(tit [ LIBRARY | UNIVERSITY OF I S^ CALIFORNIA^/ BIOLOGY LIBRARY ITie Colouring represents the Parliamentary Divisions, each returning 1 member. U^SiP^ -firedrteM ' */ ,> . OTJ. mfm VTfar,i/J-S fn ' iAsfianf ,*.;> THE FLORA OF SUFFOLK; A Topographical Enumeration of the Plants of the County, showing the Results of former Observations and of the most recent Researches, BY W. ZMI- ECIICTID, ULL. HD., HECTOR OF HONINGTON, ASSISTED BY THE LATE CHURCHILL BABINGTON, D.D., F.L.S., RECTOR OF COCKFIELD, HON. FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, WITH AN INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER OF THE GEOLOGY, CLIMATE AND METEOROLOGY OF SUFFOLK, BY HiinsrnD, :MZ.:D-, DEMR.C.S- All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord." Psalm cxlv, 10. LONDON : GURNEY AND JACKSON, SUCCESSORS TO VAN VOORST PATERNOSTER ROW, 1889. BIOLOGY tfs-a B I&1 PREFACE. BOUT ten years ago, the late Dr. Babington, of Cockfield, sug- gested to me that I should unite with him in preparing a paper on the Botany of Suffolk. As I then understood him, it was to be confined to the lately- discovered and hitherto-doubtful Plants of the County. In fact, little more was to be attempted than a Supplement to the Flora of Suffolk, published in 1860. It was agreed that the paper should not be printed until the Catalogue of the Birds of Suffolk, then in course of preparation, had been pub- lished. The time occupied in the incubation and fledging of the Birds, has been much longer than was expected ; yet it has not been lost. It has increased the number and variety of the Birds, and has enabled them to appear in more perfect plumage. The delay has had a more beneficial effect as regards our present undertaking. It has enabled me to obtain a larger acquaintance with the Plants of Suffolk : it has introduced me to several eminent Botanists, who have given their atten- tion to the local Flora, and who have willingly placed the results of their inquiries in my hands : it has afforded me opportunity to examine various Herbaria, in which were stored the harvests of other labourers in the Suffolk field. It has also made it possible to attempt the issue of a new Flora of Suffolk, which, with the restricted knowledge and scanty materials of ten years ago, would have been impossible. Since the work was first taken in hand, each year has furnished its tale of new plants discovered, new correspondences opened, new sources of information revealed. There is no reason to suppose that any of these has been exhausted ; but that, as time goes on, new materials will be furnished and new labourers found ready to carry out the work now in progress. The new Flora is therefore not to be regarded as a complete and exhaustive work. It is only a step onward. Much yet remains to- 541 11. be gleaned in the fields of Suffolk; and I heartily wish good speed to those who are to follow and to bring the work to a more perfect issue. The editing of this Flora has been much facilitated by the labours of Prof. Henslow and Mr. Skepper in their work of 1860. After its publication, Mr. Skepper seems to have been specially diligent in amas- sing new information. This was entered in his copy of the Flora, along with necessary corrections and emendations of that work. Through the kindness of his widow I have been permitted to copy his annotations ; and also to examine his Herbarium, which is in advance of the Flora, as published. Where possible, I have endeavoured to trace the sources of information used in the older work ; and I have given the original authorities for plants and localities, as being on the whole preferable. It would be ungenerous, on my part, not to acknowledge my indebted- ness to Mr. Skepper for pointing my way to these original authorities. Frequent reference to his name (E. Sk. or Sk. ms.) throughout this work, will show how largely he has helped in raising the Botany of Suffolk towards its present standard. Though Prof. Henslow described himself as ' a consulting, but sleeping partner,' in the former Flora ; he has left a legacy apart from that work, of which I have enjoyed the usufruct. Use has been made of his published list of Hitcham plants; of his Herbarium of Hitcham plants, now in the Ipswich Museum : and of a parcel of Hitcham plants, collected by his school children, and kindly sent to me by Prof. G. C. Babington. To the late Dr. Babington, I am largely indebted for counsel and suggestion ; also, for various sources of information, and for correspon- dents introduced by him. His own annotated copy of the Flora of Suffolk, that of Mr. W. Jordan, and a general Flora, having notes from the hand of the late Mrs. Parker, were placed by him ac my disposal. Three Herbaria were examined by him for the purposes of this Flora, and through him I obtained knowledge of another, which has also been consulted. Of still greater value has been his help in procuring the loan of the History of Hawstead and the Ms. Naturalists' Journal of the late Sir John Cullum, Bart., which contains the record of his personal observations for a period of twelve years; also of Gillingwater's History of Bury, and various other works of importance. Among those, whose kind, sympathy and help I have enjoyed in preparing this work, very special thanks are due to the Rev. E. N. iii. Bloomfield. From his long and large acquaintance with Suffolk Botany, no one could speak with greater authority on the Flora of the County, or give more useful advice in cases of difficulty. It was, at one time, hoped that he would undertake the task which has fallen to me : what- soever success I may have in its accomplishment, I shall largely owe to his kind counsel and assistance. Should, as it is hoped, a second volume be added to this work to include those cryptogamic families, which are for the present passed over, I confidently hope that the position of chief editor will be taken by Mr. Bloomfield. To Mr. A. Bennett, of Croydon, I owe a debt of gratitude for his kind interest in this undertaking, and for his ready help in determining doubtful plants, and for supplying important information. The many ways in which he has given me assistance I cannot particularize, nor can I forget. To my special friend the Rev. J. D. Gray, my frequent companion in field work, and to my friend the Rev. E. F. Linton, I tender my grateful thanks for their frequent communications of new plants, new localities, new facts. While building up splendid Herbaria and pro- viding materials for Botanists of a future age ; they are mindful that their heaped up stores can be made profitable to the students of to-day. For the very special assistance afforded in the difficult genera of Rubus and Rosa, I am greatly indebted to the kindness of Prof. C. C. Babington and Mr. J. G. Baker. I gratefully acknowledge their con- stant readiness to assist in determining critical or doubtful species. To Mr. G. E. Druce I return my very sincere thanks for new species found by him between Lakenheath and Bury. Also for his great kind- ness in directing my attention to old Ms. notes in a copy of Dillenius Ray in the Library of the Oxford Botanical Garden, and for supplying a copy of the same. From many others I have received help and encouragement in various ways. I ask all such to accept my grateful thanks. To two of them I should make a more special acknowledgment ; but they have gone to the home beyond, where human *thanks and praise avail them not, and where earthly interests are unknown. IV. In the Flora, or Catalogue of Plants, the authority for the locality of each plant is placed after it in italics, except in the localities vouched for by myself. Where several localities, severed by a semi- colon ( ; ), succeed each other, the authority following the latter or last of them belongs to all. A colon and dash ( : ) separate localities supplied by different authorities. In the Latin names of plants, a severer orthography than usual has been followed, by writing i and not y in such words as silvaticus and silvestris. Epithymus has been used instead of Epithymum, as the latter is incorrect in form. Erigeron and some other masculine nouns ending in on, occasionally mistaken as neuter, are correctly given. Care has been taken to prevent errors of another class creeping in. For such as ought to have been detected by me, and have not been, I must take the responsibility, e.g. mistakes in copying, through failure of memory, or false diagnosis of a species. Errors from wrong information, where it has been impossible to test it, must be charged to their authors. Occa- sionally doubts have been cleared up by establishing the genuineness of a doubtful species or locality, or the contrary. Where it has been im- possible to clear up a doubt, a ? has been added. In several cases a plant has been rejected on the general improbability of its being found wild in Suffolk. While the Flora has been in progress, a Herbarium of Suffolk has also been in course of preparation. It has not been possible to make it as complete as was desired. It, however, includes the larger part of the Phaenogamia, Equisetaceas, Filices, Marsiliacea3, Lycopodiaceas, and Characeas of the County. As it is to be placed in the Ipswich Museum, Boon after the publication of this work, it will be available for future students of Suffolk Botany ; and it will serve as a test of the correctness, or the contrary, of the genera and species as set forth in this work. The Geographical and Geological Introduction to the Flora is from the hand of my son, Wheelton Hind, M.D., &c. The Meteorological Tables appended to it are the results of observations by Mr. P. Grieve, of Bury St. Edmunds, and are taken from the West Suffolk Advertiser. For the Notes on the elevation of the surface of the County, I am in- debted to the kind courtesy of the Eev. Barrington Mills, Rector of Lawshall. V. An Introductory Chapter on the Distribution of Species in Suffolk is also prefixed. This had been undertaken by Dr. Babington, but owing to his infirm health he was unable to complete it. Using his materials I have endeavoured as far -as in me lay to mould it on his own lines. The following papers have been appended to the Flora : Comparative view of the Flora of Suffolk and the three neighbouring Counties, Essex, Cambridge and Norfolk ; with the distribution of the plants of Suffolk in its five Political Divisions. The comparison is arranged in a tabular form. The Flora of Suffolk and the three adjoining Counties compared with the Flora of Holland. This paper was suggested and partially worked out by the late Dr. Babington. I had little more to do than to .arrange his materials in order. Notes on the Progress of Botanical Study in Suffolk. In preparing the Flora I have necessarily been at a great dis- advantage through my limited personal knowledge of the County to which it belongs. My connection with it goes no further back than to 1875. Nor was it until three years after that date that I attempted any thing beyond noting down the plants in my immediate neighbourhood. My distance from any large library for reference to works, bearing upon or illustrating the Botany of Suffolk, was a still greater hindrance. This will sufficiently account for meagreness of detail in the Notes on the Progress of Botany in Suffolk. I have not accomplished all that I desired, but I have done what I could. In conclusion I ask for a can- did and unprejudiced reception of the Flora. It does not pretend to be an exhaustive account of the Botany of Suffolk ; but I trust it may be found to be a substantial addition to the records of the plants of this County. Honington, July, 1889. W. M. HIND. LIST OF SUBSCEIBEES. Copies. *Barnardiston, N., Esq. The Eyes, Sudbury, Suffolk. one. Barrett, E., Esq. 8, Queen Street, Ipswich. one. Barrington, Eichard M. Fassaroe. Bray, Co. Wicklow. one. Bath and Wells, Lord Bishop of. The Palace, Wells, Somerset. one. Beck, Eev. James. Bildeston Eectory, Suffolk. one. Beeby, W. H., Esq. 14, Eidinghouse Street, London, W. one. Bedell, Eev. A. J. The Parsonage, Waterloo, Liverpool. one. Bevan, Beckford, Esq. Bury St. Edmunds. one. Bevan, Gascoygne, Esq. Sudbury, Suffolk. one. Bloomfield, Eev. E. N., F.E.S. Guestling Eectory, Hastings. . one. Boutflower, Mrs. Limefleld, Kersal, Manchester. one. Braithwaite, Eev. F. J. (the late) Great Waldingfield Eectory Suffolk. one. Bridgman, Miss, (the late). Weston Hall, Ixworth. one. Briggs, T. E. Archer, Esq. Fursdon, Egg Buckland, Plymouth. one. Bristol, Marquis of. Ickworth, Bury St. Edmunds. three. Brogden, E. W. 12, Lower Brook Street, Ipswich. one. Brown, Mrs. Brent Eleigh Hall, Lavenham. one. Brown, Win., Esq. Gippeswyk Hall, Ipswich. one. Burrell, Eobert, Esq. Westley Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Buxton, H. E., Esq. Fritton, Great Yarmouth. one. Caton, Eev. E. Bewley. Great Fakenham Eectory, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Clowes, Mrs. G. A. Needham Market, two. Cobbold, Felix T. The Lodge, Felixstowe. one. Colman, J. J. Esq. Carrow Works, Norwich. one. Connell, Eev. A. J. Monks Eleigh Eectory, Ipswich. one. Cooke, Eev.' Canon W., F.S.A. 6, Clifton Place, Sussex Green, London, W. one Corry, Col. Hon. H., W.L. Edwardstone Hall, Boxford, Colchester one. Croker, Eev. J. M. Lavenham Eectory, Suffolk. one. Cullum, G. Milner Gibson, Esq., F.S.A. Hardwick House, Bury St. Edmunds. Davidson, Eev. L. Chedburgh Eectory, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Beetles, Eev. C. St. Paul's Eectory, Wickham, Halstead. one. Doughty, Eev. Ernest Geo. Martlesham Eectory, Woodbridge. one. *Dunlap, Eev. Arthur P. Bardwell Eectory, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Durrant, Eev. C. E. Freston Eectory, Ipswich. one. (List of Subscrbers continued.) ^Edwards, Eev. A. W. Barningham Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds, one. Ely, The Lord Bishop of The Palace, Ely. one. Furniss, Thomas S., Esq. Higham House, Stratford St. Mary, Suffolk. one. *Foggitt, William, Esq. South Villa, Thirsk. one. Fox, Rev. H. E. Durham. one. Fraser, John, M.D. Wolverhampton. one. Freston, Thomas Westfaling, Esq. Prestwich, Lancashire. one. Geldart, Herbert D., Esq. Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich. one. Gelsfcon, Major. Inyoni, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Gladstone, Rev. H. Barton Vicarage, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Grafton, The Duke of. Euston Hall, Thetford. four. Gray, Rev. J. D. Nayland Vicarage, Colchester. one. Gray, Rev. W. B. Kersey Vicarage, Ipswich. one. Grimley, Rev. H. N. Norton Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Hanmer, Miss E. A. E. 33, Ennismore Gardens, Princes Gate, London, S.W. one. Hanbury, F. J., Esq. 69, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, E. one. Harrison, S. J., Esq. Haughley House, Stowmarket. one. Ha ward, Henry, Esq. The Red House, Little Blakenham, Ipswich. one. Hedley, Rev. T. Grundisburgh Rectory, Wood15ridge. one. Helsham Jones, Mrs. Pinner Hill, Watford. one. Hetherington, G. H. H., Esq. Ipswich. one. Hewitt, Rev. T. Preston Rectory, Lavenham, Suffolk. one. *Higgin, Mrs. Rosganna, Carrickfergus, Belfast. three. Higgin, Thomas, Esq. Mossley Hill, Liverpool. one. Higgins, Mrs. Mount Homse, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. one. *Hind, Miss Mary, Honington Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Hind, Rev. Canon C. The Rectory, Ferns, Co. Wexford. one. Hoblyn, Richard A., Esq. 79, Priory Road, West Hampstead, N. W. one. Hodgson, Miss. Red House, Wrentham, Suffolk. one. Hodgson, W. W. Esq. Station Villa, Sudbury, Suffolk. one. Holland, Mrs. Huntingfield Rectory, Halesworth. one. Home, Rev. F. E. Drinkstone Rectory, Woolpit. one. Image, W. E., Esq. Herringswell House. - one. James, Rev. Herbert. Livermere Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Jeffes, Miss. Prospect House, Needham Market. one. Johnson, Thewlis, Esq. Broughton House, Manchester. one. ( List of Subscribers continued.) Jones, Rev. C. W. Pakenham Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds. one. *King, Mrs. Rushford, Thetford. one> Lathbury, Miss. 6, Angel Hill, Bury St. Edmunds. " one. Layton, Rev. W. E. Cranbourne, Westerfield Road, Ipswich. one. Leach, R. E. Esq., F.G.S. _ two. Lewis, Rev. John. Ford, Salop. - O ne. Linton, Rev. E. F. Crymlyn, Bournemouth. one. Linton, Rev. W. R. Shirley Vicarage, Derby. O ne. Machell Smith, F., Esq. 6, Cranley Mansion, Gloucester Road, London, S.W. one< Manfield, Wm., Esq. The Manor House, Ixworth Thorpe, Bury St. Edmunds. one> Marriott, Rev. H. S. Wilby Rectory, Wickham Market one. Marshall, Rev. E. S., F.L.S. Withey, Godalming. one. Melvill, James Cosmo, Esq. Kersal Cottage, Prestwich. one. Miller, H., jun., Esq. Bosmere House, Norwich Road, Ipswich. one. Miller, Robt. M. Esq. Highwood, Ipswich. one. More, A. G., Esq., F.L.S., F.R.S.E. 92, Leinster Road, Dublin. one. Oakes, J. H. Porteus, Esq. Nowton, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Paley, Hon. Mrs. Ampton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. two. Palmer, H. D., Esq., M.D. Nayland, Colchester. one. Parker, Col. W. Clopton Hall. one. Pearson, Rev. Fredk. Stansfield Rectory, Glemsford. R.S.O., Suffolk one. Phipps, Hon. & Rev. Canon Phipps. 27, Eaton Square, Lon- don, S.W. _ one. Powles, H. H. P., Esq. 137, Norwich Road, Ipswich. one. Public Library, Beccles. Care of E. T. Dowson, Hon. Sec. one. Purchas, Rev. W. H. Alstonfield Vicarage, Ashbourne. one. Queen's College, Belfast. Care of Robt. A. Cunningham, Esq., 4, Somerset Terrace, Belfast. one. Reeves, Walter W., Esq. 32, Geneva Road, Brixton, S.W. one. Roumieu, Rev. J. J. Ingham Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Russell, Rev. H. Layham Rectory, Hadleigh. one. Saumarez, Honble. James. Shrubland Park, Coddenham. one. Sawbridge, Rev. J. S. Thelnetham Rectory, Thetford one. *Scully, Reginald, Esq. 91, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin. one. Sibbald, J. G. E., Esq. 3, Townshend Villas, Richmond-on- Thames. one. Sewell, Rev. W. H. Yaxley Vicarage, Eye, Suffolk. one. (List of Subscribers continued.) Singh, His Highness Prince F. Duleep. Elveden, Thetford. Steuart, Augustus, Esq. Salisbury Gardens, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Temple, Rev. Robert C. Thorpe Morieux Rectory, Ipswich. Terry, Mrs. Tostock, Bury St. Edmunds. Thompson, Rev. H. Farnham Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds. Thompson, Rev. John E. Offton Vicarage, Needham Market. Thompson, Rev. Joseph H. Vicar of Cradley, near Brierley Hill. Townsend, Fred, Esq., F.L.S., M.P., &c., Honington Hall, Shipston-on-Stour. *Turner, Rev. Canon. Bradfield St. George Rectory, Bury St. one. one one. one. one. one. one. one. Edmunds. one. Walker, Rev. St. George. Elveden Rectory, Thetford one. Wilkinson, Rev. J. Frome. Kilvington Rectory, Orston, Nottingham one. Williams, Rev. A. Lukyn. Ampton Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds, one. Wilson, Mrs. Maitland. Langham Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. one. Wyles, Rev. Walter. Seven Hills Parsonage, Bury St. Edmunds, one. *An asterisk before a name denotes a prepaid Subscription. CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION. I. NATUKAL FEATURES. ix. II. GEOLOGY. xv.. III. CLIMATE. xxv. IV. EAINFALL. XXVK V. DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. xxx.. II. THE FLORA. 1. I. PLAN OF THE FLORA.... ... ... ... 3. II. BOOKS, Mss., AND HERBARIA CONSULTED. ... 5. III. AUTHORITIES FOR PLANTS. ... ... ... 12. IV. PHANEROGAMIA. ... ... ... ... 21, DlCOTYLEDONES. ,/-. . ... ... ... 21, MONOCOTYLEDONES. ... ... ... ... 825. V. CRYPTOGAMIA. . . . ... ... ... ... 415* VI. PAL^ONTOLOGICAL BOTANY 430 VII. TABULAR VIEW OF THE SPECIES OF SUFFOLK AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. ... 436.. VIII. THE FLORAE OF EAST ANGLIA AND HOLLAND COMPARED. ... ... ... ... ... 470 IX. THE PROGRESS OF BOTANY IN SUFFOLK. ... 472. X. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS... ... ... 493* XI. INDEX. 495. INTRODUCTION. I. NATURAL FEATURES OP SUFFOLK. TJFFOLK is one of the Eastern Counties, and was formerly the Southern County of those comprised in the ancient Kingdom of East Anglia. It is the most Easterly County in England, its coast line extending a few miles further East than either of the neighbouring Counties. Geographically it lies between the parallels 51 deg. 57 min. and 52 deg. 35 min. N. Lat., and between 24 min. and 1 deg. 45 min. E. Long., and contains an area of about 1500 square miles, or 944,000 acres, having the shape of an irregular trapezium ; the coast line being about 50 miles in length, the greatest breadth from East to West about 56 miles, and from North to South about 32 miles. It is bounded on the North by the County of Norfolk the two Counties being separated by the Kiver Waveney and Breydon Water in the Eastern half, and by the Eiver Little Ouse in the Western. To the West lies Cambridgeshire, separated in the Northern half by the Eiver Lark, being without a natural boundary further South. Essex lies along the whole Southern boundary, divided from it by the Eiver Stour through nearly the whole of its extent. The whole of the Eastern boundary is washed by the German Ocean, and is cut up by numerous narrow and deep Estuaries, which almost treble the County's seaboard. The County is well drained, most of the rivers flowing in an Easterly direction ; but the Lark and Little Ouse, which drain the Western aud North-western Divisions, have a North-westerly course* ultimately reaching the sea at the Wash. The watersheds of the Northern portion of the County are two one possessing a North- westerly and the other a North-easterly trend ; but in the South the watershed has a South-easterly direction. The chief rivers are the Stour, which rites in the South-western part of the County, and flow- ing along the Southern boundary, becomes a tidal estuary at Catawade, and, joining that of the Orwell, reaches the sea at Harwich. It receives the Boxford River, the Brett, and other small streams. The Gipping rises near Wetherden, and flows by Stowmarket, Needham Market and Bramford to Ipswich, where it enters the tidal estuary of the Orwell. The Deben rises N. of Debenham and flows S.E. to Woodbridge, where it becomes a tidal estuary, and receives a few miles further South the Fynn, which rises N. of Witnesham and enters the sea at Bawdsey, liaving a bar at its mouth. The Butley rises S.E. of Rendlesham, and flows into the estuary of the Ore. The Ore rises near Saxted, and flows Eastward to Aldeburgh, where it is turned suddenly S. by a band of shingle, and reaches the sea at Hollesley Bay 10 miles below. It re- ceives the Aide, which rises near Dennington, and several small streams. The Hundred River rises near Knoddishall, and flows E. into the sea N. of Aldeburgh. The Minsmere rises S.W. of Ubbeston, and enters the ;sea N. of Sizewell. The Blythe rises near Laxfield, and flows E. into the sea at Southwold. The Waveney, forming a part of the Northern boundary, rises near Redgrave at Lopham Ford, and flows Eastward to Burgh Castle, where it enters Breydon Water. The Little Ouse rises near the source of the Waveney, and flows Westward, forming the Western part of the Northern boundary. At Euston it receives the waters of the Upper Ouse, which rises near Woolpit, and flows N. through Ixworth ; at Thetford it is joined by the Tbet flowing from the N.E. The Lark rises on the table-lands of Lawshall, flows through Bury St. Edmunds and Mildenhall, near which place it becomes the County boundary for a short distance. All the Suffolk rivers have slow currents and are shallow streams, with here and there deep holes : but the natural drainage is much hindered by the formation of dams, the waters being banked up for mills and factories. Large pieces of brackish water called Broads are found in the N.E. part of the County, as Breydon Water, Lake Lothing -and Thorpe Mere. Breydon Water is a magnificent tidal lake of 1200 acres, 5 miles long, miles broad ; the deep water channel of the Waveney passing through it is comparatively narrow. The Yafe also flows into this water, which, before entering the sea, narrows near Yarmouth to a small tidal estuary. Lake Lothing is now a tidal lake 2 miles long, separated from Oulton Broad by a lock. As late as June, 1831, both these pieces of water were connected with the Sea at Lowes- toft. Oulton Broad also communicates by a narrowed portion with the XI. Waveney and now consists of fresh water, and occupies 110 acres ; it is surrounded by marshes. Thorpe Mere occupies an area of 1000 acres, and is divided into two parts by a wall of earth. The fresh water lakes and broads are ^few and of small extent, and are nearly all in East Suffolk. At Fritton is a well- wooded lake of over 500 acres, but Barnby, Easton, Benacre, Covehithe and Dunwich Broads are all small. Bosmere is about 8 acres in extent, and Rushmere, near the Deben, is of small area. At Hol- brooke and Tattlngstone are ornamental lakes of a few acres each in extent. The lakes of West Suffolk have most of them been artificially enlarged. The largest is Ampton and Livermere, 2 miles long, 75 acres in extent and there is one at Redgrave of 46 acres. Small pieces of water occur at Culford, Fornham and Drinkstone. Barton Mere, near Pakenham, extends over 12 acres ; Broadmere and Coruard Mere are very small. Suffolk is very flat : no rocks occur and the hills are few and incon- siderable. A somewhat hilly district, known as Westleton Walks, extends inland from the Dunwich Cliffs towards Theberton and Middleton. The hills are irregular in form with winding valleys, and are clothed with ling, brake and furze. A range of low hills and grassy denes extends from Lowestoft towards Yarmouth, while the hills of Pakefield and Kessingland trend Southward to Sole Bay and Easton Broad. The highest ground in the County is in the neighbour- hood of Lawshall ; the flattest in the neighbourhood of the Lark and Little Ouse and between Beccles and Oulton Broad. On the coast is much sand and shingle ; especially atOrford Beach, the acreage of which is probably larger than anything else of the kind on the East Coast. There are mud flats and salt marshes, especially near Aldeburgh. The Coast is remarkable for the extent of its tidal estuaries and its bays, havens and creeks ; but there are no cliffs of any great height ; at Felixstowe and Bawdsey the cliffs are of Red Crag resting on clay, but those at Dunwich are of more recent beds. The character of the surface is much varied and consists of un- dulating fields and flat plains, the fields are sometimes very large and Xll. surrounded by hedges, which were formerly higher than now. The soils also vary from a stiff clay loam to fine sand, and may be classified as : " Heavy Lands. Stiff loam, yellow clay ; blue clayey loam. Mixed Lands. Common mixed soil, rich deep mould, fen lands,, rich marshes. Light Lands. Eastern and north-western sand, and poor chalk of West Suffolk." (White's Suffolk.) Along the banks of the rivers and in the different fens and marshes, are rich strips of alluvial deposit. More than two-thirds of the County would come under the term heavy lands, and the area occupied would be roughly bounded on the North by the Waveney from Hopton (West) to Beccles, on the East by a line passing from Beccles, Halesworth, Hoo, Grundisburgh, Needham Market, Hadleigh to Melford ; on the South by the County boundary as far East as Melford ; and on the West by a line running from Hopton, (West) to Haughley via Ixworth, from which point it turns West to the borders of Cambridgeshire. The mixed lands are found, one portion East of the heavy lands, between the Orwell and the Stour, and again further North between Halesworth, Beccles, Southwold, and Yarmouth ; the other tract lying West of .the heavy lands and extending from Hopton (Westward) to Euston and Newmarket. The sandy or light lands are in the extreme East and North-west of the County. The Eastern portion extends from the Deben to South- wold, bounded on the West by a line from Woodbridge to Saxmundham. The North-west portion intervenes between the fens and the mixed soils, and is known as the Breck district, being situated between Thet- ford and Mildenhall. There are various heaths and barren tracts of rough ground, principally used for sheep-walks and rabbit-warrens. A more or less broken belt of heath and furze extends near the coast from Lovvestoft to the Orwell, where Calluna, Erica, tetralix, and cinerea^ grow in more or less abundance. Occasionally it is intersected by arable or marshy land, or runs down to the coast. In many places, however, it is separated from the coast by marshes protected from the sea by embankments, locally called sea-walls, except where low sand- hills form a natural protection, as at Minsmere Sluice to Sizewell. Xlll. Other small heaths are found at Gorleston, Belton and Hopton, between Yarmouth and Lowestof t. The large tract of loose sand lying upon the chalk in the N.W. part of the County, known as the Breck district, is a peculiar feature, and its extent may be fairly estimated by the un- shaded portion of the map published by Morris in connection with his Gazeteer. Large tracts of it have never probably been cultivated ; such portions as were broken up by the plough were called Brecks hence the name of the district. Fir plantations have been introduced, and more land is being cultivated, not only rye as formerly, but barley and even wheat are now grown. Hedges are few and far between, and consist at times of fir, and there is very little water. Originally the district was much more open than at present. From the fact of the presence of marine plants, insects and birds in this district, it has been surmised by some that an arm of the sea came up from the South Suffolk Coast to Thetford ; Prof. Newton and the Eev. Dr. Hind think that an arm of the Wash reached Thetford from the West; the Wash itself extending as far as Lakenheath, Wangford and Brandon in the line of the Little Ouse, and at Mildenhall, Icklingham and Lackf ord in the course of the Lark. I do not see how the sea could have come from the East. It has been suggested that the marine plants found near Thetford, are attracted by the salts contained in the drift sands from the decomposition of the felspar, and that the insects are attracted by the plants and form in their turn a reason for the presence of seabirds ; I cannot accept this theory in toto, ingenious though it be, for we do not find in inland districts, however rich in felspathic rocks, indications of marine flora or fauna, unless there are also indications of comparatively recent proximity to some sea ; and the chemical composi- tion of the felspars differs considerably from that of sea water ; the absence of chlorine and bromine in the rocks being conspicuous. Perhaps the insects and birds are attracted by the plants, but I think the plants must be considered as the lineal descendants of those which once, when a salt or brackish arm of the sea extended up to the neigh- bourhood of Thetford, flourished on its shores. Various similar examples may be found in this country ; at Claverton Down, Somersetshire, still flourishes the Hairy Spurge; other specimens of which are to be found no nearer than the valley of the Loire ; and on Steep Holme, a rocky islet in the Bristol Channel, is found the wild pceony whose habitat is now in the Pyrenees, a relic of the great ice age. XIV. The woods and plantations in the County are entirely of modern growth, and although it may be said to be well-wooded, the timber is generally scattered about and is steadily diminishing in quantity. The largest woods are at Fakenham, the locality of Bloomfield's Fakenham Ghost, and at Staverton, and these are of great age ; as are also woods near Needham Market and at Sudbourne. Marshy land exists in no great quantity and much fen has quite disappeared. The valley of the Aide, however, is generally marshy, and there are some very extensive tracts, called the Lantern Marshes. Marsh lands extend also up the valleys near the coast, and along some of the rivers, and between Scole and Beccles is another tract of marsh but no fen land. The fens once occupied a considerable area near Mildenhall, but they appear to have been drained early in this century, the peat remain- ing in a dry form ; but there still remain patches at Tuddenham and other parishes on the banks of the Lark, at Redgrave, Hopton, Hinder- clay, Coney Weston and Aldeburgh. Some years ago, there was a large district of quaking fen at Worlingham, North Cove and Barnby. which has been drained and converted into valuable pasture. The principal heaths are near the sea -coast, situated in part upon the Red-crag area, none of them very large ; but there is a succession of them nearly parallel to the coast, extending from Belton to within a few miles of Ipswich, and a few small ones are to be found in the North-western division. The commons have been mostly enclosed, but a few parishes, amongst which are Mellis and Wortham, have consider- able portions still open. XV. II AN OUTLINE OF THE GEOLOGY OF SUFFOLK. fN the brief outline of the Geology of the County which follows.I have not attempted to discuss the different theories which have been brought forward to account for the various changes which produced the different beds ; neither have I entered at length in.o the lists of fossils found in them, but have sought within the narrowest limits to give as many details as would be necessary, in a work devoted to another sub- ject, to give the reader a general idea of the stratification of the beds which compose the surface of the County. The Geological strata met with in the County of Suffolk belong to the Secondary and Tertiary groups ; the former being represented by its upper member the chalk ; and the latter by many of its consti- tuent members, some of which are almost peculiar to this County I aUude to the crag deposits, which are so strongly developed in it, and indeed only continue for a short distance into the neighbouring counties of Norfolk and Essex. In a tabular form the strata of Suffolk are in Geological succession : SECONDARY- LOWER CHALK. UPPER CHALK. I _ Herbarium of British Plants compiled by Miss Lathbury, of Bury St. Edmunds, 1832-59. HL Mg. Small Collection of Suffolk and Essex Plants in Ipswich Museum, by Miss Manning-. HB. Not. Herbarium, compiled by the late W. L. Notcutt, . of Ipswich, now in possession of Charles Bailey, F.L.S. Hfi.PJc. Small Herbarium of British Plants by C. W... Peck, of Brockford. HZ. EJc. Herbarium of British Plants, by L. N. Rickards, late of Stowlangtoft Rectory, about 1840-50. Now in Cambridge University Herbarium. IrLb. Salm. Small Herbarium in Norwich Museum, by J. D. Salmon, formerly of Thetford. 1835-7. Hfi. Sk. Herbarium compiled by the late Edmund Skepper, of Bury St. Edmunds. HI. Buff. Herbarium of Suffolk Plants, specially compiled to assist in preparing the Flora of Suffolk, 1876-88. To be placed eventually in Ipswich Museum. Reference to it indicated thus ||. H5. Turn. Small Herbarium of British Plants, by Miss Turner, of Bradlield St. George. Rl. Wils. Herbarium of British Plants, in the Library of 9 Stowlangtoft Hall : attributed to the late Rev. W* Steggall. 1.830-4. H. & 8. Flora of Suffolk, by the Rev. J. S. Henslow, M.A., Prof. Rot.. Rector of Hitcham, and Edmund Skepper, London & Bury St. Edmunds, 1860. Hist. Bury. History of Bury by Gillingwater : List of Plants by Sir T. G. Cu'llum, Bart., 1804. Hist. Fr am. History of Framlinghanu begun by the late Robert TTawes, Gentleman, Steward of the Manor of Framlingham and Saxted, with considerable additions and notes by Robert Loder. (See Cralbe.) Wood- bridge, 1798. Hist. Soutliwold. History of Southwold, by K. Wake, 1839, Yarmouth. Hist. Wher. History of Wherstead, by the Rev. P. Barham Zincke. List of Plants by H. Ha ward, Esq., 1887. Hist. Yarm. Sketch of the Natural History of Yarmouth and its Neighbourhood, by C. J. and James Paget. Yarmouth and London, 1834. Hooker. The British Flora, by Sir William Jackson Hooker,. K.H , LL.D., F.R.A., & L.S. Ed. V. London, 1842. Hook. St. Fl. The Student's Flora of the British Islands, by Sir J. D. Hooker, K.C.S.L, C.B., &c. Ed. Ill, 1884, How. Phytologia Britannica, by William How, M.D. London, 1G50. Huds. Flora Anglica, Gulielmi Hudson, F.R.S. Ed. III,. 1798. I.S. Soc. British Wild Flowers collected by the Botanical Section of the Ipswich Scientific Society. Ms. 1887- Ips. Fl. Ipswich Flora, Loudon ? s Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. 3.. Quoted from H. & 8. Ips. Port/. Ipswich Portfolio. Anonymous Collection of Plants, incorporated with Hb. Blk. J.ofB. Journal of Botany, British & Foreign, by Berthold Siemen, Ph.D., F.LS., succeeded by Hy. Trimen,. M.B., F.L.S. Present Editor, James Britten, Esq.,, F.L.S. 1863. 10 Jackson. Ms. notes by R. Jackson, in a copy of J. Martyn's Methodus Plantarum, in the Library uf Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Johnson. Ger. em. The Ilerball, &c., by John Gerarde, very much enlarged and emended by Thomas Johnson, Citizen and Apothecary of London, 1633. Lindl. Si/n. A Synopsis of the British Flora, by John Lindley, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. London, Ed. Ill, 1841. Jjob. Ill Lobel, Stirpium Illustrationes accurante Gul. How, M.D., London, 1655. Jjon. Cat. The London Catalogue of British Plants, Ed. . VIII, by F. J. Hanbury, 1886. .Lowe. A Natural History of British Grasses, by Edward J. Lowe, London, 1858. M. M. The Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary, by Philip Miller, F.R.S. (1724). The whole corrected and newly arranged by Thomas Martyn, B.D., F.R.S., Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. 2 voll., fol., London, 1797-1807. Martyn. Plantae Cantabrigienses Appendix, Catalogus, &c., London, 1763, by Thomas Martyn, B.D., &c. Moor. Ms. List of Plants of Great Bealings, &c., by the late Rev. Edward James Moor, B.A. Moore. Octavo Nature printed British Ferns, by Thomas Moore, London, 1859. Ms. Davy. Ms. List of Suffolk Plants, with three Appen- dices, by David Elisha Davy ; probable date 1828. Now in the Library of the British Museum. Mss. Fl. Suff. Mss. Lists referred to in the preface of Flora of Suffolk, contributed by Rev. E. N. Bloomfield. Ms. Notes. Notes in Dr. Babington's copy of the Flora of Suffolk of 1860. ,, ,, Notes in Mrs. French's copy of the Flora of Suffolk of 1860. ,, ,, Notes in W. Jordan's copy of the Flora of Suffolk of 1860. Ms. Sk.Sk. Ms. 11 N.B.G. The New Botanist's Guide to the Localities of t he- Rarer Plants of Britain, 2 voll., by H. C. Watson,. 1835-7. Newman. A History of British Ferns, by Edward Newman ,, F.L.S., P.B.S., F.Z.S., &c. London, 1854. Notes Br. Rubi. Notes on British Rubi, by C. C. Babington,., M.A., F.R.S., &c., in /. of B., July and August, 1886. Parkinson. Theatrum Botanicum : The Theatre of Plants,. &c., by John Parkinson, Apothecary of London, and. the King's Herbalist. London, 1640. Phyt. N.S.The Phytologist : A Botanical Journal, New- Series, Edited by Alexander Irvine, 6 voll. London,. 1855-63. r/ii/t. O.S. The Phytologist : A Botanical Journal, Old Series, Edited by George Luxford, A.L.S., 5 volL London, 1841-54. JPulteney. Progress of Botany in England. Ray. Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britt. Auct Joanne Raio. London, Ed. I, 1690 ; Ed. II, 1696 ; Ed. III,, (by J. J. Dillenius, M.D.) 1724. Iitii/nbird. Natural Grasses of West Suffolk, by W. & H. Raynbird, 1846. lit'cord Club. Salmon Hb. Hb. Salm. , r Sir J. Cullum. Outturn, Sir J. Sir J. E. Smith. Flora Britannica Auctore J. E. Smith,. M. D., 3 voll., London, 1800-4 ; and the English Flora, by Sir J. E. Smith, M.D., F.R.S., 4 voll., London,. 1824-8. Sir 2\ G. Cullum. Cullum, Sir T. G. Sk. ms. Ms. Notes in various Flora, &c., by the late Ed- mund Skepper. Bury St. Edmunds. The Fenland, Past and Present, by S. H. Miller, F.R.A.S.^ F.M.S., and J. B. Skertchly, F.G.S., &c. London, 1878. Top. Bot. Topographical Botany, by Hewitt Cottrell Wat- son. 2 voll. 1873-4. 12 Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Natural History Society. Var. years. Turner. William Turner's Herball. Part 1, London, 1551 ; part 2, Cologne, 1562 ; part 3, Cologne, 1566. Reprint of the whole, Cologne, 1568. Turn. Hb.Hb. Turn. With. -A Systematic Arrangement of British Plants, by William Withering, M.D., F.R.S. 4 voll. Ed. 5. Birmingham, 1812. LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL PEKSONS WHO HAVE CONTRI- BUTED LlSTS OK OTHER INFORMATION FOR THIS FLORA, OR, WHO ARE QUOTED AS AUTHORITIES FOR PLANTS OR SOCIETIES. A. B. Arthur Bennett, F.L.S., Correspondence, Lists, Examination of Plants, and important help in various ways. Amyot, Thos. E., M.R.C.S., Diss. Authority for Plants. Ashby, Mr. Authority in B.C.. Ashfield, C. J. Two papers on Suffolk Botany in Phyt. N.S* Backhouse, J. Authority in Natural Hist. Yann. Barker, H. R., Bury. Localities of Plants. Bell, Miss, Plants N.B.G. and Top.Bot. Bevan, Mrs. Plumpton Hall. Localities of Plants through C.B. Biddell, G. A. Mem. Inst. C.E., Ipswich. Table of Rain- fall for Ipswich. Biddell, Mrs. Play ford. Notice of Gagea lutea. Bidwell, H., Ipswich. Notice of Lastrea cristata. Bird, Dr., Wattisford. Notice of Sedum Fabaria and other Plants. Blackett, R., Bury. List of Plants in H. & 8. 13 Blake, Lady, late of Great Barton. Compiler of Hb. Elk. ; also contributor to several other Hbb. Boswell, Dr. ; J. T. Syme ; J. T. Boswell Syme, F.L.S., &c. Bridf/man, Miss, Coney Weston Hall. Notice of Plants. Bromjwld, Dr. W. Contributor of Plants to several Hbb. Browning, Mrs. Notice of Plants per C.B. Bryant, Rev. H. Authority for Plants in E.G. and Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. Bullender, Miss, Sohain. List of Plants per Mrs. French. Burrell, R., Westley Hall. Notice of Plants and Meteoro- logical Observations. Burroughs, Rev. Mr. Authority for Plants in B. G. Candler, E., Harleston. An Authority for Sparganium neglectum. Cam, Mrs., Little Welnetham. List of Plants in H. d- S., &c. Cas. The late Mrs. Casborne, Pakenham. Compiler of Hb. Cas., and contributor to other Hbb. C.A.W. Rev. C. A. Williamson, Cockfield. List of Plants per C.B. C.B. The late Rev. Churchill Babington, D.D., F.L.S., &c., Rector of Cockfield, Hon. Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Annotated Flora, Lists, Examination of Herbaria and of the Old Herbalists ; Loan of Books, Specimens, outlines of various Papers, &c. C.C.7J. Charles Cardale Babington, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., Prof, of Botany in the University of Cambridge. Examination of critical Plants ; mention of Localities ; kind assistance and counsel. Clay, Dr. Authority for Plants in Hb. I?/i. Clowes, G. Authority for Plants in Hb. Geld. Clowes, E., Mrs., Needham Market. List of Plants. Collins, T. C., Diss. List of Plants and rare Specimens. Colville t Rev. Notice of a rare Plant. Cowell, Edward Byles, M.A., Fellow C.C. Coll., Cambridge, and Prof, of Sanscrit. List of Plants. 14 Croker, Rev. Joseph Morrison, M.A., formerly Fellow of G. & C. Coll., Cambridge, Rector of Lavenham. Notice of Plants per C.B. Cross, W. J., Ely. Specimens and lists of Plants. Crowfoot, W.M., M.B., Beccles. List of Plants. Cnllum, G. Milner Gibson, Esq., Hardwick Hall. Informa- tion about Sir J. and Sir T. G. Cullum, and loan of Sir John's Naturalist's Journal. Dale, D. Authority for Plants in Raii Synopsis. Dalton, Rev. J. Authority for Plants in 13. G. Dowell. Authority for Plant in Hb. Salm. Downton, Miss E. Authority for Plant. Druce, G. C., Author of the Flora of Oxfordshire. Copy of Ms. notes in Dill. Hay in Herb. Ox. Also notices of Plants and Specimens. Dnthie, Jas. Authority for Plants in J. of B. Eagle, F. K. Authority for Plants in E.G. and various Hbb E.A.H. See Holmes. E.F.L. See Linton. E.X.B., Rev. Edwin Newson Bloomfield, M.A., Rector of Guestling, Sussex ; formerly Sen. Fellow of Clara , Coll., Cambridge. Correspondence, Lists, Plants; Critical Supervision of the Flora, &c. En-ing, J. W. Authority in Hb. Geld. F. The late Mrs. French of Woolpit : Gift of Herbarium, Annotated Flora, Lists, &c. E.C.S. Miss Stanford, Ashbocking. List of Plants. F. Fox. Coddenham. List of Plants. Fitt, G. Authority in Hb. Glasspoole. F.K.E. See Eagle. Forty., Rev. R. Authority for Plants in B.G. Forster, E., jun. Authority for Plants in B.G. Freeman, H., late of Saxmundham. Authority for a Plant. . French, R. B. Authority mHb. F. F.T. F. Townsend : Authority for Plants in Phyt. 0.8. 15 Gage, Sir T. Bart. Authority for Plants in Hb. 8k. Galpin, The Rev. Francis William, M.A., F.L.S., Curate of St. Giles, London : Lists of Plants from records of the late Rev. E. A. Holmes, and from H.B.8. Gedt/e, Joseph, Bury. List of Plants in H. $ S. Geldart, Herbert D., Norwich. Compiler of Hb. Geld. List of Suffolk Plants in his collection. Gibson,. Mrs., Lound Rectory. Use of Portfolio of Suffolk Plants sketched from nature. Glasspoole, H. G., the late. Compiler of Hb. Glasspoole now in Hb. Geld. Goodenounh, Thfe late Rt. Rev.' Samuel, LL.D., F.R.S., Lord Bishop of Carlisle. Authority for several Plants in E.G., &c. Gray, Rev. John Durbin, M.A. Vicar of Nayland. List of Plants and notice of various discoveries, &c. H.D.G. See GeWart. Harries, Rev. T. S. J., B.A., Rector of Nedging. Notice of Plants through C.B. Harvey, The late Miss. Plants in various Hbb. Hay, Wm. Authority in Hist. Southwold. Hele, Nicholas Fenwick, M.R.C.S.,. Aldeburgh. List of Plants and use of small Herbarium. Hemsted, Rev. J. Authority for Plants in E.G. Hickling, The Rev. Edmund Lovegrove, Frostenden. Notice of Plants. H.M.S. Miss Sheppard, Wolverstone. Lists ot Plants. Holden, Miss, Kensington. Notice of Plants. Hold&n, John Sinclair, M.D. List of Plants through C.B. Holland, Rev. Wm.,B. A., Rector of Huntingfield. Rare Specimens and lists of Plants. Humphrey, Mr. Authority for Plants in Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. and in B.G. Jacobson, W. Authority in B.G. -James, Rev. Herbert, M.A., Rector of Livermere, formerly Fellow of Christ's Coll., Cambridge. Notice of Plants. 16 Jermyn, Dr. Notice of Plants. J.F.W. See Wilkinson. J.H.G. Miss Grubbe. List of Plants through C.B. J.S.H. See Holden, J.S. J.S.S. The Eev. John Sykes Sawbridge, M.A., Rector of Sawbridge. Notice of various Plants. Kilner, The Rev. Henry Ingate, M.A., Rector of Saxham Parva. Specimen. King, Bolton. Notice of Plants in J. of B,, and through G. E. Druce. King, W. D. Notice of Plants in Phyt. O.S. Kirby, Rev. William, late Rector of Barbara, the cele- brated Entomologist, Authority for Plants in B.G. and Hb. F. K.T. See Trimmer. Lathbury, Miss, Bury. Compiler of Hb. Lij. Lathbury, Rev. P., late Rector of Bradfield Combust. . Authority for Plants in B.C. and in Hb. Ly. Imirents, Mr. Reference in Hist. Bury. Lawsmi. Authority in tlaii Synopsis. Leach, R. E., F.G.S., Beccles. Lists of Plants and various Specimens. Lcathes, Rev. G. R., late of Shropham Hall. Authority for Plants in B.G., and in several Herbaria. Lcchmere, Miss. Authority for Plants in Hb. F. Linton, Rev. Edward Francis, M.A., Crymlyn, Bournemouth. Several lists of Plants, and frequent correspondence. Lonyc, Rev. John, Rector of Sternfield. Notices of Plants. MacJde, F. Authority for Plants in Hb. Geld. Marshall, Rev. Edward Shearburn, M.A., Witley. List of Plants, &c. Matthew. An authority for (Enanthe peucedani folia. McAub. Mrs. McAubrey, Beccles. Use of original sketches. of Wild Plants. Mcrritt. Authority in B.G. for Archangelica officinalis. 17 Miller, H., jun., Ipswich. Lists of Plants and other information . M.L.H. Miss Hodgson, Wrentham. Specimens of Plants. Moor, late Rev. E. J., B.A., Rector of Great Bealings. Important list of Plants through C.B. Morse, Mr. Authority for a Plant in E.G. Newboultl, late Rev. W. W., M.A. Notices of Plants in Plujt. and J. of B. Newton, Mr. Authority for Plants in Dill. Ray. Nonjatc, Frank, Bury. List of Plants. Norman, late Mr. W., given as an authority by H. Miller, jun. Notcutt, late W. L., Ipswich. Quoted from H. & S. Palmer, H. D., M.R.C.S., Nayland. Authority for Plants. Parker, the late Mrs., Clopton Hall. List of Plants, and use of annotated Flora. Peck, Charles W., Brockford. Specimens and list of Plants. Pertz, Miss, Cambridge. Authority for Plants. Pettiward, Lady, late of Great Finborough Hall. Notice of Plants through C.B. Pettiward, Miss, Great Finborough Hall. Notice of Plants through C.B. Phipps, Rev. & Hon. Aug. Fred.,-M.A., Hon. Canon of Ely. Loan of Hb. FitzR. Pldpps,\z,tQ Rev. E. J., M. A., Rector of Stansfield. Authority for Plants. Pitchford, Mr. List in DHL PMIJ in Hort. O.v., and Plants in E.G. Preston, Mrs. Notice of Plants. PrcstwicJi, Prof. Notice of ancient Plants. Priest, J. Authority in Hb. Geld. Purclias, Rev. William Henry, Vicar of Astonfield. Use of marked Catalogue. Rasor, J., Woolpit. Lists and specimens of Plants. d, Clement, F.G.S. Author of a paper on the Cromer 18 Forest bed, and of Notes on the ancient Plants of Suffolk. Relhan, Rev. R., F.R.S., &c., formerly Chaplain of Kind's Coll.. Cambridge, Author of Flora Cantabrigiensis. Authority for Plants in B.G. Richards, Rev. Samuel, late Rector of Stowlangtoft. Authority for Plants. Ridley, Prof. H.N. Notes on ancient Plants in Geological Magazine. Roberts, Rev. Henry, Naughton. List in H. d- S. Rose, C., Tuddenham. Authority for Plants in Hb. Wik. Rouse, Miss. Authority for a Plant through A.B. Rys, H. An authority for Muscari racemosum. Salter, J. W. Authority for Plants in Phyt. O.S. Sare. Authority for a Plant in How's Phytologia Britannica. Sewell, Rev. W. H., M.A., Vicar of Yaxley. Notices of Plants, &c. Sherard, J. and W. Authorities for Plants in Dill. Ray. Sir C.J.F.B. The late Sir Charles James Fox Bunbury, Bart. Five important lists of Plants and loan of Hb.Rick., &c. Smith, Sir J. E., Author of the Flora Britannica and the English Flora. Spalding, P., Colchester Museum. List of Plants through C.B. Spalding, T. M. Authority for a Plant. Steggall, Miss. Authority for Plant in Hb. Wils. Steggall, late Rev. William, M.A. Supposed compiler of Hb. Wils. Stock, D., Bungay. Authority for Plants in N.B.G. cC Top. Bot. Stone, Mr. Authority for Plants in B.G. Suttaby, Mrs. Plants in Hb. Turn. Sutton, Rev. C. Authority for Plants in B.G. Symc, J. T. Dr. Boswell. Editor of English Botany 19 writer of a paper in Phyt. N.S. Authority for several Plants. Symonds, Mrs. Locality through C.B. Tate, Rev. Wm. Roddam, Vicar of Walpole. Authority for Plants. Taylor, J. E., Ph.D., Ipswich Museum. Notice of Plants; Guide to Suffolk. T. B. The late Rev. Thos. Brown, B.A., Rector of Heming- stone. List of Plants. TearU, The late Rev. Fred., M.A., Vicar of Gazeley. List of Plants through C.B. Temple, Miss. Authority for Plants in B.G. Terry, Mrs. Tostock. List of Plants through C.B. T.H. Rev. Thos. Hedley, M.A., Rector of Grundisburgh, late Fellow of Trin. Coll., Cambridge. List of Plants. Tilney, Rev. H. Authority for Plants in B. G. Tollers, Mrs. List of Plants through C.B. Torlesse, The late Rev. C. M., M.A., Vicar of Stoke-bj -Nay- land. An authority for Amaranthus Blitum. Townsend, J. Lists of Plants in Phyt. 0. & N.S. Trevelt/an, Sir W. C. Earliest authority for Carex ericetorum. Trimen, Henry, M.B., F.L.S., one of the editors of the Flora of Middlesex. List of Plants near Lowestoft in Phyt. N.S. Trimmer, The late Rev. Kirby, B.A., Norwich, editor of the Flora of Norfolk. Lists. Turner, Dawson, F.R.S., &c., one of the compilers of B.G., and authority for many Suffolk Plants. Turner, F. Authority for various Plants in E.G. Turner, James. Authority for various Plants in B.G. Turner, Mrs. Authority for Plant in Hb. Wils. T. W. G. T. W. Gissing, Wakefield. List of Plants in Phyt. N.S. Uhthoff, Miss. Authority for Plant in B.G. Varcnnc, E. G. List of Plants in Phyt. O.S., and authority in Top. But. 20 Wallis, W. Authority for Plant in X.B.G. Ward, J. Authority for Plant in X.B.G. Watson, H. C. Author of Cybele Britannica ; Geographical Distribution of British Plants, &c. Compiler of N.B.G., and of Top. Bot. White, Dr., late of Lavenham. Authority for Plants in H.<-S.,audmHb.F. Wifjg, Lilly, F.L.S. A chief contributor to B.G. Wilkinson, Rev. John Frome, M.A., Rector of Kilvington. Lists and Specimens. Williams, Rev. Arthur Lukyn, M.A., Rector of Ampton. Authority for Plants. Willisel. Authority in Dill. Hay. Wilson, Arthur Maitland, Esq., D.L., Stowlangtoft Hall. Loan of Hb. Wils. Wilson, Miss, Langham Hall. Authority for locality. Winch. Authority in N.B.G. Winter, W. Paper in Plnjt. N.S. W. J. William Jordan, formerly of Cockfield. Dried Speci- mens ; use of annotated Flora, &c. W. L. N. See Xotcutt. Wolsey, Geo. Authority in Plnjt. N.S. for Silcne catholica. Wood, Dr. Authority for Plants, through C.B. Woods, J., jun. Authority in B.G. Woodward, Dr. S. P. Contributor to Appendix of X.B.G. Woodward, T. J., late of Bungay. Large contributor to With., M.M., Flora Britannica and B.G. 21 PHANEROGAMIA. THALAMIFLOE^. RANUNCULACE/C. Clematis. Linn. 1. C. Vitalba, Linn. Traveller's Joy ; Old Han s Beard ? White Vine ; Virgins Bower. Bab. Man. 3. Hook. St. Fl. 2. H. and S. 1. Hist. Wher. Hisr. Yar. Galp. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Climbing deciduous shrub ; in hedges and thickets, es- pecially on a chalky soil : not infrequent in Suffolk. June to August. 1. Bardwell || ; Brandon; Ixworth ; Risby; Stanton ;: Thurston ; Wattisfield ; Onehouse ; Stowmarket and Wetherden : Bury, Hb.Sk. : Pakenham, Kb. Blk. : Stow- langtoft, Hb. Ek. : Walsham, H b. Dun. : Barton, Sir CJ F B. : Woolpit, F. : Nowton ; Hardwick and Ickworth, Nor gate. 2. Acton ; Bildeston ; Chellesworth ; Long Melford ;. Wiston; Nay land and Polstead; Stoke-by-Clare : Cock field, C. B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens : Lit.Thurlow, Hb. F. : Ker- sey, E.F.L. Chedburgh, Miss Bell. 3. Mettingham : Bungay, Stock. 4. Wortham; Mellis ; Eye; Saxmundham ; Darsham ; Westleton : Gt, Glemham, E.N.B. : Middleton, T.W.G. : Mendham; Wingfield, &c. Galp. 5. Shelley : Bredfield ; Clopton ; Dallinghoo and Gt. Bealings,Mbor : Sproughton,MYss Bell : Ashbocking,^. C.S : Needham Market, E. Clowes : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Hemingstone, T.B. : Martlesham, H.M.S. : Wherstead,. Haward. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 22 Thalictrum, Linn. H. T. minus, Linn. Lesser Meadow Eue. Bab. Man. 4. Hook. St. PJ. 2, 3. H. & 8.1. Hist. Bury. 'Top. Bot. Suff. W. Perennial Herb : rare. a. On sandhills near the sea. *. In chalky and stony pastures in the N.W. division. June to August. a. T. dunense, Dum. T. maritimum, Syme. 3. Gorton and Gorleston, W. Winter, Pliyt. N.S., Oct , 1861. Great doubt is attached to this authority. Ed. b. T. montanum, Wallr. T. flexuosum, Bernhardi. 1. Eriswell || and West Row: Bury, tiir T. (T. Cullum, andHbb.Blk.dSk.: Hedge between Barton Mills and Lakenheath, A.B. : Among- furze on N.E. slope of Warren Hill, Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Eisby Chalk-bank, W.J. : Newmarket, Dill. : Kentford, Rev. F. Tcarle : Higham, H. d- 8. : Exiling 1 and Lakenheath, >S7t. ms. : Brandon, W. J. Cross. 5. Darmsderi Mill, near Needham Market, Hb. Jeffes. Earliest notice 1724. Dillenius. 3. T. majUS, Sm. T. majus. Grants. Greater Meadow Rue. Bab. Man. 4. Hook. St. PI. 3. Perennial herb ; sornewhat rare ; in copses, &3. First recognised as a Suffolk Plant in 1879, by Hr. W. Jordan of Cocktield. Earlier plants in Herbaria were labelled T. minus. In 1858 a plant found by Sir C. J. F. Bun- bury is thus described : ' A very luxuriant and less glaucous variety (of supposed T. minus.) was found in a hedge on the left-hand side of the road from Mildenhall to Holy well Row, approaching T. majus, Sm.' July, August. 1. Between Cavenham and Tuddenham, W.J. : Mil- denhall, Sir C. J. F.B. : Ixworth, Hb. Ilk. fide Sir C.J.F.B.! : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Tuddenham, C. Rose in Hb. Wils. Earliest example 1832. C. Rose. 4. T. flaVTim Linn. Common Meadow Rite. Bab. Man. 4. Hook. St. PL 3. H. & 8. 1. Hist. Franu Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. Perennial herb ; not unfrequent in marshes and on mar- gins of rivers. June to August. 23 1. Banks of the Upper Ouse at Bardwell, Ixwortb Thorpe and Honington ; of the Little Ouse at Thelnetham,. Euston, Thetford Warren and Lakenheath ; of the Lark at Lackford Bridge, Tuddenham and Mildenhall : On the sides of the water courses in the Wammell meadows, Mildenhall Kir C.J.F.B. : Tostock, Mrs. Terry. 2. At Nayland and Stoke-on- the- Stour : Thurlow,. Hb.F. : Monk's Eleigh, Sk. ms. : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Very plentiful on the Lower Waveney and in the Oulton marshes : Burgh Castle. Pa-get: Bungay ; Herring- fleet and Somerleyton, Sk. ms. : Belton, Phyt. N.S. 1862 : Homersfield Bridge and Flixton, Galp. 4. At Stuston on the Upper Waveney: In ditches- at Framlingham, C rabbi". Great Glemham and Stratford, St. Andrews, M.X.B. : Badingham, T.W..G. 5. Needham Market and Claydon on the Gipping : Hemingstone, T.B. : Bramford, Miller : Near Ipswich, W.L.N. : Bergholt, Dr White. The distribution of the various forms has not been suffi- ciently ascertained. In the following cases the varieties- have been determined : a. T. Sphccrocarpum Lej. 1. Lakenheath || ; Mildenhall; Tuddenham; Stow- langtoft, Hb. lik. : Market Weston, Gray. 2. Nayland and Stoke. 3. Banks near Oulton Broad. 4. Stuston. b. T. riparium, Jord. 1. Ixworth Thorpe Carr. 2. Nayland ||. 3. Carlton Colville. c. T. Morisonii, Grm. T. nigricans, Jacq. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Mildenhall. 5. Claydon. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Anemone. Linn. 1. A. Pulsatilla, Linn. Pasque Flower, Bab. Man. 4. Hook. St. Fl. 3. U. fc S. 1. Hist. Bury Top. Bot. Suff. W. Perennial herb ; rare ; extinct in some of its former localities. On dry chalky pastures. April, May. 24 1. Newmarket Heath || ; also in Hb. Ek. : 'Heath st of Icklingham Church,' Sir J. Cullum. ' Both of these (A Pulsatilla and Potentilla verna) grow towards the Western extremity of a bank that was parallel with the river opposite Icklingham. It is the Devil's Ditch and bank in miniature: mixed with these the Thesium linophyllum just makes its appearance.' Sir J Cullum, April 20th, 1774. (The bank referred to is in the parish of Cavenham, Ed.) : ' Icklingham ten miles N. of Bury. Sir Jno. Cullum.' Ms. note in Dill. Pi/.inHb. Oxon. : 'Between the Fir plantation beyond Risby and Cavenham Severals.' Sir T. G. Outturn . Saxham, Bury, M.M. d* With. : Cavenham Heath, Woodward. Earliest notice 1771. Sir J. Cullum. 2. A. nemorosa. Linn. Wood Anemone* Windflower. Bab. Man. 4. Hook. St. Fl. 4. H. & S. 2. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Galp. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Perennial herb with horizontal rootstock ; occurs usually In woods and thickets. March to May. Tolerably frequent in all the districts. Earliest notice 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. [A. appenina, Linn. Appenine Windflower Bab. Man. 5. Hook. St. Fl. Appen. 529. Herbaceous perennial with tuberous rootstock. Doubt- less a garden escape. April. 2. Rede ? Hb. Turner. 5. ' Used to grow in a wild way in a meadow adjoin- ing 1 the garden at Helmingham Hall.' Moor. No precise record of first notice ; about 1840? Rev. E. J. Moor,] [A ranuncilloid.es, Linn. Crowfoot Windflower. Bab. Man. 5. Hook. St. Fl. App. 529. Herbaceous perennial, with horizontal rootstock. April. An alien, gradually extending itself and becoming naturalized. 1. Troston || : Risby, introduced by the late Prof. Henslow into Canon Abraham's garden, but now spreading widely beyond the garden, C.B. : Badwell Ash, two localities, Miss Payne : Livermere, Ilov. H. James : Bot. 25 Garden, Bury, Hb. Sk. :-^-A few plants formerly grew at Eawstead, but were eradicated by a gardener, N.B.G. Supp.t Hawstead, Turner in Hb. Wils. 5. Great Bealings, Dr. J. E. Taylor. No record before 1834. Turner. Adonis. Linn. Jl. A. autlimnalis, Linn. Autumnal Pheasant's Eye* Bab. Man. 5. Hook. St. Fl. 4. H . & S. 2. Herbaceous annual. ' Naturalized in Suffolk,' Hook, St. Fl. We have met with no instances of apparent naturaliza- tion. Ed. In or near gardens. ' Cultivated fields.' H. & S. July to September. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || from former cultivation : Bar- ningham, K.F.L. : Bury fields, Hb. Wils. : Bot. Garden, Bury, Hb. Sk. : ' Corn fields about Bury,' Dr. Bromjield. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Long Melford, in a garden. || Earliest notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. Myosurus. Linn. 1. M. minimus, Linn. Least MousetaiL Bab. Man. 5. Hook. St. Fl. 4. H. & S. 2. Hist. Fram, Hist. Yarm. Hist. \\ her. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous annual, in damp fields, with a preference for clay soil. Somewhat rare, and less frequent than formerly. April to June. 1. Hawstead, Sir J Cullum: Ickworth, Hb. Sk. -. Lit. Welnetham, Mrs. Carss, in Sk. ms. : Near Gipping, Ips. Fl. 2. Stoke -by-Nayland, Gray. : Flatford Mill and banks- of Stour, Dr. White 8. Burigay, Stock : Herringfleet, Eev G. E. Leathes r in Hb.Ek.SSalm. : Browston Hall, D.Turner : Blundeston, Wigg : Sea-wail, Mutford Bridge, Ms. Davy. 4. Parham, in a wet meadow under trees,' Crabbe :~ Kelsale, Ms. Davy. 5. Woolverstone, H.M.S.: Darmsden, Hb.Jeffes', - Wherstead, Hazard. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Ranunculus. Linn. 1. R. trichophyllllS, Chaix. Hair-leaved Water Crowfoot, Water Fennel. Bab. Man. 6. Hook. St. Fl. Top. Hot. Suff. E and W. Galp. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in pools and streams. May, June. 1. Thetford || ; Lakenheath || ; Wang-ford ; Brandon; Bardwell ; Barningham ; Thelnetham ; Harleston ; Wether- .den : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Bury, Hb. Wils. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Naj'land, Gray. 3. Kessingland : St Margaret's, Galp. 4. Burgate ; Fressingfield and Westleton : Brock- ford, Hb. Peck. : Mendham marshes, Galp. 5. Aldeburgh. var. R. Godronii, Gren., R. radians, Rev. Bab. Man. 6. 1. Knettishall || ; Thetford Warren ||. , 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Kessingland and Benacre : Kirkley, Rev. A. L+ Williams. 4. Huntingfield, Holland. 5. Aldeburgh. First record 1834. Hb. Wilson. 2. R- DrOTietii, F. Schultz. Drouett's Water Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 6. Hook. St. Fl. 6. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in pools and ditches. May, June. 1. Hopton||; Barnham; Fakenham; Ixworth Thorpe and Sapiston. 2. Nayland; Stoke -by-Clare. 3. Kessingland and St. Olaves : In Waveney, near Eastham, H.B.C. 4. Weybread, Galp. 5. Needham Market. First record 1882. Hind. 3. R. heterophyllus, Fries. Various leaved Water Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 6. Hook. St. Fl. 5. H. & S. 2. Hist. Yarm. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in pools and streams. May, June. 27 1. Hopton|| ; Cavenham ; Thetford ; Fakenham ; Tros- ton ; Liver mere and Shelland : Walsham, Hb. Dun. 2. Nayland : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Beccles : Oulton, Mc.Aub. 4. Bur gate. First notice 1847. Mrs. Dunlap. 4. !R. COnfasiIS, Godr. Confused Water Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 7. Hook. St. Fl. 6. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in brackish ditches* April to August* 3. Southwold, Holmes. 5. Felixstowe || and Walton ||. Form. B. salsuqinosus. Hiern. Bab. Man. 7 Hook. St. Fl. 7. 5. Walton ||. First notice 1882. Holmes. 6. H. Baudot!!, Oodr. Baudot's Water Crowfoot Bab. Man. 7. Hook. St. Fl. 6 ; Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in brackish ditches. May to September* 5. Catawade || ; Sudbourne. Form. E. marinus. Fries. Bab. Man. 7. Hook. St. Fl. 5. 3. Benacre ||. 5. Marsh ditches, Bawdsey ; Aide- burgh. Earliest notice 1883. Hind. 7 E. fl.oribund.TlS, Bab. Many-floivered Water Crowfoot* Bab. Man. 7. Hook. St. Fl. 5. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in pools. May to August. 1. Mildenhall || ; Barton Mills; Tuddenham ; West Stow ; Fakenham and Thurston : Ixworth, Hb. Cas. : Livermere, Gray. 2. Stoke ; Nayland and Wiston. 3. Oulton, McAub. : Flixton ; St. Margaret, Galp. 4. Brockford, Hb. Peck : Mendham : Weybread, Gulp. Earliest notice 1883. Hind. 28 . R. penicillatus, Hiern. R. submenus, Hiern. Penicillate Water Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 8. Hook. St. Fl 5. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in rivers and streams. May to August. 1. Barton Mills ; Mildenhall and West Stow. 2. Nay land || . Gray : Stoke and Wiston. Form. R.pseudo-fluitans, .Hiern. E. submersus, Hiern. Batrachium rivulare, Schur. Bab. Man. 8. Hook. St. Fl. 5. 1. West Row; Mildenhall || ; Barton Mills :Lack- ford, H b. Ly. 2. Nayland, Gray. Earliest notice 1 835. Miss Lathbury. 9. R. peltatus, Fries. Peltate Water Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 8. Hook. St. Fl. 5. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in ponds. May to Sept. 1. Hopton || ; Troston ; Cavenharn ; Rymer Point; Fakenharn ; Ixworrh Thorpe and Barningham Park. A.flore plena form occurs in a pool at Hopton ||. 2. Wiston. 4. Fressingfield. First noticed 1876. Hind. 11. !R. circinatus, Sibth. Circinate Water Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 9. Hook. St. Fl. 6, 7. H. flore pleno speci- men from Hitcham. Var. R. totfiopJiyllut, Jord. Bab. Man. 11. Hook. St. Fl. 9. 1. Wangford||; Brandon; also a specimen with re- markably minute flowers, Wangford||. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 22. H. repens, Linn. Creeping Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 12. Hook. St. Fl. 9. H. & S. 3. Hist. Yarm. Galp. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Herbaceous perennial, propagated by stolons and seeds. In pastures, cultivated ground, and waste places. May to August. 32 Very common in all the districts, A specimen flore pleno, and another with two flowers combined in Hb. Hens., from Hitcham. First notice 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 23. R. bulbosUS, Linn. Bulbous-rooted Crowfoot. Early Buttercup. Bab. Man. 12. Hook. St. Fl. 9. H. & S. 3. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff . E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. Herbaceous perennial, with enlarged solid spherical root. In meadows and pastures. May, June. Common in all the districts. Form fl. pleno from Now- ton, Hb. Wils. First notice 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 24. R. MrsutllS, Curt. E. Sardous, Crantz. Pale hairy Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 12. Hook. St. Fl. 10 * H. & S. 3. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff E and W. Galp. Herbaceous annual or biennial ; in moist pastures and cornfields. Not very frequent. June to October, 1. Fakenham; Honington : Drinkstone and Rattles- den, Hb. F. : Pakenham, Hb. Rk. : Barton, Mrs. Parker : Bradfield, St. Geo., Mrs. Carss:Bvry, Hb. Wils. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland || ; Cockfield, W.J. ; Hitcham, Ebb. Hens. 6 Sk. 3. Benacre : Oulton, McAub : Bungay, Stock: Brey- don,P%t.iY.^.,1862 : Southwold, ffo/mes: St. Margaret's, Galp. 4. Dunwich || ; Botesdale : Sizewell, E.N.B. : Fram- lingham, Crabbe: Weybread, H.B.G. '. Brome and Stus- ton, Collins. 5. Catawade : Ashbocking, F.C.S.: Aldeburgh, T.W.G. : Felixstowe, Haward. Var. E. parvulus, Linn. Dwarf hairy Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 12. 3. Burgh Castle || ; Belton : Southtown, Hb. DK 5. Catawade || ; Aideburgh ; Orford. First notice 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 25. R. parviflorilS, Linn. Small-flowered Crowfoot* Bab. Man. 1 2. Hook. St. Fl. 10. H. & S. 3. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. 33 Creeping annual ; somewhat rare ; on dry banks. May, June. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland || : Hadleigli, Prof. Hens. 3. Gorleston : Barnby, Holmes : Oulton, McAub. 4. Stuston, Collins. 5. Landguard Fort || : Hemley, Holmes : Bergholt, H. & S. Earliest notice 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 26- H. arvensis, Linn. Corn Crowfoot. Bab. Man. 12. Hook. St. Fl. 10. H. & S. 3. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. Erect annual ; in cornfields ; not plentiful. May to July. 1 . Hard wick ; Stanton ; Thurston : Ixworth, Hb.Cas. : Felsham, Hb. Sk. : Culford Heath, Gray : Bury, H. dS. : Nowton, Hb. Wils. : Walsham, Miss Jeffes. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland || : Hitcham,.H&. Hens. : Cock- field, Hb. Blk. : Lit. Thurlow, Herb. F. 3. Kessingland : Oulton, McAub. : Flixton, H.B.C. 4. Westleton || ; Botesdale. : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B.i Framlingham, Crabbe : Hoxne and Oakley, Collins : Weybread, Galp. 5. Otley, E.N.B. : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Ashbock- ing, F.C.S. : Greeting, Hb. Jeffes. Earliest notice 1849. Prof. Henslow. Caltha, Linn. 1. C. palustris, Linn. Marsh Marigold. Bab. Man. 13. Hook. St. Fl. 11. H. & S. 3. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. Hist. Wher. Succulent herbaceous perennial ; very frequent in marshes. Blossoms March to May, and occasionally much later. In all the districts. Var. C. Gueranyeri, Bor. Gueranger's Marsh Marigold. Bab. Man. 13. ' Hook. St. Fl. 11. 1. Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. 2. Polstead Marsh ||. Earliest notice 1798. Kev. G. Crabbe. 34 [Eranthis, Salisb. 1. E. lliemalis, Salisb. Winter Aconite. Bab. Man. 13. Hook. St. Fl. 12. Galp. 47. Herbaceous perennial, with tuberous root ; in planta- tions, where it has been introduced, and is becoming naturalized. January to April. 1. Honington || ; Bardwell ; Stanton ; Troston. 2. Cockfield C.B. : Stoke-by-Nayland, Gray. 8. In Flixton Long Plantation (E.A.H.), Galp. Earliest notice 1876. Hind.] Helleborus, Linn. 1. H. viridis, Linn. Green Hellebore, Bearsfoot* Bab. Man. 13. Hook. St. Fl. 12. H. & S. 3. Galp. 47. Cyb. Br. Supp. Herbaceous perennial ; chiefly in thickets on chalky soil. March to May. 1. In a wood near Beyton, Dr. Bromfield : About Bury, N.B.G. : Felsham, Dr. White. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Kettlebaston, Dr. White. 3. Oakwood near Bungay, F. Spalding. 4. Benhall, a small patch by the river, naturalized, E.N.B. : Hoxne, Collins. 5. Blunt' s wood, near Woodbridge, F. Spalding. Earliest notice 1805. Woodward. 2. H. foetidus, Linn. Stinking Hellebore, Settenvort. Bab. Man. 1 3, 14. Hook. St. Fl. 12. H. & S. 3. Cyb. Br. Supp. Hal p. 47. Herbaceous perennial ; in thickets on chalky soil. March, April. 1. Felsham, C.B. : Barton, Hb. Bile. : Lit. Saxham, Ht>. Rk. : Old Newton, Hb. Gas. : Hardwick, Sir J.Cnllum, 1773 : Rattlesden, Mrs. Parker : Haughley, Dr. White : Shelland, J. Rasor : Ickworth, H. & S. : Rougham, Sk.ms. : Wether den, Mrs. Terry. 2. Near Lavenham, Sit. ws. : Brettenham ; In a hedge between Lavenham and Acton, C.B. : Wood near Hadleigh, F. Spalding : Kettlebaston, W.J. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Brent Eleigh, Mrs. Terry. 35 3. St. Margaret's and St. Cross, Soutlielmham, Holmes : - Gorton, Hb. Salm. 4. Framlingham, likely planted, Crabbe : Brandish, J. Sherard, Dill. : Cransford and Laxfield, Ms. Davy : Wetheringsett, Hb. Peck : Mendlesham, Hb. Salm. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. : Battisford, Miss Jeffes. Earliest notice 1724. J. Sherard. Aquilegia, Linn. 1. A. Vlllgaris, Linn. Columbine.. Bab. Man. 14. Hook. St. Fl. 13. H. & S. 3. Cyb. Br. Supp. 'Galp. 47. Herbaceous perennial; in woods and heaths, and occasionally as a stray by hedges ; somewhat rare. May, June. 1. Apparently native in a small wood at Ixworth Thorpe || ; as a stray at Bardwell and Troston : Barton, Hb.Blk. : Ickworth,m Rk. : Hawstead, SirJ. Cullum. : Hessett and Elmswell, J.Rasor : Wetherden, Mrs. Terry : between Sicklesmere and Hawstead, Mrs. Carss : Risby, ff b. Ly. : Also in Hopton Fen, Miss E. Downton. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, H. & S. 3. St. Margaret's, Holmes: Bungay, H. & S. 4. Hunting-field, Ho Hand : Wey bread, Hb. Jeffes: Yaxley, W. H. Sewell*: Old walls, Abbey, Hoxne, Collins. 5. Barking, T.B. : Woodbridge, Moor : Little Bricet,. n. & s. Earliest notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. * " I have been so interested in the plant from its having been finely and accurately painted in pre- Reformation Glass, in Gislingham Church." W.H.S. Delphinium, Linn. *1. D. Ajacis, Gay. Rocket Larkspur.. Bab. Man. 14. Hook. St. F1.13. H. & S. 4. Cyb. Br. Supp. Hist. Bury. Cornfield annual on chalk or sandy soil ; not common. June, July. 1. Barton Mills |] ; Livermere and Sapiston; Bury, Sir J. Cullum, 1113:' Barton Mills abundantly,Mr. Bryant,' Dill. Ray. Hb. Ox. : Mildenhall, ' Formerly frequent on the 36 fchalk lands, especially to the west of the town. Now almost entirely extirpated by improved farming, Sir C.J.F.B. : j Brandon, Miss Bell : Barnham, Gray : Hawstead, Sir J. 'Cullum : Worlington, Miss Bullender : Eattlesden, Mrs. Parker : Lakenheath, lib. Sk. : Barton and Tuddenham, H. & 8. : Stowlangtoft, Hb.Kk. :East Gate, Bury, Hb. Turn. 2. Nayland : Hitcham, Hb.Hens. : Sudbury, FulcJier and J.8.H. 4. Mellis, C. J. Ashfield. 5. Aldeburgh, Crabbe. . Earliest record 1764. Eev. H. Bryant. Aconitum, Linn. Mi. A. NapellllS, Linn. Monkshood. Bab. Man. 14. Hook. St. Fl. 13, 14. Galp. 48. Herbaceous perennial, not native, only a stray from cultivation ; river banks ; very rare. June, July. 3. St. Peters, Southelmham, Holmes. Habitat now destroyed. Earliest notice 1840 ? Eev. E. A. Holmes. BERBERIDE>. Berberis, Linn. 1. 33. Vlllgaris, Linn. Barberry.. Bab. Man. 15. Hook. St. Fl. 15. H. & S. 4. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarai. Top. Bot. Stiff . E. and W. A spinous shrub, preferring, but not confined to, a chalky soil. For an account of jfficidium Berberidis, and its supposed connection with corn mildew, see W. G. Smith's. 4 Diseases of field and garden crops,' pp. 159-207. Thickets and hedges. May, June. 1. Cavenham 1 1 ; Lackford ; Fakenham ; Honiiigton ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Pakenham ; Timworth and Shelland : Bury, Hbb. Blk. Wils. & 8k. : Norton, Hbb. Gas. & Ilk. : .Felsham, Herb.F.: Walsham, Hb.Dun.: Tuddenham, 8k. ms. : Near Bury, Miss Turner. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Lound, Wigcj : Lowestoft, E. Sk. 4. Huntingfield, Holland : Framlingham, Crabbe : Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. 5. Burstall, F. Fox. : Market Needham, Hb. Jeffes* Earliest notice 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 37 [Mahonia aquifolia, Nutt. Two small plants in a hedge- of a pasture field in Hartest, far from a dwelling. Earliest notice 1887. Hind.] NYMPH/EACE>. Nymphaea, Linn. 1. * N. alba, Linn. White Water Lily^ Bab. Man. 16. Hook. St. Fl. 16. H.&S.4. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 48. Showy aquatic perennial; in rivers, fen-pools, and ponds. June, July. 1. Knettishall, in the Little Ouse || ; at Honington ; Sapiston and Ixworth in the Upper Ouse ; Troston : at Icklingham and in fen pools, especially in Bombay Fen between Mildenhall and Eriswell, Sir G.J.F.B. : Barton, Hb. Blh. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ilk. : Culford Lake, Gray : in fish-pond or "leech-pool," Lackford Bridge; West Stow and Lakenheath ; hi Miller's bog near Wangford, Sk. ms. i Gt. Finborough, H. & 8. : Bury, Hb. Wils. 2. Nayland . Stour at Clare, Hb. F. : Sudbury, Ful- cher&J.S.H. : Cornard Mere, Cyb. Br. 3. Bungay : Fritton, Phyt. 1862. : Oulton Broad, E. Sk. : Flixton, Galp. 4. Redgrave Fen: Syleham, H.B.C.: Mendham,. 5. Holbrooke; Aldeburgh : Barham, Hb. F. : Gt. Bealings, Moor: Woodbridge, H.M.S. Var. b. N. minor, Syme. 2. Cornard Mere, Cyb. Br. Earliest notice 1774. Sir J. Cullum. Nuphar, Linn. 1. N. lutea, Sm. Yellow Water Lily, Brandy Bottle*. Bab. Man. 16. Hook. St. Fl. 15. H. & S. 4. ' Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 48. Showy aquatic perennial ; in rivers and ponds ; more common than the preceding, C.B. July. 1. In Litt. Ouse at Knettishall [| and Thetford; in Upper Ouse at Euston, Sapiston, Bardwell and Ixworth ; at 38 Hopton and Lakenheath : in the Eriswell Lode and in the Lark between Mildenhall and Tuddenham, SirC.J.F.B.: Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Culford Lake, Gray : Barton, W. J. : Bury, Hb. Wils. : Fornham, Hb. Ly. 2. In the Stour, Milford, Wixoe and Stoke-by- Clare : Nayland, Gray : Whatfield, E.F.L. 3. St. Olave's, Beccles, Mettingham and Kessingland :- Fritton, Phyt. 1862 : Oulton Broad, E. Sk. 4. Redgrave ; Wortham Ling ; Oakley and Walpole : Gt. Glemham and Sternfield, E.N.B. : Weiihaston, W. J. : In the Weybread Beck, Galp. 5 . Bramford : Aldeburgli, Hele : Woodbridge, H.M . S. . Ipswich, W.L.X. : Baylham, T.B. : Needham Market, E. Clowes. First notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. PAPAVERACE/E. Papaver, Linn. II. P. Argemone, Linn. Small Corn Poppy Bab. Man. 17. Hook. St. Fl. 17. H. & S. 5. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 48. An annual ; usually found on cultivated land, but not so common as some other species ; frequent on chalky soil. June, July. 1. Honington 1 1 ; Thetford ; Flempton and Lakenheath : On Barton Hill and between Mildenhall and West Row, Sir C.J.FJ3. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham, Hb Gas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Culford Heath, Blackctt. : Barton. Sir O.J.F.B. : 2. Nayland : Cockfield, W.J. : Stoke, Gray : Gt. Thurlow, Herb F. : Wiston, O.B. : Whepstead, Miss Turner 3. Gorleston, near Lake Lothing : Lowestoft, Sk.ms. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Dunwich : Gt. Glemham, K.N. B. : Framlingham, Crabbe : Mendham, Galp. : Palgrave and Stuston, Collins. 5. Bawdsey: Wherstead, Haward: Gt. Bealings, Moor: Coddenham, F.Fox: Grundisburgh, T.H.: Ips- wich, W.L.N. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 39 t2. P. hybridum, Linn. Hybrid Com Poppy. Bab. Man. 17. Hook. St. Fl. 17. H. & S. 5. Hist. Yarra. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual weed ; in sandy fields ; rare. June, July. 1. " The Wammell footpath, by the river from Milden- hall to West Row,"|| Sir O.J.F.B. : Lakenheath, Hb.Sk. : Saxham Road, Bury, Sir T. G. Cullum : Higham and Tuddenham, W.J. 3. Bradwell Mill, D. Turner : Gorleston, Phyt., 1862 : Lowestoft, R.&S. : Pakefield, H.D.G., and Burgh Castle, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. 5. Felixstowe, H. & S. First notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. t3. P. Rlioeas, Linn. Common Corn Poppy, Corn Eose. Bab. Man. 17. Hook. St. Fl. 17. H. & S. 4. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Galp. 48. Top. Bot. Huff. E. and W. Annual showy weed ; very common in cornfields, es- pecially on light soil. June, July. In all the districts. Var. P. strif/osum, Boenningh. Bab. Man. 17. Hook. St. Fl. 17. 1. Honington H : Culford, Heath, Gray: Bury, Hb. Wils. 2. Nayland, Gray. 3. Bradwell, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. t4. P. dubium, Linn. Long-headed Corn Poppy. Bab. Man. 17, 18. Hook. St. Fl. 17. H. & S. 4. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury Hist. Wher. Galp. 48. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual showy weed ; frequent in cornfields on light soil. June, July. In all the districts. First record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 15. P. Lecoqii, Lamott? Lccoq's Poppy. Bab. Man. 18. Hook. St. H. Annual weed ; on chalky soil and walls ; rare. June, July. 1. Risby, Hb. Sk. 40 2. Cockfield, C.B., to whom it was pointed out by Prof. C. C. Babington. First notice 1860. E. Skepper. }6. P. SOmniferum, Linn. Officinal Poppy. Bab. Man. 18. Hook. St. Fl. 18. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 48. Annual herb ; a stray from cultivation ; not common. July. 1. Honington || ; Mildenhall. 2. Wiston, Gray. 3. Bungay and Fritton : Gorleston, Phyt. N.S. 1862. 4. Botesdale; Dunwich: Mendham, H.B.C. 5. Bramford and Stutton. First notice 1834. Paget. Glaucium, Tourn. 1. Gr. luteum, Scop. Yellow Horned Poppy. Bab. Man. 18, 19. Hook. St. Fl. 19. H.&S.5. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SufiE E. Herbaceous biennial ; frequent on sandy sea-shores. June to August. 3. Benacre ; Covehithe and Lowestoft : South Cove, Trimmer : Southwold, Hbb. Rk. & Man., Ms. Davy. 4. Dunwich || ; Sizewell : Walberswick, Trimmer. 5. Felixstowe; Landguard Fort; Bawdsey : Near Sutton, Sir J. Outturn : Aldeburgh, Hb. F. First notice 1763. T. Martyn. Chelidonium, Linn. 1. C. majUS, Linn Celandine. Bab. Man. 19. Hook St. Fl. 18. H. & S. 5. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Huff. E. and W. Galp. 49. Herbaceous perennial; tolerably frequent on hedge banks and in waste places. May to August. Occurs in all the districts. First notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 41 FUMARIACE/E. a , Corydalis, DeCand. [C. SOlida, Hoofc. Tuberous Corydalis. Bab. Man. 19. Hook.'St. Fl. 21, 22. Herbaceous perennial, with a tuberous root ; in thickets, where it has at some time been introduced. April, May. 2. Nayland, || Gray. 3. Near Oulton Broad, McAub. Earliest notice 1880. Eev. J. D. Gray.] *1. C. lutea, DO. Yellow Corydalis. Bab. Man. 19, Hook. St. Fl. 21. H. & S. 5. Herbaceous perennial growing" on walls ; an escape from cultivation. May to August. 1 . Sapiston || ; Fakenham ; Livermere ; Norton ; Mil- denhall and Thetford : Harleston, Mrs. Terry : Bury, Sk.ms. 2. Nayland. 4. Darsham : Wenhaston, W.J. : Hoxne Abbey, 1 Collins. 5. Playford, Moor. First notice 1840 ? Rev. E. J. Moor. ^2. C. davicillata, DO. Wldte climbing Corydalis. Bab. Man. 19, 20. Hook. St. Fl. 21. Top. Bot. Suff. E. (W ?) Hist. Wher. Climbing herbaceous perennial ; on bushy hills ; rare. June, July. 4. Friston Decoy, Hele : Darsham, Ms. Davy. 5. Aldeburgh, Holmes: near Iken Wood, E.N.B.: Sudbourne Wood, Hele : between Bergholt and Brantham, 'H.O.W., Geog. Distrib. Brit. Plants : Dodnash Wood, W.L.N. : Wherstead, Haward : Bentley, in plenty, Miller : Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. First notice 1813. Davy. [C. capnoides, Pers. Long established on a wall at Troston Hall.] 42 Fu mania, Linn. 1. U 1 . pallidiflora, Jord. Rampant Fumitory^ Bab. Man. 20. Hook. St. Fl. 20. H.&S.5. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Galp. 49. Climbing annual ; borders of fields ; not frequent. June to September* 3. Burgh Castle, Phyt. N.S. 1862. 5. Felixstowe, Hb. F. : Alderton, Holmes : Hol- brooke, Moor : Walton, 8k. ms. : Wherstead, Haward : Hemley Churchyard and Koads near Walton, Ms. Davy. Var. b. F. Borai, Jord. Bab. Man. 20. Hook. St. Fl. 20. 3. Sea-wall, Breydon Water,|| C.B. 4. Weybread, H.B.C. Earliest notice 1840 ? Rev. E. J. Moor. 2. F. COnfusa, Jord. Fumitory. Bab. Man. 20. Hook. St. Fl. 20. Annual weed ; borders of fields ; distribution in Suffolk not yet ascertained. June to September. 1. Honington. 3. Bradwell || ; Hopton || ; Gorleston. First notice 1882. Hind. 3- IT. muralis, Bond. Wall Fumitory. Bab. Man. 20. Hook. St. Fl. 20. Annual weed on cultivated land ; tolerably frequent. June to September. 1. Fakenham||; Mildenhall ; Honington; Bury; Lit. Livermere; Thelnetham; Higham : Stowlangtoft, Hb.Rk. :. Walsham, Hb. Dun. 2. Clare and Stoke-by-Nayland. 3. Belton. First notice 1875. Hind. 4. F. officinalis, Linn. Officinal Fumitory. Bab. Man. 20, 21. Hook. St. Fl. 20. H. & S. 5. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 49. Annual weed ; common in cultivated land. May to September. In all the districts. First notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 43 5- IT. densiflora, DC. Dense-flowered Fumitory. Bab. Man. 21. Hook. St. Fl. 20. Annual weed ; on chalky soil. June to September. 1. Plentiful in a chalk pit at West Kow, Mildenhall, 1 1 along with the two following species ; Higham. First notice 1887. Hind. 6. F. parviflora Lam. Small-flowered Fumitory. Bab. Man. 21. Hook. St. Fl. 21. H. and S. 5. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual weed, preferring a chalky soil ; rare. June to September. 1. Lakenheath 1 1 and West Eow, Mildenhall | ; Ex- ning : Near Kennet, C.B. : Near Westley Bottom, Rev. G. R. Leathes in Hb. Rk. : Newmarket, Rev. J. Dalton. 3. * Very rare, a weed in gardens,' Paget. No locality is given ; it is therefore doubtful whether the reference may not be to Norfolk. Not unlikely F. muralis may have been the species seen. 5. In several places near Ipswich, H.C.W., Geog. Distrib. Brit. Plants. Earliest notice 1805. Rev. J. Dalton. 7. F. "Vaillantii, Lois. Vaillanfs Fumitory. Bab. Man. 21. Hook. St. Fl. 21. Cyb. Br. Supp. Annual weed ; very rare ; in cornfields and on heaths. June to September. 1. ' Now and then among the corn beside the footpath from Mildenhall to West Row||, Sir C.J.F.B. : Edge of Heath, Wangford 1 1. Earliest notice 1873. Sir C. J. F. Bunbury. CRUCIFERyE. Cheiranthus, Linn. *1. C. Cheiri, Linn. Wall/tower. Bab. Man. 25. Hook. St. Fl. 24. Hist. Yarm. H.&S.5. Galp. Shrubby herbaceous perennial ; a denizen on old walls. Found in Abbey Gardens before the Reformation; now naturalized on their walls. April, May. 44 1. Old walls, Fornham All Saints ; Ixworth and Thet- ford : Bury Abbey, Sir J. Cullum, C.B. 3. Bungay and Mettingham Castles ; Beccles. 4. Framlingham and Sibton Abbey : Leiston Abbey ^ Moor : Crowe Hall, C.B. 5. The Church and Castle, Orford. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Nasturtium, R. Brown. 1. !N. officinale, R. Brown. Water Cress. . Bab. Man. 25. Hook. St. Fl. 24, 25. H. & S. 6. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff . E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 49 Perennial sapid herb ; abundant in brooks and ditches. June, July. . Occurs in all the districts. Var. N. mierophyllum, R. Bab. Man. 25. Hook. St. Fl. 25. 1. Thurston 1 1 ; Santon Downharn : Stowlangtoft* Hb. Rk. : Bury, Hb. Wils. Var. N. siifolium, R. Bab. Man. 25. Hook. St. Fl. 25. 1. Coney Weston, E.F.L. 2. Nayland. 4. Between Redgrave and Wortham. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. N. silvestre, R. Brown. Water Rocket. Bab. Man. 26. Hook. St. FL 25. H. & S. 6. Top. Bot. Suff. EL Galp. 49. Perennial herb ; in wet places and banks of streams; not frequent. June to August. 1. Near the margin of Rougham Canal, H.SS.i Bury, Herb. F. ; Rushbrooke, Sk. ms. 3. St. Cross, Holmes : Lowestoft, Herb. Sk. : Burgh Castle, W. Winter, Phyt.N.S. 1862: Bungay, Sir J. E. Smith.. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe. Earliest record 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 3. N. palustre, DC. Small Water Radish.. _ Bab. Man. 26. Hook. St. Fl. 25. H. & S. 6. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 49. Perennial herb ; in wet places ; not very frequent. June to September; ... 45 1. Troston; Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 :Gt. Ashfield, Hb^ fik : Barton Mere, H $ S. : River-side by Haughley Church, Blackett : Mildenhall, Hb. Dun. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, Sk. ms. 3. Bungay, MM. & With. : Marshes, Burgh Castle,. W. Winter, Phyt. N.-S. 1862 :~0ulton, McAub. 4. Benhall ; Framlingham, E.N.B. : Mendham, Galp*. 5. Ipswich ||. A stray on ballast. Earliest notice 1800. Woodward. Barbarea, P. Brown. 1. IB. vulgaris, R. Brown, Winter Cress, Yellow Rocket. Bab. Man. 26. Hook. St. Fl. 25, 26. H.&S.6. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 50. Herbaceous perennial? frequent on ditch banks and margins of streams. June to August. Found in all the districts. The form B. arcuata, Reich, was gathered at Santon Downham in June, 1887, by the Rev. J. D. Gray. First record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 2. IB. strict a, Andrz. Narrow-leaved Winter Cress.. Bab. Man. 26. Hook. St. Fl. 26. Herbaceous biennial ; on the edge of streams ; rare. May to August.. 1. Thurston 1 1 ; Fornhani, Hb. Blk. 2. Wixoe and Stoke-by-Nayland. First notice 1840. Lady Blake. *3. IB. intermedia, Bor. Intermediate Winter Cress. Bab. Man. 26. Hook. St. Fl. 26. Herbaceous biennial ; found on heap of mud and gravel from the mill race at Nayland, 1885. May to August. 2. Nayland || Gray. First notice 1885. Rev. J. D. Gray. 14. IB. praecox, R. Brown. Early Winter Cress.- Bab. Man. 26. Hook. St. Fl. 26. Hist. Yarm. Biennial herb ; a frequent escape from cultivation. April to October. 1. Chalk pit behind the Hospital, Bury||; Railway 46 -foanks, Higham ; Honington ; Sapiston and Culford Heath : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. 3. ' Hedge by Bradwell Marshes,' Wigg. Earliest notice 1805. Wigg. Arab is, Linn. 1. A. hirsuta, R. Brown. A. sagittata, DC. Hairy Rock Cress. Bab. Man. 27. Hook. St. Fl. 27. H. & S. 6. Hist. Bury. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous biennial ; on dry or chalky banks ; not common. July to August. 1. Ingham||; Market Weston 1 1 ; Cavenham; Lack- . ford ; Bisby ; Lakenheath ; Wangford ; Brandon and Barnham : Mildenhall, Hb. Elk. : Stanton, Hb. Cas. : Wall of the Churchyard, Fornham St. Martin, Sir C.J.F.B. : Bisby, C.13. : Thurston, Hb. Sk. : Bury, Sir J. Cullum in Hb. Wils. : West Stow and Tuddenham, H. & 8. : on a- wall at Barton Mills, and Santon Downham, Sk. ms. : near Elveden Hall, A.B. 2. Nayland and Wiston. 4. Wortham, Collins. 5. Sudbourne, Crabbe. Earliest notice 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 5. A. perfoliata, Lam. Perfoliate Rock Cress. Bab. Man. 27. Hook. St. Fl. 27. H.&S.6. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Galp. 50. Erect herbaceous biennial ; well distributed through the County, though not usually plentiful in one spot ; by hedges. May to July. 1 . Fakenham 1 1 ; Troston ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Eushford and Wangford : Pakenham, Herb. Dun. : Thur- ston, Hbb. Rk. & Sk. : Rougham, Hb. Blk. : Roadside be- tween Barton and Rougham, Sir C.J.F.B. : Knettishall, E.F.L. ; Euston. Sk. ms. 2. Bures ; Wiston and Stoke-by-Nayland. 3. Flixton, Woodward: Homersfield, H.B.C. : be- tween Homersfield and St. Cross, Galp. 4. Stuston, Collins : Westleton, Ms. Davy : Farn- ham, Crabbe : Sweffling, E.N.B. & T. W. G. : Dunwich, Davy. 47 5. Sudbourne, Herb. Cas. : Gt. Bealings, Moor: Bel- stead, W.L.N. : between Woodbridge and Ipswich ; near Kesgrave, Crabbe : Wherstead, Haward. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Cardamine, Linn. Jl. C. impatiens, Linn. Narrow-leaved Bitter Cress*, Bab. Man. 28. Hook. St. Fl. 28. H. & S. 7. Annual ; usually found on damp rocks or walls. May to September. 1. Bury, Hb. Sk. : 'a few Plants appear every year in a shady damp corner of the Botanic Gardens,' H. <& S.. Not seen recently. First record 1860. E. Skepper. 2. C. flexuosa, With. C. silvatica, Link.. Zigzag Bitter Gress. Bab. Man. 28. Hook. St. Fl. 28. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Small annual ; found in woods and shady places. A segregate from 0. hirsuta. Usually on heavy soils. April to September. 2. Nayland 1 1 Long Melford ; Polstead and Wiston. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : near Wortwell Mill, in a Copse, Suffolk side, Holmes. 5. Bentley ||. First notice 1844. Rev. E. N. Bloomfield. 3. C. hirsuta, Linn. Hairy Bitter Cress. Bab. Man. 28. Hook. St. Fl. 28. H. & S. 7. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Galp. 50. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small annual ; in damp (not wet) soil, or in shade. April to August- Frequent in all the districts. First notice 1597. Gerarde. 4. C. pratensis, Linn. Lady's Smock. Cuckoo Flower- Bab. Man. 28. Hook. St. Fl. 28. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 50. Showy herbaceous perennial ; very frequent in moist pastures and meadows. May- In all the districts. 48 Var. floreplens, Woolpit 1 1 , F. ; Hitcliam, Hb. Hens., -and Framlingham, Crabbe: Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. ; pro- liferous form, Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. First notice 1597. Gerarde. 5. C. amara, Linn. Common Bitter Cress. Bab. Man. 28. Hook. St. Fl. 28. H. & S. 6, 7. Hist. Fram. iTIist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 50. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent on banks of rivers and water courses, with a preference for heavy soil. May, June. 1. Harleston and Tuddenham : West Stow, Hb. Rk. : ^-Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : between Buxhall and Stowmarket, Hb. F. : The Lark, Barton Mills, Sir C.J.F.B. : Ickling- ham, W. J. : Fornham St. Martin, Blackett : Lackford, Mrs. Oarss. : Rattlesden, Sk. ms. : Bury, Sir T. G. Cullum : -Fornham All Sts., Blackett. 2. Nayland 1 1 ; Kersey ; Polstead and Wiston : Mel- ford, J.F.W. : Lavenham, Dr. White : Sudbury, J.8.H. : Brent Eleigh, Mrs. Terry. 3. Beccles, Crabbe : Bungay, Woodward : Oulton, McAub. : Banks of Waveney, Holmes. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Syleham, Holmes : Wey- bread, Rev. H. Tilney. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. : Ufford, Crabbe: Greeting, Sk. ms. : Wherstead, Haward : Bosmere, Miss. Jeffes : .Sproughton, Mrs. Terry. First record 1597. Gerarde. Hesperis, Linn. *1. H. matronalis, Linn. Dame's Violet, Rocket. Bab. Man. 29. Hook. St. Fl. 31. A tall, handsome and fragrant biennial (with double flower perennial) ; a native of pastures, but only a stray in Suffolk ; rare. May, June. 1. Kattlesden, completely naturalized ; extends a long way by the edge of the brook there 1 1, Mrs. Parker : Paken- ham, Hb. Blk. : Bradfield, Hb. Lij. 3. Browston, once found, D. Turner. First notice 1805. Dawson Turner. 49 Sisymbrium, Linn. 1. S. offidnale, Scop, Common Hedge Mustard. Bab. Man. 29. Hook. St. Fl. 30. H.&S.7. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Sufi:. E. and W. Galp. 51. A very common annual weed, which formerly had considerable reputation as a therapeutic ; waste ground. June, July. In all the districts. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [*S. polyceratiTlHL, Linn. Many-podded Hedge Mustard. Bab. Man. 29. Hook. St. Fl. 30. H. & S. 7. Hist. Bury. A small annual, which for many years found a home in School-lane, Northgate Street, and other parts of Bury. Believed to have been introduced by Dr. Goodenough. The Botanist's Guide, 1805, gives the following account of it : ' This Plant was about 20 years ago thrown out of the gar- den of the late Eev. Mr. Laurent, but now grows in great quantity about Bury, and is perfectly naturalized.' Recent searches for the Plant have been fruitless. 1. Cannon Place, Bury St. Edmunds, Hbb. Sk. & Elk. ; also Sir T. G. Cullum. First notice about 1785 ; last published notice, H. & S. I860.] 2. S. Irio, Linn. London Rocket. Bab. Man. 29. Hook. St. Fl. 29. Annual herb ; rare. July, August. 1. Bury, SirJ. Cullum: Gazeley, Rcv.F.Tearle', who says, ' I found two plants of this species in my field at Gazeley, growing on the edge of a heap of burnt ashes, Sep. 3rd, 1878. My man unfortunately destroyed them while I was from home, and before I could save the seed.' Earliest notice 1773 ; latest record 1878. Sir J. Cullum. [S. pannoniCTim, Jacq. Hungarian Hedge Mustard. Bab. Man. 30. Hook. St. Fl. App. 529. Herbaceous plant of Mid-Europe ; a rare stray in Eng- land. Blossoms in May to July. 50 3. Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. Only record about 1861.] E. Skepper. 3. S. Sophia, Linn. Flixweed* Bab. Man. 29. Hook. St. Fl. 29. H.&S.7. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 51. Top. Bot. Suff . B. and W. Tall feathery annual, widely distributed in Suffolk ; it prefers a light soil. June to August. 1. Honington|| ; Bardwell ; Wangford ; Lakenheath ; Brandon ; Elveden : Cavenham, Icklingham, Tuddenham, and Eriswell, C.B. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Gazeley, Rev.F.Tearle : Pakenham, Hb.Cas. : Barningham, E.F.L. : Bury, Sir J. Cullum : Fornham, Sk. ms. : Thetford and Santon Downham, Norgate. 2. Bures, C.B. : Wixoe, Herb. F. : Semer, H.E. Viola, Linn. 1. V. pallistris, Linn. Marsh Violet. Bab. Man. 41. Hook. St. Fl. 47. Hist. Yarm. " Top. Bot. SufE.E. Galp?52. Herbaceous perennial found in bogs ; widely distributed in Great Britain, yet seemingly confined to one district in Suffolk. April to June. 1. Mildenhall? A plant so named in error in Hb. Blk. No mention is made of V. palustris in Sir C. Bun- bury 's list. 3. Lound and Fritton Broad : ' Bogs at Lound Mill and at Hopton,' Wigg : * Marshes, Worlingham, R. E. Leach: Belton, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. : North of Benacre Broad,. Hb. SJc. : Herringfleet, E.N.B. : Flixton, Galp ?. Earliest record 1802. Wigg. 2. V. odorata, Linn. Sweet Violet* Bab. Man. 41. Hook. St. Fl. 48. H. & S. 11. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 52. Herbaceous perennial ; very frequent on hedge-banks . 67 and corners of fields. March, April. Occurs in all the districts. Var. V. alba, Bess., is tolerably frequent. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. "V". hirta, Linn. Hairy Violet. Bab. Man. 42. Hook. St. Fl. 48. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and on hedge-banks, on chalky soil ; not frequent. April, May. 1. Sapiston || : Langham, Hb. Dun. : Newmarket Heath, Hb. Cas. : 'Munn's Road, Mildenhall,' Sir C.J.F.B. : Woolpit, F. : Ickworth, Blackett : Bury, Woodward : Hawstead, H. & S. 2. Acton ; Brettenham ; Hartest and Long Melford : Cockfield, C.B. : Stoke-by- Clare and Lit. Thurlow, Hb.F.: Clievington, H. & S. 4. Wortham, Collins : between Mellis and Wortham Long Green ; North-end of Burgate Wood, E. S. Marshall. 5. Barking, T.B. : Needham Market, E. Clowes. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 4. V. silvatica, Fries. V. Eiviniana, Reich. Wood Violet. Bab. Man. 42. Hook. St. PI. 48. H. & S. 11. ( V. canina). Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 53. Herbaceous perennial ; very common in woods and on hedge-banks ; often confounded with V. canina, L. April, May. The normal form V. Riviniana,, Reich., occurs commonly in all the districts. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. V. Reichenbaclliana, Bor. Reichenbach's Violet. Bab. Man. 42. Hook. St. Fl. 49. Galp. 53. Herbaceous perennial ; in shady places ; not common. April, May. 1. Honington; Ixworth ; Hinderclay; North of Nor- ton Church : Troston Heath, Hb. Cas. : Thurston Heath, Cas. in Hb. Rk. : Tuddenham Heath, W.J. : Gazeley, Rev. F. T carle : plentiful about Welnetham and Hawstead, E.S. Marshall : Bradfield, Hb. Ly. 68 2. Stoke-by-Nayland. 8. St. Margaret's (E.A.H.), Oalp. 4. More general than silvatica about jMellis, Wortham, and Burgate, E. S. Marshall. First notice about 1830. Mrs. Casborne. 6. V. canina, Linn. D g Violet.. Bab. Man. 43. Hook. St. Fl. 48. Hist. Yarm. Top Bot. 1 Suff. E. and W. H. & S. 11. Herbaceous perennial ; on sandy or heathy land. April, May. 1. In a light chalky pasture at Elveden || : open sandy lands at Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Tuddenham, C. Rose in Hb. Wils. 3. Denes at Lowestoft : Bungay, H. <& S. Var. V. lancifolia, Thore. 3. Denes at Lowestoft ||. Earliest notice 1832. Kose. 8. V. lutea, Huds. Var. V. amcena, Byrne. j Mountain Pansy. Bab. Man. 44. Hook. St. FL 50. Small herbaceous perennial, with underground stems, flowers pale purple ; on stony heaths. Smaller than the mountain form. June. 1. Barnham Heath || , Gray : Santon Earliest notice about 1860. Skepper. 9. V. tricolor, Linn. Pansy, Heartsease. Bab. Man. 44. Hook. St. FL 49. H. & S. 11. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent on cultivated soil. May to September. Occurs in all the districts. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. V. arvensis, Murr. Field Pansy. Bab. Man. 44. Hook. St. FL 49. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 53. Herbaceous perennial frequent in corn-fields ; too con- stant in character and too widely spread for a mere variety. Included in V. tricolor in H. & S. May to September. 69 1. Honington|| ; Brandon; Barton Mills ; Tudden- ham ; Troston ; Harleston and Wetherden : Mildenhall,. Sir C.J.F.B. : Stowlangtoft,fiT&. Ek. : Walsham,.H&.I>iw. 2. Nayland and Long Melford : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Benacre ; Kessingland and Gorleston. 4. Redgrave ; Blythburgh and Westleton : Gt. Glem- ham, E.N.B. 5. Clay don. Earliest notice 1837. Mrs. French. DROSERACE/E. Drosera, Linn. 1. D. rotundifolia, Linn. Bound-leaved Sundew* Bab. Man. 44. Hook. St. Fl. 150. H. & S. 33. Hist. Yarn. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small annual in bogs on Sphagnum ; not rare. July, August. 1. Thelnetham : near Eriswell Lode, Mildenhall,. Sir C.J.F.B. : Cavenham and Tuddenham, W.J. : Laken- heath, E. Sk. 3. Belton : Fritton ; Somerleyton ; Lowestoft and Benacre, E.Sk. 4. Redgrave Fen || ; Dunwich||: Snape, E.N.B. : Westleton Moor, Ms. Davy : Walfrerswick, J.H.G. First record 1828. Davy. 2. D. intermedia, Hayne. Intermediate Sundew* Bab. Man. 44, 45. Hook. St. Fl. 150. H. & S. 33. Hist. Yarm. 1 Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small annual in bogs ; occasionally, but not always, on Sphagnum ; rare. July, August. 1. Tuddenham, Hb.Sk.: Lakenheath, Sk.ms.: Thelnetham Fen, J.S.S. 3. Lound, Paget : Beccles, Crabbe : Beljbon and Fritton, Wigg. 4. Redgrave Fen || : Westleton, Ms. Davy. First record 1805. Various, see E.G. 3. D. anglica, Huds. English Sundew* 70 Bab. Man. 45. Hook. St. Fl. 150. H. & S. 33. Top. Bot. Suff. E.andW. Herbaceous annual in bogs ; very rare. July, August. 1. Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Mildenhall, in bogs, Sir C.J.F.B. : Lakenheath, H. & S. : Thelnetham, J.S.S. 4. Eedgrave Fen, C. J. Ash ft eld. First notice 1830. Hb. Wilson. FRANKENIACE/E. Frankenia, Linn. 1. F. laevis, Linn. Sea Heath. Bab. Man. 45. Hook. St. Fl. 52. H. & S. 11. Top. Bot. -Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on muddy sea-shores. August. 3. Southwold, Hbb. Elk. & Dun. : Lothingland, Ray, (now extinct in this locality). 4. Walberswick || : Thorpe, Hele <& Sir C.J.F.B. 5. Felixstowe, W. H. Purchas : Felixstowe Ferry, l.S. Soc. Earliest record 1696. Ray. POLYGALACE/E. Poly gal a, Linn. 1. P. VTllgaris, Linn. Common Milkwort. Bab. Man. 46. Hook. St. Fl. 50. H.&S.18. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp 53. Perennial herb, with woody root ; in dry heaths and fens. June to September. 1 . Lakenheath ; Barnham ; Bisby ; Fakenham ; Honington ; Hopton and Haughley : Newmarket, Hb.Blk. : Stanton, Hb. Dun. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Tudden- ham, E. Sk. : Barton Mills and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hardwick, Hb. Wils. : Bury, Hb. Ly. 2. Cockfield, W.J. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Long Melford, J.F.W. 3. Belton and Lowestoft : Corton, Phyt. N.S. 1362 : 71 Benacre, E. Sk. : Homersfield Heath, Galp. 4. Redgrave; Dunwich ; Westleton : Yaxley, Sewell : Snape, E.N.B. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. : Woolverstone, H.M.S. : "Wherstead, Hau-ard : Rushmere Heath, 1. 8. Soc. Var. P. oxyptcra, Reichb. Bab. Man. 46. Hook. St. Fl. 51. 1. Euston || ; Knettishall Heath; Risby : Milden- hall Heath, H. G. GlasspooleinSb.Geld. Var. P. depressa, Wender. P. serpyllacea, Weike. Bab. Man. 46. Hook. St. Fl. 51, 1. Knettishall Heath || . 2. Thurlow, Hb. F. Var. ' dliata, 1 Lebel. Bab. Man. 46. Hook. St. Fl. 51. Top. Bot. Suff. W. 1. Elveden : West Suffolk, Artli. Bennett. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. CARYOPHYLLACE/E. Dianthus, Linn. 2. D. Armeria, Linn. Deptford Pink* Bab. Man. 50. Hook. St. Fl. 53. H.&S. 11. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Galp. 53. Annual ; found on banks and waste places ; rare. July, August* 1. Barton, Hb. Sk. 2. Sudbury, J.S.H. 3. Bungay|| : ShipmeadowandMettingham ; between Beccles and Bungay and St. Cross, Holmes : Oulton, McAub : South of Lake Lothing and Lowestoft, E. Sk. 4. Mendham, H.B.C.: Wetheringsett, Hb.Peck: Palgrave, Collins. 5. Coddenham, T.B. : Needham Market, E. Clowes. Earliest record 1828. Davy. *3. D. plumarms, Linn. Common Pink- Bab. Man. 50. Hook. St. Fl. 54. 72 Herbaceous perennial ; on old walls ; rare. June. 1. Formerly on the Abbey Walls, Bury, Hb. Wils.d Hb. Ly. Earliest record 1834. *4. D. Caryophyllus, Linn. Clove Pink. Bab. Man. 50. Hook. St. Fl. 5*. Perennial herb ; on old walls ; rare. July, August. 4. Walls of Crowe Hall, July 18. 1879, C.B. Earliest notice 1879. Dr. Babington. 6. D. deltoides, Linn. Maiden Pink. Bab. Man. 51. Hook. St. Fl. 53. H. & S. 11. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. ? and W. Small perennial herb ; on sandy pastures ; almost con- fined to one district of the County. June to September. 1. West Stow Churchyard and Heath 1 1 : Icklingham, Hbb. Blk. & Sk. : Mildenhall, Hb. Dun. : Livermere, Em. H.James : Tuddenham Common 1 1, W.J. : Thetford Heath, p. : Culford Park, Gray : Culford Heath, H. & S. : Brandon, Sk. ms. 5. On a sandy grassy hill, Coddenham, F. Fox? ? Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Saponaria, Linn. *1. S. OfficinaliS. Linn. Soapwort. Bab. Man. 51. Hook. St. Fl. 54. H. & S. 11, 12. Hist. Fram. Hist Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 53. Showy perennial herb ; generally near dwellings, in or near hedges, and most probably introduced. Aug., Sept. 1. Elmswell and Ingham : Mildenhall, Hb. Dun. : Tuddenham, Rev. F. Tearle : Barningham, Hick. : Santon Downham, Nor (/ate. 2. Stoke-by- Clare : Hedge-bank in Church-lane, Cock- field, C.B. : Kettlebaston, Dr. White: Glemsford, J.F.W.i Lit. Thurlow, F. 3. Burgh Castle ||, Paget: Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : Gor- leston, Phyt. : Bungay, //. & 8. : Herringfleet, Sk. m.s-. : Hedge near Beccles, F. Turner : Flixton, H.B.C. : Oulton, McAub. 73 4. Glemham (flore plena), Hb.Cas.: Snape, Hole : Framlingham, Crabbe : Westleton, Yoxford, and Hacheston,. Ms. Davy : Walberswick, Holmes : Eye, E. 8. Marshall. 5. Bawdsey: Ipswich, Hb. F. : Aldeburgh, and op- posite Seekford Hospital, Woodbridge, Moor: Barham,, Trimmer: Baylham, E. Clowes: Bramford and Blakenham, Dr. White : Marlesford, E.N.B. : Coddenham, F. Fox : Claydon, Hb. Wils. : Brantham, Mrs. Browning, C.B. : Creeting, Miller : Eyke, Ms. Davy : Bramford, LS. Soc. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [$. vaccaria, Linn. Oulton, McAub. ; a casual.] Silene, Linn. 1. S. gallica, Linn. S. anglica, Linru English Catch- fly. Bab. Man. 51. Hook. St. Fl. 55. H. & S. 12. Hist. Franu Hist. Yarra. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Ruff. E. and W. Galp. 53. Annual, growing on gravelly soil, especially near the sea. June to October. 1. Honington : Troston Heath Field, Hb. Gas : Bar- ton, Hb. Kk.: Higham, W.J. : Herringswell, F. Tearle: Shelland, J. Rasor : Hopton, E.F.L. : Westley ; Barrow Bottom, Sir T. G. Cullum : Tuddenham, H. & S. 3. Gorleston 1 1 ; Covehithe : Lound, Wigg : Brad- well, D. Turner : Bungay, Woodward : Lowestoft, H. 3t. Plentiful in all the districts. The Eev. J. D. Gray thinks that he found S. puberula, Jord., at Nayland. First notice 1774. Sir. J. Cullum. 6. S. maritima, With. Seaside Campion. Bab. Man. 52. Hook. St. Fl. 55. H. & S. 12. Top. Rot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; only on gravel and turf by the sea-coast in Suffolk ; on alpine cliffs in mountainous dis- tricts. June to August. 3. Lowestoft and Kessingland :^Southwold, Ms. Davy <& W.J. 4. Dunwich and Walberswick. 5. Felixstowe 1 1 : Landguard Fort, Hb. Blk. : Alde- turgh,.H7)&. Cas.Dun. &F. : Ramsholt, Sir J. Cullum : 'be- 75 tween Aldeburgli and Orford,' Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. Earliest notice 1771. Sir J. Cullum. 6. S. COnica, Linn. Conical Catchfly* Bab. Man. 52. Hook. St. Fl. 55. H. & S. 12. Top. Bot.. Suff. W. Annual ; frequent in parts of the Breck country, and sandy portions of the N.W. district ; absent from most of the other parts of the County. July, August*. 1. Culford Heath 1 1 ; Brandon; Elveden ; Thetford ;_ Barnham and Fakenham : near Northgate Station, Bury, O.B. : Miidenhall, Hb. Blk. & Sir C.J.F.B. : Barton Mills, Hb. F. : Eriswell and Lakenheath, A.B. : Tuddenham and Risby, W. J. : Icklingham, H. & S. 5. Wherstead ?, Haward. Earliest notice 1800. Sir J. E. Smith. [Silene Catholic, Ait., was found in the village of Great Livermere, near Bury St. Edmunds, amongst the trees separating the park from the grounds of the Parsonage. George Wolsey. Phyt. N.S. ii. 220. It is well established in a shrubbery at Southgate Green, Bury St. Edmunds.] 7. S. noctiflora, Linn. Night flowering Catclifly.. Bab. Man. 53. Hook. St. Fl. 56. Hist. Bury. Hist. Franv Hifct. Yarm. Galp. 54. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual ; frequent in Suffolk, especially on light soils. July, August. 1. Honington||; Culford Heath ; Risby; Livermere; Fakenham; Sapiston; Elmswell; Harleston and Wetherden : Kennet, C.B. : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Hardwick, Hb. 8k. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Rougham, Hb. Rk. : Woolpit, HI). F. Miidenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hawstead, Sir J. Cut- to: Bury, Sir T. G. Cullum \ Hesset, Hb. Ly. : Ing- ham, Gray : Barningham and Coney Weston, E.F.L. : Santon Downham, Nor gate : Higham ; Barrow ; Thurston and Welnetham, Sk. ms. 2. Long Melford : Cockfield, W.J. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Gorleston: Herringfleet, D. Turner: Bungay,Ms.. Davy : St. Margaret's, Holmes : Gorton, A.B. in Hb. Geld. 4. Redgrave and Botesdale : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. t: 76 Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. Stutton : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Lychnis, Linn. 3. L. Flos-CTlCTlli, Linn. Ragged Robin. Bab. Man. 53, 54. Hook. St. Fl. 57. H. & S. 12. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufiE. E. and W. Galp. 54. Showy herbaceous perennial ; common in moist mea- dows and in marshes. May, June. Well represented in all the districts ; (var. flore plena at Bardwell.) First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. f 4. L. vespertina, Sibtk. L. alba, Mill. White Campion. Bab. Man. 54. Hook. St. Fl. 57. H. & S. 12. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff E. and W. Galp. 54. Herbaceous biennial ? ; somewhat common in fields. This and the following species are seldom found near together. June to September. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. -5. L. cLiurna, Sibth. Red Campion. Bab. Man. 54. Hook St. Fl. 57. H & S. 12. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 54. Showy herbaceous perennial ; found in moist and shady places ; tolerably common. May to July. Occurs in all the districts. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. '6. L. GithagO, Scop. Corn Cockle. Bab. Man. 54. Hook. St. Fl. 58. H. & S. 12. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wber. Galp. 54- Large-flowered annual ; usually in corn-fields. May to August. Tolerably frequent in all the districts. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 77 Buffbnia, Linn. r [B. tenuifolia, 8m. Bab. Man. 54. Hook. St. Fl. 530. Marshes near Yarmouth, Ms. Davy. Likely an error. Only record 1828 ? Davy.] Sag in a, Linn. 1. S. procnmbens, Linn. Procumbent Pearlwort. Bab. Man. 54, 55. Hook. St. Fl. 66. H. & S. 13. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 55. Small perennial ; frequent in waste ground. May to September. Distributed through all the districts. Form S. maritima, Gren. non Don. Bab. Man. 55. 3. Benacre. Var. b. '8. spinosa, Gibs. Bab. Man. 55. Hook. St. Fl. 66. 1. Honington. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. S. apetala, Linn. Apetalous Pearlwort. Bab. Man. 55. Hook. St. Fl. 66,. H. & S. 13. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Small annual ; on walls and dry soil. May to Septr. 1. Honington || ; Brandon; Euston ; Troston and West Stow : Barton, Herb. Blk. : Stowlangtoft, Hb.Rk. : Coney Weston, E.F.L.: Bury and Tuddenham, E.Sk.:^ Lackford, Hb. Ly. 2. Clare ; Wixoe : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Gorton ; Gorleston ; Hopton and Kessingland : Lowestoft, E. Sk. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Felixstowe, W. H. Purchas : Wherstead, Howard. Form b. 8. prostrata, Bab. Bab. Man. 55. 1. Honington. 3. Hopton. Earliest notice 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 78 3. S. Ciliata, Fries. Ciliate Pearlwort., Bab. Man. 55. Hook. St. Fl. 66. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Small annual ; on sandy heaths ; rare. May to July. 1. Thetford, Newbould : Coney Weston, E.F.L.\> Barnham Heath. 3. Covehithe || ; Lowestoft, C.O.B. First record 1847. Newbould. 4. S. maritima, Don. Sea Pearlwort.. Bab. Man. 55. Hook St. Fl. 66. Hist. Yarm. H. & S. 13. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Small annual ; on the sea-shore. May to Septr.. 3. Gorleston, J. Backhouse : Southwold, Holmes : . Lowestoft \\,Hb. F. 4. Walberswick 1 1 , Holmes. 5. Felixstowe, H.M.S.. Earliest notice 1810. Backhouse in Paget. 8. S. nodosa, E. Meyer. Knotted Spurry. Bab. Man. 56. Hook. St. Fl. 67. H.&S.13. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small herbaceous perennial ; frequent in moist heaths and marshes. July to September. 1. Brandon 1 1 ; Troston 1 1 ; Elveden ; Thetford ; Ampton ; Lakenheath ; Knettishall ; Coney Weston ; Hop- ton and West Stow: Barton, Hb.Blk.: Barton Mere, Hb. Ek. : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Tuddenham, WJ. : near Barton Mills, MissBullender-. Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Bury, Sir J. Cullum : Cayenham, Sk. ms. 3. Benacre : Lowestoft, Hb. SJc. : Bungay, H. & S. : Belton, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Wortham Green, C. J. Ashfield : Benhall and Size- well, H. & S. 5. Aldeburgh. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Honkeneja, EJirh. 1. H. peploides, Ehrh. Arenaria peploides, Linn. Sea Purslane. Bab. Man. 56. Hook. St. Fl. 65. H. & S. 13. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. 79 Procumbent herbaceous perennial ; common on sandy sea-shores. May to August. 3. Lowestoft 1 1 ; between Gorleston and Lowestoft ; Kessingland; Covehithe: Southwold, Hb. Dun. & T.Martyn. 4. Dunwich and Walberswick : Thorpe, Hele. 5. Felixstowe : Aldeburgh, Hb. F. & C.B. : Orwell, Hb. Blk. : Landguard Fort, W.L.N. : Eamsholt, Sir J. Cullum: Brantham and Ipswich, C.B.: Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. Earliest notice 1763. T. Martyn. Alsine, WaM. 1. A. temiifolia, Wahl. Fine-leaved Sandwort. Bab. Man. 57. Hook. St. Fl. 64. H.&S. 13. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff . W. Small annual ; in sandy heaths and fields, also on walls ; chiefly confined to the Breck district. May to July. 1. Fakenham 1 1 ; Barton Mills ; West Stow Heath ; Thetford 1 1 and Troston 1 1 : Eisby, C.B. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J. F.B. : Abbey walls, Bury, Hb. Sk. : Newmarket, Winch: between Thetford and Elveden, E.F.L. : Westley, Blac- kett : Higham and Tuddenham, H. & S. : Cavenham and Coney Weston, Sk.ms. Tuesday, 1st June, 1773. ' In and near the large plantation of Scotch Firs, before you come to Cavenham ; chalky and dry.' Sir J. Cullum. 2. Thurlow, F. 5. Iken Common, Holnws. Var. A. laxa, Jord. Bab. Man. 57. Hook. St. Fl. 64. 1. Troston '|; Fakenham; Mildenhall: Redneck Heath, Thetford, Bot. Gaz. No. 1, 1849, fide Phyt. O.S., cv. 777, 1850 : Herringswell ; Icklingham and Mildenhall, Jas. Duthie, J. of B. IX, 271 : near Lakenheath, A.B. 1876. Var. A. hybrida, Jord. Bab. Man. 57. Hook. St. Fl. 64. 1. Troston|| ;Mildenhall|| ; West Stow Heath : Redneck Heath, Rev. W. W. Ncwbould. Syme, E.B. 3rd Ed. 113, also A.B. : Thetford, Sir J. D. Hooker : Icklingham and Elve- den, E.F.L. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 80 Arenaria, Linn. 1. A. Trinervia, Linn. Three-veined Sand-wort... Bab. Man. 57. Hook. St. Fl. 64. H. & S. 13. Hist. Fram. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. Small procumbent annual ; frequent in woods and shady places. May, June. In all the districts. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 2. A. serpyllifolia, Linn. A. spharocarpa, Tenore. .. Thyme - leaved Sandwort . Bab. Man. 58. Hook. St. Fl. 64. H.&S. 13. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 55. Small annual ; very common on walls and in cultivated fields. June to August. In all the districts. A. glutinosa, Koch. 1. Thetford||. 3. Aldeburgh. Earliest record 1778. Sir J. Cullum. 3 A. leptOClad-OS, Guss. Slender -branched Sandwort.', Bab. Man. 58. Hook. St. Fl. 64. Galp. 55. Small annual ; until recently included in preceding species ; frequent on walls and dry sandy soils. June to August. 1. Honington 1 1 ; Sapiston ; Barnham Heath ; Euston; Wangford ; Eriswell and Kennet : Fornham, Ho. Blk. : Lakenheath, G. 0. Druce, Eec. Club, 1883. 2. Nayland : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Fritton and Kessingland : Flixton, Galp. 5. Claydon ; Aldeburgh. Earliest notice about 1830 to 40. Lady Blake. Holosteum, Linn. 1. H. TlinbellatTini, Linn. Umbellate Holosteum. Bab. Man. 58. Hook. St. Fl. 58. H.&S. 13. Hist. Bury* Galp. 54. Small annual ; on old walls and roofs ; very rare, or extinct. April. 81 1. ' Bury, on the wall leading from May Water Lane to Southgate Street. This is a plant not mentioned by any author as growing wild in England, except by Gerard. I have been since informed that it has been found growing on the walls at Norwich. Friday, 23rd April, 1773.' Sir J. Cullum. ' Formerly grew on thatched roofs just beyond the railway station, Northgate, Bury,' H. & 8. 4. Eye, May, 1836, Hb. Cas. ' Plentiful on walls at Eye,' A.B. ins. : sparingly on the ruins at Hoxne Abbey, Collins. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. S tell aria, Linn. 5. media, Vill. Ohickweed. Bab. Man. 59. Hook. St. Fl. 62. H.&S.14. Hist. Tarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 55. Annual ; very common in waste places and fields. March to September. In all the districts. Var. b. S. Borccana, Jord. Bab. Man. 59. Hook. St. Fl. 62. 1. Troston Heath || ; Elveden ; West Stow Heath ; kvenham : Icklingham, E. S. Marshall. 3. Lowestoft, E.F.L. c. S. nealecta, Weihe. Bab. Man. 59. Hook. St. Fl. 62. 1. Hopton || . 2. Polstead ; Stoke and Wiston. d. S. umbrosa, Opitz. (Perennial.) Bab. Man 59. Hook. St. Fl. 62. 1. Between Culford Heath and Bury, 6r. C. Druce. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. S. Holostea, Linn. Greater Stitcliwort. Bab. Man. 59. Hook. St. Fl. 62. H. & S. 14. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. ^ Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 55. Climbing herbaceous perennial ; common, especially on clay soils, in hedge-banks. April to June. Occurs in all the districts. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 82 4. S. glauca, With. S. palustris, Ehrlu Glaucous Stitchwort. Bab. Man. 59, 60. Hook. St. Fl. 62. H. & S. 14. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 55. Herbaceous perennial, growing in marshes ; more fre- quent in Suffolk than in most other Counties. May to July. 1 . Market and Coney Weston Fens ; Knettishall ; Bardwell; Troston ; West Stow; Mildenhall; Lakenheath ; Wangford and Brandon : Icklingham, Blackett : Caven- ham, Sir. T. G. Cullum: Fornham, Tuddenham, and San ton Downham, Sk. ms. : Eriswell, C.B. 3. Bungay : Lowestoft, Hb. Elk. : Belton, Phyt. X.S. 1843 : Bradwell, D. Turner. A Glabrous form occurs at Belton || . 4. Eedgrave Fen. 5. Wherstead, Hazard. First notice 1776. Sir J. Cullum. 5. S. graminea, Linn. Lesser Stitclmort. Bab. Man. 60. Hook. St. FL 62. H. & S. 14. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Sufi 3 . E. and W. Galp. 55. Straggling herbaceous perennial ; common in pastures and heaths. May to August. In all the districts. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 6. S. Tlliginosa, Murr. Bog Stitchwort, Bab. Man. 60. Hook. St. Fl. 63. H. & S. 14. Hist. Fram Hist, Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 55. Small herbaceous perennial ; in ditches and moist places. May, June. 1. Thetford|| ; Brandon; Wangford; Fakenham : Honington ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Knettishall ; Troston : West Stow and Bury, H. A 8. : Mildenhall, Sir G.J.F.B. ; Pakenham, Hb. Oas. : Tuddenham, Sk. ms. 2. Nayland; Polstead and Wiston : Rede, Hb. Turn. 3. Bungay : Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : Benacre and Frit- ton, 8k. ms. : St. Olaves, C.A.W. 4. Redgrave Fen : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Benhall and Snape, H. d S. : Framlingham, Crabbe: WeybreacU Galp. 5. Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. Earliest record 1773. Sir. J. Cullum. Malachium, Fries. M. aquaticum, Fries. Stellaria aquatica, Scop. Great duckweed. Bab. Man. 60. Hook. St Fl. 61. H. & S. 14. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 55. Large straggling herbaceous perennial ; on banks of rivers and in boggy places. May, June. 1. Honington || ; Sapiston ; Bardwell ; Ixworth Thorpe; Tuddenham ; Barton Mills and Mildenhall : Fornham, H b. Elk. : Pakenkam, Hb. Gas. : Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Stow- langtoft, Hb. Bk.: Gt. Finborough, Lady Pettiward: Hop- ton, E.F.L. : Woolpit, J. Easor : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Bury and Lackford, H. d- S. : Ickworth, Sk. ms. 2. Nayland : Cockfield, W. J. : Gt. Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Bungay ; Beccles : Flixton, H.B.C. 4. Mellis and Wortham : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe: Badingham, T.W.G.: Mendham and Weybread, H.B.C. 5. Trimley, Trimmer: Bergholt, Dr. White: Wher- id, Haicard. Earliest notice 1772. Sir J. Cullum. Cerastium, Linn. C. glomeraturn, Thuil. Common Mouse-ear. Bab. Man. 60, 61. Hook. St. Fl. 59, 60. Hist.Yarm. Top. )t. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 54. Annual weed ; common on banks and in fields. April to September. Plentiful in all the districts. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. C. triviale, Link. Wayside Mouse-ear. Bab. Man. 61. Hook. St. Fl. 60. H. & S. 14. Hist. Tarm. Fist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 54. Small perennial weed ; very common in pastures, way- sides and waste places. April to September. In all the districts. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 84 3- C- semidecandriini, Linn. Semidecandrous Mouse-ear. Bab. Man. 61. Hook. St. Fl. 59. H. & S. 14. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 54. Small annual weed ; plentiful on dry lieatlis, denes, and waste places. April, May. 1. Elveden |j ; Brandon ; Barnliam : Fakenham ; Hon- ington and Sapiston : Icklingham, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : Troston Heath, Hb. Cos. : Tuddenham and West Stow, E. Sk. : Heberden, Bury, Sir. J. Cullum : Thetford Heath, A.B. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Lowestoft, E.F.L. : Homersfield, H.B.C. 4. Gt. Glemham and Snape, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. Felixstowe || ; Clay don. A form approaching the var. C. pellucidum, Chaub, was gathered at Mildenhall, May, 1888. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 5. C. tetrandrum, Curt. Tetrandrous Mouse-ear*. Bab. Man. 61. Hook. St. Fl. 59. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot.. Suff. E. H. & S. 14. Small annual weed ; sandy places, usually by the sea. May to July. 1. Lakenheath to Wangford, G. C. Druce^ Rec. Club, 1883. 3. Lowestoft : Southwold, Holmes. 4. Yoxford, Crabbe. 5. Felixstowe 1 1 : Orford Beach, H. & 8. Earliest record 1805. Rev. G. Crabbe. 6- C. arvense, Linn. Field Mouse-ear. Bab. Man. 62. ' Hook. St. Fl. 60. H. & S. 14. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent on sandy and chalky soil, seldom on clay. April to August. 1. Barnham||; Sapiston || ; Troston; Honington ; Fakenham; Euston; Thetford; Elveden; Brandon; Caven- ham and West Stow: Risby and Icklingham, G.B. : Bury, 'HI. Sk. : Rougham, Hb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Dun. : Barton Mills, F. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Tuddenham, E. Sk. : Newmarket, MM. : Santon Downham, Norgate :. Lackford, Hb. Ly. 85 3. Belton and Benacre. 4. Palgrave, Collins. 5. Shrubland Park : Grundisburgli, T.H. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Mcenchia, Ehrh. 1. ]VL erect a, Sm. Cemstium quaternellum, Fenzl. Cpriylit Mcenchia. Bab. Man. 62, 63. Hook. St. PL 59. H. & S. 13. Hist. Fram.. Hist. Yarm. Tob. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 54. Small annual ; on dry pastures ; not common. May, June. 1. Fakenliam || ; Sapiston and Ixwortli Thorpe : Pa- kenham, Hb. Rk.: Troston, H b. Cas. : West Stow, Gray : Woolpit, F. : Icklingham, E. Sk. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Thetford, Noryate. 3. Bungay, Stock : Lowestoft, Hb. Sh. : Southwold Common, Holmes: Homersfield Heatli, H.B.C. 4. Snape, Hele : Framlingliam, Crabbe : Wortham, Collins. 5. Nacton Heath, Trimmer. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. -: Lepigonum, Fries. L. rubrum, Fries. Red Sand Spurry. Bab. Man. 63. Hook. St. PL 68. H. & S. 14. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Galp. 56. Small annual ; not unfrequent on gravelly soil. May to September. 1 . Ixworth Thorpe || ; Troston and Euston : Bougham, Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham Heath, W.J. -.Norton and West Stow, Sk. ins. : Bury, Sir J. Cullum. 3. Near St. Olave's Bridge || : Bungay, H. <& S. : St. Margaret's (E.A.H.), Galp. : Southwold, Holmes. 4. Westleton || : Benhall, E.N.B. 5. Ipswich, W.L.N. : Walton, Sk.ms. : Wherstead, award : Greeting, Hb. Jeffes. Earliest notice 1773*. Sir J. Cullum. 3. L. SalirLTim, Kindb. Spergularia salina, Prest.. Sea-side Sand Spurry. 86 Bab. Man. 63. Hook. St. Fl. 68. Annual ; tolerably frequent on the sea-coast. June to September. 3. Benacre| | ; Gorleston and Breydon Water : Lowes- toft, 8k. ms. : Covehithe, M.L.H. 4. Dunwich || ; Thorpe. 5. Catawade ; Stutton ; Chelmondistone ; Ipswich and Aldeburgh. Var. L. neglectum, Kindb. Bab. Man. 64." Hook. St. Fl. 68. 4. Dunwich || ; Thorpe. 5. Catawade || ; Stutton || ; Aldeburgh : Felixstowe, Williams. Earliest notice 1847. Mrs. French. 4. L. marimim, Walil. Spergularia media. Pers. Salt-marsh Sand Spurry. Bab. Man. 64. Hook. St. FL 68. H. & S. 14. Hist. Yarm. "Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Perennial herb ; frequent in Salt-marshes. June to Sep. 8. Lowestoft, Sk. ms. : Breydon Water and Cowhithe : Southwold, Hbb. Dunn. & Rk. 4. Dunwich || ; Walberswick 1 1 ; Blythburgh. 5. Catawade, E.F.L. : Stutton : Aldeburgh, Sir C.J.F.B. :Fe[i*stowe,W.H.Purchas : Wherstead, Haward Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. Earliest notice 1834. Lathbury. Spergula, Linn. .1. S. arvensis, Linn. Field Spurry. Bab. Man. 64. Hook. St. Fl. 67. H&S.14. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 55. Annual ; very frequent on cultivated land. Jun. to Aug. Common in all the districts. Form d. vulgaris, Bo3nn. Bab. Man. 64. Hook. St. Fl. 67. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Honington ; Sapiston ; West Stow Heath. 3. Gorleston and Benacre : Flixton, Galp. 4. Dunwich ; Thorpe : Mendham ; Pit on Withersdale Eoad, Galp. 87 5. Wherstead, Haward : Martlesham, Hb. Ly. We doubt the permanence of the distinguishing feature of this variety. Seeds on the same plant are, some more,, some less, covered with papilla : these seem to fall off very easily, and so cause a difference in the appearance of the seeds. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Scleranthus, Linn. 1. S. animus, Linn. Annual KnapwelL. Bab. Man. 64. Hook. St. Fl. 335. H. & S. 30. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 97. Small annual weed, frequent in corn-fields. June to Aug.. Occurs commonly in all the districts. Form S. biennis, Eeut. Biennial Knapwell.. Bab. Man. 64. Hook. St. Fl. 335. 1. Barnham Heath 1 1 : Mildenhall, Hb. Elk. : Sandy- field, Icklingham, and Sandypit, Lakenheath, A.B. : Elve- den, E.F.L. Bisby Heath ; Eriswell, E. S. Marshall. 2. Wiston 1 1 : Cockfield, C. B. - 3. Benacre : Belton, C.A.W. 4. Westleton Heath : Wortham Ling, E. S.Marshall 5. Greeting Hills, Hb. Jefes. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. S. pereimis, Linn. Perennial Knapwell.. Bab. Man. 64. Hook. St. Fl. 335. H. & S. 30. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Small perennial occurring only in the Breck country and the adjoining region ; comparatively rare. June to Aug. 1. Barnham || ; near Elden, Mr. Crowe, 1768, Dill. Ray. in Hort. Ox. Elveden : 1 1 Icklingham. Hb. SJc. : Mildenhall, Hbb. Elk., Cas. <& F. ; also Sir C.J.F.B. : Eris- well and Wangford ; Lackford ; West Stow and Culford, Sir T. G. Gullum : Thetford, E. Forster, jun. : Bury, MM. L Lakenheath, A.B. Earliest record 1696. Bay. MALVACE/E. Malva, Linn. 1. M. moschata, Linn. Musk Mallow* 88 Bab. Man. 65. Hook. St. Fl. 76. H. & S. 16. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 56. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks and in gravelly places ; not very frequent. July, August. 1. Honington||; Wicken ; Bardwell, Hb. Dun. : Woolpit, F. : Rattlesden, Mrs. Parker : Rougham Heath, Sk. ms. 2. Bures 1 1 and Nayland, Gray : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Sudbury, Fulcher & J.8.H. 3. Bungay, Stock: Oulton, McAub. : St. Margaret's, Galp. 4. Weybread, H.B.C. : Eye, Hb. Peck : Wortham and Denham, Collins : Hoxne, Ms. Davy. 5. Bergholt, Dr. White : Gt. Bealings, Moor: Chars- field, T.B. : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Martlesham, T.W.G. : Wherstead, Carss. : Belstead, H. & 8. : Shelley, F. Spal- ding : Washbrook, Miller. First notice 1797. T. Martyn. 2. M. silvestris, Linn. Gommon Mallow. Bab. Man. 65. Hook. St. Fl. 76. H. & S. 16. Hist. Yarm. 3 Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp 56. Herbaceous perennial ; common in waste places and way-sides. June to September. Frequent in all the districts. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. M. rotimdifolia, Linn. Dwarf Mallow* Bab. Man. 65. Hook. St. Fl. 76. H. & S. 16. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot Suff. E. and W. Galp. 56. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in waste places. June to September. Common in all the districts. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Althaea, Linn. 1. A. Officinalis, Linn. Marsh Mallow* Bab. Man. 66. Hook. St. Fl. 75. H . & S. 16. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in marshes near the sea. August, September. 89 1. Near Stowmarket, Herb. Gas. ; likely introduced. 3. Kessingland : Belton, J. T. Syme, Phyt. O.S. cxviu 26 : Breydon Water, Phyt.N.S. 1862 : Somerleyton, jff.& 8.: Marsh ditches between Yarmouth and Beccles, not far from St. Olave's Bridge, Sir G.J.F.B.: between Blythburgh and Southwold, F. Spalding. 4. Between Dunwich and Sizewell ; Snape, E.N.B. r Leiston Marshes, Mrs. Toller. 5. Button || ; Aldeburgh ; Slaughden, Hele : Cata- wade, Hb. Mg. : Walton Ferry, H . & S. : Saltings at Iken, Mrs. Toller. First record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. Lavatera, Linn. Jl. L. arborea, Linn. Tree Mallow. Bab. Man. 66. Hook. St. Fl. 76. Herbaceous perennial ; on the sea-coast ; rare. We are not assured that any of the plants seen are truly wild. July to September,. 3. Kessingland. 5. Felixtowe || & Hb. Sk. Earliest notice 1862. E. Skepper. TILIACEXE. Till a, Linn. T. intermedia, DC. T. vulgaris, Hayne. T. europcea, Linn. Common Lime. Bab. Man. 67. Hook. St. Fl. 77, H. & S. 17. Galp. 57. Deciduous tree ; in old plantations ; not indigenous. 1. Euston ; Fakenham ; Harleston : near Lord Lei- cester's woods at Denham, near Barrow, Sir T. G. Cullum r Walsham, Herb. Dun. : Bury, Hb. Ek. : Hardwick, Hb. Wils. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Benacre. 4. Botesdale. First record 1846. Mrs. Dunlap. T. parvifolia, Ehrh. T. cordata, MilU Small-leaved Lime. Bab. Man. 67. Hook. St. Fl. 77. Cyb. Br. App. 90 Small deciduous tree ; in old woods ; likely not native in Suffolk ; not very frequent. August. 1. Mildenhall ; Fornham, All Sts. ; Troston and Thur- ston : -Euston, Hb. Fitz.E. : Bradfield, lib. Gas. : Den- ham, Sir T. G. Oullum : Hardwick, Hb. Wils. 2. Lit. Thurlow, Herb F. : Badmondisfield : Gt. Waldingfield, C.B. 4. Brome, Collins. 5. Shrubland Park 1 1 . Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. t3. T. grandifolia, Ehrh. T. platyphyllos, Scop. Great-leaved Lime. Bab. Man. 67. Hook. St. Fl. 77. Lofty deciduous tree ; in plantations ; introduced. June, July. 1. Euston ||; Hopton ; Haughley. 3. Benacre. First notice 1876. Hind. HYPERICACEyC. Hypericum, Linn. *1. H. Calycinum, Linn. Rose of Sharon. Bab. Man. 68. Hook. St. Fl. 72. H. & S. 15. Small evergreen shrubby plant in woods and groves. July to September. 1. Elveden, covering some acres in the woods: Dai- ham, Sk. ms. 2 . Near Hadleigh , Mrs . Parker : near Sudbury , /. /S. H. 5. Woods on Nacton Heath, apparently wild, H &. S. near Ipswich, Miss Bell. Earliest notice 1835. Miss. Bell. "2. H. Androsaenmm, Linn. Tutsan* Bab. Man. 68. Hook. St. Fl. 72. H. & S. 15. Shrubby perennial ; in woods and hedges ; somewhat rare. July, August. 1. Brandon, Norqate. 2. Clare : Wiston 1 1 , Dr. Palmer, 1881 : Lidgate, Rev. F. Tearle. 91 3. Bungay, Hb. Suit., 1838. Hedges at Holton and "Weston, Wigg. First record 1779. Sir J. Cullum. 3. H. tetrapternm, Fries. H. quadratum, Stokes- Square -stemmed St. John's Wort. Bab. Man. 68. Hook. St. Fl. 73. H. & S. 15. Hist. Tarm.. Top. But, Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Upright perennial ; on the brink of streams and wet places. July.. Common in all the districts. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 5. H. perforatum, Linn. Perforate St. John's Bab. Man. 69. Hook. St. Fl. 72. H. & S. 15. Hist. Yarnu Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Kuff. E. and W. Galp. 56. Erect shrubby perennial ; in woods and hedge-banks. July, August- Common in all the districts. Var. y. H. angustifolium, Gaud. Bab. Man. 69. Hook. St. Fl. 72. 1. Honington || ; Haughley and Stowlangtoft : Wool- pit, J. Easor. 3. Mettingham : Oulton, McAub. : Bradwell Lily pit,. J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Redgrave ; Mellis. 5. Needham Market and Shrubland Park. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 6. H. dubmm, Leers. II . (a) quadrangulum, L.. ImpcrJ orate St. John's Wort. Bab. Man/ 69. Hook. St. Fl. 73. H. & S. 15. Hist. Franu Top. Bot. SuS. E. Herbaceous perennial ; by ditches and in thickets. July. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || : hedges about Bury, Hb. Wils. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland : Lit. Thurlow, Herb. F. 4. Botesdale || : Burgate Wood, E. S. Marshall : Brockford, Hb. Peck. 5. Offton, H. S S. (b.) H. maculatum, Bab. Bab. Man. 69. Hook. St. Fl. 73. 92 1. Wetherden. Earliest notice 1860. Henslow and Skepper. V. H. humifusum, Linn. Trailing St. John's Wort. Bab. Man. 69. Hook. St. PI. 73. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. arid W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 56. Small trailing plant ; in heathy places and woods. July. 1. Barton, Hb. Blk. : Pakenham Wood, Hb. Cos. : Bury, Sir J. Cullum: Woolpit Heath, Mrs. Parker : Roug- ham and Risby Heaths, H. & 8. : Felsham Wood and Tud- denham, 8k. ms. 3. Bradwell Common Paget : Gorton, Phyt. N. S. 1862, and Gorleston, 1863: Lowestoft||, E.N.B. : Fritton and St. Olaves, Sk. ms. : Hopton, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Weybread, Miss Jeffes : Westleton, Ms. Davy : * Stuston Common, Galp. 5. Blaxhall and Otley, E.N.B. : Bergholt, Dr. White : < Wherstead, Haward. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. '9. H. Mrsntum, Linn. Hairy St. John's Wort. Bab Man. 69. Hook. St. PL 74. H. & S. 15. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 56. Erect perennial ; common in woods and hedges. July, August. 1 . Hinderclay 1 1 ; Bardwell ; Fakenham ; Coney Wes- ton ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Troston ; Hawstead ; Westley Wood ; Harleston and Onehouse : Pakenham Wood, Hb. Cas. : > Walsham, Herb. Dun. : Woolpit, J. Easor : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Barningham, E.F.L. : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Now- ton, Hb. Wils. : Hepworth, Hb. Salm. apparently absent from the Breck country. 2. Acton and Long Melford : Cockfield, W.J. : > Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. St. Margaret's, Holmes : Flixton, H.B.C. 4. Burgate; Peasenhall ; Sibton: Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe : Mendham, H.B.C. 5. Shrubland Park : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Wher- stead, Haward. First notice 1805. Rev. G. Crabbe. H. "FT. pulctLrum, Linn. Slender St, John's Wort* 93 Bab. Man. 70. Hook. St. Fl. 74. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury, Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 56. Perennial plant in woods and on heaths ; not very common. June, July. 1. Troston || ; Fakenham Wood : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Pakenham, C.B. : Woolpit, Hb. F. :- Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. Cavenham, Sk. ms. : Dalham, Rev. F. Tearle. : Forn- ham, Hb. Wils. 2. Polstead ; Nayland and Wiston : Sudbury, Fulcher &J.S.H. 3. Hopton : Fritton ; St. Olaves ; Lowestoft and South wold, 8k. ms. 4. N. W. end of Kedgrave Fen : Dunwich, E.N.B. : _Weybread, H.B.C. : Mendham, Galp. 5. Tunstall, E.N.B. : Brightwell, Moon Wherstead, Haward Earliest notice 1773. Sir. J. Cullum. 