Nightingale. Practice in weaving and loo*-!- fixing TS 1490 N68 Textile Record Bud Book No. 3 PRACTICE IN Weaving *#> Loom-fixing A COMPLETE MANUAL FOR THE WEAVE-ROOM D. B. NIGHTINGALE, Master Weaver PUBLISHED BYTHE TEXTILE RECORD 425 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Price, ..... 75 Cents. PHILADELPHIA TEXTILE SCHOOL ESTABLISHED 1884 Oldest in America. Most Com- plete in the World Instruction given in Designing, Weaving, Carding, Spinning, Chemistry, Dyeing and Finishing in Cotton, Wool, Worsted and Silk The School is equipped for the practical work in the above departments, with a complete line of the most modern and up-to date machinery for every branch. Care and manage- ment of the Power Loom given Spe- cial attention in the courses. Special Courses in all Branches of Tex- tile Chemistry, Dyeing and Printing School year begins October and extends to June. Evening Classes in session October to April. For Illustrated Year Book and other information, address j E. W. FRANCE, Director BROAD AND PINE STS. PHILADELPHIA PRACTICE) IN Weaving and Loom-Fixing, A Complete Manual for the Weave Room. With full detailed instructions respecting the Construction and Operation of Woolen and Worsted Looms, including necessary calculations. By B. D. NIGHTINGALE, Weaving Master. Published by THE TEXTILE RECORD, 425 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. 1887. Price, 7" 5 Cents. UNIFORM WITH THIS BOOK. Textile Record Hana book No. 1, Practice in \v ool Carding, by Joseph Brown, Price, 50 cents. Textile Record Hand-book No. 2, Practice in Finishing Woolens and Worsteds, by F. H. Gi eene, Price, 50 cents. Hand books No. 1 and No. 2 together for 75 cents. Hand-books No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 lor o-3& | MM | INC. 3 5T 3 w * *3 I & >S Loom. t * Picks 9? T) Shuttles. S P Price. r| = Style. *M "SI Yds. * ^rs Weight. i > Beam. i ill Lot. K U) t 1 119 CHAPTER X. CALCULATIONS. CALCULATIONS FOR WOOLEN YARNS" RUNS " AND " CUTS " FULL EXPLANATIONS METHODS WITH WORSTED YARNS, TABLE OF "RUNS," "CUTS," YARDS AND GRAINS WL1GHT IN A YARD OF WARP FILLING CALCULATIONS TO FIND RUNS FROM OUNCES POUNDS NEEDED FOR CUTS PERCEN- TAGES OF YARNS SIZES OF PULLEYS PERCENTAGES OF WOOL, ETC. Woolen-yarn calculations. The base for woolen yarn calculations is the " run." A run of yarn is I pound spun to a length of 1600 yards. When spinners are paid by the run, they receive so much for spinning 1600 yards of yarn It is well to keep this in mind in making a study of textile calculations. Anyone can understand what you mean when you say you want a 4-run yarn ; but there are many who would not understand you if you were to say you wanted 600 runs of 4-run yarn. Therefore to know what a run of yarn is becomes essen- tial in making calculations. The use of the terms " 3-run," or " 4-run " yarn might be changed and the terms % or ^ used. A 3-run thread is ^ the size of a i-run thread, because in i pound cf i-run yarn there are 1600 yards, in i pound of 3~run yarn there are 4800 yards ; therefore the 3-run, being spun out to 3 times as many yards as the i-run, is only ^ the size. 4-run yarn has 6400 yards per pound and is only * the size of i-run yarn. So if we want to add two or more threads together, as in making double and twist yarn, we can treat them as we would fractions, nearly. To add together the fractions ^-f y 2 we know it would make one whole. Thus, ^ -f- y 2 = | = I. Now, of course you can readily see that ad- ding 2 2-run threads together makes a i-run thread, so that in this case, it reads right. But we will take another. Add % and ^ together in other words, add a 3-run and a 4-run to- gether H-i=& Now we know that these two threads cannot make one as heavy as J? of a run, less than f . In adding two fractions having i for their num- erator, the rule is : Multiply the denominators together for a new denominator, add them together for a numera- tor. This we have done. The result is the frac- tion r 7 2, which means that it is not as heavy as the i-run thread. So the fraction expresses cor- rectly the size of our thread, taking i-run for a base. But we want to have it expressed in terms that are more pertinent to the subject. This we can do in all cases by first inverting the terms, and then proceeding as in ordinary fractions. Thus : V 2 = if runs, which is correct. Another example: What weight of thread have we by putting together 3, 7 and 9 runs 3 7 9 63 _ 6 3_ 37 26 '61 2lXl=2I 9X1= 9 7Xi=_7 37 63 or \y run heavy. There arc other ways given for doing this, but I know of no better way, and it is one that will put before you in plain terms the size of your doubled thread. Guts and runs. The yarn table given here- with is for runs and cuts. There are many mills where yarn is numbered by cuts entirely. To any one accustomed to numbering by runs it is confusing. A cut of yarn contains 300 yards. In 3-run yarn \ve have 4800 yards in a pound. It will take 1 6 cuts to equal a 3-run yarn ; 24 cuts mul- tiplied by 300 equals 7200 yards. The latter sum divided by 1600 gives us 4^ runs. Hence to convert cuts into runs, divide the yards per pound in the cut. numbers by 1600. To convert cuts into runs, divide the yards in the run num- bers by 300, and you have the cuts. Worsted yarns, In worsted yarn there are 560 yards per pound, this is called a hank. Worsted is used in woolen goods so much now that it is quite necessary for those employed in the woolen business to understand the relative value of the worsted thread in weight as com- pared with a woolen thread. You proceed in the same way as in cuts. A 5-run thread contains 5x1600=8000, 8000^ 560= 14.28+ which is a worsted number. A No. 20 worsted thread is 560x20=11,200 yards, 11,200-^ 1600=7 runs - Worsted yarn is used double on all except the heavy numbers, as 2-505, 2-403, &c. The meaning of this is that two No. 40 worsted threads are put together, so that the two are twice the size of a single thread, which will make them the weight of a No. 20, 2-503 would be the weight of a No. 25, &c. All yarns are calculated on the basis of 7000 Troy grains in I pound avoirdupois. The object is to have the avoirdupois pound, and to use the 123 Troy grain as convenient divisions of it. That is all there is to it. There are those who have different views on the subject, but the best authorities agree that the above is the right way. TABLE OF RUNS, CUTS, YARDS AND GRAINS. BH 34% yds. 218.8 1094 ll 5 fes 547 48.6 33-7 3'. 9.1 -'7 3 $. 4-3 -3 .1 i.,.y 3^ ;^ 2^.1 ^8 3'' 5 35- 33 7 25 yas. & | | 777T 16.2 32.4 15.6 15 1 30.2 14 6 29.1 14.1 28.2 13 ~i 27 4 13.3 26.5 12.9 25-7 12 5 25- 11.2 24.3 1 1. 8 73.6 11.5 2 3- 112 22. 10.9 91.9 10.7 21-3 10.4 20.8 10.2 20.4 9-9 19.9 9 7 19-4 . . 9-5 19. : 9-3 JM l8.'2 Weight in a yard of warp. To show how to calculate the weight of yarn in a yard of warp, we will take a warp containing 1600 ends of 4-run yarn, i yard of warp gives us 1600 yards of thread. If that 1600 yards were i-run yarn, we 124 should just have i pound of warp. Being 4-run, which is y the size of the i-run, we have ^ of the weight, 1^ + 16 = 4 oz. So to obtain the weight of yarn in the warp, divide the threads by the runs. Example : 400 ) 1 600 4.00 oz. Another: 5.25)4200(8 oz. 4200 Write the runs decimally for convenience in case you have fractions of runs, as 5.25, 5.75, &c. Weight of yarn. To obtain the proper weight of yarn, the weight of the goods wanted being known, the process is just opposite to the other. To illustrate: We want to put in 1600 threads and want the warp to weigh 4 oz., what weight shall we spin the yarn? oz. 400)1600 400 runs. or, 8ooj420o(5.25 runs. 4000 200.0 1600 400.0 Filling calculation. For the filling we mul- tiply the picks per inch and the width in the reed together, to get the yards in the filling. This 125 may not appear quite clear to the learner. It looks strange that I inch of filling multiplied by the width of the cloth, equals all the threads in the warp. Well, suppose we take a strip of the cloth i inch wide, and we go lengthwise for I yard, 36 inches. There are 46 picks per inch, so 36 -f- 46= 1656 inches of yarn. Now, we have only got i inch of the width and I yard of the length. We multiply 1656 by the total width, which we will call 36 inches. We then have 59,616 total inches of filling in i yard of cloth. We then divide by 36 to get these inches into yards and we have 1656 again, hence, the simple rule. Multiply the width in the reed by the picks in I inch for the yards of filling in I yard of cloth. Example: runs, 4) 1656 4. 14 oz. To find the runs from ounces. To find the runs, the ounces being known, divide the threads by ounces instead of the runs. The weights thus obtained are the weights off the loom, the yarn being exact, and no account being taken of the listing, shrinkage in weaving, &c. But these will count up, of course, and it will be found that the goods will be heavier than the weights produced by the calculation. This, to- 126 gether with the shrinkage in length in the finish- ing, will compensate for the loss in weight by scouring, gigging and shearing, &c. So that the weights finished will correspond with the weights given by the calculation as near as can be. There are those who may be more elaborate in their method, but the results are no nearer correct, of this I am certain. Pounds needed for cuts. To calculate the amount of yarn required for a considerable quan- tity of yarn, we proceed a little differently. The rules we have just given relate to the weight per yard. We wish to find the pounds of yarn needed for I or more cuts. 2970 threads of 4- run warp. 40 yards per cut. i run of yarn, 1600)118800(74.25 runs. By the above process we multiply the threads by the number of yards it will require to weave a cut of cloth. The cut may be 35 yards or a little more. We allow it 40 yards of yarn for take-up in weaving. We have 1 1 8,800 yards of yarn, I run of yarn (1600) is contained in that 74.25 times, so we have 74.25 runs. To get this into pounds, divide by the size of the yarn, thus: run 4)74-25 18.56*^ pounds of warp 127 for i cut. To get the filling, \ve proceed as in the former examples. 65 inches. 66 picks. ~390 390 4290 35 the yards of cloth. "21450 12870 1600)150150(93.84 runs. 144 615 480 1350 1280 700 We have multiplied by 35 the actual length of the cut when woven. We make no allowance for take-up, because the take-up in the warp does not affect the amount of filling put in. Size of yarn, 4.25)93.84(22.08 Ibs. of filling. 850 ""884 850 3400 The weaver can make an estimate of the filling required to take out certain warps that are in the loom in this convenient way. Suppose you have 128 21 cuts in the looms, there are 56 picks o\ 4.25 run, 74 inches wide : 74 56 444 37-Q 4144 35 yards. 20720 12432 1600)145040(90.65 runs. 1440 1040 90.65 run, multiplied by 21 (the cuts), gives 1903.63, total runs wanted. Percentages of yarns. In making calcula- tions on the percentages of yarns required where different kinds are used in one warp the following examples and illustrations will be of benefit to some, I think. You have a warp dressed as follows : 2 threads of 4-run yarn. I 2 What percentage of each one is required ? We will take the lightest thread, and take, say, one pound for a basis. You could take 10 or 100 pounds just a.s well, but this will do. By taking the lightest thread we are sure that the others will weigh more than one pound and the point 129 will be easier to see. We say a certain amount of 4-run yarn weighs I pound. We have two 4- run threads, so we repeat that and set another pound down, under the first. We then have the 2-run thread and we know that it weighs twice as heavy as the 4-run thread without calculating. But, if it is not so plain in other sums that may happen we obtain the right result by dividing the 4-run by the 2-run thread. This gives us 2 pounds. Add them all together and we have 4 pounds, the total weight of the three threads. Now, we want to find the percentage of each one of them and we can then make our batches to suit the quantity of yarn of each kind that we need. You find the percentage just the same as you would find what percentage you had taken from $1.00 if you had taken 10 cents away from it, which would be done in the following simple way: $i | ice. 10 per cent. We add two cyphers to the sum subtracted, and divide by the original sum. The quotient is the per cent, taken from $1.00. To find the percentage of each kind of yarn we proceed in the same way. Write the pounds decimally as in some in- stances you will find it necessary. 130 I 4-run thread=i.oo pound I " " = 1.00 " I 2-run " =2.OO " 4.00 Now, we get the percentage of each one and from that we can always make a calculation as to the amount of yarn wanted. The operation : I 4>run=i.oo i " =1.00 I 2-run=2.oo 4.00 Ibs. 4 | 100 25 per cent, of I 4-run thread. 4 | 200 50 per cent, of i 2-run thread. i 4-run thread=: 2 5 per cent. I ' =2$ I 2-run " =50 " 100 Proceed in the same way no matter how many threads there are, making a separate item of each thread, the percentage of all threads that are alike can be added together afterward. As in this illustration we have 25 per cent, for each 4- run thread, they are each of one kind of stock so we put them together and have 50 per cent. To calculate the percentage on wool. We have a mix composed of 70 per cent, black, 20 " " blue, 10 " " white. You have on hand, say 165 pounds of black. You want to know how many pounds of each of the other colors to use to make up the proper proportion, so that you can use all of the black you have on hand, how would you go about it ? Some would say 20 per cent, of 165 is 33. 10 per cent of 165 is 16.50. Let us see if this would be right. We will add them together. 165 black, 33 blue, 16.50 white. 214.50 total batch. 70 per cent, of this sum should be 165, for, what- ever amount of the other colors are used, the quantity of black on hand must be 70 per cent, of the whole batch. 70 per cent, of 214.50 is 150.14. We have 150 pounds as representing the 70 per cent, of black, while we have put in 165 pounds. You will see at once that it is wrong ; the reason why it is wrong is that we have taken 20 per cent, and loper cent., respect- ively, of what at the start was only 70 per cent, of 132 what the whole should be, thus lowering its per- centage and increasing the rest of them. Now, let us try another way. If 165 is 70 per cent, of the batch wanted, what is I per cent, of it ? If we can get that we can multiply the I per cent by 10 or 20 per cent or any other amount, and it gives us the right result each time. To get i per cent, we divide 165 by 70, thus: 70)165(2.357 140 250 2IO 40O 350 500 490 10 Having obtained I per cent, we multiply it by each of the proportions wanted. Black 70 times 2.357=164.990 ft>s. Blue 20 " 47 -HO " White 10 " " 23.570 " 235.700 It will be seen by the above that we have for black 16410^ pounds, which is as near right as it can be brought. To prove the work, add the 10 and 20 per cent, together and it should leave 164.99, when those two are subtracted from the the total batch. 133 By careful study of the principles involved in these examples of textile calculation, anyone en- deavoring to learn can find why these problems are worked out the way they are. I have en- deavored to avoid mysterious signs and terms, remembering the remark made by a young man who aspired to learn but " got discouraged by those crosses, dots and signs.'- To those who know something more of mathematical calcula- tions than others, these examples will be none the less plain. Sizes of pulleys. We have a loom with a 12-inch driving pulley making 2 yr revolutions to each pick, the line- shaft makes 146 revolutions per minute, what size of pulley do we want to run the loom 80 picks per minute ? 2 17X80=216.47, the revolutions per minute of the loom pulley. 216.47X12=2597.64-^-146= 17.10 size of pulley. Multiply 2 I? the revolutions per pick, by the picks you want the loom to run, this gives speed of the loom pulley. Multiply this by size of the loom pulley 12- inch, and the product divided by the speed of the line-shaft, 146, gives the size of the pulley we want, 17.10. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. JANO 61994 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBHAHYFAOL A 000580586 6 Universi South Libr