LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class REPORTS IRON ORE DEPOSITS FOREIGN COUNTRIES COMPILED AT THE BOARD OF TRADE FROM INFORMATION COLLECTED BY H.I. DIPLOMATIC AID CONSULAR OFFICERS. }3resettteb tcr both Douses of "Parliament bn QTommattb of |jis LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY DARLING & SON, LTD., 34-40, BACON STREET, E. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN AND SONS, LTD., FETTER LANE, B.C., and 32, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. ; or OLIVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1906. [Cd. 2553.] Price 2s. SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. The under-mentioned Firms have been appointed sole Agents for the sale of Government Publications including Parliamentary Reports and Papers, Acts of Parliament, Record Office Publications, &c &o., and all such works can be purchased from them either directly or through retail booksellers, who are entitled to a discount of 25 per cent, from the selling prices : For all publications excepting Ordnance and Geological Maps, the Hydrographical Works of the Admiralty, and Patent Office Publications : MESSRS. WYMAN AND SONS, LTD., Fetter Lane, E.G. For Hydrographical Works of the Admiralty : Mr. J. D. POTTER, 145, Minories, E.G. Patent Office Publication! are sold at the Patent Office. For all publications excepting the Hydrographical Worki of the Admiralty, Patent Office Publications, and Ordnance and Geological Maps. IN SCOTLAND : MESSRS. OLIVER AND BOYD, Edinburgk. IN IRELAND : MR. E. PONSONBY, 116, Graf ton Street, Dublin. The Publications of the ORDNANCE SURVEY and of the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY can be purchased from Agents in most of the chief towns in the United Kingdom, through any Bookseller, or from the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, or in the case of Ireland, from the Officer in Charge, Ordnance Survey, Dublin. In addition, Ordnance Survey Publications can be obtained through Head Post Offices in towns where there are no accredited Agents. The following is a lilt of some of the more important Parliamentary and Official Publications recently issued : Parliamentary i Statutes Public and Local and Personal Acts, 1905. In course of issue. Army Act Consolidation including amendments to, 1904. Price Is. 2d. Public General, Setsion 1904. With Index, Tables, &c. Roy. 8vo. Clotb. Price 3s. Education Acts, 1870-1904. Price Is. Qd. Local and Personal Acts, Session 1904. Are now ready, and may be purchased separately. Index to Local and Personal Acts, 1801-1899. Price 10s. Index to Local and Personal Acts, 1900-1904. Each year may be purchased separately. Second Revised Edition. A.D. 1235-1713 to A.D. 1884-1886. XVI. Vols. Price Is, &d. each. Revised Editions. Tablet snowing subsequent Repeals, effected by Acts of 2 Edward VII. 1902. Price Qd. Statutes in Force. Chronological Table of and Index to. 20th Edition. To the end of the Session 4 Edward VII. (1904). 2 vols. Price 10*. 6d. The Statutory Rules and Orders revised. Statutory Rules and Orders, other than those of a local, personal, or temporary character, in force on December 31, 1903. Vols. I. to XIII. Price 10*. each. Statutory Rules and Orders other than those of a Local, Personal, or Temporary Character. With a List of the more important Statutory Orders of a Local Character arranged in classes ; and an Index. Roy. 8vo. Boards. Issued in 1890 to 1904. Price 10s. Statutory Rules and Orders in force on 31st December 1903. Index to. Price 10*. HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS. Reports of the Royal Commissioners. In course of issue. [Cd. 2376.] EARNINGS OP AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. Second Report. Price 2s. M. [Cd. 2377, 2378, 2379.] SPECIAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SUBJECTS CHIEF CROWN COLONIES. Price 5s. 4d. [Cd. 2498.] DITTO TEACHING OP DOMESTIC SCIENCE IN AMERICA. Price Is. 3d. [Cd. 2409.] EGYPT AND THE SOUDAN. Finances and Condition, 1904. Price 1. 3d. [Cd. 2410.] EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE, 1904. Prospects of Settlers. Price Is. Id. [Cd. 2420, 2421.] VACCINATION EXPENSES. Report of Committee with Evidence, &c. Price 3s. 4d. [Cd. 2472, 2477.] INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL. Report of Committee with Evidence, &c. Price 2s. Id. [Cd. 2490.] NEWFOUNDLAND. Report on Foreign Trade and Commerce. Price 2s. Qd. [Cd. 2518.] SIBERIA. Report on the Condition and Prospects of British Trade. Price Is. 3d. H.C. No. 16. POSTMASTER-GENERAL AND NATIONAL TELEPHONE COMPANY AGREEMENT. Price 3d. ENDOWED CHARITIES, ENGLAND AND WALES. SEPARATE PARISHES. Reports thereon ; in course of issue. CENSUS, England and Wales, 1901. Population Tables, &c., in separate Counties, with Report thereon. Price 3 10s. 9^. CENSUS, Scotland, 1901. Population Tables, ,&c. Price 14s. Id. CENSUS, Ireland, 1901. Population Tables, &c., in separate Counties, with Report thereon, Price 3 2. l$d. CENSUS, Islands in the British Seas, 1901. Price 6d. MINES. Reports of H.M. Inspectors for 1904, with Summarieo of the Statistical portion under the provisions of the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887 ; Metalliferous Mines Regulation Acts, 1872-1875 ; Slate Mines (Gunpowder) Act, 1882, Districts Nos. 1 to 12. In course of issue. MINES in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man. List of, for 1903. Price 3. 5d. QUARRIES. Do. do. do. 1903. Price 4. 6d. MINES ABANDONED. Plans of, List of the. Corrected to 31st December 1903. Price Is. The following appear periodically, and can be subscribed for : TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM WITH BRITISH POSSESSIONS AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, showing the Quantities and the Declared Value of the Articles. TRADE REPORTS of the British Colonies, with information relative to population and general condition. TRADE REPORTS by His Majesty's Representatives in Foreign Countries, and Reports on Commercial and General Interests. The Proceedings of Parliament in public and private business, published daily. Honse of Lords. Price Id pei 4 pp. ; House of Commons, Id. per 8 pp. IRON ORE DEPOSITS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. REPORTS ON IRON ORE DEPOSITS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES COMPILED AT THE BOARD OF TRADE PROM INFORMATION COLLECTED BY H.M. DIPLOMATIC AID (MSULAE OFFICEES. flrcscntrb to both Houses of parliament btj QTommanb of ^i OF THE UNIVERSITY \* LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY DARLING & SON, LTD., 34-40, BACON STREET, E. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN AND SONS, LTD., FETTER LANE, E.G., and 32, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S."W. ; or OLIVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. [Cd. 2553.] Price 2s. 4d. 1905. A CONTENTS. Page. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL COPY of CIRCULAR DESPATCH from the FOREIGN OFFICE to various DIPLOMATIC and CONSULAR OFFICERS MEMORANDUM of QUESTIONS asked relating to IRON ORE DEPOSITS LIST of CONSULAR DISTRICTS as to which REPORTS have been received LISTS of SAMPLES, MAPS, and Miscellaneous ENCLOSURES referred to in the various REPORTS, and to be seen at the COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE BRANCH of the BOARD OF TRADE LISTS of FOREIGN MONEYS, and of referred to in the REPORTS, EQUIVALENTS FOREIGN WEIGHTS and MEASURES, with their approximate ENGLISH REPORTS from the various DIPLOMATIC and CONSULAR OFFICERS : EUROPE : Page. Austria-Hungary 9 Bulgaria ... ... ... ... 20 Denmark 21 France 21 Germany 38 Greece 51 Holland 58 Italy 59 Portugal 6fi Roumania 70 Russia 70 Servia 86 Spain 90 Sweden and Norway 117 Switzerland 137 Turkey 138 AFRICA : Abyssinia 142 France (Possessions of) 143 German East Africa 151 Liberia 152 Morocco 153 Portugal (Possessions of) 154 Tunis 156 AMERICA : Argentine Republic , 157 Bolivia 161 Brazil 162 AMERICA (continued*) : Page. Chile 167 Colombia 174 Costa Rica 174 Cuba ... 175 Ecuador 180 France (Possessions of) 180 Holland do. 181 Honduras 182 Mexico 187 Nicaragua I9o Panama ... ... ... ... IVQ Paraguay 191 Peru 192 San Domingo ... ... ... ... 193 San Salvador 193 United States 194 Venezuela 252 ASIA : Arabia ... 253 China '. '" 253 France (Possessions of) 268 Holland do. 268 Japan 269 Persia 273 Siain 273 Turkey ' "' 274 United States (Possessions of) ... 287 LIST of CONSULAR DISTRICTS where no IRON ORE DEPOSITS are reported INDEX 291 292 To the Secretary of the Board of Trade. SIR, THE volume which I have the honour to present herewith, with regard to Iron Ore deposits in foreign countries, has been prepared in the Commercial Intelligence Branch of this Department from information collected by H.M. Representatives abroad in response to the circular from the Foreign Office and Memorandum of questions printed on the following page. The inquiry was undertaken in consequence of representations received by the Board of Trade from the British Iron Trade Association, and the questions addressed to H.M. Representatives were based on the suggestions made by that Association. It is evident that the usefulness of the present digest of reports to those interested in the British iron trade consists almost wholly in the details of the replies received from each district to a series of specific questions. Any general summary would therefore be of little value for the purpose for which the inquiry was made, and no such summary has been attempted. The replies from each district are arranged in the numerical order of the questions contained in the Memorandum. A number of samples, maps, and miscellaneous enclosures referred to in the various reports may be seen by persons interested in British trade at the Office of the Commercial Intelligence Branch, 73, Basinghall Street. E.O. It is hoped that the results of the inquiry will be of some service to tne trade on behalf of which it was undertaken. I am, &c., H. LLEWELLYN SMITH. June, 1905. 1000 Wt 5904 6/05 D & 8 1 2l734r A 2 Copy of Circular Despatch from the Foreign Office to various Diplomatic and Consular Officers. Circular. Commercial. Foreign Office, Ilth September, 1903. SIR, I AM directed by the Marquess of Lansdowne" to state that information is desired by the British Iron Trade Association as to the extent and character of iron ore supplies in foreign countries, and to transmit herewith copy of a Memorandum containing questions to which answers are desired. I am to instruct you to endeavour to obtain such information as is in your power respecting iron ore within your Consular district, and to furnish his Lordship with a Report on the subject. I am, &c., F. A. CAMPBELL. His Maiestv's Consul MEMORANDUM. IN the interests of the iron industry of the United Kingdom, the British Iron Trade Association are desirous of obtaining information as to the extent and character of the ascertained iron ore supplies in a number of countries. The information sought is described in the following questions, each of which should be answered directly and precisely for purposes of tabulation. Any additional information, which will likewise be welcomed, should be given separately under the last heading (9) : 1. Are any deposits of iron ore reported to exist in your Consular district ? 2. Where are they ? What is the nearest shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers ? and how far is it away from the ore deposits ? 3. What would the transport of ore cost to the port per ton ? State if by rail, road, or canal. 4. What is the character and cost of labour available for mining (or quarrying) and loading ? Give estimate, if possible, of cost of mining (or quarrying) and loading in carts or on railway trucks per ton. 5. Are any official analyses of the ore obtainable ? If so, copies of same should be forwarded ; or, if not, average samples should be sent. 6. Are the proprietors of the deposits rich or poor ? In other words, are they likely to be sellers of the deposits on reasonable terms or not ? 7. Have any of the deposits been worked hitherto ? If they have, give quantities and destinations of shipments, if possible, for five years. 8. Are there any special obstacles in the way of successful continuous and unencumbered mining in your district ? 9. Please give any additional information in your possession with regard to the iron ore supplies in your district. List of (A) Samples, (B) Maps, and (C) Miscellaneous En- closures referred to in the various Reports, and to be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall Street, London, E.G. A. SAMPLES. Ore from Wimille, near Boulogne. Corsica. Oporto. Brussa (Asia Minor) [5 samples]. Rubigo, near Scutari (Albania). Adis Ababa (Abyssinia). ,, Harrar ,, ,, Copiapo (Chile) [2 samples]. Iron Sand from Costa Rica (referred to in Report from Mr. Sanderson. H.M. Consul-General at New York). Ore from Guadeloupe. Tegucigalpa (Honduras). Peru [5 samples]. Muscat (Arabia). Wuhu (China). B. MAPS. Eastern Bohemia. Siegerland (Germany). Lower Rhine and Westphalia. Greece. Kragero and neighbourhood (Norway). S.E. Norway. Chile (2 maps). Mexico (2 maps). N. Carolina and Tennessee. Michigan and Lake Superior Districts (2 copies). Kiangsi (China). Yokohama Consular District. Besh Parmak District (Smyrna). NOTE. Several other maps will be found in the Reports and other publications referred to below, under the head of " Miscellaneous Enclosures." C. MISCELLANEOUS ENCLOSURES. Analyses of Bohemian Iron Ore deposits. Pamphlet on Iron Ore deposits in Bulgaria. Books, Russian Iron Mining (6). Pamphlets of Dunderland Iron Ore Company. Pamphlets on Swedish Iron Ore Fields (with maps). Pamphlet on Iron Ores of Brazil. Photographs of Mining in Santiago de Cuba. Bulletin on N. Carolina district. Report on Iron Ore Deposits in Philippine Islands. List of Consular Districts as to Deposits in which Reports have been received. EUROPE. EUROPE coat. AFRICA cnnt. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY : RUSSIA cant. FRANCE (Possessions of) : Bohemia. Rostov-on-Don Algeria Bosnia and Herzego- Mariupol. Algiers. vina. Kertch. Bone. Budapest. St. Petersburg. Oran. Trieste. Warsaw. Philippeville. Vienna. Madagascar Antananarivo. BULGARIA. SERVIA. Tamatave. Senegal DENMARK. SPAIN : Dakar. Faroe Islands. Barcelona. Grand Bassam. Iceland. Bilbao Castro-Urd iales. GERMAN EAST AFRICA. FRANCE : San Sebastian. Ajaccio (Corsica). Santander. LIBERIA. Bayonne. Cadiz Bordeaux. Cordoba. MOROCCO .- Boulogne. Seville. Dar-al-Baida Calais. Huelva. Mogador. Cherbourg. Corunna Tangier. Havre. Vivero. Lille. Marseilles. Malaga Aguilas. PORTUGAL (Possessions of):- Nantes. Almeria. Loanda. Paris. Toulouse. Carthagena. Garrucha. Lourenco Marques. Granada. TUNIS. GERMANY : Marbella. Dresden. Mazarron. Dusseldorf. AMERICA. Frankfort-on-Main. SWEDEN AND NORWAY : Hamburg. Mannheim. Munich. Christiania Bergen. BodO. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC : Buenos Ayres Cordoba. Stuttgart. Arendal. Christiansund, N. BOLIVIA. GREECE : Egersund. Cephalonia. f-k. Kragero. BRAZIL : Piraeus. Syra (Cyclades) Laurvig. Lofoten Islands. Rio de Janeiro. Rio Grande do Sol. Seriphos. Mosjoen. Santos. Thermia. Namsos. Zea. Porsgrund. CHILE : HOLLAND : Amsterdam. Risor. Tromso. Vadso. Coquimbo. Valparaiso Caldera. ITALY : Gothenburg. Stockholm. Copiapo. Elba. Leghorn. Lombardy. SWITZERLAND : Zurich COSTA RICA : San Jose. Naples. Rome. Lucerne. COLOMBIA (including TURKEY : PANAMA). PORTUGAL : Lisbon. Oporto. ROUMANIA : Constantinople Rodosto. Scutari. CRETE (Canea). CUBA : Havana Cienfuegos. Matanzas. Galatz. Santiago de Cuba. RUSSIA : Batoum. AFRICA. ECUADOR : Guayaquil. Helsingfors. Odessa Nicolaieff. ABYSSINIA : Ad is Ababa. Harrar. FRANCE (Possessions of): Martinique Guadeloupe List of Consular Districts as to Deposits in which Reports have been received continued. AMERICA cont. AMERICA emit. ASIA cont. HOLLAND (Possessions UNITED STATES cont. FRANCE (Possessions of) : of):- New Orleans Pondicherry. Surinam Arkansas. Paramaribo. Alabama. New York. HOLLAND (Possessions of ) : HONDURAS : Puerto Cortes. Tegucigalpa. Philadelphia. Portland (Oregon) Seattle. Porto Rico. Batavia. JAPAN : Kobe. San Francisco Shimonoseki. MEXICO : California. Yokohama. Ensenada. Nevada. Tampico. Vera Cruz. Arizona. Utah. PERSIA : Kerman. NICARAGUA : VENEZUELA : Managua. Cuidad Bolivar. SlAM : Bangkok. PANAMA. A C1 T A ASIA. PARAGUAY. ARABIA : TURKEY IN ASIA : Muscat. Aleppo and Adana. PERU. Bagdad. CHINA : Brussa. SAX DOMINGO. Amoy. Damascus. Chinkiang. Dardanelles. SAN SALVADOR. Foochow. Erzeroum. Hainan. Hodeidah. UNITED STATES : Hankow. Jerusalem. Baltimore. Kiangsi. Smyrna Charleston. Kuangsi. Samoa. Chicago Newchwang. St. Louis. Ningpo. Galveston Pakhoi. UNITED STATES (Posses- Texas. Tien-tsin. sions of) : New Mexico. Wuhu. Manila. List of principal Foreign Moneys, with their approximate English Equivalents, used in the Reports. Foreign Countries. Money. Approximate par Value. Russia ... Rouble (,'- of Imperial) s. d. 2 1 Finland Norway Mark (100 Penni) Krone ... About 9 T V Sweden ) 1 1| Denmark Krone ... j or 18 to the German Empire Mark ... 010 Holland Belgium France ... Gulden ) 018 or 12 to the Algeria Tunis Switzerland Portugal Spain > Franc \ Milreis Peseta ... ... . . 009^ or 25 to the 046 (currency value about 3s. Id. in 1903). 9A (currency value about Id. in 1903). List of principal Foreign Moneys, with their approximate English Equivalents, used in the Reports continued. Foreign Countries. Money. Approximate par Value. Italv Lira ... ... ... s. d. 9 ,",, Austria... Krone (100 Heller) ) 10 Hungary Korona (100 Filler) Drachma ) or 24 to the 9A Bulgaria (currency value about 6-14rf. in 1903). 9 A Servia ... Dinar ... ... ... 9A Roumania Leu 9 A Turkey Piastre 2-16 Egypt . L. Egyptian (100 Piastres) or 100 Piastres equal 18s. J 6j United States ... Porto Rico Cuba Piastre. 1 Dollar '.. 97| Piastres to the 042 Mexico ... Dollar (Silver) 1 84 Venezuela Costa Rica Bolivar (in 1903). 9A 1 10 \f- Chile Peru Peso Fuerte ... Libra (10 Soles) 016 1 4|- (currency value in 1903). 100 Brazil ... Milreis 023 Uruguay Argentine Republic ... Peso Fuerte Peso (currency value about Is. in 1903). 4 3 r V 040 Paraguay Peso (currency value about Is. 9'12d in 1903). 040 China Japan Dollar Shanghai Tael (=1000 cash) Yen (100 sen "I (currency value 4^d. to 5d.). About Is. 8d in 1903. 2s. 4Jd to 2s. 4*d. 9 04 u & u-j List of principal Foreign Weights and Measures, with their approximate English Equivalents, used in the Reports. Metric Ton ... 2,204 Ibs. avoir. Kilogramme 2'204 Metric Quintal 220*4 Kilometre -621 miles. Metre 1-09 yards. Hectare ... 2*47 acres. Poud (Russia) 36 Ibs. avoir. Oke (Greece) 2'75 Cantar (Egypt) 99-05 Catty (China and Japan) 1-33 ., Picul 1331 , OF f UNIVERSITY IRON ORE DEPOSITS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. REPORTS ON IRON ORE DEPOSITS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, COMPILED AT THE BOARD OF TRADE FROM INFORMATION COLLECTED BY H,M, DIPLOMATIC AID CONSULAR OFFICERS, (For List of Questions, see page 4.) EUROPE. AUSTRIA HUNGARY. BOHEMIA. (Captain Forbes, Consul.) 1. Yes, Bohemia is particularly rich in iron ore deposits, and they are to be met with in all parts of the kingdom. 2. These ores occur in primary rock, in transition rock, as also in more recent formations, and are found in beds, lodes, masses and accumu- lated veins. The silurian strata are the richest in ores. The iron ore deposits in Bohemia consist for the most part of dense and lenticular granular red ores, which are frequently to be met with in such abundance that, although they have been worked for centuries, the supply is assumed to be practically inexhaustible. In the silurian formation these deposits are chiefly found to cross it in two directions almost parallel with each other. The northern vein begins at Hruschna Hora. In it are the mines of Hrebiny, Hredl, Wossek, and Klabava. The southern commences at Nutschitz, and is being worked by the mines at Horowitz, Straschits and Holloubkau. There also frequently occurs a very ferruginous magnetic green stone in large masses, which, on account of its being easily smelted, is not* worked off. The yield of the Bohemian ore varies from 25 to 50 per cent, and over. In some parts of the country, particularly in the district of Budweis, the mines are greatly scattered. The lodes are intermissive and not of great thickness, and, moreover, the means of communication between the mines and the smelting works are inadequate. The following is taken from the publication issued by the Imperial Office of Mines in Vienna for the year 1837,* and will be of interest as locating the richest iron ore deposits in this country. It states, speaking of the Austrian Empire generally, that the occurrence of iron ore in the strata of the silurian formation is most frequent in Bohemia, where the basin extends from S.W. to N.E., from Bischofteinitz over Pilsen, Beraun and Prague as far as the river Elbe at Celakowitz, for a distance of over 20 miles. It attains its greatest breadth, 10 miles, in the neighbourhood * Sic in original. 17598 B 10 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY of Pilsen, whilst towards the Elbe it gradually narrows down to 4 miles. The silurian basin contains an almost inexhaustible quantity of iron ore. The iron ore beds between Prague and Beraun are now being worked, and produce more than one-third of the total output in Bohemia. Beside the underlying beds with fine-grained hematite, giving over 50 per cent, of iron, two hanging beds are being worked containing reddish-brown oolitic hematite of great purity, yielding as high as 52 per cent, of iron, but more frequently red clay iron ore, with a yield of from 30 per cent, to 40 per cent, of iron. This ore chiefly forms the richness of the silurian beds of Bohemia. Next of importance to the Neucic mines, between Prague and Beraun, is the occurrence of iron ore on the Hruschna Hora mountain, a ridge of about 2,000 fathoms in length, and here there are three parallel beds. The main, or underlying bed, has a thickness of from 5 to 6 fathoms, and sometimes even 10 fathoms, the middle bed of one fathom and the hanging bed of half a fathom. The beds strike parallel with the mountain ridge, and incline in all directions from 35 to 50 with the hanging wall. Grey slate forms the underlying bed and almond stone- like diorite the hanging wall. The occurrence of iron ore has a length of 1,600 fathoms, with a development depth of 120 fathoms. The ore occurs also on the Skalka and Studney mountains, on which are the Zdic and the Giftberg mines respectively, on the Wostrey mountain, near Wisek, the Hlava mine, near Homorsko, the Ilwain mine, near Zbiron, also in the neighbourhood of Klabawa Eipowitz, Hischitz, and at Brezina, near Bras. Brown iron ores occur in the silurian formation chiefly in beds, or in accumulated veins, masses and bog lodes, they are nowhere as thick as the lenticular red iron ore deposits, but richer in yield. Such beds chiefly occur in the Rac mountains, near Glashutten, Hocanda, Lhota, accumu- lated veins and masses at Witeinka, Seskov, Svejtovice, St. Jakob and Hakova. Magnetites occur in the silurian basin only at one place, i.e., near Glashutten. Brown iron ore occurs partly in beds, partly in masses and accumulated veins on the Geissberg mountain and at Stolkaberg, between Eisenhutten and Kohentz in the silurian formation. In this report attention is only drawn to those mines which have ceased to be worked on account of the scarcity of wood for fuel for smelting purposes, and to these might be added many others which, on account of the existing commercial depression, could now be purchased far below their real value. Neudeck on the Prindlberg. This mine was worked for magnetic iron. The Prindlberg ore con- nected with rock consisting of amphibole, actinolite, chrysolite and granite. The lode strikes from north to south, and inclines from 70 to 80 towards the east, its thickness being from 15 to 19 metres, but also often 13 metres in thickness, and the lode appears perfectly filled up with ore. From the granite the mass of the lode is separated by a thick wall-like layer consist- ing of a mixture of felspar quartz and a chlorite-like mineral. In the JST.W. of Joachimsthal and at Goldenhoh, magnetic iron ore also occurs in a rock formation of amphibole, actinolite, sometimes in granite, and in some places diorite bedded parallel to the strata of the partition rock consisting of mica slate. It strikes eastward, dipping towards the north; the ore impregnated with the ingredients of the mass of the layer forms deviations to 0.3 metres in thickness. One of the more important beds of ore is in the so-called Maze, reach- ing from Jugenhengst, Irrgang, Hengstererben, Merlsgrun as far as Pfaffengrun, with a main striking 9 to 10 h. and falling S.W. with 61 to 71 was worked in a thickness of 9 to 10 metres. The ores, mostly red iron ores, are in accumulated veins, extending to four or more metres in thick- ness, or in layers separated in the lode mass, consisting of hornstone quartz, clay, and some manganese ore containing an average of 40 per cent, to 50 per cent, of iron. BOHEMIA. 11 The occurrence of clay, iron ore and spherosiderites in the brown coal formation situated in the districts of Falkenau, Elbogen, and Karlsbad must also be mentioned. These ores, designated locally as diluvial ores, occur not only in the sandstone of hanging wall, but also in the centre of the formation, and sometimes in the midst of the coal itself as well as in the midst of the underlying ore, also in scattered accumulated veins and as independent seams, frequently but a few metres under the surface of the soil. The thickness of these varies from 0.3 to 1.3 metres. The ores are easily smelted and contain 28 to 30 per cent, of iron. Iron ore deposits occur at Zieditz, Grasseth, Thein, near Falkenau, Littnitz, Albernhof, Rossmeisl, Taschwitz, Wintergrun, Unter Chodan, Bergaus, Grausau, Neusattl, near Ellbogen, Lossau, Rossnitz, Ottowitz, Dollwitz and Fischern, near Karlsbad. The Erzgebirge. The south-west and middle of the Erzgebirge range consist chiefly of gneiss, granulite, glimmer slate and primeval clay slate, but gneiss prevails. Here also magnetic iron ores occur in connection with actinolite, amphibole, granite, chlorite and other minerals, and are worked at Sebatiansberg, Ulmbach, Zobietits, Radis, Wohlan, Dorusdorf, Kupferberg, Kleinthal, Ober and "[Internals, Orpus, Pressmitz and Pleil, also in the Kremsig and Auspach mountains. Near Orpus the ore is combined with a mixture of amphibole, actino- lite, chlorite and granite; and it begins in the glimmer slate on the border of the gneiss and continues from Gross Spitzberg southward through Schmiedeberg as far as Oberhals. The lode contains accumulated veins of magnetic iron ore, with 50 per cent, to 60 per cent, of iron, is two metres thick, and more or less mingled with the partition rock. On the eastern side of the layer a crystalline limestone occurs; these contract so much, that as the ore increases in thickness the other decreases. On a deeper plane the ore changes to a red iron ore, as a shaft sunk to 60 metres shows, having struck such a lode, striking 10 to 11 h. Between Orpus and Kupferberg the magnetic iron ore forms, with the above-named minerals, a layer 1.3 to 2 metres in thick-' ness in the glimmer slate, which has a S.E. striking and S.W. flattening of 20 to 25. In the underlying wall granulated limestone and also- dolomite occur. Near Kupferberg, on the so-called red Sudelheath, magnetic iron ore occurs in beds, accumulated veins, and also disseminated in an elementary manner, consisting of amphibole, actinolite, glimmer and sometimes chlorite, which begins in a not inconsiderable quantity in glimmer slate, not far from the border of the gneiss. Here, also, the ores in the deeper beds change over into red iron ore, the better sorts of which contain from 50 to 60 per cent, of iron. The average striking of the red iron ore lodes is from 9 to 11 h., the flattening partly S.W. and partly N.E. One of these lodes reaches a 'thick- ness of 2 metres with a N.E. falling of 15 to 20. In addition to the red iron ore the lode consists of quartz, hornstone, dolomite, red and brown clay, and in some places manganese ore, brown spar and cale spar; frag- ments of amphibole and chlorite are not infrequent. At Oberhals a red iron ore lode, 2 to 2J metres thick was developed at a perpendicular depth of 14 metres, striking 7 to 8 h., and falling in under 40 to 45 to N.N.E. The lode consists of beds and accumulated veins of red iron ore and clay, quartz and hornstone from 0.2 to 0.3 metres in thickness. At a depth of 28 metres a second lode was struck, 16 metres thick, with a similar occur- rence of ore, &c. Both beds are near the surface of contact between the strata of glimmer slate and the gneiss. Between Kleinthal and Hudorf there is a red iron lode, which, besides the ore, contains quartz and horn- stone. 17598 B 2 12 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY The extensive bed occurring at Pressnitz is 9.5 metres thick, and with regard to its mineral ingredients equals that of Orpus. The magnetic iron ores yield 30 per cent., and occur layer-like and parallel to the wall of the mass. A similar ore is to be found in the Kremsig mountains; the elementary matter of the bed may well be designated as eilogite; the magnetic iron ore beds are from 0.05 to 0.07 metres thick. To the N.W. of Prespnitz, in the Auspach mountains, glimmer, red hematite, iron ochre, spar ironstone and dense brown iron ore occur, the thickness of which varies between 0.3 and 0.4 metres, but also extends from 2 to 2^ metres. Besides the preceding there are, in the Erzgebirge and its vicinity, many other ironstone deposits; concessions have been granted to individuals, to mining companies and to syndicates. This is the case in the districts of : Wildstein Watzkenreuth. Falkenau Grasuth, Zieditz, Bleistadt, Hloku, Zwodau, Lanz, Thein, Pochlowitz, and Dassonitz. Ellbogen Littmitz, Ziegelhutten. Graslitz Hochgart, Weizengrun. Neudeck Neudeck, Flatten, Baringen. Pressnitz Pressnitz, Pleil, Zobietitz, Oberhals. Haaden Radis, Tschachuwitz. Kommotau Strosan, Skyrl-Priesen. Gorkau Horena, Eastern Bohemia. In the east of Bohemia iron mining up to the year 1876 was not of importance, and in that year ceased entirely in consequence of the lack of communication. The nearest railway station to the mines was Kuttenberg, on the N. W. Railway, 40 kilometres distant. A local railway line has now been built leading direct to the mining district, and was completed on the 1st August, 1903. This will now enable the excellent magnetic iron ore lode on Mount Fidnik to be worked. The many small heaps and sinkings show that magnetic iron ore was obtained by open workings, which only reached a depth of from 20 to 25 metres below the surface, the bulk of the lode lying deeper, not having, as yet, been touched. Judging from these old workings, it would appear that they were carried on in three principal groups. The northern group, situated in the Stollen forest, is at present entirely abandoned, as also the middle group, but there are still old miners living in the neighbourhood who remember the small shafts near the church, and the excellence of the ore obtained. The third group, near the market town of Hammerstadt, on the Thalberg, was worked as late as the year 1876; here there are three open shafts at a distance of 22 metres from each other, the shallowest having a depth of 15 metres, the next of 22 metres, and the third, the drawing shaft, of 50 metres. In all these shafts the ores stand on the level, the thickness increasing with the depth, and in the 50 metres drawing shaft the lode is from 9 to 20 metres thick. The ironstones in the heaps around these three shafts are chiefly coarse to fine-grained magnetic iron ores, but the so-called black and granite iron ores are also to be found among them. The fastness of the ground through which the shafts are sunk renders timbering unnecessary. According to extant analysis, the magnetic iron ore here contains in its purer varieties Iron. 60.43 per cent. Phosphorus, 0.027 per cent. Copper, 0.009 per cent. Silicic acid, 7.72 per cent. with traces of manganese and sulph BOHEMIA. 13 These Fidnik ores were difficult of fusion, and were mixed with easily fused limonite ores obtained from the left bank of the river Sazava, near Frennystovsko, and at Konitz, Seboric and Horka. Notwithstanding the high percentage of silicic acid, the presence of lime was not excessive, which may be explained by the presence of amphi- bole and granite with the ore containing basic additions. The N. W. Railway having now brought its line to Hammerstadt in the immediate vicinity of the mines, the greatest obstacle to their further development has been removed. For this purpose little capital would be required, as the strong current of the Sazava would be utilized, and the whole layer could be worked by a short and cheap shaft of 150 to 200 metres. The value of the magnetic ore from Fidnik is, at the lowest, worth 2 kronen per metric centner (about 17s. a ton), and the cost of obtaining it is as follows : Kronen. For one metric centner (220 J Ibs.) 0.50 For amortization ... ... ... ... 0.10 Freight to frontier 0.80 Cost per metric centner ... ... ... 1.40 The profit would therefore be per metric centner, 0.60 kronen, or about 5s. per ton. Rockycan District. Near Rockycan, to the west of Hlabava, an arch-like bed of ore crops out, the underlying wall of which is formed of flinty slate. This bed is 9 to 12 metres thick, showing in its middle part a striking to 9 h., with a S.W. flattening of 30 to 40, and in its western part a striking to 7 h., with a southern falling in of 50 to 60. Above the underlying wall of the bed of flinty slace there is : first, hornstone, 5 to 9 metres thick, then a bed of clay slate from 2 to 11 metres thick. The bed consists of dark grey, partly lenticular spherosiderites, but changes towards the under- lying strata to lenticular red iron ore. In the striking and flattening several disturbances and fissures occur. Also on the left bank of Hlabava broad beds of ore are found under the same conditions. The Eohmerwald (Bohemian Forest). Many of the iron mine concessions in this district are now being worked for coal, as also the districts of Horkan, Neucen, Mies, Stab and Tuschkan, on its eastern border, more particularly the two latter, which are in the S.W. sphere of the Pilsen coal basin, and owe their origin only to the spherosiderites there occurring. For mining purposes, only the following are of interest. In the vicinity of Altzetlisch, Otracin, and Wikan is found hematite formed in decomposed gneiss, in horn-blend slate, and elementary clay slate in irregular lodes and masses. Brown iron ore also occurs at Gross-and Kleinwoneditz, Elsch, Strachowitz, Pernarditz, Mayerhofen, Waltschina, Neudorf. Near St. Katherina several beds are formed in crystalline limestone with hornblend slate between strata of glimmer slate. These are rich in rough granite, which decomposes into brown iron ore; there are also to be found in the slate, magnetite, magnetic iron, copper pyrites and bisulphate of iron. Near Eisendorf on the Bavarian frontier spathic carbonate was worked, it is finely disseminated in gneiss; and there is also brown iron ore, which occurs in irregular accumulated veins in decomposed gneiss and hornblend slate near Amplatz, Widlitz and Abelwitz, at Mirkowitz and Schlattin, to the N.W. of Bischofteinitz, and at Schweissing and Kochenz, to the N.W. of Mies. 14 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY BOHEMIA. Eastern Bohemia and the Riesengebirge. The Reisengebirge is composed of crystalline slate, the occurrences of iron ores here are similar to those on the Erzgebirge, but far inferior in yield of iron. The clay-slatey formation on the southern slope of the Riesengebirge contains numerous beds of brown iron ore, but there are no mines of any importance. In the mountain district of Kamenitz the lodes have a thickness of 1.6 to 4 metres, and are bedded in clay slate between limestone. They decline southward under 70 and consist of -decomposed clay holding hard rock of brown iron ore, and excellently adapted for smelting, possessing a yield as high as 50 per cent, and more of iron. Near Wrath there are two beds of brown iron ore, yielding from 25 per cent, to 35 per cent, of iron. The beds of brown iron ore developed at Jesse- nac, Roztok and Haratitz, are 1.9 and 2.9 metres in thickness, and yield from 25 per cent, to 30 per cent, of iron. They are favourably situated with light freightage, and the frequent occurrence of limestone makes them more valuable, so that both iron and limestone could be drawn from the same mine. In the tertiary strata of the Wittingau and Budweis basin, clay iron ores occur. The northernmost layer of the strata consists of a series of thick beds of rough sand mixed with clay, which is more or less fast. The clay often sandy, also often fine, plastic and fire-proof, contains 4 or 5 metres beneath the surface beds of iron ore 0.2 metres at the thickest. These have been worked by numerous mines, but are of little value owing to the small yield of iron and the irregularity of the deposits. The nearest seaport capable of admitting ocean steamers is Hamburg, to which the ore could be conveyed by barges from Laube, on the frontier of Bohemia, on the river Elbe, having been brought to that place from the mining districts by rail. 3. Taking Pilsen as the most central point, the freight by rail per metric ton of ore to Laube is 6 marks (6 shillings). The freight from Laube to Hamburg by river varies from 3.50 to 6.50 marks per ton of ore, according to the water conditions, therefore, the total cost per ton freightage from Pilsen to Hamburg is from 9.50 marks to 12.50 marks, or from 9s. 6d. to 12s. 6d. Of course, this could be very considerably reduced by owning barges. 4. The character of the labour is that which is usually to be found in mining countries on the Continent, and is plentiful and cheap; the following is an estimate : Kronen. Miners' wages per ton of iron ore 3. Material (dynamite, oil, iron, wood, &c.) ... 0.12 Bringing to the surface ... ... ... 0.70 Management and administration, &c. ... 1.48 Total 5.30 or 4s. 5d. per ton. 5. Numerous analyses obtained from the Government and from other reliable sources accompany this report. 6. As previously mentioned, proprietors of deposits would certainly be sellers on reasonable terms. 7. The Government report published for the year 1902 shows that there were in Bohemia in that year 78 mining undertakings, of which 10 only were being worked. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. 15 The export of iron ore from Bohemia is to Saxony, but the quantity is trifling. 8. None whatever, and the mining laws are favourable to mining ventures. 9. Transport facilities will be greatly increased as the regulation of the rivers Moldau and Elbe are completed, and the cost of freight lessened by the lessening of the distance that the ore has now to be carried by rail. A sketch map showing the mines being worked and those that have ceased to be worked is also included in this report, and any further informa- tion that may be required, I shall be, at all times, glad to furnish, if it is procurable. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. (Consul- General Freeman.) 1. Numerous deposits of iron ore exist within the Consular district of Bosnia and the Herzegovina. 2. The deposits are in the districts of Banjaluka, Prijedor, Sanskimost and Kostajnica, in the north-west of Bosnia, and in the districts of Fojnica and Visoko, in the south of Bosnia, but by far the most extended deposit is at Vares, in the district of Visoko. The ore at the last-mentioned place is chiefly red hematite, with a substratum of sparry iron, and yields from 55 to 65 per cent, pure iron. The deposit is estimated at not less than 25,000,000 tons. The nearest port of shipping to the deposits in the north-west of Bosnia, capable of admitting ocean steamers, would be either Fiume or Trieste, which are respectively about 250 and 290 miles distant by rail ; whereas the nearest port to the deposits in the south of Bosnia is Gravosa, which is 208 miles by rail from Vares. 3. The cost of transport of iron ore by rail to the above-mentioned ports is as follows : Banjaluka to Fiume 110 Austrian hellers per metric quintal, which is equal to about 9s. 5d. per ton. Banjaluka to Trieste 127 hellers per metric quintal, or 10s. 8d. per ton. Vares to Gravosa 87 hellers per metric quintal, or 7s. 6d. per ton. These are special rates for iron ore. Naturally, the deposits do not all lie close to a line of railway, and the ore would, in most cases, have to be carried a certain distance by road, but in no case would the distance be great, and the roads are good. The iron mines of Vares are in the immediate vicinity of the town and railway station. 4. Native workmen in sufficient numbers are available both for mining and loading. The miners are almost exclusively taken from the Christian population, but for loading, &c., Mohammedans are also employed. The native workman, whether Christian or Mohammedan, is abstemious, intelligent, and physically suited to the work. When he has once learnt his work he is in no way inferior to the European workman, and is therefore paid the same wages. At piecework a miner earns from 2s. 6d. to 3s. a day. Shunters and loaders are paid from Is. to Is. 8d. per day of eleven hours. An estimate per ton for mining and loading is not procur- able. A few years ago the mineowners paid for extracting and carrying 16 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. down to the smelting furnaces in Vares a so-called " Nado " of ore which is sixty horseloads, or about 75 metric quintals (7 tons 7 cwts.), from fl. 7.20 to fl. 9.20 (12s. to 15s. 4d.), according to the quality of the ore. The cost may now be a trifle less owing to the improved means of transport, although, on the other hand, the price of labour has risen. 5. The following are the official analyses of iron ore from the mines near Vares: Botheisenstein (red hematite) from the mine of Drozkovac: Eisenoxyd (iron oxide) ... Manganoxyduloxyd (manganese oxide) Kieselsaure (silicic acid) Thonerde (alumina) Kalkerde (calcium oxide) Magnesia Schwefel (sulphur) Phosphor (phosphorus) ... Gliihverlust (loss in calcination) a. b. 77.44 ... 75.84 2.26 ... 1.20 12.28 ... 16.80 1.36 ... 1.76 1.01 ... 2.61 Traces ... Traces 0.20 ... 0.14 0.16 ... 0.12 5.27 1.57 1.98 99.98 Brauneisenstein (brown hematite) from the mine of Drozkovac: a. b. Eisenoxyd (iron oxide) ... Manganoxyduloxyd (manganese oxide) Kieselsaure (silicic acid) Thonerde (alumina) Kalkerde (calcium oxide) Magnesia Schwefel (sulphur) Phosphor (phosphorus) ... Gltihverlust (loss in calcination) 71.14 3.33 8.97 3.00 0.44 Traces Traces Traces 12.98 99.86 ... 71.57 ... 6.00 ... 10.63 ,.. 3.26 ... 1.63 .. Traces ... 0.25 ... 0.11 ... 6.51 99.96 Rotheisen (red hematite) from the mine of Smreka : Eisenoxyd (iron oxide) ... ... ... ... ... 85.15 Manganoxyduloxyd (manganese oxide) ... ... 3.66 Kieselsaure (silicic acid) ... ... ... ... 2.47 Thonerde (alumina) ... ... ... ... ... 1.18 Kalkerde (calcium oxide) 3.42 Magnesia ... ... ... ... ... ... Traces Schwefel (sulphur) 0.06 Phosphor (phosphorus) ... ... ... ... 0.15 Gliihverlust (loss in calcination) 3.88 99.97 6. The chief deposits belong to the State, and mining concessions can be obtained on reasonable terms. Deposits in the hands of companies or private individuals are mostly so under concessions from the Provincial Government, but for want of sufficient capital are little worked, and the concessions could probably be taken over on favourable terms. 7. The only deposits extensively worked are those in the neigh- bourhood of Vares, in the district of Visoko. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY BUDAPEST. 17 The amount of iron ore exported is not obtainable, as the official statistics, which are very imperfect, class all ores together, but in any case it is not great. Nearly all is smelted in the country, the remainder being mostly sent to Austria-Hungary by rail. The total output of iron ore in Bosnia during the five years 1897-1901 was as follows : 1 Years. Iron Ore. Iron Pyrites. - 1807 Tons. 36,509 Tons. 3,612 1898 58,533 240 18DD 67,085 430 1900 133,454 1,700 1901 122,569 4,570 8. There are no special obstacles in the way of successful, continuous and unencumbered mining in Bosnia and the Herzegovina. BUDAPEST. (Mr. Consul- General Stronge.) 1. The principal deposits of iron ore in Hungary now being worked are situated in the north and in the south-east of the country. Other deposits may possibly exist in other places, but if they had been of any importance they would have been worked before this. 2. The iron ore deposits which are worked are situated in the counties of Szepes, Gomor and Krasso, and the ore is mainly treated in the country itself. Some, however, which belongs to the Borsoder Mining Company, is sent to Wittkowitz (Austria), and some which belongs to the Arch-Duke Friedrich, and comes from Zips, is sent to Trzyenitz, in Austrian Silesia, No Hungarian iron ore is exported to places outside the Monarchy, for, apart from the fact that there is no demand for it, the great distance from the mines to the only port, viz., Fiume, renders export impossible. Fiume is 945 kilometres from Markusfalva, 820 kilometres from Barczika, and 819 kilometres from Tiszolcz. 3. The railway is the only means of transport to Fiume, and the average cost per ton would be K. 14.70. 4. The mining is carried on by adits and shafts, and the ore is extracted more by machinery in the mine itself than by manual labour. The cost of production varies so much that no precise figures can be given. 5. The ores are mostly brown iron ore and spathic iron ore, which contain from 36 to 40 per cent, of iron in a raw state. An answer respect- ing analyses, and also the furnishing of samples are superfluous, for there is no possibility of a sale. 6. The owners of the ore are large joint stock companies, and owners of entailed property, and, as above stated, they do not sell their ore. There are, it is true, some professed owners of small mines in Southern 1751>8 C 18 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY TRIESTE. Hungary, who endeavour to find purchasers, but they cannot be taken seriously, as both the quantities and qualities exclude export. 7 8 and 9 Inapplicable to existing circumstances, and explana- tions on' the subject would only be of value if some special mine were indicated as having been offered for sale. According to expert opinion there can be no question of exporting iron ore from Hungary at a pront. TRIESTE. (Mr. Consul Churchill.) 1. Deposits of iron ore are reported to exist in my Consular district. 2. Kotlenice (in Dalmatia), near Spalato, from which it is distant 9 kilometres (by carriage road). 3. Three shillings per ton. By road and rail. 4. Miners are paid 2s. 6d. per day. Expenses of loading in carts Is. per ton. 5. Analysis enclosed. 6. Not likely to be sellers. 7. Yes, 5,000 tons; commencing to export. 8. No. 9. In the Austrian Littoral (" Litorale Austro-Illirico ") there are no deposits of iron ore. Lately, it seems that in the province of Istria, mines have been discovered, but they are of no importance. In the province of Carniola there are no iron mines except those belonging to the " Krainische Industrie Gesellschaft," and as they are working them themselves, do not wish to give any information on the subject. In Dalmatia there are some iron mines. According to the Trieste Chamber of Commerce, with small outlay, good results could be obtained. At " Kotlenice," in the Political Commune of Clissa, District of Spalato (Dalmatia), there is a mine. " Kotlenice " is distant from Spalato 9^ kilo- metres (carriage road), and 28 kilometres (by rail). The transport of iron ore, from " Kotlenice " with carts to the railway station, costs about Is. 8d. per ton; and afterwards by rail to Spalato, Is. 4d. per ton. Miners are paid 2s. 6d. daily. Expenses of loading on carts, on railways, and after- wards on board the ship are calculated at Is. per ton. The iron ore mine of " Kotlenice " belongs partly to Signor Luigi Miotto, an Industrial, living at Spalato, and partly to several other pro- prietors who, though not wealthy, do not intend to effect any sale of their portion for the present. The mine has so far produced 5,000 tons of mineral, which they now begin to export. At " Meleda," in the district of Ragusa (Dalmatia), there is also an iron mine. The iron ore of "Meleda" is quite close to the sea; this mines belongs to Signor Miotto, above mentioned. At " Meleda," 500 to 600 tons have been already produced. This mineral will be sent at present to the "Krainische Industrie Gesellschaft," to Trieste (Servola), towards whom the proprietor of this mine is not under contract, There are no special obstacles, as in none of these two mines have they to contend against water AUSTRIA-HUNGARY VIENNA. 19 There are many other iron ore veins (" giacimenti di ferro ") in several parts of Dalmatia, and especially in the district of Sinj. There are also some in the island of Lissa, but only in the two above named has work begun. Copy of the analysis of the two minerals of " Kotlenice " and of " Meleda " is herewith enclosed. Analyses. COPY OF AN ANALYSIS OF MINERAL FROM KOTLENICE. Moisture at 100 C 1.65 per cent. Loss in calcination ... ... ... ... 33*71 ,, Silicic acid (Si0 2 ) 2*09 Sesquioxide of iron (Fe a O : ,) ... ... ... ^2*21 Protoxide oi iron (FeO) 1'54 Alumina (A1 3 3 ) ' 186 Manganese (Mn 3 4 ) Traces. Lime (CaO) ... ... ... ... ... Phosphorus (P) 0.299 M< Sulphur (S) imponderable quantity. Corresponding to metallic iron (Fe) ... 58*75 per cent. MINERAL FROM MELEDA. Sesquioxide of iron (Fe 2 3 ) ... ... ... 59 '8 7 per cent. Silicic acid (Si0 2 ) ... ... ... 7*76 Phosphorus (P) 0*226 Sulphur (S)... imponderable quantity. Corresponding to metallic iron (Fe) ... 41*91 per cent. VIENNA. (Mr. Consul- General Schoeller.) 1. Yes. 2. In Eastern Bohemia, Upper Styria, Carinthia and Carniola. The nearest shipping port for the Bohemian mines is Hamburg; for Upper Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and other Alpine districts, Trieste. The Bohemian mines are about 200 kilometres (125 miles) distant from the Elbe wharves. The distance of the Upper Styrian ore deposits from Trieste is about 500 kilometres (312 miles). 3. From Bohemia to Hamburg, per rail and boat, kronen 10 to 15 (8s. to 12s.). From Upper Styrian stations to Trieste, exclusively by rail, kronen 10 to 12 (8s. to 10s.) per ton. 4. Machinery driven by steam power. (a) Wages about kronen 2 to 3 (Is. 8d. to 2s. 6d.) per man per day of 10 hours. (b) Kronen 3.6 to 5 (3s. to 4s. 2d.) per ton, loaded on railway trucks. 17598 C 2 20 BULGARIA. 5. Yes; but are not at my disposal. Generally speaking the Bohemian ore is rich in sulphur and phosphorus, whereas the Alpine ores (Styria, &c.) show only slight traces of these elements. 6. The principal ore deposits are owned by Joint Stock Companies, which would hardly be induced to sell. 7. The chief ore deposits, the Styrian in particular, have been worked for many years. Export 19012,296,237 quintals (220-J- Ibs.). 19022,418,056 9. In the statistical tables the price of iron ore is quoted at kronen 23 (19s. 3d.) per ton from the frontier station. BULGARIA. (Sir F. Elliot.) 1. Yes. 2. Locality. Nearest Port. Distance. Bourgas or Varna 20 kilometres road and 590 railway. Kossovtzi in the Arrondissement Varna ... 25 kilometres road and 250 of Drenovo, Prefecture of Tirnovo. railway. Enina (called " Bizek ") in the Arrondissement of Kazanlik, Department of Stara Zagora. Bourgas 85 kilometres road and 200 railway. 3. Impossible to say. Road and rail in all cases. 4. The various workmen at the coal mines at Pernik received, in 1898, an average wage of 1 fr. 51 J cents per working day. For further particulars see accompanying pamphlet. 5. Analysis of a sample taken from the mine at Breznik, which yielded 52.3 per cent, of iron : Gangue insoluble in HC1 ... 18.65 per cent. Oxide of iron 74.70 Oxide of aluminium ... ... 1.20 Loss in calcination 5.84 Sulphur Traces. Neither analyses nor samples available from other mines. 6. The proprietor of the deposits at Breznik, Drenovo and Bizek is the Bulgarian Government. 7. The deposit at Breznik was worked for a short time, but was eventually abandoned owing to difficulties of transport. DENMARK FAROE ISLANDS, ICELAND. FRANCE BAYONNE. 21 The other deposits have never been worked. 8. Difficulties of transport and absence of coal. 9. Additional information will be found in the accompanying pamphlet, which was prepared for the Paris Exhibition of 1900. DENMARK. FAROE ISLANDS (THORSHAVN). (Mr. Consul Villiers.) Mr. Villiers reports that there seems to exist no local knowledge what- ever on the subject of iron ore deposits in the Faroe Islands. Geological study of these islands seems to have been made by British subjects, however, from time to time. A paper " On the geology of the Faroe Islands," read March 15, 1880, by James Geikie, LL.D., F.R.S., seems to be the most authoritative and exhaustive document on the subject, and mentions the presence of " iron- stone." Mr. Villiers has found a fragmentary copy of this paper, with maps and diagrams, marked IX., Vol. XXX., Part I., page 217. It has no publisher's name, nor does it state to whom the paper was read, but probably to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. ICELAND (REYKJAVIK). (Mr. Acting Consul Thorv aids son.) Mr. Thorvaldsson reports that only two kinds of iron ore, viz., magnolite and limonite, are known in Iceland. The former is common in the basalt, the principal species of rock in this country ; but being spread in very small, often microscopical, grains in the rocks, though in different quantities, it is, as far as ascertained, nowhere to be found to such an extent that it could yield a supply sufficient for mining purposes, and consequently there is no question of any deposits of this kind of ore in Iceland. The latter species of iron ore, the limonite, or swamp ore, is frequently to be found in swamps and ponds in this country, but, as far as ascertained, nowhere in such quantities that it would cover expenses to work it. FRANCE. BAYONNE. (Mr. Vice-Consul Schoedelin.) 1. Yes. 2. At Osse, in the department of the Basses Pyrenees. The nearest shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers is Bayonne, about 33 miles from the ore deposits. 22 FRANCE BORDEAUX. 3. The transport could only be done by rail, special rates would have to be obtained from the railway company. 4. Unable to obtain the character and cost of labour available for mining and loading 1 . 