROUP OF MRS. B. F. MOORE'S CHOWS CH. CHINESE CHUM Property of Mrs. Chas. E. Proctor, New York The Chow 673 very scarce where the chow is at all likely to be kept. It is not at all improb- able that in a few more generations of breeding this dog we may find quite a change in his disposition, one of the common traits being an aversion to strangers to a marked degree. Why this should be so in a dog from a country teeming with population is somewhat difficult to understand, but it is always a possibility for one of any litter of dogs to be entirely different in disposition from the others, even to the extent of timidity or fear of his owner or caretaker. T DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Skull flat and broad, with little stop, well filled out under the eye. Muzzle. Moderate in length, broad from the eyes to the point (not pointed at the end like a fox). Nose. Black, large and wide. In cream or light coloured specimens a pink nose is allowable. Tongue. Black. Eyes. Dark and small. (In a blue dog light colour is permissible.) Ears. Small, pointed and carried stiffly erect. They should be placed well forward over the eyes, which gives the dog the peculiar char- acteristic expression of the breed viz. a sort of scowl. Teeth. Strong and level. Neck. Strong, full, set well on the shoulders, and slightly arched. Shoulders. Muscular and sloping. Chest. Broad and deep. Back. Short, straight and strong. Loins. Powerful. Tail. Curled tightly over the back. Fore legs. Perfectly straight, of moderate length and great bone. Hind legs. Same as fore legs, muscular, and with hocks well let down. (The standard is silent as to the straightness of hind legs and lack of bend at the stifle and hock joints, but this is nevertheless considered the proper formation of leg for the chow.) Feet. Small, round and cat-like, standing well on the toes. Coat. Abundant, dense, straight and rather coarse in texture, with a soft, woolly undercoat. 674 The Dog Book Colour. Whole-coloured black, red, yellow, blue, white, etc., not in patches (the under part .of tail and back of thighs frequently of a lighter colour). General Appearance. A lively, compact, short coupled dog, well knit in frame, with tail curled over the back. Disqualifying Points. Drop ears, red tongue, tail not curled over the back, white spots on coat, and red nose, except in yellow or white specimens. Smooth chows are governed by the same description except that the coat is smooth. J CHAPTER LVII ITALIAN GREYHOUND ROM the small running or coursing dog of the period illus- trated by Roman and Greek statuary to the small Italian greyhound was a much shorter journey for breeders to follow than the raising of the breed to the size and fame of the greyhound of England. We have not succeeded in finding any representation in old statuary of this pet hound, the ladies' dogs which we have so far come across being Pomeranians, as we now call them, or to dogs that bore a resemblance to the Maltese dogs or French poodles. They seemed to be all long haired dogs and so distinct from the graceful outline of the Italian greyhound that if the latter was in existence at the time of the Roman Empire they were not the popular or fashionable dog. Between that period and the development of painting on canvas the Italian greyhound advanced to a leading position as a lady's pet and appears also as the favourite of many prominent men, even associated with high church dignitaries and given prominence in paintings of important his- torical events. The weight of testimony is very decidedly in support of the correctness of the name, for these small dogs are far more often seen in Italian scenes or paintings with Italian affiliations than any other dog and are not by any means so frequently met with in paintings of other countries. A well known instance of this kind is the painting of the Italian consort of James II, by Paul Veronese. The dog is not a beauty, from our standard of quality, but he doubtless pleased Her Majesty just as well. Previous to that another royal portrait, that of Anne, the consort of James I of Eng- land has on the canvas a pet greyhound. While it is desirable to get a small Italian greyhound diminutive size is secondary to certain characteristics pertaining to the breed, which are unfortunately too frequently lost sight of by the ubiquitous all-round Judge to whom the duty of deciding upon the merits of the Italian greyhound is invariably given. It must be understood, first of all, that this is not a toy as to weight and that many of the very small dogs resembling Italians are 675 676 The DolBook cross-bred specimens with terrier blood in them. The result of this cross i -rr i L 11 / v ,e es r ntial tor is seen in the stitt ears, sometimes the button style, loss of the ....- """.re- action, and lack of the high symmetry in neck and carriage. There is no breed which shows more quality in conformation and movement than this one, when you get the genuine article, and you cannot blame the few who have bred and kept these dogs pure, from withdrawing from competition when their efforts are set at naught by half-bred terriers or whippets getting the prizes. We have seen at more than one show, dogs that looked like litter brothers to the whippets at the same show and these were the sort that won. A whippet or a half-bred terrier cannot show the prancing action of the true Italian and we have never allowed small size to take rank over this essential characteristic when it has been our lot to judge the breed. When you find this action and see that the ears do not indicate unde- sirable crosses then pick out as small a dog as possible that is not a physical wreck and devoid of muscle. In the matter of colour more latitude is now allowed than was the case years ago, when whole coloured fawns were about the only kind considered correct. The standard even now says that the golden fawn is preferred, but also allows red, mouse, blue, and as a less desir- able class of colours permits blacks, brindles and pied dogs. These stand- ard framers are supposed to know, but a brindle Italian the horror of it! Could we have our way, we should draw close colour lines in this breed and make the limit fawn, cream and white, breaking down the barrier only in favor of fawn and white in the case of an exceptional dog. No blacks or blues or brindles, not even a strong red. Dr. Hoyt of Sharon, Pa. is the only exhibitor we know of in this country at the present time, all others, there never were many, having retired. The result is that no classes are now opened for the breed and when New York declines to do that then the breed is pretty nearly counted out altogether. They are not dogs one can send to shows and leave them to the help to look after, and until some person who has the inclination and the time to travel and systematically exhibit Italians there is little chance of there being any better provided for than they now are. The impression that they are very delicate dogs is erroneous and they can stand a fair amount of cold, for they are very active and scamper about as greyhounds do. They call for no more attention than do other toy dogs, are exceedingly neat in their habits and are always clean and in perfect trim when in good health and properly cared for. They have merits as drawing-room pets, far in advance of many Italian Greyhound 677 more highly fancied breeds and we commend the Italian greyhound to the attention of those seeking for something out of the hot struggles and the hurly-burly of dogdom. The Italian Greyhound Club of England has drawn up a standard and scale of points which is brief and suitable, our reservation being as to colour as explained above. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General Appearance. A miniature English greyhound, more slender in all proportions and of ideal elegance and grace in shape, symmetry and action. Head. Skull long, flat and narrow. Muzzle very fine. Nose dark in colour. Ears rose shaped, placed well back, soft and delicate, and should touch or nearly so, behind the head. Eyes large, bright and full of expression. Body. Neck long and gracefully arched. Shoulders long and sloping. Back curved and drooping at the quarters. Legs and feet. Forelegs straight, well set under the shoulder; fine pasterns; small delicate bone. Hind-legs, hocks well let down; thighs muscular. Feet long hare foot. Tail, coat and colour. Tail rather long and with low carriage. Skin fine and supple. Hair thin and glossy like satin. Preferably self-coloured. The colour most prized is golden fawn, but all shades of fawn red, mouse, cream and white are recognised. Blacks, brindles and pied are considered less desirable. Action. High-stepping and free. Weight. Two classes, one of 8 pounds and under, the other over 8 pounds. SCALE OF POINTS Head 20 Tail, coat and colour 15 Body 20 Action 15 Legs and feet 30 Total . 100 CHAPTER LVIII THE POMERANIAN OWEVER applicable the name of Pomeranian or Spitz^may be to the large sized dog bearing that title it is of doubtful correctness when applied to the toy dog. Long before there was any Pomerania this dog was a favourite pet of the Gre- cian and Roman ladies, and it was not until the late Queen Victoria went to Florence to spend a winter that we heard anything of the little dog which became so suddenly popular. The Queen brought Marco from Florence and it was for many years her favourite dog, while it will not be forgotten than one of her last requests was for another of her favourites, also a little Pom. It is first necessary to consider the dog originally known as the Pomeranian and the evidence points to this larger dog, weighing about 20 pounds, as almost invariably white. "Idstone" thirty-five years ago said that the colour should be a cold, flake-white "and frequently comes creamy and clay coloured." He mentions that blacks have occasionally occured and instances one that he says was an undoubted specimen. Dal- ziel in his description of the breed says that the white should be a pure flake white, coloured patches, fawn, or other being objectionable and that al- though the fashion was so distinctly for a white dog he thought black, cream, fawn, red and buff should be encouraged. A much older description in the "Sportsman's Cabinet," 1802, says they were pale yellow or cream, some white, a few black, and very rarely spotted. Certainly the aim of breeders at the time of the early dog shows in England was to get a perfectly pure white dog, without any tendency to cream in the coat. All the old descriptions refer to the Pomeranian as being the sheep dog and wolf dog of their native country and it is evident that some of the breed must have been large dogs of the Norwegian elk hound type or akin to them. Considering the situation of Pomerania that is not improbable and accepting that is the origin, the variety we are considering was therefore the house dog, selected for size and bred with more care. They always had the general reputation of being snappish and as very unsuitable for children to 679 68o The Dog Book play with on that account. This reputation followed them to this country and for a year or two after 1880, there was so much talk about them as being prone to "develop" rabies that no entries of Pomeranians would be accepted at the New York show. It is so seldom that we see any of these large Pomeranians at the present time that it is unnecessary to say more about them and a good idea of what they were a century ago is shown in the Gainsborough painting of Mrs. Robinson. Such a dog is shown in the painting by Stubbs of which the quaint old gamekeeper and his peculiar setter, given in the English setter chapter, form a part. The toy Pomeranian includes dogs from 10 pounds down to about 5 pounds, but in these very diminutive specimens there is a tendency to develop the round or apple-headed skull which is too much a fault to be counter-balanced by the small size. Flatness of skull is something which should be more generally recognised as a requisite and then let size come in as desirable. In speaking of these small Pomeranians as more entitled to be called Italian even if bred throughout Western Europe it is worth while mentioning that Youatt calls them Italian or Pomeranian. Elaine does not mention the breed by either name quoting the Buffon title of Loup-Loup, which was the large dog, the sheep dog. It is not improbable that stray specimens of the small dog may have been brought to England years ago, but as we have said it was not until Queen Victoria brought Marco from Florence that the variety became at all known. There was then a rush to get the new dog and they speedily became the fashion in toys. In 1891 the Pomeranian Club of England was formed and this added zest to the fancy so that two years later at the Ladies' Kennel Association show in London there were 322 entries of Pomeranians alone, the actual dogs being well over one hundred. American fanciers were not slow in getting some of the new breed and in 1899 the first of them were shown, the best display being at the Pet Dog Show where Mrs. Smyth of Germantown and Mrs. Williamson of New York showed some particularly nice dogs. Mrs. Avis and Mrs. Senn also exhibited at this show, and they are still exhibiting. Mr. Coombs was another early member of the fancy and he has shown some good whites for quite a number of years. The late Mr. Stedman and Mrs. Stedman were also very enthusiastic exhibitors and took great pride in their home- bred dogs. Mrs. Render, wife of Mr. Stedman's business partner has also had a few good ones. We do not seem to have progressed to any great ex- Photograph by Hedges, Lytham BLUE BERTIE AND BLUE JACKET Copyright by F.G. hignett,'Losioc CH. BOY BLUE Photograph by Hedges, Lythani BROWN FLY Copyright by T. Fall, London THE SABLE MITE The Sable Mite is the property of Mrs. Vale Nicolas, Worksop, Eng., and was purchased for * 7 -o wh a f age; colour a shaded sable weight four pounds. The other three photographs are The Dog Book as it stands it is the exceptionally long one in the first volume of the stud book, which was anything but errorless as to names, breeding or reference numbers. The pedigree of Cloudy, the great brood bitch Mr. Mayhew refers to is given as by Click out of Topsy, by Lamb out of Moss, whereas that is the Click extension. Mr. Morrison was as old a breeder as Mrs. Mayhew, probably older and as his hostelry was a house of call for many persons his pugs became well known. Outside of these West end of London breeders, there were many throughout England who owned, exhibited and bred pugs, but pedi- gree was very little thought of and very few pugs were equipped with one. We may take it however that the very great majority of the pugs, prior to the Willoughby and the Pekin introductions were descendants of Dutch pugs, or of pugs which came from China some time during the seventeenth century. In the Bloomfield Moore collection of pottery in Centennial Hall, Philadelphia, we saw a good many years ago a cropped pug with two puppies in Delft ware, which was dated as seventeenth century production, but on making enquiry regarding it, for the purpose of illustration, investi- gation was made and it was