12. TT. elodes, Linn. Marsh St. John's Wort Bab. Man. 70. Hook. St. Fl. 74. H. & S. 15. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Sufi:. E. and W. Small herbaceous perennial in spongy bogs. July, Aug. 1. Tuddenham, Rev. F. Tearle. 3. Fritton Decoy 1 1 : Belton, Hb. SJc. : Herringfleet, E.N.B. : Lowestoft, and Somerleyton, Sk. ms. 4. Dunwich || : Walberswick, Holmes : Westleton, Ms. Davy. First notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. ACERACE/. Acer, Linn. 1. A. campestre. Linn. Maple. Bab. Man. 70. Hook. St. Fl. 89. H. & S. 18. Top. Bot. *nff. E. and W. Galp. 59. Small tree ; in woods and hedges ; common. May, June. 1. Barton ||; Hinderclay; Hopton; Honington ; Mar- ket Weston ; Livermere ; Cavenham and Mildenhall : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Euston, Hb. Dun. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb.Rk. 2. Nayland and Long Melford : Cockfield, W.J. : Hitcham, Hb.Hens. : Kersey, E.F.L. 94 3. Bungay ; Hopton and Benacre ; Beccles : South Elmham Hall, Galp. : Belton, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Darsham ; Framlingliam and Oakley : Knodisliall and Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Shrubland Park ; Claydon ; Bergholt and Stutton : Martlesham H b. Ly. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 1 2. A. Pseudo-platamiS, Linn. Sycanwre^ Bab. Man. 70. Hook. St. Fl. 89. H. & S. 19. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 59. Large tree ; an alien, now completely naturalized. May, June. 1. Honington || ; Barnliam ; Fakenham ; Brandon and Mildenhall : Bury, Hb. Sk.: Pakenham,H&.Cas.: Stow- langtoft, Hb. Rtc. : Hardwick, Hb. Wils. 2. Nayland and Long Melford : Cockfield, WJ. : .. Hitcham, Hb.Hens. 3i Bungay ; Gorleston and Benacre. 4. Framlingliam ; Stuston and Brome : Wey bread, Galp. 5. Shrubland Park; Bergholt; Aldeburgh: Gt. Beal- ings, Moor. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. GERANIACE/E. Geranium, Linn. II. G. phaeTim, Linn. Dusky Cranesbill. Bab. Man. 71. Hook. St. Fl. 81. H.&S. 17. Galp. 57. Perennial herb ; about the edge of woods. May, June. 1. Livermere || ; edge of Ampton Wood, H b. Sk. : Bradfield St. George, Miss Turner. C.B. ! 2. Whepstead, Hb. Blk. 3. Bungay (not truly wild), Stock : Orchard, St. Mar- garet's (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Huntingfield, Holland : Sternfield, Rev. J. Longe* likely a garden stray : Kettleburgh, Ms. Davy : Wor- tham, Collins. 5. Ashbocking, Mrs. Cobbold : Bergholt, H. & S. : Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. First record 1800. Mrs. Cobbold. 95 2. G-- pratense, Linn. Blue Field Geranium. Bab. Man. 72. Hook. St. Fl. 80. H. & S. 17. Top. Bot. E. Galp. 57. Showy herbaceous perennial ; in meadows. June to August. 1. Livermere || ; Mildenhall : Euston, Herb. Fitz.R. : Kentford,^. Elk. <& Eev. F. Tearle : Bury, SirJ. Cullum : ^Hardwick, Sk.ms. : Ixworth (casual), Hb. Jeffes. 2. Whepstead (truly wild), Mrs. Bevan, C.B. ! : Hoxne, Collins. 3. Beccles?, R. E. Leach. 4. In a meadow at Darsham, Davy. The figure in Baxter's ' British Phaenogamous Botany ' was drawn from Mr. Davy's Darsham plant. 5. Walton (introduced) : Hacheston and Bramford, Trimmer : Coddenham, T.B. : Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. Earliest notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. *3. GK silvaticum, Linn. Wood Cranesbill. Bab. Man. 72. Hook. St. Fl. 2. Whepstead (introduced, but naturalized), Mrs. Bevan, C.B.I Only notice 1887. Mrs. Bevan. 4 Gr. sanguineTini, Linn. Bloody Cranesbill. Bab. Man. 72. Hook. St. Fl. 80. H. & S. 17. Top. Bot. Suff. E.and VV. Showy herbaceous perennial ; -usually on sandy soil. July. 1. Newmarket \\,F. W. J. : Barton |j, Hb. Blk. and Rk. : Bury, Hb. Sk. & SirJ. Cullum : Gazely, Rev. F. Tearle : Moulton, MissBullender:--WeBti.ey, H. & S. : Risby, 8k. ms. : Between Barton and Pakenham, Sir C.J.F.B. : Ix- worth, Hb. Jeffes. 4. Dunwich. 5. Near Woodbridge,/^. P. Lathbury : Bergholt,.H\&. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 5. G. pyrenaicum, Linn. G. perenne, Huds. Moimtain Cranesbill. Bab. Man. 72. Hook. St. Fl. 80. H. & S. 17. Top. Bot. uff. E and W. Galp 57. Showy herbaceous perennial ; tolerably frequent on banks. June, July. I 96 1. Lit. Livermere and Bury,: Barton, Hb.Rk.:* Pakenham, Hbb. Elk. A Cas. : Wicken, Hb.Dun. : Clopton, Mrs. Parker : Drinkstone, F. : Tostock, Mrs. Terry : Cavenham, C.B. : Tuddenham, W.J. : Timworth, Norgate: Westley, Sk. ms. 2. Stoke : Hitcham, Prof. Hens : Hadleigh, H b.Mg. : Kersey, Gray : Long Melford, J.F.W. 3. Halesworth : Bungay, Stock : Beccles, F. Turner : Ou\ton,McAub. : St. Margaret's (E.A.H.),a^. : South- wold, J.H.G. 4. Oakley, Collins : Westleton || : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. & T.W.G. : Saxmundham, H.. Impatiens, Linn. '*!. I. parviflora, DC. Small-flowered Balsam. Bab. Man. 75. Hook. St. Fl. 85. An alien annual, naturalized in England ; waste places. July to September. 1. Bury ; established in Barrett's Nursery and in the Botanic Gardens. 5. Stutton||. Earliest notice 1876. Hind. OXALIDACE/E. Oxalis, Linn. 1. O. Acetosella, Linn. rj Wood Sorrel 100 Bab. Man. 75. Hook. St. Fl. 84. H. &S. 18. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Galp. 58. Herbaceous perennial, with toothed rhizome ; in woods ; not common. May. 1. Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Haughley, Hb. Ek. : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Woolpit, F. : Eushbrooke, H. & S.: near Felsham Wood, Sk. ms. : Hardwick, H b. Wils. 2. Wiston || ; Nayland and Polstead : Trandley Wood, Gt. Thurlow, F. : Bull's Wood, Cockfield, W. J. : Hit- cham, Hb. Hens. : Sudbury, Fulcher : Hadleigh, F. Spal- 8. Mettingham : Lound (now lost), D. Turner-. - Lowestoft, H. & 8. : Benacre, F. Spalding : Ou\ton,McAub. 4. Burgate Wood: Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Mend- ham, H.B.C. : Hoxne, Collins. 5. Barking, T.B.: Gt. Bealings,Moor: Woolverstone, . H.M.S. : Button, F. Spalding : Bentley, Miller : Dod- nash Wood, l.S. Soc. : Woodbridge, Hb.Ly. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 12. O- COrnicillata, Linn. Horned Wood Sorrel.. Bab. Man. 76. Hook. St. Fl. 84. Small annual ; a stray in gardens and waste ground. June to September. . 1. Honington ; result of former cultivation. 4. Saxmundham, F. Fox\ either a stray or introduced. Earliest notice 1870 ? F. Fox. *3. O. stricta, Linn. Strict Wood Sorrel. Bab. Man. 76. Hook. St. Fl. 84. Small herbaceous perennial ; a garden weed and stray. . July, August. 1. Honington || ; originally introduced, and has become a garden weed. Earliest notice 1875. Hind. LINACEvC. Linum, Linn. 1. L. angustifolium, Huds. Narrow-leaved Flax. . Bab. Man. 76. Hook. St. Fl. 78. H. & S. 16. Top. Bot. SufE. E. . 101 Perennial herb ; on hedge-banks ; rare. 3. Fields, Gunton ; Lowestoft, Sir J. E. Smith. 4. Darsham, Ms. Davy. Sir J. E. Smith. (The figure in Eng. Boty. was taken from a plant sent from Darsham by Mr. Davy, ENB.) Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. Supposed to- be extinct in Suffolk. [L. usitatissimuni, Linn. Flax of Commerce* Bab. Man. 76. Hook. St. Fl. 78. H. & S. 16. Hist. Wher. Galp. 57. Annual plant, extensively cultivated, and yielding occa- sional strays. July.. 1. Haughley || ; Honington and Higham : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Ickworth, WJ. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ly. 2. Cockfield, W. J. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Dep- den, Moor. 3. Lowestoft, Dr. Trimen & Hb. Sk. : Oulton, McAub* 4. Fressingfield, now extinct, Galp. 5. Gt. Bealings, Moor : Wherstead, Haicard. First notice 1859. Prof. Henslow.] 2. L. perenne, Linn. Perennial Flax* Bab. Man. 77. Hook. St. Fl. 78. H. & S. 16. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot, Suff. W. Perennial herb ; borders of fields ; rare. June, July. 1. Ix worth, Ms. Davy S Hb. Rk., flore albo. Dowell in Hb. Salm. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Dun. : Pa- kenham, Hb. Cas. : Bardwell, Sk. ms. near the windmill on the hill near the Northgate, Bury, Sir. J. Cullum. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. L. catharticum, Linn. Purging Flax* Bab. Man. 77. Hook. St. Fl. 78. H.&S. 16. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 57. Annual weed ; very common on grassy heaths and pas- tures. May to August^ In all the districts. First notice 1784. Sir J. Cullum. Radiola, Gmel. ! K. Millegrana, Sm. E. linoides, Gmel,. Flix-seed, Allseed. 102 Bab. Man. 77. Hook. St. Fl. 79. H. & S. 16. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Tiny annual ; in damp spots, usually where water flows .gently ; somewhat rare. July, August. 1. Culford and Timworth, Sir T. G. Cullum : Tudden- ham, H b. 8k. : Cavenham, Sk. ms. : near the cross-roads opposite to Barton Mills, Sir C.J.F.B. 3. Belton, Paget : Somerleyton, Hb. Sk. : Herring- fleet and Somerleyton, Trimmer : Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. Sp. in possession of E.N.B. 4. Wortham, C. J. Ashfteld : Westleton Heath, Ms. Davy. First record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. CALYCIFLORyE. CELASTRACE/E. Euonymus, Linn. 1. IE. europaeus, Linn. Spindle Tree. Prickwood. Bab. Man. 77. Hook. St. Fl. 87. H. & S. 19. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 58. Tall shrub ; tolerably frequent in woods and hedges. May to July. 1 . Fakenham || ; Ampton ; Honington ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Troston ; Livermere ; Lakenkeath and Wetherden : Felsham Wood, C. B. : Pakenham Wood, Hb.Cas.: Barton, Sir C.J.F.B : Woolpit, F. : Bury ; The Hyde, Westley, H. <& S. : Whepstead ; lane near Saxham Gate, Sk. ms. : Newton, Hb. Wils. 2. Polstead ; Stoke ; Hartest and Clare : Cockfield, , C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens : Bures and Nayland, Gray : Acton and Long Melford, J.F.W. : Thurlow, Hb. F. : Hadleigh, F. Spalding : Kede, Miss Turner. 8. Bungay, H. & S. : Fritton : Oulton, McAub. : Flixton, Galp. 4. Botesdale ; Darsham ; Dunwich : Wortham, Ash- ^^._Huntingfield, Holland : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B.: <3nape, Hele : Westleton, F. Spalding. 103 5. Shrubland and Stutton : Needliam Market, E. Clowes : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Mel- ton, F. Spalding : Wherstead, Haicard : Ipswich, Miller. Earliest' notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. RHAMNACE>. Rhamnus, Linn. 1. -R. catharticilS, Linn. Purging Buckthorn* Bab. Man. 78. Hook. St. Fl. 88. H. & S. 19. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 59. Deciduous shrub ; in hedges and thickets ; not infrequent.' May to July. 1. Sapiston || ; Fakenham Wood ; Market Weston ; Honington ; Bardwell ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Troston and Mil- denhall : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. r Eushbrooke, H. & S. : Livermere, Sk. ms. : Woolpit and Nowton, Sir T. G. Cullum : Santon Downham, Norgate. 2. Long Melford ; Polstead ; Stoke and Wiston : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Haverhill, Hb.F. : Lavenham, Rev^ J. M. Croker : Cockfield and Chevington, Sk. ms. 3. Belton 1808, Borrer : Bungay, Stock: Si. Mar- garet's, Holmes: South Elmham Minster (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Botesdale : Framlingham, Crabbe : Huntingfield,. Holland : Hoxne, Jas. Turner and Collins. 5 . Shrubland : Coddenham,.-I<\ Fox : Offton, H . & S.. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. E. Frangula, Linn. Black Alder. Bab. Man. 78. Hook. St. Fl. 88. H. & S. 19. Hist. Fram ?.. HU. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 59. Deciduous shrub, in hedges and thickets ; comparatively rar e- May, June. 1. Market Weston || ; Pakenham Wood|| and Milden- ikftll : Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Woolpit Wood, Sir T. <3v Gullum. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Thurlow, F. 3. Bungay, Stock : In Lord Stradbroke's Woods, Hen- ham, Ms. Davy. 4. Framlingham ?, Crabbe. 5. Gt, Bealings, Moor : Otley Wood, E.N.B. Earliest notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 104 LEGUMINOS/E. Ulex, Linn. 1. U. europaeilS, Linn. Common Furze, Gorse, Whin. Bab. Man. 81. Hook. St. Fl. 92. H. & S. 19. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 59. Prickly evergreen shrub ; very common on heaths, com- mons, and road-sides. February to July. In all the districts. An interesting form occurs on Elveden Heath ||, with shorter and weaker spines, thickly clothed with long whitish hairs, the calyces somewhat tomen- tose without black hairs. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. "2. U. nanus, Furst. Dwarf Furze or Gorse. Bab. Man. 81. Hook. St. Fl. 92. H. & S. 19. Galp. 127. 'Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Small evergreen shrub ; on commons and heaths ; not frequent. August, September. 1. Tuddenham, Rev. F. Tearle : Culford Heath, G. 0. Druce, Rec. Club, 1883. 3. Kessingland : Easton Bavent and Covehithe || : - Southwold, Hb. Ek. : - Herringfleet, HI. 8k. : Fritton, 8k. ms. : Bungay, Galp. : Wrentham, M.L.H. 4. Dunwich, E.N.B.: Mendham Heath, Moor: Walberswick Heath : Stuston, Galp. 5. Aldeburgh : Tunstall Heath, E.N.B. : Foxhall Heath, Miller. Earliest notice 1860. Henslow and Skepper. 3. U. Grallii, PlancJi. French Furze. Bab. Man. 81. Hook. St. Fl. 92. Small evergreen shrub ; on commons and way- sides ; rare. August to November. 3. Hopton || ; Belton ; Gorleston and Lound ; Easton Bavent and Southwold. 4. Walberswick and Sizewell Heaths. 5. Felixstowe, W. H. Purchas. First notice 1861. Rev. W. H. Purchas. am 105 Genista, Linn. 1. G-. pilosa, Linn. Hairy Broom. Bab. Man. 82. Hook. St. Fl. 91. H.&S.20. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Small shrub ; on sandy heaths ; rare. May. 1. ' Discovered by Sir Jno. Cullum and Mr. Dickson .ongst the heath about Culford and Lackford,' Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. : ' Heath West of Icklingham Church, Sir J. Cullum, 1771,' Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. : ' beyond Fir planta- tion, Bisby towards Cavenham Severals,' 8k. ms. : Liver- mere Heath, H b. Cas., also Rev. E. G. Leathes in Hb. Rk. : Windmill, West Stow, Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham Heath, Sir T.G. Cullum, &E.S.K. First notice 1771. Sir J. Cullum. Latest notice 1866. 2. GK tinctoria, Linn. Greenweed. Dyer's Weed. Bab. Man. 82. Hook. St. Fl. 91. H. & S. 20. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot, Suff. E. and W. Galp. 59. Small shrub ; in pastures and by road- sides ; not com- mon. July to September. 1. Thurston || : Felsham Wood, C.B. .-Barton, H b. Blk. : Ixworth, Hb. Rk. : Pakenham Wood, Hb. Cas. : Hardwick, Hb.Sk.: Rougham, 8k. ms.: Elmswell, Hb. Jeffes : Hep worth, H b. Salm. 2. Cockfield, C.B. : Lit. Thurlow, F. 3. Bradwell, Wigg : Bungaf, H. & 8. 4. Botesdale : Peasenhall, Holland : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Badingham, T.W.G. : Weybread, H.B.C.:-^ Bedneld, Hb.Peck: Syleham, Collins. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. : Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Hin- tlesham, Miller. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. Gr. anglica, Linn. Petty, or Needle Whin. Bab. Man. 82. Hook. St. Fl. 91. H.&S. 20. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 59. Small thorny shrub ; on wet heaths and fens ; not in- frequent. May, June. 1. Thelnetham || ; Hinderclay and Brandon: Troston, Hb. Cas.: West Stow, Hb. Sk. & Blk. : Tuddenham, Rev. F. Tearle & C. Rose inHb. Wils. : Lackford, Hb. Ly. 106 3. Bungay, Woodward, Ms. Davy. 4. Kedgrave Fen || : Stuston, Collins. 5. Martlesham Heath, Moor: Nacton Heath, Dr. Tay- lor /Warren House Heath, Ipsmcb. t Miller : Foxhall Heath, LS. Soc. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Sarothamnus, Wimm. 1. S SCOpaiTUS, Koch. Cytisus Scoparius, Link. Common Broom. Bab. Man. 82. Hook. St. Fl. 92. H.&S.20. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 59. Shrub ; frequent on heaths and sandy banks. May, June. Common in all the districts. A form of prostrate habit, with hairy leaves, has been kindly sent by Rev. W. H. Sewell from Yaxley || . Query, can it be S. prostratus ? Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Ononis, Linn. 1. O. arvensis, Linn. O.repens, Linn. Creeping Rest-harrow. Bab. Man. 82. Hook. St. Fl. 93. H.&S.20. Eist.Yarni. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 59. Small shrub ; in sandy places. June to September. Tolerably frequent in all the districts. 0. inermis, Lange. Form 0. maritima. Gren. 3. Lowestoft||. 5. Felixstowe ; Bawdsey : Aldeburgh, C.B. Form 0. horrida, Lange. 3. Lowestoft: Flixton, Galp. 5. Bawdsey. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. O. campestris, Koch. 0. spinosa, Linn. Spinous Rest-harrow. Bab. Man. 83. Hook. St. Fl. 93. H. & S. 20. Top. Bot.. SufE. E . and W. Galp. 60. Small shrub ; on road-sides and pastures. June to Sep. . 107 1. Honingtonf); Euston; Ixworth ; Bar dwell and Hinderclay ; Barton Mills : Walsliam, Herb. Dun. ; Barton, Hb. Blk. ; Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Nowton, Hb. Wils. 2. Cockfield and Lawshall, C.B. : Hitcliam, Prof. Hens. : Hadleigh, Hb. Mg. : Long Melford, J.F.W. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. : Rede, Hb. Turn. 3. Henstead : Oulton, M.cAub. 4 . Mellis and Westleton : Friston Moor, Hele : Mend- ham, H.B.C. : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh, Hb. Cas. : Clay don, : Boulge, Moor: Grundisburgh, T.H. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Medicago, Linn. *1. 1VL saliva, Linn. Purple Medick. Lucerne. Bab. Man. 83. Hook. St. Fl. 95. Hist.Yarm. Galp. 60. Perennial herb of cultivation, naturalized ; frequent. June, July. 1. Honington || ; Sapiston ; Troston ; Barnham; Thetford ; Culford and Ingham : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B.: Nowton, Hb. Wils. .-Brandon, Nor gate. Clare : Bildeston, Hb.Cas. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. Bradwell and Burgh Castle, Wigg : Oulton, McAub. Wortham, Gollins : Weybread, Galp. Felixstowe, H.M.S. First notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 2. M. Silvestris, Fries. Wild Medick. Bab. Man. 83. Hook. St. Fl. 94. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; on sandy soil. June, July. 1. Between Lackford and Cavenham||: Barnham ||, Oray.'High&m and Tuddenham, W.J. : Thetford, 0.0. Bab.Phyt.O.S.,cv. 777 : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : be- tween Elveden and Icklingham, A.B. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Saxham : Bridewell, Bury, Sir T. G. Cullum. First record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 3. M. falcata, Linn. Sickle Medick. Bab. Man. 83. Hook. St. FL 94. H. & S. 20. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. 108 Perennial herb ; on sandy heaths and pastures ; local. June, July. 1. Culford Heath || ; Barnham ; Thetford || ; Brandon ; Wangford; Lakenheath; Fornham St. Martin ; Honington; Knettishall : Barton Mills, H b. F. : Stowlangtoft, Hbb. Dun. < Ek. : Bury, Hbb. Elk. S Sk. : Mildenhall and Ix- worth, Sir C.J.F.B. : Pakenham, Packards : Thurston, H.&S.: ' Elden in Suffolk with Artemisia campestris, &c., Mr. Dickson,' Dill. Bay., Hort. Ox.: Tuddenham and Caven- ham, W.J. : Rushbrooke and Hardwick, Hb. Wils.. 3. Lowestoft, Sk. ms. 4. Dunwich, old Church Yard, Hb. Budd. & Crabbe : Stuston, Collins. 5. Boulge,Moor: Orford, Crabbe : Sudbourne^.^Y.^B. and Crabbe. Earliest notice circa 1698. Buddie. 4. 3VC. lupulina, Linn. Black Medick. Nonsuch. Bab. Man. 84. Hook. St. Fl. 95. H. & S.,20. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 60. Small annual or biennial herb ; very common in fields and waste places. May to August. In all the districts. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 5. M. maculata, Sibth. Spotted Medick. Bab. Man. 84. Hook. St. Fl. 95. H. & S. 20. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 127. Annual, preferring light soil ; more frequent near the sea. May to August. 1. Stowlangtoft, Hbb. Cas. & Ek. : Haberden, Bury, H.. V. Cracca, Linn. Tinted Vetch. Bab. Man. 93. Hook. St. Fl. 107. H. & S. 23. Hist. Frarn. Hist. Wber. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Climbing herbaceous perennial, frequent in hedges. June to August. Common in all the districts. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [7. V. bitliynica, Linn. Rouyli-podded Purple Vetch. Bab. Man. 93 Hook. St. FL 109, 10. Perennial herb ; in bushy places on gravelly soil. July, August. Near Beccles, Crabbe in Ms. Davy. Probably an error.] 8. V. sepium, Linn. Bush Vetch. Bab. Man. 94. Hook. St. Fl. 108. H. & S. 24. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 62. Herbaceous perennial, very common in hedges. June to August. In all the districts. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. .10. V. lutea, Linn. Yellow Vetch. Bab. Man. 94. Hook. St. Fl. 108. H. & S. 24. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff E. Perennial herb ; on pebbly ground, usually by the sea. June to August. 1. Among Lucerne at Brandon ||, W. J. Cross. 5. Orford light-house ||, Hde : Aldeburgh, Sir J. K. Smith: ' Orford beach, the side next the river, Mr. Hum- phrey,' DHL Ilai/. Hort. Ch: tC- K.X.U. : ' between Landguard Fort and Felixstowe, A.B. 1872 :~Whitton Church-yard, J/s. Davy : Felixstowe, Her. A. L. Williams. Earliest record 1775. Humphrey. 11. V. sativa, Linn. Common Vetch. Bab. Alan. 94. Hook. St. Fl. 109. H. & S. 24. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wbcr. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Galp. 62. 121 Annual, largely cultivated ; fields and way- sides. May, June. In all the districts. b. V. angustifolia, Roth. Bab. Man. 94. Hook. St. Fl. 109. Galp. 62. 1. Euston to Ixworth Thorpe ; Thetford : Mildenhall :and Gt. Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Culford Heath, Gray : Tostock, Hb. Cas. : Herringswell, Rev. F. Tearle : Santon Downham, Hb. Sk. : Eougham, Sk. ms. : Westley, Hb. Wih. 1832 : Fornliam, Hb. Ly. 2. Nayland and Stoke. 3. Bungay, Stock. 4. Dunwich and Westleton : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Orford ; Bentley; Needham Market and Ipswich : Blaxhall, E.N.B. c. V. Bobartii, Forst. Bab. Man. 94. Hook. St. Fl. 109. 1. Honington || ; Knettishall || ; Euston to Ixworth Thorpe ; Thetford ; Elveden and Brandon ; Mildenhall : Santon Downham, Hb. Sk. : Culford Heath, Gray . Stow- langtoft, Ek. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland and Polstead. 3. Oulton, McAub. 5. Aldeburgh. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 12. V. lathyroides, Linn. K Spring Vetch. Bab. Man. 94, 95. Hook. St. Fl. 109. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot, Suff. E. and W. Galp. 62. Small prostrate annual ; on sandy soil ; not common. May, June. 1. Thetford || ; Honington || ; Sapiston || ; Elveden ; Fakenham: Mildenhall, Hbb. Blfc. $ Suit. : between Stow- langtoft and Norton, Hb. Ek. : Icklingham, Hb. Sk. : Bury and West Stow, H . <& S. : Fornham and Cavenham, ,SV,-. ws. : Risby Heath, E. 8. Marshall. 3. Burgh Castle, Wi(j"'. Lindleifs Bramble. Bab. Man. 108. Hook. St. Fl. 118. Lond. Cat. 424. Galp. 63. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July, August. 1 . Honington || ; Fakenham and Sapiston. 2. Wiston : Polstead, Gray. 3. Covehithe. 4. Redgrave || : Weybread, H.B.C. First recognized 1882. Hind. 6. R. rhamnifolius, TF. <# A r . Buckthorn-leaved Bab. Man. 109. Hook. St. Fl. 118. Notes Br. Rubi. 6. Lond. Cat. 425. Galp. 63. Lindl. Syn. 94. Prickly shrub, in hedges and thickets. July, Aug. 1. Nowton, Hb. Wils. 3. Flixton, H.B.C. First recognized 1833. Hb. Wilson. 9- R. raXTLOSUS, Blox. Branching Bramble. Bab. Man. 109. Hook. St. Fl. 118, Notes Br. Rubi. 7. Lond. Cat. 428. Prickly shrub ; thickets. June, July. 2. Polstead Marsh, E.F.L. First recognized 1885. Rev. E. F. Linton. 134 11. !R. pubescens, W. & N. Pubescent Bramble.. Bab. Man. 110. Notes Br. Rubi. 11. Lond. Cat. 431. Prickly Shrub ; in hedges and thickets. July, Aug. 1. Troston Heath and Ixworth Thorpe. 5. Felixstowe. First recognized 1885. Hind. 12- H. rusticanUS, Mere. R. discolor, W. & A^ Common Bramble. Bab. Man. 110. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Notes Br. Rubi. 12 Lond. Cat. 432. H.&S. 25. Galp. 64. Lindl. Syn. 95. Prickly shrub ; very common in hedges and thickets. Widely distributed in all the districts. July, August A plant belonging to this or the next form with white fruit from Needham Market, Miss Jeffes. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 13. ]R. leilCOStacliyS, Sm. White panicled Bramble.. Bab. Man. 111. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Notes Br. Rubi. 13. Lond. Cat. 433. Galp. 64. Lindl. Syn. 95. Prickly shrub ; In hedges, woods and thickets. July, August. 2. Wiston 1 1 : Nayland and Polstead, Gray : Kersey, E.F.L. : a form of this with crimson blossoms occurs in a wood near Nayland. 3. Flixton, H.B.C. Var. /('. conspicuus, P. J. Mull. R. vestitus, Weihe. Bab. Man. 111. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Notes Br. Rubi. 14. Lond. Cat. 433. b. 1. Sapiston || ; Coney Weston. 2. Wiston ; Polstead : Stoke-by-Nayland, Gray. 5. Bawdsey. First recognized, 1883. Hind. 15. R. pyramidalis, Kalt. R. kirtijblius, Miill. Pyramidal Bramble. Bab. Man. 111. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Notes Br. Rubi. 15. Lond. Cat. 434. Prickly shrub, in heathy places. July, August. 1. Troston. First recognized 1881. Hind. 135 18. B. Salteri, Bab. Bab. Man. 112. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Loud. Cat. 437. Prickly shrub ; in woods and hedges. 2. Wiston . R. calvatus, Blox. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Salter's Bramble. Notes Br. Rubi. 18. July, August. Bald Bramble. Notes Br. Rubi. 18. Var. Bab. Man. 112. Lond. Cat. 437. b. 3. Fritton || ; Henstead. First recognized 1882. Hind. *18. B. carpinifolius, W. & N. Hornbeam-leaved Bramble. Bab. Man. 112. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Notes Br. Rubi. 18.* Lond. Cat 438. Galp. 64. Lindl. Syn. 93. Prickly shrub ; in open places. July, August. 1. Honington || ; Sapiston Grove. 2. Wiston, E.F.L. : Polstead, Gray. 3. St. Margaret's (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Redgrave Fen. First recognized 1882. Hind. 19. B. Villicaulis, W. & N. Shaggy-stemmed Bramble. Bab. Man. 112-3. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Notes Br. Rubi. 19. Lond. Cat. 439. Prickly shrub ; in woods and hedges. July, August. 1. Honington || ; Fakenham 'and Sapiston. First recognized 1881. Hind. 22. B. Maasii, Focke. Maas' Bramble. Notes Br. Rubi. 22. Lond. Cat. 440. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July, August. 3. Henstead I] . First recognized 1886. Hind. 23. B. macrophyllllS, W. & N. Long-leaved Bramble. Bab. Man 113. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Notes Br. Rubi. 23. Lond. Cat. 441. Galp. 64. Lindl. Syn. 93. Prickly shrub ; in woods and thickets. July, August. 1. Troston || ; Fakenham Wood ; Eisby Heath, in a Grove II. 136 4. Mendham Priory Plantation, Galp. Var. b. R. SchlectcndalU, W. & N. Bab. Man. 113. Notes Br. Rubi. 23. Lond. Cat. 441. b. Prickly shrub ; in woods and thickets. July, Aug. 4. Weybread, H.B.C. Earliest notice 1885. Eev. F. W. Galpin. Var. c. Bab. Man. 113. Lond. Cat. 441. c. 3. Benacre R. amplificatus, Lees. Hook. St. Fl. 119. Var. d. R. glabratus, Bab. Bab. Man. 113. Hook. St. Fl. 119. 1. Fakenham || ; Troston. First recognized 1881. Hind. Notes Br. Rubi. 23. Notes Br. Rubi. 23. *25. B. rabicolor, Blox. Notes Br. Rubi. 25. Lond. Cat. 444. Prickly shrub ; in woods and thickets. 2. Polstead, Gray. 4. Mellis First recognized 1886. Hind. Ruddy Bramble. July, Aug. and Burgate. 28. B. thyrsiflorus, W. & N. Thyrsus-flowered Bramble. Var. R. philyrophyllus, L. & M. Lime-leaved Bramble* Notes Br. Rubi. 28. Lond. Cat. 446. b. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July, August. 1. Honington || ; Ixworth Thorpe. First recognized in 1884. Hind. 29. B. rosaceus, ir. & N. Bab. Man. 115. Hook. St. Fl. 121. Lond. Cat. 447. Prickly shrub ; in woods and thickets. 1. Fakenham Wood [| ; Shelland. 2. Polstead, Gray. 4. Mellis. Rose-like Bramble. Notes Br. Rubi. 29.. July, Aug. Var. R. Hystrix, Weihe. 1. Fakenham Wood || ; Sapiston. First recognized 1881. Hind. Porcupine Bramble^ 137 32. H. echinatTlS, Lindl. R. rudis, Weihe, not Focke* Hedqehoy Bramble. Bab. Man. 116. Hook. St. Fl. 120. Notes Br. Rubi. 32. Lond. Cat. 452. Lindl. Syn. 93. Prickly shrub ; in hedges and thickets. July, Aug.. 1. Fakenham Wood. 2. Wiston 1 1 : Nayland and Polstead, Gray. First recognized 1884. Hind. H. rudis, Focke. Rough Bramble.. Notes Br. Rubi. 32. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July, August.. 4. Mellis||. First recognized 1887. Hind. 33. H. Radula, Weihe. Scraper Bramble. Bab. Man. 116. Hook. St. Fl. 120. Notes Br. Rubi. 33.. Lond. ''at. 455 Galp. 64. Prickly shrub ; in hedges and thickets. July, August- 1. Ixworth Thorpe. 2. Wiston ||. 4. Weybread, H.B.C. : Mendham Priory Plantation,. Galp. Earliest notice 1884. Hind. 34. H. Kcehlerij Weihe. Kcehler's Bramble* Bab. Man. 117. Hook. St. Fl. 120. Notes Br. Rubi. 34.. Lond. Cat. 456. Lindl. Syn. 93. Prickly shrub ; in hedges and thickets. July, Aug.. 1. Bury, Lindl. Syn. Var. b. R. infestus, Weihe. Bab. Man. 117. Hook. St. Fl. 120. Notes Br. Rubi. 34. b,. Lond. Cat. 456. b. Galp. 64 4. Weybread, H.B.C. Var. e. R. jtallidus, Weihe. Notes Br. Rubi. 34. e. Lond. Cat. 456. e. Galp. 64. 1. Troston || ; Honington. 2. Wiston : Polstead, Gray. 4. Weybread, Galp.. Var./. R. cavatifolius, P. J. Miill. Notes Br. Rubi. 34. f. Lond. Cat. 456. f. 1. Honington || ; Fakenham Wood. First recognition 1841. Lindley. 138 '35. R. fllSCO-ater, Weihe?. Dark Bramble. Bab. Man. 117, 8. Hook. St. PL 120. Notes Br. Rubi. 35. Lond. Cat. 457. Lindl. Syn. 93. Prickly shrub ; on heaths and commons. July, Aug. 1 . Troston ; Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 . First recognized 1882. Hind. 36. R. diver sifolius, Lindl. Various-leaved Bramble. Bab. Man. 118. Hook. St. PL 120. Lindl. Syn. 94. Notes Br. Rubi. 36. Lond. Cat. 459. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July, August. 1. Honington||; Ixworth Thorpe; Wicken; Bardwell. 2. Nayland and Wiston, Gray. First recognized 1885. Eev. J. D. Gray. 37- !R. miltabilis, Genev. Variable Bramble. Bab. Man. 118. Hook. St. Fl. 120. Notes Br. Rubi. 37. Lond. Cat. 460. Prickly shrub ; on hedge banks. July, August. 1. Honington || 2. Wiston, E.F.L. First recognized 1885. Rev. E. F. Linton. 38. R. Lejeunii, Weihe. Likely R. Fuckelii, Wirtg. ieune's Bramble. Bab. Man. 119. Hook. St. Fl. 121. Notes Br. Rubi. 38. Lond. Cat. 461. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July, August. 1. Troston || ; Sapiston. 2. Polstead, E.F.L. : Wiston, Gray. First recognized 1882. Hind. 41. R. flexilOSUS, M. &. L. R. Guntheri, Ang. Auct. Flexuous Bramble. Notes Br. Rubi. 41. Lond. Cat. 463. Prickly Shrub ; in woods. July, August. 2. Polstead, Gray. First recognized 1884. Rev. J. D. Gray. 41* R. adornatllS, Miill. Elegant Bramble. Prickly shrub ; in woods. July, August. 2. Polstead, E.F.L. First recognized 1884. Rev. E. F. Linton. 139 42. R. saxicolllS, P. J. Miill. R. humifusus. Weihe, Rock Bramble. Bab. Man. 119, 20. Hook. St. Fl. 121. Notes Br. Rubi. 42. Lond. Cat. 464. Prickly shrub ; in woods and thickets. July, August. 2. Wiston j| : Polstead Marsh, E.F.L. First recognized, 1884. Eev. E. F. Linton. 43. R. foliosus, Weihe. Leafy Bramble* Bab. Man. 120. Hook. St. Fl. 121. Notes Br. Rubi. 43. Lond. Cat. 465. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July, August. 2. Polstead, Gray. First recognized . Eev. J. D. Gray. 45. H. pendulums, Miill. Hanging Bramble. Notes on Br. Rubi. 45. Prickly shrub. July, August. 2. Polstead Marsh ||, Gray. First recognized 1886. Eev. J. D. Gray. 48. R. BalfonriamiS, Blox. Balfour's Bramble* Bab. Man. 121. Hook. St. Fl. 118. Notes Br. Rubi. 48. Lond. Cat. 470. Galp. 64. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July August.. 1. Honington ||; Fakenham. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland : Polstead, Gray. 3. Eushmere : St. Margaret's, (E.A.H.) Galp. 4. Dunwich ||. First recognized 1881. Hind. 49. H. COrylifoliuS, Sm. Hazel-leaved Bramble* Bab. Man. 121. Hook. St. FL 118. Notes Br. Rubi. 49. Hist. Yarm. Lond. Cat. 471. Lindl. Syn. 93. Prickly shrub ; very frequent in hedges and thickets. June to August, a. R. sublustris, Lees. 1. Pakenham, Hb. Cas. -.Barton, Sir C.J.F.B.: Honington \ \ . 2. Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Gorleston and Oulton. 4. Dunwich || ; Eedgrave. 140 b. E. conjungens, Bab. 1 . Honington 1 1 ; Troston ; Sapiston and Ixworth Thorpe. 2. Acton : Polstead, Gray. c. R.fasciculatus, P. J. Mull. E. purpureus, Bab. 1. Honington 1 1. 2. Nayland, Gray. 3. Kessingland. First recognized 1840. Mrs. Casborne. 50. R. deltoideus, P. J. Mull. 11. althwifolius, Host. Deltoid Bramble. Bab. Man. 122. Hook. St. Fl. 118. Notes Br. Rubi. 50. Loud. Cat. 472. Galp. 64. Prickly shrub ; in hedges. July, August. 1. Troston || : Hardwick, Hb. Wils. 3. St. Peter's Lane, South Elmham, Galp. First recognized 1833. Steggall. 51. R. SCabrosUS, P. J. Mull. E. tuberculatus, Bab. Scabrous Bramble. Bab. Man. 122. Notes Br. Rubi. 51. Lond. Cat. 473. Galp. 64. Prickly shrub ; in hedges and on commons. July, August. 1. Sapiston ; Euston || and Badwell Ash. 2. Nayland, Gray : Cockfield, C.C.B. 3. St. Margaret's (E.A.H.) Galp. First recognized 1871. Prof. 0. C. Babington. NOTE. Several Eubi from Polstead await further ex- amination. Among these it is possible that E. melanoxylon, M. & W., E. pilocarpus, Gr., and other forms new to Britain, may occur. 52. B. caesius, Linn. Dewberry. Bab. Man. 122. Hook. St. Fl. 118. Notes Br. Rubi. 52. Lond. Cat. 474. H. & S. 25. Lindl. Syn. 94. Prickly shrub ; with glaucous prostrate stem ; and fruit having a caesious bloom ; frequent in hedges and thickets. June, July. a. E. umbrosus. Bab. E. agrestis, Bab. 1 . Fakenkam Wood || ; Knettishall ; Mildenhall : Stow- 141 langtoft, H b. Rk. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Onehouse and Harles- ton : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. 2. Cockfield, C.B. : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Kessingland. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Needham Market : Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Ipswich, Miller. b. R. tennis, Bell. Salt. 1. Troston || ; Knettishall; Ixworth Thorpe. 2. Acton. c. R. ligerinus, Genev. R. ulmifolius, Bab. 1. Fakenham || ; Honington ; Sapiston Grove || and Mildenhall. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens., 1853. 4. Mellis. d. R. intermedius, Bab. 1. Fakenham || : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. e. R. Pseudo-idceus, Lej. 3. Hedge near Beccles. 4. South-east of Redgrave Fen ||. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Geum, Linn. 1. G. urbamim, Linn. Wood Avens. Bab. Man. 125. Hook. 8t. FL 122. H. & S. 25. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 64. Perennial herb ; frequent in woods and hedge-banks. June to August. Common in all the districts. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. G. intermedium, Ehrh. Intermediate Avens. Bab. Man. 125. Hook. St. Fl. 122. H. & S. 25. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; in damp woods ; a supposed hybrid. June, July. 1. Stanton: Bradiield St. Geo., Mrs. Carss.SHb. Ly. 2. Cockfield ||, Dr. Wood, C.B. : Hitcham, H. S S. 5. Bergholt, Dr. White. First record 1860. Mrs. Carss. 142 GT. rivale, Linn. Water Avens... Bab. Man. 126. Hook. St. Fl. 122. H. & S. 25. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Snff. W. Galp. 65. Herbaceous perennial, in moist woods ; form fl.ore-pleiu> at Gedding. June, July. 1. Fakenham Wood || : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Cul- ford Heath, Gray: Lackford, Hb. Ly. : Gedding ||, J. fiasor : Drinkstone, F. : Woolpit Wood, T.B. : Wether- den : about Bury, Sir. T. G. Cullum : Beyton, Hiss Stey- gall, Hb. Wils. : Rushbrooke Glade, Blackett : Bradfield St. George, Mrs. Carss. 2. Bull's Wood, Cockfield, Dr. Wood, C.B. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Sudbury, J.8.H. : Hartwood, Tlmrlow, and Lit'. Thurlow, Hb. F. 4. Stradbroke Rectory, Galp. 5. Baylham, F. Fox : Bergholt, H. & S. : Sprough- ton, H award. First notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Rosa, Linn. 1. B. spinosissima, Linn. Burnet Hose. Bab. Man. 126. Hook. St. Fl. 129. H. & S. 27. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Buiy. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small prickly shrub, perennial ; in sandy soil, especially near the sea-shore. May, June. 1. Market Weston || ; Barnham ; Norton, Hb. Rk. : Cavenham Severals, Sir. T. G. Cullum. 2. Polstead. 3. Lowestoft and Fritton, Sk. ms. : Pakefield, G. Clowes in Hb. Geld. : Hedge between Southtown and Burgh Castle, A.B. : Reydon, Hist. Southwold. 4. Dunwich : Thorpe, Hcle : Westleton, Ms. Davy. 5. Shrubland 1 1 : Gt. Bealings, Moor. Earliest notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 5. R. tomentosa, Sm. Downy Eose. Bab. Man. 127. Hook. St. Fl. 130. H.&S.27. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff.,B. and W. Galp. 66. Prickly shrub, m hedges and woods ; frequent. June, July. Occurs in all the districts. 143 Var. R. stibglobosa, Sm. 1. Market Weston, E.F.L. : Felsham ||, C.B. 2. Nayland|| : Cockfield ||, C.B. : Little Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Wrentham, M.L.H. 4. Botesdale 1 1 ; Mellis. Var. R. scabriuscula, Sm. 1 . Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 ; Shelland : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Bury, Sir J. E. Smith. 2. Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. 4. Westleton ||. Earliest notice 1805. Woodward and D. Turner. 6. H. rubiginosa, Linn. Sweet Briar. Bab. Man. 127, 8. Hook. St. Fl. 131. H. & S. 27. Hist. Yarm. Hist"! Bury. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 66. Prickly scented shrub ; in hedges and bushy places ; frequent in Suffolk (used to be planted to protect young white thorn hedges from sheep, E.N.B.) May to July. Freely distributed in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 7. R. micrantha, Sm. Small prickled Rose. Bab. Man. 128. Hook. St. Fl. 131. Top, Bot. Suff. W. Galp. 66. Prickly shrub, with faint perfume ; in hedges and bushy places. July, August. 1 . Honington ; Timworth and Troston : Market Wes- ton, Gray : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Naylandll; Hartest: Polstead, Gray. Wiston, E.F.L. 3. Hopton 1 1 ; Benacre||; Worlingham : St. Mar- .garets, (E.A.H) Galp.: Wrentham, M.L.H. 4. Badingham, T.W.G. 5. Shrubland. Earliest notice 1855. T. W. Gissing. 9. R. canina, Linn. Dog Rose. Bab. Man. 128. Hook. St. Fl. 132. H. & S. 27. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E.andW. Prickly shrub ; very common in hedges and thickets. June, July. Very frequent in all the districts. Form R. lutetiana, Leman. Normal R. canina, Woods. 144 1. Honington||j Fakenham 1 1 : Thetford||; Coney Weston ; Badwell Ash and Haughley 1 1 : Bamingham and Market Weston, E.F.L. 2. Long Melford ; Hartest : Polstead, Gray : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Benacre ; Beccles : Wrentham, M.L.H. 4. Mellis. b. R. surculosa, Woods. 1. Honington. 2. Hitcham || ; Polstead || : Wiston, E.F.L : Haver- hill, Hb. F. 3. Beccles. 4. Mellis. c. R. spliarica, Gren. 1 . Fakenham || ; Badwell Ash || ; Livermere & Haughley. 2. Polstead, Gray : Kersey and Wiston, E.F.L. 3. Benacre : Wrentham, M.L.H. 5. Alderton. d. R. senticosa, Ach. 1. Badwell Ash. 2. Wiston ||, E.F.L. 5. Wrentham, M.L.H. e. R ditmalis, Bech st. 1. Honington || ; Hinderclay 1 1 ; Fakenham ||; Ix- worth Thorpe 1 1 ; Timworth ; Coney Weston and Badwell Ash : Bamingham and Market Weston, E.F.L. : Stow- langtoft, Hb. Rh. 2. Long Melford ; Hartest and Polstead : Nayland, <7rai/; Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Wrentham, M.L.H. 4. Eedgrave Fen || ; Burgate and Mellis. 5. Clay don. /. R. biserrata, Merat. 1. Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 . g. R. urbica, Leman. 1 . Honington 1 1 ; Ixworth Thorpe and Badwell Ash : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. ; Bamingham and Market Weston, E.F.L. 2. Long Melford ; Hartest : Polstead 1 1, Gray : Ker- sey, E.F.L. : Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Wrentham, M.L.H. 4. Burgate. 145 5. Needham Market. h. R.frondosa, Steven. 1. Ixworth Thorpe 1 1. 2. Polstead and Wiston, Gray. 3. Henstead 1 1 : Wrentham, M.L.H. 4. ' Burgate. i. E. arvatica, Baker. 1. Badwell Ash II and Ixworth Thorpe II ; Market Weston, E.F.L. 2. Nayland, Gray ; Wixoe. 3. Wrentham, M.L.H. 4. Mellis. j. R. dumetorum, Thuill. 1. Coney Weston ||. 2. Wiston ||, E.F.L. k. R. obtusifolia, Desv. 4. Burgate ||. n. R. tomentella, Leman. 1. Hinderclay || : Barningham and Market Weston, E.F.L. 2. Polstead || and Wiston, Gray : Nayland, E.F.L. : Hartest. 3. A form with cohering styles, Wrentham, M.L.H. 0. R. andegavensis, Bast. 2. Wiston. 3. Benacre||. p. R. verticillacantha, Merat. 2. Nayland || and Wiston II, Gray. 3. Wrentham, M.L.H. u. R. decipiens, Dumort. 1. Honington. 2.- Wiston II, E.F.L. 3. Wrentham, M.L.H. w. R. subcristata, Baker. 1. Ixworth Thorpe 1 1. 2. Polstead, Gray. */. R. marginata, Wallr. .1. Market Weston, E.F.L. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 146 R. Stylosa, Desv. Long -sty led Rose* Hook. St. Fl. 135. Lond. Cat. 515. Tallisli prickly shrub ; in hedges ; not frequent. June, July. 1. Langham||. b. R. systyla, Bast. 1. Fakenham Wood : Cavenham, Sk. ms. 2. Cockfield, Sk. ms. c. R. leucochroa, Desv. 2. Polstead 1 1 , Gray. First notice 1862 ? E. Skepper. 11. !R. arvensis, Huds. Field Rose. Bab. Man. 129. Hook. St. Fl. 134. H. & S. 27. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 66. Trailing prickly shrub ; frequent in thickets and hedges. June, July. Distributed through all the districts. Proliferous mon- strosity from Hitcham in Hb. Hens. c. R. bibracteata, Bast. 1. Honington 1 1 ; Fakenham and Wetherden : Mar-- ket Weston, E.F.L. 2. Thurlow, Hb. F. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Crataegus. 1. C. Oxyacantlia, Linn. Hawthorn. White Thorn. Bab. Man. 130. Hook. St. Fl. 137. H. & S. 28. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 67. Small spinous tree ; in hedges, where it usually is planted ; on commons and in thickets, where it occasionally is 25 feet high. May. Common in all the districts. a. C. oxyacanthoules, Thuill. 1. Fakenham || ; Euston ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Stan ton ; Hinderclay ; Eisby ; Thetford ; Barton Mills and Mildenhall: Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Tuddenham, E. Sk. : Bury, Hb. Ly. 147 2. Stoke-by-Nayland : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : ^Cock- field, W. J. 3. Gorleston. 4. Mellis. 5 . Stutton and Walton : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Grun- disburgh, T.H. : Hemingstone, T.B. b. 0. monogyna, Jacq. (The more common form.) 1. Fakenham||; Honington ; Ixworth Thorpe and Elveden : Stowlangtoft H b. Ek. : -Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Bury, Hb. Wils. dHb. Ly. 2. Wiston ; Nayland and Stoke. 4. Dunwich and Burgate ; Mellis. 5. Shrubland. A form of this with clawed petals occurs at Wiston [ | . Earliest notice .1773. {Sir J. Cullum. Pyrus. 1. P. COmmimis, Linn. Wild Pear. Bab. Man. 130. Hook. St. Fl. 135. H. & S. 27. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff, E. and W. Galp. 66. Deciduous tree ; in hedges and woods ; not frequent. April, May. ' In the hedge on the right as you go straight from Nowton-lane into the Turnpike-road,' Sir J. Cullum : 'Bungay, H . & S.' a. P. Pyraster, Bor. Bab. Man. 130. Hook. St. FL 135. 1. Troston || ; Knettishall : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. b. P. AchraSj Bor. Bab. Man. 130. Hook. St. Fl. 135. 1 . Honington 1 1 ; Fakenham 1 1 and Knettishall : Pa- kenham, Hb. Cas. 4. Sibton Abbey. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. P. Malus, Linn. Crab Apple. Bab. Man. 130. Hook. St. Fl. 136. H.&S. 27. Hist.fYarm Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 66. Deciduous tree ; frequent in woods and hedges. May. Occurs in all the districts. 148 a. P. acerba, DC. Bab. Man. 130. Hook. St. Fl. 136. 1. Troston||; Honington ; Tuddenham and Milden- hall : Pakenham, HI. Cas. : Woolpit, HI. Rk. : One- house : Market Weston, E.F.L. : Nowton, HI. Wils. 2. Clare ; Polstead and Stoke-by-Nayland. 8. Gorleston and Benacre. 4. Redgrave : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Stutton; Hollesley. b. P.mitis, Wallr. Bab. Man. 130. Hook. St. Fl. 136. 1. Troston 1 1 ; Honington ; Onehouse and Tuddenliam : Walsham, H b. Dun. :^ Woolpit, Hb. Rk. : Fornham, HI. Ly. 2. Clare : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb.F.. 3. Gorleston and Benacre. 4. Redgrave and Sibton : Friston, Hele. 5. Shrubland Park ; Alderton. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. P. Aucuparia, Gcert. Rowan Tree, Mountain Ash*. Bab. Man. 131. Hook. St. Fl. 136,7. H. & S. 28. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff . E. and W. Deciduous tree ; in hilly woods ; frequently planted. May, June*. 1. Honington 1 1 ; Livermere and Barton, cultivated. 2. Polstead: Rede, HI. Turn. 3. Fritton : Lound Wood, Payet: near Benacre Broad, Sk. ms. : Herringfleet, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. 5. Gt. Bealings, Moor : Tunstall, E.N.B. : Dodnash Wood, 1.8. Soc. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 6. P. Aria, 8m. White Beam Tree* Bab. Man. 131. Hook. St. Fl. 136. H.&S. 27. Cyb. Br. Supp.? Small deciduous tree ; on chalky soil ; not frequent. May- 1. Hardwick Heath (planted), Hb. 8k. 2. Hitcham, Hb.Hens. 3. Near Bungay, Woodward. 4. Oakley, Collins*. Earliest record 1805. Woodward. 149 9. 3?. torminalis, Sm. Wild Service Tree* Bab. Man. 131. Hook. St. Fl. 136. H. & S. 28. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small deciduous tree ; not frequent ; in woods and hedges. April, May. Sp. from H b. Sir T. G. Cullum, without locality, in HI. Sk. 3. About Bungay, H. & S. 4. Darsham, Ms. Davy. 5. Helmingham, Ms. Davy* Earliest notice 1805. Davy. LYTHRACE/E. Lythrum, Linn. 1. L. Salicaria, Linn. Purple Loosestrife. Bab. Man. 132. Hook. St. Fl. 154. H. & S. 29. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 69. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks of rivers and ditches. Frequent in all the districts. July, August. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. L. Hyssopifblia, Linn. Hyssop-leaved Loosestrife. Bab. Man. 132. Hook. St. Fl. 154. H. & S. 29. Cyb. Br. Supp. ? Hist. Bury. Annual, usually procumbent ; in places where water has stagnated ; very rare. July to September. 1. East of Barton Mere, H bb. Sk., Cas. 6 Rk. ; Sir T.G. Cullum. Earliest notice 1776. Sir T. G. Cullum. Pep I is, Linn. 1. P. Portula, Linn. Water Purslane. Bab. Man. 132. Hook. St. Fl. 155. H.&S.29. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 69. Small annual ; on the edge of pools and streams. July to August. 1. Troston 1 1 , H b. Cas. : Thetford : Icklingham, Sir J. Cullum : Tuddenham Heath, H. d S. 3. Bungay, H. d- S. : North Denes, near the Light- house, Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : near Oulton Broad, McAub. 150 4. Burgate, C. J. Ashfteld : Walberswick, Holmes : Snape, H. & S. 5. Ipswich Marshes, Miller. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. TAMARISCACEXE. Tarn an ix, Linn. : *1. T. gallica, Linn. T. anglica, Webb. Common Tamarisk. Bab. Man. 133. Hook. St. Fl. 70. H. & S. 15. Hist. Bury. Sea-side shrub ; introduced. July. 3. Lowestoft ; Kessingland and South wold. 4. Sizewell, old shrub. 5. Aldeburgh ; Woodbridge ; Ipswich and Walton. All the foregoing are of recent introduction. At Landguard Fort and Stutton||, the shrubs are large and of considerable age ; the former were planted by General Singleton. Earliest record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. O NAG RACEME. Epilobium, Linn. *1. E. angUStifolium, Linn. Bosebay. Bab. Man. 133,4. Hook. St. Fl. 156. Showy herbaceous perennial ; in shady places. July. 1. Mildenhall, on a wall || ; Culford, on the roof of an 'Outhouse, casuals ; Troston Heath, where it has been planted, 3. Helton. 4. Wortham, Collins. 5. Gosbeck, T. B. : Felixstowe, H.M.8. Only recent records. 3. E. hirsutum, Linn. Great Willow Herb. Bab. Man. 134. Hook. St. PI. 156. H. & S. 28. Hist. Fram. .Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 69. Showy herbaceous perennial ; by ditches and streams. Very frequent in all the districts. July, August. First record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 151 4. E. parvifloram , Schreb. Small-flowered Willow Herb. Bab. Man. 134. Hook. St. Kl. 156. H. & 8. 28. Hist. Franu Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 69. Herbaceous perejmial ; in ditclies and fens. July, Aug.. Frequent in all the districts. Form b. E. rivulare, Wahl. 1. Haugliley ; Thetford Warren. 2. Melford || ; Nayland. 3. Beccles. 4. Kedgrave Fen: Mendham, H.B.C. Form c. E. intermedium, Herat. 3. Beccles. 4. Kedgrave Fen ||. Earliest known record 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 5. E. montanuni, Linn. Broad Willow Herb* Bab. Man. 134. Hook. St. Fl. 15S. H. & S.28. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 69. Herbaceous perennial ; on dry banks. June, July.. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest known record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 8. E. tetragOHTim, Linn. E. adnatum, Griset- Square Willow Herb. Bab. Man. 135. Hook. t. Kl. 157. H. & S. 28. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in damp places. July, August^ 1. Troston ; Haugliley : Stowlangtoft Hb. 'Ilk.: Tud- denham, Hb. Wils. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Acton : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Kessingland : near Bungay, Woodward in With. 4. Dunwich 1 1 : Palgrave, Collins. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 9. E. obscurum, Schreb. Obscure Willow Herb. Bab Man. 135. Hook. St. Fl. 157. (H. & S. 28. Top. Bot. Sufi, in E. tetragonum.} Galp. 127. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet places. July, August. 1. Fakenham; Ixworth Thorpe ; Troston; Livermere; Barton Mills ; Mildenhall : Pakenham Fen, Hb. Cas. & Sk.- Lakenheath, G. C. Druce, Rec. Club, 1883. ; 3. Hopton||; Bungay; Lound; Kessingland; Beccles* 152 4. Stuston ; Dunwich : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. Earliest notice 1833 ? Mrs. Casborne. 10. E. palustre, Linn. Marsh Willow Herb. Bab. Man. 135. Hook. St. Fl. 157. H.&S. 28. Hist. Frarn. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Herbaceous perennial ; in fens and marshes. July, August. In all the districts ; not infrequent. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. CEnothera, Linn. *1. CB. biennis, Linn. Biennial Evening Primrose^ Bab. Man. 136. Hook. St. Fl. 159. H. & S. 28,29. Galp. 69. Biennial herb ; not indigenous ; tolerably frequent. July to September. 1. Honington, a stray ||: Barton, Hb.Blk.: be- tween Moulton and Kentford, Miss Bullender. 2. Oockfield, C.B. : Sudbury, Fulcher. 3. On the sandy cliff at Kirkley, H. <& S. : Oulton, McAub. : Kailway-banks at Homersfield, Galp. 5. Near Brightwell Chapel, Moor-. Sutton, Rev. G.R. Leathes in Hb. Rk. : Woodbridge, Sir J. E. Smith : Felix- stowe, Hb. Ly. Earliest notice 1824. Sir J. E. Smith. Circaea, Linn. 1. C. lutetiana, Linn. Enchanter's Nightshade. Bab. Man. 137. Hook. St. Fl. 159. H. & S. 29. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot, SuflE. E. and W. Galp. 69. Herbaceous perennial ; in shady places. June to Aug. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. HALORAGACE>. Myriophyllum, Linn. M. verticillatum, Linn. Whorled Water Milfoil* 153 Bab. Man. 137. Hook. St. Fl. 152. H. & 8. 29. Hist. Yarnu Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 68. Aquatic perennial ; frequent in ditches, July, August.. ' 1. Ixworth Thorpe Carr || ; Barton Mills: Bury, H b~ 8k. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Cockfield, C.B. : Melford : Hitcham, Prof. Hens, r The Stour at Gt. Bradley, Ray. 3. Kessingland ; Carlton Colville ; St. Olave's Bridge r Somerleyton, Sk. ms. : Gorleston and Belton, Paget. : Bradwell, Wi E. and W. 154 Aquatic perennial ; in lakes and pools. May & June. 1. Market Weston Fen||; Livermere -and Ampton Lakes 1 1 . As no authorities are given in Top. Bot. Suff. ; it is doubtful whether the existence of this plant in Suffolk was ascertained before 1876. Hind. Hippuris, Linn. 1. H. vulgaris, Linn. Mare's tail. Bab. Man. 138. Hook. St. Fl. 151. H. & S. 29. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 68. Aquatic perennial ; in streams and ponds ; frequent. June, July. 1. Thelnetham || ; Knettishall ; Euston ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Bardwell ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Lackford ; Barton Mills ; Lakenheath ; Tuddenham : Mildenhall, H b. Blk. \ Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Culford, Gray.: Norton, J. Rasori Fornham St. Genevieve, H. & 8.: Linkwood, Barton; Ixworth and Santon Downham, E. Sk. 2. Nayland : Cockfield and Clare, W. J. : Melford Hall Mill, H. d- S. 3. Bungay ; Beccles ; Kessingland and Benacre : - Herringfleet, Trimmer : Somerleyton, H. & S. 4. Wortham and Oakley : Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. Claydon : Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Hemingstone, T.B. : Needham Market, E. Clowes : Ipswich, W.L.N. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. CUCURBITACE>. ' Bryonia, Linn. 1. !B. dioica, Linn. Dioecious Red Bryony* Bab. Man. 138. Hook. St. Fl. 160. H. & S. 30. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 70. Herbaceous perennial ; in hedges and thickets. May to September. 1. Cavenham; Tuddenham; Barton Mills ; Milden- hall ; Lakenheath ; Brandon ; Elveden ; Risby ; Troston ; Ixworth ; Bardwell ; Honington ; Fakenham 1 1 ; Market 155 "Western ; Thelnetham ; Wattisfield ; Onehouse and Buryr Barton, Hb. Blk. : Pakenham and Stowlangtoft, Hb. Cas.t. Walsham, Hb. Dun. 2. Long Melford ; Polstead and Stoke-by-Nayland : Cockfield, W.J. : Hitcham, Hb. Hem. : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Beccles; BungayandMettingham: Flixton,H..E>.(7. 4. Stuston; Eye; Dunwich and Westleton : Wortham Green, E. J. Ashfield : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Framling- liam, Crabbe. 5. Orford; Sutton ; Walton; Woolverstone ; Shelly and Stutton. : Coddenham, F. Fox : Hemingstone, T.B. : - Needham Market, E. Clowes : Ipswich, Ips. Port/. :-^ Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. PORTULACE/E. Montia, Linn. 1. M. fontana, Linn. Water Blinks^ Bab. Man. 139. Hook. St. Fl. 69. H. & S. 30. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small annual ; in wet or gravelly places. April to Aug.. a. M. minor, Gmel. Bab. Man. 139. Hook. St. Fl. 6. 1. Sapiston Gravel-pit 1 1 ; Hopton; Fakenham; Tros- ton ; Barnham Heath ; Honington ; Tuddenham Heath | [ ; : Woolpit, Hb. F. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Cavenham, E.N.B. 2. Cockfield Green, Sk. ms. 3. Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : St. Olave's Bridge, Trimmer* 4. Snape, E.N.B. 5. Felixstowe, Hb. Blk. b. M. rivularis, Gmel. Bab. Man. 139. Hook. St. Fl. 69. 1. Edge of ditch at Barnham. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. Clayton! a, Linn. *1. C. perfoliata, Donn. Perfoliate Claytonia* 156 Bab. Man. 139. Hook. St. Fl. 70. Annual, not indigenous, but rapidly establishing itself, especially where it is not kept down. April to June. 1. Honington || ; Fornham All Saints : Stowmarket, F. Fox : Coombs near Finborough, Miss Pettiward, C.B. : Thurston, J. Rasor : Bougham, Sk. ms. 3. Gorleston, Hb. Sk. & H. G. Glasspoole, Phyt. & in Hb. Geld. Earliest notice 1859. H. G. Glasspoole. PARONYCHIACE>. Herniaria, Linn. 1. H. glabra, Linn. Common Rupture Wort. Bab. Man. 140. Hook. St. Fl. 334. H. & S. 30. Hist. Bury. 'Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. A small annual or biennial ; on gravelly soil ; rare. July. 1. ' Near the eighth milestone between Bury and New- market, on the right hand side of the road leading from Bury,' Rev. R. Relhan : * Heath between Bury and Newmarket, about five miles from Bury on the right hand,' Crabbe : * Fallow fields north of, and field east of chalk-bank, Eisby Heath ; also Cavenham and Icklingham, A.B. : ' Fallows near Barrow Bottom,' Sir T. G. Cullum : Tuddenham, IF. J. : ' Higham Green in several places,' Sk. ms. 3. Henham, Davy. Likely a mistake for Denham in district 1. Earliest notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. CRASSULACEvC. Tillaea, Linn. 1. T. HlUSCOSa, Linn. Mossy Tillaa. Bab. Man. 141. Hook. St. Fl. 145,6. H. & S. 31. Hist. Yarm IHist. Bury. Top. Bot. SufiE. B. and W. Galp. 67. A tiny annual ; on sandy heaths. June, July. 1 . 'I gathered it near Woolpit ; it is not uncommon on sandy heaths ; I wonder therefore it is not in Hudson. Mr. Bryant, of Norwich, told me what the plant was ; all the specimens I found were out of flower.' Sir J. Cullum: Thetford Warren 1 1 : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : West Stow, 157 Hb. Blk. Lackford and Culford, Dill Ray in Rort. Ox. : Icklingham and Cavenham, Sir T. G. Cullum : ' Mildenhall and between Barton and Ixworth,' Sir C.J.F.B. : Brandon, Sir. J. E. Smith Barnham, W.J. : Fornham All Saints and Santon Downham, E. Sk. 3. Lowestoft || : about Bungay, Woodward : Herring- fleet, Trimmer : Lound Heath, Paget : Holton, H. & S. Gorleston and Belton, Wigg : Gorton, Phyt, 1862. 4. Westleton and Dunwich Heaths, and gravel walks at Hoxne, Ms. Davy : Snape, E.N.B. 5. ' Tuesday, 15th "June, 1773. I found this near Wood- bridge,' SirJ. Cullum : Haslewood Common and Aldeburgh, Crabbe : Foxhall, Trimmer : Nacton, Sir T. G. Cullum : Blaxhall, E.N.B. Earliest notice 1773. Sir. J. Cullum. Sedum, Linn. 2. S. Telephmm, Linn. S. purpurascens, Koch. Orpine Livelong. Bab. Man.142. Hook. St. Fl. 147. H.&S.31. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Hist. Wher. Galp. 68. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Succulent perennial ; on hedge banks and thickets. June, July. 1. Bardwell ; Wetherden : Pakenham, Hb.Cas.: Welnetham, Hb. Sk. : Hawstead, "Sir J. Cullum : Woolpit, J. Rasor: Nowton and Rougham, Sir. T. G. Cullum. 2. Gt. Waldingfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Polstead, Sk. ms. 3. Fritton 1 1 ; Bradwell : Beccles : Henham W.J. : Barnby ; Gorton ; Flixton, E. Sk. : South Cove, Ms. Davy. : Bungay, Stock : Oulton, McAub : Homersfield, Galp : Barsham, E. E. Leach. 4. Wenhaston, W.J. : Framlingham, Crabbe : Wey- bread, Galp : Hoxne Abbey, E. S. Marshall. 5. Wherstead, Haward: Raydon, Miller. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. S. Fabaria, Koch. Purple Orpine. Bab. Man. 142. Hook. St. Fl. 147. Succulent perennial ; on rocks and in thickets. 158 August, September. 1. Cross Wood, Wattisfield ||. Found by Dr. Bird, September 17th, 1885. 3. Oulton, McAub. 4. Weybread, H.B.C. Likely the same as ' Sedum Telephium purpureum,. 7th August, 1773,' Sir J. Cullum. 5. S. album, Linn. White Stonecrop. Bab. Man. 142. Hook. St. Fl. 147. H. & S. 31 . Fl. Britt. Succulent perennial ; on old walls ; (native on lime- stone rocks). July, August.. 1. Bury 1 1 ; Southgate Street, Bury, C.B. & Hb. Sk. : Tuddenham, Rev. F. Tearle. Without locality, Sir J. E. Smith. Earliest record 1800. Sir J. E. Smith. 6. S. dasypliyllum, Linn. Thick-leaved Stonecrop. Bab. Man. 142. Hook. St. Fl. 148. H. & S. 31. Succulent perennial ; on old walls and roofs ; rare. June, July. 1. Rickinghall Inferior 1 1 ; Troston Hall, on garden walls || : The Abbey walls, Bury, Hbb. Gas., Bk., & Sk. : Drinkstone, J. Easor. Earliest notice 1837. Mrs. Casborne. 7 S. angliCTlHL, Huds. English Stonecrop* Bab. Man. 142. Hook. St. Fl. 147,8. H. & S. 31. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. B. Succulent annual ; native on rocks and sea-coast. July, August. 3. Lowestoft 1 1 ; Benacre : Hopton, Phyt. 1862 : South wold, Hb. Dun. : between Yarmouth and Dunwich, Dill. Ray. 4. Dunwich, F. Spalding. 5. Felixstowe and Aldeburgh : Bawdsey Ferry, W.L.N. Earliest notice 1724. Dillenius. 8. S. acre, Linn. Wallpepper. Biting Stonecrop. Bab. Man. 143. Hook. St. Fl. 148. H. & S. 31. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 68. Succulent perennial ; common on sandy soil, roofs and walls. June, July. 159 Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 9. S. reflexum, Linn. Eeflexed Stonecrop. Bab. Man. 143. Hook. St. Fl. 149. H. & S. 31. Hist. Fram. Galp. 127. Succulent perennial ; on chalk and old walls. July, August. 1. Vine Fields, Bury ||, Hb. 8k. : Eriswell, E. Sk. 3. Bungay, H. & S. : Covehithe Church, Hb. 8k. 4. Walberswick, Hb. Dun. : Framlingham, Crabbe : Stratford St. Andrews, E.N.B. 5. Bergholt, H. & 8. b. S. albescens, Haw. Bab. Man. 143. Hook. St. Fl. 149- 1. Mildenhall 1 1 , Sir J. E. Smith, <& H bb. Blk. & Sk. : Rail way -cutting, Bury. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Sempervivum, Linn. 1. S. tectonim, Linn. Common Houseleek. Bab. Man. 143. Hook. St. Fl. 149. H. & S. 31. Hist. Fram. Galp. 68. Succulent perennial ; on roofs, generally introduced. July. 1. Bury; Fornham All Saints ; Honington ; Troston ; Thurston and Elmswell : Barton, H b. Blk. : Walsham, Hb.Dun.: Woolpit, F.: Icklingham and Thetford : Bradfield, Hb. Ly. 2. Nayland : Cockfield, W.J. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 4. Botesdale : Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. Earliest notice 1779. Sir J. Cullum. Cotyledon, Linn. [1. C. Umbilicus, Linn. Common Navelwort. Bab. Man. 144. Hook. St. Fl. 146, Succulent perennial ; on rocks and walls. June to Aug. 1. Honington, introduced accidentally with soil. 2. Bildeston, F. Fox : likely a casual. 4. Thorpe, Hb. Hele : likely a casual.] 160 RIBESEACE/E. Ribes, Linn. tl. IR. GroSSTllaria, Linn. Gooseberry. Bab. Man. 144. Hook. St. Fl. 144. H.&S. 32. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 67. Thorny shrub ; in thickets. 1. Fakenham || ; Euston ; Honington ; Bardwell and Wattisfield : Beyton, Hb. Wils. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. >. Horringer, Hb.Ly. 2. Cockfield, W.J. : Hitcham, Prof. H. : Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Benacre : Homersfield, H.B.C. : Flixton, Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Stutton and Shrubland : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Bosmere, Hb. Jeffes. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. H. nigrum, Linn. Black Currant. Bab. Man. 144. Hook. St. Fl. 145. H. & S. 32. Hist. -Yarm. Galp. 67. Shrub ; usually in moist places. April, May. 1. Sapiston 1 1 ; Troston : Santon Downham ; Caven- ham ; Mildenhall : Pakenham, C. Eose in Hb. Wils. : Co- ney Weston, Sk. ms. 3. Near Flixton Village, Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. :-Weybread, H.B.C. Earliest notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 4. R. rubrum, Linn. Red Currant. Bab. Man. 144,5. Hook. St. Fl. 144. H.&S.32. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 67. Shrub ; not infrequent in woods. April, May. 1. Fakenham 1 1 ; Ixworth Thorpe |j ; Hinderclay : Pakenham, C. Rose in Hb. Wils. : Cavenham Severals ; Ick- lingham and Santon Downham, E. Sk. : East of Hawstead, E. 8. Marshall. 2. Polstead and Wiston : Cockfield, W.J. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Fritton Decoy, E. Sk. : Homersfield, H.B.C. 4. Burgate and Mellis : Badingham, T.W.G. : Wey- 161 bread Beck, Galp. 5. Shrubland : Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Bosmere, Jeffes. Earliest notice 1774. Sir J. Cullum. SAXIFRAGACE>E. Saxifraga, Linn. 12. S. tridactylites, Linn. Rue-leaved Saxifrage* Bab. Man. 148. Hook. St. Fl. 141. H. & S. 32. Hist. Yarm.. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Buff. E. and W. Galp. 67. Small annual ; on sandy heaths and old walls. April to June. 1. Thetford 1 1 ; Brandon; Barnham Heath ; Faken- liam ; Fornham All Saints ; Ixworth : Bury, Hb.Blk. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Culford, Gray : Eisby and Tudden- ham, W.J. : Santon Downham, Norgate. 2. Nayland 1 1 ; Stoke and Clare : Hitcham, Prof* Hens. : Lavenham, W.J. : Thurlow, Hb. F. : Lidgate,. liev. F. Tearle. 3. Burgh Castle Walls, Paget : Hobland, Bradwell,, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Mendham, H.B.C. 5. Felixstowe|| : Wherstead,jEterd: St. Matthew's,. Ipswich, I.S. Soc. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 13. S- granulata, Linn. Meadow Saxifrage* Bab. Man. 148. Hook. St. Fl. 141. H. & S. 32. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 67. Herbaceous perennial, with small tubers at the root. May. 1. Honington 1 1 ; Fakenham ; Sapiston ; Euston ;, Barnham and Brandon: Barton, Hb.Blk.: Bury, Hb. Wils. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Thurston, Hb. Cos. : Wai- sham, Hb. Dun. : Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Woolpit, Rk.?. Sicklesmere, W.J. : Mildenhall, Townsend : Tostock,. Mrs. Terry. 2. Cockfield Long-bog, W.J. : Sudbury, Fulcher : Melford, J.F.W. 162 3. Lowestoft, E. 8k. : Homersfield, G-alp : Bradwell, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Lit. Glemham, E.N.B. : Metfield, H. &. S. : Stuston, Collins: Hoxne, G-alp. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Ips- wich, W.L.N. : Needham Market, E. Clowes: Wherstead, Haward : Tuddenham St. Martin, E.N.B. : Sproughton, I.S. Soc. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Chrysoplenium, Linn. 1. C. alternifoliuro., Linn. Alternate-leaved Golden Saxifrage. Bab. Man. 149. Hook. St. Fl. 142,3. H. & S. 32,33. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Galp. 67. Small herbaceous perennial ; on shady banks of streams. April. 2. Nayland 1 1 , Gray : Sudbury, J.S.H. 3. Bungay, Stock : Mettingham and Shipmeadow, H. & S.& R. E. Leach : Flixton, Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham ||, E.N.B. : Weybread, near Need- liam Water-mill, Jas. Turner. 5. Greeting, H b. Jeffes : Freston Wood, W.L.N. : near Woodbridge, Hb. Sk. : Brightwell, H. S 8. : Wher- fitead, Haward. Earliest notice 1805. James Turner. 2. C. oppositifolilim, Linn. Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage. Bab. Man. 149. Hook. St. Fl. 143. H. & S. 32. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Small herbaceous perennial ; near streams. April. 1. Stowmarket, Sk. ms. 2. Nayland 1 1 ; Polstead 1 1 : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Shipmeadow, Hb. Sk. : Mettingham, H. & S. 4. Syleham, Ms. Davy. 5. Woolverstone : Freston Wood & IpswichJF.L.^V. : Brightwell, H. & S. : Wherstead, Haward : Ufford, Ms. 2)avy : Dodnash Wood, I.S. Soc. : Martlesham, Hb. Ly. Earliest notice 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 163 Parnassia, Linn. 1. P. palustris, Linn. Grass of Parnassus* Bab. Man. 149. Hook. St. Fl. 143. H.&S.33. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E and W. Jlerbaceous perennial ; in damp and marshy soil. August to October,, 1 . Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 ; Coney and Market Weston ; Thelnetham and Lakenheath : Pakenham, Herb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Tuddenham Bog, Hb. Sk. : West Stow, Hb. F. : Eriswell and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hesset and Drinkstone, Ger. 2. Cornard Mere, J.S.H. : Sudbury, Fulcher : Long Melford, J.F.W. 3. Gorleston, Pa-get : North Cove, Holmes : Oulton, McAub. : Benacre, F. SpaUing : Barnby ; Herringfleet and Somerleyton, E. Sk. 4. Redgrave, H b. Dun.: Hazlewood and Thorpe, Helei Benhall, E.N.B. : Edge of Westleton Moor, F. Spalding*. 5. Aldeburgh, T.B. : Chillesford, H. & S. Earliest notice 1597. Gerarde. UMBELLIFER/E. Hydrocotyle, Linn. 1. H. vulgaris, Linn. Whiter ot, Marsh Pennywort*. Bab. Man . 155. Hook. St. Fl. 165. H. & S. 33. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Buff. E. and W. Galp. 70. Creeping herbaceous perennial : frequent in swamps. May to August*. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Sanicula, Linn. 1. S. europaea, Linn. Wood Sanicle* Bab. Man. 155. Hook. St. Fl. 166. H.&S.33. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 70. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in woods. June, July- Widely distributed in Suffolk. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 164 Eryngium. Linn. 1. E. maritimum, Linn. Sea Holly. Bab. Man. 156. Hook. St. Fl. 165. H. & S. 33. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. B. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent on sea sands. July, August. 