GIFT OF JANE KoSATHEE 806l'l2'NVr'lVd 'A 'N 'asiioBJifg A Catalogue of the Collection of Historical Material NEW ENGLAND HISTORY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION SIMMONS COLLEGE, BOSTON ^ Prepared by the Committee. upon Historical Material, assisted by the Senior Class in Library Science, Simmons College. \>t ^ c^ji> .^ X i The collection of historical material of the New England His- tory Teachers' Association is situated at Simmons College, in the Fenway, Boston, reached from Copley Square by Huntington ave- nue, or by Boylston street and Brookline avenue. The main build- ing of the college is not far from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the Harvard Medical School, The college building is open at all times, but owing to the fact that classes hold sessions in the rooms occupied by the collection, teachers are urged to visit the college between 3.30 and 6 on week- days, or at any time Saturdays. Admission can be gained on Sundays or outside the regular college hours by pressing the electric button at the front entrance. The arrangement of the collection is as follows: Office of the committee, Room 133. American History, second floor. Rooms 225 and 223. Ancient History, second floor. Rooms 228 and 226. English History, second floor. Room 223. Continental European History, second floor, Room 229. Economic History, second floor. Room 223. Africa and Asia, first floor, Room 133. Casts, models, atlases and books at end of the hall on the second floor. Catalogues of the material and of the collection can also be obtained there and at Room 133. All visitors are earnestly requested to register at Room 133 or Room 215. In arranging this catalogue five main sections were assigned to the material belonging to American, Ancient, English, Continental European, Economic history, and one section to that material com- mon to all these fields, the General and Miscellaneous. In this gen- eral section is listed material concerning the whole world, including maps of world, of hemispheres, and of continents, globes, general atlases, series of outline maps, outline atlases and historical note- books, and series of pictures, not belonging particularly to any special field of history. In practically every case, the objects upon exhibition are the property of this association. Loans have been received only upon the understanding that the objects loaned were to be replaced from time to time by new or fresh material. Material marked S. C. be- longs to Simmons College, but is upon exhibition to visitors along with the material belonging to the association. The full names and addresses of publishers or agents are, however, given in the Directory at the end of the catalogue. In the cata- logue itself only such information as seemed most necessary has been given, such as publisher, agent, series, size, and price. On the other hand, the committee is endeavoring to secure all pos- sible information about all kinds of historical material and will be glad to answer questions. Requests for the catalogues of the dealers should be sent direct to them, since they are prepared to give special attention to those interested in this collection. 3 374144 The prices for maps or wall-pictures are for the most inexpensive examples, unless otherwise stated. Such material can be fur- nished by dealers with spring-rollers or in cases. The discounts quoted apply only on orders direct to the publishers or general agents. Outline maps lack the names of places, but generally have the natural features indicated and sometimes named. The most important and larger ones have been listed in the special sections, the smaller or lesser important in the general and miscellaneous group. Special attention is called to the movement, developed during the past year, and now well under way, toward supplying teach- ers of American history with a series of historical maps and of historical wall pictures, both from originals. A study of the American section will reveal additions of this kind. The United States Government and the Canadian Government issue many maps which would be of great assistance to teachers and which can be secured at little or nothing. It was found possible to catalogue all the large wall pictures in the special sections. In a few cases where it seemed important, enough, cross references were made. Chronological charts have been listed separately. Historical charts upon standards and forming a series of maps, with or with- out text or tables, have been placed under maps. Very little attempt has been made, so far, to increase the ex- hibit of atlases and illustrated books. These departments have developed, almost of themselves, until recently, but now a sub- committee is working out their possibilities. This is also true of lantern slides, a few of which, illustrating American history are now in the collection. It has not been possible to include the large number of source-books and foreign books, forming a minor part of its collection. The foreign models are all catalogued in the section devoted to Continental European History. Further notes and suggestions con- cerning them are given there. The committee is endeavoring to make this part of the exhibition more representative and compre- hensive. The results of its work will appear in later reports. The Economic section has not been developed as extensively as it will be. Much of the material scattered through the other sections could, however, be classed under " aids to the teaching of econ- omics." Further information as to the work of the committee and addi- tions to this collection will be given annually in the Reports of the New England History Teachers' Association. The committee gratefully acknowledges the great assistance re- ceived from the advanced students of Library Science at Simmons College, by whom the large part of the cataloguing was completed. AMERICAN HISTORY HISTORICAL MAPS. Fac-similes of Old Historical American Maps, edited by Samuel Abbott. Printed on the sheet with each map are references to 4- authoritative works that cover the period in question. The Uni- versity Co. 1. The 1520 map of Apianus, showing the " dream of Colum- bus " of a passage between the Americas to Asia. 16%xl2 in. Unmounted, $1.00. Mounted, $1.25. Mounted with text, $1.50. 2. The early seventeenth century map of Blaeu, of Amster- dam. Dates back prior to 1615, as it gives only Virginia as an English foothold on the continent. The eastern shore line is rich with evidence of the efforts of the Spanish explorers. 22x16% in. Unmounted, $1.75. Mounted, $2.25. Mounted with text, $2.50. 3. A map of New England and New York, from the John Speed atlas of 1676, with curious text describing the ter- ritory, native Indians, and animals. 19%xl4% in. Price, Unmounted, $1.50. Mounted, $2.00. Mounted with text, $2.25. 4. "A new and exact map of the Dominions of the King of Great Britain on ye Continent of North America. Con- taining Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina." By Moll, 1715. Contains a view of the " Cataract of Niagara," with beavers at work below the falls ; a detailed account of the colonial " Posts of ye Continent of North America according as they are regu- lated by ye Postmasters general," etc. (in preparation.) 5. The Herman Moll map, of 1720, derived from French sources, exhibiting the French claims in North America. With contemporary data. 41x24i/^ in. Unmounted, $2.50. Mounted, $3.50. Mounted with text, $3.75. 6. The d'Anville map, " Canada, Louisiane et Terres Angloises," published in Paris in 1755. Has caustic comments on the French claims, made by Bolton, an Englishman. (In preparation. ) 7. " A General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, etc." A campaign map of the French and Indian war. Though dated by Lewis Evans, the first American carto- grapher of note, 1755, it shows the name of T. Jefferys, 1758, and was brought up to that date " By I. Gibson." (In preparation.) 8. " The Seat of War in New England," by an American Vol- unteer, with the Marches of the Several Corps sent by the Colonies Towards Boston, with the Attack on Bunker Hill, London, Sept. 1, 1775. The preliminary stage of the Revolutionary War. 21%xl8 in. Un- mounted, $2.50. Mounted, $3.00. Mounted with text, $3.25. The Ives Historical Map. A Mechanical Contrivance for lUustrat- 5 ing the Growth of the United States of America. By James T. B. Ives, F.G.S. Hammett. The territorial growth of the United States is illustrated by con- secutive diagrams, mounted in a glazed frame 34x24 inches, with movable keys that bring the segments into view successively. $15.00 complete. Hammett. The colored segments being withdrawn, the government river map shows the virgin country before European occupation, the loca- tions of the Indian tribal groups, and the actual settlements of English colonists, French military and trading posts, and the Span- ish towns on the Florida coast in the west. With the first key, a colored segment slides into view, represent- ing the sixteen states corresponding to the thirteen original col- onies. The second key brings into view a segment differing in color from the first, and representing the territory beyond the western boun- daries of those states and east of the Mississippi river, which France contended for, and finally surrendered to England by treaty in 1763; which England thereupon denied to the colonies until the treaty of 1783, just twenty years later. The third key brings into view Louisiana. In the same way each accession to the territory of the United States down to the Gadsden purchase of 1853, is shown by a segment which assumes its proper position upon the map by a pressure upon its special key. Blodgett's Topical Studies in U. S. History, 56 charts with maps and illustrations. J. Hobart Smith; Bardeen. 