OLDEN-JUST WHER1 I - CHANCED NEAR Am>SE TO GROW LITTLE=FOLK LYRICS BY FRANK DEMPSTER SHERMAN HOUOHTON MIFFLIN CO. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS BY FRANK DEMPSTER SHERMAN WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY MAUDE AND GENEVIEVE COWLES SCHOOL EDITION BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY tEfje XUberfitbe J3rcss Cambridge 149035 COPYRIGHT, 1892, 1897, BY FRANK DEMPSTER SHBRMAN COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY JULIET DURAND SHERMAN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED mt fctbtrstbt *rt CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED IN THB U. S. A. PS L75 CONTENTS PAGE TO THE LITTLE READERS 15 BLOSSOMS 17 ANEMONE l8 DAISIES '19 SPRING'S COMING 21 GOLDEN-ROD 22 JANUARY 23 FEBRUARY 34 . MARCH 25 ^ APRIL 26 MAY 29 * JUNE 31 e JULY 32 l AUGUST 33 SEPTEMBER 34 f OCTOBER 35 NOVEMBER 37 DECEMBER . 38 KING BELL 40 IN THE MEADOW 42 FAIRY JEWELS 44 ' THE FOUR WINDS 45 "*! HUMMING-BIRD SONG 47 P PEEBLES 49 IN THE ORCHARD 50 A REAL SANTA CLAUS 53 ix CONTENTS CHERRIES 55 FLYING KITE 57 KRISS KRINGLE 59 WIZARD FROST 6l THE JUGGLER 62 A FAIRY STORY 63 THE SHADOWS 66 HIDE-AND-SEEK 69 THE ARCHER ^\ A FUNNY FELLOW 72 SPINNING TOP 74 SMILES AND TEARS 75 THE CANARY 77 CLOUDS 79 LEAVES AT PLAY 8l SHADOW PICTURES 82 GHOST FAIRIES 84 SONG FOR WINTER 88 A DEWDROP 90 JESTER BEE 91 SNOWFLAKES 93 DREAMS . ' 94 MAY-CHILDREN 96 ROBIN'S APOLOGY 98 SOLDIERS OF THE SUN 99 SNOW SONG 100 THE RAIN-HARP 104 ELFIN LAMPS Io6 BIRD'S MUSIC 107 SHADOW CHILDREN 109 FAIRY SHIPWRECK Ill BEES . 112 THE WATERFALL . 1 13 LULLABY . 114 WINTER'S ACROBATS Il6 X CONTENTS VACATION SONG IlS THE SNOW-BIRD I2O THE FAIRIES' DANCE 121 THE ROSE'S CUP 123 THE SNOW-WEAVER 124 THE STORY-TELLER 126 THE RAINBOW 130 THE STORY OF OMAR 132 THE CHRISTMAS CAT 13? xi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS LULLABY (see page 114) Frontispiece. DAISIES 19 MAY 29 OCTOBER 35 THE FOUR WINDS 45 IN THE ORCHARD JI FLYING KITE 57 THE SHADOWS 66, 67 SMILES AND TEARS 75 GHOST FAIRIES 8$ JESTER BEE 9! SNOW SONG 101 BIRD MUSIC 107 THE FAIRIES' DANCE 121 THE CHRISTMAS CAT 135 TO THE LITTLE READERS WHEN I was young, and long before The Muse came tapping at my door, What curious things I used to dream ! How very true they all did seem ! And when I went to bed at night I begged my mother to recite The Tales of Once-upon-a-Time, All written down in simple rhyme. How eagerly I listened, and How far I went in Fairy-land ! And these same songs she sang to me Still murmur in my memory. For me she made the world anew, A jewel of each drop of dew ; The autumn leaves of golden tint Were coins come freshly from the mint ; The birds were poets all, who sang ; The flowers were bells the fairies rang ; And everything I saw became Another, with another name. ,6 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS So, little folk, these verses from The rosary of childhood come For you to string on Fancy's line, To be your joy as they were mine, To be your joy, and so to bless Your hearts with song and happiness ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 17 BLOSSOMS OUT of my window I could see But yesterday, upon the tree, The blossoms white, like tufts of snow That had forgotten when to go. And while I looked out at them, they Seemed like small butterflies at play, For in the breeze their flutterings Made me imagine them with wings. I must have fancied well, for now There 's not a blossom on the bough, And out of doors 't is raining fast, And gusts of wind are whistling past. With butterflies 't is etiquette To keep their wings from getting wet, So, when they knew the storm was near, They thought it best to disappear. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS ANEMONE A SCULPTOR is the Sun, I know, Whose shining marble is the snow : All through the winter, day by day, He with his golden chisel-ray Toils patiently that he may bring A statue forth to honor Spring ; And when she comes, behold it there, A blossom in the gentle air, A f ^rm of gracious symmetry, A ffagile white anemone 1 DAISIES AT evening when I go to bed I see the stars shine overhead ; They are the little daisies white That dot the meadow of the Night. And often while I 'm dreaming so, Across the sky the Moon will go ; It is a lady, sweet and fair, Who comes to gather daisies there. For, when at morning I arise, There 's not a star left in the skies ; She 's picked them all and dropped them aown Into the meadows of the town. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS SPRING'S COMING THE woodland brooks that murmur as they go In silver ripples through the fringing grass Are harp-strings touched by God : the winds that blow Are Spring's gay children, singing as they pass. And where the sod is trodden by their feet, The Earth, all gladdened by youth's warmer blood, Puts forth her fragile urns of odors sweet The violet and fragrant crocus bud. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS GOLDEN-ROD SPRING is the morning of the year, And summer is the noontide bright ; The autumn is the evening clear That comes before the winter's night. And in the evening, everywhere Along the roadside, up and down, I see the golden torches flare Like lighted street-lamps in the town. I think the butterfly and bee, From distant meadows coming back, Are quite contented when they see These lamps along the homeward track But those who stay too late get lost ; For when the darkness falls about, Down every lighted street the Frost Will go and put the torches out ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 23 JANUARY JANUARY, bleak and drear, First arrival of the year, Named for Janus, Janus who, Fable says, has faces two ; Pray, is that the reason why Yours is such a fickle sky ? First you smile, and to us bring Dreams of the returning spring ; Then, without a sign, you frown, And the snowflakes hurry down, Making all the landscape white, Just as if it blanched with fright. You obey no word or law ; Now you freeze, and then you thaw. Teasing all the brooks that run With the hope of constant sun, Chaining all their feet at last Firm in icy fetters fast. Month of all months most contrary, Sweet and bitter January ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS FEBRUARY FEBRUARY, fortnights two, Briefest of the months are you, Of the winter's children last. Why do you go by so fast ? Is it not a little strange Once in four years you should change, That the sun should shine and give You another day to live ? May be this is only done Since you are the smallest one ; So I make the shortest rhyme For you, as befits your time : You 're the baby of the year, And to me you 're very dear, Just because you bring the li " Will you be my Valentine f LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS MARCH MARCH ! and all the winds cry, March ! As they sweep the