UC-NRLF SB 27fl Db7 ALLER AL ANALYSIS NEWTtt Edmund O'Heill SMALLER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS BY THE SAME AUTHOR CHEMICAL LECTURE EXPERI- MENTS. With 230 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 6s. A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. With 155 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. A MANUAL OF CHEMICAL ANALY- SIS, QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITA- TIVE. With 100 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. ELEMENTARY PRACTICAL CHE- MISTRY. With 108 Illustrations and 254 Experiments. Crown 8vo, 2f. 6d. LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, AND BOMBAY SMALLER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS BY G. S. NEWTH, F.I.C, F.C.S. it DEMONSTRATOR IN THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LONDON, ASSISTANT- EXAMINER IN CHEMISTRY, BOARD OF EDUCATION LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1906 All rights reserved Nt JN MEMORJAM PREFACE THIS little book is practically an abridged edition of the qualitative section of my Manual of Chemical Analysis, and is designed for the use of students who are taking a less advanced stage than those for whom the larger book is intended. I have included in this book, however, a chapter on such simple volumetric processes as it is customary to introduce into moderately elementary courses of Practical Chemistry. G. S. N. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LONDON, October, 1906. 889771 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. PRELIMINARY EXERCISES I II. ANALYTICAL CLASSIFICATION 16 III. REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP V 21 IV. REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP IV .... 28 V. REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP IIlA .... 32 VI. REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP Ills .... 43 VII. REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP II .... 54 VIII. REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP I 77 IX. THE NEGATIVE OR ACID RADICALS 83 X. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION FOR METALLIC RADICALS . 107 XI. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION FOR ACID RADICALS . .114 XII. SIMPLE VOLUMETRIC DETERMINATIONS 119 Involving the Use of Standard Acids and Alkalies, Potas- sium Permanganate, Potassium Bichromate, Iodine, Sodium Thiosulphate, and Silver Nitrate. INDEX 145 SMALLER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY EXERCISES THE first step that the student must 'take in; approaching the subject of analytical chemistry, is that of making himself practi- cally familiar with certain simple op^ja/K^s^q^^ijajiipulations which he will constantly be required 'to carry' out* in tne course of his work, and upon the dexterous and cleanly performance of which much of his success will depend. If he has not had previous experience in practical chemistry, therefore, he should carefully go through the following exercises. i. Filtration. The method by which a liquid is separated from any solid substance with which it is mechanically mixed, is most usually that of filtering the mixture through porous paper, known as filter-paper. EXERCISE I. Fold a circular filter-paper into half, and then at right angles into half again. Open this into a cone having one thickness of paper on one side and three on the other. This cone is then placed in a glass funnel of such a size that the glass will project slightly above the paper. The paper is then moistened with distilled water, which should not be poured out of the funnel again, but allowed to run through. After being cautiously pressed into the glass funnel, the paper should fit close to the glass all round, leaving no air-spaces. If this is not the case, either another funnel of the right angle (6o*degrees) should be selected, or another filter-paper folded so that the cone shall be of the same angle as the funnel. The funnel is supported by a metal or wooden stand. Now place some diluted hydrochloric acid in a small beaker, B 2 Smaller Chemical Analysis and stir into it, by means of a glass rod, a quantity of finely powdered charcoal. When thoroughly mixed, pour upon the filter. When slowly pouring from a wide vessel like a beaker, there is risk of some of the liquid being spilt by running down the outside of the vessel, as shown in Fig i. If it be poured quickly, it is likely to splash over the funnel. To prevent both of these acci- dents, the liquid should be poured down against a glass rod held FIG. i. FJG. 2. lightly against the edge of the beaker, and in such a position that the liquid does not strike at once against the apex of the paper cone (Fig. 2). The filtrate (i.e. the liquid which passes through the filter) may be received in another beaker, which should be placed close against the stem of the funnel, so that the liquid shall run down against the glass. In this way splashing is prevented. The filtrate should be perfectly clear, the whole of the solid being retained on the filter. When all the liquid has passed through, the charcoal and the filter-paper are both still soaked with the hydrochloric acid. In order to remove this, and so to make the separation of the solid from the liquid complete, the Preliminary Exercises filter and its contents must be washed with distilled water. 1 This is done by directing a fine stream of water from a wash- bottle into the funnel, working downwards from the upper edges of the paper, and so washing the charcoal down into the apex of the filter (Fig. 3). Each washing must be allowed to drain right through before more water is used. This must be continued until the filtrate is entirely free from acid, which may be ascertained by allowing one or two drops of it to fall upon a piece of blue litmus paper. In practice, the size of the filter should bear a rational relation to the quantity of solid matter to be separated from a liquid. This is more espe- cially important when the material retained upon the filter has to be washed. If the amount of solid is small, the filter used should be proportionately small, and the washing operation will be more FIG. 3. quickly and effectually accomplished than if an unduly large filter is employed. 4 2. Solution. This term is applied both to the act of dis- solving and to the product obtained by dissolving. EXERCISE 2. Place a little powdered potassium carbonate in a test-tube, and add a small quantity of water. In a few moments the salt will have entirely dissolved. The salt has undergone solution in water. The product is a solution of potassium carbo- nate. The water is called the solvent. The process of solution is 1 In the following exercises, and in all analytical operations, distilled water must always be employed ; and when beakers, test-tubes, etc., are washed up after use, they must be finally rinsed with distilled water. 4 Smaller Chemical Analysis accelerated by heating the liquid, and it takes place more quickly the more finely the solid is powdered. Put a similar quantity of potassium carbonate into another test-tube, and add a little dilute nitric acid. The salt again under- goes solution, the acid here being the solvent. But in this case there is a radical difference. First, a "visible difference, in that the act of solution is accompanied by an effervescence, or rapid evolu- tion of gas ; and second, an invisible difference ; for the resulting liquid is not a solution of potassium carbonate ', but of potassium nitrate. In the first case, the process is not accompanied by any chemical change; the operation is therefore called simple solution : the original substance is present in the liquid, and can be obtained in its former state by evaporating the water. In the second case, the process is distinguished as chemical solution, because chemical action took place between the substance dissolved and the solvent, and the original substance cannot be got back by evaporating the solvent. 3. Evaporation. The process of changing from the liquid to the gaseous or vaporous state is known as evaporation. This operation is greatly accelerated by the application of heat. When it takes place without the aid of external heat, the process is spoken of as spontaneo^ls evaporation. EXERCISE 3. Pour the two solu- tions obtained in Exercise 2 into sepa- rate porcelain evaporating dishes, and heat them gently by means of a Bunsen with a " rose " burner (as Shown in Fig. 4). Continue the operation until all the liquid has evaporated away and a dry residue is left. This is called evaporating to dryness. As the condition of dryness is FIG approached, the flame must be turned down more and more, to prevent the substance from "sputtering." Try to conduct the operation so that as little as possible of the residue is lost in this way. The two residues may now be examined by one simple test, which will prove that the one from the watery solution is the same as it was before being dissolved, and that the other is quite different. Add to each a few drops of dilute nitric acid : the first dissolves Preliminary Exercises 5 with effervescence, as did the original potassium carbonate ; the other is unacted on by the acid. Sometimes it is necessary to carry on the operation of evaporation more carefully than can be done by heating the dish in the manner described. In this case the process is conducted upon a steam-bath. Water is boiled in a metal vessel (resembling a saucepan), and the evaporating-dish, supported by a metal ring which forms the cover, is heated by the steam. The following exercise is a case in point : EXERCISE 4. Dissolve some crystals of ammonium nitrate in a little water ; place half the solution in a dish, and evaporate it over a rose burner. Evaporate the other portion in a dish upon a steam-bath. Note the difference in the results in the two cases. 4. Fusion is the term used to denote the process of changing a substance from the solid to the liquid state by the action of heat. Thus, when lead is heated it enters into a state of fusion, or, shortly, it fuses or melts. Fusion must not be confounded with solution. Chemical action often takes place when one of the reacting substances is in a condition of fusion, which is incapable of taking place when they are only in solution. For example EXERCISE 5. Dissolve a small piece of potassium hydroxide (caustic potasJi) in water, and add to the colourless solution a minute quantity of powdered manganese dioxide. No chemical action takes place. Place a similar piece of potassium hydroxide in a dry test-tube, and heat it : the solid fuses to a colourless liquid. Drop into the fused mass a few particles of the manganese dioxide. Chemical action at once takes place, resulting in the formation of the deep green-coloured compound, potassium manganate. (This reaction is used as a test for manganese compounds.) EXERCISE 6. Place a small quantity of powdered barium sulphate in a test-tube, add water, and boil for a minute or two. If the amount of barium sulphate is quite small, it will be easy to see that practically none of it dissolves. Allow it to settle, and pour a few drops of the liquid upon a watch-glass, and set it to evaporate to dryness on a steam-bath. Treat another similar quantity of the barium sulphate with dilute hydrochloric acid, and evaporate a few drops in the same Smaller Chemical Analysis way. The result of these two operations will prove that barium sulphate is insoluble in either water or hydrochloric acid. Next dissolve a little sodium carbonate in water, and add to the clear solution a few particles of barium sulphate ; boil the liquid, and observe that no change takes place. Now carefully mix a small quantity of barium sulphate with about five times as much sodium carbonate ; place the powder in a platinum or nickel cru- cible, supported on a pipe- clay triangle in the manner shown in Fig. 5, and heat strongly with a blowpipe. When the mass has been in complete fusion for a few minutes, allow the crucible to cool. Then place it on its side in a small beaker with a little water, and warm gently. The mass in the crucible will soon become disintegrated, some of it dissolving, while a part re- mains undissolved. Filter the liquid as in Exercise I, washing the residue upon the funnel until the filtrate no longer restores the blue colour to reddened litmus paper. Now pour a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid upon the residue on FlG . 5> the filter, receiving the liquid which passes through in a fresh beaker or test-tube. Observe that effervescence at once takes place. But this residue cannot be sodium carbonate, because that salt, being soluble in water, has been all removed ; neither can it be barium sulphate, for that compound has been shown to be insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. By the process of fusion, the sodium carbonate and barium sulphate underwent a chemical reaction, resulting in the formation of sodium sulphate and barium carbonate. The former salt, being soluble in water, was dissolved in that liquid along with the excess of sodium carbonate. The barium carbonate is insoluble in water, but dissolves in dilute Preliminary Exercises 7 hydrochloric acid, forming barium chloride (soluble) and carbon dioxide, which escapes as gas. Therefore, by fusion the insoluble bariiim sulphate is converted into soluble barium carbonate. 5. Precipitation. When chemical action takes place between substances in solution, and one of the products of the action is insoluble, the latter substance is thrown out of solu- tion, or precipitated. The substance so thrown down is termed a precipitate. EXERCISE 7. Dissolve a minute quantity of sodium chloride (common salt) in water in a test-tube. In another tube dissolve a small crystal of silver nitrate, and mix the two solutions together. The two compounds react upon each other, forming sodium nitrate (soluble in water) and silver chloride (insoluble in water). The insoluble white precipitate is therefore the silver chloride. If, in the above example, the two substances are mixed in a particular proportion, there may have been exactly the amount of sodium chloride necessary to supply chlorine enough to unite with the whole of the silver in the silver nitrate used. In this case there would be nothing left in solution but sodium nitrate, i.e. no excess of either silver nitrate or of sodium chloride. Ascertain if this happened to be the case in Exercise 7, by the following experiment : EXERCISE 8. Filter the mixture obtained above, and divide the filtrate into two portions. To one add a single drop of a solution of sodium chloride, (i) If a precipitate is formed, it proves that there is some silver nitrate present, and that therefore an excess of this compound was used in Exercise 7. Continue adding the sodium chloride solution one drop at a time, 1 shaking or stirring the liquid after every addition, so long as it produces further precipitation. (2) If no precipitate is thrown down by adding sodium chloride, add to the second portion of the filtrate a single drop of silver nitrate solution. If this gives a precipitate, it proves that sodium chloride is present, and that therefore an excess of this substance had been employed in Exercise 7. Continue adding the silver solution drop by drop, with constant stirring, so as to hit off as 1 When solutions are to be added drop by drop, it is best to use a pipette ; that is, a piece of ordinary glass tube drawn to a point at one end, and about 6 or 8 inches long. 8 Smaller Chemical Analysis nearly as possible the exact point when it just ceases to produce any further precipitate. The exact point at which precipitation is complete is not equally easy to determine in all cases. Some precipitates are heavy, granular, or crystalline, and settle quickly ; others again are light or flocculent, and only subside slowly and imperfectly, so that it is difficult to see whether the addition of more of one of the solutions does or does not produce any additional precipitate. In such cases the liquid should be filtered, and the filtrate tested by adding a few drops more of the precipitant. Very often several substances present together in one and the same liquid form insoluble compounds with another which is added. These will not be all precipitated simultaneously, but in a certain order one after the other, the precipitation of one being more or less complete before that of the next begins. The substance being added, first select the com- pound present for which it has the greatest chemical affinity, and afterwards that with which it unites less eagerly. This being so, it will be evident that unless care be taken to ensure complete precipitation, it might easily happen that the whole of one of the substances present in the solution escaped precipi- tation. It is of the utmost importance, therefore, in analysis, to be quite sure that precipitation is as complete as possible. On the other hand, the reckless addition of precipitants is a fault which must be as carefully guarded against, as it is almost as fruitful a source of trouble as the other. In most instances, also, it is essential to wash the precipitate until it is quite free from any of the soluble substances present in the liquid, as explained in Exercise i. A precipitate may be removed from the filter either by means of a spatula (pre- ferably platinum, but, failing this, either glass or porcelain; iron should never be used), or by pushing a glass rod through the apex of the filter, and then washing the precipitate through by means of the wash-bottle, or by dissolving it off by pouring into the funnel the liquid to be used for its solution. For example EXERCISE 9. Add a solution of sodium carbonate to a solution of barium chloride, until precipitation is just complete. Barium Preliminary Exercises 9 carbonate is precipitated, and sodium chloride remains in solution. Pour the mixture upon three separate niters, and wash the pre- cipitate on each until quite free from sodium chloride (see Exercises 7 and 8), getting the precipitate well down into the apex. Take the first filter, and remove a portion of the precipitate with a spatula. If the quantity in the funnel is small, then care- fully draw the paper cone out of the funnel, spread it open upon a flat sheet of glass, and scrape off as much of the precipitate as possible with the spatula, and transfer it to a test-tube. Dissolve it by adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid. Through the apex of the second filter push a glass rod, and wash the precipitate through into a test-tube, using a fine jet of water, and as little of it as possible. Dissolve this also by adding a few drops of the same acid. Upon the third filter pour a small quantity of hydrochloric acid, collecting the filtrate in a test-tube. Pour the filtrate back over the precipitate once or twice, until the whole has dissolved. 6. Ignition. Strictly speaking, this word carries with it the idea of combustion. In common speech it signifies the act of " setting fire " to an inflammable substance ; and in more scientific language we speak of the ignition temperature^ or the igniting-point of a body, meaning thereby the temperature, to which it is necessary to raise it in order that combustion may be initiated. Unfortunately, in analytical phraseology the term ignition is used in a somewhat slipshod way to denote a variety of operations where substances are simply strongly heated, and where the idea of combustion is altogether excluded. In this book the words heat or strongly heat will be used instead of ignite to signify these operations. EXERCISE 10. Strongly heating in an open dish. Place a little solution of ammonium chloride in a small evaporating-dish, and evaporate to dryness. Then strongly heat the dish with the dry residue until no more white fumes (consisting of the volatilising ammonium chloride) are evolved. If the dish has been heated all over there should then be nothing left in it. The complete vaporisation of the salt is more quickly and certainly accomplished by using a small platinum capsule or crucible in which to heat the residue obtained by evaporating the solution to dryness. EXERCISE n. Strongly heating in a tube closed at one end. Place a minute quantity of mercuric oxide in a small test-tube io Smaller Chemical Analysis (4 inches x j^), and apply heat to the compound. Note the change of colour ; also that it gradually disappears, and that a sublimate collects on the cool part of the tube, having a white metallic appearance. Test the evolved oxygen by means of a glowing splint of wood. By means of a paper " spill " rub the metallic sublimate, and (if necessary, with a pocket lens) see the globules of mercury. EXERCISE 12. Heating in the blowpipe flame. Select a piece of small tubing of lead glass, and heat it in a blowpipe flame, hold- ing the glass in the extreme tip of the flame until it is red hot. Then gradually bring it further into the flame, and observe that when the glass reaches the inner cone of the flame a film begins to appear upon the red-hot portion. On withdrawing the glass to the tip of the flame again, this film gradually disappears. Bring the glass once more into the inner cone of flame, and when the film has again made its appearance, remove the glass and allow it to cool. It will then be seen that what appeared like a film when it was hot, is a black shining metallic-looking deposit in the glass. This deposit is metallic lead. The lead compound in the glass, when heated in the inner cone of flame, is reduced to the metallic state ; and when, after being so reduced, it is heated in the tip of the flame (i.e. in the outer cone or sheath of the flame), the metal is again oxidised. The inner flame is therefore called the reducing flame, and the outer cone is distinguished as the oxidising flame. 