UC-NRLF 'fiicago Nature-Study Series am FIELD AND LABORATORY . GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY ELLIOT R. DOWNING sociate Professor of Natural Science in tl Ec'ucaticm of the University of Chicago THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A FIELD AND LABORATORY GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY "V) PREFACE It is unfortunate that the term "nature-study" has come to connote experience with living things chiefly and that in practice the nature-study work largely neglects that rich field of physical science that lies so close to the child, the stars that stimulate his wonder, the rocks and minerals which he collects with such delight, the toys and home appliances from which he may obtain such a wealth of useful experience that will clarify in his mind fundamental science concepts. The present volume attempts to organize this more or less neglected material for the use of the teacher. The author has used the material here presented with his own teacher- training classes for many years. It is in the hope that it will serve normal- school teachers who are also preparing pupils to teach nature-study in the grades that the book is published. If a short title were given to the book it might well be "How to Make" as the companion volume, The Field and Laboratory Guide in Biological Nature-Study, might be designated "What to See." I can do no better than repeat here the sentiment expressed in the Preface to the preceding volume. It is expected that the book will prove helpful to that large and increasing group of teachers, both actual and prospective, who are earnestly trying to use in the schools that scientific method and accumulated knowledge so important in modern life. Further- more, it is hoped that through the teachers it will serve those boys and girls who, by acquaintance with nature, will come to adjust themselves more intelligently to their environment, use the forces of the universe more effectively, and be happier in their enlarged outlook. ELLIOT R. DOWNING THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION September 29, 1919 CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 5 COMMON MINERALS AND ROCKS . . -6 THE STARS AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM . . 15 SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR 28 TOP, SLING, AND Bow . . . . .43 THE HOT-AIR BALLOON AND SOME EXPERIMENTS TO SHOW How IT WORKS 51 SOME COMMON APPLIANCES THAT OPERATE BY HEAT 56 MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC TOYS 67 THE CAMERA, TELESCOPE, MAGIC LANTERN, AND SOME EXPERIMENTS IN LIGHT 81 THE HOMEMADE ORCHESTRA 90 How TO MAKE THE PHONOGRAPH AND TELEPHONE . ., . . . . 95 How TO MAKE A PAIR OF SCALES AND USE OTHER MECHANICAL CON- TRIVANCES 101 APPENDIX 103 415689 INTRODUCTION Look over some good courses of study in nature-study to see that you will be expected as a teacher to lead pupils into those experiences that give them contact with essential scientific facts and phenomena. If pos- sible visit nature-study classes so that you may see that the sort of thing here presented is what you will need when as a teacher you face actual schoolroom work. Before the pupil has completed the junior high school he should be assured of a range of experience with commonplace science that will habit- uate him to see and to attempt the solution of problems in a scientific way, that will give him command of the most important principles of science and that will make him appreciative of the wonders to be found in his commonplace environment. This book attempts to prepare the teacher to intelligently use the physical materials of interest to the pupil to achieve such ends. It is suggested that not all of the projects outlined be undertaken by each student-teacher but that some be assigned to particular students to work out before the class or undertaken by the instructor as class demon- strations. The author suggests from his experience in handling this work that the projects listed in the Appendix be so assigned and that the remain- ing ones be done by each student of the class. There is also given in the Appendix an estimate of the apparatus required for the course on the foregoing basis with a class of twenty students. All projects are to be written up by the individual student as if performed by himself, so that each one may feel responsible for those done for him, to save time, by other members of the class. Write up the notes as directed in ink on the blank pages provided, answering all questions asked. Make such diagrams and sketches as are called for, also in ink, preferably Hig- gins' water-proof drawing ink. Follow carefully the directions given for making and operating the appliances and toys. Put yourself as far as possible in the place of the child who is having these experiences. See in them the problems he would see and think them through on the basis of your own observations. It is more important that you cultivate the scientific attitude of mind than that you amass much information. Be neat, accurate, and thoroughgoing in your work; cultivate a workman-like pride in the product of your own handwork. COMMON MINERALS AND ROCKS The collection. i. Make two cardboard, wooden, or tin trays, each with thirty-six compartments, 2 by 3 inches and 2\ inches deep, to hold your minerals and rocks. Obtain from some dealer, like Ward's Natural History Establishment, at Rochester, New York (or collect for yourself), the following minerals and rocks for study. Minerals. Amphibole or hornblende both (i) massive and (2) crystal- lized; (3) apatite; augite or pyroxene, both (4) massive and (5) crys- tallized; calcite (6) massive and (7) crystallized as dogtooth spar; (8) chalcopyrite; (9) chalk; (10) chlorite; (n) corundum; (12) dolomite or heavy spar; feldspar is the name of a family of minerals including (13) orthoclase and several plagioclases, such as (14) albite, (15) anorthite, (16) oligoclase, (17) labradorite; (18) fluorite; (19) galenite; when massive gypsum is called (20) alabastine if clean and fine-grained, (21) selenite when crystal- lized; (22) hematite; (23) kaolin; (24) limonite; (25) malachite; mica both (26) biotite and (27) muscovite; (28) olivine; (29) pyrite, crystallized; quartz occurs in a variety of forms (30) massive, (31) crystal, (32) agate, (33) amethyst, (34) chalcedony, (35) flint, (36) jasper, (37) rose quartz; (38) serpentine; (39) sphalerite; (40) tin ore, cassiterite. Rocks. {i) Amygdaloid of copper; (2) andesite; (3) basalt; (4) breccia; (5) conglomerate; (6) diabase and (7) olivine diabase; (8) diorite and (9) porphyritic diorite; (10) gabbro; (n) gneiss; (12) granite and both (13) biotite and (14) hornblende granite; (15) limestone and (16) fossiliferous limestone; (17) marble and (18) dolomitic marble; (19) obsidian; (20) pumice; (21) quartzite; (22) sandstone; schist both (23) chloritic and (24) micaceous; (25) syenite; (26) shale; (27) slate. The school may provide these type minerals and rocks for study and the pupils may use the trays for local collections properly labeled. Characteristics of minerals. -Define (opposite page) a mineral. Define a rock. Minerals are distinguished by several characteristics. They crystal- lize in definite shapes. Study a crystal of quartz. Note that it is a six- sided prism with a six-sided pyramid at each end (if perfect). Note the cubical or dodecahedral crystals of iron pyrite. 2. Melt some sulphur in an evaporating dish over the Bunsen burner. Let it cool until it begins to solidify about the edges. Then pour out most of it and what is left will set in crystal form. What is the shape of the crystals? COMMON MINERALS AND ROCKS 7 3. Make a strong solution of alum in hot water. Let it stand in an open dish so that the water will evaporate. The alum will deposit in crystal form. Many minerals split easily along certain planes so that the fragments are bounded by smooth surfaces. This is called the cleavage and the planes the cleavage planes. Study galenite and note how it cleaves into cubes; study feldspar or calcite and see how these cleave into rhombs. Are the angles of the rhombs constant and are they the same for calcite and feld- spar? Some minerals break in characteristic ways other than along cleavage planes. Note that the surfaces of broken flint are curved like a shell. It is said to have a conchoidal fracture. Luster is the appearance of the mineral when seen in good light on a freshly exposed surface. Observe the vitreous luster of obsidian, the pearly luster of selenite, the waxy luster of chalcedony, the metallic luster of galenite. When a mineral is scratched or rubbed on a piece of unglazed porcelain so as to leave a mark it shows a color known as its streak. Thus limonite and hematite are frequently very similar in appearance but are easily dis- tinguished by their streak. 4. Try them and see what streak each gives. Then within narrow limits each mineral has a characteristic hardness. This is so valuable a distinguishing character that a scale of hardness has been fixed. Thus talc has a hardness of i, gypsum 2, calcite 3, fluorite 4^ apatite 5, orthoclase 6, quartz 7, topaz 8, corundum 9, diamond 10. 5. In so far as you have these in your collection try scratching them with finger- nail, a knife, or with each other to get some first-hand knowledge of their relative hardness. Frequently similar appearing minerals are distinguished by their hardness. Thus chalcopyrite and pyrite at times look much alike, but the former has a hardness not to exceed 4, while the latter has at least a hardness of 6. Table of distinguishing characters. 6. Fill in the following table of the minerals listed above, arranging them now not alphabetically but in the order of their hardness. Obtain the information called for from the minerals themselves, or from any good book on minerals (see Appendix) when you are in doubt. Some spaces must be left blank, as not every mineral will have the characters called for. GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY JO o< II 8 8 COMMON MINERALS AND ROCKS 10 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Familiarize yourself with the minerals in your collection until you are reasonably sure that you can identify each. 7. Then try to name the unnamed specimens that will be furnished you. Ores. In the list of minerals given" above are several ores of the com- mon metals. Galenite, limonite, hematite and pyrite, malachite and chalcopyrite, sphalerite and cassiterite. Your table will show the chemical composition of each. Galenite, pyrite, and sphalerite are found in grains and small masses in the limestone of this region, the lead and zinc blende in paying quantities in immediately adjacent territory. 8. Look up- the method of reduction of some one of these ores by means of which the metal is obtained from it and briefly write it up on the blank page opposite. Valuable minerals. Many of the other minerals are commercially valuable. Corundum because of its hardness is the essential ingredient of grinding- wheels. Chalk is familiar in the schoolroom. Gypsum yields plaster of Paris. Kaolin is the clay from which our fine table china is made. Mica is a valuable electrical insulator and is common also in stove doors. The feldspars and the clays which result from their disintregration yield aluminium. Several varieties of quartz serve as valuable gems, such as amethyst and rose quartz, while the clear .crystals are the "Hot Springs diamonds." Rocks are classified according to the method of formation into sedi- mentary, igneous, and metamorphic. 9. Briefly state the method of forma- tion of each on the blank page that follows. Sedimentary rocks are laid down as (i) beds of more or less waterworn fragments of shells, corals, or other calcareous material, (2) beds of angular rock fragments, (3) beds of gravel, (4) beds of sand, or (5) beds of clay, (6) beds of vegetable material. What is sand? gravel? clay? These beds are then transformed into stone by pressure, heat, and the action of various cementing substances, working separately or two or more in unison. The calcareous material transforms to limestone, or dolomite if magnesium carbonate predominates rather than the calcium carbonate. The angular fragments are cemented together into breccia, the gravel into conglomerate, sand transforms to sandstone, clay into shale, and vegetable material into peat and coal. Tests for rocks. 10. Study your specimens of limestone. Is it easily scratched? Put a drop of chlorhydric acid on it and note the rapid discharge of carbon dioxide, a gas that bubbles up through the drop of acid (effervescence). Try the same on dolomite; on sandstone. What are the results on these? Examine breccia, conglomerate, and shale. The latter flakes easily and emits an earthy odor when you breathe upon it. COMMON MINERALS AND ROCKS n Rocks in formation. Visit the lake shore or river margin where deposits of sand, pebbles, or clay are being made. Dig down into such deposits or study the face of railroad cuts or other excavations to see how .such material is laid down. n. Make a drawing on the opposite page to show this. Do you find any evidence that the material is cementing together or solid- ifying to make rock? The stone quarry. 12. Visit a stone quarry and answer the following questions: Is the stone in layers? Are the layers or strata horizontal ? If not, what is the angle of their "dip"? 1 What is the "dip" ? What do you mean by the "strike" of the strata?. Are the layers folded at all? What are bedding planes and are they apparent? . Are joints apparent? . . . Are fossils to be found? What is a fossil?.. 13. Sketch one or two that you find. Geological time. Sedimentary rocks have been forming through many ages and contain in their fossils an exceedingly interesting record of the changing life on the earth. The history of the earth's past is divided into great eras. Just as human history is divided into the modern era, the medieval, the ancient, an earlier era of dim myth, and a still earlier era of which we know nothing, so the geological history of the earth partially revealed by the rock record is divided into the modern or Cenozoic era, the Mesozoic, the Paleozoic, the Proterozoic, and the Archeozoic. This entire geological time spans many millions of years. The historian, for convenience, divides the great eras into periods; thus the ancient era is made up of the Babylonian period, the Egyptian, the Grecian, the Roman. So the geologist subdivides the great geological eras into periods each characterized by its own peculiar living forms. Niagara limestone. The bedrock of the Chicago region is the Niagara limestone formed during the Paleozoic era. 14. Visit the Walker Museum (or similar institution) to see some of the many fossils found in this Niagara limestone and to get a glimpse also of the many animals and plants that existed in the Paleozoic and other eras of the earth's geologic past. 12 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Igneous rocks are subdivided into volcanic and Plutonic rocks. 15. Give the method of formation and the distinguishing characters of each on the opposite blank page. It will be evident from their method of formation that no hard-and-fast line can be drawn between these two sorts of igneous rocks. They form a continuous series from the coarsely crystalline Plutonic rocks to the glassy and more or less porous volcanic rocks. Igneous rocks differ greatly also in chemical composition. If the molten material from which the rock formed contained an excess of silica and only bases of low valence like potassium, the rock is acid and contains silicates of the bases together with much free quartz. If on the other hand the molten material contained bases of high valence like calcium or iron, the resulting rock is said to be basic and contains silicates of the bases but little or no free quartz. Potassium is monovalent and can take up in combination relatively little silica when it forms its silicate, so that much free silica is to be expected. Iron, however, is quadrivalent and can take up a large amount of silica to form its silicate, so little free quartz is found in these basic rocks (see p. 62). Classification of igneous rocks. On the basis of these two things, the texture of the rocks and their basidity, the classification of the igneous rock is made. In the table below, reading from left to right, the families GRANITE-RHYOLITE FAMILY SYENITE -TRACHYTE FAMILY DlORITE-ANDESITE FAMILY GABBROBASALT FAMILY PERIDOTE FAMILY Quartz and orthoclase dominant Orthoclase domi- nant. No quartz Plagioclase dominant Labradorite and pyroxene dominant No feldspar present Rhyolite pumice Rhyolite obsidian Granite Biotite-granite Trachyte Syenite Andesite Basalt-tuff Basalt Dolerite Horneblende- bearing biotrte, granite, etc. Diorite- porphyry Diabase Peridote Diorite Olivine- diabase Gabbro are made of rocks that contain less and less free quartz and whose constit- uent minerals are increasingly basic silicates. The members of each family, reading down in the series, are less porous, less glassy, the crystals of the constituent minerals are larger, and the rocks are heavier, since elements, like iron, of great specific gravity are replacing lighter ones, like potassium. What is a porphyry? an amygdaloid? COMMON MINERALS AND ROCKS 13 Study of samples. 16. Study now the igneous rocks in your collection with the explanation in mind and place them in the table. Try to make out the constituent minerals and to recognize them by the characters already studied. Use a lens to assist you in this work. Note the texture and the relative weights of the rock specimens. Verify with your specimens the following additional distinguishing characters that will help in the separation of these rocks. The granites contain quartz and the alkaline feldspars, often with some hornblende, mica, or augite. The composition of gneiss is the same, but it shows evidence of stratification (see below). If any one or two minerals in addition to the essential quartz and feldspar are. especially conspicuous the granite is named accordingly as biotite- 1 hornblende-granite. Syenite contains an abundance of orthoclase, usually of the red varieties, and no quartz. Hornblende, mica, and augite may one or all be present. It is a Plutonic rock and therefore usually coarse-grained. The correspond- ing volcanic rock is trachyte, finer grained, more porous, and lighter in weight. In the diorites the dark feldspars predominate, though sometimes the light-colored plagioclases are abundant. Quartz is present and also often mica and hornblende, but not in predominating quantities. The diorites are Plutonic, the corresponding volcanic rocks being the andesites. Gabbro and basalt are respectively the Plutonic and volcanic members of the next family. They are dark, heavy rocks with labradorite and augite as the predominant minerals. The gabbro is distinguished from the diabase by its coarse crystallization and by the large quantity of plagioclase that it contains. The presence of chlorite in these rocks often gives them a distinct green color and they are then known as greenstones. The peridote contains neither quartz nor feldspar, but consists of such minerals as augite and amphibole. Metamorphic rocks were originally either sedimentary or igneous, but have been altered greatly by heat, pressure, crumpling, and other agencies, acting singly or in unison, so that their characteristics have been materially changed. Thus limestone and dolomite have been transformed to marbles (the acid test still distinguishes them). Sandstone has been metamor- phosed to quartzite, which is recognized by its hardness and conchoidal fracture. The shales have been changed to slates that beak into thin layers. The granitic rocks have been altered to gneiss or schist, the former showing evidence of layering while the latter is flakey. The schists are named from their dominant mineral: micaceous schist, choritic schist, etc. Specimens of metamorphic rocks. Study now the metamorphic rocks in the collection 17. Indicate by an S, I, or M placed beside each rock in the list whether it is sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic. 14 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Glacial drift. -While the bedrock of the Chicago region and of the adjacent area is sedimentary, the glacial drift the soil and rock debris that overlays the bedrock for the most part contains many bowlders and fragments of igneous and metamorphic rocks brought to our region from the north by the great glaciers that invaded this territory during the glacial epochs in relatively recent geological time. The northern part of Min- nesota, Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and much of Canada are occupied by these igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Proterozoic and Archeozoic eras. 18. Go to the lake shore, the gravel pit, or the piles of bowlders found in the fields, and with a hammer break off samples of these glacial rocks and try to identify them. It is too much to expect, with the brief instructions given here and the limited facilities at the hands of the student, that he will be able to identify all these with certainty. Some of them with clear characters and readily recognized mineral ingredients will be easily identified. Still the attempt will help him to gain some facility in recognizing the component minerals and in judging relative weights and textures. Possibly, too, it may serve as an incentive to more thorough courses in this fascinating study of minerals and rocks. 19. Name and label such as you can identify with reasonable certainty and make a list of these on the opposite page, at the same time classifying them as sedimen- tary, igneous, and metamorphic. Rocks of commercial value. Some of the rocks listed are of large commercial value. Much of the copper in the famous mines of northern Michigan occurs as amygdaloidal grains or as a cement in a conglomerate rock. Granite and syenite are familiar as building stones. Limestone, marble, and sandstone serve a similar purpose. Slate is a common roofing material, replaced now largely by tile or asbestos (fibrous serpentine) shingles. One variety of serpentine, verd antique, is used as an ornamental stone. Limestone is heated and transformed to CaO, the CO 2 being driven off by the heat. This is the "unslacked lime" used in making plaster. THE STARS AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM The polar constellations. The Big Bear. See in the northern sky the Big Dipper. The two stars forming the side of the Dipper's bowl farthest from the handle are commonly called the pointers, for if a line be drawn through them and extended northward it leads to Polaris, the polestar. Find this in the sky and 20 draw on the opposite page the Big Dipper as it is seen now when FIG. i. Principal stars of Ursae Major. The long tail is a late addition to the old mythological figure. Dots are fifth-magnitude stars, crosses fourth-magnitude, etc. you are facing north about 9:00 P.M. Draw the polestar also on the same diagram, showing its relation to the Big Dipper both in direction and distance. The middle star of the Dipper handle is a doublet, both members being visible to the naked eye. Can you see them both? They are named Mizar and Alcar, the Horse and Rider, the latter being identified in Greek legend with the lost Pleiad (see p. 19). The polestar is at the end of the 15 1 6 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY handle of the Little Dipper, most of the stars of which are dim. With the aid of the diagram (Fig. i) identify the stars of the constellation of the Big Bear, Ursa Major. Polaris. 21. Cut a piece 8 inches square from a f-inch board to serve as a baseboard. At the midpoint of the opposite sides fasten two i -inch- wide 1 2-inch uprights of light stuff. Cut a square strip of the f -inch stuff 8 inches long and tack to this, at the midpoint of each, a 1 2- inch strip of light stuff an inch wide so that they will lie at right angles to each other. Run brads through corresponding points near the upper ends of the uprights and into the centers of the opposite ends of the f-inch square strip. Cut an 8-inch semicircle out of cardboard and fasten to the i2-inch strip so that the diameter of the semicircle will run through the axis line on which the f-inch strip rotates. Fasten on one of the uprights a Wire pointer so that when the 12 -inch strip is level (after leveling the base- board, see below) its point will stand at the midpoint of the semicircle. Mark this point O. Float the baseboard on a bucketful of water that has been set out of doors on some support, like a soap box. This will insure that the base- board is perfectly level. The same result may be achieved by laying a cheap level first on one, then on the other of the two adjacent edges of the baseboard and blocking up the corners when set on the box until level. With the axis of the apparatus turned east and west set the 1 2-inch strip so that it points to the polestar; sight along the strip to make sure that it is pointed exactly. Mark the point on the semicircle which the pointer now indicates. Measure the area between this point and O in degrees. (Use a protractor a small semicircle divided into degrees and fractions of a degree.) How does the angle between the two points agree with the latitude of the place where you live as you find it from the map? Why this relation? Constellation of Bootes. Extend the curved line of the Big Dipper handle in a direction away from the bowl, and about the length of the Dipper from the end of its handle is a first-magnitude star, Arcturus, in the constellation of Bootes, the Hunter. The other stars of Bootes (Fig. 2) are shown in relation to Arcturus. The two northernmost are near the star at the end of the Dipper handle. 22. On the opposite page give the legends of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor and Bootes, the Hunter. Cassiopeia. On the opposite side of the pole from the Dipper and about as far from Polaris is Cassiopeia's Chair, an open W of rather bright stars which with the addition of one rather dim one becomes a chair. Find this constellation and 23 diagram it on the opposite page, showing its relation to Polaris, in a way similar to the diagram of Bootes, Figure 2. THE STARS AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM 17 Cephas. A line drawn through the stars at the tips of the chair legs in an anti-clockwise direction reaches a star of the third magnitude in the constellation Cephas, half again as far from Cassiopeia as the full length of the W. Between this and the polestar and directly in line with the two FIG. 2. Bootes and the Hunting Dogs, showing the principal Stars is another third-magnitude star, also in Cephas. These two serve as pole- star pointers quite as well as the two in the Dipper. The other stars of Cephas are arranged somewhat as in Figure 3. Identify the constellation in the sky. Perseus. The star at the base of the back of Cassiopeia's Chair and the one in the angle of the back may be used as pointers to find the con- stellation Perseus. The line through these, extended in the opposite direc- tion from Cephas about as far from Cassiopeia as are the polar pointers of Cephas, reaches the brightest star of Perseus (a Perseus). Run a i8 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY line from the pole through this star and extend it about as far as the two stars at the bottom of the Dipper are from each other and it reaches Algol, the demon star, a variable, also a bright star of Perseus. 24. Draw on the opposite page the principal stars of Perseus as you find them on a star map and identify them in the sky at the place indicated. Andromeda. From the polestar draw a line through the end of the W farthest from the back of the chair in Cassiopeia and extend it about as far from Cassiopeia as the latter is from the pole and it reaches a bright star, one of the four that form a great quadrilateral known as "the square of Pegasus." The one first noted is really in Androm- eda, the other three in Pegasus. A diagonal of "the square" drawn through the star of Andromeda and extended toward Perseus about the diameter of the square en- counters another bright star of Andromeda. 25. Copy on the opposite page, from a star map, the principal stars of Andromeda and try to identify them in the sky, now that you know where to look for them. Include them in an outline figure of Andromeda similar to that of Bootes in Figure 2. FIG. 3. The figure of Cephas and the prin- cipal stars of the constellation. The king stands on the North Pole. The Dragon. Draw a line from the star at the base of the chair back through the northernmost one of the pair of polar pointers in Cephas and extend it about as far toward Cephas as Cassiopeia is distant from him to a bright star in the head of the Dragon (a Draco or Theban) . This Dragon's Head is made of four stars, two of which, the eyes, are quite bright. The body of the dragon runs back toward Cephas, then turns in the opposite direction to partly encircle the Little Dipper. Its tail lies between the Big and Little Dippers. 26. Draw a diagram of Draco. The Swan. Draw a line from the star in the angle of the back of the chair through the one at the base of the back and extend it in the opposite THE STARS AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM 19 direction from Perseus about twice as far as the latter is from Cassiopeia and a first-magnitude star is reached, Deneb, in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. 27. Copy, on the first blank page following, the figure of the Swan from some star map showing the constellation, indicate the principal stars, and also show why this constellation is sometimes known as the Northern Cross. 28. On the same page give briefly the legend of Cygnus. Other first-magnitude stars. Imagine a line drawn from the polestar to Deneb. Through Deneb at right angles to this line draw a line on the side opposite that which faces the square of Pegasus, to a first-magnitude star about half as far from Deneb as the latter is from the pole. This star is Vega in the constellation of the Lyre. "On the opposite side of the polestar from Vega and nearly as far from it lies Capella, a first-magnitude star of the constellation Auriga the Char- ioteer. Why was Auriga given a place among the immortals? How many first-magnitude stars lie within 50 of the North Pole and what are they? 29. Make a list of them here and of the constellations in which they are found. The zodiacal constellations in December evenings (or early mornings of September). Taurus. The Pleiades is a group of six naked-eye stars close together in the form of a very little dipper on the meridian about 9:30 toward the close of December. Find it in the sky. Very good eyes make out seven stars; the "lost one" is identified now as Alcar of the Dipper (see the Source Book of Physical Nature-Study}. To the east of the Pleiades notice a V-shaped group, the Hyades, one star of which, Aldebaran, is of the first magnitude. Both the Pleiades and Hyades are in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull. 30. On the following blank page sketch the outline of Taurus and show the principal stars, copying the figure from some star map or other source. Orion. Run a line from the Pleiades through Aldebaran and farther to the east to a line of three bright stars, the belt of Orion. To the north of this is a bright reddish star, Betelgeuse, and to the south another first- magnitude star of bluish cast, Rigel. The constellation of Orion is the most brilliant one in the sky. 31. On the blank page that follows copy the outline of Orion from some star map and show also the principal stars. Identify as many as possible in the sky. If possible see the middle star of the dagger handle hanging from Orion's belt through a telescope. It is imbedded in the famous nebula of Orion. Canis Major and Canis Minor. The most brilliant single star in the heavens is Sirius. It lies to the east of (below) Orion in the constellation of the Great Dog, Canis Major. Make Betelgeuse and Sirius the basal 20 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY corners of an equilateral triangle, the apex a bright star to the north, and so locate Procyon in the constellation of the Lesser Dog, Canis Minor. The two dogs are supposed to be following the hunter Orion, who stands with club uplifted facing the bull. 32. On one of the blank pages following briefly give the legend connected with these constellations. The Twins. Make Aldebaran and Sirius the basal corners of a larger equilateral triangle with the apex to the north and so locate one of a pair of bright stars, Pollux of Castor and Pollux, the twins, in the constellation of Gemini. 33. Diagram the stars of Gemini and identify as much of the constellation as possible in the sky. Taurus and Gemini are both among the zodiacal constellations. What is the zodiac? 34. Fill in the following tabulation: NAME OF THE ZODIACAL CONSTELLATIONS SIGN OF THE CONSTELLATION I 2 7 4 z. . 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 THE STARS AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM 21 From Aldebaran through the Pleiades draw a line and extend it beyond the Pleiades half again as far as Aldebaran is from the Pleiades to a fairly bright star, Alpha, of the constellation Aries the Ram. Near this star directly toward the pole is a group of three stars, the Triangle, which will help to locate Aries. This is the first of the zodiacal constellation. The last, the constellation of the Fishes, is also now visible, though the stars that make it are dim. It is an irregular line of stars that starts south of Andromeda about halfway between Alpha Aries and the square of Pegasus, runs to a point due south of Aries, about as far from the pole as is the belt of Orion, and thence down toward the horizon to the west of the square of. Pegasus. Southern constellations in December (or early mornings of late July). Early in the evenings of December (6:00 P.M.), when the square of Pegasus is about on the meridian, a line drawn from the pole, past the westernmost star of the square and continued to the southern horizon, reaches a first- magnitude star, Formalhaut, in the constellation of the Southern Fish. The other stars of this constellation are just visible. On the line from Formal- haut to Deneb and about halfway between the two is a line of three third- magnitude stars that mark Aquarius, the Water Bearer. This constellation is pretty well spread out but may be identified by the aid of the plani- sphere (p. 23), which should be put together now to help locate the constellations that follow. To the east of the meridian, also low down in the south, is a nearly hori- zontal group of three pairs of moderately bright (one second-magnitude, five third-magnitude) stars in the constellation of Cetus, the Whale. Five other stars grouped together farther to the east also lie in the constellation. Note that in this region of the sky where Aquarius lies there are also to be found the fishes of the zodiacal constellations, the Southern Fish, the Whale. What is the legend connected with these several constellations ? 35. Outline it briefly on the opposite page. The series of constellations connected with this legend continues to pass in review evenings through the spring and early summer. Eridanus. In January, when the Pleiades is on the meridian, there is a widespreading constellation zigzagging back and forth across the meridian in the south near the horizon, the great river Eridanus. Trace it westward from Rigel nearly to the Whale, then east again past the meridian west of south to the horizon. 36. Copy the constellation from some star map, on the blank page opposite. More zodiacal constellations visible in March evenings (or early morn- ings of October). When Castor and Pollux are on the meridian in the evenings of the middle of March locate a group of stars shaped like a 22 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY reversed 2, to the east of them and about a third of the way to the horizon. At what time could you see it now ? Regulus, a brilliant first-magnitude star, is at the end of the base of the figure. Regulus, Procyon, Betelgeuse, and Pollux make a diamond-shaped figure, while Regulus, the star in the bottom of the Dipper farthest from the handle, and Denebola, another bright star, make an isosceles triangle. Denebola is in line with the pole- star and the star in the bottom of the Dipper nearest the handle and about as far from this star as it is from the pole. Denebola and Regulus are both in the constellation of Leo, the Lion. 37. Sketch the figure of the Lion and show the chief stars. Southern sky in March. The whole southern sky, close to the horizon, is now occupied by the constellation of the Ship or Ark. All the stars from east to west south of the Great Dog are in this constellation. Identify it with the aid of the planisphere. 38. Sketch the Ship or Ark, copying the figure from some star map and show the principal stars. Zodiacal constellations in April (or early mornings in November): About 8 : 30 P.M. in the latter part of April, when the pointers of the Dipper are on the meridian, draw a line from the lip of the Dipper through the star in its bottom near the handle and extend it across the sky to a first- magnitude star, Spica, in the constellation Virgo, the Virgin. Spica and Arcturus are at the basal corners of an isosceles triangle with Denebola at the apex. 39. Copy here the chief stars of this constellation. Try to identify them in the sky. When can you see Spica now ? Southern constellations in April. South of Spica and a little west also, in a line from the pole through the star in the top of the Dipper's bowl near the handle and extended nearly to the southeastern horizon, is a semicircular group of quite bright stars, Corvus, the Crow. 40. Draw the group on the next blank page. From east of Corvus running west across the southern sky see a line of stars, mostly faint, that leads nearly over to Procyon, the sea monster, Hydra. The zodiac in May. Late in the evening in the latter part of May, when Arcturus is on the meridian, draw a line through the pointer of the Dipper farthest from the polestar and the star at the end of the Dipper's handle. Continue it across the sky to the southeastern horizon to a bright star, An tares, in the constellation of the Scorpion. 41. Sketch the other stars of this constellation on the blank page opposite and identify them in the sky. This is easy because of their arrangement in triplets. A southern constellation. On either side of the meridian close to the southern horizon are two second-magnitude stars that locate the Centaur or Noah of the earlier legends. All the stars that stretch along the southern sky west of these two are in this constellation. THE STARS AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM 23 A planisphere. 42. It is quite a feasible undertaking for grade pupils to construct a planisphere which will enable them to determine which stars are visible at any time of the night throughout the year and to see their relative positions. It is well for the teacher to construct one so that she may be competent to give directions. Proceed as follows: Cut a card, board circle of 3! inches in radius. With pencil compass draw light con- centric circles every J inch. The outer J inch will serve as a border for the names of the month to be filled in later. These concentric lines will be 10 apart and will extend down 40 below the equator, which will include all stars we see in our latitude. Draw ink circles to represent Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn. With the compass set at 3^ inches start at any point on the circle of that radius and mark six points on the circle, each distant from the adjacent ones by this amount. From the center draw light ink lines through these points, thus dividing the circles, except the outermost, into six sectors. Bisect these sectors, making twelve divisions of each circle. Fill in the con- stellations, showing only the principal stars, copying them from star maps such as those given in the Source Book of Physical Nature-Study or from some published planisphere. The o line radiating from the pole is the one that just touches the tip of the front leg of Cassiopeia's Chair. The 30 line goes through Aries. Continue labeling each radiating line 60, 90, etc. The o line falls at March 22, the 90 line at June 21, the 180 line at September 20, and the 270 line at December 21. Subdivide the s'pace between the two outer circles into twelve equal lengths so that the dates given in these months will fall at the points indicated and put the name of a month in each space. Cut two other cardboard circles of 3^ inches in radius. In one cut a hole, marking the outline for it as follows: Draw a radius of this circle on the cardboard: 2 inches from the circumference of the circle, mark a point on this radius, and draw a cross-line at right angles to the radius at this point. On the radius extended to make it a diameter mark points J and 4^ inches from the point where the radius meets the circumference of the circle. The portion of the radius between these will be the minor axis of an ellipse that is to be cut out. On the line drawn at right angles to the radius mark points 2\ inches on each side of the radius. The line 5 inches long between these will be the major axis. Stick two pins into the major axis, one on each side of the minor axis and i^ inches from it Tie a loop of string of such length that when it is slipped over the two pins and extended by a pencil point the latter will just reach an end of the minor axis. Move the pencil about the pins as if trying to draw a circle. An ellipse is drawn that is J inch distant at its nearest approach from the 24 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY circumference of the circle. With a sharp penknife cut this out from the circular card. Stick a pin through the center of the circular star map, the head on the side showing the stars. Stick it also through the center of the whole cardboard circle. Bend it close to the head so that the star map will revolve about the pin, the other card serving as the back. Paste a piece of paper over the pointed end of the pin to hold it in place. Lay the circle in which the elliptical hole has been cut on the star map -so that its edge will coincide with the outermost circle drawn on the star map. The names of the months should show beyond it. Paste four narrow strips of paper at 90 intervals from the edge of the upper circle to the edge of the lower, folding them snugly around the edge of the star map so that it will move freely. Mark the point where the radius crosses the narrow strip of card 12 noon, the opposite edge of this upper circle 12 midnight. With the latter point near you and the former away from you, mark the midpoint of the left-hand semicircle 6:00 P.M., of the right- hand semicircle 6:00 A.M. The interval between noon and 6:00 P.M. may be divided into six equal portions and marked with the hours and so on for each other quarter of the circle. If the star map be rotated between the two smaller cardboard circles, the area that shows in the ellipse is the portion of the sky that is visible. If it is turned so that mid-December coincides with 6:00 P.M., the elliptical opening will show what constellations are then visible. Stand out of doors facing north. Hold the planisphere overhead, face down, the North Pole turned north, noon to the south. The morning side now shows the eastern horizon, the evening the western. A small model of the planisphere as described is figured here and may be put together as follows: 43. Remove the sheets on which Figures 4 and 5 are printed. Paste both sheets to thin cards and cut them out. Cut out another circular card the same size as Figure 5, with- out the four flaps, but do not cut out the elliptical hole. Run a pin through the center of Figure 4, then through the center of the addi- tional circular card. Finish the planisphere as directed above, using the strips projecting from the margin of Figure 5 to fold around the edge of Figure 4 and paste to the circular back. Planets. Consult the almanac and find in what constellations Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are now in, and through what constellations they will move the remainder of this year. 44. Record the findings on the opposite -blank page. Find and 45 record also the morning and evening stars for the year. THE STARS AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM FIG. 4. The star map for the planisphere 26 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY FIG. 5. Diagram of the front of the planisphere To put the planisphere together paste Fig. 4 smoothly on a thin card and cut'it out. Do the same for Fig. 5, but after it is pasted on the card, with a sharp penknife, cut out the ellipse from the card. Cut a second card circle the size of the circle of Fig. 5 and mark its center. Run a pin through the center of Fig. 4 and through the center of this circular card placed below Fig. 4. Lay Fig. 5 on Fig. 4 5 its circular edge just inside the strip bearing the names of the months. Bend the four flaps on Fig. 5 over the edge of Fig. 4 and paste them to the circular card below. Bend the pin so that its end will lie down against the circular card back and hold it in place by a piece of paper pasted over it. THE STARS AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM 27 Changes in the moon. Keep record for a month of the change in the moon. 46. Make a calendar for a month by ruling the opposite page so as to give an inch square for each day. In each square draw a figure to show the shape of the moon for that date in so far as it is visible; or on a still larger sheet of paper, similarly ruled, paste figures cut from paper to show the shape of the moon. When the moon is new, how long after sundown does it set? When it is at first quarter? When it is full, how long after sunset does it rise? When it is at third quarter? 47. Draw a diagram to show the relations of the shape of the moon to the relative positions of sun and moon. Why do we not have an eclipse of the sun every time the moon is new? The sun. 48. Fasten a coarse wire horizontally across a south window- pane. Lay a good-sized piece of brown paper down on the floor so that the shadow of the wire about crosses its middle. Draw pencil lines on the floor at the corners of the paper when it is spread out so that it may be laid down repeatedly in the same position. Draw a pencil line on the paper to coincide with the shadow of the wire and date it. Every few days through the school year repeat this observation. What do the series of records show? Can you explain the results? 49. Smoke a piece of glass by holding it over a candle flame until it is covered with a thin layer of soot. Through this look at the sun and see if you can see any sun spots. Draw a 2-inch circle to represent the sun and indicated the position of the sun spot on it. Date it and record the time of your observation. Repeat the observation on several successive days and see if the spot changes its position. You may be able to watch a spot cross the disk of the sun. If so, twice the time required for such a passage is equal to what? Confirm your results from the time given in the astronomies. SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR To make the paper windmill. 50. Take a 6-inch square of paper, preferably colored paper. If the paper is not already cut in such form, proceed as follows to cut a 6-inch square out of any rectangular sheet of larger size. From any corner of the sheet measure 6 inches along each adjacent side, and mark the points. Fold the corner over and crease the paper along the line connecting the marked points. With the scissors, cut the paper close to the folded-over edges. Draw lines on the 6-inch square, running from each of two adjacent corners to the diagonally opposite corners. Cut in from the corners along these lines to within a half-inch of the intersecting lines. Lay the left hand, back down, on the paper, the fingers about at the center. With the right hand fold in any one corner and hold it with thumb and finger of the left hand. In the same way fold in every alternate corner around the square, and when all are in hand run a pin through the four infolded corners and also through the center of the square. Thrust this pin into a wood handle and the windmill is complete. 51. An eight-point windmill may be made in place of the four-point, as follows: It makes the mill more attractive if paper of two colors is used. Cut a 6-inch square of paper of each color, and cut in from the corners as before. On one paper make a half-inch cut at the inner end of each diagonal cut on the left-hand blades, making it at right angles to the edge. Lay this square upon the table, the second square upon it so that the centers coincide and so that the corners of the upper sheet are midway between the corners of the lower sheet. Then insert each alternate edge of the upper blades into the cuts on the lower blades. Then fold over all the inner points as before and run the pin through them and through the centers of the two sheets. Stick the pin into a handle. To make the wooden windmill. 52. Cut two 8-inch lengths of wood | inch square. Find the middle of each piece and mark a cross-line at this point. Draw two lines parallel to this, one at each side of it, T V inch distant from it. Saw into the strip on each of these two lines, cutting halfway through the strip. Cut out the central block. The two strips may now be put together at right angles to each other, the space formed by cutting out the block fitting over the remaining section of the other stick. See that they fit well. 28 SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR 29 With a knife shave off the opposite angles of one arm until a thin blade of wood is left. The central region is not cut away, but bevels on the thin blade. Cut each of the other arms in the same way, so that the blades are inclined in the same direction. Fasten the mill thus formed securely to a cylindrical stick somewhat larger than a pencil. The base of the windmill is built thus: Cut a 3-inch length of J-inch stuff that is i inch wide. At each end with small brads fasten on a 2-inch length of the same material at right angles to the 3-inch strip, the two shorter strips parallel to each other and on the same side of the 3-inch strip. Bore a hole near the top of each 2-inch piece, the holes in line so that the cylindrical piece fastened to the windmill may be run through them. Bore a hole in the middle of the 3-inch piece. This is fastened to the upright piece which should be f inch square and 8 inches long. Cut a thin piece of wood out of a cigar box or similar material to form the vane of the mill. Let this be 6 inches long and 4 inches wide, with a projecting piece sticking out from the 4-inch side, the projection to be i inch long and J inch wide. Tack this projection to the 3-inch strip that makes the base of the structure that carries the mill so that the vane projects from the base in a vertical plane parallel to the cylindrical strip that serves as the axle for the mill. When this vane is on the basal strip, fasten the base to the upright sup- port by running a flat-headed wire nail through the hole bored in the basal piece; drive it in through the center of the end of the supporting upright. Put the axle of the mill through the holes bored in the supports and drive a couple of small brads through the axle, one on either side of one of the supports, so that the mill will be held in place. Gearing for work. Put a spool, like a small silk spool, on the axle, so that it will serve as a pulley wheel, on which a string belt may be run to couple up the mill with any piece of machinery that you may want to run with wind power. The machine must of course be set on a base that will revolve with the mill. How is the ordinary windmill attached to a pump, for instance, that the connections may be maintained as the wind veers? Cut out a 2-inch circle of |-inch wood, or a section from a large spool. Fasten this eccentrically to one end of the axle. Run a thin strip of wood to serve as driving rod from this to work a wooden doll with jointed arms and legs. One of the uprights supporting the mill may be lengthened so that the figure can be attached to it, and the doll will dance as the mill goes around. Other contrivances can be added to the mill and pupils may use their ingenuity in devising such attachments. 30 , GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Why the windmill goes around. It is evident that the force of the wind blowing against the diagonally placed arms of the windmill drives the wind- mill around. If the arms of the windmill were turned so that the wind struck them squarely a perpendicular blow, there would be no rotation of the mill; the wind would simply tend to force the windmill back in the direction toward which the wind is blowing. But with the arms of the mill inclined to the wind so that the wind strikes a glancing blow, a part of the pressure acts in the direction of the rotation of the mill. In other words, the wind pressure is decomposed into elements, one of which serves to drive the mill around. The principle involved in the composition or de- composition of forces may be illustrated by the following experiment: An experiment showing the composition or decomposition of forces. 53. Drive three tacks into the top of a table or in the floor, at the points of a triangle, each side of which is at least two feet long. By means of a short string tie the ring of a spring balance to each of the tacks. Take three strings about 10 inches long; tie the three together by a single knot at the ends of the strings leaving three free ends. Fasten one of these free ends to each of the hooks of the three scale balances. In tying the strings to the spring balances, make the length of the string short enough so that each balance will register some pull. It is evident that the amount registered on any one scale is the resultant of the pulls of the other two; that is, the force pulling on one string is equivalent to the counter-pull on the other two. Graphic calculation. The relation between these forces may be graphi- cally calculated in this way: 54. Lay a good-sized sheet of paper on the table underneath the three strings, its center about under the knot. With a ruler draw lines im- mediately under and parallel to the three strings, the three lines meeting in a point immediately under the central knot. Mark beside each line the amount registered by the corresponding scale, then remove the paper. Suppose one scale is registering 6 ounces. Measure off 6 inches from the point of intersection of the three lines along the line that led to this scale and mark the point. Suppose the adjacent scale registered 8 ounces. Measure off and mark a point 8 inches distant from the intersection. From the point marked on the first line draw a line parallel to the second ; and similarly from the point marked on the second line draw a line parallel to the first, the two lines intersecting. A parallelogram is thus drawn, and the third line, when continued through the point of intersection of the three lines, should be the diagonal of the parallelogram, and its length in inches will be equal to the number of ounces registered by the third scale. Thus, knowing the strength and direction of the pull of two combined SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR 3 1 forces, the resultant may be determined; or, knowing the resultant and the direction of the pull of the component forces, the latter may be determined. Application to windmill. To apply this to the windmill, suppose that line AB in the diagram (Fig. 6) represents the end of the blade of the windmill, and line CD represents the direction of the wind, and its length the force of the wind. CE will represent the push given to the windmill to cause its rotation. The other factor into which the force of the wind is resolved is represented by the line CF; and the parallelogram of forces is completed by the other lines of the figure. Relative lengths of the lines FIG. 6. Diagram of the decomposition of the force of the wind to turn the mill. Note that the sum of the components is greater than the original force of the wind. What force is added to that of the wind to make the kite fly (see p. 34), and so should be considered in the diagram ? Draw a diagram like this one and add this other force. CD and CE are entirely hypothetical and will of course have to be deter- mined in any given case by the velocity of the wind that is blowing and by the amount of friction to be overcome in the turning of the windmill and the amount of work that the mill is doing. How is it possible for the sum of the two elements into which the wind is decomposed to be apparently greater than the whole force of the wind? A simple flier. 55. That the push of the air on the blades of a wind- mill develops enough force to lift the blade if it is free to move is shown by this simple flier. Cut a piece of wood about 5 inches long and i inch in diameter to serve as a handle. An inch from one end make a circular cut with a saw and then cut away the wood so as to leave projecting from the GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY center of the end a round wooden peg an inch long and just large enough to fit loosely into the hole of a spool. If it projects beyond the spool saw it off so that its end is flush with the end of the spool. Shape the handle now so that it can be held comfortably in the left hand. Drive two brads into one end of lj the spool, placing them on opposite sides of the central hole, and let their heads stick up about .B i inch. Cut from light-weight tin, like that of 5 a tomato can, a flier shaped like a pair of pro- peller blades similar to this pattern (Fig. 7). Punch two holes near its center large enough to ^ easily slip over the brads on the end of the spool. Twist the ends of the blades so that O Z they are inclined to the central portion and 6 curve in opposite directions, similar to the wood propeller of the aeroplane (Fig. 9). Wind a yard or so of good stout string on the spool. Set it on the peg of the handle and J place the flier on the end of the spool, the brad | heads in the holes, and in such a way that I when the string is pulled so as to whirl the spool $ rapidly the blades will cut the air so as to .Jj lift the flier off the spool. Grasp the handle in m the left hand, flier up; with the right hand take % hold of the free end of the string and give it a '', strong pull, unwinding it all. As the spool re- a volves the whirling motion is imparted to the flier and it rises into the air. "% To make the kite. 56. Cut a thin strip of bamboo, or other light wood, 3 feet long. If of white pine or cedar make it about J inch square. The bamboo may be even thinner. Cut a second piece 20 inches long. With small > brads tack the shorter piece at its midpoint on to the long piece, one foot from one end. Bind the joint with coarse thread. Tie the end of a piece of string to one end of the long piece, then fasten it tautly to one end of the short piece, then to the other end of the long piece, to the other end of the short piece, and fasten it at the original point of tie at the end of the SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR 33 long piece. Thus the border of the kite is outlined in tightly stretched string. The sharpest angle marks the bottom of the kite. Lay the kite frame down on a piece of tissue paper (newspaper will do, or strong wrapping paper that is not too heavy) . With shears cut the paper parallel to the string, about 2 inches from it and outside of the string. Put library paste, or homemade flour paste, on this projecting 2 inches, and turn it over the string, pressing it on the paper. Let it dry. Tail and bridle. Tear some old cloth up into inch-wide strips and tie these together so as to make a tail about 12 feet long. Tie one end of this to a short string attached to . the lower point of the kite. Cut a strong string 30 inches long, and tie one end of the string to the cross-piece of the kite, 8 inches from its intersection with the upright. Pass the other end of the string through a small hole punched in the paper at a point just above this tie point. In a similar way punch a hole 8 inches from the upright on the opposite side of the kite, so that the other end of the string may be tied to the cross-piece in corresponding position. On the upright, 8 inches above its intersection with the cross-piece, tie one end of an 1 8-inch string. There are now three strands of string tied at three points of the kite. Bring these together and knot them so that the knot stands directly above the upright and so that when the kite is flying it will be held inclined to the wind, the tail end of the kite slanting back- ward. This arrangement of strings is called the bridle, and the flight of the kite depends on the accuracy with which it is adjusted. The string for flying the kite is now tied at the point of the bridle where the three strands intersect, and the kite is ready to fly. Flying the kite. One person holds the kite in the right hand, the fingers grasping the point of intersection of the two sticks. The kite should face the wind. The second person lets out 35 or 40 feet of string and prepares to run against the wind. The first person gives the kite a toss into the air as the second person starts to run. As the wind catches the kite, let out more string, but not too rapidly. If the kite tends to turn somersaults, dashing its nose into the ground, it needs more tail, and this should be added until it flies steadily. Bits of colored paper or windmills made of colored paper may be slipped on the string to blow up to the kite, the windmills whirling as they go. The kite may be ornamented with a face drawn upon it in bold out- lines so that it is visible when it is flying. 57. A bow kite is made by taking a straight upright 24 inches long as before and fastening to its top nearly half of a barrel hoop shaved down so that it is J inch square. This is fastened at its midpoint to the top of the upright, the curve of the bow in a plane at right angles to the upright. 34 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY A string runs from one end of the hoop to the opposite end, thence to the lower point of the upright and back again to the first point. The tissue paper is pasted on as before, but loosely, and since the kite frame will not lie flat it must be pasted to one side, then rolled over to be pasted to the opposite side. It is also pasted over the hoop. This kite flies without a tail, the convex side toward the wind; the string is attached at a point on the upright 8 inches below its top. For making the box kite. 58. Out of pine, spruce, or cedar, that is free from knots, cut four pieces of f-inch stuff 32 inches long, four 18 inches long, four 9 inches, and four 20 inches. Fasten two of the 32-inch strips and two of the i8 : inch strips together, so as to make a rectangle, the short strips between the long ones. Do the same with the other pair of 32-inch and 1 8-inch strips. Cut two strips of cambric 10 inches wide and 55 inches long. Sew the ends of these together, overlapping i inch, thus making two lo-inch bands of the material. Lay the two rectangles made out of the wood strips together so that they coincide, and put one of the cloth bands around each end, the bands on the outside of the wood rectangles. Spread the rectangles apart, thus stretching the cloth bands, insert the g-inch' strips between the corners of the rectangle, and brace them to pre- vent their collapse with the 20-inch strips, the latter crossing each other diagonally. Cut some J-inch-wide strips of light tin to bind on and rein- force the corners. The bridle for this kite is made by fastening a 3o-inch piece of string, tying one end just below the band to one of the 3 2 -inch strips and the other at the opposite side of the same large rectangle, close to the same border of the cloth band. The string for flying is tied to the midpoint of this bridle. The box kite flies without a tail. Why the kite flies. It is very evident that the kite is kept up by the force of the wind. The wind of course is blowing horizontally, that is, parallel to the surface of the earth. The kite tends to fall directly down, pulled by the force of gravity. In some way the wind blowing horizontally is made to overcome this pull of gravity and so keep the kite in the air. When the kite is flying it will be noted that the kite is inclined to the direction of the wind, so that the wind strikes the face of the kite a glancing blow. The string serves to hold the kite in a fixed position. The force of the wind is broken into components in much the same way that the force of the wind is broken in running the windmill. 59. Draw a diagram that will show the elements involved and how the wind pressure is decomposed into two elements, one of which overcomes the force of gravity and keeps the kite in the air. Why will the kite not fly except when it is held by the string? SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR 35 To make an aeroplane. 60. A simple but very effective type of aero- plane is made as follows: Cut a f-inch square strip of white pine 22 inches long (or use a piece of bamboo f inch wide). This strip should be straight-grained and free from knots, for it serves as the backbone of the machine and must bear the strain of the twisted rubber bands that serve to run the propeller. Cut a strip of tin 4 inches long and f inch wide. Bend it 2 inches from one end into a sharp V. Holding it with the long arm to the left bend this long arm i inch from its end so that the bent portion turns to the right and lies at right angles to the rest of this side of the V. Bend the other arm of the V in the same direction i inch from its end so that the bent portion is parallel to that of the first arm of the V. These two parallel parts are now to be bound tightly with coarse linen thread to the end of the backbone, their long axes coincident with its long axis. This end is the front end of the machine. Near the tip of this V and in its midline punch a hole through both sides so that, a stiff wire axle that bears the propeller may run through the hole parallel to the long axis of the backbone. The skids. -Cut two thin strips of bamboo | inch wide and 6 inches long and one 4^ inches long. Bind these together with the linen thread in the form of a triangle letting their ends overlap J inch. Bind this to the backbone i inch back of the tin propeller bearing, the juncture of the two long sides above the backbone and on the opposite side from the point of the tin strip. Let the plane of the triangle be at right angles to the backbone. Cut two more such thin strips 5 inches long and bind one end of one to the midpoint of one of the long sides of the triangle, the other end to the backbone about 2\ inches back of the point to which the apex of the triangle is affixed. The other strip will be bound to brace the other side of the triangle in a similar way. Cut two more thin strips 5 inches long. Set one on each side of the backbone i inch from its rear end at right angles to the backbone and perpendicular to the base of the forward triangle. Bind them on tightly at their midpoints. Fasten a brace of bamboo from the upper end of this pair of strips to the backbone about 3 inches in front of the point where the pair of 5-inch strips is bound to it. Cut three strips of bamboo 3 inches long and so thin that each can be bent into a U over the end of the finger without breaking. Bind one of these by its ends to the lower end of each side of the bamboo triangle and one to the lower end of this last support near the rear, the plane of each U parallel to the longitudinal axis of the backbone. These three loops form skids on which the aeroplane stands and they slip along the floor or side- walk as the machine takes flight (Figs. 8 and 9). 36 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Propeller. Shape a g-inch propeller out of the tin of a coffee can similar to the one cut for the flier (p. 32). If the longitudinal axis of the propeller is made to coincide with the length of the can the curve of the tin will give about the right curve to the propeller after it is bent according to the instructions there given. Or a propeller may be fashioned out of white pine, white wood, or cedar that is straight-grained and free from knots. Cut the block of |-inch stuff 9 inches long and 2 inches wide. Bore a hole at the middle of one broad face just large enough to take the stiff wire that must be used as the axle for the propeller. Draw a square i inch on FIG. 8. The aeroplane frame. (In this the forward legs are part of a quadrangular frame instead of a triangular one as described.) each side, its center coincident with the hole, its sides parallel to the sides and ends of the block. Draw lines from its corners to points on the adjacent sides 2 inches from each corner of the block. Cut away the sides of the block along these lines. Mark the ends of the block according to the diagram (Fig. 10) and saw away the wood from both sides of the diagonal strip down to the central square. By sandpaper held over the thumb to give a curved surface or with bits of broken glass having rounding edges work away the wood of the blades to make them thin and curved according to the heavy line of the diagram. The blades may be shaped so that their outlines are similar to these of the flier. Cut away the corners of the central block so that it joins the blades in flowing surfaces. Pass one end of a 6-inch length of stiff wire through the hole in the center of the propeller so that it protrudes f-inch. Bend this protruding end down to the wood center and tack it securely. If the tin propeller is to be used stick the wire through one hole ij inches, bend it so that the end can be thrust back through the other hole and twisted on the long wire so as to hold the propeller securely. A short block of wood set on the back SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR 37 of the propeller between the holes and included in the loop of wire will help to hold the propeller solidly. Put a flat good-sized bead on the free end of the wire, then pass the end through the holes in the tin propeller bearing and make a triangular loop on the wire just back of the ^bearing to take the strands of rubber that make the motor. The bead used helps to reduce friction. Make another small triangle of wire and bend the free ends so that they can be bound securely to the front of the rear skid strut about i inch from the FIG. 9. Front view of frame and propeller backbone. Pass the long strand of rubber that can be bought for this purpose through this rear wire loop, then through the one on the rear end of the propeller shaft, and so back and forth until about ten strands are laid on. Tie the ends of the rubber together to complete the last strand. Planes. Cut two thin bamboo strips f inch wide and 22 inches long and two 5 inches long, and bind their crossed ends together so as to make a rectangular parallelogram of the strips that will serve as the frame for the forward plane. In the same way make the rear frame for the plane 10 by 4 \ inches. Cover the frames with strong but light paper, folding the paper over the edge of the frame i inch and gluing it down. Fasten the forward plane horizontally to the backbone, its long axis at right angles to the latter, its front edge just back of the struts that support the forward skids. GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Tack it lightly in place with thread. The rear plane is fastened similarly with its hind edge just in front of the brace that supports the rear strut. When the planes are in place balance the machine on the forefinger placed under the backbone near its center. If the planes do not lie horizontally but tend to dip to one side or the other their position may need to be changed slightly. When they do balance well fasten them securely in place, daubing the bindings with glue so that they will not slip. Guy FIG. 10. Diagram of end of block, showing method of cutting and curve of blade of wood propeller for aeroplane. threads may then be run from the outer tips of the planes to the ad- jacent struts to help hold them in place (Fig. n). Observe which way the propeller, which is at the front of the machine, should turn in order to carry the machine in the air, then turn it about FIG. 1 1 . The aeroplane complete 150 times in the opposite direction. Head the aeroplane into the wind, set it down on a smooth surface, like a cement sidewalk, release the pro- peller and it should rise and fly. If at first it is not successful try shifting the planes slightly forward or back or changing their inclination. Possibly you can reduce the weight of the machine. It is imperative to keep in mind while building the aeroplane that it must be exceedingly light in order to fly and that the parts must not be made any heavier than is abso- lutely necessary. Another model. 61. A still larger aeroplane with two propellers is made by making a triangular frame of f-inch square strips 42 inches long with a lof-inch strip of the same stuff for the base of the triangle. The SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR 39 apex of the triangle is in this case to be the front end of the plane and is provided with a pair of hooks to take the rubber bands, one set of which runs along under each long side to the propeller bearing at its hind end. The forward plane is small, about 12 by 4 inches, and is fastened in the plane of the triangle about 6 inches back of its tip, its longitudinal axis perpendicular to the altitude of the triangle. The rear plane is 36 by 5 inches and attaches in a similar position 6 inches from the hind end of the triangular frame. This plane takes two Q-inch propellers. If the pull of the tightly twisted rubber bands tends to bend the long sides of the triangle, run fine wires one from the rear of each side to the apex of the triangle over a 2-inch upright of light stuff set on the middle of each side and bound in place. Skids may be provided as in the other plane, but they are not as necessary, for this plane is started off from the hands, each hand holding one propeller and letting go as the plane is launched by a shove out from the shoulders as the person launching it stands upright. 62. A very simple aeroplane propelled from a sling shot instead of by a propeller, is made thus: Split a J-inch square wood strip, 10 inches long, at one end. Insert a light card i J by 3 inches so that the ends of the card stick out equally on either side of the stick and its rear edge is i| inches from the end of the stick. Bind it in place. Tack another card on the stick, the same size as this, its surface at right angles to the first, its rear edge at the end of the stick, its ends projecting equally from the sides of the stick. Parallel to this card, at the other end of the stick, fasten one 8 by ij inches, its middle on the stick. Notch the stick under this near the end. Bend a piece of telephone wire in the form of a Y. Tie one end of a rubber band to the tip of each arm of the Y. Tie one end of a 6-inch string to the free end of one band, the other end to the other band. Hold the base of the Y in the left hand. Hold the aeroplane by the end near the small cards, between thumb and finger of the right hand, the string of the sling in the notch near the front end. Pull it back, stretching the rubbers, and release it for its flight. To make and operate a sailboat. The sailboat is another thing that, like the aeroplane, kite, and windmill, depends on the decomposition of the force of the wind for its propulsive power. Both sailboat and windmill are very old contrivances. A very simple sailboat may be made with little trouble. 63. Take a block of f-inch stuff 6 inches long and 3 inches wide. Draw a line down the middle of one broad side. Mark points on this line i J, 2 J, and 3! inches from one end. Draw cross-lines at these points at right angles to the central line. Mark off on either side of the central line on the first of these cross-lines points i inch from the central line, on the second and third i J inches, and at the rear end of the block points i J inches from 4 o GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY the center. Connect these points with flowing lines to mark the sides of the boat. Then with a sharp knife cut along these lines to shape the boat. Cut a thin strip of wood 6 inches long and i inch wide. Fasten this on edge with brads along the midline of the bottom of the boat to serve as a keel. On the opposite side from the keel, the deck of the boat, bore a hole in the midline ij inches from the prow of the boat and set tightly in this a round stick 5 inches long and about J inch in diameter for the mast. Cut out a rudder shaped as in Figure 1 2 and fasten it vertically in the midline at the stern of the boat with two double-pointed tacks set about the round rudder post just tightly enough so that the rudder may be turned into the desired position but still held in place when so set. The blade of the rudder should be under water when the boat is floating. Across the stern of the boat set a stiff wire so that it lies parallel to the deck and about | inch above it, the ends of the wire bent down and fastened on either side by means of tacks. The sail. To make the sail cut a piece of cloth 4! inches long at its lower edge, which fastens to the boom; 3^ inches long on the side next to the mast, which side is at right angles to the lower edge; 2\ inches long on its upper edge, which lies at an angle of 45 to the edge next the mast, thus making the edge opposite the mast about 6 inches long. Turn in and hem down \ inch all around the sail. Cut two round sticks T \ inch in diameter, 5 inches and 2 J inches long, respectively. Bind a round loop of stiff wire on one end of each of these spars, large enough to slip readily over the mast. Sew these spars to the lower and upper edges of the sail by looping the thread over the spar at each stitch. Slip the wire loops on the ends of the spars over the mast, the long spar next the deck. Tie one end of a short string to the tip of the upper spar and an end of another string at its base near the ring of wire. Tie the other ends of these strings to the upper end of the mast so that the sail will be hung with its long spar or boom about \ inch above the deck/ Tie one end of a 5-inch string to the outer end of the boom and fasten the other end loosely to the wire at the stern of the boat, which is ready to sail now. It is well to keep a long string tied to the stern of the boat while sailing it until you have mastered the art of adjusting sail and rudder sufficiently well to make sure that the boat will arrive at the desired port FIG. 12. Rudder of sailboat SOME TOYS THAT WORK BY AIR 41 when it is started off on a voyage. Set the rudder in various positions until you learn what its effect is on the movements of the boat. The length of string between the end of the wire and the tip of the boom must be varied according to the direction of the wind in relation to the course of the boat. You may readily figure out these things, keeping in mind the principle of the composition of forces. Can a boat ever sail faster than the rate at which the wind is blowing? Sailors in the olden times found it necessary to wait for a favoring wind, one going in the general direction which they wished to pursue in their journey. But the modern sailor has learned how to tack into the teeth -of the wind. How close to the wind can you make your boat sail? The motor boat. 64. The sailboat may be transformed to a motor boat or a motor boat may be built on the same lines as the sailboat just described. The motor boat needs no sail or mast. Cut the keel away from in front of the rudder for a space of i inch, and slope it from this point to the front of the boat, where it may be J inch high. Carefully punch four or five small holes in the keel near its stern end, and by means of strong thread or fine wire run through these holes bind to the keel at the stern end a short piece of glass tubing, the ends of which have been heated enough in the flames to melt down their sharp edges and leave them rounded. A small piece of brass tubing may be used in place of the glass or a small screw-eye may be set in the keel at its stern end. Drive a brad into the keel at its front end, leaving the* head project- ing so that the rubber band for motive power may be attached to it. Propeller. Cut two pieces of tin like the flier on page 32, only make these smaller, about 2 inches long. Lay one on top of the other in the form of a cross with equal arms. Punch two holes in their common center and wire them together with one end of a stiff wire set through the holes and twisted to fasten them, leaving the other end of the wire projecting several inches from their midpoint at right angles to the plane in which they lie. Bend the blades of this propeller so that they will be inclined like the vanes of the windmill. Thus all of them will exert their thrust in the same direction when the propeller is turned in the water. Slip on the wire a rather flat glass bead of about the same diameter as the outside of the glass tubing on the keel, pass the wire through the tube from the stern end forward. Make a loop on the wire just in front of the tube and cut off the excess wire. Fasten the ends of several 4-inch rubber bands to this wire loop and their other ends to a similar wire loop that is attached firmly to the brad at the bow end of the keel. Turn the propeller wheel many turns until the rubber bands are tightly twisted. (Figure out in which direction they must be twisted to drive 42 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY the boat forward as the propeller is turned by their untwisting.) When the boat is set in the water and the propeller released it should move with considerable speed. The boat, for the making of which directions have been given, is not a very graceful model. One worked out of a thicker block of wood with curving sides instead of straight and with a hold hollowed out of the block is much more shipshape. But this is a good first model to attempt. The boy or girl who wants to make a better type, a real racing motor boat or a speedy sailboat with more elaborate rig and numerous sails, may consult such books as those on boats given in the Appendix. To make a water wheel and use it. 65. Cut four strips from a cigar- box cover 5 inches long and f inch wide. At the center of each bore a ^-inch hole with a bit and brace. Fasten two of these together at right angles to each other tacking them with small brads, thus making a cross with a hole at its center. Fasten the other two together in the same way. Cut four more strips if inches wide and 3 inches long for the paddles. Fasten one of these to the edges of corresponding arms of the foregoing crosses, its long edge flush with the end of the arms, the short edge flush with the f-inch outer face of the arm. Fasten the other three in corres- ponding positions on the other arms. Make a round axle slightly more than J inch in diameter and 6 inches long. Force it into the holes of the two crosses and let it stick out on either side of the wheel. Cut two up- rights of the cigar-box wood i inch wide and 5 inches long. A half-inch from the end of each of these latter and in the midline have a -jVinch hole. Put the axis into these holes and tack the uprights to the end of a fooard 4 inches wide. Set the board in the sink and let the water from the faucet strike the paddles. Fasten a small spool to one of the projecting ends of the axle. Make this serve as a wheel over which a loop of string may be run as a belt to connect with any mechanical toy and furnish the power for its propulsion. At what angle will the water strike the paddle when it exerts its greatest force in turning the wheel ? How is a water turbine built ? TOP, SLING, AND BOW To make and spin tops. 66. Saw the beveled end off of a spool. Whittle out a peg long enough to stick through this and project J inch below the bevel and i inch above the flat side of the spool end. Make the peg round and large enough to fit the hole of the spool end snugly. Drive it into the hole, thus making the top. Hold the blunt end of the peg between thumb and finger and give it a vigorous whirl, letting go so that the top will drop on the sharp end of the peg and keep turning. Make a hemispherical hole in the middle of a soft pine board by pounding in the head of a brass upholstery tack. Set the top spinning in this depression. Then incline the board. Does the top incline too or remain upright ? Why ? The peg top. The ordinary wooden peg top is so cheaply bought at the store that it is not worth while to make one. 67. To spin such you first loop one end of the string around the upper end of the top, .then carry it to the peg, and wind it on firmly over the loop of string first made, up to the beginning of the curved portion. Hold the top in the hand with the peg on the ball of the thumb, the upper end of the top covered by the first three fingers. The end of the string has a button on it and this end is held between the first and second fingers, the button on the back of these fingers. Throw the top down on the ground with an overhand throw as if the top were a ball. The string unwinding sets it spinning, and it con- tinues to spin after it strikes on its peg end. The instructions seem easy, but you may have to practice some time before you acquire the art of spinning a top. Inertia. Can you balance a top on its peg when it is not spinning? What happens when it ceases to spin? The top illustrates beautifully a law of motion, namely that when a body is once in motion it tends to remain moving in the same line or plane unless some force is used to change the direction of its motion. If a very heavy disk is made to spin it requires a very great force to move it out of the plane in which it is whirling. Such whirling disks are used to keep boats steady so they will not rock in a sea and to keep the car upright on the rail in the monorail railroads. The top on a tight rope. 68. Get the spinning top on the palm of your hand; you can scoop it up while it is spinning, spreading your fingers so that it will climb up on your hand over the web between the second and third fingers. While holding it as it spins incline your hand. Does it remain upright? While it spins on your right hand hold the string with 43 44 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY the button between the second and third fingers of the right hand. Hold most of the string in the left hand, but have a couple of feet of it stretched between the hands. Then incline the hand so that the top will spin off on the string, the left-hand end of which is somewhat lower than the right. Let the side of the peg be supported by the string not its tip. The top will spin along the string, standing out in a nearly horizontal position without falling, because a body in motion resists being pulled out of the plane in which it is moving. Thus the top, while spinning, apparently defies gravitation. The sling. 69. Fill a pail partly full of water. Hold it in the hand, arm down, then swing it rapidly with a full arm swing over the head and to its first position. Swing it several times. Why does not the water spill out when the pail is upside down over the head? When a wagon or carriage is being driven rapidly over a muddy road in what direction does the water fly off the wheels and why? The force illustrated in the foregoing experiment with the pail is utilized in a very old weapon, the sling. 70. Cut a piece of leather 2 inches wide and 5 inches long. Make a hole in the middle of each end near the edge, large enough to fasten in a string. Cut two limp strings one 2 feet, the other 2\ feet long. Tie one end of the string to the leather at one hole, an end of the other into the other hole. Wrap the free end of the longer string about the third and fourth fingers of the right hand a couple of times. Hold the free end of the other string between thumb and first finger and place a good-sized pebble in the leather. When the arm is hanging free at the side the leather with its contained stone should be just off the ground. Swing the sling around and around the head rapidly, then suddenly let go the string between thumb and first finger when you think the position is about right to send the stone toward the object at which it is aimed. Some practice will be required to gain skill in throwing the stone in the right direction, and it is well to practice in the open, away from windows and people. Centrifugal force. Sometimes flywheels or grindstones break while in motion. How do the fragments fly? How does the cream separator work? Which way do you lean in riding a bicycle around a corner and why? How do you play crack-the-whip and on what does the game depend for the fun in it? To make bow and arrow. 71. Select a piece of wfell- seasoned white cedar or arbor vita that is straight-grained, i inch wide, \ inch thick, and 4 feet long, or use oak, hickory, ash, Osage orange. Round off the middle 6 inches and then round off the rest, tapering to each end. Make the ends about \ inch in diameter. Trim each end and cut a groove in it to hold TOP, SLING, AND BOW 45 the cord. Tie a permanent loop in each end of a stout cord large enough to slip over the tip and lie in the groove. Make the cord with its loops about 2 inches less than 4 feet long. To string the bow slip one loop over the end and past the groove, the other loop over the other end and into the groove. Set this end of the bow on the ground. Press the knee against the 'bow, held nearly upright by the hand near the other end, thus bending the bow until the other loop can be shoved up into the groove. Always slip the loop out of the groove when the bow is not in use so that it will not be permanently bent out of shape. The arrow. Cut an arrow out of straight-grained light wood, like cedar or pine, 30 inches long and make it about as large around as a pencil, except the head end, which for a distance of 3 inches may be made f inch in diameter. Or the head end may be left the same size as the shaft of the arrow and sharpened. Then a bit of thin brass tubing may be forced on the head end just back of the point or regular arrow tips may be fastened on. The string end of the arrow's shaft is notched so as to set on the string. To feather it split a chicken's wing or tail feather in two, cut the quill off J inch from the web and cut the web off from the shaft inch from the other end. Bind these pieces to the shaft i inch from the string end, one on the top of the shaft, the other below it. The operation of the bow and arrow depends upon the fact that the wood of the bow is elastic. When a body is distorted by pressure and then tends to resume its normal shape, exerting a force in the attempt to do so, this is known as elasticity. Thus the bent bow tends to straighten itself and exerts a pressure through the string on the arrow equal to the force used to bend the bow. When a rubber ball is dropped on the sidewalk it is distorted by hitting the hard walk. It hits back as it reassumes its normal shape and so throws itself back into the air or bounces from the walk. When muscular energy is used to bend the bow it is stored in the curving wood as potential energy. When the string is released this potential or static energy becomes at once active or kinetic and is imparted to the arrow, starting it on its flight. Thus muscular power is transformed and stored as elasticity, then reappears as mechanical motion, an illustration of the principle of conservation of energy that will be repeatedly seen in the work that follows. This principle, briefly stated, is that energy cannot be created or destroyed but may be transformed from one sort to another. It is an instructive thing to fire the arrow straight up in the air. It leaves the bow with a certain velocity and momentum which decrease gradually as gravity tends to pull the mounting arrow back to earth. The arrow stops its upward flight as the force of gravity equals the waning GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY momentum. Then it begins to fall slowly at first, then with increasing velocity as gravity continues to act upon it, and finally it strikes the earth with sufficient energy to bury its head in the ground. With what amount of energy does it strike? To make the target. 72. Take an old gunny sack or other bag made of coarsely meshed cloth. Lay it down flat on the floor and mark one side of it with bull's-eye and concentric circles, using a grease pencil or express- marking pencil for the purpose. Stuff the bag partly full of straw or excelsior, held in place by occasional stitches of darning cotton through the bag. Tie the target up between two upright sticks set in the ground. In using the bow it is held vertically in the left hand just below its center. The notch in the end of the arrow's shaft is placed at the center of the bowstring. The end of the shaft is held between the thumb and bent forefinger of the right hand. The shaft of the arrow lies next the bow on the base g of the thumb of the left hand. Draw the arrow ^ back to its head, sighting along it at the target, | then when it is pointed at or a little above the % bull's-eye release it for its flight. The bow gun. The same force, developed from ^ the elasticity of the wooden bow, is seen in several ^ other interesting toys. Long before the days of - the modern gun, the bow gun was in use and was ^ called the cross-bow. It is not a difficult weapon to make. 73. Take a piece of f-inch stuff, 6 inches wide and 3 1 feet long. Saw out the general form of a gun, laying it out by the working plan (Fig. 13). The barrel of the gun is left square at the outset. It may be rounded off below after carrying out the following directions, if it is desired. With a groov- ing plane or a gouge cut a shallow groove along the top of the barrel. Cut a hole through the bulge near the end of the barrel to receive the bow. The . bow already made may be used, fastening it at its mid-point in this hole and wedging it with wooden wedges to hold it in place. TOP, SLING, AND BOW 47 The arrow, some 1 8 to 20 inches long, should have a rounded head so that it will slip along the groove easily, and the opposite end must be made wide with a generous notch to catch the string from the bow when the former is released in firing the gun. The trigger. At the point where the stock of the gun and the barrel meet cut a slot from top to bottom of the gun in the midline ij inches long and J inch wide. In this set a trigger whose upper end comes but slightly above the upper face of the barrel. The trigger is held in place by a nail passed through it and also through the sides of the gun barrel and then bent on one side to keep it in place. Drive a tack in the middle of the bottom of the barrel a few inches in front of the trigger. - To this attach a small rubber band the other end of which is set in a notch near the lower end of the trigger to keep this end drawn forward. Notch the top of the trigger to receive the bow string when the bow is drawn back. If the trigger will not hold it add a stronger rubber band to the lower end of the trigger. Shooting. Set the arrow in the groove on the upper side of the gun barrel. Aim the gun as you would an ordinary piece and pull the trigger to shoot the arrow. The muzzle velocity is, of course, not very high. The trajectory is therefore a line that curves rapidly down toward the earth's surface when the gun is fired horizontally; still, a little experience will make one fairly expert in allowing for the pull of gravity by sighting somewhat above the mark, as one must do even with a high-powered rifle when firing at long range. A toy pistol. 74. Cut a f-inch square piece of wood 6 inches long and fasten another piece of the same wood 3 inches long at one end to serve as the handle or pistol grip, or the whole pistol may be cut out of a block of wood in the rough and then shaped more exactly with a knife. Rig a trigger as in the cross-bow. Fasten two rubber bands to the pistol, one on each side by a tack driven in near the end of the barrel farthest from the handle. Tie the ends of a short string to the free ends of these rubber bands, so that when they are stretched it will catch in the notch of the trigger. Just in front of the trigger on the upper surface of the barrel make a little longitudinal slot with the end of the knife. A piece of card- board f inch square is set by one of its corners in this slot and is fired as the "bullet" when the stretched rubber bands are released by the trigger. THE HOT-AIR BALLOON AND SOME EXPERIMENTS TO SHOW HOW IT WORKS How to make a hot-air balloon. 75. Cut sixteen strips of tissue paper 8 inches wide and 5 feet long. These may be all of the same color or, if it is desired to have the balloon striped, half of one color and half of another. Fold each piece down the center so as to make a double strip 4 inches wide and 5 feet long. Cut a strip of newspaper or heavy brown paper to serve as a pattern, as follows: Cut the strip 5 feet long and 4 inches wide. Mark on one long edge a point at every foot. At the first from the tip mark a point 3 inches from this edge as measured along a line perpendicular to it. At the second point mark a point on the other edge opposite it. At the third point mark another point 3 inches from this edge; at the fourth, a point midway between the two edges. At the end mark a point ij inches from the edge. Beginning at this last point draw a flowing line to connect these several points and run out finally to the corner aj: the opposite end from the start adjacent to the side on which the points were spaced a foot apart. This pointed end of the pattern makes the top of the balloon. Lay the pattern on the folded strips and the straight edge on the fold and so cut the sixteen strips. When all the strips are cut according to pattern lay one of the folded strips down on the table, unfold another strip, and lay it on the folded strip, their edges parallel, but the folded strip extending J inch beyond the open strip. Put paste on the projecting edge of the folded strip and then turn this edge back so as to paste it on the unfolded strip. Refold the strip that was opened, open a third strip and lay it on the refolded one, and proceed to paste as before. In this way all of the strips can be fastened together, making the balloon. Let this much of the balloon dry before proceeding with the next step. The strips cannot be made to meet exactly at their upper sharp ends, so that there will be a small hole in the top of the balloon. Cut two circular patches of paper 8 or 10 inches in diameter, and paste these on, one inside and one outside of the hole so as to cover the hole. Bend a thin piece of bamboo J inch wide so as to make a hoop just large enough to fit inside the mouth of the balloon. Fasten the ends of the strip by binding with string. Fasten the hoop in by folding the tissue paper up over it and pasting it on the inside of the balloon. Run two light iron wires across the mouth of the balloon, fastening their ends to the bam- 48 THE HOT-AIR BALLOON AND SOME EXPERIMENTS 49 boo hoop and placing them so that they cross each other at right angles at the center of the hoop. Pass the ends of a loop of string through the center of the circular patch on the top of the balloon and fasten these ends by pasting paper over them on the inside of the balloon. This loop will serve to hang up the balloon, and to hold the balloon when it is being inflated with hot air. It is well now to hang the balloon up after the fastenings of the loop are dried and examine it to see that there are no holes, covering them with pieces of paper pasted on if any are found. Bend a piece of wire 6 inches long into the shape indicated in the diagram (Fig. 14) ; on the center of this wind a ball of lamp wick or cotton batting. This to be saturated with alcohol, slipped on one of the cross-wires at the mouth of the balloon, and lit just before the balloon is sent up so as keep the air inside the balloon hot. To prevent the flame setting the balloon afire make a cylinder of asbestos paper 6 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. Cut four slots 2 inches long in one end of this so that this chimney will set down on the cross-wires around the ball of wicking. Inflating it. The balloon must be filled with hot air before it is sent up. To do this take a length of stovepipe, cut a piece out of one end and set this end down in the ground, forcing it into the ground for some distance. A wood fire is then built in the stovepipe, the hole at the bottom serving as a draft ^ ^ Bent wire to let in the air. When the fire has died down f or hanging wicking to some, so that the flames are no longer coming from balloon frame, the top of the pipe, hold the mouth of the balloon over the top of the pipe. It is best to place a stick through the loop at the top of the balloon, one person holding this while a second person holds the mouth of the balloon. Pull out the sides of the balloon to straighten out folds so that it will inflate to its capacity. When the balloon is well distended with hot air, take it away from over the stove- pipe, put on the ball of wicking saturated with alcohol and the asbestos chimney, light the alcohol. Remove the stick now from the loop. Let the person who is holding the mouth continue to hold it until the balloon begins to tug a bit, then let go and it will rise and probably drift out of sight. It is well not to try to send the balloon up on a windy day. Fill it in a sheltered position, but select a place where it will not get tangled among tree branches, telephone wires, or blow against a building as it rises. The remainder of this chapter will consist of experiments to make clear why the balloon rises. Incidentally some other things will be explained. 50 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Water seeks its own level. 76. Slip a ij-foot length of rubber tubing on the end of a good-sized funnel and put a smaller funnel on the other end of the rubber tubing. Hold the two funnels in the left hand, and pour water into one of them until it rises into the other. Take one funnel in one hand and one in the other and vary their relative levels. It will be noted that the level of the water is the same in the tube even when the large funnel is quite well filled, thus having a large water surface, while the level of the water in the small funnel may be only part way up the stem of the funnel. The fountain. 77. Substitute for the small funnel a piece of glass tubing, drawn out into a fine point. To do this cut an 8-inch length of glass tubing as follows: 78. To cut glass tubing make a scratch on the glass with a triangular file at the point at which you want it to break. Hold it in the hands, with the thumbs, nail to nail, opposite the scratch, the fingers on the scratched side of the tube. Press up with the thumbs and down with the fingers, when the tubing will easily break straight across. 79. Hold the glass tube by its ends and let the middle of it heat in the gas flame or the flame of the alcohol lamp, turning it slowly until it is red hot and bends easily. Then quickly pull the ends apart. Break off the tip when cool. Hold the large funnel and the tube in the left hand and fill the apparatus with water. Cover the tip of the tube with the finger and lower it, the tip pointing up. When the finger is removed the water plays like a fountain, rising approximately to the level of the water in the funnel. Why not to the level? The principle illustrates the method by means of which water is conducted into houses through pipes, when the water gets its pressure from some reservoir that stands at an elevation. Water pressure. 80. With a nail set or large wire spike, make a round hole in the top, one side, and the bottom of a tin can with a very tight cover. Put small rubber corks, each with a hole, into these openings. Pass a small funnel through the hole of the cork in the top of the can, a glass tube with a right-angled bend through the hole in the side of the can, and one with two right-angled bends both on the same side of the straight portion, through the hole at the bottom of the can (see Fig. 15). To bend the glass tubing proceed as follows: 81. Heat the tubing, at the point where the bend is to be made, in the flame of an alcohol lamp or a Bunsen gas burner. Hold it up near the tip of the flame and turn it slowly so that it will heat on all sides. Glass is a poor heat conductor, so that it may be held in the fingers while this is being done. Soon the glass will soften so that it can be slowly bent. If the THE HOT-AIR BALLOON AND SOME EXPERIMENTS 51 bending is done rapidly the hole through the tube is likely to be closed, and we want it open. Seal the cover on the can by putting on a strip of surgeon's adhesive tape, which can be bought at the drug store. Pour water into the funnel, filling the can, and continue to pour it in until the water stands in the funnel 2 or 3 inches above the top of the can. Tilt and jar the can to get out all air bubbles. Note the water level in the tubes and observe in what direc- tion the pressure must be exerted in the can to maintain it at this level. What determines with what force the water strikes the paddles in project 64? Pumps. In any city water-supply system in which there is no large reservoir, the supply pipes are kept filled and the pressure is maintained by a force pump; and in the ordinary well the water is obtained by a lift pump. 82. The lift pump is made readily as follows: Take a length of good-sized glass tubing 12 inches long, a parafinned mailing- tube, or a piece of bamboo. Cut a FlG - 15. Diagram piece of wood 15 inches long and about as large of can with tubes to illustrate water pres- around as a lead pencil, for the plunger handle. At sure one end of this fit a slice of cork for a plunger and fasten it securely. The cork should fit the tube snugly. Punch a hole through the cork and then with a small tack fasten a flap of leather so that it will cover the hole on the handle side, the tack being placed at one side of the hole. The cork should be free to slip up and down rather tightly in the tube when worked by the lift handle. Put a cork in the lower end of the tube, having first made a hole in it and covered the hole with a leather flap held by a tack, the flap being on the inner face of the cork. Put this corked end of the tube in the water and work the plunger back and forth. If properly constructed the water rises in the tube and is pumped out at the top. A tube made of rolled paper may be set in the mailing tube or bamboo with glue, to serve as a spout. The force which impels the water up the tube is the pressure of the air. 83. Take a piece of glass tubing, fill it with water by simply laying it down in a pan of water; put the finger over one end of the tube and raise this out of the water, leaving the other end in the water. The water re- mains up in the tube but drops the minute the finger is taken off the open end. Why? The leather sucker. 84. Cut a circular piece of leather (as from the top of an old boot or shoe) 2 inches in diameter. With a heavy needle 52 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY pass a 2-foot length of string through its center. Tie a knot in one end of the string and draw the knot up to the leather. Soak the leather in water for some time. Apply the leather, knot side down, closely to a smooth surface, like that of glass, and pull on the string. The disk should adhere vigorously, resisting quite a strong pull before it detaches from the surface. Why? An experiment. Try this experiment and explain what happens: 85. Pass a i -foot length of glass tubing through a rubber cork that will fit into the mouth of a flask. Draw out the end of the tube projecting from the small end of the cork in the flame, so that it is a fine tube. Break off the excess of glass tubing. Put a tablespoonful of ;water into the flask. Let the water in the flask boil for a minute, then insert the cork. Handling the flask with tongs, turn it upside down and stick the free end of the glass tube into a vessel full of cold water. To make a squirt gun. 86. Fit a cork into one end of a good-sized glass tube or length of bamboo, but before inserting it file or cut a groove on one side. Make a plunger, as was done for the pump, except that there will be no valve in this. Put the head of the plunger into the free end of the tube or length of bamboo, drive it down nearly to the cork, put the corked end under water, draw the plunger back slowly, lift the corked end above the water, and drive the plunger rapidly down. This squirt gun illustrates the principle of the force pump. The force pump. As the stream of water comes from the force pump into the faucets in the house, or from the hose nozzle connected to the fire engine, the stream is a steady stream and not a succession of spurts. This change is brought about by the addition of an air chamber, which has an inlet and an outlet. The water coming in, in a succession of spurts, crowds up against the cushion of elastic air, the pressure of which sends the water out in a steady stream. 87. Replace the cork in the squirt gun with one having two holes, one for intake, one for outlet. Put short lengths of glass tubing in each so that the ends are flush with the small end of the cork. Attach a leather valve over the intake tube so that it will let water in but not out. Attach a rubber tube to the intake pipe and let its free end set in a glass of water. Fit a cork with two holes into a 4-ounce wide-mouthed bottle. Put short lengths of glass tubing into the cork, their ends flush with the inner end of the cork. Put a valve over one so that it will let water in. Connect this one by a short length of rubber tubing to the outlet of the squirt gun, now to be used as a force pump. Connect a short rubber tube to the outlet of the small bottle and put a pipette glass into the other end of this rubber tube. Then operate the pump and a steady stream will issue from the pipette "nozzle." THE HOT-AIR BALLOON AND SOME EXPERIMENTS 53 Why lead sinks but cork floats. 88. Cut a piece of plasticine or putty into the shape of a rectangular solid i by i by 5 centimeters, or hammer a piece of lead into this shape. Tie a string about it so that it hangs with its long axis vertical. Then let it down into a glass cylinder graduated to 100 c.c. or more tha't is all filled with water up to the 50 c.c. mark. When the block of plasticine is under water what is the level of the water in the cylinder? The water has risen c.c. What is the volume of the plasticine block? c.c. A solid body then when immersed in water displaces volume of water. 89. Tie a small glass cylinder or bottle to a spring scale or set it on a balance. Note how much it weighs in grams. Pour into it 10 c.c. of water. Weigh again. The water weighs how much? grams. One cubic centimeter of water weighs grams. Fasten the string to which the plasticine block is tied to the hook of the spring scale. What does the block weigh? Let it down into the water. When it is in water it weighs grams. When immersed in water it loses grams of its air weight. But this is the weight of the water Since water pressure at a given level is equal in all directions, the pressure on the opposite vertical faces of the quadrangular block must be equal, for they are identical in area and in position point for point. But the upward pressure on the bottom of the block will not be equal to the downward pressure on the top of the block, though their areas are equal, but it will be by the weight of a column of water, which is the size of block sustained by the scales. 90. Cut a cube 2 centimeters on each edge from a good-sized cork or block of wood and weigh it. Then let it float in water and mark the level to which it sinks in the water. Measure the depth to which it sinks and calculate (or measure) the volume of water it displaces when floating. The weight of this water the weight of the cork or in other words the upward pressure on the lower surface of the cork cube is than that on the upper surface by an amount Why does a boat float even when made of iron, which so readily sinks? How much of a load can you put into a boat without danger of its sinking? Archimedes' problem. 91. Squeeze the block of plasticine used above out of shape so that it is no longer rectangular but is irregular in shape. Again immerse it in the 50 c.c. of water in the graduate. How much water does it displace? How could you find the volume of a key? Find out how many times heavier than water it is. Archimedes was once given 54 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY a problem to work out on an examination and if he flunked he was told by the king that he would lose his head! Some motivation! What was his problem and how did he solve it? If you wear a plain gold ring can you tell if it is pure gold? (First find out from a book how many times pure gold is heavier than water.) Why the balloon rises. The hot-air balloon goes up for the same reason that the cork floats. It floats in air. The fluid in which it is immersed is a gas instead of a liquid. It will be well to have experience with some characteristic gases. To make chlorine gas. 92. Fit a cork into the mouth of a good-sized test tube. With a rat-tail file punch and file out a hole through the center of the cork so that it will take tightly one end of an 8-inch length of glass tubing. (To cut glass tubing see p. 50.) Bend the tubing into the shape of a hook, making a bend about two inches from one end (see p. 50). Put the short end of the tube through the cork. Put about a teaspoon- ful of strong chlorhydric acid into the test tube and mix with it half as much granular manganese dioxide, or you may use a heaping teaspoonful of chloride of lime in place of these. Then put the cork with its tube into the mouth of the test tube and hang the bend of the tube over the ring of a ring stand or hold the test tube with a test-tube holder. Apply the flame of the alcohol lamp or Bunsen burner to the lower end of the test tube. As the material heats the yellowish chlorine gas is given off and passes out through the tube. Put a bottle under the mouth of the tube. This gas is heavier than air and sinks to the bottom of the bottle, forcing the air out. Be careful not to inhale any quantity of the gas for it is irritating and tends to choke you. It is this chlorine gas that was used in the early "gas attacks" in the war. This gas is chosen for our experiment because it is colored and can so readily be seen. To make hydrogen. 93. Use the same sort of a test-tube generator as was used above for the chlorine, but run the free end of the glass tube through a cork that fits a wide-mouthed bottle of about 8-ounce capacity so that the end of the tube will be close to the bottom of the bottle. Cut a second hole in the cork of this large-mouthed bottle and run through it a 3-inch length of glass tubing. Put a short length of rubber tubing on this glass tube and the other end of it on the stem of an ordinary clay pipe. Fill the wide-mouthed bottle about half full of water. Fill the test tube one-sixth full of granulated zinc. Cover this with water and then pour enough chlorhydric acid in so that the hydrogen gas will begin to bubble up freely. The hydrogen is colorless and odorless. .If the test tube is fitted to the cork that carries the delivery tube the hydrogen will flow through THE HOT-AIR BALLOON AND SOME EXPERIMENTS 55 the latter into the water, will bubble up through the water, and will escape out of the wide-mouthed bottle through the rubber tube and the clay pipe. Have ready some soap suds, the sort that you would use to blow bubbles. Dip the mouth of the pipe in the suds, then lift it so that the bubbles may form at the mouth of the pipe. Shake the bubble off when it is fairly large. If it does not shake from the mouth of the pipe, remove the pipe, blow the bubble on the end of the rubber tube. The result will tell you whether hydrogen is lighter or heavier than air. It is advisible to keep flame away from the neighborhood of this experiment as hydrogen forms an explosive mixture with air. Heat expands things. We will need to make clear why the hot air on the inside of the balloon is lighter than the surrounding air to under- stand why the balloon goes up. 94. Cut a 1 2-inch length of small glass tubing and run it through a perforated cork that just fits the mouth of a small flask. Fill the flask one-fourth full of water and put the cork in so that the water will rise a bit in the tube. Hold the flask in the hand or heat it over the flame. What happens and what does this show? What common instrument about the home or in the schoolroom illustrates the same thing? You may demonstrate this in another interesting way. 95. Take a good-sized iron bolt that fits a nut. Heat the bolt and then try to get the nut on. Can you tell how iron tires are put on wooden wheels so that they will fir tightly? Now can you tell why the air in the balloon was heated before the balloon was released? And why heating the air made that inside of the balloon lighter than an equal volume outside of the balloon? SOME COMMON APPLIANCES THAT OPERATE BY HEAT Air currents. 96. Set a lighted candle or a Bunsen burner on the table and then put a lamp chimney over it. Support the chimney on blocks of wood or the ring of a ring stand. Bring a smoking joss stick or a tightly rolled wisp of paper that is smoking near the base of the chimney. Notice the direction taken by the smoke. Why does it move thus? Draw a diagram of this apparatus, showing how the smoke moves. Can you see how this principle applies to the heating of a house with a hot-air furnace ? Suppose the region where you live were very hot, the sun heating the land intensely. Suppose, further, that some nearby region were protected from the sun's rays by clouds so that the area was not as hot. What would happen? Making ice. 97. Put a drop of chloroform or ether on the back of your hand with a medicine dropper. What becomes of it immediately? How does the spot on your hand feel? 98. Put some water in a small tin pan or evaparating dish and heat it. Keep the bulb of a thermometer that registers at least 212 F. in the water as it heats. When the water boils what does the thermometer register? As you apply more heat does the temperature of the water continue to rise? Why? 99. Take a 3-inch square piece of clean sheet zinc. Lay a piece of sheet copper on a drop of water placed on the zinc. Drop ether or chloroform on the copper and blow on it. In a few moments the water between the two is frozen. Why? 100. Put a piece of ice in a tin pan or evaporating dish and apply heat to it. As it melts put the thermometer bulb in the water that forms. Note what the thermometer registers. Continue to heat. Does the tem- perature of the water rise? Why? Could you determine where the 32- point and the 2i2-point should go on a thermometer if you were making one? To make a cloud. 101. Fit a rubber cork with two holes in it to the mouth of a large flask of at least 2 -liter capacity or to a large bottle. Insert one long straight glass tube through the cork so that it will run within an inch of the bottom of the flask and project above the cork i inch, and a short one through the other hole so that it will project i inch on both sides of the cork. Equip another flask or bottle of the same size in the same way. Connect the two flasks with a 3-foot length of rubber tubing, the ends of which slip on the protruding ends of the short tubes in the two bottles. 56 SOME COMMON APPLIANCES OPERATED BY HEAT 57 Put a compression clamp on this tube and close it. Slip short lengths of rubber tubing to the outer ends of the two long tubes and have compression clamps ready to close these. Fill one flask five-sixths full of water, and after putting the cork in tightly set it mouth down in a large ring on a stand placed near the edge of a table in strong light. We will designate this flask A the other one, B~ Fill B one-third full of water, cork tightly, and hold it mouth down in the left hand at about the level of A . Hold a smoking joss stick or wisp of paper near the free end of the long glass tube of flask A and let a second person open the compression clamp. Water runs from A to B and at the same time smoke is drawn into the space above the water in A . Put the compression clamps on the short rubber tubes on the flasks and close them, removing the clamp on the long connecting tube. Raise flask B as far as the rubber tube will permit. The pressure on the air and its contained water vapor in A is increased. Lower B as far as possible and look for a "cloud" as a slight haze over the water in flask A. The smoke was drawn into A so that its particles might act as condensa- tion nuclei for the vapor. Do you see why decreasing the pressure on the air and vapor in A produces condensation to form the cloud? Why the ice-cream freezer freezes. 102. Chop about a pound of ice up into pieces as big as peas. Mix some coarse salt with this and put the mixture in a tumbler. Set the tumbler on a few drops of water on a piece of glass. Put a thermometer bulb in the salt and ice mixture. Note at intervals what it registers. Probably the tumbler will freeze to the glass on which it sets in a short time. What happens gradually to the ice? When salt stands in the salt shaker at home it cakes and is hard to get out. Does this happen most quickly in moist or dry weather? Why? Pile a half-teaspoonful of salt on a piece of ice. What happens? What did we find above was needed to make ice melt? Now can you tell why the cream freezes in the freezer? Why do you have a wooden or woven wire handle on the poker or stove lifter? 103. Cut a piece of No. 18 copper wire 8 inches long and one of iron wire of the same size and the same length. Twist them together at one end so as to form a V. Fix a little ball of paraffin or bees- wax on each wire halfway from the point of the V to the end. Hold the point of the V in the flame, the arms horizontal, with the wax balls down. Continue heating until both balls fall off. What do you learn? 104. Try the same experiment with two similar wires of copper or iron, one coarse and one fine. Hold a 4-inch length of iron rod in the hand and an equal length of glass rod, of the same size in the other hand. Hold the other ends together in the flame until one or the other is distinctly hot at the end 58 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY that you are "holding. What do you learn? Is dry wood a good or a poor conductor of heat? Why put a storm sash on a window? 105. Hold the bulb of a thermom- eter 6 inches to one side of the flame of the Bunsen burner or the stove for a minute and see what rise the mercury makes in that time. Take two old photograph plates that have been cleaned, or similar pieces of glass, and tie them together with a couple of strips of wood between to separate them J inch. Interpose these glass plates, held vertically be- tween the flame and the bulb of the thermometer again held 6 inches to one side of the flame. .How much does the mercury rise now in one minute. 106. Light a candle and with a concave mirror focus the light from the flame on the bulb of a thermometer. Is the heat focused there too? Evidently the surface of a mirror heat as well as light. 107. Interpose an electric light bulb between the flame and the bulb of the thermometer held 6 inches to one side of the flame. What is the rise of the mercury now in one minute? Is there any air inside the bulb? 108. To find out, break the tip of the bulb off while holding it under water. This can readily be done if a scratch is filed part way across the base of the tip and then the tip is twisted off with pliers. The icy-hot bottle. 109. Examine a thermos bottle, a broken one if possible. Note the space between the inside and outside walls of the glass jacket. This is a more or less complete vacuum in good makes of bottles. Can you tell why? Why are the glass walls of the jacket mirrored? To make a tireless cooker. no. Procure one or two aluminum or tin pails, the size you want to use in the cooker, say, four quarts. Take a wooden box in which the pail or pails may be set and leave 6 inches between them and as much space between the pail and the outside of the box all around. Cut a if -inch strip from the top edge of the box and fasten this with brads or small nails to the cover as a rim all around it. Line the bottom of the box with asbestos board. Put J-inch strips across each end of the bottom. Set on these a false bottom of J-inch stuff, covered both sides with asbestos board. Set the pails 6 inches apart on a |-inch board that is as long as the box is inside and with a pencil draw a mark on the board around the bottom of the pail, thus making a circle about f-inch larger than the pail all around. Tack cleats across the ends of the box i inch below the upper edge, and on these lay the board out of which the holes have been cut. Fit additional boards on either side of it to make an inside cover, the holes about in the midline lengthwise. Lay the circular boards on the bottom of the box, their centers directly under the centers of the holes, and fasten them in place. Line the box with asbestos board, covering also the bottom of the cover except the circular SOME COMMON APPLIANCES OPERATED BY HEAT 59 holes. Cut a strip of asbestos board long enough and wide enough to make a cylinder of double thickness that will fit about the circular block on the bottom of the box and extend up through the circular holes in the inside cover flush with its top. Tack these onto the circular boards. Fill the space between them and the asbestos-lined sides of the box with chopped straw or excelsior. Put the inside cover in place and tack the asbestos cylinders to the inside of the holes. Line the cover of the box with asbestos board and tack a piece as large as the cover to the bottom of the rim all around so that there will be an air space between it and the asbestos lining of the cover. Hinge the cover to the box. Set the pails in the asbestos cylinders and the cooker is ready to use. Castors may be put on it to facilitate moving it about. Why are so many air spaces provided in the construction? Why pack it with chopped straw? Would straw be better than excelsior or the reverse, and why? Which would be the warmer, tightly woven or loosely woven clothing, weight for weight? Why are bed quilts lined with a cotton batting? Would wool batting be any better? Why? Heating the house. When holding the thermometer bulb beside the flame in the experiment above, the heat went to the bulb directly through the air, and such a process is called heating by radiation. When you held the glass and iron rods in the flame, the heat came to your fingers by con- duction. In the experiment with the flame in the lamp chimney we have seen how the heated air rises and the cooler air comes in to take its. place, as indicated by the movement of the smoke. In holding your hand above the chimney it is warmed by the heat conducted to it as the particles of air bump against it. But the moving air currents are called "convection currents," and the hand is so warmed by convection and conduction. These convection currents can easily be rendered visible as water is heated. in. Set a good-sized beaker of cold water on a ring stand or other support and put the flame of the alcohol lamp below it so that the tip of the flame is below the middle of the beaker's bottom. Dust in some finely powdered carmine or some starch and see how the powder rises over the flame, moves up to near the top of the water, then to one side and down again. When you stand in front of an open fireplace by what process are you warmed? What process of heat transfer is involved in warming yourself by a hot-air furnace? By a hot- water system? 112. Draw a diagram of a hot-air furnace in a house, showing the course of the pipes. 113. Construct a model of a hot-water system for heating a house. (Optional.) What is fire. 114. Examine a 6-inch strip of magnesium ribbon or wire. Note that it is a metal, fairly tough, lustrous, and elastic. Weigh it as accurately as possible (see p. 97). Hold one end of the piece in a pair 60 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY of forceps and light the other end with a match. Hold the burning metal over a piece of dark paper to catch the product. Weigh this stuff accu- rately together with any unburned ribbon still held in the forceps. Examine this, rubbing it between the thumb and fingers. In what ways is it different from the original metal? Evidently something has been going on that completely changes the nature of the substance involved. This is a chemical change. You know that air is usually necessary for a fire. When you want the fire in a stove or furnace to burn more briskly you do what? But we may readily show that not all the gases of the air are involved when something burns. 115. Crumple up a sheet of paper in your hand. Fk>3,t it on a saucer nearly full of water. Light it and when it is burning well set an empty tumbler down over it, into the water, and let the mouth rest on the saucer. What happens? Can you tell why? What fractional part of the tumbler is filled with w,ater? Evidently only a part of the air is used up in the burning, and this is about per cent of the volume of air. (Why is this estimate not accurate?) The gas that is usually involved in burning or combustion is oxygen. Which was heavier, the magnesium strip or the product produced by burning it, and why? (Answer this after the next experiments are completed.) To make oxygen. 116. Make a bend in each end of a 1 5-inch length of glass tubing, about ij inches from the end. Let each bent portion stand at an angle with the long portion of the tube that is distinctly less than a right angle, and have the bent ends stick out on opposite sides of the long portion. Fit one end of this delivery tube through a cork that fits the mouth of a good-sized test tube. Put a teaspoonful of pulverized potassium chlorate mixed with half as much manganese dioxide into the test tube. Hang this on a ring stand so that the flame can be applied to its lower end. Let the other end of the delivery tube lie on the bottom of a fairly deep pan, its open end pointing up. Fill this pan nearly full of water. Sink a wide-mouthed 8-ounce bottle in this water so that it will fill full. Then lift it up, keeping the mouth below water, and support it in position with the mouth over the end of the delivery tube. Heat the mixture in the test tube. The air will bubble out first. Move the end of the delivery tube so that this can escape. Oxygen gas will bubble out, shortly, in a steady stream. Catch this in the bottle. Fill three bottles. Cover the mouths with small glass plates; and lift them out of the water, setting them right side up on the table. 117. Light a splinter of wood and when burning well blow out the flame, leaving a glowing ember on the end. Slide the glass cover of one bottle to one side and stick the splinter in. What happens, and why? 118. Take a J-inch piece of soft-cored electric-light carbon and dig out one end so as to make a depression. Fasten SOME COMMON APPLIANCES OPERATED BY HEAT 6 1 this piece on a wire to serve as a handle in letting the carbon down into another jar of oxygen. Put a bit of sulphur as large as a half-pea in the depression of this "spoon," ignite it and lower the "spoon" into the jar of gas. What happens? 119. Unravel slightly one end of a 6-inch length of woven iron wire picture cord. Fasten a bit of wood, like a piece of broken match, in the ravelings. Light the wood and when it is burning well stick it into the third jar of oxygen. What happens, and why? Spontaneous combustion. What do you have to do to an ordinary match to start it burning? Rub your hand briskly over your coat sleeve or any rough cloth for a minute. What is noticeable? How did the Indians start a fire? 120. Let some member of the class make the Indians' fire stick and try to produce fire with it. Some substances take fire at ordinary temperatures. Phosphorus is one such. 121. Take a small piece of this out of the fluid in which it is kept in a bottle, using a forceps with which to handle it, and lay it in an evaporating dish on the table. In a few minutes it begins to smoke perceptibly and promptly bursts into flame. The igni- tion point is below ordinary room temperature. The ignition point of wood is relatively high so that the bit that is to be a match is dipped into a substance that has an ignition point low enough to be attained by brief friction. The ignition point of sulphur is low enough so that it may be ignited with a match. It burns much more freely in an atmosphere of pure oxygen. The greater the supply of oxygen the combustion occurs. The ignition point of iron is so high that it will not burn in ordinary air at all readily but does burn in an atmosphere of oxygen. When the sulphur burned in the atmosphere of oxygen dense fumes filled the bottle. When magnesium was burned in air a new substance was formed. The chemist tells us that when the temperature is sufficiently high to start up the action the tiny particles of sulphur unite with the tiny particles of oxygen and thus form a new substance, a combination of sulphur and oxygen known as an oxide of sulphur. This constitutes the dense fumes in the bottle. Thus the magnesium and oxygen unite and form an oxide of magnesium. Iron and sulphur and magnesium and oxygen are called elements because they cannot be broken up ordinarily into simpler substances. But the potassium chlorate used in making oxygen is a compound, for we could get oxygen from it and still have a residue left. Thus when the hydrogen was made to fill our soap bubbles the granulated zinc shoved the hydrogen out of its combination with chlorine gas of the chlorhydric acid (HC1) and took its place, making chloride of zinc. We think then of a chunk of potassium chlorate as a thing which can be subdivided into smaller bits of potassium chlorate and then into smaller 62 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY and smaller. Finally we think of a little bit smaller than we can see that cannot be broken apart and still be potassium chlorate. This is what the physicist calls a molecule. Chlorhydric acid may be separated into hydro- gen and chlorine; these still smaller units which unite to make a molecule of chlorhydric acid are atoms, and in this case one atom of hydrogen unites with one of chlorine (HC1). Such a union is not always a one-and-one affair, for atoms seem to have hands or bonds or lines of force by which they take hold of other atoms. Some atoms have two, others four, some only one. Thus oxygen has two, hydrogen only one. When hydrogen burns the substance formed is H 2 O or water. Sulphur has four. When it burns the substance formed is SO 2 . Chemists have devised a sort of shorthand for writing out these reactions and indicate the elements by the initial letter of their English or sometimes their Latin names. In case two or more elements begin with the same letter, it is necessary to use in such cases two letters from the name; thus C is carbon; Cl, chlorine; N is nitrogen; Na, sodium (Latin, natrium). Thus when sulphur burns the reaction is written: the crinkled line over the latter symbol showing that it is a gas. = ZnCl 2 +2H. The burning candle. 122. Light a candle and observe (i) that the solid material of the candle is changed to a liquid; (2) that this liquid is conducted up the wick of the candle; (3) that it is changing to a bluish substance at the center of the flame; (4) as this burns it forms the outer part of the flame. Lay a piece of white paper on the flame and hold it just long enough for it to scorch a bit without burning. What do you learn from examining the scorch on the paper? 123. Hold a short length of quite small glass tubing with one end in the bluish part of the flame and the other end above and to one side of the flame. The purpose is to conduct some of this blue material through the tubing. Can you light it as it comes out of the upper end of the tube? Here evidently the solid material of the candle is first changed to ..................... , then to ................... , and when burned it goes off into the air as gas. Set a piece of candle in the bottom of a wide-mouthed bottle. Light it with a long splinter and cork the mouth of the bottle. What happens, and why? 124. Put a piece of slacked lime as large as a bean into a tumbler of water. Let it stand for one hour, stirring it occasionally, then let it stand SOME COMMON APPLIANCES OPERATED BY HEAT 63 to settle until the water is clear. Pour off the clear water into a tumbler. 125. Pour half of this into the bottle with the candle. Uncork the latter as little as possible to accomplish this. Shake it up and then note the color of the limewater. This is a commonly used test for one of the gases resulting from the burning of carbon, namely, carbon dioxide. 126. Blow through a length of glass tube, the end of which is dipped into the remainder of the limewater. What do you learn? Gunpowder. Sometimes the volume of gas formed when solid sub- stances burn is very great. 127. Mix one part of sulphur, one of powdered charcoal, three of potassium chlorate. Put as much of this as will go on a penny on a piece of iron. Touch a match to it. The potassium chlorate is mixed with the sulphur and charcoal to furnish an abundant supply of oxygen so that the charcoal and sulphur can burn very freely, forming a great volume of gas. This substance that we have made is really gunpowder. If set off in a confined space the gases formed will break out, their pres- sure is so great. Making coal gas. 128. Break up a small piece of soft coal (or pine wood) into bits and fill the bowl of an ordinary clay pipe, such as children use for blowing soap bubbles, two- thirds full. Then plug the opening of the bowl with a piece of clay or with plaster of Paris mixed with water to the consistency of putty. If the latter is used, let it stand for a few minutes to harden in the pipe. Heat the bowl of the pipe over the flame of the Bunsen burner or alcohol flame. At first, water vapor will pour out of the opening in the stem of the pipe; soon, however, gas will be delivered. Light this and note that it burns with a flame much like a candle flame. Soft coal contains much carbon and some hydrogen. As these substances burn, what would be the products of combustion ? After the gas is all driven off, take out the clay or plaster plug and examine the residue in the pipe. What is it? Gas burns ordinarily with a yellow flame because the air is not thor- oughly mixed with the gas and some of the unburned carbon freed from the gas glows in the heat. If air is mixed with the gas before lighting the mixture then the combustion is much more complete and the flame is much hotter, hence the mixer on the gas burner that produces the blue flame. 129. Turn the collar on the Bunsen burner to see the effect and explain the result. Introduce an old saucer into the flame both when it is blue and when it is yellow. What deposits on the saucer? The gas engine. The gas generated above burns steadily in the open air. If, however, gas and air are mixed in a confined space before the gas is ignited, the combustion takes place instantly, quantities of hot gas are formed, and the result is an explosion. Advantage is taken of this 64 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY in the gas engine, in which the force of the explosion is used to furnish motive power. This may be readily illustrated as follows. 130. Make a hole in the side of a small tin coffee or tea pot near the bottom, through which may be run the metal tube of the Bunsen burner. On the opposite side, halfway up, punch another hole as large as a pencil. Insert the Bunsen burner in the lower hole. Tie a piece of clock spring to the handle so that it will press lightly on the cover to keep it closed. Turn on the gas and hold a candle flame or match beside the small hole, halfway up the side. Successive explosions blow the cover up, but the spring closes it each time. Toy gas engines are commonly sold as children's toys. 131. Operate one. These are single-cylinder engines; therefore the wheel goes around with a rather jerky motion. The automobile gas engine has several cylin- ders, the explosions occurring in them in succession, so that power is applied to the crank at such frequent intervals as to produce a steady motion. The mixture of gas (vaporized gasoline) and air is ignited by an electric spark. Write to some automobile concern for a catalogue that will illustrate their engine. Insert it on the opposite page, or else draw your own diagram of such an engine. Steam engines. In the steam engine the piston is driven back and forth by the expansive force of steam under pressure, operating on the piston head. It is necessary that there be some device to cut off the inlet of steam at one end of the cylinder when the piston head has been driven as far as possible, and to let in the steam at the opposite end to drive the piston head back again. Furthermore, there must also be some way of letting the steam out from the end of the cylinder toward which the piston head is moving. See a toy steam engine work. Examine the model of the working parts of an engine or see the paper model in Nelson's Encyclopedia article "Steam Engine." 132. Make a cardboard model with movable parts to illustrate the method of operation of the piston in the cylinder, the eccentric cut-off and the exhaust valves. A glass model may be made and operated by air blown into it as follows : 133. Select a 6-inch length of large glass tubing an inch or so in diameter, or use an 8-dram, wide-mouthed homeopathic vial. Bore four holes in the side of the tube or vial, two on one side, two on the other, setting them about i inch from the ends. The hole may be bored by using the tip of a round file or drill kept wet with camphor gum dissolved in turpentine. Pulverize the camphor gum coarsely and put it into the turpentine, letting it stand for several hours before using. Two of these holes will be inlets for the air and two will be outlets for the exhaust. SOME COMMON APPLIANCES OPERATED BY HEAT 65 Steam chest. Cut glass so as to make a small box, the inside dimensions of which will be as wide as the outside diameter of the tube or vial, and nearly as long as the vial. File out the ends of the box in a curve to fit the curve of the tube or vial, keeping the file wet with the camphor solution. Fasten the box together with glass or china cement. Let this harden for twenty-four hours. Then reinforce all corners of the box with strips of surgeon's adhesive tape. Cut from a piece of bamboo fishing-pole of about the same diameter as the vial two strips an inch shorter than the distance between the holes bored in the tube or vial. These will serve as the sliding valves to open and close these holes. Bevel their upper edges. Bevel the under edges of four narrower strips of the same length as the inside of the box and glue these latter to the outer surface of the tube or bottle so that they will hold the wider strips between them when these latter strips are laid on the surface of the tube or vial between the holes. These strips should be held loosely, so as to allow back and forth movement. Piston. Fit a slice of cork or a short section of a spool to the end of a wooden piston rod, the spool or cork being of sufficient size to move back and forth in the bottle, which it must fit fairly snugly. Cut a groove with a round file in the edge of the cork or wooden piston head and bind with string so as to make the contact between the inside of the bottle and the piston head fairly air-tight. The wooden piston rod should be slightly longer than the bottle. If a tube has been used, cork both ends with a thin cork so that the holes bored in the tube or vial will not be covered. Bore a hole in the center of one of these just large enough to allow the round piston rod to slip through. Fasten a block of wood about ij inches square and J inch thick by one side to one end of a board that is i foot long and about 3 inches wide. Cut a V-shaped notch down to the middle of this block on its upper edge. The ends of the V should be close to the corners of the block. Fasten the tube or vial about its midpoint to this block, setting it in the V, with two of the holes down and two up. In line with the center of the tube or vial toward the other end of the board set up a block on which may be mounted vertically a wheel of thin wood, its diameter in the plane of the long axis of the vial. Attach a driving rod to this wheel ij inches from its center and connect the other end of the driving rod with the piston that protrudes from the cork in one end of the tube or vial. Devise eccentric rods that will run from the wheel or its axis to the sliding valves that cover and uncover the holes. Think out how these sliding valves are going to work before you make your attachment, so as to have them work at proper intervals. File out the front end of the glass box a bit to make room for the rod that attaches to the sliding valve. 66 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Bore a hole in the top of the glass box large enough to admit a small glass tube. Cement in an inch length of glass tubing, the end of it flush with the inside of the box. Through this tube air will be blown into the steam box. Cement the box to the top of the vial and reinforce the joint with surgeon's tape. The engine should be ready to operate now by blowing through the glass tube, to which a length of rubber tube may be attached for convenience. Since the apparatus is made of glass it is easy to see the working of all parts. MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC TOYS The compass. 134. Take a compass in hand and note how it is made, and if the needle assumes a fixed position when at rest. 135. Take a couple of bar magnets and note how they behave with reference to each other. Present an end of one magnet to an end of the other; try the opposite end. Repeat the operation several times until you can state a law that governs the behavior of the magnets with reference to each other. 136. Suspend a bar magnet so that it will hang freely by a very fine wire or a strand of non-twisted fiber. Let it stand until it comes to rest. What position does it assume? 137. Present the end of a bar magnet to the compass needle and note what happens. Try the other end. What did you make when you hung the bar magnet on the fine wire? How would you state the law governing the movement of the compass needle when influenced by the bar magnet? When the bar magnet is suspended, what influences its position, determining the direction it assumes when quiet? What, then, would you call the earth? To make a magnet out of a bar of soft iron. 138. Dip a bar magnet into iron filings. What happens? Present the end of a bar magnet to the head of a nail. What happens? Present the tip of this nail to the head of a second nail. Try touching the tip of the second nail to the head of a third nail. 139. Take a knitting needle and rub one end of it vigorously on one end of a magnet, the other end of the needle on the other end of the magnet. Dip one end of the knitting needle into iron filings. What happens, and what does this show? 140. Take a piece of soft iron, like an ordinary bolt; hold it parallel to the earth's axis and hit it repeatedly with a hammer. Can you get any evidence that it is magnetized? (Think of what will be the most delicate test for this.) Summarize the methods by which magnets are made. Can you suggest a reasonable explanation of what occurs in the soft-iron bar to change it to a magnet? Lines of magnetic force. 141. Put a bar magnet under a piece of stiff card that is sufficiently large to cover the magnet; sprinkle fine iron filings on the surface of the card and tap the card gently so that the iron filings will have a chance to arrange themselves under the influence of the magnet. 142. After you have learned how to accomplish this fasten a piece of blueprint paper on a thin drawing board; lay the drawing board on the bar magnet and tap the board gently until the iron filings are well arranged. Put the drawing board with the blueprint paper on it in strong 67 68 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY sunlight and let it stand until the paper begins to assume a bronzed tint. Remove the iron filings and at once put the blueprint paper in a large dish of water and let it wash in running water for ten minutes. Then take it out and spread it on the table or hang it up to dry. The mysterious pith balls. 143. Fasten two little balls of elder pith each on a fine strand of silk. Hang them so they will be side by side and free to move. Rub a glass tube with a piece of silk and bring it near the balls. What happens? After the balls have touched the glass tubing, how do they behave with reference to each other? Again rub the glass with the silk, touch the surface of the glass to the pith balls, and then rub a stick of sealing wax with the silk and bring it near to the balls. What happens? Bring the surface of the silk used in rubbing the sealing wax near to the balls. What happens? Try rubbing the glass and the sealing wax with flannel, and touch the pith balls with the glass. Then bring the sealing wax, also rubbed with flannel, near them. Continue the experi- ment until you can state the law that governs the phenomenon. Test out your law to see if you can always tell what will happen when the balls are brought near to a surface that has been rubbed with the silk or the flannel. What conclusion would you draw from these experiments regard- ing electricity? A more delicate test. 144. Run a piece of naked copper wire through the cork of a small bottle so that it will stick down halfway in the bottle, with 3 or 4 inches of wire above the cork outside of the bottle. Make a right-angled bend J inch from the end of the wire, inside the bottle, and hang on the bent portion a strip of thin tin foil 2 inches long, suspending it from about its midpoint. The halves of the strip will then lie face to face. Bend the free end of the wire above the cork so as to make a little ball of wire at the end. Rub the glass rod with the silk and bring the surface of the rod close to the ball on the end of the wire. What happens? Touch the wire ball with the glass rod; then bring the rubbed surface of the silk close to the wire ballr Try rubbing the glass with silk, touch the ball, then rub the sealing wax with flannel and bring it near the ball. This piece of apparatus is known as an "electroscope." How would you use it? Dancing dolls. 145. Cut out of tissue paper some little dolls, f inch long. Lay them on the table and support between the leaves of a couple of books a piece of window glass of good size above the dolls and about i inch from the table. Rub the upper surface of the glass with the silk- What happens? Can you explain it. The electrophorus. 146. Fasten an old phonograph record to the underside of the. bottom of a tin pie plate. This may be done thus: Make three V-shaped cuts in the tin plate near the margin with the point of the V MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC TOYS 69 out. Bend these points up over the edge of the record so as to hold it in place. Set the tin, rim down, on the table and rub the face of the record with silk. Test both the surface of the record and of the silk with the electro- scope. What is your conclusion? Again rub the record with the silk and present your knuckle to the edge of the record. A slight shock may be felt and if the air is dry a small spark may be drawn from the record. To make lightning. Frictional electricity may be accumulated until quite a strong charge is obtained by means of the Ley den jar. 147. To construct this take a wide-mouthed 8-ounce bottle and cover its sides and bottom inside and out with tin foil, pasted on. Pass an 1 8-inch length of naked copper wire through the cork, leaving 4 inches protruding from the top. Roll up 3 inches of this to make a little ball. Bend the wire below the cork so that it will be in contact with the tin-foil lining when the cork is in the mouth of the bottle. 148. Rub the electrophorus with the silk and then, holding the Leyden jar in the hand, present its knob to the edge of the record on the electrophorus. The latter will discharge into the Leyden jar, possibly showing a spark. Repeat this a number of times. Why does the charge in the jar get stronger constantly, and why does an equally strong charge of the opposite sort develop on the outside of the jar? Strip the insulation from 8 inches of one end of a 1 5-inch insulated copper wire and from i inch at the other end. Bend the 8 inches of naked wire about the tin foil on the outside of the jar and, holding the wire by the insulated portion, bring the other end close to the knob on the jar. What happens, and why? Why call this lightning? The frictional electrical machine usually consists of a revolving glass disk against which brushes rub to generate the electricity. Other metal brushes take off the positive and negative electricity to two Leyden jars. When quite a charge has accumulated, the knobs of the two jars are brought close enough together to permit the discharge of a zigzag spark. 149. Such a machine may be built by the pupils, using an old, large-sized phonograph record in place of the glass disk, and homemade Leyden jars. The details of construction may be learned from descriptions and figures in any book on physics. (Optional.) To make a simple battery. -150. Take a strip i by 3 inches each of sheet copper and sheet zinc. Punch a hole with a nail near one end of each and fasten in the naked end of a 6-inch length of insulated copper wire, in one strip, of an 1 8-inch length in the other. Twist it in tightly so as to make intimate contact of the wire and the sheet metal, or, better still, solder it in. (A cheap soldering set with directions can be obtained from any hardware house.) Fill a tumbler two-thirds full of water and 70 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY add two tablespoonfuls of chlorhydric acid (or twice as much vinegar). Hang the metal strips over the opposite sides of the tumbler so that they are below the surface of the acidulated water. Hydrogen gas promptly begins to discharge from one metal strip. If not add more acid. Bring the ends of the wires together and note if there is any spark visible. Hold the ends between the moistened tips of thumb and finger and note if you feel any electric current. From which metal plate is the hydrogen given off most freely when the tips of the wires are in contact? Do some of the bubbles move from one plate to the other in the acidulated water? If so, from which to which? The chemistry of the reaction. -We have already noted how elements combine to produce new substances (see p. 61). The metal or positive element usually combines with the non-metal or negative element to form a salt. Thus the zinc and the chlorine combine in this case, the zinc re- placing the hydrogen, which is forced out of the chlorhydric acid (HC1) , and ZnCl 2 is formed. The chemical equation showing the reaction is Zn+2HCl=ZnCl 2 -h2H. Hydrogen is a substance whose atoms have each a single bond or line of attraction by which it is held to other atoms, or, as the chemist says, it is monovalent. Zinc is bivalent. Chlorine is monovalent. To write chemical equations one must know the valency of the elements. He must also know the formulas for the acids that enter into a reaction. If we had used sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) instead of chlorhydric the substance formed would have been zinc sulphate, ZnSO 4 , instead of zinc chloride. The acid radical, SO 4 , is known to have a valence of two because it combines with two atoms of H, each with a valence of one. Acids are named accord- ing to the amount of oxygen present. The hydro- acids, like hydrochloric or chlorhydric, have no oxygen. What is the name of HBr, HI, H 2 S? Knowing the -ic acid, like HC1O 3 , chloric acid, you can always give the formulas of others of the same series, for the per ic acid, like HC1O 4 , perchloric acid, has one more atom of O than the -ic acid; the -ous acid, like HC1O 2 , or chlorous acid, has one less atom of O, and the hypo ous acid, like HC1O, or hypochlorous acid, has two less than the -ic acid. The salts formed from the acids are readily named: Hydr- acids give -ide salts. NaCl is sodium chloride, -ous acids give -ite salts. NaClO 2 is sodium chlorite, -ic acids give -ate salts. NaClO 3 is sodium chlorate. per ic acids give per ate salts. NaClO 4 is sodium perchlorate. hypo ous acids give hypo ite salts. NaCIO is sodium hypochlorite. Name ZnCl 2 , ZnSO 4 , ZnSO 3 , ZnSO 2 , ZnSO 5 . MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC TOYS 71 Movement of the electrons. We conceive of the atom as a sort of solar system. It has a central positively charged nucleus around which revolve particles of negative electricity or electrons. Some substances tend to lose one or more of these electrons, in which condition they can hold more nega- tive electricity and so manifest an attraction for it, and are said to be positive. Others take on extra negative particles and so attract the posi- tive substances. The number of electrons lost or gained is indicated in terms of valence (see p. 70). Thus if the positive nucleus of the atom of some substance holds two less electrons than it has positive charges, that substance is said to be positive and to have a valence of two. In the violent chemical action going on in the battery electrons are set free. They pass to the zinc plate, up the wire, and back to the solution by the copper plate. The zinc plate is usually designated the negative electrode and the copper plate the positive electrode. Furthermore it has become customary to regard the current as flowing outside the cell from the positive to the negative electrode, though the electrons move in the opposite direction. Why the simple battery stops working. The simple battery made above soon ceased to give a current. The copper strip becomes covered with hydrogen bubbles that are bad conductors of electricity. Then, too, impurities in the common sheet zinc or copper set up local currents between the impurity and the pure metal. These difficulties are avoided by using purer strips of metal, by surfacing the zinc with mercury, and by using other solutions than the sample acid, solutions which contain an excess of oxygen that unites with the liberated hydrogen and so prevents its accumu- lation on the copper or other negative plate. The gravity cell is made as follows: 151. Attach insulated wires to the zinc and copper strips as before. Lay the copper strip on the bottom of the tumbler and throw on it a heaping teaspoonful of copper sulphate crystals. Fill the tumbler nearly full of water and add a few drops of sulphuric acid. Suspend the zinc strip in the upper part of the water. The sulphuric acid acts upon the zinc, making zinc sulphate, which dis- solves. The zinc sulphate solution is light and remains in the top of the tumbler above the heavy copper sulphate solution. The liberated hydrogen moves toward the copper plate, but before reaching it drives out the copper of the copper sulphate, the copper depositing on the copper plate. The zinc and copper sulphate waste away and must be renewed occasionally; the zinc sulphate increases and deposits as crystals, which must be removed. Another type of battery uses potassium bichromate, K a Cr 2 O 7 , to take up the hydrogen. 152. Make enough strong solution of potassium bichromate to nearly fill a tumbler. Add about a half-teaspoonful of strong sul- phuric acid. Fasten insulated wires, bare at one end, to a rod of zinc 72 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY or zinc strip and a piece of electric-light carbon. Immerse these in the solution and note the current. The sulphuric acid attacks the zinc. The liberated H starts toward the carbon but on the way unites with some of the O of the potassium bichromate solution, reducing the bichromate to a chromate. The dry cell. 153. Pull an old worn-out dry cell to pieces. The black powdery substance inside is largely carbon and manganese peroxide, which was originally mixed with ammonium chloride. What are the metals in the battery? 154. Make a dry battery for yourself. To detect an electric current and determine the direction of its flow one may make a simple form of the galvanoscope. 155. Set a compass on the table and bring a wire through which a current is running over the needle and parallel to it. What happens to the needle? Turn the wire about so that the current is flowing over the needle in the opposite direc- tion. How is the needle affected? Try the wire in both positions under the compass needle. Make a statement in writing on the opposite page indicating the relation of the behavior of the needle to the direction of the flow of the current. 156. When you are riding in a street car take a compass along to see if its needle is deflected by the current passing along the trolley wire overhead. 157. Wrap insulated wire a dozen times about some cylindrical object, like a quart fruit jar, so as to make a circular coil of the wire, leaving free ends to attach to the battery. Cut a strip of wood wide enough for the compass to stand on and as long as the diameter of the coil. Fasten this strip into the coil, tying the coil to its ends, the face of the strip at right angles to the plane of the coil. Connect the free ends of the wires to a battery and place the compass on the middle of the wood strip. Is the needle deflected more vigorously than before? Reverse the direction of the flow of the current through the coil. How does the needle behave? Write out a statement to cover the relation of the needle's behavior to the direction of the current's flow in the coil. Electroplating. 158. Fasten a wire to a strip of copper, as was done in making the simple battery (p. 69), and also fasten a wire to a 3-inch length of old electric-light carbon by winding it tightly about one end. Hang these in a tumbler two-thirds full of diluted sulphuric acid. This again makes a battery. Test its current with the galvanoscope. Connect the wires so that a current will flow. The acid acts rapidly on the copper, not at all on the carbon. Which is now the positive and which the nega- tive electrode? In what direction is the electric current moving in the wires connecting the electrodes ? In what direction is it moving in the solution in the tumbler ? Let the current run for some time and then note MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC TOYS 73 the deposit on the carbon. What is it? Evidently the electric current passing through the solution is capable of carrying the metal from one point and depositing it at another. Advantage is taken of this in electroplating. 159. Fasten a strip of copper and an iron nail each on a length of copper wire. Suspend them in a tumbler containing a strong solution of copper sulphate. Connect the wires to the poles of the battery so that the current will flow in the solutipn from the copper-plate to the iron nail. In time the nail will be copper-plated. Use two pieces of electric-light carbon in place of the copper strip and iron nail in the experiment. Does the copper- plating go on as before ? If a silver salt in solution instead of the copper sulphate solution were used in the experiment with the carbons, what would be the effect ? How would one replate a spoon the silver on which was wearing off ? To make an electromagnet. 160. Wind an insulated copper wire (not too fine) around an iron spike or bolt a few times. Attach the ends of the wire to the poles of the battery so that a current will flow through it. See if the bolt will pick up iron filings. Which end of the spike is the N end of the magnet? (Devise a way to find out.) Unfasten the ends of the wire on the battery and reverse them so that the one formerly attached to the positive pole is now attached to the negative pole. Is the same end of the spike the north end now? What is the effect of many turns of wire on the bolt instead of few ? . To make a telegraph instrument. -161. Cut two blocks of J- to f- inch-thick wood 3 inches wide, making one 6 inches long, the other 3 inches. Nail the shorter one on one end of the larger so that it stands upright when the longer one is laid flat on the table. Cut a J-inch-wide strip of springy sheet metal 3 inches long. To one end tack a slice of cork or a small block of wood. Lay the strip, cork up, on the midline of the upper surface of the long block, the base end 2 inches from the upright block. Tack down the base end and bend the strip so that the cork end is J-inch above the wood strip. Set a tack part way in the wood under the cork end of the metal strip so that when the strip is pressed down it will rest on the head of the tack. Wrap a copper wire about the upper two- thirds of a 3-inch wire nail many times, leaving the free ends of the wire i foot or so long. Drive the nail into the baseboard close up to one edge of the upright. Another nail is to be fastened horizontally, its head just over the head of the upright nail. Fasten the sharp end of this nail into a loop of string tacked to the upright. Hold the head just off of the upright nail by a small rubber band also tacked to the upright. 74 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Fasten one naked end of the wire that is wound about the upright nail to the tacked-down end of the metal strip, the other end to one pole of the battery. Connect the other pole of the battery by a wire to the tack under the cork end of the metal strip. As the "key" is pressed down on the tack the "sounder" should click. Why? If it does not work at first, adjust it so that it will. 162. Work with a second person who also has made such an instru- ment and change the wiring so that by the addition of a "switch" on each instrument, which switch you will devise and apply, the sounder of one instrument will sound when the key on the other is operated, and vice versa. 163. Set up a pair of commercial telegraph intruments, if these are available, and operate them. Look up the Morse alphabet code and try sending a message. Some common electric appliances. 164. Examine the electric bell to see how it works. Connect it up with a battery to see it operate. Follow the course of the current to see how the clapper is made to strike the bell. How is the current broken so that the clapper springs back? Draw a diagram and write an explanation to accompany it. 165. Examine the electric buzzer and connect it up with a battery to see how it operates. 166. Examine a "knife switch" to see how it serves to "break" a current when open, to "make" the current when it is closed. Introduce the knife switch between the battery and the electric bell, wiring properly so that bell will ring when the switch is closed. 167. Examine a push button to see how it operates to make or break the current. Draw a diagram and write out an explanation of the way the button operates. Connect up the push button with the battery and bell (or buzzer) so that it will ring the bell when it is pressed. To make an electric motor. 168. Cut a block of ^- to f-inch-thick wood 3 inches wide and 4 inches long. This block will serve as the base. Drive a wire nail about i\ inches long clear to the head through its center, perpendicular to the face. At the midpoint on each side set up a 3-inch strip of J-inch stuff about J inch wide, fastening the upright strips to the base by means of brads so that they stand upon the same side of the base as the wire nail. Bend ten or a dozen p-inch lengths of soft-iron wire or an iron rod into U-shapes. Tie these U-shaped wires together at two or three points. Then wind insulated copper wire many times around one end of the (J, covering perhaps i inch from the end of the U. Leave the end of the in- sulated wire free for a foot or more of length, so that it may be attached as indicated below. Carry the insulated wire across to the other end of MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC TOYS 75 the U, carrying it down the wooden upright under the base and up the upright on the other side. Then wind it around the other end of the U, making the turns in the reverse direction from those on the first winding. Leave a foot of wire free again to make attachment. Take a cork about an inch in diameter and punch a hole through the middle large enough to receive a short length of glass tube. Cut a 4-inch length of glass tube of sufficient size to slip on the upright nail. Heat this at its midpoint in the Bunsen burner until it is soft. Then pull the ends apart, heating the top of one of these pieces until it is rounded off. Shove this rounded end of the glass tube into the big end of the cork and let it go nearly through the cork. The open end of the tube is to be slipped on the nail, the end of which is to be sharpened. This makes a nearly frictionless bearing. Cut eight or ten 2-inch lengths of the soft- iron wire (or one of iron rod) and bind them together by wrapping the insu- lated copper wire around them many times. Leave the ends of the wire sticking out about i inch. Fasten this coil with its wire core on the small end of the cork so that its axis is at right angles to the glass tube. The coil with its contained wire should be bound on so that it balances as nearly as possible when the cork is on the nail. The commutator. Cut two strips of sheet copper half as wide as the cork is long and a little shorter than half the circumference of the cork at its midpoint. Strip the insulation off from the ends of the copper wire of the coil on the cork; bring these down, one on either side of the cork, and place on top of each of them one of the strips of sheet copper bent to con- form to the curve of the cork. With thread bound on close to the edge of the copper strips fasten these latter on the cork so that together they nearly encircle it. Their ends must be separated by a distinct space and each must be in contact with only one of the wire ends. Cut two strips of sheet copper about \ inch wide and if inches long. Tack one of these on each of the uprights by one end. The other end should lie on the copper strips on the cork. Fasten a 6-inch length of copper wire with the insulation removed from each end to each of these copper strips at the point where it is tacked to the upright. Twist together the other end of one of these wires to the free end of the wire coming from the end of the U that lies on the same side of the apparatus. Solder to this juncture of the two wires one end of the wire that is to run to the switch or batteries furnishing the current. If the motor has been properly made it should run when the current is sent through. It may need considerable current if the parts are not nicely adjusted so as to avoid friction. This current may be taken from an ordinary electric-light wire by unfastening the wires from the electric- 76 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY light circuit and attaching them to a knife switch. For fear this current may prove too strong and burn out some of the connections it is well to introduce resistance. This may be done as follows: Resistance. 169. Fill a beaker or large tumbler with water to which eight or ten drops of hydrochloric acid are added. Fasten one wire from the motor to the knife switch and let the other dip into the acidulated water in the tumbler. Take a short length of insulated wire and remove the insu- lation from an inch of each end. Fasten one end of the wire to the knife switch and put the other end in the tumbler of acidulated water at the opposite side from the wire that brings in the current. If enough current does not flow to run the motor, add a little more acid and bring the wires gradually nearer together until there is sufficient current. * Examine a small dissectible model of the commercial motor to see how it is wired and how it works. To make a dynamo. 170. The motor made above may be altered to serve as a dynamo. Break the connections between the wires running to the U-shaped magnet and those running to the commutator. The former are to be connected directly to the battery. Before this is done, however, arrangements must be made to rotate the cork bearing its coil. Put a small spool on the glass tube just below the cork, or use a thick slice of cork the edge of which is grooved to take a string belt. Clamp the base- board of the motor to the table or nail it to a board. Saw out a circular board from f-inch stuff, making it 8 or 10 inches in diameter. Groove its edge with a round file so that it will take the string belt. Bore a hole in its center and fasten it by a nail horizontally to a block that may be clamped to the table or nailed to the same board that the motor is on. Set it near the motor so that a string or a leather shoe string may be tied about its edge and about the spool or cork on the motor axle to serve as a belt. Put a nail near the edge of this wood wheel for a handle so that the wheel may be turned rapidly. This will make the coil on the cork of the old motor whirl very rapidly. Connect up the wires to the U-shaped magnet with a battery. Connect the wires from the commutator to the galvanoscope. Turn the wheel to rotate the coil in the cork. The galvanoscope will show a current if all connections are good. The principle upon which the dynamo works may be readily illustrated by the following experiments: 171. Roll a piece of paper 4 inches wide and 10 or 12 inches long so as to make a paper tube 4 inches long and i inch in diameter. Wind insulated copper wire (about No. 18 or finer) thirty or forty times around the paper tube, thus making a wire coil on the outside of the tube. Connect the ends of this wire with the galvanoscope, set a yard or so from the coil. MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC TOYS 77 Watching the needle of the galvanoscope, thrust a bar magnet quickly into the paper tube. Pull it out again. 'Reverse the magnet and thrust in its other end. Try thrusting the magnet in the reverse end of the coil. Record the results for each of these tests. This shows in general that when the turns of a wire coil cut through the lines of force of a magnetic field, a current is generated. Can you state the relation of the direction of the current to the way in which the turns run in the coil? 172. Take a strip of paper 6 inches long and 2 inches wide. Make a paper tube 2 inches long on your pencil. Remove the pencil and wind upon the tube a coil of insulated wire, leaving ends 3 inches long. Stick these ends through a large flat cork so that the coil stands above its upper surface and parallel to it. Attach to the bare ends of the wires, close to the bottom of the cork, strips of copper and zinc. Set the cork on the surface of dilute sulphuric acid in a tumbler. A current should now be flowing through the coil. Present the end of a bar magnet to one of the coil ends. What happens? Try the other end of the magnet. What position does the axis of the coil assume if allowed to stand for a few moments undisturbed? State your conclusion. Can you explain now how the dynamo above works, and can you predict in what direction the current is flowing from it? 173. Examine a small commercial dynamo and follow the course of the wiring. Can you explain how it works, and why? To make an electric toaster. 174. Take a block of f-inch wood about 6 inches square and tack a 6-inch square of asbestos board to one face. Cut two strips of the heavy asbestos board ij by 6 inches. Tack one of these to each end of the board so that the 6-inch edge will stand up about | inch above the asbestos board. Make j-inch-deep cuts every half-inch on these edges. Take about 90 inches of No. 24 iron wire and, leaving 3 inches free at one end, insert the wire into the cut nearest the end of one 6-inch strip. Carry the wire to the corresponding cut on the strip at the other end. Bend the wire and put it into the next cut at this end and carry it back to the corresponding cut at the end where the wiring began. Continue to weave the wire back and forth until all the cuts are filled. Fasten insulated copper wires to the free ends to connect with the current which is to heat this iron wire. Take 5^ feet of No. 18 iron wire and make four turns of this wire around the board from end to end, spacing the turns ij inches. These wires will rest on top of the asbestos strips, not set in the cuts. They will be J inch above the wire that is to be heated and on them the bread to be toasted will be laid. Connect up the apparatus with the incandescent current, putting in resistance as was done in case of the motor. The iron wires should heat 78 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY red hot. The principle here used is the same as that applied in electric heaters, electric irons, etc. An experiment. 175. Make a coil of a dozen turns of No. 30 or finer insulated copper wire around the bulb of a thermometer. Let the current flow from a battery through the wire for one minute, noting the rise of the mercury in that time. Use the same length of No. 18 wire and make the same number of turns around the bulb. Connect with the same battery and let the current run one minute. What is the rise in temperature now? State your conclusion. Resistance. An electric current in passing through a body meets some resistance, somewhat as water passing through a pipe is retarded by the friction on the sides of the pipe. (Remember that in the fountain we made, p. 50, the water did not rise as high as its level in the funnel.) The greater the resistance the more energy is used in overcoming it, and so is transformed into heat. Why do we use iron wire in the toaster and why does the experiment with the thermometer above give the results seen? (Recall the experiments on heat conduction, p. 57.) Pressure and rate of flow. Name some substances that you know to be good electrical conductors, some that are non-conductors. In the latter the is so high that practically no current flows through them. Resistance is expressed in terms of ohms. The ohm is about the resistance offered by 9 . 3 feet of No. 30 (American gauge) copper wire. To overcome high resistance, high electric pressure must be used. Electric pressure is expressed in terms of volts. Just as with liquids, the greater the pressure the more the flow, so with electric currents, other things being equal. The unit that measures the rate of flow is the ampere, and it is defined as that amount of current which flowing through a standard solution of silver nitrate (as in silver-plating) will deposit a specified amount of silver (0.001118 grams) per second. The electric pressure or electromotive force that will give a current of one ampere against a resistance of one ohm is called a wit. It is found that a current of one ampere working under a pressure of one volt will do work equivalent to 1/746 of one horse-power. This unit is known as the watt. Therefore, volts X amperes -4- 746 = horse-power. The instrument used for measuring the amount of current flowing in a wire is called an ammeter. It is built like the galvanoscope except that the end of the compass needle moves over a graduated scale marked in amperes. The voltage of the current is measured by a similar instrument, the -voltmeter. In this the wire used is fine, so as to offer higher resistance. The greater the voltage the more the current that flows, and so the more the needle is deflected. Both instruments may be combined in one, the wltammeter . MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC TOYS 79 Batteries may be set up either in series or parallel. In the former case the positive element in one is connected with the negative element of the next, and the wires bringing off the current connect with the remaining positive pole and negative pole. When connected parallel, the wires from all negative poles are twisted together, those from all positive poles are similarly twisted together, and the current is taken from these bunches of wires. 176. Connect up two batteries, first in series, secondly parallel, and measure the amperage and voltage of the current obtained in each case. Record the results. Electric lights. -177. Connect up a small incandescent electric light with a battery (or several batteries in series if necessary to light it). Why is the filament in the light so small? What is the advantage of using a nitrogen-filled bulb? Measure the voltage and amperage of the current that is used to light the little incandescent light above. Then introduce the voltammeter between the lighted bulb and the negative pole of the battery. How do the voltage and amperage now compare with that of the battery when the light is not in the circuit? Connect up two small incandescent electric lights with the battery, first wiring them "in series," then ' 'parallel." In which case do they burn most brightly? Introduce the voltammeter as before in each case. Which sort of wiring uses up most current? Which reduces the voltage most? The arc light. 178. Sharpen two soft lead pencils. Cut away the wood from each for a half-inch back from the point, thus laying bare the lead. Twist an end of No. 18 copper wire tightly around the lead near the wood on each pencil. Connect the other ends of the wires to the dynamo (or to a series of batteries). Holding one pencil in each hand, bring the points together and then separate them the least bit. You thus produce a miniature arc light. What makes the light in this case? Examine the arc light on the projection lantern. 179. With a pair of forceps, the handles of which are covered with glass tubes or rubber, hold a sliver of iron ore in the flame of the arc between the carbons. What happens, and why? Could you "weld" two pieces of iron in the flame? The induction coil. -This is a somewhat expensive bit of apparatus to make, yet it is exceedingly interesting, for it is one of the essential pieces in the wireless outfit and may be made to yield brilliant electric sparks and vigorous electric shocks. 180. Obtain a pound spool of No. 36 insulated copper wire, all in one piece, and a 4-ounce spool of No. 14. Cut a dozen or so lengths of large- size soft-iron wire as long as the pound spool and tie them together in a round bundle. Wind on this, in close-set turns, the No. 14 wire three layers deep, leaving the ends of the wire sticking out a foot. Cover this 8o GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY coil with a layer of bicycle tape. This should make a roll about as large as the core of the spool on which the No. 36 wire is wound. Saw off one end of this spool as close to the wire as you can without cutting its insulation- Finish trimming off the wood with a knife so that the wire can be slipped off the spool and on the tape-wound coil made above. As this is done get hold of the inner end of the fine wire and pull it out a foot to make connec- tions. Cut off the other end of the spool and slip the two ends, their centers cut out somewhat if necessary, on the ends of the coarse wire coil to keep the fine wire in place as it was on the spool. Mount the double coil on a base horizontally, carrying the ends of the fine wire to two binding-posts set 6 inches apart on the baseboard, each post with openings and screws for two connections. Set in one of these openings on each post a coarse copper wire, its end tipped with a ball of solder, the wires adjusted so that their balls are close together but not quite in contact. Rig a windlass somewhere on the baseboard, made of a spool, and set at intervals a row of tacks in a line all around the spool, their heads sticking up so that as the spool is rotated the tacks catch and lift one end of a springy metal strip off the head of an upright nail. The other end of this strip is fastened to the top of an upright post set near the windlass and one of the coarse wires from the coil is connected to it. The other coarse wire runs to one pole of the battery of two dry cells connected in series. The other pole of the battery is connected to the wire nail, on the head of which rests the metal strip. As the windlass is turned the current sent through the primary coil of coarse wire is constantly made and broken. The lines of magnetic force appearing and disappearing constantly cut the secondary coil and induce a current of high voltage which will send sparks between the terminals. If your moistened finger tips are put on the binding-post of the secondary coil you will receive quite a shock. 181. This coil can be made to break its own current. Devise and apply a modification of the apparatus that will accomplish this. THE CAMERA, TELESCOPE, MAGIC LANTERN, AND SOME EXPERIMENTS IN LIGHT To measure the candle power of an electric light, the brightness of its light is compared with that of the flame of a "standard" candle. Any candle flame may be used to show the method, though the results will not be accurate unless a "standard" candle is used. Two or three pre- liminary experiments are necessary to show the principles involved. Experiments. 182. Make a cut in the small end of each of two corks perpendicular to the end. Set two similar cards, one in each cork, and make a pinhole in the middle of each. Set them on the table i foot apart and set up a candle so that when looking through the two holes you can see the candle flame. Move one of the corks a little to one side. Why can you no longer see the light of the flame? If the shades in a room are drawn when the sunlight is on the windows and a small hole in one shade admits a ray of light, the course of the beam of light may be seen as it lights up floating dust particles. What sort of a path does it have? Why, then, does an object throw a shadow? 183. Cut an inch-square piece of cardboard. Hold it 3 inches from a candle flame or an electric light. Hold another large piece of card or paper 6 inches from the light. How large is the shadow of the inch square? Hold the larger card or paper 9 inches away. How large is the shadow now? The light that is thrown on the one-inch square of card would, if the card were not there, cover square inches of surface at twice the distance of the card from the candle, square inches of surface at three times the distance of the card from the candle. The intensity of the illu- mination from any source of light varies, then, inversely as the square of the from the 184. Set a nail vertically into a small block of wood. Stand this on a white sheet of paper on the table. Light an electric light and set it several feet from the nail so that the latter will cast a shadow on the white paper. Light a candle and move it nearer to or farther from the nail until the shadow it casts is just as dark as that cast by the electric light. Measure the distance to the candle at this point in inches and the distance to the electric light in inches. What is the candle power of the electric light? To make a candle burn in a glass of water. 185. Set a large clear piece of window glass vertically on the table and support its edges. Set 81 82 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY a box with one side open on the table, its open side in front of the glass. Hang a black cloth back of the glass about as far as the open side of the box is in front of the glass. Set a tumbler of water on the table just in front of the black cloth and opposite the open box. Light a short length of candle and set it in the middle of the bottom of the box. Looking down over the top of the box against the glass plate, you may move the tumbler of water until the candle appears burning in its center. This will seem mysterious to any person who does not know how the apparatus is set up. Explain the phenomenon yourself. Measure the distance to the glass plate from the middle of the tumbler and the distance from the candle to the glass plate. State the relative positions of an object and its mirror image. Some such arrangement as that in the foregoing experiment is some- times used in the theater to produce the ghost in such plays as Hamlet. The actor impersonating the ghost is strongly illuminated in a room over or below the stage and opening toward it. The room is lined with black. A large plate of glass near the front of the stage reflects the image to the audience. The "ghost" can walk through tables and chairs on the stage, just as the candle flame goes into the water. The angle of reflection. 186. Set up a mirror on a sheet of white paper on the table. Stand the nail on the block on the table. Look along the surface of the table, your eye at its level, until your eye is in position to see the nail in the mirror. Draw a line on the paper from the image toward your eye, one from the image toward the nail, and one along the front edge of the mirror. The angle made by the line from the object to the mirror with the front of the mirror bears what relation to the angle made by the line to your eye and the front of the mirror? Find out by comparing these angles drawn on the paper, cutting one out and laying it on the other. Can you write thus? 187. Set a mirror up vertically on the table. Lay a sheet of white paper in front of it. With a pencil in hand place your hand on the paper. Then hold a card in your left hand in front of your face so that you cannot see your hand but can see its reflection in the mirror. Write: "I see the image of my hand," watching the formation of the letters in the mirror. Why is it so hard to do? Who can learn to do it in the shortest time? Your image in a spoon. 188. Look into the bowl of a shiny silver spoon and then turn it over and look on the back. Can you see why your image is so misshaped? Draw a diagram to show why. You may use the convex and concave mirrors furnished in the laboratory for this quite as well as the spoon. THE CAMERA, TELESCOPE, MAGIC LANTERN 83 The engine headlight. 189. Hold a concave mirror in the sunlight and see at what distance in front of the mirror the sun's rays are brought to a point by the mirror. This is the focal point of the mirror. What is the focal length of this concave mirror in inches? If a candle flame is set at the focal point, how are the rays of light reflected? Try the experiment, holding a piece of white paper up at a couple of feet from the mirror and catching the light upon it. When the flame is moved nearer to the mirror, what is the effect on the beam of light? Where is the light placed with reference to the focus of the mirror in an engine or automobile headlight? The magnifying mirror. -190. Hold a concave mirror nearer to your eye than its focal length. Look at your eye in the mirror. Why does the dentist use a concave mirror in his work? The kaleidoscope. 191. Take two strips of mirror about i inch wide and 6 or 8 inches long, or use two strips of glass, one side of each of whic^i is covered with a strip of black paper pasted to the glass along the edges. Cut a strip of dark cardboard or blackened wood as long as the^lass strips and sufficiently wide so that when it is placed between tHe long edges of the mirrors and their other long edges are in contact the faces of the glass strips will make an angle of 30. Paste dark paper over the outside of this so that it will be held together and form a triangular tube. Cut two triangular pieces of glass of sufficient size to cover the end of the triangular tube and place between them along their edges some narrow strips of glass; fill the space between them, bounded by this edging, with broken bits of colored glass. They should be small enough to move around freely between the glasses. Bind these triangular glasses together and fasten them to one end of the triangular tube over its opening, pasting black paper over the end so that only the light going through the opening in which the bits of colored glass are will enter the tube. Look through the apparatus now, holding the end containing the, colored glass toward the light. While looking, rotate it on its axis so that the bits of glass will change their relative positions. Can you explain what you see? Cameras. To make a pinhole camera. 192. Cut out one end of a pasteboard box, like a shoe box. Cover the hole thus made with paraffin paper or tracing paper, pasting it in place. With a pin make a small hole in the center of the opposite end of the box. Set the box on the window sill, pinhole end out; throw a dark cloth over the inner end of the box and at the same time over your head. The image of the landscape will be seen on the paraffin paper. (Draw a diagram to show why.) 193. Cut a piece of blueprint paper the size of the end of the box on the inside, or use a photographic negative. Fasten either by means of pins inside the box against the end that is covered with tracing paper, 84 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY the sensitive side of paper or plate toward the pinhole. Blueprint paper must be handled in dim light and the photographic negative must be put in place in a dark room lighted by a red light (see below). The pinhole camera may be set on the window sill on a bright day and left for a half- hour if the blueprint paper is taken, for five minutes if the negative is used. Then the blueprint paper may be washed, or the negative developed (see below), and the image of the outdoor scene will appear. The camera obscura. 194. A camera for sketching may be made by using a larger wooden box with one side off. Set the box on the table in front of the open window, the open side toward you. In the middle of the side away from you, 8 inches or so from the top of the box, bore a small hole. Fasten a mirror to the top of the box opposite this hole and a foot from it, so that the light will be reflected down to the bottom of the box. Throw a dark cloth over the open side of the box and put your head under the cloth. Place a white paper on the bottom of the box. The image of the out-of- door scene is thrown on this white paper and may be sketched in outline. The lens camera. So little light comes in through the pinhole in the camera above that it takes a very long exposure to affect the sensitive plate. 195. If the hole is made larger, the image is blurred. (Show by a diagram why this is so.) But if a lens is set in the opening a clear image may be obtained, even with a wide opening. To make a lens. 196. Smear a little vaseline on the edges of two watch crystals. Be careful not to get the vaseline on the outside. Put these under water and bring them together accurately, edge to edge. Hold them firmly together with the left thumb and fingers and bring them out of water. The vaseline prevents the water running out. Dry them off, particularly the edges, and bind the edge of this "lens" with surgeons' tape, seeing that it adheres closely so that the water will not escape. You have thus a double convex lens. Images formed by the lens. 197. Hold the lens up in the right hand in front of a sheet of white paper tacked up in a darkened room, and in the left hand hold a candle. Move the lens nearer to the candle or to the paper, as may be necessary, to throw a clear image of the candle flame on the paper screen. Note the size of the image. Measure the distance from the paper to the lens and from the lens to the candle. Set the lens twice as far from the screen and move the candle back and forth until the image is clear again. Is the candle nearer to the lens or farther from it than before? Repeat the experiment, setting the lens half as far from the screen as in the first case. Is the image smaller or larger? The nearer the object is to a convex lens, the the screen must be from the lens to get the clear image and the the THE CAMERA, TELESCOPE, MAGIC LANTERN 85 image is. You will see then why, in the ordinary cameras, the lens is mounted so that its distance to the sensitive plate may be altered in order to focus the image sharply. The lens as a burning glass. 198. Hold the lens in the sunlight so that the light will shine through it. Focus the light in a tiny point on a sheet of white paper. Not only is the light focused but the heat also, and the paper may be set on fire. Measure the distance from the lens to the paper when the point of light is as small as you can get it. This is the focal length of the lens. The camera. 199. Enlarge the pinhole in the pinhole camera so that the lens can be set in the hole. Fasten it in with dark paper pasted around the opening and on the lens. Make a wooden frame that fits snugly as it stands up in the inside of the box. Remove the tracing paper from the back of the box and fasten it to the front of the frame. Set the frame in the box back of the lens, about as far from it as the focal length of the lens. Set the camera on the window and cover the open end with the dark cloth, covering your head also. Look on the paraffin paper for the image of the objects out of doors. If the image is not clear, move the frame back and forth until it is reasonably clear. Load the camera as before with a sensi- tive plate, keeping the lens covered until the exposure is made. The exposure now may be short, a second or two, to get a good negative. Camera plates. 200. Examine a sensitive plate in the light. Take it out of the box in the dark room (see below) and close the box before opening the door. Note that one surface of the plate is covered with a gelatine film in which are held certain substances sensitive to light. These are salts of silver. When light acts on silver salts they often break down, depositing grains of metallic silver that look black in the mass. 201. Take a crystal or two of silver nitrate and dissolve in a test tube in a tablespoonf ul of hot water. Dip a piece of filter paper or white blotting paper in this and place it in strong sunlight. The paper darkens as the silver is deposited. The dark room. -Sensitive plates and print papers must be handled in a room lighted by red light that does not act at all rapidly on the sen- sitive surface. 202. To make a safe dark-room light, a sheet of red tissue paper, doubly thick, may be tied over the electric light, or a lighted candle may be set in a shoe box, one side of which has been cut out and the opening covered with red tissue paper. Punch holes near the bottom and in the top of the box for ventilation and screen these also with red paper. To develop the plate. A plate exposed in a camera does not show the image when removed, for the light has acted for so short a time that the 86 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY process of disintegration of the silver salts has only just begun. It is completed by "developing." 203. At some photo supply store buy a package of hydrochinone developing powders (six for twenty-five cents), and a half-pound of acid fixer. Dissolve the fixer in one quart of water and put it in a pan in the dark room. Dissolve one of the powders in 4 ounces of water, dissolving the content of the blue paper first, then adding that of the pink. Put this in a small pan or a soup plate in the dark room. Remove the exposed sensitive plate from the camera in the dark room. Handle it by its edges. Dip it in water, then put it in the developer, sensitive side up, promptly wiping off its face with a bit of absorbent cotton wet in the developer, and see that the whole face is covered instantly with the developer. Rock the pan or plate so that the developer will move about in the pan. The image should appear in a few seconds. When it begins to show through on the back of the plate, take the plate out of the developer and put it in the fixer, face up. Leave it in for ten minutes, or until all the white has disappeared from it. Then wash it in running water for thirty minutes or put it through a dozen changes of water, leaving it in each for two or three minutes. Set it up on edge to dry. The negative. This gives a negative, so called because all light areas in the object before the camera are dark in the negative and all dark areas are light. The negative is used to make the picture. Printing. 204. In the dark room place a sheet of print paper like "Cyko" or "Solio," of the same size as the negative with its sensitive face against the film side of the negative. Cover the back of the paper with a piece of cardboard or wood (or the back of the printing frame). Expose the paper to the light by letting the light fall on the negative. At 6 feet from a sixteen-candle-power electric light an exposure of three to six seconds is enough for a negative of ordinary density. The print is developed like a plate, using 8 ounces of water for a package of developer, and metol developer is better than hydrochinone for this. It is fixed in the fixing bath, washed and dried as was the plate. The good camera. 205. Hold a lens, such as we have made, up to the light and look through it at some object, like the window. It will be noticed that the image is more or less distorted, straight lines appearing curved, and the image is surrounded by more or less of a halo of color. These defects of a lens are in part overcome by using only the central portion of the lens; hence a lens is usually "diaphragmed down" in a camera. Examine a good camera to see its parts lens, diaphragm, bellows, rack- and-pinion focusing adjustment, ground-glass back, plate holders, etc. Refraction. 206. Put a coin in a cup or bowl which sets on the table. Stand back from the table so that you can just see the coin on the THE CAMERA, TELESCOPE, MAGIC LANTERN 87 bottom over the edge of the bowl. Step back one step farther, until the coin is no longer seen. Have someone pour water into the bowl slowly so as not to disturb the coin. What happens? Evidently the ray of light from the coin going over the edge of the bowl, a ray that would go over your eye, is bent down by the water to your eye. 207. Hold a prism of glass in your hand, the base of the triangle down and horizontal, the edge up, and look at a lighted candle on the table. Trace the course of the ray of light. Draw a diagram of it. As the ray enters the glass is it bent toward or away from the line that is perpendicular to the surface at this point? As the ray comes out of the glass or water, how is it bent with reference to the perpendicular? It is this refraction of the light, passing through a lens, that makes it form an image. 208. Diagram the forma- tion of an image by a lens. To make a telescope. 209. Wrap several thicknesses of stiff paper blackened on one side, black face in, on the outside of a cylindrical stick of wood and paste down the edges so as to make a paper tube, black inside, when it is slipped off the stick of wood. Make another similar loose tube on the outside of this so that they will telescope into each other. Fasten one of the homemade lenses or a plane convex glass lens on the end of the larger tube. This will be the objective of the telescope. Have this tube about as long as the focal length of the lens used. Fasten another lens, the eyepiece, on one end of the smaller tube and let this tube be two- thirds as long as the longer one. Cut a circular hole of about f-inch dia- meter in a piece of black paper and fasten this over the eyepiece so as to cover all but its central portion. Slip the open end of the short tube into the open end of the larger tube. Look through the eyepiece, shoving the small tube in or out until you see the outdoor object. The image formed by the objective is examined by the eye looking through the eyepiece. The tubes are really unessential. You may hold two lenses, one in each hand, and looking through both held in line with the eye change their relative position so as to get the telescope effect. Magnifier and microscope. -210. The homemade double convex lens can be used as a simple magnifier. Try it. Must the object to be magni- fied be nearer to the lens or farther from it than its focal length when it is seen enlarged? 211. To make the compound microscope, proceed as in making the telescope, only make the larger tube three tunes as long as the focal length of the lens. The object to be seen must be an inch or so from the objective and in strong light. Move the eyepiece up or down until the magnified object is seen. 88 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY To make the magic lantern. 212. Use the homemade camera for the body of the lantern. Set it horizontally on the table. Fasten an electric light inside the box so that it is about as far from the lens as the focal length of the latter. This lens now serves as a condenser. With India ink draw a picture on a piece of glass or on tracing paper. Fasten this up in front of the condenser. Hold another homemade lens an inch or so in front of the picture. Move a sheet of white paper, held a few feet in front of the lens, nearer to and farther from the lens until the image of the picture appears on the paper. A block of wood with a hole bored in it with a large auger, opposite the condenser, may be set on the table to serve as a slide carrier for magic-lantern slides. The objective lens may also be mounted on a similar block and the magic lantern may be set up at any time for use. Much better results can be obtained if well-ground glass lenses are used in place of our homemade lenses, but the latter will show the method of construction. The rainbow. 213. Look through the prism at some well-lighted object, like the window sill, and note that the rays of white light are evidently broken up or dispersed into their component colors. It is this dispersion of sunlight as it passes through the raindrops that produces the rainbow. 214. Let a beam of light into a darkened room through a slot in the shutter or in a board set below the curtain and set the prism just inside the slot so that the beam of light passes through it. The band of color will be seen on walls or ceiling. , Mixing colors. The reverse of this is true, that colors may be blended to produce new ones, even to produce white. Send for a sample book of educational colored papers (Thomas Charles and Co., 2249 Calumet Ave., Chicago). 215. Cut two circular pieces of paper from these samples, one blue and one yellow. Slit each disk from its margin to its center. Slip the edge of one of these cuts into the other and adjust the two disks so that about half of each disk shows its color. Punch a hole in the middle of the disks and slip them on the stem of the peg top (p. 43). Punch a hole in the center of a slice of a small cork and slip this on the stem to hold the papers in place. Spin the tip and note the color. Change the relative amounts of color exposed, letting one blue disk show two-thirds and the yellow one- third. Spin again and note the results. 216. Add a third disk of white paper, exposing one- third of each disk, blue, yellow, and white. What is the effect when the top is spun? 217. Try disks of white and black paper, each half-exposed. Try disks of red and yellow, or red and green. 218. Can you recombine by means of the top the rainbow colors (violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red) to make white? How would the color top be useful in mixing paints? THE CAMERA, TELESCOPE, MAGIC LANTERN 89 Optical illusions. There are many interesting optical illusions that show that you do not always see what you think you see. 219. Draw two parallel lines i^ inches apart and 6 inches long. At intervals of a half-inch on each line draw half -inch lines into the space between the lines, these short lines all pointing one way and standing at an angle of 45 to the parallel lines. Do the long lines still appear parallel? 220. Draw two inch squares near together, one of light lines, one of heavy. Draw two half-inch squares inside the inch squares, their sides separated from those of the larger squares by half-inch spaces. Make the inner square of heavy lines in the larger square of light lines, and vice versa. Connect each corner of the inner square to the adjacent corner of the outer square. How do the resulting figures compare? 221. Draw two lines a few inches apart, one i inch long, the other 4^ inches long. In the middle of each mark off by short cross-lines ^ inch. Do the marked-off portions look equal? On the same paper several inches apart draw two lines each 2 inches long. At the end of each line draw two half-inch lines making a V, its point coincident with the end of the line. Let the open ends of the V on one line be toward each other, on the other away from each other. Do the two 2-inch lines appear now of equal length? THE HOMEMADE ORCHESTRA A ukelele. 222. Cut a 2-inch square hole in the middle of the cover of a cigar box. Cut a strip of f-inch pine 2 inches wide and 18 inches long. In one end of this saw out two slots the long way of the strip, each f inch wide and 2 inches long and f inch from the edge of the strip. Through the walls of each of these slots and at right angles to them bore J-inch holes about i inch apart. Have those on one slot alternate with those on the other. Cut out four round pegs i^ inches long with flat heads like those on the violin, so that the pegs will fit these holes tightly. With an awl make a hole in the middle of each peg. Nail the other end of this long strip on the middle of one end of the cigar box, the face of the strip flush with the top of the box. Fasten four wires, about Nos. 32, 28, 24, 1 8, by tacks to the end of the cigar box opposite the long strip to serve as strings. Tack a piece of thin wood to serve as a bridge on the cover of the box below the hole and parallel to its lower edge. Pass a string over the bridge, making a little notch in the top edge of the bridge to hold it and put the free end of the wire through the hole in a peg. Turn the peg so as to wind the wire about it and tighten the string. Do the same for the other strings. Tighten the strings so that they will sound do, mi, sol, do on the scale. Can you play a tune? Banjo. 223. Make a similar instrument, using a round cheese box in place of the cigar box. A string band might easily be improvised if boxes of various sizes are used to make the instruments and these are tuned so as to be in harmony. The larger instruments could be tuned an octave or two lower than the small ones. Why some strings on the piano are long and coarse. 224. Fasten two tacks 3 or 4 inches apart in one end of the table or in one end of a board as long as the desk. Tie the ends of strings, one coarse and one fine, each to one of these two tacks. Make two bridges and set one near each end of the table or board so that the strings can pass over them. Hang equal weights of a pound or two to each string. Pluck the strings so. that they will sound a note. What do you learn? Double the weight- on each string and pluck the strings again. What additional fact can you record? Move the bridges closer together and then pluck the strings. Record the results. The coarser the string, the the note it gives off. The longer the string, the the note omitted. The greater the tension of the string, the the note it gives. 90 THE HOMEMADE ORCHESTRA 91 Why the violin has a box. 225. Set a large cigar box with a hole cut in its lid under the strings on the table and put the bridges on its top, one at either end, setting the two strings over them. Then pluck the strings. How does the sound compare with that given off when the cigar box is not used but the bridges are set at the same distance on the table top or board? The thin wood of the box also is set in vibration as well as the air in the 'box. 226. Roll up some stiff paper to make a flaring conical trumpet. Talk into the small end. Why is the sound of your voice so loud? 227. Hold your nose shut and then talk. You change the character of the sound by cutting off certain resonance chambers. How can you change the pitch of the note given off by a stretched string? The intensity of the sound? The quality? To make a whistle. 228". Cut an 8-inch length of good-sized bamboo open at both ends. Fit a cork plunger at one end, on the end of a stick, as if making a squirt gun (p. 52). Cut a transverse notch i inch from the other end, a third of the way through the bamboo, the edge of the notch toward the near end, inclined to the long axis of the bamboo about 45, the other edge vertical to this long axis. Cut off the end of the bamboo near the notch parallel to the adjacent edge of the notch, i.e., at an angle of 45. Plug this end of the bamboo down to the notch with a cork, cut off to conform to the inclination of the end. On the side of the cork where the notch is, cut off a thin slice so as to make a slot through which to blow. When blowing through this the whistle should operate and the note may be changed by pushing in or drawing out the plunger. This instrument may be added to the orchestra. Sound due to vibrations set up by the sounding body. 229. Fold an inch strip of light-weight paper in half so as to make a little rider. Drop it on the middle of a stretched string that is emitting a sound. What happens and what does it show? Set a bell to ringing and bring a pith ball suspended by a fine string against its edge. What happens and why? 230. Draw the edge of a piece of stiff card, like a post card, held between thumb and finger, over the teeth of a comb. Can you feel the vibrations? Draw it over rapidly, then very rapidly. The more frequent the vibrations, the the pitch of the note emitted. In the whistle it is the column of air that is made to vibrate. The shorter the vibrating column, the the pitch of the note. From which pipes do the bass notes of the pipe organ come? A rattler. -231. From the wood of a cigar box cut two strips 6 by ij inches. Cut a block of f-inch stuff ij inches wide and J inch longer than an empty spool. With brads fasten the two strips to the equally wide ends of the block so that they are parallel to each other, the block between 92 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY them. Cut another 6-inch strip just wide enough to fasten on the block and the first two strips with brads, and so close one side of this long box, the other side and one end of which are still open. Cut a piece of wood about i inch square and 6 inches long to serve as a handle. Whittle down 2 inches at one end of this so that it will fit tightly into the hole of the spool, but do not put the spool on yet. Cut deep notches in the ends of the spool so as to make the ends toothed all around. Bore two holes slightly larger than the hole in the spool, one in each of the ij-inch-wide strips about f inch from the ends opposite the blocks. Place these holes near enough to the uncovered side of the box so that when the round end of the handle that carries the spool is put through them the teeth on the spool ends will project above the edges of the adjacent strips. Put the round end of the handle through one hole, then force it through the hole in the spool far enough to stick through the second hole. Cut a strip of real thin wood as a tongue, making it as wide as the spool and long enough so that when one end is fastened by brads to the block the other will press against the teeth of the spool. While holding the handle in your hand rotate the hand so as to whirl the box about the handle. The teeth on the spool lift the tongue and drop it repeatedly with incessant clatter. If the piece of wood used for the tongue is too stiff to spring up as the teeth lift it file or sandpaper the base away near the attachment to the block until it is springy. This may not be a very musical instrument to add to the orchestra, but it does show well that sound is produced by the vibration of the sounding body, in this case the tongue of the rattler. The box serves as a resonator to increase the volume of sound. The triangle. 232. Bend an i8-inch-long piece of J-inch round iron or very heavy wire into the shape of an equilateral triangle, the ends of the wire not quite touching. Hang this on a string by one angle and play it by tapping it with a large nail. HOW TO MAKE THE PHONOGRAPH AND TELEPHONE The phonograph. 233. In the making of a phonograph record a sharp stylus borne on a thin disk at the small end of a receiver horn makes a series of impressions in a spiral line on a rotating plastic plate as the disk is caused to vibrate by the sound waves entering the horn when the per- former sings or speaks into it. This wax plate is then used as a pattern to mold hard-rubber plates, exact duplicates of itself, and these are the records. When the sharp needle of the phonograph travels over the line of little hills and valleys it causes the disk to which it is attached to vibrate and reproduce the same succession of sound waves that caused the impression on the original plate. When one understands the principle in accord with which the phono- graph works it is not difficult to make one that will operate fairly well. Use a planed board 9 by 1 2 inches as the base. Draw a line down through its center. One inch from one end of this line bore a hole large enough to take a hardwood upright peg that will fit the hole of a spool, so that the latter can revolve on the peg smoothly. Let the peg be long enough to project slightly above the end of the spool when the lower end of the peg is set securely in the hole in the baseboard. Sharpen off the top of the peg to a blunt point. The turntables. Cut a lo-inch square of J-inch board that is perfectly flat and draw upon it the diagonals of the square so as to find its center. At this point make a depression into which the upper end of the peg may fit. Fasten the spool on this same side of the board, its hole directly over the hole on the board. The square board on the spool will revolve on the peg. On the top of this board at its center glue a short round peg, just large enough to fit the hole in the record to be used. If it tends to slip, the record may be fastened in place by thumb tacks placed so as to lap over its edge. Place the baseboard on the table in front of you so that the turntable is at its distant end. Then at the left-hand corner near you draw a square with i-inch sides, the corner of the board being one corner of the square. By means of a nail driven into the corner of this square opposite the corner of the baseboard fasten a wheel not exceeding 9 inches in diameter. This may be a wheel taken from an old rubber- tired doll carriage or a cart, the rubber tire removed so that the rim is grooved, or it may be a wheel cut out of J-inch board, the edge grooved with a round file. Near the rim of 93 94 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY this wheel fasten a handle so that it may be revolved horizontally. Tie a heavy cord or long leather shoe lace about the rim of this wheel and the spool under the turntable so that it will serve as a belt. The vibrating disk and the arm that carries it. Take a small tin or glass funnel the mouth of which is not over 2 inches in diameter. Cut a circular piece of mica, split very thin, the same size as the mouth of the funnel and glue its edge to the rim of the funnel's mouth all round. At the center of this mica disk glue a small piece of cork large enough to hold the butt end of the stylus, usually used on the phonograph, or the end of a machine needle broken in half. Cut a strip of J-inch pine i inch wide and 1 2 inches long. A half- inch from one end bore a hole large enough to take the stem of the funnel; at the other end, one to take a long brad. Two inches from the end where the funnel goes cut the strip square across and refasten the cut-off portion to the long part by a hinge set on the i -inch- wide side of both. Put a bit of rubber tube or a rubber washer on the stem of the funnel close to the flare. Set the stem of the funnel into the hole of the wood strip, its tip protruding on the same side to which the hinge is affixed. Slip a 6-inch length of rubber tubing on the stem of the funnel and push it down until the end is pressed against the wood strip. A piece of |-inch wood 2 inches wide is to be fastened as an upright to the end of the baseboard, its edge ij inches from the corner opposite the wheel. It must be sufficiently long so that when the arm bearing the funnel is attached to its top by the long brad in a horizontal position the tip of the stylus will rest on the record. After this upright and the arm are in place an additional support for the arm is rigged so that the stylus may not bear too heavily on the record. Bend a stiff wire into a 2-inch-wide U with sides long enough to straddle the arm, the curve of the U several inches above the arm. Shove the tips of the U down into holes bored in the baseboard 2 inches apart. Dent the top of the U and fasten a loop of string from the dent to the arm so as to hold it up and still leave it free to swing from side to side. The horn. Roll a piece of stiff paper into the form of a good-sized horn. Glue it so that it will stay in shape. Glue into its small end a cork through the center of which runs a short length of glass tubing. On this slip the end of the rubber tube, which also attaches to the funnel. On the side of the base fasten an upright on top of which is fixed a small hoop to hold the horn. When the record is placed on the turntable the tip of the stylus in its outermost groove must be rotated very steadily by the wheel in the direction opposite to that in which the hands of a clock move. The proper speed HOW TO MAKE THE PHONOGRAPH AND TELEPHONE 95 of rotation will have to be determined by trial until the reproduction sounds natural. Pan's pipes. 234. Cut glass tubing with about J-inch bore so as to make eight pieces 3^, 3!, 4, 4j, 4!, 5}, sJ, and 6} inches long. Plug one end of each with a cork plug J inch long set in flush with the end. Fasten these pipes to a block of wood, their open ends at the "same level and far enough apart so that you can blow across the end of each to produce a note. They should give the successive notes of an octave. The flute. 235. Take one joint of bamboo as long as is obtainable, with one end closed, the other open. Near the closed end bore a hole on one side about J inch in diameter. Blow across this to get a tone. Measure the distance from this hole to the open end. Bore another hole on the same side one-half of the distance from the mouth hole to the open end. Locate the other holes in a row on the same side, nine-eighths of the distance from the mouth hole to this central hole, five-fourths, four-thirds, three-halves, five-thirds, fifteen-eighths, respectively. You now have another instrument for the orchestra. To play it hold the thumbs on the side of the flute opposite the holes, the first, second, and third fingers of the left hand on the hole nearest the mouth hole and the next two holes, the fingers of the right hand on the other four holes. Blow across the mouth hole, lifting first one finger, then another, off the holes. The notes rendered should be those of the scale if you have located the holes accurately. The echo. Sound may be reflected from a surface like a hillside or the wall of a room as light is reflected from a mirror. Such reflection out of door gives the echo. 236. Try reflecting sound and focusing it with a mirror like that used on bracket lamps. Hold a watch a few inches in front of the mirror that is held so as to reflect the sound toward a second person. Hold a candle beside the watch and focus the light on the person's ear. The sound should also be focused and the person will hear the watch r tick with concentrated loudness. Hold your hands up behind your ears, curving the hands so as to focus the sound waves into the openings of the ears. Let someone talk in a uniform voice while you do this, then take your hands away. Why do partially deaf people'use an ear trumpet? The string telephone. -237. Punch a small hole in the middle of the bottom of two tin cans, like baking-powder cans. Fasten one end of a long (50 feet or more) heavy string in each can by passing the end in through the hole and tying a knot so that the string will not pull out. Let each of two persons hold a can in hand and stand far enough apart so that the string is pulled taut. Then one may talk into the can and the other use the can as a telephone receiver. If two lamp chimneys are used in place of the cans, one end of each being covered by tightly stretched bladder or g6 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY parchment paper, the results will be better. The string may turn corners and still carry the sound, if it is passed through empty spools that are suspended from convenient objects. You can thus connect two rooms in the house or two houses that are not too far apart. The electric telephone. 238. Examine the parts of an old telephone. Bear in mind what we found out in handling* induced electric currents (P- 77)> that moving a magnet into or out of a coil of wire produces a current in the wire. Changing the strength of the magnet in a coil will of course have the same effect. 239. After looking over the telephone and finding out how it works, could you devise a plan of making one for yourself ? Try it. HOW TO MAKE A PAIR OF SCALES AND USE OTHER MECHANICAL CONTRIVANCES To make a pair of balances. 240. Cut a block of J-inch wood 4 inches square, to serve as a base. At its midpoint fasten an 8-inch upright of the same stuff ij inches wide. Saw or shave off the sides at its upper end so as to make a wedge with a i^-inch edge. Cut a J-inch square piece 15 inches long and drive a tack two-thirds to the head in the center of each end. At the midpoint of this piece cut a notch straight across one side and balance the stick on the upright, the edge of the wedge in the notch. The scale pans may be made of the covers of baking-powder or similar cans. Punch three holes in the edge of each cover at intervals of a third of the way around the cover. Tie short strings in these holes and knot their ends together so that the covers will hang from the tacks at each end of the balanced stick. If now the stick does not balance exactly, shave off one end or the other so that it will. At the midpoint of the balanced stick opposite the notch fasten an 8-inch wire by a tack, then bend it an inch from the tack so that it will hang vertically in front of the upright. Make a mark upon the upright at the lower end of the wire when the scale beam is horizontal. The end of this pointer and the mark should coincide when the scale pans just balance. 241. To make the weights, take a pound of sheet lead and cut it in half. Cut one-half in half again, and so proceed to make weights of 8-ounce, 4-ounce, 2-ounce, i-ounce, and two J-ounce; weights may be made also, if preferred, by using small cloth bags filled with small shot, weighing them on some reliable scales. Such scales and weights will make a valuable addition to the outfit of the boy or girl who wants to play store. An experiment with the scales. '242. Make another notch on the scale beam on the same side as before, but 5 inches from one end. Set the beam on the upright at this notch and pour fine shot into one scale pan until the scales balance. If the 2-ounce weight is now put in the pan with the shot, what weight must be put in the other pan to balance it? Try the 4-ounce weight and note what is required to balance it. What is the relation between the weights in the two pans in each case? What is the relation between the lengths of the arms of the scale beam now? 243. Cut another notch 3 inches from one end and again get the scales balanced by pouring shot in one pan. Put the 2-ounce weight in this pan again and note what weight is needed in the other pan to balance 97 g8 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY it. The number representing the weight in one pan multiplied by that showing the length of the opposite arm always equals what? 244. Devise and make a pair of scales on which you can weigh yourself. The lever. The balance is merely one form of the simple machine called a lever. The unmoved point upon which the beam balances is the fulcrum. One arm is called the weight arm, the other the power arm, because they bear, respectively, the weight and the power. We may state our findings above, then, in this form: weight arm times the power equals what? There are evidently only three possible relations of fulcrum, weight, and power. The fulcrum may be between the weight and power; the weight may be between the fulcrum and power; power may be between fulcrum and weight. There are many applications of the lever, as, for instance, a hammer used for drawing a nail, a tack claw, a can opener, scissors used in cutting, a nut cracker, a lemon squeezer. 245. Draw diagrams of each of these indicating the location of fulcrum, power, and weight. 246. List some other common household utensils that involve the use of a lever. 247. Fasten a spring scale to the end of a hammer handle. Insert the hook of a second spring scale in the claw of the hammer. Set the hammer head down at the edge of a table and take hold of one spring scale with the right hand, the other with the left. Pull on the scale attached to the handle as if the other spring scale were a tack you were drawing. Note what each spring scale registers. Measure the weight arm and power arm of this lever and note if the amounts registered by the spring scales figure out properly in relation to the length of power arm and weight arm. The sprocket wheel on the bicycle. 248. Cut a piece of |-inch stuff 2 inches wide and 2 inches long for a base. At one end fasten on with brads two uprights, one on each side, each upright of light stuff and about i inch by 3 inches, the two parallel to each other and at right angles to one broad side of the base. Whittle a 4-inch stick round and sufficiently large to tightly fit the hole in a spool. Bore a hole a little larger than this round stick in each of the uprights near their upper ends so that the round stick can set in them and turn as an axle, the spool turning with it. Square off one protruding end of the axle and at right angles fit on it an arm of light wood with a square hole at one end to receive the square end of the axle. At the other end of the arm, which may be a couple of inches long, drive a peg into a small hole to make the handle to this crank on the windlass. The crank is like the pedal bar on the bicycle, the spool compa- rable to the sprocket wheel. Let us see what mechanical advantage such a mechanism affords. Tie one end of a string tightly around the spool and HOW TO MAKE MECHANICAL CONTRIVANCES 99 then, turning the handle of the windlass, wind several turns of the string upon the spool. Tie the free end of the string to the hook of a spring scale, the other end of which is fastened to a tack on the table. Fasten the base block to the tablfe also. Throw the hook of another spring scale over the handle of the crank and by means of it apply force to turn the crank. As you thus wind the string slowly on the spool note the reading of both scales. Then let the string unwind a very little and again note the reading of both scales. * If you divide the sum of the readings of each scale by two the results should be the force applied on the crank to pull a given weight on the string; the element of friction is also eliminated. Do you know why? Do you see also that this machine is merely an application of the lever? What is the power arm, the weight arm? Are these constantly changing their relative lengths as the windlass is turned, or do they remain constant? Measure these arms of the lever and calculate to see how closely your measure of the force applied and the resistance overcome agrees with the amounts determined from the application of the law of the lever. Bearing down with a pressure of twenty pounds on the pedal of your bicycle what pull is given on the chain by the teeth of the sprocket wheel? There is such a crank and axle on the coffee mill, the wringer, and the ice-cream freezer. 249. Can you figure out in either of these how much the power applied to the crank handle is multiplied by the machine? Wheel and axle on the sewing machine. If the crank on the end of the axle is replaced by a wheel the machine is known as a wheel and axle. But the principle involved is merely that of the lever again, for, of course, when the crank handle on the windlass is turned around it describes the circumference of a circle just as does the rim of a wheel. The steering wheel of a boat works as a wheel and axle. Are there any on the sewing machine? Can you think of any others in common use? To make a pulley. 250. Cut two thin wood strips from a cigar box each ij inches by | inch. Bore a hole in the center of each through which may be set an axle on which revolves an empty silk spool. With small brads fasten a block of wood in each end thick enough for the spool to revolve freely. Fasten in each end of this pulley a small screw hook or a brad bent into a hook. Why pulleys can help lift a load. 251. Fasten up a single pulley, pass a string over the wheel and tie one end to the hook of a spring scale and a weight of 8 ounces to the other end. What does the spring scale register? What would be the advantage in using such a pulley then? Can you determine how much of the pull exerted by the scale in raising the weight is used up in overcoming friction? ioo GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY 252. Fasten one end of the string to the bottom of the pulley, already hung, from which the string has been removed, pass the string over the wheel of a second pulley so as to suspend it below the first, thence over the wheel of the first. Fasten the hook of a spring scale to the free end of the string and hang a half-pound weight on the hook of the lower pulley. See what the spring scale registers. What should it register if friction were eliminated? Can you devise a way to eliminate friction in your results? How many strings are now supporting the weight? If you raise the weight 6 inches how much must you lower the end of the string fastened to the spring scale? Make the measurement to find out. 253. Try a system of a double pulley above and a single pulley below. Fasten the end of the string to the upper end of the lower pulley, pass it over one of the wheels of the upper pulley, then over the wheel of the lower pulley, then over the other wheel of the upper pulley. Fasten the hook of the spring scale to the free end of the string and a weight to the lower hook of the lower pulley. See what the relation is between the weight raised and the power required to raise it after making allowance for friction. 254. Try a system of two double pulleys and find out the same thing. Do you see any relation between the weight raised, the power applied, and the number of strands of cord that support the weight, remembering that one strand of string merely serves to change the direction of the applied power, as in the single pulley. Would it be possible for a man to lift him- self with a rope and a couple of pulleys? Why the grocer uses an inclined plank to load the barrel of sugar into his wagon. 255. Cut a small block of f-inch wood 3 inches wide and 4 inches long. At the middle of one end drive a tack. By means of nails fasten four small spools to the block to serve as wheels, thus making a small wagon. Fasten a string to the block by means of the tack at the front end. Load the wagon with some weights and then by means of a spring scale attached to the string weigh the wagon and its load. Support one end of a smooth 5-foot board on blocks so that it is 3 feet higher than the other end, which rests on the table or the floor. Draw the wagon up the inclined board and note the pull registered on the spring scale. Note the pull on the scales when the wagon is allowed to roll, back- ward, down the inclined board. In pulling the wagon up the board the scale registers the pull of the wagon plus the resistance due to friction of the wheels; when the wagon rolls back the scale registers the pull of the wagon minus the friction. How, then, will you get the pull due to the loaded wagon and eliminate the element of friction? What is this amount? How far has the weighted wagon to move horizontally in going from one end of the board to the other? How far must it move vertically? If the HOW TO MAKE MECHANICAL CONTRIVANCES 101 wagon and its weight equaled one pound and it were lifted directly from the table or floor to the raised end of the board the energy used would evidently be three foot pounds. What energy was used in raising the wagon in the experiment? The pull registered on the scale, leaving friction out of consideration, is what part of the weight of the loaded wagon? But this pull was working through how many horizontal feet of movement of the wagon? Do you see that the proportion existing between the weight raised and the pull on the scale is the same as that between the vertical distance and the horizontal distance through which the weight moves? Can you explain why this is so? 256. Suppose the end of the board were raised 2 feet instead of 3 feet, then what would be the pull on the scale required to get the wagon up the inclined board? Figure this out first and then verify your conclusion by trying the experiment. Can you now state the law of the inclined plane? Would the grocer best use a long or a short board to roll his barrel of sugar up into the wagon? When a railroad goes up a mountain why must it wind back and forth around the mountain? The grade must not exceed 2 per cent if an engine is to pull a train of cars. What does such a statement mean? Why must the gradient be so small? Why is it so hard to ride a bicycle up a hill? Why a knife blade cuts so easily. Do you see that a knife blade is just another application of the machine called the inclined plane? Instead of pulling the weight up the inclined plane the plane is forced in against the resistance caused by the cohesion of the particles of wood or other object cut. Though this simple machine is simply a new application of the old inclined plane it is called the wedge. 257. Can you measure your knife blade and calculate what amount of force is acting to push the wood fibers apart if you are exerting a pressure of five pounds on the handle of the knife? Name five other tools that use the wedge as a means of accom- plishing their work. Why even a child can raise an automibile with a jack. 258. Cut a long right triangle out of paper, making one side of the right angle 6 inches, the other, i inch. Lay the i-inch end on a pencil parallel to its length and roll the paper strip on the pencil. The longest side of the triangle, the hypotenuse, makes a spiral like a screw thread. It is evident, then, that the screw, another simple type of machine, is really only an applica- tion of the principle of the inclined plane, for the longest side of the tri- angle is comparable to the edge of an inclined plane. The screw, then, is merely a coiled inclined plane and of course works in the same manner. The power applied to a screw jack is also usually applied by means of a long handle that acts as a lever to further increase the efficiency of the machine. 102 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY If we take a coarse wooden screw, like that on a carpenter's bench vise, it will be easy to measure the elements in the inclined plane. 259. With a tapeline measure the circumference of the screw. Evidently when the handle of the vise is turned around once, the resistance, whatever it is, has moved horizontally over a distance equal to that measured. It has at the same time moved vertically, to adopt the same phrasing as used above for the inclined plane, a distance equal to that between correspond- ing points on successive turns of the screw. Measure this distance. We now have the two essential elements in an inclined plane. What should be the increase in power accomplished through the use of this screw? Probably the bench screw operates by means of a handle that acts as a lever to further increase the power. Measure the length of power arm and weight arm and calculate what its mechanical efficiency is. We may experimentally verify our calculations. 260. Cut two sticks of J-inch stuff an inch or so wide and fasten them together loosely by a nail or bolt set through them at their midpoints, thus making a crude pair of shears. Bore holes through the ends of the sticks that may be called the tips of the shears. Fasten the other ends of the sticks, the handles of the shears, to the jaws of the bench vise by means of brads, so that when the vise is opened by turning the screw the tips of the shears will be spread. Fasten a spring scale between these tips by strings tied in the holes. Hook another spring scale over the handle of the bench vise and turn the screw so as to open the shears. Note the reading on both scales. Is the power applied increased by the machine as much as you calculate it should be? If not, why not? APPENDIX A It is suggested that the following list of projects, outlined in the pre- ceding pages, be done by individual students or the instructor as class demonstrations and that all others be done by every student in the class: 21, 42, 44, 48, 52, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 85, 87, 92, 93, 96, 98, 100, lor, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, no, in, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 133, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 168, 169, 170, 174, 178, 179, 180, 185, 194, 200, 202, 203, 214, 222, 223, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 248, 255, 260. 103 APPENDIX B The following list of apparatus and supplies is required to work out the projects suggested in this book, the foregoing list of experiments to be performed by one member of the class for the benefit of all. The estimate is based on a class of twenty students. It does not include drawing material, extra paper, cardboard, etc., that would naturally be supplied by the pupils. Alcohol lamps or Bunsen burners, 10. Asbestos paper, thin, i sq. ft. Asbestos sheet, -rV in., 2 sq. yds. Bamboo poles, 2. Beads, 2 doz., J in. with large hole. Beakers, 500 c.c., 6. Bolts, 3 by | in., 20. Bottles, 8-oz., wide-mouthed, 6. Brads, f lb., \ in. \ lb., f in. i lb., 1 1 in. Bunsen burners or alcohol lamps, 10. Candles, 2 standard. Cheese cloth, 5 yds. Chemicals: Acid chlorhydric, 8 oz. Alcohol, 4 oz. (more if alcohol lamps are used). Alum, \ lb. Ammonium chloride, 4 oz. Calcium oxide, | lb. Camphor, 2 oz. Carmine, powdered, \ oz. Charcoal, pulverized, 4 oz. Copper sulphate, 8 oz. Ether, 2 oz. Magnesium ribbon, i oz. . Manganese dioxide, granular, 4 oz.; pulverized, 4 oz. Phosphorus, yellow, 2 oz. Potassium chlorate, 4 oz. Salt, coarse, i lb. Silver nitrate, \ oz. Sulphur, 8 oz. Turpentine, 4 oz. Zinc, granulated, 4 oz. Clay pipes, 3. Compasses, 10. 104 APPENDIX 105 Compression clamps, 4. Copper, sheet, i sq. ft. Corks, rubber, to fit flasks 2-holed and 10 small i -holed. Corks, assorted sizes, 50. Electric bell. Electric binding-posts with two openings, 4. Electric buzzer. Electric dry batteries, 10. Electric dynamo, toy. Electric knife switch. Electric lights, old incandescent. Electric lights, i-candle power, and sockets, 20. Electric motor, toy. Electric push button. Evaporating dishes, 5 of 100 c.c. Flasks, 3 of 2 liters. 5 of f liter. 20 of 100 c.c. Filter paper, i package, 5 in. diameter. Funnels, 2 of i in. diameter, 2 of 3 in. diameter. Gas engine, toy. Glass cutter, wheel, 2. Glass stirring rods, i dozen. Glass tubing, i Ib. soft, iVin. bore. i Ib., j-in. bore. 5 of 6-in. length, |-in. bore. 5 of 4-in. length, i-in. bore. Glass, window, 3 pieces 8 by 10. Gunnysack, i. Iron, round, -& in., 10 linear ft. Joss sticks, i package. Knitting needles, 10 steel. Lamp chimneys, 2. Lead, sheet, i sq. ft. Leather, i sq. ft., thin. Lemon squeezer. Level, 2 detached. Lumber, 10 linear ft., f in., 3 in. wide, white pine. 10 linear ft., f in., 9 in. wide, white pine. 10 linear ft., \ in., 9 in., white pine. 30 |-in. square strips, 3 ft. long, white pine. 20 |-in. square strips, 4 ft. long, oak or cedar. Magnets, bar, 10. Mica, i piece, 2 in. square. Minerals and rocks (specimens listed, p. 6). io6 GUIDE IN PHYSICAL NATURE-STUDY Mirrors, 10 pieces 6 in. square. 10 concave. 40 strips about i by 6 in. Nails, assorted wire, 2 Ibs. Nut cracker. Paper, colored, i package assorted colors, about 2 doz. sheets. Paper, tissue, 40 sheets, assorted colors. Phonograph record, 2 old, i good one. Photograph material: Blueprint paper, 5 by 8, 2 doz. sheets. 4 by 5, 2 doz. sheets. Fixer, acid, i Ib. Hyjdrochinone developer, 6 powders. Metol-hydrochinone developer, 3 tubes. Plates, i box, 4 by 5, Cramer's medium or equivalent. Print paper, 2 doz. sheets 4 by 5 Normal Cyko or equivalent. Picture cord, i package. Pie plates, tin, 2. Pipettes, i doz. straight. Pith balls, 20. Plasticine, i Ib. Pneumatic trough. Prism, 2-in., 2. Protractor, 3-in., brass or horn. Ring stands, 2. Rubber for aeroplane, 40 ft. Rubber bands, 2 doz., 2 in. Rubber tubing, 10 ft., to fit glass tubing of iVin. bore. Saucers, 10. Scales, spring, 8 oz., 20, Scales, spring, 2 Ib., 2. Sealing wax, 10 sticks. Shot, i Ib. Silk, several pieces large enough to rub glass tubing. Silk, i spool fine. Spikes, i doz. String, 5 balls. Surgeons' tape, i in. wide, 10 yds. Tacks, i package each, small, carpet, and double-pointed. Teapot, i small tin. Telegraph instruments, 2. Telephone, i old one. Test tubes, 20. Thermometers, 3 registering 10 to 220 F., or equivalent in C. Thermos bottle broken one is best. APPENDIX 107 / Tin foil, 4 oz. Tin, sheet, i sq. ft. Tools: 5 awls. 5 triangular files. 2 round files. 10 hammers. 20 knives, Sloyd. 5 pliers. 2 saws, cross, and i split, i keyhole, i hack. 10 pairs scissors. 5 screw drivers. i pair tinners' shears. i bench vise. Tumblers, 20. Voltammeter, i. Watch crystals, not the laboratory dishes of this name but real watch crystals, 3 doz. Wire, No. 12, soft-iron, 2 Ib. iron, 1 8 and 24, i spool each. * copper, 1 8 and 24, i spool each. copper insulated, 18, f Ib. copper insulated, 36, i Ib. Zinc, sheet, i sq. ft. APPENDIX C There is given herewith a brief list of books that will be found useful if it is desired to extend the list of projects to be carried out by the pupils. A more complete bibliography will be found at the ends of the chapters in the forthcoming Source Book of Physical Nature-Study, which it is intended shall serve as a reading text to accompany this laboratory and field guide. Bayley, W. S. Minerals and Rocks. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1915. $2 . OO . Beard, Dan C. The American Boy's Handybook. New York: Charles Scribner & Sons, 1914. $1.50. . Boat-Building and Boating. ' New York: Grosset, Dunlap & Co., 1914. $0.50. . Handicraft for Outdoor Boys. New York: Grosset, Dunlap & Co., 1915. $0.50. Bond, Alexander R. The Scientific American Boy. New York: Munn & Co., 1905. $1.50. Chadwick, M. L. Pratt. Storyland of Stars. Chicago: Educational Publishing Co., 1906. $0.50. Collins, Archie F. Easy Lessons in Wireless. New York: Theo. Audel & Co., 1915. $0.50. Collins, Francis A. The Boy j s Book of Model Aeroplanes. New York: The Century Co., 1910. $i . 20. Crosby, W. O. Common Minerals and Rocks. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1881. $0.64. Fairbanks, H. W. Stories of Rocks and Minerals. Chicago: Educational Pub- lishing Co . , 1 903 . $o . 60 . Griffith, Alice M. The Stars and Their Stories. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1-913. $1.25. Hall, A. N. Homemade Toys for Boys and Girls. Boston: Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd, 1915. $1.35. . Handicraft for Handy Boys. Boston: Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd, 1911. $2.00. Hobbs, W. H. Simple Directions for the Determination of the Common Minerals and Rocks. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1914. $o. 25 . Hopkins, George M. Experimental Science. New York: Munn & Co., 1906. $7.00. Hubbard and Turner. The Boys' Book of Aeroplanes. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co., 1913. $i..75. 108 APPENDIX 109 Johnson, G. F. Toys and Toy Making. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1912. $1.00. Olcott, William T. Star Lore of All the Ages. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1911. $3.50. . A Field book of the Stars. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. $1.00. Porter, J. G. The Stars in Song and Legend. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1901. $0.50. Proctor, Richard A. Myths and Marvels of Astronomy. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., $1.75. . Stars in Their Season. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1907. $2.00. Rowe, J. P. Practical Mineralogy, Simplified. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1911. $i .25. St. John, Thomas M. Real Electric Toy Making for Boys. New York: Thomas M. St. John, 1911. $1.00. Serviss, Garrett P. Astronomy with the Naked Eye. New York: Harper Bros., 1008. $1.40. . Round the Year with the Stars. New York: Harper Bros., 1910. $i . oo . Sloane, Thomas 0. Electric Toy Making for Amateurs. New York: Norman W. Henley Publishing Co., 1914. $i .00. Spencer, L. J. World's Minerals. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co., 1916. $2.75. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUL 21 193fc f3 13 LD 21-95m-7,'37 YP ^xS 1 w c^c.^J 415689 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY