University of California Berkeley THE PETER AND ROSELL HARVEY MEMORIAL FUND Come listen to my dity ye men of age to-day, And soon we shall have freedom throughout America, The people mean to rule us 'tis worthy here of note, And this is done by freemen who are able for to vote. '2. Let Christians be united and firm together stand, In the good cause of freedom engage both heart and hand. Soon would the slaves in bondage in Southern States be free, And rally 'round the standard and sing the jubilee. 3. Let all who are Republicans, whether they are black or white Go for the cause of freedom for that is doing right. And let this be our motto, our nation shall be free, For Fremont with Dayton our rulers soon shall be. 4. We need a reformation thoughout American ground We want good men in office and we know they can be found, And we hope soon to have them in our happy land to reign From gold state California to our good old State of Maine. 5. We hope that in November freemen will do their best, And let the cause of freedom sound loud from East to West Uemembering that our fathers who now sleep in their graves Fought for to gain our fieedom, then let us not be slaves. 6. There are many who arc with us in our land that should be free, Who are against our freedom you know as well as me, But we shall hail for union and liberty of speech, Then let it echo all around to the upper region reach. 7. Let not the spark of freedom be extinguished in our land ' Until the sons of liberty are united heart and hand, And all march on together in freedom's glorious cause, And always have respect for those who uphold righteous laws. 8.- Let us remember Kansas where northern blood was spilt, Knowing that such who did that deed alone must bear the guilt, And let us hope that slave states from this extend no more, While we hare got one foot of land on the Atlantic shore. 9. Americans remember that our freedom here cost blood, And we are now accountable to our nation and our God, And since that such a treasure was left us here in trust, Let us choose men to rule us who are honest, true and just. 10. Remember California and what they have done of late In the City of Sanfrancisco by the worthies of that State, By the Vigilance Committee who took the power in hand To drive off all the vagabonds and murderers of that land. 11. It seems that highway robbers and thieves they ment to rule With Gamblers and Swindlers who kept the rowdy school, But the Vigilance Committee showed them a different play By hanging numbers by the neck, while some they drove away. 12. We don't uphold Linch Law at all, or mobs in any land, But we uphold the patriots and hope they'll be on hand, Especially this present fall we hope that number great, For we hope to have majority in almost every State. > 13. Success to the Republicans in our most noble cause, For they're the ones who have respect to all our righteous laws, And we hope they will prosper till every State shall be From every yoke of bondage and every one is free. 14. Freedom from all oppressions of every sort and kind, Not only from the body but freedom of the mind, And all the wars and rumors of war forever cease, And all the nations of the eapth enjoy a lasting peace. 15. We now will bid our friends farewell and bring this to a close, We hope we soon shall have good news to tell both friends and foes And if we have good news to tell you'll hear from us again, We hope 'twill be the Colonel he the next four years will reign 16. Our friends will please excuse if errors we have made And give us a small trifle to help the printers trade, All favors we acknowledge which on us you bestow, For writing for a living is hard work we all know. ric 3