5. Official analyses of the ore, and average samples can only be obtained from the Directors of the Company, Compagnie des Acieres de- France, Quai de Javel, Paris. 6. The proprietors of the mines are reported to be rich, and are not considered likely sellers, at any rate for the present. 7. The deposits have been worked for some time, but only on a very small scale, no shipments are reported to have taken place. 8. It is not expected that any ore will be shipped from Bayonne, nor any development in the working of the mines until the Maritime Station is completed, so that the ore can be brought alongside the quay in railway 'trucks. It is expected that the Maritime Station will be finished in about 18 months' time. 9. It is not expected that any large quantities of ore will be shipped from Bayonne, as the Forges de 1'Adour .require for their own use large quantities. BORDEAUX. (Mr. Acting-Consul Palmer Samborne.) 1. In the Departments of Dordogne and Ariege considerable deposits of iron ore are known to exist, especially in Ariege, where there are millions of tons of good material. 2. The nearest shipping port is Bordeaux, where ocean steamers can come to, and the distance is about 340 kilometres from the Ariege. As large quantities of coal are imported into Bordeaux yearly (600,000 tons to 700,000 tons), cheap freight should be obtainable, as the ships which bring the coal generally leave in ballast for Bilbao or neighbouring ports for cargo. 3. The cost of transport from the Ariege would be about 5s. per ton, and from the Department of the Dordogne, a distance of only 150 kilo- metres, only about 3s. 4. The cost of labour is much cheaper than in England, miners getting from 3s. to 4s. per day, and labourers 2s. 6d. 5. The ore of the Dordogne Department is a silicious one, but free from phosphorus, and contains a high percentage of pure iron (analysis No. 1). The iron ore from the Department of the Ariege gives a lower percentage of iron as per analysis No. 2. 6. Some of the deposits are being worked, but the ore is only sold to thp Ariege furnaces; no mineral has been exported, as the existing mines have not been properly worked, and scarcely any capital spent in developing the rich deposits. FRANCE BOULOGNE- SUR-MER. 23 Further information or any possible assistance will be willingly rendered to any person or persons interested, on application to this Consulate. ANALYSIS No. 1. Analyses of Iron Ore from the Dordogne. ANALYSIS No. 2. Analyses of Iron Ore from the Ariege. Silica 6-00 8-84 9-70 Loss in Furnace 10-00 7-75 Iron 57- 54-70 52-19 Silica 4-56 6-20 Manganese 1-51 1-19 0-48 Aluminium 3-67 2-07 Pbosphoi-ic Acid 0-077 0-080 0-052 Chloride of Lime 0-64 0-34 "Sulphur 0-110 0-028 0-021 Magnesium Nil. Nil. Protoxide of Iron Nil. Nil. Peroxide of Iron 72-86 75-24 Redoxide of mineral ... 0-71 1-80 Sulphur ... 0-27 0-42 Oxide of Zinc 1-19 3-18 Metallic Iron 51-00 54-77 Manganese 4-83 1-30 S Nil. Nil. Ph Nil. Nil. Zinc 0-95 2-50 BOULOGNE-SUR-MER. (Mr. Vice-Consul Farmer.) 1. Yes. 2. Within 5 miles of Boulogne-sur-Mer. 3. Would have to be carted. 4. Agricultural labourers and quarrymen of cement factories, at about 2s. 6d. per day. 5. No official analyses obtainable, the sample sent is from Wimille, about 4 miles from Boulogne; it is considered too phosphoric, and average yield only 30 per cent. ' 6. Deposits are in agricultural land; holdings are relatively small. 7. Not worked for about 20 years. 8. No special obstacles. 9. No lack of ore in the Wealden formation round Boulogne, but the quality is poor, and deposits vary greatly in depth ; those most readily accessible were exhausted some twenty years ago. 24 FRANCE CALAIS, CHERBOURG. Small stocks of extracted ore are scattered about the neighbourhood; the manager of the Outrean Ironworks, near Boulogne, does not consider them worth collecting. Spanish ore is imported from Bilbao, average freight about 6s. per ton (1902). CALAIS. (Mr. Consul Payton.) 1. Yes. 2. Near Marquise, halfway between Calais and Boulogne-sur-Mer. Also Wimille, about 4 miles from Boulogne (see reply from that port). Nodules of iron, apparently hematoid, are found at the base of the cliffs at Blanc-Nez, about 6 miles from Calais. Shipping ports, Calais and Boulogne. Distance Marquise 12 miles, Wimille 4 miles. 3. Probably 2s. 6d. rail from Marquise. Cartage from Wimille. 4. Agricultural labourers and quarrymen, about 2s. 6d. a day. 5. No analyses : sample from Wimille. 6. The iron foundry at Marquise is reported to be the proprietor of some land containing deposits. 7. Not worked for twenty years. 8. Only the quality of the ore. 9. Supplies, Calais : 189824,480 tons from Spain. 18995,461 tons from Spain. 190029,363 tons from Spain and Italy. 1901 None reported. 19024,309 tons from Spain and Italy. CHERBOURG. DEPARTMENT OF ILLE ET VILAINE. (Mr. Consul Loftus.) 1. Yes. 2. Foret de Paimpont, near Rennes, 6,070 hectares in extent, the "emamder of an immense forest. Nearest ports Le Legue (St. Brieuc), ^otes du Nord, at 72 kilometres, and St. Malo-St. Servan, Ille et Vilaine, at IU3 kilometres. 3. From Mauron Station, Morbihan, to Le Legue, about 2 frs. per French ton, and to St. Malo-St. Servan 2 frs. 80 c. Rail only, but reaching Mauron Station by means of a Decauville track. 4. Plenty of labourers, wages 2 francs 50 cents, to 3 francs per day of ten hours. Skilled a little dearer. Costs about 5s. per ton (French) to put on truck at railway station, including 15 cents for the transfer from. Decauville to railway trucks. FRANCE CHERBOURG. 25 5. No analysis exists. 6. The owners of the forest are very wealthy business men, of Nantes. But probably open to sell concessions, as they have already done to the present working firm. 7. Yes. In 1902 about 3,500 tons; in 1903 about 9,000; the working firm stating, that in 1904 they expect to ship at least 20,000 tons. All the shipments have gone to the United Kingdom, with the exception of a small quantity to Boulogne-sur-Mer and Rotterdam; Grangemouth, Ardrossan, and Cardiff (the latter only one cargo), being the ports of destination. 8. Not that I know of, beyond the dislike of any foreign element in the trade of the country, which most of those taking up trade in this country find, both with the workpeople, and the commercial people. 9. M. Joanne remarks in his guide of 1896, that 12 iron mines have been, or are being, worked in this department, but, although it is possible that in the neighbourhood of St. Aubin-du-Cormier, such deposits may exist, I cannot ascertain anything definite, although at Tremblay lead ore is being extracted, and the old lead and silver mines of Pont Pean, near Bruz, still work; no further working for iron exists. The Prefect of Ille et Vilaine says, in his report to the General Council for 1902 : ' The working of the Paimpont mine, the only one working in the department, has only up to now given rise to work for its making a start, during which about 3,500 tons of hydroxidized and carbonated iron have been extracted. The number of workmen employed has been 139." The working of iron in the Eoret de Paimpont was commenced in the year 1633, and continued for many years, the last man in charge having employed about 400 men, but was abandoned many years ago, being, I am told, supposed to be worked out. Three years ago the present owners thought of utilizing the scoria, lying in heaps in the forest, and came to the conclu- sion that there was still iron worth working, and, as stated in my report for the year 1900,* a Decauville railway was established to Mauron Station, Morbihan, between Vannes and St. Meen, with a view to taking the ore to Legue (Saint Brieuc); but the people to whom the concession has been made Messrs. Monin, Pralon & Co., 91, Rue Miromesnil, Paris- inform me that the port of Legue is unsuitable, and that they have been compelled, in view of increasing trade, to abandon it, not intending to return there, a statement which is borne out by the fact, that during 1903 several steamers, mostly British, have loaded at St. Servan, where the firm have established a steam crane ol their own for the purpose of loading the ore, which in the early part of the year was loaded by the coal merchants. Messrs. Monin, Pralon & Cie., inform me, that the simplicity of the transfer of the ore, from their Decauville to the railway trucks, is a saving, consisting, as I understand it, in emptying the swinging trucks into the railway plant from a platform or raised siding. I am told that some delay in the work was caused by an action at law, between the proprietors Messrs. Leveque, of Nantes, whose name I omitted to mention and the above-named Paris firm; I do not, however, know the cause of the dispute, having understood that the work had stopped from want of funds. The agent, for these shipments, in London is Mr. Haerberlin, 5, Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall Street, E.G. * Annual Scries of Diplomatic cnul dmxular Reports, X<>. 2,(7<>. 17508 26 FRANCE CORSICA. CORSICA (AJACCIO.) (Mr. Consul Holmes.) 1. A deposit (black oxide or magnetite) is reported to exist. 2. Near the village of Farinole-Olmetta (Canton, St. Florent, Cap Corse). The nearest port is St. Florent, 8^ miles distant; but here there are :.o quays or jetties. The port of Bastia, which can be entered by ocean steamers, and where loading facilities exist, lies about 15 or 16 miles distant by road. 3. To St. Florent, by road, 4 to 5 francs per ton. To Bastia, by road. 7 to 8 francs per ton. 4. Italians are principally employed in the Cape Corse mines and give satisfaction. In the interior of the island Corsican peasants are generally employed. The latter require, perhaps, more supervision than the former, but as foremen, fitters and time-keepers they are said to be superior. Miners receive from 2.50 to 2.75 francs (2s. to 2s. 2Jd.) per diem. Loading and general labourers 2.25 to 2.50 francs (Is. 9^d. to 2s.). Boys from 1 to 2 francs (9Jd. to Is. 7d.). Women (surface work only) from 1 to 1.50 francs (9|d. to Is. 2d.). Smiths and carpenters receive about 4 francs (3s. 2d.) and foremen from 4 to 6 francs (3s. 2d. to 4s. 9Jd.) a day. The cost per ton of ore placed on the cart may be estimated at from 5 to 8 francs (4s. to 6s. 4^d.) (hand labour only). 5. No analyses are obtainable. Some average samples of the ore, however, have been forwarded. 6. I am unable to say whether the proprietors of the mine at Farinole are rich or poor. (See also No. 9.) 7. The deposit at Farinole has not been worked for 50 years. 8. None, I am informed, as regards Farinole. Opposition is sometimes offered in Corsica by the owners or occupiers of the land adjoining the mine to the transport of the ore across their property. It is advisable, therefore, to come to an agreement with the neighbouring landowners before the purchase of the concession has been completed. 9. The mine (concession) at Farinole has come by succession into the possession of several persons or families, and is in charge of a Notary at Bastia, who is precluded from selling without the consent of all the owners. Some three or four months ago the property was leased to a syndicate of engineers in Paris, who are said to be examining the mine in order to decide whether there is any prospect of working it successfully. Mining laws in Corsica are the same as in France. FRANCE HAVRE. 27 HAVRE. (Mr. Consul- General Hearn.) 1. The deposits of iron ore in this district are, so far as I can learn, entirely in the Department of Calvados, and are very extensive. Workings have been discovered dating back to the time of the Eomans. 2. The deposits extend from six miles south of Caen to the limits of the Department of Calvados to the south and west. Thirteen mining concessions have been granted of over seventeen thousand acres in extent, the official details of which are given in the Schedule appended to this report. The nearest shipping port capable of admitting steamers up to two thousand tons burden is Caen. The distance of this port from the ore district varies from six miles to the mine at St. Andre to thirty-five miles to the south and sixty miles to the west. 3. The transport would be entirely by rail at a cost of 6 centimes per ton, per kilometre, or, roughly, 9^ centimes (a fraction less than a penny) per mile, by the tramway line which traverses a large region of deposit, down to about a halfpenny per ton per mile by the railway from the other districts. To this there has to be added 40 centimes (4d.) per ton terminal charges, and 50 centimes (5d.) per ton traction from the railway station at Caen to the quay. 4. The extraction is made by means of galleries, pits and quarrying. The cost of extraction and loading into trucks is estimated at from 4 shillings to 5 shillings per ton. 5. No official analyses are obtainable. 6. The proprietors of the concessions are wealthy persons who have associated themselves together for the purpose of working the mines, and it is probable that would-be buyers would find that they have rather an exaggerated opinion as to the value of their holdings. 7. Only three of the concessions have been worked on commercial lines; they are those of St. Andre, St. Bemy and May-sur-Orne, distant six, twenty and twenty-two miles, respectively, from Caen. The following are the exports from these three mines, together, for the last five years : 1898 95,973 tons. 1899 89,427 1900 111,185 1901 123,980 1902 143,188 Nearly the whole of this was shipped to Rotterdam, it is said for account of Messrs. Krupp's works, but in 1902 a certain small quantity jwent to Middlesbro' and Swansea. 8. The chief obstacles to the full working of these, apparently, very valuable deposits, are, I am informed, shyness on the part of local capitalists, the difficulty of access to the railways from some of the pro- perties, and the low grade of some of the ore, which would not bear the cost of transport to the distant blast furnaces. 9. The deposits in question vary in richness from fifty to fifty-five per cent, in the hematite, to thirty-eight or forty per cent, in the carbonate, the latter forming, I am told, the principal part of the whole. To make the transport of this low grade ore profitable, it would have to be calcined. Mr. Frank Lethbridge, British Vice-Consul at Caen, to whom I am indebted for the above information, thinks that a company with a capital, say, of eight hundred thousand pounds might be able to buy up the most valuable concessions, and, if they were to build large iron works, they would do a very profitable business. 1758 D 2 28 FRANCE LILLE, MARSEILLES. SCHEDULE of the Iron Mining Concessions in the Department of Calvados, France. Xame of the mine. Acreage. Communes comprised in the area conceded. St Remy Acres. 1,853 728 929 902 812 630 993 803 1,495 3,607 1,062 1,381 1,910 St. Remy. St. Andre ie Fontenay, St. Martin de Fontenay, May sur Orne. May sur Orne, Bully, Clinchamps sur Orne, Laize la Ville, Fontenay le Marmion. Jaques and Bremoy. Bretteville sur Laize, Barbery, Gouvix, Urville. Bretteville le Rabat, Gouvix, Urville. Amaye sur Orne, Bully and Teugne- rolles sur Orne. Barbery, Moulines, St. Germain le Vasson Fontaine le Pin. Plessis, Grimoult, St. Jean le Blanc, Roucamps, Campaudre, Valcongrain. Perrieres, Epaney, Oleudon, Soumont, St. Quentin, Ouilly le Tesson, Rouvres and Sassy. St. Andre de Fontenay, Maltot, Teugne- rolles sur Orne and Eterville. Roucamps, Oudefontaine, La Terriere, Duval and Danvou. St. Germain le Vasson, Grainville, Lou- gannerie, Estrees la Cauipagne, Ouilly le Tasson, Soumont St. Quentin, Potigny, and Toutaine le Pin. St Anrlrp May sur Orne Bullv Montpincon Maltot Oudefontaine LILLE. (Mr. Vice-Consul Walker.) Mr. Walker reports that there ar no iron ore deposits in the department K)f the Nord. A vein was found near that department, but in the Pas de Calais, at Dontainghin, containing, at a depth of 134 metres, dolomite (magnesian limestone), together with ferric hydrate, yielding 38 per cent.; but lower, at 148 metres, carboniferous limestone appeared, and the mine \was abandoned. Consumers of iron ore are works at Isbergues, Denain, Anzin, Nord et Est, and Maubeuge. Quantity consumed, about 600,000 tons per annum. The greater quantity comes from the "Est " rail, and the remainder from Spain (Bilbao) via Dunkirk. Kuhlmann's large chemical works at Lille send their non-laxiviated iron pyrites to Denain- Anzin, and the laxiviated to Germany. MARSEILLES. (Mr. Consul-General Gurney.) 1. Deposits of iron ore exist in the following Departments of this Con- sular District: Var. Vaucluse. Gard. Ardeche. Aveyron. Tarn. Pyrenees Orientales. FRANCE MARSEILLES. 29 2. In the Department of Var there is one mine, that of Beau Soleil, situated at Chateaudouble, twelve and a half miles north of Draguignan. It is connected with the railway at Fiaganieres by overhead wire-rope railway. The nearest seaport is St. Raphael, about 30 miles away. Efforts have been made to ship the ore at this port, but have been abandoned on account of the difficulties in the way, presumably the exposed position .and lack of facilities of the harbour. The present intention is to ship the ore at Nice, some 48 miles distant. In the Department of Vaucluse a deposit of iron ore is reported at Rustrel, near Apt, 29 miles east-south-east of Avignon. It is no longer -worked, and I understand that the ore is of poor quality. In the Department of Gard there are five concessions, namely: (i.) Concession of Alais, 25 miles north-west of Nimes. The nearest shipping port would be Cette, some sixty miles distant. (ii.) Concession of the Deux-Jumeaux, at Ganges, 25 miles west-north- west of Montpellier. The nearest port would be Cette, from which Ganges is distant about forty miles. The route by rail, however, is considerably longer. (iii.) Concession of Pierre-Morte, near Gagnieres, which is twenty miles north-west of Alais. The nearest port would be Cette, and the distance from the mines approximately eighty miles. (iv.) Concession of Valmy at 1'Estrechure, 21 miles from Anduze. The nearest port would be Cette, about fifty miles from Anduze. (v.) (Mines of St. Felix de Pallieres near Anduze. The nearest port i? Cette. In the Department of Ardeche there are four concessions, forming the Privas mines. They are approximately 100 miles from Marseilles or Cette. In the Department of Aveyron there are two mines, those of Kaymar and Mondalazac. They are situated in the valley of the Dourdon, near Marcillac, which is 11 miles north-north-west of Rodez. The nearest port is Cette, about 100 miles distant from the mines. In the Department of Tarn three concessions have been granted to the north of Castres. Only one of these is being worked. Castres is some 75 miles from Cette, and a little less from Lanouvelle. In the Department of Pyrenees Orientales there are three beds of iron -ore: (i.) Puymorens, close to the peak of this name. Exportation of the ore -would be impracticable, owing to the distance to the sea and the lack of a railway at hand. This would also be the case for the ore from the mines of Aveyron and Tarn mentioned above. (ii.) Mines in the valley of the Agly. These are 42 miles by rail from -the port of Lanouvelle. (iii.) The Canigou group, consisting of 28 concessions, situated in the valleys of the Tet and Tech. The ore is sent to Port-Vendres, either by Arles-sur-Tech, which is 32 miles by rail from Port-Vendres, or by Ria or Prades, which are 47 and 44J miles respectively. 3. The means and cost of transport to the shipping ports would be as . follows, as far as I am in a position to give this information : Beau Soleil (Var). By rail from Figanieres to Cette, 7.20 frs. per ton. Alais (Gard). By rail to Cette, 4.15 frs. per ton; by rail to Marseilles, 5.20 frs. per ton. Deux-Jumeaux (Gard). From Ganges to Cette by rail, 4.10 frs.; from Ganges to Marseilles by rail, 5.50 frs. Pierre-Morte (Gard). From Gagnieres to Cette by rail, 4.75 frs. ; from -Gagnieres to Marseilles by rail, 5.80 frs. Valmy (Gard). From Anduze to Cette by rail, 3.95 frs. St. Felix de Pallieres (Gard). From Anduze to Cette by rail, 3.95 frs. 30 FRANCE Privas Mines (Ardeche). From Privas to Cette by rail, 6.40 frs. ; from Privas to Marseilles by rail, 6.40 frs. Kay mar (Aveyron), Mondalazac (Aveyron). The ore from the above mines is consumed by the blast furnaces of Decazeville, to which the mines belong. Export would, in any case, appear to be impracticable, on account of the distance from the sea. The cost of transport to Decazeville per ton is as follows : (i.) Kaymar. By cart from the mine to railway (8f miles), 3.30 frs.; by rail to the furnaces (6J miles), 0.94 fr. (ii.) Mondalazac. By horse-tram from the mine to Marcillac Station (44 miles), 1,050 frs.; by rail from Marcillac to the furnaces (134 miles), 1.690 frs. Castres Mines (Tarn). The blast furnaces of Sault-du-Tarn own the only one of the three concessions which is being worked, and consume the ore which comes from it. The distance from the co ; ist would, moreover, render export impracticable. Puymorens (Pyrenees Orientates). Export impracticable, on account of absence of railway and distance from the coast. Agly Valley Deposits. These have been very little worked, and I have no means of knowing what the cost of transport to Lanouvelle would be. Canigou Mines. Eail from Arles-sur-Tech to Port-Vendres (32 miles), 2.15 frs. per ton. 4. I have been able to obtain the following particulars with regard to the cost of labour, loading, &c. : Beau Soleil. The cost price of production is five francs per ton of ore. Alais. The ore is consumed by the forges of Alais, which work the mines and are situated on the iron-field. The cost of production is from six to seven francs on rails at Alais. Deux-Jumeaux.The cost price of the ore on rails at Ganges is from eight to nine francs. The neighbouring works buy it at about 15 frs. Pierre-Morte. The cost price on rails at Gagnieres is about nine francs. ValmyThe ore is delivered to the iron-works of the district for about 16 to 18 frs. On rails at Anduze the cost price is 12 frs. This should, how- ever, be lowered by two francs a ton when the new line from Anduze to St. Jean du Gard is finished. St. 'Felix de Pallieres. The ore is delivered to the iron-works of the district for from 10 to 12 frs. The cost price on rails at Anduze is about eight francs. Privas Mines. The ore from these mines is consumed by the blast furnaces of Le Pouzin. It is delivered on rails at Privas at a cost of between six and seven francs a ton. Kaymar. The cost of production is as follows: Quarrying 4.45 f rs . per ton.- Labour and other expenses ... 7.17 frs. per ton. Mondalazac. The cost of production is as follows : Quarrying ... ... 0.87 fr. per ton. Labour and other expenses ... 1.86 frs. per ton. Castres Mines.~The cost of production is about nine francs the ton. Puymorens, Agly Valley, and Canigou. The cost of production in the mines m the Department of Pyrenees Orientales is approximately 6.50 frs. per ton. This is inclusive of general working expenses. 5. The description of the ores in the various mines, with analysis where to hand, is as follows: Rustrel.^Ore of poor quality, with silicious waste. MARSEILLES. 31 Beau Soleil. This mine produces brown hematite, containing over 55 per cent, of iron, less than 0.50 per cent, of sulphur, and from 0.03 per cent, to 0.06 per cent, of phosphorus. Alais and St. Florent. A ferruginous deposit in limestone. Deux-Jumeaux. A deposit of ore in limestone. It contains about 50 per cent, of iron and a little zinc. Pierre-Morte. The deposit consists of two strata in a Jurassic bed ; one of oligist, containing 45 per cent, of iron, and one of poor phosphorus ore, with 25 per cent, of iron. Valmy. This deposit is a heap of carbonate of iron, lying in the old schists. The ore contains 48 per cent, of iron and 2 per cent, of manganese; also a little copper. St. Felix de Pallieres. The ore is similar to that of Alais and St. Florent. Privas Mines. The deposit consists of two strata in a Jurassic bed, the ore containing 40 to 45 per cent, of iron, and 0.11 per cent, of phosphorus. Kaymar. This deposit lies in a bed of lias or permian, and consists of manganesiferous and rather too silicious hematite. An average analysis of the ore is as follows : Silica. Alnmin. Chalk. Manganese. Iron. Phosphorus. Loss. 22-00 8-00 2-00 7-50 35-00 0-20 8-00 Mondalazac. This deposit also lies in a bed of lias or permian. It is composed of oolithic ores of poor quality and impure. An average analysis is as follows: ROASTED ORE. Silica. Alumin. Chalk. Manganese. Iron. Phosphorus. Magnesia. Sulphur. Loss. 11-00 8-00 19-00 0-18 30-50 0-57 7-3 0-13 8-00 CRUDE ORE. Silica. Alumin. Chalk. Manganese. Iron. Phosphorus. Magnesia. Sulphur. Loss. 9-50 7-00 16-50 0-15 26-20 0-51 6-6 0-13 22-00 Castres Mines. Unimportant quantities of brown hematite containing a large proportion of manganese of good quality, but too much silica, are found in the quartz formation of the mica schists. Piiymorens. Magnetic oxide of iron with spathic iron lying in the silurian schists, the ore containing 50 per cent, of iron and 1 per cent, of manganese. Agly Valley. Oligist, iron, pure, but no manganese, and very silicion-? (15 to 40 per cent, of silica). Canigou Mines. Brown manganesiferous hematite and spathic iron. The deposits lie in silurian limestone. 32 FRANCE The mines in the Department of Pyrenees Orientales yield ore contain- ing, generally speaking, when dry, 48 to 52 per cent, of iron and 2 per cent, of manganese for the hematite, and 52 to 54 per cent, of iron with 2 to 3 per cent, of manganese for the roasted spathic. Moisture varies from 10 to 12 per cent. 6. I have no means of knowing in the generality of cases whether the owners would be disposed to part with the deposits or not. The following information may be of use: Beau Soleil. The mine belongs to the " Societe des Mines de Beau 'Soleil," 17, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, with a capital of 500,000 frs. It is possible that this company might be willing to sell. The ore is at present sold to the blast furnaces of Givors and Chasse, near Lyons, and to the Creuzot Works at Cette. The price paid in the former case is 10.75 frs. on rails at Figanieres for ore with 55 per cent, of iron and 30 centimes supple- ment for each additional unit. Transport to Givors and Chasse from Figanieres is 8.85 frs. per ton. The sale price at Cette is 16 frs. delivered on rails for ore with 55 per cent, of iron and 30 centimes supplement for each additional unit. Rustrel. The mines were formerly worked by the " Hauts Fourneaux de Eustrel." These no longer exist, and the mines are shut down. Alais and St. Florent. The output of these mines is consumed by the " Forges d' Alais," whose smelting works are on the spot. The iron- works are at Besseges and Tamaris. Deux-Jumeaux. The concession belongs to Mr. Charles Mejean, of Ganges. The ore is sold at about 15 frs. to the neighbouring iron-works. Pierre-Morte. Belongs to the Compagnie des Forges d' Alais. Valmy. Belongs to Mr. Georges Maes, of Clichy la Garenne (Seine), who is represented by Mr. Pascal, Notary, of Estrechure (Gard). St. Felix de Pallieres. Belongs to Mr. Chauvet, at Tornac, near Anduze (Gard). Privas Mines. Belong to the " Societe Nouvelle des Etablissements de 1'Horme et de la Buire." The whole output is consumed by the blast furnaces of Le Po\izin, some 13 miles from the mines, and belonging to the same company. Kaymar and Mondalazac. Belong to the " Societe'-Commentry- Fourchambault-Decazeville," which consumes in its own works the whole out- put of the mines. Castres Mines. Belong to the " Societe des Hauts Fourneaux, Forges et Acieries du Sault du Tarn " (two concessions), and one concession to- Mr. P. E. Martin. The company consumes the whole output of the mines. Puymorens, Agly Valley, and Canigou Mines. The owners of the various concessions are as follows: Societe des Mines de Fillols ... 2 concessions. J. Holtzer Dorian et Cie 3 Societe des Mines de Riols 3 . ,, Societe de Hauts Fourneaux de Pauillac 2 Le Creuzot 1 Mr. Monin ... 14 Of these the Pauillac Company consumes the ore from its own mines; the Creuzot concession appears to be nearly worked out, and is abandoned; the rest sell their ore. The concessions of La Pinouse, Velman and Crouanques might be open to purchase; also those of Escoumps and Puymorens. The last, however,, would be too far from the railway to make export of the ore feasible. MARSEILLES. 33 7. All the deposits mentioned have been worked. The figures for the yield during the last five years (where obtainable) are as follows: Beau SoleiL During 1901 and 1902 the yield was 18,063 tons. Work naa been stopped, and the Societe' de Beau Soleil only started again three years ago. An annual yield of 40,000 to 50,000 tons is expected. Alais. The yield during the last five years was 265,000 tons. St. Florent.The yield from 1877 to 1899 was 20,000 tons. Deux-Jumeaux. The yield from 1864 to 1902 was about 75,000 tons. Pierre-Morte. The supply of ore is diminishing rapidly on all sides, and would seem to be exhausted. Between 1841 and 1870 25,000 tons were extracted. Valmy. On account of the difficulties of access and transport this mine has not so far been worked in a serious manner. I have no figures regarding the output. Privas Mines. The production since 1843 has been 5,500,000 tons of ore. During the last five years the output has been 235,000 tons. It is calculated that the mine still contains 500,000 tons of ore. Kaymar. The yield for the last five years has been: 1898 8,660 tons. 1899 11,747 1900 10,242 1901 7,368 1902 ... 6,365 44,382 tons. Mondalazac. The yield for the last five years has been: 1898 28,402 tons. 1899 44,617 1900 56,140 1901 41,479 1902 26,928 Castres Mines - been : 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 -The yield of hematite during the last five years has 10,087 tons. 11,004 . 11,062 9,416 5,752 47,321 tons. Puymorens, Agly Valley, and Canigou Mines. The yield for the last five years has been: 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. Hematite ... Tons. 101,673 Tons. 137,927 Tons. 190,715 Tons. 178,975 Tons. 186,438 Spathic Total 35,361 25,310 55,386 61,663 49,508 137,034 163,237 246,101 240,638 235,946 1,022,953. 17598 34 FRANCE NANTES. 8. With regard to the Department of Var (Beau Soleil), the nearest port to the workings, St. Raphael, is unsuited for shipment on account of its lack of facilities and its position. Large ships anchor in the roads in eight or nine fathoms, one and a half cables' length from the pier. Small vessels only can come alongside. The holding ground is good, but the harbour is exposed to the south. As mentioned in the answer to Question 2, it is intended to ship the ore shortly from Nice. No obstacle exists in the way of successful and unencumbered mining in the Departments of Gard and Aveyron. The concession of Valmy is handicapped by its distance from Anduze. This will shortly be remedied by a branch line from Anduze to St. Jean du Gard. In Aveyron the output might be largely increased, but I hardly think that, for purposes of export, the Aveyron coalfield is likely to be of importance. The distance from the coast is too great, and, as already mentioned, the iron-works of the district consume the ore. The Canigou group, in the Department of the Pyrenees Orientales, is the most susceptible of giving good results for the purposes of export. The mines are all connected with the railway at Arles-sur-Tech, Prades or Ria by tramways or overhead trolley cables, and there is every prospect of the output increasing, should sufficient outlets be created. At present the industry is seriously handicapped by the absence of proper plant at Port Vendres, but it is proposed shortly to supply this port with proper shoots and other apparatus for loading large vessels. NANTES. (Mr. Consul Warburton.) 1. Yes. 2. They are in three places : the district of Chateaubriant, Loire In- ferieure; that of Anjou, Maine and Loire; and in that of the Berry, in the Department of the Cher. The nearest ocean port is Nantes, which is about 20 to 25 miles from the two first named places, and 100 miles from the last. 3. From the district of Anjou and that of Chateaubriant, about four millings per ton where the deposits are near the rivers Loire or Mayenne and the ore can be loaded directly from the mine into barges, and carried to Nantes without transhipment. Where there is some distance to the river it would be more for cartage, but it is impossible to fix the exact cost, as these places are naturally neglected, in consequence of the increased cost of carriage, in favour of the more favourably situated spots. In the case given the cost is by river. In the district of the Berry the cost would be much greater : carriage by rail from Bourges, six shillings per ton to Nantes, besides the charge for loading into carts and waggons and unloading, of which I can get no estimate, but which would probably be very great. -No ore comes to Nantes from the Department of the Cher, all being smelted on the spot, and therefore no figure can be fixed. 4. These questions have been asked, and the owners and workers of concessions have not given and do not appear disposed to give answers. The Government returns for iron mines give the number of miners in France as about 9,000, and the average wages as three shillings and ten pence for underground miners and two shillings and eight pence for surface men per day, for skilled labour. FRANCE NANTES. 35 It is impossible to give the cost of mining in the general way suggested in the question. It depends on the class of mine, but for the ore likely to be available in this district, which is calcined, and can be extracted very cheaply, the value of the ore at the pit's mouth is given by the Government return at between four and five shillings, and in this instance, as it can be loaded from the mine into barges, there would be no cost for loading into waggons or carting. 5. The analysis of this ore is as follows: Analysis. Silica 16.22 Titanic acid ... ... . . . ... ... 0.33 Aluminium ... ... ... ... ... 1.95 Peroxide of iron ... ... ... ... 78.77 Lime 0.24 Magnesia ... ... ... ... ... 0.25 Sulphuric acid ... ... ... 0.17 Phosphoric acid... ... ... ... ... 0.31 Loss in calcining ... ... ... ... 1.77 99.61 6. The owners of the concession of which particulars are given above, ;ind which is the only one as to which any willingness to sell has been expressed by the proprietors, say that they would sell them with the works they have established at a reasonable price. 7. As I understand, there has not been much work done, and any on- that has been extracted has not been shipped but used in the country. The concession is situated on both sides of the River Mayenne, near Angers; the principal deposits or lodes, which are about seven feet wide, crop up at an elevation of about 130 feet above the river, and are worked by means of open trenches which are sunk to the level of the towing path, so that the ore, as already stated, can be loaded into boats on the spot. 8. I have never heard of any, but so little mining has been done in it, that there has not been much opportunity for any experience of this description. 9. There is very little more to give in addition to what has been already given "in reply to the questions asked. Generally speaking, it is not a mining district, and the mines now work- ing are carried on by a company formed for the purpose of smelting and making iron from its ores. This company is called " La Societe' de= Acierjes et Hauts Fourneaux de Trignac." A considerable part of the remaining concessions appear to be .held as speculations, with a view to selling them as opportunity offers. There are considerable works in preparation for deepening the River Loire, so as to allow large vessels to get up to Angers, and it is expected that when this is done the value of these concessions will appreciate con- siderably, owing to the facilities for sending the ore direct from the mines to foreign countries. Any buyers of concessions should first send over competent persons to examine into the whole question. I shall be very happy to be of use to anyone who may wish to do so, and advise them to the best of my ability as to the most likelv directions to work in. 17598 E 2 36 FRANCE PARIS, TOULOUSE. PARIS. (Mr. Consul-General Inylis.) I Yes. 2. In the Department of Vosges, two mines. Cote d'Or, two at Marsannay et Villecomte. ,, ,, ,, Haute Saone, six of small importance. ,, Meurthe et Moselle, 92 mines, with an annual output of about 3,000,000 tons of ore. ,, ,, ,, ,, Haute Marne, deposits exist at Sommevoire, Vassey, Fleury-les-Tavernay, and Jussey. ,. ,, ,, Marne, deposits of middling importance. Meuse, deposits at Abainville, Commercy, and Tusey. ,, ,, ,, Belfort, at Grabonnieres. The nearest shipping ports are Dunkirk and Antwerp. 5. Official analyses are obtainable from the Ecole des Mines. NOTE. Exports of iron ores from France for the five years ending 1903 (Tableau General du Commerce et de la Navigation, 1903) : 1899 292,000 tons. 1900 372,000 1901 259,000 1902 423,000 1903 ... ... ... 714,000 Of the 714,000 tons thus exported in 1903, there went to Belgium ... ... 364,000 tons. United Kingdom 145,000 Germany 120,000 Netherlands 84,000 The imports of iron ore in 1903 amounted to 1,833,000 tons. The home production in 1902 was 5,004,000 tons (Statistique de ^Industrie Minerale, 1902). The principal deposits of iron ores are, as has been stated, in the Department of Meurthe-et-'Moselle, on the extreme eastern frontier. The total output of the mines in that district was 4,129,000 tons in 1902, the most recent date for which detailed statistics are available. 1. Yes. TOULOUSE. (Mr. Vice-Consul Huggvns.) 2. In the Departments of the Higher Garonne and Ariege, shippini ports Bayonne and Bordeaux, about 250 to 300 kilometres. FRANCE TOULOUSE. 37 3. Transport expenses, two francs per cart and six francs per ton (eight francs per ton); average time, five days. 4. Miners are paid 3.50 frs. and labourers or handymen 2.50 frs. per diem. Price put on railway truck about 11 frs. per ton for ore analysing 50 per cent. iron. 5. The iron ore in the Ariege gives about 55 per cent, metal, 0.15 per cent, sulphur, and 0.012 per cent, phosphorus; all the ore is consumed on the spot, and there is an active and continuous output. Most of the known iron deposits in the Higher Garonne are in the hands of Mr Emile Tuteur. Deposits in Fos worked about 100 years ago hydrolictic iron analysing: Metal, 56 per cent. iron. 0.001 sulphur. 0.002 phosphorus. 0.8 per cent, silica. With the argut deposit of iron are connected the well known carbonate of manganese mines: Manganese metal, 35 per cent. Silica, 7 per cent. Phosphorus, 0.003. Deposits at Milhas analyse : 67 per cent, iron metal. 0.012 sulphur. 0.01 phosphorus. 0.8 per cent, silica. 6. The proprietors are not exactly poor, and would be quite willing to sell or le't out on reasonable terms. 7. None of these deposits have been worked extensively. 8. The only obstacles up till now have been the cost of transport, the deposits being generally situated in high altitudes, requiring putting up of cables, expenses which the present owners have shrunk from incurring, but which would be very feasible with a powerful organisation of capital. 9. Andorra contains enormous deposits of excellent iron ore, which is situated in the continuation of the Palleresa chain of iron mountains or Spanish territory, but this great wealth is totally lost to mankind by reason of the absence of all communication. Closely intermingled with these unique iron ore deposits of exceptional quality are the very important coal and lignite deposits, two elements important in the establishment of blast furnaces to make pig iron for Spanish and export purposes. But without a railway it is useless to think of exploiting these rich deposits. Mr. Emile Tuteur has been charged by the authorities of the province of Lerida to procure the capital for this railway (length 156 kilometres). There is an enormous supply of iron ore for many years, I am told by competent persons. From what I can learn there are many annoying formalities to be feared from the French authorities, such, for instance, as the necessity of getting permission to sell iron when once procured, but these difficulties can be overcome by persons properly initiated. Another difficulty would be in the supply of coal, which is charged ten francs per ton freight, but doubtless special conditions might be obtained if applied for in an intelligent way. 3g GERMANY DRESDEN, DUSSELDORF. There seems to be a number of persons who know all about iron deposits, but who have not sufficient means to work mines properly. I can give two or toeT adtossi if necessary, of gentlemen who ^^^^ standing and sufficient knowledge to be useiul to the Association. , It appears to me that persons sent out from the United Kingdom without knowledge of the language, country or local customs and laws would prob- ablv fail to succeed in their mission, if not ably seconded in their efforts b } someone who knows and lives in the country. GERMANY. DRESDEN. (Mr. Consul Palmie.) Mr. Palmie states that in Saxony only two deposits of iron ore exist, viz., at Schwarzenberg, Saechs-Erzgebirge, the owners of which are Messrs. Breitfeld and Son, and at Berggiesshubel, near Pirna, owner Saechs-Guss- Stahl Fabrik, Doehlen near Dresden. The iron ore found in these mines is not exported to foreign countries, but is handled in the factories of the above-named owners of the mines. DUSSELDORF. (Mr. Vice-Consul F. P. Kb'niy.J 1. There are extensive iron ore fields in the part of the Rhine pro- vince known as the Siegerland, the valley of the river Sieg, a tributary of the Rhine, the district of Olpe and Altenkirchen ; in some of the coal- mining districts of Westphalia iron ore is found and worked ; besides these there are very considerable iron ore fields in Lothringen and Luxemburg. 2. The nearest shipping ports are Rotterdam, Antwerp and Emderi. The average distance from the iron ore deposits to the ports would be about 150 miles, say, from Wanue in Westphalia to Emden ; for the Rhine provinces the average distance would be about 220 miles, say, from Coblenz to Rotterdam. 3. The cost of transport would vary according to quantities and according as it took place by rail or canal to the seaport. In many cases it would form a matter of special arrangement by contract W 7 ith the State Railways and shipowners, in proportion to quantities. In the case of Westphalia the ore could be transported, for transshipment to Emden, the greater part of the way by canal; and in the case of the Rhenish pro- vinces, the greater distance In Rhine barge (of ;}00 to 1,000 tons) to Rotterdam or Antwerp, as the case may be. So far there are no statistics available to show that the Siegerland ore has been shipped for export; up to the present the tables issued only quote the amounts of pig-iron exported. DUSSELDORF. 39 But I am informed that quite recently iron ore has been shipped to England and in increasing quantities. The ore in the Siegerland is at present, for the most part, smelted in the blast furnaces of that district ; of late years about 60 per cent, of the ore has been smelted in local furnaces, and only 40 per cent, has been sent to the Westphalian blast furnaces. The trans- portation of iron ore from the Siegerland to the Ruhr, Saas, Lothringen, Luxemburg and Aachen districts would, according to the preferential tariff, cost 1.25 pf. per metric ton and kilometre, and another 60 pf. per metric ton terminal charges extra. The transport of coke from Westphalia co the Siegerland costs 22 pf. (2fd.) per ton kilometre, and another 70 pf. (8^d.) per ton terminal charge extra. Since August last this coke tariff has been reduced by 3 pf. per 100 kilometres, by 4 pf. (^d.) from 100-200 kilometres, and by 5 pf. for over i:uO kilometres per ton kilometre. The transport of coals costs 22 pf, per ton kilometre up to 350 kilometre; 14 pf. per ton kilometre ovei 350 kilometres, and 70 pf. per ton terminal charge extra. 4. For the most part the iron ore is excavated and extracted from underground through shafts. The average yearly wages or earnings of the miners in the Siegerland are as follows : 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 s. d. 38 3 7 37 13 5 45 17 6 50 7 6 52 6 10 58 11 5 61 14 9 These wages amount to, in shillings :- 1894 1895 1896 1897 4-11 4-32 4-85 5-58 1898 1899 1900 6-22 6-55 6-84 per ton of iron ore at the face of workings. The following table shows the cost in shillings of mining per ton of 1,000 kilograms, in mines of small (Nos. 1-3), medium (Nos. 4-6), and large extent (7-8), loaded in truck : Number. 1893. 1895. 1897. 1899. i!900. 1 6-528 9-110 9 f~ ... ... 6-830 9-596 3 6-130 6-080 7-550 8-120 9-270 4 6-198 11-580 5 5-760 6-010 8-050 8-510 8-240 6 4-860 5-650 6-700 7-770 9-480 7 5-550 8-250 S 6-300 6-330 9-360 9-630 9-800 40 GERMANY The above costs of production are composed of the following items Wages and Salaries Pit timber ... Coal Materials (other) ... Compulsory Insurance Expenses Taxes and Rents ... Preparatory Works Carting to station Shillings. Per ton. 4-95 to 7-47 0-155 0-329 0-370 1-209 0-763 1-720 0-120 0-430 0-050 0-100 0-450 0-500 0-210 9-190* * Sic in manuscript. The following figures are given by one mine as its wages bill for an 8 hours' day : Shillings. 1893 2.58 1894 2.57 1895 2.65 1896 3.15 1897 3.48 1898 ... 3.54 1899 4.20 1900 4.02 The average value of a ton of iron ore in railway truck amounted to. m shillings: 11. 15 in 1899; 12.10 in 1900; 14.45 in 1901; 11.72 in 1902. 5. The following figures are taken from official statistics of average analyses of iron ore in the Siegerland : Iron. Magnesia. Raw spathic iron stone Per cent. 3335 Per cent. 56 Roasted iron stone ... 4548 79 " Glanz " iron ore 5256 traces only " Braun" iron ore 4357 traces only The following percentages of iron are obtained : Out of Raw Spathic Iron Ore ... 3537 per cent. Iron. Roasted " Glanx " " Braun " 4749 5053 4143 J) DUS9ELBOBF. 41 According to Dr. Schwartz's analyses in Siegen (published in 1887) (pages 42, &c.) which have been proved correct by Berthier, Karsten, and Schnabel, the following are the percentage constituents of iron ore : Fe. Mn. SiO,. CaO. Mg. Cu. s. P 2 0,. Per Per Per Per Per Pei- Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Raw ... 38-86 0-20 0-224 0-70 2-51 0-026 0-027 Traces Roasted 49-71 10-12 0-570 0-25 1-92 0-112 0-257 only. Traces onlv. Brown iron ore contains varying percentages of magnesia (according to Schwartz) between 2.21 and 8.29 per cent. Mn 2 3 (Oxide of magnesia). Schwartz gives, further, the percentage of sesquioxide of iron (Fe 2 3 ) on an average 60.81 per cent., in the case of six analyses of " Braun " iron stone, with a large proportion of magnesia (15.49 per cent, of Mn 2 3 ) ; further, in the case of ei;ht other analyses of brown iron stone we find a low V-J I/ percentage of magnesia (3.9 per cent. Mn 2 3 ), and as much as (69.94 per cent.) 70 per cent, of Fe 2 3 an exceptionally high percentage. 6. The iron ore deposits were originally, like all other minerals, the property of the State, but concessions have been granted to private indi- viduals and companies to exploit. For the greater part the iron mines that are, and have been, worked are the property of great iron and steel works in the Rhenish Westphalian district, such as Gebriider Stumm, Rothe Erde at Aachen, Krupp, Phonix, Dortmund Union, Hoerde, Bochumer Gusstahl, Gutehoffnungshutte, &c. There are smaller companies and individual owners, who are not, perhaps, all wealthy, who would probably be prepared to sell their conces- sions or mines. For many years the iron-stone mines and concessions in Germany were rather a drug in the market, not being prosperous, the larger works importing ores from Bilbao and Sweden ; but as applied science has advanced in the manufacture of iron and steel, they have been able to make use of ores which formerly were not manufactured into iron on account of their insufficiently pure quality. 7. Iron-ore mining operations in the Siegerland have been carried on for many hundred years. The Miisener Stahlberg is mentioned in the archives of the year 1313. In the 15th century a great number of iron ore mines were started, which are still being worked, and some of which have lately had a run of great prosperity. The " Eisenzecher Zug " mine, in the Siegerland, produces 20,000 tons of iron ore per month, and pays 50,000 in dividends per annum. The iron ore production of the Siegerland in recent years has been as follows : 1890 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1,765,509 tons. 1,794,457 1,640,877 1,800,980 1,841,618 1,668,683 1,394,209 The reduction of the output of late is due to the depression in the market, which caused sonic works to reduce the production voluntarily and under syndicate regulations and agreements, by 25-50 per cent, per annum. 1759S 5U OF THE UNIVERSITY 42 GERMANY The following amounts were sold and transported in the Siegerland :- 1898 1,635,073 tons. 1899 ... ... 1,782,440 1900 1,796,786 1901 1,600,421 1902 1,288,285 Of these quantities the following were smelted in the blast furnaces of the Siegerland : 1898 905,577 tons. 1899 1,033,383 1900 1,027,061 1901 928,594 1902 730,196 ,, The following quantities were transported to the more distant furnaces of the Rheinland and Westphalia : 1898 ... 729,496 tons. 1899 ... 749,066 1900 769,725 1901 671,826 1902 558,089 8. There are no particular impediments in the way of successful mining operations. The iron ore is of a suitable consistency for mining purposes, neither too hard nor too soft. There is seldom any trouble underground with water, and the layers and seams of iron ore are mostly of considerable thickness. The value of the iron ore mines would be considerably enhanced if the State Railway Administration would still further reduce its freights. Whereas the freight rates for iron ore from Siegerland to Westphalia are moderate, those for coke and coal from Westphalia to the Siegerland are still too high, so that the iron ore and the iron industry of that district is at a disadvantage compared with Westphalia. However, it is considered only a matter of time to accomplish an improvement in this direction. The furnace owners of the Siegerland expect to be treated on a par with those of Westphalia. 9. Iron ore mining in the Rhenish provinces and Westphalia dates as far back as the times of the Romans. In the district of Dtisseldorf iron ore mining dates back to 1772, but here the mining operations have not increased owing to the inferior quality of the ore compared to that found in the valley of the Sieg, Rhenish province ; the foundries find it profitable to buy their supplies mainly from the Siegen district or from Spain and Sweden, owing to the superior quality of the ore. In Lothringen and Alsace there are also extensive iron-ore fields, but the freights are still too high, so that mining operations in these provinces seem to oft'er less likelihood of success. Should, however, the freights hitherto maintained be reduced, Lothringen would rank first in the list of prosperous iron-ore fields. Round about Aachen (Kreis Diiren and Schleiden) there is but little iron ore. On the right bank of the Rhine, near Coblenz and Wies- baden, in the valleys of the Lahn and Dill, iron ore mining has been carried on for centuries, as far back as 1219. The iron ore mining districts of Witzlar, Altenkirchen and Neuwied, Rheinland, are of considerable importance. The district of Arnsberg, W 7 estphalia and Siegen contain some of the most extensive iron-ore fields, some of which are well known for tne small quantities of phosphorus contained in them. The mines in the valley of the Sieg produced, in the year 1820, about 75,000 worth of iron ore; in the year 1900 this same district produced as much as 600,000 worth. DUSSELDORF. 43 The district known as the Siegerland contains a practically unlimited supply of very good iron ore. The iron ore deposits in Westphalia are less rich, but still they are found to be worth working; they are found in the districts about Stadtberge, Olpe, Arnsberg, Hagen. The following table gives quantities of iron ore produced in the Rhenish provinces, Westphalia and Hessen-Nassau, in millions of tons (1,000 kilograms) : Iron Ove. 1885. 1890. 1900. Rhenish pro Westphalia Hessen-Nass vinces ... Million tons. 1-02 0-94 0-50 Million tons. 1-13 1-12 0-61 Million tons. 1-16 1-22 0-59 cin The above amounts are valued in millions of marks (one million of marks = 50,000) : Iron Ore. 1885. 1890. 1900. Rheinland Million marks. 7-01 Million marks. 10-83 Million marks. 13-18 Westphalia 6*76 10-07 12-79 Hessen-Nassau 3-01 4-30 5-48 The production of iron ore in the districts of Wiesbaden, Trier and Coblenz does not suffice to cover the local demand of the blast furnaces which, in 1900, were supplied with 10| million tons; the deficit came from Lothringetn and foreign countries. German blast furnaces produced in 1900, 7.55 millions of tons of pig-iron,* valued at 23 millions. Over half the German iron produced (4.62 millions of tons), is smelted in this consular district of the Rhenish provinces and Westphalia. Of late years the owners of blast furnaces have taken up again, and worked, their own iron ore mines, and have also bought up coal mines to a large extent, thus amalgamating three formerly separate industries. Besides the Siegerland (Rheinland), Westphalian and Hessen-Nassau iron-ore fields, which may be considered the most important in Germany, there are the following well-known important centres of the iron industry : the Saarbezirk, Luxemburg-Lothringen and Upper Silesia. The recent development of the iron-ore fields of Luxemburg and Lothringen has been quite astonishing; should the exploiting of these two districts increase in the same proportion for a few years, these provinces will head the list of iron-ore producers in this part of the continent. According to Kohlmann's estimate, the wealth of iron ore is of vast extent; the deposits are said to amount to 1,800 millions of tons in Loth- ringen. and 300 millions of tons in Luxemburg. These ores contain a large amount of phosphorus, but the Thomas-Gilchrist process has altogether removed that impediment. In 1901 the principality of Luxem- burg and the province of Lothringen together produced 12 millions of tons of iron ore and nearly 2^ millions of tons of pig-iron. In 1903 the German production of pig iron was over 10 million tons. 17598 F2 44 GERMANV- An important iron district in Germany is that of Upper Silesia, which, however, possesses the disadvantage that its coal and coke are not of as good quality as in the Ehenish-Westphalian mining centres, but Silesia has the advantage of having its coal and iron-ore fields in proximity to each other. The total amount of iron ore smelted in the blast furnaces of Silesia amounted, in 1902, to 1,099,381 tons. The following table shows the development of the iron ore industry from 1885 to 1900 in this Consular district (Rhenish provinces and West- phalia) and Hessen-Nassau (in millions of marks and of tons) :- RHENISH PROVINCES. Iron ore of all sorts. 1885. 1890. 1900. Number of works No. 33 32 35 Average number of daily hands 7,300 0,267 12,672 Amount produced ... Million Tons 1-16 1-56 2-92 Value Million Marks 51-60 92-23 19101 Value per ton ... ... Marks 44-61 59-19 65-15 WESTPHALIA. Iron ore of all sorts. 1885. 1890. 1900. Number of works ... ... No. 2: in the Harz Mountains, which are situated chiefly in the province of Hanover, and partly also in Brunswick. 2. The deposits are in various parts of the Harz Mountains, viz., at Lauterberg, at Elbingerode (flinty ore), at Harzburg (limy ore), at Dornten- Salzgitter (acid ores), at Ilsede (basic ores), and at Schwarmstedt Wietze (acid ores). The nearest ports capable of admitting ocean steamers are Hamburg (distant about 160 miles) and Bremen-Bremerhaven (distant about 140 miles). 3. The transport of ore to the ports before mentioned would be effected partly by rail and partly by river to Hamburg, and by rail to Bremen. The freight to Hamburg would be from 4s. 11M. per ton, and to Bremen about 3s. per ton. 4. The labour employed consists in German miners and carters. The miners receive 3s. per day, and the carters from 2s. to 3s. per day. 5. Analyses or samples of the ores cannot be sent, but might possibly be obtained by intending purchasers at the respective works on personal application. The percentage of iron found in the ore deposits at the different localities enumerated above (Answer 2) is as follows: Lauterberg ... ... ... 30 to 45 per cent. Elbingerode ... ... ... ditto Harzburg ... ... ... 35 Dornten-Salzgitter ... ... 35 Ilsede ... ... ... ... 35 Schwarmstedt Wietze 50 6. The proprietors 01 the deposits at Lauterberg, Harzburg, and Schwarmstedt Wietze are not wealthy ; whilst those of the deposits at Elbin- gerode, Dornten-Salzgitter, and Ilsede are very wealthy. Whether they would sell on reasonable term* or not cannot be stated. 7. The deposits in all of the localities mentioned (in Answer ) are being worked, and have been worked for a long time already, excepting those at Schwarmsteclt-Wietze, which are very limited in quantity. The production of the mines at Lauterberg and Elbingerode is comparatively small ; that of the Harzburg works is rather more important ; but the yield at Dornten- Salzgitter, and above all of the Ilsede mine, is very considerable. The output of the latter amounts to about 330,000 tons per annum. The quantities and destinations of shipments made from these mines are not ascertainable, as no information is given to outsiders on this and most other business matters. 8. There are no obstacles in the way of successful continuous and unencumbered mining in this district, excepting that, apart from the two mines last mentioned in the preceding answer, the deposits are limited in quantity. 4S GERMANY MANNHEIM. 9. The increase of output at the Ilsede mine, by far the most important of this district, was 24,000 tons in the year 1902, as compared with the previous year; and a dividend of 40 per cent, was paid to the shareholders for the past year. The Ilsede ore is stated to contain a considerable per- centage of phosphorus, thus favouring the production of Thomas pig iron. MANNHEIM. " (Mr. Consul Ladenburg.) 1. Several small iron ore deposits exist in Baden; but these mines are of no importance for the market. The mining, after having been stopped for centuries, was taken up again some years ago, and is done at present by 20 workmen only. The output is very small, and the ore entirely consumed in the small Wurttemberg furnaces. Large deposits of iron ore exist in Lorraine. 2. The nearest port to Lorraine is Antwerp. The average distance from the mines to that place is about 155 miles. 3. The ton of Lorraine ore is shipped to Antwerp for about five to six shillings by rail ; shipment on canal boat costs about one to two shillings less. 4. Wages for mining the iron ore run up from 1 to 3 marks a ton; loading on railway trucks averages between 40 to 60 pfennige per ton. 5. This ore is generally known under the name of brown iron ore; it- means a hydroscopic oxide of iron, very high in phosphorus and low running in iron. The Lorraine ores are called " minette." They consist mostly of ortoclas, hornblende, and biotite. The analysis shows the following composition: Si0 2 ... ... ... ... 45 to 60 per cent. A1A ......... 10 16 Fe 2 3 ......... 2 9 +FeO. CaO ............ 5 11 + MgO ......... 5 11 K > ............ 3 ,5 ......... 2 3 6. Most of the Lorraine iron ore deposits are in the hands of large German steel concerns, who, since the discovery of the basic Bessemer pro- cess, have bought and control to-day nearly all of these ore deposits; this high-phosphorus ore forming the most valuable base of the Thomas steel process. It is not likely that these proprietors would ever sell their deposits. 7. There are onlv a few deposits in Lorraine which have not been worked ; the great majority supplies the blast furnaces with sufficient ore. It is impossible to state quantities or destination of shipment. 8. No ; the German iron-masters think they will have an inexhaustible source of iron ore for at least, say, three hundred "years. Mining is done with the utmost economy and technical care, and with all possible mechanical help. 9. The Lorraine iron ore is not likely to be exported to any other country ; it is only fit for the German Thomas process, and could not be used for any acid steel process, neither open-hearth nor Bessemer. Therefore its market will always remain in its neighbourhood among the German mills on the Saar-rivers, on the Rhine and in Westphalia. GERMANY MUNICH. 49 MUNICH. (Mr. Consul Buchmann.) 1. There are 651 iron ore deposits in Bavaria, including the Bavarian Palatinate. 2. (a.) The 651 iron ore deposits in Bavaria are situated in the following districts: 246 in the Upper Palatinate (near Amberg and Sulzbach); 262 in Upper Franconia (near Kulmbach, Weidenberg, and Hof); 65 in Lower Franconia (near Aschaffenburg) ; 30 in Middle Franconia (near Lauf and Hersbruck); 3 in Upper Bavaria (near Laufen and Traunstein) ; 13 in Suabia (near Dillingen); 32 in the Bavarian Palatinate (near Kaiserslautern and Bergzabern). 651. (b.) As no Bavarian iron ore is ever sent to any seaport, no information can be obtained on the subject. Trieste and Hamburg are the nearest sea- ports, the distance from the centre of Bavaria being about 500 English miles to either place. 3. The railway freight in Bavaria for iron ore amounts for one ton to 3.60 marks (3s. 6d.) for 100 kilometres (about 62 English miles), and 5.60 marks (5s. 6d.) for 200 kilometres (about 124 English miles), so that the freight for one ton of iron ore sent to Hamburg would come to about 15s. ' 4. (a) The highest wages paid in Bavaria for miners amount to 3s. per day. (b.) Details as to cost of mining are not obtainable; the loading of trucks is done by day labourers, earning from Is. 6d. to 2s. per day. 5. The following tables show the official analyses of Bavarian iron ore: (a.) Iron Ore from Amberg. Ordinary ore: Peroxide of iron 71.32 per cent. Peroxide of manganese ... ... 0.61 ,, Phosphoric acid 1.98 Clay mixed with silicon ... ... 2.93 Silicic acid 12.82 Hydrate (Fe 2 3 )* 9.71 Organic matter and water mixed withAlA 0.60 99.97 per cent. (b.) Average taken from several analyses of iron ore. Peroxide of iron 73.00 per cent, Peroxide of manganese ... ... 0.50 Phosphoric acid 1.80 Water in general 10.30 Organic and indissoluble matter . . . 14.40 100.00 per cent. * Sic in original. 1 7598 50 GERMAN V STUTTGART. 6 A number of iron ore deposits in Bavaria are owned by the Govern- ment, as " Maximilianhuette " and " Fichtelberg/' whilst the "Koenigin Marienhuette '" is owned in Zwickau (Saxony). As to private owners (the addresses of whom are known at this Consulate), their pecuniary circum- stances are not exactly known, yet most of the owners would be inclined to sell if any acceptable offers were made. 7. In 1898, 45 mining concerns were worked, yielding 175,023 tons. 1899, 36 . 184019 1900, 35 179,918 1901, 34 160,440 ., 1902, 22 157,374 (A^ith sin average of about 700 miners.) Total 856,774 to the value of 3,764,155 marks (= 188,208). The above shows that the quantity extracted is gradually diminishing from year to year. Most of the iron ore serves manufacturing purposes in Bavaria, a small quantity only being exported to Bohemia. 8. .There seem to be no serious obstacles in Bavaria preventing iron ore mines being worked more successfully than hitherto, bad trade and lack of capital in general accounting most probably for the want of more enter- prize in that direction. It may be added here that the yearly Government tax amounts to 26.7 pfennigs per hectare (an acre). 1. Yes. STUTTGART. (Mr. Consul Rose.) 2. In the neighbourhood of the railway stations of Aalen, Wasser- alfingen, Geislingen, Kuchen, Hausen. The.nearest shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers would be Rotterdam. 3. It is unnecessary to answer this question, as, owing to the poor quality of the Wurttemberg iron ore and the great distance to Rotterdam, a profitable export is altogether impossible. The transport facilities are by rail and river. 4. The ores occur in almost horizontal layers of from one to two yards thickness ; the cost of labour for mining and loading is five shillings per ton. 5. The following analysis gives the average quality of the Wurttemberg iron ore: S A = 34'09 per cent. MnO = 0-46 CaO 1-69 PA 0-68 ( = 0.298 P) MgO = 0-90 A1A = 8-44 FeA = 53-68 ( = 37*57 Fe) 99-94 The yield in the blast furnace is 33 to 35 per cent. iron. GREECE CEPHALONIA. 51 6. The proprietors are the State of Wiirttemberg and some private persons in Westphalia. 7. The State of Wiirttemberg has worked these ores in a small blast furnace in Wasseralfingen ; 11,000 tons were worked in the year 1901. 8. The obstacle to successful mining is the poor quality of the ores and the impossibility of working them in open quarries. GREECE. CEPHALONIA. (Mr. Vice-Consul Saunders.) 1. Iron ore, along with manganese, is reported to exist in this island. 2. These deposits are to be found in the districts of Leo, Pronos, and Samos. The nearest shipping place for the ore from Leo and Pronos is Catoleo Harbour, so called, which is close to the Cacava shoals off Munda Point, and lies from about five to eight miles distant from these deposits; no steamer can, however, approach within half a mile of this little harbour to the west of the said shoals. The deposits in the district of Samos are from six to ten miles inland from Samos harbour, which is capable of admitting steamers of any size outside the lighthouse pier. 3. It is impossible to state exactly what the transport of ore would cost to the ports per ton. The only means available for transport are mule carts, carrying from 600 to 1,000 Ibs. weight, according to the distance. Roads, however, do not approach several of these deposits, some of which are difficult of access, and the transport, where this is possible, by mule loads would be very slow and expensive. 4. The cost of manual labour available for mining and quarrying would be about four drachmes, say, 2s. per man per day. No estimate of the cost of mining or quarrying can be given; the cost, however, of loading, and of transport in carts, as above stated, to the place of loading, would be about ten drachmes, say 5s. per cart load, which would be equivalent to 15s. per ton net weight. No lighters, or large sailing boats, are at present available for shipping the ore, &c., either from Catoleo or Samos harbour. 5. Several applications, accompanied with samples and analyses by recognised chemists were presented at the Prefecture, and they have been forwarded to Athens; but no permission to work the ore has been granted as yet to any of the applicants. No analyses of the ore can, however, be obtained here, as these have been sent to Athens, and no copy of them has been kept at the Prefecture. 6. The ore becomes the property of the person or persons who dis- covered it, and have obtained permission from Government to work it : the owners of the soil, whether rich or poor, having no other claim beyond 5 per cent, on the net profits made from the sale of the ore. 7. The area covered by this ore is put down approximately at 25,000 acres, which are partly under cultivation ; but it is impossible as yet to say anything regarding the quantity to be obtained, and whether the quality of this ore will turn out to be such as to be worth the working of it. Beyond the samples sent to Athens, not a pound of this ore has gone out of the island. 17598 G it 52 GREECE PIRAEUS. (Mr. Consul Walsh.) 1. Deposits of manganese and hematite iron ore are known to exist in several places in the consular district of Piraeus, which comprises the provinces of Attica and Boeotia, Laurium, Phiotis, and Phokis in Continental Greece, and the Island of Euboea. 2. A rough map is forwarded herewith in order to show clearly where these deposits exist. In this map, which gives the whole of Continental Greece and the Peloponnesus, the deposits in this consular district, which is enclosed in yellow, are marked with a green bar, and are numbered for the sake of reference. These places may be briefly enumerated, beginning first with the district of Laurium, which embraces the south-eastern peninsula of Continental Greece. The deposits here are all being worked by com- panies or individuals. Name of Mine. Number of reference. By whom Worked. Allesrana ... 1 Owned by the Contractor of the " Socu't/* Vromopoussi Placa ... ... 2 3 Heilenique de Plouton." Belongs to " La Societe Frangaise des Mines de Sunium," but worked by M. Monin. Anonymous. Spilioseza ... 4 Small area (380 acres) worked by " La Dardesa 5 Societe des Mines de Seriphos et Spilioseza." Belongs to ' ' La Rociete Francaise de Dascalio 6 Dardesa." Belongs to and worked by "La Societe Hei- Port Rafti 7 lenique des Mines des Laurium." Belongs to Mr. Gianopoulos (apparently not worked now). The principal port is Ldurinm itself, which, though not big, is well sheltered, and has anchorage for ships of any draught. In several cases, however, there are jetties along the coast nearer to some of the mines and deposits enumerated above, where, for the most part, ships of big tonnage can load, though in stormy weather they may have to put into Laurium. Such are at : Avlaki Connected with Spilioseza by a private Decauville rail- way, and also with Vromopoussi. Allegrana 2J miles from the mine of that name. Ores conveyed in carts. Larymna Connected with the mines of the French and Greek com- panies in that district, Leaving the Laurium district and proceeding further up the east coast, we come to the hematite iron ore mine Grammatico (No. 8), where a line 11J miles in length has been constructed from the mine to Limiona. Here there is a jetty at which ships of large tonnage may load. In the island of Euboea, north-east of Grammatico, there are two places -here iron ore deposits are known to exist, "Politica" (No. 14), and Psachna " (No. 15), but these are not worked. Opposite to these on the mainland again iron ore deposits are to be found round the Lake Copais district (Nos. 9, 10, 11). Here six concessions have up to the present been granted by the Greek Government : One to a Greek ^ Company, "La Societe des Entreprises " (A); one to a French Com- pany, "La Sopigte des Mines de Larymna " (B); one to a group, and called PIRAEUS. 53 : ' Tsouka " concession (c) ; one called the " Rota Patrinos " concession (D) ; another called the " Papazaphiropoulos " concession (E) ; the name of the sixth I have not been able to find out. So far, only the " Societe des Entre- prises " and the " Societe des Mines de Larymna " are working these con- cessions, which are situated at the mountain of Louza. The Greek company has a jetty at Larymna, connected with the mine by a private single line of 7-J miles. The French company is constructing a line from the mine to the same place, a distance of 6| miles. For the other concessions the Bay of Vivos would be the most handy, but there is not water there for ships of large draught. Other deposits known are those at Antikyra (No. 12) and at Daphne (No. 13), near Athens and Piraeus. At Antikyra, which is on the shores of the Gulf of Corinth, and where I believe the deposits are not yet worked, no line exists for conveyance of ores, nor is there any port. The concession at Daphne is only 2-J- miles from Piraeus, and was worked for a short time, but without success, the low percentage of iron ore making the undertaking unprofitable. 3. This question is almost impossible to answer satisfactorily, for two reasons, the first and principal being that the information required is just that which proprietors are most loth to give, and the second is the variety of the means of transport ; in the case of one mine there may be just a private railway of a mile or so straight from the mine to the loading jetty, in another the ore may be conveyed down inclined planes into carts and thence again into railway trucks and so to the port. I am told that in the case of the Larymna concession the French Compagnie des Mines de Larymna has given a contract for working, transport and loading at 3s. 7d. per ton, but I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this statement. 4. The cost of labour for mining and loading ranges from Is. 9d. to 2*. 3d., or 2s. 6d. to 5s. per ton delivered to trucks. 5. I have been unable to obtain official analyses of the ores. But those given here were supplied to me by Mr. Gianopoulos, to whom I am indebted for much valuable help. Mr. Gianopoulos has only just retired from the post of Chief of Section in the Government Mining Department, and has surveyed the mines and mineral deposits of the whole of Greece. Average. Spilioseza (No 4) ...| M ese ... U-15 per cent. ,v-flion Manganese... 52-54 Vromopoussi (Mo. 2)...J f Iron 42-50 Manganese ... 11 '50 Dardcsa (No. 5) ... , Silica 5'24 Plaoa (No. 3) ..."^ and I Iron 43%SO [Manganese .., 8-40 ,, [Iron 52 | Phosphorus ... 0'084 Allegrana (No. 1) ...-( Arsenic O'SO M>0 | Sulphur .-. ... 0'13 [ Silica ... ... 5 x T> iv /v -\ f Manganese ... 19 J PortRafti(No. ... j lron 6 36 ~ ,v (Iron ... ... 52 55 urammatico (No. 8),,. < ^. r I . 1 1 It M iii it. <) 54 GREECE SYRA ISLAND. Average. Iron ... ... 4 percent.* Silica 5-50 Locris (No. 10) ... Total other Firms 43 2,453,100,000 130,550,000 70,963,019 43,692,711 49,171,660 GRAND TOTAL 78 5,150,000,000 317,350,000 156,205,081 111,301,490 111,816,030 / Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. TOTAL Tons ... 83,064.516 5,118,548 2,519,437 1,795,185 1,803,484 * 62 pouds = 1 ton. 17598 L 2 84 RUSSIA KERTCH. KERTCH. (Mr. Acting Vice-Consul Costala.) 1. Yes. The Kertch metallurgical works, having the entire monopoly in their hands for thirty years. 2. All round the town. Kertch roadstead. Between 2 and 7 miles. 3. From the different spots to the roads between Is. 6d. and 2s. per ton f.o.b. By carts to the piers and thence by lighters to the roads. 4. Mining and loading of ore on trucks are effected by means of a machine, similar to the one in use by the metallurgical works, requiring no hand labour. 5. The following is a copy of an official analysis of the ore obtained from the Kertch Metallurgical Works: Fe ... 40 45 per cent. Mn -075 2-50 ?5 Si 15-00 55 Mo 5-00 55 Co 2-00 55 Mar 0-50 5? P l 1-25 55 Ho 10-00 55 NOTE. Chving to presence of a considerable amount of Phosphorus, the Kertch ore is treated by the Thomas' process. 6. See last paragraph, No. 9. 7. The metallurgical works have worked the deposits for the period of only two years. During this period they have shipped about 450,000 tons of pig-iron to Russia, England, France and Italy. [Shipments abroad were insignificant, mostly for testing purposes.] 8. No obstacles whatever. 9. As stated above, the Kertch Metallurgical Works have obtained from the town a special licence for thirty years, consequently, they are the sole proprietors for this period of time. The works have been now closed for the last year, having stopped payment. All the necessary means for recommencing work are in good and workable condition. The creditors are to sell the works this February or next May by public auction, for 17,000,000 roubles, obligations for the sum of 6,000,000 roubles are in the hands of the State Bank, and now the Russian Ministry of Finances is pressing for a speedy and final settlement. Besides the iron ore mining round Kertch, the works possess, on the opposite side of Kertch, at the town of Saman, about 70 acres of iron ore of the very best quality, surnamed by the works Horn Iron. This, also, is to be -sold, inclusive, in the same bargain. RUSSIA ST. PETERSBURG, WARSAW. 85 ST. PETERSBURG. (Mr. Consul- General Michell.) Mr. Michell reports that deposits of iron ore exist in the province of Olonetz and in the northern portion of the province of St. Petersburg, near Lake Ladoga. The deposits in question may be classified as those of lake iron ore, with the usual proportion of phosphorus in it. The above deposits mainly belong to the Crown, and are now leased by it to private iron works, situated in the vicinity of this city. The average yield of the deposits above referred to is 24,194 tons per annum, and the quantity of iron produced may be reckoned at about 12,097 tons. None of the above ore is exported abroad. WARSAW. (Mr. Consul- General Murray.) 1. Yes, of brown iron ore and of common clay iron stone. 2. In the governments of Radom and Kielce, and in parts of the governments of Piotrkoff and Kalisz. The nearest shipping ports are Dantzig and Stettin. 330 miles, more or less, the exact distance depending on the position of the deposits. 3. About 5s. 6d. per ton. By rail. 4. Polish peasants, who are paid : For mining, Id. per cwt. of ore extracted; For carrying out the ore, |-d. per barrow; For clearing off' surface earth, 3d. to 5d. per cubic foot; For loading on trucks, Is. per 12^ tons (truck load). The cost of ore, loco mine, is 5s. lOd. to 6s. 6d. per ton. 5. No official analyses or samples to be had, but analyses made at the works show 33.40 per cent, of metallic iron for the brown iron ore, and 25.32 per cent, for the clay iron stone. 6. Most of the mines belong to works, but the mining industry is not fully developed, as the profits are very small, and most of the deposits belong to people who are not well off, and would willingly sell. 7. Yes. No ore is exported; on the contrary it is imported from the Donetz basin and Krivoi Hog, a distance of over 800 miles. 8. The deposits are not rich, and their exploitation is difficult. Production : 1898 396,640 tons. 1899 ... 455,071 1900 454,659 1901 312,173 1902 ... ... 238,405 9. The exportation of ore from here is not, as a rule, allowed, and requires a special permission of the Minister of Agriculture for each shipment. Taking all the above into consideration, it is evident that there is no possibility of an export of ore in any quantity from this district. 86 SERVIA. SERVIA. (Mr. Vice-Consul Thesiger.) 1. Servia is rich in iron ore, but the deposits are practically untouched. The absence of good coal and want of capital has hitherto prevented any regular attempt to exploit this branch of the mining industry, especially as the treatment of the ore is complicated by the admixture of a large proportion of sulphur. Want of research prevents the full value and extent of the various deposits from being definitely known. The most important deposits are said to be those of magnetic iron present in the crystalline earths. 2. (a) Ventchatz. 30 kilometres west of Mladenovatz station. Ores have been found in the crystalline schists showing an extent of from 600 to 700 metres. Analysis. Fe 2 3 53-79 to 75-35 per cent. FeO 7-92 24-15 A1 2 3 8-87 PA 0-63 A narrow gauge railway runs to Arandjelovatz, 6 kilometres distant from the deposits. Distance to port (i) if shipped via Salonika K. Mladenovatz to Ristovatz 298 Ristovatz to Salonika 333 Total 631 (ii) if shipped via Fiume K. Mladenovatz to Belgrade ... 68 Belgrade to Fiume ... ... ... ... 663 Total 731 (&) Kupaonik. Ore deposits of Suvo Rudischte. Height above sea level 2,135 metres. Distance from railway station 102 kilometres. The roads in this district are little more than tracks. Large heaps of scoria show that in olden days these mines were worked, and the ore smelted at Samokov. The deposits here can be worked as open mines, and are said to have a thickness of 20 metres and to extend for some 300 to 400 metres. Analysis. Fe 2 3 66-43 per cent. FeO 30-61 J Insoluble residue ... ... ... 1*68 S 0-08 Cu 0-55 Phosphoric acid ... ... .. 0*23 ,, Oxyde of magnesia ... ... ... 0'21 Distance to port Nisch to Ristovatz Ristovatz to Salonika ... Total 455 (c) Tchrnaja. Situated in the west of Servia, 35 kilometres from the Danube. Deposits of magnetic iron ore. SERVIA. 87 Analysis. Fe 2 3 ... ... ... 55'66 to 60"68 per cent. FeO 17-57 ., 25'78 Cu 0-89 3-21 S 0'53 3-44 MgO 0-18 0-57 Insoluble residue 12-16 20'48 The ore would have to be brought by river to Belgrade, and from there to Fiume, 663 kilometres; to Salonika the distance is 699 kilometres. The cheapest outlet for the produce of this mine and (d) below would probably be by river to Galatz. (d) Brza Palauka, 6 kilometres from the Danube, micaceous iron ore found in the crystalline earths near the village of Kupusiste. Analysis. Fe 2 3 94-03 to 95-61 per cent. Insoluble residue ... ... 3*28 ,, 3*66 ,, ALA 2-82 S 0-05 (e) Metaruge. These deposits, which lie 10 kilometres south of Kraljevo, contain irregular masses of magnetic iron ore, isolated in the serpentine. Analysis. Fe,0 3 64-32 per cent. FeO 2-68 ALA 2-08 CoO 0-83 MgO 0-64 S 0-51 Insoluble residua ... ... ... 2*82 Cu 0-46 Some 800 to 900 tons of this ore have been already extracted, and are now lying round the deposits, but the distance to the nearest railway station is 45 kilometres. Distance from station to port- to Fiume Kraguevatz to Lapevo Lapevo to Belgrade ... Belgrade to Fiume Total 813 to Salonika Kraguevatz to Lapevo Lapevo to Ristovatz ... Ristovatz to Salonika Total 629 (/) Guberevatz-Ralja. Both these deposits are about 30 kilometres from Belgrade, the latter is on the line and is being worked in a tentative fashion. 88 SERVIA. Analysis. Fe 2 3 74-44 to 76-91 per cent. FeOA 2-21 1-71 Insoluble residue ... ... 15*16 16'41 Distance to port to Fiume .. K. Ralja to Belgrade ... ... ... ... 30 Belgrade to Fiume ... ... ... ... 663 693 to Salonika K. Ralja to Ristovatz ... ... ... ... 336 Ristovatz to Salonika ... ... ... 333 Total 669 (g) Zidilje. 30 kilometres north of Tchoupria railway station, and 9 kilometres from the coal pits of Senje, which are connected with Tchoupria by a narrow gauge line. These deposits extend for some 3 kilo- metres, and are said to have a depth of 8 metres. The limonites of Zidilje contain a good percentage of iron. Analysis. FeA 84-12 to 83-83 per cent. AJjOa 0-16 1-03 CaO ... ... ... ... 0*21 traces MgO 0-26 S 0-28 0-13 P 2 5 0-48 0-26 Water 11'73 10'46 Insoluble residue ... ... 3*08 4*72 Distance to port- to Fiume K. Tchoupria to Belgrade ... 148 Belgrade to Fiume ... ... 663 Total 811 to Salonika K. Tchoupria to Ristovatz ... ... ... 148 Ristovatz to Salonika 333 Total 481 3. A preliminary condition for the export of Servian iron ore would have to be the construction of narrow-gauge railways to the main line, as bad weather renders Servian roads impassable for heavily -loadsd waggons. SEBVIA. 89 With regard to the Kupaonik and Metaruge deposits (b and e), entirely new lines, covering distance of 102 and 45 kilometres respectively, would have to be built. The Ventchatz and Zidilje mines (a and g) could be connected with already existing narrow-gauge lines by branch lines of 6 and 9 kilometres. The Tchrnaja and Brza Palauka deposits (c and d) would have to find an outlet on the Danube, the distances to be covered being 35 and 6 kilo- metres, respectively. Transport of iron ore on the Servian railways costs 3 centimes per ton per kilometre, and 1 franc per ton for loading. The transit from Belgrade to Semlin costs 70 centimes per ton, and from Semlin to Fiume the rate per ton amounts to 13.50 krone. From Belgrade to the Servian frontier station at Ristovatz the cost of sending one ton of ore would be 12 francs 10 centimes, and from Ristovatz to Salonika 14 francs 50 centimes. 4. Servian labour can be found for the mines at rates varying from 1.70 francs to 2 francs per day of 10 working hours, for the ordinary workman, and 3 francs for the head of the gang. A certain proportion of men with previous experience of mining and quarrying could be found. Carriage by road, for which oxen are used, is usually contracted for on the spot, the price varying with the district and the distance to be covered, an average price would be 10 francs per ton for a distance of 15 kilometres, this would include loading, unloading, and driving. 5. The analysis of each deposit is given in the answers to question 2. 6. All the mineral wealth of Servia belongs to the State, from which concessions for the working of the deposits must be obtained. The only concessions granted at present for the working of iron ore are for the deposits marked " e " and " / " (question 2). The owners of these concessions have not means sufficient for the working of the mines, and would be glad either to come to terms or sell outright. The following are the conditions on which the State grants concessions either for prospecting or working a given deposit : Prospecting rights are of two kinds ordinary and exclusive. The first grants the right of prospecting in three contiguous " communes," and lasts for one year, and can be obtained for 50 francs. It is renewable for another two years on payment of 100 francs a year. The exclusive right can be obtained for an indefinite number of mining fields, of 500,000 square metres each, cost 250 francs for the first year and 500 francs for every following year, plus a rate of 10 francs for each mining field. Concessions for the exploiting of a mine are granted for fifty years on a certain number of mining fields of 100,000 square metres each, the boundaries of which must be delimitated by a competent commission. The payment for each mining field is 12 francs a year and a royalty of 1 per cent, on the gross revenue. Proof must be given that the deposits are capable of exploitation ; that the person to whom the concession is granted possesses the necessary capital and knowledge of mining; and a plan of the projected works submitted to the mining authorities. If work is carried on regularly for 15 consecutive years, without breach of the prescribed conditions, the person to whom the concession was granted becomes the owner of the mine, but continues to pay the royalty. Necessary lands can be bought from private owners by agreement or expropriation. The supreme administrative and judiciary power is in the hands of the Minister for Agriculture and Mines. 90 SPAIN BARCELONA. The mining law insists upon regular work; the insurance of workmen, an annual report of work executed; and the submission of a plan of the projected works for the following year. 7. There has never been any export of iron ore from Servia, nor have any of the deposits been worked to a degree sufficient to form the basis of any statement as to their value or prospects. 8. It is difficult to define the obstacles which nearly all foreign com- panies, who have hitherto obtained concessions in Servia, have to contend against. Jealousy on the part of the Servians towards foreigners, who make money in the country, is a source of many difficulties, which are usually only to be solved by the Turkish system of " backsheesh," the desire for which is often the cause of their origin. The Government certainly desires to encourage the spirit of. enterprise, but the powers which lie in the hands of the administration of mines and of the Minister for Agriculture and Mines, as well as the procedure, by which all difficulties between them and the holders of the concession are arranged, places the latter at a disadvantage. It is very necessary for anyone wishing to hold a Servian concession of any kind to foresee as far as possible every eventuality, and to protect himself against them by special contract. As regards physical causes of delay of work, the condition of Servian roads is such that bad weather makes them unserviceable and, as already mentioned, light railways would be an absolute necessity in the case of most of the iron ore deposits; but careful surveying would be necessary to decide whether the mountainous nature of the country in places would not render their construction too costly. SPAIN. BARCELONA. (Mr. Consul- General Roberts.) 1. Iron ore is to be found in various parts of Catalonia. To refer first to the deposits nearest to this port, they are situated principally on the border of the provinces of Barcelona and Gerona, the nearest railway stations being Eipol and Manresa, distant, respectively, one hundred, and sixty kilometres from Barcelona; from Manresa there is a narrow-gauge mineral line to Berga fifty kilometres near which one of the largest deposits at present known in this district is situated. Transport may be calculated at 5 centimes per ton per kilometre by rail ; thus, from Berga to Barcelona the transport would cost about 5 pesetas per ton ; there are no available canals. 4. Labour is good, cheap and plentiful; for ordinary labour 2^ to 3 pesetas a day may be calculated. The cost f.o.b. Barcelona, may be esti- mated about as follows: mining 24- pesetas, rail to Barcelona 5 pesetas, shipping 0.50 centimes, taxes 0.50 centimes, general charges 0.50 centimes, total, say, 9 pesetas per ton. 5. An analysis made by Messrs. Patison, of Middlesboro'. of some iron ore from the district named, gave, I am told (I regret to say that I SPAIN BARCELONA. 91 could not get a copy of the analysis nor sample of the ore), the following results : Peroxide of iron 76.00 per cent. Peroxide of manganese ... 1.46 Silica 7.57 Alumina ... ... ... 1.59 CHalk 0.11 Magnesia ... 0.12 Sulphur 0.03 Phosphoric acid ... . . 0.04 Water in combination 9.57 Hygroscopic water ... ... 0.93 ,, Metallic iron 53.20 6. The owners of these mineral properties are mostly well-to-do people, some even rich, but most of them would, I think, be ready to sell the properties on fair terms for cash, or on the basis of receiving a royalty. 7. The deposits I refer to have not yet been worked, but have been opened out for inspection, and I am told that there is calculated to be two million tons of ore in sight on one property, and five times this quantity on another. 8. There are stated to be no obstacles to working open galleries. 9. I may mention that there is great difficulty in getting thoroughly trustworthy information upon this subject without visiting the properties, which entails time and expense, for if one applies to the agents here for information, they are very chary about giving it, saying, as one did to me on this occasion, " it is all very well, but if I give you minute information as to names, exactly where situated, and so forth, it will be known in England, and persons will come out and deal direct, and I lose my profits as acting as intermediary." Tarragona. I am informed that innumerable deposits of iron ore are reported to exist in the province of Tarragona in most of the hill ranges, within a radius of twenty-five miles of Tarragona, which is the nearest shipping port for ocean steamers, and the transport of ore to the port would cost ten pesetas per ton ; but no mining labour could be got, tne Vice-Consul informs me, within the Tarragona districts, nor can he obtain any official analyses, nor samples of the ore. Generally speaking the proprietors in that district are poor. None of the deposits of iron ore have been worked. There are two special obstacles in the way of successful working in the Tarragona district; firstly, the assumed poor quality of the ore, and, secondly, the great cost of transport owing to want of good means of communication with the hill districts. Mining claims are continually being notified in the Government Office, but no one as yet has ever seriously prosecuted his claim; it having become merely a practice to notify a claim in order to prevent others from doing so. The best deposits of iron ore in the Tarragona district are reported to exist near the village of Geuamets, between Falseh and Mora de Ebro, and it may be mentioned that lead mines are now being worked in that neighbourhood, wnich is not far from a railway. The hills near the source of the river Francoli, at Espleega, are said to be full of iron, but it is said that the ore is unworkable. The British Vice-Consul at Tarragona concludes by saying that the quality of the deposits could only be obtained reliably by means of an expert's opinion. 17598 M $ 92 SPAIN BARCELONA. Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. In these provinces there are reported to be important deposits of iron ore. An important mine, called " Ojos Negros," is being worked near Teruel, at a distance of some twelve miles from a station on the Central Aragon Railway. A line is being constructed to carry the ore to Valencia, but it will take two to three years to complete it. Very important deposits of good quality are reported, and great results are expected. The pro- prietors, Messrs. Larranaga, Lota and Echevarruta, of Bilbao, are possessed of ample capital, and it is doubtful if they would sell on easy terms. Another deposit in the Moncayo mountains, near Tarragona, has been worked by a company called the " Minera de Moncayo," and has a branch line from the mines to Castejon, on the North Spanish Railroad. It is stated that the analysis of the ore gave the largest percentage of iron in Spain, but neither copy of the analysis nor a sample of the ore has been able to be obtained by the British Vice-Consul at Saragossa. The work on these mines (" Minera de Moncayo ") came to a standstill about the middle of September, 1903. The distance from Castejon to Bilbao or Pasages is some 250 kilometres, and the cost of transport may be calcu- lated at about 40* centirnos per ton per kilometre. On the other side of the Moncayo range, and on the Madrid, Zaragoza and Alicante Railway, at Illueca, near Catalayud, rich deposits are reported to have been found; a Madrid syndicate has the matter in hand and, it is said, purpose putting up blast furnaces and working on a large scale. Deposits of iron ore are also reported to exist in the following places : Utrillas, Agreda, Olrego, and Ciria, all near the Moncayo range, in the west of the province of Saragossa. All these deposits have been registered at the offices of the " Ayuntamiento " at Teruel. At Bielsa, in the north of the province of Huesca, very large quantities of iron ore have been found, but the great difficulty is the want of means of transport. From Alicante I hear that fifty-five iron ore mines in different parts of that district have been officially registered by owners of the properties wishing to protect their mining claims ; that a few of these have been opened out a little, but none actually worked, and no shipments made, and that many attempts at working have been relinquished, the quantity of ore proving too small to pay. The report from Alicante is very vague, and does not point to any important deposits of iron ore in that district, nor does it go into any details. From the other centres of this Consular district, namely, Burriana, Denia, Gandia, Iviza, Mahon, Palamos, San Feliu de Guixols, and Valencia, I am informed that no iron ore deposits exist, as far as is known at present, in those districts. in conclusion, I venture to remark that the deposits of iron ore existing in this province (Barcelona), and the neighbouring province of Gerona, mentioned in the first part of this report, are, I believe, those most worthy of serious attention. * Sic in original, ? 4, p. 99, 3. SPAIN BILBAO. 93 BILBAO. (Mr. Consul Wood.) 1. The following tables will show the numbers, &c., of the iron ore mines registered within this district : Province. Mines working. Mines not working. Number. Area. Number. Area. Viscava ... 226 18 61 2 3 Aci-es. 7,525 706 3,168 116 437 1,530 706 167 962 159 219 12 % 42 41 1 Acres. 51,638 30,969 8,785 38,713 8,836 20,294 541 17,368 ' 3,279 2,875 29 Guipuzcoa Alava Santander Burgos Avila Segovia ... Palencia ... Valladolid Total 310 12,012 3,935 183,328 2. The Bilbao, Eegato, Guefies, Somorrostro, Galdames, Sopuerta Arcentales deposits are the most notable. The deposit at Rigoitia is said to be an important one in quantity, but the poor quality of the ore and the proportion of phosphorus has not, so far, encouraged enterprise. A deposit exists at Axpe, Arrazola, in the neighbourhood of Durango, for the exploitation of which a branch line has been opened, but, for the present it is difficult to judge of its importance. Bilbao is, of course, the chief port for ocean steamers ; whilst Santander and Pasages come in the second rank. There are other ore-shipping places on the coast, such as Salta Caballo, Castro-Urdiales, Povena, Dicido, Castro Alen and Onton, all of which are in close proximity to each other, where loading, however, can only be carried out in hne weather. The arrangements in these localities, are, nevertheless, such that from 2,000 to 3,000 tons can be placed on board ship during the working day in fine weather. The distances between the deposits on the coast and the principal ports, above mentioned, as well as between the places last alluded to, are from three to twenty-four miles. Burgos. Rich deposits, such as " Basconcillos de Toro," " Rioca- bado," " Monterrubio," "Barbadillo de Herreros," "Huerta de Arriba" and "Huerta de Abajo " are reported to exist. The Sierra Company, 94 SPAIN Limited, opened two mines in 1901, but had to suspend works for various reasons; one of which was the high cost of transport of ores to Bilbao, by the Northern Railway. To solve this difficulty a direct railway line to Bilbao is in course of construction. Preliminary workings in " Basconcillo de Toro " and " Riocabado " mines, are said "to have been unsatisfactory. Logrono. The deposits in tins district are situated in the following localities: " Ezcaray," " Canales," " Villabelayo," "Mansillas" and "Las Viniegras," but these mines also await more economical transport to ship- ping places, and their proprietors are watching the progress of the direct line from Burgos to Bilbao. There were only two mines worked in 1902, in a small way, but their output was sent to the iron works in Araya, in the province of Alava. Soria. Several deposits of iron ore were denounced a few years ago at " Velilla de Medinaceli," " Somaen," " Jubera " and " Olvega-Noviercas." No work of any kind has yet been carried out in the former mines, but the proprietors of the " Olvega " and " Novierca " mines, a firm established in Brussels under the title " Sociedad Minera del Moncayo," have constructed a railway line from them to Castejon Station, on the Northern Rail. About 2,005 tons of ore were raised from these mines in 1902. No iron ores of any importance are reported officially in Alava, Avila, Palencia, Segovia, or Valladolid. There exists in Madrid an Official Board called " Comision del Mapa Geologico," which has published maps of every province and explanations to them, which might prove of great utility in ascertaining the actual position of the ore deposits. The high price of these maps and their explanatory books, have, however, prevented my purchasing them. 3. Transport from working mines along the coast, is from *1J to 4 pesetas the ton, according to distance and means of carriage to the railway lines. Such means are either mechanical, such as aerial trams, inclined ways, endless chains, or bullock traction, for there are no canals. The charges of the Northern Railway are 12^- centimos pesetas per ton per kilometre, prices which may be reduced according to importance of the quantities transported, and mine owners can still further lessen their trans- port expenses by possessing private trucks on the line. 4. The labour is good, miners being strong and willing workers. Wages are paid according to special lines of employment, as follows : Pesetas. s. d. s. (L Common or surface work ... ... 2.75 =1 7-> Ore assorting or superior work ... 3. 25 to 3. 50 = 1 11 Manual boring 3.50 4 =2 Underground labour 4.0 ,,5 =2 Stable attendants and watchmen ... 3.25 ,, 3.50 = 1 Loading, attendance on transport of ore 3.70 ,,4 =2 and task M 7 ork. The cost of quarrjdng varies, naturally, according to the purity of the ore, and is from 2 to 4 pesetas (Is. 2d. to 2s. 4d.) per ton, including the washing of product. Mining, driving galleries, section 2 square metres, is, as a rule, a matter of special arrangement with the men, and amounts to about 75 pesetas (2 4s. l-|d.) per metre, and is based upon the nature of the material, earth or rock, to be removed. , to 2s. 4d. ; exchange 34 pesetas per 1. lilLBAO. 95 Loading carts or railway trucks may be estimated at 50 cts. (3|d.) per ton, on levels, but it amounts to much less when these operations are carried on from heights by means of shoots. 5. Analysis of the different classes of Ore extracted in Province of Bilbao. Spathic. Vena or Purple Haematite. I Cam pan i I or Red Haematite. Rubio or Limonite. Superior. Inferior. Superior. Inferior. Peroxide of Iron ... 1-400 2-850 81-157 75-357 78-514 72-950 Protoxide 52-070 37-300 Peroxide of Man- 1-480 1-100 1-340 2-110 0-900 0-780 ganese. Peroxide of copper... lead ... Alumina 0-170 0-300 1-200 1-840 1-250 1-700 Lime ... 1-700 1-560 1-310 5-530 0-850 0-500 Magnesia 0-450 0-870 0-450 1-540 0-550 0-250 Sulphuric acid 0-351 0-675 0-042 0-035 0-058 0-095 Phosphoric acid 0-040 0-045 0-035 0-025 0-031 0-055 Arsenic Carbonic 33-633 32-957 o-ioo 0-093 0-650 0-850 Titanic Silica... 6-590 8-990 6-210 5-300 7-120 9-750 Combined water 0480 1-480 0-120 0-700 4-100 6-950 Moisture Metallic iron 1-620 1-950 8-150 - 7-470 6-100 6-100 99-984 100-077 100-114 100-000 100-123 99-980 41-474 38-780 56-809 52-749 54-959 51-065 Manganese ... 0-935 0-695 0-846 1-333 0-568 0-492 Phosphorus ... 0-017 0-019 0-015 0-010 0-013 0-024 Sulphur 0-140 0-270 0-016 0-014 0-025 0-040 Loss in calcination... Metallic iron in cal- cined ore. 32-270 :;-2-480 58-100 55-500 6. Proprietors of working mines are exceedingly wealthy, possessing, as they do, the treasures of the land, and would be unlikely to part with it at prices which could be considered reasonable by would-be buyers. Owners of unworked mines would, of course, have less pretensions, but purchasers would be assuming some risks, as results could only be matter of speculation. 96 SPAIN 7. Quantity and destinations of iron ore shipped from Bilbao during the last live years : Quantity. Destination. 181)8. 1899. 11)00. 1901. 11)02. United Kingdom ... Tons. 3,060,801 Tons. 3,966,129 - Tons. 3,101,563 Tons. 2,281,198 Tons. 2,996,908 Netherlands 830,311 861,669 703,766 651,473 672,368 Germany ... 11618 32,821 66,401 636,509 57,688 Belgium 154,526 205,953 207,925 193,372 224,570 France 285,561 282,109 200,222 196,072 199,305 Italy 976 14 United States 3,042 59,657 49,445 90,565 45,998 Austria-Hungary ... 1,382 Norway 4,425 Canada Total 7,512 4,348,217 5,412,763 4,329,322 4,056,701 4,196,851 On the whole some 70 or 80 per cent, of the shipments from the three provinces of Viscaya, Guipuzcoa and Santander, has been consigned to the United Kingdom, whilst the remainder has chiefly gone to Germany via Holland and Belgium, small quantities only going to the United States. 8. None, for the Spanish Government recognizes tne right of pro- perty to foreigners and willingly facilitates enterprise when legal regula- tions and stipulations are accepted and complied with. Foreigners are on a complete equality with natives in taking out claims for mines. The fees for surveys, &c., amount to some 75 pesetas for a surface of 120,000 square metres, whilst the superficial tax on working or non-work- ing mines is 8 pesetas per annum per 10,000 square metres. In addition to these dues, working mines pay 3 per cent, on the value of the ore at the pit mouth, when calculations are based upon the deduction from the market price of the ore, free on board, of transport and shipping expenses. The quality of the ore is, however, now being taken into con- sideration when calculating these dues. Mines, unworked by their original concessionaries, when transferred, leased, or sold, almost always entail a payment of " royalty " called " Canon " here of so much per ton produced, and varying with the quality of the ore, amounting from 50 cts. to 2 pesetas, with, however, an obligatory minimum export rate per annum. 9. The following is what I have been able to gather in regard to the iron ore mining industry in this district, and I trust that there may be some points which may prove interesting, if not useful. I shall begin with the nature of the mineral in these parts. Class of Mineral. There are four kinds of ores worked in Viscaya, and these are " Vena," or purple haematite, " Campanil," red haematite, " Rubio," or limonite, and " Carbonato," or siderite. " Vena " is of two qualities, hard and soft. It is the purest ore in Biscay, and was the only one used or worked at a time when its production was limited to the demand of the primitive and ancient forges of this country. BILBAO. 97 Campanil ore was first employed in great quantities when, thanks to the establishment of the Bessemer process, the mineral exploitation of this district was enormously increased. At the present time it is being fast exhausted, and being in great demand for certain manufactures, it is much costlier than all other ores. It is an epigenesis or outgrowth of carbonate of iron. Rubio. This ore often presents itself in a cellular and concreted form much mixed with clay and silica in its cavities; and, at times, with iron pyrite crystals, which make it often difficult to sort. Where Rubio is poor in quality and contains many pyrite crystals, it is calcined after the manner of " Carbonato " carbonate of iron. It is generally found on the surface, in contradistinction to Campanil, and in contact with great lumps of clay, lime, and sandstone. Siderite, or carbonate of iron, often appears in small quantities surrounded and covered by Campanil or Rubio. At other times in pockets with other ores ; as a rule, however, it is encountered below these. At one time, even after calcination, this ore was of small marketable value, but at present it obtains the best prices. It must be understood that the above classes of minerals are seldom shipped alone, being generally mixed with the products of two or three mines. It is known that the Bilbao ores are sold on a 50 per cent, basis of metallic iron ; and, in many cases, a proportion of inferior ores is shipped with those of good quality in order to keep the average analysis to the above percentage. Very much depends, naturally, in such cases, on the care used in the mining and picking, as well as on the state of the weather during extraction and shipment, a most important consideration. The Outlook in regard to the Supply of Ore. According to expert opinion given some years ago, the supply of ore in Viscaya will probably hold out for another ten or twenty years, whilst that of Santander may fail much faster, and that of Guipuzcoa sooner still, on the basis, of course, of the present annual output. The quantities of ore presumed to be still in deposit, were put down in 1897 at forty or fifty million tons, in Biscay; but over thirty million tons have been worked out since then. The indications of exhaustion, however, appear to be still similar to those on which calculations had been based in the above year, judging from the fact that the exploitation and shipments still nearly keep up to the level of previous years, i.e., at the rate of about four or five million tons annually. The latest expert opinion asserts, however, the existence of fifty million tons ol available iron ore in the actual mining district of Bilbao. Engineering is an exact science, but how far experts in it may be trusted when they take to divination, no one can safely say. There is little doubt, however, that new mines as well as old ones, make up among them for the lesser quantities produced by the failing or already exhausted ones. It is useless, on the other hand, to gain or proffer any information as to the probable importance or the production of non-working mines, for trie proprietors themselves can only judge by the surface production or aspect of their property. 17598 SPAIN CASTRO URDIALES. CASTRO URDIALES. 1. There are iron ore deposits in the Vice-Consular district of Castro Urdiales. 2. These deposits are situated at distances varying from 3 to 15 miles from the shipping port of Castro Urdiales. 3. The transport is by rail; the cost of transport, including loading on board ship, is about 3 pesetas (Is. 9d.) per ton. 4. The cost of the labour chiefly employed is : for unskilled labour about 3.50 pesetas (2s. (Hd.) per diem; for miners about 4.50 pesetas (2s. 7|-d.) per diem ; for mechanics and others from 5 pesetas to 6 pesetas (2s. lljd. to 3s. WL.) per diem. The cost of mining is greatly dependent on local conditions, and ranges from 5 pesetas to 8.50 pesetas (2s. lljd. to 5s.) per ton, inclusive of the work of loading into railway trucks. 5. No official analyses are obtainable, but it is well known that the average amount of metallic iron in th<3 ore is about 44 per cent., as received, or about 48 per cent, in the dry, and silica from 12 per cent, to 15 per cent. 6. Some of the proprietors would no doubt be willing to sell their deposits or mines at a fair price. ( 7. Several of these deposits have been worked for a good number of years, as will be seen by the following : Table showing the destination and quantities, in English tons, of iron ore shipped during the last five years from the port of Castro Urdiales : Tn Quantity in English Tons. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. United Kingdom ... 323,771 514,656 436,986 313,141 409,088 France 16,900 28,218 58,571 13,328 21,361 Holland 69,295 92,524 177,228 200,492 162,343. Belgium 2,710 13,160 13,949 26,801! Spain (593 1,395 2,998 Total ! 413,369 648,558 688,129 529,959 619,594 8. There are no special obstacles in the way of successful, continuous ana unencumbered mining in this district. 