heavens' arch, Polishing the stars that gem Earth's resplendent diadem, Setting all the waters free From the winter's chancery, Sending down an avalanche From the tree's snow-covered branch. March makes clear the frosty track That the birds may hasten back On their northward flight and bring Jocund carols for the Spring. March is merry, March is mad, March is gay, and March is sad ; Every humor we may know If we list the winds that blow. Have you heard the bugle-call Gathering the soldiers all ? March is Spring's own trumpeter, Hailing us to welcome her. LITTLE FOLK LYRICS APRIL OUTDOORS the white rain coming down Made rivers of the streets in town, And where the snow in patches lay It washed the Winter's signs away. How fast it fell ! How warm it felt ! The icicles began to melt : A silver needle seemed each one Thrust in the furnace of the Sun The Vulcan Sun who forged them all, In raindrops, crystals round and small The air was filled with tiny ropes On which were strung these April hopes, White water-beads that searched the ground Until the thirsty seeds were found. Then came blue sky ; the streets were clean, And in the garden spots of green Were glistening in golden light, The grass and Spring almost in sight ! A bluebird sang its song near by ; LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Oh ! happy Spring is come, thought I ; When all at once the air grew chill, Again the snow-flakes fell until The ground was covered, and the trees Stood in the drifts up to their knees. I think this bird who dared to sing Was premature about the Spring, Or else he joked in manner cool, And caroled lightly, " April Fool t " BE MAY shall make the world anew ; Golden sun and silver dew, Money minted in the sky, Shall the earth's new garments buy. May shall make the orchards bloom And the blossoms' fine perfume Shall set all the honey-bees Murmuring among the trees. May shall make the bud appear Like a jewel, crystal clear, 'Mid the leaves upon the limb Where the robin lilts his hymn. May shall make the wild-flowers tell Where the shining snowflakes fell, Just as though each snowflake's heart, By some secret, magic art, Were transmuted to a flower In the sunlight and the shower. Is there such another, pray, Wonder-making month as May ? LITTLE-FOLK. LYRICS JUNE O JUNE ! delicious month of June, When winds and birds all sing in tune ; When in the meadows swarm the bees And hum their drowsy melodies ; O June ! the month of bluest skies, Dear to the pilgrim butterflies, Who seem gay-colored leaves astray, Blown down the amber tides of day ; O June ! the month of merry song, Of shadow brief, of sunshine long ; All things on earth love you the best, . The bird who carols near his nest ; The wind that wakes, and, singing, blows The spicy perfume of the rose ; And bee, who sounds his muffled horn To celebrate the dewy morn ; And even all the stars above At night are happier for love, As if the mellow notes of mirth Were wafted to them from the earth. O June ! such music haunts your name, With you the summer's chorus came. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS JULY JULY, for you the songs are sung By birds the leafy trees among ; With merry carolings they wake The meadows at the morning's break, And through the day the lisping breeze Is woven with their tree-top glees : For you the prattling, pebbly brooks Are full of tales like story-books : For you a fragrant incense burns Within the garden's blossom urns, Which tempts the bees to hasten home With honey for their honeycomb. The river, like a looking-glass, Reflects the fleecy clouds that pass/ Until it makes us almost doubt If earth and sky are n't changed about. July, for you, in silence deep, The world seems fallen fast asleep, Save on one glorious holiday, When all our books we put away, And every little maid and man Is proud to be American. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 33 AUGUST AUGUST, month when Summer lies Sleeping under sapphire skies. Open all the windows wide, Drink the orchard's fragrant tide, Breath of grass at morning mown Through the leafy vistas blown ; Hear the swishing of the scythe, Sound mellifluent and blithe : August, month when everywhere Music floats upon the air From the harp of minstrel gales, Playing down the hills and dales : August, month when sleepy cows Seek the shade of spreading boughs, Where the birds alight to sing And the fruit hangs ripening : August, month of twilights, when Day half goes, and comes again ; August days are guards who keep Watch while Summer lies asleep. 54 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS SEPTEMBER HERE 's a lyric for September, Best of all months to remember ; Month when summer breezes tell What has happened wood and dell, Of the joy the year has brought, And the changes she has wrought. She has turned the verdure red ; In the blue sky overhead, She the harvest moon has hung, Like a silver boat among Shoals of stars, bright jewels set In the earth's blue coronet ; She has brought the orchard's fruit To repay the robin's flute Which has gladdened half the year With a music, liquid clear ; And she makes the meadow grass Catch the sunbeams as they pass, Till the autumn's floor is rolled With a fragrant cloth of gold. CCOBIH OCTOBER is the month that seems All woven with midsummer dreams ; She brings for us the golden days That fill the air with smoky haze ; She brings for us the lisping breeze, And wakes the gossips in the trees, Who whisper near the vacant nest Forsaken by its feathered guest. Now half the birds forget to sing, And half of them have taken wing, Before their pathway shall be lost Beneath the gossamer of frost. Now one by one the gay leaves fly Zigzag across the yellow sky ; They rustle here and flutter there, Until the bough hangs chill and bare. What joy for us what happiness Shall cheer the day, the night shall bless ? 'T is Hallowe'en, the very last Shall keep for us remembrance fast, When every child shall duck the head To find the precious pippin red. s M.CowLe, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 37 NOVEMBER WHO shall sing to bleak November, Month of frost and glowing ember ? Is there nothing then to praise In these thirty chilly days ? Ah, but who shall lack for song When the nights are still and long ; When beside the logwood fire We may hear the wood-elves' choir, Making dainty music float Up the big, brick chimney's throat ; When within the flames and smoke We may see the fairy folk, Coming hither, going thither, Vanishing, we know not whither, Or, perhaps they all depart To the forest's frozen heart, There to tell the barren trees Of the fireside's mysteries, How they saw some other elves Just as funny as themselves ! 149035 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS DECEMBER DECEMBER 's come, and with her brought A world in whitest marble wrought ; The trees and fence and all the posts Stand motionless and white as ghosts, And all the paths we used to know Are hidden in the drifts of snow. December brings the longest night, And cheats the day of half its light. No song-bird breaks the perfect hush ; No meadow-brook with liquid gush Runs telling tales in babbling rhyme Of liberty and summer time, But frozen in its icy cell Awaits the sun to break the spell. Breathe once upon the window glass, And see the mimic mists that pass, Fantastic shapes that go and come Forever silvery and dumb. December Santa Claus shall bring, Of happy children happy king, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 39 Who with his sleigh and reindeer stops At all good people's chimney tops. Then let the holly red be hung, And all the sweetest carols sung, While we with joy remember them The journeyers to Bethlehem, Who followed, trusting from afar The guidance of that happy star Which marked the spot where Christ was born Long years ago, one Christmas morn ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS KING BELL LONG years ago there lived a King, A mighty man and bold, Who had two sons, named Dong and Ding; Of whom this tale is told. Prince Ding was clear of voice, and tall, A Prince in every line ; Prince Dong, his voice was very small, And he but four feet nine. Now both these sons were very dear To Bell, the mighty King. They always hastened to appear When he for them would ring. Ding never failed the first to be, But Dong, he followed well, And at the second summons he Responded to King Bell. This promptness of each royal Prince Is all of them we know, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Except that all their kindred since Have done exactly so. And if you chance to know a King Like this one of the song, Just listen once and there is Ding ; Again and there is Dong. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS IN THE MEADOW THE meadow is a battle-field Where Summer's army comes, Each soldier with a clover shield, The honey-bees with drums. Boom, rat-ta ! they march, and pass The captain tree who stands Saluting with a sword of grass And giving them commands. T is only when the breezes blow Across the woody hills, They shoulder arms, and, to and fro, March in their full-dress drills. Boom, rat-ta ! they wheel in line And wave their gleaming spears ; " Charge ! " cries the captain, giving sign, And every soldier cheers. But when the day is growing dim They gather in their camps LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS And sing a good thanksgiving hymn Around the firefly lamps. Rat-tat-ta ! the bugle-notes Call " good-night " to the sky : I hope they all have overcoats To keep them warm and dry. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS FAIRY JEWELS WHITE moon sailing down the sky, 1 watch you when in bed I lie ; I watch you on the calm, blue deep, And dream of you when fast asleep. I fancy as I see you float That you are some good fairy's boat, And winds that in my windows blow Are the same winds that make you go ; Each star that shines for me so bright For you is just a beacon light. I half believe that it is you Who bring to us the morning dew, > Each drop is so much like a gem, I think the fairy gathers them, And leaning over as you pass Lets millions fall upon the grass, IN winter, when the wind I hear I know the clouds will disappear ; For 't is the wind who sweeps the sky And piles the snow in ridges high. In spring, when stirs the wind, I know That soon the crocus buds will show ; For 't is the wind who bids them wake And into pretty blossoms break. In summer when it softly blows, Soon red I know will be the rose, For 't is the wind to her who speaks, And brings the blushes to her cheeks. In autumn, when the wind is up, I know the acorn 's out its cup ; For 't is the wind who takes it out, And plants an oak somewhere about. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS HUMMING-BIRD SONG HUMMING-BIRD, Not a word Do you say ; Has your throat No sweet note To repay Honey debts It begets When you go On the wing Pilfering To and fro ? May be you Whisper to Bloom and leaf On the vine Secrets fine In your brief Calls on them, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Winged gem. Not a word You reply ! Off you fly, Humming-bird ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS PEBBLES OUT of a pellucid brook Pebbles round and smooth I took : Like a jewel, every one Caught a color from the sun, Ruby red and sapphire blue, Emerald and onyx too, Diamond and amethyst, Not a precious stone I missed : Gems I held from every land In the hollow of my hand. Workman Water these had made ; Patiently through sun and shade, With the ripples of the rill He had polished them until, Smooth, symmetrical and bright, Each one sparkling in the light Showed within its burning heart All the lapidary's art ; And the brook seemed thus to sing : Patience conquers everything I LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS IN THE ORCHARD ROBIN in the cherry-tree, 1 hear you ca"roling your glee. The platform where you lightly tread Is lighted up with cherries red, And there you sing among the boughs, Like Patti at the opera-house. Who is the hero in your play To whom you sing in such a way ? And why are you so gayly dressed, With scarlet ribbons on your breast ? And is your lover good and true ? And does he always sing to you ? Your orchestra are winds that blow Their blossom notes to me below, And all the trembling leaves are throngs Of people clapping for your songs. I wonder if you like it when I clap for you to sing again. Itttgc cfjerrp - tree, ,|jjear j)0u caroling your glee, Like patti at t$? LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 53 A REAL SANTA CLAUS SANTA CLAUS, I hang for you, By the mantel, stockings two : One for me and one to go To another boy I know. There 's a chimney in the town You have never traveled down. Should you chance to enter there You would find a room all bare : Not a stocking could you spy, Matters not how you might try ; And the shoes, you 'd find are such As no boy would care for much. In a broken bed you 'd see Some one j ust about like me, Dreaming of the pretty toys Which you bring to other boys, And to him a Christmas seems Merry only in his dreams. 54 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS All he dreams then, Santa Claus, Stuff the stocking with, because When it 's filled up to the brim I 'II be Santa Claus to him 1 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 55 CHERRIES APRIL brought the blossoms out, May winds scattered them about, Till the grassy floor below Whitened with their fragrant snow; Then came June with golden sun, Of all months the fairest one, Smiling on the trees and brooks Like a child with picture-books. In the green leaves overhead Little lights were burning red ; Looking up, it seemed that I Saw the stars in fairy sky Glistening the leaves among, Lanterns by the pixies hung ; But I heard a song-bird pipe Cherry ripe ! " and " Cherry ripe ! * He who sings of cherries best Wears their colors on his breast ; He their poet is, and he 5 6 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Makes his dwelling in their tree. 'T is not strange his song is sweet ; Think the cherries he can eat ! Busy with his feathered wits He makes bare the cherry pits. Bring the basket, little maid ; Let us lend Sir Robin aid. I will climb among the boughs Where he has his tiny house, And if I can find him there I will ask him please to spare Of his tempting cherry feast One small basketful at least. I will tell him how in spring When you first had heard him sing, All upon the garden ground You the bread-crumbs threw around Then, if he 's the bird I think, He will answer in a wink, u Certainly : I 'd help you pick, If their stems were not so thick 1 " FLYING KITE I OFTEN sit and wish that 1 Could be a kite up in the sky, And ride upon the breeze, and go Whatever way it chanced to blow. Then I could look beyond the town And see the river winding down, And follow all the ships that sail Like me before the merry gale, Until at last with them I came To some place with a foreign name. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 59 KRISS KRINGLE AWAY with melancholy ! This day is for delight ; When mistletoe and holly In wreaths and garlands bright Are hung above the ingle, And joyous voices mingle To welcome in Kriss Kringle, Who comes clad all in white ! Green spray and crimson berry A crown for him shall be ; Gay catch and carol merry Shall fill his heart with glee, Shall match his sleigh-bells' jingle And warm his ears a-tingle, A greeting to Kriss Kringle, The Christmas Fairy he ! Within his sleigh he carries The presents high up-piled ; Not long with us he tarries, By leaf and song beguiled. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS God-speed, down dale and dingle, May there not be a single Forgotten one, Kriss Kringle ; But gifts for every child 1 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS WIZARD FROST WONDROUS things have come to pass On my square of window-glass. Looking in it I have seen Grass no longer painted green, Trees whose branches never stir, Skies without a cloud to blur, Birds below them sailing high, Church-spires pointing to the sky, And a funny little town Where the people, up and down Streets of silver, to me seem Like the people in a dream, Dressed in finest kinds of lace : *T is a picture, on a space Scarcely larger than the hand, Of a tiny Switzerland, Which the wizard Frost has drawn 'Twixt the nightfall and the dawn. Quick ! and see what he has done Ere 't is stolen by the Sun. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS THE JUGGLER FROM these downy flakes of snow Winter scatters everywhere, Fragrant violets shall grow In the springtime's balmy air. Every snowdrop on the numb Branches of the barren tree Shall a ruby bud become When the warm sun sets it free. And the icicles that shine Dagger-like and crystal-clear In the fingers of the vine, Trembling leaves shall then appear. We shall know when comes this strange Juggler April, who shall bring Out of snow-drifts, "Presto, change !" Birds and blossoms of the spring 1 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 63 A FAIRY STORY THIS is what a fairy heard ; Listening beside a stream, Water talking in its dream. That is what I call absurd. This is what the water said : When I grow up big, I'll be Like the river or the sea. And the fairy shook her head. Then she went upon her way Far across the hills and vales And she heard so many tales She forgot the dream one day. But, at last, spread out to view, Lay the ocean : then, once more, She heard water on the shore Whisper : / remember you. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Once I was a tiny drop Dreaming in a meadow-brook. I was little then ; but look, Now I 've grown enough to stop / THE SHADOWS ALL up and down in shadow-town The shadow children go ; In every street you 're sure to meet Them running to and fro. They move around without a sound. They play at hide-and-seek, But no one yet that I have met Has ever heard them speak. Beneath the tree you often see Them dancing in and out, And in the sun there 's always one To follow you about. owt.es. Go where you will, he follows still, Or sometimes runs before, And, home at last, you '11 find him fast Beside you at the door. A faithful friend is he to lend His presence everywhere ; Blow out the light to bed at night Your shadow-mate is there ! Then he will call the shadows all Into your room to leap, And such a pack ! they make it black, And fill your eyes with sleep ! G.Co WLGS LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS HIDE-AND-SEEK Now hide the flowers beneath the snow, And Winter shall not find them ; Their safety nooks he cannot know : They left no tracks behind them. The little brooks keep very still, Safe in their ice-homes lying ; Let Winter seek them where he will, There 's no chance for his spying. Gone are the birds : they 're hiding where The Winter never searches ; Safe in the balmy Southern air, They sing on sunlit perches. But comes the Spring at last to look For all her playmates hidden, And one by one flower, bird, and brook Shall from its place be bidden- 70 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Then shall the world be glad and gay, The birds begin their chorus, The brooks sing, too, along their way, And flowers spring up before us 1 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS THE ARCHER His home is yonder in the sky ; There, when the chase is o'er, He hangs his gorgeous bow on high Above the open door. And sitting down he looks around The green fields wide and far, Where prostrate lying on the ground His many victims are. Strong is his arm, he knows it well, And sure his steady aim ; For him the missing arrows tell The number of the game. Come out, come out ! the hunt is done ; No danger shall we know ; For yonder see beneath the sun His promise and his bow 1 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS A FUNNY FELLOW THERE is a funny fellow Who goes by every day : When sad, his voice is mellow, But shrill when he is gay. Despite of my endeavor To see him, though we 've met I must confess I never Have seen his features yer. I know he pulls the thistles That grow along the lane, And pricks himself, and whistles To drive away the pain. And when the snow is falling So fast I may not see, I often hear him calling Across the fields to me. He certainly is funny, For, when I can go out, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 73 If it is warm and sunny He seldom is about. He sings to me, and makes me A sleepy child at night ; He sings again, and wakes me, At early morning bright. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS SPINNING TOP WHEN I spin round without a stop And keep my balance like the top, I find that soon the floor will swim Before my eyes ; and then, like him, I lie all dizzy on the floor Until I feel like spinning more. SMILES AND TEARS I SMILE, and then the Sun comes out ; He hides away whene'er I pout ; He seems a very funny sun To do whatever he sees done. And when it rains he disappears ; Like me, he can't see through the tears. Now is n't that the reason why I ought to smile and never cry ? In more than this is he like me ; For every evening after tea He closes up his eyelids tight, And opens them at morning's light. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 77 THE CANARY UP in your cage of gold, Singing us all awake, What, if it might be told, What is the wish you 'd make ? Is it, " I 'd like to be Out in the open air, Out of this cage, and free, Free to go anywhere ? " You 're such a happy bird, Caroling all day long, Nobody ever heard You sing a solemn song. So I have come to think This is your carol sweet : " Plenty have I to drink, Plenty have I to eat ; LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS " So I 'm content to stay Here in my golden ring; Nothing to do all day, Only to eat and sing." LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS CLOUDS THE sky is full of clouds to-day, And idly, to and fro, i Like sheep across the pasture, they Across the heavens go. I hear the wind with merry noise Around the housetops sweep, And dream it is the shepherd boys, They 're driving home their sheep. The clouds move faster now ; and see I The west is red and gold. Each sheep seems hastening to be The first within the fold. I watch them hurry on until The blue is clear and deep, And dream that far beyond the hill The shepherds fold their sheep. Then in the sky the trembling stars Like little flowers shine out, While Night puts up the shadow bars, And darkness falls about. 80 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS I hear the shepherd wind's good-night " Good-night, and happy sleep ! " And dream that in the east, all white, Slumber the clouds, the sheep. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS LEAVES AT PLAY SCAMPER, little leaves, about In the autumn sun ; I can hear the old Wind shout, Laughing as you run, And I have n't any doubt That he likes the fun. When you 've run a month or so, Very tired you '11 get ; But the same old Wind, I know, Will be laughing yet When he tucks you in your snow- Downy coverlet. So, run on and have your play, Romp with all your might ; Dance across the autumn day, While the sun is bright. Soon you '11 hear the old Wind say, " Little leaves, Good-night ! " LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS SHADOW PICTURES IN the day cr night, When the lamps are bright, Far up in the sky's blue dome, Every kind of tree Is a child like me, Amusing himself at home. On the ground below In the brilliant glow Of stars, or of moon or sun, There the shadows fall On the grassy wall, And over the garden run. There are cats and kings, There are birds with wings, And curious kinds of men ; And they dance and play In a funny way, And vanish, and come again. GnosT HEN -TTIE -opcw -FiEE-i5 - IN -TTIE: -cv&wiwp -nrrEK -i -LIKE -TO -COME -/wo - -me: -FIRE -C/IN -TALK TO -MC. -sroFies -IT -CAN .TELL,, or -n roKgof reN Or -THE -FAiRy -gn05X5 TMAT IK -TME -nATCiENr CttiMNEV fTAOE w LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Sj Oh, I wish I knew How their fingers do Such tricks with the shadows dark ; Then I 'd make the birds And the beasts in herds, To go in a shadow ark. And the flood should come, As it once did, from The lamp on the parlor shelf ; And my shadow boat On the wall should float, And Noah should be myself. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS GHOST FAIRIES WHEN the open fire is lit, In the evening after tea, Then I like to come and sit Where the fire can talk to ma Fairy stories it can tell, Tales of a forgotten race, Of the fairy ghosts that dwell In the ancient chimney place. They are quite the strangest folk Anybody ever knew, Shapes of shadow and of smoke Living in the chimney flue. "Once," the fire said, "long ago, With the wind they used to rove, Gipsy fairies, to and fro, Camping in the field and grove, " Hither with the trees they came Hidden in the logs ; and here, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 87 Hovering above the flame, Often some of them appear." So I watch, and, sure enough, I can see the fairies ! Then, Suddenly there comes a puff Whish ! and they are gone again ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS SONG FOR WINTER Now winter fills the world with snow, Wild winds across the country blow, And all the trees, with branches bare, Like beggars shiver in the air. Oh, now hurrah for sleds and skates ! A polar expedition waits When school is done each day for me Off for the ice-bound arctic sea. The ice is strong upon the creek, The wind has roses for the cheek, The snow is knee-deep all around, And earth with clear blue sky is crowned Then come, and we may find the hut Wherein the Esquimau is shut, Or see the polar bear whose fur Makes fun of the thermometer. Let us who want our muscles tough Forsake the tippet and the muff. The keen fresh wind will do no harm, The leaping blood shall keep us warm, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 8c A spin upon our arctic main Shall drive the clouds from out the brain, And for our studies we at night Shall have a better appetite. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS A DEWDROP LITTLE drop of dew, Like a gem you are ; I believe that you Must have been a star. When the day is bright, On the grass you lie ; Tell me then, at night Are you in the sky ? ?TSL JESTER BEE THE garden is a royal court Whose jester is the bee, And with his wit and merry sport He fills the place with glee. He sings love ditties to the Rose Who is the queen of all ; To princess Lily up he goes And whispers she is tall ; He pulls prince Pansy by the ear ; He does all sorts of things That are ridiculous and queer But all the while he sings. He does not seem to think it wrong Such liberties to take ; And they who love his happy song Forgive him for its sake. And when at last the royal clown Takes off his jester's mask, He seriously sits him down Before his honey task. Then to himself he sings away, And here 's the burden true : ' Oh, sweet are all my hours of play, And sweet my honey, too ! " LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 93 SNOWFLAKES OUT of the sky they come Wandering down the' air, Some to the roofs and some Whiten the branches bare ; Some in the empty nest, Some on the ground below, Until the world is dressed All in a gown of snow. Dressed in a fleecy gown Out of the snowflakes spun ; Wearing a golden crown, Over her head the sun. Out of the sky again Ghosts of the flowers that died Visit the earth, and then Under the white drifts hide. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS DREAMS WHO can tell us whence they come, What mysterious region from ? In what fairy country lies That strange city of surprise, Whither we in slumber go By a path we do not know ? Is it near or far away ? And the people, who are they ? Once when I was there, the town Seemed entirely upside down : Roofs of barns and houses stood Where the stone foundations should, And the streets all seemed to run Straight as arrows to the sun Where, like ribbons, they were wound Its great, golden spool around. All the men and horses there, Topsy-turvy in the air, Walked and trotted on the blue Pavements of the avenue. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS But at morning when I woke, I discovered 't was a joke, For the first thing I found out Was that I had turned about. How to go there, who can tell, Where these fairy people dwell ? Strange it is that morning's light Cannot show the path of night ; Stranger yet that we can keep It so surely in our sleep ; But the very strangest seems Being wide-awake in dreams. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS MAY-CHILDREN CAPTIVES to winter's cruel king, In gloomy dungeons cast The merry children of the spring Lay bound in fetters fast They heard the wind, their surly guard, His angry summons roar, And trembled when the sleet fell hard Against their prison door. The wild flower whispered to the grass, " What hope have we to live ? " But answer none made he. Alas ! He had no hope to give. So in the darkness sad they wept, Nor any comfort won, Save when into their sleep there crept Dreams of the gentle sun. But once while they were dreaming so, Came April's soldier rains, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 97 Who burst their prison bars of snow, And freed them of their chains. Then forth they went into the world, Spring's children bright and gay, And to the fragrant breeze unfurled Their banner blooms of May. 98 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS ROBIN'S APOLOGY ONE morning in the garden I heard the robin's song : " I really beg your pardon For tarrying so long ; " And this is just the reason, Whatever way I flew, I met a backward season, Which kept me backward too. 1 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 99 SOLDIERS OF THE SUN ALONG the margin of the world They march with their bright banners furled, Until, in line of battle drawn, They reach the boundaries of dawn. They cross the seas and rivers deep, They climb the mountains high and steep, And hurry on until in sight Of their black enemy, the Night ; Then madly rush into the fray The armies of the Night and Day. Swiftly the shining arrows go ; The bugling winds their warnings blow. Strive as he will, the Night is pressed Farther and farther down the west. With golden spear and gleaming lance The cohorts of the Day advance, Until the victory is won By his brave Soldiers of the Sun. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS SNOW SONG OVER valley, over hill, Hark, the shepherd piping shrill ! Driving all the white flocks forth From the far folds of the North. Blow, Wind, blow ; Weird melodies you play, Following your flocks that go Across the world to-day. How they hurry, how they crowd When they hear the music loud ! Grove and lane and meadow full Sparkle with their shining wool Blow, Wind, blow Until the forests ring : Teach the eaves the tunes you know, And make the chimney sing ! Hither, thither, up and down Every highway of the town, Huddling close, the white flocks all Gather at the shepherd's call. ovnivau^ovm Dr DWVIN& FLOCKS LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 103 Blow, Wind, blow Upon your pipes of joy ; All your sheep the flakes of snow And you their shepherd boy ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS THE RAIN-HARP WHEN out-of-doors is full of rain, I look out through the window-pane And see the branches of the trees Like people dancing to the breeze. They bow politely, cross, and meet, Salute their partners, and retreat, And never stop to rest until They reach the end of the quadrille, I listen, and I hear the sound Of music floating all around, And fancy 't is the Breeze who plays Upon his harp on stormy days. The strings are made of rain, and when The branches wish to dance again, They whisper to the Breeze, and he Begins another melody. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 105 I Ve heard him play the pretty things Upon those slender, shining strings ; And when he 's done he 's very sharp He always hides away the harp. 106 H1TLE-FOLK LYRICS ELFIN LAMPS WHY all the stars in the sky are so bright, I am sure no one knows but themselves up there. Are they the lamps which are hung out at night For the fays and the gnomes and the elves up there ? THE little leaves upon the trees Are written o'er with notes and words, The pretty madrigals and glees Sung by the merry minstrel birds. Their teacher is the Wind, I know ; For while they 're busy at their song, He turns the music quickly so The tune may smoothly move along. So all through summer-time they sing, And make the woods and meadows sweet, And teach the brooks, soft murmuring, Their dainty carols to repeat. And when, at last, their lessons done, The winter brings a frosty day, Their teacher takes them, one by one, Their music, too, and goes away. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS SHADOW CHILDREN WHEN the sun shines, then I see Shadows underneath the tree Gliding merrily around, Never making any sound, Playing at their games, no doubt, - Games I do not know about. All day long together so Lightly o'er the ground they go, Meet and separate and meet, Scamper down the shadow street, For an instant here, and then Just as quickly gone again. When with clouds the skies are gray, In their house the shadows stay, With their picture-books and toys, Like all other girls and boys ; But as soon as shines the sun Out of doors they gladly run. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS So for hours they play, until Sinks the sun behind the hill ; Then, like me, they go to bed, In the tree-house overhead, And the winds their cradles swing To the lullabies they sing. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS FAIRY SHIPWRECK ONE morning when the rain was done, And all the trees adrip, I found, all shining in the sun, A storm-wrecked fairy ship. Its hull was fashioned of a leaf, A tiny twig its mast, And high upon a green-branch reef By winds it had been cast. A spider's web, the fragile sail, Now flying loose and torn, Once spread itself to catch the gale By which the ship was borne. Its voyages at last were o'er, And gone were all the crew ; And did they safely get ashore ? Alas, I wish I knew 1 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS BEES BEES don't care about the snow ; I can tell you why that 's so : Once I caught a little bee Who was much too warm for me ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 113 THE WATERFALL TINKLE, tinkle! Listen well ! Like a fairy silver bell In the distance ringing, Lightly swinging In the air ; T is the water in the dell Where the elfin minstrels dwell, Falling in a rainbow sprinkle, Dropping stars that brightly twinkle. Bright and fair, On the darkling pool below, Making music so ; 'T is the water elves who play On their lutes of spray. Tinkle, tinkle f Like a fairy silver bell j Like a pebble in a shell ; Tinkle, tinkle ! Listen well ! U4 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS LULLABY SLUMBER, slumber, little one, now The bird is asleep in his nest on the bough ; The bird is asleep, he has folded his wings, And over him softly the dream-fairy sings : Lullaby, lullaby lullaby ! Pearls in the deep Stars in the sky, Dreams in our sleep ; So lullaby ! Slumber, slumber, little one, soon The fairy will come in the ship of the moon: The fairy will come with the pearls and the stars, And dreams will come singing through shadowy bars : Lullaby, lullaby lullaby ! Pearls in the deep Stars in the sky, Dreams in our sleep ; So lullaby ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 115 Slumber, slumber, little one, so ; The stars are the pearls that the dream- fairies know, The stars are the pearls, and the bird in the nest, A dear little fellow the fairies love best : Lullaby, lullaby lullaby! Pearls in the deep Stars in the sky, Dreams in our sleep ; So lullaby! utf LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS WINTER'S ACROBATS BY night he spread his white rugs down Upon the highways of the town ; His posters on the fences told Of games and pleasures manifold, And promised every girl and boy A day of undivided joy, Of merry sport and healthy fun, In case there were not any sun. The gray sky was his spacious tent, And nearly all the children went. Some took their sleds, some took their skates, Some took themselves, and some their mates. Then all day long, on pond and hill, They slid and coasted with a will, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS itj And built snow images and forts, And played at all their jolly sports. And when at last 't was time to end The happy games and homeward wend, They cried, while tossing high their hats, " Three cheers for Winter's Acrobats ! " Ii8 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS VACATION SONG WHEN study and school are over, How jolly it is to be free, Away in the fields of clover, The honey-sweet haunts of the bee ! Away in the woods to ramble, Where, merrily all day long, The birds in the bush and bramble Are filling the summer with song. Away in the dewy valley To follow the murmuring brook, Or sit on its bank and dally Awhile with a line and a hook. Away from the stir and bustle, The noise of the town left behind : Vacation for sport and muscle, The winter for study and mind. There 's never a need to worry, There 's never a lesson to learn, LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 119 There 's never a bell to hurry, There 's never a duty to spurn. So play till the face grows ruddy And muscles grow bigger, and then Go back to the books and study ; We 11 find it as pleasant again. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS THE SNOW-BIRD WHEN all the ground with snow is white, The merry snow-bird comes, And hops about with great delight To find the scattered crumbs. How glad he seems to get to eat A piece of cake or bread ! He wears no shoes upon his feet, Nor hat upon his head. But happiest is he, I know, Because no cage with bars Keeps him from walking on the snow And printing it with stars. THE FAIRIES' DANCE ONCE in the morning when the breeze Set all the leaves astir, And music floated from the trees As from a dulcimer, I saw the roses, one by one, Bow gracefully, as though A fairy dance were just begun Upon the ground below. The lilies white, beside the walk, Like ladies fair and tall, Together joined in whispered talk About the fairies' ball ; The slender grasses waved along The garden path, and I Could almost hear the fairies' song When blew the light wind by. I waited there till noon to hear The elfin music sweet ; I saw the servant bees appear In golden jackets neat ; And though I wished just once to see The happy little elves, They were so much afraid of me They never showed themselves ! LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS THE ROSE'S CUP DOWN in a garden olden, Just where, I do not know, A buttercup all golden Chanced near a rose to grow ; And every morning early, Before the birds were up, A tiny dewdrop pearly Fell in this little cup. This was the drink of water The rose had every day ; But no one yet has caught her While drinking in this way. Surely, it is no treason To say she drinks so yet, For that may be the reason Her lips with dew are wet 114 LITTLE^ FOLK LYRICS THE SNOW-WEAVER BACK and forth the shuttles go Fashioning the cloth of snow, And the weaver you may hear At the wind-loom singing clear : "Slumber, little flowers, and dream Of the silver-throated stream, Shining through the April day As it were a music ray Bearing melody along From the mellow sun of song. Slumber, little fragrant faces, Dreaming in your quiet places ; Soon the dreams shall pass and then You and Spring shall wake again ! " Thus the weaver at his loom Sings away the winter's gloom, While he weaves the coverlet For the dreamers who forget : LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 125 'Slumber, litle flowers, and dream Of the April s golden beam Which shall come and fill your eyes With the sunlight of surprise ; Waking, you shall hear once more Song-birds at the daybreak's door. Slumber, little fragrant faces, Dreaming in your quiet places. Soon the dreams shall pass and then Vou and Spring shall wake again I " 196 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS THE STORY-TELLER THEY gather round him, one and all, A group of happy children small ; Their mouths are open wide ; their eyes Seem almost twice their normal size ; Some stand, some sit, and not a word From any one of them is heard. Now all is ready quite, for now The story-teller rubs his brow, And questions them : " What shall it be ? A fairy-tale from memory ? " Or shall I tell it in a song, And make up as I go along ? "Which shall it be, in prose or rhyme, This tale of once upon a time ? LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 127 Or will you have a story true ? Choose anything that pleases you." A busy hum goes round, and then The voices quickly hush again ; For this small audience knows well That any story he may tell, Or any song that he may sing, Will be a most delightful thing. " We '11 let you choose," they cry, and so He tells a tale of long ago. There 's something told about a gem Set in a Sultan's diadem, Which shone in such a brilliant way It changed the darkness into day. And there 's a robber and a lot Of other people in the plot, 138 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS A prince, a princess, and a page, A parrot in a golden cage. And there 's the palace court-yard where The Sultan walks when it is fair ; And there 's a funny dwarf he had To cheer him up when he was sad. Of course the robber comes to grief The gem was in his handkerchief : The parrot 't is who picked it up And dropped it in his water cup ; And then the prince the parrot bought, And found the gem the Sultan sought. So runs for one long hour the tale, And finds the robber safe in jail. The parrot has become quite tame, And calls the princess by her name ; The page has had his pay increased, Which he deserved, to say the least ; LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 129 The dwarf the Sultan's merry dwarf Has been presented with a scarf, Whose colors made the Sultan vext, And that 's Contimied in the next. I 3 o LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS THE RAINBOW AFTER the rain goes by, Curving across the sky Behold the bow of light, God's promise shining bright ! Under this glowing arch The myriad mist-folk march, And yonder lo, the Sun ! Glistens the grass once more, The birds sing at the door, Blue the sky as before, And the rain is done ! Slowly the meadow mist Melts into amethyst ; Slowly the rainbow fair Fades in the amber air ; Wakes in the west a breeze Whispering through the trees The secrets of the Sun. I ITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 131 Gleams like a gem the rose, Open its red door blows, Thither the glad bee goes, And the rain is done 1 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS THE STORY OF OMAR LONG centuries ago, three Persian boys, Thinking upon their hopes of future joys, Between them Omar, Abdul, and Has- san A lasting compact made, and thus it ran : Abdul and Omar and Hassdn. These three, School-mates and friends, do solemnly agree That to whichever one success may come, Honor or Wealth, -7- the hand of Allah from, This one to each companion dear shall make Some worthy offering for Friendship 's sake. The years slipped by, and when good for- tune came, It brought to Abdul honor, wealth, and fame : Vizier the Sultan made him, and 't was then He thought of Omar and Hassan again. LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 133 And they, 't is said, remembering the old Agreement, came, their wishes to unfold. First spoke Hassan : " Of thee, O Friend, my heart Would crave of power to have some goodly part ! " But Omar said to Abdul : " It were well With me, O Friend, if I might ever dwell Within the shadow of thy happiness, And from Life's grape the wine of Wisdom press ! " To each was granted that for which he prayed ; The vow fulfilled, the promised debt was paid. But soon Hassan, grown greedier, forgot His love for Abdul, and began to plot Against the Sultan and the kind Vizier Whose hand had helped him to his high career ; And at his bidding did a rascal's knife Undo the thread of gracious Abdul's life. 134 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Now Omar, he in peace and comfort sought Wisdom, a school-boy still, by Allah taught ; Studied the course of planet and of star, And for his Sultan made the Calendar ; But most he loved, at the propitious time, His gathered wisdom to record in rhyme. To-day, of all these three 't is he alone Whose name is honored and whose work is known. Modest he was, and being modest, wise ! Therein the moral of his story lies. WJI JTJMTSi urn wmriTs c LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS 137 THE CHRISTMAS CAT IT was the middle of the night When Santa Claus, clad all in white, Without a sign of any noise Came down the chimney with his toys. A host of pretty gifts he had To make a little fellow glad Playthings of every kind and make To please him when he should awake. Among them, and the last of all, A woolly kitten, fat and small, He placed upon the moonlit floor Close by the chamber's open door. Then up the chimney quick he sped And jumped into his snowy sled, And hurried back with jingling bells Unto the kingdom where he dwells. No sooner had he gone away When in came Mouser, grave and gray, A sort of cat-folk Santa Claws, Soft stepping on his velvet paws. 138 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS And there before his very eyes The woolly kitten, half his size ! He bowed politely to his friend : " A cat," thought he, " let that amend ! ' Then pausing, with a puzzled look, A survey of the stranger took, Saw that his eyes were open wide, His tail curled neatly at his side, His whiskers brushed, all smooth his fur, But could not catch his gentle purr. So Mouser deemed it wise and best To speak, and thus his friend addressed " Friend of my kindred Catfolk, here Accept my welcome and good cheer. I Ve been a long time in this house The sole destroyer of the mouse ; Yet of the mice enough there be To satisfy both you and me, And you are welcome to your share So long as there are mice to spare." The woolly kitten silent sat, Which much surprised the elder cat Then Mouser bade him tell his name, How old he was and whence he came ; LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS S39 And getting no response at all, His hopes began to faint and fall ; Yet once again he spoke, his pride Too great to let him be denied Of courtesy and proper grace By any member of his race. "Are you," quoth Mouser, " such a cat As would be thought aristocrat, Too proud and prim to be polite ? To meet a fellow-cat at night Halfway is what I wish to do, But not an inch will venture you. Know, sir, my lineage can tell On mother's side, a Tortoise-shell, And on my father's, if you please, That ancient family Maltese ! Our coat-of-arms is of the best ; A cat-o'-nine-tails is my crest ! Speak then, if you can boast of more, I stand here ready to adore." But never once the stranger stirred, Nor answered Mouser with a word. So all his friendship spurned at last, 140 LITTLE-FOLK LYRICS Old Mouser from the chamber passed ; With bosom filled with discontent, And mood unhappy, out he went. " I 've seen all sorts of cats," said he, " And cats of every pedigree, But until now I Ve never come Across a kitten deaf and dumb ! I pity him in this old house, He '11 never hear a single mouse ! " But when the Christmas morning broke, The little boy from dreams awoke, And first of all his gifts was this Strange cat who could n't purr or siss ; He loved the woolly cat because It did n't scratch him with its claws. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below -JAN 6 1841 MAY. 24 19.4: REC'D ID-UI 4 WK DEC 02 994 MOV 18 LOS ANGELES LIBRARY