LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class HEAT AND LIGHT ==: FROM MUNICIPALS WASTE WRITTEN FOR MUNICIPALITIES AND ENGINEERS BY Joseph G. Branch, B. S., M. E. Chief of the Department of Inspection Boilers and Elevators. Member of the Board of Examining Engineers for the City of St. Louis. Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Etc. WITH FIFTY-SIX ILLUSTRATIONS PUBLISHED B'! WM. H. O'BRIEN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. Copyrighted 1906 by JOSEPH G. BRANCH. CONTENTS m CONTENTS. Chapter. Page. I. Introductory Remarks 1 II. - Municipal and Other Waste 4 III. Incineration and Reduction 7 IV. British and Other Foreign Destructors and In- cinerators 16 V. American Incinerators 29 VI. The Branch Incinerator and Wagon Washer and Disinfector . 75 VII. . Steam and Hot Water Heating 108 VIII. Incinerators Combined with Central Heating Plants 120 IX. Elements of Electricity 170 X. Incinerators Combined with Electricity and Water W T orks 196 XI. Incinerator Sites and Buildings 203 XII. Natural and Mechanical Draft 210 XIII. The Comparative Advantages of Various Types of Steam Boilers for Incinerating and Central Heat- ing Plants 225 XIV. Classes of Engines and Pumps 250 XV. Gas and Oil Installations, and the Comparative Value of Fuels 269 XVI. Forms of Franchises and Ordinances . . 275 iv FRANCHISES FRANCHISES AND ORDINANCES. LEGAL FORMS. Page. Collection, Removal and Disposal of Refuse, Contract for 295 Construction Incinerating Plant 279 Disposal of Garbage, Contract for 283 Gas Works, Franchise for 281 Heating System Central, Franchise for 276 Lighting Electric, Franchise for 289 Lighting Electric, Heating and Power, Franchise for. . . . 294 Railway Electric Street, Franchise for . . . . 286 Statute Prohibiting Dumping of Refuse in Navigable Waters of the United States. . 275 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Figure. Page. 1. Transverse Section of Garbage Incinerator 74 2. Side Elevation and Vertical Section of Incinerator. . 77 3. Horizontal and Vertical Sections of Incinerator, without Boiler Attachment 78 4. Horizontal and Vertical Sections of Incinerator, with Boiler Attachment. 79 5. Detail Front Elevation of the Branch Garbage In- cinerator 82 6. Tank Steel Casing Enclosing Incinerator 82 7. Detail Top Plan View of Incinerator 83 8. The Branch Water Grates 90 9. View Showing Tanks and Connections of the Branch Garbage Wagon Washer and Disinfector 93 10. The Branch Wagon Washer and Disinfector, used by the City of St. Louis 94 11. Animal Wagon used by the City of St. Louis 96 12. 225-Foot Stack, Iron Lined with Brick. 200-ton In- cinerator 100 13. 125-Foot Brick Stack with Dimensions. 50-100-ton Incinerator 101 14. One Pipe and Two Pipe Heating Systems 110 15. Back Pressure System, Steam Heating Ill 16. Webster Vacuum System 116 17. Sectional Boiler for Heating 117 18. The Branch Steam Trap " 124 19. Radiator for Steam Heating 126 20. Central Station Heating Plant 127 21. Central Station Heating, Two Pipe Insulation lt>5 22. Type of Electric Generator 176 23. Series wound, Shunt wound, Compound wound, Class of Electric Generators 179 24. Winding for Separately Excited Dynamo 181 25. Cells in Parallel, Cells in Series, Connection of Cells and Lights in Series and Parallel . 185 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure. Page. 26. Two-Wire System, Three-Wire System, Alternating System, 'System of Connecting Lights 18G 27. Shunt Dynamos in Series 188 28. Shunt Dynamos in Parallel 190 29. Series Dynamos in Series 191 30. Series Dynamos in Parallel 192 31. Type of a Compound Dynamo, showing Fields and Armature 193 32. Compound Dynamo in Parallel 194 33. Connection o'i Voltmeter and Ammeter 195 34. Incinerator Euilding, Brick Enclosure for same.... 206 35. Front Elevation of Incinerator Building 208 36. Cross Section of Incinerator Building, Boiler House and Engine Room 209 37. Forced Draft System, with Blower 214 38. Induced Draft System 215 39. Draft Gauges 218 40. Type of Water Tube Boiler 224 41. The Sterling Water Tune Boiler, the Babcock & Wil- cox Boiler . . . 227 42. Setting Plan for Horizontal Tubular Boilers with full front 229 43. Upright Submerged Tubular Boiler 231 11. T\pe OL Internal Furnace Boiler 235 45. The Springfield Internal Furnace Boiler 237 46. Cornish Boiler, a Type of an English Boiler 233 47. Type of Corliss Engine 249 48. Type of Slide Valve Engine 251 19. Slide Valve Gear 254 50. Valves and Eccentric 255 51. Hamilton Corliss High Speed Engine 257 52. The Harrisburg Four Valve Eng.'ne 259 515. Type of Duplex Pump 264 54. The Cameron Pump 266 55. Oil Burner Installation 268 56. The Branch Oil Burner . . 274 LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF TABLES. Page. Boilers, Water Tube, Average Dimensions of 234 Bids for Installing Incinerators from Leading American Companies 66 Central Heating Stations, with Reports on their Opera- tion 128 Central Heating Plant, Cost of Operation of 141 Central Heating System, Physical Value of a Two-Pipe Hot Water System 156 Chimneys, Height and Horse Power of 105 Chimnevs, Weights with Gauge and Prices of 106 Draft, Relative Cost of Chimney and Induced 222 Draft, Fan Tests with English Destructors 213 Draft, Mechanical, Standard Test for CO2 with 212 Evaporation Tests with English Destructors 28 Electric T T nits Generated per Ton of Refuse Destroyed in 24 Hours 197 Electric Plant, Cost of Operation 118 Fuel, Comparative Value of Coal as 271 Fuel, Value of Petroleum as 272 Fuel, Value of Refuse as 272 Garbage Kitchen, Analysis of 13 Horse Power from English Destructors 27 Insulating 12-inch Main, Cost Per Foot for 154 Insulating and Laving Pipe per Foot for Central Heating. . 15G Lighting Plant, 300 Arc Lights, 150 K. W., Cost of In- stalling and Operating, with Cost Per Lamp .... 201 Light and Power from a 150-Ton Incinerator, with Cost of same 198 Refuse Disposal, Cost Per Capita of 2 Refuse, Analysis of 12 Refuse Disposal in American Cities 32 Rochdale Destructor Tests 221 Steam Heating Plant, Cost of Operation of 118 Steam Jets, Tests Showing Percentage of CO2 with 212 Traps, Steam, Sizes and Capacities of 124 Waste Heat, Utilization by Foreign Incinerators of . 17 HEAT AND LIGHT -FROM - MUNICIPAL O SR WASTE CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. The first consideration with all municipalities should be the safety and health of its citizens, and next, to secure for them at a reasonable cost those necessities controlled by public grants. There is no more serious menace to the health of any community than its refuse, nor a greater necessity to the comfort and welfare of its citizens than plenty of heat and light at a moderate cost. For the last twenty-five years this country, like all other countries, has been trying to meet these requirements of its citizens, by a better system of garbage disposal, and by more heat and light at less cost. What has been the result of these efforts, I have at- tempted to set out in this work, without bias, and -with but one purpose in view, that of calling the attention of our public officials and engineers to the success that has been made in this line in other countries, and how little success has been made by us. 2 HKAT AND LIGHT. Not only has the disposal of refuse not as yet been made sanitary in this country, but the enormous amount of public money which is annually spent for this work, can be seen by a comparison of the cost of refuse dis- posal per capita of American and foreign cities. While the cost of refuse disposal rarely exceeds 1 cent per capita in any foreign city, it cost Philadelphia for the year of 1903, $514,875.00, or 38 cents per capita; Chi- cago $683,665, or 37 cents per capita; St. Louis $266,937,. or 44 cents per capita; Boston $651,000, or $1.09 per capita; New York $78,144, or 2 cents per capita. For 14 cities with a population above 300,000 the aver- age cost per capita is 28 cents. The average of 23 cities between 100,000 and 300,000 population, is 23 cents per capita, \vhile the average of 41 cities, between 50 and 100 thousand population is 26 cents per capita. It will be seen from this that New York City alone compares favorably with foreign cities in cost of dis- posing of its refuse. This city is also the equal of any city in Europe in its system of collecting its waste. The reason for this enormous discrepancy is that all refuse in foreign cities is incinerated, and the waste heat therefrom utilized for some public works, such as electric lighting, water works, sewerage pumping or mortar mills. With the single exception of New York City, which has recently installed an incinerating plant from which electric current is generated for the surrounding district, there is not another American city utilizing this waste heat in any form. But, far more valuable than for any purpose that this heat has yet been utilized, is its future value to the modern central heating plants, permitting them to supply heat for large districts at a small cost. HEAT AND LIGHT. The system of central heating is distinctly of American origin, and the official data collected by me from those cities in which such systems have been installed, show the general satisfaction that they are giving to the public. For the official data throughout this book, I am in- debted to the public officials of the different cities, who I found not only willing to assist, in every way in their power, but anxious to secure any information which might be of service in securing for their cities a more satisfactory and economical solution of these problems. JOSEPH G. BRANCH. St. Louis, March, 1906. HEAT AND LIGHT. CHAPTER II. MUNICIPAL AND OTHER WASTE. The two forms of waste treated in this work include only public waste in the form of refuse matter, and the private waste of exhaust steam from the power plants of citizens. While both these forms of waste possess great value, the first, or the waste of the city's refuse, is by far the most important, for not only has it a much greater value, but is the source of constant danger to the health of every community. Its value consists in its use as a fuel in incinerating furnaces, and the clinker therefrom, and the further valu- able products derived by the reduction of its ingredients for grease and fertilizing purposes. Its danger lies in the noxious odors given off from the time that it becomes a refuse or waste until it is finally incinerated in high temperature furnaces, or reduced by proper reduction methods. The term refuse includes all garbage, both from the kitchen or market, dead animals, miscellaneous refuse, street sweepings, and "night soil." As the proper wording of contracts for disposal of refuse will depend not only upon what the term refuse includes, but upon its technical subdivisions, the follow- HEAT AND LIGHT. 5 ing definitions will be of service not only in drawing con- tracts for refuse disposal, but for city ordinances, which will legally cover the subject. By the term "garbage" is meant all refuse of animal and vegetable matter which has been used as food for man, and all refuse animal and vegetable matter which was intended to be so used, and includes food condemned by the proper public officials. The term "dead animals" means all dead animals or parts thereof, not intended to be used as food for man. The term "night soil" means the contents of box privies, except such as are established by contractors for tempo- rary construction work, and human fecal matter deposited on streets, alleys, avenues, roads and open lots. The term "miscellaneous refuse" means all refuse from places of residence and business except garbage, dead animals, night soil and ashes. Household rubbish does not include any material whatever in the nature of loom or sand, wall paper, lumber, bricks, stone, plaster, or other substance that may accumulate as the result of repairs to yards and dwellings, or other building operations. Ma- nure is not included under any of the above classes of material. The term "ashes" means ashes from coal and other fuels, including such mineral substances as fallen plaster- ing, etc., as may accumulate in connection with the ordi- nary conduct of dwellings and places of business, but not such as may accumulate as the result of building opera- tions. PRODUCTS OF INCINERATION. The only valuable product of incineration is the clinker, which is formed from the organic ingredients of the refuse burned. 6 HEAT AND LIGHT. The vapors and gases given off during incineration, are not only of no value whatever, but injurious to health unless completely consumed before being discharged into the atmosphere. EXHAUST STEAM WASTE. The discharge of exhaust steam from non-condensing engines and pumps, is the source of constant waste, as steam in this form retains a great number of heat units. While there is no danger to health, or injury other than financial in its waste, if it cannot be utilized by the plant itself for heating purposes, or, used again as condensation, it should be sold to central heating plants at rates which will make it a source of mutual profit. VALUE OF REFUSE AND EXHAUST STEAM. The value of refuse and its products, and that of ex- haust steam for our many modern requirements, will be gone fully into by me in the succeeding chapters, with the hope that it will call public attention to the rich com- mercial field hardly as yet entered by capital, and by so doing afford luxuries to many which are now enjoyed by but a few. HEAT AND LIGHT. CHAPTER III. INCINERATION AND REDUCTION. Both the incinerating and reduction methods of refuse disposal have been on trial in this country for the last twenty years, and both methods to a large extent have proved failures. This is not due to any defects in the methods themselves, but alone due to the gross ignorance displayed in their application and operation. To attempt the incineration of refuse in a low temperature furnace is as absurd as to expect any method of garbage reduc- tion to be a success, without requiring the proper sorting of all waste by the householder, and the hauling to the reduction works of only such refuse as is capable of sani- tary and economical reduction. But it must be admitted that irrespective of what method of reduction is adopted or how carefully the re- fuse may be sorted, that reduction works have always been, and will continue to be, a nuisance in any neigh- borhood in which they are located. The very character of the refuse which must be delivered to the works for reduction, being dead animals and kitchen and market garbage, must make it such, even with the most recent improved methods of destroying the noxious odors by passing them over live coals, or through high tempera- ture furnaces. But as such refuse has a greater value for the produc- tion of grease or a fertilizer, than it has as a fuel, it should 8 HEAT AND LIGHT. be sold, or properly reduced, and not destroyed by inciner- ation. It is for this reason that at least one reduction plant should be operated by the city, but located without the city limits, or, in a locality where it cannot cause complaint. As only 23 per cent of the refuse can be so reduced, the remaining 77 per cent of the refuse should be incinerated at plants conveniently located in different sections of the city. When dead animals and kitchen garbage is reduced by private companies, as is now done in most cities, it is not only a source of constant complaint, but of injury to the health of all the citizens within its locality. Unless incinerating plants can be made self-supporting, companies operating reduction works will continue to offer to municipalities the seemingly more advantageous offer of reducing all the refuse for a term of years at no expense to the city, but such offers always carry a provision that the city must deliver all refuse to their reduction works. Public officials deem it necessary to protect themselves by favoring any proposition which seemingly gives the city something for nothing. In fact, ordinances in most cities require that all contracts above a small amount shall be awarded to the lowest bidder, regardless of merit, or the ultimate cost or damages which may result. So long as such laws remain in force, just so long will American cities continue to be defrauded, and all public works be botched and retarded. While it is possible for proposi- tions to be made in all fairness to reduce all refuse at a lower cost than can be offered by incinerating companies, the actual cost to the city can never be as small, for the reason that the length of the haul necessary to reach the reduction works can never be one-half as short as that HEAT AND LIGHT. to the incinerating plant. As the cost of collection con- stitutes about 70 per cent of the total cost, the cost of disposal necessarily becomes secondary to the cost of col- lection. A reduction plant has always been and will always be a source of complaint in any neghborhood, and must therefore be removed to a locality distant from the city, thereby requiring a long haul to it. As a garbage wagon collects not more than \]/2 tons of refuse on a trip, and as only, one trip can probably be made each day from certain sections of the city to the reduction works, . allowing $3.00 a day for a team, the great cost of collec- tion, where reduction is employed, can be seen. While under the contract, the disposal would cost nothing, its collection would cost $2.00 per ton. On the contrary, an incinerating plant, or plants, being located in convenient sections of the city, would permit the wagon to make six or eight trips per day, thereby reducing the cost of collection to not more than 35 cents per ton. No reduction method will ever be devised which will enable a company or city to make a profit out of the refuse alone, for the analysis of the refuse of different cities shows that it cannot be of sufficient value to pay more than the expense of extracting those ingredients which have any value. Such companies must therefore rely upon a bonus paid by the city for their profit. It is equally as true no incinerating plant can ever be made a financial success without utilizing the waste heat for some useful and profitable work. There is hardly a civilized country on the globe, except America, which has not incinerating plants in successful operation, but they all utilize the waste heat for supplying light and power, and in this way succeed in disposing of 10 HEAT AND LIGHT. their refuse in both a sanitary and economical way. Our country alone is just beginning to realize that there is nothing which affects the health of a community more than the sanitary disposal of its refuse, and that to do this, incinerating plants must be installed by competent engineers, and not by those whose only interest is a per- sonal one. Incinerators of approved design must be in- stalled by sanitary engineers who have made the subject not a study of a few months, but of many years. The 187 incinerators in successful operation in Great Britain were built by high-class engineers, while not one of the hundred of failures in this country were designed or installed by an engineer of more than local reputation with the one notable exception of W. F. Morse, whose ability as a sanitary engineer is universally recognized. The following report made by me contains the result of my investigation of this most important subject to all citizens alike : REPORT. Honorable Sanitary Committee, City Council, St. Louis. GENTLEMAN : I respectfully submit for your consid- eration the following official statistics collected by me of garbage and refuse disposal in the different cities of this country and Europe and Asia, together with a com- parison of the reduction and incineration methods, both as to their sanitation and cost. It is admitted by all en- gineers, that England is at least fifty years in advance of this country both in the collection and the disposal of its garbage and refuse. It is further admitted that until recently both the reduction and incineration methods were in an experimental stage in this country. It was only after the reduction method had been tried and failed AND LIGHT. 11 in England, was incineration adopted there, and to-day there is not one municipal reduction plant in England, so far as I have been able to ascertain, while there are 143 municipal incinerating plants in successful operation, 120 of which plants supply, without extra cost, their different cities with electric lights, or power for their street rail- ways, water works, or sewerage systems. In addition to the above number of incinerating plants in England alone, the three principal cities of Scotland, and the eight large cities of Ireland, dispose of their entire refuse by incineration. There is not a large city in Europe, South America, Africa, India, or Australia, which does not do likewise, and in every one of these different cities and countries the waste heat from the incinerating furnaces is utilized for municipal purposes of some description, usually for electric lighting, pumping or mortar mills. Owing to the prevalence of cholera in the far Eastern countries, the question of the collection and disposal of garbage w r as given for years their most careful consid- eration, and the incinerating method finally adopted. Both Calcutta and Bombay, India, employ incineration for the disposal of their garbage with perfect satisfaction, as well as Singapore, and even Shanghai, China, has an incinerator now under course of construction. The adop- tion of incineration for garbage disposal throughout the world can be seen from the appended list prepared by me. It will be further seen from the official data collected by me, and which is also appended to this report, that the average cost per ton for disposal of the refuse in the English cities herein named is 26 cents, and in only six of these cities does the cost of disposal exceed 40 cents per ton. In Vienna, where the system of garbage reduc- tion or utilization originated, it is not at present used, 12 HEAT AND LIGHT. and I can ascertain no city in Europe which is at present using the reduction method. Official reports show conclusively, that the reduction process has been a failure in every city in this country which has tried same, and especially so in Denver, St. Paul, Buffalo, Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, New Bed- ford, Reading, Pittsburg, Syracuse, Paterson and New Orleans. There is but one municipal reduction plant in operation in this country, being the one at Cleveland, Ohio, and as to what success this city is having, it is sufficient to say that her sister city, Columbus, Ohio, is now having esti- mates prepared for an incinerating plant, after having tried the reduction method. It has been repeatedly stated that the success of incin- eration in England and foreign countries was no criterion for American cities, as the composition of the refuse of this country is entirely different, it being more moist, and not having the same calorifc value. THIS IS INCOR- RECT. Official analysis shows but little difference where the WHOLE refuse is collected, which includes all ashes, street sweepings and combustible waste, as is clone in England and in other foreign countries. The refuse of the average American cities is of the following com- position : By Weight. By Volume. Garbage 13 per cent 18 per cent Ashes . . 80 per cent 57 per cent Rubbish 7 per cent 25 per cent 100 per cent 100 per cent HEAT AND LIGHT. 