1897. About 2x3 ft. With supporter. 1st Epoch. Discovery. 2nd Epoch. Settlement. 3rd Epoch. Revolutionary War. 4th Epoch. Development of States. 5th Epoch. Civil War. 6th Epoch. Reconstruction of the Union. Miscellaneous tables. Foster Historical Chart (Maps). Rand, McNally. 1907. 2x3 ft. With supporter. $20.00 list. 1. Early Explorers and Discoverers. 2. Spanish Explorations. 3. French Explorations. Dutch and Swedes in America. 4. London Co., 1609. The Plymouth Co., 1620. The two com- panies in 1606. 5. New England Grants and the Development of the N. E. States. 6. Grants to the Middle Colonies and the Development of the Middle States. 7. Southern Grants and the Development of the Southern States. 8. Drainage Map. 9. North America from 1755-1753. 10. Result of the French and Indian War, 1763. 11. The 13 Colonies, Proclamation Line, 1763, and Quebec Act, 1774. 12. Northern Campaigns of the Revolutionary War. Early Campaigns of Revolutionary War. 13. Washington's Campaigns. 14. Southern Campaigns of the Revolutionary War. 15. Our Country at Close of the Revolutionary War, 1788. 16. Territorial Claims of the 13 Colonies. The Northwest Territory, and the Settlement of the Ohio River. 17. Constitutional Convention. 18. Louisiana Purchase of France, 1803. 19. War of 1812. 20. The Missouri Compromise and Florida Treaty. 21. The U. S., 1837, and the Republic of Texas. 22. Oregon Country. The Maine Boundary and Webster-Ash- burton Treaty. 23. Our Country, 1846. 24. War with Mexico. 25. Our Country at the close of the Mexican War, 1848. 26. Compromise of 1850. 27. The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854. 28. Our Country, 1861-5. 29. Grant's Campaign in the West. 30. Campaigns of Buell and Bragg. 31. Sherman's March to the Sea and Hood's Retreat. 32. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. 33. U. S. and Her Possesions, 1907. MacCoun's Historical Charts of U. S. Silver, Burdett & Co. Bos- ton, Mass. 1908. Price, with supporter, $12.50, net. 1. Exploration Map. 2. Early English Grants. 3. Foreign Claims to the Atlantic Slope. 4. Origin of Colonies. Grants to Duke of York. 5. Land Claims of the States. Cessions to the Government. 6. English Colonies. Original States. 7. N. W. and S. W. Territories. Missouri Territories and First New States. 8. Republic of Texas. 9. Civil War. 10. United States. 11. Drainage Map. 12. First Division of North America. 13. Result of French and Indian Wars. 14. Result of Revolutionary War. 15. Spain Cedes Louisiana to France. 16. Louisiana Purchase. 17. Florida Purchase. 18. Annexation of Texas and Oregon. 19. Result of Mexican War. / 20. Gadsden and Russian Purchases. . Atkinson-Mentzer Historical Maps. A series of 16 maps, to accom- 7 pany United States History. 40x45 in., 7 colors, complete with iron standard, per set, $16.00, net. Discount, 16%%. Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover. 1. North America in 1600. 2. Early Claims and Grants. 3. The Atlantic Coast in 1650. 4. The Atlantic Coast in 1713. 5. North America in 1750. 6. Results of the French and Indian War. 7. The Scene of the Revolution. 8. Western Land Claims. 9. Beginning of the Public Domain. 10. The United States in 1800. 11. The Louisiana Purchase. 12. The United States after 1819. 13. Texas and the Mexican War. 14. The Mexican Cessions and Oregon. 15. Illustrating the Following Events in Connection with the Slavery Question: The Missouri Compromise. The Compromise of 1850. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill. Effect of Dred Scott Decision. The Seceding States. 16. Territorial Development of the United States. The United States in 1783. Louisiana Added, 1803. Florida Added, 1819. Texas and the Mexican Cessions. POLITICAL AND PHYSICAL MAPS. North America. The Sydow-Habenicht Physical Wall Maps. Rand, McNally. 59x67 in. (Spring roller, steel case), $10.80. Stanford's Orographical Maps. Rand, McNally. 52x60 in. (Spring roller, steel case). $9.60, net. Grand Series. Johnston. Babb. 3^x4 ft. $2.25, net. Peerless Series. Bardeen, 3x4^^ ft. $4.00, list. Peerless Outline Series. Scarborough. Bardeen. 1904. 3x4^^ ft. $4.00, list. Bacon's Excelsior Map. Hammett. 3%x4 ft. 10 in. $2.25, net. Universal Series. Rand, McNally. 1908-9. 41x58 in. $.80, net. Columbia Series. Rand, McNally. 46x66 in. $3.50, net. Globe Series. Rand, McNally. 41x52 in. $2.00, net. Canada. Canada, Atlas. Sheets published as separate maps. Department of Interior, Canada. $.10 each. No. 28. Relief Map, west sheet. 19x4 in. No. 29. Showing aborigines of Canada, Alaska and Greenland. 15x9 in. 8 No. 30. International, interprovincial boundaries. (5 maps.) QX6V2; leVaxO; 9y2x4y2; OVaxSVa; Wz^QVz- No. 31. International and interprovincial boundaries. (2 maps.) 91/2x5; 14x11. No. 32. Showing routes of explorers. 21x15. No. 33. Showing drainage basins. 21x15. Relief Map of Dominion. 1904. 36x4i^ in. Map showing elevators in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. 1910. 101/2x341/2 in. Map showing acreage of cereals per township in Manitoba, Sas- katchewan and Alberta. 1909. 6%x3i^ ft. Map of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. 3 sections. Spec- ial edition showing lands finally disposed of, to January 1, 1910. Each section 2ft.x3 ft. United States. U. S. Wall Map, prepared by the Land Office, Department of the Interior, Washington. Along its lower border are small maps of Cuba, Canal Zone, Hawaiian group, Guam, Philippines, and Tutuila group of Samoan Islands. 5x7 ft. on muslin. $1,00, net. Globe Series. Rand, McNally. 41x52 in. $2.00, net. Physical Map of the U. S. Rand, McNally. 1910. 66x46 in. $8.00, list. Universal Series. (United States, Canada, and Mexico.) Rand, MeNally. 41x52 in. $.80. Peerless Series. Bardeen. 1904. 54x36 in. With names. $4.00, list. Peerless Outline Series. Bardeen. 54i^x36 in. Without names. $4.00, list. Columbia Series. Rand, McNally. 1895-1909. 66x46 in. $3.50, net. Hammond's Commercial Map of the United States, with Portions of Canada and Mexico. 1910. 61x40 in. Hammond. $3.75, net. Blackboard Map of the United States. Kenney Bros. & Wolkins. 3 ft. 814 in.x4 ft. 8I/2 in. $3.50. Columbia Series. Blackboard map. Rand, McNally. 1910. 6 ft.x4 ft. 1 in. $4.00, net. Unrivaled Series. Blackboard map of the U. S. Babb. 4x5 ft. $2.50, n^t. Blackboard outline map of the U. S. with state boundaries. Ham- mett. 4x5 ft. $3.00. New England. Massachusetts. Peerless Series. Scarborough. Hammett. 4 ft. 8 in.x3 ft. $2.25, net. Blackboard outline map of New England States. Rand, McNally. 4 ft. 9 in.x4 ft. $5.00, list. ' state Maps. United States Government. Department of the Interior. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. South America. Stanford's Orographical Maps. Rand, McNally. 52x60 in. (Spring roller, steel case.) $9.60, net. Columbia Series. Rand, McNally. 1895-1907. 31/2x41/2 ft. $3.50, net. Peerless Series. Scarborough. Bardeen. 1904. 3 ft. 2 in.x3 ft. 4 in. $4.00, list. Peerless Outline Series. Scarborough. Bardeen. 1904. 371^x53% in. $4.00, list. Philips' Model Test Outline Maps. Philips; Kenney Brothers & Wolkins. 301/2x39 in. $3.00, list. Bird's-Eye View Picture Relief Map. 46x66 in. Rand, McNally. (Spring roller, steel case.) $6.00, net. Universal Series. Rand, McNally. 1889-1908. 37x45 in. (Common roller.) $.80, net. Globe Series. Rand, McNally. 1898-1908. 37x45 in. $2.00, net. CHARTS. Croscup's Synchronic Chart of United States History, chronological text by E. D. Lewis. Windsor, Pub. (Book Form.) $1.50. Croscup's Wall Chart of United States History. Windsor, Pub. (Cloth back on rollers.) $5.00. Ellsworth, Oliver, Editor. Historical Chart of the United States. 1861. Bazin & Ellsworth. 1861. 29 1-5 cm. Out of print. ATLASES. Hart, Albert Bushnell. Epoch Maps, Illustrating American His- tory. Longmans, Green. 1910. $.50, net. Hammond, C. S. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Atlas. Hammond. 1909. $.25. MacCoun, Townsend. Historical Geography of the United States. Silver, Burdett. 1901. $.90, net. Department of the Interior, United States Government. Statistical Atlas of the United States. (Based upon the Census of 1910.) In preparation. WALL PICTURES. United States Historical Wall Pictures. (To accompany historical maps of the same publisher.) The University Company. 10 Declaration of Independence. Trumbull. Battle of Bunker Hill. Trumbull. Surrender of Cornwallis. Trumbull. Others in preparation. Lohmeyer. Wandbilder fur den geschichtlichen Unterricht, naeh Originalen hervorragender Kunstler. 98: 72 cm. M3. ($.80) each. Koehler. 24. Columbus erste Landung in Amerika. Columbus First Land- ing in America. $1.30. Longmans' Historical Wall Pictures. Illustrating British History. Painted from authentic sources by Henry J. Ford. Longmans, Green & Company. 24x18 in. (On plate paper 30x25 in.) 10. Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham. $.80. The "A. L." Historical Incidents. Arnold. 36x31 in. (On paper 40x36 in.) $1.00 each. 71. Wolfe at Quebec— Climbing the Heights. (13th September, 1759.) India-proof Photogravures, (On heavy paper 28x38 in.) Averag- ing 16y2x20 in. Elson. $5.00, each. Signing the Declaration of Independence. John Trumbull, George Washington ( oval ) . Gilbert Stuart. Athenaeum portrait. SMALL PICTURES. Masterpieces in Art. Elson Prints. Photogravures, averaging 51/^x8 in. on paper 9x12 in. $1.25 per portfolio of 10 prints, with descriptive text. Single prints, $.10. American. Washington Crossing the Delaware; Concord Bridge; U. S, Frigate "Constitution;" Washington Resigning his Com- mission; Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower; Mount Vernon; Abraham Lincoln; General Washington; Alex- ander Hamilton; Samuel Adams; Benjamin Franklin; Patrick Henry; James Otis. The Halliday Historic Photographs. Collected by the late W. H. Halliday. The Halliday Photo Company. Places and houses famous in the early history of New England. Sizes 5x7 and 61^x8^^. $50. Other sizes at proportionate prices. Rebecca Nourse House, Danvers. $.50. Birthplace of Gen. Hooker at Hadley. $.50. Fort Halifax, Winslow, Maine. $.50. Governor Bradford's House, Austerfield, $,50. Boston Tea Party. $.75. Silhouette of George Washington. $2.00. Cook House, Watertown. $.50. Old Belfry, Lexington. $.50. Photographs of the Paintings of Objects in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. (On sale at the Museum.) 8x10 in. Sepia. $.40. J. Q. Adams; Samuel Adams; George Washington; Martha Washington; General Knox; Punch Bowl of Paul Revere, Postcard Pictures of Indian Chiefs. (Tuck.) Set of six. $.15. The Perry Pictures. Pictures of various sizes: 5i^x8. $.01 each. 11 7x9. $.02 each. 10x12. $.05 each. These pictures have various subjects, including great men, historic places, sculpture, etc. The Perry Picture Company. Indian Chiefs, Presidents, Statesmen, etc. Historic places and events. LANTERN SLIDES. Lantern Slides Illustrating American History from Sources Usually Inaccessible. The University Company. Boston. Map of Apianus. Cartoon. (Contemporary). Bunker's Hill or America's Head- dress. Portrait of Lord North. Cartoons (Contemporary) from Paris. Lord North Awaiting News from America. Battle of Brandywine. Washington Receiving Notification of Election to Presidency. CASTS. American Caproni. Franklin. 2 ft. high. $7.50, net. Paul Jones. 2 ft. 4 in. high. $9.00, net. Lincoln. (Copyrighted.) 2 ft. 8 in. high. $15.00, net. BOOKS. The Kohl collection of maps relating to America. By Justin Winsor, with index by P. L. Phillips. Washington Government Printing Office. U. S. Library of Congress. 1904. 26 cm. Cloth, $.40. List of maps and views of Washington and District of Columbia in the Library of Congress. By Phillips. Washington Govern- ment Printing Office. U. S. Library of Congress. 1900. 23 2-5 cm. Paper, $.05. List of maps of America, preceded by a list of works relating to cartography. By P. L. Phillips. Washington Government Print- ing Office. U. S. Library of Congress. 1901. 26 cm. Qoth, $1.00; paper, $.75. ANCIENT HISTORY MAPS. Entwicklung des romischen Reiches, entworfen von Guido Jondl Freytag und Berndt. Koehler; Rand, McNally. 71x68 in. $6.00. Insets : Das persische Reich und das Reich Alexanders des Grossen. Das alte Griechenland. Attica und Boeotien. Kampf bei Thermopylae. Stellen der flotten bei Salamis. Alexander's Ubergang iiber den Hellespont. Schlacht bei Issus. 12 l/]S Landschaften des alien Italien. Latium iind Campanien. Besitzstand der Romer und der Karthager zu beginn des zweiten punischen krieges. Wandkarte zur Geschichte des Romischen Reiclies beargeitet v. Prof. Dr. E. Schwabe. Ed. 4. Lang. 71/2x5% ft. Koehler. $5.50. Insets: Die Diadochenreiche, bei ihrem zusammenstosse mit den Romern. Das karthagische Reich in seiner grossten Ausdehnung. Klein-Asien vor Ausbruch des 1 mithradatischen Krieges. Klein-Asien um das Jahr 60. nach der Organisierung per pro- vinzen durch Pompejus. Historiae antiquae carta, entworfen von H. Hemmleb. Koehler; Rand, McNally. 72 in.xSO in. $5.75. Inset : India. 15 in.xlS in. New Wall Maps of Ancient History. By Dr. Henry Kiepert. Rand, McNally. Ancient World (for the periods preceding the Roman Empire). 74x40 in. (Common roller.) $6.00, net. Roman Empire. 75x57 in. $7.20, net. Ancient Greece. 79x60 in. $7.20, net. Ancient Asia Minor. 78x39 in. $6.00, net. Ancient Gaul and Germany. 69x55 in. $7.20, net. Ancient Italy. 53x62 in. $6.00, net. Ancient Latium, with the Environs of Rome. 57x42 in. $4.80, net. Empires of the Persians and of Alexander the Great. 79x39 in. $6.00, net. Kampen's Ancient History Maps. (With Latin text.) Hammett. Ancient Italy. 65x60 in. $7.60, list. Roman Empire. 78x66 in. $8.60, list. Johnston Classical Series. Johnston, Babb, Nystrom. $2.75, net, each. Orbis Veteribus Notus. (The World as Known to the An- cients.) 50x42 in. Orbis Romanus. (Roman World.) 50x42 in. Inset map of Asiae Interioris. Asia Minor Antiqua. 50x42 in. Caesar de Bello Gallico. 50x42 in. Italia Antiqua. 50x42 in. Inset map of Roma Antiqua. Graecia Antiqua. 50x42 in. Countries Bordering on the Mediterranean. (Outline, without names. ) 50x42 in. Inset map of Graecia and Italia. MacCoun's Historical Geography Charts of Europe. Ancient and Classic Periods. Silver, Burdett & Company. 1894. Size, 381/2x29 in. Scale, 88 m. to 1 in. Price, with supporters, $12.50, net. 1. Drainage Map. 2. Early Centers of Civilization. 13 3. 1250 B.C. Egypt Under Rameses II. 4. 1000 B.C. Homeric Greece. Israel. 5. 800 to 600 B.C. Greece and Phoenician Colonies. Assy- ria's Greatness. 6. Original Home and Dispersion of the Indo-European or Aryan Race. 7. 560 B.C. Primitive Races of Western Europe; Four Great Powers in the East. 8. 480 B.C. Persian Attempt to Conquer Greece. 9. Greece at the Beginning of the Peloponnesian War. 431 B.C. 10. 325 B.C. Greek Civilization Carried Into the East. 11. 290 B.C. Rome After the Samnite Wars, Division of Alexander's Empire. 12. 227 B.C. Mediterranean Lands Before the Second Punic and Klevmenic Wars. 13. About 100 B.C. Rome After the Macedonian, Punic and Achaeian Wars. 14. 44 B.C. Rome at the Death of Caesar. 15. Rome at Its Greatest Extent. 1-117 A.D. 16. Division of Roman Empire by Diocletian. 192. 17. Division— Eastern and Western Nations. Teutonic Nation. 395. 18. Last Days of Rome. Wandering of Nations. 475. Wall Map of Ancient Rome. By Christian Huelsen ; Rand, McNally. 73x67 in. $9.00 list. Plan of Athens. By Dr. Ernst Schwabe, Lang; Rand, McNally. $14.00. Insets: Piraeus, Die Akropolis. CHARTS. Graphic Companion of Greek and Roman Studies. (Portfolio of pictures and chronological charts illustrating Greek and Roman life history. Prepared by Miss Anna B. Thompson.) For sale by Boston Museum of Fine Arts. ATLASES. Butler, Rev. George, Ed. Longmans' Atlas of Ancient Geography. Longmans, Green. 1902. $2.00. Grundy, G. B., Ed. Murray's Small Classical Atlas. Oxford Press. 1904. Ginn & Company. Ginn Company's Classical Atlas. Ginn & Com- pany, 1897. Loaned. WALL PICTURES. Tabulae quibus antiquitates Graecae et Romanae illustrantur. Cybulski, Editor. Koehler; Bardeen. 28x36 in. M. 4. $1.25, net, (including carriage to New York), each sheet. 14 1. Greek Weapons and Shields. 2. The Greek Warrior. 3a. Greek Money. 3b. Koman Money. 4. Greek and Koman Ships. 6. Roman Weapons and Shields. 6-7. The Roman Soldier (two sheets). 8. The Roman Camp. 9. War Machines of the Greeks and Romans. 10. Greek House. 11. Roman House. 12-13. Greek Theatre. 14 a, b. Plan of Athens (double sheet). 15 a, b. Plan of Ancient Rome (double sheet). Series 11. 16, 17, 18. Customs of the Greeks. 19, 20. Customs of the Romans. This set has been given in full on account of its special excel- lence. The Association has exhibited all of it. At the present only about a dozen pictures are in view, owing to the lack of space. (Text in Latin and Greek.) Oldenbourg's Wandtafeln zum klassischen Altertum. Gross* 75: 67 cm. 4. Delphi. Gez — vom Architekt und Maler E. Schuster. With text. M6. ($1.60) each. Lehmann, Kulturgeschichtliche Bilder fiir den Schulunterricht. Koehler. Abteilung: Alte Geschichte nach Aquarellen von Mttller- Wachsmuth, Klemm, Molitor, von Buhlmann, Dietrich, Wei- chardt u. Gehrts, Tschirsch u. a. M. 2.80 ($.80) each. 6. Der Tempel zu Jerusalem zur Zeit Christi. Temple at Jerusalem. 9. Inneres eines Romischen Hauses. Interior of a Roman House. 10. Romische Krieger. In a Roman Camp. SMALL PICTURES. Masterpieces in Art. Elson Prints, Photogravures, averaging 5^x8 in. on paper 9x12 in. $1.25 per portfolio of 10 prints with de- scriptive text. Single prints, $.10. Elson. Greek and Roman Architecture: Lion Gate of Mycenae. Great Temple (so-called Temple of Poseidon) at Paestum. Theseum, from Southwest, Athens. Parthenon, from Southwest, Athens. The Temple of Victory, from Northeast, Athens. 15 Erechtheum, from Northwest, Athens. Caryatid (South), Porch of the Erechtheum, Athens. Colosseum, Rome. Arch of Constantine, Rome. " Maison Carrie," Nimes. Greek Sculpture: Gravestone of Aristion. (Athens National Museum.) Harmodius and Aristogiton. (Naples Museum.) Three Fates from East Pediment of the Parthenon. (British Museum. ) Theseus from same. (British Museum.) Metope from Parthenon. (No. 310 in Catalogue of British Museum.) Portion of Slab of the East Frieze of the Parthenon, with Seated Divinities. (Acropolis Museum.) Two Slabs of the North Frieze of the Parthenon. (British Museum. ) Doryphorus. (Naples Museum.) Wounded Amazon. Perhaps after Polyclitus. (Lansdowne House, London.) Caryatid from South Porch of Erechtheum. (British Museum.) Egyptian Architecture: Temple of Philae. The Great Sphinx (Showing Pyramids in Distance.) Interior of Rock Temple, Abu Simbel. Granite Temple at Gizeh. Great Hall of Columns, Karnak. Avenue of Sphinxes, Karnak. Temple of Edfu. Facade of Rock Temple, Abu Simbel. Peristyle Hall of Amenophis III, Luxor. Great Pyramid. Reproductions of the Paintings of Objects in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. (On sale at the Museum.) 8x10 in. $.40. Egyptian : Garment. Statuettas. Gold Handle (XXVI Dynasty). Cat. Ptolemy IIL Portrait Head. Greek : Hermes. Assyrian : Relief. Roman : Young Augustus. University Prints. Bureau of University Travel. Sets of 500 16 Prints, illustrating: Greek and Roman Sculpture. Early Italian Art. Later Italian Art. Art of the Netherlands and Germany. Each set $4.00 (or with book descriptive of the subject, $5.00. See Illustrated Books.) Portfolio of Large Prints, illustrating the work of Michael Angelo, $2.50. The Perry Pictures. Pictures of various sizes: 5%x8 ($.01) each; 7x9 ($.02) each; 10x12 ($.05) each. These pictures have various subjects, including great men, historic places, sculpture, etc. The Perry Picture Company. Ancient Sculpture, Egyptian, Greek and Roman. CASTS. Greek and Roman. Caproni. Homer. 2 ft. 3 in. high. $7.50, net. Sophocles. 2 ft. 2 in. high. $7.50, net. Pericles. 2 ft. high. $7.50, net. Cicero. 1 ft. 8 in. high. $6.00, net. Augustus Caesar. 2 ft. 8 in. high. $11.25, net. Marcus Aurelius. 2 ft. 4 in. high. $7.50, net. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Powers & Powe. Bureau of University of Travel. Outline for the Study of Art. Early Italian. $1.25 each. (But see under Pic- tures.) E. von Mach. Bureau of University of Travel. A Handbook of Greek and Roman Sculpture. $1.25 each. (But see under Pic- tures. ENGLISH HISTORY MAPS. The British Isles. Cartes Murales Vidal-LaBlache. 1 m. 20x1 m. (about 3 ft. square). Double-faced, colored. Colin, Hammett. 2ie, Serie: Contr^es d'Europe. 28. lies Britanniques. See Cartes Murales, Continental Europe. The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and the National Society. Stanford. Rand, McNally. 4 ft.x4 ft. 8 in. $4.00, net. Excelsior Series. Bacon; Hammett. 46x62 in. $2.25, net. Columbia Series. Rand, McNally. 42x59 in. $3.50, net. Philips' Series Relief Map. Kenney Bros. & Wolkins. 30x25 in. $3.00, list. 17 Philips School Room Map of England and Wales. Hammond; Ken- ney Bros, & Wolkins. 68x54 in. $6.00, list. Bacon's Excelsior Industrial Map of England and Wales. Ham- mett. 27x37 in. $1.50, net. England. Grand Series. Johnston; Babb. Insets: Scilly Islands, County of London. 40x48 in. $2.25, net. McKinley Blackboard Maps. McKinley. 32x44 in. $3.00, net. ATLASES. Gardiner, S. R. English History School Atlas. Longmans, Green k Company. 1905. Reich, Emil. New Student's Atlas. English History. Macmillan & Company. 1903. Cruchley, G. F. County Atlas of England and Wales. Cruchley. 1875. Loaned. CHARTS. The "A. L." Historical Time-Charts. Arnold. No. 1. Paper, 45x35 in. Ruled and printed. Each, net 3d. Packed in roller. Each, net, 5d. No. 15. Ruled with vertical lines, but not with horizontal, and printed on black Melano cloth. Set of six sheets, 16/6d. $4.10 net. The " A. L." Synoptical History Charts. By W. H. Weston, B.A., and H. H. Stephens, A.C.P. Arnold. Three charts, each 60x30 in., printed in 6 colors. Chart A. Periods of English History (in centuries). Chart B. Growth of the British Empire (with maps). Chart C. Landmarks of English History. Single charts, C. R. v., net 5/. ($1.25). Set of three charts, C. R. V., net, 13/6. ($3.35). Set of three charts, mounted on calico, with protecting cover, net 10/6. ($2.60). Descriptive circular with each. The "A. L." Genealogical History Chart. By L. Williams, State School, Harrisville, Queensland. A Genealogical Table of the English Sovereigns, showing the descent of each house, with por- traits of all the monarchs, and with maps. Arnold. One sheet, 42x35 in., in full scale of colors. 5/. ($1.25) net. The Descent of England's Sovereigns. Perrin. Loaned. A Perspective History Chart. By E. A. G. Lamborn. The Claren- don Press, Oxford; and Oxford, New York. 2i^x2 ft. 8/6d. ($2.15) each. LARGE PICTURES. Longmans' Historical Wall Pictures. Illustrating British His- tory. Painted from authentic sources, by Henry J. Ford. 24x18 in. Printed on plate paper, 30x25 ins. $.80, net. 12 pictures in port- folio, $10.50. Longmans, Green. 1. The Roman Wall. 2. Augustine Preaching Before King Ethelbert. 18 3. A Danish Raid. 4. Harold's Last Stand at Senlac. 5. Richard Cceur de Lion's Sight of Jerusalem. 6. King John Seals the Great Charter, 7. Henry V at Agincourt. 8. The Armada in the Channel. 9. Charles I's Visit to the House of Commons to Seize the Five Members. 10. Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham. 11. Trafalgar. 12. Portsmouth Harbor in 190&. Longmans' Historical Illustrations. Six portfolios each containing 12 plates (12 in.x9% in.) Drawn and described by T. C. Bar- field. Price each portfolio, $.90. Longmans, Green. Portfolio I. 12 plates illustrating the costume and architecture of the Anglo-Saxons in the eleventh century. Portfolio II. 12 plates illustrating the twelfth century. Portfolio III. 12 plates illustrating the thirteenth century. Portfolio IV. 12 plates illustrating the fourteenth century. Portfolio V. 12 plates illustrating the fifteenth and fourteenth centuries. Portfolio VI. 12 plates illustrating the fifteenth century. The " A. L." Historical Incidents. Thirty wall pictures, each 36x31 in. (on paper 40x36 in.) Arnold. Any one sheet, C. R. V., 4/ ($1.00). Set of six, mounted on calico, fastened on top-lath, and with protecting cover, 13/6. ($3.35). With each picture is given a descriptive account. Examples upon exhibition: Ancient British Life. Caractacus Before Claudius. (A.D. 51.) King Alfred Receiving the Submission of the Danes. (A.D. 879.) The Murder of Becket. (29th Dec, 1170.) Crusades— Richard and Saladin. (1191.) A Tournament in the Time of Richard I. (1189- 1199.) No. 20. Simon de Montfort and the First House of Commons. (1265). No. 21. Edward I. Presenting the First Prince of Wales to the Welsh Chiefs. (1284.) No. 22. The Canterbury Pilgrims, Richard II. (1387.) No. 23. Cazton Showing His Printing Press to Edward IV., About 1474. No. 26. Joan of Arc Raising the Siege of Orleans. (7th May, 1429.) No. 30. Dismissal of Wolsey. (1529). 19 No. 1. No. 2. No. 5. No. 12. No. 14. No. 15. No. 40. The Armada in the Channel. (29th July, 1588.) No. 56. A London Street (Cheapside) Before the Great Fire. (1666.) No. 60. Landing of William of Orange. (5th Nov., 1688.) No. 70. Clive at Plassey. (23d June, 1757.) No. 71. Wolfe at Quebec— Climbing the Heights. (13th Sep., 1759.) The Britannia Historical Scenes. Arnold. Each picture in 1^^ in. polished oak frame, size over all 34^^ in.x 261^ in. Net, 10/6 ($2.60). Set of 12 plates, in portfolio. Net, 35/ ($8.75). Single Pictures, unmounted, each, net, 2/6d. ($.60). No. 6. The Wars of the Roses. No. 8. Charles I. Going to Execution. The Royal Standard. Wall picture, in paper, 2x1% ft. A. John- ston, Arnold. SMALL PICTURES. Photographs of the Paintings of Objects in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. (On sale at the Museum.) 8x10 in. Sepia. (Dark brown.) $.40. Velasquez. Philip IV. Velasquez. Don Balthazar Carlos. Van Dyck. Maria Anna de Schodt. Gerome. L 'Eminence Grise. Oroup of blue prints of Public Buildings, etc. Thompson Pub. Com- pany. $.01 each print. The " A. L." Historical Cards. New series of 32 cards, illustrating incidents in the History of England and Scotland from Roman times to the close of the Victorian era. 4x6 in. Arnold. Landing of Julius Caesar. 26th August, 55 B. C.) Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. (22nd June, 1897.) Etc. In packets of 480 (15 each of the 32 subjects). Per packets, net, ll/6d. CONTINENTAL EUROPEAN HISTORY HISTORICAL MAPS. Mitteleuropa, fiir den Unterrecht in der Geschichte, Literatur und Paedagogik. By Dr. Carl Boettcher und Adolf Freytag. Koehler. About 7x5 ft. $6.00. Wandkarte zur Geschichte der Volkerwanderung. By Dr. A. Bal- damus. Koehler. About 7x5 ft. $5.50. The Spruner-Bretschneider Historical Wall Maps. A set of ten maps to accompany medieval and modern history from 350 to 1815 A.D. Fifth edition. 1896. (62x52 in.). By K. von Spruner, 20 C. A. Bretschneider. Perthes, Gotha. Rand, McNally; Hammett, Kenney, Babb, Bardeen. Spring roller, steel case. $8.00 each. 1. Europe, 350 after Christ. S. C. 2. Europe at the Beginning of the VI Cnturey. S. C. 3. Europe at the time of Charlemagne. 4. Europe During the Second Half of the X Century. S. C. 5. Europe During the Time of the Crusades. S. C. 6. Europe During the XIV Century. 7. Europe During the Time of the Reformation. 8. Europe During the Time of the Thirty Years' War until 1700. 9. Europe During the XVIII Century, from 1700-1789. 10. Europe During Napoleon's Time, from 1789-1815. (Above maps have German text.) MacCoun's Historical Geography Charts of European History. Sil- ver, Burdett. 38^^x29 in. Lithographed in colors. With sup- porter, $12.50, net. 1. Europe at the Death of Theodoric the Ostrogoth. (320 A.D.) 2. Eastern or Byzantine Empire at its Greatest Extent. 3. Turanians Save Europe from Becoming Slavic. 4. Europe Under Karl the Great. (814-843 A.D.) 5. Beginning of Modern European States. (888 A.D.) 6. Foundation of Holy Roman Empire. (1000 A.D.) 7. Europe at Time of First Crusade. (1095 A.D.) 8. Europe at Time of Fourth Crusade. (1200 A.D.) 9. Time of Mongol Invasions. (1360 A.D.) 10. Europe During 100 Years War. (1420 A.D.) 11. Europe During Reformation. (1563 A.D.) 12. Europe After Thirty Years' War. (1648 A.D.) 13. Europe in Age of Frederick the Great. (1775 A.D.) 14. Europe at Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. (1802 A.D.) 15. Europe at Time of Napoleon. (1811.) 16. Europe at Time of Restoration. (1816.) 17. Europe After Peace of Prague. (1866.) 18. Europe After Franco-Prussian and Russo-Turkish Wars. (1878.) 19. Ethnographical Map of Europe. POLITICAL AND PHYSICAL MAPS. Cartes Murales. Vidal-LaBlache. Double-faced, colored. Colin, Hammett. 1 m. 20x1 c. (About 3 ft. square.) Mounted, 6 fr. 50 ($1.30) each. Unmounted, 3 fr. ($.60) each. Explanation for ' each map, 40 centimes ($.08). 21 1. Serie. France et Cinq Parties du Monde. 13. Europe Politique. 12. Europe Physique. 2. Serie. Contrfies d'Europe. 27. Allemagne. 31. Espagne. 32. Autriche-Hongrie. 33. Peninsule des Balkans. Note. — The Cartes Murales Vidal-LaBlache and the Tableaux d'Histoire de la Civilisation are published en feuilles (unmounted), as well as mounted on cards. Unmounted, they will be sent to purchasers by the Librairie Armand Colin, transportation free up to 25 centimes ($.05). A discount of 10% is allowed to teachers actually giving instruction. Mounted maps or pictures are sent by parcel post at the expense of the purchaser. New England agents are the J. L. Hammett Company, Boston, Mass. Columbia Series. Rand, McNally. 1895-1909. 5x3i^ ft. $3.50, net. International Series. Johnston. Babb. 4x3i^ ft. $1.75, net. Grand Series. Johnston; Babb. 481/^x401^ in. $2.25, net. Philips' Series. Hammond; Kenney Bros. & Wolkins. 63x48 in. $6.00, list. Peerless Series. Scarborough; Bardeen. 52x35 in. $4.00, list. Peerless Outline Series. Scarborough; Bardeen. 1904. 52x35 in. $4.00, list. Globe Series. Rand, McNally. 41x52 in. $2.00, net. Universal Series. Rand, McNally. 66x46 in. $.80, net. Relief -Model Map of Europe. A. L. Series. Arnold. 1904. 511^x43% in. Vertical scale, 12,000 ft. to 7 in. 37/6d. Case, 7/6d. $9.25, list. Central Europe. McKinley wall outline maps. McKinley. 1906. 40^4x28% in. $.20, net. Blackboard Outline Map. Hammett. 4x5 ft. $3.00, net. Philips' Series of Model Test Maps. Kenney Bros. & Wolkins. 80x63 in. $3.00, list. Stanford's Orographical Map. Rand, McNally. 60x54 in. $9.60. Sydow-Habenicht Physical Wall Maps. Rand, McNally. 59x67 in. Spring roller, steel case. $12.00, net. McKinley Blackboard Maps. McKinley. 32x44 in. $3.00, net. France. Cartes Murales Vidal-LaBlache. Double-faced, colored. Colin; Hammett. I m. 20x1 m. (about 3 ft. square). 3 fr. and 6 fr. 50 each. 1. Serie: France et cinq parties du monde. 2. France. Cours d'eau. 3. France. Relief du sol. 4. France. Departments. 5. France. Villes. Insets: Corsica, La France en Europe. 22 ^ 9. France. Provinces. (See note under Europe, Continental, Cartes Murales, Colin.) France, Belgique et Suisse. By P. Beneteau, and edited by Wm. Meissaa and Michelot. 6x6^ ft. 1890. Hachette. Insets : France in XXIII Governments Before 1789. Physical France. Paris, France. Plan general de la ville de Paris et de ses environs. Pub. Les services d'architecture, des promenades et plantations, service du plan de Paris. Hachette. 16x42 in. France. Carte Administrative et des Voies de Communication: Vivien de St. Martin. Hachette. 32x44 in. France. By F. Schrader, F. Prudent, E. Anthoine. Hachette. 24x29 in. McKinley Blackboard Maps. France. McKinley. 32x44 in. $3.00, net. Germany. Deutschland, von Richard Kiepert. Dietrich Reimer, Rand, Mc- Nally. 5iy2x62% in. $6.00. S. C. Franz Bamberg's Schulwand karte zur cultur-wirtschafts und han- delsgeographie von Deutschland, dem angrenzenden Osterreich u. d. Schweiz. Carl Chun, Rand, McNally. 5x5^ ft. S. C. Inset: Karte der bevolkerundsdichte im Deutschen Reich. Columbia Series. 1900. Rand, McNally. 60x42 in. $3.50, net. ATLASES. Dow, Earle Wilbur, Atlas of European History. Holt & Company. 1909. $1.50. Labberton, Robert Hinderlopen. Historical Atlas. Silver, Burdett. 1889-1901. $1.05. Johnston, W. and Johnston, A. K. The Half-Crown Historical Atlas. Babb. $.60. Schrader, F. and Gallouedec, L. Atlas classique de geographie ancienne et moderne. 7 fr. 50. Freeman, Edward A. Historical Geography of Europe. Ed., J. B. Bury. Longmans, Green. 1903. Vol. I, text, $4.00, net. Vol. II, maps, $2.00, net. Poole, Reginald Lane. Historical Atlas of Modern Europe from decline of Roman Europe. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1902. (Sample sheets on exhibition.) Putzger, F. W. Historischer Schul-Atlas zur alten mittleren und neuen Geschichte. Baldamus und Schwabe. 1903. (Holt.) MODELS. Rausch's Modelle zur vaterlandischen Kulturgeschichte. Rausch. A. Die Vorgeschichtliche Zeit. Prehistoric Period. 1. Die Steinzeit. SteinbeiL M.10.20 ($4.15). 23 Steinbeil im Holzsteil. Stone axe with wood handle. M.8.80 ($2.56). Schale. Bowl. M.2.50 ($1.10). 2. Die Bronze ii. Hallstattzeit. Bronze age. Schale. Bowl. M.2.80 ($1.10). Vorstecknadel. Piercing Needle. M.3.60 ($2.10). Bronzeschwert. Bronze sword. M.9.30 ($3.30). Bronzezelt. Bronze tent. M.8.40 ($2.90). Armspange. Arm bracelet. M.5.70 ($2.50). 3. Beginnende Eisenzeit. Beginning of the Iron Age. Messer. Knife. M. 2.50 ($1.00). B. Die geschichtliche Zeit. The Historic period. 1. Deutschland unter romischer Beeinflussung. Germany under Roman influence. Jutland Pflug. Jutland plow. M.7.00 ($2.10). Greifzange— Pincers. M. 2.20 ($1.00). Schild. Shield. M.19.90 ($9.90). 2. Zeit der Volkerwanderung. Period of the Invasions. Der Silberne Codex. The Silver Codex (one page) M.7.00 ($2.50). 3. Zeit der Merowinger. Period of the Merovingians. Franziska. Frankish axe. Period of Clovis. M.5.90 ($3.30). Ango, Hakenspeer. Spear. M.6.90 ($3.30). 5. Zeit der Sachsenkonige. Period of the Saxon Wars. Runenstein. Stone of the Runes. M.5.00 ($2.10). 6. Kultur des Spateren Mittelalters. Civilization of the later Middle ages. Romanisches Fenster. M.12.00 ($5.00). Gotisches Fenster. M.12.00 ($5.00). Hellebarde. Halberd. M.9.50 ($4.15). Degen. Sword (of a knight). M.6.90 ($5.00). 7. Zeit der Reformation. Period of the Reformation. Renaissance Fenster. M.12.00 ($5.00). Die 95 Thesen. The 95 Theses. M.2.50 ($1.00). Spinnrad. Spinning wheel. (15th century.) M. 12.50 ($5.00). 9. Zeit der Revolution u. der Befreiungskriege. Period of the Revolution. Eisernes Kreuz im 1813. The Iron Cross of 1813. M.1.40 ($1.50). Eiserner Trauring, "Gold geb ich fiir Eisen." The Iron Ring. M. 10.00 ($3.30). Aufruf " An mein Volk." Appeal to German people. 1870. M.6.00 ($2.00). The prices given are subject to changes, owing to the fact that some of the inexpensive examples are becoming exhausted. Those in marks are exclusive of carriage from Frankfort, Germany, and 24 those in dollars are estimates of an importer, with carriage to New York included. Many of these models can be sent by mail at small cost. The above examples are now upon exhibition or are on the way to our rooms. At various times they will be changed for fresh copies or new models. WALL PICTURES. Tableaux d'Histoire de la Civilisation frangaise. Par Ernest La- visse and A. Parmentier, Colin, Hammett. Unmounted, double- faced paper, 3 fr. 50 ($.75). Mounted, double-faced, cloth, 8 fr. ($1.60.) 1. La Gaule. Gaule primitive; Gaule romaine. (30 figures.) 1 bis. La France. Sous les Merovingiens ; sous les Carolin- giens. (22 figures.) 2. Le Moyen Age. Villes; Metiers; Paysans. (29 figures.) 2. bis. Le Moyen Age. Les nobles ; Sacre d'un roi ; Le Chateau feodal. (30 figures.) 3. La Monarchie Absolue. Les Rois; La Cour; Les Ministres; La justice. (19 figures.) 3. bis. La Monarchie Absolue; Les nobles Vie priv6e; La guerre; Le duel. (13 figures.) 4. La Monarchie Absolue, Eglise; Dime; Ecole; Tolerance. (14 figures.) 4. bis. La Monarchie Absolue. Bourgeois; Artisans; Paysans; Guerre; ImpOt. (11 figures.) 5. La Revolution. L'Empire. Prise de la Bastile; FSte de la Federation; Enrolements; Nuit du 4 aollt 1789; F6te de la jeunesse (Directoire) ; la Convention; Rentr^e des troupes a Paris en 1807; Napoleon au Conseil d'Etat; Retraite de Russie. (9 figures.) 5. bis. La Civilisation Contemporaine. Suffrage universel; Progres de la science; Devoir militaire; Justice; Arbitrage; Agriculture; Industrie; Expansion de la France; Prevoyance sociale; Progres de I'hygiene; Pacification sociale. (11 figures.) Lehman, Kulturgeschichtliche Bilder fiir den Schulunterricht. 1. Abteil: Deutsche Geschichte. 88:66 cm. Koehler, Steiger. M.2.60 ($.75) each. 1. Germanisches Gehofte. (Vor d. Volkerwanderung ) Ger- manic Farmyard. (Prior to the Migration of Nations.) 3. Im Rittersaale (13 Jahrh.) The Grand Hall of a Castle. 6. Balagerung. (14. Jahrh.) Siege. During the 14th Cen- tury. 10. Bauern und Landsknechte. ( 16. Jahrh.) Peasants and Lansquenets. 11. Lagerleben. (30. Jahr Krieg.) Camp Life at the Time of the 30 Years' War. 25 14. Pfahlbautendorf. Lake-dweller's Village. 15. Volksopfer, 1813. Peoples' Offering, 1813. 17. Vor dem Tore einer Stadt im Jahre, 1800. Before the City Gate. 18. Prozession. Procession (in the Middle Ages). 19. Monchsschrift. Medieval manuscript, 20. Zur Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Invention of Print- ing. 22. In Hafen Hansastadts. In the Harbor of a Hansa town. Engleder, Vaterlandische Geschichtsbilder nach Originalen in den Konigl. Mus§en, etc. Koehler. 89: 63 cm. M. 2.50 ($.70) each. 4. Bonifatius fallt die Donareiche bei Geismar. Boniface Fells the Oak of Donar Near Geismar. Lohmeyer, Wandbilder fiir den geschichlichen Unterricht, nach Originalen hervorragender Kunstler. Koehler. 98:72 cm. M.3. ($.80) each. 15. Reichstag des alten Russland. Imperial Diet of old Rui- sia. $1.75. 21. Tell's Meisterschluss. Tell's Master-shot. $1.30. Masterpieces in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. American Hii- torical Art Association. Mounted on mats, 14x20 in. Price, $.60 each (2 for $1.00). 2. Joan of Arc. Bastien-LePage. 9^11 in. 21. Christopher Columbus Before Ferdinand and Isabella. Brozik. 8^4x12 in. 22. Friedland, 1897. Meissonier. 6^^x13 in. 23. Defence of Champigny. Detaille. 6^^x13 in. SMALL PICTURES. Groups of pictures of various kinds and from various sources, arranged to illustrate the use of such material in class work upon any particular period. Loaned by Miss Davison: Castles. England, France, Germany, Spain. 13 views. English Parliament. 8 views. Germany. Domestic Architecture. 12 views. German Customs. (16th Century.) 14 views. Fortified Towns. 8 views. French Chauteaux. 6 views. Spain. 12 views. University Libraries. 5 views. The Fall of the French Monarchy., 10 views. Enthusiasm for the Classic and the Growth of Interest in Na- ture in the 15th Century. 11 views. Romanesque Architecture. 9 views. Roman Provincial Cities. 15 views. Enseignment par les yeux. Large pictures for the wall or desk, 26 illustrating the history of France, and reproduced from paint- ings. Hachette. Set of 20, $3.00. On exhibition, . Clovis a la bataille de Tolbiac. Entree des Francais et des V§nitiens a Constantinople. Jeanne d'Arc au sacre de Charles VII. Premiere stances des Etats g§n§raux. Bataille de Magenta. Echantillons de Bons Points Instructifs. Hachette. Small cards, assorted sizes, illustrating French History. Postcard pictures of the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Scot- tish Clans. Tuck. Sets of 6, $.15. Postcard pictures of Arms and Armor of the Royal Armory, Madrid. 4 series of 6 each. About $.25 each series. The Perry Pictures. Pictures of various sizes: 5^x8 in. ($.01) each. 7x9 in. ($.02) each. 10x12 in. ($.05) each. These pictures have various subjects, including great men, historic places, sculpture, etc. Perry Picture Company. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Demoulin, Wm. Gustave. (Les) Francaise illustres, cinqui§me Edition. Hachette. 1907. br. 4 fr. 50 tr. dor6es, 7 fr. (Les) Francaises illustres, quatri^me Edition. Hachette. 1907. br. 4 fr. 50 tr. dor6es, 7 fr. (La) France k travers les siMes. Hachette. 1905. 4 fr. 50 (br.). ECONOMIC HISTORY _ PICTURES. Collection showing the development of marine transportation from the earliest times to the present day. Commercial Museum, Phila- delphia. 80 framed pictures, about 5x7 in. Examples. The oldest known ships. Between 5000 and 6000 B.C. From a painting on a vase discovered in an Egyptian tomb of the Pre-Dynastic Period. Nile barge with colored and embroidered sail. From a painting in the tomb of Rameses III, at Thebes. Early Phoenician ship, 14th century B.C., plying between Egypt, Syris, and Asia Minor. Reproduced from a tomb painting at Thebes. Model to scale. Ship of the Homeric Greeks, 11th century B.C. Based on numerous descriptive passages in the Iliad and Odyssey. Indo-Javanese outrigger ship of about 600 A.D. Reproduced from a relief on the great Buddhist temple at Boroboedor, Java. These reliefs commemorate a great migration to Java from Northwestern India. Model to scale. 27 Old German Boat. 3rd century B.C. From the original now in the Kiel Museum. Arab Dhow. Type common in the Indian Ocean from the early Medieval period. Model to scale. Viking ship, about 1000, coast of Norway. Half deck fore and aft, and a stern house. Sail, red and blue, was spread over the boat to protect the crew from storm or at night. Crew 50 to 100 men. These ships were hauled up on shore, on rollers, over winter. English ship, about 1190. Richard Coeur de Lion had 9 large and about 200 small ships, the latter more or less on this order. Model to scale. Hanseatic " Cog," about 1380. Mainly for the trade of the North and Baltic Seas. Dutch " Cog," about 1440. Active in both the North and Baltic Seas. Ship of the 15th century. From the first edition of Thomas More's Utopia. Mediterranean ship, about 1490. Hindu " fusta " of the 16th century. The Sultan of Egypt in 1506 sent 40 fustas to aid the Sultan of Gujarat against the Portuguese. From Linschotens' Itinerary to the East Indies, 1614. Ship of the 16th Century. " Amerigo Vespucci Landing in the New World." From a drawing by Stradavius, about 1580. Caravel of the 16th Century, from the Manuscript Devaux at Havre. English Warship, Great Harry, about 1555. From a draw- ing by Holbein. French Gallease La Roy ale, 17 th Century. From an etching of a model in Admiral Paris, Souvenirs de Marine. Chinese junk Keying. Made the voyage from Canton to New York and Boston in 1846; time, 212 days. From a print in the Library of Congress. Burmese Rice Boat, similar to the Nile shipping of Ancient Egypt, of which this was doubtless a lineal descendant. The Columbia and Lady Washington, 1797. These vessels dis- covered the mouth of the Columbia River and opened Ameri- can trade with China. From a commemorative plaque. Ship of the period, class and size of the Mayflower, 1620. The Philadelphia-built ship Canton, the first ship to make the voyage from Philadelphia to China and return, 1785-7. Model to scale. American Steam Packet Savannah, 1819. The first vessel to cross the ocean under the assistance of steam. Standard Oil Company's steel 4-masted bark Atlas, which car- ries oil from Atlantic ports to Japan and China, and on re- turn voyage brings back sugar from Hawaii. This is one of 28 a fleet of three built on practically the same plans, and is among the largest square riggers floating. Model to scale. The Mauretania, 1907, in comparison with Egyptian ship of 2900 B.C., Egyptian ship of 1600 B.C., Greek trireme of 450 B. C, Viking ship of 900 A.D., and the Welcome of William Penn, 1682. Models to uniform scale, 1 in. to the ft. Series of pictures representing the Development of Land Transpor- tation in the United States from 1837 to 1908. (Secured by the committee from various sources. Further information w^ill be supplied by Mr. Louis R. Wells of the committee). About 5x7 in. Boston and Providence engine, built about 1876. Official car, Bangor and Aroostook, 1903. The first passenger engine from Providence, 1837. The Gardner. Fitchburg R. R., about 1846. The Rapid. Wood-burning engine dating about 1855. Fitchburg engine, 1854, rebuilt in 1871. The General Sherman, 1867. The patriotic naming and the elaborate decoration in gold leaf and red, white, and blue colors are typical of the period. Marlboro. Built in Boston, 1867; typically decorated. Engine of the Revere Beach and Lynn (narrow gauge) R. R. In use at present time. End door box car. N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R. For long objects and automobiles. Electric car (third rail) of N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R.; Provi- dence, Warren and Bristol Branch. Electricity used on this road for passenger service. Horse and carriage car. Sixteen stalls for horses, 1901. Latest type of coach on N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R., 1908. The "Wheeler Car." Coach typical of the decade, 1880-1890. Coach of the Philadelphia and Reading R. R. One of the earl- iest with rounded windows at the corners. 1888. Coach, Providence and Worcester R. R., about 1868. Combination passenger and baggage car of 1870. Rubber springs in trucks. The flat roof was in general use up to the end of the Civil War. When the " deck " cars came in they were known as " monitors." One of the latest Pullmans used on the N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R., 1907. Hot water heat and electric. Large pictures illustrating Railway Transportation. The Pennsyl- vania R. R. Co.: 1. Early means of transportation. 2. Elevation showing dimensions of Pennsylvania R. R. 3. New Pennsylvania R. R. station. 4. Parts of a modern engine. 5. Train of the Pennsylvania R. R. Group of blue prints. Thompson Pub, Co. 3x5 in. 1 cent each. Illustrating : 1. Cotton manufacturing. 2. Salt manufacturing. 29 3. Wool. 4. Farm life, sowing and reaping. 5. Transportation and modes of travel. Cabinet Illustrating the Silk Manufacturing. Brainerd, Armstrong. Cabinet Illustrating the Cotton Thread Processes with Case Show- ing Needles. Spool Cotton. Other economic material can be found in the various sections of this catalogue. GENERAL HISTORY SERIES OF MAPS. Columbia Series. 8 maps in Columbia case. On spring rollers. Rand, McNally. $43.50, net. Africa, 46x66 in. North America, 46x66 in. South America, 46x66 in. British Isles, 46x66 in. Europe, 66x46 in. Asia, 66x46 in. United States, 66x46 in. The World, 66x46 in. Globe Series. 8 maps in Globe case. On spring rollers. Rand, McNally. $22.50, net. United States, 41x52 in. South America, 41x52 in. North America, 41x52 in. Africa, 41x52 in. _ Asia, 41x52 in. Europe, 41x52 in. Western Hemisphere, 41x58 in. Eastern Hemisphere, 41x58 in. Universal Series. 8 maps in Universal case. On spring rollers. Rand, McNally. $13.50, list. Same maps as in Globe series. 41x58 in. SEPARATE MAPS. The World. Bacon's Excelsior map of the world, Mercator's Projection. Ham- mett. 46x62 in. $2.25, net. Columbia Series. Chart of the world on Mercator's Projection. Rand, McNally. 1900-08. 4y2x3% ft. $3.50, net. New map of the world on the Equivalent Projection. With index. Hammond; Kenney Bros. & Wolkins. 43x64 in. $3.75, net. Western Hemisphere. Globe Series. Rand, McNally. 41x58 in. $2.00, net. 30 Western Hemisphere. Universal Series. Rand, McNally. 41x58 in. 80 cents, net. Eastern Hemisphere. Globe Series. Rand, McNally. 41x58 in. $2.00, net. Eastern Hemisphere. Universal Series. Rand, McNally. 41x58 in. 80 cents, net. Africa. Comparative Series of Large School Maps. 68x54 in. Philips, Ken- ney Bros. & Wolkins. $9.00, list. Insets: England, diagram showing section between Congo mouth and Zanzibar, and Political map of Africa. Universal Series. Rand, McNally. 1908-1909. 37x45 in. 80 cents, net. Excelsior Series. Hammett. 46x62 in. $2.25, net. Excelsior Series. (Contour edition.) Hammett. 46x62 in. $2.25, net. Stanford's New Orographical Map. Stanford. Rand, McNally. 50x58 in. (Steel case and spring roller.) $9.60, net. Peerless Series. Bardeen. 42x59 in. $4.00, list. Peerless Outline Series. Scarborough Co. Bardeen. 52x35 in. $4.00, list. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and the National So- ciety. Stanford, Rand, McNally. $7.20, net. Philips' Series of Model Test Maps. London Geographical Inst. Kenney Bros. & Wolkins. 30x25 in. $3.00, list. Globe Series. Rand, McNally. 41x52 in. $2.00, net. Columbia Series. Rand, McNally. 1907. 42x59 in. $3.50, net. Asia. Universal Series. Rand, McNally. 1904-1909. 41x52 in. $.80, net. Columbia Series. Rand, McNally. 1895-1909. 66x46 in. $3.50, net. Globe Series. Rand, McNally. 41x52 in. $2.00, net. Peerless Series. Scarborough; Bardeen. With names. 42x59 in. $4.00, list. Peerless Outline Series. Bardeen. Without names. 42x59 in. $4.00, list. International Series. Johnston, Babb. 48x52 in. $1.75, net. Imperial Blackboard Map. Nystrom, Babb. 54x72 in. $3.50, net. Palestine and the Holy Land. The American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia. $1.00 each. Price for set, arranged upon one stand, $6.50. Assyria and the adjacent lands. Price, $1.00. Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula. Price, $1.00. Palestine, illustrating Old Testament. Price, $1.00. Palestine, illustrating New Testament. Price, $1.00. Roman Empire, illustrating Paul's Journeys. Australasia. Australasia. Stanford's Orographical maps. Rand, McNally. 58x50 in. (Steel case and spring roller.) $9.60. 31 GLOBES. Slated Globe. W. & A. K. Johnston, London. Babb. $4.00, net. School Globe. Kenney Bros. & Wolkins. 12 in. $10.00. New World Stand Globe. Rand, McNally. 18 in. $13.00, net. OUTLINE MAPS. (For Blackboard Wall Maps see the other sections.) McKinley Wall Outline Maps. 32x44 in. Showing the coast-lines and rivers, and the present boundaries of countries and States. No lettering or names. Price: Single copies, $.20 each; ten or more copies, $.17 each; twenty-five or more copies. $.15 each. (Postage or expressage extra; postage on one map, $.10; on each additional map, $.02. The maps are shipped in stout mailing tubes.) Europe, Central Europe, British Isles, France, England, ^gean Sea, Italy, Eastern World, Palestine, The World, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, United States, New England, East- ern Virginia (Civil War), Eastern United States, Middle Atlantic States, South Atlantic States, Australia and Pacific Islands, North- ern Mississippi Valley, Southern Mississippi Valley, Pacific Coast. (Many of these also furnished in Blackboard Map form at $3.00, net.) Goode's Base Maps. Goode's Series of Base Maps. J. Paul Goode, Editor, University of Chicago Press. 1. The World, on Mercator's Projection. lA. The World, on Mercator's Projection. 2A. North America, Polyconic Projection. 3A. South America, Sanson's Projection. 4A. Europe, Conic Projection. 5A. Asia, Lambert's Equal Area Projection. 6A. Africa, Sanson's Projection. 7A. Australasia, Mercator's Projection. 16A. Europe, Western and Southern, Bonne's Equal Area Projec- tion. 17 A. France, Conic Projection. 18A. Spanish Peninsula, Conic Projection. 19 A. Italy, .Conic Projection. 21A. German Empire, Conic Projection. 24. The Levant, Conic Projection. Harvard Map Projections. Harvard Map Projections. Prepared by Prof. D. W. Johnson, of Harvard University. Hammett. Prices: Printed on drawing paper, $.04 each, $2.66 per 100; printed on cheaper paper, $.02 each, $1.33 per 100. Explanatory pamphlet free with each order amounting to $1.00. Additional copies, $.10, net. 1. Mercator's Projection of a globe, 4 in. in diameter, 12% in. long. 3. Mercator's Projection, 3 in. in diameter, 9% in. long. 6. Conic Projection of a portion of a globe, 15 in. long. 32 9. Orthographic Projection, 4 in. in diameter, two on a sheet. 11. Orthographic Projection of one hemisphere, 8 in. in diameter. 13. Globular Projection of a Globe, 4 in. in diameter, two on a sheet. 15. Globular Projection of one hemisphere of a globe, 5 in. in diameter. 17. Outline Map of the World on Merca tor's Projection, 12% in. long. Talisman Outline Maps. A series of outline maps covering the work in United States, General, Ancient, Medieval and Modern, and English History. 47 maps in the series, size 8xl0l^ in. Price, $1.00 per 100. Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover. United States History. 3. North America. 4. United States. 7. United States, east of Mississippi River. 8. North America, east of Mississippi River. 24. Southeastern part of United States. 33. World on Mercator's Projection. 34. Southern United States, Mexico, and Central America. 35. Maryland and Virginia. 36. Southern New England. 37. New England and New Netherland. 38. The Carolinas. 39. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 40. The St. Lawrence Region. 41. The Scene of the War of 1812. 42. Boston and Vicinity. 43. Northeastern United States. 44. Washington's New Jersey and Pennsylvania Campaigns. 45. Texas and the Southwest. 46. Sherman's March to the Sea. 47. The Philippine Islands, General, Ancient, Medieval and Modern History. 1. The Peninsula of Greece. 2. Europe, west of the 32d Meridian. 5. Ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Persia. 6. Europe, west of the 22d Meridian. 9. The Greek Colonies. 10. Athens. 11. The Spartan League at 500 B.C. 12. Italy. 13. Rome. 14. Europe and Western Asia Minor. 15. France and England. 16. France. 17. Austria -Hungary. 18. Modern German Empire. 19. Sweden, Prussia, and Russia. 20. Holy Roman Empire. 33 25. Campaign from Thermopylae to Salamis. 26. Early Latium. 27. Central Italy. 28. The Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Republic. 29. Modern Europe. English History. 21. England. 22. British Isles. 23. British Isles and France. 30. Great Britain and her Colonies in 1760. 31. England in Africa. 32. England in India. The Rand-McNally Outline Tracing Maps. Rand, McNally. Size, 21x14 in. Price: $.05 each; 25 for $1.00; 100 for $3.00. Africa, Alabama, Arkansas, Asia, Australia, Austria-Hungary, British America, British Isles, California, Colorado, Connecticut and Rhode Island, England and Wales, Europe, Florida, France, Georgia, Germany, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky and Tennessee, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland and Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New England, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North America, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oceania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Palestine, Pennsylvania, South America, South Carolina, South Dakota, Spain and Portugal, Sweden and Norway, Texas, United States, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, World in Hemispheres, World on Mer- cator's Projection, Wyoming. Heath Outline Maps. Faint outline for tracing, $.02 each. $1.50 per 100. Heath. Dis- count 16%%. United States (12x20 in.). New York, Ohio, Washington, Pennsyl- vania. World, Mercator's Projection (12x20 in.). North America, South America, Europe, Central and Western Europe. British Isles, England, Italy, Greece, Palestine, Africa, Asia, Aus- tralia. New England, Middle Atlantic States, Southern States, (Eastern section). Southern States (Western section), Central Eastern States, Central Western States, Pacific States, The Great Lakes. Historical Maps. (Printed in black for filling in.) Heath: Ancient History, $.03 each; $2.25 per 100. Europe (12x18 in.), $.03 each; $2.25 per 100. Greece (12x10 in.), $.02 each; $1.50 per 100. Italy (12x10 in.), $.02 each; $1.50 per 100. Roney's Outline Map of England (19x24 in.), $.05 each. Channing & Hart's United States (12x18 in.), $.02 each; $1.50 per 100. 34 Mowry's Outline Map of United States, $.30 each. Maps to accompany Sheldon's American History, $.02 each, $1.50 per 100: West to Santa Fe. West to the Mississippi. West from the Mississippi. World, Mercator's Projection. Smaller outline maps (bond paper, 8x10 in. $.02 each; $1.50 per 100: North America; South America; Europe; Asia; Africa. New Century Development Maps. New Century Development Maps. Designed by H. A. MacGrOwan. Blocks of 50, $.30 each. Silver, Burdett. Hammett. Grand Divisions: World; North America; South America; Europe; Asia; Africa; Australia. The United States and its Possessions: United States; Middle Atlantic States; New England States; Central States, Eastern section; Pacific States, southern section; Massachusetts; Boston; New York State; New York City; New Jersey; Hawaiian Islands; Porto Rico; Philippines; Washington; Oregon and Idaho; Texas, New Mexico and Okla- homa; Cuba. Historical Maps: Greece and Western Asia Minor; Italy and Northern Africa; Mediterranean Countries; British Isles; England and Western Europe; Western Asia. McKinley Desk Outline Maps. Contain physical features. State and national boundaries, latitude and longtitude lines. The recently added skeleton maps for devel- opmental work in geography contain only coast-lines. Double size, 10x15 in. Price, $.85 per 100. Envelopes containing 20 maps, any desired assortment, $.25 each. Large size, 7^x10 in. $.50 per 100. Envelopes containing 20 maps, any desired assortment, $.15 each. Small size, 5i^x7% in. Price $.35 per 100. Envelopes containing 20 maps, any desired assortment, $.12 each. The Continents. The World (Mercator's Projection), Europe, Asia, Africa, Aus- tralia, North America, South America. The United States. United States (state boundaries and physical features). United States (state boundaries only). The United States in Three Sections. Eastern United States (east of Mississippi River), Mississippi Valley, Pacific Coast and Plateau States. 35 Smaller Sections of United States and of North America. New England, Coast of New England (for early settlements). Middle Atlantic States, South Atlantic States, Coast of South- ern States (for early settlements). Eastern Virginia (for Civil War), Mississippi Valley, Northern Section, Mississippi Valley, Northeastern Section, Mississippi Valley, Northwestern Sec- tion, Mississippi Valley, Southern Section and Texas, South- western United States, Cuba, Philippines, Massachusetts, Michi- gan, New York (state of), Pennsylvania, Texas, Gulf of Mex- ico, Panama, etc., West Indies, Canada. Europe and its Larger Divisions. Europe, Europe (central and southern parts). Central Europe (Charlemagne's Empire, etc.), Mediterranean World, Baltic Lands, Southeastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. Smaller European Divisions. British Isles, England, Scotland, Ireland, France and the Nether- lands (with England), Spain, Germany, Austro-Hungary and Danube Valley, Russia, Greece and ^gean Sea, Italy. Ancient History and Special Subjects. Roman Empire, Central Italy (early Roman history). Ancient Rome (city), Greece (Continental), Ancient Athens, Eastern World (Alexander's Empire, etc.), Palestine, Egypt, India, China, Skeleton Outline Maps (Coast Lines only). The World, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, United States. McKinley Outline Atlases. Size 8x11 in. Consist of twenty-five MeKinley outline maps specially selected for use in the study of a particular field of history and contain specific page references to the historical atlases and text-books where material can be gained for the filling in of the maps. Revised to 1909. Price, $.20 each. Special Atlases, $.25 each. 1. For United States History. 2. For English History. 3. For Ancient History (including Greece and Rome). 4. For Grecian History. 5. For Roman History. 6. For European History (375-1905 A.D.). 7. For Medieval History (375-1500 A.D.). 8. For Modern History (1450-1905 A.D.). 9. For General History. McKinley's Historical Notebooks. McKinley. $.22 each. Ancient History. United States History. English History. European History. Ivanhoe Historical Notebook Series. Atkinson, Mentzer and Grover. $.30 each. United States History. 36 General History. English History. Ancient History. Medieval History. Modern History. Pupil Notebooks and Study Outlines. American Book Co. $.30 each. Oriental and Greek History. L. B. Lewis. Roman History. E. M. McKinley. ATLASES. Library of Congress, United States Government. List of geographi- cal atlases. 2 vols. Philip L. Phillips. 1909. $2.35. Shepherd, William R. Historical Atlas of the World. Volhagen and Klasing. Leipzig. In press. Holt, Hammond, C. S. Modern Atlas of the World. Hammond. 1910. Kenney Brothers & Wolkins. $L50, net. Hammond, C. S. Pictorial Atlas of the World. Hammond. 1910. Kenney Brothers & Wolkins. $2.50, net. Chisholm, George Goudie and Leete, C. H., Ed. Longmans' New School Atlas. Longmans, Green. 1908. $1.50. Colbeck, Charles, Ed. Public School Historical Atlas. Longmans, Green. 1905. $1.50. Bacon, G. W. Excelsior Elementary Atlas. Silver, Burdett* $.60. Cram, G. F. The World. Cram. S. C. Rand, McNally. The World, Vol. I, United Statea; VoL II, J^or- eign Countries. Rand, McNally. 1903. Bartholomew, J. G. School Economic Atlas. Clarendon Press. 1911. $.60. Hammett's Pocket Atlas of the World. 1911. $.25. (See Outline Atlases under Outline MAps.) SMALL PICTURES. Perry Pictures. These pictures have various subjects, including great men, historic places, sculpture, etc. (Black and white.) The Perry Picture Co. Pictures of various size* : 5y2x8 in. ($.01.) each. 7x9 in. ($.02) each. 10x12 in. ($.05) each. Cosmos Pictures. Pictures illustrating Sculpture, Geography, His* tory, etc., in series or singly. Cosmos Picture Co. Standard size, 6x8 in. Large size, 9x15 in. or 10x13 in. Standard size, 10 for $.25, 50 for $1.00. Large size, 4 for $.25, 25 for $1.00. 25% discount to teacher* 37 STEREOGRAPHS. Underwood Travel System. Series of stereographs arranged as tours in cases. Stereographs, about $2.00 per dozen. Underwood & Underwood, 3 W 19th St., New York. Examples on exhibition: Egypt, Greece, Rome. DIRECTORY. (Includes names and addresses not given in full in the text.) Arnold, E. J. & Sons, Ltd., Leeds and Glasgow. (Pictures, charts, maps.) American Book Co., Chicago, New York, and 63 Summer St., Bos- ton. (Historical note books, outline maps.) American Historical Art Association, 11-13 Cliff St., New York. (Pictures.) Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover, 120 Boylston St., Boston; Chicago, etc. (Maps, books etc.) Babb, E. E. & Co., 93 Federal St., Boston. (Maps, globes, etc.) Bardeen, C. W., 311 E. Washington St., Syracuse, N. Y. (Maps, charts.) Brainerd, Armstrong Co., New London, Conn. (Silk.) Bureau of University Travel, Trinity Court, Boston. (Prints.) Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Arthur Fairbanks, Director. Hunt- ington Ave., Boston. (Photographs.) Canada, Government of. Department of Interior. Chief Geographer, Immigration Bureau. Ottawa, Ont. Caproni, P. P. & Bro., 1914 Washington St., Boston. (Casts and statuary. ) Chicago University Press, Chicago and New York, (Atlases, out- line maps.) Colin, Librairie Armand, 3 Rue de Mezieres, Paris. (Maps, pic- tures, etc.) Cosmos Picture Co., 119 W. 25th St., New York. (Pictures.) Commercial Museum, The, Philadelphia. (Economic pictures.) Delagrave, Librairie Charles, 15 Rue de Sufflot, Paris. (Maps, pic- tures, etc.) Delalain, Librairie 115 Boulevard St., Germaine, Paris. (Maps, pic- tures, etc.) Elson, A. W. & Co., 146 Oliver St., Boston. (Prints and pictures.) Ginn & Co., 29 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. (Atlases, etc.) Hachette et Cie, 79 Boulevard St., Germaine, Paris. (Maps, pic- tures, etc.) Hammett, The J. L. Co., 250 Devonshire St., Boston. (Maps, charts, etc.) Hammond, C. S. & Co., 142 Fulton St., New York. (Maps.) Heath, D. C. & Co., 120 Boylston St., Boston; New York, and Chi- cago. (Outline maps.) 38 Holt, Henry & Co., New York. (Atlases.) Johnston, W. & A. K., 6 Paternoster Bldg,, London, and Andrew Sq., Edinburgh. (Maps, pictures, and maps.) N. E. Agent, E. E. Babb & Co., general Agent, A. J. Nystrom, Chicago. Koehler, K. F., Leipzig, Germany. (Maps, pictures, etc.) Kenney Bros. & Wolkins, 224 Congress St., Boston. (Maps.) Library of Congress, United States Government, Washington. (Maps and atlases.) Longmans, Green & Co., New York and London. (Wall pictures and atlases. ) McKinley Publishing Co., 5805 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia. (Outline maps, atlases, note books, etc.) Nystrom, A. J. & Co., Chicago. (See E. E. Babb & Co.) (Maps.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. (Atlases.) Perry Picture Co., Tremont Temple, Boston; and Maiden, Mass. (Pictures.) Rand, McNally & Co., 40 E. 22nd St., New York. Main office at Chicago. (Maps, atlases, charts, globes.) Rausch, Herr Friedrich, Nordhausen a. Harz, Germany. (Models.) Scarborough Co. (See Bardeen and Hammett.) Silver, Burdett & Co., 221 Columbus Ave., Boston. (Maps and charts.) Spool Cotton Co., 80 White St., New York. (Cotton.) Steiger, E. & Co., 25 Murray St., New York. (Foreign maps, etc.) Thompson Publishing Co., Syracuse, N. Y. (Blue prints.) Tuck, Raphael & Sons, London and New York. (Post cards.) United States Government, Library of Congress, Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Washington, D. C. (Maps, atlases, etc.) Underwood & Underwood, 5 W. 19th St., New York. ( Stereopticon pictures, etc.) University Co., 400 Newbury St., Boston. (Historical pictures, maps, and lantern slides.) Windsor Publishing Co., 225 Fifth Ave., New York. (Charts.) THE COMMITTEE UPON HISTORICAL MATERIAL. Arthur I. Andrews, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of History, Sim- mons College. Ellen Scott Davison, Ph. D., Department of History, Bradford Aca- demy. William S. Ferguson, Ph.D., Department of History, Harvard Uni- versity. Walter H. Gushing, Treasurer, the High School, South Framingham, Mass. Louis R. Wells, Department of History, Mechanic Arts High School, Boston, Mass. Mabelle L. Moses, Secretary, Department of History, Wellesley College. Ernest F. Henderson, Ph.D., Boston, Mass. STAMPED BExTw^'^^A^E --Stt^?^°^ 25 CENTS °AV anI TO J° ^° ^^-^Ts In thV.^''*'-^ ~S£P_24jg3^ — Ff%5J2J9mt[_ U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES cD0S3flaasM 37414: .^>i ,''.'^- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY