16.03 1 53(fe A- A = 00 = d = = :d — 6 = ^^ o 1 ^ 3> ^^— I — 4 = ^H^ J 3 = - ZD 5 — — - -n . O 4 = —I ' m THE PROPHETE JONAS WITH AN INTRODUCTION BEFORE TEACHINGE TO UNDERSTONDE HIM AND THE RIGHT USE ALSO OF ALL THE SCRIPTURE, Etc. Etc. BY WILLIAM TYNDALE. REPRODUCED IN FACSIMILE. TO WHICH IS ADDED COVERDALE'S VERSION OF JONAH, WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY FRANCIS FRY FSA LONDON: WILLIS AND SOTHERAN. BRISTOL: LASBURY. 1863. o^ INTRODUCTION. ROM the lively intereft which has ever been taken by Englifh Proteftants in the produ6tions of William Tyndale, the difcovery of a long loft work from his pen muft be regarded as of no little importance. It is therefore with pleafure that I prefent to the pub- lic, for the firft time fmce the ifTue of the original edition, a verfion of one of the Prophets by this eminent man. Tyndale, after the completion of his tranflation of the New Teftament in the latter part of the year 1525, proceeded with the Pentateuch, which was printed in the year 15 30. The only other portion of the Scriptures which he is known to have pub- lillied, is this recently difcovered verfion of the Prophet Jonah. It is generally admitted that, be- fides thefe publifhed portions, Tyndale tranflated the Old Teftament as far as the end of the fecond 653530 4 INTRODUCTION. book of Chronicles : thefe books were firft printed in the folio Bible, 1537, under the afTumed name "Thomas Matthew," edited by John Rogers, to whom Tyndale is known to have given his manu- fcripts before his martyrdom in 1536.^ As no copy of the Jonah, nor any reprint or quo- tation from the text, had been known to exift until the prefent day, it was doubted by fome whether Tyndale oSiually publijhed a tranflation of this Pro- phet. A few notices of Tyndale's book of Jonah, which appeared at an early period, had given rife to the behef that it had been publifhed, though no- thing was certainly known on the fubjeft. Thus Sir T. More fays, " Then have we Jonas made out by Tyndale/ a boke y* who fo delyte therin fhall llande in parell y* Jonas was neuer fo fwalowed uppe wyth the whale as by the delyte of that booke a mannes foule maye be fo fwalowed uppe by the deuyll, that he fhall neuer have the grace to gett out agayne." ^ It is alfo mentioned in the Lift of Books denounced by Stokefly, Bifhop of London, in a MS. in Lambeth Library. Anderfon fays—" The proof of the exiftence of Jonas, and upon Englifh ' "Andeifon's Annals of the Englifh Bible," vol. i. p. 569. ^ " The cofutacyon of Tyndale's anfwere made by Sir Tho- mas More, knight, lorde chancellour of Englonde. Prentyd at London, by will. Raftell 1532." folio. Preface B-4 reverfe. INTRODUCTION. 5 ground this year (1531), is to be found in the lift of books denounced by Stokefly, on the 3rd of December. It is the laft on the lift, * Jonas in Englifti,'— See Lambeth MS., No. 306, fol. 65." ^ Fox, giving a lift of Tyndale's Works, fays, " Item a boke called the prophet Jonas teching to under- ftand the right ufe of fcripture." " The Prophet Jonah is alfo noticed in the lift of Tyndale's Works by Bale.^ Burnet gives a document in his " Col- leition of Records," "The Names of Books Pro- hibited, delivered to the Curates, Anno 1542. to the intent that they fhall prefent them with the Names of the Owners, to their Ordinary if they find any fuch within their Parifties." In the lift is " The Book of Jonas in Englifti." ^ Ames places it after the year 1537, without a date, 8vo, ^ The prologue, preceded by the title, has come down to us in four editions of the Bible, and like- wife in the coUeded works of Tyndale, by Daye.^ ' " Anderfon's Annals," vol. i. p. 290. * " Fox's Afts and Monuments," ift edit. p. 573. ' "Proplietiam Jons," Scriptorum Illuftiium, &c.. Bade, folio, 1559, p. 659. * " Hiftory of the Reformation," 4th edit. 17 15, vol. i. A Colleftion of Records, p. 240. * " Ames' Typographical Antiquities," p. 497. « " The Whole Workes of W. Tyndall, John Frith, and Doft. Barnes, &c., London, John Daye, m?'?," fol'". 6 INTRODUCTION. It firft appeared in 1549, in the fecond edition of Matthew's verfion, printed by " Thomas Ray- nalde, and V/illiamHyll," and "Edmunde Becke's" revifion of Matthew's verfion, printed by " John Daye, and WilHam Seres." In 1551 it was inferted in the Bible printed by " John Daye," and in the laft edition of Matthew's verfion, by " Nicholas Hyll" and others. It has alfo been reprinted in the following modern editions : — " Writings of Tindal, Frith, and Barnes. Re- ligious Tra6l Society," i2mo., no date. " The works of W. Tyndale and J. Frith, edited by T. RufTell, A.M." in 3 vols. 8vo., London, 1831. " Dodrinal Treatifes, by Tyndale. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Henry Walter," 8vo., Cambridge, 1848. The " Prologue " in the firft and fecond of thefe works appears to be taken from Daye's edition, 1573; and in the third chiefly from the fame, but compared with fome of the editions of the Bible. The marginal references were firft introduced by Daye, in 1573. Henry Cotton, LL.D., Archdeacon of Caftiel, in his very valuable work, is of opinion that the Jonah had been publiflied. Under the year 1531, INTRODUCTION. 7 he gives " The Prophete Jonas j tranfiated by W. T. (Tyndale) ; with a Prologue orIntrodu6lion. No copy certainly known to be in exiftence at prefent. 8vo. :" and in a note is added, " the book has fo com- pletely difappeared, that I am not aware of a fingle copy remaining at this day." "From its total difap- pearance, fome writers have imagined that the Pro- logue alonewzs put into print by Tyndale. But I think it is beyond all doubt that the text was alfo printed." Dr. Cotton alfo ftates that " Bifliop Tanner, in his * BihUotheca^ p. 403, mentions * Prologus in Jonam cum Jona imprefs. feorfum in partibus tranfmarinis. 12°. ' " " Mr. George Coningfby, who upwards of a century ago prefented his fine colle6lion of an- cient Bibles to Baliol College, Oxford, affirmed that he adually pofleffed a copy." ^ The copy alluded to is not known to exift. Anderfon^ had no doubt that Jonah had been printed, but he argues from the evidence afforded by the Title and Prologue. Undoubtedly Tyndale intended that the tranflation fhould follow the Prologue. I can find no other notices relative to the publication of the Prophet Jonah. On the other hand it appears certain that Tyn- ' "Cotton. EditionsoftheBibleinEng. 2nded. i852,p.5." ^ " Anderfon's Annals," vol. i. p. 289. 8 INTRODUCTION. dale's Jonah was but little known even in 1537: for the firft edition of Matthew's verfion does not contain his tranflation, but that of Coverdale, word for word, as in the folio Bible of 1535. It is not probable that Rogers would have rejected Tyndale's verfion of Jonah, if he was aware of its exiftence, and could have obtained a copy ; it is poflible that, as Rogers was fuperintending the print- ing of the Bible on the Continent, he could not procure a copy for his purpofe. It may be interefting to fome readers to compare thefe two verfions : with this view a facfimile copy of Jonah from the firft edition of Coverdale's verfion is appended. There are about one hundred varia- tions between the two verfions. It has been gene- rally fuppofed that John Rogers, the editor of Matthew's Bible, had received from Tyndale, be- fore his martyrdom, all that he had tranllated of the Scriptures, and would therefore have inferted in that Bible as much of the text as Tyndale had completed. Profeflbr Walter, who edited Tyndale's Dodrinal Works for the Parker Society, inferred that, as his verfion of the Prophet Jonah is not in that Bible, Tyndale could not have tranllated it. He held this view fo ftrongly, that after giving fome arguments on the fubje6t, he concludes that the editors of Matthew's Bible would not " have preferred INTRODUCTION. 9 reprinting Coverdale's tranflation of Jonah, if there had been a tranflation of that Prophet pubhfhed by Tyndale, and well known to all perfons interefted in fuch fubje6ls, as the Prologue to Jonah certainly was," The difcovery, however, of a copy of it by Lord Arthur Hervey, M.A., Archdeacon of Sud- bury, bound with other trails in a volume, has difpelled all doubts on the fubje6t. In this copy which now lies before me — there is neither date, nor place, nor the name of the printer. The type is the fame as that ufed by Martin Lem- pereur in the Bible in French, Antwerp, 1530, folio. In this Bible we find all the fame type as in the Jonah, except the fmall capitals which begin the chapters. The time when this type was in ufe agrees with that when the Jonah was probably printed. We know that William Tyndale fre- quently refided in Antwerp ; and that he was in that city in April, 1531, is proved by Vaughan's Letter to Henry VIII ; ^ and that Tyndale occafion- ally employed Lempereur as his printer, fmce his Teftament of 1534^ bears his imprint. Many edi- tions of the Bible and Teftament iflued from his prefs ; and as he was no doubt well known to Tyn- dale, he was perhaps the moft likely perfon to have ' " Anderfon's Annals," vol. i. p. 289. 