1 EXERCISE 13. Heating on charcoal in the blowpipe flame. Select a close-grained piece of charcoal, as free as possible from cracks, and file a flat surface upon it with a broad, flat file. 2 On the flat part scoop a small hollow, and place in it a little red-lead mixed with about an equal quantity of sodium carbonate. Heat this mixture in the inner blowpipe flame, holding the blowpipe and the charcoal in the manner shown in Fig. 6, so that the flame shall play along the surface of the charcoal. Very quickly the lead oxide will be reduced to the metallic state, and appear in the form of brilliant silvery globules. When the charcoal is removed, it will be seen that surrounding the cavity there is a yellowish deposit, or 1 The memory of the beginner may be aided by the alliteration, Center, Oxidising. The inner flame is a reducing agent by reason of the fact that within the cone there is an excess of strongly heated coal-gas j whereas in the outer flame there is an excess of heated atmospheric oxygen. 2 Specially prepared rectangular blocks of charcoal (6 inches long and I square inch section) are sold for the purpose. One such block can be used many times. Preliminary Exercises II incrustation. This consists of lead oxide. If the outer tip of the flame be directed upon this incrustation it will quickly disappear, and will impart a bluish colour to the end of the flame. Pick out one or two of the globules of metal, and gently strike one with a small hammer, or with a pestle, upon some hard surface. FIG. 6. Note whether the metal is hard and brittle, or soft and malleable. Also further identify the metal as lead by rubbing it upon a piece of paper, which will be marked by it much as by an ordinary pencil. EXERCISE 14. Heat on another piece of charcoal a crystal or two of zinc sulphate with a little sodium carbonate in the inner blowpipe flame. No metallic globules are found in this case, because zinc is too easily oxidised ; but an incrustation appears on the charcoal, which is canary-yellow while hot, but turns white on cooling. Touch the incrustation with a single drop of a solution of cobalt nitrate, and again heat it, using the outer flame. The incrustation then becomes green. Notice that the incrustation is 12 Smaller Chemical Analysis not driven off by being thus heated, because zinc oxide is not volatile. 7. Fusion with Borax. When borax is strongly heated, it melts to a clear vitreous mass. In this condition it is capable at a high temperature of dissolving many metallic compounds, giving in some cases characteristically coloured glasses. EXERCISE 15. Twist the end of a piece of platinum wire into a small round loop or eye, 1 and pick up a little borax upon it by first heating the wire and then dipping it while hot into the powdered salt. On heating the borax upon the wire in a blowpipe flame, it first swells up, and finally fuses, forming a transparent colourless bead of borax glass. Allow the bead to cool, and touch it with a glass rod which has been dipped into a solution of any cobalt salt, so as to bring only a minute quantity of the cobalt compound upon the bead. Heat the bead once more, and notice that as it melts the borax loses its transparent appearance. When again allowed to cool, the bead will appear of an azure blue colour. If too much of the cobalt salt was employed, the bead may appear almost black ; in this case a part of it may be shaken off when it is fluid, and more borax picked up and melted with what remains of the original bead upon the wire. If too little cobalt is present, the colour will be correspondingly pale. The colour of the bead is best examined by holding it against a white object (such as the bottle of borax itself) in a good light. Fuse the bead again, holding it first in the outer flame, and afterwards in the z'nnerf[a.me, and see that in each case when cold the blue colour remains the same. 1 For greater convenience, as well as economy, a short piece of wire (about 2 inches) should be fixed into a glass tube, about the same length, to serve as a handle. The glass tube is first drawn out to a point, and the wire inserted into the fine end. On bringing this into a blowpipe flame, the glass fuses round the wire and holds it. Two or three of these should be made, and a convenient plan is to fit the glass tube into a cork, so that when not actually in use the wires can be kept in small test-tubes containing dilute hydrochloric acid, as in Fig. 7. FIG. 7. Preliminary Exercises 13 EXERCISE 16. Make another borax bead, and touch it with a small quantity of solution of manganous sulphate. Heat this in the outer blowpipe flame. After cooling, examine the colour care- fully : pale violet, lilac, purple, or amethyst. Heat the bead again, holding it in the inner flame. Notice that it gradually loses its opacity ; that as it is heated, something in the fused mass which seems to give it an appearance of muddiness clears away, and the molten globule looks clear. When it is in this condition remove it, and when cold it will be found to have lost its colour entirely. Man- ganese compounds therefore give a purplish bead in the outer flame, which becomes colourless upon being heated in the reducing flame. 8. Neutralisation. When an acid is carefully mixed with an alkali (the substances being in solution), a point is reached when the mixture no longer possesses the properties of either the acid or the alkali. The solution is then said to be neutral. The point of neutrality is ascertained by the use of certain sensitive colouring matters which have their colour changed by acids and alkalies. The commonest of these is litmus^ the solution of which in water has a purple colour, capable of being turned red by acids, and bhte by alkalies. The yellow colour of turmeric is changed to brown by alkalies, but is not altered by acids, therefore this can only be used to indicate alkalinity, and will not discriminate between a neutral and an acid liquid. EXERCISE 17. Add a few drops of litmus solution to a little dilute hydrochloric acid in a beaker standing upon a piece of white paper, or a white tile. Add to the red liquid some solution of sodium hydroxide, adding it cautiously in small quantities, with constant stirring, until the colour of the litmus is just turned blue. The liquid is now alkaline. By means of a glass rod moistened with the dilute acid, introduce a minute additional quantity of the acid, so as to cause the colour of the litmus to become of a purple tint. The solution is then neutral, and the least trace of either acid or alkali will at once turn it red or blue, as the case may be. (Instead of adding litmus solution, papers tinted with litmus may be dipped into the liquid.) 9. Oxidation and Reduction. Processes which convert lower oxides (or compounds derived therefrom) into higher oxides of the same element (or compounds derived from them) are processes of oxidation. Thus, when either sulphur^j acid 14 Smaller Chemical Analysis or a sulph// 3 bJD.S Ji s [o _P S J5 S P-i P ^ rfl i i I s^ 53 . 4) Fn v w If - 1 ^fc tfl 13 ^ P 8 S ^S CJ ^J If 1 s .S.S So ^^ iJ -2 I 1 1 il CS O in o I.N g ^ a a rt a a g CJ 03 S fll CHAPTER IV REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP IV Barium, Ba DRY REACTION. Barium compounds, heated on platinum wire in the Bunsen flame, impart a pale apple-green colour to the flame, which becomes more distinct if the substance on the wire is moistened with strong hydrochloric acid. The test is not very reliable except as a confirmatory test. Barium sulphate, BaSO 4 (also SrSO 4 and CaSO 4 ), when heated on charcoal or with carbon, is reduced to the sulphide. WET REACTIONS. Of the common salts of barium, the chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate, chlorate, acetate, and sulphide are soluble in water. Ammonium carbonate, (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 , group-reagent (also Na 2 CO 3 and K 2 CO 3 ), precipitates barium carbonate, BaCO 3 , as a white amorphous powder. Insoluble in water; readily dissolved, with evolution of carbon dioxide, by dilute acids ; slightly soluble in NH 4 C1. H 2 S0 4 , or any soluble sulphate, produces a white granular precipitate of BaSO 4 , practically insoluble in water, insoluble also in acids and alkalies (except by prolonged boiling with strong acids and concentrated sodium carbonate, when it is slowly dissolved). Insoluble in solutions of (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . BaSO 4 , being practically insoluble in water, is precipitated by a saturated solution of SrSO 4 , although such a solution con- tains only i part salt in 7000 parts of water. Potassium chromate, K 2 CrO 4 , produces a primrose-yellow precipitate of barium chromate, BaCrO 4 . It is insoluble in acetic acid (distinction from SrCrO 4 ) ; soluble in HNO 3 and in HC1. 28 Reactions of the Metals of Group IV 29 Hydrofluosilicic acid, H 2 SiF 6 , gives a white crystalline precipitate of barium silicofluoride, BaSiF 6 , slightly soluble in water, but insoluble on the addition of alcohol. Strontium, Sr DRY REACTION. When heated in the Bunsen flame, volatile strontium salts, such as SrCl 2 , Sr(NO 3 ) 2 , impart a rich crimson colour to the flame ; other salts require to be moistened upon the wire with strong HC1. WET REACTIONS. The same common salts of strontium as of barium are soluble in water. The chromate and sulphate are somewhat soluble. (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 (Na 2 CO 3 and K 2 CO 3 ) precipitates SrCO 3 , exactly similar to the barium compound in its reactions. H 2 S0 4 or soluble sulphates precipitate SrSO 4 . The pre- cipitate is slightly soluble in water but almost insoluble in a solution of (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (distinction from CaSO 4 ). SrSO 4 is precipitated by a solution of CaSO 4 ; the precipitation does not take place at once in cold solutions, but appears quickly on heating. Calcium, Ca DRY REACTIONS. Calcium compounds, when heated in a Bunsen flame, impart to it a reddish colour, especially if previously moistened with hydrochloric acid. The presence of strontium masks the red colour given by calcium compounds. WET REACTIONS. The same common salts of calcium are soluble in water as of strontium and barium. (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 (also Na 2 CO 3 and K 2 CO 3 ) precipitates CaCO 3 , similar to the barium and strontium compounds in its reactions. H 2 S0 4 added to a strong solution of a calcium salt give an immediate precipitate of calcium sulphate. From more dilute solutions the precipitate only separates after some time, or, if still more dilute, not at all. The precipitate is insoluble in alcohol, therefore the addition of this liquid in considerable bulk favours the precipitation. Calcium sulphate is readily soluble in a concentrated 3O Smaller Chemical Analysis solution of ammonium sulphate, especially when hot (distinction from SrSO 4 and BaSO 4 ). Boiling with potassium carbonate easily converts it into calcium carbonate. Ammonium oxalate, (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O4, gives a white crystalline precipitate of calcium oxalate. The precipitate is soluble in mineral acids, but insoluble in acetic acid and in ammonia. SEPARATION OF GROUPS IV. AND V The solution is first rendered alkaline by the addition of NH 4 HO. NH 4 C1 is then added (to prevent the precipitation of magnesium carbonate), after which ammonium carbonate is added until the carbonates of the metals of Group IV. are com- pletely thrown down. The mixture may be gently warmed. [It must not be boiled, or the precipitated carbonates will react with the NH 4 C1, forming soluble chlorides, while NH 3 and CO 2 will escape with the steam; thus, BaCO 3 + 2NH 4 C1 = BaCL 2 + CO 2 -f 2NH 3 + H 2 O.] The mixture is filtered. The filtrate is examined for the metals of Group V. by the table given on p. 27, while the precipitate is examined by Table IV. on the opposite page. Reactions of the Metals of Group V 31 e Jr! a d 1/3 IO Jtf g 2 5 I a *^ o - U o 5"-^ 'a d SI ri S o acetates ure the rt o s I! * " " fi o S CHAPTER V REACTIONS OP THE METALS OF GROUP III A Aluminium, Al DRY REACTION. When aluminium compounds are strongly heated on charcoal in the outer flame, aluminium oxide is formed, and if this be moistened with a solution of cobalt nitrate, and again strongly heated, either upon the charcoal or upon a loop of platinum wire, the mass assumes a rich blue colour, due to the formation of cobalt aluminate. This test is, however, greatly masked if other metallic oxides which are coloured are present at the same time. It may be employed as a confirmatory test when aluminium is separated from iron and chromium in the course of analysis. WET REACTIONS. Of the common salts of aluminium, the chloride, A1 2 C1 6 , and sulphate, A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , are soluble in water. The important salts, however, are the double sulphates of aluminium with ammonium or potassium, known as ammonium alum, (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ,A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ,24H 2 O, and potassium ahim, K 2 SO, 4 A1 2 (SO 4 ), 3 24H 2 O, respectively. A solution of either of these alums may be used for the following reactions. NH 4 HO throws down a white translucent precipitate of aluminum hydroxide, or A1 2 (HO) 6 . Soluble in a large excess of the reagent, but on gently boiling, the hydroxide is entirely precipitated. In the presence of ammonium chloride, the pre- cipitation by ammonia is complete. The precipitate is readily soluble in mineral acids, and in acetic acid. KHO or NaHO produces the same precipitate, which readily combines with an excess of the reagent, forming a soluble 32 Reactions of the Metals of Group I II A 33 alurninate of potassium or sodium (A] 2 O 3J 3Na 2 O or Na 6 Al 2 O 6 ). These aluminates are decomposed by acids Al 2 O 3 ,3Na 2 O + 6HC1 = A1 2 (HO) 6 -f 6NaCl but any excess of the acid beyond that required to combine with the sodium of the alurninate at once re-dissolves the A1 2 (HO) 6 . BaCO.j suspended in water, precipitates A1 2 (HO) 6 , carbon dioxide being evolved. The precipitation is complete even in the cold. 1 If alum or aluminium sulphate is used, the precipi- tate is mixed with insoluble barium sulphate A1 2 (S0 4 ) 3 -f 3 BaC0 3 4- 3 H 2 O = A^HO), + 3BaSO 4 4 3CO 2 (NH 4 ) 2 S precipitates aluminium hydroxide, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen (compare Fe) A1- 2 (S0 4 ) 3 + 3(NH 4 ) 2 S + 6H 2 = A1 2 (HO) 6 + 3(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + 3 H 2 S [Aluminium forms no sulphide in the wet way. A1 2 S 3 (obtained by the union of Al and S) is decomposed instantly by water, forming the trioxide, and evolving H 2 S.] Chromium, Or DRY REACTIONS. Chromium compounds impart to a borax bead a grass-green colour, when heated either in the outer or inner blowpipe flame. When fused in a platinum capsule with five or six times their weight of a mixture consisting of i part of KNO 3 and 2 parts of dry Na 2 CO 3 or K 2 CO 3 (or i part of KC1O 3 with 6 parts of Na 2 CO 3 ), chromium compounds are converted into alkaline chromates, which appear as a yellow mass, soluble in water to a yellow solution. In the case of chromic oxide, for instance, Cr 2 O 3 , the reaction is the following : Cr a 8 4 2K 2 C0 3 + KC10 3 = 2 K 2 CrO 4 + KC1 + 2CO 1 In the presence of certain organic acids, as oxalic, tartaric, ot citric acids, aluminium hydroxide is only more or less imperfectly pre- cipitated by the above-mentioned reagents, owing to the formation of soluble double salts of the organic acid with aluminium and the alkali metal ; such, for example, as the double tartrate of aluminium and sodium, Na 2 (C 4 H 4 O 6 ),Al 2 (C 4 H 4 O 6 ) 3 . This applies also in the case of the corre- sponding chromium and iron compounds. D 34 Smaller Chemical Analysis WET REACTIONS. Two classes of chromium compounds will be considered, namely the chromic compounds, derived from chromium sesquioxide, Cr 2 O 3 ; and the chromates^ derived from chromium trioxide (or chromic anhydride), CrO 3 . a. Chromic Salts. These salts are mostly of a purplish or violet-grey colour when solid, giving either a purple or green solution when dissolved. NH 4 HO produces a bluish or greenish-grey precipitate of chromic hydroxide, Cr 2 (HO) 6 , partially dissolved by excess of ammonia in the cold, giving a lilac-coloured liquid, but com- pletely precipitated on gently boiling. Cr. 2 (HO) 6 is readily soluble in acids. KHO and NaHO precipitate Cr 2 (HO) 6 , readily soluble in excess, giving a deep green solution. Reprecipitated by neutralisation with HC1, and by boiling with NH 4 C1, as in the case of Al. BaC0 3 precipitates a mixture of the hydroxide and basic carbonate. Complete precipitation only after some hours. K 2 C0 3 and Na 2 C0 3 gave a similar precipitate, the composi- tion of which varies with the conditions of precipitation. (NH 4 ) 2 S precipitates Cr 2 (HO) 6 . Precipitation complete. [Cr, like Al, is incapable of forming a sulphide in the wet way.] Oxidation of Chromic Compounds. By means of suitable oxidising agents, chromic compounds are readily converted into compounds of chromic acid, the mechanism of the change in all cases being the oxidation of the sesquioxide into the trioxide; thus Cr 2 3 + 30 = 2Cr0 3 One method, namely, by fusion with oxidising agents, has been explained under Dry Reactions. The Cr 2 O 3 in that instance is oxidised into the potassium salt of chromic acid. The oxida- tion may be accomplished in the wet way (i) By the action of hypochlorites (or hypobromites) in the presence of caustic alkalies, either employed as such, or formed in the solution by the use of chlorine or bromine in the presence of the caustic alkali Cr 2 (HO) 6 + 4KHO + sKCIO = aKCl + 2K 2 CrO 4 -f sH a O Reactions of the Metals of Group III A 35 (2) By the action of sodium peroxide. If a small quantity of Na 2 O 2 be added to chromium hydroxide suspended in water, and the mixture gently warmed, the chromium compound is immediately converted into the yellow sodium chromate ; thus Cr 2 (HO) 6 + 3Na 2 O 2 = 2Na 2 CrO 4 + 2NaHO + 2H 2 O (3. Chromic Acid and Chromates. The acid, H 2 CrO 4 , has never been isolated. The anhydride, CrO 3 , is readily obtained by adding strong H 2 SO 4 to a cold strong solution of potassium dichromate, when the oxide is deposited in the form of red silky needles. It forms two classes of salts, viz. the normal chromates, of which K 2 CrO 4 is a type ; and the dichromates, of which K 2 Cr 2 O 7 is a familiar example. The salts are mostly yellow or red in colour. Both the chromates and dichromates of the alkalies are soluble in water. The former (yellow) are converted into the latter (red) by the addition of the requisite amount of sulphuric acid 2 K 2 CrO 4 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + K 2 SO 4 + H 2 O The most important of the insoluble chromates made use of in analysis, and which are all precipitated by the addition of potassium chromate to solutions of the metallic salts, are the following : Barium chromate, BaCrO 4 (see Ba reactions, p. 28). Lead chromate, PbCrO 4 (see Pb reactions, p. 58). PbCrO 4 melts without decomposition, and solidifies on cooling to a brown crystalline mass. At higher temperatures it gives off oxgen 2PbCrO 4 = Cr 2 O 3 + 2PbO + 30 Silver chromate, Ag 2 CrO 4 . A dark chocolate-red precipi- tate, soluble in ammonia and nitric acid. Mercurous chromate (basic), Hg 2 CrO 4 ,Hg 2 O. A brick-red precipitate, which, when dried, and heated in a tube, gives a mercury sublimate, evolves oxygen, and leaves a residue of Cr 2 3 . Reduction of Chromic Acid. CrO 3 is a powerful oxidising agent, giving up oxygen to oxidisable substances, and being 36 Smaller Chemical Analysis itself reduced to Cr 2 O 3 ; that is, to the condition of a ' chromic " compound. Thus, by sulphur dioxide it is reduced to chromium sulphate 2 Cr0 3 -f 3 S0 2 = Cr 2 (S0 4 ) 3 The same action takes place in an acidified solution of potassium dichromate K 2 Cr 2 7 + H 2 S0 4 + 3H 2 S0 3 = Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + K 2 SO 4 + 4H 2 O Similarly, chromic acid and chromates are reduced by HC1, oxidising the hydrogen of the acid, and liberating chlorine, after the manner of peroxides ; thus Cr0 3 + 6HC1 = CrCl 3 + 3 H 2 O + 3 C1 K 2 Cr 2 7 + I4HC1 = 2CrQ 3 + 2KC1 + 7H 2 O + 3C1 2 In all cases of oxidation by chromic acid, the reduction of the chromic acid compound to the state of a "chromic" compound is evidenced by the change of colour from the yellow or orange of the former, to the green colour of the latter. This reduction and change of colour is at once seen by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through acidified potassium dichromate K 2 Cr 2 7 + 3 H 2 S + 8HC1 - 2 CrCl 3 + 2 KC1 Iron, Fe DRY REACTIONS. Iron compounds impart to a borax bead heated in the outer flame, a colour which appears chocolate when hot, and yellow when cold. After heating in the reducing flame, the colour changes to a bottle-green (the green colour of common bottle glass is caused by the presence of iron). When heated on charcoal with Na 2 CO 3 in the inner blowpipe flame, iron compounds become reduced, and a dark grey magnetic mass is obtained. If this be washed with water in a mortar, and the end of a magnet applied, it will be attracted after the manner of iron filings. WET REACTIONS. The salts of iron are derived from the two oxides FeO and Fe^. 