THE EPISTLES OF CICERO Emil Etfbner This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-9-5wi-12,'23 University of California Los Angeles Form L 1 ?A THE EPISTLES OF CICERO SOUTHERN BRANCH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY teS-ANGELEST-., BIBLIOGRAPHY AND HINTS FOR STUDY BY EMIL HUBNER Professor in the University of Berlin Examiner in Latin, Johns Hopkins University 49078 . -.3 BALTIMORE PUBLICATION AGENCY OP THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY NOVEMBER, 1888 COPYRIGHT, 1888, BY N. MURRAY. JOHN MURPHY & CO., PRINTERS, BALTIMORE. PA Hs? THE EPISTLES OF CICERO. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND HINTS FOR STUDY. Compare Hiibner, Grundriss * (1878), p. 91 ff. Teuffd, Romische Litteraturgeschichte 4 (1882), p. 322 ff. R. Schirmer, Jahresbericht (since 1829), Philologus, xlv, 1886, p. 133 ff. J. H. Schmalz, Jahresbericht (1881-84), Bursian's Jahresbericht, xxxix, 1884, p. 34 ff. C. Lehmann, Zeitschrift fiir Gymnasialwesen, 1884, Jahresberichte, p. 1 ff., and 1888, p. 253 ff. Editions of Orelli-Baiter, Baiter-Kayser, Siipfle-Bockel, Hofmann- Andre- sen, Frey, Wesenberg, Boot* (1886), Frontin (1881), Tyrrell (1885-86). A good deal has been done in the way of close examination of the Epis- tles of Cicero and his correspondents though the subject is far from being exhausted (the special literature since 1878 has been appended to the fol- lowing paragraphs) but the general questions about epistolography, Greek and Roman, its origin and peculiarities, its development in prose and poetry, have thus far been only perfunctorily treated. Origin of epistolography in the schools of the philosophers (Isocrates, Epicurus). Its relation to and difference from \6yoi. and StoAo-yoj. Different ways of adaptation of the Greek models in Rome (Sp. Mum- mins, Varro's logistorici, Horace). Combination of the natural and the artificial epistolary style. Extent and variety of Cicero's epistolary work. His followers and imitators (Pliny, Apollinaris Sidonius). CRITICISM IN GENERAL. F. Bueheler, zur Kritik der ciceronischen Briefe, Rhein. Mas., xi, 1857, p. 509 ff. The same, coniectanea, Rhein. Mus., xxxiv, 1879, p. 352 ff. 3 4 The Epistles of Cicero. W. G. Pluygers, Mnemosyne, xi, 1862, p. 296 ff, ad C. epistolas, New Series, ix, 1881, p. 113 ff. J. N. Madvig, adversaria critica, vol. II, 1873, p. 232 ff, vol. Ill, 1884, p. 155 if. H. Schwarz, miscellanea philologica, Leipzig (Tubingen), 1878 (pp. 47), 8. Siesbye, opuscula philologica ad Madvigium, p. 234 ff. The same, det philologisk-historisk samfunds mindeskrift, Kopenhagen, 1878, 8. A. Goldbacher, C. ad Att., iii, 2, Zeitschrift fur die osterreichischen Gymna- aien, 1878, p. 335. The same, Wiener Studien fiir class. Philologie, II, 1880, p. 300 f. M. Gitlbauer, Wiener Studien, I, 1879, p. 75 ff., 246 ff. C. G. Cobet, de locis quibusdam in C.'s epistolis ad familiares et ad Atticum, Mnemosyne, viii, 1880, p. 182 f. J. G. Boot, observations criticae ad M. T. C. epistolas, Amsterdam, 1880 (2-67 pp.), 4. C. A. Lehmann, quaestiones Tullianae, Hermes, xv, 1880, p. 352 ff. [Wolfflin's Archiv, III, 1886, p. 570.] The same, quaestiones Tullianae, I, de C. epistulis, Leipzig, 1886 (viii, 136 pp.), 8. \_Th. Stangl, Deutsche Litteratnr-Zeitung, 1886, p. 368. J. H. Schmala, Berliner Philol. Wochenschrift, vi, 1886, p. 913 