found that the date given was wrong and it is not believed to be over one hundred years old. The usefulness of the Click blood seems to have been in the produc- tion of successful dams, for outside of Odin and Toby, the sire of Dr. Cryer's Dolly it is hardly possible to trace back to Click in the male line. On the other hand we find in that very hard-to-get and useful book Dr. Cryer pub- lished in 1891, "Prize Pugs," his extensions of pedigrees of the leading winning dogs of America up to that time show that fifty per cent, of them, and those including nearly all the best dogs, had this Click cross. Bob Ivy, Dr. Cryer's best production had three crosses, being inbred to Dolly on the sire's side, and Dolly was by Toby, and on the dam's side going back to Vic, by Click out of Leech's or Lock's Judy. This Vic was also the dam of Turn Turn II, a remarkably good dog by Max. Imported Othello also traces to Vic. From the Click-Gypsey cross we find Judy, dam of Tragedy, and from the Click-Topsy came Cloudy, who was dam of Comedy, also of Dowager the dam of Queen Rose and Duchess of Connaught. Queen Rose was dam of Champion Loris. Cloudy was also dam of Lady Flora, whose daughter Lady Cloudy was the dam of Kash, a prominent winner here in 1889 and 1890. There was quite a run on the get of the dog Toby on the part of Ameri- The Pug 701 can exhibitors after Dr. Cryer's Dolly had made her mark, and Lord Nelson and Miss Whitney's Young Toby were by him. Toby was by Click out of Mrs. Mayhew's Hebe, by Crusoe out of Phyllis a part Willoughby bitch. Notwithstanding we had some close-up descendants of this inbred Pekin strain of pug, not one of the entire number that were exhibited showed any indication of the build of Lamb and Moss, the long and low type which Mr. Mayhew says they were and which we see in most of the long-haired Peki- nese which have come direct from China to England or here. Dr. Ivy, father of the then little boy after whom Dr. Cryer named his best pro- duction, very kindly sent us from Shanghai photographs of what the owner named Pekin pugs, and Dr. Ivy said the dog was a high class specimen. This we submitted to Mr. Mayhew to see how the dog might conform to his recollection of Lamb and Moss, and he replied as follows : "There is no more resemblance to Lamb or Moss than to any pug of the present day. Neither Lamb, Moss nor Click had a white hair, nor had any of the lat- ter's progeny. The dog is apparently a smooth Pekinese, just as there are smooth coated specimens in the rough coated varieties of terriers. Lamb, Moss and Click were as profuse coated -as are the descendants of a certain line of smooth fox terriers. A very large proportion of Click's sons and daughters, however, had the orthodox length of coat, nor was it trans- mitted in subsequent generations. " The first pug of quality shown in this country was Dr. Cryer's Roderick, a dog of nice size, handicapped by very straight hind legs to the extent of being double jointed. It was this defect that enabled Mrs. Pue's larger dog George to defeat him in the majority of cases when they met. Both of these dogs were inferior to little Banjo, which was one of the kennel of dogs brought over in 1881 by Mr. Mason, but which unfortunately was smothered while in transit to London, Ont., show that fall. He was the sire of Lovat, one of the very best show dogs and sires of his day in England. Of the bitches of that time the best by a good margin was Mr. Knight's EfHe which won in the open class at New York in 1882, beating Dr. Cryer's Dolly, Effie afterwards won three championships at New York, but unfortunately she was a non-breeder. The next good pug was the dog which was here known as Joe, but whose proper name was Zulu II, the change of name being the result of an error on the part of the young man sent over from England in charge of Miss Lee's dogs. The real Joe was sold as Zulu II before the dogs went to Pittsburgh show and Zulu II was shown as Joe and got second 702 The Dog Book to Sambo. Dr. Cryer wanted to buy "Joe" and offered the catalogue price of fifteen pounds to the secretary of the show, who declined it saying that he had bought the dog. The fact is that the young man had found out his mistake and got the officials to protect him. Coming back to New York the young man got short of funds and left the dog to pay his board bill, the owner then went to Mr. Mortimer who recognised the dog and bought him, and at the New York show of a few weeks later Joe appeared in his new owners name and won. There was quite a little talk about the seeming peculiarity of these proceedings, but it was all cleared up and the bona- fides of Mr. Mortimer's purchase thoroughly established. Joe, as he con- tinued to be called was by Comedy out a pedigreeless bitch, and he con- tinued his successful career till 1887, winning altogether twelve champion- ships, most of them for Mr. George H. Hill, of Madeira, O. He was also the sire of a number of good pugs. After Joe the next good dog imported was Bradford Ruby, a son of Lovat. An excellent pug, just a trifle large, and slightly leggy. This dog had won many prizes before being imported, but when he made his first appearance here at the New York show, the late Hugh Dalziel, who ought to have not only known what a good pug was, but also known what pug this was, gave Bradford Ruby a v. h.c. card. There were sixteen dogs in the open class, which shows how popular pugs were at that time, but all the good dogs were in the v.h.c. division and the three placed animals were plain, ordinary specimens, not one of which distinguished himself after that. As it was now necessary to win three firsts in open classes before getting to the champion class Bradford Ruby's record in the latter class is not so good as that of Joe, but he won nine firsts in the champion class. After Ruby came Master Tragedy, Othello and Lord Clover, none of them in the class of Ruby. Othello was really the best of the three, but he was rather large and his colour smutty. Master Tragedy fell far short of what we expected on his English reputation. The home-bred pugs of Dr. Cryer now became the prominent feature in the breed, beginning with his Max and Bessie, both out of imported Dolly, who was by the Click dog Toby. Then came Dude also out of Dolly, but he was sold, and finally Dude's son Bob Ivy. " Little Bob " was a fitting culmination to the doctor's breeding, for business now compelled him to gradually give up the fascinations of improving and showing pugs. Bob Ivy was a very nice little dog in every way, and his size was all one could The Pug 703 desire. Bessie used to beat him for the specials for best in the show, but after the little dog had matured he was hard to beat. In front of him at New York in 1890 was a very smart young imported dog, Tim, by the En- glish dog Max, but he died the same year. As the pedigree of Bob Ivy covers the ground very fully for most of the pedigrees of dogs of that time we give it in full. Bob Ivy Bred and owned by Dr. M. H. Cryer; born April 23, 1888.' Pedigree : Teh. Punch (E. 6761) , ,. ( Ch. Roderick J B 7 Lord Willoughby't Jumbo La. Max J | ( Imp. Dolly (_ Morris' Judy Sire: Ch. Dude Click . . . . j Lamb, from Pekin Moss, from Pekin Toby....' ( Crusoe Limp. Dolly J I Hebe ) ( Tomahawk I Phyllis. 3 ( Ch. Punch ( Fatima II. < ,, Liz....J t Fatima ( Molly, by Ch. Baron Imp . f Othello ..../Skylark., n^.ii^ I J ud 7 eo.... .. ....... J l J ud 7 (Max ..... J Sam ( Turn Turn II .... J ( Rose I Scamp II... J . ( ( Belle Petite ...... [.Vic.. J ' 1 Othello D * m: Vesta ...................... J I Scamp II... J . (Lamb Moss Im P- 1 Leech's Judy . (Pedigree unknown) Pugs went on the down grade after 1890 and with the arrival of new attractions in the way of toy dogs, such as Pomeranians and the pushing of Japanese and English spaniels to the front, they became fewer by degrees and beautifully less until we have now to rely almost entirely upon one ex- hibitor, the well known Al. Eberhardt, of Camp Dennison, O. It looked at one time as if there might be a turn for the better, that being when Mrs. Howard Gould was showing a few black pugs, but they did not catch on as they should have and it is Eberhardt's pugs or a blank at nearly all the shows for the past year or two. There is no reason why this breed should be neglected in this way. Compare the pug with any of the popular fancies and it will stand the test. Tastes differ, but to our mind the character and beauty of wrinkle in the head of such a dog as Ding Dong is far ahead of the abnormally deve- loped Japanese spaniel, for instance. Look at the care called for by these 704 The Dog Book long coated dogs, and the impossibility of making a pet and com- panion of any of the long, silky-coated toys. The pug needs no more cod- dling than a hardy terrier, nor any more care in coat. He is a dog that has always had a reputation for keeping himself clean and tidy and they used to say that he had less doggy perfume than any other house dog. He may not be quite so demonstrative as some of the effervescing little toys, but he is just as intelligent and has a dignity and composure all his own. Ere long we fully expect to see the black pugs become popular for they are certainly very attractive in their brilliant coat of black satin. As Mr. Mayhew says they are apt to be "tight-skinned" and fail to show the wrinkle such as Ding Dong displays, but a few do show improvement in that direction and it is only a matter of careful selection and breeding such as one has to carry out in all breeds to reach success. There is a good field here for those who want to take up something that is bound eventually to become a popular breed. The illustrations of old pugs are copied from Dr. Cryer's "Prize Pugs" the publication of which we supervised and necessarily passed upon the pen and ink drawings by Miss Cutler. These were worked over solio prints, the half tone process not having then been developed, and they stood the test of very critical examination as faithfully reproducing the originals in all detail. Considering the lack of competition and the small number of pugs being bred there has been no such deterioration in what are now shown as might be expected. We may not have pugs up to the standard of the best of the old days when classes of from ten to fifteen was the rule, but on the other hand we have not the long tail of poor ones then to be seen. We have kept closer, to the ideal size than they seem to have done in England, where some pug breeders want to raise the weight to accomodate dogs of the old Comedy and Tragedy days. We formerly considered a pug of 12 pounds the ideal size, but had to put up with larger ones when he could not get that. Bradford Ruby at 16 pounds was considered as winning in spite of his being somewhat large. There is a Pug Club in England which adopted a slightly changed description and standard from that published in the Book of the Dog and in one instance at least it is not an improvement. It allows rose ears, which are not pug ears by any means. The only correct ear for a pug is the drop ear, small and very dark in colour. Twenty years ago no one ever thought Photograph byj. A . Rodger, Bronghty Ferry CHAMPION POUF POUF Property of Miss Neish, The Laws, Dundee : PEKINESE PUG KREUGER Property of Mrs. E. B. Guyer. Philadelphia Imported from Pekin PEKINESE PUG Photograph fyJ.-A .fiofger, Bronghty Ferry LAWS, I)EtiTA : Property of Miss Neish, The Laws, Dundee ' Photograph byj. A . Rodger, Bronghty Ferry BON BON Property of Miss Neish, The Laws, Dundee Photograph by Yitig Cheong, Shanghai PEKINESE PUG LADY The two lower photographs are of " short-haired " pugs, chestnut brindle and white, and are owned by Miss Deady Keane of Shanghai. The close similarity between Mrs. Guyer's black pug from Pekin and the English dogs of Miss Neish is verj apparent. ery The Pug 705 of such a thing as a rose ear for a pug and it should not be allowed now. The scale of points is also cut up too much so that an imperfection amounts to but little. For instance a weak, or small, pinched muzzle, which is about the worst fault a pug can have can only cause a cut of five points out of the hundred. It is better to lump the head and ears as 15 points and then a cut for a bad fault means something. Another fault of a cut-up scale is that minor points are made to equal important ones, such as in this case we have feet, muzzle, mask and wrinkles all at 5 points each, whereas the relative merits of muzzle, mask or wrinkles are 20 to 5 compared with feet. With these comments we present the standard. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Symmetry. Decidedly square and cobby. A lean pug, and a dog with short legs and long body are equally objectionable. Size and Condition. The pug should be multum in parvo, but the con- densation should be shown by compactness of form, well-knit proportions and hardness of developed muscle. The weight recommended as being the best is from 12 to 16 pounds. Body. Short and cobby, wide in chest and well ribbed up. Legs. Very strong, straight, of moderate length and well set under. Feet. Neither so long as the foot of the hare, nor so round as that of the cat, well-split-up toes, nails black. Muzzle. Short, blunt, square, but not up-faced. Head. Large, massive, round, not apple-headed, with no indentation of the skull. Eyes. Dark in colour, very large, bold and prominent, globular in shape, soft and solicitous in expression, very lustrous, and when excited full of fire. Ears. Thin, small, soft like black velvet. There are two kinds, the rose and button, preference being given to the latter.* Markings. Clearly defined. The muzzle or mask, ears, moles on cheeks, thumb-mark or diamond on forehead and back trace should be as black as possible. Mask. The mask should be black. The more intense and well- defined it is the better. *The rose ear is certainly not correct. J. W. 706 The Dog Book Wrinkles. Large and deep. "Trace. A black line extending from the occiput to the tail. Tail. Curled tightly over the hip. The double curl is perfection. Coat. Fine, smooth, soft and glossy; neither hard nor woolly. Colour. Silver fawn, apricot fawn or black.* Each should be decided to make contrast complete between the colour and the trace or mask. SCALE OF POINTS Size ... c Mask c Trace j c Condition j c Wrinkles . . . j c Coat j c Head J C Body . . . IO Colour . . . . J c Muzzle j C Lees . c Carriage . . , J c Ears . J <; Feet . J ^ J Total . 100 * The words " or black " were added to the original description, without it being observed that the final sentence could not apply to black. In the case of blacks the points for colour should be given for density and freedom from rust in the colour. J. W. CHAPTER LXII THE FRENCH BULLDOG T the time of the war of the ears, when all doggy society hung breathlessly while the momentous question was being de- cided as to whether it was to be an erect or a rose ear upon the gentleman from France it is a pity that the question of the proper name was not also taken up. At home it is the Bouledouge Francais and as it has not sufficient in common to be a bull dog proper the French name might well have been perpetuated, as it has now been in England, where there is also a toy bulldog which takes care of miniature bulldogs under 20 pounds. The English toy bulldog club was started as an opposition to the Toy Bulldog Club which had decided to recognise bat- ears and dogs up to 28 pounds. This club was recognised as the rightful one to look after the toy bulldog, but after a great deal of trouble the sup- porters of the bat-eared dog have received recognition and a classification has been made for the Boule-Dogue Francais. This we think is a better title for the dog than what we know it by, the propriety of translating it into English and thus making a bulldog of it being questionable. Another thing that the club of this country has done is to draw up a standard of its own, making alterations from that of the home club in Paris. When writing on other breeds we have held that the home club is the rightful one to formulate the standard and keep it up to date and that it is not proper for a foreign club to make material alterations so long as the home standard is lived up to at the headquarters of the breed. The Paris club does not grade the colours, merely stating the preference for brindles, and it does distinctly state that black and tans are to be disqualified. Here we have graded colours and anything can be shown. A cut tail is a disqualification in Paris while here it is merely "not desirable. " A cut tailed dog in a breed where cut or docked tails are not proper is a "faked" dog and we are at a loss to know under what circumstances the French bulldog club of this country countenanced the docking of a tail which should be shown naturally and is only docked when it is not correct in shape or carriage. In the 707 708 The Dog Book matter of weight our club has also taken upon itself to ignore the French standard. The latter calls for dogs under ten kilogrammes and bitches un- der nine kilogrammes. The English club while following the French standard very closely did not divide the sexes and says that the weight should be under 24 pounds. The American club has gone on a tack of its own entirely and divided by weight in place of by sex, under 22 pounds for the lightweight class and 22 pounds and over for the heavyweight class. Ac- cording to that a dog of 26 or 28 pounds is eligible here whereas he would be disqualified in any country in Europe. Alterations such as these cannot be defended and we are left to surmise what the object was in making them. Whether the boule-dogue Francais owes as much to introductions of toy English bulldog blood as the English writers say is the case we are not pre- pared to say. What is very evident is that there is a marked difference in certain respects between the boule-dogue and the miniature bulldog as the small English toy bulldog is now called, a term which well expresses what the little dog is. The boule-dogue is not a miniature bulldog any more than the Boston terrier, and the latter in some respects has quite a resemblance to the Parisian dog. So much have they in common that it would not take long to transform one into the other, and that French blood has been intro- duced into the Boston is more probable than Boston breeders are willing to admit. Knowing what the breeders in Boston have done with the crude material from which they have built up the Boston terrier we do not place a great deal of value upon the claims of English origin as against French cultivation and development of an ideal dog. From some of the illustrations of English dogs it is evident that many of the breeders and fanciers of that country have not been able to get away from the toy bulldog idea in connection with the French dog and in many of them the rose ear and the receding upper jaw, or protruding under jaw, show the bent of the fancy toward the English toy or miniature bulldog. The establishment of the two clubs in England and the title for the home dog will, however, straighten this matter out and divide the varieties properly. It is somewhat singular that the American club has almost ignored the question of make and shape of the muzzle and jaws, summing all that very important section of the dog in eight words "jaws large and powerful, deep, square and undershot." This with the information that the nose must be extremely short and also be very deep from the corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth is all the guide we have to one of the most CH. SARAH CH. RICHELIEU Property of the Aquehung Farm Kennels, Portchester, N. Y GAMIN Property of Mrs. Goldenberg, Riverdale-on-Hudson LITTLE MISS MUFFITT A toy or miniature English bull dog. Owned by Aquehung Farm Kennels, Portchester, N. Y. M. BABOT AND NINETTE Property of Mr. G. N. Phelps, Boston MOKA Property of Mrs. J. H. Hanan, New York The French Bulldog 709 important features of the dog in its individuality as distinct from the bulldog. No person who had not an illustration to guide him could by any possibility construct in his imagination the dog this standard is supposed to represent in head and any five dog men capable of drawing a dog's head would all differ from each other in the design they would produce with such a guide. With the illustrations of good dogs as a guide the difficulty is solvable and it will be seen that the muzzle is much on the order of the Boston terrier and has no bulldog lay back or curled up under jaw. The French bulldog, as we miscall it, has been quite a prominent feature in the toy section of American dogdom for the past fifteen years and the best evidence of his being a good dog about the house is the way those who take up the breed stick to it. Fanciers of the boule-dogue are anything but butterflies but hold to their pets with a persistence that might well be copied by the men who disturb other breeds by getting out before they have hardly had time to settle in the fancy. Not quite so rompy and active as the Boston terrier the boule-dogue is nevertheless as lively in his movements as any dog needs to be about the house, possessing some of the sedateness of the pug in his temperament and disposition. He possesses the advantage which all short coated dogs have of being easily kept clean and fit for the house, requiring only good daily grooming to that end. Close upon one hundred French bulldogs were benched at the New York show of 1906 and half of these were of American breeding, figures which clearly show the progress and good standing of the breed. That it is one of the best established was shown by the entries of puppies, 12 dogs and bitches, so there will be no lack of competitors in the imme- diate future. While competition is close and the quality of the exhibits of a high class there is no preponderating kennel, the prize list being "well broken up" which is one of the best things for the progress of a breed. In view of the remarks upon the standards of the French and the American clubs we give that which governs at the home of the breed. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General appearance. An active and intelligent dog, very muscular, of compact structure and fairly large bone for its size. Head. Very large, broad and square. Skull almost flat; cheek muscles well developed but not protruding. Eyebrows prominent and 7io The Dog Book separated by a strongly marked furrow; stop very deep. The skin of the head loose, forming almost symmetrical wrinkles and folds. Jaws. Broad, square and powerful, they should never be pointed or pinched. The lower jaw projects, but if too prominent it is a serious fault. The lips should cover the teeth in front and the upper lips or flews should fall below the lower lips at the sides.* Eyes. Dark, fairly large, neither sunken nor too prominent, and show- ing no white when turned toward you. Placed low, wide apart and there should be a good distance from eye to ear. Light coloured eyes are a bad fault, and eyes of different colours are a disqualification. Nose. Black, like the lips and muzzle. Ears. Erect, known by the name of bat-ears. Medium size, wide at the base and rounded at the points. Placed high on the head, but not too close together and always carried erect. The entire orifice should be seen from the front. Leather soft and fine. Rose ears not admissable. Chest. Broad and deep. Back. Short, broad and muscular, showing a graceful curve, with the highest point at the loins, and dropping quickly to the tail. Loins. Short and muscular, giving plenty of liberty to the movement. Belly ' Tucked up at the loins; not fat or drooping. Legs. Forelegs short, wide apart, straight and muscular. Hindlegs strong and muscular, with hocks well let down. Feet. Small, compact and slightly turned out. Toes close and well knuckled up. Short thick nails. Hind feet slightly longer than forefeet. Tail. Set on low, thick at root, short and tapering, either straight or screwed and devoid of feather. A gay carriage of tail is a serious fault. Coat. Short, close and soft. Should be neither hard nor thin. Colour. Dark brindle preferred. Black and tan a disqualification. Height. 12 inches at the withers. Weight. Dogs under 22 pounds; bitches under 20 pounds. *Flews should be pendulous. J.W. CHAPTER LXIII THE YORKSHIRE TERRIER LD-TIME authorities who never seemed to understand that any breed of dog could have any origin other than a cross between two other breeds would be puzzled to say how the Yorkshire terrier originated, if they now saw it for the first time. No better argument can be advanced against this crossing theory than this little dog. Sixty years are as far as we can go back in Yorkshire pedigrees and we then come to Swift's Old Crab and Kershaw's Old Kitty, the former of which was a long coated black and tan terrier and the latter of drop-eared Skye type, blue in colour. She was stolen from Manchester and at last got into the hands of J. Kershaw of Hali- fax. Swift was also a Haligonian, but went to Manchester and when there he got Crab. That is the only line we can trace which takes us back as far as 1850, but as fifty out of the eighty "Broken-haired Scotch and Yorkshire terriers," in the first stud book have no pedigree and only one, outside of Huddersfield Ben and his descendants, traces to Old Crab and Old Kitty, it is plainly evident that there were other factors at work in the formation of this wonderful little dog. No person knew more about the origin and growth of the Yorkshire terrier than the late Mrs. M. A. Foster of Bradford and it was her Hudders- field Ben that perfected the breed. Mrs. Foster replied to us in 1885 re- garding the pedigree of the dog Bradford Hero, as follows: "The pedi- gree of Bradford Hero includes all the best dogs for thirty five years back, and they were all originally bred from Scotch terriers, and shown as such until a few years back. The name of Yorkshire terrier was given to them on account of their being improved so much in Yorkshire." The terrier Mrs. Foster meant when she used the word Scotch, was not our Scottish terrier, but the old useful nondescript which was a demon for rats and other vermin. Everything about twelve to twenty pounds that was rough in coat, and moderately high on the leg was called Scotch, but generally they were sandy. The pith of Mrs. Foster's statement is that they were merely the 711 712 The Dog Book common rough-haired dogs, which for many years were named "broken- haired" terriers in middle England and as late as 1880. We once or twice showed Irish terriers in that class, but the hopelessness of beating the crack Yorkshires stopped that waste of entry money. From the fact that Airedales and Yorkshires, the giants and the pig- mies of English terriers, were developed in the same Yorkshire district and are also born black and tan and change their coat colour later, we have long held that they are descendants of one parent stock. It takes a person who knows the English workingman to appreciate what fanciers owe to him. Few of them did much reading, outside of the weekly paper, and if the pub- lic house did not take all their spare time and cash, something else had to fill up this spare time. With the physically strong it might be the prize ring or wrestling, with others the winning of a Sheffield handicap would beckon them to the running path, or it might be the purely Yorkshire game of knur and spell. But all did not possess sporting fancies, so dogs, pigeons, singing birds, rabbits and the various breeds of fowls have all felt the influence of the workingmen and mill operatives of Yorkshire. In the dog line there was the man of the fighting dog, the poacher, and the man who found sport along the watercourses or on the moorlands. These men bred the Airedale, starting with a useful moderate sized black or grizzled- and-tan terrier. Smaller dogs of the same breed were doubtless treated as fancy dogs by those who had not the same desire for sport and with them extra length of coat, its silky texture or the evenness of its later developed colour attracted attention and it was these men who developed the York- shire terrier and are the ones who breed it to-day. If you want to buy a fox terrier you go to one of the large exhibitors and may see from twenty to fifty dogs in their kennels or enclosures, and with almost all breeds it is approximately the same. But if a Yorkshire terrier is wanted a visit to Halifax, Bradford or Manchester is about the best thing and after a good deal of inquiry you will be advised to go and see Jack Oldroyd, we will call him. The address will be one of those stereotyped little cottages which cluster in all mill cities. There may be a parlour, but as likely as not if your errand is known you will be ushered into the room of all use. If it is your first visit you will wonder where the dogs are, but after a little chat Jack will rise from his chair, open a door below the kitchen dresser and out will run a Yorkshire with coat slightly oiled, its head coat tied off its face and linen or chamois leather boots on its hind feet, the one CHAMPION MAURICE Property of Mrs. E. L. Pulsifer, New Rochelle, N. Y. LL'GENIE Property of Mrs. Lennox, New York CH. RICO Property of Shawmut Kennels, Boston ANGE PITOU Property of Mrs. E. J. Conill, Cuba CH. DICK DE LA MARE II. Property of Aquehung Farm Kennels, Portchester, N. Y. Prqpej-ty of Farmholm Kennels, ^ Sfoniogtop, JCoiPn. : i _- ; GRISETTE Property of Aquehung Farm Kennels, Portchester, N. Y. PETIT FEE Property of Aquehung Farm Kennels, Portchester, N. Y. The Yorkshire Terrier 713 to prevent the coat kinking and the other to prevent the hind toes pulling or breaking the coat in case of the dog scratching. Its bed is the plain board of the floor of its little kennel with nothing for the hair to catch in, for its coat is worth more than its weight in gold. You may see a dozen, dogs in that kitchen, one after the other just in that way, and that is how they keep and rear this beautiful little gem of the dog family. If reference is made to the plate facing page 404 an illustration from the first and second editions of Stonehenge's authoritative "Dogs of the British Islands" will be found. The dog to the left and beyond the white broken-haired terrier was what he then took as representative of the York- shire terrier. He was writing of the usual run of rough terriers to be seen in 1868 and went on to say: "Sometimes his coat is of a silky texture, and in this case he is generally of a blue-fawn or blue-tan colour. Our illus- tration represents a very beautiful specimen of this sort, belonging to Mr. Spink of Bradford. He is the type of his class a class deservedly popular with all admirers of rough terriers, and in which he is famous." The name of this dog was Bounce and he won a third prize at Manchester in 1887. His sire was Spink's Sandy who was by Haigh's Teddy and he by Old Crab out of Old Kitty, the very beginnings of Yorkshire pedigrees. Eleven years later the third edition of Stonehenge was published, and for the first time the breed had a descriptive chapter and a name. Dalziel wrote the Yorkshire article, but Stonehenge had this to say in his intro- ductory remarks to Book III, which included terriers other than fox or toy " Since the first edition of this book was published, a considerable change has taken place in the type of several of the terrier family. At that time the Yorkshire terrier was represented by an animal only slightly differing from the old Scotch dog, his shape being nearly or exactly the same, and his coat differing simply in being more silky. Such an animal was Mr. Spink's Bounce and by comparing his portrait with that of Mrs. Foster's Huddersfield Ben it will readily be seen that a great development of coat has been accomplished in the latter." We have said that Huddersfield Ben perfected the breed, but that only refers to the type of the breed and is not meant to imply that we have made no progress since then. What has been done is gaining a still greater length of coat, the result of the additional twenty years of breeding and selection. On the other hand this persistent effort for length of coat has been partly at the cost of colour, which is quite as important as the length of the coat. 714 The Dog Book In Mrs. Foster's time the coat had to be an even steel-blue body, with sound tan head and legs, the tan going lighter on the top of the head. When the length of the coat became the prominent feature aimed at, the even shade of the body coat was then made less of, with the result that we at times have dogs too dark, more black than blue and others too grey in tone. With all the good dogs so long-coated as they are at the present time, attention should be directed to this question of colour and judges should put more value on a good coloured dog so as to emphasise the importance of this property in the Yorkshire. This is one of the breeds which can hardly be considered as a house dog. At least you cannot combine the show and the pet dog in one animal. If it is a show dog it has to be kept in the manner described in the supposed visit to a Yorkshire breeder's home, and cannot be made a house pet of or the coat would soon be ruined for show purposes. All dogs are not good enough to show and such as are not make bright and intelligent house dogs. Even then, however, they call for care and attention to keep the coat free from snarls or matting and as they never look at all like the dogs at the shows they may be a little disappointing, perhaps, to their owners, though that is not likely to be acknowledged, even it does enter into an owner's head. Our business is not, however, with pets but the show specimens and the standard by which they are judged is as follows: DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General Appearance. Should be that of a long-coated pet-dog, the coat hanging quite straight and evenly down each side, parting extending from the nose to the end of the tail. The animal should be very compact and neat, the carriage being very upright, and having an important air. Although the frame is hidden beneath a mantle of hair, the general outline should be such as to suggest a vigorous and well-proportioned body. Head. Should be rather small and flat, not too prominent or round in skull; rather broad in the muzzle; perfectly black nose; the hair on the muzzle very long, and should be a rich deep, tan, not sooty or grey. Under the chin long hair and about the same colour as the centre of the head, which should be a bright golden tan, and not on any account intermingled with dark or sooty hairs. Hair on the sides of the head should be very long and a few shades deeper tan than in the centre of the head, especially about the ear roots. The Yorkshire Terrier 715 Eyes. Medium, dark and sparkling; having a sharp terrier expression, and so placed as to look directly forward. They should not be prominent, and the edge of the eye-lid should be of a dark colour. Ears. Small, V-shaped, and carried semi-erect 4 ; colour to be a very deep rich tan. Mouth. Perfectly even, with teeth as sound as possible. An animal having lost any teeth through accident not a fault, provided the teeth are even. Body. Very compact and a good loin. Level on top of the back. Coat. The hair as long and straight as possible (not woolly), colour a bright steel blue, extending from the back of the head to the root of the tail, and on no account intermingled with fawn, light or dark hairs. Legs' Quite straight and covered with hair of a rich, golden tan, a few shades lighter at the end than at the roots; not extending higher than the elbow nor on the hind legs than the stifle. Feet. As round as possible, and the toe nails black. Tail. Cut to medium length; with plenty of hair, darker blue than the rest of the body, especially at the end of the tail, and carried a little higher than the level of the back. Tan. All tan should be darker at the roots than in the middle, shading to a still lighter tan at the tips. Weight. Two classes; under 5 pounds, and 5 pounds to 12 pounds. SCALE OF POINTS Symmetry and general appearance 20 Eyes 5 Quality and quantity of coat on head 15 Mouth 5 Quality and quantity of coat on back 15 Ears 5 Tan 15 Legs and feet 5 Head 10 Tail 5 Total .... 100 *Cropping is prohibited in England. J. W- ct f J i ^i L opy right by J. K. Cole, New York trf. OtfEEtt OF THE FAIRIES ' < property >{ MrsVSenn, New York Photograph by Wurst, New York CH. ASHTON PREMIER Property of Mrs. Raymond Mallock HUDDERSF1KLD BEN AND KATIE From Stonehenge's " Dogs of the British Isles," Third edition, if Copyright by A. H . Sahnon, London GROUP OF GRIFFONS BRUXELLOIS Property of Mrs. Whaley, Claxton-on-Sea, England. In the group are Champion Glenartney Fifi, Glenartney Daphne and Loustin and other noted winners CHAPTER LXIV THE GRIFFONS BRUXELLOIS HERE are two toy dogs in Beligum which differ only in the matter of coat, but which go by different names and are too evidently of terrier extraction to call for discussion on that point. The rough dog is called the Griffons Brux- ellois and the smooth dog the petit Brabancon. Of the latter we have had no specimens in this country, but from the illustrations in Count Bylandt's " Dogs of all Nations " it looks like a rather well furnished and stumpy-headed black and tan toy terrier, and black and tan is one of its two colours, the other being red. These smooth "Brabancons" come also in the litters of Griffons so that they are undoubtedly closely related, yet red is the only proper colour of the Griffons Bruxellois, though they are now introducing Griffons of other colours in England. Count Bylandt calls these other than red dogs "Petit Griffon de toutes couleurs," and gives it in English "Variety Belgian toy griffon." He certainly should know these dogs and from his thus distinguishing the other colour dogs it is evident that they should not be included in a Griffons Bruxellois classification, as they seem to be doing in England at present. If those possessing the work referred to will turn to the Hollandsche Smoushond, the dog that fills the place in Holland and Belgium that the old Scotch terrier did thirty years ago in England, they will not fail to find the dog from which the Griffons Bruxellois sported as a lady's pet. Many years ago we saw a diminutive breed of "Scotch" terriers a London cabman had developed, which bore a great resemblance to the Griffons Bruxellois, except in the monkey face, but as the man we refer to was breeding a toy terrier he undoubtedly discarded all showing the apple-head and monkey face, for it is only by the greatest care and selection that the tendency to the apple- head is overcome when diminution in size is sought for. The flat skull has been preserved in the Yorkshire terrier, but not being wanted in the toy spaniel fanciers of the latter went the other way and have developed the high domed skull. Belgian fanciers let nature take its course in the 717 i i ^1 i Copyright byj. K. Cole, New York rf. OtfEEN OF THE FAIRIES <- 'Property 6f MrsVSenn, New York Photograph by Wnrst, New York CH. ASHTON PREMIER Property of Mrs. Raymond Mallock HUDDERSFIELD BEN AND KATIE From Stonehenge's " Dogs of the British Isles," Third edition, Copyright by A . H . Salmon, London GROUP OF GRIFFONS BRUXELLOIS , Property of Mrs. Whaley, Claxton-on-Sea, England. In the group are Champion Glenartney Fifi, Glenartney Daphne and Loustin and other noted winners CHAPTER LXIV THE GRIFFONS BRUXELLOIS HERE are two toy dogs in Beligum which differ only in the matter of coat, but which go by different names and are too evidently of terrier extraction to call for discussion on that point. The rough dog is called the Griffons Brux- ellois and the smooth dog the petit Brabancon. Of the latter we have had no specimens in this country, but from the illustrations in Count Bylandt's " Dogs of all Nations" it looks like a rather well furnished and stumpy-headed black and tan toy terrier, and black and tan is one of its two colours, the other being red. These smooth "Brabancons" come also in the litters of Griffons so that they are undoubtedly closely related, yet red is the only proper colour of the Griffons Bruxellois, though they are now introducing Griffons of other colours in England. Count Bylandt calls these other than red dogs "Petit Griffon de toutes couleurs," and gives it in English "Variety Belgian toy griffon." He certainly should know these dogs and from his thus distinguishing the other colour dogs it is evident that they should not be included in a Griffons Bruxellois classification, as they seem to be doing in England at present. If those possessing the work referred to will turn to the Hollandsche Smoushond, the dog that fills the place in Holland and Belgium that the old Scotch terrier did thirty years ago in England, they will not fail to find the dog from which the Griffons Bruxellois sported as a lady's pet. Many years ago we saw a diminutive breed of "Scotch" terriers a London cabman had developed, which bore a great resemblance to the Griffons Bruxellois, except in the monkey face, but as the man we refer to was breeding a toy terrier he undoubtedly discarded all showing the apple-head and monkey face, for it is only by the greatest care and selection that the tendency to the apple- head is overcome when diminution in size is sought for. The flat skull has been preserved in the Yorkshire terrier, but not being wanted in the toy spaniel fanciers of the latter went the other way and have developed the high domed skull. Belgian fanciers let nature take its course in the 717 7i8 The Dog Book matter of skull in their miniature smoushond. It is possible that the reduction in size may have been aided by the use of small toy terriers and in this way the black and tan Brabancon would crop out in the breed. It was not until 1895 that anything was heard of the Griffons outside of its home country, but in that year the new dog was introduced into England and soon advanced into a prominent position as a pet or toy dog. In 1900 a club was established and the standard it drew up was adopted by the Belgian club when it was organised in 1901. No scale of points was added to the following terse, yet complete description of the dog: DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General Appearance. A lady's pet dog, intelligent, sprightly, robust, of compact appearance, reminding one of a cob, and captivating the attention by a quasi-human expression. Head. Large and rounded, covered with rather coarse hair, rough and somewhat longer round the eyes, nose and cheeks. Ears. Semi-erect when not clipped, erect when clipped. Eyes. Very large, black or nearly black, eyelashes black and long, eyelids often edged with black, eyebrows furnished with stiff hair, leaving the eye perfectly uncovered. Nose. Always black, short, surrounded with hair, converging upwards and going to meet that which surrounds the eyes; the break or stop in the nose well pronounced. Lips. Edged with black, furnished with a moustache; a little black in the moustache is not a fault. Chin. Prominent without showing the teeth and furnished with a small beard. Chest. Rather wide and deep. Legs. As straight as possible, of medium length. Tail. Upwards and cut to the two-thirds. Colour. Red. Texture of Coat. Harsh and wiry, rather long and thick. freight. Small size, dogs and bitches, 5 pounds, maximum; large dogs, 9 pounds maximum; large bitches, 10 pounds maximum. Faults. Pale eyes; silky tuft on head; brown toe-nails; showing teeth. Disqualifications. Brown nose; white marks; tongue protruding. CHILDREN OF GEORGE III. A painting by the American arlist J. S. Copley, R. A. (1800), a repetition of the Van Dyck type of spaniel TEASING THE PET Painting by T. Mieris (1660), showing himself and wife and a type of a small spaniel which figures largely in conti- rental pain ings from 1600 to 1800 VAN DYCK'S CHILDREN OF CHARLES I. All the Van Dyck spaniels are of this same type of leggy, long faced dog. Mainly liver and white or black and white. THE CAVALIER'S PETS Sir Edwin Landseerhad promised a paintins f orthe . Ro , v a a ' Academv exhibition of 1842. Space was f* r " | *^ 1 2u B d g before opening Landseer set to work and completed this m three hours. CHAPTER LXV THE KING CHARLES SPANIEL HE belief that the black and tan pet spaniel was the favourite of King Charles II has become so much of a conviction among those willing to accept general belief that it will be considered by many as just a little short of sacrilege to ex- press disbelief in the statement that he either had any small black and tan spaniels or that they were known in his day. For more than a year we have made special research with the object of finding something to connect the black and tan King Charles spaniel with the monarch he has been named after, but without result, and the patience of many of our best dog friends in England must have been sorely tried by our repeated appeals for further effort, all of which have proved fruitless. There are portraits of Charles 1 1 in which spaniels figure, beginning with the Van Dycks of his boyhood days in which the future king and his sisters are shown with liver and white spaniels. Another Van Dyck shows a smallish black and white spaniel, with ticks on the legs and an approach to roan on the quarters. This is in a painting of the daughters of the first Lord Wharton, the elder being named Philadelphia Wharton after her mother. The only Charles II picture that we have seen in which a dog figures, is the reproduction in part of the painting of the gardener offering a pineapple to the king when he was at the Duchess of Cleveland's. This is used as the frontispiece to Stone's Costumes, the king and a spaniel being shown. This spaniel is a liver and white to all appearances, certainly not a black and tan. The only writer who has touched upon this feature of research is Elaine, who wrote the first book on Canine Pathology in the early quarter of the last century (our copy is the third edition, 1832). Of the King Charles he says ; " King Charles 1 1 , it is known was extremely fond of spaniels, two var- ieties of which are seen in his several portraits, or in those of his favourites. One of these was a small spaniel, of a black and white colour with ears of an extreme length, the other was large and black, but the black was beautifully 719 720 The Dog Book relieved by tan markings, exactly similar to the markings of the black and tan terrier. This breed the late Duke of Norfolk preserved with jealous care. That amiable and excellent lady the Princess Sophia of Gloucester, shewed me a very fine specimen presented to her by that nobleman, after receiving a promise, guaranteed by her royal brother, that she was not to breed from it in a direct line. Another was shewn to me by the late Lady Castlereagh, received after a similar restriction. Even the Duchess of York could nor obtain one but on the same terms as she herself informed me. " The foregoing quotation is longer than what will be found in Chapter XV on the Norfolk Spaniel in which we confuted the claim that the large ducking spaniel used in Norfolkshire and other parts of England got its name from this nobleman's spaniels. Elaine's remarks might leave the question of size of the Duke's spaniels an open one, also whether they might not be the large black and tan he mentions as being one of the var- ieties in the King Charles's period paintings. A perusal of page 266 and part of 267 is recommended as tending to show to whom we probably owe the small black and tan spaniel. The beginning of the quotation from Southey's Anecdotes we draw particular attention to as giving a possible clue to the name we know the black and tan spaniel by. " Our Marlborough and King James's spaniels are unrivalled in beauty. The latter breed, that are black and tan, with hair almost approaching to silk in fineness (such as Van Dyck loved to introduce into his portraits), were solely in the possession of the late Duke of Norfolk." That quotation can be studied out in several ways, but in one direction it seems to bear out what appears to us to be the solution of this King Charles business. It is thoroughly well known that he was very partial to small spaniels and it is not at all improbable that ail small spaniels were re- garded as alike favoured by the king, and gradually became known as King Charles spaniels on account of their size and not any special colour. So far as we can trace the use of the name it does not go much, if any, further back than about 1750. The Duke of Marlborough's spaniels were then well known as small sporting or covert spaniels and were not the Blenheim of to-day, but larger and stouter dogs than the Van Dyck spaniels. By this time the small liver and white Van Dyck spaniel seems to have dropped out altogether and the name of King Charles thus became specially attached to the small black and tan which must have been fostered very much during the eighteenth century, because it is recognised by BufFon as the small L "KING CHARLES AND PYRAME" From a natural history published by Longman & Co., in 1810. The King Charles is the black dog, and the black and tan was inspired by Buffon's Pyrame of 1760. CH. MAlMM.rPATTI Property of Mrs. Senn, New York "THE PET OF THE DUTCHESS" Sir Edwin Landseer wrote on the canvas, " Painted from memory. E. L." Copyright byj. K. Cole, New York CH. SENN-SENN MARCUS Prince Charles. Property of Mrs Senn, New York MISS FAN AND PUPS From a coloured engraving about 1840. The puppy on Fan's back is orange red and white. Fan and the other puppy are tricolours. Photograph by Ward, Tannton, Mass. ROYAL QUEEN King Charles. Property of Mrs. A. Babbitt, Taunton, Mass. The King Charles Spaniel 721 English spaniel. His description of spaniels is as follows and as will be seen it applied to all sizes of Continental spaniels: "The head of this dog is small and round, the ears are large and pen- dant, the legs, fine, thin and short, the body thin and the tail raised. Their coat is smooth and of various lengths on different parts of the body, being very long on the ears, under the neck, behind the thighs, at the back of all four legs and on the tail. It is shorter on the other parts of the body. Most of the spaniels are white, the most beautiful have the head of another colour, such as brown, or black and are marked with white on the muzzle and the centre of forehead. The black and white spaniels have usually tan coloured spots over the eyes. There are large and small spaniels." He then proceeds to specify what the English spaniels were like. "There are some black spaniels which are also called gredins, and which are called English spaniels, because they originate in that country. The greatest difference between these dogs and the French spaniels is in the shorter coat on the ears, legs and tails of the gredins. There are small, and also medium sized spaniels in comparison with the larger ones. They give the name of Pyrame to Gredins that are "fire-marked" i. e. with fawn (tan), above the eyes, on the muzzle, on the throat and on the legs." Through an error in following a number of English writers we were led to say in a previous chapter that Buffon named the Blenheim or Marlborough spaniel "pyrame," but there is no mistake possible in this quotation from his Natural History. Singular to say the old publishing firm of Longman in a natural history they got out in 1810 used quite a number of the Buffon illustrations of dogs but altered the small spaniels by adding a black dog to the pyrame and called that the King Charles spaniel. That these "fire-marked" spaniels could not have been at all popular or common is proved by their absence from paintings and portraits in which dogs are introduced. Sir Joshua Reynolds often put a spaniel in his portraits of ladies, but we have not seen a black and tan in any of them. The first reference to the black and tan as being the King Charles breed, that we have found, is in Rev. Mr. Symons, "Treatise on Field Diversions," 1776, in which he says "The cocking or gun spaniel, of true perfect breed, is of one general or whole colour; either black or black-tan, commonly called King Charles's breed; or red, in different shades, paler or deeper; such as in horses we would call a blood, or a bright bay. Coat loose and soft, but not waven. Back broad and short. Legs short, with breeches 722 The Dog Book behind." There is no reference to size in this description of the cocking spaniel, but it shows clearly that this very exact writer considered that the blacks were as much entitled to the name as were the black and tans. As late as 1846 "Craven" in his "Recreations in Shooting" quotes Mr. Symons, without credit, and also says " King Charles's spaniel is supposed to be the parent of the cocker breed of dogs. The Blenheim is similar in appearance to the latter, but the cocker's black coat is relieved in the Blenheim (or as it is indifferently called, theMarlborough,or Pyrami, of Buffon), by red spots above the eyes, and on the breast and feet." This is one of the many misquotations from BufFon to which we have just referred and is given in full to show that even expert sportsmen got these dogs sadly mixed, up to even a late date. No writer of "Craven's" experience should have made such a mistake as to state that the Blenheim was a black and tan, and it shakes any confidence we might have in his calling the black spaniel a King Charles, but with Mr. Symons and the Longman illustration to back him up, it can stand as corroborative evidence. At the same period as "Craven" we have Sir William Jardine's Natural History, to which we have referred on many occasions regarding other breeds. It can be accepted as authoritative as Lieut. Col. Hamilton Smith, who wrote the dog section, had made dogs a study not only in England but throughout the world. In the illustration of the smooth St. Bernard, Bass, facing page 575 there is also a small black and white spaniel, put there probably to show comparative size and this is Colonel Hamilton Smith's typical King Charles. We have every confidence in saying that he did not misname the dog, nor would he have used a black and white if black and tan had been solely correct. In a very accurate "History of the Dog" compiled and written by W. C. L. Martin, who is mentioned as being a zoologist whose reputation was well established, the work being published in 1845, we find a somewhat mixed paragraph regarding the King Charles and Blenheim, which the reader will have to unravel for himself: " From King Charles's breed we derive the modern cocker. The colour of the King Charles breed appears to have been black, or black and white and the hair long and silky. Still less than the cocker, or King Charles breed, is the Marlborough or Blenheim spaniel, the race of which is assi- duously cultivated in the present day; not indeed for field sports, but for the parlour of which it is an ornament. The most prized of this breed are very small, with an abbreviated muzzle and a round skull arched above; The King Charles Spaniel 723 the ears are very large and well fringed and the hair of the body long, soft and silky. The general colour is black and tan, or black and white, with the limbs beautifully spotted and tanned mark over each eye." It is very evident that the closing description applies to the King Charles and not to the Blenheim spaniel. Dalziel, who is usually sure to give some accurate piece of ancient his- tory in his "British Dogs" is singularly silent regarding the King Charles and also the Blenheim. He quotes Caius' reference to the dog of Malta, or the comforter, and what he says agrees with our opinion expressed in the chapter on the Maltese dog, that Caius was describing toy spaniels and not what we call Maltese dogs. To Dalziel we are indebted for the unearthing from Hollinshead's History, 1585, of an interpolation in Caius description, or Fleming's translation thereof, as follows: "these puppies the smaller they be, and, thereto, if they have a hole in the fore parts of their heads the better are they accepted." Fleming's translation reads: "the smaller they be the more pleasure they provoke." Harrison's quotation was made from the original latin text of Caius, according to the opinion of Dalziel, but that is not material, for the point it develops is that at that time some spaniels were developing the stop, yet we see no stop in the Van Dyck spaniels nor in that shown in the picture of King Charles already referred to. The stop as we have previously said comes naturally with the dome-or apple-head, which is a development of the reduction to toy size. Another quotation in Dalziel is from an unnamed writer of 1802, who said the King Charles "were supposed to be the small black curly sort which bear his name, but they were more likely to have been of the distinct breed of cockers, if judgment may be consistently formed from the pictures of Van Dyck, in which they are introduced." We agree fully with Dalziel that we must accept these Van Dyck dogs as being portraits of favourites and not indicative of breed type, and that is exactly why we are adverse to the idea of these black and tans being entitled to the name of King Charles so far as the paintings demonstrating any claim to being specially favoured by him. We are not at all adverse to the black and tans being called King Charles spaniels if it is accepted merely in recog- nition of that monarch's partiality for toy spaniels, indeed rather than follow the classification of the American Kennel Club in seeking to suppress the names the English toy spaniels have long been called and merely divide them by colour, we would favour calling all but the Blenheims by the royal 724 The Dog Book title and then dividing by colour, but it is good enough as it is among the common people and let us retain at least one of the varieties as a relic of the Merry Monarch who dearly loved a spaniel. When it comes down to the facts of the case all these toy spaniels, except Blenheims or Marlboroughs were known as King Charles up to quite modern times. The first volume of the English stud book divided toy spaniels into Blenheim and King Charles and kept that up until quite recently. The ruby and the tricolour were merely varieties, while the distinctive name of Prince Charles, as it now is, only dates back to about 1880. The tricolour had been neglected in the fashion for black and tans and there was at that time a revival in interest in the particolour, which in part became a discussion as to giving them a distinct name. This discussion took place in Country, the kennel department of which was edited by Hugh Dalziel, and when it was suggested to give them the name of Prince Charlie it was adopted without a dissenting vote. The dog was named after the Bonnie Prince Charlie and not after any Charles, but quite recently, when those who took part in the christening were no longer active in the fancy the name became changed and Prince Charles it now is and will remain. The extracts we have given show that this dog was known and called a King Charles at the beginning of the last century. When the first English shows were held all colours were shown in one class, Blenheims alone being distinct. Then a division by weight was in- troduced at the London shows, the first demarkation being at seven pounds. This was raised to ten pounds at the third London show of 1865, but at all other English shows but one class was given. The reason for the better classification at the London shows was that toy spaniels were particularly a London fancy, just as much as the large black and tan terriers were a Manchester fancy and bull terriers were leaders about Birmingham. The East End of London, among the Spitalfields weavers, was the hotbed of the fancy, but it was by no means confined to that section and at the numerous public-house shows, which were far more frequent in London than dog shows such as we know about, the dogs shown by the members and visitors were almost entirely toys, and mainly spaniels, with terriers a close second. It was these patient breeders who introduced and built up the exaggerations we have to-day to an even more marked degree. Some writers attribute the King Charles head to the introduction of the Blenheim and in some quotations already given references will be found to Photografk byj. K. Cote, New York CH. SQUARE FACE Photograph by J . K. Cole, New 1 or/t CH. "ROMEO ROCOCO Photograph by J . K. Cole, New York CH. PERSEVERANCE All tour are King Charles spaniels, Rococo being owned by Mrs. Privett, of Willesden Lane, London, the others by Mrs. bcnu, of New York The King Charles Spaniel 725 the Blenheim being smaller than the King Charles, but it will be well to state that we must look upon all of these old dogs as purely introductory to the present type of toy spaniel. They were merely foundations in the same way that the old Scotch terrier was what the Yorkshire mill hands began work from which to develop the Yorkshire terrier. It is probable that the Duke of Norfolk, if he got his pets reduced in size, had round headed ones among them, but there is no description extant that we know of, except as to their colour. What became of his dogs is not known, but they could hardly get into the hands of the London breeders, and we must give them the credit of taking what was at their disposal and by the usual process of selection along the fancy lines of the breed gradually getting more and more of an exaggeration in shortness efface and size of skull. It will be seen by the first start of classes in London for under 7 pounds, that they had already got the toy spaniel down to as small a size as we have to-day. The question of colour came up at the end of the yo's and to satisfy the seeming demand for the encouragement of other than black and tan, a class was added to the Kennel club show of that year and a ruby was placed first, followed by a tricolour, or black, white and tan, as they were still called. The latter was called Tweedledee and was a full brother to a dog called Conrad, the property of Miss Violet Cameron, the actress, which was such a wonderful little dog that he was quite the talk of the London dog men and it was due to Conrad's beauty that the "Prince Charles" became so quickly popular and in demand at that time. But the dyed-in-the-wool fanciers were still for the black and tan with their Jumbos and Young Jumbos. Up to within the past ten or fifteen years the toy spaniel fancy in this country was somewhat limited and it was almost a professional breed, few amateurs exhibiting at even the largest shows, compared with what was the case in other breeds. Of these old exhibitors the only one still showing is Mrs. Senn. Both Mr. and Mrs. Senn have always taken a very prominent part in the exhibiting of toys and in nothing more than in toy spaniels, from the time of their Romeo up to the present day when Madame Patti, the ruby, is the ideal spaniel of the fancy. At the present time the leading black and tan exhibitors in addition to Mrs. Senn, are Mrs. M. Johnson, Mrs. Menges and Mrs. C. Waterman in the New York district, Mrs. E. W. Clark of Egypt, Mass., and at Chicago the Greenwood Kennels. It cannot be said that the breed is liberally 726 The Dog Book supported, but on the other hand the all round quality of the exhibits is very good, while the best of them are exceedingly good. Some of these exhib- itors also show some good rubies and Prince Charles and in these varieties the additional names are the Dreamwold Kennels of Mr. T. W. Lawson, the Nellcote kennels and up to the departure of Mrs. Raymond Mallock for England her Ashton kennels was decidedly prominent. There is very little to add to the standard in the way of description except to say that the weak points most frequently noticable in the black and tans are poor movement of hind legs and a tendency to curly coat. In the other varieties these faults are not so conspicuous. The Toy Spaniel Club of America not being at all satisfied with the lengthy description of the English Toy Spaniel Club asked Mr. George Raper to write one that would tell them what they should know in more direct fashion and the result was the following commendable production, applying, as does the English standard, to all varieties of English toy spaniel alike : DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. Very large and pronounced in comparison to size. Skull high, well domed, and as large and full over eyes as possible. Temples very high. Stop very deep and well defined. Face abnormally short. Nose retrousse i. e., well laid back. Eyes large, lustrous and bold and very wide apart. Muzzle well turned up, square, broad and deep. Ears very long, set low down and heavily feathered. Body. Short, deep, compact and rather cobby. Coat. Very long, dense, soft and silky, and straight as possible. A soft wave allowed but not curly. The legs, chest, belly, thigh, ears and tail should be profusely feathered. Tail. Cut to about four inches, gaily carried. Color. King Charles Black and Tan. Should be rich glossy black, with bright mahogany tan markings. Prince Charles Tri-colour Should be tri-colour, white ground with black patches, solid black ears, and face markings; also rich tan shadings on face, spots over eyes, lining of ears, tail, etc. Ruby Should be self-coloured as the name denotes. That is, solid ruby in a deep, rich shade. The King Charles Spaniel 727 Blenheim or Orange and White Should be pearly white ground, with deep red ruby markings on face and body. Evenly marked with ruby around both eyes. Generally even markings on the body. The ears must be ruby. A thumb mark or "Blenheim spot" placed on top and centre of skull is much prized. Size. The most desirable size for Toy Spaniels is from 8 to 12 pounds. SCALE OF POINTS BLACK AND TAN, TRI-COLOUR OR RED SPANIELS Symmetry, condition and size .20 Eyes 10 Head 15 Ears 15 Stop 5 Coat and Feathering 15 Muzzle 10 Colour 10 Total 100 For the Blenheim deduct 5 points from eyes and 5 from ears and make colour and markings 10, and add "Spot 5'*. The English standard takes 5 points from Symmetry etc., in place of from eyes. CHAMPION RO1.LO tx fcf^Mrsi R*^mon(J Mallock TOBY BECK Properly of Miss Mary P. Sands, Pittsburgh, Pa. ROSE WILLOW ( Prince Charles) "rcperty of the Hon. Mrs. Lytton, Crawley, Sussex, ling. UNIQUE TEDDY Property of Mrs. Babbitt, Taunton, Mass. Photograph by J . A". Cole, New Y<:t KING VICTOR Property of Mrs. Sjnn, New York WINDFALL Property of the Hon. Mrs. Lytton, Crawley, Sussex, Eng. DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH Property of the Marlborough Kenneis, Cleveland, O. CHAPTER LXVI THE BLENHEIM SPANIEL F all the varieties of spaniel none seems to have been better known than the breed kept by the Duke of Marlborough if we take the writings of the first of the nineteenth century as evidence. They are not spoken of as toys, but as small shooting dogs, merely a smaller variety of the cocking spaniel. The only suggestion we have seen of their orgin was that on the day of the battle of Blenheim the Duke of Marlborough was followed all day by a spaniel, and the inference from this story was that this dog was the original Marlborough spaniel. It is a very weak peg upon which to hang the breed and as the present day Blenheim is a long way removed from the Marlborough spaniel we will allow the lawyers objection that it is immaterial and irrelevant. The Marlborough spaniels were red and white, not at all an uncom- mon colour for English spaniels, large or small, at the time the Duke's dogs were first known, and the only special reason for their mention seems to have been that they were smaller than the ordinary gun spaniel. The Sportsman's Repository thus describes the dog as he was known about 1800. " His Grace the Duke of Marlborough was reputed to possess the .smallest and best breed of cockers in Britain; they were invariably red and white, with very long ears, short noses and black eyes." No reference being made to any special enlargement or dome of the skull the inference is that they were not peculiarly different in that respect from other small spaniels. We find the same thing in Youatt's description. "This spaniel may be distinguished by the length and silkiness of the coat, the deep fringe about the ear, the arch and deep feathering of the tail, the full and moist eye and the blackness of the palate." Compare that with the following of the King Charles: "The King Charles breed of the present day is materially altered for the worse. The muzzle is short and the forehead as ugly and prominent as the veriest bulldog. The eye is increased to double its former size and has an expression of stupidity with which the character of the dog too often 729 73O The Dog Book corresponds. Still there is the long ear, and the silky coat, and the beautiful colour of the hair, and for these the dealers do not scruple to ask twenty, thirty and even fifty guineas." When a writer holds such an opinion as is here expressed regarding the domed skull he would not have passed the Blenheim, as he then called it, if it had possessed the same exag- geration. The best description of what the Blenheim or Marlborough spaniel was about 1840 is given by "Idstone" in "The Dog" "Thirty years ago the Blenheim was very fashionable, and in Oxford and the neighbourhood scores of specimens could be obtained. A sour old portress at Blenheim bred numbers of them, but purchasers must be content to accept her choice, not theirs, her system being to dispose of the worst first. The cottagers around Woodstock also bred for the market, and the London dealers used to re- plenish their stock from the little villages under the shadows of the palace, obtaining good and occasionally exquisite specimens at a few pounds, or even a few shillings each. "As a rule the Blenheims thus procured were leggy, and the Londoners soon defied competition, producing spaniels, small, compact, with good ear and colour, and improved nose and skull, but they lost the spot or lozenge on the forehead, which ought to mark every Blenheim." Idstone was of the opinion that the Blenheim owed its origin to the Japanese and stated that it had been known as the Blenheim for more than one hundred and fifty years (1700), adding that Van Dyck painted it, "although the colours are somewhat subdued." If it came from Japan it must have reached England about the time of Van Dyck and any introduc- tion of the Jap, would have produced a very different dog from those shown with the children of Charles I. This chapter on the Blenheim is one of the strongest in "The Dog," as the author was thoroughly conversant with his subject and knew the Blenheims at their home, before they became the show dog. He was also a dog show exhibitor as well as a judge and could make allowances for fancy, although he did not approve altogether of the improved dog. He says on this subject: "Thirty years ago (1840) the breed was more refined than in these days. The nose has been shortened until it is deformed, and the broad mouth and protruding tongue of many specimens are revolting and untrue to the type of the genuine Blenheim spaniel, which, when in any degree approaching perfection is one of the most beautiful of our parlour pets. The Blenheim Spaniel 731 "I would allow (indeed I would insist upon) the deep indentation between the eyes, added to the high skull, and a moderately short face; but the projecting lower jaw, the frog mouth, and the broken nose, free from cartilage, I decidedly object to. Such animals are offensive from their sniffing and snoring, and if tolerated in sanded bar-parlours, are not fit to be admitted into drawing rooms, where I should expect to see a spaniel with a pretty face, well-coated all over, large-eared, large-eyed, rich-coloured with a bushy flag, well-feathered feet and diminutive in stature, in preference to the sniffling, apple-faced, idiotic animals too generally bred by "the fancy," and which ought to be discouraged; though, if judging, I would not put them aside until some definite conclusion had been arrived at, as that would be unfair to the exhibitor during the present state of things." As this was the transition period to the advanced show type it is well to give Idstone's "main points of beauty" as he called his description of what he thought desirable: "The high skull; the full, black, wet eye; the short nose; the large, broad, heavy, well-feathered ear; the compact form, close to the ground; pure, brilliant, rich red and distinct white markings, espec- cially the broad white leaf down the forehead; the round spot on the skull; the white neck and mane; a texture like floss silk; legs all well coated at the back, and deeply feathered toes. Pale-coloured Blenheims are very in- ferior and valueless, but all specimens are of this hue until they have changed their coats. Nine pounds is the outside limit for a Blenheim, but valuable dogs should not weigh over six or seven. " The modern Blenheim, like the King Charles, is the product of the London " fancy. " These spaniels were bred along the same lines and inter- bred so that the Blenheim is no longer a distinct breed of spaniel but merely one of the four varieties of English toy spaniels. Colour and the spot alone differentiate it from the three types of the King Charles spaniels, though by many it has heen held that the ruby is a Blenheim, but we fail to see the con- nection, and it has always been classified as a King Charles "other than black and tan," up to the time the colour was recognised independently. It took the Blenheim a good many years to obtain equal recognition and attention with the King Charles in this country, but once the breed was thoroughly established it had no difficulty in holding its own. In the main the same exhibitors which have led in the black and tans and tricolours have been supporters of the Blenheims, and to these may be added Mrs. Shreve of Mt. Holly, who has shown many excellent specimens. Mrs. Ray- 732 The Dog Book mond Mallock, then Miss L. C. Moeran, held a very strong hand in the breed, mainly with the aid of the English champion Rollo, who quickly won a similar title in this country. He was a shade large, but he so excelled in other points that the question of size was never an issue and he won even till he was grey in the face. Of late years the Nellcote Kennels has been very prominent in this breed and if there is one variety of English toy spaniel that may be said to be more popular than the others it is the Blenheim. The descriptive particulars is that of the King Charles, the slight dif- ferences in the scale of points for the Blenheim being there noted. l fhotigraph byj. K. Cole, New York . 1 SkNN-SATION ^ Holograph by Fisher, New York CH. O'KASAN ['holograph byj. K. Cole, New York Photograph by J '. K. Cn/t, Ntiu York CH. SENN-SEXN Copyright byj. K. Cole, New Yori CH. CRESTWOOD OYAMA Copyright by J. K. Cole, New York CHAMPION KOMA Photogrnphby T. C. Turner, Nfw York YUKIE SENN Champion O'Kisan is owned by Dr. R. T. Harrison, of New York, and the others were or are all owned by Mrs. Senn, also o New York. Seim-Senn was undoubtedly the best Japanese spaniel ever shown heie, being exceedingly small and as near perfect a could be. CHAPTER LXVII THE JAPANESE SPANIEL NE of the few foreign breeds that seem to h^ve been taken up here before becoming an English show dog is the Japanese spaniel. We seem also to be in possession of information regarding these spaniels at as early a period as anything was published in England, and both date back to official docu- ments. The first English record is that of Robert Fortune, who was com- missioned by the Indian government to visit China and Japan to obtain in- formation regarding the tea plant and its cultivation. He mentions the Japanese lap-dog as being much prized and as having snub noses, but he must have been misquoted or made a slip of the pen when sunken eyes were mentioned as characteristic of the breed. Our American authority is no less than Commodore Perry whose ex- pedition to Japan was made fifty years ago. From "Commodore Perry's Expedition to Japan," Appleton's 1857 edition, we quote as follows; "The Commodore upon subsequent enquiry learned that there are three articles which in Japan, as he understood, always form part of an Imperial present. These are rice, dried fish, and dogs. Some also said that charcoal was aJways included. Why these should have been selected or what they particularly symbolise he did not learn. The charcoal was not omitted in the gifts on this occasion, and four small dogs of a rare breed were sent to the President as part of the Emperor's gift. We have observed also in the public prints that two were put on board of Admiral Stirling's ship for her Majesty of England,. "The fact that dogs are always part of a royal Japanese present sug- gested to the Commodore the thought that possibly one species of spaniel now in England may be traced to Japanese origin. In 1613 when Captain Saris returned from Japan to England he carried to the king a letter from the Emperor, and presents in return for those sent to him by His Majesty of England. Dogs probably formed part of the gifts and thus may have been introduced into the kingdom the Japanese breed. At any rate there is a 733 734 The Dog Book species of spaniel which it is hard to distinguish from the Japanese dog. The species sent as a present by the Emperor is by no means common in Japan. It is never seen running about the streets, or following its master in his walks, and the Commodore was informed that dogs of this kind are costly." Mr. William Speiden, a government official in the New York custom house, is one of the few who went on that expedition who are still with us to tell the story of what they can remember of incidents of the expedition. Mr. Speiden's father was the fleet purser and the close intercourse between him and Commodore Perry was reflected in the treatment of the son who had many privileges extended to him by the Commodore. Mr. Speiden kept a diary and has been good enough to give from it the following interesting information : "In return for the large number of presents which we gave the Em- peror from the President, a number were made in return, besides which Commodore Perry and others received presents from the Emperor and also from the Commissioners. Among the President's presents were four dogs of the pug character but with beautiful long hair, black and white in colour. The Commodore gave two of these dogs to Admiral Stirling of the British Navy to take to the Queen of England. The other two were named Master Sam Spooner and Madame Yeddo and were put on board the steam frigate Mississippi, together with some Japanese cats. Quite a pretty little dog was given me, which I named Simoda, that being the town where I received it shortly before sailing on October i, 1854 for home. In January of the following year and just before we reached Valparaiso, Sam Spooner died and in February Madame Yeddo also died. My pet survived them about a month. All three were buried at sea in sailor fashion, being put in shotted canvas bags. These dogs were all of the most delicate build and had to be handled carefully. "Two other dogs came home on another ship and were sent by the Commodore for his daughter Mrs. August Belmont. We were given to understand that the dogs we received were very rare in Japan and very valuable. They were never allowed to run in the streets, but were carried in beautiful straw baskets when they were taken out of doors. Many had really attractive faces, almost human, especially in the females." Acting upon this information about the dogs sent home to Mrs. Belmont we wrote the present Mr. August Belmont to find whether he knew of their having arrived and his courteous answer is as follows: CROUP OF PEKINESE SPANIELS AND A SMOOTH "PUG" Property of Mrs. E. B. Guyer, of Philadelphia. Imported from Pekin CHAON CH1NG WE Property of Mrs. M. H. Go'Aaa, York. Presettte^ hi*,h EropiJesse ager to Miss Cmra 'Kilbowine, in i$ Photograph by IV. Baily , Ardmore LI HUNG CHANG Property of Mr. Albert Graff, Philadelphia Photograph by W. Baily, Ardmore LI HUNG CHANG AND TING HOW Property of Mr, Albert Graff, Philadelphia PEKINESE DOG Property of Miss Deady Keane, Shanghai CHANG HI MOW Property of Mrs. E. B. Guyer, Philadelphia The Japanese Spaniel 735 "I recall the spaniels perfectly; the dog's name was Yiddo and he was black and white, the bitch was tan and white and if I remember rightly we called her Jap. They were much the same as the dogs of the present day, but as I remember Yiddo he did not stand over so much ground as those I have seen at the bench shows, and he was a little more on the leg. I was about five years old at the time, but I have no recollection of their having any puppies, or if they did they did not live." The presumption is that the Japanese either came from the Pekinese dog or both came from a common origin. Mrs. McLaren Morrison is of the opinion that they came from the Tibet spaniel and that the English dogs had a similar origin. To that we can hardly subscribe, for the short faced toy spaniel of England is a London product the result of selection, starting about 1835 with very ordinary faced spaniels. We have not the faintest idea that the Asiatic spaniels had anything to do with the European toys, and when it comes to the Asiatic dogs it cannot be gainsaid that the Pekinese is by far the most impressive dog in the way of character. Either the Tibet dog was wonderfully improved at Pekin or not having the same ideal to breed to the Tibetese took no pains to keep up what they got from Pekin. The Japanese must have come from the mainland and that means China so that we must conclude that the Pekinese and Japanese are of one origin, bred along divergent lines and thus assuming differences of type and char- acter, which have become established. Japanese spaniels were far more numerous than were the English var- ieties in the early days of dog shows in this country and classes of from six to twelve entries were the custom when we had but two or three, and some- times none at all of the English breeds. At the show of 1882 at New York there were nine entries of Japanese, but by far the best of the breed was en- tered as a "Pekinese (China) spaniel" by Mrs. William H. Appleton in the miscellaneous class. Mr. George De Forest Grant had already judged the Japanese when the miscellaneous class was called, but the quality of this dog Chico was so high that the three judges, Mr. Grant, Mr. John S. Wise and ourselves, decided to recognise its merits by giving a special prize, being compelled to pass it in view of its not being eligible for the class, because of there being one it should have been entered in. We doubt if we have ever seen a Japanese spaniel with the wealth of coat that Chico had: what its merits were in other points we cannot now recall, but we will never forget its coat. 736 The Dog Book Japanese spaniels became more rare in later years but a revival set in after a time and the breed has always held its own since then. The steady demand of the New York dealers for these dogs caused continued importa- tions at the Pacific Coast ports, until the constant drain led to a scarcity of the better class of dogs, and it is only occasionally that anything really worth while comes across the continent. The employees on the English steamers plying between Japan and ports on the Pacific coast have usually the privilige of bringing over dogs and these are sold in bulk to a few local dealers, who take everything that comes at a set price per dog. As the majority of the dogs are of poor quality the price is not large and many have to be sold at little or no profit, the returns for the risk of accli- mating being dependent upon the life of the few good ones that may be in each lot. The prevailing faults to our mind are an inclination to shelliness, in place of the cobby body the standard calls for. We would also like to see larger heads. They run high enough and wide enough across the front, but are narrow in profile, looking too small for the size of the dog. The head in this respect should we think be in keeping with the size of the dog and not suggest being " under-headed." We do not consider ourselves competent to speak authoritatively on this breed, but no dog ought to suggest a fault to one accustomed to look for symmetry in proportions, and many of these spaniels certainly suggest a lack of size in head in the way we mention, and which is not noticeable to anything like the same extent if at all in other toy spaniels. We have a Japanese Spaniel Club and so have English fanciers, but their description and standard is much inferior to the one drawn up by the American club, both in its detail and other essentials. The English restrict colours to white, with either black or lemon markings, while our club recog- nises "all white" and considers "all black" exceedingly scarce, and pre- sumably correspondingly valuable. The very objectionable protruding tongue should, we think have been added to the list of disqualifications, and a "general appearance" paragraph included in which reference might have been made to what is a feature in the Japanese its high action in movement. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS Head. The head should be large, with a very broad skull, and high dome, the neck short and moderately thick. The Japanese Spaniel 737 Eyes. Large, dark and lustrous, rather prominent, set wide apart. Muzzle. Must be strong and wide, very short from eyes to nose; the upper and lower jaws should be slightly upturned so as to meet, teeth not to show. Nose. Very short in muzzle, the end of nose, proper should be wide, with open nostrils and the colour of the dog's markings, i. e., black in black marked dogs, red or deep flesh colour in lemon marked, flesh in solid colour white dogs. Ears. Should be small, V-shaped, wide apart, and set high on head and carried slightly forward, well feathered. Body. Very compact and squarely built, a short back, and rather wide chest of a generally cobby shape, the body and legs should form a square, i. e., the length of the body should be its height. Legs. The bone should be fine and give an appearance of being well feathered. Feet. Catlike and small and feathered. The tufts should not increase the width of foot, but only the length. Tail. This must be well twisted to either right or left from root and carried up over back and flow on opposite side; it should be profusely covered with long hair (ring or plume tails not desirable). Coat. Must be profuse, silky in texture, should be absolutely free from wave or curl but not too flat, but have a tendency to stand out espe- cially at neck and frill, so as to give a thick mane or ruffled with profuse feathering on thigh and tail; gives a very showy appearance. Color. The most preferred are parti-coloured black and white, and lemon and white. There are also solid black, the latter very scarce, the ground colour pure pearl white, and the other colours in large, evenly dis- tributed patches over body, ears and cheeks, a prominent white blaze thumb mark on dome very desirable. Size. Ranges from the tiny sleeve dog of two pounds in weight, to the more ordinary dog weighing from six to twenty pounds, the smaller size preferred, but not to be valued higher than type. Classes should be divided under seven pounds and over seven pounds. Disposition. They are all that could be desired, active intelligent quick to learn and very affectionate; they make a most desirable pet. 738 The Dog Book Disqualifying Points. Tri-colour, flat and sunken dome; moon eyes. SCALE OF POINTS Head and neck 10 Eyes 10 Ears 10 Muzzle and nose 15 Body 5 Legs and feet 10 Tail 15 Coat and marks 15 Size 10 Total. 100 CHAPTER LXVIII THE PEKINESE DOG HE name of Pekinese is given to the rough coated dog, whose smooth relative has long been known as the Pekinese or Chinese pug. In this country, the rough dog goes by the name of Pekinese spaniel, but the term spaniel has been dropped in England and it is now the Pekinese dog there. It is undoubtedly a very old breed for the reason that as far back as it can be traced it is the same dog in its decided peculiarities that we have to-day, showing that it was then the result of many years culture and selection for type. Opportunities for research in byegone Chinese lore and relics are not very great in New York, but there is sufficient to establish what we have stated. In addition to a small collection of Chinese porcelain, earthen- ware and curios at the Metropolitan Museum there are the added Bishop collection of jade and the Pierpont Morgan collection of Chinese porcelain all three of which contain data regarding these dogs. We cannot compli- ment the officials responsible for the nomenclature of many of the speci- mens bearing the name of "lion" in the Bishop and Morgan collections. If these are lions then it is the first time we ever knew of any lions with drop or pendant ears and profusely feathered tails, curled over their backs. The same thing is seen in the Japanese collection where the name of "shishi" is given in place of the English word lion, an inappropriate term if the object is to give English speaking people information, or even misinformation as in this case. The oldest of these dogs is the carved crystal in the Bishop collection (No. 381) entitled "lions" but which is a Pekinese bitch with two puppies. Each has the drop or pendant ear and the plumed tail over the back. The carver undoubtedly exaggerated the tails of the puppies, for they are much more heavily feathered than puppies' tails would be at their age. The heads are massive and flat across the top of the skull, muzzle short, but very full. There is sufficient to indicate that the mane was profuse. As the bitch is reclining it is not possible to speak with confidence regarding the 739 74O The Dog Book length or formation of the legs. The date of this piece is given as the Ming dynasty, 1368-1644. Possibly a more definite date may be forthcoming when we are better acquainted with the progress of Chinese art, but that is as near as the authorities care to say at present. In the same Bishop collection will be found another dog and puppy (No. 557) also misnamed "lions." This is a thinner piece of crystal and is not so good a carving as the other, it is also much later, the assigned period being 1736-1795. In one of the centre table cases will be found a carved ivory girdle appendage (No. 338) showing a dog with a massive head and tail over its back. The Morgan collection is all porcelain or earthernware, on the former of which the best illustrations of Pekinese dogs are to be found. In cases 1 6 and 18 there are a number of beautifully painted plates and as there are more than one of some of the patterns they must have been made in sets. In case 16 there are two plates showing a dark fawn dog with plenty of coat. In case 18 there are four plates, all drawn to pattern and each showing a Pekinese, lion or biscuit colour, the shade varying as is bound to be the case in china painting when the firing gives the tone of colour. All four dogs have identically placed irregular blotches of colour on the body, but while two are black blotched the other two are white. There is an inclina- tion to a peaked muzzle in two of them but in one of the others the muzzle is short and blunt and they leave no chance for dispute as to what they are. in fact the catalogue names them sleeve dogs. These plates are placed in the 1736-1795 period. These are the only dogs shown on porcelain that are positively Pekinese but we might as well mention another small dog, a red toy, smaller than the Pekinese apparently, very clean in the neck and foxy faced with a very gay carriage of tail which is plumed, but not heavily. One of these dogs is shown on a plate in case 20 playing with a slipper which has fallen from the foot of a lady reclining on a couch. In case 40 two of these dogs are shown frolicking with each other. There is also a teapot in this case the figures on which must have been copied from some drawing or painting brought from Europe as the man, woman and child are all in European costume and in front of them is a larger red dog which if it was a German drawing we should put down as a dachshund. All these pieces are of the 1736-95 period. The earthenware figures which approach the dog shape are in cases 23 and 24 and are all stated to be lions. Many of them were so placed as not to be properly seen but many which can be seen are Pekinese or at least CH. GOODWOOD 1O Property of Mrs. Douglas Murray, tnglefield Gn_en, Surrey, Eng, r holograph by Speight, Kettering ONG MOTT OF RADNAGE Property of Mrs. Chas. Chapman Photograph by Lavender, Bromley CH. GOODWOOD CHUN Property of Mrs. Torrens Hayes, Kent, Eng. Photograph by Speight, Kettering ONG-LI OF RADNAGE Property of Mrs. Chas Chapman, Worthing, Surrey, Eng. The Pekinese Dog 741 dogs and others more of the grotesque dog of Fo style. One very large dog is in case 23 and the assigned date of this piece is 1662-1722. In the small collection got together by the museum there is very little in the dog line. A white china dog with a pointed muzzle and tail curled over the back and eyes coloured yellow; another with a square muzzle and high forehead, and a white puppy, with a large round head. The latter is the only piece that is dated and that is put at 1800. Of course there are plenty of the grotesque "dogs of Fo" and it is hard at times to decide whether some little piece is a recognisable dog or not, but those we have specially mentioned are dogs beyond a doubt. Although the circle of information was very limited the Pekinese dogs, both rough and smooth, were known in England nearly fifty years ago, specimens of both having been taken to that country from the looting of the Imperial summer palaces in Pekin. Mrs. Lilburn MacEwen in a sketch of the breed published in 1904 states that they were known at the court of Henri III and are depicted in the painting of the royal pets in a picture attributed to Jacopo de Empoli, but it would require a very vivid imagination to call any of the dogs on this picture a Pekinese. The picture was later reproduced in Illustrated Kennel News and shows a large number of small dogs decorated with ribbons and with pierced ears in which rosettes are tied. Mrs. MacEwen also states that Pekinese came to the court of Charles II but gives no absolute data in support of the statement. It is history, however, that four small Pekinese were found in the summer palace near Pekin in October 1860, one of which aptly named Looty was brought to England and presented to Queen Victoria by Lieutenant Dunne. This dog was illustrated in the London Illustrated News, from a drawing by Harrison Weir, dated 1861. The other three dogs were commandered by Admiral John Hay and eventually found their way to Goodwood Castle as the property of the Duke of Gordon and Lord John Hay. It is from these dogs that the English get their "Goodwood" line of Pekinese. Subse- quently stolen dogs were sent to England and at the more recent taking of Pekin, a large number comparatively speaking, were secured and sent there. The history of the Pekinese in America is rather more indefinite as to the earliest importations, but so far we have not been able to antedate anything prior to Mrs. Eva B. Guyer's obtaining one in 1898. This lady resides in Philadelphia and has always kept them since that time, getting more from the same relative who got her first one. We are aware that O 742 The Dog Book Pekinese can be bought in Philadelphia with pedigrees extending to 1875 and with them a history that takes them still farther back to a race of wild dogs with strange characteristics, but long muzzled and weak faced small dogs are not necessarily Pekinese dogs because the seller says they are. Of late years they have increased in encouraging numbers and there is every evidence that they will shortly become one of the favourite toy breeds. They possess a quaintness all their own and if only the English fanciers will not undertake to Anglicise them with ideas of their own, which we are bound to copy, these oddities will be preserved. Our judges must also learn what is required and not follow the methods of one who has better acquaintance with terriers than with Pekinese and put back all that to the judicial mind were bad fronted, in other words penalise those that were best from a Pekinese point of view. In addition to their quaintness of appearance the Pekinese have quali- ties of temperament which appeal to a great many. They seem to be im- bued with curiosity to an abnormal extent and must know about everything that is going on. Another thing is their courage. Mrs. Guyer is almost persuaded that they are kin to the bulldog on account of the determination with which they assert themselves. She writes: "My Pekinese are the most combative little animals with strange dogs. No matter what the size of the stranger may be, fight is the first thought they seem to have, and at times I have felt that mine would be killed before the combatants could be separated. Even if mine must limp off from the fray it is with head and tail up as though there was but one champion." With the exception of this aggressiveness with strange dogs which may perhaps be jealousy to some extent, they are most bidable and endearing little pets and are steadfast in their affections. It will be noted from the illustrations we give that the Pekinese is rather low on the leg and somewhat long in the back, the forelegs are set out at the elbows and the heavy muscle on the outside of the foreleg give it a bowed appearance such as we see in bulldogs at times. There is, of course, good width of brisket. The head is large and has not the pushed in appearance we see in Japanese or English toy spaniels, and we hope it never will have. The face is short, but the main characteristic is its bulk. There must be no pinching at the nose, but plenty efface, cut off square. A pug's foreface as compared with toy spaniels. Another difference from the toy spaniel is that while the skull is prominent and heavy it does not run up to the cupola The Pekinese Dog 743 dome we see in spaniels, but has a flat top outline, with good width between the ears, which should not hang like the spaniels, but rather add to the width and flatness of the skull line by being more the drop ears of the pug. With their feathering the ears, of course, show size and, from the appearance of those on the smooth specimen on the photograph which Dr. Ivy of Shanghai sent as being that of an excellent specimen, we should say that small ears are not so much in demand with breeders of Chinese pugs as with us. The affinity of this dog' is much more with the pug than the spaniel and the English club has shown good judgment in ridding it of the name of spaniel, which would have a tendency to cause breeders to approach or incorporate certain spaniel attributes not at all desirable. Indeed there is really nothing spaniel about it except in the matter of coat and an approach to toy spaniel fancy in heaviness of skull and shortness of face, but neverthe- less with decided differences even in these. It is to be hoped that the American Kennel Club will also discard the name of spaniel. From the photographs of some American owned dogs it is very evident that we are little if anything behind English fanciers in having some good specimens and if the owners of these dogs will only support the shows that give classes the breed will soon progress, but so far they have offered little encouragement to show committees to give classes as entries have been very few. DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS General Appearance. A quaint and intelligent dog. Head. Massive. Skull broad, wide between the eyes, wide and flat between the ears; face wrinkled. Muzzle. Deep, broad, square and very short; not underhung or pointed; stop deep. Nose. Black, broad and very short and flat. Jaws. The lower jaw not turned up like the Japanese spaniel. Eyes. Large, round, dark and lustrous, very prominent and set wide apart.* Ears. Covered with long silky hair, not set too high on the head, heart shaped. Leather never long enough to come below the muzzle. *The description "very prominent " is hardly suitable, the eyes being prominent, but not to the extent of very prominent such as in the Japanese spaniel. J. W. 744 The Dog Book Body. Heavy in front; chest broad, falling away lighter behind; lion-like, not too long in body. Legs. Heavy and short, with as much bone as possible; well out at elbows and feathered. Feet. Long flat and turned outwards, covered with long hair, which should increase their length, but not their breadth; should stand well up on toes and not on ankles. Tail. Carried right in a curl over the back as in a Japanese spaniel and should be profusely feathered, so as to give it the appearance of a plume over the dog's back. Coat. Mane profuse, extending below shoulder blades, forcing ruff or frill round front of neck. The coat like that of a collie, double, a long, straight outer coat and a dense thick under one. Feather on thighs, legs, tail and toes long and profuse. Colour. Red fawn, sable, brindle or black. Black marks and "spec- tacles" around eyes, with lines to ears are desirable. White and parti- colour. Height at shoulder. Any size, but the small ones are to be desired. Weight. Divided by weight from 10 pounds to 28 pounds, and under 10 pounds. SCALE OF POINTS Head 10 Legs 5 Stop 5 Feet 5 Muzzle 5 Tail 10 Eyes 5 Coat and feathering 15 Nose 5 Colour 5 Ears 5 Size 5 Mane 5 Action 5 Body 10 Total . 100 TIBET SPANIEL KARPO Property of the Hon. Mrs. McLaren Morrison, Londpii* Photograph byj. R. Clarke, Thirsk LHASSA TERRIERS, IERRU AND TASCHI Property of the Hon. Mrs. McLaren Morrison, London. This photograph was taken when the dogs were voung Photograph byj. R. Clarke^ Thirsk LHASSA TERRIER, INDIA One of the pioneer English importations and one of the best of the breed. Photographed in winter coat. Property of the Hon. Mrs. McLaren Morrison, London CHAPTER LXIX THE LHASSA TERRIER AND TIBET SPANIEL HE latest European introductions in toy dogs are the Lhassa terrier and Tibet spaniel, neither of which has yet reached America, hence we are unable to write of them with any personal knowledge. As they will undoubtedly be brought to this country ere long a few words by way of introducing them seemed advisable and for the following we are indebted to the Hon. Mrs. McLaren Morrison, the acknowledged authority in England on Central Asiatic dogs. "In the cold tableland of Central Asia nature provides her creatures with ample clothing. We find there in the canine breeds the grand Tibet mastiff one mass of gigantic coat and we find too the little Lhassa terrier well protected against the piercing winds whose way no cities and structures of Western civilisation yet have barred. "How the Lhassa terrier lives in his own country, what he does, how he is kept we know but little of. One of these little Asiatics which has had the honour to be called the standard dog by experts was purchased out of a Bhuteer's market cart; unkempt, unwashed, uninviting, and loath to be civilised he valiantly guarded his vegetables, till made reluctantly to under- stand that he was born for higher things and that a show career beyond the waters awaited him. "Another was brought down from the very interior sent by a Tibetan and accompanied by an attendant wreathed in turquoises. Yet another was carried across the saddle for miles and miles. The character of the Lhassa terrier is true and confiding. Not taciturn, as of some other Asiatic breeds. I am inclined however to think that this is really only correct of the Eng- lish bred Lhassa terrier; for the little fellow who came from the market cart was by no means friendly, and for years devoted himself only to one person whose room and chattels he would defend to grim death. The Lhassa's coat should be long and straight, very profuse and shaggy. Feet large and wide, to tread the snows of the Uplands. The size varies a good 745 746 The Dog Book deal, but the really small ones, though up to recently rarely bred in this country are mc^t valued in their own and fetch long prices in the East. For the wily Asiatic is fully aware of the value of really good specimens, and the inhabitant of the market cart, Tuko, had to be carefully guarded whilst in his own country or would promptly have disappeared. "Their colours are: White and black, iron grey, light grey, buff, brown or buff and white, etc., etc. They have now by 1906 found many admirers in England, and there is every reason to believe that the shaggy lovable pet of the Lhamas will become equally appreciated, if alas not yet equally plentiful, in this part of the world as in his own mystic home. "It has been the good fortune of the writer to see authentic photographs of the dogs of Tibet taken by the Grand Lhama himself. "The Lhassa terrier is but one of several breeds known in Tibet, but the country is yet too much closed for the naturalist to give us deep information in all varieties. The Tibet spaniel is now also well known in England and already between 50 and 60 specimens are in Great Britain. The Tibet spaniel is the true ancestor of all Pekinese, Japanese and English toy spaniels, of that there really can be no doubt and as such they are doubly interesting. The monasteries of Tibet enclose many beautiful spec- imens of this fascinating breed, and the monks know their value well. The black and white and also black and tan variety are now fairly familiar to show visitors, who however, have yet to learn that self-coloured sable specimens as well as those of a rich tan and ruby as well as brown etc., should also soon be found in our shows. In conclusion let me assure the reader that these various little Asiatics are of a most loving and devoted disposi- tion, showing great sagacity and by no means difficult to rear in our climate where they are therefore able to be our constant companions. To know them is to love them ! One can but trust that soon they will have the position in England and also in America which they so truly deserve." RE I? 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