10 INTRODUCTION. undertaken the work. We fee that Stokefly's MS. is dated December, 1531, and that Sir T. More's Confutation was printed in 1532. May we not therefore very confidently conclude that Tyn- dale's Tranflation of Jonah was printed by Martin Lempereur, in Antwerp, in the year 1530 or 153 1 ? The difcovery of a copy of this work muft be regarded with great fatisfa6tion. Lord Arthur Hervey, in the autumn of i86i,hadthe happinefsto find that he pofleffed it in his Library at Ickworth. I quote his Lordfhip's own words as follows, from a letter to the Editor of the " Bury Poll," after- wards inferted in the "Athenaeum." ^ "This vo- lume came into my pofleflion above thirty years ago. When my Father moved with his family from this houfe to his new one, after the great bulk of the library had been moved, there remained fome fixty or feventy volumes, chiefly old books of divinity, thefe he gave to me. Among them was the book above defcribed. It has written on the firft page the name Tho. Hervey ; and again, Tho. and Ifabella Hervey, and Will. Hervey; whether William means Sir Thomas's Father, or his Brother, the fubje6t of Cowley's Ode, I cannot fay. When I was preparing a ledure on the " Diflblution of Monafteries," for ' Athenseum, Feb. 8, 1862. INTRODUCTION. ii delivery at the Athenaeum, (at Bury St. Edmunds,) in 06lober laft, it occurred to me to look among thefe old books for anything which might bear upon myfubjeit; and I ftumbled upon this volume." It contains the Tra6ls mentioned below : ^ ' " I . A Treatyfe concernynge impropriations ofbenefyces. No title-page, and no date ; but making mention of * our moft virtuoule quene Anne, and princeffe Elizebeth,' and therefore printed between 1533 and 1536, At the end is this notice: * Printed at London, by Thos. Godfray ; cum prluilegio regali.^ Blaclc letter. " 2. The Foundacyoji of Chriftendom. Title-page torn out ; fol. xcii ; no date, no printer's name. In Roman type. " 3. That pictures nor images ought to be nvorfbipped. Title- page torn out ; fuperfcribed, ' All the whole company of them which at Argentoratum do preche and teache Chrift, imto the good and godly readers do wysfh grace.' Subfcribed, * Printed for W. Marftiall, with the kynges mooft gratioufe privylege.' Black letter. "4. The praier and complaynte of the plo-iveman unto Chrijl : ' written not longe after the yere of oure Lorde a thoufande and thre hundred' with preface, dated * the laft daye of Feb- ruary, anno 153 1;' and gloiTary of obfolete words. Black letter. "5. A proper dyaloge betivene aGentillman andahujhandman, &c. ; in verfe, with ' an olde treatyfe made aboute the tyme of kynge Rycharde the feconde.' Inferted in the midft of it, and followed by ' A compendious olde treatyfe Ihewynge howe that we ought to have the fcripture in Englyfhe ;' ' wrytten aboute the yere of oure lorde a thoufande foure hundryd." Emprented at Marborow in the lande of Heflen/ by me Hans Luft/ in the 12 INTRODUCTION. The following additional information has very obligingly been fent to me for infertion by the Marquis of Briftol ; which proves that this inter- efting volume had been in the polTeflion of his Lord- fhip's anceftors from an early period. " This Thomas was the Father of John, Firft Hervey Earl of Briftol, and his wife was Ifabella, daughter of Sir Humphrey May j his Father was Sir William Hervey of Ickworth, born 1585, died 1660. His Brother William was born in 1618, and died at Cambridge in 1642. Several of the Books now in the Library at Ickworth, unqueftion- yere of oure lorde mccccc and xxx.' A peculiar type, like engroffing or German hand. " 6 . The Tejiament of M after William Trade, Efq., expounded both by William Tyndall and "John Frith, &c. Black letter ; m.d. XXXV. "7. An comfortable exhortation ofouremofle holy Chrijlenfaiih, &c., unto the Chrijlen bretherne in Scotland. Type fimilar to 5 ; imperfed. ' At Pariftie ; m.d. xxxv. ;' and on the laft leaf, ' At Parifhe, by me, Peter Congeth 5 a. m.d. xxxv., xx Januarii.' " 8. The Prophete Jonas, w//// an introduBion before,&c. The prologue is headed, ' W. T. unto the Chriften reader.' The tranflation oi Jonah is headed, 'The ftorie of the prophete Jonas.' Black letter. " 9. The Letters ^hich Johan AJhnvell, &c.,fentfecretly to the Bijhope of Lyncolne in theyeareofour lord m.d. xxvii., &c., •with the anfvjer of the fayed George (Joye). Black letter ; imperfeft." — Athenaum, Feb. 8, 1862. INTRODUCTION. 13 ably belonged to Sir William. In a copy of Cam- den's Britannia, edit. 1610, is the fignature of William Hervye or Hervy, apparently by the fame hand as that in this volume, with the year 1634, entered as that in which the purchafe was made for 401. and when William the Son would have been only fixteen years of age." Having juft finifhed a reprodu61:ion in facfimile of Tyndale's Firft Teftament from the only known complete copy (in the Baptift College, Briftol), I thought it would be defirable that the Jonah fhould be publifhed in the fame way ; and on making the fuggeftion to Lord Arthur Hervey, his lordfhip, with the utmoft kindnefs and courtefy, placed the volume in my hands for the purpofe ; and I now offer it to the public in the fame ftyle as Tyndale's New Teftament, of 1525 or 1526.^ It has been made by taking a tracing on transfer paper, plac- ing this on lithographic ftones, and then printing it in the ufual way ; a method evidently calcu- lated to infure the clofeft correfpondence with the original. To teft the correcStnefs of the work, I have compared a proof of every page, folding it fo ' The Firft New Teftament printed in the Englifh language, (1525 or 1526). Tranflated by William Tyndale ; reproduced in facfimile, with an Introdu6lion by F. Fry, f.s.a. Brijlol ; printed for the Editor, 1862. 14 INTRODUCTION. as to place each line parallel with, and clofe to, the fame line in the original; fo that by comparing the line all along, I could eafily fee that it was corredt. In this way I have examined every line throughout the volume^ and I believe not a fingle incorredt letter will be found therein. A few copies are printed on vellum and fome on old paper. I have compared the Prologue in the original, with that which is found in the four editions of the Bible already mentioned, and with tlie Prologue in Tyndale's Works, by Daye, 1573. Not one of thefe is corre61:ly reprinted from the original ; they alfo differ from each other ; fome words being added, fome a little altered, and others omitted. The Prologue in Raynalde and Hyll has thirteen varia- tions; that in Daye and Seres, twenty-four; in Hyll, thirty-three ; in Daye's Bible, forty-fix ; and Daye's Works of Tyndale, forty variations. There are ten variations repeated in four editions, feven in three editions, and ten in two editions ; the fadt that there are fifty-nine variations in the previous editions correiSted in the laft edition of 1573 would lead us to think that John Daye might have had an original copy, neverthelefs fourteen variations occurring in one or more of the previous editions are repeated. In Raynalde and Hyll only. INTRODUCTION. 