UC-NRLF $B 72 D2fl GIFT OF Circular Relating to Enrollments in and Transfers to the Fleet Naval Reserve United States Naval Reserve Force WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 Digitized by the Internet Arch in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation .archive.orq/details/circularrelatinqOOunitrich Circular Relating to Enrollments in and Transfers to the Fleet Naval Reserve United States Naval Reserve Force WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 Navy Department, Bureau of Navigation, Washington, D. C, October ^, 1916. CIRCULAR RELATING TO THE ENROLLMENT IN OR TRANSFER TO THE FLEET NAVAL RESERVE, UNITED STATES NAVAL RESERVE FORCE. (For the information and guidance of commanding officers of ships, commanding officers of recruiting districts, and appli- cants. ) THE FLEET NAVAL RESERVE, CLASS 1. 1. Eligibility. Only ex-service officers and men who are citizens of the United States are eligible. Class 1 (a). Former officers of the United States Naval Service, including midshipmen (graduates of the Naval Academy) who have left the service under honorable conditions. Class 1 (b). Men who have been, or may be, entitled to be honorably discharged from the Naval Service after one four-year term of enlistment or after a term of enlistment during minority. The last discharge from the Naval Service must have been honorable. Class 1 (c). This subclass has a different status from that of any other class or subclass of men in the Naval Reserve Force, except subclass 1 (d), since men do not enroll and are not discharged, but are transferred from the regular Navy in this subclass. Their status more nearly corresponds to those on the retired list. 65564"— 16 (3) Any enlisted man with 16 years' naval service may, on the authority of the Secretary of the Navy, upon voluntary application on the expiration of his term of enlistment, if entitled to an honorable discharge, be transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve in the rating in which then serving. Class 1 (d). Any enlisted man with 20 or more years' naval service may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, to be transferred and con- tinued in the Fleet Naval Reserve as in the previous case (Class 1-c) except that the transfer may be made at any time during the man's current enlistment. a. A complete enlistment in the Navy during minor- ity and any enlistment terminated within three months prior to expiration of the term of enlistment by special order of the Secretary of the Navy shall be considered as four years' service for purposes of enrollment, re- tirement, and pay of members of the Naval Reserve Force. 5. Members of* Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d) do not enroll. They must not be discharged from the Navy. They are transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve from the active list and their service is continuous. Other classes enroll for four years, and to have continuous service they must reenroll within four months of ex- piration of their term of enrollment. 2. Pay or the Fleet Naval Reserve. Class 1. (a) The annual retainer pay of officers of the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be two months' base pay of the corresponding rank in the Navy. 5 Class 1. (b) The annual retainer pay of men shall be as follows: Per annum. Men with less than 8 years' naval service $50 Men with 8 or more years and less than 12 years' naval service ._ 72 Men with 12 years or more naval service 100 Class 1. (c) Shall receive one-third the base pay they were receiving at the close of their last naval serv- ice, plus all permanent additions thereto. This pay shall be increased 10 per cent for all men who may be credited with extraordinary heroism in the line of duty. Class 1. (d) Shall receive one-half the base pay they were receiving at the close of their last naval service, plus all permanent additions thereto. This pay shall be increased 10 per cent for all men who may be cred- ited with extraordinary heroism in the line of duty or whose average marks in conduct for 20 years or more shall not be less than 95 per cent of the maximum. NOTES. a. Officers and men enrolling in the Fleet Naval Re- serve within four months of the date of the termination of their last naval service or reenrolling within four months of the date of their last term of enrollment shall receive an increase of 25 per cent of their base retainer pay for each such enrollment. h. Men who have enrolled in the Fleet Naval Re- serve within four months of the date of their dis- charge from the naval service and who reenlist in the regular naval service within four months of the date of discharge from the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be entitled to the same gratuity and additional pay as though they had reenlisted in the regular service within four months from discharge. Men enrolling in the Fleet Naval Reserve and later reenlisting in the regu- lar Navy, as explained above, do not lose the advan- tage of continuous service. c. Reenrollment increases the pay of class 1 (a) and class 1 (b). Class 1 (c) and class 1 (d) are trans- ferred to the Naval Reserve Force, and the pay of these two classes is not increased by service in the Naval Reserve Force. d. When actively employed, the pay of men in the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be the same as the pay of men of the regular Navy on active duty of correspond- ing rank or rating and of the same length of service. e. Retainer pay is in addition to active pay. /. Upon first reporting for active service for train- ing, officers receive a uniform gratuity of $50; men, $30. Upon reporting for active service in time of war or national emergency the uniform gratuity will be $150 for officers and $60 for men, less any previous uniform gratuity credited during the then current en- rollment. (This uniform gratuity is given for each enrollment.) Should a member sever his connection with the service without compulsion on the part of the Government before the expiration of his term of enroll- ment, the amount so credited shall be deducted from any mone}^ that may be, or may become, due him. Members of Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d) do not receive uniform gratuity. g. Officers and men of the Fleet Naval Reserve will have their retainer pay accounts carried/ by the dis- bursing officer. Bureau Supplies and Accounts, and will be paid quarterly by check. h. Pay penalties are given under paragraph 3. i. For retired pay, refer to paragraph 4 (1) and 4 (m). 