SSH MAP Room JST OF MAPS AND VIEWS OF R 1275 'ASHINGTON AND DISTRICT OF iqnn MAP [BIA IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS rv^mga^t^^ PHILLIPS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Ill 3 1822 02835 2961 A 1 : 1 i 3 i 7 ! 3 =§ 9 ? 2 ^—5 5 ^=" RECD MAY 7 '88 CfNTRAl LIBRARr MAP ROOM U C S D UNIVERSITY OF CAUIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 3 1822 02835 2961 /. LEE FKILLIFS, E. E,. GS-. S Superintendent of Maps and Charts February 7, 1900. — Presented by Mr. McMillan aud ordered to be iirinted WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1900 LETTER OE TRANSMITTAL The Library of Congress, Washington^ FSruary 5, 1900. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a list of the maps and views of Washington and the District of Cohmibia from 1782 to 1900, in the Librarv of Congress. This list has been for some time in process of compilation by the Chief of the Division of Maps and Charts in the Librarj'. An examination of it will, I think, show that it represents careful cartographic and bibliographic work. In connection with the approaching centenary the general interest in the historical development of the city should render this list both pertinent and of value. It is ofi'ered to 3'our committee, to be put into print if 3"our decision as to its value and appropriateness shall coincide with ours. Very respectfully, Herbert Putnam, Lihrarian of Congress. Hon. James McMillan, Chairvian Coimnittte on the District of Colunihia., United States Senate. LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Sik: I have the honor to submit a report on the maps and views of Washington and the District of Columbia from 1782 to 1900, in the Library of Congress. As many of the maps and views are found to illustrate some descriptive text in books, the report is not only cartographical but also ])i))liographical. The national as well as local interest in all subjects pertaining to the city of Washington, especially in view of the approaching centenary, should make this paper of timely value. Very respectfully yours, P. Lee Phillips. Hon. Herbert Putnam. Lihrarian of Congress. MAPS AND VIEWS OF WASHINGTON AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. AUTHORS AND DATES. [The dates refer to chronological order in body of the work.] Alexandria, D. C. Atlantic magazine. 1T98. 1820. 1845. Averill. Allen, Lane & Scott. 1892. 1892. Baker. American magazine of useful and 1793. entertaining knowledge. Baltimore and Ohio railroad CO 1831-1835. 1853. 1837. Bantz. American scenery. 1874. 1839. Barksdall. Anderson. 1892. 1838. Bartlett. Andrews. 1839. 1831. 1856? Api^leton. Bartlett & Woodward. 1866. 1863. 1892. Arlington publishing co. 1886. Bastert. 1872. Armj'tage. Bechler. 1863. 1864. Arnold. Bell lithographing co. 1862. 1891. ■ Arrowsmith. Bennett. 1808. 1834. Aschbach. Bent. 1861. 1793. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA. Bernharcl (Carl, herzog von Sach- Bullfinch. sen Wiemar Eisenach). 1821. 1825. 1828. Berry. Burton. 1891. 1831. 1892. Bussard. Blancharcl. 1830. 1819. Capitol centennial committee. Bliss. 1791. 1867. 1811. Blodget. 1816. 1888. 1821. Bohn. 1830. 1819. 1839. 1810. 1851. 1858. 1811. 1860. 1818. 1861. 1893. 1866. Carey & Lea. Boschke. 1822. 1857. Carpenter. 1861. .1870. Boyd. Catlin. 1882. 1820. 1881. Century atlas. Bradford. 1897. 1835. Chicago chronicle. 1838. 1899. Brannan. Christian endeavor convention 1828. 1896. Brockhaus. Clarke. 1895. 1798. Brown. Clover. 1831. 1831. 1831. Coast and Geodetic survey. 1810? 1862. 1889. 1877-1896. Bruff. 1880-1892. 1889. 1892. Buckingham. Cole. 1811. 1885. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. Cole — Continued. Cram. 1886. 1899. 1890. Currier & Ives. 1899. 1892. Colles. Darton. 1789. 1896. Colton. Davis. 1856. 1830. 1858. De Krafft. 1861. 1817. 1862. 1822. 1864. 1824. 1876. 1826. 1878. 1828. 1882. Dermott. Commissioners. 1796. 1886. 1797-98. 1889. Deroy. 1894. 1848. 1896. Desilver. 1897-99. 1857. 1898. 1899. Detournelle. Compag-noni, 1815. 1816. 1822. Congressional directory. Directories. Washington 1827. 1861. 1850. 1870. 1877. 1853. 1866. 1879. 1867. 1883. 1868. 1886. 1869. 1888. 1870. 1895. 1882. Cook. Disturnell. 1831. 1837. Corbett. Dodge. 1861. 1883. Cowles. Donegan. 1862. 1872. Coyle. Dougal. 1853. 1887. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Du Bois. 1892. Eclectic atlas. 1881. Ellicott. 1792. 1793? 1814. 1815. 1852. Elliot. 1822. 1827. Enthoffer. 1872. 1873. Ermer. 1825. Evening Star. 1889. Ewing. 1845. Faehtz. 1791. 1874. Fanning'. 1853. Farley. 1826. Fava. 1890. Finley. 1824. 1889. Fisher & co. 1884. 1888. 1890. 1891. 1899. Fitch & Fox. 1874. Fontaine. 1896. Force. 1820. 1822. 1823. 1845. Forsyth. 1856. 1868. 1870. 1899. Fort Dearborn publishing co. 1896. Eraser. 1874? French. 1854. Gamble. 1865. 1866. 1870. 1873. 1876. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1882. 1884. 1893. Gerretson, Cox & co. 1895. Gedney. 1885. 1886. 1887. Geneseo country. 1791. Genesee tract. 1791. Geological survey. . 1882. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 9 Geological surve}^ — Continued. Hamilton. 1893. 1792. 1895. Handy. 1896. 1863. Gilpin. Hannot. 1798. 1863. Glenwood cemetery. Harrison. 1851? 1827'^ Goodacre. 1830. 1831. narrower. 1812. 1881. Gothaischer hof-kalender. Hart & Von Arx 1795. 1885. Graham. Hesselbach. 1853. 1862. 1899. Hill. Gray. 1852. 'l873. Hill, engraver. 1875.' 1792? 1876. Hinman. 1882. 1881. 1889. Hinshelwood. Green. 1872. 1880. Hinton. Greenleaf. 1831. 1792- 1801. 1831. Griffith. 1812. 1791. Hoban. Haas. 1793-1811. 1810. Holtzman. Hadlield. 1885. 1793- 1811. Hopkins. Haley. 1877. 1861. 1878. 1879. Hall. 1887. 1866. 1891. Hall & Elvans. 1892. 1867. 1893-91. Hallet. 1891. 1792- 1791. 1896. 1793- -1811. Hunt & Eaton. 1791. • 1893. 10 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Ingraham. 1814. James. 1814. Janson. 1807. Jar vis. 1897. Johnson. 1862. 1864. 1868. 1883. 1892. Jones, 1802. 1804. Keily. 1850. 1851. Keim. 1888. Kengla. 1883. King. 1803? 1803. 1811. 1852. Kolluer. 1848. Lane. 1838. Lang. 1886. Lanman. 1858. 1860. Latrobe. 1792-1801. 1793-1811. 1803. Latrobe — Continued. 1805. 1807. 1807-1817. 1810. 1811. 1815. 1817. 1828. League of American wheelmen. 1897. L'Enfant. 1791. Lizars. 1819. Lukesh. 1894. 1894-95. 1895. M'Clelland. .1846. 1850. 1854. 1855. 1858. Mackenzie. 1818. 1819. Malte-Brun. 1834. Marceau. 1822. :Marr. 1887. Martenet. 1873. 1884. 1885. Martin. 1835. Massachusetts magazine. 1792. MAPS AJSD VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 11 Matthews-Northrup co. 1893. 1898. Maverick. 1791. Meyer. ^ 1815. Meyers. 1897. Middle states of North America. 1791. Mills. 1817. Milne. 1882. Mitchell. 1849. 1851. 1853. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1870. 1873. 1876. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1882. 1881. 1893. Monk. 1861. Moore. 1802. 1801. Morrison. 1855. 1868. 1871. 1876. 1881. Morrison — Continued. 1885. 1888. Morse. 1791. Mung-er. 1811. National calendar. 1820. 1822. 1823. Neagle. 1831. Newby & co. 1887. New York magazine. 1792. Norris (The) Peters co. 1890. 1891. 1896. 1899. North American l)ibliographical institution, 1810? Ogden. 1876. Our globe. 1810? Parsons. 1880. 1890. Phelps. 1853. Philadelphia public ledger. 1899. Philp. 1861. Porter. 1886. 12 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Post office department. 1881. Potomac river. 1862. 1877-1896. 1882. 1887. Pratt. 1791. Priggs. 1793. Raud, McNally & co. 1877. 1880. 1881. 1884. ' 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Raymond. 1889. Reid. 1795? Reid, Wayland & Smith. 1795.' Ritchies & Dunnavant. 1853? Rivelanti. 1822. Roberts. 1896. Rochambeau. 1782. Rollinson. 1795. 1795? Roose. 1876. 1880. 1881. 1888. Ruebsam. 1882. Russell. 1795. Sachse. 1852. 1870. 1871. Sanl)orn map and publishing co. 1888. Schoeflf. 1891. 1892. Schwarz. 1803? Sears. 1831. Seibert. 1791. 1870. Shanahan. 1891. Sheppard. 1872. Silversparre. 1887. Sinclair. 1845. Smith. 1837. 1862. 1863. Smithsonian park. 1882. Societe de geographic. Paris. 1829. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA. 13 Standard atlas. Tiebout. 1888. 1792. Stansbury. Todd & Brown. 1827'^ 1868. Stelwagen & Wolf. 1892. Toner. 1791. Stewart. 1870. 1792. Townsend. 1891. 1885. Stockdale. 1794. United States. Congress. House of representatives. 1798. 1826. 1827. Stone. 1820. 1852. 1876. 1896. 1897. Streeter. 1898. 1850. United States. Congress. Sen- Strickland. 1814. ate. 1852. Swinton & Harrower. 1884. United States. 1861. 1862. War department. Sylvester. 1865. 1898. Universal magazine. Symons. 1793. 1889. Vail. Tanner. 1826. 1836. Vance. Tardieu. 1824. 1808. Van Derveer. 1815. 1850. Thackara & Vallance. 1851. 1792. Varnmii. 1794. 1846. Thomas. 1854. 1798. Viele. Thornton. 1890. 1793-1811. Waite publishi ng CO. 1803. 1896. 14 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. Walker. 1870. Ward. 1882. Warden. 1815. 1819. Warner. 1886. Waters. 1863. Walters. 1897. Watterson. 1811. Weishampel. 1876. Weld. 1798. Wells. 1863. Werner co. 1895. Wilkinson. 1811. William. 1897. Williams. 1826. Willis. 1839. Wilson. 1894. Winchester. 1792. Winter botham 1795. Wittemann. 1886. Woodbridge. 1831. 1833. Wyckoff. 1894. Wyeth. 1876. 1881. Wyld. 1814. Young. 1824. 1835. 1851. 1863. 1888. 1782. Amerique campagne 1782, Plans des differents camps occupes par I'armee aux ordres de mr, le comte de Rochambeau. Manuscript, [anon.] title. 54 colored plans, fol. 12i x 8i inches. [1782]. Note. — Plate 15, Camp a Alexandrie le 17 juillet. Plate 16, Camp a 1 mille audela de George's Town, Plate 17, Camp a Blandens'burg le 19 juillet. 1789. A survey of the roads of the United States of America. By Chris- topher Colles. 1789. C. Tiebout, sculp. 1 p. 1. Sheet 1-86 (wants sheets 34-39) sq. 12^. [New York, 1789]. Note. — Sheet 62-63, from Annapolis to Bladensburg; sheet 64-65, from Annapolis to Alexandria. Interesting as showing roads previous to the founding of "Washington. 1791. A map of the Genesee tract, in the county of Ontario, <& state of New York; shewing its distance from & water communication with New York, Philadelphia & Baltimore; — also its distance from the new city of Columbia, [Washington], or the proposed seat of government of the United States, [anon.] 13x8i. [n. p. 1791]. Note. — Gives ' ' Columbia, the new seat of government of the United States. ' ' 1791. Map of the middle states of North America, shewing the position of the Geneseo country comprehending the counties of Ontario & Steuben as laid off in townships of six miles square each, [anon.] Maverick sculpt. — 65 Liberty street, N. Y. 15 x 15^. [New York 1791]. Note. — Gives Columbia or the Federal city and mentions "land sold in 1791 by the state of New York. ' ' 1791. Map of the middle states of North America with part of Canada shewing the situation of the principal towns, viz: Columl^ia, Balti- more, Philadelphia, New York, Newport, (Rhode Island) Boston & Montreal also their several communications with respect to lake Ontario [anon.] 15i x 12^. Note. — Gives "Columbia or Washington the capital of America". 1791. Plan of Carrollsburg. Scale 100 ft. to one inch. 22^x15. [In Faehtz (E. F. M.) and Pratt (F. W.) Washington in embryo; or the National Capital from 1791 to 1800. sm. fol. [AVashington, Gibson brothers, printers, 1874]. 15 16 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1791. Plan of Hamburgh. Scale 200 ft. to one inch. 14f xl8i. [In Faehtz (E. F. M.) and Pratt (F. "\V.) Washington in embryo; or the National Capital from 17i^)l to 1800. sm. fol. [Washington, Giljson brothers, printers]. 1874. 1791. Sketch of Washington in embryo, viz: previous to its survey by major L'Enfant. Compiled from the rare historical researches of dr. Joseph M. Toner. Compilers E. F. M. Faehtz & F. W. Pratt, 1874. 16 X 20. [In Faehtz (E. F. M.) and Pratt (F. W.) Washington in em])ryo. fol. Washington, 1874. facing pp. 32]. 1791. Sketch of Washington in em])ryo viz, previous to its surve}" by major L'Enfant, 1T92. Compiled from the rare historical researches of dr. Joseph M. Toner, who by special favor has permitted the use of his labor and materials for the publication of a grand historical map of the District now in progress by his efforts combined with the skill of S. R. Seibert, c. e., 1874. 8x10. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anniver- sary of the laying of the cornerstone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. at end]. 1791. Plan of the city intended for the permanent seat of the government of t[he] United States. Projected agreeable to the direction of the president of the United States, in pursuance of an act of congress, passed the 16th day of July, 1790, "establishing the permanent seat on the bank of the Potowmac ". By Peter Charles L'Enfant. [Repro- duced from ms. of 1701]. 31ixl7. [Washington, 1887]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast and geodetic survey. Chart 3035'']. Note. — Another copj- hound with "The King jilats. Original in the "office of commissioner of public buildings". An incorrect reproduction was made under the seal of the commissioner of puljlic buildings, certified oct. 10, 1882. The Gazettee of the United States, for January 4, 1792, published in Phila- delphia, has the following: New City of Washington. The following description is annexed to the plan of the City of Washington, in the district of Columbia, as sent to Congress by the President some days ago. Plan of the City intended for the permanent seat of the Government of the United States, projected agreeably to the direction of the President of the United States, in pursuance of an Act of Congress, passed on the 16th of July, 1790, "establishing the permanent seat on the banks of the Potowmack " — By Peter Charles L' Enfant. OBSERVATIONS EXPLANATORY OF THE PLAN. 1. The positions for tlie different grand edifices, and for the several grand squares or areas of different shapes as they are laid down, were first determined MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. 17 on the most advantageous ground commanding the most extensive prospects, and the better susceptible of such improvements as the various interests of the several objects may require. II. Lines or avenues of direct communication have been devised to connect the separate and most distant objects with the principals, and to preserve through the whole a reciprocity of sight at the same time. Attention has been paid to the passing of those leading avenues over the most favorable ground for prospect and convenience. III. North and south lines, intersected by others running due east and west, make the distribution of the city into streets, squares, &c. and those lines have been so combined as to meet at certain given points with those divergent avenues, so as to form on the spaces "first determined", the different squares, or areas, which are all proportional in magnitude to the number of avenues leading to them. BREADTH OF THE STREETS. Every grand transverse avenue, and every principal divergent one, such as the communication from the President's House to the Congress House, &c. are 160 feet in breadth, and thus divided: Feet. 10 feet for pavements on each side is 20 30 of gravel walk, planted with trees on each side 60 80 in the middle for carriage way 80 160 The other streets are of the following dimensions, viz: Those leading to the public buildings or markets 130 Others {^J^ In order to execute the above plan, Mr. Ellicott drew a true meridian line by celestial observation, which passes through the area intended for the Congress-House; this line he crossed by another due east and west, and which passes through the same area. These lines were accurately measured, and made the basis on which the whole plan was executed. He ran all the lines by a transit instrument, and determined the acute angles by actual measure- ment and left nothing to uncei'tainty of the compass. REFEREN'CES. A. The equestrian figure of George Washington, a monument voted in 1783, by the late Continental Congress. B. An historic column — also intended for a mile or itinerary column, irom whose station (at a mile from the federal House) all distances and places through the continent are to be calculated. C. A naval itinerary column, proposed to be erected to celebrate the first rise of a navy, and to stand a ready monument to perpetuate its progress and atchievments. D. A church intended for national purposes, such as palDlic prayer, thanks- givings, funeral orations, &c. and assigned to the special use of no particular sect or denomination, but equally open to all. It will likewise be a proper shelter for such monuments as were voted by the late Continental Congress, for those heros who fell in the cause of liberty, and for such others as may hereafter be decreed by the voice of a grateful nation. E. E. E. E. E. Five grand fountains, intended with a constant spout of water. N. B. There are within the limits of the city 25 good springs of excellent water, abundantly supplied in the driest season of the year. F. A grand cascade, formed of the Avater of the sources of the Tiber. S. Doc. 154 2 18 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. G. G. Public walk, Ijeing a square of 1200 feet, through whicli carriages may ascend to the ui)i)er square of the Federal House. H. A grand avenue 400 feet in breadth, and about a mile in length, bordered with gardens ending in a slope from the houses on each side: this avenue leads to the monument A. and connects the Congress garden with the I. President's park and the K. Well improved field, being a part of the walk from the President's house of about 1800 feet in breadth, and three fourths of a mile in length. Every lot deep colored red, with green plots, designates some of the situations which com- mand the most agreea):)]e prospects, and which are l)est calculated for spacious houses and gardens, such as may accommodate foreign ministers, &c. L. Around this square and along the M. Avenue from the two bridges to the federal house the pavements on each side will pass under an arched way, under whose cover shops will be most con- veniently and agreeably situated: this street is 160 feet in breadth and a mile long. The fifteen squares colored yellow, are proposed to be divided among several states in the Union, for each of them to improve, or subscribe a sum additional to the value of the land for that purpose, and improvements rouzid the squares to be completed in a limited time. The centre of each square will admit of statues, columns, obelisks, (jr any other ornaments, such as the different states may choose to erect, to perpetuate not only the memory of such individuals whose councils or military atchiev- ments were conspicuous in giving liberty and independence to this country; but those whose usefulness hath rendered them worthy of imitation; to invite the youth of succeeding generations to tread in the paths of those sages or heroes whom their country have thought proper to celebrate. The situation of those squares is such, that they are the most advantage- ously and reciprocally seen from each other, and as equally distriljuted over the whole city district, and connected by spacious avenues round the grand federal improvements, and as contiguous to them, and at the same time as equally distant from each other as circumstances would admit. The settle- ments round these squares must soon become connected. The mode of taking possession of, and improving the whole district at first, must leave to posterity a grand idea of the jiatriotic interest which promoted it. The small spaces colored red, are intended for the use of all religious denomi- nations, on which they are to erect places of worship, and are proposed to l)e allotted to them in the manner as those coloured yellow are to the different states in the Union; l>ut no liurying ground will be admitted within the limits of the city, an approi:)riation being intended for that purpose without. N. B. There are a number of squares or areas un appropriated, and in situa- tions proper for Colleges and Academies, of which every society, whose object is national, may be accommodated. Every house within the city will stand square on the streets, and every lot on the divergent avenues will run square with their fronts on the most acute angle, will not measure less than 56 feet, and may well be above 140. Some of the streets running north and south, and east and west, are about 1200 jioles, and the transverse streets about 1300 poles. LATITUDE OF CONGRESS HOUSE, 38. 53 N. LONG. O. O. X. Tiber creek. The water of this creek is intended to be conveyed on the high ground where the Congress-House stands, and after watering that part of the city, its overplus will fall from under the base of the edifice, and in a cascade of 20 feet in heighth, and 50 in breadth, into the reservoir below, thence to run in three falls through the gardens into the grand canal. The i^erpendicular heighths of the ground where the Congress house stands, is above the tide of Tiber creek 78 feet. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 19 Perpendicular heighth of the west branch above the tide of Tiber creek, 115 feet, 7 inches and two eights. This branch and that of the Tiller, is intended to be conveyed to the Presi- dent's house. From the entrance of the river Potowmack up to the second, the depth of water is from 5J to 4 fathoms — the deepest all along the shore where wharves are marked. 1792. Plan of the city of Washington, in the territoi*}' of Columlna, ceded b}^ the states of Maryland and Virginia, [etc.] 1800. 17x19^. [In District of Columbia. Maps and plans, fol. Washington, A. B. Hamil- ton, 1852. at end]. Note. — The Andrew Ellicott plan. 1792. Map of the city of Washington in the District of Columbia, show- ing the lines of the various properties at the division with the original proprietors in 1792. Colored. 23 x 30i. Washington, J. M. Stew- art, 1881. 1792. Plan of the city of Washington. S. Hill, Boston. 8 x 11. [In Massachusetts (The) magazine. May, 1792. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1792. v. 4. p. 282]. Note. — The number for Dec, 1791, page 725, has a "Description of the city of Washington." 1792. Plan of the city of Washington in the territory of Columl)ia ceded b}^ the states of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and b}^ them estaljlished as the seat of their government after the j^ear 1800. 21 X 29. Philadelphia, engravVl by Thackara & Vallance, 1792. Note. — This engraving by Thackara & Vallance, of Andrew Ellicott' s plan, is the official plan of the city and has been repeatedly reproduced. A copy is bound with The King jilats — 1803 reproduced by the Coast and Geodetic survey. 1792. Plan of the city of Washington. 9 x 11. [In Winchester (Elhahan) . An oration on the discovery of America, deliv- ered in London, October the 12th, 1792, being three hundred years from the day on which Columbus landed in the New World. The second edition with an appendix, containing among other things a description of the city of Wash- ington, in the District of Columbia; illustrated with an accurate engraving. 12°. London, for the author, [1792]. Note. — On pp. 49-52 is a descriptive text entitled "Description of the city of Washington, in the Territory of Columbia" [etc.] Page 48 contains an expla- nation of the plan. 1792. Plan of the city of Washington. Tiebout [engraver], 10^ x 8, [In New York (The) magazine; or, literary repository, June, 1792. 8°. New York, T. & J. Swords. 1792. v. 3. p. 321]. Note. — On back of title page the following: "The reader is requested to turn to the New York magazine for november, 1791, for a description of the 20 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. city of Washington. AVe have not seen any other account of this place, that would serve as an explanation of the plate which accompanies this month's magazine, but what is there contained in substance; and we judged it inex- pedient to republish either the whole or any part of what has been so recently inserted". Originally published in the Maryland Journal, Sept. 30, 1791. Probably the first article pul)lished relating to AVashington. Also published in Gazette of the United States, for October 8, 1791. 1792? Plan of the citj' of Washington in the territory of Columbia, ceded by the states of Virginia and Maryland to the United States and by them established as the seat of their government after the year 1800. 17x22. - Boston, engrav'd by Sam'l Hill, [17921? Note. — The Andrew Ellicott plan. 1792-1794. Front elevation of the Federal Capitol. Plan B. submitted to the President by Stephen Hallet, 1792-1794. Il:ix39. manuscript. . Division of Prints. 1792-1794. Front elevation of the Federal Capitol. Plan C. submitted by Stephen Hallet to President Jefferson— 1792-1794. 14i x 45i. Colored manuscript. Art Division. 1792-1794. Principal floor of plan B. for Federal Capitol by Stephen Hallet. 18x40. Manuscript. Art Division. 1792-1794. Principal floor of plan C. for Federal Capitol by Stephen Hallet. 14ix40i. Art Division. 1792-1801. Ground plan for the Capitol. Designed by Stephen L. Hallet. Accepted by the commissioners, 1792. "Leaving the east front recess open for further consideration". Rec'd from James Greenleaf as Hallet's original design of the Capitol. H. B. Latrobe, Phila. 1801. 16ix22. Manuscript. Division of Prints. 1793. [Map of Duddington manor]. Laid down by a scale of eighty equal parts in an inch. By John F. A. Priggs, survr. 1793. ms. 14x17^. 1793. 1793. Plan of the city of Washington; now building for the metropolis of America, and established as the permanent residence of congress after the year 1800. B. Baker sculp. Published by AY. Bent, 1793. 10ixl3i' [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, AA^. Bent, 1793, v. 93. July 1793, facing p. 41]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 21 1793? Territory of Columbia. Drawn l^v Andw. Ellicott. 1 sheet, fold. 22x22. [n. p. 1793]^ Note: — The first topographical survey of the District. The Librarj' has three of the original copies and the reproduction no. 3059 made by U. S. Coast and Geodetic survey. Also foimd in "Maps of the District of Columbia, 1852," without name of author or date. During the year 1792, the commissioners employed Andrew Ellicott to survey the l)oundary lines of the Federal Dis- trict, and on January 1, 1793, he made the following report of the survey to them : "It is with singular satisfaction that I announce to you the completion of the survey of the four lines comprehending the Territory of Columbia. These lines are opened and cleared forty feet wide; that is, twenty feet on each side of the lines limiting the Territory; and in order to perpetuate the work, I have set up square milestones, marked progressively with the number of miles from the beginning on Jones's Point to the west corner; thence from the west corner; thence from the north corner to the east corner, and thence to the j^lace of beginning on Jones's Point, except as to a few cases where the miles termi- nated on a declivity or in water; in such cases the stones are placed on the nearest firm ground, and their true distances in miles and poles marked on them. On the sides facing the Territory is inscribed, 'Jurisdiction of the United States ' ; on the opposite sides, of those placed in the State of Virginia is inscribed 'Virginia', and of those in the State of INIaryland is inscribed ' Maryland.' On the fourth side is inscribed the year and the present position of the magnetic needle at the place. With this you will receive a map of the four lines, with a half mile on each side, to which is added a survey of the waters in the Territory and a plan of the city of Washington." This report evidently refers to the above map, of which there has been some question as to date of making. 