15 this paflage is omitted in the laft page, " and unto God our father throw him j " and three other lines are omitted in all the other four editions. I examined thefe differences to fee if any edition had been fol- lowed by a fubfequent editor. The volume of tra6ls alluded to contains "A pro- per dyaloge betwene a Gentillman and a hufband- man eche complaynynge to other their miferable calamite through the ambicion of clergye " with " A compendious olde treatyfe fhewynge howc that we ought to have the fcripture in Englyfhe ;"^ " wryt- ten aboute the yere of oure lorde a thoufande foure hundryd ;" '* Emprented atMarborow in the lande of Heffen/ by me Hans Luft / in the yere of oure lorde, M.ccccc. and xxx." (No. 5 in the Lift.) I have not found any information refpedting the author or editor. As no other copy of it is known, I have publifhed a reprodudtion in fac- fimile in the fame manner as this edition of Jonah, preceded by a brief Introduction, to which ' A proper dyaloge betwene a Gentillman and a hufbandinan eche complaynynge to other their miferable calamite through the ambicion of clergye. — With A compendious olde treatyfe fliewenge howe that we ought to have the fcripture in Englysrtie. Reproduced in facfimile with an Introduftion by Francis Fry, 1863. Willis and Sotheran, London. Lafbury, Bnjlol. i6 INTRODUCTION. I refer the reader for a more particular account of thefe two articles. Francis Fry. Cotham, Briftol, 1863. ^ .. --^" I ■otha ^ ToVy,, I i Qonae/ wit^ at) intvot^uccidWo^t teoc^m (je to ^nbecf^3bc0in)ant) t^eti^^t'^feaf^ fo ofattt^efctiptute/anb tu^p it toae wxit tet) /ant) w^atie t^etit) toScfouQ^t zattb f^€xx>cngevo^cttxx>it^ t^e fctiptuve 10 foc<^ ket> %|> t^at ^c xof^ic^ reat)etg it /can net ^nberfl^beit / t^oug^ ^e fiubiet^ent) m^ uec (b moc^tanX) aQaync xoit^ xo^at J^^^ee it 16 fo opetteb / t^at t^e teatfcv cat) 6e ftoppct) ou t wit 5 no fbtitte o; fa ^ fc\>octvimoftnat)/fvon) t^e tmeftnfeant)^nttcf> ftont)pfiget$er* of. %MmUB pet) y trefff a of 2t6^a^anj Sib K put ^ mtmoiiaftotit ofmtde/ ttn^e f grounte : ei?ei) fo t^e pfef^fp m?t)eb ppomtee fioppe Spp t6e ^aj^nee of fife u)^ ^ic^ arem^ fwpture/ u>* t^eert^ of fgc^^ trabiciSe/fijffeftmiS^ufe (i Ciengeaftego^ me:(j: y oftikcjtk/to make y fcn'pture tg* ev; atunepoffeff^ (i matc^aunbicc : nnt) fo fputt ^pp t^ekin^bomeof ^ei>ei) ttJ^ic^ ie (l5obe ttjoa^c nether enttviga in t^5 fcfuee tto;^ fofermge t^cn) t^at vodtie* C^^f fcripture ^at^ ^ 0ob^ xx>it^ out/a\> voit^it) a foutc/fpiite ^ fife. Qt ^at^ w'out a6arhe /a f^eff ab ae it toerean fiatb 6one foj f ffef^ff mpnt)cb ro grnntp ^ppoi;* ^tnS ttJit^ir) it ^atl^ pit^/coiineff/macp (r aff fto* cttieffefoitdSobecferfe tp^if^ ^e^atl^c^o fet) to ^et)e t^eit) ^te fpin'te /(ito wiite ^ie faw) (T ^ fait^ of ^ie fonnc in t^eit pcrtce* C^^efcriptutecStet^net^.ti;, t^lgee in it firfl f tavo to (dbemmatltfhff): fecdtiatyfy f w^atmeanee t^eir fcofema(?cr u auflf^ 1 1^5 anb ttia§e t^ett) petfecW (t ^ot» l5c trkt> t^e true frottj t^efalfe ♦ ifLW^ct) f ^pocrttee fome to y fatoe/ t^ep put qiofce to 3D mahetiomoareofttt^etj of a wo^fDff fa w tr^ic^ i6 fattffieg xoit^ f outvDarSe wozke ant) VD^ic^ a tuthe ma^e affofuffi'flf.H^S^pet 0ob6 fatx) neioctcca^ fet^ to c^Dcmne a marj ^ntiflf it 5e wzitto) in ^te ^erte ant) '^nti([^c Hepe itnatumffp tDitljoutc^pufriori (laffotljcrrefpecte fawe onfy of pure foDe to (Bo'b ant ^ie mydou^ re/ae ^c nattiraffp eatet^ to^^^e te art ^o^ ii0reb/ttJit5outc5puffi?(i aff ot^er refpec^^ te/faue to fPahe ^ie ^on^re cn€y* C:^nt) to^^t^cp come to t^edSofpeff/t^e^ re t^p mfcffe t^civkmt} (i fape/ (0oD nou) xcceauct^ ^6 no moaxt to mcmc/6utof mncitveceauet^^e to\icnamce/t^atie tQ wctc/^ofy betJee ^ make t^cn) fait 6die^ (i ^e t^eircaptiuee /6ot^ mfoufe^ntiBobp* Tlnb pet t^ep favtte t^q^r ^Doee f pope fo memfuflf/l^if t^oumahca fttfemcne^ c(ri^ flet m 9i6:!§afam6 epee/t^ereie nether pe naunce nerputcfatoiipnctaiip fafl?^eata6f But to fk to ^ct>ct)ae fx»ef!eae a t^oucf^t atit) at t^e twmkcffpngeof aij epe . C'2lntJt^eliueef!o?ie6anl)^|!e0 ofttietf xx>^icii ate c5tapne5 m t^e 5i6fe/ t^ep tcaSe aa t^l^ee no moan petteynl^t ^n to t^l/ t^ct) a take ofKo^lifode/ (i ae t^fcfee t^ep wottnottP^^to t^ep ferue/ faue to fapue faffebifcat(i tuatfm^eafl^afo;ie6/to /!a6fitfg t^eirkm^twmewit^ aflf. ^Itibone)^ c^efeft (t ffef^fie/f t^ubtc t^ep ^ave/ie to mac^nifie ^fapnte^rtBoucmeafure (r rtBouef truet^ (t tt)it^ t^ettpoetric to mahe t^cttj greatet t^etj eucrdSob make t^etri.:2lnb if t^ep fm 9eanp infirmitecj fpttne ajTcnSet) "^tj to ^ faintee/t^at t^ey e^cufc rvit^ a^hiCicidce/ t)iminuf9t^ct^e0fio?ieoff mmkofaSot) (t to66mgc tx??etc^eb finntve ofa6f t^epr c3 fc:te/? t^tnke t^erBp to ftatct t^c \ai^ntce jflnb to ODcay ne cp w f<^MOure (T to mahe fpe cm6f abuocatee of tp^:etjei) ae a mat; tvofb oOtapnef fauoureof i»o;t)efp tivantte: ae tl}cyatfo fayne-L^c fainteemoc^tnoavcct^ ueat^ct) erycviooae any ^eat^d mat) t^moa ve xopikefuWan^ "bcn^caSte t^ct) f poetea fame t^cir Qodce o? tf eirfimee ^ tnmmt y fcjufee it? ^eff/if t^ep; eu^e Beriot fiifleS (t t^eitima^ee "difitet^ (T (a^te5 wptp a pA<* 6c ^cwpnteb tmtl^ cure ^ette^ ^n^ctfldnin QZ none at afF) anb woxfijcpcd vo^a can^cfi (jif pfferfofcof oureteuociS/ti^^ pfacetw^i^ cp e^ei^auec^ofetj to pearcf fuppficacioi? (3: meke petici5e of t^e;r cUentco t^etit)^ C^wt t^ou reat)er t^f ke of j^ ^w of / a faflfai^t^ it)t^ii^ce6touUoupUdw^ out pxofc^fid (f fu^mprtf^e out fcfuee to feme to boo Better C:ZlfTb of p ©ofpeffo^pzomifce to^ic? t^^ ou metell itj y fcripture / Befeiie fafl v o^a faflfmt^ onfp tx>it^ out rep pecte of rt {f tt>o;ike6/i0 t^e fo;cjeueneffe 6ot^ of t^e fpune to^tc^ t»e bib it) tpmeof igfno^ raunce wit^i \nflc 3b c^fent to ipnne/(r alfo of aff t^e fpnne ro^ic^ u>e boo 6p c^aunce (t of frmfte/after f roe are come to knowfeofe 3b 9at>ep?ofefle5^ C^ro out of oure ^ertee. '2inh a(f bebee feme otify fo% to ^efpe oure ncp6oure6 (r to tame oure ffeffi t^at we faff not to fpnne ac^aipm/ (t to e^ercice omc fou^ fee it] fertile / ^ not to make {atiffactiot) to (B> oS ttjarb fo? ^ fpnne yio once pa ft^. ^Unba^otfjetftoxieeofpdiS^e/xmt^ out e^cepciS/ are f pzactifin^i? of^ taw (j: of t^e d^ofpeEf/ unbare true anhfaitfixftenfam^ pfee (T fureernefie^ (I5ct) xxfif^euetj fct>mtc xvit^ ^0/a& ^€t)ib wit? t^e/ 1> aflTinfirmt tiee/tij aff temptaciSe / (r iijaff fiHe cafee (t c^aunce^^W^erit}ye ft ctj ^ otie fpt)e/^ou> fat^erfp ^ tertbirfp (t wit^ affc^paffiotj i^ob entreatet? ^ieefccte w^ic^ fu6niitte t^ertj fefuee ae fcofete / to fecne to walhc it) t^e toflpee of ^16 fowee / ^ to hcpe t^^of foue. flf f ^U afitav ttiig^t aftirvoavbcfea^c^iemetdcfioi ^ie metcie voa^tcb^ppot) t^i/ to rib t^cn) out a^a^m/ rtffbneae t^ep t»rtre6jmeb (i come to f }Mioxote^coft^eitavcne^ertc6ifo t^at ^e neuer ca^mat) avoaye ^ovobepe fo eucr Mjl j^ )>ocke of ^i^ fawee fc3 t^ci'c neckee/ voitij ^ttet biffiaunce (i nmfice of^ztte . fo; ^6/ u)^?t»c6e faKer; iri to fmne (r (25ob 10 come ^pp5 ^e u?it^ a flo;ge/^ toe bifpc^ are not / 0ut rep?t tt>it^ fufr^opeofmercie after 3^ en jampfee of merci'c ^ are ^cnc 0cfo re'^ 2tiib tperfee t^ep were u?;ittep fo: out kmi$e/^a6 teflifiet^ pauf Ro.^^, to c^fo: te*56/3?u?emigl)t t^ 6etterputoiire^ope (t tru(^ tr^ ©ob/u)^^ wc fe/ ^ou? mercifuff ^e ^at^6eneit;tpnieepafl^t; to ourvoeake 6;et6crtj v are ^onc define/ ma^t^e^r ah^ uerfittee/tieabe/ temptacide/ ^e(^ 5o;ri8fe \ymte it} to toffic^ tgepnow (t t^e^ fetf. C2lnbori;^ot^erft5evefepowt0ep37^ar beneb t^eir ^ertee (r fj^nrtcb of tnafice (t re== fufeb niereie^ tx>a0 offcreb t^? (t \^ab no po wer to rep?t/ perif^eb at y Catet cnbc toit^ affconfiiftot) ^ lljame mercifeffefp . U^ ^ic^ enfampfee are ^erj? c^oo^ (c rieceffar)?/to he pe^emaipe(ib;eabeirjtpmeofp2ofperttc a6^ |pulb cofl ^ecareb not ^ovomany f^unXi^ct ttjoufatibe t^eir firee* k>w ^ t^on map(lrcabe0ortflefmte fufly (J tiot a^ a poette faBfe/0ut ae arj o6%ac3 0etix7erte0ob a\\t t^yfoute/ aeat) ctniil pcny cfeuetj p ofCBoh/p ^c wit ^etpc f ix) time ofnebmf t^ou turne to ^ittj 3D 46 t^e u?o:b of gob j^ onfp fobe ^b life of tpp foufe/t^i^niathe (i note * jficfl count 0ona0 t^e fccnb of gob 3b a marj c^ofeo of gob to tejlifie^ie nam^Srj to ^ xooitbz*S\xt pet a pou n i^e fco far/ toeahe (t rube / after ^ faci^of p (jppoftfeeAx)^ife C^^^iff ^^^ F^^ tt?it^ t^errj 0obpfp. U^l^ic^ t^oug^ C^;r(l taught t^^euer to 6emehe(r to^m6fetp fcfuee/pctoftflroueamonge t^etii fefuee \x>^o fi^ufb 0egreate|^. Hge fonneeofZ^ 0ebi? t»olb fitt/t^c one o^ t^e ng^t 03be of C^ufiab tgeot^eroij^ tiftt.'^^ey tpofb pzApe/ t0at firemig^t befc?be froitj ^euctj/ rtnb confume t5e5)amantanee. €EltP§eC5;iflaipebto^ofApenieti t5at0 anj / peter anftoereb / t^ou arte t^e fonm of tl;e fyuin^e (5c& / ae t^oug;^ peter ^ab ^iatCv after/ w^ct) ^^liflpjic^^ett % to t^i of^ie heet^ ■: paffiJ/ {Deter «?cia an^re (T re0«HeMr^;ifle ,z t^oucrptcrnefltfp^ ^e Pai> tiJucD 1^1 «pt voifi w^at ^c faybe taeat a uotl^cv timc/w^ct) C^zifh voae fo fcmZt^ fv 6ufic5 ii; '^catinqc^f ^^ipk/vi:^c ^aX> wo fevfer to catc/ t^ep went cut to ^oftie^iti)/ fi*ppo[insct^at^e^abeemBcfyht^in)[et fe, 2lrtt)e one J? ca(l out beuefo njiT^^iflee tiame/t^ej? fo;^at)e/6ecaufe ^e tudj'teb net cr| t^en}/[o qioxioue rpere tl5cp pet. C2tnb t0ou06 c^tifl tuu^pte aff tpa^e tc fozofeue/ j^et peter after tcn^e^om^e to fco fe/aj?eb t»etp^rfnei| f^uf^ foz^eue.tJi/, ty^ mee / t^pnhincje v .mi), tpmee ^at) 6ene to ni oc^.inb atj> fajl foper peter wo^ 5at?e bteb wit^ c^:iile/6utfct witf^ii) fcxve^otxj^ rzo afte'v/^^ ^e^leD fifrn / 0ot^ coxvavOCy (i f^a iti efufrp. ZlnDartec v fi^rne maner/t^o* worl; ^e ^al' fo f ^^e ^ert) t^at noma mwt^t ouen0e ^injJcCft/dut vat^ct tuvnc j^ ot^^v c^eketo / t^ert to (m^tca^afnc/fctw^^ i^ij^ift voaeu) fiiH^e/ peter o^ebw^et^er it were CawfwXto fmytc voit^ y fwcvX^c/ ab tavict) none an fxvcn / dnt fapeboy ra(lS?fy. S>ot^att^ouQ^ tt?l;etj ire come firfl Idt) to f