Cambridge Dialogue between a member of parliam.ent and his servant DIALOGUE BETWEEN A Member of Parliament, AND His SERVANT. ( Price One Shilling ) DIALOGUE BETWEEN A Member of Parliament AND His SERVANT. In Imitation q£ the Seventh Satire of the Second Book o^ HORACE. ^uid Leges Jim Moribus Vanae projiciunt f H o r. By RICHARD OWEN CAMBRIDGE, Efq\ LONDON: Piinted for R. Dodsley, at 7/ fortaffts nequior, ultro 40 InfeSiere velut tnelior, verbifque decoris Obvolvas vitium f quid, fi 7?ie Jlultior ipfo ^ingentis empto drachmis deprenderis f Aufer Me vultu terrere : manum Jiomachumque tenetOy Dum quce. Crifpini docutt me janitor, edo. 45 Tc h ^r Xho' begs you'll ftay and vote And zealous tears your coat. You damn your coachman, ftorm and flare ; And tear your throat to call a chair. Nay, never frown, and good now hold 75 Your hand awhile : I've been fo bold To paint your Follies ; now I'm in, Let's have a Word or two on Sin. Laft Night I heard a learned Poulterer Lay down the Law againft th' Adulterer : 80 And let me tell you, Sir, that few Hear better dodlrine in a pew. Well ! you may laugh at Robin-Hood ; I wifli your ftudies were as good. From Mandeville you take your Morals : 85 Your Faith fiom Controverlial quarrels ; But ever lean to thofe who fcribble Their crudities againft the Bible ; Yet tell me I fliall crack my brain With hearing Henley or Romaine. 90 Deferves that Critick moft rebuke In judging on the Pentateuch, B 2 Who iCe conjux aliena capit^ meretrkula Davmn : Peccat uter 7ioflru?n cruce dig?iius f ac?'is tdi me. Natura inccndit y fub clard niida lucer?id ^lu Shall you be ftruck with Titian's tints, 155 And mayn't I flop to ftare at prints ? •• Difpos'd along th' extenfiv^e glafs They catch and hold me ere I pafs. Where Slack is made to box with Broughton, I fee the very ftage they fought on : 160 The Bruifers live, and move, and bleed, As if they fought in very deed. Yet I'm a loit'rer, to be fure, You a great Judge and Conoiffeur. Shall you prolong the midnight ball ^ ^5 With coftly banquet at Vaux-hall, And yet prohibit earlier fuppers At Kilbourn, Sadlers-wells, or Cuper's ? Are thefe lefs innocent in fa6l. Or only made fo by the AS: ? 170 C 2 Thofe [ 20 ] :^ce parvo fumi nequeunt, cum obfonio captas ^ Nefnpc inamarefcunt epulte Jine fine petit ce^ lllujique pedes vitiofum ferre reciifant Corpus. An hie peccat, fub noEietn qui puer uvd Furtivam mutat Jirigiliem f ^i pradia vendit, no Nil fervile gulce parens habet f Adde quod ide?n Non [ ^' J Thofe who f contribute to the tax On tea and chocolate and wax, With high ragouts their blood inflame. And naufeate what they eat for fame, Of thefe the Houfes take no knowledge i 75 But leave them fairly to the College. Oh ! ever profper their endeavours To aid your Dropfles, Gouts and Fevers. Can it deem'd a Ihame or fin To pawn my livery for gin, 180 While Bonds and Mortgages at White's Shall raife your fame with Arthur's Knights ? Thofe worthies feem to fee no fhame in. Nor ftrive to pafs a flur on Gaming •; But rather to devife each Seflion 185 Some 4aw in honor o' th' profcilion. Left -f- "'t was urged in the Petitions of fome of th? HoufeS of Publick Entertainment, that the Supprcffion of them might greatly diminilh the Duties on Tea, Chocolate, and Wax-Lights. [ " ] No7t horam tecum ejfe potes^ non otia reSti Ponere ; teque ipfum vitas fugitivus ^ erro ; Jam vino quccrenSj ja?fi fomno fallere curam^ Frtiftra : nam comisatrapremit^fequiturquefugacem, 115 H. C 23 J Left fordid hands or vulgar place The noble myft'ry fhould debafe ; Left ragged fcoundrels in an alehoufe. Should chalk their cheatings on the bellows ; 1 90 Or boys the facred rites profane With orange barrows in a lane. Where Hes the merit of your labors To curb the follies of your neighbours ; Deter the Gambler, and prevent his 195 Confed'rate arts to gull the prentice j Unlefs you could yourfelf defift From Hazard, Faro, Brag, and Whift? Unlefs your Philofophic Mind Can from wirhin amufement find, 200 And give at once to ufe and pleafure That truly precious time, your leifure. In vain your bufy Thoughts prepare Deceitful Sepulchres of care : The downy couch, the fparkling bowl, 205 And all that lulls or fooths the foul — [ n ] U.Ujide mihi lapidemfT) .^orsum ejl opiisf H.Undefagittas? D. Aut mfanit homo^ aut verfus facit. H. Ocy'ui him te Ni rapis, accedes opera agro nona Sabino» FINIS. ( 25 ) M. Where is my cane, my whip, my hanger ? I'll teach you to provoke my anger. S. Heyday ! my mafter's brain is crackt ! Or elfe he's making fome new Adt. ikf. To fet fuch Rogues as you to Work, Perhaps, * or fend you to the Turk. 210 * Among the many projefts for the punifliment of Rogues, it has been fre- quently propos'd to fend them in exchange for Englifh Slaves in Algiers. FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. : UBRARY U^'r ' \' OF CAITFOT'^'^A l^S ANCET,ES C^ambridge - ' A dialogue bet- i ween a rr.ember of | pariiaipent and servant PR 3339 Ci3d 3 1158 00989 9070 D 000 000 874 8 r