1793? Ellicott (Andrew). Territory of Columbia, [anon.] 22x22. [In District of Columbia. Maps and plans, fol. Washington, A. B. Ham- ilton, 1852. at end]. Note:— A reproduction of the 1793? edition, without name of author or date. Also reproduced from the original copy in the Library of Congress, by the Coast and Geodetic survey. No. 3059. 1793-1811. Ground plan of the Capitol. Desig-ned by dr, Thornton, 1793. Accepted Ijy the commissioners to modify the plan hy Stephen L. Hallet, alread}^ approved with one exception. This plan was after- wards almost entirely adopted. Mr. Hallet l^eing eng-ag-ed as super- vising architect at a salary of $400 a year. He resigned however, in a few months and mr. George Hadtield aided by mr. Jas. Hoban, archi- tect of the White House ])uilt the north wing, completing it in 1800, The south wing was constructed under the supervision of architect Benj. H. Latrobe and finished in 1811. Plan of the Capitol rec'd from dr. Thornton, april, 1801. 17x21. Manuscript. Division of Prints. 22 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. 1794. Front elevation of the Federul Capitol. Plan D. Subuaitted to President Jefferson by Stephen Hallet. 1794. 20x40. Division of Prints. 1794. Map of the state of Maryland laid down from an actual survey of all the principal waters, public roads, and divisions of the countries therein; describing- the situation of the cities, towns, villages, houses of worship and other public buildings, furnaces, forges, mills and other remarkable places; and of the Federal territory; and also a sketch of the state of Delaware; showing the probable connexion of the Chesar peake and Delaware bays; b}^ Dennis Griffith. June 20th. 1794. Engraved by J. Thackara & J. Vallance. Scale of miles QSj\ to a degree. 29 x 51. Philadelphia, J. Vallance, 179.5. Note: — Inset "Plan of the city of Washington and territory of Columbia". 22 X 22. Plan of the city of Washington. (U x 8i. [London]. J. Stockdale, 16 sept. 1794. [In Morse (Jedidiah). Maps of America, to accompany "The american geography. Anewed." [anon.] 12°. London, for J. Stockdale, 1792-1794. no. 6]. 1794. Principal floor of plan D. for Federal Capitol by Stephen Hailet. 24 X 40. Manuscript. Division of Prmts. 1795. Plan de la ville de Washington en Amerique. 6i x 7f . [In Gothaischer liof-kalender, 1795. 24°. Gotha, [1795]. facing p. 94]. 1795. Plan of the city of Washington in the territory of Columbia ceded by the states of Virginia and Maryland and by them established as the seat of government after the year 1800. Rollinson sculpt. N. York. 16 X 20i. Published by I. Reid, L. Warland and C. Smith, 1795. [Inserted at end of The American atlas [to Winterbotham's history], fol. New York, John Reid, 1796]. Note: — The EUicott map with Potomac river soundings. 1795. Plan of the citj^ of Washington, in the territory of Columbia, ceded by the states of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America and by them established as the seat of their government, after the year 1800. J. Russell sculpt. 15i by 20i. [In Russell (J.) An American atlas, fol. London, H. D. Symonds & J. Ridgway, 1795. at end]. Note. — The EUicott map with Potomac river soundings. Published with- out date. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 23 1795. Plan of the city of Washing-ton in the territory of Columbia ceded by the states of Virginia and Maryland to the United States and by them established as the seat of their government, after the year 1800. Published by I. Reid. 16 by 20i. New York, RoUinson, sculpt. [1795] ( Note. — The Ellicott map with Potomac river soundings. PubUshed without date. 1796. The red shade shews the part of Port Royal belonging to mess'rs Sands & Lynch. City of Washington, June 9th, 179F COLUMBIA. 1837. View of the Capitol at Washington. 5i x 8i. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge, [1837]. 8°. Boston, J. L. Sibley, 1837. v. 3. p. 26]. 1837. View of the president's house, at Washington. 4x6. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge, [1837]. 8°. Boston, J. L. Sibley, 1837. v. 3. p. 78]. 1838. View of the city of Washington. The metropolis of the United States of America. Taken from Arlington house, the residence of George Washington P. Custis, esq. P. Anderson, del. On stone by F. H. Lane. 15 x 36i. Boston, T. Moore, [1838]. 1838. Washington. 6x7. [In Bradford (Thomas G.). An illustrated atlas, geographical, statistical and historical of the United States, fol. Boston, Weeks, Jordan & co. 1838. p. 33]. Note: — On the illustrated title page is a view of the Capitol and j)p. 33-34, a descriptive text. 1839. The Capitol. East view, 1839. 3^x6. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 16]. 1839. The president's house, from AVashington. -lIxTi. [In American scenery. From drawings l)y W. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Willis. 4°. Londcm, (t. Virtue, 1840. v. 2. p. 32]. 1839. Principal front of the Capitol, Washington. 5 x T. London, G. Virtue, 1839. [In xVmerican scenery. From drawings by \V. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 2. p. 55]. 1839. View of the Capitol at Washington. 5 x 7. London, G. Virtue, 1839. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 1. p. 36]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 37 1839. Washington, from the president's house. Vue de Washington, pris de la maison du president. Washington vom hotel des prasi- denten gesehn. AV. H. Bartlett. H. Wallis. Hi x 8f. Londoi , Geo: Virtue, 1839. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary departhient by N. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 2. j). 49]. 1840. Ascent to the Capitol, Washington. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 1. title page]. 1840. The Capitol. From the Vigrinia side of the Potomac, 1840. 3^ x 6. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 18]. 1840. View of the city of Washington. [In Haas (P.) Public buildings and statuary of the government. 18°. Wash- ington, P. Haas, 1840]. 1840? The Capitol of the United States in Washington. H. Brown, del. 3i X 6i. [In Our globe. A universal picturesque album, obi. 4°. Philadelphia, edited by the North-American bibliographic institution, 1840? p. 81]. 1841. Capitol. South west view, 1841. 3i x (3. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 22]. 1841. View of the White House. [In Buckingham (J. S.) America. 8°. London, Fisher & co. 1841. v. 1. p. 310]. 1842. Interior of the house of representatives, Washington. Drawn by W. Goodacre, N. Y. Engraved & printed by Fenner, Sears & co. 5ix4i. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 2. facing p. 527]. 38 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. 1845. Plan of the town of Alexandria, D. C. with the environs. Exhib- iting the outlet of the Alexandria canal the shipping- channel, wharves, Hunting cr. &c. From actual surve}^ by Maskell C. Ewing, 1845. 19 X 21. Philadelphia, lith. of T. Sinclair^ [1815]. Note. — Formerly in the District of Columbia. Retroceded to Virginia in 1846. 1845. Plan von Washington. 1815. Meyer's Handatlas. No. 61. 12x14^. Aus der geographischen graviranstalt des bibliographischen instituts zu Hildburghausen. Amsterdam, Paris, u. Philadelphia, [1845]. Note. — Inset diagram of the Capitol. 1845. President's house. North front. 3i x 5^. [In Force (William Q.) Pictures of Washington. 18°. Washington, W. Q. Force, 1845. p. 29]. 1845. The president's house. South view. 3 x 4i. [In Force (William Q.) Pictures of Washington. 18°. Washington, W. Q. Force, 1845. p. 30]. 1846. Map of the city of Washington established as the permanent seat of the p'overnment of the United States of America 1846. Engraved and published by D. M'Clelland, Washington. 13ixlT. [In Varnum (Joseph B.) The seat of government of the United States. 8°. New York, Hunt's merchants magazine, 1848]. 1846. Map of the city of Washington. Established as the permanent seat of the government of the United States of America. 1846. Engraved and published by D. M'Clelland, 13 x 17. [In Watterson (George). New guide to Washington. 18°. Washington, R. Farnham, 1847-8. at en Note. — Inset "Map of the District of Cohmdiia". 1847. View of the Capitol. [In Mills (Robert). Guide to the Capitol and national executive offices of the United States. 16°. Washington, W. Greer, 1847-8. front] Note. — Introduction page 6, states that "A beautiful map of the city, show- ing the locality of every public building, churches &c. will be affixed to some of the copies of this work to meet the wishes of purchasers". 1848. Capitol (East view). Drawn from nature by Aug. Kollner. Lith. by Deroy. Printed by Cattier. New York & Paris, published by MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. 39 Goupil, Vibert & eo. Entered according- to act of congress in the year 1848 b}^ Aug. Kollner, in the clerk's office of the district court for the southern district of New York. Deposited in the Clerk's office so. district, N. Y. May 30, 1850. 8 x 11^. Art Division. 1848. Capitol. East view, 18-:!:8. 3ix(j. [In Washington, D. C. Cai^itol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 22]. 1849. City of Washington. 12^x15^. [In Mitchell (S. A.) A new universal atlas, fol. Philadelphia, S. A. :Mitch- ell, 1849. pi. 16]. Note. — Inset " Plan of the princiiial floor of the Capitol." 1849. View of Washington city and Georgetown. Published and sold by Casimir Bohn. 19 x 22. [In Bohn's hand-book of Washington. 18°. AVashington, C. Bohn, 1854. at end] . Note. — Copyright in 1849. Interesting inserted view with marginal picture of public buildings. 1850. iVIap of the city of Washington established as the permanent seat of the government of the United States of America. 1850. Engraved and published by D. M'Clelland, Washington, 13ixl7. [InStreeter (E. S.) The stranger's guide. 18°. Washington, C.Alexander, 1850. at end]. Note. — Inset "Map of the District of Columbia." 1850. Map of the city of Washington, established as the permanent seat of the government of the United States of America. 1850. Engraved and published by D. M'Clelland, Washington. 13^x17. [In Washington, D. C. The Washington directory. 1850. Compiled by E. Waite. 12°. Washington, C. Alexander, 1850]. Note. — Inset "Map of the District of Columbia." 1850. Map of the city of Washington, D. C. flames Keily, survevor. col. fold. 30 X 42. Camden, N. J. Lloyd Van Derveer, publisher, 1850. Note. — Inset views of Capitol, President's house, north front. National observatory, Washington monument. General post office, Patent office. 40 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. 1851. City of Washington. 12i x 15^. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus). A new universal atlas. 4°. Philadelphia. Thomas, Cowperthwait & co. 1851. no. 16]. Note. — On pi. 5 is an inset of the "District of Columbia." 1851. Map of the city of Washington, D. C. established as the permanent seat of government of the United States. James Keily. surveyor. 30x42. Camden, N. J., L. Van Derveer, 1851. Note. — Inset views of the Capitol, President house, statue of Washington, National observatory, Washington monument, City Hall, General Post Otfice, Smithsonian Institution, Treasury, Patent ofEce. 1851. A new map of the United States of America. By J. H. Young. 15ix26. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus). Mitchell's new atlas of North and South America. 4°. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & co. 1851. sheet 5]. Note. — Inset "District of Columbia!". 1852. Map of the city of Washington in the District of Columbia, estab- lished as the permanent seat of the government of the United States of America. W. J. Stone sc. Wash'n. 23x30^. [In maps of the District of Columbia and city of Washington, and i)lats of the squares and lots of the city of Washington, fol. AVashington, A. B. Ham- ilton, 1852]. Note. — Reproduced by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic survey. No. 3063. 1852. ]Maps of the District of Colum])ia and city of Washington and plats of the squares and lots of the city of Washington. Printed in pur- suance of a resolution of the Senate of the United States. 1 p. 1. 159 pi. 3 fold. maps. fol. Washington. A. B. Hamilton, 1852. Note. — The folded maps are. 1. Territory of Columbia. By Andrew Elli- cott, without name of author or date. The first topographical map of the District made about 1793, an original engraved copy of which is in this library. 2. Ellicott's plan of the city of Washington, 1792. From the engraved map of Hill. 3. Map of the city of Washington. W. J. Stone, sc. The King map of 1803? is the basis with additions and without the engraving of the capitol and president's house. 1852. View of Washington. Published and sold by E. Sachse & co.. Bal- timore, Md. Drawn from nature and on stone by E. Sachse. Lith and print, in colors by E. Sachse & comp. Entered according to the year 1852 by E. Sachse in the clerk's office of the district court of Maiyland. 18i x 28. Colored. Art Division. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA. 41 1853. CHy of Washington. 12^ x l,5i. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus). A new universal atlas. 4°. Philadel- phia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & co., 1853. sheet 16]. Note. — Inset "Plan of the principal floor of the Capitol." 1853. Plat and subdivison of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road company's property, in '* reseryation 12 " and in ''square 574" in the city of Washing-ton. Randolph Coyle. Noy. 11th, 1853. To be sold at auc- tion nov. 23rd, 1853, at 2 o'clock, p. m. on the premises, l)y Jas. C. McGuire, auct. ITx 14. [Washington], C. B. Graham, lithr., [1853]. 1853. Washington. 5 x 8^. [In Fanning's illustrated gazetteer of the United States. 8°. New York, Phillips, Fanning & co. 1853. p. 379]. 1853. Washington. 5 x Sh [In Phelps' hundred cities and large towns of America. 