13 Ordinary kitchen garbage consists approximately of : By Weight. Animal and vegetable 20 per cent Rubbish, cans, rags, etc 7 per cent Grease 3 per cent Water 70 per cent 100 per cent To cook the raw garbage and separate it into the four ingredients, i. e., rubbish, water, grease and fertilizer material, is the object .of all reduction systems. The rubbish itself, being tin cans, rags, etc., has scarcely enough value to repay its separation, while the water has no value at all. These two ingredients. compose 77 per cent of all garbage, and the expense of their separation constitutes the chief expense of all reduction plants. The remaining 23 per cent is of value, and should not be de- stroyed without some financial return, but it is equally as true that the high temperature necessary for the com- plete incineration of refuse should not be wasted up the stack, but utilized for power or heating purposes. This is apparent from repeated demonstrations that the waste heat from a 150-ton incinerator will develop 1,200 horse- power, the equivalent of 895 kilowatts of electric cur- rent, and smaller incinerators in like proportions. The loss from the failure to utilize this power would be greater than the loss from attempting to reduce the entire city refuse. The clinker which is left as a residuum forms 30 per cent of all the garbage and refuse incinerated, and this by-product has a ready sale and is especially valuable for street and paving purposes. The city of Memphis, Tenn., 14 HEAT AND LIGHT. has twenty miles of her streets made from this clinker. It makes a high-grade mortar, and is otherwise exten- sively used. Should this city collect all its refuse, including its ashes and combustible waste, as can be done by ordinance, there is not the slightest doubt but incineration will be a complete success, the same as in all the above-named cities, and at a cost not exceeding 15 cents per ton for its disposal, provided the waste heat is utilized. But, to attempt incineration without making use of the ashes, which contain at least 20 per cent of coal, and conse- quently of a high calorific value, and the further use of all combustible waste, consisting of street sweepings, boxes, etc., will render the cost excessive, and, indeed, prohibitive, if the waste heat is not utilized. The per cent of coal in the ashes in this country is much greater than in foreign countries, making such waste more than ordinarily valuable. It has been clearly shown that where incineration failed in this country, that it was due to improperly constructed furnaces, and attempting to burn the wet garbage alone, without the aid of the combustible refuse. This is as great a mistake as to employ the reduction method, with- out requiring a sorting of all refuse by the householder. As only 23 per cent of the refuse of a city is capable of reduction, it leaves the remaining 77 per cent to be dis- posed of by incineration. Whether the city can best dis- pose of this 23 per cent by selling the same outright, as it is partially now doing, or by reducing it at its own municipal plant, or by incinerating it with the other refuse, is a question for the decision of your Honorable Committee. Should the incinerating method be adopted, either in part or for the entire refuse of the city, no HEAT AND LIGHT. 15 incinerator should be accepted, in my opinion, which does not provide for the utilization of the waste heat under boilers, should, at any time, it be desired to use same, and I base my opinion upon the fact that of the 184 incinerat- ing plants in successful operation, that there is not one which DOES NOT UTILIZE THE WASTE HEAT in this manner. I know of no method other than the use of boilers, separate and distinct from the incinerator, which is either practical, or will develop more power than is merely necessary for the operation of the incinerator itself. For such power purposes the use of water-jacketed fur- naces is impractical, while the use of an auxiliary fur- nace, as a stench destroyer, renders the use of boilers for such purposes impossible, and is also antiquated. I know of only three plants, out of the above number of 184 plants, employing such a stench destroyer, it being entirely unnecessary in a properly built furnace. As the cost of collecting the garbage and refuse con- stitutes 70 per cent of the total cost, there should be at least four incinerators located in different sections of the city, or three incinerators and one reduction plant for the animal and grease matter alone, thereby reducing as far as possible the length of the haul. At present some of the wagons are able to make only two trips a day, and several only one trip. As the city at present is paying about $40,000 annually for its lighting, in addition to the expense of its own municipal plants, I would advise the saving of this by having built properly constructed furnaces, and utilizing the waste heat therefrom for boiler power. 16 HEAT AND LIGHT. CHAPTER IV. BRITISH AND FOREIGN DESTRUCTORS AND INCINERATORS. As it was in England that the incinerator was first made a complete success, it is to the English incinerator or destructor, as it is there called, that we should look for information and reasons for our numerous failures. The first successful English incinerator was erected in 1876, at Manchester, by Mr. Alfred Fryer, and during the thirty years intervening, this incinerator has been in daily use and giving such perfect satisfaction, that there is hardly a town or city in England, Scotland or Ireland that has not now in successful operation, or in course of erection, some type of an incinerator patterned after this one. In 1886, only ten years after the installation of the Fryer iffcinerator, the Engle incinerator was installed in this country, and yet today incineration here is not as far advanced as it was thirty years ago in England. We are still working with low temperature furnaces, using natural draft and operating the plant with cheap labor, all of which was discarded as improper by English engineers at least fifteen years ago. The success of incin- eration in England is due largely to the high class of the HEAT AND LIGHT. 17 engineers who have devoted their time and talents to what has long been recognized the world over as a problem requiring the highest class of engineering skill for its solution. The designor of the modern incinerating plant must not only be a competent sanitary and mechanical engineer, but an electric and steam engineer as well. The trouble with us has been, not that we have no com- petent engineers, but that they have not been called upon by our cities for this class of work. Following the successful test of the Fryer incinerator at Manchester, other successful types were rapidly pro- duced, and at present there are a dozen high-class com- panies installing and remodeling incinerators throughout the British islands. Among the leading types of British incinerators which are now in successful operation, are the Beaman & Deas, the Fryer, the Heenan, the Horsfall, the Meldrum and the Warner. The following list of English and foreign cities employ- ing incineration for the disposal of all refuse, with the purposes for which the waste heat therefrom is utilized, was compiled by me from the official data given in that most thorough English work of W. F. Goodrich on "Refuse Disposal and Power Production." MUNICIPAL INCINERATORS for GARBAGE DISPOSAL AND POWER PRODUCTION. ENGLAND. Daily Cost City. Population Tons, per ton. Power Purposes. Accrington 43,122 60 31 cts.Electric Lighting. Aldershot 14,248 11 25 " Sewerage Pumping. 3 18 HEAT AND LIGHT. Daily City. Population Tons. Ashton-imder-Lyne.. 43,890 30 Aston . . 77,310 75 Bangor 11,770 9% Barry 27,000 25 Bath 49,821 45 Beckenham : 26,000 24 Batley 30,321 15 Birkenhead . ..111,102 180 Birmingham 522,204 400 Blackburn 129,216 130 Blackpool 50,330 . . . Bolton 171,082 ... Bootle 58,566 ... Bournemouth 47,000 30 Bradford 279,767 240 Brentford . 15,613 14 Cost per ton. Power Purposes. 23 cts. Electric Traction. 22 " Two Installations. Mortar Mills and Clinker Crusher and Lighting. 32 " Electric Lighting. 28 " Mortar Mills. 27 " Mortar Mills and Crusher. 42 " Electric Lighting. 30 " Electric Lighting. 21 " Two Installations. Mortar Mills. 90 tons each. 19 " Four Installations. Mortar Mills, Work Shop, Machinery and Electric Lighting. 21 " Four Installations. (1) 40-ton Mortar Mills; (2) 15 ton Work Shop; (3) 30- ton Gas Works; (4) 45-ton Water Pump'g 30% " Four Installations. Electric Lighting. 20 " Four Installations. Mortar Mills and Sewerage Pumping. 22% " Mortar Mills and Crusher. 18 ' No power available. 18 Four Installations. Electric Lighting and Works Purposes " Sewerage Pumping and Lighting. AND LIGHT. 19 Daily Cost City. Population. Tons, per ton. Power Purposes. Brighton ........... 124,539 72 31 cts. Mortar Mills. Bristol ............ 328,842 108 22%" Mortar Mills. Burnley ........... 97,044 70 . . " Two Installations. Electric Lighting, Fan Engine only. Burstem ........... 38,766 25 29 " Two Installations. Burton-onTrent ..... 50,386 45 32 " Works Purposes and Water Pumping. Bury .............. 58,028 ... 23 " Two Installations. Buxton ............ 10,181 12 22 " Sewerage Pumping. Cambridge ......... 38,398 35 27 " No power available. Canterbury ........ 24,868 20 26 " Sewerage Pumping. Cheltenham ....... 49,439 40 15 " Electric Lighting. Chesterfield ........ 27,185 25 15 " Mortar Mills. Cleckheaton ....... 15,250 12 . . Sewerage Pumping. Colne ............ 23,000 18 21 " Electric Traction. Croydon ........... 137,000 ..... Electric Lighting. Three Incinerators in course of con- struction. Dartford ........... 18,643 20 .. Electric Lighting and Pumping. Darwen ............ 40,000 35 24 " Electric Traction and Lighting. Derby ..... . ....... 113,863 ..... Two Installations. Dewsbury ......... 28,060 28 28 " Mortar Mills. Ealing ........ ..... 33,040 ..... 79-H.P. Sewerage Pumping and Sludge Eastbourne ........ 43,337 35 . . Natural draft, 3 B & W boilers. Eastham .......... 100,000 ..... Sewerage Pump'g. Experimental Power Plant. . Sewerage pumping and Clinker Crushers . Electric Lighting . . Just completed. Eccles ............ 34,369 30 Elland ............ . 10,412 Epson ............ . 10,915 10 10 20 HEAT AND LIGHT. Daily Cost City. Population Tons, per ton. Power Purposes. Fleetwood 12,082 12 .. cts. In course of erection Electric Lighting. 200-h.p. 600 amp. hrs. Folkstone 30,G90 ... . . In course of erection Garston, Electric Traction. (City of Liverpool) . 18,710 25 . . 140-h.p. 400 amp. hrs. Glancester 47,955 25 20 " Electric Lighting. Gosport 28,887 ... . . In course of erection Gorton 28,000 ... . . In course of erection Grantham 17,598 No data. Grays 15,834 8 20 " Electric Lighting. Grovesend 27,196 25 . . Electric Lighting. Great Grinsley 63,318 30 .. Mortar Mills and Electric Lighting. Great Yarmouth 51,250 78 .. Natural Draft. Handsworth 52,921 50 21 " Fans only. Henley 61,599 60 . . Electric Works. Hartle Pool 22,737 20 .. Fan Engine only. Hastings 65,528 36 38 " Pumping Salt Water Heckmondwike .... 11,000 ... 24 " Two Installations. Works Purposes only Hereford 21,328 10 18 " Sewerage Pumping Heywood 25,461 25 . . Sewerage Pumping Holyhead 10,079 10 . . Electric Light, not complete. Hornsbury 6,736 6 .. Sewerage Pumping Not complete. Hornsey 77,938 75 18 " Mortar Mills, Clinker Crusher. Huddersfield 95,047 70 .. Two Installations. (1) 50 ton Works Purposes. (2) 20-ton Sewerage Pump. Hall 240,739 135 30 " Two Installations. (1) 45-ton Works Purposes. (2) 20-ton Lighting. HEAT AND LIGHT. 21 Daily Cost City. Population Tons, per ton. Power Purposes. Hunstanton 1,893 SVs 24 cts. Water Pumping. (Smallest known Produces sufficient power installation) steam to operate modern pumping pit. Hyde 32,766 30 28 " Sewerage Pumping. Ipswick 66,630 40 .. Electric Lighting. Kettering 300,000 30 . . Electric Lighting. Kingston 34,375 30 . . Work Purposes only. Not yet in operation. Lancaster 40,329 30 32 " Electric Traction. Leamington 26,888 25 .. Sewerage Pumping. Lee'ds 428,968 ... 21 " Four Installations. Works Purposes. Leecester 211,581 180 17 " Four Installations. Works Purposes. Mortar Mills. Levensulme 11,435 ... . . Now in course of Construction. Liverpool 710,737 Four Installations. (1) Mortar Mills and Works Purposes. (2) Works Purposes. (3) Works Purposes. (4) Elec. Lighting. Liversodge 13,980 13 . . Works Purposes. Llandudno 9,310 15 31 " Electric Lighting. Longton 35,815 70 44 " Works Purposes. Two Installations. Lowesroft 29,850 28 23 " Mortar Mills. Loughborough 21,508 40 28 " Sewerage Pumping. Two Installations. Luytham 7,185 10 16 " Sewerage Pumping. Manchester 543,872 ... .. Mortar Mills and Works Purposes. Mansfield 21,445 21 .. Electric Lighting. Mexborough 10,430 20 22 " Electric Lighting. 22 HEAT AND LIGHT. Daily Cost City. Population. Tons, per ton. Power Purposes. Morecambe 11,798 11 25 cts. Mortar Mills and Electric Lighting. Moss Side 26,677 26 16 " Mortar Mills, Works Purposes. Nelson 32,816 30 24 " Electric Traction. Newcastle 215,328 150 17 " Two Installations. No power available. Newmarket 10,686 9 22 " Sewerage Pumping. Northampton 87,021 80 . . Electric Traction. Nottingham 239,753 ... .. Three Installations Electricity. Nuniation 15,246 15 20 " Sewerage Pumping. Oldham 137,238 120 57 " (1) Works Pur- poses; (2) Clinker Crusher, Mortar Mills. (3) Public Baths and Wash- houses. Padiham 12,005 12 44 " Works, Power and Electric Purposes. Pantypridd ........ 32,319 ... . . Power and Elec. Purposes. Plymouth 107,509 100 .. Three Installations (1), (2), no 'data. 25 " (3) Elec. Traction. Preston 112,989 108 23 " Three Installations. Radcliff 25,368 26 20 " Sewerage Pumping. Ramsgate 27,686 26 . . Works Purposes. Rawtenstall 31,053 28 .. Works Purposes. Rhyl 8,473 16 32 " Electric Lighting. Rochdale 83,114 40 15 " Works Purposes. Rhonda 117,000 16 62 " No power available. Rotherham 54,348 40 25 " Works Purposes. Royton 14,881 20 19 " Works Purposes. St. Annes-on-Sea . . . . 6,807 6 32 " Works Lighting. St. Helens 87,385 32 28 " Electric Traction. St. Heliers 15 . . Forced Draught. AND LIGHT. 23 Daily Cost City. Population Tons, per ton. Power Purposes. Salford 220,957 ... .. cts. Five Installations. No. data 1, 2, 3, & 4. (5) Works Purposes. Salisbury 17,117 16 30 " Sewerage Pumping. Shierness 14,492 10 24 " Water Pumping. Sheffield 410,991 200 46 " Two Installations. Works Purposes. Shipley 26,000 25 21 " Electric Light, Sewerage. Smethwick 54,537 55 .. Not yet decided. Southampton 107,833 70 59 " Two Installations. Sewerage Pumping. Southport 48,083 40 28 " Gas Works. Southwold 2,800 2 . . No power available. Stafford 20,894 20 32 " Sewerage Pumping. Stockton on-Tees 51,478 20 18 " Mortar Mills. Stoke-onTrent 30,800 30 .. Electric Lighting. Stowbridge 16,302 No data. Stretford 30,436 18 32 " Works Purposes. Sudbury 7,109 5 . . Sewerage Purposes. Swansea 94,615 No data. Taunton 21,078 20 . . Sewerage Pumping. Taequay 33,625 25 19 " Works Purposes. Tottenham 106,800 80 . . Electric Lighting. Wakefield 51,544 40 .. Two Installations. Electric Lighting, Sewerage Pumping. Wallasey 55,000 40 22 " No power available. Walker-onTyne 13,335 30 14 " Works Purposes. Watford 29,023 40 . . Sewerage Pumping. Warrington 64,242 64 55 " Two Installations. (1) Elec. Lighting. (2) Sanitary Manure Works. Wellingborough .... 18,142 12 .. Electricity. Wess Bridgeford 7,018 7 .. Sewerage Pumping. 24 HEAT AND LIGHT. Daily City. Population Tons. West Hartlepool 62,627 60 Cost per ton. Power Purposes. 21 cts. Electric Light and Works Purposes. Two Installations. Weymouth 19,831 16 .. Sewerage Pumping. Wimbledon 45,000 54 40 " Sewerage Pumping. Winchester 20,919 19 20 " No data. Withington 36,032 36 16 " Sewerage Pumping. Wolverhampton 94,187 ... .. Works Purposes. Worthing 22,617 ... . . No data. Wrexham 14,966 35 .. Electric Lighting. York 77,914 Works Purposes. SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. Ayr 28,697 30 . . Electric Lighting. Edinburgh 316,793 60 59 " Forced Draught. Glasgow 781,000 400 .. Six Installations. No data 1, 2, 3. (4) Works Purposes. (5) Forced Draught. (6) Works Purposes. Gourock 5,261 5 20 " Fan Engine. Govan 82,174 80 24 " Works Purposes. Paisley 79,363 62 19 " Mortar Mills, Two Forced Draught. Partick 54,298 42 39 " Electric Lighting. Port Glasgow 16,857 25 .. Not yet determined. Belfast 348,965 100 18 " Fan Engine. Dublin 265,000 25 19 " Mortar Mill, 12-h.p. Pembroke 25,524 12 23 " Electric Lighting. CANADA. Montreal . 267,516 No data. HEAT AND LIGHT. SOUTH AMERICA. 25 Daily Cost City. Population Tons, per ton. Power Purposes. Bahia . . cts. No data. Buenos Ayres .. No data. (Argentine) Georgetown .. No data. (British Guinea) Manaos . . No data. (State of Amazonas) Para (Brazil) No data. Pernambucco 26 .. Mortar Mills. (Brazil) Peru . . No data. BELGIUM. Brussels . . Work Purposes. DENMARK. Copenhagen .. Lighting Purposes. Gibraltar 15 GERMANY. Berlin . . No data. Hamburg 30 .. Forced Draught. Monaco 30 .. Forced Draught. FRANCE. Paris No data. SWITZERLAND. Zurich . . Electric Power. The incinerating plant recently installed in this city contains two boilers supplying steam at high pressure. Forced draft is used. The refuse contains from 30 to 40 per cent incombustibles. 26 HKAT AND LIGHT. SOUTH AFRICA. Daily Cost City. Population Tons, per ton. Power Purposes. Durban (Natal) .. cts. No data. Bloemfontein . . No data. (Orange River Colony) East London . . No data. (Natal) Johannesburg 120 . . No data. (Transvaal) AUSTRALIA. Melbourne (South) .. No data. Melbourne . . No data. (Victoria) Toowoomba No data. (Queensland) Sydney . . No data. (New South Wales) Ammandale & Leichard . . No data. (Sidney) (New South Wales) NEW ZEALAND. Christchurch .. Electric Lighting. Wellington . . No data. INDIA. Calcutta . . No data. Bombay j . . No data. Karachi . . No data. Madras .. No data. THE FAR EAST. Singapore . . No data. (Straits Settlements.) CHINA. Shanghai No data. C/3 w 2 eaqfg ai jnanq CO CO * 2 o &J w CO ^ ffl"S OH\ en O O-. it K" o o Cxi CO LO 1C GO Cs| O LO CO T-H 00 CO CO kO CO o OS O O o ^ H s* P Q _0 >> M > ^ > 1 d 3 >> 3 ^ > > ^H ? 3 d _2 o a- d H q g s SH Q | u 2 -M ^ ! : ' og 02 *^. QO 02 *" w "JH . ^ ' a a- O3 !> O3 ^ fl 02 a "S ^ Si s JP OJ . M g c3 r^ CtS d ^ ^02 cd <^ 1 & ^ b 6 6 03 S-, III? 05 ^H >2 S o *-l f-l 1 c ^ fa w PQ ffi pq K ^ pq *c3 ,ne <,u,n N oo co : s Compiled by Ofl t>> ^ ^ +j ^+2 PQ pO Battersea . Blackburn Hammertor Bradford Bury Dewsbury Baling Hereford . Meanwood Leeds . Needham J Leicester Leyton . . . Oldham . .. Rochdale . Southamptc Warrington 28 HEAT AND LIGHT. fc H O v- H w W Q >M HH W"l ^ 2 lol fc c W PO O en ht < F-i W Q unoq a9d pguanq 9snj -9J jo jo 'M 10 CO iH CO CO CO t- dsc-OCxl I>-CxIcOCOT-lTHTHCx] CxllO-rH 2 Si sii y these regulations." "Receptacles containing garbage, dead animals, ashes, or miscellaneous refuse shall not be placed or left for col- lection upon any sidewalk, street, avenue, alley, or public place in the District of Columbia." "It shall be unlawful to place or cause to be placed to- gether in the same receptacle two or more of the above classes of material, and where such mixture results it shall be properly separated by the occupant of the prem- ises." "Any person violating any of the provisions of this ar- ticle shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than one nor more than forty dollars." 1905. 1904. Garbage and dead animals: Garbage collected and disposed of, tons. . Dead animals collected and disposed of, number 36,417 9 593 32,282 9 432 Contract price, collection and disposal. . . Extra services $51,600.00 $120 00 $51,600.00 $88 00 Deductions For neglect $3 692 00 $723 00 For rebate, at 50 cents per ton $8 208 68 $6 141 00 Total deduction . . $11 900 68 $6 864 00 Net cost to District $39 819 32 $44 824 00 Cost per ton, removal of dead animals included $1 09 n39 Ashes: Loads by District contractor only .... 22 794 17 257 Cubic yards ditto 91 176 69 028 Contract price, collection and disposal. . . Deduclions for neglect $29,979.00 $591 00 $29,979.00 $176 00 Net cost to District $29,388 00 $29,803.00 Cost per cubic yard, collection and dis- posal $0.32 $0.43 HEAT AND LIGHT. 65 1905 | 1904 Miscellaneous refuse: Bags of paper by District contractor. . . . Cubic yards of trash received from pri- vate haulers 155,416 14 294 139,215 (a) Contract price, collection and disposal.. Deductions for neglect $8,000.00 $89 00 $8,000.00 $17 00 Net cost to District $7 91100 $7 983 00 Cost per bag of paper collected an'd dis- posed of $0 051 $0 057 Night soil: Privies cleaned . ... 26 483 20 819 Contract price, collection and disposal. . . Deductions for neglect $17,000.00 $24 00 $17,000.00 None Net Cost to District $16,976.00 $17,000 00 Cost per privy cleaned $060 $0 82 Ashes and rubbish from District buildings : Loads removed 3 378 2 427 Cubic yards 6 756 4 854 Contract rate per cubic yard $0 38 $0 34 Total cost, distributed among the Dis- trict departments availing themselves of this service. . $2.567.00 $1.650.00 66 HEAT AND LIGHT. SOME RECENT INCINERATOR BIDS WITH ACCOMPANYING GUARANTEES. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Bids opened Nov. 27. 1905. DECARIE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Mil i n cap o Us, Mil i n . (1) New steel building, with one Double Decarie Patent Garbage Incinerator, of 80 tons capac- ity per day of 24 hours, together with a down- draft furnace with steam-producing appliances, guaranteed to develop 600 horse power $45,000 (2) Old building, with one Double Decarie Pat- ent Garbage Incinerator, of 80 tons capacity per day of 24 hours $40,000 Guaranteed to dispose of "kitchen garbage, combusti- ble refuse and rubbish and dead animals * * * with- out emitting from the smoke stack or incinerator any noxious odors or gases, and at a cost per ton not to ex- ceed fifty (50) cents, including labor and fuel." City must pay on contract : 50 per cent within 8 days after delivery of material. 40 per cent when plant is completed and ready to op- erate. 10 per cent when plant is accepted. THE: DIXON CREMATORY COMPANY, of Toledo. O. (1) Remodeled present crematory, installing a Dixon Direct Draft Garbage and Refuse Cre- mator, of 40 tons capacity per day of 24 hours. .$16,398 (2) Remodeled present crematory, installing a Dixon Forced Draft Steam-producing Garbage and Refuse Cremator, of capacity as above. . . . 25,100 HEAT AND LIGHT. 67 (3) A new fire-proof building, installing a Dixon Forced Draft, Steam-producing Garbage and Refuse Cremator, of capacity as above 36,480 (4) A new building, installing a Dixon Direct Draft Garbage and Refuse Cremator, of capac- ity as above 19,824 Guaranteed to dispose of "mixed miscellaneous gar- bage, kitchen offal, refuse, slops, dead animals, animal and vegetable matter, condemned fruits, combustible waste, etc., etc., in a sanitary and inoffensive manner." City must pay on contract : 50 per cent upon delivery of the material. 40 per cent upon completion of plant. 10 per cent after test and acceptance. LESTER- VANDERUP FURNACE Co v of New York City. Three Lester- Vanderlip garbage destructors, of capacity of 80 to 120 tons per day of 12 hours, with three 150 h. p. water tube boilers, with flues, blowers, fans, etc., for producing 4,000 net h. p. per day, at actual cost, plus $5,055.19, the actual cost guaranteed to be within 5 per cent of estimate, $20,217.95. Total estimate $25,273.14 New building to be constructed by city accord- ing to plans furnished, at estimate cost of. . 