1 They are both basic oxides, and give rise to two classes of salts, namely, ferrous and ferric 1 The oxide known as magnetic oxide of iron, or ferroso-ferric oxide, Fe 3 O 4 or Fe 2 O 3 ,FeO, yields a mixture of ferric and ferrous salts. I Reactions of the Metals of Group II I A 37 respectively. Ferrous salts readily take up oxygen, and become converted into ferric compounds ; while the latter, under the influence of suitable reducing agents, easily pass back again to the ferrous condition. (a) Ferric Compounds. The common ferric salts that are soluble in water are the chloride, FeCl 3 ; nitrate, Fe 2 (NO 3 ) 6 , and sulphate, Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 . These all give yellowish-brown solutions. NH 4 HO, KHO, and NaHO throw down a brown volumin- ous precipitate of ferric hydroxide, Fe 2 (HO) 6 , insoluble in excess, or in NHjCl. 1 K 2 C0 3 , Na 2 CO 3 , and BaCO 3 give the same precipitate, CO 2 being liberated 2 FeCl 3 + 3Na 2 CO 3 + 3H 2 O = Fe 2 (HO) 6 +6NaCl + sCO 2 (NH 4 ) 2 S produces a black precipitate of ferrous sulphide, the iron being reduced from the ferric state 2 FeCl 3 + s(NH 4 ) 2 S = 2 FeS + 6NH 4 C1 + S Sulphuretted hydrogen, H 2 S, reduces the iron from the ferric to the ferrous state with precipitation of sulphur, but in the presence of the free acid which is developed by the action, ferrous sulphide cannot be formed. [Ferric sulphide cannot be produced in the wet way.] 2 FeCl 3 + H 2 S = 2FeCl 2 + 2HC1 + S Potassium ferrocyanide, K 4 Fe(CN) 6 , or K 4 FeCy 6 , pro- duces with ferric salts a dark blue precipitate (Prussian blue] 3 K 4 (FeCy 6 ) + 4FeCl 3 = I2KC1 + Fe 4 (FeCy 6 ) 3 This test is extremely delicate, but where the amount of iron is very small, a blue or greenish coloration only is pro- duced. "Prussian blue " is insoluble in hydrochloric acid, but readily dissolves in oxalic acid. It t is decomposed by NaHO or KHO, with precipitation of ferric hydroxide Fe 4 (FeCy 6 ) 3 + I2KHO = 2 Fe 2 (HO) 6 + 3K 4 (FeCy 6 ) Potassium ferricyanide, K 3 (FeCy 6 ), gives no precipitate with ferric salts. 1 See footnote on p. 33, as to the influence of organic compounds. 38 Smaller Chemical Analysis Potassium thiocyanate, K(CN)S, produces with ferric salts a rich wine-red coloration, owing to the formation of ferric thiocyanate, Fe(CNS) 3 , which is soluble in water. The colour of this compound is very intense, hence the reaction may be employed to detect very small quantities of iron. Reduction of Ferric to Ferrous Compounds. Ferr/V com- pounds are readily reduced to the ferwits state ; they are there- fore oxidising agents of some importance. The action of (NH 4 ) 2 S and of H. 2 S has been already mentioned. Nascent hydrogen reduces them in the same way ; therefore, when metallic iron is dissolved in HC1 or H 2 SO 4 , the salts produced are ferrous chloride and sulphate respectively. Nitric acid, on the other hand, converts the iron into the " ferric " state. A ferric salt already in solution is reduced by nascent hydrogen, generated by introducing zinc into the acidified liquid. In passing from FeCl 3 to FeCL 2 , one atom of chlorine is available for oxidising purposes, and is capable of bringing about such actions as the following : The " oxidation ". of stannous chloride, $nG 2 , to stannic chloride, SnCl 4 . The oxidation of sulphurous acid or thiosulphuric acid into sulphuric acid ; thus 2 FeCl 3 -f H 2 S0 3 + H 2 = H 2 SO 4 + 2 HC1 + 2FeCl 2 2 FeCl 3 -h N^SSO, + H 2 O = Na 2 SO 4 + 2HC1 + 2FeCl 2 + S (b) Ferrous Compounds. Ferrous salts are usually pale green when crystallised, and white when anhydrous. Of the common salts the chloride and sulphate are soluble. NH 4 HO, KHO, and NaHO produce a precipitate of ferrous hydroxide, Fe(HO) 2 , which is at first a dirty white colour, but which rapidly turns first pale greenish-grey, then a dirty grey, and finally brown, owing to its oxidation by atmospheric oxygen. The presence of ammonium salts renders the pre- cipitation incomplete. The precipitate is not soluble in excess of the reagents ; boiling with KHO turns it black, converting it into Fe 3 O 4 . K 2 CO :j and Na 2 CO, give a white precipitate of ferrous Reactions of the Metals of Group III A 39 carbonate, FeCO 3 , which on exposure to the air quickly absorbs oxygen. (NH 4 ) 2 S precipitates black ferrous sulphide, FeS. Readily soluble in acids, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. K/FeCy 6 ) precipitates potassium ferrous ferrocyanide, FeK 2 (FeCy 6 ), thus K 4 (FeCye) + FeCL 2 = 2KC1 + FeK 2 (FeCy 6 ) When the solutions are mixed in test-tubes in the ordinary way, the precipitate has a greenish-blue colour ; but when the reaction is made in an atmosphere free from oxygen, and the solutions are previously boiled so as to entirely expel all dis- solved oxygen, the precipitate is perfectly white. It rapidly absorbs oxygen and becomes blue, and is also easily oxidised to " Prussian blue " by nitric acid or chlorine ; thus 4 FeK 2 (FeCy 6 ) + 2C1 2 = Fe 4 (FeCy 6 ) 3 + K 4 FeCy^ 4- 4KC1 Potassium ferricyanide, K 3 (FeCy 6 ), giveV with ferrous salts, a precipitate of ferrous ferricyanide, Fe 3 (FeCy 6 )2 (known as Turnbulfs blue), which is indistinguishable by its appearance from Prussian blue 2 K,(FeCy 6 ) + 3 FeCl 2 = Fe 3 (FeCy 6 ) 2 + 6KC1 The precipitate is insoluble in hydrochloric acid, but is decomposed by caustic alkalies, with the precipitation of ferrous hydroxide ; thus Fe 3 (FeCy 6 ) 2 + 6KHO = 2K 3 (FeCy 6 ) + 3Fe(HO) 2 Oxidation of Ferrous to Ferric Compounds. The ferric salts being the more stable, the ferrous compounds undergo oxidation even more readily than the ferric salts become reduced. Mere exposure to the air in many cases causes the change. In analysis the oxidation is usually accomplished either by chlorine (or bromine) or by nitric acid. The chlorine may be employed in the form of chlorine water ^ or more conveniently by gently warming the ferrous compound with hydrochloric acid and adding a few crystals of potassium chlorate. When the oxidation is accomplished with nitric acid, the 4O Smaller Chemical Analysis strong acid is added, a few drops at a time, to the hot acidu- lated solution of the ferrous salt. The solution becomes dark in colour, and nitric oxide is disengaged ; thus 6FeS0 4 + 3H 2 S0 4 + 2 HNO,, = 3Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 4 H 2 O + 2NO 3 FeCl 2 + 3 HC1 + HN0 3 = 3FeCl 3 + 2H 2 O + NO Unless the solution of the ferrous salt is acidified, a portion of the iron is converted into Fe 2 O 3 , which is taken up, in the case of the sulphate, by the ferric sulphate, forming insoluble basic ferric sulphates, Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , ^Fe 2 O 3 . SEPARATION OF GROUP IIlA FROM GROUPS IIlB, IV., V To the solution add NH 4 C1 in considerable quantity ; heat the mixture to boiling, and add NH 4 HO carefully until precipi- tation is complete. 1 Bring the liquid once more " to the boil," when, if sufficient ammonia has been added, the steam will smell of it. Filter the mixture while hot. The precipitate contains the metals of Group IIlA. in the form of hydroxides, and is examined according to the table on the opposite page. The filtrate contains the metals of Groups IIlB., IV., and V. 1 The NH 4 C1 prevents the precipitation of hydroxides of the metals of Group IIlB. and of magnesium j it must be therefore added plentifully. Excess of ammonia, however, must be avoided, otherwise manganous hydroxide will be precipitated in spite of the ammonium chloride. (See footnote, p. 44.) Reactions of the Metals of Group I II A 41 IP S S.S PH Cj !/5 Pi *'$$ * 8 3 S ^^ I a g ZnS + 2HC1 ZnS is insoluble in acetic acid (contrast MnS), therefore from the acetate, or other zinc salts in presence of an alkaline acetate, ZnS is completely precipitated by H 2 S ; thus Zn(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 + H 2 S = ZnS + 2H(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) ZnCl 2 + 2Na(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) + H 2 S = ZnS + 2NaCl + 2H(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) Nickel, Ni DRY REACTIONS. Nickel compounds impart a dark red- brown colour to the borax bead when heated in the oxidising flame, the colour becoming brownish-yellow on cooling. In the reducing flame the borax bead becomes opaque and grey. In a bead of microcosmic salt, the red-brown colour persists in both flames. The presence of other colour-producing oxides renders this test uncertain, while even traces of cobalt entirely mask it. Heated on charcoal with Na 2 CO 3 , metallic nickel is obtained as a grey feebly magnetic mass. WET REACTIONS. Only one of the oxides of nickel is basic, namely NiO, hence only one series of salts exists. The sesquioxide, Ni 2 O 3 , behaves like a peroxide ; thus Ni 2 O 3 + 2H 2 SO 4 = 2 NiSO 4 + 2H 2 O + O In the crystalline or hydrated condition the nickel salts have a Reactions of the Metals of Group II IB 47 green colour, and dissolve to green solutions. The anhydrous salts are pale yellow. Of the common salts, the chloride, nitrate, and sulphate are soluble in water. KHO or NaHO gives a pale bluish-green precipitate of nickelous hydroxide, Ni(HO) 2 , insoluble in excess of either reagent ; soluble in ammonium salts. Ni(HO) 2 is not oxidised on exposure to air, but it is converted into black hydrated sesquioxide, Ni 2 O 3 ,3H 2 O, by hypochlorites, or by the action of chlorine or bromine in the presence of caustic alkalies; thus 2Ni(HO) a + NaCIO + H 2 O = NaCl + Ni 2 O 3 ,3H 2 O 2Ni(HO) a 4- 2NaHO + C1 2 = 2NaCl + Ni 2 O 3 ,3H 2 O NH 4 HO gives a greenish precipitate in neutral solutions of a basic compound, readily soluble in excess of ammonia to a greenish-blue solution. In the presence of ammonium salts, no precipitate is produced by ammonia. The nickel in this solution is not oxidised by hypochlorites, but it is completely precipitated, as Ni(HO) 2 , on the addition of KHO. K 2 C0 3 , Na 2 CO 3 , or (NH 4 )CO 3 produces a pale-green pre- cipitate of basic carbonate, ^NiCO 3 ,jNi(HO) 2 , soluble in excess of ammonia to a bluish solution. (NH 4 ) 2 S, or H 2 S in presence of ammonia, produces a black precipitate of NiS, soluble to a slight extent in excess ; more readily soluble if ammonia or polysulphides of ammonia are present, yielding a brown solution. From this solution the dissolved NiS is reprecipitated slowly on boiling, more quickly after acidifying with acetic acid, or the addition of ammonium acetate. NiS is only difficultly soluble in strong HC1, and almost insoluble in the dilute acid; also in acetic acid. Readily soluble in aqua, regia, or in HC1 and a crystal of KC1O 3 , yield- ing NiCl 2 ; soluble also in HNO 3 . H 2 S only produces complete precipitation of NiS from a warm solution of the acetate, or from other nickel salts in the presence of an alkaline acetate. In the case of neutral solutions of nickel salts with mineral acids, the precipitation is only partial, while in acid solutions it does not take place at all. KCy gives a pale-green precipitate of nickelous cyanide, 48 Smaller Chemical Analysis NiCy 2 , readily soluble in excess of the reagent forming the double cyanide, K 2 NiCy 4 . From this solution (NH 4 ) 2 S fails to precipitate the sulphide. Dilute mineral acids cause the reprecipitation of nickelous cyanide K 2 NiCy 4 + 2HC1 = 2 KC1 + 2HCy + NiCy 2 Boiling with hydrochloric acid decomposes the metallic cyanide altogether K 2 NiCy 4 + 4HC1 = 2KC1 + 4HCy + NiCl 2 Oxidising agents, such as hypochlorites, chlorine, or bromine precipitate the black hydrated sesquioxide. (Distinction from cobalt.} 2 K 2 NiCy 4 + NaCIO + 5H 2 O = Ni 2 O 3 ,3H 2 O + NaCl + 4 KCy Cobalt, Co DRY REACTIONS. Cobalt compounds impart to a borax bead a rich blue colour, when heated either in the oxidising or reducing flame. The test is characteristic and delicate. WET REACTIONS. Cobalt forms a number of oxides, two only of which are basic. The cobaltous salts are derived from CoO, while the feebly basic sesquioxide Co 2 O 3 forms the very unstable cobaltic salts. Of the common cobaltous salts, the sulphate, nitrate, and haloid salts are soluble in water. In the hydrated condition they have a pink colour, dissolving to pink solutions. In the anhydrous state they are blue. A strong aqueous solution (pink) will,' however, turn blue when boiled, and return to its original pink colour when again cooled. KHO or NaHO gives a greenish-blue precipitate of a basic salt. On boiling with excess of the alkali, the precipitate is converted into the pink hydroxide, Co(HO) 2J which, however is coloured more or less brown by the oxidation of a portion, of it (by atmospheric oxygen) into the hydrated cobaltic oxide, Co 2 3 ,3H 2 0, or Co 2 (HO) 6 . Co(HO) 2 is oxidised by hypochlorites, in the same manner as the corresponding nickel compound. Separation of Group fill? 49 NH 4 HO causes partial precipitation of a basic salt, which dissolves easily in excess of ammonia or in ammoniacal salts. The solution, which has a brownish colour, absorbs oxygen, and becomes darker in colour. K,C0 3 , Na. 2 CO 3 , or (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 precipitates a lilac-coloured basic carbonate, .#CoCO 3 , yCo(HO) 2 , readily soluble in excess of (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 to a reddish solution. HKC0 3 gives a pinkish precipitate of normal cobalt car- bonate, CoCO 3 . The precipitate so obtained is soluble in hydrogen peroxide, yielding a deep green solution. (NH 4 ) 2 S gives a black precipitate of cobaltous sulphide, CoS. The precipitation is complete in the presence of NH 4 C1 (contrast NiS). CoS is soluble in HNO 3 , in "aqua regia," and in HC1 with the addition of a crystal of KC1O 3 ; difficultly soluble in strong HC1 ; practically insoluble in dilute HC1. H. 2 S precipitates CoS under the same conditions as apply in the case of NiS. KCy gives a reddish precipitate of CoCy 2 soluble in excess of the reagent, forming potassium cobaltocyanide, K 4 CoCy 6 (corresponding to potassium ferrocyanide) (contrast nickel). The addition of oxidising agents hypochlorites, chlorine, or bromine to this solution produces no precipitation of cobalt sesquioxide, but oxidises the cobaltocyanide into cobalticyanide. (Distinction from nickel.) 2K 4 CoCy 6 + NaCIO + H 2 O = NaCl + 2KHO + 2 K 3 CoCy 6 SEPARATION OF GROUP IIlB. FROM GROUPS IV. AND V Add NH 4 C1, NH 4 HO, 2 and pass H 2 S through the solution (or add (NH 4 ) 2 S, drop by drop, avoiding excess ; see Nickel) until precipitation is complete. Warm gently, and filter. 1 Solutions of these double cyanides do not give precipitates with the reagents usually employed for the detection of the metals, because on dis- sociation they do not yield ions of the metal, but complex ions of the metal and cyanogen. For example, such cyanides as K 2 NiCy 4 yield 2K + NiCy 4 , while compounds such as the ferrocyanides and cobaltocyanides yield the ions FeCy e and CoCy 6 respectively. 2 In the ordinary course of analysis, these reagents have already been added for the separation of Group II IA. E 50 Smaller Chemical Analysis S |i -V * a 5 **" H nl ci ^ VM 30. 3 ** Jt *'G "& 8J! "o* u.!5 U ? g T3 (U 2.2 g-s^S ^s.S 'g U ^* O 'o CJ r 3 oj c '2 B.3tta trt eS 5 IS^alfr 8 - - 'sf-S'.sS ll^lll 1.90*11 &^'| ^ ^ v> csr^ o"5 0-3 ^;^ S^ .y I, a c - H .5^-5 o!-; o i- o ^-rffi-B CS ate r i u y e lu aHO cu S pitate (Ni Blue colo quantit eutralise ade sol , add N ntil the n y m d u 2n"l11'~ o - Separation of Phosphoric Acid 5 1 SEPARATION OF PHOSPHORIC ACID. As stated on p. 20, there are conditions under which the group reagent for Group IIlA. fails to separate the metals of this group from those which follow. The presence of phos- phates is such a condition. The phosphates of all the metals of Groups III. and IV., as well as of magnesium, are soluble in hydrochloric acid, and are reprecipitated on the addition of ammonia. Hence the precipitate obtained by ammonia, in the process of separating Group IIlA., may contain any or all of these phosphates, in addition to the hydroxides of iron, chromium, and aluminium. Before proceeding to the separa- tion of Groups IIlA. and IIlB., therefore, it is essential first to ascertain whether or not any phosphates are present ; and second, if they are found present, to adopt measures to remove the phosphoric acid. Test for Phosphoric Acid. To a small quantity of the solu- tion add a large excess (four or five times the volume) of a nitric-acid solution of ammonium molybdate (NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 , and gently warm the mixture, when a bright yellow precipitate of ammonium phospho-molybdate separates out. 1 The removal of Phosphoric Acid is based upon the fact that ferric phosphate (also the phosphates of Al and Cr) is insoluble in acetic acid. Thus, if acetic acid or sodium acetate (in practice, a mixture of the two is employed) be added to a hydrochloric acid solution of ferric phosphate, and the mixture boiled, the ferric phosphate is precipitated; also, if ferric chloride is added to an acid solution of any of the phos- phates soluble in that acid (i.e. the phosphates of metals of Groups IIlB., IV., and magnesium), by double decomposition ferric phosphate is thrown down, and chlorides of the other metals are left in solution. For example Ca 3 (PO 4 ). 