- ... ,.j..„ i j ■■■■« .... .„^^^y^ H .* 1 t m & ♦ I i - /£* _ $ ^runtimes Cami SIVE MUSARUM CANTABRIGIENSIUM LUSUS CANORI CoIUaft ntqut ttsOsit HENRICUS DRUEY, A.M. Equitare in arundine longa. EDITIO QUART A. (JTantabrtgtee : TTPIS ACADEMICIS EXCUSUS. VENEUNT APUD JOH. GUL. PARKER ET FILIUM, LONDINI ; ET J. DEIGHTON, CANTABRIGIJE. M.DCCC.LI. I** ALMAE . MATRI ACADEMIAE . CANTABRIGIENSI. HOS . ARVNDINVM . VOCALIVM . SVSVRROS. GRATO . ANIMO. D . D . D. HENRICVS . DRVRY. ARTIVM . MAGISTER. lectori £. E mireris, Lector erudite, quod in aovo re- rum utiliuiu magis sagaci, quam ornamen- torum studioso, novos quosdam ' Musarum •^L# w fetus' ausim exproinere, id accuratius edo- \£ ceri fortasse non gravaberis. Quum jam, ad curas sanctiores vocatus, ab Academia nostra decessissem, venit mihi in mentem quae calamo Grseco aut Latino lusissem, subsecivis horis in fasciculum unum colligere. Hue accessere quaedam non invenustsD prolusiones eorum quibuscuni familiaris- sime versatus sum ; eaque omnia collata tandem ct comparata, ita mihi arridebant, ut oculis viderer pa- ternis tanquam filiolos meos intueri ; intuens autem, mox cuperem oculos omnium hominum ad eosdem allicere. Cseterum, his vixdum perpensis, prout plurima vires eundo acquirunt, quas somniassem, aliis quibusdam Can- tabrigiensibus impertitus sum, et paulatim auxilia in re audacissima contraxi. Itaque brevi tempore haud scio an omnia Nasonum et Maronum et Poetarum Scenicorum scrinia in manus meas fuerint effusa; certe ea quidem abundabat munificentia vatum et Latine et Attice scri- bentium, ut in seligendo magis quam in colligendo summus labor poneretur. Inter has opes, plurimi faciebam queecunque de Musis nostratibus Latine conversa acciperem, eademque ll LECTORI S. diligenter excerpebam. Etenim experiendo cognovi ani- mum lectoris hoc genus eo libentius adire, quo acrioris ingenii vis in interpretando postuletur; quo plus exigatur calliditatis in electione ac constructione verborum ; quo exquisitior pateat doctrinas concinnitas in accornmodando lingua) obsolete non sua loiwixaTa. Jam vero veniam dabit Censor criticus, si seriem atque juncturam operis levissimi facetam magis quam legitimam, meorum arbiter, mihi proposuero. Quippe meminerit idem, si Illecebris foret et grata novitate morandus Spectator, tamen non me oblitum fuisse ita vertere seria ludo, ut in alteram partem libelli omnia sacra per se reve- renter essent seposita atque distributa. Utrum feliciter necne conati simus monachorum hymnos rhythniicos imitari, judicent alii : unum id in hoc loco jure lamentamur, quod ista species carminum, tarn casta, tarn pulcra, tarn plena exercitationis idoneae, cum in ludis publicis, turn apud Academicos nostros, penitus omissa esse videatur. Quis autem ignorat quam egregia sit hodie ad versiones sacras opportunitas, seu quis illius ' Lyrse Apostolicse' fila solicitet, sive circa daedalos flores ' Anni Christiani ' fundantur poetarum examina ? Neque huic procemio ante aulaea tollantur, quam adjutoribus meis, quorum erit omnis laus, si quid suavius LECTOR r S. ill aut elegantius in Anthologia nostra eniteat, maximas gratias persolvam. Inque iis prjesertim d/coAa/ceuTtoe agnosco quid ego debeam Francisco Hodgson, Collegii Etonensis Praeposito ; quid eruditissimo Francisco Wrangham, inter Brigantes Archidiacono : quid Baroni Lyttelton quantum titulis, tantum ingenio et doctrina nobili ; quid denique amicissirao meo Henrico Johanni Hodgson, e collegio SS. Trinitatis socio, et ab ovo usque ad mala strenuo prae omnibus auxiliatori. Superest, ut pacem tuam impetrem, lector benevole, si fortasse quasdam mendose, quaedam negligentius, inter has nugas, prelo commissa offendas. Cujusvis est ho- minis errare : quin et noster Vincentius Bourne, orna- tissimus ille Romani carminis artifex, ipse aliquoties peccat, et versus incomposito pede currentes patitur. Spero autem te facilius mihi obtemperaturum, si intel- lexeris, editorem tuum, neque inter silvas Academi, neque propter susurrantes Ilissi ripas, sed in rure reducto, procul ab amicis, procul a libris, procul a doc- tissimorum colloquio, solum et taciturn et aliquando tristissimum, hos labores suos in lucem protulisse. Tibi vero, Alma Mater ' lepidum novum libellum ', qualiscunque sit, dono ac dedico. Tu, pro eo ac meretur, aut abjicies aut — si me amas, amplecteris. Tui gratam memoriam vel absens persequar. Quare fac me diligas, et diffnitati meae suffraseris. Dabam apud Genistarum Villam. a. d. xm. Cal. Aprilis. MD.CCC.XLI. 1 o 1 m JWomtum. In nova editione pauca qusedam, quasi emerita car- mina, jam rude donavi : quorum in locum suffecta alia, multa denique emendata, inveniet lector curiosus. Vereor ne parum gratus fuisse videar, qui Jacobi Hildyard et Caroli Merivale nomina in commemoratione adjutorum ante prsetermiserim. Pro utroque satis lo- quuntur qua) contulerunt: sed alter horum denuo copiosa adduxit subsidia, stiloque, ut solet, usus est felicissimo. Non tali eget auxilio Francisci Wrangham flebilis memoria : quod si fidem ejus ac benevolentiam bonorum omnium consensus; si genus et vitam marmor sepul- crale testabitur ; amoris tamen et studii, quo Musas etiam in senectute complexus est, exiguo sit pignori hoc nostrum opusculum : EicreVi yap TTVelei ra aa ^etXea S' EN AONAKE22I Teas empower doibas. Llosch. Id. y i. Scripsi apud Bromiiam, Prid. Cal. Mail MD.CCC.XLIII. Hanc quartam editionem politam atque ampliorem dedi apud Bremhill ante diem in. Id. Nov. MD.CCC.LI. II. D. gtautirintft (ZDontuleiunt S. B. J. M. L A. B. H. R. P. F. H. F.W. E. C. H. C. J. V. H. J. T. D. B. H. K. J. H. M. J. W. D. G. C. 1 H. H. W. J. L. A. B. Samuelis Butler, nupcr Episcopus Lichfieldensis Alexander Jacobus Beresford Hope, A.M Franciscus Hodgson, S.T.B. Collegii Etonensis Franciscus Wrangham, A.M. nuper inter Brigan- Edvardus Craven Hawtrey, S. T. P. Scholae Eto- Carolus Johannes Vaughan, S. T. P. Scholae Har- Henricus Josephus Thomas Drury, A.M. Scholae Harroviensis nuper Deuterodidascalus Benjaminus Hall Kennedy, S.T.P. Scholae Salo- Johannes Heyrick Macaulay, A.M. Scholae Rep- Johannes Gulielmus Donaldson, A.M. Scholae Buriensis Archididascalus Georgius Caldwell, A.M. Collegii IESU nuper Henricus Arturus Hallam, A.M Jacobus Alexander Barnes, A.M. Collegii SS. 1 Mira. Vl ARUNDINES CONTULERUNT. Carolus Merivale, S.T.B. Collegii D. Johannis nupcr Socius C. M. Jacobus Hildyard, A.M. Collegii Christi nuper Socius J. H. Georgius Johannes Kennedy, A.M. Collegii D. Johannis nuper Socius G. K. Alexander Fridericus Merivale, A.M. Collegii SS. Trinitatis nuper Socius A. F. M. Marmaduke Lawson, A.M. e Coll. Magd M. L. Gulielmus Gilson Humphry, A.M. Collegii SS. Tiinitatis Socius W.G. H. Georgius Currey, A.M. Collegii D. Johannis Socius *G. C. Henricus Johannes Hodgson, A.M. Collegii SS. Trinitatis Socius H. J. H. Edvardus Balston, A.M. Collegii Regalis Socius E. B. Benjaminus Heath Drury, A.M. Collegii Caiani Socius B. H. D. Thomas Samuelis Woollaston, A.M. Collegii D. Petri Socius T. S. W. Henricus J. S. Maine, A.B. ex Aula SS. Trinitatis H. J. S. M. Thomas S. Evans, A.M. e Coll. D. Johannis T. S. E. Carolus J. Bayley, A.M. e Coll. SS. Trinitatis... C. T. B. Fridericus Martin, A.M. e Coll. D. Petri F. M. Gulielmus Wayte, A.M. Collegii Regalis Socius W. W. Ricardus Shilleto, A.M. Collegii SS. Trinitatis olim Socius R S. Henricus Drury, A M. Ecclesiae de Bremel in agro Wiltonensi Vicarius H. D. et A. dBlenrfjus ©armhutm. PARS PRIMA. Author Page The Soul of Music Rogers 13 The Commencement of the 19th Century Merivale 14 Bonnie Lass Gammer Gurton 16 Ode to Adversity Gray 18 Sandy's Ghost Old Ballad 20 The Old Gentleman of Tobago Gammer Gurton 22 Had I a Cave Bums 22 Henry IV Shakspeare 24 The Lotos Eaters Tennyson 26 Economy Gammer Gurton 26 The Blind Man's Bride Mrs Norton 28 The May Queen Tennyson 30 Twinkle, Twinkle Taylor 34 Reciprocity Sheridan 36 The Cobbler A 38 Cupid and Campaspe Lylye 40 Adieu, Adieu ! My Native Shore Byron 40 Hey Diddle Diddle Gammer Gurton 48 Woe's Me Campbell 48 The Bouncing Girl Gammer Gurton 48 The Sacrifice Dryden 50 Bermuda Andrew Marvel 52 O that I was Gammer Gurton 54 Euphelia and Chloe Prior 56 Ride a Cock Horse Gammer Gurton 56 Mont Blanc before Sun-Rise Coleridge 58 The Parent's Warning Gammer Gurton 60 The Pledge Ben Jonson 62 Pillycock Gammer Gurton 62 The Marks of Love Barbauld 62 Little Jack Horner Gammer Gurton 66 Sweet Echo Milton 68 Marmion Scott 70 Via ELENCIIUS CARMINUM. Aithob Page Oft in the Stilly Night Moore 72 TheTell-Tale Gammer Gurton 72 A uld Lang Syne Burns 74 The Secret ,... A 76 The Kiss A 76 Giles Collins and Proud Lady Anna Gammer Gurton 78 What's in a Name Coleridge 80 The Convent Scott 82 The Palace of Ice Cowper 84 Lady's Larceny Anon 86 Damon and Juliana Old Play 86 To a Friend Sir W. Jones 88 Godiva Tennyson 88 The Deserted Village Goldsmith 90 Robin and Richard Gammer Gurton 92 Inscription on an antique ring Croly 92 Oh! snatched away in beauty's bloom. Byron 94 Comus Milton 96 Death Shakspeare 98 Nothing can come of nothing Gammer Gurton 98 Caroline Campbell 100 The Travelled Puss Gammer Gurton 102 Honesty the best Policy Blenkin 104 "We come, we come Dryden 104 The Great Triumph Macaulay 106 Tom Bowling Dibdin 108 Saul Byron 110 Ba ! Ba ! Gammer Gurton 112 Sur le Collier d'un Chien Anon 112 Begone, Dull Care Jackson 114 Samson Agonistes Milton 116 Zka-fxa too T6Tpa)/3o'A.ov Athenaeus 118 The Gods of Epicurus Tennyson 120 Good Music and bad Dancing Congreve 120 Progress of Poesy Gray 122 Their Groves o' sweet Myrtle Burns 124 Barnaby Bright Gammer Gurton 124 The Temptation Milton 126 Peace Alford 128 The Grenadier Gammer Gurton 128 ELENCIIUS CARMINUM. ix Author Page The Meeting of the Ships Moore 130 Mistress Mary Gammer Gurton 130 The Drama of Life Shakspeare 130 Daughter of Locrine Milton 134 The City Shower Swift 136 To a Lady W.Spenser 140 Bye Baby Bunting Gammer Gurton 142 The Ceasing of the Oracles Milton 144 He must be told on't, and he shall Colton 14(1 Epitaph Anon 146 Queen Mab Percy's Reliques 148 Bibo Prior 150 Hyperion Keats 152 Poor Robin Gammer Gurton 156 Arethusa Shelley 158 The Clown's Reply Goldsmith 158 The Dying Lover Suckling 160 Fragmentum Sappho 160 The Reformation of theKnaveof Hearts Canning 162 Poor Lubin Prior 162 ffinone Tennyson 164 Humpty Dumpty Gammer Gurton 166 Circumstance Tennyson 168 On Sir John Vanbrugh Evans 168 Danae Simonides 170 The Isles of Greece Byron 172 Pat a Cake Gammer Gurton 172 Green grow the Rushes O Burns 174 Dick's Nose Greek Anthology 176 Christopher Sly Shakspeare 178 Adriana and Dromio Shakspeare 178 The Mad Dog Goldsmith 180 The Tropic Sun Scott 182 Ode to Liberty Collins 184 Laura Wrangham 186 The sleeping Palace awakened Tennyson 188 Pippen Hill Gammer Gurton 190 Nisus loquitur Virgilius 192 Mira Wrangham 194 The wise men of Gotham Gammer Gurton 196 x ELENCHUS CARMINUM. Author Pagk Louisa Wordsworth 198 The Knight's Grave Coleridge 200 Little Bo-peep Gammer Gurton 202 Mat and Topaz Prior 204 yEnigma Shakspeare 204 HinxMinx Gammer Gurton 204 To Mister Lawrence Milton 206 Saith Lacon Colton 208 A New Mistress Lovelace 208 To an Editor Shenstone 208 Catiline Ben Jonson 210 To Free-traders A.. 210 Elegy Gray 212 Enough's a Feast Gammer Gurton 222 Oh ever thus Moore 222 The Man in the Wilderness Gammer Gurton 224 Two Gentlemen of Verona Shakspeare 224 This introduceth to mie Librarie Drurie 226 Precedence Shenstone 228 The quiet Old Lady Gammer Gurton 228 The Bud '. Waller 230 So altered Prior 230 The first Grief Hemans 232 Fidele's Grave Shakspeare 234 To Ceres Shakspeare 236 The Dilemma Gammer Gurton 236 Evening Warton 238 Diffusion of Useful Knowledge A 240 Law and Equity Colton 242 The River-Course Thomson 242 To a Lady Anon 244 Aria Apostolo Leno 244 A Rod for the Fool's back Colton 246 The Man of Thessaly Gammer Gurton 246 This is also vanity Colton 246 The Shrubbery Cowper 248 Alcestis Euripides 250 How d'ye do Gammer Gurton 252 On the Spring Gray 254 Progress of Advice Shenstone 258 ELENCHUS CAKMINUM. xi Author Paok Little Boy Bluet Gammer Gurton 258 Romeo Shakspeare 260 The Pirate's Farewell Scott 262 I flatter myself Hall 262 The Pig and the Piper's Son Gammer (iurton 264 My Native Vale Rogers 264 The Lotos Eaters Tennyson 266 To Market Gammer Gurton 266 Harp of the North Scott 268 Moloch Milton 270 The Burial of Sir John Moore Wolfe 272 O lay thy loof in mine, Lass Burns 274 Haymaking Joanna Baillie 276 Fatima Tennyson 278 Virtue and Vice Colton 282 Winter Thomson 282 Hey my Chicken Gammer Gurton 284 Mary Moore 284 Comus Milton 286 Tarquin Macaulay 290 Our sorrows still pursue Habington 292 Fading in Music Coleridge 292 They never told their Love Milnes 294 Sweet Singer Anon 296 The Unquiet Old Lady Gammer Gurton 296 A Solemn Dirge Gammer Gurton 298 Dame Widdle Waddle Gammer Gurton 298 Epistle to a Friend Merivale 300 PARS SECUNDA. To the Reader F.Hodgson 306 Litany to the Holy Spirit Herrick 308 Psalm xix Addison 310 It is I : be not afraid Lyra Apostolica 314 New Self Lyra Apostolica 314 Propagation of the Gospel Heber 318 SongofSimeon St Luke ii. 29 320 Itis the Man of God Keble 322 Xii ELENCHUS CARMINUM. Author Page Good Friday Milman 326 The Hospice of Saint Bernard A 330 Alms Herrick 330 By the Waters of Babylon Psalm cxxxvii 332 Home Lyra Apostolica 334 To Death Herrick 336 Epitaph Churchyard Poet 336 Thy Will be done Elliot 338 The fear of the wicked Colton 340 In Bremhill Churchyard Bowles 340 Recovery from Sickness Heber 342 Evening Hymn Heber 344 Balaam's Parable Numbers xxiv 346 Epitaph Churchyard Poet 346 In vain do they worship me Colton 348 Sion delivered Psalm cxxvi 348 Hymn Addison 350 Epitaph on an Infant Coleridge 350 Pain Colton 352 Live while you live Doddridge 352 At a Funeral Heber 354 The End Garth 356 Introit Heber 356 Psalm xxiii Sternhold and Hopkins ... 358 Prayer for Absolution Herrick 360 ARUNDINES CAMI. 14 ARUNDINES CAMI. %\yt ©ommcncemtnt of tfje iBtmeteentf) ©enturg. Noble friend ! say where may Freedom banished, Where may stricken Peace a refuge find, Now the century in storm has vanished, And the next in carnage stalks behind ? All old bonds of nations rent asunder; All old forms swift hastening to decline ; Nor can Ocean stay the battle's thunder, Nor the Nile-God, nor the ancient Rhine. Two gigantic rival states, contending For the sole dominion of the world, O'er all laws, all birthrights else, impending, Have the trident and the lightning hurl'd. Every land to them must mete its treasure ; And, like Brennus in those ruder days, Here the Frank his ponderous falchion's measure In the wavering scale of justice lays; There his fleets the Briton, rich and mighty, Polypus-like, stretches o'er the deep, And the kingdom of free Amphitrite, Closes as his own peculiar keep. To the South-polo's hidden constellations In his restless, boundless, course he flies, AKUNDINKS CAMI. 15 0tr ^ostumum. Postume, quod quaeris mihi, quod tibi, dent asylum, Neque ulla rebus impetrantur otia : Ut mala nimboso cum turbine conditur astas ! Ut inter arma saeculum renascitur ! Ut rupti nexus populorum, ususque, modusque, Et irriti novantur urbium status ! Nee tu, Rhene pater, nee prcelia Nilipotens rex, Neque obserata distulistis aequora ! En gemmae gentes regno super omnia turbant ; Stat invicem patronus et juvat Deus : Hanc vetere obsequio Neptunia cuspis obarmat, Corusca fulminantis hanc Jovis manus. Auro inhiant ambae ; superest violentia fraudi, Et ipsa crescit appetentibus fames. Ergo ense injecto Brennorum Gallus ad instar Superbus aera libripendis elevat : Qualis at articulis polypus cava tentat aquarum, Terit Britannus omne classibus fretum : Gentibus ille satam sibi vindicat Amphitriten, Habetque avarus sequor, ut domum suam. Hoc opus, hae vires ; quibus omnigenum ventorum Nigros ad usque devolavit objices, Sideribus rexitque ratem non ante repertis, Inexpedita quo ferat lucri via. 16 ARUNDINES CAMI. To all isles, all coasts of furthest nations; All — but only those of Paradise. Vainly o'er the world's wide surface ranging, Would'st thou seek that blessed spot to know, Where bright Freedom's verdure smiles unchanging, Where life's earliest flowers undying blow ? Endless lies the globe's huge floating mansion, Scarce can sail its bulk enormous trace ; Yet not all throughout its vast expansion May ten happy beings find a place. To the heart's still chamber, deep and lonely, Must thou flee from life's tumultuous throng : Freedom in the land of dreams is only, And the Beauteous blooms alone in song. Merivale's Schiller. aUonm'c Hass. Bonnie lass, bonnie lass, will you be mine ? Thou shalt neither wash dishes nor serve the swine ; But sit on a cushion and sew up a seam, And thou shalt have strawberries sugar and cream. Gammer Gurton. ARUNDINES CAMI. 17 At latet Elysium felix nemus ; at pia sedes Adhuc fefellit, angulusque Achillei, Qua sua libertas animis, rerumque juventas Virescit, hortulisque pullulat sacris. Quod si spe nimia tanti sinus orbis aditur, Volantis ut fatiscat impetus trabis, Ipse tamen digitis potes enumerare beatos, Quot omnis ora pascit, et tegit polus. Tecum habita, Geniumque fove, (neque enim hoc Deus aufert) Inulta si stat occupare gaudia : Prende chelyn, cui sola patet plaga libera mundi, Vacantque regna somniorum inania. C. M. fulcra f udln. Fulcra puella, velis fieri mea, pulcra puella? Pascere non porcos, tibi non detergere lances Curas erit ; at vestem suere et requiescere sella ; Mellaque erunt epulis et lacte fluentia fraga. P. H. 18 ARUNDINES CAMI. (Dot to &fcrf)ersttp. Daughter of Jove, relentless power, Thou tamer of the human breast, Whose iron scourge and torturing hour The bad affright, afflict the best ! Bound in thy adamantine chain, The proud are taught to taste of pain, And purple tyrants vainly groan With pangs unfelt before, unpitied and alone. When first thy Sire to send on earth Virtue, his darling child, designed, To thee he gave the heavenly birth, And bade to form her infant mind. Stern rugged Nurse ! thy rigid lore With patience many a year she bore ; What sorrow was, thou bad'st her know, And from her own she learned to melt at others" 1 woe. Gray. VKUNDTNES CAM! 19 In <£nlnmitntem. Qu^ sodvo domitos imperio regis Mortales, supcri nata Jovis Dca, Dira non sine poena et Flagris . improba ferreis Pertentans homines ; unde adamantinis Sub vinclis trepidum comprimitur Nefas, Angunturque malorum Seris pectora luctibus, Nee puri sceleris non animi dolent; Te reges dominam purpurei novam, Per deserta domorum, Te vano gemitu tremunt. Cum lectam generi mittere filiam Humano voluit ccelicolum Pater Virtutem, tibi diam Commisit sobolem Deus, Ut prudens tenerae pectora fingeres. Ah! quanta rigidam te patientia, Nutrix aspera, longis Virtus temporibus tulit ! Sensit, qua miseris fracta doloribus Mens cura gemeret : sensit, et haud suo, Te perdocta magistra, Luctu tangitur invicem. 2—2 20 AKUNDINES CAMI. S&an&g's Most. The Moon had climbed the highest hill Which rises o'er the source of Dee, And from the eastern summit shed Her silvery light o'er tower and tree ; When Mary laid her down to sleep, Her thoughts on Sandy far at sea, When low and soft a voice she heard Say, ' Mary, weep no more for me.' She from her pillow gently raised Her head, to see who there might be ; She saw young Sandy shivering stand, With visage pale and hollow e'e. ' Maiden dear, cold is my clay, ' It lies beneath a stormy sea ; ' Far far from thee I sleep in death, ' So, Mary, — weep no more for me. ' Maiden dear, thyself prepare, ' We soon shall meet upon that shore, ' Where love is free from doubt and care, ' And we shall meet to part no more.' Loud crowed the cock ; the Shadow fled ; No more of Sandy could she see; But soft the parting Spirit said, ' Sweet Mary, weep no more for me.' Old Ballad. ARUNDTNES CAMT. 21 Alexis 2Rmbrn. Quod perluccntis spectat cunabula Devae, Luna super summum fulserat alba jugum ; Argentique faces Eoi a vertice cceli Sparserat in silvas turrigerasque domos. In lecto composta, suum jam Phyllis Alexin Visa erat in somnis per freta longa sequi, Quum pressum irrepsit murmur, ' Mea Phylli, quiescas ; ' Desine torqueri, quod tuus absit Amor.' Sustulit a mcesto tremulum caput ilia cubili, Qusesitum in thalamo quis sit et unde suo; Et stare algentem perterrita vidit Alexin, Exsangui vultu luminibusque cavis. ' Sternor ego exanimis, vita O mihi carior ipsa, ' Intempestivo pulvis et ossa mari ; ' Te procul addicor morti : mea Phylli, quiescas : ' Desine vexari, quod tuus absit Amor. ' Suave meum, non longa mora est, quin mollia tangas ' Numina, et in sacra congrediamur humo ; ' Qua manet inconcussa Fides, secura laborum ; ' Qua gremio nunquam diripiere meo.' Fortiter increpuit gallus : vaga fugit Imago : Solvitur ante oculos quod fuit omne viri ; Sed tenere abscedens dixit ; ' Mea Phylli, quiescas ; ' Desine turbari, quod tuus absit Amor.' H. D. 22 ARUNDINES CAMI. ®!)e old (Gentleman of ©obaao. There was an old man of Tobago, Who lived on rice-gruel and sago ; Till, much to his bliss, His physician said this ; ' To a leg, Sir, of mutton you may go. -1 Gammer Gurton. all 31 a <&abc. Had I a cave on some wild distant shore, Where the winds howl to the wave's dashing roar, Then would I weep my woes, Then seek my lost repose, Till grief my eyes should close, Ne'er to wake more. Falsest of woman-kind, can'st thou declare All thy fond plighted vows fleeting as air? To thy new lover hie ; Laugh o'er thy perjury; Then in thy bosom try, What peace is there. Burns. ARUNDINKS CAMI. 23 Sbencx ^Tawntmus. oV Senex ;cf>:er in Tarcnto Do oryxa ct pulmcnto Vili vixerat invento ; Donee Medicus Seni inquit valde laeto, ' Sencx segcr, o gaudeto, Cms ovinum jam non veto, Tibi benedicus.' H. D. Babts, tmproiw, pecnas. si me teneat deserti litoris antrum, Raucus ubi fractis obstrepit Eurus aquis ; Qua mala flens aliquam possim reparare quietem, Dum caput rcterno cura sopore premat ! Tun' promissa potes levibus committere ventis Tot tua, fallendis foemina nata viris ? Quaere novos ignes : recita perjuria ridens : Dein scrutare tuum, sisne beata, sinum. B. H. K. 24 ARUNDINES CAMI. >enrn W. ACT III. Scene I. Glendower. I say, the earth did shake when I was born. Hotspur. And I say, the earth was not of my mind, If you suppose, as fearing you it shook. Glendower. The heavens were all on fire, the earth did tremble. Hotspur. O, then the earth shook to see the heavens on fire, And not in fear of vour nativity. Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth In strange eruptions : oft the teeming earth Is with a kind of colick pinch'd and vex'd By the imprisoning of unruly wind Within her womb ; which, for enlargement striving, Shakes the old beldame earth, and topples down Steeples and moss-grown towers. At your birth, Our grandam earth, having this distemperature, In passion shook. Glendower. Cousin, of many men I do not bear these crossings. Give me leave To tell you once again, that, at my birth, The front of heaven was full of fiery shapes ; The goats ran from the mountains, and the herds Were strangely clamorous to the frighted fields. These signs have mark'd me extraordinary ; And all the courses of my life do shew, I am not in the roll of common men. Shakspearc. Alt UN PINES CAM I. 25 GLENDOWER. HOTSPUR. VA. Thn fiXaardvovTos . 0EP. 'E7W 0' ap ou ti 9is' ojs" glkou yevvwjuevov TrpoGooirov ovpavou irapriv iSeiv TTvpwiruov fxcGTOv ov fxopfpcofxaTwv' SpojuLW &' air opewv alyes r)^au eufxaveis, ayeXai 0' aV aypoi><$ ceivov eppoOovv nXueiv- ou GrifiaT av§po\ TauTa tou ttiovtos i]V /cat nrjv irpohfXos e'tfxi iravTa tov piov >]kigtu tous TuyovTas eh avcpas TtXwu. 0. J. v. 26 ARUNDINES CAMI. VL^t Hotos Waters. Branches they bore of that enchanted stem, Laden with Hower and fruit, whereof they gave To each : but whoso did receive of them And taste, to him the gushing of the wave Far far away did seem to mourn and rave On alien shores ; and if his fellow spake, His voice was thin, as voices from the grave ; And deep-asleep he seemed, yet all awake ; And music in his ears his beating heart did make. They sat them down upon the yellow sand. Between the sun and moon, upon the shore; And sweet it was to dream of Father-land, And wife and child and slave; but evermore Most weary seemed the sea, weary the oar, AVeary the wandering fields of barren foam. Then some one said, ' We will return no more ;' And all at once they sang, ' Our island home 'Is far beyond the wave; we will no longer roam.' Tennyson, lEconomg. To make your candles last for aye, You wives and maids give car ! To put them out's the only way, Says honest John Boldero. Gammer Gva AKUNDINES CAM1. ^7 Hotopfjagi. Quinetiam magica ramos de stirpc fercbant, Floribus et fructu gravidos, et dulcia cuiquc Dona dabant : quorum succo semel ore recepto, Visa procul longis incassum anfractibus unda Mugire increpitans, et non sua litora plangi: Et tenuis, sociorum aliquis si forte locutus, Stridere vox, Lemurum velut imbecilla querela : Et licet insomnis, somno cogi inque pcdiri Omnis: et, auditis tremulo modulamine fibris, Suave sub arguto geminari pectore murmur. Consedere omnes ad flava? litus arena?, In medio Solis radios Luna?quo tuentes ; Et patriae dulcis, sobolisque irrepsit imago Mentibus, et veteris procul oblectamina vita?. Taedia mox pelagus, remi quoque tsedia visi Ingerere, et spumes sterilis longissimus aestus ; Atque atiquis tandem, ' Non amplius ibimus,' inquit : Continuoque omnes, ' Longe marc clauditur ultra ' Insula, nostra domus : non amplius ibimus,' omnes. C. M. Joerta tie (tots. Audite matres, virgines, puellulse, Praecepta Nestoris probi : Semper mancbit, quod tcnebras exigat, Si cereos cxtinguitis. H. D. 28 ARUNDINES CAM I. When first, beloved, in vanished hours, The Blind Man sought thy hand to gain, They said thy cheek was bright as flowers New freshened bv the summer's rain. The beauty, which made them rejoice, My darkened eyes might never see, But well I knew thy gentle voice, And that was all in all to me. At length, as years rolled swiftly on, They talked to me of Time's decay, Of roses from thy soft cheek gone, Of ebon tresses turned to grey. I heard them ; but I heeded not ; The withering change I could not see; Thy voice still cheered my darkened lot, And that was all in all to me. And still, beloved, till life grows cold, AVe'll wander 'neath the genial sky, And only know that we are old By counting happy hours gone by. Thy cheek may lose its blushing hue, Thy brow less beautiful may be ; But oh ! the voice, which first I knew, Still keeps the same sweet tone to me ! Mrs. Norton. A It UNDINES CAM I. 29 ov yap fie XrjOeis, aXXa yryvwcncu) For I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May. As I came up the valley, whom think ye should I see, But Robert leaning on the bridge beneath the hazel-tree ? He thought of that sharp look, mother, I gave him yester- day: But I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May. \1< UN DINES CAMI, 31 Crns Dione jura tried fultn sublimt tfjrono. Mane, mater, excita mc, mano quam maturrime, Cras enim rcccntis anni lux crit Irctissima; Cras recentis ilia veris hilaris, audax, iraproba: Ipsa Domina feriarum, pubis et Princcps ero. Sunt nigris, aiunt, ocellis ; scd mei nigerrimi ; Sunt Maria et Margarita, cumque Cathara Carula; Omnium sed parvam Elisam prsedicant pulcerrimam : Domina quare feriarum, mater, et Princeps ero. Atqui, ut experrecta fuerim, noctem adeo perdormio, Voce fac clara voces me, modo dies illuxerit ; Namque primulas legendum, colligandum nodulos, Domina quoniam feriarum, pubis et Princeps ero. En ! jugo subire adorsa repperi, quemnam putas ? Ponte Mcorin insidentem repperi, cor ylum prope : Ille quam torvum tuebar here, reor, conscivcrat: At ego Domina feriarum, mater, et l'rinceps ero, 32 AIUTNDINES CAMI. He thought I was a ghost, mother, for I was all in white ; And I ran by him without speaking, like a flash of light. They call me cruel-hearted, but I care not what they say, For I'm to be Queen o 1 the May, mother, Fm to be Queen o' the May. They say he's dying all for love, but that can never be : They say his heart is breaking, mother — what is that to me? There's many a bolder lad 'ill woo me any summer-day ; And Fm to be Queen o' the May, mother, Fm to be Queen o' the May. Little Effie shall go with me to-morrow to the green, And you'll be there too, mother, to see me made the Queen ; For the shepherd-lads on every side 'ill come from far away ; And I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May. The honey-suckle round the porch has woven its wavy bowers, And by the meadow-trenches blow the faint sweet cuckoo- flowers, And the wild marsh-marigold shines like fire in swamps and hollows gray ; And Fm to be Queen o' the May, mother, Fm to be Queen o' the May. ARUNDINES CAMI. 33 Ille me spectrum putavit, candidatam contuens, Recta euntem, nee loquentem, lucis ut scintillulam : Me vocant crudelem amicae ; sed mea nil interest : Domina namque feriarum, pubis et Princeps ero. Deperit me, aiunt, amando ; at non ego illis credula : Deperit, mater, dolendo ; atqui mea quid interest ? Pulcriores, fortiores, quippe erunt proci mihi ; Et ego Domina feriarum, pubis et Princeps ero. Nee minus tenella mecum feriabitur soror ; Tuque me, mater, velis videre fieri principem : Nam juventus undequaque veniet agricolantium ; Et ego Domina feriarum, pubis et Princeps ero. En! casas intexit udas postibus caprifolium, Inque pratis per canales cardamina suaveolet, Subter in stagnis coruscat orbe caltha flammeo Ipsa Domina feriarum, mater, et Princeps ero. 34 ARUNDINES CAMI. The night winds come and go, mother, upon the meadow grass, And the happy stars above them seem to brighten as they pass ; There will not be a drop of rain the whole of the livelong day, And I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, Tm to be Queen o' the May. All the valley, mother, 'ill be fresh, and green, and still, And the cowslip and the crowfoot are over all the hill, And the rivulet in the flowery dale 'ill merrily glance and For I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May. So you must wake and call me early, call me early, mother dear, To-morrow 'ill be the happiest time of all the glad New-year; Of all the glad New-year, mother, the maddest merriest day, For I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May. Tennyson, Twinkle, twinkle, little Star ; How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. When the blazing Sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, ARUNDINES CAMI. 35 Hinc ct hinc nocturnus herbis it reditque spiritus, Et super salire visa transeunte sidera ; Nee diem tantillus humor inquinarc cogitat: Ipsa Domina feriarum, pubis et Princeps ero. At virebit, at vigebit otio saltus sacro ; Bellides jam prodit omnis collis et ranunculos ; Floridoque laetus alveo saliet amnis inquies : Domina namque feriarum, pubis et Princeps ero. Surge, mater, et voca me, mane quam maturrime, Cras enim recentis anni lux erit lastissima ; Cras recentis, mater, anni quam procax, quam perdita ! Ipsa Domina feriarum, pubis et Princeps ero. C. M. JWtca, Jttica. Mica, mica, parva Stella ; Miror, quaenam sis tarn bella! Splendens eminus in illo, Alba velut gemma, ccelo. Quando fervens Sol discessit, Nee calore prata pascit, 3- 36 ARUNDINES CAMI. Then you shew your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Then the traveller in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark : He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep; For you never shut your eye, Till the Sun is in the sky. Taylor. BUcctprocttg I ne'er could any lustre see In eyes that would not look on me; 1 ne 1 er saw nectar in a lip, But where my own did hope to sip. Has the maid who seeks my heart Cheeks of rose untouched by art? I will own the colour true, When yielding blushes aid their hue. Is her hand so soft and pure? I must press it to be sure; Nor can I be certain then, Till it grateful press again. Must I with attentive eye Watch her anxious bosom sigh? ARUNDINES CAMI. 37 Mox ostendis lumen purum, Micans, micans, per obscurum. Tibi, noctu qui vagatur, Ob scintillulam gratatur ; Ni micares tu, non sciret Quas per vias errans iret. Meum ssepe thalamum luce Specularis curiosa; Neque carpseris soporem, Donee venit Sol per auram. H. D. Bisce nuo txemplo formosis posse carere. Phyllidis effugiunt nos lumina : dulcia sunto : Pulcra licet, nobis haud ea pulcra micant. Nectar erat labiis, dum spes erat ista bibendi ; Spes perit; isque simul, qui fuit ante, decor. Votis me Galatea petit : caret arte puella ; Parque rosis tenero vernat in ore color ; Sed nihil istajuvant; forsan tamen ista juvabunt, Cum rubeant, victa rusticitate, genae. Pura manus mollisque fluit : neque credere possum Ut sit vera fides, ista premenda mihi est : Non bene credit amor ; nam res est plena timoris ; Conscia ni dextram dextera pressa premat. Ecce, movent pectus suspiria! quid moror uri? Quid moror occultis invigilare notis? 38 ARUNDINES CAMI. I will do so, when I see That anxious bosom sigh for me. Sheridan. 3Hk Cobbler. A waggish Cobbler issued once in Rhodes a proclama- tion, That he was willing to disclose, for a due consideration, A secret, which the cobbling world could not afford to lose; The way to make in one short day a hundred pair of shoes ! From every quarter to the sight there ran a thousand fellows, Tanners, Cobblers, Boot-professors, jolly Leather-sellers; All redolent of beer and smoke and cobbler's wax and hides ; Each man he pays his thirty pence, and calls it cheap besides. Silence! — the Cobbler enters in, and casts around his eyes; Then curls his lips, the rogue! then frowns, and then looks wondrous wise : ' My friends,' he says, 'it is a simple plan I shall propose, And every one of you, I think, might learn it, if you chose ; To make the hundred pairs of shoes, — -just go back to your shops — And take a hundred pair of boots, and cut off all their tops !' A. ARUNDINES CAMI. 39 Si nostri modo cura memor, nostrique caloris, Tangat earn, facere id non pudor ullus erit. M. L. &mpf)ora cceptt Instttui curwnte rota cur ©trceus exit ? AESI02 rts HvpcroSe^/ris davfxa crjXooaeiv fieya ev 'Vohio 7tot tjydpevaev, apyvpiov t\v rts ciow, navvoeiv enarov kcit rjnap aavoaX' ev ireir-if]yiJ.eva. mvpioi §e irpos Oeafia irdvrodev nareppeov, Sep/UKXTCOV Ol^OVTtS T^OU KCtl 7TLVOV T€ KCU TTOTOV, (TKVTooe^/ai, (JKVTOirwkai, aavoaXiaKwv 'epyarai, Oav/JidcravTes /ecu TeXovvres ouo cpa^u-ds Oewpacas. KctTO. Tr/vd 6 j3vpaoce\l/t)7 Uabinia ct GDfjIoe. Trans marc mercator falso sub nomine currit, Ut vehat intactas dissimulator opes ; Non male perjuram decorat Lavinia musam ; At mihi lux vera est, veraque flamma Chloe. Molle meum in thalamo cultae Lavinia mensse Addiderat carmen dulcisonamque lyram ; Quum me blanda Chloe tenerum quid ludere jussit, Et non indocta verrere fila manu. Solicito chordas, vocemque e pectore mitto ; Sed gemitus inter carmina triste sonant ; Dumque audit falsam de se Lavinia laudem, Totus adorato figor in ore Chloes. Erubuit formosa Chloe; Lavinia frontem Contraxit ; cecini contremuique simul : Et Venus ipsa suo ridens clamavit Amori ; ' En tria facundis prodita corda genis ! ' J. M. Sbpcctatum ainnissi rtsum tencatts, amtct? Infans, quadrivium ad Banburiensium Manno te celerem corripe ligneo : Illic quadrupedem flectere candidum Miram conspicies Anum. En, quinque in digitis sex habet annulos, Tintinnabula sex in digitis pedum ! Felix, dulce melos, quod ciet undique, Quoquo vcrtitur, audiet ! 58 ARUNDINES CAMI. jlfliont mmt btioxt ^un-Mtse. IIast thou a charm to stay the morning-star In his steep course ? So long he seems to pause On thy bald awful head, O sovran Blanc ! The Arve and Arveiron at thy base Rave ceaselessly ; but thou, most awful Form, Risest from forth thy silent sea of pines, How silently ! Around thee and above Deep is the air and dark, substantial, black, An ebon mass : methinks thou piercest it, As with a wedge ! But when I look again, It is thine own calm home, thy crystal shrine, Thy habitation from eternity ! dread and silent Mount! I gazed upon thee, Till thou, still present to the bodily sense, Didst vanish from my thought : entranced in prayer 1 worshipped the Invisible alone. Yet, like some sweet beguiling melody, So sweet, we know not we are listening to it, Thou the meanwhile wast blending with my thought, \ HUN l> INKS CAMf. 59 $n Alburn Jttontem. Die quibus illecebris, rnagico quo carmine flectis Luciferum prono in cursu; die, maxime regum Rex montanorum ? capitis sic vertice calvi Haesitat, Albe, tuo, et lascivit amore morandi. Inferius fremit Arva, exa?stuat, improbus amnis, Arvirisque soror : sed tu, sanctissima Rupes, Surgis ab undanti pinorum molliter umbra Ipsa immota, silens. Te circum et desuper Aer Corporeus, vastaque niger caligine pendet, Densum ebeni robur, cuneato fissile saxo ! Frons ea prima fuit : sed jam mihi proditur error : Est tua pura domus, sunt et crystallina fana; Est, quod ab reterno fuit, inviolabile regnum. Mons sacer, O torvae taciturna palatia brumse, Totus eram in vobis, donee, rerumque locorumque Immemor, obtutu starem detixus in illo, Aspiceremque nihil ; turn demum numine vinci Arcano, atque unum supplex orare Jehovam. Sed veluti melicse quadam dulcedine vocis Fallimur auriti, neque adhuc audire videmur ; Intima sic tangis praecordia, nectere mecum, Pars melior vitao : sic visi foedere certo 60 ARUNDINES CAM I. Yea, with my life and life's own secret joy: Till the dilating Soul, enwrapt, transfused, Into the mighty vision passing — there As in her natural form, swelled vast to Heaven ! Coleridge. ®f)c parents' Marmng. Three children sliding on the ice All on a summer's day, As it fell out, they all fell in, The rest they ran away. Now had these children been at school, Or sliding on dry ground, Ten thousand pounds to one penny They had not all been drowned. You parents that have children dear, And eke you that have none, If you will have them safe abroad, Pray keep them safe at home. Gammer Gurtcn. AEUNDINES CAMT. 6\ Conscntire dies et prospera fata duorum : Donee se expandens Animus, perque omnia fusus, Inque gignntea resolutus imagine, formam Ceu capiat propriam, coeli ad fulgentia templa Exoritur, superisque petit miscerier auris. D. ^aitntes gttnnomtt. KprSTAAA0IlflKT0Y2 rpiTTTvyoi KOpUL poct9 ttijoa Oepovs \\/a.ipovT€<£ evTapaois iroo\, vivai'S eiriTTTOi', ola or] TriTrreiv (piXel, awavres' e?T ecpevyou o\ XeXei/xiievoi. a\X e'nrep r)aav eyKeKXeicr^evoi /uo^AoIs, >/ ttoctiv oXiaOavovTes ev fyip