f. L. Gurlitt, ibid., p. 918 f.] Brandt, zu C. ad Att., Khein. Mus., xxxvi, 1881, p. 630 f. K. Schirmer, C. ad Att., I, 19, Philologus, xl, 1881, p. 387. Ch. Msard, notes zur les lettres de C., Paris, 1882 (II, 240 pp.), 8. \_C. Jullien, Revue Arche"ologique, xv, 1883, p. 281 f. C. Lehmann, Philol. Wochenschrift, III, 1883, p. 1159.] A. Palmer, Cic. ad Att., xii, 18 and 48, Journal of Philology, xi, 1882, p. 242. P. Starker, symbolae criticae ad C. epistolas, Breslau (Neisse), 1883 (47 pp.), 8. [J". H. Schmalz, Philol. Wochenschrift, III, 1883, p. 519. F. Becher, Philol. Eundschau, III, 1883, p. 1356.] J. N. Madvig, adversaria critica, Vol. Ill, 1884, p. 155 ff. On C.'s letters, Hermathena, 1884, No. 10. A. Otto, zu den Briefen C.'s ad Atticum, Khein. Mus., xli, 1886, p. 364 ff. I. The Original Collections. R. F. Leighton, historia critica M. T. C. epistolarum ad familiares, Leipzig, 1877 (44 pp.), 8. [F. ROM, Centralblatt, 1877, p. 1477.] L. Gurlitt, de M. T. C. epistolis eorumque pristina collectione, Gottingen, 1879 (47pp.), 8. [K. Schirmer, Philol. Anzeiger, xi, 1881, p. 525 f.] The Epistles of Cicero. 5 1 he same, der Briefwechsel zwischen C. und D. Brutus, Jahrbiicher fiir class. Philologie, 1880, p. 609 ff. [K. Sehirmer, Phil. Anz., xi, 1881, p. 525 f.] The same, gab es im Alterthum eine Samtnlung der epistolae Cic. ad Pom- peium? Berl. Philol. Wochenschrift, vii, 1887, p. 891 ff. The same, Nonius Marcellus und die Cicerobriefe, Steglitz (Berlin), 1888, (24 pp.), 4. What can be learned about the original collections from the present condition of the four extant collections? II. The Manuscripts. F. HUM. zur Handschriftenkunde von C.'s Briefen, Rhein. Mus., xxx, 1875, P. 26 ft: The same, iiber den Codex Laudensis 53, 35 nebst Nachtragen zu den neu- sten Forschungen iiber C.'s Briefe, Rhein. Mus., xxxvi, 1881, p. 11 ff. The same, Jahrbiicher fiir class. Philologie, 1883, p. 750. A. Hortis, M. T. C. nelle opere del Petrarca e del Boccaccio . . . , cou lettere inedite di Matteo d'Orgiano e di Coluccio Salutati a Pasquino de Capellis, Triest, 1878 (102 pp.) 8. [F. R(ilhl), Centralblatt, 1879, p. 1426.] G. Voigt, iiber die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung von C.'s Briefen, Berichte der sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften philol. histor. Classe., 1879, p. 41 ff. [L. Geiger, Gottinger gelehrte Anzeigen, 1879, p. 1298 ff. K. Sehirmer, Philol. Anzeiger, xi, 1881, p. 522.] A . Viertel, die Wiederauffindung der ciceronischen Briefe durch Petrarca, eine philologische Untersuchung, Konigsberg, 1879 (44 pp.), 4. [G. Voigt, Centralblatt, 1879, p. 1425. L. Geiger, Gottinger gelehrte Anzeigen, 1879, p. 1465 f. K. Sehirmer, Philol. Anzeiger, xi, 1881, p. 521. K. Lehmann, Philol. Wochenschrift, ii, 1882, p. 291.] The same, die W'iederauffindungvon C.'s Briefen durch Petrarca, Jahrbiicher fur class. Philologie, 1880, p. 231 ff. The same, Flavius Blondus iiber die Auffindung der ciceron. Briefe, Rhein. Mus., xxxvi, 1881, p. 150 ff. Fr. Schmidt, zu den Briefen ad A tticum, Blatter fiir das bayerische Gymna- sialschulwesen, 1876, p. 235 ff. The same, zur Kritik und Erkliirung von C.'s Briefe an Atticus, Nurnberg, 1879 (40 pp.), 4. [K. Sehirmer, Philol. Anzeiger, xi, 1881, p. 529 f.] The same, der Codex Tornesianus der Briefe C.'s (Festschrift fur Heerwagen, Erlangen, 1883, 8.), p. 18 