2 4- 2FeCl 3 (in presence of acetic acid) = Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 2 The process is carried out according to the scheme given in Table I He. on the following page. 1 Arsenic acid gives a similar yellow precipitate of ammonium arseno- molybdate ; therefore the test for phosphoric acid must not be applied until arsenic has been removed in Group II. TABLE THE SEPARATION OF The precipitate produced by NH 4 HO in presence of NH 4 C1 may consist of Groups III. and IV., and of Mg. Dissolve in a little dilute HC1, and acetic acid * (reagent). The Precipitate may consist of phos- phates of Fe, Al, Cr (along with basic acetate of iron). This precipitate may be treated with Na 2 O 2 exactly as the hydroxides (Table IIlA., p. 41) A1 2 (PO 4 ) 2 dissolves, the Cr 2 (PO 4 ) 2 is oxidised to Na 2 CrO 4 . On filtering, the iron remains on the filter. Alu- minium is detected by neutralising and reprecipitating with ammonia ; the chromium by barium chloride in acetic acid solution. The Filtrate. To a small portion If a precipitate is produced, drop, until the whole of the the precipitation is seen by the mixture, 3 and filter. If the preliminary test with ferric contains no more phosphoric The Precipitate consists of ferric phosphate and basic acetate. Throw away, 1 If the addition of sodium acetate gives no precipitate, it follows analysis (see previous page). If, after the addition of the acetate reagent, and before the mixture allowing the precipitate to settle somewhat), this means that ferric acetatt solution) ; and if this is formed, it follows that there is present in the present ; hence all the phosphoric acid will have passed into the precipitat< excess of ferric chloride upon the sodium acetate. Thus 2 Boiling the mixture at this point ensures the conversion of the solubL solution should be colourless, or entirely free from the red colour. * The boiling here is for the same reason as that in the foregoing note precipitated ferric phosphate is soluble in ferric chloride and in ferri IIIc PHOSPHORIC ACID of hydroxides of Al, Fe, Cr, as well as phosphates of any of the metals avoiding excess. Nearly neutralise with Na 2 CO 2 , and add sodium acetate Boil the mixture, 2 and filter. of the liquid, which should be colourless, add a drop of ferric chloride, then ferric chloride is added to the main portion of the filtrate, drop by phosphoric acid is thrown down as ferric phosphate. The completion of liquid becoming red, by the formation of ferric acetate. Boil the chloride gave no precipitate, but only a red coloration, then the solution acid, and is at once treated as in the next step. The Solution. Add NH 4 C1, heat to boiling, and add NH 4 HO. Filter. The Precipitate may consist of A1 2 (HO) 6 and Cr 2 (HO) 6 . magnesium in the usual way. Examine in usual way. i Table IIlA. Tables IIlB., IV., and V. The Filtrate. Examine for Groups IIlB. and IV., and for that no iron, aluminium, or chromium are present in the substance under has been boiled, the liquid itself appears red (which is easily seen by is being produced (which is soluble in sodium acetate, forming a red mixture more than enough iron to unite with all the phosphoric acid along with the iron. This ferric acetate is formed by the action of the FeCl 3 + 3Na(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) = Fe(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 3 + sNaCl ferric acetate into the insoluble basic acetate, so that when filtered the It is important to avoid any unnecessary excess of FeCl 3 , because the acetate. CHAPTER VII REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP II THIS group is conveniently divided into two sections Subdivision i. Mercury, lead, bismuth, cadmium, copper. Subdivision 2. Arsenic, antimony, tin. SUBDIVISION i Mercury, Hg DRY REACTIONS. When heated alone in a tube, many mercury compounds (those with the halogens, for example) volatilise unchanged, giving sublimates of the same compound. The iodide (red) when heated forms a sublimate, consisting chiefly of the yellow allotropic form of HgI 2 , which when cold changes to red if scratched or rubbed. Some mercury com- pounds, e.g. the oxide, yield a sublimate of metallic mercury. If a mercury salt be mixed with several times its weight of sodium carbonate (both being as dry as possible), and the mixture be strongly heated in a dry narrow test-tube, a sub- limate of metallic mercury will be obtained. The sublimed mercury will present the appearance of a bright metallic mirror, but if examined by means of a lens, or if rubbed with a glass rod, distinct globules of liquid metal will be visible. WET REACTIONS. Mercury forms two classes of salts, namely, the mercurzV and the mercuric salts. The former compounds contain the divalent atom or radical Hg", while the mercurous salts contain the divalent double atom or radical (Hg a )". The metal in its mercuric compounds belongs to Group II., 54 Group //. Subdivision l 55 while in its mercurvus salts it falls in Group I. For conveni- + + ence the reactions of both the Hg ion and the (Hg 2 ) ion will be studied in this place. (a) Mercuric Compounds. Of the common salts, the nitrate, sulphate, chloride, and bromide (but not the iodide] are soluble in water, but the solubility is not very great. KHO or NaHO gives with mercuric compounds a yellow precipitate 1 of mercuric oxide, HgO HgCl 2 + 2KHO = HgO + H 2 O + 2KC1 The precipitate is insoluble in excess of the reagent. NH 4 HO produces a white precipitate of an ammoniacal mercuric compound, where two atoms of hydrogen from the ammonium radical are replaced by the divalent atom Hg; thus HgCl 2 + 2 NH 4 HO = NH 2 HgCl + NH 4 C1 + 2 H 2 O H 2 S produces a black precipitate of HgS. At first the precipitate is white, changing rapidly through yellow and brown to black. The white compound consists of HgCl 2 , 2 HgS (or Hg(NO 3 ) 2 , 2 HgS when the nitrate is used). These colour changes are characteristic. The precipitation is only complete after some time, and when the solution is consider- ably dilute. The compound is insoluble in HC1, and in HNO 3 even when boiling. (The prolonged action of boiling HNO (J partially converts it into the white compound Hg(NO 3 ) 2 , 2 HgS.) Mercuric sulphide dissolves in aqua regia, forming mercuric chloride. In the presence of caustic alkalies it dis- solves in sodium or potassium sulphide (not in ammonium sulphide), forming the double sulphides, HgS,Na 2 S and HgS,K 2 S. KI precipitates HgI 2 as a rich scarlet compound, soluble 1 On the first addition of the reagent, the precipitate appears a brownish colour (probably due to the momentary formation of the hydroxide, which is incapable of existing), but almost immediately it becomes yellow. Why the oxide obtained by precipitation should be yellow, while that prepared in the dry way is brick-red, is not known. Compare also the sulphide. 56 Smaller Chemical Analysis in excess of either solution. When first precipitated it appears yellow, but quickly turns salmon-red, and then scarlet. Reduction of Mercuric Compounds. By reducing agents mercuric compounds may be converted into mercurous salts, or the reduction may go a stage further and result in the precipitation of mercury. Thus, on the addition of stannous chloride, SnCl 2 , a white precipitate of mercurous chloride is produced 2HgCl a + SnCl 2 = Hg 2 Cl 2 + SnCl 4 On gently warming with an excess of stannous chloride, the precipitated mercurous chloride changes to a grey deposit of mercury in a condition of fine powder Hg 2 Cl 2 4- SnCla = SnCl 4 + 2Hg Many metals are capable of displacing mercury from its solutions, the mercury being deposited upon the metal. Thus, if a strip of clean copper be immersed in a neutral or slightly acid solution of a mercury salt, it becomes coated with a greyish deposit, from which the mercury can be readily volati- lised and obtained as a metallic sublimate by heating the copper in a dry test-tube. (b) Mercurous Compounds. Of the common salts mer- curous nitrate is the only one which is readily soluble, and this only so long as the water is acid with nitric acid. The addition of much water results in the precipitation of a basic nitrate. Mercurous sulphate is soluble with difficulty. KHO or NaHO throws down a black precipitate of (Hg 2 )O. Mercurous oxide is very unstable. When gently warmed, or even upon exposure to light, it is converted into HgO and Hg. NH 4 HO precipitates an ammoniacal mercurous compound, which is black. Hg 2 (N0 3 ) 2 + 2NH 4 HO = NH 2 (Hg 2 )N0 3 + NH 4 NO 3 H 2 S produces a black precipitate, which is a mixture of HgS and Hg. This precipitate, therefore, behaves, on treat- ment with nitric acid, in the same way as that obtained from a mercuric solution, giving the white insoluble compound Hg(N0 3 ) 2 ,2HgS. Group II. Subdivision i 57 HC1 and soluble chlorides precipitate white mercurous chloride, Hg 2 Cl 2 . Insoluble in dilute acids ; soluble in boiling HNO 3 , being converted into HgCl 2 and Hg, and the mercury then dissolves to mercuric nitrate, with evolution of oxides of nitrogen. Ammonia converts it into black mercurous ammonium chloride, NH 2 (Hg 2 )Cl. (This constitutes one of the most characteristic reactions for mercurous compounds.) Mercurous salts are reduced to metallic mercury by the reducing agents which reduce the mercuric compounds ; thus, with stannous chloride a grey precipitate of mercury is at once produced Hg a (N0 8 ) a + SnCl 2 + 2HC1 = SnCl 4 = 2 HNO 3 + 2 Hg Lead, Pb DRY REACTIONS. Lead compounds are very readily re- duced when heated upon charcoal before the blowpipe flame, either alone or mixed with sodium carbonate or potassium cyanide. Globules of metallic lead are thus obtained, and at the same time a yellowish incrustation is formed, consisting of the oxide PbO (litharge). When cold, one of the globules can be removed and the properties of the metal examined. Lead may be recognised by its malleability and softness, the latter property enabling it to leave a black mark when rubbed upon paper. WET REACTIONS. The only salts of lead which are met with in analysis are derived from plumbic oxide, PbO, in which the metal is divalent. Of the common salts, the nitrate and acetate are readily soluble in water ; the chloride, bromide, and iodide are sparingly soluble. KHO, NaHO, or NH 4 HO gives a white precipitate of lead hydroxide, Pb(HO) 2 (usually admixed with a basic com- pound), .soluble in excess of KHO or NaHO, but not in NH 4 HO. KjCOg, NaaCO 3 , or (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 gives a precipitate of basic carbonate of lead. HJ3 gives a black precipitate of lead sulphide, PbS. In 58 Smaller Chemical Analysis the presence of much hydrochloric acid, the precipitate first formed consists of a brown compound having the composition PbCl 2 ,2PbS, which by the further action of H 2 S is converted into the black PbS. PbS is insoluble in cold dilute acids, in alkalies, or in the sulphides of the alkalies. It is readily dissolved by hot dilute HNO 3 , giving lead nitrate and free sulphur. As the strength of the acid is increased, this sulphur begins to be oxidised into sulphuric acid, which causes the precipitation of lead sulphate. Strong nitric acid converts lead sulphide entirely into the sulphate. H 2 S0 4 and soluble sulphates give a white precipitate of lead sulphate, PbSO 4 . Very slightly soluble in water; less soluble in the presence of either dilute sulphuric acid or alcohol; hence, in very dilute solutions, precipitation is ac- celerated by the addition of alcohol. PbSO 4 dissolves by long boiling with strong HC1, yielding PbCl 2 . It dissolves more readily in strong ammoniacal solutions of ammonium acetate or tartrate, as well as in hot KHO or NaHO. From these it is again precipitated on addition of H 2 SO 4 . HC1 and soluble chlorides give a white precipitate of lead chloride, PbCl 2 . The precipitate is slightly soluble in cold water, moderately freely in boiling water ; from which solution it separates on cooling in long white needle-shaped crystals. The presence of free HC1 diminishes its solubility in cold water. Owing to this partial solubility of the chloride, lead is not completely separated by the group-reagent for Group I., and therefore is met with also among the metals of Group II. Kl gives a yellow precipitate of PbI 2 . Soluble, but to a less extent than the chloride, in boiling water to a colourless solution. KjCrC^ precipitates yellow lead chromate, PbCrO 4 , insoluble in acetic acid. Soluble in dilute HNO 3 and in caustic alkalies (see reactions for chromium). Bismuth, Bi DRY REACTIONS. Bismuth compounds are easily reduced when heated with Na 2 CO 3 upon charcoal. The metal, however, Group IL Subdivision i 59 rapidly oxidises when strongly heated, hence the charcoal becomes covered with an incrustation of the pale yellow oxide, Bi 2 O 3 , the colour of which (as is the case with most coloured oxides) appears darker (orange-yellow) while hot. Globules of the metal, if detached from the charcoal, may be at once distinguished from lead or silver by their brittleness. Bismuth dissolves easily in HNO 3 , Sut is scarcely attacked by HC1, or by dilute H. 2 SO 4 . WET REACTIONS. Of the common salts of bismuth none are soluble in water in the ordinary sense, but the nitrate and chloride are readily soluble in water acidified with the re- spective acids. Water alone, converts these salts into basic compounds, which are soluble in acid ; the action, therefore, is reversible Bi(N0 3 ) 3 + 2H 2 O$; Bi(HO) 2 N0 3 + 2 HNO 3 In the case of bismuth chloride, the oxychloride is thrown down BiCl 3 + H 2 OBiOCl + 2HC1 This compound is not so easily dissolved by HC1 as the basic nitrate is by HNO 3 , therefore the whole of the bismuth will be precipitated if the solution is dilute. The precipitate is not dissolved by tartaric acid. (Distinc- tion from antimony. ) KHO or NaHO precipitates the white hydroxide Bi(HO) 3 , or Bi 2 O 3 ,3H. 2 O. Insoluble in excess of the precipitants. From boiling solutions, or on heating to boiling, the basic compound is formed, BiO(HO) or Bi 2 O 3 ,H 2 O. K 2 C0 3 , Na,,CO 3 , or (NH 4 ) 2 CO ; 5 throws down a white basic carbonate, (BiO). 2 CO ;j . Insoluble in excess of the reagents. H. 2 S or (NH 4 ) 2 S precipitates bismuthous sulphide, Bi. 2 S 3 , as a dark brown, almost black, compound. Soluble in HNO 3 ; insoluble in alkaline sulphides. K 2 Cr 2 7 precipitates basic bismuth dichromate, (BiO) 2 Cr 2 O 7 . Insoluble in KHO. (Distinction from lead.} 60 Smaller Chemical Analysis Cadmium, Cd DRY REACTIONS. Cadmium compounds, heated on char- coal with sodium carbonate, are easily reduced; but, owing to the ready volatility of the metal, the latter is converted into the oxide, which is deposited as a brown incrustation upon the charcoal. WET REACTIONS. Of the common salts, the nitrate, sulphate, chloride (bromide, iodide, and acetate) are soluble in water. KHO, NaHO, or NH 4 HO precipitates the white hydroxide, Cd(HO) 2 . Insoluble in excess of KHO or NaHO, but soluble in NH 4 HO. K 2 C0 3 , Na 2 CO 3 , or (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 gives a white precipitate of CdCO 3 . The presence of NH 4 HO prevents the precipitation. H 2 S or (NH 4 ) 2 S precipitates cadmium sulphide, CdS, dis- tinguished from the sulphides of all the other metals of this division by its pure yellow colour. It is more easily soluble in acids than the other sulphides of the group, and therefore, to ensure complete precipitation, the solution must not be too strongly acid. CdS is insoluble in potassium cyanide, and is precipitated by H 2 S from a solution of CdCy 2 in excess of KCy (see Method of Separation from Copper). CdS is insoluble in alkaline sulphides, which distinguishes it from arsenious sulphide, which is the only other yellow sulphide (see p. 55). Copper, Cu DRY REACTIONS. Copper compounds are reduced to metallic copper when strongly heated upon charcoal along with sodium carbonate in the reducing flame. Reddish scales, or even globules, of metal will be found. Heated in a borax bead, copper salts impart a colour which is green while the bead is hot, but bluish when cold. Heated on a platinum wire they give a green flame, which appears bright blue if the substance is moistened with strong HC1 and reintroduced into the flame. WET REACTIONS. Copper forms two series of salts, cuprous Group II. Subdivision i 61 and cupric, derived from the two oxides Cu 2 O and CuO. The former readily pass by oxidation into cupric compounds. (a) Cupric Salts. Of the common cupric salts, the sulphate, nitrate, chloride (bromide and acetate) are readily soluble in water. In the crystallised or hydrated condition they are blue or green, but in the anhydrous state either white or pale yellow. KHO or NaHO produces a pale blue precipitate of cupric hydroxide Cu(HO) 2 . Insoluble in excess. On boiling the mixture, the hydroxide is converted into black cupric oxide. NH 4 HO or (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 precipitates a light blue basic com- pound, readily soluble in excess to a deep blue solution (characteristic of copper compounds). K 2 C0 3 or Na 2 CO 3 gives a greenish precipitate of the basic carbonate, Cu(CO 3 ),Cu(HO) 2 . Insoluble in excess of the reagent. KCy gives with both cupric and cuprous salts a white pre- cipitate of cuprous cyanide, Cu 2 Cy 2 ; soluble in excess, forming cuprous potassium cyanide, Cu 2 Cy 2 ,6KCy or K 6 Cu 2 Cy 8 . This double cyanide is also formed when excess of potas- sium cyanide is added to blue ammoniacal copper solution, the blue colour disappearing in consequence. Sulphuretted hydrogen fails to precipitate copper sulphide from the solution of this double cyanide (separation from cadmium). H 2 S or (NH 4 ) 2 S produces a nearly black precipitate of cupric sulphide, CuS, which, when exposed to the air in a moist condition, absorbs oxygen and is converted into the sulphate. The precipitate is slightly soluble in ammonium sulphide. It readily dissolves in potassium cyanide, forming cuprous potassium cyanide, Cu 2 Cy 2 ,6KCy (compare cadmium). (b) Cuprous Salts. The common cuprous salts are all insoluble in water. For the reactions, a solution of cuprous chloride in hydrochloric acid may be used. KHO or NaHO gives a yellow precipitate of cuprous hydroxide, Cu 2 (HO) 2 or Cu 2 O,H 2 O. If the mixture be heated, the precipitate is converted into the red cuprous oxide. The reduction of a cupric salt with the precipitation, the red cuprous 62 Smaller Cftemical Analysis oxide, is brought about by many organic substances. Thus, if KHO be added to a solution of CuSO 4 in the presence of grape sugar, the Cu(HO) 2 first precipitated dissolves in excess of KHO to a blue solution. If this be gently warmed, a bright red precipitate of cuprous oxide Cu 2 O is obtained. 1 NH 4 HO gives no precipitate, but forms a soluble compound having the composition Cu 2 Cl 2 ,2NH 3 . The solution is colour- less, but rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air, first becoming brown, and finally depositing a greenish precipitate of cupric oxychloride, CuCL 2 ,3CuO,4H 2 O. SEPARATION OF THE METALS OF GROUP II., SUBDIVISION i Acidify the solution with a small quantity of dilute HC1. 2 and pass sulphuretted hydrogen through the liquid until precipitation is complete. The precipitate is then examined according to Table HA. on the next page. 1 This reaction is utilised as a test for sugar. The reaction is more delicate when an alkaline solution of cupric tartrate (Fehling's solution) is employed. 2 In the ordinary course of analysis HC1 will already have been added for the separation of Group I., and most of the lead will have been pre- cipitated. When the exercise is confined to Group II., if the addition of HC1 gives a white precipitate, it should be filtered off and examined separately for lead. Group II. Subdivision is I '"*' o c T3 i; C tfl ^3 rt .2 i ^ S.S gS^H s . "Ill 1^2 j X- ^lli ^ S o liK llll . P* rt cj c3 . Si * 12 cO 3w ! S-o s a a g s5 S tJJ ** ffi fl o o s '3 -^ t S-f-a o ^ _ ^S^u U ^ -S S 4.-- _c ** T3 .'bJDvMO :^iK a |5Sg T3 2 ts^ fe fc*. rt ^ ^ *-. O i ,Q fllii &HG S ">'& ifofl ?l!|i -| ^I'o S$I11 2 - 9> s a ^ J ^ g 64 Smaller Chemical Analysis SUBDIVISION 2 Arsenic, As DRY REACTIONS. Compounds of arsenic, when heated upon charcoal with Na 2 CO 3 and KCy, are reduced; but the metal, being extremely volatile and readily combustible, is for the most part burnt to arsenious oxide, As 4 O 6 , which passes off as a white fume. At the same time some of the vapour of the element itself is carried away with the fumes of the oxide, and is readily recognised by its characteristic garlic-like odour. The reduction may be made by heating the arsenic com- pound in a glass tube with KCy, or a mixture of Na 2 CO 3 and KCy. The reaction is conveniently studied by using arsenious oxide. A small fragment (about the size of a pin's head) is placed in a narrow test-tube 2 and covered by adding a mixture of N^COg and KCy (equal parts), the materials being as dry as possible. The total quantity of material in the tube should not occupy more space than is shown in Fig. 9. On the FIG. 9. application of a gentle heat, the first effect will be the expul- sion of moisture from the imperfectly dried materials, which 1 For such experiments small test-tubes 4 X ^ g inches answer admirably. Bulb tubes are neither necessary nor desirable. Group II. Subdivision 2 65 condenses upon the sides of the tube. This may be driven up the tube by gently warming it, and finally removed by introducing a " spill " of blotting-paper. When no more mois- ture collects, the mixture may be steadily heated in the tip of a small Bunsen flame. The arsenic sublimes upon the tube as a metallic mirror. Sufficient of the vapour escapes condensation to enable the strong garlic odour to be detected. The reaction which takes place may be expressed by the equation As 4 O 6 + 6KCy = As 4 + 6KOCy WET REACTIONS. All the salts of arsenic are such as contain this element in the acidic or negative portion of the molecule ; such, for example, as the arsenites and arsenates of various metals. No oxysalts of arsenic are known in which the element plays the part of a base. (a) Arsenious compounds, derived from arsenious oxide, As 4 O 6 . The arsenites of sodium, potassium, and ammonium alone are soluble in water. For the following reactions, potas- sium arsenite, K 3 AsO 3 , or a solution of As 4 O 6 in dilute HC1, may be employed. H. 2 S or (NH 4 ) 2 S precipitates from slightly acid solutions yellow arsenious sulphide, As 2 S 3 . Soluble in excess of (NH 4 ) 2 S, forming ammonium thio-arsenite, (NH 4 ) 3 AsS 3 . It dissolves also in caustic alkalies, ammonia, and am- monium carbonate, yielding a mixture of arsenite and thio- arsenite, e.g. As 2 S 3 + 6KHO = K 3 AsO 3 + K 3 AsS 3 On addition of an acid to such solutions, arsenious sulphide is precipitated. When As 2 S 3 is dissolved in yellow ammonium sulphide, ammonium thio-arsen^/^ is formed, and from this solution acids precipitate As 2 S 5 . Arsenious sulphide is practically insoluble in HC1 (contrast S6%S 3 ), but readily dissolves in HNO 3 or in HC1 with the addition of a crystal of KC1O 3 . CuS0 4 produces, in a solution of potassium arsenite, a F 66 Smaller Chemical Analysis green precipitate of hydrogen cupric arsenite, HCuAsO 3 (Scheetts green) ; soluble in ammonia and caustic alkalies. If the solution be boiled, the arsenite is oxidised to arsenate and cuprous oxide precipitated. AgN0 3 gives a pale-yellow precipitate of silver arsenite, Ag 3 AsO 3 , soluble both in NH 4 HO and in HNO 3 . When the ammoniacal solution is boiled for some time, metallic silver is precipitated, and the arsenite is oxidised to arsenate. Precipitation by Copper (Reinsch's test). If a strip of clean copper foil be introduced into a solution of arsenious oxide in HC1, or an arsenite acidified with the same acid, and the mixture be warmed, metallic arsenic is deposited upon the copper, at the same time uniting with it, forming copper arsenide, Cu 5 As 2 . If the copper be then dried, and gently heated in a dry test-tube, the arsenic will be volatilised, and at the same time oxidised, giving, therefore, a white crystalline sublimate of As 4 O 6 (contrast antimony). (b) Arsen/c compounds, derived from arsenic pentoxide, As 2 O 5 . Arsenates of sodium, potassium, and ammonium are soluble in water. H 2 S. From acidified solutions of an arsenate, H 2 S gives a yellow precipitate after a short time, which is either As 2 S 5 or a mixture of As 2 S 3 and S, depending upon conditions. If the solution is strongly acid, and the gas is passed rapidly, the precipitate which slowly comes down is the penta- sulphide. On the other hand, if the solution is less strongly acid, and the H 2 S is passed slowly, the arsenic acid is first reduced to arsenious acid, with deposition of sulphur, and the arsenious acid as it forms is converted into arsenious sulphide thus (1) H 3 AsO 4 + H 2 S = H 2 O + S + H 3 AsO 3 (2) 2 H 3 AsO 3 + 3H 2 S = As 2 S 3 + 6H 2 O This reducing action of H 2 S is very slow, therefore complete precipitation requires considerable time. Warming the liquid hastens the action. The addition of a more powerful reducing agent, such as sulphurous acid, produces the effect at once. As 2 S 5 dissolves in alkaline sulphides and in caustic alkalies, Group II. Subdivision 2 67 forming thio-arsenates, from which the sulphide is repreci- pitated by acids 2 K 3 AsS 4 + 6HC1 = 6KC1 + As 2 S 5 + 3 H 2 S CuS0 4 gives a pale bluish precipitate of hydrogen cupric arsenate, HCuAsO 4 . Soluble, like the corresponding arsenite, in ammonia; but the copper is not reduced on heating the solution, for the reason that arsenates are incapable of further oxidation in other words, they do not act as reducing agents (contrast ar smites). AgN0 3 produces a chocolate-coloured precipitate of silver arsenate, Ag 3 AsO 4 , which, like the arsenite, dissolves in NH 4 HO and in HNO 3 . The ammoniacal solution is not reduced on boiling, for the same reason that the copper salt is not reduced (contrast ar smites). MgS0 4 , in presence of NH 4 C1 and NH 4 HO, gives a white crystalline precipitate of ammonium magnesium arsenate, (NH 4 )MgAsO 4 ; practically insoluble in water. (This reaction serves to distinguish an arsenate from an arsenite.) Marsh's Test In the presence of nascent hydrogen, both arsenic and arsenious compounds are reduced, and arsine (or arsenuretted hydrogen), AsH 3 , is evolved. Thus, if a solution of arsenious or arsenic oxide be subjected to electrolysis, or if such solutions are introduced into a mixture from which hydrogen is being generated (e.g. zinc or magnesium with dilute acid), this com- pound is produced. The properties of arsenuretted hydrogen which are made use of in analysis are the following : (1) The deposition of metallic arsenic from the flame of the burning gas when a cold object is depressed upon the flame. (2) The decomposition of the compound on passing through a heated tube, with deposition of an arsenical mirror. (3) The action of the gas upon a solution of silver nitrate, resulting in the precipitation of metallic silver. The reaction is made in a small hydrogen generating 68 Smaller Chemical Analysis apparatus, in which hydrogen is slowly generated from zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, both materials being free from arsenic. The issuing gas is passed through a piece of com- bustion tube which has been drawn out so as to produce one or two constricted places in its length, as shown ^| in Fig. 10. As soon as dp the air is all expelled from the apparatus, the issuing hydrogen is in- flamed. 1 A small quantity of the arsenical solution is now introduced through the thistle-tube. The first effect of this is to suddenly cause a greatly increased rate of evolu- tion of hydrogen. 2 The colour of the hydrogen flame will be seen to change, and to assume a lilac tint, and at the same time white fumes of As 4 O 6 escape from the tip of the flame. If now a porcelain dish be depressed upon the flame, a rich brown-black metallic-looking stain will be deposited. The deposit being volatile, and the flame very hot, the stain will again disappear if the flame be allowed to impinge for more than a moment or two on the same spot. If the drawn-out tube be heated near one of the constrictions, the arsenuretted hydrogen will be decomposed as it passes the FIG. 10. 1 A small test-tube should be filled by upward displacement, and tested by a flame before igniting the gas at the exit-tube of the apparatus. As an additional precaution, it is well to throw a duster lightly over the bottle before applying a light, so that, should an explosion happen, the broken glass will be prevented from flying about. 2 On this account, it is necessary that the generation of hydrogen before adding the arsenic solution should be quite slow ; and also that the quantity of the arsenic solution added at a time should be small. Group II. Subdivision 2 69 hot spot, and an arsenic mirror will be deposited in the tube. Minute traces of arsenic can be detected in this way. It will be noticed that the deposition takes place entirely on that part of the tube which is on the side of the flame farthest from the generating vessel (antimony is deposited from its hydride on both sides of the heated spot). Since antimony also forms a gaseous compound with hydrogen which gives similar stains, it is necessary to employ further confirmatory tests. i. The arsenic stains are readily dissolved by a solution of a hypochlorite. If, therefore, a solution of bleaching powder be poured over such stains they immediately disappear SCa(OCl), + 6H 2 O + As 4 = 5CaCl 2 + 4H 3 AsO 4 Antimony stains do not dissolve in hypochlorite solutions. 2. When a stream of H 2 S is passed through the tube containing the deposit of either arsenic or antimony, slightly warmed, in each case the sulphide is formed. Yellow arsenious sulphide volatilises along from the warm region and condenses on the cold distant part of the tube; antimonious sulphide, reddish or nearly black, remains unmoved, being non-volatile. (If present together, they can in this way be separated.) If a stream of gaseous HC1 be now passed through the tube, antimonious sulphide is converted into antimonious chloride, which passes on with the HC1, and may be led into water and again precipitated as the red sulphide with H. 2 S. The yellow arsenious sulphide remains in the tube, being unattacked by HC1. 3. Arsenuretted hydrogen can also be distinguished from the antimony compound, by the difference in the behaviour of the two gases towards silver nitrate. When passed into the silver solution, each gas produces a black precipitate. In the case of arsenic this consists of metallic silver, while with antimony it consists of antimonide of silver ; thus 6AgN0 3 + sH 2 + AsH 3 = 3 Ag 2 + 6HNO 3 + H 3 AsO 3 3AgN0 3 + SbH 3 = SbAg 3 + sHNO 3 On filtering, the arsenic is found in the filtrate, while the antimony 70 Smaller Chemical Analysis would be in the precipitate. If the filtrate is neutralised by the cautious addition of ammonia, a yellow precipitate of silver arsenite is produced by interaction with the excess of silver nitrate present. The antimony in the black silver antimonide may be detected by boiling with a solution of tartaric acid. The liquid thus obtained is acidulated with HC1, and sulphuretted hydrogen passed into it, which gives a precipitate of red antimonious sulphide. Fleitmann's Test When an arsenite, or a solution of arsenious oxide, is warmed in a test-tube with a solution of sodium hydroxide and metallic zinc, arsenuretted hydrogen is evolved, which can be detected by means of a piece of filter-paper moistened with silver nitrate held to the mouth of the tube. A black stain of precipitated silver is produced. Antimoniuretted hydrogen is not produced from antimony compounds under similar con- ditions. Antimony, Sb DRY REACTIONS. Antimony compounds may be reduced to metallic antimony by heating them with Na 2 CO 3 and KCy upon charcoal. Globules of the metal are thus obtained, which burn in the blowpipe flame, producing white fumes of anti- monious oxide, Sb 4 O 6 . The charcoal at the same time receives a white incrustation. The bead of metal will be found to be very brittle, and, when broken, to exhibit a highly crystalline appearance. Antimony is unacted upon by dilute HC1 or H 2 SO 4 . Nitric acid oxidises it into antimonic acid, or anti- monious oxide, depending upon conditions of concentration. WET REACTIONS. Antimony forms two series of com- pounds, " antimonious " and " antimonic," which may be regarded as being derived respectively from the two oxides, antimonious oxide, Sb 4 O 6 , and antimony pentoxide, Sb. 2 O 5 . (a) Antimonious Compounds. Antimonious oxide is feebly basic, forming salts in which the metal constitutes a part of the positive radical. Of these salts the tartrate, (SbO).XC 4 H 4 O 6 ), and Group II. Subdivision 2 71 the double potassium tartrate (tartar emetic), (SbO)K(C 4 H 4 O 6 ), are the most familiar. For the following reactions l an acid (HC1) solution of antimonious chloride may be employed : KHO, NaHO, NH 4 HO, as well as alkaline carbonates, pre- cipitate antimonious oxide, Sb 4 O 6 . The precipitate redissolves in excess of either potassium or sodium hydroxide, forming the respective metantimonites Sb 4 O 6 + 4NaHO = 4NaSbO 2 + 2H 2 O H 2 0, added in considerable quantity to the acid solution of SbCl 3 , gives a white precipitate of an oxychloride, SbOCl. The precipitate dissolves in tartaric acid forming antimonyl tartrate, (SbO) 2 (C 4 H 4 O 6 ) (distinction from bismuth). H 2 S and (NH 4 ) 2 S give a red or orange-red precipitate of antimonious sulphide, Sb 2 S 3 , soluble in excess of ammonium sulphide forming ammonium thio-antimonite. It dissolves also in caustic alkaline, and from all these solutions Sb 2 S 3 is repre- cipitated on addition of HC1. When dissolved in yellow ammonium sulphide it forms ammonium thio-antimontf/ 1^1 -Ma I! Hi S, I an i ^ ^ "S c :.S"S 500, 4-> O ^ G 2 /*\ r- ^ E So a ii II" T3 c/3 1,0 ion. ragm ent, der o *<<3~i U "^ add is p rem g 12 b.2 ^ S-g * 8 J 1-1 _ 'o o U ^,co ffi w g fl P cj CO fl HH O CJ 2 - 'S S CHAPTER VIII REACTIONS OF THE METALS OF GROUP 2 Silver, Ag DRY REACTIONS. Compounds of silver, when heated on charcoal with sodium carbonate in the reducing flame, yield metallic silver ; which, being non-oxidisable, is not accompanied by any oxide incrustation upon the charcoal. The metal, how- ever, is slightly volatile in the blowpipe flame, and sometimes a faint red-brown incrustation is thus obtained. The reduced metal may be removed to a watch-glass, dis- solved in nitric acid, and precipitated as chloride. WET REACTIONS. Of the common salts of silver, the nitrate is readily soluble, the acetate and sulphate sparingly soluble, in water. HC1, and soluble chlorides, give a white curdy precipitate of silver chloride, AgCl, which, on being warmed or stirred, becomes granulated in appearance, and very quickly settles. On exposure to light, the white compound assumes a slate colour or drab tint, which gradually deepens to a violet, and finally appears brown or black. Silver chloride is quite insoluble in water and in nitric acid. It is soluble to a slight extent in strong HC1, but reprecipitated completely on dilution. It readily dissolves in ammonia, form- ing the compound 2AgCl,3NH 3 , but reprecipitated on the addition of nitric acid. Silver chloride is soluble also in KCy, being first converted into siver cyanide, which dissolves in excess of KCy, forming the double cyanide KCy,AgCy. It also dissolves in sodium 77 78 Smaller Chemical Analysis thiosulphate, with the formation of a double thiosulphate ; thus AgCl + Na 2 S 2 O 3 = NaCl + NaAgS 2 O 3 [Reactions with bromides, iodides, and cyanides are de- scribed under the respective acids.] KHO, NaHO, or NH 4 HO gives a greyish-black precipitate of silver oxide, Ag 2 O. Insoluble in excess of the caustic alkalies, but readily soluble in ammonia. H 2 S or (NH 4 ) 2 S produces a black precipitate of silver sul- phide, Ag 2 S. Insoluble in dilute acids, except boiling dilute nitric acid, which converts it into nitrate. Silver sulphide is insoluble in ammonia, ammonium sulphide, or potassium sulphide. Reduction of Silver Salts. Silver compounds are readily reduced to the metallic state ; for example, if silver chloride is placed in a little dilute sulphuric acid, and strip of zinc intro- duced, the nascent hydrogen converts the white chloride into grey metallic silver. The reduction is complete when a particle of the grey solid dissolves completely in nitric acid. Lead, Mercury The reactions of these metals have already been considered in connection with the metals of Group II., Subdivision i, PP- 54, 57- Separation of the Metals of Group I 79 PQ w <1 W H H K o II H ^ g ' S ^K td 1 {i-i tuO 1 ! II X * s 4 C o ;i 1 r| TJ " ^ .a w ^ *" !f r 1 . - 1 -a o w "S 4) 1,8 I > a& n . ^j oJ 1 i s * 8| I 8o Smaller Chemical Analysis GENERAL TABLE FOR THE SEPARATION To the solution of the substance under analysis (see pp. 112, et seq.) add a few ployed in effecting the solution of the substance, this first step in the general reagent gradually until the precipitation is complete. Warm gently The Precipitate may consist of AgCl H g2 Cl 2 PbCl 2 Group I. Examine by Table I. (P- 79). The Filtrate is gently warmed, and a stream of sulphuretted cipitation is complete (watch the precipitation carefully, A small portion of the mixture should be filtered, and the etted hydrogen passed into it. Should any further pre- filtered, and treated to more gas. The Precipitate may consist of (i)PbS;HgS;Bi 2 S 3 ;CuS; CdS. (2) Sb 2 S 3 ; As 2 S 3 ; SnS ; SnS 2 . Wash thoroughly, and then transfer it to a small beaker and warm gently with yellow ammonium sul- phide. See Note 3. The Besidue may contain the sulphides of Division I. Examine by Table IlA. (P- 63). The Filtrate may contain the thio salts of As, Sb, Sn. Examine by Table IlB. (p. 76). The Filtrate. Boil until sul- and boil again for a few the sulphuretted hydrogen), the extent to which it has liminary tests, the evapora- to destroy the latter, and Test a small portion of the To the main portion of the NH 4 HO until precipitation The Precipitate. I. In the absence of phos- phoric acid, may consist of A1 2 (HO) 6 ; Cr 2 (HO) 6 ; Fe 2 (HO) 6 . Examine by Table IIlA. (P. 41). II. In the presence of phos- phoric acid, besides the above hydroxides, the pre- cipitate may contain the phosphates of any or all of the metals of Groups III. and IV., and of magnesium. Examine by Table IIIc. (P- 52). Separation of Metals into Groups 81 OF METALS INTO GROUPS drops of dilute HC1. [Obviously in cases when HC1 has already been em- separation is omitted.] If any precipitate is produced, continue adding the (see footnote, p. 74), then thoroughly cool again, and filter. hydrogen slowly bubbled through the liquid, with frequent stirring, until pre- and note any colour changes). See Note 2, following page. nitrate diluted with two or three times its volume of water, and more sulphur- cipitation result, the main portion must be similarly diluted, without being phuretted hydrogen is entirely expelled. Add two or three drops of HNO 3 , moments (to oxidise any iron or chromium which may have been reduced by and then evaporate the liquid to about half its volume, or less, according to become diluted. If silica or organic compounds have been detected by pre- tion must be carried down to dryness, and the residue gently heated in order render the silica insoluble. The residue is then extracted with HC1 and water, solution for phosphoric acid (see p. 51). solution add a considerable quantity of NH 4 C1, and heat to boiling. Add is complete (see p. 40), boil for a moment, and filter while hot. The Filtrate. Pass sulphuretted hydrogen (or add ammonium sulphide) until precipitation is complete. Gently warm the liquid (see Ni, p. 47), and filter. The Precipitate may consist of MnS ; ZnS ; NiS CoS. Examine by Table IIlB. (P- So). The Filtrate. Boil to expel H 2 S. If ammonium sulphide has been employed, add a little HC1 before boiling. If necessary, concentrate the solution by evaporation. Add NH 4 HO until alkaline, and (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 until precipitation is complete. Warm the liquid, but do not boil (see p. 30). The Precipitate may consist of BaCO 3 ;SrCO 3 ; CaC0 3 . Examine by Table IV. (p. 3D- The Filtrate. Examine for Mg, K, Na, by Table V. (P- 27). NOTE i. In testing for Mg at this point, it will obviously be unnecessary to add more NH 4 C1 and NH 4 HO. NOTE 2. Any failure to effect complete group separations will usually result in the precipita- tion of some metallic phosphate at this stage, other than magnesium phosphate G 82 Smaller Chemical Analysis NOTES ON THE GENERAL TABLE OF SEPARATION 1. Take great care to ensure complete precipitation in every group separation, otherwise the object of the separation is defeated. For the same reason every group precipitate should be thoroughly washed to free it from adhering solution which contains groups that follow. Such washings need not be mixed with the first filtrates, otherwise the liquid becomes too much diluted. 2. To ensure complete precipitation here it is necessary that the solution be not too strongly acid (hence unnecessary excess of HC1 in precipitating Group I . must be avoided). See Cd, p. 60 ; also As, p. 66. 3. Copper sulphide is slightly soluble in ammonium sulphide (see p. 61). An alternative reagent which may be employed is caustic soda ; this does not dissolve CuS, but it dissolves HgS more freely, hence cannot be used unless mercury is known to be absent ascertained by the preliminary tests. When both copper and mercury are present ammonium sulphide should be used. CHAPTER IX THE NEGATIVE OR ACID RADICALS THESE are the negative ions (anions) which are produced when the acids (hydrogen salts) or salts (metallic salts) undergo dis- sociation when dissolved in water. Thus, the negative radical in hydrochloric acid or in metallic chlorides is the chloride ion, Cl; the tests for chlorides, therefore, are tests for this ion. Similarly, sulphates and nitrates dissociate into their positive ions, and the negative ions SO 4 and NO 3 respectively ; the tests for sulphuric and nitric acids are thus, in reality, tests for these negative ions, although, in ordinary language, we often speak of them as tests for the various adds from which these ions are derived. The negative radicals are classified into groups on the basis of their behaviour towards certain chosen reagents, but these reagents are not employed as group-reagents to separate one group of acid radicals from another, but are merely used in order to discover, by a single operation, the absence or otherwise of an entire group, whereby the necessity for applying a number of separate tests may be obviated. The acids which will be included in this section are the following : Hydrochloric acid, Chloric acid. Hydrobromic acid. Hydriodic acid. Hydrofluoric acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen, Sulphuric acid, Sulphurous acid. Nitric acid, Nitrous acid. Phosphoric acid. Carbonic acid. Silicic acid. Boric acid. 83 84 Smaller Chemical Analysis Certain acids, such as Arsenious, Arsenic, Chromic, Per- manganic, have already been discussed under their respective metals. Hydrochloric Acid and Chlorides Hydrogen chloride is a colourless gas having a sharp choking smell. It fumes in contact with moist air, is strongly acid, but has no bleaching properties. It is extremely soluble in water, the solution constituting the ordinary reagent, hydro- chloric acid. The chlorides are all soluble in water, except those of the metals of Group I. (PbCl 2 being soluble in hot water), and certain others which are decomposed by water, such as the chlorides of antimony, bismuth, and tin. Silver nitrate, AgNO 3 , gives, in solution of chlorides or hydrochloric acid, a white precipitate of silver chloride. In- soluble in nitric acid. Readily soluble in ammonia, even dilute (for further properties, see Silver reactions, p. 78). AgCl is distinguished from either AgBr or Agl by the fact that chlorine water is without action upon it (see Bromides and Iodides). It may also be distinguished in the following way : If the washed precipitate of AgCl be mixed with a little very dilute sulphuric acid, and a strip of zinc placed in the mixture, the silver chloride turns grey, owing to its reduction to metallic silver, while zinc chloride passes into solution. This, on treat- ment with manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid, will yield chlorine. Fusion with sodium carbonate converts AgCl into metallic silver and sodium chloride. On treatment with water, chlorine can be liberated from the solution, as in the foregoing. Liberation of Chlorine from Chlorides. The chloride is mixed with MnO 2 and H 2 SO 4 , and the mixture gently warmed in a test-tube. The chlorine which escapes may be detected by its characteristic smell and by its bleaching properties (litmus paper, or, better, paper coloured red by an alkaline solution of carmine, may be used). Small quantities may be detected by fitting the test-tube with a cork and delivery tube, and passing the evolved gas into water in a second tube. The Hydrochloric Acid and Chlorides 85 presence of free chlorine in the water may be detected by adding a few drops of Kl solution and then starch paste. A blue coloration results from the liberated iodine (set free by the chlorine) uniting with the starch. Liberation of Hydrogen Chloride. When chlorides (except those of tin, lead, mercury, and silver) are gently heated with strong H 2 SO 4 , hydrogen chloride is evolved. The presence of hydrochloric acid in a solution containing a soluble chloride may be detected by gently warming the liquid with MnO 2 (without sulphuric acid), when chlorine is evolved, which may be detected as described above 4 HC1 + Mn0 2 = MnCl 2 + 2H 2 O + C1 2 Formation of Chromyl Chloride. When a mixture of a chloride and potassium dichromate is gently warmed with strong sulphuric acid, a red-brown vapour is disengaged (resem- bling bromine in colour, but very different in smell) consisting of chromyl chloride, CrO 2 Cl 2 4 KC1 + K 2 Cr 2 7 + 3H 2 S0 4 = 3 K 2 SO 4 + 3H 2 O + 2CrO 2 Cl 2 If the reaction be made in a test-tube fitted with a delivery tube, and the vapour of the chromyl chloride be passed into a second test-tube containing an alkaline hydroxide, a chromate of the alkali is formed CrOaCla + 4NH 4 HO = (NH 4 ) 2 CrO 4 + 2 NH 4 C1 + 2H 2 O The presence of the chromate is indicated by the yellow colour which the liquid assumes, which may be confirmed by acidifying with acetic acid and adding lead acetate. The presence of the chromate is proof of the presence of a chloride in the first test-tube. By means of this test it is possible to detect a chloride in the presence of either a bromide or iodide, 1 as neither bromine nor iodine form similar chromyl compounds. 1 The former tests (p. 84), which enable one to distinguish between a chloride, bromide, and iodide, will not be confounded with a test such as 86 Smaller Chemical Analysis Hydrobromic Acid and Bromides Gaseous hydrobromic acid closely resembles hydrochloric acid. The properties of the gas are not used in analysis. All bromides are soluble in water, except mercurous bromide and silver bromide; lead bromide dissolves in boiling water less easily than the chloride. Silver nitrate, AgNO 3 , precipitates from solutions of bro- mides or hydrobromic acid, pale-yellow silver bromide, AgBr (the colour is indistinguishable from white by gaslight). It is insoluble in nitric acid, and difficultly soluble in ammonia (scarcely soluble in dilute ammonia. Contrast AgCl). AgBr may be distinguished from AgCl by shaking up a little of the washed precipitate with a few drops of carbon disulphide and chlorine water. Silver bromide is decomposed by metallic zinc in the presence of dilute sulphuric acid, in the same manner as the chloride. Zinc bromide goes into solution, from which the bromine can be separated by either of the methods given below. Prolonged boiling with a strong solution of sodium car- bonate (or, better, heating the dry substances strongly in a glass tube) decomposes silver bromide. On filtering (after extraction with water in the case of the dry reaction), the aqueous solution containing sodium bromide may be tested as above. Liberation of Bromine from Bromides. When gently warmed with MnO 2 and H 2 SO 4 , bromides evolve bromine, which escapes as a brown-red vapour having an irritating smell, condensing on a cold surface to dark brown-red drops of liquid. In contact with starch, it gives a yellow colour ; if, therefore, the reaction is made in a small beaker which is covered with a piece of moistened filter-paper upon which a starch flour is dusted, this yellow colour is produced. Bromine is also liberated by means of chlorine. By adding the above, which permits of the detection of one class of salts in the presence Bothers. Hydriodic Acid and Iodides 87 chlorine water to a solution of a bromide, the liquid becomes brownish ; and if a little carbon disulphide is added and the mixture shaken, the bromine is taken up by the disulphide, which settles down as a brown layer at the bottom. By this reaction a bromide can be detected in the presence of a chloride. When bromides (except Hg 2 Br 2 and AgBr) are acted upon with strong sulphuric acid, bromine is liberated along with hydrobromic acid and sulphur dioxide KBr + H 2 SO 4 = HBr -f HKSO 4 2 HBr + H 2 S0 4 = Br 2 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O The detection of hydrobromic acid in solution in presence of a dissolved bromide is accomplished by gently warming the liquid with MnO 2 . Bromine is liberated from the acid (not from the bromide), and may be detected by the starch test. Hydriodic Acid and Iodides Gaseous hydriodic acid closely resembles HBr and HC1. The properties of the gaseous compound are not utilised in analysis. All iodides are soluble in water except those of silver, mercury, copper (gold, platinum, and palladium). Those of bismuth and lead are sparingly soluble. Silver nitrate, AgNO 3 , precipitates from solutions of iodides or hydriodic acid a pale-yellow precipitate of silver iodide, Agl, insoluble in HNO 3 , and more difficult of solution in NH 4 HO than AgBr. Agl may be distinguished from either AgBr or AgCl by shaking up the precipitate with a little CS 2 and chlorine water. Copper sulphate, CuSO 4 , gives a dirty white precipitate of cuprous iodide, Cu 2 I 2 , coloured by free iodine. In presence of suitable reducing agents, such as sulphurous acid, the whole of the iodine is precipitated as white Cu 2 I 2 . Bromides and chlorides give no precipitate with CuSO 4 , hence by this 88 Smaller Chemical Analysis reaction an iodide may be separated from a mixture of halogen salts. Liberation of Iodine from Iodides. Iodine is more easily set free from combination than either bromine or chlorine, and the methods which are applicable for the liberation of these apply also in the case of iodine. Thus, manganese dioxide and dilute sulphuric acid decompose iodides in a manner precisely similar to that explained on p. 84 for chlorides. Strong acids, as nitric and sulphuric, also expel iodine from iodides, with evolution of oxide of nitrogen, or sulphur dioxide ; 2 KI + 2 H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + 2 H 2 + S0 2 + I 2 The comparative ease with which iodine is liberated from combination, affords the basis of most of the tests by which this element is detected. The following are the reactions most used in analysis : 1. Chlorine water, when added to a solution of an iodide, expels the iodine. The test may be applied as described under bromine, the carbon disulphide in this case being coloured violet. The presence of the liberated iodine may also be recognised by means of starch. A small quantity of starch paste is mixed with the solution of the iodide, and one or two drops of chlorine water added, when the deep indigo-blue compound of iodine with starch is produced. On the addition of an excess of chlorine, the colour is destroyed. Boiling the liquid also destroys the compound, hence, when small quantities of iodine are being tested, it is necessary to avoid using the starch while hot. 2. Nitrous Acid. When a solution of an iodide is acidified with dilute sulphuric acid, and a few drops of a solution of sodium nitrite added, the nitrous acid generated (by the action of the acid upon the nitrite) decomposes the iodide, with the liberation of iodine. The action is in reality between the nitrous acid and hydriodic acid ; thus HNO 2 + HI = H 2 O + NO + I Neither chlorine nor bromine is liberated by nitrous acid. Chloric Acid and Chlorates 89 Detection of Bromides and Iodides*n Solution together. When carbon disulphide is added to a solution of an iodide and bromide in a test-tube, and chlorine water added in small quantities at a time, with agitation, the iodine will be liberated first. If this be done carefully, it is not difficult to see when the further addition of a drop of chlorine water produces no further precipitation of iodine. At this point the carbon disulphide is coloured deep violet with dis- solved iodine. A portion of the aqueous liquid is then withdrawn by means of a small pipette and transferred to another test-tube. A fresh quantity of carbon disulphide is now added to this, and a few drops of chlorine water. If the whole of the iodine had been liberated in the first tube, the bromine now begins to be expelled, and the carbon disulphide becomes brown. If a small quantity of iodine were still left, the first drop of chlorine water causes its liberation, and, on shaking, the disulphide will show a pale-violet colour. A few more drops of chlorine water, however, will destroy this, and afterwards liberate the bromine. Detection of Iodides, Bromides, and Chlorides in Solution together. The solution containing the three salts, to which a little carbon disulphide has been added, is acidified with two or three drops of dilute sulphuric acid, and a dilute solution of sodium nitrite added drop by drop until the whole of the iodine has been liberated. On shaking the mixture this will be dissolved by the carbon disulphide, giving the violet solution. The aqueous liquid is then withdrawn with a pipette and divided into two portions. The first is neutralised by the cautious addition of ammonia drop by drop. It is then shaken with chlorine water and carbon disulphide. The bromine is thereby liberated, and imparts its brownish colour to the disulphide. The second portion is evaporated down, mixed with potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid, and the chromyl- chloride test made as described on p. 85. Chloric Acid and Chlorates Chloric acid is unstable except in dilute solutions. The chlorates are all soluble in water, therefore no reagents give precipitates by double decomposition. They are all decomposed by heat, evolving oxygen (in some cases mixed with chlorine), and leaving either a metallic chloride or oxide. When heated with oxidisable substances (e.g. charcoal), deflagration of the mixture results. go Smaller jCltemical Analysis 4 Hydrochloric acid decomposes chlorates, with the evolution of chlorine and chlorine peroxide 4KC1O 3 -f I2HC1 = 4KC1 + 6H 2 O + 9C1 + 3C1O 2 (The use of this mixture as an oxidising agent has frequently been referred to.) Sulphuric acid decomposes chlorates, with the evolution of chlorine peroxide (a deep yellow unpleasant-smelling gas), which on very slight elevation of temperature, explodes with violence 3KC1O 3 + 2H 2 SO 4 = KC1O 4 + 2HKSO 4 -f H 2 O + 2C1O 2 On adding a few drops of strong sulphuric acid to a small crystal of potassium chlorate, the mixture immediately becomes yellow, and on very gently warming explodes with a sharp detonation. This is characteristic of chlorates. Separation of a Chloride and Chlorate. Add a solution of silver sulphate; this precipitates silver chloride, which is removed by filtration. Sodium carbonate is then added to remove the excess of silver (and any metals other than alkalies), and the solution is evaporated to dryness and heated until the chlorate is converted into chloride. The presence of the chloride in the residue is ascertained by silver nitrate. Hydrofluoric Acid and Fluorides The fluorides of the alkali metals, and of silver, mercury (iron, aluminium, tin), are soluble in water. Those of the alkaline earths, and of lead (copper, zinc, manganese), are insoluble. Calcium chloride gives with soluble fluorides a transparent gelatinous precipitate of calcium fluoride, CaF 2 , partially soluble in hydrochloric acid. Barium chloride throws down a white precipitate of barium fluoride, BaF 2 , partially soluble in HC1. Silver nitrate gives no precipitate, as silver fluoride is soluble in water (distinction between a fluoride and the other halides). Liberation of Hydrogen Fluoride. Fluorides are Hydrofluoric Acid ana Fluorides 91 decomposed by strong sulphuric acid, with evolution of gaseous hydrogen fluoride CaF 2 + H 2 SO 4 = CaSO 4 + 2HF The gas is a colourless, fuming, and highly corrosive com- pound ; its presence may be detected in the following ways : (a) Etching Glass. The powdered fluoride is mixed with strong sulphuric acid in a small dish or tray, made of lead (or a platinum capsule). It is covered with a small piece of sheet glass which has been coated on one side with wax, and some marks or words scratched upon the wax. In a few minutes the exposed parts of the glass will have become eaten into or dissolved away by the acid gas ; so that, on removing the wax with a little hot water, the marks or letters will be. found to be etched into the glass. This effect is due to the action of the acid upon silica (and silicates) forming gaseous silicon fluoride SiO 2 + 4HF = SiF 4 + 2 H 2 O (b) The Decomposition of Silicon Fluoride by Water. The powdered fluoride is mixed with sand, and gently warmed in a test-tube with a little strong sulphuric acid; a glass rod with a drop of water upon the end is lowered into the mouth of the tube. The gas, on coming in contact with the water, is decomposed, and a white deposit of silicic acid is formed upon the rod 3 SiF 4 + 3 H 2 = 2H 2 SiF 6 -f H 2 Si0 3 (c) The Formation of Boron Fluoride. When a fluoride (finely powdered) is mixed with powdered borax, and the mixture moistened with strong sulphuric acid, gaseous boron fluoride, BF 3 , is evolved. The action takes place between the hydrofluoric acid and boric acid, which are disengaged by the action of the sulphuric acid upon the respective compounds B(HO) 3 4- 3HF = 3 H 2 + BF 3 If the mixture be introduced into the edge of a Bunsen flame upon a loop of platinum wire, the flame is tinged a grass- green colour by the escaping boron fluoride. 92 Smaller Chemical Analysis Sulphuretted Hydrogen 1 and Sulphides Sulphuretted hydrogen is a colourless gas, easily distinguished from all other gases by its unmistakable odour. It is soluble in water, and imparts its own smell to the liquid. The solution, however, is unstable, undergoing oxidation and depositing sulphur. The gas burns with a flame resembling that of burning sulphur, and yields water and sulphur dioxide. Liberation of sulphuretted hydrogen takes place when certain sulphides (see below) are acted upon by acids. The gas may be recognised (i) by its odour; (2) by its action upon solutions of metallic salts, e.g. lead acetate. The reaction is made in a test-tube, and a piece of paper moistened with lead acetate is held over the mouth of the tube. The sul- phuretted hydrogen causes a black stain of lead sulphide. Sulphides of the alkalies and alkaline earths are soluble in water ; all other metallic sulphides are insoluble (see Analytical Classification of the Metals). Soluble sulphides are decomposed by dilute acids (HC1 or H 2 SO 4 ), with liberation of sulphuretted hydrogen ; in the case of polysulphides, sulphur is also precipitated K 2 S + 2HC1 + Aq = 2 KC1 + H 2 S + Aq CaS 5 + 2HC1 = CaCl 2 + H 2 S + 4 S Insoluble Sulphides. The behaviour of these towards acids has already been considered in detail, in studying the separation of the metals. It may be briefly summarised as follows : (a) Sulphides decomposed by dilute acids (HC1 or H 2 SO 4 ), with liberation of sulphuretted hydrogen : namely, ZnS, MnS, FeS. (b) Sulphides unacted upon by dilute acid, but decomposed by hot strong hydrochloric acid with more or less difficulty : Sb 2 S 3 , PbS, SnS, NiS, CoS. (c) Sulphides unacted upon by strong hydrochloric acid, 1 Sometimes called hydrosulphuric acid; the solution of the gas in water has a feeble acid reaction. Sulphuric Acid and Sulphates 93 but decomposed by aqua regia, or by a mixture of hydrochloric acid and potassium chlorate : HgS, As 2 S 3 . The sulphides of class (b), when treated with hydrochloric acid in the presence of zinc, or, better, of reduced iron, readily evolve sulphuretted hydrogen. Oxidising agents, e.g. nitric acid, convert many of the sulphides into oxides or sulphates, sulphur being first separated and afterwards oxidised into sulphuric acid. When a sulphide is added (in small quantities at a time) to a fused mixture of sodium carbonate and potassium nitrate in a platinum crucible, the sulphide is immediately oxidised. After the mass has cooled, and been extracted with water, the aqueous liquid may be tested for a sulphate. The sulphides of classes (a) and ($), when fused upon a piece of platinum foil (or, better, silver) with sodium hydroxide, are decomposed, with the formation of sodium sulphide. If a fragment of the fused mass, after cooling, be placed upon a silver coin and moistened with a drop of water, or upon a piece of paper which has been moistened with a solution of lead acetate, in either case a black stain will be produced ; silver sulphide on the coin, and lead sulphide upon the paper. Most sulphides, when heated in a glass tube open at both ends, and held in a slightly inclined position in order to cause an air-current to pass through the tube, are decomposed, and evolve sulphur dioxide. Sulphuric Acid and Sulphates Sulphuric acid is an oily, highly corrosive acid liquid. It combines with water with evolution of heat, and is able to abstract the elements of water from many organic compounds. Thus paper, straw, etc., are blackened or charred by the strong acid. This property is made use of in testing for the free acid in the presence of soluble sulphates : a piece of paper is moistened here and there with the solution, and then care- fully dried, when it becomes charred where it had been wetted. Or the solution may be mixed with a little white sugar, and evaporated down in a porcelain dish upon a steam-bath, when a charred residue will be left. 94 Smaller Chemical Analysis Most sulphates are soluble in water. Barium, strontium, calcium, and lead sulphates are insoluble, or nearly so. Soluble Sulphates. Barium chloride, BaCl 2 , gives with sulphuric acid or soluble sulphates, a white precipitate of barium sulphate (see Barium reactions), insoluble in hydro- chloric acid. The solutions should be dilute, as barium chloride, being insoluble in strong hydrochloric acid, may otherwise be thrown out of solution; the addition of water dissolves it. Insoluble sulphates may be decomposed by fusion with sodium carbonate, sodium sulphate being formed. The