hnowfe^eoft^etruet^/artb t^epeaceie tnat)e6et\»eiie <0ob (i "Ba/^ we foue ^le fa^ u?ee (T 0e^ue earcdutc^itbcvi) ^ f ouii0e fcofeire treake (^ fo6fe (c tnufi ^ave fej^fflr to Qtcw it) ^ fpitite/it) knotpfecfe/ fc ue(c it) ^ t)et)e0 t^erof/ aepounge c^iTDertj mu|l ^At?e tpme to groia? it; t^>eir 6ct)ie0, C^«^e petfecte/(r ftnet^ "^a (t trtet^ %6 fl0 0 ujiTDemeffe/ to "Bm^fe i^c (T to tfpte o? p?o ue t^e/^ it miQ^tdc knoxvep w^at were itj t^itie^^t.j^e 0;iougt t^e iij toat»uerfite(jt mabe^ fl9 fongreb/^ t^erifeeb^ wit^ m3 w^icl^iiet^et: t^ou net yU t^ifat^ere euer Hn ew f/to tcac^ ft^atam^ Zimt^ no t^y t^c mout? of ot) . ^oj ]^ pzomifee of cfob moatc t^iie^etx^BohyCyfuftinaunce: ae f iouxttcy cfj c^iiHtt} offlfraef owt of egi? pte iri to y rotibep;omifel> t^ettj/miniftret^ t^c MOtiJ^feenfAmpfee (^ i^a6ount>3tf];/a^ boet^aflf^ re|Ioft^eeiafe4go,i&ot»6eit/ itieimpoffiBfefo^ffef^ to0ereue (i to tru(l irj f tmet^ of ctot^e p;2omife6/ '^nti'^^e ^a uc Icmeb tt in mocp tci6ufcciot^/after t^at il&ob6at^befiuere^ ^^out t^^erofo^apne. €L ilSob t^erfo;e to teac^ ^ona^ (f to \\)cw 0ittj ^iearxyne ^evt (f to make ^in) perf^cte a to mfltiictc ^<5 aifc^i^ie cnfatnpfc/fmt ^in) out off tatiOeofQfvattvo^cve ^cxxtae a pxopfjetc/to $00 anionic ^^eat^^peopCe (t toy^teateft (tmi^^ticficitkoff t»o:fb t^^/ccitCeb 0niiic : to p^eac^cf wit^ix).^t tsayeot^cy f^wft) afCpcvifff fop t^cit fmnee meffa^c f ftreunfof^onoe ^a'^aemoc^yo xvtt to t>oo/ae t^c toeahefl f^evtc^ worn 3 it^ t^c u?o;ft>5at^ pou)er/iff^e wer^cS^miiwn beti/to fcppe it) to a to00e offyuin^cfnakce ^ cbbtve: ao ^appet^ if&ob fiat cdmaun-^ "Ocb ^ata to ^auefactificeb ^iv fonm gfa* ac/ae ^cWbBSM^/f^cwotb ^aueUfpu* teb voit^ ^?v«t: (l^e^at) bone it / a t^ou^^ fge were jtvd^c ynou^d/ yet manf at} ^ofp feint cout) not^awefcurib it| t^eit^cvtce/ 0ut ix>oCt» ^aue bifo0epeb 3b ^aue runite a^ w?a^c fr5 ^ p?efenp o0 c^nmubem^t of 0<)b xo^^onae ift^ei ^ ab 6ctte fo /lr3^fp t^pteb, Cj^o^Qcnae t^ong^toft^io mamt:^oo/Q att) 6et:e a pxop^etc %) to ififobe peopCc t^e J3fmefitee.U^6ic6 t^oug^ t^ept^aue^obe w>o;b te(lifieb^o tet^errjbiJf fp/petbifptce it(ttt>o?f?epeil5ob^nber^ fiHeneffeofcflf me (I after affmatier facione faue after ^ie atom too^be/ (t t^crfo^eare of aff naci^e ^ i»o?f! (c mop u)c?t^i? of punif^metit. 21nb petgobfo;i rowe of few ^ areamongetpeit; ^ fo? ^16 «ame0 fake fpavct^ t^ctt} (ibefen bet^ t^ty.^cvo t^^f^ulb QoXf take fo rru^ ek^ttiQeaunce ctj fo greate amuftitubeof t^ttt) totp^ome^ienameroagtteuerpiea^ d}ch to dib t^erfo;:eare not p tent^ parte fo cuefa6t6eft;'j3fl3t^aft^erfo?egoop2eac0 fo f^a ff (vc (? (^ame my feffe ^ <5ot) t^ev toanlf make t^en) tt)emoare toWpicc^^^ atib fctt t^e fclTeOp ^irtj at) to 6e tpe moare crueff ^t; to l;ie peopfe. C'^liib Sppoij t^at imagimcid ^c f(c^ fvd t^e face ojL\)ze]ene of ii5ct):t^atie/out of p centre w^cved^oli xvao woif^epc^ it) (jr fvd p^ofecutvnqe of 0ot>6 c^tiiautiD^m^t/^nt) t^ougijt/ g ujplTgett me a not^ev vonye a^ monge P fjet^ct) peopfe ^ Be no moarc a pio p^cteSat f^ueat tefjl ^ out of a(Fc302aun^ cavct^ fc; l;ii5 c^xtcc^ift^cti) g:tutmtt) ak ^t) to {Toob to tOeitj ijr fnntct^ t^? to ^e^it'c tl)enj fl^apne (i kiifet^ t^^ to make t^^aCi ucaga^nc/(ipCayctl}voit^t^^aeafat^cv 1)00 fomc t^mc toit^ ^ieyoaQciqnommt c\)itt)m})(f. tempcetf) tl;eiij g p^ouet^ t^enri to mahe t^eir^ fe f^eyca tone i^evtc^/ptoui^ t>eD fo; Qonao/^oxo aft twinge f^ulb 0e» CU^^eif gon^etrae entered itj to t^efl^ep pe / t)e fa^eD ^m^borone to ffepe 3b to take ^iQ reft: tljat le/l^ie c^fcience voae toffch Be twcnc t^ccdmaubem^tof^o^w^ic^ fcnt ijitt} to flmim/ (1 6i0 ffef^ft? u?ifDoniet^at l>iffua'betKj^comifdct> ^pttj f c^tmrp (latf fa(l pjeuafeb ag^ff ^ cdmauntiemdt (t cart^ ct) ^frrj a notice WApe/ae a fljepp^ caught detweneAj.iiveamee/^aepoetce fainc t^ mother of ^cfiaQcv to 6c6ettxj(2netnmve affeccide/ w^i^ toaOui^t 0ip 0?<5tl?ec6 be^ et^/fjpefouggttoffe^irrttonefonne.u^^e re ^ppori fc;i^erj?p^pne(i t^^^ioufnedre/ pe faj?^ t)o wne to ffcpe/ fox to put ^ c5mAwr»De merit tt>^ic^ fo ijttew (r freate 016 c5fdence/ out of mint)e /aef nature of a^njekcbte/ vo^^t^cy ^auefinnebagoob/tofekeafm^ eane& tx>it^ viot/ reueflf^ paflymc/ to btiue ^ temen6?aunce of frnne out of t^cirt^ou^ Qf)te0 op a^ IXt^ \>\'(>ito coucr t^eir naheth^ neffewit^apo;ri6 of\>op^ ^oCv xxsot^^i :!^ut6e^f lott t)at) cau^^t0onae/t^^ 0e fuce y ^ieffnncecamctovcm^dzaunce aqa^n e (t if at ^le con fcicnce raged no feffe t^^ y wauea of t^cfe« 2lnt) t?? ^e t^oug^t t^at ^e onfp u?a0 a firmer a p ^ct^ct) t^at voaxc in f fbeppnoneirj r^fpectc of ^in}/ab t0ott0^t(^l|o/a6 vzt^t^ao ^evoae ffeb fr^ ^6^ Piiofocte. go^/t^atcie 'vctkyQot)^aii call ^lawa^^e: foz f> (iq^toff tot) mahet^ f natural c^ilt) mt Zt^ to fe (I to k«otv ^z ^ie faufte / 6ut affo to fo^ett afif ^16 fat^ete otbcmetdc (t Hin^neOe. :^nb t^ct}^ecdfeffet> ^ie fj»nne openfv? (T ^aD pet Ci^uer peri'f^ afijue t^? y f ot^er fl^ulb ^^uepenfT^et) iwit^ girri foi j^i^ frth^j ant) fo of %t^ befp^racibf; to ^aue tv^ uebanp fenctec/ 6a5 ca|l ^ittj it| to j^ fee 6e^ tpmee/ej^ceptetpcf t»ofti6e fo|l <;ffo, C ^0 fpeake of ^ttce / 0or» fetfo^t^ f^ep are fatofu^/ie a tiQ^tqueftid*jfitii to ^fe r^?/ot t^e BpcahitiQc of ftvifc/a^ ro^erj p^ir tcnate/ t^eirgoobec aeequaffpbim'bebo^ tf}t (Inot w^eterto \>xz\ztxe/ ot popfy coube tioti^^agte orj et<- 0et/ie f!a«?fiwabit|afl^6kecafce»^ut to a6ufe t^tn) ^t) to f Umptinqe of deb {t to tSpeff §ittJ t^ctwit^ totjttett^mgee w^e^ rof we fidt) it}'boutc/Vi>^et} vi>e^aucnocom maunbcmHof^irt) (o to bo/ ae t6efe^et^? ^ere l)j?b / t^ou0^ dSob turtieb it 'B'fj to ^ie gf te not/6ut t^at fomeof t^?o;i ^apfpaff ca=* metl5ec6p?f| to t^etrueknorofege (t true t»o;J^epingc of (l5ob (r T»are cowrie to i&oh it) myv foutee*lint> t^9 0ob to^tc^ ia in^ finite metdfu^it) df^^ie wapea / wxouc^^t t^eitfouCee ^eaft^outof^ infirmiteof 0o nae/cuct) of 6ia goob wiff (ipurpofe (r tone w^etcxvit^ pe foueb t^ett; 6efo?et^et»o?lb toae mabe/(r not of c^aunce/ac it appcm^ "^9 to t^eepeeoftljict^noitaMnt. C2lrtb t^fltgonaa xoaeMj.tiafce (cAij.ni^ S^tte it} t^eeefpof^iafif^ : xoec^nott^er 6p pzoue ^ij to te ^cwee (r f fibefeo o: ^t) to Anpmarj/^ C^zijiniufl t^erfo^ebpeab ^c 6urieb (r rifeaflfApr»e.:i^ut we^fe fetifattt* pfeabfihcnelTeto |lren0t$ tge fait^ oft^e \x>ca\lt»'fioi^ct^atdctcaixct!^ t^e one cat? net boute it) y ot^er: uj ae mocp ae t^^ ^3ti ^onae atiueaQtnfl atCnatntaK pof|T0ifite (T itjbcfiucrpnge Offafc out of gie fif^ / 1^? feputc^ic . 2ttit> toema^e l)efcri6e ^ power (t ^ertue off tcfuttcctiS t^etBy/ae Ci?;i(l ^? feffe doxovoct^ f jimifituSe t^erto^^at* ^h r^r%^^^ ^ yQcvoe0tl}atcamca^oui^ tc^itt} 0cf^vch a fi^neox a i»3t>crfr3^e^ ueij to cenif^e tl?? tf at ^ewaec^ziiit t^ie cucff (jc we^focke6;:eakTflte^Iacio(to0ic^ fee*' ake^ u?cDfocHe of fait^ wl?ettoit^ t^ep 6c mattet> ^9 to (0ot)/ ^t> Betemir) t^eiv faffe tDo;rhee)fekca (iffti^/6ut t^ere f^af no fiot*^ rie^e geuet^ t^g fauef fi^tieof t^e pzopjj^;^ te^onae . jfo^ae Qonae xoaeAijiafco St> tiJAiic^^tce it) r^eDefy oft^ew^ale/ eu2fo f^a^t^e fonne0fmat)deAi)*t>a^co (z:.tt|.np g^tce it} i^c^ntc of t^e ct0* W^k^ voae a xx>a tc^ xvo^ ^ae t»e fap e/^a f^arpe t^;c^ ateningo ^Tf to f Qcvoco (i ao ttioc^ to fayz ae t^uf^/f e^arDe 0ettet)^ei»e0 feHea Jligs; voaevci^fcb outoft^e fcpwlc^eof ^te fif^c (T t^Ci) fcnt \st) to t^c0niuiue to pwac? v t0ef l^ulb petif^/eutt} fo f^atf vyfcaQay tie out of tnpfcpuk^^e (rcome(tp?eac0re<^ pentflunce^ti tofou. ^et^ecfo;eu?^eripe fei^fen^t^at|?erep?totdfepef9af fuerlp pertf^ (T not efcape. ;ffo;t t^"?"!^ tf^einfirmi tie6 w^ic^ f enott? fe F mf ff^jip 0ea fett 15ii to poutre fap t^ea / ^e f^aflf pet t^erj 6e t»i t^ out t^mfe/w^t\)fe fcfo^taxtcamitade (? fo gteate powet: of 0ot> f^et> out 9pp3 |)ou. 2lnl) fo Cl7?t(^e camea^ai^neaftcvf tefuv' vcccid I it) ^ie fpitite(^pzcac^et> xtpZtauncc ^x} to t^ttry/^y t^emout^oflpie Appointee (^ tiifcipfea/f voit^ miracfee off ^olp ^ofl . 2(nl>afftpatrcpetiteb notperif^et)f^o;tfr after ^U werefo? ^ mofl parte ffaptietPitp ftoerbe 55^ re (I cartel atoaj>ecaptiue its to off quartered of t^e y^)o%\t fo% ckx) enfampfe/ ae pe fe 13fj to t^i0 bap e . C^tttiij fpke maner fene t^^vooiXt 6e^ gicmne / xv^ete (oeuet v^petitauncc wae of*' f ereti anl) not receaueb/ tj?ere ® o^ tohectif ueff ^engeauncciftutiebiatfi? : ac ye feitj ^ fFoul) of ;I!oe/itj t^c oucrt^ toto^^e of 5) ot>5 (^ OEnwioz ^ afft^e con tre fl6outc:(r ae ^e fe ofiB^ipte/oft^c Hmontce / iZananitce (r aftetwattic of t^e ^erp Qfrnefttce / ^ t^co rtt t$e fafi of t^e ipet»e6 to/ ab of t^e 2JfR?=^ ricae ant) l^a^ionicne ant) fo t^Oitout aCf t^eimpctee of t^cvoozlb* CCSylbae p;c;jc^eb tcp^tauncc ^tj ro ^ of bc^^jitapnee t04tin^a6itet)cncff6b: t^ep ifepentet)not/(i t$erfotc0ot) fetitii) t^ej^c etiimiee ^pp5 t^^o?; euerp fibe (jbe(iro)?eD t^^ %>p (T et^ue t^e f3b ^rj to ot\)evnacide 2int)Cfreate%ngeaunce^at^ 0enetaH^iij CU^icfeffe p?eac5et>r^p^taunce% to cm re frttCf *^^ wf f^ic^ t^tpope ^at 6uriel> ^ittj an\) kep* te^iti) Downe wit^ ^iei pitaxe anb pofa^ea atiba^tJifctplTrigee ofppochfic/ U7it(? gp fe/ twifee antJfaffl^eb/ ^b wit^ ff efwctbcf af pjittcee tD^icg ^e ^ab 6ej?tiDeb wit^ ^le faf fematc^auttbice. 2lnba6 Jbcrotenotof^ eMfiimpf«?0 t^at are pa (1/ fo aiti ^ fure t^at grmte unAt^wiflTfofow/^^ceptc rep?taun ceturne it 6acke agap nennb ceafe it. CW^etj flofiae ^ab0Ctteir>tefif^e6 0cfp a fpace (t tpe ro^e of ^ie cotifcicnce t»ae fo«^ mew^atquietcb 3b fwa^eb anb 0e come tc ^irti (e^cfl^apnertnb ^ab receaucba tyxtc i^opc/ t^equafmee (r pangee of befpewci^ vo^ic^ xoent oucv fpa ^crt /fyxGfe ouetco^ lb MX), tr6e Piafo^c. me/f^cpia^b/a^ ^etnahet^met}cidit} t^c tcf tc fay^^ci Qome p;iapeb ^tj to t^e fojtt) ^i0 ^ob outof el? paye t^at p^u^ ^ot»eb / tl?at fhuitijje cornet^ of t^e fo;t)e. ^w ^etcfp to cSfeffe out of t^e ^erte/t^at aff6ene|ite6 co me of ebit| t^jept circumcifiot^/aa wett) oureBaptinj.ll^pic^ ^ot»eflotta0not» taxo^^t xvii^et^peti^e/ pxcmifct^ topa^e. if ox t^ofeoutwarbefii^ ctiftcze of 6cfke / "^t) to w^icg ^omQ ^ati ^apfy af(cti6cb to n\oc^ 6efo;e/ tocre 0ut fe 6fe (tc^ilbif^ t?in0C0 (C notoxbepneb/ t^at t^c twitheo of t^2 fefuee f 6ulb 6e a femice ^9 to gob/ 6ut ^t) to t^e p^opfe/ tcputt^^ it) vemcm^taunce of tpie int»arbe (acnfVce of thankee (roffait^ to truflartbdefeueitj dB^ob t^eonti^ fauer ♦ U^gic^ fi^tnificaciori w^eri voae avoa^ / tf>e^ vocve a^^omina^ 6feanbbeuefl^f5pbofatrpe atib ittiactefet^ mce:aa oureccremoniee anb (accaitiente^ rtre Become novo to afltt^at truft (r 0efhie irj t^e x^^rke of t^ctt) Cf2l'b. t^ecitie/Q fuppofe ^cbib it not it) onzXicifC: ^ut o??t faytc (I eafpff pxcac^i^c 6ere a fer mot) (T t^erea tior^eriy t:^6uket) t^e fi^ttne of tpe pcopfefw t»^ic^ t^ep m» fl peiif^c . ^2lnti to^eti t6c>U(^rt come^t; to t^etrep?* taunc€oft6cftittiuitz6/t^cvc^a\l t^oix fu* tt* ctncfi/t^at ^oxv foeuerangre^ot) 6e/ret ^e remmiSzct^ mercie ^9 to adtifat ttuty vcpentatib Oefemit) meme . W^ic^ citfath pfeoure fauioucc C^xif{a(foca^et^ it)t^c tcet^ oftf)eitit)uvat Qewce faf enge:t^e/Ci niuiuef^a^nfe ti)iu^gem^twit| t^iena dotiani) condetmie t^ctt}/ fo^t^Zf vcpcittet) at t^e pxcac^vngeofQome/atit^ 6e^oft>ca Qvcatct t§2 Qotiae [^ctz/mcanytiQc of ff^tt) fetfe, Ztw^ofzpzmc^ingefet / tfiouQ^ it were iieuer fo tniq^tic to pcrcc t^e ^ecte / ([ fox a'it^ie miracfea t^crto/t^e ^act>0erte^ Qe\M6covitcnottepetittxx>^ct) t^c ^eat^cx) jlJitttuitee repcnt^l) at t^e Bare jncac^pnge ofQonae v^bukin^e t^cpr fytmco wit^ out anytnivacteata^*^ vituaK ^w of x»it0 t^cpr gfofee ^ab tnal)eita^to0^et^erert|ieS& ftcf^Cy/ antf (c^at) \ztt a ^^afkozcoueringcot) £©o fee face/ to |1^;>bot»eant»Darker|J' gfiwioue 6;ig^tncf(ei>f ^iocotttmaunce.yt xpae f^ri neto f^cfe; ^uttc i-006eu?ebot»e6^otc»fc6 briber a corowceof fotijgre pza^dqe / (i to pof^ tc it) t^enamc of offerinigee/ ant) to fnavc p pccptexoit^intoiCevaBie cd^litucicne ag^fl antout/to hetc^ ttjcft money out of t^cfv pucfee/wae no fffineataff*. €E'2Io ftnj?te father ^b mother tpaafpnn: l^ut to xx>it^b%aw ^efpe fr3 t^cu) at t^eyt ncbe/ fo; BtynXtc jetcofoffcvm^e/ ^t) to t^e p?of|^ttoft^e^of^ p^atefee/wae t^erjaa mecitojioue ne it ie novo tc tetattt^y kyn^ nec^ofcw^ctctt^ey mff fynhcoxfwcme/ w^ife t^ouMtfc(lanhmakc\iqoMy fun hacioe fc;i ^ocf peopfe w^ic^ t^ou ^ajic^o fct) to 6c t\}y cP;if!c/fo? to fotopfe t^y foufe to6e% ^fue fc; to (am % foufe fronj ^ |>urcfato;v of ^^ ^^^^"^ ^^^^ ^"^P puccfet^ IVtine/tmt^ t^epr tmtc^tflte/ fafH^e/wot^ xmtb^cin^c (i tf (Vnigteat w^t>nf g0t etc* ttj^ctetDftfifett^cf pur^e not t^mj fef^ uee (^ott^ t^cf ? couetoufnefle/p;f t>e/»6?c^ii* pf o;a«p ^^e t^at t^ou fepflamofiot^ t^e favepeopfe. C 9t tDa0 create fpnnefo; Cl??i(i to 6ea^ fe t^e peopfe 09 t^e faBSot^ M^^e ^tj to t^e (jfo;«'e of dSot) 5V6 fat$er/6utnoneatflflf foz t^ettj to ^efpe t^epr cateBT ^tito t^zfv axxfttc pxof etu C0tt»a6 ffmietoeatetx?ft^^ntDAr^ct^ ^anl)ee 0^ ot) at) ^voaf^et) ta6fe/ ox out of atj^tit»af^ei)tii|^:0ut tocatecutoft^tit purif)?ebbf (15 t^At\»0ic?cmnoof6ir0et^/ t^eft ^ e^tojfiofj/ xoae no f^neatalK* Cy t toi»6 e^ceat^yn^e mtvitonou^ to ma^ kemanp Df fcppfi^e : ^wt to teac^ t^cn) to fearc 0ob in ^f^ o?t)pnaunce6 / $at) t^ep nocatecitau. C^^oppepje^teefo^befcnbcD t^crpcf^t of ^ofp c^urc^ ^b fo feawD t^peop^xpitlj t^tcmfe of dSott (r terreBfepapneeof^^ff/ tpat no mat) Wtft tcaue t^e Wc(I ^erHeit^ 0f6garl)effie^ntpt^cb.21nb t^eofferpn*' ^eatil) t^pxQce beopcat ^rj to dBcb fe: t^e p;tofitt of ^f e.^ofp15pcar6 xv^etc it) foc^ eflpmaciofj anlJ vcutv^ce/t^at it xme mcc$ ijreaterfpnne tofaeacetrufp 0^ t^en)/t^^ to f0xftvcv^t^1^f^tfc6^ ^cbiw^at^engc^ autice t^etj of (iDoi / anb ^cxv tcmdte atib cruefP tiamnacict) t^nhcycpxcac^et) t^er to faff cr> t^? t^at ^aD ftofeti fc^c^ ^cfp tBC^ gcef 2ttibpetfapt^C^^ifi/fMrr^$t* wefheffeal) fatt^ irj Hepf n0ep?omi(e/mer^ cteanl) ifibj^fferent iubgement were St tur^ fp twbetj ^nt>er foteanb cfeariebifpprcl) of t^ofeBteffcbfat^eve/w^yc^ fcmig^tefp maf ntcneb 2irontf patrimciip35 ^ab mob it fcp?cfperou6 3b enuivomt) it anh xva^eb it adoutcct} euerp fpbe wit^ 3^ feate of got/ t^atnotnat}butfitvocc^ it* C0tt»ae0reatc^ofpneffetoctat«pf^^ fe pufc^^ee of ^ p;op^ete6 (r to c5bemrte t^eir atone fat^ere fo; ffcpnge of t^cftj;anbpet toeret^ep t^^ fefuee fp^Bfmbe^efeoft^cir aiame^(titud3e/a0 reobpae t^eir fatpere to ffew^cfoeuectefliftetj^tj to t^enj/t^e fame tvuct^ wf^ic^ t^cpto^^^etee tejtifk'b ^t}tott}cyvfat^cte. ^ot^atC^iilc^a tct^ aff tpe viQ^twcfneffe oft^ofcMy pa^ tviavhco ^t) to t^c outvoavtic Qewt^c of a paf fttet lepufct^xefu^of jlertc^ atibafl^ i5ii Cll ntt ftnaSp to 5e^plt> a mam m^uxc it) fottc Catgenin^e ant> to i^^wppe <*ril) c3* paje 0itfi iij ujitj^cautefee of t^e faxo/ wae t^tj fl0 It i^ now it) t^c JtifigtJomeof f Po^ pe . ^ V t^e wafof^ vo^etc of t^ep e^cfiiT)etJ t^efat»of foueoutoftgepc^ertee/ At)c3l> ^u?tfy afPtruerepetit 00 ^ ftome ^fefffti^ee/ ajit) un t^ tt>^<^t foet?er of 0ot)6 woibe tt)^ic6 onfp fpeahetg utj to t^e^ecteanbfl^etoetp t^efou&^ir fift^^^ neffe anb ^ncfermeffeof fpnne/ant) feabct^ ^ivSi^fwa^eofvipentaunce^t) tof foun^ ta^m of C ^tifice B^cuhe to xvcif^c it aiu* a^e t^cxovo fai tt) . 2^p t^c tcafbt) of w^ic0 faf[enot^tt»efrtef)e t^cywcte t^foBcUent ^tj to t^e ncrJ^ttoefneffeof (0ot>/ tp^ic^ ie t^efoigeuene(]eof ff nne it) ^^xifteeBtou beatit)couDfnot0efeuc it* Tlrib fc tl?o2ou) ftef^tfintcrp%ctynQct^e(aw 3D fatfcima ginetf viQ^txvcfntffe/t^cit ^cttee vocte ^av DenetJ 3D m abc aeftcnfaectay it) at) ^ote furnace of five/ t^at t^c^ coube xcceaucm* t^errepcntauncenerfatt^ o% an^mo^ftzv ofQvactataU* C^ut t^e^ct^ct) 0nimtee/t^cuQ^ t^cf u?erc 0fpTiDcD tDit^ fuflee a ^coD/ pet were II) t!?ofe.ij. po^ntce ^ncoxvuptcanh^n^av DeiieD/(r t^erfc^etoit^ t^conf^p^eacl^inQe ofQonaecame ^rj to t^e knou? fe^gte of t^eir iVnneeanD confeffeD t^en^ ^ repetiteD tru^ ^ (T turneD eucrp marj (tohj ^la euetf Debea (T Dec&ireb t^epr fo^oro of ^ert (T true repett tmuice/tPtt^ t^ef rbcDee w^tc^ t^epDf D out of fflit^ (t ^opeof foi^euetiefl'e/ cl^aflp** fin^e t^eir BoDiee toi t^ piaper (r faiiingo (t toit^ takinofe a flfpfeafureeftrottj t^effef^: trufif n^e/ae $db voae angtefcz t^eivvo^ kcbnefle / ex>ct} fc f^ul l» ^e foi^cue t^eti) of C:21fit)iri t^ctaflenbcofa^/t^ou^aflfzt a 0oo^fy enfampfe of fern^n^e / to fc^ovo Becawfct^e jUiniuiteepenflSeti not/ tl^at I?e woe tt?erj> of ^y6 %fcant) wif^et) after t^e foofi tgecf foiieof ^16 p;op^e(ienge/ 19 t^<»t ^iepiop^cficccmenottx>pa(ie, ^ut^obte Buket) ^ittj tDit^ A fiheneffefaf cnge: it gre^ uet^ t^^tie ^ert fo;i t^efoffeofa ^iTef^;io6 6eo? finale/ vo^ctot) t^ou Be^owc&bcflno Monte o^coft/nct^cttoae it t^ync^anti^ wcvkc^oxv mccf^ moavc t^zx) f^ult) wiie mytie ^crf e/ t^e 6ffe of fo ^veaucumuttitu heofinnocitceaeateit^0nmc/w^idicirc Aflfmf ne ^anbee tt?erke. iOof Qonae/JJatri (15o^oueraff/anl) fat^eraetweff^tjto t^e ^ct^etjae ^r> to t^e 0ot»e6 dibmetcifu^tc aWanXi wamc f e; fmj^te: net^et t^tttcQ fo crueffp 6p any p?op^ete/6ut t^at J tp^lf fo^^^llCvft^cy rtpent^t a^- mcccicuiet^cr tt>ptt 9 fuffffTit/ fauefc; tneyr fahce cnfr uee to hepemv ^coee of^cvy tcne/ac na^ /Ctt^ pemancr to real)>> fcripture ___._ goft caufeb it tc 0e tr?itt2.'ii:^at 10 ^ tfiou firfl feke out ^ tavo / vo^at got) tvifif 0aue t^ to boc/interp;ietin0e it JpiritualTf wit^ out $tc/fc ex ccnctingct^cvii^^tncffe cf^ofce facc/fof t^ou f^fcii) t^i^nt ^cw f^oxv tpatitie Dartina^lir(Ynito6cfo?^0ol)/ not to fouet^ep !icp6ourettMtie tpj^Tieeni miV/ae pucrfp a6 irr5;ii(t foueb t0e / an^b ^ not to fouet^p ner^oure 19 t^rne ^ette/ie u \^auc c^ittet) iff cea^r (afffj^nneacfertfT ^inf. 2lrtb t^etfoit^ij tp« t^at foue aefo< me/t^ou rtiujl hnowfcg^'^tifapnebff t^.*t t^ereie f^nne in t^e6efltiebe t^aut»oe(t ♦ 2l«bit mu(! emeflfp gccue t^pne ^ett anb t^ow mup tt>a(l^ aff f^p ^oot) bebee 19 c^;i ftee 6fowbe/per t^ef c^tj depure mtb aij ac^ cepta6fe facnfice^tj to 45ob/anb muflbe^ jC fire^ob f fat^ct fox ^10 fake/ to take t^ibe bee awcitt^ (T toparbSf imperfecteneffeof ti)crn/(i to geue t^epotverto^oot^e Better anb voit^ moavz feruent foue* C^lnbotjt^eot^er fvbe t^ou muflfecc^ bi%etitf)? fc; t^emctnifee ofmercie w^ic^ 00tf fiatfi p^oitiifeb t^ca0a^m,Wl}k^AJ* pc^nice t^at le to wete/ p ^voefpintuaC^ fp mterp;eteb/ ^otot^at of te b^naSfe fpn lie t6ati6 not i5nfa^iiebfoue out of t^e^r- ownbeartb 6otott> of t^e6erte after t^een^ famp^ ofiZ^iiflce ^ueto'^e/Becaufetoe 6eau*equaffpcreflteb 3b fozttiebofone 0Cb ourefatlif t/artb tnbifferentfv 6oug^t (i; re* bemeb wit^ oneOfonb of ourV. fauioure^e* fu0 jCI?;i(le:3b tftatt^epomtfee Oeotewcri ^t) to a tepentpnge foufe t^at t6urflet^ atib foriotet^ after tpettj/ oft^cpmeanti fa t^erff mercicofgob t6o^ot»ourefait6 one ft? toit^ ofiteaf bcferuin^e of oureDebee oz mcvitce of oure werhee / dut fox C^;i(^e^ faheofoncanbfo; t^emerrtee 3bbe}eruin^ igee of ^10 roerkee / bet^ ant mffione t^at ^e fofereb afC to Qct^ev foi ^e (i not foz fiitn fcClre : t»^t6a).poptite0 fape / if t^p 6e to^ittet) ttj t^ine ^evte/avc tpc hepee vo\)ic^ fo open atCt^e fcripture ^rj tc t^ / t^at no creatuvc car) focHe t^coiit / antf witi} t»f i* c^ t^ou f^aft goo in atib out / ant) fintiepa- flute anb fobe cuerp tio^etc . Zrib yf t\^e^ fe Ufone Be not rmittten ir? tdfne ^evtc/ t^et) iea^0c^ fcnpturef6utt ^pp/i^6 a co:i ncfTu; t0e \$ate/\b t6at t^ou itiapflreati itanbromerj ofit aiib rel^er|eaff t^o fio;ie6 of it ant) Difpute fotiifpani) 8e ap;zofbun^ be fop5i(Ier/anb pet %iticf(toni not one Qot t^erof . ir^Int) t^jibfp t^at t^ou take t^e (lo^iee (t tiuee u?^ic^ arec^topnebitj t^cBi6tc/fcx fn re 35 ^nbocotet) enf<^nipfe6/ v 0ot) fo witT beafe t»it^ ^^^rj to t^c xvo}\t>ce enbe. C©eretDit^ KeaOetfarorweffanD ^ecom^ menbet) ^ri to ©ot) /anb ^rj to t^egrace of 0p0 fp;jpte . 2inti ftrfl fe t^at t6ou |loppe not tfipneearee^tj to t0e cafif nge of god/ anbt^at t^on ^arDeri not t^me^erte^cgp tet> toit0 ffejl^ff intet^zetingeof t^e faw (c faffe imagined ant) ^pocritif6 rig^ ttx?efnef fe / anli fo t^e /liiniuitee cpfe voit^ t^eatf iap of iutjgenient(i: conbemne t\^* C 2lnb jcc^Danlvif t^ou fintJecug^tamif fc/w^erj tBou f^pfl t^y fcCfcu) tpcQ^affeof (15clie w>o25e/t^prikeitc3penbiou0 wifbo^ me/to am^nDc^ fame^etjrtice / inonef^ct) T warned 6p t^rnifatiip^ofot^ermetj/m C21nt) t^lV if it jl^aff fcc^aunce/ t^at ^ ttjilt) fu(!c0 of'rfir fff^f^ (^rtfr0fpHij tf^cmib me:vct at t6c frttcccnlic/ to^ef|^0<>t> of aft rtieriie (Ipa^^aueccmpafcb tpeiij ct;eiiet:p ff t>c xxyii^ t^ptaci^p/tn^ufadona/Aibuet fi^ fiee (f cS6;rawice/ toB^inge^^omeacta^fic ^ri to t^pneawne ^ertc/ (jt tc jet tl^l' jtnnca t»ic? t^ouwoltie|l fo fapne cower (i put out of ttif nb voit^ t^efectaciS of 'Sofuptuoue pa caff ^ fait^fulTen jiimp^ o\QoniM5 (i aff fp^ be floziee "^ti to t^p rem?0;auttce / 3& wit^ ^otiae twrne ^tj to t$i father t^at fftiotef : Hpt to cafl ^ a i»ape/6ut to fape a cotoftV^t) a fceatfgepfaf ffev ^r> to y pcchet^at tayt ^lO ^ fret in warbe to bzaw ^ t)ifcafeout ijt to make it appece/^ tfiou mig^tcjl feafc t* ^p fcchenee (t y Daurt$ / r^e iamc i6 p:omifcb tge/ t?f t6ou trift iij fikc ttiiinet: tumeagavne antt vcceaiicb it ae t^e^ Dp^ . Ttrit) n?itp Qcnae dcaknowct) of t^p fpnne(i;c3fc|Teit(i hiio^ u)fecfeit% to t^y father. C2inb a6 f f(xxx> vo^icl^ frctct^ t^fc^f^icn ce/is it) tl^ne pcrtc(r 16 nomontwat^^ t^X $e/cv2fo fckcvoit^it)it) t^ine^ette/fptay fler of nicrcte/t^c pjompfce of fc^igeueneffe irj cure fauioutcQefue ^^liflc/accctlfinQC ^r) toafft^ecttfampfe^ ofmcvcie t^atatc Qonne BefcjLC, CUnti wit^ Qcme fet t^^ t^at waftcot) ^anitice (t feke ^db ^ctc (t t^ere (j; it^ cmt^ t?p^ fmiciijt^eir|)crtcc5 300/(1 fchet^ou p teilamH of ^ot^ ir? t^ptie ^ctt.jfox ix} t^vm pcvtie t^ewo^bcoff faw/ (titjtpl^ne^ert 10 1^ t^)Oz^eof faptl^ ii) t^cp%omifc6ofmct^ cicir)Qefue it^^ijic^o t^atf f t^ou c3fep fe wit^ a rppentpn etc ^^te (r knowfcge 3ti futcfp0cfme 3^ gefueietoi'beoneta&f^n^ m/ti^ouartfaffe, iZ.iih C2tribfinaf% w^en t^era^cof t6^c5fci^ ence ie ce<^et anb quieted u?it^ fafi fott^ iij tpepzotntiee of mcrcte/tgcnofifet toit^ 5^^ nae t^c cfferm^c of p;r«f fe attt> t^ankefgc^^ umcfc/(r pare t|e ^otx) of t^p 0aptin|/t^at (0ot) onff |aiict^/of 016 5fp meccie (tcjoob* Meffc; t^at ie/6ctciic flebfaflfp (l p?ca^ cJ^ ant) <0i'ob on fp t^at ^eatct^ t AfcriOptiige ^ caufc of t^^ tti\iiitatiot}'^t)tc t^pneaixme fpnne / arib f CAufc of t6p tiefiuemuncc^^ tot^etticr«eofil5ob. Cllnb6cwace oft^e^u^f faitl^we^aue power 19 oiire fretoifiTdcfoze y p%ca(^mQc of y <0ofp^S/tobefevuecfrrtce/ to kepef taxo/ ofcdqtviit'e/ox gob to 6e t)nricr^tt»efii»'21nb Qcud^^ ^ofce/eiii fo grace to fulfiffit/ie 0CU?6|>C^i|IiJ.^nbtD6^tl;e|>fafcourebe bee ujit^ ^racebeferue ^euct^/fafc t^on to* paufeKo.pj^^euerfafe^fTfciet^egift^ of0ob t0o;ot» gefne £^xifiouve fo;be/(TP t»e 6c mAbe fonnee 0f falt03^^"•^?. ^^^"^ fo:e ^cyx^ of gob t»it6 c^?i^Ko.t?ii).2(nb fape t^at wc rec^aueof of 0ob t^o?ott? fait^ t^atfotowet^ repentAunav^r v vccboo not cure werkee ^rj to ^ot>/^it et^cr^rj to ou=^ c ^n to t^epantcr / ^et fo2 ^ie fetcxvee wit^ ^pnj/ w6tc^^eue t^e thankee ^t) to tfje^v Coxtie / anti xccompen^ ce t^e pantcva^a^ne voit^ ct^evhvtibc fct nice It} t^e^v off kee . 2lrtt>tx)ifiep tfe^fa^c t6at C^?i(^ ?^t^ ii<^^^ "^ (Attffaccioii fc^ t^ej^tinetDeboo after oucc^^ptytrjtfaj^e t^ou wptg t?et>cctrinf of paufe / t6at it; ouvc ^aptfYf)t»c receaut t^e tnerj^tee of ^^xifle^ tect^ t\}oxoxx) repcHtaunce anb fapt^ of u?pic^ two/0aptiti; le t^e ff g ne. 2lnb t^ouiSf^ xxf^ct) voe fpnne offtaitticaf^ tec oure 0aptpttj t»e rece^iue t^e fi^gne no tnoare / ]7et roe 6e reiietocb a^opne t^o^ow? tcpentamccarib fait^it} C6?i(te6 Bfoutie/ ti?0j^c6 ttoapne/ t^e fpgtie of l5apt{>tTi tvcv contmiicb am oti^e^e irj ^j^ptifpncfc cure pounce cpiltjccrj boct^ euer kcpcit) m^tiT^e anl) caif'Se 6acHcagapne ^rj to ourep^cfef ]\ot}ifwedeQonma^vayc/!^ piomifet^ ^6 fojQeumcffc ♦ >]$etl?er cmj actual fpmie0e toaf^eb ciunirc wit^ ouvc t»erkee/6ut tDi*= t6 C^zif?c0B6?ul)e:nrtCetcati t5^e6eanf ot^et facrifice o; fatiffacciot) to ^obwart? fvvi rl)ett^ / fauc jC^iijize Stoubc . jfox ae moc^ ixe wc can X)oo no toerhce "^rjto iJSot/ 6ut tecemie onfj^ of fiia merde riTif 6 cure te pcntf nt^c faft^Vt^o/otu ge| we iZ^iii^cou^ ce fo?t)e ant) onf^t (auev i %) to ropcti) (i "Sti CO ((Bob ouw father t^oiow \:}in)/ant> ^t) to ^\^0 ^of^ fpintc/ tfiatonfr pur0ct^/)anctifict6 f waf^ ^ct^'^6ir}t^cinrtoc2t dtciitfc of outtvc^ Demptiotj/Ge p:iapfe fox et?ctr I ^0efir(l Chapter. "1 j^e tt)o?be oft^e t^y^be came % no t^e ^Jtoppete Qonae f fonnc of'Bmit^ai fapen^ejrp je (igett t^c to jiinim t^at ^vcatc citie (r V?eac^ ^rj to t^g / ^ow t^at i^eyv vocUchneffe ie come %>p Scfoxc me, iLittibgome matje ^T reatip to ffe to ^^^^^ avfie fc5 t^e p^eferie off foibe/ ^ eta tt ^pnj bowmc to Qoppe /anb (butibe t^ere « fT^ppe reabp togoo to lE^pacfie/^tpapeb 6i6 fare/ f t»^ta6o;t>e / to igrooujit^ t^etrj to'^^at^ fie fr3 tpepM^e oft^e tcM* d^ut f fo;tbe {futf eb a greatc winbe irj to f fe / (c t^at t^cre wae a myQ^tie tlycfi it) t^c fe : it) fo moc^ ^ t^e f^epp wae lyhe to Qooit)pecc0*7ini t^emarmere xozvcafm^ p^ (tcrieb euerj> matj "ot) to ^te0ob/(?;cafl out^ 0oobee j> xx>ztcit)f f6eppe irj to f fe/ toti^ptetfitofm, ^utQcmeiSattf^irv "^nber 1 5e ^atcm^ ^ ta^zh ^trj ^loronc anb ffbni6;t^c. Altiti^maltefoft^etl^eppeca^ me to ^inj ^ fapb 9a to ^i/w^v (TomBerefl t^oii-r'^pp/^ mtf 9rj to t^)? gob/ t^at (0ob mape t^inkeo^ Ife/ t^at toe pecif^ not. tr^efirfj chapter. emtib t^e^ fayhcme tea ti ot^er /come (T fett ^0 ca(I fcttec/ to kncu? fo? «?^ofe caw* feweatct^uettoudtebe.lintit^eip caflfot cccupadd/vo^encc cotnejl t^ou/^ow i^t^i^ c3treca0^t)/(T cfvo^atnadoi) art t^oui €£linX> i^eanfcoetdi t^d/Qanj at;i^0<:ue:(i: t^i^tcxh (l5ob of fieuetj xv^ic^mat)tBot^ fe aria tpk fanb/^ feaxx^.lL^et) were t^cmeri ae fkh from t^ep^icfena of t^e 6o;it)e/0ecflu C ^6eri t6ef fapD ^rj to ^prtj/ topat f^aflf wetioo^to t^e/t^att^efctnayeceafeftd ttx>tD6finge 'Sef jf ^? t^e |e vmom^ ^ (f ^^^ tvcwdtoue. 2tnD 6c anftvcreX> t^en} / take meant) cafi mc irj to t3e fe/ (i fo f^alf it fett ^ou 6c it; refle : fox Qxootte/it ie fo% xm^ fa^ ke/t^at t^ie Qvcate- tempcii ie come vppci} ^ou ♦ /Ceuert^efeffe tl^emeriaffaf eb topt^ rotoenge to djitiQi t^e fl^^ppe to fartDe : 0ut it t»olt)not 6e/ ^eaiwfe t6e fe fo tx^jowggt (i u t^cp cneb 15r> to t^e fo;it»e (t )^pt):!^ Co%tc Tatt ^6 not pef i^ fox t^i^ mane tect^/ ne^ t^er fape innoc^t 0^uD *^r; to cure charge: fo? t^ou fete ei?e9 40 ti)|) pfmfure xme/ C2Inl) t^g tl^e^ tokegona^/ (r cwj! ^f it^ to f fc/a iffz fe tcftc ra^pnge.^int) f tnet) fea^ t^ tOe fojide e^celiitigft^tj facrificel) f<:icri|v ficc ^ri to the fo?be: arib^oweb ^owe^ . C^^e fccontteiZ^aptcv. ^tv to^Xfcpzcparebagteatef^f^c/ tof\»atti cutoff Boipefe (f tlje fifl^» CHnt> fefAj>bc:itj mf triBa^crotJ 0cafl^t) ^!j to t^c d?jbc/anbf e an fiper^ me:out of t^efiefp of ^eff crieb/ab r0ou ^etbeflmv popce. jfo;i t^ou ^abe(l cafi mctiovom bepe ii; t^e mibbearof t0e fe: (t t^e ffoub tdiiXK\cr> meaSoute: atib afrt^f t» t6^ fet>e |i?rtke tjfjto t^efifi^tAnbit call out yonoe a^a^mvvpot} f tutiefi^nbe. ^^g1 ibei) came t^e towde of t^e fwbe vt) m 1^' t^B^tiae oga^nc fafcn|3e:^pp/36 l^etc ^ to/1)iniuct^tgTeatecitie/(^ p2eacl?ci5ti to t^^t^i picacf^nQc vo^c^ Daljei^. 2lf»o^c arofe{itn?^tto:fDiniucatf feibee c3mamibm?t . jniniwe «?a6 a0reate citie vt) to0ob/c3tepni0e.iij.^V^eidum«p ^ Qcnae. iE'llnhQome went to (r entreb it) to ^ citi^ men a t>apee icutneip /ant) cm\3 fayeuQC : "S^perefl^affriot paffe. ^t bayce 6ut jl>iniV uc (^alBeomvt^jorx^ct)* C^ttt) t^epeopfeof JlJiniueOefcuebd^ot)/ anb p^oaai^meh faflytt^e/ at> ampeb t^m) fefuce it) fackcfor^/ ^0 wcff t^e create a^ t^c fma^ of t?}cn). CUnO f tpbtn0^ came ^1^ to t^e hin^c of fliniue/xo^ic^ atofe out of ^16 fcte/anb bib ^ieappateffof (T putop rrtchc^ot^/(r fate^f howne in aff^ce. TinXt itxxyae cticb ^t cctn^ mauntfth irj 0nmc6^ j> auctoxite off ^in^ Qc at> cf^ie fwbee fajf^en^c : fe t^at nether mao; 0ee(l/o^eo;i f9epeta(lcu^0tataf/(? t^at i^cy mt^cv fcbecpt^inhexoatev. C2tnb t^ef putot) fachcf^ic^ tbep trere acu* fiomeb/fayenQeixvl^ocar) tettxv^ct^ct c^cb wiflTtume^ tepent/(i cmfeftorr) ^ia fearce 'tt)jat^e/t^i:it wepetiT^ notf 3nb xxf^erjgo^ faw ti^cyt wo^Hee / pot» t^ep tumeb fwm t^epr weheb wapee/^e tepenteb orj f euef^ CtE^e.iiij.Ct^apter. >»5ic^ ^e fafh ^c wolD tioo^t) to t^en} /3b Xffh it not. ]^ctfotcQonae u?ae f<;j;ebifcontcnt ab angtt^e. 2tnl) ^e p^a^eh ^tj to t^e . ^totte ditf fa^tii iD (oit^/voa^ not t^ie tnv fapencte w^et) Q woe yet it} my conttti 7inh t^ctfoxcQ ^aflcb mt0et to ffe to '^^ 'i?arfie : fo: hneto we^pnoug^ t^at t^ou t»4fl/ful ofcdpaffiowConQ yet t^oadean^teatib ofQveatcmetm ant> repentcfttxj^etjt^ou art come to take pu^ nif^ment. jOot© t^evfoie taHemp fifefronji we/fo; g ^at! feucrbpe t^et^ fiue. :Urit» t^e fotbe (aiD^ri to Qonae/att tf)cu foan^vici C^lnt! gonae gatt ^iitj out of t^e ci tiei^inb fate ^irT;t)Ott>neori t^cfl fpde t^eroffe/ 5t> mat>el?init^cce a6ot^c ^b fatet^ctvnbcs 19 t^e fl5at)ot»e/ti^tjc mig^^t fe ttJ$atf^ultJ c5aunce^ritot^<2citie. C^Il^^ toxbepn^avch ae itxvctcaxvilb rmt tD^icl) fringe ^p ouerjfonae/ 1 ^at ^ mig^t ^aue f^abocoe ouet ffie ^eeb/toMi^ net 6i") out of ^10 pa|>fie.21n^ 0otia6 voae c^ctabynQe fotJ of ttje xvilXi vine. t^ fp;!m^eof ^ mo;ou> itioxnlge xv^ic^ fmo te t^c mib t)ine / t0af it a)et^^ircbrtu?aj;e. TJnb affoneaa tge fomie t»a6 *5pp / (Bob p:epard) a fevucntceil win^e: fo t^atffon ne dctc omr t^e ^eeh ofQonae ,t\}at ^cfain teb aa^aym 3t5 wtf^eb "^1)10 ^fe foiife t^a t ^e itt ig^t bpe / ant) fapb / it ie Better fox me tctjpet^erjtofiue. ^LZ ntJ g(?t) favt) ^rif Qonae / art t^ou fo an^re foz t^f tjpilbmne f Tinb ^t fa^'be/ aii^ (xnavit a ^ootic/ev^t) ot) to t^eDeet^* 2lnt) tpe f4>;jbe fapfee/ tljou ^aflccmipaffiorj ori a tuilb uitie/ tt?^erofj t ^ou 0e|l(?tt?ebbefl no fa0owte ner mabefl it grott>e/ vo^xt^ fp- ;tan0e ^p iff one mct^t a«b p-^'nf^b mano^ t^et : <:inb jl^ttlb not ^ ^<*iJ^ compaftio^ on ilhniwe t0at cf ceate citie/ iD^erirj r^ere 10 a muftitube of peopfe / eueti aSoue at) ^unbicb tpoufanbe t^at knoto not t^c^r ti^^t ^auh fror^f ■«• n if % % ^ ^ * ^e t»oit>e of t^eLORDEcAme tJttto 3cMa0t^e(ortMcof ^mi" tl>4i,(7iyen0c: itryfe, af1^ cjet tl^ctcVCinimt^at gtcatecite: J, a»i&pjeac^vntot^»mi,t)otx)i(f tl^eir nncf ebne(]e le come vp bcfcic mc. "UnO ^yia^aiil 1^ K^ ^^^ _^S U— — __ji ftcm t\)z pjejen cc of tljcLORDE, axK^c^at ^im tdt»ticrc3oppa:w|>et«lv founbe a f^ippe te4t>v fo: tc gd -onto C^>atjie. G'o ^ paybe t»itl> tl>em tmtc ^^>rttfi$ fr eLORDE. ^utt|)eLORDE^utlebAgtea te«M?nbem to t|>efee, mi^tl^erei^aa emfl- rv««^ t»erea^i»yt>e,ant> ctieb eua^man pn to bid got> : anbt^egoobee tpatvoctc in t^K (^ippct^e^? cafi wro t^e (ee, to li^^ten it off rtjem^ut^onodgat^imvttbery ^at^ce, ro^ere^layeJ) l)imt>ots?iie4nb (lombjeb. ^0 tlvm^flec oft^e|^ijDpecpont^y(E>obr^f<0>otKl^Apply)t^ tbyn^vpotit)6,t^attt>«pet7(Venot. 2(.nt> t^ey)4ybeoncto4rioti^r;come,lct ve ca(t lotte^tt^t toettiaye ^iiottje, fo:pt)ofe caufe wc arc tb«« trowbkb. 2tnb (b t^y Cfl|l lotr- te0,anb ttje lot fdl vpon 3oti40. C^c i^ybc tbey vnto bim:tWI vs, foz xv^ (e cauftare tt>et|)u0troublebrw^4ti^ tt>ine occupAciofTf tofcjence cottimefl tljou f w|Mt ir^untre mart art t^ou,atib of ti^b^trtacioitf ^ean|a>eret>t^cm: ^ajnan^h2ue,anb3 jeare tl)e L O RD E^o^ of ^caimt, w^id? tna ^^ bctb tt>e ^ttaxCQ Oiie lo«^c. Cbcn were ijf men ejf ceat)in glv4^T<^ve^, t pty^c vnfce t>im: WAe fUb fromt^cpiejcrK:^ of t^e i.ORD£, b« caufc ^e ^>A^ tolt>e t|>em)rtnb ja^bemoio- uer vnto ^jim : 'X1i}^at fVall we t>o tmto tbe,tl)at tb^f^mayc ce4f|e fcomtrcubUrtgc rer(fo2tt>cjeet»jou3^tanbt»aetroublou0) |>canft»ete^t^m:CaFettic, avC^ cojlm^ tti to t^?« (^,fo (^al it let you be in re(l:fcj 3 ^^ te,iti0 foj tnyfal^Cyt^at t^ie gre^te tcmpcj? iecomevponyotu XXcnett^clcffejt^c men af[aycX> witl) roto in0e,to bjvnge t^ fl?ippe to lobe:bat it wol be not be,Decau^ t\^ fee wjoug^t (0, t toa« fotroubloueag<»yn|lt^)em. W^erfo^e t^ mebrntotbeLORDE,flnb(avbe: (DLOR- DE,let V6 not penj^fojt^iemane beatb,ne' t^cv Uye t^ott inncccnt bloube t?nto oure c^of^c: fo2 tt?ou (0 L ORD E) h^af^ bone, euen 46 1^ pleaflite wad, ©0 t^eytoBe^onae , ant ca^ }^im in to t^e (ee, anb t^e fee lefte wgyn^e. ^nt> t^e men f^arct tl>eLORDE ejijccafcingly, boynge fAcrificeeabniafynCfe vowee wito t^e LOR DE. t>e,to (roalcw x>p j^rt^e. Q^d t»a^ 3cn4^ in t^e bclyof tl)<^ fv(b, t^;:e t>4 VC0 Anb t^e m35?t:c0.2trt5 3ona« pm-yet) xm tc t^eLORDEl>ie (Bfcb, cut of t^« fyff^ ^^ ly,4tt^ (^yet):3nmy trouble;^ called rww ^ LORt)E,^e^ert>ettie:outo|f ti?c belycjf l?cll J met), 4ni> t^ow ^erbc(! my voyce. C|>ou^abt>ef!c<^f!me^ctt?net)epem)f mi'b ^eflcff t^fee,rtnt>tlv flotite compoflbme Aboute: yeeoiigbt that 3 t>^b be- ne cafl Awayeout of t^v(%|^fcbut 2[ mlyet aflfayneloeetotwrbetlt^yjjoly temple. ^ j)etv4ter0 ccmpafeb me,etimto tl)e ve ty(oule:t|)e&epelayeabcuteme, eortb feicuer. ^Mtt^OM(o IORDEmy<5cb)I?a(lb:ott$^tt>pmy lyj^ a- artyneottt cf c^impacn. W^en my (bule faynteb n?itl)m me,3 t^ougljt i>pon t|>eLOR DE:an> my player cameini?nto tfytyCuen in 1 1^ ^oly temple, C^ t^4t ^clbe of uay- bo t^je ^crijicc twt|j t^e tjoyccof t^antVfge uyfi3e,:foi w^ytlAluacicncommet^ cf t^ LORDE. 2tny LORDEfprtfetmtof fv|l?,<^tt^ itcafB Mit jo«a0 aQaytu \>pon t^c ^i^e lon^e. Cl?ellL Chapter. «^n came tljctoojbc of t|>e L ORD E vntc3<>na0 agavne, javen^c: vp,ati^ get t^ to Vtinittet^At gteate cite, r pjoicb i?nto t^em t^pjeac^^inge , tx>^i 3 b4bet^.©ro3otia0aro(e,Afibwcnte to tTi niueat t^LQRDES commawnbeniettt.tTini' ueuHXd agreace cite tjnto (B'ob, twrncly, off t^xc^ayc^ ioumcy. 21 nb '^cnae tvente to, ^titbentreb in to ^ ctteteacn abaye0ioumey,4nb crieb, fa^cn^ 0e:Ct?ereareyet;;lb4ye5,4nbt^en ^a\ Vli niuebe ouert^ottJen.2ttib t|>e people of tTi tiiuebeleucb Atib p^oclameb fa(Hftge, rnib amv^b t^cmf^viee in (acFclot^, aa t»eU tt)e^re^tea« t^e (tnall of tb it n^od cmb anb eePri5eant>^'« nn\)cv febe nev UinSexcatcvibut put o n f4cf <:lot|> b<>t|> man an^ beefl, aii^ cr^c mig^U^ ly vntd : v«^ (ct^atciieryniaji turneft^ ^10 cuel I wAye,4nb from t^etwcfc&nc||^,5f bebatbttt^cn^c XO|)dauttellr(0?obmayct«me,rtfi& repe^ tcavfi^ ccafefvcm^iefMvcc vozatty, tbattx^e perifV "^* 2tnt) r?b«t (B'd^ (atw t^eir nwj^ pe0,b^i»tbevturriet>jromtb«'«' wicPebtva- ^ed!b^repetttet>oiitb^eueil,n?b^ b^fayb^ ^e tvolt>c^c tmtot^cm^An^^yb it not. C^e nil. Chapter. ^^evfou ^orwe txvt^ fo:ebi(cont?t, LORD E,4Mt> fclV^e:a>LORDE, vmb nottbis ttiy (av^g^(3pi0V« tbiOwt>^ 3 tpae yet m ni)? ofgtea^ ferny life jro mcQ befeFe tV^) fox J ^at> va- avtt^ou fb "^onae gat ^m owt ^f t^e C4te,nc0n \f eafTlvt>e tlja* of: on^ t^)cr« mfl^c \^im 4 botpe, ah^ (at iw ^critm tl?cfl7at>ow, till ^e mi^btje, wljat fbuIbecb4u;icevnto tl?e cite. 2tn^t|>eLORDE(gob pjepArebai»vl^« rytie, 19^14? iV^ange i>p oner '^cna^ytlyat ipcmi^l^t \paue ^at>ovoe ^bcml^ie J)ea^e,to MyMt^fim out of l>r0 paytie . 2ltt^ ^ctuxe ttHt0e;ccc4bi^5egla^ oftl>ei;t>ylt>et)Vfie. ^utvpSt^ncptc mo2cw OQaynfitl^c fpiin 0e of tfy^ t)ave,t ^ lORDE o;befiet> a wcimc, tt>^i4) frnote tl>e wyl^ p^tie, fb t^t it tee- t^ecet> avoayc, 2in^ xx^m iA)Z ^$ne voaid vp tl>e ^otine bcteouer t^e l>ca^eof 3onae, t^at ^ef^yntet) agrt'ytiejafit) tpyg^^et) tmto ^ fbule^t^at (>e mig^tbye^n^fiv^et^t 10 bet ter forme to t v^^ tl>eto (yue.^l n5 (^^ fhyb vn to 3oria0 : 2Crttl)ou fo atignefoi tjje tt>yl- ^o vyrier^nt) t>e(ay&o:yeovetv Attgne am3 euen vnto tJ^cbeetl^.^ttrbt^eLORDEfaybe: tt>ou^a/t compafTion vpon a tvy^ t^vne^ be(l it 0roi9C3sv|>td>fp^ng:e vp in oik? «i0^ cirtb perifb^^ iw ^nct^cr: %\C6^v^z n^t ^ tb^tib^M^ compaflicn vpontTiniuctb^it greatccite, wt?cnti tb^w^^tc aboue (onnce, 5f ^Mven^t tbcit t«,befv^eetttocb coitzWi KEPRODUCTIONS IN FACSIMILE BY THE SAME EDITOE. THE FIRST NEW TESTAMENT PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (1525 Or 152G) Translated by WILLIAM TYNDALE REPRODUCED IN EACSIMILE WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY F. FRY, F.S.A bristoij printed foe the editor — 1862 8vo. Price ..£800 THE PROPHETE JONAS WITH AN INTRODUCTION BEIDRE TEACHINGE TO UNDERSTONDB HIM BY WILLIAM TiTNDALE TO WHICH IS ADDED COVERDALE'S VEBSION OF JONAH REPRODUCED IN FACSIMILE WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY F. FRY — 1863 Svo. Price £0 10 On Old Paper . . ..-100 A few copies on Vellum, for which Special application should be made.. A PROPER DIALOGE BETWENE A GENTILLMAN AND A HCSBANDMAN ECHE OOMl'LAYNYNGE TO OTHEU THEIR MISERABLE CALAMITE THROUGH THE AMBICION OF CLERGYE A C0MPENDI0US"0LDE TREATYSE SHEWYNGE HOWE THAT WE OUGHT TO HAVE THE SCRIl'TURB IN EIJGLYSSHB PRINTED BY HANS L U F T. 15 3 0. REPRODUCED IN FACSIMILE WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY FRANCIS FRY 1863 8vo. Price £0 10 On Old Paper . . 10 A few copies on Vellum, for which Sjoecial application should be made. THE SOULDIERS POCKET BIBLE PRINTED AT LONDON BY G. B. .AND R. W. FOR G. C. 1643 REPRODUCED IN FACSIMILE — WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY F. FRY 1802 8vo. Price .. £0 5 A few copies on Velluin, for which Special application should be made. THE CHRISTIAN SOLDIER'S PENNY BIBLE. SHEWING FROM THE HOLY SCRIPTURES THE SOLDIER' 8 4 DUTY AND ENCOURAGEMENT. r LONDON : PRINTED BY R. SMITH, FOR SAM. WADE, 1693. REPRODUCED IN FACSIMILE. WITH AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY FRANCIS FRY 18G2 8vo. Price ..£060 :-« DESCRIBED MORE AT LENGTH OVER LEAF. "THE PROPHETE JONAS" By WILLIAM TYNDALE This work has been so long lost that no copy was known to exist. Lord Arthm- Hervey lately found a copy in hia library bound in a volume with other tracts. By his Lordship's great courtesy, this and the following work are offered to the public in accurate Facsimile. Tyndale's version has never appeared since the original edition now copied. It is not in the first or any other edition of the Bible — called Tyndale's. TO WHICH IS ADDED COVERDALE's version of JONAH "A PRO PEE D 1 A L O a E" WITH "A COMPENDIOUS OLDE TREATY SE" These are one book being printed on four sheets, signatures A B c D. The author or editor is unknown. They were written by some one who strongly advocated the new learning. The Dialogue is in rhyme. The only copy of the original edition which is known is bound in the same volume with TjTidale's Jonah, which is the property of Lord Ai'thur Hervey. "THE SOTJLDIERS POCKET ^BIBLE" " Containing the most (if not all) those places contained in holy Scripture, which doe shew the qualifica- tions of his inner man, that is a fit Souldier to fight the Lords Battels, both before the fight, in the fight, and after the fight ; " Which Scriptures are reduced to severaU heads, and fitly applyed to the Souldiers severaU occasions, and so may supply the want of the whole Bible, which a Souldier cannot conveniently carry about him: "And may bee also usefull for any Christian to medi- tate upon, now in this miserable time of Warre." There has been a prevalent opinion that the Soldiers in Crom- well's Army were supplied with a Pocket Bible, but as to what edition of the Bible was used there has hitherto been no evidence. That this was the Pocket Bible there can be no doubt. One copy only of this tract is known in this Kingdom, which is in the British Museiun. "THE CHllISTIAN SOLDIERS PENNY BIBLE" " SHEWING From the Holy Scriptures, the Soldier's Duty and Encouragement. BEING A Brief Collection of pertinent Scriptures, under XX Heads, fit for the Soldier's, or Seaman's Pocket, when he is not furnish' d with, or cannot well carry a larger Volume, in time of War." This is also a rare tract. It is nearly a reprmt of the Souldier! Pocket Bible, somewhat altered. Some of the "Heads" andthetcxtj are amplified, and others are varied. WILLIS & SOTHERAN, 136, Str.\nd, London OLIVE LASBURY, Park Street, Bristol. THE FIRST NEW TESTAMENT PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Worms, 1535 or 1526) Translated by WILLIAM TYNDALE REPEOD[JCED IN FACSIMILE WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY FRANCIS FEY, F.S.A. BRISTOL PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR — 18 63 William Tj'iidale having completed his translation of the New Testament from the Greek, went to Cologne, intending there to print it. Not being successful he removed to Worms, where there is no doubt he accomplished the work, and gave to his countrymen the New Testament, which was the first printed in the English language. Tliis is a reproduction of the only known copy of the first edition of Tyndale's New Testament, perhaps the most interesting book in our language. It contains 6 9 2 pages of close smaU type ; is a faithful representation of the original ; and will be valued not only as a Version, but as shewing the state of the English language, the style of the printing, the orthography (which is very irregular), the punctuation, the divisions of the words at the ends of lines (even to a letter), and the contractions used. It has been made by tracing on transfer paper, placing this on lithographic-stones, and then printhig it in the usual way : a method e^ddently calculated to ensure the closest possible correspondence with the original. To prove the correctness of the work, I have compared a proof of every page, folding it so as to place each line parallel with, and close to, the same line in the original ; so that, by comparing the line all along, I could easily see that it was correct. In this way I have examined every line throughout the volume, and I believe that not a single incorrect letter will be found in it. I have devoted so much time to this careful examination, in order that the accuracy of the work may be relied on. The paper, on which this Testament is printed has been expressly manufactured to imitate the colour and appearance of the original. It is hand-made, the fine and cross wires being placed in the paper maker's mould so as to produce the same wire mai'ks as appear in the paper used by Schoeffer The large paper qopies are printed on the same paper, made -thicker for the purpose. The whole impression consists of 177 copies, of which 26 are in quarto. To produce these, the entire text has been transferred from the 88 stones used in printing the octavo size, to 176 stones required for the quai'to size, so as to obtain the wider iuside and top margins. It is proper to state that the work has been effaced from the stones. The Introduction contains a brief notice of the early life of Tyndale, and of his printing the New Testament at Worms ; and the evidence that I have collected to prove that Peter Schoeffer was the printer, to which are added 7 pages of facsimiles from books printed by him, and -the water marks in the Testament, and Schoeffer's Bible ; a description and history of the only known copy, which is in the Baptist College, Bristol, with a page, on which is the beginning of the first epistle of St. Peter, with the woodcut of the Apostle, illuminated and ruled with red lines, like the original. Also a list of the works printed by Peter Schoeffer, of Worms. In the original, the wood-cuts, capitals, &c., 2606 in number, are illuminated ; copties so illuminated, also on large paper, on old paper and on veUum, may be obtained on special application. FKANCIS FRY. Gotham, Bristol, 1862. N.B. Preparing for Puhlication, a Descri2ition of Lord T. Cro7nwell's Bible, 0/ 1539; the Six Uditions of Cranmer''s Bible, of 1540 and 1541; and of the authorized folios of 1611, 1613, 1617, 1634, 1640. .T^, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 30m-7,'68( JlSOos-i) — C-120 BS1603. 1530A UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILI" "1111" " "■"■ AA 000 614 354 9 i 3 X 00 PLZA'^Z DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK GARD-1 ^l-LIBRARYQ^ in University Research Library -J in 3 J J ] 1 II >