ff. [J. H. Schmalz, Philol. Rundschau, iv, 1884, p. 177. K. Sehirmer, Philol. Anzeiger, xiii, 1883, p. 764 ff] L. Mendelssohn, zur Ueberlieferung von C.'s Briefen, Jahrbiicher fur class. Philologie, 1880, p. 803 ff; 1884, p. 108 ff. 6 The Epistles of Cicero. The same, zur Geschichte der handschrift lichen Ueberlieferung der Briefe C.'s in Frankreich, Rhein. Mus., xxxvi, 1881, p. 474 ff. The same, de C. epistolarura codice Turonensi, Melanges Graux (Paris, 1884), p. 169 ff. The same, Weiteres zur Ueberliferung von C.'s Briefen, Jahrbiicher fiir class. Philologie, 1884, p. 108 f. 845 ff. G. Schepss, handschriftlicher Fund zu C.'s Briefen an Atticus, Blatter fiir das bayerische Gymnasialschulwesen, 1883, p. 7 ff. 111. 0. Stretcher, de C. epistolis ad familiares emendandis, Commentatioiifs philologae Jenenses, vol. iii, 1883, p. 99 ff. [ W. Dittenberger, Deutsche Litteratur-Zeitung, 1885, p. 569. Purser, Hermathena, 1885, p. 277 ff, 1886, p. 43 ff] H. Ebeling, Handschriftliches zu C.'s Briefen an Atticus, Philologus, xlii, 1884, p. 403 ff 0. E. Schmidt, zur Geschichte der Florentiner Handschriften von C.'s Briefen, Khein. Mus., xl, 1885, p. 611 ff. The same, die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung der Briefe C.'s an Atticus, Q. Cicero, M. Brutus in Italien (Abhandlungen der Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Bd. x), Leipzig, 1887 (107 pp.), 4. [F. R(uhl), Centralblatt, 1887, p. 1769 ff Th. Stangl, Deutsche Litter- atur-Zeitung, 1887, p. 1141.] Before L. Mendelssohn's edition with the critical apparatus is published, no final judgment can be given. Nevertheless: What is the value of the Mediceus of the Epistles ad Atticum in com- parison with the other manuscripts ? What is the value of the Vercellensis of the Epistles ad familiares in comparison with the other manuscripts ? III. The contents of the four collections. The chronology. C. Bardt, quaestiones Tullianae, Berlin, 1866 (46 pp.), 8. S. Nake, der Briefwechsel zwischen Cicero u. Decimus Brutus, Jahrbiicher fiir class. Philologie, Supplementband viii, 1875-76, p. 647 ff. [K. Schirmer, Philol. Anzeiger, xi, 1881, p. 525.] 0. E. Schmidt, de epistolis et a Cassio et ad Cassium post Caesarem occisum datis quaestiones chronologicae, Leipzig, 1877 (57 pp.), 8. [K. Schirmer, Philol. Anzeiger, xi, 1881, p. 525 f.] The same, zur Chronologie der Correspondenz C.'s seit Caesars Tod, Jahr- biicher fiir class. Philol., 1884, p. 331 ff. Compare also Jahrbiicher, 1883, p. 863 f. The same, die letzten Kiimpfe der romischen Republik, historische Studien I (Jahrbiicher fiir class. Philologie, Supplementband xiii, p. 665 ff), Leipzig, 1884 (iii, 62 pp.), 8. [F. R(iihl), Centralblatt, 1886, p. 227.] The Epistles of Cicero. 7 Th. Schiche, x.u C.'s Briefen an Atticus, I, Festschrift des Werderschen Gym- nasiums (Berlin, 1881, 8.). p. 225 ff. The same, zu C.'s Briefen an Atticus, II, Programm des Werderschen Gymna- siums, Berlin, 1883 (24 pp.), 4. The same, zu C's Briefen an Atticus, Hermes, xviii, 1883, p. 588 ff. [J. F., Philol. Kundschau, ii, 1882, p. 1300 f.] L. Moll, de temporibus epistolarum Tullianarum quaestiones selectae, Ber- lin, 1883 (49 pp.), 8. [E. Euete, Philol. Rundschau, III, 1883, p. 1222 ff.] E. Ruete, die Correspondenz C.'s in der Jahren 44-43, Strassburg (Marburg), 1883 (122pp.), 8. [H. Schiller, Bursian's Jahresbericht, xxxvi, 18S3, p. 496. P. Meyer, Philol. Wochenschrift, iii, 1883, p. 1313 f. L. Gurliit, Philol. Rund- schau, iii, 1883, p. 712 f.] E. Sternkopf, quaestiones chronologicae, de rebus a Cicerone inde a tradita provincia Cilicia usque ad relictam Italiam gestis deque epistolis intra illud tempus (a. 701 ad 705), datis acceptisve, Marburg, 1884 (70 pp.), 8. A. E. Koerner, de epistolis a Cicerone post reditum ad finem a. 700 datis quaestiones chronologicae, Leipzig (Meissen), 1885 (67 pp.), 8. 