Ben Jonson. PIlDCOCfc. Old Pillycock sat on a grassy hill, And if he's not gone, he sits there still. Gammer Gurton ®f)t Jtofcs of Hobe. Come here, fond youth, whoe'er thou be, That boast'st to love as well as me, And if thy breast have felt so wide a wound, Come hither and thy flame approve ; 111 teach thee what it is to love, And by what marks true passion may be found. It is to be all bathed in tears, To live upon a smile for years, To lie whole ages at a beauty's feet, To kneel, to languish, to implore, And still, though she disdain, adore. It is to do all this, and think thy sufferings sweet. ARUNPINES CAM I. 63 ^roptnntto. Luminibus solis mihi, Lydia cara, propines ; Luminibus reddam mox ego, crede, vices : Vel tantum admoto cyathum mihi tinge labello, Et desiderium fugerit omne meri. Scilicet, ex anima quae fervida nascitur ima, Non nisi divino est fonte levanda Sitis ; Ast ego, donentur mihi si Jovis ipsa, recusem Pocula: sunt labris ilia secunda tuis. G. K. ^tlltcocctus. Lacerpicifero jugo sedebat, Et, si non abeat, diu sedebit, Spes ille ultima Pillicocciorum. H. D Inbicta gtmorts. Ferre parem nostris qui te, puer, ignibus ignem Jactas, si caleat forte quis igne pari, Infelix tua vota refer : referam ipse vicissim, Quid sit Amor, pateat qualibus ille notis. Est, pasci in totos risum, si riserit, annos: Est, solvi in lacrymas, fundere vota, preces : Ante pedes semper volvi et languere puellse ; Si fugit ilia, sequi : sic cupere usque sequi. 64 ARUNDINES CAMI. It is to gaze upon her eyes With eager joy and fond surprize, Yet temper'd with such chaste and awful fear, As wretches feel who wait their doom ; Nor must one ruder thought presume, Though but in whispers breathed, to meet her ear. It is to hope, though hope were lost, Though heaven and earth thv wishes cross'd : Though she were bright as sainted queens above, And thou the least and meanest swain That folds his flock upon the plain, Yet if thou darest not hope, thou dost not love. It is to quench thy joy in tears, To nurse strange thoughts and groundless fears : If pangs of jealousy thou hast not proved, Though she were fonder and more true Than any nymph old poets drew, never dream again that thou hast loved. If, when the darling maid is gone, Thou dost not seek to be alone, Rapt in a pleasing trance of tender woe ; And muse and fold thy languid arms, Feeding thy fancy on her charms, Thou dost not love : for love is nourish'd so. Est, in virgineis hairere ardenter ocellis ; Pcctora dum cohibet, ceu peritura, timor, Ne qua forte procax vel ab imo corde susurrus Auriculas stringat, commaculetque genas. Est, spe dimissa non dcspcrare, resistant Si votis homines, si Deus ipse, tuis : Ilia licet Venerera supcret, tuque infimus iEgon, Ni te spes foveat, non tibi notus Amor. Est, lacrymas inter gaudere et gaudia luctu Miscere; est, pacta contremere usque fide Nanique licet casta sit castior ilia Diana, Ni sic horrueris, non tibi notus Amor. Dumque absit, ni percupias tecum esse, viasque Saepius ambiguas incomitatus eas ; Nescio quid tenerum meditans et totus in illo, Quicquid id est, raptus, non tibi notus Amor. 66 ARUND1NES CAMI. If any hopes thy bosom share But those which Love has planted there, Or any cares but his thy breast enthral, Thou never yet his power hast known : Love sits on a despotic throne, And reigns a tyrant, if he reigns at all. Now if thou art so lost a thing, Hither thy tender sorrows bring, And prove whose patience longest can endure : We'll strive whose fancy shall be tost In dreams of fondest passion most ; For if thou thus hast loved, oh never hope a cure ! Earbauld. Utttle Sack flower. Little Jack Horner Sat in a corner Eating a Christmas pie : He put in his thumb And pulled out a plum, And cried, 'What a good boy am IP Gammer Gurhon. ARUNDTNES CAMI. G7 Siquc tuum pectus contingat spesve metusvo, Qua? tibi non dederit blandus et asper amor, Ilinc procul, erro levis! nondum urere: cuticta tyrannus Nam regit imperio, cum regit, iste fero. Atqui si fueris, puer, ah ! tarn proditus, adsis ; Ut, quid uterque gemat, discere uterque queat. Quisquis cnim tantos animo conceperis ignes, Invenies nullam, qua) tibi prosit, opem. p. w. .-ffesto quill potius tiic. Horner Iacculo sedit in angulo Vorans, ceu serias ageret ferias, Crustum dulce et amabile : Inquit et unum cxtrahens prunum ; ' Horner, quam fueris nobile pueris ' Exemplar imitabile !' H. D. 5 — 2 ()8 ARUNDINES CAMI. Sweet Echo, sweetest nymph, that livest unseen Within thy aery shell, By slow Meander's margent green, And in the violet-embroidered vale, Where the love-lorn nightingale Nightly to thee her sad song mourneth well: Canst thou not tell me of a gentle pair That likest thy Narcissus are? ! if thou have Hid them in some flowery cave, Tell me but where, Sweet queen of parley, daughter of the sphere ! So may'st thou be translated to the skies, And give resounding grace to all heaven's harmonies. Milton. ARUNDINES CAM!. <& Mulcts 1£cf)o. Nymph a, quam leni reflucntis amnc liipa Mreandri tenet, ambiente Aeris septara nebula, uvidique Marginis herba ; Sive te valles potius morantur Roscidis pictae violis, amorem Qua suum noctu Philomela dulci Carmine luget; Ecqua, Narcissi referens figuram, Visa te fratrum species duorum Movit? ah si qua, Dea, sub caverna Furta recondis, Die mihi qua nunc, male te secuti, Florea tecum lateant in umbra, Vocis argutse domina, et canori Filia coeli ! Sic et in sedem redeas paternam ; Et, chori dum tu strepitum noveni iEmulans reddis, geminentur ipsis Gaudia Divis. E. C. H. \\ii\ kXvO'i fJLOl f 'Avft), I'v/uCpawv ayavwruTa, KpvTTTov depiov GKa€(pe^s, ]. 70 ARUNDINES CAMI. i^tarmton. O woman, in our hours of ease Uncertain, coy, and hard to please, And variable as the shade By the light quivering aspen made ; When pain and anguish wring the brow, A ministering angel thou ! Scott. ARUNDINES CAMI. 71 o7rov 6 a cuaeptus -navvu^ ut]owv jueXos otKTpov ku\w$ crot ica.Ta9pr]V6i. X'caao/uai, afipav /uoi, Kovpa, (ppaXe cruvcopiea. 7701* vaiei, fxuXa Tip euneXaoov irctarj eoir]s ap/JLOvia ^apiv. &plen&foe JWentra.v. Femina, quce, molles si quando carpimus horas, Tristis es, et dubia concilianda vice ; Quaa levior zephyro, tremulaque incertior umbra, Quam facit alternis populus alba comis; Cum dolor atque supercilio gravis imminet angor, Fungeris angelico sola ministerio. fi. J. T. D. 72 ARUNDINES CAMI. (Bit tn lf)e &ttUg Ntgljt. Oft in the stilly night, Ere slumber's chain has bound me, Fond Memory brings the light Of other days around me : The smiles, the tears, of boyhood's years, The words of love then spoken ; The eyes that shone, now dimmed and gone ; The cheerful hearts now broken. When I remember all The friends so linked together, I've seen around me fall, Like leaves in wintry weather ; I feel like one who treads alone Some banquet-hall deserted, Whose lights are fled, whose garlands dead, And all but he departed! Moore. 2H)c OTl-^nlc. I will tell my own daddy, when he comes home, What little good work my mammy has done : She has earnt a penny, spent a groat, And a hole is torn in the baby's new coat. Gammer Gurton ARUNDINES CAMI. 73 && iSftscntes &micos. SjEpe mihi, dum nox late silet, ante catena Quam domitos sensus vinxerit alma quies, Prreteritos reparat magica dulcedine soles Mnemosyne, cupida solicitata prece. Omne redit, quidquid ridere aut flere solcbam, Quidquid et effari motus amore puer; Qui nunc luce carent, oculi effulgere videntur ; Quae periere, novo corda lepore micant. Ah ! quoties animo veteres reminiscor amicos, Indelibata pectora juncta fide, Quos ego, va? misero, vidi cecidisse superstes, Ut folia hiberno flamine rapta cadunt ; Deserta videor spatiari mcestus in aula, Quam nuper festi perstrepuere chori ; Qua lychni sine luce manent, sine odore corolke ; Et, dc convivis tot modo, solus ego I B. H. E. ^ncophnntn. Optimus ille domum redcat pater, omnia dicam- pater, infelix accipe matris opus; Unum demeruit, consumpsit quatuor asses, Inque nova infantis vcstc foramen hiat ! H.D 74 ARUNDINES ('AMI. &uttf Hang ^pne. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min'? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days o' lang syne ? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne. We twa hae run about the braes, And pu't the go wans fine ; But we've wandered raony a weary foot Sin' auld lang svne. We twa hae paicU't i' the burn Frae mornin sun till dine; But seas between us braid hae roared Sin' auld lang svne. And here's a hand, my trusty fier, And gie's a hand o' thine ; And we'll tak a right good willie waught, For auld lang syne. And surely ye'll be your pint-stoup, And surely I'll be mine; And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne. AKUN DINES CAM I. 7- r > tEempus Bctum. Priscorum immemores esse sodalium, Lapsis ex animo quos adamavimus, Priscorum immemores esse sodalium et Acti temporis — hoc decet? Acti, care comes, temporis ob dies, Acti, fide comes, temporis ob dies, Spumantis pateram combibe Caecubi, Acti temporis ob dies. Flores in calathis nos amaranthinos Una per juga quot devia legimus ! Sed lassos peregre traximus heu ! pedes, Acti temporis ex die. Quin solem ad medium margine fontium Certatim in vitreo flumine lusimus: Ast inter fremuit nos patulum mare, Acti temporis ex die. Amplexum, comes o fide, morabimur Dulcem — labra labris et manibus manum ? Deprompta) quis erit jam modus amphora.', Acti temporis ob dies ? Potantes cyathi foedere, mutuum Sumemus dabimusque impavidi mcrum ; Cingcmurquc pia tcmpora pampino, Acti temporis ob dies. 76 ARUNDINES CAMI. For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne. Burns Sfjc Secret. Here, Chloe, dear Chloe, I'll tell you some news; I've just learnt it myself, and I cannot refuse ? It's odd and it's awkward to tell — shut the door, Lest some listening rascal my secret explore. We'] "e alone — I can't tell it — yet, somehow I feel It is equally stubborn and hard to conceal ; There's nothing in silence, so let the word pass, I but knew it this morning — / love thee, my lass ! A. W&t Btss. . Ladie faire, When by that holie Boke I see thee sweare, Thinketh mine hearte, Oh y ivhat an ever-blessed Page thou art! Marrie, give me that kisse, The drie rcgardlesse Prynte wotteth not what it is. ARUNDINES CAMI. 77 Acti, care comes, temporis ob dies, Acti, fide comes, temporis ob dies, Spumantis patcram combibe Cajcubi, Acti temporis ob dies ! H. D. ©ompostto rumptt boccm ct se tresttnat nrae. AETPO hoi eX6e, X\o// # juaXa yap Xoyov ap- n oioa^Otjv AvctkoXov apptjrov t — aXXa. o~ol e^epew. T^oe Ovpav fwi KXeiaoV icova a/xa, \xr) ti$ aXiTpos KpvTTTa.oi.ri 7rapia)v, ottl irep ecrri, /xadr). Ileus e'lTTCo ; ^aXeTrov to Xeyeiv, -^aXerrou tc to aiyav' AXX ei> tw atyqv ovoev — 'EPQ 2E, Xaoh. H.D. 23astum. Cum labra imponens sacrum premis ore libellum, Pra)stans juratam, pulcra Maria, fidem, Quam vcllem liber istc forem ! — mibi basia scrva ; Non capit illeccbras arida charta tuas. H. H. 78 ABUNDINES CAMI. e'tre Oaacrov e'tre fir} ovtiev ire(pvK6v a\Ko 7r\t)v OvrjGKeiv /jlouov. wti et7T6, yopywTTOKjiv acTTpochos kukXois' KOfxrj ti air wfxwv qcrcreTai' Kparos ti airo ecrTtjuev ocppvwv poaTpvyovv eimm'tous' ceiuas tie /meiXov ripeO'' oo$ tie (xavTem epprj^ev avtirjv r\y piw[ievY\ ko.koi$. kukXos o eOcifxpei c,vveopo<$, efxirX^KToi 1 ; Kupai(pwv- H. I .00 ARUNDINES CAMI. Wbi Bcsertefcr Ftllagc. How often have I paused on every charm, The sheltered cot and cultivated farm, The never-failing brook and busy mill, The decent church that topt the neighbouring hill, The hawthorn bush, with seats beneath the shade, For talking age and whispering lovers made ! How often have I blest the coming day, When toil remitting lent its turn to play, And all the village train, from labour free, Led up their sports beneath the spreading tree ; While many a pastime circled in the shade, The young contending, as the old surveyed ; And many a gambol frolicked o'er the ground, And sleights of art and feats of strength went round ; And still as each repeated pleasure tired, Succeeding sports the mirthful band inspired : The dancing pair that simply sought renown By holding out to tire each other down ; The swain mistrustless of his smutted face, AVhile secret laughter tittered round the place ; The bashful virgin's sidelong looks of love, The matron's glance that would these looks reprove ! These were thy charms, sweet Village ; sports like these With sweet succession taught even toil to please ; These round thy bowers their cheerful influence shed; These were thy charms — but all these charms are fled. Goldsmith. A It UN DINES CAM I. , r]Ko^ev, i]X9ofx€v rjotj. 7ro\Xa oe (pwvq (ipw^ia. nava^ei Tv/JLTrava TqXou fX€T €7ra.poi>rl Xvypd, Kal (ppouo e? a'tOep' eppe' neOes /ue, <$>poi>Ti Xvypd' ti aoi "yap €poi>Tt Xvypci' ti o~ol yap es* Kocravfpoi oe KpifiaviTai TeTpams e£ ev Tren/xaTi' tov oe Tre/A/uaros KoirevTos, rjvcrToixijaav Twpvea ov too r\v eoeafxa cenrvois /ecu Tvpavvwois irpeirov ; ev nv"xjti cofxwv o pao~i\ev$ Tapyvpi eXoyi^eTo, avafidoriv o eTpooye "Xjwpis irupvov apTov Kal /xeXt ij /3acrtXf's* rj 7rats o av avXrjv j3vo~o~iv e^rjpTa Xivov, vrjTTia' /carw y a p ^A$ei/ «tt° Teyovs opviQiov, Tt]v Te piva Ttjs TaXaivr)? w^er ev pvy^ei (pepov. E. C. H. ARUNDINES CAMI. UQ & %*H of Sbwpcncc. Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye : Four and twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie : When the pie was opened The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish To set before the King? The King was in the parlour Counting out his money ; The Queen was in the chamber Eating bread and honey ; The maid was in the garden Hanging out the clothes : Down came a little bird And carried off her nose. G. G. 120 ARUNDINES CAMI. QLty (Softs of Epicurus. For they lie beside their nectar, and the bolts are hurl'd Far below them in the valleys, and the clouds are lightly curl'd Round their golden houses, girdled with the gleaming world : Where they smile in secret, looking over wasted lands, Blight and famine, plague and earthquake, roaring deeps and fiery sands, Clanging fights, and flaming towns, and sinking ships, and praying hands. But they smile, they find a music centred in a doleful song Steaming up, a lamentation and an ancient tale of wrong, Like a tale of little meaning though the words are strong ; Chanted from an ill-used race of men that cleave the soil, Sow the seed and reap the harvest with enduring toil, Storing yearly little dues of wheat and wine and oil ; Till they perish, and they suffer — some, 'tis whispered, down in hell Suffer endless anguish, others in Elysian valleys dwell, Besting weary limbs at last on beds of asphodel. Tennyson. <2j5ooti JWusic anti baft Dancing. How ill the motion with the music suits! So Orpheus play'd, and like them danced the brutes ! Congreve. ARUNDINES CAMI. 121 Beos tifoict securum agcre acbum. Di suum nectar bibentes abdito jacent jugo : Stringit inferiora fulgur, lambit aureas domos Nube praevelatus aether, orbe cinctas lucido : QuaGque subter monstra cernunt, ilia rident clanculum; Vim maris, telluris haustus, ignem, et aeris luem, Arma, caedes, furta, raptus, ora comprecantium. At juvat risisse, diri carminis dulcedine, Irritum sublime murmur, veteris ambagem mali, Maximae vocis querelam, paulum habentem ponderis : Quippe laesi cantilenam generis, operum providi, Dudum arantis, proserentis, congerentis undique Quantulam stipem quotannis vini, olivi, tritici: Occupet dum Mors ; et hos, sic fama, poenarum sator, Tartarus per soDcla vexet ; his in Elysio cavo Membra declinare fessa praestet Asphodeli torus. c. M. &rs sine &rtc. Quam valet arte chelys, tantum caret arte chorea ! Orpheos ad citharam sic saluere ferae. B. H. K. 122 ARUNDINES CAMI. progress of ^omi. Thee the voice, the dance obey, Tempered to thy warbled lay. O'er IdahVs velvet green The rosy-crowned Loves are seen, On Cytherea's day, With antic sports and blue-eyed Pleasures. Frisking light in frolic measures ; Now pursuing, now retreating, Now in circling troops they meet: To brisk notes in cadence beating Glance their many-twinkling feet. Slow melting strains their Queen's approach declare : "Where'er she turns the Graces homage pay : With arms sublime that float upon the air, In gliding state she wins her easy way : O'er her warm cheek and rising bosom move The bloom of young Desire and purple light of Love. Giay. AUUND1NE8 CAM I. 123 Te vox, te sequitur chorus, Si quando liquidum protuleris melos. Et quum Diva potens Cypri Natalem Idaliae concelebrat diem, Mox vittis roseis Amor, Exultatque levis turba Cupidinum, Ludis juncta decentibus: Turn nudo viridem pulsat humum pede Audax Lgetitiaa cobors : Incedunt, celeres mox revocant gradus, Turmseve orbibus invicem Occurrunt, hilares dum resonant modi, Concordesve pedes micant. Adventum Veneris carmine languido Lenti significant soni : En ! quacunque jacit lumina, Gratis Reginam obsequio colunt. Sublatis manibus Diva per sethera Molli tendit iter via; Pulcher purpuream vibrat Amor facem, Lseti ct flamma Cupidinis Matris per gremium spargitur et genas. . D. 124 ARUNDINES CAM!. ®f)rir probes o 1 sfcoett Jilimk. Their groves o' sweet myrtle let foreign lands reckon, Where bright beaming summers exalt the perfume ; Far dearer to me yon lone glen o' green breckan, Wi' the burn stealing under the lang yellow broom. Far dearer to me are yon humble broom bowers, Where the blue-bell and go wan lurk lowly unseen ; For there lightly tripping amang the wild flowers, A-listening the linnet, aft wanders my Jean. Though rich is the breeze in their gay sunny valleys, And cold Caledonia's blast on the wave; Their sweet-scented woodlands that skirt the proud palace, What are they ? — the haunt of the tyrant and slave. The slave's spicy forests and gold-bubbling fountains The brave Caledonian views with disdain ; He wanders, as free as the winds of his mountains, Save love's willing fetters, the chains o' his Jean. Burns. 23arnab» 33rigi)t. Barnaby Bright he was a sharp cur ; He would make a great noise, if a mouse did but stir; But now he's grown old and can no longer bark, He's condemned by the parson to be hung by the clerk, 'jammer Gurton. ARUNDINES CAM I. 125 Suavia laudabunt alii myrteta coloni, Qua nitidis ridet solibus auctus odor : Carior ilia mihi filicum viret avia vallis, Celat ubi rivi flava genista fugam. Carior ilia humilis frondet mihi silva genista;, Quas bellis latebras, quas hyacinthus amat ; Inter enim flores illos, ubi vernat acanthis, Saspe levem celerat nostra Joanna pedera. Rideat restivis peregrina in vallibus aura ; Scotia ventoso frigore verrat aquas ; Silva quid est, celsas redolens quae suspicit aedes ? Mcesta domus servi, mcesta ferocis heri. Aurifluos Scotus fontes et odora vireta, Serviles, spectat fortis et odit, opes; It vagus, it liber, patrio cum flamine — vinclis Solus Amor gratis, sola Joanna tenet. B. H. K. 33atnabaeocantittms. Barnab^eocandidus Molossus acer erat, Latrabat ille fortiter, si mus se commoveret : Nequit senex nunc latrare, et canicida Pontifex Damnavit ilium laqueo, et Clericus est carnifex. H. D. [2G ARUNDINES CAMI. t£he temptation. Empress of this fair world, resplendent Eve, Easy to me it is to tell thee all What thou command'st, and right thou should'st be obeyed. I was at first as other beasts that graze The trodden herb, of abject thoughts and low, As was my food: nor aught but food discern'd Or sex, and apprehended nothing high ; Till on a day roving the field I chanc'd A goodly tree far distant to behold, Loaden with fruit of fairest colours mix'd, Ruddy and gold : I nearer drew to gaze ; When from the boughs a sav'ry odour blown, Grateful to appetite, more pleas'd my sense Than smell of sweetest fennel, or the teats Of ewe or goat dripping with milk at even, Unsuck'd of lamb or kid, that tend their play. Milton. ARUNPINES CAMI. 127 O nEIPASMOS. AIAPQIT uvaaaa Trjaoe tt} /3AeVetv e/uol eco^a cevcpov v^j/tyevvrjTov, ppvov Kapiroiai Xafxirpwv ^pcofxaroov fxefxiyfxevois, ■vpvaavyes, epvdpov. /cat TrpoaekQovTos y e/wv e'voo/jiov a'vpav, ifxepov 6e\KTt]piav, i']K€v to cevopov, ware irpocryekav e/xe 7ro\Aro 'ye fxaXXov tj tiv avdeivv airo ykvuelav o'cr/aj)y, r\ v ecpecnrepM %/Ooi/w (xrjrpwov apvo auva/u avTOfxevw k/ > ft» » ft / dei/maTi Tjpnreu ovo aciavTaiai irapelai* ft / ft \ r ft \ -? ei oe toi oeivov Toye oeivov v]i>, kui Kev e,uwv prjfxarwv XeirTov i/7T6i^es oi/as, KeXoixai, evce /3pe(pos, >ft/ ft\/ »ft/ ,/ / euderio oe 7toi'tos", evoeTco a/ueTpov kukov. fierapovXia oe tis (paveirj, Lev 7ra.Tep, e/c Geo' otl crj OapaaXeov e7ros, e'v^o/mai TeKvo XPISTCXPOPOS O 2I2Y0Y. 11 6 ; r\ fx ekavveiv eis /uavias airovcaieTe ; ov yap KexXrifxai \pio~ToeAAea>s, (pvaet fxev e/uiropos < ye*y&>9, Tpofprj oe TrivaaoTTOios, eiT e£ aWayrjs rjv apKTo(pv\a%, o'tau oe ye vvv 'epcoo Te^vrjv XeprjTiaTpos ; oevpo orj rt? KaXeaaTco Trju aapKiurju fxoi {5pvTOKcnrr']\io 'Q/xCpaXrjv Trjv O'tvorjQev' Kara irvdead avrrjs irapa eiT oioe fx eiT ovk oicev ogtis ei/x eyco* el fxrj yap eKeivrj (pr/ai fx oivov upS'ivov KaTa o~ufxj3o\a\ i]oij ou 6(peiXeiv ol opa^xa?, eiriopKOTaTOv /ue Xpio~Toup To^ev/xaai. T0VTW 6 CTaipOS TTpOVOTUTei TTvXlOV OfJLOU ILvpuaXos, eloos e^o^os twv Alveov, iravTwv 6' oaoi (popovai TpwiKr}i> aayrjv, apri "xyod'(u)v a^vpov Traprjioa. Tolcro eh epws rjv, es >xayr]v opfxt] fx'ia, kcli vvv tov avTov eAa^oi' ev ttvXcus iraXov. Xeyei Se N tiros* rj 6eoi, cp'iX , ev (ppealv ecconav rjfxiu rrjvoe Ttjv ir pod ] v fx'iav \ * » *% -> f « / - 1] TOU7TlUVjUeil' TOW eKa(TTOlO~lV KpCLTOVV, Oeos ovtos avOpwrroicnv '■> w > , t otvw re KeivTai, 7ras t ecrtyrjaev tottos. vvv ovv aKovcrov oia fioi ■KapiGTaTai aVa? fxeTeXQew Aiveav (3oq Xews, Stjuos Te yo\ yepovTes, eKire/tx^cu a/u.a toi)s ayyeXovvTas ov KaOeaTa/mev tiv^s' o~o\ $ riv oiowaiv civ OeXw, — Tovpyov o e/xot a'uT apueaei to kvoos — evpqaeiv ocov eotv vk oyuov tovo e? iLvavopov iroKiv. G. K. 13 194 ARUNDINES CAMI. Jtfttra. When first the Siren Beauty's face My wandering eye surveyed, Unmoved I saw each fraudful grace, That round th' enchantress played : And still, with careless mien elate, Defied the Paphian's wile ; As ambushed in a look he sate, Or couched beneath a smile. And still to rove I madly vowed Along the dangerous way, Secure, where other boasters bowed Before the tyrant's sway. Nor learned my breast to heave the sigh, Or pour the secret heart ; Till Mira from her beamy eye Despatched th' unerring dart. ' Fly, fatal shaft, 1 with cruel zeal The conscious munheress cried. ' And teach yon haughty boy to feel The anguish due to pride.' To soothe the soul-subduing pain Awhile I fondly strove; But combated, alas ! in vain. Th' omnipotence of Love. ARUNDINES CAMI. 195 Jtttra. Lumina cum primum. memini, juvenilia cepit Virgineo quicquid ludit in ore decus, Tutus ab illecebris veneres mirabar inermes : A nobis famam nulla puella tulit. Ilinc animo audaci nimium vultuque superbo Spernebam Paphii mollia tela Dei ; Seu roseo insidias struxit male fidus in ore, Seu risus inter retia texit Amor. Ssepe quidem dixi, fallacis nescius aura?, Me tuto angustam posse tenere viam ; Imprudens nimium ! qui me tarn saepe negavi, Csetera qui vincit, vincere posse Deum. Nam neque adhuc noram tristi suspiria cura Ducere, nee querulae tangere fila ljrae ; Cum Mira ex oculis. Phoebei fulguris instar, Misit vindictae tela ministra suae. ' I, fuge,' fatalis clamavit conscia plagae, ' I, pete,' ait, ' durum, fida sagitta, latus : Ilinc tandem, hinc discat nostri contemptor oportet, Quae sint feminea vulnera missa mami. 1 Pectoris ut saevos possem sanare dolores, Tentavi medica quicquid in arte fuit ; Sed frustra petii duro me opponere morbo : Ah ! medica non est arte fugandus Amor. 13—2 196 ARUNDINES CAMI. Then ah! at length, stern Power, forbear, Thy wrath at length forego : Enough my youth has felt of care ; Enough has tasted woe. Or if ordained by stubborn fate To drag th' eternal chain, Doomed, as I bend beneath its weight, To court relief in vain; To Mira equal toil impart; On her thy pang bestow ; Thrill with Love's agony her heart, And bid her suffer too. Wrangham. Wbz foise J^ttn of <25otijnm. Three wise men of Gotham Went to sea in a bowl ; And if the bowl had been stronger, My song had been longer. Gammer Guxton. ARUNDINES CAMI. 197 Improbe, parce, Puer, pennatum intendere ferrum ; In me crudeles desinc ferre minas : Praeteritos egi non tarn feliciter annos ; Experta est varias nostra juventa vices. Sin, quae dispensant mortalia fila, sorores Imposito prohibent solvere colla jugo ; Si me fata jubent seternam ferre catenam, Nee prodest votis solicitasse Deos ; Tu saltern Mirse similem, Puer, incute plagam ; Languescat, qmeso, vulnere nympha pari: Haec quoque cognoscat quid sit succumbere amori, Transadigatque animas una sagitta duas. G. C. ptjtlosopJn Susculam. Tres Philosophi de Tusculo Mare navigarunt vasculo : Si vas id esset tutius, Tibi canerem diutius. H. D. 198 AKUNDINES CAMI. Uouisa. Though by a sickly taste betrayed, Some may dispraise the lovely maid, With fearless pride I say, That she is healthful, fleet and strong, And down the rocks can leap along Like rivulets in May. And smiles has she to earth unknown; Smiles, that with motion of their own Do spread and sink and rise ; That come and go with endless play, And ever as they pass away Are hidden in her eyes. She loves her fire, her cottage-home, Yet o'er the moorland will she roam In weather rough and bleak ; And when against the wind she strains, O might I kiss the mountain-rains That sparkle on her cheek ! ARUNDINES CAMI. 199 iftusttca $!)tty?k. Si quis aogrotans animo decoram Phidylen spernat vitiosiori, Suscipit gratum mea lingua munus, Ausa referre, Ilia quam pulcra vigeat juventa; Quamque veloci pede per profunda Saxa decurrat, redeunte sicut Flumina Maio. Ridet, at quali Dea sola risu ; Qui suas toto veneres in ore Prodit, alterno refluens fluensque Molliter a3stu ; Pertinax circumvolitare lusu Sedulo frontem ; aut roseum cubile Deserens vultus, oculi in protervis Ignibus abdi. Parvulo contenta focum paternum, Et lares notos amat : at procellae Immemor grata vice pervagatur Devia montis ; Dumque ibi in ventos animosa certat, Imbrium gemmas utinam oscularer, Qui genis in purpureis pudica Luce coruscant ! 200 ARUNDINES CAMI. Take all that's mine beneath the moon, If I with her but half a noon May sit beneath the walls Of some old cave or mossy nook, Whene'er she wanders up the brook To hunt the waterfalls. Wordsv. Wbz Bntgftf's (55rabe. Where is the grave of Sir Arthur CTKellyn? Where may the grave of that good man be? By the side of a fount on the breast of Helvellyn, Under the twigs of a young birch-tree. The oak that in summer was pleasant to hear, And rustled its leaves at the fall of the year, And bellowed and whistled in winter alone, Is gone — in its place the birch tree is grown. The knight's bones are dust, And his good sword rust : His soul is with the saints I trust ! Coleridge. ARUNDINES CAMI. 201 Deme quot rerum vidct alta Luna, Sit reclinato mihi cum puella Sole fervente aut veteris sub antri Rupe raorari; Aut in umbroso neraorum recessu, Fertur ut montis per amata rura, aut Abditos fontes petit in ruentis Margine rivi. H. J. H. &rtuu Sbspulcrum. ubi nunc recubant Arturi nobilis ossa? quibus in cippis, aut qua jacet optimus herba Ille sepulcrali? — muscoso in margine fontis Sopitur placide gremioque Helvellynis alto ; Et super impubis betullsB virga coruscat. Quercus enim, aestivo quso tempore suave sonare, Auctumnoque gravi foliis crepitare solebat, Solaque sub brumam rauca mugire querela, Occidit, et vacuo betulla innascitur arvo. Pulvere cara viri commiscuit ossa vetustas, Et fidum scabies ensem damnosa peredit : Ordinibus spero sanctorum inscribier ipsum ! A. B. H. 202 ARUNDINES CAMI. Utttk 23o=pcep. Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep, And can't tell where to find them : Let them alone, and they'll come home, And bring their tails behind them. Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep, And dreamt she heard them bleating : But when she awoke, she found it a joke : Poor Lady ! they still were fleeting. Then up she took her little crook, Determin'd for to find them ; She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed, For they'd left all their tails behind 'em. It happen'd one day, as Bo-peep did stray Unto a meadow hard by, There she espy'd their tails side by side, All hung on a tree to dry. She heav'd a sigh, and wip'd her eye, And over the hillocks went smack-O, And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should, To tack each again to its back-O. Gammer Gurton. AR UN DINES CAM I. 203 23opffpta parba. Parva vagabundos Bopoepia perdidit agnos, Nescia secreti quo latuere loci : Bellula, eant, abeant : ad pascua nota redibunt, Et reduces caudas post sua terga gerent. Indulgens placido Bopoepia parva sopori Balantem attonita corripit aure gregem : Audiit, exiluit : solvuntur somnia risu : Quam petis, infelix, non erat ilia cohors ! Nee mora ; quin curvum dextra vibrante bacilluin ' Omnibus in latebris invenientur,' ait ; Invenitque quidem : sed quo miserabilis ore, Cum nihil a tergis esset, ut esse solet ! Quodam forte die palans per florida rura Pcepia contiguum deveniebat agrum, Arbore quum patula dispansa in sole sereno Pro pudor ! ex natibus rapta tropsea videt. Ingemuit virgo, lacrymamque abstersit ocellis : Turn prona in medias per juga fertur oves ; Tentavitque modum, si quo bene sedula custos Assueret caudis omnia terga suis. D. 204. ARUNDINES CAMI. Jttat anfc &opa?. Full oft does Mat with Topaz dine, Eateth French meat and drinketh wine : But Topaz his own verse rehearseth, And Mat must praise what Topaz verseth. Now sure as saint did e'er shrive sinner, Full hardly earneth Mat his dinner ! Prior. A thing slipt idly from me: you must guess it. Shakspeare. Hinx, Minx! the old witch winks, The fat begins to fry : There's nobody at home but jumping Joan, And father, mother, and I ! Gammer Gurton ARUNDINES CAMI. 205 Proctllus ct Etttcus. Ccenat srcpc apud Atticum Procillus : Illic vina dapesque sumtuosas Sorbet ; versibus at suis citatis, Poscit ' Euge cro^aJsque' symbolam hospes. Magni sane emis, Procille, co3nam ! F.W. jgescio quia tecum grabe corntcarts. Te Primum incauto nimium propiusque tuenti, Laura, mihi furtim surripuisse queror. Nee tamen hoc furtum tibi condonare recusem, Si pretium tali solvere merce velis. Sed quo plus candoris habent tibi colla Secundo, Hoc tibi plus Primum frigoris intus habet. Saepe sinistra cava prasdixit ab ilice Totum Omina, et audaces spes vetat esse ratas. i I^tnc locate. Hinc et abhinc, Hecate ! — maga Thessala nictat in aula ; Sibilat inferni conscius ignis adeps! — Sola domi invenies salientia crura JoannEe — Meque ipsam et matrem cum genitore meam. H.D. 206 AR UNDINES CAM I, ®o Jtttster Haforencc. Lawrence, of virtuous father virtuous son, Now that the fields are dank, and ways all mire, Where shall we sometimes meet, and by the fire Help waste a sullen day, what may be won From the hard season gaining? Time will run On smoother, till Favonius re-inspire The frozen earth, and clothe in fresh attire The lily and rose, that neither sowed nor spun. What neat repast shall feast us, light and choice, Of Attic taste with wine, whence we may rise To hear the lute well touched, or artful voice Warble immortal notes and Tuscan air? He, who of these delights can judge and spare To interpose them oft, is not unwise. Milton. ARUNDINES CAMI. '"7 gtfc Haurenttum. O casta casti progenies patris, Dum bruma campos occupat et vias, Quo rure, Laurenti, reducto, Quosve focos apud hospitales, Longo auferemus tscdia de die ? Quod hora nobis cunque dabit lucri Morosa carpentes, ut annus PrsBtereat leviore penna, Constricta donee prata refecerint Aire Favoni, liliaque et rosas, Laboris expertes, amictu Verna novo decorarit aura. Quae munda nobis ccena parabitur? Quae lecta mensae fercula? age, Attico De more promenturque vina, et Post calices bene tacta noctem Producet una barbitos auream, Et vox Etruscos callidior modos Spirare, et effundens choreas Sidereal propiora chordis. Qui tanta novit gaudia carpere, Prudensque parca mente frui sapit, Scit ille, ni fallor, Deorum ]\luneribus sapicnter uti. 208 ARUNDINES CAMI. &attf) Hacon, "Were we as eloquent as angels, yet should we please some men, some women, some children, much more by listening than by talking. Colton. & Mtto Jtttstrcss. Call me not, love, unkind, That from the nunnerie Of thy chaste heart and quiet mind, To war and arms I flie. Another mistress hence I chace, The first foe in the field, And with a stronger faith embrace A sword, a horse, a shield. Lovelace ^o an C£tritor. So rude and senseless are thy lays, The weary audience vows, 'Tis not the Arcadian swain that sings, But "'tis his herd that lows. Shenstone. ARUNDTNES CAMT. 209 &uscultarc qttam loquf. Divino licet eloquaris ore, Pluribus, mihi crcdc, gratiosus Auscultando eris, Aule, quam loquendo. i. K. Parck precor verbis, cara, indulgere severis, Quod de tam casta sede libenter agar, Sede tuse mentis tranquillae in pectore puro, Et celer in pugnas et media arma ruam, Quicunque instructo per campos imperat hosti, Est novus a nobis ille petendus amor ; Danda fides clypeo, danda est jam certior ensi, Et magis ardentem solicitamus equum. B. H. D. m ©Uitorcm. Tam rude carmen habes, ita sunt sine Apolline versus, (Pertsesus auditor crepat) Non est Arcadicus qui cantat arundine pastor, Armenia sunt quae mugiunt. B. 14 210 ARUNDINES CAMI. Catiline. You might have lived in servitude and exile, Or safe at Rome, depending on the great ones : But that you thought these things unfit for men, And in that thought vou then were valiant. For no man ever yet changed peace for war, But he that meant to conquer. Hold that purpose. There's more necessity you should be such In fighting for yourselves, than they for others. He's base that trusts his feet when hands are armed. Methinks I see Death and the Furies waiting What we will do, and all the heaven at leisure For the great spectacle. Draw then your swords: And if our destiny envy our virtue The honour of the day, yet let us care To sell ourselves at such a price as may Undo the world to buy us. Ben Jonson. ®o Jtoetra&ers. I fill your granaries : I give you meat : Take my fifth part, Sirs, and I'll leave you — Heat. A. ARUNDINES CAMI. 211 QCatfltaa. YMIN virtipy^ av iraTpibov TrjTcofxevovi, i] cecnroTwv nXvovras, civrXtjaai /3ioV €%t]v oe Kanei, tois vTrepTa.Toi<$ ttoXccos v7rtjpeTouura^' TavTct cT ovk ev dvSpdai irpeireiv to9 rjyrjoaaOe, -jravToX/xM (ppevi ov yap, to vlkuv fxrj rpe(pcov ev eXir'iaLv, ovceh ttot avrrj\Xa^ev eipyvyjs ''Aprjv. tovtwv fxev ovv e-^eaOe' toloutov (ppovetv, fxaXXov y , eauToi<$ oh afivveadai irdpa, i] tois 67r aXXwv KapTepriaacriv {xdynv Xpijvai Xeyoi/x av' rds X e P<*s $' w7rXiaixevo^ woaiv TrerrotOws alcrxpoTrjT ocpXicncdvei. eiev' Tt/peiv eoiKao a'l t ' Epivvves rdSe Qavaros 6 virepGTas, irpaytmrwv t eiriaKOTroi iravTes cf^oXaXeiv 01 /car' oupavov GeoL ovkovv £t0a;i/ dirrecrOe ; ndv rutuv Tuvt] (pOovova apiarevaaai fxrj vikclv §i$w, ofxais ToaduTrjv dvri TwvSe atofxarcov TLntjv av eK7rpa%ai[ie6', war wvou/uevrjv yrjv Traarav rf(xd^ ev /uepei SioXXuvai. L. 201 rx. Per me plena tument granaria : tu modo quintam Deme raihi partem, quid tibi restat? — eges. .. s. ]4- 212 ARUNDINES CAMI. mm. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd winds slowlv o'er the lea, The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me. Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight, And all the air a solemn stillness holds, Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight, And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds : Save that, from yonder ivy-mantled tower, The moping owl does to the Moon complain Of such as, wandering near her secret bower, Molest her ancient solitary reign. Beneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade, Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap, Each in his narrow cell for ever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep. The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn, The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed, The cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing horn, No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed. For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn, Or busy housewife ply her evening care : No children run to lisp their sire^ return, Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share. ARUNDINES CAM!. 213 (fElfgtn. Funebris insonuit moritura) nenia lucis, Mugitus sequitur pascua longa bourn : Vix pede se lasso trahit ad sua limina arator, Cum tacito solus vespere linquor ego. Nunc oculos fallit species evanida rerum, Et passim ccelos occupat alta quies, Ni rotat argutis gyros ubi cantharus alis, Tinnitusque piger per juga sopit oves. Ni forte ex liedera vicinae in vertice turris Noctua luctisonos integret segra modos, Si qui palantes latebrosa cubilia propter Secreti invadant jura vetusta loci. Subter nodosis ulmis, taxoque comanti, Qua putris aggesto cespite terra tumet, Carcere quisque suo, pagi rudis incola in sevum Dormit, et indigent contumulantur avi. Mane in odorifero peramabilis aura Favoni, Quae de straminea garrit hirundo casa, Vaticinus galli clangor, lituusve resultans, Discutient humilis somnia nulla tori. Illis haud iterum refovebitur igne caminus, Sponsave quod propria est sedula partis aget Non balbo proles gratabitur ore parenti, Curret in amplexus, prneripietve genas. 214 ARUNDINES CAMI. Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield, Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke ; How jocund did they drive their team a-field ! How bowed the woods beneath their sturdy stroke ! Let not Ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure ; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike the inevitable hour : The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye proud, impute to these the fault, If Memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise, Where through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault, The pealing anthem swells the note of praise. Can storied urn or animated bust Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath ? Can Honour's voice provoke the silent dust, Or Flattery soothe the dull cold ear of Death ? Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire ; Hands, that the rod of empire might have swayed, Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre. AltUNDINES CAMI. 215 Suppositis quoties resecabant falcibus arva, Versa gravi quoties vomere gleba fuit ! Ut lasti in tonsas jumenta egere novales, Quo ferro in silvis procubuere trabes ! Ambitio curas ne dedignetur honestas, Otiaque ignotis haud aliena focis ; Nee torvo excipiat contracta Superbia risu Pauperis historiam, sit brevis ilia, domi. Stemmata longa patrum, magnseque potentia famae, Quicquid forma potest addere, quicquid opes, Expectant pariter non evitabile tempus : Ipsius ad tumulum ducit Honoris iter. Nee vos, o proceres phalerati, id vertite culpse, Quod Pietas illis nulla tropaea locet, Qua per magnifici laquearia daedala templi Grandisonum volvunt organa pulsa melos. Quid tituli, quid sculpta juvabunt marmora? membris An sese insinuet spiritus arte redux? Gloria num tacitas exsuscitet ore favillas? Num Stygium tangant mollia verba Deum? Forsitan hac etiam neglecta in sede quiescant Quae coalo fuerant pectora feta suo ; Dextera, quae indomitos domuisset inulta Britannos, Vel poterat vivam solicitasse lyram. 216 ARUNDINES CAMI. But knowledge to their eyes her ample page, Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll; Chill Penury repressed their noble rage, And froze the genial current of the soul. Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear : Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air. Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless breast The little tyrant of his fields withstood ; Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest, Some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood. The applause of listening senates to command, The threats of pain and ruin to despise, To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read their history in a nation's eyes, Their lot forbad : nor circumscribed alone Their growing virtues, but their crimes confined ; Forbad to wade through slaughter to a throne, And shut the gates of mercy on mankind ; The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide, To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame, Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride With incense kindled at the Muse's flame. ARUNDINES CAMI. 217 Atqui non illis rcrum monumenta, nee amplas Temporis exuvias evoluisse datur : Frigida Paupertas generosos expulit ignes, Compressitque pigro corda animosque gelu. Plurima, quae raro splendet fulgore, sub imis Fontibus oceani gemma sepulta latet : Plurimus incultis nequicquam nascitur arvis Flosculus, et vacuum complet odore nemus. Hac, indignatus ruris dare colla tyranno, Brutus in obscura dormiat alter humo ; Inscius hie citharae Nasoque inglorius sevi, Nee vetita3 temerans fcedera Caesar aquas. Imperitare animo pendentis ab ore senatus, Temnere poenarum damna gravesque minas, Per gentes pleno diffundere munera cornu, Et scribi in populi vultubus urbis amor, Sorte negatum illis : nee, quae virtutibus essent Invida, nequitiae Fata dedere viam ; Sed vetuere armis male parta capessere regna, Et generi exitium deproperare suo ; Condere sinceros agitato in pectore motus, Luctari ingenuus nc rubor ora notet, Aut ferre ad tumidi cumulata altaria Luxus Pro pudor ! Aonii turea dona chori. 218 ARUNDINES CAMI. Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife, Their sober wishes never learned to stray ; Along the cool sequestered vale of life They kept the noiseless tenour of their way. Yet e'en these bones from insult to protect, Some frail memorial still erected nigh, With uncouth rhymes and shapeless sculpture decked, Implores the passing tribute of a sigh. Their name, their years, spelt by th' unlettered Muse, The place of fame and elegy supply : And many a holy text around she strews, That teach the rustic moralist to die. For who, to dumb Forgetfulness a prey, This pleasing anxious being e'er resigned, Left the warm precincts of the cheerful day, Nor cast one longing, lingering look behind? On some fond breast the parting soul relies, Some pious drops the closing eye requires ; E'en from the tomb the voice of Nature cries, E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires. For thee, who, mindful of th' unhonoured dead, Dost in these lines their artless tale relate ; If chance, by lonely Contemplation led, Some kindred spirit shall inquire thy fate, ARUNDINES CAMI. 219 Ambitione procul vesana ct lite forensi, Quisque suum placidc conficiebat iter: Per vita? ambages gratas in valle rcducta Carpebant tacitos ac sine labe dies. Hsec tamen ut pedibus sint ossa intacta profanis, E fragili saxo tollitur urna memor, Quae versu illepido, sculptisque sine arte figuris, Saspe viatorem sistere, flere monet. Musa rudis signat qua) nomina, computat annos, Quicquid laudis egent, suppeditare valet ; Aureaque excerpsit sacrato e codice dicta, QuaB doceant quid sit vivere, quidque mori. Solicitse quis enim, sic inimemor usque priorum, Delicias anima) deposuisse velit? Ecquis deseruit lsetse confinia lucis, Nee tulit ad superas ora reflexa plagas? Sese anima in gremium fugitiva receptat amicum. Ultima lacliryniulam flagitat hora piam : Vol de ferali clamat Natura sepulchro, Vel calet effeto fax rediviva rogo ! o Te vero, memorem turbos sine honore jacentis, Quern juvat infletas sic cecinisse vices, Si te forte dolens, anirao hue compulsus eodem, Advena, quae fuerint et tua fata, petat; 220 ARUNDINES CAMI. Haply some hoary-headed swain may say ; ' Oft have we seen him at the peep of dawn, Brushing with hasty steps the dews away, To meet the sun upon the upland lawn. There at the foot of yonder nodding beech, That wreaths its old fantastic roots so high, His listless length at noontide would he stretch, And pore upon the brook that babbles by. Hard by yon wood, now smiling as in scorn, Muttering his wayward fancies he would rove, Now drooping woeful wan, like one forlorn, Or crazed with care, or crossed in hopeless love. One morn I missed him on the 'customed hill, Along the heath and near his favourite tree ; Another came ; nor yet beside the rill, Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he : The next with dirges due in sad array Slow through the church-way path we saw him borne. Approach and read (for thou canst read) the lay, Graved on the stone beneath yon aged thorn.' tyfyz <£pttap!). Here rests his head upon the lap of Earth, A youth to fortune and to fame unknown, Fair Science frowned not on his humble birth, And Melancholy marked him for her own. ARUNDINES CAMf. 221 Dixerit, albescant cana cui fronte capilli ; ' Sa?pe novo juvencm vidimus ire die, Cum pede festino quateret de gramine rores, Staret ut in summis, sole oriente, jugis. Illic qua fagi patet umbra, vetustaque radix Lascive e summa tortilis exstat humo, Sole sub sestivo, molli porrectus in herba, Captabat murmur lene loquacis aqua?. Ad nemus ille vagans, risuque notandus amaro, Mussabat dubios, intima corda, sonos ; Vel miser et pallens sese incomitatus agebat, Deliro similis, quemve fefellit amor. Mane milii quodam, collis juga nota petenti, Arboris et soliti defuit hospes agri : Altera lux oritur : nee propter flumen, aprico Nee tamen in campo, nee nemora inter, erat, Tertia successit — planctus audimus — et inde Funeris elati triste notamus iter. Perlege (namque potes) tumulo superaddita verba, Surgit sub vetulo qua lapis ille rubo.' (Spttapfmtm. Hie recubat juvenis maternal in cespite terra? ; Fama latet : nullas vivus habebat opes : Sed genus ignotum non despexere Camense, Et puerum optavit lugubris Hora suum. 222 AltUNDINES CAMI. Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere, Heaven did a recompence as largely send : He gave to Misery all he had — a tear; He gained from Heaven — 't was all he wished — a friend. No further seek his merits to disclose, Or draw his frailties from their dread abode, (There they alike in trembling hope repose), The bosom of his Father and his God. Gray. ©nouglj's a Jftast. I went to the toad that lies under the wall, I charmed him out, and he came at my call; I scratched out the eyes of the owl before ; I tore the bat's wing — what would you have more? Gammer Gurton. <&\)\ truer tfms. Oh ! ever thus, from childhood's hour, Fve seen my fondest hopes decay ; I never loved a tree or flower, But 'twas the first to fade away. I never nursed a dear gazelle, To glad me with its soft black eye, But when it came to know me well, And love me, it was sure to die. Moore. ARUNDINES CAMI. 223 Ipse animi simplex largi, qua) reddidit ultro Largior, agnovit libera dona, Deus : Pauper pauperibus lacrymam, munuscula, fudit, Ex voto Coeli nactus amicitiam. Sed neque virtutes evolvere longius illas, Nee vitia a tenebris dissociare velis : Spe pariter tacitoque metu sub morte quiescunt, In Patris a)terno non adeunda sinu. J.H. M. Sbatts superque. Bufonem accessi sub pariete semper agentem, Vocibus elicui magicis, venitque vocatus: Alam divelli vespertilionis, ocellis Privato bubone prius — quid plura requiras? F. H. Sotc semper. Sic mihi de teneris spes infeliciter annis, Et vota et cupidoe praeteriere preces! Arbusta in silvis, in aprico flosculus horto — Sub manibus languent omnia pulcra meis. Si forte effusi mirantem fulgur ocelli, Jam me surpuerat cara capella mihi, Cum sciret vocem, peteret mea basia, mecum Luderet — invidit quilibet: ilia perit! H. D. 224 ARUNDINES CAMI. W>z Jttan in the Mtlotmess. The man in the wilderness asked me, 'How many strawberries grow in the sea?' I answered him, as I thought good ; ' As many as red herrings grow in the wood.' Gammer Gurton. ®foo (55£ntkm£it of Fcrona. The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou know'st, being stopped, impatiently doth rage But when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamell'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And by so many winding nooks he strays With willing sport to the wild ocean. Then let me go, and hinder not my course : HI be as patient as a gentle stream, And make a pastime of each weary step, Till the last step have brought me to my love; And there Til rest, as after much turmoil A blessed soul doth in Elysium. Shakspeare. ARUNDINES CAMI. 225 (Shiftmm in Dcsertis. Quidam in desertis blanda me voce rogabat, ' Fraga quot in pelagi fluctibus orta putcs ? ' Nee male quaesitis hoc respondere videbar, ' Salsa quot alecum millia silva ferat.' F. H. •^julta loquitur. Nonne vides, leni qui labitur agmine rivus, Spumeus exundat, mora si qua retardet euntem : Sin placidum nullo perfecerit objice cursum, Suave renidentis murmur per levia aren» Saxa ciet, lentumque siler mollesque genistas, Vix adeo tactis delibans oscula, lambit ? Atque ita per multos anfractus flexibus errat, Et ludit ludura, nullo retinente, procacem, Donee lascivo ponti se immisceat sestu. Sic precor, o virgo, nil me remoreris euntem ! Ipsa, sinas, referam tranquilla silentia rivi ; Atque via quamvis vestigia fessa reponam, Ibo iter et grati prsetexam nomine ludi ; Donee in extremo cursu jam reddar amanti Molliter, et blanda potiar contenta quiete ; Quali, operum vitre longique soluta laboris, Umbra per Elysios fruitur sine fine recessus. C. T. B. 15 226 ARUNDINES CAMI. ®&ts mtrotmcctJ) to mte ULtbrnrtc. dfrom mouttfcringc 866ancg' uarftc ^crtptnrtttm irougljtc, gitz folium tome£ 6y mDttftwsl) lalmurc fcor0ugl)ir ; $c sctte rljc Comma Imrnr, Papyri *»nr, &utr uncial Icttmnf totjarUc trrammartc. Wicto mit ffvltfytczmrtg in tfjcir rucjrrraae line; gtonlfcc SmltcS l sfoylfcc itiunntnc ! only ftuDtouc lottflc Sync ; eutnittflr, fofjerc ®ltrtuS mate ijabc firt lji£ tfjrone, Or Carrie ^ttbcixci labctcVOe I)te otunc, Drurie. ARUNDINES CAMI. 227 3Jn Jttusst met ntu'tu. PONTIFICU3I . VIDEAS . PENETRALIBUS . ERUTA . LABSIS ANTIQUAS . MONACHUM . VELLERA . PASSA . MANUS ET . VETERES . PUNCTO . SINE . DIVISORE . PAPYROS QU.EQUE . FREMIT . MONSTRIS . LITERA . PICTA . SUIS .ETATIS . DECJMM . SPECTES . INDUSTRIA . QUINTS QUAM.PULCHRA.ARCHETYPOS.IMPRIMAT. ARTE. DUCES ALDINAS . MDBS . INEUNS . ET . LIMINA . JUNTtE QUOSQUE . SUOS . STEPHANUS . VELLET . HABERE . LARES H.J. T. D. 15—2 228 ARUNDINES CAMI. ^reaotncc. 'Sir, will you please to walk before?' 1 No, pray, Sir, you are next the door : ' ' Upon my honour, I'll not stir' — ' Sir, I'm at home — consider, Sir ! ' 'Excuse me, Sir, I'll not go first:' ' Well, if I must be rude, I must — But yet I wish I could evade it ; "Tis strangely clownish — be persuaded.' Go forward, cits : go forward, squires : Nor scruple each what each admires. Life squares not, friends, with your proceeding, It flies while you display your breeding: Such breeding as one's grannam preaches, Or some old dancing master teaches. O for some rude tumultuous fellow, Half crazy, or at least half mellow, To come behind you unawares And fairly kick you both down stairs ! But, Death's at hand — let me advise ye ; Go forward, friends, or he'll surprise ye. Shenstone. &fjc quiet <&[$ Uatm. There was an old woman lived under a hill, And if she's not gone, she lives there still. Gammer Gurtcn. ARUNDINKS CAM I. 22Q }Pra;ccutrc. 1 1 vrm, pone sequar, Domine:' ' haud prceccdcrc possum:' 'I, precc tc rogito:' ' foribus quin proximus adstas!' * Juro Phcobcos crines, pede figor:' 'at haac est Nostra domus, reputa:' * veniam da, non prior ibo!' 1 Quam sit inurbanum novi, at parere necessc est ; Longe aliter facerem — .precor O succumbe roganti.' Ite, praeite aliis alii, vos quotquot ab urbe, Armigen quotquot proceres de rure : nee id quod Pectore ainat toto, sibi quisque assumere nolit. Vita brevis male se vestris accommodat hisce Usubus ; ilia fugit, dum vos ornatis ad unguem Exhibitos mores, quales docuisset ineptae Garrulitas avias, aut balbi prcecepta Bathylli. Asper et incultus veniat quis, sit simul idem Ebriolus, paulum aut demens, qui calce faceto Urgens de tergo, scalas abscondere cogat. Sed quid ego plura? En praesto stat Mors! nisi vultis Ire, haec attonitos protrudet et ire negantes. &nus tranquil In. Legit Anus sub colle domum : domus ilia morantem, Si non ipsa abeat, jam retinebit anum. F. H. 230 ARUNDINES CAMI. ^C 33u&. Lately on yonder swelling bush, Big with many a coming rose, This early bud began to blush, And did but half itself disclose : I plucked it, though no better grown ; And now you see how full 'tis blown. Still as I did the leaves inspire, With such a purple light they shone, As if they had been made of fire, And spreading so would flame anon. All that was meant by air and sun v To the young flower, my breath has done. If our loose breath so much can do, What may the same in forms of love, Of purest love and music too, When Flavia it aspires to move? AVhen that, which lifeless buds persuades To wax more soft, her youth invades? Waller. &o altered I loved thee beautiful and kind, And plighted an eternal vow : So altered are thy face and mind, 'Twere perjury to love thee now Prior. ARUNDINES CAM L 231 <3zmma. En ! ca qua foliis stct opcrta recentibus arbor, Et properet gravidas mox aperiro rosas, Haec prasmaturi prope conscia gemma ruboris Intempestivum est pandere visa caput. Hanc ego, sicut erat, summo de stemmate vulsi, Jamque patent tenerae quae latuere comae. Et quoties tepido caluit rosa percita flatu, Purpura per nitidas fulsit oborta genas; Ac veluti admotis auris caluere favillae, Afflatae visa est ignea forma rosae. Vis adeo solis faceret quod et ala Favoni, Hoc datur exiguo flamine posse mihi. Talia si possit nostri temere halitus oris, Idem quid tenero non in amore potest? Purus amor quoties citharae se commodet arti, Et tremat assiduis Flavia mota labris ? Cum, tulit exanimes qui sub juga mollia gemmas, Virginis invadat spiritus ille sinum ? J. H. 'STempora mutantur. Pulcram te facie atque mente amabam Juratus — fateor. Quid ergo ? mentem Mutasti, faciemque. Amare porro Perjuri foret, haud proci fidelis. F. W. 232 ARUNDINES CAMI. ©f)e first <$xizi. v Oh call my brother back to me, I cannot play alone: The summer comes with flower and bee : Where is my brother gone? The butterfly is glancing bright Along the sunbeam's track ; I care not now to chase its flight : O call my brother back. The flowers run wild, the flowers we sowed Around our garden-tree; Our vine is drooping with its load : O call him back to me ! ' ' He would not hear my voice, fair child ; He may not come to thee : The face, that once like spring-time smiled, On earth no more thou'lt see. A flower's brief bright life of joy, Such unto him was given : Go, thou must play alone, my boy ! Thy brother is in heaven.' ARUND1NES CAMI. 233 primus Dolor. 4 revoca fratrem, revoca, carissima mater ; Solus cnim nequco ludere, fessus ero. Cum pictis apibus, venit cum floribus ajstas : Die quibus in caecis abditur ille locis? Trans jubar aurati volitans mutabile solis Ala papilio versicolorc micat ; Et micet incolumis ; per me volitabit inultus : redeat nostram frater, ut ante, domum ! Intonsi exultant flores, quern sevimus hortum ; Arbore sub patula qua) rubuere rosae : Vitis dependet crassis onerata racemis : Si revocas fratrem, tu mihi mater eris.' 'Heu! non audiret matrem, formose, vocantem, Quem poterunt nulla? solicitare preces: Ille oculus ridens, faciesque simillima veri, Et nos et nostrum destituere diem. Sole sub aprico quid si breve carpserit revum? Splendida decidui tempora floris habet. I, puer, et ludos tecum meditare novellos ; Nee geme, quod coolis gaudeat ille suis.' 234 ARUNDINES CAMI. • And has he left the birds and flowers ? And must I call in vain ? And through the long long summer-hours Will he not come again? And by the brook and in the glade Are all our wanderings o'er ? O ! while my brother with me played Would I had loved him more!' Herri ans. With fairest flowers, Whilst summer lasts, and I live here, Fidele, I'll sweeten thy sad grave : thou shalt not lack The flower, that's like thy face, pale primrose; nor The azure harebell, like thy veins; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, which not to slander, Out-sweetened not thy breath : the ruddock would, With charitable bill (0 bill, sore shaming Those rich left heirs, that let their fathers lie Without a monument !) bring thee all this ; Yea, and furred moss beside,' when flowers are none, To winter-ground thy corse. Shakspeare. ARUNDINES CAM I. 235 • Ergo abit, et volucres et gemmea prata rcliquit ? Et mea nequicquam vox rcpetita sonat ? Immemor et nostri, per toedia longa dierum, Per totam sestatem non venit usque mini? Nee rursum in viridi reduces errabimus umbra? Ad nemus, ad fontes, incomitatus earn ? Dure puer, qui tot dulces neglexeris horas, Nee dederis fratri basia plura tuo!' H. D. JFtotks Stimulus. Tuum, Fidele, floribus pulcerrimis, Dum durat sestas, incolamque me vident Hsec rura, funus contegam : pallentium, Tui instar oris, primularum copia Haud deerit, aut colore venas semulans Hyacinthus, aut odora frons cynosbati: Qua?, nee calumniamur, haud erat tuo, Odora quamvis, spiritu fragrantior. Tibi haBC vetustse more mansuetudinis (0 mos pudori prodigis hasredibus, Inhumata patrum qui relinquunt corpora !) llubecularum vilis hospitalitas Afferret ; imo plura ; namque mortuis His omnibus, cubile musco sterneret, Brumaque te curaret, ut viresceres. F. B. 236 ARUNDINES CAMI. ®o OTercs. Ceres, most bounteous lady, thy rich leas Of wheat, rye, barley, vetches, oats and peas ; Thy turfy mountains, where live nibbling sheep, And flat meads thatched with stover, them to keep : Thy bank with pionied and twilled brims, Which spungy April at thy hest betrims, To make cold nymphs chaste crowns ; and thy broom- groves, Whose shadow the dismissed bachelor loves, Being lass-lorn ; thy pole-clipt vineyard ; And thy sea-marge sterile and rocky-hard, Where thou thyself dost air — the Queen o 1 the sky, Whose watery arch, and messenger am I, Bids thee leave these ; and with her sovereign grace, Here on this grass-plot, in this very place, To come and sport : her peacocks fly amain ; Approach, rich Ceres, her to entertain. Shakspeare. ®f)e Dilemma. If all the world were apple-pie, And all the seas were ink, And all the trees were bread and cheese, My stars ! what should we drink ? Gammer Gurton. AKUNDINES CAM!. 237 &o OFcmem. Diva Ceres, opulenta, tihi htec Junonia longc Jussa fero, cujus liquidis in nubibus Iris Ipsa per aethcrios labor prnenuntia tractus. Jamne tuas multa vibrantes messe novales, Triticeamque ultro segetem, viciamque, fabamque, Linquis, et erectae penetrabile culmen avenae ? Jamne tuos montes, ovium et rodentia saecla, Et, tutela vagi pecoris, quae plurima sepes Implicitis pianos distinxit cratibus agros? Jamne et ripicolas fluviorum in margine flores, Lilia paeoniamque, Aprilia dona, rubentem, Usum in nympharum, et nuribus redimicula castis ? At neque te multo vindemia consita palo, Quaeque genistarum laesis stat amantibus umbra, Detineat ; nee litus inops, ignavaque saxa, ^Equoris in scatebris ubi mollia frigora captas. Sic Kegina jubet, tecum ha3c viridaria ludo Quae tercre, et dulces dignatur inire choreas. At bijugis actos pavonibus aspice currus! Ipsa veni, Dominamque pio. Diva, accipe vultu. C. M. Ucxatn (Suastfo. Si Terra e pistis constaret inhospita pomis, Si foret Oceanus vasti lacus atramenti, Si folia in silvis panisque et caseus essent — Pro facinus ! per ego hos oculos, per sidera, vellem Discere, quid biberent sitientia saecla virorum ! H. D. 23S ARUNDINES CAM!. (S&bem'ng. Hail, ineek-eyed maiden, clad in sober grey, Whose soft approach the weary woodman loves, As homeward bent to kiss his prattling babes, Jocund he whistles through the twilight groves. When Phoebus sinks behind the gilded hills, You lightly o'er the misty meadows walk ; The drooping daisies bathe in honey-dews, And nurse the nodding violet's tender stalk. The panting Dryads that in day's fierce heat To inmost bowers and cooling caverns ran, Return to trip in wanton evening dance ; Old Silvan too returns, and laughing Pan. To the deep wood the clamorous rooks repair, Light skims the swallow o'er the watery scene ; And from the sheep-cote and fresh-furrowed field Stout ploughmen meet, to wrestle on the green. The swain, that artless sings on yonder rock, His supping sheep and lengthening shadow spies; Pleased with the cool, the calm, refreshful hour, And with hoarse humming of unnumbered flies. ARUNDINKS CAM I. 239 Te placido vultu glaucaquc in veste, Puella, Leniter ingressam fessus arator amat ; Dumque domura repetens balbcc parat oscula proli, In dubia nemorum luce jocosa canit. Cum sub purpurcos condit sol luraina montes, Tu levis incedens prata vapore tegis; Lilia mellifero perfundis rore per herbam ; Nutantem violam tu fragilemque foves. Qusb Dryades rapidi fugerunt verbera Phoebi, Qua gelidas sedes antra reducta dabant, Lasciva properant reduces saltare chorea ; Pan quoque Silvano cum sene festus adest. Stagna supervolitans levis sethera tranat hirundo, Cornices siluas, garrula turba, petunt : A grege composito sulcoque recente coloni Certatum in viridi congrediuntur humo. Aspicit, exercens pastor sine lege Camenam, Ccenantum ut pecudum longior umbra cadat; Ilium etiam gelidi tranquilla silentia mulcent Temporis, et rauco plurima musca sono. 240 ARUNDINES CAMI. Now every Passion sleeps ; desponding Love, And pining Envy, ever-restless Pride ; A holy calm creeps o'er my peaceful soul. Anger and mad Ambition's storms subside. modest Evening ! oft let me appear A wandering votary in thy pensive train ; Listening to every wildly-warbling throat, That fills with farewell sweet thy darkening plain. Warton. diffusion of Useful Unofolrtrge. In garret high, choked up with books, Worn in his garments as his looks, Lanker in limb than dustman's shovel, But well to do in self approval, A Scholar sat, above the crowd, And thus soliloquised aloud. ' heaven-sent precept ! happy chance, That shamed me of my ignorance, Laid useless science on the shelf, And bid me only know myself! O noble toil with triumph crowned, Deep truth in deeper study found ! How long in silence have I been The cleverest, sweetest, best of men ! Let me display myself unfurled To the profoundly nescient world. The secret of all knowledge is to show it : He only knows, whom people know to know it.' ARUNDINES CAMI. 241 Nunc posuere animi ; nunc aegra Superbia dormit ; Livorque insomnis speque relictus Amor; Fundit sancta quies optatam in pectora pacem ; Nee furit Ambitio, nee levis Ira tumet. Sit mihi, sit tecum meditanti errare per agros; Me, virgo, sociis adde modesta tuis : Sit mihi saepe vaga volucrum gaudere querela, Quae tua, dum recinit, personat arva, Vale! &cire tuum ntfnl est nisi te scire fcoc sctat alter. Ardua dum coleret spissis ccenacula libris, Squallenti vultu et squallidiore toga, Haec Sophus esuriens (non de grege porcus obeso, Ast animo turgens nee male pastus) ait ; ' Quam bene de ccelo descendit yvwQi aeaurov' Quam bene judicio comprobor ipse meo ! Quod latuit didici, et multum latuisse fatebor ; Ecce! placens, hilaris, bellus, amcenus, homo. Ibo, me ostendam populo, totique suburrae; Ni sciat hoc alter, scire meum nihil est.' H. D. 16 242 ARUNDINES CAM I. Uafo antf dBpttg. Law and Equity are two things which God has joined, but which man hath put asunder. Colton. ®hc 3&tber=€ourse. Smooth to the shelving brink a copious flood Rolls fair and placid, where collected all In one impetuous torrent down the steep It thundering shoots, and shakes the country round. At first an azure sheet it rushes broad ; Then whitening by degrees, as prone it falls, And from the loud-resounding rocks below, Dashed in a cloud of foam, it sends aloft A hoary mist, and forms a ceaseless shower. Nor can the tortured wave here find repose; But raging still amid the shaggy rocks, Now flashes o'er the scattered fragments, now Aslant the hollowed channel rapid darts ; And falling fast from gradual slope to slope, With mild infracted course and lessened roar It gains a safer bed, and steals at last Along the mazes of the quiet vale. Thomson. ARUNDINES CAMI. 243 3Jus Injuria. Justitiam Numen junxit cum Lege ; sed eheu ! Quas junxit Numen, dissociavit Homo. B.H.K. Becursus &qim. Composito fluctu devexse allabitur orae Largior exundans amnis; qua pronus aquarum Collectam vim prsecipitat per saxa deorsum Cum sonitu, validoque cadens quatit impete ripas. Primum cseruleus decurrere, et agmine lato Ire individuus torrens ; turn albescere eundo, Jamque lacessitus scopulis clamantibus infra, Grandibus implicitam spumis submittere, matrem Imbris inexhausti, nebulam : neque mobilis unda Qua requiescat habet : furit inter scrupea saxa, Jamque voluta micat per fragmina, jamque videtur Transvolitare cavas obliqua aspergine rupes : Mox loca per clivosa levi pede desilit humor Lubricus, indocilis ; dum, decrescente fragore, Planitiem campi et secura cubilia nactus Perrepit vallem incurvam taciturnior amnis. T. S. E. 16—2 24=4 ARUNDINES CAMI. tEo a lUtlg. The adorning thee with so much art Is but a barbarous skill: 'Tis but the poisoning of the dart, Too apt before to kill. Nella selva ombrosa, Dove fu colta un di, Paventa ognor nascosa La rete che la tradi; E sempre con timor Dal cacciator Guardinga se ne sta Per la sua liberta Quella cervetta. Dal mormorio d'ogni onda, Dal moto d'ogni fronda, Dal fiato d'ogni auretta, Sempre temendo va Laccio, o saetta. Anon. Apostolo Leno. ARUNDINES CAMI. 245 ^ciuns sagi'ttas cote truenta. Barbaricum est tanta quod te colis arte ; veneni, Ut sit letalis, non tua cuspis eget. Barbara, quod tanta fulges ornatior arte, Apta nimis stragi spicula felle linis. EI2 "EAAOON. AA2Y2KION naff u\av, OV OIKTVOIS TTO& tj\W) eXcMpos rts ovpidpewTa crtodeta o/jlws (pofieiTai To.v irpiv irpooovcrav apuvv KctpacoKovcrct o et irov Kvvayos ev Aoyjxaicxi, iuo\t? (piXou 7too oloeu e^ovaa 7rayidos €^w. 'i ' ,/a» *'ft ^ "/ WGT , eitf vowp /ca^Aa^ot, >//V 'I ft. I eiu wve/jios oovoirj Ta (pvWa, (71^ VTravXcov, aAAco? tci ttclvt av eirj evecpa, to. Tvavra ro^ov. B. H. K. B. H. K. H. I. S. M. 246 ARUNDINES CAMI. & mofc for tfjE jpool's badfc. None are so seldom found alone, and are so soon tired of their own company, as those coxcombs, who are on the best terms with themselves. Colton. W>z Jttan of ^bessalrj. There was a man of Thessaly, And he was wondrous wise; He jumped into a gooseberry-bush, And scratched out both his eyes: And when he saw his eyes were out, With all his might and main He jumped into another bush, And scratched them in again. Gammer Gorton. t^bts ts also bam'tg. We ask advice, but we mean approbation. Colton. ARUNDINES CAMI. 247 jSunquam magis solus quam cum solus. Quod non tecum habitare potes, non solus es unquam, Prodigium est, tantum qui tibi, Balbe, places. B. H. K. tyix ^fjessalus. ES ov TV"xpvTiov QeTTaXos rts rjv avtjp, 09 epyov 67re^e iprjcre Thrj/xovcGTaTov a.Kavdo~vr]VOKOKKopaTOv e'i(xr)Aa.To, o'tcrcras t ave^iopv^ev o(pda\fxwv nopas. ws ovv Tot trpa-^QevT ef$Ae7rev rv(p\os yeyu>s 9 ov fxr\v VTreirTY}^' ovcev, a\\' evKapo'iws (dcltov tiv aXArjv i]\a.T el? anavOivriv, kcik tovo eyeveT e%au9i$ e'/c Tvoi(3o$ AaKXtiTTiaciaaiu TrapeowKe (papfxctKa 7ro\v7roi'oi aoi tovto reXevrq. Kai tov ev XaXf/3ecro"t oa/xa'Cei i , r ~ Kai a ev atpuKToiai -^epwv eiXe 6ea ceafxois' AUUND1NES CAM I. 251 &lCE8t(S. Pennis volavi per liquidum aethera Scientiarum deliciis vacans, Suavesque tentavi recessus Pieridum vitreosque fontes ; Sed cuncta fraenat dura Necessitas, Quocunque vertor, non superabilis ; Non ipse commisit tabellis Threiciis medicamen Orpheus ; Non iEsculapi toxica filiis Pho3bus, medentis pocula, miscuit ; Quae jura et obsceni valerent Imperium temerare Fati. Ilia et Dearum sola tepentibus Invidit aris; ilia vel hostias Spernit reluctantes, et odit Marmoreal simulacra formae. O Diva, — nam tu concilias Jovem Et sceptra mundi — da placidam mihi Transire vitam : tu metalli Duritiem Chalybumque frangis Immane ferrum ; nee pudet indolem Fovisse torvam. Quo fugies, miser Admete? te fatale Numen Retibus implicuit dolosis ! 252 • ARUNDINES CAMI. ToX/xa o ' ov yap ava- ^eis 7tot evepdev Kka'iwv tows (pOifJievous avio. KCLl OeiOV CTKOTLOl (pO'lVOVGL 7raices ev da.va.Tip, ->. etxpaivixiv, too epei avTa 7TOT6 7rpoh0avev avopov, vvv 6 eo~Ti /uaKaipa caiixwv. X ai P ? w totvi , ev oe ooit]£. Toiai viv irpocrepouai (pdfiai. Euripides. >ofo fcTne tro ? One misty moisty morning, When cloudy was the weather, There I met an old man Clothed all in leather, With cap under his chin : How d'ye do? and how d'ye do? and how d'ye do again? Gammer Gurton. ARUNDINES CAMI. 253 Sed ne queraris: nam neque lenient Plutona fletus illacrjmabilem ; Et ipsa descendit sub umbras Cimmerias soboles Deorum. Qua) grata nostris vixit amoribus, Ilia in lacerto mortis amatior, Virtutis exemplar pudicse Conjugibus socioque lecto. Quin ilia fcedi cespitis immemor Errabit inter ccelicolum domos, Nigrisque mutabit cupressis ElysisQ juga laeta silvse ; Dicentque voces prsetereuntium Fauces sepulcri ; ' Sideribus vale Adscripta, pro caro libenter Ausa mori mulier marito ! ' H. D. (SuomotJo tu balens? Mane vagans inter nebulas et flumina roris, Cum pluvio nubes incubuere polo, Cuidam occurrebam domito senioribus annis; Ille senex corio totus amictus erat, Pileolo mentum substrictus. Sa)pe rogabam, ' Quomodo tu valeas? quomodo tu valeas?' Atque iterum atque iterum mussabat uterque rogando, ' Quomodo tu valeas? quomodo tu valeas?' F. H. 254 ARUNDINES CAMI. <©n tije Spring. Lo ! where the rosy-bosomed Hours, Fair Venus' train appear, Disclose the long-expecting flowers, And wake the purple year ! The attic warbler pours her throat Responsive to the cuckoo's note, The untaught harmony of spring : While, whispering pleasures as they fly, Cool Zephyrs through the clear blue sky Their gathered fragrance fling. Where'er the oak's thick branches stretch A broader browner shade ; Where'er the rude and moss-grown beech O'er-canopies the glade ; Beside some water's rushy brink With me the Muse shall sit, and think (At ease reclined in rustic state) How vain the ardour of the crowd, How low, how little are the proud, How indigent the great. Still is the toiling hand of Care : The panting herds repose : Yet hark, how through the peopled air The busy murmur glows ! A RUN DINES CAMI. 255 3jtt VtX. Conveniunt roseis suffusac risibus Horae, Veris honos, Paphiae gratia prima Dese. Dulcis ab hiberno surrexit Flora cubili ; Nee mora, purpureas explicat annus opes. Atthis, et alterna respondens voce cucullus, Indoctis iterant carmina verna modis ; Dum festo interea reparans sua gaudia flatu, Co3ruleum Zephyrus mulcet odore polum. Quercus ubi radios obscuris frondibus arcet, Latior et saltus, densior umbra, subest ; Frigida qua pinus, muscoque recondita fagus, Suppositas nectunt pensile tegmen humo; Sit mihi, dum luxus atque otia rustica carpo, Et jaceo ad ripas dulce morantis aqua?, Sit mihi cum Musa vulgi spectare tumultus, Qualia cum quanto vota furore petat ; Quam vacuo tumeat vesana Superbia fastu ; Quae sit in egregia nobilitate fames ! Rusticus excepit posito sudore quietem, Otia per campos fessa juvenca petit : Audin', queis turbis glomerata frequentibus aura Ferveat, assiduis vivida facta sonis ? 256 ARUNDINES CAMI. The insect youth are on the wing, Eager to taste the honied spring, And float amid the liquid noon : Some lightly o'er the current skim, Some shew their gaily-gilded trim Quick glancing to the sun. To Contemplation's sober eye Such is the race of man : And they that creep, and they that fly, Shall end where they began. Alike the busy and the gay But flutter through life's little day, In fortune's varying colours drest : Brushed by the hand of rough Mischance, Or chilled by age, their airy dance They leave, in dust to rest. Methinks I hear in accents low The sportive kind reply; Poor moralist ! and what art thou ? A solitary fly ! Thy joys no glittering female meets, No hive hast thou of hoarded sweets, No painted plumage to display ; On hasty wings thy youth is flown ; Thy sun is set, thy spring is gone : We frolic while 'tis May. Gray. ARUNDINES CAMI. 257 Daodala funduntur flores examina circum, Laetaque mclliferara depopulantur humum ; Aliger hie miles liquido fluitare sub aestu, Ille amat in summa ludere fontis aqua; Atque alius, volitans super aethera praepete cursu, Corporis ostendit versicoloris opes. Qui bene composita spectat mortalia mente, Sub paribus sentit legibus esse viros : Qui cohibent gressus et qui velocius urgent, Ad metam, modo quam deseruere, volant. Sorte nitent varia, fato sternuntur eodem, Qui sequitur vitse gaudia, quique fugit : Quocunque ereptus casu, sub pulvere dormit Pulvis, et aerii conticuere chori. Forte aliquis cui cura joci, cui ludere cordi est, ' Quid melius, tantum qui sapis,' inquit, ' habes ? 1 Solus es, et nulla est cui jungas oscula conjux ; ' Nulla domus, liquidas qua3 tibi condat opes. ' Non tua per coelum pictos fert ala colores, ' Maturus periit flos tuus ante diem : ' Sol tibi discessit ; cecidit tibi gloria veris : ' Nos sequimur nostros, dum sinit hora, jocos.' W. G. H. 17 258 ARUNDINES CAMI. progress of gttibtce. Says Richard to Thomas — and seem'd half afraid — ' I'm thinking to marry my mistress's maid. Now because Mrs Lucy to thee is well known, 111 do't if thou bid'st me, or let it alone. Now don't make a jest on't ; 'tis no jest to me, In faith I'm in earnest, so prithee be free. I have no fault to find with the girl since I knew her, But Fd have thy advice ere I tie myself to her.' Says Thomas to Richard, ' To speak my opinion, There's not such a brute in king George's dominion ; And I firmly believe, if you knew her as I do, Thou would'st choose out a whipping post first to be tied to. She's peevish, she's thievish, she's ugly, she's old, And a liar and a fool and a slut and a scold.' Next day Richard hastened to Church and was wed, And at night had informed her all Thomas had said. Shenstone. UtttU 23og asiuet. Little boy Bluet, come blow me your horn, The cow's in the meadow, the sheep in the corn : But where is the little boy tending his sheep? He's under the hay-cock fast asleep. rurton. ARUNDINES CAMI. 259 Witm (JTonsilio. ' Mi Thoma,' Ricardus ait, simul anxius oris, 'Ancillam venit in mentem mihi ducere herilem. Quando igitur tarn nota tibi sit Lucia, si tu Suaseris, hoc faciam ; si non, rem prorsus omittam. Parce cacbinnari ; ncqueo indulgere cachinnis, Seria ago : quare die libera verba, sodalis. Nullam, ex quo novi, detexi in virgine culpam : Ante tamen vellem, quam res sit facta, moneri.' Cui Thomas male salsus, ' Ut omnia vera recludam, Nulla est in toto tam bruta et sordida regno Femina! quin credo, si tu modo tam bene noras, Lictoris ca3di virgis, quam ducere, malles. Aspera, fur eadem, deformis, pejor ob annos, Mendax. immunda, et stolida est, et cognita rixis.' Postera lux oritur : Ricardus ducit amatam ; Et monitus Thomae sub nocte edixerat omnes! B. CjErule parve puer, cornu mihi fortiter infles : Vacca premit segetes, prata pererrat ovis: Pro pudor ! hie modus est quo, pastor, ovilia curas, Sub foeno domitus membra sopore gravi? . H. 17—2 260 ARUNDINES CAMI. Borneo. 0, my love ! my wife ! Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty : Thou art not conquer'd ; beauty's ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips, and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there. Tybalt, ly'st thou there in thy bloody sheet? O, what more favour can I do to thee, Than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain, To sunder his that was thine enemy? Forgive me, cousin ! Ah, dear Juliet, Why art thou yet so fair ? Shall I believe That unsubstantial death is amorous ; And that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour? For fear of that, I will still stay with thee ; And never from this palace of dim night Depart again: here will I remain With worms that are thy chamber-maids ; O, here Will I set up my everlasting rest; And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars From this world-wearied flesh. Shakspeare. ARUNDINES CAM!. 2fil PQMEfiN. Q koinoaektpon fp'iXTciTov irpoo-(p6eyiJL e/xoi, eoinev ''Aorjs, Ka'nrep ovk e/txirvovv TiQeis, ov tov ye kcIXXovs Ttjaoe trw ixopfprj^ Kpareiv. ae o ov cafxijva'i (prjfxi' naXX'ixpws cti ■^eiXwu irpeTrei tc /ecu waprjicos yapis, Xvyaia 6 o'vira) crtj/uaT rj/uetyj/ev fjiOopas. ovto kovk av too lepov vvktos enAtiroi/x €Tt oiKrj/UL epe/nvr}^, woe avvvaiwv ojxov o~KwXr]<~i, /uLOUvais aaiai 7rpocnroXois Ae^ovs. avTov tov aei OaXa/xov wpvaco davoov' tov fxopai/iov yap ovaTvy^eo'TaTov t^vyov eK Ttjs Kctfwvarjs Trjace Xwfptjau) oeptjs- T. S. W. 262 ARUNDINES CAMI. %\yz pirate's jparcfodl. Farewell! farewell! — the voice you hear Has left its last soft tone with you; Its next must join the seaward cheer, And shout among the shouting crew. The accents, which I scarce could form Beneath your frown's controlling check, Must give the word, above the storm, To cut the mast and clear the wreck. The timid eye I dared not raise, The hand that shook when pressed to thine, Must point the guns upon the chase, Must bid the deadly cutlass shine. To all I love or hope or fear, Honour or own, a long adieu! To all that life has soft and dear, Farewell — save memory of you! Scott. 3J flatter mrjself. If I were a cobler, I'd make it my pride The best of all coblers to be. If I were a tinker, no tinker beside Should mend an old kettle like me. Hall. ARUNDINES CAMI. 263 Strata Falfuictto. . Vale ! supremam nostra vox dulcedinem Tecum rcliquit : ah ! vale, Dilecta virgo ! Nunc strepente nautico Clamore primus audiar. Qui proferebam blanda vix suspiria Vultu pavescens sub tuo, Malum recidi turbidos inter notos, Quassamque purgari ratem, Clarus jubebo. Qui levare conscia Non ausus in te lumina, Qui tarn tremiscens contigi manum tuam, Belli excitatus impetu, Tormenta in hostes dirigam sequacia, Gladiumque tollam fulgidum. Qusecunque amoris dona, gloriaB, spei Fuistis infausto mihi, Valete, longum ! semper at tui memor Manebit hie miserrimus. P. H. Fultus erat praeclara mmantts. El Tvyyavov aKUTOTOfAOs wv, (ppovcov ye TtikuiovTov twu aKUTOTO/uoou av ev^onxriv iravTwv aptcrTos eivai. el 6 av XefirjTiaTpos, ovo av eh XefSrjTiaTpcov Tcvpoppayrj KpeiTTcvv av yjv e/uou Aepr/T aKeiauai. R. S. 264 ARUNDINES CAMI. ®fte Pg an& tf)c piper's &on. Tom, Tom, the piper's son, Stole a pig, and away he run: The pig was eat, and Tom was beat, And Tom ran crying down the street. Gammer Gurton. Jfflg i&attbe V ale. Dear is my little native vale, The ringdove builds and murmurs there, Close to my cot she tells her tale To every passing villager ; The squirrel leaps from tree to tree, And shells his nuts at liberty. Through orange-groves and myrtle-bowers, That breathe a gale of fragrance round, I charm the fairy-footed hours With the loved lute's romantic sound; Or crowns of living laurel weave, For those that win the race at eve. The Shepherd's horn at break of day, The ballet danced in twilight shade; The canzonet and roundelay Sung in the silent greenwood glade, These simple joys that never fail Shall bind me to my native vale. Rogers. ARUNDINES CAMI. 265 ^orcus ct ©tttwrfetac jftltus. Ille citharistse filius, Thomas, Thomas nominatus, Porculo surrepto currit : Porcus cito manducatus, Thomas, cito verberatus, Ululans per vicum fur it, Ululans per vicum furit. b\ H. ITallts Jiatalts. Vallis amo latebras et parvula rura paternge, Qua gemit in viridi blanda columba domo, Qua mollem assidui fabellam narrat amoris, Pagano nostram praBtereunte casam : Mus saliens omni Silvester ab arbore pendet, Lsetasque impavido pascitur ore nuces. Hie citreos inter fructus myrtique sub umbra, Dum vagus a patulis floribus halat odor, Fallimus alipedes, positi feliciter, horas Dilectse sonitu suaviloquente lyrae ; Seu placeat vivas magis internectere lauros, Si quis Olympiacum vespere currat iter. Sub matutinum pastoris buccina solem, Saltibus impliciti, sole cadente, pedes ; Quodque lyrae canitur, vel quos modulatur arundo, Inter Hamadryadum frondea rura, choros; Simplicis haec durant casta oblectamina vitse, Et teneor magno vallis amore mea3. H. D. 266 ARUNDINES CAMI. Qty ULotos OBaters. How sweet it were, hearing the downward stream, With half-shut eyes ever to seem Falling asleep in a half-dream ! To dream and dream, like yonder amber light, Which will not leave the myrrh bush on the height; To hear each other's whispered speech; Eating the lotos, day by day, To watch the crisping ripples on the beach, And tender curving lines of creamy spray : To lend our hearts and spirits wholly To the influence of mild-minded melancholy ; To muse and brood and live again in memory, With the old faces of our infancy Heaped over with a mound of grass, Two handfuls of white dust shut in an urn of brass. Tennyson. ®o Jtafeet. To market, to market, to buy a plum bun ; Home again, home again, market is done. Gammer Gurton. ARUNDINES CAMI. 267 Ut lentis juvat imminere somnis, Et proni sonitum tcnere rivi, Dum marcent oculi, diesque fessis Intermortua palpebris hebescit ; Inque oblivia grata diffluentes, Vixdum, ceu jubar aureum, morari, Quod summis nemorum comis adhaerens Sistit languidulo nitore noctem ! Haurire ut comitum leves susurros; Loton carpcre, prandiis vacare : Ut fluctus maris interosculantes Spectare, et teneros cientis orbes Spumse lacteolos sequi meatus! His nee Moestitia) placens imago Dulcem desinat implicare fraudem, Qua) nos surripiat proterva nobis. Sic fas sit sine fine somniare; Sic in condita temporum relabi: Dum visa) veteres subesse formae, Quas infantia noverit, Penatum, Et suetse species et ora nostrum, Qua) cespes premit et recondit urna Selibra cineris coacta cani. c. M. Vade forum, tu vade forum, confectaque prunis Liba erne ; res illic acta ; recurre domum. F. H. 268 ARUNDINES CAMI. l^arp of tf)£ Jiorti). Harp of the North, farewell! The hills grow dark, On purple peaks a deeper shade descending ; In twilight copse the glow-worm lights her spark ; The deer half-seen are to the covert wending. Resume thy wizard elm! the fountain lending, And the wild breeze, thy wilder minstrelsy ; Thy numbers sweet with nature's vespers blending, With distant echo from the fold and lea, And herdboy's evening pipe and hum of housing bee. Yet once again farewell, thou minstrel harp ! Yet once again forgive my feeble sway ; And little reck I of the censure sharp May idly cavil at an idle lay. Much have I owed thy strains on life's long way, Through secret woes the world has never known, When on the weary night dawned wearier day, And bitterer was the grief devoured alone. That I o'erlive such woes, Enchantress, is thine own! Scott. ARUNDINES CAMI. 269 Cttljara GDalc&onta. Orta Caledoniis valeas, Cithara, orta sub antris! Purpureis major montibus umbra cadit: Emicat in saltu serae lampyridos ignis, Cerva petit tectum semireducta nemus. Tu magicam repetas ulmum ; fontique ministres, Et rudibus ventis, quae rudiora sonas ; Dum tibi respondet pleni concentus ovilis, Et pecudum a longo vox repetita jugo ; Nee vespertini cessat pastoris arundo, Nee prima reducum nocte susurrus apum. Ergo iterum valeas, Cithara, acceptissima vati! De nostris habeas crimina nulla modis : Non horrere meum est linguam censoris acuti, Si qua levi dicto vox leve vellat opus. Multa tuis modulis, per longse tsedia vitae, Debuit arcanis mens mea pressa malis; Cum pepulit noctis tristes lux tristior umbras, Curaque erat gravior, quam sine teste tuli. Quod mihi per tantos suffecit vita labores, Quod spiro et valeo, muneris omne tui est. B. H. D. 270 ARUNDINES CAMI. JWolocf). My sentence is for open war : of wiles More unexpert I boast not; them let those Contrive who need, or when they need, not now. For while they sit contriving, shall the rest, Millions that stand in arms and longing wait The signal to ascend, sit lingering here Heaven's fugitives, and for their dwelling-place Accept this dark opprobrious den of shame, The prison of his tyranny, who reigns By our delay? No, let us rather choose, Armed with hell flames and fury, all at once, (Ter heaven's high towers to force resistless way, Turning our tortures into horrid arms Against the torturer ; when to meet the noise Of his almighty engine he shall hear Infernal thunder, and for lightning see Black fire and horror shot with equal rage Among his angels, and his throne itself Mixed with Tartarean sulphur, and strange fire, His own invented torments. Milton. ARUNDINES CAMI. 271 Jilolocrj loquitur. Bella placent nobis : nobis ars unica bellum, Nee plures didicisse volo : quibus utile, caecas Consilii ambages jactent arteraque sequantur. Non hoc ista sibi tempus molimina poscit; Nam dum quisque dolos texit vafer atque retexit, En ! coclo profuga3 stant circum mille cohortes, Armatisque fremunt dextris, et signa reposcunt Expectata diu, si quando limina coeli Aspiciant : nostri interea nigrantia lustra Sedibus optatis fcedique opprobria mutant Carceris, atque alii tradunt sua regna morando. Quin potius flammis Erebi caecoque furore Armati simul irruimus, cursuque per auras Prsecipiti summas cceli superavimus arces, Torquentes nova tela manu, tormentaque ab ipso Addita, et in coslum coeli convertimus iras. Audiet ille suum ad fulmen reboantia regna Inferno tonitru, nee nostras fulgura turmas Defuerint; tanto fremitu furor evomet atros Inter coelicolas ignes, soliumque replebit Sulfure Tartareo et piceae caligine nubis, Effundetque novas flammas, inventa tyranni. •Q-.C. 272 ARUNDINES CAMI. 1 %ty aSurial of &tr gjofm Jfloore. Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note, As his corse to the ramparts we hurried; Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot, O'er the grave where our hero we buried. We buried him darkly at dead of night, The sod with our bayonets turning, By the struggling moonbeam's misty light, And the lanthorn dimly burning. No useless coffin enclosed his breast, Nor in sheet nor in shroud we wound him, But he lay like a warrior taking his rest With his martial cloak around him. Few and short were the prayers we said, And we spoke not a word of sorrow ; But we stedfastly gazed on the face of the dead, As we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought as we hollowed his narrow bed, And smoothed down his lonely pillow, That the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, And we far away on the billow ! ARUNDINES CAMI. 273 Butt's ©xsequte. Buccina nulla dedit, neque tristem nenia vocem, In vallum rapimus nos ubi membra Ducis ; Non solito miles decoravit honore sepulcrum, Martia non solitos arma dedere sonos. Undique constabant horrenda silentia noctis, Luna laborantes vix agitabat equos ; Lumina praebebant incerto lampades igne, Hasta sepulcralem dura cavabat humum. Nulla cedrus legit cineres nee inutilis urna, Nee sunt funerea pectora amicta toga: At veluti in castris miles dat membra sopori, Implicitus proprio sic jacet ille sago. Tarn brevibus super exsequiis non multa precamur, Nee vox est luctum testificata gravem ; Dumque recensemus mala quse lux crastina ferret, In vultu occisi figimus ora ducis. Et gladiis vilem dum sic exsculpsimus arcam, Stravimus et solum, cura suprema, torum ; Glebam insultabunt hostes, reputamus, in illam, Dum sequimur reduci nos freta longa via. 18 274 ARUNDINES CAMI. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him ; But little he'll reck, if they'll let him sleep on, In the grave where a Briton has laid him. But half of our heavy task was done, When the clock told the hour of retiring ; And we heard the distant and random gun, That the foe was sullenly firing. Slowly and sadly we laid him down, From the field of his fame fresh and gory ; We carved not a line, we raised not a stone, But we left him alone in his glory. Wolfe. <& lap tijg loof m mine, Uass. O lay thy loof in mine, lass, In mine, lass; in mine, lass; And swear on thy white hand, lass, That thou wilt be my ain. A slave to love's unbounded sway, He aft has wrought me meikle wae, But now he is my deadly fae, Unless thou be my ain. There's mony a lass has broke my rest, That for a blink I ha' loved best : But thou art queen within my breast For ever to remain. Burns. ARUNDI.NES CAM I. 275 Corapositi tantos leviter censebit honores Quilibet, atque ipsum per gelida ossa virum ; Quid refert, placida modo dormiat ille sub herba, Britones extremo qucm posuere solo? Nee media ingrati pars est exacta laboris, Cum sonus, horarum nuntius, ire jubet : Quin proludentum ad pugnas audivimus hostem, Et pigra fulmineas fert temere aura minas. Vulneribusque novis et honesto sanguine fusum, Paulatim dedimus triste cadaver humo ; Nee struimus cippum nee sculptum in marmore nomen : Deserto superest Gloria sola Duci. J. H. iBttl sine te met ^Prosunt ftonores. Dexteram dextras mea junge, Daphne, Dexteram dextrao, mea pulcra Daphne, Et per hos jura digitos — amabo Te tua conjux. Me diu servis amor occupavit Luctubus desiderioque tristi; Illius frangam juga dura, ni tu Sis mea conjux. Invicem multis domitus puellis, Aut in hac arsi levis aut in ilia ; Tu manes regina : age jam meorum Finis amorum. H. D. 18—2 276 AKUNDINES CAMI. f^anmafemg. Upon the grass no longer hangs the dew : Forth hies the mower with his glittering scythe, In snowy shirt bedight, and all unbraced. He moves athwart the mead with sideling bend, And lays the grass in many a swathey line. In every field, in every lawn and meadow, The rousing voice of Industry is heard. The haycock rises, and the frequent rake Sweeps on the fragrant hay in heavy wreaths. The old and young, the weak and strong are there, And, as they can, help on the cheerful work. The father jeers his awkward half-grown lad, Who trails his tawdry armfull o'er the field : Nor does he fear the jeering to repay. The village oracle and simple maid Jest in their turns and raise the ready laugh. All are companions in the general glee : Till the bright Sun now past his middle course Shoots down his fiercest beams, which none may brave. A troop of welcome children o'er the lawn With slow and wary steps approach : some bear In baskets oaten cakes, or barley scones, And gusty cheese and stoups of milk or whey. Beneath the branches of the spreading tree, Or by the shady side of the tall rick, They spread their homely fare, and seated round Taste every pleasure, that a feast can give. Joanna Baillie. ARUNDINES CAMI. 27? Jpanisectto. Nunc de maturo non pendent gramine rores. Egreditur messor, niveo discinctus amictu, Perque humeros falcem, splendentia sustinet arma. Et modo trans pratum obliquo sinuamine fertur, Et longo sectum prosternit in aggere gramen. Undique per campos, collesque et fervida rura, Provocat agricolas vox indefessa laboris : Certant infirmi validis, juvenesque senesque Jucundo auxilium penso pro viribus addunt. Conlati surgunt cumuli, rastrisque juventus Verrit odorati graviora volumina foeni. Imberbem puerum senior male salsus adurget, Vix amplectentem fasces, aegreque trahentem ; Nee timet audacem puer ille rependere linguam, Rusticus hie Nestor, simplexque puella vicissim Fundere saspe jocos celeremque iterare cachinnum. Non quivis socia non libertate potitur. Jamque rubet Phcebus, medio calidissimus orbe, Dejecitque feros, nulli tolerabilis, ignes. Ecce super clivum pede cauto infantia pagi, Agmen adest gratum ! Calathis hi prandia portant, Triticeasve molas, aut panem vilis avenae. Caseus est aliis fragrans et pocula lactis Dulcia. Sub patula? recubantes frondibus ulmi, Aut circumfusi gelida foenilis in umbra, Disponunt mensas humiles, epulasque ministrant Ruricolse, nihilo pejores divite ccena. H. J. H. 278 AltUNDINES CAMI. Jfattma. O Love, Love, Love ! withering might ! sun, that from thy noonday height Shudderest when I strain my sight, Throbbing through all thy heat and light ! Lo! falling from my constant mind, Lo ! parched and withered, deaf and blind, I whirl like leaves in roaring wind. Last night I wasted hateful hours Below the city's eastern towers: 1 thirsted for the brooks, the showers : I rolled among the tender flowers; I crush'd them on my breast, my mouth : I look'd athwart the burning drouth Of that long desert to the south. Last night when some one spoke his name, From my swift blood that went and came, A thousand little shafts of flame Were shiver'd in my narrow frame. O Love, O fire ! once he drew With one long kiss my whole soul through My lips, as sunlight drinketh dew. I ARUNDINES CAMI. 279 jpatfma. ignis meus, furor, Cupido ! qui Sol, medio libratus axe, Ilorres, plus nimio mihi obtuenti, Flaraniarumque salis calente libra! En, mentem sequanimam abdicans, omittens, En, putris vice frondis et caducae, Kaptu pra)petis auferor procellaa ! Quam sub incenibus urbis inquietem Hesterna modo nocte perviglavi ! Quos amnes sitiebam adusta et imbres ! Qua blandos vice provoluta flores Pressabam gremio furens et ori ! Ut flammantia tesqua metiebar, Et squalens oculo sequebar sequor ! Ilium vox mihi si qua nominarit, Ut lapsus color et subinde fusus ! Ut corde innumerae ignium sagitta? Fixo dissiliunt, latratque vulnus ! O ignis meus, O furor, Cupido ! Quo me suaviolo ferox tenaci Exsuxit labiis, ut aura rores ! 280 ARUNDINES CAMI. Before he mounts the hill I know He cometh quickly : from below Sweet gales, as from deep gardens, blow Before him, striking on my brow. In my dry brain my spirit soon Down-deepening from swoon to swoon Faints like a dazzled morning moon. The wind sounds like a silver wire, And from beyond the noon a fire Is pour'd upon the hills, and nigher The skies stoop down in their desire ; And isled in sudden seas of light, My heart pierced through with fierce delight, Bursts into blossom in his sight. My whole soul waiting silently, All naked in a sultry sky, Droops, blinded with his shining eye ; I will possess him, or will die. I will grow round him in his place, Grow — live — die looking on his face, Die, dying claspM in his embrace. Tennyson. ARUNDINES CAMI. 281 Ilium, si subeat repente clivo, Jam succcdere, jam jam adesse nosco: Talis ceu Syrii vibrat roseti Sursum spiritus, anteitque euntem. Turn sicco exanimata mens cerebro Sensim deficit, inque inane sidit, Ceu Solis specie recussa Luna. Turn venti levis ambiens susurrus Argentea fide frangitur, jugisque Sublimis super explicatur ignis, Inclinatque ruens amore caelum. At lucis subito natans in imbre, Vi dulcedinis sestuans medulla Viso solvitur, induitque florem. Stat nudis oculis, flagrante coelo, Nee sacrum jubar obstinatus haurit Languescens animus, tacetque pressus. Aut fiet meus, aut mori libebit! Adcrescam ipsa meo, meo adligabor; Crescensque et moriens meum intuebor ; Vivensque et moriens meum tenebo. C. M. 282 ARUNDINES CAMI. Vixtm antf Utce. Vice stings us even in our pleasures ; but Virtue consoles us even in our pains. Colton. SSltntn. 'Tis done ! dread Winter spreads his latest glooms, And reigns tremendous o'er the conquered year. How dead the vegetable kingdom lies ! How dumb the tuneful ! Horror wide extends His desolate domain. Behold, fond man! See here thy pictured life : pass some few years, Thy flowering Spring, thy Summer's ardent strength, Thy sober Autumn fading into Age, And pale concluding Winter comes at last, And shuts the scene. Ah whither now are fled Those dreams of greatness? those unsolid hopes Of happiness? those longings after fame? Those restless cares? those busy bustling days? Those gay- spent festive nights ? those veering thoughts Lost between good and ill, that shared thy life ? All now are vanished! Virtue sole survives, Immortal, never-failing friend of man, His guide to happiness on high. Thomson. AUUNDINES CAMI. 283 ittultum interest. Ipsa Scclestus angitur voluptate; Oblectat ipsis in doloribus Virtus. B. H. K. Return est. Actum est : jam mediis grassatur Bruma procellis Lurida, torva tuens, victumque triumphat in annum. Quam late torpent silvse, quam pascua ruris! Quam volucrum genus omne silet ! Pavor undique maestum Vindicat imperium. Tali sub imagine vitam En, Marcelle, tuam : brevis hora supervenit horam ; Nunc Ver florescens, nunc ardens viribus iEstas, Auctumnusque gravi incessu, vergente senecta ; Donee in extremo scenam illaetabilis actu Intercludat Hyems. Quo nunc ea grandia vitas Somnia fugerunt ; quo spes evanida, quae tot Gaudia promisit ; quo famae et laudis orexis ; Anxietas animi, labor officiumque dierum ; Quo noctes ccenseque Deum ; ventosaque vota Fasque nefasque inter trepidam rapientia mentem? Omnia deperiere : manet tecum una superstes Fida comes Virtus homini, quae nescia vinci Immortalem animam ad ccelestia gaudia ducit. h. j. . 284 ARUNDINES CAMI. 1^2 mp OW&ickett. IIey my chicken, my chicken, And hey my chicken, my deary ! Such a sweet pet as this Was neither far nor neary. Here we go up up up, And here we go down down downy, And here we go backwards and forwards, And here we go round round roundy ! Gammer Gurton. Jttarg. Mary, I believed thee true, And I was blest in thus believing; But now I mourn that e'er I knew A girl so fair and so deceiving. Few have ever loved like me ; Yes, I have loved thee too sincerely ! And few have e'er deceived like thee : Alas, deceived me too severely ! Fare thee well ! yet think awhile On one whose bosom bleeds to doubt thee; Who now would rather trust that smile, And die with thee, than live without thee. Fare thee well ! I'll think of thee : Thou leav'st me many a bitter token ; For see, distracting woman, see ; My peace is gone, my heart is broken ! Moore. ARUNDINES CAMI. 285 <© nua $ullula. mea pullula blandula, mea pullula suavis, Procul in terris aut prope Non est, ut hsec, rara avis ! Hie en ! ascendimus cobIos, Et hie ubi locus est imus ; Hie rursum et prorsum cursamus, Et circum et circum redimus. F. H. Delta jfalsa. Delia, credideram tu saltern fida fuisses; Et spe, quam dederas tu mihi, lsetus eram : Sed modo tam pulcram queror invenisse puellam Fallere, perjuris in mea damna labris. Non face plebeia, solitis non ignibus uror : Heu ! nimio fueram captus amore tui : Nee mea plebeiam texisti in pectora fraudem, Perfida ! quam vere perfida dicta mihi ! Delia falsa, vale ! sed adhuc reminiscere nostri ; Est, nequit acceptam qui dubitare fidem ; Qui risu pendere tuo, qui nunc quoque mallet Tecum, quam sine te vivere, posse mori. Delia falsa, vale ! tua ssepe recurret imago, Tot memori linquis tristia signa proco ; Inspice enim hoc miserum pectus, ssevissima rerum ! Inspice : tu leti causa ferere mei. H. D. 286 ARUNDINES CAMI. (JDomus. The star, that bids the shepherd fold, Now the top of heaven doth hold ; And the gilded car of day His glowing axle doth allay- In the steep Atlantic stream ; And the slope Sun his upward beam Shoots against the dusky pole, Pacing toward the other goal Of his chamber in the east. Meanwhile welcome joy and feast, Midnight shout and revelry, Tipsy dance and jollity. Braid your locks with rosy twine Dropping odours, dropping wine. Rigour now is gone to bed ; And Advice with scrupulous head, Strict Age and sour Severity, With their grave saws in slumber lie. We that are of purer fire Imitate the starry quire, Who in their nightly watchful spheres Lead in swift round the months and years. ARUNDINES CAMI. 287 KQM02. Asthp, 7roi/uL€(Ti Kaipos evavXov, KaTe-^ei ixeacrov (paiopos QXv/inrov' Teyyei o a^ova Ttjv irvpiQaXTrfj ()€i9poi oiav Tifxwcri ~2.e\avav' kutu oe ^ov9ov<$ d\o9 aiyiaXovs CTKipTa \a\iov (xopixokvKeiov paSiva t e/unrov9 a7roo6£gei. ^a?|0e Me\a'/U7r67rXo9 eV vvKTcpivots Traiy/uacri oai/uov, yaipe, Kotvttw' aol wvp oaowv Tvavvv^ov aiuei Kpvcpiwv, ^eairoiv aCparos, Kkqdeicr ottotc 'StTvyias o cpctKOVTGoorjs ve(j)e\as yao-Trjp na.TairvKvoTa.Tav eiTTvaev bp(f)vav, 19 290 ARUNDINES CAMI. And makes one blot of all the air : Stay thy cloudy ebon chair, Wherein thou ridest with Hecat, and befriend Us thy vowed priests, 'till utmost end Of all thy dues be done, and none left out ; Ere the blabbing eastern scout, The nice morn, on the Indian steep From her cabin'd loop-hole peep, And to the tell-tale sun descry Our conceal'd solemnity. Come, knit hands and beat the ground In a light fantastic round. Milton. tEarqum. But when the face of Sextus Was seen among the foes, A yell that rent the firmament From all the town arose. On the house-tops was no woman But spat towards him and hissed, No child but screamed out curses, And shook its little fist. aulay. ARUNDTNES CAMI. 291 aepa -^paii'wv Kr}Xi6i fxia' irav7? 'iXao<$, e$ t av o r/wwv (pvXaK ev Kopvfpai? ivowv airdXav Irlpiyeve'iav o~KOTriaXovo~av tvjX €K Ovpioos /uv^oOev KoiXas a9upoyXu>TT(o oei^ai o//3w rao aTToppr/TW}' opyia veo~/u.wv. ayeT ovv, (piX'tas cnrT€Te ^eipa^, Kai 7TOOI KOV]v' Tt's Tr/ao u'ltlus afiirXamr]? ; tvtOws \ujuvvyfi, y\wpov yavov, aiauXa eiows' tqv yaher\v pvOiaai vr]7riov wo ananov ! C. J. V. ./Es sacrum sonet, ses mcestum tonet ! Obit in luteo Felis puteo. Quis sic, mihi die, inerserit illic ? Quisnam hoc facinus? — puer est Prasinus. Proh cor durum, miserum puerum ! Proh ridiculum Johanniculum, Immergere tarn felem immeritam! H.D. 'EAEAEY eAeAei/ t/}? a'CKoupov' to (ppeap viv eyei t/s o j8a\|/as ; ws vi)ixv-r'iav ws o~Tepzo(ppwv' 6d eneivos, o tutOo 1 ?, o ^AajjOos I C. J. V. Protinus exsiluit calido Vidivaddula lecto, Furtorum impatiens anus, extrusitque fenestra Lanigerum caput, et clamoribus ajthera rupit; Proh flammam et fures ! domus ardet et occidit anscr ! Candidus ille anscr ! venitquc per oppida vulpes. H.D. 300 ARUNDINES CAMI. <2£ptstk to a jprtcnti. Well, be it so, my friend! — I've done With mirth, extravagance, and fun : I fear I've passed the fatal line : That unchecked mirth and unstopped wine, That flow of wit that knows no bound, The merry laugh's perpetual round, Nay, e'en the social generous glow That all-enlivening grapes bestow — Joys that a few brief sennights past I thought eternally would last, Or fondly wished, before they fled, I might be numbered with the dead — No more are tricked with charms for me, Nor wake my soul to jollity : That if to Pleasure I incline, No more I view her form in wine, Nor if bleak Care besets my soul, Can drown him in the sparkling bowl. Farewell, farewell, delusive dream I The joy of youth, the poet's theme; Enchanting scenes of mirth and glee, When all was gay and all was free; When infant love's first sparks were fanned, Cemented friendship's strictest band, ARUNDINES CAMT. 301 Ma &mtcum. Dixti heu ! omnia vera, mi sodalis ! Baccanalia nostra terminavi, Cum vino et sale et omnibus cachinnis. Fervens ille lepos, flucnsque vinum, Mollis circuitus facetiarum, Et risus hilares, jocique belli ; Imo, omnis generosa vis LysGi, Seu quid suavius elegantiusque est, Quod vivax dedit uva dissolutis; (Quales blanditias prius putabam Orturas magis in dies et horas, Aut ante expetii ipse, quam perirent, Convivas numerarer inter Orci) Cuncta haec illecebris carent, nee udae Incendunt anima3 protervitatem ; Sed sive Euphrosynen peto jocosam, Non inter calices, ut ante, ridet; Nee si Cura sinum maligna torquet, Mergenda est cyathi scatentis aestu. Actum est : desinimus levis juventse Vatum et delicias inaniorum, Ah quam somnia grata, somniare ! O dulces aditus, dies amceni, Noctes aureolae, mihi valete ; Quum festum fuit omne liberumque; Quando infans amor arsit in medullis, Juncti fcederibus piis amici, 302 ARUNDINES CAMI. And both together bore along In union sweet the power of song. Enchanting scenes, that fancy loves, That friendship's sacred voice approves ; On which remembrance oft shall dwell With sad delight — dear scenes, farewell ! Even so, I've passed the fatal line, And other suns upon me shine : But as the home-sick sailor sees Mid the waste waves his native trees ; And thinks the wide-stretched watery scene Fair meadows clad in vernal green : So oft my fancy turns to view Those forms my livelier moments knew, And kindling at delusions vain, Believes and hopes them back again. Then if I court their imaged charms, My fevered soul is up in arms; And sickening nature proves at last The passion weak, the moment past. Merivale. ARUNDINES CAMI. Et quicquid leve fulsit aut venusturn Dilectso harmoniam lyra? doccbat ! Quas non pcrdite amare mens recusat, Nee voces comitum sacra? tacebunt, Cordi qua? memori diu recurrent, Ut solatiolum mei laboris, O horse ambrosia?, mihi valcte ! Dixti heu ! omnia vera, mi sodalis : Bacchanalia nostra terminavi, Et soles alios tepere sensi. Sed vasto veluti in maris profundo Fessus nauta videt nemus paternum, Pingitque in vitreis fretis aquarum Verni pascua ruris atque flores : Sic rerum mihi pertinax imago, Et desiderium redit priorum, Quas in purpureis sequebar annis. Et priscos foveo arroganter ignes, Credoque esse meos, libensque fallor. Quod si jam simulacra la?ta capto, Menti nescio quid febriculosa? Certatim irruit, et pudet fateri Quam vini levis avolet libido, Quam fallax rosa, quam brcvis juventus ! H. D. lard £>emntta. With awe I kneel Trembling before the footstool of thy state, My God, my Father!— I will sing to thee A hymn of laud, a solemn canticle, Ere on the Cypress wreath, which overshades The throne of Death, I hang my mournful lyre, And give its wild strings to the desert gale. 20 306 ARUNDINES CAMI ©o tfje Rentier. That union of the soul and body here, Which heaven has ordered, calls for several treatment To suit its several parts. Our outward man Asks cheerful exercise; our inward man Must have his pauses too from serious thought, And gathers vigour for his loftier flights By earthly relaxation. Yet, my friend, We must not hover here, nor skim the turf Uninterruptedly, but imp our wings For rocks aerial and for upper day. F. Hodgson. ARUNDINES CAM I. 307 &tf lUctorcm. Terrena mentis corporisque vincula, Deo jubente fabricata, diligunt Poscuntque curas hinc et inde compares. Corpus quiete roboratur utili, Modicisque gaudet indies laboribus : Mens otiosa crescit interim mora, Vigetque, nil molita. Sed, dulcissime, Non hie moremur ; neu solum diutius Penna supervolemus ignava nimis : Sed altiores audeamus setheris Tranare campos, et die puro frui. F.H. 20—2 308 ARUNL>INES CAMI. Hi'tang to tfje l^oln Spirit. In the hour of my distress, When temptations sore oppress, And when I my sins confess, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When I lie within my bed, Sick in heart and sick in head, And with doubts discomfited, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the house doth sigh and weep, And the world is drowned in sleep, Yet mine eyes their vigils keep, Sweet Spirit, comfort me! When the passing bell doth toll, And the furies in a shoal Come to fright my parting soul, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the tapers all burn blue, When the comforters are few, And that number more than true, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the priest his last has prayed, And I nod to what is said, 'Cause my speech is now decayed, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! ARUNDINES CAM I. 309 &tr Sanctum gbptrttum. Hora in calamitatis, Cum tenter et prober satis, O, ut solvar a peccatis, Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! Cum capite et corde aeger Miser intus lecto tegar, Ne in tenebras releger, Solare, dulcis Spiritus! Quando domus flet et gemit, Atque sopor mundum premit, Nee vigiliis me demit, Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! Quum campana sonat mortem, Furiaeque vim consortem Jungunt, rapiant ut fortem, Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! Lampas fuscos dat colores ; Pauci adstant, qui dolores Levent — veri pauciores ! Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! Cum sacerdos summa dabit Verba, quae nutu probabit Caput hoc, si vox negabit, Solare, dulcis Spiritus! 310 ARUNDINES CAMI. When (God knows) I'm tossed about Either with despair or doubt ; Yet before the glass runs out, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the tempter me pursueth With the sins of all my youth, And half damns me with their truth, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the flames and hellish cries Fright my ears and fright my eyes, And all terrors me surprise, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the Judgment is revealed, And that open, which was sealed, When to thee I have appealed, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! Herrick. ^Jsfilm xix. The spacious firmament on high, And all the blue ethereal sky, The spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. ARUNDINES CAMI. 311 Cum hue illuc (Deus novit) Ferar, sicut terror movit, Nee stat sanguis, qui me fovit, Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! Cum peccatis me juventse, Serpens premit violent®, Vero heu ! consentiente, Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! Aures gemitus obtundunt ! Ignes oculos confundunt! Nervi sine te succumbunt! Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! En ! judicium declaratur : En ! patet quod celabatur : En ! vox iras deprecatur : Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! H. D. ^salmus xix. Quicquid habet coeli vertex et splendidus ordo, Quicquid habent vasti coerula templa poli, Sidera quot splendent, quot sunt super 83thera flamma?, Omnia divinum testificantur opus. 312 ARUNDINES CAMI. The unwearied sun from day to day Does his Creator's praise display, And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the story of her birth : While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. "What though in solemn silence all Move round the dark terrestrial ball? What though nor voice nor minstrel sound Among their radiant orbs be found ? With saints and angels they rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, For ever singing as they shine, ' The hand that made us is divine.' Addison. ARUNDINES CAMI. 313 Sol qualis niteat, quali sit origine natus, Indicia, assiduo dum redit orbe, facit; Per quascumque vagum late jubar extulit oras, Sedulus Artificem praedicat ille suuin. Quuni modo victrices descendunt vesperis umbra), Excipit alternam Luna diserta vicem ; Et sua miranti memorans primordia terrae, Edita quo fundat lumina fonte, refert. Ulius aetherium quot servant sidera cursum, Quot gyri in ccelo, noctivagaeque faces, Singula confirmant cantu, quae singula narrant, Et capit unanirnes axis uterque modos. Ergone, terrestrem circa dum volvitur orbem, Stella secat tacitam pendula quaeque viam ? Ergone Sol nullos, nullos dant astra susurros, Nee faciunt de tot millibus ulla sonum ? Scilicet angelicos interlabentia caetus Clarescunt superi murmura laeta poli ; Et canere auditae per tanta silentia voces : FlNGIMUR STERNA D1IIIGIMURQUE MANU. W. G. H. 314 ARUNDINES CAMI. f$t ts 3J: bt not afraitf. When I sink down in gloom or fear, Hope blighted or delayed, Thy whisper, Lord, my heart shall cheer, ' 'Tis I : be not afraid V Or startled at some sudden blow, If fretful thoughts I feel, 'Fear not, it is but I!' shall flow, As balm my wound to heal. Nor will I quit thy way, though foes Some onward pass defend, For each rough voice the watch-word goes, 'Be not afraid! — a friend!' And ! when judgment's trumpet clear Awakes me from the grave, Still in its echo may I hear, ' 'Tis Christ ! He comes to save.' Lyra Apostolica. J&efo &eK. Why sittest thou on yonder sea-girt rock, With downward look and sadly dreaming eye? Playest thou beneath with Proteus' flock ? Or with the far-bound sea-bird dost thou fly ? AKUNDINES CAMI. 315 'Eyco eifxi' fxt] (pofieiaOe. Cum vel mctu, vel cordis in caligine, Spe labor et vana fide, Molli susurro vox Dei me sublevat, ' Tu ne timeto : Christus est ! ' Ictu repente sim lacessitus gravi, Et aegra mens exsestuet, Solvunt dolores verba, sanant vulnera, ' Tu ne timeto : Christus est ! ' Hostes propinquas occupent angustias, Non calle deflectar meo : It voce ab omni martialis tessera, ' Tu ne timeto: Christus est!' Sic cum resurgam de sepulcrali domo, Sonante judicis Tuba, Percussus aether fortiter respondeat, ' Tu ne timeto: Christus est!' i. !-. <&uotr &um. Cur rupem maris insides, Demissis oculis, tristia somnians? Ludis cum grege Protei ? An mergum sequeris per freta prospetem '? 316 ARUNDINES CAMI. Old Self. I sit upon this sea-girt rock, With downward look and dreaming eye : But neither do I sport with Proteus' flock, Nor with the far-bound sea-bird would I fly. I list the splash so chill and clear Of yon old fisher's solitary oar, I watch the waves that rippling still Chase one another o'er the marble shore. New Self. Yet from the splash of yonder oar No dreamv sounds of sadness come to me : And yon fresh waves that beat the shore, How merrily they splash, how merrily ! Old Self I mourn for the delicious days, When those calm sounds fell on my childish ear, A stranger yet to the wild ways Of triumph and remorse, of hope and fear. New Self Mournest thou, poor soul, and wouldest thou yet Call back the things which shall not, cannot be? Heaven must be won, not dreamed; thy task is set; Peace was not made for earth, nor rest for thee. Lyra Apostolica. ARUNDINES CAMI. ■'JIT Quod Fui. TIanc rupem insideo maris Demissis oculis, tristia somnians ; Nee ludo grege Protei, Nee mergum comitor per freta prsepetem. Sed remum senis illius Plangentem in gelidis fluctibus audio, Risuque innumerabili Undarum invigilo lene sequacium. Quod Sum. At remi sonitus mihi Nullam tristitise inovit imaginem ; Quodque in saxa ruit mare, Quam laBtum fremuit, quam fremuit ferum ! Quod Fui. Insontis redeunt mihi Felicesque soni et visa puertise, Quum noram nihil arduum, Nee sperare nimis, nee tremere impotens. Quod Sum. Nequicquam quereris, miser ? Annos et revocas non revocabiles? Insomnis rape sidera : Pax non est homini, nee requies tibi. H. D. 318 ARUNDINES CAMI. propagation of tfje gospel. From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, Thev call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Java's isle, Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile ? In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strewn, The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. Can we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Can we to men benighted The lamp of life deny? Salvation ! oh, Salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim ; Till each remotest nation Has learnt Messiah's name! ARUNDINES CAMI. 3ig 3Jte in omncs terras. Thules ab usque montibus Albo gelu rigentibus ; Ab India, qua curali Vincunt arenas aggeres ; Aurumque qua devolvitur Afri ex apricis amnibus ; Multo e vetusto flumine, Multisque palmetis simul, ' Adeste/ clamant, ' tollite Erroris atra vincula ! ' Quid thure, quid si balsamo Odora Java3 litora, Si rura pulcriora sunt, Homoque solus vilis est ? Frustra Dei benignitas Largitur effusas opes ; Ignara gens ccelestium Deos adorat ligneos ! Et nos, quibus Veri sacrum Effulsit ex alto jubar, Csecis viris negabimus Vitae, viaeque lampada? Salutis certissimse, Enunciate gloriam, Extrema donee litora Sonant Iesu nomine ! 320 ARUNDINES CAMI. Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole : Till o'er our ransomed nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign ! Heber. Sbong of &tmeon. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people ; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, And to be the glory of thy people Israel. St. Luke ii. 29. ARUNDINES CAMI. 321 Quod fecit, et quod pertulit, Auras ferant, ferant aquas, Dum sempiterna Veritas Utrumque pervadat polum ; Dum purus Agnus, sanguine Lotos revisurus suo, Rector, lledemptor, Artifex, Descendat in terras Deus ! H.D. <£amt Sbuneon. Domine, jam patiaris Servum, quern tuum vocaris, In pace discedere ; Cum tuae jubar salutis Viderim, ut institutis Docuisti credere ; Jubar, quod parasti coram Oculis tu populorum Saeculis in omnibus ; Jubar, quod illuminaret Gentes, gloriamque daret Israel nepotibus. H.D. 21 322 ARUNDINES CAMI. It is the man of God, who was disobedient unto the word of the Lord. 1 Kings xiii. 26. Prophet of God, arise and take With thee the words of wrath divine, The scourge of heaven, to shake O'er yon apostate shrine. Where angels down the lucid stair Came hovering to our sainted sires, Now in the twilight glare The heathen's wizard fires. Go, with thy voice the altar rend; Scatter the ashes ; be the arm, That idols would befriend, Shrunk at thy withering charm ! Then turn thee, for thy time is short ; But trace not o'er the former way, Lest idol pleasures court Thy heedless soul astray. Thou know'st how hard to hurry by, Where on the lonely woodland road Beneath the moonlight sky The festal warblings flowed ; Where maidens to the Queen of Heaven Wove the gay dance round oak or palm, Or breathed their vows at even In hymns as soft as balm. ARUNDINES CAMI. 323 Fates &urge Det. Vates surge Dei ! Surge, et adulteram In gentem aethereas praecipita minas : Flagrum concute cooli Hoc fanum super impium! Scalis agmen ubi pensile lucidis Devenere pios Angelicum patres, Nunc falsae magica araa Splendet flarama crepusculo. I, devota cadant saxa sub hostia! I, sparge et cineres ! brachia macera Torva voce, profanas Amplectentia imagines. Turn, nee longa mora est, verte retro pedes Calcanda est eadem non tibi semita, Ne qua impura voluptas Mentem fascinet insciam. Scis quam difficile est praetereuntibus, Qua solis placidorum in nemorum jugis Pulcraa sub face Lunae Festum perstrepuit melos; Qua palma aut viridi loeta sub ilice Dianam celebrant carmina virginum, Lascivaeque choreaa et Vespertinus odor precum. 21- 324 ARUNDINES CAMI. Or thee perchance a darker spell Enthrals : the smooth stones of the flood, By mountain grot or fell, Pollute with infants' blood ; The giant altar on the rock, The cavern whence the timbrel's call Affrights the wandering flock : Thou long'st to search them all. Trust not the dangerous path again — O forward step and lingering will ! O loved and warned in vain ! And wilt thou perish still ? Thy message given, thine home in sight, To the forbidden feast return? Yield to the false delight Thy better soul could spurn? Alas, my brother ! round thy tomb In sorrow kneeling, and in fear, We read the Pastor's doom, Who speaks and will not hear. The grey-haired saint may fail at last, The surest guide a wanderer prove ; Death only binds us fast To the bright shore of love. Eeble. ARUNDINES CAM I. 325 Seu forte insidiss te magis impiae Seducant; vitreus te lapis amnium, Ilirto montis in antro aut Sparsis sanguine vallibus; Altare in scopulis vastum adamantinis ; Spclunca, unde greges terruit avios Sistri mysticus horror : Ardes omnia quserere. I calles alios: cerne periculum — O prreceps gradus, O propositi mora ! O frustra morieris Fati sic monitus tui ? Jussis rite datis, ante oculos domo, Impermisse, dapes ad vetitas redis? Falso cedis amori, Quem spernas animosior ? lieu ! dilecte, tuo in cespite supplices Gravi tristitia sternimur et metu, Pastoremque dolemus, Qui fert jussa, nee audiet. Vates in senio sic cadat ultimo ; Fidens in media dux dubitet via! Sola morte ligamur Purse litoribus Fide. H.D. 326 ARUNDINES CAM I. 9 £?;?, wo 'ApiaTnriros \eyei, utjpav e-^ovTa TJ7? kclt rjmap rjcovrj^' XP*] fyv £«>? y7S> fxai'TiKov (pwvei yevoq, naipov ayi^eiu tov irapovT ael Qew. tjfieis ce tov Te Kcii tov aivwp.ev Aoyov, 01 <£wvTe$ ev aoi ^w/iev t]tiew$, Geo?. B. H. K. ' Dum vivis, vivas/ Epicuri de grege clamat, ' Daque voluptati, dum fugit usque, diem ;' ' Dum vivis, vivas,' Christi de nomine dictus, ' Daque Deo,' clamat, ' dum fugit usque, diem.' Dirigat hie vitam, vitam mihi dirigat ille; Quodque voluptati, detur id omne Deo. F. W. 23 354> ABUNDINES CAMI. &t a JFuncral Beneath our feet and o'er our head Is equal warning given : Beneath us lie the countless dead, Above us is the heaven! Their names are graven on the stone, Their bones are in the clay, And ere another day is done Ourselves may be as they. Death rides on every passing breeze, He lurks in every flower, Each season has its own disease, Its peril every hour. Our eyes have seen the very light Of youth's soft cheek decay, And fate descend in sudden night On manhood's middle day; Our eyes have seen the steps of age Halt feebly towards the tomb ; And yet shall earth our hearts engage, And dreams of days to come? Turn, mortal, turn ! thy danger know ; Where'er thy foot can tread, The earth rings hollow from below, And warns thee of her dead. A RUN DINES CAM I. 355 3Jn ©xscquffe. Par est, quse> datur, monitio Supra capita et infra pedes : Supra, poli constitutio ; Infra, mortuorum sedes ! Marmore inscribuntur nomina, Artus madida stringit humus ; Lux priusquam cessit crastina, Quod sunt illi, forte nos sumus. Mors Eurisque Zephyrisque Equitat ; omni in flore latet ; Annus suis morbis, suisque Quaeque fatis hora scatet. Rosam vidimus in genis Mollis supprimi juventae; Vitasque ignibus in plenis Noctem cadere quam repente! Vidimus asgris graves annis Vix ad tumulum claudicare ; Carnisque obsitos nos pannis Turpiter juvat somniare? O vertere, mortalis homo ! Periculum qui nescit, cadit : Terra dc mortuorum domo Cavum mugiens, multa tradit. 23—2 356 ARUNDINES CAMI. Turn, Christian, turn ! thy soul apply To truths divinely given ; The bones that underneath thee lie Shall live for hell or heaven ! Heber. She <£n&. To die is landing on some silent shore, Where billows never break nor tempests roar : Ere well we feel the friendly stroke, 'tis o'er. The wise through thought the insults of death defy, The fools through blessed insensibility. 'Tis what the guilty fear, the pious crave, Sought by the wretch, and vanquished by the brave; It eases lovers, sets the captive free, And though a tyrant, offers liberty. Garth. ^jntrott. most merciful, O most bountiful, God the Father Almighty By the Redeemer's Sweet intercession, Hear us, hear us, when we cry ! Heber. I ARUNDINES CAMI. 357 vertere, cui Verura patet, Christi verba, Christi cedes ; Vivet, omne quod hie latet, Supra capita aut infra pedes. H. D. ©situs acta probat. Tale mori, qualis placidam descensus in oram, Prsevenit extremam mens ubi firma vicem. Ingenio meliore suo Sapientia morti, Stultitia ingenio deteriore, vacat. Quam pravi timuere, pii optavere propinquam, Tristia quam quaerunt, fortia corda domant; Vincula amatorum, captorum vincula solvit, Et praistat, quamvis dura magistra, fugam. H.J.T.D. 3)ntroitus. O tu clementissime, tu benignissime, Qui rerum potens omnium, Per gratiam Redimentis, Per et Intercedentis, Audi, audi, vocantium ! H. D. 358 ARUNDINES CAMI. ^salm xxiii. My Shepherd is the living Lord, I therefore nothing need ; In pastures fair, near pleasant streams, He setteth me to feed. He shall convert and glad my soul, And bring my mind in frame, To walk in paths of righteousness, For his most holy name. Yes, though I walk the vale of Death, Yet will I fear no ill ; Thy rod and staff they comfort me, And Thou art with me still. And in the presence of my foes My table Thou hast spread, Thou wilt fill full my cup, and Thou Anointed hast my head. Through all my life thy favour is So frankly shewn to me, That in thy house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. Stemhold and Hopkins. ARUNDINES CAMI. 359 ^nstor Jtteus. Pastor meus, vivus Deus; Nihilo sum cariturus; Pulcris pratis, aquis gratis, Ille me est aliturus. Ducet viis Idem piis, Animam convertens meam; Propter Nomen, felix omen Mini dans, quocunque earn. Mortis vallis, licet callis Fuerit, quo ambulabo ; At nil mali, fretus tali Certo Duce, formidabo. Mensam cibis Tu parabis, Deus, hostes meos pungens ; Pocla mero tu sincero Plena reddes, caput ungens. Omnes rite dies vitae Sic redundat Tua gratia; Tu concedes, ut sint aedes Meae in ccelis palatia. H. D. .'>6'0 ARUNDINKS CAMI. ^rager for Absolution. For every sentence, clause, and word, That's not inlaid with Thee, O Lord, Forgive me, God ! and blot each line Out of my book, that is not Thine. But if midst all Thou findest one Wanting Thy benediction, That one of all the rest shall be The glory of my work and me. Herrick. ARUNDINES CAMI. 361 ^roptttetur Deus. Si quid in his fuerit, sententia, clausula, verbum, Quod non te sapiat vel tua, sancte Deus, Ignoscas precor, impermissaque carmina dele; Quodcunque indignum vivere, dispereat. Si tamen invenies de tot modo versibus unum, Quern sinis aethereas, Maxime, adire domos, Hie erit exemplo, commendabitque libellum, Et vati et tremula? gloria sola lyrae. H. D. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. T y \