9. The best and most important deposits of iron ore are the property of two mining companies, viz. : The Dicido Iron Ore Company, Limited, of London, who have been working their properties since 1880 at the rate of over 150,000 tons yearly, and the Compania Minera de Setares, of Bilbao, who started working in 1886 with a similar output. The quality of these ores is superior to that of other deposits in the district, the metallic iron being over 49 per cent., as received, and silica 9 per cent. SPAIN SAN SEBASTIAN; RANTANDER. 99 SAN SEBASTIAN. (Major Nntt, Vice-Consul. ) 1. Deposits of iron ore exist in the watersheds of the Rivers Bidasoa, Urumea, and Oria, extending to the frontier of Navarre. 2. The nearest shipping port would be Pasages, distant from about 8 to 35 kilometres (4 to 21 miles). A mineral railway to Pasages is now in course of construction, and a special wharf and suitable cranage is being constructed for the shipment of mineral. 3. The cost of transport at present averages about four centimos a ton per kilometre by rail, and by load according to agreement and distance to station or railhead. There is no canal. 4. Labourers would get about two pesetas (Is. 2d.) a day, and experienced miners 2^- to 4 pesetas (Is. 5^d. to 2s. 4d.). The labour in this district is plentiful. The cost of quarrying and mining the ore, and loading it on wagons and trucks varies from about 4 to 7 pesetas (2s. 4d. to 4s. Id.) per ton. 6. The proprietors, whether rich or poor, have not hitherto been generally disposed to work or prove their mining concessions, but are slowly beginning to see that they must accept reasonable terms for virgin mines. 7. Hitherto they have hindered the industry by asking unreasonable terms for the privilege of proving their properties. 8. Beyond this I am not aware of any special obstacles in the way of successful mining in this district. 9. Taking this district as a whole, I should consider it to be practically unexplored in the sense of there being any serious works of investigation. The mines near Irun, so far as they have been proved up to date, would show that spathic or carbonate of iron predominate, and I am informed that the system of calcining the ore has not yet been perfected, on account of the great amount of " smalls." If the calcining process could be carried out to avoid the making of so large a percentage of " smalls " by transforming the calcined ore into " briquets " or by any other means, a much larger export might ensue. From the Bidasoa district alone, but for the above-mentioned difficulty, I am informed that from 200,000 to 300,000 tons of iron ore per year ought to be available. There have been twelve shipments of iron ore from Pasages since the commencement of last year, chiefly to Workington, and two to Rotterdam. 1. Yes. SANTANDER. (Mr. Vice-Consul Single.) 2. In the neighbourhood of Santander. Nearest shipping port, San- tander, and on river. Mines are within a radius of five miles from where mineral is shipped. 3. The cost of transport would depend upon the quantity to be shipped. This would be by rail, over private or other railroads, the price of about Is. per ton for 2J? or 3 miles might be taken. 4. A labourer working in the quarries is paid from 2.75 to 3.25 pesetas (Is. 7^d. to Is. llf d.) a day ; he can load into waggons from four to five tons of 17698 N 2 100 SPAIN. ore clays per day under fair circumstances. Mineral, after being washed, can be loaded into waggons at, say, 0.60 pesetas (4-Jd.) per ton, and under. Most of the mines are open workings. 5. Report of a Sample of Iron Ore from Minas de Heras. In sample as received. In sample, dried. 52-36 56-61 Manganese 1 1-08 Copper, zinc, &c. None. None. Sulphur 0-96 0-104 Phosphorus 0-44 0-48 Moisture 7-50 Result of Analysis of a Sample of Iron Ore drawn at Rotterdam, Dried Net iron 52-63 57-73 Moisture 8-82 Report on a Sample of Iron Ore drawn at Glasgow. As received. Dried. Iron 53-12 57-71 "Insoluble 2-62 2-85 Moisture 7-94 *Contains silica... 2-20 2-40 Result of Analysis of Iron Ore drawn at Rotterdam. As received. Dried. Net iron 52-90 57-41 Moisture 7-8-1 Report of Sample of Iron Ore drawn at Glasgow. Iron 50-04 55*44 Insoluble 5-68 6-30 Moisture 9-74 *Cc n tains silica... 5-05 5-60 SPAIN CADIZ. 101 Analyses of Complemento Washed Ore. Sample Xumber. Natural State. Dried. Iron. Insoluble. Mois- .,. ture. ! Slllca ' Phos- phorus. Iron. Insoluble. Silica. Phos- phorus. 1 Per cent. 53-94 Per cent. 3-85 Per cent. 7-00 Per cent. 2-88 Per cent. 044 Per cent. 58-00 Per cent. 4-15 Per cent. 3-10 Per cent. 048 2 54-06 4-25 6-40 3-22 043 57-76 4-55 3-45 046 3 52-67 4-11 7-60 3-46 043 57-01 4-45 3-75 045 4 53-33 4-19 6-67 3-03 042 57-15 4-50 3-25 044 5 53-02 3-69 7-70 3-13 042 57-45 4-00 3-40 045 6 54-28 3-63 6-86 2-88 037 58-28 3-90 3-10 040 7 53-24 3-51 7-5X 3-04 042 57-61 3-80 3-30 045 8 54-41 3*13 6*50 2-57 041 58-20 3-35 2-75 044 6. Most of the mines are being worked by companies (the larger being English). Heavy prices have been paid for mining property in this district. 7. The larger mines have been working for the last twelve years; previous to that, only the lumpy ore was worked. Companies ship individually from 50 to 200,000 tons per year to United Kingdom, Germany, and Holland. Total shipments for past five years, about four million tons. 8. The great obstacle to mining in Santander district is the difficulty to obtain depositing ground for the slimes from the washers. 9. The formation is dolomite. The mineral has to be separated from the clay by washing. The average percentages of clays to mineral run from 15 to 35 per cent. CADIZ. (Mr. Consul Keyser.) Mr. Keyser transmits Reports from CORDOBA, SEVILLE, and HUELVA. CORDOBA. 1. Yes, but so far as known they are of slight importance. 2. (i.) Three miles to north of this city there is a small deposit, the nearest port being Seville, which is 140 kilometres (88 miles) away. (n.) There is a mine just being opened up by a Spanish Company at a place called Salobral, in the township of Luque, but it is very doubtful whether it will prove successful. The nearest port is Malaga, which is 176 kilometres (110 miles) from the station. 3. (i.) Two shillings per ton by carts, and three shillings and fivepence per ton by rail. (n.) Three shillings and twopence per ton by rail. 4. Character excellent. Miners, 2s. per day. Labourers, Is. 5d. per for loading. An deposits down to the ship. Kragero for loading. An aerial railroad could bring the ore from all the 4. Cost of labour at the mines, 3s. to 4s. per man. 5. Yes, as follows: Gronaasen (1). Iron Sulphur Phosphorus Titanic acid Lime . . . Iron . . . Sulphur Phosphorus Iron Silica ... Sulphur Phosphorus Iron Titanic acid Phosphorus Sulpnur 55 62 per cent. 0-052 0-040 1-020 3-200 Gronaasen (2). ...50-50 57 per cent. 0-140 0-027 Sjaaen. Dobbe. 70-300 per cent. 0-640 0-140 0-006 65 67 per cent. 6-8 0-024 0-066 The ore at Lango is stated to contain 40 to 55 per cent, iron, free from sulphur, phosphorus, or titanic acid. The Gronaasen ore contains 50-67 per cent, iron, ,and can be traced for ten miles. 6. Yes, they are likely to be sellers on reasonable terms. 7. l ; es, but Gronaasen not since 1640, and Lango n?t since 1866. Dates as to the others not ascertainable. But it is thought that Lango could ship about 40,000 tons a year, Gronaasen about the same amount, Dobbe 126 SWEDEN AND NORWAY LAURVlG, LOFOTEN ISLANDS. about 50,000 tons per annum, with up to 67 per cent, of iron and 7-8 per cent. rt f titanic acid. 8. None known. 9. An electric power station is contemplated neai jJalsfos. If electric power be available, all the ore from the deposits could be smelted on the spot. LAURVIG. 1. Yes. 2. In the Hedium district. Laurvig; about 12 miles. 3. Vice-Consul Nielsen cannot say. 4. Cost of labour for mining, about 3s. per diem. 5. Yes. 6. The deposits are owned by a syndicate who are likely to sell on reasonable terms. 7. No. 8. No. 9. The Vice-Consul states : " The syndicate has also a waterfall about two miles from the deposits, whence power can be had to crush the ore and furnish electricity for a railway to Laurvig, without which the transport would be too expensive. As far as can be judged, there are millions of tons of iron ore, bult the quality is questionable. LOFOTEN ISLANDS. 1. Only one of any significance. 2. At Imorten, in Lofoten. Ships can approach close to deposits. 3. Vice-Consul Dombrain cannot form estimate. Transport by road, if ever mined. 4. Mostly fishermen, who are, however, hard to obtain. No estimate of the cost of mining can be formed as the chances of serious working are slight. 5. Neither analyses nor samples appear obtainable. 6. Not likely to sell. 7. Apparently not. 8. Vice-Consul Dombrain states : " Foreigners are now prohibited from owning land in Norway. Even if they could, the experience of the Gellivara Iron Ore Company is not likely to encourage investors." 9. Small pockets are known to exist in many places, but until capital is employed to test them, their capabilities are not known. Within a mile of Brettesnees there is a titanium ore which, with chromium, Mr. Dombrain understands, is a drawback to any further -trials of known deposits. SWEDEN AND NORWAY MOSJOEN, NAMSOS, PORSGRUND. 127 MOSJOEN. 1. Yes. 2. Dunderland dalen. Guldsmedrik, on the Eanen fjord; about 17 miles to first deposits. Harbour and pier constructed by the Dunderland Iron Ore Company, and available for large vessels. 3. The Company cannot answer this question as to cost until it has actual experience of working and transporting. Railway nearly finished. 4. Labour adequate. As to cost, see above (No. 3). 5. Two of the Company's pamphlets are enclosed herewith. 6. Not for sale. 7. No; shipments not yet commenced. P. None, except possibly climatic, snow, &c. 9. Contained in enclosed pamphlets. NAMSOS. 1 . Yes, a few. but only one of large extent or richness. 9. On the farm " Grandaune," Overhalden. Namsos, 17 miles away. 3. Cannot say; no road, rail, or canal existing, but ore could be brought by road to River Namsen (one mile) and taken to Namsos (16 miles) by boats. 4. Cannot be given ; usual wages, 3s. to 3s. 6d. per diem. 5. No analyses known of. Ore believed to contain high percentage of iron. 6. Owned by farmers; terms probably reasonable. 7. Deposits worked a little some years ago, but only for trial. 8. " No obstacles." 9. Mr. Vice-Consul Sommerschield is of opinion that this deposit ought to be thoroughly investigated by clever and practical engineers. PORSGRUND. 1. Yes, several; but only one that is rendering sufficient to export. 2. Ulefoss. Skien, 2| hours distant by water. 3. Probably about 2s. 6d. per ton. By water. 4. Wages, about 3s. to 4s. per diem. Cannot give estimate. 5. Yes, but neither analysis nor samples obtainable, the owner not con- sidering it in his interests to give them. 128 SWEDEN AND NORWAY -RISOR, TROMSO. 6. Said to be very wealthy. 7. The shipments have been about 60,000 tons per annum for the last two or three years to Holland, and a small quantity to Middlesbrough. 8. No. 9. Many small deposits in the district might prove worthy of investi- gation. Produce could easily be shipped from Skien and Porsgrund. RISOR. 1. Yes. 2. Novestad mines, seven miles from Risor; 'steamers can load about one mile from mines. Oen mine, on Sondeled fjord, four miles from Risor; steamers can load near mine. Tjendal mine, one mile from Risor; steamers can load near mine. Staalkjend mine, near Egelands ironworks, eight miles from Risor. (Works closed 20 years ago.) From this mine the transport would be too expensive. 3. Cannot say. An aerial railway could possibly be constructed from the first three mines mentioned. 4. Difficult to say, but labour is " very reasonable." 5. The ore has been analysed, but copies cannot at present be obtained. Water in the pits prevents obtaining samples. 6. Yes, undoubtedly. 7. Yes. Eighty years ago thousands of tons were shipped from Novestad to Ulefos, near Skien. The Oen mine supplied Egeland works about 60 years ago, but was closed on discovery of the closer deposits at Staalkjend. The Tjendal mine has not been worked. Large quantities have been taken from the Staalkjend mine in the past. 8. No. 9. The Novestad workings are 40-50 feet deep, veins about seven feet broad, and can be traced several miles. Samples are said to contain 62 per 16 )> Bon Hamra ... * La Mebondja ... Sie.desAcierieset Forges de Fir- miny. Firminy (Loire) > 18 Recently commenced operations. El M'kimen ... Sie. des Hauls Fournaux. Chasse (Isere) . . ,, 20 Timezrit M. Portalis Poissy (Seine & Oise). Bougie, 32 ,, Recently commenced operations. D}ebel Anini ... Cie. des Minerals de Fer de Dje- bel Anini. St. Etienne (Loire) * "0 Worked for the Blende ores. The distance from port renders the working of the iron onerous. Ouenza Sie. Africaine des Mines. 18me Grignan, Marseilles, Bone, i70 This mine has been much spoken of of late, and is said to be a splendid concern. MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO. (2.) Mines conceded and not worked during the year 1903. 149 Name of Mine. Name of Persons exploiting the mine. Address. Port of Embarkment and Distance. Observations. Filfilah M. Lesueur Philippeville ... Philippeville, "") No work has been done in the 20 kilom. Filfilah mines for the past twenty years. The absence of Ain ben Meronen Sie. Anonyme de Lille (Nord) ... Philippeville, a railway renders economical 1'Halia Filfilah. 20 kiioni. working impossible. The pro- prietors might be willing to sell Fendeck M. A. de Sonis ... Jemmapes Philippeville. if it were possible to get all 20 kilom. three to come to terms, and sell J to one company. Ain Sedma Sie. Anonyme 60. Rue du Rocher, Gollo, Id kilom. Nothing has been done for a long Lieges de la Paris. time. Lavish expenditure ruined Petite Kabylie. the company who started work. Marouania M. Jos. de Poor- 1, Rue de Constan- Bone, 25 It is said that this mine is on the ter. tine, Bone. point of being worked by the Mokta el Hadid Company. MADAGASCAR. ANTANANARIVO. ( Mr. Consul Porter.) 1. Deposits or iron ore of excellent quality exist throughout the greater portion of the central provinces of Madagascar. 2. Of these the best known is situated about 30 miles east of Antana- narivo, on the western border of the forest belt. The nearest shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers is that of Tamatave, distant 200 miles. 3. Transport to Tamatave is by road, the rate being 5 per ton. 4. Native labour is obtainable at an average wage of Is. per day. No estimate of the cost of mining can be given, as the deposits have never been properly worked. 5. No official analyses of ore from Madagascar appears to have been made. 6. All mines and mineral deposits in this Colony are the property of the Government. Permission to w T ork minerals is granted to Europeans in accordance with the terms of the Mining Law of the 20th of July, 1897. Only one or two such permits have been applied for. The total output is insignificant. 7. Deposits of iron ore in the locality mentioned in paragraph 2 have been worked in a primitive manner by natives during the past 70 years. It is from this region that the ore has been obtained for the manufacture of native implements, such as spears, spades, hatchets, &c., which are used in the neighbourhood of Antananarivo. The amount of iron thus produced by the natives averaged from 12 to 14 cwt. per week. 8. The high rate of inland transport (14 per ton up country, and 5 per ton t.i the coast) constitutes an insurmountable obstacle to successful mining in tUis district. 150 MADAGASCAR TAMATAVE. SENEGAL DAKAR. TAMATAVE. (Mr. Consul Sauzier.) I am unable to answer the questions in the memorandum, and this for the reason that, although iron ore is stated by the mining authorities to exist in almost every part of Madagascar, it is worked only in the central provinces, that is, in Tenerina and in the Betsileo country, or, in other words, in the district of Mr. Consul Porter. I have never heard that iron ore was actually found and worked in my consular district; while it is well-known that several concessions were granted in 1900 to natives in the province of Manjakandriona, at about fifty kilometres from Antananarivo, on which iron ore has been found and worked ; but it is not possible for me to say what quantity of iron ore was extracted or worked, nor can it be possible to say the weight of the iron produced, nor if official analyses of the ore has been made and can be obtained. The quality of the iron, however, is poor, and this is no doubt due to the means by which the natives work the iron ore; for coals have not been found in Madagascar as yet, and as roads are almost unknown, the natives are obliged to remain in the vicinity of forests where the iron ore is smelted by rudimentary means, the principle of which is similar to the " methode catalane," as was stated in 1898 by Captain Guyon, the then chief of the mining service of Madagascar. At any rate what I am positive of is that the iron industry is in its infancy in this country, and cannot even suffice to meet the wants of the local consumption, say, of Antananarivo. I can also say that the nearest port from the now known ore deposits would be " Andevoranto," which is at about two hundred and twenty kilo- metres, and that to reach the steamer the ore would have to come down by road and, for a short way, by water, thus making the transport cost at least 10 to 14 per ton, which would be quite prohibitive. SENEGAL. DAKAR. (Mr. H. G. Mackie.) EXTRACT from Letter received from the Director of Public Works for French West Africa, dated February 22nd, 1904. You have asked from my Bureau of Mines some information regarding the extent and working of iron ore in Senegal and its dependencies. I have the honour to inform you that there does not exist at the present time, in the territories of this Colony, any industrial working of this mineral. The mineral, in the form of laterite^ sometimes very compact, is found, nowever, in abundance in certain regions of Upper Senegal and Upper Gambia (Badon, Beledougou, Diebedougbu, &c.). In these countries the extraction of the metal is made by the blacksmiths themselves ; the method in use consists in treating this laterite by smelting in cylindrical earthen furnaces three to four metres high ; the amount of production is sma)!, for it is limited to the manufacture of native tools for local necessities. No official analysis has determined the exact composition of the ore, but several official assays have mentioned, it appears, a proportion of one-third pure metal. Such is the information which it has been possible for me to furnish you in this matter. SENEGAL GRAND BASSAM. GERMAK EASt AFRICA. 151 GRAND BASS AM. (Mr. V ice-Consul Armstrong.} 1. Yes; large deposits but segregated. 2. In the lower Sanwi Province of the Cote d'lvoire. Assinie 20 miles by land, and 30 by water. o. About 10 per ton. Land, carriers, and water, by launches. 4. Conditions here existing do not allow of a categorical answer. 5. No analyses. 6. Government land. 7. No. 8. No roads, and no cheap transport. If this were provided, there would be no difficulty. 9. Iron ore has not been explored for its economic value. There are large surface outcrops, but depths are unknown. The composition of the ore varies from pure FeO to anything below, and all admixture from FeO to Fe 3 3 . The FeO appears like a furnace slag and is considered staligmatic, resulting from the decomposition of pyrite in overflowing Diabase rock long since entirely decomposed and now structureless. P. and S. con- tents are unknown, but these substances are probably absent. GERMAN EAST AFRICA. (Copy translation of a Letter from the Governor of German East Africa to Mr. Sinclair, Zanzibar.) Besides many small lodes which are not of sufficient importance to be taken into account as far as European interests are concerned, there are three localities which, owing to favourable conditions for transport, &c., might be exploited with satisfactory results. So far no European trade in iron ore has been carried on. The first of these iron fields is at Uluguru, near Hudussi (Mount Ludsanda) in Upper Mgeta ; here the soil is heavily ferruginous, and there are large blocks of ironstone, and in Upper Mbakana, in the Uluguru Mountains, a lode of rich iron ore exceeding half a metre in thickness has been observed and traced for upwards of a hundred metres. The chemical analysis of the Hundusi iron is as follows: FeO a 1-85, Fe 3 4 65'52, M 3 3 'IB, CaO -17, MgO '69 : residue 30-S8- total 9 9 -I' 7. The analysis of ore from the Mbakana-District is as follows: TiO, 25-31, Fe, 0,03-49, M.,0 3 0'22, CaO 0'38, MgO 2'15 : residue 7'43 total 98-98. From the above it will be observed that the first sample alone would be useful for smelting purposes, the high percentage of titanium in the latter rendering is unsuitable. The port nearest these iron fields is Dar-es-Salaam, some 150 miles distant, and the transport to the coast would have to be made by porters at a cost of about two hundred and twenty-seven rupees per ton. When a railway is built connecting Uluguru with the coast the transit will, of course, be naturally reduced. 152 LIBERIA. The two other iron fields are in the Kinga or Livingstone Mountains, not far from Lake Nyassa. At Mount Liganga there is a bed of iron ore some ten metres in depth, and extending over four miles. At Lipura there is a bifurcated lode several hundred metres in length averaging some fifteen metres in depth. Here, too, are large quantities of ore on the surface in the form of huge blocks. The ore from these localities would appear to be clean and of good quality, but analyses have not yet been prepared. The Liganga Mountain may possibly be capable of being exploited with profit, owing to the small cost of working, as thousands of blocks of ore are lying on the surface. The transport, however, presents a difficulty, as Lake Nyassa is four days' journey distant, and the intervening country is rough and difficult. At Lipura there are also rich blocks of ironstone, and the question of transit not so difficult. Lake Nyassa is only one day's journey distant, and the nature of the country is such that a trolley railway could be run with comparative ease. LIBERIA. (Mr. Consul MacDonell.) 1. In various parts of the Republic of Liberia deposits of iron ore exist. 2. No definite information is obtainable with regard to exact posi- tion of deposits ; from enquiry, from natives and others, I have ascertained that large deposits are extant at about 200 or 250 miles from this port (Monrovia), in a north-easterly direction. 3. No means of transport exist, the roads are only native bush tracks. Cost of transport would be prohibitive, as ore would have to be carried on the backs of natives, and each load would not exceed 60 Ibs. 4. Cost of native labour varies, but may be calculated at one shilling a day, exclusive of food. Cost of loading on trucks is inapplicable. 5. No analyses exist, either official or other. 6. The deposits are held by native chiefs, who are in no way subject to the Liberian Government. The West African Gold Concessions Company hold mining rights over the counties of Messurado and Maryland. 7. The deposits are worked by natives, who extract the ore in a most primitive manner. When worked into bars, the iron is used as currency. 8. The obstacles are many : (I) The intricacy and unsatisfactory con- dition of the Liberian laws; (2) The laws prohibiting foreigners holding property or trading in the interior; (3) The absolute lack of means of transport. 9. It is impossible to give any definite information with regard to the deposits. There is no doubt that they exist and are worked by the natives in their primitive way, but, up to the present, nothing has been attempted by Europeans. This h due to the local laws prohibiting foreigners from holding proper^ in one country or trading with the interior, and for this reason, no roads, railways or other means of transit exist. The informa- tion giveix above I have obtained chiefly from one of the only educated men who has ever been to the place where the ore is mined, and from reports of natives. No official or authoritative reports are obtainable. MOROCCO DAR-AL-BAIDA, MOGADOR. 15B MOROCCO. DAR-AL-BAIDA. (Mr. Consul Maclean, j I have caused inquiries to be made throughout this consular district, and the result is that I conclude that there are no iron ore supplies at present available. There are numerous iron ore deposits, and there is ample evidence of ancient smelting works with mounds of tailings in their vicinity. Down to the present all prospectors have been regarded with great suspicion, and consequently no scientific investigations have been possible. During the last year and quite recently parties of Frenchmen, at least one of which represented the Creusot works, have been exploring for the purpose of prospecting for minerals. Another of these parties came from Beni Saf, in Algeria. I would recommend the British Iron Trade Association to send out one or two prospectors, young, energetic, and tactful men, who would not mind running certain risks, working on their own responsibility, but with the unofficial assistance of His Majesty's Consular Officers ; these commissioners could obtain results which would be of considerable potential value. If they had experience of iron ore deposits in Algeria it would be of advantage. Unless some such steps are taken, it will be found, when the moment for exploiting this country arrives, that competitors are in a superior position with regard to the possession of information. With the exception of Mr. Madden, whose report is appended, all the Vice-Consuls under my superintendence have reported that they can obtain no information. I have looked through an extensive reference library of works on Morocco with the object of tabulating all possible information bearing on iron ore deposits, but I find nothing on the subject which would be commercially useful, beyond the indication of localities where there are iron ore deposits. Their extent and the quality of the ore are only touched upon lightly. Should the British Iron Trade Association act upon my suggestion, I would be in a position to give their commissioners considerable assistance, but the latter should be careful, on their way out, to avoid stating their business or profession. REPORT from Mr. MADDEN, Vice-Consul at MOGADOR. 1. Iron deposits exist in the " Djeibel Hadid," or iron mountain : clinkers are to be found there, remains of ancient workings, supposed to have been carried on by the Romans. A French geological party, now at work in South Morocco, recently visited the iron mountain and, I am informed, expressed a very, poor opinion of the iron deposits there, saying it would not pay to work them. 2. Nearest port is Mogador. The iron mountain is about 20 miles north of Mogador. There is a spot on the sea-shore, called Point " Hadid," where the natives keep boats, which is in close vicinity to the iron deposits. 3. No railways, roads or canals exist ; transport only by camel or mule, carrying 3 to 4 cwt. each. 17598 154 MOROCCO TANGIER. ANGOLA. 4. No mining labour available, as mining is not allowed in Morocco. An expert prospector would be required to estimate cost of mining on the spot. 5. No. 6. Everything is in the hands of the Moorish Government, without whose permission mining could not possibly be undertaken. 7. No, with reservation in answer No. 1. 8. Same as No. 6; export of iron is not allowed. 9. Iron exists near Agadir, in Sus, so I learn from a British merchant here, who says he sent samples home years ago. It is surface iron in the form of " nodules," mixed with stone, and of a very pure quality. Agadir, however, is a closed port, and lies about 70 miles below Mogador. TANGIER. (Mr. Consul White.) I have the honour to report that no trustworthy information is obtainable as to the existence of minerals in this consular district, as there exist no reports on the subject. So far as I am aware, no portion of this country has ever been thoroughly prospected by competent persons, or borings made, and therefore, beyond the. existence of ferruginous springs and the general appearance of the soil, which would point to the existence of iron in some form in some districts, there are no data on which to base a report. His Majesty's Vice-Consul at Fez informs me that amongst the natives iron ore deposits are believed to exist in the mountain ranges north and north-east of Fez, but no mining operations have ever been carried on, either there or elsewhere in this consular district. Should ore exist in this district, the port of shipment would be Tangier or Laraiche. Transport at present is entirely by camel, mule or horse, the cost varying ; but it may be estimated at thirty to forty shillings per ton. The natives have no experience of mining, but most of them are accus- tomed to agricultural labour, digging with hoes. The cost of labour may be calculated at one shilling to eighteen pence a day, but would rise with an increased demand. Except in certain districts where the land belongs to the Crown, it is generally held by small proprietors. No land, however, can be purchased by foreigners without the previous consent of the Moorish Government, which is never given except in the case of land in the immediate neighbourhood of Tangier. Hitherto the Moorish Government has refused permission for mining operations in this country. PORTUGAL (POSSESSIONS OF). ANGOLA (LOANDA). (Mr. Acting-Consul Brock.) 1. Deposits of iron ore are reported to exist in this consular district. 2. I have been unable to locate the exact positions. LOURENCO MARQUES. 3. It is impossible to estimate cost of transport to the coast, owing to the imperfect system of inter-communication. There is only one railway, roads are little more than bush paths, and canals there are none. 4. Native labour would cost about Is. 6d. to 2s. per day, if it could be obtained ; it is not plentiful, and it would take a long time to accustom the natives to work so foreign to them as quarrying or mining. 5. No official analyses of ore are available, as far as I can gather; the Lisbon Museum is the most likely place to see samples of ore, should there be any. 6. Proprietors of land bearing deposits of ore would be likely to sell on reasonable terms. Should such deposits exist on Crown property, grants of land would be conceded; but a Portuguese subject should figure as the concessionnaire. 7. There is no proof of ore ever having been seriously worked. 8. There are no special obstacles in the way of successful continuous and unencumbered mining, except the uncertainty of the existence of payable ore. It is, however, highly probable that, should mining be carried on here on any scale, the industry would be taxed in some way or other. 9. There is little or no reliable information available about the minerals of this country ; they have never been systematically or continuously worked, and one is dependent upon tradition for most of the information. It is said that the Marquez de Pombal, some 150 years ago, caused iron ore to be raised in the Luinha district, but the operations could never have been much more than experimental. LOURENCO MARQUES. (Mr. Acting Consul-General Baldwin.) 1. Yes. 2. (a) District of Lourenco Marques, (b) Chibuto, district of Gaza.. (c) Panda, Inhambane district. Nearest ports and distances : (.) Lourenco Marques, about 25 miles, (b) Chai-Chai, about 25 miles, (c) Inhambane, about 60 miles. 3. (a) Road and rail, rate depends on the distance of mine from rail. (b) Road, rate depends on the distance, (c) River, uncertain. 4. Unskilled native labour. Cost, about 3 per month per man; cannot estimate cost of mining. Cost of handling into carts or trucks, about 5s. per ton. 5. No. 6. Proprietors are Portuguese Government. 7. No. 8. Yes. 7598 U 2 156 TUNIS. TUNIS. (Mr. Consul- General Berkeley.) 1. Yes. 2. Deposit A. Rich iron ore. Several millions of tons in sight S.W. -of Tunis port. About 140 miles. Deposit B. On the north coast of Tunisia, between Bizerta and Tabarka. Bizerta nearest available port. Tabarca is nearer but the port is not yet constructed for receiving large steamers. Bizerta 60 miles from the ore deposit. 3. No railway tariff on iron ore exists yet. Deposit A. A railway is in course of construction by the Government, which runs through this property, and will be completed in about two years. The rate would probably not exceed 5 francs per ton. Deposit B. Transport would not be possible except by construction of a railway ; none exists yet. 4. Native and European labour obtainable at prices ranging from 1 franc and 50 centimes to 4 francs per day. Deposit A. Cost of quarrying and placing on truck would not exceed probably 2 francs and 50 centimes per ton. Deposit B. Government engineer estimates cost of working 2 francs and 50 centimes per ton, and value of same 9 francs per ton f .o.b. Bizerta, thus leaving a margin of 6 francs and 50 centimes for cost of carriage (by a railway, which may eventually be constructed) and for profit. 5. Deposit A. Owners give analysis as Iron 60 per cent., manganese 2 per cent., silica low percentage, and free of sulphur, phosphorus and arsenic. Deposit B. Quality rather inferior. The official samples give an average Iron 50 per cent., silica 13.5 per cent., phosphorus 0.027 per cent., manganese 0.480 per cent., lime 0.700 per cent., sulphur 0.460 per cent., and arsenic 0.066 per cent. 6. Deposit A. The owners are zinc and lead mine proprietors, in whose concession occurs the iron deposit in question. They are disposed to sell rather than work it themselves, but would probably ask a full price. Deposit B. The owners are a strong company, but await a solution of the railway question. They would be willing to enter into any reason- able scheme for the sale of all their output of ore to a firm willing to assist them in the construction of a private line to Bizerta, thus dispensing with Government intervention. 7. None have yet been worked in Tunisia. 8. The question of cost of transport is the only serious one. 9. As regards the more interesting deposit designated as " A " : 1. The value of the ore can be easily determined; also 2. Its cost of working and placing on truck. 3. A railway tariff would no doubt be arranged which would be amply covered by the margin resulting from the two first calculations. As stated above, the line in course of construc- tion runs through this property, and the Government would be inclined to foster by a favourable tariff an industry which would be such a valuable source of revenue to them. ARGENTINE BUENOS AYRES. 157 AMERICA. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. BUENOS AYRES. (Mr. Consul Ross.) The Argentine Mining Department reports that iron ore exists in various parts of the Republic, but the extent is not known. A copy of the report made by Mr. H. D. Hoskold, the Chief of the Mining Department in 1889 to the Paris Exhibition in regard to the Romay mines, Catamarca, is enclosed. There is also enclosed a note containing specific replies to the questions asked by the British Iron Trade Association, which have been supplied by Mr. D. M. Munro, the British Vice-Consul at Cordoba. The Mining Department further reports that in the Provinces of Cordoba and San Luis, deposits of Wolfgram are being worked, and small monthly shipments are being made under the name of iron ore. According to the Customs returns, the export of iron ore during the past three years has been as follows : 1901 1902 1903 (9 months) 568 tons. 146 153 In a report made on the Argentine exhibits at the Chicago Exhibition of 1894, it is stated that coal is found at San Rafael, Mendoza and San Juan, bituminous coal at Neuquen, and lignite in Tierra del Fuego. Translation of Mr. H. D. Hoskold' s Report on the Romay Iron Mines. The Sierra de Ancaste rises at a short distance to the south of Balde de la Punta and, running in a northern direction, extends into the Province of Tucuman. A little to the north of the town of Catamarca this chain of hills joins those of the great sierras de Ambato. Towards the east these hills, as generally happens, branch a great deal and extend over a vast tract of country, running nearly parallel with the northern railway (Central Cordoba) from Recreo Station. Frias is the name of the second station to the north of Recreo and thence, westward to the mountains, the distance is 2J leagues, according to the best maps. A little further inside, the hills begin to rise, but do not reach a great height, in the neighbourhood of Albigasta. In some of these low hille, veins of iron ore have been discovered, one of the well-known places in which it was found is called Sierras de los Altos. The mines have been visited from time to time by various engineers, whose opinions are not unanimous, but there appears to be evidence that there are extensive and important mineral deposits. They were discovered in 1873, and in that same year G. Romay obtained the concessions, and, as they are only some 18 leagues irom Catamarca, 158 ARGENTINE considerable interest was manifested in the concession. A preliminary- company was formed to float the mineral property, but the shareholders of the Company, " Sud Americana," subscribed little capital, and, conse- quently resources gave out before much progress had been made in working. The National Congress had previously issued a law, authorising the working of the mines and empowering the Government to spend ($10,000) ten thousand dollars on the works. In the year 1875 the National Govern- ment authorised the subscription of ($100,000) one hundred thousand dollars to a company formed with a capital of at least ($1,000,000) one million dollars for the working of the mines and the construction of a foundry for the production of iron. In the year 1883 the South American Company solicited from Congress a Government guarantee of 6 per cent, on the capital that would be invested up to ($1,500,000) one million five hundred thousand dollars. In consequence, a project of law was drawn up which contained eight articles : the seventh abolished the former law that the National Executive subscribe ($100,000) one hundred thousand dollars. For some reason which I do not know, the projected law was not put in force, and the mines were never worked. A short time ago a Belgian mining engineer visited the mines and reported that the veins and mineral deposits were nearly inexhaustible. The discovery of one or more mines with an abundance of mineral would be of the greatest importance for the Republic, and for this reason the Government and National Congre? have given every possible facility for this object. The National Department of Mines and Geology had also had in view the general interest of the Republic with reference to mining, and in order to form a just opinion with respect to the mines of Romay, it commissioned one of the Assistant Engineers of the Mining Department to inspect them and report to the Department. The report of the assistant engineer is dated 19th September, 1888, and shows a very favourable opinion of the mines. It says : " The amount of iron ore that exists is relatively great compared with the explorations made up to the present, and, taking everything into consideration, I am of opinion that if these were made on a larger scale, proportionate results would be obtained but, as these excavations are but small, a fair opinion cannot be formed with respect to the productive capability of the greater part of the mineral concessions which have not been explored." The engineer adds, that want of time prevented him from obtaining more data and from making more minute investigations so as to confirm his opinion as to the great amount of mineral existing in other parts of the concession. The mineral is found in veins and deposits, but the investi- gations, as already stated, were not sufficient to determine the number or the general thickness. Nevertheless, portions of mineral were extracted in quantities from 3 to 5 tons, and this appears to indicate that the veins were of a fair thickness. To a question contained in the instructions given to the Government Assistant Engineer, he replied : " With reference to the veins and deposits, my opinion is that these mines offer the base of a large undertaking, which will last some considerable time." Before capital is invested in great expenditure of machinery, it is necessary to determine the extension of the mineral property, and make more genuine experiments in all its parts. In this manner the length and number of veins and other deposits will be investigated, and, consequently, the producing conditions will be found. It is very improbable that the product will be greater than can be expected from the mineral in sight. It is necessary, therefore, to form a preliminary company and, when this has been done, to put up kilns and appliances sn^oient to ensure the carriage of the products of the mines and the requirements of the markets of the' Republic, without that undue outlay of capital which so frequently occurs in this class of business. BUENOS AYRES. 159 The mineral has been assayed and the result published on various occasions, and the following analysis is made by Dr. Kyle : Iron ... Oxygen Aluminium Magnesia Titanic Oxide Sulphur Silicate Water 52.64 19.18 1.80 2.46 16.70 0.10 6.40 0.72 100.00 The following analysis was made by Mr. Riley, of London :- Silicate ... 2.55 Peroxide of Iron 52.21 Protoxide .. ... 14.89 Aluminium ... ... ... ... 5.40 Titanic Acid 18.17 Manganese Oxide 0.97 Manganese 4.28 Water 0.93 Yield in metallic iron, 48.25 per cent. Another analysis by Dr. Kyle is as follows : Water Peroxide of Iron Aluminium Lime ... Sulphur Silicate 99.40 11.10 63.57 1.58 0.33 0.24 23.26 100.00 Dr. Kyle states that there is a species of iron ore, rich in quality, for the manufacture of iron, and which contains 44.53 per cent, of iron metal, without titanic acid and without phosphorus. In the other analysis, which Dr. Kyle made in December 16th, 1886, he found 54.81 of iron in a state of oxide of iron and magnetic oxide. A sample of iron ore, hydroxide of iron (hematites), for the same mines was analyzed by Dr. Puiggari in 1885, and contained 63.96 of peroxide of iron, and gave 44.76 of iron in metal. Consequently, there is no motive for doubting the quality of the iron ore, and it only remains to verify what quantity can be produced yearly during a series of years. But this is a question to which I personally cannot reply, nevertheless there is no reason to doubt the declarations given by the assistant engineer to the Government. 160 ARGENTINE BUENOS AYRES. The general materials required for the smelting of iron, such as lime- stone and other flux, and wood for the charcoal, exist in abundance within the limits of the mine. The quality of the iron produced by charcoal will be of more value than that produced by coke. The actual distance from the railway to the mines is comparatively short, so, consequently, the transport will be cheap. About 1-| leagues to the south of the river de la Toma, which forms the southern limit of this same, are to be found other deposits of iron ore of the class called hidroxide of iron (hematites), it is of excellent quality, as shown by the analysis made by Dr. Puiggari above quoted. The assistant engineer, before mentioned, did not visit the locality in which the hidroxide of iron mines are situated, consequently I have no data to enable me to determine their productive condition. It is some fifteen years ago that some miners employed themselves in experiments on a ferruginous mineral for the silver which it contained, and in this manner the hidroxide of iron deposits were discovered. The greater part of the rocks, of the locality in which Romays' mines are situated, consists of granite, mica, and schist, with veins of quartz of the primitive period. There are also to be found strata of schist, containing deposits of graphite between the layers, which do not appear to be of any commercial value. The owners of these mines have sent another petition to Congress asking for a guarantee of 6 per cent, on the capital invested which is still under consideration. The Department of Mines and Geology has shown itself in favour of the project of the Commission of Agriculture, but has suggested various modifications in the original project. The nominal capital it is supposed is ($2,000,000) two millions of dollars, and the South American Company have two years to collect sufficient capital and commence mining operations and the foundry. REPORT from Mr. MUNRO, Vice-Consul at CORDOBA (Argentine Republic). 1. Yes, the " Romay " mines. 2. Situated in the Province of Catamarca, distant from Frias Station, Cordoba Central Railway, two and a quarter leagues west. The nearest shipping port is that of Rosario de Santa Fe, admitting ocean steamers, and distant from the above-mentioned Frias Station 477 miles. 3. The present rates from Frias Station to Rosario Port are : Rough ore, $16.41, paper, per ton of 1,000 kilos, minimum 10,000 kilos. Calcined ore, $20.30, paper, per ton of 1,000 kilos (roasted), minimum 6,000 kilos. Pig Iron, $27.66 per ton of 1,000 kilos, minimum 6,000 kilos. 4. Common, native, labour is available at from $30 to $40, paper currency, per man per month. Miners are paid from $20 to $60 currency per metre of tunnelling, according to the hardness of the ore. Loading on carts may be paid by the month to the labourers, or contracts made per ton, but the cost would work out about the same. 5. See analysis on previous page. 6. The present proprietor is Senor Vicente Juez, of Tucuman. This gentleman would probably be willing to sell, but on what terms is not known. He has recently obtained from the Government of Catamarca the concession to work the mine, and is now endeavouring to form a syndi- cate for that purpose. BOLIVIA. 161 ie deposits were worked superficially some fifteen years ago, a small quantity of machinery was brought up and is now useless. Some tons of ore were sent to Buenos Ayres, but Senor Juez states that no mineral was sent to England. 8. None. Fuel would be wood and charcoal. 9. Silicate of iron exists and composes the general formation of a range of hills about eleven leagues in length by two and half in breadth. It is stated that the ore gives 40 per cent, of iron. There are, moreover, fair quantities of peroxide of iron, which is found in large isolated masses, of a globular form, found also in veins of fair proportion. All the iron is what is called titanic, i.e., contains titanium. Iron pyrites are also found in small quantities; and it is probable that there are also deposits of permanganate of iron. Since Senor Vicente Juez took up this mine, and while digging a well, he has come across several veins of ferruginous ore containing silver, and has great hopes that this silver may be found in sufficient quantity to pay for the extraction of the ore. It is the general opinion that this property is of considerable value, and that it, and the adjacent hills, which are all more or less of the same formation, should be thoroughly surveyed and inspected by a competent mining engineer. BOLIVIA. (Mr. Beauclerk.) 1. There are undoubtedly deposits of iron ore existing in Bolivia. 2. They are mostly situated in the mountain districts, where other rich mines exist, e.g., in the region of Potosi, &c. ; but they have not hitherto been worked on account of the want of roads and communication with the coast. The nearest shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers is Antofagasta now belonging to Chili, and which is distant from the ore deposits, roughly speaking, some 450 miles, as the crow flies. 3 and 4. The labour available for mining, quarrying and loading would consist of the work of native Indians. The cost of labour, mining, and loading on reaching the railway, cannot at present be estimated, because the mines are unexploited. 5. I am unaware of any official analyses of the ore having been made. 6. At present the mines are Government property, and concessions would be granted to companies or private persons at a fixed royalty. 7. No deposits have been worked hitherto. 8. I am unaware of any special obstacles in the way of successful, con- tinuous and unencumbered mining in Bolivia, except the perturbation occasioned by periodical revolutions; but the initial and serious difficulties of the want of roads and means of transport have first to be overcome, and the Government is not in a condition, financially, to aid in the construction of adequate means of communication. 1759S 162 BRAZIL BRAZIL. Rio DE JANEIRO. (Mr. Consul-General Chapman.) 1. There are extensive deposits of iron ore in the State of Minas Geraes. They also occur in Sao Paulo, Parana, and in several other States. 2. What might be called the iron-ore zone in the State of Minas covers an area of considerably more than 3 3< 000 square miles, and the I Central Railway traverses the said zone for about 350 kilometres, extend- ing from Barbacena, the nearest point to Rio de Janeiro (which is the nearest shipping port), to beyond Santa Luzia. Barbacena is distant from Rio 379 kilometres. The principal deposits in Minas are found at Miguel Burnier, Itabira do Campo, Caraga, Gandarella, Antonio Pereira, as also at Congonhas do Campo, Taquaral, Cocaes, Sao Miguel de Piracicaba, Itabira de Matto Dentro, Vigosa, Uba, &c. Many of these are favourably situated for transport by the afore- I mentioned Central Railway, especially those of Miguel Burnier, Itabira do Campo and Carao;a, and the vastness of the deposits combined with the purity of the ores constitute, probably, if not the most, at least one of the most important iron ore deposits in existence. In the State of Sao Paulo, at a place called Itu, iron ore also occurs, and it is also found in the State of Parana, near the coast, and in the vicinity of Paranagua and Antonina. . These latter ores, however, should be classed as manganiferous iron ores owing to the varying, if low, quantities of manganese contained in same. Definite and reliable information concerning these deposits arc not available. 3. With reference to the deposits of Minas Geraes and those most favourably situated, the ore would be transported by the Central Railway, which, as is known, belongs to, and is managed by, the Federal Government. The special tariff for the transport of manganese ore in vogue at the actual moment is a zone tariff, and is also applicable to iron ore, and, with exchange as at present at 12 pence, amounts to, say, Reis 6,000 (six milreis), or, say, 6s. per ton, irrespective of distance if in the zone. The ' elevation of the deposits, 4,000 to 4,500 feet above the sea level, facilitates considerably the cheap transport, the grade being in favour of the load. The State Government impose a tax on mineral exported, which is generally calculated on a basis of 4 per cent, ad valorem. 4. The labour available is good (principally Italian), but not over auundant, and cost of same at present is reported to range from 2s. 6d. to 4s. per day. The cost of mining, however, would greatly depend on the manner in which the deposits were worked. The outcrops are so extensive and the deposits occur under such favourable conditions for economical mining, that, providing same be initiated on a large scale, and the handling of the ore effected in a similar mechanical and economical way as occurs in the Lake Superior region and elsewhere, the c ,>st could be calculated as inferior to that prevailing in the States, and very much below the mining costs in the Cleveland and other iron-ore regions in the United Kingdom. 5. Annexed are the analyses of the School of Mines, which are official, and also a report made by Mr. Goodchild, a chemist, on samples of ore from a property at Uba, in Minas Geraes. RIO DE JANEIRO. 163 6. The owners of the properties are legion and, as a rule, poor, but they have a very clear idea of the value of their property. In the opinion of experts, however, it should be possible, dealing through some one who knows them well, to arrange purchases on reasonable terms. Possibly many would prefer to give leases of their properties on the basis of a reasonable royalty per ton. 7. Of the many deposits very few have been worked, and these only on a very small scale for local smelting, as at Ipiranga, in the State of Sao Paulo, and at Miguel Burnier, Itabira do Campo and Sfio Miguel de Piracicaba, in the State of Minas. 8. Limestone of good quality is fairly abundant, but the want of a satisfactory fuel the production of charcoal being so irregular and expensive has greatly retarded the iron industry of Brazil, which can only be developed, to commercial advantage, locally, when the smelting of iron ore by electricity reaches industrial perfection. But once titles are certain (Torrens registration can be obtained but not easily) there are no special obstacles to the continuous and successful mining of iron ore in Brazil, provided same be effected on a large scale and the ore handled economically, as in the United States. Factors to be borne in mind, however, are Inter-State taxation and the exchange, which, when low, favours mining in fixing cost of labour, a high rate acting in the reverse sense. The rate on London has, however, for some time past varied but little from 12 pence to the milreis (Reis 1,000). 9. A paper presented by Mr. Herbert Kilburn Scott, in May, 1902, to the Iron and Steel Institute, which contains much additional informa- tion of interest on the iron ores of Brazil, is annexed hereto. Attention is also called to articles on coal and iron deposits 'and industries in Brazil, which have appeared in a new publication called the " Brazilian Mining Review." Copies can be obtained from Messrs. Ewen, Cattanach & Co., of 18, Great St. Helens, London, E.G. 17598 X 2 164 SRAZtL- REMARKS. 1 fci |l 03 a> CM ,3 . -+J 5.S ^^ r^ 0> jj ^3^1- 45 - .5 2 ft 1 113 ^H ^ .' ' ^^ CD .' * ^ -M rv, be o o e o O *^ =< ^-^ ST ^-^ S ^ a.g H j, 1 "ill I P So^P -1^- -&4.-I A- B ^cQcH ^ 'O W ^ ^ "TS w i i! il^; ^E k .^- -V ^^ ^. ^ a; co z cc GO QQ -^^< TJ 1 . . . . IP^-d . . . U^t-all 1 !| 1 I I ll|I| I 1 ill sil r c! r r!'Ti r tfr5 r ^'- r c! f c r d'j i II-HI iK-i^qwHHi ii ( ooooooooooo OO^O^SO*OC^tOSvl(MO O cC'^c^co^ao^^ i '^-*>-H_*-irT ^ o" cT cc o" O O O O ?> CO O -* O O O I to tJ 2 5h CM SOfOO-^OOOt^O O t iCOfMt OOOfC O O'Hoascoas'O.r-icoi IQC o o H O O r-1 cr. o ci o". ci cT c. o" cT cc oT ci O^OOiOVOVO>CTsOOO><7> Cs rH i 1 i 1 'Smwsoj. UO 8SO1 ro o~ O O O O O O O O O ifi O O r-iO>COOOOOOi 'O O i-T i o" o" cT o" o o" o" o" cT o" I 1 PPV ouoqdsoqj o" O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O >rt -1 CM O O O- O OOCMOO-^t-^^C^OCO O cT o" cT cT o" o" iT cvf cc 1 o" ^"v cT PPY ooooooooooo o oja^TX o ooocTcTcroo'ooo o "Butraniy a : '- r j ,- i * ,^ ^ ^ '' -1 o. ' 1 * B ^ *- - - ooo^o^^o^oo o 8S8U'BjoU'en[ o OOOi^OOCCOOOO O -*Ob-OOi it t- O O O O t^ CM i IOOOOGMOOO O go apixQ o o" cr. o -lOOt- >O ' ' i-i^HOCOOa>Tj- Ci GO QC O - i^- Ci cr. per cwt., by mule, and from Santa Ana to Acajutla, by railway, $1 currency, per cwt., but a reduction might be obtained. 4. Cost of quarrying is from 12 to 20 cents, silver, per 100 Ibs. (quintal). No information can be obtained as to loading, but usually the cartmen or mule-drivers load at their own cost, and amount is included in cost of carriage. 5. Samples have been analysed, in the National Laboratory, of the three mines mentioned, and the result has been published in their review, No. 6, page 509, viz. : " His Excellency the Minister of Finance sent to this laboratory,, amongst other things, three samples of iron ore from Metapan. 17.VJ8 2 B 194 UNITED STATES " The proportions of iron per cent, are as follows : 'San Juan' mine ... ... 39.24 'ElCabano' 63.75 'San Casimiro' 68.5." 6. These mines would be sold at reasonable prices, the owners are not wealthy men, but are fairly well-to-do. 7. These mines have been worked since the eighteenth century, and oontinued working actively up to about the year 1860. Since then they have hardly been touched, and their product has only been used in the country and in the neighbouring Republic of Guatemala (which is very near). The workings have all been on a small and primitive scale 8. The great obstacle to successful working is the want of coal, as the combustible hitherto used has always been firewood, which is becoming everyday scarcer and dearer. 9. Near and in the immediate vicinity of the above-mentioned mines there are heavy waterfalls, which have already been utilized in a primitive fashion in casting the iron, and which could be well made the motive power tor working machinery. UNITED STATES. CONSULAR DISTRICT of BALTIMORE, comprising the States of MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, and KENTUCKY. (Mr. Consul ~Fraser.) 1. There are. 2. Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky. The four ports of Baltimore, Maryland; and Norfolk, Newport News, and Richmond, Virginia ; are capable of admitting ocean steamers, and their average distance from the ore deposits is 300 miles. 3. The cost per ton to either of the above named ports would be in the neighbourhood of $1.50. Rail is the only means of transport. 4. White and negro miners are employed, and they receive from $2 co $2.25 per day of ten hours. Unskilled labourers, also whites and negroes, are used for quarrying ore, and they receive from $1.10 to $1.25 for ten hours' work. The cost of mining, or quarrying, and loading on railway trucks varies greatly per ton, from 25 cents to $1.25. 5. A copy of the complete analyses of the ore in Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia, is forwarded herewith. (Printed below.) There is no complete analysis of the ore in Maryland obtainable, but partial analyses are transmitted. (Printed below.) BALTIMORE. 195 Complete Analyses of Iron Ores in Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia. Kentucky. Virginia and West Virginip . Natural Ore. Dried Ore. Natural Ore. Dried Ore. 1. Sulphur 0-227 0-227 0-352 0-352 0-126 0-128 0-103 0-103 3. Iron, metallic 40-61 40-85 48-47 48-50 1. Silica 14-37 14-59 21-58 21-60 2. Iron, protoxide 4-93 5-01 6-03 6-03 3. peroxide 53-93 54-75 62-35 62-39 4. Alumina 9-36 9-50 4-94 4-94 5. Manganese, protoxide 1-26 1-28 1-03 1-05 0-28 0-28 0-52 0-53 0-37 0-37 8. Iron, disulphide 0-072 0-073 0-320 0-320 9. Barium, oxide 1-18 1-18 10. Nickel, sulphide 0-25 0-25 11. Cobalt, sulphide 0-21 0-21 12. Copper, sulphide 0-03 0-03 0-99 0-99 14 Soda 0-14 0-14 15. Carbonic acid 3-66 3-72 0-21 0-21 16. Sulphuric acid 0-02 0-02 0-45 0-45 17, Phosphoric acid 0-290 0-294 0-239 0-239 0-07 0-07 19. Carbon in carbonaceous matter ... 0-15 0-15 20. Hygroscopic water ... 1-49 0-07 21. Water in composition 8-54 8-66 0-85 0-85 Total 100-112 100-117 100-069 100-059 Per cent, of insoluble siliceous water... 19-43 19-73 28-53 28-55 Partial Analyses of Iron Ores from 48 mines in Maryland Phosphorus Metallic iron Phosphorus Metallic iron Ranging from 0'040 per cent, to 1-363 per cent, for natural ore. Ranging trom 30'45 per cent, to 64'85 per cent. lor natural ore. Ranging from 0'025 per cent, to 1-396 per cent, tor dried ore. Ranging from 30'77 per cent, to 64'88 per cent, for dried ore. 17598 2 B 2 196 UNITED STATES- 6. The proprietors of the deposits are usually poor farmers, and when ore is discovered on their lands they almost invariably put such a high value on them that their purchase cannot be made at remunerative prices. 7. The deposits have been worked in Virginia to a considerable extent, and the production for the five years ending 1901 was as follows : State. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. I'.Ml. Kentucky ... Tons. 12,464 Tons. 12,913 Tons. 35,384 Tons. . 56,057 Tons. 46,499 Maryland 11,500 5,941 3 ? 428 26,223 21,21, S Virginia and West Virginia 711,125 557,713 986,476 921,821 925,394 The exports of iron ore from these States is infinitesimal. 8. The ores in the States in this consular district are what are called pockety. There are a few continuous beds, but the deposits are uncertain in extent. 9. -A general characteristic of these ores is that they are too high in phosphorus for the production of Bessemer' steel. They are suited to making a foundry, forge, and basic pig iron, but not high enough in phosphorus, for the making of basic Bessemer metal. CHARLESTON. (Mr. Consul de Coetlocjon.) 1. Iron ore exists, and is somewhat widely distributed in the western counties of North and South Carolina, -Georgia, and also in the eastern parts of the State of Tennessee; the above named sections form parts of the Appalachian range of mountains, which extend southward into Alabama, the principal producer of iron in the Southern States. Tennessee is the most important State in this consular district producing iron and coal. In the Georgian iron district, near Altoona, situated between Chattanooga and Atlanta, iron ore is mined and forwarded from there to the blast furnaces in Tennessee and Alabama for treatment of the ore, there being no blasting facilities in operation at present in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, During the American civil war, iron was mined for the Confederate 'Government in South Carolina, in the county of Spartanburg, in the Piedmont section of that State. The principal iron mine in North Carolina is situated at Cranberry, in Mitchell County, at the terminus of the Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad. The ore body consists of an immense lens of magnetite. The ore is in irregular masses through the gangue, and is at times intimately associated with it in bands, the extent and thickness of which are variable, ranging from a few inches to more than fifty feet. Nearly all the iron produced in North Carolina during the years 1900 and 1901 was from this mine, which, however, was shut down during the greater part of The output in 1901 was about 2,500 tons, compared with 21,000 during the previous year of 1900. The only other mine producing iron in North Carolina in 1901 was the Potato Creek Mine, situated in the Piney Creek District, of Alleghany County, and it contains magnetic ore. There are also large iron deposits in Ashe County, North Carolina, which are reported to have been purchased by the Pennsylvania Iron Company, who are expected to begin extensive operations in the near future. The shutting down of the large blast furnace CHARLESTON. 197 of the Empire Steel and Iron Company, at Greensboro, North Carolina, two years ago, resulted in closing the mines in the eastern and central part of the State. This state of affairs was brought about by the competition of the Lake Superior iron ores, but it is believed this will not be permanent, .as the Lake Superior district is understood to be limited, and unless other sources in the neighbourhood are found to supply the demand, the ores of more distant districts will become available, and while at the present time the iron ores of North and South Carolina and Georgia are adding compara- tively little to the wealth of these States, they are, nevertheless, regarded .as representing reserved sources of supply which in time will be valuable. Some of the principal other iron localities of North Carolina for magnetite ores are in Granville, Stokes, Surry, Catawba, Ashe, and Mitchell Counties ; while the limonite ores are in Chatham, Gaston, and Cherokee Counties. Geologically speaking, the magnetite and haematite ores are confined almost exclusively to the crystalline rocks. Some limonites are also found in these rocks and in the Ocoee formation of Madison and Cherokee Counties. The history of iron mining in North Carolina dates back to the year 1729, when small shipments of the ore were made to England, mined most likely from the bog ores near the coast. A bulletin of the iron ores of North Carolina, together with a map showing the distribution of the ores throughout the State, issued by the North Carolina Geological Survey for 1902, is herewith enclosed ; these documents give full particulars in regard to this matter, including analyses of ores, &c. Tennessee is the most important iron producing State in this consular district, as before mentioned ; there are twenty-two blast furnaces in the State, and the production of pig iron during the year 1901 was 337,139 tons, com- pared with 267,625 tons in 1890. The amount of iron ore produced in 1900 was 594,171 tons, compared with 473,294 tons in 1889. There are three varieties of iron ore found in the Tennessee iron districts, viz., brown ore, or limonite, red fossil ore, and the carbonate of iron. The brown ore is found in a belt fifty miles wide, west of Nashville, and extending from the Ohio river southward through Dickson, Hickman, and Wayne Counties, in the State of Tennessee, to Russellville in Alabama. This ore is found in pockets, or banks, some of which are extensive and others small. The best deposits of this ore, however, so far as has been .ascertained, are contiguous to the Cumberland and Mannie furnaces ; it also embraces the Nunnelly Banks in Hickman County, together with the Mannie Banks and Wayne Banks in Wayne County. When properly dressed these ores will average about fifty per cent, in metallic iron, about eight per cent, in siliceous matter, and a variable quantity of phosphorus, ranging from a quarter per cent, to one per cent. ; there being scarcely a trace of sulphur in any of them. It is probable that the deposits near Mannie furnace and southward through Wayne County contain as much iron ore within a limited area as any other deposits of brown -ore in the south. As much as twenty thousand tons has been mined from a single acre. The red fossil ore is found on the eastern side of Sequatchie Valley, Tennessee, at the foot of Walden's Bridge ; this ore has been mined for many years at Inman, and used in the South Pittsburg furnaces. While there appears to be an abundant quantity, the ore is low in metallic iron and very high in the carbonate of lime. The carbonate of iron called the spathic, or black band iron ore, occurs in a stratified deposit in contact with the mountain, or Bangor limestone, forming usually a layer between that and the lower conglomerate rock. This bed of ore has been met with on Crow Creek in Franklin County, in the borings at Tracey City, and also at Beersheba Springs. It is three feet and a half thick at the head of Hubbard's Cove, in the north-western part of Grundy 'County, its characteristics being lightness of colour, fineness of grain, and .a certain resemblance to an earth coloured limestone. 198 UNITED STATES This ore is undergoing, at all exposed points, a change from the carbonate to the limonite, or the oxide of iron. An analysis of this ore has been made by the Hon. Charles W. Hay -, United States Geologist, No. 1 being the unchanged carbonate, and No. 2 the oxvdized carbonate: Number 1. Number 2. Metallic iron ... 35-19 47-21 Silica 5'55 8-00 Carbonic acid 34-29 Phosphorus 14 20 The above shows that this ore compares favourably with other carbonates of iron found elsewhere, and that it would give good results in a furnace after roasting. 2. The nearest shipping ports to the iron ore sections in this district, as above described, capable of admitting ocean steamers, are Savannah and Brunswick, in Georgia, Port Royal and Charleston in South Carolina, and Wilmington in North Carolina; each of these ports is about four hundred miles from the ore deposits. 3. The only means of transporting the ore to the shipping ports would be by railway, and the last quoted railway rates were ten to twelve shillings per ton, equal in United States currency to about two and a half to three dollars per ton. 4. Negro labour is perhaps the principal kind, the cheapest and most available for mining purposes, all things considered, in this part of the country ; it is worth from a dollar to a dollar and a half per day. It might also be possible to obtain convict labour, at a cheaper rate, from the State in Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina, by making special contracts with the authorities for the same, rates perhaps depending to some extent on the number of hands wanted and period required. . Official analyses of these are given herewith, in this report (in answer to Question 1) and in the Bulletin No. 1 already referred to and transmitted separately. 6. The status of the proprietors of the ore lands varies greatly, some being rich and quite independent, but many holders are persons of moderate means, who would be willing to sell on reasonable terms. Much of the undeveloped ore land could be bought cheaply by careful purchasers, who, watching their opportunities and taking advantage of forced sales, could at times secure good bargains. Most of the leading real estate dealers in the towns of Atlanta, Georgia, Knoxville and Chattanooga, in Tennessee, and Asheville, in North Carolina, could put prospective buyers into communication with sellers of ore lands in their respective localities. 7 The deposits of iron ore in all the States of this district have been at some time worked, but the product of the Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia mines are used to meet local demands of the domestic American markets, practically none of it having been shipped abroad during the past five years, whilst foreign shipments of iron from Charleston (South Carolina) also from Savannah (Georgia) during this period have originated in nearly every case at Birmingham, Alabama. CHICAGO. 199 8. There are no especial obstacles in the way of successful mining in this district, except the competition of the important iron manufacturing estab- lishments around Birmingham, Alabama, and the other American competitors in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. 9. Full additional particulars with reference to the iron ore supplies will be found set forth in the enclosed map of the Tennessee iron and coal district, and in the north iron ore map and bulletin before mentioned, these documents having been prepared under the direction of the State Geologists in each case. CHICAGO. (Captain W. Wyndham, Consul.) 1. There are iron ore deposits in five States in this consular district. 2. Colorado, Wyoming, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin. The nearest port to the Colorado and Wyoming mines is San Francisco, a distance of over 500 miles, so that this field is entirely out of any shipping sphere, and can only be used for local requirements. The gulf ports are nearest to the Missouri field, but it is said to be too far to consider. A report from Mr. Vice-Consul Bascome, of St. Louis, is forwarded (see page 228). Large lake steamers load the Lake Superior iron ore from Minnesota and Wisconsin at ports from 40 to 100 miles from the mines, but no exports of ore have been made, and only the lake ports supplied. A map of Lake Superior region is annexed, which includes the Michigar iron ranges. It is impossible to report on this district without including the State of Michigan. "TV 3. No estimate can be given of the cost of transportation by lake to Quebec and Montreal, as no facilities are in use at those ports for the speedy unloading of ore. The railroad freight from mines to lake ports for loading varies from Is. 8d. to 4s. 2d. per ton. The lake freights vary from 2s. 6d. for 500 miles to 3s. 2d. for 985 miles. 4. The greater number of labourers employed in the Lake Superior mines consist of Finns, Austro-Hungarians and Italians. Many of these men own farms in the neighbourhood, and work on them in the summer when work is slack in the deep mines, or are lumbermen in the winter, working in the open pit mines during the summer season. In 1900 skilled labourers received 12s. a day, miners 8s. 7d., trammers 8s. 7d., labourers, both under- ground and surface, 8s. 2d. The cost of mining varies greatly in the mines of different systems of working. Hard ores cost 6s. 2d. per ton, and haematites 4s. l^d. ; shaft mining in the Mesabi Range 3s. Id., and open pit in the same district from Is. to Is. 3d. 5. Copies of analyses of ores are attached. (See below.) 200 UNITED STATES In addition to the price fixed by the demand the analysis is also taken into consideration, and the following table has been used since 1897. The price of base ore is fixed by market demand, and in 1901 was 17s. 6d. per ton. The base is an ideal ore of 63 per cent, iron, .045 per cent, phosphorus, and 10 per cent, moisture. After this calculation has been made the price is still varied by per cent, of iron, silica, &c. : Percentage of Phosphorus. Rate of change per Phosphorus value to price per ton accord- be added to or sub- ing to percentage tracted from base of Phosphorus. ore value. Price. 070 0200 3500 s. d. $ 16 0-988 = 3-9000 069 0195 3300 16 1-978 = 3-9200 068 0190 3105 16 2-9436= 3-9395 067 0185 2915 16 3-844 = 3-9585 066 0180 2730 16 4-8 = 3-9770 065 0175 2550 16 5-690 = 3-9950 064 0170 2375 16 6-555 = 4-0125 063 0165 2205 16 7-396 = 4-0295 062 0160 2040 16 8-214 = 4-0460 061 0155 1880 16 9-006 = 4-0620 060" 0150 1725 16 9-772 = 4-0775 059 0145 1575 16 10-514 = 4-0925 058 0140 1430 16 11-268 = 4-1070 057 0135 1290 16 11-925 = 4-1210 056 0130 1155 17 0-592 = 4-1345 055 0125 1025 17 1-286 = 4-1475 054 0120 0900 17 1-855 = 4-1600 053 0115 .0780 17 2-449 = 4-1720 05-2 0110 0665 17 3-018 = 4-1835 051 0105 0555 17 3-562 = 4-1945 050 0100 -0450 17 4-082 = 4-2050 049 0095 0350 17 4-576 = 4-2150 048 0090 0255 17 5-047 = 4-2245 047 008JJ 0165 17 5-602 = 4-2335 046 0080 oo&o 17 5-912 = 4-2420 045 oooo oooo 176'308 = 4'250O 044 0080 ooso 17 6T04 = 4-2580 043 0085 0165 17 7-125 = 4-2665 042 0090 0255 17 7-447 = 4-2755 041 0095 0350 17 7-916 =* 4-2850 040 0100 0450 17 8-517 = 4-2950 NOTE. Exchange at $4-85 to . CHICAGO. 201 Percentage of Phosphorus. Rate of change per price per ton accord- ing to percentage of Phosphorus. Phosphorus value to be added to or sub- tracted from base ore value. Price. i s. d. $ 039 0105 0555 17 9-055 = 4-3055 038 0110 0665 17 9-600 = 4-3165 037 0115 0780 17 10-044 = 4-3280 036 0120 0900 17 10-761 = 4-3400 035 0125 1025 17 11-380 = 4-3525 034 0130 1155 17 11-800 = 4-3655 033 0135 1290 18 0-692 = 4-3790 032 0140 1430 18 1-384 = 4-3930 031 0145 1575 18 2-102 = 4-4075 030 0150 1725 18 2-845 = 4-4225 029 0155 1880 18 3-612 = 4-4380 028 0160 2024 18 4-401 = 4-4540 027 0165 2205 18 5-260 = 4-4705 026 0170 2375 18 6-061 = 4-4875 025 0175 2550 18 6-927 = 4-5050- 024 0180 2730 18 7-813 = 4-5230 023 0185 2915 18 8-783 = 4-5415 022 0190 3105 18 9-673 = 4-5605 021 0195 3300 18 10-638 = 4-5800 020 0200 3500 18 11-628 = 4-6000 019 0205 3705 19 0-643 = 4-6205 018 0210 3915 19 1-682 = 4-6415 017 0215 4130 19 2-745 = 4-6630 016 0220 4350 19 3-884 = 4-6850 015 0225 4575 19 4-947 = 4-7075 014 0230 4805 19 6-088 = 4-7305 013 0235 5040 19 7-249 = 4-7540 012 0240 5280 19 8-436 = 4-7780 Oil 0245 5525 19 9-649 = 4-8025 010 0250 5775 19 10-886 = 4-8275 009 0255 6030 20 0-148 = 4-8530 008 0260 6290 20 1-434 = 4-8790 007 0265 6555 20 2-746 = 4-9055 006 0270 6825 20 4-082 = 4-9325 005 0275 7100 20 5-443 = 4-9600 NOTE. Exchange at $4*85 to . 17598 2 C 202 UNITED STATES Analyses, and Prices of Base Ore, 1895 to 1902 inclusive. Year. Irou. Phosphorus. Moisture. Natural. Price at Lake Erie. 1895 63-25 045 9-00 57-56 $ s. d. 2-90=11 114 1896 63-00 045 9-75 56-58 4-00=16 6 1897 63-00 045 10-00 56-70 2-60=10 8| 1898 63-00 045 10-00 56-70 2-75=11 4 1899 63-00 045 10-00 56-70 2-95=12 2 1900 63-00 045 10-00 56-70 5-50=22 8 1901 63-00 045 10-00 56-70 4-25=17 6 1902 63-00 045 10-00 56-70 4-25=17 6 Cargo Analyses of Gogebic Range Ores, 1899 and 1901. The upper figures, analysis when dried at 212 F.; lower natural. Name of Ore. 1 S3 2 H- 1 c6 O Phosphorus. Manganese. Alumina. CD S 3 Magnesia. Sulphur. Loss by ignition. Moisture. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. ; cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. c 63-00 045 f 1899 j \ 55-44 0396 12-00 Ashland (299,083), shaft . . < ( f 61-00 6-85 045 240 3-23 360 280 012 2-30 1901 ] / 54-29 6-09 -040 213 2-87 '320 249 010 2-047 11-00 r 63-00 5-80 048 90 97 25 17 005 3-02 tAnvil 1901 j 55-03 5-066 0419 786 847 218 148 004 2-637 12-65 f 52-00 5-80 050 10-00 97 25 17 005 3-02 _ Anvil, special (1,100) 1901 j 45-76 510 044 8'80 85 22 149 004 2-657 12-00 f 56-99 10-459 055 30 4-60 220 100 2-82 JArdale 1901 ] ( 51-02 9-364 049 268 4-118 196 089 2-524 10-469 f 62-77 4-16 043 1-04 111 19 105 015 _ f 1899 j I 55-243 3-661 0378 915 976 167 092 013 11-99 Atlantic < j f 61-88 048 I 1901 ] \ 55-28 042 10-66 ( 61-81 5-48 027 43 1-11 07 10 010 4-02 _ f 1899 j 55-72 4-94 024 39 1-00 063 09 009 3-62 9*86 J Aurora (234,249 tons ) . . < 1 f 62-73 4-76 033 37 1-88 280 13 2-90 I 1901 j 55-23 4-19 029 325 1-65 246 114 2-55 11-952 ( 55-48 13-94 056 TOO 1'62 35 26 025 3-03 _ f 1899 j 48-28 12-13 048 87 1-40 30 22 021 2-63 12-98 Best < f 56-29 12-22 59 93 98 68 90 007 2-90 I 1901 ] ( 49-23 10-68 516 81 857 59 787 006 2-53 12-54 ( 53-45 11-04 027 5-11 1-40 14 rio 025 3-51 f 1899 j 47-37 9-78 024 4-52 1-24 12 97 022 3-11 11-37 tBonnie < 1 ( 50-23 12-57 038 6-01 1-69 17 70 019 4-58 1901 ] \ 45-207 11-31 034 5-409 1-52 15 63 017 4-12 10-00 ( 63-03 7-04 029 405 756 40 046 009 1-150 _ Brotherton (105,000) ..< 1899 ] 56-27 6-292 026 362 676 358 041 008 1-03 1073 1 MO ( 62-50 7-35 028 35 1-00 20 04 010 1-15 I 56-25 6-615 025 315 90 180 036 009 1-035 10-00 * Worked by Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company. t Newport Mining Company owns Anvil and Newport, latter 4 ores, 213,588 tons in 1901. j Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch of the United States Steel Corporation. CHICAGO. 203 Gogebic Range continued. Name of Ore. I n o c i 00 Phosphorus. Manganese. Alumina. rf a a Magnesia. Sulphur. LOBS by Ignition. Moisture. Per Per Per For Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 58-29 10-50 059 43 1-97 14 46 025 2-66 f 1 50-94 9-17 052 38 172 12 40 022 2-23 12-61 Buckeye ( ( 1901 ] 58-14 10-50 084 43 2-02 14 46 025 1 51-17 9-24 074 38 1-88 12 41 022 12-00 e 5779 4-54 057 3-97 77 18 10 005 575 _ ( 1899] \ ( 52-23 4-103 051 3-588 695 162 090 004 5196 9-62- Gary Empire .. ,.< 1 c 58-46 4-75 059 3-02 97 12 14 012 5-64 1901 ] ( 52-555 4-270 053 2715 872 107 125 0108 5-0704 10-10 ( 57-66 3-61 064 6-12 1-345 34 28 009 6-94 _ f 1899] 51-89 3-25 0,58 5-51 1-211 31 25 0081 6-25 10-00 Colby, No. 1 < I ( 56700 3-200 066 6-820 880 160 400 006 2-200 ^ 1901 ] ( 51-585 2-911 060 6-204 800 145 363 005 2-201 9-02C r 60-37 3-74 092 2-80 1-28 17 23 006 4-60 f 1899] ( 54-94 3-40 084 2-55 116 15 21 005 4-19 9-00 Colby, No. 2 -< I ( 60-600 4-000 080 2-250 1-100 170 470 008 2-150 ^ 1901 ] I 54-661 3-608 072 2*029 992 153 423 007 1-939 9-800 ( 64-300 2720 039 260 1-020 160 210 006 1-900 _ Colby Bessemer . . 1901] I 57-857 2-447 035 233 917 143 188 005 1709 10-020- 1 oon J 53-65 8-14 053 7-22 86 21 217 019 3-13 - Cass 1899 < 47-335 7-41 0467 6'67 75 18 1-91 016 276 1177 ( 62-370 0723 _ _ _ Day 1899] 55-806 0646 10-524 ( 63-287 0736 756 _ _ _ _ Fairfax 1899] 54-677 - 0635 6531 13-604 ( 64-23 6-68 117 19 _ Globe 1899] I 56-522 3-878 1029 1672 12-00 ( 59-30 10-10 049 36 1-23 25 09 015 270 _ Hennepin .. .. 1901 < 53-42 9-099 044 32 1-108 225 081 0135 2-43 9-91 ( 60-66 8-35 045 35 1-60 18 13 on 2-40 _ Iron Belt < 1899] 53-59 7-38 040 31 1-41 16 11 010 2-12 11-66 1 ( 60-50 875 045 36 1-50 35 39 030 3-90 i 1901 ] 53-32 771 040 32 1-32 31 34 027 3-40 11-86 ( 61-120 6700 051 920 1-400 360 120 004 2-900 Ironton 1901] 54-641 5'989 045 822 1-251 321 107 003 2-592 10-600 f 52-90 035 _ Jack Pot (22,000) .. 1901] 46-05 030 - - - - - 12-95 ( 61-83 5'90 040 57 1-38 15 13 020 3-30 Ij3'wr6nc6 t f 9 9 s 1899] 55-61 5-31 057 51 1-24 13 12 018 2-97 10-06 ( 62-21 4-62 055 30 1-34 19 11 018 3'98 I 1901] 55-44 4-12 049 27 1-20 17 10 016 3'55 10-37 ( 58-44 _ 048 Lyon .. .. .. . . 1901] 53-31 0447 877 ( 62-19 472 0302 91 96 16 09 018 3-86 / 1899 ] 55-025 4-17 0267 80 84 14 07 015 3-41 11-52 rJjlelrose . . . \ ( 62-00 5-35 040 95 1-08 17 13 on 3-31 i 1901 ] V 55-40 478 0357 848 964 15 116 0098 2-957 10-65 f 62-00 5'15 070 1-08 17 13 on 3-31 Melrose, No. 2 1901 1 55-40 4'60 062 - 964 15 116 0098 2-957 10-65 f 60-100 8700 039 560 900 620 090 004 2-260 - Meteor (35,563 tons) 1901] 53-639 7-764 034 499 803 553 080 003 2-017 10750 ( -)6-35 15-05 138 35 rio 24 17 010 2-30 f 1899] 48-6582 12-9957 1192 , 3022 9499 2072 1468 0086 1-9861 13-65 JMikado (76,116) .. ..< I ( 57-29 I 13-90 151 32 1-01 42 18 on T55 1901] 50-3121 12-207U 1320 2810 8870 3388 15S1 0097 1-3612 12-18 * Corri^an, M'Kenney, and Company, owners, are doing large explorations, t Newport Mining Company owns Anvil and Newport, latter 4 ores 213.588 tons in 1901. J Owned by Verona Mining Company, and operated by Palkands, Mather, and Company. NOTE. Ironton, Puritan, and Winona, output 19,229 tons. 17598 2 C 2 204 UNITED STATES Gogebic Range continued. Name of Ore. c8 d 2 M | 33 Phosphorus. Manganese 1 Alumina. 6 3 Magnesia Sulphur Loss by Ignition. 1 Moisture. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. ( 65-42 3-14 041 84 71 13 12 017 3-34 j L899 j 60-09 2-88 038 77 65 12 11 016 3-07 8-14 Montreal < 1 ( 62-86 4-47 045 43 1-18 20 13 012 1901 j 56-15 3-99 040 38 1-05 18 12 on 10-68 ( 48-00 11-02 055 10-00 _ New Davis 1901 } I 44-16 10-14 051 9-20 8-00 t 57-105 11-40 0285 1-41 1-24 19 10 Oil 5'06 _ f 1899} 1 I 50-44 10-06 0251 1-24 1-09 16 08 009 4'54 10-12 tNewEra < I ( 58-00 10-05 035 90 1-23 26 14 on 4-41 I 1901] 51-27 8-883 0309 795 1-087 229 12 0097 3-897 11-61 ( 58-00 10-05 075 90 1-23 26 14 on 4'41 tNewEra, No. 2 .. 1901 j 51-27 8-88 066 795 1-087 229 12 0097 3-897 11-61 ( 53-702 5-63 0392 7-66 1-12 17 14 009 5-06 _ f 1899 j \ 48-267 5-06 0352 6-88 1-00 15 12 008 4-54 10-12 fNewport < ( 53-23 6'24 041 8-12 81 22 18 008 5-15 i 1901 j 47-60 5-58 0366 7-26 72 196 16 007 4-60 10-57 ( 62-597 0420 _ _ _ JNorrie (625,391 tons, J 1899 j 56-4736 0376 - - - - - - 10-298 shaft) "S ( 63-425 3-994 0405 400 1-90 320 120 _ 2-600 t 1901 ] 56-5662 3-5620 03612 3567 1-694 2853 1070 2-318 10-814 ( 63-995 2-992 0804 350 1-48 240 090 3-30 _ JNorrie Norden 1901 j 57-8124 2-7029 07263 3161 1-337 2168 0813 2-981 9-661 ( 58-268 10-025 0362 310 3-43 220 100 2-66 _ Nordale 1901 j 52-255 9-0147 03246 2780 3-076 1972 0896 2-385 10-319 ( 62-58 5-50 048 41 1-20 09 08 004 _ North Vein 1899 \ I 56-26 4-94 043 37 1-08 08 07 004 10-10 ( 58-10 6-14 067 2-72 1-58 05 16 005 4-74 Ottawa 1901 1 52-00 5'50 060 2-43 1-41 04 14 004 4'24 10-50 f 54-95 4'25 074 6'29 1-01 15 21 031 6-50 _ Ottawa Manganese 1901 ] 49-18 3-80 066 5-63 91 13 18 028 5-81 10-50 ( 61-856 5-28 0556 90 1-31 17 12 012 3-26 1899 j 52-633 4-49 : 047 76 1-11 14 10 010 2-77 14-91 ( 57-200 6-200 038 4-020 1-400 420 120 006 2-900 _ Puritan 1901 50-679 5-493 033 3-561 1-240 372 106 005 2-569 11-400 ( 62-340 0460 3-610 _ _ / 1899] 54-7968 0404 3-1731 12-100 *||Rand 4 f 63-43 2-58 0397 1-99 1-22 47 35 2-83 1 1901 55-361 2-251 0346 1-736 1-064 410 305 2-470 12-72 f 57-00 11-25 040 90 70 23 19 02 2-75 Rowe 1901 < 49-59 9-787 0348 78 609 20 165 017 2-39 13-00 | 63-00 7-00 030 32 1-34 16 06 006 59 1899' 1 56-07 6-23 0267 285 1-193 143 054 005 53 11-00 Sunday Lake (89,997) ..< i 62-50 7-10 028 30 95 25 05 010 1-04 1901' i 56-25 6-390 0252 270 855 225 045 009 936 10-00 62-00 065 - - - - - 1899 54-56 0572 _ _ 12-00 Taylor < 58-00 8-40 052 230 3-52 260 150 014 3-20 1901 52-20 7-56 0468 207 3-168 234 135 0126 2'88 10-00 62-737 0476 784 - - - - - 1899 54-238 0411 6777 13-546 IITilden (421,316 tons) 63-88 2-99 0497 77 1-29 53 37 2-68 1809 55-505 2-598 0438 669 1-120 460 321 2-328 13-11 Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch of the United States Steel Corporation. t Newport Mining Company owns Anvil and Newport, latter 4 ores. 213,588 tons in 1901. + Ore from Norrie and East Norrie, 025,391 tons, from Pabst Mine, 177,581. Corrigan, MKinney, and Company, owners, are doing large explorations. II All from Tilden Mine. CHICAGO. 205 Gogebic Range continued. 1 o OJ < ] .i e o Name of Ore. A a 8 bo I B a f a 1 d o < d D 3 1 cs a iJf 'o IH E -H DO S * 15 3 1 3 M 2 Per Per Per Per Per Per Per P<;r Per Per cent. cenl. cent cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. f 62-358 0400 1-678 . _, tTilden, No. 8 1899 j 54-139 0347 1-456 13-179 ( 63-82 3-00 0756 76 1-30 5b 44 2-59 _ tTilden Norden .. 1901 1 55-293 2-599 0654 658 1-126 485 381 2-243 13-36 f 57-200 8-000 046 2180 900 210 090 006 2-180 JWinona 1901 j 51-036 7-152 041 1-948 804 187 080 005 1-948 10-600 Chicago - 55-00 - 075 - - - - - - - Royal (underground ) openings) J Genevia . . Salisbury (181,019).. 1901 - - - - - - - - - - * Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch of the United States Steel Corporation. t All from Tilden Mine. t Corrigan, MKinney, and Company, owners, are doing large explorations. Worked by Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company. Cargo Analyses of Menominee Range Ores, 1899 and 1901. Name of Ore. i o E i l .i 02 Phosphorus. Manganese. Alumina. 1 13 Magnesia. Sulphur. Loss by Ignition. Moisture. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent ( 52-17 11-14 0607 86 2-22 1-56 470 022 3-94 f 1899] \ I 48-612 10-38 0565 80 2-06 1-45 4-37 020 3-67 6-82 tAjax < f 5210 14-60 0575 4272 176 1-55 3-34 005 270 ^ 1901 ] ( 48-677 13-640 0537 3991 1-644 1-448 3120 0046 2-522 6-67 jf 55-64 6-84 218 29 2-95 2-05 1-92 015 5-30 Amasa 1899] ' 53-6982 6-6013 2104 2799 2-8470 1-9785 1-8530 0146 51150 3*49 ( 58700 6-950 226 200 1180 2-190 1-020 004 3-100 _ jArmenia (23,983) .. 1901 j 52-653 6-234 202 179 1-058 1-964 914 003 2780 10-300 f 60-58 6-18 055 078 2-48 84 62 22 2-42 _ Atfleld 1901 ] [ 54-402 5-549 0493 0700 2-227 754 556 197 2173 10-197 f 59-91 4-47 120 22 2-52 1-20 1-97 100 _ Badger 1899] ( 54-39 4-06 100 20 2-29 1-09 179 091 9-22 SBaltic (27,871, large body ) of ore) ) 1901 1 59-35 53-9195 379 3-4432 456 4143 26 2362 3-13 2-8436 39 3543 43 3907 052 0472 5-55 5-0422 9-15 ( 59-00 6-50 46 23 1-99 61 90 050 4-15 _ Bangor 1901 j 51-92 572 40 20 175 536 79 044 3-65 12-00 e 58-57 8-15 074 129 2-68 924 67 234 310 Barfleld 1901] 1 52-363 7-286 0661 1153 2-396 8260 599 2092 2771 10-597 f 59-828 530 _ _ __ f 1899] ( 56-4752 5002 5-604 Barton 4. c 59-09 471 416 640 2-32 66 533 035 5'50 ^ 1901 ( 56-460 4-500 3974 6115 2-216 630 5092 033 5-255 4-45 f 56-880 4-140 360 4-900 1-650 2-200 1-180 006 2-900 __ 1901] 52-557 3-825 332 4-527 1-524 2-032 1-090 005 2-679 7-800 ( 50-00 6-10 738 2-69 3-34 377 1-97 033 7-95 f 1899 j 46-09 5-62 680 2-48 3-08 3-48 1-82 030 7-33 7'82 IIBristol < ( 5670 5-24 496 94 1-83 1-54 50 022 672 ( 1901 ] 52-45 4-85 458 87 1-69 1-42 46 020 6-21 7-50 Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch of the United States Steel Corporation. t 1901 production, 927,747, Chapin Mine. t Corrigan, M'Kinney, and Company, owners, are doing large explorations. Owned by Verona Mining Company, and operated by Palkands.Mather, and Company. || Bristol Mining Company owns the Bristol, producing two ores, Bristol and Manganate, 41,600, and Beaufort. 206 UNITED STATES Menominee Range continued. Name of Ore. | d o E 1 1 1 a; I s JS PH S Alumina. 1 3 Magnesia. Sulphur. d 4 So bo Moisture. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. ( 57-81 4'86 520 250 3-10 1-37 853 016 4'44 _ Brunswick 1901 ] I 50-820 4-272 4571 2197 2725 1-204 7498 0140 3-903 12-09 ( 52-00 10-26 190 30 3-95 175 4-87 130 3-68 Cedar 1899] I 47-59 9-39 170 27 3'61 1-60 4'46 119 3-37 8-49 ( 58-13 6-20 065 54 1-41 1-235 3-565 019 3-22 / 1899 \ 54-08 576 060 485 1-31 1-145 3-31 017 3-00 6-96 "tChapin (shaft) .. ..< ( 59-30 6-25 0615 4124 1-17 1-34 2-87 004 255 _ [ 1901 ] I 55-368 5-835 0574 3850 1-092 1-251 2-679 0037 2-380 6-63 ( 5918 6-13 047 067 2-37 1-48 69 495 3-43 Clearfleld 1901 ] ( 52-377 5-425 0415 0592 2097 T309 610 4380 3-035 11-495 f 41-01 39-10 014 09 97 49 29 003 45 ( 1899] ^Clifford (63,155, Traders'] 39-96 38-10 0136 087 945 48 28 0029 44 2'55 Mine) ~\ ( 41-00 3979 012 12 81 2) 09 010 68 I 1901 ] I 39-85 38-67 012 12 79 19 09 009 66 2-82 r 60">0 5-10 52 23 1-99 61 90 050 4-15 Columbia, No. 1 .. 1899] 53-28 4-52 461 20 176 54 79 044 3'68 11-20 ( 54-48 12-15 46 21 1-95 1-20 65 049 2-56 Columbia, No. 2 .. 1899] \ 48-378 1078 408 18 173 1-09 57 043 2-27 11-20 f 58-40 4-09 71 31 1-40 2'62 2-02 007 3-51 f 1899] \ 53-84 377 655 '29 1'29 2'42 1-83 OD8 3-24 ?80 Crystal Falls (232,294 tonsX , 58-650 4-270 772 380 1-820 2-600 1-060 006 2-200 I 1901] 53-606 3-902 705 347 1-663 2'376 968 005 2-010 8-600- ( 56-03 7-64 180 24 3-43 1-27 2'89 080 5-00 _ Davidson (78,000, Common- | 1899] 5078 6-92 163 22 3-11 1-15 2-62 073 4-53 9-37 wealth Mine ; also own-' 2,000 acres near) . . . . 1 ( 56-06 7-29 130 35 376 1-08 2-85 120 _ I 1901 j 49-89 6'49 116 31 3-35 96 2-50 106 11-00 ( 41-50 38-08 021 08 33 60 85 02 66 Davy 1901 ] I 41-08 37-699 0207 079 326 59 84 019 65 TOO ( 66-02 4-85 325 38 2-83 170 2'50 125 5-44 _ ( 1899] 51-459 4-45 298 34 2-62 1-56 2-29 114 4'99 8-14 Florence < ] ( 55-00 6-05 292 50 3-95 2-30 3-34 11 5-23 I 1901 ] 1 49-87 5-486 264 45 3-58 2-08 3-028 099 474 9-32. i .Hi i 61-52 4-60 061 23 1-53 36 1-63 015 2-30 - 1 1899 \ 56-64 4-23 056 21 1-41 33 1-50 014 212 ?93 IIGranada (shaft) ..' ..< \ ( 6075 5-35 0605 153 1-39 98 3-17 019 2'17 I. 1901 j 56-029 4-934 0557 1411 1-281 903 2-923 0175 2-001 777 . Gray (Cundy Mine, 178,855 ) tons) ) 1901] 43-91 43-466 23-88 23-638 038 0376 53 524 1-91 1-890 062 0613 470 4-652 1-01 ( 60-40 5-80 385 61 1-21 2-24 1-65 009 2-43 _ / 1899] 55-39 5-32 353 56 1-11 2-05 T51 008 2-23 8-30 JGreat Western (108,442) ..< 1 ( 59-040 6-800 327 900 1-760 2-180 960 007 2-970 1901 j 53-903 6-208 298 821 1-606 1-990 876 006 2711 8700' ( 52-030 10-870 046 1-370 2700 6-200 4720 008 3-260 _ {Groveland, No. 1 . . 1901] 48-700 10-174 043 1-282 2-527 5-803 4-417 007 3-051 6-400' ( 51-100 19-070 058 1-530 3-090 2-850 4-680 018 6-300 Groveland, No. 2 (13,649) . . 1901 ] \ 47-913 17-887 054 1-435 2-898 2-673 4-389 016 5-909 6-200- 1 QQQ ) 5872 570 272 20 2-66 1-92 1-55 006 2-95 - 1 Lovy < 56-4064 5-4754 2613 1921 2-5552 1-8444 1-4889 0058 2-8338 3-94 Hemlock 4, ( 55-97 614 257 32 2-88 2-36 1-89 012 4-50 i 1901 ] 53-3450 5-8520 2449 3050 2-7449 2-2493 1-8014 004 4-2890 4-69 Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch of the United States Steel '. Corporation. t 1901 production, 927,747, Chapin Mine. t Owned by Kepublic Iron and Steel Company, who also have extensive properties on Mesabi and Menominee Range*. Corrigan, M'Kinney, and Company, owners, are doing large explorations. II 1901 production, 466,086, Aragon Mine Shaft. CHICAGO. 207 Menominee Range continued. 3 Name of Ore. O f. I 1 c* 1 3 J 8 e3 p .2 s a E 6C o. ;; ;, .3 O g M E PH i 3 t 1 o a Per Per Per Pei- Per Per Pei- .fer Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Hiawatha (20,000, Victor ) 1901 < 57-34 7-08 184 46 1-60 328 28 017 Schlitz Mining Company i 53-326 6-584 1711 42 1-488 3020 2604 0158 - TOO Hope (underground open- j 1901 ] 59*00 8-00 325 - - - - - - - ings) j 51-920 7-040 2860 - - - - - - 12-00 ( 40-64 37-42 046 20 90 1-35 TOO 006 _ ( 1899] I 39-46 36-33 045 19 87 1'31 97 0058 2-90 Keel Ridge < 1 ( 40-64 37-42 046 "M 90 1-35 I'OO 006 1901 ] I 39-46 36-33 015 19 87 1-31 97 006 2-90 r 57-200 4-300 660 210 1-600 2-600 1-800 006 3-020 _ Kimball 1901 ] ( 52-624 3-956 607 193 1-472 3-392 1-656 005 2-778 8-000 ( 58-10 4-31 673 35 1-25 1-92 2-34 009 3'60 ( 1899 j 53-39 3-96 618 32 1-15 1-76 2-15 008 3-31 810 tLamont . . . . . . K f 57-600 4-150 720 580 1-240 2-610 1-100 006 2-100 1 1901 j 52-704 3-797 658 530 1-134 2-388 1-006 005 1-912 8-500 ( 61-65 5'22 0853 131 1-36 92 2'25 015 2-08 ILevida 1901 ] I 56-810 4-810 0786 1207 1-253 847 2-073 0138 T916 7-85 1 OGQ ) 60-20 5-05 290 66 1-67 2-29 2-35 010 2-95 - f loco < 55-38 4'65 267 61 1-54 2-11 216 0092 2-71 8-00 tLincoln (14,976) .. ..< ( 58-800 6-900 340 660 1-800 1-600 1180 008 2-720 i 1901 ] 1 54-037 6-341 312 606 1-654 1-470 1-084 007 2-499 8-100 f 57-067 13-20 0205 20 2-12 32 57 062 1-59 f 1899 j 52-09 12-04 0187 18 1'93 29 52 056 1-45 872 SLoretto < ( 59-00 11-16 022 17 Ml 43 70 023 79 [^ 1901 ] I 53-60 10-139 0199 15 1-55 39 636 0208 717 914 ( 50-00 4-45 626 4-82 2-50 2-53 2'73 021 7-98 r 1899 j IManganate < ( 47-70 51-55 4-24 6-05 597 550 4-60 3-30 2-38 2-78 2-41 2-08 2-60 1'60 020 042 7'61 7'34 4-61 1 1901 ] 1 4773 5-60 509 3-06 2-57 1-93 1-48 038 6-80 7-41 Michigan, No. 1 (under- ] ground openings) .. ) 1901 j 57-50 53-762 4-50 4-207 225 2103 : : 6-60 f 53-50 7-50 325 _ _ Michigan, No. 2 .. 1901 j 48-685 6-825 2957 - - 9-00 Millie (12,133, Dessau Com- 1 1899] 63-705 2-97 0275 12 94 114 1-49 008 2-12 pany) ) 60-092 2-80 0259 11 88 1-07 1-40 007 1-99 5-67 Monongahela non-Besse- ) mer (2,397, closed) .. J 1901 j 52-33 47-25 15-59 14-08 109 098 23 21 3'84 3-47 29 26 50 45 020 018 3-50 316 9'70 ( 62-72 4'35 071 22 1-25 65 2'24 03 1-65 _ Nimick 1899 j 57-71 4-00 065 20 115 60 2-06 027 1-52 7-99 ( 57-400 6100 660 400 1-900 1-960 1-410 008 3-600 tPaint River 1901 j 51-086 5-429 587 356 1-694 1-774 1-254 007 3-204 n-ooo ( 63-21 5-48 009 11 1-04 86 1-12 003 1-20 t 1899] \ 58-7853 5-0964 0084 1023 9672 7998 1-0416 0028 11160 7'00 'TPewabie < ( 64-37 4'75 012 13 99 57 1-22 001 1-03 _ [ 1901] ( 59-3491 4-3795 0110 1199 9128 5225 11248 0009 9497 7-80 ( 45-97 32-40 009 09 T30 79 1-08 002 1-24 ( 1899 \ I 43-5566 30-699 0085 0853 1-2318 7485 1-0233 0019 11749 5-25 TPewabie Genoa .. ..< ( 43-21 30-69 010 10 1-62 72 T37 005 1-29 I 1901 I 40-6520 28-8732 0094 0941 1-5241 6774 1-2889 0047 1-2136 5'92 ( 49-61 27-80 028 27 56 82 48 010 2'40 tQuinnesec 1899 48-53 27-19 027 26 54 80 47 010 2-35 2-18 Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch of the United States Steel Corporation. t Corrigan, M*Kinney, and Company, owners, are doing large explorations. J 1901 production, 466,086, Aragon Mine Shaft. Loretto Mining Company, produces three ores, 80,000 tons H Bristol Mining Company owns the Bristol, producing two ores, Bristol and Manganate, 41,600, and Beaufort. T Pewabie Mining Company 507 786 tons of five grades. 208 UNITED STATES Menominee Range continued. CO 1 Name of Ore. 4 2 o a II CP 1 1 d n a 1901 60-00 055 derground openings) . . ; Dober (59.972 ; large strip- ] ping contracts let) . . j 1901 59-00 - 495 - - - - - - - Riverton (59,888) .. 1901 57-00 - 495 - - Gibson (underground ] openings) j I Athens ..} Verona Mine ( 1901 60-00 - - - - - Madrid ..! < 14 ' 115 > "i 1901 63-00 - 020 - - - - - ICaspian (shaft sinking . . - - - - - - ' tDunn (shaft sinking) 1901 58-00 - - - Comrade Ore.. 56-00 112 Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch of the United States Steel Corporation. t Loretto Mining Company produces three ores, 80,000 tons. j Corrigan, M'Kinney, and Company, owners, are doing large explorations. Pewabie Mining Company, 507,786 tons of five grades. I Owned by Verona Mining Company, and operated by Palkands, Mather, and Company. NOTE. Volunteer Mine being explored, formerly productive. CHICAGO. 209 Cargo Analyses of Marquette Range Ores, 1899 and 1901. Q | cj ri Name of Ore. fi, 1 q a 1 c 3 c a fi c. i So o 53 .a c? J3 c3 7i o*~* ** 1 H -7. ^ * 3 * V. i3 S Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. - 1899 | 64-22 4'42 033 18 1-69 31 17 014 I ( 62-653 4-3121 0321 1756 1-6487 3024 1658 0136 2-44 fAbbotsford < | ( 62-88 030 13 1-59 112 151 33 I. im] ( 62-053 7'312 0296 128 1-569 1105 149 325 1-315 1 WOO ' 63-74 3'39 052 35 1-8P 31 20 020 - - 1 ioyy \ 5o-485 2-9509 oira 3046 1-5930 2698 1741 0174 _ 12-95 *tAlford < | 63-70 5-86 048 26 1-64 149 169 1-05 ^ 56-851 5-229 0428 232 1-463 1329 1508 937 10-751 1 QQQ / 66-71 219 016 11 1-47 10 05 013 66 - 1 ioyy \ 63-327 2-0789 0151 1044 1-3954 0949 0474 0123 6265 5-07 Angeline Hard . . . . < 1 ( 67-41 on I 1901 \ I 63-65 010 5-57 t 67-18 014 _ AngeHnt Hard, No. IB . . 1901] ( 64-49 013 4-00 ( 64-40 4-05 045 32 1-31 15 09 012 201 . f 1899 57'7539 3-632 0403 2869 1-1748 1345 0807 D107 1-8025 10-32 Angeline Hematite.. ..< 1 I 65-13 041 i 1901 i I 57-85 036 11-17 ( 62-17 5-04 099 40 1-56 18 12 025 3-40 f 1899] 54-672 4-4321 0870 3517 1-3718 1582 1055 0219 2-9899 12-06 Angeline South . . . . < ( 6170 6-85 079 32 1-52 25 13 022 3-67 _ [ 1901 ] 54-94 6-10 070 28 1-35 22 12 020 3-27 10-96 ( 61-47 9-97 020 _ _ _ 'Averhart (see Hartford) . . 1901 j 59-472 9-645 0193 - - - - 3-25 ( 42-43 33-46 040 _ _ Barrow 1901] 38-90 30-68 037 - - 8-31 IBeaufort (11,682; sold to") Eoger Brown and Com- f pany but still worked I by Bristol Company); 1901 1 52-00 47-94 5-07 4-68 257 237 24 22 98 90 3-42 3'15 2-63 2-43 086 079 11-68 10-77 7-79 ( 53-47 12-07 432 1901 { I 51-732 11-677 4179 3'25 , 39-985 38-27 0332 22 1-28 13 16 028 2-29 - j 1899 j 38-853 37-18 0322 21 1-14 12 15 027 2-22 2-83 *Bell (see Winthrop) ..< ( 40-00 38-25 034 21 1-28 13 16 028 2-29 I 1901 39-09 37'38 033 20 1-25 127 156 027 2-238 2'26 / 59-05 8-84 122 52 1-49 41 31 027 - f 1899- 51-964 7-779 1073 4576 1-3112 3608 2728 0237 - 12-00 *fBedford . .. ..< ( 6016 7-80 140 61 1-28 335 519 3-28 '" 1901 j 53-301 6-910 1240 540 1-116 2968 4598 - 2-906 11-40 ' r 63-61 4-88 105 39 2-57 43 43 013 - - f 1899 j 62-8721 4-8233 1037 3854 2-5401 425 425 0128 - I'M *tBeresord < ( 63-47 4-97 106 13 2-48 298 432 43 - I 1901 63-081 4-939 1053 129 2-464 2961 4293 - 427 612 ( 64-60 3-51 107 13 2-22 335 378 40 - fBeresford Lump . . 1901 j 64-240 3-490 1064 129 2-207 3331 3758 - 397 556 r 58-02 9-05 075 Bernhart (see Hartford).. 1901 1 53-993 8-412 0697 - - - - - - 6'94 ( 51-00 22-04 050 12 2-10 28 12 016 ga Bigelow 1901 46-41 20-056 045 109 1-91 236 109 014 2-30 9-00 ( eo-078 Oo9 - - - - - - 1 1899 j 53-3013 0394 - - - - - - 12582 *Bulfalo > ( 61-65 b'05 099 309 2-74 94 817 091 1-979 I 1901 j 54-202 4-439 087 2716 2-409 826 7183 080 1-739 12-080 * Those marked are from mines Corporation, t Production worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the __ ___. . Production for 1901. 337,629. 17598 210 UNITED STATES- Marquette Range conti nued . Name of Ore. , c o E M - c3 x* S Manganese. Alumina. oi I Magnesia. Sulphur. .aS Moisture. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. ( 60-20 6-49 056 31 2-03 88 37 010 2-53 j 1899 \ 53-46 5-76 050 28 1-80 78 33 0089 2-25 11-20 fCambria (68,907) .. ..< 1 ( 60-41 6-64 053 98 2-63 90 '32 010 2-71 I 1901 I 53-698 5-90 047 87 2-337 80 28 0088 2-408 11-11 | 5971 7-10 610 42 1-25 2-50 52 004 1-81 - J 50-5803 6-0144 5167 3557 1-0588 2-1177 4404 0033 1-5332 15-29 ( 59-50 6-03 -668 718 1-513 rap 461 -010 1-97 1901 ] 50-66 5-13 -568 611 1-288 1-53 392 008 1-66 14-85 l 58-826 1162 . _ _ f 1899] 51-3627 1014 12-687 JCameo < l 60-41 6-64 053 98 2-63 90 32 010 2-71 I 1901] 53-698 5-90 047 87 2-337 80 28 0088 2-408 irii f 58-64 10-43 -094 36 2-87 40 40 020 _ ( 1899] \ 58-1356 10-3403 1 -0931 3569 2-8453 3965 3965 0198 86 *Castleford < 1 ( 56-90 13-80 087 13 2-75 279 447 52 I 1901 ] I 56-234 13-638 0859 128 2-717 2757 4417 - 513 1-170 f 64-00 4-55 060 20 2-38 32 29 013 _ _ f 1899] 63-44 4-51 0594 198 2-36 317 287 0128 88 Champion, No. 1 . . . . < 1 ( 64-03 4-55 060 20 2-38 32 29 013 I 1901 ] I 63-49 4-51 0595 198 2-36 317 288 0129 80 r 60-30 8-96 058 23 2-78 38 26 018 Champion B 1901] ( 59-73 8-87 0574 228 2-75 376 258 0178 95 Champion Hematite \ 1QA1 1 52-25 9-84 397 28 1-67 3-16 1-81 053 6'35 - (99,026) J IVJUJL ^ 47-76 8-99 363 256 1-53 2-89 1-65 048 5-30 8'60 ( 50-72 17-70 105 78 1-25 31 31 027 1 1899] 44-968 15-692 0930 6915 1-1082 2748 2748 0239 11-34 IChatford < j ( 50-96 21-10 114 31 1-35 186 169 3'39 - L 1901 ] 46-750 19-357 1045 284 1-238 1706 1550 3109 8-260 / 45-35 ' 28-54 061 33 1-75 89 65 009 1-78 Chester, No. 1 1901] 41-85 26-542 0567 3069 1-6275 8277 6045 0083 1-6554 6-95 Cheater, No. 2 (22,815 ; one ) million tons in sight) . . j 1901 j 40-80 38-72 36-16 33-809 030 02805 478 4469 1-422 1-3296 22 2057 25 2338 006 0056 2-12 1-982 6-50 ( 60-90 4-030 109 384 2-446 1-148 339 025 2-710 ICliffs Shaft (274,259) 1899] 60-00 3-970 107 378 2-410 1-131 1-319 024 2-670 1-47 , 61-90 ; 4-48 098 24 2-19 1-28 97 021 63 Cliffs Crushed (76,815) .. 1901] ( 61-24 4'43 0969 237 2-166 1-266 9fi9 0207 623 1-06 / 63-49 3-30 087 25 1-88 1-23 84 019 56 ICliffs Lump (468,333) 1901] ( 63-22 3-286 0866 218 1-872 1-224 836 0189 557 42 ( 56-51 11-11 126 073 3-817 27 70 037 2-70 f 1899] 1 I 55-89 10-99 124 072 3-775 26 69 036 2-67 1-09 Comrade < 1 i 55-10 12-36 112 106 415 561 1-98 025 1-29 I 1901 ] I 54-50 12-23 1107 1048 410 555 1-96 0217 1-275 1-09 f 47-01 29-91 020 _ _ _ Derhart 1901] ( 45-590 29-006 0193 - 3-02 / 59'38 9-17 04(5 14 2-48 39 41 017 1-77 Bast New York (31,626) .. 1901] ( 52-759 8-147 0408 12 2-20 346 36 015 1-57 11-15 f 52-70 12-890 281 161 1-004 1-027 1-218 018 7-470 1 1899] 1 I 47-95 11-730 255 148 913 934 1-108 016 6-797 9-00 imperia ' 1 ( 52-44 13-49 258 198 1-20 1-37 1-39 on 7-38 I 1901 ] 47-03 12-10 229 177 1-076 1-228 1-246 009 6-62 10-32 * Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch oi the United States Steel Corporation. 1 Owned by Eepublic Iron and Steel Companv, who also have extensive properties on Mesabi and Menominee Ranges. I Production for 1901, 337,629. Production for 1901, t'80,822 : Lake Superior Group, Hard Ore, Hematite, and Winthrop Mines. I Worked by Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company. CHICAGO. 211 Marguette Range continued. Name of Ore. i d O , 'A Phosphorus. Manganese. Alumina. 4 1 3 Magnesia. Sulphur. c Moisture. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. c 55-00 4-38 076 37 2-49 14 -11 022 373 Jackson Pit 7 . . 1899] 1-05 3-35 071 34 2-31 13 10 020 3'46 7'18 ( 43-50 055 3-50 _ _ Jackson South (38,721 1 jns [ taken from rock pile in J 1901 not working body of] 1899] ( 40-0417 42-50 29-60 0508 082 3-2473 2-82 1-65 14 07 018 3-50 7-50 ore) [ 1901] 18-9428 27-1225 0751 2-5840 1-5119 1283 0641 0165 3-2071 8-37 ( 59-90 6-010 100 443 2784 408 597 017 3-570 i 1899] 51-61 5178 08:5 381 2-398 351 514 014 3-075 13-84 Lake \ ( 5970 573 125 490 2-82 50 54 013 371 \ 1901] 51-90 4-981 1086 425 2-451 434 469 0113 3-225 13-07 r as-67 5-460 040 295 1-447 230 226 016 1-400 f 1899* | 5574 4779 035 258 1-266 201 197 014 1-225 12-46 Lake Bessemer . . . . < ( 64-03 5-26 040 230 1-25 260 130 on 1-50 ^ 1901] 56-48 4-64 035 203 1-10 229 114 009 1-32 1179 ( 62-55 5-14 077 37 2-22 28 09 on 2-40 ( 1899 55-61 457 068 33 1-97 25 080 010 2-13 irio Lillie (98,788) .. ..< ( 60-85 6-16 085 34 2-10 41 09 013 3-34 ^ 1901] 53-35 5-388 074 297 1-837 358 078 0110 2-92 12-52 ( 42-793 35-37 050 25 99 21 21 021 1-67 Marquette (closed) 1899] 40-251 33'26 047 23 93 19 19 019 1-57 5-94 ( 59-20 1170 104 19 2-23 84 1-01 025 150 - tMichigamme (30,996) 1901 58-45 11-54 102 187 2-20 829 997 024 148 1-26 Mitchell (old mine being) 901 \ 60-88 - 156 - explored) 5 53-88 188 - 11-50 ( 41-60 37-48 019 29 1-21 69 48 035 42 JMoore (strip) 1901 40-457 36-450 0184 282 i-w 671 466 034 408 2747 | 59-60 7'4 062 35 2-88 99 608 067 1-98 tNegaunee (269,838 tons) . . 1901 < 1 52-815 6-55 0549 310 2-552 877 5387 0593 1754 11-383 1 55-00 14-25 055 17 3-30 57 56 032 - - Norfolk " 1899' i 54-50 14-12 0544 168 3-27 56 55 0317 - 91 55-55 15-26 055 27 3-35 38 21 034 15 Norfolk Bessemer crushed 1901 54-91 15-08 0543 267 3-31 376 208 0336 148 1-15 57-17 13-91 126 27 3-08 38 21 034 15 Norfolk non - Bessemer not crushed 1901 56-51 1375 1245 267 3-04 370 208 0336 " '148 1-15 52-00 080 Peninsular 1899 47-84 _ 0736 - - - - 8-00 62-81 5-95 063 14 1-25 80 68 004 1-69 I 1899 53-6962 5-0866 0538 1196 1-0686 6839 5813 0034 1-4447 14-51 Princeton No. 1 .. < 64-40 2-30 047 43 1-37 1-05 93 021 1-60 - I. 1901 53-94 1-926 039 36 1-147 879 778- 017 134 16-24 61-63 8-50 109 24 1-21 70 54 005 2-60 1899 53-1065 7-3244 0939 2068 1-0426 6031 4653 0043 2-2404 13-83 Princeton No. 2 .. ..< fiO-27 770 124 57 1-50 65 518 016 1-98 - 1901 49-95 6-38 102 46 1-23 538 429 013 1-64 17-12 67-82 1-30 021 Trace 63 15 08 045 60 Republic special .. 1899 67-5148 1-294 0209 Trace 6271 1493 0796 0447 5973 45 65-50 4-00 046 - - Republic crushed 1901 64-84 3-960 0455 - -- - - - - 1-00 63-84 6-40 041 16 1-08 40 33 028 19 1899 63-150 6-330 0405 1582 1-0683 3953 3264 0276 1879 1-08 Republic Kingston.. ..< .62-62 7-21 ;045 12 1-42 42 30 027 31 1901 61-94 7-132 0445 118 1-404 415 296 0267 306 1-08 Owned by Republic Iron and Steel Company who also have extensive properties on Mesabi and Menominee Ranges. t Worked b ^ e ^ r e ^^ 1 ] ^ i ne8 O worked I by > the Oliver Mining Company, the mining branch of the United States Steel Corporation. *- \) a 17598 212 UNITED STATES Marquette Ran _ - - 112,000) ) tHartford (1901 3,220. Will ) _ be big producer) . . J Bessie (1901 output 805) . . 53-47 - 032 Maas Exploration.. .. Lake Aneeline and East") End Mine (486,617 tons : 1 _ high grade ore worked ( out) ; Fcxdale (4,526. Bird Iron ) Company) .. .. ) 1901 53-50 068 Worked by Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company. t Those marked are from mines worked by the Oliver Mining Company, the Mining branch of the United States Steel Corporation. CHICAGO. 213 Mesabi Range. Name of Ore. I a o H 00 o 2 -I 1 1 Alumina. id 3 Jt o E M Sulphur. Loss by Ignition. Moisture. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. t 63-80 3-00 034 41 1-17 12 05 002 3-74 ( 1899 ] \ 57-30 2-69 031 37 l'H5 11 ii4 0018 :! - 36 10-19 Adams . .. . . . { \ t 62-75 3-48 034 706 1-08 148 080 065 4-57 \ 1901 ] 56-719 3-154 0307 6381 976 1337 '((723 0587 4130 9-61 r 63-61 3-09 032 574 1-30 119 079 047 3-87 Adams Special 1901 57-497 2-793 0289 5188 1175 1075 0714 0124 3-498 9-61 t 59-93 4-09 069 662 2'29 130 088 073 6-79 Adams N o. 2 1901 50-940 3-476 0586 T627 1-.I46 1105 d7 18 0620 5-771 15'00 r 64-20 5-04 028 31 41 35 27 004 2-06 - ! 1899 1 59-26 4-65 020 29 38 32 25 004 1-90 7-70 Admiral s I 63-800 4-900 027 300 620 230 180 006 2-140 I li'Ol I 58-82:5 4-517 024 276 571 212 165 005 1-973 7-800 ( 60-53 5-70 057 1-07 1-03 20 10 013 4-73 _ Atlas 1901] 54-2228 5-1061 0511 9585 9227 1792 0896 0116 4-2371 10-42 ( 64-10 2-86 049 43 1-80 53 27 010 2-44 . Auburn 1899] 56-940 2-5405 0435 3820 1-5989 4708 2398 0089 2-1675 11-17 ( 6215 3-24 058 85 1-86 62 23 007 4-00 - . i 1899 ] 54-2383 2-8275 0506 7418 1-6232 5411 2007 0061 3-4908 12-73 Audrey < ( 61-66 4-20 054 54 2-30 38 20 002 4-16 _ i 1901 ] 53-311 3-631 0466 466 1-988 328 172 0017 3-956 13-54 ( 62-66 3-53 0794 34 1-92 20 13 015 3-90 / 1899] i 54-865 3-09 0695 29 1-68 17 10 013 3-27 12-44 Beaver .. . . .. ( 63-85 2-35 078 33 1-54 18 12 on 3-95 I 1901 ] 57-24 2106 0699 29 T38 16 107 0098 3-54 10-35 ( 63-56 3-00 038 49 95 12 07 006 3'41 - 1 1899] 58-4307 2-7579 0349 4504 8733 1103 0643 0055 31348 8-07 Biwabik .. .. ..< ! ( 63-55 3-10 038 45 95 19 11 009 413 1901 < \ 58-64 2-86 035 415 876 175 10 008 3-81 7-72 / 62-59 2-52 053 50 1-02 41 28 015 5-08 - Butler 1901 56-88 2-29 048 454 926 372 254 013 4'61 9-12 ( 60-95 316 048 44 84 64 18 Trace 710 Canton 1899] 53-6909 2-7836 422 3876 7400 5638 1586 Trace 6-2544 11-91 ( 64-30 3-36 39 115 1'02 18 20 006 Chisholm 1901 ] 54-471 3-003 0348 1-027 911 160 178 0053 - . 10-62 ( 62-82 4-68 034 1-04 96 23 18 005 - - Clark 1901 ] 56148 4182 0303 929 858 205 160 0044 - 10-62 t 63-30 4-21 038 44 1-21 34 12 007 3-39 r 1899 ] ) 56-73 3-76 034 39 1-08 30 11 006 3-02 10-80 Commodore < ( 63100 4-150 039 200 1-210 240 060 004 3-400 * 1901 ] 57-231 3-764 035 181 1-097 217 05-1 003 3-083 9-300 ( 62-70 4-21 058 44 1-29 34 12 006 3-72 - Commodore (non-Bessemer) 1899] 55-80 3-75 052 39 1-15 30 11 005 3-31 11-00 ( 57-52 8-89 066 56 3-94 13 13 016 4-58 Columbia 1901] 49-28 7-62 056 48 3-37 11 11 014 3-92 14-33 ( 61-00 045 _ - Corsica 1901 ] 54-21 0400 - - - - - - 1110 / 60-00 060 _ - Croxton 1901] 54-60 _ 546 - - - - - 900 ( 61-03 6-11 038 71 92 21 18 043 5-17 Dailey 1901 ] 51-51 5-157 032 599 776 177 15 036 4-36 15'59 ( 6019 5-12 48 90 1-24 15 08 till 6-90 - i J 1899] 52-30 4-45 042 78 1-07 13 07 0096 6-00 1311 Duluth ( ( 59-93 5-23 053 883 1-62 118 109 010 6-33 I 1901 ] 52-492 4-580 0464 7734 1-418 1033 0954 0087 5-544 12-41 214 UNITED STATES Mesabi Range continued. Name of Ore. 1 1 | tZ Phosphorus. Manganese. Alumina. 14 010 2-09 I. 1901? 1 f.3'0718 7-884 0619 4041 1-0686 8531 1257 0088 1-8768 10-20 r 61-00 . 050 _ Longyear (Bessemer) 1901] ' 55-51 -- 0455 9'00 ( 60-00 6'50 070 49 1-21 25 17 oio _ Longyear (non-Bessemer) 1901? 54-60 5-915 0637 4459 1-0031 2275 1547 0091 9-00 ( 64-66 2-45 047 39 1-46 14 12 008 2-97 _ Mahoning 1901 57-93 2-19 042 349 1-308 12 107 007 2-66 10-40 ( 62-60 4-67 029 46 86 64 "22 Trace 2-78 r 1899] [ 57-5795 3-7436 0267 4231 7910 5887 2024 Trace 2-5570 8-02' Malta < ( 63-52 470 030 78 03 12 12 013 2-80 i 1901 ] 58-1526 4-3029 02747 7141 5768 1099 1099 0119 2-5634 8-45 ( 6173 032 _ _ _ _ _ _ Minorca 1901 _ _ - - - f 60-00 6-30 060 47 1-32 12 08 027 Morrow 1901 54-90 5-0323 0549 43 1-2078 1098 0732 0247 - 8-50 f 62-830 0474 307 _ _ / 1899] i 53-9640 0407 2636 14-111 Mountain -' 1 ( 6378 3-95 0415 219 1-95 106 070 014 2-35 _ 1901? 55-833 3-457 03632 1917 1707 0927 0612 0122 2-057 12-459 CHICAGO. 215 Mesabi Range continued. Name of Ore. I 2 n g 33 Phosphorus. Manganese. Alumina. s 3 Magnesia. Sulphur. Loss by Ignition. Moisture. 1 Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. ( 61-893 0576 348 ( 1899] i I 53-2991 0496 2996 1 13-885 Oliver -\ I I 62-64 4-63 0498 232 218 096 087 015 3-04 ( 1901 ] ( 54-702 4-043 04348 2026 1-903 0838 0759 0130 2-654 12-671 ( 63-00 3-17 035 1-10 1-01 18 20 007 Pearce .. 1901? ( 5670 2-853 0315 990 909 162 18 0063 10-00 ( 61-435 6-44 0335 46 1-43 20 10 013 3-39 I 1899 1 ( 55-878 5-64 0293 40 l-2o 17 08 on 2-97 12-30 Penobscot < ( 59-82 7-22 040 88 1'93 20 14 10 3-53 _ ^ 1901? ( 63-18 6-419 035 78 171 177 12 088 3-138 11-09 f 62*32 5-00 028 30 1-29 11 14 005 3-80 Pillsbury 1899 1 56-67 4-55 025 27 rn 10 13 0045 3-46 9-06 ( 62-07 4-28 030 507 1-23 090 171 008 4-84 Pilsbury, No. 1 1901 j 56-707 3'HlO 0274 4631 1-123 0822 1562 0073 4-421 8-64 f 59-04 4-92 055 :5o 1-28 118 215 010 8-23 Pilsbury, No. 2 1901 j 52-191 4-349 0486 6630 1131 1043 1900 0088 7T25 11-60 ( 59-40 i 0840 1-345 f 1899? 1 I 517718 0732 1-1722 12-842 Preble < ( 60-67 6'22 063 325 2-153 116 065 013 3-63 [ 1901 1 I 52-412 5-373 0544 2307 2-272 1002 0561 0012 3-135 13-611 ( 61-35 7-46 028 44 1-07 46 19 008 1-97 ( 1899? / 5578 677 0254 JO 973 418 173 007 179 9-08 Roberts < ( 60-95 7-90 025 45 IIS 25 08 C40 2-10 { 1901? ( 55-525 7-196 0227 4099 1-0294 2277 0728 0364 1-9131 8-90 ( 62-50 475 069 30 1-90 19 11 01 , Sanntry 1899 56-25 4-27 062 27 171 17 099 009 1000 ( 61-68 5-94 053 50 1-88 21 11 006 _ Sauntry, No. 1 1901 j 56-221 5-414 0483 455 1713 191 100 0054 8-85 ( 61-64 6-03 079 80 2-07 29 11 005 _ Sauntry, No. 2 1901 j 56-184 5-496 0720 729 1-886 264 102 0045 8-85 ( 63-95 3-82 039 46 1-29 17 13 032 2-45 Sellers 1899? ( 5772 3-45 035 42 we 15 12 029 2-21 974 ( 62-17 278 062 53 1-06 22 07 013 6-09 _ Shilling 1901? 55-25 2-47 055 47 942 195 06 on 5-41 11-53 ( 64-08 3-90 030 37 84 53 15 006 T57 t 1899? \ ( 59-0561 3-5942 0276 3410 7741 4884 1382 0055 1-4469 7-84 Sparta -\ ( 61-63 7-75 025 40 69 15 26 019 2-35 _ | 1901 ? ( 56-3298 7-0835 02285 3656 6307 1371 2376 0174 2-1479 8-60 ( 60-00 375 070 Stephens 1901 54-00 3-375 0630 - - - 10-00 ( 62-64 2-48 037 1-07 1-22 12 05 007 4-87 Steese . . . 1901? ( 57-86 2-29 MM 988 1-127 11 046 006 4-498 7'62 ( 63-40 5-10 040 32 62 24 18 009 3-20 f 1899? \ i 57-06 4-59 036 288 558 216 162 008 2-88 10-00 Stevenson ... .. ..< 1 ( 64-890 3-020 036 310 720 260 180 005 2-720 I 1901? ( 59-504 2769 033 284 660 238 165 004 2-494 8-300 ( 63-01 Mi 036 607 82 185 113 027 4-66 Thompson 1901? 55-600 2-947 0317 5356 723 1592 0997 0238 4-111 1176 ( 61-26 4-04 065 1-30 1-29 55 15 007 4-35 ( 1899? 55-2443 3-6433 0586 1-1723. 1-1633 4960 1353 0063 3-9228 9-82 Top Brown < ( 60-99 5-30 066 88 95 15 24 018 4-43 _ ; 1901 \ I 54-8788 47689 05939 7918 8548 1350 2160 0162 3-9861 10-02 ( 61-19 4-45 060 938 2-37 168 062 016 4-18 __ Tubal 1901 52-953 3-851 0519 8117 2"224 1453 0536 0138 3-617 13-46 216 UNITED STATES- Mesabi Range continued. ri d ! C o ^ m D a 35 '55 jj d gi Name of Ore. 33 M g . a J3 ,D.ti 3 w jJ d t; o *~ bi hc CD ^ 8 o 3 cS y a l_( ^ X t i s S ^ 3 * * * a ^ Per Pei- Pei- Per Per Per i Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. ( 80-64 _ 041 . Union .. 1901 ] ( 55-63 0376 8-11 ( 62-55 t'27 042 -94 Trace _ Vulcan i 1899] ' 57-0018 3-8913 0383 8566 Trace 8-87 ( 64-aw 2-100 055 -370 900 180 210 008 2-900 _ Wallace 1901} I 58-559 1-896 049 '334 812 162 189 007 2-618 9700 ( 61-45 3'35 055 61 1-07 47 24 016 5-79 _ Welsh 1901} ( 54-432 2-927 0487 '' '540 947 416 212 0141 5-128 11-42 ( 63-84 2-51 052 72 Trace _ West Drill 1899} 57-7688 2-2713 0471 -6515 j Trace 9-51 Vermilion Range. Name of Ore. 1 d o E IH | 55 Phosphorus. 1 a c3 a 3 | a 3 Magnesia. Sulphur. Loss by Ignition. Moisture. Pei- Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. ( 6443 4-20 040 22 2-20 63 14 002 90 1899] ( 60'9250 3-9715 0378 2080 2-0802 5957 1324 0019 8510 5-54 ( 64-42 4-21 040 10 1-99 38 20 Trace 98 1901} ( 61-224 4-001 0380 095 1-891 361 190 Trace 931 4-96 f 62-142 0760 . 1 . _ r 1899] 1 ( 57-5565 0703 . 7-379 fura .. .. . . ..{ ( 61-02 4-31 078 156 2-67 1-16 4-07 \ 1901} ( 56779 4-010 0725 1451 2-484 1-079 3787 6-95 ( 60-47 7-67 044 13 3-65 86 28 012 1-45 _ ( 1899} 1 I 56-1948 7-1227 0409 1208 3-3919 7992 2602 0112 1-3475 7-07 Long Lake < 1 c 60-64 7-68 043 14 3-26 40 35 Trace 1-43 I 1901] ( 56722 7-183 0402 130 3-049 374 '327 Trace 1-337 f 63-506 . 0422 t. 189^ ] ( 58-4534 0388 7-956 Pioneer < I ( 63-11 5-66 040 139 2-55 074 017 . 1-35 L 1901} 1 59-108 5-301 0374 1226 2-388 0693 0151) 1-284 6-34 f 6372 4-08 131 09 2-01 1-02 34 022 80 ( 1899] Red Lako / ' 61-8976 3-9633 1273 0874 1-9525 9908 3303 0214 7771 2-86 \ c 61-45 673 '122 09 2-49 61 64 019 93 1901] I 59723 6-540 1185 087 2-420 592 622 0184 903 2-81 f 63-452 0479 _ ( 1899] ( 58-9887 0445 7-034 Savoy . . . . . . . . \ ( 6376 3-46 051 080 2-38 248 2'68 \ 1901 } I 59-532 3'230 0476 :0746 2-222 2315 2T)02 6-63 ( 64110 4-00 048 . _ S'bley 1901] 60-160 3-760 0451 - 6-00 ( 65-65 4'05 084 Oti 85 52 29 022 36 Soudan 1901 I 64'803 3-997 0829 059 839 513 286 0217 355 1-29 f 66-22 2-55 127 06 1'04 92 30 007 4o c 1899 . 1 ( 65-2598 2-5130 1252 0591 T0249 9067 2957 0069 4435 1-45 Vermilion .. .. ..< 1 f 64-88 4-24 136 06 1-35 65 41 015 59 I 1901 ( 64-205 4-195 1345 059 1-325 643 405 0148 583 1-04 CHICAGO. 217 Vermilion Range continued. 9 oJ Name of Ore. 1 V a I 3 d t (4 d o 1 o B CJ 1 s i a i A A s| *C " H S a * i s GO ri Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Vermilion special 1899 | 66-43 2-60 087 04 85 63 30 Trace 30 [ 65-3937 2-5594 0856 0394 8367 6202 2953 Trace ~ 7 2953 1-5G Vermilion lump 1901 ] 66-05 2-30 156 09 1-06 64 42 Trace 51 - I 65-600 2-284 1549 089 1-052 635 417 Trace 506 68 ( 64-751 0403 _ _ _ _ Zenith << 1899 j 61-0378 - 0380 - - - - - - 5-682 1 ( 65-95 3-30 036 108 1-53 075 70 (_ 1901 ] I 60-815 3-044 0332 0996 1-4115 0691 645 7-41 Michipicoten Range. 8 CL Name of Ore. c8 o S i 00 cS 'g cS '1 C y 3 o t*tn ^'S E i n o 35 1 1 3 < S 3 bo 3 02 il A '5 S Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Pei- Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. c 58-94 5-37 112 13 91 13 09 063 9-99 1901 ] 55-99 5-10 106 12 86 12 08 0598 9-49 5-00 6. In Colorado practically all the mines are owned by the Colorado Iron and Fuel Company. In the Lake Superior district it is said that the United States Steel Corporation own 60 per cent, of the mines, while at least 60 per cent, of the remainder are held by other firms interested in the iron business, and are therefore not for sale. The Mining Commissioner for Michigan says that the United States Steel Corporation has 900,000,000 tons of ore in reserve. One man who is interested in mines in this district says that at the present time he could buy mines with 23,000,000 tons of ore in sight at 2s. Id. per ton, and this price might be slightly reduced. The United States Steel Corporation has no mines for sale, but is said to value the ore in the ground at 4s. 2d. per ton. It is impossible to give a list of the mines which could be bought unless some buyer is really in the market. When enquiring about the value of the mines the first question asked is if there is a genuine buyer enquiring. 7. The outputs of mines for the five years ending 1901 are given, with total output of each mine. The estimated output of several mines for 1902 and 1903 are also given. These figures may not be exactly correct, as they differ in the reports issued from various sources. The Oliver Mining Company, a branch of the United States Steel Cor- poration, the International Harvesting Company, and others are exploring for new mines. Reference may be made to the " Miscellaneous Series " of Foreign Office Reports, No. 583 (Iron Ore Industry of the United States). 17398 2 E 218 UNITED STATES OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING MlNES. Marquette Range. Mine. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Total Output in 46 years. Remarks. Albion 4,592 Last return. 1892. Allen 9,347 America 112,933 Last return, 1892. Ames ... 6,298 Jast return, 1894. Barnum 801,851 Last return, 1889. Bay State 16,637 Last return, 1888. *Bessie 847 Last return, 1891. Beaufort 1,583 4,338 96,138 Blue 92,639 Last return, 1897. Boston 62,532 Last return, 1896. Buffalo 217,730 Last return, 1890. Braastad 968,081 Last return, 1889. fCambria 110,648 102,623 124,930 80,432 68,907 1,367,365 Carr 2,380 2,380 Champion 141,728 163,190 215,074 113,743 99,026 3,815,476 Chester 3,975 22,585 22,815 284,000 Chicago 9,012 Last return, 1883 ^Cleveland Cliffs I. Co. 718,408 869,482 1,011,048 881,021 874,465 10,478.233 Columbia 94,813 Last return, 1883. Curry ... 16,671 Worked 1889. Detroit 140,841 Last return, 1890 Dexter 1,164 118,512 Dey 2,709 Last return. 1 8S4. E. Champion 76,002 Last return, 1889. E. New York 27,987 31,696 225,926 Edison 893 Last return, 1839. Erie 8,136 Last return. 1883. Etna 1,091 Last return. 1883. Fitch 31,817 Last return, 1895. Foster 171,893 Last return, 1890. Gibson 16.357 Last return, 1887. Goodrich 49,754 Last return, 1882. Grand Rapids 110,736 Last return. 189(5. *Hartford 14,289 Last return, 1 896. Hortense 30,574 Last return, 1890. Humboldt - 723,961 Last return. 1896. Iron Cliffs 1,700,537 Last return, 1895. Imperial 23,235 62,321 149,762 Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining Co. ., Republic Iron and Steel Co. Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co. CHICAGO. Marquette Range continued. Mine. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Total Output in 46 years. Remarks. Jackson 79,102 55,012 88,230 31,714 38,271 3,754,014 *Lake Superior 376,761 686,563 682,595 709,143 635,642 10,285,094 Lillie 112,781 211,023 196,200 114,990 98,788 1,334,374 Lucy (McComber) ... 10,033 11,846 516,159 Magnetic 788 Manganese 6,359 Last return, 1886. Mesaba 16,043 Worked in 1895 and 1896. jMichigamme 880,362 Last return, 1895. Miller 4,756 Milwaukee 375,451 Last return, 1890. *Moore 4,648 37,655 42,303 National 150,216 Last return, 1884. *Negaunee 182,169 191,330 195,573 126,829 234,713 1,754,436 Negaunee Conn. 12,708 Last return. 1886. New York 6,642 3,327 1,123,071 New York Hematite ... 37,587 Last return, 1882. North Republic 289 Worked ii 1888. North West 1,687 Worked in 1893. Norwood 5,753 Worked in 1887 and 1888. Nonpareil 23,395 Work-ed in 18^2, 1883, and 1887. Ogden ?86 986 Palmer... - 1,041 Worked in 1896. Pascoe 59,806 Last return. 1886. Pendill 45,993 Last return, 1884. Phenix 59,114 Last return, 1887. Pioneer 15,409 Worked in 1886, 1887, and 1888. Pittsburgh and L. Angeline i 489,685 460,333 464,988 389,128 481,574 -.,990,519 Platt 73,844 Worked in 1892 and 1896. Primrose 6,040 Worked in 1S96. Prince of Wales 32,415 Worked in 1890. Princeton 25,247 55,802 75,037 67,051 440,226 Quartz 491 Worked in 1899. Queen 239,774 61,022 342,978 398,298 400,845 3,294,047 Republic 124,342 140,312 137,085 130,126 104,604 5,014,855 Republic Red Company 47,174 Worked in 1887 and 1890. Richards 6,887 8,261 Richmond 4,630 24,464 4,613 51.303 54,181 140,279 Riverside 16,160 Worked in 1888, 1889, 1891, and 1893. Rolling Mill 3,975 ~_ 238600 * Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining Co. + Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co. Republic Iron and Steel Co. 17598 2 E 2 220 UNITED STATES Marquette Range continued. Mine. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Total Output in 46 years. Remarks. Saginaw 451,424 Last return. 1891. ^Salisbury 686,411 Last return. 1890. Sam Mitchell Samson 17,780 267,805 Worked in 1886 and 188*. Last return, 1892. Section 12 21,887 Last reburn. 1882. Schadt 1,261 Worked in 1895. S. Buffalo Spurr : : 245,412 164,244 Worked in 1887 and 1890. Last return, 1886. Star West 942 6,716 15,987 204,649 Taylor 32,970 Last return, 1883. Titan Volunteer 1,617 29,983 47,578 - 90,371 1,152,349 Worked in 1882 and 1888. Webster 20,797 34,905 W. Republic 133,077 Last return, 1889. Wetmore Wheeling *Winthrop TOTAL 106,894 122,592 171,318 148,945 109 50,870 10,555 1,710,063 Worked in 1882 and 1889. Worked in 1884 and 1887. 2,719,010 3,127,418 3.757,010 3,457.522 3,254,680 62,872,918 Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining Co. Cleveland Cliffe Iron Co. Gogebic Range. (Shipping commenced 1884.) Mine. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Total Output since 1884. Remarks. Ada ... 7,977 25,047 33,024 Anvil 5,037 1,101 314,586 i Ashland 111,625 123,208 154,615 232,961 286,399 2,898,841 Atlantic 50,307 38,058 19,964 135,595 190,135 567,504 * Aurora 166,122 133,076 170,369 193,111 223,747 2,990,417 Bessemer Bluejacket ... ~~~ ~^~ 20,889 Worked in 1886 and 1887. Worked in 1887. Brotherton 46,186 73.198 78,858 89,804 103,109 930,665 fCary and Superior ... 37,308 43,162 62,524 125,496 179.374 984,586 Chicago 633 1,137 504 in 1896. Colby. E 22,921 152,875 103,239 32,572 23,475 1,772,148 Eureka Federal... First National 128,719 27,928 1,997 Worked from 1890 to 1896. Worked in 1890 and 1891. Worked in 1887. * Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining Co. f Pickands, Mather & Co. Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co. CHICAGO. 221 Gogebic Range continued. Mine. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Total Output since 1884. Remarks. Harmony 1,015 986 10,358 342,992 Hennepin 7,728 21,475 214,131 Imperial 8,515 Worked in 1 892. Iron Belt 96,763 58,418 105.934 54,664 43,883 1,013,386 Iron Chief Iron Chief Two ~~ ^^ 12,199 551 Worked in 1886 and 1887. Worked in 1886. Ironton Jack Pot i,2;5 __ 33,893 111,988 58,368 61,744 Worked from 1886 to 1891. Kakagon Meteor ~ :*32 7,844 34,140 71,904 131,507 Worked from 1886 to 1888. {Mikado 11,397 10.324 1,090 91,846 119,445 Minnewawa 1,255 1,255 Montreal f!91,106 270,776 153,307 107,524 72,945 1,439,712 New Davis 5,029 3,569 57,312 Newport 150,979 196,953 263,711 217,201 190,448 2,124,624 Nimikon *Norrie... 604,281 700,990 714,669 666,389 660,965 28,635 9,623,135 Worked from 1886 to 1888. Odanah... Pabst 220,496 223,891 263,869 239,242 198,686 77,124 2,366,583 Worked from 1886 to 1894. Palms 207,153 175,925 154,705 139,658 7,603 1,118,283 Pence ... 120 40,566 Pike 3,434 6,346 9,780 Puritan Sec. 33 Shores 16,102 15,691 .11,819 21,788 108,313 253,590 55.808 Worked from 1886 to 1891. Worked from 1889 to 1892. Sparta Sunday Lk 45,815 12.526 74,097 89,997 4,862 547,508 Worked in 1892 and 1895. Superior *Tilden 276,890 287,203 500,830 481,909 446,670 121.627 3,267,861 Worked from 1886 to 1893. Trimble Tyler's Forks ~~ 25.931 10,683 Worked from 1888 to 1888. Worked in 1890. Valley 1,878 Worked in 1886. West Colby 12,836 12,836 Windsor TOTAL 385 488 841 148,905 2,258,236 2,498,461 2,795,856 2,875,295 2.938,155 34,154.790 * Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining Co. f Pickands, Mather & Co. 222 UNITED STATES Menominee Range. Mine. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Total Output in 45 years. Remarks. Antoine 98,847 104,510 93,025 119,940 63,429 618,503 Appleton *Aragon 145,594 295,821 337,807 404,645 477,212 12,102 2,523,425 Worked in 1892, 1893. and 1895. Armenia 18,750 97,749 fBaltic 17,326 17,326 Beta Breen ... Brier Hill Bristol 80,915 51,639 36,593 4,211 17,430 14,981 236,101 Worked in 1886, 1887, and 1891. Worked in before 1882. Worked in 1882 and 1883. Worked in 1892. Calumet *Chapin 643,402 724,768 940,513 929,937 929,701 38,713 10,299,601 Worked in 1882, 1883, and 1884. *Columbia 24,623 14,199 126,290 97,531 19,963 728,022 Commonwealth 98,283 250,687 117,295 53,342 77,799 2,327,194 Cornell -- 49,302 Last return, 1887. Crystal Falls 95,210 128,233 147,346 197,770 230,614 862,051 Cuff 20,210 38,209 58.419 *Cundy 41,942 76,877 100,902 141,148 160,519 524,783 Curry ... Cyclops. Delphic... 416,928 286,093 33,770 Worked since 1892 asPennlronCo. Workedsincel892 as Penn Iron Co. Last return, 1887. Dunn ... 31,062 49,381 77,458 1,056,946 Eminett 66,655 Last return, 1881. Fair bank Florence 37,594 93,663 74,235 35,756 15,395 8,500 1,384,075 Worked in 1882 and 1883. Foxdale 4,647 4,647 Great Western ... 33,851 43,316 98,550 123,261 686,721 Groveland 11,444 12,493 Half-and-Half Hamilton fHernlock 96,032 69,865 110,269 72,413 149,966 7,524 96,072 706,452 Worked in 1889 1890, and 1891. Worked in 1886 and 1892. Hersel 955 Worked in 1890. Hiawatha 11,008 20,355 34,247 Hiltop 3,496 6,410 2,503 12,409 Hollister *Hope Indiana 4,098 17,818 17,871 Worked in 1890, 1891, and 1892. Worked in 1892 and 1893. Last return, 1886. Keel Ridge 4,900 93,101 Lament 67,652 31,323 227,884 Lee Peck 2,844 Worked in 1892. Lincoln 43,622 72,959 19,727 172,897 Loretto 54,104 68,447 64,824 61,219 54,985 455,187 Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining Co. Pickands. Mather & Co. Republic Iron & Steel Co. CHICAGO. 223 Menominee Range continued. Mine. 1897. 189K 1899. 1900. 1901. Total Output in 45 years. Remarks. Ludington 1,001,518 Last return, 1894. Manganate 6,844 Worked in 1 890. * Mansfield 37,182 80,739 86.907 1)0.155 74,113 555,752 Mastodon 425,708 Last return, 1896. Metropolitan -- 107,027 Last return. 1838. *Michigan Explo. Co... 1,869 Last return, 1895. Millie 10,374 17.430 15.194 14,922 12,133 231,755 Monongahela 2,397 2,397 Xanaimo 127,566 Last return, 1891. North Western Norway Paint River 1,316 17,206 1,291,352 223,687 Worked in 1883 and 1884. Worked since 1892 as Penn Iron Co. Penn Iron Co 2'i7,886 223,713 229,651 197,606 358,126 2,173,245 Perkins 397,225 Last return, 1895. Perry 3,138 Worked in 1883. Pewabic 279,855 305,072 530,129 374,043 507,786 3,209,549 Quinuesec 11,050 25,967 66,383 387,484 *Riverton 5,009 13.242 120,207 119,860 1,162,905 Selden Sheridan 146 : 31,104 8,063 2,092 116,299 Worked in 1886 and 1887. S. Mastodon Stephenson ^_ 8,203 39,350 Worked in 1888, 1889, and 1890. Last return, 1887. Sturgeon River Tobin __ ~~ 18,597 18,404 18,957 Worked in 1887, 1888 .and 1889. Vulcan ... Walpole Youngstown TOTAL 661 1,668,654 19,089 151,425 Wonted since 1892 as Penn Iron Co. Worked in 1887 to 1891. 1,937,013 2,522.265 3,301.052 3.261.221 3,605,449 37,621.428 Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining Co. 224 UNITED STATES Mesabi Range. Mine. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Total Output in 10 years. Remarks. *Adams 170,738 390,860 720,474 777,346 829.118 3,182,239 Aetna Auburn 175,263 235,630 385,992 263,692 427,510 19,368 2,104,745 Worked in 1*93 and 1896. Biwabik 427,464 383,180 553,836 924,868 410,074 3,104,745 Canton 99,498 713,048 Chisholm 34,573 34,753 Cincinnati 32,912 246 134,041 Clark 63,071 199,566 262,637 Cloquet 12,215 1,621 163,444 Columbia 15,627 15,627 Commodore 60,798 80,494 152,947 278,416 35,546 702,614 fCorsica 26,838 26,838 Day 18,651 1,975 20,626 Duluth 112,155 165,435 128,587 150,024 593,827 fElba 564 9,547 121,707 224,630 356,448 *Fayal 642,939 575,933 1,072,257 1,252,504 1,656,973 5,585,852 Franklin 30,128 200,400 60,000 168,524 39.299 1,285,876 Genoa 309,514 279,677 276,559 253,651 332,022 1,468,559 Hale 13,728 18,807 32,901 30,929 225,158 Kanawha 14,963 64,218 41.300 120,481 L. Superior 259,912 135,404 154,326 284,023 594,761 1.554,208 Mahoning 519,892 520.751 750,341 911,021 765,872 3,753,006 fMalta 28,615 65,346 126,299 220,260 Minnewas *Mountain Iron 773,538 650,955 1,137,970 1,001,824 1,058,160 15,998 5,832,745 Worked in 1893 and 1894. Norman 101,077 110,141 421,132 Ohio ... 47,350 101,607 293,651 172,r>97 714,073 Oliver ... 601,072 349,100 244,876 5,420 3,138,106 Penobscot 11,933 29,652 85,619 146,641 221,080 494,925 Pillsbury !>9,691 106,487 101,032 120,723 427,933 Roberts... 18,614 57,847 41,965 42,756 161,182 Sauntry 53,004 68,560 328,739 450,303 Sellers... 112,765 174,867 56,280 34,918 579,300 Sharon 56.810 56,810 fSparta 66.722 226,156 237,143 202,144 156,426 888,591 "Spruce 101,675 279.515 381,190 Stevenson 56,031 666,273 722,304 Union 8,297 93,109 101,406 Williams TOTAL 12,357 18,238 44,890 4,275,809 4,613,766 6,626,384 7,809,535 9,004,890 40,404,967 * Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining- Co. t Pickands, Mather & Co. CHICAGO. Vermilion Raiiye. Mine. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 19U1. Total Output since 1884. Keinarks. "Chandler Minnesota "Pioneer Savoy and Sibley Zenith TOTAL . 438,365 592,196 207,103 40,817 715,919 426,040 123,183 .sns,:;.v.> 457,732 339,897 86,191 79,323 1,278,481 1,265,142 1,771,502 644. SOI 325,020 450,794 175,116 60.089 6L'7.37l L ; ns.-js-[ 678,310 212,008 60,082 1,655.820 1,786,063 7,027,830 7,178,343 2,009,300 473,315 288.455 16,977,243 Owned by United States Steel Corporation under name of Oliver Mining 1 Co. The following figures are taken from " The Marine Review " and " Iron Age":- Minnesota Mines. Mines. 1902. 1903. * Adams ... * Spruce 4 Troy (new) Duluth Biwabik ... St. Clair (new) ... Burl Day Glen Hull Pittsburgh Rust Sellers ... Lincoln Poole Mesabi Mountain -Mountain Iron... Etna Fayal "Chandler 1,242,923 543,397 150,220 623,128 100,331 106,510 23,875 423,266 238,122 242,715 193,428 82,779 5,13] 1,430,103 199,473 1,109,759 587,032 10,267 7,405 10,722 6,148 429,711 111,009 171,705 432,916 229,133 160,624 251,631 279,632 200,029 5,81 ;<; 1,217,156 119,212 1,460,815 460,548 All the mines marked " new " are in the Mesabi range. * Belong tu United States Steel Corporation, whoa- shipments of ore from Minnesota for 1W3 are placed at 15 tons. 17598 2 1? UNITED STATES- J\[inneso ta Mines continued. Mine. *Pioneer... *Norrie ... *Chapin *Aragon "Lake Superior tLeetonia fCyprus fCroxton fPearce ... t Morrow fKanawha fCass (new) fLongyear t La Rue (new) fAgnew t Hawkins t Brother ton fSunday Lake {Corsica ... {Elba {Minorca {Sparta ... {Malta {Troy (new) {Albany (new) JUtica (new) . JCary JMikado... {Baltic {Vivian ... {Verona ... {Hemlock 1903. 596,780 700,891 704,114 522,035 620,000 200,160 122,201 100,645 50,429 49,409 24,844 52,905 81,823 54,000 108,982 107,773 100,000 100,000 34,034 93,630 115,000 40,373 11,675 15,000 120,000 155,000 86,723 112,000 128,470 11,878 49,735 79,179 All the mines marked " new " are in the Mesabi * Belong to United States Steel Corporation, whose shipment of ore from Minnesota for 190i$ are placed 9,226,8Ii 5 tons. t Belong to International Harvesting Cc t Belong to Pickands Mather & Co CHICAGO. 227 Minnesota Mines continued. Mine. Chisholm Clark Commodore Franklin... Genoa Grant (new) Jordan Kinney (new) ... La Belle Laura Leonard (new) ... Mahoning Oliver Penobscot Pillsbury Sharon ... Stephens (new)... Stevenson Union Victoria ... Winnifred (new) Savoy Sibley Soudan ... Zenith 1903. 168,869 300,604 20,436 64,026 303,713 18,928 190,024 31,000 48,298 97,782 7,750 1,010,000 5,866 1,630 62,323 229,187 48,199 87,055 1,014,582 93,496 27,973 31,869 169,616 113,595 175,114 161,091 All the mines marked "new" are in the Mesabi range. 8. The lakes are closed to navigation during the winter months, prac- tically from November to May. Some of the mines operate all the year. 9. There is an estimated supply of iron ore in the Lake Superior that will, at the present rate of consumption, last about 40 years. Many Americans have invested money in iron ore land in Canada, TJiere are four fields in Canada within reach of the lakes, 17598 228 UNITED STATES FREIGHT RATES. Average Freight Rates on Iron Ore per gross ton from Ports named to Ohio Ports. Escanaba. Marquette. Ashland and other Ports at the head of Lake Superior. Wild or daily rate. Contract rate. Wild or daily rate. Contract rate. Wild or daily rate. Cor tract rate. 1882 s. d. 4 3^ s. d. 5 9} .s. d. 301 **g S. rf. 7 2f .s. (L *. d. 1883 5 0^ 4 H 5 9} 4 1H 1884 3 7 4i" -*- o 4 5| 5 6| 1885 O 93 3 8^ 4 Oi 4 4 5 2 4 9 1886 5 3i 4 4 6 2 : ; 4 11 ^ 7 4-1 4 1H 1887 6 6| 5 9} 70 i OT? 6 8f 9 2J, 8 I5 1888 4 4 ) 01 5 4} 4 9 5 lOf ") 2 1889 4 2 4 li 4 11 4 6f- 5 6] 5 2 18PO ... 3 8 4 6^ 4 5 5 2 4 10 5 6f 1891 3 5! 2 8} 4 2-k 3 84 4 7 4 H 1892 3 Of 4 If 4 0| 4 9 4 9 5 2 1893 2 3| 3 6 2 11} 4 H 2 2} 4 H 1894 1 11| 2 5f 2 5-2 3 34 3 2f 3 ;H 1895 3 O- 1 2 3} 3 9^ 3 1] 4 8 3 3~ 1896 9 I 3. J 4 2 10| 2 8| 3 11 3 2] 4 4 1897 1 10] 1 10} 2 3] 2 8 1 > i\ 2 10 :{ 1898 2 1] 1 10} 9 5.2 ^ 4 2 5 3 2 (J* 2 5J 1899 3 11 2 02 4 5f 9 53 > 4 5 4} 2 5| 1900 2 10J, 4 H o *w^ 4 6-J,- 3 5| 5 2 1931 2 7| 2!">3 "? 3 3i- 2 10-2- 3 8 3 3^ Rate of exchange taken at $4.85 to . MISSOURI (ST. Louis). (Mr. Vice-Consul Bascome.) While the State of Missouri possesses many iron ore deposits (280), they are distributed and broken and comparatively small, and situated where the expensive transportation has kept them out of the ore market. The three principal and important iron regions in Missouri are : 1. The eastern region, composed of the south-eastern limonite district and the iron mountain specular ore dibtrict; 1,000 miles by Mississippi River to tide water. This region has its natural outlet, over the iron mountain railroad. CHICAGO. 229 2. The central region, containing principally specular ores, has its commercial outlet over the St. Louis, Salem and" Little Rock, and the St. Louis and San Francisco Railways, and the Mississippi River to tide water. 3. The western or Osage region, with its limonites and red hematites, is too remote from present ore markets, and will have to establish local indus- tries to develop it. These three principal regions combined, form a broad belt, running across the State from the Mississippi to the Osage Rivers, in a direction parallel to the Missouri River, from south-east to north-west between the thirtieth and fortieth township lines. The spectacular ores occupy the middle portion of this belt, the limonites both ends of it. The eastern ore region has been more extensively developed The Iron Mountain district is said to be nearly worked out ; the ores were all magnetic, and large quantities were shipped via the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to Pittsburg, twenty years ago, to the Edgar Thompson Steel Company, of which Mr. Carnegie w r as then manager, but I have never heard of any iron ore being shipped to any foreign country from this state, the great distance and expense of transportation being a barrier, and likely to continue so for an indefinite period. The Iron Mountain formerly had a blast furnace on the property, estab- lished for the smelting of the ore, but it has been out of blast for some time. The Pilot Knob differs in quality, its colour is steel or pearly gray, with a marked tint of skyblue, and none of them are polaric-magnetic. There was a large body of ore in this deposit, but it gave out ten years ago, and the deposit has not since been worked. This ore was also at one time shipped to Pittsburg, but the business has long since been discontinued. The vast" ore discoveries in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan, which are so extensively worked and transported on such an economical basis, has put a quietus on the trade of the Missouri ores, which must depend for develop- ment on local establishments. Replying to the memorandum: 1. There are deposits of iron ores in this district. 2. The nearest ocean shipping port is New Orleans. 3. The cost of transportation has not been ascertained, because there is no trade at present, but it is known to be prohibitive. (Copy OF LETTER forwarded by Mr. J. C. Spry to Mr. Vice-Consul Erskine, Chicago.) Chicago, Illinois, November 24, 1903. "In relation to the Moose Mountain Company's iron lands, they are " located about 35 miles north of Sudbury, Canada. I enclose you a map " of the country. The Canadian Pacific Railroad has a line surveyed to the " property from Sudbury. The new Grand Trunk and Pacific Railroad have " a survey made about five miles north of the property, so that the property " is now nicely located for shipping of the ore. " I enclose you two reports that we had on the property, one by Mr. " Walter Fitch, General Manager of the Champion Iron Company, of Beacon, " Michigan, one of the largest mines in Michigan, and one by Mr. Seaman, " who is Professor of the College of Mines at Houghton, Michigan. Both " parties have visited the property and were there for some time. These " speak for themselves. 230 UNITED STATES " In relation to your asking if the property is for sale, will state that I do " not know. We have never made a price on it. The parties bought it with " the intention of working it and building a road from the mines to Georgian " Bay, a distance of about sixty miles. ' There is very good water power close by the property that can be had " for a small sum, and you could run the property by power so as to save the " expense of taking coal in. ''' We think we have a very large and valuable amount of iron. The " property is owned by the Moose Mountain Mining Company, head office at " Chicago, Illinois Trust and Savings Bank Building, and if a party wanted " a price on the property I would arrange with the bond fide people so an " interview could be had, and I think a price could be obtained from Mr. John " J. Mitchell or Mr. J. C. Hutchins, who are the Managing Directors of the " Company. Any other information that you desire at any time, if it is in " my power, I should be pleased to give it to you." (Enclosure No. 1 in Mr. Spry's letter to Mr. Vice-Consul Erskine.) Champion Iron Company, Beacon, Michigan, GENTLEMEN, September 19, 1902. IN accordance with my offer to you I will give you briefly my impressions of the extent and value of your discoveries of ore on the Moose mountain range, in the Nipissing district in Ontario. The outcroppings of ore on this range, to which I recently made a visit with you and Professor Seaman, of the Michigan College of Mines, consisting largely of very rich magnetic iron ores, associated with some of lesser richness, but still very valuable, were, I consider, larger than any that were ever found on the Marquette iron range, and as these ores in iron range as high as 64 per cent., and very likely above that, and are low in phosphorus, the highest being well within the Bessemer limits necessary for steel making, I therefore consider that the lands which you have secured, extending over several miles of territory, possess a very large value indeed, there being many millions of tons of ore which can be readily mined and shipped as soon as railroad facilities are provided. In addition to the values represented in the outcroppings, which are visible without any preliminary work, I think it is safe to predict the presence of very large deposits of richer ores associated with these outcroppings, such as have characterised many deposits on the old ranges; for instance, at the Republic Mine, the company for the operation of which was organized for the purpose of mining the ore contained in the so-called Republic Mountain, which consists of a mixed ore and jasper, nothing was known of the rich ore resting at the foot of this bluff, and yet the whole of the shipments from the Republic Mine, aggregating about five million tons, have been made from a deposit unknown until after the organisation of the company and the commencement of mining operations; none having been taken from the mountain itself. Again, at the Soudan mines of the Minnesota Iron Company the operations were first commenced with the idea of mining on the smaller outcropping, nothing being known then of the deposits from which all the shipments have been made. The same thing was also true of the Champiot, The company was formed with the idea of operating, and the first work was started on the so-called Parsons pit, nearly three thousand feet from the rich bodies of ore from which the mine has made its whole shipments. In each of the above cases the drift material covered the richer deposits of ore, I think this can be considered the general condition, from the fact that the richer ores are in many cases more easily eroded, and though in the case of your Moose Mountain Range outcrops the situation is different because of the presence in those outcrops of very rich ores, this differing condition may, I think, be explained by the fact that these rich bodies of ore are associa- ted on their sides by the lower and more silicious outcrops, thus largely teoting the rich ores from erosion, CHICAGO. 231 There are many points of similarity between the situation on the Moose Mountain Range and the conditions existing on the Vermillion Range in Minnesota, and there would therefore seem to be no reason why such addi- tional deposits of hematites similar to that in which the Chandler and Pioneer mines are now working might not be found somewhere in the less elevated parts of your holdings. I mention these several possibilities because experience on the old ranges has shown that the initial developments on the different properties have been of much less value than the later ones. In your case you have already ,a showing that will insure a very large production without any additional developments. This production can, I believe, be made at a cost not to exceed one dollar per ton, unless it was decided to mine the mixed ores, associated with the richer deposits, in which case these could be easily graded at an additional cost of not to exceed fifteen cents. I consider your holdings and the promise of this new range to exceed in value anything outside of the Mesaba Range. Yours truly, W. FITCH. Enclosure No. 2. Michigan College of Mines, Science Hall, (Department of Geology.) The Moose Mountain Mining Company, Chicago, Illinois. DEAR SIR, October 1, 1902. IN compliance with your request that I express my opinion of the value of your Moose Mountain properties, I submit the following: These properties are located in the Moose Mountain region, about thirty- five miles by waggon road, in a northerly direction from Sudbury, Ontario. The iron formation is a quartz magnetite schist, associated with amphi- bole schist and diorite. The formation as a whole presents many analogies to the vermillion of Minnesota, and is probably its equivalent in geological age. At four different outcrops that were visited, the iron shows a remarkable degree of concentration. No attempt was made to estimate the millions of tons of workable ore in sight. At one outcrop the ore was somewhat mixed with epidote, but this, owing to its greenish colour, could easily be sorted from the rich magnetite ore. I was amazed at the magnitude of the deposits, as well as at their rich- ness. The amount and richness of the visible deposits, however, did not impress me as deeply as did the hidden possibilities, which may lie buried beneath the drift covered surface between the exposures. In my estimation it is safe to predict that the exposed bodies of ore are but a small consideration compared with what is not in sight. The surface showing is the best I have ever seen, and, the only regret is that the ore is a hard magnetite instead of a soft hematite. I believe you have the prospect for the largest and best mine in Canada. The property certainly deserves active and extensive exploitation. The ground between outcrops should be thoroughly tested, so that permanent improvements may be wisely made. Thanking you for your courteous treatment during my pleasant trip to your camp, I am, Very sincerely yours, A. E. SEAMAN. 232 UNITED STATES TEXAS. TEXAS. (Mr. Consul Nugent.) 1. Yes. 2. In north-eastern Texas, occupying portions of 19 different counties and covering an area of over 1,000 square miles. Galveston is the nearest seaport, distant some 200 miles from the centre of the iron-ore district. 3. The ore would have to be brought by rail. The cost would depend on contract made with the railroads. None has ever been brought to Galveston. 4. It is impossible to answer these questions, as there are practically no mining operations at present. 5. The following are analyses of these ores. Analysis of limonite from Cherokee Co., Texas : Moisture 1.63 per cent. Loss by ignition ... ... 11.65 Silica ... 10.81 Alumina 3.40 Metallic iron 48.24 Manganese 0.43 Lime 0.24 Magnesia ... ... ... Trace. Sulphur 1.176 Phosphorus 0.268 Average of six analyses of Llano Co. hematites: Metallic iron ... ... ... 56.43 per cent. Silica ... ... ... ... 5.59 Alumina 7.86 Lime ... ... ... ... 1.44 Magnesia ... ... ... Trace. Phosphorus ... ... ... 0.55 Sulphur 0.091 6. Deposit's can probably be bought on very reasonable terms. 7. No. The State of Texas is about to work the deposits near Rusk. 8. Lack of coal or other fuel is the greatest drawback. 9. Throughout north-eastern Texas we have an extensive series of iron ore deposits, occupying portions of 19 counties, and having approxi- mately an actual ore-covered area of 1,000 square miles. The existence of this ore has long been known. The great ore belt may be described as a triangular area, bounded on the north by an irregular line drawn from the Sulphur Fork, in Cass County, extending west and south through Dainger- field, in Morris County, to a little south of Quitman, in Wood County. The western limitations of the belt extend irregularly southward through the west side of Smith, east side of Van Zandt and Henderson, and the centre of Anderson County, a short distance west of Palestine, and in a south-westerly direction to the Brazos River, near Hearne. The southern side is limited to a line crossing the Trinity River, near Crockett, the Neches, at Augusta, and the Sabine River, near the north- east corner of Sabine County. The total area is approximately 10,000 square miles, of which about 1,000 square miles are covered with iron ore. UNITED STATESNEW MEXICO, NEW ORLEANS. 233 NEW MEXICO. (Mr. Consul Nugent.) 1. Yes; large deposits, especially at Fiero, Grant County. 2. Galveston, about 1,000 miles. 3. By rail; cost would depend on contracts made. 4 and 5. It is impossible to obtain information on these points as the companies interested refuse utterly to answer such inquiries. 6. They are likely to be sellers on reasonable terms. 7. Yes, but the figures cannot be obtained. 8. Lack of fuel chiefly. 9. The Governor of New Mexico states : " I will say that several individuals own mining locations which are taken up under location similar to any other mineral deposits, that is, it is all Government land, but an individual has the right to locate mining claims upon complying with the usual assessment work, which, I believe, is $100.00 per year or digging a ten-foot hole. " Different mining districts have different rules and regulations, but in the main they are all the same. " After $500.00 worth of work has been done on the claim, applica- tion can be made to the Government for patent. " I think there are large areas of iron properties located in the terri- tory of New Mexico that are open for location to-day." NEW ORLEANS. Iron Ore Deposits in the State of Arkansas. (Mr. Consul Vansittart.) Iron deposits are reported to exist in two counties of the State of Arkansas, viz., Lawrence County, and Montgomery County. An official analysis of the ore in Lawrence County gives following: Assay, 55.75 iron, 5.20 silica, .041 phosphorus, .212 sulphur, little manganese. The analysis of the ore in Montgomery County gives assay 61 T 9 9 iron, Ij 3 o : \j silica, .200 phosphorus, .04 manganese. Both the above mentioned counties are traversed by railways. The St. Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern Railway has 22 miles, and the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Eailroad has 30 miles of roadbed within the limits of Lawrence County. Iron, zinc and lead have been mined to some extent in Lawrence County, and there are prospects that the mineral resources will be developed in the future. As regards Montgomery County, some sulphur and iron exist, but little effective work has been done in developing minerals, and the county being forty miles from the nearest railroad there are no facilities for the shipment of these products. The working of the deposits above mentioned do not amount to anything, but there do not appear to be any special obstacles in the way of mining. 234 UNITED STATES NEW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS. Iron Ore Deposits in the State of ALABAMA. (Mr. Consul Vansittart.) Extensive beds of iron ore are to be found throughout the mineral region of Alabama, in such proximity to coal, limestone and dolomite, that its manu- facture is much cheaper than in other mineral regions of America, where these materials have to be assembled at greater cost. The brown ore is found in pockets, and for that reason it is hard to estimate with any certainty the extent of the same. It is being mined extensively in eight counties, viz. : Cherokee, Etowah, Calhoun, Talladega, Blount, Shelby, Bibb, and Jefferson. These deposits are said to exist in a number of other counties, in which there has been no mining done up to the present time. The principal ore supply is from the red ores, found outcropping on Red Mountain. This vein runs along this mountain for a distance of 150 miles, reaching in some places a thickness of 26 feet. There has been no deteriora- tion in the quality of this ore, although some of the slopes have been driven down as far as 2,000 feet. The supply, therefore, might be considered practically inexhaustible. The number of men employed in and about the ore mines is about five thousand. The production of ore in the State, ninety per cent, of which is in the Birmingham district, was: In 1880 171,136 tons. 1885 ... 505,000 1890 1,897,815 1895 2,199,390 1899 2,627,000 1900 3,095,406 1901 ... ... 2,881,593 So far there has been no shipment of ore from the Birmingham district to the coast. If such a thing were undertaken, the freight rate would prob- ably be about 75 cents per ton. Birmingham has good railroad facilities. Five trunk lines furnish com- munication with the outside world, viz. : The Louisville and Nashville, four directions; Southern, two directions; the 'Frisco system, one direction; Central of Georgia, one direction ; while the Birmingham Mineral Railroad, the Birmingham Southern and the Belt line girdle the city, and tap every main line, reaching every factory, mill, furnace and quarry and mine in the district, delivering raw materials to the factories and finished products to the trunk lines, and open up territory for development. Since January, 1900, there has been built in the district 200 miles of main lines and spur tracks. When the improvements now being made by the Government on the Warrior and Tombigbee Rivers are completed, they are destined to play an important part in the transportation of coal and other heavy products from the Birmingham district to tide water at Mobile. With 24 feet of water over the bar at Mobile this route would be the means of reducing the cost of transportation to the Atlantic seaboard. The distance from Birmingham to Mobile is 258 miles. UNITED STATES NEW YORK. 235 NEW YORK. (Consul-General Sir Percy Sanderson.) I beg to enclose a report which has kindly been drawn up for me by Mr. F. Hobart, Assistant Editor of the Engineering and Mining Journal, a very competent authority on this subject. REPORT by Mr. F. HOBART, Assistant Editor of the Engineering and Mining Journal. Iron ores are found in Connecticut, at Salisbury, and other points. In New York they are found in the Champlain region, at Port Henry, at Crown Point principally; while in New Jersey, they are mined at a number of points, the principal locations being at the Hybernia, Teabo, Mount Pleasant, and smaller mines in Morris County; at Oxford furnace and Jenny Jump in Warren County; at Hurd Mine, Ford Mine, Pochuck and other localities in Sussex County. So far as shipment is concerned, the mines in the Champlain regions, in New York, could ship by canal to the port of New York, while those in New Jersey could ship by rail, or by canal, to the same port. I do not think, however, that it is of any use going into further details, as the mines in the region named are all owned by iron companies, and their product is entirely consumed in local furnaces. The actual output of the New Jersey mines, at the present time, is about 500,000 tons yearly, and of those in New York and Connecticut about 400,000 tons. The supply which they furnish is not sufficient for the furnaces in the region, as is shown by the fact that nearly 1,000,000 tons of ore are imported yearly, principally from Cuba, for the use of those furnaces. There would be no possibility of securing any of the deposits, as none of them are for sale, and the operators have no ore to spare for sale to outside parties. Further Information from Consul- General Sir PERCY SANDERSON. I have to report that Mr. W. H. A. Davidson, the Manager of the Sprague Electric Company, whose offices are in the Maryland Trust Building, Baltimore, called at this Consulate-General to-day (November 20, 1903), and stated that, having seen a notice that His Majesty's Government were making enquiries respecting deposits of iron ores, he wishes to bring to their notice certain deposits of magnetic ironsand which his company possesses in Costa Rica. In the first instance the deposit is about one mile long, three hundred feet wide above high water mark and of an average depth of seven or eight feet. There is a good harbour and the largest ocean steamers can approach within three hundred feet of the shore where the deposit is situated. Labour can be obtained at the cost of about eighty cents or three shillings and sixpence per diem, but if a system of " conveyers " were set up to carry the deposit to the steamers, very little labour would be necessary. In the second instance, the deposit, which covers about fifty miles three hundred feet wide and seven to eight feet average depth is not so easily workable, as it would have to be conveyed by rail for shipment at Port Limon. There is at present no railway except a light line for the conveyance of fruit. 17598 2 G 2 236 UNITED STATES The owners are willing to treat either on the basis of a royalty of one dollar and twenty -five cents per ton or to sell the deposit outright. A sample of the sand in its natural condition is herewith enclosed. CONSULAR DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA (PENNSYLVANIA, OHIO, INDIANA AND MICHIGAN). (Mr. Consul Powell.) 1. Extensive deposits of iron ore exist in this Consular district, viz., Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. 2. Pennsylvania. In a general way the iron ore deposits follow the line of the Allegheny Mountains, running from south-west to north-east, smaller deposits exist in a number of detached places throughout the State. In 1891 the only mine in Pennsylvania, which produced as much as 100,000 tons per annum, was the Cornwall mine, from which magnetic iron supplies were obtained. The State of Pennsylvania in 1890, made 48 per cent, of the pig-iron production in the United States, declined to 46.2 per cent, in 1900, and a further drop to 45.5 per cent, in 1902. These declines, however, were almost entirely confined to the eastern part of Pennsylvania, whilst in the western part there have been almost propor- tionately large advances, but lake ores were used entirely. Many mines in Pennsylvania have been closed, either because of leanness, excessive phosphorus, or expensive exploitation, which prevents competition with cheaply-mined and transported ores of other sections of the United States, especially the ore from the lake districts. The distance of the Allegheny Mountain deposits in Pennsylvania from Philadelphia varies from 150 to 350 miles. Ohio deposits are 450 to 600 miles from Philadelphia or Baltimore; Indiana is from 700 to 800 miles from Philadelphia or Baltimore; and Michigan from 800 to 1,000 miles from Philadelphia or Baltimore. 3. Transportation to the coast is principally by rail, but canal routes also exist. Cost of transportation by rail varies from $1.00 to $3.00 per ton, according to distance of mine from point of destination. Canal route prices would practically be about the same, as competition is keen. Freight rates vary so greatly, however, that it would be useless and misleading to quote them. 4. In accordance with the conditions of the labour market. 5. Official analyses of the ores from the various deposits, as well as average samples, can be obtained without difficulty from the State Assay Office. 6. The proprietors of the deposits have, where they are individuals, grown wealthy on their exploitations, or are corporations of large capitali- zation. The iron and steel trusts have a large influence. 7. The iron deposits of this Consular district have been extensively worked for the past 60 years, and constitute the principal source o*f the PHILADELPHIA. 237 United State's iron supply. The greater part of the production is con- sumed in the United States, and the amount produced is estimated as follows : Iron Ore mined and consumed in the United States. (In tons of 2,240 Ib.) District. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. Lake Superior, shipments to furnaces Southern States, shipment to fur- naces. Other States, shipment to furnaces 38,251,804 4,800,000 2,240,000 ] 9,01)5,393 5,100,000 1,758,000 20,589,237 4,767,667 2,530,575 27,571,121 4,850,000 2,215,00) Total mined in United States , Add decrease in stocks at Lake Erie Docks. ^4rM importations 25,291,894 674,082 25,917,393 897,792 27,887,479 45,207 966,950 34,636,121 1,165,470 Total 25,965,886 25,815,185 28,899,436 35,801,591 Deduct increase in stocks at Lake Erie Docks. Deduct exportation 750,000 40,665 690,000 51,460 64,703 1,214,591 88,445 Total consumption 25,175,221 26,073,725 28,834,733 34,499,555 For 1898 Lake Superior shipments to furnaces For 1898 total mined 14,024,673 19,443,716 The following is 'a table of the output of iron ore by States in 1901 : Tons of 2,240 Ibs. Estimated value in dollars. Minnesota -.. .. ... 11,109,537 9,654,067 2,801,732 1,040,684 925,394 789,494 738,868 420,218 404,037 401,989 234,514 215,599 46,499 44,185 25,214 21,218 14,230 $15,335,513 21,735,592 2,587,719 1,561,620 1,466,423 912,849 1,564,173 1,006,231 1,284,255 918,011 367,864 258,227 48,938 67,776 73,487 33,825 33,742 Michigan Alabama ... ... Pennsylvania ... ... ... Virginia and W. Virginia Tennessee ... ... Montana and Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Wyoming. Georgia, and North and South Carolina Ohio Connecticut and Massachusetts Total 28,887,479 $49,256,243 23S UNITED STATES From the above it will be observed that although Minnesota produces the largest amount of ore, that obtained from Michigan is by far the most valuable. It should be added that the greater portion of this ore is brought to Pennsylvania for treatment, in consequence of the large coal deposits, both anthracite and bituminous, in that State, it being advantageous to deal with the ore as near as possible to the coal mine, where the greatest number of blast furnaces are erected, thus, although Pennsylvania comes fourth on the list of ore-producing States, and Ohio the sixteenth in the same list, yet Pennsylvania stands first in the percentage of pig-iron output, with 45.5 per cent., and Ohio second with 20.4 per cent, of the total production of pig-iron in the United States. 8. There exists no obstacles in the way of successful, continuous mining in this district, and the present railway facilities have been very largely developed as a result of the iron business. 9. Considerable British capital is already invested in the iron ore mining industry in this Consular district. DISTRICT OF PORTLAND (OREGON). (Mr. Consul Laidlaw.) This district comprises the States of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and while iron ores are known to exist in all the States in considerable quantities, they have not generally been prospected to such an extent as to coine under the category of ascertained supplies. No information is available from the State of Idaho, and Mr. Vice-Consul Pelly, of Seattle, has prepared a report on the ores of Washington, which is annexed. 1. Numerous deposits are reported to exist, those of Washington being detailed in Mr. Felly's memorandum. 2. In Oregon, iron ores are to be found amongst the mountain ranges of the Western Counties of the State. There is a large deposit at Oswego, and another at Scappoose, Columbia County; also at Gold Hill, Jackson County. The distances of these from Portland, which is the only shipping port which can be used by ocean steamers, are respectively 7 miles, 20 miles and 313 miles. 3. The transport of ores from Oswego can be made by rail at a cost of 60 cents; and from Gold Hill at $3.40 per ton of 2,000 Ibs. 4. White labour is usually employed for mining, and varies from $1.75 to $2.00 per day. There is no data available as to cost of mining and loading. Mere mining at Oswego is said to have cost 75 c. per ton. 5. No official analyses are obtainable. The Oswego ores were smelted for several years, and near the surface yielded as high as 55 per cent, metallic iron, but, as mining becomes deeper, the value of the ore became less, and latterly 30 to 32 per cent, was all obtained, with 18 per cent, silica, 6.10 per cent, alumina, and 35 per cent, phosphorus. Scappoose ores are reported low grade, and those from Gold Hill, which were practically tested years ago, assayed as follows : Ferric oxide ... ... ... 90.00 per cent. Silica 5.00 Alumina ... ... ... 1.00 Sulphur ... .'. . ... .05 Phosphorus ... ... ... .04 Manganese ... ... ... .02 Water, &c. ... 3.89 100.00 and yielded 63 per cent, metallic iron. These ores are all hematites. PORTLAND, WASHINGTON. 239 6. Proprietors of deposits would generally dispose of them on reason- able terms. 7. The Oswego deposit was first worked about 1867, when the ores used were bog ores; later a furnace was erected, the capacity being after- wards increased to 125 tons per day, Ores were smelted with charcoal, and the product consumed locally on the Pacific coast. The grade of the ore, after mining had been carried on for some years, became so low that work ceased in 1894. The product of pig-iron was as under for the last 5 years of operation : 1869 10,000 tons. 1890 12,305 1891 10,000 1892 7,620 1893 4.739 A few trucks of Gold Hill ores were brought here from the deposit in 1882, but the freight rates were too heavy, and nothing has been done for years past. 8. The principal obstacles in the way of successful mining are low grade of ore, and, in most instances, the distance from tide-water. 9. The shipment of ores does not seem to be practicable. So far those found convenient to tide-water are too low grade, and in the absence of deposits of coking coal and the distance from which lime must be brought, are not even profitable to smelt. Other deposits of higher grade are too remote. There is a limestone deposit, also, near Gold Hill, and it is believed by the owners that the ores could be profitably smelted on the spot. MEMORANDUM on the Iron Ore Deposits of the State of WASHINGTON. (Mr. Vice-Consul Pelly, of Seattle.) I and 2. There are extensive deposits of bog iron, limonite, hematite and magnetite ores in the State of Washington, in the Western Counties of King, Pierce, Kitsap, Skagit, W T hatcom and Jefferson; and in the Eastern Counties of Stevens and Kittitas. The largest deposits are believed to be the beds of magnetite ore in King County, lying among the ridges of the Cascades Range, on the western slope, and in Kittitas County, on the eastern slope of the mountains near the Cle-Elum River. Hematite and magnetite ores are found in extensive deposits near Hamilton, along the Skagit River and in Whatcom County, on the line of the Great Northern Railway, near Baring, Berlin and Money Creek. Bog ores are to be found underlying the flats on Puget Sound. The nearest shipping ports are Seattle, Tacoma, Anacortes, Everett and New Whatcom, all of which are capable of admitting ocean steamers, and the distance from the deposits varies from 25 to 65 miles. Distances from deposits in Stevens County are so great as to render them practically unavailable for shipment to tide-water at present. 3. The transport cost of ore from the Washington deposits to tide- water will range from $1.80 (7s. 6d.) to $2.50 (10s. 5d.) per ton, generally by railroad, except on the Skagit River, where it can be loaded on barges and towed to Anacortes, at the mouth of the river. 4. White labour is used, and the cost of mining and loading ranges from $1.50 (6s. 3d.) to $2.00 (8s. 4d.) per ton. 240 UNITED STATES 5. Official analyses are not obtainable. King County ores assay, on an average, metallic iron 69.31 ; silica 2.46 ; phosphorus .034; sulphur .021. Kittitas ores assay from 50 to 63 per- cent., and are variable, running in bands. Whitcom County ores are high grade magnetic. Hematite ores of Stevens County assay about 55 per cent. Bog ores in Puget Sound basin have an excess of phosphorus, and yield about 42 per cent, metallic iron. Ores generally are low in phosphorus and sulphur, and without titanium. 6. A large proportion of the ore bodies is controlled by the Seattle Iron and Steel Company, which has an authorized stock of $6,000,000 with an authorized issue of $2,000,000 6 per cent, bonds. It owns a furnace at Irondale, Jefferson County, with a capacity of 50 tons per day of charcoal iron, and is planning a large addition to its plant. Most of the ores used, however, are brought from Texada Island and Barclay Sound, British Columbia. There are undoubtedly deposits which could be purchased on reason- able terms. 7. None of the ore bodies in the State have been practically worked, but most of those referred to have been prospected and more or less developed. Some quantity has been worked up in the Irondale furnace, but information is not attainable as to quantities. 8. Climatic and physical conditions are favourable for unencumbered mining all the year round. 9. Presuming that enquiries are made with the view of shipping the ores abroad in the condition in which they come from the mines, it is improbable, owing to the distance and consequently excessive freight, that this would be practicable. It should also be noted that there is a large consumption of iron and steel on this coast, and a ready sale for the products of any local furnaces. Coal and coke are abundant in the State, and convenient for shipment, and charcoal can be produced cheaply. Limestone can be delivered at $1.00 per ton. The estimated cost of making pig-iron on Puget Sound is as follows : With charcoal as fuel : 1.6 ton of ore at $3.00 per ton $4.80 140 bushels charcoal at 4^ cents 6.30 1/6 ton limestone at $1.00 .17 Labour per ton ... ... ... ... 2.00 Repairs, supplies, &c. ... ... ... .50 Total cost $13.77 With coke as fuel : 1/6 ton ore at $3.00 per ton $4.80 2,800 Ibs. coke at $3.75 per ton 5.25 .6 ton limestone at $1.00 ... .60 Labour per ton ... ... ... ... 1.50 Incidentals ... -50 Total cost $12.65 The presumption, therefore, is that all ores will be smelted on the spot. CALIFORNIA. 241 STATES OF CALIFORNIA, NEVADA AND UTAH, and the TERRITORY OF ARIZONA. (Mr. Consul-General Bennett.) State of CALIFORNIA. Area, 156,203 square miles. 1. Yes. 2. Deposits have been found in Shasta, Plumas, Del Norte, Humboldt, Placer and Napa Counties to the north of the city of San Francisco, and in Fresno, San Bernardino and Madera Counties to the south. Shipments from the northern portion would be made either via Eureka or via San Francisco, and from the south from iSan Pedro, the port of Los Angeles. 3. A few rates only can be quoted. The following have been obtained from the .Southern Pacific Railway for car load lots, minimum 15 tons, from named points in the counties to the nearest seaport. Rates per Ton of 2,000 Ibs. :- $ From Delta, Shasta Co. to San Francisco ... 3.90 per Ton. Beckwith, Plumas Co. ... 6.55 Auburn, Placer Co. ,, ... 2.60 Calistoga, Napa Co. ,, ... 2.00 Fresno, Fresno Co. ... 3.80 Madera, Madera Co. ... 3.55 Raymond ,, ... 3.25 San Bernardino, San Bernardino Co. Port Los Angeles ... 4.00 There is no rail connection for Del Norte County, but Crescent City is the principal seaport on the coast in that county. There is no rail connection for Humboldt County, but Eureka is the principal seaport in that county. The rates might be materially reduced in many cases by the construction of light railways direct to a seaport, but at present the only means of transport is the existing railway system. 4. Labour is scarce in California and wages are high. White labour would cost about 10s. to 16s. a day; Chinese somewhat less. The deposits could be worked with steam shovels, and with lines laid from the nearest railway junction direct into the quarry, enabling ore to be loaded straight into trucks ; the expense of quarrying is estimated at about 2s. a ton. 5. Only a few analyses of ore can be obtained, and are given below. Del Norte County. Magnetite occurs in the serpentine near Gasquet, associated with copper and iron sulphurets. Hematite is found in the northern part of the county in such quantity and quality to make it valuable for smelting. No developments. The mountains east of Gasquet, French Hill, and the slopes of Hardscrabble Creek are covered with grains and lumps of brightly polished black hematite, which seems to have weathered out of the serpentine country rock. Humboldt County. Centerville. In the gray metamorphic sandstones on the beach, four miles south of Centerville, occur veins of hematite. One of them, exposed by the action of the surf, is eight feet thick. The ore is soft, of brown-red colour, and has a tendency to become scaly, like micaceous iron. Preston Iron Mine. On James Creek, two miles north-east of Arcata. The quality of the ore seems fair a soft red hematite but whether it exists in sufficient quantities to make the deposit of commercial value has yet to be demonstrated. Inyo County. East slope of Argus Range. Iron appears in the form of bunches of varying size over an area several hundred feet in diameter. Mountain Spring Canon. On the south side of Mountain Spring Canon, near its head, is a ledge of hematite iron running east and west. The float 17598 2 H 242 UNITED STATES- is very abundant, but the croppings are mostly covered, so that the extent is not known. It is enclosed in granite. Mount Gleason deposits. On the south slope of Mount Gleason, near the head of Little Tejunga Canon, is the Padre claim. At the western base, half a mile from Ravenna Station, good magnetic iron ore is found. None of the deposits appear to be very extensive, but in each the ore is of good grade. San Bernardino County. West Lava Beds District. About 26 miles south-east of Daggett, in this district, are large deposits of hematite and magnetite of superior quality. Shasta County. Lost Confidence Company's mine. A body of hematite, covering about 40 acres, is situated near Slick Rock Creek, running parallel with the silver ore outcrop. It is very pure, and could be delivered on the .cars at the bank of Sacramento River through an inclined tramway at a small expense. Maxwell Mine. This is If miles east of the United States fishery, and comprises five claims. The ore body lies in limestone, and is extensive, con- taining largely magnetic iron. Magnetic iron ore was found in Section 26, T. 34 N., R. 4 W., near junction of McCloud River with Pitt River. The deposits were quite exten- sive, but there has not been sufficient development to determine extent. The ore gives by analysis 69 per cent, of iron, 15 per cent, of silica, .018 per cent, of sulphur, and .025 per cent, of phosphorus. The iron deposits rest on limestone. Sonoma County. Fisk'? Mill. Three miles inland, on the Lancaster ranch, a body of iron ore has been slightly exploited, which is a part of an ore body running west and south along the coast for miles. Fort Ross. Six miles east of Fort Ross is a body of iron ore, mostly hematite, coursing north, of considerable extent. Noble's. Five miles north of Noble's ranch, near the west fork of 'Gualala River, is a large body of hematite and silicate of iron. Fresno County. Deposits of hematite and magnetic iron ore, existing near the Minaret Mountains in the north-western portion of Fresno County. A Mr. Nelson, one of the interested parties, handed me (the State Mineralogist) several analyses of the ore, made by Mariner and Hoskins, of Chicago: "Mn 1 Xo 9 Xn 3 \o 4 Iron 66-3 r>(M3 07-20 tetao Silica 4-57 4-27 4-40 6-35 Phosphorus 128 454 454 748 The following is an analysis made of the same iron ore by Rattle and Nye, of Cleveland, for Mr. Nelson: Iron 66.20 Silica 4.20 Phosphorus 249 Manganese 37 Alumina ... ... ... ... ... ... .54 Lime 2.04 Magnesia 022 Sulphur 039 Organic and volatile matter .34 Titanic Acid None. NEVADA, ARIZONA, UTAH. 6. There is hardly any doubt but that the deposits could be purchased if desired, as none of them are being worked. 7. No, practically none of them have been worked. 8. It is simply a question of "would it pay?" Water in many cases is scarce, limestone is rarely found in California, and coal is dear. Oil fuel for the generation of electricity is cheap and abundant, but a method of utilising it for quarrying purposes would be a novelty in California. 9. The whole of the pig iron and steel used in the Union Iron Works and other shipbuilding yards, as also in the various foundries, comes from either the Eastern States or the United Kingdom. No local ore is smelted. Local coal is of poor quality and unsuitable. So far it has not been found possible to use oil, the great difficulty being that the gas given off by the oil is absorbed by the ore, and the product is thereby altered. The development of the smelting industry in the Western States is retarded by the low rates quoted in the east for delivery of structural iron, &c., in California. Steel rails can be placed here as low as $22 a ton. State of NEVADA. Area, 109,901 square miles. The Governor of the State writes me, " I have the honour to state that we have no Mining Bureau, nor State Mineralogist, therefore are destitute of statistical information desired by you. We have many immense out- croppings of iron in this State, but I have no knowledge that any have been sufficiently developed to determine their value, or quality of product." Territory of ARIZONA. Area, 113,738 square miles. The Governor of Arizona writes as follows : " I have the honour to inform' you that the mining of iron ore in this territory is not carried on. There is, however, known to be a large deposit of iron ore in the Plomosa range in Yuma County, not located, and never having been mined. " The usual occurrence of iron ore in this territory is as a cap rock for other ores such as copper, gold and silver. " The deposit of iron ore mentioned as in the Plomosa Range in Yuma County is near the Colorado River. " The mining of iron ore in this territory could not be carried on success- fully, and I am unable to give you the address of any person who could furnish you with more detailed information in regard to the one known- deposit." State of UTAH. Area, 82,096 square miles. 1. Yes. 2. In Iron County, at Iron Mountain, and Iron Springs district, twenty- two miles from Lund, on the Oregon Short Line Railroad. 3. See annexed report. 4. Labour conditions and price of loading in trucks about the same as for California. 5. Analyses of the Iron Mountain ore will be found in report annexed. 17598 2 H 2 244 UNITED STATES 6. It is not believed that these mines are in the market. Still the owners would probably accept a liberal offer. 7. Yes. See report. 8. No ; fuel is plentiful and so is limestone. 9. The 'accompanying valuable report has been drawn up for the Consul-General by Mr. A. C. Milner, of Salt Lake City, at the request of the Governor of Utah. It covers all the ground and affords a quantity of general -and technical information which it is believed will be highly interesting. General Remarks. It is not believed locally that it would pay the British iron industry to purchase iron ore anywhere in this district for use in England. The freights, however, from San Francisco to Liverpool are so low, only 12s. 6d. a ton for wheat, and it has been as low as fOs. 6d., that it is possible that it might be a success. There is not much difference between the rates by steam vessel from Bilbao to Middlesborough, and the rate by sail from here to Liverpool. Iron ore is not a perishable cargo, and manganese ore has been shipped from San Francisco. Wheat cargoes from here must become rarer and rarer, and in a few years time no doubt will cease altogether, so that there appears little chance of freights rising. The two, wheat and ore, could be advantageously carried together. Whether it would pay to start blast furnaces here in California is a question on which judgment must be reserved. There is a project on foot to start blast furnaces near Tacoma, where fuel and limestone are abundant. Some' time ago, however, the Steel Trust were approached by some western men with a project for blast furnaces at Seattle, where coal and other conditions are favourable. The Trust, who are always on the lookout for a good thing, sent out a couple of experts, who reported most unfavourably. In fact, they declared roundly that " there was nothing in it." The Standard Oil Company have also spent an immense amount of money in trying to adapt oil to the generation of electricity with a view to smelting iron, but without success. It is said that they have dropped a million dollars over the experiments. If the ore in the west is ever smelted on the spot, it will probably be by electricity, generated by water power from the Sierras. REPORT on Iron Ore Deposits in Utah, by Mr. A. C. Milner, of Salt Lake City. The iron properties in Iron County, South-Western Utah, are situated in Iron Mountain and Iron Springs districts, which are about 22 miles south- east of the Oregon Short Line Railroad. The deposits cover an area 15 miles long by about three miles wide, the ore showing on the surface at three different points. The ore is principally a soft red and brown hematite, which can be handled easily by steam shovel, except where blowouts occur, which are hard and magnetic. Hundreds of acres will require only from one to three feet of stripping. Mr. R. B. Dear, of the firm of Winston Bros, and Dear, Duluth, estimated that ore can be stripped, mined and put on cars for 15 cents per short ton (2,000 Ibs.). UTAH. 245 There are apparently three separate veins, the largest being 800 feet between walls, second about 500 feet, and third 200 feet. The largest vein has been developed along the strike for about 15,000 feet, and the 500-foot vein for about 12,000 feet, and the 200-foot vein for about 5,000 feet. The development work has been done principally by pits and shafts, there being about 1,500 of them. There are also numerous trenches and tunnels ; the deepest shaft is 150 feet. About $125,000 has been expended in this work. The ore occurs between lime and granite, foot -wall being granite and hanging wall lime. Various iron experts who have made examination of these properties state that it is the largest surface of iron ore in the world. The tonnage in sight is so great that it is very difficult to state what it is, but the various experts have made estimates from 100,000,000 to 500,000,000 short tons. They also stated that the possibilities of the deposit were from 800,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 short tons. About 25 per cent, of this ore is Bessemer, balance being basic. By mixing the two ores, the percentage of Bessemer would be much increased. The ore runs an average of about 60 per cent, metallic iron. The average in silica is about 7 per cent. The limestone adjacent to the iron has all proper fluxing qualifications necessary in furnace work. The coal measures in Carbon County produce a coke which is equal to the Connelsville article, both as regards analysis and strength necessary to carry furnace burden ; this coal is about 225 miles from the iron on the Rio Grande Western Railroad. The iron fields are 273 miles from Salt Lake City and 445 miles by Clark Road Survey from San Pedro Harbour, which is the Pacific Coast terminus of the Clark Road. This combination controls 124 claims or locations, 109 being patented and 15 unpatented. These claims cover about 2,800 acres, which take in about 85 per cent, of the iron in sight. Experts figure that pig iron can be manufactured in Utah for $6 per ton, and that steel rails can be made for $13 per ton. The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, at Pueble, Colorado, are the only pig iron and steel manufacturers west of the Mississippi River, and their cost per ton is high, as all their raw materials are hauled from considerable dis- tances, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, &c., to point of manufacture, which is 1,400 miles from the Pacific coast, and 900' miles further from the coast than Utah iron, and thus could not compete with an iron and steel plant in Utah for the Pacific coast and Oriental iron and steel business. Pig iron sells at Salt Lake City at $38 to $42 per ton, San Francisco, $34 to $38; steel rails, Salt Lake, $46, San Francisco, $48 (not to-day). Annual consumption of steel rails on Pacific Coast is about 300,000 tons, pig iron, 480,000 tons. Consumption could be much increased if iron products could be obtained from Utah cheaper. This iron field developed will eventu- .ally control the Pacific Coast and Oriental iron and steel business, if properly manipulated. The Orient is the future great market for many of our manu- factured commodities, among which iron and steel are the principals. Any one visiting the iron mines must leave the Oregon Short Line at Lund, Iron County. A much more elaborate description of the iron ore and its possibilities could be given. The within includes the principal facts. Will state further that there are no other known iron deposits in the west that are of sufficient extent to be considered as the basis for developing .an iron and steel enterprise. The following is an extract from a report made by George E. Gunn, expert for the American Smelting and Refining Company :- General Formation. Granite, limestone, sandstone, and quartzite. Formation of Veins or Ore Deposits. In this respect, in describing one mine I might as well include the whole district. 246 UNITED STATES A range of granite hills, having a north-east and south-east course, traverses the country for a distance of fifteen or twenty miles. The width of the granite varies, in places being several miles wide, while in other places it is contracted to much less than a mile across, this contraction probably being due to the sedimentary formations overlying the granite not being eroded away in the low places as much as where the hills are more precipitous and higher. The iron deposits seem to follow on both sides of this granite, some- times occurring on the contact between the lime and granite, again occurring in the limestone near the granite, while in other places they are located in the granite, and occasionally between the quartzite and lime, but in all cases, as far as present developments show, they have fairly perpendicular walls. While all the iron ores carry some percentage of magnetic, yet in the limes and on the contacts the iron is largely hematite, while in the granite the iron is a magnetite. The iron deposits do not hold uniform the whole length of these granite hills, in many places they being hundreds (perhaps over a thousand) of feet wide, while in other places they contract and the surface shows no iron. Apparently these granite hills were made by either upheaval or con- traction. In the disturbance, fissures were made in places in the granite, afterward filling with ore. At the same time, the ground along contact was disturbed and fissured. Water coursing along these contacts eroded the limestone, causing caves, which afterwards filled with ore. In one place, about the centre of the range, there is a break, causing a flat valley some four miles across, which is now covered with debris, and upon which no work has been done. Undoubtedly the iron bodies go across this valley, and under which there undoubtedly exist large bodies of ore. UTAH. 247 Analysis of Milner Iron at Iron County, Utah. Made by Lorch Bros., Analytical Chemists and Mining Engineers, of Hebing, Minnesota. Woof .r eei. Iron, 08. Old Pinto Shaft sample From 20-30 48-78 047 30-40 51-60 050 40-50 55-96 144 50-60 57-71 139 Black Hawk Shaft sample From 40-50 53-67 110 50-60 58-86 128 60-70 59-51 245 70-80 62-18 126 80-90 62-66 288 90-100 60-62 213 100-110 57-47 120 110-114 59-61 063 Pinto Shaft sample From 0-10 52-47 082 10-20 51-13 056 20-30 55-52 009 30-40 53-41 026 40-50 49-82 J21 50-58 57-27 590 Pinto Shaft, top of hill From 60-65 56-09 122 Mountain Lion Shaft 48 feet deep 58-20 083 Mountain Lion Shaft sample From 0-10 52-14 190 10-20 55-44 110 20-30 53-74 ' -282 30-40 56-43 297 Pinto No. 6 Shaft samples 10-20 58-73 034 ., ... ... 20-30 59-65 043 from bottom 6 ft. 30-36 59-33 DCS Sample of outcrop around Mt. Lion 65-88 258 Lump sample (Hard Ore) 66-69 420 General sample of Blowout 64-04 102 66-02 182 248 UNITED STATES Analysis of Milner Iron continued. "PVirko . . ron XT 11 ON Dear Claim ... 66-57 287 Lerch Claim 1)5-26 298 Black Hawk 62*56 139 Chesapeak No. 2 68*56 087 Milner Land S.W. of Chesapeak 69-50 015 First Chance, West End Pot Metal 65-25 58-76 062 098 Constalk Claim, owned by Page 60-27 144 Black Magnetic 66-07 094 Mountain Lion No. 1, Test Pit, N.W. Corner. Picked Sample from the Blowout _. 53-71 65-49 169 040 First Chance Claim 68-03 081 Milner Land, east of Burke No. 5 63-68 349 Mountain Lion, No. 3 63-14 239 3, Drift sample Mang. 2-81 57-90 336 ,, 1 ... 64-27 236 ,, ,, ,, ,- 55-14 119 Milner Land, west of Blowout ... 61-87 137 Milner land between Duncan No. 1 and Burke No. 5. Constalk Claim 61-87 59-82 137 030 Shinin^ Light 65-17 478 Burke No. 2... * 60-07 298 No.3 62-31 196 No.5 54-45 073 Red Cloud 61-56 209 Duncan No. 1. ... .. 61-99 147 Mountain Lion Claim, No. 1 62-59 226 > > > " 61-04 207 ,, ') 59-95 185 UTAH, PORTO RICO. Copy of Analysis. Careful Average Samples taken by John J. Jones, Iron Mountain, Michigan. II d l *1 02 "o 3 5 XI a 33 3 33 Phosphorous. Manganese. Metallic Iron. Lime Cao. Magnesia MgoJ 1 S o o 86 2-77 080 172 07 67-90 79 1-11 005 Top of Taylor's Blow-out. 82 6-97 077 057 02 60-25 1-50 1-95 002 Milner property ; Pinto No. <> Shaft 100 feet deep. Stock pilesample,Blue Memiatite. 81 14-27 076 036 58 52-82 91 1-61 151 Burke No. 2; from drift 4 feet under limestone ; Outcrop 3 to 400 feet wide. 85-2 5-34 067 421 02 61-20 2-30 1-53 006 Pinto No. 2 Shaft 113 feet deep ; taken from Stock pile. 87 5-90 062 045 11 59-26 4-59 1-95 003 Mountain Lion Shaft ; from Stock pile. 88 7-16 105 245 18 58-07 4-12 2-13 003 Mountain Lion No. 3 ; from upper cut. 90 2-74 055 072 06 6-89 93 1-37 002 Little Allic outcrop 200 X 200 feet. 91 11-57 24 257 02 59-26 1-13 47 009 Armstrong outcrop alongside of Adunis outcrop ; 800 X 1,000 feet. 92 1974 048 207 02 46-78 2-71 3-06 007 J. M. Wick ; crop cut 30 feet in ore. 83 6-54 096 731 07 .">.V50 6-33 2-41 010 Pinto Stock pile, sample from 112 feet shaft. 84 7.28 127 088 15 55-89 6-14 1-33 010 Pinto No. 3, trench 30 feet, shaft 75 to 80 feet deep ; Lirch property. 1 6-46 098 067 02 61-64 99 1-42 136 " Denacan " sample, 10 feet across drift ; 3 trenches on Sich Hill ; had the appear- ance of 4tterus ore. 93 G72 o:>2 09S 29 59-46 i-ir. 1-47 012 Hematite ; Little Mormaee. 8 feet in one place under lime. 94 8-73 059 225 04 57-97 1-28 2-89 010 Vermillion ; Hematite ore ; outcrop 20 feet wide. 95 6-86 143 029 02 60-55 1-23 1-29 061 McG-ary ; Eclipse ; Hematite ore. 96 6-29 044 086 14 58-27 4-07 1-18 006 McGary ; Twitchel. 97 8-14 029 534 17 50-24 5-19 1-78 005 McGary ; Pittsburg. 98 4-61 094 204 11 60-74 4-85 3-76 006 Smith outcrop. 99 14-79 045 122 15 19-45 3-45 2-35 008 Big Mogul ; McGary's group. 100 2-57 040 134 19 67-98 87 1-05 005 Blair and Great Western Lorge outcrop 500 X 1,000 feet ; magnetic ore. 85-1 8-67 117 071 04 59-30 2-40 1-13 008 PORTO Rico. (Mr. Consul Churchward.) Reports that iron measures are freely disTributed over all the mountainous parts of the island, and that numerous concessions have been granted for the exploitation of the ore in all directions. The more noticeable selections are considered valuable, and the deposits are estimated to be of extent and quality that should encourage serious enterprise. Reports on these, in the form of answers to the questions supplied with the circular, are enclosed, from the Vice-Consular districts of Ponce, Arroyo, Arecibo and Humacao. The other two divisions, San Juan and Mayeguez, have nothing to report as yet. 17--.98 2 T 250 UNITED STATES Ponce. 1. Yes. An important one. 2. On the banks of the river Portugues, about fourteen miles from the port of Ponce, open to ocean steamers of the largest tonnage. 3. There is a good road. Transport would be with ox-carts at the rate of about 12s. 6d. per ton. 4. There is no need of shaft or gallery. The cost of quarrying and loading into carts would be about lOd. per ton. Labour is abundant at 2s. 6d. per working day of eight hours. 5. There is no official analysis. Samples taken have been analysed in London and Halifax, N.S. London Analysis : Iron 67.20 per cent. Alumina .25 Magnesia .80 Silica 5.10 Phosphorus ... ... ... .01 Sulphur .02 Oxygen, traces of manganese, arsenic, &c. ... ... 26.62 100.00 Iron equal to Sesquioxide 96 per cent. No gold. Fine silver. 7 dwts. 12 grains per ton of 20 cwts. Halifax analysis : Iron ... ... ... ... 66.17 per cent. Phosphorus ... ... ... Nil. Sulphur Trace. Silica 1.02 Loss on ignition ... ... .45 Original analysis with Messrs. Fred. Barnes & Co., of 109, Fenchurch Street. 6. The deposits can be bought at a reasonable price. The owners are well off. 7. No. 8. None. 9. Technical information, details and prices are to be bad from Senor Ramon Gandia Cordova, Civil Engineer, of 45, Fortaleza Street, San Juan, who represents the owners. Arroyo. 1. There are large deposits of iron ore in the district. 2. They are to be found in the Barrio Laurel, four miles from the port of Arroyo, where ocean steamers can load. PORTO RICO. 251 3. It is impossible to state cost of transport as there are no roads to the mountains, only rough tracks. 4. It is impossible to state cost of labour for mining as no such work has ever been done here. Ordinary field labour is paid 50 cento., gold, per day, and is plentiful. 5. No official analysis lias been made. A private one gives 67.50 per cent., but little faith can be put in this, as there is no assurance of the sample having been an impartial one. 6. They are well off, but would sell on reasonable terms. 7. No. 8. Ncne that under present circumstances can be imagined. Arecibo. 1. Yes. 2. In the neighbourhood of Vivi and Canovanillas, near Utuado, about twenty miles from the port of Arecibo, where ocean steamers can load. 3. Only by track. Approximate cost of putting ore from mine on ship $6, gold, per ton. 4. Cost of labour cannot be estimated, but is plentiful. 5. Analyses have been made. 6. Mostly poor and willing to sell. 7. None. 8. None to be ascertained. Humacao. I. Yes. 2 In the neighbourhood of Juncos and Las Piedras. There are three 'ports, Humacao, Naguabo, and Ensenada Honda where ocean steamers can load from lighters. Distance about twenty miles. 3. Impossible to estimate. No roads, only tracks. 4. Impossible to estimate. Field labour is plentiful at 50 cents, gold. 5. I can quote none. 6. The proprietors are well disposed to sell. They are in ?ood circumstances. . 7. None have been worked but for samples. 8. None. 9 It is understood that Senor Pedro Sansteban, of San Juan, is moving in the iron interest of this district. 17598 252 VENEZUELA. VENEZUELA. CIUDAD BOLIVAR. (Mr. Consul de Lemos.) 1. Very extensive iron ore deposits are reported to exist in my consular district. 2. They are situated on the south side of the Orinoco River at Imataca, near the mouth of the river. There is no established shipping port, but there is a convenient shipping place with deep water where ocean steamers which can pass the Orinoco bar, 16 feet, can lay alongside. This shipping place is in close proximity of the ore deposits. 3. The cost of transport of the ore to the shipping place would therefore be small. It could be effected either by a tram line or by overhead wire rope. 4. The labour for mining, &c., would have to be imported, as none is available locally. For this purpose a supply can easily be obtained from the West Indian Islands. The wages would probably be about four shillings a day for miners and quarrymen and 25 per cent, less for common labourers. 5. No official analyses of the ore are obtainable here. Experts who have visited the mines have stated that the ore is of an exceptionally high quality, containing 70 per cent, of metallic iron, and that it is almost, if not quite, free of sulphur and phosphorus. One expert qualified it as " specular " iron ore, capable of being treated with a small quantity of fluxes. 6. Concessions on the iron ore deposit referred to have been granted to different parties, who have been negotiating for a long time to form com- panies. The concessionnaires are not rich, and likely to be sellers of deposits on reasonable terms. It is reported that a company has been lately formed by one of the concessionnaires, a Mr. George Turnbull, an American, but details are not known as yet. 7. Work on a small scale has been done on some of the deposits, and one or two sample cargoes were shipped a few years ago. No statistics are, however, available. 8. The only and serious obstacle in the way of successful and unen- cumbered mining is that these iron ore deposits are situated in a country where industries have to contend with many difficulties, owing to the existing fiscal laws,* 1 and where revolutions are of frequent occurrence. 9. The iron ore deposits in the Imataca Range of mountains have not yet been properly explored, and it is believed that other deposits besides those already known could be discovered. So far, only outcrops in the immediate neighbourhood of the Orinoco River have received attention. The titles and concessions already issued have given rise to several law- suits and disputes, while difficulties have been placed in the way of vessels loading at Imataca. This has no doubt impeded the development of these mines, which certainly appear to be of great value and importance. . * Note. In this connection reference may be made to the new Mining Law sec B. of T. Jr., pp. 222-3, Vol. XLVI. ARABIA. CHINA AMOY. 253 ASIA. ARABIA. MUSCAT. (Major Cox, Consul.) 1. Yes. 2. Fifteen miles away. Nearest port Muscat. 3. By camel. 4. Difficult to estimate. Labour 6 annas per day per man. 5. No. Small sample sent. 6. Owner : Sultan of Muscat. Cannot be negotiated at present. 7. No. 8. Yes; tribal and political. 9. The Sultan of Muscat's territories have never been in any way ex- ploited or geologically examined for metals and minerals. The exist- ence of an old copper mine is known of in the interior, also of a silver mine; both have long since fallen into desuetude, and, so far as is known, would not repay resumption. Coal of good quality has been discovered in the vicinity of Soor, and a small tract of country examined for it by a geological expert of the Government of India and confidentially reported on. The coal was found to be of excellent quality but apparently not in sufficient quantity, in the tract examined, to repay the inception of mining operations. More may exist, however, in other districts. As regards iron, I may reiterate that the country has never been geologically examined for it, but I forward by the same mail a sample of what I believe to be iron ore obtained from a district about fifteen miles from Muscat, which is apparently ferriferous. I am endeavouring to obtain more. Hitherto any systematic survey of Oman, either geological or trigono- metrical, has been impracticable owing, primarily, to the turbulence and suspiciousness of the tribes of the interior. CHINA. AMOY, SOUTH CHINA. (Mr. Consul Hausser.) 1. Deposits of iron ore are reported to exist in large quantities in several places within this Consular district, embracing the southern portion of the Fukien province. 2. There are known to be deposits : (a.) In the Leng Na Sub-Prefecture, at a distance of about 100 miles from the sea. Amoy is the nearest shipping port for ocean steamers. 254 CHINA CHINKIANG. (b.) In the Chang Chin Prefecture, in the Nan Ching and Ping Ho districts, from 60 to 100 miles distant from Amoy. (c.) In the Chin Chiu Prefecture, in the An Chi district, about 60 to 80 miles from Amoy. Deposits of iron ore are also reported to exist in other districts. 3. It is impossible to give any accurate estimate of the cost of trans- port of ore, but it may be roughly calculated at not less than $5 per ton. The roads are very poor, being narrow and in bad repair. There are no canals available, and river traffic is much impeded by shallows and rapids. To make any scheme of working iron mines pay, railroads would have to be built to the coast. 4. There is abundant native labour available, the average cost for ordinary labourers ranging from 30 to 50 cents per diem. The probable cost of loading would be between 20 and 40 cents per ton. 5. Official analyses show about 56 per cent, of metallic iron. Copies are not obtainable. 6. The proprietors of the deposits are generally poor, and would no doubt be sellers at reasonable rates to a company in which Chinese held shares, but they would hardly be likely to sell the mines outright to a foreign company. 7. The deposits have hitherto been worked only by the Chinese them- selves, and by native primitive methods only. There is no export of ore, but certain manufactured articles are sent abroad; chiefly to Chinese in the Straits Settlements. 8. The Chinese Government is very slow to grant concessions to outside companies. Native superstitions, graves, individual ownership of land, mandarin rapacity, &c., &c., are some of the inevitable obstacles to be overcome before any mining company can be successfully floated in China, though these difficulties are greatly diminished when once the consent of the Government has been obtained. 9. Efforts have already been made by both British and Japanese syndicates to float companies for mining iron and coal in this district, but, judging by the time that has already elapsed, and money that has been spent, without any compensating return, it is obvious that there are many serious difficulties to be overcome before any practical beginning can be made. Further professional surveys of this province would almost certainly result in the discovery of other deposits of iron and coal, hitherto unworked, or worked only very superficially. CHINKIANG. (Mr. Consul Tratman.) 1. No information is available as to deposits of iron ore within this Consular district. Natives state vaguely that "there are metals in the hills," but it does not appear that any proper survey has been made at any time, or that any " metals " have ever been taken out of the hills. Until an expert survey of the district has been made it is impossible to say whether deposits of iron ore exist or not. 2. Chinkiang is itself a shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers. FOOCHOW. 265 3. The district is well served by water-ways, including the Grand Canal. There are at present no railroads. 4. Any quantity of coolie labour would be available at about seven pence a day for mining and about five pence for loading. 5. No. 6. If deposits of ore were found, the proprietors would be likely to be sellers on reasonable terms. 7. No. 8. The existing official mining regulations for the Empire are obstructive and unsatisfactory, but it is understood that the Chinese Government has promised to draw up fresh ones which shall be more in accordance with modern usage. Locally there would be no special obstacles to mining, though the officials would doubtless attempt their usual " squeezing " tactics. FOOCHOW. (Mr. Consul Brady.) 1. Iron ore is found in many districts of this province (Fuhkien), but the deposits are worked in a primitive manner and to no great extent. No foreign machinery is used and foreign methods are not followed. 2. The principal deposits in this neighbourhood are at : Kutien, Ku Cheng, distant from the port of Foochow About 120 miles. Ming Ching, east of Kutien, distant from the port of Foochow ... ... ... 40 Lo Yuan, distant from the port of Foochow 50 Chien Ning, distant from the port of Foochow 160 and Fu Ning, a place in close proximity to the open port of Santuao. The nearest open shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers is Pagoda Anchorage about 9 miles distant by river from Foochow, of which it is the port. 3. It is difficult to arrive at an accurate estimate of the cost of trans- port of ore, but the following notes, which have been verified as far as cir- cumstances admit, may be of some value. It should be noted, however, that there is no demand for ore amongst the Chinese, and, so far as I can ascertain, none ever leaves the mining districts, except in the form of pig iron, similar to the samples which accompany this report; were it required, the transport would be effected by coolies, who would carry it by basket loads from the inland districts where it is quarried, or rather dug from the hill sides, to the river where it could be shipped by junk to Foochow or Pagoda Anchorage. No canals, railways, or roads permitting of vehicular traffic exist in the province. For ore, Sample II., collected in the Kutien district, the cost of con- veyance overland in the manner described, to Sui Kow, which is the general place of shipment for all local produce, would come to about 80 Mexican dollar cents per picul of 100 catties = 133 Ibs. avoirdupois; while the freight by junk thence to Foochow or Pasrorla would amount to some 10 cents odd. 256 CHINA The transport of iron pigs, manufactured at Kutien, would be the same. From Ming Ching the transport would be cheaper, while from Chien Ning it would be more, owing to the longer distance from Foochow. 4. The labour available for mining (or quarrying) and loading is coolie labour which is plentiful throughout the mining districts. Skilled labour, i.e., miners capable of washing the clay containing the ore, and extracting the iron deposit, can be obtained at about 20 cents per day; unskilled hands can be had for about half that sum. The cost of the ore at Kutien is about 15 cents per picul if taken in large quantities. 5. I enclose an analysis of a sample of Kutien pig iron kindly supplied to me by the Imperial Commissioner of the arsenal at Pagoda Anchorage, and also one of An Chi iron, a mine in the Amoy district, obtained from the late Mr. J. Farrow, whose efforts to secure a mining concession for coal and iron in that district have recently proved abortive. The latter shows 36 per cent, metallic iron. Sample I. A pig of iron procured from the Kutien mines. In this district, according to local custom, 85 catties are reckoned equivalent to one picul, the market price being $2.80 on the spot, equal to about $3.20 per 100 catties, or $54 per ton. Purchased in Foochow the same article would cost about $5 per 100 catties, say $85 per ton. I learn that the Arsenal authorities are able to lay this iron down at Pagoda for $3.10 per picul. Sample II. Is a specimen of Kutien iron ore (sha or dust), the only form in which it is worked apparently ; it can be purchased on the spot for 15 cents per picul of 100 catties = $2.55 per ton practically the cost of collecting it. One hundred catties of this " sha " or ore when smelted down by native methods produces 20 odd catties of pig iron, which makes the prime cost of the latter equal to 60 odd cents per picul, or, say, about $10 per ton. The expense of smelting, however, brings the price up to $3.20 per picul as already stated. Sample III. Is a specimen of the Iron produced in the Ming Ching district, the market price for which (on the spot) is about $3 per picul. Sample IV. A sample of the " sha " or dust from Ming Ching cost about 15 cents a picul. 6. The hills in which the ore is found belong either to village com- munities or private individuals, who would no doubt be glad to dispose of their property on reasonable terms if they were free agents; unfortunately the Chinese officials oppose all attempts of foreigners to engage in mining operations, and I see no immediate prospect of any change in this respect. 7. The iron deposits may be said to have been worked from time immemorial, but only in a primitive way and merely to meet local demands, which are extremely limited. It is not possible to give data as to the output, as no statistics exist; no ore leaves the port except perhaps coastwise by junk in small parcels. 8. The only obstacle to mining in the district is the opposition of the officials which seems to be insurmountable ; the country people would gladly welcome the introduction of foreign machinery and the opening of mines, but in spite of the elaborate mining regulations that have been drawn up to this end, the authorities still withhold their permission. 9. Mining is not carried on in any systematic manner; the ore is found on the hill sides in considerable quantities, especially after the heavy summer rains, and is collected by the country people who convey it to the towns and dispose of it to the furnace owners at the equivalent of a day's wages. The fuel used for the purpose of smelting is said to be mainly charcoal, which explains in some measure the comparatively high price of the iron. POOCHOW. 257 A nalysis of Kutien Iron by a Manchester Expert. I have investigated the two pieces of Chinese native iron submitted to- me for analysis and have to report as follows : Analytical test of iron as received from Foochow: Iron 99.315 per cent. Carbon .300 Silicon .140 Sulphur .010 Phosphorus .035 Manganese .200 The iron was very rough and appeared to contain free silica as inter- mingled slag; this silica appears to have become liberated on melting as- it does not appear in the finished steel. The analysis shows the iron to be of a very good quality and to be suit- able for melting by crucible process into steels for best purposes, such as- turning tools for engineers' lathes, drills, planing and boring tools, punches, &c., &c. One bar one inch square and about 28 inches long I cut in the centre and send the two halves herewith ; one piece, as you will see, has been made into an engineer's turning tool, and the tool has been in daily use for four weeks in a 6-inch lathe in turning steel cranks, forgings, cast and wrought iron, besides being used for general work as is ordinarily required in an engineer's workshop. The tool has given perfect satisfaction and is fully equal to any Sheffield steel of the same character. I have drilled the finished bar and submitted it to chemical test, the analysis coming out as under: Chemical Test. Carbon 1.82 Silicon 031 Sulphur 06 Phosphorus .02 Manganese .20 I send herewith samples of the steel turnings cut off a steel crank by the tool made from this bar. The samples are good to have been cut in so very small a lathe. The tool worked with the greatest ease and smoothness. Carbon only has been added to the native iron. This steel could be im- proved by the addition of alloys, but it was considered that a better test of the quality of the iron would be arrived at by the addition of carbon alone. 1. With reference to the question of converting the iron into good tool steel, the iron is quite unsuitable for conversion in the cementing or con- verting furnaces as carried on in Sheffield with Swedish and other good irons. 2. As to the number of tons of charcoal required to heat one ton of steel: Crucible furnaces in Sheffield use selected coke for melting and about 3 tons, 6 cwts. are used for each ton of steel. Charcoal can, of course, be used instead of coke and the weight would be about 3 tons of charcoal for each ton of steel. 3. (Has reference to* cost of installation of furnaces, &c.) * * * * * * * If more care were exercised in making the iron in the ^-inch bar in a purer state free from intermingled slag it would prove still better. The result of an official analysis which had been made of a specimen of iron ore from the An Chi district showed that it contained 36 per cent, metallic iron; it was not considered a good sample. Report says the Kutien iron is very good. 17598 2 K 258 CHINA HAINAN, HANKOW. HAINAN. (Mr. Consul Werner.) 1. Yes; deposits are said to exist. 2. Chiefly in the central mountainous districts of Hainan. The only port at which ocean steamers call is Hoihow, the port of Kiungchow, the capital of the island; opened to foreign trade by treaty of 1858. The distance of Hoihow from the ore deposits would be from 60 to 100 miles, and would take from nine to twenty days, according to the state of the weather, &c. 3. The cost of transport of ore per ton would be a matter of bargaining with the local carriers. It would probably be about 60 cents a day per carrier, each carrier taking about 100 Ibs. The transport overland would be almost entirely by bridle-paths and across rivers. If political arrangements admitted, it would be cheaper to convey the ore to the coast and thence by sea to Hoihow. 4. The labour obtainable locally is entirely manual. The cost of a coolie for mining or loading per day would be probably not less than 50 cents, owing to their objection to engaging in mining work. 5. No analyses of ore have been made. It is said to be of poor quality. 6. The deposits are situated principally in the districts inhabited by the Loi Aborigines, who are half savage and very poor. They are said to be willing, in famine years, to grant permission to open mines, but as a rule their superstitions are an insuperable obstacle, since they maintain that the earth spirit would seek revenge for the removal of its riches. 7. No records exist of any attempt to mine iron. 8. The principal obstacles are the prejudices of the natives against opening the earth, the difficulties in the way of obtaining concessions, especially to foreigners, the unhealthiness of the central districts of the island, and the difficulties of transport. It is not improbable that the second of these may be partially removed by the regulations to be drawn up under Article IX. of the Commercial Treaty between Great Britain .and China, of September 5th, 1902. 9. The interior of the island is still entirely unreclaimed, and the obstacles to be met with are those encountered in dealing with savage and superstitious people dwelling in unexplored and undeveloped districts. The deposits of copper, lead, tin, and gold are probably more extensive than those of iron. HANKOW. (Mr. Acting Consul- General Play fair.) 1. There are abundant iron ore deposits in the province of Hupei. 2. The mines, which are being worked, are situated at T'ieh Shan (" Iron Mountain "), in the district of Ta Yeh Hsien. The nearest shipping port is Huang Shih Kang, about ninety miles below Hankow. Large ocean steamers can reach this place from May to September, inclusive. During the winter months not more than ten feet of water is found on CHINA KIANGSI. 259 certain shallows below this port, but Wuhu may be reached even in low water by ships drawing fifteen feet. The deposits are about twenty miles inland. 3. The ore is brought down to the river by rail. 4. Chinese labour is obtainable in abundance, and the cost is about two hundred cash (say sixpence) per man per day for either mining or loading work. 5. No analyses of the ore are obtainable. 6. The proprietors are the Hupei Provincial Board of Mines. They would not be likely to sell, as the mines are Government owned. There are, however, unworked deposits which might be purchasable. 7. The T'ieh Shan mines have been worked for over twelve years. The shipments go to the Hanyang Ironworks, and to Japan, Japanese steamers having a monopoly of the conveyance of the ore to that country. No statistics are obtainable. 8. The only real obstacles in the way of mining in China are the strong reluctance of the Chinese officials to grant mining privileges to foreigners, and the ignorant and superstitious prejudices of the native population against foreign enterprise. KIANGSI. (Mr. Consul Clennell.) 1. Yes. 2. I am inclined to believe that a competent geological survey would reveal the presence, in greater or less quantity, of iron ore in almost every district of the western half of Kiangsi, and in several localities in the eastern half. It is worked in, at least, the following districts: Hsinfeng Hsien, in Kanchou Prefecture. These are reported to be extensive workings, supplying Kanchou city and prefecture. Lungch'uan Hsien and Yunghsin Hsien in Chian Prefecture. The city of Nanch'ang, Capital of Kiangsi, is mainly supplied from Yunghsin district. P'inghsiang Hsien in Yiianchou Prefecture. These deposits are very important, being in close proximity to coal and easily worked. The district is on the Hunan side of the watershed, but administratively in Kiangsi. I think that some iron is also obtained from Wants'ai, Ich'un, and Fenyi Hsiens, all in Yiianchou prefecture. I have not heard of iron being worked on the other eastern side of the province, but coal occurs in Lop'ing Hsien, Yiikan Hsien, Yiyang Hsien (very hard coal), and at a locality called Hufang, in Yiianshan Hsien. In northern Kiangsi, there is, at least, one coal mine, near Juich'ang Hsien, about 25 miles from Kiukiang. Over the Hupei border, on the south 'side of the Yangtze, both coal and iron are plentiful, and exten- sively worked, the iron being chiefly found in the neighbourhood of Huang- shih Kang, but this region pertains rather to the Hankow Consular district than to mine. 2 K 2 17598 260 CHINA In the case of Hsinfeng and Lungch'uan, the nearest shipping ports are Canton or Swatow. In the case of the other places named, the nearest shipping port is Kiukiang, but P'inghsiang is more easily accessible from Hankow. In every case, distance is less important than facility of communica- tion, and it is to be remembered that the Yangtze Ports, Hankow, and Kiukiang, though capable of admitting ocean steamers in summer, are only accessible to river steamers in winter, and that at all seasons river boats, involving transhipment at Shanghai, do the bulk of their carrying trade. Hsinfeng. 180 miles to Canton as the crow flies, and probably 300 -by road and river, but easy route. 190 miles to Swatow, as the crow flies, probably no direct route, or only a very long one, through difficult mountain country, inhabited by Hakkas, to the Kuangtung Han River, then downstream to port. 305 miles to Kiukiang, as the crow flies, and not very much more by road and water. There is, in most States of the Kan River, junk com- munication from Kiukiang to Kanchou, which is 30 miles direct, or 50 by road, from Hsinfeng. Lungch'uan. 220 miles to Canton, 250 to Swatow, 260 to Kiukiang, as the crow flies. Practicable communication is with Kiukiang, by road and Kan River. With Canton more difficult, up stream to Kanchou, thence via Nanan and over Meiling Pass. Yunghsin. 230 miles to Kiukiang, 250 to Canton, 290 to Swatow, as tne crow flies, but much more, in each case by road and river. Direct road towards Canton would commence by crossing 80 miles of mountains covered by practically virgin forest. Easy route to Kiukiang via Chian. Another way via Yiianchou (Ichun on map). P'inghsiang. 190 miles to Kiukiang, 205 to Hankow, as the crow flies. Practically very much further in each case, Hankow being the more accessible. The opening of Ch'angsha, Capital of Hunan, as a Treaty Port, 75 miles as the crow flies, and perhaps 130 or so by road, rail, and river from P'inghsiang, will make Ch'angsha the port, certainly for P'inghsiang, possibly for other iron ore centres. But as Ch'angsha is not capable, at any season, of admitting ocean-going steamers,~or even river-steamers of the draught and build used on the Lower Yangtze, there would always be transhipment at Hankow. Wants'ai, 155, Ichun, 160, Fenyi, 150 miles, respectively, from Kiu- kiang, as the crow flies. All are a good deal further by water, but routes are not difficult, unless from first-named, which is more usually reached over pass from Ichun. Yiikan, 85, Lop'ing, 95, Yiyang, 130, Yiianshan, 150 miles, respec- tively, from Kiukiang, as the crow flies. Actual routes are longer, especi- ally in winter, when eastern basin of Poyang Lake is not navigable. Juich'ang. 25 or 30 miles from Kiukiang, easy communication. 3. I do not know. It would differ in each case, and with the season, state of roads, water ways, &c., &c. Carriers would have to be hired for road transit, and junks for water transit. An average carrier takes a load, of 70 or 80 ios., 20 to 25 miles a day, for about 200 to 250 cash- say 6d. to 7Jd. a day. A good carrier takes up to 110 Ibs., or even morp,, 25 to 28 miles a day, but expects 400 cash, say, Is. a day, wages. In most localities, the supply of carriers is regulated by organised guilds or trades unions, or restricted to people of particular villages, who are extremely jealous to uphold their monopoly, and would resent introduction oi other, especially of cheaper, labour. I believe hire of junks would be cheap. Grain transport by junk from Chian to Nanch'ang costs about 110,000 cash, say, 13, for a junk of 1,200 to 1,300 piculs, carrying capacity. This would work out at about KIANGSI. 261 '3s. 2d. a ton. Transport from Kanchou to Kiukiang would be two or three times as much, plus charge for transhipment into a Poyang Lake junk at Nanclr'ang. From this point, 115 miles to Kiukiang, towage by steam launch would become available during seasons of high water; and -At most seasons from Wucheng 50 miles to Kiukiang with some saving oj. time, but additional cost. Supposing the same freights for ore as apply to grain, I think the junk hire would come to about 10s. a ton in the case of ore from Hsinfeng, the most distant of the producing centres, and pro- portionately less in the other cases, according to distance. In every case Lekin barriers would have to be passed and their charges met. In this province these average 2 per cent on the value of the cargo taxed, but, as far as I know, there is no method of commuting the charges of several barriers, as there is in some provinces, so that the Lekin is cumulative. Thus, from Nanch'ang to Kiukiang, three barriers are passed, implying 6 per cent, tax on cargo conveyed, and there is another barrier on the Kan, about 20 miles above Nanch'ang. Lekin may be avoided in two ways. One, by obtaining an outward transit pass for which the Customs charge transit duty, and also require a deposit of three times the amount of export duty, this deposit being repaid on payment of export duty when the goods leave China. A bond also is required, with Consular fee of $1.50 per pass. The other method is by employing a sort of semi-official Chinese commission agency, called Pao Shang Chii, which issues passes that are generally respected by the Lekin Adminis- tration, with which the Agency doubtless makes its own bargain. As the Lekin revenue of the province is partly hypothecated to the payment of foreign loans, this practice, though increasingly prevalent in the last two years, would appear to border upon defrauding the creditors of the Chinese Government. It has been the subject of at least one protest from the Kiukiang Customs, but, for the present appears to continue, and to be on the increase. From P'inghsiang, there is a railway running over the Hunan border to Liling Hsien, and which is in course of being extended to the Siang River. Transport thence is by junk down the Siang and across T'ungting Lake to Yochou and the Yangtze. At high-water seasons, steamers would be met with at Changsha, and at all times at Yochou. In all cases except P'inghsiang, transport would be for a greater or less distance by road, but principally by river. There are no cart roads, but wheelbarrows are in fairly common use in most places. A very few rough buffalo carts are in use in flat regions for conveying reeds and agricultural produce, but the roads in general are unsuited for even the most primitive cartage by draught animals. Pack mules or asses may be found in a few places, but are not common. One camel visits Kiukiang for a few days, with a load, nearly every winter, but attracts attention as a curiosity. Practically speaking, trans- port is by burden carriers, and the roads, though varying greatly with the nature of the soil, and with the weather, are very rough. Where they .are paved, the pavement is mostly out of repair. Where they are unpaved, they are liable to be deep in mud. Mountain crossings are by paved tracks, the stones forming rough flights of steps in steep places, and fre- quently carried away by torrents and landslips. Some bridges are good .and well-kept, but the majority are roughly and slovenly constructed, and often destroyed by floods. Elsewhere, in the absence of stone bridges, bridges of planks and fir poles are found, mostly rotten and unsafe. There are no canals, unless certain of the water-courses in the delta of the Kan and Fu Eivers, below Nanch'ang, and one immediately above that city, uniting these two rivers, being in part artificial, be so considered. The river Kan is navigable by junks of small draught right up to Kanchou, and by boats, occasionally, to Nanan. Several other rivers are .also in part, or at times, navigable. The tributary of the Kan which drains Yiianchou and taps Ichun and Fenyi districts, entering the Kan at hangshu, is obstructed by rocks,, but is extensively navigated by junks .at seasons of high water. 262 CHINA 4. I do not know. Mine labourers command rather higher wages, than carriers, but in this case it would be usual to give the wages partly in rice or other food stuff. I think that 200 cash (say, 6d.) with rice to about the same value would be an average man's wage per day. Price of rice varies very much, from about 25 cash a quart, now, to 60 cash or so, for very poor rice, during winter of 1901-1902. In my experience a Chinese labourer does, for one-third of the wages, one-fifth of the work that an English labourer would do. This applies to building, road making, and other out-door work, and I expect much the same rule would apply to mining. Expense of superintendence would be considerable. The rule does not apply to carrying loads, where the Chinese labourer has, by long habitude and early training, acquired a special facility. If he cannot carry as heavy a burden as an English porter, he can carry further, and handles his load with greater care and skill. As in the case of carriers, native organisations, of the nature of trades unions, guilds, or village communities with their elders and the local " gentry," would expect to be consulted in all arrangements for the supply of mine labour. To attempt, at any rate in the first instance, to use any but local men, would result in disputes, friction, and, perhaps, bloodshed. Thus, it proved wholly impossible to repair a road south of the Yangtze with refugees from the north bank of the river, owing to jealousy of farmers and gentry of villages along the road. Had the scheme been persisted in, the expense of soldiers and police needed to protect the work and men would have nearly equalled the cost in wages. Huts would have had to be erected for all the men, as none of the villagers would lodge them. Again, a plan for repairing a dyke, which crossed the border of the province, miscarried through gentry on each side insisting that they could not permit the dyke to be made in the place which those on the other side wished. 5. There are no official analyses to my knowledge. 6. I believe the P'inghsiang deposits are, to a great extent, the property of His Excellency Sheng Hsiian-huai, who, as General Adminis- trator of Chinese Railways, and holder of many other offices, is, doubtless, a very wealthy man. But if it be true, as reported, that the Viceroy c*f the Hukuang Provinces intends to establish an arsenal at P'inghsiang, larger than the present Kiangnan Arsenal, it would seem possible that local iron ore deposits will be monopolised for Chinese Government purposes. Other properties are controlled by the Kiangsi Department of Mines, K'uang Wu Chii, in Nanch'ang, but the majority are private Chinese undertakings, of whose proprietors I know nothing. No mineral rights in China are easily acquired by foreigners. The right of mining is regulated by the Board in Peking. Local land-owners would often be willing to lease to foreigners, but I should anticipate that in every case the wealth or poverty of the owner would prove a far less important factor in determining the terms of transfer of any deposit to foreigners, than would the conditions demanded by the Chinese local or central Administration. Two foreign companies have, or lately had, coal mining interests in Kiangsi, but I have not heard of either being able to undertake successful work. 7. Unless at P'inghsiang, the deposits are only worked by native methods and for native and local purposes. As already said, Hsinfeng supplies Kanchou and district, and Yunghsin appears to be the chief source of supply for Nanch'ang. None, as far as Customs returns show, is exported abroad. Any export of iron ore, from this part of China, would be from mines near Huangshih Kang on the Yangtze, in Hupei Province, and be exported from Hankow. Total export from Hankow of iron ore in 1902 was 965,381 cwt, but I have no information where this KUANGSI. 263 was mined or whither it was shipped, except that a considerable quantity went to Japan. Unmanufactured and pig iron from Hanyang also figure in the Hankow Customs returns. 8. Not more than elsewhere in China. Several foreigners have tried at various times to acquire mines or mining rights, but I know of none who have persevered to success. 9. A map of part of China is enclosed, to illustrate this report. KUANGSI. (Mr. Acting Consul Fox.) 1 . Deposits of iron ore are reported at various places in this province. 2. At Chin Hsing Wei and Tung An, in the Tsang Wu district of the Wuchow prefecture; in the Ch'en Chi and ^ung districts of the same prefecture; in the Pai Liu district of the Yu Lin department; in the Wu Yuan district of the Ssu-En prefecture. The treaty port of Wuchow is the head of navigation for ocean-going steamers on the West River. It has direct and regular communication with Hong Kong (distant 220 miles), by small steamers owned, for the most part, by British companies. The ore deposits are scattered in various parts of the province. The prefectures named above will be found in the " Times Atlas." The most easily accessible, Chin Hsing Wei, is distant from Wuchow 5 miles by river, then 10 miles over land. 3. It is impossible to estimate the cost of transport of ore to the port ; this would depend on the location of the mine, the supply of labour, the goodwill of the local gentry, &c., &c. ; most of the deposits are situated at least 10 miles from the nearest river; transport would be by coolie back and native boat. A coolie in the Wuchow prefecture will carry a pack of 60 catties (80 Ibs.) about 20 miles per diem, at the rate of $1 per diem. Boat hire varies according to distance and value of goods to be carried; the freight on rice from Wuchow to Kueihsien (150 miles) was, this summer, $13 per picul (133-*- Ibs.). There are no railways in the province and few good roads; there is, however, an excellent navigable river system. 4. The province is thinly populated and the people are very poor. Labour of the kind required would probably be cheap but scarce. The usual wage of a farm labourer is 20 cents a day, rice not included : this would average 5s. a month per man. The Kuangsi peasant is, generally speaking, of poor physique, and has a reputation for indolence. He is frugal, not addicted to opium smoking, and, unless pressed by hunger, law abiding. 5. No; an agent of Messrs. Jardine, Matheson & Co., of Hong Kong and London, visited the Chin Hsing Wei mine about four years ago and brought away specimens of the ore, which are doubtless still in the firm's possession. 6. The deposits being for the most part in the hill sides, would prob- ably belong to no particular owners, but grave sites would have to be bought up and the local gentry would have to be " squared." See reply to No. 8. 7. As far as can be ascertained, the only deposits that have been touched are those at Chin Hsing Wei. A Chinese syndicate was formed five years ago to mine gold there, but after importing some $20,000 worth -of machinery, the promoters discovered the ore to be iron pyrites: the machinery was subsequently sold and the mine abandoned. There is at present no export of iron ore from this province. 264 CHINA NEWCHWANG. 8. Although the Chinese Government has, in principle, decided to encourage the exploitation of the mineral wealth of the country, with the assistance of foreign capital and science, and has actually granted con- cessions to foreign syndicates in various parts of the Empire, the mining regulations of this province, issued two years ago by the provincial Govern- ment, are framed in such a manner as to make profitable mining almost impossible. By the new Commercial Treaty the Chinese Government has pledged itself to at once set about the revision of existing regulations. Much depends on the Governor of the province; if he can be made to understand that the opening of mines will be of real benefit to this poverty- stricken province and its depleted provincial exchequer, he has it in his power to facilitate in many ways the initiation of mining enterprise. The common people are, for superstitious reasons, suspicious of any attempt to touch the mineral deposits in their hills ; the local gentry are by profession strongly opposed to foreign innovations of any kind. The merchant class, however, whose influence is steadily increasing, fully realise the importance of the Kuangsi mineral deposits, and are ready to co-operate in any respectable mining undertaking. MANCHURIA (NEWCHWANG). (Mr. Consul Fulford.) 1. Yes. 2. The principal one is at Tieh Ling. Newchwang. 200 miles. 3. About 1 10s. Od. per ton. By cart and river, or by cart and rail.. 4. Chinese coolie labour at about 6d. per day per man. 5. No official analysis of ore has been made. 6. Rich. (See also below, in the answer to Question 9.) 7. Yes. No shipments made, all used locally. 8. No, but old iron imported competes successfully with the native- iron and limits its production. 9. Other workings are at Pen Hsi Hu, which is about 120 miles from Newchwang. Of this distance 40 miles would be over a hilly road to Liao Yang, which is 80 miles from here by railway. The cost of transport by cart in Manchuria on good roads is about 3d. per ton per mile, over mountain roads it would be more. The railway transport costs about l^d. per ton per mile. There are workings also at Sai Ma Chi, about 100 miles east of Liao Yang by a difficult mountain road. The cost of transport in this case would also be prohibitive. The mines at Tieh Ling are, therefore, the most accessible by means- of the Russian railway or the Liao River, both of which are within easy distance of the deposits. It is evident from the above details that the working of iron deposits in Manchuria has been hitherto of an extremely limited and local character. The difficulties of transport alone are quite sufficient to account for this. With regard to question 6, it may be mentioned that foreigners have no treaty right to own land or work mines in the interior of China, and that the co-operation of foreign capital in developing the mineral resources, of the country is only permitted by the Chinese Government under very onerous conditions. CHEKIANG PAKHOI. 265 CHEKIANG (NINGPO). (Mr. Consul Mortimore.) 1. Yes. 2. Iron ore is obtained from Nan Chi and Hsi Chi, in the Yung Chia district, distant from Wenchow 35 miles; from the district of Tai Shun, distant from Wenchow 100 miles ; from the districts of Yiin Ho Hsien and Sung Yang Hsien, distant from Wenchow 175 miles. Also in the Jui An district. By far the largest quantity of ore comes from the Yun Ho district. Vessels drawing 16 feet can come up to Wenchow. 3 to 8. No information is obtainable on these points. 9. The province of Chekiang is not rich in minerals, but there are no doubt other districts, besides those mentioned above, in which iron ore exists to some extent. The Chinese do not mine the iron ore, but wash out the fine grains of haematite from the sands of the rivers. This mineral occurs in small crevices of porphyric tufas, and it is by their decomposition tnat it is carried into the rivers. PAKHOI, SOUTH CHINA. (Mr. Consul Little.) 1. Yes. 2. At or near Shih Tou Pu. Pakhoi, distant 30 to 40 miies, is the nearest port capable of admitting ocean steamers. Chinese gunboats of several hundred tons occasionally call at Shih Tou Pu, but it is not known whether the harbour is large enough to receive ocean steamers, which, moreover, are not allowed to call there under existing regulations. 3. Transport by sea would no doubt be cheapest, but I am not able to give an estimate of the cost. 4. An abundant supply of ordinary Chinese coolies could probably be obtained at, to begin with, about $5 to $7 (silver) a month. I am unable to estimate the cost of mining and loading per ton. 5. No. I am informed samples were shown to a French engineer, who pronounced the ore to be of rather poor quality. 6. The proprietors of the supposed deposits are mostly poor and would no doubt sell on reasonable terms if skilfully handled. 7. No. 8. France claims preferential mining rights in this province and in Kuangsi under certain conventions concluded with China. 9. In the neighbouring country of Tonkin an iron mine is being worked in the province of Thai-nj Tasugawa ... Dembo Kunikasu Nagaoe v ,, Miokawa ... Nakashima Gannosuke. . Chiohozan n ,, Higashitonda Kamotani Esuke Kamihagey ama . . . Tottori ... H6ki Tari Takeuchi Tsurayoshi ... Yao Okayama. . . Bitchiu ... Hayashima... Sakamoto Kinzu Kami Kojiro ,, ,, Yakami Katayama Aeajiro Yamakami ,, ,, ... Iwata Kusakabe Torakichi Yukiya ,, ,, ... Yukiya Mitsubishi Mining Co... ... ... V ,, ... Nagasawa Youejiro Motoyama ... ,, ... Sakamoto . . . Nishi Genishi ... Sakamoto ... ,, V ... Ohashi Kiohi Nagao ,, ,, ... Kami-uke ... Nagao Tasuke > ... ... ,, ,, ... ,, Tamura Kuniye Egoini ... ,, ... Bizen Egomi Fukuda Shikazo Yasumi-ishi ,, ... Mimasaka . Minamiwake Yabuki Shise Kanahori ... ,, ... > ? Fukuda Yasutaro Kuki )) Yoshioka . . . Kusakabe Torakicbi ... Yasumi-ishi ,, ... >> ,, ... Tshito Yasuze ... Isuya ,, 55 Nishikawa ... Chikusa Yasube Tawara ,. ... n Ueda Kusakabe Toraji Kishitane ... Kioto Tango Ikenouchi ... Imanishi Kanze Sakatane ... Shimaue... Iwanie ... Sawatani . . . Taniuchi Kaze ... Udo Izumo Usage Nagasawa Teikinosuke . . Nishi-iwase ,, ... ,, ... Iwasawa Takinouchi Ehachii-o ... KOBE. 271 the Consular District of Kobe. Kind of Ore. Amount produced in : 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Iron pyrites... 56 253 296 14 279 254 Magnetite ... Iron pyrites... 3,752 2,494 5,618 6,891 8,947 7,972 I^nknown . . . Iron pyrites... 6 Micaceous ... Unknown ... Iron pyrites... 247 237 243 223 211 35 Unknown ... Iron pyrites... 56 12 240 Unknown . . . __. Iron pyrites... 1,325 1,259 1,426 1,354 1,363 1,167 H 4 4 4 5 ,, 11 12 70 9 10 Brown iron ore 110 257 257 248 2,839 2,500 Iron pyrites... 1,386 2,659 3,715 3,957 2,408 i Unknown ... 8 12 30 30 125 __ 5 214 86 ... Magnetite ... 68 Unknown ... 163 35 73 25 105 " 7 - 43 272 JAPAN SHIMONOSEKI. SHIMONOSEKI. (Mr. Vice-Consul Chalmers.) 1. Yes; deposits of iron ore do exist, but only some small iron sand deposits arc worked, and the others are quite inconsiderable. 2. The chief iron sand deposits are in Hiba and Sozo Districts, Bingo Province, Hiroshima Prefecture. The nearest shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers is Itozaki, about 50 miles from the deposits. The produce is not exported abroad, but finds a local outlet in small quantities. Details are not ascertainable. 3. Not known. 4. Labour is probably plentiful as regards miners and carriers. Wages at mines generally are about 47 to 60 sen (Is. to Is. 2|d). a day for men, and 24 to 30 sen (6d. to 7-Jd.) a day for women. Children, under 14 years of age, are paid, for boys, 17^ sen (4d.), and girls, 11J sen (2^d.). Mine workers are generally provided with lodging, medical attend- ance, and compensation in case of accidents. 5. No official analyses or samples of the sand deposits are obtainable. 6. Iron ore deposits owned by private individuals would probably in all cases be purchasable. 7. Yes. In Hiba and Sozo Districts, Hiroshima Ken iron sand deposits have been worked. The following figures are given for the year 1902 :- Iron Sand Deposits. Government owned. Privately owned. Iron Ore produced. Value. 1 Iron Ore produced. Ii on Ore sold. Value. Tons. Tons. Tons. 852 361 or about 8s. per ton. 7,691 7,454 1,542 or about 4s. per ton. 8. There are limitations to the right of aliens to own mines. By Law No. 74 of March, 1900, however, a company registered under Japanese law as a legal person, even if it consists entirely of aliens, may work mines in this country. Local obstacles might have to be overcome by aliens desiring to exploit mines. 9. At the best, the iron ore deposits in this Consular District seem to be of trifling importance, and no information is obtainable about any, except the sand deposits referred to. The Imperial Japanese Government iron and steel works at Waka- matsu, about 10 miles from Moji in the island of Kiushiu, own two iron ore mines in Akadani and Kamo, respectively, province of Echigo in the Consular District of Yokohama, which furnish the principal supplies, while 50,000, or 70,000 tons of raw material are imported from the mines JAPAN YOKOHAMA. PERSIA. SIAM. 273 of the Hang-yang iron works in China. An account of the Imperial Japanese iron works at Wakamatsu will be found in the report on the trade of this port for the year 1901.* In Oita Ken no iron ore deposits have yet been discovered, but experi- mental borings are still being made in certain localities. In Tukuoka and Yamagucni Prefectures the small iron sand deposits that are known to exist are of no practical importance. YOKOHAMA. (Mr. Acting-Consul Hampden.) 1. Deposits of iron ore and sand occur here and there in this district, but only in quantities altogether too insignificant for mention. 2. Their location is shown on the attached map, which has, however, little more than a geological interest. 7. Some have been worked (vide map), but so small is the output that no figures are quoted for this district in official statistical tables of the output of Japanese mines. 9. Iron ore does not figure as a specified export from Japan in the Customs returns. On the contrary, it is largely imported. PERSIA. KEI^MAN. (Major Sykes, Consul.) Although there may possibly be iron ore in this district, it is neither worked nor workable, until the country be developed by means of railways and roads. So far as I am aware, the defunct Persian Mining Corporation only worked at the borax mines ; but the cost of transport was too costly. For all practical purposes, then, it may be considered that no iron ore is known to exist in this consular district. SIAM. BANGKOK. (Mr. Paget.) I have the honour to enclose copy of a letter addressed by Mr. Scott, Director of the Siamese Department of Mines, to Mr. Consul Beckett, with regard to iron ore supplies in this consular district. Mr Scott states that there are no " ascertained iron ore supplies," and that he cannot conceive the remotest possibility of the scattered deposits of pisolitic iron in this country ever having any industrial value, even if first- class coal were discovered in their neighbourhood. The information on this subject being so meagre, it would appear useless to endeavour to furnish detailed replies to the tabulated questions of memorandum. . * Annual Series of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, No. 2,878. 2 M 17598 274 TURKEY ALEPPO AND ADANA. (Copy of Letter from Mr. Scott, Director of the Siamese Department of Mines, to Mr. Consul Beckett.) " In answer to yours of yesterday, re the information required by the British Iron Trade Association, I should say that in Siam there are no ' ascertained iron ore supplies/ which are what the Association want to know about. '* Besides the occurrences you mention, I believe some iron ore is actually worked for making knives somewhere north of Pichit, and I have seen both magnetite and hematite, which, I believe, came from Supan; there is also an immense amount of pisolitic iron oxide scattered over the surface of the country in Pachim, especially between Kabin and Sisophon, but I should not describe any of these as ' ascertained supplies.' " I have not interested myself in the iron of this country, because I cannot conceive the remotest possibility of these deposits ever having any industrial value, even if first-class coal were discovered in their neighbourhood. ' The information available is so utterly scrappy and useless that I really think it would be absurd to answer the Association's tabulated questions in detail." TURKEY IN ASIA. ALEPPO AND ADANA. (Mr. Consul Barnham.) Iron ore is found at Beyrut-Dagh, a mountain seven hours' caravan ride from Zeitoun, in the vilayet of Aleppo, near Selefke, in the vilayet of Adana, and, generally speaking, throughout the Taurus Range, the Amanus, and the Anti-Lebanon. Unfortunately the deposits at Beyrut-Dagh are of little commercial value, owing to the inaccessible nature of the country and their distance from the sea. The Government appears to attach no importance to what, in view of the excellent quality of the iron, might, in spite of these disadvantages, be made a most valuable asset, but allow the people of Zeitoun and surrounding villages to extract it freely without payment of duty, and sell it in the neighbouring towns of Marash and Aintab. If it were proposed to export the iron, the transport by camel to Alexandretta would take seven days, and cost 16s. per cantar of 200 okes, or about three shillings and three- pence per hundredweight. It is impossible to give an idea of the extent of the deposit, as this mine has never been surveyed by experts. At Alexandretta shipments would be effected by lighters. There are deposits of iron near Selefke at two and three hours' distance from the sea. The nearest port of call for ocean steamers is Mersyna, which is some two days' journey by sea from Selefke, but there is no apparent reason why steamers could not equally well call at Selefke, if necessary. Except for the presence at Mersyna of lighters and two tugs, it has no advantage as a harbour, being merely an open roadstead. There is no road, rail or canal from the deposits to the sea, and before commencing operations it would be necessary to construct a rough cart road. The iron would be brought down to Selefke by camel. No skilled miners could be found in the district. Native labourers, Turks, Yuruks, Armenians, &c., could be employed, working with picks, shovels, and wheel-barrows at a wage of Is. to Is. 6d. per day. Foreigners, such as Greeks, might be obtained at from 2s. 6d. to 3s. per day. The native labourer is lazy but sober, and easy to manage, if instructed and well treated. These mines near Selefke have never been worked, so that it is difficult to give even an approximate estimate per ton of the cost of quarrying and loading, but with s^ood and suitable tools, the cost should not, perhaps, exceed TURKEY BAGDAD. 275 two .-hillings per ton, if the deposits are rich. Captain Townshend, His Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul at Adana, in reporting upon this subject, states that, with the exception of a Monsieur Penziches, a mining engineer who is now engaged in working chrome near Selefke, no one, so far as he knows, has ever applied to the Government for a permit to work iron in that district. This gentleman is very anxious to assist in any way should an English mining engineer be sent to Selefke. He is not a rich man, and Captain Townshend believes he would be glad to sell on reasonable terms any interest which he possesses in iron ore, his chief business being with Chrome. Monsieur Penziches has lived for many years in England, speaks English well, and, as he is the only authority upon this subject on the spot, he would in his own interest be glad to see the introduction of British capital to promote this industry. I would suggest that any members of the British Iron Trade Association who are disposed to take an interest in these mines should correspond directly with him. Concessions for the working of mines in Turkey are obtained with the greatest difficulty, and should, as a rule, be applied for in the name of a wealthy Ottoman subject, who would be ready to transfer his interest to Europeans. The initial step towards obtaining a concession is to apply for a permit to survey the mine, which carries with it the right to export up to 2,000 tons of ore, after which a regular concession must be sought. BAGDAD. (Mr. Consul- General Newmarch.} 1. Yes. 2. In the Vilayet of Mosul. (I.) In a mountain, named Kafnirk, near the villages of Ourman and Yakmala. (2.) In a mountain, named, Yusufka, near the village of Haisi. These two mountains are in the Nahia* of Barwari, which is part of the Kazat of Amadia. These mountains are about 40 hours journey (about 150 miles) from Mosul. The nearest shipping port capable of admitting ocean steamers i? Basrah, and it is about 950 miles from the ore deposits, reckoning via the Tigris from Mosul. There are also said to be some deposits of iron ore in the mountains of Kazadhook, which are about two days' journey from Mosul (about 50 miles), but this information is uncertain. 3. The transport of the ore to Mosul would cost about four (4) per ton, because it would have to be carried on mules or donkeys, there being no road or railway, and the country being hilly. From Mosul the ore could be transported on rafts at certain seasons of the year when the Tigris is in flood to Basrah, via Bagdad, but think the cost of this would be prohibitive, and it would take at least 20 days from Mosul to Basrah, in the most favourable time of the year. Erom Bagdad to Basrah country, sailing boats could be employed, but they are more expensive than rafts, and take nearly as long to do the journey. There are steamers plying between Bagdad and Basrah, but their charges for freight are very high. 4 The character of the labour available for mining and loading would be coolie labour. The labourers in that part are strong but lazy, ^*Adi8trict governed by a Mudir. t A district governed by a Kaimmakam. 2 M 2 17598 276 TURKEY BROUSSA. and good European supervision would be necessary. The cost of a labourer, per day of eight hours, varies from 6d. to Is. for unskilled labour. I am unable to give the cost of mining, because these deposits have never been worked. The cost of quarrying and loading would be from 6d. to Is. per man per day of eight hours. 5. No official analyses of the ore are obtainable, but samples could be procured. 6. The proprietors of the sand deposits are poor, and would probably give leases or sell their rights on reasonable terms. The Turkish Govern- ment would, however, be sure to intervene, and then there would be numerous obstructions and delays, which might or might not be removed by bribery. 7. None of these deposits have been worked hitherto. 8. In my opinion, there are special obstacles in the way of successful continuous and unencumbered mining. After the proprietors have given their consent, the permission of the Turkish Government will be necessary. 9. I have said that these deposits have never been worked, and that is practically correct. But about 50 years ago, so I am told, when iron was dear, some of the Kurds, in the neighbourhood of these deposits, smelted the ore in their very primitive way and got enough iron out of it to make the tools and implements they required. Soon afterwards, how- ever, iron was imported in abundance from Russia and England, the price fell, and it was no longer worth the while or labour of these Kurds to make their own iron. The workings were therefore abandoned. BROUSSA. (Mr. Vice-Consul Gilbertson.) 1. Yes. 2. The district of Broussa is exceedingly rich in iron ores haematite (ranging from deep red to iron black and steel grey), magnetite, limonite and spathic; and the nearest port is Ghemlek. Ore can be shipped from this port all the year round. The nearest deposits are situated in the Cazas of Pazar-keui and Ghemlek, and from 3 to 5 hours distance from the latter port. This dis- tance could be reduced by about one-third if an aerial ropeway was erected, and this could be easily done as the ground not only favours such a line, which can be taken in a straight line from terminal to terminal, but the approximate difference in height being 1,500 feet, the mean grade is in favour of the loads. 3. From 30 to 40 piastres (5s. 5d. to 7s. 2d.) per ton of 800 okes. By macadamized road. 4. Native labour is plentiful; and there is an Armenian village (Seuloz) with over 6,000 inhabitants, not far from the deposits. This village alone can furnish between 500 and 600 labourers. The actual cost of labour is paid in two ways, with and without food (the food consisting of bread, olives and native cheese) ; with food costing 5, and without 7 and 12 piastres the latter being the pay of drillers (lOfd., Is. 3d. and 2s. 2d. respectively) per diem. The labourers commence work at sunrise and leave off at 11.30 p.m. Turkish time (half an hour before sunset). TURKEY BROUSSA. 277 The ore would be transported by camels, donkeys, horses and mules; and likewise carted by horse, bullock and buffalo carts; and, as it is the custom for the proprietors to load their own animals and carts, loading costs nothing. The deposits are favourably situated for being worked on a large scale, and can be attacked both as an open quarry and also by means of adits, which would thus both be drained and rendered easily accessible. The cost of extraction ought to be a mere nothing. 5. Last year three specimens of minerals from the region of Seuloz were sent, through the Foreign Office, to the Imperial Institute, and these were submitted to chemical examination in the laboratories of the Scientific Department, with the following results : " Specimen No. 1. This mineral consisted of a black crystalline mass containing a number of cavities from which gas had evidently escaped while the material was in a semi-liquid condition. The result of the chemical analysis given below supports the view that this specimen is prob- ably artificial and not a natural ore. The amount of the chief constituents has been determined as follows : Silica ... 26.95 per cent. Ferrous oxide 59.16 Ferric oxide 3.68 Alumina ... ... ... 5.3 Manganous oxide ... ... 0.48 Lime 2.76 Magnesia 0.53 " The substance is, therefore, chiefly a silicate of iron, very similar in appearance and composition to that produced as slag in smelting opera- tions. It would be remarkable if this substance proved to be a natural product." " Specimen No. 2. This mineral consisted of rather less than a pound of a dull reddish mineral, evidently consisting chiefly of two substances. The result of the chemical analysis shows that one of these is haematite, or ferric oxide, and the other heavy spar, or barytes, the mixture being composed of about one-third haematite and two-thirds of heavy spar. It is doubtful whether this mineral would repay the cost of transport, but it would be worth while to obtain a broker's opinion on this point, for which purpose it would be necessary to send a representative sample of about 10 or 20 pounds of the ore." " Specimen No. 3. This mineral consists of quartzite containing sulphides of iron, copper, zinc and lead, these sulphides being distributed uniformly in small crystals throughout the quartzite. The analytical results are as follows : Metallic iron 11.85 per cent. Metallic zinc 3.72 Metallic copper Metallic lead Lime ... 4.40 Magnesia ... ... ... 2.7.7 Sulphur 13-98 Silica 42.28 "This sample contained no gold, and only a trace of silve;. " Havino- regard to the small amount of copper contained in this ore, to the presence of the sulphides of zinc and lead, and to their mode of distribution, as well as to the fact that they occur as sulphides and no gold and only a trace of silver are present, it is doubtful whether the mineral is worth exporting, or even working on the spot." Professor Dunstan, in his letter that accompanied the above report, stated that if this question is to be further examined, I ought to forward larger samples of between 10 and 20 pounds of each specimen. 278 TURKEY I beg to mention here that my report on these samples was based on statements of the native who brought them to me, and I then stated that the cost of transport would be from 10 to 12 shillings per ton. In view, however, of Professor Dunstan's request, and also your instructions, I proceeded to Seuloz and personally examined these deposits, and also took fresh samples; but I found that the cost of transporting these ores to Ghemlek, by carts, &c., would only be from 5s. to 5s. 8d. per ton, and not 10s. to 12s., as previously reported. In fact, they are actually transporting chrome iron ore from Einegholl to Ghemlek, about four times the distance from Seuloz to the latter port, for 4 paras per oke, or 80 piasters (13s. 4d.) per ton (of 800 bkes). 6. According to Turkish law, landowners are not the proprietors of the minerals that may exist in their lands, and they, like any private individual, who, though not proprietor of the ground, has discovered a mine, must petition the Governor- General of the province for permission to search for minerals in their landed property. This petition must indicate the place or spot where the excavations are to be made, the limits and other details of the ground, and also the nature of the mineral they intend searching for. It must also designate the village or town, the Nahie, Caza and Sandjak within the boundaries of which the mine or mines exist. If, after enquiry, it is ascertained that the excavations will not damage the private buildings or public edifices thereabouts, the request is communicated to the Minister of Mines and Forests, who, after having inscribed the petition in the register specially kept for that purpose, and having encashed a fee of 3 to 5 Turkish liras, delivers, through the Vali, a permit, which is valid for two years. So far, no permit has been delivered for the working of iron ore deposits in my district ; but I am aware that a petition has been filed for permission to work the Seuloz mines, and I am of opinion that the applicant, who, being first petitioner, is the registered proprietor, would either sell out on reasonable terms, or come to some reasonable arrangement. He would undertake to obtain the concession for same, which, as a rule, is for 99 years. 7. No deposits of iron ore are actually worked, but from the numerous old workings and the heaps of scoria that exist about Seuloz, and in all parts of this province, I should imagine that work had been conducted there and in numerous parts of the vilayet on a large scale by the Eomans, though, from the disposition of the pits and the remains of the workings, it would appear that no regular mining system was followed. 8. As to whether there are any special obstacles in the way of successful, continuous and unencumbered mining in Turkey, Art. 14 of the new chapter, published in June, 1901, denotes that applicants for a prospecting license are required to state in their petition that in the event of the license being refused, or being withdrawn by the Government after being granted, they have no right to claim any compensation beyond the " droit d'invention." This means that a prospector who discovers a valuable mine may, at any moment, until he obtains the definite firman or concession, have it taken from him, without further indemnity than the payment of his expenses. The foreign Embassies and Legations strongly protested against this new chapter of the mining law, and the question of the withdrawal or modification of this new chapter is now under negotiation. It is exceedingly doubtful whether the Ottoman Government would, in view of the strong protest launched by all the European Powers against the new chapter of the mining law, refuse granting permits to foreign subjects, much more withdraw licenses that had been granted to them in due form. 9. With reference to Specimen No. 1, which Professor Dunstan states is chiefly a silicate of iron and probably artificial and not a natural product, and therefore asked me to enquire further into the matter and BROUSSA. 279 ascertain, if possible, the history of this deposit, I was shown the place from which the mineral had been taken, and which consisted of a heap of black crystalline massive pieces of iron ore, most of which contained a number of cavities, which would make it appear that the ore had been partly burnt; but, nevertheless, these pieces were totally devoid of that vitreous covering which, as a rule, covers fused metal, as in slag. In the same heap there were also pieces of unburnt ore of a dark iron-gray colour with metallic lustre, both of fine and coarse crystalline grain, attracted by the magnet and giving a black streak, and probably magnetite; while others had aggregations of crystals and striae appearing on the exterior and in the cavities of the upper part of the mass, the edges and points of both being most distinctly defined. Being aware that the crystalline structure of a mineral, where it exists, is of the greatest importance in mineralogy, not onlv as showing the relation between forms the most dissimilar, but as affording ready proof of its identity in circumstances where it would otherwise be extremely difficult to distinguish it, I am sending a specimen of the latter ore to Professor Dunstan, who, from the crystals and striae of the mineral, will no doubt be able to arrive at a definite conclusion as to whether the specimen is artificial or a natural ore. This specimen I took from a heap of ore at an altitude of 2,275 feet above sea level and there were several such heaps round about and at about a mile to the west of the haematite deposits from which Specimen No. 2 was taken, and although it was evident that this ore had been extracted not far from the heaps, for there were old diggings or openings in the hill side, but these were nearly filled up with earth, and as I had only taken a prospector's hammer and a small stone pick with me, it was impossible with such tools to clear away the debris, &c., which covered the deposits or veins from which the ore had been extracted centuries ago by the Romans. From there I proceeded to where Specimen No. 2 had been taken, and which Professor Dunstan states consisted chiefly of two substances, and that the chemical analysis showed that the mixture was composed of about one-third haematite and two-thirds heavy spar or barytes. He furthermore stated that although it was doubtful whether this material would repay the cost of transport (which I had reported would cost from 10s. to 12s. per ton), it would be worth while to obtain a broker's opinion on this point, for which purpose it would be necessary to send a representative sample of about 10 to 20 pounds of the ore. This ore was taken from the top of an outcrop or boss of red haematite and heavy spar, at an altitude of 1,850 feet above sea level. It is an oval- shaped hill with a superficial area of over 11,000 square feet, and having its longer axis N.E. and S.W., which measured 260 feet; the shorter axis, N.W. and S.E., measuring 130 feet. The ore is shaly and coarse grained, the outer covering of the shales having a sub-metallic lustre, and yields, according to Professor Dunstan, 33 per cent, of iron, the rest being heavy spar. It is disseminated with minute acicular crystals of barytes, but " these gradually decrease down- wards, and at about 6 feet from the surface some of the ore is solid, very pure, and of an exceedingly fine texture. In fact, so much so, that even with strong lens you cannot discern the grain. The direction of the bed is, as already stated, N.E. and S.W., and, as it descends, gradually expands on all sides. It can be traced for some distance down the hill towards the lake of Iznik, and from the formation and colouring of the ground, I am of opinion that this immense bed of mixed ore, which, I presume, will be purer deeper down, descends down to the level of the lake of Nicea, perhaps underlying it, and within a few hundred yards of the Ghemlek carriage road that rims alongside of the lake in question. To the east, and at about 500 yards from this haematite and heavy spar boss there is another hill with several small outcrops of a highly ferruginous breccia of different hues of blfu:k, blue, brown, green, red and 280 TURKEY yellow, some parts being of a dull yellowish earthy structure, while others have a glazed and sub-metallic appearance. These outcrops appeared to me to be upheavals of volcanic or igneous matter that had cooled while in a semi-fluid state. Under the lens, fine, yellow particles can be discerned in some of the pieces of this ore, and as they present the same colour from whatever direction they are looked at, I presume it is gold. This hill overlaps the deposits from which Specimen No. 3 was taken, and from the colouring and form of these outcrops, I presume that the principal ingredients are earthy-brown iron ore (limonite), zinc and copper, with some lead. However, that there should be no doubt in the matter, I am sending a representative sample, just as I took it from the croppings, to the Imperial Institute for analysis. This sample will be marked No. 4. Less a small outcrop here and there, the hill is nearly level; is some hundreds of feet in length and width; runs nearly due east and west, but expands on the north and north-eastern side. It is bound on the south and south-eastern side by extensive outcrops of bluish-grey conglomerates, which appear to underlie the whole strata. The beds of banket con- glomerates follow the same strike and dip as the beds in which they occur, and are of all degrees of coarseness, from fine sandstone to pebbles and large stones, all cemented together with what appears to be a mixture of lime, sand and iron. It is to the N.N.E. of this hill, and about 300 yards below it, that Specimen No. 3 was taken, and which, according to the analysis of the Scientific Department of the Imperial Institute, consisted of quartzite containing sulphides of iron, copper, zinc and lead, these sulphides yield- ing, respectively, 11.85, 3.73, 1.26 and 1.49 per cent, of metallic iron, zinc, copper and lead. This sample was taken from the croppings, but I am sending another sample taken a few feet below the surface, and which, I feel certain, will give superior results. The fresh sample of this ore is marked No. 3. These deposits are also of great extent, and could be worked as an open quarry, in steps or galleries all round. The natives have named this hill " Kir-atch " (barren or sterile hill) ; and this on account of its being totally devoid of vegetation. The four samples of ore I am sending are marked No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 (No. 1 being enclosed in No. 2), and were all taken from the northern side of the Gemidtch-Burdjim mountain chain and from the ridges to the west of Seuloz and within two miles of that village. The direction of this mountain chain is N.E. and S.W., and from the fossils and formation of the strata, it would appear to be Primary. The general stratification of the country appears to be composed of series of, what I should call soft sandstones of different colours, with some shales, cherts, and quartzites, disturbed in places by intrusive dykes the rocks being greatly disturbed and contorted in some places. This part of the province is very rich in iron, zinc and other ores. The principal deposits of the ores lie in the mountains between Karsak and Pamboujak, a distance of over forty kilometres; and I am of opinion that it would be worth while sending a competent person to examine and report on the iron and other valuable ores that exist in this highly mineralised part of the country. Being aware that lignite and brown coal exists in the hill to the west m Karsak, for I discovered large beds of these minerals some years back, tne top seam of the brown coal being ten feet thick, I felt certain that coal existed in the Gemidtch-Burdjim range of mountains, and while examining a large and ancient opening in a hill to the east of Seuloz, which the villagers called a slip, and which they stated existed long before the village was built, I discovered several small seams of coal, the lowest being three- quarters of an inch thick. The stratification of this opening was slightly synclinal. Actually, it is between 250 and 300 yards wide, from 150 to 200 feet deep; but it had evidently been worked much deeper, and the whole strata had been DAMASCUS. 281 extracted for some hundreds of yards. The strata was totally different to the other parts of the country I had gone over, for, had it not been bent by pressure or strain into very slight curves, the series of strata would have been parallel to one another, whereas all other parts of the country seemed to have been tilted up from their original horizontal position into numerous small hills. From the nature of the ground and the facing of the opening, it is evident that this large breach was not due to a slip or slips, but that the whole strata had been scientifically quarried. The strata is composed of regular stratified beds of crystalline and earthy rocks and conglomerates, the rocks being of a bluish, brown, grey (light to dark), greenish, red, reddish-brown, yellowish and yellow-ochre colour, while the conglomerates are mostly brown, due, no doubt, to iron pyrites, and all of which (rocks and conglomerates) vary in thickness from a few inches to several feet. The rocks are jointed at regular intervals of between three and four feet, the joints being right-angled, and are more or less fossiliferous, the grey and brownish rocks and the conglomerates being highly so, and contain numerous species and varieties. I have sent samples of these rocks and some fossils I obtained from the conglomerates to Professor Dunstan, which will no doubt enable him to fix or classify the epoch of this formation. These rocks and conglomerates are disseminated with very fine yellow particles, also grains and spangles of a silvery-white metal with a shining metallic lustre, the latter being, I presume, one of the precious minerals, for had it been silver, it would, owing to its having been exposed for centuries in the atmosphere, have oxidised. It also occurs segregated in the interstices of the rocks. DAMASCUS. (Mr. Consul Richards.) 1. Yes. 2. In the Gaza of Ajlun, about 100 miles to the south-south-west of Damascus, the ore being found at a distance of 4 to 6 miles from the Haifa- Deraa branch of the Hejaz Railway, now in the course of construction. Meshgara, to the south-west of Damascus, 23 miles from Muallaka, the nearest station on the Beirut-Damascus Railway, which itself is 35 miles from Beirut. Mejdelshems, about 30 miles by road to the south-west of Damascus, and the same distance by road from Sidon. Bludan, 30 miles to the north-west of Damascus, at a spot distant 3 miles (all down hill) from the nearest point on the Beirut-Damascus Railway, of which the station is 61 miles from Beirut the nearest port. Kufeir is about the same distance from Sidon as Mejdel-Shems, say 36 miles, and 33 miles from the nearest railway station at Mualla'ka, which itself is 35 miles from Beirut. And it is believed in many other parts of the vilayet, though nothing is known for certain. 3. Ajlun, by road to nearest station, say a day's march for a camel carrying quarter of a ton, 13s. 4d. per ton; by rail to Haifa, the nearest port, 4s. per ton. Meshgara to Muallaka, the nearest point on Beirut-Damascus Rail- way, by camel, 10s. per ton; from Muallaka to Beirut, by rail, 2s. per ton (at most). Mejdel-Shems, by road, to Sidon, 30s. per ton. 2 N 17. '98 282 TURKEY DARDANELLES. Bludan, by road to Zibdani, 4s. per ton; from Zibdani to Beirut, 4s. 6d. per ton. Kufeir to Muallaka, by road. 26s. per ton; from Miiallaka, by rail, 2s. per ton. 4. There are no trained miners in this Province, but the wages of such a workman may be put at Is. 5d. per diem. As no mining is actually being carried on, it is impossible to make an estimate of its cost per ton. 5. No. 6. It is impossible to answer this query with any degree of precision, because accurate information on this point is not obtainable. 7. No; no mines have been worked hitherto. 8. It may be stated at once that concessions for the working of mines are very difficult to obtain in this country (Turkey). Then, when obtained, the means of communication with the coast are, as a rule, so deficient, that it does not pay to work any mine, however rich it may be in ore. Fortunately, this particular province is better provided in this respect than many others, and railways are being made which will open up the country considerably. The Turkish mining regulations have been altered quite recently, and are now less complicated and more suited to the actual needs and economic condition of the country than they were. The main difficulty is to obtain the concession, which, in the case of a British applicant, is no easy matter. 9. No further information is obtainable at present. DARDANELLES. ( Mr. Vice-donsul J. F. Jones.) 1. Yes. 2. At Koru and Okdjilar. Birghaz Limani, on the straits, from which the deposits are twelve to fifteen miles distant, would be the nearest port for Roru. For Okdjilar the port of Tchanak (Dardanelles) itself, at distance of five miles, would be the nearest port. 3. From the port of Birghaz Limani the country carts ply for a distance of twelve miles in the direction of Koru, and a good road could be made without great difficulty to facilitate considerably the transport of the mineral to the coast. The country carts also ply between Okdjilar and the Dardanelles. The cost of transport of the ore from Koru to the coast (for which under present conditions camels would probably have to be employed) would be from 55 to 60 piastres (9s. lid. to 10s. lOd.) a ton. 4. The average cost of common (unskilled) labour is 7 to 8 piastre (Is. 3d. to Is. 5d.) a day. Miners receive from 12 to 15 piastres (2s. 2d. to 2s. 8d.) a day. The fact that no serious efforts have been made hitherto to utilise these deposits of iron ore renders it difficult to estimate the cost of mining in these districts. TURKEY ERZEROUM. 283 5. According to the analysis made by Dr. Noad, F.R.S., of London, with regard to a specimen of the ore from Koru, the results obtained were as follows : Peroxide of iron 80.00 per cent. Oxide of manganese ... ... 2.40 Lime .80 Magnesia ... .72 Sulphur Nil. Phosphorus Nil. Water Nil. Silica 16.00 Other substances .08 100,00 Another analysis made in London gave the following result it- Iron ... 57.31 per cent. Oxygen . 24.48 Silica 14.65 Alumina ... 1.10 Water 2.46 Sulphur ... ... ... ... Traces. Phosphorus ... ... ... ,, 100.00 An analysis of the ore from Okdjilar, made at Paris, showed that the peroxide of iron formed 87 per cent, of the ore, the metallic iron being 61 per cent. 6. The proprietors of these deposits would most probably be willing to sell their land on reasonable terms. 7. At Okdjilar some slight efforts have been made to work the deposit, but there were no shipments of ore. Hitherto no attempt whatever has been made to extract the mineral at Koru. 8. As iron is regarded as a metal of inferior value, it is probable that no great difficulties would be encountered by capitalists wishful to acquire and utilise these deposits. 9. In both cases these deposits of ore could be worked by means of quarries. ERZEROU.M. (Mr. Acting-Consul Shipley.) I. Erzeroum. Yes. Van. Yes. Bitlis. Numerous deposits reported, but impossible to obtain detailed information. -2. Erzeroum. North of Baibourt, at the Agana Yoyla, "very rich." In the Caza of Kiskim, at Teksivan. In the Kassaba of Ivighi, " very rich." Van. In the district of Norduz, 50 miles south-south-east from Van. In the Caza of Shattakh. 40 miles south by west from Van. 17598 2 N 2 284 TURKEY HODEIDAH, JERUSALEM. Bitlis. Near Tukh, at the south-west corner of the Lake of Van. At Talori, on the southern slope of the main Kurdish chain of mountains, south of the town of Moush. Ferruginous springs near the town of Bitlis point to the existence of iron there also. Nearest port for all deposits, Trebizond. From those in Erzeroum, about 40 hours, or 180 miles; from those in Van, about 500 miles; from those in Bitlis, about 14 days, when roads are open. Another route from Bitlis is to Alexandretta, viz. : To Diarbekir (eight days), Biredjik (on Euphrates, near the projected Bagdad railway line) (eight days), Alexandretta (three days. 3. Transport by road; pack animals or ox-carts. Cost: From Erzeroum, about 4; from Van, 30; from Bitlis, 6 a ton, calculating on the present rates. 4. Labour cheap, but supplied by the neighbouring villagers, and quite unskilled: 6d. to Is. per diem. 5. No ; samples are not procurable, at all events not at this time of the year. 6. Proprietors are poor, but pretentious ; in Van, the Government. 7. Not to any appreciable degree. Villagers' rough tools have been made of the iron extracted. No shipments. 8. Yes. The Turkish Government and the local populations. 9. None. HODEIDAH. (Mr. Vice-Consul Richardson.) 1 am not in possession of any definite information pointing to the actual existence of iron ore in this vice-consular district. Though it is not unlikely that iron may be found in certain parts of the Yemen, there are no mining or exploring industries to locate its deposit and distribution in this extensive vilayet. It is hardly probable, in my opinion, that the Ottoman Government would be disposed to grant concessions to foreigners in the event of dis- coveries being made in that direction at any future time. JERUSALEM. (M