10. E. Richter, Wochenschrift fur klass. Philologie, ii, 1885, p. 1609 f. L. Gurliit, Berliner Philol. Wochenschrift, vi, 1886, p. 1369 f. St(ernkopf), Neue Philol. Rundschau, vii, 1887, p. 8.] W. Judeich, Caesar ini Orient, kritische Uebersicht der Ereignisse vom 9 Aug. 48 bis Oct. 47, Leipzig, 1885 (viii, 205 pp.), 8. [E. Klebs, Deutsche Litteratur-Zeitung, 1885, p. 1009. Centralblatt, 1886, p. 978. G. Thourel, Wochenschrift fur klass. Philologie, II, 1885, p. 1547 f. R. Schneider, Berliner Philol. Wochenschrift, v, 1885, p. 748.] G. Raitschen, ephemerides Tullianae rerum inde ab exilio Ciceronis (Mart. Iviii, a. Chr.) usque ad extremum annum LIV gestarum, Bonn, 1886 (64 pp.), 8. [O. E. Schmidt, Wochenschrift fur klass. Philologie, v, J888, p. 427.] J. Ziehen, ephemerides Tullianae rerum inde a xvii mensis Martis 49 a. Chr. usque ad ix mensis Augusti 48 a. Chr. gestarum, Bonn (Budapest), 1887 (58 pp.), 8. K. Lehmann, [on Boot's second edition] Wochenschrift fur klass. Philologie, iii, 1886, p. 935 ff., 970 ff. The same, znr Recension der Atticusbriefe Cicero's, Wochenschrift fur klass. Philologie, iv, 1887, p. 506 ff., 1403 ff. The commentary of Manutius, Drumann's work, Orelli's Onomasticon always to be consulted. See also Plutarque, vie de Cicdron, par Ch. Graux, Paris, 1882 (192pp.), 8. The chronology of the letters written before C.'s Cilician proconsulate has not yet been sufficiently examined. Are there pseudonyms among C.'s correspondents? (Cf. Sampsicernmu^). 8 The Epistles of Cicero. The official documents in the letters are to be examined. Data as to C.'s literary occupations, his library, his orations, his rhe- torical and philosophical writings. Cf. the question about the Topica, M. Wallies, de fontibus topicorum Ciceronis, Halle, 1878 (48 pp.)> 8. [/wan Miitter, Bursian's Jahresbericht xiv, 1878, p. 200. C. H., Philol. Anzeiger, ix, 1878, p. 558.] IV. The Language of the Epistles. Cf. H. Merguet, Lexicon zu C.'s Reden, 4 voll., Jena, 1881-86, 4. The same, Lexicon zu den philosophischen Schriften C.'s, vol. I, Part I, Jena, 1887 ff., 4. [Compare also the general and monographic literature on the language of Cicero.] A. Stinner, de eo quo C. in epistolis usus sit sermone I-III (1849-1864), Oppeln, 1879 (72 pp.), 8. [JT. E. Georges, Bursian's Jahresbericht, xxiii, 1880, p. 415 f.] H. Hettmuth, de sermonis proprietatibus quae in prioribus Ciceronis oratio- nibus inveniuntur. Acta seminarii philol. Erlangensis, vol. I (Erlangen, 1878, 8.), p. 101 ff. [E. Ludwig, Bursian's Jahresbericht, x, 1877, p. 88 ff.] Ph. Thielmann, de sermonis proprietatibus quae leguntur apud Cornificium et in primis Ciceronis libris ( Dissertationes philol. Argentoratenses, vol. II), Strassburg, 1879 (113 pp.), 8. The same, stilistische Bemerkungen zu den Jugendwerken Ciceros, Blatter fur das bayerische Gymnasialschulwesen, 1880, p. 202 ff., 352 ff. [