8°. New York, 1853]. 1853. Washington. 4f x 8. [In Washington, D. C. Directories. 1853. Compiled and published by Alfred Hunter]. Note. — Inset " Plan of the Capitol". On page 48 is another plan of Wash- ington in text followed by views of the Capitol, Senate, House of Represent- atives, pages 49-52. 1853? Plats showing the position of square south of 173 in the city of Washington and the subdivision of a portion there of into btiilding lots. Drawn for the proprietor by R. Co^de. Scale of general plat one inch to two hundred and iifty feet of plat of lots one inch to eighty feet. 16 X 19f. Richmond, Va., Ritchies & Dunnayant, [1853]? 1854. Map of the city of Washington esta))lished as a permanent seat of the goyernment of the United States of America. 1854. Engrayed and published l)y D. M'Clelland, Washington. 13i x 17. [In Varnum (Joseph B. jr.) The seat of government of the United States, 2ded. 8°. Washington, R. Farnham, 1854]. 1854. Map of the city of AYashington in the District of Columbia. Pub- lished by Casimir Bohn, Washington. 11^ x 15^. [In Bohn's hand-book of Washington. 18°. Washington, C. Bohn, 1854]. Note. — Inset view of the Capitol. 42 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1854. Plan .submitted for the silteration of the streets and av. around the Capitol consequent upon its extension, submitted by B. B. French, esq'r convr of pub. buildings, deceml)er 0th, 1854. Wm. Forsyth, eng-'r for C. P. Buildings. Scale 400 feet to one inch. lOf.x 8. Balti- more, A. Hoen & co. lith. 1854. 1854. Plat & dimensions of circle on Pennsylvania avenue at intersection of Pa. avenue, New Hampshire avenue, K. street north, 23d street west, subuiitted by B. B. French, esq'r comm'r of pub. buildings. 18th nov'r 1854. Wm. Forsyth, eng'r for C. P. Buildings, Scale 150 ft. to one inch. T^-x 5. Baltimore, A. Hoen & co. lith. 1854. 1854. Plat of proposed carriage road, and other improvements south of the president's house agreeably to plan of A. J. Downing, for improve- ment of said road & grounds submitted by B. B. French, commissioner of pul). buildings. 3d. day of October, 1854. Wm. Forsyth, eng'r for C. P. Buildings. 10^ x 8. Baltimore, A. Hoen & co. lith, 1834. 1854. Plat triangular reservation of Pennsylvania between 20th & 21st streets west submitted by B. B. French, com'r of pub. buildings, 18th november, 1854. W. Forsyth, eng'r for the com'r of pub. buildings. Scale 40 ft. to one inch. 5 x 8i. Baltimore, A. Hoen & co. lith. 1854. 1854? Glenwood cemetery. District of Columbia. Incorporated by act of congress, July 25, 1854. 14x13^. [Washington, 1854]. 1855. Map of the city of Washington established as the permanent seat of the government of the United States of America, 1855. 13^x17. Engraved and published by D. M'Clelland. Washington, D. M'Clel- land. 1855. Note. — Inset " Map of the District of Columbia". 1855. President's house. North front [&] South front. Two views. [In Morrison (W. M.) Morrison's stranger's guide to the city of Washing- ton. 18°. Washington, W. M. Morri.son & co. 1855. p. 40]. 1856. Georgetown and the city of Washington. 11 x 14. [In Colton's atlas of the world. 4°. New York, J. H. t^olton & co. 1855. V. I. no. 24]. Note. — Inset views of the Smithsonian institution, Capitol and Washington monument. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 43 1856. Plats of subdivisions of the city of Washington, D. C, compiled from the authentic records. By William Forsyth, surveyor. 3 p. 1. 62 pp. sm. fol. Washington, R. A. Waters, 1856. 1856. View of the Capitol at Washington. W. H. Bartlett. C. J. Bent- ley. 5x7. [In Bartlett (William Henry). The history of the United State.-. 8°. New York, Virtue & Yorston, 1856? v. 2. p. 238.] Note. — Same view also in "American scenery. By W. H. Bartlett. 1839." 1857. City of Washington. Published by Charles Desilver. 12^ x 15i. [In Desilver (Charles). A new universal atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, C. Desilver, 1857. sheet 16]. Note. — Inset "Plan of the principal Hoor of the Capitol". 1857. Map of Washington city. Surveyed and published bv A. Boschke. 1857. Scale 500 ft. to 1 inch. 56 x 60. New York. lith. of eT. Bien, [1857]. Note. — Inset views of U. S. Treasury, National observatory, Capitol, Mili- tary asylum, National monument, President's house, Postoffice, Lunatic asylum, City hall, Columbia armory, Greenough's statue of Washington, U. S. arsenal. 1858. Georgetown and the city of Washington, [In Colton (W. G.) Colton's general atlas. New York, Colton ct co. 1858. no. 26] . Note. — Inset views of the Smithsonian institution, Capitol and AVashington monument. 1858. Map of the city of Washington, established as the permanent seat of the government of the United States of America, 1858. Published by C. Bohn. 13ixl7. [In Lanman (Charles). Bohn's hand-book of W^ashington. 18°. Wash- ington, C. Bohn, 1860. at end]. 1858. ]Map of the city of Washington. 1858. 18x17. Washington, Cassimir Bohn, 1858. [In Bohn (Cassimir) . Handbook of Washington. 16°. Washington, 1860. at end]. Note. — .\ reproduction of M'Clelland's map of 184(5. 1860. President's house, 3 x4:i. [In Lanman (Charles) . Bohn's hand-book of Washijigton. 18°. Washing- ton, C. Bohn, 1860. p. 31]. 44 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1861. Defenses of Washington. 1C> x 16. [In United States. Wai- department. Atlas to accompany the official rec- ords of the Union and Confederate armies. Compiled by capt. Calvin D. Cowles. 4°. Washington, government ]»rinting office, 1891-95. pi. fi]. 1861. G. Woolworth Colton's map of the countrv oOO miles around the city of Washington. Showing the seat of war in the east. 20x80. New York, G. W. Colton, 1861. 1861. Map of the city of Washington in the District of Cokmibia, U. States of America. Published by Casimir Bohn, Washington. 11 x 15^. [In Bohn (Casimir) . Bohn's hand-ljook of Wasliington. 18°. Washing- ton, C. Bohn, 1861. at end]. Note. — Inset view of the Capitol. 1861. Map of the city of Washington. (District of Columbia). 6x7. [In Philp's Washington described. Edited by William D. Haley. 12°. New York, Rudd & Carleton, 1861]. 1861. Map of the seat of war showing the })attle of July 18th, 21st & oct. 21st, 1861. 25ix 21i. Washington, published l)y V. P. Corbett, lith.' by A. Hoen & co. Balto. [1861].^ [In Congressional directory fur 2d sess. o7th congress. 1st ed. 8°. Wash- ington, 1861]. Note. — Exhil)its the defences, approacht^s and i)lan of Washington. 1861. Monk (Jacob). Map of the seat of war exhilnting the surr )unding country, the approaches by sea & hind to the Capitol of the United States, and the military posts, forts &c. col. 23 x 30. Philadelphia, J. Monk. 1861. 1861. Pocket map showing the probable theatre of the war compiled hy G. A. Aschbach, c. e. 14 x 12i. Philadelphia. M. H. Traubel, [1861]. Note. — Inset map of AVashington city. 1861. Topographical map of the District of Columliia. surveyed in the years 1856- 59 by A. Boschke. Scale 4 inches to one mile. "-tOx-tO. Wash- ington. D. M'Clelland. [etc.] 1861. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 45 1862. Johnson's (xeorgetown and the city of Washing-ton. 11^ x 14^. [In Johnson's new illustrated family utlas. 4°. New York, Johnson & Ward, 1862. p. 34]. Note. — Inset views of the Smithsonian institution, Capitol and Washington monument. 1862. Map of northeastern Virginia and vicinity of Washington. Com- piled in topographical engineers office at division headquarters of gen- eral Irwin McDowell, Arlington, Jan. 1, 1862. Corrected from recent sur\'eys and reconnaissances under direction of the bureau of topographical engineers, Aug. 1, 1862. Scale: one inch to two miles. Drawn by J. Young and W. Hesselbach. 2 sheets each. 16i x 27. [In United States. War department. Atlas to accompany the official rec- ords of the Union and Confederate armies. Compiled by capt. Calvin D. Cowles. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1891-95. pi. 7-8]. 1862. The new naval and military map of the United States. By J. Cal- vin Smith. 67 x 67f . Philadelphia, Baker, 1862. Note. — Inset view of Washington city. 1862. Preliminary chart of Potomac river in four sheets. Sheet no. 4, from Indian head to Little Falls bridge. 1862. Scale x o.Vo u • 38f x 23. [Washington], 1862. ■" United States. Trea.sury department. Coast and geodetic survey]. 1862. ''Surveys for military defences.*" Map of n. eastern Virginia and vicinity of Washington, compiled in topographical engineers office at division head quarters to general Irvin McDowell, Arlington, January 1, 1862. Corrected from recent surveys and reconnaissances tinder direction of the bureau of topographical engineers, august 1st. 1862. Drawn by J. J. Young, W. Hesselbach. Scale one inch to the mile. 52i X 51. New York, engr. on stone by J. Schedler, [1862]. [United States. AVar department. Corps of engineers]. 1862. Topographical map of the original District of Columbia and envi- rons: showing the fortitications around the city of Washington. By E. G. Arnold, col. fold. 30 x 32. New York, G. W. Colton, 1862. Note. — Copyright 1862 by E. G. Arnold. The pcjsition of forts is shown ])y red color. Gives population from 1SOO-1S60. 46 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1863. Bird's eye view of Washington. J. Wells, N. Y. J. C. Armytage. 5 X Ti. [In Bartlett (W. H.) and Woodward (B. B.) The history of the Ignited States. 8°. London, Virtue & co. [1863]. v. 2. front.] 1863. Map of the city of Washington (District of Columbia). W. Smith, engraver & lithographer. , [In Hannot (Victor). Street directory of Washington and Georgetown, 1863. 24°. Washington, V. Hannot, 1863]. 1863. The president's house, from the river. H. W. Bartlett. W. Rad- clyffe. 5x7. [In Bartlett (W. H.) and Woodward (B. B.) The history r.f tlie T'nUed States. 8°. London, Virtue & Co. [1861]. v. 1. p. 601]. 1863. View of the Capitol completed 1868. Showing north and south wings and dome constructed under the supervision of Gen. Mont- gomery C. Meigs, after the design of mr. Thos. U. Waters, Philadel- phia. Ponna. L. C. Handy, photo.. Washington. 17x23. Division of Prints. 1864. Colton's Georgetown and the city of Washington. 11 x 14. [In Cohon's atlas of America. 4°. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. no. 9]. Note. — Inset views of the Smithsnnian institution, Capitol and AVa.shington Tionument. 1864. Johnson's Georgetown and the city of Washington. 12^x15^. [In Johnson's new illustrateil family atlas. 4^^. New York, Johnson & Ward, 1864. sheet 37]. XoTE. — In.«et vieAvs of the Smithsonian institution, Capitol and Washington monument. 1864. ^Washington & surrounding forts]. [InBechler (GustavusR.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and impor- tant localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia. ol)l. 12°. I'hila- delphia, [1864]. plate 1]. 1865. Defenses of Washington. Extract of military map of n. c. Virginia, showing forts and roads. 1865. Scale: one inch to the mile. 16^x13. [In United States. War department. Atlas to accompany the official records of the l*nion and Confederate armies. Compiled by capt. Calvin D. Cowles. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1891-95. pi. 89]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 47 1865. Extract of military map of n. e. Virginia, showing forts and roads. Engineer bureau, war dept. 1865. 39th cong, 1st sess. Report of the chief engineer. No. 1. 16tx23t. Philadelphia, Bowen & co., [1865]. United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. 1865. Plan of the cit}' of Washington. Drawn and engraved ])y W. H. Gamble, llxisi [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phil- adelphia, S. A. Mitchell, jr, 1865. no. 26] . 1866. The House of representatives, U. S. Capitol, Washington, D. C. Published by Casimir Bohn. Washington, D. C. Lith., by E. Sachse & CO. Entered according to act of congress, A. D. 1866 by Casimir Bohn, Balto. in the clerk's office of the district court of Md. Colored. 12 X 19i. Division of Prints. 1866. Map of the city of Washington (District of Columbia). 6^ x T. [In Washington, D. C. Directories, 1S66. Compiled Ijy Andrew Boyd. 8°. Washington, Boyd & Waite, 1866]. 1866. Map of Washington city and Georgetown. Victor Hannot. pub- lisher. A. Hoen & co. lithographers & engravers. 8 x 10. [In Washington, D. C. Directories. Street directory. 1866. 24°. Wash- ington, Y. Hannot, 1866]. 1866. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved bv W. H. Gamble. 11x13. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phil- adelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1866. sheet 26] . 1866. Washington, D. C. 7 x 8. [In Hall (Edward H.) Ai^pleton's hand-book of american travel. 12°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1866. p. 21]. 1867. Hall and Elvans' subdivision of ^Meridian Hill, Washington county, D. C. Sept. 1867. Charles H. Bliss, surveyor. Scale: 100 feet to the inch. 35f x29f. New York, Snyder, Black & Sturn, 1867. 1867. Map of the city of Washington (District of Columbia). 6ix 7. [In Washington, D. C. Directories. 1867. Comi)ile(l by Wm. H. Boyd. 8°. Washington, Hudson Taylor book store, 1867]. 48 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA. 1867. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved by W. H. Gamble. llxlS.*^ [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phila- delphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1867. sheet 29]. 1868. Johnson's Washington and Georgetown, col. fold. 13x17. New York, A. J. Johnson, [1868]. 1868. Map of the city of Washington (District of Columbia). 6ix7. [In Washington, D. C. Directories. 1868. Compiled by Wm. H. Boyd. 80°. Washington, Hudson Taylor book store, 1868. p. 76]. 1868. Map of the city of Washington. 18i x 21. [Washington], W. H. &. O. H. Morrison, 1868. 1868. Todd & Brown's subdivision of part of "Pleasant Plains & Mt. Pleasant"', suburbs of Washington, D. C. Surveyed and divided by Wm. Forsyth, survej^or, april, 1868. 21 x 36. Washington, J. F. Gedney, 1868. 1868. View of Washington city PuIj. 1 )y W. H. &. O. H. Morrison. 5i x 7i. [In Morrison's stranger's guide for Washington city. 18°. Washington, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1868]. 1869. Map of the city of Washington (District of Columbia). 67 x 7. [In Washington, D. C. Directories, 1869. Compiled liy Wm. H. Boyd. 80°. W^ashington, Hudson Taylor book store, 1869. p. 104]. 1869. View of Washington cit}'. Publ. b}^ J, E. Walker. Colored. 17f x26f. Baltimore, lith by E. Sachse & co. [1870]. 1870. Map of the city of Washington (District of Columbia). 6^x7. [In Washington, D< C. Directories. 1870. Compiled by Wm. H. Boyd 8°. Washington, Hudson Taylor book store, 1870]. 1870. ]\lap of the roads in Washington county, D. C. 187t\ Scale 4 inches to the mile. B, D. Carpenter, surveyor. 1:7 x -10. Washing- ton, J. F. Gedney, lith [-1870]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 49 1870. Map of Washington, District of Columbia. 1870. 7 x 9. [In Congressional directory for the 3d sess. 41st. congress. 1st. ed. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1870. at end]. Note. — Same map pnblished in all the directories to 1876 inclusive. 1870. Map of Washington city, District of Columbia. 1870. 7x9. [In Washington, D. C. Directories. 1871. Compiled by Wm. H. Boyd. 8°. ^Vashington, Hudson Taylor book store, 1871. p. 1]. 1870. Outlines of tracts of land within which the city of Washington was laid out. Constructed by S. R. Seiliert, c. e., from data collected by dr. J. M. Toner, 1870. 45x66. [Washington, 1870]. Toner collec- tion. 1870. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved by W. H. Gamble. 11 x in. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus). Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1870. sheet .30]. 1870. Plan of the city of Washington, D. C. established as the permanent seat of the government of the United States extended to embrace its suburban towns, villages &c. and the city of Georgetown, and show- ing original and other valuable data not to be found on any map here- tofore published. Also a diagram of the avenues showing their true courses and distances and a plan of Alexandria. By William Forsyth, 1870. 63x68. [Washington, 1870]. View of Washington city, bv E. Sachse & co. [1870]. View of Washington city by E. Sachse & co. [1871]. 1870. Colored. 17f x261 Baltimore, lith. 1871. Colored. 17fx26f. Baltimore, lith 1872. Map of the city of Washington. Showing the subdivisions, grades and general coniiguration of the ground in equidistances from 5 to 5 feet altitude. Compiled with the assistance of the cit}^ sur. P. H. Donegan by A. Bastert and J. Enthoffer. Scale 1 inch-250 feet. 10 sheets each 22 x 33^. fold. fol. Boston, A. Petersen & J. Enthoifer, 1872. S. Doc. 154 4 50 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1872. Washington from Arlington Heights. AV. Sheppard. R. Hinshel wood. 13 X 10. New York, D. Appleton & co. [1872]. 1873. Georgetown and the city of Washington. 11^x15. [In Gray (0. W.) Gray's atlas of the United States. 4°. Philadelphia, Steadman, Brown & Lyon. 1873. p. 88]. Note. — Inset views of the Smithsonian institution, Capitol and Washington monument. 1873. Martenet (J. S.) & others. New topographical atlas of the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia, (etc.) 108 pp. inch 30 maps, fol. Baltimore, Stedman. Brown & Lyon, 1873. 1873. Map of the city of Washington showing the progress of buildings up to oct. 1873. Compiled by J. Enthoffer. Scale 1000 feet to the inch. 23 X 27. [Washington. 1873]. Note. — Photograph copy. 1873. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved by W. H. Gamble. 11 x ll. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phila- delphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1873. sheet 30]. 1874. ]Map of the cities of Washington and Georgetown. D. C. Published by W. H. & O. H. Morrison. 1874. loi x 19^. [In Morrison's standard guide for Washington city. ]8°. Washington, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1875. at end]. 1874. Plan for sewering the city of Washington, D. C, and at the same time purif}" B-street sewer and James Creek canal, and prevent floods, which are so frequent, by means of "an artificial current'". By E. Bantz. m. d. Baltimore, Md. Originated 1873. Suggested 1874. 22 X 1.5. [Baltimore, 1874]. Note. — Manuscript plan with printed title. 1874. Real estate directory of the city of Washington, D. C. A manual for business men, [etc.] Containing a separate plat of each square in the city, on a scale of 50 feet to the inch. Prepared at the request and under the auspices of Fitch & Fox, by E. F. M. Faehtz and F. AV. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 51 Pratt. 3v. 4^. [Washington] 187-i. Y. 1. Squares 1-428. V. 2. Squares 428-815. V. 3. Squares 815-1170. 1874? General plan for the extension of the U. S. capitol grounds. John Fraser, architect. 29 x 19f . Note. — Printed from manuscript "General plan for the improvement of the U. S. capitol grounds". "By Fred Law Olmstead, July 1874. Scale 60 feet to one inch. Original plan does not contain Congressional Library or Depart- ment of Justice' ' . 1875. Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia. By Frank A. Gray. Natural scale 1: 633,600. 15i x 26. [In Gray (0. W.) & son. The national atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, 1882. p. 63]. Note. — Inset plan of Washington. 1875. Washington. 12x15. [In Gray (O. W.) & son. The national atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, 1875. p. 74]. 1876. Bird's eye view of Washington city, D. C. Published by W. H. & O. H. iviorrison. 14 x 20. [In Morrison's stranger's guide for Washington city. 16°. Washington, AV. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1876]. 1876. Georgetown and the city of Washington. 11 xl4. [In Colton's general atlas of the world. 4°. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton&co. 1876. p. 27]. Note. — Inset views of the Smithsonian institution, Capitol and Washington monument. 1876. Map ot the cities of Washington and Georgetown, D. C. Published by W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1876. 15f x 19f . [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 45th cong. 2d sess. Ex. doc. 1, pt. 6. Fourth annual report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1876 & 1877. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1877. v. 4. p. 142]. 1876. Map of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, D. C. Pub- lished by W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1876. 15ix 19i [In Morrison's stranger's guide for Washington city. 16°. Washington, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1876. at end]. 52 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA. 1876. Map of Washington city. 5i x 7. [In Ogden (Robert C.) Washington city and how to see it [anon.] 18°. New York. Hard & Houghton, 1876. p. 7]. 1876. Map of Washington. District of Cohimbia. 7x9. [In Wyetli (Samuel D.) Roose's companion and guide to Washington and vicinity [anon.] 18°. Washington, Gibson bros. 1876]. 1876. Maryland, Delaware and the District of Colunil)ia. By Frank A. Gray. Natural scale 1 : 633.000. loi x 26. [In Gray (0. W.) Gray's atlas of the United States. 4°. Philadelphia, J. W. Lyon & co. 1876. pp. 64-65]. Note. — Contains inset plan of Washington. 1876. Maiyland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. By Frank A. Gray. Natural scale 1 : 633.600. 15i x 26. [In Gray (O. W.) & son. The national atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, 0. W. Gray & son, 1876. pp. 64-6.5]. Note. — Contains inset plan of Washington. 1876. New map of Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. 15x2-1:. Baltimore, J. F. Weishampel. jr. 1876. 1876. New railroad map of the state of Maryland, Delaware, and the Dis- trict of Columbia. Compiled and drawn by Frank Arnold Gray, col. 15 X 24. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, 1876. 1876. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved by W. H. Gamble. 11 x 13^. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phila- delphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1876. sheet 48]. 1877. Map of Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. 24 x 16. [In Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of Baltimore county, Maryland, foh Philadel- phia, G. M. Hopkins, 1877]. 1877. Map of Washington city, District of Columbia. 1877. 7x9. [In Congressional directory. 45th cong. 2d sess. Corrected to dec. 10, 1877. 1st. ed. 8°. Washington, government i^rinting office, 1877. at end]. Note. — Same map puVjlished in all the directories to 1878 inclusive. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 53 1877. Rand, McNally & co's indexed map of Maryland, D. C. and Dela- ware. 18, pp. 18^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1877. 1877-1896. Potomac river (In four sheets). Date of first pu):)lication 1862-1868. Issued 1877-1896. Sheet 1. Entrance to Piney Point. Scale l:60,00o. 23ix29. Sheet 2. Piney Point to Lower Ceder Point. Scale 1:60,000. 23x26i. Sheet 3. Lower Ceder Point to Indian Head. Scale 1:60,000. 23x29i Sheet 4. Indian Head to Georgetown. Scale 1:40,000. 39 x 22f. [United States. Treasury department. Coast and Geodetic survey. Charts 388-391]. 1878. Georgetown and the city of Washington. 11 x 14. [In Colton's general atlas of the world. 4°. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton&co. 1878. no. 27]. Note. — Inset views of the Smithsonian institution, Capitol and Washington monument. 1878. Map of Maryland, Delaware and the Di-strict of Columbia. 24 x 16. [In Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of fifteen miles around Baltimore, including Anne Arundel county, Maryland, fol. Philadelphia, G. INI. Hopkins, 1878. at end]. 1878. Map of Maryland. Delaware and the District of Columbia. 24 x 16. [In Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of fifteen miles around Washington, including the county of Prince George, Maryland, fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1878. at end]. 1878. Map of Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. 24 x 16. [In Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of fifteen miles around Baltimore, including Howard county, Maryland, fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1878. at end]. 1878. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved l)y W. H. Gambel. 11 x 13i. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus). Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phil- adelphia, S. A. INIitchell, 1878. p. 48]. 1879. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of fifteen miles around Washington, includ- ing the counties of Fairfax and Alexandria, Va. 77 pp. 4. incl. 49 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1879. Note. — Plan of Washington on pp. 10-11. 54 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1879. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of fifteen miles around Washington, includ- ing the county of ^Montgomery, Maryland. 84 pp. incl. 44 maps. 3 maps at end. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins. 1879. Note. — Plan of Washington on pp. 10-11. 1879. Map of Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. It3 x 24. [In Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of fifteen miles around Washington, including the county of Montgomery, ^laryland. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1879. at end]. 1879. Map of Washington city. District of Columbia. 7 x 9. [In Congressional directory. 45th cong. 3d sess. 2d ed. Corrected to jan. 29, 1879. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1879 at end]. Note. — Same map published in all the directories to 1882 inclusive. 1879. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved by W. H. Gamble. 11 x 14. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phila- delphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1879. p. 48]. 1880. The city of Washington. Birds-eye view from the Potomac — look- ing north. Drawn by C. R. Parsons. 20i x 33. New York, Currier & Ives. [1880]. 1880. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved b}- W, H. Gamble. 11 x 13^. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phila- delphia, Bradley & co. 1880. sheet 48]. 1880. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed map of Maryland, D. C. and Dela- ware. 18, 6 pp. 1 fold. map. 18^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO., [1880]. 1880. Roose's companion and guide map of Washington, and vicinity. 1880. loi X 20i. [In Roose's companion and guide to Washington and vicinity. 18°. AVash- ington, Gibson bros. 1882]. 1880. Statistical maps of Washington and the District of Columbia. 1880. Compiled by lieut. F. V. Green, to accompany the annual report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for the year ending June 30, 1880. 13 maps. 5 diagr. fol. [Washington, 1880]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 55 CONTENTS Topographical map of the District of Cohuii))ia showing the pro- jected harbor improvemeut, system of main drainage and county roads as corrected to 1880. No. 1 Vahiation of real property as determined by the assessment of 1878, and corrected to July 1st. 1879. No. 2. Showing the street grades. No. 3. Varieties of street pavements, on January 1st, 1881. No. 4. Lines of shade trees. N . 5. Location of gas lamps, maintained and lighted at the date of January 1st. 1881. No. 6. Lines of water mains. No. 7. Location of the sewers. No. 8. Location of the public schools. No. 9. Location of the stations of the Police and tire departments. No. 10. Location of the street railways. No. 11. Location of the telegraph lines. No. 12. Showing the schedule of street sweeping. 1880-92. District of Columbia. Surveyed between 1880 and 1892. Pub- lished sept. 1894. The contour interval is 10 feet. The datum plane is 0.807 feet above half tide level of the Potomac river. Scale 1/9600. 5 sheets, each 23x34. Cincinnati, the Strobridge lith. co. [1894]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast and geodetic survey, no. 3061-3066]. Note. — Sheet no. 3165 to Washington city, not published. 1881. Map of Washington city and environs. By Russell Hinman, e. c. Scale: as 1 is to 60,000. 6x8i. [In Eclectic (The) atlas and hand-book of the United States. 4°. Cincin- nati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co., 1881. Map 14.] 1881. Post route of the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey Delaware and Mar3dand and the District of Columbia with adjacent parts of New York, [etc]. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1869. Drawn by C. H. Poole. Scale 6 miles to the inch. Engraved by D. M'Clelland. 4 sheets, fold. fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. 1881. Rand, McNally & co's indexed county and township map of Mary- land and District of Columbia. 43 pp. 1 fold. map. 18^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. 56 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1881. Roose's companion and guide map of Washington and vicinity 1881. 15ix20. [In Wyeth (S. D.) Roose's companion and guide to Washington and vicinity. Cheap ed. sq. 16°. Washington, Gibson bros. 1881]. Note. — Inset "Diagram showing the divisions of the city." 1882. Boyd's map of the city of Washington and suburbs, District of Columbia. 1882. 15 x 17^. [In Washington, D. C. Directories. 1884. Wm. H. Boyd, compilor. 8°. Washington, J. B. Adams, 188-t]. Note. — Same map in the Directory for 188.3. 1882. Capitol of the United States. Washington, D. C. Copy of Milne's celebrated photograph, giving an accurate representation of the exterior of the capitol, showing both houses in session, hoth flags being up. 17f x40f. Buffalo, N. Y., the Courier lith. co., [1882]. Note. — Copyright Ijy R. Milne, december, 1882. 1882. Chart of the Potomac showing principal points and distances by A. C. Ruebsam. 3i x 5i. [Washington, 1882]. 1882. Map of Washington and vicinity. Prepared at the office of the U. S. geological surve3\ 1882. 17f x 31. [In Ward (Lester F.) Guide to the flora of Washington and vicinity. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1881. p. 238: United States. Depart- ment of the interior. National museum. Bulletin 2()]. 1882. Map showing the Washington city and Point Lookout railroad, and its connections. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. Scale of statute miles 12 to one inch. fold. 18 x 23. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1882]. 1882. Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. By Frank A. Gray. Natural scale 1 : 633. 600. 15^ x 25^. [In Gray (0. W.) & son. The national atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, 1882. p. 62]. Note. — Inset plan of Washington. 1882. Plan of Smithsonian park. Office of public ])uildings & grounds, Washington, D. C. jany. 11, 1882. Forwarded to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institute with letter of this date. G. H. B. del. [anon.] Washington, 1882. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 57 1882. Plan of the city of Washing-ton. Drawn and eno-raved hy W. H. Gamble. Ilxl3i. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phila- delphia, Bradley & co. 1882. sheet 48]. 1883. District of Columbia. Jo3'^ce's process, ll^xlli, [In Kengla (Louis A.) Contributions to the archaeology of the District of Columbia. 8°. Washington, R. A. Waters & son, 1883. at end]. 1883. Dodge (R. P.) Plats of the 131 squares in West W^ashington, (George town) 1883. 1 p. 1. 131 plats, fol. [Washington, 1883]. 1883. Johnson's Washington and Georgetown. 12 x 10. [In Johnson's new illustrated family atlas of the world. 4°. New York, A. J. Johnson & co. 1883. sheet 48]. Note. — The frontispiece to this atlas is a view of the Capitol. 1883. Map of the cit}' of Washington. 1883. 6f x 9. [In Congressional directory. 48th congress. 1st sess. 1st ed. Corrected to dec. 24, 1883. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1883 at end. Note. — Same map published in all the directories to 1886 inclusive. 1884. Boyd's map of the city of Washington and suburbs, District of Columbia, 1881. roller. 38x13. Washington, W. H. Boyd, 1884. 1884. [Linen tracing of squares 671 and 072 between New York avenue, North Capitol, j\I. and First streets; giving valuation of squares. Dec. 13, 1881. 12x11. n. p. 1881]. 1884. IMap of the city of Washington. Prepared and presented b}'^ Thos. J. Fisher & CO. 18x21*. [Washington, 1881]. 1884. Map of the District of Columbia. lOf x9. [In Swinton (William) and Harrison (Henry D.) A descriptive atlas of the United States, [anon.] 4°. New York, and Chicago, Ivison, etc. 1884. p. 108]. 1884. Map of W^ashington city. District of Columbia. Ox 7^. [In Morrison (J. M.) Illustrated dime hand-book of the National Capitol, [anon.] 18°. Washington, C. W. Brown & co. 1884. front.] 58 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. 1884. Martenet's map of Maiyland and District of Columbia, including a sketch of Delaware and parts of Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. B}^ Simon J. Martenet. Scale: 3^ miles in one inch. 43f X 70^. Philad'a, J. L. Smith, 1884. Note. — Inset map of Washington and Georgetown. 1884. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved by W. H. Gamble. 11 x 13i. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phil- adelphia, W. M. Bradley & bro. 1884. p. 48]. 1884. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and shippers' guide of Maryland and District of Columbia. 46 pp. 1 fold, map. 18^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1884.] 1884. Vicinity of Washington. 4i x 6i. [In narrower (Henry D.) Handy atlas of the world, [anon.] sm. 4°. New York and Chicago, Ivison, etc. 1884. p. 11]. 1885. Holtzman (R. O.) Map of the city of Washington and environs. 18i X 25. [Washington, 1885]. Note. — Copyrighted 1885, by A. G. Gedney. 1885. Map of the city of Washington, D. C. Showing public buildings and places of interest. 16i x 21^. New York, Hart & Von Arx, 1885. 1885. Map of the city of Washington showing the location of the water mains. Chas. D. Cole, del. 30 x 39. Washington, N. Peters, 1885. NoTE.^To accompany the annual report of lieut C. ]\IcD. Townsend, U. S. A. ass't to eng'r comm'r, D. C. 1885. Map of Washington city. District of Columbia, "i x lOli. [Wash- ington, J. M. Morrison, 1885]. Note. — Copyrighted by J. ^I. 3Iorrison, 1885. Six marginal views, and nine views on reverse. 1885. Martenet's map of Maryland and the District of Columbia, [etc]. By Simon J. Martenet, Baltimore, 1885. Scale ^^tV^o or 3i miles in one inch. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1885. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OB^ COLUMBIA. 59 1886. B. H. Warner & co's map showing a bird's eye view of the city of Washington, and suburbs. Locating the public buildings and places of interest. Prepared by A. G. Gedney. 20 x 26. Washington, B. H. Warner & co. [1886]. 1886. Map of the city of Washington, 1886. 6f x 9. [Ill Congressional directory. 49th. eong. 2d sess. 2d ed. Corrected to feb. 5, 1887. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1887. at end]. 1886. Map of the city of Washington, showing the varieties of street pave ments on January 1st, 1886. To accompany the annual report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1885. Cha*. D. Cole, del. eng'r dept. D. C. 17f x24f. Washington, N. Peters, 1886. 1886. Standard guide-map of the city of Washington and environs, with marginal numerals and patent indication. Copyright and published by Arlington publishing co. Washington, 1886. Base map compiled by J. C. Lang. 18 x 22. [In Porter (John Addison) . New standard guide of the city of Washington and environs, [anon.] 12°. Washington, Arlington publishing co. 1886]. 1886. Witteman (Adolph). New bond paper map of the city of Washing- ton. 10x13. 1 sheet, fold. 24^. New York, A. Witteman, 1886. 1887. Hopkins (Griffith Morgan;. A complete set of surveys and plats of properties in the city of Washington, title, index map. 44 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, [1887]. 1887. Map of the city of Washington and surroundings showing r6cent subdivisions. Presented by Jas. H. Marr, agent royal insurance com- pany of Liv^erpool. 20 x 26. Washington, copyrighted by A. G. Gedney, 1887. 1887. Map of the District of Columbia, from official records and surveys. Scale 800 feet to one inch. 69 x 49. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1887. 1887. Map of Washington, D. C. and environs, with marginal numbers and measuring tape attachment for instantly locating points of inter- est within a radius of twentv miles from the capitol. Compiled from 60 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. the following official sources: 1. Map of AVashington made under the direction of the engineer commissioner of the District in 1887. 2. Compilation made from records in the office of the survej'or of the District, prepared in pursuance of the act of Congress approved June 4th, 1880, and from other sources by Axel Silversparre, c. e. Pub lished by R. E. Whitman, Washington, D. C. Copyrighted 1887. 24i X 30i. [In Silversparre (Axel) . Guide to Washington, D. C. and environs. 16°. Washington, D. C. 1887.] 1887. Map showing proximity of Carlin Springs to Washington and Alex- andria. Drawn by H. W. Newby & co. Scale: one inch-2600 feet. 15 X 21^. Washington, Baxter & MacGowan, [1887]. 1887. Potomac river from Wanington to Chesapeake bay. 1887. W. M. Dougal, sc. 8i X 13^. [Washington, J. C. Entwistle, 1887]. JSToTE.— Coi)yright 1887 by W. M. Dougal. 1888. Estate of Samuel Bloget, jr., one of the founders of the city of Washington, D. C. Prepared from official plan of the city of Wash- ington, of 1870. The Blodget estate laid down from the official deed books. By Lorin Blodget, 1888. lOi x 20i. [Washington. 1888]. 1888. Map of the city of Washington. 6f x 9. [In Congressional directory. 50th cong. 1st sess. 2d ed. Corrected to Jan. 15, 1888. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1888. at end]. Note. — Same map published in all the directories to 1894 inclusive. 1888. Map of the city of Washington, 9 x 11. [In Standard (The) atlas and gazetteer of the world. 4°. Chicago, standard publishing CO. 1888. p. 132J. Note. — Inset "District of Coluniljia". 1888. Map of the cit}" of Washington and vicinity. lOi x 19^. [In Keim (De B. Randolph) . Washington, what to see and how to see it. 6th ed. 12°. Washington, 1888]. Note. — This map is found in all the subsequent editions. 1888. Morrison's map of the country aliout Washington. 20 x 25. 1 sheet fold. 18". Washington, J. R. D. Morrison, 1888]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 61 1888. Plat and survey and subdivision of "Washing-ton heights " bv the commissioners appointed in equity cause no. 9912. Thos. J. Fisher, Wm. P. Young, Wm. Forsyth, commissioners. 28x22. 1888. Roose's new map of Washington and its suburbs, 1SS8. Scale 3 in. to 1 mile. 15i x 20i. [In Roose's companion and guide to Washington. Cheap ed. corrected to 1888. 16°. Washington, Gibson bros. 1888]. 1888. Sanborn map and publishing co. Insurance maps of Washington, title, map. 11 sheets, fol. New York, Sanborn map and publishing CO. 1888. 1889. Map of the city of Washington with compliments of the Evening Star. Souvenir of march 1th, 1889. 17 x 22. Washington, D. C. Bell bros. photo-lith. [1889]. 1889. Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. By Frank A. Gray. Natural scale 1:633.600. 15^x25. [In Brown (MiUon R.) The e(.)ntinental atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, M. R. Brown, 1889. pp. 64-75]. Note. — Contains inset plan of Washington. 1889. Topographical map of the District of Columbia and a portion of Vir- ginia revised and corrected under the direction maj. W. Raymond, corps of engineers, engineer commissioner, D. C. by captain T. W. S^ymons, corps of engineers 1889. Authorities — Original map com- piled under the direction of maj. G. J. Lydecker by capt. F. V. Greene 1881. Topographical maps of the District of Columbia made for the commissioners D. C. by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic survey. 1879- 1884. J. W. Donn, assistant C. and G. survey. Military maps made by the Engineer department U. S. army, 1861-65. Boschke's map of the District of Columbia, 1861. Carpenter's assessment maps, 1882. Scale: 1 inches to one mile. Drawn by W. T. O. BruH". 11x11. [New York, J. Bien & co., lith. 1889]. 1889. The tourist's guide to the city of Washington. Where to go and how to get there. [By J. V. F. i. e. Julia Vilett Finley. anon.] m X 17. [Washington, 1889]. 62 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1890. Map of Lincoln park and adjacent squares, in the city of Washing- ton, D. C. Prepared for Bartow L. Walker by Francis R. Fava, jr. & CO. civil engineers. 20x14^. Washington, A. B. Graham, [1890]. 1890. The northwest extension of Massachusetts avenue, Washington, D. C, and adjacent subdivisions, according to the plan of Herman K. Viele. Drawn by John F. Fairchild. l;Hx35f. Washington, Bell bros. 1890. 1890. OakView, D. C. Former suburban residence of ex. pres. Cleveland. Surve3'ed april 1890, by Edwin A. Greenough & co. Drawn by John T. Parsons, jr. Lots for sale by Thomas J. Fisher & co. 1-4 x 22. Washington, Bell bros. photo-lith. [1890]. 1891. Map of the city of Washington. 1891. IT x IT. [In Shanahan (Daniel) . Shanahan's guide to Washington, sq. 18°. Wash- ington, W. M. Wright, 1894. front.] Note. — Descriptive text on reverse. 1891. Map of the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and adjacent portions of Maryland and Virginia, 1891. Prepared by W. Kesley Schoepf. E. H. Berry, del. 14x21. Washington. Bell litho. co. 1891. Note. — Prepared for Thos. J. Fisher & co. real estate brokers. 1891. Map of the District of Columl^ia. From official records and actual survej's. Scale 800 feet to one inch. 01 x 5T. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1891. 1891. Miniature guide to Washington and public buildings. 6f x 6f . [Washington]. Bell lithographing co, 1891. 1892. The altograph of Washington city, or stranger's guide. An isometric view of the national capital, showing the public buildings, [etc]. By James T. Du Bois. 25 x 3.5. Washington, the Norris Peters co. [1892]. 1892. Birdseye view of the national capitol including the site of the pro- posed world's exposition of 1892 and permanent exposition of the three Americas. 23f x35t. Baltimore, A. Hoen & co, 1888. Note. — Copyright 1888, by E. Kurtz Johnson, treasurer board of promotion. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 68 1892. The cit}'^ of Washington. Birds-eye view from the Potomac look- ing north. Colored. 20^x33. New York, Currier & Ives, [1892]. 1892. District of Columbia. Scale 1-4800. 48 sheets, each l-t x U. Washington, Evans & Bartle, 1892. [United States. Treasury department. Coast and geodetic survey. Charts no. 3101-3164]. Note.— Wanting sheets 3130, 3140, 3150, 3159, 3160, Nos. 3136-3138, 3145- 3148, 3155-3158, comprising the city of Washington, never published. Com- plete in 64 sheets. 1892. Hopkins (G. M.) Real estate plat of Washington. D. C. v. 1. title, index map. 43 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1892. 1892. Map of the District of Columbia and vicinitv, showing the principal points of interest including the present condition of the defences of Washington. Compiled from the latest maps and from original sur- veys and reconnaissances by the engineering platoon of the engineer corps, D. C. N. G. F. L. Averill comdg. platoon. 23i x 20. Wash- ington, A. B. Graham, 1892. Note.— Copyright 1892 by F. L. Averill. 1892. Map showing Stelwagen & Wolf (trustees') subdivision of the Schuetzen Park near Washington, Dist. of Col. Surveyed april 1892, by W. Kesley Schoepf . 18 x 18. Drawn by Edward Hamilton Berry. 18x18. Washington, Bell litho. CO. [1892]. 1892. Map of Washington, D. C. 10 x 12. [In Appleton (D.) & CO. The handy atlas of modern geography. 4°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1892. p. 103]. 1892. Map of Washington, D. C. and suburbs, showing the latest street and all new railway and street car routes. Drawn & published by the engineering platoon of the engineer corps. F. L. Averill. comdg. platoon. 1892. 20x20. Washington, A. B. Graham. 1892. 1892. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and shippers' guide of Maryland and District of Columljia. 51 pp. 1 fold, map. 18°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co.. [1892]. 64 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1892. Wiishing-ton city and its euviron.s. Pennsylvania railroad g. a. r. edition. lofxlH^. [In Barksdall (Frank N.) A hand-book of Washington [anon.] sq. 12°. Philadelphia, Allen, Lane t<: Scott, 1892]. 1893. City of Washington. 9x11. [In Hunt & Eaton. The Columbian atlas. 4°. New York, Hunt & Eaton, 1893. p. 213]. Note. — On page 212 is a description of the city and plans of the senate and house of representatives. 1893. ]\Iap of the city of Washington. ISUo. 6^ x 9. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anniver- sary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. at end]. 1893. Map of Washington, D. C. Scale: 1 mile-ii inches. 7^x9^. [Buffalo, N. Y.. Matthews-Northrup CO. 1893]. 1893. Map of Washington. D. C. Rand. ]\IcNally & co's indexed atlas of the world. 19 x 26. [Chicago. Rand. McNally & co. 1893]. 1893. Maryland — District of Columbia — Virginia. Washington sheet. Surveyed in 1885-6. Edition of June, 1893. Scale 1/62500. 19x29. Washington, 1895. [United States. Interior department. Geological survey]. 1893. The Matthews-Northrup up-to-date map of Washington. D. C. 10^x12. Buffalo, the Matthew.s-Xorthrup CO. [1893]. 1893. Plan of the city of Washington. Drawn and engraved by W. H. Gamble. 9fxl2i. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new general atlas. 4°. Phil- adelphia, A. R. Keller CO. 1893. p. 48]. 1893. Rand, McNall}' & co's indexed county and township pocket map and shippers' guide of Maryland and District of Columbia. 56 pp. 1 fold, map. 18^. Chicago and New York, Rand. McNally & co. [1893]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 65 1893-4. Real estate plat book of Washiiio-ton. D. C. v. 1-3. fol. Phila- delphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1893-4. CONTENTS. V. 1. North-west section. V. 2. North-east, south-east and south-west section. V. 3. West Washington, and balance of the county outside Florida ave. Boundary st. 1894. Map of the city of Washington showing street lamps. To accom- pany the annual report of the engineer department, D. C. For the year ending June 30, 1894. Correct to June 30, 1894. 28ix27i. [Washington 1894]. Note. — Giving width of streets and avenues and block numbers. 1894. Map of the city of Washington showing the public reservations under control of otBce of Public buildings and grounds, prepared under the direction of colonel John M. Wilson, lieut. col. corps of engineers, U. S. A. in charge of Public buildings & grounds. 1894. John Stewart, c. e. surveyor & draughtsman. To accompany the annual report upon the improvement and care of public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1894. John M. Wilson colonel U. S. army. 16| x 23. [Wash- ington, The Norris-Peters co. 1894]. 1894. Map of the city of Washington showing water mains. To accom- pany the annual report of the engineer department, D. C. For the year ending June 30, 1894. Mains correct to dec. 1, 1894. G. M. Lukesh, del. 2Ti x 2Ti. Washington, National litho co. 1894. Note. — This map gives block numbers, and width of streets and avenues. 1894. Map of the city of Washington showing water mains. To accom- pany the annual report of the engineer department, D. C. for the year ending June 30, 1894. Mains correct to dec. 1, 1894. I. M. Lukesh, del. 27 X 27. [Washington, 1894]. 1894. Map of Washington, D. C. 19 x 26. [In Rand, McNally & co's new indexed atlas of the United States. [East]. Parts 5-6. fol. Chicago, Rand, :McNally & co. 1894. 1894. Map of Washington city, District of Columbia. 7 x 9. [In Wyckoff (J. N.) How to know the National city, Washington, I). C. [anon.] 18°. Washington, Anderson & co. 1894. S. Doc. 154 5 66 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1894. The vicinity of Washington, D. C. Scale 1/20.000 of nature. 55 X 59. Philadelphia, Griffith M. Hopkins, [ISU-i]. 1894-95. Map of the city of Washington showing sewers: To accompany the annual report of the engineer department, D. C. For the year ending June 30, 1894. Correct to June 30, 1894. Posted to nov. 1st, 1895. G. M. Lukesh, del. 27^ x 27i. Washington, National litho. co. 1894. Note. — This map shows block numljers, and widtli of streets and avenues. The manuscript corrections are l)y L. Gobi), jr. 1895. The cit}' of Washington and environs. 1895. 8i x 8. [In Congressional directory. 54th cong. 1st sess. 1st ed. Corrected to dec. 7, 1895. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1895. at end]. Note. — Same map published in all the directories to 1898, inclusive. 1895. Map of the city of Washington showing sewers. To accompany the annual report of the engineer department, D. C. For the year end- ing June 30, 1895. Correct to June 30, 1895. G. M. Lukesh, del. 27ix27i. Washington, National litho. co., 1895. Note. — This map shows block numbers, and width of streets and avenues. It was published in 1894, but by the manuscript changes of L. Cob)), jr. has been brought up to June 30, 1895. 1895. Map of Washington. Engraved for the People's publishing co. Chicago. 9 x Hi. [In Werner (The) co. The people's illustrated and descriptive family atlas of the world. 4°. Chicago, the Werner co. 1895. p. 114]. Note. — Inset "District of Columbia ". 1895. Map showing suburl)an subdivisions of the District of Columl^in. To accompany the annual report of the engineer department, D, C. January, 1895. 22 x 26f . [Washington, 1895]. Note. — This map contains manuscript additions showing telegraph lines of the Postal telegraph co. the Western Union Tel. co., and the telephone lines of the C. & P. Telephone co. 1895. Mar^'land — District of Colum1)ia — Virginia. Washington sheet. Surveyed in 1885-6. Edition of sept. 1895. Scale 162500. 19 x 29. Washington, 1895. [United States. Interior Department. Geological survey]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 67 1895. Rand, McNally & co's ma}) of the main portion of Washington. 11 X 11. [In Garretsou, Cox & co. The Columbian atlas of the world. 4°. Buffalo. Garretson, Cox & co. 1896. p. 25]. 1895. Washington. Massstab 1 : 39500. 8i x 5i. [In Brockhaus' konversations-lexikon. 14teauti. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brock- haus, 1895. p. 522]. 1896. Map of the cit}' of Washington. Location of deaths for the year ending June 30, 1896. 28x28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 54th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Annual report of the commission of the District of Colum- bia for 1896. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. v. 21. map no. 1]. 1896. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of ZN^motic diseases for the year ending June 30, 1896. 28x28. [In United States Congress. House of representatives. 54th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Annual report of the commission of the District of Columbia for 1896. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. v. 21. map no. 2]. 1896. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of diphtheria and scarlet fever; also nuniljer of cases thereof reported to the health department during the year ending June 30, 1896.- 28 x28. [In United States Congress. House of representatives. 54th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Annual report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1896. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. v. 21. map no. 3]. 1896. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of diarrhoeal diseases for the year ending June 30, 1896. 28 x 28. [In United States Congress. House of representatives. 54th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Annual report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1896. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. v. 21. map no. 4]. 1896. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of consumption for the year ending June 3Q, 1896. 28 x28. [In United States Congress. House of representatives. 54th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Annual report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1896. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. v. 21. maj:) no. 5]. 68 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1896. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of acute lung diseases for the year ending June 30, 1896. 28x28. [In United States Congress. House of representatives. 54th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Annual report of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1896. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. v. 21. map no. 6]. 1896. Map of portions of Maryland, Virginia and District of Coluni))ia showing distribution of the Potomac formation in part overlain by Columbia and Lafayette formation. From data furnished by N. H. Darton. 8 milestone inch. 1896. 19 xT^. [United States. Department of the interior. Geological survey. Bulletin no. 145]. Note. — To accompany "The Potomac formation in Virginia. By Wm. Morris Fontaine." 1896. Map of Washington. 9 x 11^. [In Fort Dearborn publishing co. The national standard family and busi- ness atlas of the world. 4°. Chicago, the Fort Dearborn publishing co. 1896. pp. 206-207]. 1896. Map of Washington. 9 x 11^. [In Waite (Jno. F.) publishing co. The new international office and family atlas of the world. 4°. Chicago, J. F. Waite publ. 1896. p. 94]. XoTE. — Inset " District of Columbia." 1896. Official map of Washington. Prepared by the committee of '96. Fifteenth international Christian endeavor convention. July 8-13, 1896. 18x22i. Washington, D. C. The Norris-Peters co. [1896]. 1896. Part of the District of Columbia. June, 1896. Compiled and drawn at the office of the engineer commissioner. District of Columbia. Scale 1:12000. 38ix .54^. Washington, the Norris Peters co. [1896]. 1896. Rand, McNally & co's map of the main portion of Washington, D. C. 11 X 11. [In Rand, McNally & co. New pictorial atlas of the world. 4°. Chicago, Pvand, McNally & co. 1896. p. 58]. 1896. Real estate plat book of Washington. Supplement, v. 3. Com- prising the first suburban section of the plan of the extension of per- manent system of highways, title, index sheets. 12 pi. fol. Phila- delphia, Griffith M. Hopkins, 1896. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 69 1896. Robert's road map of the District of Columl)ia and adjoining- portions of Maryland and Virginia. ICA x 22?. [Washington, W. F. Roberts, 1896.] " 1897. Jarvis' map of Wasliington. Oi^xi*. [Washington], J. F. Jarvis, 1897. 1897. League of American wheehnen. Road book of Maryland containing all the through and sub-routes of the state of Maryland, and the prin- cipal runs and connections of lower Pennsylvania, New Jerse3% District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and all points of importance throughout this section of the middle Atlantic and upper southern states. Based on the extended and personal survevs of Robinson C. Watters. XXX, 230 pp. 3 maps at end. 16-. Balti- more, J. C. Dulany co. [1897]. Note. — 'Copyrighted )jy Conway W. Sams, chief consul Maryland division, L. A. W. 1897. Map of the citj' of Washington. Sewers & water courses. 7^ x 10. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1897. 8°. Washington', government printing office, 1897. v. 2. ]>. 103. no. .3]. 1897. Map of the city of Washington showing conduits of the electric lighting, telegraph, & telephone companies. Correct to sept. 1897. 28 X 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1897. 8°. Washington, government pi'inting office, 1897. v. 2. i>. 226. map 3]. 1897. Map of the cit}" of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of zymotic diseases for the yeav ending June 30, 1897. 28x28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1897. 8°. Washington, government prii>ting office, 1897. v. 2. map no. 1]. 1897. Map of the cit}^ of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of diphtheria and scarlet fever; also number of cases thereof reported to the health department during the year ending June 30, 1897. 28 x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columl)ia for 1897. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1897. v. 2. map no. 2]. 70 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1897. Map of the city of AVashington. Showing location of fatal cases of diarrhoea! diseases for the year ending June 30, 1897. 28 x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d. sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1897. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1897. v. 2. map 3]. 1897. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of acute lung diseases for the year ending June 30, 1897. 28 x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1897. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1897. v. 2. map no. 4]. 1897. ]V[ap of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of consumption for the year ending June 30, 1897. 28x28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1897. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1897. v. 2. map no. 5]. 1897. Map of Washington, D. C. 19x25i. [In Rand, McNally & co's enlarged business atlas and shippers' guide, fol. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1897. pp. 90-91]. Note. — First copyrighted in 1895. » 1897. Map showing limits of low, middle and high service distribution in the District of Columbia, 1897. 15x11^. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1897. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1897. v. 2. p. 195. no. 2]. 1897. Maryland and Delaware. Scale 16 english statute miles to one inch. UUxlk [In Century (The) atlas of the world. 4°. New York, the century co. 1897. no. 83]. Note. — In.set "District of Columbia coextensive with AVashington." Scale 4 miles to one inch. 1897. Plan der bundeshauptstadt Washington. Massstab 1: 60 000. li x 5. [In Meyers konversations-lexikon. 5teaufl. 8°. Leipzig und Wien, biblio- graphisches institut, 1897. v. 17. p. 536]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 71 1897-99. Permanent system of highways, District of Columbia. Three sec- tions. Scale 000 feet to one inch. 46^x27,461x28. Washington, engineer commissioner, 1897-99. Note. — Section I. was published in 1899, section 2, in 1898, section 3, in 1897. Section I has the title "Highway extension plan of the District of Columbia." Section 2, has the imprint of A. Hoen & co., Baltimore. 1897. Rand, McNally & co's indexed county and township pocket map and shippers' guide of Maryland and District of Columbia. 56 pp. 1 fold, map. 18^. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1897]. 1897. Road book of the District of Columbia division of league of ameri- caii wheelmen, containing also some of the principal routes in Maiy- land and Virginia, [etc.] 1st ed. 3 p. 1. 76 pp. 3 fold. maps. obi. 12^. [Washington, G. E. Williams, 1897]. 1898. Map of the city of Washington. 28ix2S. Washington, Norris Peters co. [1898]^ Note. — This map gives block numbers, and the width of streets and avenues. It was published by direction of District commissioners for use as a base map. 1898. The city of Washington and environs. 1898. 11 x 11. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives, ooth cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. v. 1. p. 461]. Note. — Showing the various methods of street cleaning. 1898. Map of the city of Washington. Police district area. 72i^^r «q- miles. Arranged by Richard Sylvester. 7i x 10. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 3d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. v. 1. p. 137]. 1898. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of acute lung diseases for the year ended June 30, 1898. 28 x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 3d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. v. 2. map no. 4]. 72 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1898. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of consumption for the year ended June 30, 189S. 28 x 2S. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55tli cong. 3d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. v. 2. map no. 5]. 1898. Map of the cit}- of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of zymotic diseases for the year ended June 30, 1898. 28 x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 5oth cong. 3d Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Cokimbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government i)rinting office, 1898. v. 2. map no. 1]. 1898. Map of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of diphtheria and scarlet fever; also number of cases thereof reported to the health department during the 3'ear ended June 30. 1898. 28 x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 3d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. v. 2. map no. 2]. 1898. ]\Iap of the city of Washington. Showing location of fatal cases of diarrhceal diseases for the year ended June 30, 1898. 28x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 3d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. v. 2. map no. 3]. 1898. Map of the District of Columbia, showing the boundary ]>etween the city of Washington and the co-unty. To accompany- the annual report of the Engineer department, D. C. January, 1898. 22ix26i. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 2d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1897. 8°. Washington, government printing office. 1897. v. 2. p. 292. map 5]. 1898. Map of the cit}^ of Washington. Showing principal supph* mains also the area supplied by pumping, the areas supplied bj' 48, 36, 30 and 12 in: mains, and areas where the pressure is 20 lbs. and under. 42i x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 3d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. v. 2. p. 139]. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 73 1898. Map of the city of Washington, showins;- the main overhead lines inside of the tire limits. 28 x 28. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 55th cong. 3d sess. Doc. no. 7. Report of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1898. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. v. 2. p. 178]. 1898. The Matthews-Northrup hand3--map of Washington, D. C. ii x 6f . [In Matthews-Northrup CO. Complete liandy atlas of the world. V2°. Chi- cago, etc. Orange Judd co. 1898. p. 54]. 1898. Rand, McNally & co's indexed county and townsnip pocket map and shippers' guide of Maryland and District of Columbia. 56 pp. 1 fold, map. 18 . Chicago and New York, Rand. McNally & co. [1898]. 1898. Washington, D. C. 19 x 25i. [In Rand, McNally & co's indexed atlas of the world, fol. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. 1898. pp. 282-283]. Note. — Known as " Business atlas map." First copyrighted in 1895. 1899. Chevy Chase. Section 2. Thos. J. Fisher & co. sole agent. 2-1x19. Washington, the Norris Peters co. photo. [1899]. 1899. Clifi'bourne. Lots for sale l)y Thomas J. Fisher & co. 13 x 22. Washington, the Norris Peters co. photo, lith [1899]. 1899. Map of the citj- of Washington. Chas. D. Cole, draftsman. 32x27i. [Washington, District commissioners, 1899]. Note. — This map is a base upon which the water department maps are laid down. 1899. Map of the District of Columbia. Prepared especially for and pre- sented with compliments of Thos. J. Fisher & co. 1899. 21 x 23. Washington, A. B. Graham, photo, lith. [1899]. 1899. Map of Washington. 9 x 11^. [In Cram's bankers' and brokers' railroad atlas, fol. New York, Chicago G. F. Cram, 1899. p. 483]. 74 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1899. Plat compiled from official records for Thomas ,1. Fisher & co.. real estate brokers. 36 x 24. [Washington, 1899]. Note. — 14th street extended between Florida ave and Park St., Whitney avenue, etc. 1899. Rand, McNalh' & co's map of the main portion of Washington. D. C. 12i X lOf . [In Rand, McNally & co's universal atlas of the world. 4'=. Chicago, Rand, McXally & co. 1899. p. 25]. Note. — First copyrighted in 1895. 1899. Rand, McNally & co's map of the main portion of Washington, D. C. 12ixl0f. [In Chicago (The) chronicle's unrivaled atlas of the world. 4°. Chicago, for the Chicago chronicle by Rand, McXally & co. 1899. p. 25]. Note. — Copyright 1895 by Rand, McNally & co. 1899. Rand, McNally & co's map of the main portion of Washington, D. C. 12i X lOf . [In Philadelphia public ledger's unrivaled atlas of the world. 4°. Phila- delphia, for the public ledger, 1899. p. 59]. Note. — Copyright 1895 by Rand, McNally & co. 1899. Soldier's Home grounds, Thomas J. Fish & co. 29^x9^. Washington, A. B. Graham, photo, lith 1899. 1899. Washington, D. C. 19x25^ [In Rand, McNally & co's enlarged business atlas and shippers' guide. 29th ed. fol. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1899. pp. 102-103]. Note. — First copyrighted in 1895. 1899. Washington, D. C. 19 x 25^. [In Rand, McNally & co's new standard atlas of the world, fol. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally c^ co. 1899. pp. 324-325]. Note. — First copyrighted in 1895. 1900. Map of the city of Washington, showing water mains and fire hydrants. Jan. 15th, 1900. Prepared from records of the water dep't, D. C. Chas. D. Cole, draftsman. 33 x 27i. [Washington, Norris-Peters co. 1900]. PROPERTY MAPS MOSTLY MANUSCRIPT, ETC. WITHOUT DATES ARRANGED UNDER SUBJECTS. Blodget (Samuel). Map of that part of the city of Washington on which is situated a mansion-house belonging to Samuel Blodget. ms. 13 x 18. Burns (David). Map of that part of the city of Washington, on which is situated a house and grave-yard belonging to David Burns; at present occupied by James Burns, ms. 13 x 18. Carroll (Daniel), Plan of that part of the city of Washington; shewing the situation of the buildings belonging to mr. Danl. Carroll, of Duddington. ms. 15 X 18i. Carroll (Daniel) & others. Plan of part of the cit}^ of Washington on which is exhibited the division of lots made under a commission from the high court of chancery of the state of Maryland and directed to Danl. Carroll of Duddington, Thomas Peter and Nicholas King. ms. ItU x 20^. Clinton (Thomas G.) Plan placing the current chaimel of the Potomac permanently along the wharves of Washington, D. C. Respectfully submitted by Thos. G. Clinton. 71 x48. Note. — Manuscript plan. Davidson (James). Map of that part of the cit}^ of Washington on which is situated the house and grave-yard belonging to the heirs of John Davidson. Ms. 18 X 15. Davidson (Samuel). Plan of square 183 in the city of Washington on which is shewn the situation of a log dwelling house belonging to Samuel Davidson, original proprietor of the square. Ms. 7i x 11. Fenwick (Mrs. ) Map of that part of the city on which mrs. Fenwick's house stands^ ms. 13x14. 75 76 MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Lingan (James M.) Map of that part of the city of Washington on which is situated a mansion-house belonging to James M. Lingan. nis. 18x18. Lynch and Sands. ]\Iap of that part of the cit}' of Washington on which messers L^'nch and Sands mansion-house stands, ms. 13 x 18. Mills (Robert). President's house. North front. Robt. Mills, archt. One view among eight relating to buildings in Washington on one sheet. AVithout date. In Art Division. Peter (Robert). Map of that part of Washington on which is situated a house belonging to Robert Peter, ms. Peter (Robert). A plan, exhibiting the squares on which Robert Peters building stood on that tract of land called Mexico, within the city of Wash- ington, ms. 11:^x18. Plan of the squares of the eastern extreme of the city of \V. [anon.] ms. 13x15. Prout (Mrs. ). Map of that part of the city on which mrs. Prout's house stands, ms. 13x18. Tiber creek. [Map of Tibor creek and the Mall], ms. lU x 23. Walker (George). Map of that part of the city of Washington, on which is situated the mansion-house & grave-vard belonging to mr. Geo. Walker, ms. 13x18. Wheler (Widow). Plan of part of th^- city of Washington, in the vicinitv of upper Eastern Branch ferr^': shewing the situation of the buildings & grave-yards, belonging to the widow Wheler. nis. 1.5 x liH. Young (Abraham). Map of that part of the city of Washington on which is situated a mansion-house and grave-yard belonging to Abraham Young, ms. 13x18. Young (Notley). Map of that part of the city of Washington, .shewing the .situation of the mansion-house, grave-yard & buildings belonging to mr. Notley Young, original proprietor of that part of the city. Scale KM I ft. pr. inch. ms. 13 x 33. MAPS AND VIEWS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 77 Young- (Widow). Map of that part of the city of Washington on which i.s situated the mansion-house and g-rave-yard of the widow Young, ms. 12ixl4i. Young's (Mr.) niilh Map of that part of the city of Washington on which nir. Young's mill stands, ms. 19x27. O ^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACIUTV AA 001 137 392 5