r J&IMM ffll w UNION ENGINEERING HANDBOOK TUMPING MACHINERY COMPRESSORS CONDENSERS COMPILED BY E. P. ORDWAY, M. E. SIXTH EDITION PRICE $5.OO UNION STEAM PUMP CO. BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN U. S. A. PRINTED IN THE U, S. A. TT16Q 0' COPYRIGHT. 1821, BY THE UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN U. S, A. ELL-IS PUBLISHING CO. PRINTERS. ENGRAVERS ELECTROTYPERS, BINDERS AND RULERS BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. U.S.A. I! INDEX Accessories, Electrical 252-255 Accumulators 341 Acid Sludge Pumps - 474 Actual Compression with Clearance.- 8 Adiabatic Compression. 4 Advantages of Centrifugal Pumps 97 Advantages- of Different Types of Drives for Power Pumps 382 Advantages of Duplex Pumps 266 Advantages of Multistage Compression 12 Advantages of Single Pumps 263 Air Chambers, Suction and Discharge .': 290 Air Compression at Altitudes : 17 70, 73 Air Compressors Capacity of ." - 18 Circulating Water for - 26 Classification of 36 Direct Acting 1 - 345, 375 Displacement of 18 Drives 36 Duplex, Belt and Steam 41-45 Effect of Intake Temperatures 70 Efficiency, Volumetric and Mechanical ! 14, 17, 19 Foundations for.. ... , 21 Gas or Gasoline Extraction 39B General Construction.. 26 Inspection and Cleaning of 25 Installation and Operation of.... - 20 Location of 20 Lubrication 15, 22 vSingle, Belt and Steam 39-40 Steam Consumption 37 Uses 47-51 Valve Gear 32 Vertical 45-46 Air Compressors, Gas or Gasoline Extraction 39B Air Consumption of Tools and Machines . 87-88 Air and Circulating Pumps 213 Air Cylinders 32 Air Cylinders, Displacement of . - 65 Air Drills ......< 78 Air, Flow Through Round Holes 77 Air Inlet Piping 21 Air Lift Advantages 57 Air Lift Calculations 61-62 Air Lift Data Table :. 63 Air Lift Installation , 59 Air Lift Piping 60 Air Lift Terms 57 Air, Loss of Pressure in Pipes and Valves 80-83 Air Pipes, Carrying Capacity. 79 M73430 Air Receivers . 22, 46 Air, Removing Moisture 14 AirValves._ .'. 30-31 Air, Volumes of Free Air 84 Air, Weight at Various Pressures 85 Alternating Current 233 Alternating Current Motors 234 Amperes 230 Ampere Ratings A. C. Motors 238 Ampere Ratings D. C. Motors :..*.". 239 Areas of Circles 427-431 Areas, Ratio of . 307-308 Asphaltic Base Oils .. 24-453 Automatic Centrifugal Pumps and Receivers, Motor Driven 107A Automatic Feed Pumps and Receivers, Burnham 350 Automatic Feed Pumps and Receivers, Union Duplex 351B B Ball Valves 311 Barometer, Reduction to Sea Level - 332 Baume Scales - 447 Belt Driven Dry Vacuum Pumps 215, 390 Better Lubrication 15 Bevel Seat Valves 311 Boiler Feed Pumps 314 Boiler Feed Pumps, Centrifugal 106 Boiler Feed Pumps, Duplex f 350-351 Boiler Feed Pumps, Simplex 348-349 Boiler Feed Pump and Receivers, Centrifugal .L 107A Boiler Feed Pump and Receivers, Duplex 351B Boiler Feed Pump and Receivers, Simplex 350 Boiler Feed Pump Ratings, Simplex and Duplex 315 Boiling Points of Liquids 331 Boyle's Law 3 Brake H. P. of Air Compressors 38 Brass Tubing, Weight of - 218-225 Bronze Valves 310 Burnham Steam Pumps 260 Burnham Valve Gear, Directions for Setting 262 C Cables and Ropes 442 Calorific Power of Fuels - 437 Capacity of Air Compressors 18 Capacity of Cylinders - 306 Capacity of Pumps -- 294 Capacity of Pumps, Table 305 Cargo Oil Pumps, power driven - 393B Cargo Oil Pumps, steam driven : 351B Casing Head Gasoline 456 Center Packed Plunger Pumps 271, 352 Centrifugal Pumps Advantages Characteristics and Explanations ..-. - 117-120 II ^T7TTTTTTrTrrg^^ Centrifugal Pumps Continued Data .,.. 100 Directions for Installing and Operating 129-130 Efficiency - 121 Head Determination. 1 08-109 Horse Power Calculations 132 Ifs 131 Multi-Stage _ 107 Power Consumption 141 Priming 126-127 Pumps and Receivers : 107A Relation of Capacity, Head, Speed and Horse Power 121-122 Side Suction Pumps 103-104 Sump Pumps, Single and Duplex . 107B -Uses 97-99 Centrifugal House Pump 107C Centrifugal Pumps, Double Suction, High Speed 106 Centrifugal Pumps, Double Suction, Horizontally Split Case 105 Centrifugal Pumps, Multistage 107 Centrifugal Pumps for Paper Stock 107D Centrifugal Pumps and Receivers 107A Centrifugal Pumps 90 Characteristics of Average Oils . 476 Characteristics of Tested Oils 475 Charles' Law 3 Chemical Properties of Petroleum : 451 Choice of Condensers 181-182 Circles, Areas and Circumference.. ._ 427-431 Circular Measure _ 441 Circulating Water for Compressors 26 Circumference and Areas of Circles 427-431 Clapper Valves 311 Classification of Air Compressors 36 Co-Efficients of Linear Expansion 432 Comparative Economy of Turbines and Engines. 179 Comparative Table U. S. and Metric System _ 435-436 Comparison of Hydrometer Scales .-. 333-334 Comparison of Thermometers 424 Compound Pumps, Center Packed 357 Compound Pumps, End Packed 358 Compound Pumps, Heavy Piston 355 Compound Pumps, Light Service 356 Compound Pumps, Pot Valve 359 Compound Steam Cylinder Calculations..... ,. 280-281 Compound Steam Cylinder Pumps 279 Compound Steam Cylinder Table 282 Compressed Air Data 52 Multipliers for ., 71 Principles of _ 2 Table for Hoisting Engines 74 Table for Motors 75 Table for Pumps 76 Temperature and Mean Pressure 69 III Compression Continued Adiabatic .: 4-5 Cylinder Ratio, Two-Stage Compression 16 Efficiency 19 Isothermal 6-7 Loss of Work Due to Heat 68 Multi-Stage 12 Single and Two Stage 10, 66 Temperature of Cylinders . r 23 Three and Four Stage 67 With Clearance 8 Compressor Installation and Operation 20 Condensers Auxiliaries 186, 187, 208-215 Cooling Water 185-205 Installation.... 227-228 Jet 188-190 Power Saving 167-173 Principles 166, 183-184 Selection of 181-182 Surface 197-201 Surface, High-Vacuum Type. 203 Connecting Rods 28 Consumption of Electricity for Pumping 141 Consumption of Gasoline for Pumping 141 Contents of Cylinders- 79 Contents of Cylindrical Tanks 416 Convenient Equivalents 156-158 Cooling Water for Condensers 185 Cooling Water for Surface Condensers 205 Correct Cylinder Ratios, Two Stage Compression 16 Cost of Compressed Air, Electric Driven Compressors 55 Cost of Compressed Air, Gasoline Driven Compressors 55 Cost of Compressed Air, Steam Driven Compressors 54 Cost of Pumping 133 Cracking Process in Oil Refining..... 455 Crank and Fly Wheel Pumps, Classification .. 383 Crankshaft 27 Creating a Vacuum in a Closed Tank 404-405 Cross Cracking Unit, flow diagram 457 Crossheads 29 Cubic Feet of Air for Drills 78 Cubic Measure 441 Cylinders Capacity of, Gallons 306 Contents of, Cubic Feet 79 Piston Displacements, Cubic Feet 86 Cylinder Temperatures 23 D Data for Centrifugal Pumps 100 Data for Deep Well Pumps 347 Data for Direct Acting Pumps - 346 Data for Power Pumps and Crank and Fly Wheel Pumps 386 Decimal Equivalents 425 IV 3Q03 B 2S3L A T tT SJ TL".y,K: 3L1CDC K ^ 3t^?^ ~C RE irioi'i. ffi v?.ji. .a^flffl *^u EK. MIC LBJU H I GAM. 1 LJ:'S: "A. ~f Decimal Equivalents of Millimeters - 426 Deep Well Pumps 342 Deep Well Pumps Data - 347 Deep Well Pump Table - 377 Density of Gases and Vapors 70 Determination of Total Head of Centrifugals 108-109 Diagram of Air Lift 58 Diagrammatic Arrangement of Triple Effect Evaporator.... 324 Diameters of Pulleys * : 154 Direct Acting Air Compressors 345 Direct Acting Air Compressor Table 375 Direct-Acting Pumps Data 346 Direct Acting Steam Pump Classification 258 Direct Current 234 Direct Current Motors 238 Directions for Installing Centrifugal Pumps 129 Directions for Operating Centrifugal Pumps 130 Directions for Setting the Burnham Valve Gear 262 Directions for Setting Valves of Duplex Pumps 266 Discharge Nozzles 115 Discharge Piping 22 Discharge of Water from Nozzles 149 Displacement of Air Compressors 18 Displacement of Air Cylinders 65 Displacement of Pumps 293 Displacement of Pumps for Evaporator Work '., 322 Ditches 159 Distillation of Petroleum . 454 Double Suction Pumps '.... 95 Double Suction Pumps, Horizontally Split Case Type 105-106 Driei Air 14 Dry Measure 441 Dry Vacuum Pumps, Duplex Belt 394 Dry Vacuum Pumps, Duplex Steam 402 Dry Vacuum Pumps, Single Belt 390 Dry Vacuum Pumps, Single Steam 399 Duplex Air Compressors: Class DEL Belt 41 Class BD Belt 41 Class DSL Steam , : 42 Class SD Steam 42 Class DBTL 2-Stage, Belt . 43 Class BDT 2-Stage, Belt 43 Class DSTL 2-Stage, Steam.. .' 44 Class SDT 2-Stage, Steam 44 Class CTD Cross Compound, 2-Stage 45 High Pressure Gas Compressors 39B Duplex Boiler Feed or Pressure Pumps 351 Duplex Pressure Oil Pumps 351A Duplex Pumps, Directions for Setting Valves 266 Duplex Crank and Fly Wheel Dry Vacuum Pumps 402 Duplex Crank and Fly Wheel Wet Vacuum Pumps 401 Duplex Dry Vacuum Pumps, Belted 394 Duplex Light Service Pumps _ 363 Duplex Power Oil Line Pumps 393A Duplex Power Pumps 393 Duplex Piston Pumps, Horizontal 264 Duty 300-302 Duty Table 303 E Economy Rating of Evaporators^ 329 Economy of 28" Vacuum over 26" .'..'. 176 Effect of Intake Temperatures 70 Efficiency of Air Compression at Altitudes 70 Efficiency of Centrifugal Pumps 121 Efficiency of Induction Motors 237 Efficiency of Power Pumps 384 Elbows, Loss of Pressure _ 83 Electrical Accessories 252-255 Electrical Control, Manual and Automatic for Air Compressors 240-252 Centrifugal Pumps 240-252 Power Pressure Pumps 240-252 Power Vacuum Pumps :... 240-252 Electrical Equivalents 233 Electrical Units 230-232 Electric Gear Driven Pumps 382 Elevations of Various Cities 332 Elevator Pumps 318 End Packed Plunger Pumps 272 End Packed Plunger Pump Table 353 End Packed Pot Valve Plunger Pump Table Simplex 354 End Packed Pot Valve Plunger Pump Table Duplex 354 End Packed Pot Valve Pumps 273 Engines, Horsepower of 417 Engines, Steam Consumption 174 Equivalents, Table 156-158 Evaporation 1 411 Evaporation in a Vacuum 321 Evaporator, Diagrammatic Arrangement of Triple Effect 324 Evaporators, Multiple Effect 323 Evaporators, Rating of 329 Evaporator Work, Displacement of Pumps 322 F Factors of Evaporation ^ 411 Feed Pumps, Ratings, Simplex and Duplex 315 Feed Pumps and Receivers 316 Feed Pumps and Receivers Table 350 Feed Water Pumps - 314 Feed Water Pumps, Duplex . 350-351 Feed Water Pumps, Simplex 348-349 Flanges - 412-413 Flow Diagram Cross Cracking Coil 457 Flow of Air Through Round Holes 77 Flow of Water in Flumes 164 VI ^ Foamite Pump , 473 Foundations for Air Compressors 21 Friction of Oil in Pipes, Formula 475 Friction of Oil in Pipes, Table..... ...... 477-478 Friction of Paper Stocks in Pipes 443446 Friction of Pipe Fittings 148 Friction of Water in Elbows 146-147 Friction of Water in Pipes 144-145 Fuel, Calorific Power of 437 Full Load Speed of Induction Motors 237 G Gain in Compounding Pumps 280 Gain in Thermal Efficiency 172 Gas or Gasoline Extraction Compressors _ 39B Gases and Vapors, Density of 70 Gasoline Pumps 464 Gear Driven Pumps 382 Gears and Pulleys, Rules for Sizes 153 General Construction of Air Compressors 26 Gunter'-s Chain 442 H Handling Hot Water 287 Head in Feet of Water and Mercury Equivalents 142-143 Head, Measurement of 292 Heating Systems, Steam Required 336 High Vacuum Pumps 320 High Vacuum Pump Table 368-370 High Vacuum Surface Condensers 203 Horizontal Duplex Boiler Feed or Pressure Pumps 351 Horizontal Mine Pumps 365 Horizontal Piston Pumps, Duplex 269 Horizontal Piston Pumps, Simplex 267 Horsepower of Centrifugal Pumps, Calculation. 132 Horsepower, Efficiency and Temperatures of Single and Two Stage Compression. 66 Horsepower, Efficiency and Temperatures of Three and Four Stage Compression. 67 Horsepower of Engines 417 Horsepower Hour 232 Horsepower of Motors '. 233 Horsepower of Power Pressure Pumps, Calculation of 384-385 Horsepower of Power Vacuum Pumps, Calculation of 385 Horse Power Ratings, Duplex Boiler Feed Pumps.... 315 Horse Power Ratings, Simplex Boiler Feed Pumps 315 Hot Oil Pumps Forged Steel Compound 468 Forged Steel Duplex 46 9 Forged Steel Simplex 468 Twin Forged Steel Compound Plunger 472 Twin Forged Steel Piston... 470 Twin Forged Steel Plunger 471 Twin Valve Pot 466^-467 Valve Pot Duplex : 465 Valve Pot Simplex . 465 VII House Pump, Centrifugal 107C Hydrant and Hose Stream Data 150-151 Hydraulic Efficiency 295 Hydraulic Pressure Pumps 274, 341 Hydraulic Pressure Pumps, Cast Iron Cylinder Table 373 Hydraulic Pressure Pumps, Forged Steel Cylinder Table 374 Hydrometer Scales.- 333-334 Hyperbolic Logarithms : 226 I Impellers 91 Impeller Diagram 101 Impeller Theory.- 102 Indicated H. P. of an Air Compressor 38 Indirect Radiation. 336 Induction Motors.- 234 Information for Air Lift 64 Inspection and Cleaning of Air Compressors 25 Intercooler 13 Inverted Suction Valve Vacuum Pumps 371 Irrigation 158 Irrigation Table 161-162 Isothermal Compression 6 J Jet Condensers 188-190 Jet Condenser, Calculations : 194-197 Jet Condenser Installation 191 Jet Condensers, Table 214 Joule 232 Joules' Law 3 K Kilovolt 230 Kilovolt-Ampere 232 Kilowatt 231 Kilowatt-Hour 232 L Land Measure 442 Light Service Horizontal Piston Pumps 360-361 Light Service Vertical Piston Pumps 362 Location of Compressors ; 20 Logarithms 419-420 Logarithms, Hyperbolic * 226 I/css of Heat. Simple and Compound Compression 68 Loss of Pressure in Air Pipes, 75 Ibs 80 Loss of Pressure in Air Pipes, 90 Ibs 81 Loss of Pressure in Air Pipes, 100 Ibs 82 Loss of Pressure in Air Valves, Tees and Elbows 83 Low Vacuum Pumps __ 335 Low Vacuum Pumps, Table 366-368 Lubrication Compressor Cylinder Steam Cylinder 25 VIII M Magma Pumps, Belt 391 Magma Pumps, Steam 344 Magma Pumps, Table 378 Materials and Manner of Fitting Centrifugal for Different Liquids.. 137-140 Materials and Manner of Fitting Reciprocating Pumps for Different Liquids 297-299 Measures of Length 442 Measurement of Power 1 16 Measurement of Speed 116 Measurement of Total Head 292 Measurement of Water. 1 10 Mechanical Efficiency of Air Compressors 17 Mechanical Efficiency of Pumps- 295 Melting Points ,. 432 Mensuration of Surfaces and Volumes.- 433-434 Metal Compositions, Proportion of .... 438 Metallic Packing.- 313 Methods of Priming Centrifugal Pumps 126-127 Metric Conversion Table 436 Milk Pumps 343 Milk Pumps, Table 378 Millivolt 230 Mine Pumps.- 317, 364, 365 Most Economical Vacuum for Steam Engines 173 Most Economical Vacuum for Steam Turbines : 174 Motors Alternating Current 233-238 Direct Current 238-239 Induction , 236 Selection of 240 Slip Ring 235 Squirrel Cage 235 Multiple-Effect Evaporators 323 Multipliers for Air Drills . 78 Multipliers for Compressed Air 71 Multi-Stage Compression.- 12 Multi-Stage Turbine Pumps 107 N Natural Trigonometric Functions 42 1-423 Nozzles for Water Measurement 115 Nozzles, Discharge of in G. P. M 149 o Ohm's Law 230 Oils, Characteristics of 475-476 Oils, Viscosity Chart 479 Oil For Air Compressors, Steam Cylinder 25 For Air Cylinders... 25 Table 476 Useful Information 475 IX Oil Pumps Cargo Loading Pumps 474 Centrifugal Pumps for Light Oils ,... 464 Centrifugal Gasoline Pumps , 464 Duplex Pumps 461 Duplex Oil Line Pumps Steam 462 Duplex Oil Line Pumps Power , 393A Duplex Plunger High Pressure Pumps 463 Foamite Pumps 473 Forged Steel Hot Oil Compound ---'- : 468 Forged Steel Hot Oil Duplex .' 469 Forged Steel Hot Oil Simplex 468 Multi-Stage for Oils and Water 464 Separate Chest . 461 Simplex Piston ... . 461 Simplex Plunger High Pressure - 462 Sludge Pumps 474 Valve Pot Hot Oil Simplex '. 465 Valve Pot Hot Oil Duplex..... -- - .... 465 Valve Pot Hot Oil Twin .... - 466-467 Twin Forged Steel Hot Oil Piston 470 Twin Forged Steel Hot Oil Plunger 471 Twin Forged Steel Hot Oil Compound Plunger 472 Oils, Characteristics of 476 Open Pot Water Seal - 313 Operation of Burnham Pumps 261 Operation of Turbines at High Vacuums - 177-178 Outside Center Packed Pumps 271 Outside End Packed Pumps 272 P Packing, Metallic -..' - - 313 Paper Stock Pump, Centrifugal Type 107D Paper Stock, Friction in Pipes 443-446 Paraffin Base Oils - 24-453 Performance Factors of Pumps.- - - 292 Physical Properties of Petroleum 452 Pipe, Radiating Surf ace of - - 340 Piping, Dimensions and Weights - 414-415 Piping, Discharge 22 Piston Speeds for Pumps - 292 Pitot Tube 115 Plain Belted Power Pumps 381 Plunger Pumps - >. - - 271, 272, 352-354 Pot Valve Pumps, Simplex 273, 354 Pot Valve Pumps, Duplex - 274-354 Power Factor Power Factor for Induction Motors - 237 Power Magma Pumps -- 391 Power, Measurement of 116 Power Pumps, Advantages of Different Types of Drives .. 382 Power Pump Classification _ Power, Pump Data 386 Power Pumps, Efficiency of 384 X B ATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. U.S.A. rera^ttwgFiTri Power Pumps, Single Light Service 388 Power Pumps, Single Pressure . 387 Power Pumps, Duplex 393 Power Pumps, Duplex Oil Line 393A Power Pumps Single Enclosed 392 Power Required for Condenser Auxiliaries 212-213 Power Saving with Condenser 167-173 Pressure Conversion Factors 331 Pressure Loss in Air Pipes 80-83 Pressures for Stage Compression. 15 Prime Movers for Centrifugals 123 Prime Movers, Steam Consumption 417 Priming Centrifugal Pumps 126-127 Principles of Compressed Air 2 Principles of Multiple Effect Evaporators 323-327 Principles of Surface Condensers 183-185 Properties of Saturated Steam for Condensers 206-207 Proportions of Various Compositions 438 Pulleys and Gears 153 Pulleys and Gears, Rules for Sizes 153 Pulleys, Diameter of : 154 Pumping Cost 133 Pumping Liquids Other Than Water. 134-136 Pumping With Compressed Air 57 Pumps for the Oil Industry 458 Pumps Advantages of Duplex 266 Capacity of 305 Centrifugal Pumps and Receivers _ 107A Displacement of 293 Duplex Pumps and Receivers 351B Mechanical Efficiency 295 Performance Factor 292 Piston Speed 292 Power 380 Simplex Pumps and Receivers 350 Steam 258 Table of Capacity 305 Valves 309 Volumetric and Mechanical Efficiency 294-295 Q Quantity of Lubricating Oil for Air Cylinders 25 Quantity of Lubricating Oil for Air Compressor 'Steam Cylinder's 25 R Radiating Surface of Pipe ? 340 Ratio of Areas 307-308 Ratio of Cylinders for Compound Pumps 280 Ratio of Submergence 59 Receivers, Air __ 22, 46 Reduction of Barometer to Sea Level 332 Refining of Oils 453 XI } UN I ON STEAM PUMP C OMPANY 4 Relative Quantities of Water 152 Ring Packing for Fluid Pistons 312 Ropes and Cables 442 Rules for Size of Pulleys and Gears 153 s Saturated Steam, Table 406-409 Saturated Steam at High Vacuum 176 Saturated Steam for Condenser Work..... 206-207 Selection of Motors >.. 240 Separate Chest Pumps ... 351A-461 Short Belt Driven Power Pumps , 381 Side Suction Volute Pumps 103-104 Simple Cylinder Pumps 278 Simple Cylinder Pumps, Calculation of 278 Single Belted Dry Vacuum Pumps 390 Single Crank and Fly Wheel Dry Vacuum Pumps 399 Single Crank and Fly Wheel Syrup Pumps 400 Single Crank and Fly Wheel Wet Vacuum Pumps 398 Single Enclosed Type Power Pumps , 392 Single Piston Pattern Light Service Pumps 388 Single Piston Pattern Pressure Pumps 387 Single Pumps. 259 Single Stage BL, Belt Driven Compressors 39 Single Stage SL, Steam Driven Compressors 39 Single Stage Compression at Altitudes 72 Single Suction Pumps 95 Sinking Pumps, Vertical '. 365 Size of Auxiliaries for Condensers.. , 186-187 Size of Suction and Discharge Pipes 288 Slip of Induction Motors 236 Slip of Pumps.__ 294 Slip Ring Motors 235 Sludge Pumps 474 Specific Gravity of Metals 438 Specific Gravity of Petroleum 452-476 Specific Heat at Constant Pressure 4 Specific Heat at Constant Volume 3 Speed of Induction Motors 236 Speed, Measurement of 116 Speed, Pumps 292 Squirrel Cage Motors 235 Standard Pattern Wet Vacuum Power Pumps 389 Steam Consumption of Air Compressors.. 37 Steam Consumption of Engines 174 Steam Consumption of Prime Movers 417 Steam Consumption of Turbines- 178 Steam Cylinders 33 Steam Cylinder Lubrication 25 Steam Driven Dry Vacuum Pumps - 215 Steam Economy of Pumps 304 Steam Indicated Horse Power. 296 Steam Pumps.- 258 Steam Required by Heating Systems 336 XII jnnnnr jnrM JLHJ ALL J BATTLE C REE K . M I CHI G AN ._ JLL_ _S,^V Steam Table for Evaporator Work 330 Steam Turbines - 125 Straight Distillation of Petroleum 454 Stuffing Boxes vSuctionat Altitudes Suction Air Chambers - 291 Suction Denned Suction Lift Diagram for Centrifugal Pumps 128 Suction Pipe 287 Sump Pumps 107B superheated Steam Table : 410 Surface Condenser Calculations - 185 Surface Condenser Construction 197 Surface to Condense Steam Under Different Conditions 204 Surface of Tubes for Condensers ~- 216 Synchronous Motors 234 Syrup Pumps, Crank and Fly- Wheel- - 400 T Table of Branch Pipes - 79 Table of Degrees, Brix. 448 Table Giving Injection Water, Vapor and Displacements for Jet Condensers 192-193 Table of Horse Power Ratings, Duplex Feed Pumps - 315 Table of Horse Power Ratings, Simplex Boiler Feed Pumps 315 Tanks, Contents of - - - 416 Tank Pumps - 360-364 Tees, Loss of Pressure in - 83 Tests of Turbines.. - 178 Theoretical Capacity of Pumps 305 Theoretical Horse Power to Raise Water 155 Thermal Efficiency 172 Thermometers 424 Three Ring Fluid Piston Packing 312 Triple Effect Evaporator 328 Triplex High Pressure Milk Pumps 396 Triplex Plunger Pumps.- 395 Tubes, Surface in Square Feet 217 Turbine Pumps 92 Turbines, Operation of at Different Vacuum :. 177178 Turbo-Generators, Water Rates 180 Twin Pumps : 459 Two Stage Air Compression 10 Two Stage Compression at Altitudes.- 73 Two Stage Single Acting Belt Driven Compressors 40 Two Stage Double Acting Belt Driven Compressors 39A Two Stage Single Acting Steam Driven Compressors 40 Two Stage Double Acting Steam Driven Compressors. 39A Types of Compound Pumps 283 Types of Drives for Air Compressors 36 U U. S. Standard Flanges.- 412 U. S. Standard Flanges, Extra Heavy 413 XIII UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY U. S. System and Metric Comparative Tables 435-436 Useful Data 331 Useful Information, Oil 475 Uses of Centrifugal Pumps 97-99 Uses of Compressed Air 47 Use of Hydraulic Pressure Pumps 341 v Vacuum at Sea Level 175 Vacuum, Economy of 28" Vacuum Over 26" 176 Vacuum, Feet Conversion Table. . 152 Vacuum for Steam Engines 173 Vacuum for Steam Turbines 174 Vacuum Heating Pumps, Calculation of.. 338 Vacuum Heating System 337 Vacuum in Closed Tank 404-405 Vacuum Pans 322 Vacuum Pumps Crank and Flywheel, Wet Vacuum. 398-401 Dry Vacuum 390, 394, 399, 402 High-Vacuum, Uses 320 Inverted Suction- Valve 371 Low and High Classification 319-320 Low- Vacuum, Uses 335 Tables, Low and High 366-371 Wet Vacuum, Power Driven 389 Wet Vacuum, Steam Driven 366-372 Valves, Air 30-31 Valve Area 309 Valve Gear for Air Compressors . 32 Valve Motion, Burnham Pumps. 260 Valve Motion Duplex Pumps 264 Valves, Pump 309-312 Vapors and Gases, Density of 70 Velocity of Flow Through Pipes 1 - 163 Velocitv of Water in Ditches.. '. 160-161 Venturi Meter 114 Vertical Air Compressors, Single and Duplex 45-46 Vertical Boiler Feed or Pressure Pumps 349 Vertical Duplex Boiler Feed or Pressure Pumps 351 Vertical Duplex Light Service Pumps 364 Vertical Light Service Pumps 362 Vertical Piston Pumps 276 Vertical Sinking Pumps 365 Vertical Vacuum Pumps 372 Viscolizer 397 Viscosity of Oils 452-479 V. Notch Weir 114 Voltage 230 Volumes of Dry Saturated Steam at High Vacuums 176 XIV Volumes of Free Air 84 Volumes, Mean Pressure and Temperature of Compressed Air 69 Volumetric Efficiency of Compressors 14-19 Volumetric Efficiency of Pumps 294 Volute Pumps 94 w Water, Flow in Flumes 164 Water, Flow Through Pipes .... 163 Water, Hot, Handling of 287 Water for Irrigation : 158 Water Horse Power 296 Water, Measurement of 110 Water Piston and Plunger 312 Water Rates of Turbo-Generators 180 Water, Relative Quantities - 152 Water Seal, Open Pot . 313 Water, Velocity in Ditches 160-161 Water Works Pumps . 316 Weight of Air.... 85 Weight of Brass Tubing 218-225 Weights of Materials- 439-440 Weights and Specific Gravity of Liquids 440 Weights and Specific Gravity of Metals 438 Weir Box...- Ill Weir Table : 112-113 Well Pumps : 342,377 Wet Vacuum Power Pumps 389 Wet Vacuum Pumps 319 Wet Vacuum Pumps, Crank and Fly Wheel 398, 401 Wire Gauge Standards 418 Work of Adiabatic Compression 5 Work of Isothermal Compression 7 Work of Two Stage Compression 10 Wrought Iron Pipe 414 Wrought Iron Pipe, Extra Strong 415 Wrought Iron Pipe, Double Extra Strong.- 415 XV CO a, 3 CO I C 3 - L3 I I 3 5 C 2 < *g X C FOREWORD Authentic information on the proper selection, installation and operation of Pumping Machinery, Air Compressors and Condensers, has long been the source of constant search by engineers, architects and those interested in either the theory or practical application of this class of machinery. Thirty successful years in the manufacture of this product has brought to us the realization of the need of a practical and condensed collection of this data, and we have, for the con- venience of our friends, compiled this Union Engineering Handbook devoted to the theory and practice in design and use of Air Compressors, Centrifugal Pumps, Condensers, Steam and Power Pumps. This book is presented as typical of the engineering service extended by UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY, Battle Creek, Michigan. PUMPING MACHiNfiRY, lAIR_^QMPRESS QRS __ ~*4mm*kw*w^^r*r^-?fW^^vrirf-ir^v if vi wvivw & "'a nrwwwwvm ait a am gYTg-g-nzwur * t a 1 BW^Ja * Air Compressors SECTION ONE fe b 2^~ " ___ a UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Compressed Air and Air Compressors Scarcely an industry exists that does not utilize compressed air in some manner. Second only to electricity in the extent and diversity of application, compressed air is one of the most important factors in every phase in the art of manufacture. The rapid development of compressed air appliances has brought about economical results that are reflected in every field of indus- try. As the economical application of compressed air is wholly dependent upon its economical production, it is apparent that the modern air compressor must embody every refinement in design and construction. The cost of producing compressed air involves three separate items: first, interest and depreciation on the amount invested in compressed >air equipment; second, operating cost; third, maintenance or upkeep cost. To minimize the cost of production, it is necessary to minimize each and every one of the above items. As all three items depend upon the design and construction of the air compressor, good judgment and experience recommend as the best investment the purchase of a strictly high grade compressor, commanding a fair price which is a true measure of its value and which covers a construction insuring the lowest oper- ating and upkeep cost. In Union Air Compressors will be found these necessary requirements. The selection of the type of compressor depends entirely upon local conditions. Where steam is available, a steam driven unit is most desired. The steam cylinder constitutes a very efficient steam engine, and the power is transmitted direct, eliminating transmission losses and saving the expense of belts, shafts, pulleys, etc. On the other hand, there are numerous cases where a belt driven machine is far cheaper to operate, and the purchaser is always best competent to judge which type is the more desirable. Principles of Compressed Air In order to obtain an idea of the subject of air compression, there are certain underlying principles and laws that should be reviewed. On the following pages are given the basic laws and formulae for air compression that must be recognized when studying this subject. Boyle's Law: At constant temperature, the volume of a gas is proportional to the absolute pressure or PV = P 1 V 1 in which P = Initial absolute pressure in pounds per square inch. V. = Initial volume in cubic feet. PI= Final absolute pressure in pounds per square inch. V\ = Final volume in cubic feet. This law expresses the fact that if the pressure on a certain volume of gas is doubled, the volume will be one-half the original volume (if the temperature is constant) , or conversely, if at constant temperature, the pressure is reduced one-half, the volume will be doubled. Charles' Law: At constant volume, the pressure of a perfect gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature or at constant pressure the volume is directly proportional to the absolute temperature or: T T! T T! in which T and T : are initial and final absolute temperatures in degrees Fah. Combining Charles' and Boyle's laws, we have the tormula P V_Pj V l "IT T! Joules' Law: When a perfect gas expands doing no ex- ternal work, the temperature remains constant. For example in the equation P VP V If T^TiWe have P V = P l V lt which is the law of expan- sion of a perfect gas. Specific Heat The Specific heat of a substance is the amount of heat (B. T. U.) that is required to raise the temper- ature of a pound of the substance through 1 Fah. Specific Heat at Constant Volume Cv PV PI Vi In the equation - = * T Tj P P If V = Vithen we have = T T! which is the law of Charles. Suppose we have a certain volume !| ' AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE -4 r IT NION STEAM PU M P COM PA NY 3 of air contained in a closed receptacle, and the temperature is raised 1 Fah. The pressure is thereby raised according to the above law, and the intrinsic energy of the air increased. No work is done, however, because work equals pressure multi- plied by distance, and by our supposition the latter factor is zero. At constant volume, then, the specific heat of air is the amount of heat (B. T. U.) that is required to raise the temper- ature of one pound of the air through 1 Fah., the volume being kept constant as above. C v for air is found by experiment to be .1685. Specific Heat at Constant Pressure C P Assume in this instance that we have a vertical cylinder containing a quantity of air, and resting on the air is a frictionless piston of constant weight, or pressure P. If the air is heated, the volume will increase, moving the piston outward, and external work is performed. At constant pressure, then, the specific heat of air is the amount of heat (B. T. U.) that is required to raise the temperature of one pound of the air through 1 Fah., if the air is allowed to expand against a constant pressure. Therefore C p = C + the heat equivalent of external work, and for air has been found to be .2375. C p and C v are measured in B. T. U's., so as to obtain their equivalent in foot pounds, it is necessary to multiply by 778, and the products for convenience of calculation are called K p and K v . Getting back to our assumption of the cylinder and piston and assuming further that we have (W) pounds of air; in order that external work be done, and the temperature raised 1 Fah., it is necessary that W (C p C v ) thermal units of heat be applied, or W (K p K v ) foot pounds of work. In order to raise the temperature T degrees, W (K p K v ) T foot pounds of work must be done on the air. Since work is equal to pressure through volume, we have Work = P V = W X (K p K v ) X T or assuming (K p K v ) = R, we have the formula : P V = W R T. (1) Theoretically air may be compressed in two ways: Adiabatically or Isothermally. Adiabatic Compression Adiabatic compression of air is compression without loss of heat. Consider for example a perfectly insulated air cylinder and piston having full charge of air between the piston and cylinder head. As the piston moves, the volume of air becomes smaller, and the temperature rises, the former in inverse proportion to the absolute pressure exerted, and the latter equivalent to the amount of work done. Under these conditions the air at the end of the compression will retain all of the heat so produced, and this particular compression is called adiabatic.- In actual practice such conditions of com- pression are impossible. P Vi In adiabatic compression the law = 1 is not followed strictly, because as the temperature rises unchecked, it reacts on the air being compressed to increase the volume. Therefore to write an expression for adiabatic compression, it is necessary T7 that be increased by an amount equivalent to the amount of external work done on the air by heat reaction during com- pression. It has been shown by various authorities on heat or thermodynamics that P (Vj) . C p .2375 _=_ m wluchn=^ =1.41 for air holds nearly tiue. Work of Adiabatic Compression Figure 1 shows the theoretical indicator card oi an air cylinder having no clearance. The total work done is equal to the work of compression shown by the area under the curve B C, plus the work of expulsion of the air from the cylinder shown by the area P 2 V 2 , minus the work done on the piston by the inlet air shown by the area P l Vj. Then calling Q the total amount of work = 498.7 P v--l (2) and the horse power required to compress 1 cubic foot of free air per minute adiabatically is AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY" SERVICE ni^^ UNION STEAM PU M P COM P ANY (3) Figl EXAMPLE: What horse power will be required to com- press adiabatically 1 cubic foot of free air at sea level to 100 pounds gauge pressure? SOLUTION: Inserting the above values in equation 3: H. P. = 4.5 = .18 (1.811) Isothermal Compression Isothermal compression is compression at constant tem- perature. In other words this is compression wherein all heat is removed by some form of cooling device as fast as it is pro- duced. The relation then existing between pressure and volume at any instant is shown by the equation : PI V,=P 2 V S -C (4) E PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSO R jj["L| |" BATTLE C RE E K. MICHIGAN, U.S.A. I Pig. 2. Work of Isothermal Compression Fig. 2 is the theoretical indicator card of isothermal com- pression in a cylinder having no clearance. The compression begins as before at absolute pressure PI and volume V\, and ends at P 2 and V 2 . The total work Q in foot pounds done on the air is equal to the algebraic sum of the work of the com- pression, expulsion and the work done by the intake air, and is shown in the following equation : = 144?^ Log, ' " m and the horse power required to compress 1 cubic foot of free air per minute isothermally is (6) Log, H. P.=. 15.6 m EXAMPLE: What horse power will be required to com- press isothermally 1 cubic foot of free air at sea level to 100 pounds gauge pressure? SOLUTION : Inserting i,he above values in equation 6, r- i H. P. = 15.6 15.6 1 15.6 .132 Log e 7.8 x2.05 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVICE Actual Compression with Clearance In the actual practice of air compression, neither of the above formulae would apply, for it is impossible to design an air compressor cylinder in which either adiabatic or isothermal compression can be obtained. The air cylinder in practice is equipped with a water jacket for the remqval of some of the heat E N ERS UN I O N S TEAM PU M P COM P ANY Fig. 4. Figure 4 shows the actual air indicator card taken from a single stage air compressor having disc valves on the inlet and discharge. The areas A and B represent the amount of work necessary to open the discharge and the inlet valves, and G F is the volume occupied by the re-expanded clearance air. The volume lying between the suction line and the atmospheric line is the energy expended to fill the cylinder with air. Two Stage Air Compression It is evident now that isothermal compression requires the expenditure of the least amount of power. As before shown this form of compression is impossible in practice, but an approach to it is realized by compression in stages, and cooling the air between each stage. In this way isothermal compression is partially realized as will be seen later. In two stage compression the air is drawn from the atmos- phere into the first or low pressure cylinder, and there com- pressed up to a certain pressure. It is then discharged through an intercooler where the temperature is reduced by circulating water, and then drawn into the second or high pressure cylinder where the compression is continued up to the desired terminal pressure. Work of Two Stage Air Compression In a two stage compressor it is customary to proportion the cylinders so that the work is equally divided between the two. In the following it is assumed that the work is the same in each cylinder, and further that the temperature of the air 10 CREEK. MICHIGAN, U.S.A. Fig. 5 after passing through the intercooler is the same as the atmos- phere. Figure 5 shows the cycle of operation in a two stage com- pressor. A volume V l of air under pressure P^ is drawn into the low pressure cylinder, and there compressed to volume V 2 , and pressure P 2 . The air is cooled and the volume is reduced to that shown by GC, which is equivalent to the volume obtained in isothermal compression from P 1 to P 2 . The high pressure cylinder then receives the air and compresses it up to the pres- sure P 4 and volume V 4 . The curve of compression follows the broken line EDCB. If the air was compressed in a single stage compressor from P x to P 4 , the curve of compression would be E I (P V n = C) and the work done shown by area AIEF. The work done by two stage compression is shown by the area ABCDEF, and the saving realized by staging is shown by the area BIDC. If Q 1 and Q 2 equal work done in j:oot pounds, to com- press air in the low pressure and high pressure cylinders re- spectively, and Q= total work of compression, the value of Q then is n-i (10) AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 11 The horse power required to compress one cubic foot of free air per minute in this way, remembering that (Vj_ - V 3 ) is the net amount of air drawn into the low pressure cylinder, is 7. 8 (n-1) \l4.7 P 2 in equation 11 is the intercooler pressure, while in for- mulae for work in single-stage compression, 'P 2 designates termi- nal pressure. Example: What horse power will be required to actually compress one cubic foot of free air at sea level, by two stage compression, to 100 pounds gauge pressure? Solution: With two stage compression, P 2 for 100 pounds pressure is (from table page 16) 26.3 -f 14.7 =41.0 pounds. Inserting the values in equation 11: 1.25 - 1 ' 25 - 1 H. P. = 7.8 (1.25 .64 (2.78- 2 1) .64 X .227 .145 Multi-Stage Compression and Its Advantages Theoretically there is a gain in multi-stage compression, whatever the pressure. However, with low pressures, the sav- ing is so small as to be offset by the additional expense involved, and the unavoidable mechanical losses in the operation of the additional mechanism. Experience has fixed from 80 pounds to 100 pounds gauge as maximum terminal pressures, which can be best attained with a single stage compressor; and for pressures from 80 pounds up, multi-stage compression in two, three and four-stage compressors is employed. In multi-stage air compressors correctly designed, the cylinder ratios are such that the final temperatures, and mean effective pressures are equal in all cylinders, and all pistons are, therefore, equally loaded. The air compressed in the first cylinder with a pressure determined by the cylinder ratio, is discharged through the discharge valves to an intercooler where it is split up into thin streams passing over cold surfaces. Mod- ern practice involves a nest of tubes through which cold water circulates, and over and between which the stream of air passes, complete breaking-up and subdivision of the stream being se- 12 P BATTL E C RE E K. MIC HI CAN, U. S. A. [ cured by baffle plates, and the tubes themselves (see figure 6). A properly designed intercooler having sufficient cooling area for the volume of air may reduce the temperature of air com- pressed in the first cylinder to at least the temperature of the outgoing water. Intercooler Fig 6. From the intercooler, this air, entering the second or high pressure cylinder, is compressed to a higher pressure, and again reaches a temperature about the same as that attained in the first cylinder. In two stage machines, this air will be discharged directly to the receiver without further cooling unless conditions are such as to render necessary the use of an aftercooler. The principal advantages of multi-stage compression are: Reduced power, higher volumetric efficiency, drier air, and better lubrication. These will be considered in order. Reduced Power: The table on page 68 gives the percent- age of work lost in the heat of compression in one, two, or three stages at various pressures. In these figures no account is taken of jacket cooling, nor is any allowance made for certain inevitable mechanical losses. Taking a specific example, the saving by multi-staging is evident. Assuming a volume of compressed air equivalent to 100 effective horse power is to be delivered at a pressure of 100 pounds. Referring to the table in column 2, the theoretical per- centage of lost work in one stage compression is given at 36.7; but because there is bound to be some radiation of heat, the value of 36.7% will not be found in practice, and 30% may be assumed as a practical figure under average conditions. On this basis, it is found that to deliver 100 horse power in com- pressed air at 100 pounds pressure, by one stage compression , there will be required 130 indicated horse power. Looking AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERT SERVICE 13 now at column 4 of the table, the percentage of loss in two stage compression at this pressure is found to be 16.9 per cent, which is very close to the figure found in practice. Applying this value, it is seen that to deliver the equivalent of 100 effective horse power in air at 100 pounds pressure, by two stage com- pression, about 117 indicated horse power will be required. In this case as between single and two stage-compression, we have a direct saving of 13 indicated horse power or 10%. Higher Volumetric Efficiency: Before free air can enter through the suction valves, the air remaining in the clearance space between piston and head, at the end of the stroke, must be expanded on the return stroke to atmospheric pressure. Evidently the higher the pressure in this clearance space, the greater this expanded volume, and the lower the intake efficiency of the cylinder. In single stage compression, clearance pressure is the working pressure. In compound compression, clearance pressure in each cylinder is terminal pressure in that cylinder, but this terminal pressure in the intake cylinder is low, gener- ally not over 25 pounds, when the final working pressure is 100 pounds. The volumetric efficiency of a multi-stage compressor is higher for this reason, the clearance -in the low pressure cylinder only, being in question. Another reason for higher volumetric efficiency resulting from multi-stage compression is the fact that terminal press- ures, and consequently terminal temperatures are lower than in single stage cylinders. The cylinder walls and more particular- ly the heads with the valves and ports which may be in them are therefore kept much cooler, and the entering air is not much heated by contact with these parts. A third element entering into the question of capacity is the reduced leakage in stage-compression cylinders through valves and past pistons and rods with the resultant loss of power. It is evident that the higher the pressure, the greater liability to leaking; and the smaller range of partly balanced pressures in multi-stage cylinders reduce this loss. Drier Air : One of the greatest difficulties encountered in air power transmission has been the freezing of the moisture in the air, either in the pipe line, or at the exhaust ports of the air motors. One of the great advantages of multi-stage compres- sion lies in the opportunity it affords for cooling the compressed air between stages to a temperature at which its moisture will be precipitated. Practically all of this condensation occurs in the intercooler; and herein appears the necessity for a design, t [ nt t tntt^AtKAtti.mtttu MmK ^ KKminRaKnKaAKAnK ^ K ^ A ^^ f: ^^^^^ M1 ^ SJIi ^^^^ A ^ n y\ 14 | BATTLE C REE K. MIC HIGAN, U. S. A. | which will allow the air to pass over the tubes at a low velocity with a full opportunity for cooling on the tubes. The moisture in suspension is withdrawn through the drain pipe, which is provided at the lowest point of the intercooler. Unless the moisture is not withdrawn from the intercooler, the value of the latter as an air drier is lost; for the moisture is carried over into the high pressure cylinder, producing a condition of cutting and leakage in the valves and rings, and finally working into the pipe line. Aftercoolers are in some instances as im- portant as intercoolers in removing the moisture. Better Lubrication : If air be compressed in a single cylinder, from atmosphere, and a temperature of 60 Fah. to a final pressure of 100 pounds, the maximum temperature will be 484 Fah. This temperature is manifestly destructive to common lubri- cants, and ordinary oils are burned into a solid gritty coke-like substance, which gives the very reverse to proper lubrication, unless proper cooling devices are employed to keep the parts cold. This carbon deposit collecting in ports and valves may so obstruct and clog them as to cause leakage and throw an additional load on the compressor. If, however, the same volume of air be compressed in the low pressure cylinder to a pressure of 25 pounds, the highest temperature which can be reached is only 233., a heat which will not leave a deposit or destroy the lubricating qualities of good oils such as should be used in air compressor work. This air passing through the inter- cooler will be brought back to approximately the original temper- ature of 60, and compressed in the second stage, or high pres- sure cylinder, from 25 pounds to 100 pounds. Here the max- imum temperature will be little, if any in excess of that in the first stage cylinder, since the heat of compression is a function of the number of compressions, and is almost wholly independent of initial pressure. In multi-stage compressors, therefore, the conditions of temperatures are seen to be most conducive to thorough lubrication of the pistons and valves tending towards durability and tightness of the working parts with sustained efficiency of the machine. Pressures for Stage Compression Single stage compression is used for pressures up to 100 pounds. Two stage compression for pressures from 80 pounds to 500 pounds, three stage compression for pressures 500 pounds to 1500 pounds, and four stage compression for pressures above 1500 pounds. ^P Bg S^.gff:?.%^.^J^g^ g ^ ER ' VICE " 15 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANV Correct Cylinder Ratios for Two Stage Compression. The correct ratio of cylinders is obtained by the following formula : or 2 stage compression, (12) In which r = ratio of cylinders. P 3 = Absolute terminal pressure in pounds per square inch. P = Atmospheric pressure in pounds per square inch. Thus in two stage compression, we extract the square root of the number of atmospheres to be compressed. This pro- portion of cylinder volumes divides the work equally between the different stages. The intercooler pressure (Pj) in a two stage compressor is obtained by the following formula : (13) In which P l = Intercooler pressure oetween first and second stages. The following table gives the correct cylinder ratio and intercooler pressure in two stage compression for gauge pres- sures from 50 to 500 pounds per square inch. _o o 8 B *o J3 <3 S3 JH ss *-*j o3 all ||| H ill lai hr U3 r" "8 11 -4J C W 8^ i&l S J 1 fcuJH S s l !|| log ll go| -11 od< <* i< c3-3> o cS-o> ^oi 50 64.7 4.40 2.10 16.2 200 214.7 14.60 3.82 41.4 60 74.7 5.08 2.25 18.4 210 224.7 15.28 3.91 42.8 70 84.7 5.76 2.40 20.6 220 234.7 15.96 3.99 44.0 80 94.7 6.44 2.54 22.7 230 244.7 16.64 4.08 45.3 90 104.7 7.12 2.67 24.5 240 254.7 17.32 4.17 46.6 100 114.7 7.80 2.79 26.3 250 264.7 18.00 .24 47.6 110 124.7 8.48 2.91 28.1 260 274.7 18.68 .32 48.8 120 134.7 9.16 3.03 29.8 270 284.7 19.36 .40 50.0 130 144.7 9.84 3.14 31.5 280 294.7 20.04 .48 51.1 140 154.7 10.52 3.24 32.9 290 304.7 20.72 .55 52.2 150 164.7 11.20 3.35 34.5 300 314.7 21.40 .63 534 160 174.7 11.88 3.45 36.1 350 364.7 24.80 .98 58.5 170 184.7 12.56 3.54 37.3 400 414.7 28.20 5.31 63.3 180 194 7 13 24 3.64 38.8 450 464.7 31.60 5.61 67.8 190 204.7 13.92 3.73 40.1 500 514.1 35.01 5.91 72.1 PUMPING MACHINERY; AIR COMPRESSORS 16 i Air Compression at Altitudes If a compressor is operated at a greater altitude than sea level (14.7 pounds per square inch), the intake air pressure will be proportionately less, and additional work is imposed upon the compressor. The capacity of "a given compressor is less at higher altitudes than at sea level, because of the diminished density of the intake air. Volumetric efficiency is also less at altitudes, due to the fact that the clearance air expands to the atmospheric pressure and consequently when expanding occupies a larger volume of the cylinder. The table on page 70 gives the multipliers for compression at altitudes. Mechanical Efficiency The mechanical efficiency of a steam driven compressor is equal to the air indicated horse power divided by the steam indicated horse power or _ Air Indicated H. P. m ~ Steam I. H. P. and the mechanical efficiency of a power driven air compressor is _ _ Air Indicated H. P. Brake H. P. Delivered to compressor shaft. This efficiency depends on the mechanical construction of the compressor and the lubrication. It varies from 80% to 92%. Compression Efficiency Compression efficiency is the fatio of the theoretical Horse Power required to compress an amount of air to that actually required or Theoretical Horse Power. T^ IM /* /*\ Actual Horse Power. I AND CONDEN SERS FOR EVERY S ERVICE ij 17 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY This efficiency depends upon the water jacket and cooling devices, and it is principally to increase compression efficiency that compound compression is employed. To determine the compression efficiency, the isothermal curve is plotted on the air card figure 7, starting of course at the beginning of the stroke and ending at the theoretical delivery line, or thermal pressure line. The area AFDE, this divided by the area ABDC of the actual card, is the compression efficiency. Actual compression curves will follow the adiabatic curve quite closely as the water jacket has little effect other than to facilitate lubrication. Fig. 7. Displacement Air compressors are always rated according to displace- ment, that is the volume displaced by the net area of the com- pressor piston. Capacity The capacity should be expressed in cubic feet per minute of free air at intake temperature, and at the pressure of dry air at the suction. PUMPING MACHINERY. AIR COMPRESSORS awatfv>tttt W vt^g^-^^w^t^nrTrirrg^^ 18 |" BATTLE C REEK. MICHIGAN, U. S.A. ^j] Volumetric Efficiency Volumetric efficiency is the ratio of the actual number of cubic feet of free air compressed per unit of time to the number of cubic feet of piston displacement during that time or, Actual cubic feet of free air per minute. f v Cubic feet of piston displacement per minute. On the indicator diagram, the observed volumetric efficiency is jjjf (fig. 7). Volumetric efficiency depends upon the clearance volume in the air cylinder. If there were no clearance spaces in the cylinder, the volumetric efficiency would be 100%. The greater the clearance volume, the greater -the volume of the cylinder occupied by the expanded clearance air. Volumetric efficiency depends upon the terminal pressure. The higher the terminal pressure of the air in the cylinder, the greater will be the volume occupied by the expanded air of the clearance spaces. This means that as the terminal pressure is in- creased, the volumetric efficiency decreases. Volumetric efficiency depends upon the temperature and pressure of the intake air. ; Since volumetric efficiency refers to free air at 14.7 pounds and 60 Fah., then every change of temperature and pressure of intake has its effect upon the volumetric efficiency of the compressor. For example, let us suppose the temperature of the intake air of the compressor is 60 Fah., and the atmospheric pressure 14.7 pounds, or in other words it is actual free air thai is drawn into the cylinder. If the compressor has a displacement of 100 cubic feet of free air per minute, and actually delivers 85 cubic feet of free air per minute at 100 pounds pressure, the volumetric efficiency is Now if the temperature of the intake air is raised to 65 Fah , the other conditions of operation remaining the same, the compressor will still deliver 85 cubic feet of free air per minute, but owing to its higher temperature, a smaller weight or mass of air will be taken into the cylinder according to the law of Charles. 85 cubic feet of air at 60 Fah. and 14.7 pounds pressure is equivalent to 84 cubic feet at 65 Fah., and 14.7 pounds pressure. Under these conditions the volume- tric efficiency decreases 19 This shows that there is a loss of 1% in volumetric effici- ency for every 5 rise in temperature of the intake air. Volumetric efficiency is also affected by changing the atmosphere or intake pressure, the temperature remaining constant. To show this, assume that the compressor, referred to above, were removed to an altitude of 5000 feet, where the intake air is at 12.20 pounds pressure, and 60 Fah. Now 85 cubic feet of this air is equivalent to 70 cubic feet of free air at sea level and the volumetric efficiency is v 100 In the selection of air compressors, it should be borne in mind that they are always rated according to the piston dis- placement, and due allowance must be made for the volumetric efficiency. The volumetric efficiency of the average compres- sor varies from 70% to 95% according to the size and conditions of operation. Compressor Installation and Operation. The large majority of instances of unsatisfactory opera- tion of air compressors eminates from the improper installa- tion in the first place, and continued negligent operation and disregard of the compressor manufacturer's instructions in the second place. An air compressor is looked upon by many engineers as a machine that can be tucked away in an out-of-way place, and left to itself without any attention. An air compressor, like any piece of machinery, requires some attention for successful operation, and if the operator, before erecting a compressor, will spend a little time famil- iarizing himself with the practical principles of an air com- pressor, the biggest majority of the cases of trouble will be eliminated. A careful study of the compressor manufacturer's instructions will enlighten the operator on this subject. Location. An air compressor should be installed in a place which is clean and cool, and ample space be provided all around the compressor for cleaning and inspecting. Too often compres- 20 sors are pushed off in a corner where it is an impossibility to get around them. Locations of compressors in boiler rooms, near coal piles, or other places where there is liable to be an accumulation or a settling of dust and dirt, should be avoided. Foundations. Air compressor foundations depend of course upon the size and type of air compressor, as well as the nature of the soil. An air compressor, like an engine, requires a rigid founda- tion to prevent any vibration. The value of a foundation made of good materials, and well built, will be readily under- stood. The slight difference in cost between the best and inferior materials and workmanship will save future annoy- ance and expense. The materials used in the foundation depend somewhat upon local conditions, but it is advisable to use cement concrete, as this material furnishes an excellent foundation at a comparatively small cost. The following mixture is recommended for concrete foundations : One part Portland cement, three parts coarse sand and six parts broken stone. Allow the foundation to stand at least a week after it is completed, before placing the compressor upon it. With each compressor, the manufacturer sends out a detailed foundation plan, and the foundation can be laid out and built from this plan before the compressor is received. Air Inlet Piping. It has already been shown that an increase of 5 Fah. in the temperature of the intake air is accompanied by a decrease of 1% for volumetric efficiency, which means that as the intake air temperature increases, the free air capacity of the com- pressor decreases, and the same amount of power is expended as though the full capacity of the compressor was being realized. To get the best results, the air intake should be piped to the outside of the building, some 8 or 10 feet above the ground level, or above the roof. Dust and dirt must by all means be prevented from entering the compressor, as it will cut and wear the cylinder surfaces, as well as the valve seats, and cause all manner of trouble. The intake opening should be hooded to keep out rain, and carefully screened to eliminate dust and dirt. AND CONDENSERS _FOR EVERV SERVICE 21 The intake pipe should be at least the size of the inlet on the compressor, and wherever the line is of any length, it is advisable to increase this size to avoid fractional losses. Discharge Piping The discharge pipe should be at least the diameter of the discharge opening in the air cylinder, and contain as few bends as possible! The discharge pipe should be carried the full size into the receiver. Air Receivers The functions of an air receiver are (1) to create a cushion and eliminate the compressor pulsations in the pipe line; (2) to serve as a storage of power; (3) to cool the air and pre- cipitate any oil or moisture in entrainment; (4) to eliminate friction losses that would occur, if cooling were effected in the pipe lines. The receiver should therefore be located in a cool place, and as close as possible to the compressor. The receiver fittings should include pressure gauge, safety valve and blow- off cock. Lubrication Bearings in modern air compressors, the main bearings as well as the connecting rod and crosshead bearings, are usually lubricated by means of the splash system. Fig 8. The sectional view shown herewith, illustrates an enclosed type air compressor lubricated by the splash system. The frame forms with its covers a closed chamber, with a quantity of oil in the basin below the crank, into which the crank and connecting rod dip at each revolution. The motion of these parts splashes the oil to every bearing, and insures copious lubrication. By means of a well designed settling chamber, 22 O At"TL"CRE E K '. MICHIGAN. ~U7 "S^A. rii>ivvvv^.r W W^rvTrn l ^^^ any sediment or abrasive material, which may accumulate in the oil, is returned to the bottom of the frame, and prevented from being carried through the bearings. Close fitting cast iron covers prevent any leakage from the frame. Air Cylinder: The air cylinder lubrication is by far the most vital point in air compressor lubrication, and as a rule it seems to be the least understood. In order to appreciate the necessity of proper cylinder lubrication, it is advisable to con- sider the conditions that have to be met. The compression of air results in a rise in temperature according to the equation on page 3. For adiabatic com- pression of air, the temperature and pressure relations are ex- pressed by the formula: n-i ,_ _, 1.29 (18) and Ti =T Where T and T 1 are the initial and final absolute air tem- peratures, and P and P 1 the initial and final absolute pressures, therefore the temperature of the air at discharge from the cylinder is dependent not only upon the pressure, but on the temperature of the intake air. For example, assume a single stage compressor operating at sea level at an atmospheric temperature of 60 Fah., and discharging against 70 pounds pressure. The final temperature then is: or 405 Fah. [84 . 7 ~j . 29 w.r] 866 absolute TABLE 1. CYLINDER TEMPERATURES AT END OF PISTON STROKE. Final Pressure of Air Lb. Gage Final Temperature Deg. F. Final Pressure of Air Lb. Gage Final Temperature Deg. F. Single-Stage Two-Stage Single-Stage Two-Stage 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 145 207 255 302 339 375 405 432 459 * '" i 188 203 214 224 234 100 110 120 ^130 140 150 200 250 485 507 529 550 570 589 672 749 243 250 257 205 272 279 309 sal AND CON D E N S E R S F O R EVE RY S E RV I C E 23 I This calculation does not take into consideration jacket cooling, or heat radiation, so in practice the actual discharge temperature will be slightly less. The foregoing table gives the cylinder temperature, in single and two stage compression for pressures from 10 pounds up to 250 pounds gauge. For successful lubrication of the air cylinders, it is neces- sary to use oil which reduces the friction to a minimum, and eliminates carbonization as much as possible. Carbonization is generally caused by using a poor grade of oil, such as steam cylinder oil, which is easily decomposed by the heat of com- pression, or the use of too great a quantity of oil, or the failure to properly screen the intake pipe of the compressor, thus permitting dust and foreign matter to enter the air cylinder. Air cylinder oil should be a medium body pure mineral oil of either a paraffin-base or asphal tic-base. With the paraffin-base oil, any carbon deposit is very adhesive, and of a hard flinty material ; while with the asphal tic- base oil, the carbon deposit is of a light fluffy nature, and easily cleaned out. The following tables published by the Compressed Air Society will serve as a guide to specify the qualities to be posses- sed by an oil for air cylinder lubrication. The average range of figures are recommended for single stage compression up to 100 pounds pressure, and for two stage air compression for higher pressures in which the air is cooled between stages so that the maximum terminal tem- perature is not in excess of that due to a pressure of 100 pounds for a single stage compressor. TABLE II. PHYSICAL TESTS OF PARAFFIN-BASE OILS. Minimum Average Maximum Gravity, Baume 28 to 32 deg. 25 to 30 deg. 25 to 27 deg. Flash point, open cup 375 to 400 deg. F. 400 to 425 deg. F 425 to 500 deg. F Fire point 425 to 450 deg. F 450 to 475 deg. F 475 to 575 deg. F Viscosity (Saybolt) at 100 deg. F 120 to 180 sec. 230 to 315 sec. to 1500 sec. Color Yellowish Reddish Dark red to green Congealing point (pour test) 20 to 25 deg. F 30 deg. F. 30 to 45 deg. F TABLE III. PHYSICAL TESTS OF ASPHALTIC-BASE OILS Minimum Average Maximum Gravity, Baumf. 20 to 22 deg. F 19.8 to 21 deg.F 19. 5 to 20. 5 deg. F- Flash point, open cup 305 to 325 deg. F 315 to 335 deg. F 330 to 375 deg. F Fire Point 360 to 380 deg. F 370 to 400 deg. F 385 to 440 deg. F Viscosity (Saybolt) at 100 deg. F 175 to 225 sec. 275 to 325 sec. 475 to 750 sec. Color Pale yellow Pale yellow Pale yellow Congealing point (pour test) deg. F. deg. F. deg. F. J" PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR. COMPRESSORS 3 24 ]n BATTLE C REEK. MICHIGAN, U. 5 >. A. : Quantity of Lubricating Oil for Air Cylinders The proper quantity of lubricating oil to be used in the air cylinders depends upon the viscosity of the oil, but it should be borne in mind that when the surface of the cylinder wall is once glazed over, little oil is required to lubricate the surfaces. The following table shows the approximate quantity of oil for air cylinder lubrication: TABLE IV. QUANTITY OP AIR-CYLINDER LUBRICANT REQUIRED PER 10-HOUR DAY. Size of Cylinder, Inches Displace- ment per Minute Cu. Ft. Piston Speed, Feet per Minute Sq. Ft. of Cyl. Wall Swept by Piston nu tn ll QOS Drops of Oil per 10 Hours Sq. Ft. Oiled per Drop Pints of Oil per 10 Hours 6^x 6 57 330 440 1 600 440 .0375 8x 8 124 354 740 2 1200 370 .0750 10x10 228 416 1095 2 1200 548 .0750 12x12 371 470 1480 3 1800 493 .1125 14x15 561 525 1930 4 2400 483 .1500 16x15 730 525 2200 4 2400 550 .1500 18x15 930 525 2480 5 3000 496 .1875 20x15 1146 525 2770 6 3600 462 .2250 Steam Cylinder Lubrication The steam cylinder of the compressor requires a good grade of steam cylinder oil, and due to its constant washing away by the steam, it should be fed to the cylinder in greater quantities than in the air cylinder. The following table gives the approximate quantity of oil for steam cylinder lubrication. TABLE V. OIL REQUIRED FOR STEAM-CYLINDER LUBRICATION. Size of Cylinder, Inches 6'Vgx 6 8x8 10 xlO 12 x!2 14 x!5 16 xlO 18 x!5 20 x!2 24 x!5 Drops of Oil per Minute 3 4 6 8 11 11 14 14 20 Pints of Oil per 10 Hours .3 .4 .6 .8 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 2 Inspection and Cleaning of Air Compressors At stated intervals, say once a month, the compressor should be carefully inspected, lost motion in bearings taken up, and any defect corrected. 25 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY 1 The best of lubricating oils will cause a deposit of carbon In the compressor system, and for this reason the air cylinder should be cleaned occasionally probably once a month, by filling the lubricator with a strong solution of water and soap, and feeding liberally during a day's run. Careful attention to this will avoid an accumulation of carbon in the cylinder and pipe line. The oil in the crank case should be drawn out once a month, and the frame thoroughly washed out with kerosene, and then wiped out clean with a cloth. The oil may be used over again if it is properly filtered. Circulating Water The duty of the jacket water is to carry off the heat of compression, and to do this successfully requires that the supply of cooling water be liberal. The air cylinders are provided with water inlet openings at the bottom, and the outlet at the top. The water outlet should be in plain view of the operator to insure that the water is circulating, and it is best to arrange this by allowing the water to flow into an open funnel. General Construction of Air Compressors. In the modern air compressor, the frames are of the enclosed type, and are of either the center crank or side crank design. The center crank design illustrated in Fig. 9 is used on single compressors. The side crank design illustrated in Fig. 10 is of the rolling mill type, and is used only on duplex compressors. Fig. 9. JULJJ^Tm!^3gi^-'rT^^E? 1 Cy^^ PUMP IN G MAC H I NJE RY;__. AIKL_ CO MPRJLSS_QR S .T~ ... . ^ . uu ^uTS^L ww w w w -ju-w w vrarvtna- w Vtf'w tf W W ffl.B XX W W Tfr nry m a g^Tfl lf\rtnr& IfiTW ft tf IT VitfWVi W W WYWf.'Srfni M ? 26 |" BATTLE C RE EK. M ICH IG AN, U. s. A. J The frames are of massive proportion with metal properly distributed to secure the maximum strength and rigidity. They are extended to the foundation in the form of a broad, liberal support reaching their entire length. The crosshead guides are bored at the same setting as the fittings for the cylinders, thus insuring perfect alignment. Fig. 10. All bearings are lubricated by the splash system from the main frame. Close fitting cast iron covers prevent any leakage from the frame. Fig. 11. Crank Shaft. The crank shaft is made of high carbon steel, ana is ac- curately finished and ground to size. On single compressors and small duplex compressors, UNION S T E AM PUMP COM P ANY the shaft is of the center crank type with counter weights securely fastened to each crank. Fig. 12. On duplex compressors, the shaft is fitted with heavy balanced crank discs, which are forced on to the shaft by hydraulic pressure, and securely held in place by means of carefully fitted keys. The crank fins, which are of carbon steel, are finished, ground to size, and pressed into the crank discs, after which they are riveted over on the back. Connecting Rod The connecting rod is a high grade Hammered steel forging. It is fitted with bronze box in the crosshead pin end, and babbitt lined bronze box in crank pin end. Wedge adjustment to com- pensate for wear is provided for both boxes. The bearing boxes are designed with liberal proportions, insuring low bearing pressures per square inch. Fig. 13. 28 . . . . .^g^^ MICHIGAN, U. S. A. at wiruwViiiii*re^^ Crosshead The crosshead is a steel casting and is provided with ad- justable parallel-fitted bronze shoes top and bottom. It has unusual large bearing surface and the bearing pressure per square inch is correspondingly low. Crosshead pin is made of best grade carbon steel and is accurately finished, hardened and ground. It is fitted into the crosshead on a taper and is secured by a nut and a lock nut. Fig. 14. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERT SERVICE Air Valves Fig. 226. Discharge Valve Parts. Fig. 227. Suction Valve Parts. Fig. 228. Suction Valve Parts Used on Class "BL" Air Compressors. 30 The valves and their arrangement are the most vital parts in the construction of an air compressor. No pains have been spared to make these parts of the best quality and design. Both suction and discharge valves are of the flat-disc type and are made of special grade, heat-treated steel, ground to size. Suc- tion and discharge valves are of the same size and interchange- able. These valves which with their seats and guards consti- tute single units, are easily accessible by the removal of screwed caps. The valve-seats are of the double-ported type, which arrangement gives a maximum opening with very slight lift of valve. These features practically eliminate all noise of opera- tion and insure a long life of the valve at high speeds. Fig. 19. Air-Cylinder Section, Showing Piston Construction, Valves, Water-Jacketing Spaces. | "AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 31 | UNION STEAM P UMP COM PANY J Air-Cylinders. The air-cylinders are made of semi-steel, ccmnterbored at the ends, and have water jackets extending entirely around cylinders. Both heads are also water- jacketed, and special attention has been paid to the circulation of the cooling water, in order to get the maximuni cooling effect with the least amount of water. With the object of making the volumetric efficiency Fig. 20. as high as possible, the clearance spaces have been reduced to a positive minimum. Sufficient space is allowed for the passage of the air, and not a cubic inch more than is necessary. The air-pistons are of semi-steel, each with two carefully fitted snap rings. Pistons are fastened to piston rods by taper and nuts. Valve Gear. On steam-driven compressors, the steam valves are operated by eccentrics on the crank-shaft. These eccentrics are lubricated from the crank-case, thus avoiding the use of any grease or oil cups. The valve-gears with the fewest num- 32 I B ATTLE C RE EK. MIC HIG AN. U. 5 >. A. 3 ber of working parts possible, are coupled direct, avoiding any offsets or the use of rock arms, which may give trouble. Take-up for wear is provided at every bearing. Steam Cylinders. The steam cylinders which are made of semi-steel, are amply heavy to permit of reboring. They are counterbored at the ends to prevent the rings wearing a shoulder, and are Fig. 21. lagged with black iron. The steam chests are cast integral with the cylinders. The steam openings are short and direct, and are properly proportioned to avoid any wire drawing of steam, and reduce clearance to a minimum The steam-cylinders are equipped with flat-faced slide valves, and cylinders 10 x 10 and largef have balancing pistons to balance the steam pressure on the back of the main valve to reduce the friction and wear to a minimum. Compressors with 12 x 12 steam-cylinders and larger have the Meyer cut- off adjustable to give cut-off from one-quarter to three-quarter stroke. | AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE ^J 33 STEAM P U M P C 6 M P AN Y PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS 34 s 3 y AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY S 35 U N 1 O N S T E A,M P UM P C OM PANY 3 Classification of Air Compressors Air compressors are classified according to their design as follows: Straight Line Steam Driven. Simple Steam Single Stage Air. Simple Steam Two Stage Air. Straight Line Power Driven. Single Stage. Two Stage. Duplex Steam Driven. Simple steam single stage air. Compound steam single stage air. Simple steam two stage air. Compound steam two stage air. Duplex Power Driven. Single stage air. Two stage air, Types of Drive Air Compressors are classified according to the type of drive into steam driven. and power driven. The regular steam driven air compressor consists of a very efficient steam engine with one or more air cylinders directly coupled on the extended piston rod. In this type of compressor, the power is transmitted direct, and transmission losses are reduced to the minimum. Steam driven compressors may be fitted with either simple or compound steam cylinders, depending upon the conditions. Compound steam cylinders are recommended for steam pres- sures as low as 80 pounds, operating condensing, and for 100 pounds operating non-condensing. Power driven air compressors comprise the plain belt drive, the short belt drive, the gear drive, and the silent chain drive. The plain belt drive is probably the most common method used in driving power air compressors, and this is a practical type of drive where there is ample space to get a sufficient center distance between the compressor pulley, and the motor. This center distance should be three to four times the diameter of the compressor pulley, and the direction of the belt motion should be such as to put the slack on top. !^.^ 36 Where ample belt centers cannot be obtained, the short belt drive is advisable. This arrangement consists of a floating idler pulley and a very short belt. The weight of the idler takes up the slack of the belt, and increases the arc of contact on the driving and driven pulleys, so that the full power is transmitted without any undue strain on the bearings, or belt itself. The short belt drive is recommended as the most satis- factory type of drive for a power driven air compressor. The gear drive, and the silent chain drive are never advis- able, and should be used only on very small units where the de- mand for compactness renders them imperative. Steam Consumption of Air Compressors The steam consumption of an air compressor varies with the type and size of machine, and the conditions of operation. The following table will give an idea of the approximate steam consumption of air compressors of different sizes with simple and compound steam cylinders. Table of Steam Consumption of Air Compressors Simple Steam Cylinders. Steam per I. II. P. per hour, non- condensing, 100-125 pounds Size of Cylinders steam pressure. x 6 46 8x8 42 10 x 10 40 12 x 12 33 14 x 15 30 16 x 15 29 18 x 15 28 Compound Steam Cylinders. Steam per I. H. P. per hour, non- condensing, 100-125 pounds Size of Cylinders steam pressure. 8 and 12 x 8 30 10 and 16 x 10 28 12 and 20 x 12 26 14 and 24 x 15 25 | AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE ^ 37 3LJLJLJLJULJLJIA* *a AftRflJUJ) a . u Tmnrnra innt u a a . n . UNION STEAM PUMP COM P ANY Indicated or Brake Horse Power of an Air Compressor The method of calculating the theoretical horse power to compress air by single stage and two stage compression has already been shown, and on pages 66 and 67, the theoretical horse power for various pressures in one, two, three and four stage compression is tabulated. The theoretical figures given do not take into consideration the losses in the air cylinders due to clearance, the heat of com- pression, etc., nor the mechanical losses in 'the operation of the compressor. Consequently, to arrive at the indicated or brake horse power to compress a cubic foot of free air, it is necessary to take the indicated horse power of a steam driven compressor, and the brake horse power of a power driven compressor, and measure the actual free air delivered corrected to the suction temperature and pressure. The indicated or brake horse power to compress a cubic foot of free air may then be accurately determined, and all losses are taken into consideration. Due to these varying conditions in the compression of air, it is a more convenient method of calculation to base the indi- cated or brake horse power on the displacement of the com- pressor. The following tables give the approximate indicated or brake horse power to compress air by single or two-stage com- pression per cubic foot of compressor displacement. In compar- ing the horse power figures for single and two-stage compression, it should be borne ^in mind that a two-stage compressor has a higher volumetric efficiency than a single-stage machine. Approximate Indicated or Brake Horse Power to Compress 1 Cubic Foot of Com- pressor Displacement per Minute by Single Stage Compression at Sea Level. Gauge Pressure Horse Power Gauge Pressure Horse Power Gauge Pressure Horse Power 5 .0235 45 .124 85 .160 10 .0435 50 .130 90 .167 15 .062 55 .132 95 .172 20 .0756 60 .135 100 .178 25 .090 65 .143 105 .182 30 .102 70 .150 110 .190 35 .112 75 .155 125 .206 40 .12 80 .158 Approximate Indicated or Brake Horse Power to Compress 1 Cubic Foot of Com- pressor Displacement per Minute by Two Stage Compression at Sea Level. Gauge Pressure Horse Power Gauge Pressure Horse Power 80 .157 300 .288 90 .165 350 .305 100 .177 400 .319 125 .189 450 .332 150 .210 500 .345 175 .221 200 .242 250 .265 MACHINERY AIR COMPRESSORS Fig. 25. Class "SL" Steam-Driven Fig. 24. Class "BL" Belt-Driven .Fig. 2 Air Compressor, Enclosed Type. Air Compressor, Enclosed Type. Class "BL" Belt-Driven Air Compressors, Enclosed Type. Air Disnlacsment Pipe Openings Diiving Cylinder -0 cu. ft. Free Air 5 Pulley I CO ,| ||| 3 | S 5 | .H o S* ^ 0) >> L, PQ | I . 3 G a 3 sfci .2 i ,c g S I -4- a o rt * ,_, 'i ^ d P-i "u B *o^ 5 P CO *0j o %& w^ p Cj 5 ef< 6 350 .205 72 125 UK 2 2 2, 6 7 6 350 .267 93 100 14 2K 2K N 28 6 8 6 350 .349 122 1 50 15 2K 2K 23 6 8 8 300 .467 140 125 23 2 '/ % 42 8 9 8 300 .590 177 100 26 3 3 % 42 8 10 - 8 300 .730 219 i .75 31 3 3 % 42 8 12 . 8 300 1.05 315 50 39 K 42 8 10 10 275 .91 250 125 47 3 2 3 2 K 48 10 12 10 275 1.30 358 100 60 4 4 K 51 10 14 10 275 1.78 " 490 * 60 -65 K 10 10 12 250 1 09 273 125 50 3K 3K K 51 10 12 12 250 1.58 395 125 74 4 4 K 6.3 12 14 12 250 i 1 2.14 535 100 87 4K 4K K 6> 12 16 18 12 12 250 250 2.79 i 3.54 698 '" 885 60 40 94 100 5 6 5 6 63 66 12 12 14 15 220 2.68 590 125 110 K 72 15 16 15 220 3.49 768 100 125 5 5 K 72 15 18 15 220 4.42 975 60 132 6 6 K 72 15 20 15 220 5.46 1200 40 140 7 7 K 72 15 Class "SL" Steam-Driven Air Compressors, Enclosed Type. Siz3 of Compressor Displacement cu. ft. Free Air *>> o Pipe Openings I CO h II U u a wjj? s| ( cfl .2io o .5 ^S +3 _C jj |e ? ll go 2 IH 1 CO h 2 3X 6K 8' 6 350 .319 122 50 120 15 1 K 2 2K < 2}/< % 8 8 8 300 .467 140 125 90 23 2 2K 2}/> 8 9 8 300 .59 177 100 110 26 2 2K 3 3 8 10 8 300 .73 219 75 100 31 2 2K 3 3 s/ a 8 12 8 300 1.05 315 50 116 39 2 2K K 10 10 10 275 .91 250 125 90 47 3 3K 3 3 K 10 12 10 275 1.30 358 100 125 60 3 3K 4 4 K 10 14 10 275 1.78 490 60 115 65 3 3 */i> K 10 10 12 250 1.09 273 1 125 90 r o 3 3K 2 ix 2 1/ 10 12 12 250 1.58 395 125 125 74 3 3K 4 4 K 10 12 14 10 12 12 250 250 2.14 1.09 535 273 100 125 150 75 87 3 4 JS K 12 12 12 250 1.58 395 125 90 74 3 Vo 4 4 . 4 K 12 14 12 250 2.14 535 100 115 87 3K 4 4K K 12 12 16, 18 12 12 250 250 2.79 3.54 698 885 60 40 110 110 94 103 i ill 4 4 6 5 6 I 14 14 15 220 2.68 590 125 90 10 4 5 14 16 15 220 3.49 768- 100 105 25 j 4 5 5 5 \/ 14 18- 15 220 4.42 975 60 100 32 4 5 6 6 K 14 20 15 220 5.46 1200 40 100 40 4 5 7 7 X 2 AND CONDEN SJERS_ F OR EVE RY1 S E RVI C E 39 2 UNION STEAM P UMP COM P ANY 4 Fig. 136 Class "TTBL" Belt- Driven Air Compressor, Double- Acting Two- Stage, Enclosed Type. Cylinders rt ' ^ * ~ Cu. Ft. Free Air Openings Pulley ">> j< O W'**' f ) ^ !i ^ i CO g ft w 83 E . << ^ J u KCJ o !3 fjjjj P u PQ tg V *o <" 2 8 c u 3 1 ri j V o B a 1 1 1 5 5 a^ J^ " 12.5 17.5 25 37 44 60 88 Pipe Openings Itcooooooosoi 1 Diameter of ^^ j Steam -cylinder Pressure Air-Cyl. oo M O5 o 01 en rf. j Diameter of High \^ j Pressure Air-Cyl. to oo oo oo os o> Stroke a 1 CO Exhaust Suction j 1 in IM 2H 2>U 3 Per Revolution Per Minute .173 .262 .364 .524 .655 .89 1.4 47.5 72 96 139 164 223 328 1H i 2 3 3 3H , eu jta p< o 3.5 Hi it ill V (H C 13 i* i j8 1 PQfUCQ 0> 1 1 O a 3 fii 6M 6 275 .41 112 100 20 42 8 2M 2y 2 y* 8 6 275 .70 192 50 25 42 8 3 3 % 8 8 265 .93 246 100 44 54 10 3 3 % 9 8 265 1.18 312 85 50 54 10 3 1 A % 10 8 265 1.46 386 75 60 54 10 3 ^2 3 1 A % 12 8 265 2.10 556 50 72 54 . 10 1 A 4JJ % Fig. 29. Class "BD" Duplex Short-Belt-Driven Side Crank, Air Compressor, Enclosed Type. Size of Capacity Driving Size of Openings pressor Displacement Cubic Feet g \ Jruiiey For long pipe lines, use larger pipes, reducing S2 Free Air i! size at compressor g.Ja Stroke Revolutions per Minute jS il Maximum Air Pressur Brake Hors Power at P Stated Diameter Width of B o 1 P Cooling Water Inlet 10 10 250 1 .82 456 80 72 54- 14 4 4 y\ 12 10 250 2.60 650 60 88 54 14 5 5 % 14 10 250 3.56 890 40 107 54 14 6 6 % 10 12 235 2.18 512 100 92 66 18 4 4 i 12 12 235 3.14 740 100 132 66 18 5 5 i 14 12 235 4.28 10TD2 70 150 66 18 6 6 i 16 12 235 5.58 1310 50 170 66 18 7 7 i 18 12 235 7.08 1660 40 200 66 18 8 8 i 14 15 210 5.36 1122 90 188 80 25 6 6 i 16 15 210 6.98 1460 70 220 80 25 7 7 i 18 15 210 8.84 1858 50 240 80 25 8 8 i 20 15 210 10.92 2C92 40 275 80 25 8 8 4. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 41 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Fig. 30b Class "DSL" Duplex Steam-Driven Center Crank Air Compressors, Enclosed Type. Fig. 30a Size of Capacity Size of Openings Compressor Displacement Cubic Feet * "S For long pipe lines, use J2 Free Air (Si > i* e O "^ S c q s.a 3 o 2 s * "S CO 3 c rt he II go .S.a X 8 CO l! III ll 1* a A ll 3 * W w I 1 p S 4> III 6 6V* 6 275 .41 114 100 75 20 2 2H 2H 2H 1^ 6 8 6 275 .693 192 50 120 25 2 3 3 J^ 8 8 8 265 .934 248 100 75 44 3 3H 3 3 M 8 9 8 265 1.18 312 85 95 50 3 3 }/i 3H 3 V^ M 8 10 8 265 1.46 386 75 100 60 3 3 ^2 3H 3 V^ M 8 12 8 265 2.10 556 50 110 72 3 3^/2 43/2 43/2 .^ Class "SD" Duplex Steam-Driven Side Crank Air Compressors, Enclosed Type. Fig. 30b Size of CAPACITY Size of Openings Compressor Displacement V For long pipe lines, use Cubic Feet 2 Free Air | 03 G (LI 1) O P-^'3 0) M ii It cd .H %< Required St Pressure Indicated Horsi at Air Pressure 1 C/3 Exhaust Suction Discharge I Cooling Wafer Inlet 10 10 10 250 1.82 456 80 70 72 4 43^ 4 4 M 10 12 10 250 2.60 650 60 90 88 4 4^ 5 5 iMf 10 14 10 250 3.56 890 40 100 107 4 4^ 6 6 M 10 10 12 235 2.18 512 100 75 92 4 4^ 4 4 l 10 12 12 235 3.16 740 100 110 132 4 4H 5 5 l 10 14 12 235 4.28 1002 70 120 150 4 4M 6 6 12 12 12 235 3.16 742 100 75 132 5 6 5 5 12 14 12 235 4.28 1002 70 90 160 5 6 6 6 12 16 12 235 5.58 1310 50 100 170 5 6 7 7 12 18 12 235 7.18 1660 40 110 198 5 6 8 8 14 14 15 210 5.36 1122 90 75 188 6 7 6 6 14 16 15 210 6.98 1460 70 QO 220 6 7 7 7 14 18 15 210 8.84 1858 50 90 240 6 7 8 8 1 14 20 15 210 10.92 2292 40 100 275 6 7 8 8 1 ^^ 42 B ATT L E C REEK. M ICHI GANj U. . 5. A. 1 Fist. 32 Fig. 31 Class "DBTL" Duplex Two-Stage, Short-Belt Driven, Center Crank Air Compressor, Enclosed Type. Fig. 31. Size of Compressor CAPACITY Driving Pulley Size of Opening ,| u V ,c.S Displacement Cubic Feet Free Air in For long pipe lines, use larger pipes, reducing size at Compressor Jtf KO 1 (SJ 4* 'o-'- 1 M-l V< g 03 U3 I ! || g 1 || a .S *"* 1 Li C O 1 C sgl PPH rt d) CO ll 1 ^5 l i 1 1 <5 3! 12 7 8 265 1.050 278 150 46 r i 10 3H 2^ &" 12 8 8 265 1.050 278 125 46 54 10 3H zy-i ^ Class "BDT* Duplex Two-Stage, Short Belt-Driven, Side Crank Air Compressor, Enclosed Type. Fig. 32. Size of Compressor CAPACITY Driving Pulley Size of Openings I VI 3 (U 11 II Displacement Cu. ft. Free Air. ll 11 Si gi < . w ffi 1! PQ ta For long pipe lines, use larger pipes, reducing size at compressor *>, t 3< 'o 1 sss DO, 12 12 14 14 16 18 18 18 20 i *>> Stf w< "o S S 1 C/D 1 P +3 2 "S ^ : | I j fSi2 1 c S I 1 1 1 0) i! ji i 4 i i i i 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 15 15 250 250 250 250 235 235 235 210 210 1.310 1.310 1.780 1.780 2.800 3.540 3.540 4.420 5.460 325 325 445 445 655 830 830 929 1146 150 125 150 125 150 150 100 125 125 54 54 74 74 110 139 139 155 190 54 54 54 51 66 66 66 80 80 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 25 2i 4 4 4^ 1 A 5 6 6 6 2H 2^ 2M 2^ 3H 33^ 4M 4K UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Pig. 33a "DSTL" Duplex Two-Stage. Steam- Driven Center Crank Air Compressor, Enclosed Type Fig. 33a SIZE OF CAPACITY Size of Openings COMPRESSOR Displacrm't For long pipe lines, use Cubic Feet larger pipes, reducing size E E 0> o. a CtJ I* at compressor ^ CO Sfc a c g CO 1^ "cd Diameter Cylinders ill il Si 1 CO Revolutio Minute .2 "o 5 a VH C Maximum Air Pressi Required Pressure Indicated He at 100 Pound Pressure 1 CO Exhaust Suction Discharge .S 8 12 7 8 265 1 .05 278 150 110 46 3 3K 3 1 A 2K M 8 12 8 8 265 1.05 278 125 100 46 3 33^ 3H 2H H Class "SDT" Duplex Two-Stage, Steam-Driven Side Crank Air Compressor, Enclosed Type Fig. 33b SIZE OF COMPRESSOR 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 CAPACITY II 250 250 250 250 235 235 235 210 210 Displacem't Cubic Feet Free Air .78 .78 .80 .54 .54 .42 .45 325 325 445 445 655 830 830 929 1146 150 12o 150 125 1501 115 150 100 100 100 125 85 3251 100. 54 54 74 71 110 139 139 155 190 Size of Openings For long pipe lines, use larger pipes, reducing size at compressor B ATT LE C REEK, M ICHI G AN, U. < >. A. ' Fig. 34 Class "CTD" Duplex Cross Compound, Two-Stage, Side Crank, Air Compressor, Enclosed Type SIZE OF COMPRESSOR CAPACITY SIZE OF OPENINGS Diam. of High Pres- sure Steam Cylinder Diam. of Low Pres- sure Steam Cylinder 1 Pu K.T3 & i-3 >, ^ B< iSl Diam.'of High Pres- sure Air Cylinder I CO OT 11 I! Displ'cm't Cubic Ft. Free Air 8 11 &< l| l| tfco Indicated Horse-Power at 100 Pounds Air Pressure For long pipe lines, use larger pipes, reducing size at compressor j frt o fcJ & 3 CO 1 js i u 1 Q !.>-,-__>- | Cooling 1 ^ | Water Inlet 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 16 16 16 16 20 20 20 24 24 12 12 14 14 16 18 18 18 20 7 8 7 8 10 10 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 15 15 250 250 250 250 235 235 235 210 210 1.31 1.31 1.78 1.78 2.79 3.54 3.54 4.42 5.45 325 325 445 445 656 831 831 929 1146 150 125 150 125 150 150 100 125 125 90 80 115 110 100 110 100 85 100; 54 54 74 74 110 139 1391 155 190 3 3 3 3 Z 1 A Z 1 A Z 1 A 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 4 4^ 4^ 5 6 6 6 7 2H 2 1 A 1 1 A % 1 A 3 1 A Z 1 A k Fig. 35 Vertical Duplex High-Speed Air Compressors Fig. 36. Vertical Single High-Speed Air Compressors. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 45 UN I ON STEAM P UM P C OMPATfl 23 Union Vertical Water-Cooled Air Compressors SIZE Bore and Stroke "Si 4^x5 |6 ,6 SPEED R. P. M. Min. Max. Displacement cu. ft. Free Air per minute at Maximum Speed Maximum Pressure Designed for 1 Brake H. P. required | at 100 Ibs. Pressure 01 = Maximum Speed Openings Fly-Wheel c .2 -*-> O & | 1H u 0> "S 18 24 "3 4 5 300-450 275-400 21 40 200 200 J* g 3^x4 a 4^x5 3 6 x6 Q 8 x6 350-550 300 -450 275-400 275 -400 25 42 80 140 200 150 125 125 5 8.5 17 27 1M 2 2 1 A M 1* 16 20 24 28 3 4^ 5 6 Air Receivers SI ZE <+o d 5 5 rt "83 Diameter Inches 1L 11 1 Thickness | of Shell 1 Inches Thickness of Heads Inches il 00-5 *tfi free sulphur gas is encountered in the well, it is almost completely removed by the action of the aeration in the air lift. Temperature: With the air lift system of pumping, the expansion of the air lowers the temperature of the water. Simplicity : The air lift is the simplest method of pumping, and it requires the least attention and repairs. With the air lift all the machinery is in the power house, and all trouble such as pulling sucker rods, working barrels, etc. is eliminated. Terms Used in Air Lift Work In discussing the air lift and air lift propositions, certain general terms are used that must be understood. By referring to figure 38, page 58, these terms are explained thusly : Static Head: Normal water level^ when not pumping, measured from the surface or ground level. Drop : Point to which the water level drops below the static head, while being pumped. Pumping Head : Level of water when pumping, with reference to the ground level. Pumping head equals static head plus the drop. Elevation: Point above ground level to which the water is raised. Total Lift: The distance water is raised, from level, when pumping, to point of discharge. Total Lift equals elevation plus static head plus drop. 57 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Fig. 38. Diagram of an Air Lift. Submergence: The distance below the pumping head at which the air picks up the water. Starting Submergence: The distance below the static head at which the air picks up the water. Starting submergence equals drop plus submergence. Ratio of Submergence If you have a given ascertained percentage of submergence, the actual submergence would be ascertained by multiplying the lift by the percentage of submergence, and dividing the pro- duct by one hundred minus the percentage of submergence, as expressed in the following equation : Submergence = Hft X P ercenta g e of ^mergence. (W) 100 percentage of submergence. The percentage or the ratio of submergence is expressed as follows: Ratio = - (20 ) lift 4- submergence. The necessary percentage of submergence varies with the lift; low lifts require proportionately more submergence than high lifts. The following gives an idea of the proportion of submergence to lift, for good results: For lifts up to 50 feet 66% submergence. " " " 50 to 100 ft. 60% submergence " " " 100 to 200 ft. 55% submergence " " " 200 to 500 ft. 50% submergence. " " " 300 to 400 ft. 45% submergence. " " " 400 to 500 ft. 40% submergence. The Air Lift Installation To secure the best results, compressed air should be in- troduced into the well in a finely divided state, so that the bubbles are small and equally distributed throughout the water. It is evident that if the air pipe merely discharges the air into the water through a full opening in the pipe, the result will be large bubbles instead of the equally divided condition which is de- sired. It is therefore advisable to either cap the end of the air 59 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY pipe and drill small holes in the side near the end, or use an air nozzle as shown in figure 38, so that the air will be admitted to the water in small jets which will produce the small bubbles necessary for efficient results. Inasmuch as the action of the air lift depends upon form- ing an emulsion of air and water, which is lighter than water, it is evident that a perfect condition would be one in which the bubbles, when introduced in the bottom of the well, would maintain the same size in their passage to the discharge. It will be readily seen, however, that inasmuch as the pressure is relieved from the air bubbles as they rise toward the surface, the bubbles become larger and larger; the proportion of the air to the water increases exactly in proportion to the expan- sion, and this decreases the efficiency of the lift. This expansion of air, because it requires an increased volume per minute to pass through the pipe, has the effect of throttling the mixture of air and water, which is another source of loss in efficiency. The ideal lift would have its discharge line so proportioned that its area would be constantly increased. The proportion to this increase in volume thus keeps the ve- locity constant. In deep wells, it is advisable to approximate this condition by installing the discharge line in sections of different diameters. Air and Water Pipes The following table gives the sizes of water and air pipes required for the central pipe system of pumping as illustrated on page 58. The size of well casing and the pumping capacity for which these pipes are adapted is also given. The drop pipe should extend below the air nozzle not less than 5 feet, and from 15 to 20 feet, if possible, depending upon the depth of the well. Smallest Well Casing Water Pipe Central Air Pipe Capacity, Gallons Per Minute 2^ IK y* 10-20 3 2 2 % 20-40 2H i 40-60 4^ 3 IK 60-80 5* 3 ^ 80-100 6 4 i ^ 100-150 7 5 2 150-250 g 6 2 275-375 10 8 2V 500-650 12 10 2^ 775-1000 Calculation of the Air Lift. We are now prepared to consider a concrete prob- lem in air lift pumping. Given a well with a 7 inch casing, 300 feet deep, the water in which stands 75 feet below the ground level, but which falls 10 feet when being pumped at the rate of 200 gallons per minute, and it is required to raise the water 15 feet above the ground. Then from the above* Static Head equals 75 feet Drop equals 10 feet. Pumping head equals 85 feet. Elevation equals.' 15 feet. Total lift equals 100 feet. By referring to the table on page 59, the percentage of sub- mergence for 100 feet lift is 60%. Substituting this value in equation 19, on page 59, 100 X 60 6000 = 150 ieet submergence. 100 - 60 40 With 150 feet submergence, and with the pumping head given of 85 feet, the distance from the surface of the ground to the bottom of the air pipe or nozzle will be, 150 + 85 = 235 feet. As stated on page 63, the drop pipe should (if possible), extend down 15 to 20 feet below the air pipe, or in the example given, 255 feet from the surface of the ground. Referring to table on page 63, the compressor displacement required to elevate 200 gallons per minute against a total lift of 100 feet with 60% submergence is: 200 X .585 = 117.0 cubic feet of free air per minute. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE |[ UNION STEAM P UM P COM P ANY J The indicated or brake horse power required to operate the compressor having 117 cubic feet displacement may be calculated by referring to the table for single stage compression, on page 38. The horse power per cubic foot displacement at 67J pounds working pressure (interpolating between 65 pounds 'and 70 pounds) is .147 and .147 X 117 = 17.19 Ind. or B. H. P. required to operate the compressor. The next calculation is to find the starting and working pressures. The pumping head is 10 feet greater than the static head, which indicates a starting submergence of 150 + 10 = 160 feet. Starting pressure equals: Starting submergence X .45 Working pressure equals: Submergence X .45 Substituting the values of the above example, , The starting pressure equals : 160 X .45 = 72 pounds. Working pressure equals 150 X .45 = 67X pounds. In the table on page 63, the working pressure is given, and the starting pressure may be calculated as above. Then, referring to the table on page 60, for the conditions given in the example, it will require a 5-inch drop pipe, and a 2-inch air pipe. In calculating an air lift, the pumping head in a well can seldom be known in advance of a test. It is customary to assume certain conditions of lift and submergence based on experience, and pipe the well accordingly. After the pipe is installed, the submergence is altered to suit, by raising or lowering the pipe in the well until the best results are obtained. 62 c O 0) CO *3 . '3 cr 0) (A 09 0) ou 0) c> jj> .-*o '.J 0) r^ ^ to o a a < TH -S^ O -^1 1- i-l 00 > oicocooocMoocoooereoocot THC^CflC^COCO-^TjtlOlOCOC cqcortiiocDOr-icoiooooeMaocvjciiooco 1 THiHi-ii-ieMcsicMfocotjiioirj t-iot^ooomooa^csiooc^omoco .-*>oaoc>a>n,-icoco C^lC^lPSCOCO^TflkOlOCOCOC GOO^OrHC'lCO ,-HnCOt-O'JOi-ICV|i-IO>t- IO-M iH OS t- l ^ Tfi IO >n O i* o _., Liooiooomococooiooocot^ois^t-e^^osoiooo oo "* T; coOCOt^r-lt--<*IOCOOt-OOi-l O.CO CJ TH <3> rH rH JJ.D j co -* <*< -<*i m m co t- ^ SoS irV co co '.^SS^OOrHIMCO^lrtCOGOOiOTHCV! .^St-oooTHCo^oot-ooofsoe^coMHW ! ^ r-i TH TH ' fo' ci c ' eo50ooioco OOOrHCOT*(COt-OOO>TH lr-lMC*CCMCOOOfOMCOCOfCO-fl oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ">om oo o 00 00 O3 OS O oooooooo -^iocooooM-*OOOi 00 O (N CO CO 00 O CO IO 00 [ COOOIN O T-icTSO^OOSO r-ir-lCO^cOI>O T-icTSO^OOSOCOOit^OOOcOiOxOOiOOiOOOOO OOOOOOOOO >-lCOcO'-iCDOOO3O.-!CO JO H Cfl ^ c yp o g, 8 5 3 I? a 8, i -E ^ a fi >*"* CJ o B^HH.O ?ii ^0 al^M.y a * a c V H <8 -g oj BJJ C +- 1 mpress One sot per Minu . P. required )mpress One )ot Free Air Inute ftciency as c( .red to Isothe nal Tempera jgrees Fahr. srfect Intercc liabatic Com . P. required >mpress One >ot Free Air inute ficiency as cc red to Isothe nal Temperai igrees Fahr. irfect Interco liabatic Com o < Wofe Wos W a feQCL,*} WcjfcS W o, fePa,< 5 1.34 .0188 10 1.68 .0333 15 2.02 .0481 20 2.36 .0551 25 2.70 .0638 30 3.04 .0713 40 3.72 .0843 50 4.40 .0948 60 5.08 .1037 70 5.76 .1120 80 6.44 .1196 90 7.12 .1260 100 7.80 .1320 110 8.48 .1371 120 9.16 .1422 130 9.84 .1467 140 10.52 .1510 150 11.20 .1547 .182 .85 200 160 11 .88 .1583 .187 .85 204 180 13.24 .1656 .197 .84 211 200 14.60 .1720 .206 .83 218 225 16.3 .1790 .215 .83 224 250 18. .1860 .224 .83 230 275 19.7 .1-920 .233 .82 236 300 21 A .1970 .241 .82 241 350 24.8 .2060 .252 .82 250 400 28.2 .2140 .262 .82 258 450 31.6 .2230 .272 .82 266 500 35. .2290 .282 .81 275 26. .88 215 550 38.4 .2340 .292 .80 283 26.9 .87 220 600 41.8 .240 .300 .80 290 27.8 .86 225 650 45.2 .245 .310 .79 295 28.4 .86 228 700 48.6 .249 .320 .78 300 29. .86 234 750 52. .252 .327 .78 305 29.6 .85 236 800 55.4 .258 .334 .78 309 30.2 .85 240 850 58.8 .262 .341 .77 314 30.7 .85 244 900 62.2 .265 .347- .76 319 31 .,2 .85 247 950 65.6 .268 .354 .76 322 31.6 .85 250 1000 69. .272 .360 .75 325 32. .85 252 1100 75.8 .278 .370 .75 331 32.7 .85 254 1200 82.6 .283 .381 .74 338 33.4 .84 258 1300 89.4 .289 .390 .74 342 34.1 .84 265 1400 96.2 .293 .399 74 349 34.8 .84 270 1500 103. .297 .406 73 353 35.5 .84 273 1600 109.8 .301 .415 .73 358 36.1 .83 276 1700 116.6 .305 .424 .72 364 36.7 .83 280 1800 123.4 .309 .431 .72 370 37 2 .83 284 1900 130.2 .313 .438 .72 374 37.7 .83 287 2000 139. .317 .444 .71 378 38.1 .83 290 2250 154. .324 .460 .70 385 39.3 .82 294 2500 171. .313 .474 .70 398 40.5 .82 298 3000 205. .342 .500 .69 414 42. .81 308 AND CONDENSERS. FOR EVERY SERVICE 67 L UN I ON ST EAM P UM P C OM PANY 4 Loss of Work Due to Heat in Compressing Air From Atmospheric Pressure to Various Gauge Pressures by Simple and Compound Compression Air in Each Cylinder; Initial Temperature 60 F. Gauge Pressure One Stage Two Stage Three Stage Four Stage Percentage of Work Lost in Terms of d a Adiabatic Compression Isothermal Compression 1 Adiabatic Compression Isothermal Compression 1 Adiabatic Compression Isothermal Compression | Adiabatic Compression 60 29.9 23.0 13.4 11.8 8.6 7.9 4.7 4.5 70 30.6 23.4 14.1 12.4 8.7 8.0 6.1 5.7 80 32.7 24.6 14.7 12.8 9.7 8.9 6.4 6.0 90 34.7 25.8 16.1 13.8 10.5 9.5 7.3 6.8 100 36.7 26.8 16.9 14.5 10.9 9.8 7.8 7.3 125 41.1 29.2 18.5 15.6 11.6 10.4 8.8 8.1 150 44.8 30.9 20.1 16.7 12.3 10.9 9.1 8.4 200 51.2 33.9 22.2 18.1 14.0 12.3 10.5 9.5 300 61.2 37.9 25.7 20.5 16.6 14.2 12.0 10.7 400 68.7 40.7 28.9 22.4 18.2 15.4 13.1 11.5 600 70.6 41.4 31.2 23.8 19.3 16.2 14.1 12.3 600 80.4 44.5 32.8 24.7 20.4 16.9 14.9 13.0 700 85.0 46.0 34.6 .25.7 21.3 17.6 16.1 13.8 800 89.5 47.2 35.7 26.3 22.0 18.1 16.2 13.9 900 93.0 48.2 37.1 27.0 22.6 18.5 16.6 14.4 1000 96.1 49.0 27.9 27.5 23.2 18.8 16.9 14.5 1200 102.8 50.7 40.3 28.8 24.8 19.9 17.7 15.0 1400 108.6 52.0 41.5 29.3 25.9 20.5 18.6 15.7 1600 113.4 53.1 43.5 30.3 26.5 20.9 19.2 16.1 1800 117.5 54.0 44.8 31.0 27.3 21.2 19.6 16.4 2000 122.0 55.0 45.8 31.4 27.5 21.5 19.9 16.5 E. F. SCHAEFER. 68 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. U. S. A. Table of Volumes, Mean Pressures, Temperatures, Etc. IN THE OPERATION OF Air Compression from One Atmosphere and 60 Deg. F. Gauge Pressure Absolute Pressure Pressuie in Atmos- pheres Volume with Air at Constant Temperature Volume with Air not Cooled Mean Pressure per Stroke. Air at Constant Temperature Mean Pressure per Stroke. Air not cooled Final Temper- II atures. Air not cooled || 11 14.7 1. i. 1. 0. 0. 60 5 19.7 1.34 .7462 .81 4.3 4.5 106 5 10 24.7 1.68 .5952 .69 7.62 8.27 145 10 15 29.7 2.02 .495 .606 10.33 11.51 178 15 20 34.7 2.36 .4237 .543 12.62 14.4 207 20 25 39.8 2.7 .3703 .494 14.59 17.01 234 25 30 44.7 3.04 .3289 .4638 16.34 19.4 255 30 35 49.7 3.381 .2957 .42 16.92 21.6 281 35 40 54.7 3.721 .2687 .393 19.32 23.66 302 40 45 59.7 4.061 .2462 .37 20.52 25.59 321 45 50 64.7 4.401 .2272 .35 21.79 27.39 339 50 55 69.7 4.741 .2109 .331 22.77 29.11 357 55 60 74.7 5.081 .1968 .3144 23.84 30.75 375 60 65 79.7 5.423 .1844 .301 24.77 31.69 389 65 70 84.7 5.762 .1735 .288 26. 33.73 405 70 75 89.7 6.102 .1639 .276 26.65 35.23 420 75 80 94.7 6.442 .1552 .267 27.33 36.6 432 80 85 99.7 6.782 .1474 .2566 28.05 37.94 447 85 90 104.7 7.122 .1404 .248 28.78 39.18 459 90 95 109.7 7.462 .134 .24 29.53 40.4 472 95 100 114.7 7.802 .1281 .232 30.07 41.6 485 100 105 119.7 8.142 .1228 .2254 30.81 42.78 496 105 110 124.7 8.483 .1178 .2189 31.39 43.91 507 110 115 129.7 8.823 .1133 .2129 31.98 44.98 508 115 120 134.7 9.163 .1091 .2073 32.54 46.04 529 120 125 139.7 9.503 .1052 .202 33.07 47.06 540 125 130 144.7 9.843 .1015 .1969 33.57 48.1 550 130 135 149.7 10.183 .0981 .1922 34.05 49.1 560 135 140 154.7 10.523 .098 .1878 34.57 50.02 570 140 145 159.7 10.846 .0921 .1837 35.09 51. 580 145 150 164.7 11.204 .0892 .1796 35.48 51.89 589 150 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERT SERVICE UNION STEAM PUMP CO M PANY _Jj Efficiencies of Air Compression at Different Altitudes Barometric Pressure Volumetric Loss of Decreased Altitude Efficiency Capacity Power Inches Pounds per Compressor Per Cent Per Cent Required Per Cent Mercury Sq. Inch 30.00 14.75 100 0. 1000 28.88 14.20 97 3 1.8 2000 27.80 13.67 93 7 3.5 3000 26.76 13.16 90 10 5.2 4000 25.76 12.67 87 13 6.9 6000 24.79 12.20 84 16 8.5 6000 23.86 11.73 81 19 10.1 7000 22.97 11.30 78 22 11.6 8000 22.11 10.87 76 24 13.1 9000 21.29 10.45 73 27 14.6 ieooo 20.49 10.07 70 30 16.1 11000 19.72 9.70 68 32 17.6 12000 18.98 9.34 65 35 19.1 13000 18.27 8.98 63 37 20.6 14000 17.59 8.65 60 40 22.1 15000 16.93 8.32 58 42 23.5 Density of Gases and Vapors Compared with air at same temperature and pressure; also weight of a cubic foot at 62 F. under atmospheric pressure of 14.7 Ibs. abs. or 29.92 inches mercury. Density, Air at same temp, and pres. be- ing 1.0 (Reg- nault) Specific Gravity or Density, Water at 62 being 1.0 Wt. of a Cu. Foot in Pounds Cubic Feet at 62 in One Pound Air (atmospheric) Hydrogen gas 1.00000 .06926 .001221 or *h .0000846 or T jl 2 5 .07610 .00527 13.14 189.70 Oxygen gas Nytrogen gas 1.10563 97137 .001350 or T J T 001185 or -ski .08414 07383 11.88 13 54 Carbonic acid gas Carbonic oxide gas Vapor of water 1.52901 .9674 .6235. .001870 or sJ 5 .00118 or *2 7 .0007613 or T3 } 3 .11636 .07364 .04745 8.59 13.60 21.07 Vapor of alcohol Vapor of sulphuric ether Vapor of oil of turpentine. . . . Vapor of mercury 1.589 2.586 4.760 6.976 .00194 or sJs .00316 or . .00581 or T $g .00850 or T } s .12092 . 19680 .36224 .52987 8.27 5.08 2.76 1.88 Effect of Initial or Intake Temperature on Effi- ciency and Capacity of Air Compressors Unit Capacity and Efficiency Assumed at 60 F. Initial Temperature Initial Temperature Relative Relative Degrees Fahr. Degrees Abs. Capacities and Efficiencies Degrees Fahr. Degrees Abs. Capacities and Efficiencies 20 441 1.18 70 583 .980 10 451 1.155 80 541 .961 461 1.13 90 551 .914 10 471 1.104 100 561 .928 20 481 1.083 110 571 .912 30 491 1.061 120 581 .896 32 493 1.058 130 591 .880 40 501 1.040 140 601 .866 50 511 1.020 150 611 .852 60 521 1.000 160 621 .838 PUMPING MACHINERY, AIRCOMPRESS ORS. 70 B ATTLE C REBK. MICHIGAN, U.S.A. Bri....id l j..*...**mBBnre^^Vi*f"tiytfaEirinfr^ Multipliers to be Used for Transforming Vol- umes of Compressed Air at Various Pres- sures Into Corresponding Volumes of Free Air at Atmospheric Pres- sure of 14.7 Pounds s iS i ji Jj K |H V 0? IH i| B IH B 3 w .9* Cft o. w .2* 3 .8* 1 3 1 3 w ( 3 1 3 1 . " 1 1.068027 26 2 . 768602 51 4.469377 76 6.170052 101 7.870727 2 1 . 136054 27 2.836729 52 4 . 537404 77 6.238079 102 7.938754 3 1 . 204081 28 2.904756 53 4.60543.1 78 6.306106 103 8.006781 4 1.272108 29 2.927783 54 4.673458 79 6.374133 104 8.074808 5 1.340135 30 3.040810 55 4.741485 80 6.442160 105 8.142835 6 1.408162 31 3.108837 56 4.809512 81 6.510187 106 8.210862 7 1.476189 32 3.176864 57 4.877539 82 6.578214 107 8 . 278889 8 1.544216 33 3.244891 58 4.945566 83 6.646241 108 8.346916 9 1.612243 34 3.312918 59 5.013593 84 6.714268 109 8.414943 10 1 . 680270 35 3.380945 60 5.081620 85 6.782295 110 8 . 482970 11 1 . 748297 36 3.448972 61 5.149647 86 6.850322 12 1.816324 37 3.516999 62 5.217674 87 6.918349 13 1.884351 38 3.585026 63 5.285701 88 6.986376 *t 14 1.952378 39 3 . 653053 64 5.353728 89 7 . 054403 3 15 2.020405 40 3.721080 65 5.421755 90 7.122430 + cu 16 2 . 088432 41 3.789107 66 5.489782 91 7.190457 u- ^ 17 2.156459 42 3.857134 67 5.557809 92 7.258484 3 '- 18 2.224486 43 3.925161 68 5.625836 93 7.326^11 19 2.292513 44 3.993188 69 5.693863 94 7.394538 g i 1 20 2.360540 45 4.061215 70 5.761890 95 7.462565 I * ii 21 2.428567 46 4.129242 71 5.829917 96 7.530592 fe X 22 2.496594 47 4.197269 72 5.897944 97 7.598619 23 2.564621 48 4.265296 73 5.965971 98 7.666646 H ^ 24 2.632648 49 4.333323 74 6.033998 99 7.734673 i-H 25 2.700675 50 4.401350 75 6.102025 100 7.802700 Atm. Press. 14.7 pounds = 30 " Barom. Press. Temp. 60 P. 71 a g o U c/3 o H . 3*2 ft o DIM o c 0+3 **O l l lii'fi* a w Per Cent of Efficiency of Air Considering its Volume 100 Per Cent at Sea Level etric ure Ba P O m OH ^ I jj OOO^fNOOOIXOCOCOCO THrHrH(N(NCOCOCO OOOOOt^OOOSrHiOOSCOOi 72 ATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN K e c 1 111 Percen Necess Efficien i i T-H (N f Efficie sidering Cent at Percen tud i 1 00 O CO -< OOOQOI>-OOO5t-iOO5CO O O CO O t^ rt< l>I> OC5O(NCOCOOOC01> H CD O *$< IH ^- in oo CM CM 77 E UNION STEAM PUMP S ^H rH 1> O CN CO OOO CO iO rH rH CN CN CN O O O O O lO I> (35 rH Tfl rH rH rH (N CN * O t>- ^ CN O5 CO -^ CO 00 Oi \ao o\ COO5 COO Tjn rH (N TjHIOl> CO W W X 00 -^ rH (N CO O CN CO iO CO X CO t>- rH TjH rH CN Tt< O a o Hi co O CO CO Oi b- rH CN CO "f DIAMETE CO iO 00 O CO CO O5 O 00 O5 O rH CN 00 CO Tfi CN CO !>. 00 O5 01 O CO COO t^ o 10 co r 1> Gauge Pressure OOO O O co i> ooo o rH o UN i (0 "u o O J ** ctf JO 3 ."S 0*5 0) ^ S S S.I 4-1 I 00 rrt V ,_! 5lg: 2S< iO l> ^ COCO CO Tt< CO JOCNCNOOOOcOcOrHCiCOOiT^ lOcOb-OOOOOrHCNCNCO^CO CO TJH CM CO iOI>i-H^OOi-n^cOO5(NOOiO OS OS O O O rH ^H ^H ^H (M CN CO CO Tt< t^ rH CO 00 CN CO rH 10 Oi 00 OOOOOOOOO5OiO5O5OOOrHrH O5 ic iO T-I -H Oi Oi 00 CO OOCOT^CNCN OO >O i-HCNCOiOcOOOOiOr-tCNTficOOO TfTjHOOOOOOOOOOOiOicOcO 00 O5 t> 00 CO ^f CNJ O 00 CO CO CNCNCNCNCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO 00 00 O5 Oi O rH rH T-lrHrHrH(M(N 0) UH O O S a .S .2 +rf u PN IN UN O (" T3 C O cu 0) 9 co CO D bo P4 O M CO pD (2 S o W 4-> Ctf bJO I o 00 rH CM rH O) CO 05 CM O oo t~ OO t- o oo * o *< rH O o o to . co CM ^ tO CO rH O 1O "* CM t- CO 1 rH OO * IO CM o 1O co C- CM rH CO rH * rH rH O O o co ]S 00 1O tO 00 CO rH 00 CO rH. o o CM CO IT- OS rH * rH tO CM tO CM rH 1 ^ 1 CM s . S OS lO C- ^ rH CO rH 3 1 CM CM tO CO CO rH & w CH I 3 t- 8 CM OS -* CM CM Q W o 1O lO OS * CM * to co rH 5 rH CM w > I OS CO rH C- CO tO CO rH ** CM rH w o CM rH 1O ^ rH 10 CM rH OO CO 00- . Q rH pj r- 1 o o tO OS rH CO 00 * CM rH 00- . < CM W w 2 1 rH OO 1O OO OO tO CO rH O o CO CO rH tO CO 10 CM rH o w . rH w CM 10 to oo -^ h 10 ; ; ; ; ; S !3 o o "* OS CM 10 OS US CM rH O oo 10 c- oo rH o o co OS CO CO tO CO rH ;;;;; rH s to co os t- CM o o CM co oo 10 to I CM CM O O rH ... :::::: CM rH 00 rH 10 10 rH .... CM 1O CO CO rH CO OS 10 CM CO a *a rH^Sc.cfcOcS.J rH rH TrTima" MIIH a a n r^^TnmiTra a a a arvnrm-r^ UNION STEAM PUMP _cy:yvrpANY bo 4) Q O f* CA s -g c o a, o u* o Q "2 a, I bo C j CO 0) | CO CM TH O OS TH OO CM o o oo g S S 1 os co m CO iH O 1 t~ ' os os * m CM o o o o CO CM * CM o co m co -* CM m CM TH o o CO CO CO iH ** CM TH I. * 00 CM * t^ CM TH co TH o o o I C~ GO CO t- os m CM m CM CM TH O O w H > o o o CM co co co TH CO CO TH * CO CO TH iH Jz; CM TH OS os m CM TH in co TH "?. TH & W CM in oo * m CM CO CO CM 00 - o o o m t- oo co os CM m CM TH o * CM 00. _3 W Q o o OS TH CO CO CO t- Tt< CM iH CO o S o o GO TH 00 CO TH TH CM w w o CO TH OO *< GO -^ CO CD CM TH O O K E 8 CM m TH co co CM ^ CM TH TH w S g S ^ S S : : : : : : o M 1 c- <* os m oo m CM o o ID o m CO TH ... o , o n 3 o ' ^ ' TH ... s CO TH 00 o >* t~ *< m ... * TH ... o in co oo co ... 1-1 TH .... CM oo TH : : : : : TH o" O TH t- co co TH o m co t2 CM o e^ S TH CO TH TH m oo JBIQ rf| r ^tTtT- CO t- 00 CM L B ATT LE C REE K. M [ICHIGAN, U. s. A. 1 Globe Valves, Tees and Elbows The reduction of pressure produced by globe valves is the same as that caused by the following additional lengths of straight pipe, as calculated by the formula: 1 14 X diameter of pipe Additional length of pipe = 1 + (3.6 = diameter) Diameter of pipe } 1 l l / 2 2 2^ 3 3X 4 5 6 ins. Additional length j 2 4 7 10 13 16 20 28 36ft. 7 8 . 10 12 15 18 20 22 24 ins. 44 53 70 88 115 143 162 181 200 ft. The reduction of pressure produced by elbows and tees is equal to two-thirds of that caused by globe valves. The follow- ing are the additional lengths of straight pipe to be taken into account for elbows and tees. For globe valves, multiply by -f : Diameter of pipe ) 1 I 1 /* 2 2% 3 3K 4 . 5 6 ins. Additional length [ 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 19 24 ft. 7 8 10 12 15 18 20 22 24 ins. 30 35 47 59 77 96 108 120 134 ft. These additional lengths of pipe for globe valves, elbows and tees must be added in each case to the actual length of straight pipe. Thus a 6-inch pipe, 500 feet long, with 1 globe valve, 2 elbows and 3 tees, would be equivalent to a straight pipe 500 + 36 + (2 X 24) + (3 X 24) = 656 feet long. AND CONDENSERS^ FOR EVERV SERVICE 83 o i i A t i (0 ,c o > p* 5 4-1 pun IBUIUU9JL PUB pitiful oo m co o co <*< o co as CM CM o ' OO rHCOOO OCM OCM rH t-OSOO . t- CM <* m co m -^ CM o c- -^ -^ . t OS O rH CM CO T* in CO CO t- 00 . t-eMCOrHinc~eMc~ooomo OOCMrHOrH-^TtlOSCOCOOOOCO CM TH CO CO CM O t^ -<* O t- CO OS CO OS COt-OOOSOOrHCMCMCOCO-5coe~cMCMominosoo-*eMm ineMincoincMCs-^ascocoinincoooinooincoinTH THrHTHCMCMlMCMCMCMCOCOCOeO-^-^-^ininCOt-t- co W CM O O O OOOOOO OOO OO OOO OOO O OS I I rH O OO O rH O CO O 'f in OS CO CO CM -^ TH t- CO CM <*! O H< -^ CO H-I o CM osco -oso o oosoo cooo t- m rH rHoo t- oosmoo o o ^ TH TH TH rH rH TH TH rH rH CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO HH -<** -^ m in m >^ -^1 COOinCM OO5O OO O O O OOOO OOOO O OOOO CO H PH r-H T-liHin t-COCOOO O OS OS OOSCO OOO O O OOO O OO O O OO t- t^ CO OS in OS -^ OO CM CO OS CO t~ m CM OS rH CM rH OO *! OO CM m C~ 00 OS O O .. co-*^inincocDc-c-t-ooooosoocMcoincoooosTHCMco-t" o CO eMcoinos-^coTHTHOt-eM^oo-^ososcooooooooooooo CH S inTH-*CMOOt-inrHCOC-CM-^OCM-OSOeMt-10CMCOCMOOOOOOOO ^ . TH TH C*l CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO <* -* Hjl in in CO t- t- 00 OS OS O O rH TH rH CM Q CM' t- os* os m' t- co' -^ o m t- o CM CM -H t-oooTHCMcoco-^incocot-cjsoeM-^coo-^t-ococoooocoint-os T-lTHTHTHTHTHTHTHTHrHTHCMCMCMeMCOCOCO-^-^TjtrJdninininm nooineMCDcocooo^oooiooTHcoomin o-^coooosoomoioooTHTHTHt-ost-ooint-osfOT-icocococot'CMCM 'sq^j 'ains ooooooooooomomoooooooooooooo S9J,j gSn^Q TH e^ co -* 10 co t- 5 84 000 0-0 lO-HOOCO^CO-^t-TH COO}tf5T-Ht~CrSOSOCflOt~''*oiocot-ococr5eMC^co>o OTOOOOt~COlOlOTjllOCOMi-lTHOOa5C300t-;DO-*i<3COT-IOO>OOt-?O consoococorocrtfocrtcocYsoofOcofOeMe^c^e^c^ic^eMiMe^e^CMiHrtiHi-t ^< -^ CO CO P4 C>4 rH < lOC>CO5i-(Ot-COi-HOOOOTj< {T-HrHiHi (T-Hi-HrHrHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000000000001000000000< I T i-l i-( i-H TH TH i-l iH CM CM M CV fO CO *< ^ I AND C O N D EN S E R S FOR E V E RV S E , RV j g : JE 85 rHrHrHrHrHrHCMCMCMCMCOCOCOCOMOSlt-'ri '. CMOSt^lO-^COeO-^COOOO-^OOCOOOTjtr-IOOCOlO-^-^lOCOOOO-^lt^CMt-CO coco^ocot-GoosOrHco-^wt^GOocMcoio^osrHcoiot^oeM-^'t^oscM ' O t-CM t~CM OSCO O rH OS 00 00 00 OS O rH * t- O Tf OO CO OS O CM OJ CO iO ^< CO COCO -^ CO I co co TfJ 10 co co c-^ od oi d CM' co *' in t-^ od oi -H CM -^ co c^ os rH co in t-' oi r-i co . . T _,^-( T HeMeMcoco'^'iooooo>OT-icMco W ffi O HCMCOt^lOCOOOOaOCMOO-^rHrHIOCXICMCOCMeMlOCMeMlO 3COCOOSCOt-eMCOi-Ht-COOlnCVIO5CO-feMOO5OO w ^ COCMpt~TtO5M't^pCMCOCOeMOtCOt--COt-'OOCMeM pti H rH rH rH CM CM CM CO CO -^ <*< IO O CO t- t- GO OJ OS O rH ,_) ^ ,_( ^ {VI CM CM CO CO CO " rH rH rH rH CM CM CM cc m co op CM os -* en CM co co oo _cb-Tt< ^ -^j* >ooo _, p-i CO t* GO OS O rH CM CO "^ IO CO Ir- 00 OS O rH CM CO -^ 1C CO t OO OS O rH CM CO Tt* IO CO t* GO OS O CM rl PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSjORS 86 _. -^. - Yfe K" fHT" u.i.....wwWlllillWIlHli Air Consumption of Various Types of Tools and Machines Tools Size Air Pressure in in Pounds per Square Inch Air Consumed, Free Air per Min. (Cubic Feet) Aerons (Paint Sprays) Small Hand 90 2-7 Chipping Hammers Weight Pounds 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 9 12 15 15K 16 17 18 20 20 22 Foundry Jolting Machines Platform type 80 Air per ton lifting capacity 30-40 Grinders (Hand) Weight Pounds 17 24 80 80 20 30 Cylinder Air Hoists Direct Lift (Cylinder) Diam. inches 6 8 10 12 14 17 19 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Free air in cu. ft. per min. per ft. lift 1.22 2.24 3.29 5.06 7.13 10.10 12.50 Cylinder Air Hoists Rope-Geared 2-1 6 8 10 12 14 17 19 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 .61 1.12 1.65 2.53 3.57 5.05 6.25 Air Motor Hoists Tons Capacity IK 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 80 80 , 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 4 6 8 9 12 15 19 25 30 Air Consumption is shown in terms of "Free Air." AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY" rtnnrs 87 T S 83 55 IH p o Sis 888835 "SII -2SS ggsl n-tpintot* 00 CO lOOO r-l(N 00 <5 111! sag oooo XXX X oooo XX X X xxxx o o o'd o o .*# i w 00010,0 (U 1 v^\- g *** _5 H^ 3 ^j >-H d 00 Tf O O3 3 i lit |a :"':& *J3 4^ ^* So+j o ^,OU50 d> *s ' o B *h* rt ^ r\ '33 i ^ ^ |Wj0. ^ 1 12 _ g c3 jj C veting achines . 6'-< ^tJ ffiffl Ss tfu 'o 88 JOL7<)L jmJuLJm M^JiS^Jly^JU^ ))/ & Centrifugal Pumps fz. SECTION TWO Centrifugal Pumps For many years the centrifugal pump, which is the simplest type of pumping machine, undeveloped and crude in design and construction, was used only for pumping against comparatively low heads, and where economy was of secondary importance. In recent years, however, a great advance has been made in the design and construction of centrifugal pumps; and the higher degree of economy now secured, both at high and low heads, also the vise of the turbine pump constructed in multiple stages, have brought the centrifugal pump into general use for a vast variety of purposes. Formerly it was not thought possible to operate centrifugal pumps at heads greater than 20 or 30 feet with any degree of economy, but with the remarkable progress that has been made in both the theory and design, it is now possible to build economical pumps for heads up to 300 feet per stage. In a centrifugal pump, the mechanical power delivered to the shaft by the prime- mover is transmitted to the water by means of a series of radial vanes cast together to form a single element called an impeller, and revolved by the shaft. The water is led to the inner ends of the impeller vanes which pick it up with a rapidly accelerating motion causing it to flow radially between them so that when reaching the outer circumference of the impeller, the water, owing to the velocity and pressure acquired, has absorbed all of the power transmitted to the pump shaft; thus the problem to be solved in impeller design is to obtain the acquired velocity and pressure with a minimum loss in shock and friction. Since the energy of the water on leaving the pump is required to be mostly in the form of a pressure, the next problem is to transform into pressure the kinetic energy of the water due to its velocity on leaving the impeller, and to accomplish it with the least possible loss. The accomplishment of this is the function of the casing which may be of the volute type, or the circular type with diffusion vanes. The change from velocity to pressure is ac- complished by slowing down the speed of the water, and it is necessary that this change take place gradually and uniformly, with the least loss from eddies and shock. With a proper design of volute or diffusor, it is possible to transform practically the whole of the velocity into pressure so that the loss from this source is very small. 90 Impellers Enclosed Impeller Fig. 39 Open Impeller There are two general forms of impellers which are known as the open and enclosed type. The former consists of a set of radial vanes attached to the central hub and disk, and open at the sides, the whole revolving between the two fixed side plates of the pump, while in the latter the vanes are formed between two circular disks which form closed passages between the vanes and extend from the inlet opening to the outer periphery of the impeller. Since the open impeller revolves between the two stationary disks, it is necessary to allow some clearance on each side to prevent contact, with the result that there is considerable leakage at these extended points and a consequent loss of efficiency. The water passing through the impeller is revolved against these stationary side plates with a velocity approximately the same as that of the vanes, and there- fore offers a frictional resistance proportional to the square of this velocity. In the enclosed impeller there can be no leakage by the sides of the vanes. The only possible leakage being around the outside of the impeller into the suction, and this is practically prevented from occuring by means of a running fit around the inlet opening. The frictional loss of an enclosed impeller is caused only by the outer surface revolving in the sur- rounding water. Since the frictional loss of the impeller is the principal loss in the centrifugal pump/ it is evident that any saving at this point will greatly improve the efficiency of the pump. For these reasons the enclosed impeller is used more extensively than the open impeller and particularly in efficient pumps. The open impeller is particularly adapted to handling liquids which contain sand, grit, or other foreign matter. 91 J UNION S TE AM P UM P COMPANY | Turbine and Volute Pumps Centrifugal pumps are divided inco two general classes: Turbine and Volute Pumps. The Turbine Pump The turbine pump is the type used for heads higher than 250 feet. With this type of pump, 100 feet per stage usually gives satisfactory results, but it is possible to operate on heads up to 300 feet per stage without difficulty, depending upon the speed available. Fig. 40. Multistage Turbine Pump. The turbine pump has a circular casing, and has diffusion vanes which surround the impeller. These diffusion vanes pro- vide gradually enlarging passages, whose function it is to reduce the velocity of the water leaving the impeller, and efficiently transform the velocity head into pressure head. Fig. 42. Diffusion Vanes of Turbine Pump. Fig. 189. Multistage Volute Pump. Fig. 43. Shaft and Rotating Parts of Multistage Pump. With the multistage type of pump, it is necessary to pro- vide a balancing device to take up the end thrust of the impeller. Referring to the accompanying Fig. 44, we see that in space A and B, the pressure created by the impeller is the same. Fig. 44. Hydraulic Balancing Device for Multistage Volute Pump. | UNION S TEAM PUMP COMPANY J| In space A, the surface of the impeller exposed to this pressure is shown by diameters D and D x . In space B, by D and D 2 . But as diameter D 2 is smaller than D l the thrust on oppo- site sides will be unequal and the impeller will be pushed towards the suction side of the pump. In order to counterbalance this effect, there is provided a piston C which receives the pressure along the sleeve E, and is of such diameter as to produce the same thrust in the other direction on the shaft as the unbalanced impellers. This device works automatically, for should the thrust of the impellers exceed the effect of the piston, the space F will be closed, and the pressure, therefore, will be built up. This pushes the piston away, and produces a leak, whereupon the pressure drops, and the shaft moves back towards the suction side. By this counteracting of pressure, the shaft and impeller are kept in hydraulic balance, avoiding end thrust on the shaft bearings. As there is a continuous leak from the balancing chambers, the piston does not run directly on the metallic surfaces of the casing, but is separated from the latter by a thin film of water. The amount of water required by this hydraulic balancing device ranges from %% to 3% of the capacity of the pump; however, the water used is not included in the rating of the pump, as the capacity of the pump is measured by the quantity of water delivered from the discharge nozzle. The Volute Pump The volute pump is one which has no diffusion vanes, but instead the casing is of the spiral type, so as to gradually reduce the velocity of the water as it flows from the impeller to the dis- charge pipe. The volute pump is made in both the single-stage and multistage types. These pumps are used for all services for which centrifugal pumps are suitable and the operating head varies with single stage pumps up to 250 feet, and in the multi- stage types up to 1,000 feet. || BATTLE C R.E E K. M 1C HIG AN. U. S. A. ^ \ Fig. 190. Multistage Volute Pump with Hydraulic Balancing Device. Single and Double Suction Pumps Centrifugal pumps may -also be classified into single and double suction according to whether the impeller takes the water from one or both sides. With the single suction pump, there is an unbalanced condition in the impeller, which creates an end thrust, and provision is generally made to take care of this by a thrust bearing of either the hydraulic type or ball thrust type. Fig. 191. Double Suction Volute Pump with Ball Thrust Bearing. ^? 1 ^ 95 ; U N ION STE AM P UM P C OM PANY 3 Fig. 47. Double Suction Volute Pump, Horizontal Split Case Type. In the double suction pump, the impeller takes the water from both sides, and is theoretically balanced, but in practice it has been found that owing to slight variations in castings and local conditions, which exist, this type of impeller is not always balanced, and it is advisable to provide a thrust bearing which is generally of the ball type. Fig. 48. Single Suction Impeller. Fig. 49. Impeller of Double Suction Pump. Fig. 50. Ball Thrust Bearing. | PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS 96 c BATTLE C REEK. MICHIGAN. U. S -' A 3 Advantages of Centrifugal Pumps The chief advantages of the centrifugal pump over other types of pumps are its simplicity, reliability and ease of opera- tion. Another important feature is that the discharge is smooth and continuous, and free from shocks and pulsations. Since the centrifugal pump is free from vibration, it does not require an elaborate foundation. The centrifugal pump possessing the merits of high speed, occupies less space, is lighter in weight, and generally costs less than other types of pumps. The fact that the discharge from a centrifugal pump may be shut off by merely closing a valve in the discharge pipe with- out dangerous pressures being introduced, or requiring the motor to be shut down, is another great advantage. Uses of Centrifugal Pumps The centrifugal pump has reached such a stage of develop- ment, that it is being used in almost every conceivable industry in which the use of water and other liquids play a part. The following brief outline will give an idea of its extensive use: In the Brewery (Near- Beer) In breweries and distilleries, the centrifugal pump is suc- cessfully employed in handling hot and cold mash, beer, grain, and for circulating water. In Refrigerating Plants As a brine pump in refrigerating plants, the centrifugal pump is a success on account of its constant discharge pressure. In the Chemical Industry In the chemical industry, in soap and oil plants, liquids are handled by centrifugals. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE For Drainage and Irrigation Drainage and Irrigation pumps usually involve low heads and generally the amount of power to be supplied is compara- tively small. The centrifugal pump for this service is a desir- able unit on account of its simplicity, low first cost, and low operating expense. Elevator Service For elevator service, which involves a supply of varying quantities of water under a high and practically constant head, the centrifugal pump is particularly adapted. Fire Pump Service As a fire pump, the centrifugal is used extensively on ac- count of its exceptional reliability and simplicity. The power-limiting characteristic is particularly valuable since it protects the driving motor against overloads; also the flat head delivery characteristic will prevent excessive rise in pressure and possible rupture of hose, when the delivery is de- minished. Hot Water Service For the circulation of hot water in heating systems, the centrifugal pump is extensively used on account of its constant discharge pressure, and because it does not give rise to disturbing noises in the piping system and radiators. In the House and Office Building The centrifugal pump is particularly adapted for house and office buildings where noiseless operation is imperative, and con- stant pressure is desired. In the Iron and Steel Industry In the iron and steel industry, centrifugal pumps have be- come an important factor for handling liquids. PUMPING MACHINERY AIR COMPRESSORS L B ATTLE C REE K. M ICH IGAN. U. s. A. fi For Marine Work On board ship for circulating, ballast, general service, con- densate and boiler feeding, the centrifugal pump is being used extensively. For Mine Service Centrifugal pumps are used in mining work as station pumps, sinking pumps, and for sluicing and hydraulic mining. They are admirably adapted for mine service, as they require little or no foundation, do not produce vibration in the pipe line, involve little cost for installation, and when electrically operated, are easily controlled from a distant point. In the Oil Industry Centrifugal pumps are being used extensively in the oil industry for handling oils where the viscosity is such that it is possible. This type of pump is particularly adapted for handling light oils such as light crudes, gas oil, kerosene, gaso- line, etc. Paper Mills In the paper mill, the centrifugal pump is used extensively for circulating water, handling pulp, etc. The open impeller pumps are particularly adapted for hand- ling liquids containing solid matter. In the Power House In power nouse work, centrifugal pumps are used for boiler feeding, condensate pumps, circulating pumps with surface, jet and barometric condensers, sump pumps, etc. For the Sugar House In sugar houses and refineries, where reliability is the chief requirement, centrifugal pumps are used extensively for water supply, juices, carbonation pumps, filter press pumps, etc. Water Works Service For water works service, centrifugal pumps are used for the main pumping units, for booster pumps, and in connection with filter plants, for filling sedimentation basins, flushing filters, etc. 99 3 Data Required for Estimates for Union Centrifugal Pumps When sending for estimates, please answer the following questions : 1. Number of pumps required '. 2. Capacity of each pump... U. S. gallons per minute. 3. Total lift, including suction lift, discharge lift, and pipe friction feet. 4. Length and size of suction pipe and maximum distance from water level to pump feet. 5. Length and size of discharge pipe, number and type of elbows and bends. 6. Nature of liquid to be handled ..Fresh water, salt water, acidulous, alkaline, gritty, solids in suspension? 7. Temperature of liquid Fah. Specific gravity 8. Service, continuous Intermittent 9. If electric-motor-driven, state characteristics of current If direct current, give voltage If alternating current, give voltage cycles phase 10. If steam driven, state whether connected to steam tur- bine or steam engine. 11. Give steam pressure, superheat, if any, and state whether condensing or non-condensing. 12. If belt driven, give dimensions and speed of driving pulley. NOTE. Give additional information as to location, service of pump, special con- ditions, etc., in order to enable us to furnish the proper outfit. 100 BATTLE C Fig. 51. Impeller Diagram In the above diagram V 2 = Tangential velocity, impeller at outer periphery. Vj= Tangential velocity, impeller at inner periphery. Z 2 = Relative velocity of water at outlet. Z 1 = Relative velocity of water at inlet. C 2 = Absolute velocity of water at outlet. J 2 = Radial velocity of water at outlet. J 1 = Radial velocity of water at inlet. W = Tangential velocity of water at outlet. a 2 Outlet angle of impeller. a t = Inlet angle of impeller. The above diagram illustrates the layout of a centrifugal pump impeller. Like all engineering work, the various factors entering into the design of centrifugal impellers are determined by experience. The design of a centrifugal pump impeller is ultimately based on the performances of other impellers. The theory indicates what would be the general effect of altering certain dimensions, hence, successful design consists of modify- ing or changing the design of impellers, which have been tested out. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE Theory Referring to figure 51, the water enters the impeller inlet with a radial velocity J lf and leaves the impeller with an absolute velocity of C 2 . The inner peripheral velocity of the impeller is V lf and the outer peripheral velocity V 2 . All velocities are in feet per second. ' Let H be the theoretical head in feet against which the pump would deliver water, if there were no losses. Then V| T 2g (21) In which g = the force of attraction of gravity =32. 2 ft. per second. From formula 21 Having given the head against which the pump must work and the diameter of the impeller, the speed of the pump may be calculated by formula 21. EXAMPLE: Assume we have to pump against a head of 100 ft,, and have an impeller of W% ff diameter. What would be the required speed of the pump ? By substituting in formula 21, we have: V 2 =V2gH V 2 = V2 x 32.2 x 100 =80.4 ft. per second. This is equal to 80.4 x 60=4824 ft. per minute. The circumference of the impeller 10^" in diameter = 10# x 3.14 =33.8* or 2.8 ft. As the impeller has to revolve 4824 ft. per minute, it will have to run fj- = 1722 revolutions per minute. The capacity of a pump depends upon the size of the suc- tion and discharge openings, the size of the casing, and width and diameter of the impeller. These factors are determined by the designer from experience. 102 * s^y*- *****>?. R "A T f L E C REE K. MICHIGAN, U. s. A -J Belt-Driven Pump. Fig. 192. Union Belt-Driven Side-Suction Volute Pumps Maximum Working Pressure 52 pounds, or 120 feet. Pipe Sizes Capacity, G. P. M. Standard Pulleys SIZE ~ OF B PUMP Discharge Inches Suction Inches Minimum Normal Maximum |l jf H H 1 5 12 16 3 2 1 /^ 10 25 35 3 3 \\^ 1/4 iH 25 60 90 4 4 i/^ 1 V 2 40 90 125 5 5 2 2 3 75 200 260 6 6 2/^j 2/ / 3 125 260 300 6 6 3 3 4 200 400 600 8 6 4 4 5 300 500 700 8 8 5 5 6 400 800 1000 10 8 6 6 8 500 1000 1200 10 10 8 8 10 1200 1500 2000 12 12 10 10 12 1500 3000 3500 14 12 12 12 14 2500 4000 5000 16 14 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 103 Motor-Driven Pump. Fig. 193. Union Motor-Driven Side-Suction Volute Pumps Maximum working pressure 52 pounds, or 120 feet. Pipe Sizes Capacity, G. P. M. SIZE OF PUMP Discharge, Inches Suction, Inches Minimum Normal Maximum % H 1 5 12 16 i 1M 10 25 35 iU IK m 25 60 90 i l A IH 2 40 90 125 2 2 3 75 200 260 2y 2 2^ 3 125 260 300 3 3 4 200 400 600 4 4 5 300 500 700 5 5 6 400 800 1000 6 6 8 500 1000 1200 8 8 10 1200 1500 2000 10 10 12 1500 3000 3500 12 II 12 14 2500 4000 5000 104 1 a3j C R-EEK Belt Driven Pump. Fig. 54. Motor Driven Pump. Fig. 55. Union Horizontal Double-Suction Volute Pumps Horizontal Split-Case Type Pipe Sizes CAPACITY, G. P. M. Standard Pulleys SIZE , OF B l PUMP 5 8 6 *3 h l| I" Z Ji | 'rt g O | 1o to || II 1 1 A BL iy 2 2 100 40 90 125 5 5 2BS 2 3 100 75 125 150 5 5 2 BL 2 3 150 75 125 150 5 5 3BS 3 4 100 175 280 325 6 6 3BL 3 4 200 175 280 325 6 6 4BS 4 5 100 300 450 600 8 8 4BL 4 5 203 300 450 600 8 8 5BS 5 6 100 450 800 950 10 10 5BL 5 6 200 450 830 ' 950 10 10 6BS 6 8 103 600 1000 1400 10 10 6BL 6 8 200 600 1000 1400 10 10 8BS 8 10 100 1000 2000 2300 12 12 8BL 8 10 200 1000 2000 2300 12 12 10 BS 10 12 100 1600 3000 4000 14 12 10 BL 10 12 200 1600 3000 4000 14 12 12 BL 12 14 200 2800 4000 5000 15 12 14.BL 14 16 200 3500 5500 6500 16 It 105 ]l UN I ON STEAM P UMP COMPANY ^ Motor-Driven Pump. Fig. 194. Union Double-Suction Volute Pumps High Speed. For Maximum Heads of 250 feet at 3500 R. P. M., also for Low Heads at 1750 R. P. M. PIPE SIZES CAPACITY, G. P. M. SIZE OF PUMP Discharge, Inches Suction, Inches Minimum Normal Maximum 2 2 3 100 200 300 3 3 4 200 400 500 4 4 5 300 500 750 5 5 6 500 800 1000 6 6 8 800 1200 1400 [ACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS 106 Fig. 195. Belt-Driven Pump. Fig. 196. Motor-Driven Pump. Union Multistage Centrifugal Pumps - PIPE SIZES. CAPACITY, G. P. M. SIZE OF PUMP Discharge, Inches Suction, Inches Minimum Maximum V4 1 1 A 2 40 120 *2HS 2 3 .50 100 2 2 3 50 175 3 3 4 150 350 4 4 5 300 650 5 5 6 450 900 6 6 6 600 1200 ''This size only has ball-bearings. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY" SERVICE 107 Fig. 179. Union Motor-Driven Automatic Centrifugal Pumps and Receivers Size Pump Discharge **Radiation (Direct) Surface Sq. Feet 2 p; 6 Max. Disch. ft Pressure R. P. M.* ti i-O *g K2 Receiver Dimensions (Inside) Lbs- Feet Head Min. Max. Dia. Height H % 3 A 5000-7500 5000-7500 5000-7500 15 15 15 5 10 15 11.5 13 34.5 11.5 23 34.5 46 1200 1700 2000 1700 2000 2500 X 1 A 3 A 15 15 15 to to to to I to to to i l l l IX IX IX IX tX IX 7500-12000 7500-12000 7500-12000 7500-12000 24 24 24 24 5 10 15 20 1100 1300 1600 1750 1100 1150 1350 1500 1700 1800 1700 1700 2000 2500 1700 1700 1700 1700 2000 2000 1 A y i 15 15 15 15 12000-30000 12000-30000 12000-30000 12000-30000 12000-30000 12000-30000 60 60 60 60 60 60 5 10 15 20 25 30 11.5 23 34.5 46 57.5 69 *A i i l A 3 3 3 22 22 1 22 22 22 22 36 36 36 36 36 36 m 1 1 A l l A 1 1 A l l A 1 1 A l l A 30000-40000 30000-40000 30000-40000 30000-40000 30000-40000 30000-40000 30000-40000 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 11.5 23 34.5 46 57.5 69 81 1100 1100 1100 1100 1300- 1400 1500 1400 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 IJ4 m 2 3 5 5 5 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 *RPM refers to the full-load speed of the motor. **For indirect radiation as in fan system, one-fifth of the ratings given should be used. tUse motors of 40 Centrigrade rating. ttln figuring total head, allow 5 Ibs. margin for forcing water into the boiler. For higher pressure, special pumps can be furnished upon request. L B ATTLE C REE K. MIC HIGAN, U. s. A. jj Fig. 180. Single Sump Pump. Fig. 197. Duplex Sump Pump. Union Vertical Sump Pumps Single and Duplex. SIZE PUMP Size Discharge Diameter of Cpver in Inches Single Diameter of Cover in Inches Duplex J Depth of Pit in Feet **1 1 30 48 6 1M 1M 36 60 6 lj^ i/^ 42 60 6 2 2 42 60 6 2/^ 2/ / 48 68 6 3 3 48 68 6 4 4 52 68 6 **This pump is not suitable for handling soil. JFor pits deeper than 6 feet, steady bearings are used. Capacity, Speed and Horse Power Table for Vertical Sump Pumps HEAD IN FEET 10 20 30 40 50 * P, a p. a P. s a s P. a Pi Pi PH H-> 6 pi PH -2 * fvrfvTnrTr^irv ~a w a i^A^jtKJOCOCgxicl^^gJOLJtJLa-TrgY-g a w it B tf arBTEg3LJi.a i-meaaaj 107 C Fig. 198. Belt -Driven Pump. Fig. 199. Motor-Driven Pump. Union Centrifugal Paper Stock Pumps PIPE SIZES *APPROXIMATE CAPACITY, G. P. M. Standard Pulleys SIZE OP PUMP Discharge, Inches Suction, Inches Minimum Maximum II r| P fo J5 3 3 5 150 350 8 6 4 4 6 250 700 10 8 5 5 8 400 900 12 8 6 6 10 600 1200 12 10 8 8 12 900 2000 14 12 *Capacity will vary with the consistency of stock. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVICE UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY How to Determine the Total Head of a Centrifugal Pump The total head against which a centrifugal pump operates is made up of the sum of four factors as follows: suction lift, discharge head, friction head (due to loss in suction and dis- charge line) , and velocity head. The suction lift is the vertical distance from the level of the water to be pumped to the center line of the pump. If the water level is above the center line of pump, the pump is operat- ing under a suction head or a flooded suction, and this distance must be subtracted from the sum of the remaining factors. The discharge head is the vertical distance between the center line of the pump and the level to which the water is elevated. The friction head for pipes and elbows for different sizes and capacities can be found on pages, 144147. The velocity head "H" is determined by the Formula in which 64.4 v __ .408 x Gallons per minute ~1?~" D= Diameter of the pipe in inches. (22) Rig. 61. Figure 61, illustrates the proper method of connecting up a centrifugal pump for testing purposes. Connection for suction gauge should be made at least 2> " from the face of the suction flange on pump. Connection for 108 discharge gauge should be made at least 2>" from the face of the discharge flange on the pump. All gauge connections should be made absolutely tight and as short as possible. To arrive at the total head that the centrifugal pump works against, from the gauge readings, the following example may be used: Assuming the distance "A" (vertical distance from the center line of the gauge connection in suction pipe to center line of pressure gauge) to be 2 feet, discharge pressure 40 pounds (by gauge), and vacuum (by gauge) 15 inches, when discharging 1,000 gallons of water per minute. Let 6 inches be the diameter of the discharge pipe (where gauge connection is made) and 8 inches be the diameter of the suction pipe (where gauge connec- tion is made). The total head for the above example is arrived at as follows: 40 pounds pressure (see page 142) =92.4 feet. 15 inches vacuum (see page 152) =17.01 feet. Distance A = 2.0 *Velocity head = 1.36. Total head = 112.77 feet. *The velocity head in the 6 inch discharge pipe by formula (22) equals 1.99 feet. The velocity head in the 8 inch suction pipe by formula (22) equals .63 feet. The total velocity head to be added, therefore equals the difference between these two figures or 1.36 feet. If the suction and discharge pipes are of the same diameter where the gauge connections are made, the velocity head will be the same in both, and no correction need be made for same, as the suction gauge readings include the velocity head in the suction pipe, which in this instance is the same as the velocity head on the discharge pipe. Where the discharge pipe is smaller in diameter than the suction pipe, the difference between the velocity heads in both pipes should be added to the other read- ings given above in order to arrive at the total head. The difference in velocity heads in the suction and discharge pipes should be subtracted from the sum of the other readings given above, if the suction pipe is smaller than the disharge pipe where the gauges are connected. In the above example, the friction head in the suction and discharge pipes is included in the gauge readings. It is of the greatest importance that the correct head be determined, before purchasing a centrifugal pump. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERT SERVICE STEAM PU M P COM P ANY I itiy ,..,.>.,........,.. .^ar.r.--ffWTTifrg* By referring to the characteristics reproduced on page 117, it is seen that should the head be greater than that for which the pump is designed, less water would be discharged, and if the head is less, more water will be discharged. Particularly on direct connected units, any error in specifying the correct head involves either changing the impeller, the prime mover, or both. Great care should be used in estimating the friction loss in the piping, as this may be a very important -factor of the total head. Measurement of Water To determine the volume of discharge of a centrifugal pump or any pump, the means that may be employed according to the circumstances are to weigh or measure the volume of liquid discharged in a known time interval, by using the weir, a Venturi meter, a Pitot tube, or a calibrated nozzle. To measure the volume of, or weigh the liquid discharged in a certain time interval, is the most accurate method, owing to the fact that no arbitrary constants are necessary in calcula- tion. This method of measurement is very often used in labora- tories and is the one used in testing out Union centrifugal pumps. The Union Steam Pump test laboratory is equipped with a large testing tank containing approximately 60,000 gallons of water. The pump takes the suction from this tank and dis- charges it into a smaller tank of exact known dimensions. The weir is a standard device for measuring water. It should be remembered, however, that all weir formulas and co- efficients are purely empirical in their nature, and that the dif- ferent formulas that are accepted at large do not give identical results. The most widely used weir formula is the Francis formula for rectangular weirs. Q=3.33 (b .2H) H* (23) Q= Cubic feet per second. b = Breadth in feet of the notch or length of the weir. H =The head in feet above the crest measured by the hook gauge. !^ 110 r/t/n/ tv/e* aox O O C O O O O O O O O O O O OOOOOOOO O O O O O O aoooooon O O O O O O O OOOOOOOO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 000000 O O O O O O O O O O o O oVoVoV o o o o o o o o o o o o l O O O O O O ) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O J O O O O O O O O O O O O > O O O O O O O O O O O O ) O O O O O O O O O O C ** o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O o o o o o VooV oVoVo o oo o o% -d Fig. 62. Standard Full Contracted Rectangular Weir Box for Measurement of Water Figure 62 illustrates a standard full contracted weir box for the measurement of water. In constructing the same, it is necessary that the board over which the water falls, be beveled on the down stream side; the ends should also be beveled on the same side, leaving the edge almost sharp, say within one-eighth of an inch. The hook gauge must first be set at zero when the point of hook is level with the crest of weir by use of a spirit level. Or it can be set perfectly accurate with the water level just at the crest of the weir and point of hook showing above the water. The tables on the following pages are based on zero velocity of approach, i. e., the water should not approach the weir with any noticeable velocity, as otherwise a greater quantity would be discharged than indicated by the depth. The length of the weir should be less than two-thirds the width of the box, and the depth of the box should be more than three times the depth of water flowing over the crest of the weir. Francis says a fall below the crest of the weir of one-half the head is sufficient, but there must be a free access of air tinder the sheet. However, we recommend that the fall below the weir should be greater than one-half the head. 111 Discharge of Rectangular Weir HEAD LENGTH OF WEIR Addition for Increase Length Inch Feet 12 inch 24 inch 3 ft. 5 ft. 8ft. 12 ft. 20 ft. 1 in. 1 ft. & 0.005 1 0.010 1.48 0.138 1.592 3% 0.015 2.915 0.243 2.220 0.021 4.49 9. 13.5 22.5 36. 54. 90. 0.374 4.505 1*5 0.026 6.25 12.55 18.8 31.4 50.4 75.6 126. 0.526 6.300 % 0.031 8.24 16.5 22.6 41.25 66. 99.5 165.5 0.687 8.282 1% 0.036 10.34 20.8 31.2 52.1 83.2 125. 208.3 0.868 10.421 i 0.042 12.64 25.35 38.1 63.4 101.8 153. 255. 1.062 12.73 T% 0.047 15.08 30.3 45.5 76.1 121.5 182. 304. 1.269 15.20 0.052 17.6 35.4 53.1 89.1 142. 214. 356. 1.485 17.81 * 0.057 20.3 40.85 61.1 102.8 164. 246.5 410.5 1.710 20.57 O.OG2 23.1 46.3 69.7 117. 187.5 281. 468. 1.948 23.40 * 0.068 26. 52.6 78.9 132. 210.5 316.4 529. 2.200 26.42 0.073 29.1 58.5 88.3 147. 235.8 354. 590. 2.460 29.50 ll 0.078 32 2 64.8 97.7 162.8 252. 392. 655. 2.730 32.75 1 0.083 35.4 71.5 107.5 179.8 288. 432. 770. 3.010 36.04 I* 0.088 38.8 78.3 118. 197. 315. 472. 789. 3.290 39.50 1 * 0.094 42.2 85. 128.2 214.5 343. 515. 860. 3.583 43.02 lA 0.099 45.9 92.2 139. 232.5 372. 559. 931. 3.882 46.85 1 i 0.104 49.5 99.8 150.4 250.4 401. 604.5 1006. 4.199 50.45 1& 0.109 53. 107. 161.5 270. 432. 650. 1085. 4.520 54.00 0.115 56.75 114.7 173. 289.5 464. 695. 1160. 4.855 58.00 IT? 0.120 60.7 123. 185. 309.5 496. 745. 1240. 5.175 62.10 1 i 0.125 64.9 131. 197. 329.5 528. 794. 1323. 5.570 65.15 Hi 0.130 68.5 139. 209. 350. 561. 845. 1408. 5.850 70.10 1 H 0.135 72.5 147. 222. 371.5 596. 885. 1500. 6.203 74.70 Hi 0.143 77. 156. 235. 392.6 630. 947. 1580. 6.570 79.15 1 0.146 81. 164. 248. 415. 665. 1000. 1680. 6.985 83.20 li 0.151 85.4 173. 262. 436.5 701. 1053. 1760. 7.340 87.75 1 1 0.156 89.5 182. 275. 460. 736. 1109. 1852. 7.690 92.70 lii 0.161 94. 191. 289. 483.5 775. 1164. 1942. 8.100 97.20 2 0.167 98.5 200.5 302. 506. 812. 1220. 2040. 8.515 102.00 2A 0.172 103. 210. 316. 530. 850. 1278. 2130. 8.911 106.80 2 * 0.177 107.8 219.9 332. 555. 890. 1330. 2230. 9.316 111.70 2i% 0.182 112.4 229. 345. 579. 930. 1397. 2330. 9.715 116.60 2 * 0.187 117. 239. 361. 605. 970. 1453. 2430. 10. 122 121.30 2^ 0.193 122. 249. 376. 629. 1010. 1518. 2530. 10.590 127.00 2 j 0.198 127. 259. 390.5 655. 1050. 1580. 2637. 10.990 132.00 2^ 0.203 132. 269. 406. 680. 1092. 1640. 2738. 11.420 137.20 2J 0.208 136.2 279. 422. 706. 1133. 1707 2846. 11.890 142.90 2& 0.213 142. 289. 438. 732. 1176. 1769. 2955. 12.320 148.00 2 ^ 0.219 146.7 300. 453. 760. 1220. 1832. 3057. 12.790 153.50 % 0.224 151.4 310.5 470. 785. 1265. 1900. 3165. 13.210 159.00 2 0.229 157. 321.5 485. 815. 1308. 1968. 3275. 13.590 164.20 2* 0.234 162. 332. 501.5 832.5 1352. 2034. 3470. 14.19 170.15 2 0.240 167.6 343. 520. 870. 1400. 2103. 3500. 14.61 175.3 m 0.245 172.9 354. 535. 898. 1442. 2171. 3611. 15.05 181.4 3 0.250 177.8 366. 552. 926. 1490. 2239. 3740. 15.61 187.3 0.255 183.3 377. 569. 956. 1536. 2309. 3853. 16.1 193.5 3*4 0.260 189.1 388. 588. 986. 1580. 2380. 3975. 16.6 199.2 0.266 194.8 400. 605. 1015. 1632. 2449. 4092. 17.1 205.5 3 i 0.271 199.8 410.5 624. 1047. 1679. 2522. 4210. 17.6 211. 3& 0.276 205.6 422. 640. 1076. 1728. 2598. 4341. 18.11 217 6 8| 0.281 210.8 435. 659. 1105. 1778. 2671. 4455. 18.63 224. 3ft 0.286 216.5 446. 676. 1138. 1825. 2740. 4575. 19.11 229.8 3 i 0.292 222. 458. 695. 1167. 1875. 2820. 4710. 19.7 236. 15 0.297 228. 470. 714. 1200. 1925. 2898. 4846. 20.2 242.2 3 - 0.302 234. 483. 731. 1230. 1977. 2970. 4961. 20.78 249.4 3i 0.307 240. 445. 750. 1260. 2027. 3043. 5100. 21.3 255.9 3 0.312 245. 506. 769. 1292. 2081. 3121. 5213. 21.83 262.2 3f 0.318 251. 520. 789. 1328. 2128. 3203. 5350. 22.4 268.6 3 0.323 256.5 533. 808. 1355. 2180. 3280. 5475. 22.9 274.5 3f 0.328 263. 545. 825. 1390. 2239. 3360. 5610. 32.5 282. 4 0.333 269. 556. 846. 1424. 2288. 3440. 5748. 24. 288. 4^ 0.338 275.6 570. 866. 1454. 2342. 3520. 5890. 24.64 296. 0.344 281.6 584. 885. 1490. 2399. 3633. 6015. 25.18 301.9 M 0.349 286. 596. 906. 1523. 2450. 3680. 6150. 25.78 309. J 0.354 293.6 610. 925. 1559. 2505. 3775. 6300. 26.34 316. ' $ 0.359 300. 623. 945. 1590. 2560. 3856. 6425. 26.94 323. ' j " 0.365 306. 636. 966. 1628. 2620. 3935. 6571. 27.55 330.5 Tl" 0.370 312. 650. 986. 1660. 2670. 4015. 6715. 28.05 336.8 I 0.375 318. 663. 1006. 1696. 2704. 4102. 6857. 28.65 344. 'I 8 0.380 325. 676. 1030. 1730. 2780. 4195. 7002. 29.25 351.5 0.385 331. 690. 1050. 1768. 2841. 4275. 7150. 29.85. 358. ii 0.390 336.6 704. 1069. 1801. 2899. 4355. 7291. 30.46 366. 4 0.396 344. 717.5 1091. 1835. 2958. 4450. 7448. 31.15 374. ft 0.401 350. 731. 1111. 1875. 3010. 4540. 7588. 31.75 390.9 4 0.406 356.6 744.5 1131. 1908. 3075. 4621. 7710. 32.36 388.2 41 0.411 363.7 759. 1156. 1948. 3132. 4710. 7891. 33. 395.9 5 0.417 370. 772. 1175. 1985. 3192. 4810. 8039. 33.65 404.3 5^ 0.422 376.5 785. 1200. 2018. 3256. 4896. 8172. 34.2 410.5 0.427 382.5 800. 1220. 2030. 3313. 4999. 8345. 34.93 419.4 5^ * 0.432 388. 815. 1239. 2094. 3368. 5070. 8461. 35.5 426. 5 * 0.437 395.5 830. 1262. 2130. 3439. 5165. 8643. 36. 17 434.4 0.443 401. 844. 1285. 2168. 3500. 5255. 8800. 36.79 441. 112 Discharge of Rectangular Weir HEAD LENGTH OF WEIR Addition for In- crease of Length Inch Feet 12 Inch 24 Inch 3 Ft. 5 Ft. 8 Ft. 12 Ft. 20 Ft. 1 Inch 1 Ft. 5 I" 0.448 409. 857. 1310. 2208. 3o48. 5350. 8949. 37-. 45 450. 5-f-" 0.453 415. 871. 1330. 2243. 3612. 5446. 9111. 38.1 457 5 5 i" 0.458 421.6 887. 1352. 2282. 3680. 5550. 38.8 465. .5 5&" 0.463 428.5 903. 1376. 2321. 3724. 5612. 39.2 470.9 5 H" 0.469 435.5 915. 1395. 2358. 3780. 5710. 39.98 480. 5ii" 0.474 442.5 932.5 1419. 2400. 3842. 5802. 9706! 40.61 487.6 5 1" 0.479 449. 947.5 1442. 2440. 3913. 5899. 9846 41.22 495. 5H" 0.484 456.2 960. 1465. 2480. 3971. 5990. 10000. 41 95 503.5 5 i 0.490 462.6 977. 1490. 2514. 4043. 6078. 10186. 42.6 511. 5H 0.495 470. 993. 1515. 2559. 4105. 6176. 10325. 43.26 519.6 6 0.500 476.5 1005. 1535. 2600. 4161. 6289. 10510. 44. 528. 0.505 1021. 1561. 2640. 4230. 6398. 10657. 44.65 536. 6 i 0.510 1039. 1582. 2675. 4292. 6490. 10812. 45.25 543 0.515 1051. 1609. 2716. 4361. 6571. 10996. 46.10 554. 6 i 0.521 1068. 1632. 2760. 4423. 6670. 11175. 46.6 560. 0.526 1083. 1655. 2801. 4500. 6796. 11321. 47.5 570. 6*i 0.531 1100. 1679. 2844. 4558. 6890. 11500. 47.95 575. gi 0.536 1112. 1704. 2881. 4641. 6972. 11680. 48.81 586. i 0.542 1130. 1742. 2920. 4710. 7062. 11825. 49.7 596. 6& 0.547 1147. 1752. 2962. 4762. 7189. 11990. 50.2 602.3 6 i 0.552 1161. 1779. 3005. 4830. 7288. 12162. 51.1 613.8 0.557 1178. 1803. 3047. 4900. 7376. 12325. 51.5 617.8 6 0.563 1193. 1826. 3084. 4957. 7487. 12500. 52.5 629.9 0.568 1210. 1853. 3139. 5041. 7590. 12695. 53.3 640. e'i 0.573 1226. 1878. 3180. 5100. 7691. 12850. 53.8 645.5 Cii 0.578 1240. 1903. 3219. 5181. 7790. 13141 54.6 65(>. 7 0.583 1258. 1928. 3260. 5230. 7902. 13220. 55.6 668. 0.589 1272. 1949. 3300. 5310. 8005. 13400. 56. 672.5 7 l | 0.594 1290. 1976. 3342. 5395. 8112. 13580. 56.9 682.5 '16 0.599 1309. 2000. 3384. 5450. 8221. 13755. 57.85 695. 7 i 0.604 1322. 2029. 3436. 5561. 8310. 13931. 58.47 701.5 0.609 1339. 2058. 3480. 5595. 8441. 14110. 59.10 710. 7 i 0.615 1356. 2080. 3522. 5661. 8540. 14290. 59.93 719.6 7A 0.620 1371. 2105. 3570. 5742. 8641. 14480. 60.6 729. 7 i 0.625 1345. 2130. 3609. 5807. 8750. 14640. 61.4 736. Hi 0.630 1408. 2155. 3658. 5885. 8850. 14820. 62.1 746. 7 i 0.635 1423. 2179. 3700. 5950. 8980. 15015. 62.96 755. 0.641 1439. 2212. 3745. 6019. 9093. 15190. 63.6 764. 7 i 0.646 1458. 2238. 3785. 6100. 9185. 15395. 64.49 774. n 0.651 1471. 2260. 3820. 6168. 9291. 15583. 65.15 782. 7 i 0.656 1490. 2286. 3860. 6248. 9419. 15751. 66. 792. 0.661 1506. 2310. 3903. 6310. 9537. 15921. 66.9 803. 8 l 0.667 1522. 2338. 3956. 6400. 9644. 16150. 67.7 813.5 0.672 1541. 2365. 4000. 6481. 9746. 16342. 68.5 821.5 81 0.667 1555. H396. 4045. 6540. 9866. 16510. 69.15 831. Sft 0.682 1572. 2419. 4090. 6609. 9970. 16700. 70. 840. 8 i 0.688 1592. 2442. 4140. 3700. 10095. 16900. 70.8 850. 0.693 1601. 2460. 4178. 6757. 10195. 17086. 71.6 860. tj 0.698 1618. 2493. 4227. 6845. 1031*0. 17271. 72.55 871. 0.703 1636. 2516 4292. 6925. 10425. 17905. 73.25 879.6 o 0.708 1652. 2540. 4312. 6995. 10530. 17685. 74.03 889.7 0.174 1670. 2565. 4362. 7061. 10645. 17845. 74.9 899. I^S 0.719 1689. 2595. 4415. 7146. 10780. 18042. 75.65 909. ft 0.724 1706. 2623. 4460. 7225. 10900. 18220. 76.52 919. 8 : 0.729 1723. 2656. 4511. 7293. 11000. 18460. 77.35 929. 81- 0.734 1741. 2680. 4552. 7380. 11120. 18651. 78.28 940. 8 ; 0.740 1760. 2705. 4600. 7460. 11250. 18872 79. 949. 8ti 0.745 1777. 2739. 4648. 7545. 11355. 19000. 79.9 959. 9 0.750 1791. 2765. 4699. 7600. 11500. 19206 80.65 969.5 0.755 1810. 2792. 4749. 7682. 11600. 19400. 81.52 979. 9 i 0.760 1830. 2816. 4799. 7755. 11720. 19620. 82.9 995. 9i% 765 1848. 2844. 4849. 7850. 11831. 19819. 83.11 999. 9 i 0.771 1866. 2876. 4899. 7910. 11940. 20031. 84.25 1011. 0.776 1880. 2900 4949. 8000 12070. 20225. 85.05 1020. 9 1 ! 0.781 1898. 2927. 4999. 8080. 12190. 20425. 85.92 1031. 9 A 0.786 1918. 2960. 5049. 8160. 12300 20625. 86.76 1041. 9 \ 0.792 1939. 2985. 5098. 8241. 12430. 20865. 87.6 1051. 0.797 1955. 3017. 5145. 8305. 12570. 21035. 88.3 1060. 9^ 0.802 1971. 3041. 5185. 8396. 21221. 89.45 1072. 0.807 1989. 3073. 5227. 8483. 12806 21418. 90.25 1082. 9 1 0.812 2006. 3101. 5288. 8564. 12945'. 21625. 91. 1091. 0.818 2025. 3129. 5340. 8635. 13050. 21825. 91.95 1103. 9 0.823 2045. 3160. 5393. 8710. 13190. 22083. 92.85 1112. 91 0.828 2065. 3190. 5443. 8800. 13300. 22275. 93.80 1125. 10 0.833 2085. 3216. 5490. 8892. 13430. 22532. 94.6 1136. EXAMPLE Suppose weir length is S ft., and after the water has been flowing sometime, the head or depth of flow is found to be 5 3-16 inches. To find the number of gallons flowing per minute thru the weir, run down the "Head" column until 5 3-16 inches is reached, then crosswise to the column labeled 5 ft., and the flow is found to be 2094 gallons per minute. If the weir has a different length than any given in the table, such as 73 Inches, 'or 5 ft-4-1 ft. + 1 inch, proceed as follows: Taking the " Head" the same as in the preceding example, we find the flow for 5 ft. equals 2094, and continuing across on the same line to the columns labeled "Addition for increase of length," we find the flow tor a 73 inch weir for the given "Head" is 2094 plus 4S6 plus 35.5 equals 2555.5 gallons per minute. 113 UNION S T E "AM P U M P For small rates of discharge, the triangular weir is better than the rectangular weir. Any angle of notch may be em- ployed, but the 90 triangular notch is the one most used. The formula for the 90 notch is : Q = 2.544 R* (24) Q = Cubic feet per second. H = Head in feet. The following table has been computed from the above formula : Head in ft. G. P. M. discharge Head in ft. G. P. M. discharge 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 36 56.2 83 115 155 202 256 318 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 389 468 555 655 760 879 1000 1140 DISCHARGE * 5UCT/ON TUBE Fig. 63. The Venturi meter offers a satisfactory method of measur- ing water, and is very often installed in pumping plants as it permits of the measurement of water without any interference in its flow. Figure 63 illustrates the arrangement for testing by the Venturi meter. Figure 64 illustrates an arrangement for measuring the quantity of discharge by means of a Pitot tube. The tube measures the velocity head at the orifice of the discharge nozzle PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS 114 I BAT t L E C REEK. MICH I G AN . U. S . A. 1 Ul SVCT. GAG GAT VALVE 5UCT/OA/ GflT VALV PfTOT TUBS Fig. 64. and the quantity of discharge can be found from the formula: Q=CAV2lH (25) In which Q equals the quantity of discharge in cubic feet per second, C is a constant for the nozzle which varies from .95 to .98. A equals the area of the nozzle in square feet, H equals the velocity head in feet. The Pitot tube readings can only be accurate with a care- fully calibrated nozzle and a careful determination of the co- efficient C. Fig. 65 Figure 65 illustrates a nozzle sometimes employed in the measurement of water. The nozzle used should be carefully calibrated, and a curve of discharge plotted, giving the quantity of discharge from the nozzle for various pressures at the point where the pressure gauge is attached. The formula for the dis- cbKgei. '--JT (28) _ ,)' In which C equals the coefficient of discharge which equals approximately .99, H is the pressure head in the nozzle in feet, d equals the diameter of the throat of the nozzle in inches, and D equals the diameter of the nozzle in inches at which pressure is measured. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY" SERVICE 115 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY If the pressure is measured in pounds per square inch, by a pressure gauge, then H= 2.304 P + M In which P equals pressure in pounds per square inch and M equals the distance from the center of the nozzle to the pres- sure gauge in feet. This formula takes .into consideration the velocity of approach and the water column between the nozzle and the gauge. Measurement of Speed To measure the speed of a centrifugal pump, the tacho- meter is the best device, if it is occasionally calibrated. A revolution counter may also be used, but care should be ex- ercised in its use as it does not indicate fluctuations in speed, and unless the readings are extended over a sufficient period of time, it will not give an average. Measurement of Power The horse power applied to the pump shaft may be measured in various ways depending upon the type of prime mover em- ployed. In testing laboratories, centrifugal pumps are tested by means of variable speed, direct current motors. The motor efficiencies are known, and by means of Volt Meters and Am- meters the power input may be accurately determined by the formula Volts X Amperes ,.. ^^ . /or7N B. H. P. = - - - - - X Motor Efficiency (27) 746 The transmission dynamometer is also used, and is a very accurate device. For alternating currents, the following formula is used for arriving at the brake horse power Volts X Amperes X Cos X VN X M r>. rl. r. 746 M = Motor Efficiency. N = Number of Phases. Cos $ = Power Factor of Motor. In the steam-engine driven pump, the power input is arrived at by indicator cards. In the gas-engine driven unit, the power input is measured by the Prony brake. PUMPING M AC H fNERY. AIR CjOM^R ES S QR^S W v,w.ttVurrffWyuwFBBiwautfwwwJtt^^ 116 Characteristics \ 1 UOH . D/JJ3 Characteristics of a 5" Double-Suction Pump Running at 1700 R. P. M. Constant Speed. Fig. QQ AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVICE 117 f UNION STEAM P UM P COMPANY ~J On the preceding pages we state how the tests of centrifugal pumps are made. The results of these measurements can be produced graphically and the curves obtained illustrate best the relations between capacity, head, efficiency and brake horse power (power input) of a centrifugal pump running at constant speed. On page 117 is reproduced a characteristic curve- from an actual test of a 5" double suction centrifugal pump. The variation in total head corresponding to a variation in capacity from zero to maximum is shown by the curve marked "Head". The power input for different capacities is illustrated in the curve marked "Brake Horse Power". The curve designated "Efficiency" shows the efficiency cor- responding to different capacities. The "Characteristic curves" show that pumping against 138 ft. total head, 1020 G. P. M. are discharged with an efficiency of 76 %, requiring 46.5 H. P. to drive the pump. At less capa- city, for instance, 750 G. P. M., the pump will discharge against 155 ft., with 74% efficiency, with a power input of 40 H. P. We see that at 1200 G. P. M. the head curve drops down. This indicates the maximum capacity of the pump. Inspecting the horse power curve at the point of maximum capacity, we note that it also drops. Suppose the pump is sold for 1020 G. P. M., 138 ft. and 46.5 H. P. are required to drive it. Should the head drop to '80 ft., the horse power would decrease to 39 horse power. An impeller, where the H. P. increases but slightly or decreases after the point of best efficiency, is called "a non -overload impeller". Under no circumstances, in case of breaking of pipes, valves, etc., can the motor be seriously overloaded. All impellers have this desirable feature, protect- ing the prime-mover in all cases. When the discharge valve is entirely closed, the pump will deliver no water. The head produced is 150 ft. In actual service, however, this head will be greater, as the prime-mover works at shut-off of the pump only under a fraction of the rated load, and electric motors, steam or water turbines run faster at a decreased load, thus increasing the pressure. The "Shut- off" point therefore will be the highest point on the head curve, which is of importance for installations where there is no friction head, and pump has to start against a maximum static head from the beginning. To rotate the impeller at this point, 13 H. P. are required, representing the friction of rotation. As no useful work is performed at the shut-off (the pump delivering no water) , the efficiency is zero. Special attention has to be called to the fact that in contrast to a displacement pump, the head at shut- off produced by a centrifugal pump, is from 10 to 20% greater than the head at maximum efficiency. " No harm can be don 25-40 40-53 2 1 1 A 30-50 30-52 40-60 45-59 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 45-56 50-65 55-68 55-70 65-72 65-73 66-75 48-73 60-78 60-80 65-81 65-82 67-83 68-84 45-60 60-67 63-70 64-73 65-76 68-79 14 66-76 68-85 Capacity, Speed, Head and Horse Power of Centrifugal Pumps In case it is desired to alter the capacity, speed, or head of a centrifugal pump in order to suit some particular require- ments, it is interesting to know that the capacity, speed, head, and horse power bear the following relations to each other. Assuming that the quantity of water delivered by a cen- trifugal pump operating at N revolutions per minute is Q gallons per minute, and the total head the pump is operating against is H feet requiring P brake horse power to operate. Now, if it is desired to increase the speed of this same pump to N! revolutions per minute, this will mean the pump will now deliver Q l gallons per minute, and the total head will be H! feet requiring P 1 horse power to operate under these con- ditions. In order to simplify the equation, all constants are eliminated, as the results obtained are near enough for practical purposes. EVERT SERVICE 121 = (30) s (31) t N, H t (N,) 2 P t (N,)' In order to clearly illustrate the calculation of these form- ulae, we will assume that a centrifugal pump at its most econom- ical point discharges 5000 gallons per minute against a total head of 50 feet, when operating at a speed of 900 revolutions per minute, and it requires 90 brake horse power. Now it is desired to increase this speed to 1000 %. P. M. How much water will this pump discharge at its most economical point and what is the total head and horse power required to operate this pump under these conditions? Referring to the above formulae, and substituting the quantities therein, we have Q ....5000 Gallons per minute. N.._. 900 Revolutions per minute. H.... 50 Feet. P.... 90 Brake horse power. Q x X Gallons per minute. Nj. 1000 Revolutions per minute. H!_ Y Feet. P x Z Brake horse power. By Formula (29) 5000 900 5000 X 1000 = 0,= = 5555 = X Gals, per minute Q t 1000 900 By Formula (30) 50 = J900)^ 50X(100Q)^ 6L72=Yfeet H x (1000) 2 (900) 2 By Formula (31) 90 (900) 3 90 X (1000) 3 =_ - P t = . =124 = Z Brake H- Power P 1 (1000) 3 (900) 3 If it is desired to keep the revolutions per minute constant, and alter (Q), (H) and (P), this may be accomplished within certain limits by changing the diameter of the impeller. Assume D is the original diameter of the impeller (in inches or feet) and D x the proposed diameter of the impeller (in inches or feet), and substituting these factors in place of N and N 1 respectively in equations 29-31 inclusive, Q lf Hj, and P 1 may be easily calculated. ^ 122 n ATTLE C RE EK. M ICH IGA N, U. S. A. | In varying the conditions by changing the diameter of the impeller, it should be borne in mind that the pump casing de- termines the maximum size of the impeller that cari be : us*ed, also, that the diameter of the impeller cannot be "reduced- be- yond a certain figure on account of the excessive losses between the impeller and casing. Prime Movers For Driving Centrifugal Pumps The majority of centrifugal pumps in service are motor driven. Care should be exercised in choosing the size and type of motor to be used. The exact capacity and rating of the motor is of great importance, especially where the power is bought on the motor rating. If the motor is too small, it is liable to be overloaded, and if it is too large the customer pays for excess power. In choosing a motor, the maximum conditions should be considered, and the power required at rated speed and head should not in itself determine the size of the motor. Fig. 68. Motor-Driven Centrifugal Pump. Having determined the size of the motor to be used, the next important problem is to select one of proper type for the service. If the head must vary, this can be accomplished by changing the speed of the motor, and a variable speed motor must be selected. With centrifugal pumps, squirrel cage motors are generally used in the alternating current type, and compound wound motors in the direct motor type. Steam Engine and Miscellaneous Since the development of high speed steam engines, more engine-driven centrifugal pumps have been used. This type 123 A of installation is desirable in small plants where the engineer is more familiar with the engine, than the motor, or the steam turbine. Steam engine driven centrifugal pumps are generally low head pumps, and are mostly used for circulating pumps. Fig. 69. Steam Engine Driven Centrifugal Gas and Oil engines are extensively used direct connected to centrifugal pumps. One of the largest fields for this type is in con- tractor's work for emptying excavations, sumps, and ditches. Fig. 70. Gas Engine Driven Centrifugal Pump. [ AC H I N E RY^AIR C 124 SOR., r BATTLE C REE K. MICH IG AN, U. s. A. 1 Steam Turbines Centrifugal pumps driven by steam turbines are used ex- tensively for boiler feed, hot well and circulating pumps. These installations are very efficient, compact and require a minimum amount of attention from the operator. Fig. 71. Steam Turbine Driven Centrifugal Pump. In steam turbine driven units, the turbine may be direct connected or connected to the pump shaft by reducing gears, either of which is an economical drive. There are four principal types of steam turbines. First: The De Laval, an impulse turbine in which the steam is completely expanded in a single set of nozzles, and all the kinetic energy is given up in a single row of blades. Second: Parsons, an impulse-reaction type where the energy of reaction of an expansion in the moving blades is ad- ded to the impulse of the steam as received from the fixed noz- zles. Third: Zoelly & Rateau impulse type having a series of partial expansions, the energy of each expansion being absorbed in a single row of moving blades. Fourth: Curtis, in which the velocity of steam from the nozzles is absorbed in and passes through several rows of moving blades. 125 am a ..,..... ,,,, UNION S T E PJJ M P COM P AN Y Methods of Priming Centrifugal Pumps Fig. 72. In the cuts above are shown three methods of priming. Fig. 1 shows a horizontal pump fitted with a discharge valve and a steam ejector. The discharge valve being closed, the steam inlet valve to the ejector being opened first, and then the valve between the ejector and the pump opened, the air in the pump and pipes will be exhausted, and the water drawn up into them. When the ejector is placed near the pump, complete priming will be indicated by water issuing from the ejector. In shutting off the ejector, close the valve between it and the pump first, and the steam inlet valve last. Where it is not convenient to place the ejector near the pump; the air pipe may be extended, in which case it is necessary that a slightly larger air pipe be used than when the ejector is placed near the pump. Fig. 2 shows a check valve used in place of the discharge valve and a hand pump or power vacuum pump used in place of a steam ejector. The priming being accomplished by the same method as in Fig. 1, there should be a valve placed in the air pipe which must be closed before starting. For hand prim- ing, a common pitcher or Douglas pump may be used, piped a? shown in the cut, that is, with the air pipe forming a loop a little above the discharge. It is only necessary to put a little water into this style of pump to water-seal it, and make of it a very good vacuum pump, the loop referred to above prevent- MA. C H I Ng^^AI^^^^^E SSO R .S ^j| 126 SiiS^ ing the water from escaping. When a power driven vacuum pump is used for priming, a water trap or other means should be placed in the air pipe to prevent water entering and pos- sibly breaking the primer. Where the valves on the vacuum pump are large, this may be omitted. On large pumps, a water glass similar to those used on boilers, placed near the top of the pump shell, will show when the priming is complete. Fig. 3 shows the method of using a foot valve, in which case the pump and suction pipe are to be filled with water through the discharge or top of the pump from any convenient source, such as a small tank or hand pump, which can be piped to the top of the centrifugal pump. Where the suction pipe is long, there should be at least 5 feet of a discharge head on the pump to prevent'the water being thrown out of the runner before the water in the suction line begins to move, and thus cause failure to start. It is well to turn the runner around once or twice by hand to insure getting all air out of the arms, especially in small ptimps. With vertical pumps, where check or discharge valves are used, a vacuum gauge placed on the air priming pipe at the head of the well or pit will show when the pump is primed and avoid climbing down into the pit or well. A vacuum gauge may be used in the methods of priming shown in Figs. 1 and 2, but care must be taken to shut off the gauge before starting the pump, as pressure will ruin a vacuum gauge. Where a pressure of water of 30 or 40 pounds is available, an air ejector may be operated for priming, substituting water for steam. This however, requires a special ejector. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 127 UNION STEAM PUM P COM PANY Suction Lift Head Diagram for Centrifugal Pumps Fig. 73. I PUMPING MACHINERY. .AIR_C_Q.MPR.ES S_QR_S J tf ig'ii"u . : ^s^trsyrenrLrsnrvwvy lucLULjuj^au^Jt n ! u mikjc:rn 128 | BATTLE C REE K. M ICH IG AN, U. S. A. J Directions for Installing Centrifugal Pumps Set base-plate with pump and prime-mover on a solid foun- dation, preferably of concrete, and level carefully; grout the base- plate in and allow to set ; see that pump and motor are in line, and shaft turns easily by hand after anehor-bolt nuts have been tightened. When pump is set, connect suction and discharge pipes; see that these pipes are self-supporting, in order to avoid strain on pump and insure proper alignment. Locate pump as near the water supply as possible. The maximum suction lift including pipe friction, varies with the size of pump, and the liquids to be handled. Hot water or heavy liquids must flow to the pump under a positive head, this head varying according to the difference in temperature of the liquid, or the viscosity of the liquid. The diagram on page 128 shows the lifts possible for different sizes of pumps with varying tem- peratures of the water. Never use pipe sizes smaller than pump calls for. For long pipe lines, use 2 or 3 sizes larger. Make suction pipe as short as possible, and avoid bends and elbows. Make sure that there are no air pockets in the line and that the suction pipe is absolute- ly air tight. Place a check valve and a gate valve in the discharge pipe, as close as possible to the pump. The check valve must be placed between the gate valve and the pump in order to be able to in- spect or repair the check valve without being forced to empty the discharge line. Always provide a strainer on the end of the suction line. This protects the pump from being choked by foreign matter, and insures safe operation. To avoid corrosion, packing is removed from stuffing boxes before pump leaves factory. When repacking, do not draw the glands up tight, but allow a reasonable leakage, which lubricates the packing and prevents the shaft being corroded. Pipe the leakage from the tap in the bearing bracket to a sewer or drain. Before starting pump, clean the bearings with gasoline or kerosene, and fill oil reservoirs with high grade lubricating oil, as high as the top of the oil gauge indicates. 129 STEAM PUMP COMPANY Directions for Operating Centrifugal Pumps The pump must always be primed before starting, other- wise the interior parts which depend upon the water for lubri- cation, will be injured. Never run a centrifugal pump empty. The three methods of priming centrifugal pumps are fully described on pages 126-127. AS soon as case is primed by either method, pump should be started with discharge valve closed, and brought up to speed. Then open the gate valve slowly until desired quantity of water is obtained. Failure of pressure to increase with the speed indicates air in the pump casing. In this case, stop the pump and prime again. As long as the water and consequently the case do not heat up excessively, due to friction produced by the rotation of the impeller, -the centrifugal pump may be operated with a closed discharge valve. In contrast with displacement pumps, no by-passes are required, nor can the pump or the pipe system be damaged as the shut-off pressure is only 10 to 15% greater than the pressure at full capacity. Always run the pump in direction of arrow cast on case. Centrifugal pumps can be run only in one direction. During the operation, stuffing boxes and bearings must be inspected occasionally. The centrifugal pump does not require any other attention. If the pump is to be idle for long periods, it should be taken apart, cleaned and oiled. This prevents parts rusting together and preserves their good condition. If pump is exposed to freezing temperature, it should be drained immediately after stopping. These suggestions are intended to assist in installing and operating Union Centrifugal pumps. In all cases, successful operation depends largely on correctness of installation, for which this Company cannot be held responsible. For further information regarding Union Centrifugal Pumps, write us. 130 MICH Some Centrifugal Pumps "Ifs" If after starting the pump it throws a little water at the first few revolutions, and then churns and fails to discharge more, it is just evidence that the air was not all out of the pump and pipes, or the suction lift too great, or a leaky pipe, or a long suction and insufficient discharge head. If when first started the pump throws a full stream for a few minutes, and then fails, it is caused by failure of supply, or water receding in the well below the suction limit, which in a well is best determined by a vacuum gauge placed on the suc- tion elbow of the pump. The remedy for this is to lower the pump, thus reducing the suction lift. If the pump delivers a full stream of water at the surface, or level of the pump, but fails to pump at a higher discharge point, the speed of the pump is too low. If the pump starts a full stream, and then the discharge decreases very slowly until the pump fails to deliver any water, it is caused by an air leak at the packing gland. If the pump delivers a full- quantity for a few hours and fails, the speed and water supply being unchanged, the suction pipe or impeller is obstructed. If when running there is a heavy vibration, the shaft has been sprung, the pump is out of alignment, or an obstruction has lodged in one side of the impeller. If the bearings heat unduly, the belt is unnecessarily tight, the bearings lack oil, or there is an end thrust. The last "If" is, that if the pump is properly installed, and operating, it will positively operate successfully, as the centrifugal is the most simple, most efficient and long lived water lifting device manufactured. In pumping hot water or fluids, the suction lift of the pump must be as small as possible on account of the lowering of the boiling point under vacuum, and consequent loss of priming from the presence of vapor. Water should not discharge into a sump or tank near the end of the suction pipe, as there is danger of carrying air down, and into the suction pipe. Do not attempt to pump more than the maximum catalogue rating of the pump, as that will cause waste of power. Do not call for help until you are sure none of the above "Ifs" are present. To Calculate Horse Power To determine the theoretical horse power to elevate a given quantity of water to a given height, multiply the number of gallons delivered per minute by 8.33 (weight of one gallon of water), multiply this result by the total head, and divide this result by 33000 (33000 pounds elevated one foot in one minute equals one horse power). This formula is the theoretical horse power, and when simplified is : H. P. =.000252 x Gallons per minute X 'Head in feet. (32) To determine the actual, or brake horse power, divide the theoretical, or water horse power by the efficiency of the pump. EXAMPLE: It is desired to elevate 200 gallons of water per minute, to an elevation of 150 feet through 200 lineal feet of 3* pipe with three 3 "-90 elbows, and one 3" globe valve. The friction loss of 200 gallons per minute through 200' of 3" pipe from the table, on page 145 = 11. 54X2 =23.08'. The friction loss of 200 gallons per minute through three 3"-90 elbows from the table, on page 147-1.18 X 3 = 3.54'. The friction loss of 200 gallons per minute through one 3" globe valve from the table on page 148, is equivalent to 24 lineal feet of 3" straight pipe, and from the table on page 145, the friction loss of 200 gallons per minute through 24' of 3 " pipe = 11.54 X - = 2.76'. The total head, therefore is equal to the sum of the above heads or Friction head in pipe = 23.08' Friction head in elbows = 3.54' Friction head in valve = 2.76' Static Head =150.00' Total head -179.38' The theoretical or water horse power, equals from formula (32) .000252X200X179.38=9.1 =Water horse power. Assuming an efficiency for the pump of 55%, the actual or brake horse power necessary to operate the pump = 9.1 X 100 = 16.5 Brake horse power. oo So, in choosing a motor for these conditions, it would be advisable to use a 20 horse power motor, as the nearest % sizc, which is 15 horse power, is too small, and would be overloaded. The 20 horse power motor allows a margin for unforeseen future changes in operating conditions, which might increase the load. 132 It B AT TLE C REEK, M ICH IG AN, U. S. A. J Cost of Pumping The total cost of pumping is the sum of the operating expenses, and the fixed charges. The former consists of labor, fuel, electric current, supplies, etc. The latter consists of in- terest on the first cost, insurance, taxes, depreciation and ad- ministration. The first cost covers the cost of pumping equipment. The total annual cost consists of fixed charges and operating costs for a year. The cost of pumping per water horse power, per 1000 gallons per minute, or any similar unit, is the total annual cost divided by the total capacity of the pump in these units. It is a minimum when the pump is not operated, as it will consist only of fixed charges, and is a maximum when the pump is running continuously, as it will make the operating expenses a maximum. On a steam driven pumping unit, such as a steam turbine, or engine driven pump, or a fly wheel pumping engine T Q X 8.33 X II X C -^- - -f L -f- F(i-hd + t) fa (33) in which T -Total Annual Cost Q = Total number of gallons pumped per year. H = Head in feet. C = Cost of steam per 1000 Ibs. D =Duty in foot pounds for 1000 Ibs. of steam. L = Labor cost, etc. F = Total investment i = Interest rate on the investment. d =Rate of depreciation. t = Taxes and insurance. a = Administration costs. In an electric driven pumping unit, it is necessary to con- sider the cost per 1,000,000 B. T. U. supplied the motor instead of C., in the above equation. (1 K. W. Hr. =3412 B. T. U.) Then D. = Duty in foot pounds per 1,000,000 B. T. U. supplied to the motor. Since 1 B. T. U.=778 foot pounds, 1,000,000 B. T. U. = 778,000,000 foot pounds, and Duty =778,000,000 X efficiency of the unit. Therefore, the above equation transformed on this basis, assuming K = the cost of the electricity per K. W. Hr., is |jiiniiiiiaaflBaBn;B^AAAJLJ!^*inrariira jjL^AND CONDENSERS frAJLJgA^ FOR EVERY SERVICE 1 133 TTNTl OK STEAM PUMP T ~ QX8.33XHXK +F(i +d +t ) +a 2,655,000 Xefficiency of unit. From the above equation, it is apparent that if the cost of power is high, it is an economical investment to buy an efficient pump. Pumping Liquids Other Than Water With Centrifugal Pumps GffVGE SHOWS /OOrr. OK 43 POUNDS. GAUGE SHOWS /OOx/3.6-/36Orr OR S9O PQVNBS WATER MERCURY In order to make a drastic comparison, assume two identical pumps, discharging under the same conditions and both running at the same speed. Pump No. 1 will handle water and pump No. 2 will handle mercury. The static head in both cases will be 100 feet. The pumps are started, and it is observed that both the water column and the mercury column will stand exactly at the same height in the standpipe. This is explained by the fact that the head created by a centrifugal pump is not a pressure head, but a velocity head. This velocity head depends entirely on the velocity of the water, which velocity in turn was produced by the speed of the impeller. As both pumps run at the same speed, both liquids regardless of their specific gravity or weight will stand at the same height in the standpipe. The difference in the weight of the liquids is shown by the pressure gauges. Let us assume that the pipe line is very large, so that pipe friction can be neglected. Both gauges will show the pressure of the column of liquid in the respective pipes. The gauge No. 1 will read 100 ft, or 43 Ibs., which is the weight 134 per square inch of water column 100 ft. high. As mercury is 13.6 times heavier than water, gauge No. 2 will show 13.6 X 100 1360 ft. or 590 Ibs. pressure. The power required by these two identical pumps, handling different liquids, can easily be computed, considering that re- gardless of the method, whether the head is obtained by centri- fugal force or by piston pressure, the power required for pump- ing any kind of liquid is always the product of the weight of the liquid and the height it has to be elevated. Therefore, should the pump No. 1, which handles water, require 10 H. P., the pump No. 2 will require 13.6 X 10 = 136 H. P., as both pumps work against the same head, with the only difference that No. 2 handles a liquid 13.6 times heavier than No. 1. Nothing has been said about the volume of the liquid handled. As both pumps have the same dimensions, it is self- evident that they will deliver the same volume of different liquids, as long as the viscosity does not enter into the question. Recapitulation : In summing up we find : (1) Regardless of the specific gravity of the liquid, a cen- trifugal pump will always produce the same static head. (2) The pressure (read on the pressure gauge at the discharge of the pump) will be increased in proportion to the specific gravity. (3) The horse-power required by the pump will also be increased in proportion to the specific gravity. EXAMPLES: (1) Suppose a pump is required to elevate brine of 1.2 specific gravity to a static head of 100 ft. As ex- plained before, any pump suitable for lifting water to a static head of 100 ft., will also lift brine to the same height. The pressure gauge will register the weight of a column of brine 100 ft. high. A column of water 100 ft. high would show 43 Ibs. pressure. As brine is 1.2 times heavier than water, the gauge will show 43 X 1.2 =52 Ibs. pressure. Assuming that it required 10 H. P. to drive the water pump, the brine pump will require 1.2 X 10 = 12 H. P. (2) Suppose a pump is required to pump the same brine of 1.2 specific gravity against a pressure of 43 Ibs. This time 43 Ibs. are required on the pressure gauge of the brine pump. But if a water pump of proper proportions to discharge against 100 ft. or 43 Ibs. is used, the gauge would show 52 Ibs. when handling brine, as explained before. Therefore, to reduce this pressure to the required 43 Ibs., it is necessary to change the impeller accordingly. 135 As seen in example No. 1, it required 10 H. P. to work against 43 Ibs. water pressure. Naturally it takes the same 10 H. P. to pump against 43 Ibs. brine pressure. In most cases the brine pumps are used as circulating pumps and work against a balanced head; in other words, the pump has only to overcome the pipe friction. Therefore the head for such a case has to be specified as a pressure head, and not as a static head. This is insignificant .for small installations; for larger installations, however, it will mean using a smaller motor (for instance 50 H. P. instead of 75 H. P). (3) Suppose a pump is required to deliver gasoline of 0.8 specific gravity against a static head of 100 ft. Figured for water, the pump will require say 10 H. P. As the pump will have to work against a static head of 100 ft., the pressure gauge will read only 80 ft. (corresponding to a specific gravity of 0.8), and the pump will require 10 X 0.8 = 8 H. P. only. (4) Suppose a pump is required to handle gasoline of 0.8 specific gravity against a pressure of 43 Ibs. This time 43 Ibs. are required on the pressure gauge of the pump; therefore, if the gasoline pump is designed like the water pump, only 34 Ibs. would be shown by the pressure gauge, cor- responding to the weight of the gasoline column. Therefore, in order to obtain 43 Ibs. pressure with gasoline, it is necessary to increase the impeller sufficiently to give 43 Ibs. pressure on the gauge. This pump, of course, will require 10 H. P., exactly the same amount as required for water pumping against 43 Ibs. As to liquids of thick consistency, regardless of their specific gravity, it is general experience that, compared with water, a pump delivers less capacity and requires more horse -power to drive it. This is explained by the fact that the thick liquid produces more skin friction and therefore offers more internal resistance to the moving parts of the pump. No general rule has been established yet, and in cases of doubt, experiment is the only way to find out the conditions. Therefore, should any cases arise where thick liquids are to be handled, it is necessary to provide ample power. In chemical plants, sugar mills, etc., it is general practice to heat heavy liquids so they will flow freely and then pump them with centrifugal pumps. In such cases the liquid should always flow to the pump under a suction head. This is also necessary for hot water, acids and for any liquids where vaporization is liable to occur. 136 B ATt L E C RE E K . ICHIGAN, U. S Material Used All bronze fitted All bronze fitted All bronze fitted - - All iron fitted 3 TM 1.! 3' 1 ^'S'sl'slS'S'S'H 1 3333 ig uoji llv - IT TTorr TTtr 3<* !l 3P: H y D C 3 C y D j H i 3^1 3< 3 q h : f S i :o 5 i 5i 3< <3< Hi 353 i :

'c Guncotton Brine. Hpaw Oil 11 lijj 8 ' oJ rt OS cti A A ctf oououuo 138 ^ The Materials Used for Pumping Various Liquids Continued Material Used c C 1 ^- < 0) Nqqcccfi n D O D U, N N N C C CH S S > P 8 5 l << SrOH+ H2S life:.** D c ^ :afe 1-1 a 1> Ui VH fV o o pq ^ o PQ 4J ^ $ r^ ^ M 11 8 S g c ^ g ^ jity in feet per sec., the friction head in feet, and friction loss in Ibs. pressure per sq. in for each 100 feet in length of pipe, for different sizes of clean iron pipe discharging given quantities per minute. Gallons per minute Velocity in feet per second r^rrt > is IH & s &* I S J c 8fc fc.S a tli 51 s s o '+3-T3 aj ,-> r aj <> IK and 2 inch fittings. Equation of Pipes The following table gives the actual dimensions of standard "Merchant" wrought iron pipe with the inside diameter in inches of each branch in a series of equal branches, whose total internal cross sectional area is equal to that of the main pipe. Thus if it is desired to find the size of pipe required for four branches, whose internal cross sectional area is equal to that of a 3 inch pipe, by referring to the table opposite the 3 inch pipe and under 4, the diameter 1.533 inches is found, which is the required di- mension. By reference to the column of diameters, it will be seen that the proper size of pipes will be IX inches, the diameter of this size being 1.611 inches. No account of friction is taken in this table, which must be considered in any actual problem. Actual Inter- Actual Diameter in inches of each branch of the following 1 nal Area Diam. number of equivalent branches 1 I Square Square Inches 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 02 Inches Feet cc .0568 .0004 .27 .1041 .0007 .364 ' '.257 '"210 .1909 .0013 .484 .349 .285 .247 .220 .3039 .0021 .623 .440 .359 .311 .279 .254 .231 .220 .207 .5333 .0037 .824 .582 .475 .412 .368 .336 .311 .291 .274 '"260 1 .8609 .0060 1.048 .741 .605 .524 .468 .427 .400 .375 .349 .331 j H 1.4957 .0104 1.380 .976 .796 .690 .617 .563 .521 .488 .460 .436 li li 2.036 .0141 1.611 1.139 .930 .805 .720 .657 .608 .570 .537 .594 l] 2 3.356 .0233 2.067 1.461 1.193 1.033 .924 .843 .781 .730 .689 .653 2 2i 4.780- .0332 2.468 1.745 1.424 1.234 1.103 1.007 .932 .872 .822 .780 2i 3 7.383 .0513 3.067 2.169 1.770 1.533 1.372 1.252 1.159 1.084 1.022 .970 3 3i 9.886 .0687 3.548 2.509 2.048 1.774 1.586 1.448 1.340 1.253 1.182 1.123 3J 4 12.730 .0884 4.026 2.847 2.330 2.013 1.809 1.643 1.521 1.423 1.342 1.273 4 4i 15.961 .1108 4.508 3.185 2.602 2.254 2.016 1.840 1.703 1.594 1.502 1.425 4i 5 19.986 .1388 5.045 3.568 2.912 2.522 2.256 2 059 1.906 1.784 1.681 1.595 5 6 28.886 .2006 6.065 4.289 3.501 3.032 2.716 2.475 2.292 2.144 2.021 1.918 6 7 38. 743 .2690 7.023 4.966 4.054 3.511 3.140 2.867 2.654 2.483 2.341 2.228 7 8 50.021 .3474 7.982 5.645 4.618 3.991 3.570 3.258 3.013 2.822 2.661 2.524 8 10 78.822 .5474 10.019 7.085 5.785 5.009 4.462 4.090 3.783 3.603 3.339 3.168 10 12 113.088 .7854 12.000 8.486 6.928 6.000 5.367 4.898 4.635 4.243 4.000 3.794 12 14 159.485 1.1075 13.250 9.370 7.650 6.625 5.926 5.409 5.007 4.684 4.410 4.189 14 I utJ 148 Theoretical Discharge of Nozzles in U. S. Gallons per Minute Head &i DIAMETER OF NOZZLE IN INCHES Lbs .'Feet J>1* Q. A i & 1 * 1 f I 1 1 U 11 H IF 23.1 38.6 0.37 1~48 3.32 5.91 13~3 23.6 36.9 53.1 72.4 94.5 120 148 179 15 34.6 47.25 0.45 LSI 4.06 7.24 16.3 28.9 45.2 65.0 88.5 116. 147 181 219 20 46.. 54.55 0.52 2.09 4.69 8.35 18. S 33.4 52.2 75.1 102. 134. 169 209 253 25 57.7 61.0 0.58 2.34 5.25 9.34 21.0 37.3 53.3 84.0 114. 149. 189 234 283 30 69.3 66.85 0.64 2.56 5.75 K>.2 23.0 40.9 (.3.9 92.0 125. 164. 207 256 309 35 80.8 72.2 0.69 2.77 6.21 11.1 24.8 44.2 69.0 99.5 135. 177. 224 277 334 40 92.4 77.2 0.74 2.96 6.64 11.8 26.6 47.3 73.8 106. 145. 189. 239 296 357 45 103.9 81.8 0.78 3.13 7.03 12.5 28.2 50.1 78.2 113. 153. 200. 253 313 379 50 115.5 86.25 0.83 3.30 7.41 13.2 29.7 52.8 82.5 119. 162. 211. 267 330 399 55 127.0 90.4 0.87 3.46 7.77 13.8 31.1 55.3 86.4 125. 169. 221. 280 346 418 60 138.6 94.5 0.90 3.62 8.12 14.5 32.5 57.8 90.4 130. 177. 231. 293 362 438 65 150.1 98.3 0.94 3.77 8.45 15.1 33.8 60.2 94.0 136. 184. 241. 305 376 455 70 161.7 102.1 0.98 3.91 8.78 15.7 35.2 62.5 97.7 141. 191. 250. 317 391 473 75 173.2 105.7 1.01 4.05 9.08 16.2 36.4 64.7 101. 146. 198. 259. 327 404 489 80 184.8 109.1 1.05 4.18 9.39 16.7 37.6 66.8 104. 150. 205. 267. 338 418 505 85 196.3 112.5 1.08 4.31 9.67 17.3 38.8 68.9 108. 155. 211. 276. 349 431 521 90 207.9 115.8 1.11 4.43 9.95 17.7 39.9 70.8 111. 160. 217. 284. 359 443 536 95 219.4 119.0 1.14 4.56 10.2 18.2 41.0 72.8 114. 164. 223. 292. 369 456 551 100 230.9 122.0 1.17 4.67 10.5 18.7 42.1 74.7 117. 168. 229. 299. 378 467 565 105 242.4 125.0 1.20 4.79 10.8 19.2 43.1 76.5 120. 172. 234. 306. 388 479 579 110 254.0 128.0 1.23 4.90 11.0 19.6 44.1 78.4 122. 176. 240. 314. 397 490 593 115 265.5 130.9 1.25 5.01 11.2 20.0 45.1 80.1 125. 180. 245. 320. 406 501 606 120 277.1 133.7 1.28 5.12 11.5 20.5 46.0 81.8 128. 184. 251. 327. 414 512 619 125 288.6 136.4 1.31 5.22 11.7 20.9 47.0 83.5 130. 188. 256. 334. 423 522 632 130 300.2 139.1 1.33 5.33 12.0 21.3 48.0 85.2 133. 192. 261. 341. 432 533 645 135 311.7 141.8 1.36 5.43 12.2 21.7 48.9 86.7 136. 195. 266. 347. 439 543 656 140 323.3 144.3 1.38 5.53 12.4 22.1 49.8 88.4 138. 199. 271. 354. 448 553 668 145 334.8 146.9 1.41 5.62 12.6 22.5 50.6 89.9 140. 202. 275. 360. 455 562 680 150 346.4 149.5 1.43 5.72 12.9 22.9 51.5 91.5 143. 206. 280. 366. 463 572 692 175 404.1 161.4 1.55 6.18 13.9 24.7 55.6 98.8 154. 222. 302. 395. 500 618 747 200 461.9 172.6 1.65 6.61 14.8 26.4 59.5 106. 165. 238. 323. 423. 535 660 799 250 577.4 193.0 1.85 7.39 16.6 29.6 66.5 118. 185. 266. 362. 473. 598 739 894 300 692.8 211.2 2.02 8.C8 18 2 32.4 72.8 129. 202. 291. 396. 517. 655 808 977 Head ^< DIAMETER OF NOZZLE IN INCHES Lbs Feet o-a en 111 11 II 2 2i 2* 21 3 31 4 4* 5 si 6 10 23.1 38.6 213 289 378 479 591 714 851 1158 1510 1915 2365 2855 3405 15 34.6 47.25 260 354 463 585 723 874 1041 1418 1850 2345 2890 3490 4165 20 46.2 54.55 301 409 535 676 835 1009 1203 1638 2135 2710 3340 4040 4810 25 57.7 61.0 336 458 598 756 934 1128 1345 1830 2385 3025 3730 4510 5380 30 69.3 66.85 368 501 655 828 1023 1236 1473 2005 2615 3315 4090 4940 5895 35 80.8 72.2 398 541 708 895 1106 1335 1591 2168 2825 3580 4415 5340 6370 40 92.4 77.2 425 578 756 957 1182 1428 1701 2315 3020 3830 4725 5710 6810 45 103.9 81.8 451 613 801 1015 1252 1512 1802 2455 3200 4055 5000 6050 7210 50 115.5 86.25 475 647 845 1070 1320 1595 1900 2590 3375 4275 5280 6380 7600 55 127.0 90.4 498 678 886 1121 1385 1671 1991 2710 3540 4480 5530 6690 7970 60 138.6 94.5 521 708 926 1172 1447 1748 2C85 2835 3700 4685 5790 6980 8330 65 150.1 98.3 542 737 964 1220 1506 1819 2165 2950 3850 4875 6020 7270 8670 70 161.7 102.1 563 765 1001 1267 1565 18S8 2250 3065 4000 5060 6250 7560 9000 75 173.2 105.7 582 792 1037 1310 1619 1955 2330 3170 4135 5240 6475 7820 9320 80 184.8 109.1 602 818 1070 1354 1672 '20211 2405 3280 4270 5410 6690 8080 9630 85 196.3 112.5 620 844 1103 139b 1723 2(180 2480 3375 4400 5575 6890 8320 9920 90 207.9 115.8 638 868 1136 1436 1773 2140 2550 3475 4530 5740 7090 8560 10210 95 219.4 119.0 656 892 1168 1476 1824 2200 2625 3570 4655 5900 7290 8800 10500 100 230.9 122.0 672 915 1196 1512 1870 2255 2C90 3660 4775 6050 7470 9030 10770 105 242.4 125.0 689 937 1226 1550 1916 2312 2755 3750 4890 6200 7650 9250 11020 110 254.0 128.0 705 960 1255 1588 1961 23611 2820 3840 5010 6350 7840 9470 11300 115 265.5 130.9 720 980 1282 1621 2005 2420 2885 3930 5120 6490 8010 9680 11550 120 277.1 133.7 736 1002 1310 1659 2050 2470 2945 4015 5225 6630 8180 9900 11800 125 288.6 13G.4 751 1022 1338 1690 2090 2520 3005 4090 5340 6760 8350 10100 12030 130 300.2 139.1 767 1043 1365 1726 2132 2575 3070 4175 5450 6900 8530 10300 12290 135 311.7 141.8 780 1063 1390 1759 2173 2620 3125 4250 5550 7030 8680 10490 12510 140 323.3 144.3 795 1082 1415 1790 2212 2670 3180 4330 5650 7160 8850 10690 12730 145 334.8 146.9 809 1100 1440 1820 2250 2715 3235 4410 5740 7280 8990 10880 12960 150 346.4 149.5 824 1120 1466 1853 2290 2760 3295 4485 5850 7410 9150 11070 13200 175 404.1 161.4 890 1210 1582 2000 2473 2985 3560 4840 6310 8000 9890 11940 14250 200 461.9 172.6 950 1294 1691 2140 2645 3190 3800 5175 6750 8550 10580 12770 15220 250 577.4 193.0 1063 1447 1891 2392 2955 3570 4250 5795 7550 9570 11820 14290 17020 300 692.8 211.2 1163 1582 2070 2615 3235 3900 4650 6330 8260 1C480 12940 15620 18610 NOTE The actual quantities will vary from these figures, the amount of varia- tion depending upon the shape of nozzle and size of pipe at the point where the pres- sure is determined. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVICE 149 ! I U N I N STEAM P UM P C OM PANY 3 Hydrant and Hose Stream Data From Tables Published by John R. Freeman, M.E. Pressure at I Nozzle .!< l|3 3S I _a>e IS! II" Horizontal Distance of Stream Pressure in pounds required at Hydrant or Pump to main- tain pressure at nozzle through various lengths of 2 H inch smooth, rubber-lined hose. soft: 100ft. 200ft. 300 ft. 400 ft. 500 ft. bOO ft. 800 ft. 1000ft. INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE 35 97 55 41 37 38 40 42 44 46 48 5,) 57 40 104 60 44 42 43 46 48 50 53 55 60 65 45 110 64 47 47 48 51 54 57 59 62 68 73 50 116 67 50 52 54 57 60 63 66 69 75 81 55 122 70 52 58 59 63 66 69 73 76 83 89 60 127 72 54 63 65 68 72 76 79 83 90 97 65 132 74 56 68 70 74 78 82 86 90 98 106 70 137 76 58 73 75 80 84 88 92 97 105 114 75 142 78 60 79 81 85 90 94 99 104 113 122 80 147 79 62 84 ' 86 91 96 101 106 111 120 130 85 151 80 64 89 92 97 102 107 112 117 128 138 90 156 81 65 94 97 102 108 113 119 124 135 146 95 160 82 66 99 102 108 114 120 125 131 143 154 100 164 83 68 105 108 114 120 126 132 138 150 16-3 INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE 35 133 56 46 38 40 44 48 52 56 60 68 76 40 142 62 49 43 46 50 55 59 64 68 78 87 45 150 67 52 49 51 57 62 67 72 77 87 97 50 159 71 55 54 57 63 69 74 80 86 97 108 55 166 74 58 60 63 69 75 82 88 94 107 119 60 174 77 61 65 69 75 82 89 96 103 116 130 65 181 79 64 71 74 82 89 96 104 111 126 141 70 188 81 66 76 80 88 96 104 112 120 136 152 75 194 83 68 82 86 94 103 111 120 128 145 162 80 201 85 70 87 91 101 110 119 128 137 155 173 85 207 87 72 92 97 107 116 126 136 145 165 184 90 213 88 74 98 103 113 123 134 144 154 174 195 95 219 89 75 103 109 119 130 141 152 163 184 206 100 224 90 76 109 114 126 137 148 160 171 194 216 1 INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE 35 174 58 51 40 44 51 57 64 71 78 92 105 40 186 64 55 46 50 58 66 73 81 89 105 120 45 198 69 58 52 56 65 74 83 91 100 118 135 50 208 73 61 57 62 72 82 92 102 111 131 151 55 218 76 64 63 69 79 90 101 112 122 144 166 60 228 79 67 69 75 87 98 110 122 134 157 181 65 237 82 70 75 81 . 94 107 119 132 145 170 196 70 246 85 72 80 87 101 115 128 142 156 183 211 75 255 87 74 86 94 108 123 138 152 167 196 226 80 263 89 76 92 100 115 131 147 162 178 209 241 8b 274 91 78 98 106 123 1:59 156 173 189 222 . . . 90 279 92 80 103 112 130 147 165 183 200 236 95 287 94 82 109 118 137 156 174 193 211 249 100 295 96 83 115 125 144 164 183 203 223 The pressures given are indicated pressures, not effective pressures. Effective pressures would be slightly greater. ii MmMBji_f nmjjjj^a j_^JL J -1JLM-gJ " ' """""""" j ^gjK^mjgooanra ffaMM;^ aMr^oca j n n y PUMPING MACHINERY^ AIR__CQMPRES SORS J r iTauaiuy^Wjni^M^inrTrgTIBttK10U^^ 150 Hydrant and Hose Stream Data (Continued] From Tables Published by John R. Freeman, M. E. a OJ 1 &a 3g,6 Pressure in pounds reQjir^d at Hydrant or Pump to main- tain pressure at nozzle through various lengths of 2 H inch I S2 S.S ^ ? rt sS smooth rubber-lined hose. g| S^ J3 .85* <*> N c o PU5 OQ& ^O'o s^^ KQ'S 50ft. 100ft. 233ft. 300 ft. 400 ft. 500 ft. 600 ft. 800 ft. 1000 ft. \Y % INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE 35 222 59 54 43 49 60 71 82 94 105 127 149 40 238 65 59 50 56 69 81 94 07 120 145 171 45 252 70 63 56 63 77 92 106 120 135 163 192 50 266 75 66 62 70 86 102 118 134 150 181 213 55 279 80 69 68 77 95 112 130 147 165 200 235 60 291 83 72 74 84 103 122 141 160 180 218 256 65 303 86 75 81 91 112 132 153 174 195 236 70 314 88 77 87 98 120 143 165 187 209 254 75 325 90 79 93 105 129 153 177 201 224 80 336 92 81 99 112 138 163 188 214 239 . 85 346 94 83 106 119 146 173 200 227 254 90 356 96 85 112 126 155 183 212 241 1)5 366 98 87 118 133 163 194 224 254 100 376 99 89 124 140 172 204 236 INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE 35 277 60 59 48 57 74 91 109 126 142 178 212 40 296 67 63 55 65 84 104 124 144 164 203 243 45 314 72 67 62 73 95 117 140 162 184 229 50 331 77 70 68 81 106 130 155 180 204 254 55 347 81 73 75 89 116 143 170 198 225 60 363 85 76 82 97 127 156 186 216 245 65 377 88 79 89 105 137 169 201 234 . 70 392 91 81 96 113 148 182 217 252 75 405 93 83 103 121 158 195 232 80 419 95 85 110 129 169 208 148 85 432 97 88 116 137 179 221 ' ' 90 444 99 90 123 145 190 234 95 456 100 92 130 154 201 247 100 468 101 93 137 162 211 261 INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE 35 40 45 50 55 60 340 363 385 406 426 445 62 69 74 79 83 87 62 66 70 73 76 79 54 62 70 78 86 93 67 77 87 96 106 116 94 107 120 134 147 160 120 137 154 171 188 205 146 166 187 208 229 250 172 196 221 245 270 198 -226 254 250 65 163 90 82 101 125 174 222 70 180 92 84 109 135 187 2;;9 75 497 95 86 117 145 201 256 80 514 97 88 m 154 214 85 529 99 90 132 164 ?,?,7 90 545 100 9? 140 173 240 95 560 101 94 148 183 254 100 574 103 96 156 193 The pressures given are indicated pressures, not effective pressures. Effective pressures would be slightly greater. Table Converting Inches Vacuum, into Feet Suction Inch Vac. Feet Inch Vac. Feet Inch Vac. Feet Inch Vac. Feet u 0.28 8>4 9.35 16J4 18.42 24 M 27.50 0.56 8]/o 9.64 1^ 18.71 y 2 27.78 si 0.85 8% 9.92 M 18.99 28.07 l 1.13 9 10.21 17 19.28 25 4 28.35 1/4 1.41 /4 10.49 M 19.56 H 28.63 1 ^A 1.70 y> 10.77 19.84 28.91 1M 1.98 H 11.06 M 20.13 /4 29.20 2 2.27 10 11.34 18 20.41 26 29.48 2M 2.55 |4 11.62 K 20.70 /4 29.76 2.84 11.90 20.98 1 A 30.05 2/4 3.12 M 12.19 /4 21.27 H 30.33 3 3.41 11 12.47 19 21.55 27 30.62 3/4 3.69 U 12.75 K 21.83 /4 30.90 3/^ 3.98 13.04 H 22.11 i^ 31.19 324 4.26 % 13.32 i 22.40 M 31.47 4 4.54 12 13.61 20 22.68 28 31.75 4/4 4.82 /4 13.89 /4 22.96 ^ 32.03 4H 5.11 V A 14.18 Yi 23.24 32.32 4/4 5.39 /4 14.46 H 23.53 M 32.60 5 5.67 13 14.74 21 23.81 29 32.89 5/4 5.95 /4 15.02 M 24.09 /4 33.17 5^2 6.23 H 15.31 ^ 24.38 /4 33.46 5M 6.52 ^4 15.59 24.66 M 33.74 6 6.80 14 15.88 22 24 95 30 6M 7!08 M 25!23 . . . , 7.37 i / 16^45 25.51 60 7 65 3/ 3/ 25.80 7 4 7.94 15 X * 17]01 23 26.08 7 1/ 8.22 j / 17.29 y. 26.36 7*/ 8.50 {/ X4 26.65 10 8.79 17 86 '26 93 8 9!07 16 18! 14 24 4 27.22 To convert inches vacuum into feet, multiply by 1.13. Relative Quantities of Water Delivered in 24 hours, in 1 hour and in 1 minute. Gal's in Gal's in Gal's in Gal's in Gal's in Gal's in Gal's in Gal's in Gal's in 24 hours 1 hour 1 min. 24 hours 1 hour 1 min. 24 hours 1 hour 1 min 2500000 104166. 1736.0 650000 27083.3 451.3 150000 6250 104 1 2000000 83333.3 1388.0 600000 2;>0l)0 416.7 100000 41(>6.6 69 \ 1500000 62500.0 1041.7 550000 22916.6 381.9 75000 3125.0 52 9 1000000 41666.0 694.3 500000 20833.3 34V. 2 60000 2500.0 41 (i 950000 39583.3 659.7 450000 1R'<50.0 312.5 50000 21)83. 34.7 900000 37500 625.0 400000 16666. 6 277.7 25000 1041.6 17.3 850000 35416. 6 590.2 350000 14583.3 243.0 20000 833. 3 13.8 800000 33333.3 555.5 300000 12500.0 208.3 15000 625.0 10.4 750000 31250.0 520.8 250000 10416.7 173.6 10000 416.6 6.9 700000 29166 6 486.1 200000 8333 138.8 5000 208.3 3 4 MACHINERY, 152 Rules for Determining Size and Speed of Pulleys or Gears The driving pulley is called the Driver, and the driven pulley the Driven. If the number of teeth in gears are used instead of diameter, in these calculations, number of teeth must be substituted where- ever diameter occurs. To determine the diameter of Driver, the diameter of the Driven and its revolutions, and also revolutions of Driver being given. Diam. of Driven X revolutions of Driven : =Diam. of Driver. Revolutions of Driver. To determine the diameter of Driven, the revolutions of the Driven and diameter and revolutions of the Driver being given. Diam. of Driver X revolutions of Driver =Diam. of Driven. Revolutions of Driven. To determine the revolutions of the Driver, the diameter and revolutions of the driven, and diameter of the Driver being given. Diam. of Driven X revolutions of [Driven ! = Rev. of Driver. Diameter of Driver. To determine the revolutions of the Driven, the diameter and revolutions of the Driver, and diameter of the Driven being given Diam. of Driver X revolutions of Driver ~=Rev. of Driven. Diameter ot Driven. 153 Diameter of Pulleys with Corresponding Belt Speeds and Horse Power Belting will Transmit Diameter of Pulley in Inches Belt Speed in Feet per Minute per 100 R. P. M. Corresponding Horse Power, Transmitted per 1 in. Belt Width Single Belt Double Belt 3. 78.6 .095 .190 3.82 100. .121 .242 4. 105. .127 .254 5. 131. .158 .316 6. 157. .190 .380 8. 210. .254 .508 10. 262. .317 .634 12. 314. .380 .760 14. 366. .443 .886 15. 393. .475 .950 16. 419. .507 1.01 18. 471. .570 1.14 20. 524. .634 1.27 22. 576. .697 1.39 24. 628. .760 1.52 26. 680. .823 1.64 28. 733.' .888 1.77 30. 785. .950 1.90 32. 838. 1.01 2.02 34. 890. 1.08 2.16 36. 942. 1.14 2.28 38. 995. 1.20 2.40 40. 1048. 1.26 2.52 42. 1100. 1.33 2.66 48. 1256. 1.52 3.04 54. 1415. 1.71 3.42 60. 1570. 1.90 3.80 66. 1722. 2.08 4.16 7?. 1884. 2.28 4.56 R. P. M.=Rcvolutions per Minute. To find the Belt Speed in Feet per Minute for any size pulley and any number of revol- utions per minute: Multiply the diameter of the pulley in inches by the revolutions per minute, and multiply the product by .262. To find the Horse Power for any width belt and any speed : Multiply the belt speed in feet per minute by the width of the belt in inches, and multiply the product by .00121 for a single ply belt, or by .00242 for a double ply belt. The final result is the horse power which the belt will transmit. EXAMPLE: What is the speed of a belt running over a 42 inch pulley turning at 180 R. P. M. ? ANSWER: Belt speed -42 X 180 X .262X1980 ft. per min. EXAMPLE: What horse power will a 6 inch single ply belt transmit when traveling at this speed? ANSWER: Horse power = 1980X6 X. 00121 =14.38.. Note: The horse power which a belt will transmit as given in the above tables is based on the assumption that the pulleys are both of equal diameter or nearly so. When one pulley is several times larger than the other, an extra allowance of width should be made to insure satisfactory transmission of the full amount of power. It is always best to have a liberal sized belt for all cases, as the liability of trouble of all kinds is minimized and the life of the belt is greatly prolonged. 154 Theoretical Horse Power Required to Raise Water to Different Heights Feet Eleva- tion 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 Gallons per Min. 5 .006 .012 .019 .025 .031 .037 .044 .05 .06 .06 .07 10 .012 .025 .037 .050 .062 .075 .037 .10 .11 .12 .15 15 .019 .037 .056 .075 .094 .112 .131 " .15 .17 .19 .22 20 .025 .050 .075 .100 .125 .150 .175 .20 .22 .25 .30 25 .031 .062 .093 .125 .156 .187 .219 .25 .28 .31 .37 30 .037 .075 .112 .150 .187 .225 .262 .30 .34 .37 .45 35 .043 .087 .131 .175 .219 .262 .306 .35 .39 .44 .52 40 .050 .100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .40 .45 .50 .60 45 .056 .112 .168 .225 .281 .337 .394 .45 .51 .56 .67 50 .062 .125 .187 .250 .312 .375 .437 .50 .56 .62 .75 60 .075 .150 .225 .300 .375 .450 .525 .60 .67 .75 .90 75 .093 .187 .281 .375 .469 .562 .656 .75 .84 .94 1.12 90 .112 .225 .337 .450 .562 .675 .787 .90 1.01 1.12 1.35 100 .125 .250 .375 .500 .625 .750 .875 1.00 1.12 1.25 1.50 125 .156 .312 .469 .625 .781 .937 1.094 1.25 1.41 1.56 1.87 150 .187 .375 .562 .750 .937 1.125 1.312 1.50 1.69 1.87 2.25 175 .219 .437 .656 .875 1.093 1.312 1.531 1.75 1.97 2.19 2.62 200 .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 250 .312 .625 .937 1.250 1.562 1.875 2.187 2.50 2.81 3.12 3.75 300 .375 .750 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 2.625 3.00 3.37 3.75 4.50 350 .437 .875 1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 3.062 3.50 3.94 4.37 5.25 400 .500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 500 .625 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 3.750 4.375 5.00 5.62 6.25 7.50 Feet Eleva- tion 75 90 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350 400 Gallons per Min. 5 .09 .11 .12 .16 .19 .22 .25 .31 .37 .44 .50 10 .19 .22 .25 .31 .37 .44 .50 .62 .75 .87 1.00 15 .28 .34 .37 .47 .56 .66 .75 .94 1.12 1.31 1.50 20 .37 .45 .50 .62 .75 .87 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 25 .47 .56 .62 .78 .94 1.09 1.25 1.56 1.87 2.19 2.50 30 .56 .67 .75 .94 1.12 1.31 1.50 1.87 2.25 2.62 3.00 35 .66 .79 .87 1.08 1.31 1.53 1.75 2.19 2.62 3.06 3.50 40 .75 .90 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 45 .84 1.01 1 12 1.41 1.69 1.97 2.25 2.81 3.37 3.94 4.50 50 .94 1.12 1.25 1.56 1.87 2.19 2.50 3.12 3.75 4.37 5.00 60 1.12 1.35 1.50 1.87 2.25 2.62 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 75 1.40 1.69 1.87 2.34 2.81 3.28 3.75 4.69 5.62 6.56 7.50 90 1.68 2.02 2.25 2.81 3.37 3.94 4.50 5.62 6.75 7.87 9.00 100 1.87 2.25 2.50 3.12 3.75 4.37 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 125 2.34 2.81 3.12 3.91 4.69 5.47 6.25 7.81 9.37 10.94 12.50 150 2.81 3.37 3.75 4.69 5.62 6.56 7.50 9.37 11.25 13.12 15.00 175 3.28 3.94 4.37 5.47 6.56 7.66 8.75 10.94 13.12 15.31 17.50 200 3.75 4.50 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 12 . 50 15.00 17.50 20.00 250 4.69 5.62 6.25 7.81 9.37 10.94 12.50 15.72 18.75 21.87 25.00 300 5.62 6.75 7.50 9.37 11.25 13.12 15.00 18.75 22.50 26.25 30.00 350 6.56 7.87 8.75 10.94 13.12 15.31 17.50 21.87 26.25 30.62 35.00 400 7.50 9.00 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 500 9.37 11.25 12.50 15.62 18.75 21.87 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50.00 The theoretical horse power required to elevate water is found by multiplying the gallons pumped per minute by the total lift (including friction) in feet, and dividing by 4000. 155 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Convenient Equivalents 1 second-foot equals 40 California miner's inches. (Law of March 23, 1901.) 1 second-foot equals 38.4 Colorado miner's inches. 1 second-foot equals 40 Arizona miner's inches. 1 second-foot equals 7.48 United States gallons per second; equals 448.8 gallons per minute , equals 646,272 gallons per day. 1 second-foot equals 6.23 British imperiargallons per second. 1 second-foot for one year covers one square mile 1.131 feet deep; 13.57 inches deep. 1 second-foot for one year equals 31,536,000 cubic feet. 1 second-foot equals about one acre-inch per hour. 1 second-foot falling 10 feet equals 1.136 horsepower. 100 California miner's inches equal 15.7 United States gallons per second. 100 California miner's inches equal 96.0 Colorado miner's inches. 100 California miner's inches for one day equal 4.96 acre-feet. 100 Colorado miner's inches equal 2.60 second-feet. 100 Colorado miner's inches equal 19.5 United States gallons per second. 100 Colorado miner's inches equal 130 California miner's inches. 100 Colorado miner's inches for one day equal 5.17 acre-feet. 100 United States gallons per minute equal 0.223 second feet. 100 United States gallons per minute for one day equal 0.442 acre-feet. 1,000,000 United States gallons per day equal 1.55 second-feet. 1,000,000 United States gallons equal 3.07 acre-feet. 1,000,000 cubic feet equal 22.95 acre-feet. 1 acre-foot equals 325,850 gallons. 1 inch deep on 1 square mile equals 2,323,200 cubic feet. 1 inch deep on 1 square mile equals 0.0737 second-foot per year. 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters. 1 foot equals 0.3048 meter. 1 yard equals 0.9144 meter. 1 mile equals 1.60935 kilometers. 1 mile equals 1,760 yards; equals 5,280 feet; equals 63,360 inches. 1 square yard equals 0.836 square meter. 1 acre equals 0.4047 hectare. 1 acre equals 43,560 square feet; equals 4,840 square yards. 1 acre equals 209 feet square, nearly. 1 square mile equals 259 hectares. AIR CQMPiyyLSQR-S J| 1 v^v^^v-^rirwjnfvwvTinf^^vvvwfTTrrv^rracxaj 156 L BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, U. * ** fl 1 square mile equals 2.59 square kilometers. 1 cubic foot equals 0.0283 cubic meter. 1 cubic foot equals 7.48 gallons ; equals 0.804 bushel. 1 cubic foot of water weighs 62.5 pounds. 1 cubic yard equals 0.7646 cubic meter. 1 gallon equals 3.7854 liters. 1 gallon equals 8.36 pounds of water. 1 Imperial Gallon equals 1.20 U. S. Gallons. 1 gallon equals 231 cubic inches (liquid measure). 1 pound equals 0.4536 kilogram. 1 avoirdupois pound equals 7,000 grains. 1 troy pound equals 5,760 grams. 1 meter equals 39.37 inches. Log. 1.5951654. 1 meter equals 3.280833 feet. Log. 0.5159842. 1 meter equals 1.093611 yards. Log. 0.0388629. 1 kilometer equals 3,281 feet; equals five-eights mile, nearly. 1 square meter equals 10.764 square feet; equals 1.196 square yards. 1 hectare, equals 2.471 acres. 1 cubic meter equals 35.314 cubic feet; equals 1.308 cubic yards. 1 liter equals 1.0567 quarts. 1 gram equals 15.43 grains. 1 kilogram equals 2.2046 pounds. 1 tonneau equals 2,204.6 pounds. 1 foot per second equals 1.097 kilometers per hour. 1 foot per second equals 0.68 mile per hour. 1 cubic meter per minute equals 0.5886 second-foot. Acceleration of gravity equals 32.16 feet per second every second. 1 horse power equals 550 foot-pounds per second. 1 horse power equals 76 kilogram-meters per second. 1 horse power equals 746 watts. 1 horse power equals 1 second-foot falling 8.80 feet. 1 J horse power equals about 1 kilowatt. To calculate water power quickly : Sec.-feet X fall in feet = Net horse power on water wheel, realizing 80 per cent of the theoretical power. 1 atm. equals 14.7 pounds square inch at sea level 1 atm. equals 33.947 feet water at 62 F. 1 atm. equals 30 inches Mercury at 62 F. 1 atm. equals 29.92 inches Mercury at 32 F. 157 1 atm. equals 760 mm. Mercury at 32 F. 1 atm. equals 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. 1 Ib. per sq. inch equals 2.0416 ins. Mercury at 62 F. 1 Ib. per sq. inch equals 2.0355 ins. Mercury at 32 F. 1 Ib. per sq. inch equals 27.71 ins. Water at 62 F. 1 Ib. per sq. inch equals 2.309 feet of water at 62 F. 1 Ib. per sq. inch equals 0.0703 kg. per sq.^m. 1 foot of water at 62 F. equals .433 Ibs. per sq. inch. 1 inch of Mercury at 62 F. equals .491 Ibs. per sq. inch. 1 inch of Mercury at 62 F. equals 1.132 ft. of water at 62 F. Duty of Water for Irrigation in the United States The following table is taken from "Irrigation and Drainage" by Professor F. H. King of the University of Wisconsin : Table showing the highest probable duty of water per acre for different yields of different crops: Bushels Per Acre. . 15 20 33 40 50 60 70 80 100 200 300 400 Name of Crop Least Number of Acre-Inches of Water Wheat Barley Oats 4.5 3.21 2.35 2.52 6 4.28 3.13 3.36 .41 9 6.42 5.70 5.04 .62 12 8.56 6.27 6.72 .83 15 10.7 7.84 8.4 1.03 18 12.84 9.40 10.08 1.24 14.98 10.98 11.75 1.45 12.54 13.43 1.65 15.68 16.77 2.07 4.U "6.2" '8.21 Maize Potatoes Tons Per Acre 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Least Number of Acre-Inches of Water Clover Hay 15 per cent water Corn with ears 15 per cent water Corn silage 70 per cent water 4.43 2.08 1.41 ' 8.85 4.16 2.82 13.28 6.24 4.23 17.7 8.32 5.64 26.55 12.47 8 46 35.4 16.61 11.28 44.25 20.72 14.1 24.95 16.92 29 1 19.74 33.26 22.56 37.42 25.38 41.58 28 2 The above table shows the minimum quantity of water required to produce a yield of 40 bushels of wheat per acre if dependent entirely upon irrigation to be 12 inches in depth of water per acre. This is equal to 43.560 cubic feet or 326.700 gallons per acre. This quantity would be distributed on the land at intervals in depths of from 3 to 4 inches at a time to suit the requirements of the growing crop. 158 tjLaaaaaa '.I .5. .K ,1 tti L.J'US.njJAJJJl.M A .a. AA S.A-JSJS. AJSJBJSLJ A T T L E^^JM^feK^^^^HJ^G^J^^^U^S^ King also gives the following "It has been shown that under conditions in which no water can be lost by surface or under-drainage : Clover uses 5.089 Acre-inches in producing one ton of dry matter Oats uses 4.447 Acre-inches in producing one ton of dry matter Barley uses 4.096 Acre-inches in producing one ton of dry matter Maize uses 2.391 Acre-inches in producing one ton of dry matter Potatoes use 3.399 Acre-inches in producing one ton of dry matter "These figures are an approximate measure of the demands of those crops for water and if one, two or three tons of dry matter per acre are to be produced by these crops, then the amount of available rainfall needed will be given by multiplying the figures in this table by the yield which is expected per acre from the soil." Open Ditches A drainage ditch should be of sufficient capacity to flow only three-fourths full at flood height. A channel with vertical sides offers least resistance to cur- rent, and if this form could be maintained,. it would carry greatest volume of water in proportion to its cross section area. But since nothing but rocky material will stand in this form, most ditches are made trapezoidal in cross section. Ordinary clays will stand with a slope of 45 or 1 to 1. Loose loamy and sandy soils usually require slopes of \ l /2 to 1. Ditches should have sufficient fall to make them self-clean- ing. In soil and clay not easily displaced, this is about 4 feet per mile, which for ditches of ordinary size gives a mean velocity of 2^4 miles per hour when running full. Increasing the depth of a ditch increases the head so that ditches of light grade chan- nels should be made as deep as possible. The greatest velocity of a stream is found in the thread of current in the center of the channel just below the surface. All other parts have a less velocity in proportion as they approach the bottom and sides of the channel. The mean velocity in a trapezoidal ditch is about four-fifths of the surface velocity and is that found at a point in the center line of the ditch a little more than half way from the surface to the bottom. The bot- tom velocity is about seven -tenths that of the surface. The following table taken from "Engineering for Land Drainage", by Charles G. Elliott, shows the effect that increase in depth has upon the mean velocity in a rectangular channel 10 feet wide with a grade of 3 feet per mile. jj AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 1 159 UNION STEAM PUMP Mean Velocity of Water at Different Depths in Rectangular Ditch 10 Feet Wide, Grade 3 Feet per Mile Mean Velocity Depth in Feet in Feet per Second 0.5 1.4 1.5 2.3 2.0 2.6 2.5 2.3 3.0 2.9 4.0 3.2 5.0 3.4 6.0 3.6 8.0 3.8 Relation of Breadth and Depth of Channel to Surface and Mean Velocity The following table from' Tanning's Hydraulic Engineering, shows the relation of breadth, depth, surface velocity and mean velocity to each other for rectangular smooth channels when water is from 5 to 10 feet deep. Let b = breadth, d = depth, V ^surface velocity and v=mean velocity. When b = 2d then v = .920V When b = 3d then v = .910V When b = 4d then v = .896V When b = 5d then v = .882V When b = 6d then v = .864V Whenb = 7d then v = . 847V When b = 8d then v = .826V When b = 9d then v = .805V When b=10d then v = .780V The mean velocity for a trapezoidal channel will be a little less and decreases as the sides slopes are flattened. Safe Velocity of Flow in Ditches The safe velocity is the highest velocity at which it is safe to allow water to flow in a ditch to prevent erosion or washing of banks. Ditches should be made as nearly self cleaning as possible and this often requires increasing the velocity of flow, particularly where water carries a large amount of silt, to practically the limit of safety. Kents Eng. Hand Book gives the following: I PUMPING MACHINE ^ 160 L BATTLE C RE EK. MIC HIG AN, U. s. A. 1 Safe Velocity of Water in Ditches in Feet Per Minute Soft Brown Earth 18 ft. Soft Loam 36 ft. Pure Sand -~~ 66 ft. Gravel - 156 ft. Sandy Soil 15% clay .- 72 ft. Sandy Soil 40% clay 108 ft. Loamy Soil 65% clay 180 ft. Clay Loam 85% clay 288 ft. Agricultural Clay 95% clay 372 ft. Clay......... 432 ft. The quantity of water any ditch will convey safely depends on the gradient, the kind of soil, the depth of ditch, and whether cut to templet from solid earth or cut irregularly and banks allowed to cave and form a deflection of the stream from side to bide. Irrigation Quantity Tables Gallons required Amount of Water Required to Cover One Acre to Second Feet Reduced to Gallons to cover a given number of acres Given Depths and Acre Feet to a depth of one foot. (Acre foot) * e 8.S 1 SI ,,(3 4j a S C S > a K y i|| Mi ll^ SjfSf r * o * fe .C J3 U j c 1 I |K l/Si | 3 g S S ^ ^ rH v s"^ * o !if SJls j o^ |l^ r i" 3630 27154 / 112.2 80790 .2479 l 325851 2" 7260 54309 J^ 224.4 161579 .4959 2 651703 3" 10890 81463 3^ 336.6 242369 .7438 3 977554 4" 14520 108617 1 448.8 323158 .9917 4 1303406 5" 18150 135771 1/4 561.0 403948 1.2397 5 1629257 6" 21780 162926 1 /^ 673.2 484738 1.4876 6 1955109 7" 25410 190080 1M 785.5 565527 1.7355 7 2280960 8" 29040 217234 2 897.7 646317 1.9835 8 2606812 9" 32670 244389 23^ 1122.1 807896 2.4793 9 2932663 10" 36300 271542 3 1346.5 969475 2.9752 10 3258515 11" 39930 298697 4 1795.3 1292634 3.9669 15 4887772 1' 00" 43560 325851 5 2244.2 1615792 4.9586 20 6512029 1' 2" 50820 380160 6 2693.0 1938951 5.9503 25 8146285 1' 4" 58080 434469 7 3141.8 2262109 6.9421 30 9775544 1' 6" 65340 488777 8 3590.6 2585268 7.9338 40 13034058 1' 8" 72600 543086 9 4039.5 2908426 8.9255 60 19551087 I 7 10" 79860 597394 10 4488.3 3231585 9.9173 80 26068116 2' 00" 87120 651703 20 8976.6 6463170 19.8345 160 52136232 One cubic foot of water per second (exact 7.48052 gallons), constant flow is known as the "Second Foot". The "Acre Foot" is the quantity of water required to cover one acre to a depth of one foot. 161 STEAM PUMP COMPANY es and Canals of Standard Irrigation Capaci ation ditches with low gradient pending upon soil conditions and g -half to one and is adapted only for with slopes of from 1 to 1, to l}4 to. able gives a slope of bank Drainage ditches require The following a sluggish flo it -9.1 9q Feet Pe Mile oj I s jgj suonBr) 93-lBlSl J9J aSJ SUOflBQ 93JBIPSIQ 1 Foot Per Mile CH fvi CM' v CM' oo co co be r onst onsi and grou n have surfac permit ne giv which to ill o to of materia ce of the porati rtion oil wi d fro u e, he surfac and eva ct propo as the s as revise Agricult puting the volume hes follow th rom seepage s are in dire in the ditch This table w partment of *In co the dit Losses source f N wa OT S. the ity of by U 162 ImA ATT LE CRE EK. MIC HIG AN, U. S. A. J Velocity of Flow of Water in Feet per Second Through Various Sized Pipes U. S. GALLONS PER MINUTE 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 ^800 900 1000 4.539 2.553 1.634 1.135 .834 .638 .504 6.808 3.829 2.451 1.702 1.250 .957 .756 .613 9.078 5.106 3.268 2.269 1.667 1.277 1.009 .817 .675 11.347 6.382 4.085 2.837 2.084 1.596 1.261 1.021 .844 .709 .604 .521 13.616 7.660 4.902 3.404 2.501 1.914 1.513 1.226 1.013 .851 .725 .625 .545 8.936 5. 719 3.971 2.917 2.233 1.765 1.430 1.182 .993 .846 .729 .635 .558 10.212 6. 536 4.538 3.335 2.553 2.017 1.634 1.350 1.135 .967 .834 .726 .638 .504 11.488 7.353 5.105 3.752 2.872 2.269 1.838 1.519 1.277 1.088 .938 .817 .718 .567 12.765 8.170 5.673 4.168 3.191 2.521 2.043 1.688 1.418 1.209 1.042 .908 .798 .630 .511 9.804 6.808 5.002 3.829 3.026 2.451 2.026 1.702 1.450 1.251 1.089 957 .756 .613 11.438 7 943 5.836 4.467 3.530 2.860 2.364 1.986 1.692 1.459 1.271 1.117 .882 715 .496 13.072 9.078 6.669 5.105 4.035 3.268 2.700 2.269 1.934 1.667 1.452 1 276 1.009 .817 .567 10.212 7.503 5.744 4.539 3.676 3.039 2.553 2.176 1.876 1.634 1.436 1.135 .919 .638 11.347 8.336 6.382 5.043 4.085 3.376 2.837 2.417 2.085 1.816 1.596 1.261 1.021 .709 .454 .567 Velocity of Flow of Water in Feet per Second Through Various Sized Pipes U. S. GALLONS PER MINUTE E = 11 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 7500 10000 15000 20000 25000 6 14.184 7 10.421 12.505 14.589 16.673 8 7.978 9.571 11.168 12.765 9 6.304 7.566 8.827 10.087 12.609 15.130 10 5.106 6.127 7.149 8.170 10.213 12.255 16. 340 11 4.220 5.064 5.908 6.752 8.440 10.128 13. 504 116. 880 12 3.546 4.255 4.964 5.673 7.091 8.510 11.34614.183 13 3.022 3.625 4.2301 4.834 6.043 7.252 9.669 12.086 18.129 14 2.606 3.127 3.648J 4.169 5.211 6.254 8.338 10.421 15.632 15 2.268 2.724 3.177! 3.631 4.539 5.447 7.262 9.078 13.616 18.155 16 1.995 2.394 2.793i 3.181 3.989 4.787 6.382 7 978 11 967 15.956 18 1.576 1.891 2.206! 2.521 3.152 3.782 5.043 6.303 9 455 12.607 18.912 20 1.277 1.532 1.787 2.043 2.553 3.064 4.085 5.106 , 659 10.213 15.319 24 .887 1.064 1.241 1.418 1.773 2.128 2.837 3.546 8.319 7.092 10.638 14.184 30 .567 .681 .794 .908 1.135 1.362 1.816 2.269 3.404 4.539 6.809 9.078 11.347 36 473 630 .788 .946 1 261 1 576 2.364 3.152 4.728 6 304 7 880 42 .463 .579 .695 .926 1.158 1 737 2 316 3 474 4 631 5 789 48 .443 .532 .709 .886 1.329 1.773 2.659 3! 546 4.433 r UNION STEAM PUMP f """""' T-"""* COMPANY Flow of Water in Flumes Velocity in feet per second, and quantity in gallons per minute For various sizes and slo'pes. If 1 ij "S iJ cct ^ \M 4J \N j \ and }4, the piston displacement, or .5 Neglecting friction and other losses, the theoretical mean effective pressure may be determined as follows : (1+HYP. logr) M. E. P.-PX- -^~ P (37) Where P= Absolute initial pressure in Ibs. per square inch. p = Absolute back pressure in Ibs. per square inch. r= Ratio of expansion = Length of stroke + Clearance Distance to cut off + Clearance The following table shows the mean pressure per pound of initial pressure with different clearance and cut-offs. f n 168 oooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO..OOOO oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo O O O O O O O O O O O o O o O O oooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o" o o o o o' o o' ooooooooooo. ooooo ooooooooooo o o ooo CO CO O5 i-H r- (C^C^OSi I CO -H Oi i t 00 i I CO oooooooo o o' o o' o o* o' o o o o o o o o ooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooo o *.; ;_. Ti; <'J **> uj !> 222Si2 OCY:)l> -ooo(Noo ...""" '^C^OOCOCOTjHiOOcDOt^- o o o o' o' o Q' o o o o o' o o o Assuming a single non -condensing engine having a clearance of 5 per cent, and cutting off at Y\ stroke. Let the steam pressure at the throttle be 150 Ibs. absolute and the back pressure 17 Ibs. absolute. It is also assumed that the initial pressure in the cylinder is the same as the pressure at the throttle. Referring to the column headed "5 per cent clearance," opposite ^ cut off, the mean pressure per pound of initial pres- sure will be found to be equal to . 6258. This multiplied by the initial pressure is 150 X. 6258 =93.87 Ibs. which is the mean forward pressure of the steam. Subtracting the absolute back pressure, 93.8717-76.87 Ibs. per square inch as the mean effective pressure on the piston. Let it be required to find an approximate point of cut-off, which will maintain the same power of the engine, when running condensing with a vacuum of 26 ", and it be understood that the speed and load, and consequently the initial and mean effective pressure remain the same. Dividing 26 " of vacuum by 2.04 (1 pound pressure =2.04 inches of mercury), gives 12.7 pounds per square inch, and sub- tracting this from the atmospheric pressure, leaves 2 pounds as the approximate absolute back pressure on the piston. Ihe mean pressure ratio for the foregoing conditions may be found by adding the mean effective pressure to the absolute back pressure, and dividing by the absolute initial steam pressure. Substituting the actual values: 150 as the mean pressure ratio required. Referring again to the table and following down the column headed "5% Clearance", .5258 will be found to be between the values .5096 and .5405. Taking .5405 as the nearest figure in the table, it is found to correspond to a cut-off of A or 18.8 per cent of the stroke. The approximate saving in steam is : OK _ 1 CQ -X 100= 24.8 per cent. .25 due to adding the condenser, and thereby shortening the cut-off. If the saving in fuel is assumed to be in direct proportion Mm.miHiiiii. F Q > R_ E , V E R . Y SE RV I CB 183 Tl jj UNION. STE AM P U MP C Q M PANY ifuvvwiliVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVIVVVVVVVVVIIWV^tVVVVVVVUVVVVWVVVVVlj^X^tSjLJllfllllvvfi is practically the same in each case. The explanation of this lies in the value of the mean temperatures difference, which figures from the formula for the first case as 30.7 Fah. and for the last case as 22. The mean temperature difference requires for a maximum that the surfaces be arranged for counter-current flow, the water entering fartherest from the steam and passing consecutively through the tube nests, so as to finally pass out through the entering steam. This is the multi-pass condenser construction. The transference of heat through a unit of condenser tube area per unit of mean temperature difference was early recog- nized as varying greatly under different conditions. The moct apparent variation being an increase with an increase in the velocity of the cooling water. Many experimenters have carried out exhaustive tests along this line to determine the most practi- cal value, but the results obtained vary greatly owing to the fact that in practice there are encountered certain resistances, which are in addition to the resistance offered by the metallic walls of the tubes. The transference of heat produced by the temperature head is opposed by the resistance of the metallic walls of the tubes, the resistance of the steam side of the tube due to oil coating, or air -entrained steam, and the resistance on the water side of the tube due to the formation of scale. Among the metals available for use as condenser tubes, copper is of the highest conductivity, and, furthermore, when properly alloyed, is less subject to corrosion than most others, thus permitting the using of thinner tubes. Hence all condenser tubes are a copper ahoy. The size of tube is a determining factor in the thickness, larger tubes require greater thicknesses for mechanical strength, and from this view point small tubes are desirable. To prevent the formation of a coating of oil on the tubes, which is detrimental to the heat flow, a high steam velocity must be maintained over the tubes, and there must be no dead ends or stagnant places in the condenser. To eliminate the resistance due to air-entrained steam, surface condensers are generally arranged so that the steam sweeps the air ahead to the point of removal. ' By referring to figures 82-83, pages 202-203, the general arrangement of a modern high vacuum surface condenser can be seen, which iE'RY,._AIR CQMPJRJ&_S_S_ORS_ J 184 clearly shows the counter-current principle, as well as the lo- cation of the circulating-water, dry-air, condensate, and exhaust- inlet connections. The resistance on the water side of the tube due to the formation of scale is very important, and too much attention cannot be paid to keeping the tubes clean. A high circulating water velocity will accomplish this to a marked degree, and is a more important reason for using small tubes, and several passes, than is generally recognized. The coefficient of heat transmission or B. T. U. per square foot per degree difference per hour, is generally taken in practice at 300 to 400, depending upon the degree of vacuum, condenser design, etc. Surface Condenser Calculations Cooling Surface A complete equation of the surface condenser is as follows: wx Q TT w xQ s= *nru or u= *nr s (40) U =B. T. U. per square foot per degree difference per hour. M=Mean temperature difference degrees Fah. W = Pounds of steam condensed per hour. S = Square feet of cooling surface. Q = Total heat removed by circulating water per pound of steam condensed (usually taken as 1000). The table on page 204 gives the cooling surface required to condense 1000 Ibs. of steam per hour under varying conditions. This table has been calculated by equation 40, and is based on a coefficient of heat transmission of 300 B. T. U. per square foot per degree difference per hour. Cooling Water In calculating the amount of cooling water required per pound of steam, the following practical equation may be used: Q (41) II = Total heat of the steam (See pages 206-207) Q =Heat of the liquid. (See pages 206-207) T 2 = Final temperature of the cooling water. (Generally 10-15 less than TJ T! =The initial temperature of the cooling water. AND CON DEN SH RS FOR. H V V ,S FPV ICE =1 185 ![ U K I N STEAM PUMP COM PANY 3 The table on page 205 gives the cooling water required for surface condensers for vacuums of 25 " to 29 ". This table has been calculated by equation 41 for cooling water temperatures of 50 to 85 Fah., and for temperature differences of 5 to 20 between the temperature due to the vacuum and the cooling water discharge temperature. Size of Auxiliaries In calculating the size of pumps to use with a surface con- denser, the following gives a very good idea of customary practice. Wet air pumps used in connection with surface condensers (without dry air pumps) for 26" of vacuum and less, are given a displacement of 20 times the volume of steam condensed. The condensate pump used in connection with a surface condenser (with a dry air pump) , is generally given a displacement of 2 to 3 times the volume of steam condensed. With regard to the capacity of the dry air pump, the following table will show what is considered good practice. These figures are based upon an air tight system. Air Pump Displacement per Vacuum Pound of Steam Condensed 25 31 26 37 27 48 28 55 28^ 60 29 70 Example Assume we have 500 K. W. steam turbine using 10,000 Ibs. of steam per hour, and operating on 28 " of vacuum. It is re- quired to find the size surface condenser, the amount of cooling water at 70 Fah., the displacement of the condensate pump, and the displacement of the dry vacuum pump for these condi- tions. Solution 1000 Ibs. steam per hour equals 2 gallons per minute. 10,000 Ibs. of steam per hour equals 20 gallons per minute. T 2 =86.15 (Assume 15 lower than T s .) T s -101.15 (Seepage 206) The mean temperature difference from equation 39, sub- stituting the above values equals : 186 86.15 70 D = 101.1570 Hyp. log. 101.1586.15 16.15 Hyp log. 2.07 .7275 -22.2 The surface of the condenser may now be calculated from equation 40 by substituting the values, and using for U a value of 300 B. T. U. 10,000 X 1,000 300 X 22.2 = 1500 square feet of cooling surface The amount of cooling water required at 70 Fah., is calcu- lated from the equation 41 by substituting the values given _1104.1 69.12 86.1570 _ 1034.98 16.15 = 64.1 pounds of cooling water per pound of steam. Now the amount of steam to be condensed by the example is 10,000 Ibs. per hour, or 20 gallons per minute, so the amount of cooling water required to condense 10,000 Ibs. of steam per hour will be 20 X 64.1 =1282 gallons per minute. The displacement of the condensate pump from page 186, will be 20 X 3 = 60 gallons per minute. The displacement of the dry vacuum pump from page 186 (for 28 " of vacuum) , will be - = 148 cubic feet. 7.48 187 P U N I 6 N STEAM PUMP C OMPANY J c/3 Jet Condensers The jet condenser consists of a combination of condens- ing chamber and pump. In this type of condenser, the condens- ing water and steam come in direct contact, and for this reason the jet condenser is particularly well adapted for use where the condensing water is suitable for feeding to the boilers. A sec- tional view of a Burnham jet condenser is shown in figure 77. The exhaust steam enters at A, and the condensing water at B. At D there is a cone-shaped spray nozzle connected with the tube C. The water issues from the nozzle D in an umbrella- shaped sheet or spray, which strikes the sides of the condens- ing chamber F. Thus the steam must pass through or into the spray on entering chamber F where it is condensed. The mix- ture of condensing water and condensed steam descends through PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR 188 | BATTLE C RE EK. M ICH IG AN, U. S. A. ; the contracted lower end of the condensing chamber Fin a solid stream, which insures any remaining vapor being condensed, ^hence into the suction of the pump, which discharges the water through the valves T and opening J into the hot well. In ad- dition to discharging the mixture of condensed steam and water, the pump removes any air that may enter in the injection water or through leaks. The pump also raises the injection water used for condensing the steam, the greatest lift being generally twenty feet. At E is a hand wheel with a long stem connected to the movable cone D, and by turning this wheel, the amount of injection water may be regulated to suit the requirements. Fig. 77. Sectional View Through Jet Condenser b- AND CONDEN S ERS FOR EVERY SERV res : 189 [J UNION STEAM P UM P c b Si P ANY zj The independent steam driven type of jet condenser as illustrated in figure 77 has the advantage of being absolutely independent of the main engine. It may be started before and stopped after the main engine, thus establishing a vacuum before the load is thrown on the engine, and draining the pipes and cylinder of the water of condensation and leakage. It may be run at any speed within reason, keeping the vacuum constant under changes of load. To avoid the possibility of getting water over into the engine cylinder in case the pump stopped while the engine was running, a vacuum breaking device is arranged in the condensing chamber, as it is illustrated in figure 77. By referring to this figure, it will be observed that in case the pump slows down and stops, the water accumulating in the condensing chamber F will gradually lift the float G, and as the float rises, it in turn opens the air valve H, admitting air to the exhaust pipe and engine cylinder, thus breaking the vacuum. This equalizes the pressure in the condensing chamber, and stops the flow of the injection water. The engine exhaust will then accumulate until it acquires sufficient pressure to lift the atmospheric relief valve, and the engine will exhaust into the atmosphere. In starting up an engine with a jet condenser attached, pro- ceed as follows ; open slightly the injection valve D and start up the air pump to its normal speed. This produces a vacuum in the pipes and condenser, drains them of all water, and causes the in- jection water to flow into the condenser. When the vacuum is established as shown by the gauge, open the throttle, and turn the engine over slowly, warming it up. Then bring the engine up to speed, throw on the load and regulate the amount of injection water by the valve D. The wheel E on the top of the condenser is used for regu- lating the amount of injection water. The speed of the air pump, and the amount of injection water must be regulated according to the load on the engine and the vacuum desired. When shutting down an engine with a jet condensing apparatus, close the engine throttle first, and when the engine is stopped, and not until then, close the injection valve D, and lastly shut down the air pump. By shutting off the water supply before the air pump is stopped, the water already in the condenser and pipes is pumped entirely out, and there is no danger of it getting into the engine cylinder. 190 C/3 UNION S T E AM PUMP _C O_M _P_ANY Table Giving Quantity of Injection Water, Vapors and Pump Displacement for Air Pumps and Jet Condensers ll Temperature Temperature of Condensing Water at Inlet Due to Vacuum Disch. Water 50 55 CO 65 70 75 80 85 20 161.4 147 W V S T 10.8 2.16 5.4 18.36 11.1 2.26 5.4 18.76 12. 2.4 5.4 19.8 12.7 2.54 5.4 20.64 13.6 2.72 5.4 21.72 14.5 2.9 5.4 22.8 15.6 3.12 5.4 24.12 16.8 3.3 5.4 25 5 20% 159 144 W V S T 11.1 2.34 5.69 19.13 11.8 2.49 5.69 19 98 12.5 2.63 5.69 20.82 13.2 2.78 5.69 21.67 14.1 2.97 5.C9 22.76 15.2 3.2 5.69 24. C9 16.3 3.43 26! 42 17.7 3.7 5.6 27.1 21 157 141 W V S T 11.5 2.5 6 20 12.2 2.64 6 20.84 13 2.8 6 21.8 13.8 2.98 6 22.78 14.8 3.2 6 21 15.9 3.44 6 25. 34 17.2 3.72 6 26.32 18.7 4.0 6 28.7 >* 154 139 W V S T 11.8 2.78 6.35 20.93 12.5 2.94 6.35 21.79 13.3 3.13 6.35 22.78 14.2 3.34 6.35 23.89 U.3 3.64 6.35 25. 29 16.4 3.86 6.35 26.61 17.8 4.19 6.35 28.34 19.5 4.5 6.3 30.4 22 152 137 W V S T 12.1 3 6.75 21 . 85 12.6 3.18 6.75 22.73 13.7 3.4 6.75 23.83 14. P 3.63 6.75 21.98 15.7 3.9 6.75 26.35 17 4.22 6.75 27.97 18.3 4.55 6.75 29.60 20.2 5.0 6.7 31.9 22% 149 134 W V S T W V S T 12.6 3.36 7.2 23.16 13.4 3.57 7.2 24.17 14.8 3.81 7.2 25.31 1.3.3 4.08 7.2 26. 58 16.5 4.4 7.2 28.1 17.9 4.77 7.2 29.87 19.6 5.23 7.2 32.03 21.6 5.7 7.2 34.5 23 146.7 132 12.9 3.7 7.71 24 31 13.7 3.92 7.71 25.33 14.7 4.21 7.71 26.62 15.7 4.5 7.71 27.91 17.1 4.9 7.71 29.71 18.6 5.33 7.71 31.64 20.3 5.82 7.71 33.93 22.5 6.4, 7.7 36.6 23% 143 128 W V S T 13.6 4.18 8.31 26.09 14.5 4.46 8.31 27.27 15.6 4.8 8.31 28.71 16.9 5.2 8.31 30.41 18.3 5.63 8.31 32.24 20 6.15 8.31 34.46 22.1 6.8 8.31 36.21 24.7 7.6 8.3 40.6 24 140.6 126 W V S T 14 4.67 9 27.67 15 5 9 29 16.1 5.34 9 30.44 17.4 5.77 9 32.17 19 6.3 9 34.3 20.9 6.93 9 36. 83 23.1 7.66 9 39.76 26 8.6 9 43.6 24% 137 122 W V S T 14 8 5.41 9.82 30.03 15.9 5.62 9.82 31.54 17.2 6.3 9.82 33.32 18.7 6.84 9.82 35.36 20.5 7.5 9.82 37.82 22.7 8.31 9.82 40.83 25.4 9.2 9.82 44.42 28.9 10.5 9.8' 49.25 25 133.7 118 W V S T 15.8 6.3 10.8 32.9 17 6.78 10.8 34.58 18.5 7.38 10.8 36. 68 20.4 8.06 10.8 39.06 22.3 8.9 10 8 42.0 24.9 9.93 10.8 45.63 28.2 11.26 10.8 50.26 38.3 15 25 10 8 56 2' 35% 129.7 115 W V S T W V S T 16.5 7.32 12 35. 82 17.9 7.94 12 37.84 19.5 8.65 12 40 15 21.5 9.54 12 43.04 23.9 10.6 12 46.5 26.9 11.93 12 50.83 30.7 13.61 12 56. 31 35 8 15 8' 12 63.6' 26 125.3 110 18 9 13.5 40.5 19.6 9.8 13.5 42.9 21.6 10.8 13.5 45.9 24 12 13.5 49.5 27 13.5 13.5 54 30.9 15 5 13.5 59.9 36 18 13.5 67.5 43.2 21.6 13.5 78.3 B mi n nj. J___^J' THMJ111AM1 ,. U. flLlLA^MUyb^BJjkJL^jnonraTr^TrBr^^ ING MACHINERY. AIR COMPRESSORS , . i. *^w^-^-ir^^tn^^rinrTinrtri, u - v 192 Table Giving Quantity of Injection Water, Vapor and Pump Displacement for Air Pumps and Jet Condensers (Continued") Vacuum Based on 30" Barom. Temperature Temperature of Condensing Water at Inlet Due to Vacuum Disch. Water 90 95 100 105 lit 115 120 30 161.4 147 W V S T 18.3 3.66 5.4 27.36 20.1 4.02 5.4 29.52 22.2 4.44 5.4 32 04 24.9 4.98 5.4 35.28 28.2 5.64 5.4 39.24 32.6 6.52 5.4 44.52 20% 159 144 W V s T 19.4 4.08 5.69 29.17 21.4 4.51 5.69 31.60 23.8 5.01 5.69 34.50 26.8 5.64 . 5.69 38 13 30.8 6.49 5.69 43.98 36.1 7.6 5.69 49.39 43.6 9.18 5.69 58.47 21 157 141 W V s T 50.6 4.45 6 31.05 22.8 4.93 6 33.73 25.6 5.54 6 37.14 29.1 6.29 6. ' 41.39 33.8 7.04 6 46.84 40.3 8.72 6 55.02 50 10.8 6 66.8 21% 154 139 W V S T 21.4 5.04 6.35 32.79 23.9 5.62 6.35 35. 87 26.9 6.33 6.35 39.58 30.9 7.27 6.35 44.52 36.2 8.52 6.35 51.07 43.8 10.31 6.35 60 46 55.3 13.01 6.35 74 66 22 152 137 W V s T 22 4 5.57 6.75 34.72 25.1 6.23 6.75 38.98 28.5 7 08 6.75 42.33 32.9 8.17 6.75 47.82 39 9.69 6.75 55.44 47.9 11.9 6.75 66. 55 61.9 15.38 6.75 84.03 22% 149 134 W V s T 24. 6.4 7.2 37.6 27.1 7.23 7.2 41.53 31 8.27 7.2 49.47 36.4 9.71 7.2 53.31 44 11.73 7.2 62.33 55.6 14.83 7.2 77.63 75.4 20.11 7.2 102.71 23 146.7 132 W V S T 25.2 7.22 7.71 40.13 28.6 8.2 7.71 44.51 33.1 9.48 7.71 50.29 39.2 11.23 7.71 58.14 48.1 13.78 7.71 69.59 62.2 17.82 7.71 87.73 88.2 25.27 7.71 121.18 23% 143 128 W V s T 27.09 8.58 8.31 44.79 32.2 9.91 8.31 50.42 37.9 11.66 8.31 57.87 46.2 14.21 8.31 68.72 59 18.15 8.31 85.46 81.7 25.14 8.31 115.15 132.7 40.8 8.31 181 81 24 140.6 126 W V s T 29.6 9.82 9. 48.42 34.3 11.37 9 54.67 40.9 13.56 9 63.4fc 50.7 16.81 /6.51 66.5 22.05 9 97.5"> 96.7 32.06 9 137.76 177.3 58.8 9 245.1 24% 137 122 W V s T 33.4 12.22 9.82 55. 44 39.6 14.49 9.82 63.91 48.5 17.74 9.82 76.06 62.8 22.98 9.82 95.60 89 32.56 9.82 131.38 152.6 55.83 9.82 218.25 25 133.7 118 W V S T 38.3 15.29 10.8 61.39 46.6 18.6 10.8 76.0 5.f 23.8 10.8 94.2 82.5 32.93 10.8 126.23 134 53.43 10.8 198.28 25% 1297 115 W V s T 43. 19.03 12. 74.03 53.8 23.86 12 89.66 71.7 31.8 12 115.5 107.5 47.68 12 167.18 215 95.35 12 322.86 26 125.3 110 W V s T 54. 27. 13.5 94.5 72 36 13.5 121.5 108 54 13.5 175.5 216 108 13.5 337.5 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 193 U N I N S TE AM P UM P C OM PANY Z| Fig. 79. Burnham Air Pump and Jet Condenser Jet Condenser Factors The preceding table gives the quantity of injection water, the volumes of vapor with the steam and water, and the displace- ment required for the air pump with jet condensers for vacuums up to 26 ", and using condensing water from 50 to 120 Fah. The figures are calculated from the formulae 42-43-44-45. All figures are stated in multiples of condensed steam. In this table W= Quantity of condensing water. V = Volume of vapor from the water. S = Volume of vapor from the steam and leaks. T =(W + V + S) = Displacement of air pump. BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN,, U.S.A. Pumps for Jet Condensers The size air pump to use with a jet condenser may be cal- culated by the following formulae: (42) In which D = Displacement of pump. W= Quantity of injection water. 2 V= Volume of vapors from water = XW (43) 54 S = Volume of vapors from steam and leaks = X Q (44) *jn P m = Absolute pressure inches of mercury. Q = Pounds of steam to be condensed per hour. In calculating the amount of injection water, let H be the total heat in one pound of steam at the terminal pressure. Ihis is assumed in practice at 1190 B. T. U. t s = Temperature of steam due to the vacuum. t l = Temperature of injection water. t 2 = Temperature of discharge water, which is assumed in practice 15 lower than the temperature due to the vacuum. Each pound of injection water will be heated from t to t 2 , and the total heat absorbed by the water. H w =W(t 2 tO The heat given up by the steam condensing will be H S =Q (H 1 2 ) Since the heat absorbed must equal that given up, W (t 2 tO =Q (H 1 2 ) (45) Example: Given 12000 pounds of steam per hour to be condensed, maintaining 26 " of vacuum, referred to 30 " barometer using 70 injection water. How much injection water is required ? What size air pump is required? I Or SERVICE 195 Solution : Q= 12000 Ibs. t!=70. t s =125 (see page 207) t 2 =110 H=1190 Then substituting in equation 45, 12000 (1190110) W = 11070 _ 12000 X 1080 40 = 324000 pounds of injection water required per hour. 324000 =648 G. P. M. 8.3 X 60 The volume of vapors from the water equals from formula 43, 2 2 V= XW=-X 324000 Pm 4 = 162000 pounds per hour =324 G. P. M. The volume of vapors from the steam and leaks equals from formula 44, S=| ^=13.5X12000 m i = 162000 pounds per hour =324 G. P. M. Hence from equation 42, the displacement of the air pump must equal D= 648 + 324 + 324 =1296 G. P. M. Now referring to the table on page 197, you will find that the proper size air pump and jet condenser for these conditions is a 12x18x20, which has a condensing capacity of 12,300 pounds of steam per hour, and a displacement of 1322 G. P. M. The following table gives the sizes of air pumps and jet condensers for various amounts of steam assuming 26 " of vacuum referred to 30" barometer, and using cooling water at 50 to 80 Fah. The quantity of cooling water required for these condition s is also given. !l^^ 196 C R "E E K . MICH I G AN , U. S. A. Air Pumps and Jet Condensers Size Pump Strokes per Minute "!& l| Steam Condensed per Hour 26" Vacuum, 30" Barometer Gallons per Minute Cooling Water Required Temp. Cooling Water Temp. Cooling Water 5oii 50 60 70 80 50 60 70 80 4x 5x 8 100 68 840 740 630 500 31 32 34 36 4^x 6x 8 100 98 1200 1070 910 730 43 46 49 53 5 x 6x10 100 122 1500 1330 1130 910 54 58 61 66 5 x 7x10 100 166 2050 1810 1540 1230 73 78 83 89 6x 8x10 100 217 2700 2380 2000 1610 98 103 108 116 6x 9x10 100 275 3400 3000 2550 2040 122 130 138 148 6^x10x10 100 340 4200 3700 3160 2530 152 160 170 182 8 x!0x!2 100 4C8 5050 4450 3800 3000 180 192 205 217 8 x!2x!2 100 587 7250 6400 5450 4350 260 275 290 315 8 xl2x!6 75 587 7250 6400 5450 4350 260 275 290 315 10x14x16 75 800 10000 8750 7400 5950 360 375 400 430 10x16x16 75 1044 13000 11400. 9750 7800 470 495 525 560 12x16x20 60 1044 13000 11400 9750 78QO 470 495 525 560 12x18x20 60 1322 16400 14400 12300 9800 590 625 670 710 14x20x24 50 1632 20000 17700 15000 12000 720 765 810 870 14x22x24 50 1974 24400 21500 18300 14600 880 930 970 1060 14x24x24 50 2350 29200 25600 21700 17400 1050 1100 1170 1250 16x26x24 50 2758 34000 30000 25500 20300 1230 1300 1380 1470 16x28x24 50 3199 40000 35400 30000 23800 1440 1500 1620 1720 16x30x24 50 3672 45500 40000 34000 27300 1640 1720 1840 1970 Surface Condensers In a surface condenser, figure 80, the steam to be condensed, and the cooling water do not come in direct contact with each other. The cooling water is circulated on the inside of a series of tubes, and the steam is condensed by coming in contact with the outside of the tubes. The condensed steam is drawn off by the air pump. The condensing water is drained, or forced through the tubes by the circulating pump. The external surface of the tubes which comes in contact with the steam is the condensing surface 197 PUN I ON STEAM P UMP COM PANY J Surface condensers usually consist of a cast iron shell, or casing, and it may be either cylindrical or rectangular in form. The cylindrical form is the simpliest and strongest for a given sectional area and weight of material, is cheaper to produce, and is considered more efficient than the rectangular type. The tube plates may be of cast iron, cast brass, or Muntz metal, depending upon the installation. In the marine service, condensers are always fitted with Muntz metal tube heads. ^ ATTLE CREEK. Ivi I_Q H I CAN , U. g^ A. The tubes are seamless drawn brass (generally 60 copper and 40 zinc), and are usually made ^" external diameter, and No. 18-B. W. G. in thickness, although ^i" external diameter tubes, and either 18 B. W. G. or 20 B. W. G. are sometimes used. Fig. 81. The tubes are secured in the tube plates usually by means of screwed ferrules and tape packing. Figure 81 illustrates the customary method of securing the tubes in the tube plates by screwed ferrules. It will be noticed the ferrules are provided with internal lips to prevent the displacement or creeping of the tubes by giving them ample room to expand or contract. Some- times the tubes are expanded in the tube plates, but this method is not recommended for the reason that a certain amount of expansion and contraction will take place, which tends to pro- duce slackness, and when a tube has become slack, it is a diffi- cult matter to make it tight again. The condenser shell is provided with one, and sometimes two circulating water chambers, depending upon the number of passes in the condenser. Suitably arranged cast-in parti- tions in the circulating water chamber and heads provide for the efficient circulation of the cooling water through the condenser tubes. Surface condensers are built in the horizontal or vertical types, and may be arranged for the passage of the cooling water through the tubes with the exhaust steam surrounding them, or, as it is often done in water-works practice, with the steam passing through the tubes, and the cooling water on the outside. A baffle, which is provided opposite the main exhaust steam inlet opening, prevents the steam from eroding the outer row of tubes, and deflects it in its path through the condenser. In high vacuum surface condensers, drain plates are fre- quently provided to intercept the condensed steam flowing through the condenser, and deflect it to the sides and bottom of the condensing chamber, so as to keep the tubes dry. ,.J 199 L u N 1 N STE AM P U M P COM P ANY J Surface condensers are sometimes made with a single pass. In this type, the cooling water enters one end of the condenser, passes through the tubes once, and out the opposite head. This type is used sometimes for installations where there is a large amount of cooling water available, and a high velocity can be secured through the tubes. In two pass condensers, as is shown in figure 82, the cooling water enters the lower side of the circulating water chamber, is deflected by the dividing partition, and flows through the lower bank of tubes to the opposite end of the condenser into the dished head, and thence returns through the upper bank of tubes and on the top of the circulating water chamber. Surface condensers are made with as many as three and sometimes more passes, depending upon conditions. Modern surface condensers are generally designed and in- stalled so that the steam to be condensed enters horizontally at the side near the top, or vertically at the top of the shell, and in condensing flows downward, while the cooling water is intro- duced at the bottom, and leaves at the top, thus creating a counter- flow of the two fluids. The condensate is removed from the bottom of the con- denser, and with high-vacuum condensers using a dry-air pump, the non-condensable vapors are generally drawn off from the side of the condenser. The primary functions of a surface condenser are to reduce the back pressure on the exhaust side of a steam prime mover; to conserve and return to the boiler the water of condensation, which is chemically pure feed water; to conserve and return to the boiler as many heat units as possible; and to remove from the feed water, the air in solution, thus avoiding pitting of the boilers. PUMP IN G MAC ^ 200 ATTLE CREEK. M I C H I G AN,_ U. S ._ A^^^, To accomplish these results, the surface condenser must handle four separate fluids: steam, air (including other non- condensable vapors), water of condensation, and cooling or circulating water. These may be considered separately in order to reach a clear understanding of the subject. As the desirable condition or state of these several fluids is not the same, each installation becomes at once a problem to be carefully con- sidered. In dealing with these fluids, it has been found from practice that the following rules must be observed to get the best results, The steam should enter the condenser, and be conducted freely to all parts of the same with the least possible resistance ; it should be reduced to the lowest practicable temperature, and should be converted into water for easy removal. Air which is a nonconductor of heat should be rapidly cleared from the heat transmitting surfaces, collected at suitable places after being freed from the entrained water and vapor, and cooled to a low temperature of removal at a minimum volume, and consequently a minimum expenditure of energy. The condensate should also be rapidly cleared from the heat transmitting surfaces, freed from the air, collected at suit- able points for removal, and returned to the boiler at the maxi- mum temperature. The circulating water should pass through the condenser with the least friction, deposit a minimum amount of precipitate chemicals and absorb a maximum amount of heat. 201 s =- rt 0) ej u M 11 15 * gj) "^ M B c M 3'^.> 3 B rt U) d c o cd o c .2 B rt .2 *>. rt '^ M -2 y 1 (A y 01 Po Po P^3 g OS-SE CO W CO P CO P 7 8 8 10 261 4 4 4 6 5 8 1 A 8 9 1J 330 Hi 4 4 6 6 5 8 J'i 9 9 10 330 1 ^"2 4 4 6 5 8 10 10 12 408 1 Ji 4 4 6 5 10 10 10 12 408 M 2 4 4 6 5 10 12 12 12 587 M 2 8 5 8 6 10 12 12 16 587 M 2 8 5 8 6 12 14 14 12 800 1 4 8 5 10 8 12 12 14 16 800 ''i 2 ix 8 5 10 8 12 14 14 16 800 ijj 2 !^ 8 5 10 8 12 14 16 16 1040 1 )^i 2 '/ 8 6 10 8 14 16 16 16 1040 2 2 '/^ 10 6 10 8 14 16 16 20 1040 2 2 ]/2 10 6 12 10 14 18 18 20 Ib20 2 2H 12 8 12 10 | AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE ! 213 1- u N 1 N STE AM P U M P COM PANY 4 Fig, 79 Burnham Air Pump and Jet Condenser Maximum Working Pressures: 200 Pounds Steam. 26" Vacuum with 30 " Barometer Size of Pump CAPACITY SIZE OF OPENINGS .| JS s .4 ceo ^m Sxhaust- 1 *O',3 K 'IS meter ol Cylinde *o ^3 0) _ it II v> (3*7 Wrf lli-l> a 0) | i c " U Is Q Ol a 3 .2 Si Pco a ,L S3 ! ScS !( 6 8 .98 910 \A 2 4 2 M! 5 6 10 1.22 1130 1 A c* 4 2,4 5 7 10 1.66 1540 / 2 V^ 4 3 8 10 2.17 2ooa % i 3 8 g IxC 9 10 2.75 2550 % i 4 8 33^ 63^ 10 10 3.40 3160 H i 4 8 4 6K 10 12 4.08 3800 i 4 8 4 8H 10 10 3.40 3160 1 4 4 8 4 8 10 12 4.08 3800 l i M 4 8 4 8 12 12 5.87 5450 1 l)i 6 12 5 10 12 12 5.87 5150 1 M 2 6 12 5 8 12 16 7.83 5150 1 1 J -^ 6 12 5 10 12 16 7.83 54; 2" 6 12 5 8 14 16 10.66 7400 1 13^ 6 12 6 10 14 16 10.66 7400 2 6 12 6 12 14 16 10.66 7400 l 3-4 23^ 6 12 6 10 16 16 13.92 9750 I Jt 2 6 16 6 12 16 16 13.92 9750 1 Y> 23^> 6 16 6 10 16 20 17.40 9750 \Yi 2H 6 16 6 12 16 20 17.40 9750 1 3-2 6 16 6 12 18 20 22.02 12300 IH 23-^ 8 16 8 14 16- 20 17.40 9750 2 2K 6 16 8 14 18 20 22.02 12300 2 23^ 8 16 8 12 20 24 32.64 15000 \Yi 8 16 8 14 20 24 32.64 15000 9 2 2^ 8 16 8 12 22 24 39.49 18300 23^ 8 16 12 12 24 24 47.00 21700 1 Yi 23^ 10 20 12 14 22 24 39.49 18300 2 23^2 8 16 12 14 24 24 47.00 21700 2 2J,^ 10 20 12 14 26 24 55.16 25500 2 23^ 10 24 12 14 28 24 63.97 30000 2 21'2 10 24 14 16 26 24 55.16 25500 2 23^ 10 24 12 16 28 24 63.97 30000 2 10 24 14 16 30 24 73.43 34000 2 2>| 10 24 16 214 Fig. 93. Details of Union Single Belt-Driven Enclosed-Type Dry- Vacuum Pump Air Cylinder Displacement Cu. Ft. Free Air \s Pipe Openings Driving Pulley <| CD B.| o % 0) 4 It ^ 3 3 hn it 3 C/3 .S3 P CS P ga p 10 6 275 .545 150 6 3 2 A Vi 28 6 28 14 6 275 1.06 292 12 4 1 A L8 6 28 18 6 275 1.76 483 18 5 5 2 1^2 28 6 28 18 8 250 2.35 590 22 5 5 J* 42 8 42 22 8 250 3.52 880 31 7 6 P 42 8 42 22 10 235 4.40 1035 37 7 6 48 10 48 26 10 235 6.15 1445 49 8 7 H 48 10 48 28 12 220 8.56 1880 65 9 8 66 12 55 30 12 220 9.82 2160 75 10 8 s 66 12 55 32 15 210 13.98 2940 100 12 10 K 72 15 60 Fig. 91. Details of Union Single Steam-Driven Enclosed-Type Dry- Vacuum Pump Displacem' t Size of Pump Cu. Ft. Pipe Openings m Free Air g i^ a 1 -*J n^ 1 1 8 I.S 1 | 0) ^ olutions ute olution Minute 5 if *S d a w 3 rt G .2 I rt , JS a |l -> rd ! Q 0) ^ PUP4 I n 2'il 1 w ,C H w o 3 CO % P 1| ss" 6 i^ 10 6~ 275 .545 150 50~ MM^ _ " , ~2 3" 2\4 ^^T^ 28" 63^ 14 6 275 1.06 292 60 12 13^ 2 4 3^2 // 28 Ql^ 18 6 275 1.76 483 100 18 IM 2 5 5 /^ 28 8 14 6 275 1.06 292 35 12 2 2 ^ 4 3 % % 28 8 18 6 275 1.76 483 50 18 2 2K 5 5 ^2 28 8 18 8 250 2.35 590 50 22 2 2 x^ 5 5 M 36 8 22 8 250 3.52 874 90 31 2 2^ 7 6 H 36 10 18 8 250 2.35 590 35 22 2 J^ 3 5 5 1^ 36 10 22 8 250 3.52 874 50 31 2 J4 3 7 6 /^ 36 10 22 10 235 4.40 1035 70 37 3 7 6 H 48 10 26 10 235 6.15 1432 85 49 3 t 33^ 8 7 % 48 12 22 10 235 4.40 1035 35 37 4 7 6 Yi 48 12 26 10 235 6.15 1432 50 49 S^2 4 8 7 i/^ 48 12 28 12 220 8.56 1880 80 65 3 J^ 4 9 8 /^ 55 12 30 12 220 9.82 2160 100 75 3/^ 4 10 8 Yi 55 14 28 12 220 8.56 1880 40 65 4 5 9 8 L^ 55 14 30 12 220 9.82 2160 45 75 4 5 10 8 H 55 14 32 15 210 13.98 2940 80 100 4 5 12 10 60 18 32 15 210 13. 9b 2940 35 100 5 6 12 10 60 215 UNION' STEAM PUMP COMPANY ?q coTjtsoobosiHc^^tooiSvicoOTcviiooieMooiOi-iooiOTHaoo oSoSoSoSpopppppppo O OrHi-tiHl-lt-lT-ll-lr-IC^C^CSCMCOCOfOciO-^^lOlOCOtDt^f^ wsc^i-ioosooc-^iOfoCMOooco-^c^i-it-coocDeMomi-i ooi oooooi-iiHi-ir-iT-iT-iT-iiHe^c^e^e^c^ O O r-l oooooooooo 00 OS Oi-HCNJCO-^H-^500O CM """* IO C- Oi "CO IX> O~CO~C~~H -^ OO 0000 W ^ 0000000000000 W ooooooooooooooooooooo C^JCniDOtr-Ir- ooooooooooooooooooooooooo _C*3^OOOOCViCO_ OOi-Hr-ll-lT-lT-lTHiHT-IC^CMC^CMC^rOCOCO-^-^-^lOibtDCD ooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOt-kf5-^"^ T-IO5GOCOCOOI l-OCMO5SCOt-i-llOOSCOt^f-Hlrt ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooOi-f^i-ii-ii-iF-ii-iT-icvie^c^e^eMcoco ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooot-i ooooooooooooooooooooooooo i' s g "^R. p cgMPR.ES J S w ORjS w ; wj J| 216 ....... .......,^..... I ^~ m ,. ss ^-^ | p _B p AJTT^^^ K9 5oS5 r S5?S|55gig|ggg2r;gg iH CO rJ i-lt-COOOfOOiIOC OOOOOOOOC-C-t-t-I^O5C>ir5lO^^^COCMC^T-l005CT>C ^ . *. ^ ! > . . i-iT-iiHi-ii-ir-iiHrHiMC^ .qc^Mcococo-^-^ommco IO CO i-H O5 t- IQ IS^SSSS^Sc?5S^^S!S'5S^Si5SS ooioos^oocot* lOmOt-t-QOOOOTHCO-^iOt-OOOSOCOCOOOi-liUCD *OS rH CO isllliilgllisSsssgillillS |aj 5 H-^ <~^"* ^^ -^ - 5 ^ H 217 ION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Table Showing Weight Per Foot of Seamless Brass Tubes Stub's or Birmingham Gauge, Measured in Outside Diameters GAUGE NO. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tnickness of each No. in decimal parts .259 .238 .220 .203 .180 .165 .148 .134 .120 .109 .095 .083 of inch Frac. of inch corresp'nding ! 15 i3 3 11 9 ! 3 5 closely to 4 64 64 1 6 64 6^T 8 32 64 G^uge Nos.: Diameter '. .ibes, In's. i :: .18 .27 .177 .256 .170 .238 .160 220 i .41 .39 .37 .35 .335 .307 .280 A!; .52 .49 .47 . 44 .413 . 376 . 340 i .70 .66 .64 .60 .57 .53 .492 .444 .400 A.... . 84 79 76 71 66 61 571 513 .460 1 .... 1.09 1.06 .03 .99 .92 .88 .81 .76 .70 .649 .581 .520 i*.... 1.28 .23 .19 1.13 1.05 .99 .92 .86 .79 .728 .650 .580 I .... 1.47 .41 .35 1.28 1.18 1.11 1.03 .95 .87 .807 .718 .640 If. . . . 1.65 .58 .50 1.43 .31 1.23 1.13 1.05 .90 .885 .787 .700 I.... 1.84 .75 .66 1.57 .44 1.35 1.24 .15 1.04 .964 .855 .759 if. ... 2.03 1.92 .82 1.72 .57 1.47 1.35 .24 1.13 1.042 .924 .819 1 2.22 2.09 .98 1.87 .70 1.59 1.45 .34 1.22 1.12 .99 .88 I l /s. . . . 2.60 2.44 2.30 2.16 .96 1.83 1.67 .53 1.39 1.28 1.13 1.00 IX.'..'. 2.97 2.78 2.61 2.45 2.22 2.07 1.88 .73 1.56 .44 1.27 1.12 iy s .... 3.35 3.12 2.93 2.75 2.48 2.30 2.10 .92 1.74 1.59 1.40 1.24 \ 1 A. . . . 3.72 3.47 3.25 3.04 2.74 2.54 2.31 2.11 1.91 1.75 1.54 1.36 1%. . . . 4.09 3.81 3.57 3.33 3.00 2.78 2.52 2.31 2.08 1.91 .68 1.48 1%, ... 4.47 4.15 3.88 3.62 3.26 3.02 2.74 2.50 2.26 2 06 .82 1.60 ly 8 .... 4.84 4.50 4.20 3.92 3.52 3.26 2.95 2.69 2.43 2.22 .95 1.72 2 .... 5.21 4.84 4.52 4.21 3.78 3.50 3.16 2.89 2.60 2.38 2.09 1.84 1K.-.T. 5.59 5.18 4.84 4.50 4.04 3.73 3.38 3.08 2.78 2.54 2.23 1.96 2M.... 5.96 5.53 5.15 4.80 4.30 3.97 3.59 3.27 2.95 2.69 2.36 2.08 2^. ... 6.34 5.87 5.47 5.09 4.56 4.21 3.80 3.47 3.12 2.85 2.50 2.20 2H- 6.71 6.21 5.79 5.38 4.82 4.45 4.02 3.66 3.30 3.01 2.64 2.32 2%. ... 7.08 6.56 6.11 5.67 5.08 4.69 4.23 3.85 3.47 3.17 2.77 2.44 25*.... 7.46 6.90 6.42 5.97 5.34 4.92 4.44 4.05 3.64 3.32 2.91 2.56 *.... 7.83 7.24 6.74 6.26 5.60 5.16 4.66 4.24 3.81 3.48 3.05 2.68 3 8.20 7.59 7.06 6.55 5.86 5.40 4.87 4.43 3.99 3.64 3.19 2.79 3H- 8.58 7.93 7.38 6.85 6.12 5.64 5.08 4.63 4.16 3.79 3.32 2.91 3M.... 8.95 8.27 7.69 7.14 6.38 5.88 5.30 4.82 4.33 3.95 3.46 3.03 3^8 9.33 8.62 8.01 7.43 6.64 6.11 5.51 5.01 4.51 .11 3.60 3.15 3^ 9.70 8.96 8.33 7.72 6.90 6.35 5.72 5.21 4.68 .27 3.73 3.27 *;.... 10.07 9.30 8.65 8.02 7.16 6.59 5.94 5.40 4.85 .42 3.87 3.39 *.... 10.45 9.65 8.96 8.31 7.42 6.83 6.15 5.59 5.03 .58 4.01 3.51 3Ji.... 10.82 9.99 9.28 8.60 7.68 7.07 6.37 5.79 5.20 .74 4.15 3.6? To determine weight per foot of a tube of a given Inside Diameter, add to weights in above list the weights given below under corresponding gauge numbers GAUGE NO. | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Increase in I ibs. per foot|i.5487 1.3077 1.1174 .951! .7480 .6285 .5057 .4145 .3324 .2743 .2084 .1590 218 Table Showing Weight per Foot of Seamless Brass Tubes (Continued) Stub's or Birmingham Gauge, Measured in Outside Diameters GAUGE NO. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 nickness of ;ach No. in decimal parts .072 .065 .058 .049 .042 .035 .032 .028 .025 .022 .020 .018 .016 of inch: Frac. of inch correspondi'g ! 3 i i closely to 16 64 32 64 Gauge Nos.: Diameter Tubes, In's *.... .045 .045 .043 .040 .036 .034 .031 .029 .026 .024 .022 .020 i% .096 .092 087 .078 .070 .062 .057 .051 .047 .042 .039 .035 032 i.... .148 .139 .129 .114 .101 .087 .080 .072 .065 .058 .053 .048 .043 A .200 .186 .170 .149 .131 .112 .104 .092 .083 .074 .067 .061 .055 t: .252 .233 .212 .184 .161 .137 .127 .112 .101 .090 .082 .074 .066 A.... .304 .279 .254 .220 .192 .163 .150 .132 119 .106 .096 .087 .078 I .356 .326 .296 .255 .222 .188 .173 .152 .137 .121 .111 .100 .089 A;'- .408 .373 .338 .290 .252 .213 .196 .173 .155 .137 .125 .US .101 i.... .460 .420 .380 .326 .283 .238 .219 .193 .173 .153 .140 .126 .112 . . . . .511 .467 .421 .361 .313 .264 .242 .213 .191 .169 .154 .139 .124 I...;,. .563 .514 .463 .396 .343 .289 .265 .233 .209 .185 .169 .152 .136 H .615 .561 505 .432 .373 .314 .288 .25*3 .227 .201 .183 .165 .148 i ! '. '.'. .667 .608 .547 .467 .404 .339 .311 .274 .245 .217 .197 .178 .159 H.... .719 .655 .589 .502 .434 .365 .334 .294 .263 .232 .211 .191 .171 i .... .77 .70 .63 .54 .46 .389 .358 .314 .281 .248 .226 .204 .182 lH- .87 .79 .71 .61 .52 .439 .404 .354 .317 .280 .255 .23( .205 1M. .98 .89 .80 .68 .59 .490 .450 .395 .354 .312 284 .25G .228 1%. ... 1.08 .98 .88 .75 .65 .540 .496 .435 .390 .343 .313 282 .251 l^A. .19 1.08 .96 .82 .71 .591 .542 .476 .426 .375 .342 .308 .274 i^. ... .29 1.17 1.05 .89 .77 .641 .588 .516 .462 .407 .371 .334 i?i.... .39 1.26 1.13 .96 .83 .692 .635 .556 .498 .439 .399 .360 ij-6 . . . . .50 1.36 .22 .03 .89 .742 .681 .597 .534 .470 .428 .386 2 .60 .45 30 ..10 .95 .793 .727 .637 .570 .502 .457 412 .71 .55 .38 .17 .01 .843 .773 .678 .606 .534 .486 2M- .81 .64 .47 .24 .07 .894 .819 .718 .642 .566 .515 2^.... .91 .73 .55 .32 .13 .944 .866 .758 .678 .597 544 . . 2.02 .83 .63 .39 .19 .995 .912 .799 .714 .629 .573 2H-.V 2.12 .92 .72 .46 .25 1.045 .958 .839 .750 .661 25*.... 2.23 2.01 .80 .53 .31 1.096 1.004 .880 .786 .693 aft.:..* 2.33 2.11 .89 .60 .37 1.146 1.050 .920 .822 .724 3 .... 2.43 2.20 .97 .67 .43 1.197 1.096 .960 .859 .756 31^ 2. 54 2. 30 2.05 74 .49 1. 247 1.143 1. 001 .895 .788 O 78 3)* 2.64 2.39 2.14 .81 .55 1.298 1.189 1.041 .931 .820 33% 2. 74 2.48 2. 22 .88 1.62 1. 348 1.235 1.082 .967 . 851 o 7^8 .... 2. 85 2. 58 2. 30 1. 95 1.68 1. 399 1. 281 1.122 1.003 .883 3^ 2. 95 2. 67 2. 39 2. 02 1.74 1.449 1. 327 1. 162 1.039 .915 q3/ 3.06 2. 76 2.47 2. 09 1. 80 1.50 1. 373 1. 203 1.075 .946 3%.... 3.16 2.86 2.56 2.16 1.86 1.55 1.42 1.243 1.111 .978 To determine weight per foot of a tube of a given Inside Diameter, add to weights in above list the weights given below under corresponding gauge numbers. GAUGE NO. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Increase in Ibs. per foot: .1197 .0975 .0777 .0554 .0407 .0283 .0236 .0181 .0144 .0112 .0092 .0075 .0059 1 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERT SERVICE 219 Table Showing Weight Per Foot of Seamless Brass Tubes (Continued) Stub's or Birmingham Gauge, Measured in Outside Diameters GAUGE NO. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Thickness of each ISo. in decimal parts of inch .259 .238 .220 .203 .180 .165 .148 .134 .120 .109 Fraction of inch, corresponding closely to Gauge Nos.: i 4* M A ft & ir" Diameter Tubes, Inches 4 0* 4M 4^ 11.19 11.57 11.94 12.32 12.69 13.06 13.44 13.81 14.18 14,56 14.93 15.31 15.68 16.05 16.43 16.80 17.17 17.55 17.92 18.30 18.67 19.04 19.42 19.79 20.16 20.54 20.91 21.29 21.66 22.03 22.41 22.78 23.15 10.33 10.68 11.02 11.36 11.71 12.05 12.39 12.74 13.08 13.42 13.77 14.11 14.45 14.80 15.14 15.48 15.83 16.17 16.51 16.86 17.20 17.54 17.89 18.23 18.57 18.92 19.26 19.60 19.95 20.29 20.64 20.98 21.32 9.60 9.91 10.23 10.55 10.87 11.18 11.50 11.82 12.14 12.45 12.77 13.09 13.41 13.72 14.04 14.36 14.67 14.99 15.31 15.63 15.94 16.26 16.58 16.90 17.21 17.53 17.85 18.17 18.48 18.80 19.12 19.44 19.75 8.90 9.19 9.48 9.77 10.07 10.36 10.65 10.95 11.24 11.53 11.82 12.12 12.41 12.70 13.00 13.29 13.58 13.87 14.17 14.46 14.75 15.05 15.34 15.63 15.92 16.22 16.51 16.80 17.10 17.39 17.68 17.98 18.27 7.94 8.20 8.46 8.72 8.98 9.24 9.50 9.76 10.02 10.28 10.53 10.79 11.05 11.31 11.57 11.83 12.09 12.35 12.61 12.87 13.13 13.39 13.65 13.91 14.17 14. 4S 14.69 14.95 15.21 15.47 15.73 15.99 16.25 7.31 7.54 7.78 8.02 8.26 8.50 8.73 8.97 9.21 9.45 9.69 9.92 10.16 10.40 10.64 10.88 11.12 11.35 11.59 11.83 12.07 12.31 12.54 12.78 13.02 13.26 13.50 13.73 13.97 14.21 14.45 14.69 14.93 6.58 6.79 7.01 7.22 7.43 7.65 7.86 8.07 8.29 8.50 8.71 8.93 9.14 9.35 9.57 9.78 9.99 10.21 10.42 10.64 10.85 11.06 11.28 11.49 11.70 11.92 12.13 12.34 12.56 12.77 12.98 13.20 13.41 5.98 6.17 6.37 6.56 6.75 6.94 7.14 7.33 7.53 7.72 7.91 8.11 8.30 8.49 8.69 8.88 9.07 9.27 9.46 9.65 9.85 10.04 10.23 10.43 10.62 10.81 11.01 11.20 11.39 11.59 11.78 11.97 12.17 5.37 5.55 5.72 5.89 6.06 6.24 6.41 6.58 6.76 6.93 7.10 7.28 7.45 7.62 7.80 7.97 8.14 8.32 8.49 8.66 8.84 9.01 9.18 9.35 9.5S 9.70 9.87 10.05 10.22 10.39 10.57 10.74 10.91 4.89 5.05 5.21 5.37 5.52 5.68 5.84 6.00 6.15 6.31 6.47 6.62 6.78 6.94 7.10 7.25 7.41 7.57 7.72 7.88 8.04 8.20 8.35 8.51 8.67 8.83 8.98 9.14 9.30 9.45 9.61 9.77 9.93 4H 4!H? 4^ 43^ ... . 5 .... 51^ 5J 5^ 5H 9$4 5% 5y 8 ...... Q 61$ 6M 6 3 A 6H 6^ 65^ ... 6^ ... . 7 7H 7H 7^ m iy* . . 7% 7% 8 To determine weight per foot of a tube of a given Inside Diameter, add to weights in above list the weights given below under corresponding gauge numbers. GAUGE NO. 3 4 5 :, I 8 9 10 11 12 Increase m Pounds Per Foot 1.5487 1.3077 1.1174 .9514 .7480 .6285 .5057 .4145 .3324 .2743 220 UA ATTLE C RE E K. MIC HIG AN. U. S. A. : Table Showing Weight per Foot of Seamless Brass Tubes (Continued) Stub's or Birmingham Gauge, Measured in Outside Diameters GAUGE NO. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Thickness of each No. in decimal parts of inch: Frac. of inch correspondi'g closely to Gauge No.: .095 .083 .072 .065 .058 .049 .042 .035 .032 .028 .025 .022 & A A A A Diameter Tubes, In's 4 .... 4^.... 4M.... 4^.... iH,.;. 4^.... 4^.... 4%.... 5 .... 5H.... 5M.... 5^.... 5H-... 5^.... 5M-... 5H.... 6 .... 6H-... 6M. ... Hi.--. 6H-... 6 5 /g.... 6%.... 6^.... 7 .... IH, J. 7%.... IHi.y. 7^.... 7^.... 7^.... T,.-;i 8 4.28 4.42 4.5G 4.69 4.8C 4.97 5.11 5.24 5.38 5.52 5.65 5.79 5.93 6.07 6.20 6.34 6.48 6.61 6.75 6.89 7.03 7.16 7.30 7.44 7.57 7.71 7.85 7.99 8.12 8.26 8.40 8.53 8.67 3.75 3.87 3.99 4.11 4.23 4.35 4.47 4.59 4.71 4.83 4.95 5.07 5.19 5.31 5.43 5.55 5.67 5.79 5.91 6.03 6.15 6.27 6.39 6.51 6.63 6.75 6.87 6.99 7.11 7.23 7.35 7.47 7.58 3.26 3.37 3.47 3.58 3.68 3.78 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.20 4.30 4.41 4.51 4.61 4.72 4.82 4.93 5.03 5.13 5.24 5.34 5.45 5.55 5.65 5.76 5.86 5.96 6.07 6.17 6.28 6.38 6.48 6.59 2.95 3.05 3.14 3.23 3.33 3.42 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.98 .08 .17 .26 .36 .45 .54 .64 . 73 .8,: .92 5.01 5.11 5.2, 5.29 5.39 5.48 5.58 5.67 5.76 5.8G 5.95 2.6; 2.72 2.81 2.89 2.97 3. 06 3.14 3.22 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.56 3. 64 3.73 3.81 3.89 3.98 .06 .15 .2C .31 .40 .48 4.56 4.6. 2.23 2.30 2.38 2.45 2.52 2.59 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.08 3.15 3.22 3.29 3.37 3.44 3.51 3.58 3.65 3.72 3.79 3.86 3.93 1.92 1.98 2.04 2.10 2.16 2.22 2.28 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.58 2.65 2.71 2.77 2.83 2.89 1.601 1.651 1.702 1.752 1.803 1.853 1.904 1.954 2". 005 2.055 2.106 2.156 2.207 2.257 2.308 2.358 2.409 1.466 1.512 1.558 1.604 1.650 1.697 1.743 1.789 1.835 1.881 1.928 1.974 2.02 .284 .324 .364 .405 .445 .486 .526 .566 1.607 1.147 1.183 1.219 1.255 1.291 1.010 To determine weight per foot of a tube of a given Inside Diameter, add to weights in above list the weights given below under corresponding gauge numbers. GAUGE NO. 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 I 21 1 22 23 24 Increase in Lbs.per Foot .2084 .1590 .1197 .0975 .0777 . 0554 .0407 .02831 02361.0181 .0144 .0112 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV 221 Table Showing Weight Per Foot of Seamless Brass Tubes American or B. & S. Gauge, Measured in Outside Diameters GAUGE NO. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Thickness of each No. in 8 CM jH as CM CO **< CO g CM t- 1 1 decimal parts g i O * GO to ^* 1 ^H g GO K. of inch CM CM H '"j "J "1 . Fr&c. of inch correspondi'g closely to i M if ft ft & i ft WS <& Gauge Nos.: Diameter Tubes, In's i A i 174 . 167 . 16 15 .25 .23 .22 .20 i . 38 . 36 .34 .32 .30 .27 .25 A .49 .46 .43 .39 .36 .33 .31 i.... .67 .63 .59 .55 .51 .47 .43 .39 .36 9 .80 .75 .70 .64 .59 .54 .49 .45 .41 i.... 1.09 1.05 .99 .93 .87 .80 .74 .67 .61 .56 .51 .46 ^ 1.28 1.21 1.14 1.06 .98 .90 .83 .76 .69 .63 .57 .51 3 1 46 1 38 1 29 1 19 1 10 1 01 92 84 76 .69 62 56 . 1.65 1.55 1.43 1.32 1.22 .11 1.01 .92 .83 .75 .68 .61 2 . . . . 1.84 1.71 1.58 1.45 1.33 .22 1.11 1.00 .91 .82 .74 .67 if 2.02 1.87 1.73 1.59 1.45 .32 1.20 1.09 .98 .89 .80 .72 1 2.21 2.04 1.88 1.71 1.57 .42 1.29 1.17 1.06 .95 .86 .77 \y% 2.58 2.37 2.17 1.98 1,80 .63 1.48 1.33 1.20 1.08 .97 .87 l^t 2.95 2.70 2.47 2.24 2.03 .84 1.66 1.50 1.35 1.21 1.09 .98 Iff... 3.32 3.03 2.76 2.50 2.27 2.05 1.85 1.66 1.50 1.34 1.21 1.08 l^ 3.69 3.36 3.05 2.77 2.50 2.26 2.03 1.83 1.64 1.47 1.32 1.19 lj^ 4.07 3.69 3.35 3.03 2.74 2.46 2.22 1.99 1.79 1.61 1.44 1.29 1%.... 4.44 4.03 3.64 3.29 2.97 2.6? 2.40 2.16 1.94 1.74 1.56 1.39 1%. ... 4.81 4.36 3.94 3.55 3.20 2.88 2.59 2.33 2.08 1.87 1.67 1.50 2 .... 5.18 4.69 4.23 3.82 3.44 3.09 2.77 2.49 2.23 2.00 1.79 1.60 2^ 5.55 5.02 4.53 4.08 3.G7 3.30 2.96 2.6G 2.38 2.13 1.91 1.71 2M 5.92 5.35 4.82 4.34 3.9f 3.51 3.15 2.82 2.53 2.26 2.02 1.81 8H ... 6.30 5.68 5.12 4.60 4.14 3.71 3.33 2.99 2.67 2.39 2.14 1.91 2J^. . . . 6.67 6.01 5.41 4.87 4.37 3.92 3.52 3.15 2.82 2.52 2.26 2.02 2^.... 7.04 6.34 5.71 5.13 4.61 4.13 3.70 3.32 2.97 2.65 2.37 2.12 Hi.... 7.41 6.67 6.00 5.39 4.84 4.34 3.89 3.48 3.11 2.78 2.49 2.22 2 7 -^. . . . 7.78 7.00 6.30 5.65 5.07 4.55 4.07 3.65 3.26 2.91 2.(J1 2.33 3 .... 8.16 7.34 6.59 5.92 5.31 4.75 4.26 3.81 3.41 3.05 2.72 2.43 IK.... 8.53 7.67 6.89 6.18 5.54 4.96 4.44 3.98 3.55 3.18 2.84 2.54 3M 8.90 8.00 7.18 6.44 5.77 5.17 4.63 4.14 3. 70 3.31 2.96 2.64 3iMs 9.27 8.33 7.48 6.70 6.01 5.38 4.81 4.31 3.85 3.44 3.07 2.74 3H- 9.64 8.66 7.77 6.97 6.24 5.59 5.00 4.47 4.00 3.57 3.19 2.85 if*:..-. 10.01 8.99 8.07 7.23 6.48 5.79 5.18 4.64 4.14 3.70 3.31 2.95 3%. . . . 10.39 9.32 8.36 7.49 6.71 6.00 5.37 4.80 4.29 3.83 3.42 3.06 3K... 10.76 9.65 8.65 7.. 75 6.94 6.21 5.55 4.97 4.44 3.96 3.54 3.16 To determine weight per foot of a tube of a given Inside Diameter, add to weights in above list the weights given below under corresponding gauge numbers. GAUGE NO. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Increase in Ibs. per foot: 1.532 1.213 . 9637 .7642 .6061 .4806 .3811 . 3023 .2397 .1901 .1507 .1195 j PUMPty 6" awwu fm 222 Table Showing Weight per Foot of Seamless Brass Tubes (Continued) American or B. & S. Gauge, Measured in Outside Diameters GAUGE NO. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Thickness of each No. in g 1 g ~~ 1 1 | 1 t- t j ^iT decimal paits 3 * K ^ H co i! eS 9 SJ * S g 1-1 of inch: o . . . <=> - _j . Frac. of inch correspondi't, i 3 1_ i closely to 16 64 32 4 Gauge Nos. Diameter Tubes, In's A.... .045 .04 .041 .039 .037 .034 .032 .028 .027 .024 .022 .020 ft:;;: .090 .086 .08 .07 .068 .062 .057 .053 .041 .043 .038 .035 .032 j.... .14 .13 .12 .11 .097 .088 .080 .073 .065 .059 .053 .048 .043 &. ... .18 .17 .15 .14 .13 .114 .104 .094 .084 .076 .067 .061 .054 3. 23 21 19 .17 .15 .14 .126 .114 .102 .092 .082 .074 066 A .28 .25 .23 .20 .18 .17 .15 .135 .121 .108 .096 .087 .077 *:;:: .32 .29 .26 .24 .21 .19 .17 .155 .139 .124 .111 .100 .089 & 37 33 30 27 24 .22 .20 .176 .156 .141 .125 113 .100 .42 .37 .34 .30 .27 .24 .22 .196 .174 .157 .140 .126 .112 !!!:! .46 .42 .37 .33 .30 .27 .24 .22 .193 .173 .154 .139 .123 4J .51 .46 .41 .37 .33 .30 .26 .24 .211 .189 .169 .152 .135 **:;;.. .55 .50 .45 .40 .36 .32 .29 .2^ .230 .206 .183 .164 .146 . . . . .60 .54 .48 .43 .39 .35 .31 .28 .248 .222 .198 .177 .158 ft! 1 '. '. .64 .58 .52 .47 .42 .37 .33 .30 .267 .238 .212 .190 .169 i .69 .62 .'56 .50 .45 .40 .36 .32 .285 .254 .227 -.203 .181 IK- . . .79 .70 .63 .57 .50 .45 .40 .36 .321 .29*7 .256 .229 IM.... .88 .79 .70 .63 .56 .50 .45 .40 .358 .320 .285 .255 liNi- .97 .87 .78 .69 .62 .55 .50 .44 .395 .352 .314 .281 \y^. . . . 1.06 .95 .85 .76 .68 .61 .54 .48 .43 .384 .343 .317 1%. . . . 1.16 1.03 .92 .82 .74 .66 .59 .52 .47 .417 .372 1M-... 1.25 1.12 1.00 .89 .79 .71 .63 .56 .50 .450 .401 1%.... 1.34 1.20 1.07 .95 .85 .76 .68 .61 .54 .482 .430 2 1.43 1.28 1.14 1.02 .91 .81 .73 .65 .58 .514 .459 2 1/ 1.53 1.36 1.22 1 09 97 86 77 69 .61 .558 - 2M^]] 1.62 1.44 1.29 1.16 1.03 .92 .82 .73 .65 .580 2%.... 1.71 1.53 1.36 1.22 1.08 .97 .86 .77 .69 .612 2H- 1.80 1.61 1.44 1.28 1.14 1.02 .91 .81 .73 .644 2M- 1.90 1.69 1.51 1.35 1.20 1.07 .96 .85 .76 2% 1.99 1.77 1.58 1.41 1.26 1.12 1.00 .89 .80 2%.... 2.08 1.86 1.66 1.48 1.32 1.17 1.05 .93 .83 3 .... 2.17 1.94 1.73 1.54 1.38 1.23 1.09 .97 .87 2.27 2.02 1.80 1. 62 1. 43 1.28 . 14 1.02 .91 3M- 2.36 2.10 1. 88 1. 68 1.49 1. 33 .19 1. 06 .94 33^ 2.45 2.19 1.95 1. 74 .55 1. 38 .23 1. 10 .98 v / 8 - 3^.... 2.54 2.27 2.02 1.80 .61 1.43 .28 1.14 1.02 ...-, 2.64 2.35 2.10 1.87 .67 1.49 .33 .18 1.05 3M-... 2.73 2.43 2.17 1.93 1.72 1.54 .37 .22 1.09 3K.... 2.82 2.52 2.24 2.00 1.78 1.59 .42 .26 1.13 To determine weight per foot of a tube of a given Inside Diameter, add to weights in above list the weights given below in corresponding gauge numbers. GAUGE NO. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Increase in lb. per foot .0948 .0752 .0596 .0473 .0375 .0297 .0236 .0187 .0148 .0117 .009 .0074 .0059 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 223 Table Showing Weight Per Foot of Seamless Brass Tubes (Continued) American or B. & S. Gauge, Measured in Outside Diameters GAUGE NO. 2 CO 1 CM 3 4 5 S od 6 7 gj * 8 en i 9 CO 10 11 M 21 Thickness of each No. in decimal parts of inch CM I | Frac. of inch correspond- ing closely to Gauge No.: i 44 64 if A g & * & A Diameter Tubes. Inches 4 4H 434 11.13 11.50 11.87 12.24 12.62 12.99 13.36 13.73 14.10 14.47 14.85 15.22 15.59 15.96 16.33 16.71 17.08 17.45 17.82 18.19 18.56 18.94 19.31 19.68 20.05 20.42 20.79 21.17 21.54 21.91 22.28 22.65 23.03 9.98 10.31 10.65 10.98 11.31 11.64 11.97 12.30 12.63 12.96 13.29 13.62 13.96 14.29 14.62 14.95 15.28 15.61 15.94 16.27 16.60 16.93 17.27 17.60 17.93 18.26 18.59 18.92 19.25 19.58 19.91 20.24 20 . 58 8.95 9.24 9.54 9.83 10.13 10.42 10.72 11.01 11.31 11.60 11.90 12.19 12.49 12.78 13.08 13.37 13.67 13.96 14.26 14.55 14.84 15.14 15.43 15.73 16.02 16.32 16.61 16.91 17.20 17.50 17.79 18.09 18.38 8.02 8.28 8.54 8.80 9.07 9.33 9.59 9.85 10.12 10.38 10.64 10.90 11.17 11.43 11.69 11.95 12.22 12.48 12.74 13. OC 13.27 13. 5o 13.79 14.05 14.32 14.58 14.84 15.10 15.37 15.63 15.89 16.15 16.42 7.18 7.41 7.64 7.88 8.11 8.35 8.58 8.81 9.05 9.28 9.51 9.75 9.98 10.22 10.45 10.68 10.92 11.15 11.38 11.62 11.85 12.09 12.32 12.55 12.79 13.02 13.25 13.49 13.72 13.96 14.19 14.42 14.66 6.42 6.63 6.84 7.04 7.25 7.46 7.67 7.88 8.08 8.29 8.50 8.71 8.92 9.12 9.33 9.54 9.75 9.96 10.17 10.37 10.58 10.79 11.00 11.21 11.41 11.62 11.83 12.04 12.25 12.45 12.66 12.87 13.08 5.74 5.93 6.11 6.30 6.48 6.67 6.85 7.04 7.22 7.41 7.59 7.78 7.97 8.15 8.34 8.52 8.71 8.89 9.08 9.26 9.45 9.63 9.82 10.00 10.19 10.38 10.56 10.75 10.93 11.12 11.30 11.49 11.67 5.15 5.30 5.46 5.63 5.79 5.96 6.12 6.29 6.45 6.62 6.78 6.95 7.11 7.28 7.44 7.61 7.77 7.94 8.10 8.27 8.43 8.60 8.77 8.93 9.10 9.26 9.43 9.59 9.76 9.92 10.09 10.25 10.42 4.58 4.73 4.88 5.02 5.17 5.32 5.47 5.61 5.76 5.91 6.05 6.20 6.35 6.49 6.64 6.79 6.94 7.08 7.23 7.38 7.52 7.67 7.82 7.96 8.11 8.26 8.41 8.55 8 70 8.85 8.99 9.14 9.29 4.09 4.22 4.35 4.49 4.62 4.75 4.88 5.01 5.14 5.27 5.40 5.53 5.66 5.79 5.92 6.06 6.19 6.32 6.45 6.58 6.71 6.84 6.97 7.10 7.23 7.36 7.50 7.63 7.76 7.89 8.02 8.15 8.28 43^ 43^ 4 5 /6 4^ 4^ 5 5 l / s 5M 5% 5 1 A 5 5 / 8 5M 5H 6 6 1 A 6M 6% 6M 6H 6M 6% 7 7M 7M 7y s 7^ 7^ 7H 7H 8 To determine weight per foot of a tube of a given Inside Diameter, add to weights in the above list the weights given below under corresponding gauge numbers. GAUGE NO. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Increase in Ibs. per foot 1 . 532 1.213 .9637 .7642 .6061 .4806 .3811 . 3023 .2397 .1901 }r PUMPING ^ACHWfeRY, AIR COMPRESSORS _f 224 Table Showing Weight Per Foot of Seamless Brass Tubes (Continued] American or B. & S. Gauge, Measured in Outside Diameters 3AUGE NO. Thickness o] each No. in decimal parts of inch 12 13 1 S 14 15 I 16 17 1 18 1 19 20 i 21 1 22 t~ 23 Frac. of inch correspond! 'g (IV TU ifr JW closely to Gaug Nos. Diameter Tubes, In 's 4 .... 4H-... 4M 3.66 3.77 3.89 3.26 3.37 3 47 2.91 3.01 3 10 2.60 2.68 2.76 2.32 2.39 2.46 2.06 2.14 2.20 1.84 1.90 1 96 .64 .69 .74 1.46 1.51 55 .30 .34 39 1.16 t%.... 4^.... 48^ 4.01 4.12 4.24 3.58 3.68 3.78 3.19 3.28 3 38 2.84 2.93 3.01 2.54 2.61 2.68 2.26 2.32 2.39 2.01 2.07 2 13 .80 .85 .90 .60 .64 69 .43 .47 4M .36 3 89 3 47 3.09 2.76 2 46 2 19 1.95 74 4J^. .47 3.99 3.56 3.17 2.83 2.52 2 25 2.00 79 5 . . .59 4 09 3.65 3.26 2.90 2 59 2 31 2.05 83 5H 4.71 4.20 3.75 3.34 2.98 2 66 2 36 2.11 5M . 4.82 4 30 3 84 3.42 3.05 2 72 2 42 2 16 5M-..- 5K 4.94 5.06 4.41 4 51 3.93 4 02 3.50 3 59 3.12 3.20 2.78 2 85 2.48 2 54 2.21 2 26 5% 5.17 4 61 4 12 3 67 3 27 2 91 2 60 5% 5 29 4 72 4 21 3 75 3 34 2 98 2 65 5H.... 5.41 4.82 4.30 3.83 3.42 3.04 2.71 6 5 52 4 93 4 39 3 92 3 49 3 11 2 77 6M 5 64 5 03 4 49 4 00 3 57 6^ 5 76 5 13 4 58 4 08 3 64 6% 5 87 5 24 4 67 4 16 3 71 6K 5 99 5 34 4 76 4 25 3 78 6^.... 6% 6.11 6 22 5.45 5 55 4.86 4 95 4.33 4 41 3.85 3 93 6^.... 7 6.34 6 46 5.65 5 76 5.04 5 13 4.49 4 57 4.01 4 08 7J-8 6 57 5 86 5 23 IX 6 69 5 96 5 32 7^8- . 6 80 6 07 5 41 71^... 6 92 6 17 5 50 7%... 7 04 6 28 5 60 7 3 4 . . 7 15 6 38 5 69 1% 7 27 6 48 5 78 8 .... 7.39 6.59 5.87 To determine weight per foot of a tube ot a given Inside Diameter, add to weights in the above list the weights given below under corresponding gauge numbers. GAUGE NO. 12 13 14 15 , 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 <*3 Increase in lb.. per foot: .1507 .1195 .0948 .0752 .0596 .0473 .0375 .0297 . 0236 .0187 .0148 .0117 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVICE 225 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Hyperbolic Logarithms No. Log. No. Log. No Log. No. Log. No. Log. No. Log. 1.01 .0099 2.30 .8329 3.68 1.3029 5.06 1.6214 6.44 1.8625 7.82 2.0567 1.02 .0198 2.32 .8416 3.70 1.3083 5.08 1.6253 6.46 1.8656 7.84 2.0592 1.03 .0296 2.34 .8502 3.72 1.3137 5.10 1.6292 6.48 1.8687 7.86 2.0618 1.04 .0392 2.36 .8587 3.74 1.3191 5.12 1.6332 6.50 1.8718 7.88 2.0643 1.05 .0488 2.38 .8671 3.76 1.3244 5.14 1.6371 6.52- 1.8749 7.90 2.0669 1.06 .0583 2.40 .8755 3.78 1.3297 5.16 1.64C9 6.54 K8779 7.92 2.0694 1.07 .0677 2.42 .8833 3.80 1.3350 5.18 1.6448 6.56 1.8810 7.94 2.0719 1.08 .0770 2.44 .8920 3.82 1.3403 5.20 1.6487 6.58 1.8840 7.96 2.0744 1.09 .0862 2.46 .9002 3.84 1.3455 5.22 1.6525 6.60 1.8871 7.98 2.0769 1.10 .0953 2.48 .9083 3.86 1.3507 5.24 1.6563 6.62 1.8901 8.00 2. 0794 1.12 .1133 2.50 9163 3.88 1.3558 5.26 1.6601 6.64 1.8931 8.02 2.0819 1.14 .1310 2 52 .9243 3.93 1.3610 5.28 1.8639 6.66 1.8961 8.04 2.0844 1.16 .1484 2.54 .9322 3.92 1.3661 5.30 1.6677 6.68 1.8991 8.06 2.0869 1.18 .1655 2.56 .9400 3.94 1.3712 5.32 1.6715 6.70 1.9021 8.08 2.0894 1.20 .1823 2.58 9478 3.96 1.3762 5.34 1.6752 6.72 1.9051 8.10 2.0919 1.22 .1988 2.60 .9555 3.98 1.3813 5.36 .6790 6.74 1.9081 8.12 2.C943 1.24 .2151 2 62 .9632 4.00 1. 3863 5.38 .6827 6.76 1.9110 8.14 2.0968 1.26 .2311 2.64 .9708 4.02 1.3913 5.40 .6864 6.78 1.9140 8.16 2.0992 1.28 .2469 2.66 .9783 4.04 1.3962 5.42 .6901 6.80 1.9169 8.18 2.1017 1.30 .2624 2.68 .9858 4.06 1.4012 5.44 .6938 6.82 1.9199 8.20 2.1041 1.32 .2776 2.70 9933 4.08 1.4061 5.46 . 6974 6.84 1.9228 8.22 2.1066 1.34 .2927 2.72 .0006 4.10 1.4110 5.48 .7011 6.86 1.9257 8.24 2.1090 1.36 .3075 2.74 .0080 4.12 1.4159 5.50 .7047 6.88 1.9286 8.26 2.1114 1.38 .3221 2.76 .0152 4.14 1.4207 5.52 .7084 6.90 1.9315 8.28 2.1138 1.40 .3365 2.78 .0225 4.16 1.4255 5. 54 .7120 6.92 1.9344 8.30 2. 1163 1.42 .3507 2.80 .0296 4.18 1.4303 5.56 .7156 6.94 1.9373 8.32 2.1187 1.44 .3646 2 82 .0367 4.23 1.4351 5.58 .7192 6.96 1.9402 8.34 2.1211 1.46 .3784 2.84 .0438 4.22 1.4398 5.60 .7228 6.98 1.9430 8.36 2. 1235 1.48 .3920 2.86 .0508 4.24 1.4446 5.62 .7263 7.00 1.9459 8.38 2.1258 1.50 .4055 2.88 .0578 4.26 1.4493 5.64 .7299 7.02 1.9488 8.40 2.1282 1.52 .4187 2.90 .0647 4.28 1.4540 5.66 .7334 7.04 1.9516 8.42 2.1306 1.54 .4318 2.92 .0716 4.30 1.4586 5.68 .7370 7.06 1.9544 8.44 2. 1330 1.56 .4447 2.94 .0784 4.32 1.4633 5.70 .7405 7.08 1.9573 8.46 2.1353 1.58 .4574 2.96 .0852 4.34 1.4679 5.72 .7440 7.10 1.9G01 8.48 2.1377 1.60 .4700 2.98 .0919 4.36 1.4725 5.74 1.7475 7.12 1.9629 8.50 2.1401 1.62 .4824 3.00 .0986 4.38 1.4770 5.76 1.7509 7.14 1.9657 8.54 2. 1448 1.64 .4947 3.02 .1053 4.40 1.4816 5.78 1.7544 7-16 1.9685 8.58 2.1494 1.66 .5068 3.04 .1119 4.42 i:4861 5.80 1.7579 7.18 1.9713 8.62 2.1541 1.68 .5188 3.06 .1184 4.44 1.4907 5.82 1.7613 7.20 1.9741 8.66 2.1587 1.70 .5306 3.08 .1249 4.46 1.4951 5.84 1.7647 7.22 1.9769 8.70 2.1633 1.72 .5423 3.10 .1314 4.48 1.4996 5.86 1 7681 7 24 1.9796 8.74 2. 1679 1.74 .5539 3.12 .1378 4.50 1.5041 5.88 1.7716 7. '26 1.9824 8.78 2.1725 1.76 .5653 3.14 .1442 4.52 1.5085 5.90 1.7750 7.28 1.9851 8.82 2.1770 1.78 .5766 3.16 .1506 4.54 1.5129 5.92 1.7783 7.30 1.9879 8.86 2.1815 1.80 .5878 3.18 1.1569 4 56 1.5173 5.94 1.7817 7.32 1.9906 8.90 2. 1861 1.82 .5988 3.20 1 1632 4.58 1.5217 5.96 1.7851 7.34 1.9933 8.94 2.1905 1.84 .6098 3.22 1.1694 4.60 1.5261 5.98 1.7884 7.36 1.9961 8.98 2.1950 1.86 .6206 3.24 1.1756 4.62 1.5304 6.00 1.7918 7.38 1.9988 9.00 2.1972 1.88 .6313 3.26 1.1817 4.64 1.5347 6.02 1.7951 7.40 2.0015 9.04 2.2017 1.90 .6419 3.28 1.1878 4.66 1.5390 6.04 1.7984 7.42 2.0041 9.08 2.2061 1.92 .6523 3.30 1.1939 4.68 1.5433 6.06 1.8017 7.44 2. 0069 9.12 2.2105 1 94 .6627 3.32 1.1999 4.70 1.5476 6.08 1.8050 7.46 2.0096 9.16 2.2148 1.96 .6729 3.34 1.2060 4.72 1 . 5518 6.10 1.8083 7.48 2.0122 9.20 2. 2192 1.98 .6831 3. 36 1.2119 4.74 1.5560 6.12 .8116 7.50 2.0149 9.30 2. 2230 2.00 .6931 3.38 1.2179 4.76 1.5602 6.14 .8148 7.52 2.0176 9.50 2.2513 2.02 .7031 3.40 1.2238 4.78 1.5644 6.16 .8181 7.54 2.0202 9.70 2.2721 2 04 .7129 3.42 1.2296 4.80 1.5686 6.18 .8213 7.56 2.0229 9.90 2. 2925 2.06 .7227 3.44 1.2355 4.82 1.5728 6.20 .8245 7.58 2.0255 10.00 2.3026 2.08 .7324 3.46 1.2413 4.84 1.5769 6.22 .8278 7.60 2.0281 10.25 2.3?79 2.10 .7419 3.48 1.2470 4.86 1.5810 6.24 .8310 7.62 2.0308 10.50 2.3513 2 12 .7514 3.50 1.2528 4.88 1.5851 6.26 .8342 7.64 2.0334 10.75 2. 3749 2.14 .7608 3.52 1.2585 4.93 1.5892 6.28 .8374 7.66 2.0360 11.00 2.3979 2.16 .7701 3.54 1.2641 4.92 1.5933 6.30 .8405 7.68 2.0386 11.25 2.4201 2.18 .7793 3.56 1.2698 4.94 1.5974 6.32 .8437 7.70 2.0412 11.50 2.4430 2.20 .7885 3.58 1.2754 4.9fi 1.6014 6.34 .8469 7.72 2.0438 11.75 2.4636 2.22 .7975 3.60. 1.2809 4.98 1.6054 6.38 .8500 7.74 2.0464 12.00 2.4849 2.24 .8065 3.62 1.2865 5.00 1 . (5094 6.38 .8532 7.76 2.0490 12.50 2.5262 2.26 .8154 3.64 1.2920 5.04 1.6134 6.40 . 8563 7.78 2.f516 13.00 2. 5649 2.28 .8242 3.66 1.2975 5.04 1.6174 6.42 .8594 7.80 2.0541 14.00 2.6391 PUMP ING M AC H INE RY. AIR COMP R E S S OR S jngyErgJE^^infing^ 226 B A TT I,F. C RE EK. MI CH IG AN, U. S. A. 1 Information Required for Surface and Jet Con- denser Installation To select the proper jet condenser or surface condenser with the auxiliary pumps, it is necessary to know the conditions under which the condenser will operate. The most necessary information is : The amount of steam to be condensed; the vacuum it is desired to maintain; the temperature of the cooling water. As in many cases the purchaser cannot state the first con- ditions definitely, it is necessary to know the other details, which will serve to give a good idea of the requirements of the plant. In stating the vacuum required, remember that the higher the vacuum, the larger and more expensive the condenser and pumps must be. With any condenser, the smaller the quantity of steam handled, the higher will be the vacuum obtainable, other conditions being equal. Also, the cooler the condensing water or the larger the quantity, the better will be the vacuum obtainable. Please answer the following questions as. fully as possible, and we will give you the benefit of our experience in selecting the proper size condenser. 1. What is the number of pounds of steam to be condensed per hour? (a) At ordinary load. (b) At peak load. 2. What vacuum is to be maintained ? (a) At ordinary load. (b) At peak load. 3. What is the temperature of the cooling water? (a) Under ordinary conditions. (b) Under extreme summer conditions. 4. Is there always an ample supply of cooling water available. 5. Is the cooling water fresh, salt, clear or muddy? 6. What is the source of the cooling water ? 7. How far from proposed condenser is the source of supply of cooling water located ? L u N 1 O N ST EAM P U M P COM P ANY J 8. Scate size of suction line, if one is already installed. 9. State vertical height cooling water must be lifted by suction. 10. How high above pump must cooling water be delivered, after passing through condenser? 11. If the unit to operate condensing is a steam engine, give the following information : (a) Horse power at peak load. (b) Type of engine (simple or compound). (c) Diameter of cylinder (or cylinders if compound). (d) Length of stroke. (e) Revolutions per minute. (f) Steam pressure at throttle. (g) Point of cut off. (h) Is engine operating at peak load under conditions specified? (i) Do you expect to increase this load after condenser is installed ? 12. If the unit to operate condensing is a steam turbine, give the following information : (a) Kilowatt rating at peak load. (b) Give steam consumption per kilowatt hour at peak load, if possible. ^M A C H^N^r^^I^^O^P^E^O RS__| 228 w* J Electrical Data SECTION FOUR 3 Electrical Units Current (I). The strength of current is the rate at which the electricity will flow through a conductor, and is analogous to the rate of flow of water through a pipe in gallons per second. The unit strength of current is called the ampere. Quantity of electricity (Q). The quantity of electricity that passes through a circuit is comparable to the quantity oi water that flows through a pipe, and equals the product of the rate of flow, and the time, that is Q=IT. If I is one ampere, and T is one second, Q is one coulomb, which is the unit quantity of electricity. If 10 amperes flow through a wire, then in 30 seconds 10X30=300 coulombs of electricity will pass. Electromotive Force (E. M. F.). Electromotive force, or electrical pressure is that which causes electricity to flow in a closed circuit. The unit of E. M. F., which is the volt, is the electrical pressure which will cause a current of one ampere to flow through a resistance of one ohm. 1 Kilovolt=1000 volts. 1 Millivolt =.001 volts. Resistance (R). All substances offer a resistance to the passage of electricity through them, and the amount of resist- ance depends on the substance, and its shape. The resistance of all metals increases with an increase in temperature, while the resistance of carbon and insulating materials, and electrolytic solutions decreases with an increase in their temperature. The unit of resistance is the ohm. A conductor has a resistance of one ohm, when the pressure required to send a current of one ampere through it is one volt. Ohm's Law: The relation between current (amperes), pressure (volts), and resistance (ohms), is stated by the famous Ohm's Law. This law is the begining of our scientific knowledge of electricity. The law is stated as follows : The electric current along a conductor equals the pressure divided by the resistance. Pressure Current =7: T Resistance. In electric units: Volts Amperes =7^r~ .Ohms. MACHINERY; AIR COMPRESSORS JJlM.I>l>tllllllUffl^B^t 230 |1" BATTLE c RE EK. MI CH IG AN, U. S. A. 4 Volts = Amperes X Ohms. Volts Ohms = Amperes. Power, Watt, Kilowatt: The flow of an electric current has been likened to the flow of water through a pipe. A current of water is measured by the number of gallons or pounds flowing per minute ; a current of electricity by the number of amperes, or coulombs per second. The power required to keep -a current of water flowing is the product of the current in pounds per minute by head, or pressure, in feet. In the same way, the power required to keep a current of electricity flowing, is the product of the current in amperes by the resistance in volts. This gives the power in Watts. One Watt is produced when a current of one ampere flows under a pressure of one volt. Volts X Amperes = Watts. Volts X Amperes. = Kilowatts. Volts X Amperes - - - = Horse Power. 746 1 Myriwatt =10 Kilowatts. Work. Commercial Units: In order to compute the amount of work done by a given engine, it is necessary to know the time it has been running, and the power it has been supplying, that is its rate of doing the work. If the power is measured in Horse Power, and the time in Hours, the work done is measured in Horse-Power-Hours, and is the product of the Horse Power by the Hours. Similarly, if the power is measured in Kilowatts, and the time in hours, the work done is measured in Kilowatt-Hours, and is the product of the Kilowatts by the Hours. The Horse-Power-Hour, and the Kilowatt-Hour are the commercial units of work. 1 H. P. hour = . 746 K. W. hours. 1 K. W. hour -1.34 H. P. hours. Two other units of work are also used in computing problems : The mechanical unit is the Foot-Pound. The electrical unit is the Watt-Second, also called the Joule. 3 231 1 H. P. hour = 1,980,000 ft. Ibs. 1 K. W. hour =2,654,200 ft. Ibs. 1 Joule =.74 ft. Ibs. The following are the electrical units of Work and Power in general use : Work Units : Watt-second = joule = volt coulomb. K. W. hour =3,600,000 Watt-seconds. Power Units: Watt = joule per second = volt-ampere = volt-coulomb per second. Kilowat = 1000 Watts. Kilowatts Kilovolt-Ampere (A. C. unit) = Power factor. Power Factor In an alternating current circuit, it is customary to refer to the product of the effective volts and the effective amperes by the name of Apparent Power, and to measure it in volt- amperes. The term "cos 0" is then called the Power Factor. Thus when we wish to compute the true or effective power, we find the apparent power (volts x amperes), and multiply it by the Power Factor (cos pf). When the voltage and current are in phase, the term (cos ?? 500 ?50 1?5 100 25 125 540 270 135 108 27 625 312 156 125 31 150 648 3?^ 16? 1?1 3? 75< 375 18S 15( 37 175 758 379 189 15? 38 875 438 ?19 175 44 200 864 432 216 173 43 1000 500 250 ?00 49 250 1080 540 ?70 216 54 1250 625 313 250 63 300 1298 649 3?5 259 65 1500 750 375 300 75 400 1730 865 433 346 87 2000 1000 500 400 100 500 |2160 1080 540 432| 108 2500 1250 62a 500 125 Direct Current Motors Direct current motors are classified according to their wind- ing into series-wound, shunt-wound and compound-wound. The series-wound motor is adaptable to variable speed work, such as elevator service, crane service, etc., on account of its speed-torque characteristics. The series-wound motor de- velops almost any torque demanded of it, but with a reduction in speed, so that it is especially adapted to hard work where constant speed is not essential. 238 The shunt-wound motor is used almost \miversally for con- stant speed service, for it maintains approximately constant speed regardless of load. The shunt-wound motor has a rather low starting torque, and is adapted to such uses as driving blowers, and other machinery in which the starting torque required is small. The compound-wound motor which is a combination of the series-wound and shunt-wound motors has an advantage of a large starting torque, and is particularly adapted to driving power reciprocating pumps, centrifugal pumps, air compressors, and other machinery. Ampere Ratings of D. C. Motors H. P. Rating of D. C. Motors Ampere Capacity of Fuses for Motors Full Load Amperes 115 Volts 230 Volts 500 Volts 115 Volts 230 Volts 500 Volts H 1.4 .70 .35 5 5 5 % 1.8 .90 .46 5 5 5 H 2.2 1.1 .54 5 5 5 1 A 4.3 2.2 1.0 7 5 5 % 6.2 3.1 1.5 10 5 5 l 8.0 4.0 1.9 15 7 5 2 16 8.0 3.8 25 15 7 3 24 12 5.5 30 20 10 4 32 16 7.2 50 25 10 5 38 19 9.0 50 30 15 7^ 58 29 13 80 50 20 10 75 38 17.5 100 50 25 12^ 94 47 22 125 70 30 15 112 56 26 150 70 35 20 148 74 34 200 100 50 25 185 93 43 275 125 60 30 220 110 51 275 150 70 35 255 125 60 325 175 80 40 285 145 67 400 200 90 45 320 160 75 400 200 100 60 350 175 83 450 225 125 60 420 210 99 550 275 125 75 520 260 122 800 325 175 90 625 315 145 100 700 350 160 125 875 440 200 150 1050 525 240 175 1225 615 280 200 1400 700 320 239 UNION S T E" AM P U M P CO M P ANY Selection of Motors and Controllers The selection of the proper type of motor and controlling equipment to be used with centrifugal pumps, air compressors, power pressure pumps and power vacuum pumps is very essential. While the local conditions may govern to some extent the type of motor and controlling equipment to use, the following paragraphs give the customary types of motors and controlling equipment to use with machinery, such as we manufacture. For direct current motors, we recommend the compound- wound type for driving centrifugal pumps, air compressors, power pressure pumps and power vacuum pumps. For alternating current motors, we recommend the squirrel cage type for driving centrifugal pumps, and the wound-rotor or slip-ring type motors for driving power pressure pumps, power vacuum pumps and air compressors. For reciprocating machinery such as power pressure pumps and power vacuum pumps, which are to operate under automatic control, we recommend that the motor be a size larger than is regularly required. This is due to the fact that under automatic control, the machinery has to start up under full load, which requires a very heavy starting torque. On the following pages is illustrated and described the proper electrical control equipment to be used in connection with cen- trifugal pumps, power pressure pumps, air compressors and power vacuum pumps. The electrical control equipment as given, covers both direct, and alternating current apparatus, and in- cludes the manual starters, as well as the self starters. Electrical Control Equipment (The Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co.) For Centrifugal Pumps, Air Compressors, Power Pressure Purrfps, and Power Vacuum Pumps Motors: Direct Current, Compound Wound Manual Starters Standard duty motor starters with low voltage protection, Bulletin 2111 up to, and including, 35 HP-115 volts, and 50 HP-230 or 550 volts. 240 The standard duty starter consists of a sliding contact type starting panel, with armature resistor self-contained, mounted on a wall type frame. The low voltage protection feature stops the motor when the voltage drops or fails alto- gether and prevents it from restarting when normal voltage is restored. This protects both the machine and operator against the motor's starting unexpectedly. Bulletin 21 11. With cover removed, to show construction. Heavy duty manual starters with low voltage protection, Bulletin 2131. Sliding contact type, similar to Bulletin 2111, except greater capacity resistor, up to and including 20HP-115 to 550 volts. Larger sizes, up to and including 125HP, 115 volts and 200HP-230 or 550 volts are of the multiple switch type. The multiple switch starter consists of a slate front con- taining a number of levers which, when closed in sequence, function similarly to the sliding contact type starter. The levers are so interlocked, that they can only be closed in se- quence. All starters up to 75HP.-115 volts and 100HP,-230 and 550 volts are in wall type enclosing cases. Larger sizes are arranged for floor mounting. Bulletin 2131, with cover removed. Bulletin 2131 Multiple Switch Type, with cover removed. - - AND C 241 D. C. Automatic Motor Starters Time limit type automatic starters, Bulletin 6106, up to 60HP-115 volts, 125HP-230 volts and 200HP-550 volts. They can be controlled by pushbutton master stations, snap switch, float switch, pressure regulator, and other accessories. The accelerating movement consists of a number of fingers which cut out successive steps of resistor. This movement is controlled by an oil filled dash pot. In addition, the larger sizes include a magnetic main line contactor. Bulletin 6106. Alternating Current Motors: Single Phase, Repulsion Type Manual Starters Single phase motor starters, Bulletin 9111, with low-voltage protection, up to and including 20HP-110 volts and 30HP-220 volts. These single phase motor starters are similar in construc- tion to the Bulletin 2111, but are arranged for alternating current service. They consist of a slate panel with the sliding contact type starting mechanism and can be used witli either commutator or repulsion type single phase motors. Bulletin 91 11 With cover removed. 242 CRE E K. M I C H I G AN , 1 Across-the-line type manual starters, Bulletin 9115, with thermal overload cutouts, up to and including 1 HP-110 volts, 3 HP-220 volts and 5HP-440 or 550 volts single phase. These starters consist of a 3 pole manually operated con- tactor with two thermal overload cutouts, mounted on a slate panel in an enclosing case. The operating handle and locking levers are on the outside of the case. Contacts are of new roller type-double contact. For single phase service the center pole is left "dead." Bulletin 9115. A. C. Automatic Motor Starters Across-the-line type self-starters, Bulletin 9586, up to 15HP-110 volts, 30HP-220 volts and 40HP-440 or 550 volts. These starters consist of a positive acting, three pole mag- netic contactor and C-H Thermal Overload Relays, mounted on a panel in a split case. For single phase service, the center pole is left "dead." The controller is operated by a remote control pushbutton master switch or by any type of single pole switch such as a snap switch, pressure regulator, etc. The C-H Thermal Overload Relays provide ideal protec- tion at all times. Bulletin 9586 Type AAA Bulletin 9586 Types AA or A. r 243 E3 N I O N STEAM P UM P C O M PANY -4 Primary resistor type automatic starters, Bulletin 9605, up to and including 15HP-220 volts, and 30HP-440 or 550 volts, single ohase. This is a three pole starter, providing one step of primary resistor on starting. It consists of two, three-pole contactors and C-H Thermal Overload Relays mounted on a slate panel in an enclosing case. For single phase service the center pole is left "dead." The first contactor closes the circuit with re- sistance inserted and the closing of the second, which is timed by an oil dash-pot, cuts out the resistor, connecting the motor directly to the line. The overload relays protect the motor from overload at all times and when tripped can be reset from the outside of the case. Bulletin 9605. Motors: A. C. 2 or 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Manual Starters Across-the-line type manual starters, Bulletin 9115, with thermal overload cutouts, up to and including 3 HP 110 volts, 5 HP-220 volts and 7^ HP-440 or 550 volts two or three phase. These starters consist of a three or four pole manually operated roller type contactor and two thermal overload cut- outs, mounted on a slate panel in an enclosing case. The four pole contactor is for two phase, four wire service only. A.CHINERY, AIR COMPR 244 Operating and locking levers are on outside of case. Thermal overload cutouts provide overload protection at all times. Bulletin 9115. Panel type, fused starting switches, with low-voltage protection, Bulletin 9116, up to and including 3HP-110 volt and 5HP-220 to 550 volts. The panel type fused starter consists of a three-pole fully enclosed switch, fused and so designed that in starting the fuses are not in circuit, but when in the running position the fuses are in the circuit for protecting the motor. The cover can be lowered, for renewing fuses. This starter also provides low-voltage protection. Bulletin 91 16. With cover removed to show construction. 245 Primary resistor type manual starters, Bulletin 9118, for motors up to and including 7J^HP-110 volts and 10HP-220 to 550 volts. This starter is for use on motors that cannot be thrown directly across the line, and which do not require the more costly auto-transformer starter (compensator). It is a panel type starter, similar to Bulletin 9116, except that it provides one step of resistance in each phase of the primary circuit when starting. This cuts down the large current inrush to the motor on starting. It is provided with running fuses, provides low- voltage protection and is fully enclosed, being operated by a lever on the outside of the case. Bulletin 9118. Auto-transformer starters, Bulletin 9141, up to and in- cluding 25HP-110 volts and 125HP-220 to 2200 volts. This type of starter in the smaller sizes is self-contained, consisting of a metal case containing two auto-transformers, switching mechanism, overload and low-voltage protection features. The switching mechanism which operates under oil, functions to connect the starting transformer to the power lines, also connecting the motor to taps on the transformers for starting, without drawing excessive current from the line. When the motor is approximately up to speed, operation of the lever serves to disconnect the starting transformers and connects the motor directly to the line. The low-voltage protection feature can be operated me- chanically at the starter or by means of pushbuttons at a re- mote point when it is desired to stop the motor. The overload release feature will not trip on small momentary overloads. 246 BATTLE CREEK. M I C H I G AN , U. S . A. 1 However, it does disconnect the motor if an overload occurs which may be injurious to the motor or machine. It also functions to shut down the motor on partial failure of power lines, that is, failure of one line which would allow the motor to operate on single phase. On the larger sizes the transfor- mers are not mounted in the same case with the switching mechanism, but the operation and functions are the same in all cases. Bulletin 9141. Manual Starters, Slip-Ring Motors Secondary resistor type, Bulletin 9126, up to and including 25HP-280 volts and 50HP-300 volts rotor limitations. These starters are of the sliding contact type, arranged to cut out starting resistance in the rotor circuit. They are me- chanically released, and have no "dead" point. To stop the motor, it is necessary to return the lever to the starting point and open the main line switch. If a magnetic main line switch is used, it can be interlocked with the starter so that it closes on the first starting point and opens when the lever is returned to the original position. Care should be taken so as not to exceed the rotor limitations given in the Bulletin. Bulletin 9126. With cover removed. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 247 Multiple switch motor starter, Bulletin 9131, up to and including 2000 HP. These starters are of the secondary resistor type and consist of a slate panel containing a number of levers, which, when closed in sequence, cut out steps of resistance in the rotor circuit to bring the motor up to speed. The levers are so in- terlocked that they can only be closed in "sequence. Up to 200HP, the resistor is in the same enclosing case with the panel. The larger sizes have the resistor separately mounted. Bulletin 913L A. C. Automatic Starters, 2 or 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Motors Across-the-line type automatic starters, Bulletin 9586, for capacities up to 150 amperes, at 550 volts. These starters consist of a positive acting three or four pole magnetic contactor, and C-H thermal overload relays mounted on a panel in a split case. The smallest size, for motors up to 5HP, has roller type contacts and is provided with a two button control switch in the cover. Larger sizes have finger type contacts and are supplied with one pushbutton master switch for three wire control. C-H Thermal Overload 248 ATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, U. S. A. Relays provide ideal protection. When a relay is tripped, it can be reset by pushing a button' on the outside of the case. Bulletin 9586, TypeAAA. Bulletin 9586, Types AA and A. Primary resistor type automatic starters, Bulletin 9605, up to and including 30HP-220, 440 or 550 volts, 2 or 3 phase. These starters are identical with those listed for single phase service, except that for polyphase motors, all three poles are used. They can be controlled by any type of three wire or two wire master switch. Bulletin 9605. Auto transtormer type automatic starter, Bulletin 9621, up to and including 30HP-220 volts and 40HP-440 or 550 volts. These starters consist of a three pole and a five pole mag- 249 net ic contactor, and C-H Thermal Overload Relays mounted on a slate panel in a split enclosing case. On starting, the five pole contactor closes, connecting the motor to the line, thru the auto transformer. After a definite time interval, determined by an oil dashpot, the three pole contactor closes, connecting the motor across-the-line. Both low voltage and over-load protection are provided. Bulletin 9621. With cover removed. Transformer type automatic starters, Bulletin 9622, for 2200 volt circuits, up to and including 400HP. These starters consist of a three pole and a five pole oil immersed magnetic main line contactor, a solenoid operated dash pot timing relay, two control relays and an auto trans- former. The operation is similar to Bulletin 9621, the large contactor being operated thru the control relays. Any type of two wire, or three wire master switch can be used for control. Bulletin 9622. 250 t B ATTLE C RE EK. M ICH I C ATM . U. S. A. r A. C. Automatic Starters, 2 or 3 Phase Slip- Ring Motors Secondary resistor type automatic starter, Bulletin 9633, up to 25HP-110 volts, 50HP-220 volts and 75HP-440 or 550 volts. These starters are for wall mounting. They consist of a three pole magnetic main line contactor and one or more three pole accelerating contactors. C-H thermal overload relays provide ideal overload protection at all times. Low- voltage release is also provided. On starting, the accelerating contactors close in rotation, cutting out steps of resistance in the secondary circuit. The main line contactor then closes, connecting the motor directly to the supply lines. In selecting a starter of this type, care should be taken so that the secondary current rating is not exceeded. They can be controlled by any type of two or three wire master switch. BuilecLi 9o33. Secondary resistor type automatic starters, Bulletin 9638, up to and including 1000HP-2200 volts. These starters operate similar to the Bulletin 9633 starters, except that they are built for higher voltages up to 2200 volts. The main line contactor is a three pole oil-immersed magnetic contactor and the accelerating contactors are two pole. Con- trol relays govern the closing of these contactors. They can be controlled by any type of two wire or three wire master switch. Bulletin 9838. C. H. Accessories Pushbuttons These pushbutton stations are for use in the control circuit of alternating or direct current automatic starters, to control the various operating functions of the controller. Bulletin 10250H30 is a single button switch, intended for use as an auxiliary in connection with control stations of the two button type. Bulletin 10250H26 is a two button control station, used for starting and stopping the equipment from a remote point. The "stop" button can be locked in the down position, pro- viding a "safe" feature. Bulletin 10250H56 is a two button control station used for starting and stopping from a remote point. It does not provide the "safe" feature. Bulletin 10250H30 Bulletin 10250H26 Bulletin 10250H56 252 1 B ATTLE C REE K. MICH IG AN. U. S. A. 1 Diaphragm type pressure regulator, Bulletin 10001 for pressures above atmosphere only. This pressure regulator is of the diaphragm type, single pole, for handling control circuits only, having a maximum capacity of 175 pounds and arranged for use with any of the self-starters. These regulators are manufactured in four different sizes for various pressures. In selecting these regulators, be careful that the ranges between opening and closing are not exceeded. Bulletin 10001. With cover removed. Diaphragm type pressure regulators, two pole, Bulletin 10004. This is a two pole, diaphragm type, regulator, for use with small A.C. or D.C. motors which can be connected directly to the line to start. It handles the main line circuit, and no other starter is required. An unloader device can be provided for air compressor work. This device relieves the back pressure against the compressor during starting. Pressure limitations or HP ratings given in the Bulletin should not be exceeded. Bulletin 10004. Witn cover removed. 253 Diaphragm type vacuum regulators, Bulletin 10005. These regulators are similar in design to the pressure type, Bulletin 10001 but are arranged for pressures below atmosphere only, with a maximum vacuum range of 28 inches of mercury. These vacuum regulators are suitable for use with any of the automatic starters, but as in the case of pressure regulators, it is necessary to see that the maximum and- minimum range be- tween opening and closing does not exceed the limits tabulated in the bulletin. Bulletin 10005. With cover removed. Gauge type pressure regulators, with relay, Bulletin 10013. These gauge type pressure regulators are for use with systems having a greater pressure range than can be handled by the diaphragm type, and are suitable for use with any of the "A.C" or "D.C." automatic starters. Bulletin 10313. 254 B ATTLE C RE CS3S3COUOC EK. MIC H IG AN. U. S. A. "11 Enclosed type float switches, Bulletin 10036, two or four pole. These switches can be used as pilot devices in connection with A.C. or D.C. automatic starters, or they can be used to connect small A.C. motors directly across-the-line. Six types of mounting can be supplied, to suit local conditions. These float switches can be arranged for either tank or sump opera- tion. Bulletin 1003J. With cover removed. 255 I ML JliL XL JKL Jil JUL JUL Pumps Direct Acting Steam Pumps SECTION FIVE IL u N I N S TE AM P UM P COM P ANY Direct Acting Steam Pumps The direct-acting steam pump is one in which the water end is placed centrally, or directly in line with the steam end. The water piston and the steam piston are placed on the same rod, and both operated together independently of any crank movement. . Direct-acting steam pumps are classified according to the water end as follows : Single Double Acting: This type, which is illustrated in figure 95, is the simplex design , having one steam piston operat- ing one water piston. The water cylinder is double acting, in other words each stroke of the piston causes a filling at one end of the pump cylinder, and a discharge at the other end of the cylinder. Duplex Double Acting: This type illustrated in figure 98, consists of two steam pistons operating two water pistons. The steam and water cylinders are operated side by side, and the steam valve of one side is actviated by the companion pump. The ws,ter cylinders are double acting, in other words each stroke of the piston causes a filling at one end of the pump cylinder, and a discharge at the other end of the cylinder. The above pumps may also be sub-divided as follows: Horizontal Double Acting Pumps Piston Packed Pumps. Outside Center-Packed Plunger Pumps. Outside End-Packed Plunger Pumps. Vertical Double Acting Pumps Piston Packed Pumps. Outside Center-Packed Plunger Pumps. Outside End-Packed Plunger Pumps. Direct acting steam pumps are classified according to the steam, end into simple and compound. The above types comprise the direct-acting steam pumps, which are generally encountered. There are other types, but they are special, and not considered of sufficient importance to enumerate. 258 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, Fig. 95 Single Pumps The characteristic feature of single pumps is the valve motion, or mechanism introduced to reverse the motion of ',hc pump. This valve motion generally consists of an auxiliary valve, figure 96, mechanically operated by the steam piston and con- trolling an auxiliary piston, which in turn operates the main valve. The latter operates the steam piston, thus completing the cycle. These four elements can always be recognized in a single pump. There are numerous types of valve motions employed on single pumps, but the most satisfactory is that type in which the steam piston is controlled by a slide valve, the valve itself being operated by an auxiliary steam piston working in its own chest, and the auxiliary piston being moved by the direct ap- plication of steam pressure. The admission of the sceam to the end of the auxiliary steam piston in the chest is controlled by a flat-faced auxiliary slide valve in the chest, which is actuated by an external valve mechanism from the piston rod. As the pump reaches the end of the stroke, steam is admitted by the auxiliary valve to one end of the auxiliary piston, while the other end is put into communi- cation with the exhaust at the same time, and the difference of pressure in the two ends causes the auxiliary piston to move instantaneously the full distance of its travel, carrying the main 259 |" UN I O N STEAM PUMP COM P ANY 4 slide valve with it, and thus reversing the stroke of the pump. As the main valve is operated by the force of live steam, there is no hesitancy of action and no dead point, the piston is reversed instantaneously, and always at the same point of its stroke regardless of the load. The Burnham valve gear, which is the type referred to is described in detail on the following pages. Burnham Steam Pump Sectiona. Views of Steam Cylinder, Steam Chest and Valves. VALVE STEM STUF- FING BOX. SCREWED TYPE, OF LIBERAL DEPTH AUXILIARY STEAM VALVE FLAT FACE SLIDE STEAM CHEST VALVE ALWAYS TIGHT CANNOT WEAR TO MAIN PORT A SHOULDER THIS VALVE IS OPERATED BY THE ACTUATING LEVER FROM THE PISTON ROD MAIN STEAM VALVE FLAT FACE SUDE VALVE ALWAYSTIGHT CTC/IM IHI KT CANNOT WEAR TO A SHOULDER STEAM DRIVEN BY AUXILIARY PISTON STEAM THROWN AUX- ILIARY PISTON FOR OPERATING MAIN SLIDE VALVE PREADMISSION STEAM PORT FOR STARTING PISTON. MAIN STEAM PORT AUXILIARYPISTON FITTED WITH SELF-ADJUSTING SNAP RINGS STEAM PISTON FITTED WITH TWO SELF-AD- JUSTING SNAP RINGS STEAM CYLINDER FOOT OF LIBERAL SIZE PLANED ON BOTTOM VALVE GEAR CONSTRUCTION IS SUCH THAT PISTON MUST COMPLETE ITS FULL STROKE BtFORL IT CAN REVERaE CAM BLOCKS FOR ADJUST- ING STROKE CAN BE CHANGED WHILE PUMP, IS IN OPERATION CAM BLOCK AD- JUSTING NUTS ACTUATING LEVER OPERATING AUX- ILIARY STEAM VALVE LIBERAL SIZE PISTON ROD STEEL ROLLER CROSSHEAD DEEP STUFFING BOX WITH BOLTED GLAND ON 6- INCH DIAMETER CYLIN- DER AND LARGER. AND SCREWED GLAND CN SMALLER SIZES CYLINDER DRAIN COCK STEAM CYLINDER WALLS ARE HEAVY ENOUGH TO STAND RE-BORING TWICE Fig. 96 260 Burnham Direct-Acting Steam Pumps Operation The following is a short description of the Burnham Steam Valve and its operation, as illustrated by the cuts on the preced- ing page. The top view of the steam cylinder shows the auxiliary valve and chest in section. The lower view shows a vertical section through the steam cylinder. Live steam enters the steam chest at the top and is ad- mitted to the cylinder alternately through the main steam ports. At the beginning of the stroke the main steam port is covered by the piston as shown in the cut. A preadmission port is pro- vided which admits only enough steam to give the steam piston an easy start, but when the steam piston has moved far enough to uncover the main port, it receives the full steam pressure and moves at its normal speed until it covers the main port at the other end of the cylinder, when it traps the remaining exhaust steam in the cylinder and thus forms a cushion, giving the steam piston an easy stop. The valve gear is positive in action, and is operated by the actuating lever moved by a roller attached to the piston rod. Ihis lever alternately moves the cam blocks both of which are fastened to the auxiliary valve stem, which in turn moves the auxiliary valve in the direction opposite to the motion of the piston. When the steam piston completes its stroke, the actuating lever moves the auxiliary valve, opening first the chest pre- admission port, then the chest main port, admitting live steam to one end of the auxiliary piston and at the same time opening the auxiliary exhaust at the opposite end, thus causing the auxiliary piston, which carries the main valve, to move, revers- ing the motion of the pump. The cam blocks are independently adjustable on the auxiliary valve stem enabling the engineer to make the piston run as close to the heads as he desires, and to make adjust- ment to compensate for wear. The advantages of this valve gear are: a momentary pause of the piston at the end of each stroke, causing the water valves to seat quietly without shock or jar; a slow initial movement of the piston, whereby the water columns are started gradually, relieving the pump and piping of undue strains; a 261 UNION STEAM 63^^ P U M P CO M P ANY steam pressure on -the main steam piston proportioned to the amount of work that it has to do; and immunity from damage in case of accident. 36 Fig. 97 Sectional View of Burnham Pump. Directions for Setting the Burnham Valve All Burnham pumps are carefully tested at the factory under working conditions and the valve gear is properly set. If it becomes necessary to readjust the valve gear, proceed as follows : On yoke 68 ( see figure 97), upon which moves the piston-rod guide 92, will be found a mark at each end, indicating the extreme travel of the piston. If the pump does not run as close to the mark as practical, loosen the nuts on the valve stem and the set screw in cam block 109 on the opposite side (of the actuating lever 106) from which it is desired to lengthen the stroke, and move the cam block away from the point of contact of actuating lever 106. This will allow the piston to move farther before opening the valve. It will be found that by moving this cam block iV of an inch, it makes quite a perceptible difference in the piston travel, according to the size of pump to be adjusted. If the pump should travel too close to the marks, which would cause it to hesitate and stop at the end of stroke, then move these cam blocks 109 toward the point of contact of actuat- ing lever 106. --fe^ 2.62 Always move the cam blocks on the opposite side of lever from which it is desired to change the stroke. In all cases the piston should make as long a stroke as possible and give the required speed to do the work. To locate the marks on the yoke, indicating the extreme travel of the piston, move the steam piston to one end till it strikes the cylinder head and mark with a prick punch the yoke on which the piston rode guide 92 rides. Repeat this operation on the other end, and use these marks to adjust the valve as described. Advantages of Single Pumps The single pump is the most desirable type of direct acting pump because of its simplicity, reliability and economy in operation and maintenance. The single pump is simple in construction and has a com- paratively few number of moving parts and packed joints, with the result that there is a large saving in friction. The few number of moving parts required in the single pumps means less wear and less liability to accidents and slippage and shut- downs for repairs, as well as entailing less care on the part of the operating engineer to see that the parts are in the proper running condition. It is a well-known fact that the chief sources of loss in any steam-actuated machine are those by direct radiation through the walls of the cylinders, and by condensation of the steam on the walls during admission, with subsequent re-evaporation during exhaust. Such heat losses mean of course wasted energy. As the radiating surface increases, the loss of energy increases with it, and as a single pump has a minimum radiating surface, the heat losses are a minimum. In the direct-acting steam pump, all steam used to fill the port passages of the cylinder, and the clearances at the end of the stroke, is wasted as it is rejected to the exhaust without having done any work. Clearance is a necessary evil, so it is made as small as possible with due regard to proper running of the pump. Single pumps are made with but one steam port at each end of the cylinder, and this reduces the wasted steam space to a minimum. The greatest advantage of the single pump as regards steam consumption lies in the fact that with its valve motion, it has to complete its full stroke before it can reverse. This means that the waste steam space at the end of the stroke which is the source of greatest loss in a pump is minimized. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE fp UNION STEAM P UM P COM P ANY J Fig. 98. Duplex Piston Pump. Duplex Pumps Duplex pumps are characterized by the arrangement of cylinders and type of valve gear. The universal arrangement is to place two pumps side by side, the main steam valve of one side being actuated through a system of levers, rods and links from the piston rod of the other side. In designating the side of a duplex pump, it is customary to call the right side when standing at the steam end f acting the water end of the pump, the "Right Hand Side," and that to the left, the "Left Hand Side." Valve Motion The sectional view, figure 99, which illustrates the Union duplex pump, shows the type of valve gear generally employed on duplex pumps. The steam valves Q and I are ordinary D slide valves. The valve motion is transmitted from the pistons to the valves by two rock-shafts C and D mounted on the valve gear bracket G. To the right hand end of the upper rock-shaft C is fitted a long arm A, the lower end of which is attached to the crosshead H on the piston rod. To the left hand end of the rock shaft C is fitted the long crank B attached to the valve rod S by means of a coupling and link P. To the left hand end of the lower rock-shaft D is fitted a short arm E. To the right hand end of the lower rock shaft D is fitted the short crank F attached to the valve rod J by coupling and link K. J .-...-. r H.n>jirTirTr^ ; .Tr r .3..-..-.Tr n J n >or^ g T I - i c n B a B XTfATB PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS I 264 Thus the valve I on the right hand pump is operated through the valve rod J, link K, crank F, rock-shaft D, arm E, piston rod O, and piston N. The valve on the left hand pump is operated through the valve rod S, link P, crank B, rock-shaft C, arm A , piston rod M, and piston L. On the duplex purnp, the valve motion is such that one side finishes its stroke, and waits for its valve to be moved by the other side of the pump, before it can start on its return stroke. This pause allows the water valves to seat quietly and obviates shocks. As one or the other of the steam valves is always open, there is no dead center, and the pump will start whenever the steam is turned on. UNION S TEAM ~TMJM I'^^C^O M^P ANV ' nUnrBra vvWW*' gWw w v a* t u * tu *v ivy VTrb \ Directions for Setting Steam Slide Valves of Duplex Pumps To set the Slide Valves of Duplex Pumps without outside ad- justment. First open drip cocks so that steam cylinders will be drained ; then move piston rod of one side toward steam cylinder head by prying against crosshead until steam piston strikes head and then make a mark on piston rod close to face of steam piston rod gland. Next move piston rod to opposite end of stroke until steam piston strikes and make a mark on piston rod just half way between first mark and face of steam piston rod gland. Now move piston rod backward until second mark is flush with face of steam piston rod gland and the piston will stand at half stroke. Disconnect link from knuckle of valve rod on opposite side and place slide valve in steam chest, chest cover, of course, having been taken off for this purpose, so that valve exactly covers both steam ports that lead to opposite ends of cylinder Now hold slide valve nut exactly in centre of space between slide valve lugs, screw valve rod through this nut until knuckle eye is in line with link eye, and push link pin in place. Repeat this process with other side of pump and the operation is com- plete. It will be found an advisable plan to move both pistons to middle stroke before touching either slide valve. Before putting on the steam chest covers, move one of the slide valves so as to open the steam port, otherwise the pump might not start^as in setting the valves the steam ports have been covered. All steam valves are properly set before the pumps leave the factory. Advantage of Duplex Pumps The advantage of a duplex pump over other types of direct acting pumps is its continuous discharge. The stroke of one piston begins before the other piston has come completely to rest, so the movement of the suction and discharge columns is practically continuous. PUMPING MACHINERY^AIR CQ_MP_RESS Q_RS- cs^ir^ri r 'ff *s A^'iuS^'u. "Ofx~M jj'>"tf ^"gr^ygTr^gy y^nygggw wy ya^n^tf pwgj^x'ygTriirrig'c'-tt a-it^M-g'^x^^s^g'g'g yir 266 B ATTLE C RE EK. MIC HI G TTJTi AN, U. S. A. 3 Horizontal Piston Pumps, Simplex Design Horizontal piston packed pumps are generally built for fluid pressures of 100 to 150 pounds per square inch, although the smaller sizes are suitable for working pressures up to 250 pounds per square inch. Pumps of the piston packed pattern are built with the suc- tion and discharge valve decks arranged above the piston. Small pumps of this type have the suction and discharge open- ings on either side as shown in figs. 95a and 95b, or the suction on one side, and discharge on the other, as shown in fig. 100. Fig 100 .onzontal Piston Pump with suction cne side, discharge the other **-: --.'- Pig. 95b. Section of fluid end showing suction and discharge openings either side. AND CONDENSERS FOR F VERV S ERVICE 4 267 IT-UN I O N STEAM PUMP COM P ANY 3 These pumps are fitted with either a pressed bronze liner, or a bolted removable bronze flanged liner. On these small sizes of piston pumps there is not sufficient room for hand plates, so access to the valves is gained by remov- ing the hood and valve plate. Fig. lOla, Horizontal Piston Pump, Hand-Plate Design. Fig. lOlb. Section of Fluid End, Hand-Plate Design. The larger sizes of piston pumps have the fluid end of the hand-plate design, as shown in figs. lOla and lOlb. Here the valves are all accessible by the removal of the hand plates. These large cylinders are always provided with the flanged type of removable liners. 102a Horizontal Duplex Piston Pump, Suction Opening on Side, Discharge at End. 1NE R.Y, 268 i CREEK. MICHIGAN. U.S. Fig. 102b. Section of Fluid End of Duplex Piston Pump, Showing Suction Either Side, Discharge at End. Horizontal Piston Pumps, Duplex Design Duplex Piston Pumps are built for fluid pressures up to 250 pounds per square inch, the pressure depending on the size of pump. On small duplex pumps, the fluid end is of the type as shown in figures 102a and 102b, 103a, 103b. The suction opening is arranged either on the sides or at the end of the cylinder, and the discharge is at the end of the cylinder. These cylinders are fitted with bronze liners either bolted or pressed depending on the size. The valves are accessible by the removal of the hood and valve plate. Large sizes of duplex pumps have the fluid end of the hand- plate design as shown in figure 104. All valves are accessible by removal of the hand plates. These pumps are fitted with bronze bolted liners. Fig. 103a Horizontal Duplex Piston Pump, Suction and Discharge at end AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE rirv-ira^nrfi 269 Fig. 103b. Section of Fluid End of Duplex Piston Pump, showing end Suction and Discharge. Fig. 202. Section of Duplex Piston Pump, Hand-Plate Design. PUMPING 270 K B ATTLE C RE EK, M ICH IG AN, U. S. za Outside Center-Packed Pumps For fluid pressures higher than 150 pounds, and up to 300 pounds pressure, the outside center-packed plunger pump, as illustrated in fig. 105a is generally used. In this type of pump the plunger glands are easily accessible, and any leakage from the plunger can be detected, and stopped while the pump is in operation. In the center packed plunger pump, the suction valves are located below the plunger, and the discharge valves are above. All valves are accessible by the removal of the hand plates. In the small sizes, the fluid cylinder is of the type as shown in fig, 105b, w r hile in the larger sizes the cylinders are bolted together as shown in fig 106 Fig, 105a Outside Center-Packed Pump. Fig. 105b Section of Fluid End of Outside Center-Packed Pump, used on smaller sizes. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 271 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY I Fig. 106. Section of Fluid End of Outside Center-Packed Pump, used on large sizes. Outside End- Packed Plunger Pumps For fluid pressures up to 150 and 250 pounds per square inch, the end-packed plunger type of pump as shown in fig. 107a is very often used. In this type there are two plungers connected by side rods. The plunger glands are readily accessible, and any leakage from the plungers can be detected and stopped, while the pump is operating. The outside end-packed fluid cylinder is of the valve- plate design. In the smaller sizes the valves are accessible by the removal of the hood, and the valve plate fig. 107b. The larger sizes have hand plates for gaining access to the valves as shown in fig. 108. Fig 107a Outside End-Packed Plunder Pump 272 Fig. 107b Section of Fluid End of Outside End-Packed Plunger Pump, small sizes. Fig. 108. Outside End-Packed Plunger Pump, Hand-Plate Design. Pot Valve Pumps For fluid pressures of 150 pounds and over, the End-Packed Pot-valve Pump as shown in figs. 109a and 203 is used. On account of the high pressures this type of pump is subject to, the castings are reduced to the smallest possible dimensions. The valve chambers are small, and the valves used are generally of the bevel-seat wing type. The valves are readily accessible by removing the cover over the valve. See fig. 109 b. 273 UNION STEAM PUMP Fig. 109a. Pot- Valve Plunger Pump Fig. 203. Duplex Pot- Valve Plunger Pump. Fig. 109b. Section of Fluid End of Pot- Valve Pump. Hydraulic Pressure Pumps For higher pressures up to 2000 pounds per square inch, the hydraulic pump with cast iron fluid end as shown in figs. HOa and HOb is generally used. For pressures up to 3000 pounds per square inch, these pumps are fitted with cast steel fluid ends, and for pressures above 3000 pounds, the fluid ends are made of forged steel, as shown in Figs. Ilia and lllb. In the forged steel cylinders all plunger and valve openings are drilled from the solid forging. In hydraulic pressure pumps the valves used are of the bevel-seat wing type. These valves are accessible by the re- moval of the screwed plugs over the valves. 1C Ij I G A1N U. S. A B ATTLE C R.EEK. Fig. llOa Hydraulic Pressure Pump with Cast Iron or Cast Steel Fluid End. Fig HOb. Section of Hydraulic Pressure Pump with Cast Iron or Cast Steel Fluid End Fig. Ilia. Hydraulic Pressure Pump with Forged Steel Fluid End. Fig. lllb. Section of Hydraulic Pressure Pump with Forged Steel Fluid End. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 275 y N 1 N STE AM P UM P COM P ANY J| Vertical Piston Pumps The type of fluid end generally used on piston pumps is of the piston pattern as shown in the accompanying figures. These pumps are suitable for pressures up to 300 pounds per square inch. The design of the fluid end is such that all valves are easily accessible by the removal of the side plate. These pumps are furnished with either bronze disc valves or rubber valves, de- pending on the service. Liners are of bronze, pressed in place Fig. 112a Single Vertical Pistor Pump. Fig. 112b. Section of Fluid End of Single Vertical Piston Pump. The vertical pump which is built in both the simplex and duplex design is particularly desirable on account of the small floor space required and the fact that the vertical position of the reciprocating parts reduces the friction and wear to a minimum. Vertical pumps are built with a base for floor or deck moun'cing, or with brackets for bolting to the wall or bulkhead. PUMPING MAC HINER.V, AIR COMPRESSORS Fig.-llSa Vertical Duplex Piston Pump. Fig. 113b Section of Fluid End of Vertical Duplex Piston Pump. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 277 1 E u N I O N S TE AM P U M P COM PANY 1 Fig. 114 Vertical Duplex Piston Pump, Bulkhead Mounting Simple Cylinder Pumps Direct-acting steam pumps having only one (high pressure) steam cylinder to each fluid cylinder, are classified as simple cylinder pumps. In simple cylinder pumps, the steam acts with full pressure the entire length of the stroke, i.e., there is neither cut off nor compression. The indicator diagram taken from a simple cylinder direct-acting pump is practically rectangular as shown in figure 115. The mean effective pressure in the steam cylinder of a simple cylinder pump is equivalent to the initial steam pressure per square inch minus the back pressure per square inch. Fig. 115 Indicator Card of Simple Cylinder Direct-Acting Pump. Calculation of Simple Steam Cylinders In calculating the size of simple steam cylinders, it is neces sary to know the type of pump, whether piston or outside packed plunger, the diameter of the fluid cylinder, the fluid pressure, the initial steam pressure, and the exhaust or back pressure. 278 Example Assume we have a piston type fluid cylinder 12" in diameter, 16" stroke. The fluid pressure is 100 pounds per square inch, the initial steam pressure is 110 pounds per square inch, and the exhaust or back pressure is 5 pounds per square inch. It is desired to find the proper size simple steam cylinder, which will be satisfactory for the conditions. Solution The area of a 12 " piston =113 square inches. 113x100 = 11300 pounds total pressure on fluid piston. Referring to page 295, the mechanic*! efficiency of a 16 ii ch stroke piston pump is 80x80 = 64 per cent. Then the total Joad or pressure to be exerted by the steam piston will be = 17656 pounds. The initial gauge pressure at the steam cylinder is 110 I ovnds, and the back pressure 5 pounds, making the net steam pressure 105 pounds. 'Then - - = 168.1 Square inches. 105 = Area of steam piston. The nearest commercial size of steam cylinder will be 16 inches, and the size of the pump will then be 16X12x16. Compound Steam Cylinder Pumps Direct-acting steam pumps take steam during the entire stroke, which makes them extravagant in the use of steam compared with the amount of work done. To overcome this inherent difficulty, compound steam cylinders are resorted to where econgmy is essential. In com- pounding, however, unless the boiler pressure is 80 pounds or over, additional initial expense involved will not be warranted unless the pump operates condensing. In compound pumps the steam is admitted to the high pres- sure cylinder during the entire length of the stroke, so that it is not vised expansively. When the exhaust port. of the high pressure cylinder is opened, the pressure immediately drops to 279 U N I ON S TE AM P U M JP CO MPAN Y ^tfVTJTrTflT^'^QfWTarf y vvyv^Tinrv^^Y^ f equalize the pressure on the exhaust side of the high-pressure cylinder, the receiver pipe, and the low-pressure steam chest. When the pistons move on their return stroke, the exhaust pres- sure in the high-pressure cylinder falls to the pressure in the low-pressure cylinder, this drop being in accordance with Boyle's Law, for the area of the low-pressure cylinder being greater than the high pressure, as the pistons advance, the total volume increases, and the steam expanding reduces in pressure. Figure 116 illustrates the indicator card of a compound direct-acting pump. M7? Fig. 116 Indicator Card of Compound Direct-Acting Pump. Gain in Compounding The percentage of gain by compounding varies from 25 to 35 per cent in non -condensing pumps, and 25 to 40 per cent in condensing pumps, depending upon the conditions of operation. Ratio of Cylinders in a Compound Pump The ratio of cylinders in a compound pump varies from two to three. This ratio is generally dependent on the initial cost, which is based on using standard commercial sizes. Formulae for Calculating Compound Pumps The sizes of compound cylinders to use on a direct-acting pump may be calculated by the following formula. In which I = Initial absolute steam pressure. B = Absolute back pressure. Absolute back pressure is 16 pounds for non -condensing pumps, and 6 pounds for condensing pumps. R= Ratio of steam cylinders. A = High pressure cylinder area. 280 Effective pressure, high-pressure cylinder=I (a) R Effective pressure, low-pressure cylinder = B R Then R( B ) -I RB equals (b) the effective pressure in the low-pressure cylinder referred to the high-pressure cylinder. The sum of (a) and (b) gives the total effective pressure referred to the area of the high-pressure cylinder or total effective pressure =1 + 1 RB =21 RB R R Hence the total pressure exerted by the steam cylinders of a compound pump referred to the area of the high-pressure cylinder equals Ax(21 RB J (47) Example Assume we have an outside center-packed type fluid cylinder 14 inches in diameter, 20 inch stroke. The fluid pressure is 150 pounds, the initial steam pressure 125 pounds gauge, and the exhaust or back pressure 16 pounds absolute. It is desired to find the proper size compound steam cylinders, which will be satisfactory for the conditions. Solution Area of 14 inch plunger = 154 square inches. 154X150 = 23100 pounds = total pressure on fluid plunger. Referring to page 295, the mechanical efficiency of a 20 " stroke outside packed pump is 80X80=64 per cent, then the total load or pressure to be exerted by the steam pistons will be 23100 . =36093 pounds. The initial steam pressure is 125 pounds gauge, or 125 + 14 . 7 absolute. | "AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY S ERVICE -I 281 2 UN 10 N s TE A M P UM P C OM PA NY 1 The back pressure is 16 pounds absolute. Now, referring to formula 47, and substituting the initial steam pressure, the back pressure, the total effective pressure, and a cylinder ratio of 3 36093=area high-pressure cylinder x( 2 X 139.7 3 X 16 139. 7\ \ 36093 Simplifying - = 195 sq. in, = area of high - pressure cylinder. This is the approximate area of a 15^ * cylinder. The area of the low pressure cylinder will then be 195X3 = 585 square inches, or approximately 27" diameter. The nearest commercial sizes will be 16 inches high -pressure, and 26 inches low-pressure, so the size of the compound pump in question will be 16 and 26X14X20. The following table gives the proper sizes of steam cylinders for compound pumps using steam pressures from 80 to 200 pounds. In this table is given the total pressure exerted by steam cylinders as calculated by formula 47. The cylinder ratios given are standard commercial sizes, and those recommended for the pressures given. Compound Steam Cylinders Total Pressures exerted by various sizes with steam pressures of 80-200 pounds 'per square inch gauge pressure, and 16 pounds absolute back pressure. 8 $ Wi &|T3 STEAM PRESSURE J3 C s'5 O^> h-30 R 80 90 130 110 120 130 140 150 160 1,0 180 190 200 8 12 2.25 5596 6378 7160 7941 8723 9505 1028 i 11069 11850 126J3 13415 14197 149/9 10 16 2.56 8753 10017 11281 12545 13809 15073 16337 1/601 18865 20129 21392 22656 23920 12 18 .25 12390 14349 16108 17867 19627 21386 23146 24905 26664 28424 30183 31943 33702 12 20 .78 12541 14397 16232 18106 19962 21817 23672 25527 27383 29238 31093 32948 34803 14 20 .04 16985 19309 21634 23958 26282 28636 30930 33255 35579 37903 40227 42551 44876 14 22 .47 17166 19621 22J76 24530 26992 29448 319J4 34359 36815 39270 41726 44182 46637 14 24 .94 16955 19509 22064 24619 27173 29/27 32284 34839 37393 39948 42508 45063 47618 16 24 .25 22385 25514 28642 31771 34899 38027 41149 44277 47405 50532 53660 56787 59915 16 26 .64 22378 25638 28900 32159 35419 38679 41939 45200 48460 51720 54980 58241 61500 18 26 .09 28157 32028 35900 39772 43645 47516 51388 55260 59132 63004 66876 70748 74620 18 30 .78 28209 32J83 36557 407S1 44905 49079 53253 57427 61601 65775 69949 74123 78298 20 30 .25 34939 39856 44743 49638 54517 59404 64291 69178 74065 78952 83838 88725 93613 22 36 .67 42280 48459 54639 60818 66998 73178 79357 85537 91716 97896 104076 110255 116435 24 36 .25 50357 57394 64431 71469 78506 83544 9258! 99619 106656 113694 120731 134806 26 42 .61 59129 67714 76298 84882 93466 102050 110634 119218 127802 136..8/ 144971 153555 162139 282 j BATTLE C RE E K. M 1C HI CAN, U. S. A - 1 Types of Compound Pumps Compound pumps are built with the high-pressure steam cylinder outboard, as shown in figure 117 or with the low pressure steam cylinder outboard, as shown in figure 118. The latter type, which is known as a three-rod pattern compound is par- ticularly desirable, on account of the accessibility of the pistons and rods. Fig. 117- Compound Piston Pump. Fig. 118 Compound Center-Packed Plunger Pump. AND CONDENSERS "FOR EVERT SERVICE B) ,B HB ^^ BBBBHB ,^ HtfBB ,, Byl , H ,,,, I , HBBBtf ,,^ Biil . B ,,, B ,^^ B< , i . i U^Ii B ..WW.lfi\ 283 i UNI O N ST E AM P U M P C OMPANY Suction Suction is a term used to denote a vacuum, since suction cannot be produced without removing the atmospheric pressure. Elevating water by suction is raising water by means of or through the agency of a vacuum. Simply creating a vacuum, however, will not enable water to be raised. A vacuum in itself is not capable of raising water. We must have pressure to raise or force the water up, and this pressure must be ap- . plied on the opposite side of the water to be raised to the space in which the vacuum is created. This is illustrated in figure 119. Fig. 119 Sketch illustrating how water is raised by suction. We have an air tight tank A containing a quantity of water. To this tank are connected two pumps D and E, the suction pipe of D being submerged, and the suction pipe of E not submerged. If the pump E is started, a vacuum will be created in the tank A above the water, and the water will be in a vacuum. The pump cannot raise the water, because there is no pressure to raise it to the pump. If valve B in the top of the tank is opened, air will be admitted, and the vacuum will be broken. This will have no effect upon the water. Assume now that we stop the pump E and start the pump D with the valve B open. A vacuum is created in the suction pipe of pump D above the water, and the pressure on the surface of the water in the tank will force the water up in the pipe of the pump. 284 B A T T L E C RL E E K . MIC HI G AN, U. S . A. These are the principles involved in lifting water by suc- tion. In figure 120 is illustrated a direct acting pump cylinder and suction pipe. As soon as the pump removes a portion of the air pressure inside the pipe, the pressure inside and outside will be unbalanced. As water under pressure presses equally in all directions, if the resistance be removed at any point, the water will flow in that direction, being forced along or upward by reason of the unbalanced pressures. In other words, when a partial vacuum is created in the suction pipe, the pressure or resistance at this point is decreased, and the pressure on the same area of water outside the pipe is, therefore, the greatest, and the water is forced up in the pipe. Fig. 120. Sketch Showing Fluid Cylinder and the Course of Fluid Through Same. The distance or height to which water will be forced up in the pipe depends upon how much, or to what extent the resistance or pressure has been removed. A column of water 1 * square, and 27.6" high, weighs 1 Ib. If the pressure on each square inch of the surface of the water in the pipe be reduced 285 1 lb., the water will rise 27.6* in the pipe. If 2 Ibs. pressure be removed, it will rise twice as high or 55.2", and so on. Now the pressure on the outside of the pipe, i.e., the air pressure down on the surface of the water, is merely the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, which at sea level is 14.7 Ibs. on each square inch. It will be seen, therefore, that there is a limit to the height to which the water may be raised by suction, or atmos- pheric pressure. The maximum theoretical . height is equal to 14.7X27.6'', which is 405.72", or 33.83 feet. Owing to leakage of air and frictional losses, this height is reduced to 26 feet in practice. The curve below gives the theoretical and practical suction lift of water at various temperatures at sea level. The upper curve gives the maximum possible suction lift, and the lower curve is the practical suction lift. ,1 crq 3 o CfQ ? s \ 0) > 8 ^ 1 ^ r* ^ ^ TEMPERATURE BG. Cb & / 286 Suction at Altitudes For altitudes above sea level where the barometric pressure is less than 14.7 Ibs. per square inch, the water suction lift is less than at sea level. A pump that will raise water 26 feet at sea level would only raise it 21.4 feet if placed at an altitude of one mile. The following table gives the maximum lift possible for different altitudes. SUCTION LIFT AT DIFFERENT ALTITUDES Miles Feet Theo. Lift. Actual Lift. Sea Level X 1,320 33.83 32.38 26 24.9 2,556 30.79 23.7 % 3,960 29.24 22.5 I 5,280 27.76 21.4 iM 6,600 26.38 20.3 7,836 25.13 19.3 2 10,560 22.82 17.5 Handling Hot Water and Other Liquids By referring to figure 121, it will be seen that for handling hot water 168 and above, it is necessary that the water should flow to the pump. Boiler feed pumps are generally placed below the feed water heater, so that the water flows to them under a head of 5 to 10 feet, depending upon the temperature of the feed water. For pumping liquids other than water, the suction lift possible depends on the specific gravity of the liquids. Thick liquids, such as tar, molasses, should always flow to the pump by gravity, or under a head. The Suction Pipe It is always desirable to place a pump as near the source of supply as possible. While it requires no more power to raise water by suction than to discharge it an equal distance, the disadvantage of the long suction line is that a very small leak under a high vacuum is likely to disable the pump, while a leak several times the size in the discharge line would not affect the pump. Furthermore, owing to the larger size of the suction line, a long line adds to the cost of the installation. 287 j__u N 10 N S TE AM P UM P C OMPANY ^ The height of lift is always measured vertically between the surface of the water, and the center of the suction inlet at the pump. If the water level is liable to fluctuate, the height at which the pump is placed above the water is reckoned from the lowest water level. With long suction lines, the friction loss should be taken into consideration, when calculating the suction lift. When a pump is to operate on a suction lift of 15 feet or more, it is advisable to install a foot valve on the suction pipe in order to insure a smooth operation of the pump. The object of a foot valve is to keep the pump primed, and it allows the pump to start off easily, without having to fill the suction pipe at each stroke. In freezing weather, provision must be made for draining the suction pipe and water cylinder. The suction pipe should be carefully laid, and all joints made tight. The suction line should be securely suspended to avoid any vibration, which might cause a leak. Where the suction pipe is very long, or the lift high, a suction air chamber on the suction pipe assists the pump in starting the long column of water at each stroke, and it also stops the motion of the water without shock, in case the pump is operated at high speed. Suction air chambers are preferably placed as shown in figure 122. Size of Suction and Discharge Pipes If the speed of the wacer in the suction pipe were to be kept the same as the speed of the pump piston or plunger, the sucticn pipe of course would have to be the same size as the water cylinder. While this would represent an ideal condition as far as friction is concerned, it would also mean a very large suction pipe, and an unnecessary added expense. It is con- sidered good practice to strike a mean between the loss by water friction and the use of an exceptionally large suction pipe. In doing this it has been found from experience that a velocity of approximately 250 feet per minute in the suction pipe will give good results. The area of the suction pipe, therefore, will be as much smaller than the area of the cylinder, as the piston speed is less than 250 feet per minute. If the piston speed was 100 feet per minute, then the area of the suction pipe would be 40% of the area of the water cylinder, or cylinders. In 288 BATTLE CREEK M I C H I G AN . other words, the area of the suction pipe in square inches is equal to the area of the water piston times the piston speed in feet per minute, divided by 250. Example Calculate the size of the suction pipe for a 12X8X12 simplex pump based on the pump making 100 strokes per minute, or 100 feet piston travel. Solution The area of the water cylinder or piston is 50.26 square inches, and the piston speed in feet per minute is 100. The area of the suction pipe will then be 50X100 rrr = 20.1 Square inches. which corresponds to a diameter of about 5". The size of the discharge pipe may be calculated in the same manner by using a velocity of 400 feet per minute through the discharge pipe, instead of 250 feet. Example Calculate the size of the discharge pipe for a 12x8x12 pump based on the pump making 100 strokes per minute or 100 feet piston travel. Solution The area of the 8" water cylinder or piston is 50.26 square inches, and the piston speed in feet per minute is 100. The area of the discharge pipe will then be 50.26X100 = 12.56 Square inches. 400 which corresponds to a diameter of 4 ". Assuming a practical velocity of water in the suction pipe of 250 feet per minute, and a velocity in the discharge pipe of 400 feet per minute, the sizes of suction and discharge pipes may be calculated from the following formulae: (48) (49) In which D t = Diameter of suction pipe. D 2 = Diameter of discharge pipe. G = Gallons per minute. r* - irmnm-Ti-n- affijinflnnnffi tnners a*aii * nyyaTTMTnL at n ^^n a AJ AND^CjONpENSERS JFOR EVE &Baa 289 Fig. 122 Sketch Showing Proper Location of Suction Air Chamber. Air Chambers Air chambers are generally of cast iron, and may be attached to the discharge pipe or to the suction pipe. When the air chamber is attached to the discharge pipe, it is called a discharge air chamber, and when attached to the suction pipe, it is called a suction air chamber. The object of an air chamber is to pro- vide an elastic element in the pipe line to take up the shocks and pulsations, and produce a uniform flow in the pipe. The discharge air chambers are generally furnished on simplex pumps of all kinds, except those used for vacuum service. The dis- charge air chambers are not furnished on the smaller sizes of duplex pumps. However they are advisable on larger sizes. Discharge air chambers are generally provided with an opening on the side near the top for charging with air. How- ever if there is not a supply of compressed air available, a snifting valve of pet cock may be placed in the suction, which will admit sufficient air to the water to properly charge the air chamber. 290 Where the suction pipe is very long, or the suction lift high, an air chamber on the suction pipe is recommended, as it as- sists the pump in starting the long column of water at each stroke, and it also stops the motion of the water without shock, in case the pump is operated at high speed. Suction air chambers should be placed as shown in figure 122, and the capacity of the suction air chamber should be approximately 6 to 8 times the capacity of the water cylinder. GHtHk* Fig. 123 Sketch Showing Arrangement of Piping on Water End to Determine the Total Head. c AND CONDEN S ERS FOR EVERV SERVICE |] 291 J- u N 10 N S TE AM P UM P COMPANY Z| Measurement of Total Head The total head of a pump may be found by a test gauge placed on the discharge pipe, and to its reading must be added 'the distance from the center of the gauge to the level of the water in the suction well (see figure 123). If the suction pipe is long, the suction lift may be found by placing the vacuum gauge on the suction pipe close to the pump. The readings of the two gauges are added, as is also the distance between the center of the discharge gauge, and the point where the vacuum gauge is attached. In case the water flows to the pump under a head, this amount should be deducted from, the reading of the discharge gauge to arrive at the total head. The velocity head in direct acting pumps is generally neg- ligible, as the velocities are low. Performance Factors Speeds The normal speed a pump should run depends upon the size of the pump and the conditions of service. For boiler feed service, where hot water is handled, the pump must run at slow speeds 25 to 35 strokes per minute, for best results. The following table gives the approximate piston speeds of direct acting pumps for different conditions of service. Piston Speeds for Pumps 0. 6 3 Piston or Plunger Pumps handling Cold Water Sorter Feed Pumps Thick Liquor Wet Vacuum Pumps Piston, Plunger or Hydraulic Pressure Pumps h Pumps "o o M 100 pounds pressure and under Pumps handling Hot Wat.r Jet Condensers Handling Cold Water 150 Pounds Pressure or over 2 & Strokes Feet Strokes Fet Strok-s Feet Strokes Feet per Min. per Min. per Min. per Min. per Min per Min. per Min. per Min. 3 150 37.5 60 15 100 25 100 25 4 150 50 60 20 100 33.3 100 33.3 5 140 58.5 58 24.2 100 41.6 90 37.5 6 125 62.5 55 27.5 100 50 85 42.5 7 120 70 55 32 100 58.3 85 49.6 8 112 74.6 50 33.3 100 66.7 80 53.3 10 100 83.3 42 35 100 83.3 75 62.5 12 90 90 35 35 100 100 75 75 16 75 100 35 46.7 75 100 60 80 20 60 100 30 50 60 100 54 90 24 50 100 25 50 50 100 45 90 For cold water service against low pressures, 100 pounds and under, piston speeds up to 100 feet per minute depending upon the size of the pump, can be successfully used. For high pressure service, 150 pounds and over, pumps are generally operated at moderate speed. Pumps handling thick liquids like syrup, molasses, heavy oil, etc., which cannot be made to flow fast should also run slow. Displacement The displacement of a single double acting pump can be calculated theoretically by the following formula: AXTX12 D = - - . 0408d 2 T 231 (50) In which D = Displacement of double acting plunger, U. S. gallons per minute. A = Area of piston or plunger in square inches. d= Diameter of piston or plunger. T= Piston travel in feet per minute. If it is desired to find the diameter of the water piston or plunger to give a specified displacement, formula 51 may be used. ~D~ (51) In which d = Diameter of the piston or plunger. D = Displacement in U. S. gallons per minute. T = Piston travel in feet per minute. Example Assume we wish to find the diameter of a pump piston to handle SOO gallons per minute at 75 feet piston travel. Sub- stituting in formula 51. SOO d=4.95 ISOO \~75~ 75 =4.95X3.26 = 16.13" Therefore use a 16" piston. In the center packed plunger, or the piston pump, the displacement of the piston rod must be deducted, if accurate results are desired. I AND ^^p^B^SERSFOR_^VB^_SEKy_lC E 293 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Slip There is a loss of capacity in the operation of a pump due to leaky valves, piston packing, stuffing boxes, or suction. This loss is generally stated as a percentage of the displacement, and is called the slip. SUP - (62) In which L = Loss by leakage in gallons per minute. D = Displacement in gallons per minute. Slip varies in pumps from 2% to 10%, depending entirely upon the condition of the pump. It is customary to use a figure of 5% in estimating the slip of a pump. Capacity The capacity of a pump is the actual volume of liquid delivered, and equals the displacement minus the slip. C = D S (53) In which C = Capacity in gallons per minute. D = Displacement in gallons per minute. S =Slip in gallons per minute. The capacity of a pump may be found by calculation, assuming a factor for the slip, or by actually measuring the water by weir, tank, nozzle, or pitot tube, as described on page 110. In calculating the displacement, or capacity of a pump by the formula given, the results obtained are in U. S. gallons of 231 cubic inches. In Great Britain, and her colonies, the Imperial gallon is used, which contains 277 cubic inches, or is 20% larger than the U. S. gallon. Volumetric Efficiency The volumetric efficiency of a pump is the ratio of the capacity to the displacement, and equals C (64) E v = rT BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, U. S. A. Hydraulic Efficiency The hydraulic efficiency is the ratio of the total head pumped against to the total head pumped against plus the hydraulic losses, equals (66) The hydraulic losses consist of the frictional losses, in the suction pipe, through the pump valves, and seats, as well as the velocity head. Mechanical Efficiency The ratio of the indicated horse power of the water end to the indicated horse power of the steam end is the mechanical efficiency, and equals (56) The mechanical efficiency of direct acting pumps varies with the size and type from 50% to 90%. This factor can be determined only by actual test. The following table gives an approximate idea of the mechan- ical efficiency of direct acting pumps of the piston and outside packed types. In calculating pump sizes, to take care of any possible drop in steam pressure, or unforeseen conditions, we recommend that the mechanical efficiency be taken at 80% of the values given in the following table. MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY PERCENT Stroke Piston Outside Packed of Pump Inches Type Percent Plunger Type Percent 3 55 50 5 60 56 6 65 61 7 68 64 8 72 68 10 76 72 12 78 75 16 80 77 20 83 80 24 85 82 AND CO N"D ENS E R S F O R EVERT SERVICE *^*i J * aaa ^^aaflAJgtAj^AAAA*aAAAAR.aAA^A ^^^j^^^,,,?^^^Msi^^^^^^^^^^^s Overall Efficiency This efficiency comprises all losses in the pipe, and indi- cates the economy of the whole unit. It is expressed as follows : E =E hy XE v xE m (67) Steam Indicated Horse Power The steam indicated horse power of a pump is calculated by the formula P. L. A. N. (68) Horse Power = - P = Indicated M. E. P. pounds per square inch. L= Length of stroke in feet. A = Area of steam piston in square inches. N = Number of strokes per minute. Water Horse Power The horse power of the water end equals. H P W = = .000252G.H. 33000 (59) Where G=U. S. Gallon's per minute delivered. W= Weight of one U. S. gallon in pounds. H = Total head pumped against in feet. Example Find the water horse power of a pump delivering 500 U. S. gallons per minute against a head of 200 Ibs. Solution lib =2.31 feet. 200 Ibs -200X2.31 =462 feet. Now substituting in formula 59, H P = . 000252X500X462 =58.2 PUMPING " 29G Materials and Manner of Fitting Pumps for Hand- ling Different Liquids and Gases Direct acting pumps, power pumps, and crank and flywheel pumps are classified according to the manner in which the liquid cylinder is fitted, as follows : Standard Fitted : This means that the pump is fitted with cast iron liquid cylinder, steel piston rod, bronze liner, bronze valve seats, bolts and springs, rubber or bronze valves, and cast iron liquid piston or plunger. Standard Bronze Fitted : This signifies a pump fitted with cast iron liquid cylinder, bronze piston rod, bronze liner, bronze valve seats, bolts and springs, rubber or bronze valves, and cast iron liquid piston or plunger. Full Bronze Fitted: This is a pump, which carries a cast iron liquid cylinder, bronze liner, bronze valve seats, bolts and springs, rubber or bronze valves, bronze liquid piston or plunger. All Iron Fitted : Pumps for handling tar, ammonia, etc. are built without bronze fittings. In this type of pump the liquid cylinder is of cast iron, the piston rod is of steel, valve seats and valves of cast iron, valve bolts of steel, valve springs of steel, and liquid piston or plunger of cast iron. Iron fitted pumps are furnished with, or without cast iron liners, depending on the size of the pump. All Bronze: This is a pump with the liquid cylinder of bronze, bronze liner, bronze piston rod, bronze valve seats, bolts and springs, bronze valves and bronze water piston or plunger. In the above classification, the term "Standard Fitted" generally applies to duplex pumps only. Simplex Pumps are built regularly, "Standard Bronze Fitted." The following list gives an idea of the proper fitting foi pumps for handling different liquids, as well as the type of liquid valve to use, and the kind of packing in the liquid piston or plunger. jji AND CONDENSERS -FOR EVERV 5 ERVICE 3 297 The Materials and Fittings Used for Pumping Various Liquids Direct Acting Pumps, Power Pumps Crank and Flywheel Pumps The following table gives the proper materials and fittings to be used on pumps for handling different kinds of liquids. Kind of Liquid Material Used Valves Piston Pack g Acetic Acid Concentrated All Bronze Bronze disc Hydraulic Acetic Acid Diluted All Bronze Bronze disc Hydraulic Acid Mine Water All Bronze Bronze disc Hydraulic Alkaline Water All Iron Fitted Iron disc Hydraulic Alcohol (crude) Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc Hemp Ammonia Water(Aqua Am.) Anilin Water All Iron fitted All Iron fitted Iron disc Iron disc Hydraulic Hydraulic Benzene All Iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Benzine Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc Hemp Beer All Bronze fitted Bronze disc Hydraulic Beer-wort All Bronze fitted Bronze disc Hydraulic Beet Juice (thin) All Iron fitted Iron disc Hydraulic Bisulphite Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc Hemp Bitter Mineral Water All Bronze Bronze disc Hydraulic Brine (Calcium) All Iron fitted Iron disc or rubber Hydraulic Brine (Sodium) Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc or rubber Hydraulic Cane Juice Full Bronze fitted Bronze disc Hydraulic Carbonate of Soda All Iron fitted [ron disc Hydraulic Carbonic Acid Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc [ron Ring Caustic Carbonate of Soda in Solution (Hot) All Iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Caustic Chloride of Magnesium Solution (Cold) All Iron fitted [ron disc Hemp Caustic Cyanogen in Solution Caustic Manganese in Solution All Iron fitted All Iron fitted [ron disc [ron disc Hemp Hemp Caustic Potash Solution All Iron fitted [ron disc Hemp Caustic Potash Niter in Solution All Iron fitted .ron disc Hemp Caustic Soda Solution All Iron fitted iron disc Hemp Caustic Sodium Chloride Solution All Iron fitted Ton disc rlernp Caustic Zinc Chloride All Iron fitted iron disc flemp Chlorine Nickel Manganese or Alloy Chloride of Potash Solution All Iron fitted 'ron disc rlemp Caustic Chloride of Magnesium Solution (Hot) Hard lead Coal Tar Oil All Iron fitted iron disc '.ron Ring Creosote Oil All Iron fitted 'ron disc 'ron ring Cresol All Iron fitted 'ron disc iron ring Cyanogen Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc lemp Cyanide of Potassium All Iron fitted 'ron disc lernp Distillery-wort All Bronze Bronze disc iemp Ferrous Chloride All Iron fitted 'ron disc lemp Gasoline Standard Bronze fitted Iemp or iron or standard fitted Bronze disc ring packing Glue (Hot) Full Bronze fitted Bronze ball Bronze ring Glycerin All Bronze Bronze disc Bronze ring Grease (Hot) Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Green Vitriol All Iron fitted iron disc iron ring Guncotton Brine All Iron fitted Ton disc >on ring Hot Oil (300 .) Max. temp. Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Hot Oil(over 300.) All Iron fitted Iron disc iron ring Asbestos in pis ;on rod l Stuffing box Heavy Oil Standard Bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Hydrochloric acid in thin solution ill Bronze Bronze disc Bronze ring Hydrochloric acid All Bronze Bronze disc Bronze ring Iron Pyritic Acid All Bronze Bronze disc Bronze ring Lard (Hot) All Iron fitted Iron ball valves ron ring PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS 298 The Materials and Fittings Used for Pumping Various Liquids Continued Direct Acting Pumps, Power Pumps, Crank and Flywheel Pumps The following table gives f.ie proper materials and fittings to be used on pumps for handling different kinds of liquids. Kind of Liquid Material Used Valves Piston Packing Lime Water All iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Linseed Oil Standard bronze fitted Bionze disc Hemp Lye (Caustic) All iron fitted Iron Disc Iron ring Lye (containing much salt) Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Hemp Lye Solution (containing sand,) All iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Mash All Bronze Bronze ball Hemp Milk All Bronze Bronze disc or Solid bronze clapper piston Mineral Oil Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Molasses Full bronze fitted Bronze ball Bronze ring or Hemp Naphtha Standard bronze fitted Iron or Bronze or Standard fitted Bronze disc ring Nitric Acid (Concentrated) Lead Nitric Acid (Diluted) All iron fitted Iron disc Flemp Olive Oil Standard bronze fitted Bronze, disc Bronze ring Paraffin (Hot) Standard bronze fitted Bronze ball Bronze ring Petroleum All iron fitted Iron ball [ron ring Petroleum Ether All iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Pitch (Hot) All iron fitted Iron ball [ron ring Potash Solution All iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Pulp Standard bronze fitted Special bait vaLve pump Purifying Oil All iron fitted Iron disc ' [ron ring Rape Oil Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Rosin (Hot) All iron fitted Iron disc [ron ring Salt Water Full bronze fitted Bronze disc or rubber Hydraulic Sea Water Full bronze fitted Bronze disc or rubber Hydraulic Sewage Full bronze fitted Bronze disc or rubber Hydraulic Sebacic Acid All bronze Bronze disc Hemp Syrup Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Soap Water All iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Soda All iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Sodium Chloride Solution Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Hemp Sodium Sulphate All iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Stearic Acid (Hot) All bronze Bronze disc Hemp Sugar Compound Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Sugar Solution Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Sulphate of Lime Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Bronze ring Strontia in Caustic Solution All iron fitted Iron disc Iron ring Sulphide of Hydrogen All bronze Bronze disc Hemp Sulphite of Sodium (Hot) All iron fitted Iron disc Iron ring Sulphuric Acid Concentrated All iron fitted Iron disc Hemp Su 1 phuric Acid Common AH bronze Bronze disc Bronze ring Sulphurous Acid Concentrated All bronze Bronze disc Hemp Sulphurous Acid, Diluted All bronze Bronze disc Hemp Tar (Hot) All iron fitted Iron ball Iron ring Tannic Acid All bronze Bronze disc Hemp Toluol Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Hemp Turpentine Oil All iron fitted Iron disc Iron ring Vegetable Oil All iron fitted Iron disc Iron ring Vinegar All bronze Bronze disc Hemp Wine All bronze Bronze disc Bronze ring Wood Alcohol Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Hemp Water (Hot or Cold) Standard bronze fitted Rubber or bronze disc Hydraulic Water containing sulphur Standard bronze fitted Bronze disc Hydraulic Water containing some tar and ammonia All iron fitted Iron disc Iron ring Wood Pulp Standard bronze fitted Special bronze Ball valve pump Whisky All bronze Bronze disc Hemp AND CONDENSERS -FOR EVERY SERVICE 299 Duty Duty is the number of foot pounds of useful work done by 1000 pounds of dry steam, or a 1,000,000 B. T. U. Duty formerly meant the amount of work done by 100 pounds of coal, but owing to the variation in the quality of the coal, and the efficiency of the boiler, this definition was discarded. - An efficient boiler will evaporate ten pounds of water per pound of coal. Therefore, in order to make a fair comparison 10X100 = 1000 pounds of steam was adopted as a basis for rating the economy of pumps. The method of calculating duty is as follows : Let W = Number of pounds of steam used per horse power per hour. D = Duty in foot pounds per 1000 pounds of dry steam. H= Number horse power developed per 1000 pounds dry steam per hour. 1000 Then - = H W Now one horse power =60 X 33000 foot pounds per hour. Therefore 1000 pounds dry steam will deliver H X 60 X 33000 foot pounds per hour. Or substituting 1000X60X33000 foot pounds per hour. W By definition, the above expression is the Duty D. There- fore writing it down equal to D, and multiplying we have, _ 1,980,000,000 (60) ~~ This formula enables one to readily calculate the rating in feed water or steam consumption, if the duty is given, or vice-versa. Thus a duty of 100 million foot pounds per 1000 pounds of steam is equivalent to 19.8 pounds of steam per horse power hour. The A. S. M. E. in 1891 reported a standard method of con- ducting duty, instead of the above units of 100 pounds of coal, or 1000 pounds of steam, they recommended a new unit based on 1,000,000 B. T. U. furnished by the boiler. The economy is then expressed in foot pounds of work done per 1,000,000 B.T.U., this unit is the equivalent of 100 pounds of coal when each pound imparts 10,000 B. T. U. to the water in the boiler. 300 Measure of duty; the principal data required for cTetermin- ing the duty of a pump is the work done, and the steam con- sumed in doing this work. Capacity: The actual amount of water delivered by a direct acting pump may be measured by pitot tube, calibrated tank, nozzle, or Venturi meter, as illustrated and described on page 110. However as the displacement pump is really a meter, it is reasonably accurate to calculate the displacement of the plunger and deduct the piston rod, as well as deducting 5% to 10% for slip. The amount of slip depends upon the size of the pump, as well as the conditions of the valves and packing. Head: The head pumped against is obtained by placing a calibrated pressure gauge on the discharge pipe, and to its reading must be added the difference in the velocity head in the suction and discharge pipes, and the vertical distance from the center of the gauge to the level of the water in the suction well. See figure 123. If the suction pipe is long, a calibrated vacuum gauge should be placed on the suction pipe close to the pump. Then to obtain the total head, the readings of the vac- uum and discharge gauges are added, as is also the distance between the center of the discharge gauge and the point where the vacuum gauge is connected, and the difference in the velocity heads in the suction and discharge pipes. The velocity head maybe calculated by formula 22, page 108. If the suction and discharge pipes are the same size, the velocity head is zero. Steam Consumption: To determine the quantity of steam used by the pump, there are two methods employed. The first method is by measuring the amount of feed water pumped to the boiler, and the second method is by measuring the conden- sate discharged by the air pump. The first method is used where the steam is condensed in a jet condenser in which the steam and injection water are mixed, and the second method is employed where a surface condenser is used. 301 PUMP COM P ANY Example A compound steam pump pumps 3,000,000 gallons of water per twenty-four hours against a head of 100 pounds per square inch. The steam consumption is 40 pounds per water horse power per hour. Steam pressure 100 pounds, exhaust tempera- ture 120 (a) what is the duty per 1000 pounds of steam? (b) what is the duty per 1,000,000 B. T.U.? A gallon of water weighs 8% pounds, and one pound water pressure equals a head of 2.31 feet. Solution (a) Weight of water pumped in 24 hours 3,000,000X8^ = 25,000,000 Ibs. Head pumped against Work done in 24 hours Work done per hour Water horsepower Steam used per hour Duty per 1000 Ibs. of steam -100X2.31 =231fcet. = 25,000,000X231 =5,775,000,000 foot Ibs. 5,775,000,000 24 =240,625,000 foot Ibs 240,625,000 = 33,OOOX60 = 121.5 =4860 Ibs. 240,625,000 4.86 =49,511,300 foot Ibs Solution (b) Net heat supplied to pump per pound of steam. -1188.6 (120-32) =1100.6 B.T.U.(See steam table in Appendix.) Total heat furnished to pump by boiler =1100.6x4860. =5,348,916, B. T. U. Duty per 1,000,000 B. T. U. = 240,625,000 -=44,993,455 foot pounds O.o4o AIR eg MP RJE . 302 B ATTLE C RE E K. MIC HIG AN, U. S. .&J Duty of Pumping Engines B o- V *"* Duty per 1000 pounds of coal, on basis of evaporation wo (MM W, o as follows: o . ^3 C2 III 9.5 to 1 9 to 1 8.5 to 1 8 to 1 7 5 to 1 100 19,800,000 18 ,810 .000 17 ,820 ,000 16 ,830 ,000 15 ,840 ,000 14 ,850 ,000 95 20 ,842 ,105 19 ,799 ,999 18 ,757 ,894 17 ,715 ,799 16,673,684 15 ,631 ,578 90 22 ,000 ,000 20 ,900 .000 19 ,800 ,000 18 ,700 ,000 17 ,600 ,000 16,500,000 85 23 ,294 ,117 22 ,029 .411 20 ,964 ,705 19 ,799 ,999 18 ,635 ,293 17 ,470 ,587 80 24 ,750 ,000 23 ,512 ,500 22 ,275 ,000 20 ,037 ,500 19 ,800 ,000 18 ,562 ,500 75 26 ,400 ,000 25 ,080 ,000 23 ,760 ,000 22 ,440 ,000 21 ,120 ,000 19 ,8000 ,00 70 28 ,285 ,714 26,871,427 25 ,457 ,142 24 ,042 ,856 22 ,628 ,571 21 ,214 ,285 65 30 ,461 .538 28 ,938 ,461 27,415,384 25 ,892 ,307 24 ,369 ,230 22,846,153 60 33 ,000 ,000 31 ,350 ,000 29 ,700 ,000 28 ,050 ,000 26 ,400 ,000 24 ,750 ,000 58 34 ,137 ,931 32 ,431 ,034 30 ,724 ,137 29 ,017 ,241 27 ,310 ,344 25 ,603 ,448 56 35 ,357 ,142 33 ,589 ,284 31 ,821 ,427 30 ,053 ,570 28,285,713 26,517,856 54 36,666,666 34 ,833 ,332 32 ,999 ,999 31 ,055 ,556 29 ,222 ,222 27 ,499 ,999 52 38 ,076 ,923 36 ,173 ,076 34 ,269 ,230 32 ,365 ,384 30 ,416 ,538 28 ,557 ,692 50 39 ,600 ,000 37 ,620 ,000 35 ,640 ,000 33 ,660 ,000 31 ,680 ,000 29 ,700 ,000 49 40 ,408 ,163 38 ,387 ,754 36 ,367 ,346 34,316,938 32 ,326 ,530 30 ,306 ,122 48 41 ,250 ,000 39 ,187 ,500 37,125,000 35 ,062 ,500 33 ,000 ,000 30 ,937 ,500 47 42 .127 ,659 40 ,021 ,276 37 ,914 ,893 35 ,808 ,510 33,702,127 31 ,595 ,744 46 43,043,478 40 ,891 ,304 38 ,7^9 ,130 36 ,586 ,956 34 ,434 ,782 32 ,282 ,608 45 44 ,000 ,000 41 ,800 ,000 39 ,600 ,000 37 ,400 ,OOQ 35 ,200 ,000 33 ,000 ,000 44 45 ,000 ,000 42 ,750 ,000 40 ,500 ,000 38 ,250 ,000 36,000,000 33,750,000! 43 46 ,046 ,511 43,744,285 41 ,441 ,959 39,139,534 36 ,837 ,208 34 ,534 ,883 42 47 ,142 ,857 44 ,785 ,714 42 ,428 ,571 40 ,071 ,428 37 ,714 ,285 35 ,357 ,142 41 48 ,292 ,682 45 ,878 ,047 43 ,463 ,413 41 ,048 ,779 38,634,145 36,219,511 40 49 ,500 ,000 47 ,025 ,000 44 ,550 ,000 42 ,075 ,000 39 ,600 ,000 37 ,125 ,000 39 50 ,769 ,230 48 ,230 ,768 4o ,692 ,307 43 ,153 ,845 40 ,615 ,384 38 ,076 ,922 38 52 ,105 ,263 49 ,499 ,999 46 ,894 ,736 44 ,289 ,473 41 ,684 ,210 39,978,947 37 53,513,513 50 ,837 ,837 48 ,162 ,161 45 ,486 ,486 42 ,810 ,810 40 ,135 ,134 36 55 ,000 ,000 52 ,250 ,003 49 ,500 ,000 46,750,000 44 ,000 ,000 41 ,250 ,000 35 56 ,571 ,642 53 ,74.3 ,059 50 ,914 ,477 48 .085 ,895 45 ,257 ,313 42 ,428 ,731 34 58 ,235 ,294 55 ,323 ,529 52 ,411 ,764 49 ,499 ,999 46,588,235 43 ,676 ,470 33 60 ,000 ,000 57 ,000 ,000 54 ,000 ,000 51 ,000 ,000 48 ,000 ,000 45 ,000 ,000 32 61 ,875 ,000 58 ,781 ,250 55 ,687 ,500 52 ,593 ,750 49 ,500 ,000 46 ,406 ,250 31 63 ,870 ,967 60 ,677 ,418 57 ,483 ,870 54 ,290 ,321 51 ,096 ,773 47 ,903 ,225 30 66,000,000 62 ,700 ,000 59 ,400 ,000 56,100,000 52 ,800 ,000 49 ,500 ,000 29 68 ,275 ,862 64 ,861 ,968 61 ,448 ,275 58 ,034 ,482 54 ,620 ,689 51 ,206 ,896 28 70 ,714 ,285 67 ,178 ,570 63 ,642 ,850 60 ,107 ,142 56,157,428 53 ,035 ,713 27 73 ,333 ,333 69 ,666 ,666 65 ,999 ,999 62 ,333 ,333 58 ,666 ,666 54 ,999 ,999 26 76 ,153 ,846 72 ,346 ,153 68 ,538 ,481 64 730 ,769 60 ,923 ,076 57 ,115 ,384 25 79 ,200 ,000 75 ,240 ,000 71 ,280 ,000 67 ,320 ,000 63 ,360 ,000 59 ,400 ,000 24 82 ,500 ,000 78 ,375 ,000 74 ,250 ,000 70 ,125 ,000 66 ,000 ,000 61 ,875 ,000 23 86 ,086 ,956 81 ,782 ,608 77 ,478 ,260 73,173,912 68 ,869 ,564 64 ,565 ,217 22 90 ,000 ,000 85 ,500 ,000 81 ,000 .000 76 ,500 ,000 72 ,000 ,000 67 ,500 ,000 21 94 ,285 ,714 89 ,571 ,428 84 ,857 ,142 80 .142 ,856 75 ,428 ,571 70 ,714 ,285 20 99 ,000 ,000 94 ,050 ,000 89,100,000 84,150,000 79 ,200 ,000 74 ,250 ,000 19 104 ,210 ,526 98 ,999 ,999 93 ,789 ,473 88 ,578 ,947 83 ,368 ,420 78 ,157 ,894 18 110,000,000 104 ,500 ,000 99 ,000 ,000 93 ,500 ,000 88 ,000 ,000 82 ,500 ,000 17 116 ,470 ,588 110 ,647 ,048 104 ,823 ,529 98 ,999 ,999 93 ,176 ,470 87 ,352 ,941 16 123 ,750 ,000 117 ,582 ,500 111 ,375 ,000 105 ,187 ,500 99 ,000 ,000 92 ,812 ,500 15 132 ,000 ,000 125 ,400 000 118 ,800 ,000 112 ,200 ,000 105,600,000 99 ,000 ,000 14 141 ,428 .571 134 ,357 ,142 127 ,285 ,713 120 ,214 ,285 113,142,856 106 ,071 ,428 13 152 ,307 ,692 144 ,692 ,307 137 ,076 ,922 129,461,538 131 ,846 ,153 114 ,230 ,769 12 165 ,000 ,000 156 ,750 ,000 148 ,500 ,000 140 ,250 ,000 132 ,000 ,000 123 ,750 ,000 11 180 000 ,000 171 ,000 ,000 162 ,000 ,000 153 ,000 ,000 144 ,000 ,000 135 ,000 ,000 10 198 ,000 ,000 188 ,100 ,000 178 ,200 ,000 168 ,300 ,000 158 ,400 ,000 148 ,500 ,000 Bn A ^ agBaxttBBBfSSaBfSBBSBBBSBBgSSXSBBES^a *JiA-K.v-KxxKK:x$Mxx3ntx*jSj. CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE "I 303 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Table Showing the Comparative Steam Economy of Pumps TYPE Weight of Steam per 1 H. P. per hour Fly-Wheel Triple Expansion condensing 13 to 16 Ibs. Fly-Wheel Compound High Speed with positive moved water valve 15 to 19 Ibs. Fly-Wheel Cross Compound regular 18 to 20 Ibs. Single direct-acting Triple Compound condensing large 23 to 24 Ibs. Single direct-acting Triple Compound condensing small 25 to 27 Ibs. Burnham Single direct-acting Compound condensing large 30 to 33 Ibs. Burnham Single direct-act ing Compound condensing small 35 to 38 Ibs. Duplex direct-acting Triple Compound condensing large 26 to 28 Ibs. Duplex direct-acting Triple Compound condensing small 28 to 30 Ibs. Duplex direct-acting Compound condensing large 30 to 39 Ibs. Duplex direct-acting Compound condensing small. .... .40 to 43 Ibs. Duplex fly-wheel Simple condensing large 40 to 43 Ibs. Duplex fly-wheel Simple condensing small 45 to 48 Ibs. Duplex fly-wheel Simple non-condensing large 48 to 50 Ibs. Duplex fly-wheel Simple non-condensing small 52 to 55 Ibs. Burnham Single direct-acting Compound non -condensing large 35 to 45 Ibs. Burnham Single direct-acting Compound non-condensing small 45 to 55 Ibs . Duplex direct-acting Compound non-condensing large.. 55 to 65*lbs. Duplex direct-acting Compound non-condensing small.. 65 to 75 Ibs. Burnham Single direct-acting ordinary large 65 to 80 Ibs. Burnham Single direct-acting ordinary small 80 to 100 Ibs. Duplex direct-acting ordinary large 120 to 150 Ibs. Duplex direct-acting ordinary small 150 to 200 lb. c . ^^ 304 C3 ATT LE C REE K. MIC HIGAN. U. S. A. J| Capacity of Pumps at 100 Feet Piston Speed *Theoretical Capacity of Pumps at 100 Feet Speed of Piston or Plunger Diameter of Pump or Plunger in Inches U. S. Gallons per Diameter of Pump or Plunger in Inches U. S. Gallons per Minute Hour 24 Hours Minute Hour 24 Hours 1 4.07 244.7 5875 141 828 49704 1192896 U 6.37 382.5 9180 14 858 51648 1235232 If 9.18 550.8 13219 14| 887 53256 1278144 if 12.49 749 17992 15 918 55070 1321915 2 16.31 979 23500 151 949 56928 1366272 21 20.6 1239 28180 15*, 980 58800 1411200 2* 25 5 1530 36720 15f 1012 60720 1457280 2f 30.8 1851 44424 16 1044 62668 1504046 3 36.7 2203 52878 161 1077 64638 1551312 43.1 2586 62064 16* 1110 66642 1599408 49.9 2998 71971 16| 1144 68676 1648224 ' 57.3 3442 82619 17 1179 70752 1698048 4 65.2 3916 94002 171 1214 72840 1748160 41 73.7 4422 106128 17* 1249 74964 1799136 3 82.6 4957 118971 17f 1285 77124 1850976 41 92 5523 132552 18 1322 79314 1903550 5 102 6120 146880 181 1359 81528 1956672 112 6745 161934 18} 1396 83778 2010672 123 7404 177696 182 1434 86060 2065449 134 8093 194248 19 1473 88368 2120832 6 146 8812 211511 191 1511 90660 2175840 159 9562 229500 19| 1552 93120 2234880 172 10344 248256 19| 1590 95400 2289600 185 11152 267660 20 1632 97920 2350080 7 200 11995 287884 201 1673 100380 2409120 71 7i 214 229 12867 13769 308808 330478 *4 20$ 1714 1756 102840 105396 2468160 2529504 7f 245 14700 352300 21 1799 107952 2590848 8 261 15667 376011 211 1842 1 10538 2652912 277 16660 399852 21| 1886 113154 2715696 294 17688 424512 2l| 1930 115800 2779200 312 18741 449978 22 1974 118482 2843568 9 330 19828 475887 221 2020 121194 2908656 91 349 20944 502668 22* 2065 123924 2974176 M 368 22092 530208 22f 2111 126696 3040704 91 388 23280 558720 23 2158 129492 3107808 10 408 24480 587518 231 2205 132324 3175776 I 428 449 471 25716 26989 ' 28290 617184 647789 678960 1 24 2253 2301 2349 135186 138078 140958 3244464 3313872 3382992 11 493 29616 710784 241 2399 143952 3454848 ii| 516 30986 743677 24J 2449 146958 3526992 lli 539 32374 776993 24| 2499 149952 3598848 111 564 33795 811080 25 2550 152994 3671856 12 587 35251 846046 25* 2653 159179 3820300 12} 612 36735 881640 26 2758 165484 3971630 12* 637 38250 918000 26* 2865 171908 4125800 12i 663 39816 955584 27" 2974 178457 4282967 13 689 41370 992880 27 3085 185130 4443125 131 716 42972 1031328 28 3199 191922 4606125 m 13? 743 771 44610 46278 1070640 1110672 28i 29 3314 3431 198838 205876 4772118 4941028 14 799 47980 1151536 30 3672 220320 5287675 For duplex pumps, the capacity given will be doubled. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 305 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY co ^ ^ ^ ^ e^ c^ w w ^ ^ S t o q S ^ q S q TO 5 c^ q S S * CN (N c^ w CB o> ^ Q op P? t>? 35 < CM O<-Hi-HrHCNCNCNO3COTj.OqqrH(^3lOI>CirHCOCpOq^COqt^ oc^co^cooco^oo oo 00^0^00 c^c. 000^0300^0^ ^^lii'l? " rH rH rH rH rH CN CN CN CN CO* lO CN t>- CN OS O CO rH H^ 1-HrHrHrHIMCNCOCO'^tOcO ' i-J rH rH i-J rH rH CN CN CO ^' CO l> 00 O rH CO* 1C OS ^ OS 5 rH !>' \n ^ * i-H rH rH rH rH i-H CN CO ^ >O CO t>^ OS O' CN CO t> rH CO rH CO CN o6 ^ CN OSC^CMQO^C^^COOCOrHCOl x -OOrHCSC5Tt'rHt^.oO^CSOOCSOOCOCNOOOcOOCNOCOO5rH " rH O O O O O rH rH rH rH CN CN CO CO * IO CO l> t"^ CO OS rH CN CO O rH GO 1C T}J CO CO TjH CO .O) CO_ CO CO CO_ * 00 CO t>; c . OOcDcOOOC^OOXCOCMTtfM OS O CO* CO' OS CO b; rH C~ >> O 9- r-i rH rH CN CN CO * *" 1C CO t^ 00 rH CO CO 05 CN CO O Jr ^__^____ rH rH rH rH CN CM CO ^^ ( PCo2i^'J'Qr-llO??^05GOrHOO^^??QCOt2^I< OS OO _ ^ ' rH r-J rH CN Co' CO * "O C CO' t^ OS CN rjJ t>^ O' CO* t>^ I" C " t-J i-J CN CN CO* CO TjJ 10' CO CO 00 O' CO' o' CO rH ijJ " rH rH r-i CN CN CO TfH TjJ UJ CO t> OS" rH CO CO 00 rH c/5 <*< "rHrHCNCNCNCOCO^iOCOCOOSrHeOOOO M ~~ S .0 M ' "rHi-HrH(NCNCNCO\o'TtiOcbodos'rHCO|0 TfCO^OOCNC^CMOOcO^CNCNOOCNOCNIOOcOOOOOOOOCOOCOCNOO ' 'rHiHrHrHCNCNCO'co'^io'trN^'cJs'OCN rHrHrHrHC^CNCOCO^^COF^OOCN^COGOOCO^COOOCSOCNICNCOOCNOSCirHOOOCOt^OOSt^ ' rH i-H i-H rH rH CN CN CO* Tl< TJ< >p' CO t^ OS OOCNCOCOOOCN'!}(T} -COO5t>.iO^CO'OOO CN i>; CN os_ q co rn rH rH rH rH CN CN CO CO Tf *OjO_ '- ' ' rHrHrHCNCJCNCO'cOTti I rH rH > rH*3 > rH < rH C rH"rH > CN CN*CN < CN'cO Co'co'oo'-^ ^^^iTuj IrrirrcO ^.OOOSOrHCNfO^iOtOOOOeN-^fOCOO Ratios of Areas for Given Diameters of Steam and Water Pistons "0-2 VH DIAMETER OF STEAM CYLINDERS ils 3 4 4* 5 6 * 7 It 8 si 10 12 . 23.09 40.93 51.82 64.00 77.41 92.16 96.02 125.82 148.82 163.84 184.94 256.00 368.43 a 16.00 28.44 35.99 44.44 53.76 64.00 66.69 87.11 103.37 113.77 128.45 177.77 256. 00 g 11.75 20.90 26.44 32.65 39.49 47.02 48.99 63.99 75.93 83.59 94.36 130.61 188.10 9.00 16.00 20.24 25. 00 30.23 36.00 37.50 48.99 58.13 64.00 72.24 100.00 144.00 | 7.11 12.64 15.99 19.75 23.88 28.44 29.63 38.71 45.93 50.56 57.08 79.01 113.78 I 5.76 10.24 12.95 16. 00 19.35 23.04 24.00 31.36 37.21 40.96 46.24 64.00 92.17 4.76 8.47 10.70 13.22 15.99 19.041 19.83 25.91 30.74 33.85 38.20 52.89 76.17 i. 4.00 7.11 8.99 11.11 13.44 16.00 16.67 21.77 25.84 28.44 32.11 44.44 64.00 I 3.40 6.06 7.66 9.46 11.45 13.63 14.20 18.55 22.01 24.23 27.35 37.87 54.54 a 2.93 5.22 6.61 8.16 9 87 11.75 12.24 16.00 18.09 20.90 23.59 32.65 47.02 I 2.5o 4.55 5.75 7.11 8.60 10.24 10.67 13.93 16.53 18.20 20.55 28.44 40.96 2 2.25 4.00 5.06 6.25 7.56 9.00 9.37 12.25 14.53 1600 18.06 25.00 36.00 1.77 3.15 3.99 4.93 5.97 7.11 7.40 9.67 11.48 12.64 14.27 19.75 28.44 1.44 2 06 3.23 4.00 4.83 5.76 6.00 7.84 9.30 10.24 11.56 16.00 23.04 1.19 2.11 2.69 3.30 3 99 4.76 4.96 6.47 7.68 8.46 9.55 13.22 19.04 3 1.00 1.77 2.24 2.77 3.36 4.00 4.16 5.44 6.46 7.11 8.02 11.11 16.00 3i .85 1.51 1.91 2.37 2.86 3.40 3.55 4.63 5.50 6.06 6.84 9.46 13.63 .73 1.30 1.65 2.04 2.46 2.93 3.06 4.00 4.74 5.22 5.89 8.16 11.75 31 .64 1.13 1.44 1.77 2.15 2.56 2.66 3.48 . 4.13 4,55 5.13 7.11 10.24 4 .56 1.00 1.26 1.5f 1.89 2.25 2.34 3.06 3.63 4.00 4.51 6.25 9.00 *J .49 .88 1.12 1.38 1.67 .99 2.07 2.71 3 22 3.54 4.00 5.53 7.97 4 * .44 .79 1.00 1.23 1.49 .77 1.85 2.42 2.87 3.15 3.35 4.93 7.11 3 .39 .70 .89 1.10 1.34 .59 1.66 2.17 2.57 2.83 3.20 4.43 6.38 5 .36 .64 .80 1.00 1.20 .44 1.50 1.96 2.32 2.56 2.89 4.00 5.76 91 .29 .52 .66 .82 1.00 .19 1.24 1.62 1.92 2.11 2.38 3.30 4 76 6 .25 .44 .56 .69 .84 .00 1.04 1.36 1.61 1.77 2.00 2.77 4.00 ''' .37 .47 .59 .71 .85 .88 1.15 1.37 1.51 1.71 2.37 3.40 7 .33 .41 .51 .61 .73 .76 1.00 1.18 1.30 1.47 2.04 2.93 7i 21 .35 .44 .53 .64 .66 .87 1.03 1.13 1.28 .77 2.56 8 !25 .31 .39 .47 .56 .58 .76 .90 1.00 1.12 .56 2.25 8^~ 28 .34 41 49 51 67 .80 88 1 00 38 99 9"* i24 .30 !37 '.44 !46 '.60 .71 .79 .89 .23 .77 9o .27 .32 .39 .41 .54 .64 70 80 11 .59 10 30 36 !37 !48 .58 .64 .72 .00 .44 10i .27 32 34 44 52 .58 .65 90 30 ll" !29 !31 !40 '.48 .52 .59 .82 .19 12 .25 .26 .34 .40 .46 .50 .69 .00 13 28 .34 .37 .42 .59 .85 14 .25 .29 .35 .36 .51 .73 15 .25 .28 .32 .44 .64 16 .25 .28 .39 .56 17 .25 .34 .49 18 .30 .44 20 .25 .35 22 .29 24 .24 26 28 30 3 4 4i 5 5* 6 * 7 71 8. 8J 10 12 mrrr- UNION S T E_AM PUMP COM PANV Ratios of Areas For Given Diameter of and Water Pistons Continued Steam DIAMETER OF STEAM CYLINDERS Us 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 501 92 348.51 455.11 256 00 334 37 1 196! 00 256.00 324.00 400.00 Jl 154.87 202.27 256 00 316 05 1 125.45 163.86 207. 38 256.00 369! 81 I 103.66 135.41 171.47 211.39 256.00 J . 87 11 113.77 144 00 177.77 215 11 256 66 j . 74^24 96.96 122.72 151.54 183.37 218.22 ; 64.00 83.59 105.79 130.61 158.05 188. 10 226! 7i ....... | 55 75 72.82 92.16 113.78 137.67 163.85 192.29 2 49.03 64.00 81.00 100.00 121.00 144. OG 1C9.00 196.00 225.00 256. GO 38.71 50.56 64.00 79.01 95.60 113.78 131.56 154.87 177.77 202.27 31.36 40.96 51.84 64.00 77.44 92.16 108.01 125.44 144.00 163.84 'l84.'97 ....... 25.91 33.85 42.84 52.89 64.00 76.17 89.39 103.66 119.01 135. 41 152.86 3 21.77 28.44 36.00 44.44 53.77 64.00 75.11 87.11 100.00 113.77 128.44 iiiioo' 8} 18.56 24.23 30.67 37.87 45.83 54.54 64.00 74.24 85.22 96.96 109.46 122.72 S* 16.00 20.90 26.44 32.65 39.42 47.02 55.18 64.00 73.47 83.59 94.36 105. 79 3f 13.93 18.20 23.04 28.44 34.42 40.96 48.07 55.75 64.00 72.82 82.21 92.16 4 12.25 16.00 20.25 25.00 30.25 36.00 42.25 49.00 56.25 64.00 72.25 81.00 10.85 14.17 17.93 22.14 26.79 31.89 37.43 43.41 46.51 56.69 64.00 71.76 4| 9.67 12.64 16.00 19.75 23.90 28.44 33.33 38.71 44.44 50.56 57.08 64.00 8.68 11.34 14.36 17.73 21.45 25.53 29.96 34.75 39.89 45.38 51.24 57.44 5* 7.84 10.24 12.96 16.00 1.19 23.04 27.04 31.36 36.00 40.96 46.24 51.84 5i 6.47 8.46 10.71 13.22 16.00 19.04 22.2,3 25.91 29.75 33.85 38.21 42.84 6 5.44 7.11 9.00 11.11 13.44 16.00 18.77 21.77 25.00 28.44 32.11 36.00 4.63 6.06 7.66 9.46 11.45 13.63 16.00 18.56 21.30 24.23 27.36 30.67 7 4.00 5.22 6.61 8.16 9.87 11.75 13.79 16.00 18.37 20.90 23.59 26.44 3.48 4.55 5.76 7.11 8.60 10.24 12.00 13.93 16.00 18.20 20.55 23.04 8 3.06 4.00 5.06 6.25 7.25 9.00 10.56 12.25 14.06 16.00 18.06 20.25 8} 2.71 3.54 4.48 5.53 6.69 7.97 9.35 10.85 12.45 14.17 16.00 17.92 9 2.41 3.15 4.00 4.93 5.85 7.11 8.34 9.67 11.11 12.64 14.27 16.00 2.17 2.83 3.59 4.43 5.36 6.38 7.49 8.68 9.97 11.34 12.88 14.36 10 1.96 2.56 3.24 4.03 4.84 5.76 6.76 7.84 9.00 10.24 11.56 12.96 10i 1.77 2.32 2.93 3.62 4.38 5.22 6.13 7.11 8.16 9.26 10.48 11.75 11 1.62 2.11 2.67 3.30 4.00 4.76 5.58 6.47 7.43 8.46 9.55 10.71 12 1.36 1.77 2.25 2.77 3.36 4.00 4.67 5.44 6.25 7.11 8.02 9.00 13 1.16 1.51 1.91 2.37 2.86 3.40 4.00 4.63 5.32 6.06 6.83 7.66 14 1.00 1.30 .65 2.04 2.46 2.93 3*. 44 4.00 4.59 5.22 5.89 6.61 15 .87 1.13 .44 1.77 2.13 2.56 3.00 3.48 4.00 4.55 5.13 5.76 16 .76 1.00 .26 1.56 1.89 2.25 2.64 3.06 3.51 4.00 4.51 5.06 17 .67 .88 .12 1.38 1.67 1.99 2.34 2.71 3.11 3.54 4.00 4.48 18 .60 .79 .00 1.23 1.49 1.77 2.08 2.41 2.77 3.15 3.56 4.00 20 .48 .63 .81 1.00 1.21 1.43 1.69 1.96 2.25 2.56 2.89 3.24 22 .40 .52 .66 .82 1.00 1.18 1.39 1.61 1.85 2.11 2.38 2.67 24 .34 .44 .56 .69 .84 1.00 1.17 1.36 1.56 1.77 2.00 2.25 26 .28 .37 .47 .59 .71 .85 1.00 1.15 1.33 1.51 1.71 1.91 28 .24 .32 .41 .51 .61 .73 .86 1.00 1.14 1.30 1.47 1.65 30 .28 .35 44 .5$ .63 .75 .87 1,00 1.13 1.28 1.44 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 308 BATTLE CREEK. M I C H I G AN . U. S . 1 Valve Area The valve area of a pump, which is generally expressed as a percentage of the water piston area, is the ratio of the total area of the effective suction or discharge valves on one stroke of the piston to the area of the water piston. The valve area is generally taken as the area through the valve seat on the assumption that the valve will lift a sufficient amount, so that the area measured at the periphery of the valve will be equivalent to the area of the opening in the valve seat. In a direct acting pump, there is generally the same number of suction valves and discharge valves, hence, valve area may refer to either suction or discharge area. The valve area of pumps varies with the conditions of service; vacuum pumps, which handle a large percent of air are generally given a valve area of 25 to 30 per cent. Boiler feed pumps generally have a valve area of 35 to 45 per cent. Pumps operating at 100 feet piston travel, and handling large volumes of water are generally given a valve area of 40 to 50 per cent. Elevator pumps, which usually operate at high speeds, have a valve area of 50 to 75 per cent. Pump Valves Direct acting pumps are generally fitted with rubber valves or bro:ize valves, depending on the service. Medium rubber valves are used on pumps operating on low pressures up to ICO Ibs.per square inch for handling cold water- Fig. 124 Scat with Rubber Valve and one- piece Bolt. Fig. 125 Seat with Rubber Valve and Bolt with Removable Guard LAND CONDENSERS -FOR EVERY SERVICE ffiyyyyffn TCT jnTfl^Tfy^.'^ v^ 1 onrT^ir?nr^Tinry^rEnJ^^ BTrgw^~E~\rir ir^ v .. >, -a - g^v^-ysrsryTg'y^'w wV^- 309 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Medium rubber valves are also used on wet vacuum pumps operating on a high vacuum. Hard rubber valves are used on pumps operating on 75 pounds to 200 pounds pressure per square inch, handling hot or cold water, and on vacuum heating pumps. Pumps handling very hot water j210 to 212 re- quire special rubber valves, or bronze valves. Figure 124 illustrates the rubber valve and its guard, seat, bolt and spring. The valve is guided by the bolt, which screws into the seat on a taper thread, and a bronze or iron guard is provided on top of the rubber valve in a bearing for the spring. The head of the valve bolt provides an upper guard for the spring. This head may be cast as part of the bolt, as shown in figure 124 or may be separate as shown in figure 126. The bolt with the removable guard is the type furnished for hand plate cylinders. The valve springs are bronze or steel, depending on how the pump is fitted. Rubber valves such as shown in figure 124 can easily be re -faced when worn. Fig. 126 Seat with Bronze Flat Disc Valve, and Bolt with Removable Guard Bronze Valves For pumps operating on 250 to 300 pounds, bronze dis- charge valves of the type shown in figure 126 are used. This type of valve can be easily inserted in place of the rubber valve if desired, and can be ground to a good seat. PUMPING MACHINER.Y, AIR 310 Fig. 127. Bevel Seat Wing Valve. Beveled Seat Wing Valves For high pressure pumps, the wing valve shown in figure 1 27 is used. This valve has a conical seat, and is provided with four wings, which guide the valve in its seat. This type of valve as a rule has a comparatively low lift, and can be easily ground to a seat under pressures up to 5000 Doundsper square inch. Fig. 128 Clapper Valve Clapper Valves For handling thick liquids, such as tar, molasses etc., valves with larger opening are necessary. For this purpose clapper valves may be used (see figure 128). The seat is generally made in the form of a rectangular opening in the valve deck, and the valve is ground to its seat and hinged. Ball Valves The ball valve is another and the more common type of valve used for handling thick liquids. This type of valve gives a free opening for the passage of the liquid. The ball valve illustrated in figure 129 consists of a hollow ball made of either bronze or iron. The valve seat or cage may be screwed in place of a regular valve seat. The lift of the ball valve is limited by a cap, which screws into the top of the cage. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 311 u u N I O N STE AM P UM P COM PANY ; Fig. 129 Ball Valve and Cage. Fluid Piston and Plunger A fluid piston is generally regarded as a piston packed with either a fibrous material, or provided with metallic rings. A fluid piston generally works in a liner, either of bronze or iron depending upon the service. The packed piston is extensively used, where the water or liquid to be pumped contains no grit or sand. Figure 130a shows a piston packed with a fibrous material, such as is used on standard pumps. Fig. 130b. Fluid Piston with Ring-Grooved Packing Fig. 130a. Fluid Piston with Fibrous Packing. Fig. 204. Fluid Piston with Three-Ring Packing. 312 BAT T L E C"k EEJCl"Mi C H I G AN . Metallic Packing and Cup Leather Pistons For pumps handling oil, syrup and other liquids, the piston is generally packed with a solid grooved ring packing as shown in figure 130b. This ring is made a floating fit on the piston. Cup leather pistons, as illustrated in figure 130c are some- times used for handling cold oil and other liquids. A plunger is a long solid piston or barrel working in one or two stuffing boxes, which are packed with a fibrous material. Plungers may be end packed or center packed as described on pages 271-272. The chief advantage of the plunger pump is that any leakage by the plunger may be eliminated, while the pump is in operation. The plunger pump is particularly suited for handling water or liquids containing sand and grit, and also for pressure pumps. Stuffing Boxes Small size pumps are generally furnished with screwed stuffing boxes as shown in figure 131a. The customary type of stuffing box used on pumps is shown in figure 13lc which has a bolted gland. Pumps operating on a high vacuum require a water-sealed (b) Fig. 131 Sketch Showing Plain Screwed Stuffing Box (a); Screwed Type with Lantern Gland (b); and Bolted Type (c). Fig. 132 Open Pot Water Seal Stuffing Box. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 313 UNION STEAM PUMP stuffing box on the water end. Two types are used for this purpose, the ordinary stuffing box with a lantern gland shown in figure 131 (b) and the open pot water seal shown in figure 132. Pumps for Different Services Boiler Feed Pumps A Committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers recommended the unit of boiler power, known as the "Centennial Standard", and this is now generally accepted. They advised that the commercial horse power be taken as an evaporation of 30 pounds of water per hour from a feed water temperature of 100 of steam at 70 Ibs. per square inch gauge pressure. This is practically equivalent to 34 >^ units of evaporation, that is, the 34 > Ibs. of water evaporated from a feed-water temperature of 212 into steam at the same temperature. This "Centennial Standard" unit is equivalent to 33,317 British thermal units per hour. It was the opinion of this committee that a boiler rated at any stated power should be capable of developing that power with easy firing, moderate draft, and ordinary fuel, while ex- hibiting good economy; and at times when maximum economy is not the most important object to be attained, at least one third more than its rated power, to meet emergencies. In calculating the size of a boiler feed pump it should be based on 34> Ibs. of water per horse power per hour, and should handle the rated boiler horse power when operating at a slow speed. If the pump is calculated large enough so that it will operate at a slow speed, then in case of emergency it can be speeded up to take care of any deficiencies or overload that may be required of the boilers. The types of pumps used for boiler feed service are either piston pumps, center packed plunger pumps, end packed plunger pumps, or centrifugal pumps. They should be com- pound where economy is essential, or vertical where floor space is limited. Boiler feed pumps as a rule exhaust into a feed water heater. Thus the latent heat of the exhaust steam is recovered, and the heat expended in pumping the water into the boilers amounts to practically nothing. The following tables give the size of simplex and duplex boiler feed pumps, and the capacities and H. P. boilers they are suitable for at various speeds. J ,,,iLijaaffia*a-""'"'"M* J "'* a * aal ''"^*^ a " aj - s ^^ f^M^rc G 'M _A C H I N E RY^^R^OM PR^S^S O RS 314 B ATT LE C RE EK. MIC HIGAN. U. s. A. ii Table of boiler horse-power capacities of Simplex Pumps at various speeds based on 34}/ pounds per horse-power per hour. The maximum, speed recom- mended for boiler-feed pumps is given in the table on page 292. STROKES PER MINUTE 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 Size of Pump Boile r Horse-Pen ver Pumps Will Feed 3 x l^x 3 18 ?.? 27 3x2x3 4 x 2i^x 33^ ' '32' 38 23 43 29 54 35 65 4 x 2j^x 5 5x3x6 5^x 334* 7 6^x 4x8 7 x 4^x10 7 x 5 xlO 83-^x 5 xlO 8^x 53/xlO 10 x 6 x!2 10 x 63^x12 12 x 7 - x!2 "53 85 126 200 245 245 295 425 500 580 38 66 106 158 250 308 308 370 530 685 725 46 80 126 190 300 370 370 445 635 750 870 5i 93 147 220 350 430 430 520 745 875 1020 62 106 168 253 400 490 490 595 850 1000 1160 77 132 210 315 500 6U 615 740 92 160 253 378 12 x 734x12 12 x 8 x!2 14 x 8 x!2 14 x 8^x12 12 x 7 x!6 12 x 73^x16 12 x 8 x!6 665 755 755 850 770 885 1010 830 945 945 1070 970 1110 1260 1000 1135 1135 1280 1160 1330 1510 11GO 1320 1320 1500 J350 1550 1760 1330 1500 1500 1720 1540 1780 2020 .... 14 x 8 x!6 14 x 8^x16 1010 1140 1260 1420 1510 1710 1760 2000 2020 2280 14 x 9 x!6 1275 1600 1920 2240 2550 16 xlO x!6 1580 1980 2375 2760 3150 18 x!2 x!6 2275 2850 3400 4000 4500 20 x!4 x!6 3100 3875 4650 5400 6200 18 x!2 x20 2840 3550 4250 5000 20 x!4 x20 3850 4820 5800 6750 24 x!6 x20 5050 6300 7500 8850 26 x!8 x20 6400 8000 9600 11200 30 x20 x24 9500 11900 14200 16600 Table of boiler horse-power capacities of Duplex Pumps at various speeds based on 34J^ pounds per horse-power per hour. The maximum speed recom- mended for boiler-feed pumps is given in the table on page 292. STROKES PER MINUTE* 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 Size of Pump \ Boiler Horse-Power Pumps Will Feed 2^x iy 2 x 3 3x2x3 4Hx 23/^x 4 5Mx 33^x 5 6x4x6 73^x 5x6 7^x 5x8 7^x 4^x10 9 x 534x10 10 x 6 xlO 10 x 6 x!2 10 x 7 xlO 12 x 7 x!2 12 x 8^x12 14 x 83^x12 14 xlO x!2 16 xlO x!2 23 59 120 188 290 390 395 540 700 850 960 1160 1700 1700 2370 2370 29 74 150 235 360 490 495 675 880 1060 1200 1450 2140 2140 2950 2950 20 35 89 180 280 435 590 590 810 1060 1270 1450 1740 2560 2560 3550 3550 23 41 100 210 330 510 690 690 950 1220 1490 1680 2040 3000 3000 4150 4150 26 47 118 240 375 590 785 790 1080 1400 1700 1925 2320 3440 3440 4720 4720 33 58 148 300 470 725 985 40 70 178 360 560 870 1180 *Each side. | AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE ] 315 L u N 10 N ST E AM P UM P CO MPANY l| Feed Pumps and Receivers The receiver and pump is a desirable outfit for use in drain- ing heaters, radiators, steam coils and steam jackets, and to force the water of condensation in its hottest condition direct to the boilers. This arrangement is entirely automatic in its action. Figure 133 illustrates the feed pump and receiver. Fig. 133 Automatic Pump and Receiver. The condensed steam enters at the top and flows by 'gravity into the receiver, which is provided with a float-control steam valve. As the float rises or falls, the speed of the pump is regulated, and the water is kept at a constant level in the receiver. Should it be desired that this arrangement be the sole means of feeding the boilers, make-up water should be introduced directly into the receiver from which it is pumped into the boilers. The size of the pump is calculated on the basis of one-half pound of steam condensed per hour per square foot of direct radiating surface. Water Works Pumps For water work service, direct acting pumps of either the piston or plunger pattern are used. As a rule a pump for this service is furnished with a compound steam end, as economy is generally of prime importance. Water works pumps generally are controlled by a governor, which keeps the water pressure practically constant. S PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS . li .. yfutf , BUitutt ,u U ,...u gBt , Ba i^iuu^.^.>i ltff tiutiituii. 316 Mine Pumps For mine service, two kinds of pumps are used, the sinking pump, and the station pump. In sinking a mine, the first pump used is a sinking pump, illustrated in figure 134, which is of the center packed plunger type, and is so constructed that it can be lowered down in the mine shaft. It is secured to two steel hangers for hooking over a beam. Fig 134 Vertu al Sinking Pump. UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY 1 This pump is admirably adapted for this service, as it is very compact, and the valve gear and yoke are entirely enclosed, protecting it from falling rocks. When a desired depth is reached in sinking the mine shaft, a chamber is cut out, and a station pump installed, which may be of the side plate piston pattern, as illustrated in figure 135, or of the pot valve plunger pattern, as illustrated in figure 109a. A sump is provided into which the sinking pump delivers the water, and the station pump takes the water from the sump , and elevates to the surface. Fig. 135 Horizontal Mine Pump, Piston Pattern. Fig. 109a Pot Valve Plunger Pump. Elevator Pumps Direct acting pumps are used extensively for supplying water to hydraulic elevators. These pumps may be of either the piston or plunger pattern, and have simple or compound steam cylinders depending upon conditions. Figure 136 illus- trates a compound center packed plunger elevator pump. 318 | BATTLE C REE K. M ICH IG AN. U. S. A. 4 Fig. 136 Compound Center-Packed Plunger Elevator Pump. Direct acting pumps are particularly suited for elevator service, as they are compact, occupy a small floor space, and are ready to start from any position as soon as steam is admitted to the cylinder. They merely require a pressure regulator or governor that keeps the pressure in the discharge tank uniform. Any sudden demand will lower the pressure in the discharge tank sufficiently to start the pump, and any stoppage of the elevator will increase the pressure in the discharge tank sufficiently to stop the pump. Elevator pumps use the same water over and over again, and two tanks are provided for this purpose; a surge or succion tank, and a compression or discharge tank. The surge tank is generally located in the basement, and it may be closed or open. The discharge tank may also be of the closed or open type. If a closed or compression tank is used, the pump is controlled by a pressure regulator. The open tank is generally located in the roof, and the pump is controlled by a float. Vacuum Pumps For maintaining vacuums of 26 " and less, the direct acting vacuum pump in the simplex type is used extensively. Duplex pumps are not suitable for vacuum service, as they short stroke. AN D C O N D EN S JE RS^JFjDR^ E , V E RY S E , RV I C E 319 There being no resistance at the beginning of the stroke, except friction, one piston of a duplex pump would move rapidly for- ward, and throw the valve of the opposite pump before the piston of the opposite pump would have a chance to finish its stroke. The result would be a short stroke, and a low efficiency of the pump. For these reasons the simplex pump is used for vacuum service. In this type, the piston cannot reverse until it has completed its stroke, and the result is an efficient and positive acting vacuum pump. Vacuum pumps are divided into two classes, high vacuum and low vacuum. To the former class belong those used for condensing work etc., where a vacuum of 26 " is required, and to the latter class belong those used for heating systems etc., where a low vacuum of 10 * to 20 " is required. High Vacuum Pumps High vacuum pumps, which have small clearance, are pro- vided with soft rubber valves, and have a water sealed stuffing box of either the lantern type or open pot type, as illustrated on page 313. This type of pump shown in figure 137a is used extensively in connection with jet and surface condensers, and vacuum pans, in removing the air and condensate. The method of calculating the size vacuum pump to iise in connection with jet and surface condensers has been clearly shown in Section Two on condensers. Fig. 137a Inverted Suction Valve High Vacuum Pump. 320 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, U. S. A. Fig. 137b Section through Inverted Suction Valve, High Vacuum Pump. Evaporation in a Vacuum In sugar factories, as well as chemical plants and other industries, the modern method employed for concentrating liquors is by boiling them in a vacuum. The advantages of evaporating in a vacuum over evaporating at atmospheric pressure are, first, that in a vacuum all liquids boil and evaporate at lower temperatures than under atmos pheric pressure, thus there is a greater difference in temperature between the heating steam, and the boiling liquid, and con- sequently a much greater heat transmission. Liquids that boil at high temperatures can generally not be evaporated under atmospheric pressure by means of high steam pressure, since steam would be required- of such high temperatures and pressures, that its application would be dangerous. The boiling points of these liquids fall, when evaporated in "a vacuum, so that steam of moderate pressures may be used. The second advantage of boiling in a vacuum is that the liquid does not become as hot as at atmospheric pressure, and that also the heating surfaces, since steam of a lower pressure is used, are kept at a lower temperature. In most industries evaporating liquids, such as milk, gelatin, albumin etc., it is necessary in order not to discolor the liquids, that they be evapor- ated at low temperatures. The ordinary form of vacuum pan comprises a spherical or cylindrical vessel, the lower portion of which is steam jacketed, and fitted with steam heating coils. At the upper portion of the vessel is a dome, which communicates through an exhaust pipe, provided with a liquor trap with a condenser, which in turn is connected with a vacuum pump. The steam. and vapor given off from a charge of boiling liquor passes along the exhaust pipe to the condenser where it is condensed. Any liquor that might AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY 1 pass over with the vapor, due to priming, falls in the liquor trap from which it is returned to the pan. In order to maintain a vacuum in the pan, it is necessary to remove the air which enters the condenser from the liquid, from the cooling water, and through leaks. For this purpose a vacuum pump is provided, which is connected to the condenser. Vacuum pans may be arranged to operate on either the dry or wet system. When the dry system is employed, the pan is fitted with a barometric condenser, and the vacuum pump handles only the noncondensable vapors. For this purpose a dry vacuum pump of the fly wheel type, as shown in figure 91, is generally used. There are installations, however, operating on the dry system, which employ a wet vacuum pump, either of the fly wheel type, as shown in figure 176 or of the direct acting type, as shown in figure 137a. In cases of this kind the vacuum pump handles only the noncondensable vapors, and it is provided with a small quantity of charging water for sealing the valves. Figure 138 illustrates a vacuum pump with a barometric condenser operating on the dry system with a direct acting vacuum pump. The vacuum in the pans operating on the dry system varies up to 28 ", this factor depending upon the nature of the liquid to be evaporated. Vacuum pans operating on the wet system are fitted with low level jet condensers, and the vacuum pump has to handle both the condensing water and the noncondensable vapors. For this service the vacuum pump is of the wet type, as shown in figure 137a, or of the fly wheel type as shown in figures 176 178. Vacuum pans operating on the wet system generally carry vacuum of 25" to 26 ". The displacement of the vacuum pump for use with a vacuum pan on the wet or dry system is based on the amount of liquor to be evaporated. The following figures give the approximate displacement of the vacuum pump based on the liquor to be evaporated. Wet System 25 * of vacuum 601 26 "of vacuum 70-1 322 1- B A TTT F, C REEK, M 1CH IGAN, U. S. A. 3 Dry Sysiem 25 " of vacuum 31-1 26 " of vacuum 37^-1 27 // of vacuum 47-1 28 " of vacuum 551 The amount of steam required to evaporate various quanti- ties of liquor, and the number of gallons of cooling water for condensing purposes is given in the table on page 329. iL Fig. 138 Cut Showing a Vacuum Pan with Equipment of Pumps Operating on the Dry Sys.em with a Wet Vacuum Pump. Multiple Effect Evaporator Instead of evaporating a liquid in a single effect vacuum pan, quite often the process is distributed through several effects, two, three or four, with the result that there is a large saving made in the consumption of steam required to evaporate the liquor and consequently in the fuel necessary for the production of steam. This saving is more marked when the liquid to be concentrated is of a low density. AND CONDENSERS:,FOR EVERY SERVICE 323 324 The principle upon which the multiple effect pan works is the well known physical law that the latent heat of vapor is given off in condensing to a liquid, while the sensible heat is retained. Hence the employment of either live steam from the boiler or exhaust steam from the engine for heating the first pan or effect, and that resulting from the evaporation of the liquid itself that is introduced into the apparatus for con- centration for heating the succeeding pans or effects, each effect after the first thus forming a condenser to the previous one, and its condensing power regulates the evaporating capacity of the other. The principle of operation of a multiple effect evaporator is clearly shown in figure 139, which illustrates a diagrammat- ical view of a triple effect evapprator. These pans, which are cylindrical, are provided with two tube plates, one of which is set in the lower end of the pan, and the other at about the center of the pan. The space between the tube plates forms a calandria, or heating chamber L into which steam is introduced for heating purposes. G are tubes secured in the tube heads, which form communication between the upper or lower portions of the pan. From the diagram it can be seen that the liquid to be evaporated circulates above and below the tube plates, and through the tubes, while the steam or heating vapor circulates between the tube plates, and around the exterior of the tubes. The vacuum pans No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 are partially filled with liquor, thus leaving in the upper part of each a space for receiving the vapor produced by the evaporation of the liquor. These spaces are connected by pipes A in the case of the pans No. 1 and No. 2 with the heating space L of the pan next in order, and in that of the last pan No. 3 with the condenser P, in which the vapors are condensed, and the air is drawn off by the air pump. The connecting pipes A between the pans are fitted with traps H to catch any of the liquor which might pass over with the vapor through priming, pipes S returning any liquor carried over from the traps to the pans. The liquor spaces of the calandria of the three pans are connected together by pipes K. C is the steam supply pipe to the heating space of the first pan No. 1, and B is the pipe for charging the first pan with liquor to be concentrated. T is a pipe which is connected by a suitable branch to a well in. the bottom of each of the three effects, and by KKiaaH^^en|jnai3:^nac^auaaai2QiMci3ijai^anE^^aL^EC^n^^^^^^^S^^^^M^Si^^1 AN D > co 7 .648 1 . 6520 64.8 129.6 157. 3 66 .9 39 .3 58 .666 1.6715 66.7 133.4 160. 68 .0 40 .1 59 .686 .6910 68.6 137.2 162. 8 69 .2 40 .7 60 .706 .7110 70.6 141.2 165. 5 70 .4 41 .4 61 .726 .7315 72.6 145.2 168. 3 71 .5 42 .1 62 .747 .7525 74.7 149.4 171. 72 7 42 .8 613 .768 .7740 76.8 153.6 173. 8 73 .8 43 .4 64 .790 .7950 79.0 158.0 176. 5 75 .0 44 .1 65 .812 .8185 81.2 162.4 179. 3 76 .2 .... 44 .8 66 .835 .8420 83.5 167.0 182 77 .4 .... 45 .5 67 .859 .8660 85.9 171.8 184. 8 78 .6 46 .2 68 .883 .8910 88.3 176.6 187. 5 79 .7 46 .9 69 .907 .9151 90.7 181.4 190. 2 80 .9 47 .G 70 .933 .9410 93.3 186.6 193. 82 .1 48 .3 72.5 2.000 2.0085 100.0 200.0 200. 85 .0.... 50 .0 irTTTnr^Tnrir MAC 334 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. U.S.A. Low Vacuum Pumps Low vacuum pumps are mostly use a on vacuum heating systems. This type of pump illustrated in figure 141a, when connected to the return pipe of a heating system, insures a positive circulation of steam throughout the system, and does away with the annoying cracking or hammering in the pipe line. This application not only increases the efficiency of the system, but greatly reduces the cost of operation, and returns the condensed steam at a high temperature for feeding back to the boilers. Fig. 141a Low Vacuum Pump Fig. 141b Section through Vacuum Cylinder of Low Vacuum Pump AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERT SERVICE 335 } UN I O N ST E AM P UM P C O M PANY J The low vacuum pump, however, is not intended to deliver the water of condensation directly to the boilers, but should de- liver to an open heater, or tank, and the water may then be re- turned directly to the boiler by means of a regular boiler feed pump. Where there is no heater, the vacuum pump may dis- charge into the receiver of an automatic pump and receiver as described on page 316. The condensate is then automatically returned to the boilers without further attention. Figure 142 illustrates a diagram of a vacuum heating system, and the vacuum pump and boiler feed pump connections are clearly shown. Direct and Indirect Radiation Hot water and steam heating systems are classified accord- ingly to the position and manner in which the radiators are used. The system which is probably the most familiar is the one where- in the radiators are placed directly within the space to be heated. This heating is accomplished by direct radiation, and by air con- vection currents through the radiator, no provision being made for a change of air in the room. This is known as a direct system, and while it causes movements of the air in the room, it produces no real ventilation. In the indirect system, the heat radiating elementis erected somewhat distant from the rooms to be heated, and ducts carry the heated air from the radiator to the rooms heated either by natural convection, or by means of fan or blower pressure. When the radiating element of a building is installed together in one room of the building, and each room has its share of the heat forced to it through ducts from one centralized fan or blower, the system is called a Plenum System. Steam Required for Heating Systems In calculating the steam capacity necessary for heating systems, it is assumed that a boiler horse power is equivalent to the evaporation of 34^ pounds of water from and at 212. Since the evaporation of one pound of water from and at 212 . requires 966 heat units, one boiler horse power is equivalent to 33,317 heat units. For heating purposes, a more convenient standard of power is the number of square feet of radiating surface. Carpenter 336 AND CONDENSERS. FOR EVERY' SERyiCB 337 says that each square foot of direct radiating surface gives off 220-280 heat units per hour, when the difference of temperature is 150, which is that usually existing in low pressure steam heat- ing. About two-thirds as much is given off by one square foot of hot water radiating surface. As the evaporation of one pound of water requires 966 heat units, there is evaporated about one-third of a pound of steam for each square foot of steam radiating surface per hour, hence, one boiler, horse pow.er will be sufficient to supply somewhat more than one hundred square feet of direct radiating surface; that is we can consider the boiler horse power as equal to 100 square feet of direct steam radiation with sufficient allowance to meet ordinary losses. In the indirect system of heating provided with blower, the heater will condense under average conditions one pound of water per square foot of surface per hour. The boiler capacity required is usually rated on the supposition that it will need to supply 1.5 pounds of steam for each square foot of surface in the radiator per hour, in which case 23 square feet of surface would be supplied by one boiler horse power. Size of Pump for Heating System To determine the size of vacuum pump to use in connection with the vacuum heating system, it is customary to allow one pound of condensation for each square foot of direct radiation per hour, and to make the pump displacement four to five times this amount, and to take care of both the air and condensate in the system, the pump should handle this capacity, when oper- ating at the speed recommended on page 292. The size of steam cylinder to operate a vacuum pump may be calculated by assuming the vacuum cylinder works against 15 to 20 pounds pressure and a mechanical efficiency of 50 per- cent. Example Assume we have a vacuum heating system containing 30,000 square feet of direct radiation, and it is desired to find the size vacuum pump to use. Steam pressure available 100 pounds. S^c^^^^^a^S^^^^^fM^xxiaD^a^KK^a^x^^^aac^i^Es^^TLxi^S^^naa^^g^^^^^ PUMPINGMAGHINER^VAIR^COMPRE^S O RS 338 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, U. S. A. Solution 30,000 X 1 =30,000 pounds of steam per hour. ! =60 gallons per minute of 'condensation. 8.3X60 Now allow the pump displacement of five to one, the pump must have a displacement of 5X60, or 300 gallons per minute. Assuming a piston speed of 100 feet per minute (see page 292 for speeds recommended for vacuum pumps) by formula 51, page 293, the diameter of the vacuum piston will be "300 =4.95^- 100 The nearest commercial size is 9" diameter, and the stand- ard stroke is 12". Now having the diameter of the vacuum cylinder, we may calculate the load on the vacuum piston thusly, Area of 9" piston =63 square inches. 63X20=1260 pounds total pressure. With the assumed mechanical efficiency of 50 %, the load required on the steam piston will be 1260 =2520 pounds .50 "and with 100 pounds steam pressure, the diameter of the steam piston will be 2520 =25.2 Square inches = Area of 5^ inch piston. The nearest commercial size is 6 ", so the size of the vacuury pump is then 6X9X12. In calculating the size of the steam cylinder to use on a vacuum pump, the minimum steam pressure to be carried should be used, and the discharge head, including frictional losses should be taken into consideration. For heating systems where the steam pressure runs from 10 to 20 pounds, the steam cylinder of the vacuum pump should be calculated amply large on account of the fact that the con- densation is excessive. Electrically driven Pumps are gener- ally used where the steam pressure is low. The following table gives the square feet of external radia- tion for different sizes of pipe. 339 Square Feet of Radiating Surface of Pipe per Lineal Foot On all lengths over one foot, fractions less than tenths are added to or dropped. Size of Pipe Sp- H 1 1M i l A 2 2j^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 275 .346 434 .494 .622 753 .916 1.175 1.455 1.739 1.996 2.257 2 5 7 9 1 1 ?, 1.5 - 1 8 2 4 2.9 3.5 4. 4 5 3 8 1. 1 3 1 5 1 9 ?, 3 2 7 3 5 4 4 5.2 6. 6 8 4 1.1 1.4 1.7 2 2.5 3. 3.6 4.7 5.8 7. 8. 9. 5 1.4 1.7 2.2 2.4 3.1 3.8 4.6 5.8 7.3 7.7 10. 11.3 6 1.6 2.1 2.6 2.9 3.7 4.5 5.5 7. 8.7 10.5 12. 13.5 7 1.9 2.4 3. 3.4 4.4 5.3 6.4 8.2 10.2 12.1 14. 15.8 8 2.2 2.8 3.5 3.9 5. 6. 7.3 9.4 11.6 13.9 16. 18.0 9 2.5 3.1 3.9 4.4 5.6 6.8 8.2 10.6 13.1 15.7 18. 20.3 10 2 7 3 5 4 3 4 9 6 ? 7 5 9 1 11 8 14 6 17.4 20. 9.?, 6 11 3. 3.8 4.8 5.4 6.8 8.3 10. 12.9 16. 19.1 22. 24.9 12 3.3 4.1 5.2 5.9 7.5 9. 11. 14.1 17.4 20.9 24. 27.1 13 3.6 4.5 5.6 6.4 8.1 9.8 11.9 15.3 18.9 22.6 26. 29.4 14 3.8 4.8 6.1 6.9 8.7 10.5 12.8 16.5 20.3 24.3 28. 31.6 15 4.1 5.2 6.5 7.4 9.3 11.3 13.7 17.6 21.8 26.1 30. 33.9 16 4.4 5.5 6.9 7.9 10. 12.0 14.6 18.8 23.2 27.8 32. 36.1 17 4.7 5.9 7.4 8.4 10. C 12.8 15.5 20. 24.7 29.5 34. 38.4 18 5. 6.2 7.8 8.9 11.2 13.5 16.5 21.2 26.2 31.3 36. 40.6 19 5 ? 6.6 8 3 9 4 11 8 14 3 17 4 22 3 27 6 33.1 38. 42 9 20 5.5 6.9 8.7 9.9 12.5 15. 18.3 23.5 29.1 34.8 40. 45.2 21 5.8 7.3 9.1 10.4 13. 15.8 19.2 24.7 30.5 36.5 42. 47.4 22 6. 7.6 9.6 10.9 13.7 16.5 20.2 25.9 32. 38.3 44. 49.7 23 6.3 8. 10. 11.3 14.3 17.3 21.1 27. 33.5 40. 46. 52. 24 6.6 8.3 10.4 11.9 14.9 18. 22. 28.2 34.9 41.7 48. 54.2 25 6.9 8.6 10.9 12.3 15.6 18.8 22 9 29.3 36.3 43.5 50. 56.4 26 7.1 9. 11.3 12.8 16.2 19.5 23.8 30.5 37.8 45.2 52. 58.6 27 7.4 9.4 11.7 13.3 16.8 20.3 24.7 31.7 39.3 47. 54. 61. 28 7.7 9.7 12.2 13.8 17.4 21. 25.6 32.9 40.7 48.7 56. 63.2 29 8. 10. 12.6 14.3 18. 21.8 26.6 34.1 42.2 50.4 58. 65.5 30 8.3 10.4 13. 14.8 18.7 22.5 27.5 35.3 43.6 52.1 60. 67.7 31 8.5 10.7 13.5 15.3 19.3 23.3 28.4 36.4 45.1 53.9 62. 70. 32 8.8 11.1 13.9 15.8 19.9 24.1 29.3 37.6 46.5 55.6 64. 72.2 33 9.1 11.4 14. 16.3 20.5 24.8 30.2 38.8 48. 57.4 66. 74.4 34 9.4 11.7 14. 16.8 21.2 25.6 31.1 40. 49.5 59.1 68. 76.7 35 9.6 12.1 15. 17.3 21.8 26.3 32. 41.1 50.9 60.8 70. 79. 36 9.9 12.5 15. 17.8 22.4 27. 33. 42.3 52.4 62.6 72. 81.3 37 10.2 12.8 16. 18.3 23. 27.8 33.9 43.5 53.8 64.3 74. 83.5 38 10.5 13.2 16. 18.8 23.7 28.5 34.8 44.6 55.2 66. 76. 85.8 39 10.7 13.5 16. 19.3 24.3 29.3 35.7 45.8 56.7 67.8 78. 88. 40 11. 13.8 17. 19.8 24.9 30.1 36.6 47. 58.2 69.5 80. 90.2 41 11.3 14.2 17. 20.3 25.5 30.8 37.6 48.2 59.6 71.3 82. 92.5 42 11.5 14.5 18. 20.8 26.1 31.6 38. 49.4 61.1 73. 81. 94.8 43 11.8 14.9 18. 21.3 26.8 32.3 39. 50.6 62.5 74.8 86. 97. 44 12.1 15.2 19. 21.8 27.4 33.1 40. 51 7 64. 76.5 88. 99.3 45 12.4 15.6 19. 22.2 28. 33.8 41. 52.9 65.5 78.2 90. 101.6 46 12.7 15.9 20. 22.7 28.6 34.6 42. 54. 67. 80. 92. 103.8 47 12.9 16.3 20.4 23.2 29 2 35.3 43. 55.2 68.4 81.7 94. 106. 48 13.2 16.6 20.8 23.7 29.9 36.1 43.9 56.4 69.8 83.5 96. 108.4 49 13.. 17. 21.3 24.2 30.5 36.8 44.8 57.6 71.2 85.1 98. 110.5 53 13.8 17.3 21.7 24.7 31.1 37.6 45.8 58.7 72.7 87. 100. 112.8 340 | B A T T L E C RE EK. M 1C H 1C AN. U. s. A Hydraulic Pressure Pumps Hydratilic pressure pumps are generally used with hydraulic presses, and accumulators in connection with hydraulic presses. For this work a pump of small capacity is generally required and the pressure against which it operates varies from 500 up to 5000 Ibs. per square inch. For pressures up to 2000 Ibs. per square inch the hydratilic pressure pump with cast iron cylinder is used, and for pressures above this a hydraulic pump with either a cast or forged steel cylinder is used. The purpose of the accumulator is to furnish a momentary demand for water, which the hydraulic pressure pumps can replenish, when the hydraulic press is not in operation. The accumulator thereby provides an elastic element in the system, which will maintain a constant supply to the presses, acting as a cushion against shocks, and giving the pump an opportunity to get in motion before there is any marked drop in pressure. Fig. 143. Sketch Showing Accumulator and Hydraulic Pressure Pump. The accumulator consists of a vertical cylinder, the upper end of which is provided with a stuffing box through which a plunger or ram works. This ram carries a platen loaded with heavy weights, which are equivalent to the area of the ram or plunger multiplied by the water pressure. Figure 143 illustrates an accumulator and a hydraulic pump. The governing device which operates the pump is so arranged that the pump will maintain the ram at its highest position. The steam line to the pump is fitted with a butter- fly valve, which is operated by a bal- anced lever. When the ram reaches its highest position, it trips the weight W, which isconnected to the chronometer valve, and stops the pump. When the demand for water increases, the ram descends, and with it the weight W, starting up the pump. Deep Well Pumps Figure 144 illustrates the type of pump used for non-flowing artesian, tubular, or bored wells, and for dug or driven wells, where the water does not rise to a sufficient height for the ordinary suction pump. The working barrel connected to the well engine consists of a bronze cylinder fitted with a cup leather plunger, and ball valves. The cylinder, which is single acting, is con- nected to the engine bed by means of a drop pipe, the flange of which is bolted to the discharge box. The plunger is generally driven by means of wooden rods made up in sections coupled together. When the deep well pump discharges into an elevated tank, in order to secure uni- form discharge from the well, a displace- ment plunger is generally used, which works through a stuffiing box. The dis- placement plunger should be made one- Fig. 144 na tf tne area f tne we H plunger to Deep Well Pump. secure uniform discharge. 342 BATTLE C R E E K MJLSJjyg. AN . U. S^A Milk Pumps For handling milk and other liquid food products, it is imperative that a strictly sanitary type .of pump should be used, figure 145a illustrates a direct acting milk pump. Figure 145b shows the construction of the liquor end. Fig. 145a Sanitary Pump. Fig. 145b Section of Milk End of Sanitary Pump. The milk end is a straight, smooth, tubular cylinder with no hidden parts, or inaccessible corners. The outer head is removable by turning four thumb nuts. The liquor piston, which is cast in the form of the letter H is machined to fit the bore of the cylinder. The ports are machined through the sides of the piston, and over each part is mounted a round flat- faced hinged valve. If it is desired to remove the valves, it is only necessary to remove the pins on which they swing. This pump is so constructed that it can be thoroughly cleaned in a few minuces time, as it is only necessary to remove one bolt from the crosshead. The entire assembled piston and valves can then be removed, and immersed in water. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 343 UNION S T E AM PUMP COMPANY Magma Pumps This type of pump is designed for handling thick and heavy liquids, such as massecuite, etc. The liquor cylinder is made without suction valves, and the material flows by gravity into the cylinder through a rectangular port. The discharge takes place at both ends of the cylinder through large flat faced valves, having free opening seats. These valves are located on the side of the cylinder, and they are easily accessible by the removal of the hand plates. Figure 146a illustrates the direct acting magma pump, and figure 146b shows the construction of the liquor cylinder. Fig. 146a Magma Pump. Fig. 146b Section through Magma Cylinder.. Oil Pumps Direct acting pumps are extensively used for handling oil. For pipe line work, the pot valve plunger pump is generally used, as the friction head which this class of pump operates against is generally around 500 to 1000 Ibs. per square inch. In oil refineries, etc., for handling cold oil, the piston or plunger pump is used. For this service, the pump is generally brass fitted, and the piston packed pump is fitted with ring packing, or cup leathers, as illustrated on page 312. 344 jj BATTLE C RE EK. M 1C HIG AN. U. S. A. Jl Pumps for handling hot oil in refineries may be of the piston or plunger type. Where the temperature of the oil does not exceed 300 . a regular fitted pump is used. Piston pumps for this service are fitted with brass ring piston packing. For handling oil of temperatures from 300 to 800 ., the pump should be all iron fitted, the piston pump should be fitted with ring packing, and the stuffing boxes should be packed with asbestos packing. Direct Acting Air Compressors This type of compressor is used for low pressures up to 40 Ibs., where economy of operation is not essential. These compressors are used for agitating liquids, creating vacuum etc. Figure 147 illustrates a direct acting air com- pressor. For higher air presstires than 40 Ibs., the fly type air com- pressor fully described in Section One is used. Fig. 147 Direct Acting Air Compressor. 345 Data Required for Estimates for Direct Acting Steam Pumps When sending for estimates, please answer the following questions : 1 . For what purpose is pump to be used ? 2 . (a) Capacity of pump in U. S. gallons per minute ? (b) If the pump is for vacuum service, give the number of square feet of radiation, or the number of cubic feet displace- ment per minute required? (c) If the pump is for use with a condenser, give the number of pounds of steam per hour to be condensed, temperature of condensing water, the vacuum to be carried and the type of condenser ? (d) If pump is for evaporator, give the nature of the liquid to be evaporated, the quantity of liquor to be evaporated per hour, the temperature of the condensing water, the vacuum under which the liquid is to be evaporated, and the number of the effects in the evaporator? 3. Total lift, including suction, discharge, lift, and pipe friction in feet? 4. Length and diameter of the suction pipe? 5 . Vertical distance from water level to pump in feet ? 6. Number and size of elbows in suction pipe? 7. Length and diameter of discharge pipe? 8. Vertical distance above pump, or against what pressure is liquid to be discharged? 9 . Number and size of elbows in discharge pipe ? 10 . Number and diameter of valves in discharge pipe ? 11. Temperature of liquid in degrees Fah. ? 12. Specific gravity of liquid? 13. Nature of liquid to be handled: fresh water, salt water, acidulous, alkaline, gritty, etc.? 14. What is the lowest steam pressure to be used at the pump? 15. (a) Will pump exhaust into the atmosphere? (b) Will pump exhaust into a heater? (State whether open or closed). 16. What pressure will pump exhaust against.'' 17. If pump is to operate condensing, give the vacuum to be carried on the condenser ? 18. Where is pump to be located, on the surface, or under- ground ? 346 Data Required for Estimates for Deep Well Pumping Engines When sending for estimates, please answer the following questions : 1. What is the entire depth of well? 2. What is the inside diameter of casing? 3 . If boring is reduced, state at what depth and to what diameter? . - cased with. inside diameter casing to a depth of ..feet; balance of well cased with inside diameter casing. 4. Depth from surface to water level when not pumping 5 . Capacity of well when pumped ....gallons per minute. 6 . Depth from surface to water level when pumped at this capacity .. 7. Style and capacity of pump used 8. Elevation above surface to which water is to be raised 9 . Horizontal distance from well to tank. 10. Steam pressure carried at boiler 1 1 . How far from well is boiler located ?.... 12. What is the lowest steam pressure you want pump to operate with? _ 13. How many gallons of water do you require per hour? 14. Have you a water cylinder already in well?, and at what depth?... 15. If so, what is the diameter?. Length of stroke ? AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Burnham Horizontal Piston Pattern Boiler Feed or Pressure Pumps In the sizes listed below, 14x8x12 and smaller are suitable for a Maximum Working Pres- sure of 250 Pounds of Steam and Water. Larger sizes are suitable for a Maximum Work- ng Pressure of 150 Pounds Steam and Water. Size of Pump Diam. Pipe Openings Ratings For long pipe lines use 2 .291 120 35 147 6/ / 8 4 8 / i 2^/2 2 .44 115 50.7 220 7 43^ 10 M i 3 2y> .688 108 74.1 350 7 5 10 H i 3 1 A 3 .85 108 92 430 83^ 5 10 13^ 3 .85 108 92 430 53^ 10 i 1 3^ 3 3^2 3 1.02 108 111 520 10 6 12 1 34 2 4 3 1.46 100 146 635 10 gi^ 12 1 34 2 4 3 1.72 100 172 750 12 7 12 i y> 23^2 5 4 2.00 100 200 870 12 12 1 y^ 2/^ 5 4 2 29 100 229 1000 12 8 2 12 iK 2/ / 2 5 4 2.61 100 261 1135 14 8 12 2 23^2 5 4 2.61 100 261 1135 14 12 2 2/^ 6 5 2.94 100 294 1280 12 7 16 1 ^ 2 1^ 5 4 2.66 75 200 1160 12 16 1 3^ 23/2 5 4 3.05 75 229 1330 12 8 2 16 l;Hj 23^ 5 4 3.48 75 261 1510 14 8 16 2 23^ 5 4 3.48 75 261 1510 14 16 2 23^ 6 5 3.93 75 294 1710 14 9 16 2 2 \^l 6 5 4.40 75 330 1920 16 10 16 2 23^ 8 6 5.44 75 400 2375 18 12 16 3^2 8 6 7.82 75 587 3400 20 14 16 2^ sy> 10 8 10.66 75 800 4650 18 12 20 2]A 3^2 8 6 9.78 60 587 4250 20 14 20 2]/2 3^2 10 8 13.32 60 800 5800 24 16 20 3 5 10 8 17.40 60 1044 7500 26 18 20 3 5 12 10 22.00 60 1322 9600 30 20 24 3 5 14 12 32.64 50 1632 14200 348 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, Burnnam Vertical Piston Pattern Boiler Feed or Pressure Pumps 300 Pounds Maximum Steam and Water Pressure Fig. 112a Size ot Fump Diameter of Pipe Openings Ratings For long pipe lines use larger pipes, reducing size o at the pump openings 4J u h g O t' 3 ' "E 2 is 0:2 U ^* a? u u">> to o c 1 Ij *1 Sf* if a a "So i i 3 o D 4> 1 I* . ft J Q^ j to o! "3 O Ift ' uS ffi &H C3 4 2K 5 K K \\/ 2 IK .106 140 14.8 62 5 3 6 K K 2K 2 .183 130 23.8 106 5 Va 3K 7 K K 2K 2 .291 12*0 35 147 6^i 4 8 K 1 3 2K .44 115 50.7 220 7 4K 10 K 1 3 2K .688 108 74.1 350 85^2 5 10 l IK 3K 3 .85 108 92 430 8 5 12 i IK 3K 3 1.01 100 .101 440 10 6 12 1 r/ 2 4 3 1.46 100 146 635 10 6 16 | r/ 2 4 3 1.95 75 146 840 10 7 12 1 K 2 5 4 2.00 100 200 870 12 7 12 IK 2K 5 4 2.00 100 200 870 12 7 16 IK 2K 5 4 2.66 75 200 1160 12 12 7 8 18 12 IK IK 2K 2K 5 5 4 4 2.99 2.61 66% 100 200 261 1300 1135 12 8 16 IK 2K 5 4 3.48 75 261 1510 12 8 18 IK 2K 5 4 3.92 66% 261 1700 12 8 24 IK 2K 5 4 5.22 50 291 2280 14 8 12 2 2K 5 4 2.61 100 261 1135 14 8 16 2 2K 5 4 3.48 75 261 1510 14 8 18 2 2K 5 4 3.92 66% 261 1700 14 8 24 2 2K 5 4 5.22 50 261 2280 14 9 16 2 2K 6 5 4.40 75 330 1920 14 9 18 2 2K 6 5 4.95 66% 330 2150 14 9 24 2 2K 6 5 6.60 50 330 2870 16 10 16 2 2K 6 5 5.44 75 400 2375 16 10 18 2 2K 6 5 6.12 66% 400 2670 16 10 24 2 2K 6 5 8.16 50 400 3550 l^W^ tf til tfBitfigy W r-i^^ 349 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Fig. 113 Burnham Automatic Feed Pumps and Receivers 250 pounds Maximum Steam and Water Pressure Receivers suitable for 150 Pounds Maximum Pressure Size of Pump Size of Openings CAPACITY 1 U -' '"* *-* T-V. r totooOOMOOiCntf* Diameter of t$! \^\ Steam Cylinder u si fc'i go Is 1 & "o 1 1 For long pipe lines use larger pipes, reducing size at the pump openings Gallons per Min- ute at Speed Recommended |! ll 1 1 1 | "o I 5 c 42 'II 3 2 4 5 2 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 10 10 12 12 12 y 2 y 2 i m L 2 \cs) \C>J3 ||1 1 1 1 99 o,c coO.S fll PQ ? rt r* ^1 u SO K'o u H*"* I S a CO a rt rt CM SiSS, c?S T | W^rt 4Kx2^x4 K M 2 IK .103 150 30 125 5 Mx3 K X 5 X 1-8 2K IK .208 140 58 300 6 x4 x6 IX 3 2 .326 130 84 400 7K x5 x6 IK 2 4 3 .510 130 133 600 7K x 4Kxlt IK 2 4 3 .689 96 132 700 9 x5MxlO 2 2K 4 3 .938 96 180 850 10 x6 xlO 2 5 4 1.224 96 235 1200 10 x7 xlO 2 2K 6 5 1.66 96 318 1500 Fig. 103a Union Horizontal Duplex Piston Pattern Boiler Feed or Pressure Pumps 250 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 259 Pounds Maximum Water Pressure. Diam. Pump Openings Platings For long pipe lines use larger | pump openings ^ <8 *& u V 3 ra co +? c 7 W5 4J ^ r^ c tJ S o to PQ ^ fe S ctf 1 .9 1 8 4. i ^ 2'f, sft is a ft ^ G C/2 *> W en p OcoO S W ft o d n ^ W a* "S 2Kx IKx 3 3/ / K 1 34 .023 160 7.36 40 3x2x3 y* 1M 1 .041 160 13.1 70 4Kx 2%x 4 M IK .103 150 30 150 5^x 3j/ 2 x 5 x 2K IK .208 140 , 58 250 6x4x6 i/4 3 2 .326 130 84 350 7Kx 5x6 IK 2 4 3 .510 130 133 550 7Kx 5x8 1 K 2 4 3 .679 110 149 700 7Kx 4KxlO IK 2 4 3 .689 96 132 700 9 x 5^x10 i K 2 4 3 .938 96 180 950 10 x 6 xlO IK 2 5 4 1.224 96 235 1200 10 x 6 x!2 IK 2 5 4 1.46 90 265 1500 10 x 7 xlO IK 2 6 5 1.66 96 318 1700 12 x 7 x!2 2 2K 6 5 2.00 90 360 2000 12 x 8Kxl2 2 2K 6 5 2.94 90 530 3000 14 x 8Kxl2 2 2K 6 5 2.94 90 530 3000 14 xlO x!2 2 2K 8 6 4.08 90 730 4150 13 xlO x!2 2K 3 8 6 4.08 90 730 4150 351 u N I N ST .g> A a. .a. A AuLajaLjj EAM J.jaAjL. P UM BJAiL3_B P c O M PANY | Fig. 181 Union Duplex Pressure Oil Pumps 250 Lbs. Max. Steam Pressure. Max. Oil Pressure Shown in Table Size of Pump Diameter of Pump Openings Ratings "Q to t5 u o c M to n ^ d > 5.1 ^8, |if 1 6 | M ^ 1 rt .2 rt J M - X rC J .J^ i 2 fn P jj fl tj Si X ^ ^ CO o S fe s 92 5co Q ^CO CO w s s^3 o w K 500 .184 130 38 54 6 3K 6 1 "1M 2K 2 500 .250 130 65 93 7K 8 IK 2 2K 2 700 .170 110 53 7K 3 2 8 2 2 700 .245 110 54 2 77 7K 3K 8 IK 2 2K 2 700 .333 110 73 104 10 3 12 IK 2 3 2 1000 .367 90 66 94 10 3K 12 i K 2 3 2 1000 .500 90 90 128 10 4 12 IK 2 4 3 800 .652 90 117 167 10 4K 12 IK 2 4 3 800 .826 90 148 210 Fig. 205. 351 A 3rgaam,qjs_a.J~a-iULj> mntwa.B aa.Tma n*a. nai>anaffia.ffla..a-ffi-g^a.B at AJLJJ-K BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. Union Duplex Oil Pumps Separate-Chest Pattern. 200 Pounds Maximum Steam and Oil Pressure. Size of Pump Diameter of Pump Openings Ratings o > u 3 12 10 8.81 50 881 1258 16 14 18 2H 3 14 10 12.0 50 1200 1714 16 12 24 3 4 12 10 11.74 50 1174 1677 16 14 24 3 4 14 10 16.0 50 1600 2285 Pig. 183 Union Duplex Automatic Feed Pumps and Receivers 250 Lbs. Maximum Steam Pressure. 250 Lbs. Maximum Water Pressure. Receivers suitable for 150 Lbs. Maximum Pressure. Size of Pump Diameter of Pump Openings Ratings " For long pipe lines, use larger pipes . g 1 * s O "-* O '^ 00 ,_, 'O -S3 o o 0) o3 ci Q, 1> M fe _g rrt ^ 1 1 1 cS 1 _o 1 o 1 |* c D P. o S3 Ol o || 3 3 B C/2 W 1 3 Q) 1 ~~ t O cort 2 1 A \y% 3 N M 1 M 1-2' 2.75 2750 3 2 3 Yi 1M 1 1-2' 5 5000 4/^ 2% 4 i^ M 2 1 J^ 1-2' 12 12000 5M sy& 5 % 1M 2V IMi 2-3' 25 25000 6 4 6 i 1 1^ 3 2 2-3' 40 40000 7^2 5 6 i^ 2 4 3 2-3' 60 60000 73^ 4Jlj 10 i/^j 2 4 3 2-3' 70 70000 9 10 5M 10 10 ll 2 2 4 5 3 4 2-3' 2-6' 95 120 95000 120000 12 7 12 2 2^ 6 5 2-6' 200 200000 14 8H 12 2 2>^ 8 6 2-6' 300 300000 351 B Burnham Horizontal Outside Center-Packed Plunger Pumps Fig. 105a. 250 Pounds Max- imum Steam and Water Pressures Size of Pump Diam. Pump Openings RATINGS q> For long pipe lines use larger pipes, reducing 1 11 ,lf 0> *i a o C/3 size at pump openings CO L S *i ^T. i-i!^ *s a> D. E 3 aE o 353 li ^O II a 9 to as | "o a o 1 |l w'S W /9 5 1/2 X y 1M .106 140 14.8 62 5 3 6 1 A *A 2 1H .183 130 23.8 106 5J/9 3^2 7 Yi X 2^/2 2 .291 120 35 147 63^ 4 8 % i 2/^ 2 .44 115 50.7 220 7 4^ 10 H i 3 2/ / 2 .688 108 74.1 350 8/^2 5 10 i 1 ^2 3}^ 3 .85 108 92 430 10 6 12 iM 2 4 3 1.46 100 146 635 12 7 12 i/^ 2/^ 5 4 2.00 100 200 870 12 8 12 13^ 2H 5 4 2.61 100 261 1135 14 8 12 ' 2 ^/^ 5 4 2.61 100 261 1135 12 8 16 l/^ 2^2 6 .5 3.48 75 261 1510 14 8 16 2 2^2 6 5 3.48 75 261 1510 14 9 16 2 23^ 6 5 4.40 75 - 330 1920 16 10 16 2 2/i 8 6 5.44 75 400 2375 18 12 16 2 1/2 3H 8 6 7.82 75 587 3400 20 14 16 23^ 31^ 10 8 10.66 75 800 4650 24 16 20 3 5 10 8 17.40 60 1044 7500 26 18 20 3 5 12 10 22.00 60 1320 9600 Fig 109a Pot-Valve Plunger Pump. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 353 u N I O N ST E AM P UM P CO M PANV | Burnham Horizontal Outside End Packed Pot Valve Plunger Pumps 250 Pounds Maximum Steam and Water Pressures. Size of Pump Diam. Pump Openings Ratings For long pipe lines use 14 old a a +J C/2 r=H rl *H Q< m c H w "8 ^ i * a |! C- H II! fa SI V t-i .3^ c I 1 1 * i 0} 1 i! II OS jj 3 k-d PW O^ JS w CO s Sa O rt WPQfe 5K 3 7 1 A ^ 23/9 2 .214 120 25.7 105 5H 7 H M 2^/2 2 .291 120 35 147 6^i 4 2 8 l 2 1^ 2 .44 115 50.6 220 7 10 H l 3 .688 108 74.3 350 7 5 2 10 N 1 3 .85 108 92 430 8 5 12 3H 3 1.01 100 101 440 8 12 i 1M 3^2 3 1.23 100 123 530 10 6 2 12 2 4 3 1.46 100 146 635 12 7 16 1^2 22/4 5 4 2.66 75 200 11C3 12 7/^ 16 1M 2/i 5 4 3.05 75 229 1330 14 8 16 2 2^ 6 5 3.48 75 261 1510 14 9 16 2 2M 6 5 4.40 75 330 1920 16 10 16 2 2y. 8 6 5.44 75 400 2375 16 10 H 16 2 2y 8 6 6.00 75 450 2600 16 10 20 2 2 J 9 8 6 6.80 60 400 2950 16 10 J^ 20 2 2^ 8 6 7.49 6" 450 3250 Union Horizontal Duplex Outside End Packed Pot Valve Plunger Pumps 250 Pounds Max. Steam Pressure, 300 Pounds Max. Water Pressure. Fig. 203. Size of Pump Diam. Pump Openings Ratings For long pipe lines use jj ^ b larger pipes, reducing fj J | size at pump openings ^-S o> 1 Bj a 3 S 8 6 5.44 408 24480 12 18 9 16 13/2 ?>}4 6 5 4.4048 330 19828 12 18 10 16 1 3/2 3/4 8 6 5.44 408 24480 12 18 12 16 1 % 3/4 8 6 7.8272 587 35251 12 18 14 16 1 ^2 33/2 10 8 10.6592 799 47980 12 18 14 20 \y> 3H 10 8 13.324 799 47980 14 20 10 16 2 3/4 8 6 5.44 408 24480 14 20 12 16 2 33 / 2 8 6 7.8272 587 35251 14 20 14 16 2 33^ 10 8 10.6592 799 47980 14 20 14 20 2 3^2 10 8 13.324 799 47980 14 20 16 20 2 3/4 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 16 24 12 16 2 5 10 8 7 8272 587 35251 16 24 14 16 2 5 10 8 10.6592 799 47980 16 24 14 20 2 5 10 8 13.324 799 47980 16 24 16 20 2 5 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 16 24 18 20 2 5 12 10 22.024 1322 79314 18 26 14 16 21/2' 5 10 8 1 0.6592 799 47980 18 26 14 20 23/2" 5 10 8 13.324 799 47980 18 26 16 20 23/2' 5 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 18 26 18 20 23/2 5 12 10 22.024 1322 79314 18 26 20 24 2^2 5 14 12 32.64 1.632 97920 20 30 16 20 2 3-^ 5 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 20 30 18 20 2^2 5 12 10 22.024 1322 79314 20 30 20 24 2/4 6 14 12 32.64 1632 97920 24 36 16 20 3 6 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 24 36 18 20 3 6 12 10 22 024 1322 79314 24 36 20 24 3 6 14 12 32.64 1T32 97920 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 355 UNION STEAM PUMP COM P ANY Burnham Compound Steam Pumps Light Service Piston Pattern. Pig. 149 200 Pounds Max- imum Steam Pres- sure, 100 Pounds Maximum Water Pressure, 12 inch stroke and smaller, 75 Ibs. Maximum. Water Pressure for larger sizes. Size of Pump Diam. Pump Openings Ratings ''or long pipe lines use 0) C 0) arger pipes, reducing size & ,_ a >5 S CD p at the pump openings .88 J| fi tjr ll g co *o a p ^1 si |1| 3 05.2 11 ^3 a a "w rt 1 J3 ^ || to C > ^0 po Q 6 5 4.4048 330 19828 10 16 10 16 1 ^ 2/^ 8 6 5.44 408 24480 12 18 9 16 1 Vv 3^2 6 5 4.4048 330 19828 12 18 10 16 1 X /2 0^/2 8 6 5.44 408 24480 12 18 12 16 1 M 3% 8 6 7.8272 587 35251 12 18 14 20 1 M 31^ 10 8 13.324 799 47980 14 20 10 16 2 3K 8 6 5.44 408 24480 14 20 12 16 2 3/^2 8 6 7.8272 587 35251 14 20 14 20 2 3H 10 8 13.324 799 47980 16 24 12 16 2 5 8 6 7.8272 587 35251 16 24 14 20 2 5 10 8 13.324 799 47980 16 24 16 20 2 5 10 8 17.4 1044 62668 18 26 14 20 2}^ 5 10 8 13.324 799 47980 18 26 16 20 2^ 5 10 8 17.4 1044 62668 18 26 18 24 2^ 5 12 10 26.4288 1322 79314 20 30 16 20 23^ 5 10 8 17.4 1044 62668 20 30 18 24 2]/' 5 12 10 26.4288 1322 79314 20 30 20 24 iy 5 14 12 32.64. 1632 97920 24 36 16 20 3 6 10 8 17.4 1044 62668 24 36 18 24 3 6 12 10 26.4288 1322 79314 24 36 20 24 3 6 14 12 32.64 1632 97920 357 Fig. 151 Burnham Compound Steam Pumps Outside End-Packed Plunger Pattern 250 Pounds Maximum Steam and Water Pressures for 12 inch stroke pumps, 150 Pounds Maximum Steam and Water Pressures for larger sizes Size of Pump Diameter of Ratings Jrump Openings | For long pipe lines 31/12 10 8 10.6592 799 47980 14 20 10 16 2 X 3 IX 8 6 5.44 408 24480 14 20 12 16 2 31^ 8 6 7 . 8272 587 35251 14 20 14 16 2 3/^ 10 8 10.6592 799 47980 16 24 12 16 2 5 8 6 7.8282 587 35251 16 24 14 16 2 5 10 8 10.6592 799 47980 16 24 16 20 2 5 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 16 24 18 20 2 5 12 10 22.024 1322 79314 18 26 14 16 2^9 5 10 8 10.6592 799 47980 18 26 16 20 2 V4 5 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 18 26 18 20 2J/2 5 12 10 22.024 1322 79314 20 30 16 20 5 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 20 30 18 20 2^2 5 12 10 22.024 1322 79314 24 36 16 20 3 5 12 10 17.4 1044 62668 24 36 18 20 3 5 12 10 22.024 1322 79314 358 Burnham Compound Steam Pumps Outside End-Packed Pot Valve Plunger Pattern 250 Pounds Max- imum Steam, and Water Pressures. Fig. 152 Size of Pump Diam. Pump Openings Ratings For long pipe lines use larger pipes, reducing size o at the pump openings JB 3 H el c| ila T5 (H^ | CO 0) M S S e Ju, s ll a; CO a G III sVa C [> Oj 1i5 l-i C *- M 1 1 B ii-a ll PKw 25$ QJco sl x d O WO* *o a a o, c Is 0) Wr s g w oj .2 &S 1 ||| || ij .a * s 1 I t^ P rt P! rt 8 *c3 jj Qco J 00 w * o G CO GS-o G cs 3 2K 3 H 1 A 1M 1 .06 150 9.5 570 3 3 3 */% y 2 \Yi 1 J< .09 150 13.8 828 3 4 3 3 5 y 2 iy 2 2 IX .12 .15 150 140 18.7 21.4 1122 1264 4 4 5 % 2y 2 2 2 .27 140 38 2280 4 4^ 5 y 2 % 3 2y 2 .34 140 48 2880 4 5 5 y 2 % 3% 3 .42 140 59.5 3570 4 5y 2 5 y 2 X 3 1 A 3 i .51 140 72 4320 , 4 6 5 i/ M 4 .61 140 . 85.5 513a 5 sy 2 6 y 2 2 .24 125 31 1860 5 4 6 y 2 M 2y 2 2 .32 125 40.5 2430 6 4y> 6 y 2 M 3 .41 125 51.5 3090 5 5 " 6 y 2 8 3 .50 125 63.5 3810 5 6 6 y 2 g 5 4 .73 125 92 5520 5 5 10 ?- 3 2 .84 100 85 5100 5 6 IP y 2 M 4 2 1.22 100 122 7320 5 7 10 y 2 % 5 4 1.66 100 166 9960 5 8 10 M M 5 4 2.17 100 217 13020 5 J^ 4 7 M 2 .38 125 47.5 2850 5/4 5 7 y^ % 3y 2 3 .59 125 74.5 4470 5y 2 6 7 y 2 M 4 3H .85 125 107 6420 5V 7 7 y^ k 5 4 1.16 125 146 8760 6H 5 8 H 1 8 .67 125 85 5100 6J^ 6 8 1 4 ' .97 125 122 7320 6V$ 7 8 1 5 4 1.33 125 166 9960 6 ;MJ 6 10 % 1 4 1.22 100 122 7320 6^ 7 10 % 1 5 4 1.66 100 166 9960 6J^ 8 10 % 1 5 4 2 17 100 217 13020 6V6 9 10 A 1 6 5 2.75 100 275 16500 6 y% ir 10 % 1 6 5 3.40 100 340 14400 7 6 10 % 1 4 1.22 100 122 7320 7 7 10 M 1 5 4 1.66 100 166 9960 7 8 10 M 1 5 4 2 17 100 217 13020 7 9 10 % 1 6 5 2.75 100 275 16500 7 10 10 % 1 6 5 3.4 100 310 20100 8 8 12 l iy 2 5 4 2.61 100 261 15600 8 9 12 l 1 y^ g 5 3 .30 100 330 19800 8 10 12 l iy 2 8 g 4 .08 100 408 24480 8 12 12 l iy 2 8 g 5.87 100 587 35220 8y 2 8 10 l i /^ 5 4 2. 17 100 217 13020 &y 2 10 10 l IH 6 5 3.4 100 340 20400 10 8 12 i X 2 5 4 2.61 100 261 15660 10 9 12 i J 2 g 5 3 30 100 . 330 19800 10 10 12 1M 2 8 g 4 08 100 408 24480 10 12 12 l M 2 8 5 '.87 100 587 35220 10 10 16 l M 2 8 g 5 44 75 408 24480 10 12 16 1M 2 8 g 7^82 75 587 35220 12 8 12 i y 2 2y 2 5 4 2 61 100 261 15660 12 9 12 1 M 2^A g 5 3.30 100 330 19800 12 10 12 i y2 2y% 8 g 4^08 100 408 24480 12 12 12 iy 2 2y% 8 5^87 100 587 35220 12 9 16 i K 2 1 A g 5 4^40 75 330 19800 12 10 16 l y 2 8 g 5 44 75 408 24480 12 12 16 i^j 2 1 A 8 g 7^82 75 587 35220 14 10 12 2 8 g 4 .08 100 408 24480 14 12 12 2 2y 2 8 g 5' 87 100 587 35220 14 10 16 2 2y> 8 g 5 . 44 75 408 24480 14 12 16 2 2K 8 6 7 '.82 75 587 35220 360 Burham Horizontal Light-Service Piston Pumps 200 Pounds Maxi- mum Steam Pressure, 7 5 Pounds Maximum Water Pressure. Size of Pump Diameter of Ratings Pump Openings a arger pipes, reducing size a H ll -.% . *O 5 g | | 1 Ijj OC/2 .rt oj 11 CO j 1 Cfl 1 1 Cfl Q *c3 O 1 II! || 4 3 5 H M 2K 2 .15 140 21.4 1264 5 3^ 6 % 2H 2 .24 125 31 1860 &M 4 7 M / 3 2^ .38 125 47.5 2850 5|^ 4/^ 7 H M 3 2/^ .48 125 60 3600 6V 5 10 i 3/^ 3 .84 100 85 5100 6/^8 6 10 p i 4 3 1.22 100 122 7320 7 5 10 H i 33^ 3 .84 100 85 5100 7 6 10 H i 4 3 1.22 100 122 7320 8 6 12 i/^ 4 3 1.46 100 146 8780 8 7 12 i 1 /^ 5 4 2.00 100 200 12000 10 7 12 i /4 2 5 4 2.00 100 200 12000 10 8 12 i M 2 5 4 2.61 100 261 15600 12 8 12 1 3^ 2^ 5 4 2.61 100 261 15600 10 9 16 1 14 2 6 5 4.4 75 330 19800 10 10 16 iM 2 6 5 5.44 75 408 24480 12 9 16 1M 2/^ 6 5 4.4 75 330 19800 12 10 16 i /^ 2 ^ 6 5 5.44 75 408 24480 14 10 16 2 2^ 6 5 1 5.44 75 408 24480 362 B ATTLE C RE E K. M ICH 1G AN. U. S. Fig. 102a Union Horizontal Duplex Light Service Piston Pumps 250 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 125 Pounds Maximum Water Pressure. Diam. of Pump Openings Ratings For long pipe lines use larger pipes, reducing size at the pump openings' 1 SIZE . & * -il \ a 1 22 So c/2"* 1 " 1 J&^*OGD g 1 o o^^ K^^ S^^ > - rt J3 "o 1 J^j j_, O oj ^ O S 4 "n ^ 09 3 OaW S&w o6S 4 MX 3^x 4 M M 2M iM .191 150 57 5^x 4%x 5 */ 1 4 3 2 .384 140 107 6 x 5%x 6 l 4 3 .674 130 175 6x6x6 1 }L 4 3 .732 130 190 7 MX 6 x 6 2 4 3 .732 130 190 IM 2 6 5 1. 15 130 298 7 MX 6 "xlO IM 2 5 4 1.22 96 235 7 MX 7 xlO 2 6 5 1.66 96 318 7Mx SMxlO IM 2 6 5 2.45 96 470 9 x SMxlO IM 2 6 5 2.45 96 470 10 x SMxlO IM 2 6 5 2.45 96 470 10 xlO xlO l M 2 8 6 3.39 96 650 12 xlO*4xl2 2 2M 8 6 4.29 ' 90 773 14 xlO*4xl2 2 2M 8 6 4.29 90 773 12 x!2 x!2 2 2M 10 8 5.87 90 1058 14 X 12 x!2 2 2M 10 8 5.87 90 1058 16 X 12 x!2 2M 3 10 8 5.87 90 1058 Fig. 114 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 363 c U N I O N STE AM P UM P CO MPANY 3 Union Vertical Duplex Light Service Piston Pumps 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 100 Pounds Maximum Water Pressure. OPENINGS Ratings SIZE 1. "w w ^ _*>> "%& 1 3 .2 d 0-^^! .ji^.. 'o "c crJ I C/2 1 1 w s ^ 8 cd 4^ c^ III 0^1 4^x 3%x 4 3/ iff 2/^ 3 1H .191 .384 150 140 57 107 6 4 x 6 4 x 6 1 1 M 4 3 .732 130 190 7K>x 6x6 1^} 2 4 3 .732 130 190 73/2 x 7^x 6 l/^ 2 6 5 1.15 130 298 7^x 6 "xlO 1 }/2 2 6 5 1.22 108 264 7>^x 9 xlO 11^ 2 6 5 2.75 108 595 7^x10 MxlO 1M 2 8 7 3.57 108 775 10 x!2 x!2 2 2 K 8 7 5.89 90 1050 Fig. 134 364 Burnham Horizontal Mine Pumps (Fig. 135) 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 150 Pounds Maximum Water Pressure. Size of Pump Diam. of Pump Openings Ratings 0> For long pipe lines use V ~c Lt 01 V o larger pipes, reducing size g c 3 si si to at the pump openings 1 all l-l ^~> 1-4 r*> 'o IH fe ** nl R IS DCO Diamete Water C & bo 1 a OS X c .2 (H d 1 to C ||| i to w CO Q C OrtH e 6 3 7 H 1 2K 2 .21 36.7 2200 6 3K 7 H 1 2K 2 .29 50 3000 6 4 7 1 2K 2 .38 65 3900 7 3K 7 i IK 2K 2 .29 50 3000 7 4 7 i IK 2K 2 .38 65 3900 7 3K 12 i IK 3 2K .49 49 2940 7 4 12 i IK 3 2K .65 65 3900 7 5 13 i IK 4 3 1.10 102 6120 8 5 13 i IK 4 3 1.10 102 6120 10 5 13 iK 2K 4 3 1.10 102 6120 10 6 13 IK 2K 4 3K 1.59 148 8880 12 5 13 IK 2 Vo 4 3 1.10 102 6120 12 6 13 IK 2K 4 3K 1.59 148 8880 12 7 13 2K 5 4 2.16 200 12000 14 7 13 2 2K 5 4 2.16 200 12000 14 8 13 2 2K 6 5 2.82 260 15600 14 8 24 2 2K 6 5 5.22 260 15600 14 9 18 2 2K 6 5 4.95 331 19860 16 9 18 2 2J-4 6 5 4.95 331 . 19860 16 10 18 2 2K 8 6 6.12 410 24600 16 10K 18 2 2K 8 6 6.74 451 27060 18 10K 18 2K 3K 8 6 6.74 451 27060 Burnham Vertical Sinking Pumps (Fig. 134) 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 1 50 Pounds Maximum Wat e Pressure. Size of Pump Diameter of Pump Ratings wpenmgs For long pipe lines use S larger pipes, reducing g size at pump openings c H V T) 8 9 W JS, 3 M "o * V R ^o *M -H ") cr v* n w 0> r- BG i i rt .2 rt JJS 1 3* Pco S j % CO 1 1 P II 3 S 7 3K 12 1 IK 2K 2 .5 50 3000 7 4 12 1 IK 3 2K .65 65 3900 8 3K 12 1 IK 2K 2 .5 50 3000 8 4 12 1 IK 3 2K .65 65 3900 10 5 13 IK 2K 4 3 1.10 100 6000 10 6 13 IK 4 3K 1.58 150 9000 12 5 13 IK 2K 4 3 1.10 100 6000 12 6 13 IK 2K 4 3K 1.58 150 9000 12 7 13 IK 2K 5 4 2.16 200 12000 14 7 13 2 2K 5 4 2.16 200 12000 14 8 13 2 2K 6 5 2.82 261 15667 14 8K 13 2 2K 6 5 3.19 294 17688 16 8 16 2 2K 6 5 3.48 261 15667 16 8K 16 2 2K 6 5 3.93 294 17688 AND CON D E N S E RS FOR EVE RV S ERVICE 365 Fig. 141a Low Vacuum Pump Burnham Horizontal Low Vacuum Pumps Standard Pattern Cast-Yoke Pumps 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 20 inch Vacuum with 30 inch Barometer. Size of Pump Ratings SIZE OF OPENINGS at the pump openings "o.S .. r rt o-S .pC/3 S ^ O 0) Diameter Steam Cyl Diameter ( Water Cyl SI h il 3^ && 1! jj Exhaust Suction Discharge 3 3K 4 2000 16 y* K 2 IK 3 4 4 2500 21 y% 2 i y> 4 5 2500 21 K M 2 IK 4 4 2 5 3500 27 K 2 i K 4 5 5 5000 42 / 2K 2 4 6 5 7000 61 K M 3 2K 4 3K 6 3000 25 K M 2 1 K 4 4 6 4000 32 2 IK 4 8 5000 43 K M 2 1 Vo 4K 5 8 8000 68 K i 2K 2 4 x^ 6 8 11000 98 K 3 2K 4K 7 8 16000 133 ^ 3K 3 5 5 6 6000 51 K M 2/"2 2 5 6 6 9000 73 /^ 3 2K 5 7 6 12000 100 K % 3K 3 5 6 10 13000 122 K ?! 3 2K 5 7 10 19000 166 K H 3K 3 5 8 10 25000 217 K % 4 3K 5 8 12 33000 261 K % 4 3K 6 7 10000 85 Vg % 3 2j/ 5/1 7 7 13000 110 1 A % 3K 3 6 /^ 6 8 11000 98 % i 3 2K 6 V 7 8 16000 133 M i 3K 3 6 V6 8 8 21000 174 M i 4 3K 6K 6 10 13000 122 M i 3 2K 6H 7 10 19000 166 H l 3K 3 8 10 25000 217 i 4 3K 6V| 9 10 32000 275 H l 4K 3H 366 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, Burnham Horizontal Low Vacuum Pumps (Continued) Standard Pattern Cast-Yoke Pumps 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 20 inch Vacuum with 30 inch Barometer. Size of Pump Ratings Size of Openings For long pipe lines use larger pipes, reducing U c a at the pump openings 1 "o I - "o w, 4> (M CO "o || fill til i^i i 838 ~J 3 B 53 | 1 " 03 ?j r^ rt ttf^ i ^ *^ *tn & ^H r " 1 IH u 3 "u Ct/2CJ 5f?5 J $& V-" nv POla ft W 3 CO S Ql/ s 10 10 38;00 340 H 1 5 4 6 /8 8 12 30000 261 1 4 3>1 6K 10 12 45000 408 % 1 5 4 7 7 10 19000 166 H 1 31^ 3 7 8 10 25000 217 1 4 3H 7 9 10 32000 275 % 1 4/^ 3H 7 10 10 38000 340 % 1 5 4 8 8 12 30000 261 i IK 4 3M 8 9 12 38000 330 i 1 1^ 5 8 10 12 45000 408 i IK 5 4 8 12 12 65000 587 i 13^2 6 5 8 12 16 85000 782 i 1 3^ 6 5 8 14 16 110000 1065 i 13^ 7 6 83/2 8 10 25000 217 i 13^2 4 3 1 A 8^2 9 10 32000 275 i 1 3^ 43^2 83^2 10 10 38000 340 i 13^ 5 4 10 10 12 45000 408 i M 2 5 4 10 12 12 65000 587 1 3 / t 2 6 5 10 12 16 85000 782 134 2 6 5 10 14 16 110000 1065 2 7 6 12 10 12 45000 408 ^A, 23^ 5 4 12 12 12 65000 587 13^ 23^ 6 5 12 12 16 85000 782 13^ 23^ 6 5 12 14 16 110000 1065 IK 2 7 6 Pig. 141 367 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Burnham Horizontal Low Vacuum Pumps Standard Pattern Rod-Yoke Pumps 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 20 inch Vacuum with 30 inch Barometer. Size of Pump Ratings Size of Openings 4) For long pipe lines use u Q O *"^ *H m larger pipes, reducing size T) !s 4J W 1 n-i a> at the pump openings '*>. 2 > *0 l' V ij CS "oj A g'|g ri^^ c3 C r* ; '^ -a^o^ a rt -1 .2 "o a s| 3 JS CVi S w oco r- 03 Vj PC'S a 1 N w S 10 14 20 112000 1330 jjy 2 j2 7 6 12 14 20 112000 1330 i y% 2Ms 7 6 12 12 16 18 20 20 135000 185000 1740 2200 IM i 8 10 6 8 14 14 20 112000 1330 2 o i x 7 6 14 16 20 135000 1740 2 28 8 6 14 18 20 185000 2200 2 2H 10 8 11 20 21 250000 3264 2 10 8 16 16 20 135000 1740 2 2]/z 8 6 16 18 20 185000 2200 2 2^ 10 8 16 20 24 250000 3264 2 - 23^ 10 8 18 18 20 135000 2200 3/^ 10 8 38 20 21 250000 3264 2^ 3>i 10 S f Fig. 89 Burnham Horizontal High Vacuum Pumps Standard Pattern Cast-Yoke Pumps 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 26 inch Vacuum with 30 inch Barometer. Size of Pump Ratings Size of Openings ^ For long pipe lines use 3 larger pipes, reducing size ts o .S^n .at the pump openings *o *o c -g.S a 8J *o.S W w ^ VnT. "8 fe-| ^ g II t5 I-. El 4) .2 rt ^3 M c rf ^-i .trig 1 1 | 1 3 Q^ 3 PoS ra - W ep r 4 4 5 27 y H 2 1^ 4 4 5 6 5 5 42 61 \ X S* 2 4 6 25 M 2 1^ 4 4 6 32 1^ M 2 i y% 4 8 43 2 \Yi 4 Mi 5 8 68 *4 2 J-^ 2 4/^ 6 8 98 ^ *4 3 2/4 4^ 7 8 133 ^ . H 3H 3 { f 368 B A T1*LE__C _R.E E K . MIC H I G AN, U S . A Burnham Horizontal High Vacuum Pumps (Continued) Standard Pattern Cast-Yoke Pumps 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 26 inch Vacuum with 30 inch Barometer. Size of Pump Ratings Size of Openings For long pipe lines use larger pipes, re- I 0) S.H ducing size at the pump openings ^*>> |||| In s 6 b -4-> sl 8 rt 1 1 i Q P j . PO rt ft 09 1 1 i 5 5 6 51 1 A H 2X2 2 5 6 6 73 y^ % 3 2 i-^ 5 7 6 100 1 A H 33^ 3 5 6 10 122 3 23^ 5 7 10 166 % 33^2 3 5 8 10 2-17 i^ % 4 31/2 5 8 12 2'61 1^2 i 4 33/0 5/^2 6 7 85 3^ 3 23^ 53^ 7 7 110 y> M 33^ 3 6H 6 /^ 6 7 8 8 98 133 H H 3 3^ 3 6 3^ 8 8 174 4 33^ 6^8 7 10 166 3/^ 3 6 Vg 8 10 217 4 33^ 6K 9 10 275 M 4/^ 3/^ 6H 10 10 340 M 5 4 6K 8 12 261 H 4 3/^ 6^8 10 12 408 i 5 4 7 7 10 166 % i 3/^2 3 7 8 10 217 % i 4 33^ 7 9 10 275 M i 4/^ 3^2 7 10 10 340 H i 5 4 8 8 12 261 i 1 ^2 4 3^2 8 9 12 330 i 1^2 5 4 8 10 12 408 i i y^ 5 4 8 12 12 587 i 13^ 6 5 8 12 16 782 i 1 lx^ 6 5 8 14 16 1065 i 13-^ 7 6 83/2 8 10 217 i 13^ 4 31^ 83/9 9 10 275 i 13^ 43^ 33^ 83^i 10 10 340 i 1 ^2 5 4 10 10 12 408 \ 2 5 4 10 12 12 587 2 6 5 10 12 16 782 1 34 2 6 5 10 14 16 1065 i M 2 7 6 12 12 16 782 i /4 2 ! -'2 6 5 12 14 16 1065 iH 2H 7 6 369 L u N I N STE AM P UM P CO M P ANY n |3 Fig. 155 Burnham Horizontal High-Vacuum Pumps Standard Pattern Rod-Yoke Pumps 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 26 inch Vacuum with 30 inch Barometer. Size of Pump Ratings Size of Openings 0) LI 01 M o .s.s For long pipe lines use larger pipes, G O fl * reducing size at the pump openings *O*~~ "oja CO Q) l-< O feo $ oi ^ G ^ |s 0) l-i II 1 Hi* i 2/^ 8 6 12 18 20 2200 1-34 2j^ 10 8 14 16 20 1740 2 2/^ 8 6 14 18 20 2200 2 2/^ 10 8 14 20 24 3264 2 2 }/2 10 8 16 16 20 1740 2 2^/2 8 6 16 18 20 2200 2 2^2 10 8 16 20 24 3264 2 23^ 10 8 18 18 20 2200 2 1/< 3 y% 10 8 18 20 24 3264 2>3 3H 10 8 370 Fig. 137 a Burnham Horizontal High- Vacuum Pumps Inverted Suction-Valve Design 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 28 inch Vacuum with 30 inch Barometer. Size of Pump Rat- Size of Openings 0) "oo c For long pipe lines use larger pipes, reducing size 1 at the pump openings 'o-S "o-S CO o> rt i-i w >> Jgo VH >\ o l^s 3 G II C 4-1 .5 d ! iol f 1 I P Ql /8 8 10 217 % i 5 5 8 10 12 400 1 1/^2 7 7 8 12 12 587 1 13^ 8 8 8 12 16 782 1 1 1^2 8 8 10 14 16 1065 IK 2 8 8 10 16 16 1392 2 12 12 10 16 20 1740 m 2^ 12 12 *. 12 18 20 2200 2 ^ 12 12 14 20 24 3264 1 2 2^ 14 14 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 371 Burnham Vertical Vacuum Pumps Burnham Vertical High Vacuum Pumps. 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, 26 inch Vacuum with 30 inch Barometer. Fig. 156 Size of Pump Ratings Size of Openings > $ 'o i<3i ** g | la 6 l /8 10 8 270 1 5 4 6/ / 8 10 10 340 % 1 5 4 6/ / 6 12 12 587 % 1 6 5 8 10 12 400 i 1 ^ 5 4 8 12 12 587 i 13^ 6 5 8 14 12 799 i 1 /^ 7 6 8 16 12 1044 i 1^ 8 6 Pig. HOa 372 B ATTL C R E E K . MI C H I G AN. U. S. A. Burnham Hydraulic- Pressure Pumps With Cast-Iron Water Cylinders 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure, Water Pressure. 2000 Pounds Maximum Size of Pump Diameter of Pipe Ratings For long pipe lines use B w larger pipes, reducing g 2 ^ l_ u o size at the pump c c w O i -o T3 c openings S i 0) 0) *-! CH 8.S 02 !_! Q"* 'C MH Q fc^ "o a 0) a a 'O fi-r 2 1 g n j: g 1 3 1 1 1 a 1^ B H?^ ll .5 * 00 1 1 1 o H Q g 1 111 Ill ~4K 1 8 K M 1 % 135 3.672 1500 2750 4K 1 l/ S 8 K /4 1 135 4.64 1200 2750 4K 1 K 8 K % 1 135 5.73 990 2750 1 7 K 1 34 135 3.21 2300 2750 5K 1 V% 7 K M 1 % 135 4.00 1800 2750 5K IK 7 K M 1 M 135 5.00 1480 2750 6J gj -. >> gl I Q at the pump openings CjC/3 S" *! | v a c/5 J2 ^ ^ 5) s la 13 go B to 1 1 1 fi 1 !a II .2. is 3 0) 1 4s 3 ^ 0^ 8 III 4 4 5 K M 1 M .035 5 160 45 Ibs. 4 5 5 K % 1 ^ .057 9 .160 28 Ibs. 4 6 i/g 5 K % IK ly .085 13 150 19 Ibs. 5 4 6 % 1M 1 .043 6 150 70 Ibs. 5 5 6 K % 1 .068 10 150 45 Ibs. 5 6H 6 % IK IK .098 14 150 30 Ibs. 5 7 6 K % IK IK .133 20 150 23 Ibs. 5K 4 7 K % IK 1 .05 7 140 85 Ibs. 5K 5 " 7 K % IK 1 .08 11 140 55 Ibs. 5K 6H 7 K % IK .11 15 140 35 Ibs. 5K 7 7 K y i K IK .165 21 140 27 Ibs. 6H 4 8 IK l .058 7 130 105 Ibs. 6H 5 8 M IK i .09 11 130 65 Ibs. 6H 6/^ 8 / IK .13 17 130 45 Ibs. 6H 7 8 / i K IK .175 22 130 35 Ibs. 6K 8 10 *^ 2K 2 .29 32 110 26 Ibs. 6/-6 9 10 / 2K 2 .365 40 110 21 Ibs. 7 6^ 10 / i K IK .171 19 110 60 Ibs. 7 7 10 / i K IK .223 24 110 45 Ibs. 7 8 10 51 2K 2 .29 32 110 34 Ibs. 7 9 10 2 K 2 .365 40 110 2/ Ibs. 8K 8 10 1 K 2K 2 .29 32 110 50 Ibs. 8K 9 10 i K 2K 2 .365 40 110 35 Ibs. 8 8 12 i K 2K 2 .345 34 100 45 Ibs. 8 9 12 1 1^ 2K 2 .44 44 100 32 Ibs. 8 10 12 i K 2K 2K .545 54 100 26 Ibs. 8 12 12 IK 2K 2K .785 78 100 19 Ibs. 10 8 12 M 2 2K 2 .345 34 100 70 Ibs. 10 9 12 2 2K 2 .44 44 100 55 Ibs. ia 10 12 1H 2 2 K 2K .545 54 100 45 Ibs. 10 12 12 IK 2 2K .785 78 100 30 Ibs. 12 8 12 IK 2K 2K 2 2 .345 34 100 100 Ibs. 12 9 12 IK 2K 2K 2 .44 44 100 80 Ibs. 12 10 12 IK 2K 2K 2K .545 54 100 65 Ibs. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE Burnham Air Compressors Continued 200 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure Size of Compresso Diam. of Compressor Openings Ratings For long pipe lines us V larger pipes, reducing siz 3 | 0. M 1 at the pump openings I-S || a & i\ *& *o " CO 'o CO > ^~ fa t, |J CO }l| II |5 M a a 3 cd "a 9 Q <0 M o 3 CB g 08 5l 03 1 8 09 1 5 .53 3^ a.Ss OQ o * ^ (/} 12 12 12 1H 2H 23^ 2^ .785 78 100 45 Ibs. 14 12 12 2 23/4 23^ 23/9 .785 78 100 60 Ibs. 10 14 16 1 y 2 43^ 4 1.42 114 80 22 Ibs. 10 16 16 1 y 2 43^2 4 1.86 148 80 17 Ibs. 12 14 16 li^ 23^ 43^ 4 1.42 114 80 33 Ibs. 12 16 16 1/4 23^ 4/^ 4 1.86 148 80 24 Ibs. 14 14 16 2 23^ 43^ 4 1.42 114 80 45 Ibs. 14 16 16 2 23^ 43^ 4 1.86 148 80 33 Ibs. 16 14 16 2 23^ 43^ 4 1.42 114 80 60 Ibs. 16 16 16 2 23^ 43^ 4 1.86 148 80 45 Ibs. 18 16 16 23^ 3H 43^ 4 1.86 48 80 55 Ibs. 20 16 16 23^ 3/^ 43^ 4 1.86 48 80 70 Ibs. 14 18 20 2 2/^ 6 43^ 2.94 76 60 27 Ibs. 14 20 20 2 2/^ 6 43^ 3.63 218 60 22 Ibs. 16 18 20 2 23^ 6 43^ 2.94 76 60 35 Ibs. 16 20 20 2 23^ 6 43/2 3.63 18 60 29 Ibs. 18 18 20 2-Hz 33^ 6 41^ 2.94 76 60 45 Ibs. 18 20 20 2/^ 31^ 6 43^2 3.63 18 60 35 Ibs. 20 18 20. 2/^ 31^ 6 43^ 2.94 76 60 55 Ibs. 20 20 20 23^ 33^ 6 43^ 3.63 18 60 45 Ibs. 16 22 24 2 23^2 6 43^ 5.27 63 50 24 Ibs. 16 24 24 2 23^ 6 4/^ 6.28 14 50 20 Ibs. 18 22 24 2/- 31^ 6 43^ 5.27 63 50 30 Ibs. 18 24 24 23^ 3K 6 43^1 6.28 314 50 25 Ibs. Fig. 157. PU MP IN G M A C H I N E RY, AIR 376 BATTLE CR E E K . M I C HI CAN . U. S. A. pgaflny-g^iraTrwwgg^fl^WYy a g^vvtt tt\i tttt w^ni^-1^ u g tf- Burnham Deep-Well Pumping Engines 150 Pounds Maximum Steam Pressure Size of Engine Diameter of Engine openings T3 For Long Pipe Lines use Larger Pipes, Reducing Size at the Engine Openings II 8 $& 8 ^ M J S o e to| a rt ^ | | .s^ .rt S P MOQ 1 tn | K S^J 11 ; 5 10 3 A 1 *S 2^ jj^ Mpipe 6 16 % 1 6 2 1 VK 6 24 H . 1 e e 2 iy 6 36 H 1 ^ 6 2 \Vx Q 8 24 i 1 /^ OTT) 8 3 /^ j i/ 2 8 36 i 11^ S-^ 8 31^ r&SL 10 24 i /^ 2 II 8 3 ^ 1 I/ 00 H "10 36 \y^ 2 OH- 8 3^2 ] K ^"^ 12 36 1 1/ 2^ *H O S n fi .|| 41 6.3 E.S J5 Q 1 .2 M J^ rt 0^ rt oW 5a Q^ & 1 ^ w CO 1 Q ^^ c5.s^ ds 3 3K 3 % g I 1 /? 1^ 50-150 1.06 2500 to 9000 4 4 5 1 A 40-140 2.30 4000 to 19000 5 5 6 y?. M 2 2 30-130 4.32 7500 to 30000 6^ 7 8 1 3 3 30-120 11.20 20000to 80000 378 JUL Power Pumps and Crank and Fly- wheel Pumps SECTION SIX P U M P Power Pumps and Crank and Fly Wheel Pumps Pumps operated through the medium of a crank and con- necting rod are classified as Power Pumps, and Crank and Fly Wheel Pumps. Power Pumps Power Pumps, as the name indicates are generally operated by the application of power on the crank, which is transmitted through the connecting rod, and crosshead to the water piston or plunger. Power Pumps are classified with respect to the power and, according to the number of cranks into single, duplex, and tri- plex. Fig. 158 Single Belt Driven Piston Pump. Fig. 206. Duplex Belt- Driven Piston ,Pump. Fig. 160 Triplex Belt Driven Plunger Pump. PUMPING MACHINERY AIR COMPRESSORS 380 Power Pumps are employed in localities where the con- ditions are such that it is more practical to operate a pump by belt or electricity, than to use a steam driven direct acting pump. Belt Driven Power Pumps are generally back-geared with one reduction of gearing, the gears have cut teeth^ and the pinion is sometimes made of raw hide to reduce the noise. Fig. 161 Plain Belt Driven Vacuum Pump. Belt Driven Pumps are divided into two types viz. the plain belt drive, and the short belt drive. The former, which is illustrated in figure 161 is operated by its motive power placed at a sufficient distance from same (usually three times the diameter of the driven pulley) to insure a liberal arc of con- tact on the driving pulley. Fig. 162 Belt Driven Vacuum Pump Short Belt Drive. The short belt drive figure 162 consists of a belt tightener placed on the upper side (the slack side) of the belt, which in- creases the arc of contact on the driving and driven pulley, and makes it possible to place the pump, and motive power very close together. This type of drive is very compact, and is be- ing used extensively. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 381 Fig. 163 Electric Gear Driven Piston Pump Electric gear driven power pumps are usually backgeared with two reductions of gearing. The gears have cut teeth, and the motor pinion, and sometimes the gear-shaft pinion is made of raw hide to reduce the noise. The type of drive to employ is purely a problem for the user to solve, as the local conditions are the determining factor. The belt drive is the most practical type of drive for the reasons that it operates with a minimum amount of noise, and if a sud- denly applied shock or excess pressure is put on the water end, it will either throw the belt or cause it to slip without injuring the pump. The belt drive is recommended for all installations where noise is obectionable. There are localities where the electric gear driven pump is the only type to use. For instance, in mines and facturies, where noise is not objectionable, and where on account of the moisture, etc. , it is not practical to use the belt drive. The chief advantage of the electric gear drive is that it is very compact. 382 T T L E c BL E'E K . * Crank and Flywheel Pumps, Crank and flywhesl pumps are generally steam driven, and the power is applied through the steam piston and piston rod to the water piston or plunger, the reciprocating action of which is transmitted through the crosshead, and connecting rod to the crank. In this type of pump the fly wheels store up the energy during the first half of the stroke, in order to replenish it during the remainder of the stroke, with the result that the steam may be used expansively. Crank and flywheel pumps are classified with respect to the power end, according to the number of cranks into single and duplex pumps. Fig. 91 Single Crank and Flywheel Dry Vacuum Pump, Fig. 164 Duplex Crank and Flywheel Wet Vacuum Pump The crank and flywheel pump, on account of being able to use the steam extensively, is used where economy is of prime importance. Power pumps and crank and flywheel pumps are classified with respect to the type of water end into piston and plunger pumps. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 383 Water End Classification The different types of water ends employed on power and crank and fly wheel pumps shown herein, the manner of fitting same for different classes of service, and in fact all information respecting the water end of the pump is given in Section Five. Efficiency In calculating the horse power required to operate . power pumps it is necessary to take into consideration the efficiency of the pump. The efficiency E is the ratio of the water horse power to the brake horse power. That is Water Horse Power Brake Horse Power The efficiency of power pumps varies with conditions of oper- ation, and this factor is obtained only from actual test. The following table gives the mechanical efficiency of power pumps, and for calculating purposes it is advisable to multiply these figures by 90% in order to take care of any unforeseen losses. Size of Pump Efficiency 4" stroke 5" 6" " 8" " 10" " 12" " 16" " 20" " Calculating the Horse Power to Operate Power Pressure Pump:; To calculate the horse power required to operate a power pump the theoretical horse power is first determined. To calculate the theoretical horse power multiply the weight of the liquid to be pumped per minute in pounds by the total head in feet that it is to be pumped, and divide this result by 33000. This gives the following formula: T , TT p Wt. liquid per minute in pounds x head in feet 33,000 If the liquid to be pumped is water, then the formula for horse power to operate the power pump becomes WxH 33,000 xE Where W= Weight of liquid pumped per minute in pounds. H=-The total head in feet. E=The efficiency of the pump. For a pump handling water H. P. - -H xG (61) ll/ 384 ir B ATTL E CR EEK. MIC H IGA N, U. S. A. \ Where H=The total heat in feet. G= Gallons per minute. E=The efficiency of the pump. Example It is desired to elevate 300 gallons per minute of water to an elevation of 200 feet through 300 lineal feet of 4" pipe with three 90 elbows, and one 4" globe valve. What horse power is re- quired to operate a power pump for this duty, assuming that it has an efficiency of 70% ? The friction loss of 300 gallons per minute through 300 feet of 4" pipe from the table on page 145 is equal to 18.30 feet. The friction loss of 300 gallons per minute through three 90 elbows from the table on page 147 is equal to 2.658 ^feet. The friction loss of 300 gallons per minute through one 4" globe valve from the table on page 148 is equivalent to 30 feet of 4" pipe, and from the table on page 145 the friction loss of 300 gallons per minute through 30 feet of 4" pipe 04 6.15 x T7 r 7 r-= 1.476 feet 1UU The total head, therefore, is equivalent to the sum of the above heads or, Friction head in pipe = 18.30' 11 " " elbow = 2.658' " " " valve = 1.476' Static Head = 200 ' Total Head 222.434 ' Then the horse power to operate the pump from formula 61 assuming 70% efficiency is .000252 x 222.434 x 300 ~70~ In selecting a motor to operate the power pump it would be advisable to use a 25 horse power motor. Horse Power to Operate Power Wet Vacuum Pumps To calculate the horse power to operate a power wet vacuum pump, formula 61 may be used by substitnting for H 35 feet (which is the equivalent of 15 Ibs. pressure), and for G the dis- placement of the pump in gallons per minute. The mechanical efficiency given on page 384 is applicable to this type of pump. Having determined the horse power required, the cost of op- erating the pump per hour can be obtained by multiplying this figure by the cost per horse power hour of operating the motor or engine used to drive the pump. r..-vffi-?-.9ff.P^ 385 UN I ON STE AM P U M P C O M PAN Y 3 Types of Motors to Use With Power Pumps For power pumps we recommend for direct current motors the Compound Wound type, and in alternating currents, the Slip Ri-ng type of motor. The types of controls to use for the motors are fully given in Section 4. Data Required for Estimates for Power Pumps and Crank and Fly Wheel Pumps. 1. For what purpose is pump to be used? 2. (a) Capacity of pump in U. S. gallons per minute. (b) If the pump is for vacuum service, give the number of square feet of radiation, or the number of cubic foot displace- ment per minute required. (c) If pump is for use with a condenser, give the number of pounds of steam to be condensed per hour, the temperature of condensing water, the vacuum to be carried and the type of condenser. (d) If pump is for evaporator service give the nature of the liquor to be evaporated, the quantity of liquor to be evapo- rated per hour, the temperature of condensing water, the vacuum under which the liquid is to be evaporated, and the number of effects in the evaporator? 3. Total lift, including suction discharge lift, and pipe friction in feet. 4. Length and diameter of suction pipe ? 5. Vertical distance from water level to pump in feet? 6. Number and size of elbows in suction pipe ? 7. Length and diameter of discharge pipe ? 8. Vertical distance above pump, or against what pressure is liquid to be discharged ? 9. Number and size of' elbows in discharge pipe? 10. Number and diameter of valves in discharge pipe? 11. Temperature of liquid in degrees Fah. ? 12. Specific gravity of liquid? 13. Nature of liquid to be handled: Fresh water, salt water, acidulous, alkaline, gritty, etc. ? 14. If pump is to be motor driven, state characteristics of cur- rent? If direct current, give voltage, if alternating current give voltage, cycles, and phase ? 15. If pump is to be belt driven give the dimensions and speed of the driving pulley ? 16. If pump is t6 be of the crank and flywheel type, give the lowest steam pressure to be used at the pump? 17. (a) Will pump exhaust into the atmosphere? (b) Will pump exhaust into a heater (State whether open or closed). 18. What pressure will pump exhaust against ? 19. If pump is to operate condensing give vacuum to be carried on the condenser. 20. Where is pump to be located ? L 386 "D VV T"* *TP T T* C I tEE K. N lie H 1C AN. U. S. A. J Fig. 158 Single Belt Driven Piston Pump. Fig. 163 Electric Gear Driven Piston Pump Single Piston Pattern Pressure Pumps 150 Pounds Maximum Pressure w be Jtn i|l! o v: C 1/3 3 1 _o "S C/3 || rt 03 Crt i'3^2 S g o o II II OP4 rt " S^oS, Is ia 1 cc 0? O 23^x 5 1 14 114 .20 75 15 900 16x3 4.83 3x6 2" 1 ^ .36 75 27 1600 16x3 4.83 33^x 6 23^ 2 .50 75 37 2220 16x3 4.83 4x8 23^ 2 .87 60 52 3120 20x5 5.4 43^x 8 3 2 ! /<2 1.10 60 66 3960 20x5 5.4 5 "x!2 33^2 3' 2.00 10 80 4800 32x6 5.12 6 x!2 4 3 3.00 40 120 7200 32x6 5.12 63^x12 4 3 3.45 40 138 8280 32x6 5.12 7 x!2 5 4 4.00 40 160 9600 36x8 5 7^x12 5 4 4.60 40 184 11000 36x8 5 8 x!2 5 4 5.22 40 209 12540 36x8 5 9 x!2 6 5 6.60 40 264 15840 42x8 5 10 x!2 8 6 8.15 40 326 i 19560 42x8 5 | AND CONDEN SERS FOR EVERY S ERVICE | 387 STEAM PUMP COMPANY Fig. 165 Belt Driven Pump Fig. 166 Motor Driven Pump Single Piston Pattern Light Service Pumps 75 Pounds Maximum Pressure o |'s c i N ll| u 3 ii C -| 1 o SIZE C P'C || "1 1*1 |S IK ? III "!"" S| "3 OPS '* c*^ Is o-I .i rt 0) O 4x6 75 2^ 2 .65 75 49 2940 16x3 4.83 4^x 6 60 3 21/9 .83 75 8l.fi 3G90 16x3 4 S3 5 "x 8 75 3 V 3 .r 1.36 60 81.5 4890 20x5 5.4 5Kx 8 75 33^ 3 1.65 60 99 5922 20x5 5.4 6x8 75 4 31^ 1.96 60 117 7020 20x5 5.4 7x8 60 5 4 2.66 60 160 960C 20x5 5.4 8x8 50 5 4 3.48 60 209 12540 20x5 5.4 8 x!2 75 5 4 5.22 40 209 12540 32x6 5.12 9 x!2 60 6 5 6.61 40 264 15800 32x6 5.12 10 x!2 50 8 6 8,16 40 326 19560 32x6 5 10 x!2 -75 8 6 8.16 40 326 19560 32x6 5.12 12 x!2 75 8 6 11.74 40 469 28140 36x8 5 14 x!2 75 10 8 16 40 640 38400 42x8 5 16 x!2 60 10 8 20.88 40 835 50100 42x8 5 388 Fig. 167 Belt Driven Pump Fig. 168 Motor Driven Pump Standard Pattern Wet Vacuum Pumps Maximum Vacuum 26 " with 30 " Barometer CAPACITY c. 1 1 w _c Sol S f .a JL "3 a. -3 c * O -<*O *O o JQ *-* O cj ^ JJ Ss O w C) O'S g t; o ^"i'i'H .5 "1 rt *" 1 '82 0^ 2 7x8 3V* 3 x2 12500 40 107 18x3^ 53^ to 3 8x8 4 3V 16000 40 139 18x3^ 53^ to 3 9x8 4 l /2 3;M> 20000 40 176 18x3^ 5 3^ to 5 10 x 8 5' 4 24000 40 228 18x33^ 53^ to 1 5 6 xlO 3 ^^2 1100C 40 98 20x5 53-^to 1 3 7 xlO 3V 3 14800 40 133 20x5 53^2 to 1 3 8 xlO 4' 3Vo 19500 40 175 20x5 5 V to 1 5 9 xlO 4V4 3}-| 24500 40 220 20x5 5V to 1 5 10 xlO 5 4 X 30000 40 270 20x5 5M; to 1 5 12 xlO 6 5 40000 40 390 20x5 53^ to 1 7 1 / 8 x!2 4 3^2 23000 40 208 20x5 6 to 1 5 " 9 x!2 5 4 30000 40 263 24x5 6 tol 5 10 x!2 5 4 3700C 40 325 24x5 6 to 1 5 12 x!2 6 5 5000U 40 470 24x5 6 to 1 7^2 14 x!2 7 6 70000 40 640 24x5 6 to 1 10 12 x!6 6 5 50000. 30 470 24x5 5 to 1 7 1,4 14 x!6 7 6 70000 30 640 28x5 5 to 1 10'" 16 x!6 8 6 93000 30 835 28x5 5 to 1 10 18 x!6 10 8 117000 30 1050 32x6 5 to 1 15 14 x2C 7 6 70000 25 665 28x5 4% to 1 10 16 x2C 8 6 93000 25 870 28x5 4% tol 12 18 x20 10 8 117000 25 1100 32x6 4% tol 15 20 x20 10 8 145000 25 1360 32x6 4M to 1 20 I UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Fig. 93 Single Belt-Driven Dry- Vacuum Pumps 28>i"-29" Vacuum, 30 " Barometer Air Cylinder 1 Displacement Cubic Feet Free Air ll Pipe Openings Driving Pulley a S 1 1 "s | G 11 G & rt C ii "S "o ,q SI rt s "o 3 o ^ ^ 3 T* .2 D g c t> 3 I > .S ll 1 ifj C/3 P & P v c ^ .2 >> PS 10 ' 6 275 .545 150 6 3 1 1 A y* 28 6 28 14 6 275 1.06 , 292 12 4 3M y?, 28 6 28 18 6 275 1.70 483 IS 5 5 y?, 28 6 28 18 8 2f>0 2.35 590 22 5 5 y?, 42 8 42 22 8 250 3.52 880 31 7 6 42 8 42 22 10 235 4.40 1035 37 7 6 y?, 48 10 48 26 ]0 235 6.15 1445 49 8 7 48 10 48 28 12 220 8.56 1880 65 9 8 y*. 66 12 55 30 12 220 9.82 2160 75 10 8 1^3 66 12 55 32 15 210 13.98 2940 100 12 10 y* 72 15 60 PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS 390 B- BATTLE C REEK. MICHIGAN, U. S. AfT Fig. 170 Power Magma Pumps 75 Pounds Maximum Pressure Size of Size of Displacement Pump Openings of Piston & 'ft S'w a A B g D I o^fc'o 3'^ 3 X "St fe 11 o a ji *g +j c. fe'j^S , cs o II s h Is 3 > flj ~ ~ i 8 350 55 1.33 73 104 2 1 A 2 28 6 D ^ 3 10 800 50 1.22 61 87 3 2 36 8 D tr 3^ 10 800 50 1.67 84 120 3 2 36 8 D 4 10 450 50 2.17 108 154 4 3 36 8 D 4^ 10 350 50 2.75 137 196 4 3 36 8 D 393A BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, U. S. A. 1 Fig. 185 Union Duplex Power Cargo Oil Pumps Sbe of Pump L iameter of RATINGS P n Onpnincrc w 3 .rump vjpemngb ri 0) o . M I *> SO rt^ a ! . w a || II n s s 42 o3 O So 3 * Q s3 ^ oc^ OS ea 10 12 10 8 125 40 16.3 652 931 10H 12 10 8 110 40 17.8 712 1020 11 12 10 8 100 40 19.7 788 1120 12 15 14 12 125 40 29.4 1176 1670 13 15 14 12 100 40 34.5 1380 1970 14 15 14 12 90 40 40.0 1600 2280 393B UNION J- _ .* _A1.1A*A**J S TEAM PUMP COM PANY Fig. 173 Duplex Belt Driven Enclosed Type Dry Vacuum Pumps 28% "-29" Vacuum 30 " Barometer Air Cylinders Displacement C;ibic Feet Free Air 1 Pipe Openings Driving Pulley I > H Openings SIZE I* 1H | i Size of Pulley O* " ol *rt '** o M rt GO^ a in iS-S 1 x 3 150 4K 1 K 24 x 5 1M x 4 150 . 9K IK 1 48 x 6 IK x 4 150 13K IK 1 48 x 6 395 Fig. 174 Triplex High Pressure Milk Pumps A special type of Triplex Power Pump for Spraying or Atomizing Con- densed Milk in the manufacture of Dry or Powdered Milk. Table of Capacities, Pressures* etc. Size 2J OH* u & E fc o 05 w 3 0*0 la 11 CO X II II II i 1 3 100 .275 1650 3000 16 x 3 1 4 100 .367 2200 3500 20 x 5 4 100 .572 3430 3000 20 x 5 1^2 4 100 .820 4920 2000 20 x 5 1M 4 60 1.10 4607 900 20 x 5 2 4 60 1.47 5286 900 20 x 5 NOTE. Capacities are based on milk weighing nine pounds per gallon after condensing 5 to 1. Suction opening on 3-inch stroke pumps, 1%-inch standard pipe tap. l2<2-mch sanitary union. Discharge opening on 3-inch stroke pumps, J^-inch standard pipe tap. .Suction opening on 4-inch stroke pumps, 1^-inch standard pipe tap. Discharge opening on 4-inch stroke pumps, 1-inch standard pipe tap. %T~ PV^PlWG T^ACHINiERY, AIR COMPRESSORS J 396 Fig. 209. The Viscolizer The Viscolizer is a specially designed, powerfully constructed triplex pump used in the manufacture and processing of liquid and semi-liquid foods, med- icine, drugs and oil emulsions. The possibility of storing and marketing evaporated milk is due entirely to the ability of this machine to prevent separation of the butter fat from the milk. In salad dressings and medicines or other oil emulsions of similar character the oil is so thoroughly mixed with the water by being forced under high pressures through the specially constructed emulsifying device that it will not separate and can therefore be marketed to advantage. The process is relatively new and requires primarily a sturdy pump which will maintain even pressures in the emulsifying device. These re- quisites are best met by the triplex design and especially by that shown in figure 209. Sizes, Capacities and Installation Data i-i VI 3 . bo -c >, >, e.2 oX o |o O r! to a ? S M ^ C 1 1 C/2 w II g^ fi c 8 | 1 1 o 'txi c I- 8 il^ Q sl 12 12 i V^> 1040 12 18 12 2j| 3^ 12 12 rg 1320 ^ 10 16 20 iTi 2 12 12 iTi 1740 rt 12 16 20 2' 12 12 1^ 1740 *? 12 18 20 2 3 W 12 12 1 J^ 2200 14 16 20 2v; 4 12 12 1 ' 2 1710 rs 14 16 18 18 20 20 4 12 12 12 12 i 2200 2200 398 Fig. 91 Single Crank and Flywheel Dry Vacuum Pumps 28% "-29" Vacuum 30 " Barometer SIZE OF PUMP Displacement Cu. Ft. Free Air || PIPE OPENINGS T3 I CC Oj^j O L C G o c/: ** 2>' tu fcu S fe O w ft) .2 3 'oil, "w c c M 'a II P S a 1 1 rH ^ c 3 3 Jg Sn 3 pj J* S I 1 .2 rt .B i .2 >_ i- > u all 0> N t> u *0 rt Oj Qw G<0' w &$ CUP en W M S 0^ 3 6MJ 10 14 6 6 '275f| .545 275]! 1.06 150 292 50 60 6 12 IX 2 2 3 4 3K >l 28 28 6^8 18 6 275 1.76 483 100 18 iy> 2 5 5 2 ^2 28 8 14 6 275 1.06 292 35 12 2 2^/2 4 3J/2 1^ 28 8 18 6 275 1.76 483 50 18 2 23^ 5 5 y> 28 8 18 8 250 2.35 590 50 22 2 2% 5 5 i^ 36 8 22 8 250 3.52 -874 90 31 2 2^2 7 6 H 36 10 18 8 250 2.35 590 35 22 2/ / 2 3 5 5 H 36 10 22 8 250 3.52 874 50 31 2/12 3 7 6 36 10 22 10 235 4.40 1035 70 37 3 3^2 7 6 1,'2 48 10 26 10 235 6.15 1432 85 49 3 3^2 S 7 1^ 48 12 22 10 235 4.40 1035 35 37 3^2 4 7 6 ^ 48 12 26 10 235 6.15 1432 50 49 3/^7 4 8 7 y^. 48 12 28 12 220 8.56 1880 80 65 3/12 4 9 8 y* 55 12 30 12 220 9.82 2160 100 75 31^ 4 10 8 y? 55 14 28 12 220 8.56 1880 40 65 4 5 9 8 55 14 30 12 220 9.82 2160 45 75 4 5 10 8 y> 55 14 32 15 210 13.98 2940 80 100 4 5 12 10 v^ 60 18 32 15 210 13.98 2940 35 100 5 6 12 10 j| 60 Fig. 177 Single Crank and Flywheel Syrup Pumps Size of Pump Dia. of Pump Openings j. n S3 fe larger pipes, reducing ,s.s| 6 o a size at pump openings c^"3 $ "o-S i "o ^ III o ^ It ^JS g 1 | S, .2 o> II e Q) X o IT nj . 'ro QJ G V t-JC/2 * w t/3 sl QO-^a 6 4 6 1 ^ ty> 2 33 6 5 6 I 3^2 3 61 6 6 6 1 1 J /^ 4 3/^ 7 6 7 6 1 i V*> 5 4 100 6 8 6 1 1^2 5 4 130 8 5 8 1^2 2 S},-? 3 82 8 6 8 1^2 2 4 X " 33^2 97 8 8 8 1% 2 5 4 175 8 10 8 1 ]^> 2 6 5 272 10 6 10 2 3 4 31^ 121 10 8 10 2 3 5 4" 218 10 10 10 2 3 6 5 340 10 12 10 2 3 8 6 485 12 10 12 2\>2 3 8 6 410 12 12 12 2 l /i 3 8 6 585 400 Fig. 164 Duplex Crank and Flywheel Wet Vacuum Pumps 28" Vacuum, with 30 " Barometer Size of Pump Diameter of Pump Openings 41 E ex ill a 3 c8 ,C ^ a .2 | is charge It1| |!ll UsS QO So 3 00 w CO G oSo SgtiS, *8 10 12 lj/4 2 8 8 1 815 *8 12 12 l 1 -^ 2 .10 8 JX 1175 *8 14 12 V/2 2 10 8 1600 8 10 8 2 2/4 8 8 1 545 8 12 8 2 23^i 8 8 iM 780 10 12 10 2^2 3H S 8 1M 980 10 14 10 23/ 10 10 l*/2 1330 10 14 12 2/^ 3^i 10 10 13^ 1600 10 15 12 23^ 33^2 10 10 1H 1835 10 16 12 2}^ 3^2 12 12 2 2085 10 18 12 2^2 3^1 12 12 2 2645 12 16 12 3 4' 12 12 2 2085 12 18 12 3 4 12 12 2 2645 * These sizes are side crank design. fcr AND CONDEN S ERS FOR EVERY S ERVICE ; 401 L u N I O N P UM P C OMPANY ~ : > Fig. 178 Duplex Crank and Flywheel Dry Vacuum Pumps 28V-29" Vacuum, 30 " Barometer Displacement Size of Pump Cubic Feet Pipe Openings Free Air <- nj o V 3 5 +j_w *O o r/^ M r^ J3 *o 52 i> p. w +-I S''"' |o 8 II 'C(J ,M Js'-l *o ^ _o J3 % .t 5 3 u) ^| | "S I P! 1 bo oJ rt ^, | K > fcj o< M M-^_S 1 H '3 3 o3 ii 1~rt5 Q "2 Q< w o. tf &% P40< H-;O< OT w QW O^^S 8 18 8 250 4.70 1180 50 44 3 3 1 A 5 5 Z A 8 22 8 250 7.04 1748 90 62 3 3^2 7 6 / 10 18 8 250 4.70 1180 35 44 3/4 4 5 5 M 10 22 8 250 7.04 1748 50 62 31^ 4 7 6 M 10 22 10 235 8.80 2070 70 74 4 4/^ 7 6 l 10 26 10 235 12.30 2864 85 98 4 43^ 8 7 l 12 22 10 235 8.80 2070 35 74 4/^ 5 7 6 1 12 26 10 235 12.30 2864 50 98 4/12 5 8 7 l 12 28 12 220 17.12 3760 80 130 5 6 9 8 l 12 30 12 220 19.64 4320 100 150 5 6 10 8 l 14 28 12 220 17.12 3760 40 130 5 6 9 8 l 14 30 12 220 19.64 4320 45 150 5 6 10 8 l 14 32 15 210 27.96 5980 80 200 6 7 12 10 l 18 32 15 210 27.96 5980 35 200 7 8 12 10 l 402 MV Appendix T\ jj UNION STEAM P UM P C 6 M P ANY ! Creating a Vacuum in a Closed Tank Quite often it is necessary to calculate the size of vacuum pump to exhaust a vessel of known capacity in a stated time to a certain degree of vacuum, and for this purpose the following table has been calculated. It gives the volume which must be exhausted from vessels in order to reduce the pressure from one atmosphere P to the lower pressure Pi . If the time is given in which a desired effect is to be produced, the size of pump can be readily calculated. Table giving the number of cubic feet that must be exhausted from a closed vessel containing 100 to 4500 cubic feet in order to reduce the original internal pressure from (14.7 Ibs.) to .9 - .01 atmospheres absolute or 3" - 29 3-4" vacuum. If the original pressure in a vessel is atmosphere absolute or P and it is to be reduced to Pi the following volumes of air must The pressure in the vessel is to be exhausted be reduced from atmosphere - to - Pi P Capacity of the vessel in cubic feet 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Atmos. Vac. Abs. Inch. Cubic feet to be exhausted .9 .8 3 6 10.5 22.5 53 113 105 225 158 338 210 450 263 563 315 675 368 788 424 900 473 1013 .7 9 35 175 350 525 700 875 1050 1225 1400 1575 .6 12 51 255 510 765 1020 1275 1530 17S5 2040 2295 .5 15 69 345 690 1035 1380 1725 2070 2415 2760 3106 .4 -18 91.5 458 915 1374 1830 ' 2290 2745 3203 3660 4118 .3 21 120 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 .25 22J4 138 600 1380 2070 2760 3450 4140 4S30 5520 6210 .2 24 161 805 1610 2415 3220 4025 4830 5635 6440 7245 .15 25Y Z 190 950 1900 2850 3800 4750 5700 6650 7600 8550 .1 27 230 1150 2300 3150 4600 5750 6900 8050 9200 10350 .09 27]4 241 1205 2410 3615 4820 6025 7230 8435 9640 10845 .08 27 1 A 252 1260 2520 3780 5010 6300 7560 8820 10080 11340 .07 27H 266 1330 2660 3990 5320 6650 7980 9310 10640 11970 .06 28X, 281 1405 2810 4215 5620 7025 8430 9835 11240 12645 .05 28M 300 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 10500 12000 13500 .04 28% 322 1610 3220 4830 6440 8050 9660 11270 12880 14490 .03 29 351 1755 3510 5265 7020 8775 10530 12285 14040 15795 .02 29^ 391 1955 3910 5865 7820 9775 11730 13685 15640 17595 .01 29H 460 2300 4600 6900 9200 11500 13800 16100 18100 20700 EXAMPLE. We have a closed tank of 500 cubic feet capacity at atmospheric pressure, and it is desired to exhaust it down to 21" of vacuum in five minutes time. What capacity in cubic feet per minute must the air pump have? SOLUTION. Referring to the table opposite 21" of vacuum, it is seen for a vessel of 500 cubic feet capacity, 600 cubic feet must be exhausted. If this amount must be exhausted in five minutes time, the capacity of the air pump must be one-fifth of 600 or 120 cubic feet per minute. 404 | BATTLE C RE EK. ' M 1C H IGAN. U. s -C^J Creating a Vacuum in a Closed Tank Continued If it is required to reduce the pressure in a vessel from ?2, which is lower than the atmosphere to the still lower pressure Pi, in order to calculate the volume of air to be exhausted, in this case, it is necessary to subtract the volume which must be exhausted in order to reduce the pressure from atmos- phere to Pa, from that required to reduce the pressure from atmosphere to Pi. EXAMPLE. The vacuum in a closed tank of 2000 cubic feet capacity is 15", and this is to be reduced to 27" of vacuum. What volume must be exhausted? SOLUTION. From the table it is seen 4600 cubic feet must be exhausted to lower the pressure from atmosphere to 27" of vacuum. Also it will be seen from the table 1380 cubic feet must be exhausted to lower the pressure from atmosphere to 15" of vacuum. The difference between these two values equals 3220 cubic feet that must be exhausted to lower the pressure from 1,5" of vacuum to 27" of vacuum. Having calculated the capacity required for the vacuum pump, the displacement of the vacuum pump must next be determined. This is cal- culated by assuming the^ volumetric efficiency of the vacuum pump as 60-75%. Then the displacement in cubic feet per minute equals the capacity in cubic feet per minute divided by the volumetric efficiency expressed as a decimal. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVTCET 405 BUNION ST EA M P U M P C M PANY a Properties of Saturated Steam (Condensed from Marks and Davis's Steam Tables and Diagrams, 1909, by per- mission of the publishers, Longmans, Green & Co.) Total Heat jT above 30 F. S . tn It I-H 3 M G to IsK l, .OT J3lM O o o3 | 1 *o o. w 8 S ^ S rf 2> Vacuum, of Merc l! Tempera' Fahrenr. In the W T a h Heat-Uni a g fi 1| Volume, in 1 Lb. 21 .COT M [>fi| Entropy Water. Entropy oration. 29.74 0.0886 32 0.00 1073.4 1073.4 3294 0.000304 0.0000 2.1832 29.67 0.1217 40 8.05 1076.9 1068 . 9 2438 0.000410 0.0162 2.1394 29.56 0.1780 50 18.08 1081.4 1063.3 1702 0.000587 0.0361 2.0865 29.40 0.2562 60 28.08 1085.9 1057.8 1208 0.000828 0.0555 2.0358 29.18 . 3626 70 38.06 1090.3 1052.3 871 0.001148 0.0745 1.9868 29.89 0.505 80 48.03 1094.8 1046 . 7 636.8 0.001570 0.0932 1.9398 28.50 0.696 90 58.00 1099 . 2 1041.2 469.3 0.002131 0.1114 .8944 28.00 0.946 100 67.97 1103.6 1035.6 350.8 0.002851 0.1295 .8505 27.88 1 101.83 69.8 1104.4 1034.6 333.0 0.00300 0.1327 .8427 25.85 2 126.15 94.0 1115.0 1021.0 173.5 0.00576 0.1749 .7431 23.81 3 141.52 109.4 1121.6 1012.3 118.5 0.00845 . 2008 .6840 21.78 4 153.01 120.9 1126.5 1005 . 7 90.5 0.01107 0.2198 .6416 19.74 5 162.28 130.1 1130.5 1000.3 73.33 0.01364 . 2348 1.6084 17.70 6 170.06 137.9 1133.7 995.8 61.89 0.01616 0.2471 1.5814 15.67 7 176.85 144.7 1136.5 991.8 53.56 0.01867 0.2579 1 . 5582 13.63 8 182.86 150.8 1139.0 988.2 47.27 0.02115 0.2673 1 . 5380 11.60 9 188.27 156.2 1141.1 985.0 42.36 0.02361 . 2756 1 . 5202 9.56 10 193.22 161.1 1143.1 9-82.0 38.38 0.02606 0.2832 1 . 5042 7.52 11 197.75 165.7 1144.9 979.2 35.10 0.02849 . 2902 1.4895 5.49 12 201.96 169.9 1146.5 976.6 32.36 0.03090 0.2967 1.4760 3.45 13 205.87 173.8 1148.0 974.2 30.03 0.03330 . 3025 1.4639 1.42 14 209 . 55 177.5 1149.4 971.9 28.02 0.03569 0.3081 1.4523 Ibs. gage 14.70 212 180.0 1150.4 970.4 26.79 0.03732 0.3118 1.4447 03 15 213.0 181.0 1150.7 969.7 26.27 0.03806 0.3133 1.4416 1.3 16 216.3 184.4 1152.0 967.6 24.79 0.04042 0.3183 1.4311 2.3 17 219.4 187.5 1153.1 965.6 23.38 0.04277 0.3229 1.4215 3.3 18 222.4 190.5 1154.2 963.7 22.16 0. '04512 . 3273 1.4127 4.3 19 225.2 193.4 1155.2 961.8 21.07 0.04746 0.3315 1.4045 5.3 20 228.0 196.1 1156.2 960.0 20.08 0.04980 0.3355 1.3965 6.3 21 230.6 198.8 1157.1 958.3 19.18 0.05213 0.3393 1.3887 7.3 22 233.1 201.3 1158.0 956.7 18.37 0.05445 0.3430 1.3811 8.3 23 235.5 203.8 1158.8 955.1 17.62 0.05676 0.3465 1.3739 9.3 24 237.8 206.1 1159.6 953.5 16.93 0.05907 0.3499 1.3670 10.3 25 240.1 208.4 1160.4 952.0 16.30 0.0614 0.3532 1 . 3604 11.3 26 242.2 210.6 1161.2 950.6 15.72 0.0636 0.3564 1.3542 12.3 27 244.4 212.7 1161.9 949.2 15.18 0.0659 . 3594 1.3483 13.3 28 246.4 214.8 1162.6 947.8 14.67 0.0682 0.3623 1.3425 14.3 29 248.4 216.8 1163.2 946.4 14.19 0.0705 0.3652 1.3367 15.3 30 250.3 218.8 1163.9 945.1 13.74 . 0728 . 3680 1.3311 16.3 31 252.2 220.7 1164.5 943.8 13.32 0.0751 0.3707 1.3257 17.3 32 254.1 222.6 1165.1 942.5 12.93 0.0773 0.3733 1.3205 18.3 33 255.8 224.4 1165.7 941.3 12.57 0.0795 0.3759 1.3155 19.3 34 257.6 226.2 1166.3 940.1 12.22 0.0818 . 3784 1.3107 20.3 35 259.3 227.9 1166.8 938.9 11.89 0.0841 0.3808 1.3060 21.3 36 261.0 229.6 1167.3 937.7 11.58 0.0863 0.3832 1.3014 22.3 37 262.6 231.3 1167.8 936.6 11.29 0.0886 0.3855 1.2969 23.3 38 264.2 232.9 1168.4 935.5 11.01 0.0908 0.3877 1.2925 24.3 39 265.8 234.5 1168.9 934.4 10.74 0.0931 0.3899 1 . 2882 25.3 40 267.3 236.1 1169.4 933.3 10.49 0.0953 0.3920 1.2841 26.3 41 268.7 237.6 1169.8 932.2 10.25 0.0976 0.3941 1.2800 J^ 406 1- BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, J^A,:;;f Properties of Saturated Steam Continued ' Total Heat i above 32 F. , m g . . & ijj t.H w 1 - 1 cti PT . d M ^.a g jn "*! .H 1 "" 1 'tf*J a 51 J ^ gfc S a i i *.S f & 27.3 28.3 42 43 270.2 271.7 239.1 240 . 5 1170.3 1170.7 931.2 930.2 10.02 9.80 0.0998 0.1020 0.3962 0.3982 1.2759 .2720 29.3 44 273.1 242.0 1171.2 929.2 9.59 0.1043 0.4002 .2681 30 . 3 45 274.5 243.4 1171.6 928.2 9.39 0.1065 0.4021 .2844 31 3 46 275.8 244.8 1172.0 927.2 9.20 0.1087 0.4040 .2607 32.3 47 277.2 246.1 1172.4 926.3 9.02 0.1109 0.4059 .2571 33.3 48 278.5 247.5 1172.8 925.3 8.84 0.1131 0.4077 .2536 34.3 49 279.8 248.8 1173.2 924.4 8.67 0.1153 0.4095 .2502 35.3 50 281.0 250.1 1173.6 923.5 8.51 0.1175 0.4113 .2468 38.3 51 282.3 251.4 1174.0 922.6 8.35 0.1197 0.4130 .2432 37.3 52 283.5 252.6 1174.3 921.7 8.20 0.1219 0.4147 .2405 38.3 53 284.7 253.9 1174.7 920.8 8.05 0.1241 0.4161 . 2370 39.3 54 285.9 255.1 1175.0 919.9 7.91 0.1263 0.4180 .2339 40.3 55 287.1 256.3 1175.4 919.0 7.78 0.1285 0.1496 . 2309 41.3 56 288.2 257.5 1175.7 918.2 7. 05 0.1307 0.4212 .2278 42.3 57 289.4 258.7 1176.0 917.4 7.52 0.1329 0.4227 .2248 43.3 58 290.5 259.8 1176.4 916.5 7.40 0.1350 0.4242 .2218 44.3 59 291.6 261.0 1176.7 915.7 7.28 0.1372 . 4257 .2189 45.3 60 292.7 262.1 1177.0 914.9 7.17 0.1394 0.4272 .2160 46.3 61 293.8 263.2 1177.3 914.1 7.06 0.1416 0.4287 .2132 47.3 62 294.9 264.3 1177.6 913.3 6.95 0.1438 0.4302 .2104 48.3 63 295.9 265.4 1177.9 912.5 6.85 . 1460 0.4316 .2077 49.3 64 297.0 266.4 1178.2 911.8 6.75 0.1482 0.4330 .2050 50.3 65 298.0 267.5 1178.5 911.0 6.65 0.1503 0.4344 .2024 51.3 66 299.0 268.5 1178.8 910.2 6.56 0.1525 0.4358 .1998 52.3 67 300.0 269.6 1179.0 909.5 6.47 0.1547 0.4371 .1972 53.3 68 301.0 270.6 1179.3 908.7 6.38 0.1569 0.4385 .1946 54.3 69 302.0 271.6 1179.6 008.0 6.29 0.1590 0.4398 .1921 55.3 70 302.9 272.6 1179.8 907.2 6.20 0.1621 0.4411 .1896 56.3 71 303.9 273.6 1180.1 906.5 6.12 0.1634 0.4424 .1872 57.3 72 304.8 274.5 1180.4 905.8 6.04 0.1656 0.4437 .1848 58.3 73 305.8 275.5 1180.6 905.1 5.96 0.1678 0.4449 .1825 59.3 74 306 . 7 276.5 1180.9 904.4 5.89 0.1699 0.4462 .1801 60.3 75 307.6 277.4 1181.1 903.7 5.81 0.1721 0.4474 .1778 61.3 76 308.5 278.3 1181.4 903.0 5.74 0.1743 0.4487 . 1755 62.3 77 309.4 279.3 1181.6 902.3 5.67 0.1764 0.4499 .1730 63.3 78 310.3 280.2 1181.8 901.7 5.60 0.1786 0.4511 .1712 64.3 79 311.2 281.1 1182.1 901.0 5.54 0.1808 0.4523 .1687 65.3 80 312.0 282.0 1182.3 900.3 5.47 0.1829 0.4535 .1665 66.3 81 312.9 282.9 1182.5 899.7 5.41 0.1851 0.4546 .1644 67.3 82 313.8 283.8 1182.8 899.0 5.34 0.1873 0.4557 .1623 68.3 83 314.6 284.6 1183.0 898.4 5.28 0.1894 0.4568 .1602 69.3 84 315.4 285.5 1183.2 897.7 5.22 0.1915 0.4579 .1581 70.3 85 316.3 286.3 1183.4 897.1 5.16 0.1937 0.4590 .1561 71.3 86 317.1 287.2 1183.6 896.4 5.10 0.1959 0.4601 .1540 72.3 87 317.9 288.0 1183.8 895.8 5.05 0.1980 0.4612 .1520 73.3 88 318.7 288.9 1184.0 895.2 5.00 0.2001 0.4623 .1500 74.3 89 319.5 289.7 1184.2 894.6 4.94 0.2023 0.4633 .1481 75.3 90 320.3 290.5 1184.4 893.9 4.89 . 2044 0.4644 .1461 76.3 91 321.1 291.3 1184.6 893.3 4.84 . 2065 0.4654 .1442 77.3 92 321.8 292.1 1184.8 892.7 4.79 . 2087 0.4664 .1423 78.3 93 322.6 292.9 1185.0 892.1 4.74 0.2109 0.4674 .1404 79.3 94 323.4 293.7 1185.2 891.5 4.69 0.2130 0.4684 .1385 80.3 95 324.1 294.5 1185.4 890.9 4.65 0.2151 0.4694 .1367 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY" SERVICE a N I N STE AM P U M P C O MPANY Properties of Saturated Steam Continued Total Heat V ft above 32 F. 1 i * Z c > ^ ** H a 1? fl u j| u 4) c/1 S |J a -*-" ^ * 0*0 ^H 4) "o W ' M c"5 SM ft 0,0 00 w P-^q V +- Js "* gffi.tj 3 J ~ t .? s ** 8*^ ^5 J3 "j If? ->-> 5 *" W "a II |D "o_c t> s "c ^ < W c ' w W 81.3 82.3 96 97 324.9 325.6 295.3 296.1 1185.6 1185.8 890.3 889.7 4.60 4.56 0.2172 0.2193 0.4704 0.4714 1 . 1348 1.1330 83.3 98 326.4 296.8 1186.0 889.2 4.51 0.2215 0.4724 1.1312 84.3 99 327.1 297.6 1186.2 888.6 4.47 0.2237 0.4733 1.1295 85.3 100 327.8 298.3 1186.3 888.0 4.429 0.2258 0.4743 1.1277 8V. 3 102 329.3 299 . 8 1186.7 886.9 4.347 0.2300 0.4762 1.1242 89.3 104 330.7 301.3 1187.0 885.8 4.268 . 2343 0.4780 1.1208 91.3 106 332.0 302.7 1187.4 884.7 4.192 0.2336 0.4798 1.1174 93.3 108 333.4 304.1 1187.7 883.6 4.118 . 2429 0.4816 1.1141 95.3 110 334.8 305.5 1188.0 882.5 4.047 . 2472 0.4834 1.1108 97.3 112 336.1 306.9 1188. 4 881.4 3.978 0.2514 0.4852 1 . 1076 99.3 114 337.4 308.3 1188.7 880. 4 3.912 0.2556 . 4869 1 . 1015 101.3 116 338.7 309.6 1189.0 879.3 3 . 848 0.2599 0.4886 1.1014 103.3 118 340.0 311.0 1189.3 878.3 3.786 0.2641 0.4903 1 . 008 1 105.3 120 341.3 312.3 1189.6 877.2 3.726 0.2683 0.4919 1.0951 107.3 122 342.5 313.6 1189.8 876.2 3.668 0.2726 0.4935 1.0924 109.3 124 343.8 314.9 1190.1 875.2 3.611 0.2769 0.4951 1.0895 111.3 126 345.0 316.2 1190.4 874.2 3 . 556 0.2812 0.4967 1.08G5 113.3 128 346.2 317.4 1190.7 873.3 3 . 504 0.2854 0.4982 1.0S37 115.3 130 347.4 318.6 1191.0 872.3 3.452 0.2897 0.4998 1.0809 117.3 132 348.5 319.9 1191.2 871.3 3.402 0.2939 0.5013 1.0782 119.3 134 349.7 321.1 1191.5 870.4 3 . 354 0.2981 . 5028 1.0755 121.3 136 350.8 322.3 1191.7 869.4 3.308 0.3023 0.5043 1.0728 123.3 138 352.0 323.4 1192.0 868.5 3.263 . 3065 . 5057 1.0702 125.3 140 353.1 324.6 1192.2 867.6 3.219 0.3107 0.5072 1.0675 127.3 142 354.2 325.8 1192.5 866.7 3.175 0.3150 0.5086 1.0649 129.3 144 355.3 326.9 1192.7 865.8 3.133 0.3192 0.5100 1.0624 131.3 146 356.3 328.0 1192.9 864.9 3.092 0.3234 0.5114 1.0599 133.3 148 357.4 329.1 1193.2 864 . 3.052 0.3276 0.5128 1.0574 135.3 150 358.5 330.2 1193.4 863.2 3.012 0.3320 0.5142 1.0550 137.3 152 359.5 331.4 1193.6 862.3 2.974 . 3362 0.5155 1.0525 139.3 154 360.5 332.4 1193.8 861.4 2.938 . 3404 0.5169 1.0501 141.3 156 361.6 333.5 1194.1 860 . 6 2.902 0.3446 0.5182 1.0477 143.3 158 362.6 334.6 1194.3 859 . 7 2.868 0.3488 0.5195 1.0454 145.3 160 363.6 335.6 1194.5 858.8 2.834 0.3529 . 5208 1.0431 147.3 162 364.6 336 . 7 1194.7 858.0 2.801 . 3570 0.5220 1 . 0409 149.3 164 365.6 337.7 1194.9 857.2 2 . 769 0.3612 0.5233 1.0387 151.3 166 366.5 338.7 1195.1 856.4 2.737 0.3654 . 5245 1.0365 153.3 168 367 . 5 339.7 1195.3 855.5 2.706 0.3696 . 5257 1.0343 155.3 170 368.5 340.7 1195.4 854.7 2.675 0.3738 0.5269 1.0321 157.3 172 369.4 341.7 1195.6 853 . 9 2.645 0.3780 0.5281 1.0300 159.3 174 370.4 342.7 1195.8 853.1 2.616 . 3822 0.5293 1.0278 161.3 176 371.3 343.7 1196.0 852.3 2.588 0.3864 0.5305 1.0257 163.3 178 372.2 344.7 1196.2 851.5 2.560 . 3906 0.5317 1 . 0235 165.3 180 373.1 345.6 1196.4 850.8 2.533 0.3948 . 5328 1.0215 167.3 182 374.0 346.6 1196.6 850.0 2.507 . 3989 0.5339 1.0195 169.3 184 374.9 347.6 1196.8 849.2 2.481 0.4031 0.5351 1.0174 171.3 186 375.8 348.5 1196.9 848.4 2.455 0.4073 0.5362 1.0154 173.3 188 376.7 349.4 1197.1 847.7 2.430 0.4115 0.5373 1.0134 175.3 190 377.6 350.4 1197.3 846.9 2.406 0.4157 . 5384 1.0114 177.3 192 378.5 351.3 1197.4 846.1 2.381 0.4199 0.5395 1.0095 179.3 194 379.3 352.2 1197.6 845.4 2.358 0.4241 0.5405 1.0076 181.3 196 380.2 353.1 1197.8 844.7 2.335 0.4283 0.5416 1 . 0056 183.3 198 381.0 354.0 1197.9 843 . 9 2.312 0.4325 . 5426 1.0038 I 408 REEK. Properties of Saturated Steam Continued Total Heat . 8 . above 32 F. ( a ^J nj & p leg 1 I* ii S 5 1 j2 j| .CO p*8 o3 Ca *o rt W *o PH O " 8. sH b* ^ 4J *C j -.Q o >* CO ^ 8s 5co o- ft g 3 J3 JJ3 M -C*^ "d c ^ "S O *-* *O G ^ C ^ "(3 *~* o < H jc W hS w ,_J >' rt f w W 185.3 200 381.9 354.9 1198.1 843.2 2.290 0.437 0.5437 1.0019 190.3 205 384.0 357.1 1198.5 841.4 2.237 0.447 0.5463 0^9973 195.3 210 386.0 359.2 1198.8 839.6 2.187 0.457 0.5488 0.9928 200.3 215 388.0 361.4 1199.2 837.9 2.138 0.468 0.5513 . 9885 205.3 220 389.9 363.4 1199.6 836.2 2.091 0.478 . 5538 0.9841 210.3 225 391.9 365.5 1199.9 834.4 2.046 0.489 . 5562 0^9799 215.3 230 393.8 367.5 1200.2 832.8 2.004 0.499 . 5586 0.9758 220.3 235 395.6 369.4 1200.6 831.1 1.964 . 509 0.5610 0.9717 225 . 3 240 397.4 371.4 1200.9 829.5 1.924 0.526 . 5633 0.9676 230.3 245 399.3 373 . 3 1201.2 827.9 1.887 0.530 5655 0.9638 235 . 3 250 401 .1 375.2 1201.5 826.3 1.850 0.541 0.5676 0.9600 245.3 260 404 . 5 378.9 1202.1 823.1 1.782 0.561 5719 0.9525 255 . 3 270 407.9 382.5 1202.6 820.1 1.718 0.582 . 5760 0.9454 265 . 3 280 411.2 385.0 1203.1 817.1 .658 0.603 . 5800 0.9385 275 . 3 290 414.4 389.4 1203.6 814.2 .602 0.624 0.5840 0.9316 285.3 300 417.5 392.7 1204.1 811.3 .551 0.645 . 5878 0.9251 295.3 310 420.5 395.9 1204.5 808.5 .502 0.666 0.5915 0.9187 305.3 320 423.4 399.1 1204.9 805.8 .456 . 687 0.5951 0.9125 315.3 330 426.3 402.2 1205.3 803.1 .413 0.708 . 5986 . 9065 325 . 3 340 429.1 405.3 1205.7 800.4 .372 0.729 . 6020 . 9006 335 . 3 350 431.9 408.2 1206.1 797.8 .334 . 750 0.6053 0.8949 315.3 360 434.6 411.2 1206.4 795.3 .298 0.770 . 6085 . 8894 355 . 3 370 437.2 414.0 1206.8 792.8 .264 0.791 0.6118 0.8810 3n5 . 3 380 439.8 416.8 1207.1 790.3 .231 0.812 0.6147 0.8788 375 . 3 390 442.3 419.5 1207.4 787.9 .200 0.833 0.6178 . 8737 385 . 3 400 444.8 422 1208 786 .17 0.86 0.621 0.868 435 . 3 450 456.5 435 1209 774 .04 0.96 0.635 0.844 485.3 500 467.3 448 1210 762 0.93 1.08 0.648 0^822 535 . 3 550 477.3 459 1210 751 0.83 1.20 659 801 585 . 3 600 486.6 469 1210 741 0.76 1.32 0^670 0^783 AND CONDENSERS'FOR EVERY SERVICE ~~ ldl E U N I N STE AM P UM P c o MPANY 4 Properties of Superheated Steam (Condensed from Marks and Davis's Steam Tables and Diagrams.) specific volume in cu. ft. per lb., h = total heat, from water at 32 F. in B. T. U. per lb., n = entropy, from water at 32. 5 ^ Re if* JW ll 62 Degrees of Superheat. 20 59 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 20 223.0 v 20.08 20.73 21.69 23.25 24 . 80 26.33 27.85 29 . 37 32.39 35 . 40 h 11562 1165.7 1179.9 1203.5 1227.1 1250.6 1274.1 1297.6 1344 . 8 1392.2 n 1.7320 1 . 7456 1 . 7652 1.7961 1.8251 1 . 8524 1.8781 1.9026 1.9479 1.9893 40 267.3 v 10.49 10.83 11.33 12.13 12.93 13.70 14.48 15.25 16.78 18.30 h 1169.4 1179.3 1194.0 1218.4 1242.4 1266.4 1290.3 1314.1 1361.6 1409.3 n 1.6761 1 . 6895 1 . 7089 1 . 7392 1 . 7674 1 . 7940 1.8189 1 . 8427 1 . 8867 1.9271 60 292.7 v 7.17 7.40 7.75 8.30 8.84 9.36 9.89 10.41 11.43 12.45 h 1177.0 1187.3 1202.6 1227.6 1252.1 1276.4 1300.4 1324.4 1372.2 1420.0 n 1.6432 1.6568 1.6761 1 . 7062 1 . 7342 1 . 7603 1 . 7849 1 . 8081 1.8511 1 . 8908 80 312.0 v 5.47 5.65 5.92 6.34 6.75 7.17 7.56 7.95 8.72 9.49 h 1182.3 1193.0 1208.8 1234.3 1259.0 1283.6 1307.8 1331.9 1379.8 1427.9 n 1.6200 1.6338 1.6532 1.6833 1.7110 1 . 7368 1.7612 1 . 7840 1 . 8265 1 . 8658 100 327.8 v 4.43 4.58 4.79 5.14 5.47 5.80 6.12 6.44 7.07 7.69 h 1186.3 1197.5 1213.8 1239.7 1264.7 1289.4 1313.6 1337.8 1385.9 1434.1 n 1.6020 1.6160 1.6358 1 . 6658 1 . 6933 1.7188 1 . 7428 1 . 7656 1 . 8079 1.8468 120 341.3 v 3.73 3.85 4.04 4.33 4.62 4.89 5.17 5.44 5.96 6.48 h 1189.6 1201.1 1217.9 1244.1 1269.3 1294 . 1 1318.4 1342.7 1391.0 1439.3 n 1.5873 1.6016 1.6216 1.6517 1 . 6789 .7041 1 . 7280 1 . 7505 1 . 7924 1.8311 140 353.1 v 3.22 3.32 3.49 3.75 4.00 4.24 4.48 4.71 5.16 5.61 h 1192.2 1204.3 1221.4 1248.0 1273.3 1298.2 1322.6 1346.9 1395.4 1443.8 n 1.5747 1 . 5894 1.6096 1.6395 1.6686 1 6916 1.7152 1 . 7376 1 . 7792 1.8177 160 363.6 v 2.83 ' 2.93 3.07 3.30 3.53 3.74 3.95 4.15 4.56 4.95 h 1194.5 1207.0 1224.5 1251.3 1276.8 1301.7 1326.2 1350.6 1399.3 1447.9 n 1.5639 1 . 5789 1 . 5993 1.6292 1.6561 1.6810 1 . 7043 1 . 7266 1 . 7680 1.8063 180 373.1 v 2.53 2.62 2.75 2.96 3.16 3.35 3.54 3.72 4.09 4.44 h 1196.4 1209.4 1227.2 1254.3 1279.9 1304.8 1329.5 1353.9 1402.7 1451.4 n 1.5543 i:5697 1 . 5904 1.6201 1 . 6468 1.6716 1 . 6948 1.7169 1 . 7581 1 . 7962 200 381.9 v 2.29 2.37 2.49 2.68 2.86 3 04 3.21 3.38 3.71 4.03 h 1198.1 1211.6 1229.8 1257.1 1282.6 1307.7 1332.4 1357.0 1405.9 1454.7 n 1.5456 1.5614 1 . 5823 1.6120 1 . 6385 1 . 6632 1 . 6862 1 . 7082 1.7493 1 . 7872 220 389.9 v 2.09 2.16 2.28 2.45 2.62 2.78 2.94 3.10 3.40 3.69 h 1199.6 1213.6 1232.2 1259.6 1285.2 1310.3 1335.1 1359.8 1408.8 1457.7 1.5379 1.5541 1 . 5753 1 . 6049 1.6312 1 . 6558 1 . 6787 1 . 7005 1.7415 1.7792 210 397.4 1.92 1.99 2.09 2.26 2.42 2.57 2.71 2.85 3.13 3.40 1200.9 1251.4 1234.3 1261.9 1287.6 312.8 1337.6 1362.3 1411.5 1400.5 1 . 5309 1 . 5476 1.5690 1 . 5985 1.6246 .6492 .6720 1.6937 1 . 7344 1.7721 280 404.5 1.78 1.84 1.94 2.10 2.24 2.39 2.52 2.65 2.91 3.16 1202.1 1217.1 1236.4 1264.1 1289.9 315.1 340.0 1364.7 1414.0 463.2 1 . 5244 1.5416 1 . 5631 1 . 5926 1.6186 .6430 .6658 1 . 6874 1 . 7280 1 . 7655 280 411.2 1.66 1.72 1.81 1.95 2.09 2.22 2.35 2.48 2.72 2.95 h 1203.1 1218.7 1238.4 1266.2 1291.9 317.2 342.2 1367.0 1416.4 1465.7 n 1.5185 1 . 5362 1 . 5580 1 . 5873 1.6133 .6375 1 . 6603 1.6818 1 . 7223 1 . 7597 300 417.5 v 1.55 1.60 1.69 1.83 1.96 2.09' 2.21 2.33 2.55 2.77 h 1204.1 1220.2 1240.3 1268.2 1294.0 319.3 344.3 1369.2 1418.6 1468.0 n 1.5129 1 . 5310 1 . 5530 1 . 5824 1 . 6082 .6323 1 . 6550 1.6765 1.7168 1.7541 350 431.9 v 1.33 1.38 1.46 1.58 1.70 .81 1.92 2.02 2.22 2.41 h 1206.1 1223.9 1244.6 1272.7 1298.7 324.1 1349.3 1374.3 1424.0 1473.7 n 1.5002 1.5199 1 . 5423 1.5715 1.5971 .6210 1 . 6436 1 . 6650 1 . 7052 1 . 7422 400 444.8 v 1.17 1.21 1.28 1.40 1.50 .60 1.70 1.79 1.97 2.14 h 1207.7 1227.2 1248.6 1276.9 1303.0 328.6 1353.9 1379.1 1429.0 1478.9 n 1.4894 1.5107 1 . 5336 1 . 5625 1 . 5880 .6117 1 . 6342 1 . 6554 1 . 6955 1 . 7323 450 456.5 v 1.04 1.08 1.14 1.25 1.35 .44 1.53 1.61 1.77 1.93 h 1209 1231 1252 1281 1307 333 1358 1383 1434 1484 n 1.479 1.502 1.526 1.554 1.580 .603 1.626 1.647 1.687 1.723 500 467.3 v 0.93 0.97 1.03 1.13 1.22 .31 1.39 1.47 1.62 1.76 h 1210 1233 1256 1285 1311 337 1362 1388 1438 1489 n 1.470 1.496 1.519 1.548 1.573 .597 1.619 1.640 1.679 1.715 PUMPING MACHINERY. AIR. COMPRESSORS 410 O Tji CO N .-H p Ci 00 1* CO >O "* CO - h- CO I U TtC?C4r-3pOiOOt-COiOrfi(Nr- (N (N (N tu li-H .O o c ^ Id- If ol 1 52 O^ 2jC-jC-i(M^^^^r-.rHrH^rHrHOOOOOO O -oococo.oc.o^^cococo^o^-.ocr ' i ' iboooo a _ _>OOOCiC5GOOOOOI o (N^lMrHi-ii-ii-i'-ir-li-ii-Hi-iOOOOOOO! 1 [ O I tOOOOt^CO^TTiCOC^rHOOOCt^-CO^OCOCM a -^ H AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 411 1 UN B I ON STEAM P UM P COM PANY H| U. S. Standard Schedule of Standard Flanges 1 inch to 40 inches, inclusive. For Steam Pressures up to 125 Ibs. per square inch. Size of Pipe Diameter of Flange Thickness of Flange Diameter of Bolt Circle Number of Bolts Size of Bolts Diameter of Bolt Holes 1 4 7 . 3 4 TT A 1% 4K K 3% 4 iV A IK 5 A 3j / 8 4 A 2 6 K 4% 4 % 2K 7 5K 4 % % 3 7K % 6 " 4 H % 3K 8K i! 7 4 % % 4 9 li 7K 8 % % 41/2 9M if 7M 8 M K 5 10 le 5 8K 8 % /"8 6 11 1 9K 8 % 7^ 7 12K lyV 10% 8 M K 8 13K IJi 11% 8 ^ 9 15 1^8 13% 12 % 10 16 IT\ 14% 12 % i 12 19 17 12 Ys i 14 21 13/ 8 18% 12 iH 15 22% l 3 /^ 20 16 i 16 23K ** 21% 16 i IK 18 25 22% 16 1^8 1% 20 27 K 111 25 20 IJ/g 1;% 22 29 K 27% 20 IK 1 3 /S 24 32 J -/J f 29 K 20 1% 1^8 26 34% 2 31% 24 1% I/ 7 / 28 36K 2iV 34 28 1% ]3// 30 38% 2K 36 28 l/^ IK 32 41% 2% 38K 28 IK 1?-^ 34 43% 2A 40K 32 IK i/^ 36 46 42% 32 iK 154 38 48% 2/ / 8 45% 32 i/^ 1% 40 50% 2M 47% 36 ^ iM i ATT LE C RE EK. MICHIGAN. U. S. A. 11 U. S. Standard Schedule of Extra Heavy Flanges 1 inch to 48 inches, inclusive For Steam Pressures from 125 to 250 Ibs. per square inch. Size of Pipe Diameter of Flange Thickness of Flange Diameter of Bolt Circle Number of Bolts Size of Bolts Diameter of Bolt Holes 1 4 l/ 2 3M 4 1 A K 1/4 5 " r 3/4 4 K K IK 6 4 4^ 4 K 2 6K K 5 4 H % 2^ 71^ i ^K 4 3 " 8/4 IK 6K 8 % r 3K 9 i -^g. 7M 8 % K 4 10 1M 7% 8 % K 4K IOK llV 8^/2 8 % K 5 ii x ' H 9M 8 % K 6 12J/2 Il 7 8 IOK 12 % K 7 14 IK n'K 12 ^ i 8 15 IK 13 12 i 9 16J4 l-Ji 14 12 i IK 10 17M IK 15J4 16 i IK 12 2 17% 16 iJi 1^4 14 23 2 2^8 20J4 20 m IK 15 24^ 2vV 21K 20 1^ 16 25M 22^ 20 IM < 18 -28 2K 24% 24 1^ iK 20 30K 2K 27 24 22 33 2K 29M 24 ij| i^l 24 36 2^ 32 24 IK 1% 26 38^ 211 34K 28 IK 1% 28 40% 2U 37 ' 28 IK 1% 30 43' 3 39J4 28 1% IK 32 45J4 3K 41K 28 IK 2 34 47^ 3M 43M 28 IK 2 36 50 3K 46 32 IK 2 38 52J4 3iV 48 32 iK 2 40 54^ SiV 5 ^ 36 IK 2 42 57 3U 36 IK 2 44 59J/4 55 36 2 2K 46 61K 3K 57M 40 2 2K 48 65 4 60% 40 2 2K 413 !!J"NTO''N^^ & g, 3 2 3 ri i Is C 3 II 1 2-e '0 >0 05 CO OS 00 *O pu feoC-H(NO i'Fl ! ox*ctt^ oo o o o ^ rH TH rA rH (N C-il CC r-l i-l T-I i-l CN jl-M 0V, WO T< 00 iO T-I O CO O -< Tt >0 (N SsS l NcO^CCO-ticOCOC^i3iO | MHoci w c-j N O C O O TH TH rH T-I (N (N 00 ^ * O "5 OI> QC 05 C CMN ^ 10 CO X 11 \f o.2 ^Q H Tf 1C OtOOC>O r-lO CO X O BATTLE CREEK Extra Strong Pipe Black and Galvanized All Weights and Dimensions are Nominal Size Diameters Thickness Weight per foot Plain Ends External Internal 1 A .405 .215 .095 .314 M .540 .302 .119 .535 y 8 .675 .423 .126 .738 H .840 .546 .147 1.087 % 1.050 .742 .154 1.473 l 1.315 .957 .179 2.171 1M 1.660 1.278 .191 2.996 m 1.900 1.500 .200 3.631 2 2.375 1.939 .218 5.022 2H 2.875 2.323 .276 7.661 3 3.500 2.900 .300 10.252 3^ 4.000 3.364 .318 12.505 4 4.500 3.826 .337 14.983 4K 5.000 4.290 .355 17.611 5 5.563 4.813 .375 20.778 6 6.625 5.761 .432 28.573 7 7.625 6.625 .500 38 048 8 8.625 7.625 .500 43.388 9 9.625 8.625 .500 48.728 10 10.750 9.750 .500 54.735 11 11.750 10.750 .500 60.075 12 12.750 11.750 .500 65.415 13 14.000 13 . 000 .500 72.091 14 15.000 14.000 .500 77.431 15 16.000 15.000 .500 82.771 Double Extra Strong Pipe Black and Galvanized All Weights and Dimensions are Nominal Size Diameters Thickness Weight per foot Plain Ends External Internal H H 1 1M .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 .252 .434 .599 .896 .294 .308 .358 .382 1.714 2.440 3.659 5.214 iy 2 2 2 l /2 3 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 1.100 1.503 1.771 2.300 .400 .436 .552 .600 6.408 9.029 13.695 18.583 Z l /2 4 4^ 5 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.563 2.728 3.152 3.580 4.063 .636 .674 .710 .750 22.850 27.541 32.530 38.552 6 7 8 6.625 7.625 8.625 4.897 5.875 6.875 .864 .875 .875 53 160 63 . 079 72.424 j| AN D C 6 N D E N S E R S FORE V E RV"s"ER.VT^E^ T 415 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY Contents of Round Tanks in U. S. Gallons, for Each Foot in Depth Dia- meter Ft. In. Gallons, 1 Foot in Depth Dia- meter Ft. In. Gallons, 1 Foot in Depth Dia- meter Ft.' In. Gallons, 1 Foot in Depth 1 5.8735 11 710.6977 21 2590.2290 1 3 9.1766 11 3 743 . 3686 21 3 2652.2532 1 6 13.2150 11 6 776.7746 21 6 2715.0413 1 9 17.9870 11 9 810.9143 21 9 2778.5486 2 23.4940 12 848 . 1890 22 2842.7910 2 3 29.7340 12 3 881.3966 22 3 2907.7664 2 6 36.7092 12 6 917.7395 22 6 2973.4889 2 9 44.4179 12 9 954.8159 22 9 3039 . 9209 3 52.8618 13 992.6274 23 3107.1001 3 3 62.0386 13 3 1031.1719 23 3 3175.0122 3 6 73.1504 13 6 1070.4514 23 6 3243 . 6595 3 9 82 . 5959 13 9 1108.0645 23 9 3313.0403 4 93.9754 14 1151.2129 24 3383.1563 4 3 106.1290 14 3 1192.6940 24 3 3454.0051 4 6 118.9386 14 6 1234.9104 24 6 3525.5929 4 9 132.5209 14 9 1277.8615 24 9 3597.9068 5 146.8384 15 1321.5454 25 3670.9596 5 3 161.8886 15 3 1365.9634 25 3 3744.7452 5 6 177.6740 15 6 1407.5165 25 6 3819.2657 5 9 194.1913 1 15 9 1457.0032 25 9 3894 . 5203 6 211.4472 16 1503.6250 26 3970 . 5098 6 3 229.4342 ! 16 3 1550.9797 26 3 4047.2322 6 6 248.1564 i 16 6 1599.0696 26 6 4124.6898 6 9 267.6122 16 9 1647.8930 26 9 4202.9610 7 287.8032 17 1697.4516 27 4281.8072 7 3 308.7270 17 3 1747.7431 27 3 4361.4664 7 6 330.3859 17 6 1798 . 7698 27 6 4441.8607 7 9 352.7665 17 9 1850.5301 27 9 4522.9886 8 375.9062 18 1903.0254 28 4604.8517 8 3 399.7666 18 3 1956.2537 28. 3 4686.4876 8 6 424 . 3625 18 6 2010.2171 28 6 4770.7787 8 9 449.2118 18 9 2064.9140 28 9 4854.8434 i PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESS 416 C RE E K ~~ MICH I G AN . U. S. A. Horse Power of an Engine a = Area of the piston in square inches. p = Mean effective pressure of the steam on the piston per square inch. v = Velocity of piston per minute. a X p X v Then H. P. = - ' 33,000 The mean pressure in the cylinder when cutting off at \i stroke = bo er pressure multiplied by .597 lA " = ' .670 .743 V 2 " = ,847 .919 .937 .966 .992 To find the diameter of a cylinder of an engine of a required nominal horse- power: 5500 multiplied by H. P. = a. Ranges in Steam Consumption by Prime Movers Type Engine Saturated Steam Lbs. per Hour 100 Super Lbs. per Hour 200 Super Lbs. per Hour Simple Non-condensing Simple Non-condensing auto- matic 2945 2640 2038 1834 1835 1630 Simple Non-condensing Corliss . Compound Non-condensing. . . . Compound Condensing 2635 1928 1222 1830 1525 1020 3 22 917 Turbines Non-condensing (K. W. Hr.) 2860 2454 2148 Turbines Condensing (K. W. Hr.) 1242 1038 931 AND CONDEN S ERS FOR EVERY 5 ERVIC E STEAM --j:--. > aa^a^BK PUMP COM PANY Different Standards for Wire Gauge in Use in the United States Dimensions of sizes in Decimal Parts of an Inch Number of Wire Gauge American or Brown & Sharpe Birmingham or Stub's Wire Washburn & MoenMfg.Co. Worcester, Mass. Imperial Wire Gauge 8 43.590 151.29 AND CONDENSERS T FOR EVERY SERVICE Circumferences and Areas of Circles Continued Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 14 14% 43.982 44.375 153.94 156 . 70 21% 21% 67.152 67 . 544 358.84 363.05 28% ,28% 90.321 90.713 649.18 654 . 84 14% 44 . 768 159.48 21% 67 . 937 367 . 28 45.160 162.30 21% 68 . 330 371.54 29 91 106 660 52 14% 45 . 553 165.13 21% 68.722 375.83 29% 91^499 666^23 14% 45.946 167.99 29% 91 .892 671 96 14% 46 . 338 170.87 22 69.115 380.13 29% 92 284 677^71 14% 46.731 173.78 22% 69 . 508 384.46 29% 92.677 683.49 22% 69 . 900 388 . 82 29% 93.070 689 . 30 15 47.124 176.71 22% 70 . 293 393 . 20 29% 93.462 695. 13 15% 47.517 179 . 67 22% 70 . 686 397.61 29% 93 . 855 700 '. 98 15% 47.909 182.65 22% 71.079 402 . 04 15% ' 15% 48.302 48 . 695 185.66 188 . 69 22% 22% 71.471 71.864 406 . 49 410.97 30 30% 94 . 248 94 . 640 706 . 86 712 70 15% 49.087 191.75 30% 95 033 71 o ' en 49 . 480 49.873 194.83 197.93 23 23% 23% 72.257 72 . 649 73 . 042 415.48 420 . 00 424 . 56 30 % 30% on 5% 95^426 95.819 96 211 < i o . oy 724 . 64 730 . 62 7S6 fi^ 16 16% 50.265 50 . 658 51.051 201.06 204 . 22 207 . 39 23% 23 1 A 23% 73.435 73 . 827 74 . 220 429 . 13 433 . 74 438 . 36 OU/g 30% 30% 96 '. 604 96.997 742 '. 64 748.69 16% 16% 17 17% 17% 51.444 51.836 52 . 229 52 . 622 53.014 53.407 53 . 800 54 . 192 210.60 213.82 217.08 220 . 35 223 . 65 226 . 98 230 . 33 233.71 23% 23% 24 24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 74.613 75.006 75.398 75.791 76 . 184 76 . 576 76.969 77.362 443.01 447.69 452.39 457.11 461.86 466 . 64 471.44 476 . 26 31 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% 97.389 97.782 98.175 98.567 98.960 99 . 353 99.746 100.138 754 . 77 760 . 87 766.99 773.14 779.31 785.51 791.73 797.98 54 . 585 237.10 24% 77 . 754 481.11 17% 54.978 240 . 53 24% 78.147 485.98 32 100.531 804 . 25 17% 55 371 243 98 32% 100 . 924 810.51 17% 55; 763 247^45 25 78.540 490.87 32% 101.316 816.86 56 . 156 250.95 25% 78.933 495 . 79 32% 101.709 823.21 25% 79 . 325 500 . 74 32% 102. 102 829 . 58 18 56 . 549 254 . 47 25% 79.718 505.71 32% 102.494 835. C7 56.941 258.02 25^ 80.111 510.71 32% 102 . 887 8i2.39 18% 57.334 261.59 25% 80 . 503 515.72 32% 103 . 280 848. b3 18% 57.727 265.18 25% 80.896 520.77 58.119 268 . 80 25% 81 . 289 525 . 84 33 103.673 855 . 30 18% 58.512 272.45 33% 104 . 065 861.79 18% 58.905 276.12 26 81.681 530.93 33% 104 . 458 868.31 18% 59 . 298 279.81 26% 82 . 074 536 . 05 33% 104.851 874 . 85 26 M 82.467 541.19 33 H 105.243 881.41 19 59.690 283 . 53 26% 82 . 860 546.35 33% 105.636 888 . 00 19% 60 . 083 287.27 26% 83.252 551.55 33% 106.029 894 . 62 19% 60 . 476 291.04 26% 83.645 556 . 76 33% 106.421 901.26 19% 60 . 868 294 . 83 26% 84 . 038 562 . 00 19 V$ 61.261 298 . 65 26% 84.430 567.27 34 106.814 907.92 19% 61.654 302 . 49 34% 107.207 914.61 19% 62.046 306.35 27 84.823 572.56 34% 107.600 921.32 19% 62.439 310.24 27% 85.216 577.87 34% 107.992 928.06 27% 85.608 583.21 34% 108.385 934.82 20 62.832 314.16 27% 86.001 588 . 57 34% 108.778 941.61 20% 63 . 225 318.10 27% 86.394 593 . 96 34% 109.170 948.42 20% 63.617 322.06 27% 86 . 786 599 . 37 34% 109.563 955.25 20% 64.010 326.05 27% 87.179 604.81 20% 64 . 403 330 . 06 27% 87.572 610.27 35 109 . 956 962.11 20% 64.795 334 . 10 35% 110.348 969 . 00 20% 65.188 338.16 28 87.965 615.75 35% 110.741 975.91 20% 65.581 342.25 28% 88.357 621.26 35% 111. 134 982 . 84 28% 88.750 626 . 80 35% 111.527 989 . 80 21 65.973 346 . 36 28% 89.143 632 . 36 35% 111.919 996.87 21% 66 . 366 350.50 28% 89 . 535 637.94 35% 112.312 1003 . 8 21% 66 . 759 354.66 28% 89.928 643.55 35% 112.705 1010.8 428 C REEK. MICHIGAN, U. 3:X=I Circumferences and Areas of Circles Continued Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 36 36% 113.097 113.490 1017.9 1025.0 43% 135.874 136.267 1469 . 1 1477.6 sou 50% 158.650 159.043 2003.0 2012.9 36 1^ 113.883 1032.1 136.659 1486.2 50% 159.436 2022.8 36% 114.275 1039.2 43% 137.052 1494.7 50% 159.829 2032 . 8 36 y^ 114.668 1046.3 43% 137.445 1503.3 36% 115.061 1053.5 43% 137.837 1511.9 51 160.221 2042.8 36% 115.454 1060 . 7 51% 160.614 2052 . 8 36% 115.846 1068.0 44 138.230 1520.5 51% 161.007 2062.9 44% 138.623 1529.2 51% 161.399 2073 . 37 116.239 1075.2 44% 139.015 1537.9 161.792 2083 . 1 116.632 1082.5 44% 139 . 408 1546.6 51% 162.185 2093 . 2 37 jj 117.024 1089.8 44^ 139.801 1555.3 51% 162.577 2103 3 37% 117.417 1097.1 44% 140.194 1564.0 51% 162.970 2113.5 371-4 117.810 1104.5 44% 140 . 586 1572.8 37% 118.202 1111.8 44% 140.979 1581.6 52 163 . 363 2123.7 37% 118.596 1119.2 52% 163.756 2133.9 37% 118.988 1126.7 45 141.372 1590.4 52% 164.148 2144.2 45% 141.764 1599.3 52% 164.541 2154.5 38 119.381 1134.1 45% 142.157 1608 . 2 52% 164.934 2164.8 38% 119.773 1141.0 45% 142.550 1617.0 52% 165 . 326 2175.1 38 14 120.166 1149.1 45 ^ 142.942 1626.0 52% 165.719 2185.4 38% 120.559 1156.6 45% 143 . 335 1631.9 52,% 166.112 2195.8 38^ 120.951 1164.2 45% 143 . 728 1643.9 38% 121.344 1171.7 45% 144.121 1652.9 53 166.504 2206 . 2 38% 121.737 1179.3 53% 166.897 2216.6 38% 122.129 1186.9 46 144.513 1661.9 53% 167.290 2227.0 46% 144.906 1670.9 55% 167.683 2237.5 39 122.522 1194.6 46% 145.299 1680.0 53 1 A 168.075 . 2248.0 39 Vs 122.915 1202.3 46% 145.691 1689.1 53% 168.468 2258.5 3914 123.308 1210.0 46 K 146.084 1698.2 53% 168.861 2269 . 1 39% 123.700 1217.7 46% 146.477 1707.4 53% 169.253 2279.6 39 H 124.093 1225.4 46% 146.869 1716.5 39% 124.486 1233.2 46% 147.262 1725.7 54 169.646 2290.2 39% 124.878 1241.0 54% 170.039 2300 . 8 39% 125.271 1248.8 47 147.655 1734.9 170.431 2311.5 47% 148.048 1744.2 54% 170 . 824 2322 . 1 40 125.664 1256.6 47% 148.440 1753.5 54 H 171.217 2332.8 40% 126.056 1264.5 47% 148 . 338 1762.7 54% 171.609 2343.5 40% 126.449 1272.4 4 7 IX 149.226 1772.1 54% 172.002 2354.3 40% 126.842 1280.3 47% 149.618 1781.4 54% 172.395 2365.0 40 V6 127.235 1288.2 47% 150.011 1790.8 40% 127.627 1296.2 47.% 150.404 1800 . 1 55 172.788 2375 . 8 40% 128.020 1304.2 55% 173.180 2386 . 6 40% 128.413 1312.2 48 150.796 1809 . 6 55% 173.573 2397.5 48% 151 . 189 1819.0 55% 173.966 2408 . 3 41 128.805 1320.3 48% 151.582 1828.5 55% 174.358 2419.2 41% 129.198 1328.3 48% 151 .975 1837.9 55% 174.751 2430.1 41 % 129.591 1336.4 481/6 152.367 18i7.5 55% 175.144 2441.1 4 1 % 129.983 1344.5 48% 152.760 1857.0 55% 175.536 2452.0 41 H 130.376 1352.7 153.153 1866.5 41% 1 30 . 769 1360.8 48% 153.545 1876 . 1 56 175.929 2463.0 41% 131.161 1369.0 56% 176.322 2474.0 "1% 131.554 1377.2 49 153.938 1885.7 56% 176.715 2485.0 49% 154.331 1895.4 56% 177.107 2496.1 42 131.947 1385.4 49% 154 . 723 1905.0 56 U 177.500 2507.2 42% 132.340 1393.7 49% 155.116 1914.7 56% 177.893 2518.3 42 jl 132.732 1402.0 49% 155.509 1924.4 56% 178.285 2529.4 42% 133.125 1410.3 49% 155.902 1934.2 56% 178.678 2540.6 133.518 1418.6 49% 156.294 1943.9 42% 133.910 1427.0 49% 156.687 1953.7 57 179.071 2551.8 42% 134.303 1435.4 57% 179.463 2563.0 42% 134 . 696 1443 . 8 50 157.080 1963.5 179.856 2574.2 50% 157.472 1973.3 57% 180.249 2585.4 43 135.088 1452.2 50% 157.865 1983.2 57^ 180.642 2596 . 7 43% 135.481 1460.7 50% 158.258 1993.1 57% 181.034 2608.0 429 Circumferences and Areas of Circles Continued Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 57 3 / 181.427 2619.4 65 204 . 204 3318.3 72% 226 . 980 4099 .-8 57% 181.820 2630.7 65% 204 . 596 3331.1 72% 227.373 4114.0 65!^ 204 . 989 3343.9 72% 227.765 4128.2 58 182.212 2642.1 65% 205 . 382 3356 . 7 72% 228.158 4142.5 58% 182.605 2653 . 5 65% 205.774 3369.6 72% 228.551 4156.8 58% 182.998 2654.9 65% 206.167 3382.4 72% 228.994 4171.1 58% 183 . 390 2676.4 65% 206 . 560 3395.3 58% 183.783 2687.8 65% 206.952 3408.2 73 229.336 4185.4 58% 184.176 2699 . 3 73% 229 . 729 4199.7 58% 184 . 569 2710.9 66 207.345 3421.2 73% 230.122 4214.1 58% 184.961 2722.4 66% 207.738 3434.2 73% 230.514 4228.5 66% 208.131 3447.2 73% 230.907 4242.9 59 185.354 2734.0 66% 208.523 3460.2 73% 231 .300 4257.4 59% 185.747 2745.6 66% 208.916 3473.2 73% 231.692 4271.8 59 X 186.139 2757.2 66% 209 . 309 3486.3 73% 232.085 4286.3 59% 186.532 2768.8 66% 209.701 3499 . 4 59% 186.925 2780 . 5 66% 210.094 3512.5 74 232.478 4300 . 8 59% 187.317 2792.2 74% 232.871 4315.4 59% 187.710 2803.9 67 210.487 3525.7 74% 233.263 4329.9 59% 188.103 2815.7 67% 210.879 3538 . 8 74% 233 . 656 4344.5 67% 211.272 3552.0 234.049 4359.2 60 188.496 2S27.4 211.665 3565.2 74% 234.441 4373.8 60% 188.888 2839 . 2 67% 212.058 3578.5 234 . 834 4388.5 60% 189.281 2851.0 67% 212.450 3591.7 74% 235.227 4403.1 60% 189.674 2862.9 67% 212.843 3605.0 60% 190.006 2874.8 67% 213.236 3618.3 75 235.619 4417.9 60% 190.459 2886.6 75% 238.012 4132.6 60% 190.852 2898.6 68 213.628 3631.7 TRL? 236.405 4447.4 60% 191.244 2910.5 68% 214.021 3645 . 75 2 236 . 798 4462.2 68% 214.414 3658.4 75% 237.190 4477.0 61 191.637 2922.5 68% 214.806 3671.8 75% 237.583 4491.8 61% 192.030 2934 . 5 68% 215.199 3685.3 75% 237.976 4506.7 . 192.423 2946 . 5 68% 215.592 3698.7 75% 238.368 4521.5 61% 192.815 2958.5 68 34 125.984 3712.2 61% 193.208 2970 . 6 68% 216.377 3725.7 76 238.761 4536.5 61% 193.601 2982.7 7o% 239.154 4551.4 193.993 2994.8 69 216.770 3739.3 239.546 4566 . 4 61% 194.386 3006.9 69% 217.103 3752.8 76% 239 . 939 4581.3 ' 69% 217.555 3766.4 764 240.332 4596.3 62 194.779 3019.1 69% 217.948 3780.0 76% 240.725 4611.4 62% 195.171 2031.3 69% 218. 3tl 3793.7 76% 241.117 4626.4 195.564 3043 . 5 69% 218.733 3807.3 76% 241.510 4641.5 62% 195.957 3055 . 7 68 34 219.126 3821.0 62 V$ 196.350 3068.0 69% 219.519 3834.7 77 241.903 4656.6 62% 196.742 3080 . 3 77% 242 . 295 4671.8 62% 197.135 3092.6 70 219.911 3848 . 5 242 . 688 4686.9 62% 197.528 3104.9 70% 220.304 3862 . 2 77% 243.081 4702.1 70% 220.697 3876.0 243.473 4717.3 63 197.920 3117.2 70% 221.090 3889.8 77% 243.868 4732.5 63% 198.313 3129.6 70% 221.482 3903 . 6 77% 244 . 259 4747.8 63% 198.706 3142.0 70% 221.875 3917.5 77% 244.652 4763.1 63 % 199.098 3154.5 70% 222.268 3931.4 63% 199. 191 3166.9 70% 222.660 3945.3 78 245.044 4778.4 63% 199.884 3179.4 78% 245.437 4793.7 63 3 4 200 . 277 3191.9 71 223.053 3959.2 78% 245.830 4809.0 63% 200.669 3204.4 71% 223.446 3973.1 78% 246.222 4824.4 71% 223 . 838 3987.1 78% 246.615 4839.8 64 201.062 3217.0 71% 224.231 4001.1 78% 247.008 4855.2 64% 201.455 3229.6 221.624 4015.2 78% 247.400 4870.7 64% 201.847 3242.2 71% 225.017 4029.2 78% 247.793 4886.2 64% 202 . 240 3254.8 71 % 225.409 4043.3 64% 202 . 633 3267.5 71% 225 . 802 4057.4 79 248.186 4901.7 64% 203 . 025 3280 . 1 79% 248.579 4917.2 64% 203.418 3292.8 72 226.195 4071.5 79% 218.971 4932.7 64% 203.811 3305 . 6 72% 226.587 4085 . 7 79% 249.364 4948.3 PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESS ORSj 430 jp: B ATTLE C REE K. M ICH IG AN. U. S. A a Circumferences and Areas of Circles Continued Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 7914 249.757 4963.9 86% 271.355 5859.6 93% 292 . 954 6820.5 79 % 250.149 4979.5 86% 271.748 5876 . 5 93% 293.346 6847.8 79% 250.542 4995.2 86% 272.140 5893 . 5 93% 293 . 739 6866.1 79% 250 . 935 5010.9 86% 272.533 5910.6 93% 294.132 6884 . 5 86% 272.926 5927.6 93% 294 . 524 6902.9 80 251.327 5026 . 5 93% 294.917 6921.3 80% 251.720 5042.3 87 273.319 5944.7 80 > 252.113 5058 . 87% 273.711 5961.8 94 295.310 6939 . 8 80% 252 . 506 5073.8 87% 274.104 5978.9 94% 295.702 6958 . 2 80% 252.898 5089 . 6 87% 274.497 5996.0 94% 296.095 6976.7 80% 253.291 5105.4 87% 274 . 889 6103.2 94% 296.488 6995 . 3 80% 253 . 684 5121.2 87% 275.282 6030.4 94% 296.881 7013.8 80% 254.076 5137.1 87% 275.675 6047.6 94% 297.273 7032.4 87% 276.067 6064 . 9 94% 297.666 7051.0 81 254.469 5153.0 94% 298.059 7069 . 6 81% 254 . 862 5168.9 88 276.460 6082.1 81M 255.254 5184.9 88% 276.853 6099.4 95 298.451 7088.2 81% 255.647 5200 . 8 88 X 277.246 6116.7 95% 298.844 7106.9 81% 256 . 040 5216.8 88% 277.638 6134.1 95 M 299 . 237 7125.6 81% 256.433 5232.8 88% 278.031 6151.4 95% 299 . 629 7144.3 81 % 256.825 5248.9 88% 278.424 6168.8 95% 300 . 022 7163.0 81% 257.218 5264.9 88% 278.816 6186.2 95% 300.415 7181.8 88% 279 . 209 6203.7 95% 300.807 7200.6 82 257.611 5281.0 95% 301.200 7219.4 82% 25S.003 5297.1 89 279 . 602 6221.1 82 14 258 . 396 5313.3 89% 279.994 6238.6 96 301.593 7238.2 82% 258 . 789 5329 . 4 89 % 280 . 387 6256.1 96% 301.986 7257.1 82 % 259.181 5345.6 89% 280 . 780 6273.7 96% 302.378 7276.0 82% 259 . 574 5361.8 89% 281.173 6291.2 96% 302.771 7294.9 82% 259.967 5378.1 89% 281.565 6308.8 96%' 303 . 164 7313.8 82% 260 . 359 5394.3 89% 281.958 6326.4 96% 303 . 556 7332.8 89% 282.351 6344.1 96% 303.949 7351.8 83 260.752 5410.6 96% 304 . 342 7370.8 83% 261.145 5426.9 90 282.743 6361.7 83M 261.538 5443.3 90% 283.136 6379.4 97 304 . 734 7389.8 83% 261.930 5*59.6 90% 283.529 6397.1 97% 305.127 7408.9 83 '4 262.323 5476.0 90% 283.921 6441.9 97i< 305 . 520 7428.0 83% 262.716 5492.4 90H 284.314 6432.6 97% 305.913 7447.1 83% 263.108 55C8 8 90% 284 . 707 6450.4 97% 306 . 305 7466 . 2 83% 263.501 5525.3 90% 285.100 6468.2 97% 306 . 698 7485 . 3 90% 285.492 6486.0 97% 307.091 7504 . 5 84 263.894 5541 8 97% 307.483 7523.7 84% 264.286 5558 . 3 91 2R5 . 885 6503 . 9 84 X 264 . 679 5574.8 91% 286 . 278 6521.8 98 307 . 876 7543.0 84% 265.072 5591.4 91% 286.670 6539.7 98% 308.269 7562.2 84% 255.465 5607 . 9 91% 287.063 6557.6 98 ft 308.661 7581.5 84% 265.857 5624.5 91% 287 . 456 6575.5 98% 309 . 054 7600 . 8 84 % 266 . 250 5641.2 91*1 287.848 6593.5 98 M 309 . 447 7620.1 84% 266.643 5657.8 91% 288.241 6611.5 97% 309 . 840 7639.5 /, 91% 288 . 634 6629.6 98% 310.232 7658.9 85 /' 267.035 5674.5 98% 310.625 7678.3 85% 267.428 5691.2 92 289 . 027 6647.6 85 M 267.821 5707.9 92% 289.419 6665.7 99 311.018 7697.7 85% 268.213 5724.7 92% 289.812 6683 . 8 99% 311.410 7717.1 85 Ms 268 . 606 5741.5 923/g 290 . 205 6701.9 99% 311.803 7736.6 85% 268.999 5758.3 ,92% 290 . 597 6720.1 99% 312.196 7756 . 1 85% 269 . 392 5775.1 92% 290 . 990 6738.2 99% 312.588 7775.6 85% 269 . 784 5791.9 92% 291.383 6756.4 99% 312.981 7795.2 92% 291.775 6774.7 99% 313.374 7814.8 86 270.177 580878 99% 313.767 7834.4 86% 270.570 5825.7 93 292.168 6792.9 86% 270.962 5842.6 93% 292.561 6811.2 100 314.159 7854.0 431 L u N I N STE AM P UM P C O M PANV Coefficients of Linear Expansion at Tempera- tures between 32 and 222 Fahr. Material For 1 Cent. For 1 Fahr. Material For 1 Cent. For 1 Fahr. Aluminum cast . . . Aluminum rolled . Antimony .0000222 .0000207 .0000110 .0000123 .0000115 .0000061 Steel untempererl Steel tempered. . . Tin .0000108 .0000126 .0000207 .0000060 . 0000070 .0000115 Bismuth .0000139 .0000077 Zinc .0000288 .0000160 Brass 0000189 .0000105 Brick best stock. 0000055 0000031 0000171 0000095 Fire Brick 0000049 00000 9 7 Gold ' " .0000153 .0000085 Building i From. .0000072 0000040 0000108 0000060 Stones } To 0000144 0000080 Iron Wrought .... Lead .0000117 .0000281 .0000065 .0000158 Glass . ._ Porcelain .0000088 .0000036 .00000-19 0000020 Nickel .0000126 .0000070 Roman Cement . . . Platinum Silver .0000087 .0000198 . 0000048 .0000110 dry Slate .0000144 0000104 .0000080 0000058 Wedgewood ware . . . 0000088 .0000049 Melting Points or Temperatures of Fusion Solid Cent. Fahr. Solid Cent, Fahr. Aluminum ...:.... Antimony Bismuth 656 630 268 1030 920 320 1487 1463 1084 1064 2500 1220 to 1530 1050 to 1135 1500 to 1600 327 1214 1166 514 1886 1688 608 2709 2665 1983 1947 4532 2228 to 2786 1922 to 2075 2732 to 2912 620 Magnesium Manganese Mercury Nickel 750 1207 39.7 1435 1546 1753 62 2000 953 95 1475 1420 232 1775 419 1382 2205 39.5 2615 2815 3187 144 3632 1747 203 2687 2588 449 3227 786 Brass Bronze Palladium Platinum Cadmium Chromium . . . Potassium Rhodium Silver Cobalt Copper Gold Sodium Steel mild Steel hard Tin Vanadium Iridium Iron cast, gray, . . . f ron cast, white . . . Eron wrought Lead Zinc 432 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. U. S. A. Mensuration of Surfaces and Volumes Area of rectangle = length X breadth. Area of triangle = base X YT. perpendicular height. Diameter of circle = radius X 2. Circumference of circle = diameter X 3.1416 Area of circle = square of diameter X .7854. Area of sector of circle = area of circle X number of degrees in arc. 360 Area of surface of cylinder = circumference X length + area of two ends. To find the diameter of circle having given area: Divide the area by .7854, and extract the square root. To find the volume of a cylinder: Multiply the area of _ the section in square inches by the length in inches = the volume in cubic inches. Cubic inches divided by 1728 = volume in cubic feet. Surface of a sphere = square of diameter X 3.1416 Solidity of a sphere = cube of diameter X .5236. Side of an inscribed cube = radius of a sphere X 1.1547. Area of the base of a pyramid or cone, whether round, square or triangular, multiplied by one-third of its height = the solidity. Diam. X .8862 = side of an equal square. Diam. X .7071 = side of an inscribed square. Fadius X 6.2832 = circumference. Circumference = 3.5446 X V Area of circle. Diameter = 1.1283 X V Area of circle. Length of arc = No. of degrees X .017453 radius. Degrees in arc whose length equals radius = 57 2958'. Length of an arc of 1 = radius X .017543. Length of an arc of 1 Min. = radius X .0002909. Length of an arc of 1 Sec. = radius X .0000048. = Proportion of circumference to diameter = 3.1415926. 2 = 9.8696044. V = 1.7724538. Log. = 0.49715. I/ = 0.31831. 1/360 = .002778. 360/ * = 114.59. 433 UN ION S T E AM P U M P COM P AN V 1 Mensuration of Surfaces and Volumes Continued Lineal feet . . . . " yards. . Square inches . . feet . . . yards . . Acres Cubic inches . . " feet... Circular inches Cyl. inches. . . . " feet..... Links . . Feet Width in chains 183346 circular inches . 2200 cylindrical inches Cubic feet " inches U.S. Gallons.. Cubic feet inches .... Cyl. feet of water Lbs. Avoir. . . Cubic feet of water inch of water Cyl. feet water ". " inch of water 12 U. S. gallons of water 240 U. S. gallons of water 1 . 8 cubic feet of water 35 . 88 cubic feet of water Column of water, 12 inches high, and 1 inch in diameter U. S. bushel. . .00019 .0006 .007 .111 .0002067 4840. .00058 .03704 .00546 .0004546 .02909 .22 .66 1.5 8. 7.48 . 004329 . 13367 231. .8036 .000468 6 .009 .00045 62.5 .03617 49.1 . 02842 X .0495 X 1.2446 X 2150.42 Miles Square feet, yards Acres. Square yards. Cubic feet yards Square feet Cubic feet " yards Yards Feet Links Acres per mile 1 square foot 1 cubic foot ILS. gallons Cubic feet " inches U. S. bushel U. S. gallons Cwt. (112) Tons (2240) Lbs. Avoir. 1 cwt. 1 ton 1 cwt. 1 ton .341 Lbs. Cubic yards. feet Cubic Inches I PUMPING MAC HINER.Y, AIR COMPRESSORS J aaggiui^oL*iPuaaBBttw*fftfBBiiiftfgitfBWiilnrireB^ Comparative Table of the United States and Metric Systems Denomination Equivalent One grain equals in grammes . 0648 One pound avoirdupois equals in kilogrammes . 4536 One ton of 2240 pounds equals in tonnes 1 .0160 One ton of 2000 pounds equals in tonnes 0.9071 One inch equals in millimetres 25 .400 One foot equals in metres . 3048 One mile equals in kilometres 1.6094 One square inch equals in square millimetres . . 645 . 2 One square foot equals in square metres . 09291 One acre equals in ares (100 square metres) 40.47 One square mile equals in square kilometres 2 . 590 One cubic inch equals in cubic centimetres 16.39 One cubic foot equals in cubic metres 0. 02832 One cubic yard equals in cubic metres . 7646 One quart dry measure equals in litres 1.101 One quart liquid or wine measure equals in litres ... . 9465 One foot pound equals in kilogrammetres . 1383 One pound per foot equals in kilogrammes per metre 1 .488 One thousand pounds per square inch equals in kilo- grammes per square millimetres . 703 One pound per square foot equals in kilogrammes per square metre 4 . 882 One pound per cubic foot equals in kilogrammes per cubic metre 16 . 02 One degree Fahrenheit equals in degrees Centigrade. 0.5556 Comparative Table of the United States and Metric Systems Denomination Equivalent One gramme equals in grains 15 . 433 Dne kilogramme equals in pounds avoirdupois 2 . 2047 One tonne equals in tons of 2240 pounds . 9843 Dne tonne equals in tons of 2000 pounds 1 . 1024 One millimetre equals in inches . 0394 One metre equals in feet 3 . 2807 One kilometre equals in miles . 6213 One square millimetre equals in square inches 0.00155 CON^D^N S JSRS ^ 435 " UN ION STEAM P UM P COMPANY ^J Comparative Table of United States and Metric Systems Continued Denomination One square metre equals in square feet One are (100 square metres) equals in acres One square kilometre equals in square miles One cubic centimetre equals in cubic inches One cubic metre or stere equals in cubic feet One cubic metre equals in cubic yards : One litre (one cubic decimetre) equals in cubic inches . One litre equals in quarts, dry measure One litre equals in quarts, liquid or wine measure One kilogrammetre equals in foot pounds One kilogramme per metre equals in pounds per foot. . One kilogramme per square millimetre equals in pounds per square inch One kilogramme per square metre equals in pounds per square foot One kilogramme per cubic metre equals in pounds per cubic foot One degree Centigrade equals in degrees Fahrenheit. Metric Conversion Table 1 61 Equivalent 10.763 0.02471 0.3861 0.0610 35.3105 3078 017 0.908 1.0566 7.2313 0.6720 1422. . 2048 0.0624 1.8 Millimetres X .03937 = inches. Millimetres -f- 25.4 = inches. Centimetres X .3937 = inches. Centimetres -7-2.54 = inches. Metres X 39.37 = inches. Metres X 3-281 = feet. Metres X 1.094 = yards. Kilometres X .621 = miles Kilometres -5- 1.6093 = miles. Kilometres X 3280.8693 = feet. Sq. Millimetres X .00155 = sq. in. Sq. Millimetres -t- 645.1 = sq. in. Sq. Centimetres X .155 = sq. in. Sq. Centimetres -j- 6,451 = sq. in. Sq. Metres X 10.764 = sq. ft. vSq. Kilometres X 247.1 = acres. Hectare X 2.471 = acres. Cu. Centimetres -T- 16.383 = cu. in. Cu. Centimetres -5- 3.69 = fl. drams. Cu. Centimetres -f- 29.57 = fluid oz. Cu. Metres X 35.315 = cu. ft. Cu. Metres X 1.308 = cu. yds. Cu. Metres X 264.2= gals. (231 cu. in.) Litres X 61.022 = cu. in. Litres X 33.84 = fluid oz. Litres X .2642 = gals. (231 cu. in.) Litres -5- 3.78 = gals. (231 cu. in.) Litres -f- 28.316 = cu. ft. Hectolitres X 3.531 = cu. ft. Hectolitres X 2.84 = Bu. (2150.42 cu. in.) Hectolitres X .131 = cu. yds. Hectolitres -f- 26.42 = gals. (231 cu.in.) Grammes X 15.432 = grains. Grammes -f- 981 = dynes. Grammes (water) -5- 29.57 = fluid oz. Grammes -f- 28.35 = oz. avoirdupois Grammes per cu. cent, -f- 27.7 = Ibs. per cu. in. Joule X .7373 = ft. Ibs. Kilo-grammes X 2.2046 = pounds. Kilo-grammes X 35.3 = oz. avoirdu- pois. Kilo-grammes -J- 907.2 = tons (2000 Ibs.) Kilo-grammes per sq. cent. X 14.223 = Ibs. per sq. in. Kilo-gram-metres X 7.233 = ft. Ibs. Kilo-gr. per Metre X .672 = Ibs. per ft. Kilo-gr. per cu. Metre X .062 = Ibs. per cu. ft. Kilo-gr. per Cheval X 2.235 = Ibs. per H. P. Kilo- Watts X 1.34 = Horsepower Watts -T- 746. = Horsepower. Watts X .7373 = ft. pounds p. second Calorie X 3.968 = B. T. U. Cheval vapeur X .9863 = Horsepower (Centigrade X 1.8) + 32=deg. Fahr. Franc X .193 = Dollars Gravity Paris = 980.94 centimetres per sec. 436 c B ATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN, U. S. A. "3 Calorific Power, Carbon Value, and Evaporative Power of Various Fuels. TOTAL HEAT OP COMBUSTION, OR CALORIFIC POWER OF A FUEL. The calorific power of a fuel is the number of units of heat produced by the combustion of 1 pound weight of it. The unit of heat is the amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of water 1 Fahr. CARBON VALUE OF FUEL. The carbon value of any fuel is the weight of carbon in pounds having the same calorific value as 1 pound of the fuel. Carbon value equals calorific power of fuel divided by calorific power of carbon. THEORETICAL EVAPORATIVE POWER OF FUEL. The theo- retical evaporative power of fuel is stated in pounds of water evaporated from and at 212 Fahr., and is obtained by dividing the calorific power of the fuel by 966. ACTUAL EVAPORATIVE POWER OF COAL IN STEAM BOILERS. From numerous experiments on steam boilers, it appears that the actual evaporative power of coal varies from 50 per cent to 85 per cent of the theo- retical evaporative power. An average of a considerable number of tests gave the actual evaporative power equal to 70 per cent of the theoretical evaporative power of the coal. Combustible Calorific Power in British Thermal Units Carbon Value Evapora- tive Power in Lbs. of Water from and at 212 Fahr. Carbon burned to carbonic acid .... Carbon burned to carbonic oxide . . . Carbonic oxide Marsh gas Olefiant gas 14544 4451 4325 23513 21344 1.000 .306 .297 1.617 1 468 15 . 06 4.61 4.48 24.34 22 10 Hydrogen 62032 4 265 64 22 Hydrogen, deducting latent heat in steam formed 53338 3 667 55 22 Sulphur . 3996 275 4 14 Straw with 16 per cent water Wood kilrr dried Wood air dried, with 20 per cent water Peat kiln dried Peat air dried, with 20 per cent water 5200 8000 5600 10000 6500 .358 .550 .385 .688 447 5.38 8.28 5.80 10.35 6 73 Charcoal from wood cry 13000 894 13 46 Charcoal from peat dry Coal lignite air dried . . 11600 11000 .798 756 12.01 11 39 ifrom to average {from to average Coke f from 13000 15700 14100 14000 16200 15000 12000 .894 1.079 .969 .963 1.114 1.031 825 13.46 16.25 14.60 14.49 16.77 15.53 12 42 I to Block fuel 13700 15000 .942 1 031 14.18 15 53 Petroleum 20000 1 375 20 70 Natural gas (Pennsylvania ^ 26000 1 788 26 92 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERY" SERVICE 437 Weight and Specific Gravity of Metals (Kent) ' Specific Gravity Range According to Several Authorities SpecificGra\ity Approximate Mean Value Used in Calculation of Weight Weight per cubic Foot Pounds Weight per Cubic Inch Pounds Aluminum 2 56 to 2.71 2 67 166.5 0963 Antimony 6 66 to 6.86 6 76 421.6 9439 Bismuth Brass, copper and zinc 80 20 70 30 60 40 50 50 Brorze j copper 95 to 80 j onze \tin 5 to 20 / Cadmium Calcium 9.74 to 9.90 7.8 to 8.6 8.52 to 8.96 8.6 to 8.7 1.58 9.82 ( 8.60 J 8.40 } 8.36 ( 8.20 8 . 853 8.65 612.4 536.3 523.8 521.3 511.4 552.0 539.0 .3544 .3103 .3031 .3017 .2959 .3195 .3121 Chromium 5.0 Cobalt .... 8.5 to 8.6 Gold, pure Copper . . 19.245 to 19.361 8.69 to 8.92 19.258 8.853 1200.9 552 .6949 3195 T 1- Indium Iron, cast 22.38 to 23.0 6.85 to 7.48 7.218 1396.0 450.0 .8076 2604 Iron, wrought Lead . . . . 7.4 to 7.9 11 07 to 11 44 7.70 11 38 480.0 709 7 .2779 4106 Manganese Magnesium f 32 Mercury < 60 [212 Nickel 7.0 to 8.0 1 . 69 to 1 . 75 13.60 to 13.62 13.58 13.37 to 13.38 8 279 to 8 93 8.00 1.75 13.62 13.58 13.38 8 8 499.0 109.0 849 . 3 846.8 834.4 548 7 .2887 .0641 .4915 .4000 .4828 3175 Platinum . 20 33 to 22 07 21 5 1347 7758 Potassium Silver 0.865 10 474 to 10 511 10 505 655 1 3791 Sodium 97 Steel 7 69* to 7 932+ 7 854 489 6 2834 Tin . 7 291 to 7 409 7 350 458 3 2652 Titanium .... 5 3 Tungsten 17 to 17 6 Zinc 6 86 to 7 20 7 00 436 5 2526 *Hard and burned. fVery pure and soft. The specific gravity decreases as the carbon is increased. In the first column of figures, the lowest are usually those of cast metals, which are more or less porous; the highest are of metals finely rolled or drawn into wi-re. Proportions of Various Compositions in Common Use (!N ONE HUNDRED PARTS) Babbit's metal Tin 89, copper 3.7, antimony 7.3 Fine yellow brass Copper 66, zinc 34 Gun metal, valves, etc Copper 90, tin 10 White brass , Copper 10, zinc, 80, tin 10 German silver Copper 33.3, zinc 33.4, nickel 33.3 Church bells Copper 80, zinc 5.6, tin 10.1, lead 4.3 Gongs Copper 81.6, tin 18.4 Lathe bushes Copper 80, tin 20 Machinery bearings Copper 87.5, tin 12.5 Muntz metal Copper 60, zinc 40 Sheathing metal Copper 56, zinc 44 438 Various Tables Showing Weights of Materials Weight Per Bushel of Different Grains, Etc. Barley 48 pounds Beans 63 pounds Buckwheat 46 pounds Blue Grass Seed 14 pounds Corn 56 pounds Corn Meal 50 pounds Clover Seed 60 pounds Dried Apples 22 pounds Dried Peaches 33 pounds Flax Seed 56 pounds Hemp Seed 48 pounds Oats 32 pounds Peas 64 pounds Rye 56 pounds Salt , 80 pounds Timothy Seed 45 pounds Wheat 60 pounds Potatoes (heaped) 60 pounds Weight Per Barrel of, Different Articles Flour 196 pounds Fish 200pounds Salt 280 pounds Soap 256 pounds Beef 200 pounds Cement 300 pounds Pork 200 pounds | 56 pounds of butter equals 1 firkin 100 pounds of meal or flour equals 1 sack 100 pounds of grain or flour equals 1 central 100 pounds of dry fish equals I quintal 100 pounds of nails equals 1 cask Miscellaneous A rticles One ton of (2240 pounds) cured hay equals 425 cubic feet One ton of hay in mow equals 414.37 cubic feet, or a cube of 7>^ ft Hay, as usually delivered 5 pounds per cubic foot Hay, well pressed 8 pounds per cubic foot Straw, loose 3*4 pounds per cubic foot Straw, well pi'essed 5^ pounds per cubic foot One gallon of water (U. S.) 8.33 pounds One gallon of oil 7V\ pounds One gallon of molasses . . . 11% pounds One gallon of alcohol 6.9 pounds One gallon of spirits of turpentine 7.31 pounds One keg of powder 25 pounds Weights, in Pounds, of Various Articles As rated by Railway Companies, when their weights cannot otherwise be ascertained Ashes, pot or pearl barrel, 450 pounds Apples and barreled fruits barrel, 200 pounds Apples bushel, 50 pounds Barley .bushel, 45 pounds Beef, pork, bacon ] f hhd., 1000 pounds Butter, tallow, lard f per -j bbl., 333 pounds Salt fish and meat . . . J [ firkin, 100 pounds Bran, feed, shipstuffs, oats bushel, 35 pounds Buckwheat bushel, 48 pounds Bricks, common ' each 5 pounds Bark cord, 2000 pounds Charcoal bushel, 22 pounds Colce and cake meal .* bushel, 40 pounds Clover seed bushel, 62 pounds Eggs barrel, 200 pounds Fish and salt meat per firkin, 100 pounds Flour and meal per bushel, 56 pounds; barrel, 216 pounds Grain and seeds, not stated bushel, 60 pounds Hides, green each, 85 pounds Hides, dry, salted or Spanish each, 33 pounds [ce, coal, lime bushel, 80 pounds Liquors, malt and distilled barrel, 30 pounds 439 Weights, in Pounds, of Various Articles- Continued Liquors per gallon, 10 pounds Lumber pine, poplar, hemlock foot B. M., 4 pounds Lumber oak, walnut, cherry, ash foot, B. M., 5 pounds Nails and spikes keg, 106 pounds Onions, wheat, potatoes bushel, 60 pounds Oysters per bushel, 100 pounds; per 1000, 350 pounds Plastering lath per 1000, 600 pounds Rosin, tar, turpentine barrel, 300 pounds Sand, gravel, etc ^ per cubic foot, 150 pounds Shingles , per 1000, short 900 pounds, long, 1400 pounds Salt : bushel 70 pounds Stone, undressed , perch, 4000 pounds Stone, dressed per cubic foot, 180 pounds Timothy and light grass seed bushel, 40 pounds Wood hickory cord, 4500 pounds Wood oak cord, 3500 pounds WEIGHT OF ONE CUBIC FOOT OF PURE WATER At 32 F. (freezing point) 62 . 418 pounds At 39. 1 F. (maximum density) 62 . 425 pounds At 62 F. (standard temperature) 62 . 355 pounds At 212 F. (boiling point, under 1 atmosphere) 59 . 76 pounds American gallon equals 231 cubic inches of water at 62 F. equals 8 . 3356 pounds British gallon equals 277.274 cubic inches of water at 62 F. equals 10 pounds Weight and Specific Gravity of Liquids Liquids at 32 F. Weight of one Cubic Foot Pounds Weight of one Gallon (Im- perial) Pounds Specific Gravity Water = 1 Mercury ... 848.7 185.1 114.9 96.8 95.5 77.4 76.2 67.4 64.3 64.05 62.425 62.9 61.9 58.7 58.1 57.4 57.4 57.1 54.3 51.2 54.9 53.1 69.3 67.4 55.6 55.6 54.3 44.9 57.4 49.3 53.1 49.9 136.0 29.7 18.4 15.5 15.3 12.4 12.2 10.8 10.3 10.3 10.0 9.9 9.9 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.2 9.15 87 8.2 8.8 8/5 11.1 10.8 8.9 8.9 8.7 7.2 9.2 7.9 8.5 8.0 13.596 2.966 1.84 1.55 .53 .24 .22 .08 .03 .026 .0 994 0.991 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.159 0.87 0.82 0.88 0.85 1.11 1.08 0.89 0.89 0.87 0.72 0.92 0.79 0.85 0.80 Bromine Sulphuric acid Nitrous acid . Chloroform Water of the Dead vSea Nitric acid Acetic acid Milk Sea water Pure water 'distilled) at 39 F .... Wine of Bordeaux . . Wine of Burgandy . . . . Oil, linseed Oil. popov Oil, rape seed Oil, whale Oil, olive Oil, turpentine . Oil, potato . Petroleum . Naptha Ether, nitric Ether, sulphurous Ether, nitrous Ether, acetic .... Ether, hydrochloric Ether, sulphuric Alcohol, proof spirit Alcohol, pure Benzine Wood Spirit 440 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. U. S. A Circular and Angular Measure 60 seconds (") = 1 minute (') 60 minutes = 1 degree () 360 degrees = 1 circumference (C) Cubic Measure 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic, or solid foot. 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic, or solid yard. A pile of wood cut 4 feet long, piled 4 feet high, 8 feet long = 128 cubic feet = 1 cord. A porch of stone = 16 >< feet long, by 1 foot high, by 1^ feet thick = 24^ cubic feet. A perch of stone = 22 cubic feet in Philadelphia. A perch of stone = 16> cubic feet in some New England States. The perch is so variable in different localities that it should never be used in making a contract unless the contents in cubic feet be specified. A ton (2240 pounds) of Pennsylvania anthracite, when broken for domestic use, occupies from 41 to 43 cubic feet of space, the mean of which is equal to 1 . 556 cubic yards, or a cube of 3.476 feet on each edge. A ton (2240 pounds) of bituminous coal equals 44 to 48 cubic feet, mean equal to 1.704 cubic yards; or a cube of 3.583 feet on each edge. A ton (2240 pounds) of coke = 80 cubic feet. A cubic foot is equal to .1728 cubic inches A cubic foot is equal to 0.037037 cubic yards A cubic foot is equal to . . 0.803564 U. S. struck bushel of 2150.42 cubic inches A cubic foot is equal to 32 1426 U S pecks A cubic foot is equal to 7.48052 U. S. liquid grilons of 231 cubic inches A cubic foot is equal to ... 6.42851 U. S. dry gallons of 268.8025 cubic inches A cubic foot is equal to 29.922C8 U. S. liquid quarts A cubic foot is equal to 25.71405 U. S. dry quarts A cubic foot is equal to 59.84416 U. S. liquid pints A cubic foot is equal to. . .- 51 .42809 U. S. dry pints A cubic foot is equal to 239 . 37662 U. S. gills A cubic foot is equal to 0.26667 flour barrel of 3 struck bushels A cubic foot is equal to. 0. 23748 U. S. liquid barrel of 31# gallons A cubic yard is equal to 7 . 2 flour barrels of 3 struck bushels each. A ton in computing the tonnage of a ship or other vessel is 100 cubic feet of their internal space. A ton in computing freight on ships is taken at 40 cubic feet or 2240 pounds, at the ship's option. Dry Measure Edge of a cube of equal capacity 2 pints = 1 quart 4.066 inches 4 quarts = 1 gallon = 8 pints 6.454 inches 2 gallons = 1 peck = 16 pints 8. 131 inches 4 pecks = 1 bushel (struck) = 64 pints =32 quarts = 8 gallons ... 12 . 908 inches A gallon dry measure = 268 . 8 cubic inches. A bushel dry meaure (same as British Winchester struck bushel) =2150.42 cubic inches, or 77.63 pounds avoirdupois of pure water at its maximum density. The dimensions of a bushel by law are 18>^ inches inner diameter, 19K inches outer diameter, and 8 inches deep; and when heaped,the cone is not to be less than 6 inches high, which makes a heaped bushel equal to 1M struck bushels, or to 1 . 56 cubic feet. A struck bushel = 1.24 cubic feet. The dry flour barrel = 3 . 75 cubic feet = 3 struck bushels. The dry barrel is not however, a legalized measure. 36 heaped bushels = 1 chaldron. c AND CON I)H NSE RS FOR F^ /F RY SERA cs N 10 N s TE AM P UM P C O MPANY Measures of Length 12 inches = 1 foot. 3 feet = 1 yard = 36 inches. 5K" yards = 1 rod = 198 inches = 16K feet. 80 rods = 1 furlong = 7920 inches = 660 feet = 220 yards. 4 furlongs = 1 mile = 63,360 inches = 5280 feet = 1760 yards =320 rods. Gunter's Chain (SOMETIMES USED IN LAND SURVEYING) 7.92 inches = 1 link. 100 links = 1 chain = 4 rods = 66 feet. 80 chains = 1 mile. Ropes and Cables 6 feet = 1 fathom; 120 fathoms = 1 cable's length. The United States standard yard is the same as the imperial yard of .jreat Britain. It is determined as follows; The rod of a pendulum vibrating econds of mean time in the latitude of London in a vacuum at the level of he sea is divided into 391,393 equal parts, and 360,000 of these parts are 36 nches, or 1 standard yard. An inch is one 500,500,000th part of the earth's polar axis. Artificers sometimes divide the inch into lines or twelfths, but more lommonly into binary divisions half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth and thirty- econd. Mechanical engineers divide the inch decimally lOths, lOOths, lOOOths, :tC. Civil engineers divide the foot decimally. A nautical mile, geographical mile, sea mile, or knot, as adopted by Jnited States Coast and Geodetic Survey, is equal to 6080.27 feet. British Admiralty knot = 6080 feet. A geographical or nautical mile may be taken = 1 . 15 statute miles. The league =3 nautical miles. The geographical degree = 60 geographical or nautical miles. Ths length of a degree of latitude varies, being 68 . 72 miles at the equator, )9.C5 miles in middle latitudes, and 69.34 miles in the polar regions. A degree >f longitude is greatest at the equator, where it is 69 . 16 miles, and it gradually lecreases toward ths poles, where it is 0. 1 hand =4 inches. 1 pace =3 feet. The hand is used for heights of horses and girths of spars. Square or Land Measure 144 square inches = 1 square foot. 9 square feet = l square yard = 1296 square inches. 30 1 4 square yards = I square rod =2 72 ^square feet. 40 square rods = 1 rood = 1210 square yards = 10,890 square feet. 4 roods = I acre = 160 square rods = 1840 square yards = 43,560 square feet. A section of land =640 acres = 1 square mile. 208.71 feet square =43. 560 square feet = 10 square Gunter's chains = 1 acre, or 220 x 198 feet = 1 acre. A square K-acre is 147.58 feet at each side; or 110x198 feet. A square >- acre is 104.355 feet at each side; or 55 x 198 feet. A circular acre is 235.504 feet in diameter. A circular ^-acre is 166.527 feet in diameter. A circular ><-acre is 117.752 feet in diameter. A circular inch is a circle of 1-inch diameter; a square foot = 183. 346 :ircular inches. 1 square inch = 1.27324 circular inches; and 1 circular inch =0.7854 of i square inch. 442 (U a o 3 C CO CO O C O o o CO V a rt 0< 1 CAPACITY IN GALLONS PER MINUTE 1 if GO *o ^r CM O I.I.I. .1.1,1 .1.1,1 ^ N si ^" X. K s. ^ x N <0 ^ ^ w ^- n o s^ "* ^x ^ - v ^ dX N \ ^ -r s> \ ^ ^ s^ V \ 1 * & ^x^. ^ \ \ C. s " "* **v ^ \ *x > \ \\ ( >4v K \\\\ ^f x S \\\\ s ** Xx^ \\ * 1 *^. s \\ x *x x \ M > x nut ^ x i \\\\ (J S Ms \ \\ Z ^ x V L J ^^ ^ Xx V \l 111 w x *>. . s \ \\\ V ^ *v p^pj x x^ s s H a *!* ^Xj x ^ V \1 N "X n x h ^ra^ * N Xj, s - k 1 il I 1 ^i H s^ a **N ^ [X, XI ' ^S x x ^x V 1_ X, X x [X^ s^ \1' s > ^^ x s x x - x^ s^ Ml x X $ ^N ^ Vs ^ x ^v pro ( ' X, K ^J M V. x s, s L \\\ N N X s X h s x x, \j I 2 ^ 1 v x^ x X ^ s NX, 1 x Q, x - x X x Vi N x x s \\l\\ >x ^ " s >x. "^ x^ "^ x^ "x^ ^ . 1 Mil s x^ K, ^ NxJ ^ Xx, x V I *"" x^ *> x:^. . x^ s ^ ^ 4= X, ^ s --. ^ o 1 ?m 1 00 VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND 443 F~" w* 1 * Jr. M . , M m. m V ir.JT'g ir w M.H : V k^h Ir^ A g^uir in. t ja BTTBT g g TH a n ^tflg.at w anr a ,m . jn a M BT ff CAPACITY IN GALLONS PER MINUTE O O s VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND 1 PUMPING MACHINERY. .AIR COMPRESSORS 444 ATTLE C R F -RK VI 1C HI'G AN ." U. S CAPACITY IN GALLONS PER MINUTE 0) o 3 f-H fi J3 V a 03 PU < < < I | 1 N 1 1 1 i i | c I > ly 1 1 ^P ^ (^ *> >, : - It vb V X <*) s ~ X ^^ M f\ N N fO u, V ^ "\ \ s n ht ^S, KY! I* ^ s CO S N ^ \_ M X ; k, ii "* S, ' S, 2 ^ s^ ^ x, s> ; ^ v. \ \ r ^ $ *" r N \ n <^, s . ^ \ vo 5 F ^ "-v. ^ ^ \ \\ -i< . N s^ v ^ " Sj r N fi s *^, V, ^ \ v\\ r V* ^ s^ x h^ v \\ N V, ^ ^ s 'V, \ i Kl ^ is^ ^ >, ^ s X \ S.IM ii ^ v ? 1 ^> "-> v X X *x^ \ Si ^ C ">, ^^ ^^ ^ "V '' \ * Av an >, ^ H r>e li *^ ^t *^, ^> S \j\i *V, ^ ^ V.J "Ni >^, ^ X "v^ v - X \ rGH & S3 L ^> ^ -^J '* x. ^ X *S \j\\i X , r ^. >*,, ">. ^, X, ^Sfc ** X S v\\J **< < r ^ ** -. ^1 *^ * *x, ; ^ ^s. N \\S V *" -^ -v - r^^ < ^- , *> s^ ^ "V, vl\" I M E , ^m . *^ s e ****, 5s *** "^, **^ Sfc. 4+- aJL g 00 ^O Vi" N -O VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND 445 CAPACITY IN GALLONS PER MINUTE I 3 P* I CS| u o M CO VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND 446 [ BATTLE C RE EK. M ICH IG AN. U. s. A. 4 United States Standard Baume Scale Relation Between Baume Degrees and Specific Gravity LIQUIDS HEAVIER THAN WATER Baume Degrees Sp. Gr. 60/60F Baume Degrees Sp. Gr. 60/GOF Baume Degrees Sp. Gr. 60/60F Baume Degrees Sp. G-. 60 J /60 J F 0.. 1 2 1.00000 1.00694 1.01399 20.. 21 22 1.16000 1.16935 1.17886 40 41 42 1.38095 1.39423 1.40777 60 61 62 1.70588 1.72619 1.74699 3 4 1.02113 1.02837 23 24 1.18852 1.19835 43 44 1.42157 1 43564 63..... 64 1.76829 1 79012 5.. 6 7 8 1.03571 1.04317 1.05072 1.05839 25.. 26 27 28 1.20833 1.21849 1.22881 1.23932 45 46 47 48 1.45000 1.46465 1.47959 1.49485 65 66 67 68 1.81250 1.83544 1.85897 1.88312 9 10. . 1.06618 1.07407 29 30 1.25000 1.26087 49 50 1.51042 1.52632 69 70 1.90789 1 93333 11. . 1.08209 31 1.27193 51 1 54255 71 1 95946 12 1.09023 32 1.28319 52 1.55914 72 1.98630 13.... 1.09848 33 1.29464 53 1.57609 73 2.01389 14. . 1.10687 34 1.30631 51 1 59341 74 2 04225 15.. 1.11538 35. . 1.31818 55. . 1.61111 75 2.07143 16 1.12403 36 1.33028 56 1.62921 76 2 10145 17 18 19 1.13281 1.14173 ! 1.15079 37 ' 1 38 39 1.34259 1.35514 1.36792 57 i 58 59 1.64773 1.66667 1.68605 77 78 79 2.13235 2.16418 2.19697 LIQUIDS LIGHTER THAN WATER 10.. 1.00000 30.. 0.87500 50.. 0.77778 70.. 0.70000 11 .99291 31 .86957 51 .77348 71 .69652 12 .98592 32 .86420 52 .76923 72 .69307 13 .97902 33 .85890 53..... .76503 73..... .68966 14 .97222 34 .85366 54 .76087 74 .68627 15 .96552 35.. .84848 55. . .75676 75 .68293 16 .95890 36 .84337 56 .75269 76 .67961 17 .95238 37 .83832 57 .74866 77 .67633 18 .94595 38 .83333 58 .74468 78 .67308 19 .93960 39 .82840 59 .74074 79 .66986 20.. .93333 40.. .82353 60 .73684 80.. .66667 21 .92715 41 .81871 61 .73298 81 .66351 22 .92105 42 .81395 62 .72917 82 .66038 23 .91503 43 .80925 63 .72539 83 .65728 24 .90909 44 .80460 64 .72165 84 .65421 25.. .90323 45 .... .80000 65. . .71795 85.. .65117 26 .89744 46 .79545 66 .71428 86 .64815 27 .89172 47 .79096 67 .71066 87 .64516 28 .88608 48 .78652 68 .70707 88 .64220 29 .88050 49 .78212 69 .70352 89 .63927 From Circular No. 59 Bureau of Standards. Table of Degrees Brix Per Cent. Sugar (Degrees Balling.'s or Brix) with Corresponding Specific Gravity and Degrees Baume. Temperature 60 F. Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Sugar Balling's or Brix 60 F Specific Gravity 60/60F Degrees Baume 60 F Sugar Balling's or Brix 60 F Specific Gravity 60/60F Degrees Baume 60 F Sugar Balling's or Brix 60 F Specific Gravity 60/60 F Degrees Baume 60 F 15.56 C. 15.56 C 15.56 C 1.0000 0.00 34 1.1491 18.81 68 1.3384 36.67 1 1.0039 0.56 35 1 . 1541 19.36 69 1.3447 37.17 2 1.0078 1.13 36 1.1591 19.90 70 1.3509 37.66 3 .0118 1.68 37 1 . 1641 20.44 71 1.3573 38.17 4 .0157 2.24 38 1 . 1692 20.98 .72 1.3636 38.66 5 .0197 2.80 39 1 . 1743 21.52 73 1 . 3700 39.16 6 .0238 3.37 40 1 . 1794 22.06 74 1 . 3764 39.65 7 .0278 3.93 41 1 . 1846 22.60 75 1 . 3829 40.15 8 .0319 4.49 42 1 . 1898 23.13 76 1.3894 40.64 9 .0360 5.04 43 1 . 1950 23.66 77 1.3959 41.12 10 .0402 5.60 44 1.2003 24.20 78 1.4025 41.61 11 .0443 6.15 45 .2057 24.74 79 1.4091 42.10 12 1.0485 6.71 43 .2110 25.26 80 1.4157 42.58 13 1.0528 7.28 ! 47 .2164 25.80 81 1 . 4224 43.06 14 1.0570 7.81 48 .2218 26.32 82 1.4291 43.54 15 1.0613 8.38 49 .2273 26.86 83 1.4359 44.02 16 1.0657 8.94 50 .2328 27.38 84 .4427 44.49 17 1.0700 9.49 51 1.2384 27.91 85 1.4495 44.96 18 1.0744 10.04 52 1.2439 28.43 86 .4564 45.44 19 1.0788 10.59 53 1.2496 28.96 87 1.4633 45.91 20 1.0833 11.15 54 1 . 2552 29.48 88 1 . 4702 46.37 21 1 . 0878 11.70 55 1 . 2309 30.00 .89 1 . 4772 46.84 22 . 0923 12.25 53 1 . 2667 30.53 90 .4842 47.31 23 .0968 12.80 57 1.2724 31.05 91 .4913 47.77 24 .1014 13.35 58 1.2782 31.56 92 .4984 48.23 25 .1060 13.90 59 1.2841 32.08 93 .5055 48.69 26 .1107 14.45 60 1.2900 32.60 94 .5126 49.14 27 .1154 15.00 61 1.2959 33.11 95 .5198 49.59 28 .1201 15.54 62 1.3019 33.63 96 .5270 50.04 29 .1248 16.19 63 1 . 3079 34.13 97 . 5343 50.49 30 1.1296 16.63 61 1.3139 34.64 98 1.5416 50.94 31 1.1345 17.19 65 1 . 3200 35.15 99 1.5489 51.39 32 1 . 1393 17.73 66 1.3261 35.66 100 1.5563 51.93 33 1.1442 18.28 67 1.3323 36.16 The above table is from the determinations of Dr. F. Plato, and has been adopted as standard by the United States Bureau of Standards. Pumps for the Oil Industry /IL B A T T L E CREEK. MI CSJLGAN , U. S. A. Petroleum Fields The American Petroleum industry may be said to have had its inception from the date of the drilling of the first well in 1859. Prior to this date, petroleum had been obtained in small quantities from brine wells in Pennsylvania, and from the distillation of coal. The Petroleum fields of importance in the United States may be listed as follows: Appalachian Lima Indiana Illinois Mid-Continent Central and Northern Texas West Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Wyoming California. Chemical Properties of Petroleum Petroleum is a mixture of chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen called hydrocarbons with small amounts of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen. These last three usually exist as derivatives of the hydrocarbons, and are regarded as im- purities. Hydrogen sulphide, water and earthy matter are often present in addition. The elements carbon and hydrogen of which all hydro- carbons are composed, possess widely different properties. Carbon which is one of the most widely distributed elements is the principal component of all organic compounds. Hydro- gen is a colorless, odorless, inflamable gas and is the lightest substance known. 451 1 UNION STEAM _P U.M P COM P ANY J Physical Properties of Petroleum Specific Gravity Petroleum is lighter than water. The specific gravity is influenced by physical factors and by the chemical composition of the crude oil. American crude petroleum varies in specific gravity from .7684 to .9960. Russian petroleum from .854 to .889 and Mexican oil from .975 to .992. In practical operation in the Petroleum Industry, the specific gravity is generally ex- pressed in terms of the Baume scale which bears no direct rela- tion to the specific gravity. The conversion of the Baume scale into specific gravity is as follows: 140 Degrees Baume = 130 Sp. Gr. 60/60 Fah. 140 Sp. Gr. 60/60 Fah. = - 130 + deg. Be Viscosity The viscosity or measure of the tendency to flow is an important factor with lubricating oils, especially when it comes to handling them with pumps. It is usually determined as the time necessary for a definite volume of oil at a definite tempera- ture to flow through a small opening or orifice. This work is carried out in an instrument known as a viscosimeter of which there are several standard makes in use at the present time. All of them utilize the same general principle. Oil is heated in a metallic cup, surrounded by an oil bath. The temperature of the oil in the cup and that of the oil bath are carefully con- trolled; and when the desired temperature has been reached, a small orifice in the bottom of the cup is opened, and the oil is allowed to flow into a flask of known capacity. The time necessary for the flask to fill is taken as the measure of the viscosity of the oil. In the United States, the Saybolt standard uniform viscosi- meter is generally used. The Redwood viscosimeter is used in Great Britain and in Germany, and other countries the Engler viscosimeter is used. The time in seconds for the delivery of 60 cu. in. of oil is the Saybolt viscosity of the oil at the temperature of the test which generally is 100 Fah., 150 Fah. or 210 Fah. The viscosity of fuel oils is determined by the Saybolt- Furol Viscosimeter at temperatures of 70 Fah. 104 Fah. and 122 Fah. 452 It B ATT LE C RE EK. MIC HIG ATsT, U. s. ^^ The viscosity of oil decreases and its fluidity increases when the temperature is raised. This is important as it has every- thing to do with the successful handling of it with pumps. Refining There are so many grades of crude and the method of re- fining them so varied that only an outline of the usual practice will be given .here. The process of treating crude petroleum is always one of fractional distillation with subsequent chemical treatment, filtering, re-distillation and compounding of each of the frac- tions. Often only one treatment is necessary to produce the desired result; often two or more steps are taken. There are three major classifications of petroleum, Paraffin Base. Asphalt Base. Mixed Base. The paraffin base crude contains very little asphalt. Some of the well known paraffin base crudes are those from Pennsyl- vania, West Virginia, North Louisiana, Ranger, Oklahoma and Kansas. The paraffin base crudes are most valuable. This is due not alone to the valuable lubricating oils and cylinder stocks contained therein, but also to the fact that such oils show a high yield of gasoline. The asphalt base crudes leave as a residue a heavy pitch or asphalt. California, certain Texas and the heavy Mexican oils are of this class. A mixed base petroleum is one in which both paraffin and asphalt are found. Illinois and some of the light Mexican oils are of this class. The three classes of crudes are handled somewhat similarly, but the yields of the products are quite different. Paraffin base oils are usually run with every effort to avoid cracking or de- composition by heat. They yield the bulk of our high grade lubricants. Asphalt base crudes on the other hand, will yield greater amounts of like products when cracked. These oils are generally "topped" for the lighter fractions. Mixed base oils are usually refined by combination of the two processes, crack- ing and non-cracking. 453 The two methods employed in refining petroleum are straight distillation which separates the compounds of different boiling points from each other but does not break them up, and cracking which decomposes or breaks up the oil by heating it to a high temperature. The demand for gasoline has long since exceeded the avail- able supply contained in the crude oil, and a very important part of the refining practice today consists in augmenting the natural supply of light hydrocarbons by -processes of decomposing the heavier oils by heat treatment and thereby obtaining increased quantities of motor fuel. Straight Distillation The crude is first distilled by direct firing with the aid of open steam sprays in the still. As the oil is heated in the still, those portions of low boiling points vaporize and are led through condensing coils to a so-called "look box." Here the stream is under observation of the still man who, by means of samples, keeps in touch with the operation. As the temperature of the oil in the still rises, fractions of high boiling points and higher gravity are vaporized and condensed, and flow through the look box. The look box. is connected to a manifold leading to the receiving tanks, one or more tanks being provided for each "cut" or product desired from the distillation. The cuts or separations resulting from the first distillation of a paraffin base crude will run about as follows: Crude Naphtha start .54 Baume Kerosene Distillate 54-50 Baume Crude Kerosene 50-38 Baume Gas Oil 38-35 Baume Wax Distillate 35 Baume The crude naphtha or first cut is the base of commercial naphthas and gasoline. The distillate will cont'ain hydrocar- bons of higher boiling points than are allowable in gasoline. Further distillation is therefore required, and this is carried out in steam stills with dephlegmating towers so the lighter consti- tuents of the crude naphtha can escape. In this distillate 75 to 80% of the charge will pass over as commercial grades of gasoline. The residual which is naphtha bottoms is further distilled with kerosene stocks. 454 r&^^^Jr^^&^^&^J^&S^^^Si^^S^' The kerosene distillate, like the, naphtha cut, contains pro- ducts which are more homogeneous. The distillate is treated in steam stills as before and run down to the desired flash point. The distillate which is carried over is put into the crude naphtha cut from the crude oil distillation for further handling. The crude kerosene from the still and naphtha bottoms are then treated and represent various grades of kerosene oils. Gas oil is usually marketed as obtained from the crude fire still. It is sometimes blended with heavier oils for producing certain grades of fuel oil. It is also used in the cracking pro- cesses. The wax distillate which is taken from the crude still contains many compounds of the solid paraffin series and aho valuable oils from which high-grade lubricants are made. It is again subjected to distillation which changes the character of the wax to a crystalline form which enables it to be extracted. The resulting cracked distillate is chilled by refrigerating ma- chines and then pumped through a filter press to remove the wax. The pressed oil is fire-stilled with bottom steam, the residual in the still resulting in a lubricating oil stock. The overhead distillates can then be fractionated, and when treated become the various grades of automobile, air compressor and engine oils. The wa'x taken from the distillate is sweated and purified, and becomes the commercial paraffin wax. Cracking The decomposition of petroleum with the consequent breaking up of the molecules, and the production of both lighter and heavier hydrocarbons .is called "cracking." In the oil industry, cracking processes are those designed to utilize the above decomposition for the conversion of heavier oils into the more valuable gasolines and naphthas. All petroleum hydro- carbons have a characteristic temperature above which the cracking reaction takes place. This temperature varies for the different cuts from the given crude and for similar cuts from different crude oils. For the gas oil and fuel oil distillates now in use as stock for cracking operation, the temperature necessary to cause the re-action is usually between 550 Fah. and 600 Fah. The great bulk of the stocks which are cracked for yields of gasoline is composed of gas oils, and the stocks distilled from crude oil between that cut and coke. There are two essential factors in the cracking operation: temperature and the .time AN D C ON D E N S E R S P R E VE RV_ 5 E RVTCE 455 through which the molecule is subjected to that temperature. Pressure is corollary to the temperature. The simpler hydro- carbons require higher temperatures and longer time than the more complex ones of greater specific gravity. Such stocks as kerosene distillate are therefore seldom cracked on a commercial scale. The systems in commercial use may be broadly classified as cracking in the vapor phase and cracking in the liquid phase. Cracking in the vapor phase consists in vaporizing the oil and then producing the re-action by the addition of heat, or of heat and pressure together. Temperatures ordinarily used are from 1000 Fah. up, although it is possible to operate vapor phase cracking at as low a temperature as 750 Fah. Among the various processes which have been experimented upon in vapor phase are the Rittman, Gyro, Greenstreet and Ellis. The majority of commercial processes in general use are on the liquid phase principle where the heat is applied to the liquid under very high pressure sufficient to keep it liquid. The processes in use are the Tube and Tank, Cross, Holmes-Manley, Dubbs, Fleming, Isom, Coast and Emerson. There are also many other processes but no attempt will be made here to de- scribe them. Casing Head Gasoline Gasoline is also obtained from casing head gas which flows from oil wells between the tubing and the casing. There are two methods of handling this gas in the production of gasoline : by the compression method and by the absorption method. When the gas is rich, it is compressed by a two-stage com- pressor at a pressure from 50 to 300 Ibs. and flows through a series of water-cooled condenser coils in which the casing head gasoline separates and is collected in tanks, while the non-con- densable vapors are piped away. The absorption process is used where the gas yields less than l]/2 gallons of gasoline per 1000 cubic feet. This process involves passing casing head gas under pressure through a heavy oil in which the heavier constituents of the gas are dissolved and retained by the heavy oil. By steam distillation of the heavy oil, the casing head gasoline is recovered. ____AJMR._ 456 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVICE 457 Pumps for the Oil Industry In probably no other enterprise in the universe do pumps play such an important role as in the oil industry. Pumps contribute to the success of every phase of this great industry: production, transportation of the crude, refining, transportation of the finished products and marketing. When the oil industry was in. its infancy, little attention was paid to the economy and dependability of the pumping equipment, but with the gradual development of the industry, the resulting competition, and the narrowing margins of profit, it has been found that economical and dependable pumping equipment are absolutely essential. Realizing the exacting service required of pumping equipment for the oil industry, and the necessity of having pumps built for each particular service, the Union Steam Pump Company has, over a long period of years, developed a complete line of pumps for this particular field. A few of the many different types of pumps for the oil in- dustry are shown on the following pages. For general water supply, cooling towers, boiler feed, etc., Simplex, Duplex, also Centrifugal pumps are used. See page 461. Light oils such as gas oil, gasoline, naphtha kerosene, etc., are generally handled "by specially fitted pumps of the Simplex, Duplex or Centrifugal types as shown on oages 461 and 464. For oil such as heavy crude residiums, specially designed pumps are necessary with liberal valve and port openings. The separate-chest pattern pump shown on page 461 is a special type pump for this service. For oil-line pumping, where the pressures to be met are around 750 to 1000 Ibs., a specially designed pump is used of the duplex type, as shown on page 462. The Duplex plunger type of pump shown on page 463 is also used for this service. For pumping oils against high pressures, also for charging stills where the temperatures are not excessive, the plunger pumps shown on pages 462 and 463 are used. When it comes to the question of handling hot oils, the type of pump to use depends not only on the temperature but the pressure, the gravity of the oil, and the suction conditions. Every condition is different, so no definite statement can ba made as to the exact type to use until a careful study is made of the conditions. In general, pumps for hot-oil service may be classed as piston and plunger types. The piston type is designed and built in the valve pot pattern, Simplex, Duplex and Twin, with semi-steel and cast steel fluid ends. See pages 465 to 467. And for extreme con- ditions for temperatures up to 1000, the piston pattern is fur- nished in the Simplex, Duplex and Twin types with forged steel fluid ends and cooled stuffing-boxes. See pages 468 to 470. For pressures up to 3500 Ibs., and for temperatures up to 1000, the specially designed forged-steel plunger pump in the Simplex or Twin with cooled plungers and stuffing-boxes shown on pages 471 and 472 is furnished. For handling heavy viscous oils like acid sludge, we furnish a specially designed type of pump shown on page 474 with fluid ends made of iron or acid-resisting bronze. For fire protection, the *Foamite type of pump is used as shown on page 473. This pump is a special type arranged for handling two different solutions; one solution consisting of a viscous material and bicarbonate of soda and the other con- taining aluminum sulphate. When these two solutions are brought together in equal parts, they will form a foam, whose volume is seven to eight times the combined original volumes of the two liquids, which is utilized in extinguishing fires. For cargo loading, we build a special pump of the valve pot type as shown on page 474. In addition to the types of pumps shown, we make a com- plete line of power pumps which are specially designed for practically all the various services mentioned above. Twin Pumps The Twin pumps referred to herein and shown on, the fol- lowing pages are a special type which we originated. The Twin pump consists of two Burnham single pumps taking steam through a patented synchronizing valve, which device keeps the two pumps in step, one pump reversing when the other is at about mid-stroke. The synchronizing valve is functioned by the auxiliary pistons carrying the main steam valve of the two 459 U N I O N STEAM PUMP CO MPANY companion pumps, and this mechanism is entirely independent of the valve gear which controls the stroke of the two pumps. The Burnham twin mechanism is a simple device by means of which it is possible for us to furnish a pumping unit which is particularly adapted to handling oils. A few of the many advantages of this pump are : A pump with a very uniform discharge which is essen- tial. Flexibility, which is of paramount importance for a pump for this service. The pump may be operated as a twin or in case of re- packing, repairs, etc., either side of the unit may be shut down, the other continuing to run at practically double the speed. By utilizing the Burnham Simplex steam end, it is pos- sible to obtain a high degree of economy which is character- istic of that pump. Since each pump is operated by its own valve gear, there is no possibility of short-stroking as the pump must take its full stroke before it can reverse. This feature is particularly desirable for handling oils, also if the pump should be used as a meter. 1 460 ~A T T L E , C : R E E K . Ml C Fig. 103a. General Service Duplex Pump for Light Oils and Water. Fig. 95. General Service Simplex Pump for Light Oils and Water. Fig. 205. Separate-Chest Pattern Duplex Pump for Handling Heavy Oil. o N ' X M p LTM "p PA .N Y Fig. 210. Duplex Oil Line Pump, 6 and 8" stroke. Fig. 181. Duplex Oil Line Pump, 10" and 12" stroke. Fig. 211. Simplex Plunger Pump. For Handling Oils Against High Pressures, also for Charging Stills at Moderate Temperatures. PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRE S S OR S W Tonj"ETfTr\if jj* wy vrvww w w TJV w r yy_"wir !BJIL!tf y T g P g nr nf g mwtfyyTftTT'fl'Tg vrw w a *a ^ w w ^ ff~^'>"^~i:' "gin -*-$-ww * 462 463 UNION STEAM PUMP C O M PANY as^^cp Y~ Fig. 86. Motor-Driven Pump. For Circulating Light Oils, Water, etc. Fig. 213. Motor-Driven Gasoline Pump. Fig. 214. Multistage Steam TurDme-Driven Centrifugal Pump. For High Pressure Oil or Water, also for Boiler Feeding. ^R JMPING MAC HINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS aJl 464 Fig. 215. Burnham Valve-Pot Pattern Simplex Hot Oil Pump. Fig. 216. Duplex Valve-Pot Pattern Hot Oil Pump. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVICE 465 a I .+-> 466 467 UNION STEAM PUMP C O M PANV ill Fig. 218. Simplex Forged-Steel Hot Oil Pump, Piston Pattern, Fig. 219. Simplex Forged-Steel Hot Oil Pump, Piston-Pattern with Compound Steam End. PUMPING MACHINERY, AIR COMPRESSORS 468 LJLULK3C A.TTL MICHIGAN, U.S.A. AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERV SERVICE "~ ''' '~ "''" 469 UNION STEAM PUMP COMPANY 470 B A T t L _E~ c g Q a c O o PUMPING MACHINERY. AIR COMPRESSO 472 AND CONDENSERS FOR EVERT S 473 Fig. 225. Pump for Heavy Oils, Sludge, etc. Fig. 182. Cargo Loading Pump. 474 Useful Information Oil 1 Barrel equals 42 U. S. gals. 1 Barrel per hour equals .7 U. S. gals, per minute. Barrels per hour x .7 equals gals, per min- ute. Gals, per minute divided, by .7 equals bar- rels per hour. Barrels per hour x 24 equals barrels per day. 1 Barrel per day equals .0292 gals, per minute. Barrels per day x .0292 equal gals, per min- ute. Gals, per minute divided by .0292 equals barrels per day. Number of barrels in pipe one mile long equals diameter of pipe in inches squared Velocity in feet per second equals .0119 x barrels per day divided by diameter of pipe in inches squared, or Velocity equals .2856 x barrels per hour divided by the diameter of pipe in inches squared, or Velocity equals .408 x gals, per minute divided by the diameter of pipe in inches squared. Net Horse Power equals the theoretical horse power necessary to do the work. Net Horse Power equals barrels per day ? Pressure x .000017. Net Horse Power equals barrels per hour x Pressure x .000408. Net Horse Power equals gals, per minute x Pressure x .000583. CHARACTERISTICS OF TESTED OILS OILS TESTE D GRAVITY Pounds per Gallon Degrees Beaume Specific Gravity California, Bakersfield - Louisiana, Jennings 16.0 24.0 37.0 28.0 24.0 32.2 36.2 35.4 43.7 38.2 29.0 22.0 20 18.0 27.9 40.0 .9595 .9105 .8395 .8870 .9105 .8631 .8423 .8464 .8059 .8323 .8815 .9220 .9340 .9465 .8866 .8250 7.994 7.585 6.994 7.390 7.585 7.198 7.023 7.055 6.722 6.944 7.344 7.681 7.781 7.885 7.394 6.873 Oklahoma Residuum - " Crude (G P ) Russian, Baku - ' , Residuum : .. Gas Oil West Virginia - FRICTION LOSS IN OIL PIPE LINES The friction loss in oil pipe lines may be found by the following formula: CXB2 F=- In which 10XD5 F = Friction in pounds per square inch per mile (5280 feet.) C = A Constant from the table below which depends on the character of the oil. B = Barrels of oil per hour. D = Diameter of pipe in inches. TABLES COMPUTED FOR 33 BEAUME When "F" is given and "B" computed, add 1% to "B" for every 3 above and subtract 1% from ''B'' for every 3 below: When ''B'' is given and ''F'' computed, subtract 2% from "F" for every 3 above and add 2% for every 3 below or interpolate for 9.00 CONSTANTS FOR DIFFERENT OILS 1/3 D in tst a 4J C gi "w to t/j Mrt C ! &0 rt 60 cfl C & i c .33 U 1 o O * || II tJ C c o i 03 m -^ oj II -t g n i O M II ^ rt d S 5 Q wO fSo 1,2 o i 10.0 1.0000 8.325 1.0000 8.331 .00035 30.0 0.8750 7.286 0.8762 7.300 .00036 10.5 .9964 8.299 .9965 8.302 .00035 30.5 .8723 7.264 .8735 7.277 .00037 11.0 .9929 8.269 .9930 8.273 .00035 31.0 .8696 7.241 .8708 7.255 .00037 11.5 .9894 8.240 .9895 8.244 . 00035 31.5 .8669 7.218 .8681 7.232 .00037 12.0 .9859 8.211 .9861 8.215 . 00035 32.0 .8642 7.196 .8654 7.210 . 00037 12.5 .9825 8.182 .9826 8.186 . 00035 32.5 .8615 7.173 .8628 7.188 .00037 13.0 .9790 8.153 .9792 8.158 . 00035 33.0 .8589 7.152 .8602 7.166 . 00037 13.5 .9756 8.125 .9759 8.130 . 00035 33.5 .8563 7.130 .8576 7.145 .00037 14.0 .9722 8.096 .9725 8.102 . 00035 34.0 .8537 7.108 .8550 7.123 . 00037 14.5 .9688 8.069 .9692 8.074 .00035 34.5 .8511 7.087 .8524 7.104 . 00037 15.0 .9655 8.041 .9659 8.047 . 00035 35.0 .8485 7.065 .8498 7.080 .00037 15.5 .9822 8.013 .9626 8.019 .00035 35.5 .8459 7.044 .8473 7.059 .00037 16.0 .9589 7.986 .9593 7.992 .00035 36.0 .8434 7.022 .8448 7.038 . 00037 16.5 .9556 7.959 .9561 7.965 . 00035 36.5 .8408 7.001 .8423 7.017 . 00037 17.0 .9521 7.931 .9529 7.939 .00035 37.0 .8383 6.980 .8398 6.996 . 00037 17.5 .9492 7.904 .9497 7.912 . 00035 37.5 .8358 6.960 .8373 6.976 .00037 18.0 .9459 7.877 .9465 7.885 . 00035 38.0 .8333 6.939 .8348 6.955 .00038 18.5 .9428 7.851 .9433 7.859 .00035 38.5 .8309 6.918 .8324 6.935 .00038 19.0 .9396 7.825 .9402 7.833 . 00035 39.0 .8284 6.898 .8299 6.914 .00038 19.5 .9365 7.799 .9371 7.807 . 00035 39.5 .8260 6.877 .8275 6.894 .00038 20.0 .9333 7.772 .9340 7.781 . 00036 40.0 .8235 6.857 .8251 6 . S74 .00038 20.5 .9302 7.747 .9309 7.755 .00036 40.5 .8211 6.837 .8227 6.854 . 00039 21.0 .9272 7.721 .9279 7.730 . 00036 41.0 .8187 6.817 . 8203 6.834 . 00039 21.5 .9241 7.696 .9248 7.705 .00036 41.5 .8163 6.797 .8179 6.814 . 00039 22.0 .9211 7.670 .9218 7.680 . 00036 42.0 .8140 6.777 .8156 6.795 .00039 22.5 .9180 7.645 .9188 7.655 .00036 42.5 .8116 6.758 .8132 6.775 . 00039 23.0 .9150 7.620 .9159 7.630 .00036 43.0 .8092 6.738 .8109 6.756 .00039 23.5 .9121 7.595 .9129 7.605 .00036 43.5 .8069 6.718 .8086 6.736 .00039 24.0 .9091 7.570 .9100 7.581 .00036 44.0 .8046 6.699 .8063 6.717 .00039 24.5 .9061 7.546 .9071 7.557 . 00036 44.5 .8023 6.680 .8040 6.698 . 00039 25.0 .9032 7.522 .9042 7.533 . 00036 45.0 .8000 6.661 .8017 6.679 . 00039 25.5 .9003 7.497 .9013 7.509 . 00036 45.5 .7977 6.642 .7994 6.660 . 00039 .26.0 .8974 7.473 .8984 7.485 . 00036 46.0 .7955 6.623 .7972 6.641 . 00039 26.5 .8946 7.449 .8956 7.461 . 00036 46.5 .7932 6.604 .7949 6.623 . 00040 27.0 .8917 7.425 .8927 7.437 . 00036 47.0 .7910 6.586 .7927 6.604 . 00040 27.5 .8889 7.402 .8899 7.414 .00036 47.5 .7887 6.567 .7905 6.586 . 00040 28.0 .8861 7.378 .8871 7.390 .00036 48.0 .7865 6.548 .7883 6.567 .00040 28.5 .8833 7.355 .8844 7.378 .00036 48.5 .7843 6.530 .7861 6.549 . 00040 29.0 .8805 7.332 .8816 7.345 00036 49.0 .7821 6.511 .7839 6.531 . 00041 29.5 . 8777 7.309 .8789 7.322 00036 49.5 .7799 6.494 .7818 6.513 .00041 ^ 476 BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. U.S.A. Friction of Oil ' - 38 Beaume Pounds Per Square Inch in Pipes 1 Mile Long Barrels per Hour JJlAMJiiliK Ur .Firr/ 2" 3" 4* 5" 6* 8" 10" 10 2.8 .37 .088 .0288 .0116 .00274 . 00091 15 6.2 .83 .198 .063 .026 .0064 . 00203 20 11.2 1.48 .352 .115 .0462 .011 .0036 25 17.6 2.3 .55 .18 .0725 .0172 .0056 30 25.3 3.32 .792 .26 .104 .0247 .0081 35 34.5 4.52 1.08 .353 .142 .0337 .0112 40 45.0 5.9 1.43 .46 .185 .044 .0144 45 57.0 7.49 1.78 .58 .235 .0556 .0181 50 70. 9.24 2.2 .72 .29 .0686 .0225 55 85. 11.2 2.26 .87 .35 .084 .0273 60 101. 13.3 3.16 1.04 .416 .099 .0325 65 118.4 15.6 3.72 1.22 .49 .116 .0381 70 138. 18.1 4.3 1.41 .568 .136 .0442 75 158. 20.8 4.95 1.62 .651 .155 .0508 80 180. 23.6 5.62 1.84 .74 .176 .0578 85 203. 26.7 6.35 2.08 .836 . .198 .0652 90 227. 30.0 7.11 2.33 .939 .224 .073 95 253. 33.4 7.92 2.6 1.045 .248 .0814 100 280. 37.0 8.8 2.88 1.16 .275 .0902 125 440. 57.8 13.7 4.5 1.81 .43 .142 150 630. 83.0 19.8 6.5 2.6 .618 .203 175 113.0 27.0 8.8 3.54 .84 .275 200 148.0 35.2 11.5 4.63 1.1 .36 225 187. 42.5 14:6 5.85 1.39 .455 250 230. 55.0 18.0 7.22 1.72 .56 275 280. 66.5 21.7 8.75 2.08 .68 .300 332. 79.2 26.0 10.4 2.47 .81 325 390. 93.0 30.4 12.2 2.9 .95 350 453. 10.2 35.3 14.2 3.37 1.12 375 124. 40.5 16.3 3.85 1.26 400 141. 46.0 18.5 4.4 1.44 425 159. 52.0 20.9 4.96 1.63 450 178. 58.2 23.5 5.56 1.83 475 198. 65.0 26.1 6.25 2.04 500 220. 72.0 28.9 6.88 2.25 525 242. 79.5 31.9 7.58 2.48 550 266. 37.0 35.0 8.3 2.73 ANDCONDENSERS FOR EVERY SERVICE 1 U N I ON STE AM P U M P CO M PANY 1 Friction of Oil 38 Beaume Pounds Per Square Inch in Pipes 1 Mile Long (Continued) Barrels per Hour Diameter of Pipe | Barrels per Hour Diameter of Pipe 5" 6" 8" 10" 8* 10" 550 87.0 35.0 8.3 2.72 3600 356 117 575 95.0 38.4 9.1 2.98 3800 397 130 600 104 41.7 9.9 3.24 4000 440 144 625 112 45.4 10.7 3.5 4200 158 650 122 49.0 11.6 3.8 4400 174 675 131 53.0 12.5 4.1 4600 192 700 141 56.9 13.5 4.42 4800 207 725 152 61.0 14.4 4.73 5000 225 750 162 65.3 15.5 5.06 5200 243 775 173 69.8 16.5 5.41 5400 262 600 184 74.3 17.6 5.76 5600 282 825 196 79.0 18.7 6.12 5800 303 850 208 83.9 19.8 6.5 6000 324 875 221 88.8 21.1 6.89 6200 346 900 233 94.0 22.3 7.3 6400 368 925 247 99.2 23.5 7.7 6600 392 950 260 104.5 24.8 8.12 6800 416 975 274 111.0 26.2 8.55 7000 441 1000 288 115.8 27.5 9.0 1100 348 140.0 33.2 10.9 1200 415 166.5 39.5 13.0 1300 486 195.5 46.4 15.2 1400 227.0 53.8 17.6 1500 261.0 61.8 20.3 1600 296.0 70.4 23.1 1700 335.0 79.3 26.1 1800 375.0 89.0 29.2 1900 418.0 99.0 32.5 2000 463.0 110.0 36.1 2200 133.0 43.6 2400 158.0 52.0 2600 186.0 61.0 2800 216.0 70.6 3000 247.5 81.1 3200 284.0 92.2 3400 318.0 104.0 3600 356.0 117.0 478 gg S g ? 8 I'O Tp M73420 07 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY V" * *