3. Duties and Kequirements of the Fleet Naval Reserve. (a) Three months' active duty each enrollment. This does not apply to Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d). The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to assign officers and men to active duty on application. This also applies to men of Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d). This duty may be taken in one or more periods, as the members may elect. To be entitled to travel allow- ances, the active service for each training period must be not less than one month unless otherwise specifically authorized. Penalty for noncompliance. — If a member fail to per- form three months' active duty during an enrollment, he shall on reenrollment receive retainer pay at the rate of $12 per year until such time as he shall have com- pleted three months' active service. This does not apply to transferred men, Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d). (b) The Fleet Naval Reserve shall be governed by the laws and regulations for the government of the Navy only when on active duty, except in case of trans- ferred men. Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d). Men trans- ferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be governed at all times by the laws and regulations for the govern- ment of the Navy and shall not be'discharged from the Naval Reserve Force without their consent, except by sentence of court-ri(iartial or competent authority. (c) Report for inspection under such conditions as may be ordered by the Secretary of the Navy. 8 Penalty for noncompliance. — Pay due may be for- feited by order of the Secretary of the Navy. (d) Make such reports concerning movements and occupations as may be required. Penalty for noncompliance. — Retainer pay shall be stopped. (e) Keep on hand such part of the uniform clothing outfit as prescribed below. Transferred men are not entitled to the $30 unifprm gratuity. When first called into active service the commanding officer of the vessel to which attached will issue an outfit as given in the following table, which must be kept on hand thereafter while a member of the Naval Reserve Force and be pre- sented for inspection when required. In addition, the commanding officer shall issue such other articles and bedding .as he may deem necessary. Total amount of clothing and bedding to be issued shall amount, as nearly as practicable, to $30 in value, which amount shall not be exceeded. Articles. Chief petty officers, olncers' stewards, and cooks. Bandsmen. All other enlisted men. 1 1 1 1 White coat vershirt 1 1 Bine trousers . . ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 White trousers 1 White shirts Blue cap 1 a 1 White hat 1 Leggings, pair 1 1 Neckerchief 1 Cravat ' ............. 1 Jersey 1 Overcoat. 1 1 ______ 1 1 1 Watch cap 1 9 (f) An officer or man of the Fleet Naval Reserve shall not be an officer or enlisted man in any branch of the military service of the United States or any State thereof, but may accept employment in any other branch of the public service. (g) The Fleet Naval Reserve shall be subject to call to active duty in time of war or when a national emer- gency exists. This law applies also to men retired from Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d). 4. Enrollments, Pay Accounts, Disciplinary Ac- tion, Retirements, Orders to Active Service, Dis- charges, Records, of the Fleet Naval RESER^^E. enrollments and transfers. (a) Any enlisted man upon expiration of enlist- ment, entitled to honorable discharge and recommended for reenlistment, may be enrolled in Class 1 (b). Fleet Naval Reserve, with the same rating at which dis- charged. He may, if eligible, be transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve, Class 1 (c) or Class 1 (d). (b) A commanding officer on enrolling a man in or transferring one to the Fleet Naval Reserve shall — (1) Direct the enrolled or transferred man to report by letter to the commanding officer of re- cruiting district of which a resident. (2) Explain that the commanding officer of re- cruiting district is the man's commanding officer. (3) Explain that requests for active duty, or requests of any nature, are to be made to the man's commanding officer, either by letter or in person. (4) Explain that any change in address shall be promptly reported to the commanding officer and 10 the disbursing officer, Bureau of Supplies and Ac- counts. (5) Forward to the commanding officer of re- cruiting district, to whom the man has been di- rected to report, the enrollment or transfer record and health record. (6) Forward to the Bureau of Navigation the shipping articles or approved transfer request. (c) Any recruiting officer may reenroll a man with satisfactory enrollment record, or enroll any ex-service man honorably discharged and entitled to reenlistment in the Naval Service, and who may be found physically and otherwise qualified. When an applicant for first enrollment is over 41 years of age he shall not be en- rolled without special permission from the Bureau of Navigation. (d) Anyone eligible to enrollment in Class 1 (a) as an officer may make application for enrollment to the Bureau of Navigation, stating briefly his naval service. The procedure is as follows: (1) Applicant applies to Bureau of Navigation for enrollment. (2) If the application is approved, the bureau authorizes the applicant to report for medical ex- amination. (3) If physically qualified, appointment is is- sued to grade or rank last held in the Navy. Ap- pointment is for four years. (4) Bureau of Navigation forwards appoint- ment with letter of transmittal and blank form "Acceptance of office and oath of allegiance." (5) Form is returned to the Bureau of Naviga- tion properly accomplished. Pay and allowances 11 and eligibility for service begin from date of ac- ceptance. (6) Orders issued to report by letter to the com- manding officer of recruiting district. (7) Officers are detailed for active service upon their own request, orders for such being issued either by the Bureau of Navigation or the com- manding officer of recruiting district. COMMISSIONING OR WARRANTING OF ENROLLED MEN. (e) Members of the Fleet Naval Reserve who have established their qualifications by examination to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Nav,y may be given warrants or commissions in the Fleet Naval Reserve in the grades of boatswain, gunner, carpenter, machin- ist, pharmacist, pay clerk, ensign for deck or engineering duties, or in the lowest grades of the staff corps. Those so warranted or commissioned shall not be deprived of the retainer pay, allowances, or gratuities to which they would otherwise be entitled. The Bureau of Naviga- tion will issue instructions regarding such warrants and commissions. No warrants or commissions will be made prior to January 1, 1918. PAY ACCOUNTS. (f ) Account cards are made out in triplicate by the commanding officers of recruiting districts as follows: (1) Upon enrolling or reenrolling a man in the Fleet Naval Reserve. (2) Upon receipt of records of men first enrolled or transferred from ships or other stations. (3) Upon the appointment of an officer in the Fleet Naval Reserve. 12 (g) Account cards are sent to the disbursing officer, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Account cards may be obtained from the supply officer, navy yard, Washington^ D. C, after November 1, 1916, and will be issued without request as soon as printed. (h) Account cards will be made out in accordance with instructions on the back thereof. (i) Any change in rank or rating or any change that would in any way stop or affect pay shall be reported at once to the disbursing officer. (j) New Account cards are not required w"hen en- rolled men change their residence from one recruiting district to another. DISCIPLINARY ACTION. (k) Members of the Fleet Naval Reserve, when on active duty, are subject to the same discipline as men in the active feervice. . Men in Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d), transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve, are al- ways subject to the same discipline as men in the active service. RETIREMENTS. (1) Enrolled members who have completed 20 years of service in the Naval Reserve Force and who shall have performed the minimum amount of active service required in their class for maintaining efficiency during each term of enrollment shall, upon their own applica- tion, be retired with the rank or rating held by them at the time, and shall receive in lieu of any pay a cash gratuit}^ equal to the total amount of their retainer pay during the last term of their enrollment. This applies to Class 1 (a) and Class 1 (b). (m) Men transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve may, upon their own request, upon completing 30 years' service including naval and Fleet Naval Reserve, be transferred to or placed on the retired list of the Navy with the pay they were then receiving plus the allow- ances to which enlisted men of the same rating are entitled on retirement after 30 years' naval service. This applies to Class 1 (c) and Class 1 (d). ACTIVE-SERVICE ASSIGNMENTS. (n) To order a man to active service upon his own request the following procedure shall be followed: (1) The commanding officer of the recruiting district issues orders, transportation, and subsist- ence and forwards enrollment and health records with copy of orders to the commanding officer of ship or station to which the man is ordered. (2) The commanding officer enters on his en- rollment record the date of reporting, the date of detachment, and proficiency marks. The record is handled exactly as is that of a regular enlisted man. (3) The commanding officer shall, on completion of the active-service training period as indicated by the orders, or as soon thereafter as possible, de- tach the man and procure for him transportation and subsistence to his home (or other place, pro- vided this can be done at no greater expense) and forward the enrollment and health records to the commanding officer of recruiting district. (4) The pay officer of ship or station will pay the man is in the case of a regularly enlisted man. (Active service counts from date of reporting to date of detachment.) 14^ (o) An officer will receive orders from the Bureau of Navigation or the commanding officer of recruiting district. He may obtain his mileage in the usual man- ner from any Navy pay office. Active-duty pay will be paid by the pay officer of the ship or station from the day of reporting to the day of detachment as in- dorsed upon the officer's orders. DISCHARGES. (p) A man desiring discharge from the Fleet Naval Reserve to reenlist in the Navy or for other reasons will apply to the commanding officer of recruiting dis- trict. Immediately upon discharge or reenlistment in the Navy the commanding officer of recruiting district will make x^roper entries in the enrollment record and return to the Bureau of Navigation, sending health record to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. In addition, he will report immediately by letter to the disbursing officer the date of discharge from the Fleet Naval Reserve. RECORDS. (q) The enrollment record shall be kept in the same manner as an enlistment record. The health record used shall be the same as the service health record, but will have written on the face " Fleet Naval Reserve," and it shall be kept in the same manner as the service record. (r) During the period of active training an entry shall be made in the health record to indicate the physi- cal condition of the member. Upon completion of the active training fitness reports shall be made out for officers, enrollment records of men marked, and all records returned to the regular commanding officer. L. C. Palmer. o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ~"''»'53CBX ICVl 3 1953 1.(1 LD 21-100m-7,'52(A2528sl6)476 //I to ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY