A NEW EDITION. "Prom grave to gay, from lively to severe, Anthony J. Drexel Biddle roams among the fields and gardens of literature culling with the industry of the bee sweets of every flavor. To provoke the risibilities and promote digestion, try a course of his SHANTYTOWN SKETCHES (For sale, excellently bound in cloth, fancy colors, silver illumi nated, I2mo, pp. 80. Price, 25 cents, by all booksellers.) The only observable fault being that they were compounded in such homoeopathic doses. His versatile acquaintance with all classes of dialects, his thorough grasp of the humors of a situation, illuminate the lines of these laughable little sketches with an electric brilliancy." V-ittaburg Press. "A. J. D. Biddle is acquiring a decided reputation as a humor ist. " Charleston News and Courier. "There seems no end to some men's versatility. Take Mr. Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, of Philadelphia, for instance. He is a fellow of the American Geographical Society, and has a wide reputation as a traveler and man of science. He was well known as an historical and descriptive writer, notably through his book on "The Madeira Islands," which was read everywhere. Well, one day not long ago he branched out into a new field and wrote a most ridiculous 'Froggy Fairy Book' for children that made an instantaneous hit. And now here he is with a new volume, 'Shantytown Sketches,' told in the dialects of the various divis ions of the lower five, and, more than that, well told. His Irish men are real Irishmen, anfl talk like Irishmen, and his Germans never forget where they came from One can't help feeling that Mr. Biddle should add just a little more to his rather formidable title he should be styled Good Fellow of the American Geographical Society." Kansas City Times. " 'Shantytown Sketches' is brim full of humorous anecdotes and stories, some of which have appeared in many prominent journals and comic weeklies, and which have been favorably re ceived and commented upon. Besides these are a number of dia lect sketches which have hitherto been unpublished. The work proves Itself to be the production of genius." Scranton Republican. The above work is for sale by all booksellers, or will be sent by Drexel Biddle, Publisher, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, Canada, or Mexico, or by Gay & Bird, to any part of Great Britain, on receipt of the price. A NEW EDITION. "Some of the dialect selections are well suited for public reci tation." Trot/ Ritdgct. "The author makes many decided hits, and his humor and sprightllness are unfailing." Suit Lake City Trilmne. "The book will be read extensively for its humor." The Bookseller. "It sparkles with fun from cover to cover." Burlingtan Hnu-k Eye. "Shows an acquaintance with the Irish, German and negro dialects and the characteristics of the ignorant people of these races. Mr. Anthony J. Drexel Biddle is the author, and the dozen short sketches which comprise the volume prove him to be an appreciative observer with a keen sense of the humorous element in the lives of the foreign elements of our population. All the sketches are short, terse and wholesomely funny, and show an intimate acquaintance with the dialect and colloquisims of the un educated poor of a great city Mr. Biddle's experience as a newspaper reporter has given him opportunities to observe the phases of life of which these sketches treat, with which many individuals are acquainted, and the school ing of his profession has made it easy for him to catch the central thoughts of the situations and surround them with the auxiliary episodes to make them complete. " 'Shantytown Sketches' is light and amusing reading, and many of them are especially well suited for recitation on the con cert platform." Boston Times. "Mr. Biddle is a successful maker of books, and he wields a graceful pen." Boston Globe. "These sketches are in dialect and the correctness with which the author handles the subject shows that he is gifted with great powers of observation. "The writer who gives his own ideas of the dialect of the nu merous characters in our midst, soon finds himself astray, indeed an object of ridicule. "Mr. Biddle approaches the subject carefully, showing that he not only observes, but that he has studied the eccentricities and characteristics of the several nationalities he depicts "Mr. Biddle's long service as a newspaper man serves him in good stead in this character of sketch. He has met and conversed The above work is for sale by all booksellers, or will be sent by Drexel Biddle, Publisher, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, Canada, or Mexico, or by Gay & Bird, to any part of (irea t Britain, on receipt of the price. A NEW EDITION. with the people of whom he writes, he has noticed their peculiar ities, and now that he has turned his attention to book writing he has an immense stock from which he can draw. Being still in the heydey of youth, and with perceptive faculties which develop with experience; he is still adding to the store, so that there is no appreciable diminution of his stock in trade. "Nor does he confine himself to prose. The divine afflatus is summoned at will. "Remember und take Varning" has not only the proper rhythmic jingle, but embodies a wise sentiment and tells it briefly and to the point. "This work will be a decided accession to the home library." Philadelphia, Evening Item. Opinions of the British Press. " 'Shantytown Sketches' contains humorous prose and poetry in Irish brogue, broken German, and the negro dialect. Verses in the style of Hans Brcitmnnn are amusing." The Manchester Gunr- dinn. "Well printed on thick paper, and prettily bound. "Glnblic