20,000.00 Engines, dynamos and building to be con- structed by city for generation of electric current for 250 lamps of 350 watts each for 12 hours per day, at estimated cost of 22,000.00 Total cost of plant estimated at $67,273.14 68 HEAT AND LIGHT. Guaranteed "to incinerate 80 tons of house refuse garbage, trash and dead animals in 12 hours * * * * without the use of any fuel other than the garbage and refuse, and to accomplish this without odor or smoke at a labor cost not to exceed 38 cents per ton." Every thirty days city must draw warrant for money expended, and pay the $5,055.19 final payment within thirty days after the plant is completed. LEWIS & KITCHEN, of Chicago, Illinois. New fire-proof building, with one garbage crematory of capacity of 80 to 100 tons per day : "S" type, proposal "A" $18, GOO "S" type, proposal "B" 21,000 "B" type, proposal "C" 19,533 "B" type, proposal "D" 21,933 Series burning type, proposal "E" 21,140 Series burning type, proposal "F" 23,540 Cost of incineration per ton, "A," 45 cents; "B," 35 cents; "C," 45 cents; "D," 35 cents; "E," 40 cents; "F," 30 cents. The crematories are arranged so that while one division is being operated for combustion at high temperatures, one or two others are used for drying. SANITARY ENGINEERING COMPANY, of New York City. A new building, with crematory of 80 tons capac- ity per day of 16 hours $35,000 "The cost of operation shall not exceed 50 cents a ton for garbage and swill incinerated," when crematory, or one pair of cells, is burning at full capacity. If sewer con- nection is provided, cost will be reduced by 30 cents per HEAT AND LIGHT. 69 ton of fluid drained off. "The cost of incinerating mis- cellaneous refuse shall be less than that of incinerating igarbage." City must provide for "payments of reasonable amounts" during the progress of the work, and the bal- ance within thirty days after the tests have been com- pleted. RACINE, Wis. Bids opened Jan. 13, 1906. For a 2 5 -ton incinerator. Morse-Boulger Co., New York, N. Y., $9,900. Smead & Co., Cincinnati, O., $5,650. Decarie Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. (2 bids), $14,- 128 and $13,464. Lester- Vanderlip Furnace Co., New York, N. Y., $12,000. Dixon Garbage Crematory Co., Toledo, O. (5 bids), $9,860, $9,905, $8,830, $8,758 and $6,998. Lewis & Kitchen, Chicago, 111. (4 bids), $6,450.. $7,650, $7,460 and $8,020. Sanitary Eng. Co., New York, N. Y. (3 bids), $9,127, $7,150 and $10,630. LEXINGTON, KY. Bids opened Jan. 4, 1906. For a 50-ton incinerator. Dixon Garbage Crematory Co., Toledo O. (4 bids), $12,610, $11,644, $11,999 and $11,036. Decarie Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. (4 bids), $20,- 600, $21,960, $19,640 and $20,842. Lewis & Kitchen, Chicago, 111. (4 bids), $12,870, $13,- 785, $18,750 and $19,875. Lester-Vanderlip Furnace Co., New York, N. Y., $16,000. 70 HEAT AND LIGHT. Morse-Boulger Destructor Co., New York, N. Y., $15,800. Geo. H. Pierson, New York, N. Y, $18.000. National Equipment Company, St. Louis, Mo., $22,000. Smead & Co., Cincinnati, O., $5,650. Sanitary Engineering Co., New York, N. Y., $14,217. Sanitary Reduction & Constr. Co., Boston, Mass., $35,000. Engle Crematory Co., Des Moines, la. Royalty. DETROIT, MICH. Bids opened Dec. 11, 1905. For a 200-ton incinerator. Report of the Hon. Controller to City Council on same. To the Honorable the Common Council : Gentlemen In response to advertisements from this office inviting proposals for furnishing the City of De- troit with a municipal garbage disposal plant or plants having an aggregate capacity of 200 tons per day, the following were received : Dixon Garbage Crematory Co., Toledo, Ohio Four 50-ton plants, $80,000. Detroit Sanitary Works Plant at French Landing, Mich., increased to 200-ton capacity, including 13 acres of land and seven 2-story workmen's houses, $100,000. Lewis & Kitchen, Chicago, 111. Plants of 100-ton ca- pacity : Proposal A Storage capacity 50 tons, one plant, $26,- 540; two plants, $51,600; cost of cremation, 45c per ton. Proposal B Storage capacity 60 tons, one plant, $31,- 860; two plants, $59,800; cost of cremation, 40c per ton. Proposal C Storage capacity 100 tons, one plant, $35,650; two plants, $68,400; cost of cremation, 30c per ton. HEAT AND LIGHT. 71 Proposal D Storage capacity 120 tons, one plant, $41,080; two plants, $77,800; cost of cremation, 30c per ton. Plants of 200-ton capacity : Proposal E Storage capacity 100 tons, $52,590; cost of cremation, 45c per ton. Proposal F Storage capacity, 120 tons, $61,680; cost of cremation, 35c per ton. Proposal G Storage capacity, 200 tons, $69,875 ; cost of cremation, 25c per ton. The following bids for disposal plants being more or less irregular and not in accordance with specifications, were not read : Decarie Manufacturing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. One 200-ton plant, $81,750; two 100-ton plants, $85,000. The bids were construed by me to be irregular in that they provided for the incineration of "combustible refuse and rubbish" as well as "garbage," a provision not in the advertisement. Sanitary Engineering Co., New York City One 200- ton plant, $75,000. The bid was irregular in that the proposal was accom- panied by a bond instead of a certified check as called for by the advertisement. ************** The following bid of the Engle Crematory Co., of Des Moines, la., did not in any respect comply with the terms of the advertisement. First. Offer to furnish the city the right to use the "Engle Fuel and Process for Making" for disposal of night soil, garbage and manure during life of the patent, the city to furnish and own the necessary machinery for 72 HEAT AND LIGHT. preparing the same for fuel and to pay the company as compensation therefor one-half of the net profits derived from the use of said fuel and process. Second. Offer to furnish the right to use the com- pany's crematory, patents, the city to pay as compensa- tion therefor for the services and expenses of a superin- tendent of construction to be designated by the com- pany, whose services and expenses shall not exceed $10 per day. A letter was also received from the American Exchange Co., of Providence, R. L, who recommended two 100-ton plants, and stated that the company's apparatus with license for life of the patent would not exceed $75,000 for each 100-ton plant. The machinery necessary to com- plete plant, piping, fittings, shafting, setting up of ma- chinery and the erection of a building to contain the same would add to the cost of each plant not to exceed $80,000, making the estimated cost of each plant, exclusive of site, $155,000. Neither this proposition nor that of the Engle Crematory Co. were accompanied by any certified check. In response to an advertisement inviting proposals for the disposal of garbage for terms of one, three, five and ten years, the following were received : Detroit Sanitary Works, Detroit, Mich. One year contract $24,600 per year Three year contract $14,600 per year Five year contract $13,600 per year Ten year contract $12,000 per year Detroit Reduction Co., Detroit, Mich. Ten year contract, no compensation. If this proposal is accepted the company agrees if de- sired to dispose of all household and shop waste, office and HEAT AND LIGHT. 73 street sweepings and ashes, and all other rubbish, at 25c per ton ; and if ashes is kept separate from above, for 20c per ton. Disposal of night soil, 25c per barrel. The com- pany agrees to sell its plant to the city at an appraised valuation at any time prior to the termination of the con- tract. Nearly all of the bids for disposal plants were accom- panied by more or less elaborate blue prints and plans showing the character of the plant proposed to be erected. I recommend the reference of all of the above named bids, together with the plans and specifications therefor to the Committee on Health. Respectfully, F. A. BLADES, Controller. On Jan. 20. 1906, the Council confirmed the award of the contract to the Detroit Reduction Co. for the free dis- posal of the city garbage for a period of ten years from and after July 1, 1906. It is reported that legal action will be taken to restrain further proceedings. HEAT AND LIGHT. 75 CHAPTER VI THE BRANCH GARBAGE INCINERATOR. (Patented Nov. 21, 1905.) GENERAL DESCRIPTION. (Figs, land 2.) The incinerator is composed of two separate units or furnaces, set at right angles to each other and so con- nected by a by-pass that either one or both can be fired, and the waste gases therefrom led under a battery of boilers before escaping into the stack. The first furnace, or "A," is so connected with the sec- ond furnace, or "B," that the heat and gases therefrom are fed into the second furnace at a point immediately in the rear of the bridge wall, before passing into the boiler furnaces and out through stack. This not only insures complete combustion and destruc- tion of all offensive gases, but gives an even distribution of heat throughout the entire furnace, thus insuring the complete destruction of all garbage dumped into rear end of furnace, the same as nearer the fire. The two furnaces "A" and "B" are provided each with two separate sets of grate bars, one immediately above the other. The garbage is dumped through hoppers upon hollow garbage supporting grates, which run transversely from side to side, being inclined downwardly. 76 HEAT AND LIGHT. These water grates are connected on the sides to two headers, and in the center to a single larger header. Through these headers and connecting water grates the feed water is pumped to the boilers, thereby securing a positive circulation, and preventing the grate bars from burning out. This also does away with the necessity of a feed water heater, delivering the feed water at boil- ing temperature to the boilers. The advantage of having these grates downwardly in- clined is to bring the garbage to the center of furnace, which is the hottest point, and at the same time prevent the clinkers from coming in contact with the sides of the highly heated furnace to which they will adhere. The two upper headers are connected in the rear of each furnace by a "T" from which connection is made direct to the boilers. To the lower header the pump connection is made, into which the cold water from the city main, or other source of feed, is pumped. The water grates are expanded into the upper headers, having first been threaded into the lower or middle header, thus exposing only one threaded joint of each grate to the direct heat of the gases. The fire grates are of the ordinary kind used for firing coal, all made interchangeable throughout. On the sides of the garbage furnaces are openings for stoking the garbage. In the ash pit under the lower garbage grates swill pans are inserted into which the liquid garbage thrown in the hopper above is run, and which is evap- orated by the heat of the furnace itself, passing out with the other gases. There is an offset, or break, in the rear of each furnace, thereby forcing the gases from the upper garbage grates THE BRANCH GARBAGE INCINERATOR St Z..UI Side Elevation and Vertical Section of Branch Incinerator. Fig. 2. CD SO HEAT AND LIGHT. to pass down into the lower furnace before passing out. By this means the unconsumed gases from the upper, cooler and shorter garbage furnace are forced down into the hotter and longer furnace below, where the two are mingled and entirely consumed before being discharged from the first furnace into the second, or from the second furnace into the boiler furnaces, thus insuring more per- fect combustion and greatly aiding the draft. By intro- ducing the heated gases immediately in rear of bridge walls, both the combustion and draft are greatly in- creased. Either natural or mechanical draft can be used, though the latter is preferred, using steam jets for small plants. The entire structure is enclosed in a tank steel casing, using angle irons as show r n in small sketch on cut. A platform extends over the furnaces on to which the garbage carts are driven, and the garbage dumped direct into the furnaces. This incinerator can be built in single or double units, of any capacity desired, and insures the incineration of garbage of every character, including dead animals and night soil. All parts are interchangeable and can be bought in the open market. Any type of boiler can be used, the headers and water grates being similar to those used in the ordinary down draft furnaces. The incinerator can be built with or without boiler at- tachment, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. PRINCIPAL ADVANTAGES CLAIMED. No odor or dust, but complete sanitation. No sorting or handling of garbage at plant. HEAT AND LIGHT. 81 No garbage dumped on the fire or on fire brick. No auxiliary furnace or checker work necessary. No fire brick or tile used for garbage grates, as the liquid garbage soon cracks the highly heated tiles. No uneven distribution of heat in furnace. Fewest number of threaded joints exposed to fire and heated gases. No clinkers brought in contact with the highly heated walls of the furnace, to which they will adhere. All garbage within sight and easy reach of stokers. No water jackets or stay bolts used. Complete and positive circulation through water grates, and ease of access to same at all times. WASTE HEAT UTILIZED FOR POWER OR HEATING PURPOSES. Refuse consumed per square foot grate per hour, 67 Ibs. Water evaporated per pound of refuse from and at 212 degrees Fahr., 1.8 1'bs., average temperature of feed water being 63.4 Fahr. I. H. P. per ton of garbage burnt in 24 hours, 8. Coal consumed per ton of garbage, 90 Ibs. Average temperature of furnace, 1,800 degrees Fahr. Lowest temperature, 1,500 degrees Fahr. Average steam pressure, 115 Ibs. per square inch. Forced draft pressure, 1.8 inches water. Steam consumption of jets, 12 per cent. DETAIL DESCRIPTION. (Figs. 5, 6 and 7.) The incinerating furnaces or crematories 5 and 6 are duplicate in construction and arrangement, and the fur- nace 5 is disposed in a plane at right angles to the furnace Detail Front Elevation of the Branch Garbage Incinerator. Fig. 5. Tank Steek Casing Enclosing Incinerator. Fig. 6. 84 HEAT AND LIGHT. 6, the rear extremity of the said furnace 5 being formed as a part of the side wall of the furnace 6, as at 7. Each furnace 5 and 6 has an inclosing wall 8 of suitable thick- ness and material and of sufficient strength to permit garbage and other vehicles or receptacles to be moved on or over the top thereof for clumping or deposit purposes. The top of each furnace at an intermediate point has garbage-receiving hoppers 9 adjacent to one side and at the opposite side a dead-animal-receiving hopper 10 of greater diameter, the several hoppers 9 and 10 being normally closed by tight-fitting caps or covers 11. In the front extremity of each furnace is a suitably-arched bridge wall 12, and below the plane of the same is a fire grate 13 of any preferred form and accessible by doors 14. Below the fire grate 13 the usual ash pit 15 is pro- vided, and also rendered accessible by doors 16. Imme- diately in advance of the bridge wall 12 and at an ele- vation above the plane of the fire grate 13 is a garbage or refuse-receiving grate composed of a series of down- wardly-inclined tubular members 17, connected at their outer ends to tubular headers 18, held in the side walls of the furnace, and at their inner ends to a depressed header 19, having a greater diameter than the headers 18. The tubular members or grate bars 17 and the headers 18 and 19 constitute a tubular grate, through which water circulates. The tubular garbage or refuse- receiving grate is disposed under the hoppers 9 and 10 and is accessible for cleaning purposes through the me- dium of a rear door 20. The tubular garbage or refuse- receiving grate can also be readily reached for cleaning and other purposes by a series of doors 21 in the rear end of the furnace, As clearly shown by Fig. 7, the HEAT AND LIGHT. 85 front extremities of the central and one side header are connected to a feed-water inlet 22, which may be attached to a city main or any other source of supply, and secured to the rear terminal of the remaining side header and its companion header at the opposite portion of the furnace is a feed-water outlet 23 adapted to be connected to the battery of boilers in any suitable manner to supply the said boilers with' heated water and by this means dis- pensing with the necessity of a feed-water heater for the boilers. A suitable pump may be used for forcing the water into the boilers from the outlet connection 23, Each furnace also has a series of liquid-hoppers 24 at one side, which communicate at their lower terminals with removable swill-pans 25, disposed transversely under the garbage or refuse-receiving grate or resting on the bot- tom of the furnace. The swill or liquid which is deposited in the hoppers 24 and passes into the pans 25 is evapo- rated by the heat of the furnace itself, and the gases gen- erated by such evaporation of the swill or liquid pass out with the remaining gases. It is also frequently necessary to stoke the garbage or refuse on the tubular grates, and for this purpose openings 26, having suitable covers, are formed in the sides of each furnace. The fire-grates of the furnaces are of the ordinary type used for firing coal and all made interchangeable through- out. In the construction of the tubular grates, including the members 17 and the headers 18 and 19, the said tu- bular members are first threaded into the rower or central header 19 and then expanded into the upper side headers 18, thus exposing only two threaded joints to the direct heat of the gases. The advantage of having the tubular grates for receiving the garbage and other refuse down- wardly inclined toward the center of the furnace is to 86 HEAT AND LIGHT. bring the garbage nearest to the greatest point of heat and at the same time prevent clinkers from coming in contact with the sides of the highly-heated furnace, to which under other conditions they would adhere. As before noted, either one or both incinerating fur- naces 5 and 6 may be operated, and when both furnaces are in use the gases and products of combustion pass from the rear of the furnace 5 through an opening 27 into the furnace 6 immediately in rear of the bridge-wall 12 of the latter and under the tubular garbage or refuse receiv- ing grate of the said furnace 6. By this means the gases and products of combustion from the furnace 5 are more intensely heated and taken up in the furnace 6 and pass, with the gases from the latter, through an opening 28 into the adjacent furnace 2 under the first boiler 1 of the battery of boilers and circulate under the said battery of boilers for heating the water in the latter to produce steam and power and finally escape into the main conduit or breeching 4 and then pass into the stack 4a. Be- tween the rear portion of the inner side of the fur- nace 5 and the rear extremity of the adjacent side of the furnace 6 is a by-pass conduit or flue 29, hav- ing a damper 30 near the wall of the furnace 5. The opening 27, forming communication between the rear of the furnace 5 and the furnace 6, is also provided with a suitable damper 31 at times to control the joint operation of the two incinerating furnaces. When the two incinerating furnaces are in operation, the damper 30 of the by-pass 29 is closed, thereby forcing the gas and products of combustion from the furnace 5 to pass into the furnace 6 directly in rear of the bridge-wall 12 of the latter furnace, as heretofore explained. If the furnace 5 alone is in operation, communication with the furnace 6 HEAT AND LIGHT. 87 through the medium of the opening 27 is closed and the damper 30 opened, and under such arrangement the gases and products of combustion are liberated from the rear of the furnace 5 through the by-pass 29 and pass into the rear of the furnace 6 and then escape through the open- ing 28 into the adjacent furnace of the battery of boilers. The furnace 6 can be used alone without operating the furnace 5, and under these conditions the dampers 30 and 31 will be closed. When both furnaces are in operation, it will be obvious that the incinerating capacity of the plant is materially increased and the gases and products of combustion passing into the furnaces 2 of the battery of boilers 1 have a considerable volume, with increased effectiveness as a heating means for said battery of boil- ers. At the rear of each furnace, as clearly shown by Figs. 1 and 2, an offset or break 32 is provided which forces the gases from the upper garbage or refuse-re- ceiving grates to pass down into the lower portion of the furnaces before escaping from the latter. By this means the unconsumed gases from the upper cooler and shorter furnace are forced down into the hotter and larger furnace below where all gases are mingled and entirely consumed before being discharged from the first furnace into the second or from the second furnace into the boiler-fur- naces, thus insuring more perfect combustion and aiding the draft. Furthermore, by introducing the heated gases immediately in rear of the bridge-wall of the furnace 6 both the combustion and draft are greatly increased. This same point of introduction of the gases is also carried out with respect to the furnace 2 under the first boiler 1. Either natural or mechanical draft is used in connec- tion with the furnaces, it being preferred to employ me- chanical draft established by the usual means or through 88 HAT AND LIGHT. the medium of steam- jets. It is also preferable to have a platform structure over the top of the furnaces, onto which the garbage-carts are driven to permit the garbage to be directly dumped into the incinerating furnaces. The entire incinerating structure, including both fur- naces, is inclosed by a tank steel casing 33 (see Fig. 6), having the parts thereof connected by angle-irons 34. Ash-doors 25a are also provided on both sides of the incinerating furnaces in line with the swill-pans, as clearly shown by Fig. 6. The breeching 4 at regular intervals between the connections 3 are provided with dampers 4b to permit the use of one or more of the boilers 1, as may be desired. The opening 28 in the rear wall of the fur- nace is connected by a flue or conduit 28a with the boilers, said conduit continuing under the boilers, and through the furnaces of the latter, as indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 3, to deliver the products of combustion and gases from either one or both of the incinerating furnaces to the most advantageous points within the said boiler furnaces, and to entirely cut off the incinerating furnaces from the boiler furnaces or battery of boilers and permit the latter to be used independently of the said incinerating furnaces a damper 28b is suitably arranged in the opening 28 or in the flue 28a and exteriorly operative. One of the most essential advantages in the operation just explained is complete combustion and destruction of all offensive gases with an even distribution of heat throughout the entire area of each of the furnaces 5 and 6, thus insuring the destruction of all garbage dumped into the rear end of each furnace as fully as the garbage deposited near the fire. Convenience in arrangement and economy in expense of installment are also material points in view of the fact that any type of boiler in the battery HEAT AND LIGHT. of boilers may be used. The headers and water grates or members 17 are similar to those used in the ordinary down-draft furnaces, and the remaining elements can all be bought in the open market and do not require a specific construction to adapt them for use in the furnaces. No firebrick or tile is used in connection with the garbage- receiving grates, and the inconvenience resulting from the liquid or moist garbage contacting with highly-heated brick or tile is obviated. As before described, the tubular members or grate- bars 17 are threaded into the intermediate or central en- larged header 19, and in applying the said tubular mem- bers or grate-bars they are inserted through openings 35 and 36 at diametrically opposite points in the outer head- ers 18, the upper ends of the said grate-bars being ex- panded into the lower openings 36 of said outer headers. The outer openings 35 have closing-nipples 37 and are of such diameter that the grate members 17 can be inserted therethrough and also through the openings 36, and after assemblage of the grate-bars in the manner set forth the nipples are applied to the said outer openings. The most essential feature of this apparatus is the right- angular arrangement of the incinerating furnaces 5 and 6, and the advantage gained by such disposition of the furnaces is the increased length of travel given the heated gases, permitting the incinerating furnace 6, or second unit, to not only consume the unburned gases from the first furnace 5, but also to assist the draft and permit an easy firing of all the furnaces of both units. Another im- portant advantage is the arrangement of the incinerating furnaces in operative relation to the battery of boilers and their furnaces for practical employment or utilization of HEAT AND LIGHT. 91 the waste gases for steam-raising purposes, yet have the parts so constructed that the battery of boilers is used alone at times when the incinerating furnaces are not in operation. It has been found that no incinerating plant can be successful if it does not provide for a utilization of the waste gases and of the disposition of the inciner- ating furnaces in angular relation as specified, whereby waste gases are given a greater range of travel and cumulative in the second incinerating furnace or the lat- ter nearest to the battery of boilers. Outer water jackets are also dispensed with, and the disadvantages incident to such jackets are overcome in the present incinerating furnace structure by non-use of such devices. The use. of an auxiliary furnace is not required in the present structure, and consequently the expense in this direction is further avoided, as well as the unsatisfactory operation of auxiliary furnaces. 92 HEAT AND LIGHT. BRANCH WAGON WASHER AND DISINFEC- TOR. (Patents Allowed.) The object of this apparatus is to furnish an unlimited quantity of hot water, or water having a disinfectant com- bined therewith, which may be discharged at any desired pressure and temperature into the garbage wagons, whereby the same may be quickly and thoroughly cleaned, and if desired also disinfected. In order to accomplish this two tanks are used in conjunction with a boiler so that while the hot water is being discharged from one tank, the other tank is being filled with water and heated. DETAIL DESCRIPTION. (Fig. 9.) Referring to the Fig. 9(1) indicates a vertical boiler in which the steam used in the apparatus for heating pur- poses and for supplying pressure, is generated, (2) and (3) indicate respectively, two steel tanks for contain- ing water, or water and the disinfectant to be employed, and (4) indicates a tank containing the disinfectant. This apparatus as installed by the City of St. Louis, consists of one 40 h. p. vertical boiler, 48x120 inches, constructed by the Brownell Company of Dayton, Ohio, and two high-pressure steel tanks, 3 feet in diameter by 6 feet long, each of a capacity of 318 gallons. When burning 2 1-3 bushels of coal per hour, 2,500 gallons of water at 60 degrees can be heated to 150 degrees and discharged under 90-pounds steam pressure per square inch per hour. It was put in operation April 1, 1905, and has since been in continuous service, cleaning and disin- View Showing Tanks and Connections of the Branch Garbage Wagon Washer and Disinfector. Fig. 9. HEAT AND LIGHT. 95 f acting on an average of seventy-five wagons per day, and without costing one cent for repairs. Fig. 10 shows this apparatus in operation. Fig. 11 is a type of animal wagon used by that city. The following letter from the former Street Commis- sioner sets out fully the capacity and merits of this ap- paratus. CITY OF ST. LOUIS Street Department, Commissioner's Office. May 31, 1905. MR. Jos. G. BRANCH, Chief Inspector, Boilers and Elevators, City Hall. MY DEAR SIR : The Garbage Wagon Washer and Disinfector designed by you for the use of this Department has been in opera- tion since April 1st, 1905, and giving perfect satisfaction. With the Washer we can heat 300 gallons of water to 200 degrees Fahrenheit in seven minutes, and by using the two tanks alternately we always have an abundant supply of water. It cleanses and disinfects the wagons perfectly, requiring about 30 seconds to a wagon. Respectfully, (Signed) CHAS. VARREXMANN, Street Commissioner. HEAT AND LIGHT. 97 SPECIFICATIONS (Figs. 3 and 4.) Covering the Construction of the Branch Garbage Incin- erator of 50 Tons Daily Capacity, of 24 Hours. Same to be built in accordance with the accompanying plan and following specifications : The' drawings and explanations herewith submitted are to be considered as illustrations and parts of these specifi- cations. General plans drawn to a scale of 1J4 inches to the foot, and detailed drawings to a scale of 1 inch, y 2 inch and 1-3 inch to the foot shall be furnished if de- sired. GENERAL, CONSTRUCTION. The incinerator as shown upon drawings shall be of brick and steel construction, outside dimensions 8 feet by 7 feet 2 inches by 12 feet 6 inches, the outer shell of the incinerator being %-inch steel plates, securely held in place by angle-iron supports at the four corners, with angle-iron stifreners around top and bottom of the shell, of the size and dimensions shown upon drawings. Longi- tudinal and traverse tie rods shall be used for the pur- pose of tieing brick walls and steel shell firmly to- gether. The upper garbage furnaces shall contain one central drum in each, which drum shall be 10 inches outside diameter, made of special lap-welded steel tubing with walls Y-2 inch thick, and tested to 150 Ibs. per square inch hydrostatic pressure. The two lateral drums in each furnace shall be made of 8-inch extra heavy pipe, and also tested to 150 Ibs. per square inch hydrostatic pres- 98 HEAT AND LIGHT. sure. The central drums shall be each equipped with one complete hand hole, with cover arch, bolt and gas- ket; the lateral drums shall each be fitted with one o 1 /? by 5^ -inch hand hole, complete, with cover arch, bolt and gasket. The incinerator shall be provided with one steel drum 7 feet by 30 inches, tested to 150 Ibs. hydrostatic pres- sure, and fitted with one hand hole, complete. Each drum shall be further provided with proper water glass and gauge cocks. The garbage water tube grates shall be made of 2-inch special cold drawn seamless steel tubing, spaced as shown on the drawings from which these specifications are made. In the 8-inch drums, directly opposite each of the water tube grates, there shall be located an opening of sufficient size to allow the tube to pass through same, and be threaded into central drum and expanded into lateral drums. These openings shall be provided with brass plugs of the proper dimensions. All drums and water grates shall be provided with all necessary connections, same to be of extra heavy pipe. The water inlet and outlet pipes shall be 2J4 inches, and the connections between the 8-inch drums shall be 2 inches. All fittings through- out shall be extra heavy, and all valves used be of the best standard make. The incinerator shall be provided with double firing furnaces, each furnace 5 feet wide by 6 feet long, and provided with standard double grate bars, 6 feet long, with the necessary front and back bear- ing bars for supporting same. The firing furnaces shall be provided with tw r o cast iron fire doors, fitted with draught shutters and perforated liners. The firing doors HEAT AND LIGHT. 99 shall be attached to furnaces by means of cast iron frames, and each firing door shall be provided with a liner box 9 inches deep. The ash doors shall be made of 14-inch tank steel, properly hinged to furnace. The sides of the incinerator shall be provided with the proper number of cleaning-out doors, as shown in plans. On top of the incinerator, directly over the water tube grates, shall be located two garbage chutes 18 inches inside diameter, made of cast iron, and one animal chute 30 inches inside diameter, all made of cast iron, and all of which chutes shall be fitted with heavy cast iron covers provided with rings for lifting same. On either side of the incinerator, and in line with the circular openings for garbage and dead animals, shall be located one side hopper for liquid garbage, fitted with sliding valves held in place with angle-iron guides, and fitted with counter-weights and wire cables for opening and closing same. In the bottom of the side hoppers shall be placed 3-16- inch steel perforated drain plates ; these drain plates to allow the discharge of all liquids from the garbage to be conducted directly to the evaporating pan through vertical drain pipes, which connect with flanges on the bottom of the hoppers as shown. These drain pipes pass through the shell of the furnace at points indicated on drawings, and shall discharge all liquids as before men- tioned, directly into the evaporating pan. This evaporating pan, which is located beneath the lower garbage furnace, shall be constructed of 5-16-inch steel plates with a 4-inch live steam space properly stayed to withstand a steam pressure of 150 Ibs. to the square inch. Outside dimensions being 24 inches by IT inches. A live steam connection from the steam and water space to the evaporating pan shall be made of 1^-inch piping, fitted 225-foot Stack, Iron Lined with Brick. 200-ton Incinerator. Fig. 12. 125-foot Stack Dimensions for 50-100-ton Incinerator. Fig. 13. 102 HEAT AND LIGHT. with necessary valves for opening same. This evaporat- ing pan shall also answer the purpose, and shall be used, as an ashpan, receiving the ashes which pass through the cast iron lower grates. At the under side of the evaporating pan a connection shall be taken from the live steam space, and by suitable piping the condensa- tion from the evaporating pan shall be led to a steam trap, and from there discharged into a hot well. At the front end of the firing furnace, and securely fastened to the shell of same, shall be a combustion chute for waste paper, boxes, etc., fitted with suitable cast iron valve. The valve shall be constructed and operated in the same manner as those in the side hoppers. This combustion chute shall be constructed of j4~ mcn steel plates, firmly riveted to corner angles, as shown, and ex- tending from the front end of the furnace to the line of unloading floor, \vhere it shall be fitted with heavy angle- iron stiffeners, and also provided with wrought iron handles for opening and closing same. There shall be NO WATER JACKETS OR STAY BOLTS USED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION, EXCEPT FOR THE EVAPORATING PANS AS ABOVE SET OUT. NO THREADED JOINTS SHALL BE EXPOSED TO THE FIRE, OR HEAT- ED GASES, OTHER THAN ABOVE SET OUT. FIRE DOORS AND STOKING DOORS. At the sides of the incinerating furnaces shall be lo- cated suitable firing and stoking doors. The upper, or stoking doors, shall give free access to the "V"-shaped grates, and admit of the free stoking of the material. The lower, or fire doors, open directly to the lower grates. These garbage fire doors and stoking doors shall be fitted HEAT AND LIGHT. 103 with wrought iron latches, so arranged as to guard against any possibility of doors being opened other than when necessary for stoking, and other purposes. Proper ash doors shall permit of easy access to the evaporating pan located as above set out. INTERIOR FIRE BRICK AND FIRE TILE LINING. The interior walls of the incinerator shall be of the best quality of fire brick and tile. Suitable steel or wrought iron anchors shall be used for securely holding the brick and tile in place. No part of the walls shall be less than 13 inches in thickness, and same shall be built in strict accordance with plans and drawings attached. SMOKE STACK. (Fig. 13.) The smoke stack shall be of brick construction, 125 feet in height and 4 feet in diameter, and constructed as shown in detailed blue print herewith submitted. There shall be a steel ladder constructed and attached to the stack, running the full length from roof to top of stack. DUST CATCHER. There shall be a dust catcher chamber, constructed ac- cording to the plans accompanying these specifications. MECHANICAL DRAFT. The incinerator shall be equipped with steam jets under each firing furnace, which jets shall not consume more than 12% of all steam generated at a boiler pressure of 110 Ibs. to the square inch, and which jets shall give an ashpit pressure of at least 1^ inches. 104 HEAT AND LIGHT. POWER OR HEAT. The incinerator shall be provided with proper by-pass connections, fire-brick lined, of the dimensions shown on the drawings, so as to permit of the utilization of all the waste heat therefrom for boiler power or heating, should it at any time be desired to so utilize such heat. The average temperature of the garbage furnaces shall be at least 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, when the same are charged to their full capacity, and the waste heat there- from shall show an evaporation of at least one pound of water from and at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, for each pound of refuse burned. For larger size incinerators steel stacks lined with fire brick are much less costly than brick stacks and give good service. Fig. 12 shows a steel stack for a 200-ton incinerator, for which the following are proper specifications, viz. : The smoke stack shall be of steel construction 225 feet in height, the first 50 feet to be 7 feet in diameter, and the balance to be 6 feet in diameter, and of the weight and con- struction as shown in detailed drawings of stack, and fully described in separate stack specifications. Stack shall be properly held in place by suitable bands and guy wires fastened to anchors as shown upon drawings. There shall be also a steel ladder constructed and attached to the stack, running the full length from the roof to the top of the stack. Stack shall also be lined with circular fire brick for the first 50 feet from the base. HEAT AND LIGHT. 105 HEIGHT OF CHIMNEYS. Area Square Feet. Diameter, Inches. 75 Heights in Feet. 80| 85| 90| 95|100|110| 120| 130| 140| 150| 175| 200 Commercial Horse Power. 3.14 3.69 4.28 4.91 5.59 6.31 7.07 8 . 73 10. 5G 12.57 15.90 19 . 63 23.76 28.27 38.48 50.27 63.62 78.54 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 44 48 54 60 66 72 84 96 108 120 75 | 90 78 92 106 122 81 95 127 144 162 1 98 130 149 168 188 ...... ... i 133 152 171 192 237 287 120 137 156 176 198 244 296 352 445 164 185 208 257 310 370 468 577 697 1 ' ' ' i . . 215 267 322 384 484 600 725 862 1173 1 279 337 400 507 627 758 902 1229 1584 2058 i 413 526 650 784 932 1270 1660 2102 2596 1 1 " " 672 815 969 1319 1725 2181 2693 I 1044| 1422J 18591983 2352|2511 290413100 i The following heights are recommended for chimneys, with the coals mentioned : 75 feet for free burning bituminous coal, 100 feet for slow-burning bituminous slack, 115 feet for slow-burning bituminous coal, 125 feet for anthracite pea coal, 150 feet for anthracite buckwheat coal. With such coal as Mt. Olive, a 150-foot stack is recommended. With plants operating 600 or more horse-power of boilers, 180 feet is the minimum height, irrespective of the kind of coal that is to be burned. For large plants a 200-foot stack is not excessive. 106 HEAT AND LIGHT. co O I I ^ Q CO O O K I-H CO CO O CO H ffi O oooooooooooooooooooo oooooooc>oooooooooooo OOCOCOCOOLOCOOOOU5OCOOOo>oooooooooooo>oo OO 0-3 CO CO O LO (TO O OO IO O CO OO CM IO Oi IO OO CO OO CO OO t CO CO t -KALB, ILLS. Population, 5,904 The DeKalb-Sycamore Electric Co. operate a central heating system which was installed. by the Consolidated Engineering Company. The company has 30,000 square feet of radiation in successful opration, for which they receive 35 cents per square foot. DANVILLE ILL. Population, 16,354 The Danville Street Railway & Light Co. operate a central heating system, using steam heat, which is re- ported to have been fairly successful. They charge the following rates for the heating season : 136 HEAT AND LIGHT. Residence rates Per 1,000 cubic feet Frame houses, less than 20,000 cubic feet contents. $6. 00 Frame houses, more than 20,000 cubic feet contents. 5.75 Brick houses, less than 20,000 cubic feet contents. 5.50 Brick houses, more than 20,000 cubic feet contents. 5.25 Business house rates Front rooms only, on upper floors 5.00 Any room, side, back and front exposure, less than 70 feet deep 4.00 Any room, side, back and front exposure, more than 70 feet deep 3.75 Rooms, back and front exposure, less than 70 feet deep 3.50 Rooms, back and front exposure, more than 70 feet deep 3.00 Any building, more than 150,000 cubic feet contents 2.50 The above rates are about the average rates charged throughout the country for steam heating. Where ex- haust steam can be used entirely, with these rates a heat- ing system can be made a profitable investment, but if it becomes necessary to supplement same with live steam, it then becomes a question of proper insulation. DUNKIRK, N. Y. Population, 11,016 A. W. Cummings is operating a central heating plant in this city, furnishing steam heat to the public buildings, post office, business houses and schools. It is satisfactory in every respect. Rates for service, 40c per 1,000 Ibs. DENVER, Coux Population, 133,859 The Denver City Steam Heating Co. are operating :i central heating plant in this city, which is entirely satis- factory. HEAT AND LIGHT. 137 ERIE, PA. Population, 52,733 The Erie Co. have been operating a central heating plant in this city for the past six years, and its operation is entirely satisfactory. EVANSTON, Ii.iv. Population, 19,259 The Yaryan Co. installed a central heating plant in this city, but it is now owned and operated by the North Shore Electric Co. The service is liked very much, the only objection reported being the price charged. FORT SCOTT, KAN. Population, 10,322 Mr. Grant Hornaday is president of the Gas & Electric Co., which company operates the only heating plant in this city. BOROUGH OF GREENVIIJ^E, PA. Population, 2,800 A private corporation has been operating a central heating plant in this city several years, and its service is very satisfactory. The live steam from the Electric Light Plant is used to operate the same. Mains are not more than J/ mile in length. HoRNEiJ,sviUvE, N. Y. Population, 11,918 The American Illuminating Co. are running a central steam heating plant in connection with their electric light plant. It has been in operation seven years and heats more than 100 of the largest buildings, using exhaust steam, to- gether with live steam. The company has about two 138 HEAT AND LIGHT. miles of line, consisting of 10-inch, 8-inch, 6-inch, 5-inch and 4-inch mains. The loss in the lines is slight. The service is very satisfactory to all. HARRISBURG, PA. Population, 50,167 The Harrisburg Steam Heat & Power Co. operate a central heating station, which is very successful, and covers quite an extent of territory. JANESVIU.E, Wis. Population, 13,185 The Janesville Electric Co. heat several buildings in this city, near and adjoining their own, and are giving good satisfaction. JERSEYVIU.E, Iix. Population, 3,800 Plant was installed last year by a private corporation and is operated in connection with the electric lighting plant and water works. Is financially successful, and giv- ing. satisfaction to its patrons. JOHNSTOWN, PA. ' Population, 35,936 The Citizens' Light, Heat & Power Co. operate a cen- tral heating system known as the Holly system, which was installed by the American District Steam Co. Ex- haust steam is used, which is supplemented with live steam. They carry five pounds on their mains at the plant, and two pounds at their most distant point, which is one-half of a mile from the plant. The system is giv- ing satisfaction to its patrons. This company considers the central heating system a financial success, provided the rates charged are in propor- HEAT AND LIGHT. 139 tion to the cost and when most of the business can be taken care of by exhaust steam. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Population, 163,752 The Metropolitan Street Railway Co. are now install- ing a central heating system. There is a general desire for its service, as it will supply a great need. KENOSHA, Wis. Population, 11,606 The Kenosha Gas & Electric Co. are operating a cen- tral heating station. It was one of the first plants in- stalled in that part of the country. It is giving satisfac- tion to patrons, and is financially successful. LEBANON, PA. Population, 17,628 The Lebanon Steam Co. have been operating a steam heating plant in this place since 1888. Is very satisfac- tory as to heat, but is reported not a success financially, owing to the rate charged being too low, and the patrons being much scattered over the city. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. Population 60,000 The Litle Rock Heating Company operate a central heating plant, using the Schott hot-water system. This plant was installed in 1904 at a cost of $206,864, and while it has not proved a financial success, it has given entire satisfaction to its patrons. The company is now being operated by a Receiver. The net cost of the plant was as follows : Site $ 3,000.00 Materials 110,006.30 140 HEAT AND LIGHT. Pay Rolls 38,771.20 Interest and Discount , 7,822.52 Management 9, 274.30 Supervision -1,125.00 Engineer's Fees 12 ; COO.OO Expenses of Engineer and Assistants 1,750.00 Freight 4,385.51 Drayage 3,504,57 Office and Ground Rents 480.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 945.10 Cash, Little Rock Heating Co 10,000.00 Total $206,864.50 The company has 175,000 feet of radiation in opera- tion, and contracts offered for about 100,000 feet more, had it been in a position to suply the demand. The prices charged are 17c per square foot for radiation, and for hot water, $1.00 per thousand gallons. The company uses the exhaust steam from the Little Rock Railway and Electric Company, paying 3.85 cents per 1,000 pounds of steam received, which is supple- mented by coal. The estimated income for the heating year 1905 -U is as follows : 175,000 feet of radiation, at 18c. $31,500.00 1,500,000 gals, hot water, at $1 . . 1,500.00 Profit on installing 50,000 feet of radiation 6,250.00 $39,250.00 HEAT AND LIGHT. 141 Estimated cost of operating plant during season of 1905-06: Exhaust steam $ 2,100.00 5,000 tons slack, at $2 10,000.00 Superintendence, 7 months 875.00 2 Engineers, 7 months 945.00 4 Firemen, 5 months 1,000.00 Oil and waste 200.00 Water ' 350.00 Electric lights 175.00 Office rent 300.00 Office man 720.00 Printing, stamps and stationery. 300.00 Trouble man, 7 months at $75 . . . 525.00 Taxes and insurance 800.00 Maintenance 750.00 Interest on bonds . 12,500.00 $31,540.00 Income $39,250.00 Operating expenses 31,540.00 Net income $7,710.00 LANSING, MICH. Population, 16,485 The Piatt Heating & Power Co. own and control the central heating .plant and also furnish electric power for the Street Railway Co. This company has only lately been granted a franchise for general heating purposes, though it has been heating the state capitol and several large buildings near their plant for some time, with en- tire satisfaction. The company is now extending its mains so as to include residence heating throughout the city. 142 HEAT AND LIGHT. LOCKPORT, N. Y. Population, 16,581 The Economy Light & Fuel Co. are operating about six miles of mains from a central heating plant and giv- ing perfect satisfaction to their patrons, which include several hundred residences, business houses and public buildings. Price is based upon meter rates. The oper- ation of this plant has reduced to a great extent the smoke nuisance, also the fire risk. MARINETTE, Wis. Population, 16,195 The Watson Heating Co. own and operate the central heating plant in this city. While it is giving satisfaction to its patrons, it is reported not a financial success. MUSCATINE, IOWA. Population, 14,07:3 The central heating station at this place is not now being operated, nor has it been in operation for some time. It is reported not to have been a financial success, but the service was satisfactory. NEW HAVEN, CONN. Population, 108,027 The New Haven Heat Supply Co. operate a central heating system, more or less limited to the central busi- ness section of the city. They do a successful business, and there is general satisfaction among their patrons. NEW YORK CITY. Population, 3,437,202 New York has no central heating station in the main sections, but there are several in the outlying districts, owned and operated by private corporations. HEAT AND LIGHT. 143 NEWBURGH, N. Y. Population, 24,943 Newburgh Light, Heat & Power Co. operate a cen- tral heating system in connection with the lighting busi- ness of the company, and supply a considerable portion of the city with steam heat. The system is very popular and gives entire satisfaction. It is contemplated extend- ing the system so as to take in several streets not now piped. OTTUMWA, IOWA. Population, 18,197 The Ottumwa Traction & Light Co. operate a central heating system in this city, using their exhaust steam for this purpose, which plant it is stated is not giving com- plete satisfaction to its patrons, but is a financial success. OSKALOOSA, IOWA. Population, 9,212 The Oskaloosa Traction & Light Co. operate a central heating system in this city.' It is a two-pipe hot water system, and giving satisfaction to its patrons, and is re- ported also financially successful. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Population, 1,293,697 There are one or two heating stations in the suburbs of the city. None in the central districts. PAXTON, ILL. Population, 4,200 The electric light plant put in central hot water heat- ing plant five years ago, which system is being used by most of the business houses, private residences, some schools and churches. A great number of the residences desire the service, but owing to lack of capacity they cannot be supplied. An extension of the system is contemplated. 144 HEAT AND LIGHT. PAWTUCKET, R. I. Population, 39,231 There is a central heating plant at this place. PENN YAN, N. Y. Population, 39,231 The Penn Yan Steam Heating Co. are operating a heating system at this place. PITTSBURG, PA. Population, 321,610 The Penn Heat & Power Co. operate a central heat- ing plant, supplying both business and residence houses. Its patrons are well satisfied. POTTSVIIXE, PA. Population, 15,710 The Pottsville Steam Heat & Power Co. operate a cen- tral heating system in this city, using steam from a central generating plant. The season extends eight months, being from October 1st to June 1st. The plant was installed in 1888, and consists of six horizontal re- turn flue boilers, each 72 inches in diameter and 18 feet in length, developing about 800 horse-power. The fuel used is small-sized anthracite coal, known as "rice" and "buckwheat," which averages about $1.25 per ton delivered. Natural draft is used. A steam pressure of 60 Ibs. square inch is carried, which is reduced to 15 Ibs. minimum and 30 Ibs. maximum pressure, according to weather temperature. The obstacles to overcome are leaks at expansion joints, about every 50 feet; loss by radiation from mains and laterals ; also destruction of same by corrosion and the waste electrical current from trolley rails. The price made to their patrons is not any higher than would be the cost of the operation of in- HEAT AND LIGHT. 145 dividual house plants, considering the constant and abundant supply of heat, as well as the convenience and avoidance of dust from ashes and coal and the ease of regulation of temperature. The service has been en- tirely satisfactory to their patrons, and the plant is re- ported also a financial success. READING, PA. Population, 78,961 The Reading Steam Heat & Power Co. have been operating a central station heating plant eighteen years. The service furnished is very satisfactory to its patrons, but is reported financially not to be a success. ST. CLOUD, MINN. Population, 8,603 It is reported that the central heating plant was not a success financially, and it is not now 7 in operation. SCRANTON, PA. Population, 102,026 The Economy Light, Heat & Power Co. operate a central heating plant, furnishing heat to the city insti- tutions, fire engine houses, etc., and also to public build- ings, residences, etc. The rate is $4.50 per 1,000 cubic feet direct radiation, and $6 per 1,000 cubic feet indirect radiation. They have been in business a number of years, and giving general satisfaction. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Population, 62,059 The Springfield Gas Light Co. formerly operated the "Holly system" of steam heating, but discontinued it some years ago. It is reported that the plant \vas not profitable. 10 146 HEAT AND LIGHT. ST. PAUL, MINN. Population, 163,065 The American District Steam Heating Co. are install- ing a central heating plant at this place, but it is not yet in operation. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Population, 102,979 St. Joseph Railway, Light, Heat & Power Co. operate a central heating system, furnishing heat to the business houses, public buildings, etc., in the business sections. They use the exhaust system from the light plant for heating, and it is giving satisfaction to its patrons. SYCAMORE, ILLS. Population, 4,500 The DeKalb-Sycamore Electric Co. operate a central heating system which was installed by the Consolidated Engineering Company. The company has 30,000 square feet of radiation in successful operation for which they receive 35 cents per square foot. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Population, 38,253 The Home Lighting, Power and Heating Co. are oper- ating a central heating system installed by the American District Steam Co. This plant was installed in the sum- mer of 1905, heating the central part of the city with the exhaust steam from their power plant which is located in central part of the city. Their power plant furnishes 75 per cent of the commercial lighting of the city and their income from heating the forty buildings to which they furnish heat, pays their coal bill for the entire plant, leav- ing a margin of 25 per cent. The company is preparing to extend their system to about thirty more buildings. It HEAT AND LIGHT. 147 is stated that the system is an entire success and that in zero weather they have never received a complaint. SPRINGFIELD, Iix. Population, 34,159 The Utilities Co. are operating both hot water and steam heat service from their central plant, which also furnishes power for street railway and commercial light- ing. The service is reported to be both satisfactory and profitable. The Springfield Light, Heat and Power Company, of Springfield, Illinois, has recently built a new power sta- tion, for lighting, steam and hot water heating and rail- way purposes. This power station is notable on account of the size of the exhaust steam heating system supplied from it. In the majority of cities where exhaust steam or hot water heating is being done, the power stations are of much smaller capacity. The heating system of the company at Springfield is one of the largest operated by any electric central station company in the country. About 200,000 square feet of hot water radiators and 150,000 square feet of steam radiators are connected to this sta- tion. On account of the exhaust steam heating load, the station is, of course, equipped with simple non-condens- ing engines. STATION PIPING FOR HEATING SYSTEM. The apparatus for hot \vater and exhaust steam heating occupies considerable space in the power house, and is of much more importance than usual in a power house doing this kind of work. There are two sets of condensers for use in heating water for the heating system which are supplemented by a bank of fuel economizers for utilizing 148 HEAT AND LIGHT. the heat in the fuel gases. These three means of heating are not sufficient in the coldest weather, and two of the boilers in the station have been fitted up so that they can be completely filled with water and used as hot water heaters. The present arrangement of piping for hot water heating in this station is of interest because it repre- sents the result of the company's experiments and experi- ence along this line. See Fig. 20. The return water as it enters from the street, first goes through the circulatingpumps, from which a 12-inch main takes it to a header to which are connected the six Stahl condensers in multiple. In multiple with these condensers there are also three fuel economizers. After leaving the economizers and first bank of condensers the water passes to the two 3,000-foot Schott condensers. These latter condensers are also connected in multiple. After leaving the vSchott condensers, all the water must pass through the water-tube boilers, which are connected in series, un- less the by-pass on the boilers is open, in which case, of course, the boilers would be out of use. After leaving the boilers the water flows to the outgoing street main. The important thing to notice in this piping arrange- ment, is that the boilers are connected in series with the rest of the heating apparatus. Attempts to operate the boilers in multiple with the oc per square foot TOI^DO, OHIO. Population, 131,822 The Yaryan central heating station has been operating in this city a number of years, and is reported to be giving general satisfaction. OHIO. Population, 10,989 The TifHn Edison Electric Illuminating Co; operate a central heating plant in connection with their light plant, 152 HEAT AND LIGHT. and it is considered a good investment, and giving general satisfaction. TOPEKA, KAN. Population, 33,608 The Topeka Edison Co. have been operating a central heating system for about nine years. This company has approximately $00,000 invested in their system, and operate same in conjunction with their lighting and power plant, utilizing the exhaust steam as far as possi- ble, supplemented by live steam. They find it necessary to carry from three to six pounds of back pressure on their engines, which are cross-compound. While this increases the steam consumption per horse- power, this excess load on the engines is better than a cor- responding electric road. In other words, with the same boiler horse-power they cannot earn the same net money. Their system is an underground system and was in- stalled by the American District Steam Co. They sell the steam by the meter system only, the rates charged being as follows : First 100,000 Ibs. water 60c per 1,000 Ibs. Second 100,000 Ibs. water 50c per 1,000 Ibs. Excess Ibs. water 45c per 1,000 Ibs. The company insist on having supervision over the consumers' piping and on the use of economy or cooling coils, the water of condensation being discharged into the sewer. They have 120,000 square feet of radiation, which heats approximately 10,000,000 cubic feet of space. The average temperature of their locality from October 1st to May 1st is 43.9 degrees. The service is giving entire satisfaction. HEAT AND LIGHT. YORK, PA. Population, 38,708 The Edison Electric Light Co. are operating a central heating plant in connection with their power plant, using live steam from the New Haven Power Co. The plant is giving satisfaction to their patrons, and doing a pros- perous business. SUMMARY. Under ordinary conditions for steam heating one horse power will heat in brick buildings 15,000 to 20,000 cubic feet ; in brick stores, 10,000 to 15,000 cubic feet ; in brick dwellings, 10,000 to 15,000 cubic feet; in brick churches, brick shops, etc., 8,000 to 12,000 cubic feet; wooden dwellings, 8,000 to 10,000 cubic feet The water of condensation in a steam-heating system is led into a steam trap and thence allowed to flow through a "cooling coil," before being discharged into the drain- age system. Where the exhaust steam is used in connection with a hot-water system, the water to be warmed is heated by the steam in large heaters, similar to feed-water heaters, and circulated through the mains by means of centrifugal pumps. INSULATION AND COST. The underground distributing system mains in either system must be properly insulated or the loss by condensa- tion will be very great. Fig. 21 shows a form of insulation which has proved quite satisfactory. Using this insulation, the hot water has been sent out through a two-pipe balanced system six and one-half miles or thirteen miles out, and returning at a loss of only 30 degrees, the water being sent out at a temperature of 170 degrees, and returning at 140 degrees. 154 HEAT AND LIGHT. This insulation as shown in the above figure, consists of all mains and laterals being enclosed in two 2-inch cypress boxes y* inch between each box, which space is filled with hair felt and spaced for air. The inner space around the two pipes is packed with pine shavings. All mains are laid with a cover of at least 2 feet of earth, the mains and laterals being standard full weight wrought iron pipe. When compressed air is used for the closer regulation of the thermostatic valves, the small air pipe should be laid on top of the outer box, as shown in Fig. 21. The following is the cost per foot for this insulation for a 12-inch main : Insulation $ 1.40 12-inch pipe double main 7.20 Air line 25 Shavings to fill main 15 Tar-paper and tar 15 Labor for excavating 50 Labor for filling in 50 Drayage and labor for laying . .75 Tees, expansion joints 2.00 Valves and tapping mains 1.50 Extra insulation for tees and manholes for valves and expansion joints 1.50 Total $14.40 The cost of a 10-inch, 8-inch, 6-inch and 4-inch main is smaller, but the difference in the cost of the pipe is the main difference in the total cost of insulation. CENTRAL STATION HEATING. Two Pipe Insulation. Fig. 21. 156 HEAT AND LIGHT. PHYSICAL VALUE OF A TWO-PIPE HOT WATER SYSTEM. 12 inch line 2,350 ft $3,238.30 10 " " 580 " 653.23 8 " " 5,550 " 4,1.47.52 6 " " 6,340 " 2,582.63 5 . " " 1,720 " 536.21 4 " " 6,280 " 1,458.21 3 " " 4,730 " 722.15 %y 2 " " 1,750 " 216.30 2 " " 1,670 " 129.26 l*2 " " 550 " 31.96 Total 31,520 ft. single main $13,695.77 2 2 63,040 ft. double main $27,391.54 INSULATING AND LAYING PIPE PER FOOT. Insulation, 20c per foot, 63,040 feet $12,608.00 Laying pipe, per foot $1.30, 31,520 feet 40,976.00 Valves and tapping mains, $1.00 per foot, 31,- 520 feet 31,520.00 Extra insulation for T's and manholes, for valves and expansion joints, 50c per foot, 31,520 feet 15,760.00 Air line, 25c per foot, 31,520 feet 7,880.00 Freight and hauling pipe 7,890.08 Boilers, tools and equipments 12,750.00 Building and site 6,000.00 $162,775.62 HEAT AND LIGHT. 157 RATES CHARGED BY CENTRAL HEATING PLANTS. In systems using STEAM for heating, the rates charged are based (1) Upon the number of pounds of steam con- densed per season; (2) Upon the cubical contents of space to be heated, usually per 1000 cubic feet; (3) Upon the square feet of heating surface installed. In those systems using HOT WATER for heating, the rates charged are based (1) Upon the number of square feet of radiation installed; (2) Upon the cubic contents of the space to be heated for the season, usually per 1000 cubic feet. In estimating the amount of heat required to maintain the constant temperature desired, the amount of air to be heated per hour must first be determined, and the heat loss due to glass and wall exposures per hour also deter- mined. With this known, the total heat required can be calculated, also, taking into consideration the average velocity of the wind and the changes of the air each hour, as the average building will have from two to six changes per hour. Among the leading companies installing central heating- plants, is the American District Co., Evans, Almirall & Co., Schott Specialty Co., and the Stahl Heaing Co. 158 HEAT AND LIGHT. SPECIFICATIONS FOR A COMPLETE HEATING PLANT. GENERAL. These specifications are intended to cover a complete heating plant in all details, and if, in these specifications, anything is needed to make the plant complete in accord- ance with the intent hereof, then in that case it shall be furnished by the contractor without any further charge to the purchaser. DEFINITION : Whenever the word "purchaser" is hereinafter referred to, it shall be understood to mean the Heating Company, of Whenever a "contractor" is hereinafter referred to, it shall be under- stood to mean the of Whenever a. classifica- tion hereinunder is specified and no mention is made of either the purchaser or contractor, it shall be understood that the contractor is to do the described work. REAL ESTATE. A piece or parcel of land shall be furnished by the con- tractor to the purchaser, the same to be located POWER HOUSE. Upon the above-described piece of real estate there shall be installed a substantial brick power house by the contractor, the same to be of neat design and suitable for the purpose of building therein the necessary appurte- nances for a complete central station heating plant, HEAT AND LIGHT. 159 BOILERS. There shall be installed a sufficient amount of heating- surface, the same to be divided into the number of units adapted for the work, sufficient heating surface, together with exhaust steam which is to be furnished to the plant by the company from the power house of the railway and electric company, sufficient capacity to handle at 10 de- grees above zero square feet of radiation, the same being operated with a hot water circulation. The above-described boilers shall be of the or some other water tube type equally as good. They shall be equipped with shaking grates and the necessary tools for the firing of the same. SMOKE STACK. A smoke stack of the proper diameter and height shall be installed for each battery of two boilers. Same shall be carried from the top of the boiler settings and main- tained by a guy stub set in the proper position. BOILER FEED PUMPS. There shall be furnished two bronze-fitted boiler feed pumps; each pump should have sufficient capacity to handle the entire plant with a piston speed not to exceed 100 feet per minute. FEED WATER HEATER. There shall be furnished a feed water heater and puri- fier of sufficient capacity to furnish boiler feed water for the number of boilers that will be necessary for the opera- tion of the plant in question. It shall also be of sufficient size to purify the water used in the heating system. 160 HEAT AND LIGHT. CIRCULATING PUMP. There shall be furnished two bronze-fitted special de-- signed hot water circulating pumps, to be used for the purpose of circulating the water in the heating system. They shall have a capacity of not less than fifteen gal- lons of water each per minute. They shall be erected upon the proper foundations by the contractor and equipped with automatic governors. PLACING, REGULATING AND RECEIVING PUMPS. There shall be furnished the necessary pumps, the same erected upon foundations and equipped with an automatic governor to relieve the apparatus from con- densation, maintain the necessary vacuum on the system, and to make the plant complete in all its details. VACUUM PUMPS. There shall be installed a vacuum pump of sufficient capacity, the same to be bronze-fitted throughout, to handle the exhaust steam which is to be received from the plant. Same shall be erected complete upon foundation to be furnished by the con- tractor. CONDENSERS. There shall be furnished two condensers, one of feet size, one of feet size. The same shall be de- livered and erected complete upon foundations furnished by the contractor. PIPE CONNECTIONS. The contractor shall furnish all necessary valves, fit- tings, pipe, labor, etc., so as to connect up all the above HEAT AND LIGHT. 161 described apparatus so as to be complete in all its details and in a good and workmanlike manner. PIPE COVERING. After all of the appartus has been installed and con- nected, all pipe and fitting shall be covered with an ap- proved pipe covering. AIR COMPRESSOR. There shall be furnished one air compressor, same hav- ing a capacity of ... feet of free air per minute. The same shall be equipped with the necessary regulators, storage tanks, etc. GAUGE BOARDS. There shall be furnished one marble gauge board, the same having mounted thereon all the necessary gauges, thermometer, etc., for the indicating of the proper work- ings of the system. PIPE LINE. The pipe line to be laid in the various streets in the city of shall be laid by the contractor and shall consist of the following pipe lines: feet of 14-inch main. feet of 12-inch main. feet of 10-inch main. feet of 8 inch main. feet of main which shall be of such average sizes so as to equal the cost of 6-inch main. LOCATION OF MAINS. The mains shall be located in such parts of the streets as found convenient on account of construction condi- tions. The mains shall be so laid as to have a cover of earth of at least two feet, excepting in such places as XI 162 HEAT AND LIGHT. obstructions are encountered ; then, in that case, the mini- mum depth from surface of street of top of insulation shall be at least twelve inches. MATERIALS. The materials to be used in the construction of the pipe lines in question, shall consist of gum lumber of the proper thickness and lengths, the same to be of a first- class quality. The pipe shall be of standard wrought full-weight pipe, of the Crane or National Tube Company's manu- facture, or something equally as good. All fittings shall be of standard grey iron and true as to weights, etc. The pipe lines shall be protected throughout with a system of valves and expansion joints. Wherever valves or ex- pansion joints are put into the system, they shall be sur- rounded with a brick manhole with a cast iron top, so as to permit of free access to the same. The expansion joints shall be so arranged that there will not be any undue strain on any of the fittings in the system. SERVICE OPENINGS. Service openings shall be made in the system as needed to provide for the taking off of service connections. They shall average at least one to every 100 feet of main. TEST. As the street work is installed, it shall be tested, so as to be tight under a pressure of not less than 60 pounds. RE-PAVING. Whenever any of the lines are laid in streets which have been paved, the pavement shall be replaced in as good a condition as found, HEAT AND LIGHT. 163 TIME OF COMPLETION. The work herein contemplated shall be completed and in full running order by , in accordance with the minimum terms of the franchise. FINALLY. During the construction of the plant the contractor shall furnish all the engineers and superintendents neces- sary for the complete building of the plant, together with the measuring of the buildings and making of contracts for the heating of the buildings. As soon as the plant is ready for operation the purchaser shall measure all buildings and make all heating contracts and shall pro- vide the necessary attendants for the operation of the plant, together with all the necessary fuels and materials for the proper operation of the same. The contractors shall furnish for a period of thirty (30) days, if neces- sary, an expert to instruct the superintendent of the heat- ing company in the proper management and operation of the plant. GUARANTEES. ' The contractor guarantees the plant shall be complete in all details and operate successfully as a central station heating plant, and any defects developing in one year shall be replaced by contractor without expense to pur- chaser. SYSTEM. The system shall be what is known as , and shall be built under the direction of . 164 HKAT AND LIGHT. CONTRACT FOR SUPPLYING EXHAUST STEAM FOR HEATING. This contract and agreement between the Company, the party of the first part, and hereinafter designated the "Vendor," and the ................. . ............... Heating Company, the party of the second part, hereinafter desig- nated the "Purchaser," witnesseth : That the vendor does agree to sell to the purchaser the use of the exhaust steam from its main engines for the purpose only of heating water distributed by the pur- chaser to buildings in and around the city of ........ . ................ on the following conditions, each of which is a part of the consideration in this agreement : First That vendor shall supply an outlet from the exhaust of each main engine in its power house on ......................... , and from this point pur- chaser shall install and maintain at its own expense all pipe, valves, fittings and accessories, necessary to con- duct the exhaust steam from the engines of the vendor to the plant of the purchaser, and the condensed steam from the plant of the purchaser to the hot well in the power house of the vendor, according to plans approved by the vendor and in a manner satisfactory to the ven- dor, and in such a manner and at such times as, in the opinion of the vendor, will not interfere with the oper- ation of the vendor's plant, provided that the vendor shall not impose conditions on the prosecution of the w r ork such as to prevent the completion by the purchaser of its work inside the power house in sixty (GO) working days. Second That purchaser shall pass through its heaters part, or all, of the exhaust steam delivered by the majn HEAT AND LIGHT. engines of the vendor between November 1, 1906, and May 1, 1907, and for the last three and first four months of each succeeding year during the life of this contract, and shall pay for the use of this steam three and eighty- five one-hundredths (3.85) cents for each one thousand (1,000) pounds of steam received. It is further agreed by the purchaser that the total payment between November 1, 1906, and May 10, 1907, shall be not less than ; that the total payment between October 1, 1907, and May 10, . . . . , shall be not less than ; that the total payment between October 1, . . . . , and May 10, . . . . , shall be not less than ; that the total payment between October 1, . . . . , and May 10, . . . . , shall be not less than : and between October 1, . . . . , and May 10, . . . . , not less than If the purchaser shall fail to use between October 1 of each year and May 10 of the following year, seventy-five per cent (75%) or more of the exhaust steam output of the main engines of the vendor, then the vendor may terminate and cancel this contract on thirty (30) days' notice to the purchaser, unless the purchaser shall, upon receipt of said notice, pay the vendor such an amount as, together with the previous payments for steam furnished since the 1st of October preceding, will make up the full value of seventy-five per cent (75%) of the exhaust of the vendor's main engines at the above mentioned price. In case of dispute as to the amount of the output of exhaust steam, this amount in pounds shall be considered to be the number of kilowatt hours output of the vendor's station during the time under dispute, multiplied by thirty (30). 166 HEAT AND LIGHT. The amount of steam furnished by the vendor shall be measured by passing it, after condensation, through two (2) water meters, one furnished by the vendor and one by the purchaser. These meters shall each be read jointly by a representative of the vendor and a repre- sentative of the purchaser, on the first of each month dur- ing the heating season, and payment at the above rate shall be made by the purchaser to the vendor not later than the tenth of each month or the number of pounds of steam furnished the purchaser during the preceding month, as shown by the average of the readings of the two (2) meters. Either the purchaser or the vendor may at any time cause either meter to be removed and tested, provided that the expense of such removal and test shall be borne by the party requesting it. In the ab- sence of the second meter the reading of the remaining meter alone shall be considered as the correct measure of steam furnished. The accredited representative of the vendor shall have the right at all .times to enter the plant of the purchaser and to inspect same to insure the return to the vendor of all steam delivered to the purchaser. The representative of the purchaser shall have access to the plant of the vendor at all times to inspect and re- pair the pipes and accessories belonging to the purchaser, provided, however, that no repairs on the premises of the vendor shall be made except at such time and in such manner as the engineer in charge of the vendor's station shall specifically permit, and provided that no representa- tive of the purchaser shall open, close, or tamper with any valve or apparatus on the premises of the vendor without the specific permission of said engineer in charge of the v-endor's station. . AND LIGHT. 167 Third The exhaust from pumps, exciter, engines and other auxiliaries connected with the power house of the vendor shall not be considered as part of the above-men- tioned exhaust steam from main engines. Fourth The purchaser shall use all the exhaust from the engine or engines at any given time connected to its main, before demanding the connection of an additional engine. Fifth The purchaser shall give the engineer in charge of the vendor's power house not less than thirty (30) minutes' notice of its desire to have cut in or out each engine to be connected to or disconnected from its main. Sixth Nothing in this agreement shall require the vendor to run more engines than it deems necessary for its own purposes, and the vendor shall at all times be free to run such engine or engines as in its own opinion are most suited to its own purposes. Seventh The purchaser shall return, condensed, to the hot well of the vendor above mentioned, all of the steam received from the vendor at a temperature not less than 110 Fahrenheit, without having contaminated it with oil or otherwise. Eighth The purchaser shall maintain on the exhaust of each and every engine connected to their main vacuums not less than the following : At no time less than 10 inches When the tempera- ture of the exter- nal air is not less than 10 F. vacuum not less than 11 inches Same 20 F. vacuum not less than 12 inches 30 F. vacuum not less than 15 inches 40 F. vacuum not less than 16 inches 168 HEAT AND LIGHT. Same 50 F. vacuum not less than 18 inches " 00 F. vacuum not less than 20 inches " 05 F. vacuum not less than 24 inches It is understood and agreed between the vendor and purchaser that the above external temperature shall be that reported by the U. S. weather bureau for the city of Ninth It shall be optional with the vendor to supply at any time live steam at the pressures above enumerated in place of part or all of the exhaust steam of its main en- gines and in case the vendor elects to furnish live steam the amount in pounds to be considered equivalent to the exhaust steam produced during the time live steam is sub- stituted, shall be the number of kilowatt hours produced by the purchaser during the same hours of the same day or days of the preceding year, plus fifteen per cent (15%) and multiplied by thirty (30). Tenth In case of break down or accident in the power house or any part of the plant of the vendor, which break down or accident shall partly or wholly prevent the ven- dor from furnishing exhaust steam as herein agreed, the vendor shall not be liable for any claim or claims for damages arising from said failure to furnish steam. Eleventh The purchaser hereby agrees not to gener- ate electricity for any purpose whatever, and further not to buy or use exhaust steam or waste heat in any form from any plant, party partnership or corporation gener- ating electricity, manufacturing gas, or using gas or other hydro-carbon for power generation, or in any way competing with the vendor. The purchaser further agrees not to pass through its works, pipes, or mains any water or other fluid heated by any plant other than its own, and further to purchase no steam or heat in any form except AND LIGHT. 169 coal, oil, wood, or garbage for consumption in its own plant until it shall have utilized all the exhaust steam from the vendor's plant. Twelfth It is understood and agreed, by and between the vendor and purchaser that no charge other than those above mentioned shall be made for the location of the pur- vendor require the alteration of the location of said pipe chaser's pipe lines on the property of the vendor or for the attachment of the purchaser's water supply line to the intake of the vendor, but that should the plans of the lines of. the purchaser, the purchaser shall make such alterations as may be specified by the vendor within thirty (30) days from receipt of written notice to do so, provided that the purchaser shall not be required to make during the last three or first four months of any year any alteration which will necessitate the total or partial shut down of the plant. Thirteenth The duration of this contract shall be years from date of signature unless cancelled on account of non-fulfillment of one or more of the above conditions. 170 HEAT AND LIGHT. CHAPTER IX. ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICITY. As no incinerating plant can be made a financial suc- cess unless the waste heat is utilized either for power or heat, no city official or engineer can pass intelligently upon the merits of any incinerator plant or system who is not familiar with at least the elements of electricity, which is the chief product from the utilization of such heat. From electricity is produced light and power, light for the streets and buildings, and power to operate the motor mills, rock crushers, and the other municipal works. What is electricity is not known. It is invisible and impalpable. Our knowledge of it is confined to its gen- eration and application, but this alone is of moment to the official or engineer. Without this knowledge, all plans and specifications for incinerating plants become unintel- ligible, and place municipalities at the mercy of the con- tractor. The subject of electricity is divided into (1) Static electricity, or electricity at rest. (2) Current electricity, or electricity in motion. (3) Magnetism, or electricity in rotation. (4) Electricity in vibration or radiation. But only current or dynamic electricity will be consid- ered in this work, as it covers most of the field of the uses of electricity in the utilization of waste heat. HKAT AND LIGHT. 171 The production of electricity is the transforming of one form of energy into another, usually by mechanical means, and a dynamo or generator is simply a device for effecting such transformation. An electric motor, on the contrary, is a device for changing electrical into mechanical energy. An electric current manifests itself by the heating of the wire or the conductor through which it passes, or by causing a magnetic field around the wire or conductor, or lastly, by causing chemical changes in a liquid through which it is made to pass. All these manifestations indicate the character of use- ful work capable of being performed by an electric cur- rent. First, the heat caused by the resistence of the con- ductor through which the current passes, is made to gen- erate light and heat. Second, the magnetic field around the wire or conductor is used to operate all character of electrical machines and motors and also make high volt- age currents safe and practical by the use of transformers. Third, the chemical changes brought about in the liquid by the passage through it of the current is used for the storage of electricity to be later used, as needed. STORAGE; RATTSRISS. Storage and secondary batteries, also called accumu- lators, consist of cells which are filled with the liquid in which the chemical change is to be produced by the passage of an electric current through it. The current decomposes the liquid, or electrolyte, as it is called, so that when the passage of the current ceases there are two chemical elements separated, and with a tendency to reunite, and during the process of again com- 172 HEAT AND LIGHT. bining the energy evolved appears as an electric current, but flowing in an opposite direction to that of the charg- ing current. This flow of current continues until the ele- ments are restored to their original condition, when it ceases, and the cell is said to be discharged. An electrolyte is a chemical compound which is capable of acting as an electric conductor, and while so acting undergoes chemical decomposition. This action is called electrolysis. A primary cell is one in which the electric energy is produced by the chemical action on the plates of the cell, and which, when the solutions or plates are exhausted, are not restored to their original condition by the passage of an electric current. Almost all primary cells will act more or less perfectly as secondary or storage cells. CIRCUIT. A circuit is a path composed of a conductor, which is usually copper wire, through which an electric current flows from a given point around through the conductor back again to the starting point. There is no actual flow of the current, for there is no transfer of matter or parti- cles. A conductor carrying a current presents the same appearance as one not, the only manifestation being the heating of the conductor, should the capacity of the wire be too small for the current carried. The flow of the cur-- rent is caused by the difference of potential, and the great- er the amount of potential difference, the greater is said to be the pressure or electromotive force, usually written E. M. P., or voltage which causes the flow. The strength of the current flowing through the conductor depends directly upon the amount of this electromotive force and HEAT AND LIGHT. I 73 also upon. the amount of the resistance to the flow. If the circuit is short and composed of good conductors, the current will be much stronger than if it were long and composed of poor conductors. The three principal units used in the measurement of a current of electricity are : The Ampere, or the unit denoting the rate of flow of the current, or its strength. The Volt, or the unit of electrical potential, or pressure. The Ohm, or the unit of resistance. The Watt, or the unit of power, and is obtained by multiplying the current by the voltage, or by multiplying the square of the current by the resistance. For large units the term kilowatt is used, which is equal to 1,000 watts, the abbreviation being K. W. The kilo- watt hour is the energy expended in one hour when the power is one kilowatt. The relation of the first three units can be better under- stood by the analogy often used of the flow of water through a pipe. The force which causes the water to flow through the pipe is called the head, or pressure; that which resists the flow is the friction of the water against the pipe, while the rate of flow, or current, may be expressed in gallons per minute. Now as the pressure or head increases, the rate of flow or current increases in proportion, but as the resistance increases the current diminishes. In the case of electricity, the electromotive force, or potential, corresponds to the head of water, or pressure ; and the resistence of the conductor, to the friction of the water against the pipe ; while the strength of the cur- rent is the ratio of the electromotive force to the resist- ance of the conductor. This ratio was discovered by Dr. HEAT AND LIGHT. Ohm, and is therefore called Ohm's law, and is the foun- dation of applied electricity, for there is hardly a problem in electrical work that it does not enter. This law is usually expressed algebraically, thus : ELECTRO MOTIVE FORCE Strength of current ~ or Amperes = RESISTANCE. voi/rs OHMS. or C = E, as it is commonly expressed, RT in which C equals current, E equals the electromotive force expressed in volts, and R equals resistance, ex- pressed in Ohms. From this formula is derived E = CxR, orR^ E, C these terms all being dependent upon each other. For watts we have the formula W = E x C. With any two of these terms given, it can be seen that the third term can readily be found. As seen, the current varies directly as the voltage varies and indirectly as the resistance varies. That is, the current increases when the voltage increases and decreases when the resistance increases. With the above four formulas any calculation in electricity becomes most simple. For instance, suppose you wish to find what current will flow through a resist- ance of 3 Ohms, at a pressure of 6 volts. Substituting in formula (1), we have C (amperes) equals 6 equals 2 amperes. 3 Again, we have a lamp the resistance of which we know to be 12 Ohms, and we are using 2 amperes of cur- rent; what E, M, F, (volts) is necessary? HEAT AND LIGHT. 175 Using formula (2) we have E (volts) equal 2x12 equal 24 volts. Suppose we wish to know the resistance of a wire coil through which a current of 6 amperes will pass with 20 volts pressure? Substituting in formula (3), we have R (Ohms) equal 20 6 equals 3 1-3 Ohms. Lastly, we have a small motor taking 2 amperes at 5 volt pressure to run it, how many watts of current does it consume? Substituting in formula (4), we have W (watts) equals 2x5 equals 10 watts. ' ALTERNATING AND CONTINUOUS CURRENTS. Two kinds of electricity are generated by a dynamo or generator, distinguished by the direction of their flow. The continuous or direct current flows continuously in one direction, while the alternating current alternates the direction of its flow back and forward the entire length of the circuit. These alternations may be ten thousand times a second or only a hundred a second, this being called the frequency of the alternations. For lighting it is necessary to have at least forty complete alterations per second. The direct current is a constant and unvarying- current, and the machines used for its generation are divided in two types : (1) Constant Potential Dynamos, in which machine, although the pressure, or voltage may vary, the amount of the current does not. (2) Constant Current Dynamos, in which machine, al- though the strength of the current may vary, the pressure, or voltage, remains constant. Each of these currents have their advantages and adap- tability for their particular classes of work, as will be HEAT AND LIGHT. 177 shown later. All current when first produced by a dy- namo or generator is alternating, and to send it out as a direct current, it is necessary that it be changed upon the machine before transmission, and the addition of the commutator to make this change practically constitutes .the only difference between a direct and an alternating current dynamo or generator. THE DYNAMO. (Fig. 22.) The dynamo is a machine driven by power, usually steam or water, and producing the necessary pressure for the production of an electric current. A dynamo when in action is like a cistern at a high level, or a pump, for it urges or forces the current through the conductor. Without such force or pressure as pro- duced by the dynamo, there would be no more flow of an electrical current, than there would be of water from one receptacle to another, when they are on the same level. Dynamos are classified into (1) Uni-polar, (2) Bi- polar, (3) Multi-polar machines, according to the number of pole pieces upon them, and they are used for three principal purposes : 1. Incandescent lighting. 2. Arc lighting. 3. For distribution of power. When used for power purposes, the machine is called a generator, that is, when it generates electricity to be used through motors. This machine in its simplest form consists of two main parts: (1) an armature, which in revolving induces electromotive forces in the conductor wound upon it; (2) a field magnet, whose function is to 12 1~ 8 HKAT AND LIGHT. provide a field of magnetic lines to be cut by the armature conductors as they revolve. In all dynamos, whether for direct or alternating currents, these two parts are the same. Usually the field magnet remains stationary while the ar- mature rotates, but in recent patterns of alternators, the armature remains stationary, and the field magnets rotate. It is always the field magnet which maintains its mag- netism steady during the revolution, while the magnetism of the armature alone regularly changes and this variation of the magnetism determines the type of machine. It has been found most convenient to supply incandescent light- ing systems by the constant potential system, and arc lighting systems by the constant current system. The essential difference between a direct current ma- chine and an alternator, as an alternating current machine is called, is the use of a commutator upon the former machine for rectifying the current, that is, to change it from an alternating to a direct current. The commuta- tor is attached to the armature and revolves with it. In the case of an alternator there is no need of a com- mutator, but metallic rings, known as collecting rings, takes its place, the collecting brushes pressing against them. The dynamo, therefore, is seen to consist of five essen- tial parts, viz. : (1) The armature, or revolving part. (2) The field magnets which produce the magnetic field in which the armature rotates. (3) The pole pieces. (4) The commutator or collector. (5) The collecting brushes. 180 HEAT AND LIGHT. TYPES OF DYNAMOS. There are two principal types of dynamos : ( 1 ) Direct current, and the (2) Alternating current machine. The direct current machines are divided into three classes: (1) Series wound ; (2) Shunt wound; (3) Com- pound wound, depending upon the manner the field mag- nets are connected to the armature. SERIES DYNAMO. The manner in which the connections are made on this type of machine can be seen from Fig. 23. In this type, the whole of the current generated in the armature, passes direct through the coils of the field magnet, which is wound with several turns of heavy wire, and thence out to the external circuit. The current in passing through the coils of the field magnet energizes same, creating a magnetic field between the N. & S. poles, in which magnetic field the armature revolves as shown clearly in the cut. SHUNT WOUND DYNAMOS. This type which is shown in Fig. 23, differs from the series wound machine in that the whole of the current does not pass through the field coils, but an independent circuit is used for exciting its field magnet. This inde- pendent circuit is composed of a large number of turns of fine wire, which are wound around the field magnet and connected direct to the brushes, so as to form a by- pass or shunt to the brushes and external circuit, in addi- tion to the main current, which is taken off direct from the brushes. There are two paths presented to the current as it leaves the armature, viz. : The external circuit and WINDING FOR SEPARATELY EXCITED DYNAMO Fig. 24. 182 HEAT AND LIGHT. the path through the field coils. Most of the current flows through the external path, as it offers much less resistance than the shunt path through the field coils, it being of much larger wire. The resistance of the shunt circuit is always made very great, as compared to the resistence of the armature and external circuit, as this circuit is used alone to secure a closer regulation of the machine than afforded by the series type. The strength of the current through the field coils rarely exceed 1 5 amperes, even in the largest size machines. COMPOUND WOUND DYNAMOS. This type, as shown in Fig. 23, is a combination of the series and shunt wound machines, the field magnet being wound with two sets of coils, one set being con- nected in series, and the other set in parallel with the armature and external circuit. This affords a much closer regulation than the shunt type, and automatically maintaining a constant pressure, and is therefore used almost exclusively for incandescent lighting. The above three types are what is known as self-excit- ing machines, as they require no independent battery or dynamo for exciting their field magnets, but excite their fields themselves, as above described. ALTERNATORS. Ill order to operate this type of machine, which is shown in Fig. 24, an independent direct current dynamo or battery is necessary for exciting its field magnets, called an exciter. It is therefore not in general use for small in- stallations, being principally used where an alternating current is required, as with an alternating current a self- HEAT AND LIGHT. 183 exciting machine is impossible, owing to the fact that the fields can not be magnetized with such a current. The E. M. F. and current of this type of dynamo is regulated by varying the strength of the magnetizing current produced by the independent dynamo or battery which is connected direct to the field coils. The strength of this independent current is regulated by the regu- lator R. CONNECTING OF DYNAMOS. In large installations, such as central generating sta- tions, it is neither economical or desirable that the entire current should be furnished from a single dynamo or generator. As it is economy to always work a dynamo at full load, or as near a full load as possible, it is mani- fest that this would be impossible with only one machine, o\ving to the fluctuation of the load. In order to secure a maximum efficiency it is usual to divide up the plant into a number of units, so that the load can be taken care of at all times, irrespective of its fluctuations. At the "peak" of the load all the units can be worked, and as the load decreases the units can be cut out, so as to always keep a full load on the machines kept running. The output of a dynamo is composed of two factors, the pressure, or voltage, and the current, or amperage. Either or both of these can be increased by the addition of more machines, the same as the boiler horse power of a plant can be increased by the installing of more boilers. The uses of electricity at the present time require the maintenance of either a constant current, or a constant pressure in a circuit, and to comply with these require- ments it becomes necessary to connect the dynamos or generators together in several different ways. 184 HEAT AND LIGHT. In coupling two or more machines in parallel the pressure or voltage of all the machines are kept constant, and the current or amperage alone varies. In the series connection the pressure or voltage of the machines is increased, while the current, or amperage, remains the same. Fig. 25 shows the cells when completed in series and also when connected in parallel. Also connection of lights in series and parallel. Fig. 26 shows the principal systems of connected lights. When the machines are connected in parallel all the positive terminals are connected together, and all the negative terminals the same way; or the positive and negative terminals of each machine can be connected respectively to two insulated copper bars, called omnibus or "bus" bars. When in series, the negative and positive terminals are connected to each other. SHUNT DYNAMOS IN SERIES. This is the usual method of connecting up dynamos so as to run either in parallel or series. To connect in series the positive terminal of one machine is connected to the negative terminal of the other. The ammeter, fuses and switch are connected through the outer terminals, as shown in Fig. 27. SHUNT MACHINES IN PARALLEL. To connect shunt machines in parallel, it is only nec- essary to connect the positive and negative terminals of each machine respectively to the positive and negative "bus" bars, as shown in Fig. 28. V A 0) CO = ~ re 5 TJ C re 43 to ^ (^ 03 . HEAT AND LIGHT. 187 SERIES DYNAMOS IN SERIES. Series wound machines will run satisfactorily when connected in series, as shown in Fig. 29. SERIES DYNAMOS IN PARALLEL. Series wound machines are not adapted to run in par- allel, as machines of this type are not constructed for the purpose of maintaining a constant pressure. In order to operate such machines in parallel, an "equalizer" is nec- essary, as shown in Fig. 30. This is a third connection between the ends of all the series coils, where they join the armature circuit. This causes the whole of the cur-- rent generated by all the machines to be divided among the series coils of the several machines. This maintains constant the fields of the several machines, and maintains an equality of pressure, thereby preventing reversal of polarity, and keeping the machines together under all con- ditions of load. COMPOUND DYNAMOS IN SERIES. It is only necessary to connect the series coil of each together, as shown in Fig. 29. The shunt windings must be connected as a single shunt. COMPOUND DYNAMOS IN PARALLEL. Such machines will not run together satisfactorily unless the series coils are connected together by an equal- izing connection, as shown in Fig. 32. The connection is the same as when series dynamos are connected in par- allel. UJ u CO z CO I HEAT AND LIGHT. 189 COUPLING OF AIvTERATORS. In order that the output of one alternator may be added to another it is necessary that the E. M. F. of each ma- chine shall be in exact agreement, so that they will have equal frequencies, or be in phase, or in step with each other. METHOD OF MEASUREMENTS. To ascertain the amount of current flowing in a circuit an ammeter, which is designated in Fig. 33 as A, is inserted in scries in one of the mains. The whole of the current passing to the lamps L, therefore must pass through it and be measured. A voltmeter, designated as V, is connected across the two main leads, or in shunt with the dynamo, and there- fore measures the difference of potential between the two mains in volts. USE OF DIFFERENT TYPES. The series wound machines are used almost exclusively for street car motors, such a type being totally unfit for constant potential work. The shunt and compound wound machines are practically used for all power and incandes- cent lighting circuits. The constant current type is devoted mostly to arc lighting. Of the three types described above, the compound wound machine is by far the most used, owing to its close and automatic regula- tion. CO cr < CD CO + I TJ 3 O a o O 13 9MUMT COILS vWVWAA- 1 COMPOUND DYNAMOS IN PARALLEL, Fig. 32. 1 ,$ . I < 196 HEAT AND LIGHT. CHAPTER X. INCINERATORS COMBINED WITH ELECTRIC- ITY AND WATER WORKS. Incineration can never become a success in this country until the waste heat from a properly constructed furnace is utilized for some useful power or heating purpose. Not to so utilize this waste heat, is to lose the principal ad- vantage of incineration over all other systems of garbage disposal and to reduce it to as primitive a method of garbage disposal as dumping and as costly as reduction. In a properly constructed incinerating furnace, a tempera- ture of 2000 degrees F. can be constantly maintained, the gases leaving the furnace at a temperature not less than 1500 degrees, which is the average temperature maintained in a boiler furnace, and to waste this heat up the chimney is to burn up money. In the modern incin- erating plant, steam boilers are installed between the in- cinerator and the chimney, and this waste heat made to pass under them before being allowed to escape into the atmosphere, thereby not only making this heat do useful work, but removing from the gases in their long travel all dust and noxious odors before being allowed to escape. This heat is as constant as that obtained from coal-fired furnaces under boilers, and just as high a steam pressure can therefore be maintained in the boilers. As incinerat- ing plants are operated continuously throughout the twenty- four hours, their heavier work being at night when the garbage can be delivered with less objection than HEAT AND LIGHT. 197 during the day, it makes their combination with electric lighting plants especially advantageous. The great econ- omy of such a combination can be seen at a glance, as the waste heat which would be otherwise wasted is made to operate the electric plant without one cent additional cost. Such a combination as above described is no longer an experiment, for there are now successfully operating in England alone, over sixty such plants, while there has been recently installed in New York City, an electric plant in combination with their incinerating plant, which is furnishing lights for the new Williamsburg Bridge and the surrounding district. In Liverpool, where there are four incinerator installations located in different sections of the city, the waste heat from 300 tons of refuse is utilized for traction purposes, while in London the re- sultant power from 800 tons of refuse is used for electric lighting. From this can be seen the enormous waste of power in our larger cities. In the City of St. Louis alone it can be safely said that 3200 h. p. is thus daily wasted. Comparative statement showing the number of elec- trical units generated per ton of refuse destroyed at twenty combined electricity and destructor works in England : !& !-s . H- 1 " "* xj v a-; M i s mi *js O o>o <3 .* Q Accrington ...... Lancashire .... 25 60 Bangor ......... Hornsby ...... 20 9 Cleckheaton ..... Lancashire .... 35 12 !98 HEAT AND LIGHT. g ^S. OT> 5 111,; ill 1 * 1 85 1 525 o 3 s v j>v s & H* E- < < Colne Babcock 20 18 Darwen . .Lancashire .... 33 35 Fulham Babcock 26-62 100 Gloucester Babcock 35 25 Grays Lancashire .... 33 8 Liverpool Babcock 29-5 97 Llandudno Babcock 32 15 Nelson Lancashire .... 40 30 Patrick Babcock 27 42 Rhyl Babcock 15 16 St. Helens Babcock 37.3 32 Shipley Lancashire 37.8 25 Shoreditch Babcock 20 80 Stepney Bal^cock 32 165 Warrington Babcock 80 50 Wimbledon Babcock 45 54 Wrexham Lancashire .... 38 35 ESTIMATE OF LIGHT AND POWER FROM A 150-TON INCINERATOR. With a properly constructed incinerator using" mechan- ical draft, 8 I. H. P. can be developed per ton of refuse burned, or 1200 I. H. P. in 24 hours from a 150-ton in- cinerator. This is equal to 895.2 K. W. Allowing 92 per cent efficiency and 11 per cent loss, this is equal to 603.55 K. W., or 150,889 candle power; which would HEAT AND LIGHT. 199 permit of 9430 lamps of 16 C. P. each, or 4716 lamps of 32 C. P. each, or 336 lamps of 2000 C. P. each. With coal at $2.00 per ton and allowing 10 cents per ton for labor, the cost of incineration per ton of refuse should not exceed 19 cents, making a daily cost (24 hours) of a 150-ton incinerator $28.50, i. e., $1.19 per hour. Burning 6.25 tons of refuse per hour, would generate 50 H. P. per hour, or 37.3 K. W., costing $1.19 or 3.2 cents per K. W., requiring nothing for the cost of the in- cineration, or $28.50 per day for the incineration, which would give the above output of electric current at not one cent cost. With three such incinerating plants in a city of six hundred thousand inhabitants, all public build- ings and the principal business streets could be lighted at no expense whatever. Should the city have a term con- tract for its lighting with some company, then these lights could be distributed through the parks and other public places to beautify the city. Light is the best protection that can be given the public, better even than the most efficient police force, then, why not collect and utilize all refuse for this purpose. While it is true that the calorific value of different re- fuse will vary greatly, this is no serious objection, as that of coal also varies greatly. No city should be misled by statements that the garbage can be burned by itself alone. During the summer months when the garbage will run 80 per cent moisture, at least 90 Ibs. of coal to every ton of garbage must be burned; in fact, it would be safe to estimate that an average of this amount of coal per ton of refuse burned will be required throughout the entire year. 200 HEAT AND LIGHT. Refuse at its best is a very poor fuel, but it has its value, and this value is sufficient to make a plant operated from its waste heat at least self-supporting-, which would mean a saving of thousands of dollars to every American city, besides affording a sanitary and economical method of garbage disposal. What has been said as to combining electrical works with an incinerator, applies with equal advantages to such a combination with water works, especially in the smaller towns. There is only one exception and that is when operated in connection with water works, a greater pre- caution must be taken, in order to prevent any contamina- tion from the refuse. This can be secured by a little care, and using closing doors where the refuse is dis- charged. LABOR. As over 50 per cent of the total cost of disposing of refuse is for labor, it is evidently a most important factor, but one which in this country has been given but slight attention, owing to the mistaken belief that any class of labor could do this character of work. No greater mistake can be made than to employ unskilled labor for refuse destruction. Should the incinerator be operated as such alone, without a power or heat combination, there still remains the most difficult work connected with proper incineration, viz. : the clinkering of the furnace. Upon this being properly done depends the character of the clinker and its sale. With proper clinkering in a high temperature furnace, the clinker is removed hard and vitreous, and finds at all times a ready sale for mortar, street or paving work. If improperly clinkered, it is removed soft and full of foul odors, making it not only a nuisance, but its removal HEAT AND LIGHT. 201 a source of expense, as it being worthless it then must be hauled away. When one considers how few good firemen can be had for coal-fired furnaces, and how easily coal is stoked in comparison with the clinker formed in an incinerating furnace, there can be no question but that only skilled firemen can be used successfully for this work. When the incinerator is operated in combination with a heating, electrical or water works plant, the necessity of skilled labor is still more obvious. In such an incinerat- ing plant not only should skilled engineers and firemen alone be employed, but the chief engineer should be a man capable not only of successfully operating the steam plant, but also the incinerating furnaces under him, and seeing that the entire plant is maintained at its highest efficiency. Irrespective of the make of the incinerator used, or whether operated alone or in combination, only skilled and well paid labor can be employed with profit. COST OF INSTALLATION AND ESTIMATED OPERATING EXPENSE OF A 300-ARC LIGHT PLANT, 150 K. W. Lamps 500 watts, on every night, all night. Efficiency of dynamo and engine, 87%. Efficiency of transformer, 95%. 1 Ib. coal evaporates 7^ Ibs. water. 26 Ibs. steam develops 1 h. p. Requires 242 h. p. 4410 hrs. per year. Cost of plant, $80.000. 202 HEAT AND LIGHT. ESTIMATE OPERATING EXPENSES. 1,856 tons coal at $2.00 $3,712.00 Removal of ashes 175.00 Water 300.00 Carbons and globes 1,000.00 Oil, etc 600.00 2 engineers at $100 per mo 2,400.00 2 firemen at $60 per month 1,440.00 1 lineman . 720.00 1 lineman, cash 300.00 Interest 4% on $80,000 3,200.00 Depreciation and replacement 5% on $55,000. . 2,750.00 Depreciation and replacement 10% on $25,000. 2,500.00 Insurance 1% on $55,000.. 550.00 $19,647.00 COST LAMP, $65.50. If 1 Ib. coal evaporates only 5 Ibs water. Total cost $21,581.00 COST LAMP, $72.00. By combining this plant with an incinerating plant, the sum of $6,112.00 can be annually saved in the ex- pense of coal and labor alone, which is about 33 per cent of the total operating expenses of the plant. HEAT AND LIGHT. CHAPTER XL INCINERATOR SITE AND BUILDINGS. Next in importance to the selection of the proper method of disposing of the refuse, is the question of the location of the plant to be used for that purpose. This is not only a question affecting the health of a community, but one of special interest to the taxpayer who must pay the cost of long and useless hauls to such a plant, should it be improperly located. Should incineration be adopted as the method of disposal, a long haul to a plant located at or near the city limits is not only an unnecessary ex- pense, but a positive menace to health of the residents of the streets through which it is hauled. . With a properly constructed incinerating furnace, there is no possibility of the escape of noxious odors or objec- tionable smoke, for there must be complete combustion. The plant itself would be less objectionable than a steam power plant similarly located, for not only is there an absence of all smoke, but also of the- noises which usually accompany a manufacturing plant. By locating the incinerating plant in the central section of the city, not only is the great expense of the long hauls avoided, but the unsanitary feature of hauling the drip- ping garbage for a long distance through the streets re- moved. No time should be lost in the rapid disposal of the garbage after its collection, for it is during this period of time that it becomes most objectionable, both to the senses and to health. Its value for reduction purposes also depends on dispatch in its handling. 204 HSAT AND LIGHT. It costs the city of St. Louis $70,000 annually to dis- pose of its 70,000 tons of garbage and $116,900 to collect same, this being about the average cost for the collection and disposal of garbage in the different cities of this country. This cost of $1.67 per ton for the collection of the gar- bage is due to the long hauls necessary under the present system. Should there be three incinerators located in central sections of the city, this cost of collection could be reduced at least 75 per cent. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that a well con- structed incinerator is entirely unobjectionable. No less than 94 per cent of all the incinerators in Great Britian are located in or near the central sections of its cities, and in the city of Sheerness, the combined incinerator and water works plant is located only 8 feet from their prin- cipal school. By locating the incinerator in a central section of the city its waste heat can be utilized for useful work, such as for electric lighting, and thereby make it a self-supporting method of garbage disposal, instead of the enormously expensive methods now adopted by all American cities. While a properly constructed incinerating plant can never become objectionable, on the contrary, it is impossi- ble to operate a reduction plant without it being a nui- sance. I have seen garbage cooked for days under a steam pressure of 175 pounds to the square inch in the latest and most improved form of digesters and at the end of this time the odors were as foul, or worse, than at first. These odors can only be destroyed by subjecting them to a furnace temperature of at least 1500 degrees F. and to do this would require an incinerator operated in conjunc- HEAT AND LIGHT. 205 tion with every reduction plant. The prompt collection and delivery of garbage would decrease this nuisance to a great extent. While admitting the value of the reduction process for that portion of the refuse which can be utilized at a profit, which is about 23 per cent, there can be no denying the fact that the best location for any reduction plant is just as far from the residence of any citizen as it is pos- sible to get it. As dead animals and kitchen garbage constitutes this 23 per cent of refuse for reduction, the necessary accumulation of this refuse at the plant w r hile being sorted and made ready for the digesters, etc., is most offensive and unsanitary. For a city of six to seven hundred thousand inhabitants, there should at least be three incinerating plants, located in different sections of the city and easy of access, and one reduction plant located at or near the city limits, which can be reached without requiring the refuse to be hauled through the principal streets of the city. INCINERATOR BUILDINGS. The building should be two stories in height, and con- structed of the best building brick throughout, with either a slate or steel roof, properly supported by steel I beams and cinder fire-proof throughout. The walls of the first floor should be 18 inches in thickness, and of the second floor 13 inches in thickness. All partitions should be of brick and 13 inches in thickness. All of the lower floor should be of the best concrete, and the second floor laid with 3-inch plank. The height of the first and second floors should be 16 feet. e. BOIL CR5. INCINERATOR. ENGINE AND CeiMERATOR CLINKERS. .APPROACH ROAD. MEN-J ROOM'S BELOW. -^r,Tn TIPPING FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR LINQTHB WIDTHHB WALLS IST. FLOOR 18" " ftw>. " 13" PARTITIONS 13" HEIQHT (ST. FLOOR |fa HEIGHT a>to.FLOOR lfc LOWER FLOOR L CONCRETE. SECOND FLOOR 3" PLANK. GROUND PLAN. Cjratfe m BRANCH GARBAGE INCINERATOR BRICK ENCLOSURE TOR SAME. Fig. 34. HEAT AND LIGHT. 207 APPROACH ROADWAY TO BUILDING. The approach roadway to second floor should be not more than 20 per cent grade, and 12 feet in width, with the retaining walls of the best hard brick, laid on solid rock foundation and supported by steel I beams, with the best fire-proofing to be used between the beams. The roadway to be laid with vitrified paving brick, or granite blocks. The building should be of ample dimensions to permit of future power installations. For a 50 or 80-ton incin- erator, the building should be at least 56 feet in length and 40 feet in width. Figs. 34, 35 and 36 show plans of building suitable for the Branch and other Incinerators. 210 HEAT AND LIGHT. CHAPTER XII. NATURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAFT. The maintenance of proper draft at all times, irre- spective of the nature or quantity of the furnace charge, or the atmospheric conditions, is the first and most essential requirement for the successful incineration of garbage. Without sufficient draft, under positive and flexible control, the high furnace temperature necessary for the complete incineration of garbage, cannot be obtained, and if obtained could not be maintained. Combustion in all furnaces, is simply the combination of the elements carbon and hydrogen in the garbage or fuel used, with the oxygen in the air. The supply of air is furnished by the draft, and the draft is produced either by natural or mechanical means. A NATURAL DRAFT is produced by a stack or chimney, while a mechanical draft is produced by mechanical means, such as a blower, a fan, or a steam jet. The draft pro- duced by a blower or steam jet is called a FORCED OR PLENUM draft, while that produced by a fan is an IN- DUCED OR VACUUM DRAFT. The natural draft is the oldest and the most primitive method of producing a draft, but for a garbage incin- erator it is insufficient and unsuitable. The constructors of American incinerators alone have employed this method for obtaining a draft, and it is partially due to this fact that there has been such a great number of fail- ures in this country. HEAT AND LIGHT. 211 Of the 200 incinerators in successful operation in other countries, not one uses other than a mechanical draft, either forced or induced. The reason for this is apparent when you consider that 1,700 pounds of every ton of garbage consumed is water, and of such character that unless the furnace temperature is maintained at a minimum of 1,500 degrees the garbage cakes, and will choke any draft obtained by natural means. Again, unless almost perfect combustion is maintained the temperature of the furnace quickly falls to a point where perfect incineration will no longer take place, thus permitting noxious odors to escape unconsumed. In order to obtain sufficient draft to maintain the de- sired temperature of 2,000 degrees, it becomes necessary to increase the height of the chimney, and in so doing from 20 to 40 per cent of the heat of the fuel is dissipated in the atmosphere without useful effect. Any attempt to utilize a portion of this waste heat nec- essarily reduces the temperature, and lessens the draft, for draft is produced by the difference of heated air in the chimney and cooler air outside, that is the unbalanced pressure between the two. A chimney of excessive height would afford no relief, for a draft so produced is neither positive nor flexible, as is necessary for the consuming of fuel the nature of the ordinary garbage. A high chimney also entails considerable expense for its erection, in addition to this continual waste of useful heat. As compared with this insufficient and wasteful process of air movement, an induction fan calls for an expendi- ture of only about one-fourth of the heat required for the chimney in order to produce the same results. 212 HEAT AND LIGHT. With a mechanical draft the temperature of the fur- nace is always under control, and without waste of heat. Such a draft is both positive and flexible, and with it can be obtained and maintained almost perfect combustion, which means that all useful heat is utilized, and the com- plete absence of all smoke and smell. The standard test for determining- the efficiency of combustion is the test for CO2 (Carbonic oxide). The more perfect the combustion, the higher being the percent- age of this gas. With 2 per cent only of CO2 in the gases of combustion, the loss of heat would be as high as 60 per cent, due to the heat being absorbed by the excessive amount of the cold air admitted to the furnace. With 10 per cent of CO2, the loss of heat is reduced to 15 per cent, while with 15 per cent of CO2, the loss becomes only about 10 per cent. On the contrary, the greater the per cent of CO (Car- bon Monoxide), the more imperfect the combustion, due to the lack of sufficient air. The following tests show how perfect is the combustion with a mechanical draft : STEAM JET BLOWER DRAUGHT. Table showing percentage of CO2 in the gases of com- bustion : Town. Oldham Rochdale Rate of Combustion. ..29 Ibs. 50 Ibs. Ashpit Pressure. 1 1-G in. IVs in. Average c , CO2. Average c , Oxygen. 5 samples 8. CO 10.90 15.50 3.90 18.10 1.40 8.50 10.70 13.30 6'. 30 18.90 .96 17.36 1.90 HEAT AND LIGHT. 213 Town. Lancaster Rate of Combustion. . .59% Ibs. Ashpit Pressure. 1.75 in. Average % CO2. 15.5 Average % Oxygen. Nelson ...29 Ibs. 1.50 in. 13.16 68% Ibs. 2% in. 14.40 57 Ibs. 1.85 in. (30 readings) 12.21 Hereford . . .54. 88 Ibs. 51.52 Ibs. 54.75 Ibs. 1.45 in. 1.37 in. 1.82 in. 15.56 14.92 16.84 16.83 16.27 16.38 (20 readings) 5.40 (16 readings) 3.54 (14 readings) 3.74 FAN DRAUGHT. Table showing percentage of CO2 in the gases of com- bustion : Average Rate of Ashpit Combustion Pressure Average % Average % Town. per sq.ft. of Water. of CO2. of Oxygen. St. Helens 103 Ibs. 3.1 in. (21 readings) (20 readings) 10.4 9.16 Blackburn ... 34.66 Ibs. 11.87 Warrington .. 59 Ibs. 2 in. 7.2 11.8 Metropolitan Borough of Wandsworth 68.4 Ibs. 2.55 in. 7.93 12.25 One of the requirements of constructors of incinerators should be 'that an analysis of the chimney gases should show at least 15 per cent CO2 and not a trace of CO, for it is only with such a high state of combustion can incin- eration be made either financially satisfactory to the city, or unobjectionable to the citizens. All incinerators should be equipped both with steam jets or blower, for a forced draft, and duplex fans for an induced draft, but of the two, the induced draft is by far the most essential and effective. With the forced draft Blower, Forced Draft System. Fig. 37. Induced Draft System. Fig. 38. 216 HEAT AND LIGHT. the air is forced through the fires from the closed ash pit, while with an induced draft, it is drawn through the fires by creating a vacuum over the fires. In the induced system the exhaust fan is used in place of the chimney, or supplementary to it, the products of combustion being drawn into the fan and exhausted into the chimney, which needs to be merely high enough to carry the smoke and gases clear of the roof of the building. The fan itself maintains the partial vacuum that would exist with a chimney of suitable height. Figs. 37 and 38 show these two systems in operation. With this system the maximum intensity 01 me draft obtainable is greater and permits a much wider range regulation than with the forced-draft system. The leak- age of air is also inward, thus avoiding the constant out- ward leakage, as in the forced-draft system. The induced-draft system offers the additional advan- tage that the supply of air above the fire can be nicely adjusted to secure more perfect combustion. While the maximum intensity of the draft of the chimney is largely dependent upon atmospheric conditions, as well as height, the intensity of the draft when produced mechanically is limited only by the speed of the fan, which can be made to cover a wide range of conditions. When regenerators for heating the air for combina- tion, or economizers, are used in connection with the in- cinerator or boilers, mechanical draft then becomes almost a necessity to provide some means of furnishing sufficient air for combustion, in order that the gases may reach the chimney, at a sufficiently high temperature to produce a draft.* When a forced draft alone is used with a chim- ney, the forced draft and the chimney pull should be so regulated that a perfect balance of the gases is main- HEAT AND LIGHT. 217 tained. When such a condition exists no cold air can be drawn into the furnace, even when the fire doors are left open. The principal advantages claimed for mechanical draft are as follows : (1) The ability to control the rate of combustion. (2) A close regulation of the air required for com bustion, thus avoiding improper combustion. (3) Reduction of the first cost for producing the draft required. . (4) Permits the installation of regenerators and econo- mizers without the necessity of providing additional means for maintaining the draft. (5) Permits an absolutely uniform draft, regardless of atmospheric conditions. (6) For increasing the draft, where insufficient chim- ney capacity exists. (7) Permits the use of highly-heated air for combus- tion without increasing the waste heat. (8) With mechanical draft the draft is independent of the condition of the fire, and consequently a banked fire can be started up quickly. With a natural draft, the intensity of the draft depends on the intensity of the fire, and is therefore least when the fire is low and draft is most needed. DRAFT WATER GAUGE. The intensity of the draft is measured by means of a water gauge, as shown in Fig. 39. The gauge consists of a glass tube open at both ends, bent to the shape of the letter U. To use the gauge, the left leg is connected with the chimney and the right leg left open to the outside air. The air outside of the chimney being heavier, it presses on OjL- P EE~ 05~ lEE 6 fO s-.. g.- Draft Gages. Fig. 39. HEAT AND LIGHT. 219 the surface of the water in this leg and forces some of it up higher in the left leg. The difference in the two water levels in the legs, represents the intensity of the draft, which is expressed not in ounces, but in inches. Wood requires about one-half inch of draft; bituminous coal requires less draft than anthracite. To burn ant lira- cite or slack coal requires about one and one-fourth inches of draft. Two inches is about as much draft as can be ob- tained with a natural draft, but with a mechanical draft, five inches, if necessary, can be easily obtained, the rate at which it is necessary to run the fan depending upon the temperature of the heated gases. HOT AIR FOR COMBUSTION. Owing to the moist nature of garbage, 70 to 80 per cent being water, and the great absorbent properties of heated air, no incinerator fills the modern requirements unless all air which is forced into the furnace for combustion is first heated by some economical means. This is usually done in English destructors by utilizing the heated gases for this purpose, after they have left the boiler and before entering the stack. These heated gases are passed through a nest of iron pipes, and the cold air which is used for combustion is made to circulate around these pipes as it passes to the furnace. This is done by the use of an induced draft, using steam jets to draw the heated air through a conduit, which connects direct with the ash pit, from which the air is forced through the fires with a blower. RETENTION OF DUST. As the weight of the dust produced forms about 5 per cent, of the total weight of the garbage consumed, all 220 HEAT AND LIGHT. constructors should be required to specify the method adopted by them to prevent the escape of this dust from the stack. Should no method be provided, in addition to the nuisance which will result, the heating surface of the boiler will be reduced, and the draft materially suffer. The flues of the boiler should be large, never less than 6 inches, which will assist in causing a low velocity of travel in the flues, and a dust-catcher or collecting cham- ber be provided between the incinerator and boiler, so as to prevent as much as possible this dust entering the boiler. The earlier this dust is deposited the better, and any form of combustion chamber, dust-catcher or collecting chamber which secures this result should be satisfactory. Such chambers can be very simple of construction, one of the most successful forms being in use at the Taunton plant in England. It consists simply of two annular chambers, one smaller and enclosed in the larger. The gases enter the outer chamber and circulate around it, thereby throwing the dust against the outer wall and thence enter the inner chamber through an opening in the top of same and flowing downward to escape into the chimney. Cleaning doors are provided for removing the dust which accumulates. I have taken the Rochdale destructor as a model plant of efficiency and economy. As can be seen from the following analyses of the chimney gases, the percentage of CO2 is extremely high, while not a trace of CO is shown. HEAT AND LIGHT. 221 ROCHDALE DESTRUCTOR. ROCHDALE, ENGLAND. Population, 83,114 Tests Made at the Corporation Sanitary Works. CO NIL. (W. F. Goodrich's "Refuse Disposal.") Date of test Mar. 1/95. Nov. 14/95. Nov. 15/95 Duration of test 6 hours 6 ^ hours 6 % hours Total refuse destroyed 11.4 tons 13.75 tons 14.3 tons Refuse burnt per hour 4,256 Ibs. 4,738 Ibs. 4.945 Ibs. Refuse burnt per hour, per sq. ft. of grate 47.3 Ibs 52.6 Ibs. 54.9 Ibs. Water evaporated per Ib. of refuse 1.64 Ibs. 1.39 Ibs. 1.47 Ibs. Equivalent evaporation, from and at 212 degrees 1.97 Ibs. 1.68 Ibs. 1.78 Ibs. Number of boilers used Two One One Temperature of feed water 53 F. 52 F. 52 F. Total water evaporated 42,072 Ibs. 42,900 Ibs. 47,400 Ibs. Water evaporated per hour 7,012 Ibs. 6,600 Ibs. 7,290 Ibs. Equivalent evap. from and at 212 degrees F 8,431 Ibs. 7,980 Ibs. 8,820 Ibs. Average steam pressure per sq. inch 113 Ibs. 113 Ibs. 114 Ibs. Percentage of (CO2) in products of combustion 15.9 Ibs. Percentage of free oxygen 2.2 Ibs. Labor cost per ton of refuse destroyed l l / 2 d. COMPARISON OF COSTS FIXED CHARGES FOR CHIMNEY AND INDUCED DRAFT. (Walter B. Snow.) First Cost Ratio Method of Draft Production Amount Chimney $10,000 1.00 Induced Draft Plant (2 fans) 4,200 .42 Induced Draft Plant (1 fan) 2,670 .267 Forced Draft Plant (1 fan) 1,870 .187 Annual Fixed Charges Amount Ratio $800 462 294 206 1.00 .58 .37 .26 222 HEAT AND LIGHT. RELATIVE COSTS OF BOILER PLANT, WITH CHIMNEY AND MECHANICAL DRAFT. 12 Boilers $37,000 2 Economizers 10,500 Boiler and economizer settings and by-passes 9,000 Automatic damper regulators and 'dampers 400 Chimney, including foundations 10,700 Boiler house 11,500 Total $79,100 RELATIVE COSTS. Chimney Draft. Mechanical Draft. Cost of chimney $10,700 Cost of mechanical draft Cost of damper regu- plant, complete $4,700 lators and dampers . . . 400 Saving by using mechan- ical draft 6,400 Total $11,100 Total $11,100 The costs of the chimney and the mechanical-draft apparatus, which are also indicated, show a saving in first cost of $6,400, as the result of using the mechanical- draft method. INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR ESTIMATE UPON MECHAN- ICAL DRAFT APPARATUS. Total number of boilers .... Type of boilers Total square feet of grate surface Total square feet of heating surface Dimensions of Boilers: No. of each size Diameter Length of tubes No. of tubes Diameter of tubes Rated horse-power of plan .... H. P. present output . . . H. P. desired output. . . .H. P. steam pressure Ibs. Rate of combustion per sq. ft. of grate per hour Ibs, Kind of fuel to be burned Total amount to be burned per hour Ibs. Size of present chimney. HEAT AND LIGHT. 223 Height .... ft. Internal dimensions inches. Type of grate Percentage of free area through grate Kind of stoker, if any is used. , Kind and size of economizer, if any is used Intensity of draft at base of chimney. . . .inches of water. Temp, of escaping gases .... degs. F. Is this estimate for a proposed or an existing plant? If for any interval the above conditions are exceeded, state for how long and how much. HKAT AND LIGHT. 225 CHAPTER XIII. THE COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES OF VARI- OUS TYPES OF STEAM BOILERS FOR IN- CINERATING AND CENTRAL HEATING PLANTS. Owing to the dust which is unavoidable in all incinerat- ing plants, a water tube boiler is preferable to the ordinary shell boiler, unless the flues of latter are at least 6 inches in diameter. With flues of this size, either style of boiler can be used to advantage. For central heating plants water tube boilers are prefer- able, owing to their quick steaming qualities. As the question of the proper selection of boilers will enter into all contracts for installing incinerating or heat- ing plants, a few of the leading types of American boilers, with proper specifications for same, are here given with illustrations. Fig. 40 illustrates a common type of a water-tube boiler. In such a boiler the water circulates through a series of tubes of comparatively small diameter, which communi- cate with each other and with a common steam chamber. The flames and hot gases are made to circulate between them and are usually forced by baffle plates to be made to act equally on all parts of the tubes before being allowed to escape up the chimney. While there are many varieties of this type of boiler, the above description constitutes the essential principles of them all. 15 226 HEAT AND LIGHT. In the best forms of these boilers, they are suspended entirely independent of the brick-work from wrought- iron girders resting on iron columns. The chief advantages claimed for this type of boiler are: (1) Safety from explosions, owing to the contents of the boiler being divided up into small portions through- out the water tubes, water legs and steam drums. Should there be a rupture in the tubes, or any part of the boiler, only the immediate contents w r ill be liberated, instead of the entire mass of water and steam. (2) The tubes being of much smaller diameter than would be necessary if there were only a few in number, they can be made much stronger, and therefore less likely to rupture. (3) Owing to their contents being held in small por- tions, instead of in a large mass of water, they possess quick steaming qualities. The disadvantages of these boilers are as follows: (1) They require more masonry for their setting, and occupy more space than shell boilers. (2) Owing to the water being held in small quanti- ties, irregular firing is apt to cause a violent generation of steam, producing sudden fluctuations of pressure, which may result in priming and thereby overheating the tubes. (3) While this type of boiler is very susceptible for cleaning, the scale which forms in the tubes at times be- comes very difficult to remove. The Sterling Water Tube Boiler. Fig. 41. The Babcock & Wilcox Boiler. 228 HEAT AND LIGHT. Among the principal manufacturers of this type of boiler in this country, are : The Heine Safety Boiler Co., The John O'Brien Boiler Works Co., The Erie City Iron Works Co., The Sterling Consolidated Boiler Co., The Babcock & Wilcox Boiler Co. SHELL, OR HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS. This is the most popular form of boiler in use, possess- ing many advantages over all other types, the first or which is its cheapness. Its principal advantages are its steady steaming quali- ties, its durability and adaptability to any class of work. In this type of boiler, as shown in Fig. 42, the shell is filled with small tubes or flues varying in diameter from 2 inches to 6 inches, determined by the size of the boiler and the work required, the products of combustion being made to pass through the tubes or flues, instead of around them as in the water-tube type of boiler. The principal disadvantages of this type of boiler are : (1) Its lack of safety. (2) Its slow steaming qualities, owing to the large body of water to be heated. (3) The liability of the tubes or flues to rupture, ow- ing to the large diameter necessary for same. (4) The amount of space necessary for boiler setting. In both of the above types of boilers the chief consid- erations are, proper circulation, and a sufficient length of travel of the gases before escaping up the chimney. Ow- ing to these two types possessing these two requirements above all other types of boilers, they are recognized as the standard boilers throughout the world. 230 HEAT AND LIGHT. Among the principal manufacturers of this type of boiler, are: The Joseph F. Wangler Boiler and Sheet Iron Works, The Kewanee Boiler Co., The John O'Brien Boiler Works Co., John Rohan & Sons Boiler Works Co. VERTICAL TUBULAR BOILERS. This is one of the first types of boilers used, owing to its extreme simplicity. As shown in Fig. 43 this boiler consists of a casing or shell, cylindrical in shape, composed of steel plates riveted together. The top is made dome shape, in the center of which is placed the chimney, which is formed of the usual wrought-iron plates. The furnace, which is placed at the bottom of this shell, is entirely surrounded by water, ex- cept the bottom, in which is placed the grates. The tubes pass through the boiler, connecting the furnace with the top of the boiler. The connection of these tubes deter- mines whether the boiler is (1) a through-tube boiler, or (2) a submerged-tube boiler. The latter type is prefer- able, but more expensive. These boilers are used where floor space is valuable and there is sufficient height. While in general they are not as economical as other types of boilers, they are becoming more universally used owing to their many other good qualities. Among their principal advantages are: (1) Entirely self-contained. (2) The small amount of floor space required. (3) Ease of installation. (4) Portable character, permitting them to be removed from one place to another with ease and dispatch. Upright Submerged Tubular Boiler. Fig. 43. 232 HKAT AND LIGHT. (5) Their extreme simplicity. (6) Their low cost, and durability. Their principal disadvantages are: (1) Their lack of safety. (2) Waste of fuel owing to short travel of gases, and lack of proper circulation. While this boiler is largely manufactured throughout the country, the Brown ell Engine Co. is one of the best known manufacturers. The above three types of boilers are the standard types generally used, though there are many other types which for their particular work are equally as good, or possibly better. The character of the work required must largely determine the nature of the boiler to be used. While the safety of the boiler itself is naturally the first considera- tion in all types of boilers, with the modern requirements and the high class of men who are engaged in the con- struction of boilers, it might be said that less attention can be paid by the purchaser to this than to the many requirements which are seemingly less important. The American boiler leads all boilers in safety of construction and efficiency, and the municipality or citizen who finds it necessary to purchase a boiler, can do so with the assur- ance that no advantage will be taken of him by any of the leading boiler makers of this country. The safety of the public depends to a large extent upon the honor of the plate manufacturer and that of the boiler maker, for how- ever strict inspections may be made, it is impossible to dis- cover all hidden defects. I have never known it to be abused by them. Figure 46 represents a type of an English boiler, which though one of the first types used, is still popular in that country, and especially so for incinerating plants. 234 HEAT AND LIGHT. L^OOOOOOt-Ot-OOOO r- o o 10 i 10 o o us - bo ^ O o C P < O I 001 - aB, punod .s^iua aeii?A\ jo spunod ui uj i[sy jo }ueo jod OtOTHOC^L COOO < ^OSlOOOr-IC--OOO-^-iLOT-HCOOLOO>OOCO * T^ CO Co' CO -*" ^' CA] Tjn tO CO Ci CO CO* CO* ^' -^' CO' Cxi Oi rjn TJH 10 co o co co c\ co <* co cx o co co T-H Ol O LO L- .O O IO t O OO IO LO O CD O5 O M LO ujc^icj^o co' 10 oi ^' .& KOREA, i YUCATAN, Equitable Bldg. Rundlett, H. E. Marquette Bldg. Washburn, A. H. - 39 CortlandtSt. Empire Bldg. Chemical Bldg. Chas. Moore & Co. Honolulu Iron Works Mitsui & Co. American Trading Co. The Hydro-Carbon System This is the only device yet invented :::: that can be guaranteed to :::: Prevent Smoke, Increase Power and Save Fuel All of these things we guarantee and we accomplish more. Our system keeps the tubes clean, reduces the labor of firing, permits the use of inferior fuels and dispenses with forced drafts, mechanical stokers, the complicated "Down Draft" apparatus and all other costly and troublesome appliances. It requires no special setting or equipment of the boiler and can be applied to existing boiler plants usually without interruption of their regular duty :: :: :: We do not use a steam jet nor a forced draft. We do not disturb furnace walls, nor change grate bars, nor interfere with steam pipes, nor build any fire walls or ducts. We do not interfere with exist- ing system In anyway. We do not require special firing. We do not produce so much ash or cinder, nor need to clean tubes or fire so often. We reduce repairs to the furnace. We have no incidentals nor charges for "extras" WE STOP THE SMOKE It is Sold Under an Absolute Guarantee both as to its performance and as to the cost of maintenance We refer to many of the largest Steam Plants in the U. S. and to steamship lines who have used our system with remarkable results. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Address HYDRO -CARBON FURNACE COMPANY Of Mo. E. H. HQVEY, Superintendent. G. A. WELLS, Sales Manager 1012 CHEMICAL BUILDING ::::: SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI D. J. PINK .... PRESIDENT W.J.KENNEDY . VICE-PRESIDENT J. C. KNIGHT, SECRETARY AND TREASURER Southwestern Electric Company 24 and 26 S. Tenth St. SaintlLouis Electric Machines and Supplies Contractors and Electrical = Engineers = Complete Plans, Specifications and Bids made for Electrical Work in any section of the country. Write us for information .-. /. .-. .-. Kupferle Bros. Mfg. Co. MISSOURI BRASS FOUNDRY STEAM AND GAS PIPE WORKS 600-2-4 North Second Street CORNER WASHINGTON AVENUE, AND ::: 119 Washington Avenue ::: =ST. LOUI! CAST AND MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS Jobbers of Wrought Iron Welded Tubes for Steam, Gas and Water :::: Leather and Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose SOLE AGENTS FOR CAMERON'S SPECIAL STEAM PUMP, Most Efficient, Durable and Economical Steam Pump in Use The National Equipment Company CONTRACTORS AND EXPERT ENGINEERS Complete Steam, Electric and Fuel =Oil Equipments EXPERT SANITARY ENGINEERS Sole Manufacturers of the Branch Steam Trap and the Branch Oil Burners THE BRANCH GARBAGE INCINERATORS Colonial Security Building ::: ST. LOUIS, MO. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of soccer volume after the third day overdue, increasing ?o $1 00 perTolume after the sixth day.. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. REC'D LD JAN 10 1 (SEC 15 19^ 15m-4,'24