232 S52A2 H04 SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS STRATFORD-ON-AVON 1904 T P 1 ?,' HE . Shakespeare Head Press has been established to do honour to Shakespeare's memory by printing and publishing in Stratford-on-Avon a worthy edition of his Works. Some years ago an "acting" edition of the plays was issued from a Stratford press; but hitherto no complete edition of Shakespeare's Works, carefully edited and handsomely printed, has been published in his native town. This standing reproach is removed by the "Stratford Town Shakespeare." At the Shakespeare Head Press will be com- posed, printed, and published a collected edition (in ten volumes) that will take rank with the finest editions de luxe issued from London, Oxford, and Edinburgh. 1545985 IN 1597 Shakespeare purchased New Place; and in the same year Julius Shaw, wool-striker and maltster, obtained from the Stratford Corporation a twenty- five years' lease of the house standing two doors to the north of New Place. Shaw was an intimate friend of Shakespeare and one of the witnesses to his will. The Stratford Corporation, which is still the owner of the property, has granted to the Shakespeare Head Press a lease of the house that Julius Shaw occupied. Though the frontage and parts of the interior have been renewed, the main structure of the buildingis unchanged. Fromthis oldTudor house, where Shakespeare must have been a frequent guest, the "Stratford Town" edition of his collected works will be issued. The Format THE "Stratford Town Shakespeare" consists of ten super-royal octavo vol- umes (seven by ten-and-an-eighth inches), printed in the original Old Face type cut by William Caslon in the early part of the eighteenth century. For the text is used the size known as "English," the songs, etc., being printed in small pica. The lines are numbered at the side. To each volume is prefixed a frontispiece. The volumes will be tastefully bound in buckram. An English hand-made paper, with Shakespeare's crest and coat-of-arms tor watermark, has been specially manufactured for this edition. A Prospectus, with specimen page, will be sent on application. The Text THE text has been prepared for press by Mr. A. H. Bullen. Conjectural emendations have been sparingly admitted, more sparingly than by Dyce, but the "Cambridge Shakespeare" has been judged to err on the side of ultra-conservatism. Terms of Subscription. THE " Stratford Town Shakespeare " will be published in Ten Volumes at One Guinea net per volume, sold only in sets. A**mmm*mmm>4m*^pr-eLi[i. ij made to oubtj crib pro who pay in advance f or their The edition is strictly limited to One Thousand numbered copies. Order Form. Please enter my name as a subscriber for cop of " The Stratford Town Shakespeare " in Ten Volumes, at One Guinea per volume. (a) I agree to pay for each volume upon delivery. (6) I enclose nine guiiieau in propaymont >o f tho tun i i rnlumwii i Name: Address: Date: VELLUM COPIES. TWELVE copies have been printed on pure vellum. Price will be sent on application. Extra-bound Copies. COPIES will be supplied in quires for extra binding; or can be had in special leather binding from the Shakes- peare Head Press. 5 THE SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS. VIEW FROM GARDEN. ONE of the most curious and striking objects in the Shakespeare Head Press is the broad, massive chimney. The main shaft runs right through the house, and at the base, into which the Tudor Mantelpiece (p. 7) is fitted, it is more than six feet in thickness. The ornamentation of the part above the roof is unique in Stratford, but the chimneys of the alms- houses, adjacent to the Grammar School, are somewhat similar in design. 6 7 ; s ^Tssm | ; 1 ! 1 <, ^ ' " ! TUDOR MANTELPIECE (on the ground floor). THE fine Tudor mantelpiece, in the front room on the ground floor, has happily been preserved in its original state uninjured and undisturbed. It dates back beyond Shakespeare's time to the days of Henry VII. 7 THE OAK-PANELLED ROOM. THE antique oak-panelling has been overlaid with paint, but is being carefully restored to its original condition. The moulding is identical with that of the recessed-cupboard doors, and is bolted with wood staples in the ancient manner. This room is used as the printing and publishing office of the Shakespeare Head Press. 8 COMPOSING ROOM. THE ancient Kitchen perhaps the least altered room of any in the house has been converted into a composing room. The machine-room, forming the end- gable of the back part of the house (see the photograph on p. 6), is of the same age, and is traditionally known as " the brew- house." A STORE ROOM. THIS old room is used for the storing of paper, printed and imprinted. On the glass panes of the leaded window have been scratched the names of former occupiers. It is a low-roofed room, situated immediately over the old kitchen now used as a composing-room. 10 THE GARDEN. THE garden " circummured with brick " had been allowed to fall into neglect, but is now being converted into an old-time pleasaunce "with fairest flowers whilst summer lasts " and " the pleached bower." A time-worn wall of rich red brick separates it from New Place Gardens. 1 1 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ATTICS. FROM the windows of the upper pair of attics is a good view over New Place Gardens. 12 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ATTICS. THESE untouched attics are used as " drying-rooms " for the printed sheets of vellum and paper. *3 THE MODERNISED FRONTAGE. THE front of the old house has been modernised, though at no recent date, as may be gathered from the "blind" window on the first floor, significant of the days of " window-tax." 14 Visitors to Stratford-on-Avon are cordially invited to call at The Shakespeare Head Press and inspect the ''Stratford Town Edition." l S W ' mm r; ar^ : ^V, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 30m-7,'68(J1895s4) C-120 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000132 952 3 DO NOT REMOVE ARD \ 3 <: /" "' , ;vc - i ary