THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A Script Syllabic Phono-Stenography Compiled and Copyrighted BY WILLIAM HENRY MELLOR WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS. 1902. M Greeting: The following pages constitute a brief presentation of a Script Syllabic Phono-stenography, as used in my own teaching; and in presenting this little book to those students who come to me for in- struction in the art of Stenographic writing, and who are desirous of enlarging their acquaintance with Script Shorthand Systems, I refer I them to the following works: Guide to the German note taking art, by F. X. Gabelsberger ; Graphic Shorthand, by Henry Richter; Phono- stenography, or Stolze's Pure Script System, by F. 0. Dettman; Rational Shorthand, by George Carl Mares; Cursive Shorthand, by Hugh L. Calendar; Swiftograph, by F. Abbott ', Script Shorthand, by Thomas S. Malone, etc. William H. Mellor. 443534 P B R L N M K G F -+ (up) T D x / TH THR I W Y EW OW 01 <> o tf* 4? CH SH NG 3TR, SCR. ^ IMP, EMB, The vowels a t e, i, are joined to curves: First, inside tine curve, as: by key lay give ream as easy this ^ *=* ^-Q e=* i^= ^ 5 Second, inside the second curve when two curves join without an angle, as? regard require request erect herewith league gale behalf re-consider February. ^ *r~*\ <~~ f zi^' ff SMtf 9 X*^ The vowels a, e, i, are joined to 'straight strokes: First, forward as the hands of a clock move: am take may tea any him when I am. Second, outside angles: made^. meet team dina^ might January S is joined to curves in the same direc- tion as the curve: speak sphere suppose simple suffice S is joined to straight strokesat an angle: since meets does^ suggest storm. 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S- y^ w 6B J - ,X suppress ^K ) supervise ) val i d P* j surface C_^ " ) various <^> surprise ") variety tfLJ^sur round ) varsion ^ vexation V vicious _yicini ty voluntary v;hat thereof .therefore i thdrew withold -_aroVk oursal f UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JR30m MAY 15 1949 jm.a? t9K . i L9-10m-3,'48(A7920)444 A 000583615 .