SCHOOL AMERICAN BOOK-PLATES (EX-LIBRIS) j^is^^ American Book-Plates A Guide to their Study with Examples By Charles Dexter Allen Member Ex-Libris Society London • Member Grolier Club New York Member Connecticut Historical Society Hartford With a Bibliography by Eben Newell Hewins Member Ex-Libris Society Illustrated with many reproductions of rare and interesting book-plates and in the finer editions with many prints from the original coppers both old and recent "Ntin gork THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO.. Ltd. MCMV /}// rights reser~ved utlvEHAL CorVRIGHT, 1894, By MACMILLAN AND CO. Set up and electrotyped October, 1894. Reprinted November, 1894 ; August, 1905. Xortoooti ISrrss : J. S. Gushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE. N a few years Book-plate litera- ture will have a place in the catalogues of the Libraries, as it now has in those of the dealers in books. The works of the Hon. J. Leicester Warren (Lord de Tabley), Mr. Egerton Castle, and Mr. W. J. Hardy on the English plates, Mr. Walter Hamilton, M. Henri Bouchot, and M. Poulet-Malassis on the French, Herr Warnecke on the German, and M. Carlander on the Swedish, are all the work of master hands, and are recognized as authorities. In our own country the lists and essays of Mr. Richard C. Lichtenstein and Mr, Laurence Hutton have lono: been of invaluable service, and occupy a position both at home and abroad of undisputed eminence. A laro^e number of articles has also been con- tributed to periodical literature by those well informed upon the subject, and numerous mono- graphs testify to the growth of interest in this fascinating study, and by the names of their authors, to the class of scholars and students of antiquarian lore who deem the humble book-plate worthy of their attention. In view of what has been and of what will be written, this present modest attempt to introduce vi Preface. more fully than has yet been done, the book-plates of America, needs to be understood as simply a pioneer work ; a great deal of information will reward the patient and painstaking investigator of the future, which is now inaccessible, and without doubt, too, much will be found even within the present to supplement these pages. This book could not have been undertaken nor carried to completion had the writer been denied the generous assistance and hearty sympath}^ of our collectors, to whom he desires to express his appreciation of the kindnesses shown him. Especially to Mr. R. C. Lichtenstein, Mr. E. N. Hewins, and Mr. Fred J. Libbie of Boston, does he feel under deep obligation for the generous loan of their splendid collections, for ready advice and counsel, for cheerful assistance whenever asked for, and for that tangible sympathy and lively interest which are worth so much to one enoraored in such work. To manv others also is he indebted, both for the loan of plates and for kindly words of encouragement. To Mr. S. P. Avery,^Mr. Beverly Chew, Mr. E. H. Bierstadt, Mr. Henry Blackwell, Mr. D. McN. Stauffer, Mr. Edward D. Harris, Mr. Laurence Hutton, and Mr. E. W. Nash, of New York City; to ]\Ir. W. G. Brown of Washington and Lee University at Lexington, Va.; Mr. H. E. Deats of Flemington, N.J.; Dr. C. E. Clark of Lynn; Hon. W. A. Courtnayof Charleston, S.C. ; Miss Helen E. Brainerd of the Columbia College Library; Mr. Pickering Dodge of Washington, D.C.; Mr. Charles T. Martin, Mr. Frank B. Gay, Preface. vii Mr. A. C. Bates, and Mr. John C. Parsons, of Hartford; Dr. Henry C. Eno of Saugatiick; Dr. J. H. Dubbs of Lancaster, Penn., President of Franklin and Marshall College; Mr. D. V. R. Johnston of the State Library at Albany; Mr. Nathaniel Paine of Worcester; Mr. Daniel Rav- enel of Charleston, S.C; Mr. Howard Sill of Glendale, Md.; Mr. R. A. Brock of Richmond, Va.; Mr. Howard Edwards of Philadelphia; Dr. Swan M. Burnett of Washington, D.C. ; Mr. Richard Wijnkoop of Brooklyn; Mr. Bisbee of Dartmouth College; Mr. William Kelby of the New York Historical Society; and to Mr. Lyon G. Tyler of Williamsburg, Va., President of William and Mary College, does he wish to make acknowledgment for the favors which have con- tributed so much to the value of the work. From over the sea, particularly kind assistance has come from Rev. T. W. Carson, the veteran collector and eminent authority of Dublin. To all others who by letter, gift, or advice have assisted him, the writer wishes hereby to make suitable and hearty acknowledgment. The writer's thanks are also extended to those who have so kindly permitted him the use of their plates for the illustrating of the book. A word more is due to Mr. E. N. Hewins, who very kindly, at the writer's request, accepted the labor of preparing the excellent Bibliography which appears in the volume. CHARLES DEXTER ALLEN. Hartford, Conn., June, 1894. CONTENTS PAGE Preface v A List of the Illustrations xi Introductory i Name-labels and Mottoes i6 Armorial Book-plates 35 Pictorial and Allegorical Book-plates and Plates OF Colleges, Libraries, and Societies 57 Book-plates of Special Interest 79 Early American Book-plate Engravers, with Lists of their Work 104 An Alphabetical List of Early American Book-plates 160 A Chronological List of the Dated Plates . . . . 313 An Alphabetical List of the Signed Plates, showing the Exact Manner of Signing 314 A List of Mottoes found upon the Early Plates, with Translations 323 A Few Recent Examples 340 The American Collectors and Collections .... 377 The Ex Libris Societies 387 Bibliography (American, English, and French) . . . 389 Conclusion 421 Index 423 ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Full-page Reproductions. Jereh. Wadsworth I Moral Library, Yale College 6 James Eddy Mauran i6 Eugene Field 35 Jacob Sargeant, by yacob Sargeaiit 46 Peter Manigault, by Yates 52 John Williams 54 Richard Wynkoop 56 Social Law Library 66 George Alexander Macbeth 79 W. F. HOPSON, by W. F. Hopsoii 104 William Ashmead Courtenay 122 Edmund H. Garrett, by E. H. Garrett 138 H. E. Deats 150 Richard C Lichtenstein, by George Moore i6o Xll List of Illustrations. To face page Louis J. Haber 323 George H. Ellwanger, by Sidney L. Smith 340 John E. Russell, by M. T. Callahan 357 Dean Sage 360 Fred C. Sch'laicv., by Hozuard Sill 362 Arthur Roblnson Stone, by George M. White .... 364 F. W. HOYT 366 Illustrations in the Text. PAGE George Lee Tuberville, Vir- ginia 2 Timothy Newell, printed by Isaiah Thoinas . . 3 William Lord, East Had- dam 5 Geo. C. M. Roberts, Ai.D., Baltimore 6 Elijah F. Reed .... 7 Jared Ingersoll, Esq., of New Haven, Conn. . . 8 John Walters Gibbs, Charleston, S.C., by .-Id- eriietliie 9 Peter Middleton, iM.D., by y. Lewis 10 Harrison Gray Otis ... 11 Lieut. E. Trenchard. U. S. Navy 12 Samuel Elam, Rhode Is- land 13 John Adams 15 Hannah Reynolds ... 17 E Libris Thomce Holt . . 18 John Campbell, Charles County 19 Richard Sprigg, Jr., by T. Span'ow 20 Thomas O. Selfridge, Bos- ton, 1799 22 Worcester Circulating Li- brary 23 Daniel Greenleaf .... 25 Timothy Mann, Walpole, Oct., 1810 27 A. L. Hollingsworth, Bos- ton, Mass 29 George Bancroft .... 31 William Prescott .... 32 Henry Blackwell, New York City 33 Edward Pennington, Phil- adelphia 34 Gabriel Jones. Attorney at Law, in Virginia ... 36 Joseph Dudley, 1754 . . 38 Jer. Dummer,Anglus Amer- icanus 39 Minot, Boston 40 Frederik Philipse, Esq. . 42 William P. Smith, A.M., bv 'riioiiias Johnston . 45 Andrew Tyler, by Hind . 46 John Durand, Esq. ... 47 Anthony Stewart, Annapo- lis, Md 48 Myles Cooper. LL.D., etc. 49 Andrew Oliver, attributed to Hurd 50 Benjamin Kissam. by Daw- kins 51 Samuel Vaughan, E^sq. . . 53 W. Jackson 54 De Witt Clinton, by Mave- rick. ....... 55 James Parker 58 List of Ilhtstj'atioiis. Xlll PAGE Henry Andrews, by //«rr/j, 59 New York Society Library, by Maverick .... 60 New York Society Library, 1789, by Maverick . . 61 Montlily Library in Farm- ington, Conn 63 Village Library, Farming- ton, Conn 65 Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 66 Hasty Pudding Library, Harvard College ... 68 Linonian Library, Yale Col- lege 69 Linonian Library {Vale College') 70 Arnold Arboretum, 1892, by Geo. Wharton hd- luards 72 New York Society Library, by ElisJia Gallaiidet . . 74 Phoenix Society .... 76 Brothers in Unity, Yale College, by Feltoii . . 'j'j Samuel Hill 78 Stephen Cleveland ... 80 Columbia College Library, New York, by Anderson, 81 Isaiah Thomas .... 83 Albany Society Library, 1759 84 John Quincy Adams . . 86 Josiah Quincy 87 Livius 88 Dr. John Jeffries, attributed to Callender .... 89 Geo. Washington, ^^i?;////;/ 1?, 91 Geo. Washington, yV^//;^///- lent 94 Bushrod Washington . . 96 Daniel Webster .... 97 Brander Matthews, by E. A. Abbey 99 Edmund Clarence Sted- man 100 PAGE Laurence Hutton .... 102 Winfield Scott .... 103 Robert Hale, Esq., of Bev- erly, by Hiird . . . . 107 John Chandler, Jr., Esq., by Hitrd 108 Lewis De Blois, l)y Hnrd. 109 Joshua Spooner, by Hnrd, 1 10 Harvard College, by Hiird, 1 1 2 John Vassall, Esq., by Hurd 114 John Lowell, by //w^/ . . 115 Peter A. Browne, by Akin, 1 18 John Pintard, LL.D., by Anderson 120 Apprentices' Library, New York City, by Ander- son 121 Thomas Russell, by Cal- lender 125 Henry D.Gilpin, by Childs, 127 Whitehead Hicks, by Daiv- kins 130 Social Library, Wethers- field, by Doolittle . . . 133 Eli Forbes, by Fiirnass . 135 John Chambers, by Elisha Gallatidet 136 Anonymous, by Maverick, 141 Abraham Bancker, by Maverick 143 Gardiner Chandler, by Revere 146 William Wetmore, by Re- vere 147 Paul Revere, by Revere • 148 John Lenthall, by Tliack- ara 153 Bloomfield, by 'J'renc/iard, 154 Luther Martin, attributed to Trencliard . . . . 155 John Franklin, Boston, New Eng., by Tnrner . 156 Bloomfield Mcllvaine, by Seymour 157 G. A. Smith 159 XIV List of lUustyations. FACE Anon>-mous. by Maverick, i6i William Belcher, Savan- nah 171 Absalom Blackley. by J/^z'- erick 173 Hon. William Carmichael, Esq iSi Col. John Skey Eustace . 199 Ewing 201 Andrew G. Fraunces. by Maverick 205 John Goelet, attributed to Ma7'erick 209 Richard Harison . . . . 215 Barrack Hays, by Huit . 219 Samuel Farmar Jar- vi-;. D-D 227 William Jauncey .... 229 Thomas Johnson, by Mav- erick 231 Edward Livingston, by Maverick 238 Abraham Lodge .... 240 Rev. John Murray . . . 253 Francis Panton. Jr.. by Maverick 259 Samuel Parker 260 William Penn 263 James Power 270 Samuel Smith 283 J. B. Swett 289 John Tayloe Richard Varick, by Bil- lings .... \'irginia Council Chamber John C. Warren . . . \\'. Warren William Duer .... Malvians Thomas Bailey Aldrich Melvin H. Hapgood Joseph Henr}Dubbs.D.D fames Phinnev Baxter . Albert C Bates . . . George Wharton Edwards. John Herbert Corning, by H. Sandham . . George L. Parmelee . Paul Lemperlv, bv Bert K. Canficld .' . '. . . Joseph H. Wheeler . . Chauncey Lawrence Wil- liams, by Geo. A". Halm Samuel Wesley Mar%-in . Adam \'an Allan . Marcus Benjamin . Henr}- S. Rowe . Julia Dexter Coffin Jeremiah Evarts . John Andrew . . Paul Lemperly, by E. H. Garrett . . . PAGI' 291 295 297 299 322 339 343 3-14 345 348 350 11^ 354 359 361 364 366 367 369 376 374 386 421 Hi! y^^^^. Wadfwortld,- fe ^tp j^>'^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^r'v**, ^'^^ ^^S ^"*^ ^^^ r^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ 90E. *< >..', OF THE ^ \ UNI-"' ' AMERICAN BOOK-PLATES. INTRODUCTORY. E cannot venture to guess which was the first book-plate made in America, nor to say with absolute certainty whence came the first plate used in our country ; but undoubtedly the latter came over already pasted into some book of a Dutch or English settler. The larger part of our books came from Eng- land, and very few plates are found with arms of other nationalities. The colonists who came from England bringing books, brought also the home ideas concerning books, and the book- plate was a natural piece of property to acquire. Their descendants, who continued the connec- tion with the mother-country, used plates more generally, and the fashion spread naturally. It never became very general, but was confined to those of gentle birth ; the clergy, the lawyers, and men of education. We shall see that it was not confined to the men alone, but that the women of literary accomplishments also used plates. 2 American Book-plates. By far the greater part of the plates are cut on copper, but there are some woodcuts as will be seen in an examination of the list ; also, there are some which look as if cut in silver, which was C^e^/'^^, "Virginia . an easier metal to work, or perhaps in type-metal. One example is known in which brass was used, and this old plate is now in the possession of the writer. The steel engravings arc of rather recent date; and while there are a number of these, the Introductory. 3 new plates are mostly on copper. The simple labels are printed from type. The larger part of our early plates are armorial in character ; and while heraldry forms so promi- nent and important a feature, it is left practically untouched in the present volume. The number interested in the science is small, the authorities on coats-of-arms and on blazoning differ, and the present writer had not the time to make the J. T.'Kmait prinU thorough investigation necessary to a satisfactory treatment of this interesting branch. Upon con- sultation with other collectors, and with their advice, it was decided to leave this subject for a future volume should any call for it arise. A decided difference is noticed between the book-plates of the Northern and the Southern Colonies. In the South, to which came men of wealth and leisure with cultivated tastes, we would expect to find the little superfluities and niceties of daily life sooner in vogue and more 4 American Book-plates. generally used. Bringing books and musical in- struments with them, retaining their connection with the far-away home by correspondence and visits, sending their sons to the great Universities to be educated, and to the Law Schools for a fin- ishing course, and ordering their clothes, books, furniture, and all of the luxuries of life from England, they would naturally be the first to use the book-plate. Very few of the Southern plates were engraved by American engravers. They were nearly all done in London, when some member of the family was over, or by order from the Colony; for this reason the Southern plates are better in heraldry, design, and execution than those of New England and New York. They were the product of men experienced in such work ; they were all armorial and in the prevail- ing English mode. The earliest comers to New England had a prejudice against coats-of-arms and trinkets of such-like character, which their descendants, however, soon forgot. Pride of ancestry and love of the display of aristocratic claims developed when the hard circumstances of the former years had worn off, and we find the prominent families of the North using book-plates, and having their arms upon their coaches. In one important feat- ure, however, these Northern plates differ from the Southern, — they are mostly the work of our native engravers, very few being done in England. The work of these native artisans, who were mostly self-taught in this art of engraving on copper, is confessedly inferior to that of the Lon- Introductory. c don experts found upon the Southern plates, both in drawing and execution, but their work is of more value to the collector from this very fact of their being American work. They furnish examples of native skill, both in engraving and in copper-plate printing. ' The ornamentation of buttons, spoons, table- ware, and other articles of silver was already practised when the demand for the book-plate arose, so that there were skilful men ready to turn their attention to this new branch of their art. The War of the Revolution naturally affected the native production of book-plates, but a few years after its close, when Boston, New York, and Philadelphia were active in publishing books, the engraver found work more plenty, and very many who were employed upon the plates for the illustration of books also produced book-plates. 6 Ajiierican Book-plates. Nathaniel Hurd was the principal engraver of book-plates in the North before the war, though Thomas Johnson, who was born before him and who also died before he did, made some plates, while Turner and Paul Revere were also working at this period. Henry Dawkins, in Philadelphia, came over from England, and so did the elder Maverick, who made so many plates for the New Yorkers. ^^^.^^.^..^#^; tf///yM{^/'^^ ^/J!_. The literary plates are smaller in number than vv^e could wish, and they do not show a wide range of ideas either. Very probably some of the designs were borrowed from English plates, and were produced over again for different customers, or were freely copied by other engravers who liked, or who found customers who liked, the design of others. The plate used by George Goodwin is one of four of this same design. The shelf of books is also seen in the plate of G. C. M. Roberts, M.D., Thomas Robbins, and the Virtus et scieniia ad ufilitatgia JirLgntit OF Introdttctory. y Elijah F. Reed, which is a direct reproduction of the Rohbius. Piles of books, but not the regula- tion "Book-pile," are seen in the Brown and Lewis plates, while the only real library interiors arc the Tayloe plate, the Moral Library and the Village Library (Farmington, Conn.). John Allan, the old-book lover of New York, used a plate with an open book against an anchor, and the plate of Edimind Peun shows a love for books in the dainty volumes disposed about the frame. The patriotism of our book-lovers is shown in very many designs, which use the American flag or the eagle. The thirteen stars also, the motto of the United States, and various private mottoes of a very patriotic nature, are frequently used. It is noticeable that as compared with the Southern plates there are but few of the North- ern examples which give the address or residence of the owner ; that is, speaking of the armorial 8 Auierican Book-plates. plates, the printed name labels give these partic- ulars quite often. The fared higersoll plate gives New Haven as the residence of the owner, while Rhode Island follows the name on the plate of Sanmcl Elain. of NeV Haven Connecticut. Other Northern plates which are so engraved are the Colonel Eiistace of New York, Comptroller Ellis ton also of New York, Lenox of Philadel- phia, Atlce of Lancaster, John Franklin, Boston, New Eno^land, and Robert Hale of Beverly. Of the Southern plates, Wormeley, Waller, Ttiber- ville, Tazezvell^ Skelton, Randolph, and Liidwell Introductory. o give Virginia as their residence ; Drayton names Sonth Caj^otina, the Dr. Cabell plate names Rich- mond, and the John Walters Gibbs names Charles- ton, S.C The plates used in the West Indies also show the residence quite often. There, too, as well as in the Southern colonies, the profession or position of the owner, as well as the London t'/'aA-zT^/Zar .fa/.)y ' law school in which he was educated, are often given. Thus we have William Blanc, Middle Temple, Dominica ; Chas. Pinfold, LL.D., Governor of Baj^badoes ; Peyton Randolph of the Middle Temple, London ; Francis Page of the Inner Temple Esqr. ; William Ass he ton of Gi-ays Inn. In the Northern examples we find Jo Jin Gai^diner of the Inner Temple, 2.\\d Jotiathan Belcher, E Societate Medij Templi. lO American Book-plates. We note also in running through the List that the occupations most often noted on the book- plates are those of the medical and the legal pro- fession. Barristers, lawyers, and attorne3'S are often so named, and the initials M.D., or the full word Doctoi^, are seen. The abbreviations of other degrees are found also, and the plates of clergymen are not uncom- mon. r Introchtciory. II Several plates remain unnoticed in the follow- ing pages, which are probably American, but which, for lack of positive information, it is thought best not to include. Among these is an early Dutch plate which, if it could be accurately traced to its original owner, might prove to be one of the earliest plates used in "America. It seems that a word is needed in defence of the perfectly legitimate and gentle pursuit of col- lecting book-plates. A great deal of sarcasm y \%^% and indignation have found their way into the columns of periodical literature, particularly in England, the especial purpose of which is to trouble the humble collector, and to discredit him in the eyes of the world. He is pointed out as a destroyer of valuable books, as an animal so greedy in the pursuit of his insignificant prey as to ruin elegant bindings that he may secure worthless bits of paper, and as actually so devoid of good sense as to remove such of these as are interesting — for it is reluctantly admitted that 12 American Book-plates. some interest does attach to the plates used by cer- tain men of fame in historical annals — from their rightful place within the covers of the very books read and handled by these illustrious owners. Let it be remembered that but a small part of the many books published have a permanent value, and that a book once eagerly sought may outlive its usefulness, and come to have a com- mercial value of so much a pound as old paper, instead of so much a copy in different styles of binding. Surely, no one can quarrel with the collector who removes the book-plate, found with- in it, from such a worn-out specimen, even if the removal necessitates the ruin of the cover. But to remove a boc!)k-plate does not necessarily mean to ruin the cover; it requires some skill and con- siderable patience to remove a valuable plate without injury to either itself or the cover upon which it was pasted, but it is done daily. Surely no one can find fault with this — a skilful opera- tion resulting satisfactorily to the plate-collector and to the book-owner. Introductory. 13 Again, no intelligent book-plate collector will separate the plate of a famous man from the book which has been its home for years, and which was once handled and read by its famous owner. Even a worthless book will thus be saved by the collector, which was fit but for the fire or the ash-heap, and which would have gone thither, plate and all, save for his discriminating eye, while a valuable book no one would think of despoiling. Would an intelligent collector, hav- ing a book from the library of George Washington, with his plate upon the cover and his autograph in its accustomed place, think of soaking off tlie plate and cutting out the signature .'^ Not at all ; no matter how worthless the book mioht chance 14 American Book-plates. to be, the fact that it was Washington's is suffi- cient to insure it from any harm, while the pres- ence of the autograph and the book-plate but adds to the value as establishing beyond perad- venture the original ownership. The book-plate collector is naturally a book- lover. He must not be accused or suspected of crimes against his own kith and kin. He is a harmless and useful specimen of the genus col- lector, who with assiduity, perseverance, and in- telligence seeks to preserve these memorials of past days, which in the rage for indiscriminate collecting were overlooked, and are but now begin- ning to receive the attention they are worthy of. It is, however, to be admitted that at first glance, the general reader who has not developed a special liking for the things of the past in history, art, or biography, may see no especial interest in book-plates. But let him examine a collection of good plates with their intelligent owner, who can point out to him the facts worthy of note ; let him once understand that celebrated artists like Albrecht Durer, Jost Amman, William Hogarth, William Marshall, George Vertue, Bewick, Bartolozzi, and even Raphael Morghen were willing to devote time and taste to the de- signing or engraving of the book-plate ; let him handle some of their work, and reflect upon the effort the master considered so small a design worthy of; let him see the plates of some of the noted names in history, art, letters, medicine, the sciences, and the professions ; let him take in his hands the plates of William Penn, the friend of I Introductory. 15 the Indian and benefactor of his race, of Lau- rence Sterne, of David Gar rick, of Horace Wal- pole, of Samuel Rogers, of Charles Dickens, or of George Washuigton, of John Adams, and Charles Carroll, signers of the Declaration ; let him see a plate engraved by Paul Revere whose fji^mri/fiycda services in the Revolution he has known of from his schooldays ; — let him see these and scores more of similar interest, and he cannot fail to respond to the enthusiasm of their owner. But indeed it is a pursuit, the delights of which are discernible to those only who bring to it the capacity for such pleasures. NAME-LABELS AND MOTTOES. F all forms of book-plates the simplest possible is the printed name of the owner, unaccom- panied by either motto, device, or ornamentation of any kind. Such a plate had Philip Houc, one of the founders of the Mercantile Library, and in the early twenties a mayor of the city of New York. His plate is merely a bit of paper with his name in bold script printed upon it from an engraved copper-plate. This style of plate is not chronologically the earliest, but is taken as our starting-point be- cause of its unrelieved simplicity ; this fulfils the mission of the book-plate, — it proclaims the ownership of the book in which it is seen; not in delicate language, to be sure, not with any invi- tation to dip into the volume in hand, not with any evidence of the owner's taste in reading, but with a directness not to be misunderstood. The essential part of the book-plate is the name of the owner; and while this is sufficient of itself, it is found profitable and pleasant to accom- pany it with an apt quotation from a favorite author, with a caution against the improper hand- i6 ^t A * I James firjrgjfiiitrztir. of A\h* CAU< Name-labels and Mottoes. 17 ling of books, with a warning of tlie sad result of declining Wisdom's guidance, or with an invi- tation to enjoy the beauties of literature and to share the benefits of careful reading. In addition to these mere typographical adjuncts an oppor- tunity is offered for the display of those more decorative garnishments which have led to the development of the handsomer styles of plates. ^^*-- Alexander Stcdmaiis: Thomas Thaxters, 1791: Williain W. Potters Book: Aaron Woohuortlis, Ex Bono Rev. S. Buell, D.D. These plates use the possessive case, are embellished with borders of ornamental type, and supply some further information by showing the date of their being used, or by naming the giver of the volumes. Other styles of expressing book-ownership are afforded by the following: Nicolas Pike His i8 American Book-plates. Book 1768: Hannah Adams, Medjield 179-: The Property of John Clap, Roxbury 1791 : Davidis Dickinson Liber, A.D. 1796: Lietit. E. Trench- ard, U. S. Navy: Simeon Baldwin, Owner : Ex Libris I. G. Thomas : Library T. W. Curtis, N'o. : Belonging to the Librajy of Thomas Torres t Bet- ton, Germantown Pa. : The Property of John Weld native of Pomfret, Conn. Resident of Pom- NUMERUS ^^dtC^ Pre E LIBRIS T.UAO^. The plate of the late Mr. George W. Childs has the following motto whose appropriate- ness is evident at once, — TJie pen is mightier than the siuord. Above this a second motto of equal appropriateness is given, — Nihil sine labore. On the plate of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Per ampliora ad altiora is given upon a ribbon under a beautiful drawino; of the "chambered nautilus." V I X L I A M F R F. S C C) T T Instances of mottoes which are cleverly made to carry some meaning, or some word, which will be seen at a glance to be taken from the name of the owner, are found often. On the plate of Harold Clarence Ernst this motto is given, Ernst ist das leben. Name-labels and Mottoes. 33 On the plate of George Ctirry, D.D., — Sic ciirre capias. On the plate of Ediuavd Spencer Dix, — Qiioci dixi id feci. In concluding this list of mottoes two from the Welsh can be instanced, one on the plate of a New York collector of Welshiana, which is Cared Doeth Yr Encilic, meaning, " TJie learned love the 34 American Book-plates. things of the pastr The other is on a Washing- ton plate, and reads thus, A fynno Dzuy y Fycid^ meaning, " What God wills, will be.'' In the Hst of languages used on book-plates, we must now include the Volapiik, for we have the first instance of its use already in a New York plate; the motto reading, Menad bal piikbal, and meaning, " One htunanity, one langtiage'' ^A/.^^>9i£yC^ieuc< ARMORIAL BOOK-PLATES. OOK-PL AXES admit of many kinds of extraneous ornamen- tation, and wholly apart from the special function of record- ing the ownership of books, they serve as expressions of artistic taste ; they lend them- selves readily to many forms of design, and have passed through several changes or " styles " in the three hundred years of their existence; they can be dignified or flippant, serious or punning, of artistic beauty or positive deformity ; they can express the owner's choice of reading and can preserve lines from his favorite authors ; can convey warn- ing or invitation, and can, in short, be made a very personal affair. The first book-plates were heraldic. In those early and, in some senses, good old days, before the schoolmaster was abroad in the land, when learning was the possession of the aristocrats and the churchmen only, and consequently when handwriting was not in use among the people, families were distinguished by emblems which were known of all. These heraldic devices were painted on their shields, carved upon their walls, 35 36 American Book-plates. engraved upon their breast-plates, woven upon their banners and their tapestries, displayed upon their own persons, upon those of their depend- ents, and even upon their animals and the furni- ture and books of their homes ; even the purely )^mey at Law, iu^W^iia)^ ornamental and ephemeral luxuries came to be adorned with the family coat-of-arms. The armorial bearings, stamped upon the back or sides of a book, or printed upon paper and pasted within the cover, were sufficient, without a name, to identify the family to which it be- longed. Libraries descended from father to son, Armorial Book-plates. 37 and were kept intact for generations ; and the family arms and motto were the most appropriate label possible. Warren, one of the first to study book-plates and to give to others the benefit of his researches, has divided the armorial plates into general classes, and has given them suitable names, which are accepted the world over. A considerable number of subdivisions has been made ; and while they may be serviceable where book-plates are plenti- ful, they are but an incumbrance to the collector of the early plates of America, for our examples are few in number, and are quite sufficiently dis- tinguished — for the purpose of the present work, at least — by the following styles: Early Eng- lish, Jacobean, Chippendale, Ribbon, and Wreath. Distinctive, easily remembered characteristics pertain to each of these, and fairly accurate dates of their adoption and continuance can be given. Adopting then the nomenclature of Warren, and following his lead, we come now to consider the meaning of the different styles and the diver- sity of their designs. The very earliest class is the Early English, in which the shield of arms is present with all its accessories. In these plates the mantling is very profuse, and in large full-rounded curves surrounds three, and often all four, sides of the shield. This is the only ornamentation, iiothing incidental being added as yet ; the name of the owner is usually or often accompanied by a title and address, and quite frequently also by the date. 38 American Book-plates. We have but few examples of this style; •perhaps the most satisfactory as an example of the class will be the plate oi Joseph Dudley^ dated 1754. (This plate was really engraved much earlier than this. Hurd erased the original name, and cut the present one with the date in its place.) In this the mantling, running out beyond the edges of the shield, curls both upward and downward, and conipletely envelops three sides ; Armorial Book-plates. 39 the design takes on a strong resemblance to oak leaves, and a single leaf of this is engraved upon the helmet: the background, or space enclosed within the scroll-work, is filled in with perpen- dicular lines which might be taken for the tincture gules; in the name-bracket, the oak-leaf pattern is again made use of, forming a neat finish to the ends. In the plate of The Honourable Wm. Car- michael, Esqr., the mantling is not so completely transformed into the oak-leaf design, although the latter is here apparent. The plate oijcr. Dtinimer, Anglus Amcricanus is peculiar in that the space enclosed by the scroll-work is lined with the solid brick wall of the later Jacobean style ; in this the 40 American Book-plates. mantling is less striking than in the Dudley, but it surrounds the shield well, and curves upward about the crest. In the Miuot plate, which is very peculiar and rather difficult to classify, the Qy£i/?t^ mantling is very unworthy of the name ; it does not proceed from the helmet, nor indeed from any- where in particular, but in wild and very eccentric fashion, envelops the crest and most of the shield; the field of the shield is tinctured azure, and it is Armorial Book-plates. 41 enclosed within a border or moulding which nearly surrounds it, but leaves a portion at the base un- protected ; a further peculiarity of this mouldino- is that it is an integral part of the helmet, for it curves over at the top of the shield and actually proceeds from the helmet. A very fine example of this style is the Francis Pac^e plate. The next style is the Jacobean, commonly spoken of as existing from about 1700 to about 1745; the styles overlap naturally, and no hard- and-fast period can be established within which only one particular style of plate w^as used. Exam- ples of the Jacobean plate are found in England which would date later than 1745, and the style which succeeded this was used somewhat before the year which begins its accepted period : the dates of the periods, then, are approximate. The names by which the different styles are known have all a good reason for their acceptance, although each one was suggested by differing circumstances. The style of book-plate in vogue at the time of the last James is designated as Jacobean; and, while it continued in use long after the death of the deposed monarch who gave it its name, any change in its designation would be misleading. The principal features of this style are its heavy, carved appearance, the evenly balanced propor- tions, and the exact coincidence of the two sides of the design. The shield, always of regular out- line, is usually placed upon an ornamental frame whose background, or lining, is either filled in 42 American Book-plates. with a fish-scale pattern, diapered into the lozenge form or built up solidly with a wall of brick. This lining shows at both sides- of the shield, below, and, less often, above it ; its sides are convoluted ; they run out in foldings and scrolls resembling the carving on wood, and are often worked into TBEmmEiI^KILJ^SE£S K elaborate patterns : sometimes, too, the design is surrounded by a carved moulding which makes a heavy frame of rectangular form and massive appearance. This style of plate, well-handled, is exceedingly handsome, and is capable of more repose and dignity than any other. Very forbid- ding indeed, and over-solemn, are some examples, but in the main the purely Jacobean plates are Armorial Book-plates. -43 very pleasing. Among the accessories usually found are a scallop-shell with the concave side turned towards the observer, and placed either below the shield to support it, or above it to set it off: this shell is always looked for in the Jaco- bean plates, and indeed a shelly motive is apparent throughout very many examples. The helmet and mantling are conspicuous, especially the latter, as it is often enlarged and emphasized by being- drawn into the general scheme of decoration ; very full, reaching far down the sides of the shield-frame, and indeed often curiously woven into the convolutions of the frame itself, it at times loses its significance : grotesque faces some- times peer from the ornamentation, and heads of satyrs and demons are frequently used to rest the base of the shield upon. In some instances the name is placed upon a bracket similar to the upper part of the plate in decoration, or, again, it may be seen upon a small curtain or lambrequin caught up at the ends with string. Very often, too, no setting is provided for the name, and it is simply engraved beneath the design. Eagles, lions, ter- mini, cherubs, and sometimes cornucopice of fruit or flowers, angels blowing upon trumpets, and stiff stalks of flowers are introduced into the orna- mentation. But these do not succeed in enlivening the style of the plate materially, for it is essen- tially heavy, conservative, and formal in design and spirit. No graceful airiness rests upon it, and it provokes no joyous sentiment, but rather rouses respect and enforces stateliness. The general ap- pearance of the Jacobean plate is as if carved 44 American Book-plates. from wood. We do not expect old carving to be anything but solid and immobile, and these char- acteristics are present in this style of book-plate. Indeed, Warren, in his chapter on the Jacobean style, says that no antiquary can fail to note the strong similarity of treatment and design between the wood-carving preserved in the churches of the time of Charles the Second and the mouldings on the monuments of the same period, and the book-plates of the style we have considered. Our finest example of the Jacobean book-plate is found in the work of Thomas Johnston, who made the plate of William P. Smith, A.M. This is a typical example of the later Jacobean style, and is worthy of particular study. The Elizabethan shield is set against a frame which is very elabo- rately carved and ornamented ; the lining is cov- ered with the fish-scale pattern, and this extends also to the arms and convolutions upon the sides. At the base of the shield the scallop-shell is in position as prescribed, and is surrounded by a little frame of its own ; the mantling is very slight indeed, breaking out from the wreath and also from the lower part of the helmet, in short and simple spirals. The motto is found on a ribbon which is gracefully strung upon the scrolls at the bottom of the design. In the Spooucr plate, by Hurd, the shield, also of Elizabethan pattern, is set against a diapered background; beneath the shield, within a little frame, the head of a sphinx is seen ; term-figures are placed in the scroll-work at either side, and from their hands depend bouquets of flowers; 45 ^^"VERs/Ty 46 Ajucricau Book-plates. the crest is overarched with a bit of old scallop- shell, and the motto is given on a plain ribbon which, wholly unsupported, maintains a curved position under the whole design. In the Andrezu (Sandrew-tyterI) Tyler plate, also by Hurd, a grotesque face sup- ports the shield, the lining is elaborately diapered, and a festoon of cloth depends from the lower scrolls of the frame. In the small-sized plate of John Allen, the lining is embellished with the simple lattice-work, in two patterns. ^.ca6- ^{traeo/nt. Armorial Book-plates. 47 Closely succeeding the Jacobean, and indeed coming into use before the latter was wholly dis- carded, the Chippendale style of book-plate may be regarded as in a way an evolution from the Jacobean. If the parent was dignified and con- servative, the offspring was dainty and progressive; the Jacobean style maintained its dignity and 48 American Book-plates. decorous nicety to the end, but the Chippendale, which started in with a taking air of modest and light gracefulness, in strong and pleasing contrast to the solidity of its predecessor, rapidly assumed a most elaborate and ornate manner, and finally 'm^ sank into a wild, riotous, and well-nigh sensuous profusion of decorative expression, which being too heavy for it to sustain, bore it down to its end. The character of the Chippendale plate, while at- tractive and beautiful in its pure form, had essential elements of weakness, which, hardly able to resist development, were certain to cause its downfall. Armorial Book-plates. 49 As is natural to suppose, the name was bestowed upon this style because of its assimilation of the ornate and liowery spirit which the famous T. Chippendale at this period introduced into wood- carving and upholstery. As compared with its immediate predecessor, the differences in this style of plate are seen to be principally the !NfylesCooperZZZ>CollRegisNovEborin AnericaJtefes^etCoHRegina? deOson-Sociussci liberating of the decorative features from the stiff- ness which thralled them in the Jacobean. Not now resembling ponderous carvings in oak and mahogany, but rising free and unrestrained, the rose branches and sprigs seem to be copied from Nature herself ; not arranged with careful nicety and labored uniformity as formerly, but springing from any convenient niche, they add grace and delicacy to the whole design. The helmet is seldom 50 American Book-plates. seen in this style of plate, the mantling is con- sequently absent, and the bracket supporting the shield of arms undergoes a transformation ; the convolutions and scrolls on the sides become finer, freer, and less imposing; the shield is never found of any set rectangular pattern, but often is pear- shaped, shell-like in form, or indeed not unlike the oyster or the human ear in general outline ; the scallop shell which formerly serv^ed as a base for the shield to rest on, is now broken into dainty Armorial Book-plates. 51 fragments with the pectinated edges disposed about the shield itself ; the name-frame is no longer a cloth curtain, but is a scroll with indented edges and curling outlines. ^'^j-J!fi©A\v3crAW'.lnv: tt »^cuip.^^2j>>, In its highest development the Chippendale plate is a beautiful piece of work ; the richness of its curves, its plentitude of graceful scrolls, its profusion of roses in garlands or on the stem, and •the elaborate detail noticeable in all its parts, 52 American Book-plates. combine to make a plate of delightful airiness and dainty nicety ; but in the hands of weak desisrners, as pointed out by Warren, its possibilities of oyer- ornamentation were seized upon, and we find the most unexpected and incongruous assortment of figures from life, architectural fragments, alle- gorical subjects and other features not to be included in any particular class, occupying con- venient places about the escutcheon ; we find sleek shepherds clad in the fashionable clothes of the day, — knee-breeches, rufiled shirt with Byron collar, large felt hats, and buckled shoes ; we see would-be shepherdesses in big hooped-skirts, yer\' low-necked bodices and slight waists, wearing frizzly hair and Gainsborough hats, and carr}-ing dainty crooks ; scantily draped figures recline under the trees, while attendant cupids make music or hasten up with books. Turning from these pastoral scenes, we come across plates which haye a most frightful dragon with scaly body, forked tail, and fier}', bulging eyes, who spits fire as he crouches among the roses ; in others we find cornices, columns, arches, and urns; fountains, hand-glasses, ships, nautical instruments, lambs, dogs, — in short, it is useless to name the great number of irrelevant articles which were made use of. The plate was made to carr}^ any amount of heterosreneous ornamentation which the desisrner fancied ; it seems in some cases as if the details w^ere employed with rightful reference to the tastes or pursuits of the owner, but in the greater number the fancy was allowed free play. Hurd's work furnishes us with the best examples ^^r Qly£.m^aJk^ ^-f SoutK Carolina. caO?2 ^-^ Armorial Book-plates. 53 of the pure Chippendale style; the Chandler plate, the Wentworth, and the Dumeresque are good examples ; Dawkins gives us the later and debased Chippendale with all its profusion of extrinsic ornamentation. The Samuel Vaughan plate is a very fine example of good Chippen- daleism, and may be taken as a standard by which to recognize the features of this style. The Robt. Dinwiddle plate is a fine example of this style, 54 American Book-plates. though the heraldry may be questioned: this, according to Hardy, is of Scotch make. In the Ribbon and Wreath style, which came into vogue in England about 1770, and in the tl:^ United States not much before 1790, we note a return to simplicity. The later Chippendale plates, with their over-burdened frames, now yield to this quiet style, which is unassuming and very pleasing. In this the shield is usually heart- lOHN -wiu-LXAtss JLSQ^ Annorial Book-plates. 55 shaped, is not set against a background, and has absolutely no carved work about it ; the shield is often unsupported, but is sometimes hung by ribbons or festoons from wall-pins above ; the decoration, as the name suggests, consists princi- pally of ribbons, and wreathing in various forms. At the present day we use in our wall-paper, upholstery, and wood-carving on furniture and mantels, and even on outside cornices, a certain form of orarland or festoon tied with ribbon which we call " Colonial " ; in a general way this re- 56 American Book-plates. sembles the decoration features of the Ribbon and Wreath book-plate. From wall-pins with fancy oval or round heads, festoons of flowers depend above the shield ; branches of holly and palm, often tied with a ribbon whose fluttering ends bear a motto or the name, are crossed beneath the shield, and their graceful sprays extend up either side. Some of the festoons are rich with blossoms, others, more slender, are of leaves only, while a few are made of cloth ; the full garlands are usually hung from above the shield, while the thinner style is draped in any place and manner accept- able to the designer, and with more or less of gracefulness, as his skill permitted. This style of plate calls for nothing more than its legitimate features to render it effective and satisfactory, and in general the plates are in the pure style ; but in some of the New York plates, there are books, writing materials, and bits of landscape introduced under the shield. The Thomas Johnston plate by Maverick is a fine example of this style. Maverick was the most prolific worker in the Ribbon and Wreath, while Callender and Rollinson also used it very largely. The Prosper IVe/more p\3.te by Maverick, the /oh7i Sullivan by Callender, and the Horatio ShcpJicrd Moat by Rollinson, are all excellent examples. PICTORIAL AND ALLEGORICAL BOOK- PLATES, AND PLATES OF COLLEGES, LIBRARIES, AND SOCIETIES. ESIGNS which are wholly pic- torial or which are meant to convey meaning by their sym- bolism are not very numerous with us. This style of design is no better suited to the plates of public libraries, schools, and societies, than to those of individuals, but nearly all of our early examples of this style are found to belong to the former class. One of the early personal plates of this kind is that of James Pai'kcr, who was a collector of curios, medals, and books. He was a conductor on the old Western Railroad, and ran the first train between Worcester and Springfield. This plate is fully described in the List. Of an entirely different style is the plate en- graved by Harris for Henry Andrews. This is pictorial, introducing classical features, but hardly rising to the height of allegory. The plate of Bloonijield Mcllvaine is also pictorial, and prob- ably allegorical, as the figure seems to represent History. In the Samuel Parker plate we have 57 58 Pictorial mid A llegorical Plates. 59 allegory with a label to identify it ; for the bank on which the muse of History reclines is labelled Clio. A very peculiar pictorial plate is that of Edzvard Pcnuiugtoii, which seems to represent an overflowing reservoir. The plates of McMtirtrie, Kip, Mann, Rtisscll, Swett and Hooper are good examples of the class. Examples could be given at greater length, but as all are carefully described in the List, the reader is referred to it. The most interesting of the old society and l^Mw^onM^'M^cfel}'' Lib^ab:^! liiiiMiiiiiMi 60 6i 62 American Book-plates. library plates are the three of the New York Society Library, the two of the libraries in Farm- ington, Conn., and that of the Society for Pj^opa- gatiiig the Gospel in Foj^eigji Parts. In the plates of the Society Library allegory is rampant. Minerva appears in all of them, and in the two by Maverick is the principal figure. In both of these she appears to an American Indian, whose attitude shows his deep apprecia- tion of the benefits of education as offered by the resplendent goddess. In one case she is repre- sented as having just arrived from Olympus, and is still encircled by clouds; in the other, she seems quite at home in the alcove of the library, and has taken a suitable volume from the shelf for the use of the savage. In the plate by Gal- laudet for this library the allegory is extended, and other prominent inhabitants of the abode of the celestials are present. The arts and sciences which the books of the library treat of are rep- resented by implements and symbols easily recognized. The plate of the Monthly Library in Farm- ington also uses allegory. The designer and engraver of this plate was Martin Bull, an old deacon in the village, who was quite an inter- esting man. He was a goldsmith, a maker of silver buttons, and spoons ; a manufacturer of salt- petre when needed by the army, a conductor of church music, town treasurer for eight years, clerk of probate for thirty-nine years, a strong patriot, and a writer of long and appallingly solemn letters to the youth of the village when •/ywi/ta a. J^iioo^ u.yiu^/n€/£/"i:c^ Q^C.'ddMCi-j'iC ■277=^i^^ e/cM^ 63 64 American Book-plates. at college. The library was founded in 1795, — about as soon as our soldier-citizens could settle down into reading stay-at-homes, — and was con- ducted upon the plan of monthly exchanges. On the first Sabbath of the month all members would assemble in the evening and pass in their books and receive others, the choice being auctioned off. Two dollars and a half a month was thus realized, and the meeting was the event of the month to the sturdy inhabitants of the quiet town, to say nothing of the younger folk, to whom it must have afforded coveted opportunities for pleasant meetings, and quiet walks along the lanes. On the first day of the new century, January, 1801, the library changed _ its name to that which appears upon the book-plate, and on which the good deacon exhibited a specimen of his highest art. Previously to this date it had gone under the name of " The Library in the First Society in Farmington," and its first book-plate, probably engraved by the good deacon, had the simple name with no pictorial accessories. Contemporaneously with this, another library called the Village Library, was in operation, and continued until 1826, when it was merged with a third. This library also had a book-plate, but it was undoubtedly beyond the powers of the en- graver of its forerunners. In this we see the interior of a room, in which a young lady patron of the library is storing her mind with those choice axioms which, if put in practice, far exceed the attractiveness of mere personal beauty ; so says the couplet beneath the picture. Pictorial and Allegorical Plates. 65 "VELIAG-E MBIIAKE Beautut III earn th/t'r' pnHi^ ^" may nUl Charmt sttiin t/w tmse^ iut nurU rt'ins thi ical. The plate of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts is also pictorial, and represents a ship of the Society, with its missionary, approaching the shore of savage America: this plate is dated 1 704, and is very curious and inter- esting. The society grew from the efforts of one Rev. Thomas Bray, who established thirty- nine parochial libraries in the American Colonies for the purpose of propagating the doctrines 66 American Book-plates. of the Church. In 1698, King's Chapel, Boston, received some two hundred books from this society, which were described as " an arsenal of sound theological, ecclesiastical, and political doctrines for the Ministers of His Majesty's Chapel." For the prevention of loss or embezzle- ment, and that they might be known wherever Pictorial and Allegorical Plates. 67 found, " in every book, on the inside cover shall be these words, ' Sub auspiciis Wilhelmi III,' and also the Library to which they belong, thus ' E Bibliotheca Bostoniana.' " This must have been in addition to the plate we are considering, as no words descriptive of particular ownership are given : possibly this plate was used in all the books belonging to the society, and the supple- mentary one was for use in each individual library. College plates are as a general thing very plain, but the plates used by the societies supported by the students and the alumni, are often very elaborate. The early societies in Harvard and in Yale had curious and very interesting examples of the allegorical and symbolic plate. The Hasty P lidding Society and the Poj^cellian Cliib of Harvard College, the Linoniau Society and the Bi^otliers in Unity of Yale College, are examples. In Dartmouth College, the Social Friends Society, and in the smaller colleges numerous other fraternities and societies, used plates of simpler style. The books of the Library of Harvard College were marked with plates by Hurd and Bowen, as noted in the list ; on these plates, the gifts of various benefactors are recorded, with the class to which they belonged, conditions regarding the gift of the books, or a statement of the fund from whose income the money for the books is derived. The plate of the Library of Congi^ess is an engraved label having the name and spaces for Jl ■— -^ — - -^ 68 LlH'QI^liJi'N TAUS COJLILECE 69 70 Ainerican Book-plates. entries surrounded by a border of oak leaves and acorns : the design is very neat, and is old in appearance. A very beautiful plate is used by some Orphan Asylum, which does not give its full name upon its plate. In this a beautiful picture of the Christ blessing the little ones is given ; the line " For- m\ 3 asmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, ye did it unto Me," is given under the vignette. In the plate of the Libjmry of the New York State Agricultural Society, which was incorpo- rated in 1832, Ceres is seen in the field; behind her the sheaves of wheat extend in rows ; one arm clasps a cornucopia, and with the hand of the other she extends a wreath. In a great many instances the plates of libra- Pictorial and Allegorical Plates. 71 ries had no pictorial features, or indeed anything at all ornamental, being but the printed rules gov- erning the users of the books. Two examples of this kind of plate are given below. This VOLUME belongs to PRICHARUS Circulating Library, Containijig nearly Two Thousand Volumes, Ln Market Street, Baltimore, zvJiere LADLES OR GENTLEMEN VI av become READERS By subscribing for one Month, three Months or by Agj-eement for a single Book. Said PricJiard has also a very great Variety of NE W and OLD BOOKS for Sale. LLe, likeivise. Gives Ready Money for Neiv and Old Books. Union Circulating L^ibrary, 201 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Subscribers to fay in advance, six dollars for a year: three dollars atid fifty cents for six months : tzuo dollars for three months : one dollar for one month : each sub- scriber to have three Duodecimo volumes, or one Octavo and one Duodecimo at a time. A subscriber detaining an Octavo longer tJian four iveeks or a Duodecimo longer than two weeks to pay as a non-subscriber. For each Octavo one eighth of a dollar per zveck imtil the end of t lie fourth week wJien the rate zuas doubled. For a Duo- decimo one sixteenth of a dollar per zveek until the end of the second zveck. Constant attendance at the Library from Sunrise till 8 o'clock in the evening. 72 American Book-plates. In mentioning a few examples of the plates recently made for societies and libraries, no attempt is made to furnish a complete list, nor even to mention all the attractive plates, but to speak of a few which seem of especial interest. A pleasing architectural plate is used in Colum- bia College Library to mark the books of the Avery Architectural Library. This was designed by Russell Sturgis, and is in the form of a memo- rial window or mortuary mural tablet. The central panel bears the inscription, and the date MDCCCXC is given below. Pictorial and Allegorical Plates. 73 The plate of the Arnold Arboretum, designed by George Wharton Edwards, is very attractive ; the just-rising sun shines upon a white pine which stands within an elHptical frame ; the names of the Institution and of the University appear upon ribbons which float from the pine. The plate is dated 1892, and is signed, G. W. E. The same artist designed the first book-plate of the G roller Club of New York City. In this, Atlas is seen supporting the arms of the club within a circular frame which bears the name, and the date of the founding of the club, 1884; rich foliations with a pounced background sur- round this central design. The plate is signed G. IV. E. The Public Library of the old whaling town of Nezu Loudon has a plate which is wholly nau- tical in construction ; the name is given on a wheel which is held by a seaman, while the cap- tain stands by in pea-jacket and rough-weather helmet, giving orders; the sail, which rises behind them, affords space for the number of the book; below the deck on which the mariners stand, are seen harpoons and spears of various sizes and kinds; two dolphins are disporting in the waves. This plate is signed by the name of the artist in full. It is by Mr. Edwards. The Stitro Library of San Francisco uses a plate which gives a large and interesting picture of the natural resources of the locality, and the enterprises carried on in its vicinity; the motto. Labor omnia vincit, appears on the ribbon which floats in the air. 74 Pictorial and Allegorical Plates. 75 The Watkiuson Library of Hartford uses one of the very few portrait plates in the country ; just why this style of plate should not be common is not easy to understand. They are used in Boston and Worcester, as mentioned below, but these instances are all that occur in public libra- ries. In this plate the portrait of David Watkin- son, the founder of the library, is enclosed within an oval frame which bears the name and the date of incorporation, 1858. The plate is signed by the American Bank Note Company, New York, arid is an excellent piece of steel engraving. Almost all of the historical societies use plates in which the arms of the state or city in which they are located, are used. The Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Maine Historical Societies have plates of this kind. In the last-named plate an inescutcheon bears four important dates in the history of the state of Maine. 1605, First voyage along the Coast by Waynnnith. 1649, Election of Godfrey as Governor. 1678, Usurpation of Maine by MassacJiusetts. 1820, Separation from Massachusetts. The Rozufant Club of Cleveland uses a small plate representing the corner of a library ; the open window admits the fading light of the sun, which is sinking into the sea ; the lattice swings idly, and the pile of books on the table proclaim a busy day. A very striking plate is used by the University Club of Washington. A wall of rough-faced stone is pierced by a small quatrefoil window in which 76 Pictorial and Allegorical Plates. 77 a book is laid; the date 1891 is stamped upon the side of the book. Below this, Ionic columns support the wall ; between them, in a smooth space, is carved the name and city of the club. The plate is signed Hy. Sandhani. In the Boston Public Library a large number of different plates is used for the volumes coming from different legacies or funds, and in very many 78 Ainerican Book-plates. cases these plates give a portrait of the donor. Thus we find these portraits on the plate used in the books from the Ticknor Fund, the Phillips Fund, and the Franklin Club Fund. The books remaining from the library of Thomas Prince are also marked with a plate which gives his portrait and a picture of the old meeting-house, in which he preached, and in which the books were stored at one time. Portraits also appear upon the book-plates of the American Anfiqiiarian Society, which gives that of Ginery Twichell ; and the Massachusetts Historical Society, which has a plate giving a portrait of James Savage. The public libraries of to-day do not usually use elaborate plates in their book-covers; simple labels, with perhaps a city or corporation seal, are the common kind. BOOK-PLATES OF SPECIAL INTEREST. EVERAL reasons can be given for the fact that collectors re- gard some book-plates as of more value than others. With book-plates, as in other lines of collecting, rarity is a de- sirable feature, and is a prom- inent element in deciding- values. All of our early American plates can fairly be called scarce when compared with the foreign examples of the same period, for they outnumber ours, fifty to one ; but many among ours are rarer than others. The John Franklin, brother of Benjamin, signed by Turner, is an exceeding rare plate; the Thomas Bering, signed by Hurd, is very rare. The plates of Stephen- Cleveland, Samnel Chase, Francis Kinloch, Edivard Aiigus- tus Holyoke,John Vassal, Lewis De Blois, LentJial, Apthorp, the John Pintard, by Anderson, and many others are not seen in many collections. The plate of George Washington is the most valuable probably of our plates ; and while we know the location of a good many of his books that have the plate within the covers, they are in no way 79 8o American Book-plates. obtainable : this plate is not very common, but more copies of it are owned than of some others. The libraries of our early days, while of respec- table size, were not so large as to require the .y.^=;'<, printing of thousands of book-plates ; fire and mob violence have destroyed many books of those old collections and their plates with them. Har- vard, Yale, William and Mary, and Princeton Book-plates of Special Interest. 8i have all suffered the loss of books by fire, while many smaller private libraries have been thus devastated. Mr. John Pintard used to say that he had seen the British soldiers carrying away books from the library of Columbia College to barter for orrocr and a similar fate from similar hands overtook many of the books stored in the belfry-chamber of the Old South Church, Boston, while later in our history, worse depredations were committed in the Southern cities by soldiers, who took the liberty which war accords to con- testants, to despoil many a building, both public 82 American Book-plates. and private, ruining books, records, paintings, and other property of antiquarian and historical value. So that the early American plates, at the first not so very numerous, have been reduced at times by wholesale measures. A second item of interest to the collector is the signature of the engraver of the plate. Signed plates have a value over those which are not signed. The identification of a plate, or the determination of its age, may be considerably strengthened if the engraver's name appears upon the copper. Then, too, the name of a famous engraver lends much additional interest to a plate. A book-plate signed by Paul Revere arrests the attention of any observer at once, and establishes a value to the same. Likewise a plate signed by Hurd, Doolittle, Dawkins, Anderson, Maverick, Callender, or Turner is worth much more to the collector than one of equal age but of unknown workmanship. Dated plates also rank among the more valua- ble examples. A glance at the chronological list will show how small a number of these we can boast: many of those appearing in the list, too, are simply printed name-labels, which do not rank as high as the more pretentious specimens. Our very earliest dated example is the label of the Rev. yohn Williams, 1679, the first minister in Deerfield, Mass., and who with his wife and chih dren was carried into captivity by the Indians in 1704. Coming next are the plates of Francis Page, 1 703, and William Pcnii, 1 703, but they are both of English make. The plate of Thomas N2. Q^aio/i dZ/umoj 83 84 American Book-plates. Prince, who was for forty years the pastor of the Old South Society in Boston, is a simple label dated 1 704. The plate of Thomas Dering, signed by Hurd, and dated 1749, is the first American plate by an American engraver that is both signed and dated. The yohii Burnet, by Daw- kins, dated 1754, is next in order; then comes the Greene plate, by Hurd, 1757, the Albany Society Library, 1759, concerning which very little is known, and every few years an example until we come to the opening of the century. Book-plates of Special Interest. ^^ Naturally the artistic quality of a book-plate influences its value ; the more elaborate designs are preferred to the plain armorials or the printed labels. Pictorial plates, introducing bits of land- scape, interiors of libraries, or allegorical subjects, are sought for, as are plates which are accepted as particularly good types of the different styles. In addition to these technical reasons for valuine one plate more highly than another may be given others which will appear more reasonable perhaps to the Qreneral reader. All articles belonoincr to the noted men of the past have a certain antiqua- rian value greater than attaches to the kindred belongings of their contemporaries of lesser or no fame. So with book-plates. A glance at the list wdll show a goodly number of names which we remember with pride and interest ; the names of patriots, orators, lawyers, statesmen, officers of the army, officers of the state and nation, members of Congress, signers of the Declaration, governors, old-time merchants, authors, divines, physicians, and not a few of that plucky numl^er who stood by the King in trying times — the American Loyalists. Quakers, too, as well as royal office-holders, and titled Americans are among those whose book- plates have come down to us. Of our early Presidents, the plates of George Washington, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and John Tyler are known to us. All of these except the last, which is a plain printed label, are armorial. Members of the Boston Tea Party, of the 86 American Book-plates. Constitutional Convention, and of the early- Assemblies are among those whose plates we know. Of royal officers we have: Craven, one of the Lords Proprietors of South Carolina; Elliston, Collector of His Majesty's Customs at New York; Sir William Keith, Governor of Pennsylvania ; John Tabor Kempe, Attorney-General under the Crown at New York ; and William Penn, Pro- prietor and Governor of the colony which bore his name. Owners of large estates, employers of numbers of slaves, merchants whose vessels carried on a Book-plates of Special Interest. 87 trade with remote and prosperous shores, and who estabHshed names that have endured, used book- plates which are still known to us. Among these are the plates from the following families, well- known in New England : Ames, Bowdoin, Cabot, Chandler, Chauncey, Coffin, Lodge, Lowell, J^ C^Ci/k^ oy^^c^^-^^^y Minot, Ouincy, Sears, Winthrop, Barrell, Greene, Perkins, Swan, Vassall, and Vaughan. Of those well-known in and about New York may be mentioned, Clinton, Colden, Constable, Cutting, De Peyster, Duer, Ellery, Goelet, Hoff- man, Ogden, Paulding, Phillipse, Pintard, Van Cortlandt, and Van Rensselaer. To these should be added the Livingstons, which family had the largest number of book-plates of any we know. S8 American Book-plates. In Philadelphia were the Logans, Morgans, Powels, Banckers, and Hamiltons; while further South, the Lees, Lightfoots, Tayloes, Wormeleys, Pages, Cabels, Tubervilles, Armisteads, Byrds, Blands, Boilings, Dinwiddies, Fitzhughs, Hubards, Ma2;ills, and Randolphs used plates and were families of prominence and distinction. Among the prominent Loyalists are Chalmers, Cooper, Halloweli, Hamilton, Livius, Lloyd, Oliver, and Robinson. Of titled Americans the following used book-plates: Fairfax, Gardiner, Min-ray of Dunmore, and the Pepperrell families. Book-plates of Special Interest. 89 Of the early authors we can mention Alsop, Antill, Bozman, Byrd, Dana, Key, Stith, and Abercrombie ; of physicians, Assheton, Bond, Beatty, Holyoke, Middleton, and Jeffries; of the statesmen. Bayard, Carmichael, Dana, Duane, Gal- latin, Jay, Lewis, Marshall, Norris, and Randolph. Among the early clergymen can be named Apthorp, Boucher, Williams, Jarvis, and Provoost. Allen and Thomas, early printers ; Aitkin, who made the first American edition of the Holy Bible ; and Bartram, the great botanist, used plates, which are described in the list. 90 American Book-plates. Bloomfield, Brearly, Banister, Chester. Eustace, Hale, Mercer, Schuyler, Sullivan, and Varick are among the soldiers of the Revolutionary army ; and of the orators we have Otis and Randolph. Coming now to the signers of the Declaration, we find that we know thus far the plates of eleven of them : John Adams, Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase, Thomas Hayward, William Hooper, Francis Hopkinson, Benjamin Rush, Richard Stockton, George Taylor, Oliver Wolcott, and George Wythe. Surely the book-plates of all these men whose mention stirs patriotic feeling, are of exceeding interest, and worthy to rank with any in point of value and appreciation. No book-plate, however, is of greater interest to the American collector than that of George Washington, not alone by reason of the promi- nence of that eminent man, but because of the scarcity of the plate, the high price it brings, and the interesting fact that it is the only American plate which has been deemed worthy of counter- feiting. A genuine contemporary print of this plate is readily recognized by the connoisseur. The plate has no striking features, but is a regular design in the pure Chippendale style. The arms are displayed upon a shield of the usual shell-like form, and the sprays and rose branches of this style are used in the ornamentation of the sides of the escutcheon. The motto, Exitiis acta probat, is given upon its ribbon at the base of the shield, and the name is engraved in script on Book-plates of Special Interest. 91 the bracket at the bottom of the design. In general appearance the plate is like scores of Chippendale plates of the period. The interesting question of the probable en- graver of the plate has arisen, and in a most readable article from the pen of Mr. R. C. Lich- tenstein, in the " Curio," on the Library of Washington, the following opinion is advanced : " It was his [Washington's] habit as a general rule to write his name on the right-hand corner of the title-page and place inside his book-plate. It has been a matter of uncertainty as to whether that 92 American Book-plates. book-plate was engraved In England or in this country. Washington, like other Virginia gentle- men before the Revolution, was in the habit of ordering goods every year from London ; but we have searched the various orders to his agents in London, and examined as far as practicable the items of his household expenses, without finding any such item. The strongest argument that can be said in its favor proving it to be American work is the poor heraldry displayed in its coat-of- arms, general make-up, and drawing. It will be noticed that the engraver has placed a wreath under the crown (an absolute heresy), and this, with the faulty drawing of the raven, makes the whole plate a very slovenly piece of work. No engraver with any knowledge of the fundamental laws of heraldry would be guilty of drawing such a coat-of-arms as this. The arms of Washington engraved on his seal and ring, undoubtedly cut in England, are correctly done. It seems more than probable, if the plate had been done in England that the engraver would not have been guilty of making such blunders. We have seen a great many English plates, but have never noticed one bearing these peculiarities. From its general ap- pearance we should say that the plate was made in America somewhere between the years 1777 and 1 781." Collectors are divided in their opinions upon this question, and although not ready to hazard a guess at the engraver, the present writer believes the plate was engraved in England, and would place the date nearly a decade earlier. As the Book-plates of Special Interest. 93 friend of the Fairfax family, Washington might have had the plate made upon the occasion of their ordering work of the same kind from Eng- land, or, indeed, it might have been a gift to him from them, or from some admiring friend. As he was a methodical man, the fact that no entry of an expense for such an article is found in his records may lend color to the presenta- tion theory. As to the errors in heraldry, there is a plate of one Richard Washington, which has all the peculiarities of this plate, and this is signed by Bickham, who was an English engraver of some note. He was a trifle early perhaps to have been the eno-raver of the Gcoj^o^e Washincrtoii plate, but he may have made the plate which served as a copy for it. But whether the plate was of domestic or foreign make, we know that the copper was in this country, and that impres- sions were made from it not so very many years ago. The late Mr. Mauran of Newport knew the man who owned this, and it seems that hav- ing printed what he deemed a sufficient number of re-strikes from it, this man, fearing lest others would in time get it and make more prints, cut the copper into pieces and going out on a bridge over the Schuylkill River, threw them in ! There they may be looked for by any who choose. The counterfeit of this plate appeared in an auction sale of books, in the city of Washington, about the year 1863. The late Dr. W. F. Poole with Dr. J. M. Toner was present at the sale. The plate was placed in these books for the pur- pose of getting a higher price for them than could 94 Americmt Book-plates. otherwise have been obtained. These orentlemen detected the fraudulent plate, and denounced it as such in the auction-room, and the books brought only their actual value as books. Copies of this plate turn up now and then, and the unsuspect- i^xP'^^^ ing are still deceived by it. It is readily detected if one is forewarned. The work is manifestly inferior to the good plate, the alignment of the name is poor, the quality and appearance of the paper belie its professed age, and the printing is of decidedly different appearance, being bold and strong in the genuine, and weak and thin in the Book-plates of Special Interest. 95 forgery. A further difference is noted in the crest, which is tinctured giilcs in the forgery and sable in the genuine. These plates are sometimes claimed to be genuine and to be an early and unsatisfactory piece of work, which Washington rejected, and which was replaced with the other and accepted plate. This idea is plausible per- haps to some, but to any who had information from Dr. Poole it is an impossible theory. An- other source of confusion is in the reproductions of the plate w^hich have been made from time to time to illustrate works on the life of Washington, some of these being quite faithful duplicates of the genuine plate with its trifling flaws ; but the paper and the printing are usually conclusive proof of the age of the print. It is safe to say that there is but one genuine Washington plate. It is true that the re-strikes of the original copper are about, but these, too, are readily distinguish- able by the printing and paper. The plate of Bushrod Washington, nephew of George, is also of much interest, and the manifest similarity of its design to some of the plates by Dawkins has led to the suggestion that he made this plate. But to the mind of the writer, Daw- kins was not a man of originality, and was a regular copyist when it came to book-plates ; the similarity of the plate of James Sanuiels to this plate is rather to his mind a further evidence of the clever adoption of a reasonably good design by Dawkins, than of his having been chosen by Judge Washington to engrave his book-plate. The design of this plate is more spirited than any 96 Americmi Book-plates, of the authenticated work of Dawklns; indeed, it surpasses the plate of the General in that respect. The arms are the same in these two Washing- ton plates. In his " Barons of the Potomac and the ^u/^u>^^^, Rappahannock " (published by the Grolier Club, 1892), Mr. Moncure Daniel Conway has referred to the older form of the arms as used by earlier members of the family. The earliest shields held " GilIcs on a banr a rodent 3 Cinqiicfoilcs of yc firsts The second step was made by changing to the Book-plates of Special Interest. 97 following, " Gules on a f esse sable 3 mtilletsy The last and present form is, ''Argent, huo bars gules: in chief three mullets of the second^ These last, it is claimed, su2:2:ested our national flao:. The plate of Elizabeth Graeme of Philadelphia should be noted here, as it is the only example of an heraldic plate used by a lady of colonial times. It is fully described in the list. Leaving now these older plates of special inter- est to be discovered in the Lists, we turn to a few modern plates which are worthy of particular attention. The plate of Daniel Webster is a plain armorial gS American Book-plates. with the motto, Vera p7'o gratis, on the ribbon below the shield. The etched plate of the \?itQ James Eddy Mate- ran, the early collector of American and other book-plates, was an armorial of very handsome appearance. The shield is surrounded with the style of decoration used on the Chippendale exam- ples, oak leaves being used in lieu of mantling. An earlier plate in two sizes shows some differ- ences in the design. The plate of the late George W. Cliilds seems wholly in keeping with the career of its distin- guished owner. The sword, broken into pieces by the quill, is depicted within an oval garter which bears the motto, NiJiil sine labore. The words from Lytton's Richelieu, TJiepen is migJitier tJian tJie sword, are also given just within the frame. Coming now to mention a few plates of our well-known men of letters, we naturally accept the plate of Oliver Wendell Holmes as worthy of the chiefest place. In this the motto, Per ampliora ad altiora, is given on a ribbon beneath a beautiful representation of the " Chambered Nautilus," the Ship of pearl, which, poets feign, Sails the unshadowed main, — The venturous bark that flings On the sweet summer wind its purple wings In gulfs enchanted, where the Siren sings, And coral reefs lie bare. Where the cold sea-maids rise to sun their streaming hair. " If you will look into Roget's ' Bridgewater Treatise,' " said the Autocrat one morning, " you Book-plates of Special Interest. 99 will find a figure of one of these shells and a sec- tion of it. The last will show you the series of enlarging compartments successively dwelt in by the animal that inhabits the shell, which is built in a widening spiral. Can you find no lesson in this .? " ' Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll ! Leave thy low- vaulted past ! Let each new temple nobler tlian the last, Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea.' " A plain armorial plate with the motto, Vitam impeiidere vcro, and the name in fac-simile of his autograph, was used by/. G. Holland. The plate of Braudcr Matthczvs, designed by Edwin A. Abbey, represents the discovery of a mask of the old Greek comedy, by an American lOO American Book-plates. Indian. With feathers stuck in his scanty hair, and his tomahawk laid on the ground beside him, he appears to dehberate upon the possible use of the enormous face which grins at him from his knee. On a circular frame surrounding this picture the following words from Moliere are given, Que pe7iscz vous dc cctte co'mcdic. The appropriateness of the design is apparent for one who is a col- lector of the literature of the French drama, and the author of several books relating to the stage both in America and France. In the plate of Edmund Clarence Stednian, the author of " The Poets of America," we see Pan piping in the sylvan glades ; the shepherd and the nymph are charmed by the music, and the god is apparently at the height of his effort. The frame surrounding the design bears the words, Le Cceur au Metier, which were suggested by the address of Matthew Arnold to the Authors' Club in 1 88 3. This plate is made in three sises. Book-plates of Special Interest. loi The plate of TJiomas Bailey Aldj^ich presents within a square frame a picture of a black bird resting upon a comic mask; the heavy panelled frame bears the owner's name and the words, His Mark. In his essay on American Book-plates, Mr. Laurence Hutton questions whether this black bird is representative of the Daw, and sym- bolic of Margery of that name. In the plate of Eugene Field we have a beauti- ful example of the plain armorial, unaccompanied by motto or ornamentation of any kind. Of similar character is the plate of Richard Grant White. This is armorial, but the motto. The right and sleep., is given, and the shield is decorated in a conventional manner, with mantling and scrolls. A pleasing library interior is used by Arlo Bates. This represents an Oriental interior; a youth in scull-cap and flowing hair is reading a large book ; a lily stem rises from, a vase of striped Tyrian glass at his side ; rows of books are seen at his back ; and out of the arched window the distant fields are seen, with the palm and cypress trees on the hillside. This plate is produced in a new manner, being a gelatine print or half-tone direct from the pencil sketch. It preserves a very soft and pleasant effect ; indeed, one feels sure it will smirch if rubbed. Laurence Hiittou in his plate places a full- length statue of Thackeray within a canopy, which seems to be a niche within a bookcase. Volumes flank both sides, and the amiable face of the drastic writer looks directly at the beholder. I02 American Book-plates. The name of the owner is given on a ribbon at the bottom of the design. The books of the lamented actors, Ediuin Booth and Lawrence Barrett^ were marked with book- pLites, the former using a plain armorial with no name engraved upon it, and the latter showing the mask of Tragedy upon an open volume, with the motto, Esto quod esse vidcris. The reading monk, with the nimbus and star over his head, is seen in the plate of Edward Egglestou. The sentiment. Flic fro the prcsse and dwell with sothfastncsse, is given in old English letters. Book-plates of Special hileresl. 103 Mr. Rossitcr Johnson uses a very plain but effective label bearing the initials R. J- printed within a plain ruled border : all in red ink. The patriotic motto of Gcncj^al Winficld Scott is the family motto of the Scots of Whitislaid, Scotland, and well did the character of the man who used the book-plate depicted below coincide with its meaning. It would be interesting to extend this list of plates used by men well known throughout the length and breadth of our land, but, unfortu- nately, many whose names will occur to the reader do not use a book-plate. EARLY AMERICAN BOOK-PLATE ENGRAVERS. ATHANIEL HURD, who was born in Boston, Feb. 13, 1730, and who died in 1777, was the best of our early en- gravers of book-plates. Very little is now known of him, the principal source of informa- tion being an article in the third volume of " The New England Magazine," published in Boston in 1832 by J. T. and E. Buckingham. The only known portrait of Hurd, which is copied from an origi- nal painting of him by Copley, and which in 1832 was owned by a descendant of Hurd in Medford, Mass., also accompanies this article, and shows him as a young man with smooth face, ver}^ pleas- ing and intelligent features, and wearing a cap, white neck-cloth, and clothes of a pattern which give him a decidedly clerical appearance. The only book-plate work mentioned in this article is the large plate for Harvard College. It is said that the prints done in red ink were for use in the highly valuable books which the stu- dents were not allowed to take from the library. Several brilliant caricatures, a portrait of the Rev. 104 Early American Engravers. 105 Dr. Sewell of the Old South Church, done in 1764, and a few other examples of his art are mentioned. He is (probably inaccurately) claimed to be the first person who undertook to engrave on copper in the United States. He was a man of natural talent and real genius, was self-instructed in his art, and was regarded as the foremost seal- cutter and die-engraver of his time, in this country. The following advertisement from the Boston "Gazette" of April 28, 1760, is of some inter- est: — " Nathaniel Hurd Informs his Customers he has remov'd his shop from Maccarty's Corner on the Exchange to the Back Part of the opposite Brick Building, where Mr. Ezekiel Price kept his Office, where he continues to do all Sorts of Gold- smiths Work. Likewise engraves in Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, and Steel, in the neatest Manner, and at reasonable Rate." Hurd worked principally in the Chippendale style ; he made some plates in the Jacobean and a few in the Ribbon and Wreath styles, but he died before the latter was much in use, and the former was really going out when he took up the making of plates. Judging from the appearance of his work, his first attempts were in the Chip- pendale style, and the few Jacobeans he made were done after he had attained considerable efficiency. One of his earliest specimens was undoubtedly the plate of Edward Aiignstns Holyoke, the famous doctor of Boston, who lived to be one hundred years old, and who was but a year or two the senior of Hurd. In this plate he used a design which he evidently believed he could im- prove upon, and in which he felt there were good io6 American Book-plates. features, for we find a number of future plates of very similar design but much better execution. In the Holyoke plate the work is very crude, the lines are stiff, the drawing is poor, and the letter- ins: of the motto and name are not orood. An ugly scroll is placed under the name, and the fes- toon of cloth which is draped at the bottom of the frame and around the motto ribbon is especially poor ; the shell at the base of the escutcheon which figures so often in future plates is here used, and the queer little flow of water from it would not be recognized as such were this the only specimen in which it occurs ; the arrange- ment of the rose sprays, the form of the shield, and the employment of the shelly edge show a thorough study of the elements of this style. Very likely this design was copied in great part from some foreign example which had come into his possession. In the Thomas Dcn'jig plate, which is the ear- liest plate dated and signed by an American en- graver, this same design is improved upon ; it is more compact in appearance, a little freer in exe- cution, and the drawing is improved. The name is still not very well engraved, and top-heavy flourishes weigh down the capitals. In the Theodore Atkinson plate the same de- sign is still further improved upon ; the flow of water from the scallop shell is here caught in a little bowl, a little additional flowery ornamenta- tion is added, and the heraldic drawing is better. The name is again embellished with graceless flourishes. Early American Engravers. 107 The design seems to reach perfection in the Wcnhuorth plate ; every feature is markedly bet- ter, the water still flows out of the scallop shell, the same shaped shield is used and the motto is placed upon a graceful ribbon with ends which C2 OF BEVERL^ >>>.^tre?tq run off into fancy foliations. The name is neat in appearance, but still there are too many scrolls. In the plate of Robert Hale of Beverly, the old festoon of cloth noticed in the Holyoke plate is seen again, and no motto is given. The name is fairly well engraved. io8 American Book-plates. Later developments of this style are seen in the plates of Henry MarcJiant, Danforth, Nathaniel Tracy, 2Ln6. John Marstoji; in these some of the features of the former are wanting, but they are evi- dently a legitimate progeny in the matter of style. Another, and without doubt the highest type of the Chippendale plate which Hurd made, is seen in the John Chandler, Jr., the Dana, the Early American Engravers. 109 Philip DiDiicj'-csque, the Vassall, and the Wilson plates. In these the shield becomes larger, the whole scheme of decoration shows more fine de- tail work, and the effect is lighter, more graceful, and seems at once the work of a master. The names are engraved in large bold type, with a characteristic dash after the last period. In the Jacobean style, the earliest of Kurd's work is undoubtedly the Lciuis Dc Blois. This is crude in workmanship, not very good in drawing, but excellent in design, and faithful to the char- I lO American Book-plates. acteristics of the style; the shield is placed against a frame which is lined with the regulation fish- scale pattern ; the sides are richly foliated, the J^A^^^ J^.^^?ie^r^ N-H«fS/ mantling is profuse and very well drawn, and the name is placed upon a fringed curtain which is tied up at the ends with ribbon. The handsomest Jacobean plates by Hurd are the Robert Jenkins, the Spoonci^, and the Andrew Early American Engravers. 1 1 1 Tyler. In the former the lining is diapered, the scroll work at the side of the arms is very fine, and at the bottom, under the shield, a small vig- nette of a ship under full sail is very pretty. At the top of the scrolls on either side two turbanded female heads peer at each other across the crest. In the Tyler plate the frame is very similar to the Jenkins, the lining is diapered, and the scroll at the side are the same. The little vignette at the bottom, however, is displaced by a sour face with gray hair. The two faces are replaced by urns filled with flowers, and the old cloth festoon is draped below the whole design. The Spooner plate bears no resemblance to the others, and is a more graceful design. The lining is latticed, the Sphinx head under the shield is enclosed within a frame of its own, and at either side are term figures from whose hands depend bouquets of flowers ; the crest is overarched with a bit of the old scallop shell, and the motto is on a ribbon, which, wholly unsupported, maintains a curved position under the frame. The Jacobean plates of Benjamin Greene and Peter R. Livingsto7i are almost identical in design ; the small frame which encloses the shield is lined with the fish-scale pattern, the mantling is handsome and profuse, and the motto ribbon is stretched in rather stiff manner below the frame. Only two examples of the Ribbon and Wreath style are known as Hurd's work, the John C. Wil- liams and 'Ol^q Jojiathan Jackson. These are both signed, and are very similar in design. Garlands TI2 American Bookplates. of roses depending from rings above follow closely the outline of the heart-shaped shield, and the ribbon for the motto is placed beneath, and is ornamented with fancy ends. In the " detur " plate for Harvard College Hurd conformed to the English manner and adopted ^i^t^Jr^^A^.. the seal-shaped design. The arms are displayed upon a heart-shaped shield which is enclosed within a circle which bears the name and motto, and this again is enclosed by a wreath of holly branches. Hurds work is the most interesting found in our early days, and a study of it shows him to Early American Engravers. 113 have been progressive as well as painstaking. The Ribbon and Wreath style did not come into general use in England until about 1770, yet Hurd, who died in 1777, had used it. The col- onies could not be expected to adopt the new styles of the old country immediately, and the condition of things from 1770 on to the time of Hurd's death was not such as to encourage the introduction of " fads " or to allow much time for the development of the fine arts. A word must be said about the heraldry on Hurd's book-plates. This science, heraldry, was not held in such oeneral esteem amons: the New Englanders as it was further south, and while many of the governors and men of high standing in the Northern colonies brought armorial seals with them, a great many who used them did so without strict heraldic authority, and when it became the fashion to use coats-of-arms in various ways, the herald painters of those days, who had but slight knowledge of heraldry and who were possessed of a copy of Guillim or some other writer on the subject, would find therein the arms of some family bearing the name of their prospec- tive customer, and without further research would proceed to produce the coat as described. Not always were these arms so ordered correctly borne ; indeed, there is much uncertainty about the arms used after about 1730 when our native engravers and painters took up the work of pro- ducing arms upon orders. Such seals as were brought by the colonists from England, and such as were used by their descendants are undoubtedly 114 American Book-plates. correct, but the questionable arms are those which, as mentioned above, were looked up in this coun- try only, by means of such heraldic works as were at hand. The presence of the arms then }^^ on some book-plates cannot be relied upon as sufficient and indisputable proof of their owners' right to them. A list of the book-plates signed by Hurd is appended. Early American Engravers. 115 .A(^ A LIST OF BOOK-PLATES SIGNED BY NATHANIEL KURD. Theodore Atkinson Chippendale. Thomas Brown • • • John Chandler, Jr Chippendale. Rufus Chandler • • • Francis Dana Chippendale. Danforth Chippendale. Lewis De Blois Jacobean. ii6 American Book-plates. Thomas Bering Chippendale. Philip Dumeresque Chippendale. Isaac Foster Jacobean. Benjamin Greene Jacobean. Thomas Greene, Jr Jacobean. William Greenleaf ... Robert Hale, Esq., of Beverly .... Chippendale. Harvard College Seal. Harvard College Pictorial. William Hooper Chippendale. Jonathan Jackson Ribbon and ^^'reath. Robert Jenkins Jacobean. Peter R. Livingston Jacobean. John Lowell Chippendale. Henry Marchant Chippendale. John Marston Chippendale. Samuel Osborne Chippendale. Henry Pace ... Joshua Spooner Jacobean. Nathaniel Tracy Chippendale. Andrew Tyler Jacobean. Wentworth Chippendale. John C. Williams Ribbon and Wreath. A LIST OF PLATES ATTRIBUTED TO KURD, ALTHOUGH NOT SIGNED. Thomas Child Chippendale. Henry Courtenay Chippendale. Edwd. Augs. Holyoke .... Chippendale. By the name of Hurd .... Plain Armorial. Loring Chippendale. Lucretia E. Newton .... Ribbon and Wreath, (Same copper as the John C. Williams.) Andrew Oliver Chippendale. Samuel Page Label : Chippendale frame. Phillips Academy Chippendale. Ezekiel Price Chippendale. John Simpson Chippendale. JohnVassall . Chippendale. David Wilson ....... Chippendale. | ^ James Wilson Chippendale, j IP- Early American Engravers. 1 1 7 Of James Akin, who signs the Coffin and Broivne plates, nothing is learned. The Hector Coffin book-plate is also signed by Francis Kearney, which would seem to indicate that Akin was associated with him. The Browne is a Philadelphia plate, and Akin may have been employed by the firm of Tanner, Vallance, Kearney and Company, which was in successful operation in Philadelphia for some years. S. Allardice was apprenticed to Robert Scott, who had been a pupil of Robert Strange, and who, coming to America, was made die-sinker to the Mint. He had previously made the archi- tectural plates for Dobson's Encyclopaedia. Only one example of the book-plate work of Allardice is now at hand, and that is simply an engraved label for the Library Company of Balti- more. Ornamented with flourishes, and some fancy work, it is yet of no merit as a book-plate or an example of art. Alexander Anderson, who was the first American wood-engraver, was born in the city of New York, April 21, 1775, and lived to the advanced age of ninety-five years, dying, in 1S70, in Jersey City, N.J., on the 17th of February. At the age of twelve, with the spring of a pocket-knife, sharpened for the purpose, he tried *l W\4 vk » V 'mm ii8 Early Americaii Engravers. 119 to engrave on copper pennies rolled thin. In this way he made his first plate, which was a head of Paul Jones ; and his first impression from it was made in red oil paint by a rude kind of a press of his own contrivance. With tools made by a blacksmith, he went on to cut little ships and houses on type metal for the newspapers. Being in some way led to take an interest in certain medical works, he copied many of the plates, and his father, feeling that this was a true sign of his fitness for the profession of medicine, and not discerning the talent for engraving, placed him with Dr. Joseph Young, as a student of medicine. This step was taken with great reluctance by the youth ; but he found time for both the cares of his new study, and for the pleasures of his old pastime. Various successes encouraged him, and in 1793 he cut a tobacco-stamp on wood, which appears to have been his first use of that material. Soon after this, he obtained a copy of Bewick's " Quadrupeds," and with the cuts found therein he was delighted. They had a strong influence upon his later work, and he has been well called the " American Bewick," for his small wood-cuts closely resemble those of the English master in design, and his prominence in this country was equal to Bewick's in England. A life of Dr. Anderson has lately (1S93) l^een issued in New York ; but, to the disappointment of book-plate collectors, not a word is said of his making book-plates. Of the seven plates by Anderson known at pres- ent, four are on wood, and three are on copper. I20 American Book-plates. Only one of those on wood is signed. The Lot Tripp and Josh. Russell plates are simple labels, and the Typographical Society of New JOHN PINTAED, LL, B. York and the John Pintard, LL.D., which is signed, are pictorial. In the former, the emblems and implements of the printing trade are promi- nent, and in the Pintard^ which is a fine example Early American Engravers. 121 of Anderson's best work on wood, the shield of arms is shown with a landscape for background. The plates on copper are the Anderson, which e^n/ei/^ c^f/ is a Chippendale, the Apprentices Library, and the Columbia College, which are allegorical. All the above will be found described in the List. 122 Americmi Book-plates. There is a plate of the Appre7iticcs Library Company of PJiiladelphia which strongly resem- bles the wood-cut work of Anderson, but as it is not signed it is not safely attributed to him. In the plate of A. Griggs of Philadelphia, an even more marked resemblance to his little designs on w^ood is seen, but this, too, is not signed. Annin and Smith. This firm consisted of W. B. Annin and George C. Smith, and they were established in Boston from 1820 to 1837. Annin died in 1839, in Boston, and Smith, who lived to quite an advanced age, died in 1878. They engraved a number of plates for the " Token," and for other annuals so popular sixty years ago. The plates oi Richard Taylor AucJnmity, A. L. Pcirson, William H. Prcscott, John Lowell fr., and an armorial plate for the Boylston Medical Library are signed by them, and will be found described in the List. Abel Bowen, whose name appears on one of the plates of Harvard College, was the first wood- ensfraver in Boston. He was born in New York o state in 1790, and he took up engraving before he was of age. In 18 12 he was a printer in Boston, probably attracted thither by his uncle, who was the proprietor of the Columbian Mu- Early American Engravers. 123 seum. Nathaniel Dearborn claims to be the first engraver on wood in Boston, but the honor is usually accorded to Bowen. He issued, in 18 1 6, the "Naval Monument," and in 181 7 was associated with Dearborn in engraving for Shaw's " History of Boston." In 1834 Bowen, with others, founded " The Boston Bewick Company," which was an association of eno^ravers. In the following year they issued a map of Boston, and undertook the publishing of the "American Mag- azine." They were burned out in this same year. Bowen died in 1850. John Boyd, who engraved the plate of Samuel Chase, which is taken to be the plate of the signer of the Declaration, was a Philadelphia engraver. This is the only specimen of his work on book-plates which we have, and it is a very pretty Chippendale design, delicately engraved. In Dunlap, a J. Boyd is simply mentioned, who was engraving in Philadelphia in 181 2. This, if the engraver of the Chase plate, would make him rather young at the time of doing it, and it is very good work, and not the experiment of a novice. Whether this is the same engraver, I do not know. Joseph Callender was born in Boston, May 6, 1 75 1. Very little is known about him, but he is reported to have acquired the plates of Peter 124 American Book-plates. Pelham, who was presumably the first to engrave on copper in America, and to have destroyed them. Callender made most of the dies for the second Massachusetts Mint, at a cost of £i a^s. each. This was considered an exorbitant price by the superintendent, who made a contract with a Newburyport artisan, Jacob Perkins. Callender received ^48 \2S. for making thirty-nine dies^ and repairing three others, while Perkins received but ^3 I Si-. \Qd. for his work. Callender died in Boston, Nov. 10, 1821, and was buried in the Granary Burying Ground. The only Chippendale plate by Callender is a copy of the Atkinson plate by Hurd, and is for a member of the same family. As compared with its model, this plate shows very little dif- ference, it is so close a copy, but the motto ribbon which is added is more graceful than those of Hurd usually were, the heraldic drawing is quite as good, and the lettering of the name is better. Callender, of course, would not have begun to engrave much before Hurd's death; indeed, the preponderance of the Ribbon and Wreath style in his designs goes to show that his work dated towards the close of the century. His plates in this style are very light and graceful, with no overloading ; and a faithful use of the usual features of the style is apparent. In the Russell plate he was again a copyist, using for his model the Joseph Barrell plate. The plates for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and for the Massachusetts Medical Society are practically alike ; the curtain, and the 'i^//u/a^ ty/MifeZ/f ^aiUfOvt^f 125 126 American Book-plates. ribbon and festooning are very similar, while the view within the oval frame is, of course, adapted to the use of the books of the respective societies. Callender would seem by these signs to have been a lazy engraver, or to have considered his designs so perfect as to call for no further effort. A LIST OF BOOK-PLATES SIGNED BY CALLENDER. Andrews Pictorial. William King Atkinson Chippendale. Jonathan Baldwin ... Luke Baldwin ... Boylston Medical Library Plain armorial. John Callender Pictorial. Thomas Cary Ribbon and AVreath. William Erving Ribbon and Wreath. John Francis Plain armorial. Hasty Pudding Library Pictorial. Massachusetts Medical Society . . . Allegorical. Thomas Russell Allegorical. Daniel Sargent, Jr Ribbon and Wreath. John Sullivan Ribbon and Wreath. James Swan Plain armorial. Dudley Atkins Tyng Ribbon and Wreath. Solomon Vose Ribbon and Wreath. A LIST OF PLATES ATTRIBUTED TO CALLENDER, ALTHOUGH NOT SIGNED. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Allegorical. William Emerson Ribbon and Wreath. Gray Ribbon and Wreath. Dr. John Jeffries Plain armorial. Porcellain Library Allegorical. Early American Engravers. 127 Cephas G. Childs, who engraved the plate of Henry D. Gilpin, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1793. In the years 1827 to 1830, he published a set of views of the city of Philadelphia and its vicinity (Baker). Henry Dawkins was an engraver of but few original ideas, if we may judge him rightly by his book-plate work. In this he w^as very largely a copyist. Working altogether in the Chippendale style, his designs for the most part are varia- tions of one general plan, which seems to have been borrowed from an English-made plate. In 128 American Book-plates. his plates we see " Chippendalism run wild." Here are introduced the love-sick swains who play upon the flute ; the dandy shepherds in stiff clothes of the most fashionable cut, flowing curls, and large felt hats; the flirting young damsels in very low-cut bodices, who play at being shep- herdesses for the sake of following the above- mentioned gentle keeper of sheep. Here are the music-loving Cupids, the scantily clad females who are attended by the Cupids, and who are far from home among the trees of the wood. In \\\^ James Diiane plate we find a fountain is fixed to the side of the frame, and is spouting water from the mouth of a man's head. But the plates of Samuel Jones, Sa77iiicl Strhiger, and Peter W. Yates are proof that Dawkins could confine himself to the legitimate features of good Chippendale plates. In these no outside objects are introduced, and the design is good. We do not know much about Dawkins. Dun- lap says he was probably from England, and that he was first noticed in New York. Originally he was an ornamenter of buttons and other small bits of metal, but in America he worked at any- thing that offered, " suiting himself to the poverty of the arts at the time." Dunlap dates him about 1774, evidently on the strength of the word of Dr. Anderson, who remembered to have seen " shop-bills and coats-of-arms for books," done by him previous to 1775. However, in 1761, he engraved music for a book of Psalm Tunes pub- lished in that year in Philadelphia. His earliest dated book-plate is that of John Burnet {ij^^^). Early American Engravers. 129 He was skilful enough to make counterfeit Con- tinental currency, but not to avoid arrest ; and in 1776 we find him suffering for this misdeed. Some time later, he forwarded the following unique petition to the Committee of Safety : — "May it please Your Honours, — The subscriber humbly relying on the known goodness and humanity of this honourable house, begs leave to lay his complaint before them, which is briefly as follows. That your petitioner was about six months past taken upon Long Island for a trespass which this house is thoroughly acquainted as by Israel Youngs he was led away to perform an action of which he has sincerely repented and your petitioner was torn away from an only son who was left among strangers without any support, or protection during the in- clemency of the approaching winter, as his unhappy father hath since the first day he was taken had but one shirt and one pair of stockings to shift himself, and hath been aiffected during his imprisonment at White Plains with that worst of enemies hun- ger, and a nauseous stench of a small room where some twenty persons were confined together which hath introduced a sickness on your distressed subscriber which with the fatigue of travelling hath reduced your unhappy petitioner to a state of despondency — he therefore being weary of such a miserable life as his misconduct has thrown him into begs for a termination by death to be inflicted upon him in what manner the honourable House may see fit. The kind compliance of this honourable House will ever lay an obligation on your distressed humble servent Henry Dawkins." We do not know in what manner the honor- able house received this extraordinary petition ; but, as book-plates are in existence in his later style, probably it was not granted. Dawkins used three distinct varieties of the Chippendale style. The plates of Benjamin Kissavi, the L2td- low and Roome plates, the Whitehead Hicks and the James Duane are examples of the debased I30 American Book-plates. Chippendale. He had also a style which is illus- trated by the Hopkinson, Samuels, and Tomlinson plates, which is closely allied to the style of the The same hissing dragon, Buslwod Washington llDj!WKms. Sculp the same tilt to the whole desion and the simi- larity in detail and execution have led to the question of his being the engraver of the latter plate. It is not a question easy to decide, and collectors are divided over the question. This Early American Engravers. 131 style of plate came originally from England, we can be sure ; and as Dawkins is seen to be a copyist, it is quite as likely that he copied from the Bushrod Washington plate, as that he de- signed it. He always used a squarer copper than the Washington plate is engraved upon ; but this has evidences of having been cut down after engraving. The present writer does not think the plate can be safely attributed to Dawkins. The Child and Jones plates exemplify the third style. The debased Chippendale plates which Daw- kins made were apparently copied from an English example he had seen. A LIST OF BOOK-PLATES SIGNED BY DAWKINS. Gerard Bancker Chippendale. John Burnet, 1754 Chippendale. Francis Child Chippendale. James Duane Chippendale. Francis Hopkinson, I ^^^ Chippendale. Joseph Hopkinson, j Whitehead Hicks Chippendale. Archibald Hunter • • • Samuel Jones Chippendale. Benjamin Kissam Chippendale. John Cooke Ludlow Chippendale. Gab. Willm. Ludlow Chippendale. Jacob Roome Chippendale. John L. C. Roome Chippendale. James Samuels Chippendale. Samuel Stringer Chippendale. William Sword Chippendale. John Tomlinson Chippendale. Unidentified Chippendale. Josias Short Vavasour Chippendale. W Whitebread Chippendale. Peter W. Yates Chippendale. 132 American Book-plates. The plates of Cornclitis Low and Lambert Moore, although not signed, are attributed to Dawkins. Nathaniel Dearborn was born in 1786, and was the son of Benjamin Dearborn, a man of attainments in science. Nathaniel was one of the first wood-engravers in Boston, and was associated with Abel Bowen for a time. The only armorial book-plate signed by Dear- born is the Charles Beck, which is a peculiar design, following no particular style, but making a pretty plate. A second plate signed by Dearborn is the simple engraved verse for Lsaac Child. Amos Doolittle, who was born in 1754, was one of the first engravers of historical scenes in America. In Barber's " History and Antiquities of New Haven," published in 1 831, is an adver- tisement of " four different views of the Battle of Lexington, Concord, etc. on the 19 April 1775." A list of the plates follows, and it is remarked that they were " neatly engraved on copper from original paintings taken on the spot." In a note which follows, it is further remarked that the pictures were first drawn by Mr. Earl, who w^as a portrait painter, and who with Mr. Doolittle was a member of the Governor's Guard which went to CambridQ:e and the scene ol action under the command of Arnold. Early American Engravers. 133 As a maker of book-plates, Doolittle was fond of the allegorical style. He made two plates for the Societies of Yale College, and one for the village library of Wcfhersficld. The latter is an ornamental label only, but the former are quite elaborate examples of the allegorical. The plates cu^if; of Benjamin S. Brooks, in the Ribbon and Wreath style, and Charles H. Wetmore, which is a copy of one of Maverick's favorite designs, complete the number of his signed examples. The Gtiil- ford Libj^ary and George Goodwin plates, which have some features in common with the Wethers- field Library, are confidently attributed to him. 134 American Book-plates. Benjamin S. Brooks Ribbon and Wreath, Brothers in Unity Allegorical. Linonian Library Allegorical. Social Library, Wethersfield .... Literary. Charles H. Wetmore Ribbon and Wreath. Gideon Fairman, whose signature is on one of the plates of Hairy McMurtrie and one of the Linonian Society of Yale College, was born in Connecticut in 1774. He showed an early fond- ness for engraving, and made rude attempts which showed undoubted talent. In 18 10, having made himself a master of his art, he went into partnership with Murray, Draper, and others, in Philadelphia. He made considerable money, and went over to England with Jacob Perkins, where, with Charles Heath for a third partner, they were successful but for a short time, the extravagance of Murray proving their ruin. John Mason Furnass was the nephew of Hurd, to whom the latter left his engraving tools by will, as the young man showed so much ability in the art practised by his widely known uncle. He was also a painter of portraits, and he had a studio in Boston, which was also used by Trumbull. The only plate signed by this engraver, which the present writer has seen, is the Eli Forbes. This plate shows but few traces of the influ- ence of Hurd. It is a Chippendale design, but Early American Engravers. 135 is not in either of the characteristic modes of Hurd. It is an ambitious plate, and was meant to be very fine, evidently. It is full of flourishes, L^ (/arm^ JI^^'OnsfA and the little spiral flourish at the lower right- hand side is wholly out of place ; the robin picking rose leaves at the side is an innovation. The scrolls under the name are somewhat in the 136 Ainerican Book-plates. manner of Hurd. The heraldic drawing is poor, and the bunch of arrows between the shield and the crest must be in allusion to the occupation of the owner, who was a missionary to the Indians. There is said to be a plate by Furnass owned in Boston, by the name of Foster, but no definite knowiedse of it has been obtained. E. Gallaudet, who signed the plate for the New York Society Library and the plate of John Early American Engravers. 137 Chambers, was one Elisha Gallaudet, who prac- tised his art in New York City towards the end of the last century. Edward Gallaudet, a relative of the above, was superior to him as an engraver, and the Gallaudet plate mentioned in the List is by him. He was of the present century. Abraham Godwin was born in New Jersey in 1763. He was intended for the profession of the law, and was placed in the office of his brother, at Fishkill, in New York state. Both men joined the army, however ; and when Abraham returned to his home, it was to take up the art of engraving, towards which he had had an inclination from boyhood, when he made his first attempts on the silver plate of his friends, with a graver made by a blacksmith. The only example of his book-plate work is a plate fully described under the heading, " Uni- dentified," in the List. Most unfortunately, the only example known has the family name torn out. The first name is John. The plate is rather rudely engraved, but is quite ambitious, showing the interior of a large room, which might be either a school-room or a library. S. Harris, who engraved the pictorial plates of Henry Andrews and the anonymous Williams, was a New England engraver, who was in Boston about 1798. 138 American Book-plates. Charles P. Harrison, who signed the plain armorial book-plates of William Belts and David Paul Brown, was a son of William Harrison, an English engraver, who came to New York in 1794, and was for a time an instructor of Peter Maverick the second. Samuel Hill was a copper-plate engraver in Boston, about 1 790, and his work consisted mostly of portraits and book work. The following are examples of his work: — Willm. P. & I.. Blake's Circulating Li- brary at the lioston Book Store . . . Ornamented label. Charles Pierpont Ribbon and Wreath. William W'inthrop Ribbon and Wreath. Also the plate of Sand. Hill, which is of a literary flavor, is probal^ly the engraver's own plate. S. S. JocELYN, of New Haven, who made a very handsome plate for the Bj^others in Unity of Yale College, became an engraver of vignettes for bank-notes. Thomas Johnson was born in Boston in 1708. He was buried in King's Chapel Burying-ground, May 8, 1767. He engraved Psalm Tune plates Early American Engravers. 139 for the Tate and Brady edition of 1 760, and did some commendable work as a herald painter. In the inventory of his estate, fifteen copper plates are appraised at 40^-. Only one specimen of his book-plate work is authenticated, and that is the Joseph Tyler, which is signed in full, — Johnson. * * * Thomas Johnston signs the very beautiful Jacobean plate of William P. Smith, A.M., and the rougher Chippendale of Samuel Willis. Whether this is the same engraver as the above is uncertain ; the difference in the spelling of the name would not disprove the claim, as in those days such differences were frequent. The Willis plate bears strong resemblance to the work and designs of Hurd. If this is the same engraver as the above, these two plates are likely to be the earliest signed plates by an American, as Johnson was born some twenty years before Hurd. The Willis plate is quite inferior to the Smith, which latter is a striking example of the Jacobean style. Francis Kearney, who signs the plate oi Henry McMurtrie and Hector Coffin, was born in 1 780. He was a pupil of Peter R. Maverick, who re- ceived two hundred and fifty dollars for instruct- ing him for three years. The advantage was all with Maverick. Soon after the opening of 140 American Book-plates. the century, he was engaged with Anderson, the younger Maverick, Boyd, and others, in engraving plates for a quarto Bible published by Mr. Collins, of New York. In 1 8 10 he removed to Philadelphia, as that city was far ahead of New York in the publishing of books, etc. He was in that city for over twenty years. His greatest work is the engraving of Leonardo da Vinci's picture of the " Last Supper." * * * Peter Rushton Maverick was born in Eng- land, April II, 1755, and came to America about 1774. He was originally a silversmith, and came of a family whose members were for several generations well known as engravers, and who made the art their occupation. He was an ener- getic worker, getting most of his practical knowl- edge by his own endeavors. He was the teacher of William Dunlap and of Francis Kearney, as well as of his own son, who ultimately became a more proficient engraver than his father, and, who after instructing A. B. Durand for five years, took him into partnership. Peter R. Maverick died in New York, about 1807, '^'^^ ^''^s son Peter whose partnership with Durand resulted disastrously, died in 1831. As a designer and engraver of book-plates, Maverick was the most prolific of atl the early engravers. It is presumed that all the plates signed either P. R. Maverick, or simply Maverick, were by the same hand, as a large collection of \C..yy(/t-^ t,,a/£^cyb^y^, '^^c^^ •' o^^i-cn^xm^ ,^^o- eZ' /Za^y?^.^-^, 141 142 A vie ri can Book-plates. proofs from his plates which furnislies examples of both ways of signing is now in the possession of the New York Historical Society, and the librarian informs me that all of the plates in that collection were done in 1789 by the elder Mav- erick. This collection consists of sixty-five plates, of which thirty-eight different ones are signed by Maverick. There are also others which are un- doubtedly his work, although not signed, and , there are examples by Dawkins, Hutt, and Child. Quite a number of the plates are duplicated, too. This very interesting collection of proofs, kept by Maverick himself, and sewed together roughly, was in the library of his friend, John Allan. By far the greater part of Maverick's plates are of the Ribbon and Wreath style, but he made a few Jaco- beans, a few Chippendales, and one or two pic- torial and allegorical designs. He used the same features over and over in his plates, and seems to have been a rapid worker. The plates in the fol- lowing list marked *' are by the younger Maverick. A LIST OF BOOK-PLATES SIGNED BY MAVERICK. Anonymous Plain armorial. Anonymous (Jacob Brown) .... Pictorial. Flamen Ball Ribbon and Wreath. Abraham Bancker Pictorial. Absalom Blackley Ribbon and Wreath. Philip Brasher Ribbon and Wreath. *Epaphroditus Champion, Jr. ... Plain armorial. De Witt Clinton Ribbon and Wreath. William Cock Ribbon and Wreath. James S. Cutting Ribbon and Wreath. William Cutting Ribbon and Wreath. Early American Engravers. 143 John Cuyler Ribbon and Wreath. Frederick De Peyster Plain armorial. Barnard Elliott Plain armorial. Erasmus Hall Library Allegorical. Ebenezer Foot Ribbon and Wreath. 0?l.,.,e„^^ t^LjLy:> ,*J^I^P XLXfi^^?'ayAa^/i^/lAda^^^ Andrew J. Fraunces Plain armorial. James Gibs .... James Giles Military. *Elias Hicks Plain armorial. Philip L. Hoffmann Ribbon and Wreath. Horanian Society Library Allegorical. William J. Hunter . Ribbon and A\'reath. 144 American Book-plates. John I. Johnson Pictorial. John Johnston Ribbon and Wreath. Thomas Johnston Ribbon and Wreath. Benjamin S. Judah Ribbon and Wreath. John Keese Ribbon and Wreath. John Keese Ornamental label. Rufus King Ribbon and \Vreath. Isaac L. Kip Ribbon and Wreath. Edward Livingston Landscape. Maturin Livingston Ribbon and Wreath. William Smith Livingston Ribbon and Wreath. Hugh McLean Ribbon and Wreath. Peter Masterton Ribbon and Wreath. Maxwell Ribbon and Wreath. * Nathaniel F. Moore Ribbon and Wreath. New York Society Library Allegorical. New York Society Library Allegorical. *Le\vis Morris Ogden Ribbon and Wreath. Francis Panton, Jr Landscape. W. Paulding .... William L. Pierce Ribbon and Wreath. John Pintard Ribbon and Wreath. William Popham Ribbon and Wreath. Halcott B. Pride Ribbon and Wreath. Samuel Provoost Ribbon and ^Vreath. William Seton Ribbon and Wreath. John Sitgreaves Ribbon and Wreath. James Scott Smith Ribbon and Wreath. Thomas Smith, Jr. . Ribbon and AVreath. Thomas J. Smith ; . . .... -William Smith Ribl)on and Wreath. William Taylor Ribbon and Wreath. *James Thompson Plain armorial. Thomas Tillotson Ribbon and Wreath. P. I. Van Berkel Plain armorial. K. K. Van Rensselaer Ribbon and Wreath. Prosper Wetmore Ribbon and ^Yreath. Polydore B. Wisner ....... Ribbon and Wreath. Early Aniericaii Engravers. 145 A LIST OF PLATES ATTRIBUTED TO MAVERICK, ALTHOUGH NOT SIGNED. James Agnew, Esq Chippendale. Boudinet Ribbon and Wreath. Charles Bridgen Plain armorial. Willm. Duer Ribbon and Wreath. John Goelet Jacobean. Herbert Chippendale. Morgan Lewis, Esq Ribbon and Wreath. Rob't R. Livingston, Esq., of Cleremont, Ribbon and Wreath. Walter Livingston Chippendale. Jonathan Meredith, Jr Ribbon and Wreath. Joseph Murray Chippendale. William Pasley Ribbon and Wreath. Saml. Provoost. Coll. Pet. Cant. . . . Chippendale. William Stephens Jacobean. John C. Ten Broeck Ribbon and Wreath. Stephen Van Rensselaer Plain armorial. Oliver Pelton, who engraved a plate for the Brothers in Unity, at Yale College, was born in Portland, Conn., in 1 799, and learned his trade with Abner Read, a bank-note engraver, of Hart- ford. He was an assiduous worker, and was taken into partnership after two years' work, with Mr. Read and one Samuel Stiles. Samuel G, Goodrich (Peter Parley) soon induced him to go to Boston with him, to engage in the engraving of plates for his works. This enterprise was suc- cessful, and in 1863 Pelton formed a partnership with William D. Terry, which was the foundation of the New England Bank-Note Company of Boston. The plate mentioned is the only exam- ple of his work on book-plates. 146 Americmi Book-plates. R. Rawdon, who signs the plate of William L. Stone, which is a very handsome steel-plate design, was born in Tolland, Conn., and was associated with his brother in Albany. The brother subsequently moved to New York. Paul Revere, the Revolutionary patriot whose " midnight ride " is known the world over, was born in Boston, January i, 1735, and died there on the loth of May, 1818, after a life of great usefulness, leaving a name never to be forgotten. Early American Engravers. 147 He came of a Huguenot family, who spelled the name Rivoire originally. He was self-instructed in the art of engravino- on copper, although brought up by his father to the business of a goldsmith. He went on the Crown Point expedition, 1756, and after his return, married, and settled down to the business he had already learned. He was naturally fond of mechanics, and made himself master of its general principles. One of his earliest attempts 148 American Book-plates. on copper was the portrait of his friend, Dr. Mayhew. He also engraved several caricatures which were popular, and some historical pictures which are valuable now to the collector. Not many book-plates have come down to us by this celebrated patriot, and the following list comprises all that are signed. Gardiner Chandler Chippendale. David Greene Chippendale. Epes Sargent Chippendale. William Wetmore Ribbon and Wreath. Early American Engravers. 149 Revere 's plates do not have the compact ap- pearance of Hurd's, and are not so well designed or so 'well engraved as the latter's. Presumably this branch of work was not very profitable to him, or very much cultivated. The accompanying design was undoubtedly a book-plate, and beyond question is the work of Revere. It is a very rare plate. William Rollinson was born in England, in the year 1760. He was in youth brought up to the trade of ornamenting buttons ; and, upon coming to New York, made the gilt buttons which decorated the coat worn by Washington at his inauguration as President. He did this without remuneration, so thoroughly sympathiz- ing with the country of his adoption as to feel the honor of this service for Washington a full compensation. He was, through the friendship of Messrs. Elias Hicks and John C. Ludlow, rec- ommended to the publishers of Brown's Family Bible, for which he made several plates. Previous to this, he found work in the shops of different silversmiths, and had taught himself the art of engraving on copper. At the beginning of the century, Archibald Robertson painted a portrait of Alexander Hamilton, which Rollinson boldly undertook to make a large engraving from. He did not understand all the processes of engraving, and invented such as he was compelled to use, as he went on. The duel in which Hamilton 150 American Book-plates. lost his life occurred before the portrait was fully engraved. Indeed, it had been undertaken more as an experiment than with the idea of sale ; but the friends of the dead statesman urged him to complete it, which he did, and the print found a good sale. Later, Rollinson invented a machine for ruling waved lines, which was of vast im- portance in the manufacture of bank-notes. As an engraver of book-plates, he adopted the Ribbon and Wreath style naturally, as it was the style in vogue when he took up the work. He made one or two plain armorials, and for the New York College of Pharmacy one of more ambitious design. His plates, all neat in design, are clear, skilful engraving. His work and that of Callender, in the same style, resemble each other. The following plates are signed by Rollin- son: — Richard Harrison ........ Plain armorial. Elias Hicks Ribbon and Wreath. George Ludlow Ribbon and Wreath. W. T. McCoun Plain armorial. Horatio Shepheard Moat Ribbon and Wreath. New York College of Pharmacy . . . Ornamented label. James Adam Smith Plain armorial. Thomas N. Stanforth Ribbon and Wreath. Teachers' Union, St. George's Church . Engraved label. John W. Watkins, A.M Ribbon and Wreath. Charles Wilkes Plain armorial. Azarias Williams Ribbon and Wreath. J. Smithers, an Englishman, originally a gun- engraver employed in the Tower of London, came to Philadelphia in the year 1773. Early American Engravers. 151 He had a good name as a man and as an en- graver, and made the blocks for the Continental money. A large plan of the city of Philadelphia on three plates, which was his work, was subse- quently purchased, when copper was scarce, for thirty dollars, and cut up into smaller pieces. Among his pupils was Trenchard, of whose work we have a few examples. The following plates are signed by Smithers: — John Day Plain armorial. Fenwick Chippendale. Henry Hale Graham Plain armorial. John Magill Chippendale. Henry McMurtrie Pictorial. He sometimes signed with the final s, and sometimes without it. His book-plates are not especially brilliant in any way, but are good, and in the pure style. His finest attempt is the land- scape plate for Dr. McMurtrie of Philadelphia. T. Sparrow was an obscure engraver on wood, who worked at his trade in Annapolis from 1 765 to about 1780, and who did considerable work for " Ann Catherine Green & Son, Printers," of that town, on title-pages, tail-pieces, etc. He engraved on copper the title-page for the " Deputy Commissary's Guide of Maryland," published by the above firm in 1774, and which is a creditable piece of work. All the book-plates known at 152 American Book-plates. present are on wood, and they are but two in number: the Richard Sprigg and the Gabriel Diivall, both of whom were men of prominence in the colonial times, in Maryland. William D. Terry, who was mentioned as the founder, with Pelton, of the Bank-Note Company, in Boston, engraved a plate for the Redwood Library, of Newport. This is a large representa- tion of the library, and is a fine piece of work. James Thackara was a partner of John Val- lancc, in the engraving business, and they were together for a good many years. Thackara was inferior to his partner as an engraver, according to Dunlap, and was for a long time the keeper of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. We know but one example of his book-plate work, and that is the Lenthall plate, which is a large and very interesting example of the Ribbon and Wreath style. It is an excellent piece of engraving, full of style, and graceful in design. James Trenchard was born in Cumberland County, New Jersey, about 1746. He was a pupil of Smithers, and engraved in Philadelphia, T53 OF THE iVERSITY j 154 American Book-plates. about 1785. Among his pupils were Thackara, Vallance, and his nephew, Edward Trenchard, who became an ofificer in the United .States Navy, and served in the War of 18 12. Trenchard was one of the owners of the " Columbian Magazine," published in Philadel- phia from 1786 to 1792, and he engraved many plates for its pages. One signed book-plate of his is known, — the Bloo^nfielci. This is a Chippendale plate of no Early American Engravers. 155 striking features. The Liithcr Martin plate is so similar to this as to leave hardly any doubt that it too was by Trenchard. James Turner is another of the early Ameri- can artists of whom very little is known now. He was at one time in Boston, but later removed to Philadelphia. He did some portrait and some music work. Of his book-plate work we have but three signed specimens. By far the most interesting and valuable of these is the extremely 1^6 American Book-plates. rare plate of yohn Franklin of Boston in N'ew England. This is very fully described in the List of Early American Book-plates. The other plates are the Sir John St. Clair, and the plate for Isaac Nor r is, of the family of the Quaker Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Early American Engravers. 157 The plate of James Hall, although not signed, is also attributed to him. John Vallance, whose name is connected with that of Thackara, engraved with him many plates for Dobson's Encyclopaedia. He made heads of Franklin and Howard, which were pronounced successful, and he had a high reputation as an engraver. One authenticated example of his book-plate 158 American Book-plates. work is known, the Joseph Wiseman, in the Rib- bon and Wreath style ; and the David Brearly^ although not signed, is attributed to him. Of the other engravers whose names appear on but one or two plates, no information has been obtained. There were probably many who had but a local fame, and who made but a few plates. Their names are remembered now in a way not expected at the time of signing them, undoubtedly. In a recent article on Count Rumford, in the " New England Magazine," it is said that, when a youth, he designed book-plates. No authentic examples of his work are known, and no informa- tion can be obtained concerning any. Jacob Hurd, the father of Nathaniel, was a goldsmith of Boston, and his name is on pieces of plate in the First and Second churches in Boston, and the First Church, and Christ Church, in Dorchester. He very probably made book- plates, though no signed work is known. He died in 1758. He appears in the list of sub- scribers to " Prince's Chronological History of New England," as taking six copies. Early American Engravers. 159 In the " Boston Evening Post," for March 4, 1745, the following advertisement appears: — " FR.4NCIS Garden, Engraver from London, engraves in the newest Manner and at the cheapest Rates, Coats-of- Arms, Crests or Cyphers on Gold, Silver, Pewter or Copper. To be heard of at Mr. Caverley's, Distiller, at the South End of Boston. N.B. He will wait on any Person in Town or Country, to do their Work at their own House, if desired : also copper-plate printing perform'd by him." No signed example of this gentleman's work has thus far come to our knowledge. It is fair to presume, however, that he engraved book- plates. ■Qua "coMnEOTUB irarLK, A LIST OF EARLY AMERICAN BOOK-PLATES. The following List of Early American Book-plates makes no claim to completeness : indeed it is earnestly hoped and be- lieved that time will prove it to be quite incomplete : old plates new to collectors are continually coming to light, and there is every reason to expect their number to increase. We are per- suaded that certain of the worthies of colonial times used book- plates, although no copies are now known, and that some future investigator will unearth these much-desired treasures. Some plates will be found included which do not have a satisfactory description : this is due to their not being seen by the compiler of the List : correspondents at a distance cannot always send full details, and without them it is better to attempt little in the way of description. The aim has been to be accu- rate and as full as possible. There are hundreds of simple name-labels which have no place here, but all armorial examples which could be discovered are mentioned. The plates are given in alphabetical order, and are numbered for convenience in reference. As far as possible, the first line of the description of each plate gives the exact wording of the original, with its spelling and abbreviations : the mottoes also, as well as the manner of signature, are given exactly as they appear on the original plate : wherever throughout this List italics are used, they denote the exact language employed upon the plate. I. Anonymous. Armorial. A very beautiful plate with French arms : a crown above and military trophies behind the shield : French banners, cannon, quivers of arrows, anchor, horns, swords, drum, tomahawks, bugle, lances, etc. Signed, Maingot delt. Maverick, Set. 1 60 Rarly Ainerican Book-ptates. i6i CH^z*n^f «(^.-^ 2. Abercrombie. James Abercrombie. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Two mottoes, Vive 7it vivas, and Aleus in arduis aeqiia. Of Philadelphia, and mentioned in Boswell's " Life of Dr. Johnson." 3. Adams. Joiiu Adams. Armorial. The Boylston arms. The shield sur- rounded by a garter on which the motto is given, — Libertatem amiciiiam retenebis etfidem. The whole design surrounded by thirteen stars. Second Presi- dent of the United States. 4. Adams. John Qiiincy Adams. Simply the name rudely engraved and surrounded by a narrow line. Probably the first of the J. Q. A. book-plates. Sixth President of the United States. 1 62 American Book-plates. 5. Adams. John Quincy Adams. Armorial. Boylston arms. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto-ribbon empty. 6. Adams. John Quincy Adams. Armorial. The Boylston arms ; the shield enclosed within a garter, on which the motto appears, — Fidem — Liber tatem — Amicitiam. 7. Adams. John Quincy Adams. Armorial. The shield is quartered, and bears in the first quarter a curious specimen of home-made heraldry. The ancestors of the President bore no arms, and in their place appears a stag standing at gaze before a pine tree, while below in the water a fish, probably a cod, is swimming ; the whole design surrounded with thirteen stars. This was his own invention. The other quarters bear the Smith, Quincy, and Boylston arms. The whole shield is surrounded by a garter bearing the motto Fidcm, Libertatem, Amicitiam retinebis. From "Tacitus." 8. Agar. Property, Lydia Agar. 1806. Pictorial. An eagle bears a broad ribbon, on which the word property is given ; an oval frame encloses what resembles a row of eggs. 9. Agnew. James Agneiv^ Esq. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Consilio non impefu. Attributed to ]\Iaverick. 10. Aitkin. Robert Aitkin. Simple name label : the printer of the " Aitkin Bible." Philadelphia, 1782. The first American edition. It. Albany. Albany Society Library. iys9- A peculiar plate something in the shape of the fig- ure 8, with intertwining foliations above and at the sides. The upper part of the frame is the larger, and contains a spirited illustration of an Indian in ambush aiming an arrow at a leaping fox. On the frame surrounding this is the motto. May concord prevail and the undertakeing prosper. In the lower and smaller part is depicted a prim Rarly American Book-plates. 163 man, bewigged and ruffled, with an open book in his hand ; presumably a patron of the Library. Very httle can be learned concerning this early Library. It was probably interrupted by the Revo- lution. Some of its books are in the New York State Library. 12. Allan. John Allan. Pictorial. An open book, across the pages of which is printed the name of the owner. Behind all an anchor. This is the plate of the old book collector of New York City. 13. Allen. John Allen. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Lmv 6^ Right. This is believed to be the plate used by John Allen, an early bookseller of Boston. He published the " News-Letter." From the general design and the crude engraving, it must be taken for early Amer- ican work: circa 1720. Illustrated in "Curio," page 15. 14. Allison. Joseph J. Allison. Armorial. Chippendale. Hour-glass, books, globe, palette, and brushes, grouped above the escut- cheon. Motto, Hinc labor et virtus. Of Phila- delphia. 15. Alsop. Richard Alsop. Armorial. Belongs to no particular style, although the ornamentation is of Chippendale tendency. Beneath the shield, at either side, stands a cupid holding out a bunch of arrows : the drawing of these iigures is not above criticism : they seem to to have one arm each, and but one wing also. A Connecticut poet. Born, 1761; died, 1815. One of the famous " Hartford Wits." 16. Ambler. Armorial. Of Virginia. 17. American. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. MDCCLXX. A very handsome plate, having a large curtain looped back by ribbons and cords, whereon to record the name of the giver of books to the 164 Ainerican Book-plates. library, and above this an oval vignette represent- ing Minerva yn'\\\\ shield and spear in hand,, and helmet on her head, standing upon the seashore (of Massachusetts), watching a three-master which sails far away under a glaring sun and a heavy cloud : through a corn-field and then through the woods lies the path to the distant village whose roofs can be seen : on the sand about the goddess lie scattered the scientific and agricultural implements, the uses of which it was the function of the Academy to teach. The Academy was instituted in 1779. Very good engraving but not so good drawing. The work is attributed to Callender. 18. Anderson. A/cxr. Anderson. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Vigila. Signed, A. Anderson, Sculp. The original plate had only the last name engraved ; the first name was added afterwards and evidently by a different hand. This plate is sometimes found with the name of his brother, John, written in before the family name, indicating perhaps that the plate was designed for the general use of the family. This is the plate of Dr. Anderson, the first engraver in wood in America. 19. Andover. Institntio Theologica Andover. Fundata MDCCCVII. A severely plain pediment, raised upon Doric columns, bearing on the architrave the name. A blaze of glory above has in the centre the words, ,11 .1\ Similar rays shine over the open Bible at the foot, on which is written, Ps. cxix, 169, and Joh. XVII, 17. On the base are the words, AKOFfiNI 20Y XPI2T0Y. 20. Andrew. John Andrew. Pictorial. The implements of the engraver lie scattered upon the bench : the name is given in fac- simile of the autograph. 21. Andrews. Armorial. Of Virginia. 22. Andrews. Andrc7vs. (First name obliterated.) Pictorial. The scene is out of doors and the sun rises in full strength behind a long oval frame on Early Ainericajt Book-plates. 165 which the name is engraved. A httle patch of earth, two well-grown trees, and scant herbage complete the accessories. Signed, Cullender Sc. 23. Andrews. Eliza Andrews. Pictorial. Exactly the same as the succeeding, with the exception of the change in the name and the omission of the engraver's signature. 24. Andrews. Henry Andretus. Pictorial : representing Minerva, crowned, with spear and shield : the owl sits upon a convenient pedestal. The name of the owner is put upon the edge of the shield which the goddess rests upon the ground. Signed, S. Harris. Sc. 25. Antill. Edwad. An fill. Esqr., A.M. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Probitas laudatur et alget. A New Jersey author. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," April, 1894. 26. Apthorp. Apthorp. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. 27. Afphorp. East Apthorp, A.M. Cambridge MDCCLXI. Armorial. Late Jacobean. Motto, Nemo nisi Christiis. Eminent Episcopal divine, born in Boston, 1733; educated at Cambridge, and died, 1816. 28. Apthorp. Jno. Aptliorp. Armorial. Chippendale. lsioi\.o,Eari quae sentiat. The same plate as the one mentioned above as having the motto-ribbon empty. In this example the name y>/C''. is written, and so is the motto. 29. Apthorp. Thomas Apthorp. Armorial. Chippendale. l^ioVto, Juste rem para. Flowers, and a huge bee in the decoration. Printed in blue ink. Born, 174 1. Died in England. 30. Archdeacon. S. Archdeacon. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Esse quam videri. Signed, IV. S. A pretty design, with the caduceus of Mercury introduced in the ornamentation. 31. Archer. William Archer. Armorial. Of Chesterfield County, Virginia. 1 66 American Book-plates. 32. Archer. William Archer, Powhatan. A plain label with the name within a type border. 33. Armistead. William Armistead. Armorial. Ot" Virginia. Of Revolutionary fame. 34. AsHWELL. Charles Ashwell of Grenada. Plain armorial. 35. AssHETON. Ralph Assheton, M.D., Philadelphia. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, In Domino con- fido. Son of the Councillor ; studied medicine in Edinburgh. 36. Assheton. Willm. Assheton Esqr. of Barhadoes. Armorial. Chippendale. Very ornate. No motto. Began the practice of law in Penna., and was after- wards described as " of the Parish of St. Michael's in Barbadoes, gentleman." He was Provost- Marshal of Barbadoes. 37. Assheton. William Assheton Esq. of Gray's Inn, Judge of the Court of Admiralty of Pen?i. iyi8. Arms, crest, and quarterings. 38. Atkinson. Theodore Atkinson. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Signed, N. Hiird. Sep. This is the same design that was used in the Wentworth plate, but is much better in execution. The peCuhar flow of water from the shell beneath the escutcheon is caught in a bowl : the only instance. Secretary of the colony of New Hampshire, 174 1 ; Chief Justice, 1754 ; Major- General of militia, 1 769 ; delegate to Congress at Albany, 1754. 39. Atkinson. William King Atkinson. Armorial. Chippendale : a copy of the preceding design. Motto, Nil facimus non sponte Dei. Signed, Callender Sc. A noted lawyer of Ports- mouth, N.H. ( 1 764-1820). Changed his name from King to Atkinson out of respect to Judge Atkinson. 40. Atlee. Willm. Aiigs. Atlee Esqr. of lancaster PENN- SYIVANIA. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty ; Early American Book-plates. 167 bears some marks of being unfinished. Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, i 777-1 791. 41. Atwood. Harry Atwood. Armorial. Chippendale. Very ornate ; architec- tural and landscape effects used. No motto. 42. AUCHMUTY. Richard Tyhien Aiicliinnty. Plain armorial. ]\Iotto, Dum spiro spero. Signed, A^ S. 43. Backhouse. W. Backhouse, M.A. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Pax et amor. 44. Backus. Elijah Backus. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto ; name on motto- ribbon. Very crude workmanship. 45. Baldwin. D. Baldwin, Otvner. An engraved label, the words being within an oval wreath. 46. Baldwin. Jonathan Baldwin. Armorial. Signed by Callender. 47. Baldwin. Luke Baldivin. Armorial. Signed by Callender. 48. Ball. Flanien Ball. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Semper caveto. Signed, P. R. Maverick. Sci. 49. Ballord. Wm. BallonPs. Armorial. Plain. No motto. 50. Baltimore. The Library Company of Baltimore. Simply the name engraved within an oval frame. Signed, S. Allardice Phi. 51. Bancker. Abraham Bancker. Pictorial. An eagle bears aloft an oval frame which contains the large figure 4 always seen on the book- plates of this family. A ribbon flying from the beak of the eagle bears the motto, Sublimiora petamus ; beneath, a three-masted vessel, with homing pennant streaming, passes half-submerged trees and a chain of mountain peaks. Signed, Maverick Sculp\ 1 68 A7nerica7i Book-plates. 52. Bancker. Charles N. Bancker. Armorial in style, but showing no actual arms. The shield is occupied by a large figure 4, which is an old "merchant mark." Chippendale. Puffy cupids are seated on either side of the frame with accessories which indicate the pursuit of science. Motto, Dieii defend k droif. 'ivgnQd, Jones Sc. Of Philadelphia. 53. Bancker. Cluirles N. Bancker. A Chippendale frame enclosing the figure 4, and showing the same motto as the above. Helmet, wreath and crest, the eagle's wings erect, ppr. Not signed. 54. Bancker. Evert Bancker, Junr. A smaller and older plate than the others of this name, and showing the same figure 4, with rather wild mantling, and crest. 55. Bancker. Gerard Bancker. Chippendale. A cupid holding a globe converses with a companion, perhaps about commerce and ocean currents ; behind them a pyramid rises, and two other cupids are consulting a plan. The figure 4 is again prominent in this plate. Signed, Dawkins Sculpsit. 56. Bancroft. George Bancroft. Pictorial. A chubby cherub approaches, with a panel in his hands on which the words EI2 A02 are given. Another plate, identical in all other details, gives the motto, Sursiitn corda. Historian of the United States. 57. Banister. John Banister. Plain armorial. (Arms of Banester of Easington, County York, according to Burke). No motto. Of Virginia. Revolutionary soldier. Died, 1787. 58. Barrell. Joseph Barrell. An allegorical plate full of detail. In the centre is the shield with the arms, while above the crest sits Hope with her anchor. As indicative of Industry, a very trim female figure is presented, surrounded by Early A^nerican Book-plates. 169 signs of prosperity, such as the beehive, palette and brush, and square and dividers. In contrast to this a bare-footed, raggedly clad woman with a dead fish in her lap, snails on her shoulders, broken tools around her, and with every appearance of misery and squalor, is shown at the left. The contrast between Thrift and Indolence is continued in a second series of pictures below the shield. In these it is the begging tramp and the erect, well-clothed gentleman who depict the moral. Dilapidated shanties and well-built houses are also in contrast. Mottoes, Not ahuays so — Indure but hope. A rich Boston merchant. A pioneer in the Northwest coast trade. 59. Barroll. William Barroll. Chestertoiun. ijgs. An engraved name label, with the all-seeing eye above the oval frame which encloses the name. The palm and holly are crossed beneath. 60. Barton. William Barton. Armorial. Perhaps the plate of the capturer of Genl. Prescott (1777) in Narragansett Bay. 61. Bartram. John Bartrain. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Foy en Dieu. A second motto, J'avance. Celebrated botanist of Pennsylvania. 62. Bathurst. Armorial. Of Virginia. See Burke's " Extinct Baronetage." dl. Bay. William Bay. M.D. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath, Motto, Quo fata vacant. The heraldic drawing is poor and the charges are reversed. Born, i\lbany, 1773. Died, 1865. 64. Bayard. James A. Bayard. The name well engraved within an oval wreath. The Delaware statesman, leader of the Federal party, and one of the negotiators of the Treaty of Ghent. Born, 1767; died, 1815. 65. Bayard. Saml. Bayard. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. This is a very interesting specimen of the debased Chip- lyo American Book-plates. pendale. As decorative features the following are used : a large globe, quadrant, compass, sun-dial, beer-stein, and a little landscape. The branches of the frame are made to support these objects named. Jurist. Published books on law. 66. Bayley. Armorial. Of the Eastern Shore, Va. 67. Beativ. /. Beatfy. M.D. Armorial. Pictorial. The shield rests against the bole of an oak, and while the arms on it (Arg. a beehive surrounded by bees) are not given in Burke, the crest appears in Fairbairn, with some changes. A globe, open book, scroll, caduceus, and cornucopia of fruit complete the accessories. Not a common type among American plates. John Beatty was born in Pennsylvania, 1749, and died in New Jersey in 1826. Rose to the rank of Colonel in the Revolutionary \\'ar, and was delegate to Con- gress, 1 783-1 785. Member of Federal Convention, and member of Congress. Illustrated in '' Curio," page 114. 68. Beck. Charles Beck. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Signed, N. D. Sc. (Nathaniel Dearborn). Of Cambridge, Mass. Scholar and author. 69. Bedlow. William Bedloiv. Armorial. Monogram B L 2X foot of arms. Jacobean. Motto, My hope oji high. Of Bedlow's Island, New York. 70. Beete. Joseph Beete. Dcmeraiy. Plain armorial. Motto, Fortiina peril, lioneslas man el. 71. Belcher. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Loyal jusqu'a la Mori. This is the plate of the Colonial Governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1 730-1 741 (Jonathan Belcher). The arms are the same as borne on the plate of his son Jonathan, except that this plate shows a label for difference. There is also a shortening of the motto in the other plate. Early American Book-plates. 171 72. Belcher. Jonathan Belcher E Socictate Medij Templi. Armorial. Jacobean. Very similar to the last. Motto, Loyal au niort. Son of the preceding ; born in Boston, 1710. Graduate of Harvard, student at the Middle Temple, one of the first settlers of Halifax, N.S. Died there, 1776. Illus- trated in " Curio," page 113. ^fi^c^i^^/c/i^--. SJivA2rKA.Il. 73. Belcher. William Belcher, Owner. Literary. A shelf of books enclosed within an oval which bears the mottoes. With welcome use — btit use with care. The wicked 'borrow, — but never return. Of New London, Conn., circa 1 790. 74. Belcher. William Belcher. Savannah. Armorial. Pictorial. A very beautiful engraving. The shield rests upon the ground and is supported by the oak tree which spreads over it ; willows and pines complete the little group of trees, and beyond a stretch of water is seen. The motto. Loyal au tnort, is on the ribbon which flutters along the ground beside the shield. 172 American Book-plates. 75. Bel-Chier. J. Bel-Chier. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Loyal jiiscf a la tnort. Printed in red ink. 76. Beresford. Richard Beresford, Charleston. 17"/ 2. Armorial. 77. Betts. William Belts. Armorial. Plain. Motto, Malo mori quant foe- dari. Signed, C. P. Harrison Del. Set. 78. Beverley. Harry Beverley. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. 79. Beverly. Robert Beverly. Armorial. Of Virginia. Historian. So. Beverly. William Beverly. Armorial. Signed, y. Kirk. 81. Blackley. Absalom Blackley. Armorial. Ribbon and wreath. Motto, Utere mundo. Signed, Maverick Sep. The name sup- ported by two quills. 82. Blake. Willm. P. 6^ L. Blake's Circulating Library at the Boston Book Store. An engraved label enclosed in an ornamental oval frame. Signed, S. Hill. Sc. 83. Blanc. William Blanc. Middle Temple. Dominica. Crest only. Motto on a garter enclosing the crest, Frajigas non flectan. 84. Blatchford. Thomas W. Blatchford. Plain armorial, '^ioiio, Providentia sumus. Signed, //;;/. D. Smith sc. 85. Bleecker. Bleecker. Plain armorial. A festoon of cloth behind the shield. 86. Blenman. Jonathan Blenman Attoray, Genl. &= Judge of ye Admty. in Barbadoes. A small plate, without motto, rather poorly en- graved. A little ornamentation of Jacobean manner appears at either side, and the mantling is rather profuse, but well above the shield. Early Arnericaii Book-plates. 173 J2j4^uy a friend, Right welcome shall he be, etc. Signed, Sold by N. Dearborn &> Son. Undoubtedly engraved by Dearborn. 159. Child. Isaac Child, Boston. Literary. Four shelves of books. Probably by Dearborn. 160. Child. Thomas Child. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Pari aude. Not signed, but evidently the work of Nathaniel Hurd. First Postmaster of Portland, Me. 161. Child. IVilliam Henry Child. Armorial in form, but displaying no arms on the shield. Crest, two doves with olive branches in their mouths. The initials IV. H. C, in cipher, occupy the shield. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. Very similar in design to the plate of George Grote, the historian. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," April, 1S94. 162. Clark. D. Lawrence Clark. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Semper idem. Undoubtedly the arms are not genuine : the argent field of the shield is charged with a branch of holly, and the crest is the American eagle, with *2i star above its head. 163. Clark. John Clark. M.D. Plain armorial. Motto, Semper idem. The arms are undoubtedly assumed ; az. an oak branch ppr. Crest, an American eagle, with a star (mullet) above. Early American Book-plates. 185 164. Clarke. Alfred Clarke. Crest only. Motto, Soyez ferine. Of Coopers- town, N.Y. 165. Clarke. George Clarke. Crest only. Motto, Soyez ferine. Signed, /. F. Morin. Sc. N.Y. 166. Clarke. Peter Clarke. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Coronal virtus cultores suos. Printed in blue ink. 167. Clarkson. David Clarkson Gent. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. Of New York. Illustrated in " Curio," page 66. 1 68. Clarkson. Af. Clarkson. Armorial, plain. No motto. Matthew Clarkson was for twenty-one years the President of the Bank of New York. 169. Cleborne. C. I. Cleborne. M.D. Armorial. The shield canted to one side, sur- mounted by the helmet ; it and the mantling is enclosed within a circular ribbon, on which the motto, Clibor ne seeaine, is given. A second rib- bon over the design bears the motto, Virti/te in- vidiam vineas. Signed, Jarrett London. 170. Cleveland. Stephen Cleveland. Pictorial. A very unusual plate : a full-rigged Brit- ish man-of-war, with ten guns peering from the loop-holes, is hastening from the observer ; the . English ensign flies from the stern. A very spirited piece of work. It is said that his commission as Captain in our Navy just after the Declaration was the first one issued. Born in Connecticut, 1740, died in Massachusetts, 1801. 171. Clinton. De Witt Clinton. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Patria cara carior libcrtas. Signed, P. R. Mavenck. sculpt Governor of New York, 181 7-1822, and 1824-182 7. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," Feb- ruary, 1894. 1 86 American Book-plates. 172. Cock. WilUain Cock. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Quod fieri non vis alteri ne fueris. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. The tinctures in the crest — which looks like a leghorn — are mdicated by the words, gules and or. engraved outside, and connected with the parts thus tinctured by dotted Hnes, — a new method. Of New York. Illustrated in " Art Ama- teur," March, 1894. 173. Coffin. Coffin arms: name erased. Armorial. Rib- bon and Wreath. IVIotto, Post tencbras sperairms lumen de luniinc. Signed, J. Akin Sculp. The name N. IV. Coffin is written upon the copy at hand. The arms are of the family of Sir Isaac Cotifin, who was born in Boston, 1759. 174. Coffin. Hector Coffin. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Exstant rccfe /actus pracmia. Signed, J. Akin del. F. Kearny Sc. Of Boston. 175. Coffin. John Coffin. 1771. Armorial. A frame of Jacobean tendencies. Motto-ribbon empty. Of Massachusetts. 176. Cold EN. Cadwallader D. Colden. Plain armorial. Motto, Fais Men crains rien. JNIayor of New York City in 18 18. Friend and coadjutor of De Witt Clinton. 177. Columbia College. Columbia College Library A^ew York. Allegorical. The scene is out-of-doors ; a throne placed on rising ground is occupied by the God- dess of Learning ; the Shekinah blazes above and the rising sun peeps over the horizon. Three little nude beginners in learning stand before the God- dess, in whose hand an open book is extended bearing the motto, Aoyta Zwv^a. From her mouth a scroll issues bearing in Hebrew the motto, "iX'iiK Let there be light. Beneath this scene is the refer- ence I Pet. II I. 2 ^c. The name of the library appears upon the circular frame which encloses the whole scene ; the motto, /// lumine tuo videbimus lumen, follows the inner line of the circle. Above, Early American Book-plates. 187 an urn is overfilled with the blossoms of knowledge, while the background of the whole is a brick wall. Signed, Anderson sculp. 178. Connecticut Theological Institute. Thcol. Institute of Con. i8jj. Presented by Pictorial. The representation is of a pulpit with winding stairs on either side, and a very tall solemn- looking sounding-board behind it, partially hid by a curtain. The front panel of the pulpit has the following, KHPY250MEN XPI2T0N 'E2TA- YPfiMENON. 179. Connecticut Theological Institute. Society of Inquiry. Theological Institute of Connecticut. Three book shelves disclosed by a drawn curtain. 180. Connolly. Charles M. Connollv. Armorial. Moiio, En Dieii est tout. Signed, y. 6^. Bolen, 104 B'way. 181. Constable. William Constable. Plain armorial. Motto, Post tot Naufragia portus. Of the early New York family that owned large estates near Utica, N.Y. This plate is circa 1783 and was engraved in New York. It is interesting as a specimen of twisted heraldry ; the correct arms are " Quarterly, gu. and vaire, over all a bend or." (Flamburgh. Co. York, descended from Robert De Lacy, second son of John De Lacy, Baron of Halton, and Constable of Chester). See Burke. In this plate the arms are " Quarterly vaire and gu. over all a bend sinister or.," which are mani- festly incorrect. It was not probably the purpose of the engraver to make this alteration, but not under- standing heraldic drawing he drew the arms correctly on the copper, which reversed them in the print. 182. Cooley. Abial a. Coolefs Property. An elaborate plate of its kind, which is unusual ; it is regular die-sinker's work, and is ])rinted in red ink. The word Property is on a ribbon which is arched over a peacock and a dove ; scrolls abound in convenient places. The only copy seen is in a Boston imprint, 1742. 1 88 American Book-plates. 183. Cooper. Myles Cooper LL.D. Coll. Regis Nov. Ebor. in America. Praefcs, et Coll. Reginae de Oxo?i. Socius &~'c. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Second Presi- dent of King's College (now Columbia). His Loy- alist inclinations resulted in a hasty (light from the college ; he escaped to England, where he was an honored preacher. Illustrated in " Art Amateur," April, 1894. 184. CouRTENAY. He/irv Courtenay. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Very simi- lar in style to the Philip Dumaresque. Not signed, but undoubtedly by Hurd. Of ISIassachusetts. 185. Cox. Chris. C. Cox. A.M. M.D. A name-label with the skull and crossed bones above the name. The motto, Lcctorcm dclectando pariique moncndo, is given below. 186. Cox. Chris. C Cox. A.M. M.D. LL.D. Armorial. Crest only. Motto, Fortitcr ctfideliter, 187. Cranch. Richd. Cranch. Brain tree. An engraved label. The name is within an oval frame, formed of oak and laurel leaves. This plate was engraved by William Bond of Falmouth (now Portland), in 1 786. Richard Cranch was a brother- in-law of John Adams, and lived in Quincy, and also in the adjoining town of Braintree. 188. Cr-WEN. Craven. Armorial. Motto, Veriis in actione consistit. This is the plate of Lord William Craven, one of the Lords Proprietors of South Carolina. 189. Crookshank. Judge Crookshank. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Lege et ratione. 190. CuNNlNGHAiM. James Cunningham, Junior. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. Printed in blue ink. 191. CuN\'NGHAM. Robert Cunyngham, of Cayou in ye Lsland of St. Christopher in America, Esqr. An old armorial plate \ no further information at hand. Early American Book-plates. 189 192. CuRWEN. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. A crude piece of work. Of Salem, Mass. 193. Gushing. Jacob Cushing, His Book. 1746. A plain printed label with border of ornamental type. 194. C USHMAN. Citsh i/i a n . Plain armorial. Motto, Habco pro jus fasqiie. Signed, Pitlini Inc. The famous actress, Charlotte Cushman. 195. CuSTis. Geo. Washg. Park Custis. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. The last of Washington's family — builderof" Arlington." Son of the following. 196. Custis. John Park Custis. Armorial. Presumably assumed arms ; arg. an eagle displayed ppr. Crest, an eagle's head erased ppr. Chippendale. No motto. Son of Mrs. Washington by her first husband, Daniel Parke Custis. The engraver omitted the e from the middle name. 197. Cutting. James S. Cutting. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Postcro ne credo. Signed, Maverick Set. Of New York. 198. Cutting. Williani Cutting. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Carpe diem : postero ne crede. Signed, P. R. Maverick Set. Of New York. 199. CuYLER. John Cuylcr. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Of New York. 200. Dana. Edmund Trotvbridge Dana. The same copper as the following plate, with slight alterations. In the upper left-hand corner the date A.D. is6g is given. Presumably the date of the grant of arms. Son of R. H. Dana. Translator and editor of works on International Law. 201. Dana. Francis Dana. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Cavendotutus. Signed, N. H. Sep. A handsome plate in Hurd's best style. Statesman and jurist. Born, Charles- town, Mass., 1743; died in Cambridge, 181 1, IQO American Book-plates. 202. Dana. Richard Henry Dana. The same old copper again retouched. The date is6g is in new type, and the name is changed to the present user. Poet and essayist. 203. Danforth. Dajtforth. Armorial. Chippendale. 'b.loiX.o, U/n fi/ura offendar maculis nitent non ego paucis. Signed, N. H. Sep. At the upper left-hand corner, outside the design, the sun shines in full strength. Presumably the plate of Dr. Samuel Danforth of Boston. Born, 1740; died, 1827, 204. Dartmouth College. Library of Dartmouth College. Presented by Isaiah Thomas Esq A.D. i8ig in his Donation 0/4/0 Volumes. These words printed from type within a border of ornamental type disposed in an oval. 205. Dartmouth College. Social Friends Library. A plain shield with thistles for decoration bears the number of the volume. Motto, Sol sapientiae ninuji/am occidet. The full sun above the shield. 206. Davenport. Armorial. Of Virginia. 207. Davidson. Henry Davidson. Armorial. Ribbon and ^^^reath. Motto, Sapientcr si sincere. A very neat plate. The wreath has not the proper twisted effect, but appears more like a row of eggs than an heraldic wreath. 208. Davis. Davis. Plain armorial. Motto, Auspice Christo. 209. Day. John Day. Plain armorial. Signed, J. S mi then. Sculp. Of Philadelphia. 210. Day. M. if. Day. Pictorial. A collection of literary property is grouped in an open space where the rising sun shines strongly ; the name is given upon a ribbon which floats above ; from it depends a lamp ; to the right, a book-case ; to the left, a bust of Franklin, a large globe, books, ink-pot and quills; Early American Book-plates. 191 in front, an unrolled parchment which purports to be a list of books. The following motto : — '7}> education forms the co7nmon mind, Just as the tivig is bent, the tree's inclined. Signed, JV. Chapin del 6^ Sc. 211. Deane. John Dcane. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. Name on motto-ribbon. 212. De Blois. Lew's. Dc Bhns. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. Signed, Na- thaniel Hurd Sculp. The mantling is well conceived but rudely engraved ; the shell-lined background is here, and the curtain upheld at the corners, on which the name is given. The whole appearance of the plate shows it to be quite early, and among the first attempts of Hurd. 213. De Blois. N.J. De Blois. Armorial. Jacobean, with handsome mantling. Motto, Je me fie en Dicu. " These arms are assumed by some members of the family of this name living in Newport, R.I. The first of the name in America was born in Fort George, N.Y., some time before the Revolution ; his descendants in New York and Newport carried on a great hard- ware business with their parents in England, but when the troubles occurred they became Tories and left the country. Some of the wax seals on their old letters bear the impression of a Moor's head, which may have been correct. Others had either the conceit or ignorance to assume the armorial bearings of the famous and noble family of Chatillon of France, which historical race became extinct in 1762. As, during the 14th century some members of the Chatillons were Comtes de Blois, this title, extinct in 1364, over 500 years ago, is most unwarrantably used as if it were the family name, and the Chatillon arms adopted in a most extraordinary way, reversing the ordinary way of acquiring arms ; so audacious and arrogant is the assumption and so sublime the impudence it en- 192 American Book-plates. titles the fact to a high place in the Curiosities of Heraldry." (These notes are found accompanying the copy of the plate in the collection of the late Mr. James Eddy INIauran.) This plate is apparently copied from the one by Hurd, and as that is much earlier, it may be that the assumption of the arms was due to him instead of to the later users, who simply copied what appeared to be the legitimate plate and arms of an ancestor. 214. Dedham. Library of the " Yoinig Aleii's and Young Ladies' Societies for the Study of the Sacred Scriptures.'" Dedham, {Afs). The above inscription is printed from type within an oval frame which is cut on wood ; elongated cornucopiae extend their blossoms above and around the central panel ; above in a small frame a lute and some music books. 215. DENjn'. William Dcuuy. Armorial. Motto, Et mea viessis erit. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania. 216. De Pevster. Frederick De Peyster. Armorial. A plain, heart-shaped shield supported by two eagles on palm branches, which are crossed under the shield and extend upwards on either side. No motto. Signed, P. R. Maverick Set. Of New York. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," Febniary, 1894. 217. Derpa'. Martha Derby. The name printed within a border of flowers and sprays. A group of musical instruments above. 218. Bering. Nicoli H. Dej-ing. Armorial. No motto. The Thomas Bering plate by Hurd, with the name altered. 219. Bering. Thomas Dering. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Signed, N. Hurd Sculp i'/4g. This is the earliest plate by an American engraver which is both signed and dated. But one copy is known at this writing. Illustrated in "Curio," page 14. Early American Book-plates. 193 220. Dering. Thomas Deriiig. Crest only, enclosed within a circular ring. The half-date ly . is given. Resembles the work of Hurd somewhat. 221. De Witt. Richard Varick De Witt. A small pictorial plate, representing Minerva stand- ing helmeted and with spear and shield in hand. On some copies of this plate the following additional inscription is found engraved, From his uncle Richard Varick. 222. Dexter. Samuel Dexter' s. MDCCLXXXV. A printed label, with a border of ornamental type. Eminent lawyer and statesman. Secretary of VVar 1800, and Secretary of the Treasury, 1801. 223. Dill. John E. Dill. Boston. A name-label in which the name is printed within a border made up of ornamental type, although it does not look so at first glance. The back of the design resembles a l)rick wall ; the frame is made up of bouquets in holders, hearts, and an assortment of odds and ends. 224. DiNvviDDiE. Rob't. Dinwiddle. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Ubi libertas ihi patria. Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, 1 75 i-i 758. See " Ex Libris Journal," Vol. II, pages 89, 125. 225. DoLBEARE. Benjamin Dolbea7-e of Boston in Ne7u Eng- land. Oxford. Printed at the Clarendon Printing House. October, 6. IJJQ- A very large printed label, with three rows of ornamental type border, between which the follow- ing is printed, " The Noble Art and Mystery of PRINTING was first Invented by JOHN GUT- TENBERG of Mentz, a City of Germany in the YEAR 1440 and brought into ENGLAND by JOHN ISLIP oi London in the year of our LORD 1471." This is very like the plate of Martha Bartlett, illustrated in " The Book-plate Collectors' Miscellany," page 20. See note from Mr. Tuer in same, page 29. There was an Edward Dolbier in the Boston Tea-party, i6th December, 1773. 194 American Book-plates. 226. Dove. Doct. I. Dove. Richmond. Virga. Armorial. Crest only. A dove ppr. holding an olive branch in her bill. Motto, Dens providebit. The design is completed by a festoon and crossed branches in Ribbon and Wreath style. Signed, Brooks Sculp. The Doct. Cabell plate was evi- dently the work of this same engraver. 227. Dove. Samuel E. Dove. Richmond. Va. Pictorial. The dove with the olive branch in her bill flies past mountains with water at their foot. Motto, Ab initio Deus providebit, on a circular garter enclosing the picture. 228. Drayton. Drayton, South Carolina. Armorial. Ribbon and ^Vreath. Motto, Non nobis solum. 229. Drayton. Jacob Drayton, South Carolina. The same copper as the above with the first name added. 230. Drayton. Wm. Drayton, Middle Temple. Armorial. Chippendale. INIotto, Non nobis solum. A smaller plate than the preceding, with the same arms. The name and address are given in a bracket bordered with scrolls and foliations. A jurist of South Carolina and Florida. 231. Dr.\yton. William Henry Drayton. Armorial. Statesman. Born at Drayton Hall-on- the-Ashley, near Charleston, S.C., 1742; died, 1779. 232. DuANE. James Duane. Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Nulli praeda. Signed, H. D.fect. The usual pictorial elements of Davvkins' style are here introduced. The prim shepherdess and attendant swain on one side of the shield, and a lonely young girl singing to herself by a fountain, to the music of her guitar ; her home cannot be far away as she wears no hat and is in decollete attire. Of New York. Statesman. Member of the Old Congress. Illustrated in " Art Amateur," March, 1S94. Early American Book-plates. 195 233. Dudley. Joseph Dudley i7S4- Armorial. Early English. The mantling is very full, curling upwards as well as downward and com- pletely envelopes the shield. It is the common type of denticulated mantling, but not so elegant as some examples. Motto, A'cc g/adio nee arcii. The name appears on the usual scroll beneath the shield. Of the family of the Governor of the colony of Massachusetts. This date, 1^34, was added by Hurd, and is much later than the actual date of the plate. 234. DuER. E Libris Gul. Alex. Diier. Plain armorial. Motto, Esse et videri. Of New York. Brother-in-law of Beverly Robinson. President of Columbia College from 1829 to 1842. Son of following. 235. DuER. Williii. Diier. Esq. Armorial in form. Crest only. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Esse qiiam videri. Attributed to Maverick : the frame strongly resembles the Maturin Livingston. The name is on the shield. Born, 1747. Delegate to Continental Congress. 236. DuMARESQUE. Philip Dumaresqiie. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Signed, N. Hitrd. Sei/lp. One of the first officers of old Trinity Church in Boston. 237. DuMMER. Jer. DuiiDiier Aiiglus Aiucricautis. Armorial. Early English. No motto. In the diary of John Hull, the coiner of the early specie of Massachusetts, the following entry is found : *' 1659. ist of 5th. I received into my house Jeremie Dummer and Samuel Paddy, to serve me as apprentices eight years." In the "Heraldic Journal " we learn that Jeremiah Dummer was a goldsmith. Married in 1672 Plannah Atwater. He was the father of Governor William Dummer, and of Jeremiah Dummer the younger, the probable owner of this plate, who was Massachusetts agent in England, 1710-1721. 196 American Book-plates. 238. Duncan. James H. Duncan. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Disce pati. Very crude work. 239. DuNKiN. Robert Henry Diinkin. Armorial. Motto, Disce pati. Signed, /. H. (Hutt.) Of Philadelphia. 240. Dunning. Chai-les E. Dunning. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Semper paratus. Foliage, roses and a griffin in the ornamentation. 241. Dunning. Charles S. Dunning. Armorial. Impaling Wijnkoop. Chippendale. (Late.) Motto, Semper paratus. More elaborate design than the above. 242. DuRAND. John Durand. Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Very fine. Presumably by the brother of Asher B. Durand, who was a fine engraver. A medallion beneath the shield shows cupids in a corn-field. 243. DuvALL. E Bibliotlicca Gahrielis Duvall. A.D. 1778. The name printed from type within a woodcut border, in which thirteen stars form a patriotic allusion. Signed, T. S. (Sparrow.) Of Hugue- not descent. Born in Maryland, 1752. Jurist and Federal officer. 244. Dyckman. Dyckman. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. The crossed branches are under the shield, and its edge is embellished with close festooning. /. G. written before the name. y{.o\.\.o,Zythcstiudig. Illustrated in " Art Amateur," April, 1S94. 245. Dyckman. States Morris Dyckman. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Zyt bes- tendig. 246. East Windsor. Miscellaneous Literary Association, East Windsor. Allegorical. Minerva in repose. A Greek mask near by. Early American Book-plates. 197 GrccKZiish Park, ■■JZJi. Br-.jn EJzL'Jrds Esar. Armonal. Cnippencale. \erT ornate. Motto, Nosce t? iprunj. Sigiied, Ashhy Sculp, Russel C ' ' Historian, and wealthv merchant 248. Ez^vA?^ - - -zJu-ards. K:^-::^,:.-^. ISlotxo^TfU Xj ;;. s,s.:: :l; World. Lawyer and author of New York- Bom in 1 797. 249. Ez "ART'S. Isjac Edwards. Xoi^ Carolina. ArrcorlaL jfo. Ez.4J'i. Samuel Elam. Rhode Island. ArmoriaL PictoriaL A rit of landscape is intro- s n"om a ring around A very pretty design -T one somewhat of the duced, and the shie" I '. the bole of a shatter^ i and well engraved, rtv book-plates by Bewick. EzJOT. Uiniam H. EI:rf. ArmoriaL CrcE: : -rithin an oral garter on which is given t'r .;._■.::. Xcn nobis solum. EllZPvY. Benjamin EUery. Armori^ Chirp er.^i'r. No rr-Dtto. Of New York- TTie samt : :- i i'j:::i(i bearing the name Harrison EUery. Eii:;cT. Barnard EH: off. Plain armoriaL Colonel in the Rev : - : - Simed, P: R. Maveritk. E -'T= Tov. Roheri Ellis ton Genf. Ccmvtrolr. cf Jus ' New York : -^n. A very ,=■_ pi^te --- -7T^. cHiiaVca '.-- :. Tne i.".. - IS Sft a~!n" - J -_ J shell, and two t . _ T ' er arms. Tr- ~ -; ^.ven upon an: -- m .t. ?-r. . tnere is no cuTtam or - : -. > .-.-..e : c : :-:r -i- -hich in engraved plainlv in three l'--- _z-t^-;.. 198 American Book-plates. 255. Elliston. Robert Ellis ton Gent. Comptrolr. of his Majestie's Customs of Neia York in Amej-ica. This is very similar to the preceding, but is a trifle larger, and in some respects superior. As before, the shield is placed within the enfolding arms of a Jacobean frame, but the diapered pat- tern is succeeded by an all-over shell pattern, and a grinning canephoros head supports the shield. On a ribbon above the crest the date is given, AI.DCC.XXV. The motto. Bono vince malum, as before, is on its ribbon under the frame. Again the usual curtain is omitted and the inscription is engraved in three lines below all, with a little more attention to grammatical marks, and in bolder type. The eagles have disappeared. The copy before me has the following in handwriting : — Bis gift to the library of St. Georges' Ch : in . . . Queens Count}' province of New York. 1730. Illustrated in "Curio," page 65. 256. Emerson. Uilliam Emerson. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. The work looks very much like Callender's. ]\Iotto, Fidem servabo. Father of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 257. Er.\smus Hall. Ei-asmus Hall Library. Allegorical. Signed, Maverick Sculpt New York. The plate is divided into two sections : the upper one is enclosed within a circular frame, and con- tains the allegorical picture. Diana is seen in the foreground directing the attention of a youth to the glories revealed upon the heights above them. Two temples are seen which bear dedi- cations to Fame and to Virtue. Surrounded by clouds the angel of Fame is even now appearing above her sacred fane. The implements of study are at the foot of the youth, and under this scene are the words, FORTITER ! ASCENDE. The lower part of the design is simply a wreath enclos- ing the name. The Erasmus Hall Library belonged to an Academy which was founded at Flatbush, L.I., in 1786. Early Americmi Book-plates. 199 258. Erving. WilUain Erving. Esqr. Plain armorial. Mottoes, Quo fata vacant, and Flourish in all weathers. Signed, Callcnder Set. Undoubtedly of the Boston family of Loyalists. 259. Erving. (Anonymous.) Plain armorial. Quartering, " Ar. an eagle displayed sa. within a border invected of the last." The first and third quarters are the Irvine arms. 260. Eustace. Colonel John Skey Eustace, State of New York. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath, Motto, In hoc signo vinces. The arms are not correct, as one cross-crosslet is missing, and it is not certain that the crest which hangs in unusual style on a plate, from the festoon, belongs to this family. The crest is balanced by a plate on the other side of the shield, on which a letter E is engraved. The whole is contained within an elongated wreath. The name appears above the shield following the curve of the wreath, and at the bottom two ad- ditional lines in Latin serve as another motto, 200 American Book-plates. Jgnotis e7-rare iocis, ignota videre, Flumina gaudebat: studio mimientc laborem. A variant of the above, — the same copper altered, — gives this motto in place of In hoc signo viiices, — Sajis Dieu rien. A Revolutionary officer whose bravery was recog- nized by Congress. 261. EVARTS. Jeremiah Evarts. A simple name-label with the motto under the name and a festoon of cloth above it. Motto, Nil sine magno vita labor: dedit niortalibus. Father of the Senator. 262. EvERDELL. William Everdcll. Armorial in form, though no real arms are shown. Motto, Semper paratus. The four quarters of the shield are occupied with implements of the draughts- man's art. Of New York. 263. Everett. Edtuard Everett. Plain armorial. Motto, Patria Veritas fides. Scholar and orator. Born, 1780; died, 1S51. 264. EwiNG. Ewing. (John.) Armorial. Chippendale. A very porky lamb, books, two cooing doves, and a quadrant are introduced into the framework. Motto, Audacter. A Phila- delphia clergyman. 265. Fairfax. Bryan Fairfax. Armorial. Motto, Fare fac. Eighth and last baron ; friend of Washington. 266. Farmington. Library in the First Society in Farmington. A large engraved label. 267. Farmington. This Book belongs to Monthly Library in Farmington. Allegorical. Signed, J/. BitWs 6^ T. Lee's Sculp. A large plate in which the Laws and the names with the attendant flourishes take a good deal of the space. In the centre a shelf of books separates two groups of figures. At the right a very stiff youth, in the court costume of the period, with wig, ruifles, and buckled shoes, is seen under the guidance of a portly female figure who impersonates Wisdom. 202 American Book-plates. She appears to be warning the youth of the dangers of pursuing the two sirens who beam at him across the shelf; or else they are meant to represent the sources of Knowledge, and the youth is being con- ducted to them. As Deacon Bull was not a great engraver we may be pardoned if we do not clearly understand his allegory. However, the LAWS of the Library are very plain, and are neatly engraved under the row of books mentioned. 1. Two pence pr day for retaining A Book more thaii a Month. 2. One penny for folding dotvn a Leaf. 3. 3 1 for lending a book to a Nonpropiietor. 4. Other Damages appraised by a Committee. J. No person allowed a Book luhile indebted for a Fine. Below these stringent rules the following verse is given : — The Youth,7vho, led by WISDOM'S guiding Hand, Seeks VIRTUE'S Temple, and her laics Reveres : He, he alone, in HONOUR'S Dome shall Stand, Crown' d with Rcivards, ^ rais'd above his Peers. The design is very ambitious, but is rather poor in execution. 26S. Farmington. Village Library. Library Interior. A young lady, very prim, and exceptionally neat and austere in her virtuous demeanor, sits upright in a chair beside a table, on which a few books are laid, and an ink-pot with the quill in it. An open case of books on the wall, a closed writing-desk under it, and a print of Wash- ington complete the furniture of the room. Out of the window can be seen the inspiring sight of a steep hill, upon the summit of which the pillared Temple of Honor stands. The following verse is given : — Beauties in vain their pretty eyes max roll: Charms strike the sense, but merit wins the soul. Also of Farmington, Conn. Early American Book-plates. 203 269. Fauquier. Francis Fauquie}-. Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Lieutenant- Governor of Virginia from 1758 to his death in 1768. Regarded by Jefferson as the ablest execu- tive of Virginia. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," May, 1894. 2 70. Fendall. Philip Richard Fendall. Armorial. Arms very doubtful. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Esse qiiam videri. 271. Fenwick. Fcnwick. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Perit ut vivat. Signed, J. Smither. Sc. A plate showing fertility of design in the engraver, but not much skill with the burin. 272. Fish. Hamilton Fish. Stiiyvesant Square Neiu York. Plain armorial. Mantling. Motto, Deiis dabit. Governor of New York State, 1 849-1 851. 273. Fisher. Joshi/a Fisher. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto, name on motto-ribbon. Native of Delaware. A leading merchant of Philadelphia during the Revolution. 274. FiTZHUGH. (Anonymous.) Plain armorial. Motto, Pro patria semper. Of Virginia. 275. FiTZHUGH. JVi/im. Fifzhi/gh Junr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Pro patria sem- per. Of Virginia, 276. Foot. Fbenezer Foot. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Signed, Maverick. Set. Of New York. 277. FooTE. Fbenezer Foote. Plain armorial. No motto. 278. FooTE. Foote. Plain armorial. No motto. The WAxat John P. is written in before the family name on the copy at hand. 279. Forbes. Eli Forbes. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Omni fortunae paratus. Signed, T. M. Furnass, St. This is the only specimen so far discovered of the work of 204 American Book-plates. this engraver, who was a nephew and pupil of Hurd. The owner was Chaphn in the army of the Revolu- tion and a missionary to the Indians. (1800.) 280. FoRMAN. Forman. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Deo et aviiciiiae. An officer of the Revolutionary army. Had an estate named " Rose Hill," in Maryland. 281. Foster. A plate of this family name is owned in Boston, but no information concerning it can be obtained. It is said to be the work of Furnass. 2S2. Foster. Isaac Foster. Armorial. Jacobean. INIotto, Millc mali saluiis habeo, species mille. Signed, N. Hurd. Sept. 283. Fowler. C.Fotuler. Armorial, Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. Name on motto-ribbon, A small plate. Of Rhode Island. 284. FowNES. From the Library of the late Rev. Joseph Fownes, of Shrewsbury, ijgo. A printed label. 285. FoxcROFT. John Foxcroft. Armorial. Of Boston. 286. Francis. John Francis. Plain armorial. IMotto, Manet amicitia florebit que semper. Signed, CaUcnder Sculp. 28 7. Franklin. John Franklin Bos tori New E7igla?id. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Exeniplum adest ipse homo. Signed, J. Turner Sculp. The shield rests upon a very elaborately ornamented frame, the background of which is covered with a diaper pattern. As supporters, Artemis, the goddess of the moon, with spear and arrow in hands appears upon the left hand, and Apollo, likewise with spear, attends upon the right. Both are represented with the lower part of the figure diminishing into a vase, in the manner of the Termini. They stand upon an ornamental bracket which encloses a sketch of Diana sounding the hunter's horn, while an attend- ant unleashes the hound. The points upon which Early American Book-plates. 205 the figures of Artemis and Apollo rest are sup- ported by female busts in profile. The whole design is very ornate, and the plate is perhaps the rarest of our early Americans. John Franklin was the brother of Benjamin of greater fame. Fr.\nklin Institute. Library of the Franklin Institute. Portrait plate. Avery fine portrait of Benjamin Frank- lin enclosed in a typical picture-frame of the day. Fraunces. Andrew G. Fraunces. Armorial. Mantle of estate. Motto, Procurator industria. Signed, in the flourishes under the own- er's name, Maverick ScJ>. An unusual style for Maverick. 2o6 American Book-plates. 290. Freeman. Nathaniel Freeman. Armorial in form, but no arms displayed. The shield hangs upon a dwarfed tree, and has the initials N. F. in cipher upon it. A long ribbon trails on the ground and over the shield and tree, bearing the motto, n*;"1 VwSI mm ilXm. 291. French. Jonathan Fretich. Armorial. Late Chippendale. INIotto-ribbon empty. Of Massachusetts. 292. Gallatin. GaHatin. Plain armorial. Motto, Persevere. This is the plate of Albert Gallatin (i 761-1849), the states- man. He is said to have adopted this motto in place of the family motto. 293. GALL.A.UDET. Galhiudct. Plain armorial. Motto, Ut qiiiescas labora. Not signed, but engraved by Edward Gallaudet. 294. Gardiner. By the name of Gai'dmer. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto, the name occupying the motto-ribbon. This is the plate of John-Lion, the seventh proprietor of Gardiner's Island, who was born November 8,17 70, and who died November 22, 181 6. The arms are the same as those of John Gardiner, but the tinctures differ ; the bugle-horns are gules in this plate, and sable in the other. This plate is also found with the autograph of David, the eighth and last proprietor, under the will of Mary, the widow of Lion. 295. Gardiner. John Gardiner. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. This is the plate of the fifth proprietor of Gardi- ner's Island. Born, 1714; died, 1764. 296. Gardiner. John Gardiner of the Inner Temple. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Pro patria 7nori. A witty and eloquent lawyer of Boston. 297. Gardiner. Samuel Gardiner. Plain armorial. No motto. Of the Maine family. 298. Garnett. John Garnett. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. No crest. Early American Book-plates. 207 299. Georgetown College. Georgctoivn College. Pictorial. An eagle just rising from the stump of a tree carries a ribbon floating in his beak, on which the legend, Presented to the P. Society Librafj. Motto above. Lex Ubertas salusque geutis. 300. Georgetown College. Collegium Georgiopolitaniim, ad ripas Potaiuaci in Marylandia. The American eagle displays the shield of our coun- try on his breast ; one talon is upon a globe, the other grasps a cross. The motto, Utraqiie iininn, is given upon a ribbon which flutters from the beak of the eagle. Above, in a blaze of glory, an ancient lyre is seen. Branches of oak rise on either side of the design. 301. Ghiton. William R. Gliiton. iji8. Armorial. 302. GiBBES. Edmund A. Gibbes. Plain armorial. No motto. Of South Carolina. 303. GiBBES. James S. Gibbes. Plain armorial. Motto, Amor vincit naturae. Of Charleston, S.C. 304. GiBBS. John Walters Gibbs. Armorial. A very peculiar frame showing Jacobean, Chippendale, and Ribbon and Wreath features. No motto. Crude work. 305. GiBBS. John Walters Gibbs. Charleston. So. Carolina. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Beware ?ny edge, in reference to the battle-axes of shield and crest. Signed, Abemethie Sculpt. The edge of the shield is close-trimmed with festooning, and tall vases rest upon the scrolls at the sides. 306. Gibs. James Gibs. Armorial. . Of New York. Signed by Maverick. 307. Giles. Daniel Giles. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Toujouis le meme. 308. Giles. J^ames Giles. Armorial. Military trophies with slight Ribbon and Wreath ornamentation. Motto, Libertas et patria 2o8 American Book-plates. mca. Signed, Maverick Sculp. Behind the shield a plentiful supply of munitions of war are arranged. The flags of the United States and of England, swords, pikes, lances, muskets, bayonets, cannon in the act of discharging, trumpets, drums, wormers, ramrods, cleaners, piles of cannon-balls, and kegs of powder are in the assortment. 309. Gilmer. Armorial. Of Virginia. 310. Gilpin. Henry D. Gilpin. Pictorial. The arms are carved upon a large frag- ment of the adjacent ruins, and which lies at the base of a broken column. The ribbon under the shield bears the motto, Dictis factisque simplex. A large tree rises behind the broken column and cuts off the view, but a part of a castle is visible, and between it and the fore view a knight on horseback assisted by one on foot is chasing a wild boar, which is a plain reference to the charge on the shield. Signed, C. G. Ciiilds. Attorney-General of the United States. 1S40-1841. 311. Gilpin. Henry D. Gilpin. A plate so nearly identical with the preceding as to be taken for it without close examination. This plate is not signed. 312. Gilpin. (Anonymous.) The plate of John Gilpin, English Consul at New- port. Motto, Dictis factisque simplex. 313. GoELET. John Goelet. Armorial. Jacobean. A beautiful example. No motto. Not signed, but probably by Maverick. 314. Goodwin. George Goodwin. Pictorial. A bracket of graceful design and orna- mentation supports two substantial piles of books, between which ensconced in branches of flowers and holding a lyre in his hands, sits a pleasant-faced cupid. Attributed to Doolittle. Publisher of " The Courant," Hartford, Conn. 315. GoRHAM. J^oseph Go?-ham. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Par esperance et activite nous surmontons. Signed, W. Smith Sculp. Early Aniericau Book-plates. 209 At the right hand, standing on the name scroll, is an Indian with his feet upon a snake which is stretched at full length. The savage is in civilized clothing, and carries a tomahawk in his folded arms ; behind him the ends of bows, arrows, quiver, and tomahawk stand out from behind the shield. On the other U2/. side is a British regular with drawn sword in his folded arms ; for a background he has a powder- horn, drum, lances, and the British flag. 316. GouRGAS. J^-J^-J'^- Goi/rgas. Armorial. Apparently of French make. No motto. Signed, P. L. In the New York Directory of 1837, the name of John J. J. Gourgas is given; QC THE jniVERSltY V ^. OF w»\K 2IO American Book-plates. a merchant. This plate is from the same copper as the Jean Louis Gourgas, which is a French plate seen in several collections. 317. Gr.'ICIE. Robert Grade. Crest only. Motto, God o^rant grace. Signed, Lewis Sculp. In the New York Directory of 1826 as a merchant. 318. Graeme. Elizabeth Graeme. Armorial, The arms are in a lozenge with Chip- pendale ornamentation of exceeding gracefulness. No motto. Of Philadelphia. An accomplished woman in Hterature. 319. Gr-^ham. Henry Hale Gi-aham. Armorial. Signed, J. Sinither sc. Eminent lawyer of Chester, Penn. 320. Graham. John A. Graham. M.D. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. IMotto, Ne onblie. 321. Gr-ANT Grant. (First name erased.) Plain armorial. Motto, Stand sure. Of Scottish descent. 322. Gray. Gray. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. IMotto, /;/ Deo fides. Probably by Callender. 323. Green. Francis Green. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Aestate hyetne que idem. A Boston merchant. Signed., N. Hurd Sculp. 324. Green. Garrett Greens' Private Library. 8og Green- wich Street. A printed label with the following motto. When we are deprived of friends we should look upon good books {they are true friends that will neither flatter nor dissemble :^, and we should study to knota our- selves. The borrower ivill please read and return this Book uninjured and without delay. Circa, 1822. 325. Green. John Green Jr. of Worcester. A grotesque plate. The name is enclosed within a frame which is filled with mementoes of the dissecting room, and with various mottoes. Early American Book-plates. 2 1 1 326. Greene. Benjamin Greene. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, N. H. Sep. A very neat and pretty plate. A wealthy merchant of Boston ; of a branch of the Rhode Island family. 327. Greene. Benjamin Greene. 1757. The same copper as the above but with the date 1757 added beneath the name ; this was probably placed there some time subsequent to the date of engraving, although very likely the correct date. Signature unchanged. Illustrated in " Art Ama- teur," April, 1S94. 328. Greene. B. D. Greene. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. A small plate, very neat in appearance. 329. Greene. David Gi-eene. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Nee timeo nee sperno. Signed, Revere sep. Of Massachusetts. 330. Greene. Thomas Greene Jiinr. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Study to know thy- self. Signed, N. Hitrd Sep. Very similar to the plate of Benjamin Greene. 331. Greenleaf. William Green leaf. Armorial. Signed, N. Hurd. Sep. 332. Greenough. The Property of David Stoddard Green- oiigh. A printed name label with borders of ornamental type. The motto. Return what thou borrowest, 7vith the most saered punetuality, and withhohi it not, is printed between the borders. A woodcut pattern of festooning and sprays of flowers encloses the whole. Signed, William Greenough feeit. ZZZ- Greenwood. Isaae Grccmuood. Pictorial. An anchor enclosed within a circular frame which bears the name ; slight foliations within the frame. Resembles an old printer's mark somewhat. 212 American Book-plates. 334. Griggs. A. Griggs riiiladclphia. Pictorial. In a position quite impossible to imagine outside of the picture, are three books thrown upon a huge rock, holding a scroll outspread, which hangs down over a rushing brook. Indeed, one corner of the scroll dips into the water ; a few brushes and stunted or dead trees complete the landscape. This is a woodcut in the style of Anderson. 335. Guilford Library. Guilford Library. Literary. Motto, Imp7-ove your hotirs for they 7iever return. A shelf of books very similar to that in the plate of George Goodwin, has a cloth festoon looped above it ; the motto is on a circle enclosing the winged hourglass ; the scroll-work above this is made into the form of a face. This plate closely resembles that of the Stepney Society, in Wethersfield, which is by Doolittle, and leads to the conclusion that this is also his work. In 1737 the towns of Guilford, Saybrook, Killings- worth, and Lyme formed a Library Association. It was dissolved a little before 1800, and Guilford formed one by itself: at about the same time the young people of the town started a library, and these two were united in 1823 and formed the Union Library whose plate is noticed below. ■^■^d. Guilford. Union Library. Pictorial. The American eagle, with shield, olive branch, bunch of arrows, and the ribbon with the motto, E pluribus unuvi, is printed from a wood- cut ; the motto, l7npro7^e yoiir hours for they never return, is printed from type beneath. 337. GuiNAUD. Henry Guinaud. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Sans venin. A bow and quiver of arrows and a Gainsborough hat with a stick thrust through it are seen in the ornamentation. The arms are peculiarly un- pleasant, being a huge ten-legged scorpion printed very black. This is repeated in the crest. Of Baltimore. Early American Book-plates. 213 338. GuRNEY. Henry Giinicy. Esqr. Pliiladclpliia. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Sperne siicccssus alit. 339. Hale. Robert Hale Esqr of Beverly. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Signed, N. Hurd Sep. Prominent man in Massachusetts ; under Pepperell at Louisburg. From this family of Hales came Nathan Hale. 340. Hall. James Hall. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Not signed, but attributed to Turner. Lawyer and author of Philadelphia. 341. Hall. Thomas Hall. lySy. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. P)elieved to be the first postmaster under Washington, in Charles- ton, S.C. 342. Hall. William Hall. Armorial. Arms, Quarterly ist and 4th, Sable, three talbot's heads erased argent, collared gules, 2nd and 3rd, Sable, three leopard's heads jessant- de-lys, orgeant. Crest, a talbot's head erased sable. 343. Hallowell. Robert Halhnvell. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto-ribbon empty. This plate is not signed, but is probably the work of Callender. Comptroller of the Customs in Boston. A Loyalist whose home was mobbed. One of his sisters married Samuel Vaughn, whose plate impales the Hallowell arms. 344. Hamersley. J. W. Hamersley. Plain armorial. Motto, Honore et amore. Signed, Faithorne. A New York lawyer. 345. Hamilton. William Hamilton. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. Of Pennsylvania. A Loyalist. Nephew of Governor James Hamilton. His country seat was "The Woodlands," now the Woodland Cemetery of Philadelphia. 214 American Book-plates. 344. Hanchett. John Hanchett. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. Taken from a book containing the autograph of the owner, with the d^te, Aug. 28, 1768, and the residence given as Hartford. 347. Harris. Alexandei' Ha7-ris, Architect, Boston. An engraved label. 348. Harison. Richard Hariso7i. Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. INIotto, Nee te qitaesiveris extra. A large plate, very pretty in appearance, but strange in the tincture of the arms. Of New York. 349. Harrison. Rich'd. Harrison. Crest only. Motto, Nee te qitaesiveris extra. A lambrequin looped up with cord and fasteners above. Signed, Rollinson Sculpt. Presumably belonging to the same owner as the last. 350. Hartford. Hartford Lib rajy Company. An engraved name-label ; the name within an oval frame, with a festoon of roses about it, and sprays of p dm crossed beneath. Now the Hartford Public Library. 351. Harvard. Sigill : Coll : Harvard : Cantab : Nov : Angl : 1650. Armorial. ?>\gned, N. Hi/?-d Sculp. MoUo, Chris to et ecclesia. The design is in the form of a seal, and is enclosed within branches of holly. Above all a ribbon bears the words, Detiir digniori, showing the use and purpose of the plate to have been for insertion in books presented as prizes to the stu- dents. This is the earliest of the Harvard plates. 352. Harvard. Sigill: Coll : Harvard : Cantab : Nov : Angl : 1650. Armorial. The arms of the college enclosed within a double circle which bears the inscription. The motto, Christo et ecclesia, is just inside the border. The framework is embellished with a profusion of fruit and flowers ; in the place of the crest, a pile of three books with the sun in splendor above them ; \SLyuc/ia7'tlQ^?'t^^i/^ 215 2i6 American Book-plates. on each side of the books two slender vases stand- ing upon an upward curl of the ornamentation hold bouquets ; below this whole design a gorgeous curtain is spread out to contain the name of the giver of the book ; this is backed by a frame whose edge only is seen ; this is elaborately scrolled, and is finished at the bottom with the canephoros head and shell pattern ; two globes at the uppermost part, on either side, complete the decoration. Signed, N. Hurd Boston. Several plates are known very similar to this, but having different names upon the curtain. One of them has simply the words Ex Dono, with the curtain left blank for the writing of the giver's name. Others have the name of donors of quantities of books engraved upon the curtain ; among these are, Hancock and TJiorndike. 353. Harvard. Sigill : Coll : Harvard : Cantab : Nov : Angl : 1650. A very close copy of the above in all particulars ; indeed, a fac-simile of it. Signed, A. Bowen. On some of them appear the name of Shapleigh, and on others, Ex Dono Samuelis A. Eliot. 354. Harvard. Sigill : Coll : Harvard : Cantab : Nov : Angl : 1650. This is again a copy in the main of the plate by Hurd, but is later than the last. The ornamenta- tion is similar to that used by Hurd, but is changed in some particulars ; the canephoros head is re- placed by a bunch of grapes, the sun is missing above the pile of books, and all the work has lost in beauty of execution. Signed, Andretu Filner. This plate is used to record the gifts of many persons, among them being : — Samuel Shapleigh. ( Class of lySg.) Joshua Green. M.D. {Class of 18 18.) Samuel Abbott Green. M.D. {Class of iSji.) Jonathan Broivn Bright. {1884.) 355. Harvard. Academiae Harvardianae Sigillum. 1638. The arms of the college as usual, with the addition of the word Veritas upon the open books. This Early American Book-plates. 217 plate in its general design was suggested by the plate of Hurd, but is quite different in details. The curtain, simpler in make, is still here, and the shield is in the usual position, but the fruit and flowers are replaced by an august assemblage of the gods and goddesses who are the special patrons of learning. Signed, H. Billings del. C. G. Smith Sc. 356. Harvard College. Hasty Pudding Library. Pictorial. Two Doric pillars uphold a large curtain which is looped at the top, and left plain in the centre for the writing in of donors' names. Above this a circular frame encloses a picture of an iron pot, supposedly full of pudding, towards which two hands, one with a bowl in its clasp, and one holding a spoon, approach. The motto, Seges voiis rcspondet, is given upon the frame. Directly under this is the date, 1808. Below the curtain a figure of the Sphynx is seen surrounded by books in curved shelves. The bases of the pillars bear the words, Concordia discors. Signed, Callender Sc. A Harvard College Society plate. 357. Harvard College. Porcellian Library. A large and handsome curtain looped up with cord in large bow-knots is left as usual for the donors' names ; above it two small pillars with the Greek letters on their bases, '0/a 'EA ; the pillars are joined by a chain which passes behind an oval medallion on which the clasped hands are shown ; above this the circular frame bearing the name encloses the hog ; . the frame is ornamented with sprays of palm and roses, and a pile of three books, as so often in plates of Harvard College, form the crest. This plate is not signed, but it strongly resembles the work of Callender. 358. Harvard College. Porcellian Club. 1803. Allegorical. Two stone pillars support a circular frame within which the hog is pictured. On the frame the name of the club is given ; below hangs a poor curtain for the name of the donor of books ; 2i8 American Book-plates. above are the arms surrounded by the grape-vine, and having books, a loving cup, lance, and foil grouped about. The motto across the face of the shield on a bend, Fide et Amiciiia. Greek letters on the base of the pillars, 'O/a 'EA. 359. Harvard College. Porcellian Library. In this plate the curtain is suspended between two very tall amphorae which rest upon books bearing the Greek letters '0/x 'EA upon their backs ; behind the curtain two hogs disport themselves ; the circular frame is above them and encloses the rep- resentation of a punch bowl, under which is the motto, Diim vivimus vivamus. Above all, the shield of arms with the motto on a bend. Fide et Amicitia, is graced by grape-vine branches, and the crossed lance and sword. Signed, F. Mitchell. Del. 360. Hawks. Francis L. Hawks. Armorial. Motto, Never check. Clergyman and author. Left a large collection of books to the New York Historical Society, where they are kept in a room appropriated to their sole occupancy. 361. Hay. Mr. George Hay. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Serva jiiguin. Jurist of Virginia. Prosecutor of /\aron Burr. 362. Hay. Peter Hay. M.D. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Scrva jiigum. 2^Gi. Hay. William Robert Hay. M.A. Plain armorial. No motto. Was a student at the Inner Temple, London, in 1781. 364. Hayne. Isaac Hayiie. Armorial. Revolutionary patriot. Born, 1 745 ; hanged by the British in Charleston, S.C, 1742. 365. Hayne. Robert Hayne. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. 366. Hays. Barrack Hays_ Landscape. The. shield rests against a shattered tree. In the distance, hills and water. Signed, 7. Hi/tl Sci/l/y. Early Americmi Book-plates. 219 367. Hayward. Benjamin Hayiuard. Of Charleston, S.C. 368. Hayward. George Hayivard. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. Flags, cannon, a trumpet, and a lance form the background to the shield ; the mantling runs down and joins the flowering branches which are crossed beneath the shield. Below the name which is on the motto-ribbon, hangs a small curtain, probably for the number of the volume. 369. Hayward. Sarah Hayward. Armorial. The same copper as the above with the first name altered. 220 American Book-plates. 370. Hayward. Thof?tas Hayward. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. A signer of the Declaration from South Carolina. 371. Heath. Joliii Heath. Boston. An engraved label in which the sun rises above the name, which is enclosed in festoons and sprays. 372. Heming, Samuel Heming. de sane fa Anna Parochia in Jamaiea. Armigr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Aiit nunquani tentes aut perfiee. Very fine work. 373. Henderson. James Henderson, Williainsburg. Pictorial. Military. A woodcut very similar to the Timothy Newell. 374. Herbert. Herbert. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Un lay, un roy, 7/n foy. Not signed, but probably the work of Maverick. 375. Herman. Sum Ex Libris Frederiei Hermani, Sapientia praestat divitiis. Printed label. Of Pennsylvania. 376. Hicks. Elias Hicks. Plain armorial. P)ehind the shield a sword is seen and on its belt the motto is given. Tout en bonne heure. Signed, P. Maverick. S. Distinguished Quaker preacher. 377. Hicks. Elias Hicks. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Judicemur agendo. Signed, RoUinson Set. 378. Hicks. Whitehead Hicks. Esqr. Chippendale. Motto, Pro lege et rege. Signed, H. Daivkins. Sculpt. At the left a cupid is play- ing a flute ; to which accompaniment his com- panion sings from a sheet of music held in his hand. At the right, a female in a costume of extreme simplicity sits under a jutting rose branch, while awaiting a cupid who is seen struggling towards her with a large volume. Of the same Quaker family. Mayor of New York City, 1766- 1776. Early Americmi Book-plates. 221 379. Hill. Alanus Samuel Hill. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Non sibi sed patriae. 380. Hill. Sam' I. Hill. Literary. Within an oval formed by branches of pahn and holly, two books with quill and ink-pot upon them. Probably the plate of the engraver. 381. Hoar. Rieliard Hoar. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. This plate is not signed, but it bears a strong resemblance to the work of Hurd. 382. Hoffman. Philip L. Hoffman. Esqr. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Carpe diem. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. New York. A bit of landscape introduced below the shield, as was often Maverick's way ; a stretch of water, trees, books, and writing materials complete the adjuncts. The name is signed on an open scroll ; this lower part of the plate is very similar to the plate of Pros- per Wetmore by the same engraver. Of New York. 2,'$>Tf. PIOLLADAY. Armorial. Of Virginia. 384. HoLLiNGSWORTH. Lcvi HolHiigswortli. Armorial. Chip- pendale. No motto. 3 85. HoLYOKE. Edward Augustus Holyoke. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Duce natura scquor. Not signed, but without doubt the work of Hurd. Eminent physician and surgeon of Massa- chusetts. Lived to a great age and performed an operation at the age of 92, 386. HoLYOKE. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Sacra qucrcus. This plate is presumably of the Holyoke family, as the motto is the family motto, the arms are meant to be the Holyoke arms, and the crest is correctly an oak-tree. The design and execu- tion of this plate are poor. 387. Hooper. Sweft Hooper. Pictorial. Over a vase full of flowers, two cupids bearing a scroll on which is the motto, The luicked borroia C^ return not. 222 Americmt Book-plates. 388. Hooper. William Hooper. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Haec etiam par- entibiis. Signed, N. H. Sep. Plate of the signer of the Declaration from North Carolina. 389. Hopkins. (Anonymous.) Plate of Reuben Hopkins. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Piety is peaee. The frame which supports the shield rests upon two books ; other books, a globe, and a tele- scope are among the decorations. 390. HoPKiNSON. Franeis Hopkinso7i. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Semper parahts. Signed, H. Daivkins Sculp. The frame is very like that of the Bushrod Washington plate in some respects. This type is not uncommon; the pecul- iar cant of the shield, the hissing griffin perched threateningly upon the corner of the frame, and the very form and arrangement of the flowers and spray are duplicated in several instances. Son of Thomas Hopkinson, the Councillor of Pennsyl- vania. A signer of the Declaration from New Jersey. 391. Hopkinson. Joseph Hopkinson. Armorial. The same copper as the last, with the name changed. The first name, Francis, is not well removed and shows in the printing of the plate. Son of Francis. A distinguished lawyer. Author of " Hail Columbia." 392. HoRANlAN SociET\\ Horanian Society Libraty. Allegorical. The large shield displays a picture of the Madonna ; the supporters are Diana and the Muse of History ; the crest is a pile of three books with an owl perched upon them. A large pediment supports the shield and the figures, and on its f;ice the name is given within an elliptical frame; fes- toons and a curtain of cloth hang about it, and the motto, Mutual Improvement, is given upon a ribbon which is draped across the top of the frame. Signed, P. R. Maverick Set. No. j Crown Street. N.Y. Early American Book-plates. 223 393. Horry. Dan Horry. Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Toujours fidele. Of South Carolina. 394. HoRSMANDEN. Daniel Horsmatiden. Esqr, Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, De inferior tejnplo socius. Author of " Negro Plot of New York, 1 741." Published in 1810. Born, 1691 ; died, Flatbush, 1778. Illustrated in "Curio," page 65. 395. HuBARD. Armorial. Of Virginia. 396. Humphrey. Henry B. Hi/inphrey. Pictorial. A very graceful framework encloses several spaces which are occupied by decorative features. Above the name, Minerva, helmeted and robed, with shield and spear, is seated attended by the owl. Beneath her the motto appears on a curved portion of the frame, Infer folia fruefus. Beneath this again is the name within an oval formed by two writhing snakes ; at either side of this are female griffins, sejant. At the very lowest point of the design a grotesque canephoros head is seen. Of Boston. 397. Hunter. Archibald Hunter. Armorial, Signed by Dawkins. 398. Hunter. John Hunfer. Plain armorial. No motto. A small plate. 399. Hunter. His Excellency, Robert Hiinter. Esqr. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, At re noti impetu. In writing, the General and Chief General of Jamaica. Author of the famous letter on " Enthusiasm," which was attributed to Shaftes- bury and to Swift. Became Governor of Jamaica in 1728. 400. Hunter. William J. Hunter. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Sola bona quae honesfa. Signed, Engrd. by P. R. Alaverick 65 Liberty St. N. Y. 401. HuRD. Name of Hurd. Armorial. The arms seem to be wholly imaginary, or at least borrowed from som^ other family. 224 American Book-plates. Arms, Az. a lion ramp. or. on a chief ar. a stork ppr. between two mullets sa. Crest, A bird sa. on a garb fess-ways ppr. No motto. The name occu- pies the ribbon. This plate is crude in appear- ance, and not unlike the work of Nathaniel Hurd ; it may have been an early attempt of his for him- self or some member of his family. The copy before me has written upon it, " Isaac Hurd's pre- sented to Barzillai Frost." 402. HvsLOP. By the name of Hyslop. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto, the name occupying the motto-ribbon. 403. HvsLOP. Robt. Hyslop. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Vincit omnia Veritas. A rude piece of engraving. The garland draped behind the shield is very stiff, antl the oak branches at the sides are ungraceful. 404. Ingersoll. fared Ingersoll Esqr. of Nezu Haven Con- necticut. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Fama sed virtus no7i moriatur. Lawyer; born, 1749; died, 1822. Studied in the Middle Temple, London. Member of the Old Congress, 1780-1781. In 1812 was the Federal candidate for Vice-President of the United States. Author of a rare pamphlet on the Stamp Act, New Haven, 4to, 1766. 405. Inglis. Inglis. Plain armorial. Motto, /;/ tcnebris lucidor. Of New York. 406. Inglis. Alexr. Inglis. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Lucidor in tene- bris. The heraldry is mixed and the motto twisted. Of South Carolina. 407. Inglis. George Inglis. Fctcrsbutg. A woodcut border with the name in type within it. The border is elaborate, with cornucopiag of flowers at either side, and ornamental pieces in the cor- ners. In the copy at hand the type is set in wrongly, so that the frame is bottom up. Early American Book-plates. 225 AoS. Inglis. John Inglis. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Rede faciendo securus. Of Pennsylvania. 409. Ingraham. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Magnanifiius esto. Name bracket empty. 410. Ingr-AHAm. Edward D. Ingraham. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Magnanimus esto. It was said of him that if he wanted a book, he would prefer to buy it ; if he could not buy, he would borrow (not to return), and if necessary would even steal it. A man of great learning and eccentricity. Lawyer of Philadelphia. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," April, 1S94. 411. Ingraham. Edzvd. D. Ing7-ahani. Crest only. 412. Ingraham. Edward D. Ingraliam. Plain armorial. No motto. 413. Ingraham. Ed^vard D. Ingraham. Crest only, enclosed in a garter on which the motto is given, — Magnanimus esto. 414. Innes. Cobnel Lines. Plain armorial. Moiio, Je recois pour donner. Of North Carolina. 415. Iredell. James Iredell. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto ; name on motto-ribbon. Jurist of North Carolina. Illus- trated in "Art Amateur," March, 1894. 416. IsELiN. Helen Iselin. Plain armorial. Crude work ; the mantling very scraggly. No motto. 417. Izard. R.S.Izard. Armorial. Pictorial. The arms are carved on what bears strong resemblance to a gravestone ; a draped female figure stands leaning upon the stone holding a book open, on which the motto. Hoc age, is given. 418. Jackson. James Jackson. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Bona quae honcsta. Q 226 American Book-plates. 419. Jackson. Jonathati Jackson. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Bona quae hones ta. Signed, N. H. Sep. A Massa- chusetts statesman. INIember of Old Congress. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," April, 1894. 420. Jackson. W. Jackson. Ribbon and Wreath. A shield is suspended from a wall-pin under the crest, on which assumed arms are shown ; in chief a group of thirteen stars sur- rounded by the word Independence ; in base is a plough, indicative of the spirit of the owner. Motto, Meliora non opto. Perhaps the plate of Major William Jackson, a prominent patriot of the Revo- lution ; held many offices. 421. Jamaica. The Bishop of Jamaica. Armorial. WoXXo, Siinplius sicut columbae. Signed, Griffiths & IVeigal/s J Si James St Londn. 422. Jarvis. Jarvis. Armorial. Pictorial. A very handsome and peculiar plate, in which the shield resembles a wind-filled sail ; angry waves roll at the foot, and a part of a mast and sail are seen. The ornamentation at the sides takes the form of trees and sprays of holly, while roses appear at the sides. ]\Iotto, Adversis major par secundis. 423. Jarvis. Samuel Farmar Jarvis. D.D. Armorial. Literary. Mottoes : Hora e sempre, and see Sola salus servire Deo. The shield rests against a pile of books, and above the cross and crown are seen in a blaze of glory. Son of Bishop Abraham Jarvis. 424. Jauncey. Jauncey. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Quo vocat virtus. The name William is written in on the copy at hand. He was a merchant in New York. His father was an eminent ship-captain. 425. Jay. John Jay. Plain armorial. Motto, Deo duce perseverandum. Statesman. Early American Book-plates. 227 426. Jeffries. Dr. John Jeffries. Plain armorial. No motto. It is said that he was the surgeon who recognized the body of Warren at the battle of Bunker Hill. This plate is not signed, but bears strong resemblance to the work of Callander. 427. Jeffries, J.J. Crest only. Plate of John Jeffries. 428. Jeffry. James Jeff ry. Armorial. Early Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Same arms as the succeeding. 429. Jenkins. Robert Jenkins. Armorial. Jacobean. yio\.to,Non ?-everterinvitus. Signed, N. Hiird. Some copies are dated 1751 in mss. A very handsome plate in which the arms arc 228 American Book-plates. placed against a diapered background, enclosed by ornamental scroll-work, set off at the bottom by a spirited scene in which a ship under full sail hastens from view. At the upper part of the frame two grotesque female faces peer at each other from across the space in which the crest is given. In the steeple of Christ C'hurch, Boston, in which the lanterns of Paul Revere were hung, a chime of eight bells, made by Abel Rudhall of Gloucester, England, was placed in i 744 ; each bell bears an inscription ; on the sixth we read that the subscriptions for these bells was completed by Robert Jenkins and John Gould, Church Wardens, Anno i 744. 430. Johnson. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Deo regique debeo. The shield rests upon an elaborately carved pedes- tal, on which the supporters, American Indians, stand. This is very probably the plate of Sir William Johnson, nephew of Admiral Sir Peter Warren, and colonial agent of George II. for the control of Indian affairs in the colony of New York (1756). Still, the plate seems hardly old enough to have been his, and may have been his son's. Only one copy is known to the writer. 431. Johnson. John I.Johnson. Pictorial. A cherub coming down on the clouds carries a curtain before him, spread out, and on this the name is given. A brick wall frames the oval which holds the picture. Signed, Maverick. St. 432. Iohnson. Thomas Johjison. Armorial. Chippendale \ rather wild. No motto. The design is supported upon four short columns which rest upon a large shell. Query : Is this an early effort of Hurd's (as it resembles his work), or is it the work and plate of Johnson, the engraver and herald painter? 433. Johnson. W. L. Johnson. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Per aspera ad astra. Of South Carolina. 229 230 American Book-plates. 434. Johnson. Wm. S. Johnson of Connecticut Esqr. Armorial. Chipj^endale. Motto, Per aspera ad astra. Born in Connecticut. Distinguished jurist and scholar. Delegate to Congress, 1765; agent of Connecticut in England, 1 766-1 771. 435. Johnson. VVni. S.Johnson LL.D. The same plate as the above with the inscription altered. President of Columbia College, 1787-1801. 436. Johnston, yohnstott. Armorial. Book-pile. Motto, Niinguam non paratiis. This is in the conventional book-pile style, and is the only example we hav^e of this peculiar arrangement of books. The volumes are piled in three tiers about an open scroll which is suspended in the centre and which bears the arms. On the copy before me the letter G is written before the name. Of Maryland. 437. Johnston, yohn Johnston. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Nunquam non paratus. Signed, Afaverick Sculpt. Not so striking as the Thomas Johnston. 43S. Johnston. Robert Johnston. Armorial. Of Turkey Island. 439. Johnston. Thomas yohnston. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Nunquam non paratus. Signed, Maverick Sculp N.Y. A beautiful plate. 440. Jones. Gabriel Jones. Attorney at Law in Virginia. Armorial. Early Chippendale. Motto, Pax hospitia ruris. 441. Jones. Gardner Jones. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto-ribbon empty. Of Boston. 442. Jones. Samuel Jones Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Trust in God. Signed, Dawkins Sc. This plate has none of the extraneous ornamentation so common to Dawkins. Member of Constitutional Convention. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," March, 1894. Early American Book-plates. 231 443. Jones. William G.Jones. Armorial. Ribbon and \\Teath. Motto, Pax et copia. Born Aug. 5, 1787. Of New York. The same copper as the Gardner Jones with the name altered, and the motto placed on the ribbon. 444. JuDAH. Benjamin S. Jiidah. Armorial, Ribbon and Wreath, Motto, Fortittido et jiistitia. Signed, Afaverick Sculpt. 445, JuDAH, Benjamin S. Jiidali. Armorial, Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Fortitudo et jiistitia. 232 American Book-plates. 446. Keese. John Keese. A small engraved label, with Chippendale frame, and books at either side. Signed, Maverk. Set. Earlier than the following ; a very unusual signa- ture for Maverick. 447. Keese. JoJni Keese. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Bcllo virtus. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Of New York. 448. Keffer. Joint C. Keffer. Pictorial. A figure representing Commerce is seated on a rock with implements of Agriculture around her ; in the distance can be seen an expanse of water with boats upon it. 449. Keith. Ex Lib r is Gul. Keith. Armorial in form, though no arms are shown. Early English ; heavy mantling. On the shield the inscription is given. The only copy known (Loganian Library) is dated 1727 in ms. Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania, 171 7- 1726. He was a " desperate intriguer." See " Franklin's Auto- biography." 450. Kemble. Peter Kemble. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, J. Lewis. Rather crude work. An illus- tration apparently from the original copper may be found in "The Pilgrims of Boston," etc., by Thomas Bridgman. 451. Kempe. John Tabor Kempe. Esqr. Armorial. Early Chippendale. Motto, Labour to rest. Last Royal Attorney-General of New York. A Loyalist whose estates were confiscated. 452. Kerr. John Leeds Kerr. (See John Leeds Bozman.) 453. Key. F. S. Key, Georgetown, Columbia. Label with type border. Lawyer and poet, bom in Maryland, 1779; writer of "The Star Spangled Banner." 454. King. Miles King. Armorial. Of Norfolk, Va. Early American Book-plates. 233 455. King. Morris King. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Loyall au mort. 456. King. Riifus King. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Recte et suaviter. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. 457. King. Sally King, Owner. Pictorial. A peculiar plate, drawn in ink, by hand. Two columns support an entablature, in the centre of which a large representation of a mariner's compass is given. The motto, Cherish Virtue, is on the circular frame enclosing it. The work on all parts of the design is very fine, and shows a master hand. Not many of these plates are known, but a few are certainly known to have been in use. They were, presumably, the work of some member of the family who was efficient with the pen, and had time and inclination to use his talent thus. Although dating probably about 1800, the ink is fresh, and the plate clear and excellently drawn. 45 8. Kingston. Kingston. Plain armorial. No motto. Of Pennsylvania. 459. Kingston, Canada. Santa Johanis Evangclistae Sigilum Collcgi Latonioruni. Kingston, Canada, lyg^. Vesica-shaped shield, on which a robed figure holds an open book, which shows masonic emblems on its pages. 460. KiNLOCH. Francis Kinloch. Esqr. Plain armorial. Motto, Altius tendo. A student at Gray's Inn in 1774. 461. Kip. Isaac L. Kip. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Victoris aut mors. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. The signa- ture is on a scroll upheld by a winged cherub, who rests against a stump. Among the accessories are a book labelled LAW, an ink-pot, etc. 462. Kip. Leonard Kip, Netti York. Pictorial. Two quills are crossed above a scroll on which the name is given. Signed, B. Brown. Sc President of the North River Bank. 234 American Book-plates. 463. Kip. Leonard Kip. Plain armorial. Motto, Vestigia nulla retrorsum. Same as preceding. 464. KiRKPATRiCK. James Kirkpatrick. A woodcut label ; books and other literary prop- erty are distributed about; the name is on an opened scroll. 465. KisSAM. Benjamin Kissam. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Honesfum Prae- tulit Jitil. Signed, H. Daivkins. Inv. et Sculp. This is in the happiest vein of this engraver. At the left a young lady in the low-necked, hooped dress of the period, carrying a shepherd's crook, and at the right the shepherd himself, but having his crook, is seated. By his side a very docile, even weakly appearing lamb, listens while he plays the flageolet. A prominent lawyer in New York in the middle of the last century. 466. Knight. Jonathan Knighfs Book No. Armorial. Jacobean. A small plate of rude work- manship. On the motto-ribbon are the words, By the name of Knight. A Revolutionary army surgeon ; died in Norwalk, Conn., 1829. 467. Knights. Knights of the Square Table. Armorial. Architectural. A stone canopy is erected in Pointed Gothic style, across the face of which, and hiding from view the long windows, a curtain is stretched, along the top of which the motto, Cassis Tutis Sima Virtus, is shown. The shield of arms is placed above the window-tops, and is surrounded by mantling rather straight and original in design. At the very foot the date i8og appears. 468. Knox. William George Knox. Trinidad. Plain armorial. Motto, Moreo et proficio. 469. L. Ex Libris L. Armorial. The shield is enclosed within a large letter L, a French crown surmounts it, and on a ribbon at the foot is seen yoe L — . Signed, P. Riera. Of South Carolina. Early American Book-plates. 235 470. Ladd. Lade/. Armorial. Chippendale ; rough. No motto, the name occupying the motto-ribbon. Signed, S. FelwelL Sculpt. Of New Hampshire. 471. Lamb, 'jfohn Lamb. Armorial ( ?) . A gallant soldier of the Revolution. 472. Lardner. Lynford Lardner. Armorial. Pictorial. Landscape. The shield rests against the bole of an oak, and around it are sparse bushes and grass. Motto, Mediocria firma. Of Philadelphia. Probably the grandson of the Pro- vincial Councillor. 473. Laurens. Edward R. Laurens. Armorial. Belongs to no particular style. The shield is highly ornamented with scrolls and flowers. Motto, What is, is best. Signed, Stout del et Sculpsit. Of South Carolina, 474. Lawrence. J^. Tharp Lawrence. Plain armorial. Motto, Ln cruce salus. An ermine mantle behind the shield. 475. Leavenworth. Capt. Gideon Leavenworth. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto, the name on the motto-ribbon. Very crude work, resembling the Elijah Backus plate. 476. Lee. Armorial. Of Virginia. (Richard Henry Lee?) 477. Lee. Edward Lee. Esqr. Plain armorial. No motto, the name occupying the motto-ribbon. Of Virginia. 478. Lee. Cpt. yohn Lee. A crude name-label, with a border suggestive of nothing. Signed, 6*. Mc in tire. 479. Lee. Philip Ludivell Lee, Esqr of the Lnner Temple LONDON. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Non incautus futii7'i. Of Virginia. 480. Leiper. Armorial. Of Virginia. 236 Americmi Book-plates. 48 1. Lenthall. yohn Lenthall. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, Thackara. A large plate, the only signed specimen of this engraver's work. Very probably the plate of John Lenthall, an Englishman employed by Latrobe on the public buildings at Washington, and a very valuable architect. 482. Lenox. David Lenox. Philadelphia. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Auctor pretiosa facit. 483. Lenox, yames Lenox. Plain armorial. Motto, Aucfo?- pj-eiiosa facit. The founder of the Lenox Library, New York City. 484. Lewis. Joseph S. Leivis. Literary. No motto. Four large books in an impossible position ; the topmost one has the name engraved upon the side ; an ink-pot and two quills, with a sprig of holly, complete the ornamen- tation. A prominent merchant of Philadelphia seventy-five years ago. 485. Lewis. Mordecai Lezvis. No. A very handsomely engraved name-label. A frame of Chippendale gracefulness surrounds the name. A canephoros head of pleasant expression appears in the lower edge. A Philadelphia merchant. Born, 17S4; died, 185 1. 486. Lewis. Morgan Leivis Esqr. Armorial. Ribbon and ^^'reath, Motto, Courage sans pel/ r. This plate is not signed, but it is undoubtedly the work of Maverick. Soldier and jurist. Was on the staff of General Gates in the Revolution, and was in action again in the War of 1812. 487. LiGHTFOOT. Philip Lightfoot. Armorial. Of Virginia. Tomb at Sandy Point, dated 1784. 488. LiGHTFOOT. Wm. Lightfoot Esqr. Tedington. lyjo. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Early A^nericmi Book-plates. 237 489. Linn. Rev. Matthias Linn. Armorial. '490. Lisle. Henry Mairriee Lisle, Attorney at Law. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Legibits viro. Of Hingham, Mass. Circa iSoo 491. LiVERMORE. EdniKud St. Loe Livermore. An engraved name-label, with the motto on an ornamental ribbon above, Miseris suceurrere disco. Lawyer of Boston. 492. Livingston. Brockholst Livingston Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Spero meliora. Son of Governor William Livingston. Accom- plished scholar and lawyer. Of New York. Illus- trated in "Curio," page 63. 493. Livingston. Edward Livingston. Landscape. The shield upheld against a shattered oak by a ribbon ; the ship in distress for crest ; Spero meliora on a dainty ribbon among the twigs. At the foot of the tree, close to which a marsh is seen, a pointer barks at a squirrel sitting unconcernedly on a bough eating acorns. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. A beautiful plate. Jurist and statesman. Son of Robert R. Illustrated in " Curio," page 64. 494. Livingston. John R. Livingston. An engraved label, the name being within an oval frame. 495. Livingston. Maturin Livingston. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Spero meliora. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Of New York. 496. Livingston. Mortimer Livingston. Plain armorial. Motto, Spero meliora. 497. Livingston. Peter R. Livingston. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Prestat opes sapi- entia. Signed, N. Hurd. Sep. The whole within an oblong frame. Illustrated in "Curio," page 62. 498. Livingston. Robert L. Livingston. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Spero meliora. Crest, a demi-barbarian with a bludgeon raised in 238 American Book-plates. 499- his right hand, and a coiling serpent in the other. Illustrated in " Curio," page 64. Livingston. Rob't. R. Livingstoti Esqr. of Cleremont. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Spero meliora. Not signed, but probably the work of Maverick, Illustrated in " Curio," page 63. (s>c//2/a/rd ^J^^vt/?7jaero vicliora. Crest, the ship. A very beautiful plate. Eminent lawyer. Illustrated in " Curio," page 63. 501. Livingston. Walter Livingston. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Spero meliora. Not signed, but undoubtedly the work of Maverick. Books and a lighted lamp among the ornamenta- tions. 502. Livingston. Williani Livingston of the Middle Temple. ArmoriaL Chippendale. Motto, Ant mors aut vita decora. Born in Albany, 1723; graduated from Yale at the head of his class, 1741. Litend- ing to go to London, he obtained permission to enter the Middle Temple, but seems to have never done so. The book-plate must have been engraved about this time (1742). Statesman. Illustrated in "Curio," page 62. 503. Livingston. Willm. Smith Livingston. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Spero meliora. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. A peculiarly shaped frame. Illustrated in " Curio," page 63. 504. Livius. Livius. Plain armorial. Motto, Colendo crescent. Of New Hampshire. Peter Livius ; same as following, 505. Livius. Livius Chief J^ustice of Quebec. Plain armorial. Motto, Non fiectere a vero. The same copper as the above with the name changed, the motto altered, and an in-escutcheon added. A Loyalist. Chief Justice, 1777-1786. 506. Livius. George Livius. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," May, 1894. 507. Lloyd, yno. N. Lloyd. Armorial. Early English. No motto. Very tem- pestuous mantling completely encircles the shield. An old family of Long Island ; the manor of Queen's Village was in their possession as early as 1679. Of ^his family came Dr. James Lloyd, of 240 American Book-plates. Boston, a Loyalist, friend of Sir William Howe, and whose estates on Long Island were seized by the Royal Army, who allowed three thousand acres of woodland to be cut off. When redress was offered upon his swearing allegiance to England, Dr. Lloyd refused. Name in fac-simile of autograph. ABRAHAM LODGE 508. Llovd. ^ohn Nelson Lloyd. Pictorial. Urn, festoons, and sprays of palm. 509. Lloyd. Richd. Bennett Lloyd. Esqr. Armorial. Pictorial. No crest, and no motto. The shield is oval, and is held upright by a female clad in the Greek manner ; an anchor at her feet. 510. Lodge. Abraham Lodge. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. Early American Book-plates. 241 511. Logan. Charles Logan. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Of Phila- delphia ; lived also in Powhatan County, Va. He freed all his slaves in Virginia upon his marriage. 512. Logan, yaines Logan. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto, the name occupying the motto-ribbon. Books and a globe at the base as ornamentation, and as indicative of the owner's tastes. Of Philadelphia. Came to this country at the suggestion of William Penn. A scholar and statesman ; left his library to the pub- lic, which was the foundation of the Loganian Library. His translation of Cicero's "De Senec- tute" was the especial pride of Benjamin Franklin's press. He printed it with a preface by himself. Illustrated in "Curio," page 13. 513. Logan. WiUiam Logan. Armorial. Of Philadelphia. Librarian of the Library. 514. Loganian Library. Loganian Library. Armorial. Arms not the ones on the plate of James Logan, the donor of the Library. No motto, the name occupying the motto-ribbon. Chippen- dale. Started by James Logan in 1 743, who gave books to the value of _;^iooo and a building. Illustrated in *' Curio," page 12. 515. Longbottom. Abram p. Longhotfom. Plain armorial. Two shields of arms side by side under a large American eagle. Mottoes, Labor omnia vincif, and Pro rege et lege. 516. Lord. \Villia)n Lord's East Haddam. An early engraved copper-plate ; the name and address only within an oval frame of twisted vines. 517. LoRiNG. Loring. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Not signed, but bears some of the characteristics of Kurd's work. Undoubtedly his. ■:x 242 American Book-plates. 518. LOTBINIERE. M. le Marquis de Lotbiniere. Armorial. French heraldic. A lion crouches below the escutcheon, while eagles scream at either side. Motto, Fors et virtus. A large landowner in New York City at the beginning of the century. 519. Low. Cornelius Low. Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Ex necessitate. Not signed, but undoubtedly by Dawkins. The frame is the same in ornamentation and style as the Whitehead Hick plate. 520. Lowell, yohn Lowell. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Occasio7iem cog- noscere. Signed, N. Nurd. Sep. Jurist and states- man of Massachusetts. JNIember of Old Congress. 521. Lowell, yohfi Lo7aell y?: Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Occasionem cog- noseere. A second motto is given, Deo dirigente ci'esendum est. Signed, Aiinin 6^ Smith Sc. Founder of the Lowell Institute, Boston. Illus- trated in "Art Amateur," May, 1S94. 522. Lowell, yohn Lotcell. yr. Armorial. Chippendale. Mottoes as the preced- ing. Signed, A. &^ S. This seems to be a litho- graph made from the above. 523. Lowell, yohn Amory Lowell. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Occasionem cog- nosecre. Very similar to the design of the John Lowell by Hurd ; evidently copied from it. 524. Ludlow. C a ry Ludlow. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto. Fide sed cui vide. Signed, W. Smith Sculp. Somewhat in the style of Uawkins. 525. Ludlow. Charles Ludhnv. A.M. Armorial. Chippendale. 'Moito, Fide sed cui vide. Signed, IV. Smith. The arms are the same as on the John Cooke Ludlow. At the left a scantily robed female is playing the flute, while a cupid holds the book of music. The surroundings are indicative of a desert. Early American Book-plates. 243 526. Ludlow. Gabriel Verplank Ludloiv. Armorial. Crest only. Motto, Naturae conven- ie liter vivere. 527. Ludlow. Gab: Win: Ludlotv. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Spero meliora. Signed, H. D. Sc. (Dawkins.) A very fine plate. 528. Ludlow. George Ludlow. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Decus virtuti soli. The festoon of cloth draped above the shield is trimmed with a string of laurel. Signed, Ro Hi II son Set. 529. Ludlow, y^ohn Cooke Ludhnv. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Spero meliora. Signed, H. D. Sc. (Dawkins.) 530. LuDWELL. Philip Ludtuell of Greeiispriiig in Virginia Esqr. Armorial. Late Jacobean, blotto, I pensieri stretti ed il viso sciolto. Of Virginia. 531. LuKENS. yohn Lukens. Armorial. 532. McAlish. Armorial. 533. McComb. John AfeComb. Plain armorial. No motto. The plate is enclosed within a frame made of a festoon of oak leaves above, and straight lines below. 534. McCouN. Win. T. MeCoun. Plain armorial. Motto, Semper paratus. Signed, Rollinson. S. Of New York. 535. McDowall. William MeDozvall. Esqr. One of His Majtes. Council in ye Island of St. Christopher in America. An old armorial plate of which no further informa- tion has been noted. 536. McFarlan. Frederick Mc. Parian. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, This I'll defend. Of Pennsylvania. 244 American Book-plates. 537. McIlvaine. Bloovifield Mcllvaine. Pictorial. An angel seated among the clouds holding a tablet upright upon her knee, is writing upon it with a quill. A very pretty design. Signed, /. 3^. B armlet, inv. y. H. Seymour Sc. Lieutenant United States Navy. 538. McKelden. Andreiv JMcKelden. Pictorial. The arms of the United States finely engraved within a circular frame. Motto, E pluri- biis unitm. The name of the owner written within the circle. Signed, Leonard Sculpt. 539. McKenzie. Kenneth McKenzie. Armorial. A Virginia physician. 540. McKenzie. William McKenzie. Surgeon. Armorial. Chippendale. Mottoes, Lucco non uro. The date lydd is written on the copy before me. 541. McLean. Hugh McLean. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. INIotto, Altera merces, and Virtus durissima terit. Signed, Maveiick Set. Oak leaves and branches used in the decoration. 542. McMurtrie. Henry McMurtrie. Pictorial. Landscape. The frame is oval in form ; the rising sun discloses a small island on which are five trees in a straight row ; the bank at the left hand also has a similar row of five trees, and in the immediate foreground a few piles of stone and more trees are seen. The name is on a ribbon under the picture. Signed, Sniither Sculpt. A physician of Philadelphia. 543. McMurtrie. Hetiry McMurtrie. Literary. Books are piled upon a table ; the serpent of /Esculapius carries the motto-ribbon on which are the words, Respice finum. Cupid weeps beside a mortuary urn whose tip is aflame. An open book seems to have two words on the pages. The first one is Rush. The whole design is enclosed in a circle about which numerous clouds hover. Signed, Fairman del. Kearny Sc. The Philadelphia phy- sician. Early American Book-plates. 245 544. McTavish. yohn McTavish. Plain armorial. Motto, Non oblitus. Of Maryland. 545. Mackay. y a /lies Mackay. Belfast. Armorial. Chippendale. M.o\Xo, Delectando pari- terqjie ni07iendo. A resident of Virginia about the year 1760. 546. Mackey. Albert G. Mae key. M.D. Plain armorial. Motto, My might makes right. Physician and author of Charleston, S.C. 547. Magill. yohn Magill. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Perit lit vivat. Signed, y. Smither Set. Of Maryland. 5 48. Manigault. Peter Maiiigaiilt of the Inner Temple^ Bar- ister at Law South Carolina. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Prospieere qiiani iilcisei. Signed, Yates Feeit Royal Exchange. There is no official grant of these arms ; they were engraved in 1754; the crest, an American Indian, had not then been decided upon. 549. Mann, yohn Preston Mann. Literary. A peculiar out-of-door scene, in which the foreground is occupied with a very tall case of shelves filled with books ; the corner post of the case is made of a pile of books carefully arranged ; in the distance is seen the temple of Honor, upon the summit of a hill, the ascent to which is rocky and steep ; the American eagle rests upon a globe which is placed upon the tall pile of books ; the whole design is enclosed within an oval border, which is decorated with scrolls, etc. The last name only is engraved upon the plate, the first ones being written in. 550. Mann. The property of Timothy Mann. Walpole. Oct. — 1 8 10. The name is printed from type within a woodcut border ; festoons and sprays of palm compose the frame, in the centre of which, above, is a small circle with the arms of the United States within it ; two ink-pots with quills in them are on either side of the arms. 246 American Book-plates. 551. Manning. Armorial. Of Virginia. 552. March. Charles March. Plain armorial. VloXXo, Fortis et Veritas. Charles- ton, S.C. Circa 181 9. 553. Marchant. Hejiry AIarcha?it. Armorial. Chippendale, '^loiio, Fafria ca>'a carior libertas. Signed, JS. H. Sc. Very similar to the John Marston plate, below mentioned. Attorney- General of Rhode Island, 1770-17 — . Member of Old Congress, 17 77-1 780 and 1 783-1 784. 554. Marsh. Frederick Marsh. Literary. Identical with the George Goodwin plate mentioned above. 555. Marshall, yohn Marshall A.M. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Ex candore dccus. Chief Justice United States, 1801. 556. Marston. yohn Marston. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, N. Hind, Sculp. Illustrated in '' Art Ama- teur," May, 1894. 557. Martin. The Honble. yosiah Martin of Antigua Esqr. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Piigna pro patria libertas. 558. Martin. Luther Martin A.M. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, luitium sapientiae est timor Dei. Inside the name-frame an open book at either end ; one labelled Black's Comms. Very similar to the Bloomfiekl plate, and un- doubtedly by Trenchard. Lawyer \ Member of Old Congress ; defended Samuel Chase. 559. Martin. Thomas Martin. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Jnitium sapientia est timor domini. The same arms as the above, but the crest different. 560. Mason, yon a than Mason yunr. Simply the name engraved within a flourish. One of the witnesses of the Boston Massacre. The book from which the copy before me was taken Early American Book-plates. 247 had the autograph of the owner in it and the date, 1774. Eminent lawyer and statesman. 561. Massachusetts. Libraij of the General Court. Sigillum Reipublicae Massachusettensis. The shield of the State, surrounded by the motto of the State, Ense petit placidain sub hbertate quietem, is placed within the circular frame which bears the name. Above, a pile of three books, similar to those on the Harvard plate by Hurd, and a globe upon them stand in lieu of a crest ; a blaze of glory flashes out from these symbols of learning. 562. Massachusetts. This Book is the Property of the His- torical Society, Established in Boston. 17QO. A printed label with ornamental type border. 563. Massachuseits. Property of the Massachusetts Medical Society, incorporated November 1781. A large curtain, similar to that in the Harvard Col- lege plate by Hurd, is upheld by festoons ; this is left blank for the recording of donors' names. Above this an oval medallion presents a picture of the efficacy of Nature's cures ; a wounded stag with the arrow still in his side has come to yEscula- pius for healing. He, in rough garb, with the serpent entwined around his rod, has directed the distressed animal to an herb, which he is lying down to eat. A motto, Natura duces, is seen over the picture. Signed, Callender Sc. 564. Massachusetts. The Eirst State Normal School. The arms of the State of Massachusetts surrounded by an oval garter, on which the name is given. In the clouds above the motto appears, Live to truth. 565. Masterton. Peter Mas ter ton. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Cogi posse negat. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Thistles used in the decoration. 566. Matthew. William Matthew Esqr. Lt. Genl. of His Maftes. Leeward Carribee Islands ; and Lt. Govnr. of St. Christopher in America. An old armorial plate ; no further information obtainable. 248 American Book-plates. 567. Matthews. Wm. Mattheius of Philada. N". A copper- plate engraving; no design, except a border of scrolls and flourishes enclosing the in- scription. 568. Mayo, yohn Mayo. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Virtus sola no- bilitate. Mantling about the helmet. 569. Maxcy. Virgil Maxcy. Plain armorial. Motto, Niillus in verba. Of Mary- land. 570. Maxwell. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Maxwell arms and motto. The arms are enclosed in an oval frame studded with pearls, and a profusion of flowers is used in the ornamen- tation, which comes as near to the Ribbon and Wreath style as to any. Motto, Riviresco. Signed, Maverick, Sculpt. 571. Mercer. HugJi Mercer. Armorial. Of Virginia. A gallant General of the Revolution ; was killed at the battle of Princeton, at which the daring plan of crossing the river was undertaken and carried out upon his suggestion, 572. Mercer. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Rich mantling encompassing the whole shield. Motto, Per varios casus. John Mercer of Marlboro, near Fredericksburg ; a witness to the will of Mary Washington. 573. Meredith, jf^onathan Meredith yuur. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Integra mens augustissima possessio. This plate is not signed, but is apparently the work of Maverick. 574. Middleton. yohn Izard Middleton. Armorial. Born at Middleton-Place-on-the-Ashley, near Charleston, S.C., 1785 ; died, 1849. Author; intimate in the circles of Alesdames De Stael and R6camier. 575. Middleton. Peter Middleton. M.D. Armorial. Chippendale. Signed, J. Lends Sc. IMantling profuse and reaching well down the Early American Book-plates. 249 shield. Motto, For/is 6^ fidus. Of New York. Born in Scotland. Made the first dissection on record in America. 576. Miller. Ferdinand U. Miller. Literary. Very similar to the Thomas Robbins plate. Kin Miller S B ruder Jaebez. 178-. -'''■ ' \Petrus Heremit. 1791. These plates, simple printed labels, were the prop- erty of J. Peter Miller, the Prior of the Convent at Ephrata, Penn. 578. MiLNER. James Milner. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Of Virginia. 579. MiNOT. Minot. Armorial. Early English. Rough mantling all about the shield. Motto, Ad astra per aspera. George Richard Minot, historian, Boston. 580. Minot. Minot. Armorial. Early English. Mantling all about the shield. Motto, Ad astra per aspera. A better plate than the above. The copy before me has an »S written before the name. Of Massachusetts. 581. MiNTURN. William Mintiirn. Plain armorial. An elaborate frame, with mantling reaching far down the sides. Motto, Esse potius quam haberi. 582. Mitchell. A. Mitchell Ejus Liber. Armorial. Chippendale. An early settler of Ches- ter County, Penn. 583. Mitchell. Jacobiim Whitely Mitchell. Literary. The central panel of this design bears the name and the following lines : — Hujus si capias dominum Cognoscere libri, si infra, Inspicida no)nen habebis ibi. At the left shelves of books are seen, and at the right what seems to be a heavy press. Above, on a bracket, are grouped several implements of music, art, etc. This is a rude woodcut. 250 American Book-plates. 584. Moat. Horatio Shepheard Moat. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Nil des- perandum. Signed, Rollinson. 585. Moore. Lambert Moore. Escp-. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Virtus interrita pergit. This plate is not signed, but is unmistak- ably the work of Dawkins. The half-draped female on the left side is the same as that on the White- head Hicks plate, and the nuisic-making shepherd on the right is reversed from the Benjamin Kissam plate. 586. Moore. Nathl. F. Moore. Armorial. Ril)bon and Wreath. No motto. Signed, P. Maverick. Of New York. President of Columbia College, 1 842-1 849. 5 8 7. Moore. Saml. W. Moore. Plain armorial. Motto, Non est vivere sed vale7-e vita. Of New York, 588. MoREAU. John B. Moreaii. Literary. The name on an open book, floating in the clouds. 589. Morgan. Join} Morgan. M.D. Philadelphia. Armorial. Chippendale. lAoWo, Fam a praestante praestantior virtus. This plate is not signed, but is very much in the style of Dawkins' work. A cupid sits on a flourish of the decoration and pats a large bust on its crown, presumably representing sculpture. At the other side two cupids discuss astronomical problems with a globe for reference. One of these little fellows is an African evidently. Eminent physician educated abroad. One of the founders of the American Philosophical Society, 1769. 590. Morong. Thomas Morong. Literary. A pile of books, some open, some closed, lies at the foot of a cross, above which the crown is seen in glory. A ribbon runs over the face of one book, bearing the motto, Sohi saliis servire Deo. A line of Hebrew is given across the open book. Early Aineyicaii Book-plates. 251 591. Morris. Gouverneur Morris. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Tandem vincitiir. One fold of the ribbon empty, as if possibly made for a larger motto ; a stock pattern. This is the same copper as the Lewis Morris mentioned below, with the first name changed. Statesman and orator. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," February, 1894. 592. Morris. /. M. Crest only. (Morris of Philadelphia.) 593. Morris. James Morris. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. A very handsome plate, rich in appearance, and full of dec- orative features. Open books, globe, and scrolls at the base indicate a literary taste. The sides of the frame are embellished with the caduceus and a cornucopia of fruit. Of New York. 594. Morris. Lewis Morris Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Tandem vincitiir. Father of Gouverneur Morris. 595. Morris. Roger Morris. Armorial. Early Chippendale. No motto. The mantling is present, very straight and stiff; the shell-work is prominent, and the whole design is rather formal than graceful. Illustrated in " Curio," page 112. 596. Morris. William Morris. An engraved label, the name being within an oval frame of laurel leaves. Signed, Shallus Sculpt. 597. Morrison. John Morrison. Portland. U.S.America. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Dum spiro spero. A very neat design. The sprays which are crossed beneath the shield are connected above by a row of thirteen stars. 598. Murray. James Murray. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Mens sibi con- scia recti. Of Virginia. 599. Murray, y^ohn Murray. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. 252 American Book-plates. 600. Murray. The Revd. J'ohn Mim-ay. Armorial in form, but no true arms shown. The motto, Alalo mori quam foedari, is on a circular band which encloses a space, divided into quarters, colored heraldically and charged with absurd charges ; in the first quarter, which is tinctured az., a shield with a helmet above is supported by a row of fence posts with cinquefoils between them ; the second, which is tinctured ar., is divided per saltire, and is charged with a powder-horn, a crescent and stars, an ox-bow, and a crown; the third, which is tinctured gu., has Gabriel and Apollyon in combat, with a crown above them ; the fourth, which is tinctured az., has the dove with the olive branch on a peculiar cross which holds thirteen spots (for lack of a better term) ; disposed about are three flaming hearts. This whole design is enclosed in a large shield ; the crest is a man on a prancing steed, carrying a tomahawk ; the sup- porters are a nude Indian with a wreath about his loins, his feet chained, and the end of the chain and a shield in his hands ; and a crowned lion with three stars on its body. Motto, under all, yinicfa virtiiie fides. This plate is not signed. ^^■ hat a pity ! Very probably the plate of the Father of American Universalism, who it is said was greeted with a shower of stones when he first tried to preach in Boston. 601. Murray, yoseph Murray. Armorial. Chippendale. INIotto, Virtute fidcque. Not signed, but evidently by Maverick. 602. Murray. Murray Earl of Dunmore. Armorial. Supporters, mantling, and crown. Motto, Furih — Fortune. John Murray, fourth Earl. Made Governor of New York, 1770; and of Virginia, 1771. 603. Musgrave. Richaj'd Musgrave. Plain armorial. Motto, Sans changer. On the copy before me is wx'iiitn, 0/ New Haveti Qonnecti- cut. Early American Book-plates. 253 RZV 604. Nelson. The arms of the Rt. Hon. George Nelson Esq. Ld. Mayor. Armorial. Late Jacobean. No motto. Of Vir- ginia. 605. Newberry. Roger Newberry's Property. An engraved label with a festoon above, and the following motto below : — To Virtue &= Science attend, And Truth &= Justice befriend. 606. Newburyport. Newb^iryport Athenceum. Pictorial. A large American eagle about to rise from a pile of rocks bear§ a ribbon in his beak with the name upon it. 254 American Book-plates. 607. Newell. T'imothy Newell. Military. The name is given within a frame, behind which are seen a various assortment of military implements, — flags, swords, guns, drums, trumpets, etc. Signed, /. Thomas print. This is a woodcut, and was printed by Isaiah Thomas, the early printer of Worcester, Mass. 608. Newport, R.I. Redtvood Library. Ncivport. R.I. Pictorial. A large picture of the library building. Signed, Drawn by y^ames Skvens Civil Engr. Engd. by IV. D. Terry Nezoport. The library used other smaller plates, a simple label, and also another view of the building with the rules govern- ing the use of volumes printed with it. 609. Newton. Lucretia E. Newton. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Cognosce occasioneni. This is the plate of John C. Williams, by Hurd, with the name and signature erased, and the present name printed from type under the shield. An unwarrantable proceeding. 610. New York. Apprentices^ Libraiy. A pictorial plate of great beauty. In the immediate foreground an aged man, clad in classic garb, accosts two youths who have evidently but just risen, at his approach, from a moss-covered rock on which they had been studying, if the scattered books are an indication : with uplifted hand, the old man directs them to the temple of knowledge, which can be seen in the distance crowning the summit of a lofty hill : at the foot of the declivity the spires and houses of a village can be discerned : between it and the place of meeting a broad expanse of water stretches : a beehive at hand indicates activity, and the broken column behind the preceptor is a link connecting classic history with present time. Above the pic- ture the muscular arm holds the hammer, and oak branches are about it. Signed, A. Anderson. Sc. 611. New York. The Property of the New York College of Pharmacy. An oblong name-label, with flourishes. Above, a Early American Book-plates. 255 crucible is placed, with the rays of the sun spreading out behind it. Signed, RoUinson Sc. New York. 612. New York. The Property of tlie College of Physicians a7id Surgeons of the University of the State of Neza York. An oblong printed label with type border. This college was established in 1807, and is now a part of Columbia College. 613. New York. New York Society Library. This plate is armorial in form, but presents no real arms. The central frame, of Chippendale design, contains four quarterings, which represent the arts of Astronomy, Navigation, Geography, Mathematics, and Literature ; Religion also is represented. Mercury and Minerva support the frame, standing upon the ribbon which bears the name ; above the frame sits Apollo with his broad back to the full- shining sun ; clouds which resemble toy balloons rise about him. Beneath the frame appear the outskirts of a city, with spires and towers visible ; directly under this is the word Athenia in Greek (presumably to suggest that New York City was the modern Athens) ; a closed chest with a lighted candle upon it has these words on it, sed in cande- labi'o, and an open book bears across its face the motto, Nosce teipsinn. Signed, E. GaUaudet. Sc. Illustrated in " Ex Libris Journal," Vol. Ill, page 141. 614. New York. New York Society Library. Pictorial. The interior of the library is shown ; Minerva, helmeted, and with spear resting against her arm, leans upon a pillar ; before her, in obeisance, an American Indian, half draped, with tomahawk under his foot, receives from the hand of the gracious goddess a book. The well-filled shelves of the library are disclosed behind them, as the drawn curtain, upheld by cords, lets the sun- light stream in. This view is contained within an oval frame which rests upon a pedestal bearing on its face the name of the library ; the whole is filled out to the edges of the plate by a background 256 American Book-plates. representing a brick wall. Signed, Engd. by P. R. Maverick 6§ Liberty Street. A large painting of this design hangs in the library at present. 615. New York. New York Society Library. Allegorical. Minerva, just alighted from the clouds, with garments somewhat displaced by her flight through the air, and with clouds still about her, finds an Indian waiting to receive the volume she holds out to him ; as he lays hold of it he seems to be offering his tomahawk in exchange. The shelves of the hbrary are seen behind them, and in the gable the motto, Emollit mores, is painted. The oval frame enclosing this scene is upheld by ribbon and festoons, branches of oak are crossed beneath, and the plate is signed, Maverick, Set. Crozon Street. 616. New York. Nezu York Typographical Society. Allegorical. A picture of Franklin's press with the American flag and a liberty pole crossed before it ; above, a large eagle with a medallion of Franklin depending from his beak. Not signed, but at- tributed to Anderson. 617. N ORRIS. George IV. Nor r is. Armorial. Chippendale. The same copper as the Isaac N orris, with the name changed. Signed, W. G. M. 618. NoRRiS. Isaac Norris. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Signed, Jas. Turner Sc. Of Philadelphia. Prominent statesman. He directed the placing of the prophetic inscription upon the old Liberty Bell. His library went to the Dickinson College. Illus- trated in "Art Amateur," February, 1894. 619. North Carolina. This book is the gift of ...... to the University of North Carolina. Anno Dom. These words appear within a frame of Chippendale ornamentation. Several books disposed about give a literary flavor to what is otherwise a rather meaningless design. Early American Book-plates. 257 620. Ogden. Lewis Morris Ogden. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath, Motto, Et si OS fen do non jacta. Signed, P. Maverick Sc 1801. 621. Ogden. (Anonymous.) Tiie Ogden arms. Chippendale. Moiio, Et si osiendo non Jacto. Of New Jersey. 622. Olcott. George Olcott. Literary. Very nearly the same as the George Goodwin and the Frederick Marsh. 623. Olmsted. Charles H. Olmsted. Pictorial. The beehive surrounded by flowers. Motto, Non sibi sed aliis. The whole design enclosed in foliated scrolls. 624. Olmsted. H. B. Olmsted. Pictorial. A beehive beneath low bushes. 625. Oliver. Andreyev Oliver. Armorial. Chippendale. Attributed to Hurd. Motto, Pax quaeritur hello. Of Massachusetts. Colonial statesman. Distributer of stamps under Hutchinson. 626. Orphan Asylum. Orphan Asylum. Pictorial. A beautiful little picture of the Christ blessing the little ones. The line. Forasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these ye did it unto me, is given under' the vignette. Signed, L. Simond del. Seney, Sc. 627. Osborne. Peter Osborne. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Of Phila- delphia. Master of ship " Pennsylvania Packet," sailing between Philadelphia and England. Lost in a gale in September, 1775. 628. Osborne. Samuel Osborne. Armorial. Early Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, N. Hurd. Sep. Of Boston. Brother of Captain Jeremiah Osborne, who died July 25th, 1768, on his passage from Isle of May to Newport. The only copy of this plate known to me is in the Mauran-Deats collection, and was taken by Mr. Mauran from a folio ledger of X764. 258 American Book-plates. 629. Otis. Harrison Gray Otis. Crest only. No motto. A graceful festoon on either side of the crest. Of Massachusetts. States- man and orator. 630. Otis, ya/ncs Otis. Feby ijyj. Plain name-label, belonging to the orator and patriot of Massachusetts. 631. Otis, "yames Otis, junr's BOOK. A large name-label with the name in big type, with the request, Please return this zuitli care. An ornamental type border. 632. Pace. Henry Pace. The only information obtainable concerning this plate is the solitary fact that it is the work of Hnrd. It is given in Warren's "First List of English Engravers." 633. Page. Francis Page of the Inner Temple Esqr. 17OJ. Early English. Full mantling envelopes the shield. Motto-ribbon empty. Of Virginia. 634. Page. The Property of Samuel Page. A frame of Chippendale decoration enclosing simply the name. Resembles the work of Hurd. 635. Paine. A pictorial plate of the celebrated political and deistical writer, Thomas Paine, is said to be known. Copied from a tail-piece in the " Gentleman's Magazine." 636. Panton. Frans. Panton. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Meliora spero. Of New York. A hair-dresser. Had no right to the arms. Not signed, but undoubtedly by Maverick. 637. Panton. Francis Panton yunr. Landscape. A very peculiar design. The shield is borne by two ducks, who have each an end of a ribbon in their bills, the shield being upheld by it over a stream ; mountains in the background, each Early Aniericajt Book-plates. 259 having one tree on its peak ; ducks are swimming in the marsh, and four men in a boat seem in no hurry to get anywhere. Motto, Spes tneliora. Signed, Maverick Sep. Of New York. 63S. Parke, yohn Parke. Esqr. A.M. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Terra aiit mari. Signed, /. 6'. Sculp. This was engraved by Skinner, the famous engraver of Bath. 639. Parker. B. Parker. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Aiide fieri jiistum. 640. Parker, 'panics Parker. Esqr. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Cave. A very handsome plate. 26o American Book-plates. 641. Parker. Jas. Parker. Pictorial. Landscape. In the immediate fore- ground a group of laborers are discussing the first railroad train, which is passing at a safe distance ; ' the old-fashioned engine and car are moving to the left of the picture ; behind, mountains, and lakes with shipping, and a distant village are seen. A very elaborate border encloses the scene. 642. Parker. Samuel Parker'' s. No. Pictorial. Clio, the Muse of history, sits upon a bank of earth on which her name is given, under the spreading branches of a tree ; a youth on bended knee receives from her fair hand a volume ; other books and a lyre would indicate that the Muse had further gifts to distribute, or was enjoying a stay at this place. In the dim distance rises Early American Book-plates. 261 the spire of the school, over which wheels an arrow of wild ducks. Of Roxbury, Mass. 643. Parkman. yolui Parkman, BOSTON. Pictorial. A large scroll is laid over a low bush, which it almost hides from view, and on this the name is printed. This is a woodcut border, with the name printed from type within it. Signed (cut in the wood), Russell and Cutler prijiters. 644. Parsons. Gorham Parsojis. A very pretty name-label ; engraved on copper. The name, with appropriate flourishes, is enclosed within an oval wreath, festooned above, and with a cherub's face among the flowers. 645. Parsons. William Parsons. Name-label ; engraved. Name in an oval frame and festooned above with flowers. 646. Pasley. William Pasley. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Be sure. The thistle and rose used in the ornamentation. Not signed, but undoubtedly by Maverick. Of New York. 647. Paulding, y. K. Paulding. Armorial in form, although no real arms are shown. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Fidelity. The design of this plate is from the " Captor's Medal." An ancestor of the owner of this plate was the principal captor of Major Andr6. A fine estate of the Pauldings' lies on the Hudson River, with a castel- lated mansion of white marble, in which the notable Ubrary was housed. Author and politi- cian. 648. Paulding. W. Paulding. Armorial. Signed by Maverick. 649. Peirson. a. L. Peirson. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreaih. Motto, Consilio manuque. Signed, An?iin cr" Smith Sc. Of Massachusetts. 262 American Book-plates. 650. Pease. Lewis Pease. The PR OPERTY of the RE V L ong may you live to spread a Saviour's name : E ach day be hallow' d by a serious fj-ame. W isdom assigfis the task — His call obey : I 11 fear a?id meekness, point the narrow way : S trong a?-e your foes, but Christ is strong as they. P ursue with pious zeal th' road that Jesus trod, E 7force his truths — Exalt a Saviour's blood : A ngelic spirits wait to guide you home, S ustain the cross — sheiv Men their certain doom, E 7isnar'd by Sin a fatal end must come. J h B . ..n. The above verse is printed from type and enclosed in a border of ornamental type. 651. Pease. Oliver Pease, Owner. Pictorial. Motto, Read and return. Of Sufifield, Conn. A physician. Date probably about 1800. Very similar to the Sally King, which see for a description. 652. Pease. Oliver Pease, Owner. Pictorial. Motto, Read and return. A variety of the above, in which but one-half of the compass is shown, and a tessellated floor is laid under the pillars. 653. Pell. William F. Pell. Crest only. Motto, Deus amici et nos. 654. Penn. Edmd. Penn. Pictorial. A number of books rest upon a shelf; with them, an hour-glass, a sickle, and two sheaves of wheat ; a wreath of oak leaves and palm is erected above them, and the name is given upon a scroll which falls over the edge of the shelf. Signed, T. Baddick. 655. Penn. Thomas Pen7i of Stoke Pogeis in the Count)' of Bucks First Proprietor of Pensilvania. Early English. Arms and motto as in the succeed- ing plate, that of his father. Illustrated in " Curio," page 14. Early American Book-plates. 263 656. Penn. William Penn Esqr Proprietor of Pennsylvania. Armorial. Early English. Full mantling envelop- ing the whole shield. Motto, Dum clavuin teneam. Illustrated in "Curio," page 13. 657. Penn. (Anonymous.) Penn arms. Supposed to be the plate of Thomas Penn, the son of William. The volume in which the only copy of this plate has been seen has the autograph of J. Logan, and the statement that the book was given to him by Thomas Penn. The William Penn plate is also in the book. 658. Pennington. Pennington. Plain armorial. Motto, Vinci t amor patriae. Of Pennsylvania. OF THE I^NIVERSITY 264 A7nerican Book-plates. 659. Pennington, Edward Pennington. Name-label; engraved. Festoon above, and sprays of palm and grape-vine below. 660. Pennington. Edward Pennington. Philadelphia. Pictorial. A reservoir, from which the water is escaping, is overshadowed by palms of some kind. The significance of this design is mysterious. Signed, J^. y. Plocher. Sc. 661. Pennington. T. H. Pennington. The name is printed from type within a circular frame which is engraved. The peculiarity of the plate is that after the abbreviation No. for the number of the volume, the word Plates is given. Whether this was to be erased in volumes which were not illustrated, or the number of illustrations was to be given in those which had them, is hard to say. 662. Pennsylvania. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Armorial. The arms of WilHam Penn impaling those of the state. Motto, Diini clavuni. teneam. 663. Pennsylvanu. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. A very handsome steel engraving of the coat-of- arms of the state of Pennsylvania. Motto, Vir- tue, Liberty and Independence. Another variety of this plate is intended as a gift-plate. 664. Pepperell. (Anonymous.) Sir William Pepperell. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Virtute patria tuemini. A beautiful plate. On a ribbon at the very top, Peperi. William P. Sparhawk, grandson of the first Sir William Pepperell, assumed his name and was created a baronet, Oct. 29, 1774. This was undoubtedly his plate. The vast estates of the family were confiscated in 1778, as they were Loyalists. The crown allowed five hundred pounds to Sir William. 665. Perkins. Thomas Handasyd Perkins. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. A prominent merchant of Boston. Born, 1765. Early Americmi Book-plates. 265 666. Petigru. yamcs Louis Pctigni. Plain armorial. Motto, Verite sans peur. Promi- nent lawyer of Charleston, S.C. Born, 1 7S9 ; died, 1863. 667. Philadelphla.. Approitices Libraij Co. of Philada. A group of implements indicative of the work done by the patrons of the Library. On a panel of a desk are the words, Instituted 1820 ; below this. Science, Art, Virtue. An open book upon the desk displays these words, Take fast hold of instruc- tion let her not go for she is thy life. Provei-bs. Ch. i . ver. 17. 668. Philadelphia. Apprentices Library Company of Phi la. Instituted 1820. Opened for girls 1842. This plate is a little later than the former, and the scene is shifted from the class-room to the forest : here by the running brook, overshadowed by the pines and oaks of the forest, a scroll is found upon a rock bearing the same quotation from Proverbs that appears upon the preceding nlate. This is a woodcut very much in the style of Anderson. 669. Philadelphia. The Carpenters Company of Philadelphia, 1724. Armorial in form. On the shield a square is used as a chevron, and is placed between three pairs of dividers. No tinctures. The full sun shines powerfully from above. 670. Philadelphia. The Library Company of Philadelphia. The name printed from type within a border made up of ornamental type. Motto, Communiter bona profundcre Deoruni est. Signed, {Printed by Zachariah Paulson jun. No 106 Chestnut-street. May. 1 801). 671. Philipse. Frederik Philipse. Esqr. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. The shield is backed by a brick wall, the foliations are shell-lined, and the upturned shell is in place under the shield. Of New York. Illustrated in "Curio," page iii. 672. Phillips. Dinwiddle B. Phillips. Plain armorial. Motto, Ducit amor patriae. Of Virginia. 266 A in eric an Book-plates. 673. Phillips. Samuel Phillips His Book i-jo"/. Name-label, with ornamental type border. Grand- father of the founder of the Academy at Andover and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at Boston. Born at Salem, 1690. 674. Phillips Academy. /// iisum Academiae Phillipsiae Exoniensis. Armorial. (Phillips arms.) Chippendale. This plate is not signed, but is very similar to the Holyoke plate by Hurd, and is undoubtedly his work. INIotto, Pia mente studeatur. Phillips Academy of Andover, Mass. 675. Phillips. This plate was used in some of the books of Phillips Academy, at Exeter, N.H., and has a representation of the arms of the Phillips family, with a festoon of flowers above it, and below it is appended the following statement and exhorta- tion : — The Trustees of Phillips Academy to whom is committed the distribution of the pious bounty of the late Lt. Gov. Phillips wishing to co-operate in the same benevolent and useful design, affectionately recommend this inestimable book to the serious and careful perusal of every person into whose hands it may fall. Reader, whoever thou art, the work before you is the pro- duction of one of the ablest and best of men, whose praise is in all the churches. Though dead, he is instructing thou- sands by his numerous and excellent practical ( ?) writings which have survived him. Among these, The Saints' Rest has been most highly esteemed. l-Ie wrote it in the near view of death, when in feeble health, and for his own immediate use; and he testifies that he derived "more benefit from it, than from all the other studies of his life." Yqw books have ever received higher commendations, been translated into more languages, passed through more numerous editions, been more read, or more useful in the Christian church than this. No person of a serious mind can read it without profit. " To allure our desires, it unveils the sanctuary above, and discovers the glories and joys of the blessed in the Divine presence, by a light so strong and lively, that all the glittering vanities of this world vanish in the comparison, and a sincere believer will despise them, as one of mature age does the toys and baubles of children. To excite our fears he re- moves the screen, and represents the tormenting passions of Early American Book-plates. 267 the damned in those dreadful colors, that, if duly considered, would check and control the unbridled licentious appetites of the most sensual." ^ Reader, the book is in your hands, read, meditate, and then judge for yourself. May the Lord bless the instruction for your spiritual benefit. So will the good design of the pious doner be answered, and the Agents of his bounty have their desired reward. 676. Phcenix Society. Phcenix Society. Pictorial. A large shield, heart shaped, encloses a picture of a large plantation, evidently with a con- siderable settlement on the rising ground ; a stream meanders through the estate, and various kinds of crops are under cultivation ; a little summer-house is seen at the end of a long path. A large curtain is draped over the shield, and a stag and a lion guard it at the foot. Under all, a tablet shows a second smaller shield quartered heraldically, and bearing a hunter's horn, a right arm, a quill and roll of paper, and a twig from an oak tree on the four quarters ; this is draped with a festoon of holly leaves, and a line in Greek impossible of translation is given above it. The meaning and use of this plate is mysterious. It came from Charleston, S.C. 677. Pickering. Henry Pickering. Armorial. Crest only. Poet. 678. Pickering. Jolin Pickering yi/nr. Plain armorial. No motto. 679. Pickering. T. A. Pickering. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. Possibly by Callender. 680. Pierce. William L. Pierce. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Infiitura spector. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Of New York. 681. PiERPONT. Charles Pierpont. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Manet amicitia jiorebit que semper. Signed, 6". Hill. 1 Dr. Bates. 268 American Book-plates. 682. PiERPONT. yohn Pierpont. Simply a name-label engraved on copper. Minister and poet of Litchfield, Conn. Born, 1785. 683. Pinfold. Charles Pinfold. LL.D. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Two different plates are known, but they are very similar. 684. Pinfold. Charles Pinfold LL.D. Governor of Barba- does. Same as above, with title added. 685. PiNTARD. y^ohn Pintard, LL.D. Armorial. Pictorial. Signed, Anderson. The shield rests at the foot of a palm tree ; an anchor lies behind it ; the motto. Never despair, is given on a ribbon and the motto, Fais bien crains rien, is on the oval shield. The following line in Greek is also given, Kara o)(0)(ov 0101-^10, while a fourth motto, Depressa resiirgo, is seen on a ribbon floating over the top of the tree. This is a fine woodcut. Founder of the New York Historical Society. 686. PiNTARD. J^ohn Pintard. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Fais, bien e rains, rien. Signed, Maveriek Set. 687. Poor. Benjamin Poor. Plain armorial. Motto, Pauper non in spe. Father of Major Ben : Perley Poore. 688. PoPHAM. William Popham. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. Signed, Maveriek Sep. Of New York. 689. PouLsoN. yohn Poulson's. A name-label printed wholly from type, the border being very elaborate. Signed, Printed by Zachariah Poulson junior. Of Philadelphia. 690. PowEL. Samuel Potvel. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Proprium deeus et petrum. This is a better plate in execution than those made by Dawkins, and as it is almost identical with the John Morgan, M.U., plate, which is prob- ably by Dawkins, it may have been his model. He Early Auierican Book-plates. 2.6c) seems to have copied freely from the designs of other engravers. This plate may have been the work of W. Smith, who engraved the William Spry. The Ryland Randolph, which is undoubtedly English in execution, is similar to all these and better than them all. Of Philadelphia. Twice mayor of the city. 691. Powell. Hare Samuel Poivell. Armorial. 692. Powell, yohn H. Poiuell. The same copper as the Samuel Powell plate, with the name altered. Founder of Pennsylvania Agri- cultural Society. 693. Powell. Philip Poivell. Armorial. 694. Power, 'jfames Power of King William County. Price. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Impainde. Of Virginia. 695. PowNALL. Thomas Pownall. Armorial. Book-pile. Motto, Videte et cavete ab avaritia. Luke. 12. xv. This is a typical " Book- pile " plate. The books are arranged in tiers, with the shield in the centre ; globes stand upon the topmost books at either side ; a scroll falls from under the shield and bears the name ; the second motto is placed under all, Tlie 1 licked borrozveth &= paycth not again. Born in England in 1722; came to America in 1753 ; Lieutenant-Governor of New Jersey in 1755 ; Governor of Massachusetts in 1757, and of South Carolina in 1760; returned to England, entered Parliament, and died at Bath in 1805. 696. Prescott. William Prescott. Crest only. Motto, Nil conscire sibi. Father of the historian. Lawyer and jurist. 697. Prescott. William H. Prescott. Plain armorial. Motto, Non conscire sibi. Signed, A^S, The eminent historian,* J?7Q Early American Book-plates. 271 698. Preston. William Campbell Preston. President of South Carolina College from 1845 ^o 1851. 699. Price, Benjamin Price. Esqr. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. 700. Price. Ezekiel Price. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. This plate is not signed, but is undoubtedly by Hurd. It has the flow of water from the shell beneath the shield, the peculiar dash after the name, and resembles the Bering plate. Of Boston. 701. Pride. Halcott B. Pride. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Libertas. Signed, Maverick Sculp. Of New York. 702. Priestley. Joseph Priestley. Plain armorial. Manthng. Motto, Ars lo?iga, vita brevis. Of Pennsylvania. Philosopher, chemist, and theologian. 703. Prince. By the name of Prince. Plain armorial. Signed, IVightman. Sc. 704. Prince. Thomas Prince Liber, Anno Domini : 1204. A printed name-label surrounded by ornamental type. See illustration in "Curio," page 12. Thomas Prince was pastor of the Old South Society (Boston) from 1718 to 1758. His library is one of the best known of colonial times ; he began to collect books as early as 1 703, as is shown by the following plate : " This book belongs to the New- England Library, begun to be collected by Thomas Prince upon his entering Harvard College July 6th, 1703," etc. The volumes were deposited in the steeple-chamber of the Old South Church, and suffered somewhat during the British occupation. The remaining volumes are now in the Boston Public Library. Illustrated in the " Ex Libris Journal," Vol. Ill, page 152. 705. Prioleau. Thomas G. Prioleau. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Pax in l>ello. Physician. Of Charleston, S.C. 272 American Book-plates. 706. Proctor. Col Thomas Proctor, Artillery. Armorial. Motto, Honor virtutis praeinium. Colonel of Pennsylvania Artillery during the Revolution. 707. Provoost. John Provoost. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Pro lib erf ate. 708. Provoost. Saml. Provoost. Esqr. Coll: Pet : Cant Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Pro libertate. Not signed, but undoubtedly by Maverick. This plate is earlier than the succeeding, 709. Provoost. Saml. Provoost. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Pro libertate. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. First Bishop of New York; elected, 1786. Consecrated in England. Illustrated in " Ex Libris Journal," Vol. Ill, page 157. 710. Pruvn. Samuel Pn/yn. Albany. Pictorial. The scene is towards the close of day, by the side of the water ; Orpheus sits upon a little knoll playing his lyre as he gazes up into the sky ; the passing ship does not distract him, and the rising clouds and growing dusk are not observed. A very pretty plate. Signed, D. JF. JVilson Sc. 711. Putnam. The Propert\' of Aaron Putnam, Medford. 178-. A printed label with the motto between the borders. Motto, TheWickcd borroii>,but do not 7-e turn again; See thou art not of that Number. 712. QuiNCT. Josiah Quincy. Plain armorial. Motto, Discretio Moderatrix Virtutum. A very fuzzy plate. The mantling comes well down the sides of the shield, and is blown above the helmet in very feathery form. An etching, with the name in fac-simile of owner's auto- graph : in two sizes with no great dissimilarity, though the motto is not given on the larger one. The Massachusetts patriot. Early American Book-plates. 273 713. Randolph. John Randolph Esqr of the Middle Temple London. Armorial. Late Jacobean. No motto. The name and address occupy a double ribbon at the foot. Signed, BATH. /. Skinner. The copy before me is dated in writing, 1^42. Of Virginia. This is the same copper that the Peyton Randolph was en- graved on. The lower ribbon is added, and the name imperfectly altered. The old name shows through. Illustrated in "Curio," page 64. 714. Randolph. John Randolph of Roanoke. Plain armorial. Motto, Pari quae seutiat. Very pretty mantling. A second motto above the crest, Nil adniirari. The Virginia orator. 715. Randolph. John Randolph Jiinr. Armorial. Chippendale. Moiio, Faro quae sentiaf. A very handsome plate. The shield is oval in form and is raised upon an elaborate frame, trimmed upon its upper edge with a garland of roses, and with the shell-edging at the base ; at the left a cupid is just coming into view, holding up the festoon of flowers as he comes. The motto is on a ribbon at the base, and the name on a small curtain whose ends are thrust through the scrolls of the frame. Of Virginia. 716. Randolph. Peyton Randolph. Esqr. Armorial. Late Jacobean. No motto. Signed, BATH. I. Skinner. First President of Congress. 717. Randolph. Ryland Randolph. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Pari quae sentiat. This plate is like the Powell and Morgan plates, but is superior to them in all ways ; undoubtedly of English make. Of Virginia. 718. Rapr-vel. B.J. Raphael. M.D. Pictorial. A hand holding a surgeon's knife ; clouds about. Signed, Rohun and Co\ Louisville. Ky. 719. Raphael. B.J. Raphael. M.D. Pictorial. A skull and crossed bones. Of Ken- tucky. 274 American Book-plates. 720. Ray. Robert Ray. Plain armorial. ]\Iotto, J^cspere en Dieu. Ot New York. 721. Read. Cha. Read of New Jersey, Esqr. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath, Motto, Nee spe nee inetu. A peculiar plate : the shield is sur- mounted by highly rolled mantling from which lances depend at either side and suspend the motto- ribbon. Father of the Colonel Read who figured in the "Joseph Reed Controversy." 722. Read. Wm. Read. Plain armorial. The shield is fastened to a tree, the branches of which are made to resemble mantling, though there is no helmet. Motto, Iiide/essus vigi- lando. Of Maryland. 723. Reed. Catherine P. Reed. Sayhrook, Conn. A printed name-label with ornamental type border. On green paper. 724. Reed. Elijah F. Reed's. Literary. An exact reduced copy of the plate of Thomas Robbins, even the motto being identical. 725. Reverly. Henry Reverly. Armorial. Chippendale. Signed, F. Kirk Sc. 726. Reynolds. Hannah Reynolds. A name-label. The oval frame holding the name is festooned with flowers and wheat stalks ; an urn rests upon the frame. 727. Richards. The property of Mrs. Sally Richards. 1794. A plain name-label in an ornamental type border. 728. Rickets. William Rickets Esqr. Plain armorial. Very copious mantling rises high above the shield, and falls low on either side. Of New York. 729. Riddle's Library. J. Riddle's Circulating Library. Shakespear Head, No. 7^ South 8th opposite to Sansom Strt. Philadelphia. Pictorial. A good head of Shakespeare is in the centre of the design; this copy is numbered 665, showing a fair-sized number of books. Early American Book-plates. 275 730. RivoiRE. Paul Rivotre. Armorial. No motto. The family name was spelled thus in France, but was altered very soon upon coming to this country. It is strange that this spelling should come up again in a book-plate unless engraved by the owner himself. 731. R.ODBINS. Phikinon Robbins, His Book, A.D. i'j§^. Printed label. Of VVethersfield, Conn. 732. ROBBINS. Thomas Robbins. Literary. The name is given upon an oval medal- lion, above which rise the well-filled book-shelves of the owner. A curtain is draped over them, and sprays of palm are crossed beneath the oval. Under all is the motto on a ribbon, Noctnrna versafe manii, versate diiirna. (Hor.) A Connecti- cut divine, who left his library to the Connecticut Historical Society. A variation of this plate places the name within an oblong frame with indented corners. Otherwise the same. 733. Roberts. G. C. M. Roberts. M.D. Baltimore. Literary. A confusion of books upon a heavy board shelf. A lighted candle at one end ; the name on the front edge of the shelf. Motto, Alere flammaju. 734. Roberts. George C. M. Roberts. M.D. Baltimore, Similar to the above, but no mott 735. Robertson. Eben Robertson. Plain armorial. Motto, Virtu tis gloria vierces. 736. Robertson. Eben Robertson. Kingston, Jamaica. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Virthtis gloria 7nerces. The man in chains below the shield. 737. Robinson. Beverly Robinson. Plain armorial. Motto, Propere et provide. Of New York. Wealthy Loyalist concerned in the treason of Arnold. 738. Rogers. Fairman Rogers. Plain armorial. Motto, Dictis factisque simplex. Illustrated in ''Art Amateur," May, 1894. 276 American Book-plates. 739. RooME. Jacob Roome. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Virtute et fide. Signed, H. Dawkins. Sculpsit. 740. Roome. John L. C. Roome. Armorial. Chippendale. Signed, H. Dawkins Sculpsit. At one side, a cupid flies a bird with a string tied to it, and on the other side his com- panion attempts the capture of another bird. A Loyalist lawyer of New York City. Circa 1774. 741. RossEAU. Rosseau. Armorial. A large plate, with the shield upon an ermine mantle. Signed, Karst. A book-collector of New York City. His collection of book-plates passed into the hands of a member of the Ex Libris Society last year. 742. RouTH. David Rotith. His Book. Norfolk, 1^62. A label with the name within a double border of fancy type. 743. RoYALL. Isaac Royall Esqr of Antigua. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Pectore puro. Of Massachusetts. Loyalist. Benefactor of Harvard College. This plate is very similar to the Belcher in shape and size. Illustrated in "Curio," page 15. 744. Ruff. Joanna M. Ruff. Washington City. Printed from type within a border of ten American eagles. 745. Rush. (Anonymous.) Rush arms. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Aliseris succurrere disce. Name-frame empty ; name evidently erased. Probably the plate of the signer of the Declaration from Pennsylvania, Benjamin Rush. He is said to have destroyed all the copies of his plate which he could find. 746. Russell. Josh. Russell. A simple name-label. The name, with the initials above it in a cipher monogram, is enclosed within a rectangular frame. This is a woodcut, and is the work of Anderson. Early American Book-plates. 2"]"] 747. Russell. Thomas Russell. Allegorical, ^xgntd., Calknder S/>. This plate is a copy of the plate of Joseph Barrell. 748. Rutgers. Hendrick Rutgers. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Tantes da dir. Of New York City. Patriot and philanthropist. 749. Rutherford. John Rutherford. Armorial. Motto, Nee sorte nee fato. Born in New York about 1760. One of the proprietors of East Jersey. 750. Rutledge. (Anonymous.) Rutledge arms. Supporters, a collared lion and an American Indian. They stand upon the ribbon, which bears the motto, Progredi no a regredi. Signed, S. C. Barnes 6" Co., Coventry St. Of South Carolina. 751. St. Clair. Sir John St. Clair Bart. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Quo cuncjue ferar. Signed, Ja. Turner., Philada., Sculpt. Munitions of war are seen behind the name-bracket. Of Philadelphia. A British officer, associated with Braddock. 752. St. George's Church. Library of the Sunday Schools attached to St George's Church, established A.D. 18 ig. Presented by No Above the words is a pretty little picture of a child on her knees reading from a book on a table before her. This plate is not signed, and seems to be better work than was done on the plate of the Teachers' Union of this same church. 753. St. George's Church. The property of the Teachers* Union of St. George's Church. Presented by No An engraved label. No ornamentation beyond flourishes. Signed, Rollinson. 754. Salter. Richard Salter, Esq. Barbadoes. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto-ribbon empty. The name is given on the looped curtain. 278 American Book-plates. 755. Saltonstall. Walter Saltonstall. Armorial. Arms, Argent, a bend gules, between two eagles displayed sable. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a demi-pelican \-ulning herself. 7^0. Saltoxst.\ll. William SaltonstalL Armorial. 757. Samuels. (Anonymous.) Plate of James Samuels. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Lun Pour Vautre. Signed, H, Vawkins, PkilaJa., Fecit. The hissing griffin, as in the Bushrod Washington plate, is given here. 75S. Sarg1l\nt. Jacoi' Sargeant. Armorial in form, though no real arms are shown. Chippendale. Motto, Cito pede praeterit aetas. Not signed, but engraved on brass by the ownier. Of Connecticut. Some dated copies of this plate are about, but the date is not contemporary or correct. Also, the plate was not signed originally. 759. Sargent. Daniel Sa rgent Junr. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Xec quaerere honorem nee spemere. Signed, Calkn iter Sc. Of Massachusetts. 760. Sargexf. Epes Sargent. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto - scroll empty. Signed, P. Revere Sculp. 761. S.\RGENT. Winthrop Sargent. Plain armorial. Motto, ForHor quo recticr. Of Massachusetts. Statesman and Revolutionary- sol- dier. 762. SCHI'\"LER. Philip Schuyler Esqr. Armorial. Early Chippendale. No motto. Major- General in the Revolution, and was, after the war, a Senator. Illustrated in '• Curio," page i to. 763. ScHL'YLER. Samuel Schuyler. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Semper fiJeHs. Of New York. Bom, March 10, 1 746 ; died, 1 790. 764. Scott. Benjamin Scott. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Early Aijicrican Book-plates. 279 765. Scott. Gustavits Scott. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Gaudia magna nuncio. A lawyer of Virginia. Died in Washington, iSoi. 766. Scott. John V. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, In God we trust. This plate is just like the De Witt Clinton by Maverick. The last name is torn out in the only copy seen, but the arms are those of Scott. 767. Scott. IVinfield Scott. Plain armorial. ATotto, Amore patriae. Of Vir- ginia. Famous General. 768. ScOTi'OX. John Scotton. xArmorial. Jacobean. No motto. Of Boston, Mass. 769. Sears. Sears. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto-ribbon empty. 7 70. Sears. David Sears. Armorial. A knight in armor and an Indian for supporters, ^loiio, Honore etfides. Circa 1830. 771. Secombe. John Seconibe his book 172^. Name-label, with ornamental type border. Clergy- man and poet. Of Massachusetts. 772. Sedgwick. Theodore Sedgicick Junr. Crest only. The crest is given above an oval garter, within which is the motto. Confide in Domino. Publicist and lawyer of Albany, N. Y. 773. Selfridge. Thomas O. Self ridge Boston ijgg. Two fluted pillars are joined at the capitals by festoons of roses ; the name is in the open space between them. A woodcut. Selfridge was the Federalist lawyer of Boston who shot Charles Austin. 774. Semple. Armorial. Of Virginia. 775. Seton. William Seton. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Hazard zit forward. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Of New York. 28o American Book-plates. 776. Sewell. Armorial. 777. Sheppard. John H. Sheppard. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Nil despcrandiim. Of Massachusetts. Lawyer and author. 778. SheRiMAN. Rev. Henry B. Sherman. M.A. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Conquer death hy virtue. A very peculiar use is made of the Jacobean features. 779. Shippen. Edward Shippen Esquire. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. Jurist. De- scendant of Edward Shippen, the first Mayor of Philadelphia. Educated in London. Illustrated in "Curio," page no. 780. Shippen. Robertus Shippen. S. T. P. Coll. Aen. Nas. Principalis. A reproduction of the above. Illustrated in " Art Amateur," May, 1894. 781. Shubrick. Thomas Shubrick, South Carolina. Plain armorial. Colonel in the Revolution. Illus- trated in " Curio," page 113. 782. Silvester. Peter Silvester Esq r. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, A^ec degener. Signed, Child Sculpt. No tinctures. Of New York. 783. Simpson. Jonathan Simpson. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Lege ei intellige. This plate is not signed, but is undoubtedly the w'ork of Hurd. 784. Sise. The Property of Edward Sisc. Pictorial. An extremely rude home-made etching. A beautiful bird is resting upon a stunted tree ; an ornamented oval encloses the scene. 785. Sitgreaves. John Sitgreaves of New Bern. Armorial in form, but no arms shown. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Libertas et natale solum. The name occupies the oval space where ordinarily the arms are displayed. Books and writing-material Early Afnerican Book-plates. 281 are introduced below the frame. Signed, Maverick Sep Neiv York. Member Old Congress. Revolu- tionary patriot. 786. Skelton. Reuben Skelfon Hanover Comity Virginia. Armorial. Chippendale, Motto-ribbon empty. 787. Skipwith. Fuhvar Skipwith. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. INIotto, Sans Dieu je ne puis. Of Virginia. Of the family of Skipwith of Preswould, County Leicester. Baronet. 788. Smith. Smith. Armorial. Jacobean. 789. Smith. Haziel Sniitli, Carpenter, New York. Deaf and Dumb. A printed label, within a circular border. This men- tion of a physical infirmity on a book-plate is unique. 790. Smith. Hezekiah Smith. Armorial. Late Jacobean. Motto, Beauty and Grace. An open book for crest, with the following Greek on it, 'Epeoi/are ras ypa(f)a<; ; the sun in splendor above it. Of Massachusetts. 791. Smith. (Anonymous.) Portrait plate. Showing a young man holding a book, clad in the manner of the studious youth of the early part of the century. Beneath, the motto. Qui contentusfelix. A very pretty bit of engraving. This was the plate of G. A. Smith, a book-lover, whose library was sold in New York City some thirty years ago. 792. Smith, James Scott Smith. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Ne crede colori. Signed, Maverick Sculp. Of New York. 793. Smith. John A. Smith. A beautiful pictorial plate. On the smooth face of an immense rock the name is carved ; the trees grow close to it on the far side, and in the long distance other trees are seen; clouds float lazily, and the effect is sultry. A doctor of medicine in Virginia. Born, 1782; died, 1865. President of William and Mary CoUegCj 1814-1826. 282 American Book-plates. 794. Smith. John Adams Smith. Plain armorial. Motto, Finis coronat opus. Signed^ Rollinson Set. 795. Smith. John J . Smith. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto ; the name occupying the motto-ribbon. This plate is exactly like the James Logan. Great-grandson of James Logan. Librarian of Philadelphia and Loganian libraries. 796. Smith. Jonathan Smith. M DCC LX. A printed name-label from type with ornamental border. 797. Smith. Robert Smith. Armorial. Major-General Smith of Virginia. 798. Smith. Samuel Smith. Name-label ; name engraved within an oval, trimmed with a wreath. 799. Smith. Samuel Smith, Esquire. Armorial. Pictorial. A cherub is seated, busily reading, at the right side, while on the left his companion blows lustily upon a horn, in the direc- tion of the sky, whence a third cherub approaches, displaying a long ribbon upon which is the motto, Omnes fremant licet dicam quod sentio. The whole design rests upon a bracket garlanded with roses. 800. Smith. Thomas Smith. Armorial. Of Gloucester, Va. 801. Smith. Thomas Smith Junr. Esqr. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Nee aspera terrent. Signed, J/^/z'^/vV/C' Sculpt. The customary landscape beneath the shield, and the signature on the open scroll. This plate is a copy of the James Scott Smith plate, and is much better work. Of New York. 802. Smith. Thomas J. Smith. Armorial. Of New York. Signed by Maverick. La\v}er and scholar. Early American Book-plates. 283 803. Smith. William Smith. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Chacun a son gout. Not signed, but undoubtedly by Hurd. Of Massachusetts. ^r 804. Smith. William Smith. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Tutus si fortis. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Of New York. 805. Smith. William Smith A.Af. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, A^il utile quod 7W77 honestum. Of New York. Rather wild in ap- pearance. 284 Am eric ait Book-plates. 806. Smith. William Smith LL.D. Charleston S. Caroliiia. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. INIotto, Fidem sefTal)o gemisque. Statesman and lawyer. Born, 1784 ; died, 1840. 807. Smith. William Loughton Smith. Diplomatist. Statesman of Charleston, S.C. Bom, 1758 ; died, 1812. 808. Smith. William P. Smith A.M. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Deits 7wbis haec otia fecit. Signed, Thomas y^ohnston Sculp. The most ambitious Jacobean plate of our early period. Prob- ably the plate of William Peartree Smith of New York. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," May, 1894. 809. Smyth. Andrew Smyth. Armorial. 810. Society for Propagatixg the Gospel. Sigillum Socie ta- lis De Promovendo Evangelio In Partibus Trans- ma rin us. Allegorical. An oval frame bears the Latin inscrip- tion and a broad ribbon underneath bears the follow- ing, The Gift of the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign parts, ijo^.. The scene is off the coast ; a three-masted ship, with all sails set, is within a few feet of the shore ; the missionary, whose height is equal to one half the foremast, stands before that mast with Bible in hand and is already preaching to the natives whb, with outstretched hands, come running down the declivity. The imminent danger of the ship is possibly the real cause of the interest on the part of the natives. The full sun bestows his blessing, and a serpentine ribbon in mid-air bears the motto, Transiens adiuvanos. Two vari- eties. Illustrated in "Curio," page 11. 811. South Carolina. Protestant Episcopal Society for the Advancement of Christianity in South Carolina. A printed label. 812. Spaight. Spaight. Plain armorial. Motto, Vi et virtute. Of North Carolina. Early American Book-plates. 285 813. SpoONER. yoshua Spoon er. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Follow reason. Signed, N. Hiird, Sep. Of Massachusetts. A very fine plate. 814. Spooner. Win. Spooner. Pictorial. A play on the name. Two doves are billing and cooing, and two hearts are overlapped above them. Of Newport. Circa 1825. 815. Spotswood. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Early Chippendale. Motto, Patior ut potiar. Of Virginia. 816. Spr igg. Rich a rd Sprigg ju n r. Name-label within an ornamental border of foliated scrolls, in the top of which a group of thirteen stars is fixed. Signed, T. Sparnnv. Above his name are the letters F. G., whose meaning is lost. A woodcut. 817. Spry. William Spry. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Signed, W. Smith's. Of New York. The design of this plate is similar to some by Dawkins, but the execution is superior. Probably Dawkins copied from Smith, who was without doubt an English engraver. 818. Stanford. Thos. N. Stanford. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. INIotto, Verum dicit. Signed, Rollinson. 819. Stearns. Steams. Plain armorial. Motto, Firm. Of Massachusetts. 820. Stearns. Benjamin Stearns. Name-label. Above the name a cabalistic arrange- ment of the letters W. V. and M. with four hands in pairs pointing at them. Motto, Nihil me tangere, altered to Noli me tangere. Dated 1833. 821. Stephens. William Stephens. Armorial. Jacobean. Mantling. Motto, /;/ eorrupta fides nudaque Veritas. This resembles the plate of William Cowper, Clerk of Parliament. Not signed, but possibly by Maverick, although not in his usual style. 286 American Book-plates. 822. Stevens. Henry Stevens, B a met. Ft. {IVa/ton's Press, Montpelier. Ft.). The arms of the State with its motto, Freedom and Unity. Under this, in a frame, is the following poem : — /;/ Paradise, the tree. Of knozv/edge taas the pride : By God's sup7-eme decree, The ma?i who eat — the7i died. But Heaven i?i j?iercy sitice Does him who tastes forgive : To know, is no offence : Now, he who eats — shall live. The famous bibliographer. 823. Stevens. The Property of Hen?y Stevens, Barnet, 180-. A simple name-label, printed, with ornamental type. 824. Stewart. Anthony Steioart Annapolis Maryland. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Nobilis ira. A very handsome design, the name-bracket being large and handsomely ornamented ; rows of roses down the sides, and the graceful foliation, make a very handsome plate. 825. Stewart. James Stewart. New York. Armorial. Chippendale. JNIotto, Nil Desperandum. 826. Stewart. Hon. John Stewart Esqr. Quebec. Plain armorial. Mantling. Motto, Nobilis ira. Signed, S. Jones Sc Quebec. 827. Stille. Alfred Stille. M.D. Plain armorial. Motto, Innocenter, patienter, con- stanter. A large plate. Of Philadelphia. 828. Stith. William Stith. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Rather virtue than learning, in Greek. The historian of Virginia. Date of plate, circa 1745. Illustrated in "Curio," page 15. 829. Stockbridge. Charles Stockbridge. Name-label. Very much in the style of pen flourishes. Early American Book-plates. 287 830. Stockton. Ricliard Stocktoii, A.M. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Omnia Deo pen- dens Books are shown at either side of the shield. Signer of the Declaration and father of Commodore Stockton of New Jersey. 831. Stone. lV»i. L. Stone. Pictorial. An eagle struggling with a serpent rises into the clouds with it, and bears an open scroll in one talon on which we read, Demagogues may frown and Factions rage — Traitors may sigh and Tyrants weep, but Freemen ttnll rejoice for .... A ribbon above the eagle bears the motto, Justice, Triith. Signed, R. Rawdon. Alby. Author and editor. 832. Stott. Ebenezer Stott. Armorial. Of Virginia. ^l-^. Stowe . Sfowe. Plain armorial. Motto, Inter feros per crucem ad coronam. Calvin Ellis Stowe, clergyman, and husband of Harriet Beecher Stowe. 834. Stringer. Samuel Stringer. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Signed, H. D. fecit. Prominent physician in Eastern New York State. Born in Maryland, 1 734. 835. Strobel. Martin Strobcl. Charleston. S.C. Literary. Identical with the George Goodwin and the Frederick Marsh plates. 836. Sturges. J^ohn Sturges. Armorial. Signed by Maverick. No further infor- mation is obtainable. 837. Stuyvesant. Peter Gerard Stuyvesant. Plain armorial. Motto, yovae praestat fidere qiiam homine. 838. Sullivan. John Sullivan. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Modestia victorix. Signed, J. Ca blender Sep. Of New Hampshire. Major-General in the Revolutionary army. 288 American Book-plates. 839. Sumner. TJws. W. Sumner. Name engraved upon a sable tablet ; festoon of cloth above. 840. Sumner. IV. H. Sumner. Plain armorial. Motto, In ?nedio tutissimus ibis. The plate of Gen. William Hyslop Sumner. Born, Dorchester, Mass., 1780; died, 1861. 841. Supreme Council -^i'^. Supreme Council jj° of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the NortJiern Masonic Jurisdiction U. S. A. Masonic emblems. A triangle with jj within it ; above a regal crown is shone upon by the full rays of the sun ; a double-headed eagle grasps a sword. Motto, Deus meumque jus. 842. Swan. James Srcan. Armorial. Pictorial. Supporters, a Scotchman in tartan and an Indian holding a tobacco-plant. Motto, Dum spiro spero. Signed, Callender Sc. A beehive at the right, and at the left a view of the ocean, with distant sail in sight. Merchant, politi- cian, scholar, and author before the age of 22. Born in Scodand ; came to Boston when very young; a member of the "Tea Party"; wounded at Bunker Hill ; went to France and made a fort- une ; through trouble with a German correspon- dent he was imprisoned in St. Pelagic, Paris, for fifteen years; died, Paris, 1831. 843. Svvett. J. B. Sii'ett. A symbolical plate, representing the profession of medicine. In the upper part a corpse has been laid open for examination, and three cupids are in attendance ; a fourth reads a book of reference with woful face, and a saw and vessel would indi- cate that extreme measures were to be tried. Below the name the serpent of yEsculapius twined about the rod is placed between retorts, and herbs growing in flower-pots. The execution of the plate is poor. John Barnard Swett of Newbury- port, Mass. Early American Book-plates. 289 844. Sword. William Sword. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, H. D. Fecit. 845. Tayloe. Benjn. Ogle Tayloe. Library interior. The shield occupies more room than anything else in the library, and is in the immediate foreground, standing upright against a pillar; a festoon falls over it; behind shelves of books are seen ; books are on the floor, and a globe is in the corner. Of Maryland. 846. Tayloe. John Tayloe of Mount Airy Virginia. This plate is the same as the preceding, and is probably the older print, the other being from the same copper with the name altered, 847. Taylor. George Taylor. Armorial. Of Charleston, S.C. 848. Taylor. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto-ribbon 290 American Book-plates. empty. This plate has a guaranteed autograph of George Taylor, the signer of the Declaration from Pennsylvania ; also dated by him in the year of Independence, 1776. 849. Taylor. Williavi Taylor. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Jura sunt mea vindi cabo. Signed, Maverick Set. Of New York. 850. Tazewell. John Taznvell Virginia. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Ne quid nimis. 851. Ten Broeck. John C. Ten Broeck. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Perge coepisii. Not signed, but very probably by Maverick. Of New York. A soldier of ability in the Revolution ; was with Washington at Valley Forge, and was in many important battles. The original copper is now owned by Mr. Beverly Chew, President of the Grolier Club, New York City. 852. Thomas. Geo: Thomas. Ex liber, lygS. Pictorial. The frame is somewhat of the older Jacobean style, having a large -pediment, upon which rests a circular frame, enclosing a little sketch of a beehive with the swarm about it, a mortar as large as the beehive standing beside it, with the pestle in it, and an awkward branch of a • rose-bush, with two huge blossoms upon it, bend- ing over the mortar. Oak branches ascend on either side of the frame, and what looks as much like a plum pudding as anything blazes away in place of a crest. The name and date are written upon the face of the pediment. A physician of Lancaster, Pa. 853. Thomas. Isaiah Thomas. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, A^ee ehtns nee dejec- tus. Of Worcester, Mass. Publisher of " Massa- chusetts Spy." Attributed to Johnson. Illustrated in "Art Amateur," March, 1894. 854. Thompson. Armorial. Of Virginia. Early American Book-plates. 291 855. Thompson. James Thcvnpson. Plain armorial. No motto. Signed, P. Maverick, Durand e^ Co. 85 6. Thompson. Robert Thompson. Armorial. The arms are those of Count Rumford. (Benjamin Thompson.) No further information obtainable. 2^2- f-yo/z/ f^{m//. 857. Thompson. IVi/lm. Thompson Esqr, Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Ante victoriam ne cane triumphum. A handsome plate. A cornu- copiae of flowers at the left. 858. Thorndike. Oliver Thorndike. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Rosae inter spinas nascunter. Of Boston. 292 American Book-plates. 859. Thornton. William Thornton. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Deo spes vieo. Of Virginia. A woodcut. Circa 1745. 860. Thruston. Armorial. Of Virginia. 861. TiLLOTSON. Thomas Tillotson. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Virtus est natalc meian. Signed, Maverick Sculpt New York. 862. TOiMLiNSON. John Tomlinson. Armorial. Chippendale ; rather wild. Motto. Cor unum ira mca. Signed, H. D. fecit. Similar to the Bushrod Washington plate. 863. Tract. Nathaniel Tracy. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, N. H. Sep. Of IMassachusetts. 864. Trenchard. Lieut. E. Trenchard. U. S. Navy. Pictorial. The name is given upon an oval medallion, back of which are grouped the United States flag, pennants, bombs, cannon balls, and an anchor, while in the distance the ship of the Lieutenant is seen. This plate was probably made soon after the War of 181 2. Trenchard was born in New Jersey in 1 784. 865. Tripp. Lot Tripp, Neiv York. A simple name-label enclosed in an oval frame, and cut on wood by Dr. Anderson. 866. TuBERViLLE. Gcorge Lee Tuhcrville, Virginia. Armorial. The shield is on the breast of a large eagle displayed. Motto, Omnia relinquit servare rempublicam. 867. Tucker. St. George Tucker. Armorial. Poet, jurist, and Revolutionary soldier of Virginia. Was called the " American Black- stone." 868. Tufts. S. Tufts. Newhuryport. A very roughly engraved label. The name is enclosed within a circular frame. Early American Book-plates. 293 869. TuTTLE. Tlic property of Hugh Til ttle, 1822. The name is arranged in the form of a diamond with the first letter in the centre and the others about it in natural order. 870. Tyler. Andrew Tyler. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. Signed, N. H. Sculp. The shield is placed upon a bracket having a handsome diapered pattern ; the scrolls are graceful, the canephoros head on which the shield rests has curled hair, and the upper arms of the scroll-work support urns filled with flowers. A goldsmith of Boston. 871. Tyler, yoseph Tyler. Armorial. Motto, Fari quae sentiat. By Thomas Johnson. 872. Tyng. Dudley Atkins Tyng. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Esse quam vidcri. Signed, Callender Sp. Of Massachusetts. Descendant of Governor Dudley. 873. Uniacke. Richd. John Uniacke. Esqr. 1801. Plain armorial. Wo\Xo, Faithful and brave. Gov- ernor-General of Canada. 8 74. United States Army. Head Quarters of the Army. The American eagle displays the shield of our country upon his breast \ the motto, E Pluribus unufn, and the thirteen stars are given above. 875. United States Congress. Library of Congress, United States of America. Engraved. Oblong border of oak leaves. 876. United States Navy. Naiy Department. The American eagle rests upon an anchor. A cir- cular frame about this holds the words, Hydro- graphic Office, U. S. Navy. A ribbon below has on it, Bureau of Navigation. 877. United Siates Navy. Navy Department. Bureau of Navigation. A large plate. Upon the shield is a representation of the mariner's compass ; the American eagle 294 American Book-plates. flies over the waves above ; the motto, Vigilemus ut vigilatis, is given upon a ribbon below. Branches of oak are used as decoration. S78. Van Berckel. F. I. Van Bcrckel. Armorial. Supporters, naked barbarians with bludgeons five feet long, and wreaths on their heads ; they stand on the motto-ribbon. Motto, Jn silentio ct spe. 'Sixgw^A, Maverick Sep. Of New York. 879. Van Buren. M. V. Buren. An engraved label ; the name is in script and a thin festoon is draped above it. Very probably the plate of Martin Van Buren, eighth President of the United States. 880. Van Cortlandt, Van Cortlandt. Armorial. Military trophies behind the shield. Motto, Virtus sibi mumis. Of the Ivlanor. 881. Van Ness. J. P. Van Ness. Plain armorial. Motto, Pro Deo et nohilissima patria Batavorum. Mantling comes down well upon either side. 882. Van Rensselaer. Jer. Vn. Rensselaer. Esqr. Armorial. Jacobean. Lieutenant-Governor of New York, 1801-1803. ^Zt^. Van Rensselaer. K. K. Van Rensselaer. Esqr. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Vertus est vera vetiistas. Signed, Maverick, Sep., on an open scroll. Of New York. 884. Van Rensselaer. P. V. Rensselaer. Armorial. By Billings. 885. Van Rensselaer. Stephen Van Rensselaer. Armorial. Mantling. The name on a broad ribbon surrounding the whole. Not signed, but probably by Maverick. The " Patron." 886. Van Wvck. Van Wyck. Armorial. Jacobean. Supporters. Of New York. Early Anierican Book-plates. 295 887. Varick. Richard Varick Esq. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, A. Billings Sculpt. Patriotic features are introduced into the ornamentation. The plate of Colonel Richard Varick, a brave officer in the Revo- ■ lution : was Mayor of New York in iSoi, and with Samuel Jones revised the law of the State in i 786. 888. Vassall. John Vassall. Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. This plate is not signed, but is undoubtedly the work of Hurd. Of Cambridge, Mass. ; inheritor of a large fortune, which he augmented largely ; a Loyalist, and a refugee ; lived for some time in England, and died 296 A in eric ail Book-plates. there. His mansion-house at Cambridge became the headquarters of General Washington, and later the home of the poet Longfellow. He would not use the family motto, " Saepe pro rege, semper pro republica," on his coat-of-arms, it is said. 889. Vaughan. Benjamin Vaughan. Plain armorial. Motto, Pnidenter et simpliciter. Of Maine. Educated in London ; gave his library to Bowdoin College. S90. Vaughan. Samuel Vaughan. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, In prudentia cSr* simplicitate. Mantling around the helmet. A wealthy planter of Jamaica. Illustrated in " Curio," page 1 1 . 891. Vaughan. Samuel Vaughan Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Christi senntusvera libertas. The Vaughan arms impaling Halle well. 89 2. Vaughan. Samuel Vaughan Junr. Plain armorial. Motto, Prudenter et simpliciter. Of Maine. 893. Vaughan. William Vaughan. Plain armorial. Motto, Prudenter et sif?ipliciter. Very similar to the Samuel Vaughan Junr. 894. Vaux. Ediuard Vaux. Plain armorial. No motto. Of Philadelphia. 895. Vavasour. Josias Short Vavasoiir. Armorial. Chippendale. Signed, H. Daiukins. Sc. At the left, a harlequin in a black mask peers around the frame and touches his feathered hat ; at the right a fashionably clad young lady, noticing the intrusion, holds up her hand-glass, in which the black mask of the new-comer is reflected. Motto, Strive for glory. 896. Vinton. John A. Vinton. The name is printed within a woodcut border, oval in form, and decorated with a wreath of flowers and a spray of palm. The following quotation is given : Afaximae divitiae sunt prae doctrina et scientia contemnendae : sed I'irtus omnibus praestat. Antiquarian. Early American Book-plates. 297 ( IAm/n//iyUoa^ia/ytna^n2//f//^^^ 897. Virginia Council Chamber. Virginia Council Cliamber. Armorial. First quarter, the arms of England and Scotland ; second quarter, the arms of France ; third quarter, the arms of Ireland ; fourth quarter, the same as the first. Motto, En dat Virginia qiiartam. Supporters, two men in complete armor, their beavers open, three ostrich feathers on the helmets, their breasts charged with a cross, and in the exterior hand a lance. Crest, a virgin queen, couped at the shoulders, hair dishevelled, and crowned with an Eastern crown. Illustrated in " Curio," page 14. 898. Virginia Council Chamber. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Below the arms, which are the same as those in the preceding plate, is a scene within the Council Chamber, evidently, as the members are around the table, and are being addressed by one of their number. The framework which supports 298 American Book-plates. this is Chippendale in construction, the armed supporters stand upon the upper part, and the very lowest panel is occupied by the 249th line of the first book of Homer's " Illiad," ToS Kai airo yAwcro-T^s ju.eAtro; yAuKt'oji/ pUv avSrj. Signed, Dent — Sculpt. Bull Alley, Lombard Street. Lcndon. The design of the plate is attributed to Samuel Wale, R.A. See "The Book-plate Annual and Armorial Year Book," 1894. London, A. & C. Black, Soho Square. 899. VosE. Benjamin Vose. Armorial. 900. Vose. Solomon Vose. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Quo fata vacant. Signed, Callender Sc. 901. Waldo. D. Waldo's. Armorial. Jacobean. Motto, Nil sine Deo. Of Connecticut. Soldier in the Revolution. 902. W.-VLKER. Samuel Walker's. Pictorial. Above the plain tablet which bears the name, and the mottoes, Ubi plura nitent paucis non offendar maculis, and Vitanda est improba Siren defidia, a group of musical accessories is placed ; below, two sprays of oak branches. A rude woodcut. 903. Wall. Wall. Plain armorial. Motto, Par pari refero. Signed, /. D. Stout. N. V. 904. Wallace. T/ie Honhle. Joshua Maddox Wallace of Burlington in New Jersey esqr. Armorial. Chippendale, ^ioiio, Fro pa tria. 905. Waller. Beuja. Waller. Virginia. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. A lawyer in Virginia. 906. Walmsley. /. Walmsley. I7g2. Armorial. Very crude work. The mantling encloses the shield. Motto-ribbon empty. m 299 300 American Book-plates. 907. Warren. G. Washington Warren. Armorial. Belongs to no class. Ornamented with scroll-work. The same plate is found with the name of Lucius Henry Warren upon it. 908. Warren. John C. Warren. Armorial. Pictorial. The shield rests against a boulder, and is shaded by a poplar tree ; the serpent and rod of ^Esculapius lie on the ground, and the name is given on a ribbon. Eminent surgeon and medical writer of Boston. 909. Warren, J. Mason Warren. Plain armorial. No motto, the name occupying the motto-ribbon. Same arms as the John C, Warren. 910. Warren. The Property of Samuel \Varren. Jan. Provi- dence. The name is printed from type within an engraved border, and the date, 1799., appears in MS, 911. Warren. W. Warren. Theatre. Pictorial. The name is given within a frame of shield shape, above which a pair of antlers, trimmed with oak branches and festoons of oak leaves, is seen ; resting between them are a book and looking- glass. At the foot of the frame a loving cup. 912. Washington. Bushrod Washington. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Exitus acta pro- bat. Nephew of the President, to whom Mount Vernon descended. This plate is almost identical with the Whitebread plate by Dawkins. The dragon changes places with the long spray of flowers, otherwise they are the same. It is not known whether Dawkins did this plate or not, but presumably he copied the other from this, which is likely to have been an imported plate. It is not at all an uncommon type among the English plates. 913. Washington. George Washington. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Exitus acta pro- bat. First President of the United States. Early American Book-plates. 301 914. Waterhouse. yohn Waterhotise. Halifax. Crest only. Motto, Veritas vincit omnia. 915. Waties. Thomas IVaties. Armorial. Of South Carolina. An eminent judge for a period of some forty years. Born, 1 760 ; died, 1828. 916. Watkins. yohn W. WatJzins. A.M. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Fortis et fidelis. Signed, Rollinson Set. 917. Watts, yohn Watts. Plain armorial. Motto, Forti nan deficit telum. A Loyalist of New York, whose estates were confis- cated. Statue in Trinity Churchyard, New York City. 918. Webster. Danl. Webstej: Plain armorial. Motto, Vera pro gratis. Name in fac-simile of signature. Statesman, lawyer, and orator. ^-•^XJBIRLA. f 5JfV|VE«SjTy 302 American Book-plates. 919. Welch. D. T. Welch. Literary. Similar to the M. W. Day plate. Motto, Literatura mentem expandit. 920. Weld. Isaac Weld. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Verinn atque deccns. Traveller and author. 921. Welford. Beverley R. Welford. M.D. Motto, The wicked man borroiueth and returneth not again. Engraved name-label. Of Richmond, Va. 922. Wextworth. Wenbvorth. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, En Dicu est tout. Signed, N. Hard, Sep. Of New Hampshire. 923. Wethkrsfield. Social Libj'aty, Stepney Society, Wethers- field. Literary. A shelf of books is raised upon a frame of Chippendale scroll-work, and has a ribbon draped upon the front of it, bearing the motto, Waste not a moment. Above the books on the shelf a winged hour-glass is seen under the folds of a draped curtain. Signed, Doolittle Sculpt. This plate is also found with the signature erased, and the following line added in fine letters under the design : Annual Meeting, ist Monday in Dec. at 6. P.AI. when eveiy book is to be returned. 924. Wetmore. Charles H. Wetmore. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Virtus libertas et patria. Signed, Doolittle Sculp. The open field face of the shield is used for the number of the volume. Of Connecticut. 925. Wetmore. Prosper IVetmore. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Virtus libertas et patria. The bit of landscape again comes in, as so often in the work of this engraver. Signed on an open scroll, Maverick Sculpt. Of New York. 926. Wetmore. William Wetmore. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Tentanda via est. Signed, Revere sc. Some proofs of this plate are found without the signature, having been printed before it was signed. Of Massachusetts. Early American Book-plates. 303 927. Whatley. Joseph Whatley. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Pelle timorcm. 928. Wheeler. David B. Wheeler. A Masonic plate. The full sun, eight-pointed star, and crescent moon are above the name, while below it are the square and dividers, crossed ; the whole enclosed within a frame of ornamental type. 929. Wheelwright. Natlil. Wheelwright. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Of Massa- chusetts. 930. White. Daniel A. White. An engraved name-label, with the name enclosed in palm branches, and the mottoes on ribbons above and below. Mtdtiim legendiim. Esse quam videri. 931. Whitebread. W . . . Whitebread. (First name torn off.) Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Pro lege et rege. Signed, Dawkins, Fecit. Of New York. 932. Whitridge. The Property of y. B. JVhitridge. Pictorial. On a bit of ground surrounded by water, Hope stands leaning upon her anchor, and raising her hand towards the motto, //; God we hope, which floats on a ribbon above her. Under the name a second motto. Cut est amiens, felix. Signed, y. R. Penniman Delt. W. B. Aiiiiin. Sc. Physician at Charleston, S.C., at the beginning of the century. 933. Wilkes. Charles Wilkes. Plain armorial. Motto, Arcui nieo non confido. Signed, Rollinson sc. Of New York. 934. Williams. Williams. Armorial. Late Jacobean. No motto. Of Mas- sachusetts. 935. Willums. Azarias Williams. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Amicitia cum libertate. Signed, Rollinson Sculpt. 304 American Book-plates. 936. WiLLUMS. GiiUelmi Williams ex Insula Antigua. Armorial. Pictorial. A beautiful granite canopy is erected on the shore of the island ; a view of the sea is afforded, and the palmetto-trees yield a grateful shade ; at the foot of the stone-work are grouped a globe, scrolls, telescope, compasses, books, sextant, and drawing instruments — significant of the tastes of the owner ; the arms are canned upon the flice of the stone, and the crest is protected by a hood of graceful design ; flowers in long garlands are trailed over the monument. Signed, ^S". Ingram fecit a Paris. A very beautiful plate. 937- Williams. Johannes Williams His Book. i6/g. The oldest dated book-plate we have ; probably the plate of the first minister of Deerfield, Mass., whose house was raided by the Indians. A printed label. 938. Williams. J^ohn Williams, Esqr. Armorial. Late Jacobean. Motto, Floriferis tit apes in saltibus omnia libant onuiia ?ios. Born, Wethersfield, Conn., Sept. 11, 1762; Yale, 1802; died, 1840. This plate bears some resemblance to the plates of Elijah Backus and Daniel Waldo, both in design, size, and execution. 939. WiLLL^MS. John Williams. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Floriferis tit apes in saltibus omnia libant omnia nos. Same as the preceding. 940. WiLLUMS. John Williams. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Y cadam ae cypwyn. Of Boston. Circa 1767. 941. Williams. John C. Williams. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Cognoscere occasionem. Signed, N. H. Sep. Of Massachusetts. Quite similar to the Jonathan Jackson plate by the same engraver. 942. Williams. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Pictorial. The shield is thrown under a tree with a confusion of other things, — a harp, lyre, horn, music-book, violin bow, sword, arrow. Early Americmi Book-plates, 305 bow, and Indian head-dress. An expanse of water at the right is illumined by the rising sun. Signed, Harris, sc. Of Massachusetts. 943. Willis. Willis. x\rmorial. Chippendale. No motto. No crest. 944. Willis. Samuel Willis. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, Thos. Johns ton. Sc. This design seems to be a copy of one of Kurd's. 945. Wilson. David Wilson. Armorial. Chippendale. Exactly like the suc- ceeding, and probably the same copper with the name changed. 946. Wilson. James Wilson. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Very hand- some plate in the style of Kurd's best design ; a border is added, which is unusual with him, and it is twined with garlands of roses, and has shells in the corners. 947. Wilson. John JVilson, Barbadoes. Armorial. Pictorial. The scene is in the tropics ; a cornucopia pours its riches of fruit upon the ground, just below the oval shield, which is steadied by a winged cherub, who gazes off into the clouds ; the background shows trees, an expanse of water, and either icebergs or snow-capped mountains. 948. Wilson. John Wilson, Kingston. Jamaica. Pictorial. The name is given on an open book, which is surrounded by a wreath. 949. WiNTHROP. William Winthrop. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Spes vincit terrorem. Signed, S. Hill. 950. Winthrop. J. W. Armorial. (Winthrop arms.) Jacobean. Plate of John Winthrop; born, Boston, 1681 ; died in England, 1747. 951. Wiseman. Joseph Wiseman. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto-ribbon empty. Signed, Vallance Sc. Of Pennsylvania. 3o6 American Book-plates. 952. WiSNER. Polydore B. Wisncr. Armorial in form. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Via ad cordon. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Of New York. 953- WoLCOTT. Oliver Wolcott. Armorial. Jacobean. No motto. Of Connecticut. Signer of the Declaration. 954. Wood. Joseph Wood. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Of Penn- sylvania. Colonel in Revolutionary Army. 955. WoODP,RiDGE. Win. Woodbridge. A plain name-label, with the name and the motto, Wisely for PLEASURE and for PROFPF read : thus hold high CONVERSE with the MIGHTY dead, enclosed within a border of ornamental type. Of Connecticut. Statesman and jurist. 956. \\'ORCESiER. The Property of the JTorcester Circulating Library Company. First Cost. . . . Fine for detention per day. Enclosed in a woodcut border ; a coin showing a monarch with the wreath of victory on his head, above. Very likely to have been printed by Isaiah Thomas. 957. W0RMEI.EY. Ralph Wornieley of Rosegill. Armorial. No crest. Chippendale. Motto, Nunc mihi mine alii. Books used in the ornamentation. Of Virginia. 958. WoRMELEY. Ralph Wornieley of Rosegill. Armorial. Same arms as above. Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. No crest. Not the same plate as the preceding. 959. Wright. James Wright Fsqr. Armorial. Chippendale. No motto. Last Royal Governor of Georgia. 960. WvxKOOP. Augustus Wynkoop. Armorial. Supporters, bacchantes with bottles in hands and wine-cups held aloft, with scant covering to their bodies. On the shield, beside a cask, an old man holds a glass before a young boy, evidently Early Auicrican Book-plates. 307 in warning ; a grape-vine grows near by. An eagle for crest spreads his wings over the mantling. The supporters stand upon the name-frame. Of New York. 961 Wynkoop. C. C. Wynkoop. Same arms as the above. Of New York. 962. Wynkoop. Peter Wynkoop. Same arms as the above. Supporters are now hideous boys. No motto on the motto-ribbon, upon which the boys stand. Of New York. Illus- trated in "Curio," page 17. 963. Wythe. George Wythe, Virginia. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Secundis duhisque rectus. Of Virginia. Signer of the Declaration. 964. Yale College. The Property of the Brothers in Unity, Yale College. Allegorical. Bordered by an oblong frame, the name is given in the centre of the design, with this verse below, Friendship and Science thus combine To aid and honour our design : With us unite an equal claim, And share alike the social name. Above, on a ribbon bearing the motto, E parvis oriunter magna, two grinning females mutually support a circular frame, in which the crowd of Brothers is seen walking bareheaded under a powerful sun. Omnes in uno Concordia is on the frame. The supporters doubtless depict Friend- ship and Science. A pile of books between them completes the inventory. Signed, JVm. Taylor Deln. A. Doolittlc Sculpt. 965. Yale College. Brothers in Unity. Allegorical. Under the name the following lines are given : — ^ ^ Hermes eloquio potens rccludit Pontes, ecce, suos : et ampliora Vena Pierii fluunt liquores : Atque arces reserat suas Alinerva, 3o8 American Book-plates. Above is a delightful engraving. Minerva helmeted and robed but without the spear, attended by Hermes, calls the attention of the approaching group of young men to the pile of books on the ground before them, and also to Demosthenes, who on the near-by sea-shore is declaiming vocifer- ously to the rolling waves. Signed, E. Tisdale Del. S. S. Jocelyn Sc. 966. Yale College. Brothers in Unity. Allegorical. Beneath the name, which supports itself in mid-air, Minerva ( ?) is seated, and is directing the efforts of two cherubs who are at work on geographical and architectural problems, as evidenced by the globe and capital before which each bends ; to them comes a third cherub, and, alighting on the capital before one of the cherubs, holds out a scroll on which is written AAH0EIA. The goddess calls the attention of the other cherub to this message. Architectural features abound in the distance. Signed, O. Pelton. Sc. 967. Y.ALE College. This book belongs to the Linonian Meeting. A view of the college chapel and one of the halls is shown within a loop of a ribbon which runs across the top of the plate ; on the ribbon, Con- cordia societatis nostra vinculum est. Two clasped hands below the name are enclosed by a ribbon, on which is the word, Amicitia. Rude quirks and flourishes are introduced, and the whole appear- ance of the plate is rough. 968. Yale College. Lijionian Library, Yale College. Allegorical. In the immediate foreground a youth, with some uncertainty in his air, submits to be led by the hand of Minerva, who turns to cheer him, and points to the temple of Fame crowning the summit of the hill, up whose tortuous sides the path they are pursuing leads ; Father Time, with discouraged mien, head resting on his hand, sits upon the globe amid the ruin of architectural Early American Book-plates. 309 fragments, grasping his faithful scythe in the right hand ; the temple of Fame is surmounted by an angel, who is blowing mightily on the trumpet of the goddess who presides over the shrine ; the word Immortalitas is inscribed across the entabla- ture ; just over the youth and Minerva, in a cloudy swirl, three cherubs hold aloft a sheepskin, on which is seen LINONIA Sept. 12. lysS- Quiescit in perfecto. Above all this a heart-shaped shield is divided into five parts, which hold a pelican in her piety, a book-case, a dove on the olive branch, the phoenix rising from the fire, and a puppy dog, whose meaning is uncertain. Scrolls about the shield bear the motto, Amicitia concordia soli noscimus. A cherub's face peers over the shield. Signed, Doolitflc Si. 1802. 969. Yale College. Presented to the Linonian Society by ... . Allegorical. The name is on a curtain draped beneath the picture of the advancing Minerva, who, helmeted, robed, and with spear in hand, is seen approaching, and apparently speaking as she comes ; behind her, seated by a pile of books, an attendant maid reclines against an urn of flowers, and with a sun-glass draws the rays of the sun into strong focus upon a scroll which brings into plain sight the word Yale. Signed, G. Fairman. 970. Yale College. Moral Library Yale College. Library interior. The librarian is seated by the desk, on the front panel of which the name is carved ; an open book is in his right hand ; a large globe before him, and shelves of books behind him ; through the open door, which appears to be some distance off, across the tessallated floor, a group of students, headed by a professor in flowing robes, is seen. Over the door the name. Moral Society, is placed. Above all, the motto, Virtus et scientia ad utilitatem dirigi/nt. 971. Yale College. Philotechniaji Library. Pictorial. The front of a Greek temple is seen with the space in front of it filled with the emblems 310 American Book-plates. and implements of the arts and sciences. The date, 1795, is seen on a shield in the centre ; probably the date of the founding of the library. Signed, yos. Perkins sc N. York. 972. Yates. Chris tr. C. Yates. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Ne parcas nee spernas. Very rough work, and hardly worthy to be classed as Chippendale. Illustrated in " Art Amateur," March, 1894. 973. Yates. Peter IV. Yates. Esqr. Armorial. Chippendale. Motto, Nc parcas nee spernas. Signed, H. D. sc. Of New York. 974. Young. Alexander Young. Plain armorial. Motto, Robori prudentia praestat. Unitarian clergyman and historian of Boston. 975. Young. The Property' of Amnii B. Young. Lebanon. N.H. A small, neatly engraved label. 976. Young. Thomas J . Young. Rector of St. Michael's Church, Charleston, S.C. Born, 1803. Three plates. 977. Young. William Young. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, Laboi-e. This plate has very flowing mantling, which termi- nates at either side in eagles' heads ; from their beaks depend the slight festoons which place the plate in the Ribbon and Wreath class. 978. Unidentified, (Name defaced.) Property of Bookbinder, U. S. A. Pictorial. An open book ; on the first page, a cradle ; on the second, a coffin ; behind the book, a sword, quill, and anchor. The following mottoes are used : — See some strange comfort ethy state attend. POPE. Ah, when the dreatn of life shall be passed, what will have availed all its agitation, if it leave tiot one trace of utility behind? VOLNEY. Crescit amor 7iiimmi. Stultum est in alieno foro sigitare. A very rude woodcut. Early Aniericmt Book-plates. 311 979. Unidentified. (Name defaced.) Pictorial. An eagle soars aloft, bearing an oval frame with the name of the owner upon it ; the broad rays of the sun behind the eagle light up the pine trees on the distant hill-tops. In the lower right-hand corner the smoke rises from the chimney of a house whose roof is just visible, shaded by a peculiar tree. 980. Unidentified. (Name defaced.) Pictorial. An eagle holding a small United States shield in his beak, and a ribbon on which the United States motto is given, E plujibus iiiuiin. In the oval beneath, Use this carefully and return it immediately. A Bible under all. Signed, W. Barber. Sculpt. 981. Unidentified. Armorial. Arms, Vert three garbs ppr. Crest, a swarm of bees about a hive. Chippendale. Motto, Libertas et patria mea. Signed, H. Dazvkins Sculpt. 982. Unidentified. Pictorial. Within an oval frame we see the interior of a large room, which might be a library but looks more like a school-room ; seated at a desk in the centre of the room is a man in the elaborate costume of the gentleman of the last century ; books are before him, and on the floor beside him ; a large globe is at hand ; the appearance of the seated- scholar is that of a professor waiting for his class to file in. The name is given upon a ribbon which is tied above, but it has been cut out of the specimen at hand. Signed, A. Godwin. Sculp. ADDITIONS WHILE PRINTING. 983. Boston. Boston Architectural Library. A large label made up of type ornaments and a woodcut festoon. v) 12 Aiiierican Book-plates. 9S4. Champion. Epaphroditiis Champion, Jr. Plain armorial. Motto, Pro rege et patria. Signed, P. Maverick, Sc. 985. Chin. Henry Chin. Armorial. Virginia. 986. Edgar. William Edgar. Plain armorial. No motto. Of New Jersey. 987. Haverhill. Haverhill Library. (Mass.) A small woodcut label ; festoons and an ancient coin. 9S8. KuNZE. Johann Christopher Kiinze, Prediger in Phila- delphia. Pastor of a Lutheran Church in Philadelphia. Printed label. 989. M.ALViANS. Malvians. Pictorial. A skeleton with the motto, lllc ego quiad sanandos vivos seco viortuos, around it. 990. Muhlenberg. (Anonymous.) Armorial. Motto, Solus minus solus. This is probably the plate used by the brother of John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, the " fighting parson " of the Revolution. 991. Oliver. Francis Johonnot Oliver, Boston. Armorial. Crest only. Motto, L 'amour et Vam- itie. A very graceful design of festoons encloses the name and motto. 992. Scott. John N. D. S. Scott. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. Motto, /// God we trust. This is the same copper as No. 766. 993. Sumner. Geo. Sumner. Armorial. Ribbon and Wreath. No motto. 994. Weiberg. The Property of Samuel Weiberg : ubi libertas ibi patria. Printed label. 995. Wright. Joseph Wright. Literary. Identical with the George Goodwin. A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE DATED PLATES UP TO 1800. Johannes Williams Francis Page William Penn Society for Propagating the Gospel . . Thomas Prince Samuel Phillips William Assheton William R. Ghiton The Carpenters' Co. of Philadelphia . . Robert Elliston John Secombe Benjamin Dolbeare Jacob Gushing Thomas Bering William Lightfoot John Burnet Joseph Dudley Philemon Robbins Benjamin Greene Albany Society Library Jonathan Smith East Apthorp David Routh American Academy John Coffin Richard Beresford James Otis Gabriel Duvall Aaron Putnam Thomas Hall Rev. Joseph Fownes I. Walmsey Sally Richards Santa JohannisEv. Sig. Coll. Latomorum William BarroU, Chestertown .... Thomas O. Selfridge 3^3 1679 • Label. 1703 • Armorial. 1703 • Armorial. 1704 . Pictorial. 1704 . Label. 1707 . Label. I7I8 . Armorial. I7I8 . Armorial. 1724 . . Pictorial.' 1725 • Armorial. 1729 . Label. 1739 • Label. 1746 . Label. 1749 . Armorial. 1750 • Armorial. 1754 • Armorial. 1754 • Armorial. ^755 • Label. 1757 ■ Armorial. 1759 • Pictorial. 1760 . Label. 1761 . Armorial. 1762 . . Armorial. 1770 . Pictorial. 1771 . Armorial. 1772 . Armorial. 1773 • Label. 1778 . Label. 178- . Label. 1787 . Armorial. 1790 . Label. 1792 . Armorial. 1794 . Label. 1794 . Pictorial. 1795 • Label. 1799 . Label. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE- SIGNED PLATES. * Plates marked thus have not been seen by the writer, and the exact manner of signing has not been communicated. Name, Manner of Signing. . f Mains'oi del. ^^or^y^^ns {Afaven.kSa. Anderson A. A/ii/erson. Sculp. Andrews Cullender Sc. Henry Andrews S. Harris, Sc. Apprentices' Library (New York) . A. Anderson. Sc. Theodore Atkinson iV. Hard. Sep. \Mlliam King Atkinson .... Cullender. Sc. Richard Tylden Auchmuty . . A &^ S. *Jonathan Baldwin Signed by Callender. *Luke Baldwin Signed by Callender. Flamen Ball F. J^. Maverick ScL The Library Co. of Baltimore . S. Allardice Phi. Abraham Bancker Maverick Sculp. Charles N. Bancker Jones Sc. Gerard Bancker Dawkins Scnlpsit. Charles Beck N. D. Sc. William Betts C. P. Harrison. Del. Set. *William Beverly ...... Signed by J, Kirk. Absalom Blackley Alaverick Sep. Blakes' Circulating Library . . S. Hill Sc. Thomas W. Blatchford .... W»i D. Smith. Sc. Bloom field J. Trenchard. T. Bond \V. H. Boylston Medical TJbrary . . . Annin ^ Smith. Boylston Medical Library . . . Callender Sc. 314 A List of the Signed Plates. 315 Name. Philip Brasher . . Benjamin S. Brooks David Paul Brown Jacob Brown *T-homas Brown Peter A. Browne John Burnet John Callender . Alpheus Gary, Jr. Thomas Gary . John Ghambers Epaphroditus Ghamp Gardiner Ghandler John Ghandler, Jr. *Rufus Ghandler SI. Ghase . . Francis Ghild . Isaac Ghild . George Glark . G. I. Gleborne, M.D. De Witt Glinton William Gock . Coffin .... Hector Goffin . Golumbia Gollege Librar Gharles INI. Gonnolly Gushman . . . James S. Gutting . William Gutting John Guyler Francis Dana Danforth John Day M. W. Day . Lewis De Blois Frederick De Peyster Thomas Dering Doct. I. Dove J-- Manner of Signing. Maverick Sep. A.D. C. P. H. St. \ Engrvd by P. R. Maverick \ <5j Libef-ty Street. Signed by Hurd. Engraved by James Akin. H. Daivkins Sculp. 17^4. Calender Sc. A. Gary deb. H. Morse Sc. Callender Sep. E. Gallaudet Sculp. P. Alaverick Sc. P. Revere Sculp. N. Hurd Sculp. Signed by Hurd. Boyd Sc. H. Daivkins Sculpt. N. Dearborn and Son. J. F. Morin Sc. N.Y. Jarrett. London. P. R. Maverick Sculpt. Maverick Sculpt. J. Akin Sculp J. Akin del. F. Kearny Sc. Anderson Sculp. J. G. Bolen. 104 B'way. Pulini. Inc. Maverick Set. P. R. Maverick Set. Maverick Sculpt. N. H. Sep. N. H. Sep. J. Sniithers Sculp. IV. Chapin del. 6^ Sc. Nathaniel Hurd Sculp. P. R. Maverick Set. N. Hurd Sculp. Brooks Sculp. 3i6 American Book-plates. Name. James Duane . . Philip Dumaresque Robert Henry Dunkin Gabriel Duvall . Bryan Edwards Barnard Elliott Erasmus Hall Library William Erving Farmington Library Fenwick . Eli Forbes . . Ebenezer Foot Isaac Foster John Francis . John Franklin . Andrew G. Fraunces John Walter Gibbs * James Gibs . . . James Giles . . Henry D. Gilpin . Joseph Gorham J. J. J. Gourgas . Robert Gracie . . Henry Hale Graham Francis Green . . Benjamin Greene . David Cireene . Thomas Greene, Jr. William Greenleaf David Stoddard Greenough Robert Hale . J. W. Hamersley Rich'd Harrison Harvard College Harvard College Harvard CoUeore Manner of Signing, H. D. feci. N. Hurd Sculp. I. H. T.S. Ashby Sculp Russell Court London. P. R. Maverick. Maverick Sculpt. New York. Callender Set. M. Bull's &- T. Lee's Sculp J. Smither Sc. J. M. Furnass St. Maverick Set. N. Hurd Sept. Callender Sculp. J. Turner Sculp. Maverick Sep. Abernefhie Sculp. Signed by INLaverick. Maverick Sculp. C. G. Chi Ids. W. Smith Sculp. P. L. Lewis Sculp. J. Smither Sc. N. Nurd Sculp. N. H. Sep. Revere scp. N. LLurd Sep. N. Hurd Sep. William Greenough fecit. N. Hurd Sep. Faithorne. Rollinson Sculpt. N. Hurd Sculp. N. Hurd, Bosto?u A. Bo7ven. A List of the Signed Plates. 317 Name. Manner of Signing. Harvard College Andretv Filner. Harvard College H. Billings del. C. G. Smith Hasty Pudding Library . . . Callender Sc. Barrack Hays /. Hutt Sculp Eli as Hicks P. Maverick S. Elias Hicks Rollitison Set. Whitehead Hicks H. Dawkius Sculpt. Phillip L. Hoffman .... Maverick Sculpt. N^eiu York. William Hooper N.H. Sep. Francis Hopkinson | zr r^ i ■ o jj. T ,-.-%. one copper H. Dawkins Sculp. Joseph Hopkinson I ^ ^ ^ ,, . o • . T -1 [ P. R. Maverick Set No 3 Horanian Society Library . . ■ ^ v^ j 7kt\z ^ ■' [ Crown Street NY. *Archibald Hunter .... Signed by Dawkins. ,.,,.' Ens:rd b\ P. R.Maverick 6'^ William J. Hunter .... r / 1 c^i a/ t^ z. •' Libert^' .St. New York. Jonathan Jackson . . . . N.H. Sep. The Bishop of Jamaica j Griffith rothers in Unity (955). (3€\TLun'.u oi'St8a^u6. Rather virtue than learning. Stith. El^ ii<;. (John V. 39.) Search the Scriptures. Smith (776). 07;yet (fypeva to lySw Tex^oiv. Pursuit of j)leasure sliarpens the wits. Ph(Enix Society. Kara (tkottov 8iwkw. (Phil. iii. 14.) I press toward the mark. PlXTAKl). KHPY^^OMEN XPI^TON 'E^TAUYPQMENON. (i Cor. i. 23.) We preach Christ crucified. Conn. Theo. Inst. Aoyta ZwvTtt. Living oracles. Columbia College. 6 Aoyos oo-os d\r]dua ia-TL. (John xvii. 17.) Thy word is truth. Andover Theol. Inst. Tov KOL OLTTo yXu>(T(Trj<; /xiXiTo^ yXvKLWv pitv avhrj. From his lips flowed words sweeter than honey. Virginia Council Chamber. Al? initio Dens providebit. God will provide from the begin- ning. Dove. Ad astra per aspera. To the stars through difficulties. JMinot. Adversis i7iajor, par secimdis. Greater than adversity, a match for prosperity. Jarvis. Aestate hyeme que idem. In age and winter unchanged. Green. Aliis quod ab aliis. For others because by others. Cal- laway. Altera merces. Another reward. McLean. Altius tendo. I reach higher. Kinloch. ' Amicitia. Friendship. Linonl4n Society Library. Amicitia concordia soli nosciinus. We alone learn in friend- ship and harmony. Linonian Society Library. Amicitia cum libertate. Friendship with liberty. Williams. Amor vincit naturae. The love of nature conquers. Gibbes. Amore patriae. By the love of country. Scott. Ante victoriam ne cane triumphum. Sing not of triumph before the victory. Thompson. Arcui meo non confido. I trust not to my bow. Wilkes. Ars lofiga, vita brevis. Art is long and life is fleeting. Priestley, At re non impetu. By reason, not by force. Hunter. A List of Mottoes, 325 Auctor p7'etiosa facit. The Giver makes them valuable. Lennox. Audacter. Boldly. Ewing. Aiide fieri justum. Dare to do the right. Parker. Auspice Christo. Under the guidance of Christ. Davis. Aut mors aut vita decora. Either death, or an honorable life. Livingston. Aut nunquam tantis aut pe)fice. Either do not attempt, or complete. Heming. Be sure. Pasley. Beata Dotnus, cusfodita sic cuja Deo Domino est Blessed the home, so guarded by the Lord God. Brasher. Beauty and Grace. Smith. Bella virtus. Courageous in war. Keese. Beware my edge. Gibbs. Bona que honesta. Good things and honest. Jackson. Bona vince malum. Overcome evil with good. • Elliston. Carpe diem. (Hor. Od. i. 77.) Seize the present opportunity. Hoffman. Carpe diem : postero ne credo. Seize the present : trust not the future. Cutting. Cassis tutissima virtus. Virtue is the safest helmet. Knights OF the Square Table. Cave. Beware. Parker. Cavendo tutus. Safe by caution. Dana. Chacun a son goiU. Each to his own taste. Smith. Cherish virtue. King. Christi servitus vera libertas. The service of Christ true lib- erty. Vaughan. Christo et ecclesia. For Christ and the church. Harvard College Library. Cito pede praeterit aetas. With swift foot old age comes on. Sargeant. Clarior hinc honos. Hence the brighter honor. Buchanan. Claris dextera factis. (Virg. ^ti. vii. 474.) A right hand employed in glorious deeds. Byam. Clibor ne sceame. Cliborne. Cognoscere occasionem. Recognize the opportunity. Newton- Williaisis. Colendo crescent. By cultivating they increase. Livius. 326 American Book-plates. Commmiiter bona profundere Deorinn est. It is the manner of the gods to lavish good upon all. Philadelphla. Libr.a.rv Co. Concordia societatis nostra vinculum est. Concord is the bond of our society. Linoxian Society Library. Confido in Domino. I trust in God. Sedgwick. Conquer death by virtue. Sherman. Consilio manuque. By counsel, and by the hand. Peirson. Consilio non impetu. By counsel not by force. Agnew. Coronat virtus cultores suos. Virtue crowns her worshippers. Clarke. Cor unum ira inea. ]\Iy whole heart in my wrath. Tomlinson. Courage sa7is peur. Courage without fear, Lewis. Crescit amor nummi. The desire for riches increases. Un- identified Plate, Cui est amiens felix. Happy he who has a friend. Whitridge. Dabit otia Deus. God will give peace. Brisbane. De i?iterio?-e templo socius. A comrade from within the temple. Horsmanden. Decus virtuti soli. Honor to virtue alone. Ludlow. Delectando pariterque monendo. By pleasing while admonish- ing. ALackay. Deo dirigente crescendum est. We must prosper, while God directs. Lowell. Deo duce perseverandum. I will persevere under the guidance of God. Jay. Deo et amicitiae. For God and friendship. Forman. Deo regique debeo. I owe duty to God and the king. Johnson. Deo spes niea. God my hope. Thornton. Depressa resujgo. I rise after defeat. Pintard. Deus amici et nos. God, our friends, and ourselves. Pell. Deus dabit. God will grant. Fish, Deus dux certus. God a safe leader. Primage. Deus meumque jus. God and my right. Supreme Council, 33d°. Deus nobis Jiacc otia fecit. (Virg. Ec. i. vi.) God hath given us this tranquillity. Smith. Deus providebit. God will provide. Dove. Dictis factisque simplex. Simple in words and deeds. Gilpin. Rogers. Dieu defend de droit. God defends the right. Boucher. A List of Mottoes. 327 Disce pati. Learn to endure. Duncan. Discretio moderatrix virtutiim. Discretion mistress of virtues. QUINCV. Duce natiira seqiior. I follow the lead of Nature. Holyoke. Ducit amor patriae. Love of country leads me. Phillips. Dicm clarum tcueam. While I hold to glory. Penn. This is not the complete motto of the family of Penn of Stoke Pogis; it should be, Dum clarum rectum taneatn, which means, While I hold to glory let me hold to right. Dum spiro spero. While I breathe I hope. Auchmuty. Mor- rison. Swan. Dum vivimus vivamus. While we live let us live. Porcellian Society Library. E parvis oriuntur magna. From small things great arise. Brothers in Unity. E pluribus unum. One from many. Guilford Library. McKelden. U. S. Army. Unidentified Plate. Emollit mores. She civilizes. New York Society Library. En dat Virginia quai-tam. Behold Virginia furnishes her fourth. ViRGiNL\ Council Chamber. En Dieu est tout. In God is everything. Connolly. Went- WORTH. En esperance Je vie. I live in hope. Brown. Ense petit placidam sub iibertate quietem. With the sword he strives for calm quiet under the reign of Uberty. Mass. Library of the General Court. Esse et videri. To be and to seem to be. Duer. Esse potius quam habere. To be rather than to have. Min- TURN. Esse quam videri. To be rather than to seem. Archdeacon. DuER. Fendall. Tyng. White. Et mea messis erit. And mine will be the harvest. Denny. Et si ostendo non jacta. Altho' I show, tell it not abroad. Ogden. Ex cando7'e decus. Honor from sincerity. Marshall. Ex necessitate. Through necessity. Low. Excelsior. Higher. Varick. Exemplum adest ipse hotno. Man himself furnishes a pattern. Franklin. Exitus acta probat. The end shows the deed. Washington. 328 American Book-plates. Exstant rede factiis praemia. Rewards await right actions. Coffin. Pais bien crains rein. Do well, fear nothing. Golden. Pin- TARD. Faithful and brave. Uniacke. Fama praestante praestantior virtus. Virtue more glorious than glorious fame. Morgan. Fama sed virtus non mofiatur. Fame, but not virtue, will die. Ingersoll. Fare fac. Say and do. Fairfax. Fari aude. Dare to speak. Child. Fari quae sentiat. To speak what he may think. Apthorp. Randolph. Tyler. Fiat justitia. Let justice be done. Bro\vne. Fide et amicitia. By fidelity and friendship. Porcellian Society Library. Fide, sed cui vide. Trust, but in whom take care. Ludlow, Fidelity. Paulding. Fidevi servabo. I will keep faith. Emerson. Fidem servabo genusque. I will be true to my faith and my race. Smith. Fidem sen'at vinculaque solvit. He keeps faith, and breaks his chains. Cadena. Fides scutum. Faith a shield. Bruen. Finis coronat opus. The end crowns the work. Smith. Firm. Stearns. Floriferis ut apes in saltibus omnia, libant omnia nos. As bees in the flowery meadows taste all, so we taste of all. Williams. Flourish in all weathers. Erving. Follow reason. Spooner. Fors et virtus. Fortune and virtue. De Lotbiniere. Forti non deficit telum. The brave lack not weapons. Watts. Fortior quo rectior. He is strongest who is nearest right. Sargent. Fortis etfidclis. Brave and faithful. Watkins. Fortis etfidus. Brave and trusty. Middleion. Fortis et Veritas. Brave and truthful. March. Fortiter .' Ascende .' Courage ! Climb ! Erasmus Hall Library. Fortiter et fideliter. Boldly and faithfully. Cox. A List of Mottoes. 329 Fortitudo et justitia. Bravery and justice. Judah. Fortiina perit, hotiesfas 7nanet. Fortune perishes, honesty endures. Beete. Foy en Dieu. Faith in God. Bartram. Frangas non flectas. You may break, not bend. Blanc. Freedom and Unity. Stevens. Fiirtli — Fortune. Murray. Gaudeo. I rejoice. Brown. Gaiidia magna nuncio. I bring tidings of great joy. Scott. Gloria. Glory. Chauncey. God grant grace. Gracie. Habeo pro jus fasque. I hold by human and divine right. CUSHMAN. Haec etiam parentihus. This also for those who obey. Hooper. Hazat'd zitfoj-^vard. Seton. Hermes eloquio potens recludit Fontes, ecce, suos : et ampliora Vena Pierii fluunt liqiiores : Atque arces reserat suas Minerva. Behold, Hermes, powerful in eloquence, discloses his foun- tains : and Pierian liquors flow forth from the ample spring. And again Minerva takes her place on her citadel. Brothers IN Uniiy. Hinc tabor et virtus. Hence labor and virtue. Allison. Hoc age. Do this. Izard. Honestum practulit utili. He has preferred honor to profit. KiSSAM. Honor virtutis praemium. Honor the reward of virtue. Bre- ARLY. Proctor. Honore et a^nore. With honor and love. Hamersley. Ho7iore et fide. With honor and trust. Sears. Hora e sempre. Now and always. Jarvis. I pensieri streiti ed it viso sciolto. The thoughts secret and the face open. Ludwell. Ignotis errare locis ignota videre, Flumina gaudcbat : studio minucnte laborem. He loved to wander in unknown places, to see unknown rivers : pleasure making the labor light. Eustace. 330 American Book-plates. Ilk ego qui ad satia?idos vivos seco mortuos. I am he who cuts up the dead to heal the hving. Malviaxs. Inimortalitas. Immortahty. Linonian Society Libr.\ry. Impavide. Fearlessly. Power, Improve your hours for they never return. Guilford Library, In cruce saliis. In the cross is salvation, Lawrence. In Deo fides. My trust is in God. Gray. In Domino confido. I trust in the Lord. Assheton. In fide et in bcllo fortis. Strong in faith and war. Carroll, In futura spector. I regard the future. Pierce. In God we hope. Whitridge, In God we trust. Scott. /« hoc signo vinces. Under this sign thou shalt conquer. Eustace. In lumine tuo videhimus lumen. In thy light shall we see light, CoLUiMBL\ College Library. In medio tutissimus ibis. Thou wilt go safest in the middle. Cary. Sumner. In prudentia et simplicitate. With caution and candor. Vaughan. In silentio et spe. In silence and hope. Van Berkel. In tenebris lucidior. The brighter in darkness. Inglis. In reference to the a-est, — A star surrounded by clouds. Incorrupta fides nudaque Veritas. Uncorrupted foith and naked truth. Stephens. Indefessus vigihxndo. I will watch unweariedly. Read. Independence. Jackson. Indure but hope. Barrell. Initium sapientiae est timor Domini. (Prov. i, 7. Ps. cxi. 10.) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Martin. Imiocetiter, patienter, constanter. Blamelessly, patiently, con- stantly. Stille. Integra mens augustissima possessio. An honest mind is the most glorious possession. Meredith. Inter fieros per crucem ad coronam. Among wild beasts by the cross to the crown. Stowe. Inter fiolia fructus. Among the flowers the fruit. Humphrey. J^avance. I advance. Bartram. J'espere en Dieu. I hope in God. Ray. Je me fie en Dieu. I trust in God. De Blois. A List of Mottoes. 331 Je recois pour donner. I receive to distribute. Innes. Jovae praesiat fidere qtiam hominc. It is better to trust in God than man. Stuyvesant. Judicemur agendo. Let us be judged by our deeds. Hicks. Juucta virtute fides. Fidelity joined to bravery. Murray. Jura sunt mea : vindicabo. These are my rights : I will defend them. Taylor. Juste rem para. Prepare the thing justly. Apthorp. Justice, Truth. Stone. Labor omnia vincit. Labor conquers all things. Longbottom. Labor to rest. Kempe. Labore. By labor. Young. L amour et Famitie. Love and friendship. Oliver. Laiv and Right. Allen. Lectorejn delectando partique 7nonendo. To please the reader and partly to admonish. Cox. Lege et intellige. By law and reason. Simpson. Lege et ratione. By law and reason. Crookshank. Legibus vivo. I live by the law. Lisle. Lex libertas salusque gentis. Law, liberty and the safety of the race. Georgetown College. Libertas. Liberty. Pride. Libertas et natale solum. Liberty and my native soil. Sit- greaves. Libertas et patria mea. Liberty and my country. Giles. Un- identified Plate. Libertatem, amicitiam retenebis et fidem. You will keep lib- erty, friendship and good faith. Adams. Literatura mentcm excandit. Literature brightens the mind. Welch. Live to truth. Masterton. Loyal au mort. Loyal to death. Belcher. King. Loyal Jusqu'a la Afort. Loyal even unto death. Belcher. Loyez ferme. Be steadfast. Clarke. Luceo non tiro. I shine but do not burn. McKenzie. Lucidior in tenebris. The brighter in darkness. Inglis. L''un pour r autre. For each other. Samuels. Magnanimus esto. Be great-souled. Ingraham. Malo mori quam foedari. I would rather die than be dis- graced. Betts. Murray. 332 American Book-plates. Manet amiciiia florebii que semper. Friendship endures and is in perpetual bloom. Fr.\ncis. Pierpont. Maximae diviiiae sunt prae doctrina et scientia cojitemnendae : sedz'iftus omnibus praestat. The greatest riches are to be despised compared with learning and wisdom : but virtue excels all. Vixton. Mav concord prevail and the undertaking prosper. Albany Society Libr.\ry. Mediocria firma. The middle course is safe. Lardxer. Meliora non opto. I desire no better things. Jackson. Meliora spero. I hope for better things. Panton. Mens sibi conscia recti. A mind conscious of its rectitude. Murray. Mens in arduis aequa. A mind calm in the midst of difficul- ties. Abercrombie. Mille nialis salutis habeo, species mille. In a thousand e\'ils I have a thousand chances of safety. Foster. Miseris succerrere disco. I learn to succor the unfortunate. Livermore. Rush. Modestia victo?-ex. Modesty supreme. Sullivan. Moveo et proficio. I advance and progress. Knox. Multum legendum. Much to be read. White. Aly hope on high. Bedlow. My ?night makes 7-ight Mackey. Natura duces. Nature shall lead. Mass. Medical Society Library. Naturae co7ivenienter vivere. To live conformably to Nature. Ludlow. Ne cede malis. Yield not to misfortune. Chase. Ne crede colori. Trust not to color. Smith. Ne oublie. Do not forget. Gr,a.ham. Ne parcas nee spernas. Neither spare nor scorn. Yates. A^e quid nimis. Not too much of anything. Tazewell. Nee aspera terrent. Difficulties do not daunt. Smith. Nee degener. I do not degenerate. Silvester. Nee ehitus nee dcjectus. Neither overjoyed nor overworried. Thomas. Nee gladio nee arcu. Not by sword or bow. Dudley. Nee quaerere honorem nee sperne. Neither to seek nor to despise honor. Sargent. A List of Mottoes. 333 Nee sorte nee fato. Neither by chance nor fate. Rutherord. Nee spe 7iee metu. Neither by hope or dread. Read. Nee te qiiaesiveris extra. Seek not beyond yourself. Harison. Nee timeo nee sperno. I neither fear nor despise. Greene. Nemo nisi Christus. Nothing unless Christ. Apthorp. Never eheek. Hawks. Never despair. Pintard. Nihil me tangere. Nothing smirches me. Stearns. Nil cojiseire siln. To have a conscience free from guilt. Pres- COTT, Nil desperandiim. Never despair. Shepheard. Sheppard. Stewart. Nil faei mils non sponte Dei. We do nothing but by the will of God. Atkinson. Nil sine Deo. Nothing without God. Waldo. Nil sine magno vita labore dedit mortalibus. Life gives nothing to mortals without great labor. Evarts. Nil utile quod non honestum. Nothing useful that is not honest. Smith. Nobilis ira. Noble in anger. Stewart. Noeturna versate manu, versa te diurna. (Hor.) Ponder night and day. Robbins. Non est vivere sed valere vita. Not living, but health, is life. Moore. Non fleetere a vero. Not to be moved from the truth. Livius. Non ineautus fufuri. Not heedless of the future. Lee. Non nobis solum. Not for ourselves alone. Drayton. Eliot. Non oblitiis. Not forgotten. McTavish. Non 7-everter invitus. Reluctantly I do not return. Jenkins. Non sibi sed aliis. Not for himself, but for others. Olmsted. Noti sibi sed patriae. Not for himself, but for his country. Hill. Non vi sed voliintate. Not by force, but good will. Boucher. No see te ipsum. Know thyself. Edwards. New York Society Library. Not always so. Barrell. Nulla pa'llesee re culpa. To turn pale from no crime. Byrd. Nulli praeda. A prey to no one. Deane. Nulliis in verba. (Hor. Ep. Lib. I. i. 14.) At the dictation of no man. Maxey. 334 American Book-plates. Nunc mihi 7iunc alii. Now for myself, now for another. WORMELEY. Nunqiiam non paratiis. Never unprepared. Johnston. Occasionem cognosc/^re. To perceive the opportunity. Lowell. Omnes fremant licet dicam quod sentio. Though all rage, I shall say what I think. Smith. Omni fortiinae paratns. Ready for any fortune. Forbes. Omnia Deo pendent. All things depend on God. Stockton. Omnia relinqidt servare rempiiblicam. He leaves all to serve the state. Tueerville. Par esperance et activite nous siir?nontons. By hope and work we overcome. Gorham. Par pari. Equal to my equal. Wall. Patior ut potior. I endure as I can. Spotswood. Patria cara carior libertas. Dear is country, dearer is liberty. Brown. Clinton. Marchant. Patria Veritas fides. Country, truth, faith. Everett. Pauper non in spe. Not poor in hope. Poor. Pax et avior. Peace and love. Backhouse. Pax et copia. Peace and plenty. Jones. Pax hospitia ruris. Grateful peace of the country. Jones. Pax in bello. Peace in war. Prioleau. Pax quaeritur bello. Peace is secured by war. Oliver. Pectore puro. With a pure heart. Royall. Pelle timorem. Drive off fear. Whatley. Peperi. I have brought forth. Pepperrell. Per aspera ad astra. Through trials to glory. Johnson. Per varios casus. By various fortunes. Mercer. Perge coepisti. Go on as you have begun. Ten Broeck. Peril ut vivat. He dies that he may live. Fenwick. * Magill. Persevere. Gallatin. Pia mente studeatur. Study with reverent mind. Phillips Academy. Piety is peace. Hopkins. Post tenebras speramus lumen de lumine. y\fter the darkness we hope for the light of the day. Coffin. Postero ne credo. Trust not the future. Cutting. Praestat opes sapientia. Wisdom excels wealth. Lh'ingston. Pro aris etfocis. For our altars and our firesides. Bloomfield. A List of Mottoes. 335 Pro Deo et nobilissima patria Batavonini. For God and my most noble country, Batavia. Van Ness. Pro lege et rege. For the law and the king. Child. Hicks. Whitebread. Pro libertate. For liberty. Provoost. Pro patria. For my country. Wallace. Pro patria mori. For country, die. Gardiner. Pro patria semper. Always for my country. Fitzhugh. Pro rege et patria. For the king and fatherland. Champion. Probitas laudatur et laget. Honesty is praised and is left to starve. Antill. Probitate et industria. By honesty and industry. Bridgen. Procurator industria. Industry the chief. Fraunces. Progredi non regredi. To advance, not to recede. Rutledge. Propere et provide. Quickly and carefully. Robinson. Proprium dec us et petrum. Powel. Prospicere quam iikisci. Overlook rather than avenge. Main- gault. Providentia suiiius. We are providence. Blatchford. Prudenter et simpliciter. Discreetly and simply. Vaughan. Pugna pro patria libertas. I fight for the liberty of my coun- try. Martin. Qui conteutus felix. Happy he who is content. Smith. Quiescit in perfecto. He rests in labor completed. Linonian Society Library. Quo cunque ferar. Whithersoever I may be carried. St. Clair. Quo fata vocant. Where the fates call. Bay. Erving. Vose. Quo vocat virtus. Where virtue calls. Jauncey. Quod fieri non vis alteri 7ie fueris. Do not that which you would not wish another to do. Cock. Recte et suaviter. Justly and mildly. King. Recte faciendo securus. Safe in acting justly. Inglis. Refero. I bring back. Wall. Respice finum. Regard the end. McMurtrie. Reviresco. I become young again. Maxwell. Robori prudentia praestat. Discretion is more than strength. Young. Rosae inter spinas nasciinter. Roses are found among the thorns. Thorndike. 336 American Book-plates. Sacra qiiercus. Holy oak. Holyoke. Saepe pro rege, semper pro republica. Often for the king, always for the commonwealth. Vassall. Sans changer. Without changing. Musgrave. Sans Dieuje ne puis. ^Vithout God I cannot do it. Skipwith. Sapienter si sincere. Wisely if sincerely. Davidson. Secimdis diibiisque rectus. Upright both in prosperity and perils. W\THE. Seges votis respondet. The crop responds to the prayers. Hasty Pudding Club Libr.4ry. Semper caveto. Be always on guard. Ball. Semper fide lis. Always faithful. Schuyler. Semper idem. Always the same. Clark. Semper paratus. Always prepared. Dunning. Everdell. McCouN. Hopkinson. Serva jiigum. Keep the yoke. Hay. Simp/ins sicut cohimbae. More harmless than a dove. The Bishop of Jamaica. Sine Deo careo. Without God I want. Cary. Sine virtute vani sunt honores. Without virtue, honors are vain. Bozman. Sol sapicntiae nunquam occidet. The sun of wisdom never shall set. Socl^l Friends' Library. Sola bona quae honesta. Those things only are good which are honest. Hunter. Sola salus servire Deo. The only safe course is to serve God, Burke. Jarvis. Morong. Soli Deo gloria et honor. Glory and honor be to God alone. Boudinot. Solus minus solus. Alone yet not alone. Muhlenberg. Sperne successus alit. Success nourishes, but to scorn. Gurney. Spero meliora. 1 hope for better things. Livingston. Lud- low. Panton. Spes mea in Deo. My trust is in God. Cabell. Spes meliora. The hope of better things. Panton. Spes vincit terrorem. Hope conquers all fears. Winthrop. Stand sure. Grant. Strive for glory. Vavasour . Study to knoiv thyself. Greene. Stuitum estinforo sigtare. It is foolish to shoot arrows in the forum. Unidentified Plate. A List of Mottoes. 337 Siiblimiora petamiis. Let us seek loftier things. Bancker. Sublimis per ardua ten do. To the heights through hardships I tend. Chauncey. Sursiiin corda. Hearts upward. Bancroft. Sustinere. Bear. Brooks. Take fast hold of instruction ; let her not go, for she is thy life. (Prov. iv. 13.) Philadelphia Apprentices' Libr.\ry, Tandem viticitur. At length he is conquered. Morris. Tantes da dir. Rutgers. Tentafida via est. The way must be tried. Wetmore. Terra ant niari. By land or sea. Parke. The North against the World. Edwards. This I'll defend. McFarlan. Toujours le mane. Always the same. Giles. Toujours fidcle. Always faithful. Horry. Toujours prest. x^lways ready. Carimichael. Tout en bonne heure. All in good time. Hicks. To Virtue 6~' Science attend, And Truth (S^ Justice defend. Newberry. Transiens adjuvanos. Crossing the sea to help. Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Trust in God. Jones. Try. Brazer. Tutus sifortis. Safe if brave. Smith. Ubi libertas ibi patria. Where liberty prevails there is my country. Dinwiddie. Weiberg. Ubi plura nitent paucis non offendar maculis. Where the most is bright, let me not be offended by a few spots. Walker. Ubi plura offendar maculis nitent non ego paucis. Where the most is bright, I shall not be offended by a few spots. Danforth. Uti loy, un roy, un foy. One law, one king, one faith. Herbert. Ut aquila versus coeliim. Like the eagle, to heaven. Bowdoin. Ut quiescas labora. Labor that you may rest. Gallaudet. Utere mundo. Use the world. Blackley. Utraque unum. With either one. Georgetown College. Vera pro gratis. True rather than pleasing. Webster. Veritas. Truth. Harvard College Library. 338 Americaji Book-plates. Veritas viticit omnia. Truth conquers all things. Waterhouse. Verite sans peiir. Truth without fear. Petigru. Verum atqiie decens. The truth and rectitude. Weld. Verum dicet. He speaks the truth. Stanford. Verus in actioiie consistit. Truth consists in action. Craven. Vestigia nulla ret>'orsuni. (Hor. JEp. i. i. 73.) No steps back- ward. Kip. Vestra cura alitur. Nourished by our care. Socla.l Law Library. Vi et virtute. By strength and courage. Spaight. Via ad cordem. The way to the heart. Wisner. Victoria ant mors. Victory or death. Kip. Videte et cavete ab avaritia. Recognize and beware of avarice. POWNALL. Vigila. Watch. Anderson. Vigilemus ut vigilantis. Let us watch as those who are vigilant. U. S. Na\^\ Viftcit amor patriae. The love of country surpasses all things. Pennington. " Vincet amor patriae laudumque immensa cupido." — Virg. JEn. vi. 823. Vincit omnia Veritas. Truth conquers all things. Hvslop. Vincit Veritas. Truth conquers. Chambers. Virescit vulnere virtus. Her virtue flourishes by her wound. Burnet. This is also the motto of the family of Galloway, whose -crest is a pelican in her piety. Virtue, Liberty, aiid Independence. Pennsylvania Historical Society. Virtus basis vitae. Virtue is the foundation of life. Bull. Virtus durissima terit. Virtue bears the greatest hardships. McLean. Virtus est natale meum. Virtue is my birthright. Tillotson. Virtus est vera vetustas. Virtue is true old age. Van Rens- selaer. Virtus et scientia ad utilitatem dirigunt. Virtue and knowledge direct to usefulness. Mor.\l Libr.\ry. Virtus interrita pergit. Virtue fearlessly advances. Moore. Virtus, libertas et patria. Virtue, liberty, and country. Wet- more. Virtus sibi munus. Virtue its own reward. Van Cortlandt. Virtus sola fiobilitate. Virtue by nobility only. Mayo. A List of Mottoes. 339 Virtu te et fide. By valor and faith. Roome. Virtute fideque. By valor and faith. Murray. Virtiite invidiam vincas. Conquer envy by virtue. Cleborne. Viriiite patria tucmini. By virtue you guard your country. Pepperell. Virfiitem hilaritate colere. Cultivate virtue by mirth. Wyn- KOOP. Virfutis gloria jnerces. Glory is the reward of valor. Robert- son. Vitanda est improba Siren defidia. The impious Siren, faith- lessness, must be shunned. Walker. Vive ut vivas. Live that you may live. Aeercrombie. Waste not a mo?tient. Wethersfield Library, What is, is best. Laurens. Wisely for pleasure and for profit read: thus hold high con- verse with the mighty dead. VVoodbridge. Y cadam ae cypwyn. The mighty and cunning. Williams. Zvt l>estindisr. Be constant. Dyckman. ^■^'^^3 -^^' A FEW RECENT EXAMPLES. LL book-plates which do not have the flavor of age about them, and which were made quite within the memory of the collector, are classed as recent plates. This is a teiTn of doubtful application ; but in a general way it has come to mean all plates made since about 1830. Their number is legion, of course, and no attempt is here made to enumerate them, or even a small part of them, but only to note briefly those of the more recent additions which are especially noteworthy. And now we part with the old styles of plates. The early armorial, with the profuse denticulated mantling, is never used, the pure Jacobean is not seen, the graceful Chippendale has been discarded, and the Ribbon and Wreath, with its fanciful festoons and gar- lands of roses, is also a thing of the past. This is of course natural, as the armorial plates, which are the only ones demanding any of these styles of decoration, are very little used now. But we have still the Library Interior, the Literary, the Pictorial, and the Allegorical ; but these have changed their appearance so much 340 l^eM^Ji^" 0ccir/'a^-a^t(\ A Few Recent Examples. 341 as to be hardly recognizable as the lineal de- scendants of those of the same type which went before. Indeed, the recent plates have little in common with the old, — new motives, new de- signs, new methods, and new conceptions of what a book-plate can be have come in, and the change produced is very marked. Heraldic plates are still in use, and still being made, but the number of plain armorials is quite small. Usually, now, those who wish to show the family arms on the book-plate do not display it all by itself, but accompanied by literary accessories, or pictorial, or with decorative fea- tures to relieve what would to-day appear a bare and unfinished plate, but which in the older days would have been the pink of perfection. Among the plain armorial plates of recent days may be mentioned that of Henry B. An- thouv, the late senator from Rhode Island, which, without even a motto, presents the arms of the family, with the crest, and the name. Another plain armorial plate is that of yoJni H. Buck, of the Gorham Manufacturing Company, and the author of " Old Plate." This, too, is perfectly plain, with no motto. Frank House Baer and Charles VV. Bnrrows, of Cleveland, both use the plain armorial style, relieved by slight mantling or scroll work, and with the mottoes on ribbons beneath the shield. Mr. Appleton Morgan has a plain armorial plate, quartering the Morgan and Appleton arms. Mr. Daniel Ravenel, of Charleston, also uses a plain armorial shield, relieved with sprays of marigold (the Huguenot 342 American Book-plates. emblem) and of wall-flower (the French name for which is Ravciiclle). A plain armorial plate, in colors, is used by the compiler of " America Heraldica." An imposing helmet with blue mantling surmounts the shield, and the motto, Moins faire mieux faire, is given on a ribbon which encloses the whole design. Harry Allen Castle, of Hartford, uses a design borrowed from the plate of Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. The castle on its wreath is enclosed by a square frame in which the name appears, with the words His Mark. In the corners of this frame are the letters I.H.S. V., standing for the motto, /// /ioc signo vinces. A punning friend, upon seeing this plate, remarked to Mr. Castle, that the letters would seem to mean, " I have some volumes." Dr. J. S. H. Fogg, the late well-known collector of, and authority on, autographs, used a plain armorial plate, with the motto. Ant pax atd belliim. Prof. J. Max Hark, of the Moravian Seminary at Bethlehem, Pa., has a plain heraldic plate, with thin mantling about the shield. The motto occupies two lines above and below the shield, and is in imitation of the ancient manner. What man a'' Honeff Name" doth oiu'n, To" hy" rfht gla'd^'' my" Bo'k" i lo^'n. But fo to' long'" y' Bo"h" be kepH, He fhal forfoHh he a Knav' yclep't. This is printed with red capi- tals, on very fine parchment paper with rough edges, and is a very pretty plate. Dr. Joseph Henry Dubbs, professor in Franklin and Marshall College, uses a plate which exhibits the arms on a shield which is fastened to a spreading oak- 343 344 American Book-plates. tree. At either side, scrolls are drawn, which bear the motto, Ex recto dectis, and the following dates, which refer to the migrations of the doctor's ancestors: Sty via, 1446', Helvetia, 1531; A7}icr- ica, IJ32. A plate of unique history is that of The Razule Lazu Offices, EstablisJied A.D. 1783, Philadelphia. Tliis inscription is given on a circular band which encloses the shield of arms, and the motto, Morte, Virtute. Below this, the name of the successive proprietors of the law- ofifices are given, as follows : William Razvle, lySj-iSjS, William Rawle, 1810-18^8, William Heiijy Razule, 1844-188^, William Brooke Razule, 186'/. Melvin H. Hapgood, of Hartford, uses an oblong plate, which exhibits the shield of arms at the left of the name space, and which is sur- rounded by a fine running vine which bears both fruit and flowers, and among the twistings of which the motto. Inter folia fructiis, is woven. The implements of the architect, and the sec- ,ondary motto, Pcnna ferro potentior, are also cleverly worked into the decorative frame. Mon- signor Scton, D.D., of Jersey City Heights, uses a 345 OF THE ' 346 American Book-plates. small heraldic plate, in which the arms are given in colors, and are surmounted by the clerical hat and tassels. A plain armorial plate is used by John F. Winslow, a descendant of Governor Winslow, and one to whose means and energy wc owe the building of the first " Monitor." Prof. Charles Eliot Norton, of Harvard, uses an heraldic plate, in which the crest only is given. Beneath this, a pile of books is covered by a scroll, which bears upon it the motto, Amici ct aniicis. The Rev. Morgan Dix, of Trinity Church, New York City, uses an heraldic plate, in which also the crest only is given. This is surrounded by a circular garter, on which the motto. Quod dixi factum est, is printed. This ends our list of plain armorial plates. Whatever sarcasm and disgust may be stirred up by the assumption' of arms by persons not entitled to them, no word can be said against the display of authenticated arms upon the book- plate. Many coats-of-arms run back for several centuries, and an honored ancestry has borne them. A rightful pride in such memorials of past family history induces many who are entitled to them to use their arms thus ; and while the plain armorial plate has had its day, and has passed the stage of wide popularity, it is still in use. Coming, now, to the Library Interior style of book-plates, we mention first the finest example of recent work in this style, — the plate q>{ Riehard C. Liehtenstein, of Boston. Mr. Lichtenstein is one of the old collectors of plates, a member of A Few Recent Examples. 347 the Council of the Ex Libris Society of London, and a recognized authority upon American plates. As we would expect, he has indicated his hobby in all details of his design. The scene is laid in the corner of the owner s den, in which are well- filled shelves, framed prints, photographs, and the usual accessories. In the immediate fore- ground, a Cupid is seated at a desk, and in his outstretched hand holds a plate upon the globe which stands at hand, while he reads, from an open book, the description, presumably, of the treasure lately acquired. Two other Cupids are at his back : one bearing the Journal of the Ex Libris Society, and the other returning from a successful quest for plates, if we may judge by the packet under his arm. The presence of the globe indicates the cosmopolitan character of the collection the -Cupids are examining and add- ing to. A finely foliated border surrounds the interior picture ; and in a space at the right side is a package of mounted plates ; and on the left, a ticd-up bunch of book-covers, in which Mr. Lichtenstein keeps his plates. The name ap- pears in white letters upon a black scroll at the bottom, and behind it is seen a castle of white stone, — a play on the name of the owner. The plate is dated 1S93, and is signed by the engraver, George Moore, and the designer, L. Y. Van Tiffele. The plate of James Phiuney Baxter reveals a most pleasing interior, which is probably from the actual room. A tall clock is flanked by long rows of books, a table and easy-chair are in the OF THE ■" A Few Recent Examples. 349 foreground, and bric-a-brac is disposed upon con- venient shelving. At the left of the picture, a portrait of the owner is given, with a fac-simile of his autograph. The following motto, W/io Icarus and learns but does not what he knoius, Is one who plows and ploivs bitt never sows, is also given in fac-simile of handwriting. The plate of William Vanamec shows what is also an actual interior, probably. The stairs enter the room at the left, and the space under them is occupied by books. Pictures adorn the walls, and a cosey bench before the shelves invites the visitor to recline and read. The motto, Carpe diem, is given above the picture, and the name below, both in fac-simile of handwriting. Actual comfort and enjoyment are expressed in the plate of Lonis J. Haber, of New York City. In this interior, a fire is blazing on the andirons ; the drowsy dog lies asleep before it ; the hanging lamp sheds a brilliant light over the room, and furnishes the means of reading which the owner is enjoying, as he sits in an easy chair, in lounging- coat and slippers. The rows of books at the far end of the room add to the effect of comfort, and the motto which envelopes the whole design — My silent but faithful friends are they — discloses the attitude of the owner towards his volumes. The plate of Albert C. Bates, of the Connecti- cut Historical Society, at Hartford, is a reproduc- tion of an early woodcut which represents the interior of an old library (University of Leyden, 16 14), with long rows of books chained to their 350 Amencan Book-plates, desks. Globes are protected by brass covers, the patrons salute each other in apparent silence, and over all there is an air of repression and elevated learning. No seats are provided, and light is admitted through long windows filled with small lozenge-shaped panes of glass. The beautiful colored plate of Gerald E. Hart, of Montreal, represents the interior of a cell in some mediceval monastery ; for the tonsured monk is sitting upon his stone bench, illuminating a laro^e volume. The Gothic window admits lioht through its highly colored design, and rows of vellum lie beside the desk of the old monk. The plate of W. E. Baillic, of Bridgeport, Conn., represents a corner of a modern library, furnished in the Louis XV. style, having some half-dozen frolicsome Cupids, rolling on the rugs, peeking out of the window, reading in arm-chairs, or discussing the volumes taken from the elabo- rately carved case. This plate is the second one A Few Recent Examples. 351 to make use of the half-tone process direct from the pencil sketch. Continuing with the plates which come properly under the classification " Literary," we find them to be very numerous, very various in design, and very unlike in shape and treatment. A plate which represents the past is used by Henry M. Brooks, of Salem, Mass. In this the old ink-pot and quill, the box of wafers, the wax and seal, and the sand for blotting are disposed about the letter, which, being used before the days of postage stamps and envelopes, bears the amount due and the address upon the back of the sheet. The address seen is that of the owner. Going still further back in history E. Ire^icpus Stevenson has brought the very serpent of the 352 American Book-plates. Garden of Eden, with the fatal apple of Knowl- edge in his fangs, into his book-plate. Slipping down between the open pages of a large book, we see this form of his Satanic Majesty, and read upon the apple which he offers Eritis sicut Deus, Ye shall be as gods. This, from the Vulgate, is in Latin. Upon the open page we read in Greek, Be ye zvise as serpents. The Shekinah blazes out all about the book. A very interesting and striking plate. A very simple but effective reminder of the ap- proach of old age is found in the plate of George Alexander Macbeth, of Pittsburgh, Pa. In this, an open book of coarse print lies upon the table, accompanied by a large pair of spectacles. The motto appears in the upper left corner, — Give me your favor : my dull brain zvas wj'oiight with things forgotten. Very many plates have a shelf of books, or a pile of them, accompanied with a favorite quota- tion, a bust of some author, the arms of the owner, or possibly his portrait. In the plate of Cliff 07^d Jnliiis King, we see the row of books, the smoke from the waning cigar, as it rises across the open pages of a book, and the bust of Thack- eray, while the motto, A jollie goode booke, whereon to looke, is better to me than golde, is suggestive of long evenings by the fireside, with choice edi- tions to read and fondle. The shelf of books in the plate of Nathaniel Paine, of Worcester, Mass., is enclosed within a frame which has suggestions of the heraldic shield. Behind it the palm branches are placed, A Few Recent Examples. 353 and the motto is below, on a ribbon, — Ducc uatura scqiior. The crest is found in its place above. " Wrenwood " is the name of the home of George E. Leightou, if we may judge by the name which appears on the top of the shield, which rests against his books just inside the library window. The window is open, flowers peek around the mullions, and a wren has hopped upon the sill to examine the surroundings which have borrowed his name for their own. A pile of three books, labelled Baeon, Lamb, and ''Punch,''' is shown in the plate of David Micrray. The legend, Some books are to be tasted, some to be szvaltowed, and some to be chcived and digested, is given on the back of the books. Above the volumes, the scales carrying the heavy pen on one side, and the lighter sword on the other, is surmounted by a liberty-cap, behind which, in a blaze of glory, appears the motto. The pen mightier than the sword. In the plate of George Imbrie Sill, three shelves of books are enclosed within a frame of scrolls which bear the name. A shield is placed across one end of the case, with the arms and crest upon it. Now we come to a plate which takes us below the surface. A wondrous mermaid, at the very depths, flanked by huge dolphins, is receiving a perfect shower of books, which come tumbling down through the water. This is the plate of H. W. Bryant, of Portland, Me. Marshall C. Lefferts, of New York City, uses small leather labels on which an open book bear- 354 American Book-plates. ing his monogram is stamped in gold. Different colors of leather are provided for different vol- umes. This is the only instance of the use of leather for a book-plate in this country, if I mistake not: a very handsome material, too, for the purpose, and meriting wider use. In the plate of John Herbert Corning, of W^ash- ington, Atlas, with strained muscles, supports the world of letters. Litterae is inscribed upon the immense globe which rests upon his shoulders. Two children of the forest, a boy and a girl, with flowing hair and meagre garments, come A Few Recent Examples. 355 towards us in the plate of A. L. Hollingsiuorth, of Boston, bearing between them a panel on which is carved the motto Uii ban livre est iin don ami. The dense forest is close behind them, and were it not for the reader, one feels as if no person would pass their way to see their lofty sentiment. So thick, indeed, is the tangle of brush, that the loss of their clothes must be laid to their passage through it. In the plate of Dr. George L. P arm e lee, of Hartford, a herald in court costume is proclaim- ing, through his long trumpet, the loss of a book. The banner hanging from the horn shows the words he uses : Verloren ! Verloj^en J ein Buck. 356 American Book-plates. We are again taken far down below the waves, in the plate of IVilliain Ashmead Coiirtcuay, of Charleston, S.C. Down indeed, to the very bot- tom of the ocean, where the weeds grow, and the dolphin feeds. Above, the waves are rolling, and a far stretch of water is seen. The view is enclosed within a square frame which bears the name. The Rev. Win. R. Hiintiuo-ton, rector of Grace Church, New York City, uses a design which is adapted from a frontispiece by Walter Crane for the " Fairy Tales " of the Brothers Grimm, and which represents a youth, with long curls fall- ing from under his cap, opening the door of a house, with a huge key. Upon the roof, two cupids, in imminent danger of sliding off, are making music with lyre and voice. A few stars shine against the night, and the light of the moon falls across the face of the structure, revealing the huge orange-trees in fruit, which flank the doorway. The motto, In veritate victoria, is carved upon the steps, and the name Hunting- ton is given at the very top of the design. Other plates whose principal features are " bookish " are those of Henry A. Aloj'gan, which has simply a large book, open, with blank leaves : on one is inscribed The page in zuaiting; of Edward Denhani, which has an owl perched upon an open volume, upon whose pages are the following names, Bedc, Camden, Bradford, Chau- cer, Shakspere, Sandys, with the torch of knowl- edge and the wreath of victory behind it: the wreath is tied with a ribbon which bears the motto /t^Ctut>uiiS4aft \ A Few Recent Examples. 357 — Nulla dies sine linea : of Charles F. Jilson, Chicago, on whose plate simply a closed book is seen, with a palette resting upon it ; the brush and the drawing tools reveal the art of the owner, while the half-covered lyre upon the book-cover may be an indication of his hobby; — of Alfred Trumble, of New York City, who displays a table whereon the bust of Minerva, the student-lamp, the scroll, ink-stand and quill, and the books jostle each other in delightful literary confusion ; — of the Hon. John E. Russell, of Boston, who shows the owl of Minerva seated upon the books of the scholar : the globe, materials for writing, and the lamp of knowledge are disposed about, and the whole is encircled by an oval wreath of holly. The plate of Thomas J. McRec, of New York City, represents a volume of Shakespeare's Works, open to the title-page, which is occupied princi- pally by a portrait of the famous author play- wright. The arms and name appear upon the fly-leaf of the book, other books are at hand, and the following lines are given at the foot : — Tu viihi curranim irqiiies, tu node rel atra Lumen, et in solis tu mild tiirba locis. The plate of Paul Lenipcidy, of Cleveland, de- signed by Garrett, shows the open book, with the serpent circled about it. The stars shine beyond, and the design is enclosed within a rectangular border of holly leaves. Another class of plates which claim attention to-day is that which is representative of either the hobby or the vocation of the owner. For 358 American Book-plates. special collections, for certain kinds of books, plates are designed which express the particular line of reading, or of collecting, which they are to ornament. This style of plate is coming more and more into use, and earnest pleas have been put forth for its wide adoption ; notably, one by Henri Pene Dtc Bois, in the " Book Lovers' Al- manac," for 1894. In his worthy article on the " Art of the Book-plate," this writer argues forci- bly for the expression of a genuine idea in the book-plate. Not mere coats-of-arms, crests, pic- torial designs or devices and ornaments which look pretty, seem to him suitable for use as book- plates, but an emphatic representation of an idea, a worthy idea, clad in suitable form. He argues for special plates for special collections, for a specific plate for a specific line of books ; not an ornamental label simply, to be placed in each book in one's library, but a different plate, with a reason for its existence, in each different de- partment. Very few, if any, in this country, carry the idea so far; but many plates are now in use which convey at once an idea of the pur- suit of the owner, whether it be in literature, art, science, or professional life. The plate of George Edward Sears, with its grinning skull, is perhaps at first glance unpleasant in its effect, but when one comes to unravel the plain meaning of the symbolism, the shudder dies away, and we are prepared to regard the plate as one of the very highest types, and most successful in its way. Mr. Sears has gathered a large collection of books relating to the " Dance of Death," and findino" in 359 OF THE ' UNIVERSITV I 360 American Book-plates. a 1754 edition of Matthew Merian's work, this plate which seemed no part of the series but an impromptu addition, he adopted it for his book- plate. Mr. W. J. Linton engraved the block, reducing considerably from the original. This plate is used only in the books relating to the topic it suggests. In this plate the skull is placed upon an open book, between a lighted candle and a few flowers in a vase. A wreath encircles the smooth pate, and an hour-glass rests upon it, with the hovering wings of Time, and the scales, just above. The lower half of the plate has a very dark background, while the upper is filled with light. Henry Blackiuell, of New York City, uses a plate in his collection of Welshiana which was designed for the purpose. In this plate we see the sturdy oak raised in the centre of the scene. Upon the right side, the bearded Druid is lopping off the branches of the mistletoe, which seem to be growing with the oak. Opposite to him, the early Briton with his harp makes wild music. A circular medallion upon the tree represents the peak of Snowden, the highest mountain in Wales, and the motto. Cared doeth yr encilion, is given upon the frame. This plate, like that of Mr. Sears, was suggested by an illustration in an old book. A second plate is used for the litera- ture upon the famous voyage of Madoc to our shores in a.d. i 170. In this plate we see the old- fashioned, high-sided ship, with its bellying sails, plunging through the rolling waves, as it passes out to sea with the hardy adventurer and his crew. THE A Few Recent Examples. 361 As examples of plates representative of the hobby of their owners, we have the following: Dean Sage; an angling plate, very simple in design and very fine in execution, with a large trout, and the rod and the landing net crossed EXLIBRI5 •• JOSEPH HWHEELE.R behind it : an enthusiastic fisherman, and the author of a sumptuous volume on salmon-fishing in some of the Canadian rivers, Mr. Sage uses this plate only in the books of his library which relate to the gentle pursuit favored of Walton ; — Hoivland ; An angling plate of very hand- some design : the shield of arms is surrounded 362 American Book-plates. with the implements of the fisherman, with evi- dences of his success and with the weeds which grow by the water side : the motto Piscator- non solum piscator floats on a ribbon above ; — Lucius Poole ; the masks of Comedy and of Tragedy are brought together in this plate, as indicative of the books collected by Mr. Poole ; — ArtJiur Robinson Stone: a folio volume of music is open to the Largo of the second part of the " Messiah," by Handel, and is copied from the original score preserved in the British Mu- seum : — in the plate of Martin Haydcn two Cupids bear a shield on which the name is given : each little Cupid also manages to hold a mask: the motto, Upiuard, Omvard. Fred C. Schlaick : in this we see the upper- most part of a column and its Corinthian capital. A little Cupid flies away from the finished piece of work, carrying the veil which had concealed it from view. This design hardly needs the word Architect, which is added just after the name, to express the profession of the owner. Edward Stratton Holloway : in this design, the owl is perched upon a limb, with the palette, brushes, sketch-book, and pencils of the illustrator within his clutch. A most happy plate is that of Afr. Richard Hoe Lawrejice, which is designed for use only in the library housed at his country seat, " Oscaleta Lodge," and which is mainly botanical. In this plate the partridge- vine, Mitchella repens, is shown in its proper colors, and is surrounded by a double l^order of red lines, within which the motto, from A Few Recent Examples. 363 Rabelais, Fay ce que votcldras, is given in yellow. The plate was designed by Miss Mary S. Law- rence. For a Philatelical library, the plate of Mr. John K. Tiffany is exceedingly appropriate, the design being enlarged from the old and rare St. Louis Postmaster's stamp of 1845. The book-plate was cut on wood by the same man who designed the original stamp. It is an exact fac-simile of the old stamp, giving the two bears holding between them the circular frame which encloses the arms. A very good example of the Allegorical book- plate is that of George H. Elkvangcr, of Rochester. This is designed to illustrate the LXX sonnet of the Amoretti, of Spenser. With all the charming freshness of the early vernal season about her, we see Spring, in graceful drapery, carrying buds and blossoms in her hands, and crowned with a wreath of fiowers, approaching us. The garlands, the numerous birds, the new leaves upon the trees, and the sense of warmth in the scene, clearly depict the meaning of the artist. Turning, now, to the pictorial plates, we find their number rather small. Decorative features, bits of landscape and of interiors are found in many plates ; but these little ornamentations do not constitute a real pictorial plate. One of the finest examples is the plate of E. G. Asay, of Chicago. In this we find ourselves intruding upon the councils of the Muses ; for we see Art seated upon a throne, with the palette and brushes idle in her lap, while about her, in graceful manner, recline History, Music, and Literature. 3^4 American Book-plates. The lyre of Music is quiet, as, with her hand affectionately placed upon the shoulder of His- tory, she listens to the reading of the just-inscribed record. Art likewise gives interested attention to the recital ; and Literature, with her book closed, leans upon the convenient globe, and listens. Wholly different is the plate of Allen Wallace. In this, one of the Naiadee reclines upon the over- H' ^-^c^^^ V^-' ^.r^-^^^ V" y 4 V Of THE UNlVERSi OF A Few Recent Examples. 365 turned urn, from which the never-ceasing flow of water falls over the rock, and slips away in a widening stream. With one hand she caresses the limpid flow, as it emerges from the urn. At either side, below her, two dolphins discharge quantities of water from their mouths into an immense shell which receives the stream from the urn as well. Tall sheaves of wheat rise above them, and directly behind the head of the Naiad is the motto. Nil clarius aqiiis. Mr. H. E. Dcats, of Flemington, N.J., has a most beautiful specimen of steel engraving which he uses in his numismatic library. In this, we see a female figure clad in classic costume, with a diadem on her brow, sitting on the clouds, and having at her side an oval shield, on which a very important peacock is depicted as using the globe for his perch. On either side, cornucopice of fruit and flowers barely hold their quantities of produce. The motto, histaiiratio saeculi fclicis, is placed upon the edge of the shield. The plate of Frances Louise and Charles Dexter Allen represents a female figure in classic robes seated upon a stone bench at the foot of tall trees. It is twilight, and the glint of the weak- ening^ lio-ht is seen through the leaves. Books, manuscript, and scrolls are strewn around the solitary figure. The motto, Sapientiam veram V petimus, is carved along the top of the wall be- hind. One arm of the figure is thrown across the top of an open book, on which the names of the owners are given. This plate was suppressed at the request of the publishers of a magazine in 366 A 111 eric an Book-plates. New York City, as it so closely resembled the design on their cover. A very effective plate is that of F. JV. Hoyf, of Albany, N.Y. In this an Ionic column forms the whole design. Very beautifully engraved : the lamp of Knowledge is continually burning, and continually fed on the top of the capital, while the names of the " Immortals " are bound around the shaft on a ribbon, — Homer, Dante, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Shelley. The name of the owner is carved upon the base. In the plate of Samnel Wesley Marvin, is de- picted the sleeping knight, to whom come Pleas- OF THE "* A UNIVERSITY ) A Few Recent Examples. 367 ure and Knowledge, each with her offer of satisfaction and reward. The motto, Courage le diable est mort, is seen on the broad ribbon which is laid about the picture. The plate of Adam Van Allen, of Albany, is copied from the plate of the brothers Goncourt, and represents the left hand with a pair of dividers held by the third and fourth fingers, while the first and second are placed upon a sheet of paper bearing the initials V A. Several peculiar plates remain to be mentioned, which belong to no style,. but are examples of the individual taste of the owners, which is now so marked a feature of book-plate designing. Not, as formerly, are we controlled as to the style which we shall adopt, but each book-lover can, 368 Americmt Book-plates. without appearing eccentric, place whatever de- sign he chooses within his book-covers. The plate of the well-known litterateur^ W. Irving Way, of Chicago, is simply a very small bit of paper with his initials in cipher upon it. The plate of Fred J. Libbie, of Boston, one of the largest collectors of plates, is a cryptogrammic arrano^ement of the letters formins^ his name. An old plate of Richard Hoe Lawrence carica- tures each of his three names : the first, by the " dickey bird " ; the second, by the agricultural implement suggested by the middle name : and the third, by a picture of the emaciated Saint Lawrence frying over a fire of flaming fagots. As he fries, he reads from a book entitled, Law- rence on Gridiron. The plate of Maidens Benjamin, of New York City, is a punning plate, and represents the gen- tleman himself riding his hobb3Miorse, which is in the form of a big folio. With a long quill for a lance, and wearing a crucible for a hat, he rides his horse, full merrily. The plate of /. LLiestand Hartman, of Lancaster, Pa., is very curious. In this, the shield is borne by a skeleton, who stands erect, with the lance resting in the right arm. A banner floats from the lance-head, ribbons rise in profusion on either side, and the grinning sen- tinel is enclosed in the fluttering ends. E. A. Hitchcock, of the United States Army, has a plate of peculiar and hidden meaning. In this, the prominent feature is a huge dragon, winged, scaly, with forked tail and snakelike head. With the end of his tail in his mouth, he forms a frame of A Few Recent Examples. 369 oval form, and repulsive kind, for a picture of a little girl, who seems to be sitting upon a honey- comb, and who holds a necklace in her left hand. The motto, Noii nisi Parvulis, must contain some reference to the event recorded in the book-plate. The plate of George Dudley Seymour has the unusual feature of a large representation of an '^old door, with its carved posts, and pediment of high-boy style. In the centre of the design, above this, at the right, a small view is given of the whole house from which the door is taken, and in the opposite corner a scroll bears the words : Captain Charles Churchill hys house at Weathersjicld in the Colony of Connecticut in Newe England, 1 754-1 8S5, This plate is by 370 American Book-plates. W. F. Hopson, of New Haven, Conn., and is very- effective. Mr. Hopson s own plate is also a very beautiful specimen of his skill. In this, the central. panel is filled with three old folios in aged condition, tumbled together upon the table. In the upper corners, a press for plate work and a painting on an easel are seen. Below the central space, a closed portfolio affords space for the record of the number of the volume. About all, are elaborate scrolls of rustic design. Over the space, a small kettle holds a number of fine brushes, and the motto is on a ribbon which is well carried through the scrolled sides. The motto is an adaptation of one of older date, and reads as follows : Old books to read, old prints to scan, old wood to carve, old friends to greet. As yet, we have but one example of the work of C. W. Sherborn, the celebrated ensfraver, of London, among our American book-plates. This is the beautiful plate of Mr. S. P. Avery, of New York City. This is not heraldic, but of a de- cidedly personal bent, and very indicative of the special lines of collecting to which the owner is devoted. The upper part of the plate is filled with a conventionalized tulip design, which is extremely rich in appearance and graceful in dis- position. A ribbon bearing the name, Samuel Pntnam Aveiy, flutters in and out among the curves of the tulip stems and leaves. Grouped at the lower edge of the plate are a number of books, in artistic bindings, one being noticeable as having a Grolieresque design. The titles of most of the books can be read, and among them A Few Recent Examples. 371 are De Bury, Shakespeare, Goethe, Emerson, Mon- taigne, Ruskin, Bewick, and Washington Irving. Rembrandt's " Three Trees," also found among the accessories at the foot, is indicative of the collector of etchings. The graver, eye-piece, cushion, and block on which the portrait of Washinoton is cut, denote the art of enoravino- and the head of Minerva, which rests proudly upon the volume of Ruskin, represents the patron of Art. This plate is a fine example of the pe- culiar personal flavor which Sherborn has infused into his revival of this particular kind of German work. The grouping of the books at the bottom is excellent, and the graceful sweeps of the tulip pattern, as it fills the upper two-thirds of the plate, are very pleasing. The motto. Far more seemly ivere it for thee to have thy Study full of Bookes than thy purse full of money (Lilly), is placed beneath the design. Two specimens of the work of Paul Avril, for American owners, are of exceeding daintiness and delicacy in design and execution. The plate of Clarence H. Clark represents Venus in gauzy drapery, with a looking-glass in her hand, reclining yupon a pile of books, some of which are closed. A fragment of the scroll of a Chippendale frame, with one or two roses about, complete the decora- tion. The motto, Amat victoria curam, is seen upon the open page of a folio volume. The plate is very light and pretty. In the plate of George B. De Forest, by the same artist, we are ushered into the library of the owner. Here a cherub draws back the cur- 372 American Book-plates. tain, and affords a view of the treasures upon the well-filled shelves, not only to the beholder, but also to a scantily clad female who, with one foot upon the step of the shelf-ladder, appears to halt in an ecstasy of delight. An open book on the floor, and a portfolio standing near the shelves, complete the accessories. The whole is sur- rounded by a frame of foliated scrolls. In the plates of Dr. Henry C. Eno we have examples of the owner's personal skill as an etcher. In one design, a lighted candle is placed upon a closed book, which is labelled Ex Libris Volume, and is presumably filled with rare treas- ures among our very early American plates. The second plate represents a lighthouse, with rolling^ waves at its foot. The broad bands of lisht stream from the lio^hted lantern, across the black night. The scene is enclosed within a circular frame. This is set upon a background, which may represent a fish-net, and is finally enclosed by a border of rope. A bit of rope tied in a sailor's knot lies under the lighthouse pic- ture, and supports the name. Ex Libris H. C. Eno. Among collectors, there has been of recent years a strong desire to secure specimens of the plates of the ladies. In England, where the heraldic features of a lady's plate are required to be in some respects very different from those of the gentleman, they may be said to constitute a class by themselves. But with us, while of equal interest, they do not show any marked difference in their design from the gentlemen's. Indeed, ./ Few Recent Examples. 373 most of them, if not all, would serve just as well for one as for the other. The plate of Charlotte Cushman, which is heraldic, is incorrect, if judged by the rules of the art. The arms are not in a lozenge, the crest is given, and the motto is dis- played. But the plate has none the less a deep interest to the American collector, who indeed can well afford to overlook any trifling irregu- larities which may be pointed out by a student of a science not in vogue with us. Habco pro jus fasqtie is the motto on the plate. Two other heraldic plates are now used by American ladies. The plate of Mrs. E. H. L. Barker, of Warren, R.I., is designed by Mr. J. McN. Stauffer, and is heraldically correct, in that no crest is given, and that the frame enclosing the arms is of the required form. However, the motto is given, and the animal of the crest is made to do service as a supporter of the rod on which the shield rests. The plate is small, and very neat in appearance. The plate of Miss Jessie Brewster, of Shelton, Conn., is a plain armorial, displaying the arms claimed by the descendants V of Elder William Brewster of Massachusetts. Another Rhode Island plate, and one which is representative of the hobbies of the owner, is that of Mrs. Alonzo Elint, of Providence. This is a large plate, in the centre of which is an arrow-head of flint, in reference to the name of the owner. In the corners are displayed books, easel and palette, violin, music and 'cello, and two cathedral spires, — all indicative of the likings and pursuits of the user of the plate. A wreath of ragged chrysan- 374 American Book-plates. thcmums and ivy leaves surrounds the central design, on which a beehive is placed, among hollyhocks. This is, as was intended, a plate whose every part is illustrative of the interests of the owner, who was also its designer. The plate of Mrs. Julia Dexter Coffin, of Wind- sor Locks, Conn., was designed and is used wholly A Few Recent Rxainples. 375 for books of music, or in her library of musical literature. The scene is within the choir of some temple. A flood of light enters the lofty apartment from the open door at the far end of the wall, and the small diamond panes of the large window reveal nothing of the outside world. Seated upon the stone bench, in the foreground, clad in classic robes, a member of the chorus, inspired by some longing, has come alone, to pour forth her feelings in song. The lyre in her hands is of old and ornamental design. Behind her, upon the wall, runs a dado on which the sacred dance is pictured ; and above this a large mural painting can be seen. In the niche by the door stands a statue of Terpischore. The sound of the music seems to fill the room. Purely decorative, and having no particular meaning beyond illustrating the motto, is the plate of OpJiclia Fowler DuJime, The motto, Inter folia fructas, is given at the top of the plate, and the strawberry plant, bearing both flower and fruit, fills the whole space below. Two Cupids disport themselves among sweet M roses, in the plate of Finances Louise Allen. In the plate of Margaret M. Miller, a cherub, with the hair in a Psyche knot, sits upon a closed book, and inscribes the names of the " Immortals " upon a scroll. In the plate of Miss Ada Stezvart Shelton, of Derby, Conn., the motto, Phis penser que dire, is given with the name and a single pansy blossom within a rectangular frame which has pansies at each corner. 376 American Book-plates. In the plate of Mary Bayliss, we have a frame of Chippendale tendency. The scrolls are edged with shell-work, and the flowers are free and natural. Very interesting and successful work in de- signing and engraving book-plates is now being done by Mr. E. D. French, of New York City, Mr. E. H. Garrett, of Winchester, Mass., and by Mr. W. F. Hopson, of New Haven, Conn., all of whom are represented in this volume by prints from the original coppers. AMERICAN COLLECTORS AND COL- LECTIONS. OLLECTORS of book-plates are not very numerous in the United States; but, small as their number is, it has reached the present figure almost at a bound, for we now count about seventy, who are collecting, while, four years ago, there were scarcely a score. A survey of our collections shows that all are particularly interested to collect American plates. The early American examples are few, and daily becoming scarcer, as the search for them grows hotter, and the competition between prospective owners increases. ^ The scarcity and value of our early specimens are not appreciated fully by our brother-collectors over the sea, nor is our national pride in keeping them within our borders realized. Having so few, we cannot be lavish with the rare examples we are able to find ; and so it comes about that the demand for our plates is not met as it once was. The book-plates of our ancestors are not so easily found as are those of the past generation in the older countries. Books were fewer here, 377 378 American Book-plates. devastation by fire and pillage has ruined much that we lament over, and the good old plates turn up but rarely now. Our collections are not large as compared with the (jiffantic a2:o-reo-ations which we hear of as beins: made in Eno^land. Think of one col- lector having one hundred thousand specimens ! The largest collection here will not exceed six thousand, and those next nearest to that fall some two thousand behind it. Our collections are good, representative of the best foreign styles and dates, and do not include much that is valueless. "Small, if need be, in numbers, but excellent in quality," would seem to be the maxim of those who collect over here. German plates, particularly of the oldest engravers, French plates, and the English })lates of men of prominence, are well represented. Plain heraldic plates are not held in high esteem, while the Pictorial, Literary, Library Interior, and Ladies' plates are all sought for. Among the very first to enter the field as a collector of book-plates in the United States was the late James Eddy Mauran, of Newport, R.L Mr. Mauran was a New Yorker by birth, the son of a West India merchant. He was a pains- taking collector, a close student, and a man fully acquainted with the foreign languages, and the literature of the times he felt an especial interest in. While deeply interested in other lines of research and collecting, he found time to gather a good collection of American and foreign book- plates, which were mounted with the nicety and taste shown in all branches of his collectins:. Collectors and Collections. 379 At the time of his death, in 1888, he had about 3500 plates in all, and they were appraised by- Mr. Hewins, a friend of Mr. Mauran, at three hundred dollars, and were sold to a Philadelphia gentleman. Mr. Mauran had a way of mounting his plates which was original and unique. He pasted them down on pieces of marbled paper, and other kinds of paper used in the ornamental binding of books. He was at pains to obtain from binders, stationers, and booksellers all the pieces of paper of this kind that could be found, in order to have as many different mounts as possible. These papers were all mounted on stiffer white paper, and formed a good substantial ground for the final mounting. His titled plates were mounted on gold and silver paper; and the ladies' plates on bits of silk, damask, satin, or old pieces of brocade and other things pertaining to ladies' wear. The Ameri- can plates were mounted on the older styles of marbled papers, and on fancy patterns and colors in use years- ago. They were numbered on the back, and were kept in alphabetical order. Very often the back of the mount was covered with notes about the owner of the plate. Portraits, autographs, views of houses, and sketches of the owners from newspapers, were also mounted and placed with the plate they were identified with. The plates were kept in old book-covers of fine, polished calf, beautifully tooled on the back and edges. An interesting history is connected with these covers. Mr. John Austin Stevens, of New York, had made a fine collection of the poetry, 378 American Book-plates. devastation by fire and pillage has ruined much that we lament over, and the good old plates turn up but rarely now. Our collections are not large as compared with the o-iorantic ao;oTe2:ations which we hear of as beins: made in Enfj:land. Think of one col- lector having one hundred thousand specimens ! The largest collection here will not exceed six thousand, and those next nearest to that fall some two thousand behind it. Our collections are good, representative of the best foreign styles and dates, and do not include much that is valueless. "Small, if need be, in numbers, but excellent in quality," would seem to be the maxim of those who collect over here. German plates, particularly of the oldest engravers, French plates, and the English plates of men of prominence, are well represented. Plain heraldic plates are not held in high esteem, while the Pictorial, Literary, Library Literior, and Ladies' plates are all sought for. Among the very first to enter the field as a collector of book-plates in the United States was the late James Eddy Mauran, of Newport, R.L Mr. Mauran was a New Yorker by birth, the son of a West India merchant. He was a pains- taking collector, a close student, and a man fully acquainted with the foreign languages, and the literature of the times he felt an especial interest in. While deeply interested in other lines of research and collecting, he found time to gather a good collection of American and foreign book- plates, which were mounted with the nicety and taste shown in all branches of his coUectino:. Collectors and Collections. 379 At the time of his death, in 1888, he had about 3500 plates in all, and they were appraised by- Mr. Hewins, a friend of Mr. Mauran, at three hundred dollars, and were sold to a Philadelphia gentleman. Mr. Mauran had a way of mounting his plates which was original and unique. He pasted them down on pieces of marbled paper, and other kinds of paper used in the ornamental binding of books. He was at pains to obtain from binders, stationers, and booksellers all the pieces of paper of this kind that could be found, in order to have as many different mounts as possible. These papers were all mounted on stiffer white paper, and formed a good substantial ground for the final mounting. His titled plates were mounted on gold and silver paper; and the ladies' plates on bits of silk, damask, satin, or old pieces of brocade and other things pertaining to ladies' wear. The Ameri- can plates were mounted on the older styles of marbled papers, and on fancy patterns and colors in use years- ago. They were numbered on the back, and were kept in alphabetical order. Very often the back of the mount was covered with notes about the owner of the plate. Portraits, autographs, views of houses, and sketches of the owners from newspapers, were also mounted and placed with the plate they were identified with. The plates were kept in old book-covers of fine, polished calf, beautifully tooled on the back and edges. An interesting history is connected with these covers. Mr. John Austin Stevens, of New York, had made a fine collection of the poetry, 380 American Book-plates. ballads, and romances of the mediaeval ages, which was bound in the sumptuous style men- tioned. Upon the occasion of a visit to Europe, Mr. Mauran, who was a friend of Mr. Stevens, sav/ them carefully packed in boxes, which were deposited in the vaults of the Chamber of Com- merce building in New York, and insured for ten thousand dollars. During the absence of the owner, the negro janitor of the building broke open the boxes, and, tearing out the insides of the treasured volumes, sold them for waste paper ! Portions were recovered ; but the covers were of no further use as originally intended, and they fell to Mr. Mauran, who used them to hold his book-plates. This collection was quite rich in the early plates of America ; for Mr. Mauran, being well-nigh the first in the field, had the cream of collectino^ for some time, and was able to secure plates which now are not to be had. Not very long ago, this collection changed hands again, as the first purchaser, having no time to make use of the plates, was w^illing to sell them to some collector who could make them of greater use among others interested in the same topic. In some way the collection became disrupted, and parts of it are owned by different collectors. Mr. E. N. Hewins is one of the older collectors among us. Mr. Hewins has a very interesting album of American plates, in which a goodly number of the rarer specimens find a resting- place. Other albums are used for the foreign examples, and the number of plates in the collec- tion places it well up towards the head of the Collectors and Collections, 381 list of large and valuable collections. The plates are classified by styles. Mr. Richard C. Lichtenstein, of Boston, has a large collection of book-plates. A part of his collection is arranged alphabetically in a large quarto bound in brown morocco, with gold tool- ing, and made especially for the purpose with leaves of very thin tinted paper. Individual mounts are also used. This collection is one of the largest and probably the best, as regards Americana, of all in the United States. Another Boston collector who has been col- lecting for some time, and who has a valuable collection, is Mr. Fred J. Libbie. Mr. Libbie has a copy of Warren, most beautifully bound in crushed levant, which is extra-illustrated by the insertion of rare original plates, autograph letters, portraits, and views. The volume is extended to fully three times its original thickness, and is an elegant specimen of the book-binders' art, as well as a most valuable storehouse of fine book-plates. Other works on the subject of book-plates are in process of extra-illustration by Mr. Libbie, who is an enthusiastic collector, confining himself to no specialties, but making an excellent collection in all lines. The largest collection of plates is that belong- ing to Mr. H. E. Deats, of Flemington, N.J. This industrious collector, while a rather new comer, has distanced all the older men, and, being the owner of the bulk of the Mauran collection, has some very fine examples, as well as large numbers, to boast of. 382 American Book-plates. Dr. Henry C. Eno, of Saugatuck, Conn., has a large and valuable collection mounted in volumes bound in full levant. We number among our collectors several ladies, and it is earnestly to be hoped that here, as in England, we may have plates designed by lady artists. Probably the earliest lady collector is Mrs. Richard J. Barker, of Warren, R.I., who has several albums filled with good plates, and who has contributed an interesting article on the subject of early American plates to the literature of our topic. Other ladies who are collecting are Miss Helen E. Brainerd, of Columbia College Library; Mrs. C. H. Duhme, of Cincinnati ; Mrs. E. M. Gallaudet, of Washington; and Miss Louise Fitz, of Newton Centre, Mass. The mounting and arrangement of plates are vexed questions among collectors. The really satisfactory method has not yet been discovered. Many ways are tried ; and experience shows that while one may at different times think he has found the very best way, its disadvantages are sure to appear, and a new method will be looked for. Mr. E. H. Bierstadt, of New York, keeps his collection in large albums constructed for the purpose. The leaves are of double thicknesses of heavy calendered manilla paper. The plates are pasted down on mounts of a stiff white ledger paper, and are then placed in the book, four to the page, by slipping the corners of the mounts into slits cut for the purpose in the page. This allows the easy readjustment, the easy exchange of Collectors and Collections. 383 a poor specimen for a better one, the re-placing of a plate wrongly classed, and the extension of alphabetical arrangement ad injinittim. The ap- pearance of the volume is handsome. Mr. Henry Blackwell, of New York, is mount- ing all his plates on rather large sheets of a stiff paper, of a dark tint, which shows off the plates to good advantage. They are arranged in alpha- betical order, and are kept in neat wooden boxes. The plates of Mr. Pickering Dodge, of Wash- ington, D.C., are mounted on a dove-colored mount, which is an advantageous tint. The plates are arranged according to styles. This collector, however, is about to change to albums. Mr. Nathaniel Paine, of Worcester, Mass., has his plates mounted directly upon the pages of an album made for them. Portraits, views, etc., are also interspersed. The present writer used originally the indi- vidual mount ; but becoming dissatisfied with that method, because of injury by careless hand- ling, adopted the albums, using in both instances the " hinges " of the stamp collector to fasten the plates down with. He is now changing back to the individual-mount plan, as it admits of more freedom in comparison, easy changes, and the better display of the collection, either to a few, or to an audience. The larger part of our collectors do not mount their plates at all, or have any system of arranging them. They are kept in odd envelopes, boxes, between the leaves of books, or in a desk-drawer, and there await the new arrival, or the shaking 384 Americmi Book-plates. up incident to the search for a particular speci- men. This is ruinous. The larger part of our collectors are members of the Ex Libris Society, of England, while many have also joined the societies in France and Germany. No American Society has as yet been seriously proposed. A LIST OF AMERICAN MEMBERS OF THE EX LIBRIS SOCIETY. Charles Dexter Allen Hartford, Conn. G. A. Armour Chicago, 111. S. P. Avery New York City. William E. Baillie Bridgeport, Conn. Mrs. Richard J. Barker Warren, R.I. Walter R. Benjamin New York City. E. H. Bierstadt New York City. Henry Blackwell New York City. E. W. Blatchford Chicago, 111. Boston Athenaeum Boston, Mass. Boston Public Library Boston, Mass. Helen E. Brainerd New York City. William George Brown Lexington, Va. J. H. Buck New York City. William A. Butterfield Boston, Mass. Dr. Charles E. Clark Lynn, Mass. J. H. Corning . Washington, D.C. Hon. W. A. Courtenay Charleston, S.C. Dr. R. B. Coutant Tarrytown, N.Y. George W. Cram Norwalk, Conn. H. E. Deats Flemington, N.J. Pickering Dodge Washington, D.C. Dr. J. H. Dubbs Lancaster, Pa. Mrs. E. H. Duhme Cincinnati. Ohio, George Wharton Edwards New York City. Dr. Henry C. Eno Saugatuck, Conn. F. W. French Boston, Mass. Collectors and Collections. 385 E. H. Frost Charleston, S.C. Mrs. E. M. Gallaudet Washington, D.C. Christian Gerhardt New York City. CxvoHer Chib New York City. E. N. Hewins Boston, Mass. A. L. Holhngsworth Boston, Mass. W. F. Hopson New Haven, Conn. Paul Lemperly Cleveland, Ohio. Fred J. Libbie Boston, Mass. Richard C. Lichtenstein Boston, Mass. George A. Macbeth Pittsburg, Pa. Mont;igue Marks New York City. Charles T. Martin Hartford, Conn. Thomas L. Montgomery Philadelphia, Pa. Newberry Library Chicago, 111. New York State Library Albany, N.Y. Nathaniel L. Paine Worcester, Mass. George B. Perry Boston, Mass. Daniel Ravenel Charleston, S.C. Henry S. Rowe Boston, Mass. Rowfant Club Cleveland, Ohio. J. Douglas Scott Hyde Park, Mass. Heromich Shugio ........ Washington, D.C. Howard Sill Glendale, Mass. Fred Webber Washington, D.C. Horace W. Whayman Newport, Ky. John P. Woodbury Boston, Mass. Worcester Public Library Worcester, Mass. Others who have collections, or who are in- terested in book-plates, but are not members of the societies, are : — Samuel Auxer Lancaster, Pa. Albert C. Bates Hartford, Conn. Arlo Bates Boston, Mass. Robert A. Brock Richmond, Va. Henry M. Brooks . Salem, Mass. Henry B. Bult New York City. H. B. Bryant Portland, Me. 2 c 386 American Book-plates. Dr. Swan M. Burnett Washington, D.C. William J. Campbell Philadelphia, Pa. Beverly Chew New York City. Dartmouth College Library Hanover, N.H. Henri Pene Du Bois New York City. Howard Edwards Philadelphia, Pa. Paul Leicester Ford Brooklyn, N.Y. Frank B. Gay Hartford, Conn. Edward D. Harris New York City. Lauience Hutton New York City. Chailes C. Moreau New York City. Edward W. Nash New York City. New York Historical Society .... New York City. Henry Thorpe Brooklyn, N.Y. Lyon G. Tyler Williamsburg, Pa. William H. Whitmore Boston, Mass. THE EX LIBRIS SOCIETIES. HE Ex Libris Society, of London, was organized in 1 89 1, and now has four hun- dred members, of whom about fifty are residents of the United States. The Society pubHshes a handsomely illus- trated Monthly Journal, which is free to members. The An- nual Dues are ten shillings, sixpence. The Entrance Fee is two shillings, sixpence. This Society will probably limit its membership and raise its dues before long. All persons interested in the collecting of book-plates, except dealers in plates, are eligible to membership. The pre- payment of the Entrance Fee and the Annual Dues constitutes one a member. The Honorable Secretary of the Society is Mr. W. H. K. Wright, of Plymouth, England. The Corresponding Secretary for the UnitecJ^ States is Mr. Charles Dexter Allen, Hartford, Conn. DES EX-LIBRIS-VEREINS ZU BERLIN. The German Society published the first num- ber of its Quarterly in October, 1891. This is 387 388 American Book-plates. beautifully illustrated with many plates in colors, and is free to all members. The Annual Dues are twelve marks. The address of the Secre- tary is, Friedrich Warnecke, Friedrich-Wilhelms- strasse, 4. Berlin, W., Germany. SOCIETE FRANCAISE DES COLLECTIONNEURS ' D'EX LIBRIS. The French Society was organized in 1893, and published the first number of its Archives in January, 1894. This monthly is free to all members. The Annual Dues are nineteen francs and fifty centimes. The address of the Secretary is, 3 Foubourg Saint-Jacques, Paris. BIBLIOGRAPHY. AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND FRENCH. THE AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. By Eben Newell Hewins. Book-plate collecting in the United States is of such recent growth that the literature on the subject is naturally limited, con- sisting of only a few scattered magazine and newspaper articles. The following list is believed to be nearly, if not quite, com- plete. The compiler desires his thanks to all who have assisted him in his work ; and especially would he thank Mr. H. W. Fincham and Mr. James Roberts Brown, for kind permission to use their exhaustive English Bibliography, which is here re- printed from the journal of the Ex Libris Society ; and also Mr. Walter Hamilton, for permission to use his Bibliography, prepared for his " Hand-Book of French Book-Plates." Additions to this list are desired, and correspondents having knowledge of articles not noted here will confer a favor by communicating with either the author or compiler. 1. The Heraldic Journal. Vol. I., American book-plate en- gravers ; Thomas Johnson, p. 6 ; Nat. Hurd, p. 19 ; John Cole, Jun., pp. 95-108. Vol. II., American book-plate engravers ; Thomas Turner, p. 94. Vol. III., The Harris collection of book-plates, pp. 21-24; Thomas Child's book-plate, p. 190. Vol. IV., The Spooner book- plate, p. 45 ; the William King Atkinson book-plate, p. 119 ; Heraldic Painters and Engravers, p. 192. J. K. Wiggin, Boston, 8vo, 1 865-1 868. 2. Whitmore (William H.). Elements of Heraldry. Boston, 1866. Contains copies of book-plates and notices of early American book- plate engravers. 389 390 American Book-plates, 3. "Winsor (Justin). A catalogue of the collection of books and manuscripts formerly belonging to the Rev. Thomas Prince, . . . now deposited in the public library of the city of Boston, v., viii., illustrated. Boston, U.S.A., 4to, 1870. Describes the various book-plates of the Rev. Thomas Prince, 1687- 1758. 4. Brown (John Cofiin Jones). The Coffin family, its armorial bearings, and origin of the name, illustrated. Boston, 8vo, 18S1. 5. Literary "World. A Library Pest, July 2, i88t. The Study of Book-plates. A review of Warren, Aug. 13, 1881. (By Rev. Dr. Joseph Henry Dubbs.) Boston, U.S.A., 1881. 6. Leach (Frank Willing). The Right to bear Arms, illus- trated. The Continoii, Vol. III., pp. 513-523. Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A., April 25, 1883. Many of the illustrations given are copies of book-plates. 7. Lichtensteia (Richard C). Early Book-plates. The Boston Daily Globe, April 22, 1885. 8. Book-Mart. Original stanzas for insertion on the fly- leaves of lent books, III., 27. Pittsburgh, Penn., U.S.A., 8vo, 1885. 9. The Book Buyer. A List of American Book-plate Collec- tors, III., 165. The Original and Imitation Washington Book-plate, illustrated. III., 234. Practical Suggestions for Book-plates, illustrated, III., 377. New York, Scribner, 4to, 1886. 10. Hutton (Laurence). Some American Book-plates, illus- trated. The Book Buyer, Vol. III., 7-9, 63-65, 112- 114, 159-161. New York, Scribner, 4to, 1886. These articles were reprinted in the Ex Libris yournal. Vol. II., pp. 42, 52, 69. 11. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. XVIIL, No. I. Samuel Provoost, First Bishop of New York. An address to the Genealogical and Bio- graphical Society. Illustrated with portrait and book- plate of Bishop Provoost. New York, January, 1887. The American Bibliography. 391 12. Lichtensteiii (Richard C). Early New England and New York Heraldic Book-plates. Neiv England Historical and Genealogical Register, XL., 295-299. Published under the direction of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, 8vo, 1886. Also privately printed with additions. 13. Lichtenstein (Richard C). Early Southern Heraldic Book-plates. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, XLL, 296. Published under the direction of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. ., • . , • . J Boston, 8vo, 1887. Also privately printed. ' ' ' 14. Lichtenstein (Richard C). American Book-plates and their Engravers, illustrated. The Curio, 11-17, 61-66, 110-114; Washington's Library, illustrated, 246-252. New York, U.S.A., R. W. Wright, folio, 1887. The Curio was discontinued after the sixth number. 15. Martin (Charles Towneley). Book-plates and their Early Engravers. Cit}' Mission Record. Hartford, Conn., 1S88. 16. Dubbs (Rev. Dr. Joseph Henry). Peter Miller's Book- plate. Reformed CJinrch Messenger (Whitehall Papers, second series. No. V.). Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A., June 19, 1889. 17. The Century Magazine, Vol. XXXIX. The GroHer Club, 87. New York and London, 8vo, 1889. Contains the book-plate of the Grolier Club. 18. The American Book Maker. Book-plates, illustrated. Vol. XL, No. 2, 8vo, August, 1890; Vol. XHL, No. 3, 8vo, September, 1891. New York, U.S.A. 19. The Book Lover. Edited by Ligersoll Lockwood, Phil. Bibl. Book-plate, A Classical, by Rhead, 60 ; An American, 35 ; An Artistic, by Rhead, 79 ; Book-plates, by Rhead, 53, 91; Centennial, by A. B. Bogart, 69; Design for, 23; for Cultured Collectors, 115; Book- plates, 13. All the above articles are illustrated. New York, William Evarts Benjamin, 8vo, 1890. Publication discontinued after twelfth number. 392 Ainericaii Book-plates. 20. The Sunday Sun. South Carolina Book-plates. Charleston, S.C., January 4, 1891. 21. Dubbs (Rev. Dr. Joseph Henry). Hobbies and How to Ride them. 'Ihe Interior, June 11, 18, 1891. Chicago, 111., 1 89 1. These articles do not directly refer to book-plates, but contain inci- dental allusions. 22. Providence Sunday Journal. Collecting Book-plates, Mrs. E. H. L. Barker. Providence, R.I., U.S.A., November 15, 1891. 23. The News and Courier. A Bibliographical Hint. Some- thing about Book-plates. Charleston, S.C., U.S.A., March i, 1892. 24. Stevenson (E. Ireneus). The Book-plate and How to Make it. llic Christian Union. New York, U.S.A., April 30, 1892. 25. The Collector. Some Historic Book-plates (Rev. Dr. J. H. Dubbs), v., 151-152, 164-165, 176-177; German Book-plates of Pennsylvania (Rev. Dr. J. H. Dubbs), VI., 3-5 ; The Book-plate of Jacob Sargeant, illustrated (Charles Dexter Allen) ; Collection of Book-plates, VI., 29. New York, Walter Romeyn Benjamin, 4to, 1892. 26. Hutton (Laurence). From the Books of Laurence Hutton. On Some American Book-plates, chapter i., 3-29. New York, Harper & Bros., 12 mo, 1892. A reprint of the articles which appeared in the Booli Buyer, 18S6, and also in the Ex Libris Journal, Vol. II. 27. American Dictionary of Printing and Book-making, Part iv., 180, 181. Ex Libris, illustrated. New York, Howard Lockwood & Co., 4to, 1892. 28. The Book Buyer. Some English Book-plates. A review of Mr. Caslle's book, illustrated, V., pp. 19-22. Some French Book-plates. A review of Mr. Hamilton's book, illustrated, V., pp. 65-67. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 4to, 1S93. 29. The Library Journal. Note of the Ex Libris Society of London. New York, May, 1S93. The American Bibliography. 393 30. Jamaica Plain News. Book-plates. A review of Mr. Castle's book, illustrated. Jamaica Plain, Mass., U.S.A., July 8, 1893. 31. The Critic. Book-plates of New England Authors. A review of Mr. Castle's book, illustrated, Vol. XIX., pp. 82, '&2)- Some American Book-plates, illustrated, Vol. XX., pp. 88, 89. The Critic Company, New York, folio, 1893. 32. The Hartford Post. Hundreds of Book-plates in the Collection of a Hartford Gentleman, illustrated. Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., August 19, 1893. 33. The Richmond Despatch. Arms of the Virginia Company. An interesting historical book-plate. R. A. Brock, Secretary Southern Historical Society, September 1 7, 1893. That old Book-plate. Note on the Arms of the Virginia Company, October 15, 1893. Richmond, Va., U.S.A., 1893. 34. The Richmond Despatch. Note on the Ex Libris Journal. Richmond, Va., December 3, 1893. 35. The Albany Argus. Note on Book-plate of the Albany Library Society. Albany, N.Y., U.S.A., November, 1893. 36. Magazine of Art. " Ex Libris." A review of Mr. Castle's book. New York, folio, December, 1893. 37. The Book-Lover's Almanac. The Art of the Book-plate, by Henri Bene DuBois, with seven caricature designs by Henriot. The Carroll Book-plate, by Charles Dexter Allen, illustrated. New York, Duprat & Co., 1893. 38. The Art Amateur. Ex-Libris Notes, illustrated. Vol. XXX., pp. 92, 121, 148, 173. New York, Montague Marks, Publisher, 25 Union Square, folio, 1894. 39. The Dial. Private Book-marks. A note of Mr. Hardy's book, p. ^Z. Chicago, 111., February i, 1894. 394 American Book-plates. 40. The Collector. A Current Record of Art, Bibliography, Antiquarianism, etc. Published semi-monthly. Alfred Trumble, 454 West 24th Street, New York. The following numbers contain brief articles on book-plates: Vol. IV., Nos. 13, 14, 20; Vol. v., No. I, 1893; Vol. v., Nos. 8, 9, 1894. This is not to be confounded with The Collector^ published by Walter R. Benjamin. 41. The Inland Printer. The Book-plate, its Literature, etc., by VV. Irving Way, illustrated. Vol. XII., No, 6, pp. 460-46 1 . The Inland Printer Co., Chicago, 111., March, 1894. 42. Book Reviews. American Book-plates, by Charles Dexter Allen. New York, Macmillan & Co., Vol. II., No. i. May, 1S94. Allusions to book-plates, or reproductions of interesting plates, are found in the following works : — Bridgman (Thomas). The Pilgrims of Boston and their Descendants. Book-plate of Peter Kemble, Esq. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 8vo, 1856. Maga2ine of American History. November, 1880, Kissam book-plate, p. 376 ; February, 1881, Washington's book- plate, p. 88; March, 1881, Kissam book-plate, pp. 225, 302; April, 1881, W. Smith's book-plate, p. 274; August, 1884, Roger Morris ; book-plate of Henry Clinton, grandson of Sir H. Clinton. Ralph Waldo Emerson. His Maternal Ancestors. With some Reminiscences of Him. By David Greene Haskins, D.D. Boston, Cupples, Upham & Co., 12 mo, 1886. Book-plate of Rev. William Emerson, father of Ralph Waldo. Lion Gardiner and his Descendants, by Curtis E. Gardiner. St. Louis, 1890. Book-plates of John Gardiner, Fifth Proprietor of Gardiner's Island, and John Lyon Gardiner, Seventh Proprietor. The American Bibliography. 395 History of the Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington as First President of the United States. New York, Appleton & Co., 1892. Book-plate of George Washington. Pene DuBois (Henri). Four Private Libraries of New York. New York, Duprat & Co., 8vo, 1892. Book-plates of C. JoUy-Bavoillet and George B. DeForest. Customs and Fashions in Old New England. Book-plates, p. 286. Alice Morse Earle. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1893. Jamaica Plain News. Sketch of a " talk " on Book-plates, by Mr. E. N. Hewins. Jamaica Plain, Mass. U.S.A., March 3, 1894. Origin and Growth of the Library of the Massachusetts His- torical Society. A paper presented at a Meeting of the Society, November 9, 1893, by Samuel Abbott Green, M.D. Pamphlet. John Wilson & Son, University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1893. Describes the various book-plates used by the Society, and is illus- trated with several fac-similes. The Jaunceys of New York. Pamphlet, 24 pp. New York, 1876. William Jauncey's book-plate for frontispiece. Annals of the Van Rennselaers in the United States, by Rev. Maunsell Van Rennselaer, D.D., LL.D. Albany, 8vo., pp. 241. 1888. Book-plate of K. K. Van Rennselaer, to face page 214. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. IX., page 14. Book-plate of Sir John St. Clair. Notices on him by Charles R. Hildeburn. 188;. 396 American Book-plates. THE ENGLISH BIBLIOGRAPHY. By H. W. Fincham, Esq., and James Roberts Brown, F.R. G.S. [Reprinted by their kind permission.] 1. Bartsch (Adam). Le Peintre Graveur, Vol. VII., for I)lales by Diirer and others. Vienna, 21 vols., 8vo, 1803-182 1. 2. Moiile (Thomas). Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnge Britan- nise, pp. 367-388. London, royal 8vo, 1822. Moule used the cut on the title-page as his bool^-plate. 3. The Gentleman's Magazine. Remarks on the invention of book-plates, Part ii., 613. London, 8vo, 1822. 4. The Gentleman's Magazine. Book-plates (C. S. B.), Part i., 198-199. London, 8vo, 1823. 5. Wadd (William). IVIems., Maxims, and Memoirs, pp. 146-147. London, Callow & Wilson, 8v^o, 1827. 6. Parsons (Rev. Daniel). On Book-plates. Third Annual Report of the Oxford University Archaeological and Heraldic Society, pp. 17-25. Oxford, J. Vincent, royal 8vo, 1837. 7. Notes and Queries, ist Series. Book-plates, whimsical one, vi., 32 ; motto, i., 212 ; early, iii., 495 ; iv., 46, 93, 354; vii., 26; xi., 265, 351, 471 ; xii., 35, 114. London, 1849- 185 5. 8. Dennistoun (James). Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange . . . and Andrew Lumisden, ii., 283-284. London, Longman, 2 vols., 8vo, 1855. Gives the dates of three book-plates engraved ])}■ Strange. 9. Notes and Queries, 2d Series. Book-stamps, armorial, X., 409. London, 1856-1861. 10. Notes and Queries, 3d Series. Book-plates, armorial, vi., 306; their heraldic authority, xii., 117, 218.; by R. A., wood engraver, viii., 308. London, 1862-1867. TJie EnglisJi Bibliography. 397 n. Beaupre (M.). Notice sur quelques Graveurs Nanct§iens du XVIII Siecle. Nancy, Lucien Wiener, 8vo, 1862. Contains description of a number of book-plates engraved by Dominique Collin. 12. See American Bibliography, No. i. 13. See American Bibliography, No. i. 14. See American Bibliography, No. 2. 15. Leighton, F.S.A. (John). Book-plates, Ancient and Modern, with examples, illustrated. Gcnileman''s Magazine, 4th Series, Vol. I., pp. 798-804. London, 8vo, June, 1866. Reprinted in the Ex Lihris ^ourna^, ]u\y, 1891; also reprinted in the British and Colonial Printer and Stationer, August 6, 1891. 16. Hugo, M.A. (Thos.). The Bewick Collector, illustrated, pp. 303-322. London, Reeve & Co., 8vo, 1866. 17. Larousse (Pierre). Ex Libris, mots latins qui signifient litteralement des livres, d'entre des livres, faissant partie des livres, avec le nom du propri(^taire. Ces mots s'inscrivent ordinairement en tete de chaque volume d'une bibliotheque avec la signature du propri^taire. On connait ce trait d'ignorance d'un financier, homme d'ordre avant tout, qui avait ordonn^ a son chapelier de coUer soigneusement au fond de son chapeau, " Ex Libris Vaudore." Grand Dictionnaire Universel du XIX Siecle, Vol. 7. Paris, 16 vols., 4to, 1866-1877. 18. See American Bibliography, No. i. 19. See American Bibliography, No. i. 20. Notes and Queries, 4th series. Book-plates, armorial, iv., 409, 518; v., 65, 210, 286; ix., 160; exchanged, x., 519. London, 1868- 18 73. 21. Hugo, M.A. (Thos.). The Bewick Collector Supplement, illustrated, pp. xxiii., 152-155. London, Reeve & Co., 8vo, 1868. 22. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson). Miscellanea Gcnealogica ct Herali/ica, illustrated. Vol. L Examples of Armorial Book-plates : Hooke, i 703 ; Rogers, 1 700 ; Rogers, Gage, 1805 ; Dallaway, 284; Billingsley, Eger- ton, 1707 ; Snell, 299. London, royal Svo, 1868. 398 American Book-plates. 23. Bibliophile Francais. Gazette illustree des amateurs, de livTe d'estampes, et des hautes curiosites. Paris, 7 vols., royal 8vo, 1868-1873. This work incorporates the "Armorial du Bibliophile" of Guigard. 24. Bachelin-Deflorenne, bookseller, of Garrick Street, Covent (iarden, London, December, 1869. Catalogue of, de- scribes two book-plates dated respectively 1279 and 1314. Vide The Book Fancier, P. Fitzgerald, p. 129. 25. Guigard (Joannis). Armorial du bibliophile, avec illus- trations dans le texte. Paris, Bachelin-Deflorenne, 2 vols., 8vo, 18 70-1 8 7 2. Ct)ntains about 1400 cuts of super-libris. 26. Tourneaux (Maurice). Ex Libris. Amateur d'autographes. April, 1872. An article on the collection of ex libris in the possession of M. Aglaiis Bouvenne. 27. Notes and Queries, 5th Series. Book-plate, R. T. Prit- chett's, ix., 29, 75'; query, x., 428 ; armorial, i., 386 ; exchanged, i., 60, 199; ii., 159; punning, iv., 464; v., 35 ; handbook of, vi., 465 ; vii., 36, 76 ; heraldic, vi., 369* 543; vii., 28, 36, 76, 233, 435, 515; earliest known, vii., 76, 235; mottoes on, vii., 427; viii., in, 258; collections, vii., 435, 515; viii., 38, 79, 118, 158, 178, 360; xi., 260; dated, viii., 200, 298, 397, 517; ix., 198 ; xi., 446 ; xii., 33 ; how to arrange collections, ix., 20; papers on, ix., 360. London, 1874-1879. 28. Poulet-Malassis (A.). Les Ex Libris Frangais, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Plates. Paris, P. Rouquette, royal 8vo, 1874. 29. De Rieffenberg. De Marques et devises mises a leur livres l)ar un grande nombre d'amateurs. Paris, 1874. 30. Athenaeum. " Les Ex libris Francais." Review of Poulet-.XLalassis' book "Les Ex Libris Frangais." London, p. 469, October 9, 1875. 31. Longperier-Grimoard (Comte de). Etude sur les Ex Libris. Senlis, 8vo, 8 pp., 1875. A paper read before the Comite-Archeologique de Senlis, December II, 1874. The English BibliograpJiy. 399 32. Longperier-Giinioard (Comte de). Letter to Monsieur Aubry on a Super- Libris of Crozat. Bulletin de Bouquiniste, No. 416. Paris, Aubry, April 15, 1875. 33. Poulet-Malassis (A.). Les Ex Libris Frangais. Nouvelle edition, revue, tres-augment^e et orn^e de vingt-quatre planches. Paris, P. Rouquette, royal 8vo, 1S75. 34. Tooke (M. A.). Notes on Book-plates, illustrated. The Art Journal, new series, XV., 267-270. London, Vertue, folio, September, 1876. 35. Longperier-Grimoard (Comte de). Une marque inconnue (College du cardinal le Moine). Paris, Aubry, 1876. Reprinted from the Bulletin dc Bouquiniste, December i and 15, 1876. 36. Van de Haeghen. Dictionnaire des devises des hommes des lettres, imprimeurs, libraires, bibliophiles, etc. 1S76-1879. 37. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson). Aliscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, Vol. IL, illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates : Barker, 505 ; Beddington, 244; Bovvdon, 525; De Burgo, 1720, 287; Cary- Elwes, 556; Furneaux, 170; Gomm, 184; Haslewood, 128 ; Hilliard, 87 ; Lorimer, 421 ; Palmer, 487 ; Potter, 570; Waldy, 583. London, royal 8vo, 1877. 38. Pall Mall Gazette. Occasional Notes, " Old Bookworm," p. 4, November 19 ; p. 5, December 18. London, 1877. 39. The Genealogist, Vol. IL Book-plate of Anthony Stewart, illustrated, 192. London, Golding & Lawrence, 8vo, 1878. 40. "Warren, M.A. (The Hon. J. Leicester). Guide to the Study of Book-plates. Plates. London, John Pearson, 8vo, 1880. 41. The Bookseller. A Guide to the Study of Book-plates. Review of Warren's book, " A Guide to the Study of Book-plates." London, October 6, 1880. 400 American Book-plates. 42. The Graphic. The Reader. Review of Warren's book, "A Guide to the Study of Book-plates." London, October iC, 1880. 43. Saturday Review. Book-plates. A review of Warren's book, " A Guide to the Study of Book-plates." London, October 20, 1880. 44. The Academy. Art Books. Review of Warren's book, " A Guide to the Study of Book-plates." London, November 13, 1880, 45. The Antiquary, edited by E. Walford, ALA., Vol. I. Notes on Book-plates, 75-77; Book-plates (W. Hamil- ton), 1 1 7-1 18; Book-plates, 189; Notes on Curious Book-plates, 236-237 ; Another Chapter on Book-plates (Alfred Wallis), 256-259. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1880. 46. The Antiquary, edited by E. Walford, M.A., Vol. IL A Sup])lementary Chapter on Book-plates, 6-10; An Essay on Book-plates (E. P. Shirley), 115-118; Book- plates, 133, 272. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1880. 47. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson). Miscellanea Gencalogica et Hcraldica, Vol. IIL, illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates: Andrews, 171 ; Bedford, 189 Carson, 156 ; Burr, 156 ; Courthope, 327 ; Dalton, 438 Fenwick, Note respecting Bewick, 433 ; Gregory, 290 Harrington, 1706, 195; Hoblyn, 353; Hyett^ 95 Jackson, 402; Millard, 445 ; Mitchell, loi, 143; Nott 1763. 233; Ridgway, 1871, 47; St. George, 82 Strangways, 22; Tomes, 273; Waggett, 182; Walters, 226, 252 ; White, 1878, 206 ; AVoodroffe, 65. London, royal 8vo, 1880. 48. Notes and Queries, 6th Series. Book-plates, collections of, i., 2, 178, 197, 266, 386; ii., 272, 302; vi., 161, 298 ; X., 24 ; of Lord Keane and others, i., 336 ; ii., 34, 94, 255 ; "As" on, i., 516 ; armorial, ii., 367, 396, 427 ; iii., 73, 126, 278, 298 ; xi., 267, 410 ; their removal, ii., 445, 491 ; iii., 31 ; their arrangement, iii., 28, 130, 195 ; dated, iii., 204, 302 ; iv., 206, 247, 466, 486 ; v., 9, 78, 151; vi., 357; vii., 146, 166; ix., 480; X., 34; accu- The English Bibliography. 401 mulated, iii., 289, 473; iv., 16; Burton, iii., 386; their collection, 402 ; cryptographic, 403 ; with astronomical symbols, 429 ; something new in, 506 : Austro-Hun- garian, 508 ; with Greek mottoes, iv., 266, 414, 497 ; v., 296, 457; vi., 136, 218, 398; vii., 295, 304, 336; viii., 278 ; their mounting, iv., 305 ; their exchange, v., 46 ; curious, v., 226, 305, 374, 457 ; vi., 15, 76 ; Bishop of Clonfert's, 1698, v., 346 ; portrait, v., 407 ; vi., 14, 157; Joseph Ignace's, vi., 68, 237; Rev. Adam Clarke's, vii., 304 ; foreign, viii., 268, 29S ; John Col- let's, 1633, ix., 308, 437; Boteler, x., 27; unidentified, 129; German, 269, 373; Arthur Charlett's, xi., 267, 411,433,451; ancient, xii., 8, 78; heraldic, 10,429; parochial, 69, 152; typographical, 288, 352, 415; their antiquity, 512. London, 1880-1885. 49. Stoeber (Auguste). Petit Revue d'ex libris Alsaciens. Mulhouse, i2mo, 1880. 50. Nouvelle etude sur I'unversit^ de Pont-a-mousson. Nancy, 1880. 51. The Antiquary, Vol. III. Reviews. A Guide to the Study of Book-plates, 77. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1881. 52. The Antiquary, Vol. IV. Last Words on Book-plates, 106-111. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 18S1, 53. Dobson (Austin). The Book-plate's Petition: a poem. Notes and Queries, Jan. 8, 1S81. 54. Hamilton, F.R.G.S. (Walter). Leaves from a Library, on Book-plates. West Middlesex Advertiser, March 26 ; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; May 7, 14. London, Shields, Sloane Square, 18S1. 55. The Genealogist, Vol. V. "A Guide to the Study of Book-plates" (a review of Warren), illustrated, 74-77. Grant of Arms to John Leyland, illustrated with book- plate, 184. London, George Bell & Sons, 8vo, 1881. 56. Palatine Note Book, Vol. I. Book-plates, 15, 16, 30, 52, 53, 69, 114, 195; illustrated, 217; of Jesus Coll., Camb., 128; Walpole's, 209. Manchester, 4to, i88i. 2 D 402 American Book-plates. 57. Paper and Priiiting Trades Journal. Ex Libris, illus- trated. March, p. 48; September, p. 19. London, 4to, 1881. 58. Western Antiquary, Vol. I., edited by W. H. K. Wright, F.R.H.S. Book-plates, Francis Drake's, 32, illustrated ; proposed work on, by Walter Hamilton, 1 74. Plymouth, 4to, 1881. 59. Daily News. A leader on book-borrowers, book-plates, and mottoes. London, April 29, 1881. 60. Lang (Andrew). The Libra7'\\ pp. 42-59. London, ALicmillan, 8vo, 1881. 61. See American Bibliography, No. 5. 62. Hardy (W. J.). Book-plates. The Globe, November 3. London, 1881. Reprinted in Turnovers from the Globe. London, The Globe office, 8vo, n.d. 63. The Antiquary, Vol. V. Book-plates, 85, 86. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1882. 64. Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer, edited by E. Walford, I\LA., Vol. L Notes on English Book-plates, No. I (W. J. Hardy), illustrated, 173-177. London, Reeves, royal 8vo, 1882. 65. Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer, edited by E. Walford, M.A., Vol. H. Notes on English Book-plates, No. 2 (J. Harrop), 53-55, illustrated; on Book-plates (F. J. Thairlwall), 277-280, illustrated; Book-plates, 48, 106, 161, 322. London, Reeves, royal 8vo, 1882. 66. Palatine Note Book, Vol. H. Book-plates, 18, illustrated. Manchester, 4to, 1882. 67. Printing Times and Lithographer. Curiosities of Book- plates, viii., 265-26S, 290-292. London, Wyman & Sons, 4to, 1882. 68. Western Antiquary, edited by W. H. K. Wright, F.R.H.S., Vol. n. Book-plates, local, 197; Armorial, 211,212, illustrated. Plymouth, 4to, 1882. The English Bibliography. 403 69. Paper and Printing Trades Journal. A Curious Book- plate, illustrated, No. 40, p. 45. London, 4to, September, 1882. 70. The Antiquary, Vol. VII. Book-plates, early reference to, 231. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1883. 71. Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer, edited by Yj. Walford, M.A., Vol. III. Book-plates (U. P. [arsons]), 2-7, 53-56, illustrated (R. Day), 272-273; Book- plates, 104, 161, 274. London, Reeves, royal 8vo, 1883. 72. Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer, edited by E. Walford, M.A., Vol. IV. Book-plates (W. Hamilton), no, III. London, Reeves, royal 8vo, 1883. 73. Palatine Note Book, Vol. III. Book-plates, 51, 97, 191, 233, illustrated. Manchester, 4to, 1883. 74. Benoit (Arthur). Les Ex Libris de Schoepflin, illustrated. Paris, 8vo, 1883. An extract from " Le Bulletin de la Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d'Alsace," 2d Series, xii., 30-33. 75. Benoit (Arthur). Les Ex Libris dans les trois ^veches, Toul, Metz, Verdun, 1552-1790. Paris, 8vo, 1883. 76. Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer, edited by E. Walford, M.A., Vol. V. A Bibliography of Book-plates (W.Hamilton), 78-80; Book-plates, 106, 107, 162, 217. London, royal 8vo, 1884. 77. Griggs (W.). Eighty-three examples of Book-plates from Various Collections. Plates. Privately printed. W. Griggs, Hanover Street, Peckham, London, 4to, 1884. 78. Hovrard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson). Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, Vol. IV., illustrated. Exam- ples of Armorial Book-plates: Carew, 154; Clutton, 300; Collins, 274; Fletcher, 214; Gidley, 19; Hay- man, 54; Heysham, 375; Heywood, 202; Humphry, 314; Littleton, 166; Lynch, 387; Meade, 6; Pole, 131; Pringle, 190; Symons, 250; Soltau, 250; Tra- herne, 102; Underbill, 78; Wickham, 67; Wilmer, 238 ; Wilmer Ex Dono, 1599, 238. London, royal 8vo, 1884. 404 American Book-plates. 79. Benoit (Arthur). Les bibliophiles, les coUectioneurs, et les bibliotheques des monasteres des trois ^veches, 1552- 1790. Paris, royal 8vo, 1884. 80. See American Bibliography, No. 8. 81. Day, F.S.A., M.R.I.A. (Robert). Notice of book-plates engraved by Cork artists. Journal of the Royal Histori- cal and Archaeological Association of Ireland, illustrated, No. 61, Vol. VII., January, 1885. Privately reprinted, 7pp.,8vo. Reprinted in the Ex Libris yournal, August, 1 89 1. 82. Day, F.S.A., M.R.I.A. (Robert). " Ex Libris." Journal of the Birmingliam Central Literary Association, illus- trated. Privately reprinted, 7 pp., 8vo, 1885. B>^. See American Bibliography, No. 7. 84. Western Antiquary, edited by W. H. K. Wright, F.R.H.S., Vol. IV. Book-plate of J. O. H. Glynn, t,^, illustrated. Plymouth, 4to, 1885. 85. The Antiquary, Vol. XIII. Book-plate, 231, 278. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1886. 86. See American Bibliography, No. 9. 87. See American Bibliography, No. 9. d>^. See American Bibliography, No. 9. 89. East Anglian, edited by the Rev. C. H. Evelyn White, F.S.A. Pretyman's Book-plate, New Series, i., 246. Ipswich, 8vo, 1886. 90. Fitzgerald (Percy). The Book Fancier, 128-131. London, Sampson Low, 8vo, 1886. 91. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson). Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 2d Series, Vol. I., illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates: Brownlowe, 1698, 221 ; Chauncy, 28; Chetwode, 85 ; Lady Mary Booth, Chetwood, 122 ; Conder, 61 ; Dade, 31 1 ; Bering, 1630, 285 ; Elizabeth, Countess of Exeter, 268 ; Murray, 347 ; Shank, 235 ; Smith, 347 ; Walpole, 364. London, royal 8vo, 1886. The English Bibliography, 405 92. See American Bibliography, No. lo. 93. See American Bibliography, No. 12. 94. Locker-Lamson (Frederic). The Rowfant Library, a cata- logue of the printed books, manuscripts, autograph letters, . . . collected by F. Locker-Lamson. Printed for presentation, royal 8vo, 1886. Contains three varieties of F. L.-L.'s book-plates, and at p. 176: "Note. — I think Sir William (Stiiling-Maxwell) designed above a hundred book-plates for himself and his friends. F. L." 95. Notes and Queries, 7th Series. Book-plates, English mentioned in 1720, i., 65 ; heraldic, i., 44S ; ii., 15, 56 ; Graeme, ii., 49, 98, 154 ; with inscription, 364 ; "I love my books," etc., ii., 410, 455 ; date of, iii., 24S ; owner of, iv., 109; spurious, iv., 148, 212; engraved by Heylbrouck, v., 48, 174 ; of Suffolk, vi., 508; Friedrich Nicolai's, xi., 109, 213,333 ; Ex Libris Society, 160, 360. London, 1 886-1 891. 96. Quentin-Bauchart (E.). Les Femmes bibliographiles de France (XVF, XVIL', et XVIIL' Siecles). Avec 43 Planches d'Armoiries. Paris, 2 vols., 8vo, 1886. 97. Franks, F.R.S., V.P.S.A. (Augustus W.). Notes on Book- plates, No. I, English-dated Book-plates, 15 74-1800. Printed for private distribution, 8vo, 32 pp., 1887. 98. See American Bibliography, No. 14. 99. See American Bibliography, No. 14. 100. See American Bibliography, No. 13. loi. Dobson (Austin). The Book-plate's Petition. Ballads of Books, A. Lang. London, 1888. 102. Encyclopaedic Dictionary. " Book-plate, a piece of paper stamped or engraved with a name or device and pasted in a book to show the ownership." London, Cassell, royal 8vo, 1888. 103. Gentleman's Magazine Library. Literary Curiosities, Book-plates, 82-86, 325. London, Elliot Stock, 8vo, 1888. 4o6 American Book-plates. 104. Ho-ward, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson). Aliscellatiea Gcnealogica et Heraldica, 2d Series, Vol. II., illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates : Bardett, 294 ; Biss, 152; Draper, 24; Owen, 368; Scheurl-Tucker, by A. Diirer, 104, 105, 120; Gibson, 196. London, royal 8vo, 1888. 105. Tit-Bits. Book-stealing, 107. London, May 26, 1888. 106. Western Antiquary, edited by W. H. K. Wright, F.R.H.S., Vol. VII. Curious Book-lines, by George Wightwick, 160, 161. Plymouth, 4to, 1888. 107. The Antiquary, Vol. XIX. Book-plates, proposed magazine for, 39. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1889. loS. The Bookworm. Book-plates and their mottoes, 205. London, Elliot Stock, 8vo, June, 1880. 109. Chambers' Encyclopaedia. Book-plates, New Edition, Vol. II., 309. London, W. & R. Chambers, 8vo, 18S9. no. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson). Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 2d Series, Vol. III., illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates : Burfoot, 396 ; Barton, 188; Rachel, Dutchess of Beaufort, 1706, 276; Conduit, 188; Darwin, 1737, 17; Darwin, 1771, 17; Dering, 1630, 56 ; Dering, 56 ; Hopkins, 261 ; Keith, 88; Monypenny, 56; Shuckburgh, 256; Toilet, 72; Taddy, 261 ; Webster, 37. London, royal 8vo, 1889. iir. Quaritch (Bernard). Catalogue of fifteen hundred books remarkable for the beauty or age of their bindings, or as bearing indications of former ownership by great book-collectors and famous historical personages. London, Bernard Quaritch, 8vo, 1889. 112. Rylands, F.S.A. (J. Faul). Notes on Book-plates (ex libris), with special reference to Lancashire and Cheshire examples, and a proposed nomenclature for the shapes of shields. Plates. Liverpool, privately printed, demy 4to, 1889. Also in "Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire," pp. 1-76, illustrated. Liverpool, Printed for the Society, 8vo, 1890. The English Bibliography. 407 113. Carlander (C. M.). Svenska Bibliotek och Ex Libris auteckningar, med 84 illustrationer. Stockholm, Adolf Johnson, 8vo, n.d. (1889). 114. Aveling (S. T.). Heraldry: Ancient and Modern Book-plates, 370-371, illustrated. London, F. Warne & Co., 8vo, 1890. 115. The Book-Plate Collector's Miscellany, a monthly sup- plement to the JVestern Antigiiarv, illustrated. Edited by W. H. K. Wright, F. R. Hist. Soc. Plymouth, W. H. Luke, 4to, 1 890-1 891. 116. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson). Miscellanea Genealogica et Hcrahlica, 2d Series, Vol. IV., illus- trated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates : N. D'Eye, 25 ; Ball, R. Ball Dodson,4i ; Paul Jodrell, 89 ; Vassall, 120; Cooke, 1712, 136; Sr. G. Cooke, 1727, 152; Harrison, 1698, 168; Langley, 184; Wyndham, 201; Prentice, 216; Yardley, 1721, Yardley, 1739, 232. London, royal 8vo, 1890. 117. Demmin (A.). Papier u. andere Beschreibstoffe Schreib- gerath, Handschrift, Buch, Buchandel, u. Zeitungswesen, Buchdruck — u. Buchbinderkunst, Buchdrucker — u. Bucherzeichen (Ex Libris), Liitialen, Zieleisten. With 46 illustrations. Wiesbaden, 8vo, 1890. 118. Giiigard (Joannis). Nouvelle Armorial du Bibliophile, Guide de I'Amateur des Livres Armories. Contenant la Reproduction de 2500 Armoiries et Riches Reliures Armoiriees. Paris, Emile Rondeau, 2 vols., 8vo, 1890. 119. Warnecke (P.). Die Deutschen Bucherzeichen (Ex Libris). Von ihrem Ursprunge bis zur Gegenwort. Twenty-one illustrations in the text, and 26 plates. Berhn, T, U. Stargardt, royal 8vo, 1890. 120. Rogers (Walter Thomas). A Manual of Bibliography, 103-105, with diagrams. London, H. Grevel & Co., 8vo (1890), 1891. 121. Bouchot (Henri). Las Ex Libris et Les Marques de Possession du Livre. Fifteen plates. Paris, Edouard Rouveyre, 8vo (1890), 1891. 4o8 American Book-plates. 122. The Antiquary, Vol. XXIII. A notice of the Ex Libris Society, 142. London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1891. 123. The British Bookmaker. Book Notes, a review of " Les Ex Libris " (Bouchot), illustrated, Vol. IV., No. 47, p. 5. "Ex Libris," illustrated. Vol. IV., No. 48, p. 4. Book-plates, Vol. V., No'. 49, p. 8. London, Raithby, Lawrence & Co., 4to, 1S91. 124. Hardy, F.S.A. (W. J.). Book-plates. The Libra?'y,\i\., 47-53, 93-98. London, Elliot Stock, 8vo, 1891. 125. The Library. Record of Bibliography. Reviews of " Die deutschen Biicherzeichen " (Warnecke) and "Les Ex Libris " (Bouchot), iii., 17-19. London, EUiot Stock, Svo, 1S91. 126. The Daily Chronicle. Book-plates, April i. A note of the Ex Libris Society, July 22. London, 1891. 127. Oxford University Herald. The Ex Libris Society. Oxford, May 23, 1891. 128. See American Bibliography, No. 20. 129. Journal of the Ex Libris Society, illustrated. London, A. & C Black, for the Society, 4to, 1891. 130. British and Colonial Printer and Stationer. The Ex Libris Society, July 16. Book-plates," Ancient and Modern, with illustrations (a reprint of No. 15), August 6. Book-plates, October 15. ' London, 1891. 131. The Daily Free Press. A leading article upon collecting Book-plates and the Ex Libris Society. Aberdeen, July 17, 1891. 132. The Globe. Book-plates. London, July 25, 1891. 133. The Saturday Review. Book-plates, a review of the Ex Libris Journal. London, July 25, 1891. 134. The Daily News. A note of the Ex Libris Society. London, August 3, 1891. 135. The Publishers' Circiilar. Book-plates. London, August 8, 1891. The English Bibliography. 409 136. Answers. The Collecting Fad. London, 4to, December 12, 1891. 137. Griggs (W.). Examples of Armorial Book-plates, Second Series. Plates. London, W. Griggs & Sons, Ld., 4to (1891), 1892. 138. Carlander (C. M.). Svenska Bibliotek och Ex Libris anteckningar IL, med 22 illustrationer. Stockholm, Gernandts Boktoyckeri-Aktiebolag, 8vo, 1891. 139. Le Iiivre Moderiie, Vol. IV. Remarques sur Quelques Ex Libris Contemporains, illustrated, 1-18 ; Quelques Nouveaux Ex Libris, illustrated, 323-330. Paris, Maison Quantin, small 4to, 1891. 140. La Curiosite Universelle. A propos d'Ex Libris, No. 228. Le Plus Grand Ex Libris, Nos. 248, 250, 251, 252, et 254. Review of the German Ex Libris Society's younial. No. 258. Paris, 4to, 1891. 141. Ex Libris. Zeitschrift fiir Biicherzeichen Bibliotheken- kunde und Gelehrtengeschichte. Organ des Ex Libris zu Berlin, illustrated. Berlin, C. K. Starke, 4to, No. i, October, 1891. 142. Benoit (Arthur). Le Serpent Embleme des Chirurgiens et des Medecins. 6 pp., n.d. Treats of serpents appearing on book-plates. An extract from Revue Nouvelle d^ Alsace-Lorraine. Illustrations of Book-plates are to be found in the following works, apart from the bibliography of the subject : — 143. Grace, F.S.A. (Sheffield). Memoirs of the Family of Grace. London, royal 8vo, 1823. .Illustrated with above a dozen book-plates of Grace family, some dated. 144. Dibdin, D.D. (Thomas Frognall). A Bibliographical Tour in the Northern Counties of England and Scot- land. Trotter Brockett's book-plate by Bewick, illus- trated, i., 392. London, 8vo, 1838. 41 o American Book-plates. 145. Eyton, F.S.A. (Joseph Walton King). Catalogue of the Library of. London, large paper, royal 8vo, 1848. Illustrated with three examples of J. W. King Eyton's book-plates, one of which is in colors. 146. Palmer, F.S.A. (Charles John). The Perlustration of Great Yarmouth. Great Yarmouth, 3 vols., 4to, 1872-1875. A number of book-plates are used here to illustrate the arms of the families mentioned. 147. Siennicki (S. J.). Les Elzevirs de la Biblioth^que de rUniversite Imperiale de Varsovie. 1874. Contains eighteen fac-similes of remarkable book-plates in Warsaw University Library. 148. Warnecke (F.). Heraldische Kunstblatter. Gorlitz, C. A. Starke, 3 vols., folio, 1876. Contains many fac-similes of German book-plates. 149. Siennicki (S. J.). Recueil des editions des imprimeurs c^lebre de I'ltalie, de la France, et de la Belgique con- servees dans la BibUotheque de I'Universit^ Imperiale de Varsovie. 1878. Contains fac-similes of remarkable book-plates in Warsaw Univer- sity Library. 150. Leighton, F.S.A. (John). Suggestions in design, . . . with descriptive and historical letter-press, by J. K. Collings, F.R.LB.A. Blazon, Heraldry, Rebuses, &c., plates, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. London, Elackie & Son, 4to, 1880. 151. See American Bibliography, No. 6. 152. Asta Libraria Antdquaria Catalogo, N. 42. Florence, Franchi & Co., February, 1886. The catalogue contains fac-similes of a Medicean Super Libros, and of another not identified. 153. Griggs ("W.). Illustrations of Armorial China. Plates. Privately printed, folio, 18S7. Contains a number of fac-similes of book-plates. 154. See American Bibliography, No. 17. 155. The Strand Magazine, Vol. II. London, 4t0, 1891. Page 120, the book-plate of H. Stacy Marks, R.A. The English Bibliography. 41 1 156. Blackburn (Henry). Randolph Caldecott, a personal reminiscence, 194-196. London, Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 8vo, 1891. Contains a description of the " Seaman " book-plate by R. Calde- cott, with illustration. 157. Theydon Mount: its Lords and Rectors. Edited by J. J. Howard, Farnham Burke, and the Rev. L. N. Prance. Privately printed, 4to, n.d. (1891). Contains a fac-simile of the book-plate of " Sir Edward Smith, of Hill Hall, Co. Essex, Bart.," and another. 158. See American Bibliography, supplementary list. The following articles having appeared since the English list was prepared, are here inserted : — The Yellow Book. An Illustrated Quarterly. Cuts of book- plates by Aubrey Beardsley and R. Auning Bell, p. 251. London, Elkin Mathews and John Lane. Boston, U.S.A., Copeland & Day, Vol. L, 8vo, April, 1894. The Strand Magazine. The handwriting of Mr. Gladstone, with fac-similes. Vol. VIIL, No. 43. London, 8vo, July, 1894. Fac-simile of early book-plate of Mr. Gladstone. Daily News. Book-plate collecting. A review of Mr. Hamil- ton's " Dated Book-plates, Part L" London, July 17, 1894. Quakerana, No. 5, July, 1894, page 77. Note of Ex Libris Society's exhibition in July, 1894, with special reference to book-plate of William Penn. London, Edward Hicks, Jun., 14 Bishopsgate Street Without, E.C. The Studio, edited by Gleeson White, has contained several articles on book-plates. Vol. HL, No. 16, July 16, 1894 : result of a prize competition for a book-plate design, with 22 designs reproduced; Vol. HL, No. 17, August 15, 1894 : cuts of three book-plates and review of Hamilton's " Dated Plates." London, 1894. 412 American Book-plates. ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOK-PLATES. By H. IV. Fincliam and yaines Robert Broivn, F.R. G.S. [Reprinted from the Journal of the Ex Libris Society.] 1 . Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Proceedings and Papers. Description of a Warrington Book-plate (Dr. J. Kendrick), illustrated, 134-135. Liverpool, 8vo, 1854. 2. See American Bibliography, No. 3. 3. Portalis (Le Baron Roger) et Beraldi (Henri). Les Graveurs du Dix-Huitieme Siecle, illustrated, 3 vols, in 6. Paris, Morgand et Fatout, 8vo, 1880-1882. Contains lists of book-plates by many French engravers. 4. Spectator. " A Guide to the Study of Book-plates." (A review of Warren.) London, October 13, 1880. 5. St. James Gazette. "A Guide to the Study of Book- plates." (.A. review of Warren.) London, October 14, 1880. 6. The Athenaeum. Mr. Thorn's book-plate. London, May 21, 1S81. 7. See American Bibliography, No. 4. 8. Beraldi (Henri). Les Graveurs de XIX Siecle, illus- trated, 12 vols. Paris, L. Conquet, 8vo, 1885-1892. Contains lists of book-plates by many French engravers. 9. Foreiiing for Boghaandvaerk. Aarsskrift 1890 und 1891. Mit einer Buchdruckfarbentafel, zalreichen Autotypien und Holzschnitten, Schriften, Druckerzeichen, Ex Libris und Einbande reproducirend. Kopenhagen, 2 vols., 4to, 1891. 10. Ledien (Alcius). Les Reliures Artistiques et Armori^es de la Bibliotheque Communale d'Abbeville, illustrated. Paris, Gruel-Engelmann, 4to, 1883. A dditioiial Bibliography. 413 11. See American Bibliography, No. i8. 12. See American Bibliograpliy, No, 27. 13. The Antiquary. Unique Book-plates. Erasmus and Dr. Hector Pomer (H. W. Pereira). Illustrated, xxv., 242-244. London, Elliot Stock, 8vo, 1892. 14. The Bookworm. A Hunt for Book-plates in Paris (W. Hamilton), 171-173; the Avery Book-plate, 202. London, Elliot Stock, 8vo, 1892. 15. Castle (Egerton), M.A., F.S.A. English Book-plates, an illustrated handbook for students of Ex Libris. London, George Bell and Sons, imp. i6mo, 1892. Second and enlarged edition, 1S92. 16. See American Bibliography, No. 25. 17. La Curiosite Uiiiverselle. Un souvenir de la Terreur, illustrated ; Franc-Magonnerie ; Le plus grand Ex Libris, No. 262 ; Publication sur las Ex Libris, Nos. 265, 266, 267, 268, and 269 ; Ex Libris d'Auvergne (Am- broise Tardien), illustrated ; Appel aux CoUectionneurs d'Ex Libris, No. 269 ; Ex Libris Rares et Inedits (Ferd. Reiber) ; Un grand Ex Libris (Fr. Perot) ; Un autre souvenir de la Terreur (L. B.) ; Ex Libris Alsaciens; Societ(^s des CoUectionneurs d'Ex Libris, No. 288; Les Ex Libris Oratoriens (P. Ligold), illustrated. No. 299. Paris, 4to, 1892. 18. Dictionary of English Book Collectors. Billibald Pirk- heimer (^L Kerney), illustrated, Part i. London, Bernard, Quaritch, 8vo, 1892. 19. Fincham (H. W.) & Brown (James Roberts) F.R.G.S. A bibliography of book-plates. Plymouth, printed for private distribution, 8vo, 24 pp., 1892. 20. Griggs (W.). One hundred and forty-seven Examples of Armorial Book-plates from various collections (second series). Plates. London, W. Griggs & Sons, 4to, 1892. 2 1, Hamilton (Walter). French Book-plates. A handbook for Ex Libris Collectors, illustrated. London, George Bell & Sons, imp. i6mo, 1892. 414 American Book-plates. 22. Hildetrandt (Professor Ad. M.). Heraldic Book-plates. Twenty-five Ex Libris invented and drawn by. Berlin, J. A. Stargardt, 8vo, 1892. 23. See American Bibliography, No. 26. 24. lucimabula, geographica et chalcograpliica, illustrated. Munich, Ludwig Rosenthal's Antiquariat, folio, 1892. A catalogue of early woodcuts, containing a number of very early German Ex Libris, among them being that of Hildebrand Bran- denburg, and the hedge-hog of Johannes Knabensperg, called Igler, circa 1450. 25. Ingold (C. P.). Les Ex Libris Oratoriens, illustrated. Paris, C. Poussielque, 15 Rue Cassette, 8vo, 16 pp., 1892. 26. The Library. Record of Bibliography. Review of Fincham and Brown's Bibliography of Book-plates, iv., 262. London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 8vo, 1892. 27. The Morning Post. Book-plates, June 14 ; Literary Notes, August 25. London, 1892. 28. See American Bibliography, No. 23. 29. Notes and Queries, 8th Series. Book-plates : Boyer, i., 7 ; royal, i., 126, 175 ; Rabelais's, ii., 147; armorial, ii., 188, 274,490; iii., 97; iv., 168; Mountaine and Burden, engravers of, i., 247, 324 ; book-lending and book-losing, i., 322; Ex Libris Society, ii., 500 ; English Book-plates, a review, iii., 79 ; portraits as book-plates, iii., 81, 129, 210; French Book-plates, a review, iii., 160; Book- plates, a review, iii., 419. London, 4to, 1892. 30. Ris-Paquot, Dictionnaire Encyclop6dique des Marques et Monogrammes, Chiffes, Lettres, Liitials, Signs, Figuratifs, etc., etc., contenant 1200 I\Larques. Paris, R. H. Laurens, 6 Rue de Tournon, 2 vols., 4to, 1892. 3 1 . Archives de la Soci^te Frangaise des Collectionneurs d'Hx Libris, illustrated. Paris, 3 Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 4to, No. i, December, 1893. 32. The Athenaeum. The Laws of Book-borrowing (G. H. Powe!l). London, December 23, 1893. Additional Bibliography. 415 33. The Bookman. Wm. Cowper's copy of Robert Burns' Poems, containing his book-plate, illustrated, September, October. London, folio, 1893. 34. See American Bibliography, No. 40. 35. El Coleccionista Argentina. Ex Libris, January; Ex Libris y Eliquetas de libreros, March ; The Journal of the Ex Libris Society, April ; Ex Libris, illustrated, June ; Ex Libris, illustrated, September. Buenos Ayres, Svo, 1893. 36. Ex Libris Imaginaires et supposes de personnages cel^bres anciens et modernes. Plates. Paris, L. Joly, Svo, 1893. 37. The Globe. The Latest Hobby. London, March 29, 1893. 38. Hardy (W. J.), F.S.A. Book-plates. Plates. London, Kegan I'aul, Trench, Triibner & Co.,8vo, 1893. 39. See American Bibliography, No. 32. 40. Kissel (Clemens). Symbolical Book-plates. Twenty-five Ex Libris designed and drawn by. London, H. Grevel & Co., Svo (1893), 1894. 41. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica (Dr. J. J. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A.) , Vol. v., illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates : Richard Pritchett, 89 ; John Bennett, 104 ; (Phillipps, 1 89 2), 136 ; (Thomas Carter), 166 ; Sir John Collum and Dame Susanna, 1760 ; John CuUum, Rev. Sir John CuUum, Richard Merry, Thomas Gery Cullum, Sir Thomas Gery Cullum, Mary Hanson, 1773; Thomas Gery Cullum, Rev. Sir Thomas Gery Cullum, ]\Lary Anne Cullum, S. A. Milner Gibson Cullum, Gery Milner Gibson Cullum, Reginald Gurney, Arethusa Robertson, Gery Milner Gibson Cullum, 193. Irish Book-plates: Thomas Ridgate Mannsell, Sisson Darling, 264 ; Richard Baldwin, John Butler, 281. London, royal Svo, 1893. 42. The Portfolio. A description of the Burlington Fine Arts (Jlub Book-plate, by Mr. C. W. Sherborn, xxi. London, Seeley & Co., folio, 1893. 4i6 American Book-plates. 43. The Scottish Review. Book-plates, xxi., 315-329. London, 8vo, April, 1S93. 44. The Studio. Designing for book-plates, with some recent example (Ci.[leeson] W.[hite]), illustrated, 24-28^ some recent book-plates, with seven examples, illustrated, 148-150, 253. London, 4to, 1893. 45. Teske (Charles). The Book-plates of Ulrick, Duke of Mecklenburgh. Plates. Berlin, J. A. Stargardt, 4to (1893), 1894. 46. Tit-Bits. Who has the finest collection of book-plates in this country? London, October 21, 1893. 47. Vicars (Arthur), F.S.A. Ulster Kin^ of Anns. Book- plates (Ex Libris), Series L, Library Interior Book- plates; Series IL, Literary Book-plates; Series IIL, Book-piles, illustrated. Plymouth, 4to, 1893. For private circulation. Reprinted, with additions and corrections, from I'he yotirnal of the Ex Libris Society. 48. Wheatley (H. B.). Diary of Samuel Pepys. Pepys' book- plates, i., XV., Iv. London, George Bell & Sons, 8vo, 1S93. 49. The Muses. The Study of Ex Libris and Book-plate col- lecting, illustrated, 17-20 (H. Berkeley Score, F.R.G.S.). Ormskirk, William Leak Hutton, 4to, 1894. Illustrations of book-plates, apart from the bibliography of the subject, are contained in the following articles : — 50. Lines written in Jerpoint Abbey. London, 8vo, 1S20. One of Sheffield Grace's book-plates. 5 1 . Benson (Robert), M.A. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Arthur Collier, from 1704 to 1732. London, Svo, 1837. Collier book-plate. 52. See American Bibliography, No. 11. Additional Bibliography. 417 53. Fragmenta Genealogica, Vol. I., 58. Private press of Frederic Arthur Crisp, 4to, 1889. Book-plate of " William Cowper, Esqr., Clerk of the Parliaments." 54. The Bookman. London, May, 1892. Mr. Gladstone's book-plate. 55. See American Bibliography, supplementary list. 56. See American Bibliography, supplementary list. 57. Revue Encyclopddique. livres en vente publique, 14-1S. Paris, 4to, 1892. Several modern French book-plates. 58. The Christian Pictorial. Cowper's Retreat. London, April 6, 1893. William Cowper's book-plate. 59. Dictionary of English Book Collectors. London, Quaritch, 8vo, Part ii., 1893. The book-plate of the Huth Library. 60. Leslie (G. D.), R.A. Letters to Marco. London, Macmillan, 8vo, 1893. Mr. Leslie's book-plate. 61. The Sketch. Mr. W. Herrics Pollock. London, folio, July 7, 1893. Mr. Pollock's book-plate. 62. The Sketch. Mr. Clement K. Shorter. London, folio, July 18, 1893. Mr. C. K. Shorter's book-plate. (iTf. Visitation of England and Wales. Edited by Joseph Jackson Howard, LL.D. (Maltravers Herald Extraor- dinary), and Frederic Arthur Crisp. Vol. I. London, Mitchell & Hughes, 4to, 1893. 64. Warren (John Leicester), Lord de Tabley, M.A., F.S.A. Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. London, Elkin Mathews & Lane, 8vo, 1893. Mr. J. L. Warren's book-plate. 2 E 41 8 American Book-plates. THE FRENCH BIBLIOGRAPHY. BEING A LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS REFERRING TO FRENCH EX LIBRIS. [Reprinted by kind permission of Walter Hamilton, Esq.] A Guide to the Study of Book-plates (Ex Libris). By the Hon. J. Leicester Warren, M.A., London. John Pearson, 1880. Although not dealing especially with French ex libris, this guide is an almost indispensable book of reference to every collector of book- plates. L'Amateiur d'Autographes, April, 1872. This contains an article by M. Maurice Tourneux, on the colk-ction of book-plates in the possession of M. Aglaiix Bouvenne, a well-known artist and designer of book-plates. Armorial du Bibliophile. Avec ilkistrations dansle texte. Par Joannis Guigard. Paris, Bachehn-Deflorenne, 2 vols., royal 8vo, 1S70-.1873. Contains many illustrations of super libris, which are frequently useful in assisting to discover the owners of anonymous French armorial book-plates. (See also "Nouvel Armorial du Biblio- phile.") Bibliophile Francais. Gazette illustriJe des amateurs de livres, d'estampes, et de hautes curiosites. Paris, 7 vols., royal 8vo, 1S68-1873. This work incorporates the " Armorial du Bibliophile " of Joannis Guigard. Les Bibliopliiles, les Collectionneurs, et les Bibliotheques des trois ^vech^s, 155 2-1 790. Par Arthur Benoit (illus- trated). Paris, royal 8vo, 1884. The Book-plate Collector's Miscellany. Edited by Mr. W. H. K. Wright, Borough Librarian, Plymouth. Quarto, illus- trated, 1 890-1 89 1. Plymouth, W. H. Luke. The Bookworm. May, 1892. A Hunt for Book-plates in Paris. l]y Walter Hamilton. London, Elliot Stock. The French Bibliography. 419 Bulletin du Bouquiniste. Paris, No. 416, April 15, 1875. Letter from the Comte de Longperier-Grimoard on a Super Ubris of Crozat, December I and 15, 1876. A letter from the Comte de Longperier-Grimoard, " Une Marque inconnue." La Curiosite Universelle. A small weekly newspaper published at i Rue Rameau, Paris. This has contained several articles and letters on the topic of French ex libris, and advocates the formation of an Ex Libris Society in Paris. No. 228, June i, 1891, A propos d'Ex Libris; No. 262, January 25, 1892, illustrated; No. 268, March 7, 1892, Article on ex libris; No. 269, March 14, 1892, illustrated. Dictionnaire des devises des hommes de lettres, imprimeurs, libraires, bibliophiles, etc. Par Van de Haeghen, 1876- 1879. Etude sur les Ex Libris. Par le Comte de Longperier-Gri- moard. Seulis, 8vo, 8 pp., 1875. A paper read before the Comite Archeologique de Senlis, December II, 1874. Les Ex Libris Frangais, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Par A. Poulet-Malassis. Nouvelle (Edition, revue, tres augmentee, et ornee de vingt-quatre planches. Paris, P. Rouquette, royal 8vo, 1875. Les Ex Libris, et les Marques de Possession du Livre. Par Henri Bouchot, du Cabinet des Estampes. Paris, Edouard Rouveyre. With numerous illustrations, 104 pp., 8vo, 1891. Only 750 printed. Les Ex Libris dans les trois Eveches, Toul, Metz, Verdun, 1552-1790. Par Arthur Benoit. Paris, 8vo, 1883. Les Ex Libris Oratoriens. Par le P. Tngold. Paris, Libraire Charles Poussielgue, Rue Cassette, 15, 1892. Crown 8vo, 16 pp. With thirteen illustrations. Les Ex Libris de Schoepflin. Par Arthur Benoit, Paris, 8vo, 1883. Reprinted, with illustrations, from " Le Bulletin de la Societe pour la conservation des Monuments historiques d'Alsace.'' Second series. 420 American Book-plates. Les Femmes Bibliophiles de la France. Avec 43 Pl5.nches d'Armoiries. Par E. Quentin-Bauchart. -Paris, 8vo, 1886. The Journal of the Ex Libris Society. A. and C. Black, Soho Square, London. Quarto, illustrated, 1891-1892. (In progress.) A monthly journal containing numerous articles on French book- plates. Le liivre Moderne, Revue du Monde Litteraire. Paris, Maison Quantin, 1891. No. 19 (July, 1891) contains an article by jNI. Octave U/.anne, entitled, " Remarques sur quelques Ex Libris contemporains," with fac-similes of 36 interesting examples. No. 24 (December, 1891) contains an article in continuation of the above, entitled, " Quelques Nouveaux Ex Libris," also by M. Octave Uzanne, with many illustrations. Des Marques et devises mises a leur livres par iin grand nombre d' Amateurs. Paris, De Rieffenberg, 1S74. Notice sur quelques Graveurs Naucedins, du XVIII siecle. Par M. Beaupre. Nancy, Lucien Wiener, 8vo, 1862. This work contains descriptions of a number of book-plates engraved by Dominique Collin. Nouvelles Etudes siir TUniversite de Pout-a-Mousson. Par M. Favier (illustrated). Nancy, 1880. Nouvel Armorial du Bibliophile, Guide de I'Amateur des Livres Armories. Contenant la Reproduction de 2500 Armoi- ries et riches Reliures armoiriees. Par Joannis Guigard. Paris, Emile Roudeau, 2 vols., 8vo. 1890. Petite Revue d'Ex Libris Alsaciens. Par Augusta Stoeber. Avec un fac-simile d'un ancien Ex Libris (C. Wolf- hardt). Millhouse, Veuve Bader, i2mo, 1881. The author of this charming little pamj^hlet died a few years ago. Le Serpent Embleme des Cliirurgiens, et des M^decins. Par Arthur Benoit. 6 pp. n.d. An extract from " La Revue Nouvelle d' Alsace-Lorraine," which treats of serpents shown on book-plates. CONCLUSION. HE end of our pleasant task is reached ; and it only remains to thank the gentle reader who has kindly followed us, and to re-assert as a parting word, that this work does not aspire to cover every point which collectors may wish to have decided. Its modest purpose will be served if any reader is led to take an interest in the subject, if collectors find it use- ful as an assistant in intelligent collecting, or an instigation to further and more careful research. Undoubtedly, there lie in old garrets, book- cases, and forgotten cupboards, dust-covered books, in which some fortunate searcher will one day discover plates as yet unknown. It is hoped that any such will publish their success for the benefit of the steadily increasing number who find something interesting in these memorials of the past, and who take pleasure in their preserva- tion and pride in their possession. 421 INDEX. pAMS, JOHN, 15, 85. John Ouincy, 85, 86. Hannah, 18. Akui, James, 117. Albany Society Library, 84. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, loi, 343- Allan, John, 7. Allardice, S., 117. Allegorical book-plates, 57. Allen, Charles Dexter, his col- lection, 383. Mrs. Frances Louise, 375. Frances Louise and Charles Dexter, 365. John, 46. American Academy Arts and Sciences, 126, 163. American Antiquarian Society, 78. American collections, 377. American collectors, 377, 385. American members Ex Libris Society of London, 384. Anderson, Alexander, 79-117, 120. Andrew, John, 388. Andrews, Henry, 57, 59. Annin and Smith, 122. Anthony, Henry B., 341. Apprentices' Library, 121. Apthorp, 79. Armorial book-plates, 35. Arnold Arboretum, 72, jt,. Asay, E. G., 363. Assheton, William, 9. Atkinson, Theodore, 106. Atlee, 8. Avery Architectural Library, 72. Avery, Samuel Putnam, 370. Avril, Paul, 371. Baer, Frank House, 341. Baillie, W. E., 350. Baldwin, Simeon, 18. Bancker, Abraham, 143. Bancroft, George, 31 ; his motto, 32- Barker, Mrs. E. H. L., 373 ; her collection, 382. Barrett, Lawrence, 102. Bates, Albert C, 349, 350. Bates, Arlo, loi. Baxter, James Phinney, 347, 348. Bayliss, Mary, 376. Belcher, Jonathan, 9. William, 171. Benjamin, Marcus, 368, 369. Betton, Thomas Forrest, 18. Bibliography, American, 389. English, 396. French, 418. Bierstadt, E. H., his collection, 382, 90. Blackley, Absalom, 172, 173. Blackwell, Henry, 33, 360 ; his collection, 383. Blanc, William, 9. Bloomfield, 154. 423 424 Amei'ican Book-plates. Book-plates : metals used, 2. used first in Southern colo- nies, 3. literary, 6. addresses on, 7, 8. profession on, 9, 10. essentials, 16. dated, 18. phrases on, 18. armorial, 35. purpose of, 35. first, 35. styles named, yj. Early English, described, y] . Jacobean, described, 41. Chippendale, described, 47. Ribbon andWreath, described, 54- Pictorial. 57. Allegorical, 57. Portrait, 78. of special interest, 79. reasons for grades of value, 79, 82. 85. destruction of early, 80, 81. signed, 82. dated, 82. of presidents of U.S., 85. of royal officers, 86. of loyalists, 88. of titled Americans, 88. of early authors, 89. of early physicians. 89. of early statesmen, 89. of early clergymen, 89. of early printers. 89. of Revolutionary soldiers, 90. of signers of the Declaration, 90. heraldry on early, 113. Booth, Edwin, 102. Boston Public Library, tj. Bowen, Abel, 67, 122. Boyd, John, 123. Brainerd, Miss Helen E., 382. Brewster, Miss Jessie, 373. British, soldiers take books from Columbia College, 86. Brooks, Henry M., 351. Brothers in Unity. 67, 77. Brown, 7. Browne, Peter A., 118. Bryant. Hubbard Winslow, 353. Buck, John H., 341. Burnet. John, 84. Burrows, Charles W., 341. Cabell, 9. Callender, Joseph, 56, 123. Campbell, John, 19. Canadian plates. : LIST NUMBER. Kingston : St. John College, 459 Livius, 505 Stewart, 826 Uniacke, 873 Waterhouse, 914 Carmichael, Hon. William, 39, 181. Castle, Harry Allen, 342. Chambers, John. 136. Chandler, Gardiner, 146. John, Jr., 53, 108. Chase, Samuel, 79. Childs, Cephas G., 127. George W., his motto, 32 ; his plate, 98. Chippendale plates described. 47. Chippendale plates by Hurd, 105. by Dawkins. 131. Clap, John, 18. Clark, Clarence H., 371. Clergymen's plates, 89. Cleveland, Stephen. 79, 80. Clinton, De Witt, illus.. 55. Coffin, Mrs. Julia Dexter, 374. Cole, J. N. Candee, his motto, 24. Colesworthy. D. C, his severe motto, 21. Collectors of book-plates, de- fence of. II. College book-plates, 57, 67. Index. 425 Columbia College Library, 81. Congressional Library, 67. Connecticut Historical Society, 75- . Connecticut plates : LIST NUMBER. AIsop, 15 Belcher, 73 Bull, 118 Chester, 156 Conn. Theoi. Inst., 178, 179 East Windsor Lit. Assn., 246 Farmington Library, 266, 267, 268 Goodwin, 314 Guilford Library, 335 Guilford Union Library, 336 Hanchett, 346 Hartford Library Co., 350 Ingersoll, 404 Jarvis, 423 Johnson, 434-5 Kmg, 457 Knight, 466 Lord, 516 Musgrave, 603 Pease, 651-2 Pierpont, 682 Reed, 723 Robbins, Philemon, 731 Robbins, Thomas, 732 Sargeant, 758 Smith, Samuel, 799 Stowe, 833 Waldo, 901 Wethersfield Library, 923 Wetmore, 924 Williams, 938-9 Wolcott, 953 Woodljridge, 955 Yale College : Brothers in Unity, 964-5-6 Yale College : Lino- nian Society, 967-8-9 Yale College : Moral Library, 970 Yale College : Philo- technian Library, 971 Cooper, Myles, 49. Corning, John Herbert, 354. Count Rumford, 158. Coutenay, William Ashmead, 122,, 356. Cowan, Thomas C, his motto, 126. Craven, 86. Curtis, T. W., 1 8. Curry, George (D. D.), his motto, 33. Cushman, Charlotte, y]'}^. Dated plates, 82. Uawkins, Henry, 6, 53, 127. Dearborn. Nathaniel, 132. Deats, H. E., 150, 365; his collection, 381. De Blois, Lewis, 79, 109. Defence of book-plate collecting, II. De Forest, George B., 371. Delaware plates : LIST NUMBER Bayard, 64 Fisher, 273 Denham, Edward, 356. Dering, Thomas, 79, 84, 106. Dickinson, David, 18. Dinwiddle, Robert, 53. Dix, Edward Spencer, his motto. 33. Dix, Rev. Morgan. 346. Dodge, Pickering, his collection, Doolittle, Amos, 132. Drayton, 9. Dubbs, Joseph Henry, 342, 345. Du Bois. Henri Pene, his theory about book-plates, 358. Dudley, Joseph, 38. Duer, William, 195, 322. Duhme, Mrs. Ophelia Fowler, 375- 382. Dumaresque, 53. Dummer, Jer., 39. Durand, John, 47. Early authors' plates, 89. Earliest dated plates (Ameri- can), 82. 426 American Book-plates. Earliest plate by an American engraver, which is both dated and signed, 84. Early English style described, 37. Edwards, George Wharton, 351. Eggleston, Edward, 102. Elam, Samuel, 8, 13. Elliston, Comptroller, 8, 86. Ellwanger, George H., 340, 363. Engravers, celebrated, 14. Eno, Dr. H. C, 372 ; his collec- tion, 382. Ernst, Harold Clarence, his motto, 32. Eustace, Colonel, 8, 199. Evarts, Jeremiah, 386. Ewing, 200, 201. Ex Libris Societies. France, 388. Germany, 387. London, 387. Fairman. Gideon, 134. Farmington, Library of, 7, 62, 63, 65. Field, Eugene, 35, loi. First book-plate in America, i . Fitz, Miss Louise, 382. Flint, Mrs. Alonzo, 373. Fogg, Dr. J. S. H., 342. Forbes, Eli, 135. Francis, Samuel W., his motto, 26. Franklin, John, 79, 156. Fraunces, Andrew G., 205. French, Edwin Davis, 376. Furnass, John Mason, 134. Gallaudet, Edward, 136. Elisha, 136. Mrs. E. M., 382. Garden, Francis, 159. Gardiner, John, 9. Garrett, Edmund H., 138, 376. Georgia plates : LIST NUMBER. Belcher, 74 Wright, 959 Gibbs, John Walters, 9. Gilpin. Henry D., 127. Godwin, Abraham, 137. Goelet, John, 208, 209. Goodwin, George, 6, 132. Graeme, Elizabeth, 97. Greenleaf, Daniel, 25. Greene, Benjamin, 84. Grolier Club, 73,/>7>';///j'. Haber, Louis J., 343. 349. Hale, Robert, of Beverly, 8, 107. Hapgood, Melvin H., 344. Hark, J. Max, 342. Harison, Richard, 150, 214, 215. Harris, S., 137. Harrison, Charles P., 138. Hart, Gerald E., 350. Hartman. J. Hiestand, 368. Harvard College. 67, 112. Hasty Pudding Society, 67, 68. Hayden, Martin, 362. Hays, Barrack, 218, 219. Heraldry on early plates. 113. on American plates, 346. Hewins, Eben Newell, his collec- tion, 380. Hicks, Whitehead, 130. Hill, Samuel, 78, 138. Hitchcock, E. A., 368. Holland, J. G., 99. HoUingsworth, A. L., 29, 355. Holloway, Edward Stratton, 362. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 32, 98. Holt, Thomas, 18. Holyoke, Edward Augustus, 79, 105. Hone, Philip, 16. Hooper, 59. Hopson, W. F., 104, 370, 376. Houx, J. W., his motto, 24. Howland, 361. Hoyt, F. W., 366. Huntington, Rev. Wm. R., 356. Hurd, Jacob, 158. Index. 427 Hurd, Nathaniel, 6, 38, 44, 46, 52, 67, 79, 104. Hutton, Laurence, loi, 102. Ingersoll, Jared, 8. Jacobean plates described, 41. Jacobean plates by Hurd, 109. Jackson, Jonathan, in. Jackson, W., 55. Jarvis, Samuel Farmar, 226, 227. Jauncey, William, 226, 229. Jayne, D. W., his motto, 21. JeiTries, Dr. John, 89. Jilson, Charles F., 357. Jocelyn, S. S., 138. Johnson, Rossiter, 103. Johnson, Thomas, 6, 138. Johnston, Thomas (engraver), 139- Johnston, Thomas (plate), 56, 230, 231. Jones, Emanuel, 18. Jones, Gabriel, 36. Kearney, Francis, 139. Keith, Sir William, 86. i Kempe, John Tabor, 86. Kentucky plates : LIST NUMBER. Raphael, 718-9 King, Clifford Julius, 352. Kinloch, Francis, 79. Kip, 59. Kissam, Benjamin, 129, 51. Kunze, Johan Christopher, 18. Labels, 16, 18, 19. Ladies' plates : Adams, Hannah, 18. Allen, Frances L., 375. Barker, Mrs..E. H. L., 373. Bayliss, Mary, 376. Brainerd, Helen E., 382. Brewster, Jessie, 373. Coffin, Julia S., 374. Cushman, Charlotte, -^^^-i). Duhme. Ophelia F., 375. Flint, Mrs. Alonzo, 373. Graeme, Elizabeth, 97. Iselin, Helen, 225. Miller, Margaret M., 375. Shelton, Ada Stewart, 375. Lady collectors, 382. Lambert, John, his motto, 24. Lawrence, Richard Hoe, 362, 368. Lefferts, Marshall C, 352, 353. Leighton, George E., 353. Lemperly, Paul, 357, 359, 421. Lenthall, John, 79, 153. Lenox, 8. Lewis, 7. Lewis, W., 18. Libbie, Fred J., 368; his collec- tion, 381. Library book-plates, 57. Library of Congress, 67. Lichtenstein, Richard C, his plate, 346; illus. 160; his coll., 381 ; his opinion of the George Washington plate, 9!- Linonian Library, 67, 69, 70. Livingston, Edward, 237, 238. Livius, 88. Lodge, Abraham, 240. Longfellow, Henry W., his motto, 30. Lord, William, 5. Loyalists who had book-plates, ' 88. Lowell, John, 115. Ludwell, 8. Macbeth, George Alexander, 79' 352- Maine Historical Society, 75. Maine plates : LIST NUMBER. Gardiner, 297 Morrison, 597 Vauglian, Benjamin, 889 Vaughan, Samuel, Jr., 892 Vaughan, William, 893 428 American Book-plates. .Malvians, 312. 339. Manigault, Peter, 52. Mann, John Preston, 59, 245. Mann, Timothy, 27. Martin, Luther, 155. Marvin, Samuel Wesley, 366. Maryland plates : LLST NUMBER Baltimore Liby. Co. 50 Bonaparte, 89 Bozman, lOI Calvert, 133 Carmichael, 135 Carroll, 138 Chalmers, 144 Chase, 150 Duvall, 243 Fornian, 280 Georgetown College, 299, 300 Guinaud, 337 Johnston, 436 Kerr, 452 Key, 453 McTavish, 544 Maxcy, 569 Read, 722 Roberts, 733 Sprigg. 816 Stewart, 824 'layloe, , 84s Massachusetts Historical Soci- ety, 78. Massachusetts plates : LIST NUMBER. Adatiis, J., Adams. J. Q., Agar, Allen, American Academy, Andover 'I'heol. Inst Andrew, Andrews, Aplhorp, Atkinson, Auchmuty, Baldwin, Barren, Barroll, Beck, Belcher, Blake, Boston Architectural Library, 3 6,7 8 13 17 19 22, 23, 24 26, 27, 28, 29 38,39 42 46,47 59 68 71,72 82 983 LIST NUMBER Boston Shakespeare Cir- culating Library, 93 Boston Social Law I^ibr'y, 94 Bowdoin, 97 Bowdoin College, 98 Boylston Med. Libr'y, 99, 100 Brazer, 103 Brown, 112 Cabot, 126 Callender, 132 Cary, Alpheus, 140 Cary, Thomas, 142 Chandler, Gardiner, 147 Chandler, John, Junr., 148 Chandler, Rufus, 149 Chauncey, 151, 152. 153 Ciiild, Isaac, 158, 159 Child, Thomas, 160 Cleveland, 170 Coffin, 173 Coffin, Hector, 174 Coffin, John, 175 Cooley, 182 Courtenay, 184 Cranch, 187 Curwen, 192 Gushing, 193 Dana, E. T., 200 Dana, Francis, 201 Dana, R. H., 202 Danforth, 203 Dartmouth College, 204 Dartmouth College, Social Friends, 205 De Blois, L., 212 Dedham : Scripture Studv Society, 214 Dering, X.H., 218 Dering, T., 219, 220 Dexter, 222 Dill, 223 Dolbeare, 225 Duane, 232 Dudley, 233 Dumaresque, 236 Dummer, 237 Emerson, 256 Erving, 258, 259 Evarts, 261 Everett, 263 Forbes, 279 Foster, 281 Foster, I, 282 Fownes, 284 Foxcroft, 285 Francis, 286 Index. 429 LIST NUMBER. LIST NUMBER Franklin, 287 Osborne, 628 French, 291 Otis, Harrison Gray, 629 Gardiner, 296 Otis, James, 630 Gray, 322 Parker, B., 639 Green, F., 323 Parker, James, 641 Green, Garrett, 324 Parker, "Samuel, 642 Green, T., Jr., 32_=; Parkman, 643 Greene, B., 326, 327 Parsons, 644 Greene, D., 329 Peirson, 649 Greene, T., Jr., 330 Pepperell, 664 Greenleaf, 331 Perkins, 665 Greenough, 332 Phillips, 673 Hale, 339 Phillips Academy, An- Hallowell, 343 dover. 674 Harris, 347 Phillips Academy, Ex- Harvard Coll. Libr'y, 3=;i-'; eter, 675 Harvard College Hasty Pickering, 679 Pudding Society, 356 Pierpont, 681 Harvard College Por- Poor, 687 cellean Libr'y, 357, 358, 359 Prescott, William, 696 Haverhill Library, 987 Prescott, William H., 697 Heath, 371 Price, 700 Henderson, 373 Prince, 704 Hill, 380 Putnam, 711 Hoar, 381 Quincy, 712 Holyoke, E. A., 38s Rivoire, 730 Holyoke, 386 Royall, 743 Humphrey, 396 Russell, 747 Hurd, 401 Sargent, Daniel, Junr., 759 Jackson, Jas., 418 Sargent, Epes, 760 Jackson, Jon., 419 Sargent, Winthrop, 761 Jeffries, 426-7 Scotton, John, 768 Jenkins, 429 Sears, 769 Johnson, Thomas, 432 Secombe, 771 Jones, 441 Selfridge, 773 Lisle, H. M., 490 Sheppard, 777 Livermore, 491 Simpson, 783 Lodge, 510 Smith, Hezekiah, 790 Loring, 517 Smith, William, 803 Lowell, John, 520 Spooner, 813 Lowell, John, Jr., 5 21-2 Stearns, 820 Lowell, John Aniory, 523 Sumner, Thomas W., 839 Mann, 550 Sumner, W. H., 840 Marston, 556 Swan, 842 Mason, 560 Swett, 843 Mass. General Court, 561 Thomas, 853 Mass. Historical Society 562 Thorndike, 858 Mass. Medical Society, 563 Tracy, 863 Mass. Normal School, 564 Tufts, 868 Minot, 579-80 Tuttle, 869 Murray, 60Q Tyler, Andrew, 870 Newburyport Athenaeum ,606 Tyler, Joseph, 871 Newell. 607 Tyng, 872 Newton, 609 Vassall, 888 Oliver, Andrew, 625 Vaughan, 891 Oliver, Francis J., 991 Vose, Benjamin, 899 430 Ame7'ican Book-plates. LIST NUMBER. Vose, Solomon, 900 Warren, John C., 908 Warren, j. Mason, 909 Webster. 918 Wetmore, 926 Wheelwright, 929 Williams, 934 Williams, 942 W^illiams, John, 937 Williams, John, 940 Williams, John C, 941 Willis, 944 Wilson, David, 945 Wilson, James, 946 Winthrop, William, 949 Winthrop, John, 950 Worcester Circulating Library, 956 Young, 974 Matthews, Brander, 99. Mauran, James Eddy, 16, 98; his collection, 378. Maverick, Peter, 142. Peter Rushton, 6, 56, 140. McGinley, Mary, 19. McIIvaine. Bloomfield, 57, 157. McKee, Thomas J., 357. McMurtrie, 59. Member of the Ex Libris Society, Middleton. Peter, 10. Miller, Margaret M., 375. Minot, 40. Moat, Horatio Shepherd, 56. Moral Library, 6, 7. Morgan, Appleton, 341. Morgan, Henry A., 356. Mottoes, use of, 16, 17. different kinds, 21. languages used on, 21. against book-borro\ving,2 1-27. from the Bible, 21, 22. school-boy, 23. care of books, 25-27. poetical, 24-26, 28. generous, 27. in praise of books and reading, 28. quotations used, 28. Mounting plates, ways of, 382. Murray, David, 353. John, Rev., 252, 253. Name-labels. 16, 18, 19. New England book-plates, 4, 87. New Hampshire plates : LIST NUMBER Ladd, 470 Livius, 504 Sullivan, 838 Wentworth, 922 Young, 975 V Jersey plates : LIST NUMBER. Antil!, 25 Bloomfield, 87 Brearly, 104 Edgar, 986 Kemble, 450 Ogden, 621 Read, 721 Stockton, 830 Trenchard, 864 Wallace, 904 New London Public Library, 73. New York plates : LIST NUMBER. Anonymous (French style), I Agnew, James, 9 Albany Society Library, 11 Allan, John, 12 Anderson, ' 18 Ball, 48 Bancker, 51 Bay, 63 Bed low, 69 Betts. 77 Blackley, 81 Booth, 91 Brasher, 102 Bridgen, 105 Brooks, 108 Brown, 110 Bruen, 115 Burnet, 120, 121 Cadena, 127, 128, 129 Chambers, 146 Champion, 984 Clarke, Alfred, 164 Clarke, Geo., 165 Clarkson, David, 167 Index. 431 LIST NUMBER. Clarkson, M., 168 Clinton, 171 Cock, 172 Colden, 176 Columbia College Libr'y, 177 Connolly, 180 Constable, 181 Cooper, 183 Cushman, 194 Cutting, 198 Cuyler, 199 Da Peyster, 216 De Witt, 221 Duer, W. A., 234 Duer, W., 235 Duncan, j. H., 238 Duncan, R. H., 239 Dunning, C. E., 240 Dunning, C. S., 241 Durand, 242 Edwards, 248 Ellery, 252 Elliott, 253 Elliston, 254, 255 Erasmus Hall Library, 256 Eustace, 260 Everdell, 262 Fish, 272 Foot, 276 Fraunces, 289 Gallaudet, 293 Gardiner (Gardiner's Island), 294 Gardiner, John (Gardi- ner's Island), 295 Gibs, 306 Giles, 308 Goelet, 313 Gourgas, 316 Gracie, 317 Hamersley, " 344 Harison, 348 Harrison, 349 Hawks, 360 Herbert, 374 Hicks, Elias, 376, 377 Hicks, Whitehead, 378 Hoffman, 382 Horsmanden, 394 Hunter, 400 Inglis, 406 Iselin, 416 Jauncey, 424 Jay, 425 Johnson (Sir Wm. ?), 430 Johnson, J. I., 431 LIST NUMBER. Johnston, John, 437 Johnston, Thomas, 439 Jones, S., 442 Jones, W. G., 443 [udah, 444-5 Keese, J., 446-7 Kempe, 451 King, 456 Kip, I. L., 461 Kip, L., 462-3 Kissam, 465 Lenox, 483 Lewis, Morgan, 486 Livingston, Brockholst, 492 Livingston, Edward, 493 Livingston, John R., 494 Livingston, Maturin, 495 Livingston, Mortimer, 496 Livingston, Peter R., 497 Livingston, Robert L., 498 Livingston, Robert R., 499-500 Livingston, Walter, 501 Livingston, Wm., 502 Livingston, Wm. Smith, 503 Lloyd, 507-8 de Lotbiniere, 518 Low, 519 Ludlow, Cary, 524 Ludlow, Charles, A.M., 525 Ludlow, Gabriel Ver- plank, 526 Ludlow, Gab. Wm., 527 Ludlow, George, 528 Ludlow, John Cooke, 529 McCoun, 534 McLean, 541 Malvians, 989 Masterlon, 565 Ma.xwell, 570 Meredith, 573 Middleton, 575 Moat, 584 Moore, Lambert, 585 Moore, Nath'l F., 586 Moore, Samuel W., 587 Morris, Gnuverneur, 591 Morris, James, 593 Murray, 601 New York City: Apprentices' Library, 610 College of Pharmacy, 6ii College of Phys. and Sur., 612 Society Library, 613-4-5 Typographical Soc, 616 432 American Book-plates. LIST NUMBER. Ogden, Orphan Asylum, Pantcn, Francis, Panton, Francis, Jr., Pasley, Paulding, J. K., Paulding, W., Philipse, Pierce, Pintard, Popham, Pride, Provoost, John, Provoost, Samuel, Pruvn, Ray, Rickets, Robinson, Roome, Jacob, Roome, John L. C, Rosseau, Russell, Rutgers, Rutherford, St. George's Church, Schuyler, Philip, Schuyler, Samuel, Sedgwick, Seton, Silvester, Sitgreaves, Smith, G. A., Smith, James Scott, Smith, John Adams, Smith, Thomas, Junr., Smith, Thomas J., Smith, William, Smith, William, A.M., Smith, William P., Spry, Stanford, Stephens, Stewart, Stone, Stringer, Sturges, Stuyvesant, Sword, Ten Broeck, Thompson, Tillotson, Tomlinson, Tripp, Van Berckel, Van Buren, Van Cortlandt, 620 626 636 637 646 647 648 671 680 685-6 688 701 707 708-9 710 720 728 737 739 740 741 746 748 749 752-3 762 763 772 775 782 785 791 792 794 801 802 804 805 808 817 818 821 825 831 834 836 837 844 851 85s 861 862 865 878 879 LIST Van Ness, Van Rensselaer. Jer., Van Rensslaer, K. K., Van Renssilaer, P., Van Renf,5elaer, Stephen, Van Wyck, Varick, Wall, Watkins, Watts, Wetmore, Whitebread, Wilkes, Williams, Wisner, Wynkoop, Augustus, Wynkoop, C. C., Wynkoop, Peter, Yates, Christopher C, Yates, Peter W., 882 886 887 903 916 917 925 931 933 935 952 960 961 962 972 973 New York State Agricultuial So- ciety, 70. New York Society Library, 60, 61, 62, 74. New York plates, 87. Newel], Timothy, 3. Nomenclature, t^"]. North Carolina plates : Edwards, Hooper, Innes, Iredell, Spaight, University Carolina, of North LIST NUMBER, 249 388 414 415 812 619 Norton, Charles Eliot, 346. Oliver, Andrew, 50. Orphan Asylum, 70. Otis, Harrison Gray, 11. Page, Francis, 9, 41, 82. Paine, Nathaniel, 352 ; his collec- tion. 383. Panton, Francis, 258, 259. Parker, James, 57, 58. Parker, Samuel, 57, 260. Parmelee, George L., 355. Index. 433 Pelton, Oliver, 145. Penn, Edmund, 7. Penn, William, his motto, 30, 82, 86, 263. Pennington, Edward, 34, 59. Pennsylvania Historical Society, 75- Pennsylvania plates : LIST NUMBER. Abercrombie, James, 2 Aitkin, Robert, 10 Allison, Joseph J. 14 Assheton, 35-37 Atlee, 40 Bancker, 52, 53, 54, 55 Bartram, 61 Bayard, 65 Beatty, . 67 Bond, 90 Boudinot, 96 Brown, 109 Browne, 113 Chambers, 145 Chauncey, 154 Chawney, 155 Child, 157 Day, 209 Denny, 215 Ewing, 264 Gallitin, 292 Gilpin, 310-31 1 Graeme, 318 Graham, 319 Griggs, 334 Gurney, 338 Hall, 340 Hamilton, 345 Herman, 375 Hopkinson, F., 390 Hopkinson, J., 391 Inglis, 408 Ingraham, 409 Ingraham, E. D., 410-13 Keith, 449 Kingston, 458 Kunze, 988 Lardner, 472 Lenox, 482 Lewis, J. S., 484 Lewis, M., 485 Logan, Charles, 512 Logan, James, 513 Logan, William, 514 Loganian Library, 515 McFarlan, 536 2 F LIST NUMBER. 542-3 567 577 5S2 589 592 617 618 627 655 656 657 658 McMurtrie, Matthews, Miller, Mitchell, Morgan, Morris, J., Norris, Geo. W., Norris, Isaac, Osborne, Penn, Thomas, Penn, William, Penn (anonymous), Pennington, Pennington, Edward, 659-60 Pennington, T. H., 661 Pennsylvania Historical Society, 662-3 Philadelphia : Apprentices Library Co., 667-8 Carpenters Company, 669 Library Company, 670 Poulson, 689 Powel, Samuel, 690 Powell, Hare Samuel, 691 Powell, John H., 692 Priestley, 702 Proctor, 706 Riddle's Circulating Li- brary, 729 Rush, 745 St. Clair, 751 Shippen, Edward, 779 Shippen, Robert, 780 Smith, 795 Stille, 827 Taylor, 848 Thomas, 852 Vaux, 894 Warren, 911 Weiberg, 994 Wiseman, 951 Wood, 954 Philadelphia plates, 88. Philipse, Frederick, 42. Phoenix Society, 76. Physicians' plates, 89. Pictorial book-plates, 57. Pike, Nicolas, 17. Pinfold, Charles, 9. Pintard, John, 79, 120. Plates by Dawkins, 131. Plates of special interest, 79. 434 American Book-plates. Poole, Lucius, 362. Porcellian Club, 67. Portrait plates. 78. Potter, William W., 17. Power, James, 269, 270. Prescott, William, 32. Presidents of U. S. who have book-plates, 85. Prichard's Circulating Library, 71- Prince, Thomas, 84. Printed labels, 16, 18, 19. Professions named on book- plates, 9. Quincy, Josiah, 87. Randolph, Peyton, 9. Ravenel, Daniel, 341. Rawdon, R., 146. Rawle Law Offices, 344. Recent plates, 340. Reed, Elijah F., 7. Revere, Paul, 6, 146; his plate, 148. Revolutionary soldiers' plates, 90. Reynolds, Hannah, 17. Rhode Island plates : LIST NUMBER. Barton, 60 Brown, III De Blois, N. J., 213 Elam, Fowler, Gilpin, Marchant, Redwood Library, 250 283 312 553 608 Spooner, 814 VVarren, 910 Ribbon and Wreath plates de- scribed, 54. Ribbon and Wreath plates by Ilurd, in. Robbins, Thomas, 6. Roberts, George C. M. (M.D.), 6. Rollinson, 56, 149. Rowe, Henry S., 376. Rowfant Club, Cleveland, 75. Royal officers who had book- plates, 86. Russell, John E., 357. Russell, Thomas, 59, 125. Sage, Dean, 360, 361. Sandham, Henry, 77. Sargeant, Jacob, 46. Schlaick, Fred C, 362. School-boy doggerel, 23. Scott, Winfield. 103. Sears, George Edward, 358. Selfridge, Thomas O., 22. Seton, Monsignor, 344. Seymour, George Dudley, 369, 370. Shelton, Miss Ada Stewart, 375. Sherborn, C. W., 370. Signed plates, 82. Signers of the Declaration who used book-plates, 90. Sill, Geo. Imbrie, 353. Smith, G. A., 159. Smith, Samuel, 282, 283. Smith, William P., 44, 45. Smithers, J.. 151. Social Friends Societv, 67. Social Law Library, 66. Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 65, 66. South Carolina plates : Beresford, Drayton, Drayton, ]., Drayton, \V., Drayton, W. H. Gibbes, E. A., Gibbes, J. S., Gibbs, J". W., Hall, Hayne, Hayward, Hay ward, Horry, Inglis, T., LIST NUMBER. 76 228 229 230 231 302 304. 305 341 364 367 370 393 406 Index. 435 LIS! NUMBER Johnson, W. L., 433 Johnston, 438 L , 469 Laurens, 473 Mackey, 546 Manigault, 548 March, 552 Middleton, 574 Petigru, 666 Phoenix Society, 676 Pownall, 695 Preston, 698 Prioleau, 70s Protestant Episcopal Society, 811 Rutledge, 750 Shubrick, 781 Smith, William, 806 Smith, William L., 807 Strobel, 835 Taylor, 847 Waties, 915 Whitridge, 932 Young, 976 Southern book-plates, 3, 81, 88. Sparrow, T. (engraver). 20, 151. Specially interesting plates, 79. Spooner, Joshua, 44, no, iii. Sprigg, Richard, 20. Statesmen's plates, 8g. Staufter, J. McN., 373. Stedman, Alexander, 17. Edmund Clarence, 100. Stevenson, E. Irenaeus, 351. Stewart, Anthony, 48. Stone, Arthur Robinson, 362, 364- Styles of book-plates, 37. Sullivan, John, 56. Sutro Library, San Francisco, 73- Swett, J. B., 59, 289. Tayloe, 7, 291. Tazewell. 8. Terry, William D., 152. Thackara, James, 152. Thaxter, Thomas, 17.' Thomas, Isaiah, 83. Thomas, I. G., 18. Ticknor, George, his motto, 24. Tiffany, John K., 363. Titled Americans who have book-plates. 88. Trenchard, Lieut. E., 10, 12. Trenchard, James, 152. Trumble, Alfred, 357. Tuberville, 2, 8. Turner, James, 6, 79, 155. Tyler, Andrew, 46, 1 1 1 . Tyler, John, 85. Uncertain plates, 11. Union Circulating Library, Phila- delphia, 71. United States : LIST NUMBER Army, Congress, Navy, 874 875 876-7 University Club, Washington, 75. Vallance, John, 157. Van Allen. Adam, 367. Vanamee. William, 349. Varick, Richard, 295. Vassal, John, 79, 1 14. Vaughan, Samuel, 53. Vermont plates : LIST NUMBER. Stevens, 822-3 Virginia book-plates, 8. Council plate, 297. Virginia plates : LIST NUMBER Ambler, 16 Andrews, 21 Archer, 21, 32 Armistead, 33 Banister, 57 Bathurst, 62 Bayley, 66 Beverley, 78-80 BolHng, 88 Bo-icher, 95 Biimage, 106 Bruff, 116 Burke, 119 Byrd, 123 43^ American Book-plates. LIST NUMBER. Cabell, Dr. George, 124 Cabell, Samuel J., 125 Carroll, 136, 137 Cary, 141 Cay, 143 Chin, 985 Craven, 188 Custis, George \V., 195 Custis, John P., 196 Davenport, 206 Dinwiddle, 224 Dove, I., 226 Dove, S. E., 227 Fairfax, 265 Fauquier, 269 Fitzhugh, 274 Fitzhugh, William Junr., 275 Gilmer, 309 Hay, 361 Holladay, 383 Hubard, 395 Inglis, 407 lones, 440 King, 454 Kinloch, 460 Lee, 476 Lee, E., 477 Lee, P. L., 479 Leiper, 480 Lightfoot, Philip, 487 Lighifoot, William, 488 Ludwell, 530 McKenzie, Kenneth, 539 McKenzie, William, 540 Mackay 545 Manning, 551 Marshall, 555 Mercer, Hugh, 571 Mercer, Jolin, 572 Milner, 578 Murray, James, 598 Murray, |ohn, 599 Murray, Earl Dunmore, 602 Nelson, 604 Page, 633 Parke, 638 Phillips, 672 Power, 694 Randolph, John, 713 Randolph, John of Roa- noke, 714 Randolph, John, jr., 715 Randolph, Peyton, 716 Randolph, Ry'land, 717 Routh, 742 Scott, Gustavus, 765 LIST NUMBER Scott, Winfield, 767 Semple, Skelton, Skipwith, Smith, John A., Smith, Robert, 774 786 787 793 797 Smith, Thomas, 800 Spotswood, Stith, 81S 828 Stott, 832 Tayloe, Tazewell, 846 850 Thompson, Thornton, 8S4 859 Thruston, 860 Tuberville, 866 Tucker, 867 Virginia Council Cham- ber, 897-8 Waller, 905 Washington, Bushrod, 912 Washington, George, 913 Welford, 921 Wormeley, 957-8 Wythe, 963 Volaplik motto. 34. Wadsworth. Jeremiah, iv. Wallace, Allen, 364. Waller, 8. Warren, John C, 299, 300. W., 300, 301. Washington, Bushrod, 95, 96, 300. Washington, George, his plate, 90 ; his motto. 30. 79 ; fraud- ulent, 91 ; genuine, 94. Washington, D C, plates : LIST NUMBER Lenthall, 481 Ruff, 744 Watkinson Library. Hartford, 75. Way, W. Irving. 368. Webster, Daniel. 97. Welsh mottoes. 33. Weld, John (of Pomfret, Conn.), 18. Wentworth, 53, 107. Index. 437 West India plates : LIST NUMBER Ashwell, 34 Assheton, 36 Beete, 70 Blanc, 83 Blenman, 86 Byam, 122 Campbell, 134 Edwards, 247 Heining, 372 Hunter, 399 Jamaica, Bishop of, 421 Knox, 468 Martin, 557 Pinfold, 683, 684 Robertson, 736 Royall, 743 Salter, 754 Vaughan, 890 Williams, William, 936 Wilson, John, 947 Wilson, John, 948 Wethersfield Library plate, 133. Wetmore, Prosper, 56. Wetmore, William, 147. Wheeler, Joseph H., 361. White, Richard Grant, loi. Williams. Chauncey Lawrence, 364- Williams, John, 54. Williams, Rev. John, 82. Williams, John C, in. Wilson, Francis, 376. Winslow, John F., 346. Woolworth, Aaron, 17. Worcester Circulating Library, 23- Wormeley, 8. Wynkoop, Richard, 56. UNIVEF- OF califo«I;1^