8. Lowestoft, Dr. Trimen : Kessingland ; Benacre and Covehithe : Southwold, Hb. Rk. 4. Dunwich, Hb. Sk. : Thorpe, E.N.B. : SizewelL W.J. 5. Felixstowe : Landguard Fort, Ger\ Bawdsey, W.L.N. : Ramsholt, Sir J. Cullum: Orford, F. Spaldin'/i Aldeburgh \\,Hb. Cas. Earliest record 1597. Gerarde. 2. E. campestre, Linn. Field Erynyo. Bab. Man. 156 . Hook. St. Fl. 165,6. H. & S. 33, Top. Bot. Stiff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; very rare. July, August. 3. 'I found it on y e coast of Suffolk, in y e isle of Lovingland (Lothingland), but very sparingly,' Hb. BudcL J. of B., xrx, 55. 4. Formerly at the foot of the clay cliffs at Dunwich, 1855-56, now lost through the wasting of the cliffs, E.N.B. Earliest record 1697. Buddie. CiCUta, Linn. 1. C. virosa, Linn. Cowbane. Water' Hemlock. Bab. Man. 156. Hook. St. Fl. 172. H. & S. 34. Hist. Bury. /Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; by rivers and streams ; rare. July, August. 1. Near Temple Bridge, Cavenham, Sir T. G. Cullum: Lakenheath and Brandon, E. Sk. : Tuddenham, Rev. Jlcmsted. 2. River at Wixoe, F. : Kersey Mill, U.S. 3. ' Lovingland ' ie Lothingland, Kay : In Waveney ;at Beccles, Mr. Crowe,' Hb. Budd. & Dill. Ray in Hart. Ox. : . ' Banks of the Waveney between Beccles and St. Olave's ; Oulton Broad ; Oulton Dyke,' Woodward . Bradwell, Wigg : * side of Fritton Broad,' D. Turner: Mutford Bridge 1 1, Rev. 165 (jr. R. Leathes in Hb. Blk. : between Burgh and Belton, Phyt. 1862. : Herringfleet, Trimmer. 5. In the Gipping, near Ipswich, W.L.N. Earliest record 1696. Ray. Apium, Linn. 1. A. graveolens, Linn. Celery, Smallage. Bab. Man. 156. Hook. St. Fl. 169. H. & S. 34. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Galp. 127. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in marshes and ditches. Mr. C. H. Watson unaccountably omits this plant from West Suffolk in Top. Bot., and N.B.G. June to August. 1 . Sapiston ; Barningham ; Hopton ; West Stow ; Barton Mills: on the river bank, Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B.: Pakenham, Hb. Cas.\ Nowton, Hb. Wils. : Stowlang- toft, Hb. Ek. : Bury, Sir J. Cullum : Tuddenham, E. Sk. : Fornham, Hb. Sk. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Burgh Castle and St Olave's : Bungay, Stock : Breydon Broad, Phyt. 1862: Lowestoft, E. Sk. 4. Blythburgh : Framlingham, Or abbe : Snape, E.N.B. : Badingham, T.W.G. : Yaxley || and Mellis. 5. Ipswich ; Wherstead ; Sutton ; Orford ; Bawdsey ; Stutton and Aldeburgh : Barham, T.B. : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Catawade, E.F.L. : Orford, E.N.B. : Melton, F. Spalding: Felixstowe, IV. J. : Wherstead,#tf?mrd: Wood- bridge, Hb. Ly. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. A. nodiflorum, Eeichb. Procumbent Smallage. Bab. Man. 156,7. Hook. St. Fl. 170. H. & S. 34. Hisc. Fram. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 70. Herbaceous perennial ; in streams and ditches. July, August. Frequent in all the districts. b. A. repens, Reichb. Bab. Man. 157. Hook. St. Fl. 170. 1. Wangford || ; Cavenham ; Thetford ; Barnham and 'Troston. 3. Lowestoft, Hb. Blk. : Bradwell, Paget : Bungay, Stock : Herringfleet, exHb. G. Cooper in Hb. Geld. 166 4. Kedgrave : Benhall Green, E.N.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir. J. Cullum. 3. A. inundatum, Reichb. Floating Smallage. Bab. Man. 157. Hook. St. Fl. 170. H. & S. 34. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 71. Top. Hot. Suff. E. and W. Aquatic herbaceous perennial ; in pools. June, July. 1 . Hopton 1 1 ; Thetford and near Barningham Park : Tostock, J. Rasor: Bury, Sk.ms. : Mildenhall, SirC.J.F.B.. 2. Hitcham, H b. Hens. 3. Benacre, Hb. Sk. : Bungay, Woodward. 4. Walberswick, Holmes : Wingfield, Galp. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Petroselinum, Hoffm. *1. P. sativum, Hojf'm. Carum Petroselinum, Benth. Common Parsley. Bab. Man. 157. Hook. St. Fl. 171. Hist. Yarm. Herbaceous biennial ; in general reputation and use as a garden herb ; frequently occurs as a stray. June to Aug. 1. Bury, Hb. Wils. : Culford Heath, Gray : Haug- . 3. Gorleston and Belton, Phyt. 1862. 4. Framlingham Castle, Haward. 5. Felixstowe, an escape. Earliest notice 1833. Hb. Wilson. 2. P. segetlim, Koch. Carum seyetum, Benth. Corn Parsley. Bab. Man. 157. Hook. St. Fl. 171. H. & S. 34. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Biennial herb ; on chalky soil and near the sea. August, September. 1. Westley, Hb. Sk. 3. ' Mutford and Pakefield, 1860 ; hedge-bank on right hand of footpath between Lowestoft and Mutford, about a mile from Lowestoft, 1864,' 8k. ms. 5. Ashbocking, F.C.S. Earliest notice 1860. E. Skepper. 167 SiSOn, Linn. 1. S. AmomTim, Linn. Stonewort. Bastard Stone Parsley. Bab. Man. 157. Hook. St. Fl. 172. H. &S.34. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 71. Herbaceous biennial ; edges of ditches ; prefers chalky soil. August. 1. Fakenham || ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Market Weston ; Barton Mills ; Harleston and Haughley : Denham, C.B. : Barton, Hb. Elk. \ Paken- ham, Hb. Gas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Nowton, Hb. Wils. : Barningham, E.F.L. : Bury and Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Bradfield, H. & S. 2. Nayland and Wiston : Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Kersey, E.F.L. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Henstead : Pakefield, Dr.Trimen : Gorleston, Wigg : Bungay, Stock : Lowestoft, Sk. ms. 4. Botesdale ; Cookley ; Yoxford and Peasenhall : Mellis, C. J. Ashfield : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Stutton and Felixstowe : Trimley, Trimmer: Grundisburgh, T.H. : Walton, E. 8k. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. /Egopodium, Linn. 1. .ZE. Podagraria, Linn. ' Gout-weed. Bishop-weed. Bab. Man. 157,8. Hook. St. Fl. 173. H.&S.34. Hist. Fram, Galp. 71. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Herbaceous perennial, with underground stolons. June, July. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [Ammi majus, Linn. A stray. ' Among Lucerne in a meadow adjoining Cockfield Rectory, '|| Aug. 1876, C.B. & W.J. Dr. Babington.] Car urn, Linn. [1. C. Garni, Linn. Caraway. Bab. Man. 158. Hook. St. Fl. 171. H.&S.34. Hist. Fram. 'Hist. Bury. 168 Biennial herb, in great repute for its aromatic and car- minative seeds ; likely formerly cultivated in Suffolk, as in Essex, whence escapes occasionally occurred. June. 1. Westley Bottom ||, Hb. Blk. : near Bury, Mr. Cul- lum in Withy. : Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : in a meadow East of Newmarket Eacecourse ! 4. Framlingham, Or abbe. 5. Pastures about Bergholt, H. & S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum.] 2. C. fLexilOSUrn, Fries. Conopodium denudatum, Koch.. Earth Nut. Pig Nut. Bab. Man. 158. Hook. St. Fl. 174. H. & S. 37. Hist. Fram. Hist.Wher. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 71. Herbaceous perennial, with tuberous root. May, June. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1784. Sir J. Cullum. Pimpinella, Linn 1. P. magna, Linn. P. wo/or, Huds. . Greater Burnet Saxifrage. Bab. Man. 158. Hook. St. Fl. 174. H. & S. 35. Hist.Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E.andW. Herbaceous perennial ; in shady places. July, Aug. 1. Hawstead, SirJ. Cullum & Hb. SJc. ; Woods at Saxham, Sir T. G. Cullum. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hem. : Washdall Wood, Thurlow, Hb. F. : Lidgate, Rev. F. TearU. 3. Burgh Castle j | : Pakefield, Dr. Trimen: Bungay, Stock. 4. Botesdale and Burgate ; between Burgate and Mellis. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. P. Saxifraga, Linn. Common Burnet Saxifrage. Bab. Man. 159. Hook. St. Fl. 174. H. & S. 35. Top. Bot. Suff. E.andW. Galp. 71. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in dry pastures. July to September. Distributed throughout the districts. A form of this growing on banks at Mettingham and Stanton comes very near to P. magna. Earliest record 1774. Sir J.. Cullum. 169 Sium, Linn. 1. S. latifolium, Linn. Broad-leaved Water Parsnip. Bab. Man. 159. Hook. St. Fl. 173. H.&S. 35. Hist. Fram. ' Galp. 71. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in streams and ditches. July, August. 1. West Row ; Mildenliall and Lakenlieath : Brandon, H. & S. : Norton, J. Rasor. 3. Bungay, Stock : ' in tlie larger ditches near the river at Beccles ; at Worlingham, and at No Cove, Crabbe & E. 8k. : Marshes between Yarmouth and Burgh Castle,' Wifjcj : Belton, J. T. Syme, Phyt. O.S., cxvn, 46. 4. Wortham 1 1 ; Redgrave and Stuston : near the Ferry, Walberswick, Holmes : Framlingham, Crabbe : Huntingfield, Holland : Mendham, Galp. 5. Gt. Bealings, Moor. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. ^2. S. anglistifolium, Linn. S. erectum, Huds. Harrow -leaved Water Parsnip. Bab. Man. 159. Hook. St. Fl. 178. H.&S. 35. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Galp. 71. Hist. Yarra. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in streams and ditches. Aug. Very frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Bupleurum, Linn. 1. B. tenuissinmm, Linn. Slender Hare's-ear. Bab. Man. 159. Hook. St. Fl. 168. H. & S. 35. Hist. Yarm Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual herb ; usually found in salt marshes. August, September. 3. ' Gorleston, near the pier ; and by the sides of Breydon Water,' Wigg : near Easton, J.H.G-. 4. Near the Ferry, Walberswick, Holmes. 5. Bawdsey : * By the salt ditches in Aldeburgh Mar- shes ; and plentifully near the river at Hollesley,' Crabbe : '.Orford ||, near the river bank,' E.N.B. : Catawade, E.F.L. Earliest notice 1805. Rev. G. Crabbe, &c. 170 4. B. rotundifolium, Linn. Thorough-wax., Bab. Man. 160. Hook. St. Fl. 168. H. & S. 35. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Annual herb ; in clialky corn-fields. July. 1. Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum: Fields at Saxham, Sir T. a. Outturn : Lakenheatli, H. & 8. 2. Cockfield ||, W.J. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 4. Between Marlesford Common and Little Glemham,. Freeman. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. CEnanthe, Linn. 1. CES. fistulosa, Linn. Common Water Dropwort*. Bab. Man. 160. Hook. St. Fl. 178,9. H. & S. 35. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 72. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in marshes and ditches.. July to September. 1. Troston||; Barnham ; Livermere ; Honington ; Coney and Market Weston ; Thelnetham : Mildenhall Fen, Hb. Blk. : Stowlangtoft, Hbb. Dun. & Ek-. : Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Thetford, W.J. : Bury, SirJ. Cullum : Brad- field and West Stow, E. Sk. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Nayland, Gray : Long Mel- ford, J.F.W. 3. Bungay ; Belton ; Oulton ; Kessingland; Benacre; Covehithe : St. Olave's, C.A.W. : Burgh Castle. H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. 4. Mellis : Finningham,H b. Gas.: Bendham,\ X.B.: Wortham, Collins. 5. Ashbocking, F.C.8, : Needham Market, E. Clowes : Ipswich, W.L.N.: Falkenham, Haward: near Bram- ford, I.S. Soc. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. OH. pimpinelloides, Linn. Parsley Water Dropwort. Bab. Man. 160. Hook. St. Fl. 179. H. & S. 35. Hist.Yarm f Herbaceous perennial ; in fens and marshes. June, July. 1. 'A mile west from Bury,' Dill. Piay in Hort. Ox. : Tuddenham Bog ||, Hbb. Blk.& Wils. : Lakenheatli, H.&S. 171 8. Marshes near Oulton Dyke, Hb. Sk. 4. Leiston ?, Davy. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 3. CE. Lachenalii, Gmel. Marsli Water Dropwort. Bab. Man. 160. Hook. St. Fl. 179. H. & S. 35. Hist. Yarm. as Sp 2. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in fens and marshes, especially near the sea. The authority and locality marked ? under last species, likely refer to this. August to September. 1. Thelnetham Fen : Mildenhall, H. & S. : Tudden- ham, Sk. ms. 3. Kessingland ; Easton Bavent ; Benacre and Cove- hithe: near Burgh Castle, Phyt. 1863 : Lowestoft, Hb.Sk.: (Southwold ||, Hb. Blk. as (E.silai folia, Bieb.) 4. Kedgrave Fen || ; Dunwich || : Snapeand Sizewell, H. & S. 5. Aldeburgh; Bawdsey: Catawade Marshes, H. & 8. Earliest record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 4. GE. silaifolia, Bieb.? (E.peucedanifolia, Pollich ? Sulphur wort. Water Dropwort. Bab. Man. 160,1. Hist, Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. VV. f Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes. June. 1. (E. peucedanifolia. ' In a large wet meadow near Westley Bottom, about a mile and a half from Bury,' Sir T. G. Cullum : near Bury, Matthews. Both these authori- ties likely refer to the same locality ; and not improbably point to the same station as the note from Dill. Hay, &c., under (E. pimpinelloidcs. This latter is most likely the plant in question. 8. A plant in Hb. Blk. from Southwold, with the signa- ture L.E., marked CE. silaifolia, Bieb.? is CE. Lacenalii, Gmel. 5- CE. crocata, Linn. Hemlock Water Dropwort. Bab. Man. 161. Hook. St. Fl. 179. H. & S. 35. Top Bot. Huff. E. Large herbaceous perennial ; in marshes. July. This plant is absent from all local Herbaria examined ; it has been searched for in vain by recent Suffolk botanists : it does not occur in Cambridge, nor in North Essex. The localities here given are open to serious doubt. It is not 172 improbable that bushy plants of Celery, Apium yraveolens,, may have been mistaken for it. 1. West Stow, H. & S., on authority of Mr. Blackett.. 5. Ipswich, Ips. FL : Barham, T.B. ? ?. 6. QB. PfrellancLriuni, Lam. Horsebanc* Fine-leaved Water Dropwort. Bab. Man. 161. Hook. St. FL 179,80. H. & S. 36. Hist. Yarau. Top. Bot. Suff. K. & W. Galp. 72. Herbaceous biennial ; in ponds and ditches. July to September. 1. Barton Mere : Langham, Hb.Blk. : Stowlangtoft,, Hb. Ek. : Hawstead, Sir J. Outturn : Welnetham and Fel- sham, Sk. ms. : Onehouse and Wetherden : Shelland and Stowmarket, J.Rasor: Mildenhall and Lakenheath. 2. Wiston : Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Sk. : , Kersey, Gray : Whepstead, E. S. Marshall. 3. Gorton || ; Beccles ; St. Olave's ; Kessingland : Bungay, Stock : Burgh Castle, Paaet : Belton, Phut. 1862: Flixton ; St. Margaret's, Galp. 4. Botesdale : Framlingham, Crabbe : Huntingfield, Holland: Gt. Glemham, H.&S. : Mendlesliam, Hb. Peck. 5. Ashbocking, E.F.S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 7. CE. fluviatilis, Coleman. River Water Dropwort.^ Bab. Man. 161. Hook. St. Fl. 180. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Galp. 72. Herbaceous perennial ? ; in rivers. July to Sep. 1. In the Upper || and Lesser Ouse throughout their course : in the Lark ; Mildenhall and Lakenheath. 2. In the Stour at Wixoe, Hb. F. : Melford : What- field, E.F.L. : Sudbury, C.B. 3. Bungay ; near Beccles : Kessingland, K.N.B. : Homersfield, Galp. 4. In the Upper Waveney : in the Waveney, H.B.C. : : in the Blyth : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. In the Gipping. Earliest record 1840. Mrs. French. /Ethusa, Linn. 1. -2E. cynapium, Linn. Common Fool's Parsley*. 173 Bab. Man. 161. Hook. St. Fl. 180. H. & S. 36. Hist. Yarrn. Top. Bot. Suff. Hist. Wber. Galp. 72. Annual weed ; in gardens and fields. July, August.. Commonly distributed in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Fceniculum, Hoffm. 1. !F. officinale, All. Common Fennel^ Bab. Man. 162. Hook. St. Fl. 177. H. & S. 36. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SufE. E. Large herbaceous perennial ; on banks, usually near the sea. July, August. 1 . Ingham and Sapiston : Bury, H b. Blk. : Ampton,. Sk. ms. 2. Stoke || : Hadleigh, F. Spalding : Clare Castle,. Hb.F. 3. Burgh Castle, Gorleston and Covehithe : Bungay,. Stock : Fritton, Paget : Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. 4. Dunwich and Westleton : Wenhaston, W.J. : Yoxford, H. & 8: : Weybread, H.B.C.: Wortham, Collins. 5. Felixstowe ; Orford ; Alderton ; Ipswich and Hol- brooke : Claydon, Hb. Wils. : Woodbridge, Moor : Aide- burgh, H.&8. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. Silaus, Besser. 1. S. prat en Sis, Besser. Sulphur Wort.. Pepper Saxifrage. Bab. Man. 162. Hook. St. Fl. 180. H. & S. 36. Top. Bot Sufi 3 . E. and W. Galp. 73. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist meadows. June to Sep.. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Sapiston ; Fakenham ; Liver- mere ; Ampton ; Wetlierden and Haughley : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb. Wils. : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Tostock,. Hb. Rk. : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Barningham, E.F.L. 2. Bildeston ; Melford and Nayland : Cockfield, W.J.:: Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Rede, Hb. Turn. 8. Benacre & Mettingham: Bungay, Stock : Corton, Phyt.1862. 4. Burgate; Mellis & Westleton :- 174 Mendham, Galp. : Benliall, Mrs. Toller. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest record 1831. Mrs. Casborne. Crithmum, Linn. 1. C. maritinmm, Linn. Bock Samphire. Bab. Man. 163. Hook. St. Fl. 178. Herbaceous perennial ; usually on sea cliffs. August. 3. On sands near Southwold Pier ||, Holmes and Hist* JSouthwold. Earliest record 1839. E. Wake. Angelica, Linn. 1. A. Silvestris, Linn. Wild Angelica. Bah. Man. 163. Hook. St. Fl. 182. H. & S. 36 Hist. Fram. !Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher, Galp 73. Top. Bot Rnff. E. and W. Large herbaceous perennial ; in marshy places. July, August. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Archangel ica, Hoffm. [A. officinalis, Hoffm. Officinal Archangelica* Bab. Man. 163. Hook. St. Fl. App. 531. Herbaceous perennial ; occasionally cultivated. July to September. 1. * Far from any Water, in a gravel-pit near the end of St. Edmund's, Bury, towards Sudbury,' Merrett, 1805.] Peucedanum, Linn. 1. P. pallistre, Mcench. Hog's Fennel. Milk Parsley. Bab. Man. 163. Hook. St. Fl. 183. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes and fens. July, August. 1. Mildenhall, sparingly in fenny places, among reeds 175 and alders, especially in bogs in some of the plantations, Sir C.J.F. B. Sp. in Hb. Borrer, A.B. 3. Marshes at North Cove and Barnby, Holmes : St. Olave's, Phyt.1863: ' Worlingham Common, by the side of the ditches, but sparingly,' Crabbe : ' on Belton Common; and at Blundeston,' Wi. Lowestoft, E. Sk. : St. Mar- garet's, (E.A.H.) Galp. 4. Peasenhall : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Framling- ham, Crabbe : near Weybread, H.B.C. 5. Claydon ; Bentley and Stutton : Felixstowe, W.H. Purchas. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 3. T. nodosa, Gcsrt. Caucalis nodosa, Scop. Knotty Hedge Parsley. Bab. Man. 165,6. Hook. St. Fl. 186. H. & 8. 37. Hist. Fram. Hi&t. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top.Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual weed ; on dry banks. July. 1. Barnham || ; Honington; Ixworth Thorpe ; Bard- well ; Sapiston ; Mildenliall ; Lakenheath : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hbb. Sk. & Wih. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Ingham, Gray : Fornham and Cavenham, Sk. ms. 2. Acton and Melford : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cock- field, W.J. 3. Lcwestoft, E. Sk. : between Southtown and Burgh Castle, A.B. 4. Burgate, C.J.Aslifield: Framlingham, Crabbe: near Weybread, H.B.C. 5. Claydon ; Orford ; Bawdsey and Felixstowe : Eamsholt, Sir J. Cullum : A.ldebuYgh,-E.N.B. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Scandix, Linn. 1. S. Pecten-Veneris, Linn. Shepherd's Needle. Venus' 's Comb. 178 Bab. Man. 166. Hook. St. Fl. 175. H. & S. 36. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 71. Annual weed ; in corn and other fields. June to Sept. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Chaerophyllum Linn. 1. C. silvestre, Linn. Anthriscus silvestris, Hoffm. Wild Chervil. Bab. Man. 166. Hook. St. Fl. 176. H. & S. 37. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 72. Herbaceous perennial ; in hedges and thickets. April to June. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [C. sativum, Lam. Anthriscus Cerefolium, Hofl&n. Garden Chervil. Bab. Man. 166. Hook. St. Fl. 176. Withg. 386. Galp. 72. Annual herb ; formerly in repute as a vegetable. May, June^ 3. ' On a bank near Halesworth,' Turner & Wigg in Withg.: ' Hedgebank between Halesworth and Wissett,'|| Holmes. The plant still continues in the same locality, where it has flourished above ninety years. Earliest notice 1797. Dawson Turner.] 2. C. Anthriscus, Lam. Anthriscus vulgaris, Pers. Caucalis Anthriscus, Huds. Burr Chervil. Bab. Man. 166. Hook. St. Fl. 176. H. & S. 37. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. Galp. 72. Annual weed ; preferring a light soil ; on banks. May, June. 1. Honingtonjl; Fakenham ; Euston ; Barnham ; Thetford ; Troston ; Brandon ; Fornham All Saints : Ash- field, Hb. Dun. : Bury, Hb. Wils. : Pakenham, Hb. Cos.: Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : Higham and Cavenham, W.J. : Tuddenham, E. 8k. 2. Nayland ; Stoke and Clare : Acton Sandpit, C.B. ; Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. 179 8. Burgh Castle and Belton : Lowestoft, E.F.L. : Flixton ; St. Margaret's, Galp. 4. Dunwich and Westleton : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Palgrave, Collins. 5. Claydon ; Needliam Market and Walton : Grundis- burgh, T.H. : Ipswich, W.L.X. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1800. Sir T. G. Cullum. 3. C- temTllnm, Linn. Rough Chervil. Bab. Man. 166,7. Hook. St. Fl. 175,6. H.&S.37. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 71. Herbaceous perennial ; in hedge-banks. June, July. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Conium, Linn. 1. C. macnlatum, Linn. Hemlock. Bab. Man. 167. Hook. St. FL 167. H. & S. 37. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 70. Tall biennial herb ; in hedges and waste places. June, July* Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Smyrnium, Linn. 1. S. Olusatrum, Linn. Alexanders. Bab. Man. 167,8. Hook. St. Fl. 167,8. H. fe S. 37,8. Hist Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Galp. 70. Large biennial herb ; on waste ground, and near ruins. May, June. 1. Bardwell || ; Ixworth : Chalk-pits, Bury, C.B.: Norton, Hb. Rk. : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Thurston and Woolpit, J. Rasor: Newmarket, Don. 2. Clare Castle : Hadleigh, H. & S. 3. Kessingland : about ruins of Hopton and other churches near Lowestoft ; Gunton and Gorton, June 1881, C.B. : Belton and Bradwell, Phyt. 1862 & 3 : Bungay, Sir J. E. Smith : Pakefield, E.F.L. : Homersfield, H.B.C. : Flixton, C.C. Bab. >. Gorleston, Miss BellinHb. Salm.: Lowestoft, G. Clowes in Hb. Geld. 180 4. Dunwich ; Westleton and Eye : Framlingham ; ransford and Glemham, Crabbe: Theberton, T.W.G. : Huntingfield, Holland : Darsham, 31*. Davy. 5. Stutton and Alderton: Aldeburgh, Hb. F.\ Bar- ham, T.B. : Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Coriandrum, Linn. [C. sativum, Linn. Coriander* Bab. Man. 168. Hook. St. Fl 178. H. & S. 38. Hist. Fram. Annual aromatic herb ; formerly cultivated, causing occasional strays in corn-fields. June* 4. Among corn near Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. About Ipswich, Sir J. E. Smith $ Hudson. Earliest record 1762. Hudson.] HEDERACEXE. Hedera, Linn. 1. H. Helix, Linn. Common Ivy. Bab. Man. 168. Hook. St. Fl. 186. H. & S. 38. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 73. Climbing shrub ; frequent on trees, rocks and walls. October, November. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. CORNACE/E. ; Corn us, Linn. 1. C. Sanguinea, Linn. Common Dogwood. Bab. Man. 169. Hook. St. Fl. 187,8. H. & S. 38. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff E. and W. Galp. 74. Shrub ; in woods and hedges. June. 1 . Honington ; Fakenham ; Bardwell ; Market Western ; Eisby ; Stanton 1 1 ; Cavenham ; Tuddenham : Barton, H b. Elk. : Hardwick, Hb. Wils. : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : 181 Stowlangtoft, Hb.Rk.: Walsham, Hb.Dan.: Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Coney Weston, E.F.L. : Hawstead, Hb.Ly. 2. Melford ; Bures to Stoke ; Clare : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, WJ. : Kersey, E.F.L. : Sudbury, Ful- clier : Hart Wood, Bradley, HJb. F. 8. Bungay ; Bradwell ; Belton ; Kessingland and Benacre : Flixton, Galp : Beydon Wood, Hist. Southwold. 4. Burgate ; Mellis ; Stuston ; Brome ; Oakley ; Dar- sham and Westleton : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Framling- liam, Crabbe. 5. Bentley ; Shelley ; Stutton ; Shrubland : Gt. Bealings, Moor: Grundisburgh,T.jH". : Hemingstone,2 7 ..B. : Ashbocking, F.C.S.: Needhana Market, E. Clowes: Wherstead, Haward : Ipswich, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. LORANTHACE/E. Viscum, Linn. 1. V. album, Linn. Common Mistletoe. Bab. Man. 170. Hook. St. Fl. 190. H. & S. 38. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 99. Perennial plant ; parasitical on various trees. March, April. 1. Hawstead, on Apple, Hb. Wils. : Ickworth Park, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Drinkstone. 2. Wickhambrook 1 1 : Melford and Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Thurlow, Hb. F. : Wiston, Gray. 8. Near Bungay, on Lime ; at St. Margaret's, South- elmham, on Crab and Maple, F. Spalding : Homersfield, H.B.C. 4. Framlingham, on Apple, Crabbe ; on Poplar, F. Spaldiny. Middleton,on Apple, F. Spalding: Fressingfield, Galp: Kedgrave Park, H. G. Glasspoole : Monk Soham, T.W.G. : Finningham and Hoxne, Collins. 5. Clopton and Helmingham, Moor -. Otley, E.N.B. : Barham, T.B. : Needham Market, E. Clowes. Earliest record 1778. Sir J. Cullum. 182 CAPRI FOLIACE/E. Adoxa, Linn. 1. A. Moschatellina, Linn. Tuberous Moschatel. Bab. Man. 170,1- Hook. St. Fl. 190. H. & S. 39. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Galp. 74. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and on shady banks. April, May. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Sambucus, Linn. 1. S. EbTllllS, Linn. Dwarf Elder. Danewort. Bab. Man. 171. Hook. St. PL 189. H. & S. 39. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small deciduous shrub ; on banks. August. 1. Barrow and Langham||, Hb.Rk.: Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Eougham, Hb. Blk. 2. Brettenham and Boxford, H. d S.: Sudbury, J.8.H. 3. Brampton and Rumburgh, Ms. Davy : Halesworth, D. Turner : Gorleston, Wigg : near Lowestoft, Downes : Somerleyton, E. Sk. : Burgh Castle, Phyt. 1862. 4. Burgate, C. J. Ashfield : Framlingham and Par- ham, Crabbe : Badingham, Ms. Davy. 5. St. Clement's Church-yard, Ipswich, M.M. : Hem- ingstone, T.B. : Hintlesham, H . & S. : Norwich Road, Ips- wich, Haward : Whitton, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. S. nigra, Linn. Common Elder. Bab. Man. 171. Hook. St. Fl. 189,90. H.fe S. 39. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Galp. 74. Large deciduous shrub ; in hedges and woods. June. . Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Viburnum, Linn, 1. "V\ L ant ana, Linn. Mealy Guelder Rose. . Wayfaring Tree. 188 Bab. Man. 171. Hook. St. Fl. 189. H. E. Sherardia, Linn. 1. S. arvensis, Linn. Field Madder. Bab. Man. 172. Hook. St. Fl. 195,6. H. & S. 41. Hist. Yarin. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 76. Prostrate annual ; in fields and on hedge banks. Frequent in all the districts. May to July. . Earliest record 1773. Sir Jno. Cullum. 185 Asperula, Linn. 1. A. cynanchica, Linn. Quinsy-wort* Bab. Man. 172,3. Hook. St. Fl. 195. H. & S. 41. Hist. Bury. Top.Bot. Suflf. W. Small perennial herb ; frequent on grassy commons and fields with a calcareous soil ; apparently confined to the N.W. district of the county ; from 2 to 15 inches in height.. June, Ju]y_ 1. Chalk-pit, Barton Mills || ; Troston Heath || ; Cul- ford Heath ; West Stow ; Brandon; Elveden; Eriswell : Cavenham, C.B. d- Hb. Sk. : Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Newmarket Heath, Dill. Ray & Hb. Elk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Bury, H. & S. : Icklingham ; Dalham ; Barrow Bottom, and Eisby Chalk-bank, Sk. ms. Earliest record 1724. Dillenius. 2. A. odorata, Linn. Woodruff* Bab. Man. 173. Hook. St. Fl. 195. H. & S. 40. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Fragrant herbaceous perennial ; in woods and on shady "banks. May, June. 1. Market Weston || : Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Hardwick, Hb.Wils.: Gazeley, Rev. F. Tear le :* Honing- ton ||, likely introduced. 2. Hitch am, Hb. Hens. : Woods, Stoke-by-Nayland and Polstead, F. SpaUing : Thriffy Wood, Lawshall, Sk.ms. 3. Chediston, Trimmer. 4. Burgate, Collins. 5 . Needham Market, E. Clowes : Barking Wood,MZfo/v Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Gal i urn, Linn. 2. G-. Cruciata, Scop. Crossword Bab. Man. 173. Hook. St. Fl. 193. H. & S. 40. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 75. Perennial herb ; in woods and hedges. May, June. Tolerably frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. GK tricorne, With. Corn Bedstraw* Bab. Man. 174. Hook. St. Fl. 195. H. & S. 40. Hist Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 75. 186 Trailing annual ; in chalky corn-fields. June to Sep. 1. Cavenham || ; Wetherden: Bury, Hb.Sk.-. Bar- ton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hardwick, H. d 8. 2. Cockfield ||, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb.Hens.:Gi. Thur- low, Hb. F. : Lavenham, Dr. White. 3. Flixton, H.B.C. : near Plixton Park, Galp. 4. Walberswick : Badingham, T.W.G-. 5. Clay don and Ipswich : Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 4. GK Aparine, Linn. Goosegrass. Cleavers* Bab. Man. 174. Hook. St. Fl. 194. H. & S. 40. Hist. Yarm. 'Top. Bot. Stiff. B. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 75. Trailing annual ; very frequent in hedges and thickets. June to August. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 6. Gr. angliCTim, Huds. English Bedstraw. Bab. Man. 174. Hook. St. Fl. 195. H.&S. 40. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Small annual herb ; on old walls and sandy places. June, July. 1. The Nunnery, Thetford || ; walls near Mildenhall Church j | ; Brandon 1 1 ; Icklingham : Wangford, Rev. J". Hemsted: Barton Mills, E. Forster,jun. : Vine-fields, Bury, Hb. Sk. : Gt. Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Cavenham, W.J.: on heap of chalk by the roadside on Thetford Heath, A.B. There is no evidence of the plant having been found outside of district 1. Earliest record 1776. Sir J. Cullum. *7. Gr. erectum, Huds. Upright Bedstmw. Bab. Man. 174,5. Hook. St. Fl. 194. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks and pastures. June, September. 1 . Honington 1 1 , - accidentally introduced with grass igeed in 1880 : Mildenhall, Hb. Elk. 4 The Grove, Badingham, T.W.G. 5. Felixstowe. Earliest notice 1840. Lady Blake. *GK aristatlim, Linn. Bearded Lady's Bedstraw. Bab. Man. 175. Don. iii. 651. MM. Germ. & Swiss Fl. 233. 187 Herbaceous perennial ; a stray, likely introduced with seed. June, July. 1. In a meadow North of Newmarket Racecourse ,||. As the plant has a whorl of eight leaves, it agrees more nearly with G. aristatum of Linnaeus, than with that of Sir J. E. Smith, which has only six leaves. First notice 1888. Hind. 8. GK MollllgO, Linn. Hedge Bedstraw* Bab. Man. 175. Hook. St. Fl. 194. H. & S. 40. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 75. Rampant herbaceous perennial ; in hedges and thickets. July, August- a. G. elatum, Thuill. 1 . Ixworth ; Langham ; Onehouse ; Harleston ; Shel- land ; Wetherden ; Barton Mills and Westley Wood : Stanton, Hb. Elk. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Walsham, H b.. Dun. : Barningham, E.F.L. : Bury, Sk. ms. 2. Brettenham ; Stoke ; Nay land and Clare : Hit- cham, Hb.Hcns. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Benacre : Flixton, Galp. 4. Cookley and Peasenhall : Weybread, Galp : Gt* Glemham, E.N.J3. 5. Felixstowe; Walton; Stutton || ; Stratford St. Mary ; Shrubland : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Hemingstone,. T.B. : Needham Market, E'' Clowes: Bramford, LS. Soc. b. G. insubricum, Gaud. Bab. Man. 175. Hook. St. Fl. 194. 1. Market Weston || . 4. Sibton. c. G. Bakeri, Syme. Bab. Man. 175. Hook. St. Fl. 194. 3. Mettingham. 4. Between Yaxley and Scole ||. 5. Claydon||. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 9. Gr. verum, Linn. Lady's Bedstraw. Bab. Man. 175. Hook. St. Fl. 192,3. H.&S.40. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 75. Herbaceous perennial ; in dry pastures and sandy places* July, August* 188 Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 10. G-. saxatile, Linn. Heath Bedstraw* Bab. Man. 175. Hook. St. Fl. 193. H. & S. 40. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suif. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp.75. Small prostrate herbaceous perennial ; on heaths. July, August. In all the districts, but more especially in the North-west. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 12. Gr. llliginosam, Linn. Bough Marsh Bedstraw. Bab. Man. 176. Hook. St. Fl. 193. H. & S. 40. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 75. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes and fens. July, August. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Honington ; Euston ; Market "Weston ; Thelnetham || ; Wangford ; Lakenheath ; West Stow : Barton, Hb. Elk. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham Fen, Hbb. *Cas. S Rk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Melford : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Bungay, Sk. ms. : Beccles ; Carlton Colville : St. Margaret's and St. Cross, Q-alp: St. Olave's, C.A.W. 4. Eedgrave Fen || : Benhall, E.N.B. 5. Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 13. GK pallistre, Linn. Marsh Bedstraw. Bab. Man. 176. Hook. St. Fl. 193. H. & S. 40. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 75. Herbaceous perennial ; ditches and streams. June, July. Frequent in all the districts. Form. G. Witheringii, Sm. Bab. Man. 176. Hook. St. Fl. 193. 1. Market Weston 1 1 ; Hopton ; Sapiston ; Thelne- tham ; Onehouse. 2. Nayland, Hb. Gray. 4. Burgate 1 1 ; Dunwich ; Westleton. 5. Bawdsey. Form. G. elongatum, Prest. Bab. Man. 176. Hook. St. Fl. 193. 1. Bardwell. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 189 VALERIANACE>. Centranthus, Cand. *1. C. ruber, DC. Eed Valerian. Bab. Man. 177. Hook. St. Fl. 197. H. & S. 41. Herbaceous perennial ; in chalk-pits or on old walls. June to September. 1 . Thetford ; Fornliam All Saints ; cottage garden walls, &c., Honington, established but introduced: Walls of Eushbrooke Hall, H. < S. Earliest record 1860. Henslow and Skepper. Valeriana. Linn. 1. V. officinalis, Linn. V. Mikanii, Wats. Offi tin a I Va leria n . Bab. Man. 177. Hook. St. Fl. 197. H. & S. 41. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hi&t. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 76. Herbaceous perennial ; in ditches and marshes. June, July. Frequent in all the districts. b. V. sambucifoUa, Mikan. Bab. Man. 177. Hook. St. F1.JL97. 1. Ixworth Thorpe Carr ||. 2. Melford : Nayland, Hb. Gray. 3. Lound ; Beccles. 4. Burgate || ; Eye ; Oakley and Mellis. 5. Needham Market : Bosmere, H b. Jeffes. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. V. dioica, Linn. Marsh Valerian. Bab. Man. 177,8. Hook. St. Fl. 196. H.&S. 41. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 76. Herbaceous dioecious perennial ; in fens and marshes. May, June. 1. Ixworth Thorpe Carr || ; Brandon; Bury ; Market ^eston ; Hinderclay and Thelnetham Fens : Bardwell, Hb. Blk. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, H b. Ek. : Mildenhall, Sir. C.J.F.B. : Tuddenham Bog, W.J. 190 2. Polstead Marsh| | ; Nayland : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J.: Gt. Wratting and Gt. Bradley, Hb. F. : Oulton, McAub. 3. Belton, Paget: Oulton, E.N.B. : Flixton, Galp. 4. Redgrave Fen : Wey bread, H.B.C.: Gt Glem- ham and Benliall, E. Sk. : Framlingham, in the Mere, Crabbe : Mendham, Galp. 5. Gt. Healings, Moor : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Need- ham Market, E. Clowes. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Valerianella, Manch. 1. V. olitoria, Mcench. Lamb's Lettuce. Bab. Man. 178. Hook. St. Fl. 197,8. H. & S. 41. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 76. Annual herb ; on denes near the sea ; and on banks and fields inland. May, June. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. J2. V. carinata, Loisel. Keeled Corn Salad. Bab. Man. 178. Hook. St. PI. 198. Annual herb ; in cultivated fields, likely introduced with the crops ; rare. April to June. 1. West of Saxham Station, E. 8. Marshall. 2. Nayland || : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Bungay, F. Spalding. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest notice 1882. Eev. T. Hedley. 4. V. dentata, Deitr. Toothed Corn Salad. Bab. Man. 178,9. Hook. St. Fl. 198. H.&S.41. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Galp. 76. Annual herb ; in cultivated fields and on banks. June, July. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Wetherden || : Culford, Hb.Blk. : Hessett, Hb. Wils. : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Hales worth, Sir J. E. Smith : Bradwell and Gor- leston, Wiyq : Easton, near Southwold, Holmes : Bungay, H. & 8. : St. Margaret's (E.A.H.), Galp. 191 4. Weybread, H.B.C. : Thorpe, Sk.m*. 5. Between Felixstowe and Landguard Fort, H. $ S. b. V. mixta, Duxe. Hook. St. Fl. 198. 3. Halesworth, Sir J. E. Smith, 1824. 5. Felixstowe, W.L.N. Earliest record 1816. Wigg. DIPSACE/E. DipsacilS, Linn. 1. D. silvestris, Linn. Wild Teasel. Bab. Man. 179. Hook. St. FL 199. H. & S. 41. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 76. Tall biennial ; in hedges and borders of fields. August, September. 1. Honington ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Stanton || ; Thur- ston : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham, Hbb. Cos. &Rk. : Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Thelnetham, J.S.S. 2. Bildeston and Melford ; Wixoe : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. : Depden, Moor: Nayland, Gray: Kersey, E.F.L.: Aldham, F.Spalding : Stanstead,.ffi>.L;j/. 3. Willingham, W. M. Crowfoot ': Oulton, E.Sk.: Beccles. 4. Oakley ; Westleton and Saxmundham : Gt. Glem- ham, E.N.B. 5. Button: Gt. Bealings, Moor: Hemingstone, T.B.: Ashbocking, F.C.8. : Whitton, Miller: Belstead, LS. Soc. : Wherstead, Haward : Felixstowe, W. H. Purchas. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. D. pilosus, Linn. Shepherd's Eod. Bab. Man. 179,80. Hook. St. PL 199. H. & S. 42. Hisc. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 76. Tall biennial ; in moist shady places. August. 1. Ixworth Thorpe ||; Honington; Sapiston : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Bury and Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum: Horringer, Dr. Bromfield : Woolpit, Mrs. Parker : Ash- field and Felsham, Sk. ms. : Hepworth, Hb. Salm. 192 2. Melford : Cockfield ; Lavenham Eoad by Bretten- ham Park and Nayland, C.B. : Hitcham, H b. Hens. : Kersey, Gray: Aldham, F. Simlding : Lit. Thmiow, Hb. Gas. : Brent Eleigh, Hb. Ly. 3. Bungay, Stock : St. Margaret's, Southelmham Holmes : Lowestoft, Dr. Trimen : Beccles and Halesworth,. D. Turner : Chediston, Trimmer. 4. Wortliam, C. J. Ash/ield : Gt. Glemham and Ben- hall, E.N.B. : frequent in hedges about Farnham ; Bend- ham ; in the road to Bruisyard and Framlingham, Crabbe : Weybread and Syleham, H.B.C.: Badingham, T.W.G. : Wickham Skeith, Sk. ms. : Yoxford, Ms. Davy : Ubbes- ton, Mrs. Toller. 5. Campsey Ash and Stonham Parva, Trimmer : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Crowfield, T.B. : Wherstead, Haward : Needham Market, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Knautia, Coulter. 1. K. arvensis, Coulter. Scabiosa arvensis, Linn. Field Scabious. Bab. Man. 180. Hook. St. Fl. 200. H.&S.42. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 77. Herbaceous perennial ; in fields and waysides. July to September. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Scabiosa, Linn. 1. S. SUCCisa, Linn. Devil' s-bit Scabious. Bab. Man. 180. Hook. St. Fl. 200. H.&S.42. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 77. Perennial herb ; in marshy pastures and fens. July to October. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. S. Columbaria, Linn. Small Scabious. Bab. Man. 180. Hook. St. Fl. 200. H.&S.42. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. 193 Herbaceous perennial ; usually on chalky soil. July, August. 1. Troston || ; Barnham ; Timworth ; Culford Heath ; Elveden ; Euston ; Fakenham ; Bardwell ; Honington ; Thurston ; Market Weston ; Eisby ; Cavenham ; Barton Mills; Eriswell; Lakenheath; Wangford : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury, H bb. Sk. & Wils. : Mildenhall, SirC.J.F.B.: Saxham ; Barrow, Sk. ms. : Icklingham, C.B. : Her- ringswell, llev. F. Tearle : Small Heath, near Eisby, E. S. Marshall : Lackford, Rev. P. Lathbury. 2. Acton Sand-pit, C.B. : Hadleigh, Dr. White. 3. Bungay, Stock : Henham, Hb. Dun. Lowestoft, Sk. ms. 4. Stuston Common, Collins. 5. Claydon : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Blakenham, Ha- ward : Ipswich, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. COMPOSITE. Eupatorium, Linn. 1. "F 1 ,. cannabinUHl, Linn. Hemp Agrimony. Bab. Man. 187. Hook. St. Fl. 203. H.&S. 42. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Galp. 77. Large herbaceous perennial ; sides of wet ditches and streams. August, September. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Petasites, 1. P. VUlgaris, Desf. Butter-bur. Bab. Man. 187. Hook. St. Fl. 216. H. & S. 42. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 79. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist places beside rivers and streams. April. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [P. fragrans, Prest. Fragrant Butter-bur. Bab. Man. 188. Hook. St. Fl. App. 532. 194 Herbaceous perennial ; an escape from cultivation ; freely spreading on banks near shrubberies. February. 1. Stowlangtoft : Bury, Hb. 8k. 2. Wiston ; an escape from the Eectory grounds. 3. Mettingham ; St. Peter's, Southelmham ||, in great profusion for upwards of twenty years, Holmes : Beccles. 4. Yoxford. Earliest notice 1862. E. Skepper.] TussilagO, Linn. 1. T. Farfara, Linn. Coltsfoot. Bab. Man. 188. Hook. St. Fl. 217. H.&S.42. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 79. Herbaceous perennial ; in fields, preferring clay soil. March, April. Common in all the districts. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Aster, Linn. 1. A. Tripolium, Linn. Sea Stanvort. Bab. Man. 188. Hook. St. Fl. 204. H. & S. 42. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Herbaceous perennial ; on the muddy sea-shore. August, September. Very frequent on all the muddy parts of the sea -coast, and in all the estuaries and tidal rivers from Burgh Castle on the Waveney to Catawade on the Stour. Earliest record 1831. Mrs. Casborne. [A. ISTovi Belgii, Linn. Garden escapes of this Aster have been found on the bank of the Minsmere at Peasenhall, and on the edge of a pond near Gorleston. This, or a closely- allied species, has been long established on a dry patch of Redgrave Fen. Mr. C. J. Ashfield (see Phyt.l861,p. 323, and 1862, p. 321.') says that it has been there as far back as 1846. Re-discovered Aug 5th, 1884. Earliest record 1846. C. J. Ashfield.] Erigeron, Linn. *1. E. canadensis, Linn. Canadian Fleabane.. 195 Bab. Man. 188. Hook. St. PI. 205. A foreign annual, which has become naturalized in the light soil of the North-west district of the county. August, September. 1. Brandon | ; Mildenhall 1 1 ; Fakenham||;, East- gate Railway Cutting, Bury ; Wangford : between Wang- ford and Lakenheath, Bolton King, Jide G. C. Druce : Bot. and Barrett's Gardens, Bury, Hb. Sk. : Santon Downham, Nor gate. 5. Ipswich, C.B. ; Wherstead ! Haward. Earliest record 1862. E. Skepner. 2. E. acris, Linn. Blue Fleabane. Bab. Man. 188,9. Hook. St. Fl. 204,5. H.&S.42. . Top. Bot. Suff.E.andW. Galp. 77. Small biennial ; on heaths and dry banks. July, Aug. 1. East-gate, Bury 1 1 ; Culford Heath ; Honington ; Troston ; Livermere ; Thurston ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Rick- inghall Inferior; Brandon || ; Elveden; Haughley: Barton, Hb. Blk. : Horringer, Hbb. Sk. & Wils. : Mildenhall. Hb. Dun. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Tostock, Hb. Ek. : Bury, SirJ. Cullum-. Gt. Saxham, Dr. White: Woolpit, J. liasor: Cavenham and Tuddenham, Blackett: Risby and Santon Downham, Sk. ms. 2. Melford : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Hopton and Belton : Lake Lothing : Flixton, H.B.C. : Lowestoft, E. Sk. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Burgate, C. J. Ashfield-. Westleton 1 1 : -Friston and Lit. Glemham Park, E.N.B.: Homersfield Heath, Galp. 5. Aldeburgh : Blakenham and Felixstowe, T.B. : * Bramford ; Baylham, Haward : Roadside at Melton, Ms. Davy : Woodbridge, Eev. P. Lathbury in Hb. Ly. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Bel I is, Linn. 1. B. perennis, Linn. Common Daisy. Bab. Man. 189. Hook. St. FL 205. H. & S. 43. Hist Yarm ' Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 77. Herbaceous perennial; frequent in pastures. March to October. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 196 Solidago, Linn. 1. S. Virgaurea, Linn. Golden Rod.. Bab. Man. 189. Hook. St. Fl. 205,6. H. & S. 43. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 77. Herbaceous perennial ; not infrequent on heaths and in woods. July to September. Not infrequent in all the 'districts ; except the South- west where so far no example of it has been found. S. anc/ustifolia, Koch. Bab. Man. 189. Hook. St. Fl. 206. 3. Covehithe 1 1 where it is the prevailing form. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Inula, Linn. Jl. I. Selenium, Linn. Elecampane.. Bab. Man. 189-90. Hook. S. Fl. 207. H. & S. 43. Galp. 127. Large herbaceous perennial ; in moist pastures. July, August. 1. Eattlesden, //. & S. : Stowlangtoft (cultivated), Hb. Ek. 3. Mettingham, Woodward : Stoven, by the Cherry- tree, Wifjff, fide H. & S. 4. Framlingham, E.N.B. : The Hall Farm, Parham, Crabbe : Sibton ; Bramfield and Heveningham, Ms. Davy. 5. Crowfield, T.B. . Ufford, Crabbe. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 3. I. Conyza, DC. Ploughman's Spikenard. Bab. Man. 190. Hook. St. Fl. 206. H.&S.43. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 78. Herbaceous perennial ; on dry chalky banks. July to September. 1 . Railway Cutting, Bury 1 1 ; Haughley ; Euston and Langham : Fornham, Hb. Wils. : Stanton, Hb. Dun. : Bury and Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Drinkstone, F. : Pakenham, Hb. Ek.- : Onehouse, J. Easor : Little Wel- netham, Mrs. Carss. : Bardwell Carr, Risby, and Dalham, E.8k. 2. Acton : -Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Melford, J.F.W. 3. Bungay, Stock. 197 4. Mellis, C.J. Ash field: Aspall, Miss Holden: Gt. Glemham and Cransford, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe : - Middleton, Ms. Davy : Mendham High Road, Galp. 5. Button and Claydon : Baiiiam, F. : Gt. Bealings, Moor: Lit. Blakenham, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [4. I. crithmoides, Linn. Golden Samphire. Bab. Man. 190. Hook. St. Fl. 206. H. & S. Herbaceous perennial ; in muddy salt marshes, July, August. The only authority for the occurrence of this plant in Suffolk appears to be Gout/h's Camden ; probable date 1789. In Hb. Jejf'cs is a small form of Aster Tripolium from Aide- burgh very like I. crithmoules. Earliest record 1789. E. Forster.] Pulicaria, GWtf. 1. P. vulgaris, Gart. Small Pulicaria. Bab. Man. 190. Hook. St. Fl. 207. *H. & S. 43. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Sufi. ? K. ' Crabbe.' Small annual ; on moist sandy heaths ; rare. August, September. 4. Framlingham, * in places where water stood in the winter,' Crabbe. 5. Bramford, ' on a bank by the side of a wet ditch,' F. Fox. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. Latest 1882. 2. P. dysenterica, Gart. Common Pulicaria. Bab. Man. 190. Hook. St. Fl. 207. H. & S. 43. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E'. & W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 78. Herbaceous perennial ; in ditches which are dry in summer. August, September. 1 . Honington 1 1 ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Bardwell ; Paken- hani ; Euston ; Thetford ; Barton Mills -.Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury and Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Langham, Hb.Ek.: Walsham, Hb. Dim. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Bures to Stoke : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. : Kersey, E.F.L. : Aldham & Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Belton ; Bungay ; Beccles ; Kessingland : Lowes- toft, E.Sk. : Oulton, McAub. 198 4. Eedgrave ; Burgate ; Wortham ; Mellis ; Eye; Walpole and Darsham : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Bawdsey ; Claydon ; Bentley ; Stutton and Shelley : Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Hemingstone, T.B. : Wher stead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. FilagO, Linn. 1. 3J 1 . germanica, Linn. Common Cudweed. Bab. Man. 191. Hook. St. Fl. 209,10. H. & S. 46. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 77. Common annual or biennial ; in dry fields. July, Aug. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. F. apiculata, O. E. Sm. Apiculate Cudweed, Bab. Man. 191. Hook. St. Fl. 210. Top. Bot. Stiff. W. Annual ; formerly included under F. yermanica ; sandy- heaths. July, August. 1. Troston Heath : Kushbrooke, Hb. Wils. : -Bed- neck Heath, J. W. Salter, Phyt. O.S., xcv, 480. : sandy fields at Cavenham, Hb. Sk. 4. Westleton Heath, ||. 5. Field near the Ferry, Sutton 1 1. Earliest record 1849. J. W. Salter. 3. F. spathulata, Prest. Spathulate Cudweed* Bab. Man. 191. Hook. St. Fl. 210. Annual ; formerly included in F. germanica ; dry heaths. July, August. 1. Wangford 1 1 : between Elveden and Icklingham, 1876, A.B. : between Lackford and Bury ||, 1883, G-.C. Druce : Fornham, Hb. Ly. Earliest notice 1856. Lathbury. 4. F. minima, Fries. Least Cudweed* Bab. Man. 191. Hook. St. Fl. 210. H. & S. 46. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 77. Small annual ; on sandy or gravelly soil. June to Sep. 1. Troston ||; Barnharn ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Ix- worth Thorpe ; Knettishall ; Thetford ; Elveden ; Eriswell ; Mildenhall : Tuddenham Heath, Hb. Sk. : Culford Heath, 199 Gray: Barningliam,E r .F.L. : Woolpit, F. : Eisby Heath, E. S. Marshall. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland. 3. Bungay; Belton and Benacre : Flixton, H.B.O. 4. Sizewell ; Dunwich and Westleton : Sweffling, E.N.B. : Framlingliam, Crabbe : Stuston, Collins : Wor- tham Ling, E. S. Marshall. 5. Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 5. 3J 1 . gallica, Linn. French Oudweed. Bab. Man. 192. Hook. St. Fl. 210. H. & S. 46. Annual ; in dry gravelly places ; very rare. July to September. 5. Button 1 1, October 1, 1883. Likely new to Suffolk ; as the notices in Br. Fl. and Ips. Fl. are believed to be mis- takes, Gnaphalium uliginosum being likely the plant referred to. First record 1883. Hind. Gnaphalium, Linn. 1. G-. luteo -album, Linn. Jersey Oudweed. Bab. Man, 192. Hook. St. Fl. 208. H. & S. 45. Annual ; on sandy soil ; very rare. July, August. 1. Eriswell, H. & 8. : Eriswell, F.K.E. in Hb. Ly. now extinct. Earliest record 1852. Eagle. 2. Gr. "uliginosum, Linn. Marsh Oudweed. Bab. Man. 192. Hook. St. Fl. 208. H. & S. 45. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist places ; often in cart- tracks in woods. July, August. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. Gr. silvaticum, Linn. Wood Oudweed. Bab. Man. 192. Hook. St. Fl. 208. H. & S. 45. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Galp. 78. Erect herbaceous perennial ; in woods and on sand hills. July to September. 1. Fakenham Wood || : Woolpit Heath, Hb. F. : - Barton, Sir O.J.F.B. 200 3. Belton Common, Wigg : Hedge by Gorton Wood, D. Turner : Eoad from Yarmouth to Beccles, Jas. Turner : Fritton, H. & 8. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Eoadside from Farnham to Snape, Crabbc : Wey- fcread, H.B.O. 5. Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Antennaria, E. 'Brown. 1. A. dioica, Grart. Oafs-foot* Bab. Man. 192,3. Hook. St. Fl. 209. H. & S. 45. Small herbaceous perennial j on elevated heaths. June, July. 1. Newmarket Heath, Hb. Gas. : Cavenham Heath, Pitchford : Culford Heath, H. & S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [2. A. margaritacea, R. Brown. Pearly Everlasting. Bab. Man. 193. Hook. St. Fl. 209. H. & S. 45. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist meadows ; rare. Aug. 1. Eriswell || ; Hb.Blk. 5. Gravel-banks at Bentley, H. < S. Likely a garden stray. Earliest notice 1850 ? Lady Blake.] Achillaea, Linn. 1. A. Ptarmica, Linn. Sneezewort Yarrow. Bab. Man. 193. Hook. St. Fl. 212. H & S. 44. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 78. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist pastures ; less frequent in Suffolk than in many other counties. July* August. 1. Mildenhall Fen || ; Haughley || : Pakenham, Hb. Rk. : Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Bury, SirJ. Gullum-.Dal- ham, Rev. F. Tearle : Ixworth, Hb. Jeffcs. 2. Nayland, Hb. Gray >. Lit. Thurlow, Hb.F. 3. Beccles : Bungay, Stock : Bradwell, Paget : - Pakefield, E. Sk. : Oulton, McAub. : Worlingham and Bar- sham, R. E. Leach. 4. In wet meadows and about the Mere, Framlingham, 201 : Yaxley, Rev. W.H. Sewell:Gt. Glemham, E.N.B.: Mendham, H.B.O. 5. Ashbocking, F.C.S. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. [A. decolorans, Schrad. Bab. Man. 193. Hook. St. Fl. App. 532. Herbaceous perennial. September. 1. Roadside by the brook, near the Eectory, Drink- stone ||, Hb.F. Only notice 1850 ? Mrs. 'French.] 2. A. Millefolmm, Linn. Milfoil. Yarrow. Bab. Man. 194. Hook. St. Fl. 212,13. H. & S. 44. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 78. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in pastures and by waysides. June to August. Very common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Anthemis, Linn. 1. A. arvensis, Linn. Gorn Ohamomile. Bab. Man. 194. Hook. St. Fl. 211,12. H. & S. 44. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 78. Annual weed ; in corn-fields : June, July. 1. Brandon || ; Culford Heath || ; Barnham ; Faken- ham ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Newmarket : Mildenhall, Hb. Elk. : Higham, W.J. : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Bury, 8k. ms. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Near Breydon Water. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe : Mendham, Galp. 5. Stutton and Bentley : Gt. Bealings (?), Moor : Ipswich, W.L.N. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. A. Cotllla, Linn. Fetid Ohamomile. Bab. Man. 194,5. Hook. St. Fl. 212. H. & S. 44. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp 78. Annual weed ; in waste places and fields. July to Sep. 1. Honington || ; Bardwell; Barnham and Shelland : Hardwick, Hb.Sk.: Pakenham, Hb.Cas.: Bury, Sir J. Cullum. 2. Stoke and Nayland : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cock- field, W.J. 202 3. Gorleston : St. Margaret's, Galp. 4. Botesdale and Burgate : Framlingham, Crabbe Mendham, H.B.C. : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Stutton : Grundisburgh, T.H.: Wherstead, Ha- rvard : Woodbridge, H b. Ly., Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [A. tinctoria, Linn. Yellow Chamomile. Bab. Man. 195. Hook. St. PI. App. 532. Biennial ; alien ; likely introduced with ballast. July, August. 3. Lowestoft, Hb. 8k. <& \\ E.N.B. Earliest notice 1862. Eev. E. N. Bloomfield.] 3. A. nobilis, Linn. Officinal Chamomile. Bab. Man. 195. Hook. St. Fl. 212. H. & S. 44. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. Galp. 79. Perennial, aromatic herb, used medicinally ; on dry commons. July, August. 1. Santon Downham, Norgate. 2. Lidgate, Rev. F. Tearle. 3. Bungay, Stock : Blundeston and Bradwell Com- mons, Wifjff : Flixton, H.B.C. : near Lowestoft, Sir J. E. Smith. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Matricaria, Linn. tl. M. Parthenium, Linn. Feverfew. Bab. Man. 195. Hook. St. Fl. 214. H. &S.43. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. His t. Wher. Galp. 79. Herbaceous perennial ; in waste places and hedge- Thanks. July, August. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Honington ; Coney Weston ; Hopton ; Bury and Mildenhall : Tostock, Hb. Rk. : Wai- sham, Hb. Dun. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Nayland, Gray : by Pey- ton Hall, Hadleigh, F. Spaldiny : Fences at the Eectory, Cockfield, C.B. : Wiston. 3. Mettingham ; Burgh Castle and Kessingland : Bungay, Stock : Flixton, H.B.C. : Gorleston, Phyt. 1863 : Worlingham ; Beccles, H. G. Glasspoolein Hb. Geld. 203 4. Dunwich : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh ; Bromeswell ; Felixstowe : Ashbocking, F.C.8. : Needham Market, E. Clowes : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. M. inodora, Linn. Scentless Mayiveed. Bab. Man. 195. Hook. St. FL 213,14. H. &S.44. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 79. Annual weed ; frequent in fields and waste places. July, August. Common in all the districts. b. M. salina, Bab. Bab. Man. 195. 5. Stutton || ; Catawade ; Bawdsey. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. M. ChamOHlilla, Linn. Wild Chamomile. Bab. Man. 196. Hook. St. Fl. 213. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Annual weed ; in fields and waste ground. June, July. 1. Honington || ; also form flore pleno ; Mildenhall : Barrow ; Bury, H b. Sk. : Hardwick, Hb. Wils. : Paken- ham, Hb. Cas. 2. Melford, Stoke and Nayland: Hitcham, Hb. Hens.: Kersey, E.F.L. : Cockfield, Sk. ms. 3. Bungay ; Belton, E.N.B. : Southwold, Hb. Ly. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. : 'Grundisburgh, T.H . : Berg- holt, Dr. White : Ipswich, H.d 8. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Chrysanthemum, Linn. I. C. Leucanthenmm, Linn. Ox-eye. Bab. Man. 196. Hook. St. Fl. 214. H. & S. 43. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff . E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 79. Herbaceous perennial; frequent on banks and pastures. June to August. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. II. C. segetlim, Linn. Corn Marigold. Bab. Man. 196. Hook. St. Fl. 214. H. & S. 43. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Hist. Wher. 204 Annual weed ; in cultivated fields. June to August. Occasionally in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. DiotiS, Desf. 1. D. maritima, Cass. Sea Cotton-weed* Bab. Man. 196. Hook. St. PI. 213. H. & S. 44. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on sandy sea-shores ; not re- cently found in Suffolk, and supposed to be extinct. August, September. 3. Between Lowestoft and Pakefield, Sir J. E. Smith ; Southwold ||, Hb. Blk. : Benacre, F. Spalding. 4. Dunwich, Hb.Cas., & Sir C.J.F.B. 1857, & Foster 1807-, Ms. Davy. 5. Aldeburgh and Orford, near the Lighthouse, Or abbe : Orford, F. Spalding : on the beach just above high water mark, one mile North of Landguard Fort, Sir J. E. Smith, also Hb. Sk. Earliest record 1800. Sir J. E. Smith. Artemisia, Linn. 1. A. Absinthium, Linn. Wormwood* Bab. Man. 196. Hook. St. Fl. 216. H. & 8. 45. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Hist. Wher. Herbaceous perennial ; on waste ground. July, Aug. 1. Wattisfield || : Chalk-pits, Bury, H b. Sk. : Tos- iock, Hb. Rk. : Culford, Gray. 2. Gt. Wratting, Hb. F. 3. Lowestoft, H b. Sk. : Bungay, H. & S. : Gorleston, Phyt.1862: Oulton, McAub. 4. Benhall, E.N.B. : Dunwich, T.W.G. : Oakley, Collins. 5. Aldeburgh, Hb. Cas. : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Cod- denham, F. Fox : Hemingstone, T.B. : Needham Market, E. Clowes : Bentley and Somersham, H.&S. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 205 2. A. campestris, Linn. Field Artemisia. Bab. Man. 196,7. Hook. St. Fl. 215. H. & S. 45. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; on sandy heaths, confined to the Breck country of the North-west district, and to a similar tract in the South-west of Norfolk. August, September. 1. Brandon || ; Thetford Heath || ; (also Rev. G.E. LeathesinHbb..Wc.&Wils.); Barnham Heath, Lakenheath and Eriswell : near Barton Mills and Elveden, T. Willisell in DHL : Icklingham, Hb. 8k. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B.: Wangford, H. & S. : the Nunnery Wall, Thetford, Sk. ms. : Barton Mills, Hb. Budd. Earliest record 1724. Willisell. 3. A. Vlllgaris, Linn. Mugwort. Bab. Man. 197. Hook. St. Fl. 215. H.&S.45. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 79. Herbaceous perennial ; in hedge banks and borders of fields. July to September. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 4. A. maritima, Linn. Southernwood. Bab. Man. 197. Hook. St. Fl. 216. H. & S. 45. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial; in salt marshes. Aug., Sep. 3. South wold : Breydon Water, Paget. 4. Walberswick | . 5. Stutton 1 1 ; Walton ; Felixstowe ; Sutton : Aide- burgh, Sir C.J.F.B. : Orford, Thos. Martyn : Brantham, Sk. ms. : Landguard Fort, Sir T. Gr. Cullum. b. A. gallica, Willd. Bab. Man. 197. Hook. St. Fl. 216. 5. Sutton || ; Aldeburgh : Orford, E.N.B. Earliest record 1763. T. Martyn. Tanacetum, Linn. 1. T. vulgar 6, Linn. Tansy. Bab. Man. 197. Hook. St. Fl. 215. H. & S. 44,5. Hist. Fram. Hist. Y arm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 79. Herbaceous perennial ; not infrequent on banks and waysides. August. 206 Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Doronicum, Linn. tl. D. Pardalianches, Linn. Great Leopard' s-bane.. Bab. Man. 197,8. Hook. St. Fl. 217. Herbaceous perennial; damp and hilly woods and pastures ; rare. May to July. 1. In a lane behind the Kectory, Market Weston ||. 3. Bank near the Kectory, Barsham. F. Spalding. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. Likely a stray in these localities. Earliest notice 1860 ? Rev. T. Brown. 12. D. plantagineum, Linn? Plantain-leaved Leopard' s-bane. Bab. Man. 198. Hook. St. Fl. 217. Herbaceous perennial ; in damp places ; rare. June, July. 4. In quantity in a plantation, Gt. Glemham, E.N.B: Abbey Wood, Huntingfield 1 1, Holland. Earliest notice 1855 ? Rev. E. N. Bloomfield. Senecio, Linn. 1. S. vulgaris, Linn. Common Groundsel. Bab. Man. 198. Hook. St. Fl. 218. H. & S. 46. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 80. Annual weed ; very common on cultivated land. Throughout the year. Common in all the districts. 8. crassifolius, W. Bab. Man. 198. 5. On gravel at Ipswich Docks 1 1, 1885. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. S. silvatiCTIS, Linn. Wood Groundsel* Bab. Man. 198. Hook. St. Fl. 218. H. & S. 46. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 80. Tall annual weed ; on dry and gravelly soil. July to September. Frequent in all the districts. 207 S. lividus, Sm. Bab. Man. 198. Hook. St. Fl. 218. 1. Barton, Hb. Rk. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. S. viSGOSTIS, Linn. Clammy Groundsel. Bab. Man. 198,9. Hook. St. Fl. 218. H. &. S. 46. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual weed ; in waste places and on gravelly shores ; rare. July to September 1. Bury, old brick grounds, Newmarket Koad, Hb. 8k. 3. Covehithe : Lowestoft, H. & 8. : Easton Broad, J.H.G. : Southtown, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Sizewell ; Thorpe : Dunwich, common land to- wards Walberswick, Holmes. 5. Aldeburgh ||, plentiful : Hemingstone, T.B. Earliest record 1805. E. Forster, jun. '*S. squalidus, Linn. Squalid Groundsel. Bab. Man. 199. Hook. St. Fl. 219. H. &. S. 46. Annual or biennial weed ; usually on old walls. June to October. 1. Lane off Northgate Street, Bury, in quantity || : Mr. Green's old garden wall, C.B. & Hbb. Sk. & Ly. Earliest record 1849. Eev. P. Lathbury. 4. S. emcifolius, Linn. Narrow-leaved Eagwort. Bab. Man. 199. Hook. St. Fl. 218,19. H. & S. 46. Top. Bot. Ruff. E. &. W. Herbaceous perennial ; chiefly on clayey or chalky soil. July, August. 1. Honington || ; Ixworth Thorpe;- West Row; Mil- denhall ; Haughley ; Wetherden and Onehouse : Bury, Hb. Wils. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. Barningham, E.F.L. : Woolpit, J. Piasor. 2. Rede, Hb. Turn. : Melford : Hitcham, Hb. Hens.: Cockfield, W.J. : Brettenham, C.B. 3. St. Olave's ; Bungay and Benacre : Pakefield, Hb. Sk. : Lowestoft ; Mutford ; Carlton Colville and Kessing- land, Sk. m,s. 4. Botesdale; Stuston ; Eye; Sibton : Gt. Glemham and Sternfield, E.N.B. : Ubbeston, Mrs. Toller. 208 5. Claydon : Orford, Hb. Cas. : Brantham, Sk. ms. : Woodbridge, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. Earliest record 1848. Prof. Henslow. > S. JacobcBa, Linn. Common Ragwort. Bab. Man. 199. Hook. St. Fl. 218. H. & S. 46. Top. Bot Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 80. Perennial weed; in pastures and meadows. July to Sep. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 6. S. aquations, Huds. Water Ragwort. Bab. Man. 199. Hook. St. Fl. 219. H. & S. 46. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Galp. 80. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in marshy places. July, August. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 7- S. paludoSTlS, Linn. Marsh Ragwort. Bab. Man. 200. Hook. St. Fl. 219. H. & S. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; in fen ditches. ' Lost more than sixty years ago from the locality where Mr. Eagle dis- covered it in 1798.' May to July. 1. 'In Lakenheath Fen, near Wangford,' Rev. J. Hem- sted : Lakenheath Fen, Hbb. Cas., Ly. & Sk. : Lakenheath Fen by Wangford, Rev. G. R. Leathes in Hb. Borrer, & F.K.E. in Hb. Ly. Earliest record 1798. F. K. Eagle. 9. S. palustris, DC. Marsh Cineraria. Bab. Man. 200. Hook. St. Fl. 219,20. H. & S. 46. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in fen ditches ; very rare. June, July. 1. Brandon, Top. Bot. : Wangford, Hb. Cas. : Lack- ford, Hb. 8k., with note, ' I found the above specimen at Lackford in June, 1774,' T.G.C. * I have never found this plant near Bury since.' Sir J. Cullum has a note in his Naturalist's note -book to the same effect. 3. At the first after you come into Lovingland, J. Sher- ardin Dill. Hay : * Worlingham Common, by the ditch-sides, 1 Crabbe: Belton, Britten. Earliest record 1724. J. Sherard. 209 10. S. campestris, DC. Field Cineraria, Bab. Man. 200. Hook. St. Fl. 220. H. & S. 47. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; on chalk downs. June. 1. Newmarket Heath ||, Sir J. Cullum & Gas. in Hb. Rk. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. Bid ens, Linn. 1. 33. tripartita, Three-cleft Bur Marigold. Bab. Man. 201. Hook. St. Fl. 211. H. & S. 47. Hist. Fram.? Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual ; in wet ditches and the edge of ponds. August, September. 1. Bury, Hbb. Sk. & Wils. : Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Bradfield Combust, W.J. : Fornham, H. & S. 2. Cockfield, C.B. : Lit. Bradley, Hb. F. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 8. Kessingland || : Barsham Brook, R. E. Leach. 4. Benhall Green, E.N.B.: Framlingham? Crabbe : Stuston Common, Collins. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 2. 33. cernua, Linn. Nodding Bur Marigold. Bab. Man. 201. Hook. St. Fl. 210. H.&S. 47. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 78. Annual weed ; in ditches and pools. August, Sep. 1. B ar dwell ; Sapiston ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Thetford; Lakenheath : Livermere, Hb. Sk. : Bury, Hb. Wils. : Mildenhall, Hb. Dun.: Pakenham, Hb. Cas.: Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Ixworth and Tuddenham, Sk. ms. 2. Nayland and Wiston, Gray : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Hopton||; Fritton ; St. Olaves; Kessingland; Beccles ; Bungay : Belton, E.N.B. : Lowestoft and West of Benacre Broad, E. Sk. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Dunwich : Farnham, E.N.B. : Wenhaston,TF.J.: Framlingham, Crabbe : Weybread, Galp. 5. Brantham, C.B. : Dunningworth Hall, Tunstall, E.N.B. : Orford. Earliest record 1773, Sir J. Cullum. 210 Carlina, Linn. 1. C. VUlgaris, Linn. Carline Thistle. Bab. Man. 201,2. Hook. St. Fl. 221. H. & S. 48. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Biennial herb ; on sandy heaths. July to October. 1. Culford Heath ; Risby ; Railway-bank, Eastgate, Bury; Troston ; Knettishall ; Fakenham : Nowton, Hb. Sk. : Hardwick, Hb. Wils. : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir- C.J.F.B. : Stanton, Hb. Cos. : Hinderclay, Rev. J.S. Saw- bridge : Barton Mills || , Hb. Dun.: Felsham, W.J. : Haw- stead and Barrow Bottom, E. Sk. : Higham and Tudden- ham, Blackett. 2. Acton : Thorpe Morieux and Cockfield, W.J. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Aldham, E.F.L. : Melford, J.F.W.: Brent Eleigh, Hb. Ly. 3. Bungay, Stock : Benacre, Sk. ms. 4. Westleton : Lit. Glemham : near Easton, Crabbe : Framlingham, E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh and Clay don : Felixstowe, H.M.S. : Barking, Sk. ms. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. Arctium, Linn. 1. A. majus, Schk. Greater Burdock,, Bab. Man. 202. Hook. St. Fl. 220. H. & S. (Lappa). Hiat. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Gal p. 80. Large biennial herb ; in borders of fields and waste places. August. 1. Stanton || ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Honington ; Faken- ham ; Troston ; Cavenham ; Mildenhall ; Lakenheath. 2. Melford ; Bures ; Wiston ; Nayland and Stoke. 3. Gorleston ; Mettingham ; Beccles ; Barsham. 4. Botesdale : Weybread, H.B.C. 5. Aldeburgh; Bromeswell ; Stutton and Shelley : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Ashbocking, F.C.S. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum in part. 2. A. nemoroSTim, Lej. Grove Burdock.. Bab. Man. 202. Hook. St. Fl. 221. 211 Large biennial herb ; in hedges and woods. August. 1 . Fakenham Wood || ; Pakenham, H b. Rk. : Elveden. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Burgh Castle ; Kessingland ; Worlingham : Cove- hithe, Hb.Ly. Earliest notice 1850 ? Lady Blake. 3. A. minus, Schk. Lesser Burdock. Bab. Man. 202. Hook. St. Fl. 220,21. Galp. 80. Biennial herb ; in borders of fields. August. 1. Fakenham || ; Troston : Bury, Hb. Wils. 2. Acton : Nayland and Polstead, Gray : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Burgh Castle ; Kessingland and Benacre ; Beccles. 4. Redgrave. 5. Alderton ; Stutton : Grundisburgh,T.H.: Wher- stead, Haward. Earliest notice 1876. Hind. 4. A. intermedium, Lange. Intermediate Burdock. (Bab. Man. 202,3. Hook. St. Fl. 221. Galp. 80. Biennial herb ; waste places and borders of fields. Aug. 1. Fakenham || ; Stanton || ; Honington ; Troston || ; .Elveden ; Westley Wood. 2. Long Melford. 3. Mettingham ; Burgh Castle; Kessingland ; Beccles : Oulton, McAub:$t. Margarets, (E.A.H.) Galp. 4. Redgrave. 5. Stutton. Earliest notice 1878. Hind. Serratula, Linn. 1. S. tinctoria, Linn. Saw-wort. Bab. Man. 203. Hook. St. Fl. 224. H. & S. 47. Hist. Bury. Ger. Herbaceous perennial ; in thickets ; rare in Suffolk. August. 1. Coney Weston, Mrs. Gibson & Hb. We. : in Barton Park, sparingly, Sir C.J.F.B. : Bury and Icklingham, Sir J. Cullum. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. Earliest record 1597. Gerarde. 212 Centaurea, Linn. [C. Jacea, Linn. Brown-radiant Knapweed. Bab. Man. 203. Hook. St. Fl. App. 532. A rare casual ; likely from imported grass or other seed. August September. 1. Hardwick, June 9th, 1775. Sir. J. Cullum.] 1. C. nlgra, Linn. Black Knapweed. Bab. Man. 203,4. Hook. St. Fl. 222. H. & S. 48. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufL E. and W. Galp. 81. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in pastures, &c. June to September. Common in all the districts. c. nigres-cens, Bab. 5. Sea-dyke, Bawdsey, dwarf fprm 1 1. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. C. CyarLTlS. Corn Bluebottle. Bab. Man. 204. Hook. St. Fl. 222. H. & S. 48. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Tall annual ; in cornfields. June to August. In all the districts, but less plentiful than formerly, through improved farming. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. C. ScablOSa, Linn. Great Knapweed. Mat/ellon. Bab. Man. 204. Hook. St. Fl. 222. H. & S. 48. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 81. Herbaceous perennial ; borders of fields and hedges ; more abundant in Suffolk than in most counties. July to September. Freely distributed throughout all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. |4. C. SOlstitiallS, Linn. Yellow Star Thistle. Bab. Man. 204,5. Hook. St. Fl. 223. H. & S. 49. Herbaceous annual ; in Suffolk only as a casual on cul- tivated land July to September. 1. Euston||; Bowbeck, Bardwell 1 1 and Honington, among Sainfoin : Pakenham, among Lucerne, Hb. Cas. : 213 Rougham, HI. Ek. : Barton, Mag. Nat. Hist. : Bury ; Wei- netham, H. & 8. 3. Lowestoft Docks, Hb. Sk. : near the Beach, South- wold, Holmes : Gunton, H. & S. 4. Dunwich, Mrs. Symonds. 5. Woolverstone, H.M.8. Earliest record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 5. C. Calcitrapa, Linn. Common Star Thistle* Bab. Man. 205. Hook. St. Fl. 223. H. & S. 48. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Huff. E. Annual weed ; chiefly near the coast on gravelly soil. July to September. 1. Bury, Sir. J. Cullum : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 3. Plentiful near the fish-houses, North Denes, Lowes- toft ||, Hit. Sk. & Cas. : Southwold, Hbb. Eh. <& Ly. 5. Orford, H. & S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Onopordum, Linn. 1. O. Acanthium, Linn. Scotch Thistle.. Bab. Man. 205. Hook. St. Fl. 227,8. H. & S. 48. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 81. Tall biennial weed ; on wa/ste ground and hedge-banks.. August. 1. Bardwell ; Bury; Fakenham ; Honington ; Liver- mere; Sapiston || ; Hopton ; Market Weston ; Thetford ; West Stow ; Brandon and Lakenheath : Barnham, C.B. : Troston, Hb. Cas. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Thur- ston, Gray : Pakenham, E.F.L. : Cavenham ; Higham and Tuddenham, W.J. : Icklingham and Santon Downham, Sk. ms. 2 . Layham and Long Melford : Lidgate, Rev. F. Tearle : Sudbury, H. & S. 3. Burgh Castle and St. Olaves: Bungay, Stock: Lowestoft, Dr. Trimen: Southwold, Hb. Ek. : Gorleston, Phyt.1862. 4. Cookley ; Dunwich and Walberswick : Gt. Glem- ham, E.N.B. : Leiston and Sizewell, T.W.G. : Stusto-n, Collins -. near Mendham Mill, Galp. 214 5. Aldeburgh ; Felixstowe and Ipswich : Gt. Deal- ings, Moor : Orford, Hb. F. : Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Sud- Ibourne, E.N.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Card u US, Linn. 1. C. rnitans, Linn. Musk Thistle* Bab. Man. 206. Hook. St. Fl. 224. H. & S. 47. Hist. Yarm. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 80. Biennial weed ; in pastures -and by waysides. May to August. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. C. crispllS, Linn. Welted Thistle* Bab. Man. 206. Hook. St. Fl 225. H. & S. 47. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 80. Tall biennial weed ; chiefly by hedges. June to Aug. In all the districts, not very frequent ; absent from the Breck country. b. C. acanthoides, Linn. Bab. Man. 206. Hook. St. Fl. 225. Hist. Wher. 1. Thelnetham; Wetherden : Thurston, C.B.: Bury, SirJ. Cullum : Tostock, Mrs. Terry. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland ; Melford and Clare : Lit. Thur- low, Hb. F. : Sudbury, Fulcher. 4. Eedgrave||; Wortham; Mellis : Dunwich, Sk. ms. 5. Needham Market : Wher stead, H award. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3- C. tenuiflorus, Curt. C. pycnocephalus, Jacq. Slender Thistle. Bab. Man. 206. Hook. St. Fl. 225. H. & S. 47. Hist. Yarm. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E. Biennial weed ; usually by the sea-shore. June to Aug. 3. Belton||; Lowestoft; Kessingland : Southwold, Blackett: Gorton, Phyt.1862: St. Olaves ; Somerleyton and Herringfleet, Trimmer. 4. Thorpe ; Dunwich & Walberswick: Snape, E.N.B. 5. Orford ; Felixstowe and Walton : Aldeburgh, Hb. F. : ^alkenham, Haward Earliest record 1805. Wigg. 215 4. C- lanceolatus, Linn. Cnicus lanceolatus, Hoffm. Spear Thistle. Bab. Man. 206. Hook. St. Fl. 225. H. & S. 47. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 81. Tall biennial weed ; by waysides, hedges and waste places. July, August. Very common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 5- C. erioplioms, Linn. Cnicus eriophorus, Hofnn. Woolly-headed Thistle. Bab. Man. 207. Hook. St. Fl. 225,6. H.&S.48. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Biennial w r eed ; on chalky waste ground. August. 1. Bury, Sir T. G. Cullum.: near Felsham Hall; Gedding and Saxham, Sic. ms. : Bradfield, Rev. P. Lathbury. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Lavenham, Hb. Sk. Gt. Thurlow, Hb.F. : Cockfield, W.J. : Clare, E. Forsterjun. : Lidgate, Rev. F. Tcarle : Long Melford, J.F.W. 3. Lowestoft, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. 4. Debenham, Ms. Davy : near Framlingham, Crabbei e,H.&S. 5. Felixstowe |l, Ips.Portf.: Wherstead, Haivard. Earliest notice 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 6- C. arvensis, Curt. Cnicus arvensis, Hoffm. Creeping Thistle. Bab. Man. 207. Hook. St. Fl. 226. H . & S. 48. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and VV. Galp. 81. Perennial and pernicious weed; spreading freely by underground stolons, and very difficult to eradicate : Jiore albo, Pakenham, C.B. July. Much too frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1772. Sir J. Cullum. 7. C. palustris, Linn. Cnicus palustris, Hoffm. Marsh Hustle. Bab. Man. 207. Hook. St. Fl. 226,7. H.&S.47. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 81. Annual weed in wet pastures j frequently growing very tall. July, August. Very common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 216 8. C. pratensis, Huds. , Cnicus pratensis, Willd. Meadow Thistle. Bab. Man. 207. Hook. St. Fl. 227. H. & S. 48. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshy meadows and fens. June to August. 1. Hopton Fen || : Tuddenham ||, Hb. 8k. : Milden- hall, near Eriswell, Sir C.J.F.B. : Wangford and Laken- heath Fens, E. Sk. 3. North Cove and Barnby, Holmes : Marsh at Brad- well, Wigg : Belton Bog, Paget : between Burgh and Bel- ton, Phyi. 1862 : Bungay, Stock. 4. Eedgrave Fen. Earliest notice 1805. Wigg. 10. C. acaillis, Linn. Cnicus acaulis, Hoffm. Stemless Thistle. Bab. Man. 208. Hook. St. Fl. 226. H.&S.48. Hist. Wher. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E and W. Galp. 81. Herbaceous perennial ; in light pastures. July to Sep. 1. Euston ; Fakenham ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Ix- worth Thorpe; Bardwell; Knettishall || ; Thetford; Elveden; Eisby and Lakenheath : Hawstead, C.B. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Barningham and Cul- ford Heath, Gray : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hardwick, Hbb. Sk. <& Wils. : Chadwick Hall, Bradfield, Dr. Clark : Barrow Bottom and Santon Downham, Sk. ms. : Eushbrooke, C.B. 2. Thorpe, near Bull's Wood, Cockfield ; Brettenham and Shimpling, C.B. : Long Melford : Hitcham, Herb. Hens. : Eede, Hb. Turn. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Sandpit, St. Cross, Holmes : Bungay, Stock : St. Cross (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Botesdale : Wortham Ling, C. J. Ashfteld : Lit. Glemham Park and Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Darsham, Ms. Davy. 5. Grundisburgh Hall Park, Moor : Wherstead, Ha- ward. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. Silybum, Linn. 1. S. mariannm, G&rt. Milk Thistle* 217 Bab. Man. 208. Hook. -St. Fl. 228. H. & S. 47. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 81. Large herbaceous perennial ; on banks and waste places* June, July- 1. Honington; Hopton; Troston ; Fornham : Stow- langtoft, Hb. Ek. : Kennefc, Hb. Gas. : Kentford, Eev. F+ Tearle : Bury, Hb. Ly. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland ||, Gray. 3. Homersfield, H.B.G. : Gorleston, Phyt. 1862,3 : Beccles. 4. Cookley, Holland. 5. Stutton ; Walton : Aldeburgh and Ipswich, E.N. B.: r Gt. Bealings, Moor : Barking, T.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Lapsana, Linn. 1. L. COmmunis, Linn. Nipplewort. Bab. Man. 209. Hook. St. Fl. 229. H. & S. 51. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 82. Annual weed ; in waste places and hedges. July, Aug* Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Arnoseris, Gart. 1. A. pusilla, Gcsrt. Dwarf Swine's Succory. Bab. Man. 209. Hook. St. Fl.' 229. H. & S. 51. Hist.Fram. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Small annual ; in sandy fields. June to August. 1. Fornham St. Martin, Hb. Sk. : Timworth, Sir T. G. Cullum : Wangford || , G. E. Druce : Mildenhall, J.T. : - Lakenheath, H. < S. 4. Dunwich, Ms. Davy : fields at Dingle, Westleton, Davy : Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. Broom Close, Barham, F. : fields near the Alms- houses, Woodbridge, Crabbe. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. Cichorium, Linn. 1. C. Intybus, Linn. Succory. Chicory. Bab. Man. 209. Hook. St. Fl. 228. H.&S.51. Hist. Yarm.. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 82. 218 Herbaceous perennial ; on grassy waysides, generally in a gravelly or chalky soil. 1. Honington ; Fakenham || ; Sapiston ; Bardwell ; Market Weston || ; Hopton; Hinderclay; Stanton; Troston: Bradfield Combust, C.B. : Nowton||, Hb. Wits.: Paken- ham, Hb. Cas. : Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Bury, SirJ. Cullum: Mildenhall, SirC.J.F.B. : Tuddenham, E. Sk. 2. Nayland and Clare : Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Rede, Hb. Turn. : Thurlow, F. : Long Mel- ford, J.F.W. : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Mettingham ; Burgh Castle ; Belton and Kessing- lund : Pakefield, Hb. Sk. : Bradwell, J. Priest in Hb. Geld: Oulton, McAub. 4. Thorpe; Cookley; Walpole; Walberswick; Mellis; Eye; Brome : Redgrave, C. J. Ashfield : Yaxley, Sewell: Gt. Glemham and Stratford St. Andrews, E.N.B. : Westleton, F. Spalding. 5. Orford; Bramford; Bromeswell; Felixstowe : Ips- wich, Ips. Port/. : between Newbourne and Bucklesham, Moor: Grundisburgh, T.H. : Hemingstone, T.B. : Ash- bocking, F.C.S.: Needham Market, E.Clowes: Wood- bridge and Sutton, F. Spalding : Bawdsey Ferry, Hb. Ly. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Hypochaeris, Linn. 1. H. glabra, Linn. Smooth Cat's-ear. Bab. Man. 209,10. Hook. St. Fl. 238. H. & S. 49. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E.andW. Small annual ; on sandy or gravelly heaths and com- mons. June to August. * It is one of the earliest syngenesious plants that flower,* Dill. Hay in Hort. Oxon. \. Barnham || ; West Stow ||; Sapiston: Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. \- ' very common in the neighbourhood of Bury, 1 Sir J. Cullum : Barton, Sir T. G. Cullum : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : Lakenheath Warren, A.B. : Elveden, E.F.L. : Brandon, H. & S. : Cavenham ; Icklingham ; Eriswell ; Santon Heath, A.B. 2. Thurlow, F. 3. Benacre and Covehithe : Bungay, Stock : South- wold, Holmes : Lowestoft Denes, E. Sk. 219 4. Westleton ; Thorpe : Benliall Green and Gt. Glem- ham, E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh and Barliam, H. <& S. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. H. radicata, Linn. Long-rooted Cat's-ear* Bab. Man. 210. Hook. St. Fl. 238. H. & S. 50. Hist. Frara. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Stiff . E. and W. Galp.82. Herbaceous perennial ; frequent in meadows and pastures. Common in all the districts. July. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. H. maCTllata, Linn. Spotted Cat's-ear.. Bab. Man. 210. Hook. St. Fl. 238. H. & S. 50. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; on chalky downs ; rare. July, August. 1. Cavenham||, Hb. Elk. : Kisby Chalk-bank, Rev. G.. E. Leathes in Hb. Rk., also Hb. Sk. : Icklingham, Sir J. E. Smith : Newmarket, Winch: found as recently as 1876, A.B~ Earliest notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. Thrincia, Both. 1. T. hlrta, DC. Leontodon hirtus, Linn. Hairy Thrincia. Bab. Man. 210. Hook. St. Fl. 239. H. & S. 49. Hist.Yaim.. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 83 Herbaceous perennial ; on grassy heaths and pastures. June to September. 1. Knettishall || ; Wangford and Brandon :. Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Barningham, E.F.L. : Bradfield, Hb. Ly. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Lowestoft || ; Hopton ; South wold ; Benacre and Covehithe : Bungay, Sk. ms. 4. Kedgrave and Botesdale ; Thorpe : Gt. Glemham,. E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh ; Shrubland Park ; Felixstowe and Bawdsey. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. Leontodon, Linn. 220 1. L. h-ispidllS, Linn. Common Hawkbit* Bab. Man. 210. Hook. St. Fl. 239. H.&S. 49. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and pastures. Frequent in all the districts. June to September. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. Ti. ail tlinm alls, Linn. Autumnal Hawkbit* Bab. Man. 211. Hook. St. Fl. 239. H. & S. 49. Hist. Yarm. Hiat. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 83. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and pastures. Common in all the districts. August. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Tragopogon, Linn. 1. T. minor, Fries. Lesser Goafs-beard* Bab. Man. 211. Hook. St. PL 243. H. & S. 49 (part). Hist. Yarm. Top Bot. Suff. E. and W. (part). Biennial ; in meadows and pastures. June, July. 1. Hopton || ; Haughley ; Wetherden ; Wangford ; Higham. 2. Nayland : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. By the Ferry-house, Gorleston, Paget. 4. Darsham || ; Peasenhall : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Felixstowe : Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 2. T. pratensis, Linn. Meadow Goafs-beard* Bab. Man. 211. Hook. St. Fl. 243. H. & S. 49. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 84. Biennial ; in meadows and pastures. June. 1 . Bardwell ; Honington ; Tim worth ; Cavenham ; Brandon ; Thetford : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Nowton, H b. Wils : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Rk. : Westlej Bottom, Hb. Blk. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Fornham, Sk.ms. 2. Stoke and Melford : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cock- field, W.J. : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Kessingland. 4. Oakley : Mendham Hill, Galp : Huntingfield,IZ0- land : Framlingham, Crabbe : Westleton F. Spalding :-~ Brockford, C, W. Peck. 5. Alderton ; Orford : Gt. Bealings, Moor: Heming- 221 stone, T.B. : Coddenham, F. Fox: Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Wherstead, Haward : Needham Market, Hb. Jefes : Whitton and Bramford, Miller. NOTE. Some of the earlier references may belong to T. minor. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. .*3. T. porrifolius, Linn. Salsafy. Bab. Man. 211. Hook. St. Fl. 243. H. & S. 49. Hist. Fram. Biennial ; of repute as a vegetable ; apparently wild plants occasionally are found. June. 1. Honington : meadows between Hawstead and Gt. Welnetham, Mrs. Carss. 2. In a meadow at Nayland, Gray. Friar's Hill, -Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. In a hedge at Bradwell, Paget. 5. Needham Market, MissJeffes. Earliest record 1781. Sir J. Cullum. Pier is, Linn. 1. P. hieracioides, Linn. Haivkweed Picris. Bab. Man. 211,12. Hook. St. Fl. 229,30. H. & S. 49. Hisc. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 82. Biennial ; on dry banks. July to September. 1 . Haughley 1 1 ; Woolpit ; Sapiston and Higham : - Hardwick, Hb. Sic. : Stanton, Hb. Cas. : Bury, Sir J. Cul- lum : Felsham, H. cC- S. : Barrow and Saxham, Sk.ms. : . Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. -, 2. Cockfield and Lavenham, C.B. : Hitcham, HB. Hens. : between Boxford and Kersey : Thurlow, F. : Chevington and Whepstead, Sk. ms. 3. Mettingham : Blundeston, Paget : Lowestoft ; Pakefield ; Carlton Colville, Sk. ms. : Flixton ; St. Mar- garets, Galp. 4. Darsham | ; Wortham : Gt. Glemham ; Farnham and Sweffling, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe : Thorpe, Hb. Ly. 5. Lit. Blakenham, Haward. b. P. arvalis, Jord. Bab. Man. 212. Hook. St. Fl. 230. 1 . Sapiston || ; Higham : Elmswell, J. Easor. 2. Gt. Thurlow, Hb. F. 4. Wortham ||. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 222 Helminthia, Juss. 1. TT. ech.ioid.es, Gart. Picris echioides, Linn. Ox-tongue* . Bab. Man. 212. Hook. St. Fl. 230. H. & S. 49. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 82. Tall annual ; in woods and by hedge banks. July to September. 1. Hinderclay Wood || ; Bury ; Euston ; Honington j . Bardwell ; Stanton ; Wetherden ; Haugliley : Pakenham, Hb.Cas.: Stowlangtoft, #.#&.: Walsliam, Hb. Dun. : Felsham, C.B. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hardwick, Hb.Ly. 2. Hoe Lane, Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens.: Lit. Thurlow, Hb.F.: ReAe,Hb. Turn.: Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Bungay ; Belton ; Kessingland : Pakefield, Dr. Trimen : Bradwell, Payet : St. Margarets, Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe. 5 . Bawdsey ; Felixstowe and Walton : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Lit. Blakenham, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Lactuca, Linn. 1. Ti. saligna, Linn. Willow Lettuce.. Bab. Man. 212. Hook. St. Fl. 241. H. & S. 50. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Biennial ; in chalky soil near the sea. July, August* 5. Salt marshes at Aldeburgh, H. d- S. ? ? Earliest notice 1860. Henslow and Skepper. 2. Ti. virosa, Linn. Acrid Lettuce. Bab. Man. 212. Hook. St. Fl. 240. H.&S. 50. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Biennial ; on dry banks and old walls. July, August. 1. Bury ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Market Weston ; Thel- netham : Fornham St. Martin, Hbb. Blk.d- Wils. : Ixworth ; Thurston, Hb. Ek. : Kattlesden, H. & S. 2. Nayland||, Gray : Kersey, E.F.L. : Hadleigh, Dr. White. 3. Fritton and Mettingham : Lowestoft, E. Sk. : Bungay, Stock. 4. Sibton and Covehithe : Gt. Glemham and Sax- mundham, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe : Weybread, H.B.C. 5. Sproughton, H. & S. : Felixstowe, W. H. Purchase Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 223 3. L- Scariola, Linn. Prickly Lettuce. Bab. Man. 212, Hook. St. Fl. 241. H. & S. 50. Biennial ; in waste places ; rare. July, August. 1. Newmarket, Winch. 5. On a bank at Coddenham ? F. Fox : likely L. virosa. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 4. L. nmralis, DC. Wall Lettuce. Bab. Man. 212,13. Hook. St. Fl. 241. H. & S. 50. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Buff. E. and W. Galp. 83. Herbaceous perennial ; on dry banks and old walls. 1. The Grundle, Stanton ||. July. 2. Old walls near Hadleigh, F. Spalding : Chevington and Groton, H. & S. : Badmondisfield Hall. 3. Kessingland, E.N.B. : Pakefield, E. SJc. : com- mon near Bungay, Dr. Woodward : St. Margarets, Galp. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe : Palgrave, Collins. 5. Woolverstone. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Taraxacum, Juss. 1. T. officinale, Wigg. T. Dens-leonis, Desf. Dandelion. Bab. Man. 213. Hook. St. Fl. 240. H. & S. 50. Hist. Yarm. .Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 83. Herbaceous perennial ; in pastures and waste places. Common in all the districts. March to October. b. T. Iffvigatum, DC. Bab. Man. 213. Hook. St. Fl. 240. 5. Felixstowe ||. c. T. erythrospermum, DC. Bab. Man. 213. Hook. St. Fl. 240. 1. Honington || ; Elveden; Fornham All Saints; "West Stow ; Icklingham : Mildenhall, E. S. Marshall. d. T. palustre, Sm. Bab. Man. 213. Hook. St. Fl. 240. 3. Marshes near Southtown, and on Bradwell and Hopton Commons, D. Turner : Worlingham ||, R. E. Leach. 4. Minsmere Marsh, near Sizewell. Earliest record 1773. Sir. J. Cullum. Sonchus, Linn. 1. S. oleraceilS, Linn. Common Sowthistle. 224 Bab. Man. 213. Hook. St. Fl. 242. H.&S.50. Hist. Framl . Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Sufi . E. and W. Galp. 83. Annual weed ; in cultivated fields and waste places. Frequent in all the districts. June to August. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. S. asper, Hoffin. Rough Sowthistle. Bab. Man. 213. Hook. St. Fl. 242. H. & S. 50. Top. Bot. Buff. E. and W. Galp. 83. Annual weed ; in cultivated fields and waste places. Frequent in all the districts. June to August. Earliest record 1773. (Included in S. oleraceus.) NOTE. Under the original L. oleraceus, Linn, three dis- tinct forms are included. 1. L. oleraceus, as now received, with leaves flat, having sagittate auricles, and the lower part usually narrowed into an apparent petiole. 2, has leaves flat and usually wider than 1, but with rounded auricles. 3, has a stout striate stem, crisp and spinous leaves with rounded auricles. No. 2 is the most common form ; and No. 3, S. asper, is the least common form. On the sea-shore the plants are occasionally much stunted, and branched at the base, with fleshy spear-pointed leaves. 3. S. arvensis, Linn. Corn Sowthistle. Bab. Man. 213,14. Hook. St. Fl. 242. H. & S. 50. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 83. Herbaceous perennial ; in cultivated fields, waste places and fens. August, September. Frequent in all the districts. S. glabra, Lond. Cat. 5. Landguard Fort 1 1 . Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 4. S. palustlls, Linn. Marsh Sowthistle. Bab. Man. 214. Hook. St. Fl. 242. H. & S. 50. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Buff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes ; rare. July, Aug. 3. Lothingland, J. Sherardin Dill. Ray. : near Burgh Castle ||, Hb. Blk. : river-side at Becclesand Worlingham, Crabbe : between Bungay and Shipmeadow, Holmes : Oul- ton, Hb. Sk. : Belton, Phyt. 1862 : near Mutford Bridge, Sk. ms. 225 4. Palgrave, Collins. 5. The Cliff, Felixstowe ? Hb. Ly. Earliest record 1724. Sherard. Mulgedium, Cass. [M. tataricum, DC. First found in company of the Bev. J. D. Gray in autumn, 1884, on a marshy bank of the Stour at Stoke-by-Nayland. There were about a dozen plants. This, and various other exotic or rare plants in the neigh- bourhood, have likely been introduced with foreign grain brought to Nayland Mill. As the plant increases freely by underground stolons, and its present habitat is favourable to its spread, it is likely to become permanently established in its present locality. 1884. Hind.] C re pis, Linn. 1. C. taraxacifolia, Thuil. Dandelion-leaved Haicksbeard. Bab. Man. 214. Hook. St. Fl. 231. H. & S. 50. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous biennial ; on chalky soil. June, July^ 1. Woolpit || and Eougham||, J. Easor: Bury, occa- sionally, Sk. ms. 4. Gt. Glemham and Framlingham, E.N.B. : Par- ham, Sk. ms. 5. Marlesford, H. & S. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1860. Eev. E. N. Bloomfield. 2. C. fcetida, Linn. Fetid HaivJcsbeard* Bab. Man. 214,15. Hook. St. Fl. 231. H. & S. 51. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous biennial ; on chalky soil. June, July. 1. Gt. Saxham, and near the sixth milestone from Bury to Newmarket, Sir T. G. Gullum : Brandon, C.C.B. 5. Claydon and Coddenham, Crabbe. Earliest record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum & Eev. G. Crabbe. 3. C. virens, Linn. Smooth Hawksbeard.. Bab. Man. 215. Hook. St. Fl. 230. H. & S. 51. Hist. Franu Eist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp.82. Annual weed ; in meadows, pastures and waste places- 226 Common in all the districts. June to September. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 4. C. biennis, Linn. Biennial Hawksbeard* Bab. Man. 215. Hook. St. Fl. 230. H. & S. 51. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous biennial ; on chalky soil. June, July. 1. Lee's fields, Bury, Hb. Sk. : Railway banks at crossing near Eastgate, Bury, 1866, Sk. ms. : Westley Bot- tom, Sir T. Gr. Cullum : meadow North of Newmarket race- course || . 5. Wherstead ! Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Hieracium, Linn. 1. H. Pilosella, Linn. Mouse-ear Hawkweed. Bab. Man. 216. Hook. St. Fl. 232. H. & S. 51. Hi.st. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Galp. 83. Herbaceous perennial ; on dry banks and commons. Common in all the districts. May to August. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [BE. aiirantiacum, Linn. Orange Hawkweed. [ Bab. Man. 216. Hook. St. Fl.^233. On old walls ; rare. June to August. 1. Old walls at Brandon, W.J. Cross, 1883. Walls have been repaired and the plants destroyed. 1883. W. J. Cross.] 21. H. nmrorum, Linn. Wall Hawkweed* Bab. Man. 222. Hook. St. Fl. 234. H. & S. 51. Hist. Frain. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on rocks, walls, and in woods. June, July. 1. The Wilderness, Bury || : near Bury, J. liasor: 4 Hamond's garden-wall, near B. Warren's house ; old Bot. Garden walls, wild ; plentiful near Mr. Munn's house,' Sk. ins. 4. In lanes near Framlingham, but sparingly, Cmbbe? Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 24. H. vulgatum, Fries. Common Hawkweed. Bab. Man. 223. Hook. St. Fl. 236. Hist. Wher. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods, on banks and walls. 227 July to September. 1. Sapiston Grove ||: Old Botanical Gardens, wild, Sk. ms. 2. Polstead. 4. Stuston, Collins. 5. Wherstead, Haward. Form H. maculatum, Sm. Bab. Man. 223. Hook. St. Fl. 236. 2. Sudbury, Dr. White in Hb. Sk. Earliest notice 1862. E. Skepper. 30. H. umbellatum. Linn. Umbellate Hawkweed. Bab. Man. 225. Hook. St. Fl. 237. H. & S. 51. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 82. Herbaceous perennial ; sandy heaths and stony places. July to September. 1 . A small neat form on grassy heath at Elveden 1 1 : Stanton Wood, Hb. Elk. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Bury, Sir J. Cullum : Woolpit, J. fiasor. 3. Hopton Cliff || ; Lound and Gorleston ; Beccles : Browston, Payet : Bungay, Stock : Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. and Dr. Trimcn : Belton, Sk. ms.-: Benacre, E.N.B. : Belton, J.PriestinHb.Geld. 4. Dunwich Cliff, E.N.B. : Dunwich Heath, W.J. : Weybread, H.B.C. : Blythburgh, Ms. Davy*. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 33. H. boreale, Fries. Northern Hawkweed. Bab. Man. 225,6. Hook. St. Fl. 237. H. & S. X. Add. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks. Aug. Sep. 1. The Grundle, Stanton || : Barrett's Garden, Bury, Hb. Sk.: Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Wiston and Polstead, Gray. 4. Farnham, H. & 8. : Framlingham, near Easton, Crabbe. 5. Ipswich, W.L.N. Bentley; Bucklesham and Otley, H. & 8. : Wlierstead, Haward. Earliest record 1777. Sir J. Cullum. AMBROSIACE/E, Link. Xanthium, Linn. [X. Strumarmm, Linn. Broad-leaved Burweed* 228 Bab. Man. 226. Hook. St. PI. App. 532. Exotic annual ; a rare casual, on rich waste land. August September. 1. Drinkstone, Mrs. Parker, fide C.B.] CAMPANULACE/E. Jasione, Linn. 1. J. montana* Linn. Sheep's Scabious* Bab. Man. 228. Hook. St. Fl. 245. H. & S. 52. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Galp. 84. Herbaceous biennial ; on dry banks and heaths. July* Barnham || ; Brandon || ; Fakenham ; Sapiston ; Market Weston: Barton, Hb. Blk.: Icklingham, Hb. 8k. : Stow- langtoft, Hbb. Cas. & Rk. : Tuddenham, Hb.Wils. : Bury, Sir. J. Outturn : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Culford Heath, Gray : Cavenham, Rev. F. Tearle : West Stow, Hb. Ly. 2. Rede, Hb. Turn. 8. Benacre and Covehithe : Belton, Sk. ms. : below Homersfield Church, Galp : Hopton, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Westleton: Farnham and Gt. Glemham, E.N.B.: Wenhaston Heath, W.J. : Framlingham, Crabbe : Mend- ham, H. B. C.: Stuston Common, Co llins : Weybread, Galp. 5. Aldeburgh, Hb.F. : Grundisburgh,r.if. : Greeting, T.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Campanula, Linn. 1. C. glomerata, Linn. Clustered Bell-flower* Bab. Man. 228,9. Hook. St. Fl. 248. H. & S. 52. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; in chalky pastures. July, Aug. 1. Barton Park, Hb. Blk. : Mermaid Pits, Bury, Hb. Wils.: Mildenhall, Hb. Dun. : Sicklesmere, Hb.Sk.: Saxham and Westley, H. & S. : Gazeley, Rev. F. Tearle : Dalham ; Barrow ; Livermere ; Ickworth Park gravel-pits ; Ixworth, Sk. ms. 2. Haverhill, Hb. F. : Polstead, H. <& S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. C. latifolia, Linn. Giant Bell-flower. Throatwort* Bab. Man. 229. Hook. St. Fl. 247. H. & S. 52. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. B. ? Galp. 84. 229 Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and thickets. July, August. 3. At Shipmeadow between Bungay and Beccles, Woodward : Chediston, Trimmer : Mettingliam, Ms. Davy. 4. Linstead Parva, near Halesworth, Woodward. Earliest record 1805. Woodward. 3. C. Trachelium, Linn. Nettle Bell-flower. Bab. Man. 229. Hook. St. Fl. 247,8- H. & S. 52. Top. Bot. Suff.E.andW. Galp. 84. Herbaceous perennial ; in thickets and on hedge banks. July, August. 1. Stanton||; Wetherden ; Shelland and Westley Wood : Welnetham, C. B. : Barton, H b. Blk. : Drink- stone, Hb. F. : Hardwick, Hb. 8k. : Pakenham, Hb Cas.: Wicken ; Bardwell, Hb. Dun. : Dalham, Rev. F. Tearle : - Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Felsham Wood, W.J. : Bury, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. : Eattlesden, H. & S. 2. Acton : Gt. Waldingfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Bures || ; Wiston, Gray : Cockfield, W.J. : Long Melford, J.F.W. : Sudbury, J.S.H. : Pol stead, F. Spalding: Hawkedon, Hb. Turn. : Boxford, H. & S. 3. Bungay (now extinct), Stock : St. Margarets, (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Mendham, H.B.C. 5. Grundisburgh and Depden, Moor : Hemingstone, T.B. : Shrubland, Ips. Port/. : Lit. Blakenham, Haward : Nacton, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. t4. C. rapllHCUloid.es, Linn. Creeping Bell-flower. Bab. Man. 229. Hook. St. Fl. 247. Herbaceous perennial ; occasionally on waste and culti- vated ground. July, August. 1. Mildenhall || ; Honington || ; Eailway Cutting, East- gate 1 1 and Cotton Lane, Bury ; Stanton ; Troston and Ing- ham : Culford Heath, Gray : Lakenheath, G. C. Druce, Rec. Club, 1883. 3. Beccles. 4. Brockford, C. W. Peck : Eye, E. S. Marshall. First notice 1875. Hind. 5. C. rofrimdifolia, Linn. Harebell. 230 Bab. Man. 229. Hook. St. Fl. 246. H. & S. 52. Hist. Yarnu Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 84. Herbaceous perennial ; on dry banks, heaths and com- mons. July, August. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. }C. BapTincilluS, Linn. Rampion. Bab. Man. 230. Hook. St. FI. 246. H. k S. 52. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Biennial herb ; in sandy soil. July, August. 1. Kougham, Hb. Cas. 3. Hedges to the right of the road a mile from Beccles towards Halesworth, H. & S. Earliest record 1832. Mrs. Casborne. Specularia, Heist. 1. S. hybrida, A. DC. Hybrid Venus Lookinff-ylass.. Bab. Man. 230. Hook. St. Fl. 248. H. & S. 52. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff E. and W. Small corn-field annual. June to September. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Honington; Fakenham: Bury, Hb. Wils. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Coney Weston, E.F.L. : Woolpit, J. Easor.. 2. Great and Little Thurlow, Hb. F. : Stoke : Cock- field, G.B. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Lake Lothing : Lowestoft, K. Sk. 4. Benhall, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Orabbe : Pal- grave, Collins. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. : Wherstead, Haward : Blax- hall, Mrs. Toller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. ERICACE>. Calluna, Salisb. 1. C. VTllgaris, Salisb. C. Erica, DC. Common Liny. Bab. Man. 233. Hook. St. Fl. 253. H.&S.53. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 84. Small shrub ; on heaths. June to August. Frequent in all the districts, except No. 2 the South- west from which no specimen has been reported. Form b. C. incana. 231 Auct. Lond. Cat. 918. b. 3. Between Lowestoft and Gorton, near the sea, 1857. JSir C.J.F.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Erica, Linn. 1. E. Tetralix, Linn. Cross-leaved Heath. Bab. Man. 233,4. Hook. St. Fl. 252. H. & S. 53. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small shrub ; on moist or boggy heaths. July, Aug. 1. Brandon : Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Cavenham and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Wangford, H. <6 S. 3. Belton || ; Benacre ; Covehithe ; Easton Bavent : Lowestoft, F. : Lound, H. & S. : Southwold, Hb. Dun. 4. Dunwich || ; Westleton ; Walberswick ; Eedgrave Fen, Collins. 5. Kushmere, Ips. Portf. : Aldeburgh, T.B. : near Ipswich, H . & S. Apparently absent from district 2. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. E. cinerea, Linn. Fine-leaved Heath. Bab. Man. 234. Hook. St. Fl. 252,3. H. & S. 53. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small shrub ; on dry heaths. July, August. 1. Tuddenham, Hb.Wils. : Cavenham, Sk. ms. : Mil- denhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 3. Gorleston ; Belton; St. Olaves; Easton Bavent ; Covehithe and Benacre : Herringfleet, Hb. Dun. : Lowes- toft, Hbb. Cos. & Sk. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Dunwich 1 1 ; Westleton ; Thorpe ; Sizewell ; Wal- berswick : Snape, Sir C.J.F.B.: Redgrave Fen, very sparingly, Collins. 5. Woodbridge, H.M.S. : Nacton Heath, Haward : Tunstall, E.N.B. : Ipswich, Miller : Aldeburgh : Mar tie - sham, Hb. Ly. Seems to be absent from district 2. Earliest record 1833. Hb. Wilson. Vaccinium, Linn. 4. V. OxyCQCCOS, Linn. Cranberry. 232 Bab. Man. 236. Hook. St. Fl. 250. H. & S. 52. Top. Bot. SufE. E. Small trailing shrub ; in bogs ; very rare. June, July. 1. Wangford, Eagle? 3. Worlingham Common, near Beccles, Woodward and Ms. Davy. Earliest record 1805. Woodward. Pyrola, Linn. 1. P. rotundifolia, Linn. Larger Winter-green. Bab. Man. 236. Hook. St. Fl. 256. H. & S. 53. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. (extinct.) Herbaceous perennial ; in damp bushy places. Aug. 3. On Bradwell Common, among furze ; meadows at Gorleston, Wigg. 4. Ashen Spring, near the round-house, Theberton, H. <& S. : Middleton, Sir J. E. Smith. Earliest record 1800. Wigg. Monotropa, Linn. 1. M. Hypopitys, Linn. Hypopitys multiflora, Scop. Yellow Bird's Nest. Bab. Man. 237. Hook. St. Fl. 257. H. & S. 53. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Galp. 85. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods ; rare. July, Aug. 1. Ickworth Park, C.B. & Hb. Sk.: Horton Spinney,. Barnham, Hb. Salm. 2. Lidgate, Rev. F. Tearle. 3. Bungay, Stock.. 4. Redgrave Park, Collins. Earliest record 1835. D. Stock. AQUIFOLIACEvC. Ilex, Linn. 1. I. Aquifolium, Linn. Holly. Bab. Man. 238. Hook. St. FL 85,6. H.&S. 55. Top. Bot. SuflE. Evergreen tree ; in woods and hedges. June to Aug. Frequent in all the districts ; especially fine in some parts of district 5 the South-east. Earliest record 1696. Dale. OLEACE/E. Ligustrum, Linn. 1 L. Vlllgar e, Linn. Privet... 233 Bab. Man. 238. Hook. St. Fl. 267. H. & S. 55. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 86. Shrub, frequently evergreen ; in woods and hedges often planted. June, July* 1 . Barnham ; Fakenham ; Honington ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Livermere ; Knettishall || ; Wetherden ; Elveden ; Tuddenham ; Barton Mills ; Wangford ; Mildenhall : Bury, Hb. Wils. : Pakenham, Hb. Blk. : Walsham, Hb. Dun. 2. Nayland ; Stoke ; Acton and Clare : Hitcham,. Hb. Hens. : Eede, Hb. Turn. : Thurlow, Hb. F. : Cock- field, W. J. : Kersey, E.F.L. : Sudbury, Fulcher. 3. Bungay ; Gorleston ; Kessingland and Benacre. 4. Burgate and Oakley. 5. Stutton ; Shrubland Park : Ashbocking, F.C.S.i Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. F rax in us, Linn. I. F. excelsior, Linn. Ash. Bab. Man. 238. Hook. St. Fl. 267,8. H. & S. 55. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 86. Tall and valuable timber tree ; in woods and hedge- rows. April, May. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. APOCYNACE^E. Vinca, Linn. II. V. minor, Linn. Lesser Periwinkle. Bab. Man. 239. Hook. St. Fl. 268. H. & S. 56. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 86. Trailing perennial, evergreen ; in woods and thickets. May, June. 1 . Fakenham Wood 1 1 ; Market Weston and Stanton : Bradfield, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Kougham, Hb. Blk. : Gt. Welnetham, Sir T. G. Cullum : Hunston, Hb. Ek. : Norton, J. Easor. : Eushbrooke, H. & S. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Assington, Gray : Cock- field, W. J. : ' On the ancient British Camp at Lindsey, near Hadleigh, F. Spalding : Naughton, H. & S. : Felsham Wood, Sk. ms. 234 3. Fritton Wood, Paget : Bungay, Stock : Flixton, H.B.C. : Oulton, McAub : Belton, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Sibton, Holland : Brockford, Hb. Peck : Pram- lingham, Haward : Yoxford and Kettleburgh Old Hall, Ms* Davy. 5. Boulge, Moor: Ashbocking, F.C.S.: Bergholt, H. & S. : Battisford, Sk. ms. : Whitton, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. V. major, Linn. Greater Periwinkle* Bab. Man. 239. Hook. St. Fl. 269. H. & S. 56. Hist. Bury. Galp. 86. Trailing perennial, evergreen; in plantations, or escaped. April, May. 1. Honington||; Ixworth ; Troston ; Ampton ; Euston; Hopton ; Icklingham : Tlmrston, Hb. Rk. : Westley, Hb. Wils. : Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Santon Downham, iVor- gate : Eriswell, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. 2. Polstead : Whepstead, H b. Wils. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Gorleston and Kessingland : Bungay, H. & S. 4. Brockford, Hb. Peck : Weybread, Galp. 5. Henley, Mr. Bryant, Dill. Puiy in Hort. Ox. : .Claydon, by the roadside, H. & S. : St. Mary, Stoke, Ipswich, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum.] | GENTIANAC/E. Chlora, Linn. 1. C. perfoliata, Linn. Blackxtonia perfoliata, Huds. Perfoliate Yellow-wort. Bab. Man. 240. Hook. St. Fl. 270. H. & S. 56. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Galp. 86. An erect glaucous annual ; chiefly on chalky soil. July to September. 1. Honington j | ; Haughley 1 1 : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Saxham, Hb. Sk. : Stanton, Hb. Dun. : Bury and Haw- stead, Sir J. Cullum : Rattlesden, Mrs. Parker : Thurston, Gray. Hardwick ; Norton; E 1ms well ; Rougham and .Felsham, H . & S. : Barton Park, Sk. ms. 2. Melford : Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Sudbury, J.S.H. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. : Chevington ; Brettenham ; Lavenham ; Naughton, H. &. S. 235 3. St. Margarets towards Flixton, Holmes : Bungay,, Stock. 4. Gt. Glemliam and Bendham. E.N.B. : Yoxford. Ms. Davy : Badingham, T.W.G-. : Hoxne, Galp. 5. Marlesford, E.N.B. : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Henley, F.Fox: near Ipswich, T.W.G. : Hemingstone, T.B.: Flowton, Dr. White. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Erythraea, Benealm. 1. E. pulchella, Fries. Dwarf-branched Centaury. Bab. Man. 240,1. Hook. St. Fl. 271. H. Sc S. 56.c. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual ; on the sea- shore, on sandy ground. July to September. 8. Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : 'Gorleston Cliffs, Pagvt and Ms. Davy. 5. Aldeburgh, Hb. Cas. : Woodbridge, Hb. Ek. : Walberswick, Ms. Davy. Earliest notice 1828. Davy. 2. E. CentaTirium, Pers. Common Centaury. Bab. Man. 241. Hook. St. Fl. 271. H. & S. ,^6.a. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 87. Annual ; not infrequent in dry pastures. July, Aug. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 4. E. littoralis, Fries. Dwarj '-tufted Centaury. Bab. Man. 241. Hook. St. Fl. 271. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual ; on sandy sea-shores, rarely inland. July, Aug. 1. Brandon || ; between Wangford and Lakenheath, Bolton King, fide G. E. Druce. 3. Lowestoft Denes, Hb. Sk. : Gorleston Pier, Sk. ms. 4. Size well. Earliest notice 1860. E. Skepper. Gentiana, Linn. 1. Gr. Amarella, Linn. Autumn Gentian. Felwort.. Bab. Man. 242. Hook. St. Fl. 272. H.&S.56. Hist. Bury Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual ; on dry chalky soil. August, September. 236 1. Brandon 1 1 : Chalk-pit, Stanton St. George, Hb* Cas.: Thurston Heath, Hb. 8k. : Bury and Hawstead, SirJ. Cullum : on the heath near Barrow Bottom, ftorepleno; in a chalk-pit at Lit. Saxham, Sir T. G. Cullum : Bough- .am and Bradfield, H. & S. : Bisby and Felsham, 8k. ms. : Barton Mills, Sir C. J. F. B, : Newmarket Heath, Rev* F. Tearle : Cavenham Heath, Woodward. 2. Long Melford, J.F. W. : Bookseye Green, Preston \. Acton and Chevington, 8k. ms. 5. Coddenham, F. Fox : Bramford, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. "2. G. campestris, Linn. Field Gentian. Bab. Man. 242. Hook. St. PL 272. H. & S. 56. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Annual ; on dry chalky soil. August, September. 1. On Thurston Heath ; Cavenham Severais ; and Deadman's Green, near Hardwick, Sir T. G. Cullum : Bury, Sir J. Cullum : Bank on Icklingham Heath : Bougham, H. AS. 2. Melford Wood ? J.F.W. : Hartest, H. rf. 8. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 5. Gr. Pneiimonantlie, Linn. Marsh Gentian. Bab. Man. 243. Hook. St. Fl. 272. H. & S. 56. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual ; on moist turfy heaths. August, September. 3. Carlton Heath, near Lowestoft, Woodward : Hopton and Gorton Heaths, Wigtj : ' on moorish ground on left- hand side of road going from Yarmouth to Lowestoft, Sir Jno. dullum.' Note in Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. : ' on moory heaths, at Herringfleet, two miles from MildenhahYsiej, Suffolk, and at Beltin (sic), Suffolk, five miles South-west of Yarmouth, on September 28th, I860,' W. Winter, Phyt. 1861, p. 296. This authority is discredited by the mention of Mildenhall in connection with the North-east corner of Suffolk. It may have arisen from a lapse of memory, or a confusion of thought, but without a sufficient explanation it must be passed over as worthless. The plant is likely extinct in Suffolk. Earliest record 1777. Sir J. Cullum. 237 Limnanthemum, Gmel. [1. l_i. nymphaeoides, Link. L. pdtatum, Gmel. Bab. Man. 243. Hook. St. Fl. 273. 1 Floating herbaceous perennial ; in rivers ; not a native of Suffolk. July, August. 1. Ickworth Park, likely introduced, Blackett : Tud- denham, ? Sk. ms. 2. Sudbury, J.S.H. 3. Somerleyton, ? 8k. ms. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum.] Menyanthes, Linn. 1. 3VL trifoliata, Linn. Marsh Buckbean or Bogbean. Bab. Man. 243. Hook. St. Fl. 273. H. & S. 57. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 87. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes and fens. May to July. 1 . Hopton 1 1 ; Coney Weston 1 1 ; Market Weston ; Sapiston ; Barnham Heath ; Santon Downham ; Brandon ; Icklingham : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Tuddenham Bog, Hb. Blk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Tostock, J. Easor : West Stow and Higham, H. & 8. : Lackford, E. 8k. 2. Cornard Mere, J.S.H. : Sudbury, Fulcher. 3. Belton ; Beccles : Oulton, McAub. : Bungay, H. & 8. : Fritton ; Somerleyton and Benacre, Sk. ms. : Stow Fen, near Earsham, H.B.C.: Worlingham, R. E. Leach. 4. Eedgrave Fen : Benhall Green, E.N.B. : Size- well, Hele : Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. Baylham, T.B. : near Uiford Water Mill, F. Spal- ding. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. POLEMONIACE>. Polemonium, Linn. [1. P. CaeruleTim, Linn. Jacob's Ladder. Bab. Man. 243,4. Hook. St. Fl. 274. Herbaceous perennial ; doubtless a garden stray. July. 1. Woolpit, Mrs. Parker.] 238 CONVOLVULACE/E. Convolvulus, Linn. 1. C. arvensis, Linn. Field Bindweed. Bab. Man. 244. Hook. St. Fl. 284. H. & S. 57. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 88. Herbaceous trailing perennial ; in fields and sandy banks. June to August. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. C. sepmm, Linn. Calystegia sepium, E. Brown. Hedge Bindweed. Bab. Man. 244. Hook. St. Fl. 284. H. & S. 57. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Galp. 88. Herbaceous climbing perennial ; in hedges and thickets. A rose-coloured variety sent from Badingham by Mrs. Mar- riott, of Wilby. July, August. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. C. Soldanella, Linn. Calystegia Soldanella^. Brown. Sea-side Convolvulus. Bab. Man. 245. Hook. St. FL 285. H. & S. 57. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. Herbaceous trailing perennial ; on sandy sea-shores. June to August. 3. Lowestoft 1 1 ; Kessingland and Benacre. 4. Dunwich: Thorpe, Hb. Ly.SHele : Aldringham, Ms. Davy : near Sizewell, Mrs. Toller. 5. Felixstowe : Aldeburgh, Moor : Eamsholt, Sir J. Cullum : Walton, F. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Cuscuta, Linn. 1. C. europasa, Linn. Greater Dodder. Bab. Man. 245. Hook. St. Fl. 285. H. & S. 57. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Herbaceous climbing annual ; parasitical on hops, net- tles, &c. ; leafless. August, September. 1. Bury ||, C.B., also Ebb. Blk. & Sk. : on hops in a hedge near Bury Gaol, Sir C.J.F.B., 239 2. Semer, Hbb. Rk. & Dun. : Lavenham, Hb. F. : on nettles at Haverhill, F. : plentifully on hops in a hedge by Holbecks, Hadleigh, F. Spalding : Whatfield, H. & 8. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. : Barking, Miss Jeffes. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. {C. Epilimim, Weilie. Flax Dodder. Bab. Man. 245. Hook. St. Fl. 285. H. & S. 57. Climbing annual ; parasitical on flax ; leafless. Aug. 4. On flax at Framlingham, H. & 8. Earliest record 1860. Henslow and Skepper.] 2. C. E pithy mils, Murr. Lesser Dodder. Bab. Man. 245. Hook. St. Fl. 285. H. &S.57. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 89. Creeping annual ; parasitical on thyme, heath, orgorse. July to September. 1. Troston 1 1 and Knettishall 1 1 Heaths : Tuddenham, 'Hb. Sk. : Bury, Eougham, and West Stow, E. Sk. 2. Thorpe Morieux, Aug. 1884, C.B. 3. Bungay, Stock : Belton, on Ling, Paget : Lowes- toft, E. Sk. : Oulton, McAub. : Gunton Hills, Miss Jeffes. 4. Sizewell Heath : Dunwich Heath, Hb. Gas. : Snape Heath, E.N.B. : Westleton Heath, Ms. Davy. Earliest notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. : !3. C. Trifolii, Bab. Clover Dodder. Bab. Man. 245,6. Hook. St. FT. 285. Galp. 89. Climbing annual ; parasitical on clover. July to Sep. 1. Fakenham; Honington : Bury, Hb.Sk.: Amp- ton, W.J. : Thurston, Sk. ms. 2. Cockfield and Thorpe Morieux, C.B. : Hitcham, Hbb. Hens., Rk. & Dun. : Nayland 1 1, Gray. 3. St. Margarets (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Weybread, H.B.C.: Wetheringsett, Hb. Peck. 5. Stutton : Aldeburgh, T.B. Earliest notice 1837. Prof. Henslow. BORAGINACE>. AsperugO, Linn. tl. A. procumbens, Linn. Madwort. 240 Bab. Man. 247,8. Hook. St. Fl. 282. H. & S. 59. Top. Bot. Suff. E. (mistaken for W.) Procumbent annual ; on rich waste ground ; rare. June, July. 1. Gazeley, ' In my garden, June 5, 1875. The only time I ever saw the plant,' Rev. F. Tearle : Wangford, Hb. Cas.&F. Eagle, jun. : near Newmarket, Dill. Hay : Church- yard, Newmarket, Ms. Davy. 2. Melford, C.B. 1724. Dillenius. [Echinospermum Lapjjula, Lehm. A foreign casual ; annual. 4. Southwold, Bab. Man. Ed. 7, p. 241 : ' Between South wold and the pier, found from 1839 to 1848 ; now appears to be extinct,' Holmes.] Cynoglossum, Linn. 1. C. officinale, Linn. Common Hound' s-tongue. Bab. Man. 248. Hook. St. Fl. 283. H. & S. 59. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 87. Biennial weed ; by roadsides and waste places. June, July. 1. Bury; Culford ; Ampton ; Livermere ; Euston ; Fakenham ; Rushford ; Hinderclay ; Stowlangtoft ; Thet- ford ; Elveden ; Brandon : Barnham and Bradfield St. Clare, C.B. : Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Culford Heath, Gray. Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : - Cavenham, W. J. : Tostock, J. Rasor : Onehouse Wood, Mrs. Terry : Ashfield, Hb. Rk. : Icklingham ; Wangford ; Santon Downham ; Saxham ; Barton, Sk. ms. : Pakenham, H b. Cas. : Gedding, F. : West Stow, H. & S. : Eush- brooke, Hb. Ly. 2. Acton Sand-pit, C.B. : Preston and Thorpe Mori- eux, W.J. : Hitcham, H b. Hens. : Wixoe, Hb. F. : Mel- ford, J.F.W. : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Beccles : near Gorton, Phyt. 1862 : Lowestoft, H. & S.: Oulton, McAub. : St. Margarets, Galp: Belton, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. 4. Walberswick : between Saxmundham and Leiston, Dr. Taylor : Ubbeston, Holland : Gt. Glemham, H.S8.: Knodishall, E.N.B. : Wortham and Oakley, Collins. 5. Shrubland Park ; Orford: Gt. Bealings, Moor : Grundisburgh, T.H . : Melton, F. Spalding : Hemingstone, 241 T.B. : Ashbocking, F.C.8. : Needham Market, E. Clowes: Lit. Blakenham, Haward : Bramford, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Borago, Linn. *1. B. officinalis, Linn. Common Borage. Bab. Man. 248. Hook. St. Fl. 276,7. H. & S. 59. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Large biennial herb ; on waste ground occasionally. June, July. 1. Honington 1 1 : Pakenham, Hbb. Blk., Gas. & Rk. : Langliam, lib. Dun. Culford, Gray. 2. Nayland : Hitcliam, Hb. Hens. : Stoke-by-Clare, Hb. F. : Sudbury, J.S.H. : Kersey, 8k. ms. : Monk's Eleigh, Eev. P. Lathbury. 3. Belton, Phyt. 1862 : Gorleston, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe : Debenham, Hb. Peck. 5. Burgh, near Woodbridge, Moor: Hemingstone, T.B. : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Anchusa, Linn. {1. A. officinalis, Linn. Common Alkanet. Bab. Man. 248. Hook. St. Fl. 278. H. & S. 58. Herbaceous perennial ; on waste ground ; rare. June, July. 5. Gt. Bealings, Moor : Bergholt, H. & S. Earliest notice 1840 ? Rev. E. J. Moor. J2. A. sempervirens, Linn. Evergreen Alkanet. Bab. Man. 248. Hook. St. Fl. 278. H. & S. 58. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Galp. 87. Herbaceous perennial ; by old walls ; rather rare. May to August. 1. Livermere 1 1 : Hawstead ; ' By the old wall at the back of the Tanner's garden in the Southgate Street,' Bury, Sir. J. Cullum : Bury, in the lanes near Haberden,' Sir T. G. Cullum. : Tostock, Mrs. Terry. 2. Clare : Nayland, Gray. 3. Burgh Castle (now extinct), Wirjg : Flixton, H.B.C. : Gorleston, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 242 4. .Yaxley, Rev. W. Sewell, sp. C.B. : Framlingham and Parham, Or abbe : Walpole, Sir J. E. Smith. 5. Between Ipswich and Woolverstone, Hb. Ek. : Bergholt, H. & S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Lyeopsis, Linn. 1. L. arvensis, Linn. Anchusa arvensis, Bieb. Bugloss. Bab. Man. 249. Hook. St. Fl. 277,8. H.&S.58. Hist. Yarm. Hisfc. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 87. Annual weed ; usually in cultivated ground. June, July. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Symphytum, Linn. 1. S. of&icinale, Linn. Common Comfrey. Bab. Man. 249. Hook. St. Fl. 277. H. & S. 59. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 87. Large herbaceous perennial ; usually by ditches or streams. May, June. Frequent in all the districts. S. patens, Sibth. Bab. Man. 249. Hook. St. Fl. 277. 1. Vine-fields, Bury|j ; Stanton || ; Brandon. 2. Stoke and Nayland. 3. Benacre. 4. Mendham Pit ; roadside between Weybread and Wingfield, Galp. 5. Woolverstone : beside the Fynn, Moor. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [S. orientale, Linn., is established in a grove in Tendring Park, Stoke-by-Nayland || : it has been found near Ipswich 1 1, Ips. Port/. ; and S. tauricum, Willd., is established in a copse between Bury and Barton 1 1 ; also in a plantation at Brad- field Manger, W.J.~\ Echium, Linn. 1. E. vulgare, Linn. Common Viper's Bugloss. Bab. Man. 249. Hook. St. Fl. 276. H. & S. 57. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. 243 Biennial herb ; usually in light sandy soil. June, July. Frequent in all the districts. A form with bright pink flowers from Tuddenham in Hb. Wils. White, pink, red, purple, and blue varr. at San- ton Downham, Nor gate. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Pulmonaria, Linn. P. officinalis, Linn, Common Lungwort. Bab. Man. 249,50. Hook. St. Fl. 279,80. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and thickets. April, May. 4. Burgate Wood ||, G. J. Ashfield, Pliyt. 1862, p. 351 : Stubbing's Grove, Botesdale. Mr. Ashfield says, ' I think there can be no doubt about its being a genuine wild locality ; for the plant is plentiful, it grows far in the interior of an extensive wood, and has as much the appearance of being truly wild as any of the plants near it.' The wood was visited in the spring of 1885, and the plant was found in profusion; and, in less quantity, in Btubbing's Grove, about a mile to the Westward. The wild plant differs from the cultivated form, in having the leaves unspotted, or very faintly so. This may account for its hav- ing been passed over by the simpler s, and left to enjoy its native shade. Earliest record 1862. G. J. Ashfield. Lithospermum, Linn. 1. L. officinale, Linn. Common Gromwell, Bab. Man. 250. Hook. St. Fl. 278,9. H. & S. 58. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 88. Herbaceous perennial ; usually on dry banks. June to August. 1. Market Weston || ; Fakenham Wood; Ixworth Thorpe ; Sapiston ; Wattisfield ; Ingham ; Livermere : Felsham, G.B. : Bury, Hb. Gas. : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham, Hb. Elk. \ Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Tostock, Mrs. Terry. 2. Acton sand-pit and Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, .Hb.Hens. : Chilton, J.F.W. 3. Burgh Castle, Paget : -St. Margarets, Galp. 244 4. Burgate, C. J. Ashfteld : - Gt. Glemham, F.N.B. : Ubbeston, Holland : Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. Shrubland : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Gosbeck, F. Fox : Bramford, LS. Soc. : Ashbocking, F.C.8. : Lit. Blaken- ham, Haivard : Melton, H b. Ly. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. L. arvense, Linn. Corn Gromwell. Bab. Man. 250. Hook. St. Fl. 279. H. & S. 58. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. . Galp. 88. Annual ; in corn-fields ; preferring a light soil. May to July.. 1. Troston || ; Honington; Cavenliam: Bury, Hb.Sk. : Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Livermere, Gray : Westley ; Eisby and Fel- sham, Sk. ms. 2. Nayland ; Wiston : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Cock- field, W.J. : Thurlow, fib. F. 3. Bungay, H. & S. : Oulton, McAub. : St. Mar- garets, Galp. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe : Ubbeston, Holland : Mend- ham, H.B.C. 5. Claydon, F.C.S. : Hemingstone, T.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. MyOSOtJS, Linn. 1. M. palustris, With. Water Scorpion Grass. Forget-me-not. Bab. Man. 250,1. Hook. St. Fl. 280. H. & S. 58. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 88. Herbaceous perennial ; edge of ditches and streams. Frequent in all the districts. June to August. b. M. strigulosa, Reichb. Bab. Man. 251. Hook. St. Fl. 280,1. 1. Fakenham||. 3. Fritton. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. M. repens, Don. Creeping Scorpion Grass. Bab. Man. 251. Hook. St. Fl. 281. Galp. 88. Herbaceous creeping perennial. June to August. 3. St. Margarets (E.A.H.) Galp. This plant has not hitherto been recognised as a native of this or any of the 245 three contiguous counties. cThe authority for it is most respectable. It is desirable that it should be verified by a specimen. 3. 1VL CSBSpitosa, Schultz. Ccespitose Scorpion Grass* Bab. Man. 251. Hook. St. Fl. 281. H. & S. 58. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Whcr. Top. Bot. Suff. E. &. W. Galp. 87. Herbaceous perennial ; in shallow streams. Frequent in all the districts. June to August. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 5. M. Sllvatica, Ehrh. Wood Scorpion Grass. Bab. Alan. 251. Hook. St. Fl. 281. H. &. S. 58. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 88. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods ; somewhat rare. May, June. 1. Eougham, Hb. Elk. : Nowton, Hb. Wils. : Haw- stead, E. S. Marshall. 2. Brettenham || C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Brent, Eleigh, W.J. : Whepstead, E. S. Marshall. 3. Flixton, H.B.O. 4. Huntingfield ||, Holland. 5. Otley? E.N.B. : Bentley, I. 8. Soc. : Bricet, H. & S. : "Wherstead, Hau-ard : Barking Woods, Miss Jeffes. Earliest notice 1831. Mrs. French. 6. M. arvensis, Lehm. Field Scorpion Grass. Bab. Man. 252. Hook. St. Fl. 281. H. & S. 58. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 88. Annual weed ; in corn-fields and woods. June to Aug. Frequent in all the districts. b. M. umbrosa, Bab. Bab. Man. 252. Hook. St. Fl. 282. 1. Fakenham || : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Wiston. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 7. M. collina, Ho/m. Dwarf Scorpion Grass. Bab. Man. 252. Hook. St. Fl. 282. H. & S. 58. Hist. Yarm, Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Galp. 88. Small annual ; on dry banks. April, May. In all the districts. b. M. Mittenii, Lond. Cat. Hook. St. Fl. 282. 1 . Thetford Heath 1 1 : Culford Heath, Gray : Faken- Lam, E.F.L. Earliest notice 1835. D. Stock. 246 S. 1VC. versicolor, Reich. Variable Scorpion Grass Bab. Man. 252. Hook. St. PL 282. H. & S. 58. Hist. Frara. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Galp. 88. Small annual ; on banks and dry places. May, June. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest notice 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. SOLANACE/E. Solan urn, Linn. 1. S nigrum, Linn. Black Nightshade* Bab. Man. 253. Hook. St. PL 287. H. & S. 60. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 89. Annual weed ; in waste and cultivated ground. July to September. 1. Honington || ; Ixworth; Hopton; Barnham; Wang- ford; Mildenhall: Ampton; Beyton; Bury, C.B. : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Pakenliam, Hb. Cas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Walsham, Hb. Dun : Tuddenham, PI. Sk. : Fornham All Saints, Hb. Ly. 2. Nayland : Hitcliam, Hb. Hens. : Rede, Hb. Turn. 3. Lound ; St. Olaves ; Beccles : Bungay, Stock : Fritton, E.N.B. : Lowestoft ; Belton ; Benacre, E. Sk. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Eye; Walberswick; Thorpe: Dunwich; Wenhas- ton, W.J. : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Mendliam and Syle- ham, Galp. 5. Stutton ; Orford :-*-Gt. Bealings, Moor: Grundis- burgh, T.H. : Hemingstone, T.B. : Brantham, C.B. : Felixstowe, Purclias : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. S. Dulcamara, Linn. Bitter-sweet Nightshade* Bab. Man. 253. Hook. St. PL 287. H. & S. 59. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 89. Climbing herbaceous perennial ; in woods and hedges. Frequent in all the districts. June, July, Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Atropa, Linn. 1. A. Belladona, Linn. Deadly Nightshade. Divale* Bab. Man. 254. Hook. St. PL 287,8. H. & S. 60. Hist. Pram, Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Galp. 89. 247 Poisonous herbaceous perennial ; on waste ground. June to August. 1. Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Abbey ruins, Bury, Sir, T. G. Cullum : Mildenhall, Sir O.J.F.B. : Lane between Bisby and Flempton, H. & S. : Westley Wood, E. Burr ell : ~ Fornham, Hb. Ly. 4. About the Castle, Framlingham, Parkinson & Crabbe. Now extinct, fi.N.B. : Once found a plant at Oakley Park, Collins. 5. Woolverstone || : Hemingstone, T.B. Earliest record 1640. Parkinson. Hyoscyamus, Linn. 1. H. niger, Linn. Henbane. Bab. Man. 254. Hook. St. Fl. 286. H. & S. 59. Hist. Yarnu Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 89. Poisonous biennial ; usually on waste ground. May to July. 1. Honington ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Elveden : Ashfield, Eb. Dun. : Pakenham, Eb. Cas. : Eisby Heath, Eb. Wils.: Eougham, Eb. Ek. : Elmswell, F. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Eattlesden, Mrs. Parker : Woolpit, J. Easor : Barton and Icklingham, E. & S. : Wangford Warren, Eev. F. Tearle : Cavenham and Thetford, 8k. ms. : Santon Downham, Nor gate : Fornham, Eb. Ly. 2. Nayland: Kedington and Lit. Thurlow, Eb. F. : Cockfield, C.B.: Hitcham, Eb.Eens.: Melford, J.F.W.: Hadleigh, F. Spaldiny. 3. Lowestoft, Eb. Sk. : Beccles, W. M. Crowfoot : Gorleston, Phyt. 1863: Bungay, E. & S. : St. Margarets (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Snape, E.N.B. : Brockford, Eb. Peck. 5. Orford ; Felixstowe and Landguard Fort: Aide- burgh, Hele : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Melton, F. Spalding .- Hemingstone, T.B. : Coddenham, F. Fox : Needham Market, E. Gloices: Wherstead, Eaward. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. [Nicandra physaloides, Gaert., was found in the summer of 1882, in a bean-field at Somerton||, district 2, by M. L. -Bolder o.~\ 248 Lycium, Linn. [L. barbarum, Linn. Duke of Argyll 's Tea-tree* Bab. Man. 254. Hook. St. Fl. App. 533. A foreign shrub ; which has strayed largely from culti- vation ; usually found in hedges. June to August. 1 . Honington || ; Sapiston ; Troston ; Eisby ; Brandon, and Mildenhall. 2. Long Melford. 3. Bungay ; Burgh Castle ; Gorleston ; Kessingland and Henstead : Bradwell, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. 4. River-bank at Snape, at a distance from houses, E.N.B. : Thorpe. 5. Shelley ; Aldeburgh ; Orford.] Datura, Linn. [D. Stranionium, Linn. Common Thorn-apple* Bab. Man. 254. Hook. St. Fl. App. 533. H. & S. 59. Hist. Fram. Annual ; occasionally found as a stray in waste places. June, July. 1. Ixworth || : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Santon Down- ham, Hb. 8k. : Bradfield St. George, Hbb. Turn. & Ly. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Mettingham ; Worlingham : Fritton Heath, Wood- ward. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe : Brockford, Hb. Peck. 5. Aldeburgh, Heie : Melton, F. Spalding. Earliest notice 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe.] OROBANCHACE>. Orobanche, Linn. 1. O. Rapum, Thuill. 0. major, Linn. Greater Broom-rape. Bab. Man. 255. Hook. St. Fl. 308. H. & S. 60. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 92. Herbaceous leafless plant, parasitical on broom, gorse, &c. May to July. 1. Fakenham, on broom || ; Lackford: Lit. Saxham, Miss Bullender : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Gas. : Herrings well, Rev. F. Tearle. 2. Wiston : Cockfield, C.B. : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 249 3. Bungay, H. & 8. 4. Weybread, H.B.O. 5. Greeting, Miss Jeffes : Hemingstone, T.B. : Bur- stall, F. Fox : Loudham Hall, Wickham Market, F. Spal- ding : near Bentley, Purchas : Bawdsey, C.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3- O- caryopliyllacea, 8m. Clove-scented Broom-rape. Bab. Man. 255. Hook. St. Fl. 309. H. & S. 60. Top. Bot. Suff.W.? Herbaceous leafless plant ; parasitical on Galium Mollugo. June, July. 1. Near Hawstead, McAub, & Miss Harvey. 2. Semer, H. & 8. : near Sudbury, W.L.N., (or, ac- cording to Mr. Watson, E. G. Varenne)' A.~B. Earliest record 1860. Henslow and Skepper. 4. O. elatior, Sutt. Tall Broom-rape. Bab. Man. 256. Hook. St. Fl. 309. H. & S. 60. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Sufi. W. Herbaceous leafless plant ; parasitical on Centaurea ScaUosa. June, July. 1. Bardwell, Hb. Blk. : Norton, Hb. Cas. : Stow- langtoft, Hb. Ek. : about Bury, Sir T. G. Cullum. 5. Button, H. & S. : Felixstowe, Hb. Ly. Earliest record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 5. O. Picridls, F. W. Scliultz. Picris Broom-rape. Bab. Man. 256. Hook. St. FL 309,10. Herbaceous leafless perennial ; parasitical on Picris. July. 1. Gt. Welnetham, Hb. Sk. 1862. E. Skepper. 7. O. minor, Sutt. Lesser Broom-rape. Bab. Man. 256. Hook. St. FL 309. H. & S. 60. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 92. Herbaceous leafless annual ; frequently parasitical on Clover and Crepis virens. 1. Honington 1 1 , on Crepis virens : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Beyton, Hb. Wils. : Walsham, Hb. Dun. 2. Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Nayland, Gray: Melford, J.F.W. 8. Bradwell: Bungay, Stock. : Gorleston, Phyt.1862: Oulton, McAub : Flixton, Galp. 250 4. Eedgrave : Gt. Glemham, very abundant, E.N.B. 5. Felixstowe : on clover at Baydon Cottage, Orford, Crabbe. : Ipswich, Ips. Port/.: Gt. Bealings, Moor: Grundisburgh, T.H. : Ashbocking, F.C.8. : Wherstead,, Haward. Earliest notice 1805. Kev. G. Crabbe. 9. O. CSerulea, Vill. Blue Broom-rape. Bab. Man. 257. Hook. St. Fl. 310. Herbaceous leafless parasite. June, July. 1. In the Rectory Greenhouse, Cockfield, C.B. 5. Pettistree, Ms. Davy. Earliest record 1828. Davy. [O. raiTLOSa, Linn. Branched Broom-rape. Bab. Man. 257. Hook. St. Fl. App. 533. Herbaceous leafless annual ; parasitical on Hemp & Hemp Nettle. . June to September. 3. Near Beccles, J. Sherard in Dill. Ray, & G.R.L. in Hb. Salm. : Mettingham, on the roots of Hemp & Galeopsis Tetrahit, both annual plants, Woodward: near Bungay, Stock. 4. Brome, Woodward. As Hemp is no longer grown in the county, its parasite has become extinct. 1724. J. Sherard.] SCROPHULARIACE>. Verbascum, Linn. 1. V. ThapSTlS, Linn. Hightaper. Bab. Man. 259. Hook. St. FL 291,2. H. & S. 60. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Tall biennial ; by hedges and waste places. July, Aug. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. V. Lychnitis, Linn. White Mullein. Bab. Man. 260. Hook. St. Fl. 292. H. & S. 61. Hist. Frain. Biennial herb ; in waste places and roadsides. June to August. 1. Bury, SirJ.Cullum: BartonMills, Rev.F.Tearle? : Livermere, Hb. 8k. : between Ampton and Livermere,.ZJ.d;$. 3. Hedge-banks, Bungay, F. Spalding. 251 4. Framlingham, on the way to Parham, Crabbe. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. V. pulverulentum, Vill. Hoary Mullein. Bab. Man. 260. Hook. St. Fl. 292. H. & S. 61. Hist.Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Biennial herb ; on banks and waste places. July. 1. Timworth : Bury || , Dill. Ray & Hbb. Sk. & Wils. : tFornham, Hb. Blk. : between Bury and Newmarket, C.B. : Bushbrooke, Hb. Turn. 3. Near Lake Lothing : at the back of Browston Hall, and on Herringfleet Common, Wigg : Fritton Wood, Paget : near Mutford Bridge, Dr. Trimen : Oulton, McAub. 4. Dunwich, Davy & E.N.B. Earliest notice 1724. Dillenius. 4. V. nigrum, Linn. Dark Mullein. Bab. Man. 260, Hook. St. FL 292. H. & S. 60. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 90. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks and waysides. July, August. 1. Fakenham ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Pakenham ; Livermere ; Higham ; Elveden ; Barton Mills ; Horringer : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Dun. : Thurston, Hb. Gas. : Bury and Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B.: near Sicklesmere, W.J. : Barrow, J.F.W. : Dalham, Sk. ms. : Bradfield Combust, G.B. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Kersey, Gray : Sudbury, Fulcher : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Burgh Castle, Hb. Ek. : Homersfield, H.B.C. : Halesworth, W. J. : Bungay, F. Spalding. 4. Redgrave, G. J. Ashfield: Westleton : Wenhaston, W.J. : Walberswick, J.H.G. : Mendham and Metfield, Galp. : Oakley and Palgrave, Collins. 5. Shrubland ; Woolverstone and Shelley : near Marlesford, E.N.B. : Martlesham, Moor : Baylham, Hb. F. : Hemingstone, T.B.: Coddenham, F. Fox: Ipswich, R.SS.: Lit. Blakenham, Haward : between Bramford and Claydon, I.S. ' Soc. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 5. "V. JBlattaria, Linn. Moth Mullein. Bab. Man. 260. Hook. St. Fl. 292.3. Hist.Yarm. Galp. 90. 252 Biennial herb ; on gravelly banks. August. 1. Barton and Mildenhall, HB. BIJc. : Coney Weston : near Union House, Bury, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 3. Southtown, Paget & Wigg : Gorleston by Ferry, /. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Weybread, Hb. Je/es. Earliest record 1805. Wigg. 6. V. virgatTim, With. Twiggy Mullein. , Bab. Man. 261. Hook. St. Fl. 293. H.&S.60. Hist.Yarm. Biennial herb ; on gravelly banks ; rare. August. 1. Ixworth, H. & 8. 2. Semer, H. & 8. : Cockfield ||, W.J. 3. Southtown, Paget. 4. Dunwich, Ms. Davy. Earliest record 1828. Davy. V. Thapso-Lychnitis. A. hybrid. This is likely the plant described as V. Lychnitis, b. July 31st, 1773, Sir J. Cullum. Lond. Cat. 1027 a. V. Thapso-nigrum. A hybrid. Lond. Cat. 1027 b. 1. Cavenham. 5. In the upper Chalk-pit, Claydon ||, 1884. Hind. [V. placeniceTim, Linn. A single plant, 1 Sep. 1880, on a gravelly bank near the tail-race of Nayland Mill. Hind.] Digitalis, Linn. 1. D. purpurea, Linn. Purple Foxglove. Bab. Man. 261. Hook. St. Fl. 298. H. & S. 62. Top. Bot. SufE. B. and W. Hist.Wher. Tall herbaceous perennial ; in woods and hedge-banks. June to August. 1. Woolpit, F. Apparently absent from the greater portion of the N.W. district. 2. Wiston || ; Stoke-by-Nayland : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Lound ; Fritton and Belton : Bungay, H. & S. 4. Cookley : Westleton, Holmes : Dunwich and Strat- ford St. Andrew, Ms. Davy. 5. Woolverstone : Bergholt, Hb. Cas. : Wherstead, Moor : Bentley, T.B. : Needham Market, E. Clowes : 253 Shelley and Stratford St. Mary, F. Spalding : Aldeburgh,. H.&S. Earliest notice 1832. Mrs. Casborne. Antirrhinum, Linn. *1. A. majllS, Linn. Greater Snapdragon* Bab. Man. 261. Hook. St. Fl. 295. H. & S. 61. Hist. Yarm. Showy herbaceous perennial ; on old walls. July to Sep. 1. Honington |; Troston ; Thetford ; Barton Mills: Bury, Hbb. Sk. & Wils. : Sapiston, Gray: Fornham, H. < S. : Hawstead, Hb. Ly. 2. Melford, W.J. 3. Bungay and Kessingland. 4. Hoxne, Collins. 5. Ipswich, E.N.B. : Bergholt, H. &S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. A. Orontmm, Linn. Lesser Snapdragon* Bab. Man. 261. Hook. St. Fl. 295. H. & S. 61. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 90. Annual ; chiefly in light or sandy land. July, Aug 1. Honington || : Barton, Hb. Ek. : Pakenham,jff. Cas. : Kougham, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Sir J. Outturn : Now- ton, E. Sk. 2. Cockfield, W.J. 3. Hopton : Bungay, Stock : Belton, Paget : South- wold, Hb. Dun.: Homersfield, T..C. : Lowestoft, E.Sk.t Oulton, McAub : Belton, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe: Thorpe, Hele : Wenhas- ton Heath, W.J. : Theberton,T.TF.#. : Brockford,.ff6.P J.S.H. 3. Beccles, F. Turner : Bradwell & Gorleston, Paget : Bungay, Stock : Sotterley, H. & S. : Barnby, E. Sk. 4. Blythburgh and Leiston, Or abbe : Eye, Hb. Jefes : Huntingfield, Holland : Framlingham, Crabbe. Earliest notice 1798. Kev. G. Crabbe. Stachys, Linn. 1. S- Betonica, Benth. Betony* Bab. Man. 283. Hook. St. Fl. 326. H. & S. 66. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Galp. 95. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and moist heaths. July, August. 1. On hillocks in Market Weston Fen || ; Fakenham, Wood ; Sapiston Grove ; Livermere and Ickworth Park : Kushbrooke, Hb. Sk. : Stanton, Hb. Dim. : -Dalhani, Rev* F. Tearle '. Gedding, J. Rasor : Bradfield, Rev. P. Lathbury : Rougham ; Barrow and Lackford, H. & S. : Beyton, Hb. Wils. : Felsham, Sk. ms. 2. Wiston and Polstead : Melford Wood and Gt. Waldingfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb.Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Oulton, McAub. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe & E.N.B.: Syleham, H.B.C.: Wortham, Collins. 5. Wherstead, Haward : Bosmere, Hb. Jeffes : Bent- ley, I. S. Soc. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. S. silvatica, Linn. Hedge Woundwort* Bab. Man. 283. Hook. St. Fl. 325. H. & S. 66. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and \V. Galp. 95. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and hedges. Common in all the districts. July, August. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 277 4. S. pallistris, Linn. Marsh Woundwort. Bab. Man. 284. Hook. St. Fl. 325,6. H. & S. 66. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W -Galp. 95. Herbaceous perennial ; on river banks and moist places. Common in all the districts. July, August. b. S. ambigua, Sm. Bab. Man. 284. Hook. St. Fl. 326. 1. Sapiston || ; Lakenheath. 3. Belton ||, 1882. A form intermediate between S. palustris and 8. ambigua, having a flexuous stem, ovato-lanceolate, sessile leaves, flowers larger than in the type, not unfrequently is found. Sp. from Bury in Hb. Wils. Earliest record 1640. Parkinson. 5. S. arvensis, Linn. Field Woundivort. Bab. Man. 284. Hook. St. Fl. 326. H. & S. 66. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 95. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Annual weed ; in corn-fields. July, August. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Ballota, Linn. 1. 33. foetida, Lam. B. nigra, Linn. Black Horehound. Bab. Man. 284. Hook. St. Fl. 330. H. &S. 67. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 96. Herbaceous perennial ; in hedges and waste places. Frequent in all the districts. July, August. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Marrubium, Linn. 1. ]VT. VTllgare, Linn. White Horehound. Bab. Man. 284. Hook. St. Fl. 325. H.&S.66. Hist. Yarm? Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 95. Herbaceous perennial ; borders of sandy fields. August, September. 1. Fakenham || ; Cavenham ; Brandon : Barnham, Hb. F. : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb. Wils. : Paken- ham, Hb. Gas. : on turf-bank, Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : Ris- by, W. J. : Culford, H. & S. : two localities near Ickling- ham ; Lakenheath ; West Stow, Sk. ms. 278 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Long Melford, J.F.W. : Semer, H. & S. 4. Framlingham, T.W.G. : Site of St. Nicholas, South Elmham (E.A.H.), extinct, Galp. 5. Ipswich, T.W.G. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Teucrium, Linn. 1. T. Scorodonia, Linn. Wood-Sage. Bab. Man. 285. Hook. St. Fl. 331. H. & S. 67. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Galp. 96. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Shrubby herbaceous perennial ; in woods. July, Aug. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir-J. Cullum. 2. T. ScordiunQ, Linn. Water Germander. Bab.Man.285. Hook. St. F1.331. H.&S. 68. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet places; rare. Aug., Sep. 1. Lakenheath, H. & 8. The original authority for this plant in Suffolk is unknown, and its claim to a place in its Flora is questionable. Earliest notice 1860. Henslow and Skepper. Ajuga, Linn. 1. A. reptans, Linn. Common Bugle. Bab. Man. 285. Hook. St. Fl. 332. H.&S. 68. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 96. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist woods and pastures. Common in all the districts. May, June. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. VERBENACEXE. 1 Verbena, Linn. 1. V. officinalis, Linn. Common Vervain. Bab. Man. 286. Hook. St. Fl. 313. H. & S. 68. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 93. Herbaceous perennial ; on waste ground and waysides. July, August.. 279 1. Honington||; Fakenham; Ixworth Thorpe; Bisby; 'Thetford ; Barton Mills ; Lakenheath : Bury, Hbb. 8k. & Wils. : Pakenham, H b. Gas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Walskam, Hb. Dun. : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B.: Barningliam, E.F.L. . Tuddenham, E. Sk. : Fornliam All Saints, Hb. Ly. 2. Bildeston ; Stoke-by-Clare ; Wiston : Melford, Lawshall and Cockfield, G.B. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb.F. : Bede, Hb. Turn. : Kersey, Gray : Road to Whatfield, Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 3. Fritton : Flixton, H.B.C. : Lowestoft, E. Sk. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Dunwich : Gt. Glemliam, E.N.B. : Laxfield, T.W.G. : Palgrave, Collins. 5. Stutton ; Walton ; Clay don and Needliam Market : Gt. Bealings, Moor: Grundisburgh, T.H. : Ashbocking, 'F.C.S. : Hemingstone, T.B. : Coddenham, F. Fox: Felixstowe, II. M.S. : Wherstead, Haicard: Letheringham and Belstead, 1. 8. Soc. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. LENTIBULARIACE>E. Pinguicula, Linn. 1. P. vulgaris, Linn. Common Butterwort. Bab. Man. 287. Hook. St. Fl. 811. H. & S. 55. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Buff. W. Small herbaceous perennial ; with handsome flowers, in bogs and fens. May, June. 1. Market Weston || ; Coney Weston ; Hopton ; Thel- netham ; Hinderclay : Lackford Bridge, Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox.: Pakenham Fen, H b. Gas. : Stowlangtoft, Hb.Rk.: Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham, H b. Wils. : Lang- ham, Miss Wilson. 4. Bedgrave Fen, Hb. Dun. 1 P. lusitanlca & P. vulyaris both together in the bogs near Lackford Bridge, 7 miles from Bury, Sir Jno. Cullum,' Note in Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. This is the only reference to P. lusitanica in Suffolk. It is likely that a great change took place in Lackford Bog or Fen by converting the Lark into a canal, by which various plants became extinct. Earliest record 1773. Sir J, Cullum. 280 Utricularia, Linn. 1. TJ. VUlgaris, Linn. Greater Bladderwort. Bab. Man. 287. Hook. St. Fl. 312. H. . AMARANTHACE/E. Amaranth us, Linn. A. Blitum, Linn. Amaranthus retrofle-j&us, Linn. Elite. Bab. Man. 297. Hook. St. Fl. App. 534. Herbaceous annual ; a casual ; in waste places. Aug. 1. Honington ||, a single plant near buildings : Lang- ham, Ebb. Sk. & Ly. : Abbey Euins, Bury, C.B. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland, Rev. T. M. Torlesse : plentiful in farm-yard in the park at Tendring Hall ||. 1852. F. K. Eagle.] (Two examples of the slender-branched Strawberry Blite, Blitum virgatum, Linn, from waste ground, Bury, are in Hb. Wils. Likely strays from cultivation. Sep. 1831.) CHENOPODIACE/E. Suaeda, Forsk. 1. S. fruticosa, Forsk. Shrubby Sea- Blite. Bab. Man. 299. Hook. St. Fl. 342. H. & S. 69. Top. Bot. Suff.. E. Shrubby herbaceous perennial ; on sandy or shingly -sea-shore ; rare. July, August. 3. South wold, Trimmer & Ms. Davy. 4. Walberswick, near the Ferry, Wooduard, Holmes, and E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh, T.W.G. Earliest record 1801. Woodwa-rd. .2. S. mailtima, Dum. Rcrlacecus Sea- Blite. Bab. Man. 299. Hook. St. Fl. 342. H. & S. 69. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. ffsrjv Fleshy-leaved annual ; on muddy sea-shores. .^ July to September. 291 3. Breydon Water; Covehithe : Southwold, Hb.'Rk.t Soutlitown, D. Turner : Lowestoft, E. 8k. 4. Dunwich || ; Walberswick ||. 5. Stutton || ; Chelmondiston ; Felixstowe ; Stutton : Aldeburgh, Hb. Cas. : Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. :^-Orford Beach, E.N.B. : Brantham, E. Sk. : Wherstead, Howard* S. 2wocumbens, Syme. 3. Southwold. 4. Walberswick. 5. Button. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. Salsola, Linn. 1. S. Kali, Linn. Saltwort. Bab. Man. 299. Hook. St. Fl. 343. H. & S. 69. Hist. Yarni.; Top. Bot. SufE. E. Spinous annual ; on the sandy sea-beach. August. 3. Benacre and Covehithe : Lowestoft, Hbb. Cas. & 8k. : Hopton Beach, Phyt. 1862. 4. Dunwich : Minsmere, E.N.B. 5. Landguard Fort, Hb.Mg.: Aldeburgh, T.W.CL : Bawdsey, W.L.N. : Felixstowe, Purchas : Wherstead, Haward. Earliest record 1838. Mrs. Casborne. Chenopodium, Linn. 1. C. "Villvaria, Linn. Stinking Goosefoot.. Bab. Man. 299. Hook. St. Fl. 336. H. & S. 70. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Annual ; in waste places ; usually near houses. August, September. 3. Southwold || : Lowestoft, Hb. Cas.: Gorleston, Wigg & Trimmer. 5. Aldeburgh, Ms. Davy : Woodbridge, Crabbe : Slaughden, E.N.B. : Ipswich and Landguard Fort, Sk.ms. : Felixstowe, Haward. Earliest notice 1800. Sir J. E. Smith. 2. C. poly sper mum, Linn. Many -seeded Goosefoot* Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 336. H. & S. 70. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp.97. Annual weed ; in moist waste places. Aug., Sep. 1. Ixworth Thorpe : Barton, Hb. Elk. : Pakenhanu Hb. Cas. 292 : 2. Cockfield ||, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Laven- liam, Dr. White : Naughton, H. & 8. 3. Bungay, Stock. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B* 5. Bergholt, Dr. White : Wherstead, Haward : Bix- ley Decoy, I. S. Soc. C. acutifolium, Sm., Eegarded by some of our best ; authorities as not distinct from the type. 1. Ashfield, Hb. Rk. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Potter Lane, C.B.: Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Brockford, Hb. Peck. 5. Aldeburgh, Hb. Cas. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 3. C. lirbicum, Linn. Upright Goosefoot* Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 337. H. & S. 70. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 127. Annual weed ; on cultivated and waste ground. Aug. 1. Bury, Hb.Wils. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. 3. Gorton, Sir J. E. Smith : Bungay, H. <& S. 4. Eye || : Palgrave, Collins. 5. Bergholt, H. <& S. : Wherstead, Haward. b. C. intermedium M. & K. Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 337. 1. Barton ||, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb.Wils., 1831. Earliest notice 1828. Sir J. E. Smith. -4- C. album, Linn. Fat Hen, Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 336. H. & S. 70. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 97. Annual weed ; on cultivated and waste ground. Common in all the districts. July, August. b. C. viride, Linn. Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 337. 1. Honington ; Haughley ; Kentford: Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. 2. Nayland|| ; Melford. 3. Kessingland ; Benacre. 4. Eye. 5. Stutton ; Claydon ; Bawdsey. c. C. paganum, Reichb. Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 337. 1. Bury ; Hawstead, Hb. Wils., 1831. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 293 5. C. ficifolium, Sm. Fig -leaved Goose foot. Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 337. H. & S. 70. Hist. Yarin. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual weed ; on cultivated and waste ground ; rare. August, September. 1. Bury & Lakenheath, H. & S. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. 3. Waste places by the Yare, Paget. 5. Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 6. C. miirale, Linn. Sowbane. Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 337,8. H. & S. 70. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Galp. 97. Annual weed ; under walls and in waste places. Aug. 3. Corton Cliff, Hb. Sk. : Bungay, Stock : St. Mar- garets (E.A.H.), Galp. 5. Ipswich ; Slaughden Vale and Orford, E.N.B. : Aldeburgh and Felixstowe, H. & S. Earliest notice 1835. D. Stock. 7. C. hybrid/lira., Linn. Maple-leaved Goosefoot. Bab. Man. 300. Hook. St. Fl. 337. H. & S. 70. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 97. Annual weed ; in waste places ; rare. August. 1. Bury, Hbb. das. & Sk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Nayland ||, Gray. : Naughton, H. & S. 3. Southtown, Wigg: St. Margarets, Holmes. 4. Sibton Abbey, Davy. 5. Between Ipswich and Dedham, Sir J. E. Smith: Ipswich, Ips. Fl. : Orford. Earliest record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 8. C. rabrum, Linn. Red Goosefoot. Bab. Man. 301. Hook. St. Fl. 338. H. k S. 70. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 128. Annual weed ; in waste places. August, September. 1. West Stow ||; Troston; Ixworth Thorpe: Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb. Wils. : Bougham, Hb. Sk. : Forn- ham, H. & S. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Wickhambrook : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Little Thurlow, F. 3. Worlingham : Lowestoft, Dr. Trimen : South- town : Bungay, H. & 8. : Oulton, McAub. : Gorleston, J. Priest in Hb. Geld. 5. Aldeburgh ; Ipswich ; Stutton. 294 C. pseudo-botryodes, C. H. Watson. ? Bab. Man. 501. 1 . Lakenheath 1 1 . Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 9. C. botryodes, Sm. Bunchy Goosefoot. Bab. Man. 301. Hook. St. Fl. 338. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Eng. PI. Annual weed ; on sandy places near the coast. Sep. 3. Lowestoft, Sir J. E. Smith : plentiful on the ditch banks of Southtown Marshes, Mr. G. FitttoH. G. Glasspoole. Earliest record 1828. Sir J. E. Smith. Jll. C. Bonus HenrictlS, Linn. Good King Henry. Allgood. Bab. Man. 301. Hook. St. Fl. 338. H. & S. 70. Hist. Wher. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; by walls and waysides. Frequent in all the districts. May to August. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Beta, Linn. 1. B. Hiaritima, Linn. Sea-Beet.. Bab. Man. 301. Hook. St. Fl. 339. H. & 8. 70. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Herbaceous perennial ; on the sea-coast. July to Sep. 3. Burgh Castle ; Covehithe and Southwold: Lowes- toft, Dr. Trimen : Southtown, Hb. Geld. 4. Walberswick : Dunwich, W. J. 5. Stutton || ; Catawade ; Chelmondiston ; Wlier- stead ; Ipswich ; Walton : Felixstowe, C.B. : Orford, E.N.B. : Aldeburgh, Sir C.J.F.B. : Brantham Marshes,. 8k. ms. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. Salicornia, Linn. 1. S- lierbacea, Linn. Common Glasswort. . Bab. Man. 302. Hook. St. Fl. 341. H. & S. 69. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual ; on muddy shores and banks. Aug., Sep. 3. Breydon Water ; Covehithe : Southtown, D Turner : Lowestoft, E. Sk. 4. Dunwich II ; Walberswick. 295 5. Walton || ; Stutton || ; Chelmondiston : Alde- burgh, Hb. F. : Felixstowe. Hb. Cos. : Catawade, E.F.L.: Button, F. Spalding : Orford, Sk. ms. : Wherstead, Ha- ward. b. 8. procumbens, Sin. Bab. Man. 302. Hook. St. Fl. 341. Hist. Yarm. 3. Breydon Water || ; Covehithe. 4. Thorpe. 5. Chelmondiston 1 1 ; Aldeburgh||. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. 2. S. radicans, Sm. Rooting Glasswort. Bab. Man. 302. Hook. St. FL 342. H. & S. 69. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on muddy sea- shores. August, September. 5. Stutton ||; Walton; Landguard Fort : Felixstowe, Hb. Cas. : Orford, H. & S. Earliest notice 1830. Mrs. Casborne. Atriplex, Linn. 1. A. littoralis, Linn. Shore Orache. Bab. Man. 302. Hook. St. Fl. 340. H. & S. 71 ? Hist. Yarm. / Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Annual weed ; on the sea- shore. July to September. 3. Covehithe and Kessingland : Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : Breydon Water, C.B. 5. Stutton || ; Catawade ; Ipswich ; Felixstowe ; Sut- ton : Woodbridge, Hb. Cas. : Aldeburgh, E.N.B. : Wherstead, Haward. b. A. marina, Linn. Bab. Man. 302, Hook. St. Fl. 340. 3. ' Breydon Water; Oulton Broad; Kessingland. 5. Catawade || ; Felixstowe- 1|. Earliest notice 1805 ? F. K. Eagle. 2. A. arigustifolia, Sm. A. patula, Linn, in part. Narrow-leaved Orache. Bab. Man. 302,3. Hook. St. Fl. 340. H. & S. 71 ? Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. & W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 98. Annual weed ; in cultivated ground. July to Sep. 1. Honington || ; Ixworth ; Wetherden ; Haughley ; 296 Barton Mills ; Lakenheath : Pakenliam, Hb. Cas. : Bar- ton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Coney Weston, E.F.L. 2. Nayland and Melford : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Lound ; Kessingland ; Benacre ; South wold : St. Margarets, Galp. 4. Botesdale. 5. Aldeburgh ; Stutton : Felixstowe, Pur elms : Wherstead, Haward : Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 3. A. erecta, Huds. A. patula, Linn, in part. Upright Orache. Bab. Man. 303. Hook. St. Fl. 339. H. & S. 71 ? Annual weed ; in corn-fields and cultivated ground. July to October. 1. Fakenham; Honington ; Wetherden ; Barton Mills; Mildenhall. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Bungay ; Lowestoft ; Kessingland ; Benacre ;. South wold 1 1 . 4. Eye||. 5. Stutton. Earliest notice 1850. Prof. Henslow. 4. A. deltoidea, Bab. Deltoid Orache.. Bab. Man. 303. Hook. St. Fl. 340. Galp. 98. Annual weed; on cultivated and waste ground. June to October. 1. Fakenham || ; Thetford Warren; Barton Mills; Mildenhall ; Lakenheath : Ashfield, Hb. Ek. 3. Bungay ; Burgh Castle and Benacre : Pakefield, Hb. Cas. : Homersfield Allotments, Galp. 4. Eye. 5. Stutton || ; Sutton : Wherstead, Haward. A. triangularis, Willd. Bab. Man. 303. 1. Barton Mills ; Lakenheath : Ashfield, HI. Ek. 3. Burgh Castle. 5. Stutton and Sutton. Earliest notice 1830 ? Mrs. Casborne. 5. A. liastata, Linn. Hastate Or ache*. Bab. Man. 303. Hook. St. Fl. 340. H. & S. 71. Hist. Yarm, Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 98. 297 Annual weed ; on cultivated and waste ground. June to October. 1. Fakenham ; Ixworth Thorpe : Felsham, Hb. 8k.: Coney Weston, E.F.L. Barton Mills. 2. Cocktield, W.J. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Burgh Castle || ; Kessingland; Southwold; Beccles. 4. Dunwich : near Weybread, Galp. 5. Felixstowe : Catawade, E.F.L. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 6. A. Babingtonii, Woods. Frosted Orache. Bab. Man. 303. Hook. St. Fl. 340. H. &. S. 71. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual weed ; on the sea-shore. July to September. 3. Lowestoft ; Breydon Water ; Covehithe : Gorles- ton, W.J. : Easton Bavent, Hb. Ly. 4. Dunwich ; Sizewell. 5. Stutton|| ; Catawade ; Ipswich ; Sutton : Bawdsey, W.L.N. : Orwell, Ips. Fl. : Aldeburgh, Sk. ms. : Felix- stowe, Purchas. Earliest notice 1850 ? W. L. Notcutt. 7. A. farinosa, Dum. A. laciniata, Linn. A. arenaria, Woods. Mealy Orache. Bab. Man. 303,4. Hook. St. Fl. 340. Top. Bot, Suff. E. Annual weed ; on sandy sea-shores. July to Sep. 3. Lowestoft, Dr. r l rimen : Pakefield, Stone: between Lowestoft and Gorton, A.B. in lib. Geld. 4. Dunwich ||, W.J. : -Thorpe, Crabbe. 5. Felixstowe, Hb. My. : Landguard Fort, Sir J. E. Smith : Aldeburgh, Sir CJ.F.B. Earliest record 1800. Sir J. E. Smith. Obione, Gart. 1. O. peduncillata, Moq. Atriplex pedunculata, Linn. Stalked Sea Purslane. Bab. Man. 304. Hook. St. Fl. 341. H. & S. 71. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual weed; in muddy salt marshes. Aug., Sep. 3. * On banks by the high way- side between Yarmouth and Gorleston, Sep 3, 1764, Mr. Bryant. The banks are since destroyed, and Mr. Bryant could not find it 1766,' 298 Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. : Breydon Water, Hb. Sk. : 'Aug. 30, 1857. Shewn to me by Mr. Dawson Turner in a salt marsh on the Suffolk side of the river at Yarmouth, a little way from the bridge to the right of the road going to Gor-, leston ||. It grows there in very considerable abundance,' Sir C.J.F.B. Ms. 4. Walberswick, Holmes. 5. Shingle Street, Holmes : Aldeburgh, T.W.G. Earliest notice 1764. Rev. H. Bryant. 2- O. portulacoides, Moq. AtripUx portulacoides,IArm. . Common Sea Purslane. Bab. Man. 304. Hook. St. Fl. 341. H. &S.70. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Hist. Wher. Shrubby perennial ; frequent on muddy sea-coasts. August to October. 3. South wold, Hb. Ek. : Breydon Marshes, Payet : Lowestoft, Sk. ms. 4. Walberswick : Dunwich, W.J. 5. Aldeburgh || ; Felixstowe ; Stutton || ; Walton ;,. Chelmondiston : Catawade, E.F.L.: Wherstead, Hawardi Woodbridge, H b. Ly. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. POLYGONACE^E. Rumex, Linn. 2. R. maritinms, Linn. Golden Dock. Bab. Man. 305. Hook. St. Fl. 348. H. & S. 71. Hist. Bury. Top.fBot. Suff. E. Galp. 128. Herbaceous perennial or biennial ; in marshes usually near the sea. July, August. 1. Broadmere, Troston : Mildenhall ; Eriswell, Sir C.J.F.B. : Fornham Heath, near Hengrave Park, Sir T. G. Cullum. 2. Brettenham Park 1 1 , C.B. 3. By ditches on Bradwell Common, Wigg : sides of Kessingland Dam 1 1 , D. Turner : Bungay, Stock : near Easton Broad and Potter's Bridge, South wold, Holmes : Somerleyton ; Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : Beccles : Oulton, McAub. 4. Dunwich, Davy. 5. Aldeburgh, Hele. Earliest record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 299 2. IB. palustris, Sm. Marsh Dock. Bab. Man. 305. Hook. St. Fl. 349. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Stiff. VV. Galp. 128. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes ; rare. July to September. 1. Broadmere, Troston : Mildenhall, Hb.Blk.: Fornham Heath, near Hengrave Park, Sir T. G. Outturn : 3. St. Olave's Bridge || ; Belton || ; Beccles : Bungay, Stock : ' Marshes at Cove and Barnby,' Holmes : Oulton, McAub. Earliest notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 3. B. COnglomeratus, Murr. Clustered Dock. Bab. Man. 305. Hook. St. Fl. 349. H. & S. 71. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 99. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet places. June to Aug. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773 ? likely for R. acutus. Sir J. Cullum. 1855, Prof. Hens, in Hb. Hens. 5. JR. San guineas, Linn. Eed-veined Dock. Bab. Man. 305. Hook. St. FL 349. H. & S. 71. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 99. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and lanes. June to August. 1. Hinderclay Wood 1 1 ; Fakenham Wood: Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Bury, E. 8k. 2. Melford ; Nayland ; Stoke : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Lowestoft, Sir J. E. Smith : Flixton, H.B.C. 4. Framlingham. Crabbe : Mellis. 5. Felixstowe, Purchas. b. E. viridis, Sibth. Bab. Man. 305, Hook. St. Fl. 349. H. & S. 71. Hist. Yarm. 1. Sapiston Grove || ; Hinderclay Wood ; Ampton*: Bury, Hb.Wils. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Sk. : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Lound, Payef. Lowestoft, Sir J. E. Smith: Flix- ton Park, Galp. 4. Botesdale ; Mellis ; Sibton : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Stutton. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 300 6. H. pulcTier, Linn. Fiddle Dock.. Bab. Man. 305,6. Hook. St. Fl. 348. H. & S. 71. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suf. B. and W. Galp. 99. Biennial weed ; by waysides and waste places. July to September. 1. Honington||; Troston ; Barton Mills: Bury, Hbb. Sk. & Wils. : Barton and Mildenliall, Sir C.J.F.B.: Tuddeiiliam, E. Sk. 2. Hitcliam, Hb. Hem. : Cockfield, W.J. : Wick- hambrook ; Nayland. 3. Burgh Castle ; Kessingland and Covehithe : Bun- gay, Stock : Flixton, H.B.C. : Lowestoft, E. Sk. : South- wold, J.H.G. 4. Benhall Green and Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Wal- berswick ; Size well. 5. Felixstowe, C.B. Earliest notice 1831. Herb. Wilson. 7. H. obtusifolius, Linn. Broad Dock. Bab. Man. 306. Hook. St. Fl. 348. H. & S. 71. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suflf. E. and W. Galp. 99. Herbaceous perennial ; fields and waste places. Common in all the districts. July to September. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 8 H. aCTltllSj Linn. Shaiyi Dock. Bab. Man. 306. Hook. St. Fl. 348. Britt. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshy places ; rare. June to September. 1. Tavern Water, Bury, Aug. 1831, Hb. Wils. : Mil- denliall, Sir C.J.F.B. This is likely the plant referred to by Sir J. Cullum, June 10, 1773, as the date is too early to designate B. acutus, Sm., R. conglomerate, Murr. 9. 33. crispus, Linn. Curled Dock. Bab. Man. 306. Hook. St. Fl. 349. H. & S. 71. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in fields and waysides. Common in all the districts. June to August. H. trigranulatus, Syme, E. subcordattis, Warren, and a third form having the enlarged petal without tubercles, are found on the beach between Benacre and Covehithe 1 1 . Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 301 12. B. Hydrolapatlmra, Huds. Great Water Dock. Bab. Man. 307. Hook. St. F1.30. H. & S. 71. Hist. Fram. Hifct. Yarm. Top. Dot. Suit. E. and \V. Galp. 99. Large herbaceous perennial ; in ditches and river-sides. July, August. 1. Honington 1 1 ; Euston ; Knettishall ; Brandon;, Lakenheath ; Barton Mills : Fornham, Hb. Blk. : Paken- ham, Hb. Cos. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ilk. : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.U. : Bury and Cavenham Severals, Sk. ms. 2. Clare ; Nayland : Melford, C.B. 3. St. Olavea ; Kessingland ; Benacre ; Bungay ; Beccles : Breydon Water, Pkyt. 1862 : Belton, E. Sk.: Oulton Broad, C.B. 4. Eedgrave ; Wortham ; Eye ; Dunwich : Farn- ham and Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe S E.N.B. 5. Claydon : Hemingstone, T.B. Earliest notice 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 15. B. Acetosa, Linn. Sorrel. Bab. Man. 307. Hook. St. Fl. 350,1. H. & S. 72. Hist. Yarm, Hist. Wker. Top. Bot. Buff. E. and W. Galp. 99. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and pastures. Common in all the districts. May, June. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 16. R. Acetosella, Linn. Sheep Sorrel. Bab. Man. 307. Hook. St. Fl. 351. H. & S. 72. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 99. Herbaceous perennial ; on dry sandy heaths and com- mons. May to July. Var. R. angustifolius, Koch. Tasehenluch, D. & S. Flora. 1. Thetford Warren 1 1 ; Brandon; Barnham, Troston, and Knettishall Heaths. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Polygonum, Linn. 1. P. Bistorta, Linn. Snakeweed. Bab. Man. 308. Hook. St. Fl. 344. H. & S. 72. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 98. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist meadows. June, Oct. 302 1. Bury, Hb. Sk. : Norton, Hb. Rk. : near Wether- -den Church, Hb. F. : Tostock ||, F. : Woolpit and Lack- ford, E. Sk. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Sudbury, Dr. White -.Mel- ford, J.F.W. : Hadleigh, across the Brett from Kectory, F. Spalding. 3. Shipmeadow, Woodward : near Olland House, Bungay, Stock: Flixton, towards St. Margarets, Holmes: ; small plantation in Worlingham Park, H. & S. 4. Bendham and Gt. Glemham, Crdbbe : Framling- ham, E.N.B. &Ms. Davy : Mendham and Thwaite, Holmes: Brockford, Hb. Peck. 5. Stonham, Hb. Cas. : near the Gipping, Ipswich. Miller. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 3. P. ampllibiuni, Linn. Amphibious Polyyonum. Bab. Man. 308. Hook. St. Fl. 344. H. & 8. 72. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 98. Herbaceous perennial ; in pools, or on their banks when it is P. terrestre, Leers ; and, instead of long petioled floating leaves, has them subsessile and aerial. July to Sep. Both frequent in all the districts. Earliest notice 1798. Bev. G. Crabbe. 4. P. lapattLifolium, Linn. Pale Persicaria. Bab. Man. 308. Hook. St. Fl. 344. H. & S. 72. Hist. Yarnu Top. Bot. SufE. B. and W. Galp. 98. Annual weed ; in ploughed fields and waste places. Frequent in all the districts. July to September. Earliest notice 1832. Steggall. . P. maculatlim, Dyer. Spotted Persicaria. Bab. Man. 309. Hook. St. Fl. 345. Annual weed ; on damp gravelly places. July to Sep. 1. Troston 1 1 ; Honington. 2. Little Bradley, Hb.F. Earliest notice 1840. Mrs. French. '6. P. Persicaria, Linn. Common Persicaria. Bab. Man. 309. Hook. St. FL 345. H. & S. 72. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 98. Annual weed ; in cultivated fields and waste places. June to October. 303 Common in all the districts. P. biforme, Walil., a doubtful variety. Bab. Man. 309. 1. Honington. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 7. P. mite, Sclirank. Mild Persicaria.. Bab. Man. 309. Hook. St. FJ. 345. Annual weed ; in wet places. August, September. 1. Honington; Fakenham; Troston: Bury, Hb.Wils.. 3. Lound||: Beccles. Earliest notice 1831. Herb. Wilson. 8. P. Hydropiper, Linn. Water Pepper. Bab. Man. 309. Hook. St. Fl. 345. H. & 8. 72. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. SufE. B. and W. Galp. 98. Annual weed ; by shallow streams and ditches. Frequent in all the districts. August, September.. Earliest notice 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 9. P. minus, Huds. Lesser Persicaria.. Bab. Man. 309,10. Hook. St. Fl. 346. H. & S. 72. Top. Bot. Sufi:. E. and W ? Galp. 98. Procumbent annual weed ; edge of pools or streams. August, September. 1. Edge of pool, Fakenham Wood. 3. Bungay, H. & S. : Beccles ; Worlingham; Carlton Colville : St. Margarets (E.A.H.), Galp. Earliest record 1860. Henslow and Skepper. 10. P. aviculare, Linn. Knot Grass* Bab. Man. 310. Hook. St. Fl. 346. H. & S. 72. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 98. Annual weed, usually procumbent ; in fields and wastes. Common in all the districts. May to September*. a. P. agrestinum, Jord. 1. Honington ||. 2. Nayland. b. P. vulgatum, Syme. 1. Honington. c. P. arenastram, Bor. 1. Honington 1 1. 304 d. P. microspermum, Jord. 1. Honingtdn ||. 2. Nayland ; Stoke-by-Nayland. e. P. rurivagum, Jord. 1 . Honington ; Livermere 1 1 . 2. Stoke-by-Clare ; Nayland. /. P. Utter ale, Link. 5. Sutton ||. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 11. P- Hail, Bab. P. Itobcrti, Lois. Ray's Knotgrass. Bab. Man. 310. Hook. St. Fl. Procumbent annual? on the sea-sliore. Aug., Sep. 5. Landguard Fort ||. 1888. 13. P. Convolvulus, Linn. Black Bindweed. Bab. Man. 310. Hook. St. Fl. 347. H. & S. 72. Hist. Yarnu Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Gal p. 98. Annual weed ; in ploughed fields and wastes. Frequent in all the districts. July to September. b. P. pseudo-dumetorum, H. C. Wats. Bab. Man. 310. Hook. St. FJ. 347. 1 . Honington 1 1 . Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Fagopyrum, [F. esculentum, Mamch. Buckwheat. Bab. Man. 311. Hook. St. Fl. App. 534. Hist. Yarm. Annual ; a frequent escape from cultivation. 1. Troston||; Honington; Fakenham ; Livermere: Bury, Hb. Sk. : Corn-field, Nowton, Hb. Wils. : Wai- sham, Hb. Dm. : Fornham, Hb. Ly. 5. Gt. Healings, Moor. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum.] EUEAGNACE/C. Hippophae, Linn. 1. TT. rh.amnoid.es, Linn. Sea Buckthorn* 305 Bab. Man. 311. Hook. St. Fl. 354. H. & S. 73. Top. Bot. Suff. JL Sea -side shrub ; on cliffs or sands. May. 4. Thorpe, near Aldeburgh, Hb. Blk. <& Sir C.J.F.B. 5. In great plenty in a sandy lane between Shottiskam. Church and Button Heath, Holmes. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. THYMELACE/E. Daphne, Linn. 1. D. Mezereum, Linn. Mezereon. Bab. Man. 312. Hook. St. Fl. 353. H. & S. 73. Top. Bot. .Suff. W. G alp. 99. Small shrub ; in woods ; rare. March ^ 1. Stowlangtoft, cultivated, Hb.Ek.: Honing ton ||, cultivated: Wood, Lit. Welnetham, probably sown by birds, Mrs. Carss : Hawstead, E. S. Marshall. 3. Bungay, doubtful if wild, Stock. 4. 'At Laxfield, in great abundance in a neglected pasture by the side of the road to Stirrup Street, and by the side of a pool there. It does not appear that there was a ; garden or house near the spot, so that its growth most pro- bably is not owing to art. Mr. Crowe.' Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. : found by Mr. Woodward at Laxfield, M.M. Appa- rently extinct at Laxfield in 1805. 5. ' Becorded from Bergholt,' H. & S ? Earliest notice 1777. Crowe. 2. D. L aureola, Linn.^ Spurge Laurel. Bab. Man. 312. Hook. St. Fl. 353. H. & S. 73. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Gal p. 98. Small evergreen shrub ; in woods and thickets. February to April. 1. Stanton, Ebb. Cos. & Dun. : Woolpit, Hb. Wils. : NactonHall, Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Sicklesmere, E. Sk. : Bradfield St. George, H b. Turn. 2. Cockfield ||, C.B. : UitchsLm,Hb.Hens. :-Hartestr - Acton Wood, J. F.W.I Sudbury, Fulcher; Holbecks, Hadleigh and near Aldham Hall, F. Spalding : Thrifty Wood, Lawshall ; Thorpe ; Glemsford, Sk. ins. 3. Fritton and Bradwell : near St. Cross Schoolroom > 306 Flixton, Galp : Eeydon, Hist. Soutkwold. 4. Sibton : between Mellis and Burgate, C.J. Ash field: Benhall and Gt. Glemliam, E.N.B. : Easton, Crabbe : Brockford, Hb. Peck : Laxfield, Ms. Davy. 5. Stutton : Grundisburgh and Gt. Dealings, Moor : Hemingstone, T.B. : Coddenham, F. Fox : Ashbocking, F.C.S : Birkfield, Ipswich and field and road to Akenliam Dr. Taylor : Bergholt, H. $ S. : Bramford & Blakenliam I. S. Soc. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. SANTALACE>. Thesium, Linn. 1. T. llTlinif llSUin, PC, Bastard Toad-flax. Bab. Man. 312. Hook. St. Fl. 355. H. Sc. S. 73. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Woody parasitical perennial ; in chalky soil. June, July. 1. Eisby Heath ||, Hb. 8k. ; Newmarket Heath, Dill. & Hb. Blk. : Bury, Sir J. E. Smith: Brandon, E. 8k. .Sometimes infested with JEeidium Thesii, E.N.B. Earliest record 1724. Dillenius. ARISTOLOCHIACE/E. Aristolochia, Linn. '[1. A. Clematitis, Linn. Common Birthwort. Bab. Man. 313. Hook. St. Fl. 352. H. & S. 73. Galp. 128. Herbaceous perennial ; near old ruins. July, Aug. 1. Livermere || ; Abbey Grounds, Bury, Hb. Sk. : Hessett, Hb. Wils. & Dr. Brom field : Eougham, Hb.Dun. 4. At Stuston, Woodward, and recently Dr. Amyot. Earliest notice 1796. Woodward.] Asarum, L'.nn. i. A. eur op senna, Linn. Asambacca. Bab. Man. 313. Hook. St. Fl. 352. Evergreen herbaceous perennial ; in woods. May. 307 1. Kougham, Hb. Dun. Beside the dried specimen, a, drawing of a plant from Eougham has been seen in a collec- tion of wild flowers from the pencil of Mrs. Gibson, of Lound.. 4. Worth am, Collins \\. Earliest notice 1847. Mrs. Dunlap. EUPHORBIACE/E. Euphorbia, Linn. 2. E. Hello SCOpia, Linn. Sun Spurge.. Bab. Man. 314,15. Hook. St. F1.356. H. & 8. 74. Hist. Yarm.. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 100. Annual weed ; in cultivated and waste ground. Frequent in all the districts. June to September. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 4. E. platypliyllos, Linn. Broad-leaved Spurge- Bab. Man. 315. Hook. St. Fl. 357. H. & S. 74. ' Suffolk ' Br. Fl. Annual weed ; in fields. June to August. 1. Cutthroat Lane, Hardwick, Hb. Wils. 1831. 8. E. amygdaloid.es, Linn. Wood Spurge.. Bab. Man. 306. Hook. St. Fl. 357. H. & S. 74. Hist. Fram. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E.and W. Galp. 100. Ger. em. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods. March, April. 1. Bury, Hb.Wils.: Pakenham, Hb.Cas. : Haughley: Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Onehouse Wood, Mrs. Terry. Dalham, Rev. F. Tearle : Hardwick, Hb. Ly. : Bradfield, H. & S. 2. Wiston || ; Polstead ; Nayland ; Acton ; Melford : Cockfield and Gt. Waldingfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Gt. Bradley, Hb. F. : Eede, Hb. Turn. : Ched- burgh, Miss Bell : Kersey, Gray : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 8. Bungay, Stock. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Bruisyard Wood, Hol- land : Framlingham, Hb.Dun. : Hoxne, Ms. Davy. 5. Stutton : Grundisburgh, T.H. : Hemingstone,. T.B. : Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Blunt's Wood, Woodbridge, F. Spalding: Wherstead, Haward: Barking, Hb.Peck: Pettistree, Ms. Davy. Earliest record 1562. Dr. W. Turner. 308 [E. Cyparissias, Linn. Welcome to our house* Bab. Man. 316. Hook. St. Fl. 359. Herbaceous perennial ; a rare stray. June, July. 1. Tuddenham, ' at least a mile away from gardens,* W. J. Cross, 1888.] 10. E. Paralias, Linn. Sea Spurge* Bab. Man. 316. Hook. St. Fl. 358. H. & S. 74. Top. Bot, Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on sea-sands. August, Sep. 3. Seashore, Southwold, Ms. Davy. 4. Dunwich 1 1 and Walberswick : Minsmere Level, E.N.B. : Thorpe, H. & S. 5. Landguard Fort, Hb. Blk. : Kamsholt, Sir J. Cul- lum: Felixstowe, H.M.S. : Walton Ferry, E. Sk. Earliest record 1633. Johnson. 12. E. Peplus, Linn. Petty Spurge* Bab. Man. 316,17. Hook. St. Fl. 358. H. & S. 74. Hist. Yarm. Hist. When Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 100. Annual weed ; on cultivated ground. July, Aug Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1771. Sir J. Cullum. 13- E. exigua, Linn. Dwarf Spurge* Bab. Man. 317. Hook. St. Fl. 358. H. & S. 74. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 100. Small annual weed ; in corn-fields. June to Aug. 1. Honington||; Sapiston ; Stanton ; Wetherden ; Eisby ; Brandon; Barton Mills: Barton, Hb. Blk.: Bury and Tuddenham, Hb. Wils. : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Paken- ham, Hb. Cas. : Woolpit, J. Easor : Haughley and Sax- ham, Sk.ms. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Long Melford: Bildeston, Hb. Cas. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Kersey, E.F.L. : Cockfield, W.J. : Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Mettingham ; Lound ; Lowestoft ; Kessingland ; Benacre : Gorleston, Phyt. 1 862 : Bradwell, Hb. Geld. 4. Botesdale ; Burgate : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Grundisburgh, F.H. : Hemingstone, T.B. Cod- denham, F. Fox: Ashbocking, F.C.S. : Bramford, Haward* Earliest record 1771. Sir J. Cullum. 309 1 14. E. Lathyris, Linn. Caper Spurge. Bab. Man. 317. Hook. St. Fl. 359. H. & S. 74. Galp. 100. Biennial weed ; usually in gardens, probably the result of former cultivation. June, July. 1. Honington || ; Hopton ; Mildenhall : sparingly in the lane between Ickworth Park and Saxham Gate, E. 8k. : Gazeley, Rev. F. Tearle. 2. Long Melford and Nayland. 4. Withersdale, Galp. 5. Stutton ; Needham Market, E. Clowes. Earliest notice 1862. E. Skepper. Mercurialis, Linn. 1. M. perennis, Linn. Dog Mercury. Bab. Man. 317. Hook. St. Fl. 360. H. &S.74. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 100. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and under hedges. Frequent in all the districts. April, May. Earliest record 1771. Sir J. Cullum. 2. M. amma, Linn. Annual Mercury. Bab. Man. 317. Hook. St. FL 360. H. & S. 74. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual weed ; in waste places. Aug., Sept. 1. Honington ; Fornham St. Martin ; Thetford ; West Row, Mildenhall || : Bury, East Gate Station, &c., Ebb. Blk., Sk. & Wils. : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. 2. Nayland || : Lavenham, C.B. 3. Lowestoft || : Gorleston, J. Pagetin Hb. Geld. 4. Framlingham, H. & S. : Walberswick; Burgate, Collins. 5. Stutton and Claydon : Ipswich, H. & S. : Wher- stead, Haward : Woodbridge, Hb. Ly. b. M. ambigua, Linn. fil. Bab. Man. 317. Hook. St. Fl. 360. 5. Docks at Ipswich ||, E.G. Varenne, Phyt. O.S., cxix, p. 90. Earliest record 1771. Sir J. Cullum. 310 CERATOPHYLLACE/E. Ceratophyllum, Linn. 1. C. demersum, Linn. Dark Hornwort*. Bab. Man. 317,18. Hook. St. Fl. 378. H. & S. 74. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 103. Perennial aquatic ; in streams and ponds. June, July. 1. Knettishall in Lit. Ouse || ; Ampton Lake : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Woolpit, J. Rasor : Bury, E. Sk. 2. Wiston|| ; Nayland. 3. Benacre : Bungay, Stock: Homersfield, Galp. 4. Lake in Kedgrave Park || : Pond between Wey- bread and Wingfield, Blackett. Earliest notice 1835. D. Stock. 2. C. Sllbmersum, Linn. Pale green Hormvort. Bab. Man. 318. Hook. St. Fl. 379. H.&S. 75. Hist. Yarm. Aquatic herbaceous perennial ; in ponds and streams. June, July. 1. Lit. Ouse, Knettishall 1 1 ; Ampton Lake ; Honington ; Ixworth ; Sapiston ; Mildenhall ; Barton Mills : Wang-ford, Hb. Cas. & F.K.E. in Hb. Ly. 2. Nayland : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Bungay : Ditches at Gorleston, D. Turner : be- tween Yarmouth and Gorleston, Sir J. E. Smith. 4. Dunwich. Earliest notice 1804. Dawson Turner. CALLITRICHACE/E. Callitriche, Linn. 1. C. verna, Linn. C. vernalis, Koch. Vernal Water Starwort. Bab. Man. 318. Hook. St. FL 152. H. & S. 75. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 68. Aquatic weed ; in ditches and pools ; doubtfully annual. Common in all the districts. April to September. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. C. Obtusangula, Le Gal. Blunt Water Starwort*. Bab. Man. 318. Hook. St. Fl. 153. Aquatic weed ; in ditches ; doubtfully annual. 311 May to September. 1. Fen ditches, near West Kow, Mildenhall ||. 3. Burgh Castle, A.B First notice 1883. Hind. '3. C. st agnails, Scop. Pond Water Starwort. Bab. Man. 318. Hook. St. M. 153. Galp. 68. Top. Bot. Suff. E.?and W. ? Aquatic weed, doubtfully annual ; in shallow pools or on mud. May to September. a. C. stagnates, Kutz. Bab. Man. 318. 1. Hopton || ; Sapiston ; Bury ||. 3. Kessingland ||. 4. In Waveney, Mendham, H.B.C. b. C. platycarpa, Kutz. Bab. Man. 318. Galp. 68. 1. Sapiston || ; Bury : Wangford, G. C. Druce, Eec. -Club, 1883. 3. Lound||. 4. Frequent in the Mendham Marshes, Galp. Earliest notice 1881. Hind. 4. C. namTllata, Kutz. Hooked Water _ Stanvort. Bab. Man. 319. Hook. St. Fl. 153. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Aquatic weed, doubtfully annual ; in lakes and streams. June to September. 1. Thetford Warren 1 1 ; Market Weston 1 1 ; Ixworth Thorpe : Pakenham Fen, Hb. Cas. 3. Kessingland ; Beccles. 4. Redgrave || ; Wortham. b. C. pedunculata, DC. Bab. Man. 319. Hook. St. Fl. 153. H. & S. 75. 1. Thetford Warren 1 1. 5. Ipswich, H. & 8. Earliest notice 1839. Mrs. Casborne. See C. autumnalis. (C. autumnalis, Linn., regarded by some as a Suffolk plant, is likely an error ; the plant so named from Pakenham Fen in Hb. Cas. is C. hamulata. There is no genuine Suf- folk specimen in any of the Herbaria which have been ex- amined.) 312 URTICACE/E. Parietaria, Linn. 1. P. diffusa, Koch. P. offLcinalis, Linn. Pellitory of the wall. Bab. Man. 319,20. Hook. St. Fl. 363. H. & S. 75. Hist. Tarm. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 101. Herbaceous perennial ; on ruins and old buildings. Several plants unaccountably appear on the beach, above high water, at Sizewell. Frequent in all the districts. June to September. 1772. Sir J. Cullum. Urtica, Linn. 1. TJ. pilulifera, Linn. Roman Nettle. Bab. Man. 320. Hook. St. Fl. 363. H. & S. 75. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 128. Annual weed ; about towns ; formerly plentiful in the N. E. district, now very rare, or nearly extinct. June to August. 2. Clare, ' C.B. 3. Gorleston, Wigg : ' The whole Town is overrun with it, Mr. Bryant,' Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. ; also Dr. Brom- fteld in Hb. Wils. : Southtown, J. W. Ewing in Hb. Geld. : Lowestoft 1 1, Hbb. Blk & Cas. : Bungay, Woodward : Bec- cles, Hb. Ly. 4. Thorpe, Dr. White. 5. Aldeburgh, Dill. Ray ; also Sir T. G. Cullum 1774 : Felixstowe ? on authority of the late Mr. W. Norman, Miller. H. & 8. give Euston as a locality ; most likely a mistake. Earliest record 1724. Dillenius. 2- TJ. urens, Linn. Small Nettle. Bab. Man. 320. Hook. St. Fl. 362. H.&S. 75. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 100. Annual weed ; on cultivated land and under walls. June to September. Frequent in all the districts ; very common on light soil. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. TJ. dioica, Linn. Common Nettle. Bab. Man. 320. Hook. St. Fl. 362,3. H. & S. 75. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 100. 313 Herbacepus perennial; borders of fields and waste places. June to September. Very common in all the districts. Var. U. angustifolia, A. Blytt. 1. Ampton; Culford. 2. Polstead|| ; Stoke; Wiston : Melford, C.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. I CANNABINACE/E. Cannabis, Linn. [Cannabis sativa, Linn. Hemp of commerce, occasion- ally occurs as a casual from bird-seed. 5. Carlton Colville. There is a specimen from Hit- cham in Hb. Hens. 1858.] Humulus, Linn. 1. H. Lupulus, Linn. Common Hop. Bab. Man. 320. Hook. St. Fl. 363,4. H. & S. 75. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot, Suff. E. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 100. Climbing herbaceous perennial, furnishing the hops of commerce ; in hedges and damp copses. July, August. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. : ULMACE/E. Ulmus, Linn. 1 TJ. campestris, Sm. E. suberosa, Ehrh. Common Elm. Bab. Man. 321. Hook. St. Fl. 362. H. & S. 76. Galp. 100. Top. Bot. Suff. E. andW. Tall deciduous timber tree ; in woods and hedgerows. Frequent in all the districts. March to May. b. U. glabra, Sm. Bab. Man. 321. Hook. St. Fl. 362. 1. Sapiston 1 1 ; Pakenham ; Gt. Barton ; Fornham St. Martin ; Bury ; Woolpit ; West Row and Onehouse : Stowlangtoft, Hb. lik. 314 2. Long Melford ; Wiston and Polstead. 3. Bungay. 4. Dunwicli ; Mellis. 5. Stutton.. c. V. stricta, Lindl. Bab. Man. 321. Hook. St. Fl. 362. 4. Stoke-by-Nayland 1 1, scarce. 5. Higham and Stratford St. Mary. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. U. montana, With. Wych Elm.. Bab. Man. 321. Hook. St. Fl. 362. H. & S. 75. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Large deciduous timber tree ; in woods and hedgerows^ Frequent in all the districts. March, April. A form with handsome, deeply-cut, darkly-blotched leaves, U. cornuta, grows in a copse at the North-end of Stoke-by-Nayland ||, and a somewhat similar form at Felix- stowe. Earliest notice 1860. E. Skepper. AMENTIFER/C. Salix, Linn. 1. S. pentandra, Linn. Bay-leaved Willow* Bab. Man. 323. Hook. St. Fl. 371. H. & S. 76. Galp. 128. Small tree, with glossy fragrant foliage ; the most hand- some of our willows. May, June,. 3. Worlingham : Bungay, frequent, Woodward. 4. Kelsale, Ms. Davy. Earliest notice 1805. Woodward. 3. S. fragilis, Linn. Crack Willow* Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. FL 371. H. & S. 77. Hist. Bury, Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 102. Tall deciduous tree ; in damp meadows. April, May. a. S. decipiens, Hoffm. Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. Fl. 371. Hist. Yarm. 1. Troston, probably introduced. 3. Gorleston || : Worlingham, R. E. Leach. 4. Nayland||. 315 b. S.frayilis, Linn. Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. Fl. 371. 1. Hinderclay ; Hopton ; Bardwell; Ixworth Thorpe ; Ixworth ; Troston ; .West Stow ; Cavenham ; Lakenheath : Bury, Hb. Sk. 2. Nayland||; Wickhambrook j Polstead ; Long Mel- ford : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Gorleston : Barsham, R. E. Leach. 4. Near Weybread Mill, Galp. c. S. Piiisselliana, Sm. Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. Fl. 371. 1. Hinderclay || ; Ixworth Thorpe Carr ; Knettishall || ; Troston. Earliest notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 4. S. alba, Linn. White Willow. Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. Fl. 371. H. & S. 77. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 102. Tall deciduous tree ; sides of streams and ditches. Frequent in all the districts. May. b. S. carulea, Sm. Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. Fl. 371. 1 . Troston 1 1 ; Honington ; Fakenham ; Bardwell ; Ixworth ; Kisby ; Mildenhall : Market Weston, E.F.L. c. S. vitellina, Sm. Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. Fl. 371,2. Hist. Yarm. 1. Risby||; Lakenheath; Ixworth Thorpe Carr. 3. , Paget. 4. Burgate Wood. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. *5. S. Tindulata, Ehrh. S. lanceolata, Sm. Lanceolate Osier. Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. Fl. 370. H. & S. 77. Hist. Yarm. HiBt. Bury. Small deciduous tree ; in moist places. April," May. 1. Hopton, E.F.L.: near Icklingham Bridge, Hist. Bury. *3. Bradwell, Borrer & D. Turner, 1810 : Beccles. Earliest notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 316 6. S triandra, Linn. Long-leaved triandrous Osier. Bab. Man. 324,5. Hook. St. PL 370. H. & S. 77. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 102. Small deciduous tree ; in damp places. April, May. 1 . West Stow 1 1 ; Thelnetham 1 1 ; Cavenham ; Laken- heath ; Livermere ; Fornham St. Martin ; Honington ; Fakenham ; Market Weston : Barton, Hb. Elk. \ Coney Weston, E.F.L. : Eougham, H. & 8. 2. Naylandand Stoke ||. 3. Fritton and Kessingland ; Beccles : near Bungay, MM. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. b. S. Hoffmanniana, Sm. Bab. Man. 324. Hook. St. Fl. 370. 1. Sapiston || ; Troston || ; Euston ; Thelnetham. 2. Nayland. c. S. amygdalina, Linn. Bab. Man. 324,5. Hook. St. Fl. 370. H. & S. 77. 1. West Stow; Troston || ; Fornham. 3. Fritton ||. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 7. S. purpurea, Linn. Purple Willow. Bab. Man. 325. Hook. St. Fl. 377,8. H. & S. 77. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 102. Small deciduous tree ; marshes and river-banks. March, April. 1. Haughley || ; Thurston ; Bardwell ; Brandon ; Lakenheath ; Mildenhall ; Tuddenham ; Newmarket. 2. Stoke ; Wiston || ; Long Melford. 3. Beccles. 4. Near Weybread Mill, Galp. b. S. Woolfjariana, Borr. Bab. Man. 325. Hook. St. Fl. 378. 1. Bardwell ; Troston. 3. Beccles. c, S. ramulosa, Borr. Bab. Man. 325. Hook. St. Fl. 378. 1. Bardwell; Troston. 2. Wiston ||. d t S. Lambertiana, Sm. Bab. Man. 325. Hook. St. Fl. 378. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. 317 1. About Lackford Bridge,^ near Icklingham, Crowe.: - Bury, Sir J. E. Smith. 3. Bradwell, /. Woods, jun., 1805. e. S. Helix, Linn. Bab. Man. 325. Hook. St. Fl. 378. Hist. Bury. 1. Brandon ||. Near Icklingham Bridge, Sir T. G* Cullum. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 8. S. r libra, Huds. Eose Willow. Bab. Man. 325. Hook. St. Fl. 378. H. & S. 77. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Deciduous tree ; in marshes and wet meadows. April, May. 1. Tuddenham || : Honington : Icklingham, Eev. J* Hemsted. b. S. Forbyana, Sin. Bab. Man. 325. Hook. St. Fl. 378. H. & S. 77. Hist. Yarnu 1. Near Icklingham. 3. Bradwell, Borrer. Earliest record 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 9. S. viminalis, Linn. Common Osier. Bab. Man. 326. Hook. St. Fl. 375. H. & S. 77. , Hist. Yarm. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 102. Deciduous shrub ; much esteemed for basket making ; wet places. April, May. 1. Market Weston || ; Troston Heath || ; Cavenham ; Barton Mills ; Lakenheath ; Bury, Hb. Sk. : Hopton, E.F.L. 2. Long Melford, Wickhambrook and Stoke 1 1 : Nay- land, Gray. 3. Benacre : Worlingham, R. E. Leach. 5. Gt. Bealings, Moor-. Felixstowe, Purchas. b. S. intricate^ Leefe. Bab. Man. 326. 1. Knettishall 1 1 ; Bardw T ell. 5. Bawdsey. c. S. stipularis, Leefe. Bab. Man. 326. 1 . Sapiston ; Knettishall 1 1 . Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 318 .10. S. stipTllaris, Sm. Stipuled Osier* Bab. Man. 326. Hook. St. Fl. 375. H. & S. 77. Hist. Bury. Deciduous shrub ; in wet places ; (cultivated in Suffolk, Hook. St. Fl.) March. 1. Near Bury, Crowe: Honington; Sapiston; Troston. Earliest notice 1804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 11. S SmitMana, Willd. Smith's Osier. Bab. Man. 326. Hook. St. Fl. 375. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. :Suff. W. Deciduous shrub ; in wet places. April, May. 1. Market Weston|| : near Bury, Crowe. 3. Worlingham, E. E. Leach. Earliest notice 3804. Sir T. G. Cullum. 12. S. acuminata, Sm. Acuminate Sallow* Bab. Man. 326. Hook. St. Fl. 375. Small deciduous tree ; in woods or hedges. April. 1. Hopton, E.F.L. 3. Worlingham. Earliest notice 1883. Rev. E. F. Linton. 13. S. cinerea, Sm. Sallow. Bab. Man. 327. Hook. St. Fl. 372. H. & S. 77. Hist. Yarm. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E. Deciduous shrub ; in woods and hedges. March, April. Frequent in all the districts. b. S. aquatica, Sm. Bab. Man. 327. Hook. St. Fl. 372. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 102. 1 . Lakenheath ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Sapiston ; Onehouse. 2. Long Melford ; Wiston ; Nayland ; Polstead. 3. Fritton ||. 4. Redgrave Fen || ; Dunwich. c. S. oleifolia, Sm. Bab. Man. 327. Hook. St. Fl. 372. 1. Lakenheath ; Euston ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Sapiston ; 'Onehouse 1 1 ; Thelnetham 1 1 . 2. Wiston ; Polstead. 4. Dunwich. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 14. S. aurita, Linn. Round-leaved Sallow. Bab. Man. 327. Hook. St. Fl. 372. H. & S. 77. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp 128. Small deciduous shrub ; in woods, hedges and borders of fields ; less frequent in Suffolk than elsewhere. April, May. 319 1. Pakenham Wood || : Dalham Wood, Rev. F.Tearle*. 2. Wiston |. 3. Bungay, Woodward. Earliest record 1812. Woodward. 15. S. caprea, Linn. Great Sallow^ Bab. M an. 327. Hook. St. Fl. 372. H. & S. 77. Hist. Yarm. Hibt. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small deciduous tree ; in woods and hedges. Frequent in all the districts. April, May- Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 20. S. repens, Linn. Creeping Willow.. Bab. Man. 329. Hook. St. Fl. 373. H. & S. 77. Hist. Yarm. .Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Small deciduous shrub ; varied in habit ; on wet heaths,. March to May. 1. Wangford; Lakenheath 1 1 : Lit. Bombay Fen, Mildenhall, Hb. Eh. & Sir C.J.F.B.: Tuddenham Heath,. W.J. : Cavenham, E. Sk. 3. , Paget. b. S.fusca, Sm. Bab. Man. 329. Hook. St. Fl. 373. Hist. Yarm.? H. . Hydrocharis, Linn. 1. H. Morsus-ranae, Linn. Froy-bit. Bab. Man. 339. Hook. St. Fl. 381,2. H. & S. 83. Hist. Yarm". Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 104. Herbaceous perennial ; in ponds and ditches. July, August. 1. Ixworth Thorpe Carr || ; Bardwell ; Sapiston ; Fakenham ; Thelnetham ; Lakenheath : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Fornham, Hb. Blk. : between Barton Mills and Mildenhall, Hb, F. : Dalham, Rev. F. Tearle : Tuddenham, E. Sk. : Cavenham, 8k. ms. 2. Nayland : Wiston, Gray : Hadleigh, F. Spalding. 327 3> Beccles; St. Olaves; Kessingland; Benacre: Bun- gay, Stock : Southwold, H bb. Cas. & Rk. : Belton, Phyt. 1862: Lowestoft, Miss Jeffes. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Eedgrave ; Wortham Green; Stuston ; Oakley and Dunwich : Aldringham, Hb. Cas. : Framlingham ; Farn- ham and Snape, E.N.B. : Weybread Mill ; Mendham, G-alp. 5. Ipswich, Ips. Port/. : Shelley, F. Spalding: Aide- burgh, J/t7Zer : Orford : St. Olaves, C.A.W. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Stratiotes, Linn. 1. S. aloides, Linn. Water Soldier. Bab. Man. 339. Hook. St. Fl. 382. H. & S. 83. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Dot. SufE. B. and W. Galp. 104. Herbaceous perennial ; in ditches and ponds. July. 1. Brandon, H. & S. 3. St. Olaves || ; Belton ; Fritton Decoy : Ditches near Bungay and Worlingham, Woodward: Bradwell, Wiyg : Homersfield, H.B.C. : Benacre Broad, E.N.B. : Somer- leyton, H. & S. : Beccles and Barnby, Sk. ms. : Eoos Hall Marshes, Beccles, R. E. Leach. 4. Castle Ditch, Framlingham, Crabbe : Wortham, Collins. 5. Lowdham Hall Mere, Crabbe : Baylham, F. Fox. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. Anacharis, Rich. *1. A. Alsinastriim, Bab. Elodea canadcnsis, Michx. Water Thyme. Bab. Man. 339,40. Hook. St. Fl. 382. H. & S. 82. Galp. 104. Herbaceous perennial ; in ponds, ditches, sluggish rivers and streams. This plant, first seen in a wild state in Great Britain in 1842, has spread with amazing rapidity throughout the country, and is now found in most parts of it. Its native home is North America. July, September. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Thetford ; Barnham ; Euston; Fakenham Troston ; Livermere ; Lakenheath : Barton , Mills, Hb. F. : Lackford Bridge, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, SirC.J.F.B. : Tuddenham and Icklingham, WJ. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 328 3. Bungay ; Beccles ; St. Olaves ; Kessingland ; Ben- acre : Oulton, McAub. 4. Stuston ; Walberswick. 5. Holbrooke : Bramford, F. Fox. Earliest notice 1855. Prof. Henslow. ORCHIDACE>E. Orchis, Linn. 1. O. Morio. Helmet, or Green-winged Orchis.. Bab. Man. 343. Hook. St. Fl. 390. H. & S. 84. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 105. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and pastures. May, June.. 1. Ixworth -Thorpe || ; Bardwell ; Coney Weston; Barnham Heath ; West Stow : Rougham, Hb. Ek. : Wai- sham, H b. Dun. : Market Weston, Gray : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hardwick, E. Sk. : Bradfield, Hb. Ly. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Nayland, Gray: Cockfield,, W.J. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. : Stoke-by-Clare and Acton, J.F.W. 3. Belton, Paget : Oulton, E. Sk. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe : Gt. Glemham, &c.,E.N.B. : Huntingfield, Holland : Rishangles, H b. Peck. : Pal- grave and Thrandeston, Collins. 5. Otley, K.N.B. : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Grundis- burgh, T.H. : Freston, W.L.N. : Wherstead, Haward-. Hemingstone, T.B. A plant in Hb. F., collected at Rattlesden || June 8, 1854, has its inflorescence in a corymb three inches across. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. O. masCTlla, Linn. Early purple Orchis^ Bab. Man. 343. Hook. St. Fl. 389. H.&S.84. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Galp. 105. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and thickets. May.. Frequent in all the districts. A form of this plant having no spur, 0. discalcarata> has been kindly forwarded from Norton || in 1884,5, & 6, by Mr. J. Rasor, of Woolpit. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 329 6. O. UStulata, Linn. Dwarf Orchis*.. Bab. Man. 344. Hook. St. Fl. 390. H. & S. 84. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. SufE. W. Herbaceous perennial ; on chalky banks. June. 1 . 'In and near the large plantation of Scotch firs before you come to Cavenham, chalky and dry,' Sir J. Cul- lum : Eisby Heath ||, Hb. Sk. : Dalham, Rev. F. Tearle: Newmarket Heath, Ms. Davy. Earliest record 1st June, 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 7. O- maculata, Linn. Spotted Orchis... Bab. Man. 344. Hook. St. Fl. 390. H. fe S. 84. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 105. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist pastures and heaths. Common in all the districts. May, June.. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 8. O. latifolia, Linn. Marsh Orchis.. Bab. Man. 345. Hook. St. Fl. 390. H. & S. 84. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 105. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist meadows. May, June. 1 . Hopton || ; Bardwell ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Fakenham : Pakenham, Hb.Cas.: Market Weston Fen, Gray. Mildenhall, Hb.Blk. : Tuddenham Bog, W.J. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Washdall Wood, Thurlow, Hb.F. 3. Belton, Phyt. 1862 : Oulton, E. Sk. : St. Mar- garets, Galp. 4. Dunwich : Eedgrave Fen, Hb. Dun. : Framling- ]a&m,Crabbe : Thwa,ike,Hb.Peck: Weybread Marshes, Galp. 5. Needham Market, E.Clowes: Ipswich, W.L.N. :. Woodbridge, H.M.S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 9. O. incamata, Linn. Late Purple Orchis*. Bab. Man. 345. Hook. St. Fl. 390. Galp. 105. Herbaceous perennial ; in fens and swampy meadows. June. 1. Thelnetham | ; Hopton Fen 1 1 ; Bardwell 1 1 ; Sapis- ton 1 1 ; Troston ; Tuddenham ; West Stow : old pastures round Felsham Hall Wood, Dr. White. 2. Swampy Meadows, Long Melford. 330 3. St. Margarets, H.B.C. 4. Sweffling ; Gt.Glemham, E.N.B. : meadows near ^Weybread Mill, Galp. b. 0. anyustifolia, Bab. 1, Hop ton Fen 1 1. 4. Redgrave Fen. First notice 1860. Dr. White. 10. O- pyramidalis, Linn. Pyramidal Orchis. Bab. Man. 345. Hook. St. Fl. 391. H.& S. 84. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 105. Herbaceous perennial ; in chalky pastures. July. 1. Bradfield St. Clare, C.B. : Barton, Hb. Elk. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Stanton, Hb. Cas. : Clopton Grove, Rat- tlesden, Mrs. Parker : Woolpit, F. : Wordwell, Sk. ms. : Felsham, H. & S. : Haughley : Fornham, Hb. Ly. 2. Acton : Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Melford, J.F.W. 3. Bungay, Stock : Flixton, Galp. : Gorton, Hb. Salm. 4. Burgate, C. J. Ashfteld : Framlingham, Crabbe : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Huntingfield, Holland : Yaxley, Sewell : Mendham ; Hoxne, Galp. : Brockford, Hb. Peck : Mendlesham, Hb. Salm. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H.: Hemingstone, T.B. : Ash- bocking, F.C.S. : Needham Market : Little Blakenham, Haward : Ipswich and Bramford, Miller. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 11. O. Mrcina, Scop. Lizard Orchis. Bab. Man. 345. Hook. St. Fl. 391. H. & S. 84. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on chalky heaths ; very rare. May. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. in Phyt., O.S. vol. n. 782 & 942, vol. m. ii. ; also, Phyt. N.S. 1858, p. 557. We have seen Mr. Bloomfield's specimen, which is now in the posses- sion of Prof. C. C. Babington. It occurred on gravelly soil. Found 1847. Rev. E. N. Bloomfield. Gymnadenia, E. Broivn. 1. GK Conopsea, R. Broivn. Habenaria Conopsca, Benth. Fragrant Gymnadenia. Bab. Man. 346. Hook. St. Fl. 393,4. H. & S. 84. His*. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. K. and W. 331 Herbaceous perennial ; in moist meadows and fens. Occurs in all the districts. June, July.. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Aceras, E. Broion. 1. A. anth.ropOph.ora, R. Brown. Green-man Orchis. Bab. Man. 346. Hook. St. Fl. 392. H. & S. 85. Hist. Bury Top. Bot. Sufi. E. and W. Galp. 105. Herbaceous perennial ; on dry chalky pastures. June. 1. Hawstead, Sir J. Cullum : Lit. Saxham, Sir T. G-. Cullum: Bougham, Hb. Elk. : Gt. Welnetham, Mrs. Carssi Stanton, Hbb. Cas. $ Pik. : Ickworth, Sir J. E. Smith : : Fakenham Wood, Miss Bridgman : Eattlesden, Mrs. Parker: Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Drinkstone, F. 2. Rede, Hb. Ly. : Hitcham, Hbb. Hens. <& SJc. : Rookseye Green, Cockfield, W.J.: Whepstead, Hb. Turn. 3. The Grove, Bungay, Holmes. 4. Sternfield, E.N.B. : Old Clay-pit, Westleton, F. Spaldingi Aspall, Mrs. Preston: Mendham, Rev. H. Tilneyi Redgrave Fen, Collins : Yoxford, Ms. Davy. 5. Blakenham, Hb. F. : Claydon || and Bramford, T. B. : Baylham, Rev. Colville : Akenham, Dr. Taylor : Little Blakenham, Haward. Earliest record 1778. Sir J. Cullum. Habenaria, E. Brown. 1. "FT. viridis, R. Brown. Frog Orchis. Bab. Man. 346,7. Hook. St. Fl. 394. H. , Sir J. and T. G. Cullum : Woolpit ||, Hb. F. 3. St. Margarets and St. Cross, Holmes. 4. Sternfield, Eev. J. Longe : Stratford St. Andrew,. E.N.B. : meadows near Metfield Eectory, F. Spalding : * About half-a-mile from Laxfield toward Stirrup Street, in a wet meadow in Scare Fen, in great abundance, and in several other pastures within five miles of that spot.' * Mr. Crowe,' Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox.-. Framsden, T.B. : Gipping to Debenham, and Wickham Skeith, C. W. Peck : Worling- worth, Collins. 5. Lit. Stonham, Mrs. Cobbold: Mickfield, Hb. Gas.: Ashbocking, Prof. Cowell : Bramford, F. Fox : Berg- holt, Dr. White. Earliest record 1776. Crowe. Lilium, Linn. [L. Martagon, Linn. Turh's-cap Lily.. Bab. Man. 362. Hook. St. Fl. 410. Galp. 109. Herbaceous perennial ; in copses. June, July. . 3. In a small plantation between the Church and the Village, Flixton, H.B.C. Likely a garden stray. First notice 1884. Kev. F. W. Galpin.] Ornithogalum, Linn. I- O. "Umbellafrum, Linn. Common Star of 'Bethlehem . 346 Bab. Man. 363. Hook. St. F1.409. H. & S. 88. Hist. Bury. alp. 108. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and pastures. May. 1. Honington 1 1 ; Fakenham ; Troston ; Culford Heath ; "Coney Weston : Barton, Hb. Blk. & Sir J. Cullum : Wals- ham, Hb. Dim. : Knettishall, Gray: Woolpit, Mrs. Parker : in a pasture near St. Peter's Barn, Bury ; Saxham and Lakenheath, H. & 8. : West Stow, Hb. Ly. : Pakenham, Hb. Rk. : Tostock, J. Rasor : ' In a common between Bury andlngriffHouse,' Dill. RayinHort. 0,v. : SantonDownham, in woods, Sk. ms. : Mildenhall, Sir O.J.F.B., naturalized:- Bardwell, Blk. in Hb. Salm. 2. Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. : Chedburgh, Miss Bell : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Nayland. 3. Hedge at Bungay, Ashby : Hopton Churchyard, Wigg : Flixton, H.B.G. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Weybread, H.B.G. : Middleton, F. Spalding : Wetheringsett, G. W. Peck. 5. Lit. Stonham, Mrs. Gobbold : Needham Market, E. Cloives : Coddenham, F. Fox. Earliest record 1772. Sir J, Cullum. J3. O. rnitans, Linn. Nodding Star of Bethlehem. Bab. Man. 363. Hook. St. Fl. H. & S. 88. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Herbaceous perennial ; in fields ; rare. April, May. 1. Plentiful in the high fields near Bury, Rev. G.R. Leathes : ' Meadow nearly opposite the chalk-pits, in Eisby Gate Street, Bury,' Sir T. G. Gullum : Woolpit, Hb. F. : Haughley, Hb. Rk. : Euston, Hb. FitzR. : Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Wetherden, F. : Drinkstone, Mrs. Terry : Barton, Sir G.J.F.B.: Rougham, E. Sk. : Mildenhall, Sir G.J.F.B. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland, Gray : Sudbury, J.S.H. 3. Oulton, McAub. 4. Yoxford, Hb.Borrer: 'Frequent in Orchards, Churchyards, and about towns and villages near Framling- ham,' Grabbe : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Middleton, Davy : Wetheringsett, Hb. Peck: Westleton ; Easton ; near Hacheston, Ms. Davy. 5. Gt. Bealings, Moor : Bergholt, H. & S. Earliest record 1776. Sir J. Cullum. 347 Gagea, Salisb. 1. Gr. lutea, Ker. Gr. fascicularis, Salisb* Yellow Star of Bethlehem. Bab. Man. 363. Hook. St. F1.411. H. & S. Galp. 128. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and pastures. March, April. 3. Shipmeadow, Ashby, (wrongly supposed to have been lost) : ' Near Shipmeadow Church in low road to Bun- gay,' 1834, Holmes ; E. E. Leach, 1889. 4. Gt. Glemham ||, E.N.B. 5. Sproughton Wood and Waller's Grove, Ipswich,. Hb. Gas. : Playford, plentiful, Mrs. Biddell : pasture near "Woodbridge, E. G. Varenne : Bramford, Dr. Taylor. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. All ill m, Linn. 3. A. vine ale, Linn. Crow -Garlic* Bab. Man. 365. Hook. St. Fl. 405,6. H. & S. 88. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in fields. July., 1. Pasture near St. Peter's Barn, Bury, Hb. Sk. : by the roadside between Lakenheath and Brandon, A.B. : nieadow at Sicklesmere ; Cherry-tree Eoad, Gt. Livermere ;. Icklingham, Sk. ms. : Barton Mills ||, Hb. F. : Barnham, O.B. 2. Hitcham, HI. Hens. 4. Leiston ||, T.W.G^ 5. Near the Orwell, Ips. Fl. : Greeting, Miss Jeffes. Earliest record 1850. Prof. Henslow. 5. A. oleraceum, Linn. Field Garlic. Bab. Man. 365,6. Hook. St. Fl. 407. H. &. S. 88. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; in the borders of fields. July, August^ 1. Lakenheath, Rev. G. E. Leathes, Hb. Borrer, Kew. 2. Claywell Farm, Hadleigh. ' Has grown in one field for many years. My worthy old friend, Mr. Petherick, the steward, told me that it is a great nuisance in the corn ; and he has been obliged to take less than the market price for 348 ivheat, on account of the seeds imparting a flavour of onion .to the flour,' F. Spalding. Earliest record 1830 ? Rev. G. E. Leathes. -9. A. ursinum, Linn. Ramsons. Bab. Man. 366. Hook. St. Fl. 407. H. & S. 88. Hist. Wher. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 108. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and hedges. Occurs in all the districts. May, June. Earliest notice 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. [A. ambiguum, Sm. A casual at Eye Castle Hill, Bab. Man. Specimen seen in Cambridge Herbarium. Prof. Babington.] Endymion, Dumort. 1. E. mitans, Dumort. Scilla nutans, Sm. English Bluebell. Bab. Man. 367. Hook. St. Fl. 408,9. H. & S. 88. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Wher. Top. Bot. Suff. E.and W. Gaip. 108. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and copses. May. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Muscari, Tourn. 1. M. racemosum, Mill. Grape Hyacinth. Bab. Man. 367. Hook. St. Fl. 408. H. &. S. 88. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in fallows and plantations ; local. April, May. 1. Fields at Hengrave, and the plantations at Caven- ham, Hist. Bury : Honington 1 1 ; Fakenham : Cavenham Heath, C.B., & Hbb. Elk., Rk. & 8k. : Pakenham, Hb.Dun. : Thurston, Hb. Gas. : near Tuddenham ; Lakenheath, in fields, Ap. 1863, H. Eys. & Hb. F. : Paddock, Mildenhall, Sir O.J.F.B. : Roadside near Higham Station, and spar- ingly in Mr. Lee's Woods, Bury, H. & 8. : strip of wood between Bury and Risby, H. R. Barker : Saxham, Hb. Ly. : Barrow Bottom, Blk. in Hb. Salm. 4. Hedge-banks, Sweffling, Miss Rouse, ftde A. B. Likely casual. NOTE. ' M. racemosum used to be plentiful in the Ken- net and Kentford lanes 20 years ago, but I have not noticed 349 & single plant for the last 12 years,' F. Tearle. Earliest record 1776. Sir J. Cullum. MELANTHACE>E. Colchicum, Linn. 1. C. antumnale, Linn. Meadow Saffron. Bab. Man. 368. Hook. St. Fl. 412. H. & S. 89. Hist. Fram. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 109. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows. Aug. to Oct.' 1. 'In the large meadow on the S.E. of Hawstead Church,' Sir J. Cullum : Barton, Hbb. Blk., Rk. & Sk. : Drinkstone Green, HI. F. : Walsham, Hb. Dun. : Little Saxham, H. & S. : between Nowton and Sicklesmere, R b. Ly. : Woolpit, Mrs. Parker : Bury, Sir J. E. Smith : meadows at Bradfield, F. Spalding. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Chevington, Hb. Turn. : Wickhambrook, Rev. F. Tearle : Kersey, F. Spalding : Bil- deston, H. & S. 3. Bungay, Stock : Barsham, Holmes : St. Cross, H.B.C. : Eumburgh, H. & S. : Oulton, McAub. 4. Benhall, E.N.B. : Fressingfield, A.B. : Easton and Soham, Crabbe : Framlingham, T.W.G. : Laxfield, Davy : Bedingfield and Mendlesham, G. W. Peck : Cret- ingham, Morse : Wortham, Collins : Finningham, Hb. Salm. : Marlesford, Mrs. Toller. 5. Charsfield, Hb. Gas. : Ashbocking, Prof. Cowell : Gt. Bealings, Moor : Grundisburgh, F. Fox:Buigh,T.H. : Little Stonham, Sir J. E. Smith : Debach, E.N.B. : Shelley, F. Spalding : Bergholt, H. & S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. JUNCACE/E. Juncus, Linn. 1. J. maritimus, Sm. Sea PMsh. Bab. Man. 369. Hook. St. Fl. 415. H. & S. 90. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in salt marshes. July, Aug. 3. Breydon Water ; Benacre and Covehithe ; Easton. Bavent : Lowestoft Denes, HB. Sk. 350 4. Dunwich and Sizewell : Snape, H. & S. 5. Chelmondiston || ; Stutton || ; Catawade ; Walton : Felixstowe,O..Z>. : Aldeburgh, Sir O.J.F.B. : Brantham,. Sk. ms. Earliest notice 1805 ; see note on J. acutus. (2. J. acutllS, Linn. Sharp Hush. Bab. Man. 369. Hook. St. Fl. 415. H. & S. 90. Top. Bbt.Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on sandy coasts. June. 5. Salt marshes, Aldeburgli, Davy. The only authority The locality makes it probable that L. maritimus was the plant seen, which appears to have been a segregate from J. acutus, and was at first distinguished with b. subjoined as a variety. It is likely that L. maritimus was intended by Mr. Davy.) Earliest record 1805. Davy. 3. J. effusus, Linn. Soft Rush. Bab. Man. 369. Hook. St. Fl. 414. H. & S. 89. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 110. Herbaceous perennial ; in watery places. July. Common in all the districts. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 4. J. COnglomeratus, Linn. Common Rush. Bab. Man. 369. Hook. St. Fl. 414. H. & S. 89. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Sufi 3 . E. and W. Galp. 110. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet places. July. Common in all the districts. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 5. J. glaUGUS, Sibth. Hard Rush. Bab. Man. 369. Hook. St. Fl. 414. H. & S. 89. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 109. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet places and on commons. Frequent in all the districts. July. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 6. J. diffusus, Hoppe. % Diffuse Rush* Bab. Man. 369,70. Hook. St. Fl. 414. Galp. 110. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Skepper, ms. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist commons. July, Aug. 1. Wang-ford 1 1 ; Mildenhall. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Flixton, H.B.C. : St. Margarets (E.A.H), Galp. 351 5. Felixstowe, C.B. Earliest notice 1860. Prof. Henslow. 14. J. obtusiflorTlS, Ehrh. Blunt-Flowered Jointed Rush. Bab. Man. 371. Hook. St. Fl. 417. H. & S. 89. Hist.Tarm. "Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes. July to Sept. 1. Barnham||; Hopton||; Thelnetham ; Coney Weston ; Market Weston Ixworth Thorpe ; Lakenheath :-^- ^Bury, Hb. Sk. : Ixworth, Hb. Elk. : Pakenham Fen, HB. as. : Stowlangtoft, HB. Ek. : Tostock, Hb. F. : Milden- hall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Fornham, H. & S. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Bradwell ; Benacre ; Beccles : Breydon Water, Phyt. 1862:B\mg&y, H. & S. : Lowestoft and Fritton, 8k. ms. 4. Eedgrave Fen: Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : between Thorpe and Aldringham, Sir C.J.F.B. : Snape, H. & S. : Brome Fen, Dr. Woodward. 5. Felixstowe, Purchas : Orford ; Aldeburgh. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 15. J. acutiflorus, Ehrh. Sharp -Flowered Jointed Rush. Bab. Man. 371. Hook. St. Fl. 417. H. & S. 89. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 110. Herbaceous perennial , in bogs and wet pastures. Common in all the districts. June to August. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 16. J. lampro carpus, Ehrh. Shining Fruited Jointed Rush. Bab. Man. 371. Hook. St. Fl. 418. H.&S.89. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot, Suff. E. and W. Galp. 110. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs. July, August. Common in all the districts. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 18 J. SUpinilS. Mcench. Lesser Bog Jointed Rush. Bab. Man. 32. Hook. St. Fl. 418. H.&S.90. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs and shallow pools. June to August. Inadvertently confounded with J. capitatus in E. & S. 1. Hinderclay || : Broadmere, Troston. 352 3. Lound; Beccles: Belton, #&.&.: Lowestoft, 4. Dunwich II ; Walberswick : Snape, H. & S. c. J. fluitans, Fries. Lond. Cat. 1439.C. 1. Hinderclay. 3. Belton 1 1 ; Beccles ; Carlton Colville. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 19. J. squarrosus, Linn. Heath Bab. Man. 372. Hook. St. Fl. 418. H. & S. 89. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 128. Herbaceous perennial ; on wet heaths. June, July. 1. Knettishall: Tuddenham H~bb. Gas. & 8k. : near- Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : West Stow, H. & 8. : Caven- ham Severals ; Lakenheath ; Santon Downham, Sic. ms. 3. Belton || : Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : Bungay, H . & S* 4. Dunwich || ; Westleton : Snape, E.N.B. 5. Ipswich, H. & S. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 20. J. COmpreSSUS, Jacq. Bound Fruited Bab. Man. 372,3. Hook. St. Fl. 417. H. k S. 89. Top. Bot. Suff. ? Herbaceous perennial ; moist pastures. June to Aug* 1. Edge of Livermere Lake || ; Barnham. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. The other localities given by H. & 8. likely belong to* the following species, and are given under it. Earliest notice 1853. Prof. Henslow. 21. J. Gerardi, Lois. Gerarde's Bab. Man. 373. Hook. St. Fl. 417. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in muddy salt marshes. June to August. 3. Burgh Castle; Lake Lothing ; Benacre; Covehithe: Lowestoft, Hb. 8k. : Breydon Water, Phyt. 1863 : Snape, H. & 8. : Southwold, Hb. Ly. 4. Dunwich || : Walberswick, Holmes. 5. Stutton || ; Catawade ; Sutton : Aldeburgh, Sir- C.J.F.B. : Felixstowe, Purchas. Earliest notice 1829. Mrs. Casborne. 22. J. bufonillS, Linn. Toad 353 Bab. Man. 373. Hook. St. Fl. 418. H. & S. 89. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 109. Small annual ; in shallow ditches and wet places. Common in all the districts. July, August. A form of this from Covehithe has only three or four sepals with leaf-like apices, which are several times longer than the elongated capsule. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Luzula, Cand. 1. L. Silvatica, Bichen. L. maxima, DC* Great hairy Woodrush. Bab. Man. 373. Hook. St. FL 419. ' Said to occur in Suffolk/ Cyb. Britt. Herbaceous perennial ; usually in rocky or mountain woods. April to June. 2. Eede, Hb. Turn. ? There is a doubt about this specimen having been found in Suffolk. No example of it has been found in any other Herbarium. 2. L. Forsteri, DC. Forster's Woodrush. Bab. Man. 373. Hook. St. Fl. 419. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods. May* 2. Polstead Wood||. May 5th, 1882. Hind. 3. L. piloea, Willd. L.vemalis,DC. Hairy Woodrush. Bab. Man. 374. Hook. St. Fl. 419. H. & S. 90. Galp. 110. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods. May. 1. Fakenham and Hinderclay Woods || : Pakenham Wood, Hb. Gas. : Eushbrooke, Hb. Sk. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Eh. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Wiston || ; Stoke-by-Nayland : Hitcham, Pro/. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Bungay, H. & S. : Homersfield, Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Wortham, Collins. 5. Barking, HB. Peck. L. Borreri. Bromf. Bab. Man. 374. Hook. St. FL 419. 2. Wiston ||. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 354 AL. L. campestris, Willd. Field Woodrush. Bab. Man. 374. Hook. St. Fl. 419,20. H. & S. 90. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 110. Herbaceous perennial ; in pastures. April, May, Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 5- Ti. milltiflora, Lej. Many-Flowered Woodrush. Bab. Man. 374. Hook. St. Fl. 420. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet heaths and woods. June. 1 . Fakenham Wood ; Hopton 1 1 ; Thelnetham ; Bran- don || : Lakenheath, Hb. Sk. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Benacre. 4. Dunwich : Walberswick, Holmes : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. L. congesta, Lej. Bab. Man. 374. Hook. St. F1.420. 1. Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Pakenham Wood; Wattisfield||. / 2. Eede, Hb. Turn. 3. Belton. 4. Dunwich ||. L. pallescens, Koch. Lond. Cat, 1454 d. 1. Hinderclay Wood, Dr. Bird. Earliest notice 1853. Prof. Henslow. ' ' TYPHACE/C. Typha, Linn. 1. T. latifolia, Linn. Great Reedmace. Bab. Man. 376. Hook. St. Fl. 422. H. & S. 79. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 110. Tall herbaceous perennial ; in rivers and ponds. June, July. 1. Knettishall || ; Coney Weston ; Thelnetham ; Faken- ham ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Troston ; Livermere ; West .Stow : Hengrave, HI. Blk. : Hawstead and Tuddenham, E. Sk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Stoke-by-Nayland : Brettenham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. : Melford, J.F.W. : The Stour, Wixoe, F. : Eede, Hb. Turn. 355 3. Bradwell; St. Olaves; Kessingland: Benacre, Sk- ms. : Oulton, E. Sk. 4. Wortham; Blythburgh :Gt. Glemham, E.N.B.i Framlinghani, Crabbe : near Mendham Priory, Galp. 5. Needham Market and Holbrooke. Var, T. gracilis, Godr. 1. Sapiston || ; in a pool on Knettishall Heath. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. T. angustifolia, Linn. Lesser Eeedmace. Bab. Man. 376. Hook. St. Fl. 422,3. H. & S. 79. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 110. Tall herbaceous perennial ; in streams and ponds. June, July. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || ; Bardwell ; Sapiston; Euston ;. Market Weston ; Thelnetham ; Culford ; Cavenham : ' Timworth, Hb. Elk. : Gt. Welnetham, Sir T. G. Cullum: Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : an abnormal plant, with quintuple spadix, occurred at Ixworth Thorpe || in 1887. 2. Brettenham, Hb. Hens. : Lavenham, W.J. 3. Fritton and Benacre : Bungay, Woodward : Bec- cles and Halesworth, D. Turner: Oulton, E. Sk. : Cove- hithe, Hb. Ly. 4. Gt. Glemham ; Benhall, E.N.B. : Framlingham and Sweffling, Crabbe : Yoxford, Ms. Davy : Badingham, T.W.G. : Mendham, H.B.C. -.Oakley, Collins. 5. Melton, Ms. Davy. Earliest record 1798. Kev. G. Crabbe. Sparganium, Linn. 1. S. r am O sum, Huds. Branched Bur-reed. Bab. Man. 376. Hook. St. Fl. 422. H. & S. 79. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 111. Herbaceous perennial ; in streams, ditches and ponds. Frequent in all the districts. June, July. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. S. neglectum, Beeby. Beeby's Bur-reed. Lond. Cat. 1458. Galp. 111. Herbaceous perennial ; in streams and ditches. Distribution not yet ascertained. June, July. 1. Honington || : Barton, Hb. Blk. 356 2. Nayland, Gray : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Beccles ; Kessingland. 4. Weybread, E. Candler. Earliest notice 1885. Kev. J. D. Gray. "2. S. simplex, Huds. Simple Bur-reed. Bab. Man. 376. Hook. St. Fl. 422. H.&S. 79. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in streams and ditches. July. Frequent in all the districts. The floating form occurs .at Sapiston and Ixworth Thorpe in the Upper Ouse | ] , and at Santon Downham in the Little Ouse. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 4. S- minimum, Fries. Least Bur-reed. Bab. Man. 376,7. Hook. St. Fl. 422. H. & S. (S. natans.)13. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Floating herbaceous perennial ; in ponds and streams. July, August. 1. Mildenhall ||, 3b. Blk. : in fen pools and drains between Mildenhall and Eriswell, Sir C.J.F.B. : Gedding, Dr. White : Wangford, H. & 8. Lakenheath, F. K. Eagle. 2. Lavenham, Dr. White. 5. Bricet Wood, H. & S. : ditch near the Gipping, Ipswich, I. S. Soc. Earliest record 1777. Sir J. Cullum, under S.natans. ARACE/E. ACOPUS, Linn. 1. A. Calamus, Linn. Sweet Sedge. Bab. Man. 377. Hook. St. PL 424. H. & S. 80. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Galp. 111. Herbaceous perennial ; edge of rivers. June, July. 1. At Coney Weston Hall, (introduced): Bury, near the old Gaol, Rk. ? 2. Moat at Cockfield Eectory, plentiful, C.B. 3. Banks of the Waveney 1 1, Hb. Cas. : Burgh Castle, D. Turner : Belton, Wigg : between Beccles and Gilling- ham, Crabbe : North Cove, common in many parts of the Waveney, Holmes : Shipmeadow, W. M. Crowfoot : Bun- gay Staithe, F. Spalding : ' Eiver-side below Halesworth, Davy, (probably in district 4). 357 4. Thrandeston, Collins : Wenhaston, Ms. Davy. : Hoxne, Galp. 5. Baylham, T.B. (very probably introduced). Earliest record 1797. T. Martyn. Arum, Linn. 1. A. maClllatum, Linn. Cuckoo-pint. Wake Robin, Lords and Ladies. Bab. Man. 377,8. Hook. St. Fl. 423. H. & S. 79. Hist Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Hist. Wher. Galp. 111. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods, thickets, and under hedges. April, May. Frequent in all the districts. There are two distinct forms ; the more common has spotted leaves, the spadix lurid purple, and the edges of the spathe purplish ; the other has green leaves, the spadix pale primrose, and the spathe without purplish tinge. In 1882 the spathes of both forms remained unopened until the end of May. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. LEMNACE/E. Lemna, Linn. 1. L. trisillca, Linn. Ivy-leaved Duckweed. Bab. Man. 378. Hook. St. Fl. 425. H. &S.80. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small annual ; stemless, proliferous, submerged. June. 1. Lakenheath || ; Barnham ; Fakenham ; Coney Weston ; Knettishall ; Hopton ; Troston ; West Stow : Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb.Sk.: Pakenham, Hbb. Cas. & Ek. : Felsham Wood, C.B. : Tuddenham, E. 8k. . The Lark, Hb. Ly. 2. Melford : Sudbury and Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Nayland, Gray : Great Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. ' Regularly flowers every year in marshes at Brad- well,' D. Turner : St. Olave's Bridge [| ; near Breydon Water; Lound ; Beccles and Kessingland : Bungay, Stock: Oulton, E. Sk. 4. Redgrave and Dunwich : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe. 5. Orford. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 358 2. TV minor, Linn. Lesser Duckweed.. Bab. Man. 378. Hook. St. Fl. 425. H.&S.80. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 111. Small annual ; stemless, proliferous, floating. June, July. Common in all the districts. * Regularly flowers every year in marshes at Bradwell,' D. Turner. ' In flower at Stowlangtoft, June 1841,' Hb.Ek. Earliest record 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 3. L. gibba, Linn. Gibbous Duckweed.. Bab. Man. 378,9. Hook. St. FL 425. H. & S. 80. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small annual ; stemless, proliferous, floating ; usually associated with L. minor. June to August. 1. Wangford || ; Lakenheath ; Ixworth Thorpe : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Stowmarket, H. d S. 2. Wixoe. 3. Kessingland ; Beccles : Bungay, Stock. 4. Dunwich : Swefiling and Benhall, E.N.B. : Red- grave, C. J. Ashjield. 5. Orford. Earliest record 1835. D. Stock. 4. L. polyrrhiza, Linn. Greater Duckweed. Bab. Man. 379. 'Hook. St. Fl. 425. H. & S. 80. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Small annual ; stemless, proliferous, floating. ' Flowers unknown in Britain,' usually associated with L. minor. 1. Barton Mills ; Lakenheath ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Livermere : Bury, Hb. 8k. : Pakenham, Hbb. Cas. <& Rk. : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Stoke and Nayland||: Hitcham, Prof. Hens.; Sudbury, C.B. 3. Kessingland & Beccles : Bungay, Stock : Belton, Paget : Oulton, E. Sk. 4. Dunwich ; Mellis : Gt. Glemham and Benhall, E.N.B. : Framlingham, Crabbe : Redgrave Fen, C. J. Ashjield. 5. Ipswich, W.L.N. Earliest record 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 359 POTAMOGETONACE/E. Potamogeton, Linn. 1. P. natans, Linn. Broad Pondweed. Bab. Man. 379,80. Hook. St. Fl. 431. H. & S. 81. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. Aquatic herbaceous perennial ; floating in ponds and streams. June, July. 1. Troston||; Livermere ; Honington ; B ar dwell ; Sapis- ton ; Fakenliam ; Euston ; Hopton; Thelnetham ; Thetford ; Wangford ; Bury ; Oneliouse and Wetherden : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. We. : Tuddenham, Hb. 8k. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Barningham, E.F.L. 2. Stoke ; Nayland ; Melford : Hitcham, Prof. Hem. : Gt. Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. St. Olaves ; Bungay ; Kessingland ; Beccles : Somerleyton, Sk. ms. 4. Dunwich || ; Westleton ; Eye ; Mellis ; Burgate ; Eedgrave : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Wortham Long Green; A.B. 5. Hemingstone, T.B. : Wherstead, Haward : Otley, E.N.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. P. polygonifolius, Pourr. Polygonum-leaved Pondweed. Bab. Man. 380. Hook. St. Fl. 431. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Aquatic herbaceous perennial ; in ditches. July. 1. Between Gt.Welnetham & Hawstead ? E.S.Marshall. 3. Belton || ; Lound||. 4. Dunwich 1 1 ; Walberswick. Earliest notice 1879. Hind. 3. P. plantagineilS, Duer. Plantain-leaved Pondweed. Bab. Man. 380. Hook. St. Fl. 431. H.&S.81. Top. Bot. Suff. E. ? and W. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in fen pools and ditches. June, July. 1. Coney Weston and Hopton Fens || ; Thelnetham, Hinderclay and Mildenhall Fens : Tuddenham Bog, Hb. Sk. 3. Beccles : Somerleyton, Sk. ms. 4. Eedgrave Fen. Earliest notice 1860. E. Skepper. 360 4. P. rufescens, Schrad. Ruddy Pondweed*. Bab. Man. 380. Hook. St. Fl. 431,2. Galp. 112. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in rivers and streams. July. 1. In the Upper Ouse at Bardwell, Ixworth Thorpe and Sapiston || ; in ditches at Santon Downham. A remarkable form, with leaves approaching those of P. plantagineus, was found in 1882 at Eiddles worth, Norfolk;, and in 1883 at Knettishall, Suffolk, the localities within a mile of each other, and both within a few yards of the Little Ouse ||. 3. Ditches at Beccles : in the Aide, Sweffling, E.N.B. 4. In the Waveney, near Scole, D. Turner. Earliest record 1804. Dawson Turner. 8. P. lieteropliyllus, Schreb. Various-leaved Pondweed. Bab. Man. 381. Hook. St. Fl. 432. H. & S. 81. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in ponds and ditches. June, July. 1. Bombay Fen, Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Laken- heath, H. & S. 3. Bungay, Sk. ms. 4. In the Waveney, near Diss ? Woodward. Earliest record 1850, Sir C. J. F. Bunbury ; or 1812 ? Woodward. 11. P. llicens, Linn. Shining Pondweed., Bab. Man. 382. Hook. St. Fl. 432,3. H. & S. 81. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 113. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in rivers. June. 1. In Little Ouse at Knettishall, and at Thetford War- ren |J : in the Upper Ouse at Bardwell ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Sapiston and Honington : in the Lark at West Stow ; Bar- ton Mills and Mildenhall; in Barton Mere and Ampton Lake. 2. In the Stour at Nayland. 3. In the Waveney at Bungay and Beccles : Somer- leyton, Hb. 8k. 4. Oakley, Collins. P. acuminatus, Schum. Bab. Man. 382. Hook. St. Fl. 433. 1. In the Upper Ouse at Honington and Sapiston ||, 361 3. Barsham. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. P. Zizii, Both. ZizVs Potamogeton. Hook. St. Fl. 433. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in ditches. 1. Mildenhall? 3. Barsham; Beccles; Worlingham; Carlton Colville. First record 1886. Hind. 14. P. praelongUS, Wulf. Long-stalked Pondweed. Bab. Man. 382,3. Hook. St. Fl. 433. H. & S. 81. Galp. 113. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in rivers. July. 1. Santon Downham, Hb. Sk. 3. In the Waveney at Bungay || and Beccles : St. Olaves, Phyt. 1862 : Homersfield, Galp. 4. In the Waveney, Mendham, H.B.C. Earliest record 1860. Henslow and Skepper. 15. P. perfoliatllS, Linn. Perfoliate Pondweed. Bab. Man. 383. Hook. St. Fl. 434. H. & S. 81. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 113. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in rivers and lakes. July. 1. In the Little Ouse, Knettishall, Santon Downham, and Lakenheath ; in the Lark at Barton Mills ; in Liver- mere and Ampton Lake : Brandon, Gr. 0. Druce : in the Lark at Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 3. Bungay; Barsham; Beccles: Somerleyton, Hb. Sic. : Flixton, H.B.C. : St. Olaves, Phyt. 1862. 4. In the Lake, Eedgrave Park||. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 16. P. crispus, Linn. Curly Pondweed. Bab. Man. 383. Hook. St. Fl. 434. H. & S. 81. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and VV. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in ditches and ponds. Frequent in all the districts. June. P. serratiiSj Huds. Bab. Man. 383. Hook. St. Fl. 434. Hist. Fram. 3. Kessingland ||. 4. Framlingham, Crabbe. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 362 19. P. obtusifolillS, Koch. P.gramineus, Sm.not Linn*. Grassy Pondweed. Bab. Man. 383. Hook. St. Fl. 435. H. & S. 81. Hist. Yarnu Top. Bot. Suff. E. ? Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in streams and ditches. June, July. 3. Fritton Decoy 1 1 ; Beccles : Somerleyton, H b. 8k. : Oulton Broad, E. Sk. : Lound, Paget : St. Olave's Bridge, Trimmer. 4. Leiston, T.W.G. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 20. P. mucronatus, Schrad. P. Friesii, Eupr. Mucronate Pondweed. Bab. Man. 383,4. Hook. St. Fl. 435. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in lakes, streams and ditches. July August. 1. Livermere Lake || : Lakenheath, G. (l.Druce, 1883. 3. Kessingland and Benacre || ; Beccles. First notice 1883. G. C. Druce. 21. P. pusillus, Linn. Petty Pondiveed. Bab. Man. 384. Hook. St. Fl. 435. H. & S. 81. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 113. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in streams and ditches, &c. Frequent in all the districts. June. . P. tenuissimus, M. & K. P. gracilis, Bab. Hook. St. Fl. 435. Lond. Cat. 1502.b. 1. Ixworth Thorpe || and Lakenheath. 3. Beccles ; Kessingland ; Benacre and Covehithe. 4. In a small pool in Eedgrave Fen || : in a pond between Eedgrave and Wortham. In a pool at Mellis. 5. Marsh ditches, Bawdsey. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 22. P. trich.oid.es, Cham. Hairlike Pondweed^ Bab. Man. 384. Hook. St. Fl. 436. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in ponds and ditches*. July, August. 1. Tuddenham, E. Sk.,Jide Eev. K. Trimmer : Barton Mere, C.B. 4. Ditch and pond, Wortham Long Green ||, A.B. Earliest notice 1864. E. Skepper. 363 "24. P. pectinatllS, Linn. Fennel-leaved Pondweed. Bab. Man. 384,5. Hook. St. Fl. 436. H. & S. 81. Hist. Yarm. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E. Galp. 113. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in ponds, streams and ditches. June, July. 1. Knettisball 1 1 ; Barton Mills ; Mildenhall & Laken- heath ; Santon Downham. 2. Nayland, Gray. 3. St. Olaves ; Oulton ; Bungay and South wold : Somerleyton, Hb. Sk. : Flixton, H.B.C. : Gorleston, Phyt. 1862. 4. Dunwich 1 1 and Middleton : Hoxne, Collins. 5. Walton 1 1 ; Catawade : Aldeburgh and Brantham, Sk. ms. P. salinus, Voch. 1. Livermere. 5. Walton ||. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 26. P. cLensilS, Linn. Opposite-leaved Pondweed. Bab. Man. 385. Hook. St. Fl. 434. H. & S. 81. Galp. 113. "Top. Bot. SufL E. and W. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in streams and ditches. June, July. 1 . Bardwell 1 1 ; Ixworth ; Knettishall ; Thelnetham ; Livermere ; West Stow ; Tuddenham ; Barton Mills ; La- kenheath : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Acton and Brettenham : Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Bungay and Oulton ; Beccles. 4. In the Waveney and ditches, Eedgrave || ; Eye : Wortham Green, C. J. Ashfield : Badingham, T. W.G. : Oakley, Collins : Mendham, Galp. 5. Otley, E.N.B. b. P. lancifolius, Koch. Taschenbuch D. & S. Flora. 1. Lakenheath || : Bury, Hb. Sk. 3. Beccles. c. P. angustifolius, Koch. Taschenbuch D. & S. Flora. 1. Lakenheath 1 1 : Bury, Hb. Sk. 2. Brettenham. 3. Beccles. Earliest record 1855. T. W. Gissing. 364 Ruppia, Linn. 1. !R. maritima, Linn. E. spiralis, Hartm. Common Tassel Pondiveed. Bab. Man. 385. Hook. St. Fl. 437. H. & S. 81. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff . E. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in brackish ditches. July, August. 3. Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : Bradwell ? Par/et : South- town, Hb. Geld. 4. Middleton||. 5. Walton || and Bawdsey : Aldeburgh and Orford, Woodward : Felixstowe, H.M.8. Earliest record 1805. Woodward and others. 2. H. rostellata, Koch. Beaked Tassel Pondweed... Bab. Man. 385. Hook. St. Fl. 437. Herbaceous aquatic perennial ; in salt marshes. June to August. 3. Bradwell, Ex. Hb. G. Cooper from J. Paget. 5. In the estuary of the Stour at Stutton : Catawade, E.F.L. Earliest notice 1833. Paget. Zannichellia, Linn. 1. Z. palustris, Linn. Marsh Horned Pondweed*.. Bab. Man. 385,6. Hook. St. Fl. 437. H. & S. 80. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Ruff. E. and W. Galp. 113. Herbaceous aquatic plant ; annual or perennial in ponds and streams. May to August. 1. Harleston ; Livermere : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Drinkstone, J. Rasor : Hardwick and Ick- worth, Sk. ms. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 8. Beccles ; Bungay and Kessingland : Bradwell, Paget : Oulton, E. Sk. : Lake Lothing, Lowestoft, Sk. ms. 4. Mendham Old Priory, Galp. : Southtown, Var. Z. repens, Boenningh. 1. Knettishall and Livermere ; Cavenham ||. 3. Ditches, St. Olaves || and Benacre. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 365 Z. brachystemon, J. Gay. Bab. Man. 385. Hook. St. Fl. 437. Aquatic herb ; annual or perennial. May to Aug. 1. Livennere|| Knettishall ||. 2. Long Melford. 3. Kessingland 1 1 ; Worlingham. Earliest notice 1883. Hind. Z. pedicellata, Fries. Z. pedunculate, Reichb. Stalked Horn Pondiveed. Bab. Man. 385,6. Hook. St. Fl. 437.^ Aquatic herb ; annual or perennial ; in brackish pools. June to August. 3. Ditches at St. Olave's Bridge || and Benacre. 5. Sudbourne. Earliest notice 1882. Hind. NAIADACE/E. Zostera, Linn. 2. Z. marina, Linn. Sea Wrack* Bab. Man. 386. Hook. St. Fl. 438. H. & S. 80. Hist. Yarm> Top. Bot. Suff. E. Aquatic herb ; in the sea ; most likely perennial. July, August. 3. Gorleston and Kessingland : Lowestoft, E. Sk. : Breydon Water, Phyt. 1862. 4. Dunwich. Cast by the sea on all parts of the coast.. 5. Stutton||; Felixstowe and Walton: Catawade, E.F.L. : in the Orwell, Ips. Fl. : Aldeburgh, Hb. Cas. Z. angustifolia, Byrne. Bab. Man. 386. Hook. St.. Fl. 438. On the muddy sea- shore below high water. 3. Breydon Water. 5. Stutton || ; Catawade || ; Walton; Woodbridge : Felixstowe, Purchas. Earliest record 1819. Mrs. Casborne. GLUMIFERXE. CYPERACE/E. 366 Schcenus, Linn. 1. S. nigricans, Linn. Black Bogrush. Bab. Man. 389. Hook. St. Fl. 447. H. & S. 90. Top. Bot. .Suff. K. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; on fens and wet heaths. 1. Thelnetham || ; Hinderclay ; Hopton || ; Coney and Market Weston ; Brandon and Lakenheath : Pakenham Pen, H bb. Blk. <# Cas. : Tuddenham, H5. Sk. : Mildenhall, JSir C.J.F.B. 3. Bungay, Stock. 4. Eedgrave Fen. Earliest notice 1835. D. Stock. Clad i urn, Pat. Br. 1. C. MariSGUS, E. Brown. C. germanicum, Schrad. Common Sedge. Twig-rush. Bab. Man. 389. Hook. St. Fl. 447. H. & S. 90. Galp. 128. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs and fens ; rare. July. 1 . Hopton 1 1 ; Coney and Market Weston ; Thelnetham : Pakenham Fen, Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : Mil- vdenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Lakenheath, Sk. ms. 3. Between Beccles and Bungay, and near St Olave's Bridge, Woodward : near Mutford Bridge, Wigg : Bungay, -Stock : North Cove and Barnby, Holmes. Earliest record 1805. Wigg and others. Rhynchospora, Valil. 1. IR. alba, Vahl. White Bcahsedge. Bab. Man. 389. Hook. St. FL 446. H.&S. 90. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bofc. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs ; somewhat rare. July. 3. Lound, Wigg : Belton Bog, in plenty, Paget, & E. k. & G.E.L. in Hb. Salm. Earliest record 1805. Wigg. Eleocharis, E. Brown. 1. E. palustris, R. Brown. Heleocharis palustr-is* Marsh ClubrusJt. Bab. Man. 390. Hook. St. Fl. 441. H. & S. 91. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 113. 367 Herbaceous perennial ; on the edge of pools and wet. ditches. Common in all the districts. June. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. E. mTilticaulis, Sm. Heleocharis multicaulis* Many Scaped Clubrush. Bab. Man. 390. Hook. St. Fl. 441. H. & S. 91. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Herbaceous perennial on marshy ground July. 1 . Hinderclay Fen 1 1 . 3. Belton Bog and Worlingham, Hb. Sk. : Bradwell,. Paget : Bungay, Stock : Lake Lothing, Lowestoft, Sk. ms. Earliest record 1805. Wigg. 4. E. acicularis, Sm. Heleocharis acicularis* Needle Clubrush. Bab. Man. 390. Hook. St. FL 441. H.&S. 91. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Small herbaceous perennial ; on moist heaths. July, August. 1. Belton Common, D. Turner: Bungay? Stock. 4. Brome Fen, Dr. Woodward : Ditches at Westleton,. Ms. Davy. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. Scirpus, Linn. 1. S. maritimus, Linn. Sea Clubrush. Bab. Man. 390,1. Hook. St. Fl. 442. H. & S. 92. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in salt marshes. July. 3. Burgh Castle; Breydon Water ; Benacre and Cove- hithe : Lowestoft, H b. Sk. : Somerleyton, E. Sk. : Eastoa Bavent, Hb. Ly. 4. Dunwich [ | : Snape, E.N.B. : Sizewell and Wal- berswick, W.J. 5. Walton ; Aldeburgh ; Stutton and Catawade : Er- warton, Hb. Dun. : Brantham, Sk. ms. : Woodbridge, H. G. Glasspoole in Hb. Geld. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 2. S. silvaticus, Linn. Wood Clubrush^. Bab. Man. 391. Hook. St. Fl. 443. H. & S. 92. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Galp. 114. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist woods. July., 368 1. Edge of smaller pond, Ampton : Clopton Park, Eattlesden, J. Rasor. 3. St. Margarets and St. Cross, Holmes. 4. In the Aide at Cransford & Sweffling|| ; at Rendham, .Crabbe : Yoxford, Ms. Davy : Gt. Glemliam, E.N.B.: ,*Syleham, H)lni3s : Weybread and Mendham, H.B.C. Earliest record 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 45. S. lacustris, Linn. Bulrush. Bab. Man. 391. Hook. St. Fl. 442. H. & S. 92. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Huff. E. and W. Galp. 114. Tall herbaceous perennial : in rivers, lakes and ponds. Frequent in all the districts. June, July. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. <6. S. Tabernaernontani, Gmel. Lesser Bulrush. Bab. Man. 392. Hook. St. Fl. 442. Top. BOD. Suff. E. " Herbaceous perennial ; in streams and ponls. June, July. 1. Edge of Lesser Ouse, Knettishall : Pakenham Fen, Hb. Cas. 3. St. Olaves : Benacre ; Covehithe and near South- wold, Holmes : Pettistree, E.N.B. : Oulton, E. 8k. : Lowestoft, Sk. ms. 4. Dunwich || ; the Waveney, Redgrave Fen || : Size- well and Snape, E.N.B. 5. Brantham, C.B. Earliest notice 1833. Mrs. Casborne. ' r l. S. caespitosus, Linn. Tufted Clubrwh. Bab. Man. 392. Hook. St. Fl. 444. H. & S. 91. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W.? Herbaceous perennial ; on turfy heaths. June to Aug. 1. Market Weston Fen, Gray : Cavenham, E. 8k. fide E.N.B. 3. Belton and Lound, Paget : Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. 4. Dunwich || ; Westleton ||. Earliest record 1834. Paget. '8. S. pancifloras, Liyhtf. Few-flowered Glubrush. Bab. Man. 392. Hook. St. Fl. 444. H. & S. 91. Hist. Yaria. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in boggy heaths. June to Aug. 1. Mildenhall, J. Townsend and Sir C.J.F.B : Tud- . C. disticlia, Huds. Intermediate Carex. Bab. Man. 396. Hook. St. Fl. 449,50. H. & S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 114. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshy pastures. May, June. 1. Knettishall 1 1 ; Thelnetham; Bardwell ; Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 ; Troston ; Ampton : Barton, Hb. BIJc. : Paken- ham, Hb. Gas. : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Sir -C.J.F.B. : Bury, Mermaid's Pits, H. S S. : Santon Down- ham, Sk.ms. 372 3. Belton and Somerleyton, Paget : Bungay, Stock : Lowestoft, Sk. ms. : bank of stream between St. Peters, and St. Margarets, Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Sizewell, H. d- 8. 5. By the Gipping, Ips. Fl. Earliest record 1833. Mrs. Casborne. 7. C. arenaria, Linn. Sand Car ex ^ Bab. Man. 396. Hook. St. Fl. 450. H.&S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; on sandy heaths and the sea- shore. June* 1. Elveden || ; Thetford; Barnham ; Euston : Tros- ton : Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : West Stow, H. <& 8. : Santon Downham, Sk. ms. 3. Lowestoft || ; Belton; Benacre : Bungay, Stock: Southwold, Holmes. 4. Dunwich and Westleton : Sizewell : Benhall ; Farnham, E.N.B. 5. Felixstowe : Aldeburgh, Hb. Cas. : Landguard Fort, Hb. F. : Tunstall, E.N.B. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 9. C. divisa, Huds. Divided Car ex. Bab. Man. 397. Hook. St. Fl. 449. H.&S. 93. Top. Bot. Suff. K. Herbaceous perennial; in pastures near the sea. May, June* 4. Dunwich, Holmes. 5. Walton 1 1 : Hollesley, Holmes : Bawdsey, W.L.N. :. Felixstowe, Purchas. Earliest record 1850. Rev. E. A. Holmes 10. C. vulpina, Linn. Fox Oar ex*.. Bab. Man. 397. Hook. St. FL 451. H. & S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; by the side of ditches and ponds.. June* 1. Stan ton ||; Bard well ; Ixworth ; Sapiston ; Hon- ington ; Fakenham ; Thurston ; Harleston ; Brandon: Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Market Weston Fen, Gray : Tuddenham, E. Sk. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. : Eede, Hb.Turn. 3. St. Olave's Bridge ; Beccles ; Kessingland & Ben- acre : Oulton, E. 8k. 373 4. Wortham ; Mellis ; Eye ; Dunwich ; Sizewell : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. : Felixstowe, Purchas : Orford. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 11. C. muricata, Linn. Prickly Car ex + Bab. Man. 397. Hook. St. Fl. 451. H.&S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 114. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks and light pastures. June, 1 . Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Faken- hani ; West Stow ; Brandon 1 1 ; Wetherden ; Haughley : Fornham, Hb. Elk. : Bury, Hb. 8k. : Mildenhall, JV Townsend. 2. Stoke and Nayland : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Lit- Thurlow, Hb. F. : Eede, Hb. Turn. 3. St. Olave's Bridge : Belton, Paget : Flixton; St.. Margarets, Galp. 4. Westleton and Leiston : Gt. Glemham and Stern- field, E.N.B. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. C. pseudc-divulsa. Syme. Hook. St. Fl. 451. Lond. Cat. 1567.b. 1 . Sapiston Grove 1 1 : Coney Weston, E.F.L. 2. Nayland, Gray : Kersey, E.F.L. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 12. C. divulsa, Good. Grey Carex* Bab. Man. 397. Hook. St. Fl. 451. H. & S. 93. Galp. 115, Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks. June, 1 . Bardwell 1 1 ; Honington ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Wether- den ; Haughley : Ickworth, Hb. Blk. : Hardwick, H. <& 8. i Cavenham, Sk. ms. : Hesset, Hb. Ly. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. 3. Benacre : Bungay, Stock. : St. Margarets, Galp* 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Middleton, T.W.G. 5. Felixstowe, Purchas. Earliest notice 1835. D. Stock. 13. C. teretiuSGTlla, Good. Lesser panicled Carex* 374 Bab. Man. 398. Hook. St. Fl. 450,1. H. & S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs. June. 1. Thelnetham || ; Hopton ; Ixworth Thorpe : Tud- denham, H b. Sk. : Market Weston, Gray : Mildenhall, J. Townsend : Barton Mills, Crowe : Lackford, F. K. Eagle in Hb. Ly. 3. Bradwell, Wigg : Belton, Paget : Bungay, Stock : Fritton Decoy, H. & S. 4. Darsham, Davy : Dunwich, T.W.G. 5. Aldeburgh, Sir J. E. Smith. Earliest record 1804. Crowe. 14. C. paradoxa, Willd. Strange panicled Carex* Bab. Man. 398. Hook. St. Fl. 450. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs ; very rare. May, June. 1. Market Weston Fen, Hb.Gray: this locality came to our knowledge later than the one below : in a swamp "between Icklingham and Mildenhall ||. For this interesting addition to our Flora, we are indebted to the Rev. E. S, Marshall, who gathered it May 3rd, 1887. First found 1884. Rev. J. D. Gray. 15. C. paniculata, Linn. Great panicled Carex. Bab. Man. 398. Hook. St. Fl. 450. H. & S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 114. Large herbaceous perennial ; in bogs. June. 1. Hopton || ; Ixworth Thorpe || ; Bardwell ; Honing- ton ; Coney Weston ; Barnham ; Thetford ; Icklingham ; Lakenheath : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Langham, Hb. Blk. : - Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Lackford and Tuddenham, E.Sk. : Cavenham Severals and Santon Downham, Sk.ms* 2. Polstead Marsh. 3. Fritton : Belton, Paget : Benacre, Sk. ms. : Bun- gay, H. & S. : Flixton, Galp. 4. Redgrave Fen. 5. Woolverstone : Sudbourne, E.N.B. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 17. C. axillaris, Good. Axillary Clustered Carex. Bab. Man. 399. Hook. St. Fl. 452. H.&S.92. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 115. Herbaceous perennial ; in damp shady spots. June. 375 1. Stanton||; Kentford :~Hardwick, Hb.Sk.: ding, Sk. ms. : Hesset, Hb. Ly. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Nayland, Gray. Lit. Thur- low, Hb. F. 3. Mettingham : Bungay, Stock : St. Margarets and St. James, Holmes : Chediston and Spexhall, Trimmer : St. Cross, Galp. 4. Metfield, D. Turner : Badingham and Cransford, T.W.G. : Rendham, E.N.B. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. 18. C. remota, Linn. Distant Spiked Carex. Bab. Man. 399. Hook. St. PI. 452. H. & S. 92. Hist. Yarm. Galp. 115. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks by streams or wet ditches. June. 1. Market Weston || ; Stanton; Pakenham; Thurston; Harleston ; Shelland : Rougham, Hb. Elk. : Barton, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Bury, E. Sk. 2. Brettenhafh ; Wickhambrook ; Melford ; Nayland; Wiston : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. : Rede, Hb. 'Turn. 3. Blundeston, D. Turner : Oulton, E. Sk. : Bec- cles ; Easton Bavent. 4. Mellis : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. 19. C. stelllllata, Good. C. echinata, Murr. Little prickly Carex. Bab. Man. 399. Hook. St. PL 451. H. & S. 92. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 128. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshy places. May, June. Is less frequent in Suffolk than might have been expected. 1. Honington ; Thelnetham ; Bury : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, H. <& S. : Cavenham, Sk. ms. 2. Nayland, Gray. 3. Lound : Belton, Paget : Bungay, Stock. 4. Dunwich||; Westleton: Snape and Benhall Green, E.N.B. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 376 2L C. canescens, Linn. C.curta^Goodi. White Carex* Bab. Man. 400. Hook. St. Fl. 452. H. & S. 92. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Buff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs. June. 3. Flixton Marshes, D. Turner : Blundeston, Sir J. E. JSmith : Lound and Belton, Paget. 4. Westleton, Ms. Davy : Framlingham, Crabbe : Wo&pe \[, E.N.B. Earliest record 1798. Rev. G. Crabbe. 24. C. ovalis, Good. C. leporina, Linn. Oval Spiked Car ex. Bab. Man. 400. Hook. St. Fl. 452. H. & S. 92. Hist. Yarm. "Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist meadows. July. Occurs in all the districts. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 25. C. Stricta, Good. Tufted Bog Carex. Bab. Man. 401. Hook. St. Fl. 454,5. H. & S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes. June. 1. Brandon Bog || ; Tuddenham ||, W.J. ; ' Specimen sent me by Mr. Jordan,' H. C. Watson : ' In Bombay Fen, .and other bogs, Mildenhall,' Sir C.J.F.B. 3. Bungay, S. Woodward : probably in marsh ditches, near South town. See Paget. 4. Wet ditch a little N.W. of Burgate Wood, E.8. Marshall, Earliest notice 1837. S. Woodward. 26. C. acuta, Linn. Slender spiked Carex. Bab. Man. 401. Hook. St. Fl. 454. H.&S.93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. ? Gal p. 115. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs and wet places. June. 1. Brandon Bog || ; moist meadows at Santon Down- ham 1 1 ; Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 ; Pakenham Wood 1 1 ; Faken- ham ; Market Weston : Norton, L. N. Eickards in Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : between Icklingham and Milden- hall, Eev. E. S. Marshall : the Butts, Bury, Hb. Ly. 3. Bungay, H. S S. See Paget. 4. Rendham ; Sweffling, E.N.B. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 377 29. C- vulgaris, Fries. C. Goodenowii, J. Tufted Carex. Bab. Man. 402. Hook. St. Fl. 455. H. &S.93. Hist.Yarm_ Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 115. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes. May, June.- In all the districts. C. juncella, Fries. Lond. Cat. 1587.b. 1. Tuddenham Bog || ; Thelnetham. 2. Eede, Hb. Turn. An abnormal form with very short spikelets was gathered at Hopton||, W. Suffolk, July 25th, 1883. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 33. C. pallescens, Linn. Pale Carex*. Bab. Man. 403. Hook. St. Fl. 457. H. & S. 94. Top. Bot.- Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in damp woods and marshes. June. 1 . Ixworth Thorpe || ; Fakenham Wood : Pakenham, Hb. Cas.\ Woolpit and Clopton Grove, Hb. F.: Felsham Wood, Hb. Sk. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Bungay, H. & 8. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B*. Earliest record 1833. Mrs. Casborne. 34. C. panicea, Linn. Pink-leaved Carex. Bab. Man. 403. Hook. St. Fl. 457. H. & S. 94. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 115. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet pastures. June*. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 36. C. limosa, Linn. Mud Carex*. Bab. Man. 403. Hook. St. Fl. 456. H. & S. 94. Hist.Yarnu Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet bogs. June. . 3. Belton Bog, Pa get. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 40. C. strigosa, Huds. Loose pendulous Carex*. Bab. Man. 404. Hook. St. Fl. 463,4. H. &S. 94. Top. Bot. Suff.W. 378 Herbaceous perennial ; in shady places ; rare. May, June. 2. Brent Eleigh, H. & 8. 1860. Henslow & Skepper. 41. C. pendula, Huds. Great pendulous Car ex. Bab. Man. 404,5. Hook. St. Fl. 458. H. &. S. 95. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; woods and shady places on clay soil. May, June. 1. Eattlesden; Ampton ; Denham : Hard wick, H b. Sk. : the Butts, Bury, HI). Ly. : Hawstead, H. & 8. : Felsham, Sk. ms. 2. Brettenham ; Wickhambrook : Cockfield || and Preston, C.B. : Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. : Eede, Hb. Turn. 5. Woodbridge, Rev. P. Lathbury. Earliest record 1775. Sir J, Culluni. 45. C. praecox, Jacq. Vernal Carex. Bab. Man. 405. Hook. St. Fl. 458. H. & S. 93. Hist.Yarm. ,Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 115. Small herbaceous perennial ; in pastures and heaths. April, May. Frequent in all the districts. A form from Lit. Thur- low is likely C. capitata, Ar. Benn. . ' Earliest record 1836. Prof. Henslow. 46. C. ericetorum, Poll. Heath Car ex. Bab. Man. 406. Honk. St. Fl. 459. ' Small herbaceous perennial ; on heathy pastures. Apr. May. 1. Mildenhall, /. of B. 1877, p. 57. ' June 3rd, 1829.' 1 Dr. Boswell and Mr. H. C. Watson have specimens from. 'me,' A.B. : * Icklingham, Heath ||, and by the grassy sides of the road towards Icklingham,' A.B., May 10th, 1877 : * One specimen on Eisby Heath,' A.B. Probably was the .plant seen by Sir J. Cullum, April 1775 & '76. (See next species.) Earliest record 1829. Sir W. C. Trevelyan, ' gathered , by a friend.' [C. montana, Linn. In the Naturalist's Journal of Sir J. Cullum, are two notices of this plant : * On Newmarket Heath, April 12th, 1775.' 'April 12th, 1776, Hsec est quse 'in siccis Ericetis prima omnium Caricum floret.' The lo- cality on dry heaths would well suit C. jrilulifera ; but the 379 date is too early for this plant. C. pracox, or, not impro- bably, C. ericetorum, may have been the plant intended.] 48. C. pilulifera, Linn. Round-headed Car ex ^ Bab. Man. 406. Hook. St. Fl. 458,9. H. & S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; on dry heaths. May. 1. Hopton | ; Troston ; Fakenham : Felsham, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham Heath, H. & S. : Santon Downham, Sk. ms. 2. Cockfield, Sk. ms. 3. Belton Common: Herringfleet, Paget: Lound, Paget in Hb. Geld. : Bungay, Woodward. 4. Dunwich || ; Westleton : Snape, E.N.B. 5. Otley Wood, E.N.B. Earliest record 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 50. C. glauca, Scop. Glaucous Heath Carex* Bab. Man. 406,7. Hook. St. Fl. 456. H. & S. 94. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 115. Herbaceous perennial ; in damp places. June. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest 1850. Prof. Henslow. 53. C. flava, Linn. Yellow Carex* Bab. Man. 407. Hook. St. FL 461. H. & S. 94. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs and moist pastures. May, June. 1. Hopton Fen || ; Market Weston ; Thelnetham ; Brandon : Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham, Hb.Sk.: Lakenheath, H. & S. 3. Bungay, H. & S. : Lowestoft and Somerleyton, E. Sk. 4. Benhall Green and Snape, E.N.B. : Redgrave Fen. b. C. lepidocarpa, Tausch. Bab. Man. 407. Hook. St. Fl. 461. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. 1 . Hopton Fen 1 1 ; Thelnetham and Market Weston \. Icklingham. 4. Redgrave Fen. Var. C. minor, Townsend. Lond. Cat. 1616.b. 380 True C. (Ederi, Ehrh., Willd., and Schkier, fide Mr. Bailey, U.S.A. 1. Lakenheath 1 1 ; Tuddenham Bog 1 1 ; Wangford; Brandon || and Hopton ||. Plants of C. minor gathered at Lakenheath, exhibit the following abnormal features : a. No male spike ; five fertile spikes slightly distant from each other. b. The male spike is crowned with fruit. c. The male spike has its base set with fruit. d. The lowest fertile spike is at. the base of the stem, three inches below the others. e. The lowest spike is compound, and close to the others. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 54. C. QEderi, Ehrh? Carex flava, var. cyperotdes, Marsson, fide Mr. Bailey, U.S.A.. (Eder's Carex. Bab. Man. 407,8. Hook. St. Fl. 461. H. & S. 94. Hist. Yarm. Hist. Fram. Galp. 129. Herbaceous perennial ; in bogs. June, July. 1. Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 3. Bradwell ; Belton, D. Turner : Lound || , D. Turner : Lowestoft, Hb. Blk. : Bungay, Stock. 4. Dunwich : Brome, Dr. Woodward : Framlingham, - Crabbe. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. -55. C. extensa, Good. Long bracteated Carex. Bab. Man. 408. Hook. St. Fl. 461. H. & 8. 94. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. But. SufE. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshes, usually near the ; sea. June. 3. Lound: Lowestoft ||, Hb.SJc.: Southwold, Holmes : near the river at Belton, H. & S. 4. Framlingham ? Crabbe : Dunwich, Woodward in Hb. Geld. 5. Aldeburgh, Hb. Blk. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. 56. C. Hornsclmchlaiia, Hoppe. Tawny Carex. Bab. Man. 408. Hook. St. Fl. 462. H. & S. 94. Top. Bot. Suff.E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in boggy pastures. June. 381 1. Mildenhall ||, F. K. Eagle in Hb. Elk. : Bombay Fen, Mildenhall, Sir CJ.F.B. : Tuddenham', Hb. Sk. 2. Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. Bradwell, H. & S. 4. Theberton Common, Davy. Earliest record 1805. Davy. 57. C. pimctata, Gaud. Dotted-fruited Carex. Bab. Man. 408. Hook. St. Fl. 462. Herbaceous perennial ; on the sea-coast. June, July. 4. Dunwich || ; on gravelly banks, very close to the sea. One a little North of the village ; the other two miles -South of it. A sea-wall recently built has destroyed the second locality, which was at Scot's Hall. First discovered June 1879. Hind. 58. C. distans, Linn. Loose Car ex. Bab. Man. 408,9. Hook. St. Fl. 462. H. & S. 94. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Galp. 128. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshy pastures. May, June. 1. Market Weston Fen. 3. Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : Southwold, Sir CJ.F.B. :- Bungay, Hb. Sk. 4. Dunwich || : Sizewell and Snape, E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh ! Holmes. Earliest notice 1774. Sir J. Cullum. 59. C. binervis, Sm. Green-ribbed Carex. Bab. Man. 409. Hook. St. Fl. 462. H. & S. 94. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suflf. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; on heaths. June, July. 1. Tuddenham || ; Ixworth Thorpe; Pakenham Fen, Hb. Gas. : Mildenhall, J. Townsend: Barton, Sir CJ.F.B. 3. Gorton Heath, D. Turner : Ashby Heath, Paget : Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. ? : Bungay, H. & S. 4. Dunwich ||. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. ^62. C. silvatica, Huds. Wood Carex. Bab. Man. 409,10. Hook. St. Fl. 463. H. & S. 94. Galp. 115. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods. May. 1 . Stanton 1 1 ; Ixworth Thorpe 1 1 ; Sapiston Grove ; Fakenham Wood : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Troston, Gray : Barton, Sir CJ.F.B. : Hardwick and Felsham, H. & 8. 382 2. Acton and Wiston : Hitcliam, Hb. Hens. : Rede, Hb. Turn. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Benacre : Bungay, H. & S. 4. Burgate : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Weybread ; Mendham Grove, Galp. 5. Gmndisburgh, T.H. Earliest record 1833. Mrs. Casborne. 63. C. Pseildo-cyperus, Linn. Cyperus-like Oarex. Bab. Man. 410. Hook. St. Fl. 465. H. & S. 94. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 116. Herbaceous perennial ; in fens. More frequent in Suf- folk than in most neighbourhoods. June. 1. Sapiston || ; Hopton Fen ; Thelnetham ; Santon Downham ; Lakenheath : Edge of Ampton Lake, Gray : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Hardwick and Fel- sham, H. & S. : Bury, Sk. ms. 2. Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Rib. Hens. & Sk. : Rede, Hb. Turn. 3. Beccles ; St. Olave's Bridge ; Fritton Decoy : Bungay, Stock : Somerleyton, Paget : Belton, E.N.B. : Gorleston, Phyt. 1862,3 : Bradwell and Wangford, H.&S.: Benacre, E. Sk. : Kirkley, H.D.G. in Hb. Geld. 4. Redgrave and Wortham : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Wingfield ; Weybread, H.B.O. : Badingham, T.W.G. 5. Stutton. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 64. C. filiformis, Linn. Slender-leaved Car ex. Bab. Man. 410. Hook. St. Fl. 460. H. & S. 93. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Sufi 3 . E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in peat bogs ; rare. May. 1. Lakenheath, Hb. Sk. : Brandon, F. K. Eagle : Mildenhall, Sir G.J.F.B. 3. Bogs at Lound, Z). Turner : Worlingham, H. & S. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. 65. C. hirta, Linn. Hairy Carex. Bab. Man. 410. Hook. St. Fl. 460. H.&S. 94. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 116. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet pastures and fens. Apr. 1. Bury || ; Knettishall || ; Hopton ; Market Weston; Thelnetham ; Hinderclay ; Euston ; Honington ; Paken- 383 ham ; Tlietford ; Brandon ; Cavenham : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Tuddenham, W. J. 2. Acton ; Melford ; Stoke and Nayland : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. : Cockfield, W.J. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Weybread, Galp. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. : Felixstowe, Purchas. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 68. C. ampullacea, Good. C. wstrata, Stokes. Slender-beaked Bottle Carex. Bab. Man. 411. Hook. St. Fl. 464,5. H. & S. Hist. Yarm. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 116. Herbaceous perennial ; in fens and boggy ditches. June. 1 . Hopton Fen 1 1 ; Thelnetham ; Hinderclay ; Laken- heath; Brandon ||: Pakenham, Hb. Cas.: Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : West Stow, Hb. Sk. : Tuddenham & Wangford, H. & 8. : bogs near Lackford Bridge ; river near Culford, Sir G.J.F.B. 2. Kedington, Dr. White. 3. Beccles : about Bungay, Woodward : very com- mon on Bradwell and Lound Bogs, Wigg : Gorleston and Belton, Paget : St. Margarets, Holmes : Fritton, Sk. ms. 4. Eedgrave Fen : Westleton and Yoxford, Davy : Snape, Farnham and Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. A form with narrower leaves occurs at West Stow, at 'Beccles and Bardwell. Earliest record 1804. Woodward. '69. C. Vesicaria, Linn. Bladder Carex. Bab. Man. 411. Hook. St. Fl. 464. H. & S. 95. Top. Bot. c Suff. E. and W. Galp. 116. Herbaceous perennial ; in boggy places ; frequently in woods. May, June. 1 . Pakenham Wood || : Clopton Grove, Woolpit, Hb. F. 2. Hitcham Wood, Hbb. Hens. & Sk. : Melford Hall Mill, Sk. ms. 3. St. Margarets, Holmes. 4. Badingham, T.W.G. Earliest notice 1853. Prof. Henslow. (A Carex occurs in Brandon Fen 1 1 , with very narrow o leaves, not involute : the spikes approach nearer to 0. vesicaria than to C. ampullacea, but are narrower, paler, and more compact ; the fruit was ovoid when freshly gathered, but has .become conical in.drying. Another Carex gathered in Market 384 Weston Fen 1 1 , is somewhat like the above, its leaves are slightly broader, 1^- lines, its upper fertile spike is narrowly ovate, and the glumes acute. It is possibly a hybrid, or a form of C. vesicaria. 70. C. paludosa, Good. Marsh Caress^ Bab. Man. 411. Hook. St. Fl. 465. H. & S. 95. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 116. Herbaceous perennial ; in ditches and boggy places. Frequent in all the districts. May.. b. C. spadicea, Elw. Eoth. C. Kochiana, Gaud. Bab. Man. 411. Hook. St. Fl. 465. 1. Bardwell || ; Coney Weston ; Ixworth Thorpe; Brandon : Santon Downham, A.B. 4. Nayland : Rede, Hb. Turn. A marked form occurs at Bardwell with very distant fertile spikes, glumes on fertile spikes very short and acute. Earliest notice 1833. Mrs. Casborne. 71. C. riparia, Curt. Great riparian Carex. Bab. Man. 411. Hook. St. Fl. 465,6. H. & S. 95. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 116. Large herbaceous perennial ; by river banks. May. 1. Thelnetham; Market Weston ; Knettishall ; Eus- ton ; Honington || ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Bardwell ; Thetford Warren ; Lakenheath : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. : Mildenhall, Sir CJ.F.B. : Tuddenham, E. Sk. 2. Polstead ; Nayland ; Melford : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Brettenham, Hb. Rk. : Lit. Bradley, Hb. F. : Rede, Hb. Turn. : Cockfield, W.J. : Clare, C.B. 3. Mettingham and Kessingland ; Beccles : Oulton, E. 8k. 4. Redgrave : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Walton ; Claydon and Needham Market. Earliest notice 1833. Mrs. Casborne. GRAMINE>. Digitaria, Scop. [3D. Sangllinalis, Scop. Panicum sanguinale, Scop- Bloody Finger Grass. Bab. Man. 419,20. Hook. St. Fl. App. 535. H. & S. 95. Annual herb ; a not infrequent stray. August-, 385 1. Elveden, Sir T. G. Cullum. 3. 'In sandy places of the road between Beccles and Saxmundham, just by Sir John Rouse's house, near Hen- ham,' ' Dickson,' Dill. Ray in Hort. Ox. 5. ' In fields opposite the Ferry at Woodbridge,' Crabbe : ' Very plentiful in the sand lands at Button,' H .&S.: * Under swallow's nest at Mr. Baker's, Battisford, 1859, I860,' Sk. ms. Earliest record 1780. Dickson.] 1. D. Immifusa, Pers. Panicum glabrum, Gaud. Prostrate Finger Grass. Bab. Man. 420. Hook. St. Fl. 469. Galp. 116. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual herb ; in sandy fields. July, August. 1. ' Abundant in a field near Bury, shown to me by Mr. Stock,' Dr. Brom field. 3. Bungay, Ebb. Blk. & Sutt. 5. Ipswich, Sir J. E. Smith : Shottisham, Holmes. Earliest record 1800. Sir J. E. Smith. Echinochloa, Pal. de Beauv. [E. Crus-galli, Beam. Panicum Crus-galli, Linn. Loose Panic Grass. Bab. Man. 420. Hook. St. Fl. 469,70. Annual herb ; in waste places as a stray. July. 1. Honington. 2. Nayland ||. 3. Gorleston. Earliest notice 1880. Hind.] Setaria, Pal. de Beauv. 1. S. viridis, Beauv. Green Panic Grass. Bab. Man. 420. Hook. St. Fl. 470. H. & S. 95. Galp. 116. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual herb ; in waste places. July, August. 1. Honington || ; Haughley || : Lakenheath, F.K.E. in Hb. Cas. : Brandon, F.K.E. in Hb. Ly. 2. Nayland 1 1. 3. Gorleston : Bungay, Hbb. Blk. & Sutt. : Homers- field, Holmes. 5. Fields opposite the Ferry at Woodbridge ; about the sandy roads near Wickham Market, Crabbe : Shottisham, Holmes. 386 Earliest record 1805. Rev. G. Crabbe. [S glauca, Beauv. Glaucous Panic Grass* , Bab. Man. 420. Hook. St. Fl. App. 535. Annual herb ; a stray ; in waste places. July, Aug. 1. Honington. 2. Nayland||; Stoke ||. Earliest record 1880. Hind.] Spartina, Schreb. 1. S. strict a, Roth. Cord Grass* Bab. Man. 420,1. Hook. St. Fl. 470,1. H. fe S. 98. Top. Bot. Buff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in salt marshes. August. 5. Ipswich, above the bridge near the Railway Station ; Aldeburgh : about the Light-houses and the Mere, Crabbe : Orford, Woodward : Slaughden Vale, H. & S. : Stutton||, Sir G.J.F.B.: Ramsholt, mud-banks in river Deben, Holmes : Havergate Island, Dr. Jermyn : between Land- guard Fort and Walton Ferry, A.B. Earliest record 1805. Rev. G. Crabbe. Phalaris, Linn. [P. canariensis, Linn. Canary Grass. Bab. Man. 421. Hook. St. Fl. 471. Hist. Yarm. Annual herb ; usually a stray ; in waste places. July. 1. Honington ||; Euston ; Mildenhall : Barton, Hfi. Blk. : Bury, C.B. 2. Nayland. 3. Kirkley, Hb. Geld. 1840 ? Lady Blake.] 1. P. arundinacea, Linn. Common Reed Grass. Bab. Man. 421. JHook. St. Fl. 472. H. & S. 96. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 116. Herbaceous perennial ; in ditches. June, July. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Anthoxanthum, Linn. 1. A. odoratnm, Linn. Sweet-scented Vernal Grass. Bab. Man. 421,2. Hook. St. Fl. 472. H.&S.95. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Galp. 117. 387 Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and woods. May, June. Frequent in all the districts. Large form in a wood at "Wiston. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 2. A. Puellii, Lecoq and Lamotte. PuelVs Vernal Grass. Bab. Man. 422. Hook. St. Fl. 472. Annual herb ; in sandy pastures. July to Sep. 1. Hinderclay; Troston . 2. Rede, Hb.Turn. Earliest notice 1884. Hind. Phleum, Linn. --1. P. Bcelimeri, Schrad. P. phalaroides, Koch. k Boehmer's Phleum. Bab. Man. 422. Hook. St. Fl. 476. H. & S. 96. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; on chalky dow T ns ; rare. July. Eriswell || : Mildenhall, on the northern part of the Warren Hill towards Brandon ; also on the high ground beyond Barton Mills towards Herringswell, Sir C.J.F.B. : Weather Heath, Lakenheath Warren, A.B. : formerly on Haberden, Bury, and at Kentford, H. & 8., & F.K.E. in Hb.Ly. Earliest record 1850. Sir C. J. F. Bunbury. "2. P. arenarillHl, Linn. Sand Cat's-tail Grass. Bab. Man. 422. Hook. St. Fl. 476. H.&S. 96. Hist. Bury. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Annual herb ;' on sandy heaths and sea- shores, May to July. 1. Barnham Heath || ; Troston || ; Elveden ; Caven- ham ; Brandon ; Santon Downham ; Icklingham ; West Stow ; Culford Heath ; Fakenham : Old Walls, Bury, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Hb. Cas. : Newmarket and Tuddenham, H. & S. : Wordwell, Hist. Bury : Thetford, F.K.E. in Hb. Ly. 3. Lowestoft Denes. 4. Dunwich : Thorpe, H. <& S. 5. Felixstowe; Walton and Sudbourne, H. & S. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 388 3. P. pratense, Linn. Timothy Grass. . Bab. Man. 422.3. Hook. St. Fl. 475. H. & S. 96. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 117. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and pastures. Frequent in all the districts. June* b. P. stoloniferum, Bab. Bab. Man. 423. Hook. St. Fl. 475. 1. Honington ||. c. P. prfBcox, Jord. Bab. Man. 423. 1. Cavenham ||. P. nodosum, Linn. Hook. St. Fl. 475. Galp. 117. 1. Honington; Brandon; Barton Mills || : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Pakenham, H b. Cas. : Livermere, Gray. 3. Homersfield, H.B.C. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. Alopecurus, Linn. 1. A. pratensis, Linn. Meadow Fox-tail Grass. Bab. Man. 423. Hook. St. PI. 474. H. &; S. 96. Hist. Yarin. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 117. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows. April to June. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. A. geniculatllS, Linn. Kneed Fox-tail Grass. Bab. Man. 423. Hook. St. Fl. 474. H.&S.96. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 117. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet ditches and pools. June, July. A. pronus, Mitt. Hook. St. Fl. 474. 1. Troston. Frequent in all the districts. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. 4. A. fulvus, Sm. Tawny Fox-tail Grass. Bab. Man. 423,4. Hook. St. Fl. 474. H. & S. 96. Top. Bot. Suff.W. 389 Herbaceous perennial ; on wet margins of pools. June to September, 1. ' Pool in lane between Mrs. Carss', Welnetham and Linkwood, May, 1864,' Sk.ms. Pool near Sicklesmere, H. & S* 1860. Henslow and Skepper. 5. A. blllbosUS, Linn. Bulbous Fox-tail Grass* Bab. Man. 424. Hook. St. Fl. 474. H. & 8. 96. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in salt marshes. June. 3. * Most abundant in marshes by the riverside at Belton and Burgh Castle,' Wiyg & Woodward in M.M. : Breydon Marshes, Paget: South town Marshes, W.M. Crow- foot. Earliest record 1797. Woodward. 6. A. agrestis, Linn. Slender Fox-tail Grass* Black Grass. Bab. Man. 424. Hook. St. Fl. 473. H. & S. 96. Hist. Fram.. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 117. An annual weed ; in pastures and ploughed land. April to November. 1. Honington || ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Onehouse ; Bran- don ; Eriswell : Bury, Hb. SJc. : Barton and Mildenhall,. Sir C.J.F.B. : Hardwick, K. Sk. : Bradfield, HB. Ly. 2. Nayland : Hitcham, Hb.Hens.: Haverhill, Hb+ F. : Rede, Hb. Turn. : Kersey, E.F.L. 3. Lake Lothing ; Beccles : Bungay, Stock : Lowes- toft, Sk. ms. 4. Botesdale; Peasenhall ; Westleton : Framlingham,. Crabbe : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. Nardus, Linn. 1. 1ST. strict a, Linn. Common Mat Grass* Bab. Man. Suff. 424. Hook. St. Fl. 505. H. & S. 99. Hist. Fram. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; on heaths. July. 1. Elveden ; Barnham ; Euston ; Knettishall : Mil- denhall, Hb.Blk. : Troston Heath ||, Hb. Gas. : West Stow, Hb. Sk. : Tuddenham, H. & S. : Brandon &. ms. 390 3. Bungay, Stock: Belton, Paget : Lowestoft, H. & 8. : -. Benacre, Sk. ms. 4. Dunwich ; Westleton ; Sizewell : Framlingham, Crabbe : Snape, E.N.B. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. M ilium, Linn. 1. M. effusum, Linn. Spreading Millet Grass. Bab. Man. 425. Hook. St. Fl. 475. H. & S. 95. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in damp shady woods. June. 1. Stanton || ; Ix worth Thorpe ; Fakenham Wood; Hinderclay : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Woolpit, Hb. F. : - ' Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : G-edding and Felsham, Sk. ms. : Hesset, F.K.E. in Hb. Ly. 2. Wiston II : Cockfield, O.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Lidgate, Hb. Cas. : Eede, Hb. Turn. 3. Fritton Decoy, Sk. ms. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. Earliest notice 1830. Mrs. Casborne. Ph rag mites, Trin. 1. P. corn munis, Trin. Common Reed. Bab. Man. 425. Hook. St. F1.487. H. & S. 103. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 119. Tall herbaceous perennial ; in marshes and ditches. Frequent in all the districts. August. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Psamma, Pal. de Beauv. 1. P. arenaria, R- & S. Ammophila arundinacea. Host. Marram. Bent. Bab. Man. 425. Hook. St. Fl. 481. H. & S. 97. Hist. Yarm. 'Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; on the sandy sea -shore. July. 3. Kessingland and Southwold: Lowestoft, Hb. Cas.: Pakefield, Hb. Sk. 4. Dunwich [| : Sizewell and Thorpe, E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh : Felixstowe, W.J. .;. .- Earliest notice 1597. Gerarde. Calamagrostis, Adans. 1. C. lanceolata, Roth. Purple Small Reed. Bab. Man. 426. Hook. St. Fl. 479. H. & S. 97. Top. Bot. Suff. W. 391 Herbaceous perennial ; in boggy places and coppices. July.. 1. Ixworth Thorpe Carr || : Mildenhall, HI. Rk. : Lakenheath, H. $ S. : Drinkstone, Sk. ms. 2. Hitcliam, Prof. Hens. : Naughton Wood, H. & 8. 3. Fritton Decoy and Worlingham : Bungay ; North Cove and Covehithe, Holmes. Earliest notice 1852. Prof. Henslow. 2. C. epigejOS, Roth. Wood Small Reed* Bab. Man. 426. Hook. St. Fl. 478,9. H. & S. 97.. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods. July. 1. Hardwick, Hb. 8k. : in several plantations at Mil- denhall, Hb. Blk. : Barton Mills, Rev. F. Tearle : in the Hyde at Westley ; Drinkstone, H. & S. : Felsham ; Cul- ford and West Stow Woods, Sk. ms. : Santon Downham, NOT (fate. * 2. Hitcham, Herb. Hens. : Rede, Hb. Turn. : Cock- field, W.J. 3. Bungay, Stock. Earliest notice 1835. D. Stock. Apera, Adans. 1. A. Spica-venti, Beam. Silky Wind Grass. Bab. Man. 426. Hook. St. Fl. 480. H. & S. 97. ' Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Annual herb ; in sandy places. June, July. 1. Barnham || ; * Cavenham, 7 miles from Bury, and near the 8th mile- stone between Bury and Newmarket, on the right-hand side of the road leading from Bury,' Rev. R. Eelhan : Mildenhall, Hb. Blk. : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : Eriswell, Sir C.J.F.B. : Thetford, Cyb. Brit. : Laken- heath, H.&S.: between East and North Gates, Bury;. Hawstead, Sk. ms. 3. Benacre; Covehithe, Sk. ms. : Southwold, Holmes : Goiieston, Phyt.1862. 4. Snape, Grabbe & E.N.B. : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Blaxhall, Grabbe: Bromeswell, Ms. Davy : Felix- stowe, H. & S. Landguard Fort. Earliest record 1785. Rev. R. Relhan. 392 "2. A. interrupta, Beauv. Interrupted Wind Grass. Bab. Man. 426. Hook. St. Fl. 480. H. & S. 97. Galp. 118. "Top. Bot. SuflE. E. and W. Annual herb ; in sandy fields. June, July. 1. Fakenliam || ; Sapiston || ; Barnliam ; Euston ; Honington ; Barton Mills : Mildenhall, C.B. : Redneck Heath, near Thetford, Rev. W. W. Newbould :Bmy, Hb. 8k. : Tuddenham Heath, W.J. : Eushford, E.F.L. : . Higham ; West Stow; near Railway-arch, Newmarket-road, .k. ms. : Thetford Heath, in plenty, A.B. 2. Rede, Hb. Turn. 3. Between Homersfield and St. Cross, Galp. 4. Westleton Heath ||. Earliest record 1848. Newbould. AgPOStis, Linn. "2. A. canina, Linn. Brown Bent Grass. Bab. Man. 427. Hook. St. Fl. 477. H.&S.96. Hist. Yarm. "Top. Bot Buff. E. and W. Galp. 117. Herbaceous perennial ; on heaths. July, August. 1. Hopton || ; Troston ; Eriswell : Tuddenham, Hb. .8k. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 3. Lowestoft, E. Sk. 4. Snape, E.N.B. : Weybread, Galp Thorpe. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 3. A. Vlllgaris, With. Common Bent Grass. Bab. Man. 427. Hook. St. Fl. 477. H. & S. 96. Hist. Yarm. "Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 117. Herbaceous perennial ; in dry pastures. July. Common in all the districts. b. A. pumila, Lightf. Bab. Man. 427. Hook. St. F1.477. 1. Honington ; Ixworth Thorpe : Bury, Hb. Sk. 4. Westleton Heath 1 1 . Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. -4. A- alba, Linn. White Bent Grass. Bab. Man. 427. Hook. St. Fl. 477,8. H. & S. 96. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff E. and W. Galp. 117. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and pastures. Frequent in all the districts. July. 393 b. A. subrepens, Bab. A. Stolonifera, Linn. Bab. Man. 427. Hook. St. Fl. 478. 3. Lowestoft Denes || ; Kessingland. 5. Claydon. A stunted form with irregular panicle occurs on West- letonHeath||. Earliest notice 1834. Paget. Hole US, Linn. 1. H. lanatus, Linn. Common Soft Grass. Yorkshire Fog. Bab. Man. 428. Hook. St. Fl. 483,4. H. & S. 98. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Sufe. E. and W. Galp. 118. Perennial herb ; in meadows. July. Common in all the districts. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 2. H. mollis, Linn. Creeping Soft Grass. Bab. Man. 428. Hook. St. F1.484. H. & S. 98. Hist. Yarra. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 118. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and gravelly places. In all the districts. July. Earliest notice 1830. Mrs. Casborne. Corynephorus, Pal.de Beauv. 1. C. canescens, Beauv. Grey CorynepJwrus. Bab. Man. 428,9. Hook. St. Fl. 482. H. & S. 97. Galp. 118. Top. Bot. SufE. E. Small herbaceous perennial ; on sandy coast, rarely inland. June, July. 1. Between Lakenheath and Wangford, G. 0. Druce and Bolton King : Lackford Heath, G. G. Druce, 1883. 3. Benacre, Hb. Sk. : near Easton Broad ; between Covehithe and Pakefield, Holmes : Lowestoft Denes, A.B.: Homersfield, fairly abundant on a bed of post-glacial gravel on South side of the Waveney Valley, H.B.C. Earliest notice 1800. Sir J. E. Smith. Aira, Linn. 1. A. csespitosa, Linn. Deschampsia ccespitosa, Beauv. Tufted Hair Grass. 394 Bab. Man. 429. Hook. St. PI. 483. H. & 8.^97. Galp. Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Tall herbaceous perennial ; in wet fields and ditches. Common in all the districts. July. Earliest notice 1850. 2. A. fLexuosa, Linn. Deschampsia flexwsa, Trhu Wavy Hair Grass. Bab. Man. 429. Hook. St. Fl. 483. H. &. S. 97. Top. Bot. Suff. B. ? Herbaceous perennial ; in heathy places ; comparatively rare in Suffolk. July. 1. Fakenham ; small heath between Barningham Park and Eushford Bridge || : Eougham, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Eede, H b. Turn. 5. Ipswich, ' occasionally,' H. & S., fide Ips. Fl. Earliest notice 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 4. A. caryophyllea, Linn. Silvery Hair Grass^ Bab. Man. 430. Hook. St. Fl. 482. H. & S. 98. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 118. Small annual herb ; on sandy heaths. May. 1. Troston || ; Culford Heath ; Barningham Park ; Eriswell ; Elveden : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Dun. : Tudden- ham, Hb. 8k. : Barton and Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. : Eisby Heath, W.J. : Thurston ; Westley ; West Stow, Sk. ms. 2. Eede, Hb. Turn. 3. Covehithe : Lake Lothing ; Lowestoft, E. Sk. : Mendham Pit, Galp. 4. Eedgrave ; Dunwich ; Westleton and Thorpe : . Homersfield Heath, Galp. : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Aldeburgh and Orford. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 5. A prsecox, Linn. Early Hair Grass* Bab. Man. 430. Hook. St. Fl. 482. H. & S. 98. Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 118. Small annual herb ; on sandy heaths and pastures. Frequent in all the districts. April, May. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Trisetum, Pers. 1. T. flavescens, Beauv. Yellow Oat GrasB^. 395 Bab. Man. 430. Hook. St. Fl. 484. H.&S.98. Hist.Yarm. "Top. Bot. Suff. B. and W. Galp. 118. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows and pastures. July. 1. Barnham 1 1 ; Fakenham ; Honington ; Sapiston ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Cavenham ; Mildenhall : Barton, Hb.Blk.: Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Stowlangtoft, Hb.Rk. : Barning- ham, E.F.L. : Tuddenham, E.Sk. 2. Melford : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. Rede, Hb. Turn. : Kersey, E.F.L. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Bradwell and Kessingland : Lowestoft, E. 8k. 4. Thorpe ; Dunwich and Westleton : Gt. Glemham, Ac., E.N.B. 5. Shrubland Park ; Aldeburgh and Orford. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. A vena, Linn. 1. A. f atua, Linn. Wild Oat. Bab. Man. 430. Hook. St. Fl. 484,5. H. & S. 98 Hist. Fram. Top. Bot. Stiff. E. and W. Galp. 118. Annual weed ; in cultivated fields. July. 1. Barnham ||; Haughley|j; Honington; Ixworth Thorpe ; Lakenheath : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb. 8k. 2. Melford : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Kessingland : between Beccles and Mutford, D. Turner : St. Margarets, Galp. 4. Stuston : Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. 5. Stutton : Grundisburgh, T.H. A. pilosissima, Gray. Lond. Cat. 1683.a. 1. Haughley. 2. Wiston. 4. Stuston. A. intermedia, Lindgr. Lond. Cat. 1683.b. 3. Kessingland. Earliest record 1805. Dawson Turner. t2- A. strigosa, Schreb. Lean Oat. Bab. Man. 430. Hook. St. Fl. 485. H. & S. 98. Annual weed ; in cultivated fields. July* 1. Honington || ; Sapiston; Bardwell : Vine Fields, Bury, Hb. Sk. 4. Carlton. 5. Ipswich. Earliest record 1860. E. Skepper. 396 3. A. pratensis, Linn. Meadow Oat. Bab. Man. 430,1. Hook. St. Fl. 485. H. & S. 98. Galp. 118. Top. Bot. Suff. E. ? and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in heathy pastures. June. 1. Eisby Heath || ; Fakenham || ; Barton Mills : ' Between Newmarket and Exning,' Ray : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Hardwick, Hb. 8k. : Mildenhall and Eriswell, Sir C.J.F.B. : Newmarket Heath, IV. J. : Fakenham ||. 2. Long Melford. 3. St. Margaret's (E.A.H.), Galp. 5. Ipswich. Earliest record 1696. Kay. 4. A. pubescens, Linn. Downy Oat. Bab. Man. 431. Hook. St. Fl. 485. H. & S. 98. Galp. 118. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; in sandy pastures and meadows. June. 1. Honington || ; Barnham || ; Elveden; Euston : Eisby Heath, G.B. : Barton Park, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Barningham, E.F.L. : Santon Downham, 8k. ms. 2. Nayland, Gray : Cockfield, W.J. : Lit. Thurlow, Hb. F. 3. St. Cross, Holmes. 5. Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Arrhenatherum, Pal. de Beauv. 1. A. elatillS, M. & K. A. avenaceum, Beauv. Tall Oat-like Grass. Bab. Man. 431. Hook. St. Fl. 485,6. ' H. & S. 98. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 119. Herbaceous perennial ; in hedges and on banks. Common in all the districts. June* A. nodosum, Lindl. Bab. Man. 431, Hook. St. Fl. 486. Galp. 119. 3. Near Weybread House, Galp. 5. Bawdsey 1 1 ; Felixstowe. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. Tried ia, E. Brown. 1. T> cLecumbeilS, Beauv. Sieglingia decumbens, Bernh... Decumbent Heath Grass. 397 Bab. Man. 431. Hook. St. Fl. 486. H. & S. 103. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. SufE. E. and W. Galp. 119. Herbaceous perennial ; in dry heaths and pastures. July. 1. Troston 1 1 ; Hopton 1 1 : Lackford, Hb. Blk. :- Bar- ton, Sir C.J.F.B. : West Stow and Tuddenham, H . & S. : Bury, Sk. ms. 2. Cockfield, C.B. : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Rede, Hb. Turn. 3. Lowestoft, Hb. Sk. : Bungay, Stock: Belton Bog,. Paget : Gorton, H. & 8. : St. Margarets (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Redgrave Fen ; Westleton ; Walberswick : Gt* Glemham and Snape, E.N.B. 5. Thorpe Heath. Earliest record 1834. Paget. Koeleria, Pers. 1. K. cristata, Pers. Crested Hair Grass. Bab. Man. 431,2. Hook. St. Fl. 488. H. & S. 103. Galp. 119. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in sandy meadows and pastures. June, July. 1. Barnham || ; Elveden || ; Brandon; Thetford; Eus- ton ; Fakenham ; Honington ; Bury : Ampton, Hb. Sk. : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. lik. : Livermere,. Gray : Mildenhall, J. Townsend : Icklingham, W.J. : Tuddenham, H . & S. : Risby Heath and Santon Downham, Sk. ms. 3. Bungay, Stock : St. Margarets (E.A.H). 5. Blaxhall Heath, E.N.B. K. gracilis, Boreau. Lond. Cat. 1691. 1. Brandon || ; Fakenham; Elveden. Earliest record 1835. D. Stock. Melica, Linn. 1. M. uniflora Eetz. One-flowered Melic Grass.. Bab. Man. 432. Hook. St. Fl. 490. H. & S. 103. Top. Bot. Suff E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods and shady banks. May, June.. 398 1. Felsham, C.B. : Dalham, Hb. Cas. : Hardwick, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham, Hb. Cas. : Wetherden : G-edding, H. & 8. : Bradfield, Hb. Ly. 2. Wiston || ; Polstead : Hitcham, Hb. Hens. : Nay- land, Gray : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Bungay, H. < 8. : Flixton, 8k. ms. 4. Westleton Decoy || ; Burgate Wood : Gt Glemham, H. & S. : ' among trees by Cransford,' Hist. Fram. 'Woods at Sweffling and North Glemham and elsewhere,' B.Gr., Crabbe. 5. Bergholt, H. & 8. Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. [2. M. nutans, Linn. Nodding Melic. Bab. Man. 432. Hook. St. Fl. 490. Hist. Fram. Herbaceous perennial ; in woods a Northern and West of England species. The Rev. G. Crabbe is the principal authority for it in Suffolk. As M. uniflora was formerly included in M . nutans, there can be no doubt that the former plant is the one which he had in view. Later authors have overlooked this, and have accepted M. nutans as a Suffolk plant through inadvertence. The localities given below really belong to M . uniflora, and are given under that species. The mention in Lowe's British Grasses arose from a misin- terpretation of older authorities. 1. Felsham and Gedding, Sk. ms. Corrected in H. & 8. 4. ' Among trees by Cransford,' Crabbe in Hist. Fram. ; " Woods at Sweffling, and North Glemham, and elsewhere in that county,' Crabbe in E.G., Suffolk. ' Lowe's British Or 'asses. ,'] Molinia, SchranJc. 1. M. caenilea, Mcench. Purple Molinia. Bab. Man. 432. Hook. St. Fl. 489. H. & S. 103. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; on wet heaths and bogs. July, August. 1. Livermere || ; Ixworth Thorpe ; Euston ; Hopton : Pakenham Fen, Hbb. Cas. & Dun. : Tuddenham, Hb. Sk. : -West Stow, H.&S. : Felsham, 8k. ms. 3. Belton ; Lound ; Carlton Colville : Lowestoft, 7/. & 8. : Benacre, Sk. ms. 4. Redgrave Fen : Westleton, T.W.G. & E.N.B. 399 b. M. depauperate, Lindl. Bab. Man. 432. Hook. St. Fl. 489. 1. Lakenheath ||. c. M. major, Bab. Bab. Man. 432. 3. In a boggy copse at Lound 1 1. Earliest record 1834. Paget. Poa, Linn. 1. P. anHTia, Linn. Annual Meadow Grass*. Bab. Man. 432. Hook. St. Fl. 491. H. 413 Grundisburgh, T.H. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 3. H. nmriimni, Linn. Wall Barley + Bab. Man. 446. Hook. St. Fl. 506. H. &. S. 99. Hist. Yarm.. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 122. Biennial herb ; under walls and in waste places. June, July.: 1. Honington 1 1 ; Hopton ; Market Weston ; Brandon : Barton, Hb. Blk. : Bury, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.F.B. 2. Melford; Bures to Stoke : Hitcham, Hb. Hens.: Kersey, E.F.L. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Bungay ; South town ; Gorleston and Kessingland. 4. Dunwich ; Eedgrave ; Botesdale : Gt. Glemham,. E.N.B. 5. Needham Market ; Shrubland ; Clay don ; Felix- stowe ; Stutton ; Catawade : Grundisburgh, T.H . H. arenarium, Bab. 5. Walton 1 1. Earliest record 1833. Mrs. Casborne. 4. TT. maritimum, With. Sea-side Barley* Bab. Man. 446. Hook. St. Fl. 506,7. H. &S.99. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual herb ; on the sea-coast. June. 3. Lowestoft and Lake Lothing : Southwold, Hb. Blk. : Breydon Water '||, Wigg : near Burgh Castle, J. T* SymeinHb.Geld. 4. Dunwich || ; Walberswick: Snape, E.N.B. 5. Felixstowe : Orford and Slaughden, Crabbe : Aldeburgh, Sir C.J.F.B. :-^Landguard Fort, Hb. Sk. : Catawade Bridge, H. & S. Earliest record 1805. Rev. G. Crabbe. Lepturus, E. Broivn. 1. L. filiformis, Trin. Sea Hard Grass*. Bab. Man. 446,7. Hook. St. Fl. 504,5. H. & S. 99. Hifet. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Annual herb ; in gravelly and waste places by the sea. July* 414 3. Lowestoft, Hb.Sk.: near Burgh Castle, Phyt. 11862 : Breydon Water, C.B. : ' At the head of Lowestoft Broad,' (Lake Lothing), Woodward : Breydon Bank, Paget. t(L. incurvatus,) the name given by some of these authorities evidently refers to our plant, which is so named in all the Floras of the first four decades of this century. 4. Sizewell and Snape, E.N.B.: Dunwich, Holmes dn Hb. Ly. 5. Felixstowe || Hb. F. & C.B. Earliest record 1812. Woodward. [L. incurvatus, Trin. Specimen from Dunwich, Holmes dn Hb. Ly.] Lolium, Linn. 1. L. perenne, Linn. Common Rye Grass Bab. Man. 447. Hook. St. Fl. 503. H. & S. 100. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 122. Herbaceous perennial; in meadows and pastures. Common in all the districts. June. Panicled and crested forms are tolerably frequent, e.g. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. c. L. tenue, Linn. .. Bab. Man. 447. 1. Near Barningham Park, Bardwell ||. Earliest record 1775. Sir J, Cullum. '{Hi. italicum, A. Braun. Italian Rye Grass* Bab. Man. 447. Hook. St. Fl. 503. H. k S. 100. Top. Bot. fiuff. E. and W. Herbaceous perennial ; in meadows ; usually sown. June. 1. Bury, Hb. 8k. : Honington; Sapiston || ; Brandon ;and Lakenheath : Barnham, Gray. 2. Rede, Hb. Turn. : Cockfield, W.J. 3. Benacre. 4. Eye ||. 5. Stutton. Earliest notice 1860. Henslow & Skepper.] "2. Ti. tenaulentum, Linn. Darnel. Bab. Man. 447. Hook. St. Fl. 503. H.& S. 100. Hist. Yarm. ? Galp. 122. Annual weed ; in cultivated fields. June to Aug. 1. Bury, Hb. Sk. : Pakenham, Hb. Gas. 415 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. : Haverhill ||, Herb. F. 3. Bungay, Stock : St. Margarets (E.A.H.), Galp. 4. Gt. Glemham, E.N.B. : Dunwich, Dr. Woodward inHb. Geld. b. L. arvense. With. Bab. Man. 447. Hook. St. Fl. 503. H. & S. 100. 1. Barton, Hb. Elk. : Bury, Hb. Sk. 2. Nayland 1 1 : Hitcham, H b. Hens. 3. Bungay, Woodward. 5. Ipswich, H. & S~ Earliest record 1798. Eev. G. Crabbe. |1 CRYPTOGAM E/C. EQUISETACE/E. Equisetum, Linn. 1. E. arvense, Linn. Corn Horsetail*. Bab. Man. 448. Hook. St. Fl. 521. H. & S. 104. Hist.Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 125. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist meadows. April- Frequent in all the districts. Earliest record 1773. Sir J. Cullum. 3. E. maximum, Z/flw. Great Horsetail.. Bab. Man. 449. Hook. St. Fl. 522. H. & S. 104. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 129. Herbaceous perennial ; in wet places. April.. 2. Wiston : Lit. Thuiiow, Hb. F. : Brent Eleigh,. C.B. 3. Cold Springs at Barnby, and between Bungay and Halesworth, Woodward : Bungay and Lowestoft, H. & S.:. Beccles. 5. Bentley||; Sutton ; Woolverstone ; Melton: Ipswich and Eamsholt, H. & S. Earliest record 1805. Woodward. 4. E. silvaticum, Linn. Branched Wood Horsetail., Bab. Man. 449. Hook. St. Fl. 522. H. & S. 104. Herbaceous perennial ; moist banks and woods. June, July.. 416 . Mentioned without locality in 1775, Sir J. Cullum. : Suffolk, Moore, H. & S. 5. E. limosum, Linn. Smooth Naked Horsetail. Bab. Man. 449,50. Hook. St. Fl. 522,3. H. & S. 104. Hist. Yarm. Top Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 125. Herbaceous perennial ; in water. June, July. Frequent in all the districts. b. E. fluviatile, Linn. Bab. Man. 450. Hook. St. FL 523. 1. Fakenham 1 1 ; Barnham. 2. Hitcham, Hb. Hens. 3. Beccles: between Halesworth and Bungay, Ms. Davy. Earliest record 1834. Paget. "6. E. palustre, Linn. Marsh Horsetail. Bab. Man. 450. Hook. St. Fl. 522. H. &S. 104. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 125. Herbaceous perennial ; in bog and fens. June, July. Frequent in all the districts. b. E. polystachyum, Auct. Bab. Man. 450. Hook. St. F1.522. H. & S. 104. 1. Tuddenham, Hb. 8k. : Mildenhall, Sir C.J.E.B. : Stowlangtoft, Hb. Ek. : Wangford. 2. Long Melford. 4. Redgrave Fen. c. E. nudum,, DC. E. subnudum. Bab. Man. 450. Hook. St. FL 522. 1. Hopton || : Mildenhall, Miss Pertz. Earliest record 1834. Paget. *7. E. hiemale, Linn. Rough Horsetail. Bab. Man. 450. Hook. St. Fl. 523. H. & S. 104. Top. Bot. Suff. W. Herbaceous perennial ; on moist banks and in woods. July, August. 1. The Bradfields, C.B. : Hawstead, Hb. Sk. : Drinkstone and Woolpit Heath, Hb. F. : Hardwick, H.cftS.: * Banks of a pond in Horsecroft Wood, three miles West of Bury, Sir J. Cullum,' Dill. Ray inHort. Ox. 2. Hitcham, Prof. Hens. Earliest notice 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 417 FILICES. Poly podium, Linn. 1. P. VTllgare, Linn. Common Polypody. Bab. Man. 454. Hook. St. Fl. 518. H. & S. 105. Hist. Yarm. 1 top. Bot. Buff. E. and W. Galp. 124. Herbaceous perennial ; on banks and trees. Frequent in all the districts. August to October. P. serratum, Willd. Lond. Cat. 1801. b. 2. Hitcliam, Hb. Hens. : Lavenliam, Hb. Sk. Earliest record 1834. Paget. Lastrea, Presl. 1. L. Thelypteris, Presl. Nephrodium Thelypteris, Desv. Marsh Fern. Bab. Man. 456. Hook. St. Fl. 518. H. & 8. 105. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. and W. Galp. 129. Herbaceous perennial ; in marshy woods. July, Aug. 1. Ixworth Thorpe Carr : Cavenham Severals, Hb. Sk. : Mildenhall, Hb. Elk. : Felsham Wood, C.B. 3. Lound 1 1 : Worlingham and Barnby : Fritton, Hb. Sk. : Hopton and Bradwell Commons, Wigg : Wang- ford; Blundeston and Belton, H. & S. : Bungay, Woodward: ^-Benacre, F. Spalding. 5. Bramford, rare, Miller. Earliest record 1775. Sir J. Cullum. 2. L. Oreopteris, Presl. Nephrodium Oreopteris, Desv. Su'eet Mountain Fern. Bab. Man. 456. Hook. St. Fl. 518. H. & S. 105. Hist. Yarm. Top. Bot. Suff. E. Herbaceous perennial ; in moist heaths and woods. July. 1. Felsham ||, C.B. 3. Bradwell, D. Turner : Herringfleet, E.N.B. Earliest record 1834. Paget. 3. L. !Filix-mas, Presl. Nephrodium Felix-mas, Rich. Male Fern. 418 Bab. Man. 456. Hook. St. Fl. 516. H. E N S denticulata 2 4 5 E c N S Melilotus officinalis '.'.'. 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S arvensis 1 2 4 5 E N 8 alba 1 2 S [ parviflora] 3 E G N s Trifolium pratense 1 2 3 4 5 s parviflorum 2 E N 8 medium 1 2 3 4 5 E N 8 ochroleucum 1 2 3 4 5 z z N S 8 [ incarnatum] [Trifolium stellatum] 1 2 3 3 4 5 E N S arvense ... 1 2 3 4 5 E N S striatum 1 2 3 4 5 E N S scabrum 1 3 4 5 8 [ squarrosum] 1 2 E N S ,, maritimum ... 3 5 E o N S subterraneum 1 3 4 5. E N S glomeratum 1 3 4 5 E? _>. N 8 suffocatum 3 4 5 E c N S repens 1 2 3 4 5 E N s hybridum-elegans 1 2 4 E c N s fragiferum 1 2 8 4 5 s [ resupinatum] 3 E o N s procumbens 1 2 8 4 5 E N 8 minus 1 2 3 4 5- E N 8 filiforme 1 2 3 4 5 E N S Falcatula ornithopodioides 3 4 5 E N S Lotus corniculatus 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S tenuis ... 1 8 4 5 E c N S major 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S Anthyllus vulneraria 1 2 3 5 E ci N S Astragalus Hypoglottis 1 2 E N 8 , glycyphyllos ... 1 2 5 E N S s [Vicia monanthos] ,, hirsuta 1 2 3 4 5 5 E G N s tetrasperma 1 2 3 4 5 E s gracilis 2 c _ silvatica K N s Cracca 1 2 3 4 5 K s? bithynica 3? E G N s sepium 1 2 3 4 5- 444 1 ^3 1 Q B 3 M ,J3 1 3 * 1 S Vicia lutea 1 5 E C N S sativa 1 2 3 4 5 E c N 8 angustifolia ... 1 2 a 4 5 E c N S ,, Bobartii 1 2 3 4 5 c X S lathy roides 1 3 4 5 E G N S Lathy r us Aphaca 1 2 3 5 E G N S Nissolia 1 2 3 4 5 S [ sphgericus] 5 E , , hirsutus E N S pratensis .'.. 1 2 8 4 5 E S tllb&TOSUS E N S silvestris 1 2 __ L 5 c N S palustris 1 3 __ 5? ' S maritimus __ 5 E __ N? macrorrhizus , '_ E N S Ornithopus perpusiltus 1 2 3 4 5 E N S Hippocrepis comosa 1 2? _ _^_ 5 E X S Onobrychis sativa 1 2 ; - 4 5 E X S Primus communis, (a) spinosa 1 2 3 4 5 E X S (6) insititia 1 2 3 4 5 E X S (c) domestica 1 2 3 4 5 E X S Padus 1 3 4 E c X S Avium 1 2 4 5 E X S Cerasus 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S Spiraea Ulmaria 1 2 8 4 5 E X S ,, Filipendula 1 2 4 '. X S Sanguisoi-ba oflicinalis 1 ^. 4 E X S Poterium Sanguisorba 1 2 3 4 5 E X 8 muricatum 1 _ 4 E o X S Agrimonia Eupatoria 1 2 3 4 5 E odftTnfft E N S Alchemilla vulgaris 2 __ ___ 5 E X S ,, arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 E X S Potentilla anserina 1 2 3 4 5 E o N S argentea 1 2 8 4 5 S verna 1 __ _ E X S rep tans 1 2 8 4 5 E c X S Tormentilla 1 2 3 4 5 E X S procumbens 1 ;-} 4 E N S Fragariastrum ... 1 2 3 4: 5 (J X tnr\wi \asits*rt E X S 99 ftUt My lCCt> . ., Comarum palustre 1 2 g 4 5 E 0"" X S Fragaria vesca 1 2 8 4 5 E ___ X S f elatior 1 2 5 E c X S Kubus Idaaus 1 2 8 4 5 X subereclus , E N S plicatus 2 3 S nitidus 3 B X S affinis 3 E N S Lindleianus '.'.! i 2 3 4 445 b S 1 w 1 fc 02 3 m | 02 2 j ! I 1 1 E N S S Kubus rhamnifolius ramosus l 2 3 E C s pubescens l 5 E G N s rusticunus 1 2 3 4 5 E N s leucostachys 2 3 s (b) conspicuus ... l 2 5 s pyramidalis l s ,, Salteri 2 . __ N s var. calvatus 3 E N s carpinifolius l 2 3 4 E s villicaulis 1 ~, s Maasii 3 E N s macrophyllus l 4 s (b) Schlectendalii 4 s (c) amplificatus 3 s (d) glabratus ... l N $f)T&WQGl<'i'i% COL \ JEfoTrcTZ s rubicolor 4 __ s thysiflorus, (b) philyrophyllus l _ _ N s rosaceus l 2 s var. Hystrix 1 s echinatus l 2 E s ,, rudis 4 __ E s Kadula 1 2 4 E 8 Koshleri 1 s (b) infestus... 4 E N s (c) pallidus l 2 4 s 11 a (J) cavatifolius 1 E s fusco-ater l C s ,, diversifolius 1 2 s mutabilis l 2 E s ,, Lejeunii l 2 E s flexuosus 2 s adornatus 2 s saxicolus 2 - s foliosus 2 E ___ Bellardi s pendulinus __ 2 ._ _ _ E ,, hirtus E C N s Balfourianus l 2 3 4 E G N s corylifolius (a) sublustris l 2 3 4 __ s (b) conjungens ... l 2 E N s ,, (c) fasciculatus ... l 2 3 E C N s deltoideus 1 3 G N s scabrosus 1 2 3 E C N s caesius, (a) umbrosus l 2 3 4 5 s (b) tenuis ... l 2 : N s ,, ,1 (c) ligerinus... 1 2 4 __ s (d) intermedius l s (e) Pseudo-idaeus 3 4 1 ! 1 1 446 E- Sudbury Lowestft s 1. E c N S Geum urbanum 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S [ intermedium] 1 2 5 E N s rivale 1 2 4 5 E c N 8 Rosa spinosissima 1 2 3 4 5 E? c N ,, mollis E c N S tomentosa 1 2 3 4 5 _ _ N s (b) subglobosa 1 2 3 4 . _ s (d) scabriuscula 1 2 4 . E o N s rubiginosa 1 2 3 4 5 __ _ N comosa . E o N s micrantha 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s ,, canina, (a) lutetiana ... 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s (b) surculosa... 1 2 3 4 _ N s (c) sphaerica ... 1 2 8 5 __ __ s (d) senticosa ... 1 2 _ 5 ._ N s (e) dumalis ... 1 2 3 4 5 __ s (/) biserrata ... 1 _ _ . s (g] urbica 1 2 3 4 5 __ N s (h) frondosa ... 1 2 3 4 * N 8 (i) arvatica ... 1 2 3 4 E __ N s (/) dumetorum 1 2 s (k) obtusifolia ... - 4 ._ : s (ri) tomentella 1 2 8 __ s (o) andegavensis 2 3 N s (p) verticillacantha ... 2 8 __ s ,, (u) decipiens 1 2 8 . s (w) suberistata 1 2 . __ ___ N __ (z) coriifolia . _ s (/*) marginata 1 . s stylosa 1 E c N s (b) systyla 1 2 _ - _ s (c) leucochroa 2 E G N s arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 __ s ,, (c) bibracteata 1 2 _ E c N s Cratsegus Oxyacantha (a) oxyacanthoidesl 2 3 4 5 E s (b) monogyna 1 2 4 5 E c N N 8 Mespilus germanica] Pyrus communis, (a) Py raster 1 _ ___ m ^ _ s ,, (b) Achras 1 ' 4 E c N s Malus, (a) acerba ... 1 2 8 4 5 . s (b) mitis 1 2 8 4 5 E N s Aucuparia 1 2 8 5 E N s Aria 1 2 8 4 E a N s torminalis 8 4 5 E N s Ly thrum Salicaria 1 2 8 4 5 __ c N s Hyssopifolia 1 E c N s Peplis Portula 1 3 4 5 s Tamarix gallica 3 4 5 E N s Epilobium angustifolium ... 1 3 4 5 brachycarpum... 447 g H S 5 1 i PQ ^ GO o | I E c N s Epilobium hirsutum 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s parviflorum 1 2 3 4 5 N s ,, (b) rivulare ... 1 2 3 4 s (c) intermedium 3 4 E c N s montanum 1 2 3 4 5 ^ _ _ - E c N s tetragonum 1 2 3 4 E c N s obscurum 1 3 4 E c N s palustre 1 2 3 4 5 E N s [(Enothera biennis] 1 2 3 5 N [ odorata] E c N s Circsea lutetiana 1 2 3 4 5 E G N s Myriophyllum verticillatum 1 2 3 4 s j pectinatum 1 E C N s spicatum 1 2 3 4 5 E c __ s alterniflorum . ... 1 E G N s Hippuris vulgaris 1 2 3 4 5 E C N s Bryonia dioica 1 2 3 4 5 E G JN s Montia fontana, (a) minor... 1 2 3 4 5 E __ s ,, (b) rivularis 1 ; ^_ N s Claytonia perfoliata 1 3 *_ G N s Herniaria glabra 1 3? ._ N s Tillasa muscosa 1 3 4 5 E G N s Sedum Telephium 1 2 3 4 5 E s Fabaria 1 3 4 ^_ E C N s album 1 E C s dasyphyllum 1 E C N s , anglicum 3 4 5 E c N s , acre 1 2 3 3 5 n SCXdTlQUldTB vy E C N s , reflexum 1 3 4 5 G s , (b) albescens 1 _ N , rupestre E C N s Sempervivum tectorum 1 2 4 5 E C N s s [Cotyledon Umbilicus] fRibes Grossularia 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 E c N s nigrum 1 3 4 E c N s rubrum 1 2 3 4 B E c N s Saxifrage tridactylites 1 2 3 4 5 K c N s granulata 1 9 3 4 5 E N s Chrysoplenium alternifolium 2 3 4 5 E N s oppositifolium 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s Parnassia palustris 1 2 3 4 5 E G N 8 Hydrocotyle vulgaris 1 2 3 4 5 E C N s Sanicula europaea 1 2 3 4 5 E N s Eryngium maritimum 3 4 5 s campestre 3 4 -. C N s Cicuta virosa 1 2 3 5 E G N s Apium graveolens 1 2 3 4 5 E C N s nodiflorum 1 2 3 4 5 448 MASS P=J O fci 02 fiJUuLS EONS Apium nodiflorum (6) repens 134 EONS inundatum 1234 EONS *Petroselinum sativum 1345 EONS segetum 135 EONS Sison Amomum 12345 E C N 8 ^Egopodium Podagraria 12345 C - - S [Amrni majus] 2 EONS [Carum Carui] '.'.'. 1 45 EONS flexuosum 12345 C Bulbocastanum EONS Pimpinella magna 1! 1234- EONS ,, Saxifraga 12345 EONS Sium latifolium 1345 EONS angustifolium 12345 EONS Bupleurum tenuissimum .. 345 E falcalum EONS rotundifolium ... 124- EONS (Enanthe fistulosa... 12345 E N S pimpinelloides ... 1234? EONS Lachenalii 1345 - C N S silaifolia 1? E N crocata 1? 5?- EONS Phellandrium ... 12345 EONS fluviatilis 12345 EONS jEthusa Cyiiapium 12345 E C N S Foeniculum offlcinale O Seseli Lwonotis ... 12345 E C N S Silaus pratensis 12345 S Crithmum maritimum O C* C 7 " /"> "/* 7 ' V^ to&llfi'llTil L/CtTVI/OllCtr E C N S Angelica silvestris 12345 - S [Archangelica officinalis 1 Ht JrCilCcuCtHuTfl OjjLCiJiCLiQ * E C N S palustre 1 3 E C N S Pastinaca sativa 12345 E C N S Heracleum Sphondylium ... 12345 E C N S Daucus Carota ... 12345 EONS Caucalis daucoides 1 5 E C S f latifolia 1 E C N S Torilis Anthriscus 12345 E C N S infesta 12345 E C N S nodosa 12345 E C N S Scandix Pecten-veneris 12345 E C N S Chgerophyllum silvestre ... 12345 E S [ sativum] ... ... 3 E C N S Anthriscus... 12345 E C N S temulum ... 12345 E C N S Conium maculatum 12345 EONS Smyrnium Olusatrum 12345 EC S [Coriandrum sativum] ... 45-- 449 1 a a 1 GO S-t CQ GO i J 1 " jL E G N 8 Hedera Helix I 2 3 4 5 E G N S Cornus san guinea 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Viscum album 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Adoxa Moschatellina 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Sambucus Ebulus 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S nigra 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Viburnum Lantana 1 2 3 5 E G N S ,, Opulus 1 2 3 4 5 E G N" S JLonicera Caprifolium 1 2 3 4 E G N S ,, Periclymenum 1 2 3 4 5 E * ' z S S f,, Xylosteum] Sympkoricarpos racemosus] 1 2 2 3 5 E C N S ISkerardia arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 E o N S Asperula cynanckica 1 _ E N S odorata 1 2 3 4 5 E o N S Galium Cruciata 1 2 3 4 5- E c N S tricorne 1 2 3 4 5- E N S Aparine 1 2 3 4 5- Vn ill nti fit E c N S anglicum 1 E c N S erectum 1 4 5- S [ aristatum] 1 E c N S Mollugo, (a) elatum 1 2 3 4 5. S (b) insubricum 1 4 . S (c) Bakeri 3 4 5 E N S verurn 1 2 3 4 5 E o N S saxatile 1 2 3 4 5 E o N S uliginosum 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S palustre 1 2 3 4 5 N S ,, Witkeringii 2 4 5 E c S elongatum... E o N S Centrantkus ruber E N S Valeriana officinalis, Mikanii 2 3 4 5 E o S ,, sambucifolia ... 2 3 4 5 E N S dioica 2 3 4 5- E N S Valerianella olitoria 1 2 3 4 5- E S J ,, carinata 1 2 3 5 E n A * . }* . 7 rt E \J N S 9) J:\.lli ILilld dentata 1 2 3 4 5- _ S (b) mixta 3 5- E o N S Dipsacus silvestris 1 2 3 4 5 E N S pilosus 1 2 3 4 5- E N S Knautia arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S Scabiosa succlsa 1 2 3 4 5. E o N S Columbaria 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S Eupatorium cannabinum ... 1 2 3 4 5. E c N S Petasites vulgaris 1 2 3 4 5- N S [ ., fragrans] 1 2 3 4 E c N S Tussilago Farfara 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Aster Tripolium 3 4 S- 450 1 i-*-* *B o 1 3 S3 -n i o J k \ 8 [Aster Novi Belgii] 3 4 E N S *Erigeron canadensis 1 5 E C N S acris 1 2 3 4 5 "E C N 8 Bellis perennis 1 2 3 4 5 E C N 8 Solidago Virgaurea 1 3 4 5 S angustifolia 3 43 c N 8 Inula Helenium I 3 4 5 E G N 8 Conyza 1 2 3 4 5 E N 9 crithmoides 9 E C N 8 Pulicaria vulgaris 4 5 E c N 8 ,, dysenterica 1 2 3 4 5 E c N 8 Filago germanica 1 2 3 4 5 E c N 8 ,, apiculata 1 4 5 E c N 8 spathulata . ... 1 E c N 8 minima 1 2 3 4 5 E 8 gallica 5 c N 8 Gnaphalium luteo-album 1 E c N 8 uliginosum ... 1 2 3 4 5 E c N 8 ,, silvaticum . 1 3 4 5 c N 8 Antennaria dioica 1 E N 8 [ margaritacea] ... 1 5 E c N 8 Achillsea Ptarmica 1 2 3 4 5 E 8 [ decolorans] 1 E c N S ,, Millefolium 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Anthemis arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 E c N 8 Cotula 1 2 3 4 5 E S [ ,, tinctoria] 3 E c N 8 nobilis 1 2 3 c N S JMatricaria Parthenium 1 2 3 4 5 E c N 8 inodora 1 2 3 4 5 E N 8 ,, (6) salina 5 E G N S Chamomilla 1 2 3 5 'E C N 8 Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S f segetum ... 1 2 3 4 5 E 8 Diotis maritima 3 4 5 'E c N 8 Artemisia Absinthium 1 2 3 4 5 N 8 campestris 1 E c N 8 vulgaris 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S maritima 3 4 5 E N 8 (b) gallica 5 E G N 8 Tanacetum vulgare 1 2 3 4 5 E N 8 fDoronicum Pardalianches... 1 3 5 E 8 f plantagineum ... 4 _ E C N 8 Senecio vulgaris 1 2 3 4 5 S crassifolius 5 E c N 8 silvaticus 1 2 3 4 5 8 lividus .. 1 E c N S viscosus 1 3 4 5 N 8 * ,, squalidus 1 E c N 8 erucifolius 1 2 3 4 5 M 1 8 o OQ !3 PC !>> f-j I tj y X Lowestft o > t W ! E c N S Senecio Jacobgea 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S aquaticus 1 2 3 4 5 G N s paludosus 1 G N s palustris 1 3 E G s campestris 1 E G N s Bidens tripartita 1 2 3 4 E G N s cernua 1 2 3 4 5 G \_Galinsoga parvifolia] E G N s Carlina vulgaris 1 2 3 4 5 E C N s Arctium ma jus 1 2 3 4 5 E G s nemorosum 2 3 ' E G N s minus . 2 3 4 5 E C N s intermedium 2 3 4 5. E G s Serratula tinctoria 5 s [Centaurea Jacea] . E C N s nigra . 2 3 4 5 E s nigrescens 5 E C N s Cyanus ' 2 3 4 5 E c N s Scabiosa t 2 3 4 5 E c N s J solstitialis 3 4 5 E c N s Calcitrapa 3 5 E c N s Onopordum Acanthium ... * 2 3 4 5 E c N s Carduus nutans , 2 3 4 5 E c N s crispus 1 2 3 4 5 E s acanthoides 1 2 4 5 E N s tenuiflorus 3 4 E c N s lanceolatus 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s eriophorus 1 2 4 5 E c N s arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s palustris 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s ,, pratensis 1 3 4 E c N s acaulis 1 2 3 4 5 N ,, heterophyllus E ,, Gibsoni E c N 8 Silybum marianum 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s Lapsana communis 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s Arnoseris pusilla 1 _ 4 5 E c N s Cichorium Intybus 1 2 3 4 5 G N s Hypochgeris glabra 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s ,, radicata 1 2 3 4 5 E r N s maculata 1 E C N s Thrincia hirta 1 2 3 4 5 E N s Leontodon hispidus 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s autumnalis 1 2 3 4 5 E c s Tragopogon minor 1 2 3 4 5 E N s ,, pratensis 1 2 3 4 5 N ,, grandiflorus E E c N N s s porrifolius Picris hieracioides 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 s arvalis ... 1 2 4 452 E C N S Helminthia echioides ... 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Lactuca saligna ... ... 5? ;E C N S ,, virosa ... 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Scariola ... ... 1 5? E C N S muralis ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Taraxacum officinal e 1 2 3 4 5 N S (b) lagvigatum ... 4 5 . C N S (c) erythrospermum 1 . c N S (d) palustre ... 3 4 E c N S Sonchus oleraceus ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S asper ... 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S ,, arvensis ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 __ 8 glabra ... ... 5 E c N 8 palustris ... 3 4 5? E : 8 8 [Mulgedium tataricum] Crepis taraxacifolia ... ... 1 2 4 5 TS N [ ,, setosa] ... 2? E c N 8 foetida ... ... 1 5 VE N S virens ... 1 2 3 4 5 "E c N S biennis ... 1 5 N f)(zliiclos(i E c N 3 Hieracium Pilosella 1 2 3 4 5 S [ aurantiacum] ... 1 . c N 8 ,, ^ murorum ... ... 1 4 E N 8 ' vulgatum ... 1 2 4 5 . N 8 ., maculatum ... 2 E __ __ tridentatum ... ... 'E c N 8 umbellatum ... ... 1 3 4 ~E G N 8 boreale ... ... 1 2 4 5 E c N S S [Xanthium strumarium] Jasione montana ... ... 1 1 2 8 4 5 E c N a Campanula glomerata ... 1 2 c N S lati folia ... ... 3 4 '-.E c N S Trachelium ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 E c S f rapunculoides ... ... 1 3 4 ! E c N S rotundifolia ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 IE N 8 J Bapunculus ... ... 1 8 _ c N 'Ddtulci E c N 8 Speoularia hybrida ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 E Wahlenbergia hederacea ... ... ___ 'E c N S Calluna vulgaris ... ... ... 1 3 4 5 E N 8 (6) incana ... 3 E c N 8 Erica Tetralix ... ... 1 3 4 5 E c N S cinerea ... ... 1 3 4 5 N ^L'YidTOTyicdcL j)oli,fol.>icL E N Vaccinium Myrtillus ... ... E Vitis idc&tt E c N S Oxycoccos ... ... 1 3 N S Pyrola rotundifolia minor ... ... 3 4 453 fr g 1 1 o % OQ M ;_> 1 3 pf* h- 1 .E C N S Monotropa Hypopitys 1 2 3 4 E c N S Ilex Aquifolium ... 1 2 3 4 5 E G N s Ligustrum vulgare 1 2 3 4 5 "E C N s Fraxinus excelsior 1 2 3 4 5 E G N s Vinca minor 1 2 3 4 5 E C N s [ major] 1 2 3 5 E C N s Chlora perfoliata... 1 2 3 4 5 E G N s Erythrsea pulchella 3 5 E C N s Centaurium 1 2 3 4 5 N s littoralis 1 3 4 N C/ic67icli(t filiforwiis E C s Gentiana Amarella 1 2 5 E (b} germanica N s campestris 1 2 . N s Pneumonanthe ... 3 . E c N s Limnanthemum nymphseoides 1 2 3 E G N s Menyanthes trit'oliata 1 2 3 4 5 E _ s [Polemonium cgeruleum] ... 1 E C N s Convolvulus arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s sepiuni 1 2 3 4 5 E N 8 Soldanella 3 4 5 -E G N s Cuscuta europgea 1 2 5 E f N s [ Epilinum] 4 E C N s Epithymus '.'.. 1 2 3 4 E c N s f Trifolii ... 1 2 3 4 5 hctss'icic(t\ E c N s Asperugo procumbens 1 2 _ . _ N s [Echinospermum Lappula] 3 E c N s Cynoglossum officinale 1 2 3 4 5 E _ N ,, montanum E N s *Rorago officinalis 1 2 3 4 5 - s JAnchusa officinalis 5 E o N s | semper virens 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s Lycopsis arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s Symphytum officinale 1 2 3 4 5 c s patens 1 2 3 5 s [ orientale] 5 - c s tauricum] '.'.'. 1 2 E 9 N fnhprn WIVYI E asperrimum ^_ .B G N s Echium vulgare 1 2 3 4 5 , s Pulmonaria officinalis 4 E C N s Lithospermum officinale ... 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s arvense 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s Myosotis palustris 1 2 3 4 5 s (b) strigulosa 1 3 s? ,, repens 3? E c N s csespitosa 1 2 3 4 5 .E 9 N s silvatica 1 2 3 4 5 JS c N s arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 454 1 1 1 30 b PQ 1 i 1 o ! E C S Myosotis arvensis (b) umbrosa 1 2 E C N S collina 1 2 3 4 5 . N s (b) Mittenii 1 E C N s versicolor 1 2 3 4 5 E C N s Solanum nigrum 1 2 3 4 5 E C N s Dulcamara 1 2 3 4 5 E ,, tomentosum E C N s Atropa Belladonna 1 4 5 E C N s Hyoscyamus niger 1 2 3 4 5 E E E C C N N N s s s s [Nicandra physaloides] [Lycium barbarum] [Datura Stramonium] Orobanche Rapum 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 | co co co 4 4 4 5 5 5 s caryopbyllacea 1 2 E C N s elatior 1 5 C s Picridis 1 E C N s minor 1 2 3 4 5 N s cserulea 2 5 C? N s [ ramosa] 3 4 E T n**h r rrpn ^m in win Tin E C N 8 Verbascum Thapsus 1 2 3 4 5 N s Lychnitis 1 3 4 _ N s pulverulentum .. 1 3 4 E C N s nigrum 1 2 3 4 5 E N s Blattaria 1 3 4 E N s virgatum 1 2 3 4 s Thapso-Lychnitis 1? s Thapso-nigrum 5 fi fnifirn m/]i)0'r9/Jp / nf'}/ b Lowestft 03 | t i S Melampyrum silvaticum ... - 2 . E G N S Pedicularis palustris i 2 3 4 5 E C N s silvatica i 2 3 4 5 E G N s Rhinanthus Crista-galli ... i 2 3 4 5 E C N s Euphrasia officinalis i 2 3 4 5 E s nemorosa 4 E C N s Odontites rubra (a] verna... i 2 3 s (b) serotina i 2 3 4 rj J T j E w C N s ^ -if / Oi U/KlClLtl Veronica scutellata i 2 3 4 5 8 ., pubescens i E C N S Anagallis i 2 3 4 5 E c N s Beccabunga i 2 3 4 5 E G N s Chamaedrys i 2 3 4 5 E C N s montana i 2 3 4 5 E C N s officinalis i 2 3 4 5 C N s spicata... i E C N s feerpyllifolia i 2 3 4 5 E G N s arvensis i 2 3 4 5 N s verna... i 4 E? N s triphyllos i 2 3 4 5 E G N s agrestis i 2 3 4 5 E C N s polita ... i 2 3 4 5 C s grandiflora i 2 E C N s Buxbaumii i 2 3 4 5 E C N s hederifolia i 2 3 4 5 E N s fMenthaviridis i 4 E G N" s ,, rotundifolia 3 4 N s ,, alopecuroides 2 __ E C N s silvestris i 2 3 4 5 N (6) nemorosa N s (c) mollissima 2 5 E C N s ,, piperita i 2 5 N ., (b) vulgaris E c N s aquatica i 2 3 4 5 N s subglabra... i 3 4 N 8 citrata i - s pubescens 4 s hircina i E c N s sativa (a) rivalis... i 2 3 4 5 N s (b) paludosa i s (c) subglabra i E N s rubra i 4 "NT OTCLC'il'is *fe CCtTciicLCCt E c N pratensis _ _ E s gentilis i E G N s arvensis i 2 3 4 5 N s (b) Nummularia ... i 4 E s (c) agrestis 4 5 N s ,, (d) prascox i 2 456 H 1 o CO s CQ 1 I o J 1 o 1 N S Mentha arvensis (e) Allionii 1 E C N S Pulegium 1 2 3 4 5 N ,, (b) erecta E C N S Lycopus europaeus 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Salvia Verbenaca 1 2 3 4 5 . S [ verticiilata] 1 2 E C N S Origanum vulgare I 2 4 5 _ N prismaticum E G N S Thymus Serpyllum 1 3 5?' E C S Chamasdrys 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Calamintha Nepeta 1 , E C N S officinalis 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S ,, Acinos 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Clinopodium ... 1 2 3 4 5 E C? Melissa officinalis E C N S Scutellaria galericulata ... 1 2 3 4 5 E N S minor 1 4 E C N S Prunella vulgaris 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Nepeta Cataria 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Glechoma 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Lamium amplexicaule 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S incisum 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S purpureum 1 2 3 4 5 _ S ,. decipiens 1 2 4 E S [ macula turn] 1 2 S lasvigatum] 1 E C N S album 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Galeobdolon 1 2 3 4 5- __ C N S Leonurus Cardiaca 1 _ _ 3 E S Galeopsis dubia 3 E C N S Ladanum 1 2 3 4 5 __ S canescens 2 5 E C N S Tetrahit 1 2 3 4 5 S (b) bifida 1 2 - 4 E C N S versicolor 1 2 3 4 E C N S Stachys Betonica 1 2 3 4 5 N [ ,, germanica~\ E C N S silvatica 1 2 8 4 5 E C N S palustris 1 2 3 4 5 N S (b) ambigua 1 3 E C N S arvensis 1 2 3 4 5 N [ annua\ E C N S Ballota fostida 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Marrubium vulgare 1 2 4 5 E C N S Teucrium Scorodonia 1 2 3 4 5 C N S Scordium 1? N Chamcedrys E C N S Ajuga reptans 1 2 3 4 5 E C Chamcepitys E C N S Verbena officinalis 1 2 3 4 5 I ! 1 2 407 p | 0? Lowes tfl E E rj b N N S S Aceras anthropophora Habenaria viridis 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 E N S bifolia 1 2 3 4 5 E N S chlorantha 1 2 3 4 E o N S Ophrys apifera ... 1 2 3 4 5 S? arachnites 1? E o S aranifera ... ... 2 E N S muscifera... ... 2 3 4 5 E c N S Herminium Monorchis ... E c N S Spiranthes autumnalis ... 2 3 4 K c N S Listera ovata ... 2 3 4 5- E N S Neottia Nidus-avis ... 2 3 4 5 E N S Epipactis latifolia ... 2 3 4 E ( 1 (yftpfJifi _ N ovalis ... _ _ _ _ E o N S palustris '.'.'. 1 3 4 E c Cephalanthera grandifolia ... / - N? S? ensifolia 1^ N S Malaxis paludosa... 3 4 o N S Sturmia Losselii ... 1 4 E c N S Iris Pseudacorus ... 1 2 3 4 5 S (a) Pseudacorus 1 S (b) acoriformis 1 4 5. - S (c) Bastard! 1 2 E N S foetidissima ... 1 2 3 4 5 _ _ _ N S Crocus vernus 1 __ 3 5 E - z f sativus~\ argenteus] S 1 - p S aureus] ... 1 E E - u S [Gladiolus communis] fNarcissus biflorus 1 2 3 7 1 ,0 O t! o fc 02 4t>Z b CQ j Lowestfi 93 1 a- 8 [Narcissus poeticus] I 3 5 8 [ incomparabilis ] 1 E C N 8 Pseudo narcissus 1 2 3 4 5 E 8 Leucojum sestivum 5 E N 8 Galanthus nivalis 1 3 4 5 E G N 8 Alisma Plantago 1 2 3 4 5 E C 8 ,, ,, (b) lanceolatum .. 1 2 3 E G N S ranunculoides 1 _.. 3 4 N repens _i_ _ E 8 Actinocarpus Damasonium _i_ __ 4 E G N 8 Sagittaria sagittifolia 1 2 3 4 5 E G N H Butomus umbellatus 1 2 a 4 5 E C N 8 Triglochin maritimum 3 4 5 E C N S palustre 1 2 3 4 6 E C N 8 Asparagus officinalis, (b) campestris 2 3 4 5 E C N S Convallaria majalis 1 _ 3 5 N" ! Polygonatum officinale E ' N 8 multiflorum ... _ 3 4 E C N 8 Ruscus aculeatus 1 2 8 4 5 E N 8 Tulipa silvestris 1 __ _ 4 5 E G N 8 Fritillaria Meleagris 1 S 4 5 E N 8 [Lilium Martagon] 3 E C N 8 Ornithogalum umbellatum 1 2 3 4 5 C N 8 J nutans 1 2 8 4 5 C N . [ j pyrenaicum] N 8 Gagea lutea 8 4 5 E C N S Allium vineale 1 2 . _ 4 5 E C N 8 oleraceum 1 2 ___- E G N 8 ursinum 1 2 3 4 5 8 [ ambiguum] _ 4 E C N 8 Endymion nutans 1 2 3 4 5 K C N S Muscari racemosum 1 _ 4? E C N 8 Colchicum autumnale 1 2 3 4 5 C N Narthecium ossifragum E N 8 Juncus maritimus 3 4 5 9 N p acutus 9 E C N 8 efEusus 1 2 3 4 5 E C N 8 conglomeratus 1 2 3 4 5 E C N 8 glaucus ... 1 2 3 4 5 E N 8 diffusus ... 1 2 8 5 E G N 8 obtusiflorus 1 2 3 4 5 E C N 8 ,, acutiflorus 1 2 8 4 5 E G N 8 lamprocarpus 1 2 3 4 5 N nigritellus, D. Don... E C N 8 supinus ... 1 8 4 8 fluitans 1 __ 8 E C N 8 squarrosus 1 8 4 5 E C N 8 compressus 1 2 E C N 8 Gerardi ... _ 3 4 5 JE G N 8 . . bufonius ... 1 2 3 4 5 463 1 rQ a 6 EH o 525 CO 2 CQ | T, in I o> V I E c N S? Luzula silvatica ... 2? E S Forsteri ... 2 E c N S pilosa 1 2 3 4 5- S Borreri 2 . . " E c N S campestris 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S multiflora 1 2 3 4 N S congesta 1 2 3 4 8 pallescens 1 E c N 8 Typha latifolia ... 1 2 3 4 5 S gracilis 1 E c N S angustifolia 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S Sparganium ramosum 1 2 3 4 5 E N S neglecturn 1 2 3 4 E c N S simplex 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S minimum 1 2 3 5 E c N S Acorus Calamus .. 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S Arum maculatum 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S Lemna trisulca ... 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S minor 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S gibba 1 3 4 5 E c N S polyrrhiza 1 2 3 4 5 E E c N S S Potamogeton natans polygonifolius 1 1? 2 3 3 4 4 5 E c N S plantagineus 1 3 4 E c N S rufescens 1 3 4 E c N S heterophyllus 1 3 4? E G N S lucens 1 2 3 4 S ,, acuminatus 1 c S Zizii 1 3 E c N S praglongus ... 1 3 4 E c N S perfoliatus ... 1 3 4 E c N S crispus 1 2 3 4 5 S serratus 3 4 E N S obtusifolius ... 3 4 N acutifoliua ... E c S Friesii 1 3 E c N S pusillus 1 2 3 4 5. S tenuissimus ... 1 3 4 5- N S trichoides ... 1 4 E N flabellatus ... E c N S pectinatus ... 1 2 3 4 5. N scoparius S salinus 1 5 E o N S densus 1 2 3 4 5 S (6) lancifolius ... 1 3 S (c) angustifolius 1 2 3 E N S Ruppia maritima 3 4 5- E c N S ,, rostellata 3 5- E c N S Zannichellia palustris 1 2 3 4 : S repens 1 3 V! 1 ti fe to p CO 464 b S 3 ,0 3 Lowestfl 03 Ed" I E E E E E E E C c c C c X X N X X X X X X X S S S S S S S s s 8 S S bracbystemon pedicellata ... Zostera marina angustifolia Naias marina Scboenus nigricans Cladium Mariscus Ebyncospora alba Eleocbaris palustris... multicaulis acicularis Scirpus maritimus silvaticus i i i i i i i 2 2 3 8 3 3 3 8 8 3 8 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 B 5 5 fi __ X 9 trigueter ... E c X S 9 lacustris ... i 2 3 4 B E X s 59 Tabernasmontani .. i 3 4 5 E c N s C8eSpit,OSUS i 3 4 E X s 99 pauciflorus i 3 4 E X s M fluitans ... i 3 5 E X s 99 setaceus ... i 2 8 4 _ X s 9 Savii 8 4 _ s 99 monostacbys ... 3 4 E c X s Blysmus compressus i 3 4 5 s 9* rufus 4 ' X EriopJiorum vaginatum ... ... E c X S 9 polystacbion ... i 2 8 4 B S 99 (b) minus ... i 2 E _ B (c) elatius... i 3 E o X S 91 latifolium i 3 E X s Carex dioica i 8 E X s N pulicaris ... i 8 4 E X s 99 disticba ... i 3 4 5 E X s H arenaria ... i 8 4 5 _ _ X 99 ligerica E ; X s H divisa 4 5 E X s 99 vulpina ... i 2 3 4 5 E X s n muricata... i 2 8 4 5 E s 99 pseudo-divulsa ... i 2 _ E c X s n divulsa i 2 8 4 5 E X s 99 teretiuscula i 8 4 5 N s 99 paradoxa .. i E c N s 9* paniculata i 2 B 4 5 E c N s 99 axillaris ... i 2 8 4 I c X s 99 remota i 2 3 4 5 E c N s stellulata i 2 3 4 B 9 elongata p X s canescens 1 3 4 _ E c N s | ovalis i 2 3 4 5 E c N 8 99 stricta i 3 4 E c X s 9) acuta i 3 4 465 1 1 O a O fc CG CO 3 X> T5 3 GO 1 i. hH E C N S Carex vulgaris 1 2 3 4 5 S juncella ... 1 2 E C N S pallescens 1 2 3 4 . E c N S panicea 1 2 3 4 5 N S limosa 3 E c N S strigosa 2 E c N S pendula 1 2 5 E c N S praecox 1 2 3 4 5 ^_ S capitata . 1 2? _ c N" a ,, ericetorum 1 E c N S pilulifera 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S glauca 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S flava 1 3 4 >_. N S (b) lepidocarpa 1 4 S (c) (minor) true (Ederi 1 E c N S ((Ederi) flava cyperoides 1 3 4 E c N S extensa 3 4 5 E c N S Hornschuchiana ... 1 2 3 4 S punctata 4 E c N S distans 1 3 4 5 E c N S binervis 1 3 4 E 1 wninfitfi E G N S silvatica 1 2 3 4 5 E c N S Pseudo-cyperus ... 1 2 3 4 5 __ c N S filiformis 1 3 E c N S hirta 1 2 3 5 E c N S ampullacea 1 2 3 4 E c N S vesicaria 1 2 3 4 __ E c N B paludosa 1 2 3 4 5 N S (b) gpadicea 1 4 E c N S riparia 1 2 3 4 5 N ,, trinervis N S S [Digitaria sanguinalis] humifusa 1 1 3 3 5 5 E c N N S S [Echinochloa Crus-galli] ... Setaria viridis 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 S [ glauca] 1 2 E __ N S Spartina stricta 4 5 E E c N N S S [Phalaris canariensis] arundinacea 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 E c N S Anthoxanthum odoratum ... 1 2 3 4 5 S Puellii 1 2 c Phleum asperum E G N S Boehmeri 1 _ _ _ _ E c N S ,, arenarium 3 4 5 E c N S pratense 2 3 4 5 * _ S (b) stoloniferum ... S (c) prsecox . N S nodosum 3 E c N S Alopecurus pratensis 2 3 4 5 1 i 1 1 03 J-\J\J 3 CO Sudbur Lowest! s t E C N S Alopecurus geniculatus ... 1 2 3 4 5 j S pronus 1 E C N s fulvus 1 E N s bulbosus 3 E G N s agrestis 1 2 3 4 5 E C N s Nardus stricta 1 3 4 E C N s Milium effusum 1 2 3 4 E N s Phragmites communis 1 2 3 4 5 E N s Psamma arenaria 4- 3 4 5 E C N s Calamagrostis lanceolata ... 1 2 3 E c N s epigejos ... 1 2 3 . E c N s Apera Spica-venti 1 ' 3 4 5 E c N s interrupta 1 2 3 4 E c N s Agrostis canina 1 3 4 E c N s vulgaris... 1 2 3 4 5 E ' s (b) pumila 1 4 E c N s alba 1 2 3 4 5 s (&) subrepens . 3 5 E N Polypogon mompeliensis E N littoralis , E N Gastridium lendigerum . E c N s Holcus lanatus 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s mollis 1 2 3 4 & N s Corynephorus canescens ... 1 3 E c N s Aira caespitosa 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s flexuosa 1 2 _ 5 E c N s caryophyllea 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s prsecox 1 2 8 4 5 E c N s Trisetum flavescens 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s Avena fatua 1 2 3 4 5 _ s pilosissima 1 2 4 i s intermedia _ 3 E s f strigosa 1 . 4 5 E c N s pratensis 1 2 3 5 E c N" s pubescens 1 2 3 __ 5 V. c N s Arrhenatherum elatius 1 2 3 4 5 E s ,, nodosum ... __ 8 . 5 E c N s Triodia decumbens 1 2 8 4 5 E c N s Kosleria cristata 1 _ 8 __ 5 s gracilis ... 1 E c N s Melica uniflora 1 2 8 4 5 E c N s Molinia coerulea 1 _ 3 4 E s (b) depauperata 1 s (c) major ... ' 8 B c N s Poa annua 1 2 8 4 5 N s ,, bulbosa _ 3 5 E c N s nemoralis 1 2 3 4 E c N s trivialis 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s pratensis 1 2 3 4 5 s (b) sabcaerulea 1 5 X : w ,6 d {z; " C/Q 467 b M b Z 13 P X Lowestft ft | I - 8 Poa pratensis strigosa 1 B C N S compressa 1 2 3 4 E G N 8 Glyceria aquatica 1 2 3 4 5 E C N 8 fluitans 1 2 3 4 5 E C 8 pedicellata 1 2 4 5 E C N 8 plicata 1 3 5 E C 8 Sclerochloa maritima 3 4 5 8 (b) hispida 5 E 8 Borreri 3 4 5 E N 8 procumbens ... 3 5 E C N 8 distans 1 3 4 5 E C N 8 rigida 1 2 3 4 5 E C N 8 loliacea 3 4 5 E C N 8 Briza media 1 2 3 4 5 E C N 8 Catabrosa aquatica 1 2 3 4 5 E C N 8 Cynosurus cristatus 1 2 3 4 5 8 [ echinatus] 3 E C N 8 Dactylis glomerata 1 2 3 4 5 E N 8 Festuca uniglumis 5 E G N 8 sciuroides 1 2 3 4 5 N S ambigua 1 E C N 8 Myurus 1 3 4 5 E C N S ovina ... . . 1 2 3 4 5 E S (c) duriuscula 1 3 4 5 S glauca ... 1 5 E C N S rubra 1 3 4 5 N S oraria 3 4 5 E C N S gigantea 1 2 3 4 5 S triflora .. 1 2 E C N S elatior 1 2 3 . 5 E C N S pratensis 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S loliacea .. 1 2 3 4 sislvatisCCL E C N S Bromus erectus 1 2 3 4 S (b) villosus 4 . E C N S asper-serotinus 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S sterilis 1 2 3 4 5 9 N S madritensis a diandrus 2 4 _ N S [ maximus] 1 __ E C N N S S tectorum] *Serrafalcus secalinus 1 1 2 3 4 E C N S racemosus 1 2 3 5 E N S commutatus ... 1 2 3 4 E C N S mollis 1 2 3 4 5 . S (b) glabrescens... 1 S (d) hordeaceus .. 1 3 5 E G N S * arvensis 1 2 3 S [ patulus] 1 _ E C N S Brachypodium silvaticum ... 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S pinnatum ... 3 468 I ,0 "B i o | M CQ p cc o M o 1 E C N S Triticum caninum 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S repens 1 2 3 4 5 S barbatum 1 2 E _ littoreum ... E c N s s pungeus ' littorale ... ~ 3 3 4 5 5 E N ' s acutum 3 4 5 E c 8 junceum 3 4 5 E N S Elymus arenarius 3 4 E c N s Hordeum pratense 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s murinum 1 2 3 4 5 s arenarium 5 E c N s maritimum 3 4 5 E c N s s Lepturus filiformis [ incurvatus] z ~ 3 4 4 5 E G N s Lolium perenne 1 2 3 4 5 s (c) tenue ... 1 - ' E C N s [ italicum] 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s ,j temulentum 1 2 3 4 E G N s (&) arvense 1 2 3 -^- 5 E E C C N N s s Equisetum arvense maximum 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 E C N s j, silvaticum 1? >- - E G N s limosum 1 2 3 4 5 C s (6) fluviatile ... 1 2 3 E C N s s palustre (6) polystaehyum 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 8 (c) nudum 1 - T C N 8 aiemale 1 2 ' E G N?- N 8 variegatum Poly podium vulgare 1 2 3 4 5 E s serratum O * E C N s Lastrea Thelypteris 1 3 5 E C N s Oreopteris 1 * 3 E C N s Filix-mas 1 2 3 4 5 N s cristata * 3 4 5 N s uliginosa 3 5 E C N s spinulosa 1 2 3 4 5 E c N s dilatata 1 2 3 4 5 E s glandulosa .- 4 s semula 3? E E c N N s s Polystichum aculeatum ... lobatum 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 E N s angulare 1 2 3 4 5 E E c N N 8 s s Cystopteris fragilis Athyrium Filix-fremina ... ,, (a) rhgeticum 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 . s (b) Filix-foeminal 2 3 4 E (c) molle ... E c N s Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum 1 2 3 4 5 I O ti H 4by 3 02 J3 Lowestf I I N Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum (b)acutun ij 1 E C N S Trichomanes 1 2 4 5 E G N S ,, Ruta-muraria 1 2 3 4 5 E C N S Scolopendrium vulgare 1 2 3 4 5 E N S Ceterach officinarum 1 2 4 E C N S Blechnum boreale 1 2 3 4 5 E G N S Pteris aquilina 1 2 3 4 5 E N S Osmunda regalis 1? 2? 3 4 5 E C N S Botrychium Lunaria 1 -. 3 4 5 E C N S Ophioglossum vulgatum ... 1 2 3 4 5 E N S Pilularia globulifera 8 E c N iS Lycopodium clavatum 1 E c N S inun datum ... 1 3 4 N Selago E _ 8 Chara fragilis 1 4 S (d) Hedwigii 1 E N S aspera 1 3 4 , N S polyacantha 1 N S contraria 1 E c S ,, hispida 1 8 4 E c S vulgaris 1 2 8 4 S ,, (b) longibracteata ... 1 3 S (c) papillata 1 N tomentosa N Lychnothammts stelliger c Tolypella nidifica S glomerata 1 S intricata 1 c Nitella tenuissima E gracilis E S translucens 3 E c S flexilis . 3 5 S opaca 1 3 E G syncarpa 470 THE FLORA OF SUFFOLK AND THE THREE ADJOINING COUNTIES COMPARED WITH THE FLORA OF HOLLAND. I ROM the geographical position of Holland and East Anglia, lying nearly between the same parallels of latitude, and on the oppo- site sides of a sea scarcely more than 120 miles in width, there is an antecedent probability that the two countries have a closely assimilated Flora. Under this impression, Dr. Babington com- menced an examination of Dr. Suringar's Zakflora of Holland, which, from infirm health, he was unable to complete. With the help of his notes, the investigation has been continued ; and its result is here briefly stated. As the Continental Floras usually include the cereals, cultivated vegetables, shrubs and trees, not native to those countries, these have been omitted, that, the comparison may be made on equable conditions. For the same reason the Characeee of East Anglia are passed over, as those of Holland are not included in Dr. Suringar's work. The East Anglian species are estimated as 1339, those of Holland as 1466. Of these about 1120 are common to the two countries. About one in six of the East Anglia species is absent from the Zakflora ; and about one in four-and-a-half of the Dutch species is wanting in the East Anglian list. Having regard to those English species, which, exclusively, or very nearly so, belong to East Anglia, a large proportion of them belongs also to Holland. Its Flora includes the following Eastern Counties plants: (those marked f have been introduced into Holland). Silene Otites; S.conica; Holosteum umbellatum ; Scleranthus perennis ; Medi- cago silvestris ? ; M.falcata; M. minima; Melilotus arvensis ; fTrifolium ochroleucum; Lathyrus tuberosus ; Herniaria glabra ; Tillcea muscosa; Carum Bulbocastanum ; \Peucedanum qfficinale ; Galium anglicum ; Artemisia campestris ; Senecio paludosus ; S. palustris ; Crepis taraxaci~ folia ; G. fcetida; Melampyrum arvense ; Veronica verna ; V. Triphyllos ; Teucrium Scordium ; Primula elatior ; Suada fruticosa ; Obione pedun- 471 culata ; Sturmia Lceselii ; Stratiotes aloides ; Carex ericetorum ; Setaria viridis ; Phleum Bo&hmeri ; Apera interrupta ; Corynepliorus canescens ; Lastrea cristata. On the other hand, the following Eastern Counties species are not recorded for Holland : Arenaria leptoclados ; Lathyrus hirsutus; Peuce- danum palustre ; Galium Vaillantii; Diotis maritlma ; Verbascum pulverulentum ; Melampyrum cristatum ; Chenopodium botryodes ; Statice caspia ; Actinocarpus Damasonium ; Potamogeton trichoides ; Lastrea uliginosa. Muscari racemosum in Suffolk is represented by M. botryodes in Holland, and Frankenia Icevis by F. pulverulentum. There are other East Anglian plants, which are less peculiarly so than those in the preceding lists ; and as regards which, nearly the same proportions are present in, or absent from, the Flora of Holland. The following species belong to both Floras : Anemone pulsatilla ; Bar- barea stricta ; Sagina ciliata ; Genista pilosa ; Vicia gracilis ; jLathyrus maritimus ; Eryngium campestre ; Hypochceris maculata ; Arnoseris pusilla ; Filago apiculata ; F. spathulata ; Campanula rapunculoides ; Polygonum maculatum ; P. mite; Hippophae rhamnoides ; Ceratophyllum submersum ; Orchis hircina ; Aceras antliropophora ; Leucojum cestivum ; Carex paradoxa ; Digitaria humifusa ; Alopecurus bulbosus ; Poabul- bosa. Of like East Anglian plants the following do not occur in Holland r Fumaria parviflora ; F. Vaillantii ; Ulex nanus ; Trifolium suffocatum ; Verbascum virgatum ; Veronica spicata ; Ophrys aranifera. From the above remarks, and the contrasted lists, it will be seer* that there is a close correspondence in the Floras of the districts lying on the East and West of the South portion of the German Ocean. Their agreement would be still closer if the plants of Dutch Lemberg, the Fouth-Eastern district of Holland, removed from the coast, were ex- cluded from the comparison A fair proportion of British plants, which do not occur in East Anglia, may be found in Holland, excluding the= Alpine forms. 472 THE PKOGRESS OF BOTANICAL STUDY IN SUFFOLK. |HE Materials, from which an account of Botanical Progress in Suf- folk may be gathered, are far from ample ; and for the most part fare connected with the present and last centuries. The position of the County, removed from the Capital, the Universities, the Cathedral Cities, and other chief seats of learning in England, was not such as would lead to the early study of Natural Science, or foster its growth. No early written records of the plants of Suffolk are known to exist. In fact, for our first step in Suffolk Botany, we must go back to a somewhat doubtful interpretation of an historical monu- ment. In some prse-reformation glass in Gislingham Church, the Columbine, Aquilegia vulgaris. is represented. The flower is of the single type, which is more usual in the wild, than in the cultivated plant. Similar flowers have been recently found in the neighbouring parish of Yaxley by the Rev. W. H. Sewell, who regards the painting as the record of a plant grown on the spot in the fifteenth century, or even earlier. Coming down to written history, the earliest mention of a Suffolk plant is the Sea Pea, Lathyrus maritimus. The following account, partly legendary, is given by Martyn in his edition of Miller. ' We learn from the epistles of the learned Caius that the Sea Pea was first observed in the year 1555, when in a great scarcity, the poor people on the coast of Suffolk about Orford and Aldborough supported themselves with it for some time. This story is retailed by Snow and Camden ; with the addition, that they were supposed to spring up opportunely in that year of dearth, from a ship-wrecked vessel loaded with Peas : whereas the Sea Pea differs from all the varieties of the garden or field Pea, in the length and continuance of its roots, the smallness and bitterness of its seed, and in the whole habit and appearance of the plant. It had probably grown a long time on Orford Beach unobserved, till extreme want called it into public notice. The seed is so bitter that it could not be eaten, except in a want of better food, and it is certainly not used at present, though it might be gathered in sufficient quantity ; nay, it is neglected by the very birds. The legend of the miraculous arrival 473 -of these Peas in a time of extreme scarcity, is still believed among the country people.' Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary, vol. n, not paged. Several other writers mention the same fact. Dr. Bullen, Rector of Blaxhall in Suffolk from 1550 to 1554, wrote in 1562 his " Bulwark of Defence," in which is included ' A Book of Simples,' being a herball in the form of a dialogue. In this he mentions the crop of sea pease on the beach near Orford and Aldborough, which preserved the poor in a time of dearth. Further accounts are to be seen in Johnson's Gerarde, p. 1250 ; Parkinson's Theater, p. 1060 ; and Lobel's Illustrations, p. 164. (Pulteney's Progress of Botany in England, vol. i, p. 81.) Dr. William Turner, educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge, afterwards Dean of Wells, published in 1551 the first part of a New Herball in London ; the second part at Cologne in 1562 ; and the third part at Cologne, with a reprint of the other two parts, in 1568. Dr. Pulteney says, ' The true era of Botany in England must commence with him.' He records British plants from many localities ; among them two from Suffolk, namely, the Satyrion of Dioscorides, by which he must mean Epipaclis latifolia, and Euphorbia amygdaloides. The former, he tells us, he had seen twice only in England. The latter he found in my Lord Wentfurthe's Park, beside Nettlestede, Suffolk. In 1597 appeared the ' Herball, or General Historic of Plants, Gathered by John Gerarde, Master of Chirurgerie, printed in London. The following species of Suffolk plants are reported by him : Cardaminc pratensis, amara and hirsuta, p. 203 ; Melilotus offidnalis, p. 1034 ; two Astragali, p. 1059 ; Ferrum equinum, i.e. Hippocrepis comosa, p. 1056 ; Parnassia palustris, p. 692 ; Eryngium maritimum, p. 1000 ; Serratula tinctoria, p. 577 ; Spiranthes autumnalis, p. 168 ; two English Matweeds, presumably Psamma arenaria and Elymus arenarius, pp. 38,39. The early mention of the Serratula is interesting, as doubts have been recently entertained as to its being a native in the County. Gerarde's Herball long remained a popular book ; and in 1633 a second edition was called for (London fol.) The title sets forth that it is ' very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, Citizen and Apothecary of London.' This edition is generally quoted as Ger.em.' (Gerarde emaculatus). It adds to our Suffolk plants Tithymalus, i.e., Euphorbia paralias, Sea Spurge, growing at Langtree (Landguard) point, right against Harwich, where it still may be found, pp. 498-505. 474 John Parkinson, Apothecary of London and the King's Herbalist, published in 1640 his Theater of Plants, (London fol.) It contains but few notices of Suffolk plants. Two of these are taken from Gerarde ; he also refers to the Sea Pea. He adds to the County list, Solarium lethale, i.e., Atropa Belladonna, Deadly Night Shade, Framlingham, p. 648 ; Stachys palustris, Clown's Woundwort, p. 588. (See Prior's Popular Names of British Plants, p. 50) ; Asplenium Ruta muraria (p. 1050) and Ceterach officinarum (p. 1048), both from Framlingham. Ten years elapsed before another plant was recorded for Suffolk. As its locality is on or near the Cambridgeshire border there might be room to doubt to which County it belonged. Judgment in our favour has come to us by default, as Professor Babington has omitted the plant from his Flora of Cambridgeshire. As Silene Otites is widely distributed in the North-west district of Suffolk, there need be no hesitation in claiming it for this County. It is first recorded in Phytologia Britan- nica of Wm. How, M.D., London, 1650. Otites Taberna sive sesamoides parv. Muscipula salamantica minor ' Spanish Catchfly,