MS LEY ENTOMOLOGY LIBRARY NOMENCLATURE COLEOPTEKOUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART I. CETONIAD^E. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1847. .i2>. LONDON : SPOTTISWOODE and SHAW. New-street-Square. PREFACE. THE object of this Nomenclature is to present a Catalogue of the well-established species of each family, with a refer- ence to where they are figured, and a few of the more important synonyma. It is intended for the following purposes : 1 . As a List of the Species contained in the Museum col- lection, with an indication of their origin ; 2. The Desiderata of that collection ; 3. As Labels for the cabinet. This list must only be considered as prefatory to a more complete Catalogue. The family of Cetoniadce is chiefly arranged after the method of Dr. Burmeister and Dr. Schaum, and Mr. Adam White has taken every care in the determination of the spe- cies and the references to the synonyma and figures. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, June, 1847. Ill- LIST OF CETONIAIXE. Family CETONIAD^E. GOLIATHUS Lam. G. GIGANTEUS Lam. \\ T . Africa. $ Scar. Goliathus L. Drury,i. t. 31. G. Africanus Lam. G. DEURII Westw. W. Africa, B. M. Drnry, in. t. 40. $ . $ Gol. regius King. Erm. R. t. 15. f. 7. G. CACICUS Olw. W. Africa. B. M. 1. 11. f.2. Perch. D. BICORNIS Latr. Indian Isl. Cuv. R.A. t.17. f.4.c?. t. 18. f.5. $. D. plagiatus G. fy P. t. 58. f.5. D. ORNATUS Burm. Philippines? Westw. Arc. Ent. t. 36. f. 6, 7. $ ? . H. biguttata Westw. Westw. Arc. Ent. t. 36. f.5.?. D. DECORUS G. Sf P. Java, t. 58. f. 4. Gn. Petelii Bug. Westw. Arc. Ent. t. 36. f. 4. D. CHILDRENII Hope. India (Bengal). ~FP Gymn. varia G. Sf P. t. 73. f.6. Var. Gynm. carbonaria G. Sf P. B. 3J. t.74. f.2. G. MARGINESIGNATA G. Sf P. Cayenne. t. 74. f. 3. G. BRASILIENSIS G. Sf P. Brazil. B. M. t. 75. f. 2. Gen. Hardwicke G. sordida Dej. G. LITURATA Oliv. Brazil. B.M, t. 12. f. 121. Gen. Hardwicke. C. acuminata Herbst. t. 32. f. 8. G. lugens Dej. Go spinosa Fisch. G. ALBIVENTRIS G. Sf P. Brazil. B. M. t. 75. f. 3. Gymn. fusco-rubra G. Sf P> t. 75. f. 5. G. SINGULARIS G. Sf P. Brazil. t. 74. f. 6. ? . B 6 12 LIST OF CETONIAD^E. G. OCELLATA G. Sr P. t. 74. f. 5 G. MILIARIS G. 8f P. t. 74. f. 1. G. suasa G. fr P. t. 76. f. 3. Yar. G. fodina G. fr P. t.71. f.4. G. MULTIPUNCTATA G. 8f P. t. 73. f. 2. Var. G. parvula Dej. G. congregata -Z)e/. G. multipunctata Dej G. confluens Dej. G. INCERTA (r. # P. t. 76. f. 2. G. MINIATA Blanch. Voy. DOrb.t. 12. f. 6, G. APIATA Chevr. G. PUNCTATISSIMA Z)/. G. graculus Schaum. p. G. GRACULUS -Fa&r. G. INSCULPTA Kirby. G. margaritacea G. $ P. t. 73. f. 1. G. scutellata Perty, 1. 11. f. 10. G. maculosa G. 8f I t. 72. f. 6. G. CERVINA Schaum. G. bajula G. fr P. t.72. f.5. G. HEBRAICA Drap. G. glauca G. 8f P. t.7l. f.6. G. bajula Perty, Del.t.ll. f. 11. G. VERMICULEA Dup. G. similis G. P. G. DIFFICILIS Dej. ^ G. apicalis Chevr. G. petrificata Dup. G. icterica Siurm. Cayenne. (?)B.M, Gen. Hardwicke. Brazil. Brazil. B. M. St. Domingo. Brazil. Mexico. Cayenne. Brazil. B. M, Brazil. B. M, Brazil. B. M< Brazil. B. M Cayenne Mexico (Venezuela). B. M, MST OF CETOfllADJE. 13 G. LITIGIOSA G. fr P. Venezuela. B. M. t. 72. f. 1. G. PANTHEBINA Blanch. Brazil. B. M. Voy.D'Orb. t. 12. f. 5. G. MELEAGBIS Burm. Columbia. B. M. G. alauda Dup. G. Alciope Bug. G. PICTA Oliv. Surinam. 1. 12. f. 118. Get. decorata Schanh. Get. histrio-fulvus Herbxt. G. FLAVOMARGINATA Blanch. Brazil Voy.UOrb. t. 12. f. 1. G. SALLEI Schaum. Mexico. G. marmorea Burm. (not Oliv.). G. MABMOREA Oliv. W. Indies, 1. 11. f. 110. G. TBISTIS Oliv. N. America, t. 10. f. 91. G. BAJULA Fdbr, Cayenne. B. M. G. perplex a Dej. G. hebraica G. # P. H. M. t. 71. f.4. G. IMMUNDA Schaum. Cayenne. G. pardalis Burm. G. FLAVEOLA G. 8f P. Cayenne. t. 72. f. 4. G. COTUBNIX Burm. Columbia. G. XANTHOSPILA Schaum, Cayenne. B. M. Get. holosericea Oliv. t. 12. f. 125. Get. flava Burm, G. HOLOSEBICEA Fobr. Cayenne. Var. Get. circumdata Schoen1i> Gymn. magnifica G. fr P. t. 68. f.6. G. FLAVA Weber. Brazil. G. CINCTA Perty, Brazil. Del. 1. 11. f.9. G. BONPLANDU Schaum. Paraguay. G. CHEVBOLATII G. Sf P. Brazil. t.69. f.3. 14 LIST OF CETONIAD^E, G. MARGINE-GUTTATA G. &f P. t. 74. f. 4. G. LANIUS Drury. t.33. f.8. G. GUADALUPENSIS G. fy P. t.70. f. 4. G. PHASIANUS Dup. G. Chilensis Dej\ G. RUFILATERIS Ittlg. G. Sr P. t. 70. f. 3. G. erythroloma Dej. G. IRREGULARIS G. Sf P. t. 71. f. 3. Var. G. similis G. $ P. t.70. f. 1. G. undata Burm. G. CHALCIPES G. 8f P. t.71. f-2, G. UNDATA 0/W. t. 12. f, 123. G. similis (7.^ P. t.70. f. 1. G. FULGURATA G. Sf P. t.7l. f. 1. G. STELLATA Latr. Humb. Obs. t. 33. f.2. Macr. radiata Wiedem. G. STRIGOSA Ofe t. 12. f. 124. Get. histrio-ruber Voet. Herbst G. DYSONI. N.SP. G. HIEROGLYPHICA VigOTS. Zool. Journ. i. 1. 15. f. 5. G. nervosa Guer. Icon. t. 26. f. 9. G. TIGRINA G. Sf P. t. 69. f. 6. Var. G. albo-sparsa Blanchard. D'Orb. VAm, Mer. t. 12. f. 4. G. Touchardii Blanch. D'Orb. VAm. Mer. t. 12. f.2. Cayenne. W. Indies (Jamaica). B. M, Guadaloupe. Chili. (?)B.M. Peru. B. M. Brazil. Brazil. Brazil. Cayenne. Venezuela. Surinam, Venezuela. Brazil. Brazil. B. M, B.M. B.M. B.M. B. M. Gen. Ilardvvicke. LIST OF Gr. DEPAUPERATA G. 8f P. t. 72. f. 3. G. MACULATA Scop. SckdU Get. Scopolii Schonh. G. PULCHRA Swed. G. RUDOLPHI Frohl. CLINTERIA Burm. C. GUTTIFERA BuTm. C. MCERENS -De/. -De/. P. t. 76. f. 6. C. FLAVONOTATA G. fy P. t. 77. f. 3. C. DUCALIS N. SP. C. FLAVO-MARGINATA Wied. C. SEXPUSTULATA G. fy P. t.77. f. 1. C. CINCTIPENNIS G. 8f P. t. 77. f. 2. C. IMPERIAUS Payk. C. HILARIS Burm. G. auroguttata Hope. G. Boisduvalii Hope. C. KLUGII Hope. C. CONFINIS Hope. G. $ P. t. 77. f. 5. C. SPILOTA Hope. Var. Himalayensis G. fy P. C. VIRIDIPES G. $ P. t. 73. f. 5. C. ATRA Wied. Var. funeraria G. fy P. t. 76. f. 2. Var. biguttata G 1 . Sf P. t. 76. f. 4. C. INFUSCATA G. $* P. t. 77. f. 6. C. RUFICOLLIS Melly. Brazil. W. Indies (Tobago). W. Indies (St.Lucia). East Indies. B. M, Java. India. India (Silhet). B.M. Java. Java. B. M. China. (?) N. India. B. M. B. M, T. Tatum, Esq. N. India. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. N. India. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke JS". India. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. Java. Senegal* S. Africa. B.M. B.M, J. D. Tebbs, Esq. B.M. Earl of Derby 16 LIST OP C. VIRIDIPUNCTATA Melly. C. CCERULEA Oliv. t.5. f.41. a. Get. 14. maculata Fabr. C. PUMILA Schcsnh. DORYSCELIS Def. D. CALCARATA King. Berlin Mem. 1833. t. 3. Macr. inscripta G. t. 62. f. 6. . P. AGE STRATA Eschsch. A. DEHAANII G. Sf P. t.59. f. 1. A. LUCONICA Eschsch. ZooL Atl t. 4. f. 8. A. splendens G. $ P. t.59. f. 3. A. CHLNENSIS Fabr. Oliv. t. 2. f. 5. a. b. A. NIGRITA J^Z^r. O/z. t. 10. f. 92. A. WHITHILLII Hope. A. GAGATES Hope. STETHODESMA Hope. S. LOBATA Fabr. Oliv. t. 4. f. 26. Get. coraeina Herbst. m. t. 31. f. 10. S. STRACHANI Hope. Var. S. melanoptera J3urm. LOMAPTERA G.frP. L. BIFASCIATA Quoy Sf Gaim. Voy. l'Ur.t.S2. f.5. L. bivittata G. Sf P. t. 66. f. 3. L. fasciata Burm. S. Africa. E. Indies. Bengal. Madagascar. B.M. Earl of Derby. B. M. Java. Philippines. B. M. Ent. Club of Lond. China. B.M, Ceylon. B.M India. India (Silhet) ? B. M. B. M. Cayenne, Honduras, B. M. Guinea. I. Waigiou. LIST OF CETONIAD.E. Java. L. LATREILLII G. Sf P. t. 60. f. 1. L. PL AN A Payk. L. valida G. $ P. t. 60. f. 2. L. XANTHOPUS Boisd. Voy. de VAstrol. t. 10. f. 3. L. D'URVILLII Dup. L. PAPUA Guer. Voy. Coquille, t. 3. f. 11. L. NiGRO-^ENEA Waterh. L. EBENA Dup. L. ANTHRACINA Wiedem. L. VIRIDI^NEA G. fy P. t. 60. f. 5. L. PULLA Schonh. L. CUPRIPES Waterh. CLEROTA Burm. C. BUDDA G. Sc P. t. 61. f. 1. C. VITTIGERA Hope. Westw. Arc. Ent. t. 28. f. 6. CHALCOTHEA Burm. CH. SMARAGDULA G. 8f P. t. 61. f. 2. CH. TRISTIS Horsfield. Westw. Arc. Ent. t. 28. f. 5. Ch. Barrotiana Dup. CH. RESPLENDENS G. Sf P- t. 61. f.3. CH. NiGRoc(ERULEA Waterh. MACRONOTA G. 8? P. M. DIARDI G. Sf P. t. 61. f. 5. M. TRISULCATA G. $* P. t.61. f.4. M. sulcicollis Dej. Java. 17 (?) B. M. New Guinea. B.M. New Guinea. Philippines. Philippines. B. M. B.M. Tenasserim. India, Philippine I. (?) B.M. Philippines. Java. E. Ind. (Mysore). Java, Borneo. Philippines. Bengal. Philippine Isl. Borneo. Java. B.M. B.M. 18 LIST OF CETOttlAJXE. M. PENICILLATA Hope. M. dives G. fr P. t. 61. f. 6. M. MEARESII Parry. Westw. Arc. Ent. t. 28. f. 3. M. FLAVOMACULATA G. fy P. t. 62. f. 1. Var. M. Gardneriana Melly. M. PATRICIA G. # P. t. 63. f. 4. M. CLATHRATA G. 8f P. t.64. f.5. M. PHILIPPINENSIS Waterh. M. auro-guttata Dup. M. hilaris Gory. M. REGIA Fabr. G. $ P. t. 62. f. 3. Get. zebra Schonh. Var. M. depressa G. 8f P. t. 62. f. 2. M. ELONGATA G. 8f P. t. 64. f. 6. M. ALBOGUTTATA N. SP. T^NIODEBA Burm. T. MONACHA G. 8f P. t. 64. f. 1. M. Luxerii Buq. T. RAFFLESIANA Westw. Arc. Ent. t. 28. f. 4. T. histrio Burm, T. MALABARIENSIS G. fy P. t. 63. f. 3. T. EGREGIA G. SC P. t. 63. f. 1. . Var. M. anthracina G. 8f P. t. 64. f. 2. M. biplagiata G. Sf P. t. 63. f. 2. M. haematica Perty. M. bisignata. E. Indies (Malabar). B. M. Gen. Hardwicke. E. Indies (Nepal). E. Ind. (Pondicherry). B.M. Ceylon. B. M. Java. Java. Philippines. B.M. India, Philippines. B. M. India (Calcutta). Philippines. B. M India, Java. Sumatra. India (Ceylon). Java. B.M. 19 T. GUTTULATA N. SP. T. CINEREA G. Sf P. t.64. f.3. M. quartata G. f P. t. 64. f. 4. T. QUADRILINEATA G. fy P. t. 63. f. 5. M. scenica G. fy P. t. 63. f. 6. T. PICTA Guer. T. apicalis G. # P. t. 64. f. 7. T. tetraspila Hope. DISCOPELTIS Burm. D. TRICOLOR Burm. D. CONCINNA Schaum. GLYCYPHANA Burm. G. TRICOLOR Oliv. t. 12. f. 115. G. HORSFIELDII Hope. Cet. marginicollis G. 8f P. t. 47. f. 6. G. TORQUATA Cet. binotata G. 8f P. t. 47. f. 5. G. GRAVENHORSTII Hope. G. AURULENTA N. SP. G. MACQUARTI G. fy P. t. 47. f. 7. G, ATERRIMA Wied. G. Sr P. t. 48. f. 1. Cet. atricolor Chevr. Var. Cet. vulnerata Schaum. G. SWATNSONII G. $* P. t 47. f. 4. Cet. collaris Dettaan. O. FESTIVA Fabr. Philippines. Java. Java. B.M. B.M. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. Malacca coast. W. Africa. E. Indies. W. Africa (Guinea). W. Africa. E. Indies. Nepal. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. Assam. B. M. G. R. Waterhouse, Esq. India. B. M. Gen. Hardwicke '. India. B. M. Java. Java. Java. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. 20 LIST OF CETONIAD^E. G. QUADRICOLOR Wied. Get. miniata Gory. G. IMPAR G. 8f P. t. 56. f. 2. Get. inconstans Dup. Get. cincticollis Hope ? G. RUFOVITTATA Guer. G. VARICORENSIS Burm. G. CUCULUS Burm, Get. albiventris Chevr. G. MOT>ESTA Fair. G. $- P. t. 55. f. 7. Get. albo-guttata Dettaan. Get. gastrargyrea Perty. G. BRUNNIPES Kirby. Get. conspersa 6r. $ P. t. 56. f. 1. G. FASCIATA P5r. Get. stolata Fdbr. G. perversa Schaum. G. ARGENTEA N. SP. G. (ETHIESSIDA N. SP. G. VIRIDIOBSCURA G. 8f P. t.55. f.5. Var. Get. sanguinalis G. Sf P. t. 55. f. 6. G. PRASINA Hope. G. JUCUNDA Fold. Mem. St. Pet. t. 4. f. 4-5. Get. Goryi Guerin. G. ARGYROSTICTA Burm. G. MALAYANA Guerin. G. FELINA G. & P. t. 52. f. 4. G. LUCTUOSA G. fy P. t. 55. f. 5. ' Java. Senegal. Malay Pen. Varicoro I. Philippines. Philippine Isl. 1ST. Holland. B.M. B. M. B.M. Dr. A. Sinclair, R.N, N. Holland. Port Essington. Philippines. Nepal. B.M B.M B.M Gen. Hardwicke B.M Gen. Hardwicke B.M Nepal. China (?) Japan. Malay Pen. New Holl. (?) Mauritius, Madagascar. B. M B.M LIST OF G. VERSICOLOR Fabr. Var. Get. variegata Fabr. Oliv. t. 5. f. 31. Var. Get. versicolor Fabr. Oliv. t. 4. f. 23. Scar. Thebanus Herbst Act. Berol. 4. t. 7. f. 8. Scar, cruentus Pallas. Icon. t. B. f. a. 24. Scar, sanguinolentus L. Var. Get. detrita Hope. Oliv. t. 5. f. 30. G. BIVITTATA Burm. G. HISTRIO Oliv. t. 10. f. 94. Get. albo-punctata Fabr. G. BEALI^E G. fr P. t. 54. f. 8. G. KUPERI N. SP. PHOXOMELA Schaum. P. UMBROSA G. Sf P. t.55. f. 1." P. ABRUPTA Schaum. E. Indies. 21 B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. Thibet. India, Egypt, S. Africa. B. M. Gen. Hardwicke ; W. Elliott, Esq. India (Bengal). B. M. Gen. Hardwicke. China. Rev. C. Kuper ; Ent. Club of Lond. S. Africa. S. Africa. B.M. B.M. GAMETIS Burm. Schaum. G. .^EQUINOCTIALIS Oliv. t, 6. f. 42. G. BALTEATA De Geer. Mem. vii. t. 48. f. 4. Get. Curtisii Vig. Zool. Journ. ii. t. 9. f. 1. Get. controversa G. Sf P. t.46. f.6. G SATsGUlNOLENTA OllV. t. 6. f. 41. Get discoidea var. Schunh. Senegal. B. M. J. D. Tebbs, Esq. S. Africa. B. M. Earl of Derby; Dr. Andrew Smith. Senegal. B. M. Ent Club of London. 22 LIST OF CETONIADJE. G. SUBFASCIATA Swed. Get. velutina Oliv. S. Africa. B. M t. 12. f. 1 14. Dr. Burchell; Dr. Andrew Smith ; Ent Club of London Get. discoidea Fdbr. Get. flammea Vig. Zool. Journ. ii. t. 9. f. 2. B.M G. SCALARIS G. 8f P. t.47. f.3. EUPHORIA Burm. E. HERA Buq. Get. bipartita Reiche. E. LESUEURII G. fy P. t.39. f. 1. E. LATREILLII G. Sf P. t.39. f.3. Get. notulata G. 8f P. t. 46. f. 3. E. WESTERMANNI G. fy P. t. 39. f. 2. E. LEUCOGRAPHA G. fy P. t. 38. f. 1. E. RUFINA G. 8f P. t. 37. f. 5. E. MELANCHOLIC A G. 8f P. t. 38. f. 4. E. SEPULCRALIS Fdbr. Get. Reichii G. $ P. t. 38. f. 3. ? E. LURIDA Fabr. Oliv. t. 9. f. 81. Get. adspersa Web. Get. fasciolata Esch. Scar, sordens Gm. C. rufescens G. 8f P. E. BIVITTATA G. Sf P. t. 37. f. 6. Get. Suyanensis Dup. E. DIMIDIATA G. &f P. t. 53. f. 7. Francis Walker, Esq. Senegal. Rev. D. F. Morgan Columbia. B. M Mexico. B. M Mexico. B. M Mexico. Mexico. Mexico. B. M, F. Walker, Esq. ; Ent. Club of London. N. America. N. America. B. M. Edw. Doubleday, Esq. ; F. Walker, Esq. Brazil. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. Guiana. Mexico. B. M. ; E. P. Coffin, Esq. ; J. G. Children, Esq. 23 Mexico. B. M. . G. Children, Esq. ; E. P. Coffin, Esq. Mexico. B. M. Francis Walker, Esq. Mexico. Mexico. B. M. F. Walker, Esq. ; E. P. Coffin, Esq. E. BASALTS G. &f P. t. 53. f. 5. Francis Walker, Esq. ; E. PULCHELLA G. Sf P. t. 54. f. 4. Var. Get. ferrugata G. # P. t. 53. f. 8. E. CHILDRENII G. fy P. t.53. f. 6. Var. Get. Thelasco G. fr P. t.54. f.5. Var. Get. Montezuma G. $ P. t. 54. f. 2. E. CANESCENS G. $ P. Mexico. B. M. t.54. f. 1. E. BIGUTTATA G. 8f P. t. 53. f. 4. ERIRHIPIS Burm. E. GEMINATA Ckevr. Mexico. B. M. Var. Get. sepulcralis Gory. Get. Cheniaci Lap. E. LEPROSA Dup. Burm. Mexico. E. VESTITA G. Sf P. N. Mexico. B. M. t. 52. f. 6. ? . Get. irregularis G. fr P. t.53. f. 1.?. Get. puberula Chevr. $ . Get. californica Dup. $ . E. IRIDESCENS Schaum. E. 1NDA L. Oliv. t. 5. f. 29. Get. marylandica Frcehl. Get. barbata Say. Get. brunnea G. 8f P. t.51. f.6. E. SUBTOMENTOSA Hope. Mexico. B. M. Get. tomentosa G. Sf P. t. 54. f. 2. Get. multipunctata Hcepfn. Get. pardalina Dup. Guatimala. N. America, Mexico. B. M. E. Doubleday, Esq. ; F. Walker, Esq. 24 LIST OF CETONIAMJ. E. HERBACEA Oliv. Get. pubera Schonh. Get. antennata G. $ P. t.31. f.4. E. SUBMACULOSA G. 8f P. t. 38. f. 6. Get. submaculata Chevr. E. TRISTIS N. SP. E. SUBGUTTATA Burm, E. FULGIDA 0Zit7. t. 8. f. 75. STALAGMOSOMA Burm. S. ALBELLA Get. alterna G. fr P. t. 38. f. 4. Get. Korini Fold. Get. lepida .FaftZ. S. CYNANCHE G. $ P. t. 57. f. 4. STEPHANUCHA S. AREATA Fabr. Oliv. t. 1. f.82. ODONTORRHINA Burm. O. HISPIDA OllV. 1. 12. f. 113. Get. hirsuta Thunb. O. PUBESCENS Fabr. Oliv. t. II. f. 100. Get pubera Thunb. Get. cicatricosa ' TRICHOSTETHA T. FASCICULARIS L. . America. Mexico. B. M. F. Walker, Esq. ; Ent. Club of London. Mexico. B. M. Mexico. N. America. B. M. E. Doubleday, Esq, ; Rev. Wm. Kirby. Russia. Greece. B. M. Ent. Club of London ; Prof. Forbes. Egypt, Nubia. N. America. B. M. E. Doubleday, Esq. ; F. Walker, Esq. S. Africa. S. Africa. S. Africa. B.M. B.M. Dr. A. Smith. B.M. Drury, I. t. 33. f. 2. Dr. Burchell ; Gen. Hardwicke ; Dr. A. Smith. T. PRUNIPENNJS Burm. T. NATALIS Burm. Port Natal. Port Natal. LIST OF CETONIAD.E. 25 T. SIGN AT A Fair. Oliv. t. 5. f. 35. Scar, insignitus GmeL T. ALBOPICTA G fr P. t. 49. f. 1. T- CAPENSIS L. Drury, i. t. 33. s. 3. Soar, albo-punctatus De Geer. Get. barbatula Herbst. Var. Get. fusco-rubra Herbst. m. t. 30. f. 12. Get. hottentotta G. $ P. Var. Get. hirsuta Macleay. Get. hepatica Oliv. Get. oculata Macleay. T. ? N. SP. S. Africa. B.M. Dr. A. Smith ; Ent. Club of London. S. Africa. S. Africa. B.M. Dr. A. Smith. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke ; Dr. A. Smith ; Ent. Club of London. N. Holland (Swan-R.) B. M. 2ETH3ESSA Burm. M. FEEALIS EricJis. Algeria. Wagn. m. 174. f. Get. puta Buq. Get. Douei Gory. M. FLORALIS Fabr. Algeria. M. BARBARA G. * P. Algeria. t. 43. f. 5. Var. Get. Doguerau G. 8f P. t.43. f.4. Get. aupik G. fr P. t.43. f.6. Get. assimilis Friv. M. REFULGENS Herbst. Italy. Get. squamosa G. 8f P. t.44. f. 1. Get. atomaria Dahl. Var. Get. tenebrionis G. fr. P. t.44. f.2. . NUMISMA Newm. . ELONGATA G. fy P. t. 42. f. 6. Get. fuliginea Gory. Var. Get. deserticola Wai. B.M. B.M. B. M. Ent. Club of London. N. Africa. 28 WST or CETONIAD^E. JEt. INHUMATA G. $ P. Arabia, t. 42. f. 5. JEth. sethiopica Chevr. Egypt. Get. sethiops Dej. Yar. ^E. leucospila Dup. East. Var. M. mesopotamica Burm. Mesopotamia. JE. EXCLAMATIONIS Folder. Persia. Get. bagdadensis Gory. Armenia, Mesopotamia. JE. RUGIPENNIS Folder. Persia, Var. Get. squamosa Fold. N. Mem. Mosc. IV. t. 10. f. 7. JE. ALTERNA G. 8f P. Egypt. B. M. t. 38. f. 5. Get. vernalis Gory. j. Burton, Jun. Esq. TEPHR^A Burm. T. PULVERULENTA G. 8f P. W. Africa. B. M. t. 56. f. 3. Rev. D. F. Morgan. T. co^FiNis. N. SP. W.Africa. B. M. Rev. D. F. Morgan. T. PUNCTULATA Fair. W. Africa. B. M. OllV. t. 6. f. 47. Ent. Club of London. OXYTHYREA Mulsant. O. RUFO-FEMORATA Gory. S. Africa. O. RUBRA De Geer. S. Africa. B. M. GfrP.t.58. f. 1. Var. Get. haemorrhoidalis Schcenh. Dr. A. Smith; Earl of Derby. O. HAEMORRHOIDALIS Fdbr. S. Africa. B. M. Oliv. 1. 11. f.24. Scar, ruficollis De Geer. Scar, cruentatus Gm. Var. Get. dysenterica Macleay. Dr. A. Smith ; Earl of Derby. O. AMETHYSTINA Macleay. Get. seneipennis Melly. S. Africa. B. M. Earl of Derby ; Dr. A. Smith. O. AMABILIS Schaum. S. Africa. B. M. Get. trimaculata Melly, MSS. Earl of Derby. O. EUSTALACTA Burm. ' St. Johanna. O. THORACIC A Schaum. * Arabia. B. M. Get. rubricollis Blanch. Cat. 7. LIST OF CETONIAD^E. O. NITIDULA Oliv. Senegal. t.6. f.46. Get. roscida Schcenh. O. ^ENEICOLLIS Schaum. S. Africa. O. ADSPERSA Fdbr. S. Africa. Get. attalica Schcenh. Get. Verreaux G. 8f P. t.57. f.5. Get. congener Dej. O, MARGINALIS Schffiiih. S. Africa. Get. guttata Thunb. Get. adspersa Dej. G.frP.t.57. f.7. O. GUTTIFERA SchcRuh. O. PETITII Bug. G.frP.t.57. f.6. O. PERROUDII Schaum. O. CINCTELLA SteV. Get. variegata G. $ P. t.57. f.3. O. STICTICA L. Oliv. Europe. t. 7. f. 57. Scar, albo-guttatus De Geer. Get. Greenii Don. Var. Get. funesta Fdbr. Var. Get. pantherina G. $- P. N. Africa. t.57. f. 1. O. WAGNERI Chevr. Algeria. Blanch. Cat. 7. O. GR^ECA BrulU. Greece. Get. quadrata G.frP. t.57. f.2. 27 B. M. B.M. B.M. Ent. Club of London. B.M. Dr. A. Smith. W. Africa (Sierra Leone). W.Africa. B.M. Rev. D. F. Morgan. S. Africa. S. Russia, Turkey, Greece. B.M. B.M. B.M. M. Chevrolat. B.M. Ent. Club of London. EPICOMETIS Burm. E. FEMORATA Illlg. Get. hispanica G. 8f P. t. 54. f. 6. Spain. E. H1RTELLA L. Get. hirta OUv. t.6. f.36. Sc. squalidus L. E. CRINITA Charp. Get. vulpina Meg. Var. Get. pilosa Dej. Brulle. Trop. Reyi ATw^. E. TONS A Burm. ? seniculus Menetr. CHILOLOBA Burm. CH. ACUTA Wied. G.&P. t.55. f.3. Get. perplexa (7. # P. $ ANATONA J3ra. AN. FLAVO-GUTTATA Burm. Get. lignea .D^p. Get. auronotata Gory. AN. STILLATA Newm. AN. ALBOGUTTATA Burm. Get. Smeei Hope. ANOPLOCHILUS Macleay. A. VARTABILIS (7. $* P. t. 50. f. 1. Var. A. spinitarsis Macleay, Ann. S. Afr. 1. 1. A. GERMABI Wied. Get. nigro-lineata Gory. A. RUSTICUS G. 8f P. t. 50. f. 4. Get. ruricola G. $ P. t.50. f.6. A. ODIOSUS G. 8f P. t. 50. f. 5. An. setosus Macleay. A. CASTANOPTEEUS Burm. LIST OP CETONIAD^E. S. Europe. B.M. Mesopotamia. India (Bengal). B. M. Walter Elliott, Esq. India (Bombay). B. M. India. India (Deccan). S. Africa. S. Africa. S. Africa. S. Africa. Bombay. B.M. Ent. Club of London. B.M. LIST OF CETONIADJE. 29 A. TERROSUS G. &f P. t.51. f. 1. E. Indies. A. TOMENTOSUS G. 8f P. t. 51. f.5. Get. lanuginosa Mannerh. A. CICATRICOSUS Burm. S. Africa. B. M. Dr. A. Smith ; Earl of Derby. India. A. MULTIGUTTATUS Melty. APLASTA Schaum. S. Africa. B. M. Earl of Derby. A. DICHROA Schaum. S. Africa. B. M. A. LUTULENTA Schaum. S. Africa. B. M. CETONIA. C. FUNEBRIS G. 8f P. t. 43. f. 3. Persia. C. FUNESTA Menetr. C. tenebrionis Menetr. C. thoracica Dej. $ C. LIBANII G. fr P. t. 39. f. 6. Turkey. Syria. C. SARDEA Dahl. G. Sf P. t. 40. f. 3. Sardinia. B. M. C. TINCTA Germ. F. I. E. f. 20. t. 6. S. Italy. Sicily. Var. Get. crassicollis Chevr. C. OBLONGA G. Sf P. t. 42. f. 4. Europe. C. VIDUA G. &C P. t. 40. f. 2. Get. erosa Falderm, Get. obscure-aenea Menetr. C. AFFLICTA G. 8f P. t.40. f. 1. Var. Get. leucogramma G. Sf P. t. 40. f. 6. Var. Get. osmanlis G. fr P. t.41. f.2. Get. Lefebvrii Dej. C. ATROC^RULEA Persia. Asia Minor, Syria. B. M. Bosphorus. B.M. B.M 30 LIST OF CETONIAD^E. C. JEGYPTIACA G. Sf P. t. 39. f. 5. C. Servillii Gory. C. PURPUREA Bart. C. KARELINI Zoubk. G. r P. t. 40. f. 4. C. obesa Gebl. C. TROJAN A G. 8f P. t.41. f.2. C. albilatera Fold. $ C. Godetii G. # P. t. 43. f. 2. C. circumdata Fold. C. syriaca .D^p. C. VIRIDIS Fdbr. G.frP.t.41. f. 1. C. ungarica Herbst. C. viridana Brulle. Var. C. armeniaca Menetr. C. EXCLAMATIONIS t. 10. f. 3. C. adspersa Waltl. C. rnetallescens Friv. C. MORTO Oliv. t. 2. f. 3. Scar, fuliginosus Scop. Yar. Get. 4. punctata Get. 8. punctata Fabr. Get. oblong C. AURATA L. Oliv. 1. 1. f. 1. Var. C. pisana Dahl. C. pur pur at a Dahl. Var. G. lucidula Ziegl. Var. C. piligera Ziegl. Var. C. strigiventris Besser. Var. C. Carthami Dahl. Var. C. funeraria t.46. f. 1. Var. C. lugubris C. Gerardi Buq. Var. Get. fasciata. P. Egypt. Caspian. Turcomania. B. M. Asia Minor. Syria. Caucasus. Austria, Hungary, Turkey. B.M. S. Russia. B. M. Bosphorus. Austria, Hungary, Italy. Algeria. B.M. Europe. B. M. Lombardy, Dalmatia, Italy. Austria, Bohemia. B. M. Sardinia. Teneriffe. Algeria. B. M. LIST OF CETONIAD^. 31 C. JENEA Gyll. (7. #-P. t.42. f. 1. C. metallica Payk. C. floricola Herbst. Get. albiguttata And. C. obscura And. Var. C. volhyniensis G. fy t. 35. f. 6. Var. C. cuprea G. $ P. t. 34. f. 1. C. sicula Dej. C. MARMORATA Fair. G. fy P. t. 35. f. 5. C. seruginea Herbst. C. lugubris Herbst. C. metallic a Herbst. C. Quercus Schrank. C. SUBMARMOREA Dup. C. Japonica Gory. C. EXCAVATA G. #* P. t. 42. f. 2. C. OPACA Fabr. G. Sr P. t. 43. f. 3. C. refulgens Herbst. C. cardui Herbst. C. ultramarinea Chevr. C. ANGUSTATA Germ. G.frP.t.43. f. 1. C. hungarica Latr. C. vicina Schcenh. Var. C. nasuta Germ. C. nigra Duftsch. C. METALLICA J^ft?'. G. # P. t. 34. f. 1. Var. C. florentina Herbst. G. $ P. t. 34. f. 2. Scar, aeruginosus L. Var. C. ignicollis Koll. G. Sf P. t. 34. f. 4. C. AFFINIS Andersch. G. fr P. t. 33. f. 6. C. Quercus Bon. C. Caspia Stev. Europe. B. M. B.M. Podolia, Volhynia. B. M. Italy, Sicily. Europe. B.M. Japan. Greece (Morea). S. Europe. B. M. N. Africa. Europe. Europe. B.M. B.M. B.M. N. Africa. Prof. Passerini ; Dr. Dowler. Europe. B. M. 32 LIST OF CETONIAD-3B, Dr. Dowler; Rev. C. Kuper. C. SPLENDIDULA Fald. Persia. C. IGNIPES Burm. Nepaul. B. M. Get. auripes Hope. ' Gen. Hardwicke. C. FASTUOSA Fair. Europe. B. M. G.SfP.t.41. f.5. G. aurata Var. Oliv.t.l. f. 1. f. C. speciosissima Scop. Sc. asruginosus Drury I. t. 33. f. 4. C. SPBCIOSA Adams. C. splendens Fald. C. psittacina Fald. Var. C. Jousselinii G. $ P. t.41. f.4. C. fulminans Dej. C. PUNCTICOLLIS Gory. C. NEGLECTA Hope. C. DALMANNI Hope. G. fr P. t. 35. f. 2 ? ? PROTJETIA Burm. PE. SPECTABILIS Schaum. Sumatra. PR. SPECULIFERA ScJioBuh. China. Get. philippensis G. Sf P. t.35. f. 1. C. orientalist. Sc P. t. 34. f. 6. C. producta Dej. Ent . PR. ^RATA Erichs. China. PR. RESPLENDENS Dup. Timor. PR. MACULATA Fabr. N". India. Oliv. t. 7. f. 66. Cpt. nnrir>Vinlppn WstJw Nepal. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. Nepal. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. Nepal. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. B.M. Club of London. ?B.M. B.M. LIST OF CETONIAD^E. 33 PR. SQUAMIPENNIS Burm. Var. Get. gracilis Dup. Get. cuprifera Gory. Var. Get. Calcuttensis Dup. India. Walter B.M. Elliott, Esq. PR. SCHAUMII. N. SP. India. B.M. PR. ACUMINATA Fabr. Oliv. t. 8. f. 72. Walter Elliott, Esq. Moluccas ? B. M. PR. MARMOREA Web. Sumatra, Java. . B.M Get. marrnorata Fabr. Get. Daldorfii Schcrnh. Get. acuminata G. fy P. t.37. f. 1. Var. Get. corrosa G. fr P. . t. 37. f. 2. PR. MANDARINEA Weber. $ Get atomaria Fabr. G.Sf P. t.37. f.3. Get. fictilis Newm. PR. GUTTULATA Burm. PR. CUPRIPES Wied. Get. rufo-cuprea G. $ P. t. 37. f. 4. Get. Germari G. fr P. t. 36. f. 5. ? PR. STOLATA Oliv. t. 7. f. 59. PR. MIXTA Web. C. confusa G. Sf P. t.51. f.4. PR. OBSCURELLA G. 8f P. t.52. f.5. PR. CILIATA Oliv. t. 12. f. 112. Get. lunulata Fabr. Get. viridissima Bug. Philippines, China, Sumatra. B. M. Ent. Club London ; John C. Bowring, Esq. Timor. India, Mysore, Bengal. West Africa. Bengal. Java. Sumatra, Java. B.M. 34 LIST OF CETONIAD^E. PR. FERRUGINEA G. $ P. t. 35. f. 3. Get. nobilitata Dej. Get. sybaritica Newm. PR. CINNAMOMEA Burnt. PR. BREMU Schaum. Ann. Soc. 1844. PR. GEMELLA Newm. Get. bifenestrata Chevr. Get. Indra Hope. PR. ALBO-GUTTATA VlgOTS. Zool. Journ. n. t. 9. f. 3. PR. SAUNDERSII Bairibr. PR. MEGASPILOTA. N. SP. PR. QUADRIADSPERSA G. &f P. t. 35. f. 4. PR. PROLONGATA G. 8f P. t.30. f.5. Get. acanthura Dup. PR. GOUDOTII Burm. Pr. PHILIPPINENSIS Fdbr. Oliv.t.lO.f.27. Get. hieroglyphica G. $f P. t.31.f. 1. Get. spilota King. PR. FRANCOLINA Burm. PR. ANOVITTATA Chevr. Get. olivaria Newm. Get. chloris Newm. PR. SUBVIRIDIS Newm. Get. Manillarum Chevr. PR. GUERINII Eydoux. Pr. Rogerii Burm. PR. TACITURNA Gucr. Voy. Coq. t.3. f. 12. Get. Dejeanii G. fr P PR. GERMANA Newm. C. taciturna var ? PR. AMBIGUA Chevr. PR. CHLOROTICA Burm. Philippines. var. B. M. Philippines. Philippines. B.M. India (Mysore, Deccan). B.M. India. Philippines. Java. Java. Madagascar. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.M. Philippines. Philippines. Java, Bum, Amboina. B. M. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. LIST OF CETONIADJE. PH. DUBIA. N. SP. PK. QUERULA Newm. PH. ARROGANS. N. SP. PR. FLAVOGUTTATA Koll. fy Redt. Hugel t.25. f. 2. PACHNODA Burm. P. CINCTA De Geer. Get. cinctula Schcenk. Get. bachypinica Burch. G. Sf P. t.45. f. 1. Get. Burchellii Fisch. P. MARGINELLA Fabr. Oliv. t. 12. f. 119. Get. nitida Swartz. Scar, afer Gmel. P. ST^HELINI Schaum. Get. flavocincta Blanch. P. CARMELITA Fabr. G. Sf P. t.45. f.2. Sc. rufus De Geer. Get. badia Burch. P. THORACICA Fabr. Get. purpurascens var. Fabr. P. MONACHA G. Sf P. t. 33. f. 1. Var. Get. capucina Dup. P. MARGINATA Fabr. Oliv. t.5. f. 34. Get. aurantia Herbst. Var. Get. orphanulus Herbst. in, t. 30. f. 9. P. POSTICA G. SC P. t. 32. f. 3. P. FIMBRIATA G. &f P. t. 32. f. 4. P. SAVIGNII G. fr P. t. 33. f. 2. Get. aurantia G. 8f P. Get. fasciata Fabr. P. FASCIATA Fabr. Get. biparti Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Cashmere. S. Africa. B.M. 13. M. B.M. B.M. Dr. Burchell ; Earl of Derby. W. Africa (Sierra Leone). B. M. Rev. D. F. Morgan ; W. F. Evans, Esq. Abyssinia B. M. E. Ind. Comp. S.Africa. B.M. Dr. Burchell. Arabia. B. M. Hon. E. Ind. Comp. W. Africa. B. M. Africa. Rev. D.F.Morgan. B. M. Ent. Club of London. W. Africa. B. M. Rev. D.F. Morgan. W.Africa. B.M. Rev. D.F.Morgan. N. Africa. Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia. B. M. 36 LIST OF CETONIAD^E. P. BUFOMARGINATA Dup. Get. signatifrons JBuq. P. INTERRUPT A Fabr. Oliv. t. 8. f. 69. Var. Get. bipunctata Oliv. t. 6. f. 45. P. OLIVACEA Fair. Oliv. t. 8. f. 69. Get. tigris Herbst. Scar, cordatus Drury n. t. 32. f. 5. Var. Get. trilineata Fabr. Var. Get. tridentata Oliv. Get. ornata Fabr. Get. senegalensi^ Z>e/. P. OBSOLETA Schaum. Get. olivacea G. & P. t. 33. f. 3. W. Africa. W. Africa. B. M, M. Latreille ; F. Walker, Esq. W. Africa. B. M. P. SINUATA Fabr. G.^P. t.32. f.5. Scar, sinuosus Gm. Var. Scar, punctato-marginatus De Geer. Get. sinuata Herbst, 1. 129. f. 10. W. Africa (S. Leone). B. M S. Africa. Rev.D. F. Morgan. B. M. P. FLAVIVENTRIS G. fr P. t ' 31 ' f- 6 - P. IMPRESSA Goldf. G. Sc P. t. 31. f.5. Get. colorata Schcenh. Get. leonina Macleay. III. S. Afr. t. 1. P. VIRIDANA Parry. P. BAXII G. Sr P. t. 33. i. 2. P. INSCRIPTA G. Sf P. P. COREENSIS. N.SP. P. AULICA Fabr. Oliv. t. 8. f. 67. Scar, cafer Gmel Get. nympha Macleay. S. Africa (Algoa Bay). B. M, Earl of Derby. S. Africa. B. M. B. M. Earl of Derby . Dr A Smifch W. Africa (Dix Cove). B. M. Senegal, Guinea. B. M. Tropical Africa, Corean Archip. (I. Quel- part). Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R. N. S. Africa. , B. M. Earl of Derby LIST OF CETONIADJE. 37 P. SEMIPUNCTATA Fdbr. Get. chalcea G fy P. t.44. f. 5. P. CHALCEA Herbst. Get. Stephensii Vigors. Get. semilineata Drege. Get. semipunctata G. Sf P. t. 44. f. 3. P. SOBRINA G. &f P. t. 44. f. 4. P. PICTA Fair. Get. albo-sculpta Blanch. P. (?) SERICEA Burchell. GNATHOCERA Kirby. GN. AFZELII Schcenh. G. & P. t. 23. f. 3. Gn. inmiaculata Kirby. GN. TRIVITTATA Swed. G.$ P. t.23. f. 1. Get. elata Fabr. Gn. vitticollis Kirby. Var. Get. dorsodiscolor Herbst. GN. HIRTA Burm. GN. VARIANS G f . # P. t.23. f.2. Gn. affinis Bairibr. HEMIPHARIS Burm. H. INSULARIS Hope. G. Sc P. t. 27. f. 5. S. Africa. B.M. Dr. Burchell; Gen. Hardwicke. S. Africa. Kordofan. Sennaar. Arabia. S. Africa. B.M. Dr. A. Smith. B.M. B.M. B.M. Dr. Burehell. H. BROWNII Kirby. Linn. Trans. 12. t. f. W. Africa (Sierra Leone). B.M. Rev. D.F.Morgan. W. Africa (Senegal, Guinea). Rev.D. F. Morgan ; A. Curror, Esq. S. Africa (Port Natal). W. Afr. (Senegal, Guinea). B.M. F. Walker, Esq. N. Holland (Melville I.). B.M. N. Holland. Holland (Port Jackson). B.M. B.M. R. Brown, Esq. SCHIZORHINA Kirby. S. ATROPUNCTATA Kirby. S. 4-punctata G. fr P. t. 27. f. 1. R. Brown, Esq. ; J. Hunter, Esq. ; Gen. Hardwicke. S. PHILLIPSII Schreib. N. Holland. B. M. Linn. Trans. VI. t. 20. f. 4. $ . G.frP. t.27. f.2. IST OF CETONIAD-5J. EURYOMIA Burm. E. ARGENTEA Oliv. Madagascar. B. M. t. 6. f.49. Cet. argentata G. $ P. ELAPHINIS Burm. E. CINERASCENS Fabr. S. Africa (C. G. Hope). B. M. G. &c P. t. 52. f. 3. Cet. irregularis Oliv. t.5. f. 39, Dr. A. Smith; Scar, cinereo-nebulosus De Geer. E. IRRORATA Fabr. S. Africa (C. G. Hope). B. M. Cet. serva G. 8f P. t. 53. f. 3. Cet. judaica Dej. Var. Cet. pagana Dej. Var. (?) Cet. numismatica Macleay. (?) Var. (?) Cet. aerifera Macleay. (?) Var. (?) Cet. puma Macleay. (?) E. FUR v ATA Fabr. S. Africa. B. M. Cet. tigrina Oliv. t. 12. f. 111. Dr. A. Smith. E. MCESTA Burnt. S. Africa. HETEROPHANA Burm. H. CANALICULATA G. 8f P. Madagascar. B. M. t.29. f.5. Var. Get. soror G.&fP. $ Cet. vittaticollis Dej. Var. Cet. similis Gory. $ H. VILLOSULA G. Sf P. Madagascar. Cet. exclamationis Dup. Cet. rubro-nigra G. * P. H. CRATICULA G. Sf P. Madagascar. (?) B.M. HETEROSOMA Schaum. H. COLLATA G. 8f P. Madagascar. Schaum. Ann. Soc. Ent. F. 1844. 1. 10. f. 5. HETEROCLITA Burm. H. RAEUPERI Dej. S. Africa. LIST OF CETONIAD^E. 43 H. HAWORTHI G. & P. S. Africa. t.51. f.2. Get. dispar. King. $ Get. pimelioides G. 8f P. ISCHNOSTOMA G. $ P. I. CUSPIDATA Fabr. S. Africa. $ Get. rufipes Fabr. Mel. albo-marginata Herbst. Isch. pica Macleay, HI t. 1. , $ Get. cordata Fabr. Get. nobilis Fabr. I. spatulipes Macleay. III. t. 1. I. TRISTIS Schaum. S. Africa. I. albo-marginata G. Sf P. t. 58. f. 5. I. HETEROCLITA G. 8f P. S. Africa, t. 58. f. 6. I. LURIDIPENNIS Burm. S. Africa. CALLIPECHIS Burm. C. FLAVIPES Burm. Madagascar. RHYXIPHLCEA Burm. R. CORTICINA Oliv. W. Africa. t. 3. f. 11. Get. coriacea King. Get. purpurascens G. 8f P. B.M. Dr. A. Smith. B.M. (??) B.M. Dr. A. Smith. (?) B.M. Dr. A. Smith. B.M. RHINOCOETA Waltl. RH. CORNUTA Fabr. G. fr P. t. 48. f. 2. Scar. Areas Oliv. RH. SANGUINIPES G. Sf P. t. 48. f. 2. Get. talpina King. RH. OBSCURA. N. SP. S. Africa (C. G. Hope). B. M. S. Africa. S. Africa. Dr. A. Smith. B.M. Dr. A. Smith. B.M, XIPHOSCELIS Burm. X. SHUCKARDI Burm. S. Africa. (?) B.M. 44 LIST OF CETONIADJB. S. Africa. X. HOPEI Burm. Dichelomorpha vittigera Hope. GENYODOISTTA Burm. G. BICOLOB Burm. Westw. Arc. Ent. t. 46. f. 5. EKIULIS Burm. E. VABIOLOSA G. & P. t, 18. f. 6. . Gnath. nigrita Bairibr. CHARADROlsrOTA Burm. CH. 4-siGNATA G. Sr P. 1. 18. f. 2. Var. C. Leprieurii Buq. CH. PECTORALIS Bairibr. DIPLOGNATHA G. D. SILICEA Macleay. D. GAGATES Fair. P. S. Africa. W. Africa. W. Africa. W. Africa. S. Africa. Oliv. t. 4. f. 20. t. 11. f. 20. Sc. carbonarius De Geer. Sc. refulgens Voet. D. NIGBITA Blanch. Cat. Mus. Paris, p. 8. D. Blanchardi Schaum. D. HEBB^EA Oliv. t. 12. f. 115. Cet. mucorosa Thurib. PORPHYRONOTA Burm. P. CABNIFEX Fair. t. 6. f. 43. Var. Cet. rauca Fair. P. C1NNAMOMEA Sch&nh. G. frP. t. 18. f.4. P. OBNATIPENNIS Hope. B. M. Earl of Derby. W. Africa (Senegal and Guinea). B. M. Rev. D. F. Morgan. Abyssinia. S. Africa (C. G. Hope). B. M. Earl of Derby ; Dr. A. Smith. S. Africa. B. M. Dr. A. Smith, Guinea. B. M. Rev. D. F. Morgan. W. Africa (Dix Cove). B. M. LIST OF CETONIAIXaE. ANTHRACOPHORA Burm. A. EUSTICOLA Burm. Japan. Get. Rama Bainbr. A. ATROMACULATA Fobr. G. 8f P. India. t. 30. f. 3. Get. crucifera Oliv. t. 5. f. 29. A. GRACILIS. N. SP. ULOPTERA Burm. U. PLANATA Burm. Gen. Ins. t. India. Cayenne. 45 B.M. W. Elliott, Esq. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. MACROMA Kirby. M. MIRABILIS Falderm. N. China. St. Petersb. Mem. n. t. i. f. 3. M. XANTHORINA Hope. Nepal. M. bicolor G. $> P. t. 23. f. 6. M. SULCICOLLIS Schaum. W. Africa. Ann. Soc. Ent. F. 1844. 1. 10. f. 6. M. COGNATA Schaum. S. Africa. M. NIGRICOLLIS Westw. W. Africa. B.M. Gen. Hardwicke. B.M. B.M. Rev D. F. Morgan W. Africa (Guinea, Senegal). M. SCUTELLATA Fabr. G. & P. t. 23. f. 4. M. BILINEATA Buq. W. Africa (Senegal). M. NIGRIPENNIS Schaum. S. China. Ann. Soc. Ent. F. 1844. 1. 10. f. 7. M. MELANOPUS Schaum. Assam. B. M. M. nigripennis Hope. M. JAVANICA G. c P. Java. B. M. t. 23. f. 5. W. Africa (Senegal). B. M. PTYCHOPHORUS Schaum. PT. SPINIVENTRIS G. Sf P. t. 17. f. 2. Get. sponsa. Dej. J. T. Tebbs, Esq.; Ent. Club of London. PT. UNDATUS Kirby. S. Africa. ZooL Journ. in. t. 5. f. 6. 46 LIST OF CETONIAD^E. PT. LEUCOSTICTUS Schaum. S. Africa. PT. FLUCTIGER Schaum. PT. GAMBIENSIS Hope. RHAGOPTERYX Burnt. RH. BRAHMA G. # P. t. 17. f. 3. CENTROGNATHUS Guerin. C. LUGUBRIS Fdbr. Oliv. t. 7. f. 60. Cr. maculatus G. 8f P. C. SUBRUGOSUS Guer. C. BIPLAGIATUS. N. SP. HOPLOSTOMUS Macleay. H. FULIGINEUS OllV. t. 31. f. 12. Get. melanaria JDe/. H. CRIBROSUS G. &( P. t. 16. f. 45. PILINURGUS Burm. P. HIRTUS G. P. t. 17. f. 1. Myoderma fuliginosa Dej. TRICHOPLUS Burm. TR. L^VIS G. $ P. t. 16. f. 2. CCENOCHILUS Schaum. C. PAULUS G. ^ P. t. 15. f. 4. C. GLABRATUS Westw. C. VENTRICOSUS Schccnh. Cr. Brou G. ^ P. t. 15. f. 5. C. TRABECULA Schaum. B.M. Earl of Derby. W. Africa (Senegal). W. Africa (Senegal). Java. India. Malacca (Pulo-Penang). S. Africa. B. M. W. Africa. W. Africa. B.M. Earl of Derby. W. Africa (Senegal). S. Africa (C. G. Hope). W. Africa (Senegal). India. (?) B. M. W. Africa (Sierra Leone). India (Malabar). LIST OF CETONIAD^E. 47 C. SENEGALENSIS G. $ P. W. Africa, t. 15. f. 7. C. MAURUS Fabr. W. Africa (Guinea). C. ANGUSTATUS Westw. W. Africa. B. M. C. PYGMJEUS Parry. W. Africa. C. SULCATUS Schaum. S. Africa. ? Cr. Maurus G. & P. t. 15. f. 6. C. CAMPBELLI Saunders. N. India. Trans. Ent. Soc. L. in. t. . f. . C. BRUNNETJS Saunders. N. India. Trans. Ent. Soc. L. in. t. . f. . C. PLATYRRHINUS Schaum. E. Indies. GENUCHUS Kirby. G. HOTTENTOTTUS Fabr. S. Africa (C. G. Hope). B. M. Oliv. t. 7. f. 55. Var. G. sanguinolentus Macleay. Var. C. cruenta Fabr. Oliv. t. 6. f. 37. Dr. Burchell ; Dr. A. Smith ; Ent. Club of Lond. G. ELONGATULUS G. Sf P. S. Africa. 1. 16. f. 4. G. elongatus Burm. SCAPTOBIUS Schaum. S. CAPENSIS G. & P. S. Africa (C. G. H). B.M. t. 16. f. 6. Earl of Derby- S. CAFFER Schaum. S. Africa. S. ACICULATUS Schaum. S. Africa. LISSOGENIUS Schaum. L. PLANICOLLIS Schaum. W. Africa. CYCLIDIUS Macleay. C. ELONGATUS Oliv. French Guiana. t.6. f. 51. Var. Cyc. Nero Macleay, Cr. plagiatus Dej. C. AXILLARIS G. Sc P. Cayenne, t. 15. f.3. 48 LIST OF TRICHIADJE. PSILOCNEMIS Burm. Ps. LEUCOSTICTA Burm. IS. America. Cr. dilaticornis Gory. Ps. polita Schaum. CREMASTOCHILUS Knock. CR. HARRISII Kirby, N. America. (?) B. M. Zool. Journ. n. t. 5. f. 3. Cr. Castaneae Kirby (not Knock). CR. CASTANET Knock. IS. America. B. M. Cr. Hentzii Harris. Cr. canaliculatus Kirby. Ent. Club of London. Cr. MEXICANUS Schaum. Mexico. Ann. Soc, Ent. F. 1844. 1. 10. f. 8. CR. VARIOLOSUS Kirby, N. America (S. Carolina). B. M. Zool. Journ. in. t. 5. f. 4 6. Cr. Sayi Harris. Cr. Castaneae G. fy P. Ent. Club of London. Family TKICHIADJ3. VALGUS Scriba. V. HEMIPTERUS L. Europe. B. M. Oliv. t. 9. f. 83. $ t. 10. f. 103. $ V. SMITHII Macleay. S. Africa. V. PICTUS Hope. Nepaul. B. M. Gen. Hardwicke. V. CANALICULATUS Fair. !N". Amer. B. M. E. Doubleday, Esq. ; Ent. Club of London. V. SETICOLLIS Pal. Beauv. N. Amer. (?) B. M. G. Sr P. t. 9. f. 2. $ $ T. variegatus Pal. Beauv. V. canaliculatus G. Sf P. (?) V. dispar. Harris. V. SQUAMIGER Pal. Beauv. G. Sr P. t. 9. f. 4. Get. canaliculata Oliv. t. 10. f. 89. V. PARVULUS Schaum. V. PYGM^US G. Sf P. t. 9. f. 3. V. FASCICULATUS SchcKUh. V. Chevrolatii Gory. V. JAVANICUS Gory. V. PHILIPPINENSIS. N. SP. V. ARGILLACEUS Hope. V. LAPEYROUSII G. $ P. t. 9. f. 1. N. America. 49 B.M. Ent. Club of London. Siam. India. S. Africa. Java. Philippine Islands. B. M. India (Mysore). N. Holland. B. M. INC A St. Farg. # Serv. I. CLATHRATUS OllV. I. Weberi St. F. fr S. Get. Ynca Fabr. I. Ynca G. ^ P. t. 13. f. 1. I. Fabricii Perty. Var. I. Sommeri Westw. Arc. Ent t. 73. f. !. Serv. A. LIMBATUS Oliv. S. Africa, t. 9. f. 100. A. CLAVUS ScJiaum. S. Africa. B.M. M. Western! arm. CLASTOCNEMIS Germ. C. MACULATUS Germ. Tr. quadrimaculatus Sch. $ Camp, incurvatus Mad. $ Tr. sex-guttatus Schcenh. Strips, bimaculatus G. Sf P. Strips, sex-maculatus G. 8f P. t. 11. f.7. W. Africa (Senegal). B. M. Earl of Derby. STRINGOPHORUS Germ. S. RUF1PENNIS G. $ P. t. ll.f.5. S. LONGIPES Swed. Tr. Swederi Schcenh. D 2 S. Africa. S.Africa. (C.G.H.) 52 LIST OF TRICHIAD^E. S. FLAVIPENNIS G. Sf P. t.ll.f.6. S. HORSFIELDII Macleay, Ann. S. Afr. t. f. Strips, guttatus Dej. Ag. biguttatus Gory S. GEEMANUS. N. SP. S. ZEBRA Germ. G. $- P. t. 12. f. 1. Var. Str. niger G. $ P. 1. 12. f. 3. STEGOPTERUS Schaum. S. VITTATUS Fabr. Mel. Zebra Oliv. t. 7. f. 74. Sc. tomentosus De Geer. Mel. surinamensis Herbst. S. SUTURALIS G. fr P. t.9. f.6. S. SEPTUS Germ. S. OBESUS Burm. ERIOPELTASTES Germ. E. LEUCOPRYMNUS Burm. TRICHIUS Fabr. T. BIDENS Oliv. t. 10. f. 87. T. bibens Fabr. T. MUTABILIS Schaum. Var. T. viridulus Fabr. Oliv. t. 9. f. 86. T. viridans Kirby. Var. T. lunulatus Fabr. Oliv. t. 10. f. 88. Var. T. affinis G. Sc P. t. 11. f. 1. T. assimilis Kirby. T. bistriga Newm. S. Africa. S. Africa. B. M. Ent. Club of London. S. Africa. B. M. Dr. A. Smith. S. Africa. S. Africa. B.M. B.M. Dr. A. Smith. S. Africa. S. Africa (Port Natal). S. Africa (Port Natal). N. America. B. M. Ent. Club of London. N. America. B. M. Rev. W, Kirby ; E. Doubleday, Esq. ; Ent. Club of London. LIST OF TRICHIAD^E. 03 T. PIGEB Fabr. N". America. B. M. Oliv. t. 7. f. 54. Var. T. Drummond G. $ P. Tj. '.-.. -rs-. -, Ent. Club of London ; E. Doubleday, Esq. : . rotundicollis Kiroy. Rev. w. KiSy! T. SUCCINCTUS Pall. Siberia. Herbst. m. t. 27. f. 11. T. dahuricus Gell. P. t. 10. f.3. T. ZONATUS Germ. S. Europe. F. I. E. 14-3. T. fasciolatus Gene. T. GALLICUS Heer. S. Europe. Var. T. abdominalis Schmidt. Var. T. fasciatus Oliv. t. 9. f. 84. T. FASCIATUS L. Europe. Herbst. m. t.27. f. 10. T. succinctus G. Sc P. t. 10. f. 2. T. bimaculatus Gell. B.M. B.M. B.M. TRIGONOPELTASTES Germ. T. DELTOIDES Newm. T. DELTA Forst. Drury, n. t.30. f. 1-2. T. ARCHIMEDES Germ. Burm. Gen. Ins. t. . f. 3. $ . T. GEOMETRICUS Germ. Mexico. Burm. Gen. Inst. t. . f. 2. $ . T. TRIANGIILUM Germ. Brazil. Burm. Gen. Ins. t. . f. 1. $ . T. LINEA Germ. Mexico. Burm. Gen. Ins. t. . f. 5. T. QUADRIGUTTATUS Schaum. Mexico. T. quadriguttatus Germ. Burm. Gen. Ins. t. . f. 4. Mexico. B. M. Ent. Club of London. N. America. B. M. E. Doubleday, Esq. ; R. Forster, Esq. Mexico. B.M. Ent. Club of London. 54 LIST OF EUCHIR1DJE. Family EUCHIEID^E. EUCHIRUS Kirby. E. LONGIMANUS L. Oliv. E. Indies. B. M. t.4. f.27. 3. t.27. f.27. $ E. DUPONTIANUS Germ. Philippines. B. M. Burm. Gen. Ins. f. 8. f. 1. $ . $ E. quadrilineatus Waterh. CHEIROTONUS Hope. CH. MACLEAYI Hope. Assam. Linn. Trans. IS. t.40. f. 3. ?. 3 Parry, Ann. fr Mag. Nat. Hist. 1846. t.f. Westw. Cab. Or. Ent. t. . f. . CH. PABRYI Gray. N. India (Dargeeling). B. M. PROPOMACRUS Newman. PR. BIMUCRONATUS Pallas. Moluccas. Icon. Ins. 13. t.A.f. 13. Pr. Arbaces Newman, Ent. Mag. iv. 1. 14. f. 1. LIST OF GENERA. Aethiessa, 25. Agenius, 51. Agestrata, 16. Allorhina, 9. Amaurodes, 4. Anatona, 28. Anisorrhina, 9. Aiiochilia, 39. Anomalocera, 6. Anoplochilus, 28. Anthracophora, 45 Aphelorhina, 5. Aplasta, 29. Asthenorrhina, 5. Blaesia, 9. Bothrorrhina, 4. Bricoptis, 41. Callipechis, 43. Celidota, 41. Centrognathus, 46. Cetonia, 29. Chalcothea, 17. Charadronota, 44. Cheirolasia, 3. Cheirotonus, 54. Chelorhina, 2. Chiloloba, 28. Chordodera, 5. Chromoptilia, 41. Clastocnemis, 51. Clerota, 17. Clinteria, 15. Coelocratus, 50. Coelorrhina, 3. Coenochilus, 46. Compsocephalus, 3. Coptomia, 39. Coryphocera, 6. Cotinis, 10. Cremastochilus, 48. Cyclidius, 47. Cyphonocephalus, 2. Cyriodera, 41. Diaphonia, 38. Diceros, 8. Dichelomorpha, 44. Dicronocephalus, 2. Dicronorrhina, 2. Diphyllocera, Diplognatha, 44. Discopeltis, 19. Doryscelis, 16. Dymusia, 5. Elaphinis, 42. Epicometis, 27. Epixanthis, 41. Eriopeltastes, 52. Erirhipis, 23. Eriulis, 44. Euchilia, 39. Euchirus, 54. Euchrsea, 40. Eudicella, 3. Euphoria, 22. Eupcecila, 38. Euryomia, 42- Gametis, 21. Genuchus, 47. Genyodonta, 44. Glycyphana, 19. Gnathocera, 37. Gnorimus, 50. Goliathus, 1. Gymnetis, 11. Gymnodus, 50. 56 LIST OF GENERA. Hemipharis, 37. Heteroclita, 42. Heterophana, 42. Heterorhina, 8. Heterosoma, 42. Hoplostomus, 46. Hypselogenia, 1. Inca, 49. Incala, 50. Ischnoscelis, 2. Ischnostoma, 43. Jumnos, 4. Leucocelis, 26. Liostraca, 41. Lissogenius, 47. Loinaptera, 16. Macroma, 45. Macronota, 17. Mecynorrhina, 2. Mycteristes, 2. Myoderma, 51. Mystroceros, 8. Narycius, 1. Odontorrhina, 24. Osmoderma, 50. Oxythyrea, 26. Pachnoda, 35. Pantolia, 40. Parachilia, 39. Phaedimus, 2. Phoxomela, 21. Pilinurgus, 46. PlaBsiorrhina, 5. Platygenia, 50. Pogonotarsus, 39. Porphyronota, 44. Propomacrus, 54. Protaetia, 32. Psilocnemis, 48. Ptychophorus, 45. Pygora, 40. Rhagopteryx, 46. R,hinoc83ta, 43. Rhomborrhina, 4. Rhyxiphloea, 43. Scaptobius, 47. Schizorhina, 37. Stalagmosoma, 24. Stegopterus, 52. Stenotarsia, 41. Stephanorhina, 3. Stephanucha, 24. Stethodesma, 16. Stringophorus, 51. Taaniodera, 18. Taurhina, 3. Tephrasa, 26. Tiarocera, 9. Tmesorrhina, 5. Trichius, 52. Trichoplus, 46. Trichostetha, 24. Trigonopeltastes, 53. Trigonophorus, 6. Uloptera, 45. Valgus, 48. Xiphoscelis, 43. LONDON : SpoTTifwooDB and SHAW, New-street- Square. NOMENCLATURE COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART II. HYDROCANTHARI. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1847. LONDON: EDWARD NEWMAN, PRINTER, DEVONSHIRE ST., BISHOl'SGATE. PREFACE. The object of this Nomenclature is to present a Catalogue of the well -established species of the Group of Coleoptera called Hydrocanthari, with a reference to where they are fi- gured, and to a few of the more important synonyma. It is intended for the following purposes : 1. As a list of the species contained in the Museum Collection, with an indication of their origin. 2. To point out the desiderata of that Collection at the period of publication. 3. As labels for the cabinet. This list must only be considered as prefatory to a more complete Catalogue. The Groupe, Hydrocanthari, is chiefly arranged after the method of Dr. Aube, in his ' Species general des Hydrocan- thares et Gyriniens,' with the additions and corrections which have appeared necessary in the preparation of the list. Mr. Adam White has taken every care in the determina- tion of the synonyma and figures ; and Dr. Schaum, of Stet- tin, who has made the Groupe the particular object of his study, has most kindly lent his very valuable assistance in its preparation, and in the determination of the species and the correcting of the synonyma. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, Nov. 1847. INDEX OF DONORS. INDEX OF DONORS. Barnston, George, Esq. 8, 9, Hunter, J. Esq. 16 11, 15, 16, 17, 19,21,22, 23 St. John, W. Esq. 23 Boie, M. 3, 15, 27, 28, 31, 34, Jones, H. Esq. 9 35 37 42 Kirby, Kev. Wm. 3, 8, 11, 13, Chevrolat, M. 9 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, Children, J. G., Esq. 21 29, 34, 36, 44, 45, 49 Coffin, E. P., Esq. 11, 12, 48 Crowe, J. K., Esq. 15, 19, 20 Lamb, Charles, Esq. 2, 47 Lay, George Tradescant, Esq. Darwin, Charles, Esq. 26 5, 12 Derby, Earl of, 5, 6, 13, 18, 43, 48 Morgan, Rev. D. F. 6, 12, 14, Doubleday, Edward, Esq. 3, 5, 46 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, Newport, George, Esq. 48 44, 48, 49 Dowler, Dr. 21 Passerini, Signor, J5 Elliott, Walter, Esq. 4, 12, 48 Eedman, Lieut. 8, 1 1 Entomological Club, 3, 5, 8, 10, Richardson, Sir John, M.D. 12, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 15, 22, 48 J9, 20, 21, 22, 25,26,27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 38, 43 Schaum, Dr. 40, 41 , 43 Smith, Dr. Andrew, 5, 13, 14, Forbes, Prof. Edward, 5 18, 46, 48 Foster, Robert, Esq. 5, 11, 13, 49 Tebbs, J . D. Esq. 6 Hardwicke, Gen. Thomas, 4, 6, Walker, Francis, Esq. 13, 15, 7,14,48,49 20,29 Heineken, Dr. 15 Wilkinson, Sir J. G. 6 LIST OF HYDROCANTHARI. Family HALIPLID^K. HALIPLUS Latr. Dytiscus L. Fabr. ELEVATUS Gyl. Panz. F. I. G. 14-9. Sturm, Erichs. fyc. Aube, Iconogr. v. t. 1. f. I. H. H. / H. H Aub6. Iconogr. v. t. 1. f. 2. H. glabratus Villa Catal. Col. OBLIQUUS Latr. Fair. Aube Icon. v. t. 1. f. 3. GylL Erichs. frc. .'. D. amaenus Oliv. iii. 32. t. 5. f. 50. Var. /3. H. varius Nicol. LINEATUS Aube. Icon. v. t. 1. f. 4. H. confinis Steph. MUCRONATUS Steph. III. ii. 40. t. 11. f. 1. H. parallelus Babingt. Ent. Trans. I. 178. t. 15. f. 5. H. badius Aube Icon. v. t. 2. f. I. Europe (British Isles). B. M. Europe (Lombardy). Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. HYDROCANTHAR1. H. FULVUS Fabr. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. Clairv. Erichs. Babingt. Steph. H. ferrugineus Gyll. Sturm D. F. vin. t. 201. Aube Icon. v. t. 1. f. 5 (not Linne ). H. interpunctatus Marsh. H. FLAVICOLLIS Sturm. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. D. f. vni. 150. t. 202. f. a. A. Aube Icon. v. t. 1. f. 6. H. ferrugineus Babington Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. i. 176. 1. 15. f. 2. Steph. (not Linne). H. impressus Erichs. H. GRAVIDUS Aube. Brazil. H. GUTTATUS Aube. S. France, Italy. Icon. v. t. 2. f. 2. H. VARIEGATTJS Sturm. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. D. F. vin. 157. t. 202. f. b. B. Aube Icon. v. t. 2. f. 3. H. subnubilus Babington Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1. 177. t. 15. f. 3. H. marginepunctatus Steph. III. (not Panz.). H. ruficollis Steph. Man. (not Degeer, Erichs.). H. NILICOLA n. s. (1). H. CINEEEUS Aube. Icon. v. t. 2. f. 4. Erichs. affinis Steph. H. FULVICOLLIS Erichs. H. RUFICOLLIS Degeer, Erichs. D. impressus Gyll. Sturm. Aub. Icon. t. 2. f. 5. H. fulvicollis Steph. Man. H. melanocephalus Steph. III. H. brevis Steph. H. rubicundus Babington. H. /3. Dyt. marginepunctatus Panz.'F. I. G. 14-10. Egypt. B. M. Charles Lamb, Esq. Europe (British Isles). N. of Germany. B. M . Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. HYDROCANTHARI. 3 H. AMERICANUS Aube. N. America (U. S.) B. M. Entomological Club. impressus ? Kirby Faun. Bor. Amer. Rev. \v. Kirby. H. FLUVIATILIS Aube. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Icon. v. t. 2. f. 6. H. LINEOLATUS Mannerk. Fennia. Bull.deMosc. 1844.;?. 190. H. PICTUS Manner. Fennia. Bull. I. c. >( H. LINEATOCOLLIS Marsh. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. H. trimaculatus Drap. M. Boie. Gyll. Aube Icon. v. t. 3. f. 1. Erichs. H. bistriolatus Duft. Sturm^D. F. vin. t. 202. c. H. TRIOPSIS Say. N. America (U. S.). B.M. ? - Aube. H. PANTHERINUS Aube. North America (U. States). H. FASCIATUS Aube, N. America (U. States). B.M. H. triopsis Say P E. Doubleday, Esq. ; Entomological Club. H. PUNCTATUS Aube. North America (U. States). H. AFRICANUS Aube. South Africa. CNEMIDOTUS Illig. Dytiscus Duft. Haliplus Gyll. Hoplitus Clairv. C. CJESUS Duft. Gyll. Erichs. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. Aube Icon. v. t. 3. f. 2. M. Boie. D. impressus Panz. F. /. G. 14-7. Africa (Barbary). H. quadrimaculatus Drap. C. ROTUNDATUS Aube. Europe (S. France, Italy). Icon. v. t. 3. f. 3. C. DUODECIMPUNCTATUS Say, Aube. N. America (U. States). B.M. maculatus Dej. Edward Doubleday, Esq. C. HAREISII n. s. (2). United States (New York). B.M. E. Doubleday, Esq.; Entomological Club. B 2 HYDROGANTHARI. Family DYTISCID^E. P^LOBIUS Schbnh. Dytiscus & Hydrachim Fabr. Hygrobia Latr. P. HERMANNI Fabr. Latr. Oliv. f Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. Sturm D. F. vui. t. 200. ' : <- Aube Icon. v. t. 5. f. 3. Erichs. D. tardus Herbst, Schonh. Africa (Barbary). ftf CYBISTERCW^. Dytiscus L. Fabr. Trogus Leach. Trochalus Eschsch. C. BUQUETI Aub6. Africa (Senegal). C. GIGANTEUS Lap. Aube. ? grandis Dej. C. LHERMINIERI Ouer. West Indies (Guadaloupe). Icon. t. 8. f. 1. B. M. Lap. Aube. ellipticus Dej. C. EOBUSTUS Aube. Brazil. B. M. C. SEVERUS n. s. (3). Brazil. B. M. C. PLEURITICUS Schaum. America. Cayenne, W. Indies, U. S. C. COSTALIS Fabr. Syst. EL i. 259. Oliv. in. t. 1. f. 7 Surinam. Schaum, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 1847. (not Aube). C. PUNCTICOLLIS Brulle, Aube. Brazil, patruelis Dej. C. FALLAX Aube. Cayenne. C. LIMBATUS Fabr. Aube. E. Indies. B. M . C. aciculatus Oliv. in. t. 3. f. 30. China. Gen. T. Hardwicke; Walter Elliot, Esq. C. GUERINI Aube. E. Indies, China, Asiatic Isl. C. RUGOSUS MacLeay. Java. B. M. javanus Aub6. Malabar, China, Ceylon, Philippine Islands. C. BENGALENSIS Aube (not Hope) E. Indies, China. B. M. HYDROCANTHARI. C. INDICUS Aube. C. DEJEANII Aube. C. ROZSELII Fabr. Curtis B. E. t. 151. Erichs. Aube. Java, E. Indies. B. M. ? Malabar. Europe, Brit. I. (rare). B. M. D. virens Mull. D. dispar Rossi. D. dissimilis Rossi. C. CHAUDOIKII Hockhuth. Chaud. Enum. 213. C. OCCIDENTALS Aube. C. FIMBRIOLATUS Say. dissimilis Aube. Levant. Professor Forbes. Caucasus. West Indies (Cuba). B. M. N. America (U. S). B. M. Edward Doubleday, Esq. ; E. Foster, Esq. C. AFRICANUS Lap. Aube Icon. v. t. 3. f. 6. C. meridionalis Gene. C. Capensis Dej. Dr. A. Smith; C. SENEGALENSIS Aube. Lucas, Expl. Scient. Alger. t. 2. f. 3. C. GOTSCHII Hockhuth. Chaud. Enum. C. TEMMINCKIT Aube. C. TRIPUNCTATUS OllV. in. t. 3. f. 24. Aube. T>. lateralis Fabr. C. limbatus MacLeay. C. similis Dej. C. PHILIPPINARUM n. s. (4). C. PATRUELIS n. s. (5). C. THOBACICUS n. s. (6). C. INSULARIS Hope. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. C. CONFINIS n. s. (7). North Africa. Sicily, Sardinia. South Africa. B. M. Earl of Derby; Ent. Club of London. Senegal, N. Africa. South Africa, Madagascar, Isle of France, Bourbon. Caucasus. Java, Straits of Sunda. Isle of France. B. M. Bourbon, E. Indies, Java. Philippine Islands, China. B. M. George Tradescant Lay, Esq. Australia. B. M. Australia (Port Stephen). Earl of Derby. B. M. Australia (Port Essington). B M.? Australia. B. M. Earl of Derby. B 3 HYDROCANTHARI. C. PULCHELLUS n. S. (8). C. FLAVOCINCTUS Aube. C. EEICHEI Aube. C. GORYI, Aube. C. ATRATUS Fabr. Schaum, Ent. Zeit. 1847. C. IMMARGINATUS Fabr. Aube. Lucas, Expl. Scient. Alger. t. 2 Australia (Swan River). B.M. Earl of Derby. Mexico. Senegal ? Brazil ? N. Holland. C. BIMACULATUS Aube (not Hope). C. , OWAS Lap. Aube. C. Spinolae Buq. Dej. C. POSTICUS Aube. C. BISIGNATUS Aube. C. sugillatus, JSrichs P C. NOTASICUS Aube. C. BIVULNERUS Aube. Lucas, Expl. Sc. Alger. t. 2. f. 2. C. binotatus Klug. p. 28. C. VULNERATUS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 33. f. 1. C. DESJARDINSII Aube. C. MADAGASCAEIENSIS Aube. C. GLAUCUS Brulle. Aube. C. Brasiliensis Dej. C. biungulatus Babington, Ent. Trans, in. p. 3. t. 1. f. 1. C. BIMACULATUS Hope. C. BREVIS Aube. C. COMPTUS n. s. (9). C. Beugalensis ( Hope not Aube). Africa (Senegal). B. M. f. 1. J. D. Tebbs, Esq.; Edward Doubleday, Esq. Africa (Senegal). B. M. T. D. Tebbs, Esq . Madagascar. East Indies. East Indies, China. Timor. W.Africa. B.M. Edward Doubleday, Esq. Egypt. Eev. D. F. Morgan. SirJ. G.Wilkinson. Egypt. Isle of France. Madagascar. South America. Brazil. Patagonia. India. Japan. India. B. M. Gen. Hardwicke. B. M. Gen. Hardwicke. C. LJEVIGATUS OllV. t. 3. f. 23. Fabr. Aube. C. margin ethorax Perty del. t. 3. f. 12. C. consentaneus Dej. C. LATIUSCULUS n. s. (10). C. INSULICOLA n. s. (11). C. CINE RE us Leach. C. PAUPERCULUS n. s. (12). C. LATUS Fabr. C. DEHAANII Aube. C. PROSTERNOVIRIDIS Ormancey. Rev. Zool. 1843. 331. C. .&NEUS Ormancey. Rev. Zool. 1843.331. C. RUGULOSUS Redtenb. Huyel Kaschm. HYDEEODES Hope. H. SHUCKARDI Hope. Col. Man. part 2. t. 3. f. 5. HYDROCANTHARI. S. America (Brazil). B. M. Cayenne. Jamaica. Brazil. Philippine Islands. . ? India. Borneo. Brazil ? Brazil. Caslimir. B. M. B. M. B. M. B. M. Australia. B. M. Gen. T. Hardwicke . ONYCHOHYDRUS Schaum $> White. Gen. nov. Cybister White. 0. HOOKERI. N. Zealand (Hutt River), (Port Nicholson). B. M. C. Hookeri White, Zool Ereb. ~ Terror 11. p. 6. Suppl. t. f. ined. DYTISCUS L. Dytiscus & Leionotus Kirby. D. LATISSIMUS L. Fabr. Europe. Oliv. Sturm. Aube, Icon. v. t. 4. f. 1,2. Erichs. B. M. HYDROCANTHAEI. D. MARGINALIS L. . Oliv. in. t. 1. f. 1-6 x C. EXOLETUS Forst. Steph. Schdum. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. C. collaris Payk. Gyll. Aub. Icon. v. t. 13. f. 6. D. adspersus Pans. F. I. G. 38. 18. C. KRAUSSII n. s. ? (23). S. Africa (Natal). B. M. C. exoletus var. ? C. CONSPECTUS Sturm, Kiesemv. Germany. C. BISTRIATUS Payk. Gyll. Aub. N. Europe (Brit. Is}.). B. M. agilis Bergstr. Erichs. (Sweden, Finland). N. America. C. UNJFASCIATUS Barnston n. s. (24). North America. B. M. (St. Martin's Falls, Albany River). G. Barnston, Esq. C. ADSPERSUS Fabr. Gyll. Aub, Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Icon.v.t. 14. f. 1. agilis Lac. C. VARIUS Fabr. E. G. S. America (Magellan Str.). praemorsus Erichs. Aub. reticulatus Babingt. Ent. Trans. Chili. in. 4. C. nigro-rematus Bab. Ent. Trans, in. 5. C. ROTUNDICOLLIS Bab. Ent. Trans. Tierra del Fuego (Alpine si- iii. 7. tuations). C. PARALLELUS Bab. Ent. Trans, in. C. NIGRICEPS Erichs. Aub. Chili. C. chiliensis Lap. Bab. Ent. Trans. in. 5. c 3 18 HYDROCANTHARI. C. DUPONTI Aub. C. CICUR Fabr. Aub. C. consobrinus Curtis, Brit. Ent t. 207. elongatus Leach. C. CALIDUS Fabr. Aub. Babington Ent. Trans, in. 9. Var. /3. sexlineatus Dej. Var. y. Lebasii Dej. C. trilineatus Drapiez. C. PICEUS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 33. f. 6. Aub. C. Sinaicus Dej. C. ATRICOLOR Aub. C. NITIDUS Brull. Voy. IS Am. Mer. vi. 48. Aub. C. LIMBATUS Aub. C. PACIFIC us Boisd. Aub. C. GRAPH GfyZ/. ^Lw6. /con. v. t. 14. f. 3. Germ. F. I. E. vi. t. 4. niger Lacord. C. LINEATUS Redtenb. Hug. Kaschm. 502. t. 23. f. 5. C. MONOSTIGMA Hope. Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud. C. ANGUSTICOLLIS CurtlS. Linn. Trans. 18. 195. t. xv. f. Babingt. Ent. Trans, in. p. 6. C. ? TENICOLLIS Say. Philad. Trans, vol. n. p. 97. C. FORDII n. s. (25). C. TJENIOLATUS n. s. (26). S. America (Paraguay).B.M. Brazil ? Ent. Club. C. G. Hope. B. M. " British Islands " ?? S. America (Columbia). B.M. N. America (S. parts). Ent. Club. EdwardDoubleday, Esq. B.M. Mount Sinai. Mexico. Brazil. Brazil. Sandwich Islands. Europe. B. M. (British Islands). Kaschmir. Port Essington. S. America (Port St. Elena.) E. North America. South Africa. B. M. Dr. A. Smith. N. Holland. B. M. Earl of Derby. HYDROCANTHARI. 19 ILYBIUS Erichs. Colymbetes Marsh, $-c. / I. ATER Degeer. Fabr. Erie/is. Europe. B. M. Aube, Icon. v. t. 14. f. 4. British Islands. C. fenestratus Payk. Oliv.ui. t. 3. f. 27. a. quadrinolatus ? Steph. I. OBSCUBUS Marsh. Steph. Europe. B. M. C. quadriguttatus Lacord. Erichs. British Islands. Aube Icon. v. t. 14. f. 5. I. SEXDENTATUS Schiodte. Denmark. Dan. El. I. QUADRIMACULATUS Aube. North America. I. BIGUTTULUS Germ. Aube. N. America (U. States). B.M. fenestratus Say (not Fabr.) Edward Doubleday, Esq. fenestralis Say /> Ent. Club. YI. FENESTRATUS Fabr. Erichs. Aube. Europe. B. M. Icon. v. t. 14. f. 6. D. aeneus Panz. F. I. G. 38. f. 16. British Islands. Dyt. lacustris Fair. Lapland. I. SUBJENEUS Erichs. Europe. B. M. fenestratus Gyll. j. E. Crowe, Esq. I. PRESCOTTI Mannerh. Aube. Russia (St. Petersburg). Icon. v. t. 15. f. 1 . I. CONFUSUS Aube. N. America (U. States). B.M. (St. Martin's Falls, Albany River. G. Barnston, Esq. I. PICIPES Kirby. N. America. B. M. Faun. Boreali-Amer. p. 71 . Kev. w. Kirby. (St. Martin's Falls, Albany River. G. Barnston, Esq. I. GUTTIGER Gyll. Sahib. Erichs. N. Europe. B. M. Aube, Icon. v. t. 15. f. 2. (British Islands). I. ANGUSTIOR Gyll. Sahib. Erichs. N. Europe (British Islands). Aube, Icon. v. t. 15. f. 3. 20 HYDROCANTHARI. I. ULIGINOSUS Linn. Europe, Brit. Islands. B. M. I. fuliginosus Fabr. Erichs. Aube. Icon. v. t. 15. f. 4. Panz.F.I. G. 38. f. 14. D. lacustris Panz. f fit I. MERIDIONALIS AubL Europe (France, Italy). Icon. v. t. 15. f. 5. AGABUS Leach. Dytiscus, Colymbetes Auct. A. SERRICORNIS Payk. Gyll. Aube. N. Europe. B. M. Icon. v. t. 16. f. 1. (British Islands ??) A. Paykulli Leach, Zool. Misc. in. 72. F. Walker, Esq. J. R. Crowe, Esq. < A. AGILIS Fabr. Erichs. Europe, Brit. Islands. B. M. C. oblongus III. Gyll. Sturm. D. F. vin. t. 197. f. c. Aube, Icon. v. t. 16. f. 2. haemorrhoidalis Fabr. var. ruficollis Schaller. A. ARCTICUS Payk. Gyll. Steph. N. Europe (Lapland, B. M. Aube Icon. v. t. 16. f. 3. Scotland). Ent. Club. A. RETICULATUS Kirby. N. America. B. M. Fauna Boreali-Amer. p. 71. Rev. w. Kirby. A. FUSCIPENNIS Payk. Gyll. Erichs. Europe. Aube, Icon. v. t. 16. f. 4. fossarum Germ. ' A. ULIGINOSUS Fabr. Gyll. Sturm. Europe (Brit. Islands.) B.M D. F. vm. t. 196. f. b. B. Erichs. Aube, Icon. v. t. 16. f. 5. A. KEICHEI Aube. Europe. Icon. v. t. 16. f. 6. A. FEMORALIS PayJc. Gyll. Sturm. - N. Europe (Brit. IsL). B.M. Erichs. Aube, Icon. v?t". 17. f. 1. N. Asia (Siberia). x Var. assimilis Sturm, D. F. vin. t. 196. f. c. C. Aube, Icon. v. t. 17. f. 1. A. CROWII n. s. (27). Lapland. B. M. J. R. Crowe, Esq. HYDROCANTHARI. 21 A. .ERUGINOSUS Aube. N. America (U. States). A. BIFARIUS Kirby. N. America. B. M. Fauna Boreali-Amer. t. 5. f. 6. Eev. w. Kirby. A. CONGENER Payk. Gyll. Sturm. Europe. B. M. D. F. vni. t. 196. f. a. A. (Polish Ukraine). Dr. Dowier. Steph. Erichs. Aube, Icon. (British Islands). Ent. Club. v. t. 17. f. 3. N. America? confinis Steph. A. EUFIPENNIS Barnston n. s. (28). North America. B. M. (St. Martin's Falls, Albany River). G. Barnston, Esq. A. OLIVACEUS Barnston n. s. (29). N. America. B. M. (St. Martin's Falls, Albany River). G. Barnston, Esq. V A. STURMII Schonh. Gyll. Sturm. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. D. F. VIII. t. 195. f. g. G. J. J. Children, Esq. Erichs. Aube Icon. v. t. 17. f. 4. A. ERYTHROPTERUS Say, Aube. N. America (U. States). A. AMBIGUUS Say. N. America (U. States). Philad. trans, n. p. 96. A. CHALCONOTUS Panz. Gyll. Aube. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Icon. v. t. 17. f. 5. cyaneus Steph. III. montanus Steph. nigroaeneus Marsh P Steph. (immature), aterrimus Steph. Var. ? neglectus Erichs. j A. NIGRO^NEUS Marsh P Erichs. Germany. A. STKIATUS Say P Aube. ' N. America. A. G AGATES Aube. N. America. nitidus Say P A. STRIOLA Aube. N. America. A. MACULATUS L. Fabr. Ericas. Aube. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Icon. v. t. 18. f. 1. Var. /3. inajqualis Panz. F. I. G. fa f * A. TJENIATTS Harris, Aube. N. America. B. M. maculatus var. Dej. Ent. Club. A. SINUATUS Aube. Armenia. Icon. v. t. 18. f. 2. 22 HYDROCANTHARI. A. ABBREVIATES Fabr. Panz. Gyll. Sturm, Erichs. Aube, Icon. v. t. 18. f. 3. A. VITREUS Payk. D. didymus Oliv. in. t. 4. f. 37. Lac. Erichs. Aube, Icon. v. t. 18. f. 4. A. PERUVIAN us Lap. Aube. C. Saulcyi Bab. Ent. Trans, in. A. DECEMNOTATUS Aube. maculatus Lap. A. UNDECIMGUTTATUS Aube. A. SUB MACULATUS Lap. Aube. A. NIGERRIMUS Aube. A. GAUDICHAUDII Lap. Aube. punctum Bab. Ent. Trans, in. 9, A. PAEVULUS Boisd. Aube. A. DECEMPUNCTATUS Fabr. A. SPILOPTEBUS Germ. Linn. in. A. OCTODECIMMACULATUS MacLeay. A. LUGUBBIS Hombr. et Jacq. tab. 7. f. 1. A. BBUNNEUS Fabr. Erichs. Aube. Icon. v. t. 18. f. 5. D. castaneus Schonh. C. ferrugineus Steph. III. A. PALUDOSUS Fabr. Gyll. Sturm. Aube, Icon. v. t. 18. f. 6. pallidipennis Lap. striolatus Steph. (not Gyll.). A. PH-EOPTERUS Kirby. Fauna Boreali-Amer. p. 70 A. BICOLOR Kirby. Fauna Boreali-Amer. p. 70. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Peru (Callao). 9. Cayenne. Brazil. Cayenne. Brazil. Chili. Sandwich Islands. Australia (N. E. Coast).B.M. Sir John Kichardson, M.D. Australia (Adelaide). Java. V. D. Land (Hobart Town). S. Europe (Brit. Is!.). B. M. Ent. Club. N. Africa. ? Senegal. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. N. America. B. M. Rev. W. Kirby. N. America. B. M. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River. Rev. W. Kirby. George Barnston, Esq. HYDROCANTHARI. 23 A. PROPINQUULUS n. s. (30). ' A. North America. B. M. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River. George Barnston, Esq. BIPUNCTATUS Fair. GylL Sturm. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Erichs. Aule, Icon. v. t. 19. f. 1. nebulosus Forst. Steph. A. \A. LU NIGER Kolenati. Melet. Entom. tab. 2. f. 13. CONSPERSUS Marsh. Steph. Hornunc/. A. subnebulosus Steph. Aube. Icon. v. t. 19. f. 2. nebulosus Schiodte. A. INFUSCATUS Aube. A. PUNCTULATUS Aube. A A. A. A. A. A. A. j/A. CONFINIS GylL Zetterst. Aube. Icon. v. t. 19. f. 3. (not Steph.) AMERICANUS Aube. SERIATUS Say. Philad. 'Trans, n. p. 97. NITIDUS Say, 1. c. NIGRICOLLIS Zoubk. Aube. Icon. v. t. 19. f. 4. BINOTATUS Aube. Icon. v. t. 19. f. 5. GORYI Aube. Icon. v. t. 20. f. 1. GUTTATUS Payk. Gyll. Sturm. Aube,Icon.v.\.20.f.2. PLANICOSTATUS Barnston n. s. Caucasus. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. N. America. N. America. Europe, Sweden, Finland. Mexico. . FRIGIDUS Schiodte. Dan. El. A. A. CUPREOLUS n. s. (31). Europe, N. Africa. Turkey in Asia. Sardinia. Smyrna. Europe (Brit. Islands). B. M. North America. B. M. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Newfoundland. W. St. John, Esq. Denmark. N.Amer.( E.Florida). B.M. E. Doubleday, Esq. 24 HYDEOCANTHARI. A. MAGELLANICUS Babingt. South America (Tierra del Ent. Trans, in. 10. Fuego). A. DILATATUS Brulle, Aube. France, Morea. Icon. v. t. 20. f. 3. aquilus Dej. A. BIGUTTATUS Oliv. Lacord. Aube. S. Europe. B. M. Icon. v. t. 20. f. 4. nitidus Fair. A. FONTINALIS Steph. III. Europe (S. of Europe). B.M. vittiger Steph. (British Islands). A. SILESIACUS Letyner. Europe (Silesia). Aub. d. Sc'hles. Gesellsch. 1843. A. MELAS Aube. Morea? East? Icon. v. t. 20. f. 5. S A. ADPRESSUS Aube. Dauria. Icon. v. t. 21. f. 1. A. HCEFFNEEI Aube. Sweden. Icon. t. 21. f. 2. A. WASASTJERN^E Sahib. Aube. Europe, Lapland, Finland. Icon. v. t. 21. f. 3. A. OPACUS Mannerh* Aube. Finland. Icon. v. t. 21. f. 4. A. AFFINIS Paylc. Gyll. Steph. N. Europe (Brit. Isl.). B. M. Aube, Icon. v. t. 21. f. 5. Erichs. Sturm D. F. vin. t. 197. f. A. branchiatus Babington, Steph. guttulus Illig. A. SEMIPUNCTATUS Kirby. N. America. B. M. Faun. Bor.-Amer. p. 69. Rev. W. Kirby. A. GLACIALIS Hockh. Caucasus. Chaud. Enum. 218. A. ELONGATUS Gi/ll. Aube. Lapland. Icon.v. t,'21.f. 6. angustus Dej. A. VITTIGER Gyll. Aube. N. Europe, Lapland. Icon. v. t. 22. f. 1. HYDROCANTHARI. 25 A. STRIOLATUS Gyll. Sahib. Aube. Icon. v. t. 22. f. 2. rectus Bab. Ann. $- Mag. Nat. Hist. xvii. 53. A. MELANARIUS Aube. Icon. v. t. 22. f. 3. A. RETICULATUS Aube. A. TRISTIS Aube. picipes Dej. nee Kirby. A. BIPUSTULATUS L. Fabr. Sturm. Erichs. Aube, Icon. v. t. 22. f. 4. carbonarius Fabr. Gyll. Sturm. Var. C. Snowdonius Newm. A. SOLIERT Aube. Icon. v. t. 22. f. 5. alpestris Heer. A. PALLTDIVENTRIS Aube. A. RUGULOSUS Aube. A. LEPRIEURII Aube. A. RUFIPES Brulle, Aube. A. DUBIUS Mannerh. Bull.deMosc. 1843.221. A. HYPOMELAS Mannerh. Bull.deMosc. 1843.221. A. ? OBTUSATUS Say. Phil. Trans, n. 100. A. ? STAGNINUS Say, 1. c. COPELATUS Erichs. C. SULCIPENNIS Lap. Aube Icon. v. t. 23. f. 1-2. strigipennis Lap. C. BUQUETI Aube. C. AFRICANUS (32). C. Buquetii ? C. STRIATOPTERUS Aube. C. DUPONTI Aube. N. Europe, Sweden, Finland. (Norfolk). Russia. N. America. N. America. Europe (Brit. Islands). B. M. Ent. Club. France (Rheinwald), B. M. Ent. Club. Cayenne. N. America. Cayenne. Brazil. Sitkha. Sitkha. Cayenne. Cayenne, Brazil. S. Africa. Brazil, Cayenne. Brazil. D B.M. 26 HYDROCANTHARl. C. POSTICATUS Fabr. Aube. Brazil, Cayenne, multistriatus Dej. W. Indies. C. elegans Babingt. Ent. Trans, in. 11. C. GLYPHICUS Say. Phil. Trans, n. 99. C. BRULLEI Aube. C. DISTINCTUS Aube. C. PULCHELLUS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 33. f. 7. Aube. marginipennis Lap. fimbriolatus Dej. C. DUODECIMSTRIATUS Aube. C. DECEMSTRIATUS Aube. C. PUNCTULATUS Aube. C. C^LATIPENNIS Aube. C. IBAGUENSIS Guerin. C. UNDECIMSTRIATUS Aube. C. STRIATULUS Aube. C. LINEATUS Guerin. Voy. Coquillet. 1. f. 19. Jw6^. lineolatus D'Urv. C. GUERINI ^.wie. octostriatus Dej. C. CHEVROLATI C. BICOLOR Fabr. C. GALAPAGOENSIS Waterh. Ann. Nat. Hist. C. AUSTRALICUS U. S. (33). C. CAPENSIS n. s. (34). N. America. Cayenne. Mexico. Senegal, Isle of France. Isle of France. B. M. Guadaloupe. N. America (U. States). N. America, W. Indies (Jamaica). B. M. S. Amer. (Colombia). B. M. Brazil. Cayenne. Senegal. N. America ? Amboina. Isle of France. N.America (U. States). B.M. E. Florida. E. Doubleday, Esq. Entomological Club . Guinea. Galapago Islands. B. M. Charles Darwin, Esq. Australia. B. M. S. Africa. B. M. Dr. Andrew Smith. HYDROCANTHARI. 27 MATUS Aube. Colymbetes Dej. M. BICARINATUS Say, Aube. N. America. B. M. Icon. v. t. 23. f. 3. (U. States). Ent. Club. C. emarginatus Dej. E. Doubleday, Esq. C . elongatus Dej. BATRACHOMATUS Schaum $ White. B. WINGII. n. s. (35). Australia. B. M. (N. E. Coast). COPTOTOMUS Say. Dytiscus Fabr. C. INTERROGATUS Fabr. N. America (U. States). B.M. S. E. i. 257. Carolina. E. Doubleday, Esq. Aube, Icon. v. t. 23. f. 4. Florida. Ent. club. venustns Say. Georgia, serripalpus? Say. ANISOMERA BruUe. A. BISTRIATA BrulU. Chili. Hist. Ins. v. t. 8. f. 3. Aube, Icon. v. t. 23. f. 5. &3 NOTERUS Clairv. 7 Dytiscus Auct. V N. CRASSICORNIS Muller, Fabr. Gyll Europe (Brit. Islands). B. M. Aub,Icon.v.t.24. f. 1. clavicornis Degeei\ capricornis Herbst, Sturm. D. F. viii. t. 199. o. Q. Lacord. N. SEMIPUNCTATUS Fabr. Erichs. Europe, France. B. M. sparsus Marsh. Curtis. B. E. 236. Germany, Switzerland. Aube, Icon. v. t. 24, f. 2. (British Islands). M. Boie. crassicornis Lac. D2 N. L.ffivis Sturm. D. F. vin. 1. 199. r. S. Aube, Icon. v. t. 24. f. 3. N. HEROS King. HYDROCANTHUS Say. H. GRANDIS Lap. Aube. Icon. v. t. 24. f. 4. H. IRICOLOR Say, Aube. Lac. oblongus Dej. H. L^VIGATUS Brulle, Aube. H. BUQUETI Lap. Aube. H. LUCTUOSUS Aube. H. NOTULA Erichs. Arch. 1843. H. HARRISII n. s. (36). H. GUTTULA Aube.^ H. NIGRINUS Aube. SUPHIS Aube. S. CIMICOIDES Aube. Icon. v. t. 24. f. 5. S. GIBBULUS Aube. S. DOUBLEDAYII D. S. (37). S. FORSTERII n. s. (38). 01 LACCOPHILTJS Leach. Dytiscus Auct. L. HYALINUS Degeer. Erichs. Steph. Man. obscurus Panz. minutus Marsh. Aube. HYDROCANTHARI. Europe. Madagascar. Senegal. B. M. B.M. U. States. Guadaloupe. Edward Doubleday, Esq. Brazil. Cayenne? S.Africa. B.M. E. Indies (Bombay). Angola. U. States, E.Florida. B.M. E. Doubleday, Esq. I. of France, Madagascar. W. Indies, Brazil. Cayenne, Brazil. N. America (U. States). E. Doubleday, Esq. U. States, E. Florida. B. M. U. States (E. Florida). E. Doubleday, Esq. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. HYDROCANTHARI. 29 L. MINUTUS Linn. Fabr. Erichs. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Steph. Man. M. Boie. interruptus Panz. Aube. %&. hyalinus Marsh. Steph. III. L. TESTACEUS Aube. S. Europe (Italy). B. M. L. MEXICANUS Aube. Mexico/* L. MACULOSUS Germ. Say, Aube. N. America (U. States). B.M. E. Doubleday, Esq. ; Entomological Club. L. PROXIMUS Say. W. Indies. B. M. Phil. Trans, n. 101. U. States, americanus Dej. Aube. L. BIGUTTATUS Kirby. N. America. B. M. Rev. W. Kirby. L. FASCIATUS Aub. Mexico. B. M. maculosus var. Say. United States. Edward Doubleday, Esq. ; F. Walker, Esq. L. RIVULOSUS King. Aub. Madagascar. L. LINEATUS Aub. Isle of France. L. IRBORATUS Aub. Isle of France, Bourbon. L. POSTICUS Aube. Isle of France. Philippine Islands. L. PARVULUS Aub. E. Indies (Bombay). L. FLEXUOSUS Aub. E. Indies (Pondicherry). L. ORIENTALIS Aub. Java. L. ORNATUS Aub. Cayenne. L. CAYENNENSIS Aub. Cayenne, Guadaloupe. L. UNDATUS Aub. N. America (U. States). L. QUADRISIGNATUS Lap. Aub. Cayenne. L. QUADBIVITTATUS Aub. Brazil. L. VARIEGATUS Knoch, Germ. Europe, France. B. M. F. I. Eur. in. t. 6. Aub. Germany, Italy, Spain. Sturm D. F. vin. 1. 198. f. a. A. L. POECILUS Klug. Egypt. Symb. Phys. tab. 33. f. 8. L. BICOLOR Lap. Aub. Cayenne. L. PICTUS Lap. Aub. Mexico. D3 30 HYDROCANTHARI. L. ROIETJE Le Guillon. Rev. Zool. 1844. 220. Chili. Family HYDROPORID^. CELINA Aub. Hydropomorpha Babington. C. LATIPES Brull. Brazil. &Orb. VAm. Mer. t. 4. f. 8. Aub. Icon. v. t. 26. f. 1. C. ACULEATA Aub. Brazil. C. OBSCURA Babington. Brazil (Rio). Entom. Trans, in. p. 15. C. ANGUSTATA Aub. VATELLUS Aub. V. TARSATUS Lap. Aub. Icon. v. t. 26. f. 2. V. GRANDIS Buquet. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ix. 394. HYPHIDRUS Illig. Dytiscus Auct. H. GRANDIS Lap. Aub. H. SENEGALENSIS Lap. Aub. H. GUINIEENSIS Aub. H. CAYENNENSIS Lap. Aub. H. GLOBOSUS Aub. H. IMPRESSUS Klug. Aub. obesus Dej. H. PHILIPPINARUM n. s. (39). H. PICTUS Klug. Symb. Phys. tab. 33. f. 9. H. SCRIPTUS Fabr. P Aub. N. America (U. States). S. America (Cayenne). Cayenne. Brazil. Senegal, Egypt. Senegal, Senegal, Guinea. Cayenne. Porto Rico. Madagascar. B. M. Bourbon, I. of France. Phil. Islands. B. M. Arabia (Mt. Sinai). Bourbon. HYDROCANTHARI. 31 H. DISTINCTUS Aub. Bourbon. H. MACULATUS Babington. S. America, Rio. Ent. Trans, m. 12. H. LYRATUS Swartz in Schonh. E. Indies. Syn.Ins. f. 1. Aub. H. OVATUS Linn. ($). Duftschm. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Erichs. Aub. Icon. v. t. 42. f. 3. ferrugineus Linn. ( $ ). Donovan. ovalis Fabr. Gyll.($). gibbus.Fa&r. Gyll. ($). Var. H. variegatus Steph. not Illig. H. VARIEGATUS Illig. Aub. Europe, N. Africa. B. M. Icon. v. t. 42. f. 4. H. HUMERALIS D. s. (40). Tasmania. B. M. (Hobart Town). HYDROPORUS Clairv. Dytiscus Auct. Hydroporus, Hygrotus Steph. ! H. IN^QUALIS Fabr. Gyll. Steph. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Sturm. Erichs. Aub. Icon. v. t. 41. f. 6. D. parvulus Fabr. Dyt. trifidus Marsh. Hygr. reticulatus Steph. H. PUNCTATUS Aub. N. America, U. States. B.M. Ent. Club H. RETICULATUS Fabr. Gyll. Sturm. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Erichs. Aub. Icon. v. t. 42. f. 1. M. Boie. D. collaris Panz. F. I. G. 26-4. Steph. Var. Hygr. affinis Steph. H. QUINQUELINEATUS Zetterst. Lapland. Aub. Icon. v. t. 42. f. 2. H. CONVEXUS Aub. U. States. B. M. Desmopachria nitida Babingt. Brazil (Rio). Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. HI. 17. t. 1. f. 5. E. Doubieday, Esq. 32 HYDROCANTHABI. H. PUBIPENNIS Aub. undulatus ? Say. Phil. Trans, n. 102. $ velutinus Aub. Phil. Journ. 1822-153. H. PROXIMUS Aub. confusus Dej. (nee Klug). H. PUNCTATISSIMUS Aub. H. TURGIDUS Erichs. Arch. 1843. H. CARINATUS Aub. Icon. v. t. 27. f. 5. H. QUADRICOSTATUS Aub. H. PORCATUS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 34. f. 5. H. BICARINATUS Clairv. Drapier. Aub. Icon. v. t. 39. f. 4. costatus Schb'nh. crispatus Germ. F. I. G. 1 1 . 1. 1 . cristatus Lue. H. EXIGUUS Aub. H. MACULATUS Babingt. Ent. Trans, in. p. 16. t. 1. f. (Anodocheilus). H. MUSICUS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 33. f. 12. Aub. V H. DECORATUS Gyll. Curtis. B. E.t.53l.Steph. Aub. Icon. v. t. 41. Sturm, ix. t. 212. C. H. CUSPIDATUS Kunze. Aub. Icon. v. t.41. f. 5. Germ. F.LE.v.t.4. var. gibbosus Dej. H. DOUBLEDAYII n. s. (41). H. HAMULATUS Gyll. Schaum, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 1846. N. America. B. M. (U. States). E. Doubleday, Esq. Entomological Club. N. America (U. States). N. Amer. (U. States). B. M. Entomological Club. Angola, Egypt. Spain. E. Indies (Bombay). Dongola. France. B.M. Switzerland. Italy. N. Africa (Barbary). N. America (U. States). S. America (Eio). B. M. 4. Ent. Club. N. America U. States. E. Doubleday, Esq. Arabia (Mount Sinai) Egypt. Europe (France). B. M. (British Isles, Germany). (Sweden). Europe, France, Italy. B.M. Germany, N. America. N. America. B. M. (E. Florida). E. Doubleday, Esq. Sweden. HYDROCANTHARI. 33 N. Africa (Ambukohl). Dongola. Syria. S. France, Spain, Syria. B.M. Armenia (Brit. Isles). H. GEMINUS Fabr. Gyll. Sturm. Europe, N. Africa. Erichs. Aub. Icon. v. t. 38. f. 5. Egypt, pusillus Fabr. pygma3us Oliv. trifidus Panz. f. I. G. 26. 2. monaulacus Drapiez. symbol urn Kolenati. Mel. Ent. t. 2. f. 16. H. TETRAGRAMMUS HocJch. Caucasus. Enum. 223. H. ANGULARIS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 34. f. 1-2. H. SIGNATELLUS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 34. f. 3. H. CONFUSUS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 34. f. 4. H. MINUTISSIMUS Germ. F. I. G. vin. t. 8. Aub. Icon. v. t. 38. f. 6. trifasciatus Wollaston, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 1847. , H. FLAVICOLLIS "Hope" H. DELICATULUS Schaum. Ent. Zeit. 1844. H. THERMALIS Germ. F. I. G. xvin. H. PULICARIS Aub. lacustris? Say. H. NANUS Aub. affinis? Say. H. LILLIPUTANUS Aub. H. MIERSII. H. nitidus Babingt. (not Sturm.). Ent. Trans, ill. p. 14. $ obscurus Babingt. (not Sturm.). H. UNISTRIATUS lllig. Oliv. Gyll. Europe. Erichs.Aub. v. t. 39. f. 1. parvulus Payk. Panz. F. I. G. , 99. t. 2. Hygrotus bisulcatus Curtis, Ann. fy Mag. Nat. Hist. B.M. B.M. B.M. Europe. Europe. N. America (U. States). N. America (U. States).B.M. Ent. Club. Brazil (Rio). Brazil (Rio). B.M. 34 HYDROCANTHARI. H. GOUDOTII Lap. Aub. H. BARBARUS Schaum. H. ferrugineus Lucas, Expl. d'Alger. t. 2. f. 5. H. GRANARIUS Aub. H. H. H. PUMILUS Dej. Aub. Icon. v. t. 39. f. 3. Tanger, Sicily. N. Africa. N. America (U. States).B.M. Entomological Club. Europe (France). B. M. DUODECIMPUSTULATUS Fabr. Oliv. Europe. Gyll. Aub. Icon. v. t. 26. f. 3. ELEGANS Illig. Panz. F. I. G. 24-5. Sturm, D. F. 9. t. 205. f. a. A. H. depressus Aub. Icon. v. t. 26. f. Steph. (not Fabr.). H. brevis Sturm, D. F. 9. t. 203. Var. H. marginicollis Aub. Icon. v. t. 26. f. 5. B. M. M. Boie. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. ,4. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. DEPRESSUS Fabr. Gyll. Sturm. 9. t. 205. f. b. B. Neuhoffii Cederk. SANSII Solier. Aub. Icon. v. t. 26. f. 6. Icon. v. t. 27. f. 1. SCHAUMII Aub. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. xi. 229. FENESTRATUS Germ. F. I. E. t. Aub. Icon. v. t. 27. f. 2. LUCTUOSUS Aub. Icon. v. t. 27. f. 3, TESSELATUS Aub. DUBIUS Aub. VARIEGATUS Icon. t. 27. f. 4. INSIGNIS Klug. Symb. Phys. t. 33. f. 10. Aub. N. of Europe. Spain (Barcelona). Sardinia. Sicily. Sicily. Europe (Crete). B. M (S. France, Sardinia). Teneriffe I. Africa ? Armenia. Arabia (Mount Sinai). HYDROCANTHARI. 35 9 H. ALPINUS Payk. Gyll. Europe (North of). B. M. Germ. F. I. E. ix. 7. Aub. Icon. v. t. 5. f. 28. $ H. bidentatus GylL Germ. Aub. Var. H. borealis Gyll. IsBvis Kirby, F. B.-Amer. 67. N. America (Canada). B.M. Kev. W, Kirby. ' H. DAVISII Curt. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. B. E. f. 343. Aub. Icon. v. t. 28. f. 4. borealis Steph. Aub. septentrionalis Heer (not GylL). alpinus Duftsch. H. ASSIMILIS Payk. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 205. c. C. frater Kunze, Steph. halensis Steph. V affinis Sturm. areolatus Steph. depressus ? Duftsch. H. HYPERBOREUS Gyll. Europe (Lapland). Aub. Icon. v. t. 28. f. 6. H. SEPTENTRIONALIS Gyll. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Aub. Icon.v. t. 21. f. 1. H. fluviatilis Sturm, t. 205. d. D. , H. alpinus Kunze, Steph. H. striolatus Dej. H. SANMARKII Salhb. Europe (Brit. Islands), assimilis GylL Aub. Icon. v. t. 29. f. 2. H. RIVALIS Gyll. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Aub. Icon. H. fluviatilis Steph. III. II. t. II. f. 2, Stephensii Rudd. Steph. H. HALENSIS Fair. Kunze, Germ. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Sturm, D. F, ix. 204. c. C. M. Boie. Erichs. Aub. Icon. v. t. 29. f. 4. areolatus Duftsch. Lacord. griseo-striatus Steph. airumlus Kolenati Melet. Ent. 85. t. 2. f. 15. Caucasus. H. FUSCITARSIS Aub. Europe (Sardinia, Italy). Icon. v. t 29. f. 5. 36 HYDROCANTHARI. H. STEARINUS Kolenati. Melet. Ent. 84. H. CANALICULATUS Lacord. Aub. Icon. v. t. 29. f. 6. H. GRISEOSTRIATUS Degeer, Heer. Aub. Icon.v.t. 30. f. 1. halensis PayJc. quadristriatus Eschsch. H. PARALLELUS Say, Kirby. Faun. Boreali-Amer. p. 67. H. griseo-striatus var. ? H. CERESYI Aub. Icon. v. t. 30. f. 2. V H. PICIPES Fabr. Gyll. Sturm, 2056. $ var. Aub. Icon. v. t. 30. f. 3. punctatus Marsh. ovalis Thunb. porosus Gebler, Ledeb. Reise. 5 var. lineellus Gyll. Aub. $ var. alternans Kunze, Sturm. Steph. Armenia (Caucasus). Europe (Spain, S. France). Europe. B. M. Oonalaska (Aleutian Isl.). N. Amer. (Canada). B. M. (Missouri). Kev. W. Kirby. S. Europe, Egypt. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. N. America (Boston). H. POLONICUS Aub. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. xi. 230. Poland (Warsaw). N. America. Rei H. PICATUS Kirby. Faun. Bor.-Amer. N. America H. SIMILIS Kirby. Faun. B.-Amer. B.M. Rev. W. Kirby. B.M. Rev. W. Kirby. H. PARALLELOGRAMMUS Ahrens. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Sturm, $ . Ericlis. Aub. $. nigrolineatus Kunze, Sturm. $ Kirby, #3." consobrinus Kunze, Aub. . Steph. $ ? . H. punctum Gebl. N. America. Rev. W. Kirby, Siberia. HYDROCANTHARI. 37 x H. NOVEMLINEATUS Rudd. Steph. ?. Europe (Brit, Islands). B.M. nigrolineatus Schonh. Gyll. (Bute). Steph. ? . H. Schonherri Aub. Icon. v. t. 31. f. 1. H. FALLENS Mannerh. Aub. Europe (Lapland). H. TRIMACULATUS Lap. Aub. S. Africa (Cape Good Hope). H. capensis Dej. H. LAPPONUM Gyll. Europe (Lapland). Aub. Icon. y. t. 3fl. f. 3. H. DORSALIS Fabr. Oliv. Gyll. / Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Aub. Icon. v. U31. f. 4, 5, 6. Erichs. Var. figuratus Gyll. H. OPATRINUS Germ. S. Europe. B. M. Aube,Icon. \.t.32. f?l. 38 HYDBOCANTHARI. H. PLATYNOTUS Germ. Lacord. Europe (Saxony). B. M. Aube, Icon. v. t. 32. f. 2. murinus Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 207. f. d. D. H. SEMIBUFUS Germ. Europe. F. I. E. 23. H. AUBEI Mulsant. Europe. Ann. de Lyon. H. LATUS Steph. Europe (Brit. Islands). B. M. ovatus Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 207. Erichs. Aube, Icon. v. t. 32. f. 3. x castaneus Heer. H. DUPONTI Aube. Brazil. H. AULICUS Dej. Aube. N. America (U. States). H. HYBRIDUS Aube. N. America (U. States). H. BUFICEPS Aube. N. America (U. States). Hi AMERICANUS Aube. N. America (U. States). H. MODESTUS Dej. Aube. N. America (U. States). H. HUMERALIS Say, Eschsch. Aube. N. America (U. States). H. ERYTHBOCEPHALUS Linn. Fabr. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Gyll. Sturm, Aube. Icon. v. t. 33. f. 1. D. rufipes Oliv. H. sericeus Eschsch. Act. Petrop. vi. H. deplanatus Gyll. Aube. $ . Icon. v. t. 33. f. 3. H. NIGER Say (not Sturm}. N. America (U. States). B.M. Philad. Trans, rr. 102. Ent. club. H. RUFIFRONS Duftschm. Gyll. N. Europe, Austria. B. M. Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 207. a. A. Erichs. Aub. Icon. v. t. 33. f. 2. griseus Steph. (British Islands), piceus Steph. HYDROCANTHARI. 39 H. PLANUS Fabr. Gyll. Sturm. Europe (Brit. Islands). B. M. JErichs. Aub. Icon. v. t. 33. f. 4. flavipes Fabr. ater Forster, Steph. holosericeus Marsh. Steph . III. pubescens Steph. (nee Gyll.) Aube. planus Marsh. fuscatus Steph. H. PUBESCENS Gyll. Aube. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Icon. v. t. 33. f. 5. melanocephalus Marsh. Steph. Sturm. caliginosus Steph. planus Marsh. Steph. III. piceus Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 211. a. A. Erichs. var. fusculus Hellw. H. MARGINATUS Duftschm. Kunze. Europe. B. M. Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 208. f. b. B. Aube, Icon. v. t. 34. f. 1. H. XANTHOPUS Steph. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. H. lituratus BrulU, Aub. Icon. v. t. 34. f. 2. H. planus Steph. Man. (not Fabr.). H. flavipes Steph. (not Fabr.) Var. H. humilis Klug. Symb. Arabia (Mount Sinai). Phys. t. 33. f. 11. H. PERPLEXUS Schaum. N. Africa. H. confusus Lucas, Expl. d'Alger. t. 11. f. 4. H. LIMBATUS Aube. Europe (Sardinia). Icon. v. t. 34. f. 3. H. ANALIS Aube. Europe (Sardinia). Icon. v. t. 34. f. 4. 1 \ H. NITIDUS Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 207. Europe (Brit. Islands). f. b. B. Aub. Erichs. oblongus StephJtPirwJ^ ) H. MARKLINI Gyll. Zetterst. Aube. Europe (Sweden). B. M. Icon. v. t. 34. f. 5. H. OBSOLETUS Aube. Europe (Spain, Greece). Icon. v. t. 35. f. 1. Asia (Syria). E 2 40 HYDEOCANTHABI. H. FERRUGINEUS Stepk. victor Aube, Icon. v. t. 35. f. 2. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. H. MEMNONIUS Nicolai, Erichs. Aube Icon. v. t. 41. bis f. 4. H. niger Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 208. a. A. H. jugularis Babington. H. marginatus Steph. . (not Dufts.) H. subelongatus Steph. $ . H. deplanatus Steph. $ . t H. castaneus Aup e $ . Europe (Brit. Islands). H. OBLITUS Aube. / H. LUGUBRIS Aube. tristis Brulle. H. OBLONGUS Aube. H. GYLLENHALII Schiodte. rufifrons Steph (not Duftsch.). piceus Aube, Icon. v. t. 35. f. 4. H. INCERTUS Aube. Icon. v. t. 35. f. 5. H. MELANARIUS Sturm. D. F. ix. t. 209. f. c. C. Erichs. Aube, Icon. v. t. 41. bis f. 3. H. MELANOCEPHALUS Marsh^GylL Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 209. b. B. Aube. H. morio Dej. H. ELONGATULUS Hopfn. Sturm. D. F. ix. t. 208. f. c. C. Erichs. melanocephalus var. Gyll. H. NIG RITA Fair. Gyll. Sturm. D. F. ix. t. 209. a. A. Aube, Icon. v. t. 36. f. 2. Erichs. triviali s Steph H. BREVIS Sahib. Aube, Icon. v. t. 36. f. 3. H. GLABRIUSCULUS Aube. Icon. v. t. 36. f. 4. N. America (U. States). S. America (Monte Video). Unalaska. Europe (Brit. Islands). Europe. Europe. B.M. B.M. Europe. B. M. West Greenland. Europe. Europe. Europe (Finland). Europe (Lapland). B.M. Dr. Schaum. B.M. HYDROCffSrt-HARI. 41 H, TRISTIS Payk. Gyll. Europe (Brit. Islands). B.M. Sturm, D. F. ix. t. 209. . alpestris, Ag. 25 alpinus, Hydrop. 35 alternans, Hydrop. 3C> amsenus, Dyt. 1 ambiguus, Ag. 21 Hydr. 41 americanus, Ag. 23 Din. 49 Din. 48 Dyt. 10 Hal. 3 Hydr. 38 Laccopli. 29 analis, Gyr. 45 Hydr. 39 angularis, Hydrop. 33 angustata, Cel. 30 angustatus, Dyt. 8 Gyr. 44 Hydr. 41 angusticollis, Col. 18 angustus, Ag. 24 angustior, Ilyb. 19 Anisomera, 27 Anodocheilus, 32 anthracinus, Gyr. 45 anxius, Dyt. 8 ,, Dyt. 9 aquilus, Ag. 24 arcticus, Ag. 20 arcuatus, Dyt. 42 areolatus, Hydrop. 35 assimilis, Ag. 20 Col. 16 Din. 49 ,, Hydrop. 35 ater, Hydr. 39 Ilyb. 19 aterrimus, Ag. 21 G. 48 atratus, Cyb. 6 atricolor, Col. 18 Aubei, Hydr. 38 aulicus, Hydr. 38 australicus, Cop. 26 australis, Col. 16 ,, Din. 49 austriacus, Hyd, 14 BADIUS, Hal. 1. barbarus, Hydrop. 34 Barnstoni, Col, 15 Bassii, Col. 10 Batrachomatus, 27 bengalensis, Cyb. 4 D.6 bicarinatus, Hydrop. 32 Mat. 27 bicolor, Ag. 22 Cop. 26 Gyr. 44 Laccoph. 21* bicruciatus, Hydr. 42 bidens, Gyret. 47 bidentatus, Hydrop. 35 bifarius. Ag. 21 biguttatus, Ag . 24 Laccoph. 29 biguttulus, Ilyb. 19 bihamatus, Hyd. 12 bilineatus, Hyd. 14 Hydr. 42 bimaculatus. Cyb. bimarginatus, Dyt. 13 52 INDEX. binotatus, Ag. 23 Col. 17 Cyb. 6 bipunctatus, Ag. 23 bipustulatus, Ag. 25 bisignatus, Cyb. 6 bistriata, Aniso. 27 bistriatus, Col. 17 bistriolatus, Hal. 3 bisulcatus, Hygrot. 33 ? bivittatus, Hyd. 14 bivulnerus, Cyb. 6 biungulatus, Cyb. 6. blandus, Hydr. 37 Bogemanni, Col. 15 borealis, Gyr. 45 Hydrop, 35 branchiatus, Ag. 24 brasiliensis, Cyb. 6 brevis, Ac. 10 Cyb. 6 Hal. 2 Hydrop. 34 Hydr. 40 Brullei, Cop. 26 brunneus, Ag. 22 brunnipennis, Hyd. 13 Buqueti, Cop. 25 ,, Cyb. 4 Gyr. 43 Hydoc. 28 C^ESUS,Cnem. 3 cselatipennis, Cop. 26 caerulescens, Or. 47 caffer, Gyr. 45 calidus, Col. 18 caliginosus, Ac. 10 Hydr. 39 cambriensis, Hydr. 41 canaliculatus, Ac. 10 ,, Hydrop. 36 capensis, Col. 16 Cop. 26 Gyr. 46 Hydr. 37 Troch. 5 capicola, Hyd. 13 capricornis, Dyt. 27 caspius, Gyr. 44 carbonarius, Col. 25 carinatus, Hydrop. 32 carolinus, Dyt. ? castaneus, Dyt. 22 Hydr. 38 Hydr. 40 catascopium, Hydr. 43 cayennensis, Hyph. 30 ,, Laccoph. 29 Celina, 30 celox, Gyr. 44 cercurus, Gyr. 44 Ceresyi, Hydrop. 36 chalconotus, Ag. 21 chalybeus, Gyr. 45 Chaudoirii, Cyb. 5 Chevrolati, Cop. 26 Hyd. 11 chiliensis, Col. 17 Gyr. 45 Chimarrobius, 46 cicur, Col. 18 ciliatus, Din. 50 cimicoides, Suph. 28 cinctatus, Ac. 11 cinctipennis, Hyd. 13 cinctus, Gyret. 47 Hyd. 14 cinereus, Cyb. 7 Dyt. 10 Hal. 2 Hyd. 14 circumcinctus, Dyt. 8 circumductus, Dyt. 7 circumflexus, Dyt. 9 circumscriptus, Ac. 1 1 Dyt. 8 clavicornis, Dyt. 27 Cnemidotus, 3 collaris, Col. 17 Dyt. 31 Hydr. 43 Colymbetes, 15 colymbus, Gyr. 44 comma, Din. 50 comptus, Cyb. 6 concinnus, Gyr. 46 Hydr. 41 confinis, Ag, 21 Ag.23 Cyb. 5 Hal. 1 confluens, Hydr. 37 conformis,Dyt. 7 Gyr. 44 confusus, Hydrop. 32 Hydrop. 33 Hydr. 39 Hyb. 19 congener, Ag. 21 congestus, Hyd. 14 consanguineus, Hyd. 11 consentaneus, Cyb. 7 consobrinus, Col. 18 Hydrop. 36, 37 conspectus, Col. 17 conspersus, Ag. 23 ,, Col. 16 convexus, Hydrop. 31 Copelatus, 25 Coptotomus, 27 coriaceus, Col. 15 Cordieri, Dyt. 8 costalis, Cyb. 4 costatus, Hydrop. 32 Or. 47 53 crassicornis, Not. 27 crassus, Gyr. 45 crispatus, Hydrop. 32 cristatus, Hydrop. 32 Crowii, Ag. 20 crux, Hydr. 42 cupreolus, Ag. 23 cuspidatus, Hydrop 32 Cybister, 4 cyaneus, Ag. 21 cyanicollis, Or. 47 Cyclinus, 49 DAHUBJCUS, Col. 15 Darwinii. Col. 16 Hydr. 37 Davisii, Hydrop. 35 decemnotatus, Ag. 22 decempunctatus, Ag. 22 decemstriatus, Cop. 26 decoratus, Hydrop. 32 decorus, Hyd. 12 definitus, Hyd. 12 Dehaanii, Cyb. 7 Dejeanii, Cyb. 4 Gyr. 43 Gyr. 44 Hyd. 11 delicatulus, Hydrop. 33 dentipennis, Din. 49 deplanatus, Hydr. 38 Hydr. 39 depressus, Gyr. 43 Hydrop. 34 Desjardinsii, Cyb. 6 Desmopachria, 31 detritus, Ac. 11 didymus, Ag. 22 dilatatus, Ag. 24 dimidiatus, Dyt. 9 Or. 47 Dineutes, 48 discicollis, Col. 17 discoidalis, Hyd. 14 discolor, Din. 49 discus, Or. 47 dispar, Dyt. 5 Hydr. 37 dissimilis, Cyb. 5 Dyt. 5 distigma, Col. 15 distinctus, Cop. 26 Gyr. 44 Hyd. 13 Hyph. 31 divisus, Col. 17 dolabratus, Col. 15 dorsalis, Gyr. 44 Hydr. 37 ,, Gyret. 47 dorsiger, Hyd. 13 Doubledayii, Hydrop. 32 Suph. 28 Dregei, Hyd. 12 dubius, Ag. 25 Dyt. 8 Dyt. 9 Hydrop. 34 duodecimpunctatus, Cnem. 3 duodecimpustulatus, Hydrop. 34 duodecimstriatus, Cop. 26 Duponti, Ac. 11 Col. 17 Cop. 25 Hydr. 38 Dytiscidse, 4 Dytiscus, 7 ELEGANS, Cop. 26 Hydrop. 34 elevatus, Hal. 1 ellipticus, Gyr. 43 Troch. 4 elongatulus, Hydr. 40 elongatus, Ag. 24 Col 18 Col. 27 Gyr. 44 emarginatus, Col. 27 Din. 49 Empsoni, Gyret. 47 Enhydrus, 43 enneagrammus, Hydr. 37 Erichsonii, Eun. 10 erythrocephalus, Hydr. 38 erythropterus, Ag. 21 Escheri, Hydr. 42 Eunectes, 10 exclamationis, Hyd. 14 excisus, Din. 49 exiguus, Hydrop. 32 exoletus, Col. 17 FABRICII, Hyd. 13 fallax, Cyb. 4 fasciatus, Ac, 10 Hal. 3 Hyd. 11 Hydr. 42 Laccoph. 29 femoralis, Ag. 20 fenestralis, Col. 19 fenestratus, Ilyb. 19 Hydrop. 34 ferrugineus, Col. 22 Hal. 2 Hal. 2 Hydr. 39 Hydrop. 34, 40 Hyph. 31 festivus, Gyr. 46 Hyd. 11 figuratus, Hydr. 37 fimbriolatus, Col. 26 Cyb. 5 flavicollis, Col. 16 flavicollis, Hal. 2 ,, Hydrop. 33 flavipes, Hydr. 38, 39 Hydr. 41 flavocinctus, Cyb. 5 Dyt. 8 Hyd. 12 flavomaculatus, Hyd. 12 flavoscutellatus, Dyt. 9 flexuosus, Dyt. 42 ,, Laccoph. 29 Flindersii, Col. 15 fluviatilis, Hal. 3 Hydrop. 35 fontinalis, Ag. 24 Fordii, Col. 18 formosus, Hydr. 42 Forsteri, Suph. 28 fossarum, Ag. 20 foveolatus, Hydr. 43 Franklinii, Dyt. 8 frater, Hydrop. 35 fraternus, Ac. 10 frigidus, Ag. 23 fuliginosus, Col. 20 fulvicollis, Hal. 2 Hyd. 13 fulvus, Hal. 2 fuscatus, Hydr. 38 fuscipennis, Ag. 20 fuscitarsis, Hydrop. 35 fusculus, Hydr. 39 fuscus, Col. 15 GAG ATE s, Ag. 21 galapagoensis, Cop. 26 gangeticus, Or. 47 Gaudichaudii, Ag. 22 geminus, Hydrop. 33 Genei, Hydr. 42 gibbus, Gyr. 45 gibbosus, Hydrop. 32 gibbulus, Gyr. 45 Suph. 28 gibbus, Hyph. 31 giganteus, Cyb. 4 glabratus, Hal. 1 glabriusculus, Hydr. 40 glacialis, Ag. 24 * glaucus, Cyb. 6 Gyr. 43 Or. 47 globosus, Hyph. 30 glyphicus, Cop. 26 Goryi,Ag.23 Cyb. 6 Hydr. 12 Gotschii, Cyb. 5 Goudotii, Hydrop. 34 Gouldii, Din. 50 grsecus, Gyr. 45 grammicus, Hyd. 13 granarius, Hydrop. 34 grandis, Din. 48 ,, Hydroc. 28 Hyph. 30 Troch. 4 Vat. 30 granularis, Hydr. 42 Graphoderus, 13 Grapii, Col. 18 gravidus,Hal. 2 Grayii, Enhydr. 43 griseo-striatus, Hydrop. 35, 36 griseus, Eun. 10 Hydr. 38 groenlandicus, Col. 15 Guerini, Cop. 26 Guerini, Cyb. 4 guineensis, Hypb. 30 guttatus, As. 23 Hal. 2 guttiger, Ilyb. 19 guttula, Hydroc. 28 guttulus, Ag. 24 Gyllenhalii, Hydr. 40 Gyretes, 47 Gyrinidse, 43 Gyrinus, 43 HABILIS, Dyt. 9 hsemorrhoidalis, Col. 20 halensis, Hydrop. 35 Haliplidse, 1 Haliplus, 1 hamulatus, Hydrop. 32 Harrisii, Cnem. 3 Dyt. 8 Hydroc. 28 hastatus, Din. 50 havaniensis, Ac. 11 helvolus, Eun. 10 Hermanni, Peel. 4 heros, Not. 27 hispanus, Dyt. 8 Hceffneri, Ag. 24 bolosericeus, Hydr. 38 Hookeri, Onych. 7 Hoplitus, 3 humeralis, Hydr. 38 Hyph. 31 humilis, Hydr. 39 hyalinus, Lace. 28 Hybneri, Hyd. 13 hybridus, Dyt. 9 Hydr. 38 Hydaticus,!! Hyderodes, 7 Hydrachna, 4 Hydrocanthus, 27 ? Hydropomorpha, 30 Hydroporidffi , 30 Hydroporus, 31 Hygrobia, 4 Hygrotus, 31 hyperboreus, Hydrop. 35 55 Hyphidrus, 30 hypomelas, A. '2-> IAXTHINUS, Din. 4'i Ibaguensis, Cop. 2( Ilybius, 1!) immarginatus, Cyl). > impatiens, Gyr. 45 impressicollis, Gyr. 4-0 impressus, Dyt. 3 Hal. 2 Hal. o Hyph. 30 inwqi.alis, Hyorop. 31 Dyt. 21' incaustus, Hyd. 13 incertus, Hydr. 40 incisus, Ac. 11 ,, Gyr. 4* indicus, Cyb. 4 Din. 4. Gyr. 40 indus, Gyr. 4s int'uscatus, A-. Col. 16 insignis, Hydrop. 34 insularis, Ac. 11 Cyb. 5 insulicola, Cyb. 7 interpunctatus, H. -J interrogatus, Copt. 27 interruptus, Ac. 11 Dyt. _>'. iricolor. Hydroc. '2* Iridis, Gyr. 46 irroratus, Col. lf> Hyd. 11 Laccoph. Isabelli, Hyd. 13 JAA \NUS, Cyb. 4 Patr. 47 jugularis, Hydr. 3'.^ KOI.LMANM, Gyr. 4s Kraussii, Col. 17 LACOOPHILUS, -J8 lacustris, Dyt. 1U ,, Hydrop. 33 laevigatus Cyb. 7 Hydroc. 28 laevis, Gyret. 47 Hydrop. 35 Not. 28 Lanio, Col. 15 Laporti, Ac. 10 lapponicus, Dyt. lapponum, Hydr. :>7 lateralis, Dyt. 5 Gyr. 44 Hyd. 13 lateroiuarginalis, Dyt. 9 latipes, Col. 40 Jatissimus, Dyt. 7 latiusculus, C*yb. 7 latus, Cyb. 7 Hydr. 38 lautus, Hydr. 37 Leander, Hyd. 13 Leathesii, G-yr. 4(i Lebasii, Col." 18 Leioiiotus, 7 leionotus, Gyret. 48 1 embus, Gyr. 4o lepidus, Hydr. 42 Leprieurii, Ag. 25 Lherminieri, Cyb. 4 libanus, Gyr. 44 Lilliputanus. Hydrop. 33 limbatus, Col. 18 Cyb. 4 Cyb. 5 Din. 49 Gyr. 44 Gyr. 46 Hydr. 39 lineatocollis, Hal. 3 lineatus, Col. 18 Cop. 26' Gyr. 46 Hal. 1 Hydr. 41 Hydrop. 36 Laccoph. 29 liaeellus, Hydrop. 36 lineolatus, Col. 26 Hal. 3 Hyd. 13 lituratus, Dyt. 41 Hydr. 39 lougimanus, Din. 49 luctuosus, Hydroc. 28 Hydrop. 34 luczonicus, Hyd. 12 lugubris, Ag. 22 Hydr. 40 luuiger, Ag. 23 lyratus, Hyph. 31 MACCULLOCHII, Ac. 10 raaculatus, Ac. 11 Agab 21 Ag. 22 ,, Cnem. 3 Hydrop. 32 Hyph. 31 maculicollis, Col. 17 maculosus, Laccoph. 29 madagascarieusis, Cyb. 6 Gyr. 44 Hvd. 14 Or. 47 magellanicus, Ag. 24 raarginalis, Dyt. 7 Gvr. 46 INDEX. marginatus, Gyr. 44 Gyr. 46 Hydr. 40 Porr. 48 margineguttatus, Ac. 11 marginellus, Gyr. 47 marginepennis, Or. 47 marginepunctatus, Hal. 2 marginethorax, Cyb. 7 marginicollis, Hydrop 34 marginipennis, Cop. 26 Maria, Dyt. 9 marinus, Gyr. 45 Marklini, Hydr. 39 marmoratus, Hyd. 12 Hydr. 42 Martini, Dyt. 9 Mathesoni,*Hyd. 11 Matus, 27 mediatus, Ac. 10 melanarius, Ag. 25 Gyret. 48 Hydr. 40 melanocephalus, Hal. 2 Hydr. 39 Hydr. 40 melas, Ag. 24 memnonius, Hydr, 40 mergus, Gyr. 44 meridionalis, Ilyb. 20 Cyb. 5 Hydr. 42 metallicus, Din. 49 mexicanus, Col. 17 Din. 48 Laccoph. 29 , mieans, Din. 49 Miersii, Hydrop. 33 minimus. Dyt. 42 Hydr. 41 minutissimus, Hydrop. 33 minutus, Gyr. 45 Hydr. 41 Lace. 29 mixtus, Hyd. 14 Modeeri, Gyr. 47 modestus, Hydr. 38 Gyr. 45 monaulacus, Hydrop. 33 monostigma, Col. 18 montanus, Ag. 21 morio, Gyret. 47 Hydr. 40 mucronatus, Hal. 1 multistriatus, Cop. 26 murinus, Hydr. 38 musicus, Hydrop. 32 NAN us, Hydrop. 33 natator, Gyr. 44 45, nebulosus, Ag. 23 Col. 23 neglectus, Ag. 21 neglectus, Hydr. 43 Neuhoffii, Hydrop. 34 niger, Hydr. 38, 40 nigerrimus, Ag. 22 nigriceps, Col. 17 nigricollis, Ag. 23 nigrinus, Hydroc. 28 nigrita, Hydr. 40, 41 nigro-seneus, Ag. 21 Ag. 21 nigrofasciatus, Ac. nigrolineatus, Hydr. 37 Hydrop. 36 nigrorematus, Col. 17 nilicola, Hal. 2 nitens, Gyr. 45 nitida, Desm. 31 nitidulus, Gyr. 45 nitidus, Ag/21 Ag. 23 Col. 18 Dyt. 24 Hydr. 39 Hydrop. 33 nivalis, Hydr. 43 notasicus, Cyb. 6 notaticollis, Col. 16 notatus, Col. 16 Hydr. 41 Noterus, 27 notula, Hydroc. 28 novemlineatus, Hydrop. 37 OBESUS, Hyph. 30 obliquatus, Gyr. 43 obliquus, Hal. 1 oblitus, Hydr. 40 oblongus, Col. 20 Hydr. 39 Hydr. 40 Laccoph. 28 obscura, Gel. 30 obscuricollis, Col. 17 obscurus, Dyt. 28 Hydr. 41 ,, Hydrop. 33 Ilyb. 19 obsoletus, Hydr. 39 obtusatus, Ac. ? 25 occidental, Cyb. 5 Eun. 10 octodecimmaculatus, Ag. 22 octopustulatus, H. ? 43 octostriatus, Col. 26 olivaceus, Ag. 21 Gyr. 48 ontariensis, Dyt. 9 Onychohydrus, 7 Ooligbuckii, Dyt. 8 opacus, Ag. 24 Gyr. 45 opatrinus, Hydr. 37 Orectochilus, 47 57 orientalis, Laccoph. W ornaticollis. Ac. 11 Or. 47 ornatus, Laccoph. 29 ovalis, Dyt. 36 Hydr. 41 ,, Hyph.31 ovatus, Gyr. 46 Hydr. 41 Hydr. 38 Hyph. 31 Owas,Cyb. 6 PACIFIC us, Col. 18 Hyd. 12 Paelobius, 4 pallens, Hydr. 37 paludosus, Ag. 22 palustris, Hydr. 41 palliatus, Hyd. 13 Or. 47 pallidipennis, Ag. 22 pallidiventris, Ag. 25 pantherinus, Hal. 3 parallelus, Col. 17 Hal. 1 Hydrop. 3(3 Hydrop. 37 parallelogrammus, Hydrop. 36 parcus, Gyr. 45 parvulus, Ag. 22 Dyt. 31 Gyr. 45 Hydrop. 33 Laccoph. 29 patruelis, Cyb. 5 Troch. 4 Patrus, 47 pauperculus, Cyb. 7 Paykulli, Agab. 20 Col. 15 perplexus, Dyt. 9 Hydr. 39 peruvianus, Ag. 22 Petitii, Hyd. 13 phseopterus, Ag. 22 philippinarum, Cyb. 5 Hyph. 30 Or. 47 picatus, Hydrop. 36 piceus, Col. 1 8 Hydr. 38, 39 Hydr. 40 picipes. Col. 25 Gyr. 45 Hydrop. 36 Ilyb. 19 pictus, Hal. 3 Hyd. 11 Hydr. 42 Hypb-. 30 Laccoph. 29 Pisanus, Dyt. 8 planicostatus, Ag. 23 planus, Hydr. 39 platynotus, Hydr. 38 pleuriticus, Cyb. 4 pEecilus, Laccoph. 29 politus, Din 4< Din. 48 polonicus, Hydrop. 36 porcatus, Dyt. 9 ,, Hydrop. 32 porosus, Hydrop. 36 Porrorhynchus, 48 posticatus, Cop. 26 posticus, Cyb. 6 Laccoph. 29 prsemorsus, Col. 17 Din. 48 Prescotti, Ilyb. 19 propinquulus, Ag. 23 prosterno-viridis, Cyb. 7 proxiraus, Din. 48 Hydr. 41 Hydrop. 32 Laccoph. 29 pubescens, Gyr. 47 Hydr. 38 Hydr. 39 pubipennis, Hydrop. 32 pulchellus, Cop. 26 Cyb. 5 pulicaris, Hydrop. 33 pulverosus, Col. 16 pnmilus, Hydrop. 34 punctatissimus, Hydrop. 32 punctatus, Din. 49 Dyt. 36 Hal. 3 puncticollis, Cyb. 4 punctulatus, Ag. 23 Cop. 26 Dyt. 9 punctum, Col. 22 Hydrop. 36 pustulatus, Col. 15 pusillus, Dyt. 33 pygmseus, Dyt. 33 Hydr. 41 QTJADRICOSTATUS, Hydrop. 32 quadriguttatus, Col. 19 quadrimaculatus, Hal. 3 Ilyb. 19 quadrinotatus, Ilyb. 19 quadrisignatus, Laccoph. 29 quadristriatus, Hydrop. 36 quadrivittatus, Hyd. 14 ,, Laccoph. 29 quinquelineatus, Hydrop. 31 RECTUS, Ag. 25 Reichei, Ag. 20 Cyb. 6 reticulatus, Ag. 25 Ag. 20 reticulosus, Col. 17 Hygr. 31 rimosus, Hyd. 12 rivalis, Hydrop. 35 rivulosus, Laccoph. 29 robustus, Cyb. 4 Rockinghamensis, Gyr. 45 Koeselii, Cyb. 5 Roietse, Laccoph. 30 rostratus, Gyr. 48 rotundatus, Cnem. 3 rotundicollis, Col. 17 rubicundus, Hal. 2 ruficeps, Hydr. 38 ruficollis, Ag. 20 Hal. 2 Hyd. 12 rufi Irons, H.ydr. 38 Hydr. 40 rufimanus, Col. 16 rufipennis, Ag. 21 rufipes, Ag. 25 Dyt. 38 Gyr. 44 rufulus, Hyd. 13 Hydr. 42 rugicollis, Hyd. 13 rugosus, Cyb. 4 rugulosus, As. 25 Cyb. 7 SALTATRIX, Gyr. 47 Sanmarkii, Hydrop. 35 Sansii, Hydrop. 34 Saulcyi, Col. 22 Sayi, Gyr. 45 Scalesianus, Hydr. 41 Schaumii, Gyret. 43 Hydrop 34 Schonherri, Hydrop. 37 Or. 47 scitulus, Hydr. 42 Gyr. 47 scriptus, Hyd. 12 Hyph. 30? Scutopterus, 15 Shuckardi, Hyderodes, 7 semipunctatus. Ag. 24 Not. 27 semirufus, Hydr. 38 semistriatus, Dyt. 7 semisulcatus, Ac. 10 semivestitus, Or. 47 semivillosus, Gyr. 47 senegalensis, Cyb. 5 Hyph. 30 septentrionalis, Dyt. 9 Hydrop. 35 sexdentatus. Ilyb. 19 sexguttatus, Hydr. 42 sexpustulatus, Dyt. 41 seriatus, Ag. 23 sericeus, Hydr. 38 Or. 47 serricornis, Agab. 20 serripalpus, Copt. 27 Servillianus, Hyd. 13 severus, Cyb. 4 sexlineatus, Col. 18 signatellus, Hydrop. 33 signatipennis, Hyd. 11 signatus, Col. 16 silesiacus, Ag. 24 similis, Hydrop. 36 Troch. 5 Simpsoni, Gyr. 48 sinaicus, Col. 18 sinuatus, Ag. 21 Smithii, Hyd. 14 snowdonius, Col. 25 sobrinus, Hyd. 11 Solieri, Ag. 25 Hydr. 37 solitaiius, Din. 49 sparsus, Not. 27 speciosus, Hyd. 12 specularis, Or. 47 speculum, Or. 47 spilopterus, Ag. 22 Spinolai, Cyb. 6 spiuosus, Din. 50 splendidulus, Gyr. 46 stagnalis, Hyd. 13 stagninus, Ag. ? 25 stearinus, Hydrop. 36 Stephensii, Hydrop. 35 sticticus, Dyt.'lO striatopterus, Cop. 25 striatulus, Cop. 26 striatus, Ag. 21 Col. 15 Gyr. 46 strigatus, Hyd. 13 strigipennis, Col. 25 Gyr. 46 striola, Ag. 21 Hydr. 41 striolatus, Ag. 25 Ag. 22 Gyr. 43 Hydrop, 35 strigosus, Gyr. 46 Sturmii,Ag. 21 subseueus, Ilyb. 19 subelongatus, Hydr. 40 subfasciatus, Hyd. 13 sublineatus, Din. 49 submarginalis, Dyt. 7 submaculatus, Ag. 22 subnebulosus, Ag. 23 subnubilus, Hal. 2 succinctus, Eun. 10 Ac. 11 subspinosus, Din. 49 INDEX. 59 substriatus, Gyr. 44 sugillatus, Cyb. 6 sulcatus, Ac. 10 sulcipennis, Ac. 10 Cop. 25 Suphis, 28 suturalis, Col. 16 Col 17 Hydr.42 symbolum, Hydrop. 33 TJENIATUS, Agab. 21 Dyt. 14 tainicollis, Col. 18 taeniolatus, Col. 18 tardus, Dyt. 4 tarsatus, Vat. 30 Temrainckii, Cyb. 5 tenebrosus, Hyd. 11 tesselatus, Hydrop. 34 testaceus, Laccoph. 29 tetragrammus, Hydrop. 33 thermalis, Hydrop. 33 thoracicus, Cyb. 5 Hydr. 43 totomarginalis, Dyt. 7 transversalis, Hyd. 12 trifasciatus, Hydrop. 33 trifidus, Dyt. 31 Dyt, 33 trilineatus, Col. 16 Col. 18 trimaculatus, Hal. 3 Hydr. 37 triopsis, Hal. 3 tripunctatus, Cyb. 5 triseriatus, Col. 15 tristis, Ag. 25 Hydr. 40, 41 trivialis, Hydr. 40 Trochalus, 4 Trogus, 4 turgidus, Hydrop. 32 ULIGINOSUS, Ag. 20 Ilyb. 19 umbrosus, Hydr. 41 uncinatus, Hyd. 13 undatus, Ac. 10 undatus, Laccoph. 29 undecimguttatus, Ag. 22 undecimlineatus, Hydr. 37 undecimstriatus, Cop. 26 undulatus, Hydrop. 32 unidentatus, Dm. 49 unifasciatus, Col. 17 Hyd. 14 unistriatus, Hydrop. 33 urinator, Gyr. 46 VARIABTLIS, Gyr. 46 varians, Gyr. 48 variegatus, Ac. 11 Hal. 2 Hyph. 31 Hydrop. 34 ,, Laccoph. 29 varius, Col. 17 Dyt. 13 Hal. 1 Hydr. 42 Vatellus, 30 velutiuus, Hydrop. 32 venator, Gyr. 43 ventralis, Gyr. 44 venustus, Copt. 27 verrucifer, Hyd. 14 verticalis, Dyt. 10 vibicicollis, Col. 16 vicinus, Col. 15 Col. 16 Gyr. 45 Hydr. 42 victor, Hydr. 40 villosus, Or. 47 virens, Dyt. ft vitreus, Ag. 22 vittatus, Din. 49 Hyd. 14 vittiger, Ag. 24 Col. 24 vittula, Hydr. 41 vulneratus, Cyb. 6 Gyret. 48 WASASTJERNJE, Ag. 24 Wingii, Batr. 27 XANTHOMELAS, Hyd. 12 xanthopus, Hydr. 39 ZoNATus,Hyd. 14 Edward Newman, Printer, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate. NOMENCLATURE COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART III. BUPRESTIDJE. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1848. LONDON : PRINTED BY E D W A K D NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE ST. BISHOPSGATK. PREFACE. The object of this Nomenclature is to present a Catalogue of the species of Coleopterous Insects of the family Bupres- ticlee which are contained in the collection of the British M useum, with a reference to where they are figured and to a few of the more important synonyma. It is intended as a list of the species contained in the Museum Collection, with an indication of their origin, and as labels for the cabinet. This list must only be considered as prefatory to a more complete catalogue. The family Buprestidse is arranged for the most part after the work of Messrs. Laporte de Castle- uau and Gory, and Mr. Adam White has taken considerable care in the determination of the species and the references to the synonyma and figures. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Afmtttm, June 4, 1848. LIST OF BUPRESTID.E. Family BUPRESTID^E. STERNOCERA Eschsch. Buprestis Auct. S. CASTANEA Fair. W. Africa (Senegal). B. M. Oliv. t. 2. f. 8. T . D. Tebbs, Esq. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 2. Var. St. irregularis Lap. fy Gory (not King). S. FELDSPATHICA White. W. Africa (Congo). B. M. Ann. <$r Mag. Nat. Hist. Andrew Curror, Esq., Surgeon, K.N. 1843. xn. 267. S. INTERRUPTA Fabr. Senegal. B. M. Oliv. t. 4. f. 28. Lap. $ Gory t. 3. f. 12. S. ORISSA Bug. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Lap. fy Gory, Suppl. t. 1 . f. 3. Dr. Burchell ; Dr. Andrew Smith. Var. St. Burehelli White. B. M. Var. St. Currori White. Congo. B. M. Andrew Curror, Esq., Surgeon, K.N. S. CHRYSIS L. Asia (East Indies). B. M. Oliv. t. 2. f. 8. Walter Elliott, Esq. Lap. fy Gory t. 2. f. 5. Var. Bupr. steruicornis DeG. iv. t. 17. f. 25. Var. St. braraina Chevr. BUPRESTID^. Var. St. basalis Lap. fy Gory. t. 2. f. 7. Var. Stern, chrysomma Dup. Dej. Var. St. nitidicollis Lap. fy Gory, t. 2. f. 6. S. CHRYSIDIOIDES Hope. Lap. $r Gory t. 1. f. 4. S. STERNICORNIS L. Oliv. t. 6. f. 52. Lap. $- Gory t. I f. 3. S. UNICOLOR Lap. Lap. Sr Gory t. 2. f. 8. Var. Stern. Monguersii Dup. S. L.EVIGATA Oliv. t. 12. f. 139. Lap. &r Gory t. 3. f. 10. S. ORTENTALIS Herlst. ix. t. 141. f. 1. Lap. fy Gory t. 3. f. 9. Var. Bupr. sternicornis Fabr. S. RUGOSIPENNIS Lap. fy Gory. t. 3. f. 11. E. Ind. (Coromandel). B.M. Ent. Club. E. Indies (Calcutta). B. M. Francis Walker, Esq. E. Indies (Madras). B. M. East Indies. B. M. E. Ind. (Coromandel). B.M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. East Indies. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. East Indies. B. M. W. Elliott, Esq. East Indies. B.M. JULODIS Eschsch. Buprestis Auct. J. CIRROSA Schcenh. Lap. Sf Gory t. 1. f. 1. Bupr. fascicularis Herbst, ix. t. 14 1. f. 2. Oliv. t. 4. f. 38. a. J. MELLYI Bug. S. Africa (C. G. H.). B. M. John George Children, Esq. S. Africa (C. G. H.). B. M. Lap. & Gory, Suppl. t. 2. f. 4. Dr. Andrew Smith. J. RUBROHIRTA Lap. fy Gory. S. Africa C. G. H.). B. M. t. 1 . f. 2. Ent. Club. ; Dr, A. Smith . Jul. versicolor Dej. J. HIRSUTA Herbst, S. Africa (C. G. H.). B. M. ix. t. 141. f. 3-4. Bupr. fascicularis DeGeer, vii. t. 47. f. 6. BUPRESTID.E. J. KLUGII Lap. Lap. Gory, t. 1. f. 4. J. CYANIPES Lap. Sf Gory. t. 2. f. 5. J. FASCICULARIS L. Oliv. t. 4. f. 38. Lap. fr Gory, t. 2. f. 6. Bupr. pilosa Herbst ix. t. 141. f. 5. Bupr. variolaris Herbst, Arch. v. t. 28 b. f. 10. Var. J. subfascicularis Lap. Gory, t. 2. f. 7. J. THUNBERGII CAew. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Lap. $ Gory, Suppl. t. 2. f. 6. Dr. A. Smith. Jul. Reichei Dej. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Dr. Andrew Smith. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Dr. A. Smith; Gen. Th. Hardwicke. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Dr. A. Smith. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. J. G. Children, Esq. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. J. HIRTIVENTRIS Lap. Lap. fr Gory t. 3. f. 10. Jul. Esaii Chevr. J. MACULICOLLIS Lap. fy Gory. t. 3. f. 11. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Dr. Andrew Smith. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Ent. Club. J. HUMERALIS Reiche. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Lap. <$r Gory, Suppl. t. 2. f. 7. Dr. Andrew Smith. J. MACULATA Lap. Lap. $- Gory t. 3. f. 13. J. lanigera King, Dej. J. IRIS Lap. fy Gory. t. 3. f. 14. J. SULCICOLLIS Lap. fy Gory. t. 4. f. 15. Jul. Dregei Dej. J. HOTTENTOTTA Lap. fy Gory. t. 4. f. 16. J. WHITHILLII Hope. Griff\A.K.Ins.i.t.3l.f. Lap. 8f Gory t. 5. f. 23. J. VARIOLARIS Pallas. Oliv. t. 8. f. 85. Lap. # Gory t. 5. f. 24. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Dr. Andrew Smith, S.Africa? B. M. Dr. A. Smith, Egypt. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Dr. A. Smith. East Indies. B. M. Mesopotamia. Persia. B.M. M. Latreille. B 2 4 BUPRESTIDvE. J. PROXIMA Lap. Sr Gory. Asia (Arabia). B. M. Suppl. t. 2. f. 9. Jul. pistrinaria Dej. J. EHRENBERGII Lap. Crete. Bagdad. B. M. Lap. $-. Gory t. 6. f. 27. Jul. Latreillei Dej. J. ^EQUINOCTIALIS O/iv. Senegal. B. M. t. 10. f. 115. Lap. & Gory t. 6. f. 28. Bupr. floccosa King $ Ehrenb. Symb. Phys.t. 1. f. 5. Var. Jul. cyanitarsis Dej. J. ARABJCA Lap. $r Gory. Arabia. B. M. Suppl. t. 3. f. 13. From the Paris Museum. J. PUBESCENS Oliv. Greece. B. M. t. 2. f. 16. W. W. Saunders, Esq. Lap. Sr Gory t. 6. f. 29. J. PILOSA Fabr. Barbary. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f. 31. Bupr. pilosula Herbst. Jul. Maroccana Dej. J. ONOPORDI L. Spain. Barbary. B. M. Oliv. t. 11, f. 122. Lap. fr Gory t. 7. f. 34. Bupr. onopordinis Fabr. Var. Jul. algerica Lap. fy Gory t. 7. f. 33. Var. Jul. albo-pilosa Chevr. Lap. Sr Gory Supp. t. 4. f. 18. Jul. mauritanica Dej. J. IVENII Bartels. Candia. B. M. Lap. Sr Gory, Suppl. t. 4. f. 20. J. SPECTABILIS And. fy Blanch. Arabia (Djidda). B. M. Lap. Sr Gory, Suppl. t. 4. f. 21. J. CAILLIAUDI Lair. Nubia. B. M. Lap. fr Gory t. 8. f. 37. Bupr. pollinosa King fy Ehr. Symb. Phys.t. 1. f. 3. J. SUBCOSTATA Lap. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Lap. Sr Gory t. 8. f. 38. Jul. patmelis Dej. BUPRESTID^. 5 J. HIRTA . S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Oliv. t. 3. f. 18. Lap. $- Gory t. 8. f. 39. J. LASIOS Herbst. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. ix. t. 145. f. 5. Lap. fy Gory t. 9. f. 42. Var. Bupr. hirta Oliv. t. 3. f. 19. ACM^IODERA Eschsch. Buprestis Auct. A. XANTHOSTICTA Chevr. Columbia. Venezuela. B.M. Lap. $ Gory t. 1. f. 4. A. FLAVO-MARGINATA Gray. Mexico. Guatemala. B. M. Griff. A. K. Ins. I. t. 31. f. 2. From Mr. Children's Collection. Lap. 9f Gory t. 1. f. 2. E. P. Coffin, Esq. A. LATEBALIS Chevr. Mexico. B. M. Lap. fr Gory t. 1. f. 3. A. RUBRONOTATA Lap. fy Gory. Chili. B. M. t. 1. f. 5. E. P. Coffin, Esq. A. VIRIDESCENS Lap. fy Gory. Mexico. B. M. t. 1. f. 6. A. ORNATA Fair. North America. B. M. Oliv. t. 7. f. 67. Lap. $ Gary t. 2. f. 7. A. JAMAICENSIS n. s. Jamaica. B. M. A. MIMA Dej. Mexico. B. M. Lap. $ Gory, Suppl. t. 5. f. 26. A. VOLVULUS Fabr. North America. B. M. Oliv. t. 7. f. 67. Columbia. Lap. fy Gory t. 2. f. 8. Edward Doubleday, Esq. Bupr. pulchella Herbst ix. t. 144. f. 6. Acm. ornata Dej. (not Fabr.). A. FLAVOSIGNATA Dej. North America. B. M. Lap. 8f Gory, Suppl. t. 6. f. 28. Ent. Club. A. T^NIATA Fabr. Europe. B. M. Oliv. t. 5. f. 41 & 49. Ent. Club.; Francis Walker, Esq. Lap. $- Gory t. 2. f. 9. Bupr. flavofasciata Pill. $r Mitterp. Bupr. hirta Vitt. ? B3 BUPRESTID^l. A. QUADRIFASCIATA RoSSl. Lap. $- Gory t. 2. f. 10. A. TBIZONATA Lap. Lap. $ Gory t. 2. f. 11. A. PECTORALIS Oliv. t. 9. f. 97. Lap. Sr Gory t. 2. f. 12. Bnpr. trifasciata Thunb. Bupr. flavo-fasciata Herbst. A. CHILDREN i Lap. $ Gory. t. 3. f. 13. A. TUBULUS Fair. Lap. $r Gory t. 3. f. 15. Bupr. culta Weber. A. OCTODECIMGUTTATA Herbst. ix. t. 156. f. 15. Lap. fy Gory t. 3. f. 16. A. OTTOMANA Friv. Constantinople. Lap. $ Gory t. 6. f. 32. A. INTKICATA n. s. Levant. Italy. Algeria. B. M. Signer Passerini. South Africa. B. M. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Dr. A. Smith ; Ent. Club. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. North America. B. M. Columbia. E. Doubleday. Esq. Europe (Spain, B. M. Hungary). B. M. B. M. Prof. E. Forbes. B. M. A. SEXPUSTULATA Lap. fy Gory. Italy (Florence). t. 3. f. 17. Var. Lucas, Expl. Sclent. Alger. t. 15. f. 1. A. FLAVOPUNCTATA Lucas. Algeria. ? B. M. Expl. Scient. Alger, t. 14. f. 9. A. MULTIPUNCTATA Lucas. Algeria. B. M. Expl. Scient. Alger. t. 14. f. 6. A. ADSPERSULA Illig. Europe. Algeria. B. M. Lap. Sr Gory t. 5. f. 26. Acm. dermestoides Sol. Acm. variegata Dej. Var. Acm. fastidita Dej. A. ERYTHROLOMA Dej. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Lap. fy Gory Suppl. t. 8. f. 40. A. LEPRIEURII Bug. Senegal. B. M. Lap. $ Gory t. 6. f. 34. BUPRESTID^E. A. BARBARA Lap. & Gory . Suppl. t. 8. f. 44. A. DISCOIDEA Fabr. Oliv. t. 7. f. 65, & t. 10. f. 65 c. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f. 38. A. LUGENS Lap. & Gory. >/. t. 8. f. 45. A. CYLINDRICA Fabr. Herbst ix. t. 154. f. 3. Lap. & Gory t, 7. f. 39. A. MELANOSOMA LuCOS. Expl. Sclent. Alger. t. 14. f. 5. A. ACUMINIPENNIS Lap. & Gory. t. 8. f. 43. Var. Acm. vestita Dej. A. GIBBOSA Fabr. Oliv. t. 6. f. 59. Lap. & GWy t. 8. f. 46. Bupr. viridiaenea DeGeer. Bupr. elateroides Herbst. Bupr. ruticollis Thunb. Bupr. fulvicollis Herbst. A. POLITA King. Symb. Phys. t. 91. f. . Lap. & Gory t. 9. f. 52. A. AURIFERA Zap. t. 9. f. 53. CATOXANTHA Solier. Buprestis Auct. C. BICOLOR Fabr. Guer. Icon. t. f. Lap. & GWy t. 1. f. 1. Bupr. heros. WTierf. C. OPULENTA Gory. Mag.deZool.lS32. t. 17. Lap. & Cat. Boisduvalii t. 1. f. 2. Barbary (Tunis). B. M. Sicily. Algeria. B. M. Roumelia, near Con- stantinople. B. M. S. Europe, Sicily. B. M. Algeria. B. M. Spain. Algeria. B. M. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Earl of Derby ; Dr. A. Smith. Ent. Club. Senegal. B. M. E. Indies (Deccan). B. M. W. Elliott, Esq. Java. Silhet. B. M. Java. B. M. Philippine Islands. C. PURPUREA White. Philippine Islands. B. M. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xn. BUPRESTID/E. AGELIA Lap. & Gory. Chrysocbroa Auct. A. PETE LI i Buquet. South Africa. B. M. Lap. & Gory, Suppl. 1. 10. f. 5 J . Dr. A. Smith. E. Indies (Poonah). B. M. W. Elliott, Esq. ; F. Walker, Esq. A. PECTINICORNIS Lap. & Gory. t. 2. f . 3. CHRYSOCHKOA Solier. Buprestis Auct. C. FULGIDA Fabr. Oliv. t. 11. f. 124. Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 4. Bupr. elegans Thunb. Bupr. fulgidissima Schcenh. C. CHINENSIS Lap. & Gory. t. 2. f. 5. C. RAJAH Lap. Gory. /. t. 10. f. 53. China. Japan. B. M. E. Larkin, Esq. China. B. M. North India (Silhet). E. Indies (Bombay). ?B. M. East Indies. B. M. Java. B. M. J. G. Children, Esq. B. M. C. IGNITA L. Oliv. t. 4. f. 3. Lap. & Gory t. f. 6. C. FULMINANS Fabr. Herbst ix. t. 142. f. 2. Bupr. fulgurans Illig. C. CHRYSURA Eschsch. Philippine Islands. Lap. & Gory, Suppl. t. 10. f. 55. Bupr. orientalis Hope. Chrys. prselonga White. C. AUBATA Fabr. West Africa. B. M. Oliv. t. 9. f. 93, Wt F . Evans , E sq. Lap. & Gory I, 4. f. 16. Bupr. chrysopennis Hope. C. LEPIDA Gory. Senegal. B. M. Ann. Soc. Ent. France 1. 1. 12. Lap. & Gory t. 3. f. 9. Chrys. dives Dej. BUPRESTHXE. East Indies. 9 B. M. C. OCELLATA Fabr. Oliv. t. 1. f. 3. Lap. & Gory t. 3. f. 12. Bupr. fulgens DeGeer. Var. Chrys. ephippigera White. C. EDVARDSII Hope. E. Indies (Silhet). B. M. Linn. Trans, xix. 109. t. 10. f. 4. C. VITTATA Fabr. China. B. M. Oliv. t. 3. f. 17. John C. Bowring, Esq. Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 14. Bupr. aurea DeGeer. Bupr. ignita Herbst. C. MUTABILIS Oliv. t. 8. f. 78. Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 15. C. SUBLINEATA White. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xii. C. PLUTUS Hope. Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 18. C. BIVITTATA n. S. C. QUADRIFOVEOLATA Lap. $t Gory. t. 2. f. 4. CYRIA Solier. Buprestis Auct. C. IMPERIALIS Fabr. Donov. N. Holl. t. 1. f. *** Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 20. C. AUSTRALIS Boisd. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 21. Cyria gagates Hope. C. VITTIGERA Hojt>e. Zap. & Gory t. 5. f. 22. East Indies. B.M. W, Elliott, Esq. North India. B.M. East Indies. B.M. Silhet. Madagascar. B.M. B.M. New Holland. New Holland. New Holland. B.M. B.M. B.M. STERASPIS Buprestis Auct. S. SPECIOSA King & Ehrenb. Symb.Phys. t. l.f. 11. Lap. & Gory t. 6. f. 23. Ster. principals Dej. Nubia. B.M. 10 BUPRESTID^. S. SCABRA Fair. Oliv. t. 3. f. 25. Lap. & Gory t. 6. f. 24. S. SQUAMOSA Klug. & Ehr. Symb. Phys. t. 1. f. 10. Ster. Boyeri So Her. S. BREVICORNIS Lap. & Gory, t. 7. f. 28. S. IGNIPENNIS Hope. CHRYSODEMA Lap. & Gory. Buprestis Auct. Evides Dej. C. BLANCHARDI Lap. & Gory. Suppl. t. 12. f. 65. C. RADIANS Guerin. Lap. & Gory I. 1. f. 3. C. VAGANS Lap. & Gory. Suppl. t. 12. f. 66. C. JUCUNDA Lap. & Gory, t. 2. f. 6. C. SULCATIPENNIS D. S. C. AURIFERA Lap. & Gory. t. 4. f. 19. C. PHILIPPINENSIS Lap. & t. 2. f. 8. C. ELEGANS Fabr. Oliv. t. 8. f, 89. Lap. & Gory t. 3. f. 13. Bupr. superba Hope. C. PUBIVENTRIS Lap. & Gory. t. 3. f. 14. J Evides strigosa Dej. C. PISTOR ./?. & Gory, t. 6. f. 33. C. PYROSURA Lap. & Gory. West Africa. B. M. Egypt. W. Africa= B. M. West Africa. B. M. W. Africa. B. M. E. Indies (Bombay). B. M. N. Ireland (P. Praslin). B.M. Philippine Islands. Ent. Club. E. Indies (Java). B. M. Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands. B. M. Philippine Islands. B. M. Philippine Islands. ?B. M. Philippine Islands. B. M. East Indies. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. W. Africa (Senegal). B. M. T. Tebbs, Esq. New Holland. B. M. (Cape Upstart). Earl of Derby. B.M. From the Collection of Mr. Children. BUPRESTIDjE. 11 C. GIG AS Hope. New Holland. B. M. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 208. (Swan River). C. CORUSCA Fair. Jamaica. B. M. Oliv. t. 9. f. 99. Lap. cSc Gory t. 6. f. 30. Bupr. tereticollis Pall. PTOSIMA Solier. Buprestis Auct. P. NOVEM-MACULATA Fabr. Europe. B. M. Oliv. t. 4. f. 30. Ent. Glub. Lap. & Gory 1. 1. f. 1. Bupr. flavo-guttata 77%. Bupr. undecim-raaculata Herlst. Bupr. sexmaculata Herbst. P. VINOSA n. s. New Holland. B. M. NASCIO Lap. & Gory. Buprestis Auct. , N. VETUSTA Boisd. New Holland. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 1. Ent. club. ACHERUSIA Lap. & Gory. A. CHILDRENI Lap. & Gory. Columbia. B. M. t. 1. f. 1 . Type specimen from the Collection of Mr. Children. BULIS Lap. & Gory. Buprestis Auct. B. BIVITTATA Fabr. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 1. Dr. Andrew Smith. BUBASTES Lap. & Gory. B. SUTUEALIS n. s. New Holland. B. M. (N. W. coast of). B. CUPRINUS n. s. New Holland. B. M. 12 BUPRESTIDJi. ASTHK^US Lap. & Gory. A. FLAVOPICTUS Lap. & Gory. A. PERPULCHER H. S. New Holland. B. M. (Swan Elver). New Holland. B. M. Gen. Hardwicke. ACANTHA Lap. & Gory. Buprestis Auct. Prionophora Dej. A. OCTOPUNCTATA Fair. Brazil. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 2. Prionophora catochlora Dej. A. PISTEINA n. s. B. M. Mexico? Columbia? B. M. CAPNODIS Eschsch. Buprestis Auct. C. CARIOSA Fabr. Europe. Oliv. t. 7. f. 68. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f- 2. Bupr. Bruteia Pet. Bupr. tenebrionis Cyr. C. CARBON ARIA Klua. Symb. Phys. t. 2. f. 2. Zap. & Gory t. 1. f. 5. C. POROSA King. Symb. Phys. t. 2. f. 3. Lap. & GWz/ 1. 2. f. 7. C. TENEBRIONIS L. Europe. Oliv. t. 5. f. 27. Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 8. Bupr. tenebrioides PaZ/. Bupr. naivia Gmel. C. TENEBRICOSA .Fa&r. Europe. Oliv. t. 5. f. 48. Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 10. Bupr. tenebrionis Rossi. B. M. Syria. Bosphorus. B. M. Syria. Bosphorus. B. M. B. M. Dr. Dowler. B. M. BUPRESTID.E. 13 CYPHONOTA Dej. Buprestis Auct. Caeculus Lap. & Gory. C. L.AWSONI2E Chevr. Algeria. B. M. Caeculus gravidus Lap. & Gory i. 1. f. 2. C. BUQUETI Lap. & Gory. Algeria. B. M. Cyph. inflata Dej. Cyph. Lantoniae Chevr. C. IONICA n. s. Corfu. B. M. Rev. C. Kuper, M. A. TRACHYPTERIS Kirby. Buprestis Auct. Apatura Lap. & Gory, (not Fabr.) T. DECOSTIGMA Fabr. Europe (Austria). B. M. Herbst ix. t. 154. f. 12. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 1. Bupr. chrysostigma Fabr. Bupr. silphoides Schrank. Bupr. 14-guttata Oliv. 1. 12. f. 138. T. DRUMMONDI Kirby. North America. B. M. Faun. Bor.-Amer. t. 2. f. 8. St. Martin's Falls, Albany Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 3. River. Rev. w. Kirby. G. Baruston, Esq. T. OCTOSPILOTA Lap. & Gory. N. America (N. Scotia). B.M. t. 1 . f. 2. Lieut. Redman . Phaenops subguttata Dej. T. CROCEO-SIGNATA Lap. & Gory. N. America (N. Scotia). B.M. t. I. f. 6. Lieut. Redman. T. DECOLOR ATA Lap. & Gory. North America. B. M. t. 1. f. 7. St. Martin's Falls, Albany B. appendiculata Kirby ? River. Rev. w. Kirby. Faun. Bor.-Amer. p. 159. G. Barnston, Esq. (nee Fabr.) 14 BUPRESTID^. T. TARDA Fabr. Europe. B. M. Herbst ix. t. 147. f. . Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 15. Bupr. cyanea Fabr. Bupr. clypeata Pay k. T. INFLAMMATA Lap. & Gory. South America. B. M. t. 2. f. 10. OXYPTEBIS Kirby. Buprestis Auct. 0. APPENDICULATA Fair. Europe. B. M. Herbst ix. t. 147. f. 2. Lap. & (rorr/ t. 2. f. 14. Bupr. raorio Payk. Bupr. acuminata DeGeer. Bupr. acuta Gmel. Var. Phaen. immaculata Dej. ATJRIGENA. Lap. & Gory. Buprestis Auct. A. LUGUBRIS .Fair. Europe (Italy). B. M. Oliv. t. 10. f. 106. Dr. Dowler. Lap. & Goryt. 1. f. 1. Var. Bupr. Laportea Brulle, Exp. Mor. t. 35 f. 3. A. CHLORANA Latr. Syria. Crete. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 2. A. TARSATA jPaftr. Barbary. B. M. Herbst ix. t. 148. f. 4. Lcr^. & Gory t. 1. f. 4. Bupr. unicolor Oliv. t. 8. f. 91. Bupr. Lyonii Vigors. Zool. J. n. t. 19. f. 3, EUCHROMA Solier. Buprestis Auct. E. GIGANTEA L. Brazil. B. M. Oliv. t. l.f. 1. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 1. Bupr. maxima L. (Olim.) E. GOLIATH Lap. & Gory. Mexico. B. M. t. l.f. 2. Euchr. herculeana Dup. BUPRESTIDjE. 15 CHALCOPHORA Solier. Buprestis Auct. C. JAPONIC A De H. Lap. & Gory, Suppl. t. 14. f. 77. C. MARIANA L. Oliv. t. 1. f. 4. Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 5. Bupr. hiulca Pa//. Bupr. massiliensis Villers. Var. Bupr. florentina Dahl. C. VIRGINIENSIS Herbst. ix. t. 148. f. Zap. & <9or*/ t. 2. f. 6. Bupr. mariana L. Bupr. virginica L. C. BOREALIS Lap. & t. 3. f. 9. C. SERRIPENNIS Lap. & Gory. t. 3. f. 11. C. PLICATA Wied. Lap. &Goryt. 3. f. 13. C. FABRICII Rossi. Herbst ix. t. 146. f. 4. Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 15. C. STIGMATICA Schcenh. Lap. & <2ory t. 4. f. 47. Var. Bupr. quadrinotata King. Symb. Phys. t. 2. f. 6. C. AUSTEALICA D. S. Japan. B. M. China (Hong Kong). J. C. Bowring, Esq. Europe. B. M. Signor Passerini. North America, B. M. North America. B. M. ? S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Ent. Club. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. .- Eat. Club. Italy. Bosphorus. New Holland. B. M. Signor Passerini. B. M. B. M. PSILOPTEBA Solier. Buprestis Auct. P. COLLARIS Fabr. Oliv. t. 2. f. 9. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 19. Cayenne. C 2 B. M. 16 BUPRESTID^. P. ATTENUATA Fabr. Herbst ix. t. 142. f. 5. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 20. P. INCONSTABILIS Perty. Del t. 4. f. 9. Lap, & ory t. 5. f. 21. P. ASSIMILIS Dej. Lap. & GWy, iS'w/?/?/. t. 14. f. 78. P. EQUESTRIS Oliv. t. 9. f. 103. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 22 bis. Bupr. regia Fabr. Bupr. eques Herbst. Psil. tesselata D Gory t. 31. f. 167. M. CUPEICEPS Kirby. Linn. Trans, xn. Lap. & Gory t. 30. f. 164. Bupr. viridinitens Boisd. Bupr. serrulata Leach. M. LATH AM i Hope. Lap. $ Gory t. 31. f. 166. M. TIBIALIS n. s. N. Holland. B. M. M. GLORIOSA Hope. Lap. fr Gory t. 31. f. 170. M. CHRYSOBAPTA n. S. M. INSULARIS D. S. N. Holland. B. M. N. Holland. B. M. N. Holland. B. M. New Holland. B. M. (Swan River). New Holland. B. M. (Kangaroo Islands). Ent. Club. N. Holland. N. Holland. N. Holland. (Kangaroo Islands). B. M. B. M. B. M. Ent. Club. ANCYLOCHEIRA Eschsch. Buprestis Auct. A. CUPHESSI Dej. Lap. Sr Gory t. 32 f. 175. A. RUSTIC A L. Oliv. t. 3. f. 22. Lap. $ Gory t. 32. f. 176. Bupr. violacea DeGeer. Elat. latus Sulz. Dalmatia. Corfu. B. M. Odessa. Dr. Dowler. Europe. B. M. (Austria, Switzerland). Dr. Harape ; M. A. Pierret. BUPRESTID&. A. PUNCTATA Fair. Oliv. t. 10. f. 114. Lap. If Gory t. 32. f. 177. Var. Bupr. rustica Gyll. Bupr. haemorrhoidalis Herbst. Bupr. quadristigma Herbst. Var. Bupr. bicolor Fabr. Bupr. barbara Oliv. Bupr. barbarica Gmel. A. RUSTICORUJVT Kirby. F.B.-Amer. 151. Lap. $ Gory Suppl. t. 20. f. 1 15. Europe. Nubia. B. M. M. Grey. A. SEXNOTATA Lap. Gory. t. 32. f. 178. A. rusticorum var. ? A. PAG AN o RUM Kirby. Faun. Bor.-Amer. p. 152. A. FLAVOMACULATA Fabr. Herbst ix. t. 146. f. 8. Lap. fr Gory t. 33. f. 185. Var. Bupr. octoguttata Oliv. t. 4. f. 36. Bupr. octomaculata Pall. Bupr. maculosa Gmel. Bupr. flavopunctata DeG. Bupr. novemmaculata L. Elat. tetrastichon L. A. MACULATA Fabr. Siberia. Lap. Sr Gory t. 34. f. 186. Var. Bupr. octomaculata Pall. Var. Bupr. flavomaculata Gyll. Bupr. strigosa Gebl. A. OCTOGUTTATA L. . Europe. Oliv. t. 11. f. 126. Lap. Sr Gory t. 34. f. 188. Bupr. albopuuctata DeGeer. A. MAURITANICA Lucas. Algeria. Expl. Sclent. Alger. t. 15. f. 6. A. 10-spiLOTA Hope. Nepal. Gray's ZooL Misc. p. 25. North America. B. M. Hudson's Bay, Albany Kiver. Rev. W. Kirby. Gr. Bamston, Esq. North America. B. M. Maine (East Port). Ent. Club. N. America. B. M. (Cumberland House). Rev. \V. Kirby. Europe (Germany). B. M. B. M. Ent. Club. B. M. B. M. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. BUPRESTIDvE. N. America. A. RUFIPES Fair. Oliv. t. 7. f. 73. Lap. Sr Goryt. 34. f. 191. A. SCALARIS Lap. Sf Gory. N. Holland, t. 35. f. 193. B. M. B. M. A. NUTTALLI Kirby. Faun. Bor.-Amer. 152. Var. ? A. maculipennis Dej. Lap. fy Gory, Suppl. t. 21. f. 117. North America. B. M. (Rocky Mountains). Hudson's Bay, St. Martin's Falls, Albany River. Kev. W. Kirby ; G. Barnston, Esq. A. LINEATA Fabr. N. America. B. M. Oliv. t. 8. f. 80. Kev. W. Kirby. Lap. & Gory t. 35. f. 196. A. FASCIATA Fabr. Oliv. t. 9. f. 92. Lap. & Gory t. 35. f. 198. Bupr. sexmaculata Herlst. A. DECORA Fabr. Oliv. t. 8. f. 82. Lap. & Gory t. 36. f. 199. Bupr. salisburensis Herbst. A. AURULENTA L. Oliv. t. 9. f. 98. Lap. $r Gory t. 36. f. 200. Anc. bicostata Lecomte, Dej. A. OPULENTA Friv. Hungary. B. M. A. Boscn Lap. fy Gory. N. America. B. M. t. 36. f. 201. (Wilmington). Ent. Club. Ancyl. aciculata Dej. A. STRIATA Fabr. Oliv. t. 7. f. 77. Lap. fy Gory t. 36. f. 102. A. IMPEDITA Say. N. America. B. M. Lap. Sr Gory t. 36. f. 203. Ent. Club. N. America. B. M. (Canada, Nova Scotia). Rev. W. Kirby. N. America. B. M. Edward Doubleday, Esq. North America. B. M. Nova Scotia. J. G. Children, Esq. Lieut. Redman. N. America (Georgia). B.M. Ent. Club. BUPRESTIDjE. EURYTHYREA Serville. Buprestis Auct. E. MICANS Fair. Europe. B. M. Herbst ix. t. 145. f. 8. N. Africa (Algeria). Lap. & Gory t. 37. f. 206. B. Frend, Esq. Bupr. marginata Oliv. t. 5. f. 51. E. AUSTRIACA L. Europe. B.M. Oliv. t. 10. f. 113. Lap. & Gory. t. 37. f. 207. Bupr. Quercus Herbst. Bupr. aurulenta Rossi. Bupr. aurata Pall. Bupr. inaurata Gmel. Bupr. carniolica Herbst. Bupr. marginata Herbst. PELECOPSEPHALUS Solier. Buprestis Auct. Chrysesthes Serv. P. ANGULARIS Schcenh. Perty Del. t. 4. f. 5. Lap. & Gory t. 37. f. 209. P. GYMNOPLEUBUS Perty Del. t. 4. f. 8. Lap. & Gor^ t. 38. f. 210. Chrys. impressicollis Solier. Chrysesthes brasiliensis Dej. P. TRTPUNCTATUS Fabr. Oliv. t. 2. f. 10. Lap. & GWy t. 38. f. 211. P. SUBIGNEUS D. S. CINYRA Lap. & Gory. Leptia Dej. Buprestis Auct. C. SULCIFERA Lap. & Gory. t. 39. f. 217. Leptia pulverea Dej. Brazil. Brazil. S. America. Honduras. S. America. B.M. 2t> BUPRESTIDjE. STIGMODERA Solier. Buprestis Auct. S. GRANDIS Donov. Ins. N. Roll t. f. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 1. S. FLAVOCINCTA Hope. Bupr. p. 1 . Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 2. S. GORYI Hope. (Gorii). Bupr. p. 1. Lap. & Gory t. l.f. 3. Stigm. Curtisii Hope. S. MACULARIA DonOV. Ins. N. Holl. t. f. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 4. S. JACQUINOTII Boisd. Voy. de LAstrol. t. 7. f. 2. Zap. & Gory t. 2. f. 5. S. CANCELLATA DonOV. Ins. N. Holl. t. f. Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 6. Bupr. Dejeanii Boisd. Stigm. Roei Hope, Bupr. p. 2, S. SMARAGDINA /JTope. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 283. TEMOGNATHA Solier. Buprestis Auct. T. VARIABILIS Donov. Ins. N. Holl. Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 7, 8. Var. Bupr. Kingii Macleay, King's Voyage to Australia. T. SPENCEI Hope. Bupr. p. 2. Zap. & Gory t. 3. f. 9. T. REICHEI Lap. & Gory. t. 3. f. 10. Var. Stigm. funerea White, Ann. fy Mag. Nat. Hist. N. Holland. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. Dr. Andrew Sinclair, K. N. N. Holland, (Swan River). N. Holland. B. M. B. M. N. Holland. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. N. Holland. B. M. Australia. B. M. (King George's Sound). Capt. Geo. Grey. Australia. N. Holland. B. M. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. Rev. A. Beaufort; J. Hunter, Esq. Dr. A. Sinclair, B. N. N. Holland. B. M. Banks of Lake Albert, South Australia. G. F. Angas, Esq. N. Holland. B. M. (Swan River). Capt. Geo. Grey ; Ent. Club. BUPRESTIDJE. 27 T. YARRELLII Hope. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 3. f. 11. T. LIMBATA Donov. N. Holland. B. M. Ins. TV. Holl. Ent Clnb> a;?. & Gory t. 3. f. 14. T. SUTURALIS Donov. N. Holland. B. M Ins. N. Holl. t. f. Lap. & GWy t. 4. f. 16. Bupr. vertebralis Boisd. T. PULCHELLA n. s. N. Holland. B. M. T. SKMICINCTA Hope. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 17. T. CONSPICILLATA White. N. Holland. B. M. Ann. fy Mag. Nat. Hist. (Swan River). Var. ? Stigm. cyanura Hope. Trans. Ent. *Soc. Lond. iv. 211. T. CROCIPENNIS Hope. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 20. (Swan River). T. RUFIPENNIS Kirby. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. cSc Goryt. 4. f. 21. T. ERYTHROPTERA Dej. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. & Gory Suppl. t. 22. f. 126. T. SPINOL^ Lap. & Gory. N. Holland. B. M. Suppl. t. 22. f. 127. T. LUTEIPENNIS Lap. & Gory. N. Holland. B. M. Suppl. t. 22. f. 128. CASTIARINA Lap. & GWy. Buprestis Auct. C. PERTH #0;*. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 22. From the Collection of Mr. Children. C. APICALIS n. s. N. Holland. B. M. Ent. Club. C. UNDULATA Donov. N. Holland. B. M. Ins. N. Holl. f. ***** Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 23. C. SPILOTA Hope. N. Holland. B. M, Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 24. 28 BUPRESTID^E. C. ANDERSON 1 1 Hope. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 25. C. ANCHORALIS Hope. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 26. C. SIMULATA Hope. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 27. C. KLUGII . Lap. & Gory t. 6. f. 28. C. MILITARIS n. S. C. OCTOSPILOTA Hope. Lap. & Gory t. 6. f. 19. C. CRUENTA Hope. Lap. & Gory t. 6. f. 30. C. C RUE NT ATA Kirty. Linn. Trans'. *u. t. 23. f. 1. Lap.& Gory t. 6. f. 31. C. B1FASCIATA Hope. Var. Stigm. vicina Hope. Bupr. bicincta Lap. & Gory t, 6. f. 33. C. SAGITTARIA Lap. & G0ry. t. 7. f. 34. C. AUSTRALASIJE Lap. & Gory, t. 7. f. 35. C. KIRBYI Guer. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f. 36. Stigm. vivida Hope. C. BURCHELLII Uope. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f. 37. C. CYANICOLLIS Boisd. Lap. & Gory t, 7. f. 38. C. IOSPILOTA Hope. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f. 39. C. SEXSPILOTA Hope. Lap. Sr Gory t. 8^f. 40. Bupr. amphichrc N. Holland. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. N. Holland. B. M. (King George's Sound). Capt. G. Grey. N. Holland. B. M. Ent. Club. N. Holland. B. M. Ent. Club. V. D. Land. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke; Rev. Th. Ewing. N. Holland. B. M. N. Holland. N. Holland. B. M. B. M. N. Holland. B. M. Sir John Richardson, M. D. N. Holland. (Swan River). B. M. N. Holland. B. M. N. Holland. B. M. N. Holland. B. M. Ent. Club. N. Holland. B. M. N. Holland. B. M. N. Holland. (Swan Biver). B. M. BUPRESTID^:. 29 C. DECEMMACULATA KMy. N. Holland. B. M. Linn. Trans, xn. t. 23. f. 3. Lap. Sr Gory t. 8. f. 41. C. FEMORATA Lap. fy Gory. N. Holland. B. M. t. 8. f. 42. C. BICINCTA Dej. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. fr Gory, Suppl. t. 23. f. 129. C. BICOLOR Lap. fy Gory. N. Holland. B. M. t. 8. f. 45. (Kangaroo Island). C. CRENATA Donov. N. Holland. B. M. Ins. N. Roll. f. *** Lap. Sr Gory t. 9. f. 46. Var. Stigm. bicruciata Nope. C. SEXPLAGIATA Lap. fy Gory. N. Holland. B. M. Suppl. t. 23. f. 130. C. CRUCIGERA Hope. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. $ Gory t. 9. f. 47. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. Bupr. scalaris Boisd. C. SUBTRIFASCIATA Hope. N. Holland (Sidney). B. M. Lap. $ Gory t. 9. f. 48. Polychr. cyanicollis Macleay, Dej. C. PALLIDIVENTRIS Lap. fy Gory. N. Holland. B. M. t. 9. f. 50. (Swan River). C. OCELLIGERA And. 8f Blanch. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. $- Gory, Suppl. t. 23. f. 132. C. PHjEORHEA Kirby. N. Holland. B. M. Linn. Trans, xii. 456. t. 23. f. 2. C. CROCICOLOR Hope. N. Holland. B. M. Lap. fy Gory t. 10. f. 53. C. SAMOUELLI Hope. N. Holland. B. M. Bupr. p. 6. Type specimen described by Eev. F. W. Hope. C. SAUNDERSII Hope. N. Holland (Adelaide). B.M. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. V. D. Land. 213. White, Stokes Voyage I. t. 1. f. 8. C. ELEGANTULA White. N. Holland. B. M. Appendix to Stokes Voyage N. W. coast. of H. M. S. Fly, I. t. 1. f. 6. From the Voyage of H. M. S. Fly . Var. Con. coccinata Hope. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 102 ? D3 30 C. ERYTHRURA White. Stokes Voy.t. 1. f. 7. C. ERYTHROMELAS Boisd. Voy. de Astrol. t. 6, f. 7. Lap. Sf Gory t. 31, f. 173. CUKIS Lap. & Gory. Anthaxia Hope. C. PERONII Lap. fy Gory. t. 11. f. 57. C. CALOPTERA Boisd. Lap. fy Gory t. 11. f. 58. Anthaxia dives Hope. C. AURIFERA Hope. Lap.Sr Goryt. 11. f. 59. BUPRESTIDJ2. N. Holland. B. M. V. D. Land. B. M. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. N. Holland. B. M. (Kangaroo Island). Ent. Club. N. Holland. B. M. Kev. Stuart Taylor. Ent. Club. N. Holland. B. M. CONOGNATHA Eschsch. Buprestis Auct. C. AM&NA Kirby. Brazil. B. M. Lap. . & Gory t. 1. f. 6. P. VENEZUELA n. s. ZEMINA Lap. & Gory. Z. HIRSUTA Lap. & Gory, t. 1. f. 4. STENOGASTER Solier. Buprestis Auct. S. LINEARIS L. Oliv. t. 5. f. 40. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 1. Bupr. atomaria Fabr. S. IRRORATUS Lap. & Gory. t. l.f. 3. S. PULVEROSUS Lap. & Gory. Suppl. t. 34. f. 195. AGRILUS Megerle. Buprestis Auct. A. ALBIVITTIS Germ. Lap. & Gory t. 1. f. 1. Bupr. xantholoma Dalm. Bupr. Helwigii Klug. Ent. Bras. Agr. marginicollis Dej. Venezuela. Brazil. Cayenne. Brazil. Mexico. Brazil. 35 B. M. B. M. B. M. B. M. B. M. B. M. B. M. B. M. B. M. B. M. J. G. Children, Esq. 36 BUPRESTID^;. A. FERRUGINEO-GUTTATUS Herlst. ix. t. 156. f. 14. Lap. Gory t. 1. f. 2. Bupr. sexguttata Thunb. A. GRAND is Lap. & Gory. t. 1. f. 3. A. PYROSURUS Lap. & Gory. t. 1. f. 6. Mexico. A. FURCATIPENNIS Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 8. Agr. 10-notatus Dej. A. PROLONGATUS Lap. & GWy. Brazil. t. 2. f. 9. Agr. caudatus Dej. A. ARM AT us IfaJr. Lap. & or# t. 3. f. 14. A. FURCILLATUS Chew. Lap. & Gory t. 3. f. 16. A. CHRYSOPHANUS Dej. Lap. & Gory, Suppl. t. 35. f. 202. A. TRISPINOSUS Lap. & Gory. Columbia. Suppl. t. 35. f. 203. A. BIFASCIATUS Gray. Griff. A. K. Ins. i. t. 31 Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 24. Agr. Catharinae Chevr. A. AUSTRALASIA Lap. & GWy. t. 5. f. 25. A. CUPRIVENTRIS Lap. & Gory. t. 5. f. 88. Agr. con finis Dej. A. EVINADUS Bug. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f. 37. A. CRASSUS Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 26. Bupr. millefolii Fabr. Herbst IK. 1. 147. f. 11. Bupr. umbellatarum var. Sch&nh. A. INCULTA Germ. Europe. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 27. Caucasus. Bupr. chamomillee Dahl. Africa (Oran). Ent. club. A. QUERCATA Fabr. North America. B. M. Lap. <$r Gory t. 5. f. 28. Ent. Club. A. L.ETA Fabr. Europe. B. M. Oliv. t. 5. f. 50. Dr. Dowler. Lap. fr Gory t. 5. f. 29. Bupr. nitidula Herbst ix. 1. 147. f. 9. A. NITIDULA L. Europe. B. M. Oliv. t. 11. f. 119. Brit. Islands, j. c. Dale, Esq. Lap. & Gory t. 6. f. 32. A. SIGNATICOLI.IS Krynicki. Russia. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 31. Crimea, Caucasus, Tauria, Volhynia, and Kharkovia. A. MARGINATA Thunb. S. Africa (C. G. H.) B. M. Nov. Ins. Din. L 105. Lap & Gory t. 6. f. 36. Auth. perplexa Dej. A. UMBELLATARUM Fabr. Europe. B. M. Oliv. t. 3. f. 23. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f. 40. A. QUADRIPUNCTATA L. Europe. t B. M. Oliv. 1. 10. f. 117. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f.41. E3 42 BUPRESTID^E. A. CHEVRIERI Ulrich. Lap. & Gory t. 8. f. 45. A. SEPULCHRALIS Fair. Lap. & Gory t. 8. f. 48. A. PYGM^EA Brulle. Lap. & Gory t. 8. f. 49. A. FUNERULA 77%. Zap. & Gory t. 8. f. 47. EVAGORA Zajt? & Gory. Buprestis Auct. E. PULVERULENTA Herbst. Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 6. Bupr. atomaria Tkunb. E. SUBVIOLACEA Zap. & Gory. t.l.f.5. SPHENOPTERA Solier. Buprestis Auct. S. CORACINA Stev. Mem. Mosc. u. t. 3. f. 5. Lap. & Gory t. l.f.5. Sphenopt. Arnacanthae Godet. S. IRIDIVENTRIS Zap. & Gory. t. 2. f. 7. Sphenopt. litigiosa Dej. S. CANALICULATA Pallas. Ic. t. D. f. 4. Lap. & Gory t. 2. f. 10. Bupr. Pallasia Schcenh. Sphen. Daurica Manner h. S. EAUCA Fair. Lap. & Gory t. 3. f. 17. Bupr. laticollis Oliv. t. 7. f. 66. Sphen. barbara Solier. S. SIMILIS Zap. & Gory. t. 3. f. 18. Sphen. Banonii Dej. S. GEMELLATA Dej. Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 20. Europe. B. M. (Switzerland). Crete. Europe (France). B. M. Greece. Spain. C. G. Hope. C. G. Hope. Caucasus. Dalmatia. France. Dauria. (Italy). Barbarv. Barbary. France. Algeria. B.M. Prof. E. Forbes. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.M. B. M. Dr. Dowler. B.M. M. Chevrolat. B.M. B.M. BUPRESTID^E. 43 S. LAPIDARIA Brulle. Morea. B. M. Exp. Mor. t. 35. f. 1. Asia Minor (Smyrna). Lap. & Gory t. 4. f. 23. S. LINEATA Fabr. Europe (France, Spain, Sicily). Lap. & Gory t. 5. f. 25. Barbary. B. M. Bupr. lineola Herbst. Ent. Club. Bupr. geminata Illig. S. METALLESCENS Lap & Gory Senegal. B. M. t. 6. f. 32. Sphen. diffinis Dej. S. JENEA Fair. India. B. M. Lap. & Gory t. 7. f. 40. w. Elliott, Esq. Bupr. serosa Gmel. Bupr. tricuspidata Oliv. t. 8. f. 87. S. SPLENDENS Lap. LIST OF CLER1DJE. P. BISPINOSA King. Columbia. Berl.Abh. 1842. p. 284. Spin. t. 18. f. 2. ii. 132. P. Reichei Spin. i. 121. AXINA Kirby. A. ANALIS Kirby. Brazil. coll. Ent. Soc. Lond. Linn. Trans, xn. 391. t. 21. f. 6. Spin. i. 123. t. 5. f. 2. (male.) Not. crassipes Dup. A. rufit arsis Perty, Del. 30. t. 6. f. 16. (Notoxus ruf.) A. SEX-MACULATA Spinola. Brazil. i. 124. t. 5. f. 3. Tillus sex-m. Dej. STENOCYLIDRUS Spinola. (11. 129. 1844.) Xylobius Guer. Spin, olim, nee Latr. S. AZUREUS Spin. t. 7. f. 2. Madagascar. B. M. Xylobius az. Spin. 128. Tillus az. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1832. 158. t. 3. f. 6. Var. Tillus vennstus Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 279. $ Tillus longulus Klug, 1. c, 279. Tillus pulchellus Klug, 1, c. 280. S. ELEGANS Spin. Madagascar. Xylobius el. Guer. Icon. R. A. Spin. i. 130. t. 6. f. 1. STENOCLERUS, n. g. ST. FASTIGIATTJS. Madagascar. Tillus fastigiatus Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 280. t. 1. f. 1. TILLOCLERUS, n. g. T. ATJRICOMUS. Madagascar. Tillus auricomus Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 281. AXINA, STENOCYLIDRUS, STENOCLERUS, ETC. 7 PHILOCALUS King. P. SUCCINCTUS. C. G. Hope. Tillus s. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 281. t. 2. f. 1. (nee Spin.) P. ZONATUS. C. G. Hope. Tillus zon. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 282. SYSTENODERES Spin. (Rev. Zool. Guer. March, 1841.) S. AMCENTJS (Dap.) Mexico. Spin. 131. t. 8. f. 1, 2. St VTREDIPEKNIS (Dup.) Columbia. Spin. 132. t. 8. f. 3. S. DASYTOLDES, n. s. Mexico. B. M. Clerus D. Westw. MS. G - R - Water-house, Esq. CLERONOMUS King. C. BIMACULATUS. C. G. Hope. Tillus bim. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 281. t. 2. f. 5. COLYPHUS Dupont. (Rev. Zool. Guer. March, 1831.) C. SIGNATICOLLIS (Dup.) California. Spin. T. 135. t. 5. f. 5. C. CINCTIPENNIS (Dup.) California. Spin. 136. t. 5. f. 6. C. EUFIPENNIS (Dup.) California. Spin. 136. t. 9. f. 2. C. TERMINALIS (Dup.) Columbia. Spin. 137. t. 9. f. 1. C. INTERCEPTUS (Dup.) California. Spin. 137. t. 9. f. 3. (" inter- ruptus.") PHONIUS Chevr. P. SANOUINIPENKIS Chevr. Mexico. Mag. de Zool. 1843. 121. t. 107. B 4 8 LIST OF CLERID-SJ. DERESTENUS Chevr. D. QUADRLLINEATUS Chevr. Mexico. Mag. de Zool. 1843. 14. t. 108. CYMATODERA G. R. Gray. C. HOPEI G. R. Gray. Mexico. Griff. A. K Ins. i. 375. t. 48. Lap. Silb. Rev. Zool. iv. 37. Spin. 141. t. 9. f. 5. Not. giganteus Dej. Tillus Hopei King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 270. Coll. W. W. Saunders. C. IBIDIOIDES Spin. n. 124. t. 47. f. 1. C. MARMORATA Spin. t. 9. f. 4. C. undata Spin. 142. Not. iind. Dup. Not. angustatus Buq. Not. Miletus Lap. Tillus marmoratus King, Berl. Abhand. 1842. 271. C. L^ETA Spin. I. 143. t. 10. f. 4. Not. Isetus Dej. Not. regalis Dup. C. PULCHELLA White. C. PROLIXA Spin. t. 10. f. 2. A. B. C, modesta Spin. 144. Not. modestus Dej. Esq. ; Ent. Club of Lend. PTYCHOPTERUS King. P. DIMIDIATUS King. S. Africa. Berl. Abh. 1842. 316. t. 1. f. 5. TILLICERA Spin. (Rev. Zool. Guer. March, 1841.) T. JAVANA Spin. Java. 160. t. 12. f. 2. Cler. jav. Dej. T. CHAXYBEA Westw. n. s. Tennasserim. B. M. From Dr. Packman's Collection. T. MUTILJLECOLOR White, n. s. N. India. B. M. From Capt. Boyes's Collect. CLADISCUS Chevr. (Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1843. p. 33.) C. STRANGULATUS Chevr. Philippine Islands. 1. c. p. 33. T. ? sanguinicollis Reiche, Spin. 125. C. GRACILIS White. N. India* B. M. (See Appendix.) From CaP 1 - Boyes's Collection. C. PRINSEPII White. N. India. B. M. (See Appendix.) C. LONGIPENNIS Westwood. N. India. g 01 , 1 - Westwood. ,~ A j. ^. E. Ind. House (See Appendix.) B 6 12 C. PECTINICORNIS Tillus p. King, Berl. Abhand. 1842. 270. t. 2. f. 2. LIST OF CLERIDJE. N". America ? TENERUS Lap. Cylistus King. T. CYANOPTERUS Spin. i. 165. t. 8. f. 4. T. TERMINATES Spin. 165. t. 12. f. 1. (variabilis). Tillus t. Dej. King. T. PICTUS Lap. Silb. Rev. Zool. iv. 44. T. dimidiatus (Dej.) Spin. 166. t. 11. f. 4. T. LINEATOCOLLIS Spin. 167. t. 7. f. 4. T. PRJEESTES Lap. Silb. Rev. Zool. iv. 43. Spin. 167. t. 11. f. 2. T. SIGNATICOLLIS Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 44. Spin. 168. t. 11. f. 3. T. BIMACULATUS Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 44. Spin. 169. t. 11. f. 1. T. BIFASCIATUS Spin. 169. t. 11. f. 5. (T, variabilis). Tillus bif. King. T. capensis Gory. T. CINGALENSIS White. (See Appendix.) T. ABBREVIATES White. (See Appendix.) Manilla. C. G. Hope. Senegal. Senegal. Java. B. M. ? Philippine Islands. Java. India (Neemuch). B. M. var.? Senegal. C. G. Hope. Ceylon. Australia. B.M. B.M. SERRIGER Spin. (Rev. Zool. Guer. March, 1841.) S. REICHEI Spin. 171. t. 12. f. 3. Mexico. B. M. G. R. Waterhouse, Esq. TENEEUS, SERRIGER, OMADIUS, STIGMATIUM. 13 Mexico* Coll. Westwood. S. COFFINI, n. s. (See Appendix.) Opilus C. Westwood MS. OMADIUS Lap. O. INDICUS Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 49. Spin. 175. t. 13. f. 1. Not. javanus Dej. Opilo sumatrensis Dup. Clerus prolix us King, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 287. O. TRIFASCIATUS Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. TV. 49. Spin. i. 176. t. 13. f. 3. Not. spectrum Dup. Clerus modestus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 288. t. 1. f. 2. O. KAMELIANUS White. (See Appendix,) O. NEBULOSUS Spin. n. 133. t. 15. f. 6. Clerus neb. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 288. O. BIFASCIATUS Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 49. Spin. i. 177. t. 13. f. 2. Java. B.M. Sumatra. var. Philippine Islands. Java. B.M. Dr. Horsaeld. Philippine Islands. B. M. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. Java. Ceylon. STIGMATIUM G. R. Gray. S. CICINDELOIDES G. R. Gray. Griff. A. K. Ins. i. 376. t. 48. f.2. Spin. 1. 179. t. 13. f. 4. Cler. cic. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 289 Var. Cler. rusticus Dej. S. GlLBERTI, n. S. Java. B. M. Mus. Children, type described by Mr. Gray. S. NATALENSE (See Appendix.) S. SPECULARE White. (See Appendix.) Port Essington. B. M. From Mr. Gould's Collection. Port Natal. B. M. Port Essington. B. M. 14 MST OF CLERIM2. S. RUFIVENTRE Westwood. Assam. CoU - Westwood. (See Appendix.) S. ELAPHROIDES Westwood. Ceylon. B. M. (See Appendix.) S. SERICELLUM White. Port Natal. THANASIMUS Latr. T. MUTILLARIUS Latr. Europe. B. M. Gen. Cr. et Ins. n. 271. Dr.Dowier. Spin. i. 185. t. 17. f. 4. Cler. m. Fab. S. El. 279., Oliv. t. 1. f. 12. Panz.F.L G. 31. f. 12. King, Berl Abh. 1842.290. Cler. fasciatus Fourcr. Ins. Par. i. 135. Attelabus formicaroides Schrank, Beitr. 6598. T. FORMIC ARIUS Latr. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. Gen. Cr. et Ins. i. 270. Curtis, B. E. t. 398. Spin. i. 187. t. 14. f. 2. Attelabus form. Linn. S. Nat. n. 620. Cler. form. Fair. S. El. i. 280. Oliv. t. 1. f. 13. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 290. Var. Cler. femoralis Zetterst. F. Lapp. i. 122. Sturm, D. F. t, 221. Cler. rufipes Hoppe, Ent. Tasch. 1797. p. 136. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 292. T. DUBIUS. Clerus dub. (Fabr. S. El. i. 289.?) King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 292. (not Spin.) T. RUFICEPS Spin. N. America. B. M. I. 189. t. 14. f. 3. Nova Scotia. Lieut. Redman. Cler. erythrocephalus Von St. Martin's F., Albany R. Winth. Hudson's B. G. Barnston, Esq. Trenton Falls, N. York. Edw. Doubleday, Esq. ; Ent. Club of London. THANASIMUS. 15 T. NUBILUS 1ST. America. B. M T. abdominalis Kirby, R ev. w. Kirby. Faun. Bor. Amer. T. dubius, mas ? Barnston. St. Martin's Falls, Albany Cler. nubilus King, Berl. Mem. River. G - Bamston, Esq. 1842. 386. T. UNDATULUS. U. States (New Hampshire). Cler. und. Say, Boston Journ. Nat. H. i. 163. (May, 1835.) T. MITIS Spin. C. G. Hope. t. 16. f. 1. Cler. mi. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. T. Yerreauxii Spin. i. 90. T. QUADRIMACULATUS Spin. Germany (Tyrol). B. M. I. 192. t. 15. f. 3. M. Chevrolat. Cler. q. Fair. S. El. i. 281. Panz. F. I G. 95. 15. T. ABDOMINALIS Spin. E. Indies. t. 15. f. 1. Cler. abd. Germ. Col 80. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 308. (nee Chevr.) T. pictus Spin. i. 194. T. SUBSIMILIS, n. s. ? B. M. T. INDICUS, C. G. Hope. Notoxus in. Fair. S. El. i. 288. T. COLUMBICUS Spin. Columbia (Bogota). i. 18. f. 4. $ $ Cler.? annulipes Buq. $ T. MABMORATUS Spin. C. G. Hope. B. M, t. 15. f. 2. Notoxus chinensis Fair. S. E. i. 288. T. capensis Spin. i. 197. Not. marmoratus Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 308. T. VERSICOLOR Chevr. C. G. Hope. Rev. Zool Cuv. 1842. 276. T. OBSOLETUS Chevr. C. G. Hope. Rev. Zool. Cuv. 1842. 276. 16 T. APICALIS Chevr. Rev. Zool Cuv. 1842. 276. T. FASCIOLATUS Chevr. Rev. Zool Cuv. 1842. 276. T. ? VIRESCENS Chevr. Rev. Zool. Cuv. 1842. 276. T. ? LATUS Chevr. Rev. Zool. Cuv. 1842. 277. T. CONFUSUS Newman. Entom. 364. T. ACERBUS Newman. Entom. 364. Fossil. CLERUS ADONIS Heer. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat. 1847. 152. t. 5. f. 3. NATALIS Laporte. N. PORCATA Spin. i. 201. t. 16. f. 2. Not. porcatus Fabr. S. E. i. 287. Cler. p. Oliv. t. 2. f. 17. N. CRIBRICOI/LIS Spin. i. 203. t. 16. f. 4. N. LAPLACEI Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 41. Spin. i. 204. t. 16. f. 3. Not. punctata Gory. LIST OF CLERID^E. C. G. Hope. C. G. Hope. C. G. Hope. C. G. Hope. S. Australia (Port Philip). S. Australia (Port Philip). Tertiary formation. (Enin- gen. N. Holland. B. M. V. D. Land. Gen. T. Hardwicke. Earl of Derby. Ent. Club of London, &c N. Guinea. " Chili." (?) B. M. 1ST. Holland. Sir John Richardson, M. D. THANEROCLERUS Le/ebvre. (Spin. March, 1841;. T. BUQUETII Westw." E. Indies. Spin. i. 207. t. 22. f. 2. Cler. B. Lefebvre, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. v. 577. Cler. sanguinolentus Dej. Var. Cler. pondicherianus Dup. NATALIS, THANEROCLERUS, TROGODENDRON, ETC. 17 T. SANGUINEUS Spin. N. America. B. M. I. 208. t. 17. f. 2. Ent. Club of London. Cler. sang. Say, Bost. Journ. Nat Hist. i. 162. Var. Cler. rufipennis Newm. T. ACCINCTUS. Australia (Port Philip). Thanas. accinctus Newm. En- V. D. Land. coll. Westwood. torn. 364. Var. Cler. viduus Westw. MS. Cler. medianus Westw. MS. T. ? DERMESTOIDES. Arabia. Cler. derm. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 310. TKOGODEISTDRON Guerin. (March, 1841.) Xanthoceros Newman (Aug. 1842). T. FASCICULATUM Guer. N". Holland. B. M. Icon. R. A. teste expl. m. 53. Sir John Richardson, M. D. (18291844). Spin. i. 212. t. 18. f. 1. Cler. fasc. Schreib. Linn. Trans. vi. 195. t. 20. f. 6. Xanthoceros fas. Newman, En- tom. p. 363. T. HONESTUM. Australia (Kangaroo I.). B. M. Cler. honestus Newm. Ent. 16. T. fasciculatum var. ? ERYMASTTHUS King. E..GEMMATUS King, Berl. Abhand. C. G. Hope. 1842. 327. t. 1. f. 6. Spin. ii. 61. t. 41. f. 5. STOTOXUS Fair. N. TRISTIS Spin. Madagascar. t. 19. f. 2. Opilus tris. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 324. N. funebris Dup. Spin. i. 215. 18 LIST OF CLERID^E. N. BUQUETII Spin. Africa i. 217. t. 16. f. 5. N. DORSALIS. Opilus d. Lucas, Expl. Sc. de FAlgerie, t. 20. f. 3. N. GIGAS Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 42. Spin. i. 218. t. 19. f. 1. Not. dorsalis Dej. N. TROPICUS. Opilus trop. Klug 1 Berl. Abh. 1842. 322. Not. gigas Spin. ~N. OBSCURUS King. Opil. obs. King, Berl. Abhan. 1842. 323. N. DREGEI Gory, Spin. i. 220. t. 19. f. 3. N. MOLLIS Fabr. S. El. i. 283. Panz. F. I. G. v. 5. ranean. Spin. i. t. 19. f. 4. Attelabus m. Linn. Faun. Suec. 186. Clerus Geoffr. Ins. i. 305. Opilus m. Latr. Gen. Cr. i. 271. Samouelle, Ent. Comp. t. 12. f. 1. var. Spry $ Shuckard, t. 52. f. 3. Waterhouse, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. i. t. 5. f. 1. (larva). N. DOMESTICTJS Sturm. Germany, France. Not. subfasciatus Dej. Not. domesticus Sturm, F. G. xi. 16. t. 229. f. n. Not.-unifasciatus Dahl, Spin. t. 19. f. 5. N. T.ENIATUS. Dalmatia. Opilus taeniatus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 320. Tillus transversalis Parreyss. Not. flavicornis Ziegler. Algeria. Senegal. B. M. Var.? Sennaar. S. Africa. C. G. Hope. Europe. B. M. Asiatic coasts of Mediter- NOTOXUS, OLESTERUS. 19 N. PALLIDUS. Italy, France. Not. centromaculatus Christofori. Not. pallidus Oliv. t. 1. f. 11. Spin. t. 8. f. 6. N. FRONTALIS Spin. Levant. t. 27. f. 6. Opilus fron. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 321. N. cruentatus Dup. Spin. i. Turkey in Europe. 225. Not. syriacus Sol. Cler. thoracicus Friv. Opilus tho. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 321. N. CONGRUUS S. Australia (Port Philip). Opilus cong. Newm. Entom. 365. B. M. Opilus femoralis Westw. MS. N. GERMANUS Chevr. N. Germany. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 37. N. SUBFASCIATUS Westw. MS. E. Indies. B. M. (See Appendix.) N. CASTANEIPENNIS White. E, Indies (Bengal). (See Appendix.) Co11 - Saunders. N. APICALIS White. Australia. Coll. Parry. (See Appendix.) N. UNICOLOR White. E. Indies. (See Appendix.) Coll. E. India House N. RUFICORNIS Westw. (See Appendix.) Coll. Westwood. N. MCERENS Westw. S. Australia, coil. Westwood. (See Appendix.) N. EPHIPPIGER White. Australia. B.M. (See Appendix.) N. PULCHER White. V. D. Land. B. M. (See Appendix.) Rev - T Ewin s- OLESTERUS Spinola. (Rev. Zool March, 1841.) O. AUSTRALIS Spinola. N. Holland (Swan River), i. 229. t. 20. f. 2. 20 LIST OF CLERID^E. B. M. From the Collection of M. Goudot. B.M. Coll. Miers. B.M. Coll. Miers, Parry. B.M. CLERUS Fdbr. C. LEVIGATUS Dup. Mexico. Spin. i. 238. t. 21. f. 1. Var. Cler. griseo-pilosus Dup. Columbia. Cler. nebulosus Buq. Spin. t. 21. f. 2. Cler. nigricans Dup. Cler. brunnipes Buq. Cler. nitidus Chevr. Mag. de Zool. 1843. 24. C. FLAVO-SIGNATUS Dej. Brazil. Spin. i. 239. t. 21. f. 3. C. BILOBUS Spin. Brazil, i. 240. t. 21. f. 4. C. MINIATUS Spin. Brazil, ii. 139. t. 47. f. 2. C. SOBRINUS Lap. Brazil. SiXb. Rev. Ent. iv. 45. Spin. i. 241. t. 22. f. 4. Cler. rubripes Dej. C. EBTTHBOPUS Klug, Berl. Abhan. Brazil. 1842. p. 304. C. COMPTUS Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. Brazil, p. 304. C. PLANO-NOTATUS Lap. Brazil. Co11 - Miers > Parr y- Silb. Rev. Zool. iv. 45. Spin. i. 242. Cler. pulchellus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 303., Spin. t. 22. f. 2. Cler. luctuosus Dej. C. obliquefasciatus Chevr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 32. C. ARTIFEX Dej. Cayenne, Para. B. M. Spin. i. 243. t. 22. f. 3. C. DISTINCTUS Dej. Brazil. Coll. Parry. Spin. i. 244. t. 22. f. 6. Cler. variegatus Mannerh. CLERUS. C. PUSILLUS King, Berl. Abh. 1842. Brazil. 306., Spin. t. 22. f. 1. Cler. columbianus Dup. C. arcuatus Dej. Spin. i. p. 245. Columbia. C. MYSTICUS Klug. Berl Abh. 1842. 300. Spin. t. 22. f. 5. C. antiquus Dej. Spin. i. 246. 21 B.M. B. M. Brazil. Brazil. N. America. C. PHALERATUS Klug. Berl. Abh. 1842. 300. C. CRABRONARIUS Dej. N. America. B. M. Spin. I. 247. t. 23. f. 1. Ent - Club of London. C. MEXICANUS Lap. Mexico. Sttb. Rev. Ent. iv. 44. Spin. i. 248. t. 27. f. 2. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 299. Cler. assimilis Bug. Cler. Lesueurii Dup. C. VENATOR Chevr. Mag. de Zool. Mexico. 1843. p. 18. Guatemala. B.M. Spin. t. 23. f. 2. (mexicanus B.) Edw - Doubieday, Esq. C. ANNULATUS Eschsch. Brazil. Ent. 50. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 300. Cler. myops Dej. C. variegatus Dej. Spin. i. 250. Brazil, t. 23. f. 4. C. DECUSSATUS Klug. Berl. Abh, 1842. 296. Spin. t. 25. f. 1 C. Hopfneri Dej. Spin. i. 256. C. VERSICOLOR Lap. Silb. Rev. Zool. iv. 45. Spin. i. 251. t, 26. f. 6. Blanchard, Voy. D'Orbigny, vn. 89. Cler. basalis Dej. Cler. nobilis Dup. Var. Cler. cruentatus Dup. Spin. t. 26. f. 5 Mexico. B.M. B.M. From Mr. Argent's Collection. Brazil. B.M. John Miers, Esq. 22 MST OF CLERUXffi. Var. Cler. scenicus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 295. Var. Cler. jucundus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 296. Var. Cler. miniaceus Blanch. 1. c. t. 6. f. 1. C. MINUTUS Blanch. S. America, I. los Pajaros, D' Orbigny, Voy. a VAmer. Mer. in R. Parana, between B. vi. 90. t. 6. f. 4. Ayres and Corrientes. C. versicolor var. C. NIGRIVENTRIS Blanchard. S. America, Corrientes. J)' Orbigny, Voy. a VAmer. Mer. vi. 90. t. 6. f. 3. C. TRIPLAGIATUS BlancJiard. Brazil (Rio). If Orbigny, Voy. a TAmer. Mer. vi. 90. t. 6. f. 3. (" trifascia- tus" Blanch, alt. nee Sayi.) C. ICHNEUMONEUS Fabr. N. America. B. M. Gen. Ins. Mant. 230. Ent - Club of London. Spin. t. 24, f. 3. King, Berl Abh. 1842. 294. Cler. rufus Oliv. 1. 1. f. 16. Spin. E. Florida, E - Doubieday, Esq. i. 252. Georgia. F - Walker, Esq. C. BOMBYCINUS Chevr. Mexico. Col. Mex. 1. fasc. Guerin, Icon. E. A. t, 15. f. 13. Spin. t. 24. f. 1. King, Berl. Abh. 1842.295. C. aeneicollis Dej. Spin. I. 254. Cler. purpureus Sturm. C. LUNATUS Sturm. N. America. B. M. Cat. 120. E. Florida. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 294. E. Doubleday, Esq. Spin. i. 255 ; t. ^24. f. 2. Ent. Club of London. Cler. rufulus Dej. C. ZONATUS King. Mexico. Berl. Abh. 1842. 297. Cler. abdominalis Chevr. Col. du Mex. 1. fasc. (not Germ.) C. COLOMBIA Spin. Columbia. ii. 135. t. 46. f. 6. CLERUS. 23 C. VARIUS Klug. Mexico. Berl Abh. 1842. 296. C. ORNATUS Dup. Spin. i. 257. t. 25. f. 2. C. LAPORTEI Guer. Icon. R. A. texte. Spin. i. 258. t. 26. f. 4. Cler. imperialis Dup. C. NIGROCINCTUS King. Berl. Abh. 1842. 294. King, Berl Abh. 297. Var. Cl. bicinctus Spin. i. 260. t. 24. f. 4. C. RUFICOLLIS Lap. Silb. Rev. Zool. n. 45. King, Berl Abh. 1842. 301. Spin. i. 260. t. 26. f. 2. Cler. histrio Dej. C. KffiTUS Klllg. Berl Abh. 1842. 301. C. TRICOLOR Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 46. Spin. i. 262. t. 24. f. 6. C. CINEREO-PILOSUS Blanch. D'Orbigny, Voy. a TAmer. Mer. vi. 91. C. NIGRIPES Say. N. America. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil Ent. Club of London. m. 191. King, Berl Abh. 1842. 293. Spin. i. 263. t. 25. f. 3. Var. Cler. rufiventris Dei. Spin. t. 23. f. 3. Var. Cler. trifasciatus Say. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil m. 175. King, Berl Abh. 1842. 293. C. ROSMARUS Say. N. America Journ. Acad. Sc. Phil in. 190. King, Berl Abh. 1842. 293. Mexico. Mexico. Mexico. Cayenne. Mexico. Mexico. Brazil (Rio Janeiro). B.M. 24 C. FISCHERI Spin. i. 265. t. 25. f. 6. Cler. dubius Fisch. (not Fabr.) C. BREVICOLLIS Kunze. Spin. i. 266. t. 25. f. 5. C. OCULATUS Dej. Spin. i. 267. t. 26. f. 1. C. TEOGOSITOIDES Spin. i. 269. t. 27. f. 1. Caestron Trog. Dup. C. SPHEGEUS Fabr. S. EL i. 280. Oliv. t. 1. f. 14. Spin. i. 270. t. 27. f. 4. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 298. C. ARACHNODES King. Berl. Abh. 1842. 299. Spin. n. 137. t. 3. f. 2. C. LUSCUS King. Berl. Abh. 1842. 299. C. VIDTJUS King. Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 297. Spin. t. 27. f. 3. C. erythrogaster Sturm. Spin. i. 272. C. M^ESTUS King. Berl. Abh. 1842. 298. C. SIGNATUS Klug. Berl. Abh. 1842. 301. Spin. t. 23. f. 5. C. bisignatus Dej. Spin. i. 272. Var. Cler. vulneratus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 302. C. LONGULUS Spin. n. 138. t. 46. f. 8. C. TIBIALIS Klug. Berl. Abh. 1842. 302. LIST OF CLERID-ffi. N. Persia. Hungary. N. America (Mexico). B.M. From Mr. Argent's Collection. Mexico. N. America (Rocky Mo.). N. America, Mexico. Mexico. N. America, Mexico. Mexico. Mexico. Chili. Brazil. 25 C. LEPIDUS King. Berl Abh. 1842, 302. C. MACULICOLLIS Sturm. Spin. i. 273. t. 23. f. 6. (Systenoderes ?) C. THORACICUS Say. Spin. i. 27-1. t. 26. f. 3. C. GAMBIENSIS Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 46. Spin. i. 276. t, 24. f. 5. C. amcenus Dej. C. SlLBERMANNI CJl6Vr. Mag. de Zool 1843. p. 21. C. QUADRINOTATUS Mag. de Zool. 1843. p. 22. C. ASSIMILIS Chevr. Mag. de Zool. 1843. p. 17. C. NIGRO-MACULATUS Mag. de Zool. 1843. p. 20. C. ZEBRA Chevr. Mag. de Zool. 1843. p. 23. C. SERICANS Westw. (See Appendix.) C. HOLOSERICEUS White. (See Appendix.) C. LATICINCTUS White. (See Appendix.) C. GUTTUUJS White. (See Appendix.) C. LACORDAIREI ii. 140. t. 36. f. 6. C. CRASSUS Newman. Entom. 15. C. CRUCIATUS Macleay. King's Narrative , n. 442. Brazil. JST. America. B. M. Ent. Club of London. Edw, Doubleday, Esq. Senegal. Mexico. Mexico. Mexico. Mexico. Mexico. Mexico. Coll. Westwood. California. B. M. Brazil. Coll. Parry, Miers. Australia. B. M. Brazil. Australia (Sydney), B. M. Australia. 26 LIST OF C. ANTHICOIDES Westw. Ceylon. Coll.Westwood. (See Appendix.) PYLUS Newman (January, 1841). Yliotus Spinola. Yliotis Spin. Eev. Zool Cuv. March, 1841. ]P. FATUUS Newm. N. Holland (V. D. Land). B. M. Entom. 364. Clerus ? fat. Newman, Ent. p. 35. Ent - Soc - of London. Yl. Passerinii Spin. i. 283. Yl. ochropus Spin. t. 28. f. 3. Nat alls punctata Lap. Gory, Coll. P. BICINCTUS Newman. S. Australia (Port Philip). Entomologist, 364. P. ANTHICIDES Newman. N. Holland (Port Philip). Entom. p. 402. ZENITHICOLA Spinola. (Rev. Zool. March, 1841.) Z. AUSTRALIS Spin. N. Holland. B. M. i. 286. t. 28. f. 2. Z. ? OBESA. K Holland. B. M. Cler. obesus Newman. Ent - Club of London. White in Stokes's Voyage, app. . t. 1. f. 9. Var. obesula. Z. ? FULGENS Chevr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 41. PLATYCLERUS Spinola. (Rev. Zool March, 1841.) P. PLANATUS Spin. Madagascar. i. 334. t. 28. f. 4. Cler. plan. Lap. Silb. Eev. Ent. iv. 4. Cler. depressus Dup. Cler. madagascariensis Dej. P. ELONGATUS Spin. Madagascar. H. 145. t. 46. f. 2. PTLUS, ZENITHICOLA, PLATYCLERUS, ETC. TARSOSTENUS Spinola. 27 T. UNIVITTATUS Spin. i. 288. t. 32. f. 3. Cler. univ. Rossi, Faun. Etr. Mant. i. 44. Til. unif. Curtis, B. E. t. 267. Opi. fasciatus Steph. III. Brit. Ent. m. 324. EBURIPHORA Spinola (March, 1841). E. CAXLOSA Spin. Madagascar. t. 20. f. 3. Opi. callosus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 32. E. Reichei Spin. i. 291. S. Europe (Tuscany), B. M. Brit. Islands. E. ? PATRICIA. Opi. patricius Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 325. Madagascar TRICHODES Fair. T. OCTOPUNCTATUS Fdbr. S. EL i. 208. Spin. i. 297. t. 29. f. 2. Cler. oct. Oliv. t. 1. T. UMBELLATARUM Schonh. Syn. ii. 49. Spin. i. 289. t. 29. f. 3. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 336. Cler. umb. Oliv. t. 1. f. 2. T. DAHLII Dej. Spin. i. 300. t. 29. f. 4. Trich. affinis Dahl. S. Europe. B.M. F. Walker, Esq. T. ALVEARIUS Fabr. S. El. i. 284. King, Berl. Al)h. 1842. 334. Spin. i. 301. t. 29. f. 5. Cler. alv. Panz. F. I. G. 31. 14. Egypt. Curtis Brit. Ent. i. f. 44. Steph. Ill Brit. Ent. in. 326. Reaum. Mem. vi. t. 8. f. 910. Geoffr. Ins. 1. 1. 5. f. 4. c 2 N. Africa (Barbary). B. M. Italy, Spain. Barbary. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. Sir J. G. Wilkinson, 28 LIST OF CLERID.E. T. AFFINIS Dej. Egypt. Spin. i. 302. t. 29. f. 6. $-T. APIARIUS Fair. Europe (Brit. Isles). B. M. S. El. I. 284. r - Walker, Esq. Herbst. iv. t. 41. f. 11. Spin. i. 305. t. 30 f. 2. Attelabus ap. L. Syst. Nat. n 620. Cler. ap. Oliv. t. 1. f. 4. Panz. F. /. G. 31. f. 13. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. m. 325. t. 19. f. 4. Shuckard 8f Spry, Brit. Ent. Col. del t. 52. f. 5. Var. Trich. apicida Ziegl. Var. Trich. arcuatus Bead. Laf. Spin. t. 30. f. 2. B. Var. Trich. pannonicus Ziegl. Trich. interruptus Meg. Spin. t. 30. f. i. Trich. subtrifasciatus Sturm. Var. Trich. unifasciatus Ddhl. Trich. corallinus Fold. Mem. Nat. Mosc. iv. 208. Var. Trich. elegans Dej. Spin. t. 30. f. 2. E. T. APIVORUS Germ. N. America. B. M. Ins. Sp. Nov. i. 81. F- w ^, kp K r < ^sq. TS-I T-> 7 -177 T^AC* oor Ent. Club of London. JL/M^, Berl Abh. 1 842. 332. Spin. i. 307. t. 30. f. 4, Trich. trifasciatus Sturm, Cat. t. 1. D.6. Trich. eribripennis Dej. Trich. Nuttalli T. CEABRO^IFOKMIS Fabr. Sicily, Corfu. B. M. S. El. I. 285. Rev - c - Kuper. Spin. i. 309. t. 30. f. 3. Greece. w - w - Saunders, Esq. Klug, Berl Abh. 1842 329. Turkey. Cler. cr. Oliv. t. 1. f. 1. Asia Minor. Trich. gulo Parreyss. Syria, Crimea. Cler. lepidus Brulle, Exp. Sc. Mor. t. 37. f. 7. Trich. Zebra Falderm. Mem. Nat. Mosc. iv. 207. t. 7. f. 3. Pachyscelis crabron. Hope, Col. Man. in. 139. TRICHODES. 29 T. L^MINATUS Chevr. Anatolia. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 40. T. ANGUSTUS Chevr. Amadan. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1843. p. 41. T. NOBILIS King. Turkey (Constan- B. M. Berl Abh. 1842. 335. tinople). Spin. t. 30. f. 5. T. sanguineo-signatus Dej. Spin. Greece. i. 311. Trich. affinis Dup. Levant. Var. Trich. distinctus Dej. W. Persia. Trich. illustris Fold. Trich. variabilis Dup. Spin. t. 30. f. 5. D. T. LAFERTEI Chevr, Turkey (Constantinople). Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 39. T. FAVARIUS Sturm. S. Europe (Medi- B. M. D. F. 11. t. 230. terranean Islands). King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 332. ? r -, D w i? r - 01 /. , Prof. E. Forbes. Spin. I. 313. t. 31. f. 1. Ent. Club of London. Cler. fav. Illig. Mag. i. 80. Brulle, Exped. Sc. Mor. t. 37. f. 8. Trich. senilis Roll. Var. Trich. punctatus Stev. Bull. Nat Mosc. i. t. 2. f. 3. Trich. insignis Steven. Bull. Nat. Mosc. i. t. 2. f. 2. Trich. obliquatus Brulle, Exp. Moree, p. 155. t. 33. f. 9. Trich. Phedinus Godet. Spin. i. t. 31. f. D. Trich. hispanicus Dup. Trich. vicinus Dej. Spin. t. 31. f. 1. F. Trich. axillaris Dup. Trich. affinis Dup. Spin. t. 29. f. 1. Trich. elegantulus Dup. Trich. latifasciatus Spin. Oliv. 30 MST OF T. CARCELII Chevr. Anatolia. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 39. T. VIRLDI-FASCIATUS Chevr. East. Ann. Soc. Ent, France, 1843. p. 40. T. SYKIACUS Dej. Syria. Spin. i. 316. Trich. Olivieri Spin. t. 30. f. 6. T. OLIVIERI Chevr. Persia. Guerin, Icon. R. A. t. 16. f. 16. p. 154. (non King ? ) T. NUTTALLI Say. N. America (near B. M. Spin. i. 317. t. 31. f. 2. Missouri). Clerus Nuttalli Kirby, Linn. Trans. Ent. Club, of London. xn. 394. Trich. humeralis Dej. T. LEUCOPSIDEUS Schonk. Spain. B. M. Syn. Ins. n. 49. Spin. i. 318. t. 31. f. 3. S. France. Cler. leuc. Oliv. t. 1. f. 6. From Mr. Children's Coll. Var. Trich. ceraceus Hoffm. Trich. fuscicornis Spin. (olim). T. AULICUS Dej. C. G. Hope. Spin. i. 320. t. 31. f. 4. Trich. Dejeanii Drege. T. AMMIOS Fabr. S. Europe. B. M. S. E. i. 284. Spin. i. 322. Cler. amm. Oliv. t. 1. f. 3. N. Africa. Var. Trich. arthriticus Chevrol. Levant. Spin. t. 32. f. 1. A. Trich. dauci Villa Spin. t. 32. Shores of Black Sea. f. l.B. Trich. flavo-cinctus Dahl. Spin. N. & W. Persia. t. 32. f. 1. C. Trich. smyrnensis Dup. S. &. E. Russia. Trich. vysnagse Friv. Spin. t. 32. Kirguises Steppes, Siberia. f. 1. E. Trich. omoplatus Dup. Cler. sipylus Fabr. Ent. Syst. i. 208. Oliv. t. 1. f. 7. TRICHODES, AULICUS, MUISCA. 31 Trich. subfasciatus Fold. Trich. quadriguttatus Menetr. Trich. quadripustulatus Dej. Brulle. Trich. quadripunctatus Friv. | nt ; Club of London - JProt. EJ. r or bes. T. BIFASCIATUS Fair. S. E. i. 283. Spin. i. 325. t. 32. f. 2. Cler. bif. Oliv. t. 1. f. 9. Var. ? California. B. M. From Mr. Hartweg's Collect. T. DOUGLASIANUS White. California. B. M. (See Appendix.) T. HARTWEGIANUS White. t California. B. M. (See Appendix.) T. ORNATUS Say. N. America (U. States). Spin. i. 327. t. 31. f. 5. T. BIZONATUS Blanchard, D'Orbigny, Voyage a TAmer. Mer. vii. p. 89. belongs to the family Dasytidae, and is related to the genus Danacea Laporte. AULICUS Spinola (March, 1841). A. NERO Spin. i. 330. t. 27. f. 5. Mexico. A. INSTABILIS Spin. N. Holland. B. M. i. 331. t. 28. f. 1. Cler. inst. Newm. Ent. p. 15. Gen. Th. Hardwicke. Cler. auratus Gory. Ent. club of London. Var. Aul. episcopalis Spin. (olim). Var. Cler. tibialis Westw. MS. Var. Cler. castanipes Westw. MS. A. PANTOMELAS. Notoxus pan. Boisd. Voy. de IS. Zealand. B. M. VAstrol. t. 6. f. 14. White, Voy. Erebus and Terror, W. Colenso, Esq. Ins. N. Zeal. p. Var. C. longulus Spin. ? t. 46. f. 8. MUISCA Spinola. M. BITJENIATA Spin. Columbia. ii. 148. t. 47. f. 4. c 4 32 LIST OF CLERID^E. PHLOIOCOPUS Guerin. Spin. 1841., expl. in. 54. (1829. 1844.) P. TRICOLOR Guerin. Senegal. B. M. Icon. R. A. texta. Spin. I. 338. t. 17. f. 1. Collection of Dr. Leach. Cler. Lelieurii (Dej.) Dup. Cler. Lesueurii Dej. Opilus interruptus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 323. P. BASALIS Arabia (Mt. Sinai). Opilus basalis Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 323. P. GUERINII White, n. s. . Africa. B. M. an tricolor. P. BUQUETII Spin. Senegal. i. 340. t. 18. f. 3. Not. bipartitus Buq. Not. dimidiatus Buq. (olim). P. ? stfBERosus. Madagascar. Opilus suberosus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 324. ENOPLIUM Latr. E. DENTATUM. S. Europe (Italy, B. M. Enop. serraticorne Latr. Hist. Dalmatia). Nat. Crust, et Ins. 9. 146. t. 76. f. 9. Panz. F. I. G. 26. 13. Spin. i. 345. t. 33. f. 4. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 359. Tillus serraticornis Hellwig, Rossi, Mont. Ins. i. 37. Oliv. n. t. 1. f: 1. Fair. S. E. i. 282. Dermestes dentatus Rossi, Faun. Etr. i. 34. t. 3. f. 2. E. QUADRIPUNCTATUM Say. 1ST. America. Journ. Acad. Sc, Phil. in. 188. Amer. Ent. in. t. 41. Spin. i. 346. t. 34. f. 5. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 367. PHLOIOCOPUS, ENOPLIUM, PELONIUM. 33 PELOOTUM Spin. P. LAMPYROIDES Spin. Columbia. i. 349. t. 33. f. 6. Enopl. Lamp. Dup. P. LUCTUOSUM Spin. Cayenne. i. 351. t. 28. f. 6. Enopl. 1. Dej. P. SUTURALE Spin. Brazil. i. 352. t. 35. f. 2. Enopl. sut. Buq. P. FLAVO-LIMBATUM Spin. Brazil. Coll. Miers i. 354. t. 35. f. 5. Enopl. f. Dup. P. PLLOSUM Spin. N. America. B. M. i. 356. t. 33. f. 2. Lampyris pil. Forster, Nov. Sp. Ent. Club of London. Ins. 49. Var. Enopl. cinctum Dej. Spin. t. 36. f. 4. Enopl. marginatum Say, Journ. Acad. Sc. Phil. m. 187. Enopl. pilosum et E. marginatum King, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 360. Enopl. onustum Say, Amer. Ent. m. t. 41. P. AMOENUM Guer. South America (interior of Icon. R. A. texte expl. m. 55. Brazil, Minas Geraes). (1829. 1844.) Spin. i. 358. Pelon. fasciculatum Spin. Magellania. t. 36. f. 3. Enopl. amo3n. Guer. Icon. R. A. Enopl. metalloideum Dup. Enopl. fasciculatum Klug. P. CTANEO-MACULATUM. S. America. Enopl. c. Blanchard, D'Orbigny Voy. a I Am. Mer. vi. 94. t. 6. f.9. E. fasciculatum Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 364. t. l.f. 12,? Var. P. amcen. ? c & 34 LIST OF CLERID^. P. SCOPARIUM. Brazil. Enopl. scoparium Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 365. Yar. P. amoen. ? Enopl. fugax King, 1. c. 365. Var. Enopl. leucophaeum Klug, 1. c. 366. P. NIVEUM Chevr. S. America (Rio Janeiro). Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 35. P. DECORUM. Brazil. Enopl. decorum King, Berl. Abh. 1842. t. 1. f. 11. P. VETUSTUM Spin. N. America (U. States). i. 360. t, 35. f. 4. Enopl. vetustum Dej. P. AMABLLE Spin. Columbia. i. 362. t. 33. f. 1. Enopl. am. Dup. P. MARGINIPENNE Spin. K. America (U. S.). B. M. i. 363. t. 35. f. 6. Enopl. m. Dej. _ Ent club of Lomlon Enopl. CircuniCinctum Dup. E. Doubleday, Esq. P. CRINITUM Spin. W. Indies (St. John's). t. 33. f. 7. Enopl. crinitum King, Berl. Abh. S. America (Carthagena). 1842. 369. Pelon. collare Spin. i. 364. Enopl. coll. Dej. Enopl. punctato-striatum Dup. Var. Enopl. flavum Dup. P. QUADRISTGNATUM Spin. Columbia. i. 365. t. 33. f. 3. Enopl. q. Dup. P. HUMERALE Spin. Brazil. T. 366. t. 35. f. 3. Enopl. h. Buq. P. SCUTELLATUM Buq. Brazil. Spin. ii. 156. Enoplium crinitum Dej. PELONIUM. 35 P. TESTACEUM Buq. Peru. B. M. Spin. n. 158. t. 47. f. 6. Enopl. pilosum King. Brazil. P. VARIABILE Spin. Brazil. i. 367. t. 36. f. 5. Enopl. badium Dup. Columbia. Enopl. nigricorne Dup. P. PR^?USTUM Spin. Magellania, Enopl. prasust. Heiche. Enopl. principale Dup. P. SEMINIGRUM Chevr. Columbia. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 34. P. VIRIDIPENNE Spin. Brazil. i. 370, t. 35. f. 1. Enopl. viridip. Kirby, Linn. Tran. Coll. Ent. Soc. London, xn. 393. Guerin. Icon. R. A. t. 16. f.20. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 362. P. AURiPENNE. Brazil. Opilus auripennis Hope, Trans. Zool. Soc. Land. i. 95. 1. 13. f. 5. Enopl. aurip. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 395. P. KIRBYI. Brazil. B. M. Lasiodera Kirbyi Gray, Griff. Gen. T. Hardwicke. A. K. Ins. i. 376. t. 48. f. 3. Enopl. Kirbyi Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 362. P. SEX-NOTATUM. Brazil. B. M. Enopl. sex-notatum Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 368. P. NIGROSIGNATUM Spin. Columbia. B. M. I. 37 L t. 34. f. 6. From Goudot's Collect. Enopl. nigros. Dup. Enopl. variegatum Spin, (olim.) P. BUQUETII Spin. Columbia. 125. t. 46. f. 3. P. GALLERUCOIDES Spin. Cayenne. i. 372. t. 39. f. 2. Enopl. Galler. Dej. c 6 36 UST OF CLERID^E. P. TRIFASCIATUM Spin. Brazil. B. M. t. 34. f. 3. Clerus trifasciatus Laporte, Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 47. Enopl. trifasciatum Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 362. Pelon. Cleroides Spin. i. 374. Clerus Spinolse Germ. Var. Enopl. rufipes King, Berl. Abh.lS42. 362. P. LITURATUM Spin. Brazil. i. 376. t. 34. f. 1. Enopl. lit. Kirby, Linn. Trans. C o\\nf K^rby'' xii. 393. Enopl. liberatum Lap. Hist. An. Art. i. 289. P. PULCHELLUM Spin. Brazil. i. 377. t. 34. f. 4. Enopl. p. Dej. Philyra helopioides Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 54. P. HIRTULUM Spin. Brazil. i. t. 33. f. 5. Enoplium hirtulum King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 367. Pelon. cribripenne Spin. i. 379. P. APICALE Buquet. Brazil. Spin. n. 155. t. 47. f. 4. P. VITTATUM Buq. Brazil. Spin. n. 159. t. 47. f. 3. P. ORNATUM. Enopl. ornatum King, Berl. Brazil. Abh. 1842. 363. t, 11. f. 11. P. ruNCTATissiMUM Chevr. N. America. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 34. Tillus bicolor Say, Journ. Acad. Sc. Phil. v. 174.? P. FIMBRIOLATUM Chevr. Brazil. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 35. P. TERMINATUM Blanch. Brazil (Rio Janeiro). Voy. a rAmer. Her. vi. p. 94. APOLOPHA, MONOPHYLLA, PHYLLOB.ENUS, ETC. 37 P. OBSOLETUM Blanch. Bolivia (Chiquitos). Voy. a VAmer. Mer. vi. p. 95. APOLOPHA Spinola. (Rev. Zool. March, 1841.) A. REICHEI Spin. Columbia. i. 383. t. 36. f. 1. MONOPHYLLA Spinola. (March, 1841.) M. MEG ATOM A Spin. N". America. B. M. i. 385. t. 28. f. 5. Enopl. meg. Dej, M. TERMINATA Spin. N. America. n. 126. t. 6. f. 3. Tillus (Macrotelus) terminatus King, Berl. Abk. 1842. t. 2. f.4. Say, Bost. Journ. i. 160. PHYLLOB^ESTUS Spinola. P. TRANSVERSALIS Spin. N. America. n. 4. t. 40, f. 6. EPIPIILCEUS Dej. (Spin. March, 1841.) E. 12-MACULATus. Cayenne. Enoplium duodecimmaculatum Coll. Miew King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 370. E. 12-punctatus Spin. t. 42. f. 1. E. pantherinus Dej. Spin. 11. 8. E. PANTHERINUS Chevr. (Enopl.) Cayenne. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843/35. Var. E. 12-mac. ? E. NUBILUS. Brazil. Enopl. nubilum King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 370. t. 2. f. 15. E. MUCOREUS. Brazil. Enopl. mucoreum King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 371. E. FASCIATUS. Brazil (Para). Enopl. fasciatum King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 371. E. mucoreus $ ? Spin. 38 MST OF CLERID.E. E. BUQUETII Spin. Cayenne, ii. 10. E. ORNATUS Dup. Cayenne. Spin. ii. 12. E. VARIEGATUS Spin. Brazil (Para). t. 38. f. 3. Enopl. variegatum Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 372. E. tomentosus Spin. n. 13. Cayenne. E. SPECULUM. Brazil. Enopl. speculum King, Berlin. Abh. 1842. 372. E. BALTEATUS Chevr. (Enopl.) Brazil. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 36. E. MARGINELLUS Spin. Cayenne. n. 15. t. 42. f. 2. Enopl. m. Buq. E. HUMERALIS Spin. Cayenne. n. 16. t. 38. f. 5. Enopl. hum. Buq. E. SERICEUS. Brazil. Enopl. sericeum King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 373. t. 2. f. 16. E. DISTROPHUS. N. America. Enopl. distrophum King, Berl. Abh. 1842. PLOCAMOCERA Spinola. P. SERICELLA Spin. Carthagena. n. 19. t. 38. f. 4. Epiphl. ser. Dup. ICHKEA Laporte. I. LYCOIDES Laporte. Brazil. B. M. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 55. Spinola, ii. 22. t. 37. f. 3. Columbia. Enopl. Thomasii Dej. From Goudot's Collection. Enopl. melanurum Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 376. t. 2. f. 12. PLOCAMOCERA, ICHNEA, EVENUS. 39 Var. Enopl. aequinoctiale Buq. Spin. t. 37. f. 4, 5. Var. Pyticera lycoides Dup. Spin. t. 37. f. 6. ? Enopl. laterale Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. t. 2. f. 13. Var. Enopl. prasustum Klug. 1. c. t. 1. f. 14. I. ENOPLIOIDES Spin. Cayenne, Surinam, ii. 25. 163. t. 37. f 1. Columbia. Enopl. opacum Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 377. Enopl. roseicolle Dej. Enopl. crinipenne Dup. $ Enopl. nigripenne Buq. ? Enopl. lymexylonoides Dup. Var. $ Enopl. pubescens Dej. Spin. t. 37. f. 2. Var. Enopl. marginellum Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 376. I. SUTURALIS. Brazil (Bahia). Enopl. suturale Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 378. t. 1. f. 15. Ichnea enoplioides Spin. Var. I. ATERRIMA. MeXlCO, Enopl. aterrimum Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 378. Ichn. Enopl. var. ? Spin. I. DIMIDIATIPENNIS Spin. Columbia. ii. 162. t. 46. f. 1. I. DIVISA Chevr. Brazil. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 37. I. CALCEATA Chevr. Brazil. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 37. EVENUS Laporte. E. FILIFORMIS Laporte, Silb. Eev. Ent, iv. 42. Spin. t. 38. f. 2. 40 LIST OF CLERID^E. ALLELIDEA Waterh. A. CTENOSTOMOIDES Waterh. N. Holland (Sidney). B. M. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. II. 192. Charles Darwin, Esq. PEZOPORUS King (nee //%.). P. COARCTATUS. S. Africa (Caffraria). Clerus coarctatus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 311. t. 1. f. 3. ELLIPOTOMA Spin. E. TENUIFORMIS Spin. Columbia. ii. 38. t. 40. f. 5. Not ten. Dup. LEMIDIA Spinola. L. NITENS Spin. N. Holland. B. M. ii. 34. t. 38. f. 1. V. D. Land. Hydn. n. Newm. Entom. p. 36. Hombr. and Jacq. Voy. au Pole Sud, t, 4. f. 15. Clerus nitens King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 311. t. 2. f. 8 Cler. clytoides Gory. Cler. scalaris Dup. L. INANIS Germ. Linn. Australia (Adelaide). Ent. m. 137. HOPLOCLERUS, n. g. H. BIACULEATUS Westw. MS. S. Australia, coil. Westwood. HYDNOCERA Newman. (Mag. of Nat. Hist. April, 1838.) H. BICARINATA Spin. ii. 43. t. 39. f. 1. Cler. curvipennis Dup. Coll. $ Cler. inegascelisoides Dup. Coll. $ H. ATTENUATA. S. Brazil. Clerus attenuatus Klug^ Berl. Abh. 1842. 312. t. 1. f. 4. H. LIVTDA. Brazil. Clerus lividus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 313. ALLELIDEA, PEZOPORUS, HYDNOCERA, ETC. 41 H. HUMERALIS Newm. N". America, B. M. Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s. iv. 362. N". Carolina, E. Florida, Spin. n. 44. t. 39. f. 2. Georgia. Cler. hum. Say, Phil. Journ. Nat. Ent - Club of London. frc. in. 192. Germ. Spec. Ins. Nov. t. 80. Phyll. axillaris Dej. $ Var. Phyll. cyaneus Dfj. H. BASALIS. Aragua. Clerus basalis King, BerL Abh. 1842. H. RUFIPES Newman. N. Amer. (U. St.) B. M. Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s. iv. p. E. Florida. 363. Ent. Club of London. E. Doubleday, Esq. H. SERRATA Newm. N". America (Ohio, B. M. Ent. Mag. v. 380. fig. p. 379. Mt. Pleasant). Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s. iv. 363. Carthagena. Spin. n. 47. t. 39. f. 4. Phyllob. quadrim. Dej. Ent. Club of London. H. CINCTA Spin. Cayenne. ii. 48. t. 39. f. 5. H. SUTURAUS Spin. Columbia. t 39. f. 6. Clerus suturalis King, Berl. Abh. 1842. H. limbata Spin. n. 49. N. America. Phyll. limb. Dej. $ Phyll. transversals Dej. Var. Phyll. aequinoctialis Dej. H. TENELLA. Mexico. Clerus tenellus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. H. CRUCIATA. Columbia. Theano cr. Chevr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 33. H. BRACHYPTERA Spin. N. America. t. 40. f. 1. Clerus brachypterus King, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 313. H. lineatocollis Spin. n. 51. Phyll. 1. Dej. 42 LIST OF CLERID^E. H. CUBTIPENNIS Newman. Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s. iv. 364. E. Florida. N. Amer. (U. St.) B. M H. .ZEGRA Newman. Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s. iv. 364. H. BREVIPENNIS Spin. n. 46. t. 39. f. 3. Cler. brevip. Dup. H. STENIFORMIS Spin. t. 40. f. 2. Clerus stenif. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. H. subasnea Spin. n. 51. Phyll. subseneus Dej. H. AZUREA Spin. n. 52. t. 40. f. 3. Cler. az. Dup. coll. H. PUNCTATA Spin. n. 54. t. 40. f. 4. Phyll. punct. Dej. H. ? CONFERTA Newman. Entom. 365. H. ? MAI/THINUS Newman. Entom. 37. H. PECTORALIS Westw. MS. (See Appendix.) H. FLAVO-VARIA Westw. MS. (See Appendix.) H. FLAVO-LINEATA Westw. MS. (See Appendix.) H. TASMANICA, n. s. (See Appendix.) H. PICTA, n. s. (See Appendix.) EURYMETOPUM Blanchard. E. MACULA TUM Blanch. Chili (Valparaiso). D'Orbigny, Voy. a T Am. Mer. vi. 92. t. 6. f. 8. E. Doubleday, Esq N. America. E. Florida. E. Doubleday, Esq Columbia. . America. Columbia. N. America. S. Australia (Port Philip). V. D. Land. B. M Ent. Club of London S. Australia. Australia. B. M (var.) Australia. B. M V. D. Land. Coll. Saunders, Port Philip. EURYMETOPUM, PLATYNOPTERA, PYTICERA, ETC. 43 B.M. M. Chevrolat. E. FALLENS Blanch. Chili (Valparaiso). B. M. Z>' Orbigny, Voy. a V Am. Mer. vi. 93. E. macul. var. ? E. FULVIPES Blanch. Chili. D' Orbigny, Voy. a VAm. Mer. vi. 93. t, 6. f. 7. PLATYNOPTERA Lap. P. DUPONTI Spin. Mexico. ii, 64. t. 41. f. 4. Enopl. dilatatum Dup. Coll. P. GORY i Lap. Cayenne. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 54. Spin. ii. 65. t. 41. f. 1. Enopl. fasciatum Buq. P. LYCOIDES Chevr. Carthagena. Silb. Rev. Ent. ii. 18. Spin.ii. 67. t. 41. f. 2. Enopl. lye. Dej. P. VITTICEPS Blanch. Voy. a V Amer. Mer. vi. 95. PYTICERA Dupont. P. DUPONTI Spin. Brazil. ii. 71. t. 41. f. 3. Enopl. flaveolatum Dup. RYPARUS Spinola. R. TOMENTOSUS Spin. Senegal. n. 76. t. 41. f. 6. Cler. torn. Dej. PROSYMNUS Lap. P. CRIBRIPENNIS Lap. Senegal. Silb. Rev. Ent iv. 51. LEBASIELLA Spinola. L. ERYTHRODERA Spin. Columbia. ii. 79. Leb. lepida Spin. t. 43. f. 1. Coryn. erythroderus Dup. Brazil (Rio Janeiro). Coll. Miers. B.M. J. D. Tebbs, Esq. 44 LIST OF L. MARGINELLA. California ? C. marg. Chevr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1843. p. 42. ORTHOPLEURA Spinola. O. DAMICORNIS Spin. N. America. B. M. ii. 80. t. 42. f. 4. Tillus damic. Fabr. S. El. i. 282. Enopl. thoracicum Say. Var. Enopl. nigripenne Dup. O. SANGUINICOLLIS Spin. Central Europe. ii. 82. t. 42 f. 5. Corynetes s. Fabr. S. E. i. 187. Enoplium Weberi Latr. Gen. Cr. et Ins. i. 271. E. s. Sturm, Deutsch. F. xi. t. 233. Tillus Weberi Fair. S. E. i. 282. O. QUADRATICOLLIS Spinola. ii. 167. note t. 32. f. 4. CHARIESSA Perty. C. RAMICORNIS Perty. Brazil. Coil. Miers. Del. Ins. t. 22. f. 3. Spin. ii. 86. t. 45. f. 1. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. 363. C. VESTITA Spin. Mexico. B. M, n. 88. t. 45. f. 2. Brachymorphus vestitus Chevr. Col Mex. 7. 150. Enoplium vest. King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 363. t. 1. f. 10. Corynetes spectabilis Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 50. NOTOSTENUS Dej. N. VIRIDIS Spin. C. G. Hope. B. M, n. 91. t. 42. f. 3. Anobium viride Thurib. Nov. Ins. en \ Th - " a u rdwi c k e. Dr. A. bmitn. ORTHOPLEURA, CHARIESSA, NOTOSTENUS, ETC. 45 N. COZRULEUS. C. G. Hope. Anobium cceruleum Thunb. Nov. Ins. i. 10. Corynetes Thunbergii Klug, Berl Abh. 1842. 354. CORYNETES Payk. C. SCABRIPENNIS Spin. Senegal. n. 94. t. 43. f. 2. C. ANALIS Klug. Caffraria. Berl. Abh. 1842. 348. Spin. t. 43. f. 3. Cor. pallicornis Spin. n. 95. Senegal. Cor. abdouiinalis Fabr. S. E. I. 186.? C. PECTORALIS King. Caffraria. Berl Abh. 1842. 348. t. 1. f. 7. C. VIOLACEUS Payk. N. Europe (Brit.IsL). B. M. F. Suec. ii. 275. Curtis, Brit. Ent. vra. t. 351. Spin, ii 96. t. 43. f. 4. ? Coryn. chalybiEus Dej. ? C. RUFICORNIS Sturm. S. Germany. D. F. 42. t. 232. f. p. P. Klug, Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 347. C. violaceus var. Spin. ? C. PUSLLLUS King. Sardinia. Berl. Abh, 1842. p. 347. C. violaceus var. Spin. ? C. GENICULATUS Klug. Portugal, Spain. Berl. Abh. 1842. p. 347. C. violaceus var. Spin. ? C. SEMISTRIATUS Spin. C. G. Hope. ii. 98. t. 43. f. 5. C. DISCOLOR Klug. Mexico (Xalappa). Berl. Abh. 1842. 353. C. PALLIPES Klug. Mexico (Xalappa). Berl. Abh. 1842. 353. 46 LIST OF CLERID^. NECROBIA Latr. ( N. RUFIPES Oliv. Europe (Brit. Islands). B. M. t. 1. f. 2. Asia, Africa, America, Curtis, Brit. Ent. vm. (under Australia. fol. 350.) Spin. ii. 101. t. 42. f. 6. Coryn. rufipes Fabr. S. El. i. 186. Var. N. amethystina Steph. III. Brit. Ent. v.417. !N". RUFICOLLIS Latr. Europe (Brit. Islands). B. M. Gen. Cr. fy Ins. i. 274. Asia, Africa, America, Oliv. t. 1. f. 3. Australia. Spin, ii 103. t. 43. f. 6. Curtis, Brit. Ent. vn. fol. 350. Coryn. rune. Fabr. S. EL i. 286. J N. VIOLACEA Latr. Europe, Asia, America. B. M. Gen. Cr. et Ins. i. 274. Oliv. t. 1. f. 1. Spin. ii. 105. t. 44. f. 1. Coryn. angustatus Falderm. MS. Necr. quadra Marsh. 323. 4. Curtis, vm. (under fol. 350.) N. TIBIALIS Spin. C. G. Hope, ii. 107. t. 44. f. 2. N. DEFUNCTORUM Spin. Spain (Andalusia). ii. 108. t. 44. f. 3. Coryn. def. Walth. Eeise. Tyrol, ii. 63. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 143. Coryn. carbonarius Dej. N. ATRA. S. Africa. Corynetes ater King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 353. N. BICOLOR Spin. Spain. n. 109. t. 44. f. 4. Cor. b. Lap. Silb. Rev. Ent. TV. 52. Cor. thoracicus Dej. N. PINGUIS Westw MS. Australia. B. M, (See Appendix.) NECROBIA, LARICOBIUS, OPETIOPALPUS, ETC. 47 N. EXIMIA, n. s. Australia. (See Appendix.) Coil, sounders. Coll. Parry. N. MUMIARUM Hope. Egypt. B. M. LARICOBIUS Rosenh. L. ERICHSONII Rosenh. Tyrol. Zw. n. Kcef. p. 7. OPETIOPALPUS Spinola. O. AURICOLLIS Spin. C. G. Hope. n. 111. t. 45. f. 3. O. SCUTELLARIS Spin. Europe, Africa. n. 112. t. 45. f. 4. Coryn. scut. Panz. F. I. G. 38. 29. O. OBESUS Westw. MSS. N. India. B. M. (See Appendix.) O. LURIDUS Spin. U. States. n. 113. t. 45. f. 5. Coryn. L Dej. O. COLLARIS Spin. C. G. Hope. B. M. n. 114. t. 45. f. 6. Coryn. coll. Schorib. Syn. Ins. u. 51. Var. Coryn. rubricollis King, Berl. Abh. 1842. 352. PARATENETUS Spin. P. PUNCTATUS Spin. U. States. n. 118. t. 44. f. 5. Coryn. p. Dej. Lagria serricollis King. P. LEBASII Spin. Columbia. n. 119. t. 44. f. 6. 48 ;LIST OF CLEKOXZE. APPENDIX. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. CYLIDRUS NIGRINUS, n. s. Epistome somewhat 3-lobed, the middle lobe with three equal crenations. Antennae with the five basal joints of a clear amber- yellow ; the other joints black. Head, thorax, elytra, and greater portion of under parts, of a deep black ; at least three of the terminal joints of abdomen, both above and below, of a reddish yellow. First pair of legs black, second and third pairs pale yellow, the base of the tibia in the latter alone being brownish. Head and thorax punctured, and furnished with short hairs ; elytra smooth. Length 3J lines. Hab. Van Diemen's Land. TlLLUS HILARIS WestlV. li. S. Head rufous, punctured. Antennas and palpi fulvous ; prothorax chestnut-red, in front blackish, shining, irregularly punctured ; elytra at the base, for a third part, of a testaceous rufous, the remainder black with a white band in the middle. Elytra punc- tato-striate the punctures extending through the white band ; the tip of elytra smooth. Body beneath and legs rufous, abdo- men black. Length 2 lines. Hab. Van Diem en's Land. TILLUS PICIPENNIS Westw., Small, narrow, and of a pitchy brown colour. Head and prothorax punctured, the latter with various smooth spaces. Antennae of a pitchy chestnut-brown, the three last joints black; elytra pitchy brown, punctato-striate ; a wide white band behind the middle ; the tips, for a considerable space, smooth. Legs pitchy brown. Length 1J line. Hab. East Indies. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. 49 TlLLUS BIFASCIELLUS, D. S. Serrated part of antennas with eight joints. Head, thorax, abdo- men, and elytra of a deep blackish blue. Head and thorax polished, covered, especially on the sides, with longish ashy hairs. Elytra punctato-striate for rather more than half their length, with two transverse yellow bands, the first not far from the base, and not reaching either margin of elytron ; the second just beyond the middle, reaching the outer edge of elytron, but not extending to suture, somewhat angulated in the middle. The tip of each elytron closely covered with ashy silk-like hairs; sides of terminal segments of abdomen beneath with close silky hairs. Length 3-V lines. Hob. Philippine Islands. TLLLUS DISTINCTUS, n. s. Thickened part of antennae very slightly serrated and compressed ; reddish brown, the edges black. Head and fore-part of thorax above black ; rest of thorax above and below red ; base of elytra and base of abdomen beneath red ; rest of elytra black, excepting a transverse yellow band beyond the middle ; tip of elytra covered closely with yellowish silky hairs. Elytra, as far as commencement of yellow band, rather coarsely punctato-striate. Legs red, femora of hind legs black. Greater part of abdomen beneath black ; the pointed part of segment between hind legs red. Length 2| lines. Hab. Java. Mus. East India House. PRIOCERA MIERSIANA, n. s. Elytra entire, and conjointly rounded at the end ; the upper sur- face for half their length with longitudinal punctured striae ; those on external margin abbreviated. Antennae red. Head and thorax of a deep rusty brown : thorax above in the middle somewhat depressed, a transverse grooved line not far from the front, and nearly parallel with it ; on each side of the depression in front a roundish smooth tubercle; sides of thorax with several delicate streaks. Base of elytra and suture as far as middle of a brownish red ; an irregular branched yellow spot on the base of elytra, an angled yellow spot on lateral edge of elytra before the middle, and a transverse yellow spot beyond the middle near the suture, but not reaching to it ; a large deep brown band beyond the middle, and extending up the sides of elytra to 50 LIST OF CLERID^E. beyond the angled yellow spot; tip of elytra of a pale yellow. Under side of abdomen pitch brown ; terminal segment paler. The whole insect is covered with longish pale ochraceous hairs. Length 4 lines. Hab. Brazil. Coll. Miers. XYLOBIUS ALBO-VARIUS Westw. Elongated, slender, of a dark steel-blue colour, densely punctured. Head between the eyes of a silky^ white. Prothorax with a frontal band, and two spots on the sides behind of a silky white. Elytra with two lunules at the base and seven spots, the third larger than the rest and common to both elytra, of a silky white ; tips truncated. Antennae very short, and with the legs fulvous. Length 5 lines. Hab. E. Indies (Himalaya). SYSTENODERES DASYTOIDES Westw. n. s. Elytra of a dark metallic green with yellowish reflexions, thickly punctured, thickened at the suture. Head and front of thorax black, rest of thorax red ; in some specimens the whole of the thorax is black. Antennae, legs, and under parts black. The whole insect is rough with greyish and blackish hairs and bristles. Thorax wider than long. Length 2 } lines. Hab. Mexico. CYMATODERA PULCHELLA, n. s. Yellow. Head keeled down the centre. Thorax with seven warts on the back, six of them placed in two longitudinal parallel lines, the seventh between the lines, and connected, but indistinctly, with the middle wart of each line ; the sides of the thorax gibbous on each side. Elytra with a black spot at the base in the middle, from which proceeds a short black line ; about the middle a widish black band, narrowed towards the suture, and not reaching the lateral margin. Surface of elytra rather finely and irregularly punctured, and furnished with several hairs. Legs, antennae, and under side pale yellow. Length 2 lines. Hab. Columbia. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. 51 PlLLlCERA CHALYBEA Westw. Subcylindrical. Head small. Elytra wider behind, cyaneous, highly polished. Prothorax very gibbous, contracted before the hind margin. Elytra with the basal half striato-punctate, each elytron behind the middle with an elevated smooth purple spot ; tips smooth. Antennae with the joints from the fourth to the tenth dilated, and serrated on the inside, and equal. Length 5 lines. Hob. Tenasserim. TlLLICERA ? MUTILLJECOLOR, n. S. Head and thorax deep pitchy black, closely punctured, when fresh must be covered with ochrey yellow hairs. Elytra at the base ferrugineous red, coarsely pustulato-striated ; a band of ochrey yellow hairs across each elytron, sinuated on the posterior mar- gin ; this is followed by a large deep black lunule, after which comes a band of ochrey yellow hairs, straight behind and nar- rowed towards the side of elytra ; tip deep black. Metathorax red. Legs black, with numerous greyish bristles. Abdomen and antennae wanting. Length 6 lines. Hab. N. India. CLADISCUS GRACILIS, n. s. Head, thorax, and sides of elytra, from the base to the middle, red- Antennae, legs, terminal half of elytra, and suture smoky brown. Antennae branched from the third joint ; the branches are di- rected inwards, and emit a second branch, which is directed downwards ; the elytra are very much elongated, and furnished with several punctured striae commencing at the base, but evanescent considerably before the tip. Length 4i Lines. Hab. N. India. From Captain Boyes's Collection. CLADISCUS PRINSEPII, n. s. Head and thorax red. Elytra blackish brown. Abdomen above and below black. Antennae, tips of femora, tibiae, and tarsi black ; base of femora red. Antennae branched from the third joint ; two branches, considerably longer than the joints, spring from the end of each joint, and, in common with the joints, are deli- cately ciliated with black hairs. Elytra elongated, and furnished 52 LIST OF CLERIDJE. with several punctured striae, emitting short hairs ; apex of elytra somewhat abrupt. Wings of a uniform black. Length 5 lines. Hab. E. Indies. CLADISCUS LONGIPENNIS Westw. Elongated, cylindrical, black. Head and prothorax sanguineous. Antennae black ; all the joints from the third strongly serrated within. Prothorax much contracted behind the middle. Elytra testaceous, much elongated, each with ten striae formed of large contiguous points. , Legs black, setose; tarsi 5-jointed, first joint rather larger than the second, the third and fourth dilated beneath. Length from 5 to 6| lines. Hob. India (Himalayas). TENERUS CINGALENSIS, n. s. Of a rich vermilion red. Mouth, antennae, legs, and under side of abdomen black. A spot on the crown of head and the tip of elytra black : shoulders of elytra square ; each elytron with at least four longitudinal keels. Head, thorax, and elytra covered with crowded short hairs. Antennae with the eight terminal joints dilated in an oblong oval form. Length 7j lines. Hab. Ceylon. TENERUS ABBREVIATES, n. s. Elytra not reaching much beyond the middle of abdomen. Fore- head, thorax, greater portion of abdomen of a clear, shining, orange red. Elytra, to beyond the middle, of a palish metallic green ; end yellow, with a large blue spot in the middle ; edged with black. Tip of abdomen, above and below, of a deep metallic blue. Antennas with a longish process from the end of each joint directed inwards, each process being somewhat thickened towards the end. Legs and under part of metathora of a deep black. Wings blackish. Length 5 lines. Hab. Australia. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. 53 SERRIGER COFFINI Westiu. Short, wide, very delicately but thickly punctured, sanguineous. Elytra with two blackish blue spots before the middle, the apical half of the same colour. Antennas black at the base, rufous ; the three apical joints, especially the last, widened. Palpi black, all securiform. Legs brownish black ; femora rufous at the base. Body beneath black. Abdomen rufous, slightly washed with brown. Length 6J lines. Hob. Mexico. OMADIUS KAMELIANUS, n. s. Thorax above somewhat nodulose ; two deeply grooved transverse lines, one in front and one behind ; the posterior line close to hind margin. Elytra in colour and marking very similar to O. modestus. Legs pale yellow ; femora of hind leg, when ex- tended, reaching beyond the end of elytra; terminal half of femora of hind legs black, with a yellow spot on upper edge ; a black ring round the middle of tibiae, on front legs nearly ob- solete. Length 5 lines. Hab. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. STIGMATIUM GLLBERTI, n. s. Of a dullish ferruginous. The head covered with grey down and bristles, extending even over the eyes. Thorax with a deeply impressed transverse line ; the surface very minutely punctured. Elytra with the basal half rather coarsely punctured, the punc- tures running in lines ; the posterior part of elytra smoothish, black ; the tip, and an oblong spot before the tip and close to the suture, also covered with greyish hairs slightly bent ; there is a somewhat indistinct band of greyish hairs across the elytra, terminating where the black commences. Length from 3 to 4J lines. Hab. N, Holland, Port Essington. STIGMATIUM NATALENSE Westiu. Deep pitchy brown. Elytra punctato-striate, the basal part with various spots and patches of greyish hairs between the striae ; a wide, transverse, irregular band of greyish hairs beyond the middle, running down the suture to the tip, and forming a spot there. Thorax scarcely, if at all gibbous on the sides. Face D 3 54 LIST OF CLERID^E. with numerous long greyish hairs. Under side of abdomen pale ferruginous. Legs pale yellowish brown, with short grey hairs and a few scattered bristles ; tarsi of a deeper brown. Length 5 lines. Hab. Port Natal. Coll. Westwood. STIGMATIUM SPECULARE, n. s. Of a dull brownish colour, more or less covered with scattered hairs and bristles. A largish patch of grey hairs common to both elytra, and situated on the posterior part of elytra. Elytra rather finely striated with punctured lines. Antennae, palpi, and legs reddish. Length 3 lines. Hab. 1ST. Holland (Port Essington). STIGMATIUM RUFIVENTRE Westw. Short, thick, black, covered with bristles. Head and prothorax, under a glass, covered with minute punctures ; the middle of the head slightly wider. Elytra, at the base towards the costa, of a purplish chestnut, thickly covered with punctures, the punctures arranged in striae and obliterated before the tip ; an irregular band before the middle, and another before the tip, the tip also itself with dull whitish bristles. Antennae slender, apical joints scarcely thickened. Metasternum and abdomen beneath tes- taceous. Length 4 lines. Hab. Assam. STIGMATIUM ELAPHROIDES Westw. Antennae very long, with brown and narrow yellow rings. Thorax considerably gibbous on the sides, with a deeply impressed transverse line in front ; two oblong brown spots on the back of the hind part. Head and thorax with many adpressed silky yellow hairs, and several long blackish bristles. Elytra above covered, for the greater part, with adpressed silky yellow hairs ; the apical half with several brown spots, which taken together have the appearance of two twisted brown bands; punctato- striate, with scattered black bristles. Length 3 lines. Hab Ceylon. R. Templeton, Esq. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. 55 THANASIMUS SUBSIMILIS, n. s. Head, thorax, and legs of a reddish yellow. Elytra pale yellow, with two broad, transverse, blackish brown bands ; a slight blackish brown line on the edge of the base of the elytra ; the posterior band wider than the anterior. Elytra covered with minute punctures; a few slightly raised longitudinal keels down each elytron ; tips of elytra at suture brownish black. Length 4J lines. THANEROCLERUS ACCINCTUS Newm. Var. Clerus viduus Westw. Antennae pitch -coloured. Thorax black. Legs black ; femora chestnut at the base. Length 3| lines. Hob. Van Diemen's Land. Var. Clerus medianus Westw. Somewhat narrow, black, scarcely shining, closely covered with very delicate punctures. Antennae slightly clavate, short, chest- nut, as is the mouth. Labial palpi brown. Prothor ax of a blood- red colour. Elytra with a straight white band across the middle, and a small triangular common white spot at the tip. Legs tes- taceous, with white setae. Metasternum black. Posterior coxae testaceous. Posterior margin of segments of abdomen testa ceous. Length 3J lines. Hab. Van Diemen's Land. NOTOXUS CONGRUUS Newm. Var. Opilus femoralis Westw. Of a pitch-brown. Elytra with striated punctures ; a wide trans- verse yellow band a little behind the middle ; tips yellow. An- . tennae and legs chestnut; the basal half of the femora pale yellow ; antennae of the male more elongated. Female twice as large as male ; antennae short, and legs duller in colour. Length from 4 to 6 lines. Hob. Australia, King George's Sound. 56 LIST OF CLERIDJE. NOTOXUS SUBFASCIATUS WestW. Somewhat depressed. Head and pro thorax pitch- coloured. An- tennas somewhat fulvous, slender ; the three terminal joints slightly thicker. Elytra fulvous, shining, striato-punctate ; a band before the middle, interrupted at the suture, and another wider one behind the middle of a pitchy black. Legs fulvous ; femora duller in colour. Body beneath pitch-coloured. Labial palpi with the last joint very large and of a pale yellow. Length 4 lines. Hob. East Indies. NOTOXUS CASTANEIPENNIS, *1. S. Covered with light ferruginous short hairs. Head, thorax, and abdomen of a blackish brown. Elytra of a uniform pale chestnut- brown. Antennae yellowish brown. Legs and base of femora pale yellow ; tips of femora blackish brown ; tibiae and tarsi reddish brown. Head punctured. Thorax punctured ; a transverse grooved line not far from the fore edge, with a short deep grooved longitudinal line on the middle of the back. Elytra with several longitudinal rows of deeply punctured lines. Length 6^ lines. Hob. Bengal. Coll. W. W. Saunders. NOTOXUS APICALIS, n. s. Of a clear ochraceous yellow. The elytra tipped with black ; the black running in an oblique line towards the suture. Femora, from the base to beyond the middle, yellow ; tips of femora black ; tibias and tarsi black. Jaws and antennae blackish brown. Head and thorax very smooth, shining ; an impressed transverse line, sinuated in the middle, close to front edge of thorax. Elytra covered by many closely placed, punctured, parallel lines. Insect covered with short yellowish hairs. Length 5 lines. ? Coll. F. W. Parry. TJJJICOLOR, n. S. Of a dirty dark brown, densely covered with a silk-like yellowish pubescence. Under side of abdomen with the edges of segments behind margined with yellow. Elytra with rather distant lon- gitudinal lines of punctures not continued to the tip. Length from 3J lines to 7 lines. Hob. India. Mus. E. India House. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. 57 NOTOXUS RUFICORNIS WestW. Elongated, rather narrow. Head and thorax black, with scattered punctures. Antennas, labrum, and palpi rufo-fulvous. Elytra with the basal half of a bright fulvo-testaceous ; the apical half pitch-coloured, with a transverse whitish band behind the middle and interrupted in the middle. Elytra punctato-striate, the tips smooth. Legs black. Length 4 lines. NOTOXUS MJERENS WestW. Head black, very slightly punctured. Antennae black, pitchy brown at the base. Palpi moderate. Prothorax black, of the width of the head ; behind slightly narrower ; the disk in the middle slightly impressed, irregularly punctured. Elytra black, punctato-striate; tips smooth; in the middle a transverse whitish band. Body beneath black. Coxae of a pitchy chestnut ; legs black ; tibiae and tarsi pitchy brown. Length 2- lines. Hob. Australia (Adelaide). NOTOXUS EPHIPPIGER, n. S. Of a dingy brownish black ; a squarish ochrey yellow spot on the suture, behind which and running into it is a narrow yellow transverse band ; from this band, and including it, the surface of the elytra is covered with large punctures arranged in longitu- dinal lines ; end of elytra yellowish, and covered with silky greyish hairs ; a tuft of black hairs on the back of each elytron at the base. Antennae yellow. Legs brownish black; tips of tibiae and the tarsi yellow. Length 4| lines. Hob. New Holland. NOTOXUS SEX-NOTATUS Westw. Elongated, narrow. Legs very long. Head cyaneous, subrugose, with minute punctures ; as wide as the prothorax. Antennae elongated, and with the palpi fulvous. Prothorax cyaneous, shining, slightly rugose ; before the middle with an angled im- pression, and an abbreviated middle dorsal line behind, con- siderably contracted. Elytra cyaneous at the tip, inclined to purple ; the basal half striato-punctate ; two oval spots before the middle, an interrupted median band, and two somewhat oblique apical spots, yellowish. Body beneath cyaneous. Legs D 5 58 LIST OF CLERID2E. black ; femora at the base, and tip of the tibiae and tarsi, fulvous. All the palpi securiform. Length 3 j lines. Hob. Van Diernen's Land. NOTOXUS PULCHER, n. s. Of a deep metallic purplish blue, with two squarish yellow spots on the back of the elytra before the middle, a yellow band across the middle of elytra not extending to the suture, and an oblique yellow spot on the tip. Antennas and palpi amber- yellow. Legs amber-yellow. Head thickly punctate. Thorax with scattered punctures ; two deeply impressed semicircular lines, one on each side, not touching in the middle ; a short deeply impressed longitudinal line down part of the middle of thorax. Elytra with its basal portion with large punctures arranged in lines ; the apical half smooth and shining ; under side deep black. Var. a. Tips of femora purplish blue. b. Legs wholly yellow. Length 4J lines to 6^ lines. Hob. Van Diemen's Land. Rev. T. Ewing ; R. Butler, Esq. CLERUS SERICANS Westw. Somewhat narrow, closely covered with very delicate punctures. Head and prothorax seneous, with bristle like golden hairs. Antennas black, at the base fulvo-piceous ; the last three joints gradually thickened. Elytra of a livid ferruginous, covered with black setae ; a pinkish white much-angled band on the middle (margined in front with black) ; two subapical spots of a pinkish white. Mouth with the palpi of a tawny yellow. Body beneath of a brassy black. Legs black. Belly of a pitchy red. Tarsi pitchy. Length 3 lines. Hob. Mexico. CLERUS HOLOSERICEUS, n. s. Depressed. Elytra somewhat widened behind. Head, thorax, above and below, and legs, black, and more or less covered with black hairs and greyish silky pubescence. Elytra with the basal half of a reddish fawn ; that colour on the side and suture ex- tending beyond the middle; a large round black spot at the DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. 59 base, common to both elytra, between which and the margin on each side is a narrow black spot not reaching to the shoulder ; the terminal half of elytra black, with a transverse band near the tip, and the suture at the tip with short grey silky hairs. Abdomen beneath of a dark brownish red. Length 4 lines. Hob. California. From the Collection of Mr. Hartweg. CLERUS LATICINCTUS, n. s. Of a deep purplish black. Elytra with a wide, clear yellow, trans- verse band across the middle ; the sutural margin black ; a roundish yellow spot at the base of each elytron (sometimes, as in Capt. Parry's specimen, wanting). Legs of a yellowish red, the tibiae more obscure ; tarsi black. Head and thorax closely punctured, and thickly covered with short, erect, black hairs. A patch of silky greyish brown hairs at the end of each elytron. Length from 3 to 4 lines. Hab. Brazil. CLERUS GUTTULUS, n. s. Elongated, narrow. Head as wide as thorax. Thorax suddenly narrowed behind. Elytra with the sides somewhat sinuated. Mouth, antennse, and legs yellowish red. Head and thorax black, with greenish reflexions ; thickly punctured and hairy. Elytra brown, and striato-punctate at the base, with a short, diagonal, ferruginous band from the shoulder to the suture, and two white, smooth, raised lineolets, one on each side of the band, the outer the longer ; a narrow, transverse, white, smooth, raised, linear band behind the middle of the elytra, which are black at the tip, and have green reflexions. Under side of abdomen black ; inesosternum and metasternum yellow. Length 3j lines. Hab. Australia. CLERUS ANTHICOIDES Westw. Pitchy black. Elytra with four largish yellow spots ; two trans- verse before the middle, and two sub-oblique close to the tip. Antennas long, yellowish ; the four terminal joints gradually thickened, brownish black. Thorax as broad as long, slightly narrowed behind. Legs pitchy brown ; tarsi yellow ; tibiae of hind legs with some longish hairs on the outside. Length 1 line. Hab. Ceylon. 60 LIST OF CLERID.E. TRICHODES DOUGLASIANUS, n. s. A narrow elongated species. Head, thorax, scutellum, and under parts of body, of a lively metallic green. Elytra of a very dark purple, very much decorated with orange yellow bands, one occupying the shoulder, except on the very angle and on the inner edge about the scutellum ; it emits at its lower side a yellow spot, connected with the yellow of the base by a narrow yellow line close to the suture ; about the middle of elytra, and connected by a narrow, yellow, lateral, marginal line to the yellow of the base, is a diagonal yellow band which ends towards the suture in a spot which is directed upwards ; another diagonal yellow band proceeds from the side of the tip upwards, and is angled towards the suture. Legs of a metallic green, but with many rusty yellow hairs, which give them a ferruginous appear- ance. Length 4J lines to 5 lines. Hob. California. From Mr. Hartweg's Collection. TRICHODES HARTWEGIANUS, n. s. Head, thorax, scutellum, elytra, body, and legs of a dark shining green ; the hairs longish and of a rusty grey. The shoulder with a squarish yellow mark, with a green spot on the angle ; a little yellow spot towards the suture, not connected with the basal yellow spot, nor with the median, transverse, slightly diagonal, yellow band, not quite touching the suture ; a yellow arcuated spot near the tip, the sinus on its hinder margin. Length 5J lines. Hab. California. From Mr. Hartweg's Collection. AULICUS INSTABILIS Newm. Var. Clerus tibialis Westw. Elytra at the base and tip more punctured, of a golden green; roughly striato-punctate. Legs of a bluish green ; anterior legs within, with the tarsi, fulvous. Antennae and palpi fulvous. Body beneath of a lively green. Length 4 lines. Hab. Australia. Yar. Clerus castanipes Westw. Oblong, depressed, cyaneous, or greenish blue. Head and pro- thorax, under a glass, covered with punctures. Elytra roughly DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. striato-punctate ; the base and tip rather smooth; shoulders purple. Legs chestnut, with black bristles ; the four posterior tarsi brown. Antennas short, chestnut ; three apical joints di- lated. Body beneath of a greenish shining cyaneous. Length 4 lines. Hob. Van Diemen's Land. PHLOIOCOPUS GUERINH, n. s. Head and thorax of a deep brown, the latter ferruginous in front. Elytra with the basal half of a pale reddish brown, rather roughly punctato-striate ; a narrow, irregular, brown band across the middle, followed by a wider, smooth, yellow band with irregular edges ; a still wider, smooth, brown band succeeds this ; a narrow yellow sub-apical band, the extreme tip is brown. Antennae rufous. Legs ferruginous brown ; base of femora and soles of tarsi inclined to yellow. Length 6 lines. Hab. Africa. HOPLOCLERUS BIACULEATUS WestW. Somewhat depressed. Elytra wider behind. Head and protho- rax smooth. Elytra irregularly covered with punctures ; of a lively testaceous ; shining, cyaneous ; shoulders and tips rufous, the latter at the suture ending in two sharp spines. Antennae short ; the three apical joints wider. Body beneath rufous ; the mesosternum and metasternum cyaneous. Length 3 lines. Hab. S. Australia. HYDNOCERA PECTORAUS Westw. Allied to H. flavo-lineata, but wider behind and less parallel above, altogether of a pale testaceous ; anterior margin of pro- thorax whitish. Antennae very short, of a pale testaceous ; three last joints short, and wider than the rest. Head, between the eyes, with two impressions. Elytra deeply punctato-striate. Legs yellowish. Thorax black beneath. Abdomen chestnut. Length 2^ lines. Hab. Australia. 62 MST OF CLERIDJS. HYDNOCERA FLAVO-VARIA Westw. Head black, face yellow. Antennae very short, slightly thickened, yellow. Prothorax with the sides before the middle slightly rounded, of the width of the head, yellow, disk marked with a horse-shoe of a pitchy brown. Elytra elongated, somewhat parallel, subrugose, black ; each with an oblong, basal, yellow spot, another somewhat rounded, nearly in the middle ; another rounded yellow spot before the tip, and the tip itself yellow. Legs yellow, tips of posterior femora, posterior tibise, and posterior tarsi, of a pitchy brown. Body beneath black. Length 2 7 \ lines. Hob. Australia (King George's Sound). HYDNOCERA FLAVO-LINEATA Westw. Small, much elongated. Head and prothorax of a dark steel colour, with scattered punctures ; face and labrum whitish. Antennae shorter than the head, yellow, slightly thickened at the tip. Elytra elongated, somewhat parallel, punctured, disk of each marked with a longitudinal palish yellow streak. Legs somewhat fulvous ; femora, especially the posterior, black above ; hind tarsi black. Length 2 lines. Hob. S. Australia. HYDNOCERA TASMANICA, n. s. Elongated. Head in front and mouth yellow ; top of head black ; spot on vertex ferruginous. Thorax depressed above, with a deeply impressed line close to and parallel with the front, smooth, ferruginous. Elytra black ; the base pinkish yellow, except on the margin, which is black ; a pinkish yellow band across the middle, not continued to the margin; the suture black ; tip yellow. Two first pairs of legs yellow ; hind legs black ; base of femora and tibiae yellow ; under side black. Tip of ab- domen black. Antennae wanting in the specimen. Length 3 lines. Hob, Van Diemen's Land. HYDNOCERA PICTA, n. s. Head smooth, black, with green reflexions. Face immediately above trophi edged with yellow. Antennae black. Thorax depressed on the back, and suddenly strangulated on the sides behind, with a deep impressed line close to one parallel with the front margin ; deeply foveated in the middle ; bright yellowish DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. 63 red. Elytra broader behind than in front, striato-punctate and slightly hairy; greenish metallic blue; base near the shoulder yellowish red ; a wide yellowish red band across the elytra, just before the middle, widest on the margin. Prothorax beneath yellowish red; mesothorax and metathorax black. Abdomen beneath at the base red, at the tip black. Legs black, with blue reflexions. Length 3J lines. Hal. Port Philip. NECROBIA PINGUIS Westw. Short, thick. Head small, black, closely and densely punctured. Antenna3 black ; the base and labrum fulvous. Prothorax much wider than the head; the sides in the middle dilated into a rounded tubercle, thickly punctured, some of the punctures larger ; rugose, sanguineous. Elytra black, roughly punctured ; with a slender nearly straight band in the middle, and another near the tip, whitish. Scutellum rufous. Body beneath, with legs, of reddish testaceous. Length 3J lines. Hob. Van Diemen's Land. NECROBIA EXIMIA, n. s. [lead and thorax dark shining green, with brassy reflexions. Antennae and trophi pitchy brown. Elytra with a widish, bril- liant purple, transverse band on the middle ; the remainder with the brightest combination of green, flame-coloured, and brassy colours passing into each other ; under side yellowish green. Legs with a bluish tint ; covered with many short black hairs. ,ength 2J lines. Hab. W. Australia. OPETIOPALPUS OBESUS Westw. Small, thick, and convex, somewhat shining, punctured, with black bristles. Head and prothorax of a dull sanguineous. Elytra black, without spots. Antennae and legs of a reddish chestnut ; club of antennae of a dull colour. Length l lines. Hab. E. Indies. INDEX. A. aterrima, Ich. 39. brachyptera, Hydn. 41. atra, Necr. 46. brevicollis, Cler. 24. abbreviates, Ten. 12. attenuata, Hydn. 40. brevipennis, Hydn. 42. abdominalis, Cler. 15. 22. Aulicus, 31. brunneus. Not. 9. Cor. 45. Call. 4. brunnipes, Cler. 20. Cyl. 2. Trich. 30. Buquetii, Cyl. 1. Prioc. 5. auratus, Cler. 31. Ep. 38. Than. 15, auricollis, Opet. 47. Not. 18. accinctus, Than. 17. auricomus, Till. 6. : Pel. 35. acerhus, Than. 16. auripenne, Pel. 35. Phi. 32. acutipennis, Call. 4. auripennis, Op. 35. Than. 16. Adonis, Cler. 16. australis, Ol. 19. segra, Hydn. 42. Zen. 26. seneicollis, Cler. 22. axillaris, Phyll. 41. C. agquinoctiale, En. 39. Trich. 29. aequinoctialis, Phyll. 41. Axina, 6. Caestron, 24. affinis, Trich. 27, 28, 29. azurea, Hydn. 42. calceata, Ich. 39. agilis, Till. 2. azureus, Sten. 6. Callitheres, 4. alhofasciatus, Till. 2. callosa, Eb. 27. Allelidea, 40. callosus, Op. 27- alvearius, Trich. 27. B. capensis, Ten. 12. amabile, Pel. 34. Than. 15. ambulans, Till. 2. badium, En. 35. carbonarius, Cor. 46. Ammios, Trich. 30. balteatus, Cyl. 1. Per. 4. amcenum, Pel. 33. Epi. 38. Carcelii, Trich. 30. amcenus, Cler. 25. basalis, Cler. 21. carus, Till. 3. Syst. 7. Epicl. 10. castanea, Prioc 5. annlis. Ax. 6. Hydn. 41. castaneipennis. Not. 19. Cor. 45. Opil. 32. castaneus, Opil. 5. angustata, Cym. 9- biaculeatus, Hopl. 40. castanipes, Cler. 31. angustatus, Cor. 46. bicarinata, Hydn. 40. centromaculatus, Not. 19. Not. 8, 9. bicinctus, Cler. 23. ceraceus, Trich. 30. Trich. 29. Pyl. 26. chalyba?us, Cor. 45. annulatus, Cler. 21. bicolor, Call. 4. chalybea, Till. 11. annulipes, Cler. 15. Necr. 46. Chariessa, 44. Anthicides, Pyl. 26. Till. 36. chilensis, Not. 9. anthicoides, Cler. 26. bifasciatus, Omad. 13. chinensis, Not. 15. antiquus, Cler. 21. Ten. 12. cicindeloides, Stigm. 13. apiarius, Trich. 28. Trich. 31. cincta, Hydn. 41. apicale, Pel. 36. bifasciellus, Till. 4. cinctipennis, Col. 7. apicaiis, Not. 19. bilobus, Cler. 20. cinctiventris, Prioc. 5. Than. 16. bimaculatus, Cyl. 1. cinctum, En. 33. apicida, Trich. 28. Tan. 12. cinereo-pilosus, Cler. 23. apivorus, Trich. 28. Till. 2. 7. cingalensis, Ten. 12. Apolopha, 37. bipartitus, Not. 32. cingulata, Cym. 9. arachnodes, Cler. 24. Till. 3. cingulatus, Till. 9. arcuatus, Cler. 21. bisignatus, Cler. 24. circumcinctum, En. 34. Trich, 28. bispinosa, Prioc. 6. Cladiscus, 11. arthriticus, Trich. 30. bitasniata, M. 31. Cleridse, 1. artifex, Cler. 20. bizonatus, Trich. 31. cleroides, Pel 36. aspera, El. 10. bombycinus, Cler. 22. Cleronomus, 7. assimilis, Cler. 21. 25. Boscii, Cym. 9. Clerus, 20. ater, Cor. 46. Brachymorphus, 44. clytoides, Cler. 40. 65 coarctatus, Pez. 40. discolor, Cor. 4P. flavo-cinctus, Trich. 30. cceruleus, Not. 45. distinctus, Cler. 20. flavo-limbatum, Pel. 33. Coffini, Serr. 13. Till. 4. flavo-lineata, Hydn. 42. collare, Pel. 34. Trich. 29. flavo-signatus, Cler. 20. collaris, Opet. 47. distrophus, Epi. 38. flavo-varia, Hydn. 42. Till. 3. divisa, Ich. 39. flavum, Enopl. 34. Colombiae, Cler. 22. domesticus, Not. 18. formicarius, Than. 14. columbianus, Cler. 21. dorsalis, Not. 18. formicaroides, Attel. 14. columbicus, Than. 15. Douglasianus, Trich. 31. foveolatus, Xyl. 10. Colyphus, 7. Dregei, Not. 18. frontalis, Not. 19. compressicornis, Till. 3. dubius, Cler. 24. fugax, En. 34. comptus, Cler. 20. Than. 14. fulgens, Zen. 26. conferta, Hydn. 42. duodecim-maculatum, En. fulvipes, Kur. 43. conflagrata, Cym. 8. 37. funebris, Not. 17. conflagratus, Till. 8. duodecim-punctatus, Epi. fuscicornis, Trich. 30. confusus, Not 8. 37. Than. 16. Duponti, Plat. 43. congruus, Not. 19. Pyt. 43. G. corallinus, Trich. 28. Coryneces, 45. Gallerucoides, Pel. 35. crabronarius, Cler. 21. E. Gambiensis, Cler. 25. crabroniforrnis, Trich. 28. Gayi, Epic. 9. crassipes, Not. 6. Eburiphora, 27. gemmatus, Erym. 17. crassus, Cler. 25. elaphroides, Stigm. 14. geniculatus, Cor. 45., cribricollis, Nat. 16. Eleale, 10. germanus, Not. 19. cribripenne, Pel. 36. elegans, Trich. 28. gigameus, Not. 8. cribripennis, Pros. 43. elegantulus, Trich. 29. gigas, Not. 18. Trich. 28. Ellipotoma, 40. Gilberti, Stigin. 13. crinipenne, En. 39. elongata, Chrys. 2. Goryi, Plat. 43. crinitum, En. 34. elongatus, Plat. 26. gracilis, Clad 11. cruciata, Hydn. 41. cruciatus, Cler. 25. Till. 2. Enoplioides, Ich. 39. griseo-pilosus, Cler. 20. Guerinii, Phi. 32. cruentatus, Cler. 21. Enoplium, 32. gulo, Trich. 28. Not. 19. ephippiger, Not. 19. guttulus, Cler. 25. ctenostomo'ides, All. 40. Epiclines, 9. curtipennis, Hydn. 42. Epiphlaeus, 37. curvipennis, Cler. 40. episcopalis, Aul. 31. H. cyaneus, Cvl. 1. Erichsonii, Lar. 47. Phyll. 41. Erymanthus, 17. Hanetii, Not. 3. cyaneo-maculatum, En. 33. cyanopterus, Ten. 12. erythrocephalus, Cler. 14. erythrodera, Leb. 43." Hartwegianus, Trich. 31. helopioides, Phil. 36. Cylidrus, 1. erythrogaster, Cler. 24. hilaris, Till. 3. cylindricollis, Cym. 9. Cymatodera, 8. erythropus, Cler. 20. Eurymetopum, 42. hirtulum, Pel. 36. hispanicus, Trich. 29. Evenus, 39. histrio, Cler. 23. ' eximia, Necr. 47- hoiosericeus, Clef. 25. D. honestum, Trog. 17. honestus, Cler. 17. Dahlii, Trich. 27. F. Hopei, Cym. 8. damicornis, Orth. 44. Hopfneri, Cler, 21. Dasytoides, Syst. 7. fasciatum, En. 43. Hoploclerus, 40. dauci, Trich. 30. fasciatus, Cler. 14. numerate, Pel. 34. decorata, Prioc. 5. Cyl. 1. humeralis, Epi. 38. decorum, En. 34, Ep. 37. Hydn. 41. decussatus, Cler. 21. Opil. 27. Trich. 30. defunctorum, Necr. 46. fasciculatum, Pel. 33. hyalinus, Till. 2. Dejeanii, Trich. 30. Trog. 17. Hydnocera, 40. Denops, 2. fascicuiatus, Cler. 17. depressus, Cler. 26. fasciolatus, Than. 16. dentatum, En. 32. fastigiatus, Till. 6. I. dentatus, Derm. 32. fatuus, Pyl. 26. Derestenus , 8. favarius, Trich. 29. ibidioides, Cym. 8. Dermestoides, Cler. 17. femoralis, Cler. 14. Ichnea, 38. dilatatum, En. 43. Opil. 19. ichneumoneus, Cler. 22. dimidiatipennis, Ich. 39. filiformis, Ev. 39. idoneus, Xyl. 10. dimidiatus, Not. 32. fimbriolatum, P. 36. illustris, Trich. 29. Ptych. 11. Fischeri, Cler. 24. imperialis, Cler. 23. Ten 12. . flaveolatum, En. 43. inanis, L^m. 40. discoidalis, Cym. 9. flavicornis, Not. 18. indicus, Oin. 13. 66 INDEX. indicus, Than. 15. lunatus, Cler. 22. nigro-maculatus, Cler. 25. inornata, Cym. 9 luridus, Opet. 47. nigro-signatum, Pel. 35. inornatus. Till. 9. luscus, Cler. 24. nitens, Lem. 40. insignis, Trich. 29. lycoides, Ich. 38. nitidus, Cler. 20. instabilis, Aul. 31. Plat. 43. niveum, Pel. 34. interceptus, Col. 7. 1} mexylonoides, En. 39. nobilis, Cler. 21. interruptus, Col. 7. Trich. 29. Opil. 32. notatus, Till. 3. Trich. 28. M. Notostenus, 44. lodamus, 4. Notoxus, 17. Macrotelus, 37. novem-maculatus, Tillus, 4. J. maculatum, Eur. 42. maculicollis, Cler. 25. nubilus, Ep. 37. Than. 15. madag.scariensis, Cler. 2G. Nuttalli, Trich. 28. 30. javana, Till. 11. rnalthinus, Hydn. 42. javanus, Not. 13. Marchiae, Crypt. 2, Joannisii, Cler. 4. marginatuin, En. 33. jucundus, Cler. 22 marginella, Leb. 44. O. K. marginellum, Kn. 39. marginellus, Epi. 38. marginicollis, Prioc. 5. obesa. Zen. 26 obesus, Cler. 26. Kamelianus, Om. 13. Kirbyi, Pel. 35. marginipenne, Pel. 34. mannorata, Cym. 8. marmoratus, Than. 15. Till A ,, Opet. 47. obliquatus, Trich. 29. oblique-fasciatus, Cler. 20. obscurus, Cler. 10. L. Lacordairei, Cler. 25. laeta, Cym. 8. Ia3tus, Not. 8. ,, 1 111. o. medianus, Cler. 17. megacephalus, Cyl. 1. megasceloides, C!er. 40. megatoma, Mon. 37. melanurum, En. 38. metalloideum, En. 33. Not. 18. obsoletum, P. 37. obsoletus, Than. 15. ochropus, Yl. 26. octopunctatus, Trich. 27. ocuiatus, Cler. 24. Cler. 23.' laevigatus, Cler. 20. Lafertei, Trich. 29. laminatus, Trich. 29. Lampyroides, Pel. 33. Laplacei, Nat. 16. Laportei, Cler. 23. Laricobius, 47- Lasiodera, 35. mexicanus, Cler. 21. Miersiana, Prioc. 5. Miletus, Not. 8. imniaceus, Cler. 22. miniatus, Cler. 20 minutus, Cler. 22. mitis, Than. 15. modesta, Cym. 8. modestus. Cler. 13. Olesterus, 19. Olivieri, Trich. 30. Omadius, 13. , omoplatus, Trich. 30. ', onustum, En. 33. opacum, En 39. Opetiopalpus, 47. ' ornatum, Pel. 36. ornatus, Cler. 23. laterale, En. 39. mcerens, Not. 19. ,, Ep. 38. laticinctus, Cler. 25. latifasciatus, Trich. 20. mcestus, Cler. 24. moll'is, Not. 18. ,, Trich. 31. Orthopleurus, 44, latus, Thau. 16. Monophylla, 37. Lebasiella, 43. mucoreus, Ep. 37. Lebasii, Par. 47. Muisca, 31. P. Lelieurii, Cler. 32. mumiarum, Necr. 47. Lemidia, 40. mutillaecolor, Till. 11. Pachyscelis, 28. lepida, Leb. 43. mutilluriiis, Than. 14. Pallenis, 4. lepidus, Cler. 25. 28. myops, Cler. 21 . pallens, Eur. 43. Leprieurii, Not. 5. imrmecodes, Cler. 3. pallicornis, Cor. 45. Lesueurii, Cler. 21. 32. mysticus, Cler. 21. pallidipennis, Cym. 9. leucaspis, Xyl. 10. pallidus, Not. 19. leucopbseum, En. 34. pallipes, Cor. 45. leucopsideus, Trich. 30. N. Cyl. 1. liberatum, En. 36. pannonicus, Trich. 28. limbata, Hydn. 41. natalense, Stigm. 13. pantherinua, Ep. 37. lineatocollis, Hydn. 41. Natalis, 16. pantomelas, Aul. 31. Ten. 12. nebulosus, Cler. 20. Paratanetus, 47. littiratum, Pel. 36. Omad. 13. Passerinii, Yl. 26. livida, Hydn. 40. Necrobia, 46. patricia, Eb. 27. longicollis, Cjfm. 9. Nero, Aul. 31. patricius, Op. 27. Den. 2. nigricans, Cler. 20. pectinicornis, Clad. 12, longipennis, Clad. 11. nigricorne, En. 35. pectoralis Cor. 45. longu'us, C Cler. 20. rubripes, Cler. 20. spinosus. Cler. 5. Platyclerns, 26. rutescens, Prioc. 5. splendidus, Cler. 11. Platynoprera, 43. ruficeps. Than. 14. steniformis, Hydn. 42. Plocamocera, 38. ruaoollis, Cler. 23. Stenoclerus. 6. pondicherianus, Cler. 16. Lagria, 2. Stenocyliilrus. 6. porcata, Nat. 16. Necr. 46. Stigmatium, 13. porcatus. Not. 16. ruficornis, Cor. 45. itrangulatu*, Clad. 11. praeustum, En. 39. Not. 19. snbacnea, Hydn. 42. Pel. 35. rufipennis, Cler. 17. suberosus, Opil. 32. praeustus, Tell. 12. Col. 7 subtasciatus, Not. 18, 19. principale, En. 35. rufipes, Cler. 14. Trich. 31. Prinsepii, Clad. 11. En. 36. subsimilis. Than. 15. Priocera, 5. Hydn. 41. subtrifusdatus, J rich. 28. prolixa, Cym. 8. Necr. 46. succinctus, Cvl. 1. prolixus, Cler, 13. rufitarsis, Not. 6. Till. 3. 7. Till. 8. rutiventre, Stigm. 14. sumatrensis. Opil. 13. Prosymnus, 43. rufiventris, Cler. 23. suturale, Pel. 33. Ptyciiopterus, 11. rutulus, Cler. 22. suturalis, Hvdn. 41. pubescens, Till. 3. rufus, Ck-r. 22. Irh. 39. En. 39. rugosa, El. 10. syriacus, Not. 1!). pulchella, Cym. 8. rusticus, Cler. 13. Trich. 30. pulchellum, Pel. 3fi. Ryparus, 43. Systenoderes, 7. pulchellus, Cier. 20. Till. 6. pulcher, Cler. 11. S. T. Not. 19. punctata, Hydn. 42. sanguineo-signatus, Trich. taeniatus, Not. 18. Nat. 26. 29. ; Tarsostenus, 27. Not. 16. saiiguineus, Cler. 17. tasm i. 27. 45; A%. Zoo/. (1841) ; Burm. Handb. v. 492. 48. Hab. Brazil. 37. PASSALUS morio. Passalus morio, Perch. Mon. 83. 37. t. 6. f. 4 $ 1 %?/>. 33. 52 ; Mag. Zool. (1841); Bwnw. Handb. v. 506. 70. Brazil. 38. PASSALUS convexus. B.M. Passalus convexus, Dalm. in Schonh. Syn. Ins. i. 3. 335. 4. App. 142. 196 ; Perch. Mon. 86. 39 8f 1 Supp. 37. 56 ; Mag. Zool. (1841); Bwrw. frmd&. v. 503. 65. Passalus pelliculatus, Perty, Delect. 55. t. 11. f. 16. Hab. Brazil. 39. PASSALUS marginatus. Passalus marginatus, Perch. Mon. 89. 41. t. 7- f. 1 4" 1 Sp>p. 37. 57; Mag. Zool. (1841); Burm. Handb. v. 507. 73. Hab. Brazil. 40. PASSALUS furcilabris. B.M. Passalus furcilabris, Eschsch. Nouv. Mem. Nat. Mosc. i. 13 ; Diss. Col. Sp. 15 ; Perch. Mon. 92. 43. t. 7. f. 2 # 1 Supp. 37. 58 ; 3%. Zool. (1841); Bzmw. Honrfft. v. 513. 82. Hab. Brazil. 41. PASSALUS transversus. B.M. Passalus transversus, Dalm. in Schonh. Syn. Ins. i. 3. App. 143. 197 ; Schonh. Syn. Ins. i. 3. 333. 5 ; Perch. Mon. 94. 44. t. 7- f. 3 fy 1 Supp. 37. 58; Mag. Zool. (1841); Burm. Handb. v. 511. 79, Passalus cephalotes, St. F. Sf Serv. Em. Meth. Ent. x. 20. Passalus sinuatus, Eschsch. Nouv. Mem. Nat. Mosc. i. 13; Diss. Col. Sp. 16. Passalus trituberculatus, Eschsch. Diss. Col. Sp. 17. Passalus sinuosus, Drapiez, Ann. Sc. Phys. v. 324. t. 73. f. 3. Hab. Brazil. 42. PASSALUS semicylindricus. Passalus semicylindricus, Eschsch. Diss. Gen. Col. no. 18; Perch. 1 Supp. 45; Mag. Zool. (1841). Hab. Brazil. 12 PASSALID^. 43. PASSALUS armatus. Passalus armatus, Perty, Delect. Anim. Artie. 54. t. 11. f. 14; Perch. I Supp. 46. i. 79. f. 6; Mag. Zool. (1841); Eurm. Handb. v. 502. 64. Hab. Brazil. 44. PASSALUS coniferus. Passalus coniferus, Eschsch. Diss. Gen. Pass. 4. 2 ; Eurm. Handb. v. 482. 32. Passalus coarctatus, Perch. Mon. 49. 16. t. 3. f. 7 & \ Supp. 12. 19; Mag. Zool. (1841). Hab. Brazil. 45. PASSALUS punctiger. Passalus punctiger, St. F. fy Serv. Enc. Me'th. Ent. x. 20. 5 ; Perch. Mon. 47. 15. t. 3. f. 6 $ 1 Stipp.; Jlffl^r. Zool. (1841) 12. 18 ; Eurm. Handb. v. 483. 33. Passalus striolatus, Eschsch. Nouv. Mem. Nat. de Mosc. i. 13 ; Oliv. Ent. i. 24. n. 21. f. 5 d; Erichs. Consp. Ins. Peru, in Arch.f. Naturg. p. 112. Hab. Brazil, Cayenne, Columbia. 46. PASSALUS compar. Passalus compar, Erichs. Consp. Ins. Peru, in Arch.f. Naturg. 1847, p. 112. Hab. Peru. 4/. PASSALUS torpidus. Passalus torpidus, Erichs. Consp. Ins. Peru, in Arch.f. Naturg. 1847, p. 112. Hab. Peru. 48. PASSALUS aduncus. Passalus aduncus, Erichs. Consp. Ins. Peru, in Arch.f. Naturg. 1847, p. 112. Hab. Peru. 49. PASSALUS caelatus. Passalus caelatus, Erichs. Consp. Ins. Peru, in Arch.f. Naturg. 1847, p. 112. Hab. Peru. 50. PASSALUS occipitalis. Passalus occipitalis, Eschsch. Diss. 518. no. 9; Perch. 1 Supp. 45 ; Eurm. Handb. v. 532. 5. Hab. Rio. PASSALID.E. 13 51. PASSALUS toriferus. Passalus toriferus, Eschsch. Diss. 518. no. 4 ; Perch. 1 Supp. 44; Burm.Handb. v. 531. 4. Hab. Rio. 52. PASSALUS latifrons. Passalus latifrons, Perch. 1 Supp. 32. 51. t. 79. f. 1 ; Mag. Zoo/. (1841); Burm. Handb. v. 504. 67. Ha&. Guiana. 53. PASSALUS cornutus. B.M. Passalus cornutus, Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 256. 6 ; Schonh. Syn. Ins. i. 3. 332. 3; Pal. Beauv. Ins. Afr. et Amer. i. 1. t. 1. f. 1 ; Eschsch. Nouv. Mem. Nat. Mosc. i. 13; Diss. Col. Sp. 19 ; Lap. fy Serv. Enc. Meth. Ent. x. 20. 4 ; Lap. d. Cast. Hist. Nat. ii. 178. 6; Burm. Handb. v. 510. 77. Passalus distinctus, Weber, Obs. Ent. i. 79. 2 ; Perch. Mon. 99. 47. t. 7. f. 6 Sf 1 Supp. 38. 62; May. Zoo/. (1841). Passalus interruptus (mas), Oliv. Ent. i. 1. 25. t. 3. f. 5; Panz. i. 11. 2. t. 2. f. 1-5; DeGeer. Mem. iv. 338. 2; Herbst, Col. iii. 306. Hab. North America. 54. PASSALUS validus. Passalus validus, Burm. Handb. v. 513. 81. Hab. Columbia. 55. PASSALUS Maillei. B.M. Passalus Maillei, Perch. 1 Supp. 31. 50. t. 78. f. 6 ; Mao. Zoo/. (1841) ; Burm. Handb. v. 496. 53. Hab. Columbia. 56. PASSALUS incertus. Passalus incertus, Perch. 1 Supp. 27. 46. t. 78. f. 4 ; Mag. Zoo/. (1841) ; Burm. Handb. v. 492. 48. Hab. Columbia. 57. PASSALUS mucronatus. Passalus mucronatus, Burm. Handb. \. 488. 41. Hab. Columbia. 58. PASSALUS gibbosus. Passalus gibbosus, Burm. Handb. v. 507. 72. Hab. Columbia. 14 PASSALIDJ3. 59. PASSALUS pugionatus. Passalus pugionatus, Burm. Handb. v. 489. 42. Hob. Columbia. 60. PASSALUS suturalis. Passalus suturalis, Burm. Handb. v. 485. 35. Hab. Columbia. 61. PASSALUS crassus. B.M. Passalus crassus, Guerin, MSS. ? Very convex, black, smooth and shining ; the mandibles por- rect, slightly curved, very stout and deeply excavated within, bi- dentate at their apex, the left mandible having two and the right one tooth at the middle of its inner margin ; the labrum slightly emarginate ; the clypeus produced, its anterior margin waved ; on the vertex is a single erect tubercle, from the base of which pass forward elevated carinse, which terminate in small tubercles before reaching the margin of the clypeus ; from the tubercles at right angles is a transverse ridge ; the usual longitudinal ele- vations within the margins of the eyes are rounded above, and extend from the vertex to the anterior margin of the head; within these lateral elevations are deep smooth pits. Thorax transverse, all its margins rounded, the central channel not reaching the anterior margin ; about the middle, at its lateral margins, is a smooth fossulet ; the elytra deeply striate ; the lateral striae delicately punctured. Hab. Columbia. 62. PASSALUS Sagittarius, n. s. PI. I. fig. 2. B.M. Convex, black, smooth and shining; the mandibles short, stout, and armed at their apex with three obtuse teeth, and also having a large obtuse one in their middle within ; the inner ex- cavation of the mandibles smooth and shining ; from the centre of the head behind, on a line with the vertex of the eyes, rises a tubercle which projects forwards, forming an obtuse horn the usual lateral tubercles at the base are nearly obsolete the apex of the horn projects a little beyond the margin of the cly- peus, which is entire, or faintly notched in the centre; from the base of the projecting horn pass forwards divergent elevated carinse, which form obtuse tubercles at the margin of the clypeus, and also a smaller intermediate one : the three apical joints of the antennae have elongate lamellae : the labrum has deep scattered punctures, and is emarginate in front. Thorax trans- verse, having a deep central dorsal channel, a rounded fovea to- PASSALID^E. 15 wards the hinder angles, and also a smaller one about the middle rather more within. Abdomen deeply punctate -striate, several of the striae uniting near the apex, as the second and third, the sutural and outer one, the fourth and ninth, the fifth and sixth, and the seventh and eighth. Length 1 in. 4 lin. Hab. Columbia. (N. Grenada.) From the Collection of M. Goudot, 63. PASSALUS striato-punctatus. Passalus striato-punctatus, Perch. Mon. 101. 48. t. 7. f. 7 p. 12. 20 Jl%. ZooZ. (1841) ; Eurm. Handb. Ent. v. 486. 37. Hab. ? INDEX. abort! vus, 19. crassus, 14. Leachii, 7, 8. aculeatus, 9. crenatus, 8. Leachii (Pax.), 7. acuminatus, 10. crenistrius, 7. longulus, 21. aduncus, 12. cylindraceus, 18-20. Lucanidae, 5. affinis, 18. dasypleurus, 20. Maillei, 13. Africanus, 19. dentatus, 1 7. mancus, 16. agnoscendus, 16. depressus, 8. Manouffi, 20. angulatus, 16. dilatatus, 7. marginatus, 11. anguliferus, 11. distinctus, 13. Micrognathites, 5. approximatus, 20. edentulus, 20. moluccanus, 7. armatus, 12. eraarginatus, 5, 6. monticulosus, 6. assimilis, 16. exaratus, 20. morbillosus, 20. Australicus, 7. furcicornis, 20. morio, 11. barbatus, 8, 10. furcilabris, 11. mucronatus, 13. basalis, 18. gagatinus, 16. nasutus, 10. bicanthatus, 1 7. geometricus, 10. naviculator, 7. bicolor, 17, 21. gibbosus, 13. neelgherriensis, 6. bihastatus, 17. glaberrimus, 10. occipitalis, 12, 16. binominatus, 16. Goryi, 16. Ocythoe, 5. Brasiliensis, 8. grandis, 5. orientalis, 5. cslatus, 12. hexaphyllus, 7. oroleius, 17. Cajor, 10. Hopei, 8. Palinii, 9. cancrus, 6. hostilis, 21. Passalidae, 5. Cantori, 7. humeralis, 19. Passalus, 5. Cayor, 10. incertus, 13. Paxillus, 7. cephalotes, 11. innocuus, 17. pelliculatus, 11, 16. Chevrolatii, 7. interruptus, 9. pentaphvllus, 8. coarctatus, 12. interruptus mas, 13. pilifer, 6*. compar, 12. interstitialis, 10. planiceps, 20. coniferus, 12. laevicollis, 6. planus, 17. contractus, 16. laevis, 19. plicatus, 21. convexus, 11. laterisculptus, 5. politus, 7. cornutus, 13. latifrons, 13. polyphyllus, 7. coronatus, 18. latipennis, 6. pugionatus, 14. INDEX. punctatissimus, 9. sexdentatus, 7. Tlascala, 16. punctato-striatus, 16. sicatus, 10. toriferus, 13. puncticollis, 8. sinuatus, 11. torpidus, 12. punctifrons, 18. sinuosus, 11. transversus, 11. punctiger, 12. sobrinus, 10. tridens (Ocyth.), 5. quadricollis, 9. spinifer, 21. tridens, 5. quadrifrons, 18. striato-punctatus, 15. trituberculatus, 11. recticornis, 15. striolatus, 12. tropicus, 15. robustus, 8. suturalis, 14. unicornis, 9. rusticus, 10. teres, 19. validus, 13. Sagittarius, 14. tetraphyllus, 19. vicinus, 20. Savagei, 8. thoracicus, 15. villosus, 9. semicylindricus, 11. Timoriensis, 20. 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