residue is extracted with water, and the aqueous solution tested with barium chloride after being acidified. When a sulphate is fused with sodium carbonate (which must be free from sulphates as impurities) upon charcoal in the reducing flame, a sulphide of the alkali metal is obtained. If this be placed upon a piece of paper moistened with acetate of lead, and touched with a drop of dilute hydro- chloric acid, sulphuretted hydrogen is liberated, and the lead paper stained black. [This test is only conclusive evidence of a sulphate when other sulphur compounds are proved to be absent.] Sulphurous Acids and Sulphites Sulphurous acid, H 2 SO 3 , is only known in solution, being produced when sulphur dioxide is passed into water, or when this gas is liberated from combination (as from sulphites) in the presence of water ; thus (1) In dilute solution Na 2 SO 3 + 2HC1 + Aq = 2NaCl + H 2 SO 3 + Aq (2) In stronger solution Na 2 SO 3 + 2HC1 = 2NaCl + H 2 O + SO 2 The anhydride, SO 2 , is recognised by its characteristic suffo- cating odour (familiar as " the smell of burning sulphur "). Reducing Action of Sulphurous Acid. Sulphurous acid easily takes up oxygen, and passes into sulphuric acid, and Sulphurous Acids and Sulphites 95 some of its most important reactions are those in which it thus acts as a reducing agent. Thus, potassium permanganate is reduced with formation of manganous sulphate 2KMnO 4 + sH 2 SO 3 = KjSO, + 2MnSO 4 + 2H 2 SO 4 + 3H,O This reaction affords a delicate test for sulphur dioxide. The gas is cautiously decanted (being much heavier than air) into a test-tube containing water slightly tinted with a minute quantity of potassium permanganate. On shaking the gas and water, the pink colour will be destroyed. Oxidising Action of Sulphurous Acid. Sulphurous acid is also capable of undergoing reduction, acting therefore towards more powerful reducing agents in the capacity of an oxidising substance. Thus, stannous chloride in presence of hydro- chloric acid, is oxidised into stannic chloride, the sulphurous acid being reduced to sulphuretted hydrogen. This latter then reacts upon the stannic chloride, with precipitation of stannic sulphide (1) 3 SnCl 2 + 6HC1 + H 2 S0 3 = 3SnCl 4 + 3 H 2 O + H 2 S (2) SnCl 4 + 2H 2 S = SnSa + 4HC1 Nascent hydrogen, obtained by the action of hydrochloric acid upon zinc, also reduces sulphurous acid to sulphuretted hydrogen H 2 S0 3 + 3 H 2 = 3 H 2 + H 2 S The test may be made by adding a minute trace of sulphurous acid (or a solution of a sulphite) to a mixture of zinc and hydrochloric acid in a test-tube, and applying acetate of lead paper to the mouth of the tube. Sulphites. The only sulphites soluble in water are those of the alkali metals. They are all decomposed by dilute acids, with evolution of sulphur dioxide (see above). Oxidising agents convert them into sulphates. When heated by themselves, most sulphites are converted into sulphides and sulphates 4 K 2 SO 3 = K 2 S + 3 K 2 S0 4 96 Smaller Chemical Analysis Those of the alkaline earths leave an oxide, and evolve sulphur dioxide BaSO 3 = BaO -f- SO 2 Barium chloride gives a white precipitate of barium sulphite, BaSO 3 , soluble in dilute HC1 (distinction from BaSO 4 ). Lead acetate precipitates white lead sulphite, PbSO 3 . The salt undergoes no change when boiled (contrast lead thiosulphate). Silver nitrate gives a white precipitate of silver sulphite, which, on boiling, is converted into black metallic silver Ag 2 SO 3 + H 2 O = H 2 SO 4 + Ag 2 Separation of a Sulphate and Sulphite. The solution (dilute) is acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and barium chloride added. The precipitated sulphate (insoluble in acid) is removed by nitration. To the solution, which now contains barium chloride and sulphurous acid, an oxidising agent, such as chlorine water, is added, when a precipitate of barium sulphate is again thrown down BaCl 2 + H 2 SO 3 + H 2 O + C1 2 = BaSO 4 + 4HC1 Separation of a Sulphide, Sulphate, and Sulphite. The sulphide is first separated as an insoluble metallic sulphide by shaking up the solution with a little lead carbonate (or cadmium carbonate). The precipitated sulphide is then removed by nitration. Very small traces of sulphuretted hydrogen will produce a distinct coloration in the white carbonate of lead. If cadmium carbonate is used the precipitate should be treated with acetic acid, which dissolves the excess of white CdCO 3 , leaving the yellow CdS. The sulphate and sulphite in the filtrate are then separated as described above. Nitric Acid and Nitrates Nitric acid is a fuming corrosive liquid. It readily dis- solves most metals, converting them into nitrates or oxides, Nitric Acid and Nitrates 97 with evolution of oxides of nitrogen, and in some cases with the formation of ammonia. Nitric acid also oxidises many of the non-metals; thus sulphur, phosphorus, and iodine, are converted respectively into sulphuric, phosphoric, and iodic acids. It is capable also of oxidising indigo, which thereby loses its blue colour, being bleached. Nitrates are all soluble in water ; their recognition, there- fore, is based upon the oxidising reactions of which they, or the nitric acid which they yield, are capable. Reduction by Ferrous Salts. When ferrous sulphate is brought into contact with a mixture of a nitrate and strong sulphuric acid, the solution assumes a deep brown colour. Three chemical changes go to make up the reaction : (i) the liberation of nitric acid by the action of sulphuric acid upon the nitrate ; (2) the reduction of the nitric acid by the ferrous salt, with elimination of nitric oxide ; and (3) the absorption of the nitric oxide so formed by a further portion of ferrous salt, forming an unstable brown compound having the composition NO,2FeSO 4 . The test is extremely delicate, and is carried out in the following manner : The solution of the nitrate is mixed with about its own 'volume of strong sulphuric acid in a test- tube, and the mixture cooled. To this a little ferrous sulphate solution is cautiously added, the tube being held in an inclined position, so that the ferrous sulphate shall float upon the denser liquid already in the tube. Where the two liquids meet, the brown colour will be developed. By a gentle movement of the tube, so as to cause a slight admixture of the liquids at the point where they meet, the brown ring will be still more apparent. The coloured compound is decomposed by heat, with evolution of nitric oxide, hence the necessity for making the test with cold solutions. Reduction by Sulphurous Acid. When copper (or mer- cury) is heated with sulphuric acid in the presence of a nitrate, nitric oxide is evolved, which, in contact with the air, gives red vapours of nitrogen peroxide 3Cu + 4H,SO 4 + 2KNO 3 = sCuSO 4 + K,SO 4 -f 4H 2 O + 2NO 98 Smaller Chemical Analysis The sulphur dioxide (developed by the action of the acid upon the copper) is oxidised by the nitric acid (simultaneously generated by the action of the acid upon the nitrate) to sul- phuric acid ; thus (1) Cu + 2H 2 SO 4 = CuSO 4 + 2H 2 O + SO 2 (2) 2 HN0 3 + sSO a + 2H 2 = 3 H 2 S0 4 + 2NO The nitrate is mixed with a little strong sulphuric acid, and a few fragments of copper foil or turnings are introduced. On boiling the mixture, red fumes of nitrogen peroxide, NO 2 , will appear in the tube, which will be more easily seen by looking down through the mouth of the tube. Decomposition by Heat. Nitrates all undergo decomposi- tion when strongly heated. Nitrates of alkali metals and alkaline earths, when gently heated, are reduced to nitrites, with evolution of oxygen. Ammonium nitrate passes into water and nitrous oxide. Other nitrates, e.g. lead nitrate, leave an oxide of the metal, and give off oxygen and nitrogen peroxide. When heated with oxidisable substances (carbon, sulphur, etc.) the decomposition is propagated with explosive violence. Thus, when nitrates are heated before the blowpipe on char- coal, deflagration of the charcoal takes place. Nitrates and chlorates, when present together, are ex- amined by being first converted by heat into nitrites and chlorides. If present as salts of metals other than the alkalies, sodium carbonate is added, and the dry mixture heated until the evolution of oxygen is at an end. The residue is extracted with water, and the solution examined for nitrites and chlorides. If chlorides are originally present as well as nitrates and chlorates, they must be first removed by precipitation with silver sulphate, as explained on p. 90. Nitrous Acid and Nitrites The acid is not known in the pure state. Even when liberated in dilute solutions, it speedily breaks up into nitric acid, nitric oxide, and water. Hence when nitrites are decomposed Nitrotis Acid and Nitrites 99 by acids, nitric oxide is evolved, which, in contact with atmo- spheric oxygen, passes into the brown gas NO 2 ; thus 6NaNO a + 3H 2 S0 4 = sNa 2 SO 4 + 2 HNO 3 + 2H 2 O + 4 NO Nitrites are all soluble in water, but the silver salt is suffi- ciently difficult of solution to be precipitated, on the addition of silver nitrate, to a (not too dilute) solution of a nitrite. All nitrites are easily decomposed by dilute acids in the cold, with evolution of nitric oxide, as shown in the above equation. If the action takes place in the presence of a ferrous salt, the same brown-coloured compound is produced as in the case of a nitrate. [Nitrites therefore give a " brown ring," when dilute sulphuric, or even acetic acid is used (distinction from nitrates)^ Oxidation Reactions. Nitrous acid and nitrites part with oxygen, and are converted into nitric oxide. Thus, in contact with potassium iodide, the latter is oxidised with liberation of iodine 2 KI + H 2 O + O = 2KHO + I a Similarly, sulphuretted hydrogen is oxidised by a nitrite in presence of an acid, with precipitation of sulphur H 2 S + 2 HNO 2 = 2H 2 O + 2NO + S Cobaltous nitrite is oxidised to cobaltic nitrite. When a strong solution of cob<ous chloride mixed with acetic acid is added to a solution of potassium nitrite, a yellow precipitate is obtained, consisting of potassium cobaltzV nitrite, 3KNO 2 , Co(NO 2 ) 3 . Reduction Reactions. Nitrous acid, by absorption of oxygen, passes into nitric acid; it therefore is capable of reducing other compounds, such as chromates, permanganates, mercurous (but not mercuric) salts. Detection of Nitrites and Nitrates in the same Solution. Owing to the ready decomposition of nitrites by dilute acids, they are easily detected in presence of nitrates, either by the liberation of iodine, the oxidation of ferrous salts, or reduction of potassium permanganate. To find a nitrate when nitrites are present is less simple. The dilute solution of the ioo Smaller Chemical Analysis mixed nitrate and nitrite is acidified with three or four drops of dilute sulphuric acid, and a little ferrous sulphate solution (or a small crystal of the salt) is added. The solution at once becomes dark brown (owing to the absorption, by the ferrous salt, of the nitric oxide liberated from the nitrite). It is then heated (but not allowed to boil), with frequent shaking, when nitric oxide is expelled, and the liquid gradually becomes colourless. The mixture is cooled, and one drop more dilute acid added, and a little more ferrous sulphate. (If all the nitrite present had been decomposed, this addition gives no further coloration.) This solution is now poured carefully on to a small quantity of strong sulphuric acid in a test-tube, so as to float upon the acid, and where the liquids meet a " brown ring " will be formed, due to the nitrate present. Phosphoric Acid and Phosphates Three phosphoric acids (each with its series of phosphates) are known, namely, orthophosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 ; pyrophos- phoric acid, H 4 P 2 O 7 ; and metaphosphoric acid, HPO 3 . Orthophosphoric acid. The only orthophosphates which are soluble in water are those of the alkali metals. Silver nitrate gives a yellow precipitate with soluble phosphates, of silver phosphate, Ag 3 PO 4 , which distinguishes ortho from pyro and meta compounds. Ammonium molybdate gives a yellow precipitate, consist- ing of ammonium phospho-molybdate (see p. 51). Pyro and meta phosphates also give the test, because on warming in con- tact with nitric acid they are transformed into ortho salts. Magnesium sulphate, in presence of NH 4 C1 and NH 4 HO, gives a white precipitate of ammonium magnesium phosphate, NH 4 MgPO 4 . (Magnesium reaction, p. 26.) Action of Heat. Orthophosphates containing either one or two acidic hydrogen atoms (as HNa 2 PO 4 , or H 2 NaPO 4 ), or the volatile radical NH 4 , yield when heated either pyro or meta phosphates. Normal phosphates containing only nonvolatile positive radicals are not decomposed. Pyrophosphoric Acid and Pyrophosphates are produced when orthophosphoric acid or certain orthophosphates are heated. Carbonic Acid and Carbonates 101 Boiling with acids retransforms pyrophosphates into orthophos- phates. Only the pyrophosphates of the alkalies are soluble in water. Silver nitrate gives a white pr^c'fjaiiafte, of silvf^r 'pyjrbphosphate, Ag 4 P 2 7 . Magnesium sulphate precipitate^ w}i ,, I3' 2 c - c - \3/ ?> > *3 4 - Mean = 13'3 Strength of standard acid, i c.c. = 0*0315 Na 2 O Therefore weight of Na 2 O in 50 c.c.) m'3 x 0*0315 = 0*41895 of the alkali solution >\ gram And since 50 c.c. = one-tenth the) total, therefore the weight of Na 2 O> = 4*1895 grams in the original weight of soda-ash J Hence the percentage of Na 2 O (on _ 4*1895 x 100 _ total alkali) }~ 875 A volumetric determination of an acid by means of standard sodium carbonate is carried out exactly as in the operation of standardising the normal acid solution, except that a measured volume of the acid of unknown strength is transferred by means of a pipette to a small flask, a drop of methyl orange added, and the standard alkali added from a burette until the pink colour of the indicator is just destroyed. Other Standard Acids and Alkalies. It will be obvious that the standard sodium carbonate and sulphuric acid can be used for preparing other standard acids and alkalies, such as caustic soda or hydrochloric acid. In the former case about 23 or 24 grams of the purest available caustic soda are dissolved in water and made up to 500 c.c. This gives a solution stronger than the normal, but whose strength is prac- tically an unknown quantity. To ascertain its exact strength it is titrated with the standard acid, using 25 c.c. of the alkali measured with a pipette, and one drop of methyl orange as indicator. From this determination the volume of water necessary to add in order to dilute the alkali to the normal is calculated, as explained in the case of sulphuric acid. II. Exercises based on Processes of Oxidation and Reduction. Three oxidising agents will be considered, namely, potas- sium permanganate, potassium dichromate, and iodine. Processes of Oxidation and Reduction 133 A. Decinormal Potassium Permanganate (3'i6 grams of KMnO 4 per litre). To prepare this solution 3*2 grams (as near as possible) of the ordinary " pure " salt are weighed out and dissolved in water in a litre flask. When entirely dissolved the flask is filled to the graduation mark, and the contents well shaken. Titration of Potassium Permanganate by means of Ferrous Sulphate. An exactly deci-normal permanganate solution will contain 0*0008 gram available oxygen per i c.c. Therefore i c.c. is capable of oxidising 0-0056 gram of ferrous iron to the ferric state ; it is then equivalent to this weight of iron. The aim of this titration is to determine with the greatest possible care the exact strength of the permanganate. For this reason the ferrous sulphate is prepared by dissolving 0*5 gram of the purest soft iron wire in sulphuric acid, with exclusion of air, the wire being clean and free from rust. 1 About 80 c.c. of dilute sul- phuric acid (i part acid to 5 parts water) are placed in a 2 50 -c.c. flask fitted with a rubber cork and bent glass tube. The air in the flask is then expelled by removing the cork and introducing two or three crystals of pure sodium carbonate, the flask being in a vertical position. As soon as the carbonate has dissolved, the weighed quan- tity of iron is dropped in. The cork is then inserted, and the flask supported in the manner shown in Fig. 1 6, with the tube dipping into a solution of sodium carbonate in a small 1 The fine iron binding wire used for flowers is the best for the purpose ; it contains 99'6 per cent of iron. FIG. 16. 134 Smaller Chemical Analysis beaker. The flask being in this inclined position, the fine spray thrown up during the solution of the iron strikes against the sides of the flask and falls back into the liquid. The flask is gently heated by means of a small flame until the iron is wholly dissolved, and only a few minute particles of carbon remain. The lamp is then withdrawn, and the flask allowed to cool. As it does so, the solution in the beaker is gradually drawn up the tube, but the first drops which enter the flask at once cause an effervescence of carbon dioxide which drives the liquid down again, and at the same time fills the flask with carbon dioxide. When it has partially cooled in this way, the cork is removed, and air-free distilled water (prepared by boiling the water, and again quickly cooling it) is added until the solution is within about 20 or 30 c.c. of the gradua- tion mark. The flask is then closed with a rubber stopper, and the contents made quite cold by holding the vessel in a stream of cold water. The solution is then made up to 250 c.c. by the further addition of cold air-free water. Fifty cubic centimetres of this solution are transferred by means of a pipette to a small flask, and diluted by the addition of about half the volume of air-free distilled water. The flask is placed upon a white tile, and the deci-normal permanganate solution added from a burette 1 until the colour of the reagent ceases to be destroyed, and a faint pink tint is imparted to the solution. Four separate experiments should be made, taking 50 c.c. of the iron solution each time, in order to gain practice in judging when the first appearance of the permanent pink colour takes place. After the experience thus gained, in subsequent duplicate titrations the volume of the reagent used should agree to o'i of a cubic centimetre. From the results obtained, the exact strength of the permanganate is calculated; thus 0*5 gram of iron wire was dissolved in 250 c.c. of liquid. Fifty cubic centimetres of the solution therefore contain o'i 1 For permanganate solutions a burette with a glass tap must be used, as this liquid acts upon rubber, thereby, of course, becoming altered in strength. Processes of Oxidation and Reduction 135 gram of iron. But since the iron wire contained 99*6 per cent, of Fe, the actual weight of iron present in 50 c.c. of the solution was not 0*1 gram, but 0*0996 gram. The mean of four titrations gave 17*69 c.c. as the volume of permanganate required. Then 17*69 c.c. : i c.c. : : 0*0996 gram : 0*00563 gram Therefore the solution is very slightly stronger than the exact deci-normal, since i c.c. should be equivalent to 0*0056 gram of iron ; it should therefore carry on its label its equivalent value, thus i c.c. = 0*00563 Fe Estimation of Iron in a Ferrous Salt. As an exercise in the use of standard permanganate, an estimation of iron may be made in a ferrous salt, the exact composition of which is not known to the student. It might be ferrous sulphate, or one of the double sulphates of ferrous iron and the alkalies. Three or four grams of the salt are weighed out, dissolved in water, and made up to 250 c.c. ; 50 c.c. of this are then trans- ferred to a small flask, and 10 to 15 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid added. This is then titrated with the deci-normal permanganate. Suppose the following data obtained : Weight of salt taken = 3*5 grams Dissolved and made up to 250 c.c. ; 50 c.c. employed for each experiment. Deci-normal permanganate used (mean of four experi- =17*8 c.c. ments) Value of permanganate, i c.c. = 0*00563 Fe Therefore weight of Fe in) c f= 0*00563 X 17*8 = 0*1002 gram Hence weight of iron in 3-5 grams of salt (i.e. in 250 0*1002 X 5 = 0*501 gram c.c. of the solution) Therefore percentage of I 0*501 X 100 _ iron in compound I 3*5 B. Deci-normal Potassium Dichromate^'^^ grams per litre) (see p. 122). 136 Smaller Chemical Analysis 4^913 grams of the pure, dry, powdered salt are exactly weighed out, dissolved in water in a litre flask, and the volume made up to the graduation mark. Being deci-normal, one litre will contain one-tenth of an equivalent of available oxygen, i.e. 0-8 gram ; hence i c.c. = 0*0008 gram available oxygen, and is equivalent to 0*0056 gram Fe. This solution may be used in a burette with a rubber tube and pinchcock. Titration of Potassium Bichromate by means of Ferrous Sulphate. The ferrous sulphate is prepared by dissolving pure iron in dilute sulphuric acid, with exclusion of air, precisely as described for permanganate, p. 133. An aliquot part of the solution say 50 c.c. is withdrawn by means of a pipette, and transferred to a small flask, and the dichromate solution gradually added from a burette. In this process the end of the reaction is ascertained by means of a freshly made and dilute solution of potassium ferricyanide, used as an outside indicator. A number of drops of the ferricyanide are placed about upon a white plate or tile, and from time to time, during the addition of the dichromate, a drop of the mixture is withdrawn upon a glass rod and brought into contact with one of the drops of the indicator. At first a strong blue coloration is produced, but as the amount of ferrous salt is gradully diminished by the addition of the dichromate, the blue becomes less and less intense, until at last a drop of the liquid so tested fails to give any coloration. At this point the whole of the ferrous salt has been oxidised, and the reaction is therefore complete. 1 The mean of two or three titrations is taken, and from it the exact strength of the dichromate calculated,' as in the case of permanganate, and the true value of the solution in terms of iron is indicated on the label, e.g. i c.c. = 0*00559 Fe, which would mean that the solution was just a little below the true normal strength. In a number of instances, potassium dichromate may be 1 It will be evident that it is absolutely essential to the success of this operation that the ferricyanide should be perfectly free from ferrocyanide, otherwise the oxidised iron will itself give rise to a blue coloration. Processes of Oxidation and Reduction 137 substituted for permanganate in volumetric analysis. This is the case, for example, with all estimations that are based upon the oxidation of ferrous to ferric salts. Estimation of Iron in Iron Ores. About 2 grams of finely powdered and dry red haematite are weighed out into a flask and boiled with a small quantity of strong hydrochloric acid, diluted with about half its own volume of water, until the whole of the iron has been extracted, and the residue is free from dark-coloured particles. The next step consists in reducing the iron, which is at present either partially or wholly in the ferric state. This may be done by first diluting the liquid somewhat and introducing into it a few fragments of pure zinc (i.e. free from iron). A cork with a leading tube is then inserted. Hydrogen is evolved by the solution of the zinc in the acid liquid, and the iron existing in the ferric state is thereby reduced to the ferrous condition. The action is allowed to continue until the zinc is entirely dissolved, the process being aided towards the end by the application of heat. In order to test whether the reduction of the iron is complete, a drop of the liquid is with- drawn upon the end of a fine glass rod, and brought into contact with a drop of a solution of ammonium thiocyanate upon a white tile. Any remaining ferric salt will be revealed by the formation of the red colour ; in which case the process must be continued by the addition of more zinc, and, if necessary, of more acid also. When the reduction is complete, the liquid is quickly cooled, and made up to 250 c.c. ; 25 c.c. of this solution are then withdrawn with a pipette, transferred to a small flask, and titrated with the deci-normal dichromate. The presence of the zinc salt in the liquid interferes somewhat with the delicacy of the indicator, 1 so that several titrations should be made in order to practise the use of the indicator under these conditions. Made in this way, the result of the analysis is the estimation 1 For this reason the reduction is often brought about by the use of stannous chloride, or by adding an alkali sulphite when iron is to be determined by dichromate. The presence of zinc salts is immaterial when ferrous permanganate is employed for the titration. K 2 138 Smaller Chemical Analysis of the total iron in the ore. Very often iron ores contain a portion of the iron in the ferrous, and the remainder in the ferric, state. These may be separately determined by first dissolving a weighed quantity of the ore with exclusion of air, in the arrangement shown on p. 133. In this solution the ferrous iron is determined. Then a second weighed quantity is dissolved and subjected to the reducing agent as above de- scribed, and in this the total iron is estimated. The difference between these gives the ferric iron originally present. This analysis can be carried out equally well with perman- ganate, but in this case an unnecessary excess of hydrochloric acid must be avoided, and the liquid well diluted before titra- tion, for the reason that permanganate reacts upon hydrochloric acid with evolution of chlorine unless the acid is quite weak. C. Deci-normal Iodine Solution (127 grams of iodine per litre). The solution is prepared by weighing out as exactly as possible 127 grams of pure iodine, and adding to it in a litre flask a solution of 20 grams of potassium iodide in 200 c.c. of water. As soon as the iodine is entirely dissolved, the liquid is diluted up to i litre. If strictly deci-normal, i c.c. would contain 0-0127 gram iodine, and would be equivalent to o '003 5 5 gram chlorine and 0-0008 gram oxygen. In presence of water and certain oxidisable substances (i.e. reducing agents), iodine unites with the hydrogen of the water, and the oxygen so eliminated oxidises the reducing agent. Thus arsenzV&r are converted into arsenal, and thio- sulphates into tetrathionates. As a deci-normal solution of sodium thiosulphate is required for many of the processes in which iodine is used, this may be used in order to standardise the iodine solution prepared as above. Deci-normal Sodium Thiosulphate (24-8 grams of Na 2 S 2 O 3 ,sH 2 O per litre). 24*8 grams of the purest salt are weighed out into a litre flask, and dissolved in a moderate quantity of water. When wholly dissolved, the volume is made up to the graduation mark. If strictly normal, i c.c. will be completely oxidised by i c.c. of the deci-normal iodine solution. Processes of Oxidation and Reduction 139 Titration of Deci-normal Iodine with Sodium Thiosul- phate. Twenty-five cubic centimetres of the thiosulphate solution are transferred by means of a pipette to a small beaker, diluted with a little water, and two or three drops of clear starch solution added, to serve as an indicator. The iodine is then run in from a stoppered burette until a single drop gives a permanent blue colour. This titration can equally well be performed in the reverse order, and as in many analyses with standard iodine the solu- tions are so used, the operation should here be practised in both ways. Transfer 25 c.c. of the iodine solution to a small beaker, and, before adding the starch indicator^ run in the thio- sulphate solution from a burette until the brown colour of the iodine has become paled to straw colour, then add the indicator, which, of course, produces a blue coloration. The thiosulphate is now added drop by drop until the colour is just discharged. The result obtained must be the same whichever way the operation is conducted. If both solutions are exactly deci-normal, 1 i c.c. of iodine = i c.c. thiosulphate. If there is only a slight discrepancy, then the factor (see p. 129) should be indicated upon the label of each solution ; for example, suppose 25 c.c. of the iodine required 24-9 c.c. thiosulphate, then i c.c. of the latter equals 25 -*T 24*9 = 1*004 c.c. iodine, and i c.c. of the iodine = 0*996 c.c. thiosulphate. On the other hand, should the titration show a wide disparagement between the two solutions, then one of them (the iodine) must be tested by another method (arsenious oxide). Titration of Deci-normal Iodine with Arsenious Oxide. The weight relation is expressed by the equation As 2 O :j + 2l a + 2H 2 O - 4HI + As 2 O 5 That is to say, 127 parts of iodine will oxidise 49*5 parts of arsenious oxide. 1 It is, of course, possible, although very improbable, that the two solutions might be of exactly equivalent strength, although not exactly deci-normal ; that is to say, an error to exactly the same extent might have been made in preparing each. 140 Smaller Chemical Analysis 4*95 grams of resublimed arsenious oxide are weighed out into a litre flask, and about 500 c.c. of water added. Then 30 grams of pure sodium bicarbonate are added, and the mixture slightly warmed and continually shaken, until the oxide is completely dissolved. The liquid is then cooled and diluted up to i litre : i c.c. of this deci-normal solution should be exactly equivalent to i c.c. of the iodine solution; 25 c.c. are transferred to a small beaker, a few drops of the starch added, and the iodine solution run in until the blue coloration is permanent. From the result the exact strength of the iodine is calculated. The estimation of arsenic in an unknown solution of an arsenious compound, or in an arsenite, is carried out by means of deci-normal iodine solution exactly as this titration. Estimation of Sulphur Dioxide or a Sulphite. As an illus- tration of the use of standard iodine and thiosulphate in con- junction, the following exercise may be carried out. A dilute solution of sodium sulphite of unknown strength is taken, and 50 c.c. of it are transferred to a small beaker by means of a pipette. A measured volume of deci-normal iodine is added, well in excess of what is required to oxidise the sulphite, which is seen by the mixture having a brown colour. The excess of iodine present is then ascertained by titration with deci-normal thiosulphate added from a burette, the starch, as before, being added when the brown colour changes to yellowish. The excess of iodine thus determined, deducted from the total originally taken, gives the iodine which has been used to oxidise the sulphite, according to the equation Na 2 SO 3 + I 2 + H 2 O = 2HI + Na 2 SO 4 That is to say, 127 parts of iodine are capable of oxidising 32 parts of SO 2 into SO 3 ; i c.c. of the iodine solution, therefore, is equivalent to 0*0032 gram SO 2 . Thus, suppose 50 c.c: deci-normal iodine to have been originally used, and that the titration required 15 c.c. of the thiosulphate, then 50 15 =35 c.c. of iodine solution were used in oxidising the SO 2 present in 50 c.c. of the unknown solution. Processes based on Precipitation 141 Then, since i c.c. iodine = 0-0032 gram SO 2 0*0032 x 35 = 0*112 gram SO 2 in 50 c.c., i.e. 2*24 grams per litre Estimation of Chlorine. The element chlorine decomposes potassium iodide, liberating its equivalent of iodine; i.e. 127 parts of iodine are liberated by 35-5 parts of chlorine. If the iodine thus liberated is estimated by titration with a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate, indirectly the weight of chlorine which caused its liberation will be determined. In this way the strength of a solution of chlorine water could be determined; or the amount of available chlorine in bleaching powder (i.e. the chlorine which is evolved when the compound is acted upon by a dilute acid). Estimation of Available Oxygen. Many substances contain- ing oxygen (e.g. certain peroxides, chromates, permanganates), when heated with hydrochloric acid, oxidise the acid with the evolution of an amount of chlorine equivalent to the oxygen so used. Thus MnO 2 contains one atom of available oxygen ; and by the action of hydrochloric acid upon this oxide, this one atom causes the evolution of 2 atoms of chlorine; or 8 parts of O result in the evolution of 3 5 '5 parts of Cl. If this chlorine is made to act upon potassium iodide, it in its turn liberates an equivalent of iodine, which can be estimated by means of the standard thiosulphate. The iodine is there- fore the indirect measure of the oxygen, and from this obviously the amount of the oxygen compound can be calculated. 1 III. Processes based on Precipitation. Deci-normal Silver Nitrate (17*00 grams per litre). To prepare a quarter-litre, 4*25 grams of pure silver nitrate are weighed out into a 25o-c.c. flask and dissolved in water, and the solution diluted up to the graduation mark ; i c.c. of this solution, if strictly deci-normal, will contain o'oioS gram Ag, and is equivalent to 0*00355 gram of Cl. 1 For details of such processes as are here merely hinted, the student must consult larger manuals of analysis. 142 Smaller Chemical Analysis Estimation of Chlorine in a Soluble Chloride. As an exercise upon this process, a dilute solution of common salt of unknown strength may be analysed. Twenty-five cubic centimetres of the solution are transferred to a small beaker by means of a pipette, and three or four drops of a solution of potassium chromate (the normal salt) are added. The deci-normal silver solution is then gradually run in until a permanent reddish tinge is visible. The red colour is due to the formation of silver chromate, which does not begin to form until the whole of the chloride present has been precipitated as silver chloride. The titration should be repeated once or twice to gain practice in the use of this indicator. Estimation of Silver. This process is exactly the reverse of the former, and is carried out by means of a deci-normal solution of sodium chloride. This solution is prepared by dis- solving 5*85 grams of pure sodium chloride in water, and dilut- ing the solution up to i litre. In conducting the titration the indicator must not be added to the silver solution to be estimated, but to the sodium chloride. A measured volume, 25 c.c., of the latter is transferred to a beaker, coloured with the indicator, and the silver solution delivered from a burette. One cubic centimetre deci-normal NaCl contains 0*00355 gram Cl, and is therefore equivalent to 0*0108 gram Ag. Deci-normal Ammonium Thiocyanate (7 -6 grams (NH 4 )CNS per litre). When ammonium thiocyanate is added to silver nitrate, a white precipitate of AgCNS is formed ; and if a drop of a solution of a ferric salt (not the chloride) be added to the silver solution, the development of the familiar blood-red colour will indicate the completion of the precipitation. About 8 grams of the thiocyanate are weighed out and dis- solved to make i litre of solution; 25 c.c. of deci-normal silver nitrate are transferred to a small flask, and 3 or 4 c.c. of ferric sulphate solution added (previously made by dissolving a crystal of ferrous sulphate in a little water in a test-tube, adding about half its volume !of strong nitric acid and boiling for a few minutes, then diluting with about twice the volume of water). The ammonium thiocyanate is then run in from a burette. As each drop enters, a red colour momentarily appears, but Processes based on Precipitations 143 disappears on gently shaking the flask. The precipitation is complete when a single drop causes a permanent red tint. From the volume used the real strength of the thiocyanate is ascertained, and the amount of dilution it requires to bring it to exact deci-normal strength is calculated ; i c.c. deci-normal thiocyanate should be equivalent to 0*0108 gram Ag, or 0*00355 gram Cl. Estimation of Silver in a Silver Alloy. A weighed piece of the alloy (such as a small silver coin) is dissolved in nitric acid, and the solution made up to 250 c.c. ; 25 c.c. of this are transferred to a small flask, the ferric sulphate indicator added, and the deci-normal thiocyanate run in from a burette until the red coloration is obtained. From this titration the percentage of silver in the alloy is calculated. ABRIDGED TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS (APPROXI- MATE VALUES) Aluminium ... Al ... 27 Antimony Sb ... 120 Arsenic ... As ... 75 Barium Ba ... 137 Bismuth Bi ... 208 Boron B ... 11 Bromine Br ... 80 Cadmium Cd ... 112 Calcium ... Ca ... 40 Carbon C ... 12 Chlorine Cl ... 35-5 Chromium Cr ... 52 Cobalt Co ... 59 Copper (cuprum} Cu ... 63*5 Fluorine F ... 19 Hydrogen H ... i Iodine I ... 127 Iron (ferruni) Fe ... 56 Lead (plumbum} Pb ... 207 Lithium Li ... 7 Magnesium Mg ... 24 Manganese Mn ... 55 Mercury (hydrargyi-um} Hg ... 200 Nickel Ni ... 59 Nitrogen N ... 14 Oxygen O ... 16 Phosphorus P ... 31 Potassium (kalium) ... ... ... K ... 39 Silicon Si ... 28 Silver Ag ... 108 Sodium Na ... 23 Strontium Sr ... 87-6 Sulphur S ... 32 Tin Sn ... 119 Zinc Zn ... 65-4 144 INDEX ACID, boric, 105 , carbonic, 101 , chloric, 89 v hydriodic, 87 , hydrobromic, 86 , hydrochloric, 84 , hydrofluoric, 90 , metaphosphoric, 101 , metastannic, 72 , nitric, 96 , nitrous, 98 , orthophosphoric, 100 , permanganic, 106 , phosphoric, 51, 100 , pyrophosphoric, 100 radicals, 83 , silicic, 1 02 , sulphuric, 93 , , standard solution, 128 Acids, analytical classification of, 1 1 5 Aluminium reactions, 32 Ammonium phosphomolybdate, 51 reactions, 21 thiocyanate, deci-normal solu- tion, 142 Analytical classification, 16 groups, 20 tables General table, 81 Group I., 79 II., Division I, 63 II., Division 2, 76 IIlA, 41 Analytical tables continued Group IIlB, 50 III. (phosphate table), 52 IV., 31 V., 27 Antimoniuretted hydrogen, 72 Antimony reactions, 70 Arsenic reactions, 64 , volumetric estimation, 140 Atomic weights, table of, 144 BARIUM reactions, 28 Bismuth reactions, 58 Bleaching powder, available chlorine in, 141 Blowpipe flame, 10 Borates, 105 Borax, 105 beads, 12 Boron fluoride, 91, 106 Bromides, 86 , iodides, and chlorides, detec- tion in solution together, 89 Burettes, 123 CADMIUM reactions, 60 Calcium reactions, 29 Carbonates, IOI Chlorates, 89 and nitrates, detection together, 98 , separation from chlorides, 90 Chlorides, 84 145 146 Index Chlorides, detection in presence of bromide or iodide, 85 Chlorine, volumetric estimation by precipitation, 142 , in bleaching powder, 141 Chromium reactions, 33 Chromyl chloride, 85 Cobalt reactions, 48 Cobalticyanides, 49 Cobaltocyanides, 49 Copper reactions, 60 Cupric salts, 61 Cuprous salts, 61 ETCHING glass, 91 Evaporating to dryness, 4 Evaporation, 4 FILTRATION, i Flame, oxidising and reducing, 10 Fleitmann's test, 70 Fluorides, 90 Fusion, 5 mixture, 42 with borax, exercises, 12 GENERAL reagents, 18 table for the separation of the metals, 81 Group reagents, 19 IGNITION, 9 Indicators, use of, 125 Insoluble substances, treatment of, 112 Iodides, 87 , detection in solution with bromides, 89 Iodine, deci-normal solution, 138 , estimations by means of, 140 Ions, 19, 83 Iron reactions, 36 , volumetric estimation of, in ores, 137 LEAD reactions, 57 MAGNESIUM reactions, 25 Manganese reactions, 43 Marsh's test, 67 Meniscus, 124 Mercuric compounds, reactions, 54 Mercurous compounds, 56 Mercury reactions, 54 Meta-phosphates, 101 Methyl orange, 125 NEGATIVE radicals, 83 Neutralisation, exercises, 13 Nickel reactions, 46 Nitrates, 96 and chlorates, detection to- gether, 98 and nitrites, detection together, 99 , reduction by ferrous salts, 97 , by sulphurous acid, 97 Nitrites, distinction from nitrates, 99 ORTHOPHOSPHATES, 100 Oxidation and reduction, 13 PERMANGANATES, 106 Phosphates, reactions of, 100 Phosphoric acid, removal of, in Group III., 51 Pipettes, 122 Positive radicals, 18 Potassioscope, 23 Potassium dichromate, deci-normal, 135 , analyses by means of, 137 permanganate, deci-normal solution, 133 , typical analysis by means of, 135 f reactions, 23 Precipitation, 7 Preliminary examination for acid radicals, 114 Index 147 Preliminary examination for metallic radicals, 107 exercises, i Purple of Cassius, 73 Pyrophosphates, 100 RADICALS, 18 Reactions of the metals of Group I., 77 II., Division I, 54 II., Division 2, 64 IIlA, 32 IIIB, 43 IV., 28 . V., 21 Reactions, wet and dry, 1 6 Reagents, 17 , group or general, 19 Reinsch's test, 66 SILICA, 103 Silicates, 102 , treatment of insoluble, 104 Silicon fluoride, 91 Silver nitrate, deci-normal, 141 reactions, 77 , volumetric estimation of, 142 Sodium chloride, deci-normal, 142 reactions, 22 thiosulphate, deci-normal, 133 Solution, 3 Solvent, 3 Spontaneous evaporation, 4 Standard solutions, 121 Stannic compounds, 73 Stannous compounds, 72 Strontium reactions, 29 Sulphates, 93 Sulphides, 92 Sulphites, 94 Sulphuretted hydrogen, 92 Sulphuric acid, standard solution, 128 Systematic detection of the acids, 115 TIN reactions, 72 VOLUMETRIC methods of analysis, 119 based on oxidation, 132 on precipitation, 141 WEIGHING, 119 ZINC reactions, 45 THE END PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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